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W. E. Bachmann 
Lawrence W. Bass 
Gustavus J. Esselen 
Merrell R. Fenske 
R. E. Gibson 
Raleigh Gilchrist 
P. H. Groggins 
Herbert S. Harned 
K. F. Herzfeld 
Guido E. Hilbert 
Wilbert J'. Huff 


Eric R. Jette 
Webster N. Jones 
M. S. Kharasch 
Harry F. Lewis 
Lloyd Logan 
Pauline Beery Mack 
C. M. Marberg 
Benton B. Owen 
L. H. Reyerson 
F. O. Rice 
R. C. Roark 

Walter M. Scott 
Caroline C. Sherman 
Henry C. Sherman 
Frank T. Sisco 
Lyndon Small 
G. Frederick Smith 
Sherlock Swann, Jr. 

E. Bright Wilson, Jr. 

F. Y. Wiselogle 
Don M. Yost 

Published for 


330 West 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. 


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Copyright, 1936, by 

Printed in the United States of America by 


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With this volume, the Annual Survey completes the first decade of 
its existence, the ten volumes covering the period 1925 to 1935, inclu- 
sive. During this time an endeavor has been made to cover, as com- 
pletely as possible, the progress made in American Chemistry, and to 
indicate, by implication if not by actual statements, the trends in the 
various fields of pure and applied chemistry in the United States. 
The favorable reception of the Survey leads us to believe that we have 
accomplished these objectives as well as may be expected in a volume 
of this size. 

Any measure of success, however, is due entirely to the cordial and 
unselfish cooperation of the many authors who have, in the various 
volumes, given of their time, knowledge and experience in the prepa- 
ration of their respective Chapters and it is a pleasure to acknowledge 
this cooperation and to thank them for their contributions. Each chap- 
ter represents many hours of thoughtful reading before a word can be 
written, to say nothing of the time required to coordinate the hundreds 
of papers into a unified whole. 

Of the twenty- five chapters this year, twelve may be considered to 
be devoted to industrial topics. This number is the same as last year, 
although the subjects covered are quite different. 

The Editor wishes to express his thanks to the Editorial Board 
(F. W. Willard, P. H. Emmett and R. S. McBride) for the tjiought 
given to the preparation of the Table of Contents and the selection of 
authors; also, to Miss Callie Hull, for her assistance in checking the 
thousands of references found in the present volume and in the reading 
of the proof, and to Miss Marion E. Jackson, for the preparation of 
the Author Index. 

Clarence J. West 
Washington, D. C, 
May 18, 1936. 

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Table of Contents 


Theories of Solution — Herbert S, Horned and Benton B. 

Owen 7 

The Kinetics of Homogeneous Gas Reactions — F. O. 

Rice and K. h\ Herzfeld 33 

Molecular Structure — E. Bright Wilson, Jr 45 

Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry — R. E. Gibson . 59 

Contact Catalysis — L. H. Reyerson 78 

Inorganic Chemistry, 1933-1935— Don M, Yost .... 90 

Analytical Chemistry, 1934 and 1935 — G. Frederick Smith 102 

Applications of X-Rays in Metallurgy — Eric R. Jette . 117 

Ferrous Metallurgy — Frank T. Sisco 124 

The Platinum Metals — Raleigh Gilchrist 138 

Electro-organic Chemistry — Sherlock Swann, Jr. , . . 152 

Aliphatic Compounds — M. S. Kharasch and C. M. Marberg 163 

Carbocyclic Compounds — W. E, Bachmann and F, Y. Wise- 

logle 184 

Heterocyclic Compounds — Guido E. Hilbert 205 

Alkaloids — Lyndon Small 218 

Food Chemistry — Caroline C, Sherman and Henry C. Sher- 
man 229 

Insecticides and Fungicides — R. C. Roark 253 

Gaseous Fuels, 1934 and 1935 — Lloyd Logan and Wilbcrt 

J. Huff 280 

Petroleum Chemi^stry and Technology — Merrell R, Fenske 325 

Detergents and Detergency — Pauline Beery Mack ... 341 

Cellulose and Paper — Harry F. Lewis • . 359 

Synthetic Plastics — Gust aims J. Esselen and Walter M. 

Scott 378 

RvBBER— Webster N. Jones 398 

Unit Processes in Organic Synthesis — Edited by P. H, 

Groggins 419 

Chemical Economics (1931-1935) — Lawrence W. Bass . . 440 

Author Index 459 

Subject Index 483 

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Chapter I. 
Theories of Solution. 

Herbert S. Harned and Benton B. Owen, 
Yale University, 

General. Two contributions to the general theory of chemical 
statics and dynamics published during the year 1935 should receive 
the closest attention of those interested in the interpretation of 
the properties of condensed phases. The first is a general develop- 
ment of the statistical mechanics of fluid mixtures by Kirkwood ®^ 
by a method which possesses both power and simplicity. The 
second is a general theory of reaction velocity by Eyring,23 in 
which the nature of the intermediate activation complex in chem- 
ical reaction is interpreted. 

Kirkwood's treatment of the statistical mechanics of gas mix- 
tures and solutions is based upon a principle clearly stated by 
Onsager that the parameters necessary to express the potential of 
intermolecular forces have the same status as the parameters of 
external force, and may be manipulated in the same manner. This 
principle is not restricted to any kind of intermolecular force. 
Indeed, it is possible to introduce arbitrary parameters for the 
potential of intermolecular force by means of which the coupling 
between molecules may be varied in any convenient manner. 

Upon this very general basis Kirkwood has obtained expres- 
sions for the chemical potentials of the components of fluid mix- 
tures in terms of comparatively simple integrals of the configura- 
tion spaces of molecular pairs. These integrals have been studied 
comprehensively, the equation of state of a real gas mixture 
discussed, and a molecular pair distribution function for dense 
fluids computed. The value of obtaining a powerful theoretical 
approach to the statistics of condensed systems cannot be over- 
estimated, and this is probably the best method of treatment yet 

Eyring's theory of reaction velocity is based upon the consider- 
ation that the forces between atoms are due to the motion and 
distribution of electrons and therefore must be computed by 
quantum mechanics. If these forces have been computed, it can 
be assumed that the nuclei of the atoms in this force field move 
according to classical mechanics. Thus, if the forces are known, 

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it becomes possible to compute reaction velocities according to 
the classical methods of statistical mechanics, such as those devel- 
oped by Herzfeld, Tolman, Fowler, and Pelzer and Wigner. 

A group of atoms may arrange theitiselves in an infinite number 
of ways. If the energy of such a system for the lowest quantum 
state of electrons be plotted against the distance between nuclei, 
a potential surface is obtained which determines the motion of 
the nuclei. Low places on such surfaces correspond to com- 
pounds, and these are the more stable, the higher the pass over 
which the atoms must move in order to get to another stable 
state. A reaction corresponds to the passage of the system from 
one to another of these low regions of potential, and it is certain 
that this process shall take place by way of the lowest pass. The 
"activated state" is the highest point along this lowest pass. 

According to this definition, the activated complex is described 
by a saddle point with positive curvature in all degrees of freedom 
except the one which corresponds to crossing the barrier. These 
barriers are flat near the top. According to this picture of the 
activated state, it appears that the activated complex is repre- 
sented by a configuration of atoms corresponding to a stable com- 
pound, except in the mode which corresponds to decomposition, 
and this mode, because of the small curvature of the barrier, may 
be treated as a single translational degree of freedom by the classi- 
cal mechanics. This idea is the most important innovation of 
Eyring's theory. Upon this basis, the calculation of the concen- 
tration of the "activated complex," and subsequently the reaction 
velocity constants for reactions of different types, can be achieved 
by straightforward statistics and will not be described here. 

Reaction Velocities in Liquid Systems. The theory of reaction 

rates developed by Eyring leads to the following equation for the 

velocity constant, ^, 

k'^KK"" — (1) 


where k is a transmission coefficient, K- a dissociation constant between 

the activated complex and the reactants, and — a universal frequency, 


since k is Boltzmann's constant and h is Planck's constant, k is of the 

order of unity, except in cases where the reaction is one of adsorption 

on a solid surface, in which k can be identified with the accommodation 

coefficient. Wynne- Jones and Eyring ^^^ have applied this theory to 

reaction velocities in condensed phases. They have shown that Bron- 

sted's equation is a special case of the theory. Their views of the 

critical complex agree closely with the original interpretation of Bron- 

sted, since they come to the conclusions that the intermediate complex 

is of extremely short life {r^ 10-^^ sees.), and that the activity coeffi- 

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cient factor is essentially thermodynamic in character, or that the 
activity coefficient of the activated complex is a thermodynamic quantity. 
This differs from the conclusion of La Mer who regarded this quantity 
as possessing kinetic and not thermodynamic significance. 

It is important to note that equation (1) possesses characteristics 
similar to those derived by different methods by other investiga- 
tors.''^^' ^^3, 114 Since K~ is an equilibrium constant, equation (1) may 
be written 

_ AF± kT _Atf± A-Sfi kT 
^'=K^ HT =K^ HT g" R (2) 

~ h h 

where A F^, A H^y and A S^ are free energies, energies, and entropies 
of activation. We note in particular that the appearance of an equi- 
librium constant in equation (1) brings out the importance of a free 
energy of activation in the expression for the reaction rate, a conclu- 
sion previously reached by an entirely different procedure by La Mer."^® 

Eyring's theory of absolute rates has been discussed by Rodebush,^^^' 
and by Kassel,®® and contrasted with the theory of Rice and Gershino- 
witz by these authors.^^^' ^^^ A . similar theory has also been devel- 
oped by Evans and Polanyi.* Wynne- Jones and Eyring have applied 
the theory to some cases of monomolecular and bimolecular reactions, 
and to acid and base catalysis in solution. 

La Mer and Kamner s^' ^^ and La Mer and Miller ^^ have studied 
the temperature dependence of the entropy and energy of activation. 
They employed the equation 

logi^ = j5 , (3) 


where k is the velocity constant, E^^^^ is the energy of activation, and 
B is associated with the entropy of activation. La Mer and Kamner ®® 
studied the effect of electrolytes on E„cf ^^^ ^- ^7 combining Bron- 
sted's i;eaction velocity equation and Debye's limiting law for activity 
coefficients, they obtained the limiting laws for the variation of B and 
Fact with ion concentration in the forms, 

Eaci/23 RT = E\ci/23 RT+ OJl saSb Vm (4) 

B = B^ + 1.52 SASBVli (5) 

Thus, the square root of the B varies three times as rapidly as E^ct with 
ionic strength of the solution. La Mer and Kamner ^^ computed B 
and Eact for the reaction between bromoacetate and thiosulfate ions, 
and found that these quantities vary with temperature. They^^ also 
studied the influence of non-electrolytes upon the velocity constant of 
this reaction. They found that the constant B varies almost linearly 

♦Evans, M. G., and Polanyi, M., Trans. Faraday Soc, 35: 875 (1935). 

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with the reciprocal of the dielectric coSstant. La Mer and Miller^ 
have made an extended study of the effect of temperature upon the 
velocity of dealdolization of diacetone alcohol catalysed by hydroxyl 
ion. They found that the energy of activation is a function of the 
temperature. All these results bear out the contention that both the 
energy and entropy of activation are important in interpreting the 
kinetics of chemical reactions in solution. 

If at constant composition, the velocity constant is taken to be a 
function of the dielectric constant and the temperature, Svirbely and 
Warner ^^^ ^^ve shown that 

d log k dD 

(E)n=(E*)d + 2,3RT^ — (6) 

dD dT 

where (E)^^ and (E*)jy are critical increments (free energies ot 
activation) in a solvent of fixed composition, and in a medium of fixed 
dielectric constant, D, respectively. E, not £*, should be considered 
true critical increments. Svirbely and Warner used this idea, com- 
bined with the Bronsted equation, and Scatchard's equation for medium 
effects on reaction velocities, to derive equations for the influence of 
dielectric constant and ionic strength on critical increments. The 
predictions are in good agreement with observed results of the reac- 
tion between ammonium and cyanate ions over a considerable tem- 
perature range, and in water-methyl alcohol mixtures at dielectric 
constants of 63.5 and 5 5.0. Part of the experimental resuhs used in 
this computation were obtained by Warner and Warrick.^^s 

Sturtevant^^^ has extended Christiansen's treatment of the theory 
of bimolecular ionic reactions by taking into account the possibility 
of orientation effects. He obtains a solution for the case in which one 
of the ions is assumed to be a problate spheroid. The result shows 
that electrostatic orientation effects in reactions between the ions are 
negligible in dilute solution, and that deviations from Bronsted's equa- 
tion must be attributed to other causes. 

The velocities of the reactions of sodium bromomalonate andl)romo- 
succinate and the thiosulfate ion have been determined by Bedford, 
Austin and Webb ^ at different temperatures. The results are not in 
accord with Bronsted's theory. The discrepancy was attributed to 
orientation effects. 

Straup and Cohn ^^o have measured the rates of reaction of the thio- 
sulfate ion with the uncharged molecule of ethyl iodide and bromo- 
acetate ions in aqueous solutions containing urea, ethyl iodide, and 
amino acids. The rates of reaction with the uncharged molecule are 
increased by alcohol, and to a small extent by urea, and decreased by 
ions and amino acids. The rate of reaction with ions is increased 
by the presence of ions and urea, but decreased slightly by alcohol. 
The effect of change of media upon these reaction velocities is not 
due entirely to the change in dielectric constant. In the presence of 

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the amino acids the results may be accurately computed by the velocity 
equations of Kirkwood, which the latter developed by the Bronsted- 
Christiansen method from his theoretical treatment of activity coeffi- 
cients of amino acids. 

Further study of the decompostion of nitramide in acid and acid-salt 
mixtures has been carried out by Marlies and La Mer.^®. The tech- 
nique, both of preparation of the nitramide and measurement of its 
decomposition, has been improved to the extent that the accuracy is 
about 1 percent. A negative primary salt effect was found and was 
attributed to the influence of the salts on the catalytic activity of the 
base, water. The evidence indicates a small acid catalysis which had 
not been observed by earlier investigators of this reaction. The 
mechanism of the reaction has been discussed, and a mechanism for 
the acid catalysis proposed. If a catalysis by the hydroxide ion be 
assumed, then the catalytic constant for this ion is about 2,000 times 
that of any other ion yet studied. A lower velocity is obtained in 
heavy water than in ordinary water. 

The velocity of inversion of sucrose catalyzed by strong acid solu- 
tions has been investigated by Krieble.''^^ The velocity constants are 
not functions of either the activity or concentration of the hydrogen 
ion. The suggestion was made that both the hydrogen ion and hydro- 
chloric acid molecule, or both ions, act as catalysts. On this basis, 
the velocity constants for hydrochloric and hydrobromic acid as cata- 
lysts may be expressed as a function of the activities. Krieble and 
Reinhart*^^ have determined the activity coefficient of hydrochloric acid 
at high concentrations in water and sucrose solutions. A definite 
relationship between the velocity constant of inversion of cane sugar 
and these activities was noted. The velocity constant of cane sugar 
hydrolysis, catalyzed by acids and by invertase, has been investigated 
by the dilatometric method by Hitchcock and Dougan.^^ The values 
obtained for the acid hydrolysis agreed closely with those determined 
polarimetrically. The effects of sucrose concentration and />H upon 
the velocity of the invertase reaction, determined dilatometrically, were 
in agreement with those evaluated polarimetrically. The total con- 
traction per mole of sugar, when hydrolysis was complete, varied with 
the concentration of the catalyst and sucrose. It was concluded that 
the dilatometric method may be employed with confidence for the 
investigation of cane sugar hydrolysis in acid solutions, and for the 
study of invertase action. 

The primary salt effect and temperature coefficient for the velocity 
of hydrolysis of diethylacetal has been studied extensively by Riesch 
and Kilpatrick.115 fjie energy of activation was found to be inde- 
pendent of the salt concentration within the experimental error. It 
was found that the logarithm of the velocity constant did not vary 
linearly with the salt concentration, although at high concentrations a 
linear relationship was approached. 

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The kinetics of the fourth order reaction, 

BrOr+ 5 Br-+ 6H^ = 3 Br, + 3 H^O, 

has been extensively investigated by Bray and Liebhafsky.® The elec- 
trolyte was mainly perchloric acid in the presence of some sodium 
bromide and sodium perchlorate. Comparison of the results with those 
of Young and Bray for the velocity of the reaction,, 

BrOr+ 3 H,0, = 3 Oa + Br-+ 3 H^O, 

was made. No evidence of specific salt effects was noticed at ionic 
strengths less than 0.5. The ionization constant of the bisulfate ion, 
determined from the kinetic data in sulfuric acid and sulfate solutions, 
was found to be in agreement with the value obtained from conductance 
and electromotive force measurements. 

Infra red absorption was employed by Plyler and Barr m to measure 
the reaction rate of acetic anhydride and water. The error in the 
determination of the velocity constant is of the order of 10 per cent. 
The use of the Rayleigh interferometer for the determination of reac- 
tion velocities in solution has been discussed by Luten.^^ 

Hammett ^^ has brought out several relationships between reaction 
rates and dissociation constants for reactions of the type, 

AB + C >A + BC. 

As an example, we cite the reaction, 

RCOOCH, + N(CH3)3 ^ RCOO- + NCCH,)^ 

in which case the logarithm of the velocity constant was shown to vary 
approximately linearly with the logarithm of the ionization constant 
of the acid of the ester. A similar correlation was found for the 


in which case the variation of the logarithm of the velocity constant 
was linear with the logarithm of the ionization constant of RCOOH. 
Acid and base catalyses for a number of reactions may be treated suc- 
cessfully in a similar manner. Hammett ^^ has also obtained an inter- 
esting correlation between a specially defined acidity function, mea- 
sured in terms of reaction with a series of indicators, and the velocity 
constants of some reactions catalyzed by strong acids, such as the 
inversion of cane sugar, the hydrolysis of ethyl acetate, etc. 

A number of possibilities for employing isotopes for the purpose of 
determining mechanisms of reactions which take place in solution, have 
been pointed out by Wynne- Jones.^^* Applications of these ideas to the 
neutralization of nitroethane, the mutarotation of glucose, the inversion 
of sucrose, and the decomposition of nitramide have been discussed. 

Thermodynamics of Solutions. Electromotive Force and Thermo- 
dynamic Properties of Electrolytes. A very accurate evaluation of the 

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activity coefficient of sodium chloride at 25°, through the concentra- 
tion range of 0.005 to 0.1 molal, has been carried out by Brown and 
Maclnnes ^^ from measurements of the cells, 

Ag I AgCl I NaCl (cO I NaCl (c.) | AgCl | Ag. 

The accuracy of their measurements was of the order of 0.01 mv. By 
combining these results with the transference numbers obtained by 
Longsworth, and the equation of the Debye and Hiickel theory con- 
taining the mean distance of approach, the activity coefficient of sodium 
chloride was computed. 

Keston^"^ has shown that a very reproducible silver-silver bromide 
electrode can be made from an intimate mixture of 90 percent silver 
oxide and 10 percent silver bromate made in the form of a paste, 
which was held on a helix of platinum wire and then heated to 650°. 
The cells, 

H^ I HBr (m) | AgBr | Ag, 

were measured from 0.001 M to 0.02 M at 25°. The electromotive 
forces were found reproducible .to within ±0.1 mv., and the results 
were found to fit the Debye and Hiickel equation very closely, if an 
apparent ionic diameter of 4.5 Angstroms was employed. Owen ^^^ 
by measuring the cells, 

H3 I HBO, (m,), NaBO, (m,), KX (w,) | AgX | Ag, 

in which X was CI or I, was able to obtain the standard potential of 
the silver-silver iodide electrode, relative to the silver-silver chloride 
electrode, from 5° to 40°. Since the standard potential of the latter 
is known, he was able to compute the standard potential of the silver- 
silver iodide electrode through this temperature range. Silver-silver 
iodide electrodes made electrolytically and by fusion gave identical 
electromotive forces. 

Hamer,^3 ^nd Harned and Hamer ^®' ^^ have completed a very com- 
prehensive study of the thermodynamics of sulfuric acid in aqueous 
solutions, the standard electrode potentials of the cells, and reversible 
electromotive forces of the cells related to the lead accumulator. The 
standard potential of the cells, 

H, I H,S04 (m) I PbSO, I PbOa | Pt% 

was determined at 5° temperature intervals from 0° to 60°, and at 
concentrations from 0.0005 to 7 M. Two methods of extrapolation were 
contrasted, and the one which employed the Debye and Hiickel theory 
and the dissociation constant of the bisulfate ion, was considered the 
better. From these data, and the electromotive forces of the cells, 

H, I H3SO. (m) I Hg.SO, I Hg, 

from 0° to 60° and from 0.05 to 17.5 M, Harned and Hamer computed 
the activity coefficient, relative partial molal heat content, and specific 

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heat of sulfuric acid in aqueous solution. Since the cell reaction of 
the first of these cells involves two molecules of water, and the second 
involves no water, it was possible to compute the activity of water, or 
the vapor pressure, from the cell measurements. Results obtained by 
this procedure were in good agreement with the best vapor pressure 
data at 25°. At 0° the activity coefficient of the acid computed from 
the electromotive force measurements were in excellent agreement with 
the freezing point measurements of Randall and Scott. The relative 
partial heat content at 25°, computed from these results, agrees very 
closely with the direct measurements of this quantity made by Lange, 
Monheim and Robinson in the region of concentration of 0.0005 to 
0.05 M, Values of the relative partial molal heat content and specific 
heat from 0° to 60° and from to 17.5 M were computed. 

By combining the electromotive forces of the above cells with those of 
the cell, Pb (2-phase amalgam) | PbS04 | Na2S04 | Hg2S04 | Hg+, 
and the cell, Pb | PbS04 | Pb++ | PbS04 | Pb (2-phase amalgam),* 
obtained by Gerke, Harned and Hamer ^^ computed the standard poten- 
tials of the electrodes reversible to the sulfate ion, and those related to 
the electrodes of the lead accumulator. They also obtained the rever- 
sible electromotive forces of the cell, 

Pb I PbSO, I H,SO, (m) I PbSO, I PbO, | Pt*, 

from 0° to 60°, and from 0.05 to 7 M sulfuric acid. 

SchoU, Hutchison, and Chandlee^22 j^^ve measured the cell with 
hydrogen and mercurous sulfate-mercury electrodes in alcohol solutions 
containing sulfuric acid. From their results, the standard potential 
of the cell, and the activity coefficient of the acid from 0.003 to 0.7 M 
have been computed. 

The "salt error" and standard potential of the quinhydrone electrode 
have been the subject of a careful investigation of Hovorka and 
Dearing.^^ The "salt error" (for fourteen electrolytes) was found to 
vary nearly linearly with the concentration of solute. La Mer and 
Armbruster^^ designed a small quinhydrone-silver chloride cell of 
2-4 cc. capacity, and found that its electromotive force could be repro- 
duced with an accuracy comparable to that obtainable with a larger 

Electromotive forces of the cells. 

Ha I HCl (w), in X % CH,OH-HaO | AgCl | Ag, 

have been measured from 0° to 40° at 5° intervals, and at hydrochloric 
acid concentrations from 0.005 to 0.1 M, by Harned and Thomas.^ 
Two solvent mixtures were employed, containing 10 percent and 20 
percent by weight of methyl alcohol, respectively. The standard poten- 
tials of the cell were computed. 

By employing suitable cells without liquid junction, Harned and 
Mannweiler^2 have determined the ionic activity coefficient and dis- 

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sociation of water in sodium chloride solutions. Values of these quan- 
tities were obtained over a salt concentration range from 0.02 to 3 M, 
and at temperatures from 0° to 60°. Also, values of the ionic activity 
coefficient of water in seven chloride and bromide solutions at 25° 
were compiled from the best available data. It was found that at a 
given temperature and salt concentration, the logarithm of the ionic 
concentration product varies nearly linearly with the sum of the recip- 
rocal of the ionic radii obtained from crystallographic data. This 
shows that greater dissociation of water molecules takes place in the 
presence of ions of smaller radii. 

The thermodynamic properties of mixtures of hydrochloric acid in 
uniunivalent chloride solutions, and hydrobromic acid in bromide solu- 
tions, have been subjected to an analysis by Harned.^® The results 
were contrasted with the recent computations of Akerlof and Thomas ; 
and it was shown that the two empirical rules suggested by these 
writers were not valid in the more dilute solutions. In concentrated 
solutions, the contentions of these authors are more nearly valid, but 
not strictly so. The results were also discussed in relation to Bron- 
sted's original theory of specific ionic interaction. The deviations 
from this theory which occur at concentrations from 0.1 to ZM were 
pointed out. The extended theory of specific interaction as developed 
by Scatchard and Prentiss may account for these deviations. 

Kolthoff and Tomsicek '^^ have determined the standard potential of 
the ferrocyanide-ferricyanide electrode, and its change of the potential 
in some salt solutions. The variations of the potential with ionic 
strength in the dilute systems is greater than that predicted by the 
Debye and Htickel theory. 

Valuable contributions to the knowledge of the oxidation potentials 
of argentous-argentic salts in acid solution have been made by A. A. 
Noyes, Hoard and Pitzer,^*^^ ^ ^ Noyes, Pitzer and Dunn,i<>^ and 
A. A. Noyes and Kossiakoff.^<^3 Although these studies have no direct 
bearing on the theories of solutions, they are of interest as a contribu- 
tion to the study of standard electromotive forces and are mentioned 
in this connection. The oxidation potential of the alkaline permanga- 
nate-manganese dioxide electrode has been determined by Andrews and 

Garner, Green, and Yost ^o have measured the electromotive forces 
of the cells: Zn (amal., Ng) | ZnClg . 6NH3(^) | NH4CI (in liquid 
NHgCw)) I CdCl2.6NH3(^) | Cd (amal, Ng). By combining these 
results with those of cells previously measured by Elliott and Yost, 
the standard potentials at 25° of the half cells whose reactions are^ 
Tl(^) -h CI- = TlCl(^) -h E-, Zn(s) -\- 2C1- -f- 6NH3(0 = ZnCl^ 
.6NH3(^) -h 2E-, and Cd(^) -f- 2C1--|-6NH3(0 = CdCl2.6NH3(^> 
-f-2E-, have been determined provisionally in liquid ammonia solu- 
tions. Provisional values of the activity coefficient of ammonium 
chloride in liquid ammonia from 1 to 24.4 (Af ) (sat.) have also been 

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McBain and Barker »<> computed the activity coefficients of different 
soap solutions at 90°. The results may be interpreted upon the 
assumption that, in a given solution, the anion is a polyvalent micelle 
with its charges spaced far apart. The behavior corresponds to that 
of a half-weak uniunivalent electrolyte. McBain and Betz ^^ esti- 
mated the degree of dissociation of straight chain sulfonic acids in 
aqueous solution from measurements of cells with a liquid junction 
containing a hydrogen electrode. McBain ^^ has compared the degrees 
of dissociation obtained in this manner with those derived from con- 
ductivity and freezing point measurements. 

Formal thermodynamic equations for the osmotic and activity coeffi- 
cients of undissociated, partially dissociated, and completely disso- 
ciated solutes, have been stated by van Rysselberghe.^^^ j^ another 
contribution, ^^3 this author computed the osmotic and activity coeffi- 
cients of acetic acid at 0° corresponding to each of these descriptions. 

The free energies of reactions involving potassium lead sulfate, lead 
sulfate, lead iodide, potassium, sodium and lithium ions have been 
determined at 25°, and at various ion strengths, by Randall and 
Shaw.112 The mean activity coefficients of the ions in the equilibrium 
solutions are about the same as those of barium chloride. One of the 
solid phases was found to be PbS04 . K2SO4. 

A thermodynamic treatment of the theory of electrode potentials has 
been developed by Gross and Halpem.^^ By considering the electrode 
processes as proceeding first in the liquid and then in the gas phase, 
these authors obtained an expression for the normal potential in terms 
of partly known thermodynamic quantities. 

Martin and Newton®^ derived an equation for the electromotive 
force of a cell with a moving liquid junction. A cell was constructed 
which contained two silver-silver chloride electrodes in solutions of 
two different chlorides. A sharp boundary was formed by passing 
an outside current through the cell. When the electrical flow was 
interrupted, measurements of the potential were made. The results 
were not in accord with the equation. 

Activity Coefficients from Vapor Pressure. Robinson^^"^' ^^^ has 
determined the activity coefficients of the alkali bromides, iodides, 
nitrates, acetates, and /)-toluenesulfonates at 25° by measuring the con- 
centrations of these solutions isotonic with known concentrations of 
potassium chloride solutions. The activity coefficients of bromides and 
iodides computed from these data are in good accord with electromotive 
force and freezing point data. Those of the nitrates agree with values 
computed from freezing point measurements. Dynamic vapor pressure 
measurements of aqueous solutions of calcium and aluminum nitrates 
at 25° have been made by Pearce and Blackman.i^^^ Larsen and Hunt®* 
have measured the vapor pressure of solutions of ammonium nitrate, 
iodide, bromide, and chloride in liquid ammonia solutions. Extrapo- 
lation of the results to zero concentration was difficult. The measure- 

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ments gave a quantity ^ y, and plausible vaJues of k' wer^ estimated, 
from which approximate values of y may be obtained. The results 
indicate considerable ionic association. 

Wynne- Jones ^^5 has determined the composition of the vapor over 
known compositions of the mixture H2O and D2O. The mixtures 
approximate very closely ideal solutions. 

The total and partial vapor pressures of mixtures of ethyl alcohol 
and cyclohexanol at 25° have been measured by Washburn and Han- 
dorf,^^*^ and the activity coefficients of the components of the mixtures 
have been evaluated. The deviations from ideal behavior have been 
interpreted on the basis of the differences in polarity and internal 
pressure of the components. 

Solubility . Hildebrand^^ reported a series of experimental tests of 
his general equation for the calculation of solubility from the properties 
of the pure solvent and solute. To make the tests as general and vigor- 
ous as possible, he selected solutes which would lead to unusually large 
deviations from ideality, and both polar and non-polar solvents were 
used. In view of the approximations involved in the derivation of the 
equation, the agreement with experiment is remarkable. It was shown 
that departures from spherical symmetry in the molecules, and the 
presence of dipole moments do not necessarily vitiate the calculations. 
Indeed, even the liquid-liquid system W-C32H66 — Snl4 can be treated 
with reasonable success. Guggenheim * has criticized the application 
of Hildebrand's equation, based upon the assumption of perfectly ran- 
dom distribution, to solutions deviating so widely from ideality as to 
be only partially miscible. He proposed a general statistical treatment 
of his own, but it predicts more serious consequences for departures 
from random distribution than those observed. Furthermore, Scatchard 
and Hamer,i20 \^ ^n extensive investigation of liquid-liquid systems, 
found Guggenheim's treatment less satisfactory than their simpler 
theoretical deductions. 

Several important papers appeared on the thermodynamics of solid 
solutions. Seltz ^^4 developed methods for determining the forms of 
the liquidus and solidus curves for binary systems, showing complete 
solid miscibility,. where the deviations from Raoult's law are known 
for the liquid and solid solutions. Scatchard and Hamer ^21 applied 
equations for the chemical potentials to such systems, and developed 
general relations which they employed in a successful analysis of the 
experimental data on the Ag-Pd, and Au-Pt systems. Seltz ^25 devel- 
oped equations for calculating the solidus and liquidus surfaces, with 
tie lines, for ternary systems composed of perfect liquid and solid solu- 
tions. Thompson '^^^ made a study of the solubility of lead in mercury 
throughout the temperature range 20° to 70°. 

Several studies of the solubility of gases under high pressure have 
been reported. Wiebe and Gaddy ^^^ measured the solubility of a 3 : 1 

♦Guggenheim, E. A.. Proc. Roy. Soc. (London). A148: 304 (1935). 

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mixture of Ha and Na at 25° and of He at 0, 25, 50, and 75°.i*» The 
pressure range extended to 1,000 atmospheres. The solubility of He 
passes through a minimum at about 30°. The solubilities of helium 
and argon in numerous salt solutions at 25° were determined by 
Akerlof.^ The data could be described by the ordinary "salting out" 
relation, \ogS = \ogSo—km, in which Sq and S are the solubilities 
in pure water and in m-molal salt solution. The salting out constants, k, 
were found to have the same order of magnitude as those of other non- 
electrolytes. This conclusion was based upon an extensive summary 
of salting out studies for gaseous, liquid, and simple solid non-electro- 
lytes appearing in the literature. The salting out coefi&cients of a 
complicated compoimd such as hemoglobin ^^ is considerably higher 
than those considered here. The peculiar specific nature of the salting 
out constants was emphasized, however, and it was pointed out that 
the magnitudes of these constants do not arrange themselves in the 
order of the activity coefi&cients, or mean atomic radii of the electro- 
lytes present. 

Akerlof and Turck^ determined the solubilities of a number of 
strong, highly soluble salts in methanol-water mixtures, and in hydro- 
gen peroxide-water mixtures at 25°. The results in the methanol- 
water solutions showed a steady decrease in the logarithm of the solu- 
bility with mole fraction of methanol. The distribution of the plots of 
these variables was parallelled by plots of the data for similar salt- 
organic sol vent- water systems available in the literature. It was 
pointed out, as a rough approximation, that the ratio of the slopes of 
these plots (for small organic solvent concentration) for a given pair 
of salts was independent of the organic solvent; and for a given pair 
of organic solvents, the ratio was independent of the salt. In the latter 
case, the numerical value of the ratio is of the order of magnitude of 
the ratio of the corresponding slopes for the dielectric polarization 
curves of the solvent mixtures. 

In hydrogen peroxide-water mixtures the solubility relationships of 
the various salts were highly specific. Sodium chloride and nitrate 
were salted-out, and potassium chloride and nitrate and sodium fluoride 
were salted-in by hydrogen peroxide, and the effects were very pro- 
nounced. In the case of sodium chloride and nitrate (and also lead 
jiitrate) this effect is contrary to what might be expected from consider- 
ation of the very high dielectric constants of pure hydrogen peroxide- 
water mixtures. This interesting situation is further complicated by 
the distribution experiments of Gorin,^^ from which it was shown 
that all of the above salts behaved similarly in salting-in hydrogen 
peroxide. In one respect, however, Gorin's results also point to a 
peculiarity of sodium salts, since it was found that with the exception 
of sodium ions the order of the salting-in effects of the ions on hydrogen 
peroxide followed the same order as the salting-out effect on other non- 
electrolytes in general. The salting-out of allyl alcohol from water 
solution by a wide variety of salts was investigated by Ginnings and 

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Dees.33 They expressed their results satisfactorily by means of equa- 
tions of the form, 

in which a, h, and c are empirical constants, and x and y are the per- 
centages, by weight, of salt and alcohol, respectively. The salting-out 
of butyl alcohol by various amino acids was found ^i to decrease with 
increasing length of the hydrocarbon chain and to decrease with 
increasing concentration of the amino acid. 

Brown and Maclnnes ^^ described an elect rometric titration method 
by which they determined the solubility of silver chloride in a dilute 
potassium nitrate solution. They included a theoretical discussion of 
the liquid junction and volume corrections, and of their novel method 
of carrying out the computations. By virtue of the high sensitivity 
of the method, they were able to observe a small but unmistakable 
decrease in solubility with time (about 0.06 percent per hour). 

Several papers appeared on solubilities in non-aqueous solutions ot 
electrolytes. Swearingen and Florence ^^^ measured the solubility of 
sodium bromide in acetone solutions of lithium and calcium perchlo- 
rates. The activity coefficient of sodium bromide was found to be con- 
siderably lower than required by the Debye-Hiickel theory, although the 
concentrations involved were probably too high to expect good agree- 
ment. A similar result was obtained by Davidson and Griswold ^^ for 
zinc acetate in glacial acetic acid solution of sodium and ammonium 
acetates. In this case, however, it was possible to show, by comparison 
with barium acetate under the same circumstances, that a part of the 
observed departure could be attributed to the amphoteric nature of 
zinc acetate. 

The solubilities of various amino acids have been reported in water,^^** 
and in alcohol-water mixtures.^^^ McMeekin, Cohn, and Weare®*^ 
made an extensive study of the solubility of amino acid derivatives for 
comparison with previously reported values for the corresponding free 
acids. It was found that the ratio of the solubility in alcohol to that 
in water is increased approximately threefold for each terminal CH2 
group in the molecule. This rule applies both to amino acids and to 
their derivatives. On the other hand, a CH2 group situated between 
strongly polar groups, as in aspartic acid and asparagine, does not 
measurably affect the solubility ratio. The solubilities of the amino 
acid derivatives increased with alcohol content of the mixtures, which 
is contrary to the salt-like behavior of the free acids. An estimate of 
the effect of zwitterionic structure upon solubility ratio was obtained 
by a comparison of the data for hydantoic acid with asparagine, and 
with glutamine. The values obtained are in excellent agreement. In 
a review of the chemistry of proteins and amino acids, Cohn ^^ has 
emphasized the importance of such comparisons in the study of the 
spatial relationships in amino acid molecules. Cohn's review includes 
extensive discussions of dimensions, dielectric properties, and salting- 

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out effects of amino acids, and goes into considerable detail concerning 
applications of the equations of Scatchard and Kirkwood. 

Joseph ®3 reported an interesting potentiometric investigation of the 
mutual interaction of amino acids and salts. The measurements were 
made with amalgam double cells of the type, 

Ag-AgCl I MCl^mg) I HgMx I MCl^mg), Amino acid^^^j | AgCl-Ag, 

in which M represents Na, Tl, or Zn. The influence of amino acids 
upon the salts is such that log (Ys/Ys^) increases linearly with W2 at 
high salt concentrations, and that the slope is independent of W3. 
Accordingly, the corresponding function log (y2/Y2°) increases linearly 
with W3, and the slope is independent of t/12. These slopes are in agree- 
ment with salting-out coefficients derived from solubility measure- 
ments. It was pointed out that in aqueous solutions the salting-out 
effects are significant even at low concentrations, because both the 
salting-out and electrostatic forces appear to be approximately propor- 
tional to the first power of the concentration. The interaction observed 
between glycine and zinc chloride was shown to be closely parallelled 
by the results of freezing point on glycine with other (2-1) valence 
type salts. 

Calorimetric Measurements. An extensive calorimetric study of 
amino acids was reported by Zittle and Schmidt.^^*^ They measured 
heats of dilutions for solutions of eighteen amino acids, and found much 
larger differences than would be anticipated from considerations of 
molecular structure. Thus the variation of the relative apparent molal 
heat contents of c^-arginine and J-lycine with concentration are large, 
but of opposite sign. Heats of solution were calculated and compared 
with values derived from solubility data. The heat capacities of 
glycine, JZ-alanine, and JZ- valine were found to be always positive, and 
their variation with concentration linear in m. This supports the 
theoretical predictions of Scatchard and Kirkwood. Partial molal vol- 
umes were also positive, but varied only slightly with concentration. 

Edsall ^^ showed qualitatively how the formation of zwitterions 
might influence apparent molal heat capacities. The heat capacities of 
aqueous solutions of various hydrazonium salts and their heats of solu- 
tion were measured by Cobb and Gilbert.^^' ^2 

Gucker and Rubin ^^ calculated the apparent isochoric heat capacities, 
^(^2)* for six (1-1) electrolytes, and found that their variation with 
\/c was approximately linear, but exhibited the same degree of individ- 
uality as the corresponding isopiestic quantities, 0(Cp2). Since the 
absence of the expansion term simplifies the theoretical interpretation 
in the isochoric system, the persistence of marked individuality at low 
concentrations is particularly striking. The difference between the 
isopiestic and isochoric apparent molal heat capacities varied little with 
concentration, and was of the order of 3 to 11 cals. depending upon the 
salt. The values of ^(C^2) are the more negative. 

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In continuing his interesting series of papers on the non-comparative 
criteria of the purity of organic compounds, Skau^^*^ discussed some 
of the limitations of the application of specific heat data to the deter- 
mination of purity. 

Ionization Constants. The use of ultraviolet spectrophotometry in 
the determination of ionization constants was investigated by Flexser, 
Hammett and Dingwall.^^ The validity of the method was indicated by 
measurements on benzoic acid, aniline, and 2,4-dinitrophenol, and it 
was then applied to a series of very weak bases in sulfuric acid 

Wooten and Hammett ^^^ measured the difference in the relative 
ionization constants (referred to benzoic acid) of 33 carboxylic and 
phenolic acids in water, and in butyl alcohol. In general, their results 
were more readily interpreted according to a paper by Schwarzenbach 
and Egli than by the familiar Born equation, but the data on ortho- 
or a -substituted acids were not satisfactorily accounted for in either 
case. Jukes and Schmidt ^* determined the apparent ionization con- 
stants of ten fatty acids in ethanol- water mixtures at 20°. 

La Mer and Korman ^^ found that the acidic ionization constant of 
deuteroquinone is 3.84 times as great as that for hydroquinone. This 
is in accord with known behavior of weak acids, and has been inter- 
preted by Halpern^2 {^ terms of the difference in zero-point energy 
of the proton or deuteron when attached to a water molecule, or to an 
acid radical. 

Kolthoff and Tomsicek '^^ evaluated the fourth ionization constant 
of ferrocyanic acid (^^"4 = 5.6 X 10"^ at 25°). The method used was 
unusual, and was based upon the effect of hydrogen ions upon the 
potential of the ferro-ferricyanide electrode. 

The classical dissociation constant of benzoic acid at 25° was deter- 
mined by Riesch and Kilpatrick ^^^ in nine aqueous uniunivalent salt 
solutions. From these results and available values of the salting-out 
coefficient for molecular benzoic acid, the corresponding mean activity 
coefficients of the ionized acid were calculated. A concordant redeter- 
mination of the thermodynamic ionization constant of boric acid^^® 
at various temperatures has been reported. The thermodynamic ioni- 
zation constants of carbonic acid were determined by Maclnnes and 
Belcher®® at 38° by means of the glass electrode. The values, 
A:i = 4.91x10-'' and K2 = 62S xlO-^\ were obtained, but the value of 
Ki(=4.82x lO-*^), determined conductometrically,^26 jg recommended 
for adoption. 

The apparent ionization constants of some dihalogenated tyrosine 
compounds were determined at 25° and 40° by Winnek and Schmidt.®^ 
The solubility method was employed. Tomiyama ^^^ reported values 
for canal ine and canavanine. 

Greenstein and Joseph ^^ determined the apparent ionization con- 
stants of a-aminotricarballylic acid and glycyl-a-aminotricarballylic 
acid electrometrically at 25°. They estimated the thermodynamic con- 

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stants. Kumler and Daniels ^^ determined the apparent dissociation 
constants of ^ascorbic acid in water, and of diethyl dihydroxymaleate 
in water, and alcohol-water solutions. 

The thermodynamic ionization constant of acetic acid was deter- 
mined in 10 percent and 20 percent methanol solutions by Hamed 
and Embree.*^ They employed cells of the type, 

Hg I HAC(mj), NaAC(«2), NaCl(«3) | AgCl, Ag, 

and carried out the measurements at 0, 10, 20, 25, 30, and 40°. This 
is apparently the first time that cells without liquid junctions have 
been employed in an extensive study of a weak acid in solvents other 
than water. The temperature variation of the ionization constants 
could be expressed by the empirical equation, 

\ogK = \ogKns - 5 X 10-» (f- 0)', 

in which is the temperature of the maximum value K^. In this case 
the equation expressed the data to better than 1.5 percent, and this 
is the order of the concordance usually obtained for acids in water. 
The well-known dangers inherent in the use of such an empirical 
equation for the estimation of derived quantities (ACp, for the ioniza- 
tion process, for example) has been emphasized by Walde.^^* The 
effect of the alcohol upon the strength of the acid could be expressed 
by the linear dependence of log K upon \/D as a first approximation. 

Goodhue and Hixon^^ determined the apparent ionization constants 
of five bases and five acids in pure ethanol by the use of the hydrogen 
and Hg-Hgl2 electrodes. Agreement with conductance values reported 
by Goldschmidt was satisfactory in view of the magnitude of the liquid 
junction potentials. It was shown that the results were in harmony 
with Bronsted's generalized interpretation of acids and bases. 

Concerning subjects closely connected with the determination of 
ionization constants, we might mention papers dealing with />H deter- 
mination. Kilpatrick^^ reviewed the colorimetric method and Atkin 
and Thompson* outlined a variety of methods. Kolthoff^® discussed 
the mechanism of the ionization of acids and bases, and its statistical 
interpretation at "absurdly" low concentrations. The effect of ionic 
strength upon protein ionization was investigated by Smith ^^s ^ho 
found that the />H of the apparent isoelectric point of Qgg albumin 
varied linearly with both the ionic strength, and the concentration of 
the albumin itself. These relationships were employed to determine 
the "true" isoelectric point at zero ionic strength and protein con- 

Compressibility. Gibson ^o published an important paper on the 
concentration-compressibility relationships in solutions of electrolytes. 
His conclusions were based on measurements of the compressions to 
1,000 bars of solutions of sixteen salts, and acetic acid over the whole 
concentration range at 25°. It was shown that the apparent com- 

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pression of the salts varied linearly with the square root of the volume 
concentration within the experimental error. By means of a pjot of 
the bulk compressions of solutions of twenty-four salts against the 
"modified ionic strengfth" [lc(v+£f+-f-v_£r_2), note that the valence of 
the cation is raised to the first power only] it was found possible 
empirically to estimate th^ bulk compression of any solution, with an 
error less than =•= 10 percent from a knowledge of the concentration 
and the nature of the solute. On the assumption of Tammann's 
hypothesis, that water in aqueous solutions behaves like water under 
a pressure greater than the external pressure, the "eflfective pressure" 
which a salt exerts upon the solvent could be calculated from the data. 
In all cases this "effective pressure" was directly proportional to the 
product of the volume concentrations of salt and water. The linear 
relationship between the concentration, and the apparent molal com- 
pression of solutions of acetic acid is similar to that of solutions of 
strong electrolytes. Gucker has previously observed similar behavior 
in sugar solutions. In a later paper Gibson ^i reported the results 
of his measurements of the compressions and specific volumes of 
aqueous solutions of methanol and resorcinol at 25°. The apparent 
compression of resorcinol varied linearily with the square root of the 
concentration, but the apparent volumes of resorcinol and the apparent 
volumes and compressions of methanol were definitely not linear in \/c. 
Although the square root relation is predictable for strong electroljrtes 
by differentation of the Debye-Htickel equation, the behavior of cer- 
tain non-electrolytes reported above shows that important forces besides 
those of interionic attraction are involved. 

Scott and Bridger ^^3 observed pronounced departures from the usual 
square root relationship between concentration and apparent molal 
volumes, or apparent molal compressibilities, in concentrated solutions 
of lithium chloride and bromide. Distinct discontinuities in the curves 
of these variables were obtained, and several of these were reported 
for the first time. The authors suggested that the results are more 
readily interpreted in terms of variation in distribution of solute ions 
than in the number of layers of water molecules involved in hydration 
of the ions. Bridgman and Dow ^ determined the compressibilities of 
aqueous solutions of glycine, a-aminobutyric acid, and c-aminocaproic 
acid at 25 and 75°. Their results presented some very interesting 
anomalies. The apparent molal volumes are neither linear in \/c, as 
required by Debye-Htickel theory for ordinary ions, or linear in c, as 
required by Scatchard and Kirkwood's equations for zwitterions. The 
initial slopes of the curves obtained by plotting apparent molal volumes 
against pressure are all negative. This requires that the apparent 
molal compressibilities of the amino acids are positive. This is con- 
trary to the behavior of all other electrolytes, and also to the behavior 
of urea, which, in common with the amino acids, increases the dielectric 
constant of aqueous solutions. 

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Conductance and Transference. Although the conductance of 
aquepus solutions of strong electrolytes has received scant attention 
this year, a very interesting study of conductance in water-deuterium 
mixtures has been made. Baker and La Mer^ found that the con- 
ductance of 0.01 N potassium chloride in H2O — D2O mixtures is very 
nearly linear in the mole fraction of deutetium oxide, and more than 
90 percent of the decrease in conductance can be accounted for by the 
viscosities of the mixtures. In the case of 0.01 N hydrochloric acid, 
the decrease in conductance exhibited a pronoimced departure from 
linearity, with a well-defined maximum departure (6.5 percent of A) 
in the 1 to 1 mixture. According to the generally accepted view, the 
high conductance of the H-ion is attributed to a series of proton 
exchanges, which in H2O — D2O mixtures may take the following 
forms : 

H3O + H3O* ^ n,0' -f- H,0 ( 1 ) 

D,0 + 0,0^ ?=± D,0^ + D,0 (2) 

HDO + H,DO* ^ H,DO^ + HDO (3) 

HDO + HD,0^ ^ HD,0^ + HDO (4) 

HDO + H,DO^ ?=± HD,0^ + H,0 (5) 

HDO H- HD^O^ ?=± H,D0* + D,0 (6) 

H3O + D3O* ?=± H^DO^ + D,0 (7) 

D,0 + H,0^ ?=± HD3O* + H3O (8) 

The exchanges represented in equations 1 to 4 are symmetrical, and are 
accompanied by no change in energy, but the remaining exchanges 
can only occur with absorption or evolution of heat to the surrounding 
medium. The necessity for this interchange of energy will tend to 
decrease the frequency with which the latter types of exchanges take 
place. Since in 50 percent deuterium oxide we have the maximum 
probability that an acid ion will be in the immediate neighborhood of 
water molecules to which it cannot readily transfer its proton, we 
should expect a lower conductance than that calculated according to the 
additivity law (linear variation with D2O). This effect had been 
qualitatively predicted by Halpern. 

Concerning conductance in media of low dielectric constants, and 
the general question of the association of ions in solution, Fuoss ^6 and 
Kraus '^^ have contributed reviews of their most recent work. 
Together ^s they examined the conditions under which ion pairs might 
associate into quadrupoles : 

2AB ?=± A3B, ; k, = [AB] VA3B, 

The numerical value of k^^ was calculated for tri-isoamylammonium 
picrate in benzene solutions from freezing point data. Considering 
the quadrupole as an ellipsoid (of axis a and \a) containing a point 
dipole of strength u at its center, and parallel to the major axis, they 
derived the equation, 

2000 \3/ Dkt y/. 

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where y = \i^/k^a^DkT, From the value of k^ derived for the above 
salt, this leads to the physically reasonable value, Aa = 5.54x10"^ cm. 

Cox, Kraus and Fuoss ^^ determined the conductance of several 
tetrabutylammonium salts in anisole (D = 4.29), ethylene bromide 
(D = 4.76), and ethylene chloride (D= 10.23) at 25°. Their results 
can be qualitatively interpreted in terms of association into ion pairs 
and triple ions in accordance with earlier papers by Fuoss and Kraus, 
and the a-parameters (distances between charges) derived from their 
equations are of the order of 5 or 6 Angstrom units. This paper is of 
considerable technical interest in that, at concentrations between 10'^ 
and 10"^ N, the conductances were reproducible to 0.1 to 0.2 percent, 
and allowed a very accurate determination of the influence of adsorption 
of electrolyte upon the electrodes. The amount of adsorbed electrolyte 
(tetrabutylammonium picrate in ethylene chloride) was, within the 
experimental error, independent of the concentration, and corresponded 
to a monomolecular layer on the surface of the electrodes. 

Jones and Christian ®^ made a careful study of galvanic polarization 
by alternating current in conductance cells, and found it independent 
of electrode separation and current density, and not very sensitive to 
temperature, or the nature of the electrolyte. It was, however, greatly 
influenced by the composition of the electrodes. Polarization capaci- 
tance decreases with increasing frequencies, and polarization resistance 
is inversely proportional to the square root of the frequency. This 
latter relation was proposed by Jones and Bollinger ^® as a means of 
testing the quality and sufficiency of electrode platinization, and of cal- 
culating the true resistance, free from polarization effects. 

Fuoss 27 tabulated values of the function, F(2), for the rapid cal- 
culation of the degree of ionization of binary electrolytes from conduc- 
tivity measurements. The equation is 


*"" A°F(5)* 

The conductance concentration curves obtained by McBain and 
Betz ®2 with simple straight chain sulfonic acids exhibit several inflec- 
tions, with pronounced minima at about N/20. The possibility of 
association of like ions to form ionic micelles was considered. Freez- 
ing point data were also brought to bear on this question.^^ 

The conductance of saturated solutions of some slightly soluble sub- 
stances have been determined by Johnson and Hulett,^® and the values 
obtained were proposed for the convenient determination of cell con- 
stants. They also studied sodium and potassium chlorides at 0° and 
25°. Campbell and Cook ^^ made a conductometric investigation of 
the precipitation of strontium sulfate from its supersaturated solutions. 

Conductivities of aqueous solution of glycine, JZ-valine and Z-aspara- 
gine were determined by Mehl and Schmidt,^®^ and these and other 
data on amino acids were compared with theoretical predictions. The 
agreement is only approximate. Bent and Dorfman ^ interpreted their 

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conductance data on sodium triphenylboron and disodium tri-a-naph- 
thylboron in ether as showing that the sodium atoms in the latter salt 
ionize simultaneously by virtue of a rearrangement of valence electrons 
in the molecule. 

From new measurements of the conductance of potassium bicarbonate 
and carbonic acid solutions at 25°, and of the relative conductances of 
saturated carbon dioxide solutions, and of potassium bicarbonate, potas- 
sium chloride, and hydrochloric acid (0.001 N) at other temperatures, 
Shedlovsky and Maclnnes ^^e calculated the first ionization constant of 
carbonic acid from to 38°. Their values are considered more reliable 
than those' previously determined electrometrically. 

Greenberg and Larson ^^ measured the conductivities of solutions of 
casein, edestin, and gelatine in anhydrous lactic, acetic, and formic 
acids. In the first two solvents, the conductivities were very low, but 
in formic acid solutions, the conductance of the proteins were compar- 
able to those of alkali formates, indicating the formation of well 
defined, ionizable salts with formic acid. Some Hittorf numbers were 
also determined. 

McBain and Foster®^ reported new measurements of surface con- 
ductivity exhibited by potassium chloride solutions in contact with glass 
surfaces, and by films of fatty acids at the air-water interface. Several 
interpretations are discussed. Urban, White and Strassner^^^ devel- 
oped equations, based on the Stern double layer, for calculating specific 
surface conductivities, and the thickness of the diffuse (Gouy) layer. 
The authors' experimental measurements of specific surface conduc- 
tivity in potassium chloride solutions are in accord with their equations, 
but not with Gou/s theory. The numerical magnitude of their values 
is less than that of data obtained by McBain and co-workers. Urban, 
Feldman, and White ^^^ showed that specific surface conductivity mea- 
sured with alternating current is higher than with direct current. 

Longsworth ^^ continued his careful moving boundary measurements 
to include five more 1-1 electrolytes, and calcium chloride and soditmi 
sulfate. At the lowest concentrations studied (0.01 AT) the results for 
the uns)mimetrical salts did not approach the theoretical limiting tan- 
gents, for which the slope should be about \/2 times greater than that 
observed for calcium chloride, and of opposite sign from that found 
for sodium sulfate. Among the 1-1 electrolytes, only potassium nitrate 
exhibited a persistent departure (more positive) from the theoretical 
slope, and in this respect parallelled the previously reported behavior 
of silver nitrate. No quantitative explanation of these "anomalous" 
results has yet been advanced, but it is usually assumed that they are 
due to ionic association. A summary of the moving boundary data 
from the same laboratory shows that all of the other 1-1 electrolytes 
studied approach the theoretical slopes at high dilution, and their regu- 
lar departures at higher concentrations conform to the semi-empirical 
equation previously proposed by Longsworth. Owen '^^ found that the 
characteristic arbitrary parameter of this equation could be approxi- 

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mated in terms of the limiting slope. This leads to a more general, 
though less accurate, equation by which it is possible to estimate cer- 
tain transference numbers in dilute solutions from limiting ionic con- 
ductances alone. The assumption, that the "normal" behavior of the 
free ions, of potassium and silver nitrates is represented by such a 
general equation, might lead to some semi-quantitative explanation of 
the departure of these salts from the theoretical slopes. 

Longsworth ^^ determined the mobility of the hydrogen ion con- 
stituent in aqueous mixtures of hydrochloric acid and calcium chloride 
at a constant total concentration of 0.1 N. The observed decrease in 
hydrogen ion mobility is only 44.1 percent of the value predicted theo- 
retically. Such a discrepancy is not unexpected at 0.1 N, but it is 
surprising that this figure is almost identical to that previously obtained 
(44.2 percent) in hydrochloric acid-potassium chloride mixtures at 
the same concentration. 

Hamer ** completed a very comprehensive electromotive force study 
of the transference number of the hydrogen ion in aqueous sulfuric 
acid solution. The concentration range varied from 0.05 to 17 molal, 
and the values at concentration were estimated by extrapolation. 
Measurements were made at 0, 10, 15, 25, 35, 45 and 60°. 

Diffusion. Two valuable contributions have appeared from the 
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research on the theory of dif- 
fusion in cell models. Longsworth ^'^ has extended his theory * to 
the case of the simultaneous diffusion of two electrolytes and 
water. A solution of the equations has been obtained for the 
steady state. A general solution which would include the time 
curve has not been obtained. Favorable comparison has been 
obtained between the theory and the experiments on ion distribu- 
tion in living cells performed by Osterhout, Kamerling, and Stan- 
ley. Teorell ^^^ has deduced equations for an interesting case. 
Electrolytes are on both sides of the membrane, and one of them 
is assumed to diffuse. The concentration and electrical potential 
gradients set up by this diffusion cause a redistribution of all the 
ions. By employing the method of treatment of Nernst and 
Planck, equations for the steady state were developed. It was 
shown that very marked differences in concentrations of the ions 
on the two sides of membrane were to be expected, and the sugges- 
tion was made that such considerations may explain some of the 
large concentration differences occurring in biological systems. 

Eversole and Doughty 22 have deduced equations for the diffu- 
sion coeflScient of both charged and uncharged particles as a 
function of the distance of penetration into a medium, such as a 
gel. Concentration-distance curves for this undisturbed diffusion 
are given. Preliminary colorimetric measurements of the diffusion 
of cupric chloride into gels indicate that the equations are useful. 

McBain and Dawson ®* employed a diffusion cell with a sintered 

♦Longworth, L. G., /. Gen. Physiol., 17: 211 (1933). 

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glass membrane to measure the differential and integral diffusion 
coefficients of potassium chloride at 25°, and at concentrations from 
0.1 to 2N, This method is rapid and simple, and the results indicate 
that it is among the most precise for the determination of diffusion data. 
Viscosity. The theoretical predictions of the interionic attrac- 
tion theory applied to viscosity have been subjected to a careful 
experimental test by Jones and Fornwalt.^^ They measured the 
relative viscosities of solutions of potassium chloride, bromide, and 
iodide, and ammonium chloride at 25° in absolute methanol down 
to concentrations as low as 25 to 50xlO-^iV. It was found that the 
general equation of Onsager and Fuoss, 

r\ = \+ Ac^ + Bc + Dc log c, 

represents the data up to 0.35 AT, with an average deviation less than 
=^0.01 percent. A comparison of the experimental and theoretical 
values of the limiting slope. A, brought out discrepancies of about the 
order of the differences obtained by curve- fitting over the entire con- 
centration range, or at high dilution only. In the latter case the 
logarithmic term was not included. Although the propriety of testing 
the theory quantitatively by the inclusion of data at concentrations out- 
side of the "high dilution" range may be open to question, it seems 
quite proper to interpret the agreement obtained as indicative of the 
essential validity of the theory. 

The viscosities and densities of concentrated solutions of pure 
sodium and potassium carbonates and hydroxides, and of their 
mixtures, have been reported.^^ 

Surface Tension. Jones and Ray ^^ published an important note 
on an experimental study of the surface tensions of very dilute 
salt solutions. They found that the relative surface tensions of 
the electrolyte solutions studied (potassium chloride, cesium 
nitrate, and potassium sulfate), were slightly less than unity at high 
dilution (C < 0.006 A^ for potassium chloride), and increasingly greater 
than unity at higher concentrations. This initial decrease in surface 
tension is contrary to the theoretical predictions of Wagner and of 
Onsager and Samaras. Measurements on 0.0005 to 0.005 molar sugar 
solutions with the same apparatus showed only an increase in surface 

Surface tension measurements have been applied to a kinetic 
study of ester hydrolysis,**^ and a simple device described for carry- 
ing out measurements upon very small samples.^^^ Washburn and 
Berry ^^^ applied the capillary rise surface tension method to the 
estimation of the dimensions of the sodium palmitate molecule. 
Their results are of the same order of magnitude as similar quanti- 
ties measured by the Langmuir film method. Cassel ^^ pointed 
out objections to the theory underlying the calculations of these 

Some important physical properties of methanol-chloroform 

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mixtures were measured by Conrad and Hall.^^ Although the 
vapor pressure and viscosity of these mixtures are quite abnormal, 
the surface tension, compressibility, density, and index of refrac- 
tion were found to be ideal functions of the composition. 

Dielectric Constants. Greenstein, Wyman, and Cohn 3» investi- 
gated the dielectric constants of solutions of the tetrapoles 
diaminodithiodicaproic acid and lysylglutamic acid. The increase 
in dielectric constant with concentration is linear, and especially 
large in the case of lysylglutamic acid. The data were interpreted 
in terms of a twisting of the hydrocarbon chains due to electro- 
static forces between the charged amino and carboxyl groups. 
Measurements of this sort can be expected to shed some light 
upon the very obscure question of the spatial configuration of 

Because of their solubility in solvents of either high or low 
dielectric constants, and their ability to retain their zwitterion 
structure in nearly all solvents, the betaines and a closely related 
substance, A^-dimethylanthranilic acid, offer interesting possibilities for 
dielectric investigations. Edsall and Wyman ^^ made a very extensive 
study of the dielectric constants (and apparent molal volumes) of 
dilute solutions of o-, w-, and />-benzbetaine, pyridinebetaine, betaine, 
and A/'-dimethylanthranilic acid and its methyl ester. The solvents 
employed were water, ethanol, and benzene, and various water-ethanol 
and ethanol-benzene mixtures selected to give a representative range 
in dielectric constants. Because of the relative rigidity of the benzene 
ring in the benzbetaines (compared to straight chain amino acids) it 
was possible to estimate polarizations with some certainty from models 
based on x-ray and electron diffraction data. The authors' calcula- 
tions indicated that the volume polarizations derived from Wyman's 
equation, p= (D—l)/3, are about 20 percent higher, but closely 
proportional to the true values. The dielectric data were expressed 
numerically as S from the limiting linear relation, D = Do + Sc. In 
solvents of low D, it was found that S-values for the betaines are much 
lower than in water. Reasons were advanced for interpreting this fact 
in terms of molecular deformation rather than association. The dipole 
moment of iV-dimethylanthranilic acid in benzene is about three times 
as great as that of its methyl ester, indicating that the acid retains its 
zwitterion structure even in benzene. Electrostriction of the solvent 
due to the betaines decreases with increasing dielectric constant of the 
solvent, and the magnitude of the observed effects is in accord with 

Kumler '^^ pointed out that the current designation of association as 
the cause of the variation of molecular polarization (P2) of polar liquids 
(in non-polar solvents) with concentration can be only partially cor- 
rect. He showed that a large part of the variation is accounted for 
by the form of the Debye equation, which sets the limit, /)2 = molal 
volume, if D is increased without limit. 

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Wilson and Wenzke ^^^ measured the electric moments of a number 
of acetylenic acids. The values for propiolic, tetrolic, and phenylpro- 
piolic acids are about 25 percent higher than those of acetic, propionic, 
and phenylacetic acids. Since the presence of the triple bonds is also 
accompanied by about a hundred-fold increase in ionization constant, 
the hydrogen of the carboxyl group undoubtedly becomes more positive 
in character in the presence of the triple bond. 

Svirbely, Ablard and Warner ^^i measured the densities and dielec- 
tric constants of solutions of c?-pinene, c?-limonene, methyl benzoate and 
ethyl benzoate in benzene. Because these properties were not linear 
with mole fraction of solute at high dilution, the molar polarization 
at infinite dilutions were obtained by graphical extrapolation. The 
values so obtained were subsequently checked by Otto,^®^ who per- 
formed the extrapolation according to Hedestrand's formula. Otto 
also determined the moments for solutions of various alkyl esters and 
derivatives of boric acid in benzene and dioxane. Approximate equality 
of the values in the two solvents indicated absence of association and 
compound formation. Otto and Wenzke ^^"^ measured the dielectric 
constants of solutions of phenylethylene and some of its simple deriva- 
tives in benzene at 25°. Phenylethylene was found to possess a small 
electric moment opposite in direction to that of toluene. 

Svirbely and Warner ^**3 discovered an empirical relation between 
electric moment and directive influence for substitutions in the ben- 
zene ring. They showed that if the electric moment of a mono-substi- 
tuted benzene derivative is greater than /^ 2.07 X 10"^® e.s.u., the next 
substituted group will be directed to the we/a-position, but if the 
moment is less than r^ 2.07 X 10-^^ e.s.u., the next group will be 
directed to the ortho- and /jara-positions. Changes in the directive 
influence with concentration, solvent, temperature, etc., are anticipated 
by alteration in electric moment with these variables. 

The electric moments of a number of acetylenic halides and alcohols 
were determined by Toussaint and Wenzke.^^^ The moments of the 
halides were influenced by the position of the triple bond. Otto^^ 
measured the dielectric constants of solutions of several dialkoxyalkanes 
in benzene at 25°. The independence of the calculated electric 
moments of the nature of the alkyl group was submitted as evidence 
of constancy in the valence angle between the two alkoxy groups, 
Williams ^^^' ^^^ reviewed the chemical applications of recent dielec- 
tric constant theory and measurements, and included an extensive 


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139. Toussaint, J. A., and Wenzke, H. H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 55: 668 (1935). 

140. Urban, F., Feldman, Sy and White, H. L., 7. Phys. Chem., 39: 605 (1935). 

141. Urban, F., White, H. L., and Strassner, E. A., 7. Phys. Chem., 39: 311 (1935). 

142. van Rysselberghe, P., 7. Phys. Chem.. 39: 403 (1935). 

143. van Rysselberghe, 'P., 7. Phys. Chem.. 39: 415 (1935). 

144. Walde, A. W., 7. Phys. Chem.. 39: 477 (1935). 

145. Wa-ner, J. C, and Warrick, E. L., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 1491 (1935). 

146. Washburn, E. R., and Berry, G. W., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 975 (1935). 

147. Washburn, E. R., and Handorf, B. H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 441 (1935). 

148. Wiebe, R., and Gaddy, V. L., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1487 (1935). 

149. Wiebe, R.. and Gaddy, V. L., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 847 (1935). 

150. Williams, J. W., 7. Franklin Inst.. 219: 47 (1935V 

151. Williams, J. W., 7. Franklin Inst.. 219: 211 (1935). 

152. Wilson, C. J., and Wenzke, H. H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 1265 (1935). 

153. Wooten, L. A., and Hammett, L. P., 7. Am. Chem Soc, 57: 2289 (1935). 

154. Wynne- Jones, W. F. K., Chem. Rev.. 17: 115 (1935). 

155. Wynne-Jones, W. F. K., 7. Chem. Phys.. 3: 197 (1935). 

156. Wynne-Jones, W. F. K., and Eyring, H., 7. Chem. Phys.. 3: 492 (1935). 

157. Zittle, C. A., and Schmidt, C. L. A., 7. Biol. Chem.. 108: 161 (1935). 

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Chapter 11. 

The Kinetics of Homogeneous Gas 

F. O. Rice and K. F. Herzfeld, 
The Johns Hopkins University. 

Organic Decompositions. A number of studies have appeared 
this year which indicate the importance of molecular fragments in 
many forms of chemical reactions. The mechanism of the methane 
decomposition is still under consideration and Kassel^s has 
affirmed his belief in the primary decomposition into CH2-fH2, as 
opposed to the primary reaction CH4— >CH3H-H proposed by 
Rice and Dooley.* Belchetz and Rideal,^ from experiments on the 
decomposition of methane on carbon filaments, agree with the 
former mechanism of dissociation into methylene radicals and 
hydrogen. The reaction of deuterium atoms produced by excited 
mercury has recently been studied*^® and shown to proceed at tem- 
peratures as low as 40° C, indicating a value of very approximately 
5 calories for the reaction D + CH4, in contrast with the value of 
17 calories obtained by Geib and Harteck.t The exchange reac- 
tion 3® between deuterium and methane occurs readily on catalytic 
surfaces above 184° C. Preliminary results on the rate of com- 
bination of deuterium and ethylene have been reported,^® and the 
conclusion has been reached that both the heterogeneous and the 
homogeneous reaction can be studied if the conditions are care- 
fully controlled, without interference by the exchange reaction. 

Kistiakowsky 2« has continued his studies of thermal cis-trans isom- 
erizations. Since free radicals are known to react easily with double 
bonds, it seems extremely desirable to investigate whether or not radi- 
cals play a role in such changes. 

Littmann 35 has studied the thermal decomposition of some 
unsaturated bicyclic compounds, and has shown that the C-C bond 
next to the double bond is stronger than normal, whereas the 
next' C-C bond is weaker than normal. 

The thermal decomposition of nitrogen chloride has been studied *^^ 
between 150° and 250° C; it is homogeneous, follows a bimolecular 
law, and has an activation energy of 24 calories. 

•Rice, F. O., and Dooley, M. D., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2747 (1934). 
tGcib, K. H., and Harteck, P., Z. phys. Chem., 170A: 1 (1934). 

33 ' 

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O. K. Rice and Sickinan^^ report the induced decompositions of 
propionic aldehyde and isobutane by azomethane. Several percent of 
azomethane cause decomposition of only part of the propionic aldehyde, 
so that this cannot be a "degenerate explosion" as suggested by 
Semenov.* The same authors find that, at 300° C, ethylene is rapidly 
polymerized by small quantities of azomethane, the rate being pro- 
portional to the square root of the azomethane pressure and to the 
three-halves power of the ethylene pressure.^^ 

The photolysis of azomethane was studied ;i* the quantum yield was 
found to approach unity as its upper limit and to be independent of 
temperature up to 226° C, so that no reaction chain occurs in this tem- 
perature interval. The photochemical decomposition products formed 
at 30° C. and the thermal decomposition products at 300° C. seem to 
be the same.^^ Mercury vapor has no effect on the rate. 

Glyoxal^^ decomposes at a measurable rate in the range 410 to 
450° C; the reaction is homogeneous and first order; however, 
the reaction cannot follow any simple scheme, such as C2H2O2 
— > CO-fHCHO— >2CO + H2, because carbon and tar are formed 
during the course of the decomposition, as well as a large amount 
of condensible products. 

At least half of the process of the thermal decomposition of 
alkyl halides can be attributed to a unimolecular dissociation; in 
the case of methyl iodide, the recombination reaction is more 
important than inter-radical reactions.^^ 

The decomposition of ethyl nitrite ^^ seems to be a curious exam- 
ple of a primary dissociation into a molecule and a radical, fol- 
lowed by reaction of this with the substrate. No chain reaction 
should occur, because of decomposition of the radical CH3CHONO 
into the two molecules, namely, acetaldehyde and nitric oxide. 
Steacie and Shaw have shown ^® that propyl nitrite decomposes 
in a similar manner to its two lower homologs. 

Sickman and O. K. Rice have studied ^^ the thermal decomposi- 
tion of propylamine in the pressure range between a few tenths 
of a mm. to over 100 mm. The reaction is probably a chain, but 
it was not found possible to give a satisfactory explanation of its 

West 81 has decomposed methyl iodide, acetone, propionic alde- 
hyde and benzene photochemically in the presence of a 1 : 1 ortho- 
para hydrogen mixture. The results indicated the production of 
radicals by methyl iodide and acetone, but not by propionic alde- 
hyde and benzene. This is strong evidence in support of Norrish's 
views * on the photochemical dissociations of aldehydes and 

H. A. Taylor and coworkers '^^' "^"^ find that the decompositions 
of diethyl- and triethylamines probably involve the formation and 

♦Semenov, N. N., Z. phys. Chem., 28B: 62 (1935). 

* Norrish, R. G. W., Trans. Faraday Soc, 30: 107 (1934). 

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subsequent decomposition of substituted hydrazines but the exact 
mechanism is not clear. 

The decomposition of nitromethane '^^ proved to be an extremely 
complex reaction, in which nitrosomethane and its isomer, formald- 
oxime, are intermediate products. 

Mead and Burk ^"^ studied the thermal decomposition of benzene 
in a flowing system and report that it is a heterogeneous bimo- 
lecular reaction, whereas Pease and Morton t had previously 
reported the decomposition as homogeneous and first order. 

F. O. Rice and Polly *^ made a preliminary study of the decom- 
position of mercury diheptyl and conclude that the heptyl radical 
decomposes, at least to some extent, into cyclohexane plus methyl 

Egloff and Wilson ^^ have reviewed the thermal reactions of 
paraffins, olefins, acetylenes, and cycloparaffins. 

Lang and Morgan 2» have studied the pyrolysis of propane in 
the presence of water vapor and conclude that their -experimental 
results are best explained on the basis of Nefs hypothesis. A 
similar study on pentane ^^ showed that the results could be 
explained by a primary decomposition into radicals, followed by 
a chain. 

Halogenations. The photochlorination of gaseous ethylene has 
been studied '^^ and found to have many of the characteristics of a 
chain reaction; probably chlorine or the complex CI3 or both are 
intermediaries. One curious result observed was that the chlori- 
nation of ethylene in an ethylene-hydrogen mixture proceeds with- 
out formation of appreciable quantities of hydrogen chloride. 
Willard and Daniels ^^ have studied the effect of oxygen in the 
photobromination of tetrachloroethylene and have proposed a 
mechanism for the reaction. 

The thermal reaction between formaldehyde and chlorine has 
been discussed 27, 28, 65 ^nd certain similarities with the photo- 
chemical reaction pointed out, such as the possible formation of 
formyl chloride as an intermediate. 

Yuster and Reyerson ^^ have studied the homogeneous chlori- 
nation of propane and found that the reaction exhibits all the 
peculiarities of the chain type. The photochlorination of liquid 
pentane is a chain.^i 

Oxidations. The hydrogen-oxygen reaction * has been made 
the subject of several detailed and critical discussions especially 
by Kassel and Storch,^* who studied the thermal reaction of oxy- 
gen with both hydrogen and deuterium. Smith and Kistiakowsky ®3 
have studied the photochemical hydrogen-oxygen reaction and 
Lind and Schiflett ^^ have studied the rate of combination of oxygen 
and deuterium under the influence of alpha-rays. Cook and Bates ^ 

t Pease, R. N., and Morton, J. M., /. Am. Chem. Sac, 55: 3190 (1933). 

* See Kassel, "Annual Survey of American Chemistry," VIII: 27 (1933). 

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have examined the reaction of hydrogen and deuterium atoms with 
molecular oxygen, by studying the photo-oxidation of hydrogen 
and deuterium iodides. 

Rodebush and Spealman ^'^ suggest that recombination of hydro- 
gen atoms in presence of hydrogen chloride is due to the reaction 
H-l-HCl— > H2H-C1, followed by a rapid reaction between chlorine 
and hydrogen atoms to reform hydrogen chloride. 

The rate of oxidation of carbon monoxide catalysed by nitrogen 
dioxide appears to be determined at low concentrations of the 
catalyst by a chain mechanism and at higher concentrations by 
the trimolecular oxidation of nitric oxide.^ 

The oxidation of gaseous glyoxal has been studied®*^ and appears 
to proceed through the intermediate formation of an activated 

The oxidation of 2-butene gives ^^ mainly acetaldehyde and 
butadiene and not methyl ethyl ketone, as might be expected on 
the basis of the hydroxylation theory.* A mechanism of the reac- 
tion is proposed. Small amounts of oxygen have been found to 
accelerate greatly the reaction of ethylene-hydrogen mixtures; the 
effect is probably to accelerate the hydrogenation, rather than the 
polymerization, of the ethylene.'*'^ 

Pease *^ has studied the slow oxidation of propane in a reaction 
tube coated with potassium chloride. This largely eliminated 
peroxide formation, the primary products being methanol, formal- 
dehyde, carbon monoxide, and water. The results could be for- 
mulated by using a radical chain mechanism t in which the 
methoxyl and propyl radicals are the chain carriers. When the 
oxidation of propane is conducted in bulbs not coated with potas- 
sium chloride, there is a long induction period.'*^ 

Chapman ^ has studied the oxidation of chloroform, using chlo- 
rine as a photosensitizer; the products are phosgene and hydrogen 
chloride; the reaction is clearly a chain but enough data have not 
yet been accumulated to determine completely the mechanism. 
Both the thermal and photochemical oxidations produce an inter- 
mediate peroxide, which yields initially chlorine and finally hydro- 
gen chloride and phosgene.^ 

Polymerizations. H. A. Taylor and Van Hook "^^ have studied 
the polymerization and hydrogenation of acetylene and conclude 
that in each reaction the principal process is bimolecular. On the 
other hand, Jungers and H. S. Taylor 21 conclude that the mercury 
photosensitized polymerization of acetylene is a process involving 
short chains. The rates of polymerization of acetylene and deu- 
tero-acetylene are equal within the limits of experimental error.^* 

O. K. Rice and Sickman ^^ have found that ethylene is rapidly 

♦ Bone, W. A., and Wheeler, R. V., /. Chem. Soc, 85: 1637 (1904). 
t Rice, F. O., and Rice, K., "The Aliphatic Free Radicals," Baltimore, The Johns- 
Hopkins Press, 1935, 204 p. 

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polymerized by small quantities of azomethane at about 300® C. 
Storch ^* concludes that the ethylene polymerization is not a sim- 
ple bimolecular reaction; traces of impurities exert such a marked 
effect that it was not found possible to obtain reproducible results 
even with "pure" ethylene. 

Atomic Reactions. The question as to the nature of the pri- 
mary process in chemical reactions is still very much to the fore, 
and was discussed in considerable detail at a symposium on reac- 
tion kinetics held during the New York meeting of the American 
Chemical Society. Kistiakowsky ^5 reviewed the present theory of 
truly unimolecular reactions, presented the experimental facts, and 
finally gave a list of decompositions and isomerizations which go 
homogeneously in the gas phase without chains. F. O. Rice *^ 
reviewed the subject of organic decompositions from the stand- 
point of free radical formations and the initiation of chains. 

Jackson 20 has proposed various mechanisms to account for the 
formation of carbon dioxide and hydrogen peroxide when carbon 
monoxide reacts with the products of a water vapor discharge 

Lewis and von Elbe^^ i^^ve collected data that include the 
reaction energies of a number of the simpler elementary reactions. 
Morris and Pease *^ agree with the accepted Christiansen-Herzfeld- 
Polanyi mechanism for the HBr formation and take as heats of 
activation Br-fHg, 17.7 Kcal; H-|-HBr, 1 Kcal; and H-j-Brg, 
1 Kcal. For the photochemical formation of HCl, they take, with 
Bodenstein, Cl2 + /tv = 2Cl, Cl-f Hg = HCl-hH(6 Kcal); H-I-CI2 
= HCl + CI (2-3 Kcal); H + HCl = Hg-fCKS Kcal); H-|-02 = H02 
in three-body collisions or H-l-HCl on a surface is assumed as the 
chain-breaking mechanism. Finallv, H-fHI = H2-|-I (1 Kcal); 
H-hl2 = HI-|-I (0 Kcal), I-|-H2 = HI-hH (33 Kcal). 

Spealman and Rodebush ^* have studied the reactions of nitrous 
and nitric oxides with both atomic oxygen and atomic nitrogen. 

Oldenberg*^ has made a study of the free hydroxyl radical and 
agrees with Urey and Lavin * that it can be pumped out over con- 
siderable distances from a water-vapor discharge tube. 

Bond Energies. Deitz ® has discussed the bond energies of 
hydrocarbons and Serber ^^ has calculated the energies of a num- 
ber of hydrocarbon molecules and compared the calculated and 
observed values. 

Rossini ^^ has estimated the heat of formation of neopentane 
from the heats of formation of the two isomers of butane. 

Lasereff^^ has suggested the very high value of 123 calories for 
the carbon-carbon bond but this conclusion has been questioned 
by Gershinowitz,^^ who prefers the older figure pi 77 calories. 

Nilsen ^^ calculates the electron affinity of certain radicals con- 
taining aromatic rings. Starting out with the benzyl ion, he cal- 

♦ Urcy, H. C, and Lavin, G. I., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 51: 3290 (1929). 

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culates the "exchange" energy between the eight non-bonding 
electrons (6 from the ring, one from the CH2 group, one as nega- 
tive charge) and subtracts the energy for seven electrons (the 
uncharged radical). Electron aflSnities of more complicated cases 
(e.g., triphenylmethyl) are then found by the use of a formula of 
Pauling and Wheland, permitting their calculation from the val- 
ues of the constituents. The comparison with experiment shows 
the theoretical values to be too high. 

Nilsen then draws more qualitative conclusions about the ability 
to form ions and emphasizes the much stronger tendency of radi- 
cals containing a double bond besides a benzene ring to form ions, 
as compared with the same tendency without the double bond; 
for example, the cinnamyl radical has seven possible structures 
giving resonance, while the hydrocinnamyl radical has only two 
(two arrangements of double bonds in the ring). Hylleraas ^* 
strongly attacks Nilsen's method of calculation. 

Pauling and Wheland ** agree with this criticism and emphasize 
that the main contribution to the electron affinity should come 
from the changed coulomb attraction, the difference in exchange 
energy being very small. 

Sherman, Sun, and Eyring^i discuss the addition of hydrogen 
to benzene. The first method, which assumes that, in the activated 
state, the electrons involved in the double bonds and those in the 
H2 resonate between fourteen different combinations, gives a heat 
of reaction of -|-8S Kcal. (absorbed by the addition), while the 
experimental value is slightly negative. The heat of activation is 
found to be 96 Kcal. Better agreement results if one assumes 
with Pauling and his coworkers a directed valance, namely inter- 
action of only the four neighboring electrons, two from H2 and 
two from the disappearing double bond. If one takes the energy 
of the CH bond as 120 Kcal., the heat of reaction is found to be 
— 11 Kcal, that of activation 78. Similarly, these heats are calcu- 
lated for the adsorption of CqHq ( — 5 and 3 Kcal.) and H2 (—4.6 
and 24 Kcal.). The authors point out that the usual bond energy 
of CH is much smaller than 120 Kcal., the value for the free C-H 
radical, due to the repulsion of the other atoms in the molecule 
which weakens the bond. 

Explosions. The explosion of azomethane ^ seems to follow the 
simple Semenov theory,* in which the rate of generation of heat by 
the reaction is faster than the rate of removal of heat. The explosion 
of ethyl azide* also appears to be a pure thermal one; however, the 
decomposition of ethyl azide may occur through a chain with the 
imposed condition that the chains cannot branch. The induction times 
in the cases of such explosions as azomethane and ethyl azide have 
been studied ^^ and it has been found possible to calculate rough 
values for the heats of decomposition of the substances. 

•Semenov, N., Z. Physik, 48: 571 (1928); Z. physik. Chetn., 2B: 161 (1929). 

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Storch ^3 has shown that the low pressure explosion limit of methane- 
oxygen mixtures is very sensitive to the nature of the surface of the 
containing vessel. 

Scorah^® discusses the thermod)mamic theory of detonation and 
Lewis and von Elbe^^ calculate explosion pressures in hydrogen- 
oxygen mixtures. Explosions in presence of the inert gas, helium, per- 
mits the heat of dissociation of water into H and OH to be calculated. 

Theoretical. About twenty years ago, Trautz took the "con- 
stant" factor A in front of the exponential in the expression of the 

reaction velocity, k=:A exp ( . ), to be the number of collisions 

( 1^)' 

for bimolecular reactions and pointed out that A for unimolecular reac- 
tions is always of the same order of magnitude. Approximate theories 
were given for this fact, but further experiments showed a variation 
between 10^^ and 10^^. An approach to this problem was made by 
Rodebush * and O. K. Rice and Gershinowitz.t The latter have pur- 
sued the subject in papers discussed later on. Eyring and his coworkers 
have taken the matter up from a systematic viewpoint that permits 
clear understanding. Whenever ^2 there exists a heat of activation, 
there must exist a system, the "activated complex," having at least this 
energfy, which is sufficient for reaction. If one considers the energy 
surface which gives the total mutual potential energy of all the reac- 
tion participants as function of the coordinates, there must be a flat 
saddle dividing the regions before and after the reaction. If one is 
able to calculate the concentration, n', of the activated complex, then 
the numbers passing the saddle, i.e., reacting, are given by this concen- 

/kT \i 
tration, n', times the velocity across the saddle, namely, ( • ) . The 


variation of A is therefore mainly a variation of n'; n' is calculated 
statistically. The statistical weight of a state is proportional to the 
phase volume allotted to it, which, for high temperatures, is for trans- 
lation under standard conditions oc 3.5 X lO-*^ (distance between mole- 
cules) for rotation oc lO-*^ (circumference of a molecule), for a 
molecular vibration oc 10-^ cm (amplitude). Therefore n' (and A) 
will be greater, the more translations or rotations compared with vibra- 
tions the activated state has. The ratio of the phase integral of the 
activated complex to that of the initial substances gives the relative 
concentration of the former. In the case of unimolecular decomposi- 
tions, one leaves out in the phase integral of the activated complex the 
bond that breaks, considering it as having been already changed into 
translation. The contribution it gives, together with the velocity fac- 
tor, results in a factor kT/h, 

After the discussion of some general cases, namely, A-f-BC— > A— B 

♦Rodebush, W. H., /. Chem. Phys., 1: 440 (1933). 

tRice, O. K., and Gershinowitz, H., /. Chem. Phys., 2: 853 (1934); Gershinowitz, H., 
and Rice, O. K., ibid., 2: 273 (1934). 

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~C -» AB-hC A + BC-fD -> A B C D -> AB + CD in the first paper, 
the next task is the actual calculation of the activated complex in 
specific cases. This can be done either by calculating the energy sur- 
face theoretically or by taking the properties of the activated complex 
from similar molecules. 

As examples of the case where the properties of the activated com- 
plex are reconstructed from those of similar molecules, the reactions 
2NO -h O2 -» 2NO2 and 2N0 -h CI2 -» 2N0C1 are considered^^ In the 
former, the activated complex N2O4 is taken to have the form O ^O 

I I 
N N 

O O 

and to have, besides three translations and a fourth along the 
breaking bond, three external and one internal rotations and 
ten vibrations, compared with nine translations, six rotations 
and three vibrations of the 3 molecules NO, NO, O2. Of these fre- 
quencies, seven are taken from the known frequencies of N2O4 and 
three are considered too high to be of importance in the range of tem- 
peratures used. The result for A is a decrease with temperature, due 
to the strong temperature increase of the phase integral of the 15 trans- 
lations plus rotations of the original molecules, while the correspond- 
ing vibrations of the activated complex are largely suppressed by the 
quantum theory. It turns out that if c, the activation energy at r = 0, 
is put zero, the value of A so calculated represents the measurements 
well, both in their absolute value and the dependence on T. In the 
second reaction, the activated complex is taken to be of similar form 
as in the preceding case, but as no stable molecule, (NOC^g, is known, 
the frequencies have to be estimated. In this case the assumption of 
an activation energy of 4780 cal. represents the facts well. 

The next problem '^^ is the decomposition of nitrous oxide into 
N2-I-O. Here the energy surface can be calculated theoretically, as 
the potential energy curve of nitric oxide as function of the N — O 
distance is known. However, the O atom would leave the N2O mole- 
cule in the d-state (i.e., with a resultant orbital quantum number 2) 
if it dissociated without change of the electron structure. Further- 
more, this state is so highly excited, that much more energy would 
be necessary. The 0-ground state has one orbital quantum (/>-state), 
but can not be bound to N2. The potential curves for the attraction 
N2 — O {d) and repulsion N2 — O (/>) intersect, and at this place a 
transition between the two states is possible. The height of this inter- 
section gives an activation energy of 52 kcal, compared with the experi- 
mental value of 53. The small probability of the transition between 
the two curves, which belong to two different systems of levels (triplet 
and singlet), introduces a new factor, small compared with one, into 
the reaction velocity. It can be determined only by division of the 
experimental reaction velocity through the theoretical one and turns 

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out to be 2 X 10"*. Theoretically, it depends on an interaction energy, 
probably between the spins. This must be about 5 cal./mole, a reason- 
able amount, to give the above transition probability. Other cases of 
change of electron level multiplicity are discussed. 

A new problem ^3 turns up in the recombination of atoms without 
hump in the curve of mutual potential energy. Such an activation 
energy, i.e., such a hump, arises however, from a consideration of the 
rotation of the activated complex. For a given quantum number of 

rotation n, the energy of rotation is /"^n^, where I, the moment 


of inertia, is proportional to the square of the dimensions. On approach, 

the rise of the attractive (negative) potential energy plus the rise of 

the positive energy of rotation gives a maximum at a distance, which 

depends on n. Upon averaging over the different states, the authors 

find that hump at 500° K. if the atoms are 4-5 A apart. 

They first investigate the reaction H2-|-H-»3H. The simplest 
case is one where all three atoms lie in a straight line. The potential 
surface for this case had been calculated before. 

The activated complex has two degrees of freedom of rotation and 
two of transversal vibrations. The motion in the line of the three 
atoms is such that the main contribution comes from cases where the 
two hydrogen atoms of the molecule are not in their normal position, 
but farther apart, so that their mutual potential energy is a 45 kcal. 
They are to be hit by an atom of kinetic energy, such that the total 
energy is higher than the dissociation energy phis the small activation 
energy coming from the rotation. As soon as the incoming atom has 
approached to a distance equal to that of the two other atoms, its 
kinetic energy is redistributed, part of it going over into the vibration. 
If enough goes over, dissociation occurs, but in about % of the collis- 
sions with sufficient energy the redistribution is not sufficient for the 
reaction to occur. Next the case of the third atom arriving normal 
to the axis of H2 is investigated and found to give a smaller contribu- 
tion than the one first discussed. The theoretical result for the inverse 
reaction (recombination of 2 H with H as third body) is found so to 
be oc 3 X 10^5^ while the experiment gives 1-2 X 10^^. Helium as third 
body is then discussed and it is pointed out that the efficiency as third 
body is connected with reactivity. 

In a lecture ^^ at the Symposium at the American Chemical Society 
meeting in New York, Eyring gives a review of the historical develop- 
ment and of his own theory and then applies it to reactions in con- 
densed systems. As the velocity is determined, apart from the factor — , 


by the equilibrium concentration of the activated complex, one can put 
the concentration-ratio of the activated complex and the original sub- 
stances in solution equal to that in the gas times the ratio of the solu- 
bility of the activated complex to that of the original substances. If, 

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in a monomolecular decomposition, the original molecule and the 
activated complex are very similar, their solubility will be equal and 
the reaction velocity equal in gas and solution. In other cases, the 
solubility of the activated complex is estimated from that of a similar, 
stable molecule or calculated backward from measured velocities. 

Kassell 22 raises the objection that during the short life of the acti- 
vated complex no full quantization might take place. While this objec- 
tion seems justified, it seems that the important shortlived bonds have 
usually so low frequencies that classical formulas are sufficient and 
then the degree of quantization does not matter. Rodebush ^^ draws 
attention to the historical development. 

O. K. Rice and Gershinowitz,^^ ^^o have the great merit of having 
started the detailed application of statistics to this problem, continue 
the development of their method, which does not include the consider- 
ation of the activated complex at first. They first calculate the prob- 
ability of a given quantum state. Then they classify the degrees of 
freedom into those which are not affected by the reaction and those 
that are. Of the first, all quantum states are assumed to be able to 
react. Therefore one has to sum up over these, whereby the phase 
integral over these quantum states drops out of the reaction constant. 
The assumption which the authors think most probable is that, for a 
dissociation, one quantum state of the vibration along the bond that is 
to be broken is available and all states in the other degrees of freedom. 
Conversely for the association, all the quantum states in the fragments 
are available except of those rotations that will not be possible after 
reunion. Of these degrees of freedom, only those quantum states can 
react, which, taken together, have an entropy equal to that of the vibra- 
tion to be formed. A reaction following these prescriptions is said to 
occur with complete orientation. This theory is applied to the following 
cases. Decomposition of alkyl iodides : theory ^ = 1.5 X 10^^ ; experi- 
mental values for various alkyls, 3.9x10^2. 1.8x1013, 2.8xl0i3. 
Decomposition of alkyl nitrites: theory 2.4x10^3. experimental values, 
0.9x10^3; 7.0x1013. Tertiary butyl alcohols: 1.2 xlO^^; experi- 
mental value, 4.8 X 10^^. In addition, tertiary amyl alcohol is treated. 
Then the mechanisms for the isomerization of cyclopropane and the 
decomposition of CICOOCCI3 are discussed and found to be in good 
agreement with the hypothesis. In contrast, the decomposition of cer- 
tain esters shows much lower values, which is explained by the for- 
mation of an activated complex with less internal free rotations than 
the original molecule. In the decomposition of azoisopropane, the 
hypothesis gives again the right magnitude, but for azomethane, the 
rate is 10^ times too high, which is explained by saying that no orien- 
tation is necessary for the methyl group. The authors point out that 
their formulas for exact orientation are identical with Eyring's, pro- 
vided that the activated complex is in every respect, except the vibra- 
tion along the breaking bond, identical with the decomposing mole- 
cule. They have been very successful in selecting the right assumptions. 

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but a further theoretical discussion seems desirable to the reviewer. 

As Rice and Gershinowitz define the heat of activation not as that 
at r = but as the average value at T, it varies with temperature, a 
variation connected with that of the factor A in front of the exponen- 
tial. They show now ^^ that the new formula discussed above leads 
to the same consequences as Kassel's theory for the dependence of the 
rate of unimolecular reaction on the energy the molecule has above 
the minimum activation. 

O. K. Rice 5^ investigates the problem of inelastic collisions between 
two atoms, i.e., such collisions that the electron structure is changed. 
He considers the two atoms as an unstable molecule, and the two states 
of the atomic electron system as two different electron states of the 
molecule, both of which are repulsive. The transition probability 
between these two repulsive states at the place where the two energy- 
atomic distance curves intersect gives then the probability of excitation: 
The discussion of the general mathematical features show that the 
problem is not yet solved. 


1. Allen, A. O., and Rice, O. K., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 310 (1935). 

2. Amdur, I., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 856 (1935). 

3. Belchetz, L., and Rideal, E. K., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1168, 2466 (1935). 

4. Campbell, H. C, and Rice, O. K., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1044 (1935). 

5. Chapman, A. T., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 416 (1935). 

6. Chapman, A. T., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 419 (1935). 

7. Cook, G. A., and Bates, J. R., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1775 (1935). 

8. Crist, R. H., and Roehling, O. C, 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2196 (1935). 

9. Deitz, v., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 58, 436 (1935). 

10. Egloff, G., and Wilson, E., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 917 (1935). 

11. Eyring, H., Chem. Rev., 17: 65 (1935). 

12. Eyring, H., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 107 (1935). 

13. Eyring, H., Gershinowitz, H., and Sun, C. E., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 786 (1935). 

14. Forbes, G. S., Heidt, L. J., and Sickman, D. V., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1935 (1935). 

15. (Gershinowitz, H., 7. Phys. Chem., 39: 1041 (1935). 

16. Gershinowitz, H., and Eyring, H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 985 (1935). 

17. Heidt, L. J., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1710, 2739 (1935). 

18. Heidt, L. J., and Forbes, G. S., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2331 (1935). 

19. Hylleraas, E. A., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 313 (1935). 

20. Jackson, W. F., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 82 (1935). 

21. Jungers, J. C, and Taylor, H. S., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 338 (1935). 

22. Kassel, L. S., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 399 (1935). 

23. Kassel, L. S., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, SIl 833 (1935). 

24. Kassel, L. S., and Storch, H. H., 7. Am. Chem, Soc, 57: 672 (1935). 

25. Kistiakowsky, G., Chem. Rev., 17: 47 (1935). 

26. Kistiakowsky, G. B., and Smith, W. R., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 269 (1935). 

27. Krauskopf, K. B., and Rollefson, G. K., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 590 (1935). 

28. Krauskopf, K. B., and Rollefson, G. K., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1146 (1935). 

29. Lang, J. W., and Morgan, J. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 937 (1935). 

30. Lasereff, W., 7. Phys. Chem., 39: 913 (1935). 

31. Lewis, B., and EHbe, G. v., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 63 (1935). 

32. Lewis, B., and Elbe, G. v., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 612, 2737 (1935). 

33. Lind, S. C., Jungers, J. C, and Schiflett, C. H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1032 (1935). 

34. Lind, S. C, and Schiflett, C. H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1051 (1935). 

35. Littmann, E. R., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 586 (1935). 

36. Lucas, H. J., Prater, A. N., and Morris, R. E., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 723 (1935). 

37. Mead, F. C., Jr., and Burk, R. E., Ind. Eng. Chem,, 27: 299 (1935). 

38. Morgan, J. J., and Munday, J. C., Ind. Eng, Chem., 27: 1082 (1935). 

39. Morikawa, K., Benedict, W. S., and Taylor, H. S., 7. Am. Chem, Soc, 57: 592 


40. Morris, J. C, and Pease, R. N., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 796 (1935). 

41. Munro, W. P., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1053 (1935). 

42. Nilsen, B., 7. Chem. Phys.. 3: 15 (1935). 

43. Oldenberg, O., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 266 (1935). 

44. Pauling, L., and Wheland, G. W., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 315 (1935). 

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45. Pease, R. N., J. Ant. Chetn. Soc, 57: 2296 (1935). 

46. Pease, R. N., and Wheeler, A., /. Ant. Chem. Soc, 57: 1144 (1935). 

47. Pease, R. N., and Wheeler, A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1147 (1935). 

48. Rice, F. O., Chem. Rev., 17: 53 (1935). 

49. Rice, F. O., and Polly, O. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 915 (1935). 

50. Rice, F. O., and Rodowskas, E. L., /. Am.. Chem. Soc, 57: 350 (1935). 

51. Rice, O. K., /. Chem. Phyfi., 3: 386 (1935). 

52. Rice. O. K., Allen, A. O., and Campbell, H. C, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2212 


53. Rice, O. K., and (3ershinowitz, H., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 479 (1935). 

54. Rice, O. K., and Gershinowitz, H., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 490 (1935). 

55. Rice, O. K., and Sickman, D. H., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1384 (1935). 

56. Rodebush, W. H., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 242 (1935). 

57. Rodebush, W. H., and Spealman, M. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1040 (1935). 

58. Rossini, F. D., /. Chem. Ph(ys., 3: 438 (1935). 

59. Scorah, R. L., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 425 (1935). 

60. Serber, R., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 81 (1935). 

61. Sherman, A., Sun, C. E., and Eyring, H., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 49 (1935). 

62. Sickman, D. V., and Rice, O. K. /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 22 (1935). 

63. Smith, H. A., and Kistiakowsky, G. B., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 835 (1935). 

64. Spealman, M. L., and Rodebush, W. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1474 (1935). 

65. Spence, R., and Wild, W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1145 (1935). 

66. Steacie, E. W. R., Hatcher, W. H., and Horwood, J. F., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 

291 (1935). 

67. Steacie, F. W. R., Hatcher, W. H., and Horwood, J. F., J. Chem. Phys., 3: 551 


68. Steacie, E. W. R., and McDonald, R. D., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 488 (1935). 

69. Steacie, E. W. R., and Shaw, G. T., /. Chem. Phys.. 3: 344 (1935). 

70. Steams, A. E., and Eyring, H., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 778 (1935). 

71. Stewart, T. D., and Weidenbaum, B., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1702 (1935)). 

72. Stewart, T. D., and Weidenbaum, B., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2036 (1935). 
7Z. Storch, H. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 685 (1935). 

74. Storch, H. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2598 (1935). 

75. Taylor, H. A., and van Hook, A., /. Phtts. Chem., 39: 811 (1935). 

76. Taylor, H. A., and Herman, C- R., /. Phys. Chem., 39: 803 (1935). 

77. Taylor, H. A., and .Tuterbock, E. E., 7. Phys. Chem., 39: 1103 (1935). 

78. Taylor, H. A., and Vesselovsky, V. V.. 7. Phys. Chem., 39: 1095 (1935). 

79. Taylor, H. S., Morikawa, K., and Benedict, W. S., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 383 


80. Waddington, G., and Tolman, R. C, 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 689 (1935). 
31. West, W., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1931 (1935). 

82. Willard, J., and Daniels, F., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 2240 (1935). 

83. Yuster, S., and Reyerson, L. H., 7. Phys. Chem.. 39: 859 (1935). 

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Chapter III. 
Molecular Structure. 

E. Bright Wilson, Jr., 
Harvard University, 

This section covers most of the material formerly grouped under 
the title "Subatomics." With the tremendous growth of nuclear 
physics, to which the name subatomics properly belongs, it was 
felt necessary to change the title of this section. Crystal struc- 
ture, although it is of course of great importance in the study of 
molecular structure, is too large a field to be included. 

Electron Diffraction by Gas Molecules. The structures of chlo- 
rine monoxide, oxygen fluoride, dimethyl ether, 1,4-dioxane, 
methyl chloride, methylene chloride, and chloroform,^ germanium 
tetrachloride,^ 4,4'-diiododiphenyl ether, phosphorous (P4), and 
arsenic (As4),^ sulfur dioxide, carbon disulfide, and carbonyl sul- 
fide,^ nickel carbonyl,^ phosgene, vinyl chloride, 1,1-dichloroethy- 
lene, m-dichloroethylene, ^rawj-dichloroethylene, trichloroethylene, 
tetrachloroethylene, thiophosgene, a-methylhydroxylamine, and nitro- 
methane ^ have been obtained by electron diffraction studies during the 
past year. 

Several methods of interpreting the experimental photographs 
are used by the two groups of American workers. One method is 
to compare the calculated intensity of scattering based on an 
assumed model with the experimental values obtained from densi- 
tometer curves by the use of plate calibrations.^ The difficulties 
of this method are the extent of the calculations necessary, the 
calibration requirement, and the fact that no true maxima occur 
on the curves, so that they are difficult to compare. The latter 
defect may be remedied by multiplying each curve by a certain 
factor which changes the slight prominences of the curves into 
true maxima. The simplest method of interpretation * is based 
on the assumption that the visual maxima (psychological) 
observed on the photographs can be identified with the maxima 
of a very much simplified form of the theoretical function. There 
is a certain amount of evidence that this much easier method 
yields reasonably accurate results. Recently a quite different 
approach has been developed,^ in which no preliminary model 
needs to be postulated. Instead, visual ring diameters and esti- 

• Pauling, L., and Brockway, L. O., /. Chem. Phys., 2: 867 (1934). 


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mated ring intensities are taken from the photograph and used to 
calculate a radial distribution curve, based on a simplified approxima- 
tion to a treatment developed earlier for crystal and liquid studies. 
The maxima in this curve give the prominent internuclear distances 
in the molecule to a claimed accuracy of a few percent. 

There is not sufficient space to discuss the many interesting 
conclusions which have been drawn from these structure determi- 
nations. One such discussion,*^ however, has been published which 
treats chiefly the effect of resonance on bond distances, resonance 
between a single and a double bond yielding a distance inter- 
mediate between the single and double bond distances but more 
nearly the double bond value. 

The Raman Effect. There has been strong emphasis on deu- 
terium derivatives in the experiments on the Raman effect carried 
out during the year, Raman spectra of H2, HD and 02,^** C2D2,^^ 
CH3D,i« CDCl3,22 CeDgSi and (CH3)3CCH2Di8 having been 
obtained. Of these only the three forms of the hydrogen molecule 
were examined in the gas phase with sufficient resolving power to 
show the rotational lines. The vibrational lines of all these mole- 
cules, when used with the known vibration lines of the ordinary 
light molecules, have given valuable assistance in the problem of 
assigning each observed line to a definite mode of vibration of 
the molecule, or to combinations or overtones thereof. In addi- 
tion, more information concerning the form of the molecular 
potential energy function can be obtained if the data for the iso- 
topic molecules are available. ' Both of these types of information 
are important in thermal calculations, the former because the 
degeneracy of each level is needed, the latter because inactive fre- 
quencies must often be calculated. 

H2O in the gas phase was studied again,^^ with the detection of 
but one line. There still remains a discrepancy between the Raman 
frequency observed and that calculated from the infrared data. 
Two trichloroethanes have been studied in the liquid phase,^* as 
well as eight compounds related to tetramethylmethane.^^ Oxalic 
acid has been measured ^^ both in the crystalline form and in solu- 
tion in water and alcohol. 1,3-Cyclohexadiene has been observed.^*^ 

The Raman effects of sulfuric acid,® orthophosphoric acid,!^ and 
magnesium sulfate,^^ all in water solutions, have been published. 
In the last of these no shift of the strong line with concentration 
was found, while with the others a slight and gradual shift was 
observed. Zinc chloride and bromide were observed as fused 

Infrared Absorption Spectra. The experimental results in infra- 
red spectroscopy will be taken up in the order of the complexity 
of the molecules involved. The rotational fine structure of the 
low frequency fundamental of DCN when compared with the simi- 
lar band of HCN leads to interatomic distances of 1.06 A and 

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1.15 A for the H-C and C-N distances, respectively.^s The data 
available also sufficed for a calculation of the four vibrational 
force constants, enabling the missing fundamental of DCN to be 
estimated as 1896.7 cm-i. New vibration-rotation bands for car- 
bonyl sulfide have made possible an evaluation of the ten constants 
in the expression for the vibrational energy as a function of the 
quantum numbers (including quadratic or anharmonic terms in 
Vi, V2, and V3).33 

The problem of the water molecule is not yet completely solved, 
although a great deal is known of its spectrum and structure. A 
re-examination of the pure rotation spectrum of ^12^^^ g^^ve 
results in quite good agreement with Mecke's term values obtained 
from the photographic infrared, although the latter are not suffi- 
cient to account for all the lines. D2O has been studied,^^ also 
HDO, so that now eight of the nine fundamental frequencies for 
the three species of water are known. The fine structure of cer- 
tain of the D2O and HDO bands was also obtained. The theory 
of the asymmetric top needs to be further refined if it is to fit all 
the data accurately, but it seems clear that the water molecule is 
an isosceles triangle with angle of roughly 105° and 0-H dis- 
tance of about 0.95 A. A very thorough study ^'^ of the fine struc- 
ture of the infrared band at 10,100 A of the similar molecule H2S 
yields an angle of about 92° and a H-S distance of 1.345 A. The 
method used was to compute the theoretical line frequencies from 
an assumed model, derive equations for the effect of small changes 
in the molecular constants, and then to solve these equations by 
least squares, using the observed, data. A rough correction for 
centrifugal expansion was included. 

The vibrational assignments for acetylene, for which a great 
deal of data exists, are not absolutely unambiguous as yet, although 
a new band at 7989 A has been reported.^^ 

The structure of ammonia is believed to be a flat, symmetrical 
pyramid with altitude of about 0.4 A and base of about 1.59 A on 
a side. These figures have been obtained from a study of NH3 
and ND3 in the infrared. The pure rotation spectra of these two 
species has been mapped from 40 u to 170 \i?^ The low frequency 
fundamental for each of the four possible species is double,^^ as 
required by theory for a molecule capable of inversion (turning 
inside out). Most of the observed bands of ammonia, especially 
in the photographic region,^** 36 have not bejen analyzed and 
classified with certainty, probably in part because they are com- 
plicated by the interaction of rotation and vibration '^^ and by 

An important series of papers ^^» ^^' ^^ on the methane-type mole- 
cules, methane, silane, and germane, shows that the fine structure 
of the fundamental bands is much more complicated than previous 
measurements (on methane) with lower dispersion had indicated. 

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Whether this is due to absorption by excited molecules, or to the 
breaking down of the degeneracy of the energy levels by the dis- 
tortion of the tetrahedron during vibration, is as yet unknown. 
The six fundamental frequencies of CH3D have been found and 
resolved.^® One of the parallel vibrations yields a particularly 
clear band from which one of the moments of inertia and hence 
the molecular dimensions can be obtained. The C-H distance is 
1.093 A. This molecule, being the simplest symmetric top not 
complicated by inversion, deserves extensive study. 

The low frequency fundamental bands (essentially a CH3 against 
X vibraton) for CH3CI, CHaBr, and CH3I have been found and 
resolved into P, Q, and R branches but only for CH3CI partially 
into lines.2^ 

With the preparation and study of CgDe, the benzene problem 
has been greatly clarified. The infrared spectrum has been 
obtained,^^ and the Raman results are mentioned elsewhere. 
Whereas, formerly, certain European investigators believed the 
spectroscopic results incompatible with the conventional plane 
hexagon structure, there now remains little doubt of its correct- 
ness. The assignment of all the active fundamental frequencies to 
the theoretical modes of vibration is fairly certain and a set of 
approximate force constants for the bonds is available.* Further 
evidence for the plane structure is provided by a search 2» of the 
far infrared which yielded no fundamental bands, such as would be 
expected to appear for the models of lower symmetry. 

Work in solutions ^^ and pure liquids ^^ indicates empirically 
that the CN group in cyanides and nitriles has a characteristic 
absorption region at about 4.4 \i with perhaps another at 7 u. A 
large number of natural substances, as well as the liquids carbon 
tetrachloride, ethylene chloride, ethylbenzene, o-dichlorobenzene, 
ethyl acetate, propyl bromide, butyl bromide and pentachloroethane, 
have been measured in the infrared from 1 to 15 ii.*^ An extensive 
study ^^ of the absorption of a large number of organic compounds 
in carbon tetrachloride solution in the region 6000 to 7400 cm-^ has 
yielded considerable information regarding the characteristic 
absorption bands associated with .the OH, NH, and CH groups. 
The results have been applied to the problem of chelation,^^* since 
it is found that these characteristic absorptions are greatly reduced 
by chelation. 

A paper^2 dealing with both the experimental results for the 
absorption of crystalline MgO and the theory of the absorption of 
crystals in general shows that there are many secondary absorp- 
tion maxima for cubic crystals instead of just one as previously 
believed. This is explained on the basis of anharmonic forces 
between the atoms, which break down the simple selection rules. 
The absorption of solid HCH^ in the 3.7 u region shows a fine 

• Kohlrausch, K. W. F., Z. physik, Chem., 30B: 305 (1935). 

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structure, probably not completely resolved, differing from that of 
gaseous HCl. 

The optical dispersion of gaseous HCl between 1 and 10 u has 
been measured *^ with results indicating that the effective charge 
for the vibrator-rotator is (l.OOdzO.05) X 10-i<> e. s. u., which is too 
small to explain the discrepancy between the polarization obtained 
from the index of refraction extrapolated to infinite wavelength 
and that from the temperature invariant part of the dielectric 

Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra. A good many papers giving 
experimental data have appeared during the year. One series gives 
the results for the far ultraviolet for 02,^^ C2H2, C2H4, C2He,'*® 
CHaBr, CHaCl,^^ CHsI,^^ CeHg, QDc^i C2H5CI, CgHsBr, CaHsI,^^ 
H2O, and H2S.^^ In some of these it was possible to fit the results 
into a Rydberg series and thus find the ionization potential. Acetone,*^ 
cis- and /ranj-dichloroethylene,^^ NHs,^^ and NDs^^ j^^yg likewise 
been studied in the ultraviolet. A summary ^® of vibration fre- 
quencies in excited states indicates that the strong frequencies all 
correspond to symmetrical vibrations. The SO2 spectrum has been 
examined and an assignment of vibrational quantum numbers 
given.*'^' ^^ 

In this brief survey it has been necessary to omit many papers 
dealing with diatomic spectra, of most interest to physicists (except 
for thermodynamic results), and other papers in which the ultraviolet 
spectra of very complicated molecules were used as an empirical tool. 

Theory of Molecular Vibrations and Rotations. The past year 
has been characterized by an increasing realization that the intui- 
tive application of the equations for the rotational energy levels 
of a rigid top to the data for real molecules has not been based on 
any sound theoretical treatment. In a sequence of papers ®^» ^"^ 
such a treatment was given, to a certain order of approximation, 
resulting in the conclusion that the ordinary formulas are approxi- 
mately applicable if, and only if, the coupling of the angular 
momenta of rotation and vibration is taken into account. This 
latter effect has been known for some years but has not been 
sufficiently emphasized until quite lately. A detailed study of the 
coupling of the angular momenta in methane and ammonia has 
been made,^^» "^^ with a comparison of theory and experiment which 
is generally favorable but which shows some discrepancies. 

There is still lacking a complete mathematical treatment of poly- 
atomic molecules comparable to that which exists for diatomic 
molecules, even assuming harmonic binding, but it is now recog- 
nized that the problem is not as simple as formerly believed. A 
group theory discussion ®3 has been given which indicates that the 
splitting of fine-structure lines observed for certain symmetrical 
molecules *^' ^^ may possibly be due to some of the neglected terms 

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in the mathematical treatment. This discussion was based on an 
earlier group theory treatment ^2 of the permutation symmetry of 
polyatomic molecules which yielded a complete and general method 
of calculating the statistical weights of the rotational states, for- 
merly obtained for molecules such as methane only by very difficult 

A number of papers on molecular vibrations have appeared. 
Mechanical models ''**• "^^ have been built and observed in an effort 
to interpret the spectra of benzene and some of its derivatives, 
with results for benzene in qualitative harmony with the earlier 
analytical treatment. The use of mechanical models to solve the 
secular equation of the molecular vibration problem is a very clever 
device of great promise, which, however, has not so far been very 
successful. The method suffers from several defects, the chief of 
which is the lack of flexibility since the springs representing the 
bonds must be taken out and replaced in order to change the force 

An analytical treatment '^^ has been made of ammonia-type mole- 
cules, in which the most general quadratic potential function has 
been used. With the advent of deuterium compounds sufficient 
data are available in a few cases to utilize the general quadratic 
potential, with the result that the deficiencies of the simple valence- 
type or central-force type approximations are becoming increas- 
ingly apparent. Nevertheless, by using a two constant valence 
force treatment (the general function has six constants) a success- 
ful prediction ^® of the fundamental frequencies of ND3 was made, 
using the known data on NH3. The same paper also discusses 
PH3 and ASH3. In all analytical treatments made recently the 
full symmetry of the molecule has been used to factor the secular 
equation, usually by employing coordinates having the same sym- 
metry as the normal coordinates. These coordinates may be 
obtained either intuitively or from group theory. A normal vibra- 
tion treatment ^^ of acetylene with one heavy hydrogen atom has 
been given and applied to the data. 

A more accurate potential function for the inversion of the 
ammonia molecule was used to correlate the vibrational energy 
levels (belonging to the overtones of the symmetrical bending fre- 
quency) of NH3 and ND3.''* The dynamical problem of the 
energy levels of vibration and internal rotation for a four-carbon 
chain (such as in butane) having only valence forces has been 
approximately solved.''^ 

The relation between the force constant and the interatomic dis- 
tance has been refined ^^ and extended to polyatomic molecules.®* 
The potential energy function for diatomic molecules has been 
discussed in connection with known data.^® Two papers dealing 
with the intensities of vibration-rotation bands of diatomic mole- 
cules have appeared.^''' ^^ 

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The energy levels of a polyatomic molecule rotating in a crystal 
have been mathematically consideredJ^ 

Dipole Moments. A great many molecules have been subjected 
to dipole moment studies during the year. Of these, water,^^ 
deuteroammonia,^^ trimethylene chloride and 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro- 
ethane,^^ heptyl bromide, and butyl chloride ^^ were measured as 
vapors, thus yielding dipole moments presumably more accurate 
than those from solution. The moment of water was found to be 
1.831=t0.006x 10-18 e. s. u. The difficulty previously encountered of 
non-linear polarization vs. pressure curves was traced to adsorbed 
films on the insulation and largely eliminated. The moment of 
deuteroammonia was found to be 0.03 X 10-^^ units higher than the 
value 1.466x10-18 redetermined for ordinary ammonia, possibly 
because the anharmonic character of the potential function gov- 
erning the symmetrical bending vibration and the lower zero point 
energy of deuteroammonia cause the average value of the apex 
angle of the pyramid to be slightly smaller for deuteroammonia. 

A very complete theoretical treatment of the temperature change 
of electric moment for molecules in which restricted "free** rota- 
tion occurs has been given,®^ including a calculation of the statis- 
tical weight function more rigorous than any previously published. 
This work was applied to the data for 1,2-dichloroethane and used 
to obtain the potential energy restricting free rotation, in the form 
of a two-term Fourier expansion. 

The number of compounds investigated in solution is too large 
to list here but the papers involved are all included in the bibli- 
ography. It is becoming evident that measurements in solution 
do not often give the same value as measurements in the gas phase, 
the moments being ordinarily lower in the former case. Attempts 
to correct for the effect of the solvent by using empirical formulas 
involving the dielectric constant of the solvent sometimes, but not 
always, give good results. Important conclusions drawn from 
solution measurements are : the mercuric halides ^5 have an appre- 
ciable moment, indicating that the molecule is not linear; the 
dielectric constant of solid nitromethane ^'^ is normal, suggesting 
that the molecule is not rotating in the solid; the presence of a 
triple bond raises the electric moment of the carboxyl group ;i^3 
a triple bond also increases the moments of alcohols ;i<^i and the 
carbon valence angle is constant in compounds with two oxygens 
and either two hydrogens or an amyl and a methyl group attached 
to the same carbon.®** 

The anomalous dispersion of the large molecule lecithin in vis- 
cous mineral oils 8® has been studied with results not amenable 
to a simple treatment. The dielectric constant increments and 
apparent molal volumes have been determined for various betaines 
and AT-dimethylanthranilic acid.®*^ Discussion of the results in terms 
of zwitterion theory was given. An extended study of the dielectric 

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and thermal changes in solid camphor at transition points has been 
published,^^' ^^^ together with a discussion based on the idea of rota- 
tion of molecules and groups in a crystal. 

A rule ^^ has been suggested for determining whether a substituent 
on a benzene ring will be meta or ortho-para directing ; namely, "if the 
electric moment of a mono- substituted benzene derivative is greater 
than about 2.07 units, the next substituted group will be directed to the 
meta position, if less than 2.07 to the ortho and para positions." 

Magnetism. Several papers concerning para- and diamagnetism 
are of importance in connection with valence theory. One ^^® 
shows that the observed variations of the paramagnetism of salts 
of transition group elements can be explained equally well by the 
ideas of covalent bond formation, strong ionic fields, or by the 
use of molecular orbitals. Therefore, except that, empirically, 
covalent bond formation seems to have the strongest effect in 
quenching electron spin magnetic moment, the magnetic data do 
not distinguish between covalent and ionic bonds. Furthermore, 
predictions of structure [such as square Ni(CN)4— ] can be made • 
by any of these methods. The theory is applied quantitatively in 
another paper ^^'^ to the data for K3Fe(CN)6 with results for die 
magnitudes, anisotropy and temperature dependence of suscepti- 
bility in good agreement with experiment. A computation "^^^ of 
the effect of the crystalline field on the susceptibility of samarium 
and europium ions enables the experimental data to be correlated 
with the theory. Measurements have been published ^^® of the 
paramagnetic susceptibilities at several temperatures of a number 
of compounds of iron group elements and the results are com- 
pared with the theory wherever possible, with generally good 
agreement. Similar measurements for certain palladium com- 
pounds are given in another publication.^^ These latter were all 
found to be diamagnetic. 

One draws the conclusion from these papers that the theory of 
the paramagnetism of solid compounds of transition group ele- 
ments has been developed to a fairly satisfactory stage. The prin- 
cipal contribution to the susceptibility comes from the unpaired 
electrons but the orbital moment, though largely quenched, may 
contribute appreciably in certain cases. Measurements of mag- 
netic properties may yield important information regarding the 
structure of the crystal in the immediate neighborhood of the mag- 
netic atom. 

Measurements on the diamagnetic susceptibility of the first five 
primary alkyl acetates and of methanol,^!^ ^11 as liquids, and of 
solid lithium hydride ^^ have been published. In the first set, the 
susceptibility varies very little with temperature and Pascal's addi- 
tivity law holds quite well. In lithium hydride the observed sus- 
ceptibility is much less than that calculated by any of the rough- 
methods for computing ionic susceptibilities. The author suggests 

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that the soHd may possess a paramagnetism independent of tem- 
perature which decreases the apparent diamagnetism. 

Quantum Mechanics of Valence. There are still three rather 
distinct approaches to the quantum-mechanical treatment of valence: 
(a) The only quantitatively reliable method is the use of the variation 
method with very complicated series-type variation functions, a 
procedure which has so far been applied only to the very simplest 
molecules, such as H2 and Li2. The excellent quantitative results 
of such calculations are of great value but the enormous labor 
required has so far prevented their use for more complicated cases. 
During the year He2%^^^ Li 2* ^^^ and certain excited states of H2^^^ 
have been so treated. 

In an endeavor to obtain approximate results for much more com- 
plicated molecules, the method of atomic orbitals {h) and the method 
of molecular orbitals (c) are in vogue. The approximations intro- 
duced are of such an uncertain nature that both of these methods 
require empirical justification. Several papers have appeared giv- 
ing various improved methods of handling the technical formalisms 
of the first of these procedures. These papers show the relation 
between the Van Vleck vector method and the bond eigenfunction 
method,^^^ the method of expressing bond eigenfunctions in terms 
of a linearly independent set of functions,^^^ the relation of the 
method of spin valence to that of Slater,^^^ and a procedure for 
finding the number of structures Oi each degree of excitation for 
certain types of complicated molecules.^^^ These are all highly 
technical papers with no bearing on the fundamental questions. 
A treatment ^^^ of hydrocarbon molecules, in which atomic orbi- 
tals, electron-pairing, and empirically determined integrals have 
been used, results in calculated energies agreeing to within a few 
tenths of a volt with the experimental values. The author con- 
cludes from his calculations that the principle of bond activity has 
no theoretical basis and does not hold, for example, in benzene. 
A consequence of this is that empirical resonance energies are of 
doubtful meaning, since they are based on bond additivity. 

A long series of papers 121-130 q^ ^^g use of the molecular orbital 
method to assign quantum numbers to the excited electronic states 
of polyatomic molecules has appeared. The ground states are also 
studied and ionization potentials, electroaffinity, and dipole 
moments discussed. A quantum-mechanical treatment ^^^ of the 
orientating power of substituents on the benzene ring was published, 
in which the electroaffinity of the substituent, resonance, and the 
polarizing influence of the reacting group were all considered in a 
rough semi-quantitative manner. A group theory discussion i^*^ 
of the molecular and atomic orbital methods sheds considerable 
light on the relation between these two approaches. 

Two reviews of the problem of valence were produced during 
the year. One ^^^ is a survey of the classical background of elec- 

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tronic theories, leading up to a discussion of the Lewis theory, 
while the other ^^s Js a more mathematical discussion, dealing with 
the quantum-mechanical methods listed above. The latter will be 
found useful by any one wishing to learn the present day status 
of the problem, but it requires some quantum-mechanical back- 

The quantum-mechanical treatment of solids, especially metals, 
received considerable attention during the year. Lithium,^2o ^Qp. 
per,^^^ and diamond ^^^ were treated by an approximate method 
in which solutions of the wave equation for each atom are obtained 
(using a Hartree field) obeying certain boundary conditions at 
the center of each face of a polyhedron surrounding the nucleus, 
these polyhedra fitting together to form the whole crystal. Lithium 
was also treated in a more accurate manner,i34 starting with Fock's 
equations (which include interchange) and proceeding to a higher 
approximation. The energy and interatomic distance so calcu- 
lated agree well with experiment. The Thomas-Fermi statistical 
method was adapted to crystals ^^6 ^nd modified to include inter- 
change. The results are not accurate enough to give any stable 
interatomic distance but might serve as a starting point for the 
more exact treatments. The possibility that a solid metallic 
modification of hydrogen might exist under high pressures has 
been investigated theoretically ,^*3 with the conclusion that such a 
form probably is not realizable with available pressures. 

Even the more approximate calculations of this sort on the solid 
state yield very interesting qualitative information, such as the 
nature of the difference between metals and non-metals, and 
promise results of great value in the future. 

The Allison Magneto-Optic Effect. The status of the so-called 
magneto-optic method of analysis discovered by Allison over five 
years ago remains, to the outside observer, in an extremely 
unsatisfactory condition. If this effect is genuine, it ranks among 
the most important discoveries of its time, both for its possibilities 
of practical usefulness in a large number of directions and for its 
theoretical implications. If the effect is a result of experimental 
or psychological error, then there is indeed a very large body of 
data to be explained away. To the best of my knowledge there are 
six successful installations of this apparatus, in Auburn, Emory, 
St. Louis, Berkeley, Ames, and Urbana. The men who have oper- 
ated these have made many tests, such as the analysis of difficult 
unknowns, which have convinced them of the reality of the effect. 
Nevertheless, a considerable number of observers have attempted 
to reproduce the experiment without success and some of these 
have expressed the opinion, based on their own experiences, that 
the minima of light intensity found are entirely psychological in 

If the effect is genuine, then it seems to be true that in its 

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present form it requires a very skilled operator. Furthermore, the 
conditions under which minima are observed do not seem to have 
been properly studied. Finally, practically no progress toward an 
explanation of the phenomenon has been made and little work 
seems to be in progress regarding this all-important problem. As 
a personal opinion, it would seem that a very great responsibility 
rests upon those who have succeeded in making this apparatus 
work; namely, to develop the equipment so that other investiga- 
tors can reproduce the phenomenon and, perhaps by a publication 
of the results of tests of a really large number of unknowns, put 
an end to the doubts which exist concerning the reality of the 

Miscellaneous Topics. An interesting paper ^^^ on the entropy 
of ice and other crystals having some randomness of atomic 
arrangement leads to certain conclusions regarding the positions 
of the hydrogen atoms in the lattice, including the idea that there 
exists a large number of possible configurations. A classical 
mechanical treatment ^^^ of the rotational entropy of molecules 
with freely rotating parts leads to formulas applicable to a number 
of cases. An extension of the methods for calculating thermo- 
dynamic quantities for polyatomic molecules from spectroscopic 
data has been made to the case in which degenerate frequencies 

A new calculation ^^^ of the energy of the lowest state of the 
lithium ^tom, using a variation function which includes the dis- 
tance between the electrons (Hylleraas type), gives a total energy 
in much better agreement with experiment than former computa- 
tions but an ionization potential only slightly better (the old value 
having been quite accurate). 

A thorough theoretical treatment of the van der Waals inter- 
action of two hydrogen atoms has appeared.^^^ 

The polarizability of the hydrogen molecule has been com- 
puted,^52 using Wang's and Rosen's wave functions. 

A rough wave mechanical treatment of the Mills-Nixon effect 
(the apparent stabilization of one of the Kekule structures of 
benzene by certain substitutions) has been given.^^s 

The Kerr constants for gaseous O2, N2, and NH3 have been 

Two papers dealing with the absorption spectra of crystals at low 
temperatures have appeared, the first '^^'^ on the Zeeman effect 
with K2Cr(S04)2 . I2H2O and the other ^54 on the spectrum of 



Electron diffraction by gas molecules, 

1. Brockway, L. O., 7. Am. Chem. Sac, 57: 958 (1935). 

2. Brockway, L. O., Beach, J. Y., and Pauling, L., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2693 (1935). 

3. Brockway, L. O., and Cross, P. C, /. Chem. Phys., 3: 828 (1935). 

4. Cross, P. C, and Brockway, L. O., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 821 (1935). 

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5. Maxwell, L. R., Hendricks. S. B., and Mosley, V. M., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 699 


6. Pauling, L., and Brockway, L. O., J. Am. Chem. Snc, 57: 2684 (1935). 

7. Pauling, L., Brockway, L. O., and Beach, J. Y., /. Am. Chem, Soc, 57: 2705 


8. Sutton, L. E., and Brockway, L. O., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 473 (1935). 

Raman spectra, 

9. Bell, R. M., and Jeppesen, M. A., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 245 (1935). 

10. Bender, D., Phys, Rev., 47: 252 (1935). 

11. Coon, E. M., and Laird, E. R., Phys. Rev.. 47: 889 (1935). 

12. Glockler, G., and Morrell, C. E., Phys. Rev., 47: 569 (1935). 

13. Hibben, J. H., /. Chem. Phvs., 3: 675 (1935). 

14. Hull, G. F., Jr., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 534 (1935). 

15. Jeppesen, M. A., and Bell, R. M., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 363 (1935). 

16. MacWood, G. E., and Urey, H. C, 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 650 (1935). 

17. Murray, J. W., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 59 (1935). 

18. Rank, D. H., and Bordner, E. R., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 248 (1935). 

19. Salstrom, E. J., and Harris, L., 7. Chem Phys., 3: 241 (1935). 

20. Teal, G. K., and MacWood, G. E., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 760 (1935). 

21. Wood, R. W., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 444 (1935). 

22. Wood, R. W., and Rank. D. H., Phys. Rev., 48: 63 (1935). 
22a. Wright, N., and Lee, W. C, Nature, 136: 300 (1935). 

23. Yost, D. M., and Anderson. T. F., 7. Chem Phys., 3: 754 (1935). 

Infrared spectra. 

24. Adel, A., Phys. Rev., 48: 103 (1935). 

25. Barker, E. F., and Migeotte, M., Phys. Rev.^ 47: 702 (1935). 

26. Barker, E. F., and Plyler, E. K., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 367 (1935). 

27. Barker, E. F., and Sleator, W. W., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 660 (1935). 

28. Barnes, R. B., Phys. Rev,, 47: 658 (1935). 

29. Barnes, R. B., Benedict, W. S., and Lewis, C. M., Phys. Rev., 47: 129 (1935). 

30. Barnes, R. B., Benedict, W. S., and Lewis, C. M., Phys. Rev., 47: 918 (1935). 

31. Barnes, R. B., and Brattain, R. R., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 446 (1935). 

32. Barnes, R. B., Brattain, R. R.. and Seitz, F.,Phys. Rev., 48: 582 (1935). 

33. Bartunek, P. F., and Barker, K F., Phys. Rev., 48: 516 (1935). 

34. Bell, F. K., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1023 (1935). 

35. Bradley, C. A., Jr., and McKellar, A., Phys. Rev., 47: 914 (1935). 

36. Chao, S-H^ Phys. Rev., 48: 569 (1935). 

37. Cross, P. C., Phys. Rev., 47: 7 (1935). 

38. Ginsburg, N., and Barker, E. F., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 668 (1935). • 

39. (Jordy, W., and Williams, D.. 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 664 (1935). 

39a. Hilbert. G. E., Wulf, O. R., Hendricks, S. B., and Liddel. U., Nature, 135: 147 

40. Nielsen, A. H., and Nielsen, H. H., Phys. Rev., 48: 864 (1935). 

41. Rollefson, R., and Rollefson, A. H., Phvs. Rev., 48: 779 (1935). 

42. Shearin, P. E., Phys. Rev., 48: 299 (1935). 

43. Stair, R., and Coblentz, W. W., 7. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 15: 295 (1935). 

44. Steward, W. B., and Nielsen, H. H., Phys. Rev., 47: 828 (1935). 

45. Steward, W. B., and Nielsen, H. H., Phys. Rev., 48: 861 (1935). 

46. Wulf, O. R., and Liddel, U., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1464 (1935) 

Ultraviolet absorption spectra. 

47. Clements, J. H., Phys. Rev., 47: 220 (1935). 

48. Clements, J. H.. Phys. Rev., 47: 224 (1935). 

49. Duncan, A. B. F., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 131 (1935). 

50. Duncan. A. B. F., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 384 (1935) 

51. Duncan, A. B. F., Phys. Rev., 47: 822 (1935). 

52. Duncan, A. B. F., Phys. Rev., 47: 886 (1935). 

53. Mahncke, H. E., and Noyes, W. A., Jr., 7. Chem, Phys., 3: 536 (1935). 

54. Melvin, E. H., and Wulf, O. R., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 755 (1935). 

55. Price, W. C, J. Chem. Phys., 3: 256 (1935). 

56. Price, W. C., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 365 (1935). 

57. Price, W. C, Phys. Rev., 47: 419 (1935). 

58. Price, W. C, Phys. Rev., 47: 444 (1935). 

59. Price, W. C, Phvs, Rev., 47: 510 (1935). 

60. 'Price, W. C, and C>)llins, G.. Phys. Rev., 48: 714 (1935). 

61. Price, W. C, and Wood, R. W., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 439 (1935). 

Theory of molecular rotations and vibrations, 

63. Badger, R. M., Phys. Rev., 48: 284 (1935). 

64. Badger, R. M.. 7. Chem. Phys.. 3: 710 (1935). 

65. Colby, W. F., Phys. Rev., 47: 388 (1935). 

66. Dennison, D. M., and Johnston, M., Phys. Rev., 47: 93 (1935). 

67. Eckart. C., Phys. Rev., 47: 552 (1935). 

68. Hirschfelder, J. O., and Wigner, E., Proc Natl. Acad. Sci., 21: 113 (1935). 

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69. Howard, J. B., /. Chem Phys., 3: 207 (193S). 

70. Huggins, M. L., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 473 (1935). 

71. Johnston, M., and Dennison, D. M., Phys. Rev., 48: 868 (1935). 

72. Kassel, L. S., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 326 (1935). 

73. Kemble, E. C, /. Chem. Phys., 3: 316 (1935). 

74. Manning, M. F., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 136 (1935). 

75. Murray, J. W., Deitz, V., and Andrews, D. H., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 180 (1935). 

76. Nielsen, H. H., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 189 (1935). 

77. Rosenthal, J. E., Proc. Natl. Acad. Set., 21: 281 (1935). 

78. Rosenthal, J. E., Phys. Rev., 47: 235^ (1935). 

79. Teets. D. E., and Andrews, D. H., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 175 <1935). 

80. Van Vleck, J. H., Phys. Rev., 47: 487 (1935). 

81. Wilson, E. B., Jr., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 59 (1935). 

82. Wilson, E. B., Jr., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 276 (1935). 

83. Wilson, E. B., Jr., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 818 (1935). 

Dipole moments, 

84. Altar, W., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 460 (1935). 

85. Curran, W. J., and Wenzke, H. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, ST: 2162 (1935). 

86. Bruyne, J. M. A. de. and Smyth, C. P., /. Am. Chem. Soc., 57: 1203 (1935). 

87. Edsall, J. T., and Wyman, J., Jr., /. Am. Chem, Soc, 57: 1964 (1935). 

88. Ferguson, A. L., Case, L. O., and Evans, G. H., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 285 (1935). 

89. Greenstein, J. P., Wyman, J., Jr., and Cohn, E. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 637 


90. Otto, M. M., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 693 (1935). 

91. Otto, M. M., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1147 (1935). 

92. Otto, M. M., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1476 (1935). 

93. Otto, M. M., and Wenzke, H. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 294 (1935). 

94. Pearce, J. N., and Berhenke, L. F., J. Phys. Chem., 39: 1005 (1935). 

95. Smyth, C. P., and McAlpine, K. B., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 347 (1935). 

96. Smyth, C. P., and McAlpine, K. B., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 979 (1935). 

97. Smyth, C. P., and Walls, W. S., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 557 (1935). 

98. Stranathan, J. D., Phys. Rev., AS: 538 (1935). 

99. Svirbely, W. J., Ablard, J. E., and Warner, J. C, 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 652 


100. Svirbely, W. J., and Warner, J. C, 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 655 (1935). 

101. Toussaint, T. A., and Wenzke, H. H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 668 (1935). 

102. White, A. H., and Morgan, S. O., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2078 (1935). 

103. Wilson, C. J., and Wenzke, H. H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1365 (1935). 

104. Yager, W. A., and Morgan, S. O., 7. Am. Chem Soc, 57: 2071 (1935). 


105. Frank, A., Phys. Rev., 48: 765 (1935). 

106. Freed, S., and Thode, H. G., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 212 (1935). 

107. Howard, J. B., 7. Chem. Phys.. 3: 813 (1935). 

108. Janes, R. B., Phys. Rev., 48: 78 (1935). 

109. Janes. R. B., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 47l (1935). 

110. Van Vleck, J. H., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 807 (1935). 

111. Walden, G. H., Hammett, L. P., and Gaines, A., Jr., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 364 (1935). 

112. Witmer, E. E., Phys. Rev.. 48: 380 (1935) 

113. Woodbridge, D. B., Phys. Rev., 48: 673 (1935). 

Quantum mechanics of valence. 

114. Bear, R. S., and Eyring, H., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 98 (1935). 

115. Eyring, H., and Gershinowitz, H., 7. Chem. Ph^s., 3: 224 (1935). 

116. James, H. M., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 9 (1935). 

117. James, H. M., and Coolidge, A. S., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 129 (1935). 

118. Kimball, G. E., 7. Chem. Phys.. 3: 560 (1935). 

119. Krutter, H. M., Phvs. Rev., 48: 664 (1935). 

120. MUlman, J., Phys. Rev., 47: 286 (1935). 

121. Mulliken, R. S., Phys. Rev., 47: 413 (1935). 

122. Mulliken, R. S., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 375 (1935). 

123. Mulliken. R. S., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 506 (1935). 

124. Mulliken, R. S., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 514 (1935). 

125. MulUken, R. S., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 517 (1935). 

126. Mulliken, R. S., 7. Chem. Phvs., 3: 564 (1935). 

127. Mulliken, R. S., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 573 (1935). 

128. Mulliken, R. S., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 586 (1935). 

129. Mulliken, R. S., 7. Chem. Phys., 635 (1935). 

130. Mulliken, R. S., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 720 (1935). 

131. Noyes, W. A., Chem. Rev., 17: 1 (1935). 

132. Pauling, L., and Wheland, G. W., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 315 (1935). 

133. Present, R. D., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 122 (1935). 

134. Seitz, F., Phys. Rev., 47: 400 (1935). 

135. Serber, R., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 81 (1935). 

136. Slater, J. C, and Krutter, H. M.. Phys. Rev., 47: 559 (1935). 

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137. Van Vleck, J. H., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 803 (1935). 

138. Van Vleck, J. H., and Sherman, A., Rev. Modem Pkys,, 7: 167 (1935). 

139. Weinbaum, S., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 547 (1935). 

140. Wheland, G. W., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 230 (1935). 

141. Wheland, G. W., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 356 (1935). 

142. Wheland, G. W., and Pauling, L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2086 (1935). 

143. Wigner, E., and Huntington, H. B., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 764 (1935). 

The Allison magneto-optic effect, 

144. BaU, T. R., Phys. Rev.^ 47: 548 (1935). 

145. FarweU, H. W., and Hawkes, J. B., Phys. Rev., 47: 78 (1935). 

146. Hughes, G., and Goslin, R., Phys. Rev., All 317 (1935). 

147. Jeppesen, M. A., and Bell, R. M., Phys. Rev., 47: 546 (1935). 

148. MacPherson. H. G., Phys. Rev., 47: 310 (1935). 

Miscellaneous topics, 

149. BreaiKilc. W. M., Phys, Rev., 4B: 237 (1935). 

150. Eidinofi. M. L.. and Aaton, J. G., J. Chem. Phys., 3: 379 (1935). 

151. Gordon, A. R., 7. Chi'm. Phys,, 3: 259 (1935). 

152. HiTscbfelder, J. O., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 555 (1935). 

153. James, H. M., and CooHdf-e, A, S., Phys. Rev., 47: 700 (1935). 

154. Meehan, E. J,. 7. Cht^m. Phys.. 3: 621 (1935). 

155. Pauling, L,. 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 2680 (1935). 

156. rauHrti^, L., and Bfcach, J. V., Fhyjr. Rev., 47: 686 (1935). 

157. Spedditig, F, 11., and Nutting. G, C, 7. Chem. Phys,, 3: 369 (1935). 

158. Sutton, L E., and Fauliiiij, L,, Trans. Faraday Soc, 31: 939 (1935). 

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Chapter IV. 
Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry. 

R. E. Gibson, 
Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 

Most of the articles containing the contributions to Chemical 
Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry published from American 
laboratories during the calendar year 1935 are listed by authors at 
the end of this chapter in such a way that the reader may have 
some idea of the nature of their contents. It will be seen that the 
output of work has been copious and so the space allotted is ade- 
quate only for very brief accounts of some of these papers. No 
attempt has been made to give a critical evaluation of the various 
publications and any apparent selection of topics has been dictated 
solely by the interests of the author. 

Classical thermodynamics furnishes an invaluable system into 
which the facts of at least one-half of physical chemistry may be 
neatly fitted. The theory has long been complete, so that the 
advances in the subject go mainly along experimental lines. The 
sections of this chapter are, therefore, essentially classifications 
based on different types of experimental attack on physicochemical 
problems. Several papers have been published, however, on theo- 
retical matters. Families of thermodynamic equations fpr poly- 
component homogeneous systems have been systematically studied 
and the group theory applied.^ In this way the number of thermo- 
dynamic relations readily available has been greatly increased. 
Van Rysselberghe contributed several articles on technical points 
in the development of the subject,^^, 13, u including an attempt to 
develop a thermodynamics of irreversible changes. The temper- 
ature conditions for thermal equilibrium in a general gravitational 
field have been worked out by Tolman.^^ Several papers were 
written on the thermodynamics of explosions.^* '^» ®' ^® Lewis and 
von Elbe^ discussed the calculation and measurement of flame 
temperatures and decided against the presence of latent energy 
(highly excited molecules) in exploding gases. They*^ also used 
the thermodynamic functions computed from molecular constants 
to calculate theoretical explosion pressures for hydrogen and oxy- 
gen mixtures, with or without admixture of inert gases, and 
advanced hypotheses to account for the differences between the 
observed and calculated pressures. They noticed intense audible 

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vibrations during the explosions of lean mixtures, an effect which 
they explained by the time lag in the heat capacities of nitrogen 
and oxygen. 

Bridgman ^ surveyed high pressure phenomena from a theo- 
retical standpoint and also published a book on the thermody- 
namics of the electrical phenomena in metals.* The thermo- 
dynamics of magnetization incidental to low temperature measure- 
ment was outlined by Giauque and MacDougall.^* Perhaps one 
of the most interesting contributions of the year was that of 
Bridgman 2 on the combined effects of high hydrostatic pressure 
and shearing stress on solids. A film of solid was compressed 
between a steel anvil and the circular face of a cylindrical piston. 
The anvil was rotated with respect to the piston, thereby applying 
a shear to the solid. While the paper is essentially experimental, 
it supplies excellent food for theory. The explosive decomposi- 
tion of alums, silver nitrate, manganese dioxide, lead dioxide, 
celluloid and many other substances under these conditions, the 
curious transformations of organic substances, such as wood, 
rubber, bromothymol blue which becomes insoluble, open up an 
entirely new field in the chemistry of solids. These results are 
incidental, most of the paper being devoted to the polymorphism 
of elements under these conditions, and the changes produced in 
the tensile strength and other interesting properties. 

The borderline field between thermodynamics and molecular 
mechanics has continued to yield results of advantage to both sub- 
jects. As a discussion of the details of these researches belongs 
in other chapters, only results will be given here. The heat capac- 
ity, entropy, free energy and dissociation constants of oxygen, cal- 
culated from molecular mechanics, have been revised to take 
account of the ^A electronic state — the correction becomes impor- 
tant above 3000° K.23 Values of the heat capacity of oxygen 
determined from ozone explosions, corrected for temperature gra- 
dients, agree well with these theoretically determined figures.^^ A 
very extensive compilation of the thermodynamic functions, includ- 
ing the dissociation constants, of gases (with full reference to 
sources) was published by Lewis and von Elbe.2« New data for 
gases include the free energy of nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide, 
hydrocyanic acid, and acetylene,^!. 22 Gordon having extended his 
method to include tetratomic collinear molecules; the thermo- 
dynamic functions of sulfur dioxide, carbon disulfide, and carbon 
oxysulfide, calculated from molecular constants, determined by 
electron diffraction, Raman and infra-red spectra; the free energy 
of formation of carbon disulfide and carbon oxysulfide and thermo- 
dynamic data for reactions involving hydrogen, sulfur, carbon, and 
oxygen ; ^"^^ ^8 the thermodynamic functions from infra-red band 
spectra for hydrogen sulfide and its energy of dissociation into 
normal atoms ;^^ the heat capacities of methane, methyl chloride. 

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methylene chloride, chloroform, and carbon tetrachloride over the 
range from to 500° C, computed within 3 percent from Raman 
spectra data.^s The entropy of nitrous oxide at its b.p. and at 
298.1° K. and 1 atm. was computed from band spectra data^^ and 
compared with calorimetric data. The observed entropy is 1.14 
units less than the calculated, a result which indicates that in the 
solid at low temperatures there is some lack of discrimination 
between the ends of the NNO molecule. Complete lack of dis- 
crimination between the ends would give a discrepancy of 1.38 E.U. 

Ahlberg and Freed^^ give theoretical reasons for the assump- 
tion that the difference between the molal heat capacities of 
Gd2(S04)3 . 8H2O and Sm2(S04)3 . 8H2O measures the electronic 
heat capacity of the latter salt. They have measured these heat 
capacities accurately from 17 to 295° K. i^, 4i ^nd find good agree- 
ment between the experimental heat capacity differences and the 
calculated electronic heat capacity of Sm+++. 

Significant information concerning the structures of crystals in 
which the possibility of randomness exists is obtainable from ther- 
mally measured entropies. The structure of ice has been made 
more definite in this way.^'^ The lattice energies of alkali hydro- 
sulfides were computed and found to be nearly the same as those 
of the corresponding bromides.^^ The results of Simon and Swain * 
on the heat capacities of argon adsorbed on carbon were discussed 
with a view to throwing light on the mechanism of the binding 
of the adatoms.5 

Fuoss and Kraus ^^' 20 have continued their work on the com- 
putation of thermodynamic properties of solutions from molecular 
hypotheses, in particular the hypothesis of ion association, and 
Kirkwood^^ has made a significant contribution to the subject of 
solution thermodynamics by a discussion of the statistical mechan- 
ics of fluid mixtures. 

Temperature. Details of the apparatus and method for cool- 
ing a system below 1° K. by the adiabatic demagnetization of 
Gd2(S04)3 .8H2O and for measuring the temperature were pub- 
lished from Giauque's laboratory ^3, 34 during the year. A temper- 
ature scale from 12 to 273° K., in terms of a copper-constantan 
thermocouple, was determined by the helium thermometer and 
checked with the Leiden scale by hydrogen and oxygen vapor 
pressures. The results include a table of E.M.F.'s. and tempera- 
tures from 12 to 90° K.^^ Four constant power series with the 
linear term omitted express the E.M.F.'s of these couples as a func- 
tion of temperature from 2 to 90° K.^^ Observations of the varia- 
tion with temperature of the refractive index of vitreous silica 
(determined by an interferometer method) were extended to 
— 200° C. The results were applied to the caHbration of vitreous 

♦ Simon, F., and Swain, R. C, Z. physik. Chem., B28: 189 (193S). 

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silica refraction thermometers to —200° C. Data for these ther- 
mometers over the range —200 to 1000° C. are now available.^^ 
A long paper on the methods of testing thermocouples and mate- 
rials ^'^ and another on chromel-alumel thermocouples ^6 were pub- 
lished from the National Bureau of Standards. High-temperature 
work included an article on the emissivities at 0.66 u of cobalt, 
thorium, rhenium, and molybdenum between 1300 and 2200° K.,^ 
a sonic method for measuring the temperature in arcs,^^' 3®» ^® and 
an exact discussion of the hot-wire method of measuring flame 

Thermal Measurements. This section deals with those thermo- 
d)mamic quantities which have been determined from thermal meas- 
urements ; the results are arranged according to the t3rpes of compotmds 
or reactions studied. 

The heat capacities of solids up to high temperatures may be well 
represented*^ by an equation of the type Cp = a-^hT-^CT-K A com- 
bustible impurity present in tank oxygen, in amounts which vary with 
the pressure in the tank, may introduce an error into thermochemical 
measurements.^^ A new method is proposed for measuring the heats 
of evaporation of pure liquids by measuring the temperatures at two 
points in a vertical column of the liquid.**^ The heat capacity, heat of 
fusion, heat of evaporation and entropy of nitrous oxide up to its boil- 
ing point have been measured.** Heat capacities of strontium and 
barium oxides (55-300° K.),*2 of the two forms of tricalcium phos- 
phate (15-200° K.),«» and of Gd2(S04)3.8H20 (16-300° K.)*i have 
been measured and the corresponding entropies computed. From 
experimental determinations of heats of solution in N sodium hydroxide 
and from vapor pressure measurements, Yost and Sherbourne'^^ deter- 
mined the heat of formation and free energy of formation of arsenous 

During the year much work was done on the thermal properties of 
hydrocarbons and petroleum products. Gaucher*® examined all the 
available data on the heat capacities of hydrocarbons and petroleum 
products and gave an equation expressing C^ as a function only of the 
specific gravity, the boiling point and the temperature. It fits the data 
within 2 percent. Rossini ®^ extended his very accurate work on heats 
of combustion at 25° to include isobutane (Aii/'= —686.31 ±0.13 kilo 
cal per mole) and, by observing the regularities in heats of combustion 
of methane, mono-, di- and trimethylmethane, he estimated the heat of 
combustion and thence the heat of formation of tetramethylmethane 
(neopentane).®^ The adiabatic expansion principle combined with 
thermal expansions was used in the determination of Cp for butane 
and propane under temperatures and pressures where the systems were 
all liquid.^*^ Measurements of C^ for the two-phase systems were made 
in an adiabatic calorimeter by observation of direct input of electrical 
energy.^'' Enthalpy-pressure-temperature diagrams (200-800° F. and 
up to 1000 Ib./sq. in.) for pentane and benzene vapors have been made 

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and compared.^® By the air flow evaporation method the heats of 
evaporation at 40° of 8 selected gasolenes were measured.^^ Pearce 
and Tanner ^3 determined the heat capacity and energy of formation 
of naphthalene. Realizing the acute need for accurate thermochemical 
data for compounds of high molecular weight and recognizing the 
limitations in precision imposed on the heats of combustion of these 
compounds, Kistiakowsky ^^ and his associates built a calorimeter for 
measuring the heats of catalytic hydrogenations and other reactions 
in the gas phase at temperatures not exceeding 150° C. Their pre- 
cision was of the order of one per mille. With this apparatus ^"^ they 
determined at 355° K. the heats of hydrogenation of the following 
olefinic hydrocarbons: propylene, 1-butene, 2-butene {trans) y 2-butene 
(cw), isobutene and ethylene. The heats for ethylene are also given 
at 298, 273, and 0° K. They observe that their results do not sup- 
port the idea of constant bond energies but that the deviations from 
constant energies of bonding are in the same direction as Rossini found 
for the normal alcohols, increasing instability of the lower homologs. 

The biologically important sulfur compounds, Z-cysteine, /-cystine, 
3-thiolactic acid, and 3, p'-dithiodi lactic acid have been studied thermo- 
chemically with a new calorimeter. The heats of combustion at con- 
stant pressure at 25°,^^ ^nd the heat capacities ^^ from 90 to 298° K. 
were measured; from these data the entropies and standard free ener- 
gies of formation were calculated. From the same laboratory''<^» '^^ 
the same kind of data and results for seven purine and pyrimidine 
derivatives were published. These results also throw light on the 
hypothesis of constant bond energies and indicate that, in the crystals 
at least, the bond energies are functions of the position of the bonds 
in the molecule. 

Investigations of systems involving rubber hydrocarbon were pub- 
lished from the National Bureau of Standards. The heat of reac- 
tion ^^» ^2 of purified rubber with sulfur was measured at 175° C. and 
brought to 25° by observation of the heat content changes of the 
reactants over that range of temperature. The heat capacities ^^ of 
crystalline and amorphous rubber hydrocarbon from 15 to 320° K. and 
its heat of fusion were measured and the entropies and the free energy 
of formation of the hydrocarbon computed. 

In a study of the influence of impurities on physical properties, Skau 
measured the heats of fusion of an assortment of organic compounds.^® 
The molecular heats of adsorption^* of alkyl chlorides on charcoal 
change little from 25 to 50° ; they increase with the size of the mole- 
cule, but are less with branched chains than with normal chains. Lamb 
and Ohl ^^ used an ice calorimeter to measure heats of adsorption of a 
number of gases and vapors on chabasite, thomsonite, and brucite. 
The heats vary only slightly with the amount adsorbed and are 
considerably greater than those for the same gases adsorbed on 
charcoal. The heats of solution of some hydrazonium salts ^^' *^^ 
and the heat capacities of the solutions were measured.'*^» *^^ 

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EdsalH® published data on the apparent molal heat capacities of 
aqueous solutions of amino acids. 

Volume-Pressure-Temperature-Concentration Relations. The 
activity coefficients (fugacity/pressure) of 24 gases have been 
shown to be functions only of the reduced temperature, (T/T^), and 
the reduced pressure, (P/P^),^^ over an extremely wide range of P 
and T, For helium, hydrogen, and neon (^^ + 8) and (7^ + 8) are 
used instead of P^ and Tq. This relation permits the prediction of 
activity coefficients for other gases with good approximation. It has 
also been applied ^^^ in the calculation of the effect of pressure and tem- 
perature on gaseous equilibria, and of the integral Joule-Thomson 
effect, and hence the change in enthalpy with pressure at constant tem- 
perature for many gases. The relation is not exact but does give 
results of very useful accuracy. Measurements of P-V-T relations at 
temperatures between 152 and 174° C. and from 1 to 8 atmospheres, 
on gaseous solutions of ethanol and water, indicate that the highest 
deviations from ideality are only 2 percent even at the highest pres- 
sures.^^ The critical constants of ethane '^^ and propane '^^ and P-V-T 
data for ethane '^^ from 25 to 250° and up to 200 atmospheres have 
been determined with high precision. These data are well repre- 
sented by the Beattie-Bridgeman equation, which even allows a 
long extrapolation to the critical point. Booth and his associates '^'^ 
determined the critical constants of seven fluoride gases and exam- 
ined critical phenomena in the system BF3-A.'^^ These latter 
experiments have yielded very interesting results, retrograde con- 
densation and a retrograde immiscibility at low temperatures and 
high pressures being observed. 

Studies of the Joule-Thomson effect in gases include experi- 
mental determinations for nitrogen from —150 to 300° and from 
1 to 200 atmospheres,^^ a correction by Deming and Deming^^ 
to previous calculations for this gas, and calculations ^^ of the 
coefficient for nitrogen, methane, and their mixtures by the Beattie- 
Bridgeman equation over the range 200-400° K. and 1 to 100 atmos- 

At room temperature and pressure a number of measurements 
of volume-concentration relations in liquid solutions were made, 
including the partial molal volumes of calcium and aluminum 
nitrates over the whole concentration range at 25° ;^^^ the apparent 
volumes of lithium chloride and bromide in aqueous solutions 
which, when plotted against concentration, give curves showing 
an incredible number of breaks ;^^i the specific volumes of solutions 
of the chlorides of lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, and neo- 
dymium;^^ the apparent volumes of betaines in water, alcohol, and 
benzene and in alcohol- water and alcohol-benzene mixtures ;85 and 
the apparent volumes of two zwitterionic substances giving tetra- 
poles in water.^^ 

The compressibilities, fluidities, vapor pressures and surface ten- 

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sions of chloroform-methanol mixtures were measured and com- 
pared.s2 jn the light of further measurements it was found that 
the modified Tait equation expressing the volume of an aqueous 
salt solution as a function of the pressure extrapolates very well, 
and the constant characteristic of the solution, viz., the effective 
pressure, is a linear function of the product of the concentrations 
of salt and water.^^ Gucker and Rubin ^^ used the results of such 
extrapolations to compute the apparent molal isochoric heat capac- 
ities of six 1-1 electrolytes. Other measurements of compressions 
were made on aqueous solutions of lithium chloride and bromide,^^^ 
methanol, resorcinol,®^ and three amino acids,^^ and on fractions 
of light midcontinent petroleum.^* In these last two papers data 
are given to high pressures at different temperatures. The specific 
volume of pentane has been measured from 70 to 220° F. and up 
to 3000 Ib./sq. in.^^ Wiebe and Tremearne ^^^ measured the vol- 
umes of liquid ammonia-hydrogen mixtures at 100° from 100 to 800 
atmospheres, computed the partial volumes and discussed their 
thermodynamic significance. Bridgman "^^ extended his measure- 
ments of the compressions and thermal expansions of lithium, 
sodium and potassium up to 20,000 kg/cm^. Interesting details of 
technique are given in this paper. He also found that impurities 
have very little effect on the compressibility of zinc,^^ and deter- 
mined the compressibilities of a large number.of intermetallic com- 
pounds.*^®* A careful study of the specific volume, thermal expan- 
sion and compressibility (10 to 85° and up to 800 atmospheres) of 
rubber-sulfur compounds was made by A. H. Scott.^^^^ The nega- 
tive cubic coefficient of thermal expansion of solid silver iodide 
has been confirmed by careful experiment.®* Expansion coeffi- 
cients were also reported for single crystals of mercury,®^ 44 soda- 
alumina-silica glasses,®'^ sodium tungstate,'^^ and antimony.®^ 

Homogeneous Equilibria, (a) In gaseous systems. Lewis and 
von Elbe ^o published an extensive compilation of dissociation equi- 
libria in gases. They have also obtained the energies of the reac- 
tions H20 = H + 0H and OH = H-f O.*^ The general equation for 
the activities of gases, already mentioned, enabled Newton and 
Dodge ^1® to compute with useful approximation equilibrium con- 
stants of homogeneous gas reactions at higher pressures. Eastman 
and Ruben ^^^ have substantiated the work of Emmett and Schultz 
on the disturbing nature of the Soret effect on certain observations 
of equilibria in gas systems. The reaction, C2H4 -|- H2 = C2H6, on 
which many equilibrium-constant measurements, all agreeing quite 
well, have been made, presents a problem which is troubling several 
sets of investigators. Statistical calculations, based on apparently 
irreproachable thermal data, do not give equilibrium constants 
which agree with those observed. Smith and Vaughan ^^2 made 
an American contribution to the problem, showing that the con- 
stants which they calculate are consistently one-half those observed 

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and they suspect the entropy of free rotation of ethane. By mea- 
suring the concentration of iodine photometrically, Cuthbertson 
and Kistiakowsky ^^'^ determined the equilibrium constant of the 
decomposition of ethylene iodide between 50 and 125° C. and cal- 
culated the heat of dissociation. Equilibrium constants have been 
measured for the transformation of cis- to fraw^-dichloroethylene 
up to 975° by a flow method ^^^ and of the hydrogenation of pyri- 
dine to piperidine ^^^ around 160°. In both cases heat and free 
energy changes were computed. Calculations of the free energy 
of formation of benzoic acid from benzene and carbon dioxide 
at 522° K. lead to an equilibrium constant of the order lO"*^. That 
benzoic acid actually is produced by such a reaction is laid to 
combination with the zinc catalyst.^^^ Nies and Yost^^^ obtained 
some thermodynamic constants for iodine trichloride by deter- 
mining the equilibrium constants, Pici^ci2» ^^er the system IClgCj), 
ICl(Z), IClC^r), ClaCflr) at 25 and 35° and Barton and Yost^o* found 
that sulfur monochloride vapor did not decompose significantly at one 
atmosphere until the temperature reached 300°. The dissociation at 
lower pressures was studied between 160 and 800°. 

(&) Liquid Systems. Chemical potential-concentration relations in 
zinc amalgams become ideal if the assumption is made that in the 
amalgam Zn2 and Zua are in equilibrium with Zn.^^o xhe first ioniza- 
tion constant of carbonic acid has been measured at 38° both by an 
E.M.F. method ^21 ^nd by a conductance method.^^* The results are, 
respectively, 4.9 xlO""' and 4.82 xlO-^. From Harned's laboratory 
there are reported measurements of the ionization constant of water 
in sodium chloride solutions ^^^ and the ionization constant of acetic 
acid in methanol-water mixtures.^^^ In the latter case log K varies 
as the reciprocal of the dielectric constant of the solvent. Ionization 
constants for HSO4-, calculated from kinetic data, agree well with those 
computed from conductance measurements.^^^ The apparent dissocia- 
tion constants of multivalent amino acids and peptides were determined 
in water solutions.^^^ Walde ^^5 examined the significance of the 
first and second temperature derivatives of the logarithms of the ioni- 
zation constants of weak electrolytes and found that log K cannot be a 
quadratic function of the temperature. The classical dissociation con- 
stant of benzoic acid in aqueous salt solutions varies greatly with the 
nature of the salt.^22 Other papers report the fourth ionization con- 
stant of ferrocyanic acid,^^® the f erro-f err i cyanide equilibrium data,^^^ 
and a study of the equilibrium, Fe+++ -f Ag ^ Fe++ + Ag+ in aqueous 
solution. ^23 

Heterogeneous Equilibria. The heading of this section covers 
a multitude of topics and it seems convenient to split the descrip- 
tions into three classes: (1) systems of one component, including 
polymorphism and vapor pressures; (2) systems of two compo- 
nents, including most of the work on solutions; (3) systems of 
more than two components, under which sub-heading such things 

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as distribution coefficients and "salting out" effects naturally fall. 
All work on the thermodynamics of systems of isotopes and some 
of the E.M.F. measurements will be discussed in separate sections. 

Equilibria in Systems of One Component, The outstanding advance 
in the thermodynamics of pure substances during the year was Bridg- 
man's extension ^2« of his observations on phase changes under pres- 
sure up to 50,000 kilograms per sq. cm., at least three times any former 
maximum working pressure. The vessel in which such pressures were 
generated was shaped like a truncated cone and, as the pressure inside 
was raised, this conical bomb was forced into a strong external sleeve 
so that a supporting pressure was applied to the outer wall. The 
pistons were made of a cemented alloy of tungsten and cobalt, car- 
boloy. With this apparatus new modifications of bismuth, mercury, 
thallium, tellurium, gallium, and iodine were found and their stability 
was examined. Above 20,000 kg./cm.^ potassium chloride, bromide, 
and iodide invert, assuming possibly the cesium chloride type of struc- 
ture. Goranson and Kracek ^^2, iss studied the effect of pressures up 
to 1000 bars on the inversions and melting of sodium tungstate. The 
related thermodynamic quantities were calculated and the density of 
the solid was found to be 5.13, 20 percent higher than that given 
in the literature. Alumina inverts rapidly at 1300° when heated in 
vacuo; the temperature of the rapid inversion rises in atmospheres 
of hydrogen, air, and argon. ^^^ The importance of polymorphism and 
the frequency of its occurrence in organic compounds is steadily being 
realized; dimorphism (monotropy) was found in amyl bromide ^^^ and 
the solid-solid transitions in fl?-camphor, fl?Z-camphor, fl?-camphoric anhy- 
dride, borneol, isoborneol, and bornyl chloride were studied intensively 
by examination of the effect of temperature on a wide variety of their 
physical properties. ^3®- '^^'^ Vapor pressures of the following substances 
were measured : solid and liquid nitrous oxide '** up to the boiling point, 
ethane '^^ at and 25° C, seven normally gaseous fluorides of group 
IV, "^"^ and barium by an effusion method.^^* Germann and Knight ^^^ 
published a book on vapor pressure- temperature charts. If methane 
and ethane are omitted, the boiling points of the normal paraffins may 
be expressed by the relation log lo T^C^K.) = 1.07575 + 0.949128 logw 
— 0.101 log2 m, where m is the molecular weight of the paraffin. ^^o 

Equilibria in Systems of Two Components. If / is any quantity that 

din/ ^H 
may be appropriately used in the well-known type of equation — — = — - 

(e.g., equilibrium constant, velocity constant, vapor pressure, etc.), Aus- 
tin ^38 jias shown that, when A/J is either constant or varies linearly with 

f /T'\rt' 
T, a plausible approximation on integration gives — = ( — j , where 

T' is any fixed standard temperature, e.g., melting point of pure sol- 
vent in a binary system. A similar approximation for equilibrium 

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constants was published by Douglas and Crockford.^^* With the 
help of this simplified equation, Austin calculated solubilities in 
certain simple eutectic systems and equilibria in binary systems 
involving solid solutions. He pointed out that simple conse- 
quences of the equation are the Ramsay-Young and Duhring rules. 
Simple semi-theoretical equations, expressing the chemical poten- 
tial changes on mixing in binary systems in terms of the mole frac- 
tion, the volume fraction, and two parameters representing the 
departures from ideality, were evaluated by Scatchard and 
Hamer ^^^ from the mutual solubilities of several partially miscible 
substances and, hence, data on the liquid-vapor equilibria in the 
same systems were calculated, the results agreeing well with experi- 
ment. They also applied the same equations ^^^ to equilibria involv- 
ing the solid and liquid solutions of silver-palladium and gold- 
platinum. Another paper giving a method for using data from 
one type of equilibrium in a given binary system to predict other 
equilibria in the same system is by Seltz.^®^ He considers systems 
with complete liquid and solid miscibility and by a graphical method 
predicts the types of liquidus and solidus curves that correspond 
to different types of departures from Raoult's law in the solid and 
liquid solutions. The equation of Hildebrand and Wood* for 
calculating solubilities from a knowledge of the properties of the 
pure components was tested by experiments o.n solutions of iodine, 
stannic iodide, sulfur and phosphorus. The results indicated that 
the equation was even more satisfactory than could have been 
expected from the approximations involved.^'*'^ The temperature- 
solubility curves of helium in water between and 75° at pressures 
up to 1000 atmospheres ^'^^ show minima in the neighborhood of 30°. 
Measurements ^"^^ also show that at 25° and up to 1000 atmos- 
pheres the solubility of a 3-1 hydrogen-nitrogen mixture in water 
may be calculated within a few percent from the solubilities of the 
pure constituents. Other measurements on liquid-gas equilibria 
(vapor pressures) were made on the following systems: calcium 
and aluminum nitrates in water at 25° over the whole range of 
concentration;^^* 10 and 20 percent solutions of methanol in water 
from to 40°;2ii glycol-water, equations given for dependence of 
vapor pressure on temperature;^®^ methane-crystal oil mixtures up 
to 50 percent methane, 70-220° F. and up to 150 atmospheres i^^^ 
solutions of the halides and nitrate of ammonium in liquid ammo- 
nia at 25°, from which data activities and deviations from Raoult's 
law were computed ;i^^ ethanol-cyclohexane at 25°, positive depar- 
ture from Raoult's law all the way;^'^^ pyridine-acetic acid (boiling 
points at one atmosphere);^®® and butanol-butyl acetate and 
butanol-acetone, in which systems the boiling points at one atmos- 
phere were determined. Butanol and butyl acetate form an azeo- 
tropic mixture boiling at 116.50°.^*^ Descriptions of apparatus for 

♦Hildebrand, J. H., and Wood, S. E., /. Chem. Phys., U 817 (1933). 

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the accurate determination of boiling points under reduced pres- 
sure,^®^ and molecular weights by the ebullioscopic method ^^^ were 
published from the National Bureau of Standards. 

An extremely interesting paper on solid-liquid-gas equilibria is 
that by Booth and Willson ^^^ on melting curves in the system 
boron trifluoride-argon. The curves indicate that six compounds 
ranging from A.BF3 to A.I6BF3 are formed. Electronic consider- 
tions show that such compounds are possible. The dissociation 
pressures of these compounds are high, indicating considerable 
instability. The maxima and minina on the curves range between 
— 127 and —133° C. At pressures above 35 atmospheres retro- 
grade immiscibility was observed in this system. 

In the course of an extensive program on the purification of organic 
compounds, Skau examined the systems (a) benzamide-m-nitrophenol, 
(6) acenaphthene-m-dinitrobenzene, (c) 3-naphthylamine-w-dinitro- 
benzene,^®^ and {d) acetanilide-propionanilide.^^^ System (&) is prac- 
tically ideal but a compound is formed ; a new compound was discovered 
in system {d). The following systems depart almost insignificantly 
from ideality: />-dichlorobenzene-diphenyl, />-dichlorobenzene-naphtha- 
lene, and />-dichlorobenzene-triphenylmethane.^^2 Ethylene dichloride 
forms a solid addition compound with ether (1-3, m.p. 170° K.) but 
not with benzene. ^*^ 

During 1935 determinations were made of the solubilities of 
ammonium oxalate in water (0 to 100°, the monohydrate stable), ^*^ 
silver chloride in water,^^^^ mannose and other sugars in alcohols,^*^^ 
lead iodide in lead oxide,^*^^ and lead in mercury (20-70°, results 
expressed by empirical equations). ^^^ From room temperature to 
575° solid solutions ranging in composition from FeS to FeSi.14 
appear from thermal analysis to exist in six forms, although such 
analysis does not show definitely whether the system remains 
homogeneous. The characters of the inversions from one form to 
another are modified by change in the sulfur content.^'*^^ Draper ^'^^ 
investigated the mineralizing action of HCl on the system MgO- 
Fe203. Further studies on hydrated alumina were reported.^^^ 

In a series of papers some aspects of the equilibria in the system 
Na20-B203 were described 1*2-145 xhe preparation of crystalline 
B2O3 by dehydration of H3BO3 in vacuo was announced; melting 
points of different compounds of Na20 and B2O3 and of K2O and B2O3 
were given, together with the vapor pressures of B2O3, Na20 . B2O3 
and Na20 . 2B2O3, determined by a dynamic method between 1150 
and 1400° C. 

Equilibria in Systems of More Than Two Components. Seltz ^^^ 
worked out the equations for the solidus and liquidus surfaces and 
the tie lines for solid-liquid equilibria in a ternary system where 
both the solid and liquid solutions are ideal. He points out that 
whereas the system copper-nickel is practically ideal, the system 
copper-nickel-gold is by no means ideal. Binary and ternary sys- 

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terns with biphenyl, bibenzyl and naphthalene approximate closely 
to ideal behavior.^®^ Distribution coefficients of acetic acid between 
isopropyl ether and water,^^® of amino acids between butanol and 
water at 25° ^^^ and of hydrogen peroxide ^^'^ between aqueous salt 
solutions and isoamyl alcohol or a mixture of acetophenone and car- 
bon tetrachloride were determined. In the last case activity coeffi- 
cients of hydrogen peroxide in the salt solutions were computed 
and lyotropic series observed. All the salts except sulfuric acid 
"salted in" the hydrogen peroxide.i^'^ Derivatives of amino acids 
which do not give zwitterions were prepared and their solubilities 
in water and alcohol studied.^^^ xhe solubilities of nine salts in 
mixtures of methanol and water and of hydrogen peroxide and 
water were determined at 25°.^'^'' From the same laboratory were 
published data on the solubilities of helium and argon in many salt 
solutions.^*^^ The solubility of sodium bromide in acetone is 
increased by the presence of lithium or calcium perchlorate much 
more than the simple interionic attraction theory predicts.^oi An 
important and interesting paper by Schroeder, Gabriel, and Part- 
ridge ^^'^ gives an account of the solubility curve of sodium sulfate 
between 150 and 350° C. and of the influence of sodium hydroxide 
and sodium chloride on this solubility. Below 300° C. addition of 
either of these substances decreases the solubility of sodium sulfate 
but above 300° it causes an increase, which in the case of sodium 
hydroxide is quite large and increases rapidly with the amount 
added. The following ternary systems involving water were studied 
over limited temperature ranges: Fe203-S03-H20 (continuous 
solid solutions and many compounds, no congruent points) ;^''^ 
Na2S04-Al2(S04)3-H20 (0, 30 and 42°, alum found at the two 
higher temperatures) ; ^^^ cadmium acetate-acetic acid-water at 
25° (complex addition compounds) ;i8i CaS04-(NH4)2S04-H20 
between 25 and 100°;i8» Na2S04-NaBr03-H20 (10, 25, 30 and 
450 ). 196 NH4CI-NH4NO8-H2O (0.4, 25 and 50°, no complex salt, 
solid solution nor hydrate) ;^^^ lithium phthalate-phthalic acid-H20 
(0, 25 and 50°, compound formation) ; 200 allyl alcohol-salts- 
H20;^®^ benzene-isopropyl alcohol-water (25°, ternary solubility 
diagram, distribution ratio, viscosity and refractive indices) ;^®3 
isoamyl alcohol-propyl alcohol-water (25°, solubilities, densities, 
and refractive indices). ^^^ Three very important contributions to 
the knowledge of equilibria at high temperatures were published 
during the year: the system MgO-FeO-Si02 by Bowen and 
Schairer;!*^® an exhaustive thermal, optical, and x-ray study of the 
system Fe304-Fe208-02;^®® and an investigation of the system 
CaO-K2O-Al2O3.i80 Hydrothermal synthesis of clay minerals ^^s 
and the phase changes occurring when kaolinite and dickite were 
heated were reported by Insley and Ewell.^^^ 

Electromotive Force Measurements. As usual, much has been 
published on electromotive force measurements. Although some 

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of this work had for its primary object the securing of thermo- 
dynamic data, much of it was directed towards theoretical studies 
on solutions and is more appropriately treated under that topic. 
Gros§ and Halpern ^ot propounded a theory expressing normal 
electrode potentials in terms of one set of thermodynamic quanti- 
ties characteristic of the solid phase only and another set charac- 
teristic of the solution. An investigation of the thermodynamics 
of the lead accumulator from to 60° and over a wide range 
of acid concentration was made by Harned and Hamer. The 
results include determinations of the molal electrode potentials 
of the cells,208. 209 H2 I H2S04(w) I PbS04 j PbOa | Pt, and 
H2 I H2S04(w) I HgS04 I Hg, under these conditions, computations 
of those thermodynamic properties which may be calculated from 
the chemical potential and its temperature derivatives, and quad- 
ratic equations 210 expressing the E.M.F. of lead accumulators over 
ranges of temperature and concentration. By fusion of AgO with 
AgBrOg, etc., on platinum wire, silver-silver halide electrodes yield- 
ing reproducible results in very dilute solutions were made and 
they were used in HBr solutions to 0.0001 molal^is and in the 
determination 221 of the normal potential of the silver-silver iodide 
electrode from 5 to 40°. Cann and Mueller 205 determined the 
normal potential of the silver-silver chromate electrode and AF° 
for the reaction Ag2Cr04 ^ 2Ag+ + Cr04-". Mercury-mercuric oxide- 
saturated barium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide electrodes 
were found to be easy to prepare, reproducible and constant.222 
Harned 212 measured the E.M.F. of cells H2 | HCl(O.Ol), 
NaCl(w) I AgCl I Ag from to 60°, computed results for other 
halide mixtures, and found further support for the linear variation 
of log Y with molality at constant total ionic strength. He cast 
doubt on the validity of the empirical rules of Akerlof and Thomas, 
and extended Bronsted's theory of specific ionic interaction. The 
activity coefficients of sodium chloride in aqueous solutions were 
determined accurately from observations on cells with transfer- 
ence.204 A considerable discrepancy was noticed between the 
observed and calculated E.M.F. of cells with a moving boundary 
between two electrolytes with a common ion; the cause was dis- 
cussed.2i® Work has been continued on cells with solvents other 
than water: activities of sulfuric acid were determined in ethanol 
solutions with hydrogen and mercurous sulfate electrodes; 223 the 
molal electrode potentials of the silver-silver chloride electrode 
in 10 and 20 percent methanol-water solutions were determined 
from to 40°, with the idea of examining the effect of the dielectric 
constant of the medium ;2ii from measurements on cells of the type 
Zn (amalgam) | ZnCl2 . 6NH3(^) | NH4CI in NH3 | CdCla . 6NH3(^) 
I Cd (amalgam), the thermodynamic constants, AF°, A/J°, 5° at 
25°, were calculated for the ammino cadmium chlorides and cadmium 
chloride. Provisional values for known potentials in terms of a stand- 

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ard hydrogen half cell in liquid ammonia were also given.206 La Mer 
and Armbruster described a micro cell for use in heavy water investi- 
gations.215 Some thermodynamic properties of solutions of straight 
chain sulfonic acids have been determined bv a variety of experimental 

The Thermodynamics of Isotopes and their Compounds. Assum- 
ing that the recombination of the gaseous atoms at the electrode 
is the rate-determining process in electrolyses where gases are 
produced, Halpern and Gross ^29 derived a formula for the sepa- 
ration coefficients of hydrogen and deuterium in terms of their 
thermodynamic constants and their frequencies of thermal oscilla- 
tion at the electrode. The formula limits the separation coefficient 
to approximately 11 to 13, which agrees with that found in the 
experiments of Brown and Daggett.227 The differences between 
the vapor pressures ^27, i28 Qf ^-h^ 20.4° K. equilibrium mixture of 
deuterium (0.978 orthodeuterium) and of normal deuterium, AP(^-n), 
were measured from 15 to 20.4° K. and hence the difference between 
the vapor pressures of ortho and para deuterium was calculated and 
compared with values for ortho and para hydrogen. ^P(e-n) for 
deuterium is small compared with AP(e-n) for hydrogen, but the ratios 
of these differences to the vapor pressures of the corresponding normal 
liquids are about the same. Heats of evaporation were computed and 
it was found that, in the absence of a catalyst, the vapor pressures of 
liquid normal deuterium changed less than one mm. of Hg in 200 
hours whereas the vapor pressure of liquid normal hydrogen changed 
by one mm. in four hours. The results were discussed theoretically. 

By a distillation method,236 the ratios of the vapor pressures of 
HgOi^ and HDOi«, and of HgOie and HgOis were measured 
between 11.25 and 46.35° C. The vapor pressure of HDO^^ is very 
nearly the geometric mean of the vapor pressures of water and 
deuterium oxide. Over the temperature range considered, the 
vapor pressure of H20^® is between 1.014 and 1.008 times that of 
H20^8. Hydrogen isotopes may be separated by the distillation 
of water, but the separation of oxygen isotopes by this method 
will be very difficult. From measurements of liquid-vapor equi- 
libria, it was concluded that H2O-D2O solutions are practically 
ideal.237 Tables of the molar volumes of water and deuterium 
oxide from -20 to 95° C. and up to 12,000 kg./cm.2, and the 
transition parameters for the liquid and solid modifications between 
-60 and 20° C, up to 9000 kg./cm.2 were published by Bridg- 
man.226 Unstable modifications, Ice IV, of both deuterium oxide 
and water were found in the field of stability of Ice V. In general, 
the molar volumes of deuterium oxide are always higher than 
those of water at the same pressure and temperature, and the equi- 
librium curves of deuterium oxide are always at higher tempera- 
tures. The broad differences in thermodynamic behavior may be 
ascribed to the greater zero point energy of water, but an expla- 

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nation of a detailed comparison of the results calls for some other 
considerations. The differences in zero point energy of protons 
and deuterons when attached to the anion or neutral water mole- 
cule lead to the conclusion that the ratio of the dissociation con- 
stants of acids in light and heavy water increases as the strength 
of the acid decreases.^^o Measurements with a quinhydrone elec- 
trode with hydrogen chloride in water and deuterium oxide gave 
the free energy of the reaction: 2DCI (0.01m) +QH2 = 2HC1 (0.01 w) 
+QD2(QH2 = quinhydrone) and showed that the dissociation constant 
of QH2 in water is 3.84 times that of QD2 in deuterium oxide.^^i The 
absorption spectra and vapor pressures of hydrogen iodide and deu- 
terium iodide 224 and hydrogen bromide and deuterium bromide ^25 
have been compared over a range of temperature for both solids and 
liquids. The vapor pressure of deuterium iodide is slightly greater 
than that of hydrogen iodide; indeed, the log of the vapor pressure 
of liquid deuterium iodide may be obtained by adding 0.01 to the cal- 
culated value of the log of the vapor pressure by hydrogen iodide. The 
vapor pressures of solid and liquid hydrogen and deuterium bromides 
are practically identical. It is interesting to note that the Trouton 

constants, , for a number of isotopic compounds are not the same 

for the hydrogen as for the corresponding deuterium compound. 
(The Hildebrand correction is insignificant.) In general, the iso- 
topic change produces the greatest difference in the values of the 
constants for those substances which deviate most from Trouton's 
rule, e.g., water and ammonia.225 

From spectroscopic data, Urey and Greiff234 calculated equi- 
librium constants and enrichment factors for several exchange 
reactions involving isotopes of the lighter elements. A theo- 
retical limit, which has been reached in some cases, is set to the 
precision of atomic weight determinations. Reactions for practical 
separations are suggested. The reaction CH3COCH3 H- DOH 
^CH3COCH2D-f-HOH was studied between 35 and 80° C. in the 
presence of potassium carbonate. It is pseudo unimolecular with 
a high temperature coefficient of velocity and almost zero heat of 
reaction. The limiting equilibrium constant is 2.1 when corrected 
for the very disturbing formation of higher deuteroacetones.228 
Equilibrium constants for the reaction C2H2-i-HDO = C2HD 
+ H2O are as follows: 0.365 at 0°, 0.45 at 25° and 0.51 at 100° .232 
Most of the thermodynamic and other properties of deuterium 
determined before 1935 are summarized in a very exhaustive review 
article by Urey and Teal.235 

Miscellaneous. A symposium on chemical thermodynamics was 
held at the San Francisco meeting of the American Chemical 
Society. Several papers on heat transfer and heat interchange 
largely from the industrial point of view were published during 

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the year.230. 240, 243 The applications of thermodynamics to air con- 
ditioning 238 and to the problem of the swelling of wood ^41 have 
also been discussed. 



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Electromotive Force Measurements. 

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204. Brown, A. S., and Maclnnes, D. A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1356 (1935). 

205. Cann, J. Y., and Mueller, G. B., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2525 (1935). 

206. Garner, C. S., Green, E. W., and Yost, D. M., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2055 (1935). 

207. Gross, P., and Halpern, O., /. Chem. Phvs., 3: 458 (1935). 

208. Haraer, W. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 9 (1935). 

209. Harned, H. S., and Hamer, W. T., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 27 (1935). 

210. Hamed, H. S., and Hamer, W. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 33 (1935). 

211. Harned, H. S., and Thomas, H. C, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1666 (1935). 

212. Hamed, H. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1865 (1935). 

213. Keston, A. S., /. Am. Chem. So<?.. 57: 1671 (1935). 

214. Krieble, V. K., and Reinhart, F. M., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 19. (1935). 

215. La Mcr, V. K., and Armbruster, M. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1510 (1935). 

216. Martin. F. D., and Newton, R. F., /. PJtys. Chem.. 39: 485 (1935). 

217. MacBam, J. W., and Betz, M. D., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1905 (1935). 

218. MacBain, J. W., and Betz, M. D., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 19091 (1935). 

219. MacBain, J. W., and Betz, M. D., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1913 (1935). 

220. MacBain, J. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1916 (1935). 

221. Owen, B. B., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 1526 (1935). 

222. Samuelson, G. J., and Brown, D. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 2711 (1935). 

223. Scholl, A. W., Hutchison, A. W., and Chandlee, G. C, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 

2542 (1935). 


224. Bates, T. R., Halford, J. O., and Anderson, L. C., /. Chem. Phys.. 3: 415 (1935). 

225. Bates, J. R., Halford, J. O., and Anderson, L. C, /. Chem. Phys.. 3: 531 (1935). 

226. Bridgman, P. W., /. Chem. Phys.. 3: 597 (1935). 

227. Brown, W. G., and Daggett, A. F., /. Chem. Phys.. 3: 216 (1935). 

228. Halford, J. O., Anderson, L. C., Bates, J. R., and Swisher, R. D., /. Am. Chem. 

Soc, 57: 1663 (1935). 

229. Halpern, O., and Gross, P., /. Chem. Phvs.. 3: 452 (1935). 

230. Halpern, O., /. Chem. Phys.. 3: 456 (1935). 

231. La Mer, V. K., and Korman, S.. /. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 1511 (1935). 

232. Reyerson, L. H., and Gillespie, B.. /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2250 (1935). 

233. Selwood, P. W., Taylor, H. S., Hippie, J. A., Jr., and BleaJcney, W., /. Am. Chem. 

Soc, 57: 642 (1935). 

234. Urey, H. C., and GreiflF. L. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 321 (1935). 

235. Urey, H. C., and Teal, G. K., Rev. Modern Phys., 7: 34 (1935). 

236. Wahl, M. H., and Urey, H. C, /. Chem. Phvs.. 3: 411 (1935). 

237. Wynne-Jones, W. F. K., /. Chem. Phys.. 3: 197 (1935). 


238. Bichowsky, F. R., and Kelley, G. A.., Ind. Ena. Chem., 27: 879 (1935). 

239. Evans, T. W., Ind. Eng. Chem.. 27: 1212 (1935). 

240. Jurgensen, D. F., Jr., and Montillon, G. H., Ind. Ena. Chem., 27: 1466 (1935). 

241. Stamm, A. J., and Loughborough. W. K.. /. Phys. Chem., 39: 121 (1935). 

242. Rodebush, W. H., Phys. Rev.. 47: 513 (1935). 

243. Rhodes, F. H., and Younger, K. R., Ind. Eng. Chem.. 27: 957 (1935). 

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Chapter V. 
Contact Catalysis. 

L. H. Reyerson, 
The University of Minnesota. 

The past year has been one of progress in the attack on the 
problems of the Mechanism of Contact Catalysis. Coupled with 
this work there have been marked advances in the theoretical as 
well as the experimental side of the kinetics of homogeneous gas 
reactions. The many studies on the kinetics of reactions, in which 
the wall of the reaction vessel acts either as a catalyst or an 
inhibitor, have their important bearing on the subject here dis- 
cussed. However, since the subject of kinetics is fully taken up 
elsewhere in this volume only rarely will such work be considered 
in this Chapter. 

Deuterium continues to be a valuable tool in the elucidation of 
the mechanism of catalytic reactions. Studies of the ortho-para 
hydrogen conversion on various catalyst surfaces have made addi- 
tional contributions to our knowledge of the mechanism of contact 
catalysis. An important contribution not only to the subject of 
catalysis but also to the whole field of chemistry has been made by 
Kistiakowsky ^i. 32 ^nd his coworkers. These investigators made 
remarkably careful and accurate determinations of the heats of 
reaction resulting from the catalytic hydrogenation of ethylene 
and other simple olefinic hydrocarbons. By using a flow system 
they were able to eliminate the problem presented by the adsorption 
of the gases by the catalyst. The heats of reaction differ some- 
what from the present values which are obtained from heats of 
combustion. Such differences are likely to raise many questions 
in theoretical chemistry. The results so far reported do not bear 
out the theory of constant bonding energies. 

Again it seems best to divide the work into two general groups. 
Accordingly, the work which primarily concerns the "Mechanism 
of Contact Catalysis" will be considered first and this will be 
followed by a consideration of "Catalytic Reactions." The terms "acti- 
vated adsorption" and "chemosorption" will again be used as equivalent 
expressions. It is to be regretted that important foreign contributions 
as well as many interesting points and suggestions by American inves- 
tigators have had to be omitted from this survey. 


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Mechanism of Contact Catalysis 

Use of the rate equation in studying a number of heterogeneous 
reactions has led to an apparent relationship of A = Coe^^, where A 
is the activity constant of the reaction, E, the energy of activation and 
Co and c are constants. In a theoretical consideration of problems of 
activity and activation energy in heterogeneous gas reactions, Storch ^'^ 
found that changes in the frequency of energy transfer between the 
adsorbed gas and the surface was an important factor in determining 
the above relationship. Frequency of the energy exchange in the 
adsorbed phase may be reduced markedly when multiple adsorption 
occurs and hence be a function of the spacing of catalyst atoms. It was 
shown that the above relationship could not be due entirely to a prob- 
ability distribution of the active centers. In hydrogenations it did not 
seem necessary to postulate a hydrogen atom leakage through an energy 

The use of deuterium continued to lead to further insight into the 
mechanism of surface action. Morikawa, Benedict and Taylor ^o 
studied the exchange between deuterium and methane on the surface 
of reduced nickel catalysts in the temperature range up to 305°. At 
the upper temperature, equilibrium on the heavy methane side was estab- 
lished in twenty hours. At 218° the equilibrium was reached in fifty 
hours. At 110° no exchange was detected in ninety hours. Exchange 
was found to occur at as low a temperature as 170°, which was taken as 
evidence for the activated adsorption of methane at this temperature. 
This is at least 200° lower than the temperature at which the usual 
methods of adsorption reveal any activated adsorption of methane on 
nickel. These same authors ^^ used deuterium to study the activation 
of specific bonds in complex molecules. Deuterium or hydrogen was 
adsorbed under such conditions that it was present in an activated form. 
It was possible to determine the conditions under which exchange of 
deuterium with ethane occurred without any appreciable amount of 
ethane having reacted with the deuterium (or hydrogen) to form two 
molecules of methane. At 138° exchange proceeded quantitatively, 
while the production of methane set in at 150° and was sensibly complete 
at 200°. Since the exchange reaction involved only the C-H bond, 
while methane production involved the C-C bond, the different condi- 
tions of reaction, temperature, and catalyst, were obtained for the 
activated adsorption of ethane molecules producing either a C-H or a 
C-C bond split. This work will no doubt have important consequences 
in the study of the catalytic behavior of saturated hydrocarbons and the 
activation of specific chemical bonds in the more complex molecules. 

Further studies have been conducted on the catalytic exchange 
reaction between water and deuterium. Taylor and Diamond ^^ found 
a rapid exchange between deuterium gas and the water retained by 
such catalytic materials as chromic oxide, zinc oxide, zinc chromite, 
alumina, and platinized asbestos. The reverse action between hydrogen 

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and heavy water on the surface was demonstrated. The mechanism of 
the reaction was considered to be due to the activated adsorption of 
hydrogen (or deuterium) on the chromic oxide, zinc oxide, and zinc 
chromite, while the water was adsorbed in an activated state by the 
alumina. The existence of this exchange is important, since it may 
cause unintentional replacement of deuterium by hydrogen in reaction 
mixtures. At room temperature Taylor and Jungers^^ obtained an 
exchange between ammonia gas and deuterium over an iron synthetic 
ammonia catalyst. Activated adsorption of both ammonia and deuterium 
must take place in order for the exchange to occur; since at higher 
temperatures these reactions would proceed rapidly, they cannot be 
the rate-determining steps in the ammonia synthesis. The activated 
adsorption of nitrogen probably is the rate-determining step. Such 
studies as these indicate the delicacy of isotopic chemistry in revealing 
the nature of the association between surface adsorbent and adsorbate. 
In this latter case activated adsorption of ammonia is shown to exist 
at temperatures where the usual methods could not distinguish between 
van der Waal's and activated adsorption. 

Additional studies on the effectiveness of catalysts in ortho-para 
hydrogen conversion have given further information on the nature of 
the catalyst surface and the types of adsorption. Emmett and Hark- 
ness,^^ using iron, nickel, and platinum as catalysts, observed the effect 
of the previous treatments of the catalysts on the ortho-para conversion 
at —190°. A catalyst outgassed at 450° and cooled to —190° in 
helium gas was ten to twenty times as effective as a catalyst cooled 
in hydrogen gas. The iron catalyst could be run indefinitely at — 190° 
with no poisoning effect due to adsorbed hydrogen, while the nickel 
catalyst lost activity at this temperature. Nitrogen added to the 
iron catalyst reduced its activity when used at 100° and 450°. Adding 
nitrogen at — 190° to the iron catalyst which had been cooled in hydro- 
gen reduced its activity seventy percent. The adsorbed nitrogen could 
be rather well removed by warming in hydrogen to room temperature. 
The platinized asbestos lost activity at 130° on being exposed to hydro- 
gen at atmospheric pressure. The poisoning of these catalysts by the 
various gases was attributed to their activated adsorption. These 
results support strongly the concept that activated adsorption is a sur- 
face phenomenon. In this investigation, as well as in their study of 
the adsorption of hydrogen by iron synthetic ammonia catalysts, Emmett 
and Harkness^^ obtained additional evidence for the existence of at 
least two kinds of activated adsorption of hydrogren. The first type 
occurred at a convenient rate at —90° and a1)ove, while the second 
kind was found at 100° and above. Both types were largely surface 
adsorptions rather than activated diffusion. The ortho-para and the 
para-ortho conversion of hydrogen was also used by Taylor and Dia- 
mond *® to determine the effectiveness of sixteen different paramagnetic 
and diamagnetic surfaces. Paramagnetic gadolinium and neod)miium 
oxides caused rapid conversion, while diamagnetic lanthanum oxide had 

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an effectiveness that was several orders lower. For comparable sur- 
faces paramagnetic substances showed greater effectiveness than dia- 
magnetic surfaces for similar van der Waal's adsorptions. Paramag- 
netic surface atoms must exist on diamagnetic bulk copper and silver 
in order to explain their catalytic effect or else residual activated adsorp- 
tion may be present. High temperature activated adsorption was found 
to be effective in the para-ortho conversion at higher than liquid air 
temperatures. A new high temperature conversion was found on an 
alumina surface which seemed to indicate a possible exchange 
mechanism with the water adsorbed in an activated state. 

Evidence, supporting the concept that hydrogen may be adsorbed 
in different ways by the same metal surface, depending upon the tem- 
perature, was obtained by Rowley and Evans ^^ in their measurements 
of the accommodation coefficient of hydrogen on iron. If the surface 
of the metal remained unchanged, the accommodation coefficient should 
fall with falling temperature. These investigators found, instead, a 
greater rise in the coefficient than they had previously observed in the 
case of platinum and tungsten wires. They attributed this to a greater 
adsorption of hydrogen and offered the explanation that above 500° K. 
the surface of the iron was uniformly covered by activated hydrogen 
(probably atomic). Below 500° K. a second type of more loosely bound 
gas was present on the surface and below 350° K. a molecular type of 
adsorption predominated. When special techniques were used to remove 
the adsorbed hydrogen, the values of the coefficient always dropped. 
Cashman and Huxford'^ studied the photoelectric properties of mag- 
nesium in the presence of traces of hydrogen and oxygen. Chemi- 
sorbed layers of hydrogen and oxygen were considered to produce 
single layers of MgH and MgO on the surface. These layers produced 
shifts in the photoelectric threshold of magnesium. A second shift in 
this threshold was found when more hydrogen was added; this was 
attributed to induced dipoles in weakly adsorbed hydrogen molecules. 
Additional oxygen desensitized the magnesium, probably as a result of 
the formation of a thicker magnesium oxide coating. Mixed hydrogen 
and oxygen, present in traces, markedly sensitized magnesium and this 
was thought to be due to the formation of a single layer of MgOH. 

Copper catalysts, poisoned to varying degrees by oxygen, were used 
by Russell and Ghering^* in the hydrogenation of ethylene at 0° for 
the purpose of studying the nature of the copper surface. The surfaces 
showed extreme sensitivity to variations in the method of preparation. 
Copper poisoned at 0° by oxygen showed a slow removal of the 
oxygen at 20° by the hydrogen-ethylene mixture but no removal was 
observed at 0°. Catalytic activity toward the hydrogenation of ethylene 
disappeared completely when the surface was only 40 percent saturated 
with oxygen. Calorimetric measurements were obtained for the heat 
of adsorption of oxygen by these catalysts. These results indicated 
that the direct sorption of oxygen was largely non-preferential, so that 
the heats of adsorption gave no indication of the catalytic behavior of 

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the surface. However, successive removal of small amounts of the 
adsorbed oxygen by reduction with hydrogen showed that the leas' 
active part of the surface was released first. Nitrous oxide was also 
used as a poison and interesting results were obtained in this case. The 
decomposition of the nitrous oxide on the copper surface proceeded 
with no increase in pressure up to a temperature of 75°. Thus, the 
oxygen of the nitrous oxide was adsorbed while the nitrogen was given 
off. Decomposition occurred at as low a temperature as —78°. Con- 
siderable oxygen was taken up from the nitrous oxide before any 
poisoning resulted. The catalyst could be completely poisoned for the 
jiitrous oxide decomposition by the adsorption of oxygen and still be 
catalytically active enough to cause some hydrogenation of ethylene. 
A more active surface thus was needed for the decomposition of nitrous 
oxide than for the hydrogenation of ethylene. The evidence in the main 
supported the point of view that the investigators were dealing with a 
non-uniform surface of copper. A large part of the surface was not 
catalytically active. The most active portion of the surface was prob- 
ably inactive in the hydrogenation of ethylene at 0°, due to the 
adsorption of ethylene itself as a poison. According to Griffin ^^ a 
supported copper catalyst which had been poisoned by a trace of car- 
bon monoxide showed an increased capacity to adsorb hydrogen at all 
pressures up to one atmosphere. A larger amount of carbon monoxide* 
caused a low pressure increase in the adsorption of hydrogen but a 
decrease at higher pressures. The traces of carbon monoxide seemed 
to be adsorbed on the most active centers and aided in binding more 
hydrogen, while the larger amounts were adsorbed on the less active 
centers to the exclusion of equivalent amounts of hydrogen. In spite of 
these recent contributions to the problem, the mechanism, or perhaps 
one should say the mechanisms, of the different types of activated 
adsorption still remains in doubt. 

Adsorption of Gases. Several papers have appeared concerning 
the adsorption of gases by solids which are related to catalysis either 
directly or indirectly. Cunningham® has extended the Langmuir 
theory by considering that a gas molecule need only come within a 
certain range of attraction of the surface to be adsorbed. The 
theory leads to the conclusion that surfaces may have several kinds 
of elementary spaces and gives a method for determining their 
number. For the examples used the mathematical treatment is in 
good agreement. Herzfeld 23 considered the speed of condensation 
and sublimation from the surfaces of solids. The formula for the 
equilibrium pressure was found to be changed in the case of the 
condensation and sublimation of atoms if the electron weight in 
the gaseous state is different from the solid state. For true metals 
the speed of sublimation is probably increased, while for non-metals 
a reflection coefficient exists. The equilibrium pressure for mole- 
cules comes out to be higher than for atoms because in sublimation 
there is a transition from limited oscillation of the axes to free 

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rotation which tends to increase the speed of sublimation. Lamb 
and Ohl^* measured the heats of adsorption of a number of gases 
and vapors on dehydrated chabasite, thomsonite, and brucite. 
Molar heats of adsorption of those substances copiously adsorbed 
were found to be somewhat larger than those previously observed 
for charcoal and silica gel but, like them, they varied only slightly 
with the amount adsorbed. These crystalline substances seemed 
to exert more intense adsorptive and compressive forces on the 
gases and vapors studied than does charcoal. Polanyi's potential 
theory was applied to the van der Waals' adsorption of argon and 
nitrogen on iron synthetic ammonia catalysts at liquid air tempera- 
tures by Emmett and Brunauer.^* The results fitted the Polanyi 
theory very well. The early part of the potential curves represented 
the building of monomolecular layers, the straight line section 
indicated the formation of multimolecular layers, while the high 
pressure part pointed to condensation of the gas in capillaries of 
the adsorbent. Thus Polanyi's theory is not limited to multimolec- 
ular layers of adsorbate but in this case, at least, it applies to 
monomolecular layers and capillary condensation as well. Brunauer 
and Emmett ^ determined the van der Waals' adsorption of such 
gases as nitrogen, oxygen, and argon by iron synthetic ammonia 
catalysts for the purpose of estimating the surface area of these 
catalysts. By extrapolating the linear portion of the isotherms 
back to zero pressure and assuming close packing, they calculated 
the mean value of the surface area to be 17.6 square meters for a 
46 gram sample, if the molecular diameters are taken from the densi- 
ties of the solidified gases, and 20.6 square meters if the diameters 
are obtained from the densities of the liquefied gases. 

Rather unusual results were found by Beebe and his coworkers 2 
when they measured the adsorption of hydrogen and deuterium on 
copper at pressures from zero to two mm. At —78° the rate of 
adsorption of deuterium was less than for hydrogen but equal 
amounts of the two isotopes were adsorbed at equilibrium. It 
was concluded that activated adsorption occurred at this tempera- 
ture. In the temperature interval to 125°, the rates at which the 
two isotopes are adsorbed underwent an inversion, deuterium being 
more rapidly adsorbed at the higher temperature. Direct calori- 
metric measurements of the differential heats of adsorption of 
the two isotopes showed them to be identical within the limits of 
experimental error. The early rate of adsorption at —78° was auto- 

Surface Properties and the Preparation of Catalysts. Copley and 
Phipps ^ directed a constant molecular beam of potassium iodide 
against a heated tungsten filament and studied the positive ion 
current obtained. The tungsten filament was first oxygen coated 
and later stripped of this gas by flashing at high temperatures. 
In the region of a stable oxygen layer the positive ion current was 

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constant and higher than after the wire was flashed. The current 
decreased with increasing temperature. This behavior was the 
same as found when a beam of potassium atoms was used, which 
indicated that the ionization process was the same in both cases. 
Preliminary dissociation of the adsorbed salt into atoms must first 
occur. Positive ions were found by Kunsman and Nelson ^3 to be 
emitted from an iron potassium catalyst for ammonia synthesis 
after the catalyst had become inactive as a clean up agent, indicat- 
ing that metal surfaces emitting positive ions were not necessarily 
good catalysts. 

A new method was worked out by DuMond and Youtz,^^ 
whereby gold atoms could be successively laid down in step-wise 
layers of twenty atoms thick. They then measured the selective 
x-ray reflection from these stratified metal films whose thickness 
was 10,000 A. Diffraction maxima, whose intensity falls off 
exponently with the time, were obtained from this grating. The 
half life of the surface was from two to three days. If this tech- 
nique could be applied to the study of the surface of metal catalysts, 
it might provide a means of studying intimately the diffusion of 
atoms in the solid state. 

A new way to prepare finely divided metals was developed by 
Insley,24 who carefully distilled the mercury from amalgams of 
these metals. Copper, iron, cobalt, and nickel, prepared in this 
way, were neither as good adsorbents for hydrogen, ethylene, or 
ethane, nor were they as good catalysts in the hydrogenation of 
ethylene as the same metals obtained in a fine state of division by 
reduction of the oxides. The results indicated a small amount of 
van der Waal's adsorption of hydrogen by the nickel prepared from 
the nickel amalgam and a somewhat larger activated adsorption. 
However, it was not proved that the last traces of mercury were 
completely eliminated by the process and any such traces might 
well act as poisons. Baldeschwieler and Mikeska ^ were able to 
prove that the poisons and impurities on spent platinum catalysts 
must be eliminated before the material could be made into an effec- 
tive platinum oxide catalyst once more. Recommended procedures 
were not successful in doing this and modifications were worked 
out. Conversion to chloroplatinic acid and precipitation by ammo- 
nium chloride under controlled conditions enabled them to prepare 
a catalyst of high activity. The effectiveness of various zinc oxide- 
chromium oxide catalysts in the methanol synthesis was made the 
basis of a study by Molstad and Dodge.^^ Short time tests indi- 
cated the best ratio to be Znjg Cr25 but it was found that catalysts 
of higher chromium content increased in activity with use coupled 
with operation at temperatures above maximum activity. The com- 
position of the catalyst, having maximum activity, was finally 
located at ZnsoCrsQ. This catalyst was rugged, produced nearly 
pure methanol, and appeared to be uninjured by long use. Such 

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complete studies as this show how futile it is to decide on the 
composition and behavior of a catalyst before full information is 

Heterogeneous Reaction Kinetics. In order to evaluate more 
satisfactorily the kinetics of reactions of the type A(^) = B(j) +C(^), 
Benton and Cunningham ^ studied the rate of thermal decomposi- 
tion of light sensitive silver oxalate, on which nuclei had been 
previously produced by irradiation. Exposure to light, especially 
to AX<520mu, greatly increased the rate of the subsequent thermal 
reaction. Oxygen present during exposure resulted in marked 
initial poisoning as compared to exposure in nitrogen and carbon 
dioxide. Long exposure to light resulted in slight decomposition 
of the oxalate. Exposure to light produced a greater effect in the 
lower decomposition temperature range than it did in the higher 
range. The increased yield over unexposed samples was roughly 
proportional to the number of quanta absorbed for short exposures 
but long exposures were relatively less effective. The theoretical 
treatment, based on simple assumptions regarding nuclei formation 
and their subsequent growth, was found to be in reasonably good 
agreement with the early stages of decomposition. Activation 
energy of nucleation was found to be about 64 K. cal., while that 
for growth of nuclei was 8.5 K. cal. 

The decomposition of deuteroammonia on tungsten wires at 
about 950° K. was observed to be approximately of zero order by 
Jungers and Taylor ^^ in the pressure range of 3.5 cm. to 15 cm. 
The surface area was nearly saturated but the zero order decom- 
position was slower than for ammonia under the same conditions. 
The temperature coefficient of decomposition was the same for 
the two ammonias. Zero point energy differences are able to 
account for the differences in the decomposition velocities. Pease 
and Wheeler ^^ used a copper catalyst and measured the rate of 
hydrogenation of ethylene by hydrogen and deuterium at 0°. The 
results indicated a ratio of rates of H2/D2 = 1.59. At higher tem- 
peratures this ratio fell but the possibility of exchange was not 
excluded. The exchange reaction between benzene and heavy 
water was found by Bowman, Benedict and Taylor * to proceed 
slowly over a nickel catalyst at 200° in a closed system. Finally, 
all of the hydrogen atoms of benzene were found to be replaced 
by deuterium resulting in the formation of benzene dg. 

A smooth platinum wire was used by Dixon and Vance ^^ in 
their study of the reaction between hydrogen and nitrous oxide 
at 260 to 471°. The reaction was nearly independent of the hydro- 
gen pressure and approximately proportional to the nitrous oxide 
pressure, indicating that reaction occurred when nitrous oxide 
molecules with an activation energy of 23,100 cal. collided with 
surfaces which were practically covered with hydrogen. Jackson ^o 
placed tungsten or platinum as a catalyst in the gas vStream, coming from 

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an electrical discharge through water vapor, to remove atomic hydro- 
gen. This gas stream with 80 percent of the atomic hydrogen 
removed was about 90 percent as effective in the oxidation of 
carbon monoxide. Possible chain reactions, involving OH radicals 
or hydrogen peroxide, were suggested as mechanisms for this 
reaction. In the slow oxidation of propane, Pease ^^ had to use a 
glass tube poisoned by potassium chloride, because the reaction 
was strongly inhibited by the glass surface. Heisig and Wilson ^2 
found that the action of bromine on butadiene was a surface reac- 
tion, occurring rapidly on glass surfaces as catalysts. Adsorption 
of the product on the glass slows down the action to a constant 

Catalytic Reactions. 

Hydrogenation. Carbon dioxide was hydrogenated to formic 
acid over Raney nickel catalysts at 80° or less in the presence of 
amines as reported by Farlow and Adkins.^*^ Sheet brass was 
effective as a catalyst at 250°. Formates were formed but, if the 
reaction was carried out at much above 100°, the formate of the 
amine was dehydrated to the substituted formamide. Using 
platinic oxide as a catalyst, Glattfeld and Schimpff ^® observed that 
the delta-lactones of aldonic acids were reduced to the correspond- 
ing sugars. Gamma-lactones were also reduced but the sugar yields 
were usually lower, due to the further reduction to the correspond- 
ing sugar alcohols. Both platinic oxide and Raney nickel were 
used by Lutz and Palmer ^^ in the hydrogenation of 1,4-diketones. 
/ranj-Dibenzoylethylene may imder different conditions give both 
mono and dimolecular products, while other 1,4-diketones, includ- 
ing m-dibenzoylethylene and the halogen derivatives, imderwent 
largely monomolecular reduction. The formation of furous and 
cyclic dimolecular products suggested that in these cases catalytic 
hydrogenation involved conjugate addition. Stevinson and Ham- 
ilton,*^ using Raney nickel, were able to catalytically reduce nitro- 
arylarsonic acids to amino-arylarsonic acids without affecting the 
arsono groujJ. Raney nickel catalysts were also found by Van 
Duzee and Adkins ^^ to be effective in the hydrogenation and 
hydrogenolysis of a series of ethers. Hydrogenolysis occurred in 
some cases at temperatures lower than necessary for hydrogenation. 

Oxidation. The rate of burning or the disappearance of a carbon 
film from glass surfaces or from glass coated with chlorides of the 
alkalies, chlorides and hydroxides of the alkaline earth metals or 
the sulfates of sodium and potassium, was made the basis of a study 
by Day, Robey, and Dauben.^^^ The salts markedly speeded up the 
disappearance of the carbon film at temperatures of 515 to 575°. 
The salt surfaces probably acted as catalysts in the decomposition 
of surface complexes of the type C^Oy. This was previously sug- 
gested by Taylor and Neville for the effect of salts on the reaction 

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of steam upon carbon. By an improved technique Milas and 
Walsh 37 oxidized furane, furfural, furfural alcohol, and furoic acid 
over such catalysts as vanadium pentoxide, bismuth vanadate, and 
a ten percent molybdenum oxide, ninety percent vanadium pent- 
oxide. Maleic acid was found to be the chief solid product. Walker 
and Christensen ^* accomplished the quantitative oxidation of 
methane by passing it twice over mixed oxides of cobalt and copper 
on unglazed porcelain at a rate of 20 to 25 cc. per minute over 3.5 g. 
of catalyst at 550°, provided the ratio of oxygen to methane was 
at least three to one. 

Miscellaneous Reactions. Several interesting investigations 
have appeared which involve alkylation and polymerization. Direct 
alkylation of aromatic hydrocarbons was achieved by Malishev,^^ 
who used phosphorus pentoxide, mixed with cresol peptized lamp- 
black, as a dispersion catalyst in the hydrocarbons. At tempera- 
tures of 200° to 250° under pressures up to 40 atmospheres, ethylene 
added to benzene to form mono- and hexaethylbenzene, isobuty- 
lene added to benzene to form ^^rf-butylbenzene, propylene added to 
toluene (at 150°) to form />-c)rmene and naphthalene was ethylated by 
ethylene. Grosse and Ipatieff ^i obtained what was termed destruc- 
tive alkylation when a paraffin hydrocarbon in the presence of 
AIQ3 or ZrCl4 at 50-75° split into a lower hydrocarbon and an 
olefin which immediately reacted with an aromatic hydrocarbon to 
alkylate it. Ipatieff and Grosse ^7 further found that different 
classes of hydrocarbons, i. e., paraffins, naphthenes, aromatics and 
olefins, reacted with ease among themselves in the presence of 
catalysts. The halides of a number of the elements proved to be 
effective but boron fluoride in the presence of finely divided nickel 
and either water or anhydrous hydrogen fluoride was studied most 
completely in the cases of reactions between paraffins and olefins. 
The paraffins so far alkylated gave higher weight molecules through 
addition of one, two or more molecules of olefin — and they all 
contained a tertiary carbon atom. Together with his coworkers, 
Ipatieff 25, 26, 28 has followed the polymerization of gaseous olefins 
under high pressure in the presence of phosphoric acid. Ethylene 
yielded a mixture of paraffinic, olefinic, napthenic and aromatic 
hydrocarbons. Propylene polymerized to a mixture of mono-olefins 
and isomeric butylenes at atmospheric pressure and relatively low 
temperature formed liquid polymers which proved to be mono- 

Using copper-silica gel and copper chloride-silica gel catalysts, 
Reyerson and Yuster*^ followed the chlorination of propane over 
a temperature range from about 50 to 275°. In the presence of the 
catalysts the heat of activation was about half of that for the homo- 
geneous reaction and the extent of chlorination was greater at a 
given temperature. A new type of hysteresis was observed when 
the partial pressure of chlorine was half an atmosphere or over. 

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When, and only when, the reaction was carried to a temperature 
such that there was a 100 percent chlorination was the hysteresis 
effect found. If the temperature of the catalyst chamber was 
lowered as much as 60 to 80°, the chlorination persisted at 100 per- 
cent, instead of dropping as it had in the homogeneous reaction. 
This catalytic hysteresis made it possible to study the pyrolysis of 
the propyl chlorides which was found to take place. A coupling 
reaction was also shown to be present. Anhydrous zinc chloride 
was the catalyst used by Underwood and Baril ^2 j^ their study 
of the decomposition of esters and acids. The methyl, ethyl, 
propyl, and butyl esters of monobasic aliphatic acids were not 
affected but esters of higher alcohols, i. e., amyl and above, decom- 
posed over this catalyst into an unsaturated hydrocarbon and the 
monobasic acid. Aliphatic monobasic acids themselves were not 
affected. Esters of aromatic acids decomposed into an unsaturated 
hydrocarbon and the aromatic acid which, in turn, gave carbon 
dioxide and the aromatic hydrocarbon if the acid were monobasic. 
Cases were found where halogenated aliphatic acids decomposed, 
yielding carbon monoxide as one of the products. 

Ebert ^^ attempted to find a catalyst which would enable him to 
produce acetaldehyde from carbon monoxide and methane. A 
nickel catalyst proved to be the best to catalyse the decomposition 
of acetaldehyde into carbon monoxide and methane. Equilibrium 
was thought to have been reached in this decomposition but 
attempts to approach the equilibrium from the other side were 
not successful. A number of catalysts were tried out by Graeber 
and Cryder ^^ in the dehydration of formic acid. At 280 to 360° a 
thoria-silica gel catalyst proved to be the most efficient as to yield 
and purity of carbon monoxide. The method offers a good way to 
prepare pure carbon monoxide from formic acid, in place of the 
liquid phase dehydration used at present. Singh and Krase*^ 
sought to develop a catalytic vapor phase synthesis of acetic acid 
from methanol and carbon monoxide under pressure. Active car- 
bon impregnated with phosphoric acid was found to be an effective 
catalyst for this reaction but its life was limited. The influence of 
fuel and water gas conversion catalysts formed the basis of an 
investigation by Brewer and Reyerson ^ on the rate of production 
of hydrogen from lignite char at 600 to 800°. Catalysts were found 
which produced higher yields of water gas, with a corresponding 
increase in hydrogen as compared with untreated char. 


1. Baldeschwieler, E. L., and Mikeska, L. A^ /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 977 (1935). 

2. Beebe, R. A., Low, G. W., Jr., Wildner, E. L., and Goldwasser, S., /. Am. Chem. 

Soc, 57: 2527 (1935). 

3. Benton, A. F., and Cunningham, G. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2227 (1935). 

4. Bowman, P. I., Benedict, W. S., and Taylor, H. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 960 


5. Brewer, R. E., and Reyerson, L. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1047 (1935). 

6. Brunauer, S., and Emmett, P. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1754 (1935). 

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7. Cashman, R. J., and Huxford, W. S., Phys. Rev., 48: 734 (1935). 

8. Copley, M. J., and Phipps, T. E., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 594 (1935). 

9. Cunningham, G. E., /. Phys. Chem., »: 69 (1935). 

10. Day, J. E., Robey, R. F., and Dauben, H. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2725 (1935). 

11. Dixon, J. K., and Vance, J. E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 818 (1935). 

12. DuMond, J. W., and Youtz, J. P., Phys. Rev., 48: 703 (1935). 

13. EJbert, M. S., /. Phys. Chem., 39: 421 (1935). 

14. Emmett, P. H., and Brunauer, S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2732 (1935). 

15. Emmett, P. H., and Harkness, R. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1624 (1935). 

16. Emmett, P. H., and Harkness R. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1631 (1935). 

17. Farlow, M. W., and Adkins, H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2222 (1935) 

18. Glattfeld, J. W. E., and Schirapff, G. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2204 (1935). 

19. Graeber, E. G., and Cryder, D. S., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 828 (1935). 

20. Griffin, C. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1206 (1935). 

21. Grosse, A. V., and Ipatieff, V. N., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2415 (1935). 

22. Heisig, G. B., and Wilson, J. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 859 (1935). 

23. Herzfeld, K. F., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 319 (1935). 

24. Insley, E. G., /. Phys. Chem., 39: 623 (1935). 

25. Ipatieff, V. N., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1067 (1935). 

26. Ipatieff, V. N., and Corson, B. B., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1069 (1935). 

27. Ipatieff, V. N., and Grosse, A. V., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1616 (1935). 

28. Ipatieff, V. N., and Pines, H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1364 (1935). 

29. Jackson, W. F., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 82 (1935). 

30. Jungers, J. C, and Taylor, H. S., /. Am. Chem Soc, 57: 679 (1935). 

31. Kistiakowsky, G. B., Romeyn, H., Jr., Ruhoff, J. R., Smith, H. A., and Vaughan, 

W. E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 65 (1935). 

32. Kistiakowsky, G. B., Ruhoff, J. R., Smith, H. A., and Vaughan, W. E., /. Am. 

Chem. Soc, 57: 876 (1935). 

33. Kunsman, C. H., and Nelson, R. A., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 754 (1935). 

34. Lamb, A. B., and Ohl, E. N., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2154 (1935). 

35. Lutz, R. E., and Palmer, F. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1957 (1935). 

36. Malishev, B. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 883 (1935). 

Z7, Milas, N. A., and Walsh, W. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1389 (1935). 

38. Molstad, M. C, and Dodge, B. F., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 134 (1935). 

39. Morikawa, K., Benedict, W. S., and Taylor, H. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 592 


40. Pease, R. N., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2296 (1935). 

41. Pease, R. N., and Wheeler, A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1144 (1935). 

42. Reyerson, L. H., and Yuster, S., /. Phys. Chem., 39: 1111 (1935). 

43. Rowley, H. H., and Evans, W. V., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2059 (1935). 

44. Russell, W. W., and Ghering, L. G., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2544 (1935). 

45. Singh, A. D., and Krase, N. W., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 909 (1935). 

46. Stevinson, M. R., and Hamilton, C. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1298 (1935). 

47. Storch, H. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1395 (1935). 

48. Taylor, H. S., and Diamond, H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 1256 (1935). 

49. Taylor, H. S., and Diamond, H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1251 (1935). 

50. Taylor, H. S., and Jungers, J. C, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 660 (1935). 

51. Taylor, H. S., Morikawa, K., and Benedict, W. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2735 


52. Underwood, H. W., Jr., and Baril, O. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2729 (1935). 

53. Van Duzee, E. M., and Adkins, H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 147 (1935). 

54. Walker, I. F., and Christensen, B. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 9 (1935). 

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Chapter VL 
Inorganic Chemistry, 1933-1935. 

Don M. Yost, 
California Institute of Technology, 

In his review for 1929-1932 H. I. Schlesinger rightly remarked that 
the field of pure inorganic chemistry has become considerably circum- 
scribed in recent years. This is not because of lack of interest or of 
things to do, but rather because other subdivisions of chemistry have 
arisen which are concerned with specialized aspects of inorganic chem- 
istry. Thus the original all-inclusive domain has become separated 
into a number of smaller kingdoms. In this case the subdivision is not 
regrettable, providing, of course, the broader aspects of chemistry are 
recalled with sufficient frequency. 

From time to time it is pertinent to enquire whether all investiga- 
tions carried out by chemists as scientists are worth while. We have 
no good criteria for a judgment. It might be said that when an investi- 
gation merely illustrates a principle which is well understood, then it 
is of doubtful value. To be sure, new results or new phenomena may 
be uncovered in routine investigations, and an effort should be made 
in the selection of the problems to make more probable these eventuali- 
ties; however, one has sometimes the fear that such possibilities are 
remote. The distinction between data that have permanent value and 
are of practical importance, and results which merely add unnecessary 
confirmation to an accepted theory, should, of course, be made. There 
is the possibility too that a less pretentious result of the present may 
become important in the future; great wines do not come from hand- 
some grapes. This possibility must not be overemphasized, however. 
It may well be considered the duty of the inorganic chemist to keep 
the more fundamental goals before the specialized groups, when we 
know what they are. 

The present review must, of necessity, confine itself to inorganic 
chemistry as distinguished from physical chemistry, thermodynamics, 
molecular structure, and other specialized subdivisions. This leaves 
such topics as the discovery and description of new elements and new 
compounds as the field to be surveyed. It must be emphasized, how- 
ever, that more often than not the most interesting and useful results 
arise in the course of studies in the specialized fields. 

New Elements. The remarkable discovery of Curie and Joliot,* 

• Curie, I., and Joliot, F., Compt. rend., IW: 254 (1934). 


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Crane and Lauritsen,^ and Fermi and his associates,^ that it is 
now possible to bring about the transmutation of most of the 
known elements, has been of special interest to chemists. Of his- 
torical importance is the fact that that which the original chemists 
tried to attain is now possible. In most cases the transmutations 
have led to elements already known, but when uranium is bom- 
barded with neutrons, at least one, and possibly three new elements 
result, namely, 93, 94, and 95. The first experiments by Fermi and 
his associates, showing the existence of the new elements, were not 
regarded as conclusive by some chemists. The subsequent experi- 
ments made by Grosse and Agruss ^ on the chemistry of 91 (prot- 
actinium) have clarified the doubtful points considerably and 
have led to experiments establishing the existence of the new ele- 
ments. In this connection Grosse^ has discussed the probable 
chemical properties of 93 and 94 from the point of view of the 
periodic law and Bohr's theory of atomic structure. In order to 
establish which element is formed in a transmutation process, purely 
chemical experiments are made in which the unknown element is 
mixed with another, assumed to be isotopic with it. This pro- 
cedure was used by Livingston and McMillan* to show that nitro- 
gen is changed to oxygen by deuteron bombardment, and by Yost, 
Ridenour and Shinohara^ to establish that boron and carbon are 
converted into carbon and nitrogen, respectively, by deuteron 
bombardment. Further details on the physical side of transmuta- 
tion will be found in the chapters on radioactivity and atomic 

The fact that the elements formed by neutron, proton, deuteron, 
and alpha particle bombardment are frequently radioactive may be 
employed to follow a given substance through various chemical 
reactions. Thus, Grosse and Agruss^ have studied the exchange 
of bromine between bromide ion and bromine in solution of tri- 
bromide. They show also that the rate of evaporation of bromine 
from tribromide solutions at 100° is more rapid than the rate of 
bromine hydrolysis. It seems likely that the future will see further 
applications of the radio elements both in inorganic chemistry and 
in biology. 

The Noble Gases. Chemists have made many attempts to cause 
the noble gases to combine with other elements. These efforts have, 
until recently, resulted in failures. The most important recent 
research in this field has been that of Booth and Willson,*^ who 
showed that argon and boron trifluoride, at low temperatures, com- 
bine to form the compounds, A.BFg, A.ZBFg, A.3 BFg, A.6 BFg, 
A.8 BF3, and A.16 BF3. In addition to this, the same authors® have 
made a study of the critical phenomena of A-BFg mixtures. An 
attempt to make xenon combine with chlorine and fluorine by 

tFermi, E., et al., Ric. sclent., 2: 280 (1934). 

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sending an electrical discharge through mixtures of these gases 
was made by Yost and Kaye,® but no compounds were detected. 

The Halogens. The most outstanding result obtained in this 
field is that of Cady^® who prepared the compound NO3F by the 
action of fluorine on dilute solutions of nitric acid. The sub- 
stance is gaseous at room temperatures (b.p. —42°) and it explodes 
on heating. Yost and Beerbower^^ found that the same substance 
can be easily prepared by passing fluorine over solid potassium 
nitrate. They also found that at low temperatures and in the 
solid state NO3F is dangerously explosive. It is disconcerting to 
note that foreign chemists have already designated it as a possible 
war gas. Cady^^ h^s investigated and clarified the reaction between 
fluorine and aqueous solutions of acids and alkalis and finds that 
little if any ozone is formed, but that OF2, O2 and peroxides are 
formed. The nature of the reaction products depends somewhat 
on the acidity or alkalinity of the solutions. By treating alkaline 
solutions with fluorine, Dennis and Rochow^^ found highly oxidiz- 
ing substances which they suggested were salts of oxyacids of 
fluorine; Cady ^* considers that their results are due to the presence 
of oxyacidic salts of chlorine. Cady^^ has studied the system 
KF-HF and has given the most desirable mixtures to be used in 
electrolytic fluorine generators. A modified cell for preparing 
fluorine is described by Dennis and Rochow.^^ Ebert and Rodow- 
skas ^'^ have prepared AgF2, a powerful oxidizing agent. Eyring 
and Kassell ^^ have shown that H2 and F2 do not react at room 
temperatures except in the presence of a catalyst, or when an 
initiating reaction takes place. 

Ewart and Rodebush ^® have found that active nitrogen, formed 
in an electric discharge, reacts with HCl, HBr, and HI to form the 
ammonium salts. A phase rule study of the system Pbl2-KI by 
van Klooster and Stearns 20 showed that KPbIg exists. In the 
system Pb^PbO the compounds Pbl2 . PbO, Pbl2.2PbO, and 
possibly Pbl2 . 4PbO are formed.^® Willard and Thompson 21 have 
shown that under various conditions lead periodate precipitates 
have the formula Pb3H4(I04)2. On heating this at 275°, Pb3(I05)2 
results. Nichols and Willits 22 have made an extensive study of 
the compound formed when ammonia and Nessler*s solution react 
and find it to be NH2Hg2l3. It is very insoluble and the fine col- 
loidal precipitate is negatively charged. KPbl3 . 2H2O is the only 
double salt found in the system 23 KI-Pbl2-H20 at 0° and 25°. 
Ricci 24 has found that the double salts 2NaI03 . 3NaBr . I5H2O 
and 2NaIO3.3NaBr.l0H2O are formed in the system NalOg-NaBr- 
H2O at 5°, 25°, and 50°. Cartledge and Goldheim 25 have made an 
extensive study of the complex ions and compounds formed in 
aqueous solutions of HgCl2 and K2C2O4. They found that HgCl2, 
HgCl2(C204)2=, HgCl3-, Hg2Cl4, and PIg2Cl5- were present in equi- 
librium in the solutions studied. 

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Dobbins and Colehour^^ have found that solutions of perrhenic 
acid, HRe04, are best prepared by oxidizing Re or Re02 with 30 
percent H2O2 and then evaporating the resulting solution until 

The Elements of the Sixth Group. The many compounds of sul- 
fur have been the subject of a large number of investigations in 
the past. With the introduction of improved methods of experi- 
mentation, a number of interesting investigations are now possible 
that formerly were too time-consuming or otherwise difficult. 
Shumb and Hamblet^^ have carried out a very thoroughgoing 
investigation of the reactions of SOCI2 and S2CI2 with lead oxalate 
and formate. They find that lead oxalate reacts quantitatively 
with SOCI2 to give SO2, CO2, CO, and PbCl2. When S2CI2 reacts 
with lead oxalate, S, SO2, CO2, and CO are the products. The 
reaction with lead formate is not simple. McCleary and Fernelius^s 
have studied the oxidation reactions between oxygen and the alkali 
polysulfides, selenides, and tellurides in liquid ammonia solutions. 
Mixtures of the ite and ate salts are, in general, formed. It is 
gratifying to note that attention is being given to the interesting 
reactions that take place in liquid ammonia solutions. Barton and 
Yost^^ carried out vapor density and dissociation experiments on 
sulfur monochloride, S2CI2, in the temperature range 200° to 800°, 
in order to determine the nature and extent of dissociation. 
Although the results were best explained by assuming S2 and CI2 
to be the dissociation products, the calculated heats of reaction 
were not in agreement with existing thermal data. 

The anhydride of selenic acid has been prepared by Kramer 
and Meloche.3® They caused selenium to react with oxygen in the 
negative region of a glow discharge. Anyone who has worked with 
telluric acid will be pleased to learn that it may be readily prepared 
by refluxing a mixture of tellurium dioxide, sulfuric acid, and 30 
percent hydrogen peroxide. This method was found satisfactory 
by Gilbertson.3i Claussen and Yost ^^ found a new volatile 
fluoride of tellurium when they passed fluorine over tellurium. The 
exact formula was not determined, but it was established that 
each molecule contained two atoms of tellurium and had the 
possible formula Te2Fe. 

Oxygen compounds are, in general, best considered under other 
compounds. The existence and separation of the oxygen isotope, 
O^®, as a problem of interest in itself, has attracted considerable 
attention and rightly so, since more exact knowledge of nuclear 
and even molecular structure is to be obtained by working with 
the pure isotopes. Green^^ found some concentration of O^® 
resulted on the electrolysis of water. By extended electrolysis of 
an old commercial electrolyte. Hall and Johnston ^^ established the 
separation factor to be 1.008, and found the concentration of O^^ 
to be 4 p.p.m. (parts per million). 

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A modified and relatively safe method of preparing liquid ozone 
has been described by Byrns.^^ The ozone generator itself is 
operated at liquid air temperatures. ' 

Further interesting and important results on the properties of 
the sulfur group elements have come from x-ray and electron 
diffraction studies. These results are to be looked for in the 
chapters dealing with these subjects. 

The metals of the sixth group have not received a great amount 
of attention recently. Of interest is the study made by Windsor 
and Blanchard^^ of the properties of Cr(CO)e. They established 
the formula by vapor density measurements and, in addition, meas- 
ured its vapor pressure as a function of the temperature. Ehret 
and Greenstone^'^ have studied the decomposition products of Cr04- 
. 3 NHg ; at 120° the substance decomposes in a lively fashion to 
give CrOa . NH3, which is not a peroxy compound. Schlesinger 
and Hammond^® have determined the formulas and dissociation 
pressures of a series of complex ammonia compounds of chromous 
chloride. The formulas of these complex salts are given by CrCV 
nNHg, where n has the values 6, 5, 3, and 2. Of considerable interest 
is the effect of chlorine on these substances. The ammonia groups 
are oxidized first, and the chromous chromium is not affected until 
all of the ammonia has been converted to nitrogen and hydrogen 
chloride. Fricke and Brownscombe^^ have found that the dichro- 
mates in sulfuric acid solution are reduced to chromic salts when 
irradiated with x-rays. The effect is due to the hydrogen peroxide 
formed by the action of the x-rays on the aqueous solution. 

The magneto-optic method of chemical investigation has not 
yet been made sufficiently objective to be generally accepted as 
reliable. This writer has talked with people who have observed the 
effect and believe it to be real. He knows others who have tried and 
failed. If someone would only make it as nearly completely objec- 
tive as possible, a number of purely chemical questions of 
importance could be settled with ease. Ball and Crane,*® for 
example, have used the method to show that the dichromates are 
reduced, to a small extent, to pentavalent chromium. The method 
might find application in the study of chemical kinetics, in which 
intermediates are assumed to exist in small amounts. 

Sears and Lohse *^ have shown that the products of the reaction 
between chlorine and intimate mixtures of tungstic acid and carbon 
are the volatile oxychlorides. The carbon is not consumed but 
acts as a catalyst only. 

The Elements of the Fifth Group. The trinitrides have, since 
their discovery, been of great interest to inorganic chemists. This 
is perhaps due to the large number of reactions that they undergo 
and to the question of their structure. All will doubtless agree that 
Edward C. Franklin has been preeminent in this field. He has 
recently *2 discussed the nature of the trinitrides from the point of 

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view of their reactions, and concludes that they are salts of ammono 
nitric acid. That is, the trinitrides are the ammonia system analogs 
of the nitrates. The reaction KNO3+3 KNH2 = KN3+3 KOH 
H-NHs illustrates the general idea. Another American chemist who 
has made many worthy contributions in this field is A. W. 
Browne ^^' **• *^. He and his associates have prepared and investi- 
gated the physical and chemical properties of ammonium trinitride, 
hydrazine trinitride, and azido dithiocarbonic acid. The last com- 
pound is an acid of about the same strength as sulfuric acid. It 
was also found that ammonium trinitride could be sublimed from 
mixtures of sodium trinitride and ammonium nitrate or sulfate.*® 
Howard and Browne *'^' ^^ have discovered that when small tungsten 
filaments (0.05 mm.) are heated to 3000° under liquid ammonia, 
hydrazine is formed to the extent of some 0.25 percent. They 
determined the yield as a function of current consumption, tem- 
perature, and other factors. Nichols *^ determined the gaseous 
products resulting from the reaction between solutions of silver 
salts and hydroxylamine. An accurate determination of the normal 
density of ammonia was made by Dietrichson, Bircher, and 
O'Brien.^® The results are not useful for an atomic weight 
determination due to uncertainties in the values of the gas law 

The action of antimony trifluoride, with antimony pentachloride 
as a catalyst, on phosphorus trichloride has yielded, in the hands 
of Booth and Bozorth,^^ the new gaseous compounds PF2CI and 
PFCI2. They find that the same gases are formed when gaseous 
mixtures of phosphorus trichloride and trifluoride are heated to 
200°. Pauling ^2 jj^s given a penetrating discussion of the proper 
formula for antimonic acid and concludes that HSb(OH)e best 
expresses the known properties. From the results of cell measure- 
ments, Carpenter 53 has concluded that pentavalent vanadium in 
acid solution is present as the ion VO2*. Coryell and Yost^* had 
assumed the ion to be V(OH)4+ as a result of similar measurements. 
It is quite possible that Carpenter's conclusion is the correct one. 

Grosse and Agruss 5^' ^^ have made an important advance in hav- 
ing prepared 0.1 gram of protactinium, element 91. They have 
determined some of its chemical properties and the nature of the 
compounds Pa205 and PaCls- The chemical properties were made 
use of in clarifying the question of the existence of elements 93 and 
94, as noted above under New Elements. 

The Elements of the Fourth Group. The compounds of carbon 
come properly under organic chemistry, this classification being one 
purely of convenience. But because the reactions involved illustrate 
a type that is important at present in inorganic synthesis, the com- 
pounds obtained by Booth, Burchfield, Bixby, and McKelvey ^"^ are 
here noted. They treated C2F3CI3, C2F2CI4, and CFCI5 with zinc 
in alcoholic solution and found that C2F3CI, C2F2CI2, and C2FCI3, 

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respectively, were formed, two chlorine atoms being removed in 
each case. They attempted to convert C2CI4 to C2F4 by treating 
the former with silver fluoride, but without success. Contrary to 
the statements encountered in some books, they found that carbon 
tetrachloride with silver fluoride does not give carbon tetrafluoride 
but a mixture of gases consisting principally of C2CI2F2. 

More attention has been devoted recently to the compounds of 
silicon. Johnson and associates,^®, 59 applying a method used by 
Kraus, have shown that the silicon hydrides can be efficiently pre- 
pared by treating magnesium silicide with a liquid ammonia solu- 
tion of ammonium bromide. They report yields of 70 to 80 percent. 
Booth and Stillwell ^^' ®^ have prepared and have determined the 
physical properties of the compounds SiHClg and SiHFg. The 
first compound results from the reaction between silicon and 
hydrogen chloride, and the second compound is prepared from 
the first by treating it with antimony trifluoride and a catalyst, 
antimony pentachloride. Schumb and Bickford^^ have measured 
the boiling and freezing points of SiHBrs. Booth and Swinehart ^ 
obtained the new compound, SiFCla, together with the correspond- 
ing substances containing two, three, and four atoms of fluorine, 
when they treated silicon tetrachloride with antimony trifluoride. 
Antimony pentachloride was used to catalyze the reactions. 

An interesting study of the reaction between titanium tetra- 
chloride and hydrogen at elevated temperatures was made by 
Schumb and Sundstrom.^* Titanium trichloride is one product of 
the reaction and at about 475° this decomposes appreciably into 
the di- and tetrachlorides. Both the tri- and dichlorides were found 
to form ammonia complexes. The TiCl2 . 4 NH3 decom.poses at 
300° to give a nitride of titanium. Roseman and Thornton ^^ have 
developed a method for preparing iron-free titanous solutions. 

Liquid ammonia as a solvent has found many applications in the 
field of organic synthesis and is being used more and more in 
inorganic preparations. Kraus and Carney ®^ have applied it in the 
preparation of germanium hydride. They treated magnesium ger- 
manide with liquid ammonia solutions of ammonium bromide. The 
germanium hydride reacts quantitatively with sodium in liquid 
ammonia to give NaGeHs. Dennis and Work ^'^ have found that 
monochlorogermane in liquid ammonia reacts to give germane and 
(GeH)x, while dichlorogermane gives germanium. Germanium 
tetraiodide reacts with liquid ammonia with the formation of 
Ge(NH)2i®® Germanium nitride, Ge3N2, was obtained by Johnson 
and Ridgley ^^ from the reaction between ammonia and germanium 
diiodide. The first product is an imide, and the nitride is formed 
by heating the imide at 250-300° for several hours. The recovery of 
germanium from germanite (a sulfide ore) has been very much 
simplified by the process discovered by Johnson, Foster, and 
Kraus.*^® The germanite is first heated at 800° in a stream of 

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nitrogen, and arsenous sulfide and sulfur are driven off. The 
residue is then treated with ammonia at 825°, which effects the 
reduction and volatilization of the germanium as GeS. About 99 
percent of the germanium in the ore can be recovered. Dennis and 
Staneslow "^^ have determined types of salts and their crystal forms 
that have GeFe= as the acidic constituent. 

The effect of potassium on zirconium tetrabromide "^^ Jn liquid 
ammonia and the action of some organic liquids on thorium tetra- 
bromide '^^ have been investigated. 

Elements of the Third Group. The Rare Earths. The hydrides 
of boron have interested both experimental and theoretical chem- 
ists for some time. The kind of bond in diborane, especially, has 
given the theoretical people no end of- trouble to explain. The 
results of the researches of Professor Schlesinger and his asso- 
ciates have been of importance in this field. Recently he has 
studied the reaction between diborane and boron trimethyP* and 
has found the compounds B2H5CH3 to B2H2(CH3)4. The 
reactions of these compounds with water indicate that to each 
boron is attached a hydrogen which is differently banded than the 
others, an important result. Burg and Schlesinger "^^ have also 
made a study of B5H11 and its method of preparation. It results 
on allowing diborane to stand for long periods of time at room 
temperature, or, more effectively, by passing diborane through a 
tube heated to 100-120°. These authors '^^ have prepared dimeth- 
oxyborine, (CH30)2BH, by means of the reaction between methyl 
alcohol and diborane. Burg^^ has prepared chlorodiborane by 
subjecting a mixture of hydrogen and boron trichloride to an 
electrical discharge. He also describes an improved method of 
fractional condensation. Sowa, Kroeger, and Nieuwland '^'^ have 
discovered a new hydroxyfluoboric acid to which they give the 

structural formula H(HO-B-OH). Schumb and Hartford "^^ have 

prepared BASO4. 

A careful determination of the physical properties and prepara- 
tion of gallium trichloride and gallium was made by Craig and 
Drake.''^^ Gallium melts at 29.755°, and the pure metal does not 
supercool. The extraction of gallium from germanite has been 
simplified by Foster, Johnson and Kraus.^^ 

Indium trimethyl has been prepared and its properties determined 
by Dennis, Work, Rochow and Chamot.^^ They heated indium with 
mercury dimethyl at 100°. The indium trimethyl, a colorless solid, 
is rapidly oxidized by oxygen. Seward ^2 prepared and measured 
the decomposition pressures of some hydrated normal and oxy 
sulfates of indium. Both indium and scandium were found in a 
zinc-free pegmatite ore by Romeyn.^^ Thallium triethyl was 
studied by Rochow and Dennis.®* 

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The program of researches on the rare earths initiated by B. S. 
Hopkins has been continued. He and his co-workers have investi- 
gated the relative basicity of the rare earths and find that it 
increases with decrease in atomic number.^^ The rare earth oxides 
were found to react with dry ammonium chloride to give the 
anhydrous chlorides.®* Of greater interest are the amalgams that 
Hopkins and his associates have prepared. By the electrolysis of 
concentrated alcoholic solutions of the chlorides with a mercury 
cathode,®*^ and by the action of sodium amalgams on these solu- 
tions,88 amalgams of the rare earth metals were obtained. In some 
cases it was possible to distill off the mercury and obtain the rare 
earth metals themselves. A novel method for the separation of 
europium from the other rare earths has been discovered by 
McCoy.®^ It consists in reducing EUCI3 solutions in a Jones 
reductor (zinc) to EUCI2 and allowing the reduced solution to 
run into a solution of magnesium sulfate. Europous sulfate pre- 
cipitates out. An iodometric method of analysis for europium is 
also outlined. Yagoda ^® has pointed out the advantages of a con- 
ventional periodic classification of the rare earths for use in pre- 
dicting their chemical properties. 

The Elements of the First and Eighth Groups. Since the dis- 
covery of the hydrogen isotope, deuterium, by Urey in 1932, there 
have appeared a large number of articles dealing with this important 
substance. The majority of these papers deal with the physical 
properties of deuterium, such as the spectra of its compounds and 
its application in transmutation experiments. On the purely 
chemical side may be mentioned its occurrence, preparation, proper- 
ties, and effects in reactions. Deuterium is present in all natural 
water. Gilfillan ®2 reports, as a result of density measurements, that 
sea-water contains more deuterium than does tap-water. Using 
the electrolytic method discovered by Washburn, G. N. Lewis ^^ 
prepared D2O containing less than 0.01% H. Harkins and Doede^* 
have also described an electrolytic method for separating D2O 
from water. By electrolyzing D2O (i. e., alkaline solutions in it), 
Selwood and associates'^ have concentrated a third isotope of 
hydrogen, tritrium (H^). They report it to be present to the extent 
of 7 p.p.m. in water. Selwood and Frost®® made determinations 
of the physical properties of D2O, as did also Taylor and Selwood.'*^ 
The latter authors give 3.82° as the freezing point of their highest 
density samples. Lewis '^ has observed a rapid interchange of H 
with D when NHg is dissolved in D2O. 

The methods of x-ray crystal structure analysis were applied 
by Thomas and Wood ®' to the salts formed when mixtures of KF 
and NaCl are heated. They concluded that KCl and NaF were 
among the reaction products. Kraus and Parmenter ^<^ have 
examined the compounds formed when potassium in liquid 
ammonia combines with oxygen. They prepared K2O3 and K2O4 

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and established the existence of the hydrates K2O2 . H2O, K2O2- 
.2H2O, and K2O3.H2O. 

A very careful and complete investigation of the oxidation 
states of silver in nitric acid solutions was made by A. A. Noyes 
and his co-workers.^^^ Saturated solutions of silver nitrate were 
oxidized with ozone and the dark colored solutions that resulted 
were analyzed and shown to contain bivalent silver. Measure- 
ments of electrode potentials and the rates of formation and 
decomposition gave added confirmation to the analytical results. 
It is necessary to assume the existence of trivalent silver in con- 
nection with the reaction mechanisms, and the black precipitate 
obtained on diluting the dark colored acid solutions probably 
consists of a trivalent oxide, but in solution the bulk of the silver 
is certainly bivalent. It is gratifying to have this question 

New ways for the preparation of nickel carbonyl have been 
developed by Windsor and Blanchard.^^^ The method consists in 
shaking a suspension of nickel sulfide in an alkaline solution 
with carbon monoxide. The optimum yield is obtained from a 
suspension obtained from 1 f.w. (formula weight) NaOH, 0.1 f.w. 
Na2S, and 0.5 f.w. NiS04, all in one liter. More interesting still is 
the substance CoNO(CO)3^^3 obtained by shaking an alkaline sus- 
pension of nickel cyanide with carbon monoxide and nitric oxide. 
In another communication Blanchard and Windsor ^^^ discuss the 
structures of the carbonyls. They conclude that, since Ni(CO)4 
does not form compounds analogous to KCo(CO)4, the cobalt 
carbonyl group has the nickel carbonyl electronic structure, the 
extra electron being furnished by the potassium. 

The chemistry of the platinum metals has not received the 
attention it deserves. The one paper that contains matters of 
chemical interest in addition to physical chemical data is that of 
Kirschman and Crowell.^®^ They studied the reaction between 
osmium tetroxide and hydrobromic acid at 100°. At low con- 
centrations of .OSO4 and acid and high concentrations of bromine, 
reduction to the septavalent form is indicated. A measurable 
equilibrium is attained. At higher acid concentrations tetravalent 
osmium is formed. 

The system FeS04-MnS04-H20 has been investigated by 
White.^^® Lange and Krueger ^^"^ have prepared a copper ammoni- 
sulfate dihydrate. 

In two theoretical papers W. A. Noyes ^^^ gives consideration 
to the electronic structure of inorganic complexes, and the types 
of reactions from the point of view of current electronic theories. 

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1. Lauritscn, C. C, Crane, H. R., and Harper, W. W., Science, 79: 234 (1934); Crane, 

H. R., and Lauritsen, C. C, Phys. Rev., 45: 430 (1934). 

2. Grossc, A. V., and Agruss, M. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 438 (1935). 

3. Grosse, A. V., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 440 (1935). 

4. LivingstcJin, M. S., and McMillan, E., Phys. Rev., 46: 437 (1934); McMillan, E.,.and 

Livingston, M. S., Ibid., 47: 452 (1935). 

5. Yost, D. M.. Ridenour, L., and Shinohara, K., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 133 (1935). 

6. Grosse, A. V., and Agruss, M. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 591 (1935). 

7. Booth, H. S., and Willson, K. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2273 (1935). 

8. Booth, H. S., and Willson, K. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2280 (1935) 

9. Yost, D. M., and Kaye, A. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 3890 (1933). 

10. Cady, G. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2635 (1934). 

11. Yost, D. M., and Beerbower, A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 782 (1935). 

12. Cady, G. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 246 (1935). 

13. Dennis, L. M., and Rochow, E. G., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 2431 (1933). 

14. Cady, G. H., /. Am. Chem Soc, 56: 1647 (1934). 

15. Cady, G. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1431 (1934). 

16. Dennis, L. M., and Rochow, E. G., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 879 (1934). 

17. Ebert, M. S., Rodowskas, E. L., and Frazer, J. C. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 3056 


18. Eyring, H., and Kassell, L. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 2796 (1933). 

19. Ewart, R. H., and Rodebush, W. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 97 (1934). 

20. Klooster, H. S. van, and Stearns, E. I., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 4121 (1933); Klooster, 

H. S. van, and Owens, R. M^ Ibid., 57: 670 (1935). 

21. Willard, H. H., and Thompson, J. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1828 (1934). 

22. Nichols, M. L., and Willits, C. O., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 769 (1934). 

23. Klooster, H. W. van, and Balon, P. A., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 56: 591 (1934). 

24. Ricci, J. E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 290 (1934); Ibid., 56: 295 (1934). 

25. Cartledge, G. H., and Goldheim, S. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 3583 (1933). 

26. Dobbins, J. T., and Colehour, J. K., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2054 (1934). 

27. Schumb, W. C, and Harablet, C. H.. /. Am. Chem. Soc, ST: 260 (1935). 

28. McQeary, R. L.. and Femelius, W. C, /. Am. Chem Soc, 56: 803 (1934). 

29. Barton, R. C, and Yost, D. M., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 307 (1935). 

30. Kramer, E. N., and Meloche, V. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1081 (1934). 

31. Gilbertson, L. I., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 1460 (1933). 

32. Yost, D. M., and Claussen, W. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 885 (1933). 

33. Greene, C. H., and Voskuyl, R. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1649 (1934). 

34. Hall, W. H., and Johnston, H. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1515 (1935). 

35. Byms, A. C, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1088 (1934). 

36. Windsor, M. M., and Blanchard, A. A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 823 (1934). 

37. Ehret, W. F., and Greenstone, A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2330 (1935). 

38. Schlesinger, H. I., and Hammond, E. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 55: 3971 (1933). 

39. Fricke, H., and Brownscombe, E. R., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 55: 2358 (1933). 

40. Ball, T. R., and Crane, K. D., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 4860 (1933). 

41. Sears, G. W., and Lohse, F., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 794 (1935). 

42. Franklin, E. C, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 568 (1934). 

43. Frost, W. S., Cothran, J. C, and Browne, A. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 3516 (1933). 

44. Dresser, A. L., Browne, A. W., and Mason, C. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 1963 


45. Smith, G. B. L., Gross, F. P., Jr., Brandes, G. H., and Browne, A. W., J. Am. 

Chem. Soc. 56: 1116 (1934). 

46. Frierson, W. J., an<J Browne, A. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2384 (1934). 

47. Howard, D. H., Jr., and Browne, A. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 1968 (1933). 

48. Howard, D. H., Jr., and Browne, A. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 3211 (1933). 

49. Nichols, M. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 841 (1934). 

50. Dietrichson. G., Bircher, L. J., and O'Brien, J. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 1 (1933). 

51. Booth, H. S., and Bozorth, A. R., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 3890 (1933). 

52. Pauling, L., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 55: 1895, 3052 (1933). 

53. Carpenter, J. E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1847 (1934). 

54. Coryell, C. D., and Yost, D. M., 7. Am. Clxem. Soc, 55: 1909 (1933). 

55. Grosse, A. V., and Agruss, M. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2200 (1934). 

56. Grosse, A. V., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 56: 2200 (1934). 

57. Booth, H. S., Burchfield, P. E., Bixby, E. M., and McKelvey, J. B., J. Am. Chem, 

Soc, 55: 2231 (1933). 

58. Johnson, W. C, and Hogness, T. R., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 56: 1252 (1934). 

59. Johnson, W. C, and Tsenberg, S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1349 (1935). 

60. Booth, H. S., and Stillwell, W. D., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1529 (1934). 

61. Booth, H. S.. and Stillwell, W. D., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1531 (1934). 

62. Schumb. W. C, and Bickford, F. A., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 56: 852 (1934). 

63. Booth, H. S., and Swinehart, C. F., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1333, 1337 (1935). 

64. Schumb, W. C, and Sundstrom, R. F., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 596 (1933). 

65. Roseman, R., and Thornton. W. M., Jr., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 328 (1935). 

66. Kraus, C. A., and Carney, E. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 765 (1934). 

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67. Dennis, L. M., and Work, R. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 4486 (1933). 

68. Johnson, W. C, and Sidwell, A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 1884 (1933). 

69. Johnson, W. C, and Ridgley, G. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2395 (1934). 

70. Johnson, W. C, Foster, L. W., and Kraus, C. A., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 1828 (1935). 

71. Dennis, L. M., and Staneslow, B. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 4392 (1933). 

72. Young, R. C, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1195 (1935). 

73. Young, R. C, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 29 (1934). 

74. Schlesinger, H. I., and Walker. A. O., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 621 (1935). 

75. Burg, A. B., and Schlesinger, H. I., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 4009 (1933). 

76. Burg, A. B., and Schlesinger, H. I., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 4020 (1933). 

77. Sowa, F. J., Kroeger, J. W., and Nieuwland, J. A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 454 (1935). 

78. Schurab, W. C, and Hartford, W. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2646 (1934). 

79. Craig. W. M., and Drake, G. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 584 (1934). 

80. Foster, L. W., Johnson, W. C, and Kraus, C. A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1832 (1935). 

81. Dennis, L. M., Work, R. W., Rochow, E. G., and Chamot, E. M., /. Am. Chem. 

Soc, 56: 1047 (1934). 

82. Seward, R. P., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 2740 (1933). 

83. Roraeyn, H., Jr., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 3899 (1933). 

84. Rochow, E. G., and Dennis, L. M., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 486 (1935). 

85. Sherwood, G. R., and Hopkins, B. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 3117 (1933). 

86. Reed, J. B., Hopkins, B. S., and Audrieth, L. F., /. Am. Chem. Soc, ST: 1159 (1935). 

87. Jukkola, E. E., Andrieth, L. F., and Hopkins, B. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 303 


88. West, D. H., and Ho«)kins, B. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2185 (1935). 

89. McCoy, H. N., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1756 (1935). 

90. Yagoda, H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2329 (1935). 

91. Burg, A. B., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 499 (1934). 

92. Gilfillan, E. S., Jr., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 406 (1934). 

93. Lewis, G. N., and MacDonald, R. T., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 3057 (1933). 

94. Harkins, W. D., and Doede, C, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 4330 (1933). 

95. Sdwood, P. W.. Taylor, H. S., Lozier, W. W., and Bleakney, W. C, /. Am. Chem. 

Soc, 57: 780 (1935). 

96. Selwood, P. W., and Frost, A. A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 4335 (1933). 

97. Taylor, H. S., and Selwood, P. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 998 (1934). 

98. Lewis, G. N., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 3502 (1933). 

99. Thomas, E. B., and Wood, L. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 92 (1934). 

100. Kraus, C. A., and Parmenter, E. F., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2384 (1934). 

101. Noyes, A. A., Hoard, J. L., and Pitzer, K. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 97: 1221 (1935); 

Noyes, A. A., Pitzer, K. S., and Dunn, C. L., Ibid., 57: 1229 (1935); Noyes, A. A., 
and Kossiakoff, A., Ibid., 57: 1238 (1935). 

102. Windsor, M. M., and Blanchard, A. A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 1877 (1933). 

103. Blanchard, A. A., Rafter, J. R., and Adams, W. B., Jr., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 

16 (1934). 

104. Blanchard, A. A., and Windsor, M. M., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 826 (1934). 

105. Kirschman, H. D., and Crowell, W. R., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 488 (1933). 

106. White, A. McL., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 3182 (1933). 

107. Langc, W., and Krueger, G. v., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 4132 (1933). 

108. Noyes, W. A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 656, 4889 (1933). 

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Chapter VII. 
Analytical Chemistry, 1934 and 1935. 

G. Frederick Smith, 
Chemistry Department, University of Illinois. 

General Trends of Progress. A review of the progress and 
advancements in research and development in analytical chemistry 
during 1934 and 1935 brings the conclusion that the period has 
been one of gratifying, and in some fields, unusual progress. 
Trends in progress have been towards unity of purpose and 
coordination of efforts. The contributions of new developments 
have met the demands of changes in the required method of attack 
to best suit the conditions. Such research has been prolific in 
leading to extended fields of application. Progress has been made 
possible by the analyst drawing upon many related scientific fields 
to reach the goal. Instrumental methods of analysis applied to all 
fields have made notable advances. The determination of small 
amounts of important elements in the presence of large amounts 
of foreign material is one of the problems particularly well met. 
The development of a new series of oxidation-reduction indicators 
with practical applications of note has been accomplished. The 
determination of small amounts of fluorine in water and of selenium 
in soils and plants or foods has demanded a concerted effort 
The theory of the mechanism of the processes of precipitation has 
received an inspiring treatment and the complexity of the sup- 
posedly simple precipitation process has been clearly brought out. 
The application of the photronic process to studies in colorimetry 
and nephelometry have been numerous. New developments in the 
application of organic reagents as applied to colorimetry and to 
gravimetric precipitation processes are important. The study of 
comparative results in the determination of />H using indicator 
methods, the hydrogen, glass, and oxide electrodes, has resulted 
in the glass electrode gaining in preference for a number of rea- 
sons. Electrometric schemes of analysis have been well repre- 
sented with conductimetric and electrodeposition methods not so 
prominent. American contributions following the development 
of the Heyrovsky polarigraphic method of analysis were conspicu- 
ously absent. The complete scheme of analysis to be used in the 
quantitative separation and determination of the noble metals has 


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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 1934 and 1935 103 

been described. Spectroscopic methods of analysis have offered 
contributions. The use of organic solvents has not been stressed 
to any considerable extent. « Contributions in the field of alkali 
metal analyses have been quite unimportant. An interesting study 
is that of the catalytic reactions of silver as explained by the 
formation of argentic silver nitrate. 

While it is not within the scope of this review to include the 
subject of physical testing of industrial materials, it is to be noted 
that during 1934 and 1935 published reports involving procedures 
of industrial physical testing have been numerous and of high 
quality. This, it would appear, indicates a beneficial influence 
being exerted by the prominence with which physico-chemical 
methods have, and are being, adapted to analytical chemical pro- 
cedures. Mention of the important determination of electrode 
potentials has been omitted, notwithstanding its importance to 
instrumental methods of analysis, since it is strictly speaking 
physical chemistry in nature. Qualitative analysis, organic analysis, 
industrial gas analyses, microanalysis and atomic weight investiga- 
tions are not included in this review. The attempt is made to 
emphasize the development only of the general trends in progress. 
The art of analytical chemistry is not in general to be recognized 
in the work of the accumulation of a large group of isolated 
processes. Rather the emphasis should be placed on schemes which 
are prolific and capable of systematized application to new develop- 
ments, or which lead to a broadened insight of the theoretical 
backgrounds of known type reactions. It is by this emphasis that 
the trained research analyst may gain in prestige and the develop- 
ments in the field will receive greatest impetus. 

Indicators. A symposium on the subject of indicators is reported 
in Chemical Reviews. The historical aspects were presented by Brock- 
man,^ a system of indicators for use in determining the acidities of 
concentrated acid media was reviewed by Hammet ^ and the 
analytical applications of radioactive indicators was reviewed by 
Rosenblum.3 The rather limited application of adsorption indi- 
cators was described by Kolthoff^ with discussion of the mechanism 
of their action. The subject of the colorimetric determination of 
hydrogen ion concentration was taken up by Kilpatrick.^ The 
study of the development of new indicators for oxidimetry was 
reviewed by Walden and Edmonds ^ and the greatly improved 
synthesis of the ideal oxidimetric indicator base c?-phenanthroline 
was described by Smith and Getz.'' 

Probably the most valuable group of adsorption indicator studies, 
both the radioactive type of Paneth and the adsorption type of 
Fajans to which these types have been applied, was that of Kolthoff, 
Fisher and Rosenblum ^ and Kolthoff and Rosenblum.® Applying 
the radioactive indicator Thorium B, and the adsorption indicator 
wool violet (4 BN), to the very exhaustive study of the mechanism 

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of the processes involved in the precipitation of lead sulfate, has 
given rise to a most instructive series of conclusions. The results 
of this study indicate that the fresh* precipitates of lead sulfate, 
though apparently well-formed microscopic particles, are in reality 
spongy masses of exceedingly minute amicroscopic crystals. The 
total surface of the precipitate is determined colorimetrically by 
measuring the adsorption of wool violet from dilute solutions of 
this dye in contact with the surface of the particles. The large size 
of its molecule prevents its adsorption by the sub-surface lead sul- 
fate to which it is attached on the surface by expulsion of sulfate 
ions. The total surface exposed by the particles of lead sulfate is 
measured by the radioactivity of the isotopic Th B in both the 
precipitate and solution surrounding it. The surprising feature of 
this series of studies consists in the disclosure that the aging of 
precipitated lead sulfate results in the rapid diminution of external 
surface, produced, not by a rearrangement within the spongy 
mass of the particles themselves (the natural assumption originally 
made), but through the process of solution and reprecipitation. 
The investigation, as yet incomplete, has included a study of the 
ideal conditions for the precipitation of lead sulfate and the mechan- 
ism of the change in specific surface upon heat treatment of the 
freshly precipitated particles out of contact with the mother liquor. 
If the disclosures of this series of investigations can be safely 
applied by analogy to the case of other elements, for which we have 
no radioactive isotopes of sufficiently low half life, the mechanism 
of the general process of precipitation is disclosed in a most 
enlightening degree. 

This type of study has been extended, including studies made 
possible through the use of artifical radioactive elements by Grosse 
and Agruss.^® The extent of interchange of bromine in the 
inactive state with the bromine of activated sodium bromide was 
determined. The activation of sodium bromide was accomplished 
through bombardment by neutrons from the action of radon in 
contact with beryllium. The extent of the interchange of inactive 
for active bromine was measured by a Geiger-Miiller counter, 
helium filled, and a thyratron operated watch. Except for the 
inability to use the electroscope in measuring activity, this method 
of attack holds great promise. 

Although it is not correctly placed at this point, another study 
concerning the mechanism of crystal formation was that of Camp- 
bell and Cook.^^ The quite definitely established principle that 
microscopic crystals are more soluble than larger crystal magnitudes 
is doubted as shown by the study of strontium sulfate solubility 
equilibria. The effects are said to be those of super-saturation 
rather than augmented solubility. In this connection also, the 
correct composition of the precipitate obtained by the use of 
Nessler's reagent has been established by Nichols and Willits.^^ 

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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 1934 and 1935 105 

The study of the mechanism of precipitation was further extended 
by the complete investigation of Walden and Cohen,^^ who made 
an x-ray study of the composition of precipitated barium sulfate. 
The contamination of the precipitate formed in the presence of 
nitrate ion was shown to result from solid solution formation 
rather than isomorphism, occlusion, or adsorption; long wave- 
length x-rays, using a calcium metal target, served in the determina- 
tion of lattice parameters, with an accuracy of 0.01 percent. 

New indicators for oxidimetry were studied by Hammett, Walden 
and Edmonds. ^^ o-Phenanthroline and its nitro and amino 
derivatives were discussed. The indicator properties show them 
to be inferior to the plain indicator but prove that substitution in 
the organic molecule materially alters the potential of change of 
the ferrous complex. />-Nitro- and aminodiphenylamines as well as 
2,4-diaminodiphenylamine were also prepared and studied. A study 
of the oxidation potentials of the phenanthroline-ferrous complex 
with variation in acidity was applied to the differential determina- 
tion of iron and vanadium in ferro-vanadium, using eerie sulfate 
as oxidant. This study was made by the same authors.^^ They also 
studied the use of a silver reductor in the titration of iron in pres- 
ence of vanadium^®; this is valuable in the reduction of iron in the 
presence of titanium; molybdenum interferes. The method of 
Walden and coworkers ^^ was further investigated by Willard and 
Young,^'' using KMn04 in place of Ce(S04)2. The use of lower 
acid concentrations are thus possible and the determination of 
Cr and V in steel is improved. 

Diphenylbenzidinesulfonic acid has been prepared by Sarver and 
Fischer^^ and its use shows a smaller end point correction and 
tungsten does not interfere. A method for preparing diphenyl- 
benzidine with 50 percent yields was described by Sarver and 
Johnson.^® A system of hypobromite titrations using H. T. H. 
(low chloride) calcium hypochlorite was proposed by Kolthoff and 
Stenger ^o and its application to the determination of ammonia 
made, using a series of indicators previously described, of which 
Bordeaux was found best. A group of new indicators for dichro- 
mate titrations was described by Strada and Oesper ^i and benzoyl 
auramine G has been proposed as an indicator in Kjeldahl determi- 
nations by Scanlan and Reid.22 Dichlorofluorescein as adsorption 
indicator was applied by Bambach and Rider.^s A portable radium 
detector was described by Curtiss.^^ 

Colorimetry and Nephelometry. Photronic colorimeters of 
various types were described by Wilcox,25 Russell and Latham,2« 
Muller,27 Zinzadze^s and Yoe and Crumpler.^^ A photronic tur- 
bidimeter was described by Bartholomew and Raby,^^ a photronic 
nephelometer by Greene ^i and by Furman and Low.32 The sim- 
plicity of these instruments and the multiplicity of their applica- 

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tions indicate that colorimetric and nephelometric determinations 
in which they are used are becoming rapidly standardized. 

A procedure for the preparation of uniform nephlometric sus- 
pensions, with description of the simple apparatus employed, was 
described by Scott and Hurley ^^ and results given for silver 
chloride nephelometry. A thorough study of the preparation of 
permanent standards for use in the colorimetric determination of 
silica by the molybdate process was made by Swank and Mellon.^* 
Potassium dichromate buffered with Na2B407 . 10 H2O is recom- 
mended to the A.P.H.A. for recognition as an official method. 
A spectrophotometric study of ferric chloride in relation to the 
influence of free HCl and the conformity with Beer's law was 
reported by Mellon and Kasline.^** The best range was found to be 
0.02 to 0.5 molar in FeClg and 0.005 to 5 molar in HCl. The study 
was again made of the starch-iodine method for the' colorimetric 
determination of iodine by Woodward.^® Correction factors are 
given for the determination of 0.05-0.7 mg. of iodine per liter. 
The most important error is that due to dissociation of the starch- 
iodine compound. A statistical study of the uniformity of Lovibond 
red and yellow glasses was made by Walker ^7 and by Gibson and 

The most interesting contributions to the colorimetric research 
reports were those dealing with the determination of micro- 
quantities of lead in the presence of large amounts of vegetable and 
biological products. In these cases the various colorimetric modi- 
fications in the use of dithizone as color reagent have been employed. 
The titrimetric extraction method was used by Wilkins, Wil- 
loughby, Kraemer and Smith.^^ The sample (15 grams of blood or 
other biological materials) is decomposed, using a mixture of 
HNO3, H2SO4 and HCIO4. A preliminary lead double extraction 
with technical dithizone in chloroform removes all the lead. The 
lead dithizone compound is oxidized to lead nitrate and the lead 
is then determined, using purified dithizone added in small portions 
until extraction is complete. Large amounts of iron do not inter- 
fere. Bi, Tl, and Sn++ interfere. An accuracy of 0.001 mg. Pb is 
attainable by this process. The process was extended by these 
authors ^^ to include the separation of bismuth by dithizone at a 
/>H of 2 followed by the regular 3» procedure for lead determination. 
A very complete study of the same determination was made in the 
case of spray residues by Winter, Robinson and Lamb.^^ Their 
method is also applicable to biological materials and includes lead 
determination in amounts from 0.005-0.04 mg. The semi-micro- 
determinations of lead was carried out by Randall and Sarquis.*^ 
They combined the method of electrodeposition as Pb02 with the 
colorimetric PbS determination of undeposited lead. Amounts 
between 2.5-15 mg. lead were determined with fair accuracy. 

A novel new method for the determination of microquantities of 

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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 1934 and 1935 107 

bromites was devised by Stenger and Kolthoff.*^ Hypochlorite 
was used to oxidize bromide to bromine which in turn oxidized 
phenol red to phenol blue. The bromide present was then deter- 
mined colorimetrically. Chlorides do not interfere and iodides may 
be removed by use of nitrite. Manganese in sea water was deter- 
mined by the only successful colorimetric method found by Thomp- 
son and Wilson,*^ namely, the periodate method. It has also been 
shown by Hough ^^ that titanium interferes with the colorimetric 
persulfate oxidation to permanganate and the periodate method 
must be substituted. The colorimetric determination of molyb- 
denum was described by Hurd and Reynolds *® and by Stanfield.*'' 
The former use cyclohexanol in place of ether to extract Mo- 
(CNS)3, while the latter use butyl acetate. 

The determination of fluorine is represented by a group of papers. 
The work of Kolthoff and Stansby ^^ uses the purpurin test in the 
range of 0.5-15 mg. and find the limit of detection at 0.005 mg. fluo- 
rine. The accuracy of their method is 2 percent and Co(N03)2- 
. 6H2O + K2Cr207 are used as color standards. Smith and 
Dutcher *^ use the quinalizarin reagent and advocate the use of 
HCIO4 to distill out the fluorine in the presence of interfering 
elements. The same reagent was used by Sanchis ^^ and a com- 
parison of various methods was made by Smith.^^ The study of 
toxic quantities of fluorine leads to the determination that 0.9-1.0 
p.p.m. and greater concentrations of lead cause mottled teeth. 
The microdetermination of fluorine in chloro-fluorides which are 
volatile has been made by Hubbard and Henne.^^ j^ is a com- 
bustion method, passing the volatile fluorine-chlorine compound 
over Si02 at 900° C. and absorbing the products in NaOH. The 
fluorine is determined with cerous nitrate and the chlorine by the 
Volhard process; 1.10 mg. of fluorine can thus be determined. 

The determination of selenium in biological materials was 
described by Dudley and Byers.^^ The method is colorimetric 
after reduction with bisulfite and accounts for 0.02-27 p.p.m. of 
selenium. A clinical procedure is given. The determination of 
selenium in soils, plants and tissues is described by Robinson, 
Dudley, Williams and Byers.^* The colorimetric determination 
following HBr distillation is employed. The determination of 
selenium in the Colorado River waters was also described by Wil- 
liams and Byers.^^ A colorimetric determination of silver used 
to sterilize swimming pool water is given by Schoonover.^^ This 
method uses the color reagent />-dimethylaminobenzalrhodamine 
and determines 1-40 p.p.m. There are a comparatively large num- 
ber of interferences. The determination of copper in milk is 
described by Conn, Johnson, Trebler, and Karpenko,^'' using 
sodium diethyldithiocarbamate in basic solution after ashing and 
extraction of CuS from the ash. The spectrophotometric deter- 
mination of ammonia after nesslerization is employed in the deter- 

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mination of amino-nitrogen in plant tissue as described by Pucher, 
Vickery, and Leavenworth .^^ The separation of amino-nitrogen 
is made after distillation in presence of MgO. Total nitrogen is 
determined on a separate sample and the amide nitrogen obtained 
by difference. 

Numerous other colorimetric procedures have been described, 
which space does not permit considering individually. 

Electrometric Methods. A device utilizing a radio tube circuit 
and amplification system to operate a buret cut-off for an auto- 
matically terminated oxidation-reduction titration has been 
described by Shenk and Fenwick.^® A bimetallic (W-Pt) elec- 
trode system and arrangement to use only the power line voltage 
and one dry cell is applied. The titrations of ferrous iron with 
dichromate and the reverse titration, as well as the titration of zinc 
with ferrocyanide, are applied with results satisfactory to the 
ordinary degree of accuracy. The apparatus is said to be particu- 
larly serviceable in the case of large groups of routine analytical 

The ferrous-ferric electrode potentials has been reinvestigated 
by Schumb and Sweetser ^^ and by Bray and Hershey.^^ The val- 
ues obtained were in fair accord but approximately 25 mv. higher 
than previous determinations. Many other studies of electrode 
potentials of direct interest in analysis have been investigated, 
which cannot be reviewed in a report of this length. One of the 
most interesting and valuable of such studies is that of Furman 
and Low,^2 namely, the use of the concentration cell in the deter- 
mination of minute quantities of chloride in the presence of large 
amounts of ordinary reagents. The silver chloride electrode is 
used and to the unknown salt solution a known amount of chlo- 
ride is added. The two cells, one, of the sample to which no 
chloride is added, and the other, with the chloride added, are 
connected. The junction potential is negligible and the correc- 
tion for solubility of the electrodes was determined experimentally. 
The equation for the calculation is derived, £ = 0.0591 log 

[2(;r+0.01)/(^ + V-^-+(4Po/f))], where Po is the solubility prod- 
uct of AgCl in water and / is the activity coefficient of AgCl when the 
solubility is P. The method is comparable in accuracy with the neph- 
elometric procedure and foreign salts do not cause difficulty. Traces 
of chloride as small as 3.5 X 10"^ g. of chloride per liter were measured 
accurately. It would appear that this method can be extended in its 

A direct reading />H meter for glass, quinhydrone and H2 electrodes 
has been described by Hemingway, ^^ which employs a ballistic galva- 
nometer and voltage amplifier and having an accuracy of ±0.02 />H 
units. A glass electrode potentiometer system was developed by 
Burton, Matheson and Acree ®* and a test of various determina- 
tions shows the glass electrode to agree with the isohydric indicator 

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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 1934 and 1935 109 

method. Reliability tests of glass electrodes, including asymmetry 
tests, H2 electrode function and D.C. resistance, have been made 
by Laug.^5 A study of the choice of catalyst for the H2 electrode 
was made by Lorch.^^ Bright Pt or Ir deposits are recommended 
for low acidities and unbuffered solutions. Metallized glass quin- 
hydrone electrodes are described by Newberry.^"^ A modification 
of the Partridge vacuum tube potentiometer apparatus is described 
by Burton, Matheson and Acree.^® 

The application of the glass electrode to unbuffered solutions is 
discussed in a very complete paper by Ellis and Kiehl ^ and to 
dairy practice by Parks and Barnes.*^^ The determination of the 
second ionization reaction of H2Cr04, using the glass electrode, 
was described by Neuss and Rieman.*^^ A simple cell for glass 
electrode work as appHed to the determination of the pH of leather 
extracts was described by Highberger and Thayer; "^2 ^he glass 
electrode is the most satisfactory in determination of the />H of 
leather extracts as shown by Wallace,'^^' '^^ as also is the opinion 
of the committee on the determination of acid in leather ;^^ it has 
been recommended to discontinue the Procter and Searle method. 

The determination of the degree of olation in chrome tanned 
leathers using a conductimetric titration by Theis and Serfass ^^ 
was an important application of this type procedure ; an electronic 
bridge balance indicator assembly for conductimetric titrations 
using a single amplification tube was described by Garman and 

The electrodeposition of indium from a cyanide solution in the 
presence of c?-glucose to give silver white deposits was described 
by Gray,*^® although the subject was not treated analytically. 

The salt error and its influence upon quinhydrone electrode mea- 
surements was discussed by Hovorka and Dearing.*^^ Several sub- 
stitutes for the H2, glass and quinhydrone electrodes have been 
described. A new type of antimony electrode, an oxide and sulfide 
electrode, was studied by Ball, Schmidt and Bergstresser.^^ No 
advantage over the ordinary antimony electrode was claimed. A 
benzaldehyde electrode as a substitute for the quinhydrone elec- 
trode in the />H range 7-13.64 was described by Herndon and 
Webb;^^ it has an accuracy of 0.2 />H unit but is irreversible in 
nature. The germanium-germanium dioxide electrode was described 
by Nichols and Cooper ^2 and not found to be constant and repro- 
ducible. The same authors ^^ found some application for the elec- 
trode in spite of its non-reproducibility. A type of silver chloride 
electrode suitable for use in dilute solutions was described by 
Brown.^* It gave results reproducible to ±0.02 volts. A novel 
method for the preparation of silver-silver bromide electrodes was 
described by Keston;^^ both of these methods of preparing the 
electrodes should be of great value in the use of these electrodes 
in concentration cell work. 

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In the field of applied potentiometric determinations, some 
highly serviceable methods have been described. Willard and 
Young ®^ describe the determination of small amounts of trivalent 
chromium in the presence of large amounts of chromic acid. The 
method uses Ce(S04)2 to oxidize chromium and nitrite to quanti- 
tatively titrate the excess. The method is accurate and the study 
of the influence of manganese has been made. The potentiometric 
determination of copper after precipitation as CuCNS, using the 
iodate oxidation in strong HCl solution process, was made by Hope 
and Ross.®*^ Zinc and iron do not interfere. A mercury electrode 
potentiometric determination of thiocyanate was described by 
Kolthoff and Lingane.^^ An important contribution to the volu- 
metric reduction process, using chromous sulfate, was described by 
Crowell and Baumback ®® and was applied to the determination of 
osmium with very accurate results. The bismuthate method for 
manganese was studied by Park,^^ using arsenate and a W-Pt 
bimetallic electrode system. A potentiometric precipitation reac- 
tion was studied by Hanson, Sweetser and Feldman.®^ The arse- 
nates are precipitated using AgNOg in a 50 percent alcohol-water 
solution. The volumetric determination of iron in vegetable and 
chrome-tanned leather was described by Smith and Sullivan,^^ 
using titanous chloride and visual end point determination. Other 
potentiometric determinations have been applied, which space does 
not permit mentioning. 

Spectrographic Determinations. The method of Nitchie was 
applied by Park and Lewis ^^ for the determination of lead in 
copper. The copper is first precipitated from a 50 g. sample by 
co-precipitation with CaCOs as Pb3(P04)2. The range covered 
was 0.0007-0.006 percent of lead. The spectrographic determina- 
tion of lead in biological materials was studied by Cholak,®* using 
the logarithmic sector procedure comparing lines of bismuth and 
of lead. The determination of bismuth, antimony, tin and molyb- 
denum in copper was studied by Park,^^ using graphite electrodes 
and the Nitchie process. The elements were concentrated by 
co-precipitation with Mn02, two precipitations being required. 
The spectral determination of fluorine in water, using graphite 
electrodes impregnated with calcium chloride, was carried out by 
Petrey.^® The quantitative analysis of solutions by spectrographic 
study was made by Duffenbach, Wiley and Owens.®'' In this 
work the uncondensed spark between silver electrodes was applied 
to the determination of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium 
in samples of urine. The effect of one element upon the deter- 
mination of the other was described. A spectrographic micro- 
determination of zinc is preliminarily described by Rogers,®^ using 
selenium as an internal standard. A spectrophotometric determi- 
nation of copper as the ammonium complex was made by Mehlig.^ 

The application of ultraviolet spectrophotometry as applied to the 

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determination of the strength of very weak bases was studied by 
Flexser, Hammett and Dingwall.^^ A very complete paper on this 
new subject was presented. The logarithmic sector procedure with 
internal standards in the spectroscopic analysis of solutions was 
studied by Erode and Steed.^o^ The pairs Co(Mn), Pb(Ni), 
W(Mn), Mo(Cr), Be(Bi), and Be(Mn) were studied. The range 
of determination is widest for cobalt, medium for lead, and small 
for chromium. The accuracy found was 12 percent down to 0.01- 
0.001 percent. The application of the spectrograph to the determi- 
nation of carbon in steel was studied by Emery and Booth ^^^ and 
found unsatisfactory. The spectrophotometric determination of 
manganese in steel was studied by Mehlig^^^ but no advantage 
was found over the bismuthate method. 

Separation and Determination of the Noble Metals. A fascinat- 
ing study of the separation and determination of the six platinum 
metals and their gravimetric determination was made by Gilchrist 
and Wickers ^^* and represents a vast amount of research and its 
applications. The methods are also discussed by Gilchrist.^®^ The 
separation of gold from tellurium is reported by Lenher, Smith and 
Knowles.^^® The gold is separated from the tellurium by preferen- 
tial reduction using NaN02 or FeS04, at a />H of 1. In this con- 
nection the unique and dehcate process for the detection of certain 
rare metals by colored absorption on Hg2Cl2 was reported by Pier- 
son.^^"^ The tests are extremely delicate and simple. 

Standards of Reference in Volumetric Analysis. After many 
years of observance of the McBride method for the use of sodium 
oxalate as a volumetric reducing standard, particularly in the 
evaluation of KMn04 solutions, this method has been found by 
Fowler and Bright ^^^ to give slightly low results. A new and 
corrective procedure is described. Potassium dichromate as a 
standard oxidimetric material was studied by Willard and Young,^^ 
using insufficient K2Cr207 to oxidize AS2O3, with determination 
of excess AS2O3 using Ce(S04)2 in the presence of osmic acid and 
o-phenanthroline-ferrous complex as indicator. Foulk and Pappen- 
hagen ^^® have compared a simple method for the purification of 
silver with the atomic weight method of purification and have 
used this easily prepared silver as a standard in the evaluation of 
hydrochloric acid. Potassium ferro- and ferricyanides have been 
studied as reagents for standardizing titanous solutions by Smith 
and Getz.^^^ K3Fe(CN)e is particularly suited to the standard- 
ization of 0.01 N titanous solutions, because of the high equivalent 
weight. Potassium thiocyanate has been studied as a primary 
standard by Kolthoff and Lingane.^^2 j^ is shown that it is suit- 
able for ordinary accuracy in the Volhard procedure, which is 
accurate because of a compensation of errors. Potassium ferro- 
cyanide is recommended as reference in case of KMn04 for weak 
solutions by DeBeer and Hjort.^^^ Preparation of pure Ti02 as 

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standard for volumetric comparison with titanous solutions was 
described by Plechner and Jarmus.^^* A new standard in acidimetry 
is furoic acid, studied by Kellog and Kellog ^^^ and an additional 
study of anhydrous sodium carbonate was made by Waldbauer, 
McCann and Tuleen.^^^ They contend that sodium carbonate 
may be heated to 375-450° C. without dissociation, which is far 
beyond acoepted values. Finally, a comparative study of drying 
properties of a large group of drying agents has been made by 
Bower,^^*^ which has proven of great value in properly classifying 
such materials. 

Miscellaneous Procedures. A series of studies dealing with the 
role of silver salts in catalysis was reported by A. A. Noyes and 
collaborators. This topic is of great importance in analysis, since 
the oxidation potential involved is extremely high. The study of the 
preparation of argentic nitrate by the reaction of ozone upon nitric 
acid solutions of silver nitrate was described by Noyes, Hoard and 
Pitzer.ii® The presence of divalent silver as Ag(N03)2 and the 
comparative absence of the trivalent salt, Ag(N03)3, was proven 
by Noyes, Pitzer, and Dunn,^^*^ while the oxidation potential of 
argentic nitrate in acid solution was shown to be approximately 
1.94, which compares favorably with the highest of known values 
for other reactants as classified in this work. Nitric acid solutions 
of argentic nitrate are more stable than either perchloric or sulfuric 
acid solutions. The latter work was by Noyes and Kossiakoff.^^o 

Fluorescence analysis was employed by Damon ^^i for the 
determination of minute impurities of oxygen in gas mixtures. 
The usual blue ultraviolet fluorescence of acetone vapor is green 
in the presence of oxygen and the duration of the green color can 
be made the basis of a quantitative determination of oxygen. The 
technique, which is simple, is described and the results show that 
alkaline pyrogallol and yellow phosphorus for the absorption of 
oxygen are not nearly as sensitive. Oxygen can be determined in 
Ng, Ha, CO, CO2, CI2, C2H4, CH4 and (CgHrOzO. The method 
would appear to have interesting possible extensions in analytical 

The always troublesome separation of iron, aluminum and 
chromium from cobalt, nickel, zinc and manganese, for which 
process so many different methods of attack have been devised, is 
apparently better solved by the new method of Kolthoff, Stenger 
and Moskovitz.^22 Their precipitant is sodium benzoate and the 
separation is better than by use of the basic acetate method. 
Co-precipitation is reduced to the minimum while phosphate is not 
all removed. The precipitation of iron, aluminum, and chromium 
takes place in acetic acid solution. 

A determination of small amounts of zinc in steel and iron was 
developed by Bright.^23 Three methods are compared. The 
separation of europium from other rare earths, depending upon its 

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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 1934 and 1935 113 

reduction with zinc to the divalent form and precipitation under 
carbon dioxide as sulfate with magnesium sulfate, was described 
by McCoy.^24 ^he method serves for both purification and 
analysis. A separation of zinc from cobalt based upon a method 
using acrolein to prevent post-precipitation of cobalt was described 
by Caldwell and Moyer.^^s The use of 8-hydroxyquinoline in the 
separation of aluminum from beryllium and magnesium was 
reported by Knowles ^^e and also in the separation of beryllium 
from aluminum, iron, titanium, and zirconium. 

A modified persulfate-arsenite method for manganese in steel 
was described by Sandell, Kolthoff, and Lingane.^27 jhe oxidation 
of the manganese, using persulfate and silver, is followed by titra- 
tion with arsenite containing nitrite to avoid the usual troublesome 
gray end point obtained in the absence of nitrite. Small amounts 
of chromium, vanadium, nickel, and molybdenum ^do not interfere. 
The Volhard chlorine determination has been cleverly modified by 
Caldwell and Moyer ^^s jn such a manner that, using a protective 
coating of nitrobenzene on the silver chloride precipitate, it need 
not be filtered before titration of excess AgNOg by KCNS. 

The vacuum induction furnace method for the determination 
of oxygen and nitrogen in steel was improved by Chipman and 
Fontana.^29 ^^^ features of the apparatus assembly are 
described and oxygen from alumina is included in the analysis. A 
rapid method for the determination of sulfur in ferro-magnetic 
alloys was described by Clarke, Wooten and Pottenger.^^o The 
method depends upon ignition in hydrogen with evolution of H2S. 
The method is accurate to ±0.001 percent. 

The application of aeration to Kjeldahl nitrogen distillation is 
advocated by Meldrum, Melampy and Myers.^^i Fifteen minutes 
are required for the operation and inconveniences of boiling and 
bumping are eliminated, while the change in apparatus required 
is small. 

The determination of tellurium in lead, which is recently in 
demand because of its increased use as an adulterant in lead cable 
sheath and tank linings as well as lead pipe, was worked out by 
Brown.^^2 xhe method is undesirably long and will undoubtedly 
be much improved by additional work. 

Methods of Analysis Involving the Use of Perchloric Acid to 
Destroy Organic Matter. A number of the developments previously 
mentioned have employed perchloric acid for various reasons. This 
reagent has rapidly become almost indispensable for use in the 
destruction of organic matter to be followed by determination of 
inorganic matter in the residue from large samples of various 
products. The digestion of biological materials prior to the determi- 
nation of calcium and phosphorus was described by Gerritz ^^^ 
and, by the same author,i34 \q^ ^^e determination of phosphorus 
in urine. The destruction of organic matter in plant products using 

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perchloric and nitric acids to be followed by the determination of 
calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus was studied by 
Gieseking, Snider, and Getz.^^^ The determination of iron in 
milk, blood, eggs, and feces, following the perchloric and sulfuric 
acid oxidation of organic matter after perchloric acid oxidation, 
was described by Leavell and Ellis.^^® Besides many other methods 
in which perchloric acid is employed, the greatly facilitated 
determination of chromium in leather was described by Smith and 

Conclusions. The necessarily restricted extension of available 
space for this summary of the progress of analytical chemistry in 
the United States in 1934-35 has caused a great number of worthy 
developments to go unmentioned which might well have been in- 
cluded. Many gas analytical procedures had to be omitted. Micro 
methods, in spite of their increasing number, were in general 
omitted. The attempt was made to classify and emphasize pro- 
cedures having a unity of purpose. Those which lead to the solu- 
tion of the more difficult of analytical problems as taught by past 
experience are most desirable of improvement. The review stamps 
at least one point as established, namely, that progress has been 
made in no uncertain degree and a standard of quality of a gratify- 
ing nature has been realized. 


1. Brockman, C. J., Chem. Rev., 16: 53 (1935). 

2. Hammett, L. P., Chem. Rev., 16: 67 (1935). 

3. Rosenblum, C, Chem. Rev., 16: 99 (1935). 

4. Kolthoff, I. M., Chem. Rev., 16: 87 (1935). 

5. Kilpatrick, M., Chem. Rev., 16: 57 (1935). 

6. Walden, G. H., Jr., and Edmonds, S. M., Chem. Rev., 16: 81 (1935). 

7. Smith, G. F., and Gfetz, C. A., Chem. Rev., 16: 113 (1935). 

8. Kolthoff, I. M., Fisher, W. von, and Rosenblum, C, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 832 


9. Kolthoff, I. M., and Rosenblum, C, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1264, 1658 (1934) ; 57: 597, 

607, 2573, 2577 (1935). 

10. Grosse, A. V., and Agruss, M. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 591 (1935). 

11. Campbell, A. N., and Cook, E. J. R., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 387 (1935). 

12. Nichols, M. L., and Willits, C. O., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 769 (1934). 

13. Walden, G. H., Jr., and Cohen, M. U., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2591 (1935). 

14. Hammett, L. P., Walden, G. H., Jr., and Edmonds, S. M., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 

1092 (1934) 

15. Walden, G. H., Jr., Hammett, L. P., and Edmonds, S. M., /. Am. Chem, Soc, 56: 

57 (1934). 

16. Walden, G. H., Jr., Hammett, L. P., and Edmonds, S. M., /. Am. Chem Soc, 56: 

350 (1934). 

17. Willard, H. H., and Young, P., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 48 (1934). 

18. Sarver, L. A., and Fischer, W. von, Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed., 7: 271 (1935). 

19. Sarver, L. A., and Fischer W. von, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 329 (1935). 

20. Kolthoff, I. M., and Stenger, V. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 79 (1935). 

21. Straka, L. E., and Oesper, R. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 465 (1934). 

22. Scanlan, J. T., and Reid, J. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 125 (1935). 

23. Bambach, K., and Rider, T. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 165 (1935). 

24. Curtiss, L. F., Bur. Standards J. Research, 12: 379 (1934). 

25. Wilcox, L. v., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 167 (1934). 

26. Russell, W. W., and Latham, D. S., Ind. Eng. Chem.. Anal. Ed., 6: 463 (1934). 

27. Muller, R. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 223 (1935). 

28. Zinzadze, C, Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 280 (1935). 

29. Yoe, J. H., and Grumpier, T. B., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 281 (1935). 

30. B2iTtho\omtw,E. T.,&nd^aby,E. C, Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 6& (193S). 

31. Greene, C. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1269 (1934). 

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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 1934 and 1935 115 

32. Furman, N. H., and Low, G. W., Jr., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1588 (1935). 

33. Scott. A. F., and Hurley, F. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 333 (1934). 

34. Swank, H. W., and Mellon, M. G., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 348 (1934). 

35. Mellon, M. G., and Kasline, C. T., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 187 (1935). 
3d. Woodward, H. Q., Ind, Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 331 (1934). 

37. Walker, G. K., Bnr. Standards J. Research, 12: 269 (1934). 

38. Gibson, K. H., and Haupt, G. W., Bur. Standards J. Research, 13: 433 (1934). 

39. Wilkins, E. S., Jr., Willoughby, C. E., Kraemer, E. O., and Smith, F. L., 2nd, 

Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed„ 7: 33 (1935). 

40. Willoughby, C. E., Wilkins, E. S., Jr., and Kraemer, E. O., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. 

Ed., 7: 285 (1935). 

41. Winter, O. B., Robinson, H. M., Lamb, F. W., and Miller, E. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., 

Anal. Ed., 7: 265 (1935). 

42. Randall, M., and Sarquis, M. N., Jnrf. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 2 (1935). 

43. Stenger, V. A., and Kolthoff, I. M., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 831 (1935). 

44. Thompson, T. G., and Wilson, T. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 233 (1935). 

45. Hough, G. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 408 (1935). 

46. Hurd, L. C, and Reynolds, F., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 477 (1934). 

47. Stanfield, K. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 273 (1935). 

48. Kolthoff, I. M., and Stansby, M. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 118 (1934). 

49. Smith, O. M., and Butcher, H. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 61 (1934). 

50. Sanchis, J. M., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 134 (1935). 

51. Smith, H. V., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 23 (1935). 

52. Hubbard, D. M., and Henne, A. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1078 (1934). 

53. Dudley, H. C, and Byers, H. G., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 3 (1935). 

54. Robinson, W. O., Dudley, H. C, Williams, K. T., and Byers, H. G., Ind. Eng. 

Chem. Anal. Ed., 6: 274 (1934). 

55. Williams, K. T., and Byers, H. G., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 431 (1935). 

56. Schoonover, I. C, J. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 15: 377 (1935). 

57. Conn., L. W., Johnson, A. H., Trebler, H. A., and Karpenko, V., Ind. Eng. Chem., 

Anal, Ed., 7: 15 (1935). 

58. Pucher, G. W., Vickery, H. B., and Leavenworth, C. S., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. 

Ed., 7: 152 (1935). 

59. Shenk, W. E., and Fenwick, F., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 194 (1935). 

60. Schumb, W. C, and Sweetser, S. B., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 871 (1935). 

61. Bray, W. C, and Hershey, A. V., /. Am. Chem. Soc 56: 1889 (1934). 

62. Furman, N. H., and Low, G. W., Jr., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1585 (1935). 

63. Hemingway, A., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 203 (1935). 

64. Burton, J. O., Matheson, H., and Acree, S. F., Bur. Standards J. Research, 

12: 67 (1934). 

65. Laug, E. P., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1034 (1934). 

66. Lorch, A. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 164 (1934). 

67. Newberry, E., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 65: 227 (1934). 

68. Burton, J. O., Matheson, H., and Acree, S. F., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 79 


69. Ellis, S. B., and Kiehl, S. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2139 (1935). 

70. Parks, L. R., and Barnes, C. R., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 71 (1935). 

71. Neuss, J. D., and Rieman, Wm., Ill, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2238 (1934). 

72. Highberger, J. H., and Thayer, F. D., Jr., /. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc, 30: 339 


73. Wallace, E. L., /. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc, 30: 370 (1935). 

74. Wallace, E. L., /. Research Natl. Bureau Standards, 15: 5 (1935). 

75. Bowker, R. E., et al., J. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc, 29: 403 (1934). 

76. Theis, E. R., and Serf4ss, E. J., /. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc, 29: 543 (1934). 

77. Garman, R. L., and Kinney, G. F., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 319 (1935). 

78. Gray, D., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 65: 377 (1934). 

79. Hovorka, F., and Dearing, W. C, Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 446 (1935). 

80. Ball, T. R., Schmidt, W. B., and Bergstresser, K. S., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 

6: 60 (1934). 

81. Hemdon, T. C, and Webb, H. A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2500 (1934). 

82. Nichols, M. L., and Cooper, S. R., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 350 (1935). 

83. Nicho's, M. L., and Cooper, S. R., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 353 (1935). 

84. Brown, A. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 646 (1935). 

85. Keston, A. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1671 (1935). 

86. Willard, H. H., and Young, P., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 67: 347 (1935). 

87. Hope, H. B., and Ross, M., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 316 (1934). 

88. Kolthoff, I. M., and Lingane, J. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2377 (1935). 

89. Crowell, W. R., and Baumbach, H. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2607 (1935). 

90. Park, B., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 427 (1935). 

91. Hanson, W. E., Sweetser, S. B., and Feldman, H. B., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 577 


92. Smith, G. F., and Sullivan, V. R., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 301 (1935). 

93. Park, B.. and Lewis, E. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 182 (1935). 

94. Cholak. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 287 (1935). 

95. Park, B., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 189 (1934). 

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96. Petrey, A. W., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., (: 343 (1934). 

97. Duffcndack, O. S., Wiley, F. H., and Owens, J. S., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 

7: 410 (1935). 

98. Rogers, L. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 421 (1935). 

99. Mehlig, J. P., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 387 (1935). 

100. Flexser, L. A. Hammett, L. P., and Dingwall, A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, S7: 2103 


101. Erode, W. R., and Steed, J. G., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 157 (1934). 

102. Emery, F. H., and Booth, H. S., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 419 (1935). 

103. Mehlig, J. P.. Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 27 (1935). 

104. Gilchrist, R., and Wichers, E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2565 (1935). 

105. Gilchrist, R., Bur. Standards J. Research, 12: 283, 291 (1934). 

106. Lenher, V., Smith, G. B. L., and Knowles, D. C., Jr., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 

6: 43 (1934). 

107. Pierson, G. G., Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed., $: 437 (1934). 

108. Fowler, R. M., and Bright, H. A., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 15: 493 (1935). 

109. Willard, H. H., and Young, P., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 57 (1935). 

110. Foulk, C. W., and Pappenhagen, L. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 430 (1934). 

111. Smith, G. F., and (Jetz, C. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 252 (1934). 

112. Kolthoff, I. M., and Lingane, J. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2126 (1935). 

113. DeBeer, E. J., and Hjort, A. M., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 120 (1935). 

114. Plechner, W. W., and Jarmus, J. M., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed. 6: 447 (1934). 

115. Kellog, H. B., and Kellog, A. M.. Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 4l 251 (1934). 

116. Waldbauer, L., McCann, D. C, and Tuleen, L. F., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 

6: 336 (1934). 

117. Bower, J. H., Bur. Standards J. Research, 12: 241 (1934). 

118. Noyes, A. A., Hoard, J. L., and Pitzer, K. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1221 (1935). 

119. Noyes, A. A., Pitzer, K. S., and Dunn, C. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1229 (1935). 

120. Noyes, A. A., and Kossiakoff, A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1238 (1935). 

121. Damon, G. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 133 (1935). 

122. Kolthoff, I. M., Stenger, V. A., and Moskovitz, B., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 812 


123. Bright, H. A., Bur. Standards J. Research, 12: 383 (1934). 

124. McCoy, H. N., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1756 (1935). 

125. Caldwell, J. R., and Moyer, H. V., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2375 (1935). 

126. Knowles, H. B., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 15: 87 (1935). 

127. Sandell. E. B., Kolthoff, I. M., and Lingane, J. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 

256 (1935). 

128. Caldwell, J. R., and Moyer, H. V., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 38 (1935). 

129. Chipman, J., and Fontana, M. G., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 391 (1935). 

130. (Harke, B. L., Wooten, L. A., and Pottenger, C- H., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed.. 

7: 242 (1935). 

131. Meldrum, W. B., Melampy, R., and Myers, W. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed.. 

6: 63 (1934). 

132. Brown, W. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 428 (1934). 

133. Gerritz, H. W., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 167 (1935). 

134. (Jerritz, H. W., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed.. 7: 116 (1935). 

135. Gieseking, J. E., Snider, H. J., and Getz, C. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed.. 7: 

185 (1935). 

136. Leavell, G., and Ellis, N. R., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 46 (1934). 

137. Smith, G. F., and Sullivan, V. R., /. Am. Leather Chem. Assoc, 30: 442 (1935). 

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Chapter VIII. 
Applications of X-Rays in Metallurgy. 

Eric R. Jette, 
School of Mines, Columbia University, 

X-ray techniques have a well-recognized position in metallurgy. 
In preparation for a formal symposium to be held in 1936, the 
American Society for Testing Materials conducted a preliminary 
survey of the field at a meeting in June, 1935, at which over forty 
short papers were presented; these, however, have not been pub- 

The purpose of this chapter is to review the applications of 
x-rays in metallurgy during the past year. Because of the wide 
range of interest, such a review cannot confine itself strictly to 
metallurgy. Mention will, therefore, be made of theoretical and 
related material which is of special interest in the metallurgical 
field. Articles dealing with structural data and electron diffraction 
phenomena are not included but it should be mentioned that the 
electron diffraction technique is rapidly becoming important in 
the study of corrosion of metal surfaces. 

General. Two important books have appeared during this year. 
"Xrrays in Theory and Experiment" by Compton and Allison,^ 
while not dealing with the details of crystal structure analysis nor 
with the methods ordinarily applied in metallurgical problems, 
gives the fundamental background for the entire subject. Wyck- 
off's supplement to the second edition of his "Structure of Crys- 
tals" ^ gives a complete bibliography of x-ray structure work from 
1930 to 1934 and critically reviews many of the newer structures. 

Progress is being made by theoretical physicists in the under- 
standing of the metallic state by applications of quantum and wave 
mechanics."^ The temperature function of x-ray reflection in the 
neighborhood of the melting point of a crystal has been discussed 

Further advances have been made in the precise determination 
of lattice constants. An important contribution to this subject 
was made by Cohen,^ who has devised a mathematical method of 
calculating lattice constants from powder diffraction data, so as 
to eliminate all errors, excepting those in the wave-length used 
in the computation. It applies particularly to symmetrical cameras 


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of the Debye, Sachs, or focusing types, and examples are given 
of applications to cubic. Hexagonal, and orthothombic structures. 
The particular advantage of this method is that it eliminates the 
systematic error, which in many cases far exceeds the accidental 
errors in measuring the diffraction angles. Jette and Foote ® have 
given a detailed discussion of the inherent errors of symmetrical 
focussing cameras and their elimination by Cohen's method of 
computation. They emphasize that the precision attainable in 
lattice-constant measurements today has reached the point where 
the investigator must pay particular attention to the mode of 
preparation of materials for x-ray work. There are seldom deviations 
of as much as one part in ten thousand, between precision measure- 
ments of different investigators, using properly prepared materials 
of the same purity. Precise measurements of lattice constants for 
fourteen metallic elements are included in this article. Other appli- 
cations of Cohen's method are given.^^, 17 Short reviews of prog- 
ress in diffraction methods ^ and the general application of x-rays ^ 
have been given. 

Equipment and Cameras. A convenient and easily-constructed 
gas tube with interchangeable anti-cathodes is described by Walden 
and Cohen.^"^ Buerger ^^ gives designs of cathode assemblies for 
both Hadding and Shearer type gas tubes. Parratt ^^ describes a 
method of evaporating metal films for use as x-ray targets. In 
this way targets of metallic elements, which are difficult to handle 
mechanically or to obtain by electrodeposition, for example, titan- 
ium, may be obtained. The use of alloy targets to obtain a larger 
number of diffraction lines within the limited range of angles 
covered by back-reflection focussing cameras, in order to increase 
the precision, has been described.^ The targets used were binary 
alloys of approximately fifty atomic percent of each metal. An 
electric arc furnace has been used for casting molybdenum buttons 
in brass for use as targets in x-ray tubes.^® Metallic calcium has 
been successfully used as a target.^*^ A new needle valve for x-ray 
tubes ^3 and the use of oil-diffusion pumps for gas tubes ® have 
also been described. 

For measuring the diffraction angles, a simple photometric 
device has been given ^ and the Geiger-Miiller counter has been 
adapted for experiments where molybdenum K-radiation ^* is 

Several modifications of back-reflection focussing cameras have 
been described, all of them providing for moving the speci- 
men.^' ^'^' ^5 One of them ^ permits temperature control of the 
camera and the use of an inert gas atmosphere. Another ^"^ pro- 
vides for either evacuation or filling of the camera with any desired 
gas. Norton ^^ reviews a simplified technique for lattice parameter 
measurements with modified Sachs and focussing types of cameras. 
Goss ^2 describes an equipment for studying metals at high tem- 

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peratures, while Frevel ^^ gives a technique for x-ray studies of 
substances under high pressures. 

Solid Solution and Precipitation Hardening. The determination 
of solubility limits by means of x-ray methods continues to be an 
important application of these methods. It may be remarked that 
the development of cameras and methods capable of high precision 
was required before such determinations could be carried out in a 
satisfactory manner. The methods which have proved most useful 
have been based upon large angle reflections in focussing cameras 
of either the Phragmen or symmetrical types and in the Sachs type. 
The extreme importance of proper annealing and quenching tech- 
niques of the sample actually exposed to the x-ray beam is now 
generally recognized. 

Mooradian and Norton 25 have made an interesting study of the 
influence of lattice distortion on diffusion in metals. Their rather 
limited set of experiments showed that lattice distortion disap- 
peared before diffusion began. The discussion of this subject by 
Mehl and Barrett immediately following the article should be 

DuMond and Youtz^o attempted to make a grating for the 
determination of the absolute wave length of x-rays, by evaporating 
alternate layers of gold and copper on glass plates. They made 
the interesting observation that the diffraction maxima from such 
a grating decreased in intensity wit^ time, which could be accounted 
for only by diffusion of copper and gold atoms into their neigh- 
boring layers. They suggest that this is a possible way of study- 
ing diffusion in the solid state. 

Norton 2« has determined the solubility of copper in iron by 
x-ray methods and followed the changes in lattice parameters 
during aging. Jette and Fetz^s determined the solubility of tin 
in nickel. Walters and Wells ^9 used x-ray methods to assist in the 
determination of the solubility of iron in manganese. These 
methods were also used ^8 in an attempt to determine the solubility 
of iron in zinc. This solubility was so small that results by this 
method were scarcely to be expected. Die casting alloys consisting 
mainly of zinc and aluminum are subject to certain slow dimensional 
changes after solidification. The nature of the change involved 
has been studied by Fuller and Wilcox.^i. 22 j^ the first article, 
they showed that the decomposition of the beta-phase cannot be 
the sole cause for the shrinkage phenomenon. In the second paper 
it is proved that the shrinkage is due to the change in the com- 
position of the alpha-phase, and that the extent of the shrinkage 
can be calculated from x-ray data. 

Phillips and his co-workers ^® have continued their work on 
quenching stresses and also studied the precipitation reactions in 
Al-Mg and Cu-Al alloys. After confirming their earlier results 
on the existence of these stresses in quenched, massive material 

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(as compared to powders), they have calculated the stresses from 
lattice constant measurements by the method proposed by Barrett. 
They also studied precipitation rates by means of changes in lattice 

H. A. Smith 27 has studied isothermal diffusion reactions in 
austenite by several methods, including changes of lattice parameter 
with time, and the widths of the diffraction lines. He showed that 
the reaction curves determined by different methods generally do 
not agree. There has been considerable discussion as to whether 
the change in the lattice parameter would indicate the initial stages 
of precipitation from a solid solution. Opinions from various 
sources and mention of work as yet not published in detail have 
been given in E. J. Kennedy, Jr.'s column in Mining and Metallurgy?^ 
The present opinion seems to be that microscopic examination is 
better for this purpose. This is quite reasonable, in the light of 
the nature of the phenomenon and the quantity to be measured, but 
Phillips, et al^^ find that when precipitation takes place in strained 
metal, when the atoms can diffuse more readily, the lattice constant 
changes throughout the entire solid-solution matrix. 

Constitutional Diagrams and Phase Identification. Van Horn ^s 
has presented the x-ray evidence about the various constituents of 
steel. X-ray methods have been used in conjunction with the 
more classical methods of physical metallurgy in setting up the 
constitutional diagrams of the sjjstems, Fe-Mn,29 Mo-C,^^ Co-Mo,^*^ 
In-Ag,30 Fe-Cr,3^ and for the copper corner of the ternary systems 
Cu-Sn-Be.35 McKeehan ^^ has discussed the structure of MgZn and 
MgZns. X-ray methods were also used to a minor extent in study- 
ing the polymorphism of the FeS-S solid solutions.33 The oxide 
films formed during the wear of steels have been identified by 
x-ray methods as Fe203 and Fe304.^^ 

Orientation of Crystals (Grains) in Metals, Preferred Orientation 
and Grain Distortion. The determination of the orientation of a 
single crystal of a metal, when the crystal is thick, or imbedded in a 
mass of other crystals, has been a matter of considerable difficulty; 
this is now largely removed by Greninger's development of the 
back-reflection Laue method.^^' ^^ He has applied this to the 
study of single crystals of copper."*^ Goetz and Dodd ^ have 
determined the direction of growth of bismuth and selenium crys- 
tals formed by condensation in vacuo. Mehl and Smith ^^ have found 
that ferrite and pearlite assume a discreet number of determinate 
orientations which bear a direct relationship to the orientation of the 
original austenite. Barrett, Kaiser and Mehl ^9 have reported work 
on the Widmanstatten figures in copper-silver alloys and find that 
previous theories for the mechanism of formation of such figures failed 
to explain their results. Post ^^ has developed the experimental method 
of Davey and his co-workers for the determination of preferred orienta- 
tions into a more rigid analytical procedure. It is applicable par- 

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ticularly to cubic metals. When applied to the earlier work of Davey 
on rolled silver, the anal3^ical method yields somewhat different results. 
In the discussion of an article by Phillips and Dunkle,^® Mehl reports 
the results of x-ray determinations on preferred orientations in some 
low-carbon steels. Goss ^^ has studied preferred orientation in electrical 
strip steels of 3 to 3.5 percent silicon, in connection with the magnetic 
properties, using these studies to devise a method of preparing a strip 
steel of good magnetic properties. Bozorth ^® has studied some of the 
samples prepared by Goss but does not agree with the latter's determina- 
tion of the orientation. 

Mehl and Gensamer^*^ show that the formation of Liider's lines 
and of strain figures in annealed low-carbon steels is accompanied by 
a distortion which can be readily demonstrated by the peripheral widen- 
ing of x-ray diffraction spots. Nusbaum and Goss ^^ have studied grain 
distortion in metals during heat treatment by means of the radial 
asterism in Laue photograms. They find that the degree of cold 
work, the chemical composition, and the time and temperature of 
treatment are important in determining the presence or absence of 
"distorted" grain growth. Clark and Beckwith^^ give a method for 
detecting and evaluating residual distortion in crystals. 

Radiographic Inspection of Metals. The use of x-rays for inspec- 
tion of metals, particularly castings and welded sections, is increas- 
ing. More and more powerful tubes are being constructed which 
permit the application of these methods to materially greater 
thickness. Lippert,^^ for example, has reported in his column a 
new 400,000 volt installation which is used to inspect manganese 
steel sections five inches or more in thickness. There is also an 
increasing understanding of the necessity for proper x-ray tech- 
nique and extensive correlation with other methods of examination 
to secure conclusive results. 

Isenburger ^^ has given a very useful set of x-ray exposure 
charts for steel. Moses ^^ has given some results of using diffrac- 
tion methods to study the existence of strains or preferred orienta- 
tions in the immediate vicinity of fusion welds. A number of obser- 
vations on castings and welds are reported,^^-^^ ^srhich give a fair 
indication of the important position of this type of inspection in 
present-day industry. Occasional reports of this type may appear 
so widely scattered through engineering and other technical litera- 
ture, that the bibliography of this section is probably not complete. 

Miscellaneous. A number of articles on diverse subjects of 
possible interest to metallurgists have been reported. In a study 
of the solid phase reactions between certain carbonates and refrac- 
tories, x-rays have been used to identify artificial mullite.®'^ The 
diffraction of x-rays by liquid Na-K alloys in a magnetic field has 
been studied.^^ Waldo ^^ gives a very complete tabulation of 
intensities and inter-planar spacings of 38 copper minerals for 
identification purposes. The conversion of quartz to cristoballite 

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in the presence of sodium silicate has been investigated.^* Weiser 
and Milligan ^^ report a new modification of ferric oxide mono- 
hydrate, which is of possible interest in connection with the rust- 
ing of iron. Clark, Lincoln and Sterrett ^^ studied the orientation 
of polar molecules on metal surfaces with relation to wear and 
lubrication. Jesse®® describes a simplified apparatus for quanti- 
tative chemical analysis by x-rays generated in a cathode-ray tube. 


1. Clark, G. L., Elec. Eng., 54: 3 (1935). 

2. Cohen, M. U., Rev. Set. Instruments, 6: 68 (1935). 

3. Compton, A. H., and Allison, S. K., X-Rays in Theory and Experiment, New York, 

Van Nostrand, 1935. 828 p. 

4. Isenburgcr, H. R., Instruments, 8: 302 (1935). 

5. Jacobs, R. B., and Goetz, A., Phys. Rev., 47: 94 (1935). 

6. Jette, E. R., and Foote, F., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 605 (1935). 

7. Slater, J. C, and Knitter, H. M., Phys. Rev., 47: 559 (1935). 

8. Wyckoff, R. W. G., The Structure of Crystals, Supplement for 1930-1934, New 

York, Reinhold Pub. Co., 1935. 256 p. 

Equipment and Cameras. 

9. Bearden, J. A., Rev. Set. Instruments, 6: 276 (1935). 

10. Buerger, M. J., Rev. Set. Instruments, 6: 385 (1935). 

11. Frevel, L. K., Rev. Set. Instruments, 6: 214 (1935). 

12. (Joss, N. P., Metal Progress, 28, No. 4: 163 (1935). 

13. Kersten, H., Rev. Set. Instruments, 6: 175 (1935). 

14. LeGalley, D. P., Rev. Set. Instruments, 6: 279 (1935). 

15. Norton, J. T., Metals and Alloys, 6: 342 (1935). 

16. Parratt, L. G., Rev. Set. Instruments, 6: 372 (1935). 

17. Walden, G. H., Jr., and Cohen, M. U., 7. Am. Chem. Soe., 57: 2591 (1935). 

18. Trimble, F. H., Rev. Set. Instruments, 6: 216 (1935). 

Solid Solution and Preeipitation Hardening. 

19. Brick, R. M., Phillips, A., and Smith, A. J., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., 

Inst. Meials Div., 117: 102 (1935). 

20. DuMond, J. W. M., and Youtz, J. P., Phys. Rev., 48: 703 (1935). 

21. Fuller, M. L., and Wilcox, R. L., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., Inst. Metals 

Div., 117: 338 (1935). 

22. Fuller, M. L., and Wilcox, R. L., Metals Teehnology, 2: (Tech. Paper 657) (1935). 

23. Jette, E. R., and Fetz, E., Metallwirtsehaft, 14: 165 (1935). 

24. Kennedy, E. J., Jr., Mining and Met., 16: 228, 268, 306, 340, 512 (1935). 

25. Mooradian, V. G., and Norton, J. T., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., Inst. 

Metals Div., 117: 89 (1935). 

26. Norton, J. T., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., Iron & Steel Div., 116: 

386 (1935). 

27. Smith, H. A., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., Iron & Steel Div., 116: 

342 (1935). 

28. Truesdale, E. C, Wilcox, R. L., and Rodda, J. L., Metals Teehnology. 2: (Tech. 

Paper 651) (1935). 

29. Walters, F, M., Jr., and Wells C, Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 727 (1935). 

Constitutional Diagrams and Phase Identification. 

30. Frevel, L. K., and Ott, E., 7. Am. Chem. Soe., 57: 228 (1935). 

31. Krivobok, V. N., Trans. Am. Soe. Metals, 23: 1 (1935). 

32. McKeehan, L. W., Z. Krist., 91: 501 (1935). 

33. Roberts, H. S., 7. Am. Chem. Soc., 57: 1034 (1935). 

34. Rosenberg, S. J., and Jordan, L., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 577 (1935). 

35. Rowland, E. S., and Upthegrove, C, Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., Inst. 

Metals Div., 117: 190 (1935). 

36. Sykes, W. P., Van Horn, K. R., and Tucker, C. M., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining 

Met. Engrs., Inst. Metals Div., 117: 173 (1935). 

37. Sykes, W. P., and Graff, H. F., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 249 (1935). 

38. Van Horn, K. R., Metal Progress, 28, No. 2: 22 (1935). 

Orientation of Crystals (Grains) in Metals; Preferred Orientation and Grain Distortion. 

39. Barrett, C. S., Kaiser, H. F., and Mehl, R. F., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. 

Engrs., Inst. Metals Div., 117: 39 (1935). 

40. Bozorth, R. M., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 1107 (1935). 

41. Clark, G. L., and Beckwith, M. M., Z. Krist., 90: 392 (1935). 

42. Goetz, A., and Dodd, L. E.. Phys. Rev., 48: 165 (1935). 

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43. Goss, N. P., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals. 23: 511 (1935). 

44. Greninger, A. B., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., Inst, Metals Div., 117: 

6; (1935). 

45. Greninger, A. B., Z. Krist., 91: 424 (1935). 

46. Greninger, A. B., Trans, Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., Inst, Metals Div,, 117: 

75 (1935), 

47. Mehl, R. F., and Gensamer, M., Metals &• Alloys, 6: 158 (1935). 

48. Mehl, R. F., and Smith, D. W., Trans. Am. Lnst. Mining Met. Engrs., Iron & SPeel 

Div., 116: 330 (1935). 

49. Nusbaum, C, and Goss, N. P., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 621 (1935). 

50. Phfllips, A., and Dunkle, H. H., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 398 (1935). 

51. Post, C. B., Z. Krist., 90: 330 (1935). 

Radiographic Inspection of Metals. 

52. Isenburger, H. R., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 614 (1935). 

53. Lippert, T. W., Iron Age, 135, No. 5: 25 (1935). 

54. Moses, A. J., /. Am. Welding Soc, 14, No. 4: 5 (1935). 

55. Adrain, M. B., /. Am. Welding Soc, 14, No. 8: 12 (1935). 

56. Chapman, E. C, /. Am. Welding Soc, 14, No. 11: 2 (1935). 

57. Hobrock, R. H., Metals & Alloys, 6: 19 (1935). 

58. Hobrock, R. H., Metals & Alloys, 6: 41 (1935). 

59. Hopkins, R. K., Trans. Am, Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., Inst. Metals Div., 117: 387 


60. Isenburger, H. R., Welding Engr., 20, No. 6: 26 (1935). 

61. Ward, N. F^ /. Am. Welding Soc, 14, No. 12: 11 (1935). 

62. Ziegler, F. K., Metal Progress,' 27, No. 6: 44 (1935). 


63. Qark, G. L., Lincoln, B. H., and Sterrett, R. R., Proc Am. Petroleum Inst., Vol, 

16, Section 3, Preprint, Nov. 13 (1935). 

64. Cole, S. S., /. Am. Ceram. Soc, 18: 149 (1935). 

65. Heaps, C. W., Phys. Rev., 48: 491 (1935). 

66. Jesse, W. P., Rev. Sci. Instruments, 6: 47 (1935). 

67. Taylor, N. W., and Williams, F. J., Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 46: 1121 (1935). 

68. Waldo, A. W., Am. Mineralogist, 20: 575 (1935). 

69. Weiscr, H. B., and Milligan, W. O., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 238 (1935). 

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Chapter IX. 
Ferrous Metallurgy. 

Frank T. Sisco, 
Alloys of Iron Research, The Engineering Foundation, New York, 

In the past two years, there has been no diminution in the 
quantity or quality of research in ferrous metallurgy as reported 
in the transactions of the technical societies and in the metallurgical 
journals. In fact, both have increased'; so many important papers 
have been published that it was difficult to choose those which 
represent best the recent progress. Moreover, it was necessary to 
omit reference to nearly all of the many papers — some of them very 
important from the practical viewpoint — which deal with the 
development of new steels for specific applications or the discovery 
of new uses for well-known materials. 

Pig Iron and Steel Manufacture. Recent changes in the design 
and operation of the blast furnace have been of minor importance. 
Interest in beneficiation, not only of the ore but also of the blast, 
continues unabated. Oxygen enrichment of the blast, as a practical 
method of increasing thermal efficiency or speeding up chemical 
reactions, has not yet reached the experimental stage; so far, the 
progress in this field — if it can be called progress — has been con- 
fined to a discussion of whether or not blast beneficiation is eco- 
nomically feasible. 

There have been a number of important contributions in the 
past two years to the physical chemistry of steel making. The 
fundamental work by the Metallurgical Advisory Board to the 
U. S. Bureau of Mines and Carnegie Institute of Technology, under 
the supervision of C. H. Herty, Jr., was closed with the publication, 
in book form, of Bulletins 64 to 69.^ The first four of these report 
results concerning the effect of deoxidation on structure, age 
hardenability, and properties; Bulletin 68 is on iron oxide control 
in the basic open-hearth furnace; the last paper is a summary of 
knowledge of the various slag systems. The work by the Metal- 
lurgical Advisory Board over the past seven years has been of 
outstanding importance to the steel makers of this country; its 
influence should be felt for many years to come. 

A symposium 2 on slag control was held late in 1934 by the 
Iron and Steel Division of the American Institute of Mining and 
Metallurgical Engineers. Papers were read on slag control in the 


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blast furnace (Sweetser), on the manufacture of rimming steel 
(Reinartz), low-carbon steel (Norris), high-carbon basic open- 
hearth steel (Reagan), rail steel (Washburn and Miller), alloy 
forging steel (Feild and Good), acid open-hearth steel (Foley), and 
basic electric steel (Walther). Kinzel concluded the symposium 
with a discussion of the physical testing of slag. The symposium 
attracted a large attendance and elicited an animated discussion. 

The 1935 Howe Memorial Lecture to the Iron and Steel Division 
by E. C. Smith was also on slags ^ and included a broad survey of 
their constitution and the identification of the various constitu- 
ents by petrographic methods. Other important papers on steel 
making were those by Arganbright ^ on the manufacture of basic 
open-hearth steel for cold-heading wire, Fleming^ on the manu- 
facture of rimming steels, Tranter ^ on ladle and teeming practice, 
and Nelson '^ on the effect of mold design on rate of solidification 
and soundness of ingots. 

Dean, Barrett, and Pierson ^ summarized the properties of sponge 
iron — which has been attracting considerable attention lately — 
and showed that wrought iron made from this material has a 
cellular structure which is inherited from the sponge iron. An 
important contribution to the literature of steel making was the 
paper by Henning^ on Bessemer steel, for which the author 
received the 1935 Robert W. Hunt Award by the American Institute 
of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. The Bessemer process 
has received little or no attention metallurgically for many years. 
Chipman's paper ^® on the thermodynamics of deoxidation received 
the Howe medal as the most important contribution to the 15th 
annual meeting of the American Society for Metals. Chipman 
presented evidence to show that oxygen is present in liquid steel as 
dissolved oxide, probably FeO. Carbon exists in liquid iron and 
in austenite mainly as FcgC. The deoxidizing power of the various 
deoxidizers was computed; in the order of increasing power at 
1600° C. these are : Cr, Mn, Si, Ti, V, Zr, Al, Mg, and Ca. 

Inclusions and Gas. As is characteristic of past years, most of 
the work on inclusions and gas has been on methods. Hoyt and 
Scheil ^^ recommended the use of reflected polarized light in the 
study of inclusions, and Urban and Chipman ^^ described the inclu- 
sions formed by deoxidizing liquid iron which had been previously 
saturated with oxygen. The inclusions were removed by a new 
technique and studied with the ore microscope. In a second paper,^3 
these investigators identified and studied the constitution of inclu- 
sions in iron, melted in vacuum and in air, to which iron sulfide 
or titanium or zirconium had been added. 

Progress to date at the National Bureau of Standards in the study 
of methods for the determination of oxygen was reported by 
Thompson.^^ Brower, Larsen, and Shenk ^^ eliminated errors 
in the Ledebur method, so that they now believe that oxygen 

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values thus determined are definite and reproducible; but "the 
precise significance is still open to question, as indeed is true of all 
methods of oxygen determination so far developed." Hamilton,^^ 
on the contrary, in a paper on the determination of oxygen in alloy 
steels and its effect upon tube drawing, expressed the belief that 
oxygen may be determined by the vacuum-fusion method with an 
accuracy of 0.0005 percent, when proper precautions in sampling 
are taken. 

Yensen and Herty ^'^ proposed a terminology and classification 
of non-metallic elements and gases in metal, which, it is hoped, will 
be the basis of an internationally adopted classification, or at least 
a starting point for discussions which will assist in eliminating 
some of the present confusion in nomenclature and classification. 

In addition to the paper by Hamilton mentioned above, there are 
a few reports on the effect of inclusions on structure and properties. 
Reagan ^® determined the segregation of silicates in bottom-cast 
ingots, and Mahin and Lee ^^ the influence of non-metallics upon 
the precipitation of primary cementite in hypereutectoid steel. In 
■ two important investigations, Yensen and Ziegler 20, 21 determined 
the effect of carbon and oxygen on magnetic properties of iron. 
The results were expressed in a ternary diagram. The latter paper ^i 
received the 16th Howe Medal award of the American Society for 

High-purity Iron and Iron-carbon Alloys. The research of the 
world on the manufacture and properties of high-purity iron was 
correlated and critically reviewed in the sixth Alloys of Iron 
Research monograph, "The Metal — Iron".22 Holmquist^s deter- 
mined the effects of stress on the transformation temperatures of 
iron, and Austin and Pierce,^* by thermal expansion data on high- 
purity iron determined by a vacuum interferometer, were able to 
fix the A3 temperature at approximately 910° C, which is in good 
agreement with the temperature chosen in "The Metal — Iron".22 

There were a number of important papers on different phases of 
the iron-carbon system. Mehl and associates ^5 Reported further 
studies upon the Widmanstatten structure of high-purity iron and 
iron-rich alloys of iron with nitrogen and phosphorus. Schwartz ^^ 
secured corroboration experimentally that in an iron-carbon alloy 
containing 0.03 percent silicon the reaction FcsC ?:± 3 Fe -|- C pro- 
ceeds to the right at all temperatures from 630° C. to above the 
eutectic. Further light upon the important but still unsolved 
question of the stability of FcgC at low temperatures was supplied 
by Kinzel and Moore,^^ who found graphite in a 0.15 percent carbon 
steel which had been subjected to long heating somewhat below 
the eutectoid temperature ; this indicates that cementite is unstable 
even below the Ai transformation. In an investigation of ferro- 
magnetism, Zavarine 28 found that the recovery of magnetism dur- 
ing quenching does not take place at a single temperature but 

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over a temperature range. Other investigations which should be 
mentioned are those of Austin ^9 on the dependence of the rate of 
transformation of austenite on temperature, and of Knight and 
Muller-Stock ^o on the transformation of austenite to martensite in 
which the martensite needles formed spontaneously. 

There has been a marked re-awakening in interest in the struc- 
ture of iron-carbon alloys, especially in the transitional structures 
which result from thermal treatment. One whole issue of "Metal 
Progress" ^^ was devoted to a discussion of troostite and sorbite 
and to a consideration of the proper nomenclature for the struc- 
tures now called by these terms but which are formed under differ- 
ent thermal treatments. Lucas ^^ reported the results of a metallo- 
graphic examination of nodular troostite, and Mehl and Smith ^^ 
determined by x-ray methods the orientation of ferrite in pearlite 
with respect to the original austenite. In a paper on the application 
of thermomagnetic methods to metallographic research, Ellinger 
and Sanford^^ showed that martensite is relatively unstable but 
can be stabilized by reheating or by aging. 

Constitution of Binary and Complex Alloys of Iron. Since the 
work of Smith and Palmer on copper steels in 1933 (This Survey, 
Vol. VIII: 213), the interest in copper as an alloy with iron has 
become widespread. The fourth Alloys of Iron Research mono- 
graph 3^ was published in 1934 and gave a comprehensive critical 
summary of the constitution of iron-copper alloys and the effect 
of copper on the structure and properties of carbon steel, alloy 
steel, and cast iron. Norton 3« redetermined the solubility of 
copper in iron as 1.4 percent at 850° C. This decreases to 0.35 per- 
cent copper at 650° C. and is constant below this temperature. 
Norton also investigated lattice changes in aging. 

The important research at Carnegie Institute of Technology on 
the constitution of iron-manganese and iron-manganese-carbon 
alloys, by Walters and his associates, which was mentioned in pre- 
vious issues of the "Annual Survey" (Vol. VI : 200; Vol. VIII : 212) 
was completed with the publication of two papers.^^ One of the 
papers contained the iron-manganese diagram and the other the 
7 percent manganese section of the ternary iron-manganese-carbon 

Among the other papers on the constitution of iron alloys which 
should be mentioned are those of Ziegler,^^ who found that no 
appreciable diffusion resulting in a change of composition takes 
place in iron-silicon alloys during heat treatment, and of Schowalter, 
Delammater, and Schwartz,^® who attempted to locate the meta- 
stable eutectoid point in Fe-C-Si alloys containing 1 percent silicon. 
An alloy with 100 percent pearlite has 0.92 percent carbon. 

Chipman and Murphy ^<^ determined the solubility of nitrogen 
in iron as 0.04 percent at 1600° C. The temperature coefl&cient of 
solubility is small, about 1.5x10"^ percent per degree. Work on 

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iron-chromium alloys was reported by Hicks,^^ who studied the 
diffusion of chromium into iron, and by Austin and Pierce,*^ ^j^q 
determined the linear thermal expansion and studied transforma- 
tion phenomena in low-carbon iron-chromium alloys containing 
3 to 10.5 percent chromium. 

Properties of Carbon and Alloy Steels. Normal-temperature 
properties of carbon steels were studied by Rosenberg and Jordan,^^ 
who investigated the influence of oxide films on wear, Phillips and 
Dunkle,^^ who determined directional properties of rolled and 
annealed low-carbon steels, especially ductility as shown by the 
cupping test, Polushkin,^^ who studied the effect of cold work on 
structure and properties of tubes drawn by three processes, 
Harvey,*^ who determined the effect of cold working on the proper- 
ties of cold-headed bolts and who gave a heat treatment which 
would remove the effect of cold work in the head without materially 
affecting the properties of the cold-worked stem, and Cook,*"^ who 
studied the relation between chemical composition and transverse 
fissures in rails. 

Papers on the properties of low-alloy steels were numerous. 
Armstrong ^® gave a comparison of the mechanical properties of 25 
low-alloy cast steels after 9 different heat treatments, and Gritchett*^ 
summarized the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of 
low-chromium steel castings containing up to 7 percent chromium. 

As noted in a previous section, the properties of steels and cast 
irons containing copper have been reviewed and correlated in the 
monograph "The Alloys of Iron and Copper".^^ Epstein and 
Lorig^^ found that copper steels can be carburized successfully 
if the copper is 2.8 percent or below. A new copper alloy steel for 
sheet, containing 0.50 to 1.00 percent manganese, 0.50 to 1.50 per- 
cent copper, 0.50 to 0.80 percent nickel, 0.20 percent molybdenum, 
and 0.12 to 0.30 percent carbon, for which higher strengths are 
claimed, was announced by Miller.^^ 

Phosphorus, long looked upon as a harmful impurity in steel, 
has been recently used as an alloying element. Progress in the 
development of the phosphorus-bearing steels was reported in a 
correlated abstract by Gillett.^^ ^ recent development in silicon 
steel for electric sheet was published by Goss,^^ who described the 
material as a fine-grained strip, the properties of which approach 
the properties of a single crystal. 

The nitriding process is still of interest. Norton ^^ presented data 
to indicate that the aluminum in nitrided steels is precipitated 
as aluminum nitride. This compound in finely dispersed form is 
the primary cause of the high hardness. Strauss and Mahin ^^ 
reported the development of a new nitriding steel free from alumi- 
num. The material contains about 2.5 percent chromium and small 
amounts of molybdenum and vanadium. 

There were two important papers on fatigue, both from the 

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National Bureau of Standards. Shelton and Swanger ^^ described 
a special long-span rotating-beam machine for determining fatigue 
properties of wire. The fatigue limits of cold-drawn wire with 
the original surface unmachined and unpolished were found to be 
40, 60, and 82 percent of the fatigue limits of highly polished speci- 
mens of the same materials. McAdam and Clyne ^"^ reported the 
results of a large number of tests on ferrous and non-ferrous 
materials to show the effect of mechanically and chemically formed 
(corrosion-fatigue) notches. 

Three papers on corrosion will be mentioned. Speller,^^ i^ the 
1934 Howe -Memorial Lecture to the Iron and Steel Division, 
American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, gave a 
broad survey of the corrosion problem. Knight and Benner^^ 
compared the corrosion resistance of wrought iron, made by hand 
puddling, mechanical puddling, and the Aston process, in salt 
water, dilute acids, and air. Denison and Hobbs ^^ made a report 
on the corrosion of steel in acid soils. This is a part of the com- 
prehensive research on soil corrosion which has been going on 
for several years at the National Bureau of Standards. 

Effect of Temperature. There were fewer investigations than 
usual on the properties of carbon and alloy steel at subnormal and 
elevated temperatures. Papers on properties at subnormal tem- 
peratures were given by Hiemke and Schulte,^^ who gave data on 
the impact resistance of 1.25 percent manganese plate steel at low 
temperatures, and by Campbell,^^ ^^q found that the addition of 
nickel in small amounts tends to improve the low-temperature 
impact values. The amount of nickel depends on the carbon con- 
tent and varies from 2 to 3.5 percent. Proper heat treatment is 
very important. 

Another investigation of low-temperature properties was made 
by Heindlhofer,*^® who determined the relation between the abrupt 
change in impact strength at low temperatures and the plasticity 
of high-purity iron. 

There were several important papers on creep. McVetty ^^ gave 
an interpretation of creep tests ; Wilson and Thomassen ^^ found a 
secondary maximum in the creep strength of manganese-molyb- 
denum steels at 480° C, which is paralleled by a precipitation- 
hardening effect detectable by x-ray examination; White and 
Clark ^^ compared single-step long-time creep values with Hat- 
field's time-yield value and found that the latter is of importance 
as a qualitative test for classifying a series of steels of a given 
type at a given temperature but does not yield quantitative results 
in agreement with long-time creep values. 

Cross and Johnson ^^ determined creep properties of steel tubes 
containing 5 percent chromium and 0.5 percent molybdenum, and 
Sale^*^ reported compression tests of structural steel at elevated 
temperatures. An investigation on the elevated-temperature 

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properties of 0.10 and 0.45 percent carbon steels with and without 
silicon, chromium, and molybdenum by White, Clark, and Wilson ^^ 
indicated that these properties are dependent chiefly on the initial 
heat treatment and upon the alloying elements and may be inde- 
pendent of the carbon content. A report by Shelton®^ included 
thermal conductivity at elevated temperatures of ingot iron, 
wrought iron, cast iron, and carbon and alloy steels. 

Corrosion- and Heat-resistant Steels. The unflagging interest in 
this class of materials is evidenced by the large number of reports 
of investigation and also by the appearance, in less than two years, 
of a second and enlarged edition of "The Book of Stainless Steels".'^^ 
In addition to the use of titanium as an inhibitor of intergranular 
corrosion, Becket and Franks '^^ recommended the use of colum- 
bium. When this element, to the extent of ten times the carbon 
percentage, was added to the 18 percent chromium 8 percent nickel 
(18-8) alloy, no intergranular embrittlement was noted below 650° 
C. Wells and Findley ''^ investigated the corrosion resistance of 
18-8 wire containing 0.15 to 0.20 percent carbon and discussed the 
advantages and disadvantages of this higher carbon content. The 
heat treatment of the wire at 815° C. for various lengths of time 
was investigated as a means of stabilizing this higher carbon 
material against intergranular corrosion, but it was found to be 
not. so effective as the addition of titanium. 

An investigation with wide implications reported by Franks ''^ 
shows that it is practicable to add nitrogen to low-carbon high- 
chromium steels to limit the grain size and improve stength and 
ductility without unduly increasing brittleness. Other investiga- 
tions of stainless steels include those reported by Sommer,'^^ yf\yo 
studied the relation between plastic deformation in deep drawing 
and tensile properties, Grimshaw,*^^ who recommended the addi- 
tion of 4 to 6 percent manganese and 3 percent copper to retain the 
austenitic structure even after severe cold working, and Newell,'^'' 
who correlated the structure, after the addition of a number of 
elements, with the ductility at elevated temperatures. An interest- 
ing study of oxide inclusions in stainless steel and ferrochromium, 
giving methods for differentiating between the two oxide phases 
present, was reported by Baeyertz.'^^ 

One of the recent outstanding improvements in heat-resisting 
alloys was revealed in a paper by Hoyt and Scheil,''® who have 
developed an alloy containing 55 percent iron, 37.5 percent chro- 
mium, and 7.5 percent aluminum for use in resistor electric furnaces. 
The alloy has many times the life of the standard nickel-chromium 
resistance alloys; moreover it can be used at higher temperatures, 
up to 1300° C. or even above. 

Scaling tests were made by Kosting,^^^ who determined the 
deterioration of chromium-tungsten steel in ammonia gases, and 
by Rickett and Wood,^^ who studied the action of oxygen and 

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hydrogen sulfide on iron-chromium alloys containing up to 28 
percent chromium. The effect of alloy composition and kind 
of atmosphere was determined; it was found that hydrogen sulfide 
causes much more pronounced scaling than oxygen. 

Heat Treatment and Aging. A few of the papers already men- 
tioned under "high-purity iron and iron-carbon alloys" might with 
justification be also mentioned under heat treatment and aging; 
especially the reports of Zavarine,28 Austin,^^ Knight and Miiller- 
Stock,30 and Ellinger and Sanford.^* 

Reports which also deal with constitutional changes but which 
are more important as discussions of the theory of heat treatment 
are those by Nielsen and Dowdell ^^ on the relation of stress to the 
transformation of austenite to martensite, and by Upton ^^ on the 
habits and laws of decomposition of supercooled solutions with 
special reference to austenite. 

Scott, who for some time has been investigating quenching rates, 
presented two papers. In the first,"*^'' he studied the application of 
the laws of heat conductivity to the cooling rate of steel cylinders 
in quenching. The thermal constants for certain steels and for 
important quenching media were evaluated. In the second paper,®^ 
Scott showed that there were three stages of heat transfer in 
quenching, of which the manifestations are: (a) a vapor blanket 
which momentarily retards cooling, (b) the carrying away of the 
heat by the vapor, and (c) cooling by convection. Other papers on 
heat treatment were those of Hughes and Dowdell ^^ on the effect of 
quenching steel in hot lead on the mechanical properties, and a coni- 
parison of the properties of steel treated in this way with the properties 
of similar steels after quenching and tempering, and of Nusbaum and 
Goss ^"^ on grain distortion in metals during heat treatment as deter- 
mined by the x-ray. McMullan ^^ reported the properties of the case 
and core of a large number of carburized and heat-treated carbon and 
alloy steels, which showed the effect of grain size. Two papers on 
furnaces should be mentioned. Mawhinney^^ discussed heat transfer 
in fuel-fired furnaces, and Weinland^^ presented a graphical method 
of calculating heat loss through furnace walls. 

Heat treating in controlled atmospheres, which has lately become 
of outstanding commercial importance in the annealing of sheet, 
received much attention. One of the most important of the sev- 
eral papers is the correlated abstract and critical summary of 
advances in this field which was published serially in "Metals and 
Alloys," ®^ Results of annealing in mixed gas atmospheres were 
reported by Marshall ^^ and of gaseous carburizing by Austin,^^ 
who showed to what extent decarburizing and recarburizing might 
take place if the composition of the furnace atmosphere changed. 
Data on the amount of scaling in a low-carbon steel at 900 to 
1150° C, depending upon the furnace atmosphere, were presented 
by Siebert and Upthegrove.®^ 

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The subject of age hardening, as was to be expected, was covered 
by a large number of papers. The present status of this phenom- 
enon and its theoretical aspects were discussed by Harrington.®^ 
Ellinger and Sanford^® investigated the constitutional changes 
taking place in an 0.80 percent carbon steel aged at room tempera- 
ture and 100° C, using thermomagnetic analysis (cf.^*), and Ken- 
yon and Burns ^'^ presented methods for testing low-carbon sheets 
for blue brittleness and for stability against changes in aging. 

Two conflicting views on the role of oxygen in aging were pre- 
sented. Burns ®* claims that carbon is the cause of aging in nitro- 
gen-free steels and nitrogen is responsible in nitrogen-bearing 
steels; oxygen apparently plays no significant part in either. 
Davenport and Bain ®® recognize two types of aging, one of which 
is caused by carbon, while the other, called strain aging, is caused 
by an iron-oxygen compound in the slip bands of cold-worked 
grains, which was rejected from material supersaturated with oxy- 
gen. Sauveur ^^ studied the aging of cold-worked or quenched 
carbon steels in the light of the precipitation theory. Nitrogen and 
oxygen greatly increase the tendency of the material to age. The 
amount of aging depends upon the amount of free ferrite. To 
reduce or eliminate aging, Sauveur suggests that the material be 
quenched to form martensite and that the martensite be tempered 
to the hardness desired. 

Aging in 4 to 6 percent chromium steel was investigated by Wil- 
ten and Dixon,^®^ who found that the brittleness after long expo- 
sure at 480° C. is similar to that resulting from duralumin-type 
aging. In the 9th Campbell Memorial Lecture to the American 
Society for Metals, Krivobok ^^^ gave data on the effect of temper- 
ature on iron-chromium and iron-chromium-carbon alloys. The 
hardening of these materials after aging is caused by nitrogen. 

Grain Size. One of the outstanding technical meetings of the 
past two years was the symposium on grain size held late in 1933 
by the American Society for Metals and published in the 1934 
Transactions, Twelve papers were presented. The symposium was 
arranged so that the papers would, so far as possible, cover broadly 
the field of ferrous metallurgy. 

The control of grain size in the manufacture of basic open-hearth 
steel was discussed by Epstein, Nead, and Washburn,i<>3 and the 
relation between the grain size and the machinability and other 
properties of Bessemer screw stock by Graham.^^ Papers giving 
data on the relation between grain size and the following properties 
were presented: hardness and toughness of automobile steels,^^*^ 
structure and properties of medium-carbon (1040) steel,^^^® forging 
properties and machinability,^^^'^ tensile strength, impact resistance 
and creep strength at high temperatures,^®^ sheet for deep draw- 
ingr^ioo impact properties,^!® and magnetic properties of 5 percent 
silicon steel.!!! The P-F (penetration-fracture test) characteristic 

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of steel was discussed by Shepherd.1^2 This test affords a simple 
and rapid means of distinguishing between high-carbon steels of 
the same chemical composition. The penetration in units of 
^ inch of hardening by quenching under standard conditions plus 
the grain size number from a fracture test gives a numerical value 
which can be used to grade the steel. 

The relation between grain size of the austenite and the prior 
heat treatment was discussed by Grossmann ^^^ and the relation 
between grain size and hardenability and normality of steels by 
Davenport and Bain,^^* also at the symposium. Other papers on 
grain size which should be mentioned are those pf Herty ^^^ on the 
effect of deoxidation on grain size, hardenability, aging, and impact 
resistance at low temperature, and of Sefing and Trigger ^^^ on 
the relation between grain size and cracking or distortion in 
quenching medium-carbon steels. In the 10th Campbell Memorial 
Lecture to the American Society for Metals, McQuaid ^^"^ sum- 
marized progress to date in controlling grain size in commercial 
steels, and the relation between the aluminum addition to the 
molten metal and the resulting grain size, hardenability, and pearl- 
ite divorce. 

Tool Steels. A report by Digges and Jordan,^^^ which might 
have been classified under grain size, contained data on the effect 
of the original structure of carbon tool steel on the austenite grain 
size and the critical cooling rate and hardening temperature. 
Properties of tool steel were investigated by Luerssen and 
Greene,^^®' ^^o ^ho developed a torsion impact test which showed 
peaks of maximum toughness with low tempering temperatures. 
The location of these peaks could be varied by varying the heat 

Three papers on high-speed steel will be mentioned. Garratt ^^i 
described a new steel containing about 1.5 to 2.0 percent tungsten, 
8 percent molybdenum, about 3.75 percent chromium, and 1 per- 
cent vanadium. This is apparentlj'^ the newest development in 
molybdenum high-speed steel, a class of material which has been 
attracting considerable attention lately. Phillips and Weldon ^22 
mvestigated the effect of furnace atmosphere on the grain size of 
molybdenum high-speed steel. Liedholm ^23 reported a study of 
retained austenite and its decomposition in cobalt high-speed steel. 
One paper was published ^^4 on the manufacture, heat treatment, 
properties, and uses of 2 percent carbon 12 percent chromium tool 
steel with and without vanadium or vanadium and molybdenum. 

Cast Steel and Cast Iron. In a symposium ^25 q^ the porosity of 
steel castings Sims gave data on proper mold and pouring practice 
to reduce porosity, Batty discussed molds and cores, and Wood- 
ward the mechanism of porosity. 

Of the large number of papers on cast iron only a few, most of 
which are on alloy iron, will be mentioned. Saeger and Ash ^^6 

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reported the results of the research going on at the National Bureau 
of Standards on the properties of gray iron as affected by casting 
practice, and Morken ^27 ^nd Eddy ^^s gave data on heat treatments 
which result in improved strength, ductility, and resistance to shock 
and fatigue. Toiiceda ^^o described a fluidity test for cast iron, 
and Dahle ^^^ gave data on the impact resistance of plain and 
molybdenum cast irons at elevated temperatures. In a study of 
unalloyed malleable iron, Sauveur and Anthony ^^^ found that by 
varying the annealing practice malleable iron could be produced 
which had a ferritic, pearlitic, or sorbitic matrix. 

As may be judged from the number of papers published recently, 
the use of copper as an alloy in cast iron is increasing. Eddy ^^^ 
reviewed the effect of copper on the structure and properties. 
Smith and Palmer ^^3 found that copper accelerates graphitization, 
reducing the annealing time about 50 percent. Moreover, copper 
induces precipitation hardening. Lorig and Smith ^34 found that 
as much as 3 percent copper is soluble in white iron, and that 
from 0.70 to 1.50 percent improves the fatigue strength of the 
resulting malleable. Less than 0.50 percent has no effect. Pre- 
cipitation hardening may be induced if the copper exceeds 0.70 

Other reports on alloy cast iron are those of Vanick,^^^ who gave 
properties and uses of cast iron to which nickel, copper, and molyb- 
denum had been added, of Wood,^^^ who reported thermal expan- 
sion characteristics of some nickel cast irons, including specimens 
containing nickel and copper in the monel ratio (70-30), and of 
Pennington and Jennings,^^'^ who studied the effect of tungsten 
and manganese on the graphitizing rate of white cast iron. Both 
of these elements promote carbide stability; the time for graphitiz- 
ing reaches a maximum with 3 percent manganese; the effect of 
tungsten depends upon the manganese content. 

Phillips ^3^ gave data on the heat and corrosion resistance of irons 
containing 20 to 35 percent chromium. The castings were made 
with ferrochromium containing nitrogen to control the grain size. 
Phillips also described the melting practice and structure and gave 
typical mechanical properties. The use of zirconium as a deoxi- 
dizing agent and as a graphitizing accelerator was recommended 
by Hall.^3® Nitrided cast iron has recently come into use for auto- 
motive parts, such as cylinder liners, cams, and the like, which 
should have high resistance to wear. The base iron usually con- 
tains chromium, aluminum, molybdenum, and occasionally vana- 
dium. The properties and structure of this material have been 
described by Colwell ^^^ and by Homerberg and Edlund.^*^ 

Miscellaneous. A recent Alloys of Iron Research monograph ^^^ 
was prepared to explain the fundamentals of thermodynamics and 
the construction of binary, ternary, and higher phase diagrams to 
chemists, metallurgists, and others to whom the original work of 

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Gibbs and some of the diagrams now appearing in the regular 
Alloys of Iron Research monographs and other publications are 

Two papers on non-destructive inspection should be mentioned. 
Isenburger ^^^ published x-ray exposure charts for steel, and Nor- 
ton and Ziegler ^^* investigated the sensitivity of gamma-ray radi- 
ography. They found the sensitivity nearly constant for sections 
of 2.5 to 6 inches of iron or steel. 

In a very interesting and provocative paper, entitled "A Chem- 
ical Engineer Views the Steel Industry," Ramseyer^^^ gave the 
metallurgists and steel makers of this country his opinion of the 
inefficiency of their industry. While much of Ramseyer's trenchant 
criticism is undoubtedly justified, the very high cost of large-scale 
research at steel-making temperatures makes the investigation of 
most of his suggestions a matter for the distant future. Whether 
we agree with him about our inefficiency and the need for such 
drastic changes in practice, the viewpoint expressed was refreshing. 


1. Herty, C. H., Jr., and Associates, "The Physical Chemistry of Steel Making," 

Pittsburgh, Pa., Mining and Met. Advisory Boards, 1934. (Bulletins 64 to 69). 

2. Sweetser, R. H., Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Met. Eng., 116: 94; Reinartz, L. F., Ibid., 

98; Norris, F. G., Ihid., 102; Reagan, W. J., Ibid., 107; Washburn, T. S., and 
Miller, A. P., Ibid., Ill; FeUd, A. L., Ibid, 117; Good, R. C, Ibid., 120; Foley, 
* F. B.,Ibid., 122; Walther, H. T., Ibid., \2A', Kinzel, A. B., Ibid., 133 (1935). 

3. Smith, E. C, Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 116: 13 (1935). 

4. Arganbright, A. B., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 471 (1934). 

5. Fleming, W. R., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 532 (1934). 

6. Tranter, G. D., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 116: 66 (1935). 

7. Nelson, L. H., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 193 (1934). 

8. Dean, R. S., Barrett, E;. P., and Pierson, C, Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., Tech. 

Pub., 992 (1935). 

9. Henning, C. C-, Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 116: 137 (1935). 

10. Chipman, J., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 385 (1934). 

11. Hoyt, S. L., and Scheil, M. A., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng.. 116: 405 (1935). 

12. Urban, S. F., and Chipman, J., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 93 (1935). 

13. Urban, S. F., and Chipman, J., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 645 (1935). 

14. Thompson^ J. G., Mining and Met., 15: 215 (1934). 

15. Brower, T. E., Larsen, B. M., and Shenk, W. E., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. 

Eng., 113: 61 (1934). 

16. Hamilton, N., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 113: 111 (1934). 

17. Yensen, T. D., and Herty, C. H., Jr., Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., Tech. Pub., 555 


18. Reagan, W. J., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 113: 42 (1934). 

19. Mahin, E. G., and Lee, E. F., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 382 (1935). 

20. Yensen, T. D., and Ziegler, N. A, Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 116: 397 


21. Yensen, T. D.. and Ziegler, N. A., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 556 (1935). 

22. Cleaves, H. E., and Thompson, J. G., "The Metal — Iron.'* New York. McGraw- 

Hill Book Co., 1935. 574 p. 

23. Holmquist, J. L., Metals & Alloys, 5: 136 (1934). 

24. Austin, J. B., and Pierce, R. H. H., Jr., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 447 (1934). 

25. Mchl, R. F., and Smith, D. W., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 113: 203 

(1934); Mehl, R. F., Barrett, C. S., and Tarabek, H. S., Ibid., 113: 211 (1934). 

26. Schwartz, H. A., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 126 (1935). 

27. Kinzel, A. B., and Moore, R. W., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 116: 318 


28. Zavarine, I. N., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Ena., 113: 190 (1934). 

29. Austin, J. B., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 116: 309 (1935). 

30. Knight, O. A., and MUller-Stock, H., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 113: 

230 (1934). 

31. Van Horn, K. R., Metal Progress. 28. no. 2: 22 (1935) ; Vilella, J. R.. Guellich, G. 

E., and Bain, E. C, Ibid., 28; Honda, K., Ibid., 34; McCarthy, B. L., Ibid., 36. 

32. Lucas, F. F., Metal Progress, 27, no. 2: 24 (1935). 

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^. Mehl, R. F., and Smith, D. W., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 116: 330 

34. Ellinger, G. A., and Sanford, R. L., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 495 (1935). 

35. Gregg, J. L., and Daniloff, B. N., "The Alloys of Iron and Copper.'* New York, 

McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1934. 454 p. 

36. Norton, J. T., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 116: 386 (1935). 

37. Walters, F. M., Jr., and Wells, Cyril, Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 727, 751 (1935). 

38. Ziegler, N. A., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Bng., 113: 179 (1934). 

39. Schowalter, A. E., Delammater, W. W., and Schwartz, H. A., Trans. Am. Soc. 

Metals, 22: 120 (1934). 

40. Chipman, J., and Murphy, D. W., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 116: 179 


41. Hicks, L. C., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 113: 163 (1934). 

42. Austin, J. B., and Pierce, R. H. H., Jr., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 116: 289 


43. Rosenberg, S. J., and Jordan, L., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 577 (1935). 

44. Phillips, A., and Dunkle, H. H., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 398 (1935). 

45. Polushkin, E. P., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 635 (1934). 

46. Harvey, C. L., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 657 (1934). 

47. Cook, Earnshaw, Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 545 (1935). 

48. Armstrong, T. N., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals. 23: 286 (1935). 

49. Critchett. J. H., Foundry, 62: 16 (Jan., 1934). 

50. Efwtein, S., and Lorig, C. H., Metals & Alloys; 6: 91 (1935). 

51. Miller, H. U,- Metal Progress, 28, no. 1: 28 (1935). 

52. Gillett, H. W., Metals & Alloys. 6: 280, 307 (1935). 

53. Goss, N. P., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 511 (1935). 

54. Norton, J. T., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., US: 262 (1934). 

55. Strauss, J., and Mahin, W. E., Metals & Alloys, 6: 59 (1935). 

56. Shelton, S. M., and Swanger, W. H., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 14: 17 


57. McAdam, D. J., Jr., and Clyne, R. W., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 13: 527 


58. Speller, F. N., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 113: 13 (1934). 

59. Knight, O. A., and Benner, J. R., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 693 (1935). 

60. Denison, I. A., and Hobbs, R. B., 7. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 13: 125 (1934). 

61. Hiemke, H. W., and Schulte, W. C, Metals & Alloys, 5: 31 (1934). 

62. Campbell, D. A., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 761 (1935). 

63. McVetty, P. G., Proc. Am. Soc. Testing Materials, 34, II: 105 (1934). 

64. Wilson, J. E., and Thomassen, L., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 769 (1934). 

65. White, A. E., and Qark, C. L., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 481 (1934). 

66. Cross, H. C, and Johnson, E. R., Proc. Am. Soc. Testing Materials, 34, II: 80 


67. Sale, P. D., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards. 13: 713 (1934). 

68. White, A. E., Clark, C. L., and Wilson, R. L., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 995 


69. Shelton, S. M., J. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 12: 441 (1934). 

70. Heindlhofer, K., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 116: 232 (1935). 

71. Thum, E. F., editor, "'The Book oi Stainless Steels," 2nd ed. Qeveland, Ohio, 

Am. Soc. Metals, 1935. 787 p. 

72. Becket, F. M., and Franks, R., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 113: 126 (1934). 

73. Wells, W. H., and Findley, J. K., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 1 (1934). 

74. Franks, Russell, Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 968 (1935). 

75. Sommer, M. H., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 113: 273 (1934). 

76. Grimshaw, L. C, Metals & Alloys, 6: 264 (1935). 

77. Newell, H. D., Trans. Am. Soc, Metals, 23: 225 (1935). 

78. Baeyertz, M., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 625 (1934). 

79. Hoyt, S. L., and Scheil, M. A., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 1022 (1935). 

80. Kosting, P. R., Metals & Allovs, 5: 54 (1934). 

81. Rickett, R. L., and Wood, W. P., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 347 (1934). 

82. Nielsen, H. P., and Dowdell, R. L., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 810 (1934). 

83. Upton, G. B., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 690 (1934). 

84. Scott, Howard, Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 68 (1934). 

85. Scott, Howard, Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 577 (1934). 

86. Hughes, T. 'P., and Dowdell, R. L., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals. 22: 737 (1934). 

87. Nusbaum, C, and Goss, N. P., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 621 (1935). 

88. McMuUan, O. W., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 319 (1935). 

89. Mawhinney, M. H., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals. 22: 673 (1934). 

90. Weinland, C. E., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 431 (1935). 

91. Gillett, H. W., Metals & Alloys, 6: 195, 235, 293, 323 (1935). 

92. Marshall. A. L., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals. 22: 605 (1934). 

93. Austin, C. R., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 157 (1935). 

94. Siebert, C. A., and Upthegrove, C, Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 187 (1935). 

95. Harrington, R. H., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 505 (1934). 

96. Ellinger, G. A., and Sanford, R. L., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 13: 259 (1934). 

97. Kenyon, R. L., and Burns, R. S., Proc. Am. Soc. Testing Materials, 34, II: 48 


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98. Burns, J. L., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 113: 239 (1934). 

99. Davenport, E. S., and Bain, E. C, Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 1047 (193S). 

100. Sauveur, Albert, Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 97 (1934). 

101. Wilten, H. M., and Dixon, E. S., Proc. Am. Soc. Testing Materials, 34, II: 59 


102. Krivobok, V. N., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 1 (1935). 

103. Epstein, S., Nead, J. H., and Washburn, T. S., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 942 


104. Graham, H. W., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 926 (1934). 

105. McQuaid, H. W., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 1017 (1934). 
106- Schane, P., Jr., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 1038 (1934). 

107. Sanders, W. E., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 1051 (1934). 

108. White, A. E., and Clark, C. L., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 1069 (1934). 

109. Kenyon, R. L., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 1099 (1934). 
no. Scott, Howard, Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, Til 1142 (1934). 

111. Ruder, W. E., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 1120 (1934). 

112. Shepherd, B. -P., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 979 (1934). 

113. Grossmann, M. A., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 861 (1934). 

114. Davenport, E. S., and Bain, E. C, Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22l 879 (1934). 

115. Herty, C. H., Jr., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 113 (1935). 

116. Sefing, F. G., and Trigger, K. J., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 782 (1935). 

117. McQuaid, H. W., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 797 (1935). 

118. Digges, T. G., and Jordan, L., J. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 15: 385 (1935). 

119. Luerssen, G. V., and Greene, O. V., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 311 (1934). 

120. Luerssen, G. V., and Greene, O. V., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 861 (1935). 

121. Garratt, Frank, Metal Progress, 27, no. 6: 38 (1935). 

122. Phillips, A., and Weldon, M. J., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 886 (1935). 

123. Liedholm, C. A., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals. 23: 672 (1935). 

124. Wills, W. H., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 23: 469 (1935). 

125. Sims, C. E., Trans. Am. Foundrymen's Assoc, 42: 323; Batty, G., Ibid., 42: 339; 

Woodward, R. C, Ibid., 42: 364 (1934). 

126. Saeger, C. M., Jr., and Ash, E. J., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 13: 573 (1934). 

127. Morken, C. H., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 227 (1934). 

128. Eddy, W. P., Trans. Am. Foundrymen's Assoc, 42: 129 (1934). 

129. Toiiceda, E., Metals & Alloys, 6: 130 (1935). 

130. Dahle, F. B., Metals & Alloys, 5: 17 (1934). 

131. Sauver, A., and Anthony, H. L., Trans. Am. Soc Metals, 23: 409 (1935). 

132. Eddy, C. T., Foundry, 62, no. 2: 15 (1934). 

133. Smith, C. S., and Palmer, E. W., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 116: 363 


134. Lorig, C. H., and Smith, C. S., Trans. Am. Foundrymen's Assoc, 42: 2ll (1934). 

135. Vanick, J. S., Metal Progress, 28, no. 6: 42 (1935). 

136. Wx)od. T. J., Trans. Am. Soc Metals, 23: 455 (1935). 

137. Pennington, W. A., and Jennings, W. H., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 751 (1934). 

138. Phillips, G. P., Trans. Am. Foundrymen's Assoc, 42: 279 (1934). 

139. Hall, Rebecca, Foundry, 62, no. 4: 22 (Apr., 1934). 

140. Colwell, A. T., Iron Age, 136: 31 (Dec. 19. 1935). 

141. Homerberg, V. O., and Edlund, D. L., Metals 6- Alloys, 5: 141 (1934). 

142. Marsh, J. S., "Principles of Phase Diagrams." New York, McGraw-Hill Book 

Co., 1935. 193 p. 

143. Isenburger, H. R., Trans. Am. Soc Metals, 23: 614 (1935). 

144. Norton, J. T., and Ziegler, A., Trans. Am. Soc. Metals, 22: 271 (1934). 

145. Ramseyer, C. F., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 116: 159 (1935). 

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Chapter X. 
The Platinum Metals.* 

Raleigh Gilchrist, 
Chemist, National Bureau of Standards. 

Since the chapters prepared by Wichers ^» ^ in Volumes II and 
III of the Annual Survey of American Chemistry, in which the 
subject matter was restricted to the inorganic and analytical chem- 
istry of silver, gold, and the platinum metals, no account of the 
platinum metals has appeared in this series of reviews. In the 
present chapter, only the platinum metals are considered, and the 
attempt has been made to include all of the published work of 
American origin during the three-year period 1933-1931. 

Economics. The annual chapter 3' * on platinum and allied met- 
als, prepared by Davis for the Minerals Yearbook of the Bureau 
of Mines, contains statistics on the production, purchase, market, 
and price of domestic crude platinum; on the price and consump- 
tion of refined platinum metals; on the stocks of platinum metals 
in the hands of refiners in the United States and on the amounts 
sold by them to consuming industries; on the imports of platinum 
metals into the United States and the exports therefrom; as well 
as on production in foreign countries and on world production. 
Roush,^» ® during the same period, covered much the same sort of 

The average yearly price of platinum remained practically sta- 
tionary during 1932 and 1933, at $32.00 and $3075 a troy ounce, 
respectively. Improved activity in the industries using platinum 
and restriction on the use of gold for industrial purposes are 
reflected in the sales of platinum metals by refiners in the United 
States in 1933, which amounted to 107,821 ounces, an increase of 
29 percent over 1932. 

Chemistry. Analytical and Inorganic, With the publication of two 
papers by Gilchrist '^' ^ and of two by Gilchrist and Wichers,^» ^® 
the development of an analytical procedure by which the six plati- 
num metals can be separated from one another quantitatively, in 
the absence of other elements, and determined gravifeietrically, has 
been completed. The order in which the separations are made is : 

♦•Publication approved by the Director of the National Bureau of Standards of the 
U. S. Department of Commerce. 


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osmium, ruthenium, platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium. In 
turn osmium, and ruthenium are isolated by distilling their respec- 
tive tetroxides. Palladium, rhodium, and iridium are separated 
jointly from platinum by precipitating them hydrolytically as 
hydrated dioxides. Palladium is separated from rhodium and 
iridium by precipitating it with dimethylglyoxime. Rhodium is 
separated from iridium by reducing it to metal with titanous chlo- 
ride. Titanium, introduced as reagent, is separated from iridium by 
precipitating it with cupferron. 

The distinctive features of the method, by which it differs from 
traditional methods, consist in the conditions under which ruthe- 
nium is separated ; the reagent solution used to absorb the liberated 
tetroxides of osmium and ruthenium; the application of controlled 
hydrolytic precipitation to the separation of platinum from pal- 
ladium, rhodium, and iridium, either singly or jointly; the recovery 
of osmium, of ruthenium, and of iridium by hydrolytic precipita- 
tion ; the separation of rhodium from iridium by titanous chloride ; 
and in the avoidance of the use of potassium chloride, ammonium 
chloride, pyrosulfate fusions, and of extraction of metallic mix- 
tures with acids. 

A valuable contribution to the analytical chemistry of the plati- 
num metals was made by Whitmore and Schneider,^^ who studied, 
with the aid of the microscope, the reactions of the six platinum 
metals (and also gold) with 33 different reagents, and developed 
for them a scheme of microscopical qualitative analysis. 

Ogburn and Brastow ^^ published a method for the separation 
of palladium from the other platinum metals by reduction with 
ethylene. They reported the error in the determination to be 
0.75 percent. Hopkins ^^ outlined a procedure for the assay of 
black sands, while Byers ^*' ^^ studied the effect produced by the 
metals of the platinum group on the surface of beads obtained by 
cupellation. Pierson ^^ described tests for the estimation of small 
amounts of palladium and platinum, which involve reduction to 
metal by mercurous chloride and comparison with known quanti- 
ties reduced in a similar manner. Haigh and Hall ^"^ described a 
procedure for the recovery of platinum used in potash determina- 
tions, which consists in precipitation of the platinum by zinc. 

A new value for the atomic weight of osmium, 191.5, based upon 
the determination of the average osmium content of ammo- 
nium chloroosmate, (NH4)20sCl6, and of ammonium bromoosmate, 
(NH4)20sBr6, by Gilchrist,^^ was adopted by the Committee on 
Atomic Weights ^^ of the International Union of Chemistry in 
1934. This is the first change in the atomic weight of osmium 
since the value 190.9 was determined by Seubert 20. 21 j^ 1391^ only 
one investigation having been undertaken in the interim, namely 
that of Seybold.22 

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Kirschman and Crowell ^3 studied the reaction between osmium 
tetroxide and hydrobromic acid in a closed tube at 100° C. More 
recently, Crowell and Baumbach ^4 described a method for the 
potentiometric determination of osmium in potassium chloro- and 
bromoosmate, using chromous sulfate, with a reported error of less 
than 0.2 percent. Brunot,^^ from a medical point of view, investi- 
gated the toxic effect of osmium tetroxide on white rabbits. The 
animals showed evidence of acute irritation shortly after exposure 
began, soon became semi-comatose, and died somewhat later. The 
lungs were found to be particularly affected and death was attrib- 
uted to purulent broncho-pneumonia. 

Wichers 2«» 27 described the preparation of the pure iridium and 
of the pure rhodium which were used in the recent determination 
of the freezing points of these metals at the National Bureau of 
Standards. His descriptions concerning the refining of these two 
metals supersede those given in a previous publication-^^ 

A mixture of hydrazoic acid, HN3, and hydrochloric acid, in 
water solution, was found by Franklin 29 to show properties of aqua 
regia to the extent that the solution dissolved platinum. Urmston 
and Badger ^o studied the photochemical reaction between bromine 
and finely divided platinum with light of wave-length shorter than 
5000 A and that longer than 5300 A, as well as the thermal reaction 
from to 25° C. 

Adsorption and Diffusion of Gases. Sears and Becker ^i reported, 
in abstract form, that as the amount of platinum adsorbed on a 
tungsten surface increases, the thermionic activity decreases rap- 
idly up to one layer, and then more slowly until at about ten layers 
it approaches platinum activity. McKinney ^2 measured the adsorp- 
tion of carbon dioxide and of carbon monoxide on palladium oxide 
over the temperature range —78 to 218° C. and found that adsorp- 
tion of carbon dioxide is of the reversible physical type, whereas 
carbon monoxide shows physical adsorption at —78° and activated 
adsorption at higher temperatures, the apparent maximum for the 
latter at 350 mm. being at about 100° C. The isothermal absorption 
of hydrogen by palladium was studied by Krause and Kahlenberg ^ 
at temperatures ranging from to 138° C. 

Ferguson and Dubpernell,^* in a study on overvoltage, published 
a paper on the mechanism of the transfer of electrolytic hydrogen 
and oxygen through thin sheets of platinum and palladium. Ham,^^ 
in one paper, reported the results of experiments on the diffusion 
of hydrogen through platinum, which checked those of Borelius 
and Lindblom,^^ and in another 9*^ those on diffusion through pal- 
ladium. Harris, Jost, and Pearse^* found that there was a ten- 
fold increase in the concentration of the heavier isotope, in a 
single step, when hydrogen was diffused through palladium under 
a 100-fold decrease in pressure, and concluded that the diffusion is 
an atomic process, and that there is an activation factor favorable 

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to the lighter isotope. Fink, Urey, and Lake,^® from preliminary 
experiments, reported that with a palladium tube as cathode, frac- 
tionation of the two isotopes of hydrogen occurred, protium, the 
lighter isotope, diffusing through more readily. 

In a paper concerning the shunt action of the electrolyte, when 
measuring the resistance of immersed and hydrogen-charged pal- 
ladium wires, Smith *^ raises several objections to an expla- 
nation given by Knorr and Schwartz.*^ Somewhat later, Smith 
and Derge *2 investigated the role played by intergranular 
fissures in the occlusion and evolution of hydrogen by palladium 
and confirmed the conclusion, previously formed, that diffusion 
of hydrogen occurs primarily along slip-plane fissures, and 
only secondarily through the undistorted lattice. In a second 
paper. Smith and Derge ^^ published an account of a study on the 
occlusion and diffusion of hydrogen in palladium and particularly 
of metallographic effects of gaseous hydrogen. Herzfeld and 
Goeppert-Mayer,^* on the basis that hydrogen dissolved in palla- 
dium is apparently partially dissociated into protons and electrons, 
applied the concepts of the Debye-Hiickel theory of electrolytic 
solutions, and by using Fermi statistics of the electrons, made a 
first-order calculation for the energy and conductivity. 

Catalysis. Owing to the catalytic properties possessed by the metals 
of the platinum group, various investigators employed them in this 
capacity. Shepherd and Branham ^^ used platinum in a critical 
study of the determination of ethane by combustion in excess oxy- 
gen, while Kobe and Arveson *^ studied the oxidation of hydrogen 
and of carbon monoxide over platinized silica gel, and later Kobe 
and Brookbank^*^ used the same catalyst in experiments on the 
oxidation of methane hydrocarbons. 

Heath and Walton *8 investigated the effect of salts on the cata- 
lytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by colloidal platinum. 

Hammett and Lorch ^^ determined the activation of hydrogen 
by bright electroplated platinum and iridium by measuring the 
polarization of electrodes carrying these catalysts, and in a subse- 
quent article, Lorch ^^ discussed the choice of catalysts of the 
hydrogen electrode and described the preparation of such elec- 
trodes plated with platinum black, bright platinum, and bright 
indium. Kahlenberg, Johnson, and Downes ^^ stated that a small 
portion of the hydrogen released from cathodically hydrogenated 
palladium reduces sulfur above 65° C. 

McKinney and Morfit ^^ have stated that platinum oxide is 
reduced by carbon monoxide at 0° C, and that the reaction is auto- 
catalytic and has an induction period. In a subsequent paper, 
McKinney ^3 reported that well-dried platinum oxide (Pt02) is 
reduced by carbon monoxide at 25° C. with an induction period of 
two hours, which period is shortened to thirty minutes at 40° C. 
He found, however, that if the platinum oxide is not dried at 

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110° C, or if moist carbon monoxide is used, reduction occurs at 
0° C. with a short induction period. 

Wiig ^* found that hydrogen and oxygen at low pressures reacted 
in the ratio of 2 : 1 by volume on platinum as a catalyst, when care 
was taken to eliminate any possibility of a change in concentration 
of the gaseous mixture due to differential diffusion. 

Hartung and Crossley ^^ employed a catalyst consisting of pal- 
ladium on charcoal to reduce quickly and easily propiophenone to 
propylbenzene. The substitution of hydroxyl or methoxyl groups 
in propiophenone was found to influence the rate but not the 
extent of the reduction. A similarly prepared platinum catalyst 
proved to be inactive. In his studies on reduction of compounds 
in the morphine series, Small ^^-^^ and his co-workers used plati- 
num oxide and also palladium as catalysts. 

Andrews and Lowy ^^ used a platinum catalyst in the reduction 
of azo-type compounds. Thomson ®^ found that the acid oxidation 
products of olefins are the impurities which offset the poisoning 
effect of iron on platinum catalysts used in the reduction of ole- 
fins. Bjerrum and Michaelis ®^ say that nitric oxide oxidizes leuco 
dyes in the presence of a little colloidal palladium. 

Baldeschwieler and Mikeska ^2 described the preparation of plati- 
num oxide catalyst from spent material, using essentially the 
method, of purification given by Wichers ^^ for the preparation of 
pure platinum. 

In a study of the reaction between nitrous oxide and hydrogen 
on platinum, Dixon and Vance ®^ found that between 260 and 
471° C. the rate is proportional to the partial pressure of nitrous 
oxide and nearly independent of that of hydrogen. The apparent 
energy of activation is 23,100 calories. Emmett and Harkness ®® 
noted the poisoning effect of activated adsorption of hydrogen on 
the para-ortho conversion of hydrogen at — 190° C. over platinum, 
and consider this effect as constituting very strong evidence that 
the activated adsorption of hydrogen by platinum is in part at least 
a surface phenomenon. 

Electrochemistry. Thews and Harbison ^^ described the electra- 
lytic plating of platinum on noble and on base metals, in connec- 
tion with which they disctissed technical details, endorsed the use 
of Pt(NH3)2(N02)2, and stated that platinum plating lasts longer 
than that of gold or silver. Experiments on the plating of rhcrdium 
from various types of baths were reported by Fink and Lam- 
bros ®'^'®^ who concluded that the most satisfactory results were 
obtained with a bath containing 4 g. of rhodium per liter, 80 g. of 
sulfuric acid per liter, and 3 percent of ammonium sulfate, at 50° C. 
with a current density of 8 amperes per square decimeter. 

McClain and Tartar®^ studied the effect of an electric field on 
the potential at a platinum-solution interface, while Steiner and 
Kahlenberg "^^ measured the electric potential of platinum in nitric 

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acid. The electrode potentials of platinized platinum and of 
smooth platinum in mildly alkaline sugar solutions were measured 
by Ort and RoepkeJ^ 

Jones and Christian ^2 measured the resistance and capacitance 
due to galvanic polarization with alternating current, using smooth 
platinum and platinized platinum electrodes. In another paper, 
Jones and Bollinger ^^ discussed the various criteria as to quality 
and sufficiency of platinization in the measurement of the con- 
ductance of electrolytes. 

Stareck and Taft*^* investigated the systems Pt/AgNOg/Pt, 
Pt/KAg(CN)2/Pt, and Pt/KCN/Pt with the aid of a modified 
Haring cell, while Bancroft and Magoffin,*^^ using platinum elec- 
trodes, made a study of energy levels in a number of common 

Using a platinum anode, and various metals as cathode, Topley 
and Eyring"^^ studied the electrolytic separation of the hydrogen 
isotopes and discussed the mechanism of the cathode process. 

Physics. General Physical Properties. Platinum-rhodium alloys 
containing approximately 10, 20, 40, 60, and 80 percent of rhodium 
were prepared by Acken,*^*^ who determined for each of these alloys 
the melting point, hardness, density, electrical resistivity, tempera- 
ture coefficient of resistance, and the thermal electromotive force 
against platinum, while Wise and Eash "^^ reported the results of 
investigations dealing with the tensile strength and annealing 
characteristics of platinum, palladium, and a number of their com- 
mercial alloys. Bridgman '^^ measured, at pressures up to 12,000 
atmospheres, compressibilities and pressure coefficients for rhodium 
at 30 and at 75° C, and for ruthenium at 0, 30, 75, and 95° C. Drier 
and Walker 8<> found, by means of x-rays, that the gold-rhodium 
system consists of two solid solutions and that the solubility of 
rhodium in gold is between 4 and 8 atomic percent, whereas the 
solubility of gold in rhodium is between 1.1 and 2.5 atomic percent. 
They did not detect, however, any solubility of silver in rhodium 
or of rhodium in silver. 

Using the Gouy method, Janes ^^ measured the magnetic suscep- 
tibilities of a number of bi-, ter-, and quadrivalent palladium salts 
and found them to be diamagnetic. 

Lawrence, Livingston, and Lewises bombarded various targets, 
including platinum, with deutons having energies ranging from 
600,000 to 1,330,000 volts. In addition to the emission of a-par- 
ticles, high-range protons were observed in large numbers. The 
emission of protons became unobservable when the deuton energy 
was below 800,000 volts. A technic for evaporating platinum from 
a crucible, heated in a vacuum, by bombardment with electrons at 
4000 volts produced from a tungsten filament, was described by 

In an extensive paper^^ devoted to the equilibrium relationships 

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of Fe304, Fe203, and oxygen, mention is made of the effect of cru- 
cibles of platinum and of rhodium on charges of magnetite, of 
volatilization of platinum and rhodium in oxygen, and of the con- 
sequent effect on thermocouples. In a general summary of the 
phenomenon of precipitation-hardening, Merica ®^' ®® included a 
discussion of hardenable gold alloys containing silver, copper, plati- 
num, and palladium. In a discussion of the use of frangible disks 
in pressure-vessel protection, Bonyun ®'^' ^^ stated that platinum is a 
superior rupture-disk material. 

Crystal Structure, Dickinson ®® published a paper on the crystal 
structure of tetramminepalladous chloride, [Pd(NH3)4]Cl2 . H2O, 
and West®<> reported an investigation on chloropentamminerhodium 
chloride, [Rh(NH3)5Cl]Cl2, concluding that the crystal structure of 
the isomorphous orthorhombic pentammines, [R(NH3)5X]Y2, where 
R is Cr, Co, Rh, or Ir, and X and Y are halogens, is a distortion of 
the cubic structure of the hexammines, [R(NH3)e]Y2. 

Pauling and Huggins ^^ reported the interatomic distances in 
crystals containing electron-pair bonds and listed the following 
compounds of the platinum metals: RUS2, RuSe2, RuTe2, PdTe2, 
PtS2, PtSe2, PtTe2, OSS2, OsSe2, OsTe2, PdAs2, PdSb2, PtPg, 
PtAs2, PtSb2, Rb2PdBr6, K2PtCl6, (NH4)2PtCl6, and [N(CH3)4]2- 

Isotopes, Bartlett®2 has discussed the prediction of isotopes and 
included reference to palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium, and 

Dempster ®3. 94, 95 has reported the isotopic constitution of plati- 
num, rhodium, palladium, and iridium. For platinum, he found 
isotopes of masses 192, 194, 195, 196, and 198 on analysis of the 
platinum ions from a high frequency spark, using a new spectro- 
graph. Rhodium was reported to have an average atomic weight 
of 102.92±0.03, with only a single isotope. Palladium was found to 
consist of six isotopes of masses 102, 104, 105, 106, 108. and 110. 
the four middle ones being about equally strong while the one at 
110 was weaker and the one at 102 faintest of all. U'sing electrodes 
made of platinum-iridium alloy, Dempster found for iridium two 
isotopes, 191 and 193, the latter being definitely the stronger. 
Together with thallium and rhenium, this instance, according to 
Dempster, forms the third exception to the rule that the lighter 
of a pair of isotopes of an odd-numbered element is the more 

Spectra. In the field of spectral analysis, Hansen and Stoddard®^ 
published a paper on a relation between the probability of excita- 
tion of line and continuous x-ray spectra of palladium. Allison ^'^ 
determined the line-widths of Koj and Ka2 for 14 elements from 
Fe to Ag, including ruthenium, rhodium, and palladium, with a 
double crystal spectrometer, and Williams,®^ with Allison's appa- 
ratus, measured the full widths at half-maximum of the La^, Lp^, 

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L32, and Lyi lines of platinum and iridium. Williams ®^ also mea- 
sured the relative intensities and transition possibilities of the 
/!L-series lines of ruthenium, rhodium, and palladium by the ioniza- 
tion-chamber method, and Ross,^®^ using a double crystal spec- 
trometer, studied the K-absorption discontinuity for these three 
metals. The radiated frequency and ionization potential of palla- 
dium were investigated by Kruger and Schoupp.^^^ Purdom and 
Cork,^^2 t)y means of a ruled grating, measured the x-ray emission 
wave-lengths in the M-series of 13 elements of higher atomic num- 
ber than 71, including osmium, iridium, and platinum, and found 
that the results were consistently 0.32 percent higher than those 
found by the crystal method. 

Richtmyer and Kaufman ^^^ examined for satellites the x-ray 
lines, Lai and La2, of elements from Ta to U, including osmium, 
iridium, and platinum. Two satellites were found, La*^ extending 
from Au to U and La^ from Os to Bi. They also found that L(32 
had two satellites, one extending from Ta to U, the other having 
a slightly greater range. In a subsequent paper, Hirsh and Richt- 
myer ^^* attacked the problem of the origin of x-ray satellites by 
a study of their relative intensities under both cathode and fluo- 
rescent excitation. Among the elements studied were ruthenium, 
rhodium, and palladium. Kaufman ^<^^' ^^^ reported the measure- 
ment of many weak lines in the L-spectra of iridium, platinum, and 
of osmium, and stated that many were diagram lines due to quad- 
ripole radiation and that others were satellites of L(32. Wilhelmy,^^*^ 
with a double crystal spectrometer, obtained quadripole lines in the 
K-series of ruthenium. Goble,^^^ in a paper mainly mathematical, 
discussed the four-vector problem and its application to energies 
and intensities in platinum-like spectra. 

With the aid of a mechanical interval recorder, Albertson ^^® 
found a number of energy levels of Os I, and in a subsequent 
paper ^^^ classified over 1050 osmium lines (of the arc spectrum) 
as transitions between 137 terms of Os I. 

Temperature Scales and Thermocouples. The ratio of brightness of 
black bodies immersed in freezing iridium and freezing gold was deter- 
mined directly, by Henning and Wensel,^^ in terms of the previously 
measured ratio of platinum to gold. With the freezing point of plati- 
num previously established as 1,773±1° C, that of iridium was found 
to be 2,454 it 3° C. In a subsequent paper, Roeser and Wensel,^^ in a 
similar manner, determined the freezing point of rhodium as 1,966 
±3° C. 

Southard and Milner ^^^ measured the resistance of platinum 
and of platinum-10 percent rhodium alloy between 14° and 90° K., 
with an estimated error of about ±0.02°. They constructed a 
reference table of R/Ro for platinum between 14° and 109° K., 
giving values for each degree in this interval. 

The thermal electromotive forces and the thermoelectric powers 

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of a series of platinum-rhodium alloys against pure platinum from 
0° to 1200° C. were determined by Caldwell,^^^ ^j^q ^Iso made com- 
parisons between these values and those of several other investi- 
gators, the maximum difference found being of the order of 
300uv. Roeser and Wensel ^^^ prepared reference tables for use 
with platinum to platinum- 10 percent rhodium and with platinum 
to platinum-13 percent rhodium thermocouples. Through an inter- 
change of platinum-platinum rhodium thermocouples and of speci- 
mens of silver between the National Physical Laboratory, the 
Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt, and the National Bureau 
of Standards, an international comparison ^^*» ^^^ of temperature 
scales between 660 and 1063° C. was made, with an agreement to 
0.1°. Roeser, Dahl, and Go wens ^^^ prepared tables giving the 
thermal electromotive force of chromel P against alumel, chromel 
P agfainst platinum, and alumel against platinum at various tem- 
peratures in the range —310 to 2500° F. In establishing tempera- 
ture scales for Cb, Th, Rh, and Mo, spectral emissivities were mea- 
sured at A. = 0.667u by Whitney,^^*^ who found, for rhodium, 0.242 
between 1300 and 2000° K. 

Roeser and Wensel ^^^ described various methods used for test- 
ing thermocouples and thermocouple materials, in particular the 
methods developed and used at the National Bureau of Standards, 
as well as precautions which must be observed to obtain various 
degrees of accuracy. Bradley,^^^ in articles primarily for the prac- 
tical man, gave information to users of thermocouples, while 
Brenner,i2o j^ a paper devoted to recent developments in platinum 
thermocouples, discussed the essential requirements, constancy of 
calibration and life, and mechanical strength of platinum-platinum 
rhodium thermocouples of high quality. 

Industry. In an article of a popular nature, Wise^^i related 
the march of platinum in industry, while in another paper Wise 
and Eash ^^2 discoursed on the role of the platinum metals in dental 
alloys, treating particularly of the influence of platinum and pal- 
ladium, as well as of heat treatment, upon the microstructure and 
constitution of these alloys. Harder ^^3 likewise, in a review, discussed 
the use of platinum and palladium in dentistry and in dental alloys. 
In a brief article. Carter ^23a discussed the hardening of platinum 
by means of iridium, osmium, and ruthenium. Hess,^24 j^ a popular 
article, included a brief description of the occurrence, distribution, 
and use of platinum. In a paper devoted to the geologfy of the 
beach placers of the Oregon Coast, brief reference is made by 
Pardee ^^^ to the occurrence of platinum, which is thought to 
have been carried from the interior, the original source, however, 
being not definitely known. 

In a paper covering a survey of testing in the precious metal 
field, Wright ^^6 discussed the industrial, household, and personal 
uses of the platinum metals. Hoke ^^7 published the second edition 

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of a booklet, designed for the layman, on testing precious metals, 
which was reviewed by Wichers.^^s 

Harbison ^^9, i30 stated, in a paper devoted to the plating of 
metals by palladium, that for satisfactory results the palladium 
should be plated on silver, copper, or a copper alloy, and that if 
it is to be plated on iron, zinc, or tin a coating of copper or of 
silver should first be applied. 

From a critical study of precious metal catalysts for the oxida- 
tion of ammonia to oxides of nitrogen, Handforth and Tilley ^^^ 
concluded that platinum-rhodium alloys containing from five to 
ten percent of rhodium are the most advantageous and economical 
of any catalysts of this class thus far proposed. 

A description of the silver refinery of the Raritan Copper Works 
at Perth Aniboy, N. J., and of the recovery of platinum and pal- 
ladium therein was given by Mosher.^32 

Patents. Wise ^^^^ ^^^ was granted two patents on alloys containing 
25 to 98 percent of palladium, 1 to 50 of copper, and 1 or more percent 
of silver, suitable for dental uses, electrical conductors, etc., and 
assigned them to the International Nickel Company, Inc. A foreign 
patent on palladium alloys was later taken out by the International 
Nickel Company. ^35 Aderer ^^6, 137 likewise obtained patents on 
alloys for dental purposes, one for alloys containing 30 to 40 parts of 
gold, 35 to 50 of palladium, 10 to 23 of silver, 4 to 20 of copper, 
and 2 to 6 of zinc, the other for those containing 30 to 40 parts of 
gold, 35 to 50 of palladium, 18 to 30 of copper, and 2 to 6 of zinc. 
Holbrook ^^^ assigned to the H. A. Wilson Company his patent 
rights to alloys, suitable for electrical contacts or sparking points, 
containing 50 to 90 percent of osmium and 50 to 10 percent of 
rhodium. Taylor ^^^* ^^^ patented alloys suitable for dental work 
and jewelry formed of 25 to 65 percent of gold, 10 to 33 of silver, 
2 to 25 of palladium, 10 to 25 of copper, and 0.5 to 5.0 percent of 
indium, and assigned the patents to Spyco Smelting and Refining 
Company. His second patent related to similar alloys which 
also contained 0.5 to 10 percent of platinum. Baker and Company, 
Inc.^*^ was granted a foreign patent on alloys for jewelry, etc., 
containing 40 to 45 percent of palladium, 5 to 10 of platinum, 45 of 
silver, and 5 percent of nickel. Capillon and Carter ^^2, 143, 144 
received three patents, assigned to Baker and Company, Inc., on 
alloys suitable for watch cases, electrical contacts, dentures, etc. 
The first patent covered alloys formed of palladium and platinum, 
35 to 70 percent (of which amount 5 to 10 percent is platinum), and 
the remainder silver. The second patent related to similar 
alloys formed with nickel instead of with silver, and the third on 
the use of both silver and a nickel group metal with palladium 
and platinum. 

Bart ^^^' ^*^' ^^"^ took out one domestic and two foreign patents, 
assigned to the Precious Metals Developing Company, Inc., relat- 

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ing to the prevention of tarnishing of silver articles, such as table- 
ware, prize cups, etc., by electroplating them with palladium and 
with rhodium. Baker and Company, Inc.^^^ obtained a foreign 
patent for the electrolytic deposition of rhodium from a phosphate 
solution containing sulfuric acid. A similar domestic patent was 
also taken out by Zimmermann and Zschiegner ^^^ and assigned 
to Baker and Company, Inc. In another foreign patent. Baker 
and Company, Inc.^^<* covered an electrolyte for rhodium plating 
made by heating an aqueous solution or suspension of a double 
nitrite of rhodium, such as (NH4)3Rh(N02)6- Shields ^^i ^as 
granted a patent on an electrolyte comprising an aqueous solution 
of a soluble rhodium salt, such as the sulfate or chloride, a soluble 
aluminum salt, such as potassium aluminum sulfate or aluminum 
chloride, and a free inorganic acid, such as sulfuric or hydro- 
chloric acid. Wise ^^2, 133 likewise was granted patents on elec- 
trolytes, assigning them to the International Nickel Company, Inc., 
which covered, in one instance, a bath containing a soluble com- 
plex nitrite of a platinum group metal and to be operated within 
a range, 4:1 to 6:1, of nitrite to platinum metal, and in another 
instance, a bath containing an amminocyanide of platinum, pal- 
ladium, or rhodium. 

Ernst ^^* obtained a patent, assigned to E. I. duPont de Nemours 
and Company, Inc., for a process of decorating ceramic surfaces 
with a palladium-gold alloy. 

Ridler ^^^* ^®®' ^^'^ was granted three patents, assigned to the 
Grasselli Chemical Company, on the regeneration of spent platinum 
catalysts, used in the oxidation of sulfur dioxide, by means of allyl 
alcohol, formaldehyde, oxalic, acetic, and formic acids. 

Tilley and Whitehead ^^^ of E. I. duPont de Nemours and Com- 
pany, Inc., were given a patent on a catalyst for the oxidation of 
ammonia, formed of alloys of platinum and rhodium having a 
solid surface of platinum, while Hickey,^^^ assigning his rights to 
J. Bishop and Company, patented an alloy of platinum, rhodium, 
and cobalt to be used in the form of gauze as a catalyst for the 
oxidation of ammonia. 

Rodrian ^^^ obtained a patent on a process for the recovery of 
gold and platinum from ores. Wise and Vines ^^^ were granted 
a foreign patent, assigned to the International Nickel Company, 
Inc., for the metallurgical recovery of precious metals from 
nickel-copper mattes. 

Woodward ^^2 assigned to Kastenhuber and Lehrfeld his patent 
rights to an apparatus, used in the manufacture of pen points, 
for shattering molten platinum alloys into drops by the action of 
a revolving disk. 

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1. Wichers, E., "Annual Survey of American Chemistry," 2: 136 (1926-27). 

2. Wichers, E., "Annual Survey of American Chemistry, ' 3: 75 (1927-28). 

3. Davis, C:. W., and Davis, H. W., "Minerals Yearbook," Part II: 337 (1932-33). 

4. Davis, H. W., "Minerals Yearbook," Part II: 507 (1934). 

5. Roush, G. A., Mineral Ind., 42: 456 (1933) 

6. Roush, G. A., Mineral Ind., 43: 460 (1934). 

7. Gilchrist, R., Bur. Standards J. Research, 12: 283 (1934). 

8. Gilchrist, R., Bur. Standards J. Research, 12: 291 (1934). 

9. Gilchrist, R., and Wichers, E., Ninth International Congress of Pure and Applied 

Chemistry, Paper No. 178 of Scientific Program (in press). 

10. Gilchrbt, R., and Wichers, E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2565 (1935). 

11. Wlhitmore, W. F., and Schneider, H., Mikrochemie, 17: 279 (1935). In English. 

12. Ogbum, S. C, Jr., and Brastow, W. C, /. Am. Chem. Soc. 55: 1307 (1933). 

13. Hopkins, P., Bur. Mines, Report of Investigations, No. 3265 (Dec, 1934). 5 p. 

14. Byers, J. L., Bull. Michigan Coll. Min. and Tech., 6: 1 (1933). 

15. Byers, J. L., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., 102: 286 (1932). 

16. Pierson, G. G., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 437 (1934). 

17. Haigh, L. D., and Hall, A. R., /. Assoc. Official Agr. Chem., 16: 147 (1933). 

18. Gilchrist, R., Bur. Standards J. Research, 9: 279 (1932). 

19. Baxter, G. P., Curie, M., Honigschmid, O., I^beau, P., and Meyer, R. J., /. Am. 

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20. Seubert, K., Ber., 21: 1839 (1888). 

21. Seubert, K., Ann., 261: 258 (1891). 

22. Seybold, F., Inaugural-Dissertation, Friederich-Alexanders Universitat, Erlangen 


23. Kirschman, H. D., and Crowell, W. R., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 488 (1933). 

24. Crowell, W. R., and Baumbach, H. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2607 (1935). 

25. Brunot, F. R., /. Ind. Hyg., 15: 136 (1933). 

26. Henning, F., Wensel, H. T., (and Wichers, E.), Bur. Standards J, Research, 10: 

809 (1933). 

27. Roeser, W. F., Wensel, H. T., (and Wichers, E.), Bur. Standards J. Research, 12: 

519 (1934). 

28. Wichers, E., Gilchrist, R., and Swanger, W. H., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. 

Engrs., 76: 602 (1928). 

29. Franklin, E. C, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 568 (1934). 

3a Urmston, J., and Badger, R. M., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 343 (1934). 

31. Sears, R. W., and Becker, J. A., Phys. Rev., 43: 1058 (1933). 

32. McKinney, P. V., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 3626 (1933). 

33. Krausc, W., and Kahlenberg, L., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 68: (preprint) (1935). 

21 p. 

34. Ferguson, A. L., and Dubpemell, G., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 64: 221 (1933). 

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39. Fink, C. G., Urey, H. C, and Lake, D. B., /. Chem. Phys., 2: 105 (1934). 

40. Smith, D. P., Z. Elektrochem., 39: 743 (1933). 

41. Knorr, C. A., and Schwartz, E., Z. Elektrochem., 39: 281 (1933). 

42. Smith, D. P., and Derge, G. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2513 (1934). 

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44. Herzfeld, K. F., and Goeppert-Mayer, M., Z. physik. Chem., B26: 203 (1934). 

45. Shepherd, M., and Branham, J. R., Bur. Standards J. Research, 11: 783 (1933). 

46. Kobe, K. A., and Arveson, E. J., Ind. Enq. Chem., Anal. Ed., 5: llO (1933). 

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48. Walton, J. H., and Heath, M. A., /. Phys. Chem., 37: 977 (1933). 

49. Hammett, L. P., and Lorch, A. E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55r 70 (1933). 

50. Lorch, A. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 164 (1934). 

51. Kahlenberg, L., Johnson, N. J., and Downes, A. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2218 


52. McKinney, P. V., and Morfit, E. F., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 3050 (1933). 

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54. Wiig, E. O., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 55: 2673 (1933). 

55. Hartung, W. H., and Crossley, F. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 158 (1934). 

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59. Andrews, L. H., and Lowy, A., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1411 (1934). 

60. Thomson, G., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2744 (1934). 

61. Bjerrum, J., and Michaelis, L., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 1378 (1935). 

62. Baldeschwieler, E. L., and Mikeska, L. A., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 977 (1935). 

63. Wichers, E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 43: 1268 (1921). 

64. Dixon, J. K., and Vance, J. E., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 818 (1935). 

65. Emmett, P. H., and Harkness, R. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 1624 (1935). 

66. Thews, E. R., and Harbison, R. W., Chem.-Ztg., 57: 980 (1933). 

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67. Fink, C. G., and Lambros, G. C, Trans. Electrochem. Soc, «: 181 (1933). 

68. Fink, C. G., and Lambros, G. C, Metal Ind. (New York), 31: 208 (1933). 

69. McClain, H. K., and Tartar, H. V., /. Phys. Chem., 38: 161 (1934). 

70. Steiner, J., and Kahlenberg, L., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 66: 205 (1934). 

71. Ort, J. M., and Rocpke, M. H., /. Phys. Chem., 38: 1061 (1934). 

72. Jones, G., and Christian, S. M., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 272 (1935). 

73. Jones, G., and Bollinger, D. M., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 280 (1935). 

74. Starcck, J. E., and Taft, R., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 67: 357 (1935). 

75. Bancroft, W. D., and Magoffin, J. E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2561 (1935). 

76. Topley, B., and Eyring, H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 5058 (1933). 

77. Acken, J. S., Bur. Standards J. Research, 12: 249 (1934). 

78. Wise, E. M., and Eash, J. T., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., 117: 313 (1935). 

79. Bridgman, P. W., Proc Am. Acad. Arts Sci., 68: 27 (1933). 

80. Drier, R. W., and Walker, H. L., Phil. Mag., 16: 294 (1933). 

81. Janes, R. B., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 471 (1935). 

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84. Greig, J. W., Posnjak, E., Merwin, H. E., and Sosman, R. B., Am. J. Sci., 30: 239 


85. Merica, P. D., Metal Progress, 27, No. 1: 31 (1935). 

86. Merica, P. D., Metal Progress, 27, No. 3: 46 (1935). 

87. Bonyun, M. E., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs.. (preprint) (May, 1935), 17 p. 

88. Bonyun, M. E., Chem. Met. Eng., 42: 260 (1935). 

89. Dickinson, B. N., Z. Krist., 88: 281 (1934). In English. 

90. West, C. D., Z. Krist., 91: 181 (1935). In English. 

91. Pauling, L., and Huggins, M. L., Z. Krist.. 87: 205 (1934). In English. 

92. Bartlett, J. H., Jr., Phys. Rev., 45: 847 (1934). 

93. Dempster, A. J., Nature, 135: 993 (1935). 

94. Dempster, A. J., Nature, 136: 65 (1935). 

95. Dempster, A. J., Nature, 136: 909 (1935). 

96. Hansen, W. W., and Stoddard, K. B., Phys. Rez>., 43: 701 (1933). 

97. Allison, S. K., Phys. Rev., 44: 63 (1933). 

98. Williams, J. H., Phys. Rev., 45: 71 (1934). 

99. Williams, J. H., Phys. Rev., 44: 146 (1933). 

100. Ross, P. A., Phys. Rev., 44: 977 (1933). 

101. Kniger, P. G., and Shoupp, W. E., Phys. Rev., 46: 124 (1934). 

102. Purdom, E. G., and Cork, J. M., Phys. Rev., 44: 974 (1933). 

103. Richtmyer, F. K., and Kaufman, S., Phys. Rev. 44: 605 (1933). 

104. Hirsh, F. R., Jr., and Richtmyer, F. K., Phys. Rev., 44: 955 (1933). 

105. Kaufman, S., Phys. Rev,, 45: 385 (1934). 

106. Kaufman, S., Phys. Rev., 45: 613 (1934). 

107. Wilhelmy, E., Phys. Rev., 46: 130 (1934). 

108. Goble, A. T., Phys. Rev., 48: 346 (1935). 

109. Albertson, W., Phys. Rev., 43: 501 (1933). 

110. Albertson, W., Phys. Rev., 45: 304 (1934). 

111. Southard, J. C, and Milner, R. T., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 4384 (1933). 

112. Caldwell, F. R., Bur. Standards J. Research, 10: 373 (1933). 

113. Roeser, W. F., and Wensel, H. T., Bur. Standards J. Research, 10: 275 (1933). 

114. Roeser, W. F., Schofield, F. H., and Moser, H. A., Ann. Physik, 17: 243 (1933). 

115. Roeser, W. F., Schofield, F. H., and Moser, H. A., Bur. Standards J. Research, 

11: 1 (1933). 

116. Roeser, W. F., Dahl, A. I., and Gowens, G. J., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 

14: 239 (1935). 

117. Whitney, L. V., Phys. Rev., 48: 458 (1935). 

118. Roeser, W. F., and Wensel, H. T., J. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 14: 247 (1935). 

119. Bradley, R. S., Heat Treating and Forging. 19: 80, 108 (1933). 

120. Brenner, B., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 438 (1935). 

121. Wise, E. M., Metal Progress, 23, No. 4: 36 (1933). 

122. Wise, E. M., and Eash, J. T., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., 104: 276 (1933). 

123. Harder, O. E., Metals and Alloys, 5: 236 (1934). 
123a. Carter, F., Metal Ind. (London), 42: 570 (1933). 

124. Hess, F. L., /. Chem. Education, 10: 560 (1933). 

125. Pardee, J. T., Circular 8, Beach Placers of the Oregon Coast, Geol. Surv., U. S. 

Dept. of Interior, Washington, D. C, 1934. 

126. Wright, T. A., Am. Soc. Testing Materials (preprint), Detroit Meeting, June 24-28. 

1935. 21 p. 

127. Hoke, C. M., "Testing Precious Metals,'* New York, The Jewelers Technical Advice 

Co., 1935. 60 p. 

128. Wichers, E., Ind. Eng. Chem., News Ed., 13: 80 (1935). 

129. Harbison, R. W., Deut. Goldschmiedestg., 37: 32 (1934). 

130. Harbison, R. W., Met. Abstr. (in Metals and Alloys), 5: MA 273 (1934). 

131. Handforth, S. L., and Tilley, J. N., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 1287 (1934). 

132. Mosher, M. A., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., 106: 427 (1933). 

133. Wise, E. M., U. S. Pat. 1,913,423 (June 13, 1933). 

134. Wise E. M., U. S. Pat. 1,935,897 (Nov. 21, 1933). 

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135. International Nickel Co.. Inc., German Pat. 593,466 (Feb. 26, 1934). 

136. Aderer, J., U. S. Pat, 1,924,097 (Auk. 29, 1933). 

137. Aderer, J., U. S. Par, 1,965,093 (July 3, 1934). 

138. Holbrook, H. E., U. S. Pat. l,5eL>.B01 (Nov. 13, 1934). 

139. Taylor, N. O., U. S. Pat. 1,987,451 {Jan. 8, 1935). 

140. Taylor, N. O., U. S. Pat. 1,987,452 (Jan. 8, 1935). 

141. Baker and Co., Inc., French Pat. 777,839 (Mar. 1, 1935). 

142. C:apillon, E. A., and Carter, F. E., I'. S. Pat. 1,999,864 (Apr. 30, 1935). 

143. Capillon, E. A., and Carter, F. K., IT. S. Pat. 1,999,865 (Apr. 30, 1935). 

144. Capillon, E. A., and Carter, F. E„ IT. s. Pat. 1,999,866 (Apr. 30, 1935). 

145. Bart, B., U. S. Pat. 1,947. ISO (Feb. 13, 1934). 

146. Bart, B., Canadian Pat, 340.067 (Mar. 13, 1934). 

147. Bart, B., Canadian l':it. ^A?^.^^ (Au^?. 7, 1934). 

148. Baker and Co., Inc., French Pat. 749,846 (July 29, 1933). 

149. Zimmcrmann, F., and Zschiegner, H. E., U. S. Pat. 1,981,820 (Nov. 20, 1934). 

150. Baker and Co., Inc., French Pat. 779,405 (Apr. 4, 1935). 

151. Shields, T. P., U. S. Pat. 1,919,131 (Feb. 27, 1934). 

152. Wise, E, M., U. S. Pat. 1,970,950 (Aug. 31, 1934). 

153. Wise. E. M., U. S. Pat. 1.991,955 (Feb, 19, 1935). 

154. Emst, A. H., U. S. Pat. 1,954,353 (Apr. 10, 1934). 

155. RidTer, E. S., U. S. Pat. 1,9B0,S29 fNov, 13, 1934). 

156. RidEcr, E. S., U. S. Pat. 2,006.321 (June 25, 1935). 

157. R idler. E. S., U. S. Pat. 2.006,322 {June 25, 1935). 

158. Ti^ey, J. N., and Whiteliead, H., U. S. Pat. 2,004,141 (June 11, 1935). 

159. Hickty. O. M., U. S. Pat. 2.018.760 fOct. 29, 1935). 

160. Rodrian, R., U. S. Pat. 1,941.914 (Jan. 2, 1934). 

161. Wise. E. M., and Vines, R. F., Canadian Pat. 353,222 (Sept. 24, 1935). 

162. Woodward, J. E., U. S. Pat. 1,959.014 (May 15, 1934). 

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Chapter XL 
Electro-organic Chemistry. 

Sherlock Swann, Jr., 

Chemical Engineering Division, Engineering Experiment 
Station, University of Illinois. 

The most notable advances in electro-organic chemistry during 
the past several years have been made in the development of new 
electrolytes for oxidation and reduction of organic compounds, in 
research on the electrolysis of organo-metallic compounds, and on 
the electrodeposition of metals from non-aqueous solutions and 
from organic electrolytes. 

Some of the more important phases of electro-organic chemistry 
before 1932 have been reviewed by Brockman.^ This chapter will, 
therefore, include material published after this review. 

Electrolysis of Aliphatic Acids (Kolbe Synthesis). Wallis and 
Adams^ have shown that the 3,4-dimethylhexane formed in the 
electrolyses of both d- and ^potassium methylethylacetate is optically 

The electrolysis of aliphatic acids of the ammonia system has 
been studied for the first time by Fulton and Bergstrom.^ They 
found that potassium acetamidine in liquid ammonia yielded ethane 
in a manner similar to its formation from potassium acetate in 
aqueous or alcoholic solutions. Higher homologous amidines 
yielded mixtures of methane and ethane, due to deep-seated decom- 
position. It is interesting to note that high current densities are 
necessary for a successful Kolbe synthesis in liquid ammonia just 
as in aqueous solution. 

Petersen's preparation of tetracontadiene by the electrolysis of 
potassium oleate was repeated by Dover and Helmers*^ They were 
unable to obtain the completely pure product described by Petersen. 

Electrolytic Oxidation. Rasch and Lowy^ have carried out the 
electrolytic oxidation of anthraquinone to hydroxyanthraquinones 
at a platinum gauze anode in a concentrated sulfuric acid electrolyte. 

Leucobases of triphenylmethane dyes have been oxidized to the 
color-bases electrolytically by G. H. White, Jr., with Lowy.* Both 
acid and alkali soluble materials have been studied. A platinum 
gauze anode was used. Contact between the anode and the depolar- 
izer was made by pressing a paste consisting of leucobase and car- 
bon into the anode. The compounds used were the leuco-bases of 


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Malachite Green, Brilliant Green, Guinea Green, and Brilliant 
Blue. The colors obtained by the electrolytic oxidation of Malachite 
Green, Brilliant Green, and Guinea Green compare favorably with 
those resulting from the customary lead dioxide oxidation. 

The electrolytic oxidation of naphthalene to a-naphthoquinone 
has been studied by E. G. White with Lowy*^ in acid solution. 
The anode was made up by the method described in the preceding 

McKee and Brockman^ found it impossible to oxidize benzene or 
toluene to phenols in the aromatic sulfonate electrolytes which 
were so successful in the reduction of nitro to azo compounds 
(described under the section on reductions). 

McKee and Heard ^ have made further studies of electrolytic 
oxidations in sulfonate solutions. They have been able to oxidize 
benzyl alcohol and benzaldehyde to benzoic acid in good yields. 
An interesting observation made by the investigators was that these 
oxidations could be catalyzed by copper and manganese oxides and 
by nickel and cobalt hydroxides but not by cerium hydroxide. The 
best results were obtained with nickel hydroxide. 

In a subsequent paper ^^ the authors have studied the oxidation 
of a wide variety of organic compounds. Hydroquinone was oxi- 
dized to quinhydrone. The linseed fatty acids showed an oxygen 
absorption efficiency of 92 percent. There is some evidence that 
hydroxylation of the double bonds takes place during this oxida- 
tion. Benzoin was oxidized to benzoic acid in good yield. Toluene, 
naphthalene, anthracene, and borneol underwent no oxidation. 

It was found that nickel anodes could be used without corrosion 
in alkaline solutions of the sulfonates. This makes it possible to 
carry out oxidations at a comparatively low oxygen overvoltage and 
thus avoid oxidizing the depolarizer to carbon dioxide and water. 
Since no organic solvent is necessary for blending the depolarizer 
with the electrolyte the efficiency of oxidation in these solvents is 
enhanced due to the fact that all of the oxygen may be absorbed 
by the depolarizer. Under neutral or alkaline conditions the sul- 
fonates are unattacked by anodic oxygen. 

A patent has been granted to Youtz ^^ for the electrolytic 
hydroxylation of ethylene to ethyleneglycol in caustic soda solution. 

Reactions of Organic Compounds with Products of Electrolysis. 
Isbell, Frush and Bates ^^ have continued their work on the oxi- 
dation of dextrose to calcium gluconate. The oxidation is brought 
about by bromine liberated at the anode in the electrolysis of cal- 
cium bromide. The method has been found very satisfactory for 
the production of large quantities of calcium gluconate. Helwig ^^ 
has been granted a patent for the electrolytic separation of aldoses 
from ketoses, in which the aldoses are oxidized in a similar manner. 
Magnesium xylonate ^*' ^^ has been prepared from xylose in the 
manner described above, except that magnesium ion was substi- 

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tuted for calcium ion. The yields are excellent. Cook and Major ^® 
have succeeded in preparing calcium S-ketogluconate from glucose 
by the electrolytic method. 

Hockett ^"^ has prepared strontium xylonate in excellent yield by 
the electrochemical oxidation of xylose. 

McKee and Heard ^^ have attempted the electrolytic halogenation 
of toluene in sodium xylenesulfonate solution. They found that 
both the toluene and the solvent were halogenated simultaneously. 

The electrochemical nitration of naphthalene has been studied 
by Calhane and Wilson ^^ and optimum conditions determined for 
the formation of nitronaphthalene. 

Kirk and Bradt ^® have carried out a research on the electro- 
chemical nitration of toluene for the first time. Both nitration and 
oxidation took place It was found that certain metal salts catalyzed 
the nitration. 

Electrolytic Reduction of Nitro and Nitroso Compounds. A 
number of patents have been taken out on the electrolytic reduc- 
tion of nitro compounds. Jewett ^o. 21 has been granted two patents 
covering apparatus for this type of reduction. 

Cupery22 has found that nitro compounds may be successfully 
reduced to amines if the oxygen of the air is kept out of the cathode 
compartment by hydrogen chloride gas. 

Fieser and Martin 23 have used the method of Gattermann suc- 
cessfully for the electrolytic preparation of 4-amino-5-hydroxy-, 
4-amino-7-hydroxy- and l-methyl-4-nitro-7-hydroxy-benzothiazoles 
from the corresponding nitro compounds. 

The same authors have also carried out the reduction of 5(8)- 
nitroisoquinoline 24 to 5(8)-amino-8(5)-hydroxyisoquinoline by the 
same procedure. 

Brigham and Lukens25 have made a thorough study of the 
electroljrtic reduction of nitrobenzene to />-amidophenol. 

Kerns 26 has determined the optimum conditions for the elec- 
trolytic preparation of azoxybenzene from nitrobenzene. 

McKee and Brockman ^ have discovered that concentrated 
aqueous solutions of the sodium and potassium salts of aromatic 
sulfonic acids will dissolve large quantities of organic compounds 
and may, therefore, be used as electrolytes for reductions, obviating 
the use of a blending agent for putting the organic depolarizer into 

In this medium the authors have carried out the reduction of 
many aromatic nitro compounds to the azo stage in excellent yield; 
the sulfonate bath becomes mildly alkaline as electrolysis pro- 
ceeds. A phosphor bronze cathode was found superior to copper 
or nickel. McKee and Gerastopolou 27 have extended this work 
to include reductions to hydrazo compounds and amines in acid 
solution. The reductions to hydrazo compounds were particularly 
successful both in laboratory size and large size equipment. 

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Alles 28 found that the electrolytic method was superior to others 
for the reduction of certain phenylnitropropylenes to rf/-3-phenyliso- 

Cook and France ^^ have succeeded in preparing A/^-amidoisoindoline 
in excellent yield by the electrolytic re?luction of iV-nitrosoisoindoline. 

Electrolytic Reduction of Carbonyl Compounds. Swann^o has 
determined the optimum conditions for the electrolytic reduction 
of methylpropyl ketone to pentane at a cadmium cathode in 
aqueous sulfuric acid. Swann and Feldman ^i have studied the 
effect of other common metal cathodes under the same experi- 
mental conditions. Cadmium, zinc, lead, and mercury cathodes 
caused the highest yields of hydrocarbon. Swann, Deditius, and 
Pyhrr ^2 have compared the behavior of sulfuric-glacial acetic acid 
to aqueous sulfuric acid as an electrolyte in this reduction. They 
showed that the yields of pentane at different common metal 
cathodes corresponded more closely with the hydrogen overvoltage 
of the cathode in glacial acetic acid than in aqueous solution. The 
yields in the two media differed markedly but were of the same 
order of magnitude. 

Very small amounts of iron were found by Swann ^3 to lower 
the yield of benzopinacol resulting from the electrolytic reduc- 
tion of benzophenone at an aluminum cathode in acid solution. 

The electrolytic reduction of benzophenone in glacial acetic acid 
has been studied by Swann.^* It was found that benzopinacol is 
the main product in both aqueous and glacial acetic-sulfuric acid 
solution, but that it undergoes rearrangement to the pinacolone in 
the acetic acid electrolyte An iron cathode gives the best results. 
Even though the hydrogen overvoltages in glacial acetic acid 
solution are much higher than in water, reduction does not go to 

The electrolytic reduction of acetophenone in acid solution 
has been studied at all the common metal cathodes by Swann and 
Nelson.3^ The main products are acetophenone pinacol, bis- 
(a-methyl) -benzyl ether, and a resin of unknown constitution. 
The best yield of pinacol occurred at a lead cathode. 

Kyrides ^^ has used the electrolytic method for the preparation 
of 3-methylpentane-2,4-diol from 3-methylpentane-4-ol-2-one. 

Creighton ^'^ has improved his process for the electrolytic reduc- 
tion of sugars to alcohols in alkaline solution by changing the 
mercury cathode formerly used to amalgamated lead. This process 
is now operating industrially. 

Kyrides and Bertsch ^^ have carried out the electrolytic reduction 
of maleic to succinic acid at a lead cathode in a benzenesulfonic 
acid electrolyte in high yield. 

Muskat and Knapp ^^ have shown that vinylacrylic acid, when 
reduced in a sodium chloride electrolyte, undergoes 1,4 addition of 
hydrogen to give A^-pentenic acid. 

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McKee and Brockman ^ obtained high yields of benzoin by the 
electrolytic reduction of benzil in sulfonate solvents. 

Cook and France ^o have studied the electrolytic reduction of 
phthalimide, phthalimidine, methylphthalimide and methylphthali- 
midine at several of the common metal cathodes of high hydrogen 
overvoltage. The best yields of isoindolines were obtained at lead 
and cadmium cathodes. 

Craig,^^ using the method of Tafel and Stem for the electrolytic 
reduction of succinimides together with a method for the continuous 
extraction of the cathol)rte by chloroform, has succeeded in obtaining 
high yields of A^-methyl-a-pyrrolidone from iV-methylsuccinimide. 

Electrolytic Reduction of Miscellaneous Nitrogen Compounds. 
Cook and France ^^ have studied the electrolytic reduction of o-, m-, 
and />-tolyldiazonium chlorides to the corresponding hydrazines. Satis- 
factory yields were obtained only at a mercury cathode. The highest 
yield was obtained with the ortho-compovaid, while the /»ara-compound 
yielded the least hydrazine. 

Wenker ^^ has reported some excellent yields of benzylamines in the 
electrol)^ic reduction of imido ethers. 

Small and Lutz^^ have prepared dihydrodesoxycodeine-B in nearly 
quantitative yields by the electroljrtic reduction of desoxycodeine-C. 
They have also used the electrolytic method to reduce pseudocodeine to 

Morris and Small *^ have used the electrolytic method in alkaloid 
researches to reduce S-ethylthiococide-A to dihydro-S-ethylthiocodide-A 
and dihydrodesoxycodeine. The electroljrtic method was unsuccessful 
in the reduction of a- and 3-ethylthiocodides. 

Electrolytic Dehalogenation. Hood and Imes ^® have shown that 
the maximum current efficiency in the electrolytic reduction of 
chloroacetic acid to acetic acid occurs at a lead cathode. 

Electrolysis of Organometallic Compounds. Overcash and 
Mathers ^^ have found that dimethylaniline gives the best results 
as a solvent in the electrodeposition of magnesium from Grignard com- 
pounds. Evans and Lee^^ have studied the anode products in the 
electrolysis of Grignard compounds in ether. They found that ethyl- 
magnesium halides yielded ethane and ethylene and that propyl com- 
pounds yielded propane and propylene. Traces of hydrogen were always 
found. A mixture of ethyl and phenyl Grignard compounds yielded 
only ethane. In concentrated solution methylmagnesium halides yielded 
ethane as the main product. In more dilute solutions methane and 
olefins appeared. The authors suggest a mechanism for these reactions. 
Evans, F. H. Lee, and C. H. Lee*^ have determined the discharge 
potentials of anions in the electrolysis of Grignard compounds in ether. 
The anions listed in order of descending potential are : phenyl-, methyl-, 
propyl-, butyl-, ethyl-, isobutyl-, isopropyl-, tert-hntyl-, and allyl-. 
Adams ^^ compares the above results to those of Derick^^ on the 
ionization constants of aliphatic acids and points out that the effect of 

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substituting methyl groups in the a-position has the same effect on the 
decomposition potentials of the Grignard reagents as on the logarithms 
of the ionization constants of organic acids. 

Keyes, Phipps, and Klabunde ^^ have patented the method for 
electrodepositing aluminum from tetra-alkyl ammonium bromide-alu- 
minum bromide solution. 

A patent has been taken out by Keyes and Swann ^^ on the electro- 
deposition of aluminum from Grignard tj'^pe compounds in ether. Blue 
and Mathers ^^ have found that aluminum can be electroplated success- 
fully from solutions prepared by allowing aluminum-Grignard com- 
pounds to react with aromatic hydrocarbons in the presence of aluminum 
bromide. The bath conducts current without the addition of any solvent. 

Foster and Hooper ^^ have electrolysed sodium triphenyl germanide 
in liquid ammonia. The anode products are hexaphenyldigermane, 
triphenylgermane, and nitrogen. At a platinum anode the quantity of 
nitrogen corresponds roughly to the amount of triphenylgermane pro- 
duced; at mercury it is markedly smaller. 

The Electrodeposition of Metals from Non-Aqueous Solutions 
and from Organic Compounds in Aqueous Solution. Stillwell and 
Audrieth ^® have electrodeposited arsenic, antimony, and bismuth 
from their chlorides in glacial acetic acid. It was found that, 
under the experimental conditions used, the electrodeposited arsenic 
was always amorphous, while the bismuth was crystalline. Depend- 
ing on conditions of temperature and concentration, antimony was 
deposited in the metastable or in the crystalline form. The 
authors point out that the solvent must be considered as an addi- 
tional important factor among the conditions which affect the 
structure of electrodeposited antimony. 

Blue and Mathers ^"^ have succeeded in electrodepositing alumi- 
num as an alloy with iron from a solution of their chlorides in 
formamide. Aluminum would not deposit in a pure state under 
these conditions. The electrodeposition of other metals was studied 
from both chloride and sulfocyanate solutions in formamide, but 
the results were in general inferior to those obtained in aqueous 

Meints, Hopkins, and Audrieth^® have continued their work on 
the electrolytic preparation of rare earth amalgams in non-aqueous 
solvents. In this paper they describe the electrodeposition of 
lanthanum from the chloride in ethyl alcohol. Jukkola with 
Audrieth and Hopkins ^^ has extended this work to include neo- 
dymium, cerium, samarium, and yttrium. Experimental details of 
the electrolytic preparation of rare earth alloys are given in a 
paper by Hopkins and Audrieth.®^ 

Fink and Young,®^ in a paper on the electrodeposition of cad- 
mium-zinc alloys, point out that the function of an addition agent 
is not necessarily confined to preventing the growth of large crystals 
but may also affect the proportion of the metal ion being deposited 

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by forming a complex with it. They found that the only success- 
ful addition agents in their work were organic nitrogen compounds. 
Since it is known that cadmium forms complexes with such com- 
pounds and the corresponding zinc complexes are not found in 
the literature, the authors assumed that the cadmium formed com- 
plexes, while the zinc did not, with the effect that the proportion 
of zinc increased in the alloy plate in the presence of these addition 

Calbeck ^^ has been granted a patent on an electrolytic cell suit- 
able for the deposition of sponge lead and lead peroxide from lead 
acetate solution. 

Electrothermal Processes in Organic Chemistry. Dow^ has 
patented a process for the production of carbon disulfide by passing 
sulfur vapor over charcoal which has been heated to reaction tem- 
perature by an electric current passing through the charcoal and 
conducting carbon. 

Acetylene and other products have been produced by Nutting 
and Rowley ^^ in the thermal decomposition of a hydrocarbon oil 
by an electric arc. 

The electric arc has been used by Jakosky®*^ in the production 
of carbon black by the thermal dissociation of hydrocarbon liquids. 

Williams ®® has been granted a patent for converting benzene to 
biphenyl in an electric furnace. 

Strosacker and Schwegler^^ have taken out a patent on the 
preparation of tetrachloroethylene and hexachloroethane by allow- 
ing carbon tetrachloride to come into contact with electrically 
heated carbon. 

Miscellaneous Industrial Applications of Electro-Organic Chem- 
istry. Cellulose has been bleached by passing it near an anode in 
a sodium chloride solution by Seavey, Phillips, and Olsen.^® 

The anode process for the electrodeposition of rubber is dis- 
cussed by Beal ^^ and by Hirsch.*^® The following topics are taken 
up: electrodeposition on metals, electrodeposition on permeable 
materials, anode ionic deposition, the processing of deposits, and 
commercial applications. 

Watson '^^ has described a successful method for decreasing salts 
in whey protein (lactalbumin) by electrodialysis. Lima '^^ has been 
granted a patent on the purification of sugar-containing liquids. 
The method consists in electrolysis between aluminum electrodes. 
The aluminum is attacked and forms salts with the acids of the 
liquor. These may be removed by charcoal treatment. Hazzid^^ 
has isolated the sulfuric acid ester of galactan in an impure state 
by the electrodialysis of its sodium salt. 

Roberts '^^ has patented a process for breaking emulsions by 
subjecting them to repeated action of magnetism at different fre- 
quencies. Hanson '^^ and van Loenen '^^ have taken out patents on 
the electrical dehydration of petroleum emulsions. In order to 

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improve the efficiency of dehydration of emulsions natural gas 
is forced into the emulsion under pressure by EddyJ*^ A patent 
has been granted to Harlow '^^ for the electrostatic removal of pitch 
from gases such as coal gas or producer gas. 

A method for preparing catalysts for hydrogenating hydrocarbon 
oils has been patented by Weber J^ The hydrocarbon material is 
mixed with sodium chloride or a caustic alkali solution and elec- 
trolysed between electrodes of iron, chromium, or tungsten. The 
electrodes are attacked and the products formed act as hydro- 
genating catalysts. 

Electrical Discharge Through Organic Compounds. Jaeger ^^ 
has been granted a patent for the decarboxylation of organic dibasic 
acids to monobasic acids by electronic discharge at high tem- 

Hillis ®^ has patented a process for synthesizing liquid hydro- 
carbons from gaseous aliphatic hydrocarbons by subjecting the 
gases first to cathode and x-rays and then subjecting them to a 
mercury vapor arc discharge under pressure in the presence of 
powdered nickel. The latter acts as a dehydrogenating catalyst. 

Thornton and Burg with Schlesinger ^2 have found that dichloro- 
difluoromethane, while very stable to heat treatment, undergoes 
decomposition in the high tension electrical discharge to a variety 
of products. 

Voltaic Cells with Organic Electrolytes. Bent and Gilfillan ^3 
have measured for the first time the electromotive force of galvanic 
cells containing alkali metal derivatives of triphenylmethyl as the 
electrolyte in ether. They found that, when potassium amalgams 
are used for both electrodes, the cells give potentials which might 
be expected for normal salts, while if one electrode is pure potassium 
the potentials are erratic. The erratic behavior of the latter cell 
is due to some change in the electrolyte which takes place in the 
presence of potassium. 

Organic Dielectrics. The behavior of dielectrics as insulators is 
engaging the attention of a number of investigators. Race ^^ has 
found that the longer the time of heating a mineral insulating oil 
with air, the greater the increase in conductivity when the oil is 
heated to high temperature. He also found that oxidation increases 
the high frequency dielectric losses but does not affect the fre- 
quency at which the maximum loss in each sample occurs. 

The conductivities of synthetic resins and varieties of wood as 
a function of the temperature have been determined by Clark and 

A symposium on dielectrics was held by the Electrochemical 
Society in 1934. The papers on organic dielectrics follow. The 
first paper was by Barringer,^^ who discussed the relation between 
chemical and physical structure and dielectric behavior from a prac- 
tical point of view. Whitehead ^'^ pointed out that dielectric loss 

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in insulating liquids is to a great extent due to conduction. Some 
general properties of liquid organic dielectrics were discussed by 
Karapetoff.^® Clark 8» described new synthetic liquid dielectrics. 
Pentachlorodiphenyl, a liquid with a pour point of 10° C, is 
superior in many ways to hydrocarbon insulating oils in its stability 
to heat and oxidation. This compound when mixed with the proper 
proportion of trichlorobenzene has excellent properties as a trans- 
former oil. The pour point is lowered to —18° C. with accompany- 
ing drop in viscosity. A voltage-time study of the failure of rubber 
compound insulation has been made by Mason.®^ Alkyd-resins as 
dielectrics have been discussed by Kienle and Race.®^ Finally, 
Morgan ^^ has studied the dielectric behavior of halowax and paper, 
and glycerine. 

The dielectric constant of cellophane has been studied by 
Stoops; ^3 it has been found to be nearly twice that of cellulose 

Clark ^* has found that chemical changes resulting in an increased 
power factor and decreased dielectric strength result from heating 
cellulose insulation to temperatures higher than 100° C. 

White ^^ has pointed out that the maximum dielectric loss factor 
in a polar substance increases with decreasing temperature while 
in a heterogeneous mixture the maximum decreases with decreas- 
ing temperature. 

The progress in dielectric research for 1934-1935 has been 
reviewed by Whitehead.^® 

Oxidation-Reduction Potentials of Organic Compounds. 
Research in the field of oxidation-reduction potentials is always 
adequately covered in the chapters on analytical, organic, and bio- 
chemistry and will, therefore, not be discussed here. 

Organic Depolarizers. Hunter and Stone ^"^ have measured the 
potentials of several depolarizers against different cathodes. They 
found that the order of sequence of the potentials at a series of 
cathodes was the same regardless of the depolarizer, but that the 
magnitude of the potential changed with different depolarizers. 
The order of sequence of the potentials is related to the work 
function of the cathode, while the magnitude of the potential at 
any given cathode is related to the electron affinity of the depola- 


1. Brockman, C. J., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 62: 161 (1932). 

2. Wallis, E. S., and Adams, F. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 55: 3838 (1933). 

3. Fulton, R. A., and Bergstrom, F. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 167 (1934). 

4. Dover. M. V., and Hclmers, C. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 455 (1935). 

5. Rasch, C. H., and Lowy, A., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 62: 167 (1932). 

6. White, G. H., Jr., with Lowy, A., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 61: 305 (1932). 

7. White, E. G., with Lowy, A., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 62: 223 (1932). 

8. McKee, R. H., and Brockman, C. J., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 62: 203 (1932). 

9. McKee, R. H., and Heard, J. R., Jr., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 65: 301 (1934). 

10. McKee, R. H., and Heard, J. R.. Jr., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 65: 327 (1934). 

11. Youtz, M. A., U. S. Pat. 1,875,310 (Aug. 30, 1932). 

12. Isbell, H. S., Frush, H. L., and Bates. F. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., 24: 375 (1932). 

13. Helwig, E. L., U. S. Pat. 1,895,414 (Jan. 24, 1933). 

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14. IsbeU, H. S., U. S. Pat. 1,976,731 (Oct. 16, 1934). 

15. Isbell, H. S., and Frush, H. L., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 14: 359 (1935). 

16. Cook, E. W., and Major, R. T., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 773 (1935). 

17. Hockctt, R. C, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2260 (1935). 

18. Calhane, D. F., and Wilson, C. C, Trans. Electrochem. Soc, «: 247 (1933). 

19. Kirk, R. C, and Bradt, W. E., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 67: 209 (1935). 

20. Jewett, J. E., U. S. Pat. 1,888,677 (Nov. 22, 1932). 

21. Jewett, J. E., U. S. Pat. 2,012,046 (Aug. 20, 1935). 

22. Cupery, M. E., U. S. Pat. 1,926,837 (Sept. 12. 1933). 

23. Fieser, L. F., and Martin, E. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1835 (1935). 

24. Fieser, L. F., and Martin, E. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1840 (1935). 

25. Brigham, F. M., and Lukens, H. S., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 61: 281 (1932). 

26. Kerns, C, Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 62: 183 (1932). 

27. McKee, R. H., and Gerastopolou, B. G., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 68: 329 (1935). 

28. AUes, G. A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 54: 271 (1932). 

29. Cook, E. W., and France, W. G., /. Phys. Chem., 36: 2383 (1932). 

30. Swann, S., Jr., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 62: 177 (1932). 

31. Swann, S., Jr., and Feldman, J., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 67: 195 (1935). 

32. Swann, S., Jr., Deditius, L. F., and Pyhrr, W. A., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 68: 

321 (1935). 

33. Swatfn, S., Jr., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 63: 239 (1933). 

34. Swann, S., Jr., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 64: 313 (1933). 

35. Swann, S., Jr., and Nelson, G. H., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 67: 201 (1935). 

36. Kyrides, L. P., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 3431 (1933). 

37. Creighton, H. J., U. S. Pat. 1,990,582 (Feb. 12, 1935). 

38. Kyrides, L. P., and Bertsch, J. A., U. S. Pat. 1,927,289 (Sept. 19, 1933). 

39. Muskat, I. E., and Knapp, B. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 943 (1934). 

40. Craig, L. C, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 295 (1933). 

41. Cook, E. W., and France, W. G., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2225 (1934). 

42. Wenker, H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 772 (1935). 

43. Small, L., and Lutz, R. E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1738 (1934). 

44. Lutz, R. E., and Small, L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1741 (1934). 

45. Morris, D. E., and Small, L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2159 (1934). 

46. Hood, G. R., and Imes, H. C, /. Phcfs. Chem., 36: 927 (1932). 

47. Overcask, D. M., and Mathers, F. C., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 64: 305 (1933). 

48. Evans, W. V., and Lee, F. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 654 (1934). 

49. Evans, W. V., Lee, F. H., and Lee, C. H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 489- (1935). 

50. Adams, E. Q., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2005 (1935). 

51. Derick, C. G., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 33: 1181 (1911). 

52. Keyes, D. B., Phipps, T. E., and Klabunde, W., U. S. Pat. 1,911,122 (May 23, 1933). 

53. Keyes, D. B., and Swann, S., Jr., U. S. Pat. 1,939,397 (Dec. 12, 1933). 

54. Blue, R. D., and Mathers, F. C, Trans. Electrochem. Soc. 65: 339 (1934). 

55. Foster, L. S., and Hooper, G. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 76 (1935). 

56. Stillwell, C. W., and Audrieth, L. F., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 54: 472 (1932). 

57. Blue, R. D., and Mathers, F. C, Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 63: 231 (1933). 

58. Meints, R. E., Hoj^ins, B. S., and Audrieth, L. F., Z. anorg. allgem. Chem., 211: 

237 (1933). 

59. Jukkola, E. E., Audrieth, L. F., and Hopkins, B. S., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 303 (1934). 

60. Hopkins, B. S., and Audrieth, L. F., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 66: 135 (1934). 

61. Fink, C. G., and Young, C. B. F., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 67: 311 (1935). 

62. Calbeck, J. H., U. S. Pat. 2,017,584 (Oct. 15, 1935). 

63. Dow, H. H., U. S. Pat. 1,849,140 (Mar. 15, 1932). 

64. Nutting, H. S., and Rowley, H. H., U. S. Pat. 1,887,658 (Nov. 15, 1932). 

65. Jakosky, J. J., U. S. Pat. 1,965,925 (July 10, 1934). 

66. Williams, W. H., U. S. Pat. 1,981,015 (Nov. 20, 1934). 

67. Strosacker, C. J., and Schwegler, C. C, U. S. Pat. 1,930,350 (Oct. 10, 1933). 

68. Seavey, F. R., Phillips, A. J., and Olsen, F., U. S. Pat. 1,975,590 (Oct. 2, 1934). 

69. Beal, C. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 609 (1933). 

70. Hirsch, A., Quarterly Rev. Am. Electroplater's Soc, 19, no. 9: 39 (1933). 

71. Watson, P. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 640 (1934). 

72. Lima, A., Jr., U. S. Pat. 1,953,653 (Apr. 3, 1934). 
n. Hassid, W. Z., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2046 (1935). 

74. Roberts, C. H. M., U. S. Pat. 1,979,347 (Nov. 6, 1934). 

75. Hanson, G. B., U. S. Pat. 1,978,793 (Oct. 30, 1934). 

76. van Loenen, W. F., U. S. Pats. 1,932,715 (Oct. 31, 1933); 1.978,794 (Oct. 30. 1934). 

77. Eddy, H. C, U. S. Pat. 2,001,776 (May 21, 1935). 

78. Harlow, E. V., U. S. Pat. 1,983,366 (Dec. 4, 1934). 

79. Weber, H. C, U. S. Pat. 1,887,051 (Nov. 8, 1932). 

80. Jaeger, A. O., U. S. Pat. 1.909.357 (May 16, 1933). 

81. Hillis, D. M., U. S. Pat. 1,961,493 (June 5, 1934). 

82. Thornton, N. V., and Burg, A. B., with Schlesinger, H. I., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 

3177 (1933). 

83. Bent, H. E., and Gilfillan, E. S.. Jr., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 247 (1933). 

84. Race, H. H., 7. Phys. Chem., 36: 1928 (1932). 

85. CTark, J. D., and Williams, J. W., 7. Phys. Chem. 37: 119 (1933). 

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86. Barringcr, L. E., Trans. Electrochem. Soc., (5: 27 (1934). 

87. Whitehead, T. B^ Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 65: 35 (1934). 

88. KarapetoflF, v., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 65: 47 (1934). 

89. Qark, F. M., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 65: 59 (1934). 

90. Mason, H. E., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 65: 73 (1934). 

91. Kienle, R. H., and Race, H. H., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 65: 87 (1934). 

92. Morgan, S. O., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 65: 109 (1934). 

93. Stoops, W. N., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1480 (1934). 

94. Clark, F. M., Elec Eng., 54: 1088 (1935). 

95. White, A. H., Bell Labs. Record, 14: 7 (1935). 

96. Whitehead, J. B., Elec Eng., 54: 1288 (1935). 

97. Hunter, W. H., and Stone. L. F., /. Phys. Chem., »; 1139 (1935). 

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Chapter XIL 
Aliphatic Compounds. 

M. S. Kharasch and C. M. Marberg, 
The University of Chicago. 

For the sake of simplicity of presentation, the subject matter 
published during the year is discussed under separate topics. A 
discussion of the results by the reviewers, while eminently desir- 
able, was made impossible by the number of topics and lack of 
space. It is hoped, however, that the arrangement used and some 
of our comments will give the reader an adequate idea of the 
trends of research in the chemistry of aliphatic compounds. 

Deuterium Compounds. By far the most interesting work with 
deuterium involves the isotopic exchanges, particularly those 
carried out at ordinary temperatures. We may as well begin our 
review with the polemical papers ; an indication that the analytical 
methods have not yet reached a high degree of precision, or are not 
sufficiently standardized. Thus, in last year's Journal of the American 
Chemical Society, it was reported that an isotopic interchange takes 
place between heavy water and acetylene in alkaline solution.^ This 
year that claim is contested. No interchange is reported even under 
conditions more drastic than those previously described.^ The senior 
author of the first publication, however, reaffirms his previous posi- 
tion, and records preliminary data on equilibrium studies at different 
temperatures and pressures. A mass spectrograph analysis of the 
acetylene produced under one set of equilibrium conditions indicated 
ten percent of C2HD in the gas mixture.^ There is little doubt now 
that the hydroxyl hydrogen atoms of carbohydrates can be replaced 
by deuterium merely by dissolving the substances in different con- 
centrations of D2O.* Ten carbohydrates were studied and in each 
case the exchange number coincides with the number of hydroxyl 
groups in the molecule. A more complete study of the kinetics and 
equilibrium of the isotopic exchange was made in the case of acetone.*^ 
Alkali was used as the catalyst, and under those conditions the exchange 
is reversible: 

CH, . CO . CH, + DOH ?=± CH, . CO . CH,D + HOH. 

It is of interest in this connection to recall that treatment of benzene 
with D2SO4 (90 percent) at room temperature resulted in an exchange 

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of H for D, and that some substituted benzenes exchanged nuclear H 
for D more readily.^ 

A few preliminary papers on heterogeneous catalysis in the exchange 
of deuterium and the hydrogen in methane have appeared. Con- 
siderable formation of mixtures of deuteriomethanes* is observed by 
exposing methane and deuterium to the action of excited mercury'' at 
temperatures from 40° to 300°, as well as under the influence of a 
reduced nickel catalyst at 184-305°.^ 

Acetylene and deuterioacetylene (acetylene-d2) polymerize at equal 
rates under the influence of Rn a-rays,® but differ considerably in the 
mercury photosensitized polymerization.^^ The rate of polymerization is 
30 percent greater with acetylene than with deuterioacetylene, over a 
considerable pressure range. 

In the homogeneous reaction at 524° and 560°, hydrogen and 
deuterium combine with ethylene at the same rate,^^ while hetero- 
geneous catalysis rates with Cu indicated a rate ratio, H2/D2, of 1.59. 

The preparation of pure deuteriochloroform is described.^^ xhe 
properties closely resemble those of ordinary chloroform. 

Saturated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons and Alkyl Halides. A great 
deal of work was done in this field by both organic and physical 
chemists. Unfortunately, neither a consolidation of the old posi- 
tions nor a distinct advance has been made. No new facts, but a 
few improvements in methods of preparation and a few more (pre- 
sumably) exact measurements of properties and interactions of 
molecules, are recorded. The general picture, however, appears 
about as "blurred" as before. 

Perhaps the most interesting reaction described is the interaction 
of paraffin and olefin hydrocarbons in the presence of the halides 
of Al, B, Be, Ti, Zr, Hf, Th, Cb, and Ta as catalysts, and under 
otherwise mild conditions.^^ The alkylation of benzenoid hydro- 
carbons by paraffin hydrocarbons in the presence of a catalyst is 
of interest. Thus, it is stated that 2,2,4-trimethylpentane reacts 
with benzene in the presence of aluminum chloride and zirconium 
chloride as catalysts to yield a mixture of isobutane and di-^^r^- 

The hydrolysis of secondary and tertiary aliphatic halides has 
been studied. Two papers deal with the action of inorganic bases 
on isobutyl bromide and on tertiary amyl halides (chloride and 
bromide). The effects of bases (KOH, NaOH, AgOH, and water) 
on isobutyl bromide were studied under varying conditions of 
temperature and concentration. Olefin yields of 10.8-65.5 percent 
were obtained, depending upon the temperature and concentration 
of alkali, while the rate of reaction is greater in more dilute solu- 
tion.^^ The same factors influence the amount of olefin formation 
in the case of the tertiary amyl halides and the percentage of olefin 

* For the infrared absorption spectra of methyl deuteride see N. Ginsburg and E. F. 
Barker, /. Chem. Phys., 3: 668 (1935). 

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formation is dependent upon the nature of the base.^^ The hydrol- 
ysis of secondary and tertiary alkyl halides is unimolecular and 
independent of reagent anions. A mechanism of hydrolysis is 

The thermal decomposition of pentane mixed with steam was 
investigated at temperatures of 600-800°. Cleavage of the mole- 
cule took place, yielding all possible isomers, saturated and unsatu- 
rated. The variation of conditions that affects the yield of ethane, 
ethylene, and hydrogen is discussed.^^ The isomerization of hep- 
tane with aluminum chloride is claimed to yield about one percent 
of hexane and four percent of 2-methylhexane, and no other 

Adequate synthetic methods for the preparation of hexadecane,^^ 
hexadecyl iodide,^! l,5-dibromopentane,22 and dodecyl bromide ^3 
are described. The use of alkyl bromides and sodium sulfite 
(Strecker reaction) has been extended to the preparation of sul- 
fonic acids of octane, decane, dodecane, tetradecane, hexadecane, 
and octadecane.2* 

A procedure for the classification of hydrocarbons is described.^^ 
It is based upon miscibility with nitromethane, aniline, and benzyl 
alcohol; bromate-bromide titration; and upon the usual constants 
(melting point, boiling point, and density). A tabulation of the 
number of calculated isomers of the simple aliphatic compounds 
has appeared.2^ 

A discussion of the mathematical papers dealing with the elec- 
tronic structure of polyatomic molecules and energies of hydro- 
carbon molecules is out of place in this review. Brief mention is 
made of this work in case it is not treated in some more appro- 
priate chapter. The energies of a number of hydrocarbon mole- 
cules have been calculated by the Heitler-London-Pauling-Slater 
method. In spite of the agreement of calculated and experimen- 
tally determined values, the validity of the additivity rule is ques- 

The ionization potentials of ethane, ethylene, and acetylene are 
interpreted in terms of the electron configuration. Of consider- 
able interest is the treatment by the author of "reduced" inter- 
atomic distances. These are studied as a measure of overlapping 
of orbitals of different atoms.^s Spectroscopic data have also been 
used in the calculation of the heat capacity of methane and the 
four chloromethanes. It is claimed that these figures are more 
reliable than the thermal data.^^ A new type of "stereoisomerism," 
in which the two ethyl groups of butane rotate around the central 
C-to-C bond, is discussed in a mathematical paper.^o 

The mechanism of the oxidation of a few hydrocarbons with 
oxygen has been studied. In the case of methane the limiting pres- 
sure of low pressure explosion mixtures depends upon the sur- 
faces used.3^ An induction period in the oxidation of propane has 

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been demonstrated, and a study made of the effect of surfaces on 
the reaction.82 Thg oxidation of propane by oxygen is assumed 
to be a chain reaction, with the free radicals, propyl (C3H7) and 
methoxyl (CH3O), as the chain carriers. The primary products 
of oxidation are: formaldehyde, methanol, carbon monoxide, and 
water.83 The intermediate peroxide formation in the oxidation of 
chloroform by oxygen of air is postulated. The peroxide presum- 
ably decomposes to yield phosgene and hydrogen chloride.^^ A 
study on the oxidation of iodoform solutions has been reported.^^ 

The question of methylene versus methyl radicals in the decom- 
position of methane is again in the foreground. The validity of 
the conclusion drawn from the removal of tellurium mirrors is 
questioned, and the view is again put forward that the kinetics of 
the decomposition are inconsistent and incompatible with any 
mechanism involving methyl radicals, but in good agreement with 
the methylene mechanism.^^ 

A number of papers, photochemical and others, deal with the 
halogenation of aliphatic compounds, and the effect of different 
radiations on the decomposition of organic halides. 

The chlorination of propane in the homogeneous reaction has 
been shown to be of the chain type (induction period, inhibitory 
oxygen effect, reduction of rate by packing, and explosions). ^^ 
The chlorination over catalysts was also studied.^® The formation 
of 1,2-dichloropropane was shown to be due to the addition of 
chlorine to propylene, formed by pyrolysis of propyl chloride. In 
the photochlorination of pentane in the liquid phase, with light at 
3650 A, the reaction is proportional to the first power of chlorine 
concentration.^® The quantum efficiency is 192 ± 14 at 25°. 

Carbon tetrachloride is stable to light of 2537 A. In the presence 
of oxygen, however, the reaction is assumed to take the follow- 
ing course :*^ 2CCl4-f- O2 -» 2COCI2+2CI2. The chlorine-sensitized 
photochemical oxidation of chloroform leads to phosgene and 
hydrogen chloride. The quantum efficiency is about 100 moles 
of chloroform oxidized per einstein of radiation absorbed.*^ 

The photobromination of tetrachloroethylene is accelerated by 
small amounts of oxygen. With large amounts of oxygen as in the 
case of chloroform, the halogen-sensitized oxidation begins to play 
an important role, with a consequent drop in the rate of bromi- 
natidn.* Mixtures of liquid chloroform and liquid bromine react 
when illuminated with light of 2650 A in the presence of oxygen, 
but not otherwise.*^ The effect of wave-lengths of 4358, 5461, 5770, 
and 5790 A on the iodine-sensitized decomposition of ethylene 
iodide in solution at 76.6° gave ^^ rate constants of 1 : 0.931 : 0.861. 

The absorption spectra of cis- and frawj-dichloroethylenes have been 

•It is unfortunate that the accelerating eflfect of HBr on the addition of bromine 
to ethylenic compounds is not taken into account or discussed by these authors. 

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photographed from the visible to 750 A.*^ The Raman spectra of 1,14- 
and 1,1,2-trichloroethane have been compared.*^ 

Physical Constants. The heat of combustion of gaseous isobutane 
at constant pressure is 686.31 ±0.13 Kg.Cal.,*^ and that for tetramethyl- 
methane (neopentane) is estimated as 840.4±1.0 Kg.Cal.^'^ The com- 
pressibility of gaseous ethane has been determined and an equation of 
state has been formulated in agreement with the data.*® The critical 
constants for propane have been determined.*® The specific heat data 
of a number of pure liquid hydrocarbons have been collected.^^ An 
empirical equation connecting the logarithms of the boiling points and 
molecular weights has been developed for normal paraffin hydrocarbons 
(with the exceptions of methane and ethane) :^^ 

logio Tb V K.)= 1.07575 + 0.949128 log^ow -0.101 log,o*w. 

The dipole moments of heptyl bromide and butyl chloride in the 
vapor state have been determined.**^ 

Patents, Numerous patents on the replacement of chlorine by 
fluorine in halogenated organic compounds were granted. The most 
interesting patent ^^ deals with the preparation of CI2CF2 from CCI4, 
HF, and SbQs. Another fairly large number of patents deals with 
the preparation of alkyl halides, such as ethyl chloride ^^ and tert-hntyX 
chloride ^^ by conventional chemical methods. 

Very little of any theoretical interest is contained in many patents 
directed toward chlorination, purification, and separation of hydro- 
carbons, and hence they are omitted. 

Olefins. A description of the apparatus ^^ and the heats of hydro- 
genation of a few simple olefins has appeared in two papers entitled 
"Heats of Organic Reactions." The heats of hydrogenation at 355° K. 
of propylene, butene-1, butene-2 {trans and cis)y and isobutene are 
30.115, 30.341, 20.621, 28.570, and 28.289 cal./mole, respectively.67 
Small amounts of oxygen in ethylene-hydrogen mixtures greatly 
increase initial reaction rates in the homogeneous reaction at 538°. '^^ 

The determination of ethylene bonds in the case of simple alkenes can 
be effected most conveniently by a bromate-bromide titration. In cases 
of cycloalkadienes the method fails when titrations are made in air.^® A 
total asymmetric synthesis by addition of bromine to trinitrostilbene 
(in a beam of right circularly polarized light of 3600-4500 A) is 
claimed.^^ In view of the small rotations observed, duplication of this 
work by other investigators, and extension in directions suggested by 
the original investigators, will be awaited with interest. A chain 
mechanism for the addition of halogens to ethylenic linkages is sug- 
gested :®^ 

Br - 

1. Br-+RCH = CHR >RC-CH 

H R 
H . Br Br 

2. RC-CH + BrBr ^RC-CH + Br" 

Br R H R 

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The author extends this view to the addition of halogen acids, in spite 
of the fact that there is ample literature evidence to the contrary. 
Nitric acid adds to Me2-CCHMe and iso-C4H8 to form the tertiary 
esters. It does not add to C2H4, H2C = C(C6H5)2, I-G4H8, or cyclo- 
hexene. The mechanism of the addition is discussed, and the conclu- 
sions drawn are applied in the interpretation of the mechanism of 
nitration in the aromatic series.^^ 

Under pressure, ethylene, but not propylene, combines with solid 
cuprous chloride to give CuCl . C2H4. The dissociation pressure of the 
compound has been measured at different temperatures.®^ 

A study has been made of the effect of radicals in molecules of the 


type — C — C — COOH upon treatment with bases. With the proper 

Br Br 
choice of substituents, decarboxylation takes place and the bromo olefin 
(in 70 percent yield) is readily obtained.®* Reactions of bromo and 
dibromo olefins with a number of reagents (EtOH, EtONa, EtSNa, 
etc.) are recorded.®^ 

An interesting competitive study between ethylene and hydrogen for 
chlorine has been made. Either in the dark, or when illtuninated, 
ethylene reacts with chlorine preferentially.®^ 

The action of oxygen on 2-butene at high temperatures (375-490°) 
yields mainly acetaldehyde and butadine, and small amounts of other 
products.®'^ A mechanism involving the intermediate formation of a 
peroxide is put forward to explain the results. It is of interest in this 
connection that, when amylene is treated with hydrogen peroxide in 
the presence of FeS04, Me2C0, CO2, HCOOH, and AcOH are 

A large number of unsaturated compounds and unsaturated alcohols 
were prepared by the condensation of allyl bromide and crotonaldehyde, 
respectively, with Grignard reagents. These were then converted into 
alkadienes and alkynes.®® The formation of tetratriacontadiene by 
electrolysis of potassium oleate in dilute alcohol has been confirmed. "^^ 
The preparation of crotyl and methylvinylcarbinyl bromides has been 
reported. "^^ The direct addition of organic acids to vinylacetylene yields 
esters, which polymerize very readily.'^^ Further condensations with 
these esters are described. "^^ 

The rate of mercuration of ethylenes has been found to depend on a 
bimolecular reaction.*^* The effect of surfaces on the addition of bro- 
mine to butadiene indicates that, after an initial period, the l,4-.dibromo- 
butane, by forming a unimolecular layer on the glass, becomes the 
active catalyst.''^ 

Boron trifluoride is an effective catalyst in the condensation of propyl- 
ene and aromatic hydrocarbons. Of interest is the claim that with 
this catalyst /)-isopropylbenzene is obtained, while aluminum chloride 
gives the m-derivative.*^® Other investigators claim that at high pres- 
sure, H3PO4 and H2SO4 are excellent catalysts for this reaction.'^'' 

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Patents. A few interesting patents have appeared. These are briefly 
mentioned here: the preparation of dichlorobutadiene ;'^s oxidation of 
olefins to oxides;*^® preparation of styrene from ethylbenzene ;^*^ and 
the selective halogenation of tertiary olefins.^^ 

Acetylenes. The following references, already quoted, belong in 
part to this discussion.^^' 28, 69 

4-Methoxy-2-butyne and 2-octyne react with methyl alcohol in 
the presence of BF3 as a catalyst to give 2,2,4-trimethoxy butane 
and 3,3-dimethoxyoctane, respectively.^^ Some a-unsaturated ethers, 
RC(OR') : CH2 are readily obtained by distillation of the 2,2-dimeth- 
oxyalkanes with /)-MeC6H4S03H.^3 

Another paper of the series "Acetylene Polymers and their Deriva- 
tives" deals with the polymerization of oxyprenes and their synthesis 
from vinylacetylene.^* A physicochemical study of the high-tempera- 
ture polymerization and hydrogenation of acetylene has appeared. ^^ 

Some accurate physical constants of dimethylacetylene have been 
obtained.®^ The dielectric constants of a large number of acetylenic 
acids (as well as substituted aromatic acids) have been measured in 
dioxane, and the electric moments computed.^'' The position of the 
triple bond in acetylenic halides influences the electric moment, which 
is least with chloro compounds and greatest with iodo compounds. The . 
moments of a large number of acetylenic alcohols have been reported.®^ 

Patents. It is claimed that organic liquids containing highly reactive 
acetylenic compounds (or polymers) can be dehydrated with the aid 
of calcium carbide.^® The addition of alcohols to mono- and divinyl- 
acetylenes presumably takes place when these components are heated in 
the presence of sodium alcoholate.®^ Mercury sulfonate and benzene- 
disulfonic acid are supposed to accelerate the addition of acetic acid to 

Pyrolysis. Qualitative experiments on the decomposition of 
methane, propane, and butane on carbon and platinum filaments indi- 
cate that the primary decomposition of methane gives methylene and 
hydrogen (c/.^^). The energy of activation for the decomposition on 
carbon is about 95 K. cal./mole.^^ j^ the case of propane and butane 
the primary dissociation is into hydrogen and the olefin. Propylene 
then pyrolyzes into methylene and a lower olefin, while butylene may 
undergo further dehydrogenation to butadiene. ^^ The attempt is made 
to correlate the pyrolysis of ethane, or rather, the equilibrium constant 
of the ethane-ethylene-hydrogen equilibrium with the data of the heat 
of hydrogenation of ethylene; a cause for the discrepancy is sug- 

At 600° the thermal decomposition of pentane proceeds according 
to the following equations : 

CsH^ > C,H4 + QH, + CH, ( 1 ) 

C5H,, ^ C3H, + QH« (or QH, + H,) (2) 

C5H„ ^QHs + CH^ (3) 

CsH^ > C3H8 + C.H4 (4) 

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The effects of external factors on the yields of the different products 
are discussed.®*^ Summaries of data on the pyrolysis of hydrocarbons 
from the standpoint of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics have 
appeared.®^' ^'^ 

The thermal decomposition at, low pressure of propyl-,®® diethyl-,®* 
and triethylamines ^^ is reported. Intermediate formation of tetra- 
substituted symmetrical hydrazines is postulated in the case of the last 
two amines. The hydrazines then undergo further decomposition into 
nitrogen and hydrocarbons. 

In the presence of an inert gas, but not otherwise, ethyl nitrite vapors 
remove metallic mirrors when passed through a furnace at low pres- 
sure. ^^^ The thermal decomposition of propyl nitrite is formulated as 
a homogeneous first-order reaction: 

C,H,NO > NO -f i QH.CHO + i C,H,OH. 

It is suggested that the same decomposition takes place in the case of 
other nitrites. An estimate of the value (strength) of the O-N-bond 
is made.^*^2 The initial thermal decomposition of nitromethane into 
nitrosomethane and oxygen is postulated.^^^ 

The decomposition of acetaldehyde at equilibrium conditions by dif- 
ferent catalysts (Ni proved to be best) into carbon monoxide and 
methane has been studied. The synthesis from the fragments, how- 
ever, was not effected.^*^^ < 

Peroxide Effect. The effect of oxygen in promoting the reaction 
in an ethylene-hydrogen mixture has already been discussed.^® In the 
presence of peroxides hydrogen bromide adds to methylacetylene to 
give a quantitative yield of 1,2-dibromopropane, while in the presence 
of antioxidants the 2,2-dibromopropane is formed exclusively.^®^ It 
has been shown that peroxides, and not the solvent, direct the addition 
of hydrogen bromide to allylacetic acid, and that, in the few cases care- 
fully studied, peroxides apparently have no effect on the direction of 
addition in molecules which do not contain a terminal double bond, 
or where the double bond is adjacent to a carboxyl group.^®^ 

Pol)mierization. The following articles on polymerization have 
already been discussed.®' ^®' ®^ 

That unsaturated compounds polymerize under the action of heat 
and pressure, particularly in the presence of peroxides, has been known 
for some time. It would appear that the polymerization is a chain 
reaction, which, in the case of ethylene, is initiated by the presence of 
free methyl radicals.^®*^ A well-planned and painstaking attempt at 
elucidation of the kinetics of ethylene pol3mierization was unsuc- 

All of the other work on the polymerization of ethylene, propylene, 
and butylene deals with conditions ^®® and catalysts which produce 
large quantities of liquid products. The use of phosphoric acid as a 
catalyst in high-pressure polymerization has given some interesting 

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results, and some of the resulting compounds have been identified.^^^ A 
review of the work on the polymerization of isoprene has appeared.^^^ 

The work on polymerization and ring-formation is being continued; 
the 24th to 27th papers ^^^a i^ ^^j^^ series made their appearance this 
year. A new class of linear polymers is described . . (CH2-0-R-0)x. . 
These were obtained by the action of alkyl formals on glycols above 
tetramethylene. The behavior of these linear polymers to further poly- 
merization and to depolymerization is described.^^^ xhe other two 
papers deal with the optimum conditions for depolymerization of linear 
esters, ^^^ and the formation of meta and para rings in the condensation 
of resorcinol and hydroquinone diacetates with glycols of the series 

4-Cyano-l,3-butadiene has been prepared and found to polymerize to 
a rubber-like product twenty times faster than isoprene.^^^ a-Dialkyl- 
aminomethyl-3-vinylacetylenes are prepared from the amine, para- 
formaldehyde, and CH2 : CHC : CH. When treated with 38 percent 
HCl containing CuCl, the corresponding a-dialkylaminomethyl chloro- 
prenes are obtained. These substances polymerize very slowly.^^® 

The pol3mierization of styrene is more sensitive to traces of oxygen 
than that of heptaldehyde or citral.^^*^ Mention should be made of a 
paper on the relation between solvation, solubility and viscosity of 

Heating to a high temperature in an open vessel of cyanamide (free 
from appreciable amounts of ammonia) gives about 98 percent of the 
polymerized molecule (dicyanodiamide).^^® 

Patents, Numerous patents have appeared on the polymerization of 
the simple olefins by heat and pressure ^^o and with catalysts at rela- 
tively low temperatures ( 100-250° ) .^^i The interest in the pol3mieriza- 
tion of vinyl compounds to resins has apparently not subsided as yet \^^^ 
the preparation of useful products by polymerization of methylacrylo- 
nitrile,^23 ureaformaldehyde,i24 urea, ammonium thiocyanate and 
urea,^^^ of diolefins (butadiene), ^26 jg claimed. Aldol pol3mierizes best 
in the presence of minute amounts of a 30 percent solution of sodium 
hydroxide. The amount must be so small that the mixture is just 
alkaline to phenolphthalein.^27 

Alcohols. A 14 percent yield of methanol is obtained from car- 
bon monoxide and hydrogen, in the presence of a catalyst (75 atomic 
percent Zn and 25 atomic percent Cr in the form of their oxides) at 
375° and at a pressure of 178 atmospheres.^28 xhe reduction of 
aromatic aldehydes by formaldehyde in the presence of alkali leads 
to excellent yields of some aromatic alcohols (anisyl, piperonyl, and 
veratryl alcohols ).^29 ^ number of primary alcohols of the type 

S,yCH . CH2 . OH have been synthesized; R and R' are straight chain 
aliphatic radicals.^^^ A large number of high molecular weight 
a,3-ketoalcohols, up to stearoin, have been prepared. ^^i Detailed pre- 
parative methods are given for oleyl alcohol (9-octadecene-l-ol),^32 
dibutylcarbinol,^33 ^nd trichloroethyl alcohol.^*^ 

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A number of papers dealing with specific anal)i:ical tests for alcohols 
have appeared. It is suggested that methyl alcohol be determined in 
the presence of large quantities of ethyl alcohol by conversion of the 
mixture into the alkyl iodides, and combination of the low-boiling 
fractions with trimethylamine.^^^ Isopropyl alcohol is best recognized 
by oxidation to acetone with CrOs and H2SO4, and identification of 
the latter substance. ^^^ A method has been devised for the analysis 
of solvents from the butyl-acetonic fermentation of com mash, contain- 
ing butanol, acetone, and ethanol in aqueous solution.^^'^ Some ana- 
lytical properties of commercial sulfated alcohols useful in the differen- 
tiation of these substances from soaps and sulfonated fatty acids are 
described. 138 A rapid, and what is claimed to be precise, method for 
the determination of primary and secondary hydroxyl. groups in 
organic compoimds, based on the use of acetyl chloride and pyridine, 
has been reported.^^® 

Two papers have appeared on the effect of substituents and of sol- 
vents on the reactivity of acyl and alkyl halides with ethyl alcohol.^^^ 
The rate of combination was used as a criterion of reactivity. The 
solvent was shown to have a sigpiificant influence on the rate.^^^ It 
is impossible to summarize these data except to indicate that the differ- 
ential effects of solvents upon the reactivities of acyl and alkyl chlo- 
rides are erratic. Rather disconcerting is the claim that previous 
observations and calculations regarding the rate of interaction of 
diphenylchloromethane and alcohol are in error. The data were pre- 
viously treated upon the assumption that the reaction is reversible; 
further investigation has yielded no evidence of reversibility.^^ 

A study of the vapor pressure-boiling point-composition relations of 
glycol-water mixtures has shown that they follow Raoult's law rather 
closely.1^3 Large positive deviations from this law were observed, 
however, in the case of the vapor pressures of binary solutions of ethyl 
alcohol and cyclohexane.^^* The vapor pressure curves over the range 
10-760 mm., the densities, and the indices of refraction have been deter- 
mined for the following glycols: ethylene, 1,2-propyIene, 1,3-propylene, 
1,3-butylene, and 2,3-butylene.i^^ 

An analysis of the x-ray diffraction pattern of methyl alcohol has 
been made. Of interest to the organic chemist is the suggestion that 
methyl alcohol shows short-lived hydrogen binding (dipole binding) 
between oxygen atoms of neighboring molecules.^^^ 

Within certain limits, tert-h\\Xy\ alcohol was found to be a satisfac- 
tory solvent for molecular-weight determinations by the freezing-point 

Aldehydes and Ketones. The effects of constitution and of 
reagents on the equilibria of enol-keto tautomers is still attracting a 
great deal of attention, as evidenced by publications in this country and 
abroad. The HNO3 acid-catalyzed enolization (in the two possible 
manners) in compounds of the type rf-C2H5(CH3) . CH . COR, where 
R is methyl, ethyl, cyclohexyl or benzyl has been studied in glacial 

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acetic acid solution. As a check on the method, the rate of racemiza- 
tion of ^/-methylethylacetophenone was compared with the rate of iodi- 
nation. The two were found to agree very well.^^*^ The velocity con- 
stants of alkaline chlorinations of ketones in solutions more alkaline 
than 0.3 M NaOH, were found to be linear functions of the hydroxyl 
concentration and the rate of reaction increases in the order : pinacolone, 
acetone, acetophenone. An interpretation of the results is suggested.^^^ 
A third paper of a series on the Michael condensation deals with the 
addition of simple ketones to a,3-unsaturated ketones. The data are 
interpreted upon the basis that an increase in substitution about an 
active CH2 group greatly lowers its reactivity and that the ethyl group 
is less effective in that respect than the methyl.^*® The acidity of 
brominated ketones (such as MeC0CH2Br) is attributed to the coordi- 
nation of the CO group with the (OH) from water. The mechanism 
of bromination of a number of ketones and aliphatic acids is dis- 
cussed. ^^^ It has been shown that the unusual product obtained in the 
condensation of methylchloroform with phenol in the presence of sodium 
hydroxide, was not the ketone diphenylacetal or phenyl orthoacetate, 
but rather the diphenyl ether of ethyleneglycol. As in similar cases, 
it has been shown that this unusual product arises from an impurity 
in the starting material — in this case ethylene chloride.^^^ Evidence is 
adduced that the bisulfite addition compounds of formaldehyde are salts 
of a-hydroxy sulfonic acids. It is suggested that other aldehyde and 
keto bisulfites have similar structures. ^'^^ 

Pyridine is used as the reagent to displace the equilibrium in oxime 
formation and thus allow the reaction to proceed to completion. The 
procedure has been tested for about thirty aldehydes. ^^^ The effects 
of hydrogen-ion concentration and of buffer media on the rate of hydra- 
zone formation have been studied. Phosphate buffers were shown to 
be about ten times as effective as the acetate in catalyzing the formation 
of phenylhydrazones.^^^ The effect of salts on the hydrolysis of diethyl- 
acetal, catalyzed by strong acids in water solution, has been studied. 
From the temperature coefficient of the reaction, the heats of activation 
were determined and found to be independent of the electrolyte con- 
centration. ^^^ The rate of diacetone alcohol deal dolizat ion by sodium 
hydroxide has been studied at various temperatures. Conclusions are 
drawn with regard to the validity of the collision theory and the entropy 
of activation for reactions in solution. ^^^ The condensation of a num- 
ber of common aldehydes and ketones with nitroaminoguanidine to 
yield the corresponding nitroguanylhydrazones is reported. ^^"^ 

Several papers deal with the physical constants of organic aldehydes 
and ketones. The ionization potential of acetone vapor was found to 
be 10.1 volts, in good agreement with that calculated from spectroscopic 
data.^^^ In the far ultraviolet, acetone shows discrete bands above 
1300 A, and only continuous absorption between 1300 and 850 A. A 
Rydberg series, converging to an ionization potential of 10.2 volts, 
was found.^^^ The far ultraviolet absorption spectrum of formalde- 

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hyde has been investigated and a value of 10.83 volts is suggested for 
the first ionization potential of the C= O bond, and about 164 Cal./mole 
for the strength of the bond.^®^ A very important paper discusses the 
electron configurations of the normal states for several aldehydes and 
ketones, and the low excited states of formaldehyde.^®^ 

Patents, The vapor-phase catalytic reactions appear to be the most 
favored means recorded in the patent literature for the preparation of 
ketones and aldehydes. Dipropyl ketone is made from butyl alcohol ;^®2 
acetone from ethyl alcohol ;^®^ glyoxal from acetylene and oxygen in 
the presence of NO ;^®^ acetaldehyde from ethyl alcohol and a dehydro- 
genating catalyst (reduced copper together with 1-5 percent chromium 
in an inert carrier) ;^^^ and ketones by dehydrogenation of secondary 
alcohols.^®® The preparation of acetone from acetylene and steam is 
claimed. ^^"^ Another interesting claim is made, pertaining to the prepa- 
ration of acetaldehyde and formaldehyde. These substances are presum- 
ably formed in substantial amounts when CH4 and CO2 are subjected 
to the action of an electric discharge, the frequency of the A.C. not 
exceeding 1000 cycles.^®^ 

Other miscellaneous patents of interest deal with the azeotropic dry- 
ing of alcohols and ketones,^®® the preparation of ketobutyl derivatives 
and their uses,^*^*^ separation of isomeric pentanones,^*^^ concentration 
of aqueous solutions of formaldehyde,^'^^ ^nd the preparation of alkoxy 
acetaldehydes and alkoxyacetic acids.^'^^ 

Carboxylic Acids. A most interesting paper deals with the opti- 
cal resolution of an allenic acid.^*^^ The resolution was accomplished 
by means of the brucine salt of its glycolic ester, and rotations of [a]D 
= 4-29.5° and —28.4° were obtained for the active glycolic esters 
of the acid 

C.H«\ /QHs 

HOOC/ \QoH, 

The effect upon optical rotation of the number of CH2 groups inter- 
vening between the asymmetric carbon atom and a substituent carboxyl 
group has been investigated in an extensive series of compounds.^*^^* 
The results are correlated in terms of config^rational relationships of 
the acids. 

The hydrogenation of carbon dioxide in the presence of a variety 
of amines yields formic acid or formamides.^*^^ Acetic acid formation 
in the vapor phase from methanol and carbon monoxide has been 
studied.^*^® Because of side- reactions, and the short life of the phos- 
phoric acid catalyst, the process is unsatisfactory. Formic acid has 
been dehydrogenated in the presence of aluminum oxide and phosphate, 
silica gel, alone, and with phosphorus, thorium, and thallium oxides.^'^'^ 
Under suitable conditions, at about 300°, 90 percent decomposition 

A method for the preparation of formic acid of high concentration 
has been described.^*^^ The statement that />-bromophenacyl formate 

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is a solid derivative of formic acid, melting at 140°, is reaffirmed.^''® 
It has been reported that the presence of acetic acid permits the direct 
acidometric titration of /)-hydroxybenzoic acid, using bromthymol blue 
as indicator.^8^ The hydrogen electrode (Pd and Pt) has been used 
for the determination of the dissociation constants of a series of acids 
and amines in ethanol.^®^ The relative strengths of a large series of 
carboxylic and phenolic acids, in butyl alcohol, have been investi- 

The rates of oxidation of formate and oxalate ions by halogens in the 
dark is in agreement with the empirical expression: Rate = a ^(«^^/3i?r)^ 
where e is the natural log base, E is the oxidation reduction potential 
of the system, and n, F, R, and T are the conventional electrochemical 
symbols. ^^3' ^®* 

Pyruvic acid condenses with veratric aldehyde in alkaline solution 
to give a 50 percent yield of 3,4-dimethoxybenzalpyruvic acid.^®^ 
Numerous derivatives of this acid are also described. 

Phenylketene is formed in the dehalogenation of 3-bromophenyl- 
pyruvic acid by means of aqueous AgOH. Under suitable conditions 
a 94 percent yield of phenylacetic acid has been obtained.^®® The 
extension of the method to the preparation of other ketenes is suggested. 

The dimensions of the sodium palmitate molecule have been 
reported ^s'^ to be 23 by 6.2 by 3.7 cm. X lO"®. 

A method for the determination of thionyl chloride in the presence 
of its decomposition products was worked out;^®^ it is based upon the 
reactions of thionyl chloride, and its thermal decomposition products, 
with oxalates and formates. 

Patents, Catalytic reactions for the preparation of organic acids 
still hold their preeminence in the patent field. ^^^ Other patents on 
acids issued during the year are of little theoretical interest. 

Ethers. Butan-2-ol is partly polymerized to 3,4-dimethyl-2- 
hexene, and partly transformed into di-^^c-butyl ether by 75 percent 
sulfuric acid at 80° under pressure.^®^ Variable yields of aliphatic 
ethers (3-32 percent) are obtained in the interaction of sodium alk- 
oxides with alkyl halides. The bromides are most suitable for this 
purpose. In addition to ethers, amines and olefins are formed in this 
reaction.^®^ Methods for the preparation of higher 2-alkyl ethers of 
l,3-dibromopropane,^®2 dialkyl ethers of 2,2-bis-(hydroxpyhenyl)-pro- 
pane,^®^ and a-unsaturated ethers have been described. The ct-unsatu- 
rated ethers were made by the distillation of 2,2-dimethoxyalkanes with 
/>-toluenesulfonic acid.^®^ The electric moments of a number of dialk- 
oxyalkanes have been determined. ^^^ It is claimed that the valence 
angle (O) is constant in 

H\ /0\ Me\ /0\ 

C ^ and C e. 

H/ \0/ Am/ \0/ 

Under certain conditions antimony pentafluoride interacts with tri- 
chlorodimethyl ether to yield difluorochlorodimethyl ether and trifluoro- 

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dimethyl ether. ^^^ The catalytic chlorination of dioxane has been 
studied, i^*^ 

Patents, In spite of the variety of terminology employed (hydra- 
tion, hydrating, absorption reactions, etc.) it is the old method of 
preparation of alcohols from olefins in the presence of acid that con- 
stitutes the basic idea disclosed in numerous patents granted in this 
country.^®^ The direct oxidation of hydrocarbons to alcohol and alco- 
hols, aldehydes, and acids is claimed in others.^®® New catalysts for 
the methanol synthesis are claimed.^*^^ New ethers, particularly mixed 
tertiary, and improved preparatory methods for known ethers, are 
claimed.2<>i The reviewers have failed to find a "really new idea" in 
any of the patents. That some of them are definite improvements in 
the art is not disputed; most of them, however, are "pure invention." 

Esters. The "acetoacetic ester condensation" has been used to 
explain the intramolecular condensation of ethyl a-ethyl-a'-carbethoxy- 
adipate to 2-ethyl-2,5-dicarbethoxycyclopentanone.202 Two comprehen- 
sive papers deal with the mechanisms of reactions of acetoacetic ester, 
the enolates, and structurally related compounds. In the first paper, 
carbon and oxygen alkylation is discussed,203 and in the second the 
reactions of sodium enolates toward acyl chlorides.^^^^ The papers do 
not lend themselves to a brief review, but are strongly recommended 
to all interested in tautomerism. The cyclizatiori of certain ethylene- 
dimalonic esters by sodium ethoxide to cyclopentanone derivatives has 
been studied and a reaction mechanism is suggested.205 

A study has been made of the extent of replacement of one alkyl 
group by another in the alcoholysis of various acetates. The relative 
replacing values of fourteen alkyl groups referred to methyl have been 
calculated.206 it is claimed that the mechanism of alkaline hydrolysis 
of ethyl carbonate consists of a reaction of the second order followed by 
one of the first order. The velocity constants of the two reactions were 
determined and the temperature coefficients computed.^o'^ - 

Methods are given for the preparation 6f 2,3-dihydroxypropyl- 
malonic ester, its propyl homolog,208 the glycol esters of dibasic kcids ^^ 
(the di-3-hydroxyethyl esters), and a synthetic fat (trinonodecylin).^!^ 

Patents. An earnest effort was made by the reviewers to classify the 
patents on esters, but in spite of many hours of effort the task at the 
end appeared as hopeless as at the beginning and hence they are 

Nitrogen Compounds. The thermal decompositions of amines, 
nitro compounds, and nitrites have already been discussed.®^-^^^ The 
explosion of gaseous diazomethane has been noted at temperatures 
slightly above those used in measuring the rate of its quiet decom- 
position. An explanation based upon the Semenoff theory of explo- 
sions is advanced.211 This theory also explains in a reasonably satis- 
factory way the explosion of ethyl azide.^^^ 

The dipole moments of nitromethane and chloropicrin were calcu- 
lated. From a study of the dielectric constant of nitromethane in the 

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liquid and solid states, the conclusion is drawn that it does not show 
any molecular rotation in the solid state.^i^ The infrared absorption 
spectra of a number of aliphatic and aromatic nitriles are characterized 
by a well-defined absorption band at 4.4 for the alkyl and at 4.5 for 
the aryl nitriles.^i* 

Rearrangement of diazo-(3,(3,(3,-triphenylethane into triphenylethylene 
(as the main product) has been effected. A concise discussion of the 
bearing of these results upon the theory of the mechanism of primary 
amine nitrite decomposition, and some molecular rearrangements is pre- 
sented.215 A 26 percent yield of ethylene imine is claimed by the 
dehydration upon heating of ethanolamine hydrosulfate.^!® The prepa- 
ration, and some of the properties, of allylnitrosourethane and vinyl- 
diazomethane have been recorded.^^^ 

Improved methods have been reported for the preparation of nitroso- 
methylurea,2i8 diazomethane,^!^ and acetonecyanohydrin.220 The series 
of normal aliphatic thiocyanates has been completed up to fourteen 
carbon atoms.221 Four new amidines were prepared by the applica- 
tion of the usual amidine synthesis.222 The preparation of nitroso- 
guanidines by reduction of nitroguanidines is of interest. Either cata- 
lytic hydrogenation 223 or zinc and ammonium chloride 224 j^ay be 

Satisfactory yields of amides containing more than seven carbon 
atoms are said to result from the interaction of the acids and urea at 
180-250°. 225 Several normal fatty acid amides of ethylenediamine 
have been prepared. The appearance of many under the polarizing 
microscope is described.226 

The effect of structure and configuration upon the course of the 
reaction of acylated ketoximes with alkali has been investigated. Two 
types of reaction have been found to take place, one a hydrolytic split, 
and the other a second-order Beckmann cleavage.227 The reaction of 
ethyl nitrite with certain isopropyl and cyclohexyl ketones has been 
invest igated.228 The vesicant properties of chlorinated ethylamines have 
been pointed out.229 

Patents. Improved methods for preparation of carbonate salts are 
claimed.230 Claims are made for the preparation of amines from the 
alcohols (or phenol) and ammonia with the aid of catalysts in the 
vapor phase.231 Glycerol is claimed as a solvent in the condensation 
of secondary amines with alkyl halides.232 The successful demethy- 
lation of trimethylamine to dimethylamine is claimed.233 The prepa- 
ration of amino alcohols is still attracting attention ;23* their prepara- 
tion by the hydrogenation of monosaccharides in the presence of 
ammonia and a catalyst is claimed. ^^s Numerous amidines have been 

Amino Acids. An adaptation of the Knoevenagel reaction has 
led to preparation of some 3-amino acids.237 Note also the prepara- 
tion of glutamic acid hydrochloride from zein (obtained from gluten 
press cake). 238 The first of a series of papers on multivalent amino 

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acids and peptides has appeared. The paper deals with the synthesis 
of certain quadrivalent amino acids and their derivatives. Conven- 
tional methods were employed in the preparation of these substances.^^o 
The formol titration of amino acids has been studied by two investi- 
gators. Both authors reach the conclusion that each amino group 
reacts with one (or two) moles of formaldehyde, at />H 8-10. The 
titration constants for arginine, histidine and lysine are given in one 
paper,24o and those of glycine, alanine and proline in the other.^^i It 
has been shown that amino acids are sufficiently basic in glacial acetic 
acid to permit titration with 0.1 N HC104.2^ 

Several physicochemical papers on amino acids and peptides have 
appeared. These deal with the compressibility of solutions of amino 
acids,243 molal heat capacities,^** the dielectric constants and electro- 
strictions of the solvent in solutions of tetrapoles,^*^ apparent disso- 
ciation constants,^*^ heats of solution, heats of dilution and specific 
heats of aqueous solution,^*^ solubilities of derivatives of amino acids 
in alcohol-water mixtures,^*^ and the distribution coefficients of amin6 
acids between water and butyl alcohol.^*® A discusssion of any of 
these papers here is inadvisable in view of the comprehensive and 
detailed summary of recent physicochemical studies on amino acids and 

Sulfur Compounds. A number of alkyl sulfonic acids have been 
S)mthesized. The butyl compound was prepared by oxidation of the 
mercaptan with HNO3.251 An improvement of the silver nitrate 
method of determining mercaptans in hydrocarbon solvents has been 

The reaction of sulfur dioxide and olefins in the presence of per- 
oxides has been carefully studied. Propylene was found to give a 
polypropylenesulfone. A structure for the compound is suggested.^^^ 
In the third paper of the series the reactions with higher olefins are 
studied and some limitations of the reaction are indicated. The cleav- 
age of the polysulfones with alkali was carefully studied.^^* Compound 
formation between a number of aliphatic and aromatic amines and 
sulfur dioxide is recorded. The 1 : 1 ratio of SO2 to amine predomi- 
nates in the systems studied, although 1 : 2 and 2 : 1 ratios were also 
obtained.255 The heats of combustion of 1 -cysteine, 1 -cystine, B-thio- 
lactic acid and 3-3-dithiolactic acid are recorded,^^^ as well as their 
heat capacities, entropies, and free energies.^^'^ 


1. Reyerson, L. H., and Yuster, S., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1426 (1934). 

2. BeU, R. P., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 778 (1935). 

3. Reyerson, L. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 779 (1935). 

4. Hamill, W. H., and Freudenberg, W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1427 (1935). 

5. Halford, J. O., Anderson, L. C, Bates, J. R., and Swisher, R. D., /. Am. Chem. 

Soc, 57: 1663 (1935). 

6. Ingold, C. K., Raisin, C. G., and Wilson, C. L., Nature. 134: 734 (1934). 

7. Taylor, H. S., Morikawa, K., and Benedict, W. S., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 383 (1935). 

8. Morikawa, K., Benedict, W. S., and Taylor, H. S., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 592 (1935). 

9. Lind, S. C, lungers, J. C, and Schiflett, C. H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1032 (1935). 
10. Jungers, J. C., and Taylor, H. S., 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 338 (1935). 

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11. Pease, R. N., and Wheeler, A., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1144 (1935). 

12. Brcuer, F. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2236 (1935). 

13. Ipatieff, V. N., and Grosse, A. V., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1616 (1935). 

14. Grosse, A. V., and Ipatieff, V. N., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2415 (1935). 

15. French, H. E., and Wade, W. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 1574 (1935). 

16. French, H. E., and Schaefer, A. E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1576 (1935). 

17. Hughes, E. D., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 706 (1935). 

18. Morgan, J. J., and Munday, J. C, Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1082 (1935). 

19. Calingaert, G., and Flood, D. T., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 956 (1935). 

20. Levene, P. A., Org. Syntheses, XV: 27 (1935). 

21. Hartman, W. W., Byers, J. R., and Dickey, J. B., Org. Syntheses, XV: 29 (1935). 

22. MiiUer, A., Ber., 68B: 1013 (1935). 

23. Reid, E. E., Ruhoff, J. R., and Burnett, R. E., Org. Syntheses, XV: 24 (1935). 

24. Reed, R. M., and Tartar, H. V., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 570 (1935). 

25. Mulliken, S. P., and Wakeman, R. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 275 (1935). 

26. Leeming, E. J., School Set. Rev., 16: 412 (1935). 

27. Serber, R., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 81 (1935). 

28. Mulliken, R. S., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 517 (1935). 

29. Void, R. D., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1192 (1935). 

30. Kassel, L. S., /. Chem. Phys., 3: 326 (1935). 

31. Storch, H. H., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 685 (1935). 

32. Munro, W. P., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1053 (1935). 

33. Pease, R. N., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2296 (1935). 

34. Chapman, A. T., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 419 (1935). 

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96. Travers, M. W., J. Inst. Fuel, 8: 157 (1935). 

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107. Rice, O. K., and Sickman, D. V., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1384 (1935). 

108. Storch, H. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2598 (1935). 

109. Wagner, C. R., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 933 (1935); Sullivan, F. W., Jr., RuthruflF, 

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110. Ipatieff, V. N., and Pines, H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1364 (1935); Ipatieflf, V. N., 

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111. Hammond, J. F., Mendel Bull.. 7: 77 (1935). 

112. Hill, J. W., and Carothers, W. H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 925 (1935). 
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129. Davidson, D., and Bogert, M. T., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 905 (1935). 

130. Cox, W. M., Jr., and Reid, E. E., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1801 (1935). 

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134. Chalmers, W., Org. Syntheses, XV: 80 (1935). 

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234. Olpin, H. C, and Bannister, S. H., U. S. Pat. 2,003,386 (June 4, 1935) ; Wickert, 

J. N., U. S. Pat. 1,988,225 (Jan. 15, 1935); Bottoms, R. R., U. S. Pat. 1,985,885 
(Jan. 1, 1935). 

235. Du Pont de Nemours, E. I., and Co., British Pat. 426,062 (Mar. 27, 1935). 

236. Lee, J.. U. S. Pat. 2,004,994 (June 18, 1935). 

237. Scudi, J. V., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1279 (1935). 

238. Bartow, E., and Albrook. R. L., U. S. Pat. 1, 992,804 (Feb. 26, 1935). 

239. Greenstein, J., 7. Biol. Chem., 109: 529 (1935). 

240. Levy, M., 7. Biol. Chem., 109: 365 (1935). 

241. Tomiyama, T., 7. Biol. Chem., Ill: 51 (1935). 

242. Nadeau, G. F., and Branchen, L. E., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1363 (1935). 

243. Brideman, P. W., and Dow, R. B.. 7. Chem. Phys., 3: 35 (1935). 

244. Edsall, J. T., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1506 (1935). 

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245. Grcenardti, J. R, Wytiian, J., Jr.. and Cohn, E. J., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 637 (1935). 

o!Sr S^"**f.'"'J^ P- ^"*^ Joseph, N. R., 7. Bw/. Chem., 110: 619 (1935). 

fio mJ*Vf* r.' ^- ^^^ Schmidt, C. L. A., 7. Bta/. Chem., 108: 161 (1935). 

2^. McMetkm. T. L., Cabn. E. J., and Weare, J. H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 626 (1935). 

249. EDgland, A., Jr,, and Cohn. E. J.. 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 634 (1935). 

250. Cohu, E. J., Ai^n. Rev. Ilio<:hem., 4: 93 (1935). 

Si* y*^'^^* J^- L., and Held. E. E., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2559 (1935). 

252. Maliwff. VV. M.. and AndiuR, C. E., Jr., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 86 (1935). 

253. Ilnm, M , and M:irvel, C. S., 7. ^m. C/i^m. 5"oc., 57: 1691- (1935). 

254. Ryden, L. L.. and Marvel. C. S., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2311 (1935). 

255. Hill^ A. E., and Fitzgerald, T. B., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 250 (1935). 

256. Huffinan H. M., and Ellis, E. L., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 41 (1935). 

257. Huffman. H. M., and Ellis, E. L., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 46 (1935). 

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Chapter XIIL 
Carbocyclic Compounds. 

W. E. Bach MANN and F. Y. Wiselogle, 
University of Michigan. 

As a result of the interest in carcinogenic, oestrogenic and other 
biologically active substances, considerable work has appeared on 
the synthesis of derivatives of phenanthrene and other condensed 
ring systems, sufficient to justify the inclusion of a section entitled 
"Polycyclic Compounds." Other fields in which activity continues 
to be manifested include free radicals, the Grignard reaction, molec- 
ular structure, mechanism of reaction and stereoisomerism. 

Alicyclic Compounds. Bis-2,2'-(l,3-diphenylindenol-3) (I) has 
been synthesized by Eck and Marvel ^ and by Koelsch and Richter ^ 
by two different methods ; the product proved to be different from that 
of Dufraisse and Badoche but the difference may be one of stereo- 




V V 

OeHs CftHs 


CHa — CH2 

CH, C 







CH CH-do 

isomerism. Treatment of the corresponding dichloride with silver did 
not give the expected rubrene, (II), but 40 percent sodium amalgam 
appears to give an alkali derivative from which the rubrene may be 
obtained. The maleic anhydride addition products of all types of ful- 
venes (III) dissociate in solution at room temperature ;3 the rate of 
dissociation is greater than the rate of hydrolysis but the addition prod- 
ucts may be stabilized by stepwise hydrogenation, the semicyclic double 


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bond being the last attacked. A polyene (probably IV) has been pre- 
pared from a-ionone by Milas and McAlevy which has properties 

Me Me 


H^C CH-CH = CH-C(Me) = CH-CH = CH-C(Me) = CH-CH8 
H,C C-CH, 



resembling those of vitamin A> Intermediate ketones in the synthesis 
of perhydrovitamin A have been synthesized by condensing acetylene 
with 3-ionone and with tetrahydroionone using potassium /^r^-amylate 
as a condensing agent.^ Some bromine derivatives of indene and indane 
have been prepared and their structures have been established.® 

Compounds Containing Active Methylene Groups. The action 
of acetyl and benzoyl chlorides on the sodium derivative of acetoacetic 
ester gives the C-acyl esters directly; the intermediate 0-acyl deriva- 
tives postulated by Claisen are not formed.*^ Further confirmation for 
the mechanism of the malonic ester condensation proposed by McElvain 
has been obtained.^' ^ Esters of the type (V) are cyclized by sodium 
ethylate through the intermediate aldol (VI) to cyclopentanone deriva- 
tives (VII) with elimination of ethyl carbonate. Because of the 















absence of an a-hydrogen in the intermediate, the reaction involving 
elimination of a molecule of alcohol cannot take place. The ccmdensa- 
tion of benzoylformanilide, CeHsCOCONHCeHs, with malonitrile, 
cyanoacetamide, ethyl cyanoacetate,^® acetone, ethyl phenylacetate and 
diethyl malonate ^^ has been investigated. In the Michael condensation 
of simple ketones with a,3-unsaturated ketones, increase in substitution 
about an active methylene group greatly lowers its reactivity. ^^ a,a-Di- 
haloacetophenones containing two ortho groups are acidic, dissolving 
in alkalies and being regenerated from their salts on acidification.^^ 

Compounds Containing Conjugated Systems. The addition of 
Grignard reagents to compounds containing conjugated systems has 
been the subject of a number of investigations. The properties and 

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reactions of the ketosulfone, CeHgCOCH = CHSOgCeHg, are quite sim- 
ilar to those of dibenzoylethylene ;^* with phenylmagnesium bromide the 
principle reaction is 1,4 addition to the conjugated system C= C— C = O, 
although some 1,2 addition to the carbonyl group takes place. a,3-Un- 
saturated sulfoxides, C6H5 — CH = CHSOC7H7, are cleaved by Grig- 
nard reagents, a behavior entirely different from that of the sulfones.^^ 
While ethyl- and phenylmagnesium bromides add 100 percent to the 
1,4 positions in benzalpropiophenone, methylmagnesium iodide gives a 
75 percent yield of an indene which appears to be derived from a pri- 
mary 1,2 addition.^® 2,3- Dimethyl- 1,4-naphthoquinone, which reacts 
more like duroquinone than anthraquinone, gives with phenylmagnesium 
bromide (a) a reduction product, (b) 1,2 or 1,4 coupling or both.^'' 
Phenyl- and ethylmagnesium bromides add 1,6 to methyleneanthrone ;^8 
methylmagnesium iodide and fuchsone give />-hydroxy- 1,1,1 -triphenyl- 
ethane.^® These are the only established cases of 1,6 addition of a 
Grignard reagent to a conjugated system of multiple linkages. Benzal- 
anthrone takes on methyl- or phenylmagnesium bromide in the 1,2 posi- 
tions, giving a very sensitive dihydroanthranol.^^ Anthraphenone 
undergoes 1,6 dimolecular reduction with phenylmagnesiimi bromide 
but 9,10-dihydroanthraphenone undergoes normal 1,2 addition.^o These 
meso-unsaturated anthracene ketones offer striking analogies to 
a,3-unsaturated ketones. Phenylmagnesium bromide and the ketene, 
Et(EtOOC)C = C=0, or its cyclic dimer, give 3-keto esters, indicat- 
ing probably 1,2 addition to the ketene carbonyl group.21 

Addition of certain mercaptans to the ethylenic linkage of a,P-unsatu- 
rated ketones takes place readily without catalysts ;22 thus, benzalaceto- 
phenone takes on />-tolyl- and benzylmercaptans and forms compoimds 
of the type C6H5CH(SR)CH2COC6H5. Similar addition to corre- 
sponding esters takes place if piperidine is present. The mesitylene 
group has no conspicuous effect on the general reactions of compounds 
of the type CgHnCH = CHCOCgHn ; corresponding derivatives of tri- 
phenylbenzene react less readily but it is difficult to determine to what 
extent the difference is attributable to space relations.^^ Mesitylben- 
zylglyoxal C6H5CH = C(OH)COC6H2(CH3)3 is entirely enolic m the 
solid state but ketonizes to the extent of 10-20 percent in solution; the 
diortho groups offer steric hindrance to all addition reactions to the 
carbonyl groups except reduction.^* Treatment of glycosidic ethers of 
the type C6H5C = C(OR)COC(OR)C6H5 with acid or alkali splits 

^ O ' 

off the glycosidic alkyl group and gives open chain monoalkyl deriva- 
tives of benzoylformoin such as CeHjCCOH) =C(OR)COCOC6H5.2« 
Fuson, Weinstock and Ullyot have found that benzoins can be readily 
synthesized from a-ketoaldehydes and aromatic hydrocarbons by the 
action of aluminum chloride: RCOCHO-hR'H-»RCOCH(OH)R'.2« 
In benzene solution mesitylglyoxal and the corresponding benzoin 
undergo auto-oxidation and reduction to mesityl phenyl diketone and 
l,2-di-(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl) -ethylene glycol. CiHnCOCHCOH)- 

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CH(OH)COC9Hii. Various reactions of compounds containing con- 
jugated systems have been reviewed.^^ 

Free Radicals. H. Bent and co-workers have been making a 
careful study of the electron afiSnity of free radicals ;28-83 ^U free radi- 
cals studied appear to have about the same electron affinity. Dissociation 
may be explained by assuming that the ethane C-C bond is abnormally 
weak or that the radicals are stabilized because of a large resonance 
energy ; dissociation appears to be a combination of the two and weaken- 
ing of the bond may be due to steric hindrance. From results of a 
quantitative absorption spectra study Anderson has obtained confirma- 
tion that triphenylmethyl in ether and sulfur dioxide exists in a quino- 
noid modification.^* In dilute solutions in sulfur dioxide there appears 
to be not only complete dissociation of the ethane but also quantitative 
formation of the triphenylmethyl cation; in concentrated solutions the 
color of the free radical may be ascribed to non-ionized triphenylmethyl 
rather than to the anion. 

Marvel and co-workers have s)mthesized a series of hexa-/>-alkyl- 
phenylethanes 3^ and di-/>-alkylphenyldibiphenyleneethanes;^® the eth- 
anes are readily oxidized by air to crystalline peroxides; the color of 
the radicals increases with the weight of the alkyl groups. Free radi- 
cals containing the phenanthrene group and the corresponding per- 
oxides have been prepared.^"^ Treatment of triphenylchloromethane 
with silver hyponitrite gives immediate evolution of nitrogen and a 
variety of products are formed; the intermediate formation of the 
(C6H5)3CO— radical is postulated.^^ Triphenylboron adds sodium 
and is considered to be a free radical.^® Tri-a-naphthylboron adds two 
sodium atoms, the second atom being held very much ICvSs firmly than 
the first; conductance experiments reveal, however, that both sodium 
atoms ionize simultaneously.^^ The two electrons furnished by the 
two sodium atoms are localized in the ion on a carbon atom in a 
quinonoid ring. 

Grignard Reaction. Porter has found that complete racemiza- 
tion takes place in the preparation of the Grignard reagent from an 
optically active halide.^® The decomposition voltage of a molar solu- 
tion of phenylmagnesium bromide is 2.17 volts, which is considerably 
higher than the decomposition potentials of simple alkylmagnesium bro- 
mides.*® The study of the relative rates of formation of Grignard 
reagents has been continued ; there is no essential diflference in the rates 
of formation of o-, m-, and />-tolylmagnesium bromides, but 3-naphthyl 
bromide reacts less readily than o-naphthyl bromide, which in turn is 
less reactive than bromobenzene.*^ Yields of Grignard reagents and 
organolithium compounds have been compared *2 and the effect of sol- 
vent and temperature on the equilibrium: 2CeH5MgBr^ (C6H5)2Mg 
-|-MgBr2 has been studied. *3 Directions for the preparation of an 
effective activated magnesium catalyst are given.** 

a-Bromoacetomesitylene is largely reduced by magnesium, acetome- 

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sitylene being obtained in 45 percent yield along with 10 percent of the 
coupling product, l,2-di-(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)-ethane.^5 x^g study 

of the reaction between Grignard reagents and o-bromoketones is being 
continued;** the first step probably consists in formation of a complex 
addition product, which may rearrange into a normal addition product 
or decompose to give metathetical products, depending upon space rela- 
tions and relative affinities. The reaction of phenylmagnesium bromide 
with dibenzylmalonitrile and other malonitriles has been studied; 
dibenzylmalonitrile adds one equivalent of Grignard reagent to yield a 
compound which decomposes into phenyl cyanide and (C6H5CH2)2C- 
= C = NMgBr>'^ o-Naphthoic acid can be conveniently prepared from 
a-naphthylmagnesium bromide and excess diethyl carbonate, steric hin- 
drance preventing immediate formation of the ketone or carbinol.*^ 
The Grignard reagent has been applied to the s)^thesis of anthracene, 
dihydroanthracene, acenaphthene, fluorene and phenanthrene deriva- 
tives.*® The Grignard reagent does not add to imsaturated linkages 
of hydrocarbons at temperatures as high as 300°.^® 

Methods of Identification. Aromatic hydrocarbons can be iden- 
tified by condensing them with phthalic anhydride to o-aroylbenzoic 
acids which can be dehydrated to the corresponding quinones.^^ Alde- 
hydes and ketones can be identified by condensing them with nitro- 
aminoguanidine ; hydrolysis with 20 percent hydrochloric acid regener- 
ates the aldehyde or ketone.^^ Phenols can be condensed with 2,4-di- 
nitrochlorobenzene giving highly crystalline stable solids suitable for 
identification.^^ A number of 3-nitrobenzohydrazones and 2,4-dinitro- 
phenylhydrazones have been prepared for the identification of carbonyl 
compounds.^* A large number of aromatic acids have been coupled 
with benzylamine and a-phenylethylamine to give derivatives which 
may serve for identification.^^ Acetyl chloride possesses advantages 
over acetic anhydride for the quantitative determination of hydroxyl 
groups; the method is applicable to aromatic alcohols and phenols.^® 
Bryant and Smith have discovered that addition of pyridine displaces 
the equilibrium between aldehyde or ketone and hydroxylamine in the 
direction of oxime formation, which is an important contribution to the 
preparation of oximes ;^'^ by this method, with the modification of leav- 
ing out water entirely, the reviewer has prepared oximes which failed 
to form in aqueous-alcoholic solutions without the addition of pyri- 
dine. Contrary to previous reports, /)-bromophenacyl formate can be 

Quantitative light absorption curves in the infra-red region are given 
for a number of organic compounds containing the NH, NH2 and OH 
groups;^® it is suggested that these curves should prove suitable for 
identification of the particular groups and to determine any coupling 

Molecular Rearrangements. Stoughton has studied the Fries 
rearrangement of esters of a-naphthol and the lower fatty acids; the 
main product was 2-acyl-l-naphthol in 50-60 percent yields.®** 4-Acetyl- 

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1-naphthol gave the same products when treated with aluminum chlo- 
ride as a-naphthol acetate ; in view of this result it is impossible to state 
whether the reaction is intra- or m^f»rmolecular. o-Isobutylphenol 
derivatives are conveniently prepared by rearrangement of methylallyl 
phenol ethers followed by catalytic reduction; furans are also obtained 
in the rearrangements. ^^ Alkenyl ethers of pyrogallol rearrange to 
alkenylpyrogallols at 200°. ^^ Condensation of g-phenylethyl alcohol 
with phenol gave />-( a -phenylethyl) -phenol; dehydration of the alcohol 
probably precedes addition of the phenol.^ 

Nine diaryldihydrophenanthrenediols (VIII) have been rearranged 
by Bachmann and Chu; in all cases the group R migrated and diaryl- 
phenanthrones (IX) were formed exclusively.®* According to Kohler 

R-C-C-R R-C-C=0 

i I I 


(vm) (IX) 

and Bickel 3-oxanols of the type (X) may either undergo cleavage or 
a molecular rearrangement; cleavage depends on replacement of the 

CJIsCH(OH)CH-C(C6H5), <r- C6H5CH-CHC(OH)(C«H5)2 


-> CHsCHaCHO + (C.H6),C0 

hydrogen of the hydroxyl group by a metal.®^ The Grignard reagent 
from phenyl-/^rf-butyl-/^r^-butylethynylbromomethane gives allene 
derivatives, (CH3)3CC(X) =C=C(C6H5)C(CH3)3, where X repre- 
sents the group introduced by the reaction.®® 

A number of rearrangements of nitrogen compounds have been 
observed. Hellerman and Garner found that diazo-3,B,(3-triphenyl- 
ethane (C6H5)3CCHN2 is readily converted to triphenylethylene by a 
variety of reagents ; acetic and benzoic acids, however, decompose solu- 
tions of the diazo compound in a unique way, giving benzyldiphenyl- 
methyl acetate (or benzoate).®"^ That the Curtius rearrangement of 
a-bromoacid azides can lead to the formation of carbonyl compounds 
as pointed out by von Braun has been confirmed.®® o-Nitrophenyl- 
sulfanilide (XII) was rearranged by heating in the presence of excess 
of aniline to give a 70 percent yield of (?-nitrophenyl-/>'-aminophenyl 
sulfide (XIII) ;®® heating in alcoholic sodium hydroxide solution gave 
o-mercapto-o'-nitrodiphenylamine (XI) 'P^ thus, the sulfanilide may, 

o-0,NC.H4NHCeH4SH-o < o-CNQH.SNHCeH. > 

(XI) (Xn) o-0,NCeH,SCeH,NH,./» 


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depending on conditions, undergo both ortho and para tjrpes of 

Molecular Structure. Gomberg and Gordon ''^ have shown that 
the colored compounds formed in the reaction between triarylmethyl- 
thioglycoUic acids, R3CSCH2COOH, and metal halides (or perchloric 
acid) are not, as has been postulated by Wallis, merely addition com- 
pounds of the thio compound with the halochromizing agent, but are 
double salts of the triarylmethyl halide and the metal halide, R3CCI- 
. MeG„ ; the primary reaction consists in a cleavage of the C-S linkage 
by the metal halide, forming a triarylmethyl halide, the latter then com- 
bining with a molecule of the salt. The color and salt-like character 
of the compounds are entirely expressed by the quinocarbonium salt 
structure ( RgC = C6H4 < H ) +X-. 

Physical methods have been applied to a considerable extent to deter- 
mine the structures of compounds. The structure (R2C = 0H)+- 
OSO3H' is postulated to account for the colors associated with aliphatic 
and aromatic ketones in sulfuric acid ; in xanthone and fluorenone there 
appears to be stabilization of a quinonoid structure, since new absorp- 
tion bands are acquired. '^^ piper and Erode "^^ have found that, with 
sufficient separation, the two chromophores in a disazo dye act inde- 
pendently of each other ; conjugated or closely linked /)ora-coupled dyes 
show marked deviations from theoretical additive absorption effects. 
The infra-red absorption spectra of phenylacetonitrile, benzonitrile, and 
a-naphthonitrile have been examined.*^* Absorption spectra curves for 
the sugar phenylosazones confirm the classical formula proposed by 
Fischer. "^^ The general agreement of the mechanical and Raman spec- 
tra for benzene is now interpreted as consistent only with the oscilla- 
ting Kekule formula.*^^ The only acceptable structure for naphthalene 
is the symmetrical Erlenmeyer structure with immobile bonds ;''^ this 
also strongly substantiates the Kekule structure for benzene. The fine 
structure of naphthacene and condensed quinones has been discussed.*^^ 
From experimental values of the interatomic distances between 
carbon atoms (C = C, 1.38 A; benzene, 1.39 A; graphite, 1.42 A; 
C — C, 1.54 A), Pauling and co-workers "^^ have plotted a function show- 
ing the dependence of interatomic distances on bond character for single 
bond-double bond resonance; a small amount of double bond character 
causes a large decrease in interatomic distance below the single bond 
value. X-ray investigations support the views that the I- 1 bond in 
diphenyliodonium iodide is ionic.^^ Dipole moment measurements indi- 
cate that AT-dimethylanthranilic acid exists largely as the "z witter ion," 
even in benzene solution.®^ Electric moments have been determined 
for four /^-substituted phenylethylenes.®^ 

The compound, boranilide, reported by Chaudhuri, is probably a 
double salt of aniline and zinc chloride. ^^ The ketene, diphenylacetal, 
reported by Higinelli, and the phenyl orthoacetate, reported by Heiber, 
appear to be the diphenyl ether of ethylene glycol.®* 

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Organo-Metallic Compounds. Blicke and Monroe ^^ have pre- 
pared tetraphenylarsonium bromide, (CeH5)4AsBr, from triphenyl- 
arsine oxide and phenylmagnesium bromide ; the corresponding chloride 
is very soluble in water and the solution is a strong electrol)rte. The 
reactions of phenyl- and diphenylarsine have been further studied.^^ A 
series of arsenated phenoxyethanols have been prepared by condensing 
propylene chlorohydrin with 4-hydroxyphenylarsonic acid.®"^ Twenty- 
one different types of mercury derivatives have been synthesized and 
tested for bacteriological properties.®^ />-Cymene was directly mercu- 
ated to give a mixture of monomercurated compounds.®^ The direct 
mercuration of six polymethylbenzenes has been studied ;®® nitrous 
anhydride, nitrogen dioxide and nitrosyl chloride give nitroso com- 
pounds as primary products with these organomercury derivatives.®^ 
A carboxylic acid group in the five position has no labilizing effect on 
the activity of the chlorine atom in 2-chlorophenylarsonic acid;®^ the 
stibono group is less effective than the arsono group in rendering the 
halogen labile.®^ 

Simons ®* cleaved tetraarylgermanes by hydrogen bromide to triaryl- 
germanium bromide and hydrocarbon ; the order of decreasing activity 
to cleavage is />-tolyl, w-tolyl, phenyl, benzyl. The electrolysis of 
sodium triphenylgermanide in liquid ammonia, using a mercury cathode, 
gave sodium amalgam and varying amounts of hexaphenyldigermane 
and triphenylgermane.®^ 

Oxidation. Fieser and Fieser are continuing their studies on 
the oxidation-reduction potentials of a- and 3-naphthoquinones ; the 
effect of substitution is considerably less in the benzenoid nucleus than 
in the quinonoid nucleus with para quinones; groups which lower the 
potential of the parent quinone facilitate substitution in the benzene 
ring and vice versa,^^ Substitution of two or more methyl groups in 
the nucleus of the benzene ring of acetophenone appears to render 
the nucleus more susceptible to the action of hypohalite solution ; unsub- 
stituted derivatives in general are not halogenated, merely undergoing 
cleavage.®"^ Tertiary hydrocarbons of the type C6H5CH(CH3)R, in 
which R is methyl, propyl or butyl, on oxidation with gaseous oxygen 
lose the larger group, acetophenone being formed in each case ; as with 
secondary hydrocarbons, the reaction is not inhibited by water.®® The 
oxidation of 5-bromo- and 5-nitropseudocumene has been investigated.®® 
Evidence for the existence of semiquinones in the oxidation of hydro- 
quinones has been summarized.^®® 

Polycyclic Compounds. Fieser and co-workers have been par- 
ticularly active in the investigation of polycyclic compounds. The 
carcinogenic hydrocarbon, 20-methylcholanthrene can be obtained in 
5.4 percent yield from cholic acid, the most abimdant bile acid;^®^ 
the structure of this hydrocarbon, determined by Cook and Hasle- 
wood, has been confirmed by synthesis, an isomer also being 
obtained. ^®2' i®^ Fieser and Seligman have synthesized cholanthrene 
(XIV), 15;16-benz-dehydrocholanthrenei®* and 16,20-dimethylcholan- 

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Al T 

VV vx/ 

Cholanthrene 1, 2-Cyclopenteno- 


phenanthrene (XV) 

1, 2-Benzopyrene Dehydroandro- 
(XVI) sterone (XVII) 

threne ;^^5 l',9-methylene-l , 2, 5, 6-dibenzanthracene,^^^ 1, 2-benzpyrene 
(XVI), 4'- methyl - 1 ', 2'- dihy dro - 1 ,2 - benzpy rene, 4'- methyl - 1 ,2-benz- 
pyrene ^^"^ and 4'-hydroxy-l, 2-benzpyrene ^^^ have also been prepared. 
The 2,3-(naphtho-2',3')-acenaphthene of Cook and co-workers has 
been obtained from 3-o-toluoylacenaphthene by the Elbs reaction. ^^^ 

In view of the physiological importance of compoimds containing the 
phenanthrene skeleton, the chemistry of phenanthrene is being inten- 
sively investigated. Bachmann^^^ has synthesized 1,2-cyclopenteno- 
phenanthrene (XV) from phenanthrene and has developed a method 
for synthesizing 1 -substituted phenanthrenes. A series of amino alco- 
hols from l,2,3,4,S,6,7,8-octahydrophenanthrene of the type C14H17C- 
(OH)--CH(R)NR'2 has been prepared by van de Kamp and Moset- 
tig.^^^ Amino alcohols derived from 1,2,3,4-tetrahydrophenanthrene, 
in which the hydroxy 1 and amino groups are directly attached to the 
nucleus, have been synthesized. ^^^ Phenanthrene derivatives may be 
prepared by the addition of dienes to maleic anhydride derivatives, fol- 
lowed by decarboxylation and dehydrogenation '}^^* ^^* thus, from 
3,4-dihydronaphthalene-l,2-dicarboxylic acid anhydride and 2,3-di- 
methylbutadiene 2,3-dimethylphenanthrene may be obtained. The anhy- 
dride of dihydrophenanthrene-o-dicarboxylic acid may be readily pre- 
pared by the Bougault reaction; condensation of Y-(l-naphthyl) -butyric 
ester with oxalic ester, followed by treatment with 80 percent sulfuric 

(CHO2CHI 7 ^ .. 


acid, yields the anhydride of 3,4-dihydrophenanthrene-l,2-dicarboxylic 
acid (XVIII) ; this compound and phenanthrene- 1,2-dicarboxylic acid 

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anhydride possess oestrogenic activity. ^^^ Dicyclohexenyl-1,1' has been 
condensed with maleic anhydride and acrolein to give some hydro- 
genated phenanthrene derivatives.^^^ Sulfonation of retene (XIX) 
gives the 6-sulfonic acid, from which several derivatives were pre- 
pared.^ ^"^ Phenanthrene and anthracene are preferentially hydroge- 
nated in the 9,10-positions if a copper-chromium-barium oxide catalyst 
is used.^^^ The Grignard reaction has been applied to the synthesis 
of some o-toluoylphenanthrenes ;^i® 1-, 2- and 3-benzoylphenanthrenes 
are obtained through the Friedel and Crafts reaction from phenan- 
threne and benzoyl chloride ;^^ the acetyl group enters the 2-position of 
dihydrophenanthrene to the extent of 90 percent. ^^^ 

The preparation of glycocholic acid from cholic acid in 40-60 percent 
yield has been reported^^o Molecular compounds of desoxycholic acid 
and certain polycyclic hydrocarbons have been prepared; since the 
sodium salts of these complexes are soluble in water, this provides a 
way of obtaining aqueous solutions of carcinogenic compounds.^^^ 
Improvements in the synthesis of androsterone have been made ^^2 and 
a method for converting the cw-hydroxyl group to the ^ran^-form has 
been developed. ^^3 fhe preparation of dehydroandrosterone (XVII) 
and its oxidation and reduction products have been described. ^24, 125 
Miller and Bachman ^^c, 127 h^ve begun a systematic study of fluorene ; 
the structures of several monobromofluorenes, -9-fluorenols and -fluore- 
nones have been established. Sobotka has reviewed the chemistry of 
the bile acids ;^28 Elderfield has done the same for the closely related 
cardiac glycosides.^^o 

Polymerization. The polymerization of styrene in the presence 
and substantial absence of oxygen has been studied; highly purified 
styrene polymerizes to relatively few large molecules and such a result 
is explicable if the reaction is catalytic and the catalyst remains 
attached during the growth.^^^ Aromatic mercaptals undergo a con- 
densation reaction with formaldehyde in the presence of acetic and 
hydrochloric acids to give crystalline products of high molecular 
weight.^3^ 3-Cyclohexylpropene and 3-methylcyclohexene give polysul- 
fones by the addition of sulfur dioxide.^^^ 

Pyrolysis. No significant amount of ketene dimer is produced 
in the pyrolysis of acetylphthalimide.^^^ The C-C bonds which are 

once removed from the unsaturation rather than adjacent to it undergo 

a ^ 
pyrolytic rupture; for a type C = C — C — C, a represents strength and 
3 weakness.^^^ Instantaneous decomposition of eleven substituted ben- 
zalchlorimines has been studied by Hauser, Gillaspie, and LeMaistre ;^35 
the reaction RCH = NC1 -> RCN-f-HCl predominates to the extent of 
90 percent at higher temperatures. The thermal decomposition of ben- 
zene is a heterogeneous bimolecular reaction, with an apparent activa- 
tion energy of 50,000 cal.^^e Allyl-/>-phenetidine decomposes slowly at 
270° to give /)-phenetidine, propylene and resinous products ; the initial 
step appears to be cleavage of the C-N bond.^^*^ 

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Reactions. For this review the investigations of reactions have 
been classified roughly according to whether they deal with addition 
reactions, condensation reactions, mechanism of reaction, rate reactions 
or reactions not falling into these divisions. Ammonia adds to the 
double bond of benzylidenemalonic ester to yield 3-amino derivatives.^^^ 
Methylamine, ethylamine, and dimethylamine readily add to dibipheny- 
leneethylene, giving the corresponding alkylaminodibiphenyleneethanes ; 
thus, the properties of the double bond in certain hydrocarbons can 
approach liiose of the unsaturated linkage in the grouping — CH = CH- 
— CO — .^3® Trihalomethyl-o- and -/>-chlorophenylcarbinols are formed 
by addition of chloroform and bromoform to o- and />-chlorobenzalde- 
hyde.^*®' ^*^ By addition of hydrazoic acid to a- and 3-naphthoqui- 
nones quantitative yields of the 2-amino- and 4-aminonaphthoquinones 
are obtained. ^*2 Sulfur dioxide forms loose chemical compounds with 
aromatic and aliphatic amines.^*^ It has been reported that biphenyl 
forms only a tetraozonide, the non-addition of two more molecules of 
ozone being attributed to steric hindrance. That this is not the factor 
involved has been shown in the addition of ozone to 1-phenylcyclo- 
hexene-1 and dicyclohexeny 1-1,1'.^** 

The condensation of propylene with benzene ^^^ and with m- and 
/>-hydroxybenzoic acids, ^*® and the reaction between naphthenes and 
olefins in the presence of aluminum chloride and boron fluoride have 
been investigated.^**^ Finely dispersed phosphorus pentoxide is suit- 
able for condensing olefins with aromatic hydrocarbons; benzene and 
ethylene under pressure gave products from which mono- and hexa- 
ethylbenzenes were isolated.^*^ Naphthalene gave principally mono- 
and diethylnaphthalenes. Sodium phenate and amyl bromide can be 
condensed to amyl phenyl ether in liquid ammonia under pressure.^*^ 
The preparation of chlorobenzophenones by the Friedel and Crafts reac- 
tion from benzoic acid and chlorobenzene has been studied.^^® Grosse 
and Ipatieff have found that paraffins will react with aromatic hydro- 
carbons in the presence of aluminum chloride; 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 
and benzene gave isobutane and a mixture of mono- and di-f^rf-butyl- 
benzene.^^^ In the Friedel-Crafts reaction between benzoyl chloride 
and toluene, using mixed catalysts, the formation of a bimetallic com- 
plex, RCOR' . AICI3 . FeCls, is postulated, since less than one mole of 
product is formed for each mole of total metal chlorides present.^*^^ 
Calloway ^^^ has prepared an extensive review, with over 500 refer- 
ences, of the Friedel-Crafts reaction. 

The mechanisms of a number of reactions have been investigated and 
in many cases elucidated. Kharasch ^^* has reached the conclusion 
that the Cannizzaro reaction is catalyzed primarily by peroxides ; with 
peroxide-free aldehydes in absence of oxygen no Cannizzaro reaction 
took place. MichaeP^^ objects to Wieland's mechanism for the addi- 
tion of nitric acid as HO— and — NO2 to a double bond, followed by 
splitting off of water, and suggests an earlier view that aromatic 
nitration proceeds in the first phase by aldolization : C6HeH-HON02 

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->C6H6NO(OH)2-»C6H5N02 + H20. From studies made on the 
rate of hydrolysis of ald-chlorimines to nitriles, evidence has been 
obtained in support of the mechanism that a proton is removed first, 
followed by the chlorine ion with a completed electron octet.^^® Both 
a- and 3-aldoxime acetates undergo fundamentally the same type of 





predominates NOOCCHs occurs to 

from O-lOO** syn (o) small extent 

R-C-H R-C-H 

II < ^11 

HON predominates H,CCOON 

at 0** anti (P) 

> RCN 

above 30** 

reaction with alkali, forming oximes by hydrolysis and nitrile by 
elimination of acetic acid.^^'^ The relative yields of nitriles and oximes 
formed in the reactions of carbethoxy-a-benzaldoximes are also a func- 
tion of temperature. ^^^ Chemical evidence supports the view that, in 
the formation of amides by the action of ammonia on anhydrides or by 
hydrolysis of acid imides, the primary reaction is addition to the car- 







bonyl group, since different amides are obtained in the two reactions 
when an unsymmetrical anhydride or imide is employed.^^^ The pro- 
duction of sulfides by interaction of sulfur and aromatic amines appears 
to involve the intermediate formation of a sulfanilide type of compound, 
followed by rearrangement; the reaction takes place only when a 
labile hydrogen is present :i«o 2C6H5NH2 + S -» CeHgNHSHNCeHg 
—> H2NC6H4SCeH4NH2. That the haloform reaction actually involves 
stepwise halogenation, followed by cleavage, has been demonstrated by 
Fuson and co-workers ^^^ through the isolation of the mono-, di- and 
tribromo derivatives in the bromination of 2,4,6-tribromo-3-acetylben- 

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zoic acid. Hypoiodite reacts with certain hindered methyl ketones to 
give mono- and diiodomethyl ketones but not triiodo derivatives. ^^^ 
The haloform reaction has been reviewed by Fuson and BulL^®* The 
mechanism proposed by Lifschitz ^^^ for the fading of the compound 
produced by illumination of the leucocyanide of malachite green is 
inadequate. In the preparation of fuchsine by the formaldehyde proc- 
ess, scission of the diphenylmethane molecule must occur and this sup- 
plies only one of the benzene nuclei and the central carbon atom of the 
triphenylmethane.^^^ Further evidence has been obtained that treat- 
ment of an unsaturated compound with mercuric acetate in methanol 
solution results in addition of the intermediate CHaOHgOOCCHs 
to the ethylene linkage.^®^ Alkylation of phenols using zinc chloride 
or boron fluoride is not a direct exchange reaction but is preceded by 
dehydration of the alcohol and addition of phenol to the unsaturated 
hydrocarbon.®^' ^^"^ 

Bachmann ^®^ has cleaved unsymmetrical ketones by means of potas- 
sium hydroxide and measured the relative rates of the two competing 
reactions : RgCOOH -h RiH <- RiRgCO + KOH -^ RiCOOH + RgH ; 
the resistance to cleavage is a function of the groups. The rates of the 
chloroform reaction for acetone, acetophenone, and pinacolone have 
been determined ; the increase in reaction velocity with increase in alka- 
linity is assumed to be due to the ionization of the enolic form.^®^ 
Norris and co-workers i70-i73 have been investigating the relative rates 
of ester ification of substituted benzoyl chlorides with alcohols and of 
etherification of benzyl chlorides; temperature and solvent effects have 
also been studied. o-Aminophenol, cysteine, and potassium sulfite 
inhibit the absorption of oxygen by alkaline solutions of catechol; 
pyrogallol and hydroquinone catalyze the oxidation; the reaction prob- 
ably has a chain mechanism.^*^* 

The reaction between perthionic acid, C2H2N2S3, and various 
amines,^*^^ the properties of 3,4-dimethoxybenzalpyruvic acid and 
3,4-dimethoxycinnamic acid,!''^® and the reaction between mercury di- 
aryls and diarylselenium dihalides have been the subjects of investiga- 
tion, i*^*^ Anhydrous zinc chloride catalyzes the pyrolytic decomposition 
of esters of aromatic acids, giving an unsaturated hydrocarbon and the 
acid, which in turn may lose carbon dioxide or, if dibasic, form an 
anhydride.i'^s Dehalogenation of 3-bromophenylpyruvic acid in aque- 
ous solution gives phenylacetic acid: CeHgCHBrCOCOOH — HBr 
- CO2 -> (CeHgCH = C = O) + H2O -> C6H5CH2COOH ; the inter- 
mediate formation of phenylketene is postulated. ^"^^ 

Reduction. Lutz and co-workers 180-I82 have made a thorough 
study of the reduction of dibenzoylethylene ; soluble reducing agents 
lead to monomolecular products ; catalytic reduction and reduction by 
zinc and acetic acid give open chain and cyclic dimolecular products. 
It is probable that a conjugate reaction occurs with cyclization taking 
place through intermediate enolic groups, since the possibility is 
excluded that the ethylene linkage alone is involved. 

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Adkins and co-workers have continued their studies on catalytic 
hydrogenation ; the order of increasing resistance to C— O cleavage by 
hydrogenation is benzyl alkyl ethers, diaryl ethers, aryl alkyl ethers, 
dialkyl ethers.^^^ Reduction of imido ethers in acid solution by sodium 
amalgam yields aldehydes; electrolytic reduction leads to primary 
amines.^^* Nitrobenzene undergoes a reduction-chlorination reaction 
with isopropyl or isobutyl bromide and aluminum chloride, giving a 
mixture of o- and />-chloroaniline.^s^ The reduction of nitrobenzene with 
dextrose in alkaline solution has been studied to determine the relative 
yields of azoxybenzene, azobenzene and aniline under varied condi-® A general method for the catalytic reduction of nitroaryl- 
arsonic acids to the aminoarylarsonic acids has been developed. ^^"^ 
Hypophosphorus acid is a better reagent than alcohol for converting 
diazotized amines to hydrocarbons. ^^^ Treatment of l,l-diaryl-2-acyl- 
ethylenes with benzene and aluminum chloride involves both replace- 
ment of the aryl groups and hydrogenation :^^^ Ar2C = CHC0R 
+ 2CoH64-2H -^ (C6H5)2CHCH2COR+2ArH. 

Ring Closure. Bogert and co-workers^^o have obtained further 
evidence that, in the cyclodehydration of aralkyl alcohols, cyclization or 
polymerization is preceded by olefin formation. Kohler and Blan- 
chard^s prepared a number of highly phenylated compounds from 
.yym-triphenylbenzene ; triphenylbenzoic acid, (CoHr,)3C6H2COOH, is 
easily condensed to diphenyl fluorenone (XX); triphenvlbenzohydrol, 
(C6H5)3C6H2CH(OH)C6H5, yields 1,3,9-triphenyl fluorene (XXI); 
and hexaphenylbenzohydrol, ( CeHr, ) 3CeH2CH ( OH ) — CeH2 ( CcHs ) 3, 
gives l,3-diphenyl-9-triphenylphenylfluorene (XXII). 

CeH-s Cells H Cells (CeHB)3CeH.2 H CeliB 

CeHs I J I JCeH-B I J I ICeH.5 

(XX) (XXI) (xxn) 

Stereoisomerism. Adams and co-workers are continuing their 
investigations of the biphenyl derivatives. A compound (XXIII) with 
hydrogens in the 2- and 6-positions has been resolved.^®^ The ratio of 
the half-life periods of the optically active 2-nitro-6-carboxy-2'-alkoxy- 






CeHs CbHb 



biphenyls is OCH3/OC2H5/OC3H7 = 1/5/7 regardless of the solvent 
or temperature. ^®2 Introduction of groups into 2-nitro-6-carboxy-2'- 
methoxybiphenyl stabilizes it toward racemization in the order nitro> 
bromo> chloro> methoxy> methyl; this result coincides with the 

Digitized by 



order of increase of the dipole moments of the substituents ; the more 
negative the group the greater is the stabilizing action.^^^ 

Kohler, Walker and Tishler^®* have resolved an allenic acid 
(XXIV) into two optically active stereoisomers. As)anmetric s)m- 
theses in circularly polarized light have been achieved in the addition 
of chlorine ^^^ and bromine ^®® to trinitrostilbene ; the products lose 
their activity on standing. Condensation of 2-bromofluorene with 
rf-2-octyl nitrate in the presence of potassium ethoxide gave an optically 
active potassium salt of 9-nitro-2-bromofluorene. Thus a partially 
asymmetric synthesis has resulted from optically active reagents.^®*^ 
The two racemic a -cyano-a -methyl- 3-phenylglutaric acids have been 
resolved. ^^^ The two methods of preparing 9,10-diaryldihydrophenan- 
threnediols, (1) by addition of Grignard reagent to phenanthrene- 
quinone and (2) by reduction of 2,2'-diacylbiphenyls, give difiFerent 
pinacols; this difference is probably due to stereoisomerism.^ The 
CIS- and ^row^-2-chlorocyclohexanols have been prepared.^®® The rate 
of isomerization of cw-methyl cinnamate has been studied ; a mechanism 
for the cis-trans isomerism, involving excitation of the electrons form- 
ing the double bond, is proposed.^^ Acyl derivatives of ketoximines 
having an hydroxyl, carbonyl, or carboxyl group alpha to the C = N 
linkage undergo hydrolysis if the oximino group is syn to the alpha 
standing group and a second order Beckman cleavage (to aldehyde and 
nitrile) if the oximino group is anti,^^^ Salts of rf-camphor-10-sul- 
fonic acid and primary amines exhibit slow mutarotation in anhydrous 
solvents. This mutarotation is believed due to the establishment of an 
equilibrium between the rf-salt and the l-anil.^^' ^^^ 

Substitution and Orientation. Svirbely and Warner ^04 have 
found that the directing influence of groups appears to be related to the 
dipole moments; if the moment of a mono-substituted benzene deriva- 
tive is greater than 2.07D, a second group will be directed meta; if 
less than this value, the entering group will go to the o- and /^-positions. 
Nitration of /^r^-butylbenzene with mixed acid g^ves 77 percent para 
and 23 percent ortho products.^os That direct iodination of vanillin 
gives the 5-iodo derivative has been established.^^ The nitration of 
polymethylbenzenes has been studied.^o^, 208 Sulfonic acid groups on 
the benzene ring of phenol are stable toward halogenation, even in the 
presence of acid, if the reaction is carried out in an inert anhydrous 
solvent.200 The relative reactivities of the acidic hydrogen in substi- 
tuted benzoic acids have been compared ;^'^® for ortho groups the order 
of increased labilizing action is CH3O, CH3, H, CI, Br, NO2. The 
dissociation constants of all of the mono- and di-chlorophenols have 
now been measured in 50 percent methanol solution ; the values increase 
in proportion to the number of substituents and to the proximity of the 
substituents to the hydroxyl group.^^o Pauling and Wheland ^n have 
extended the quantum mechanical treatment of Huckel to obtain the 
charge distribution in aromatic molecules undergoing substitution 

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Syntheses. Davidson and Bogert^ia have discovered that aro- 
matic alcohols can be prepared from the aldehydes in excellent yields 
by the "crossed" Cannizzaro reaction, using formaldehyde as the 
oxygen-acceptor : RCHO -f- CHgO + H2O -» RCH2OH + HCOOH. 
The Diels- Alder reaction has been adapted to the synthesis of anthra- 
quinones: aroyl-acrylic acids are condensed with butadiene or 2,3-di- 



\CH H,C=C-CH, 

I + T 





methylbutadiene and the addition product is dehydrogenated and 
cyclized.213 The procedure of Staudinger and Freudenberger, employ- 
ing the action of hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen chloride on the 0x0- 
ketone, has been applied to the synthesis of some new thioketones.^^* 
The phosphates and alkyl ethers of o- and />-hydroxybiphenyl ^is and 
several dialkyl ethers of 2,2-bis- (4-hydroxyphenyl) -propane 216 have 
been prepared. The optimum conditions for obtaining the best yields 
of diphenyl sulfide and thianthrene from benzene, sulfur and aluminum 
chloride have been worked out.^^''^ Methods for the preparation of 
chloroacetocatechol,^^® of w-chlorofluorobenzene and 2,4,6-trichloro- 
fluorobenzene 2i» have been described. Benzotrifluoride and deriva- 
tive6,220 some derivatives of />-fluorophenylsulfinic acid,22i and the 
indium salts of some organic acids have been prepared.222 cD-Mono-, 
-di-, and -tribenzylacetophenone have been prepared by a sodamide 
synthesis.223 Mottern's synthesis of vanillin reported in last year's 
Survey has been questioned. ^24 

A large number of nitrogen containing compounds have been pre- 
pared. Several compounds related to ephedrine have been synthe- 
sized.^' 225, 226 A niunber of compounds related to novocaine have 
been prepared; various dye intermediates were coupled with diazotized 
novocaine 227 and some dialkylaminoethoxyethyl-/>-aminobenzoates228 

and 3-alkoxy-ethyl esters of />-aminobenzoic acid were synthesized.220 
Cyclohexylthiocyanate,230 urethanes derived from phenyl-a-naphthyl- 
amine,23i p. and w-ethoxybenzylureas,232 menthyl- and bornylurea,^^^ 

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arylacetic acids and 3-arylethyIamines from aldehydes,234 A^-substituted 
sulfon-w- and /^-toluidides^^as iV^iV'-diphenylbenzidinej^ss a,a-bisbenz- 
oylaminopropionic acid,^^^ AT-acyl-o-benzenesulfonaminophenylbenzene- 
sulfonates,238 acyl derivatives of o-anisidiney^^^ some new benzene sul- 
finamides and sulfonamides,^'*^ and some new amidine hydrochlorides ^^^ 
have been prepared. Optimum conditions for the practical preparation 
of {7-benzenesulfonylaminophenol and {7-benzenesulfonylaminophenyl 
benzene sulfonate have been worked out.242 

Checked directions for the preparation of the following carbocyclic 
compounds are given in "Organic Syntheses," Vol. XV : 2,6-dibromo-4- 
nitrophenol, 2,6-dibromoquinone-4-chloroimide, 5,5-dimethyl- 1 ,3-cyclo- 
hexanedione, 2,4-dinitroaniline, 3,4-dimethoxyphenylacetic acid, /?-iodo- 
phenol, {7-nitrophenylsulfur chloride, orthanilic acid, phenylarsonic acid, 
phenylbenzoyldiazomethane, y-phenylbutyric acid, phenylglyoxal, 2,4,6- 
trihydroxyacetophenone, a-ketotetrahydronaphthalene and 3,4-dimeth- 



Tautomerism. Treatment of 1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene with 
benzophenone dichloride yields an equilibrium mixture of 4-diphenyl- 
methyl-l,2-naphthoquinone (XXV) and 2-hydroxy-l,4-naphthofuch- 

CeHfi OH 


02N<( )^NH-N=<(^^^^^^=0 



O2N/ S— NH-N=<^ N=0 

^ ^0. H-^ ^H 



CH = CT 

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sone (XXVI) instead of the expected diphenylmethylene ether; these 
fuchsones are quinonoid in structure but not quinone-like in properties 
other than color.^^* There is some evidence that (XXVII) and 
(XXVIII) exist in equilibrium in solution.^^ Cyclopentadiene adds to 
2,4-dinitrobenzeneazophenol to give the addition product (XXX) ; it is 
believed that inner salt formation may stabilize the quinonoid structure 
(XXIX). 245 The yield of addition product increases with the acidity 
of the medium. The mesityl group decreases the speed of the eno- 
lization, >C = C(OH) -R^ri >CH-CO-R, to such an extent that 
the ketone 1,1- dipheny 1 - 2 - benzoy 1-2- ( 2,4,6-tr imethylbenzoyl ) -ethane, 
(CoH5)2CH-CH(COC6H5)COC6H2(CH3)3, and its enol exist in 
stable forms in solution.^^^ 


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155. Michael, A., and Carlson, G. H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1268 (1935). 

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159. Nicolet, B. H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1064 (1935). 

160. Moore, M. L., and Johnson, T. B., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1287 (1935). 

161. Bull, B. A., Ross, W. E., and Fuson, R. C, 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 764 (1935). 

162. Johnson, R., and Fuson, R. C, 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 919 (1935). 

163. Fuson, R. C, and Bull, B. A., Chem. Rev., 15: 275 (1934). 

' 164. Harris, L., Kaminsky, J., and Simard, R. G., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1151 (1935). 

165. Scanlon, J. T., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 887 (1935). 

166. Wright, G. F., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1993 (1935). 

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168. Bachmann, W. E., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 737 (1935). 

169. Bartlett, P. D., and Vincent, J. R., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1596 (1935). 

170. Norris, J. F., and Strain, W. H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 187 (1935). 

171. Norris, J. F., Fascc, E. V., and Staud, C. J., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1415 (1935). 

172. Norris, J. F., and Young, H. H., Jr., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1420 (1935). 
171 Norris, J. F., and Haines, E. C, 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1425 (1935). 

174. Branch, G. E. K., and Joslyn, M. A., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2388 (1935). 

175. Underwood, H. G., and Dains, F. B., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1768 (1935). 

176. Reimer, M., Tobin, E., and Schaffner, M., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 211 (1935). 

177. Leicester, H. M., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1901 (1935). 

178. Underwood, H. W., Jr., and Baril, O. L., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2729 (1935). 

179. Sobin, B., and Bachman, G. B., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2458 (1935). 

180. Lutz, R. E., and Palmer, F. S., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1947 (1935). 

181. Lutz, R. E., Love, L., Jr., and Palmer, F. S., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1953 (1935). 

182. Lutz, R. E., and Palmer, F. S., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1957 (1935). 

183. Van Duzee, E. M., and Adkins, H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 147 (1935). 

184. Wcnker, H., 7. Am, Chem. Soc, 57: 772 (1935). 

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185. GUman, H., Burtner, R. R., Calloway, N. O., and Turck, J. A. V., Jr., /. Am. 

Chem. Soc, 57: 907 (1935). 

186. Opolonick, N., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1045 (1935). 

187. Stevinson, M. R., and Hamilton, C. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1298 (1935). 

188. Raiford, L. C, and Oberst, F. W., Am. J. Pharm., 107: 242 (1935). 

189. Alexander, L. L., Jacoby, A. L., and Fuson, R. C, /. Am, Chem. Soc., 57: 2208 

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190. Roblin, R. O., Jr., Davidson, D., and Bogert, M. T., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 151 


191. Patterson, W. I., and Adams, R., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 762 (1935). 

192. Li, C. C, and Adams, R., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1565 (1935). 

193. Hanford, W. E.. and Adams. R., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1592 (1935). 

194. Kohler, E. P., Walker, J. T., and Tishler, M., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1743 


195. Davis, T. L., and Heggie, R., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1622 (1935). 

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197. Thurston, J. T., and Shriner, R. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2163 (1935). 

198. Avery, S., and McGrew, F. C, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 208 (1935). 

199. Bartlett, P. D., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 224 (1935). 

200. Kistiakowsky, G. B., and Smith, W. R., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 269 (1935). 

201. Barnes, R. P., and Blatt, A. H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1330 (1935). 

202. Schreiber, R. S., and Shriner, R, L., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1306 (1935). 

203. Schreiber, R. S., and Shriner, R. L., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1445 (1935). 

204. Svirbely, W. J., and Warner, J. C, 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 655 (1935). 

205. Craig, D., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 195 (1935). 

206. Raiford. L. C, and Wells, E. H.. 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2500 (1935). 

207. Smith, L. I., and Harris, S. A., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 1289 (1935). 

208. Smith, L. I., and Tenenbaum, D., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1293 (1935). 

209. Huston, R. C, and Neeley, A. H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 2176 (1935). 

210. Murray, J. W., and Gordon, N. E., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 110 (1935). 

211. Wheland, G. W., and Pauling, L., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 2086 (1935). 

212. Davidson, D., and Bogert, M. T., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 905 (1935). 

213. Fieser, L. F., and Fieser, M., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1679 (1935). 

214. Bost, R. W., and Cosby, B. O., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 1404 (1935). 

215. Vernon, C. C, Struss, E. F., O'Neill, M. A., and Ford, M. A., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 

57: 527 (1935). 

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217. Dougherty, G., and Hammond, P. D., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 117 (1935). 

218. Hoberman, H. D., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1382 (1935). 

219. Booth. H. S., Elsey, H. M., and Burchfield, P. E., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2064 


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221. Hann. R. M., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 2166 (1935). 

222. Ekeley, J. B., and Johnson, W. W., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 773 (1935). 

223. Hill, G. A., and Confrancesco, A. J., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2426 (1935). 

224. Barch, W. E., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2330 (1935). 

225. Machlis, S., and Blanchard, K. C, 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 176 (1935). 

226. Hartung, W. H., Munch, J. C, and Crossley, F. S., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: Wl 


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228. Ruberg, L. A., and Shriner, R. L , 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1581 (1935). 

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232. Wertheim, E., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 545 (1935). 

233. Bateman, R. L., and Day, A. R., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2496 (1935). 

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238. Amundsen, L. H., and Pollard, C. B., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1536 (1935). 

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243. Noller, C- R-, Editor-in-Chief, "Organic Syntheses," Vol. XV. New York, John 

Wiley and Sons, 1935. 104 p. 

244. Fieser, L. F., and Hartwell, J. L., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 1484 (1935). 

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246. Kohler, E. P., Tishler, M., and Potter, H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 2517 (1935). 

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Chapter XIV. 
Heterocyclic Compounds. 


Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, U. S, Department of Agriculture. 

Perhaps the most interesting development in this field was that deal- 
ing with the structure of vitamin Bi by Williams, Clarke and collab- 
orators. The gross structure of this physiologically important material 
has apparently been determined and it seems probable that the few 
remaining uncertain details will soon be solved and a synthesis accom- 
plished. Much of the synthetic work in the field of heterocycles has 
been stimulated by the aim of preparing products that are either 
physiologically active or of commercial value. Several very significant 
contributions have been made on the theoretical side. An attempt 
has been made by Fieser and Martin ^ to establish the relationship 
between various kinds of data and the aromaticities of difiFerent types of 
heterocycles. Franklin and Bergstrom^ have endeavored to correlate 
the properties of pentacyclic compounds containing one, two, three, 
and four nitrogen atoms in the ring with those of the well known 
nitrogen system of compounds and Fuson ^ has offered an explanation 
of the reactivities of groups located on the a- and y-positions of pyridine 
and related compounds. It is interesting to note that quantum mechanics 
is even invading the field of organic chemistry; for example, Pauling 
and Wheland * have presented a quantum mechanical discussion of 
orientation of substituents in some of the more common heterocycles. 

Furans and Oxygen Ring Compounds. Syntheses of furans from 
aliphatic compounds have, in general, followed the well known scheme 
of cyclizing 1,4-diketones in the presence of acid.^' ^* '^' ® Zinc bromide 
has a pronounced catalytic effect in the formation of 2,3,S-triphenyl- 
furan by the zinc-glacial acetic acid reduction of either dibenzoylphenyl- 
bromoethylene or dibenzoylphenylethylene.® One example of the con- 
version of a l-bromo-2-hydroxy-4-keto compound to a furan derivative 
has been reported.^® Of interest in the synthesis of furans is the 
isomerization of methylallylphenols to give the dimethyldihydrobenzo- 
furans ; addition of mercuric salts in these reactions produces the mer- 
curated dimethyldihydrobenzofurans.^^ 

For the past few years most of the work on the reactions of the 
furans has been carried out by Oilman and coworkers and has dealt 
with the fundamental study of orientation. 2-Furfural and isopropyl 
chloride in the presence of aluminum chloride form 4-isopropyl-2- 


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furfural, the structure of which was rigorously determined. This is 
apparently the first instance reported in which substitution occurs in 
the 3-position of a furan when an a-position is available. ^^ This reaction 
is all the more remarkable, since n-, iso, and tert-hutyl chlorides give 
with 2-furfural, 5-/^rf-butyl-2-furfural. Another anomalous result was 
obtained in the study of the alkylation of ethyl 5-bromo-2-furoate, which 
with the butyl as well as the amyl, hexyl and octadecyl halides gives 
ethyl 4-f£'r/-butyl-5-bromo-2-furoate.i2 jhe Friedel-Crafts reaction of 
2-nitrofuran and propionyl chloride produces 5-chloro-2-furyl ethyl 
ketone.^3 It has been demonstrated that the pivotally significant "3,5- 
dibromo-2-furoic acid" of Hill and Sanger is actually 4,5-dibromo-2- 
furoic acid.i* 

Furan and a number of its derivatives have been oxidized catalytically, 
giving as the chief solid product maleic acid.^^ 

For the first time arsenical s containing the furan nucleus have been 
prepared. Arsenic trichloride with 2-chloromercurifuran under various 
conditions gives furyldichloro-, difurylchloro-, and trifurylarsine.^® On 
chlorination three separate reactions take place: (1) the oxidation of 
trivalent arsenic, (2) the saturation of the furan nucleus and (3) the 
scission of the carbon-arsenic bond. A number of other stubstituted 
furan arsenical s were prepared and their behavior towards mercuric 
chloride studied in order to determine their relative aromaticities.^''^ 

Tertiary tetrahydrofurylcarbinols are best prepared by the action of 
the appropriate Grignard reagent upon ethyl tetrahydrofuroate ; dehy- 
dration of these alcohols takes place readily when they are heated with 
magnesium sulfate.^® 

Considerable work has been done on dibenzofuran owing, in part at 
least, to its relationship to morphine. Nitration of dibenzofuran takes 
place predominantly in the 3-position and, to a limited extent, in the 2- 
position.^® However, on dimetalation the 4,6-positions are substituted 
and, in the 4-methyl and 4-methoxy derivatives, the 6-position is 
attacked. 2<> The relative ease of nuclear substitution reactions of 
dibenzofuran can be correlated with the hydrogen chloride scission of 
the 2-, 3-, and 4-dibenzofuryltriphenyl-leads. Pyrolysis of resorcinol 
over tungstic oxide gives 3- and not 1-hydroxydibenzofuran.^® 

In order to study their physiological action, a number of amino 
derivatives and amino alcohols of dibenzofuran were prepared.^i. 22 Pq^ 
a similar reason, the benzofuroquinolines were also investigated.^^ 

Orientation studies of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydrobenzofurans show that metala- 
tion and nitration involve the same relative positions as observed with 
dibenzofuran and that sulfonation and acetylation take place in the 7- 
position rather than in the 8-position. Some earlier reported hexa- 
hydrodibenzofurans have now been shown to be substituted tetrahydro- 
dibenzofurans, the substituents being in the 7- and not in the 8-posi- 

2,4,6-Triarylpyrylium acid sulfates are formed from methyl aryl 
ketones in the presence of sulfuric acid and potassium pyrosulfate. 

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Curiously, one methyl group is lost in the formation of the pyrylium 
derivatives from three molecules of the ketone.^^ 

The important physico-organic studies on free radicals by Bent and 
coworkers show that the electron affinities of aryl xanthyl radicals differ 
little from those of other organic free radicals previously studied.^^. 27 
Absorption spectra of xanthone and dibenzodioxin have been deter- 
mined.28 Some physical properties of two enantiotropic forms of 
rotenone have been reported.^^ 

Catalytic chlorination of dioxane has been studied and a practical 
method for the preparation of 2,3-dichlorodioxane developed.^^ This, 
with a number of Grignard reagents, gives /)-dioxene. To the unsatu- 
rated linkage of />-dioxene can be added halogens, hydrogen chloride, and 
phenylmagnesium bromide.^^ 

Further light has been thrown by Spanagel and Carothers ^^ on 
the interesting problem concerning the closure of rings through the w- 
and />-positions of the benzene nucleus. Esterification of m- and p- 
C6H4(OCH2COOH)2 with glycols of the series HO(CH2)nOH, and 
subsequent depolymerization of the resulting polyesters, yield m- and p- 
oxygen-containing rings. 

Sulfur-Containing Rings. Nitration of bromothiophene yields a 
bromonitrothiophene, that is believed to be the 2,S-derivative.33 

Fieser and Kennelly ^^ have developed methods for preparing quinones 
having a thiophene ring in place of the benzene ring of o- and />- 
naphthoquinones. Higher reduction potentials of these quinones indi- 
cate a lower degree of aromaticity for the thiophene as compared with 
benzene. Chlorosulfonic acid acts upon retylthioglycollic acid to 
form 6-retylthioindigodisulfonic acid and the thioindoxyl, ketodihydro- 
6-retothiophene. The latter readily condenses with aldehydes and is 
also easily oxidized to the corresponding amorphous thioindigo.^^ 

Varying the aluminum chloride content in a semi-quantitative study 
of the reaction between sulfur and benzene markedly affects the yield 
of thianthrene.3^ 

A cyclic disulfone is formed by the action of normal alkali on poly- 
propylenesulfone 3"^ and a ring containing two sulfur atoms and six 
carbon atoms is considered to be formed by the condensation of formalde- 
hyde with />-thiocresol.3® 

Pyrroles, Indoles and Carbazoles. Quantitative absorption of 
light in the infra-red region of the spectrum by a number of pyrroles, 
indoles and carbazoles has been measured by Wulf and Liddel;^® this 
absorption is characteristic of the NH group. Ultra-violet absorption 
spectra for tryptophane and indole have been determined and found 
to resemble each other.*^ 

Interesting examples of ring closure yielding pyrrolones and male-^ 
inanils have been encountered by Lindwall and coworkers, when con- 
densation products of benzoylformanilide with such compounds as- 
acetophenone,^^ diethyl malonate*^ and ethyl cyanoacetate ^^ are- 
treated with acid. The equilibrium between proline and formaldehyde 

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has been studied^* and potentiometric titration curves for proline and 
tryptophane have been described.*^ 

A new method for the preparation of porphyrins, which consists of 
interacting pyrrole and aldehydes, has been described by Rothemund. 
The reaction between formaldehyde and pyrrole is believed to give 
porphin, the parent ring system of the porphyrins.^^ Pyrroporphyrin, 
a chlorophyll decomposition product, has been isolated from beef bile; 
spectroscopic examination indicates that traces of coproporphyrin are 
also present.**^ Absorption spectra of oxidized and reduced hemin 
and hemochromogens have been described ^^ and the relative rates of 
absorption of carbon monoxide by reduced hemin and pyridine hemo- 
chromogen have been determined.^^ 

Diazoesters act upon indole to give 3-substituted as well as a small 
amount of 1,3-disubstituted derivatives. Jackson and Manske ^^ have 
found this reaction to be a convenient one for the synthesis of a wide 
diversity of indole compounds and have utilized it to develop a practical 
synthesis of indolyl-3-acetic acid. 

The fundamental studies of Julian and coworkers in the indole series 
have been directed towards the syntheses of physostigmine ^^* ^^' ^^ {see 
Chapter XV on "Alkaloids") and oxytryptophane, which is considered 
to be the first product formed in the intermediary metabolism of trypto- 
phane. Although the latter goal has not yet been attained, they have 
succeeded in preparing the closely related dimethyl derivative (I) by 






the following series of reactions. 1,3-Dimethyloxindole was condensed 
with bromoacetal, the product hydrolyzed and the aldehyde converted 
by means of the Strecker synthesis into the amino acid. Attempts to 
carry out the same reaction with oxindole failed, because of difficulties 
met with in the initial condensation with bromoacetal. A number of 
other possible routes for the synthesis of oxytryptophane were 
explored.^^ Also, of considerable significance in the study of the metab- 
olism of tryptophane is the work of Gordon and Jackson.^ They pre- 
pared amino-ZV-methyl-, Bz-3-methyl-, and Pr-2-methyl-tryptophane 
and found that only the first is capable of stimulating growth in rats 
subsisting on a diet deficient in tryptophane. This is suggestive that 
the iV-methyl amino acids may be metabolized and utilized in place of 
the natural amino acids. 

3-Naphthisatin ^^ has been combined with acetophenone, acetone, and 
nitromethane in order to correlate its condensation reactions with those 

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of isatin.^"^ Aldols were obtained that dissociate in solution when 
heated and that suffer dehydration when subjected to acid. 

Improvements in the Fries-Rosenmund rearrangement of iV-acetyl to 
3-acetylcarbazole have been made; 1-acetylcarbazole is a by-product in 
this reaction.^s 

Pyridines and Quinolines. Byrant and Smith have utilized 
pyridine (1) to displace the oxime synthesis equilibrium in the direc- 
tion of completion (for the determination of aldehydes and 
ketones), ^^ (2) for the rapid determination of primary and secondary 
hydroxyl groups by means of acetyl chloride ^^ and (3) for the 
determination of water in organic liquids.^^ 

Pyridyl and quinolyl acrylic acid dibromides have been prepared by 
Alberts and Bachman^^ ^nd their dehalogenation with bases studied. 
Rather curiously the original acrylic acids were found to be the principal 
products of the reaction. Pyridylchloroethylene with alkali gives 3- 
pyridylacetylene. The malonic ester grouping has been introduced 
in the 2-position of pyridine with the aim of using it as an intermediate 
for the preparation of pyridyl substituted barbituric acids.®^ Volume 
XV of "Organic Syntheses" contains directions for the preparation of 
1 -methyl-2-py ridone.^^ 

The interesting rearrangement of indoles into quinolines has received 
additional study; condensation products of isatin and malonic acid 
derivatives ®^ and of 3-naphthisatin and ketones ^^ on acid treatment 
give quinolones. The oxido-reduction systems from quinoline- and 
isoquinoline-5,8-hydroquinone have been studied potentiometrically.^ 
5-Benzyl-8-hydroxyquinoline has been prepared by a modified SJcraup's 
reaction for bactericidal tests ^"^ and improvements have been made in 
the Skraup sjoithesis of o-phenanthroline, the ferrous complex of which 
is an excellent oxidation-reduction indicator.^^ l-(2-Quinolyl)-4-allyl 
thiosemicarbazide is a sensitive precipitant for cadmium ion.^^ 

Bromination of a number of aminovaleric acid derivatives results in 
ring closure to give dibrominated a-piperidone derivatives."^^ 

The equilibrium between pyridine, hydrogen, and piperidine has 
been measured and the heat of reaction and accompanying free energy 
change calculated. "^^ Catalytic hydrogenation of several nicotinyl acyl 
methanes results in the formation of a variety of products in which the 
pyridine ring is reduced and the 1,3-diketone moiety hydrogenolyzed.'^^ 
Reduction of carbon dioxide in the presence of piperidine gives N- 
formylpiperidine.'^^ The relative reactivities of nine different 2- and 
2,6-disubstituted piperidines towards butyl bromide have been deter- 
mined."^* Several piperidine and isoquinoline derivatives of tetra- 
hydrophenanthrene have been synthesized.'^^ 

Imidazoles, Pyrimidines and Purines. Much of the synthetic 
work carried out in this group has been motivated by the possibility that 
the compounds prepared might possess pharmacological activity. Higher 
members of the alkyl glyoxalidines have been prepared by an improved 

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Hofmann s)rnthesisJ^ 3-Diethylaminoethoxy derivatives of several 
pyrimidines (and quinazoline) were synthesized by treating the sodium 
salt of the amino alcohol with the chloropyrimidinesJ^ Many S^S'- 
disubstituted barbituric acids have been prepared by an improved pro- 
cedureJ® New types of barbituric acids contain 3-picolyl "^^ and acet- 
anilido®^ groups in the 5-position. Of theoretical interest is the 
preparation of S,5'-diphenylbarbituric acid by condensing benzene and 
alloxan in sulfuric acid.^^ Some thiobarbituric acids have been foimd 
to be powerful hypnotics.^^ 

A new practical synthesis of carnosine, 3-alanyl-Z-histidine, has been 
developed by Sifferd and du Vigneaud.®^ Carbobenzoxy-3-alanine is 
converted to the acid azide which is condensed with the methyl ester of 
Z-histidine to give carbobenzoxycarnosine. Saponification and removal 
of the carbobenzoxy group by catalytic hydrogenation resulted in the 
formation of carnosine. Cystine cyamidene (II) has been prepared 
from a, a'-diguanido-di-(3-thiopropionic acid) and, like analogous 
disulfides, is very labile in alkali.^^ 

HN C=0 

HN = C 




Addition products obtained from aromatic amidines and glyoxal, 
when treated with an aromatic aldehyde and alkali, give compounds 
that are considered to be diphenylhydroxypyrimidines (or benzoyl- 
phenylglyoxalines ) .^5 

Cytosine has been synthesized by the ammonolysis of l,2-dihydro-2- 
keto-4-ethoxypyrimidine, which is obtained by the alkaline treatment of 
2,4-diethoxypyrimidine.^ Various' substituted ethylmercaptopyrimi- 
dines, when treated with chlorine in water, are converted to the sulf ones ; 
these on acid hydrolysis yield the corresponding oxypyrimidines.®^ 

Of considerable importance is the recent work of Levene and Tipson. 
Trityl and tosyl derivatives of thymidine have been prepared and from 
their behavior it has been deduced that the sugar is a furanoside. This 
information offers an explanation for the differences in the behavior of 
the ribo- and desoxyribonucleic acids. Structures have been assigned 
to these acids which are in agreement with the facts.®® In the partial 
synthesis of nucleotides, inosine is converted to the monoacetone inosine, 
which, on phosphorylation and subsequent hydrolysis, yields hy^o- 
xanthine-S-phosphoribofuranoside, which is claimed to be identical with 
muscle inosinic acid.®® 

A new method for the estimation of purines in tissues has been pro- 
posed®^ and improvements in the micromethods for the determination 
of uric acid, creatinine, and allantoin have been described.®^ 

Some properties of hepatoflavin ®2 and of imidazole flavianates ®^ 
have been studied and the titration constants of a number of imidazoles 

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have been determined.®* A systematic study of the equilibria between 
formaldehyde and histidine or histamine has been developed.^^ Heats 
of combustion,®^ heat capacities and entropies ^"^ of naturally occurring 
purines have been reported. Of considerable practical importance is 
the description of the preparation of the pure purines. 

Quinazolines, Piperazines and other Nitrogen Ring Systems. In 
order to study their physiological effects, quinazoline derivatives have 
been synthesized ®8 that are structurally related to some of the angostura 
alkaloids. 2-Veratryl-6,7-dimethoxyquinazoline, which is structurally 
related to papaverine, has also been prepared.®® This work also 
includes some fundamental information on the chemistry of quinazoline. 
2,4-Dichloroquinazoline behaves like a typical imino-chloride and reacts 
with ammonia or methylamine to give the corresponding diamino- 

On the basis of acylation, nitrosation and reduction studies and of a 
new synthesis, Spielman ^®^ has assigned to Troger's base, which is pre- 
pared from />-toluidine and formaldehyde, the tetrahydroquinazoline 

structure (III). Subsequently Wagner ^®2 determined the probable 
mechanism involved in its formation. 

i\r^'-Disubstituted piperazines are obtained by condensing piperazine 
or iV-phenylpiperazine with derivatives of monochloroacetic acid,^®^' ^®* 
with ethylene oxide ^®^ (for the preparation of procaine analogs), and 
with aldehydes, in the presence ^®^ or absence ^®'^ of reducing agents. 
Piperazine adds to the ethylenic linkage of maleic or fumaric esters to 
give piperazino-l,4-bis-(alkyl succinates).^®® 

In very dilute solution y-bromopropyldimethylamine reacts intra- 
molecularly to form the cyclic dimethyltrimethyleneammonium bromide, 
which rearranges slowly to give a linear polymer. The impure diethyl 
analog behaves similarly, although rearranging less readily. Under 
the same conditions cyclic salts with alkyl groups higher than ethyl do 
not change into polymeric products.^®® 

A quinoxaline derivatives^® was formed by the condensation of a 
monomethyl ether of benzoylformoin with o-phenylenediamine and a 
pyrazoline derivative ^^^ by the action of diazomethane on a 1,4- 

Methods have been investigated and developed for preparing Zm-bis- 
triazoloquinone and quinones of the benzo- ^^^ and naphthotriazole^ Some of these products were studied potentiometrically and 

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the bearing of the results on the fine structure of the triazole ring 

An interpretation of the reversible oxidation-reduction exhibited by 
certain phenazines has been presented,^^* and the mechanism of the 
chemiluminescence of 3-aminophthalhydrazide investigated. ^^^ 

Miscellaneous Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Sulfur-Containing Rings. 
Certain carbocyanine dyes containing the chain =CHC(CH3) =CH — 
can now be prepared by the new method of heating, in a basic medium, 
a quaternary salt of a heterocyclic ammonium base containing a reactive 
methyl group.^^^ Improvements have been made in the old methods 
for making these dyes ^^^ and the 2'-cyanines,ii8 and many new types 
containing the oxazole, thiazole, selenazole and pyridine rings were 
S)^thesized. Optical and photographic properties of many of these 
new dyes are recorded.^^* 

Phenylated benzoxazoles ^^o were prepared from o- and />-hydroxy- 
diphenyls and converted into azo dyes. These dyes were examined 
spectroscopically and a study made of their tinctorial properties.^^i 
Nitrostilbenes or their components are converted by alcoholic ammonia 
into isoxazoline oxides, which are considered to be intermediates in 
the formation ©f triphenylisoxazol derivatives by the Knoevenagel 
reaction.^22 iV-Acyl-Z-aminoethanols yield A^-oxazolines under condi- 
tions favoring dehydration and A^-thiazolines when heated with phos- 
phorus pentasulfide.^23 

Anils are intermediate products in the formation of benzothiazoles 
from either o-aminothiophenol, its zinc salt or the disulfide. ^^4 Con- 
densation products of the indirubin type are obtained by the interaction 
of 2-methylbenzothiazoles with isatin or certain of its derivatives. 
Isatin a-chlorides give either a- or ^-condensations, depending upon 
the experimental conditions. As dyes, these products proved to be of 
little value.^2^ Fluorinated thiazoles ^^6 and aryl substituted thiazoli- 
dones ^^7 have been synthesized. Alkylation of any of the latter pro- 
duces two isomeric products, the structures of which were determined. 

Dithiazanes are formed when methylene dihalides react with thiourea, 
monoarylthioureas and l,5-diaryldithiobiurets.^28 Perthiocyanic acid 
reacts with a number of o-substituted aromatic amines to give fused side 
rings.129 A practical method for the preparation of rhodamine has 
been reported. ^^^ 

Sultams of the camphor series are prepared by dehydration of certain 
i\r-phenylaminocamphanesulfonic acids.^^^ 

Vitamin Bi. Intense activity and* competition and considerable 
progress have marked the study of the structure of vitamin Bi by the 
group of collaborators, namely, Williams, Clarke, Buchman, Winter- 
steiner, Gurin, Ruehle, Waterman, and Keresztesy at Columbia Uni- 
versity. Analyses of the purified crystalline hydrochloride, which has 
been made available in comparatively large amounts ^^^ agree best, 
when calculated as the base, with the formula Ci2HieN40S,^33 in 
agreement with the formula adopted earlier by Windaus, Tschesche, 

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and Ruhkopf.^34 The absorption of vitamin Bi in the ultra-violet region 
of the spectrum, has been described by a number of groups of workers 
but the results differed, usually in detail. Ultra-violet absorption of the 
purified hydrochloride in either aqueous or alcoholic solution is now 
reported ^^s to occur as two bands, one at 235 ji and the other at 267 \i. 
Evidence for the presence of an amino and an aliphatic hydroxyl 
group is obtained by heating the vitamin with hydrochloric acid; the 
amino group is hydrolyzed and the —OH is replaced by non-ionic 





In the degradative studies ingenious use was made of the observation 
that sulfurous acid as a preservative against bacterial decay of rice 
polish extracts resulted in a rapid loss of their antineuritic activity. 
Careful examination of this curious reaction yielded fruitful results. 
When vitamin Bi is subjected to the action of sulfurous acid at />H S a 
rapid scission into two fragments, one acidic (IV) and the other basic 
(V) is effected. ^^^ The basic product (V), which is an oil, was 

C«H,.N,OS + H,SO,- 

► C,H,N,SO, + CeH.NOS 
(IV) (V) 

converted into a number of crystalline salts and on treatment with p- 
nitrobenzoyl chloride yields a /^-nitrobenzoate, which still exhibits basic 
properties. This is considered to be evidence for the presence of an 
— OH group and of a tertiary nitrogen atom in (V). Additional 
evidence in favor of this view was secured by converting (V) into an 
organic chloro compound by heating with hydrochloric acid [CgHgNSO 
-^CgHgNSCl (VII)] and into a methiodide, which, with alkali, does 
not regenerate an ether soluble base. Oxidation of (V) with nitric 
acid gives a sulfur-containing acid (VI) [(C4H4NS)-C2H40H 
-»(C4H4NS)-COOH (VI)], which proved to be identical with the 
acid obtained by Windaus, et al,^^'^ by direct nitric acid oxidation of 
vitamin Bj. From a consideration of this information, together with 
the optical inactivity of (V) and the absence of iodoform when subjected 
to alkali and iodine, it was inferred that (V) is a tertiary heterocyclic 
base with a 3-hydroxyethyl side chain.^^^ The behavior of the vitamin 
and the basic cleavage product (V) toward alkali plumbite, toward 
bromine and toward nitric acid suggests that they are derivatives of 
thiazole;^^^ absorption spectra also support this deduction.^*^ The 
nitric acid product (VI), therefore, was expected to be a thiazole- 
carboxylic acid, and work in the characterization of this was facilitated, 
as its properties agreed closely with those of the known 4-methylthiazole- 
5-carboxylic acid. Comparison of the methyl ester of this thiazole with 
the methyl ester of (VI) showed them to be identical.^^® Tomlinson 

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has also reported that the s)rnthetic thiazolecarboxylic acid is identical 
with (VI).^^^ In view of this result the basic cleavage product (V) of 
the vitamin was expected to be 4-methyl-5-3-hydroxyethylthiazole 
(VIII), and this was rigorously established by the syntheses of (VII) 
and (VIII) and the comparison of their properties with those obtained 
from the natural products.^^® 








C N- 




C ^N 











c — s 



Although there can be no question as to the structure of the thiazole 
portion of the vitamin, there remains some doubt as to the constitution 
of the other fragment. In addition to the thiazole, sulfite treatment of 
the vitamin gives a practically quantitative yield of a crystalline "amino 
sulfonic acid" (IV) and this on hydrolysis with concentrated hydro- 
chloric acid liberates ammonia and gives an "oxysulfonic acid." Since 
the chemical characteristics are similar to those of cyclic amidines and 
the absorption spectra in particular resemble those of 4-amino- 
pyrimidines (in contrast to those of 2-aminopyrimidines) (IV) is con- 
sidered to be a 4-aminopyrimidine.^^3 The following tentative structure 
for vitamin Bi hydrochloride which is consistent with all of the above 
data has been proposed by Williams.^^^ Inspection of this formula 


shows the presence of quaternary nitrogen and evidence in favor 
of this has been obtained by titrative^*^ as well as by comparative 
chemical studies.^^® However, evidence in regard to the presence of 

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an ethyl group (or two methyls) or the position to which it and the 
thiazole group are attached is lacking. Windaus, et al}^^ favor a 
structure which differs from that of Williams only by having methyl 
groups attached to the (2) and (6) positions in place of the ethyl group 
in the (6) position, since they believe such a structure accounts more 
easily for the formation of a nitric acid oxidation product, C7H11N3O5 
(ethyl ester), which has not yet been characterized. 

Attempts to s)rnthesize the "pyrimidine" portion of vitamin Bi have 
also been made. Robinson and Tomlinson ^^^ and Buchman ^*2 inde- 
pendently have S3mthesized 4,S-diamino-6-ethylpyrimidine. Johnson 
and Litzinger^^^ have described some of the properties of uracil-S- 
methylamine, which they believe will be of interest in the development 
of the chemistry of vitamin Bj. 


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106. Forsee, W. T., Jr., and Pollard, C. B., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1788 (1935). 

107. Forsee. W. T., Jr., and Pollard, C. B., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 2363 (1935). 

108. Pollard, C. B., Bain, J. P., and Adelson, D. E., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 199 


109. Gibbs, C. F., and M*arvel, C. S., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1137 (1935). 

110. Blatt, A. H., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1103 (1935). 

111. Fieser, L. F., and Hartwell, J. L., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. 57: 1479 (1935). 

112. Fieser, L. F., and Martin, E. L., 7. Am. Chem. Soc. ST: IMS (1935). 

113. Fieser, L. F., and Martin, E. L., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1844 (1935). 

114. Michaelis, L., Chem. Rev.. 16: 243 (1935). 

115. Hards, L., and Parker, A. S., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1^39 (1935). 

116. Brooker, L. G. S., and White, F. L., 7. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 547 (1935). 

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117. Brooker, L. G. S., and White, F. L., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2480 (1935). 

118. Brooker, L. G. S., and Keyes, G. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2488 (1935). 

119. Brooker, L. G. S., Keyes, G. H., and White, F. L., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2492 

12a Mikeska, V. J., and Bogert, M. T., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2121 (1935). 

121. Mikeska, V. J., and Bogert, M. T., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2513 (1935). 

122. Worrall, D. E., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2299 (1935). 

123. Wenker, H., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1079 (1935). 

124: Bogert, M. T., and Naiman, B., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1529 (1935). 

125. Naiman, B., and Bogert, M. T., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1660 (1935). 

126. Wetherill, J. P., and Hann, R. M., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1752 (1935). 

127. Davis, J. A., and Dains, F. B., /. Am. Chem Soc, 57: 2627 (1935). 

128. Underwood, H. G., and Dains, F. B., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1769 (1935). 

129. Underwood, H. G., and Dains, F. B., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1768 (1935). 

130. Julian, P. L., and Sturgis, B. M., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1126 (1935). 

131. Schreiber, R. S., and Shriner, R. L., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1896 (1935). 

132. Williams, R. R., Waterman, R. E., and Keresztesy, J. C, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1187 


133. Wintersteiner, O., Williams, R. R., and Ruehle, A. E., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 517 


134. Windaus, A., Tschesche, R., and Ruhkopf, H., Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen, Math.- 

Physik. Klasse, 1932: 342. 

135. Buchman, E. R., and Williams, R. R., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1751 (1935). 

136. Williams, R. R., Waterman, R. E., Keresztesy, J. C, and Buchman, E. R., /. 

Am. Chem. Soc, 57; 536 (1935). 

137. Windaus, A., Tschesche, R., and Grewe, R., Z. physioL, Chem., 228: 27 (1934). 

138. Buchman, E. R., Williams, R- R., and Keresztesy, J. C., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 

1849 (1935). 

139. Clarke, H. T., and Gurin, S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1876 (1935). 

140. Ruehle, A. E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1887 (1935). 

141. Tomlinson, M. L., J. Chem. Soc, 1935: 1030. 

142. Buchman, E. R., Private communication. 

143. Williams, R. R., Buchman, E. R., and Ruehle, A. E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1093 


144. Williams, R. R., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 229 (1935). 

145. Williams, R. R., and Ruehle» A. E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1856 (1935). 

146. Windaus, A., Tschesche, R., and Grewe, R., Z. physiol. Chem., 237: 98 (1935). 

147. Robinson, R., and Tomlinson, M. L., J. Chem. Soc, 1935: 1283. 

148. Johnson, T. B., and Litzinger, A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1139 (1935). 

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Chapter XV. 

Lyndon Small, 
University of Virginia 

There has been in recent years a marked and gratifying development 
of interest in the field of natural products among American chemists. 
This is reflected in the increasing number of publications dealing with 
the isolation, structure, and S3mthesis of alkaloids, and with the relation- 
ship between structure and physiological action. The present review 
covers advances in the chemistry of the plant alkaloids in the period 
1933-1935, with additional references to such pharmacological studies 
as are pertinent to the alkaloid groups discussed. 

Ergot Alkaloids. The discovery of a new ergot alkaloid of 
exceptionally high oxytocic power is undoubtedly one of the outstanding 
recent contributions of chemistry to medicine, and it is regrettable that 
the issue of priority has become so prominent. The observation of 
Chassar Moir ^ in 1932 that the water-soluble fraction of certain ergots 
possessed unexpected physiological action on oral administration appears 
to have furnished the stimulus 2 that has led to the isolation of the 
crystalline base, C19H23O2N3, known (in alphabetical order) as ergo- 
basine,^' * ergometrine,*^' ^' ^ ergostetrine or x-alkaloid,^-^^ ^nd ergoto- 
cin, €21^.27^3^ S'^^'^^ The descriptions of the alkaloid published by 
the several investigators agree remarkably well, and the concensus of 
opinion is that the four above-named bases are identical.^. 4» ^* 7' 12, 20 
The physical properties (melting point, optical rotatory power) of the 
new alkaloid appear to be changed by intensive purification ^2 or by pro- 
longed standing of the base in methanol solution, but the change, if a 
structural one, does not greatly affect the physiological action.21 In 
contrast to most other ergot alkaloids, the base yields no ammonia on 
alkaline hydrolysis. The fragments isolated are lysergic acid, and a 
dextrorotatory aminopropanol, thought to be derived from rf-alanine, 
whence it appears that the new alkaloid is probably a hydroxyisopropyl- 
amide of lysergic acid.20 It is related to an isomeric new ergot alka- 
loid, ergometrinine, of which it is a transformation product. This rela- 
tionship recalls the isomeric interconvertible pairs ergotamine — 
ergotaminine and ergotoxine — ergotinine.22 

The most notable advances in our knowledge of the structure of the 
ergot bases have come from the study of the products of hydrolysis. 
Ergotinine, C35H39O5N5, yields on alkaline hydrolysis ammonia, 
lysergic acid (C16H16O2N2), isobutyrylformic acid, and what appears 


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to be a peptide fraction, which can be further hydrolyzed to proline and 
nearly inactive phenylalanine.^^. 24 Isobutyrylformic acid, as the amide, 
was obtained many years ago from destructive distillation of ergotin- 
ine,25 and it is now certain that the degradation product previously 
known as ergine, CieHijONg, is the amide of lysergic acid.^^' 27 jn 
acid hydrolysis of ergotinine, on the other hand, Jacobs and Craig find 
that the lysergic acid portion of the molecule is destroyed, and the 
identifiable fragments are /-phenylalanine, (/-proline methyl ester (after 
esterification), and a peptide of proline and phenylalanine.^^* ^s 

Reductive hydrolysis of ergotinine, with sodium in amyl or butyl 
alcohol, has been very productive. In addition to dihydrolysergic acid, 
C16H18O2N2, the isomeric a and 3-dihydrolysergols, CieH2oON2, are 
formed (provisional formula II), probably by reduction of the lysergic 
acid carboxyl group. With these is found proline methyl ester and a 
series of bases, designated as Bases II, IV, V, and VI.^® Base II, 
C14H20N2, is suggested to be a piperazine resulting from reduction of 
prolylphenylalanine anhydride ; Base IV is probably a substituted piper- 
azine, C10H18N2, from reduction of proline anhydride; Base V, 
C5H11ON, is a hydroxyamine and may be formed by reduction of 
proline or its ester to a-pyrrolidyl carbinol ; Base VI is a phenylpropanol- 
amine, perhaps derived from phenylalanine and probably represents the 
portion of the ergotinine molecule that yields benzoic or /)-nitrobenzoic 
acid in nitric acid oxidations. Ergotinine and, therefore, ergotoxine 
appear to be built up of lysergic acid or its amide, ergine, with proline, 
phenylalanine, and isobutyrylformic acid.^^. so, 31 

Reductive hydrolysis of lysergic acid methyl ester gives dihydro- 
lysergic acid and the epimeric dihydrolysergols, but none of the above- 
mentioned bases, whence it may be inferred that these bases are derived 
from the extra-lysergic acid portions of the ergotinine molecule.^^ The 
degradation fraction, lysergic acid, characteristic of all the ergot alka- 
loids thus far examined by Jacobs and Craig, appears to be a 4-carboline 
type, carrying a carboxyl, AT-methyl, and propylene group, for which 
formula (I) has been advanced tentatively.^^ The nature of the tri- 
carboxylic acid C14H9O8N, and of the acid Ci3H808N2, arising from 
nitric acid oxidation of ergotinine and lysergic acid, respectively, is still 
unknown.30' ^3 The provisional structure suggested for lysergic acid, 


1 H 

/\ /Y-^OOH f\ /\, 




:3H CH 

CH, CH, 

(I) Lysergic acid (11) Epimeric dihydrolysergols 

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3-propenyl-4-methyl-3,4-dihydro-4-carboHne-5-carboxylic acid, has 
already led to the synthesis of similar compounds, e. g., of 3,4,5,6,- 
tetrahydro-4-carboline-5-carboxylic acid and its derivatives, from con- 
densation of trjrptophane and formaldehyde or other aldehydes.^* Ergo- 
clavine, on alkaline hydrolysis, yields ammonia, lysergic acid, isobutyryl- 
formic acid, and leucine, while on acid hydrolysis fractions are obtained, 
which may consist of racemized leucine and hydroxyproline.^s 

With the recognition of the new ergot alkaloid as the most important 
oxytocic principle of ergot, the question of assay and standardization 
arises ^^' ^^ and may affect the value of some of the recent publications 
on ergot assay.^^-^^ The ergot base ergothioneine, long known to be 
present in the blood of the pig, has now been found in urine."** The 
effect of ergotamine tartrate on cerebral circulation has been studied.*^ 

Physostigmine. A complete synthesis of physostigmine *® 
(eserine), based on preliminary syntheses of dZ-desoxyeseroline *'^' *^ 
and dZ-eserethole *® has been accomplished by Julian and Pikl. N- 
Methylphenetedine was condensed with a-bromopropionyl bromide, and 
the resulting analide converted to l,3-dimethyl-5-hydroxyindole by 
heating with aluminum chloride. After ethylation, this product was 
condensed with chloroacetonitrile and reduced at the nitrile group to 
the primary amine, l,3-dimethyl-3-B-aminoethyl-5-ethoxyoxindole. The 
amino group was methylated by Decker's method, and the methylamino 
compound then resolved with rf-camphorsulfonic and rf-tartaric acids. 
The levo form, reduced with sodium and alcohol, gave Z-eserethole, 
identical with that derived from physostigmine. By dealkylation to 
Z-eseroline and treatment with methyl isocyanate, Z-physostigmine was 
obtained.*^ Antagonistic action of physostigmine with barbiturates and 
with nicotine has been studied.^^ 

Vasicine. In an attack on the structural problem of vasicine 
(peganine), the 4-hydroxy-3-allyl-3,4-dihydroquinazoline formula sug- 
gested by Spath and Nikawitz ^^ was first shown to be incorrect by 
synthesis of 3-allyl-3,4-dihydroquinazoline, which proved to be different 
from desoxyvasicine.^2 xhe correct desoxyvasicine formula was demon- 
strated to be 2,3-trimethylene-3,4-dihydroquinazoline by synthesis,^^ 
establishing the vasicine skeleton. The 4-keto derivatives of vasicine 
and of desoxjrvasicine were prepared by oxidation, and 4-ketodesoxy- 
vasicine synthesized for structural proof. Oxidized desoxyvasicine 
yielded with lead tetraacetate a hydroxy derivative identical with 
oxidized vasicine, a fact indicating that the vasicine hydroxyl group is 
on the methylene group attached to the 2-carbon atom.^* This conclu- 
sion is confirmed by the complete vasicine synthesis of Spath.^^ 

Nicotine Types. Investigations concerned with the existence of 
a toxifore grouping in nicotine have led to improved methods for the 
synthesis of nornicotine and nicotine.^^ a-Substituted-iV-methylpyr- 
rolidines can be prepared in good yields by the application of suitable 
reduction methods to the corresponding a-substituted-iV-methylpyrro- 
lines.^"^' ^® The toxicity of a number of these compounds for goldfish 

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and in insect sprays has been compared ; the most negative a-substituents 
cause the greatest increase in toxicity. a-Nicotihe [a-(a-pyrridyl)- 
iV-methylpyrrolidine] and a-nornicotine were likewise synthesized for 
these toxicity studies.^®' ^^ The observation that partial detoxication of 
nicotine occurs during ultraviolet irradiation has been confirmed, but 
over-radiation restores the toxicity. No reasonable amount of irradia- 
tion will detoxify nicotine.®^' ^^ Attempts to dehydrogenate nicotine with 
sulfur in boiling toluene resulted in the formation of thioditiicotyrine, 
together with a small amount of nicotyri'ne.^^ Anabasine (3-pyridyl- 
a-piperidine) has been found in Nicotiana glauca R. Grab, in amounts 
up to one percent ^^ and the wild plant may serve as a good source of 
this valuable insecticide. The physical constants of very pure anabasine 
have been carefully measured,®^ and several investigations have been 
conducted on the pharmacological action and toxicity of anabasine and 

Cinchona Alkaloids. In the cinchona group an interesting search 
is being made at the Mellon Institute for derivatives of cinchona alka- 
loids which may be less toxic and more effective than optochin in the 
treatment of pneumonia. A large number of compounds have been 
prepared and examined for pneumococcidal value. Isoquinine and 
hydroxyethylhydrocupreine are less toxic than optochin, and are mod- 
erately effective.''^ Ethylapoquinine has given some favorable results,'^^ 
indicating that the apoquinine series may be important. The a- and 
|3-apocupreines have been prepared by treatment of quinine with hydro- 
chloric and sulfuric acids; they show a fairly high pneumococcidal 
effect in vitro, and a protective power in mice similar to that of opto- 
chin, together with low toxicity. "^^ A conversion of several cinchona 
alkaloids to the corresponding cinchona ketones by the action of sodium 
amide has been reported.''* The form and optical properties of the 
crystals of a large number of cinchonine salts,''^ and the solubilities 
of cinchonine derivatives '^^ have been studied. Quinine sulfate is 
found to crystallize with eight molecules of water, but this form is 
unstable and gradually breaks down to the dihydrate. No evidence is 
found for the existence of the previously-reported heptahydrate.'^'^'^^ 
The frequent adulteration of illicit narcotics with cinchonine and strych- 
nine has necessitated the development of methods for the separation 
and identification of these two alkaloids in such mixtures.^*^' ^^ 

Opium Alkaloids. The research units engaged with the problem 
of addiction to the drugs of the morphine group have reported some 
progress on the study of the relationship between constitution and 
physiological action.^^ gy the application of special hydrogenation 
technique to the morphine and codeine isomers of the pseudocodeine 
type, the dihydro derivatives of 3- and Y-isomorphines,^^, 84 Qf pseudo- 
and allopseudocodeines,®^' ^^ and of pseudocodeine methyl ether ^7 
have been made available for pharmacological study. The comparison 
of sixteen closely related drugs is thus possible, for observation of the 
pharmacodynamic result of methylation of the phenolic hydroxyl^ of 

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saturation of the alicyclic double bond, and of changes in position or 
configuration of the alcoholic hydroxyl. The effect of these changes 
on blood pressure,^®' ®® on respiration,®^- ^^ on intestinal action,®2-95 as 
well as on toxicity, analgesia, and general depressant action has been 
measured.^-®® The general similarity of the two drugs codeine and 
allopseudocodeine, and of the pair isocodeine and pseudocodeine in 
respect to physiological action leads to the conclusion that in the first- 
named pair of positional isomers, the alcoholic hydroxyl probably has 
the same configuration and in the last-named pair, the opposite con- 

Extensive studies have been carried out to ascertain the part played 
by the alcohol hydroxyl group in the picture of morphine physio- 
logical action. To this end, compounds were prepared in which the 
alcoholic group of morphine and codeine, or the isomers and their 
dihydro derivatives, was covered by a methyl ®® or acetyl group, con- 
verted to a carbonyl group,^^^ or replaced entirely by hydrogen.^^^-^^ 
The inevitable conclusion reached from the investigation of a consider- 
able series of such derivatives is that the alcoholic hydroxyl group as 
present in the morphine series exerts an inhibiting influence with 
respect to most physiological effects. With its replacement or conver- 
sion to another chemical type, marked increase in toxicity, general 
depression, and especially analgesia is seen, combined with a decrease 
in emetic effect. The maximum narcotic effect is realized in drugs 
having the free phenolic hydroxyl and a masked or eliminated alco- 
holic hydroxyl, as desoxycodeine-C, dihydrodesoxymorphine-D, hetero- 
codeine, dihydroheterocodeine, a-acetylmorphine, and dihydromorphi- 
none.^^^-^^^ Information concerning the relative importance of groups 
located at 6- and 8-positions in the morphine molecule, with elimination 
of the influence of asymmetry at these points has been obtained through 
the study of the isomeric pairs, dihydrocodeinone (Dicodid) and 
dihydropseudocodeinone, dihydromorphinone (Dilaudid) and dihydro- 
isomorphinone. Comparison of the physiological action of these sub- 
stances leads to the conclusion that a functional group located on C-6 
is in some respects about ten times as effective as the same group on 
(;;_3ioo The presence 'of the tertiary nitrogen atom of morphine and 
codeine seems to be essential for the typical morphine effects. Trans- 
formation to the quaternary ammonium salts results in a marked dimi- 
nution in pharmacological action, and in the appearance of the well- 
known curare-like action of quaternary ammonium compounds.^^^ 
While an extensive discussion of non-alkaloidal material can not be 
included in this review, attention should be drawn to the fact that 
several of the phenanthrene derivatives synthesized by Mosettig and his 
co-workers show a surprising similarity in effect to some of the mor- 
phine derivatives.®^. ii3 it should be especially noted that the physio- 
logical effectiveness characteristic of groups in the 3- and 6-positions 
of the morphine molecule is likewise observed in the phenanthrene 
series, and the changes in physiological action resulting from modifi- 

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cation of such groups in the morphine series are roughly paralleled in 
the phenanthrene derivatives. 

The researches on the preparation of morphine substitutes have long 
since reached the stage where the development of reliable clinical meth- 
ods for determining the degree of tolerance and addiction in man is 
imperative. This phase of the work is being conducted by the United 
States Public Health Service. In this connection the addiction liability of 
codeine, isocodeine, pseudocodeine, and Dilaudid has been studied; all 
of these drugs are foimd to be definitely habit-forming in man.^^*"^^^ 

Gross and Pierce conclude from the effects of morphine on the 
oxygen consumption of brain tissue that morphine administered subcu- 
taneously stimulates rather than depresses brain tnetabolism.^^'^ Numer- 
ous investigations have been carried out on excretion,^^®, 119 toler- 
ance, ^20, 121 and the effect of morphine on circulation, intestinal activity, 
and acidosis,^22-i25 ^nd the effect of Dilaudid on the intestine has like- 
wise been rather extensively studied.^^*- 126-129 

Reduction of pseudocodeine electrolytically or with sodium in alco- 
hol, yields the phenolic isomers dihydropseudocodeine-B and -C, respec- 
tively. These isomers differ only in the location of the alicyclic 
unsaturation, and can be degraded to the corresponding isomeric meth- 
ine bases.13^ The mechanism advanced to account for the appearance 
of these isomers led to the search for analogous isomers in the sup- 
posedly homogeneous reduction product from desoxycodeine-C and 
a-chlorocodide, namely, dihydrodesoxycodeine-A. It could be demon- 
strated that this substance consists of a mixture of dihydrodesoxyco- 
deines -B and -C, differing likewise only in the location of the unsatu- 
rated linkage, and crystallizing together in practically constant pro- 
portion, ^^i 

The alkylthiocodides are formed by mercaptolysis of the halogeno- 
codides, a process parallel to the hydrolysis of these compounds. 
a-Ethylthiocodide undergoes an internal rearrangement to the phenolic 
3-ethylthiocodide, a reaction demonstrably analogous to the rearrange- 
ment of codeine methyl ether to thebainone methyl enolate. 3-Ethyl- 
thiocodide and thebainone methyl enolate both undergo hydrolysis to 
the true thebainone. The so-called y-ethylthiocodide is in reality only 
an oxide of 3-ethylthiocodide, and 8-ethylthiocodide is an ethylthio 
analog of pseudocodeine methyl ether. 1^2 jjig metathebainone ques- 
tion has been studied with the object of obtaining positive evidence for 
the Schopf formula. The series of metathebainone reduction products 
obtained supports the 9,14-position postulated for the ethanamine side 
chain, the synthesis of a tetrahydrodesoxymetacodeine different from 
tetrahydrodesoxycodeine being particularly convincing.^^a 

The structure of pseudomorphine is one of the problems of morphine 
chemistry that still awaits final solution, and upon which investigation 
is still in progress. As a step in this direction, the oxidation of phe- 
nolic bases of the morphine series was undertaken, a-, 3-, Y-Isomor- 
phines, dihydro-y-isomorphine, dihydromorphine, heterocodeine, and 

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dihydrodesoxymorphine-D yield dimolecular oxidation products simi- 
lar to pseudomorphine. The point of union of the two nuclei still 
awaits demonstration. ^34 jt jg quite certain that any of the morphine 
substitutes used in medical practice having the free (or easily freed) 
phenolic hydroxyl group, as Dilaudid or heroin, will give dimolecular 
products of similar properties, so that specific tests for morphine rely- 
ing on pseudomorphine formation can be used only with caution. Tests 
for pseudomorphine, preparative methods, and pharmacological data 
have been published. ^^5, i36 The need for large quantities of mor- 
phenol or methylmorphenol for the study of the physiological action 
of simple substitution products (especially amino alcohols) has led to 
the development of a greatly improved technique for the degradation 
of morphine, of which the unique feature is the decomposition of a- or 
3-methylmorphimethines in the presence of sodium cyclohexanolate.^^'^ 
A large number of salts of codeine with benzoic acid and its derivatives 
have been prepared and described, and may be added to the already 
very numerous known salts of this important alkaloid.^^® A similar 
series of benzoates of strychnine has likewise been published.^39 Codeine 
phosphate, crystallized from water, consists entirely of the sesqui- 

The opium alkaloids, narceine and narcotine, have been reinvesti- 
gated, especially with the view of verifying the identity of opium nar- 
ceine with that prepared from narcotine quaternary alkylates. The 
results obtained confirm this identity, and indicate that the generally 
accepted substituted desoxybenzoin formula for narceine is correct.^*^ 
A study of the hydrolysis, alcoholysis, and ammonolysis of narcotine 
and hydrastine alkyl salts has led to the proposal of a new mechanism 
to explain these reactions. The mechanism advanced, which involves 
formation of a highly unstable intermediate resulting from opening of 
two rings in the quaternary ammonium salt, is supported by the fact 
that the reaction between narcotine methyl salts and HA reagents 
always produces salts of narceine derivatives.^^^ ^^w contributions to 
the pharmacology of narcotine ^^^ and hydrastine and related alka- 
loids ^** have appeared. 

Several assay procedures have been reported for opium ;i*5-i47 the 
International Committee method appears to be less satisfactory in sev- 
eral respects than the Group Committee method recommended for adop- 
tion in U. S. P. XI. Analytical procedures for the detection of very 
small amounts of morphine and heroin have been worked out, especially 
for these drugs in saliva ("race horse doping") and in the notorious 
"Red Pills" which have lately appeared in the illicit narcotic mar- 

Miscellaneous Alkaloids. A new synthesis of racemic pseudo- 
ephedrine, based on the a, 3-dibromoether synthesis of Boord, has been 
developed, and provides a good method for the preparation of an 
extended series of substituted ephedrine derivatives. i"^ An investiga- 
tion of the crystalline forms of ephedrine shows it to exist in an anhy- 

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drous form of m. p. 38.1°, and as a hemihydrate of m. p. 40°. The two 
forms give a eutectic mixture melting at 32.1°.^^^ The effect of ephe- 
drine on coronary circulation i*"*^ and on spinal reflexes of monkeys ^^® 
has been described. 

Additional evidence for the cuscohygrine formula is found in the 
fact that synthetic ethyl- l-methyl-2-pyrrolidine acetate is identical with 
ethylhomohygrinate. This, together with the observation that cusco- 
hygrine does not react with benzaldehyde and gives no iodoform test,^^*^ 
seems to confirm the ^3fm-bis-(l-methylpyrrolidyl) acetone cuscohy- 
grine formula of Liebermann and Cybulski. 

A number of esters of yohimbic acid, the hydrolysis product from 
yohimbine, have been described, in particular, esters with ethylene- 
glycol, trimethyleneglycol, glycerol, ethyl enechlorohydr in, trimethylene 
chlorohydrin, and cetyl and benzyl alcohols.^^^* ^^^ Weinberg ^^^ has 
studied the pressor action of yohimbine and quebrachine. 

In the caffeine series a variety of new 8-ethers have been prepared 
from 8-chloro- and 8-bromocaffeine.^^i Several of these were con- 
verted by the method of Biltz to the corresponding trimethyl-9-substi- 
tuted uric acids.^^^ Utilizing the acid anhydride method of Boehringer 
Sons, 8-alkylcaffeines were prepared by replacing the 8-hydrogen with 
alkoxyl and heating with the acid anhydride containing the desired alkyl 
residue. ^^3 

Assay procedures, which can be only mentioned here, have been pub- 
lished for cinchona,^^* hyoscyamus,^^**'^^"^ Ma Huang,^^® Washington 
belladonna,^^^ and for strychnine alkaloids in strychnine sulfate.^*^^ 
Among analytical methods may be cited those for cocaine in the pres- 
ence of procaine,^^^' ^^^ for strychnine and brucine as hydroferrocyan- 
ides or dichromates,^^^' ^^^ for the aconite alkaloids,^"^^' ^'^^ and for 
ephedrine,^"^"^ as well as general analytical procedures and reagents 
applicable to whole groups of alkaloids.^"^**-^^^ See also under the 
opium alkaloids. 

New Alkaloids. From Lupimis Corymbosis Heller a new alkaloid, 
hexalupine, C15H20ON2, has been isolated. Lnpinus Palmeri S. Wats, 
yields lupinine and the new bases tetralupine, CioHjgON, and penta- 
lupine, Ci6H3oON2.-^^^ The toxic principle of Crotolaria spectabilis 
Roth has been identified as an alkaloid, monocrotaline, to which the 
formula Ci6H260eN is tentatively assigned.^^"^ The Chinese drug han- 
fang-chi, probably from Cocculiis japonicus (Hoffman and Schultes), 
a diuretic and cathartic, contains about two percent of alkaloids, the 
main constituent being C38H420eN2, probably identical with tetran- 
dine.^^^ The tonic and antipyretic drug chin-shih-hu, a mixture of 
several Dendrobimn species contains (Szechuan variety) chiefly den- 
drobine, CieH2502N, an alkaloid having a slight antipyretic and 
depressor action.^^^* ^^^ The pharmacological action of peimine and 
peiminine, first isolated in 1932 from the drug Pei Mu, has been inves- 
tigated.^®^ From Ceanothus velutinns bark a new alkaloid, C23H26O4N2, 
has been obtained.^^^ Coptis occidentalis Salisbury (Western Golden- 

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thread) is found to contain about the same amounts of coptine and 
berberine as Coptis trifolia, and is a more abundant source of these 
alkaloids.^^3 Investigation of Datura innoxia Miller shows it to con- 
tain only /-scopolamine.^®* From wu chii 3^11 (Evodia rutaecarpa), 
in addition to the known alkaloids rutaecarpine and evodiamine, the 
new base wuchuyine, C13H13O2N, has been isolated. The indifferent 
compound evodin, for which Keimatsu found C18H22O6, appears to 
have the formula C26H3o08.^®^ 


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Chapter XVI. 
Food Chemistry. 

Caroline C. Sherman and Henry C. Sherman, 
Department of Chemistry, Cohmtbia University. 

Arrangement of this Review. We here take up, first, the indi- 
vidual chemical entities important in foods; second, chemical investi- 
tions of food commodities; and, finally, investigations of certain rela- 
tions of food to health and longevity, in some of which the experimental 
variables have been individual elements and in others have been natural 
articles of food. 

Carbohydrates and their Enzymes. Continuing their well- 
known investigations, Taylor ^' ^ has contributed further to the chem- 
istry of starch ; Caldwell 3' * to the chemistry of the amalyses ; and 
Nelson^ to that of the invertases (sucrases). Kertesz ^'"^ has stud- 
ied the relations of viscosity and water concentration to invertase action. 
Spoehr and Milner ^ have entered a practically new area of research 
in their studies of the starches of leaves, the first results of which have 
appeared toward the end of the year under review. Bendana and 
Lewis ® find inulin to be utilized, by the growing rat, as a supplemen- 
tary source of energy; but distinctly inferior to sucrose or fructose as 
a sole dietary carbohydrate. 3-Lactose has been officially "accepted" 
by the American Medical Association ;^^ and Cajori ^^ has determined 
a number of the properties of intestinal lactase. 

The nutritive value of lactose in man has been studied, from the 
viewpoints both of the normal chemistry of nutrition and of medicine, 
by Koehler, Rapp, and Hill.^^ 

In comparisons of the nutritional responses to different sugars, the 
year has brought interesting reports. Feyder,^^ experimenting with 
rats, found that sucrose has a significantly greater fattening effect than 
dextrose; and Whittier, Cary, and Ellis ^* (who employed both rats 
and pigs) found that lactose was less fattening than sucrose and more 
favorable both to growth and longevity. Carruthers and Lee ^^ find 
maltose to be the main product of the action of muscle amylase upon 
glycogen. Olmsted, Curtis, and Timm ^^ have studied the feeding of 
pentosans and cellulose (fiber) to man. 

Fats, Lipoids, and Lipases. Hughes and Wimmer ^'^ find no 
increase in the amount of soluble, volatile fatty acids present as glycer- 
ides in the thoracic lymph during the digestion of fats which contain 
such acids, indicating that the utilization of these acids as food follows 


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a different path from that of the insoluble fatty acids. Lepkovsky, 
Ouer, and Evans ^® found that, when lard was saponified and its dis- 
tilled fatty acids esterified with glycerol to form "synthetic" lard, this 
was as satisfactory for the normal growth of rats as the original lard, 
whether fed as 25 or 60 percent of the diet. When the free fatty acids 
were fed alone or merely mixed with glycerol the results were good at 
the 25 percent, but somewhat inferior at the 60 percent level. The 
methyl and ethyl esters were satisfactory substitutes for the glycerides 
at the lower but not at the higher level. 

Using the rat as experimental animal, Olcott, Anderson, and Men- 
del ^® have studied the influence of cereal diets upon the composition 
of the body fat. 

Ward, Lockwood, May, and Herrick 20 have described the production 
of fat from glucose by molds, and especially the large-scale cultivation 
of PeniciUium javanicum for this purpose. 

Hileman and Courtney ^i have studied the seasonal variations in 
lipase content of milk. 

Mattill and Olcott 22 have continued their investigation of antioxi- 
dants and the autooxidation of fats. Weber and King^s have studied 
the specificity and inhibition characteristics of liver esterase and of 
pancreatic lipase. Sure, Kik, and Buchanan ^^ find that a deficiency 
of vitamin B or of the vitamin B complex markedly reduces the lipase 
and esterase activity of pancreas extracts. Falk and McGuire^^ find 
patterns of relative hydrolyzing actions upon ten esters which are 
different for the lung tissues of normal and of rachitic rats, whereas 
no corresponding differences were found in kidney or liver tissues. 
Boyd 26 finds that in man the taking of food under normal conditions 
does not cause great variations in the concentration of plasma lipids. 

Schoenheimer and Rittenberg have prepared stearic acid 6-7-9- 10d4 
from linoleic acid and deuterium,^^ described methods of following its 
fate in the body,^^ and shown that the fatty acid radicals thus tagged 
with heavy hydrogen were largely carried to the fat depots before 
undergoing catabolism.^^ Similarly, coprostanone 4-5d2 has been pre- 
pared and studied as an intermediate in sterol metabolism.^® 

Sinclair has continued his studies of the phospholipids and found rela- 
tively constant ratios of solid to liquid fatty acids, regardless of the 
degree of unsaturation of the mixed acids, this depending upon the 
relative proportions of the different unsaturated fatty acids present.^^ 
He also finds further evidence of the selection and retention of imsatu- 
rated fatty acids by the phospholipids of animal tissues ;32 ^nd of 
the existence in the body of at least two classes of phospholipids: (1) 
those essential to the structure of the cell, and (2) those fimctioning 
as intermediates in the metabolism of fat. The former tend to con- 
tain the more highly unsaturated, the latter the less highly unsaturated, 
fatty acids.^^ 

Amino Acids, Food Proteins and Proteases. The "unknown 
essential amino acid" of Rose and his coworkers is now 8*'^*^'^® 

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reported to be an a-amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid; the second 
"unknown essential" referred to in previous work was found to be 
isoleucine. CitruUine and hydroxyglutamic acid are definitely shown 
to be non-essential, since satisfactory growth has been secured on 
highly purified diets devoid of both of these amino acids. 

The observation of Boyd and Mover ^"^ that more diazotized 
arsanilic acid couples with proteins than can be accounted for by the 
histidine and tyrosine present, remains unexplained; the isolation 
(McMeekin ^8) from hydrolyzed protein of a blood pressure depressing 
material, which gives a positive diazo reaction, but is apparently not 
histamine or histidine, may have some bearing on this question. 

The use of potassium trioxalatochromiate, [Cr(C204)3K3], as a 
specific precipitant for glycine,^® and of rhodanilic acid, [Cr(CNS)4- 
(C6H5NH2)2H], for proline,*^ has enabled Bergmann*^ to speculate 
concerning the structure of gelatin. Patton *^ reports new data on the 
glycine contents of a large number of proteins, as determined by the 
colorimetric method which he has developed. 

The sulfur-containing amino acids continue to be the subject of 
extensive researches in many laboratories, both from the viewpoint 
of their structural significance in proteins generally and in specific 
substances of special biological interest, and in their rather unique 
interrelationships as indispensable dietary factors. Evidence for the 
existence in proteins of at least two other forms of sulfur than cystine 
and methionine has been discussed by Blumenthal and Clarke *2 ; one 
of these yields sulfate on treatment with bromine water, and sulfide 
with alkaline plumbite, while the other yields sulfate on boiling with 
nitric acid, but fails to respond to plumbite. 

A number of sulfur-containing compounds of interest have been 
synthesized by du Vigneaud and his associates; crystalline cystinyldi- 
glycine and benzylcysteinylglycine have been obtained and their identity 
with the products isolated from glutathione has been proved *3; 
homocysteine has been crystallized and converted into the corresponding 
thiolactone ** ; a new synthesis for homocystine, not involving costly 
methionine as starting material, has been described*^; and this sub- 
stance has been resolved into the optically active isomers and their 
configurational relationship to naturally occurring methionine estab- 

The next higher homologs of homocystine and methionine, pento- 
cystine and homomethionine, respectively, are entirely ineffective in 
replacing cystine for growth,**^ as are also dithioethylamine,*® and the 
hydantoins and phenylhydantoins of cystine and cysteic acid.*^ Diben- 
zoylcystine appeared to show some value for growth on a cystine-defi- 
cient diet.*^ Although rf-cystine appears wholly ineffective in replacing 
/-cystine in nutrition. Dyer and du Vigneaud ^^ found that both d- and 
/-homocystine supported growth in rats on a cystine-deficient diet; and 
Stekol ^"^ observed that Z- and ^/-methionine were equally well retained 
in adult and growing dogs. 

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White and Jackson ^^ found that the feeding of bromobenzene to 
rats in addition to an otherwise growth-promoting diet results in 
growth cessation analogous to that on a cystine-deficient diet ; additional 
supplements of cystine or methionine, but not of taurine or sodium sul- 
fate, permit resumption of growth. The rat is shown to detoxicate 
bromobenzene with the formation of /)-bromophenylmercapturic acid. 
Medes ^^ presents contributory evidence for the theory that cystine sulf- 
oxide may be an intermediate in the metabolism of cystine. Brand, 
Cahill, and their associates ^*' ^^' ^^ have studied the effect of various 
amino acids on the cystine excretion of a cystinuric. A normal cystine 
content of the hair and nails of cystinurics was reported by Lewis and 
Frayser ^"^ ; Hess ^® found an abnormally low cystine value in the 
nails of arthritic individuals. 

Gordon and Jackson ^^ report that amino- A^'-methyltryptophane can 
support growth in rats on a tryptophane-deficient diet, while Bz-3- 
methyltryptophane and Pr-2-methyltryptophane are without appreciable 

Butts, Dimn, and Hallman ®^ observed both a glycogenic and a 
ketolytic action following administration to rats of (/-alanine, e/Z-alanine, 
and glycine, the effectiveness of the amino acids in both respects decreas- 
ing in the order named. 

Borsook and Jeffreys ^^ have adapted the Warburg technique to the 
study of the intermediary metabolism of mixtures of natural amino 
acids by surviving slices of rat liver, kidney, diaphragm, spleen, and 
small intestine; space does not permit mention of their interesting 
and significant findings. 

With the discovery that phenylalanine and proline are constituents of 
crystalline insulin, ^^ Jensen and his coworkers have accounted for 
practically all of the molecule, without obtaining any indication of a 
prosthetic group which might explain the unique physiological activity 
of this protein. After treatment of the hormone with phenylisocyanate 
or with a-naphthylisocyanate, only five percent of the potency remains, 
although the sulfur and cystine values are unchanged.®^ xhe inactiva- 
tion by sulfhydryl compounds and by metallic derivatives has also been 

Kunitz and Northrop ^* report the isolation from pancreas of a new 
crystalline zymogen, chymotrypsinogcn, changed by crystalline trypsin 
(but not by enterokinase) to an active proteolytic enzyme, chymotrypsifiy 
which has also been crystallized and which differs somewhat in its 
enzymatic behavior from crystalline trypsin. Both of these new products 
seem to be pure proteins, in which the activity is a property of the 
protein molecule. 

Contrary to the old theory that long chain peptides are the major 
products of the action of pepsin on proteins, Calvery ^^> ^® has confirmed 
his earlier observation that the enzyme (in 8 to 40 days) can hydrolyze 
about one-third of the peptide linkages in crystalline ^gg albumin, and 

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he has shown that free amino acids and dipeptides are among the split 

Methods for the preparation and assay of trypsinogen and enterokinase 
are discussed by Bates and Koch,^^ who conclude that enterokinase 
behaves as a catalyst in activating trypsinogen. Cohn and White,^^ in 
studying the hydrolysis by pepsin and by trypsin of heat-treated and 
raw egg white, obtained indications that the latter contained an anti- 
tryptic agent. Sure, et al.^^' "^^ report a technique for the estimation 
of the tryptic-ereptic activity of pancreatic and intestinal extracts of 
the rat; and note that this activity is unimpaired in deficiency of 
vitamin B or of the vitamin B complex. 

The chemical and configurational requirements for the substrate in 
dipeptidase action have been defined by Bergmann, et al.,'^^ who dis- 
cuss in detail a theory for the mechanism of dipeptidase action. Natural 
papain has been shown to contain two proteolytic systems, a proteinase 
and a new polypeptidase, the former being reversibly inactivated by 
oxidation, the latter irreversibly inactivated. "^2 ^he substrate require- 
ments of the polypeptidase, which have been studied in detail with a 
large number of synthetic peptides, differentiate this enzyme from the 
already known dipeptidase, aminopolypeptidase, and carboxypoly- 
peptidase.'^^' "^^ 

Tyrosinase has been studied by Graubard and Nelson,*^^* "^^ who define 
a new unit of activity and present evidence that the same enzyme 
catalyzes the oxidation of both mono- and di-hydric phenols. The 
activafion of arginase by metals has been studied by Hellerman and 
Perkins,"^"^ who have also observed hydrolysis of arginine in the absence 
of arginase by crystalline urease with suitable metallic ions. 

Quantitative aspects of the nutritive efficiency of proteins and of the 
protein requirement in nutrition. While space does not permit of its 
full discussion here, mention should be made of the extended work of 
Smuts "^^ (under the direction of, and prepared for publication by, 
H. H. Mitchell at the University of Illinois) upon the relation between 
the basal energy metabolism and the endogenous nitrogen metabolism, 
with particular reference to the estimation of the maintenance require- 
ment for protein. In the same laboratory, the metabolic nitrogen of 
the feces of the rat, swine, and man has been investigated by Schneider "^^ 
from the viewpoint of dividing it into a "digestive fraction," which 
varies directly with the quantity of food consumed, and the true 
"endogenous nitrogen," which is independent of the food consumed. 
Mason and Palmer ^^ report comparative experiments upon the nutri- 
tional efficiency of casein, gelatin, and zein for maintenance in adult 
rats. "The percentage retention (of nitrogen) calculated by McCol- 
lum's method averaged 74 for casein, 23 for gelatin, and 57 for zein. 

The percentage retention increased as less protein was ingested, 

even though it was never fed above the endogenous level." The original 
article must be consulted for full interpretation. In a carefully con- 
trolled series of experiments, Forbes and his coworkers ^^ observed a 

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progressively increasing efficiency of utilization of food energy for 
growth in rats as the percentage of protein (casein) in the diet was 
increased from 10 to 25 percent. Daggs and Tomboulian ^^ find those 
proteins especially favorable to support lactation which furnish richly 
the constituents of glutathione. Csonka®^ has investigated the pro- 
teins of yeast and reports that "The cystine, tryptophane, histidine, and 
lysine content of yeast protein places it in a favorable position among 
those considered of good quality." 

Hematopoietic substances. Substances of protein or polypeptide 
nature, whose special significance is related to hemoglobin and 
erythrocyte formation, are reviewed in connection with iron. 

Mineral Elements. Variations in the intake of each of the com- 
mon mineral elements during a prolonged series of balance experiments 
have been studied by Bassett and Van Alstine.®* When the diet was 
kept constant in terms of the kinds and amounts of the articles of food 
used, the variations in intake from period to period were, in many 
cases, significantly larger than the variations in a series of analyses 
of the same sample, indicating that in metabolism balance experiments 
food should actually be analyzed for each balance period. 

Calcium and phosphorus, Daniels and coworkers®*^ have reported 
experiments from which they conclude that the calcium needs of normal 
children of preschool age can be met by foods furnishing 45 to 50 mg. 
of calcium per kilogram of body weight, or 7 to 9 mg. per centimeter 
of height, provided sufficient vitamin D is allowed; and that the phos- 
phorus needs can be met with 60 to 70 mg. per kilogram, or 9 to 11 
mg. per centimeter. Sherman and. Campbell ^^ have published the 
results of an extended series of experiments upon the effects of increas- 
ing the calcium content of a diet which had already been shown ade- 
quate in that it maintained normal growth, health, reproduction, and 
lactation through successive generations of rats. The enrichment 
of the calcium content from 0.2 percent to 0.35 percent of the dry food 
resulted in more efficient utilization of the food (whether calculated on 
the basis of its energy value or protein content), earlier maturity, and 
higher adult vitality, showing that the optimal intake is considerably 
higher than the "need." 

Kohman and Sanborn®"^ have reported preliminary indications that 
oxalates in foods act both to diminish the absorption of calcium from 
the digestive tract and to increase the body's loss of calcium in the 
urine. Simultaneously, Fincke and Sherman ^^ investigated the 
quantitative nutritional availability of the calcium of milk, kale, and 
spinach. The calcium of milk was excellently utilized, and that of 
kale showed almost as high a percentage availability, while the cal- 
cium of spinach was utilized to only a very small extent, if at all. The 
unavailability of the calcium of spinach was not due to fiber, and was 
shown experimentally to be at least chiefly due to the oxalic acid or 
oxalates present. 

Clinical cases of calcium deficiency in infancy and in childhood 

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have been reported by Nesbit®®; and Newburgh®^ has emphasized 
the dependence of normal skeletal development upon the supply of 
calcium and phosphorus available to the fetus through the mother; 
while Campbell, Bessey, and Sherman ^^ have shown how a low intake 
of food calcium, not recognizable as a deficiency in the first genera- 
tion, may result in the deterioration and dying out of the family if 
continued too long. 

Iron and hematopoietic substances, Vahlteich, Funnell, MacLeod, 
and Rose ^^ find the iron of tgg yolk and of bran, prepared for human 
consumption by steaming and toasting, to be equally effective for 
the maintenance of iron equilibrium in the human adult. These experi- 
ments also add to our knowledge of the quantities of iron needed in 
normal human nutrition. The data for one subject (a woman of 56 
kilograms body weight) indicated a need of 6.0 mg. iron per day, or 
0.11 mg. per kilogram. The other subject, weighing 71 kilograms, had 
a larger proportion of body fat and appeared to need only 6.1 mg., or 
0.09 mg. per kilogram, per day. The iron requirement of the normal 
human adult has also been studied by Farrar and Goldhamer®^. ^nd 
the iron metabolism of preschool children, by Ascham.®* 

Orten, Smith, and Mendel,®^ in experiments with rats whose diet was 
relatively poor in mineral elements, found that an increase of the cal- 
cium allowance exerted a markedly favorable effect upon the iron 
economy and normal blood formation. Ellis and Bessey ®^ have studied 
the effects of different diets upon the hemoglobin concentration of the 
blood in rats at one month and at one year of age. 

Whipple and coworkers ^^ have studied further the relative efficiencies 
of heart, kidney, liver, and spleen preparations in blood regeneration. 
They conclude that several factors, rather than a single hematopoietic 
factor, are concerned with regeneration after blood loss; and that this 
process should be distinguished sharply from that of recovery from 
pernicious anemia. In the same laboratory,®^ \^ ^^s found possible, by 
adjustments and alternations of feeding and fasting periods, to vary the 
"metabolic path" taken by the nutrients and metabolites, with resulting 
differences in efficiency of hemoglobin formation, striking conservation 
of metabolized material being sometimes effected. Whipple ®® has also 
summarized both the most recent and the previous work of his laboratory 
upon hemoglobin regeneration as influenced by diet and other factors. 

Dakin and West ^^^ have discussed the chemical nature of a hema- 
topoietic substance isolated from liver, which has the properties of a 
hexosamine-peptide. Subbarrow, Jacobson, and Fiske ^^^ have briefly 
reported the separation of two crystalline substances from liver, both 
of which are reticulocytogenic in guinea pigs and one of which is 
effective in the cure of experimental blacktongue in dogs. 

Iodine, Holmes and Remington ^^^ find from 3,000 to 13,000 parts 
per billion of iodine in cod liver oil; and estimate that 10 cc. of cod 
liver oil, the daily amount recommended by the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, 
furnishes by itself about enough iodine to meet the daily needs of 

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normal nutrition. Coulson ^^^ finds 290 parts per billion of iodine in 
the meat of the conch, for which he j^ives the analysis (on the fresh 
basis) : moisture 74.6, protein 18.6, fat 0.3, ash 1.7, calcium 0.089, 
phosphorus 0.112, magnesium 0.246, and sulfur 0.315 percent. 

Holley, Pickett, and Brown ^^^ have studied the causes of variation 
in the iodine contents of vegetables. 

Other mineral elements, McCollum and his coworkers ^^^' ^^^ have 
continued their investigation of jnagnesium as a nutritionally essential 
element ; and Duncan, Huffman, and Robinson ^^'^ have observed the 
development of tetany associated with low blood magnesium in calves 
reared on a milk diet. 

Daniels and Everson ^^^ have found a dietary deficiency in manganese 
to be responsible for the congenital debility of the young of mothers 
reared on milk modified with copper and iron. 

Zinc was found by Stirn, Elvehjem and Hart '^^^ to be indispensable 
to the normal nutrition of the rat. 

The effects of diets deficient in mineral elements generally have been 
investigated further by Clarke and Smith,^^^ and by Swanson, Timson, 
and Frazier.m 

Fluorine toxicosis has been studied extensively by workers at the 
University of Wisconsin 112-114 ^^d by Smith and Lantz.^i^ 

Franke and his associates ii<5-i20 continue their investigation of 
poisoning by natural plant foodstuffs with an abnormally high selenium 

Vitamin A and Its Precursors. Mackinneyi^i has studied the 
carotenes of the leaves of 59 species of plants and found that 3-carotene 
is the major fraction in all these cases, while in 40 of the 59 cases 
a-carotene was found in proportions ranging from traces to 35 percent 
of the total carotene present. "Phylogenetic considerations have been 
applied with fair success in predicting that leaves of closely related 
plants or groups of plants will not differ materially in their carotene 
complexes." Strain ^22 has made a further study of the carotenes from 
different sources and of the properties of a- and 3-carotene. 

Treichler, Grimes, and Fraps ^^^ have studied the relation of the 
color and carotene content of butter fat to its vitamin A value, especially 
in the case of cows kept on rations consisting largely of white and 
yellow corn (maize), respectively. In both cases, transfer from pasture 
to the grain ration resulted in gradual decline both of the carotene con- 
tent and of the vitamin A value of the milk fat, but to a less extent 
with yellow corn than with white corn. Their bulletin should be read 
in full by those interested in the subject. 

Guilbert and Hart ^^^ have continued their studies of the vitamin A 
requirement of cattle and the storage of this vitamin and its precursor 
in the different parts of the body. 

Vitamin B Complex. Following the preliminary report of Wil- 
liams ^25 suggesting the structure for vitamin B hydrochloride much 

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confirmatory evidence has appeared. ^26-133 (s^g Chapter XIV for 

Some clinical- observations with crystalline vitamin Bj have been 
reported by Vorhaus, Williams, and Waterman,i34 ^^^o found strikingly 
beneficial results in a large number of cases of neuritis of various origin 
and in the small number of cases of "unexplained gastrointestinal 
hypotonia with anorexia" which they studied. These authors con- 
cluded that "there is evidence to suggest frequent deficiency of vitamin 
Bi in the human dietary." Further studies, the details of which are 
not available, have indicated a beneficial effect of large doses of 
the vitamin in some cases of deranged carbohydrate metabolism.^^*' ^^^ 

Waterman and Ammerman ^^^ found that the administration to young 
rats on the Chase- Sherman diet of graduated doses of the crystalline 
vitamin up to 160 gamma per day (80 to 160 times that necessary for 
maintenance of life) resulted in progressive increases in the growth 
rate until "the growth at the higher levels of B dosage approaches the 
best obtainable with rich mixed diets (Yale)." There was thus no 
indication of requirement of a second heat-labile B factor; "A more 
probable explanation is that large amounts of B exercise a growth 
acceleration sometimes confused with that due to B4." Adult pigeons,^^*^ 
depleted of vitamin B on a diet of autoclaved whole wheat for three 
weeks, showed progressive increases in weight with supplements of 
10 to 80 gamma per day of crystalline vitamin, but even with 160 
gamma (40 times the amount required to cure polyneuritis) the "normal** 
weight (i. e., the weight before depletion) was not attained, although 
amounts of raw whole wheat containing not more than 50 to 60 gamma 
of vitamin Bj restored the birds to normal weight. "The results 
reported furnish additional evidence that there is a B complex factor 
other than B (B^) needed for the complete nutrition of pigeons." 

Members of Williams' group have also reported studies on the 
injection method of measuring the vitamin B values of purified 

The relative concentrations of vitamin B found by Brodie and Mac- 
Leod ^^^ in tissues from young adult rats reared on an "adequate" diet 
were roughly as follows : liver 10, heart 10, kidney 5, brain 3, and muscle 
1. Spleen, lung, and blood showed only traces of the vitamin. The stores 
in some organs could be significantly increased by fortifying the diet 
with brewers* yeast. After animals had been maintained for four to 
five weeks on a depletion diet, the presence of vitamin B could not be 
demonstrated in any organ except the brain. In accordance with this 
work, Griffith ^^^ found that the body stores of vitamin B were readily 
depleted when rats were fed a B-deficient diet ; on the other hand, even 
after 100 days on a G-deficient diet, the tissues still contained much 
vitamin G. Evans and Lepkovsky ^^^ noted a definite sparing effect 
of high-fat diets on the vitamin B content of the liver, muscle, and 
brain of rats reared on a diet deficient in vitamin B. A marked deple- 
tion of the absolute amount of the vitamin present in the liver was 

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noted under conditions in which but little loss occurred from the 
muscles, indicating that "the liver seems to be the site of the greatest 
initial withdrawal of vitamin B." 

Using the chick as test animal, Keenan, Kline, Elvehjem, and Hart ^^ 
find that the thermolability of vitamin B4 is similar to that of vitamin 
Bi; and that under some conditions of dry heat to which vitamin Bi 
is relatively stable, vitamin B2 may be inactivated. 

Bisbey and Sherman ^*^ have studied the extractabilities and sta- 
bilities of vitamins B (Bj) and G (lactoflavin) in the forms in which 
these occur naturally as in milk. An effective method for the complete 
extraction of all of the vitamin B complex from yeast has been 
described by Itter, Orent, and McCollum.^** These workers ^^^ have 
also reported a simplified procedure for preparing lactoflavin, and a 
study of its growth effect. Stare ^^® has described the preparation of 
hepatoflavin, and has foimd with this, as others have foimd with lacto- 
flavin, that flavin is a growth-essential, but does not possess the entire 
growth-promoting or antidermatitic fimction of the heat-stable part 
of the vitamin B complex. 

Lepkovsky, Popper, and Evans '^^'^ have described the preparation 
of crystalline flavin (vitamin G) which, under their experimental con- 
ditions, promoted the growth of chicks; but which, in the hands of 
Lepkovsky and Jukes,^*^ did not prevent the appearance of the so-called 
pellagra-like syndrome in chicks as also reported by Elvehjem and 
Koehn.i*^ In view of the experiments of Booher,^^^ as well as of 
several investigators abroad, it should not be inferred that promotion of 
growth and protection from skin troubles are functions of separate 
vitamins, but rather that of these two vitamins (G; and H, Bq or Y) 
both are needed for permanently good skin condition as well as for 

A possible role of the sulfhydryl group in the syndrome usually 
viewed as vitamin G-deficiency was emphasized by Itter, Orent, and 
McCollum,^^^ who found that certain sulfhydryl compounds cured 
the alopecia and tended to prevent a decline in weight in animals on a 
vitamin G-deficient diet; whereas, under the same conditions, lacto- 
flavin failed to cause growth of hair but induced a definite gain in 
body weight. 

Spies and Dowling ^^^ report the experimental production of anemia 
in dogs by means of a blacktongue-producing diet consisting of: corn- 
meal, 400 gm. ; cowpeas, 50 g^m. ; purified casein, 95 g^m. ; cottonseed 
oil, 30 cc. ; cod liver oil, 15 cc. ; and salt mixture, 22 gm. They con- 
clude that "in view of our present inadequate information concerning 
the nature of the chemical substance or substances involved, it seems 
unwise to assume that the dermatitis, stomatitis, anemia, neuritis, and 
dementia of pellagra in human beings ; and the dermatitis, blacktongue, 
diarrhea, anemia, and neurological involvement developed in dogs 
restricted to an unbalanced diet are all produced by the lack of the 
same specific chemical substance." 

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According to Elvehjem, Sherman, and Arnold,^^^ pork muscle, heart 
muscle, and kidney are "fairly rich" in vitamin B, whereas beef muscle, 
mutton muscle, brain, and lung are "very low." Sebrell, Wheeler, and 
Hunt ^^* find rabbit meat, lean pork shoulder, and canned chicken to 
be good, peaches fair, prunes and canned beets poor sources of the 
pellagra-preventing substance. Morgan and coworkers ^^^' ^^^ have 
compared the quantitative distribution of vitamins B and G in wheat 
products and some other foods, and have found no significant loss of 
vitamin B in the baking of bread. Poe and Gambill ^^'^ foimd an 
average of 0.21 unit of vitamin G value per cc. of home-canned tomato 

Vitamin C. The American Medical Association ^^^ ^^s an- 
nounced that, "By reason of its rules against therapeutically sug- 
gestive names, the Council could not recognize the name 'Ascorbic 

Acid,' although this term has been used in the literature The 

Council adopted the term 'Cevitamic Acid' as a non-proprietary 
designation for the crystalline vitamin C introduced as Ascorbic 

Acid The Council feels strongly that investigators in naming 

newly discovered medicinal substances should bear in mind the 
fundamentally sound objections to the use of therapeutically 
suggestive names." 

Guerrant, Rasmussen, and Dutcher ^^^ have found that titration 
against a standard solution of 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol yields 
results in satisfactory agreement with feeding experiments in the 
examination of grapefruit, lemon, orange, or fresh pineapple juice ; 
but that "some juices contain interfering substances that react with 
the dye, thus complicating the titration results and leading to 
erroneous conclusions." 

Dann and Cowgill ^^^ have reported results which indicate that the 
vitamin C requirement of the guinea pig is directly proportional to the 
body weight, and is almost exactly 1 cc. of lemon juice per 100 grams. 
"There is no evidence from these data that the young, rapidly growing 
guinea pig requires a proportionately greater amount of this dietary 
factor than the adult." They also conclude that: "The role of the 
metabolic rate, which in the case of vitamin B has been found to be 
of equal importance to body weight as a determinant of the require- 
ment of various species for the vitamin, appears insignificantly small 
so far as vitamin C is concerned." These findings have a twofold 
significance for food chemistry in that, ( 1 ) they show the importance 
of vitamin C in practical food values for adults, and (2) they correct 
a very prevalent overestimate of the vitamin C value of lemon juice 
in terms of nutritional need. Goettsch ^^^ has compared the effects 
of pure vitahiin C with those of orange juice in clinical scurvy of 

King and Menten ^^^ find that a liberal intake of vitamin C is favor- 
able to stamina and ability to resist injury from diphtheria toxin. 

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Bogart and Hughes ^^^ have investigated anew the development of 
vitamin C in the sprouting of grain (in this case oats). 

Vitamin D. The trend of recent work is strongly to complicate 
the consideration of vitamin D. Most students of the subject now 
recognize the existence of at least three vitamins D; while Bills, at 
the Johns Hopkins Conference on the Chemistry of the Vitamins 
(July, 1935), spoke of the probability of at least ^\q. 

Study of the species differences in the relative response to vitamin D 
from various sources, which earlier demonstrated the non-identity of 
the antirachitic factor in irradiated ergosterol with that in fish liver 
oils, and suggested the existence of at least two forms of the vitamin 
in the latter source, has now afforded abundant confirmation is^-iee of 
the finding of Waddell that the provitamin D in crude cholesterol 
is not ergosterol, and, indeed, it now appears probable that the light- 
activatable substance in animal tissues is not ergosterol ^^^ ; on the 
other hand, plants of both higher and lower botanical orders contain 
a provitamin D which, like ergosterol, gives rise to an antirachitic 
factor relatively much less effective in the chick than in the rat.^^® 

Carrying the vitamins D which are relatively less effective in the 
chick than in the rat are irradiated ergosterol, irradiated plant 
materials ^^^ (cottonseed oil, wheat middlings, alfalfa leaf meal, dried 
mycelium, yeast), and milk produced by cows fed irradiated yeast. ^®^"^^^ 
Containing the forms of vitamin D which are of relatively high effective- 
ness for the chick are cod liver oil, irradiated crude cholesterol,^^^"^^^ 
irradiated animal products in general ^^^ (hog brains, butter fat, lard), 
irradiated milk,^^^' ^^^ irradiated purified cholesterol in which activata- 
bility has been produced by heating,^^^' ^^^ and apparently the 
cholesterilene sulfonic acid of Yoder.^*^^ 

Clinical studies of the year lend increasing confidence to the assump- 
tion that antirachitic effectiveness as determined on the rat is a reliable 
measure of the potency in infantile rickets. Equal antirachitic effective- 
ness (rat unit for rat unit) in the human infant has been found for 
the various forms of "vitamin JD milks" : irradiated (fresh and 
evaporated), "fortified" (by the addition of cod liver oil concentrate), 
and "metabolized" (produced by cows receiving irradiated yeast ).^^^' 
171-174 However, Compere, Porter, and Roberts ^'^^ still find that 1.1 
to 3.3 times as many rat units in the form of irradiated yeast as in the 
form of cod liver oil must be administered for comparable degrees of 
healing in human rickets. 

The methods of increasing the vitamin D potency of dairy products 
have been discussed critically by Krauss and Bethke.^*^^ Guerrant and 
coworkers ^"^"^ and Russell and Taylor ^'^^ have investigated further the 
relationship between the vitamin D intake of the hen and the antirachitic 
potency of the eggs produced. The Committee on Foods of the Ameri- 
can Medical Association has disapproved fortification of "foods other 
than dietary staples" and of miscellaneous accessories with vitamin D. 
Bills and his coworkers ^"^^ reported a taxonomic study of the dis- 

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tribution of vitamins A and D in 100 species of fish, representing 
seventeen zoological orders. They found that three-quarters of the 
liver oils which they investigated were more potent than cod liver oil. 

Vitamin D, however defined, appears a somewhat less controlling 
factor in rickets than has commonly been assumed during the preceding 
decade. In a paper on the phytin phosphorus of the corn component of a 
rachitogenic diet, Harris and Bunker ^®^ report the development of 
diets "which were devoid of extractable vitamin D, low in total phos- 
phorus, and with Ca:P ratios as exaggerated as 8:1 (and which) 
failed to induce rickets" in rats. Healing of rachitic lesions in young 
rats transferred to a diet of normal phosphorus content but containing 
only traces of calcium and vitamin D has been reported by Jones and 
Cohn.^^^ Huffman and Duncan ^^^ observed that rickets in calves on a 
diet inadequate in vitamin D may be checked by the addition of 
magnesium salts, although in the complete absence of vitamin D these 
salts are ineffective. Further observations on the alleged rachitogenic 
factor in cereals have been reported by Harris and Bunker ^^^ and by 
Lachat and Palmer.^^^ 

Evidence as to the effectiveness of vitamin D, or any of the five (?) 
vitamins D, in promoting retention, as distinguished from mohilization, 
of calcium and phosphorus in nutrition continues to be indecisive. 
Coons and Coons ^®* find only slight and irregular effects under con- 
ditions of pregnancy with calcium and phosphorus need such as would 
seem to have been well suited to permit the vitamin to show what- 
ever favorable effect it may have upon the economy of these elements 
in metabolism. Swanson and lob ^^^ report that feeding vitamin D 
in the form of cod liver oil to the mother rat increased the calcium 
content of the offspring 10 percent, and their phosphorus content 12 
percent. Slightly smaller increases resulted from the feeding of 
viosterol (commercial irradiated ergosterol), even though the dosage 
in antirachitic units was much more liberal. 

Wallis, Palmer, and GuUickson ^^^ find that under certain conditions 
vitamin D is specifically needed by calves, and when given acts to 
improve the retentions of calcium and phosphorus as demonstrated by 
the balance of intake and output of these elements. 

An extension of the studies on the interrelationship of the para- 
thyroid hormone and vitamin D has led Morgan and Samisch ^^'^ and 
also Jones ^^® to the conclusion that vitamin D does not act exclusively 
through the parathyroid mechanism. 

Vitamin E. According to press dispatches, Evans ^^® has isolated 
vitamin E in crystalline form in sufficient quantities for identification. 
Olcott 1^^ has investigated further the chemical behavior of vitamin E ; 
and Barnum ^^^ has studied the vitamin E content of eggs as related 
to the diet and to hatchability. 

Indications of Other Factors. Leucopenia and anemia, resulting 
in the monkey from a vitamin deficiency or deficiencies the exact 
nature of which is still under investigation, have been reported by 

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Day, Langston, and Shukers.i**^ Dried brewers' yeast prevented 
this deficiency disease. Almquist and Stokstad ^^^ report pre- 
liminary investigations of the apparent dietary origin of a hemor- 
rhagic disease of chicks. 

Meats, Fish and Shellfish. Pittman and coworkers i^*' ^^^ have 
reported the second and third parts of their experimental investi- 
gation of the utilization of meat (here beef muscle, heart, and 
liver) by human subjects. Further studies upon the nutritive value 
of beef heart, kidney, roimd, and liver after heating and after alcohol 
extraction have been reported by Seegers and Mattill.^^® Williams 
and coworkers ^^'^ continue their experiments upon the cooking 
of meats with acid to bring more of the calcium of meat-bone into 
the service of human nutrition. 

Devaney and MunselH®^ find between 0.4 and 0.5 International 
unit of vitamin D per gram of beef or hog liver; slightly less than 
0.2 unit in lamb liver; and only about 0.1 unit in calf liver. Oysters 
have been found by Whipple ^®® to be "an excellent food source of 
vitamin B (Bj), a relatively good one of vitamin A, and a very 
modest source of vitamin D." Devaney and Putney 200 find canned 
salmon a good source of vitamin D, and a variable source of 
vitamin A, of which one sample showed 30 times as much as 
another. The chemical and physical properties of haddock-liver 
oil, and its yitamin values, have been investigated by Pottinger 
and coworkers.201 

Fowler and Bazin202 have published the maxima, minima, and 
averages of their analyses of meats and fish for moisture, protein, 
fat and ash. 

Coulson, Remington, and Lynch ^os find that the naturally occurring 
arsenic in the shrimp is in a form which, when the shrimp is eaten 
and digested, is rapidly eliminated through the kidneys and apparently 
without toxic effect. 

Rupp204 has investigated the effect of />H on the formation of 
ferrous sulfide from the viewpoint of preventing discoloration of canned 
meats. The chemistry of the deterioration of fish, and its prevention 
by carbon dioxide, have been studied by Stansby and Griffiths.^^"^ 

Eggs. Bailey 2o« has introduced a new method for the deter- 
mination of the foaming power of ^^g white and for testing the 
stability of the foam. Unfrozen whites and whites thawed after short 
periods of frozen storage showed little if any difference in this property. 
Thick white, however, had a higher foaming power than thin white; 
and the stability of the foam was found to be influenced by various 
treatments. The addition of olive oil decreased foaming power to a 
greater extent than did the addition of the same amount of fat in the 
form of tgg yolk. The same author ^07 also shows the practicability 
of refractometric estimation of the total solids of eggs (white and yolk) 
and of egg-yolk magma. Sell, Olsen and Kremers^^^ have studied 
lecithoprotein as the emulsifying ingredient of tgg yolk and with 

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reference to mayonnaise. Preliminary results of an investigation 
of the gelation of tgg sols in the presence of electrolytes have been 
reported by Woodruff, Pickens, and Smith.^o^ 

The transmission of light through tgg shell as a factor in the 
candling of eggs has been studied by Givens, Almquist, and Stokstad.210 

The nutritive value of the tgg in child feeding has been investigated 
experimentally by Rose and Borgeson.^n Devaney, Titus, and 
Nestler 212 find that feeding of vitamin D does not influence transfer of 
vitamin A to the ^gg) but considerable increases of vitamin A intake 
led to marked increases in the vitamin A values of the eggs produced. 
Koenig, Kramer, and Payne ^13 have studied the vitamin A values of 
eggs as related to the laying-record of the hen. Yoimg hens, nearing 
the end of their first four months of ^gg production, yielded eggs with 
yolks of similar value, about 25 units per gram; while near the end of 
a year of laying, those of low production laid eggs whose yolks showed 
33 units, and those of high production, about 20 units. Pale eggs 
produced on a ration devoid of carotene and xanthophyll but containing 
cod liver oil had 25 units per gram of vitamin A value in the yolk. 

Milk. Homogenization has been found by Trout, Halloran, and 
Gould 2^* to increase the titrable acidity of raw, but not of pasteurized, 
milk. Also the process seemed to increase the viscosity of raw milk 
and to decrease that of pasteurized milk, though causing no important 
change in the specific gravity. The stability of the protein of milk 
toward alcohol was decreased by the homogenization, as was also the 
curd tension. Lasby and Palmer ^is have reinvestigated the effect of 
pasteurization and find no change in the calcium and phosphorus con- 
tents of milk, and no significant difference between raw and pasteur- 
ized milk as to the retention of these elements and the support of normal 
development of the bones. The nitrogen also was of equal nutritive 
value in raw and pasterized milk. 

The phospholipids of milk have been found by Perlman^io to be 
more thermostable than previously supposed. He reports ^17 that they 
are concentrated proportionately to the fat in cream up to a fat content 
of about 55-58 percent, beyond which the proportion of phosphatide 

Development of color in heated lactose solutions and evaporated milk 
has been studied by Webb.^is 

In the experiments of Jack and Bechdel,^!^ the injection *of thyroxine 
seemed to increase the yield but not to influence the composition of 

Butter and Buttermilk. Templeton and Sommer 220 report that 
the addition of citric acid or sodium citrate to either cream or the starter 
or both tended to produce a butter of superior flavor and aroma. 
Michaelian and Hammer 221 find that acetylmethylcarbinol and biacetyl 
are formed in the butter-making process, and have studied the condi- 
tions influencing their production. Whittier and Trimble 222 have 
investigated the differences in lactic acid content among butters. The 

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nature of the fatty materials in buttermilk has been further investigated 
by Bird, Breazeale, and Sands.223 

Cheese and Whey. Goss, Nielsen, and Mortensen^s* have 
developed, at the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station at Ames, a 
process for the manufacture and curing of a Roquefort-type cheese 
to which they have given the name Iowa Blue. Lane and Hammer 225 
have investigated the effects of pasteurizing the milk used in cheese- 
making upon the transformations which occur in the nitrogenous con- 
stituents of Cheddar cheese. Heiman^se finds that much the larger 
part of the vitamin G of milk passes into the whey in cheese-making, 
the whey solids showing about 50 percent higher vitamin G value 
than the solids of skimmed milk. 

Grain Products, Baking and Brewing. Alsberg 227 has reinvesti- 
gated the variations in quality and baking value of wheat flours, with 
special reference to the influence of their starches. The diastatic 
activity of wheat as influenced by various factors has been studied by 
Swanson228j that of flour by Steller, Markley and Bailey 229 j and 
the catalase activity of wheat flour by Blish and Bode.230 Bailey and 
Sherwood 231 have investigated the interlocking significances of the 
actions of amylases and of yeast in the breadmaking process. 

Bayfield 232 has continued the study of the relations of the kinds and 
amounts of the proteins in wheats to the bread-making qualities of their 
flours. The effects of mixing and fermentation upon the protein 
structure and colloidal properties of dough, and the problem of free 
and bound water in bread doughs have been discussed by Skovholt 
and Bailey 233 J and the peptization of wheat-flour proteins under the 
influence of organic acids by Mangels and Martin.234 Balls and 
Hale 235 have investigated the phenomena of proteolysis in flours. 

The pigments of wheat have been studied extensively by Markley 
and Bailey,236 and the bleaching of flour by Munsey.237 

Hooft and de Leeuw238 find acetylmethylcarbinol, formed as a by- 
product of the action of yeast upon sugar, in bread, where they believe 
it to be an important factor in flavor. 

The distribution of nitrogen in the maize kernel at different stages 
of maturity has been reported by Zeleny.239 

Bailey, Capen, and LeClerc 2*0 have reported their extended investi- 
gation of the composition and characteristics of soybeans, soybean flour, 
and soybean bread. 

A notable symposium on developments in brewing processes and their 
control includes the papers of Schwartz,24i of Michaelis,242 and of 
Siebel and Singruen.243 

Fruits and Vegetables and their Products. Haas and Klotz 244 have 
studied the solids, individual mineral elements, and />H of citrus fruits 
from the viewpoint of the influence of maturity and of the determina- 
tion of physiological gradients between the calyx and stylar halves of 
the fruit ; and Haas and Bliss 245 have made a similarly thorough inves- 
tigation of the composition of Deglet Noor dates in relation to water 

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injury. The composition of the developing asparagus shoot was 
studied by Culpepper and Moon^^e jn relation to its use as food and 
its properties as material for canning. Total nitrogen showed its high- 
est concentration at the tip, while the concentration of sugar was highest 
at the base and diminished toward the tip at all stages of growth. 
Adams and Chatfield^^? have published a new classification of fruits 
and vegetables according to their carbohydrate content. 

Coleman and Ruprecht ^48 found no marked or constant influence of 
soil type upon the mineral composition of vegetables; and concluded 
also that fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphates, and potassium 
salts, when used in amounts necessary for optimal crop production, 
exert very little influence upon the composition of the vegetables grown 
with them. Haas^^o has reported upon the differences in chemical 
composition of the juices of oranges grown upon differently fertilized 
soil. Mitchell ^^o has studied the relationships and variations of com- 
position and color in commercial tomato juice. The Federal require- 
ment for drained solids in canned tomatoes has been increased to 50 
percent.251 Pitman ^52 finds the oil content to be the best criterion 
of maturity in olives. 

Balls and Hale^^a have investigated the role of peroxidase in the 
darkening of the cut surfaces of apples, which is prevented by gluta- 
thione or cysteine salts. The respiratory activities and other chemical 
changes of apples in storage have been studied by Harding.254 Advances 
in the technology of the production of apple juices, concentrates, and 
syrups are reported by Poore.^ss Baker and Kneeland ^56 have inves- 
tigated conditions for the extraction of pectin and control of the proc- 
ess by the determination of viscosity; they^si have also studied the 
influence of diastatic preparations upon the properties of apple pectin. 

Fellers and coworkers ^58 have continued their investigation of cran- 
berries. Joslyn and Marsh ^^o have found that the browning of orange 
juice can be prevented by the addition of small amounts of sulfites or 
other antioxidants, or by canning the juice in tin. 

Rittinger, Dembo, and Torrey^^o report favorably upon the use of 
soybean "milk" in feeding children. A soybean product containing 
lecithin and associated phosphatides with oil, and intended as an emul- 
sifying agent for use in foods, has been "accepted" by the American 
Medical Association.^^! Horvath262 shows the presence of at least 
two phosphatides in the soybean ; and Jamieson and McKinney 203 find 
that, in general, soybeans of the western states are richer in phospha- 
tides than those of the eastern states. Horvath 264 has contributed fur- 
ther to the chemical technology of the soybean industry. 

Culp and Copenhaver 265 have studied the losses of iron, copper, and 
manganese from vegetables cooked by different methods. 

Morgan 266 has reported her studies upon the influence of the cus- 
tomary dipping in lye, of air- and sun-drying, and of sulfuring, upon 
the vitamin values of fruits. Sulfuring, while conserving the vitamin C 
value, proved destructive of vitamin B (Bj). With Hunt and Squier,267 

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she has determined the vitamin B and G values of prunes; dried Cali- 
fornia (French) prune flesh showed at least 2.66 units of vitamin G per 
gram, a value comparable with that which they obtained for wheat 
germ, whereas the wheat germ showed about ten-fold higher concentra- 
tion of vitamin B than did the prune flesh. Morgan and her associates 
have also reported the vitamin values of figs,^^^ and of grapes and 

Grapefruit was found by Roehm^^o to be an excellent source of 
vitamin G, though not of vitamin B. Both the leaf and the flower of 
broccoli were rich in vitamin G, though they contained only the moder- 
ate amounts of vitamin B which are found in green foods generally. 

Batchelder and coworkers ^'^i find the blackberry to have a vitamin A 
value comparable with those of bananas, cantaloupes, and dates; and 
to be a relatively less potent, but not insignificant, source of vitamin C. 
Magistad ^'72 reports that the flesh of the pineapple > owes its yellow 
color to both carotene and xanthophyll, the carotene predominating. 
The concentration of carotene ranged between 0.15 and 0.25 mg. per 
100 grams of the pineapple flesh. 

MacLeod and coworkers 2^3 studying the vitamin A values of five 
varieties of sweet potato found the Triumph and Southern Queen to 
show 2 and 4 imits per gram, respectively, while the Yellow Jersey, 
Nancy Hall, and Puerto Rico varieties (all more highly pigmented) 
showed about 30 to 40 imits per gram. Apparently the development of 
the provitamin A continued after the harvesting of the roots, as the 
vitamin A values were higher in the roots taken from storage than in 
those of the same variety freshly dug. 

Fellers, Clague, and Isham ^74 have compared the values of commer- 
cially canned and laboratory-prepared tomato juices as antiscorbutics. 
This work is deemed to show "that although individual samples of 
commercially or home-canned tomato juices vary considerably in vita- 
min C content, all may be considered satisfactory antiscorbutics." 
Somers and Sweetman ^75 report relatively large differences in the anti- 
scorbutic values of commercial tomato juice cocktails. 

Kleiner and Tauber^ie fi^d (by the oxidation-reduction titration 
method) much less vitamin C in dandelions than in other common 

A symposium on the chemistry and technology of wine, published in 
November, contains papers on: vinification in California wineries ;2'^''^ 
manufacture of champagne and sparkling Burgundy ;2'^8 metals in 
wineries ;2'^^ efifect of filter aids and filter materials on the composition 
of wine ;^^^ voltatile acids of wine ;28i rate of precipitation of cream of 
tartar from wine;282 and pasteurization of New York State wines.^^s 
Joslyn and Marshes* have also reported the effects of cold and freez- 
ing storage on the rate and extent of removal of cream of tartar from 
wine and on other changes in its composition. 

Commercial Sweets. During the year, Home 285 has given us a 
comprehensive and expert review of the sugar industries of the United 

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States with their current developments. However, a few additional 
reports may be noted briefly. The distribution of impurities in the 
crystals of white sugar has been studied by Keane, Ambler, and Byall.^se 
They found over 50 percent of the ash, sulfates, chlorides, sodium, potas- 
sium, and nitrogen to be located in the outer 5 percent of the crystal ; 
whereas, calcium, sulfites, and color were more uniformly distributed 
throughout the crystals. Sugar from which the outer layer of the crys- 
tal had been dissolved off was found superior for the making of barley 

The hygroscopicity of sugars and sugar mixtures has been studied by 
Dittmar 287 from the point of view of preventing bacterial deterioration 
of sugars in storage. The bacterial causation of ropiness in maple 
syrup has been investigated by Fabian and Buskirk.^ss 

Other Studies of Food in Relation to Growth, Health, and Length 
of Life. Fellers289 records a large number of quantitative deter- 
minations of vitamins C and D in foods which are commonly used in the 
feeding of children and concludes "that the modern choice of foods for 
infants and young children, from a vitamin viewpoint, is well founded" ; 
while on the other hand the experiments of McCay, Crowell, and May- 
nard^^o with a diet very rich in protein and vitamins has been much 
quoted in support of the general idea that with such a diet growth may 
be "forced" beyond the rate which is optimal for later health and for 
length of life. A group of rats whose growth was retarded by restric- 
tion of food intake lived longer than a parallel group which had been 
allowed to eat the same diet ad libitum. Retardation of growth in this 
way seemed to retard sexual development also ;2^i but as the animals were 
not mated, these experiments yielded no information as to the influence 
of the food restriction upon reproduction or upon the offspring. 

Sherman and Campbell 292, 86 ^^ve continued their study of the rela- 
tion of food to length of life, in experiments having a quite different 
point of departure and continued through successive generations. 
Starting with a dietary which (like the food of the majority of people) 
was nutritionally adequate but not optimal, it was found that an increase 
in the proportion of milk resulted in a better and also more uniform 
nutritional response.2®2 The improvement was partly but not entirely 
due to increased intake of calcium.^^ The investigation is being con- 
tinued. Mendel and HubbelP^s find that the rate of growth of the 
rats of the breeding colony of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment 
Station has been increasing for 25 years and that "the improved growth 
rate has been accompanied by superior reproductive performance." 
Hitherto we have been accustomed to hear that heredity furnishes the 
plan for the growth and development of each individual, while the fac- 
tors of environment (largely the chemical factors of the nutritional 
intake) determine to what extent the potentialities of the plan are 
actually realized. Now, Todd 2^4 recasts the statement with the intro- 
duction of a highly significant modification. He writes: "The adult 
physical pattern is the outcome of growth along lines determined by 

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heredity but enhanced, dwarfed, warped, or mutilated in its expression 
by the influence of environment in the adventures of life." The recog- 
nition that our control of environment can enhance the potentialities 
conferred by heredity is highly important. And while Todd speaks only 
of the physical pattern, the American Medical Association has been told 
in its Presidential address ^os that science promises to those who will 
take advantage of the newer chemistry of nutrition, "greater vigor, 
increased longevity, and a higher level of cultural development." 


1. Taylor, T. C, and Morris, S. G., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1070 (1935). 

2. Taylor, T. C, Fletcher, H. H., and Adams, M. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal Ed., 7: 321 


3. Caldwell, M. L., and Doebbeling, S. E., /. Biol. Chem., 110: 739 (1935). 

4. Caldwell, M. L., and HUdebrand, F. C, /. Biol. Chem., Ill: 411 (1935). 

5. Saul, E. L., and Nelson, J. M., /. Biol. Chem., Ill: 95 (1935). 

6. Kertesz, Z. I., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 345 (1935). 

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8. Spoehr, H. A., and Milner, H. W., /. Biol. Chem.. HI: 679 (1935). 

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11. Cajori, F. A., /. Biol. Chem., 109: 159 (1935). 

12. Koehler, A. E., Rapp, I., and Hill, E., /. Nutrition, 9: 715 (1935). 

13. Feyder, S., /. Nutrition, 9: 457 (1935). 

14. Whittier, E. O., Gary, C. A., and Ellis, N. R., /. Nutrition, 9: 521 (1935). 

15. Carruthers, A., and Lee, W. Y., /. Biol. Chem., 108: 525 (1935). 

16. Olmsted, W. H., Curtis, G., and Timm, O. K., /. Biol. Chem., 108: 645 (1935). 

17. Hughes, R. H., and Wimmer, E. J., /. Biol. Chem., 108: 141 (1935). 

18. Lepkovsky, S., Ouer, R. A., and Evans, H. M., /. Biol. Chem., 108: 431 (1935). 

19. Olcott, H. S., Anderson, W. E., and Mendel, L. B., /. Nutrition, 10: 517 (1935). 

20. Ward, G. E., Lockwood, L. B., May, O. E., and Herrick, H. T., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 

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21. Hileman, J. L., and Courtney, E., /. Dairy Sci., 18: 247 (1935). 

22. French, R. B., Olcott, H. S., and Mattill, H. A., Ind. Eng. Chem.. 27: 724 (1935). 

23. Weber, H. H. R., and King, C. G., /. Biol. Chem., 108: 131 (1935). 

24. Sure, B., Kik, M. C, and Buchanan, K. S., /. Biolt Chem., 108: 27 (1935). 

25. Falk, K. G., and McGuire, G.. /. Biol. Chem., 108: 61 (1935). 

26. Boyd, E. M., /. Biol. Chem., 110: 61 (1935). 

27. Schoenheimer, R., and Rittenberg, D., /. Biol. Chem., Ill: 163 (1935). 

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31. Sinclair, R. G., /. Biol. Chem., Ill: 261 (1935). 

32. Sinclair, R. G., /. Biol. Chem., Ill: 275 (1935). 

33. Sinclair, R. G., /. Biol. Chem., Ill: 515 (1935). 

34. Rose, W. C. McCoy, R. H., Mever, C. E., Carter. H. E., Womack, M., and 

Mertz, E. T., /. Biol. Chem., 109: Ixxvii (May, 1935). 

35. Womack. M., and Rose. W. C, /. Biol. Chem., 112: 275 (1935). 

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41. Patton, A. R., /. Biol. Chem.. 108: 267 (1935). 

42. Blumenthal, D., and Clarke, H. T., /. Biol. Chem., 110: 343 (1935). 

43. Loring, H. S., and du Vigneaud, V., /. Biol. Chem.. Ill: 385 (1935). 

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49. Jones, J. H., Andrews, K. C, and Andrews, J. C, /. Biol. Chem., 109: xivii (May, 


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51. Stekol, J. A., /. Biol. Chem.. 109: 147 (1935). 

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53. Medes, G., /. Biol. Chem., 109: Ixiv (May, 1935). 

54. Brand, E., CahUl. G. F., and Harris, M. M., J. Biol. Chem., 109: 69 (1935). 

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55. Brand, E., and Cahill, G. F., /. Biol. Chem., 109: 545 (1935). 

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58. Hess, W. C., 7. Biol. Chem.. 109: xliii (May, 1935). 

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60. Butts, ). S., Dunn, M. S., and Hallman, L. F., /. Biol. Chem., 112: 263 (1935). 

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63. Schock, E. D., Jensen, H., and Hellerraan, L., /. Biol. Chem., Ill: 553 (1935). 

64. Kunitz, M., and Northrop, J. H., /. Gen. Physiol., 18: 433 (1935). 

65. Calvery, H. O., /. Biol. Chem., 112: 171 (1935). 

66. Calvery, H. O., and Schock, E. D., /. Biol. Chem., 109: xvi (May, 1935). 

67. Bates, R. W., and Koch, F. C, J. Biol. Chem., HI: 197 (1935). 

68. Cohn, E. W., and White, A., /. Biol. Chem., 109: 169 (1935). 

69. Sure, B., Kik, M. C, and Buchanan, K. S., /. Biol. Chem., 108: 11 (1935). 

70. Sure, B., Kik, M. C, and Buchanan, K. S., /. Biol. Chem., 108: 19 (1935). 

71. Bergmann, M., Zervas, L., Fruton, J. S., Schneider, F., and Schleich, H., /. Biol. 

Chem., 109: 325 (1935). 

72. Bergmann, M., and Ross, W. F., /. Biol. Chem., Ill: 659 (1935). 

73. Bergmann, M., Zervas, L., and Fruton, J. S., /. Biol. Chem., HI: 225 (1935). 

74. Bergmann, M., Zervas, L., and Ross, W. F., /. Biol. Chem. Ill: 245 (1935). 

75. Graubard, M., and Nelson, J. M., /. Biol. Chem., HI: 757 (1935). 

76. Graubard, M., and Nelson, J. M., J. Biol. Chem., 112: 135 (1935). 

77. Hellerman, L., and Perkins, M. E., J. Biol. Chem., 112: 175 (1935). 

78. Smuts, D. B., J. Nutrition, 9: 403 (1935). 

79. Schneider, B. H., /. Biol. Chem.. 109: 249 (1935). 

80. Mason, I. D., and Palmer, L. S., /. Nutrition, 9: 489 (1935). 

81. Forbes, E. B., Swift, R. W., Black, A., and Kahlenberg, O. J., 7. Nutrition, 10: 461 


82. Daggs, R. G., and Tomboulian, R. L., 7. Nutrition, 9: 581 (1935). 

83. Csonka, F. A., 7. Biol. Chem., 109: 703 (1935). 

84. Bassett, S. H., and Van Alstme, H. E., 7. Nutrition, 9: 175 (1935). 

85. Daniels, A. L., Hutton, M. K., Knott, E. M., Wright, O. E., and Forraan, M., 

7. Nutrition, 10: 373 (1935). 

8^5. Sherman, H. C, and Campbell. H. L., 7. Nutrition, 10: 363 (1935). 

87. Kohraan, E. F., and Sanborn, N. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., tt\ 732 (1935). 

88. Fincke, M. L., and Sherman, H. C, 7. Biol. Chem.. 110: 421 (1935). 

89. Nesbit, H. T., Am. 7. Diseases Children, 49: 1449 (1935). 

90. Newburgh, L. H., 7. Am. Med. Assoc, 105: 1034 (1935). 

91. Campbell, H. L., Bessey, O. A., and Sherman, H. C, 7. Biol. Chem., 110:. 703 


92. Vahlteich, E. McC, Funnell, E. H., MacLeod, G., and Rose, M. S., 7. Am. Dietetic 

Assoc., 11: 331 (1935). 

93. Farrar, G. E., Jr., and Goldhamer, S. M., 7. Nutrition. 10: 241 (1935). 

94. Ascham, L., 7. Nutrition. 10: 337 (1935). 

95. Orten, J. M., Smith, A. H., and Mendel, L. B., Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med., 32: 

1093 (1935). 

96. Ellis, L. N., and Bessey, O. A., Am. 7. Physiol., 113: 582 (1935). 

97. Robscheit-Robbins, F. S., Walden, G. B., and Whipple, G. H., Am. 7. Physiol.. 

113: 467 (1935). 

98. Daft. F. S., Robscheit-Robbins, F. S., and Whipple, G. H., 7. Biol. Chem., 108: 

487 (1935)). 

99. Whipple, G. H., 7. Am. Med. Assoc, 104: 791 (1935). 

100. Dakin, H. D., and West, R., 7. Biol. Chem., 109: 489 (1935). 

101. Subba-row, Y., Jacobson, B. M., and Fiske, C. H., New Engl. J. Med.. 212: 663 


102. Holmes, A. D., and Remington, R. E., Am. 7. Diseases Children, 49: 94 (1935). 

103. Coulson, E. J., U. S. Bur. Fisheries, Fishery Industries Special Memo., 2065-B 


104. Holley, K. T., Pickett, T. A., and Brown, W. L., Ga. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bull., 190: 3 


105. Klein, H., Orent, E. R., and McCollum, E. V., Am. 7. Physiol., 112: 256 (1935). 

106. Day, H. G., Kruse, H. D., and McCollum, E. V., 7. Biol. Chem., 112: 337 (1935). 

107. Duncan, C. W., Huffman, C. F., and Robinson, C. S., 7. Biol. Chem., 108: 35 


108. Daniels, A. L., and Everson, G. J., 7. Nutrition, 9: 191 (1935). 

109. Stirn, F. E., Elvehjem, C. A., and Hart, E. B., 7. Biol. Chem., 109: 347 (1935). 

110. Clarke, M. F., and Smith, A. H., Am. J. Physiol., 112: 286 (1935). 

111. Swanson, P. P., Timson, G. H., and Frazier, E., 7. Biol. Chem., 109: 729 (1935). 

112. .Phillips, P. H., and Hart, E. B., 7. Biol. Chem., 109: 657 (1935). 

113. Phillips, P. H., Halpin, J. G., and Hart, E. B., 7. Nutrition, 10: 93 (1935). 

114. Phillips, P. H., English, H., and Hart, E. B., 7. Nutrition, 10: 399 (1935). 

115. Smith, M. C., and Lantz, E. M., 7. Biol. Chem., 112: 303 (1935). 

116. Franke, K. W., and Potter, Van R., 7. Nutrition, 10: 213 (1935)). 

117. Franke, K. W.. 7. Nutrition. 10: 223 (1935). 

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118. Franke, K. W., /. Nutrition, 10: 233 (1935). 

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167. Haman, R. W., and Steenbock, H., 7. Nutrition, 10: 653 (1935). 

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Inst. Nutrition, J. Nutrition, 9: No. 6, Suppl. p. 7 (June, 1935). 

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Med., 212: 257 (1935). 

173. Rapoport. M., Stokes, J., Jr., and Whipple, D. V., 7. Pediatrics. 6: 799 (1935). 

174. Strong, R. A., Naef, E. F., and Harper, I. M., 7. Pediatrics, 7: 21 (1935). 

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175. Compere, E. L., Porter, T. E., and Roberts, L. J., Am. J. Diseases Children, 50: 55 


176. Krauss, W. E., and Bethke, R. M., Ohio Agr. Expt. Sta., Bi-monthly Bull., 173: 53 


177. Guerrant, N. B., Kohler, E., Hunter, J. E., and Murphy, R. R., 7. Nutrition, 10: 167 


178. Russell, W. C, and Taylor, M. W., /. Nutrition, 10: 613 (1935). 

179. Bills, C. E., McDonald, F. G., Massengale, O. N., Iraboden, M., Hall, H., Hergert, 

W. D., and Wallenmeyer, J. C, /. Biol. Chem., 109: vii (May, 1935). 

180. Harris, R. S., and Bunker, J. W. M., /. Nutrition, 9: 301 (1935). 

181. Jones, J. H., and Cohn, B. N. E., Proc. Am. Inst. Nutrition, J. Nutrition, 9: 

No. 6, Suppl. p. 8 (1935). 

182. Huffman, C. F., and Duncan, C. W., /. Dairy Sci., 18: 605 (1935). 

183. Lachat, L. L., and Palmer, L. S., 7. Nutrition, 10: 565 (1935). 

184. Coons, C. M., and Coons, R. R., 7. Nutrition, 10: 289 (1935). 

185. Swanson, W. W., and lob, L. V., Am. 7. Diseases Children, 49: 43 (1935). 

186. Wallis, G. C, Palmer, L. S., and Gullickson, T. W., 7. Dairy Sci., 18: 213 (1935). 

187. Morgan, A. F., and Samisch, Z., 7. Biol. Chem., 108: 741 (1935). 

188. Tones, J. H. 7. Biol. Chem., Ill: 155 (1935). 

189. Evans, H. M., as reported by Lawrence, W., New York Times, October 31, 1935. 

190. Olcott, H. S., 7. Biol. Chem., 110: 695 (1935). 

191. Bamum, G. L., 7. Nutrition, 9: 621 (1935). 

192. Day, P. L., Langston, W. C-, and Shukers, C. F., 7. Nutrition, 9: 637 (1935). 

193. Almquist, H. J., and St<Astad, E. L. R., 7. Biol. Chem., Ill: 105 (1935). 

194. Long, Z., and Pittman, M. S., 7. Nutrition, 9: 677 (1935). 

195. Kunerth, B. L., Chitwood, I. M., and Pittman, M. S., 7. Nutrition, 9: 685 (1935). 

196. Seegers, W. H., and Mattill, H. A., 7. Nutrition, 10: 271 (1935). 

197. Williams, J. C, and Beals, M. C, 7. Home Econ., 27: 539 (1935). 

198. Devaney, G. M., and Munsell, H. E., 7. Home Econ., 27: 240 (1935). 

199. Whipple, D., 7. Nutrition, 9: 163 (1935). 

200. Devaney, G. M., and Putney, L. K., 7. Hom^ Econ., 27: 658 (1935). 

201. Pottinger, S. R., Lee, C. F., Tolle, C. D., and Harrison, R. W., U. S. Bur. Fisheries, 

Investigational Rept., 27: 1 (1935). 

202. Fowler, A. F., and Bazin, E. V., 7. Am. Dietetic Assoc, 11: 14 (1935). 

203. Coulson, E. J., Remington, R. E., and Lynch, K. M., 7. Nutrition, 10: 255 (1935). 

204. Rupp, V. R., Ifid. Eng. Chem., 27: 1053 (1935). 

205. Stansby, M. E., and Griffiths, F. P., Ind. Enp. Chem., 27: 1452 (1935). 

206. Bailey, M. I., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 973 (1935)'. 

207. Bailey, M. I., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 385 (1935). 

208. Sell, H. M., Olsen, A. G., and Kremers, R. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1222 (1935). 

209. Woodruff, S., Pickens, L., and Smith, J. M., 7. Home Econ.. 27: 540 (1935). 

210. Givens, J. W., Almquist, H. J., and Stokstad, E. L. R., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 973 


211. Rose, M. S., and Borgeson, G. M., Child Development Monog., No. 17, Teachers 

College, New York. 

212. Devaney, G. M., Titus, H. W., and Nestler, R. B., 7. Agr. Research, 50: 853 


213. Koenig, M. C, Kramer, M. M., and Payne, L. F., Poultry Sci., 14: 178 (1935). 

214. Trout, G. M., Halloran, C. P., and (5ould, I. A., Mich. Agr. Expt. Sta., Tech. 

Bull., 145 (1935). 

215. Lasby, H. A., and Palmer, L. S., 7. Dairv Sci., 18: 181 (1935). 

216. Perlman, J. L., 7. Dairy Sci., 18: 125 (1935). 

217. Perlman, J. L., 7. Dairy Sci., 18: 113 (1935). 

218. Webb, B. H., 7. Dairy Sci., 18: 81 (1935). 

219. Jack, E. L., and Bechdel, S. I., 7. Dairy Sci., 18: 195 (1935). 

220. Templeton, H. L., and Sommer, H. H., 7. Dairy Sci., 18: 97 (1935). 

221. Michaelian, M. B., and Hammer, B. W., la. Agr. Expt. Sta., Research Bull., 179: 

203 (1935). 

222. Whittier, E. O., and Trimble, C. S., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 389 (1935). 

223. Bird, E. W., Breazeale, D. F., and Sands, G. C, la. Agr. Expt. Sta., Research 

Bull., 175: 3 (1935). 

224. Goss, E. F., Nielson, V., and Mortensen, M., la. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bull., 324: 253 


225. Lane, C. B., and Hammer, B. W., la. Agr. Expt. Sta., Research Bull., 183: 355 


226. Heiman, V., Poultry Sci., 14: 137 (1935). 

227. Alsberg, C. L., Wheat Studies, Food Research Inst., U: 229 (1935). 

228. Swanson, C. O., Cereal Chem., 12: 89 (1935). 

229. Steller, M. R., Markley, M. C, and Bailey, C. H., Cereal Chem., 12: 268 (1935). 

230. Blish, M. J., and Bode, C. E., Cereal Chem., 12: 133 (1935). 

231. Bailey, C. H., and Sherwood, R. C, Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1426 (1935). 

232. Bayfield, E. G., Cereal Chem.. 12: 1 (1935). 

233. Skovholt, O., and Bailey, C. H., Cereal Chem., 12: 307, 321 (1935). 

234. Mangels, C. E., and Martin, J. J., Jr., Cereal Chem., 12: 149 (1935). 

235. Balls, A. K., and Hale, W. S., 7. Assoc. Official Agr. Chem., 18: 135 (1935). 

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236. Markley, M. C, and Bailey, C. H., Cereal Chem., 12: 33, 40, 49 (1935). 

237. Munsey, V. E., /. Assoc. Official Agr. Chem., 18: 489 (1935). 

238. Hootft, F. v., and dc Leeuw, F. J. G., Cereal Chem., 12: 213 (1935). 

239. Zeleny, L., Cereal Chem., 12: 536 (1935). 

240. BaUcy, L. H., Capen, R. G., and LeClcrc, J. A., Cereal Chem., 12: 441 (1935). 

241. Schwarz, R., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1031 (1935). 

242. Michaelis, L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1037 (1935). 

243. Sicbcl, F. P., Jr., and Singrucn, E., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1042 (1935). 

244. Haas, A. R. C, and Klotz, L. P., Hilgardia, 9: 181 (1935). 

245. Haas, A. R. C, and Bliss, D. E., Hilgardia, 9: 295 (1935). 

246. Culpepper, C. W^ and Moon, H. H.. U. S. Dept. Agr., Tech. Bull., 462. 23 pp. 

247. Adams, G., and Chatficld, C, /. Am. Dietetic Assoc, 10: 383 (1935). 

248. Coleman, t. M., and Ruprecht, R. W., /. Nutrition, 9: 51 (1935). 

249. Haas, A. R. C, Calif. Citogr., 20: 160, 172, 173 (1935); Exp. Sta. Rec, 73: 482. 

250. Mitchell, J. S., /. Assoc. Official Agr. Chem., 18: 128 (1935). 

251. U. S. Dept. Agr. Service and Regulatory Announcement, Food and Drug Admin- 

istration, No. 4, 3rd Revision, May, 1935. 

252. Pitman, G., /. Assoc. Official Agr. Chem., 18: 441 (1935). 

253. Balls, A. K., and Hale, W. S., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 335 (1935). 

254. Harding, P. L., la. Agr. Eocpt, Sta., Research Bull., 182: 317 (1935). 

255. Poore, H. D., Fruit Products J., 14: 170, 201 (1935). 

256. Baker, G. L., and Kneeland, R. F., Fruit Products /.. 14: 204. 210, 220 (1935). 

257. Baker, G. L., and Kneeland, R., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 92 (1935). 

258. Isham, P. D., Fellers, C. R., and Clague, J. A., Mass. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bull., 315: 59 


259. Toslyn, M. A., and Marsh, G. L.. Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 186 (1935). 

260. Rittinger, F., Dembo, L. H., and Torrey, G..G., /. Pediatrics, 6: 517 (1935). 

261. Report of Committee on Foods, /. Am. Med. Assoc, 105: 1119 (1935). 

262. Horvath, A. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., News Ed., 13: 89 (1935). 

263. Jamieson, G. S., and McKinney, R. S., Oil and Soap, 12, No. 4: 70 (1935). 

264. Horvath. A. A., Food Ind., 7: 15 (1935). 

265. Gulp, F. B., and Copenhaver, J. E., /. Home Econ., 27: 308 (1935). 

266. Morgan, A. F., Am. J. Pub. Health, 25: 328 (1935). 

267. Morgan, A. F., Hunt, M. J., and Squier, M., /. Nutrition, 9: 395 (1935). 

268. Morgan, A. F., Field, A., Kimmel, L., and Nichols, P. F., /. Nutrition, 9: 383 (1935V 

269. Morgan, A. F., Kimmel, L., Field, A., and Nichols, P. F., /. Nutrition, 9: 369 (1935). 

270. Roehm, G. H., /. Home Econ., 27: 663 (1935). 

271. Batchelder, E. L., Miller, K., Sevals, N., and Starling, L., /. Am. Dietetic Assoc, 

11: 115 (1935). 

272. Magistad, O. C, Plant Physiol., 10: 187 (1935). 

273. MacLeod, F. L., Armstrong, M. R., Heap, M. E., and Tolbert, L. A., 7. Agr. 

Research, 50: 181 (1935). 

274. Fellers, C. R., Qague, J. A., and Isham, P. D., /. Home Econ., 27: 447 (1935). 

275. Somers, D. M., and Sweetman, M. D., /. Home Econ., 27: 452 (1935>. 

276. Kleiner, I. S., and Tauber, H.. Science, 82: 552 (1935). 

277. Brown, E. M., and Henriques, V. deF., Ind. Eng. Chem.. 27: 1235 (1935). 

278. Champlin. F. M., Goresline, H. E., and Tressler, D. K., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1240 


279. Ash, C. S., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1243 (1935). 

280. Saywell, L. G., Ind. Eng. Chem., 71 \ 1245 (1935). 

281. Morris, M. M., Ind. Eng. Chem., 71 x 1250 (1935). 

282. Marsh, G. L., and Joslyn, M. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1252 (1935). 

283. Pederson, C. S., Goresline, H. E., and Beavens, E. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1257 


284. Joslyn, M. A., and Marsh, G. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 33 (1935). 

285. Home, W. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 989 (1935). 

286. Keane, J. C, Ambler, J. A., and Byall, S., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 30 (1935). 

287. Dittmar, J. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 333 (1935). 

288. Fabian, F. W., and Buskirk, H. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 349 (1935). 

289. Fellers, C. R., Am. J. Public Health, 25: 1340 (1935). 

290. McCay, C. M., Crowell, M. F., and Maynard, L. A., /. Nutrition, 10: 63 (1935). 

291. Asdell, S. A., and Crowell, M. F., /. Nutrition. 10: 13 (1935). 

292. Sherman, H. C, and Campbell, H. L., Proc Natl. Acad. Sci., 21: 434 (1935). 

293. Mendel, L. B., and Hubbell, R. B., /. Nutrition, 10: 557 (1935). 

294. Todd, T. W., Science. 81: 259 (1935). 

295. McLester, J. S., /. Am. Med. Assoc, 104: 2144 (1935). 

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Chapter XVIL 
Insecticides and Fungicides. 


Division of Insecticide Investigations, Bureau of Entomology and 
Plant Quarantine, United States Department of Agriculture, 

During 1934 and 1935 organic insecticides received increased atten- 
tion. New uses that were found for the rotenone-bearing plants, derris 
and cube, greatly stimulated their importation. In 1934 about 1,000,000 
pounds of derris root and 500,000 pounds of cube root were imported 
into the United States, whereas a few years ago neither was commer- 
cially available. Dusts made by diluting these finely ground roots to a 
rotenone content of from 0.5 to 1 percent are the most effective insecti- 
cides known for combating cabbage worms and the Mexican bean beetle, 
and leave no poisonous residues. 

Chemists have been active in developing synthetic organic compounds 
as insecticides and fungicides. Phenothiazine is a striking example of 
this class. It is even more toxic than rotenone to mosquito larvae, 
killing them in a concentration of 1 part in 1,000,000. It has attracted 
much attention recently because of the promising results it has given 
against the codling moth. Phenothiazine is not toxic to warm-blooded 
animals when taken by mouth. Insecticide workers are now encour- 
aged to believe that satisfactory substitutes for the poisonous arsenic, 
lead, and fluorine insecticides may be found among synthetic organic 

Arsenicals. Richardson ^ei tested arsenious oxide and acid lead 
arsenate in standard bran-molasses bait as poisons for the differen- 
tial grasshopper. The median lethal dose of arsenious oxide is 
about 0.11 mg. per gram of body weight; that of acid lead arsenate 
is 2 to 4 mg. per gram. Whitehead ^^^ reported that bran poisoned 
with arsenic for grasshopper bait had no effect on quail or chickens. 
Gross and Nelson ^^7 described an apparatus for the determination of 
arsenic evolved from tobacco during smoking. To produce an insecti- 
cide, Thordarson 3^^ mixes neutral waste sulfite liquor and a solution 
containing arsenic and an alkali hydroxide and adds a soluble non- 
alkali metal salt to produce a precipitate. Dearborn ®^ prepared homo- 
logs of Paris green in which formic, propionic, butyric, monochloro- 
acetic, and trichloroacetic acids were substituted for acetic acid. Analy- 
sis indicated that these homologs, like Paris green, are definite com- 
pounds of copper meta-arsenite and the copper salt of the corresponding 


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acid and that the ratio of the two constituents is very close to 3 : 1 in 
all cases. Munday^ss produced a larvicide by agitating Paris green 
with a solution of sodium amyl xanthate, filtering, drying the powder, 
and sifting it. Latimer ^®^ makes arsenic acid by the action of iodine 
and nitric acid on arsenious acid, and Boiler 22 oxidizes arsenious acid 
by air in the presence of an iodide and activated carbon. Wagner and 
Mowe^27 produce sodium pyroarsenate from arsenious oxide, sodium 
nitrate, and sodium carbonate. Tucker ^23 reported that standard, or 
acid, lead arsenates bum foliage severely in the coastal fog belts of 
California, an effect that may be due to the reaction of the acid lead 
arsenate with sodium chloride carried from the ocean by winds, form- 
ing a basic chloroarsenate and releasing 35 percent of the original 
arsenic. A basic lead arsenate may be used in these regions without 
foliage injury. Various agents for increasing and maintaining lead 
arsenate deposits for codling moth control are discussed by Marshall, 
Edie, and Priest,203 and the distribution of arsenic on the foliage of 
trees sprayed with arsenicals is discussed by Farley.®*^ Kadow and 
Anderson i'^^ found that. the addition of zinc sulfate to lead arsenate- 
lime sprays for peach trees prevented arsenic injury, and Poole ^50 
found that zinc sulfate and powdered sulfur are both effective in reduc- 
ing the arsenical injury of peach trees treated with lead arsenate. 
Young 3^^ found that three or more thorough applications of herring 
oil-lea^l arsenate combination sprays reduced the carbon dioxide intake 
of apple leaves, and Hough ^^^ reported that severe foliage injury by 
lead arsenate occurred on trees sprayed heavily and frequently with oil 
during the previous season. The decrease in natural control of white- 
fly and scale insects by fungi on orange trees caused by the use of 
arsenical and copper insecticides was studied by Hill, Yothers, and 
Miller, 155 and the use of arsenical sprays reduced the percentage of 
parasitization by Ascogaster carpocapsae on codling moth larvae by 
more than one-half, according to Cox and Daniel.^^ 

Hedenburg ^^'^ manufactures zinc arsenate from zinc oxide, sodium 
hydroxide, and arsenic acid, and produces lead arsenate from litharge 
and arsenic acid in kerosene.^*® Dickson '^^ has patented an insecticide 
comprising lead arsenate and ferric arsenate and also ''^ an insecticide 
consisting of 85 parts of lead arsenate, 5 parts of lead cyanide, and 
10 parts of Bordeaux mixture containing J^ copper. 

The preparation of a new chloroarsenate of calcium, (CaCl)2- 
HASO4 . 2H2O, was reported by Smith.^^® Pearce, Norton, and Chap- 
man ^^^ described a new method for determining the relative safeness 
to foliage of calcium arsenates, which is based on the observation that 
if water-soluble arsenic is determined after neutralization or removal 
of the free lime normally occurring in commercial preparations, values 
are obtained which may be used as an index to injury. Hagood^^ 
patented a method of preparing stabilized calcium arsenate insecticides 
containing a fluorine compound, and Fales ^® patented a plant-protecting 
agent containing calcium arsenate, basic copper sulfate, and nicotine. 

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Howard and Davidson ^^^ made six samples of calcium arsenate safe 
for use on bean foliage by treatment in an autoclave under 150 pounds 
steam pressure (366° F.) for two hours and subsequent drying at 
131° F. for 48 hours. Marshall 202 reported that in an arid area the 
injury to foliage by calcium arsenate is eliminated by the use of a metal 
sulfate as a buffer; for example, 1 pound of zinc sulfate peritahydrate 
and 2 pounds of hydrated lime are added to 3 pounds of calcium 
arsenate per 100 gallons. Chapman ^^ reported that calcium arsenate 
is perhaps equal to lead arsenate in toxicity to the apple maggot but is 
inferior against the codling moth in New York. Webster ^32 reported 
that encouraging results have been obtained where calcium arsenate has 
been used with metallic sulfates and hydrated lime to check injury to 
foliage. Acid washes were effective in reducing the calcium arsenate 
deposit on apples. Webster ^^^ studied the arsenic deposit produced and 
the degree of codling moth control obtained by the use of lead arsenate, 
manganese arsenate, and calcium arsenate combinations with fish oil, 
calcium arsenate-mineral oil, and calcium arsenate soap. 

Antimony. Burdette^*^ reported that, when a spray containing 
an invert sugar syrup and 1.5 to 2 poimds of tartar emetic per 50 gal- 
lons was used on corn in the field, from 85 to 90 percent of the com 
ear worm moths fed on the syrup but the toxic action was not suffi- 
ciently rapid to prevent &gg laying before the moths died. 

Copper. Collaborative studies on methods for the determination 
of copper and lead oxide in insecticides were reported by Graham. ^22 
de Ong 240 found it possible to carry minute amounts of copper into the 
tissue of leaves and twigs by the use of copper resinate dissolved in a 
specially prepared pine-tar oil, and later 242 reported that analysis of 
twigs 30 days after spraying with oil-soluble copper showed 60 percent 
of the copper originally applied on the surface and 21 percent in the 
tissue itself. No copper was foimd in the tissue of Bordeaux-sprayed 
twigs. Hildebrand and Phillips "^^^ found that, while copper sulfate is 
poisonous to bees, it is also a repellent and it is impossible to predict 
the damage to bees which might result from the application of copper 
sulfate to open fruit blossoms. Wilson ^43 reported that the efficiency 
of Bordeaux mixture in controlling cucumber diseases was improved 
by the addition of one percent oil emulsion. Bordeaux mixture alone 
injured the plants. The best results were obtained with mixtures 
(sprays or dusts) of copper phosphate, copper sulfate, basic copper 
sulfate, basic copper chloride, or a copper ammonium silicate with cal- 
cium or manganese arsenate. Several patents on copper fungicides 
were issued. Green ^^6 patented copper silicate with lime, Sessions ^88 
a complex copper ammonium silicate, and Goldsworthy ^^^ copper phos- 
phate with lime and also ^^o cupric oxide with lime. Roberts and asso- 
ciates 274 reported good fungicidal results from the application of a 
copper phosphate-bentonite-lime spray, and Groves ^^^ reported control 
of apple scab with copper phosphate. A process for making a solution 
of copper and zinc sulfates, which comprises dissolving brass in dilute 

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sulfuric acid under pressure in the presence of compressed air, was pat- 
ented by Corson,^^ who also ^^ patented a process for producing copper 
sulfate by the action of sulfur dioxide and oxygen on copper in the 
presence of water. A process for impregnating the soil with an insol- 
uble copper salt to combat termites was patented by Chandler.*^ 

Cadmium. Migrdichian 221 patented a seed disinfectant compris- 
ing cadmium cyanide, cadmium diisopropyl dithiophosphate, cadmium 
cyanamide, cadmium xanthate, and cadmium phenyl cyanamide. 
Migrdichian and Horsfall 222 patented a seed disinfectant comprising a 
toxic metal salt of an aromatic hydrocarbon-substituted cyanamide, the 
toxic metal being selected from the group : lead, zinc, mercury, cad- 
mium, bismuth, and iron. 

Zinc. Kadow^"^*^ reported that zinc sulfate-lime sprays were 
ineffective against peach scab, brown rot, and bacterial spot disease. 
Added to lead arsenate-lime sprays, zinc sulfate prevented rapid con- 
version of the lime into calcium carbonate and also prevented an 
increase in the concentration of water-soluble arsenic. Liipfert ^^^ pat- 
ented a bactericide and fungicide composition comprising basic zinc 
sulfate intermixed with free calcium hydroxide in the form of a powder 
adapted to be dusted on plants and trees. Mills 225 patented aqueous 
solutions of zinc 2,4,5-triclilorophenolate as fungicides. 

Mercury. Zimmerman and Crocker ^^^ reported that certain 
varieties of plants are injured by vapors from mercury or mercury 
compounds in the soil. There was evidence that mercury compounds 
in the soil are reduced to metallic mercury. Muncie and Frutchey232 
classified 25 fungicides tested for control of stinking smut caused by 
Tilletia levis on wheat in the following three groups: (a) certain 
organic mercurials, a mercury-copper carbonate mixture, two percent 
ethyl mercuric chloride, and copper carbonate, which were very effec- 
tive; (b) mainly mercury-copper combinations, not yet sufficiently 
tested, which are promising; (c) calomel and other compounds, com- 
pletely ineffective. Kharasch ^^^ patented a disinfectant in dust form 
for the control of seed and plant diseases, comprising an alkyl mercuric 
acetate and a dry diluting agent. Riker, Iranoff, and Kilmer 2«5 
reported that mercuric chloride (1:1000) and cadmium chloride 
(1: 100) are effective in killing all surface bacteria on nursery apple 
trees without visible evidence of root injury. Young 356 found that 
organic mercury dusts and formaldehyde controlled oat smut and the 
former exhibited stimulating effects on early-sown seeds. Dust con- 
taining ethyl mercuric chloride or phosphate improved the stand of 
cotton, although actual yield increases were few. A mercury ammo- 
nium silicate gel prepared by the action of a solution of mercuric chlo- 
ride on a mixture of ammonium hydroxide and sodium silicate was used 
by White ^^^ as a treatment for gladiolus corms. 

Fluorine Compounds. Sodium fluoride, pyrethrum, borax, and 
derris comprise the materials employed in roach powders, and the 
merits of various mixtures are discussed.^ Fluoride-pyrethrum mix- 

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tures have come to be looked upon as the standard roach powder. Per- 
sing 247 reported that to increase the deposit and subsequent adherence 
of cryolite or barium fluosilicate when used with oil emulsions as fruit 
sprays, they should be wetted with the oil before being placed in the 
tank. The fluorine compounds, particularly natural cryolite, were found 
by Dobroscky ''^•i to be effective in the control of the tobacco flea 
beetle, the eggplant flea beetle, and the Mexican bean beetle. Dietz 
and Zeisert '^^ found barium fluosilicate dusts to control black and mar- 
gined blister beetles and to be safe to a comparatively wide range of 
plants. Basinger and Boyce ^^ controlled the orange worm by dusting 
the trees in June- August with a mixture of barium fluosilicate, cryolite, 
fiber talc, and refined mineral oil or by spraying with cryolite. 
DeLong'^^ concludes from a review of the literature that synthetic 
cryolite is superior to natural cryolite. 

Sulfur. McGregor 209, 210 reported that the effectiveness of sul- 
fur dusts against the citrus thrips is related to the percentage of sulfur 
that passes a 325-mesh sieve. Finely ground sulfur is effective against 
the smutty fungus of citrus. Tower and Dye322 patented a parasiti- 
cidal composition consisting of 100-mesh powdered sulfur coated with 
a substantially water-insoluble green dye and dye carrier to render it 
inconspicuous on foliage. The preparation of a colloidal bentonite- 
sulfur, much more toxic than mechanical mixtures, is described by 
McDaniel.207 Davis and Young ^^ found flowers of sulfur the best 
form to use for fumigation in a mushroom house ; the distribution of the 
sulfur dioxide gas produced was studied. They ^'^ also determined the 
optimum gas concentration and time of exposure for various conditions 
of temperature and humidity for sulfur fumigation of mushroom houses, 
and described ^^ the construction of an outside sulfur burner for mush- 
room-house fumigation. Henderson ^^^ found calcium sulfide alone, 
of all ftmgicides tested, to give results approaching commercial control 
of downy mildew of tobacco. The composition, properties, and uses of 
sulfur spray materials are discussed by Groves, ^^9 ^nd the factors affect- 
ing the fungicidal value of lime-sulfur solutions and elemental sulfur 
by Peterson.249 MacDaniels and Burrell ^^® presented data confirm- 
ing the view that sulfur applied as a dust or lime-sulfur spray, either 
before or shortly after pollination, reduces the set of apple fruit. The 
method of Kiihl ^^'^-^ is applied by Small ^95 to the determination of the 
amount of sulfur adhering to the foliage of trees treated with sulfur 
fungicides. Hurt ^^"^ patented a method for the preparation of an insec- 
ticide and fungicide comprising adding sulfonated water-gas creosote 
oil to a solution of calcium polysulfides. Christmann and Jayne^^ 
claim an insecticide comprising powdered sulfur, a wetting agent, and a 
deflocculating agent. 

Selenium. Ries2«4 reported that a proprietary insecticide con- 
taining selenium compounds showed promising results against eggs and 
active forms of a new mite (Neotetranychus huxi) on boxwood. Gnad- 
inger ^^* patented insecticides containing sodium, potassium, potassium- 

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ammonium, and sodium-ammonium selenosul fides, and also ^^^ an insec- 
ticide containing ammonium selenosul fide and a process for making this 

Miscellaneous Inorganic Compounds. McCallan and Wil- 
coxon^oe presented data on the toxicity to certain fungi and spores 
of compounds of the elements arranged in terms of the periodic system. 
The toxicity increases toward the center of the periodic table and is 
less at the two ends ; toxicity within a group increases with molecular 
weight. Compounds of positive elements show nearly the same toxicity 
regardless of the compound used, but hydrides of negative elements are 
all toxic, while highly oxidized forms are only slightly so. Compounds 
of silver and osmium are the most toxic. Other elements besides mer- 
cury and copper that can be used as fungicides are cerium, cadmiimi, 
lead, thallium, chromium, and arsenic. Karns ^"^^ patented a prepa- 
ration for freeing plants of parasites, which consists of a mixture of an 
iodine compound (e.g., iodides of sodium, potassium, calcium, barium, 
etc.) and an oxidizing agent, which under atmospheric influence 
undergo reaction, slowly releasing free iodine. Hamilton ^^^ patented 
a jelly-like ant-killing mixture containing a thallium compound, sugar, 
water, agar, and honey. Exposing apples to a solution of sodium 
hpyochlorite in the rinse water after the washing process is recom- 
mended by Baker and Heald ^^ for the prevention of blue-mold decay. 

Spray Residue Removal. The United States Department of Agri- 
culture requires that fruits shall not bear more than 0.01 grain of 
arsenious oxide (AS2O3), 0.018 grain of lead (Pb), and 0.01 grain of 
fluorine (F) per pound when offered for interstate shipment. Much 
activity was manifested in 1934 and 1935 in devising analytical methods 
for determining, and methods and apparatus for washing off, spray 
residues on fruits. Wichmann, et. al.^^^ described six methods for the 
determination of small quantities of lead, particularly in insecticidal 
spray residues, and Frear and Haley ®^ proposed a method for the rapid 
determination of lead residues on apples, which is based on the use of 
the photronic cell. The solvent action on lead arsenate of a number 
of inorganic and organic acids, acids plus salts, salts, alkaline solutions, 
alkaline solutions plus salts, and wetting agents with and without acid 
was studied by Carter.** Addition of mineral oil to acid wash solutions 
reduces the danger of fruit injury at high temperatures and increases 
the efficiency of residue removal, according to Smith.^^^ Beaumont 
and Haller ^^ discussed the effectiveness of seven wetting agents in 
removing lead residues from apples. Horsfall and Jayne^^*^ reported 
that wool grease, thinned with petroleum naphtha, may be used to con- 
trol excess foaming when Vatsol is used with certain washing com- 
pounds in commercial washing machines where agitation is present. 
The effect of the spray program adopted on the amount of lead residue 
on apples and its removal is discussed by Haller, Beaumont, Murray, 
and Cassil.^''^^ Haller, Smith, and RyalP^^ described the optimum 
conditions for removal of spray residues by hydrochloric acid and by 

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sodium silicate. The removal of arsenic residues by hydrochloric acid 
from apples receiving various spray schedules is discussed by McLean 
and Weber ^n Bordeaux residues on fruits and vegetables are removed 
by dilute acetic acid. Wakeland ^^^ summarized numerous data on the 
lead and arsenic contents of washed apples in relation to the spray pro- 
gram. Haller, Beaumont, Gross, and Rusk ^37 gave general recom- 
mendations for washing apples with hydrochloric acid, with salt and a 
wetting agent if necessary, to remove lead arsenate. Fluke, Dunn, and 
Ritcher^^ reported that sodium silicate aids in the removal of lead 
arsenate spray residues from apples by three methods which differ from 
the usual tank washing : ( 1 ) By incorporation of the silicate in the last 
regular lead arsenate spray; (2) by applying a spray of silicate of 
soda, followed by clear water, to the fruit just before picking; and 
(3) by dipping the picked fruit first in an unheated bath of sodium 
silicate and then in an unheated water bath. Carter *^' *^ reported that 
sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, and monosodium phosphate each 
decreases the solubility of cryolite in water at 20° C. Boric acid, alu- 
minum salts, and ferric salts increase the solubility of cryolite in 1.5 
percent hydrochloric acid or water. The results of recent experiments 
on the removal of lead, arsenic, and fluorine residues from apples with 
various washes are discussed by Smith, et. al. ^^^' ^^^ Ryall ^79 reported 
that a double washing process using sodium silicate or sodium carbo- 
nate, followed by hydrochloric acid, is more effective than either solu- 
tion alone for the removal of fluorine residues. Mineral oil added to 
acid increases its effectiveness. Sodium chloride decreases the solvent 
action on fluorine, while ferric chloride and aluminum sulfate show 
promise for increasing the solvent action of hydrochloric acid. Fruit 
sprayed throughout the season with cryolite has not been consistently 
cleaned below the tolerance for fluorine by any method so far devised. 
McLean and Weber 212 patented a process for washing to remove spray 
residue with a solution containing 1 to 2 percent hydrochloric acid, 0.5 
to 1 percent of a sulfonated aromatic hydrocarbon, and not over 0.5 
percent of a substance to prevent foaming. A general view of the 
arsenic and lead spray residue situation throughout the country during 
1933 was presented by White.^^^ Henry ^^o- ^^^ patented processes for 
the removal of residual poisons from fruits and vegetables which com- 
prised subjecting them to a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid or 
an alkali, with subsequent removal of the alkali by washing in water. 
Wetters, Spreaders, and Adhesives. Hensill and Hoskins 1^2 
proposed definitions for wetting agent, spreader, sticker, and emulsify- 
ing agent. Cupples®^ reported a study of the wetting and spreading 
properties of sodium hydroxide-oleic acid mixtures. Ginsburg^^® 
found several new sulfated fatty alcohols (10 to 18 carbon straight 
chain) and their sodium salts, sulfated fatty acids, and sulfated phenol 
compotmds to have promising properties as spreaders. Cory and Lang- 
ford ^^ studied a number of sulfated alcohols to ascertain their value 
as toxic agents for insects, as emulsifying agents for oils and other 

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insecticides, as dispersing and carrying reagents for insecticides that 
deteriorate in alkaline solution, as wetting agents for alkaline and acid 
sprays, and as an aid in removal of the arsenical and lead residues on 
sprayed fruit. Bousquet^* patented a contact insecticide comprising 
an aqueous preparation containing technical soybean lecithin as the 
essential active ingredient and sulfonated fish oil as a dispersing agent. 
Eddy^* described two formulas for the preparation of a spreader for 
nicotine consisting of pine tar oil, in one formula plus water, potassium 
hydroxide, ethyleneglycol monoethyl ether, oleic acid, and in the other 
formula plus phenol and isoamyl alcohol. Littooy and Lindstaedt ^^^ 
patented a spreader for insecticidal use comprising a thorough mixture 
of lime, soybean flour, and skimmed-milk powder. Green ^^8 patented 
a flocculated bentonite, characterized by failure to swell or disperse in 
water, for use as an adjuvant for horticultural sprays. The prepara- 
tion of a bentonite- Bordeaux mixture is described. Bamhill ^^ patented 
a pest-annihilating dusting composition comprising a toxic ingredient 
(sulfur, cupric sulfate, hydrocyanic acid, Paris green, nicotine, etc.) 
and oil sorption foots (clay, fuller's earth, or bentonite that has been 
used to refine oils). Merrill 21* patented a process for the production 
of an insecticide by mixing a finely divided water-insoluble toxic com- 
poimd (e.g., arsenious oxide, Paris green, London purple, or barium 
carbonate) in molten asphalt and emulsifying with a slurry of clay 
and water. Fulton®^ patented an insecticidal spray non-injurious to 
foliage comprising a finely divided gas black in colloidal suspension in 
a neutral aqueous liquid containing an emulsifying agent, e.g., soap. 
Yothers and Miller ^^^ found blood albumin to be an effective adhe- 
sive for sulfur dusts. Forbes ®^ patented an insecticidal and fungicidal 
dusting powder comprising a hygroscopic mixture of desiccated milk 
and molasses and an active agent. Dills and Menusan^^ reported a 
study of the relative toxicity to insects of a number of fatty acids and 
their soaps. Fleming and Baker ^® reported laboratory tests with con- 
tact insecticides against Japanese beetles which showed that sodium 
soaps are more effective than potassium soaps, and soaps containing 
excess alkali are more effective than neutral soaps or soaps containing 
free oleic acid. The effectiveness of the neutral potassium soaps of the 
saturated fatty acids increases with the molecular weight. Eddy^ 
described a preparation of soybean oil and meal suitable for emulsifying 
mineral oils for spraying. Flint and Salzberg^^ patented certain 
amino alcohol salts of organic acids (e.g., methylglucamine stearate) 
for use as emulsifying agents for insecticides. 

Oils and Emulsions. Cressman and Dawsey ^2 reported spraying 
experiments with mineral oil emulsions which showed that oil deposit 
and insecticidal efficiency vary inversely with the concentration of soap 
emulsifier in the aqueous phase and directly with the concentration of 
oil in the emulsions. Rohrbaugh ^75 reported a study of the penetration 
and accumulation of petroleum spray oils in the leaves, twigs, and fruit 
of citrus trees. Yotmg^^^ described with the aid of drawings the 

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microscopic and macroscopic phenomena observed during the freezing 
and melting of Cresoap emulsions of six commercial petroleum oils. 
jje354 also demonstrated a general parallelism between the tolerance 
of fimgi and of apple leaves to petroleum oils having less than 11 per- 
cent of sulfonatable matter. A technic for predicting oil injury in 
apple is based on this phenomenon. Martin 204 discussed the employ- 
ment and study of petroleum oil as a spray insecticide. The sulfonic 
acids produced during acid refinement include gamma-acids whose cal- 
cium salts are water-soluble and are promising spray materials, and 
beta-acids, the acids and the sodium salts of which are relatively oil- 
soluble and of possible use as emulsifiers. Carter ^'^ reported the suc- 
cessful use of Diesel fuel oils as insecticides when adequately emulsified 
and dispersed in water. Cleveland ^2 found a new type of summer 
spray oils which exhibits distinctive physical properties in regard to 
spreading, oil deposit, thickness of film, and retardation of rate of pene- 
tration into fruit and leaf tissue, as compared with the usual type of 
cream emulsion or tank-mix oils, and are superior to the latter for 
codling moth control. Ebeling^^ made a comparative study of results 
obtained in control of red scale on lemon by treatment with three low- 
concentration oil sprays at intervals and with a single more concen- 
trated spray. The former method gave very promising results. Farrar 
and Kelley ®® fotmd that dormant oil sprays applied over 5- and 10-year 
periods to relatively young apple trees did not affect tree growth mea- 
surably under orchard conditions. Knight ^^^ reported that both gly- 
ceryl oleate and aluminum naphthenate improve the viscosity and per- 
sistence of petroleum oils and increase the insecticidal effectiveness 
against the codling moth and pear psylla. Freeborn, Regan, and 
Berry ^"^ studied the effect of petroleum-oil sprays in increasing the 
body temperature of dairy cows. Woglum and LaFollette ^^^ reported 
that soluble oils promise to displace pasty emulsions and tank-mix in 
citrus spraying. Young ^^^ found that decane caused ring-spot of apple 
leaves and killed juvenile apple leaves and dormant apple buds. Fifty 
percent of decane in a" spray oil apparently did not increase the toxicity 
of the oil to apple leaves. Decane killed the treated parts of potato 
leaves and passed into the stems. It passed from onion leaves to the 
roots. Decane is present in petroleum oils, but in its pure form is too 
toxic to represent petroleum spray oils in experimental work. Stanley, 
Marcovitch, and Andes ^^^ reported that the control of the San Jose 
scale and peach leaf curl is in direct proportion to the amount of creo- 
sote oil (wood oil) in the spray. Mixtures of creosote oil and oil 
emulsion for control of these pests produce a synergistic effect. Parker, 
Shotwell, and Morton ^^s reported that grasshopper baits containing a 
low-grade lubricating oil gave higher kills than non-oil baits containing 
m61asses and water. Newcomer 2S7 has reviewed recent work on oil 
sprays as insecticides. Adams'^ patented a composition capable of 
forming a stable emulsion and intended as an antiparasitic spray for 
plants and trees, which consisted of oil-soluble mineral oil stdfonates, 

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soda resin soap, water, alcohol, straw oil, and creosote. Grant ^^4 
patented an insecticidal composition comprising an oil-wax gel. Home 
and Hopkins ^^^ patented a process for rendering a shale-oil distillate 
miscible with water. Volck^^* patented a method of applying para- 
siticidal oil to infested plants, which consisted in embracing the oil 
in finely divided dried cane sugar and then dusting the resultant 
powdery material upon the plant. Volck ^^o also patented a parasiticidal 
spray comprising an emulsion of a non-volatile oil, water, and an 
ammonia soap of a fatty acid. Johnson ^"^^ patented a spray for use 
against mealy bugs on pineapples, consisting of an emulsion of water, 
iron sulfate, clay, and refined mineral oil. de Ong and Smith 2*3 
patented a process in which pine oil is oxidized by bubbling air through 
it and then neutralized, yielding a product safe to spray on plants and 
soluble in petroleum. 

Tar Distillates. Hartzell, Harman, and Reed ^^^ found the use of 
mixtures of tar distillates and lubricating-oil emulsions objectionable 
because they appear more toxic to weak trees than either oil alone. They 
stressed the desirability of standardization of spray oils. Hartzell ^** 
and Hurt^^® discussed the physical and chemical properties and uses 
of tar-distillate sprays. 

Synthetic Organic Insecticides and Fungicides. Oserkowsky ^44 
reported that exposure to saturated vapors of naphthalene or its mono- 
chloro or monobromo derivatives, trioxymethylene, benzene, toluene, 
xylene, nitrobenzene and o-, m-, and />-dichlorobenzene killed the 
mycelium of Sclerotium rolfsii. Substitution of a nitro radical in the 
benzene ring resulted in greater toxicity than the substitution of amino, 
bromine, or two chlorine atoms in the para position. Substitution 
of bromine for chlorine in chloropicrin increased the toxicity. Gins- 
burg and Granett ^^^ tested 74 organic compounds against silk moth 
larvae, and found pentachlorophenol, cinchonine, nicotine tannate, and 
diphenylguanidine to be highly toxic and methoxyquinoline, diphenyl- 
guanidine, isoquinoline, and o-nitroanisol to be distinctly repellent. 

Many patents have been issued covering the use as insecticides of a 
wide variety of organic compounds. Products patented include o-phenyl- 
phenol, by Britton and Mills ^i; c?-phenylphenol emulsified in water 
with coconut oil soap, by Schaffer and Tilley ^s^ ; a mixture of phenyl- 
phenols, by Britton ^o ; a mixture of a- and 3-naphthols, by Britton and 
Stearns ^^ ; a mixture of phenol naphthenates in a petroleum hydrocarbon 
oil, by Teichmann ^^"^ ; chlorobenzene, by Seydel ^s^ ; o-dichlorobenzene 
in solid solution in rubber, by Gardner ^^^ ; an oil emulsion containing 
triamylamine, by Sharpies 2»i; the reaction product of a mono- or 
diamylamine with a dihalogenopentane, by Wilson ^^4. compounds of 
hexamethylenetetramine with chromium, copper, or lead, by De 
Rewal '^^ ; and certain diazoamino compounds, by Markush.2<>i Britton ^ 
patented a method for the preparation of sodium />-phenylphenate. Salz- 
berg and Meigs ^^^ patented a parasiticide comprising an organic 
fluorine compound selected from the class consisting of fluoronaph- 

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thalenes, fluorodiphenyls, fluoroanilides, fluorophenols, fluoroacetic acid, 
and phenylfluoroform. Esters of benzoic and salicylic acids have been 
patented ; for example, a mineral-oil solution of an alkyl benzoate ( 1 to 6 
carbon alkyl groups), which may be combined with the oil-soluble prin- 
ciples of pyrethrum flowers, by Adams ® ; certain 5-alkylsalicylic acids 
as fungicides (e. g., 2-hydroxy-5-^^c-amylbenzoic acid and 2-hydroxy-5- 
^^c-hexylbenzoic acid), by Bruson and Stein 3*; and aralkyl esters of 
salicylic acid as insect repellents, by Cleveland.^^ Merrill ^is has pat- 
ented a diethyleneglycol monoalkyl ether ester of meta-arsenious acid 
suitable for use as an insecticide and wood preservative. Knight and 
associates ^^^■^^'^ have. patented mixtures of mineral oil with various 
products, such as partially esterified glyceryl oleate and aluminum 
naphthenate, an oil-soluble ester of a fatty acid derived from an organic 
oil, and a polyhydroxy alcohol partly esterified with a high-molecular 
weight fatty acid. These mixtures are emulsified in water and sprayed 
on plants. Sibley 2»3 patented an insecticide comprising an alkali or 
alkaline-earth salt of a sulfuric acid derivative of the reaction product 
of a monohydric aliphatic alcohol containing less than 17 carbon atoms 
and a hydroxy-substituted diaryl containing 12 to 20 carbon atoms. 
Burwell ^^ patented an insecticidal, bactericidal, and fungicidal com- 
position comprising, in liquid dispersion, a mixture of alkali salts of 
saturated aliphatic monocarboxylic hydroxylated ketonically-constituted 
acid oxidation products of 4- to 15-carbon petroleum hydrocarbons, 
accompanied by non-acidic, unsaponifiable, generally ketonic, oxidized 
compounds of petroleum hydrocarbons. Sharma ^^o patented a process 
in which fruit is coated with a waxy material containing a chloramine 
to retard decay from mold spores. 

The organic sulfur compounds have been found to contain 
many insecticides and fungicides. Campbell, Sullivan, Smith, and 
Haller*2 reported that, of 68 synthetic organic compounds, most of 
which contained sulfur, 24 were found to equal or exceed nicotine in 
effectiveness against culicine mosquito larvae. Diphenylene oxide and 
diphenylene sulfide were the most effective. Of seven thioethers tested, 
phenylacetimido-thio-/)-tolyl ether hydrochloride was the most toxic. 
Roark and Busbey^^z issued a comprehensive bibliography, with brief 
abstracts, of the literature relating to the use of organic sulfur com- 
pounds (exclusive of mothproofing materials) as insecticides. Hartzell 
and Wilcoxon ^^^ reported that, of various organic thiocyanogen com- 
pounds examined as insecticides, the most satisfactory was y-thiocyano- 
propyl phenyl ether, which acted as a paralytic agent and was non- 
injurious to plants. Later Wilcoxon and Hartzell ^41 reported that, 
of five organic thiocyanates tested as insecticides, only trimethylene 
dithiocyanate was equal to or better than y-thiocyanopropylphenyl ether. 
Yeager, Hager, and Straley^^s found that 10 aliphatic thiocyanates 
tested tended to inhibit the contraction rate of the isolated heart 
preparation of the oriental roach. The thiocyanates produce increased 
heart dilation by causing an increased tonus of the alary muscles. 

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Bousquet, Salzberg, and Dietz^s reported a study of the relation 
between molecular weight and toxicity to insects of the thiocyanates of 
the higher fatty alcohols. Patents have been issued to Lee^®^ for a 
process of making sec- and tert- alkylthiocyanates, to Salzberg and 
Bousquet 280 q^ the use of lauryl thiocyanate against lower forms of 
life, to Alvord ^^ for the use of thiazoles as a bacteride and fimg^icide, 
to Tisdale and Williams ^^i for sodium dimethyl dithiocarbamate, and 
to Remy200 for fuller's earth impregnated with readily vaporizable 
organic disulfides recoverable from petroleum. Neiswander ^34 
reported that a proprietary aliphatic thiocyanate was successfully used 
for the control of greenhouse mealybugs. Wilcoxon and McCallan ^^^ 
showed that the organic thiocyanates and the alkyl and acyl resorcinols 
are highly toxic to fungi. The thiazoles, catechol, and pyrocatechuic 
acid are less effective. Tests on control of tomato-leaf mold indicated 
that, while trimethylene dithiocyanate was equal to Bordeaux mixture 
and sulfur dust, none of these gave control of the disease. Salzberg 
and Bousquet ^si patented a parasiticide comprising a compound of the 
formula R-(CNX) in which R = an aliphatic hydrocarbon radical" of at 
least 6 carbon atoms, X = sulfur, selenium, or tellurium, and the group 
CNX stands for the radicals thiocyano, isothiocyano, selenocyano, iso- 
selenocyano, tellurocyano, and isotellurocyano (e. g., lauryl, cetyl, 
stearyl, and octyl thiocyanates). Bolton ^3 patented an insecticide com- 
prising an organic substance containing in its molecule a 5-membered 
ring composed of 3 carbon, 1 sulfur, and 1 nitrogen atom, 1 of said 
carbon atoms carrying a salt-forming group. Smith, Munger, and 
Siegler^^^ reported that phenothiazine shows promise as a substitute 
for lead arsenate in codling moth control. 

Cyanides. Peters ^48 described a new apparatus for measuring 
hydrogen cyanide concentration in tree fumigation, which draws the 
sample through a known volume of five percent potassium bicarbonate 
solution, after which the hydrocyanic acid is determined by titration 
with standard iodine solution. The results of studies on 'the effect of 
temperature and relative humidity on fumigation with hydrocyanic 
acid against red scale were reported by Quayle,^^^ Quayle and Rohr- 
baugh 258 and Moore.228 Pratt, Swain, and Eldred 254 found that of a 
large number of organic and inorganic gases tested as auxiliaries 
methylthiocyanate was the only one which increased the toxicity of 
hydrocyanic acid to scale insects, but this combination caused severe 
foliage injury. Haas ^^^ made a study of the chemical composition of 
citrus scale insects in relation to the part of the tree infested and also 
in relation to the resistance of the scale to cyanide fumigation. Quayle and 
Ebeling257 reported that red scale resistant to hydrocyanic acid fumi- 
gation is controlled well by fumigating twice or by spraying with heavy 
oil to loosen the scales and then fumigating. Swain and Buckner^is 
reported that the use of a form to hold the fumigating tent away 
from the citrus tree definitely increased the effectiveness of control of 
scale on the periphery of the tree, because the concentration of hydro- 

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cyanic acid is lower near the tent wall than near the center of the tree. 
Haas and Quayle ^^^ reported that, to avoid injury, fumigation with 
hydrocyanic acid should be delayed after copper treatment of citrus 
trees. Citrus trees showing damage from fumigation year after year 
contained relatively large amounts of copper. Bliss and Broadbent^i 
made a statistical study of stupefaction time and mortality as criteria 
for the measurement of the action of hydrocyanic acid upon Drosophila 
melanogaster Meigen. Young, Wagner, and Cotton ^^^ reported that, 
for general purposes, a dosage of 8 ounces of hydrocyanic acid per 
10,000 pounds of flour for a 3-hour exposure is effective against all 
stages of the flour beetle. This dosage is based on the use of low pressure 
(about 2 inches of mercury) and with flour temperatures of 70° F. or 
higher. Cupples ^ listed, with brief abstracts, all references appearing 
in the 1930 abstract journals concerning cyanide compounds used as 

Several patents covering the manufacture and application of cyanide 
compounds as fumigants were issued. Pranke^si produces sodium 
cyanide from sodium calcium cyanide by treating the latter with liquid 
anhydrous ammonia. Carlisle and Dangelmajer ^^ prepare hydrated 
calcium cyanide from unslaked lime and hydrocyanic acid. Macallum ^^^ 
prepares cyanide from formamide and sodium carbonate. Gilbert ^^^ 
produces alkali metal cyanide and calcium carbide from calcium cyana- 
mide and alkali metal. Pranke ^52 produces cyanide by reaction of a melt 
of calcium carbide, sodium chloride, and carbon with nitrogen. Marvin 
and Walker ^^^ produce hydrocyanic acid containing 0.05 to 0.5 percent 
of sulfur dioxide by the action of an acid on a mixture of sodium 
cyanide and a metal sulfite. Pranke ^53 claims a process for the prepara- 
tion of calcium sodium cyanide, CaNa2(CN)4. Dimning,^** and Magill, 
Dimning and Ressler 200 patented a process for the generation of hydro- 
cyanic acid ; Harris ^^^ prepares hydrocyanic acid from carbon, 
ammonia, hydrocarbon, and oxygen. Buchanan and Winner ^^ patented 
a process in which a crude cyanide compound containing a cyanide 
unstable in aqueous solution is treated with water vapor under reduced 
pressure and hydrocyanic acid is recovered. Houghton ^^^ prepares a 
sealed package containing a mixture of carbon tetrachloride and acetone 
having hydrocyanic acid and cyanogen chloride absorbed therein. 
Cooper 57 patented a fumigant comprising a mass containing a water- 
decomposable cyanide and a hygroscopic soluble salt of an alkali-earth 
metal. O' Daniel ^38 claims a method of fumigating grain with calcium 

Ethylene Oxide. Horsfall ^^s reported that ethylene oxide affects 
the stage or portion of the bean weevil that is undergoing the greatest 
cellular activity. It is thought that the factors favoring an increased 
intake of oxygen also favor the intake of ethylene oxide. Britton, 
Nutting, and Petrie ^^ patented a method for the preparation of ethylene 
oxide from chlorohydrin, and Baer,^^ ^ method of fumigation with 
carbon dioxide and ethylene oxide. Young and Busbey^^i published 

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a list of 189 references relating to the use of ethylene oxide for pest 

Chloropicrin. Godfrey i^*^' ^^^ and associates found that adequate 
confinement of chloropicrin in the soil by means of an impervious cover 
is indispensable for nematode control. In the greenhouse, kraft paper, 
sized with casein glue and sealed down at the edges, was efficient, as 
was paper covered with cellulose acetate. Barnes and Fisher ^^ studied 
the stimulating effect of chloropicrin, ethylene dichloride-carbon tetra- 
chloride, carbon disulfide, and calcium cyanide on fig insects by determin- 
ing the number of insects caused to leave the fruit before death occurred. 
Ramage25» makes chloropicrin by chlorinating nitromethane in an 
acid solution. Johnson ^"^^ reviewed the advantages of chloropicrin for 
fumigation, and Roark 267 ^nd Roark and Busbey ^73 prepared bibliogra- 
phies of chloropicrin containing a total of 614 references. 

Miscellaneous Fumigants. Shepard and Lindgren 292 found car- 
bon disulfide to be more toxic than ethylene dichloride or propylene 
dichloride to the rice weevil, while for the confused flour beetle the 
relation is reversed, carbon disulfide being less toxic. It is therefore 
impossible to generalize regarding the relative toxicity of various 
fumigants. The respiratory response of adult Orthoptera to carbon 
dioxide, carbon disulfide, nicotine vapors, and hydrocyanic acid was 
studied by McGovran.^^s Zimmerman ^^'^ determined the lowest con- 
centration of gas necessary to cause anesthesia in centipedes, katydids, 
and rose chafers for propylene, butylene, ethylene, acetylene, carbon 
monoxide, and carbon dioxide. The anesthetic effect of these on plants 
and of carbon monoxide on Mimosa pudica was also studied. Jones ^'^^ 
reported that the toxicity of a given concentration of carbon dioxide to 
the confused flour beetle may be markedly increased by the addition of 
small quantities of methyl formate. Klotz ^^^ found concentrations of 
nitrogen trichloride gas as low as 4 to 6 mg. per cu. ft. for 30 minutes 
to be lethal to several fungi and their spores. 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydr6- 
naphthalene showed promise as a fumigant against the webbing clothes 
moth, according to Colman.^^ Methods claimed to be more accurate 
than those now in use for the determination of naphthalene in insecti- 
cides are described by Miller.223 

Attractants and Repellents. Metzger, van der Meulen, and 
Mell 219 found that plant extracts with a fruity odor were much more 
seriously infested with the Japanese beetle than those without such an 
odor. Metzger 218 found that phenylethyl alcohol increased appreciably 
the attraction of the geraniol-eugenol bait used in traps to capture the 
Japanese beetle. Eyer ®^ reported that isobutylphenyl acetate and com- 
mercial rum ether, which are among the esters formed in fermenting 
sugar and vinegar baits, were the most consistent in their attraction of 
the codling moth in southern New Mexico. Frost ^^ tested 40 chemicals 
for their efficiency in attracting the oriental fruit moth. Linalool, 
safrol, propyl acetate, amyl acetate, anethol, fennel seed oil, terpinyl 
acetate, and furfural were promising. Safrol is the most satisfactory 

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material to be added to five percent syrup solution to attract the moths. 
Hoskins and Craig ^^^ studied the olfactory response of blowflies 
(Lucilia sericata) to various concentrations of secondary amyl mer- 
captan and of methallyl thiocyanate. Price ^55 repelled codling moths 
from fruit trees by spraying with a mixture of naphthalene and oil 
emulsion. Dove and Parman '^'^ recommended treatment with benzene 
to kill screw worm larvae in wounds, and pine tar oil as a repellent to the 
flies. Herrick^^^ reported that />-dichlorobenzene, naphthalene, and 
cedar oils are repellent to clothes moths, but according to Abbott and 
Billings ^ these are useless for that purpose, de Ong ^^i found that a 
coating of calcium carbonate protects stored rice against weevil injury. 
Flint, Farrar, and McCauley ^^ reported that chinch bugs are strongly 
repelled by the odors from crude naphthalene or creosote, and Flint, 
Dungan, and Bigger ®2 presented recommended specifications for creo- 
sote for chinch bug barriers. Moore ^27 discussed the effectiveness of a 
number of esters as repellents for the house fly. The best materials 
were a very slightly vo^tile unsaturated cyclic ester, such as the dialkyl 
phthalates, and the pyrethrins. A formula for a commercial fly spray 
has been developed. 

Nicotine. Richardson, Glover, and Ellisor ^62 found that pyridine, 
piperidine, and nicotine in vapor form can pass directly through cuticula 
of insects. Kitchel and Hoskins ^^^ determined the toxic dose of nicotine 
vapor to the cockroach to be 0.005 mg* per gram of body weight. The 
addition of a little carbon dioxide increases the toxic effect of nicotine. 
Smith 303 reported that it is possible to kill codling moths in trees with 
nicotine vapors produced by atomizing a solution of 95 percent nicotine 
in kerosene, gasoline, or petroleum ether, but the method is not eco- 
nomically practical. Smith and Persing304 later reported that it is 
possible to kill codling moths in an orchard by the use of 15 to 30 cc. 
of 50 percent nicotine per tree, applied when the atmosphere is calm. 
Thomas ^^^ found that nicotine fumigants, dusts, or sprays gave satis- 
factory control of springtails attacking mushrooms. The effect of 
sodium and potassium chlorides and bicarbonates on the paralytic 
activity of nicotine solutions for cockroaches was studied by Levine and 
Richardson. 1^2 Steiner ^u^ reported that nearly all soaps with nicotine 
sulfate gave a high immediate kill of the white apple leafhopper, but 
the residual kill varied with the kind and amount of soap. A correlation 
existed between high residual kill and the amount of nicotine recovered 
from the foliage. O'Kane, Westgate, and Glover ^39 determined that 
the action of nicotine on mosquito larvae is not proportional to its con- 
centration alone, but is indirectly associated with absorption phenomena. 
Richardson 263 found the deposit left by a nicotine sulfate-molasses 
spray to be the most effective of eight nicotine-spray residues tested for 
the control of the gladiolus thrips. Eddy®3 made a study of pine tar 
and pine tar oil in water-soluble form in the hope of finding chemical 
activators or accelerators for nicotine. The Bureau of Entomology 
and Plant Quarantine ^ has issued directions for the preparation of 

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insecticidal spray solutions from tobacco. Smith 2»7 studied the base 
exchange reactions of bentonite with salts of nicotine and other org^anic 
bases. Nicotine forms a definite compound with bentonite. Swingle ^^^ 
tested six substances containing nicotine in relatively insoluble and non- 
volatile form and water-soluble nicotine bitartrate against lepidopterous 
larvae. Nicotine silicate proved the most toxic of the fixed-nicotine 
preparations, surprisingly so because of its extreme insolubility. Drig- 
gers '^^ reported that bentonite-sulfur fixes and sticks the nicotine of 
nicotine tannate and nicotine sulfate to apple foliage more firmly than 
when the nicotine compounds are used alone, thus increasing the 
effectiveness as a control for the codling moth. 

The following nicotine products were patented : nicotine 2,4-dinitro- 
6-methyl (or phenyl or cyclohexyl) phenolate, by Mills ^24; and 
nicotine alginate and nicotine abietate, by Lindstaedt.^®*' ^®^ Mew- 
borne 220 patented the preparation of an insecticidal product from 
tobacco, and Inman ^^^ a product resulting from the reaction of a-nicotine 
with a sulfonated partially oxidized petroleum#hydrocarbon. 

Anabasine. Smith 2»8 isolated anabasine from the root and leaves 
of Nicotiana glauca, a plant growing in Arizona. Nelson 236 prepared 
a sample of anabasine of high purity and determined some of its physical 
constants. Ginsburg, Schmitt and Granett^^^ found that anabasine 
sulfate equals or exceeds nicotine sulfate in toxicity to a number of 
aphids, whereas it is much less toxic than nicotine sulfate as a stomach 
poison for silk moth larvae and grasshoppers. Garman ^^2 reported that 
sprays of anabasine sulfate gave satisfactory kills of the white apple 

Pyrethrum. In California pyrethrum insecticide manufacturers 
are requested to give on their labels the percentage of pyrethrins 
and of inert ingredients.^ Seil 287 described a method for the estima- 
tion of pyrethrins. Gnadinger and Corl ^^^ reported that pyrethrum 
samples showed a higher pyrethrin content when assayed by the Seil 
acid method than by the Gnadinger-Corl copper- reduction method. 
Haller and Acree ^^^ described a new method for the determination of 
pyrethrin II, which is based on the fact that it is the pyrethrolone 
methyl ester of chrysanthemum dicarboxylic acid and therefore yields 
methyl iodide when boiled with hydriodic acid. The methyl iodide is 
determined by the volumetric method of Viebock and Schwappach as 
modified by Clark. Tattersfield ^i^ discussed methods of estimating the 
active principles of pyrethrum and results of cultural investigations. 
Experiments by the United States Department of Agriculture indicate 
that the cotton stripper can be altered to harvest pyrethrum satis- 
factorily.2 Bake ^* reported that lead and solder react very rapidly 
with extracts of pyrethrum, decomposing the pyrethrins. These pietals 
should not be present in containers used for storage. Hoyer and 
Weed ^^* found that pyrocatechin, a so-called stabilizer or antioxidant 
for pyrethrum, protects the active principles of pyrethrum dissolved 
in kerosene only to a negligible degree. The deterioration of the active 

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principle of properly stored pyrethrum extracts is negligible for at 
least nine months. Voorhees^^e patented a process for making oil- 
soluble pyrethrum extracts stable against light by adding an amino- 
anthraquinone compound. Roney and Thomas ^"^"^ reported that 
pyrethrum-sulfur mixtures controlled the belted cucumber beetle and 
the bean leafhopper slightly better than did sulfur alone, but the margin 
of difference does not justify the extra cost. The percentages of control 
obtained with various pyrethrum-sulfur mixtures do not correspond 
to their pyrethrin content. Nelson ^35 developed a cattle spray com- 
prising a medium viscosity, neutral petroleum oil, pyrethrum extract, and 
diethyl phthalate, the last-named as a fly repellent. Searls and Snyder 28« 
found that 2 percent of an oil extract of pyrethrum adjusted to 2.1 
percent pyrethrins was an efficient control of body lice on rats when 
applied by atomization, and destroyed about 81 percent of the mites 

Pyrethrum products have been patented as follows : A process for the 
purification of pyrethrum extract, by Sankowsky, Grant, and Grant, -283 
a mixture of pyrethrum extract and dibutyl phthalate in mineral oil, 
by Adams ;^ a mixture of pyrethrum extract and a furoic acid ester in 
mineral oil, by Adams and McNulty;® and a mixture of pyrethrum 
extract, a thiocyanate, and methylprotocatechuic aldehyde, by White.334 

Rotenone-bearing Plants. Haller and LaForge ^^^ obtained crys- 
talline deguelin in the optically inactive form only from a deguelin 
concentrate from derris root, but after catalytic hydrogenation some 
crystals of active dihydrodeguelin were obtained. LaForge and 
Haller ^^^ prepared and studied four isomeric isorotenolones. Jones ^'^^ 
described the preparation of lonchocarpic acid, a new compound, m.p. 
199° C., from the root of a species of Lonchocarpus. Gross and Smith ^^8 
developed a colorimetric method for the determination of rotenone in 
the absence of isorotenone, deguelin, or dihydrorotenone, which utilizes 
the red color produced when an acetone solution of rotenone is treated 
with alcoholic potash and then, after an interval, with nitric acid solu- 
tion containing sodium nitrite. 

Gersdorff studied the toxicity to goldfish of optically active and opti- 
cally inactive dihydrodeguelin,^^^ and of acetyldihydrorotenone, acetyl- 
rotenolone, acetyldihydrorotenolone, and dihydrorotenolone.^^^ By a 
consideration of the type of concentration-survival time curve obtained, 
he was led to propose ^^* the minimum ct product (i.e., concentration 
Xtime) as a criterion for comparing toxicities, and using this criterion 
in a comparison ^^^ of rotenone and seven of its derivatives, he demon- 
strated a quantitative correlation between changes in structure and 
changes in toxicity. Tischler 320 made studies on the respiratory proc- 
ess of insects together with other physiological studies, which strongly 
indicate that derris acts primarily by deranging the respiratory function 
in such a way that oxygen utilization by the various tissue cells is 
greatly inhibited. Fleming and Baker ®^ reported that rotenone is 
inferior to, and dihydrorotenone dust is about equal to, acid lead 

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arsenate in effectiveness against the Japanese beetle. Ginsburg^^® 
found that residues from derris root, completely extracted with acetone, 
possess practically no toxicity to aphids, but are both toxic and repel- 
lent to caterpillars. The residue from derris root, extracted first with 
acetone and then with water, does not seem to possess direct toxicity 
to caterpillars, but acts as a deterrent to feeding. Granett ^^s reported 
that ethyl alcohol was the only solvent which removed practically all 
the insecticidal substances from derris root. All other marcs tested 
exerted a deterrent effect on silkworms. Water-soluble organic solvents 
tend to extract more total solids from the root and also more of the 
active ingredients than do water- insoluble ones. 

White ^^'^ reported that derris dusts, home-mixed or commercial, con- 
taining from 0.5 to 1.0 percent of rotenone, gave the most satisfactory 
results of any of the insecticides (derris, pyrethrum, Paris green, cal- 
cium arsenate, and natural and synthetic cryolite) tested for cabbage 
worm control. Several non-alkaline diluents, including finely ground 
tobacco dust, finely pulverized clay, talc, diatomaceous earth, infusorial 
earth, and sulfur, proved satisfactory. Good control was obtained with 
a spray consisting of a derris root powder, containing 0.02 to 0.05 per- 
cent rotenone, suspended in water. Under some conditions a non- 
alkaline spreader or sticker was necessary. Sprays made by diluting 
pyrethrum or pyrethrum-derris extracts gave fairly satisfactory results. 
Huckett and Hervey ^^^ reported that the zebra caterpillar and the cab- 
bage aphid were not satisfactorily controlled with derris or cube dusts. 
Derris and cube sprays and dusts have shown promise against thrips 
on cauliflower and against the Mexican bean beetle, but neither was 
satisfactory against the corn ear worm. Walker and Anderson ^30 
found that derris dust containing 0.5 percent rotenone gave satisfactory 
control of the cabbage looper and the larvae of the diamond back moth, 
the striped cucumber beetle, and adult squash bugs. Results against 
harlequin bugs were erratic. The Mexican bean beetle was satisfac- 
torily controlled by a derris dust containing 0.75 percent rotenone. 
Derris dust was not successful against the corn ear worm, the potato 
flea beetle late in the season, or aphids. Walker and Anderson ^^9 
reported that, of eight carriers for derris root dusts, talc gave the best 
control, closely followed by gypsum and a clay. Roney and Thomas ^^e 
reported that a dust containing 10 percent of derris, or 0.5 percent rote- 
none, and 90 percent of 300-mesh conditioned sulfur was more effective 
and economical than any other dust or combination used for controlling 
cabbage worms. Campbell, Sullivan, and Jones *^ found kerosene 
pyrethrum extracts to be more effective in paralyzing flies, and derris 
extracts more effective in killing them. They also reported*^ that 
rotenone is not the only toxic constituent of kerosene extracts of derris 
and cube root, but that it is an important one. Lacroix ^^^ found both 
pyrethrum and derris to be highly toxic to the tobacco flea beetle, but 
the toxicity of these substances is lost in a few days after application 
to the tobacco plants. Ginsburg and Granett ^^^ reported that the 

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toxicity of derris root to aphids does not always bear a directly pro- 
portional relationship to its rotenone content, especially in samples con- 
taining large amounts of rotenone. Derris and cube roots are practi- 
cally equal in toxicity to aphids, provided they contain approximately 
the same amounts of rotenone and total extractives. The combination 
of derris with lead arsenate, lime, or sulfur compounds caused derris 
to lose toxicity. Ginsburg, Schmitt, and Granett ^^^ found that water- 
soluble organic solvents, such as acetone and 'alcohol, are able to extract 
practically all the water-soluble and water-insoluble ingredients of 
derris root toxic to sucking insects. Anderson ^^ reported that derris 
products give good results against the tobacco flea beetle on a small 
scale but in field tests do not afford permanent protection. Howard, 
Brannon, and Mason ^^^ reported the results of tests with derris against 
the Mexican bean beetle. Very good control was obtained with sprays 
at dosages of 1.5, 2, and 2.5 pounds of derris of 4.4 percent rotenone 
content in 50 gallons of water. At these dosages there is little or no 
saving of derris as compared with dust mixtures, but the better control 
and increased residual effect obtained with the water suspension make 
its use as a spray preferable. Water suspensions of the ground derris 
root are superior to the extracts of either derris or pyrethrum or a 
combination of the two. Roark 2^8, 270, 271 reviewed patents and litera- 
ture relating to derris and cube, and Whittaker ^^^ reviewed the devel- 
opment of rotenone as an insecticide. 

Jones ^"^2 patented a process for making a chemical compound of 
rotenone and carbon tetrachloride consisting substantially in extracting 
the roots of plants of the genus Derris, Lonchocarpus, or Spatholobus 
with warm carbon tetrachloride and crystallizing. The following mix- 
tures were patented: derris root with a sulfonated petroleum product, 
by James ;^^® rotenone with pyrethrins, by Fulton ;i^^ and rotenone with 
a highly halogenated hydrocarbon in petroleum oil, by Buc.^^ Bousquet 
and Tisdale^^ patented a contact insecticide comprising a water emul- 
sion of 3,3-dichlorodiethyl ether, and an insecticide of the group con- 
sisting of water- insoluble dithiocarbamates, water-insoluble thiuram 
sulfides, and the toxic ingredients of derris root. Haller and Schaffer ^^^ 
patented a process for preparing dihydrorotenone by hydrogenating a 
rotenone-bearing plant extract dissolved in an organic solvent in the 
presence of a specially prepared nickel catalyst. Mills and Fayer- 
weather226 patented l,2-dihydroxy-4-/^r/-butylbenzene and 1,2-dihy- 
droxy-4-/^r/-amylbenzene for use as stabilizers for insecticides such as 
pyrethrum and rotenone. 

Little 1®^ described ecological studies and experimental cultivation of 
Cracca virginiana in Texas. This plant can be made to yield as many 
pounds of roots per acre as derris. It can be grown on marginal land and 
produced for a few cents a pound. It is a nitrogen fixer, and its stems 
and leaves have some value as hay. Marked variations occur in the 
plants, indicating different varieties, or perhaps species. Physiological 

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tests are being conducted on these plants, to eliminate the poor and 
grow only the best, with encouraging results. 

Jones, Campbell, and Sullivan ^^^ compared the toxicity to house 
flies of extracts of samples of derris root, cube root, haiari stem, and 
Cracca virginiana root with the values obtained on these samples by 
certain chemical determinations. The amounts of rotenone present in 
the samples were too low to account for all the toxicity. In more than 
half the samples the figures by the Gross-Smith test, considered as 
representing the sum of rotenone and deguelin, agreed with the toxicity 
value, but in the other samples they were lower. Total-extractive val- 
ues were higher than toxicity, and values based on the methoxyl con- 
tent of the extract, although somewhat closer, were also too high. When 
an approximate value for toxicarol was subtracted from the methoxyl 
figures, the results agreed more closely with the toxicity figures than 
did the results of other determinations. However, it is impossible, on 
the basis of the present results, to recommend unreservedly any one 
of these chemical determinations as a measure of the insecticidal effec- 
tiveness of rotenone-bearing plants. Further work is needed on this 
subject, particularly on the individual constituents present in such plant 
materials. Jones, Campbell, and Sullivan ^'^^ made chemical and insec- 
ticidal tests on 32 samples of Cracca, mostly C virginiana, collected in 
different parts of the United States. The relative effectiveness of 
kerosene and acetone extracts against house flies was tested. The two 
extracts were similar in effectiveness, and the acetone extract was well 
correlated with the degree of blue or blue-green color given by the 
Durham test. The insecticidal results were not well correlated with 
other chemical determinations. The most effective samples of C znr- 
giniana root came from Texas. A sample of C latidens root from 
Florida and one of C. lindheimeri root from Texas and seeds of the 
latter were highly effective. In spite of its lower content of toxic 
materials, it is believed that Cracca might be developed to an extent 
permitting competition with derris and cube. Roark^^s prepared a 
resume of the information available up to April, 1934, on devil's shoe- 
string {Cracca virginiana). 

Croton Bean. Spies 3^^' ^ot found croton resin more toxic than 
rotenone to goldfish. Free hydroxyl groups rather than unsaturation 
are responsible for this toxicity and also for the vesicant action of the 
resin. Drake and Spies '^^ studied the fatty acids obtained by saponifi- 
cation of croton resin, and Spies and Drake ^^^ isolated rf-ribose from 
the croton bean. 

Tree Bands. Davis ^^ reported that bands treated with a-naph- 
thylamine were somewhat more effective than those treated with mix- 
tures of tallow oil and 3-naphthol in trapping codling moth larvae. 
Worthley^*^ reported that corrugated strawboard bands treated with 
3-naphthol in lubricating oil appear preferable to untreated burlap 
bands for trapping codling moth larvae. 

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Wood Preservatives. Sweeney ^^^ patented a process for ren- 
dering moldproof a synthetic lumber prepared from cornstalks by treat- 
ment with copper sulfate solution before pressing and drying or by 
spraying with copper sulfate solution.^!* Conn^* patented a process 
for protecting cellulose material comprising treatment of the degummed 
material with an aqueous solution of tannic acid and tartar emetic, dye- 
ing with a bactericidal dye such as crystal violet, thioflavine-S, or 
malachite green, thereafter treating with an aqueous solution of potas- 
sium bichromate, copper sulfate, and acetic acid, and finally applying 
a cover treatment of tar. Another process of preserving fibrous cellu- 
lose materials, patented by Conn,^^ comprises treating the degummed 
material with a solution of tannic acid, then with tartar emetic, and 
finally with potassium bichromate. A protective reagent for cellulose 
material (Conn^^) comprises tar and an oil-soluble residue resulting 
from the reaction of a-naphthylamine with acetaldol. Bowen^^. 28 
fastens creosote-saturated felt pads on top of wooden piles to preserve 
them. Derby and Cislak*^^ introduce sulfur dioxide into wood and 
thereafter impregnate the wood with creosote oil to preserve it. Hart- 
man and Whitmore ^^^ patented a composition to protect wood from 
fungi and insects comprising a water solution of a metal salt, a fluoride 
(e.g., sodium fluoride), an ammonium salt, and a material to hold 
metal salts in solution (e.g., hydrochloric acid). Andrews and Finlay- 
son ^2 protect fabrics from decay organisms by incorporating in the 
fabric a galvanic couple (e.g., Zn-Cu) which, when immersed in an 
electrolyte, produces soluble, poisonous compounds. Siever 2»4 impreg- 
nates cellulosic material with a mixture of creosote, acetone, and mer- 
curic chloride. Other products patented as wood preservatives include 
a mixture of a petroleum hydrocarbon, an arsenic ester, and mercury 
naphthenate, by Merrill ;2i<^ a mixture of creosote and an acid-treated, 
cracked pressure residuum, by Goodwin, Rearick, and Ferguson ;^2i 
a mixture of turpentine and oil of tar for tree injection, by Yates ;^*'^ 
and a mixture of kerosene, benzene, o-dichlorobenzene or naphtha con- 
taining about five percent a-naphthylamine, by Calcott and Foreman.^® 
Morrell ^so has patented a process for converting relatively high boil- 
ing coal-tar acids into lower boiling products which are suitable for 
use as wood preservatives and animal dip. Arsenical wood preserva- 
tives have been patented as follows: a mixture of diphenylamine and 
arsenic trichloride with an organic oil, by Walker ;^^^ and a mixture 
of a petroleum hydrocarbon, asphalt, arsenic ester, and mercury naph- 
thenate, by MerrilL^i*^ 

Mothproofing. The following mothproofing compositions were 
patented: petroleum naphtha containing 3-chloro-4-hydroxydiphenyl 
and a bonding agent of crude paraffin wax and stearic acid anilide to 
prevent crystallization, by Spokes ;^^^ a solution in an organic solvent 
of a compound of the formula CeHs— (jr— C— jr')„— CeHs, in which 
X and x^ represent hydrogen or alkyl groups, by Moore ;22» brucine 

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anilide in a dry solvent, by Ritter;2«« and a blue fabric impregnated 
with sodium arsenite, by Mucha.^^i 

Weed Killers. Kiesselbach, Stewart, and Gross ^^^ reported that 
bindweeds are controlled in fields by treatment with sodium chlorate. 
The following products have been patented for use as herbicides: a 
solution of arsenious acid and concentrated sulfuric acid, by Rose ;278 a 
mixture of four parts calcium chlorate and one part calcium chloride, 
by Heath ;i*^ ammonium thiocyanate, by Sauchelli '^^^ and a mixture of 
kerosene, heavy petroleum oil, and furfural, by Melhus.^is The use of 
ammonium thiocyanate for soil sterilization for the eradication of 
potato wart disease was studied by Bell.^o 


1. Soap, 11. No. 8: 107 (1935). 

2. Soap, 11, No. 8: 107 (1935). 

3. U. S. Dopt. Agr., Bur. Ent. and Plant Quar., Puhl., E-361. Mimeographed. 1935. 3 p. 

4. Soap, 11, No. 10: 91 (1935). 

5. Abbott, W. S., and Billings, S. C, /. Econ. EntomoL, 28: 493 (1935). 

6. Adams, E. W., U. S. Pat. 1,957,429 (May 8, 1934). 

7. Adams, E. W., U. S. Pat. 1,969,491 (Aug. 7, 1934). 

8. Adams, E. W., U. S. Pat. 2,000,004 (May 7, 1935). 

9. Adams, E. W., and McNulty, G. M., U. S. Pat. 1,942,892 (Jan. 9, 1934). 

10. Alvord, E. B., U. S. Pat. 1,962,109 (June 5, 1934). 

11. Anderson, L. D., and Walker, H. G., /. Econ. EntomoL, 27: 102 (1934). 

12. Andrews, P. R., and Finlayson, A., U. S. Pat. 1,993,354 (Mar. 5, 1935). 

13. Baer, J. M., U. S. Pat. 2,007,738 (July 9, 1935). 

14. Bake, L. S., Soap, 11, No. 11: 111 (1935). 

15. Baker, K. F., and Heald, F. D., Wash. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bull., 304. 1934. 32 p. 

16. Barnes, D. F., and Fisher, C. K., /. Econ. EntomoL, 27: 860 (1934). 

17. Barnhill, G. B., U. S. Pat. 2,014,609 (Sept. 17, 1935). 

18. }lasill^?er, A. T., and Boyce. A. M., Calif. Citrograph, 20: 158 (1935). 

19. Jieamncut, J. H., and Haller, M. H., Proc. Am. Soc. Hort. Set., 32: 183 (1934). 

20. Bell, R, H„ /. Econ. EntomoL, 28: 519 (1935). 

21. B\hs, C. I., and Broadbent, B. M., /. Econ. EntomoL, 28: 989 (1935). 

22. Bolltr, E. R., U. S. Pat. 1,992,053 (Feb. 19, 1935). 

23. BolKMi, E. K., U. S. Pat. 1,961,840 (June 5, 1934). 

24. Bousqupt, E. W., U. S. Pat. 2,006,227 (June 25, 1935). 

25. Bousquet. E. W.. Salzberg, P. L., and Dietz, H. F., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1342 (1935). 

26. BousqueL E. VST., and Tisdale, W. H., U. S. Pat 1,954,517 (Apr. 10, 1934). 
2:7. Bowen, E. L., U. S. Pat. 1,996,400 (Apr. 2, 1935). 

28. Bowen, E. L., U. S. Pat. 1,996,401 (Apr. 2, 1935). 

29. Britton, E. C, U. S. Pat. 1,942,800 (Jan. 9, 1934). 

30. Britton, E. C., U. S. Pat. 1,996,744 (Apr. 9, 1935). 

31. Britton, E. C, and MiUs, L. E., U. S. Pat. 1,981,219 (Nov. 20, 1934). 

32. Britton, E. C, Nutting. H. S., and Petrie, P. S., U. S. Pat. 1,996,638 (Apr. 

2, 1935). 

33. Britton, E. C, and Stearns, H. A., U. S. Pat. 1,996,745 (Apr. 9, 1935). 

34. Bruson, H. A., and Stein, O., U. S. Pat. 1,998,750 (A4>r. 23, 1935). 

35. Buc, H. E., U. S. Pat. 2,013,028 (Sept. 3, 1935). 

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288. Sessions, A. C, U. S. Pat. 1,988,752 (Jan. 22, 1935). 

289. Seydel, H., U. S. Pat. 1,996,353 (Apr. 2, 1935). 

290. Sharma, J. N.. U. S. Pat. 2,002,589 (May 28, 1935). 

291. Sharpies, P. T., U. S. Pat. 2,019.275 (Oct. 29. 1935). 

292. Shepard. H. H., and Lyidgren, D. L., /. Econ. EntomoL, 27: 842 (1934). 

293. Sibley, R. L., U. S. Pat. 2,010,443 (Aug. 6, 1935). 

294. Siever, C. H., U. S. Pat. 1,983,248 (Dea 4, 1934). 

295. Small, C. G., Phytopathology, 24: 296 (1934). 

296. Smith, C. M., J. Wash. Acad. Sci., 25: 435 (1935). 

297. Smith, C. R., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1561 (1934). 

298. Smith, C. R., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 959 (1935). 

299. Smith, E., Proc. 30th Ann. Meeting Wash. State Hort. Assoc, 1934: 85. 

300. Smith, E., and Ryall, A. L., 39th Ann. Conv. Idaho State Hort. Assoc, 1934: 35. 

301. Smith, E., Ryall, A. L., Gross, C. R., Carter, R. H., Murray, C. W., and Fahey, 

J,. E., Proc. 29th Ann. Meeting Wash. State Hort. Assoc, 1933: 86. 

302. Smith, L. E., Munger, F., and Siegler, E. H., /. Econ. EntomoL, 28: 727 (1935). 

303. Smith, R. H., Proc. 30l^h Ann. Meeting Wash. State Hort. Assoc, 1934: 72. 

304. Smith, R. H., and Persing, C. O., /. Econ. EntomoL, 28: 971 (1935). 

306. Spies, J. R., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 180 (1935). 

307. Spies, J. R., /. Am. Chem. Soc, ST: 182 (1935). 

308. Spies, J. R., with Drake, N. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 774 (1935). 

309. Spokes, R. E., U. S. Pat. 1,977,412 (Oct. 16, 1934). 

310. Stanley, W. W., Marcovitch, S., and Andes, J. O., /. Econ. EntomoL, 27: 785 (1934). 

311. Steiner, H. M., /. Econ. EntomoL, 28: 385 (1935). 

312. Swain, A. F., and Buckner, R. P., /. Econ. EntomoL. 28: 983 (1935). 

313. Sweeney, O. R., U. S. Pat. 1,946,952 (Feb. 13, 1934). 

314. Sweeney, O. R., U. S. Pat. 1,946,953 (Feb. 13, 1934). 

315. Swingle, M. C, and Cooper, J. F.. /. Econ. EntomoL, 28: 220 (1935). 

316. Tattersfield, F., Soap, 11, No. 7: 87 (1935). 

317. Teichmann, C. F., U. S. Pat. 2,015,045 (Sept. 17, 1935). 

318. Thomas, C. A., /. Econ. EntomoL, 27: 200 (1934). 

319. Thordarson, W., U. S. Pat. 1,976,905 (Oct. 16, 1934). 

320. Tischler, N.. /. Econ. EntomoL, 28: 215 (1935). 

321. Tisdale, W. H., and Williams, I., U. S. Pat. 1,972,%1 (Sept. 11, 1934). 

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322. Tower, M. L., and Dye, H. W., U. S. Pat. 1,945,542 (Feb. 6, 1934). 

323. Tucker, R. P., Calif. State Dept. Agr., Monthly Bull., 23: 141 (1934). 

324. Volck, W. H., U. S. Pat. 1,990,966 (Feb. 12, 1935). 

325. Volck, W. H., U. S. Pat. 2.012,328 (Aug. 27, 1935). 

326. Voorhees, V., U. S. Pat 2,011,428 (Aug. 13, 1935). 

327. Wagner, G. H., and Mowe, W. L., U. S. Pat. 1,983,717 (Dec. 11, 1934). 

328. Wakeland, C, S9th Ann. Conv. Idaho State Hort. Assoc, W34: 28. 

329. Walker, H. G., and Anderson, L. D., /. Econ. Entomol., 27: 388 (1934). 

330. Walker, H. G., and Anderson. L. D., /. Econ. Entomol., 28: 603 (1935). 

331. Walker, H. W., U. S. Pat. 1,948,551 (Feb. 27, 1934). 

332. Webster, R. L., /. Econ. Entomol., 27: 134 (1934). 

333. Webster, R. L., /. Econ. Entomol., 27: 410 (1934). 

334. White, R. C, U. S. Pat. 1,990,422 (Feb. 5, 1935). 

335. White, R. P.. Phytopathology, 24: 1122 (1934). 

336. White, W. B., /. Econ. Entomol., 27: 125 (1934). 

337. White. W. H., /. Econ. Entomol., 28: 607 (1935). 

338. Whitehead, F. E.. Okla. Agr. Expt. Sta., Bull., 218. 1934. 54 p. 

339. Whittaker, R. M., /. Chem. Education, 12: 156 (1935). 

340. Wichma,nn. H. J.. Murray, C. W., Harris, M„ Clifford, P. A., Loughrey, J. H., 

and Vorhes, F. A., Jr., J. Assoc. Off. Agr. Chemists, 17: 108 (1934). 

341. Wilcoxon, F., and Hartzell, A., Contributions from Boyce Thompson Inst., 7: 29 


342. Wilcoxon, F., and McCallan, S. E. A., Contributions from Boyce Thompson Inst., 

7: 333 (1935). 

343. Wilson, T. D., Proc. 20th Ann. Meeting Ohio Vegetable Growers Assoc, 1935: 8. 

344. Wilson, M. M., U. S. Pat. 2,014,077 (Sept. 10, 1935). 

345. Woglura, R. S., and LaFollette, J. R., /. Econ. Entomol., 27: 978 (1934). 

346. Worthley, H. N., /. Econ. Entomol., 27: 346 (1934). 

347. Yates, A., U. S. Pat. 2,017,269 (Oct. 15, 1935). 

348. Yeager, J. F., Hager, A., and Straley, J. M., Ann. Entomological Soc Am., 28: 

256 (1935). 

349. Yothers, W. W., and Miller, R. L., Citrus Ind., 16, No. 2; 22 (1935). 

350. Young, G. W., Proc Am. Soc Hort. Sci., 32: 101 (1934). 

351. Young, H. D., and Busbey, R. L. References , to the Use of Ethylene Oxide for 

Pest Control. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Ent. and Plant Quar. Multigraphed. 
1935. 16 p. 

352. Young, H. D., Wagner, G. B., and Cotton, R. T., /. Econ. Entomol., 28: 1049 (1935). 

353. Young, P. A., Plant Physiol., 9:795 (1934). 

354. Young, P. A., Phytopathology, 24: 266 (1934). 

355. Young, P. A., Am. J. Bot., 22: 629 (1935). 

356. Young, V. A., Phytopathology, 24: 840 (1934). 

357. Zimmerman, P. W., Contributions from Boyce Thompson Inst., 7: 147 (193S). 

358. Zimmerman, P. W., and Crocker, W., Contributions from Boyce Thompson Inst., 

6: 167 (1934). 

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Chapter XVIII. 
Gaseous Fuels. 1934 and 1935. 

Lloyd Logan, 

Associate Professor of Gas Engineering, 


WiLBERT J. Huff, 

Professor of Gas Engineering, The Johns Hopkins University. 

Although, judged by the respective revenues reported for the 
two branches of the gas industry, the economic value of the manu- 
factured gas distributed to customers still appears to exceed some- 
what that of the natural gas so distributed, statistics ^ indicate that 
the total marketed production of natural gas, amounting in 1933 to 
over one and one-half trillion cubic feet, represented on the basis 
of volume over four-fifths, and on the basis of heating value, per- 
haps seven-eights of the national production of gas of sufficiently 
high heating value for use as city gas. On the basis of energy, 
natural gas represented about 8.3 percent of the total national pro- 
duction of energy from all sources, exceeding that of anthracite 
and approaching, on the basis of the low thermal efficiency 
assumed, the fuel equivalent of the entire national supply of water 

Of the enormous total recorded production of natural gas, by far 
the greater amount was consumed near the source, in large part 
for uses commanding but low unit prices, only about 347 billions, 
or about 22 percent, having been transported across state boiylers. 

Based on reports of the Bureau of Mines,^ the consumption of 
natural gas accounted for in 1933 was divided thus: domestic, 18 
percent; commercial, 6 percent; industrial (including gas used in 
the field, in carbon black plants, electric public utility power plants, 
Portland cement plants and the like), 76 percent. The heating 
value of the gas listed under "field use" alone represents about 
three times that of the manufactured gas distributed to consumers 
by the gas industry. The total amount of gas wasted is unknown. 
It is stated that the waste of gas in the Texas Panhandle alone 
reached a billion cubic feet per day towards the end of 1933, repre- 
senting a heating value more than twice that of the average total 
daily sales of manufactured gas to consumers by utilities. 


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GASEOUS FUELS. 1934 AND 1935 281 

In the same year, an amount of gas approximately equal to the 
recorded production of natural gas was treated for natural gaso- 
line, yielding 1,420,000,000 gallons. Sales of propane, butane, pen- 
tane, and propane-butane mixtures reached nearly 39,000,000 gal- 
lons, a relatively small fraction, however, of the potential supply. 
Carbon black production amounted to over 269 million pounds.^ 

For 1933, of the total gas sales by utilities to consumers, 1,171,- 
909,000,000 cubic feet, that distributed by natural gas companies 
comprised about 71.4 percent by volume and that distributed by 
manufactured gas companies, 28.6 percent, natural gas purchased 
and distributed by such companies representing about 3.5 percent 
of the total.2 Thus, on a volume basis nearly three-fourths of the 
gas distributed to customers by utilities in the United States is 
natural gas ; on an energy basis, natural gas constitutes over five- 
sixths of the total energy in the gas thus distributed. The revenues 
from manufactured gas continued, however, somewhat greater than 
those from natural gas distributed to customers, if returns from 
sales near the source for carbon black manufacture and the like 
are excluded. 

Turning to the gas produced and purchased for distribution to 
consumers by the manufactured gas industry, we find for the same 
year 2 a total of approximately 367 billion cubic feet, of which water 
gas constituted 41.7 percent; coke oven gas produced by utilities 
14.0 percent; coke oven gas purchased, 23.6 percent; retort coal 
gas, 8.0 percent; natural gas purchased, 9.2 percent; reformed oil 
refinery gas, 1.2 percent; oil gas, 1.0 percent; and reformed natural 
gas and butane-air gas each less than 1 percent. 

There were used in 1933 in the manufacture of gas by utilities a 
total of 10,500,000 tons of solid fuels and 521,108,000 gallons of oil. 
Of the solid fuels used in the production of coke oven and coal gas 
in 1933, exclusive of that purchased from the coke and steel com- 
panies, 7,042,000 tons were carbonized and 786,000 tons were used 
for bench and producer fuel. Of the total of solid generator fuel 
of 1,743,000 tons, coke constituted 1,298,000 tons, or 74.5 percent; 
bituminous coal 399,000 tons, or 22.9 percent; and anthracite but 
2.6 percent. 

Statistical summaries from 1929 to, but not including, 1935 ^ 
show that both the natural and the manufactured gas industries 
have rounded the depth of the depression and are now on the rise. 
The lowest total sales of natural gas, exclusive of that used in field 
operations, manufacture of carbon black, by distributing compa- 
nies in gas operations, or mixed with manufactured gas, occurred 
in 1932, amounting to about 808 billion cubic feet; the highest, 
960 billion cubic feet in 1934, represents an increase of about 19 
percent over this low. In the manufactured gas industry the total 
gas sold showed a low in 1933, amounting to 334 billion cubic feet. 
The high of 1930, 396 billion, was about 18 percent above this, and 

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the recovery in 1934, giving a total of about 347 billion, represents 
an increase of about 4 percent from the 1933 low. The revenues 
from both forms of gas passed through a low in 1933. For natural 
gas, the gain in revenue for 1934 over 1933 was about 6 percent; 
for manufactured gas the percentage gain in revenue was much 
smaller, amounting to only about 0.7 percent. Of the major 
manufactured gases, water gas production, which had been declin- 
ing consistently prior to a low in 1933 when the production was 
about 153 billion cubic feet, rose 2.4 percent to nearly 157 billion in 
1934. The output of coke oven gas made by utility companies was 
rising prior to 1932, when it declined, but not to the 1929 level. In 

1933 and 1934 the production rose again, gaining nearly 5 percent 
in 1933 over 1932, .and about '4 percent in 1934 over 1933. Retort 
coal gas output has been falling rather consistently since 1929, but 
showed a recovery of 1.6 percent from the 1933 low to a 1934 pro- 
duction of over 30 billion cubic feet. The production of oil gas, 
amounting to about one percent of the total gas manufactured in 
1933, fell continuously, the decline from the year 1933 to the year 

1934 being 12 percent, and was about the same amount for the year 
1933 compared to 1932. Although the production of reformed nat- 
ural gas, reported for the first time in 1933, contributed less than 
one-third of one percent of the total production of manufactured 
gas in that year, its jump in output of 110 percent in 1934 is of 
interest. Eutane-air gas production, likewise amounting to a frac- 
tion of a percent of the total, continued to grow, that in 1934 
amounting to about 28 percent over that of 1933. 

The decreased production of manufactured gas has been in a 
considerable measure compensated for by the natural gas pur- 
chased, which has been steadily rising since 1929. In 1932 the 
amount of natural gas purchased increased to over 420 percent of 
that purchased in the preceding year. In 1933 the natural gas pur- 
chased was 24 percent over 1932 and in 1934 it was about 21 percent 
over 1933. The volume purchased during 1934 was over 41 billion 
cubic feet. 

At the time of writing, the summaries for 1935 are not available, 
but trends for the total gas industry compiled through September 3 
indicate that the revenues for 1935 will be higher than for 1934 but 
well below the 1929 level. The total sales of natural gas are, how- 
ever, greater than for 1929, and the revenues from natural gas are 
comparable with those of 1929 for a similar period. 

The foregoing statistics have a direct bearing upon the scientific 
developments relating to the industry, for with increased business 
the need of and support for such development increases. The rise 
in certain operations, as, for example, the reforming of natural gas, 
follows certain fundamental investigations and in turn promotes 
other studies of an allied nature. 

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GASEOUS FUELS. 1934 AND 1935 283 

Production and Operation Studies 

Manufactured Gas. Water Gas; Reformed Gas. The increasing 
use of natural gas is reflected in the technical studies of the indus- 
try, especially with respect to the manufacture of high B.t.u. gases 
with local equipment as substitutes for natural gas during peak 
load periods and emergencies such as line breaks. A thorough and 
timely survey of standby processes has been made by Willien,^ who 
compares such processes with respect to the starting-up time, gas 
making capacity, force of operators required, and interchange- 
ability of the resulting gas with the gas ordinarily distributed. 
Among the processes considered by Willien as substitutes for nat- 
ural gas and manufactured gases are (a) the refractory screen oil 
gas process, (h) the Pacific Coast oil gas process, and (c) various 
modifications of the standard water gas process including, respec- 
tively, conventional operation with cracking of oil in the carburet- 
ter, cracking of oil in an atmosphere of steam, cracking of oil in the 
carburetter together with some cracking of oil through the gener- 
ator fire either with or without the admixture of cracked butane, 
and finally by cracking butane in the carburetter, admixing the gas 
formed with blue gas. 

The question of the rate of flame propagation of such substitute 
gases is, of course, an important one. Willien ^ cites the results 
of Ferguson, showing the presence of acetylene in high B.t.u. water 
gas made at high temperatures, amounting to as high as one-fourth 
of the illuminants, and the conclusion of the latter that the occur- 
rence of the yellow tips in one appliance and flash back in another 
is due to the presence of acetylene and its high rate of flame propa- 

Willien,® in summarizing the status of standby gas processes, 
states that, for each kind of gas, some type of substitute gas has 
been developed or proposed and indicates that the Pacific Coast 
oil gas process appears to be adaptable in many cases. Johnson 
and Hemminger*^ have discussed the load conditions and the eco- 
nomics of the standby gas supply for systems distributing natural 
gas. Plant experiments on the utilization of a heavy oil, rather 
than gas oil, in the production of a high B.t.u. standby gas have 
been reported by Beard.^ The operating practice of a standby 
plant of the refractory screen type has been described by Wehrle.^ 

Wiedenbeck ^^ has reviewed the operating experiences in the 
production of reformed natural gas at the Chicago By-Product 
Coke Company, particularly with respect to handling of lampblack 
and gummy mixtures of tar and carbon. A report by Workman ^^ 
on the use of high B.t.u. gas for standby purposes covers plant 
tests of the Laclede Gas Light Company, St. Louis, the Peoples 
Gas Light and Coke Company, Chicago, the Public Service Com- 

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pany of Colorado, and the Memphis Power and Light Company, 
together with a bibliography of oil gas processes by Willien. 

Several reports on the reforming of natural gas are presented by 
the 1935 Gas Production Committee of the American Gas Associa- 
tion.i2 One plant reports that the formation of lampblack appeared 
wholly within the control of the operator and is a function of the 
relation of steam and natural gas through the generator. A mix- 
ture of blue gas and reformed natural gas of 400 B.t.u. per cubic 
foot and 0.38 specific gravity causes only a scum on the surface of 
the scrubber sumps and slightly fouls the purifiers. By increasing 
the steam slightly beyond what is usually termed normal, the lamp- 
black can be eliminated completely at the expense of an increased 
density of the resultant gas. If the rate of flow of natural gas is 
increased, lampblack is produced in proportion and the density is 
lowered more than necessary, with a resultant increase in the cost. 
Studies of the determination of lampblack, fly ash, and tar in 
reformed natural gas have also been made by the committee. 

Further plant studies of the reforming of natural gas in water 
gas sets have been presented by Young ^^ with especial reference to 
the formation and removal of the lampblack formed. It was found 
that when lampblack was formed in the water gas set, deposits of 
a mixture of lampblack and very viscous tar not removable by 
steaming were formed in the relief holder and tubular condensers. 
Recirculation of hot water gas tar thinned with primary conden- 
sate from the light oil plant resulted in preventing stoppages in 
the tubular condensers. Experiments are described on the use of 
water and hot tar in the removal of lampblack from gas entering 
the relief holder. The substitution of a coke having a fusion point 
of 2300° F., for one having a fusion point of 2725° F., resulted in 
the almost complete elimination of lampblack and fly ash. 

Experimental work directed toward the commercial recovery of 
carbon black produced in the reforming of natural gas in a water 
gas set without the use of steam is described by Willien.^* Mul- 
cahy,^^ in giving operating data on the production of reformed 
natural gas at Terre Haute, Indiana, describes the removal of lamp- 
black by means of shavings boxes. 

Perry ^® has patented the process of reforming refinery gases 
employing the combustion of a portion of the gas by means of pure 
oxygen introduced into the center of the gas stream to effect crack- 
ing of the remainder. Garner, Miller, and Leyden ^"^ treat natural 
gas by burning a portion of it, premixed with air up to the theoret- 
ical amount required for combustion, in a reaction zone maintained 
at about 800° C., through which the remainder of the gas is passed 
for the purpose of cracking it. The process is so carried out as to 
give a mixture of reformed gas and products of combustion of the 
desired heating value. 

The use of refinery oil gas is discussed by Schaaf,^^ and by Work- 

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GASEOUS FUELS. 1934 AND 1935 285 

man,i^ operating results using other fuels than coke in a water gas 
plant by Jebb,^^ the use of steam during a blowrun by Willien,^! 
and the use of a special oil of 19.5 A.P.I, gravity containing a large 
amount of wax by Eck.^ia 

Operating practice in the production of blue gas and its admix- 
ture with natural gas is discussed by Roberts.22 Robison ^3 
describes the use of natural gas instead of, or simultaneously with, 
gas oil for carburetting blue water gas. 

For economic reasons, the production of carburetted water gas 
from heavy oils still holds an important place among the indus- 
try's developments, as attested by a number of articles and patents. 
There has been a trend toward an increase in the proportion of oil 
used in the generator and the reforming of the oil through the fire 
to lower the specific gravity of the gas. The problem of handling 
heavy oil tar emulsions is apparently one besetting a large number 
of companies. Dashiell 2* has summarized the reasons for this situ- 
ation, pointing out that most of the heavy fuel oils are residues 
from the distillation of asphaltic crude oils, that there is a tendency 
in most plants towards undercracking of at least some of the oil, 
that the tars produced are extremely viscous with resulting 
increased stability of the emulsions, and the reforming of the oil 
vapors through the fuel bed increases the viscosity of the tar 
because of the increased free carbon. 

The character of the tar from water gas sets employing bitumi- 
nous coal for the manufacture of uncarburetted blue gas in a 
water gas set has been improved by the introduction of water into 
the carburetter through oil sprays to maintain the temperature of 
the blue gas at about 1000° F. through the carburetter and super- 
heater.25 Parke ^6 has described the alterations in plant and 
operation resulting from the changeover from the use of gas oil to 
heavy oil. The same writer has also compiled various experiences 
and expedients developed to cope with tar and emulsion problems.^'' 

The continued interest in the use of heavy oils in water gas 
manufacture is indicated by the number of patents directed toward 
the use of such fuel in gas production. For example, in a process 
proposed by Terzian,^^ oil is vaporized, a portion of the product 
passing through an incandescent fuel bed to produce a reformed 
hydrocarbon gas, the other portion being cracked less completely, 
thus producing a mixed water gas and reformed oil gas. Another 
patent of Terzian^^ relates to the manufacture of a mixture of 
water gas and oil gas of low specific gravity, in which a portion 
of the water gas generated is burned and the heat stored to serve 
for vaporizing an increased quantity of oil, the oil vapors being 
reformed by passage through the fuel bed in the generator. Hall ^^ 
proposes to increase the proportion of reformed oil gas in a mixed 
water gas and reformed oil gas. Attention to the problem of secur- 
ing Water gas tar of satisfactory character is shown in the patent 

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of Evans,3i who proposes separate removal of the high free-carbon 
tar from the reformed gas made from heavy oil and of the tar of 
low free-carbon content from the unreformed carburetted water 
gas. Terzian ^2 aims, in reforming natural gas or refinery oil gas, 
to insure the liberation of carbon taking place within the fuel bed, 
rather than in the gas space, thus producing a low gravity gas free 
from carbon black. 

Interest in the use of heavy oil is further shown by the patents of 
Merritt and Koons ^^ and of Nordmeyer and Stone,^* on processes 
involving the use of oil in the generator and the use of a reverse 
air blast. Nordmeyer,^^ in a process employing the reversed air 
blast, specifies the passage of the major portion of the latter 
through the upper portion only of the fuel bed and its withdrawal 
circumferentially of the generator. Perry and Hall ^® have devised 
a process for the production of low gravity carburetted water gas 
employing a marginal blast. Perry ^^ proposes a method of oper- 
ating in which high-carbon oil is introduced on the top of the 
generator fuel bed and low-carbon oil in the carburetter during the 
uprun, the*greater part of the high-carbon oil being introduced 
during the first half of the run and the greater part of the low- 
carbon oil during the latter part of the run. 

NageP^ proposes a flash system of carburetting a lean hot gas. 
MorrelP® has patented a process in which motor fuel is produced 
from coal and heavy oil in a flash distillation system involving par- 
tial condensation of vapors and of distillate products. A heavy oil 
is gasified as an emulsion in a patent of Ditto.*® Blast furnace gas 
and the like are enriched, after heating, by means of atomized 
liquid fuel, followed by further heating before combustion with 
preheated air in a process of Mathesius.*^ 

A process for the simultaneous production of a carburetted water 
gas and motor fuel is proposed by Sachs.*^ 

Arnold ^^ has suggested a process for coking heavy oils involving 
the addition of coke fines to the initial supply of heavy oil. 

An experimental investigation by Elliott with Huff ** has shown 
that sodium carbonate exerts a marked influence on the gasifica- 
tion of heavy oil in the presence of steam at temperatures encoun- 
tered in water gas practice. Experiments were made on a labora- 
tory scale with Bunker C oil cracked in the presence of steam at 
temperatures between 1300° and 1600° F., employing for compari- 
son refractory surfaces of magnesite blocks both untreated and 
impregnated with 5 percent of sodium carbonate by weight. The 
use of sodium carbonate resulted in a decrease in the carbon depos- 
ited, a large acceleration in the steam-carbon reactions, a marked 
improvement in the thermal yield, and a decrease in the hydrogen 
sulfide formed per gallon of oil. 

The production of high-hydrogen water gas from younger coal 
cokes has been the subject of an extensive experimental study by 

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GASEOUS FUELS. 1934 AND 1935 2^7 

Brewer and Reyerson,*^ dealing with the steam-carbon reactions, 
the effect of carbon dioxide upon cokes, and the effects of catalysts 
added to the fuel and of water gas conversion catalysts. 

The removal of carbon monoxide from city gas is the subject of 
a patent by Perry and Fulweiler.^^ The passage of blue gas with 
steam through a reacting mass of ankerite, a native carbonate of 
calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese, for the elimination of 
carbon monoxide has been patented by Bossner and Marischka.**^ 

Kunberger ^^ has proposed the production of a low gravity water 
gas in a process involving the alternate reduction of iron oxide by 
blast gases and reoxidation of the iron by means of steam, with 
accompanying production of hydrogen. 

That attention continues to be given to the possibility of employ- 
ing pulverized fuel in the water gas process is indicated in the 
patents of Heller,*^ Duke,^® and Air Reduction Company .^^ In the 
last-named patent, blue water gas is produced by supplying pow- 
dered coal or oil, together with oxygen, to a heated reaction cham- 
ber to which superheated steam, with or without a further fuel 
supply, is subsequently delivered. 

Structural and operative features of water gas equipment are 
embodied in a number of patents.^2 

A number of departures from conventional forms of the water 
gas process appear Jn the patents of Hillhouse ^^ on the continuous 
production of water gas, the continuous system of Lucke ^* involv- 
ing the passage of metal balls through the fuel bed, and the con- 
tinuous production of carburetted water gas,^^ employing producer 
gas, produced simultaneously, to supply the heat required for the 

A new automatic control for water gas plants, as well as other 
cyclic operations, a portable blue gas set unit, a scroll tar separator, 
and further developments of the refractory screen process for gas 
of high heating value have been described.^^ 

Coal Gas, and Coke, In a review of the progress in coal carboni- 
zation, gas-making, and by-product recovery in the 25 years pre- 
vious to 1934, Porter ^"^ has pointed out that in 1934 the percentage 
of the total coal production carbonized was about the same as 
30 years before — namely, 16.0 to 16.5 percent; that there has been 
no progress in the displacement of raw coal for steam generation 
by products of carbonization; and that the considerable increase 
in the use of coke and coal gas in domestic heating has been nearly 
counterbalanced by the decreased demand in the metallurgical 
industry arising from increased fuel efficiencies. The technical 
progress in the coking of coal has been marked, as evidenced by the 
increased output per unit cost due to the use of higher and longer 
ovens and of silica refractories, better design of flues, improved 
control of pressure inside the oven, underfiring with producer gas 
and blast furnace gas, steaming of the hot coke in the oven for a 

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short period, admixing fine coke or dust with the coal charge with 
consequent increased coke strength and lessened cost, and the 
development of dry quenching, and of vertical chamber ovens with 
gravity discharge. 

Reference is made by Porter ^"^ to semi-commercial developments 
of the processes of Wisner and of Warner,^^ operating in the low 
temperature range. 

Lavine,*^® in a comprehensive review of the properties character- 
istic of low-rank coals (lignite and sub-bituminous), outlines work 
on the destructive distillation and coking, as well as the dehydra- 
tion, of such coals. 

Recent developments in coal utilization for 1932-1933 are reviewed 
by Fieldner,®® who refers to progress in this country and abroad in 
high temperature carbonization and the recovery of by-products, 
and the status of low temperature carbonization, hydrogenation 
and liquefaction of coal, hydrogenation of tar, and the synthesis of 
chemical products. Fieldner points out that the continued com- 
petition of cheap petroleum and natural gas has prevented applica- 
tion of new methods of coal processing, such as low temperature 
carbonization, because of the lack of adequate market for the liquid 
and gaseous by-products; that the technical process for hydro- 
genating and liquefying coal is now available and may be put to 
use when and if a failing petroleum supply reqyires the production 
of oil from coal, but that the process is too costly for use under 
present conditions ; that a number of important chemical products, 
such as ammonia, methanol, higher alcohols, solvents, etc., are now 
being made from gases obtained from coal, but that even if all the 
ammonia and methanol consumed in the United States were made 
from coal, it would require only 0.15 percent of the 1930 production 
of bituminous coal. 

Fieldner ®i reviews progress for 1933 in the preparation of coal, 
including coal washing, crushing, froth flotation of fine coal sludges, 
and briquetting, combustion of solid fuels, the use of automatic 
house heating furnaces adapted for use with summer air condition- 
ing, the use of colloidal fuel, coal dust engines, high temperature 
and low temperature carbonization, and by-product recovery. 

Three low temperature carbonization plants are cited as having 
been in operation during 1933 and 1934. Of considerable interest 
is the use of a modification of the Wisner process in a plant at 
Champion, Pennsylvania, having a capacity of 95 tons a day. In 
this process partial oxidation is employed to destroy the excess 
plasticity of high volatile, strongly coking coals. Oxidation of the 
coal is effected on rectangular multiple hearths. The carbonization 
is then completed in a rotor six feet in inside diameter by eighty- 
four feet long, the product being so-called coal balls. No by-prod- 
ucts other than tar and gas are produced. A plant of the Lurgi 

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GASEOUS FUELS. 1934 AND 1935 289 

type is reported in operation in North Dakota and one of the 
Hayes type has been operated intermittently in West Virginia. 

During the past year, the very comprehensive work on the gas, 
coke, and by-product making properties of American coals carried 
on at the United States Bureau of Mines in cooperation with the 
American Gas Association during the past few years has been sum- 
marized by Fieldner and Davis.^^ These tests, carried out on sam- 
ples of coal ranging from 75 to 180 pounds in a metal retort, cover 
carbonization of 30 coals at 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, and 1100° C. 
and the yields and properties of the various products. These tests 
also include the study of one coal, both washed and unwashed. 
Unusually complete data are given, including, in addition to the 
usual proximate and ultimate analyses, ash fusion and calorimeter 
tests, analyses for sulfur forms, carbon dioxide, and fusain. Sol- 
vent extractions, rational analyses, and petrographic examinations, 
as well as determinations of the softening and plastic properties, 
agglutinating index, friability, and slacking properties were carried 
out. In addition, three standard assay tests — the Fischer, Fuel 
Research Board (Great Britain), and U. S. Steel Corporation — were 
employed. Commercial plant yields, available for eleven of the 
coals tested, showed good agreement of plant and test data. 

Fieldner and Davis ®^ have applied standardized laboratory meth- 
ods for the determination of reactivity, electrical resistivity, hygro- 
scopicity, ignition temperature and minimum air blast to repre- 
sentative cokes, made in large laboratory scale apparatus at car- 
bonizing temperatures of 500 to 1100° C, from coals covering the 
entire range of coking rank. They present data to show that the 
coke becomes less reactive, less easily ignited, requires more air 
to sustain combustion, becomes less hygroscopic, and conducts 
electricity more readily as the carbonizing temperature is raised; 
that the reactivity as determined by the ignition temperature and 
minimum air required to sustain combustion is virtually a straight 
line function of the carbonizing temperature over the whole range; 
that cokes made at 500 and 600° C. conduct electricity hardly at 
all, but that between 600 and 700° C. there is a rapid increase in 
conductivity, with a tendency at carbonizing temperatures of 1000 
and 1100° C. to approach a constant high value comparable with 
that of graphite. 

Reynolds ®* points out that cokes made at low temperatures are 
considerably more hygroscopic than those made at ordinary by- 
product coke oven temperatures, being usually greatest for cokes 
made at 600 to 700° C. 

The effects of the rate of heating and of the maximum tempera- 
ture in the pyrolysis of a coking coal upon the yields and character- 
istics of the principal products are reported by Warren.^^ f^e yields 
of tar increase with increase in the rate of heating at the expense 
of the yield of gas and coke, the increase being proportional tQ 

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the ratio of the rates of heating. The conclusion is drawn that the 
mechanism of coking involves competition between distillation and 
decomposition processes, and that differences in the values of their 
temperature coefficients are responsible for the increase in tar yield 
as the rate of heating is increased. Davis and Auvil ®® have studied 
the effect of varying the free space over the charge upon the 
yields, of gases and tars in the high temperature carbonization of 
coal in a series of experiments in the Bureau of Mines- American 
Gas Association type of retort, with free spaces corresponding to 
3.9, 11.6, and 23.1 percent of the retort volume of 3.82 cubic feet. 
With increased free space, the yield of light oil at 900° C. increased 
27 percent for an increased time of exposure of from 1.3 to 9 
seconds, the benzene yield practically doubling and the paraffins 
disappearing. The gas yield was also increased. The neutral oils, 
aromatic liquids and tar acids in the tar decreased and the pitch 
and aromatic solids increased. 

The effect of tempering coals of various ranks to moisture con- 
tents up to 14 percent, in carbonization at 800° C, was studied by 
Sherman, Blanchard, and Demorest.®'' 

A comprehensive critical review of the chemical structure of 
coal has been made by Lowry,^® who considers the molecular 
structure of coal as resulting from condensation and polymeriza- 
tion of polynuclear six-membered carbon ring compounds, and 
that this structure becomes more and more condensed in succeed- 
ing ranks of coal — peat, lignite, bituminous coal, and anthracite. 
The condensation of aromatic nuclei appears to be the main reaction 
in the solid residue during pyrolysis of coal and does not end 
until graphite is formed. Lowry regards solvent extaction, 
vacuum distillation, and low-temperature carbonization as repre- 
senting increasing severity of thermal treatment of coal and yielding 
progressively simpler products. A comparison of a single coal 
by all of these methods is stated as an objective of the Coal 
Research Laboratory of the Carnegie Institute of Technology 
which should shed light on the mechanism of the thermal decom- 
position of coal. 

A study of the primary decomposition and distillation of a coal in vacuo 
of the order of 10~^mm., using as a new research tool in this field 
a so-called molecular still in which the purpose is to ensure 
that the molecules from the coal surface neither collide with other 
molecules nor encounter a hot surface before being condensed 
on a cooler surface, has been carried out at the Coal Research 
Laboratory of the Carnegie Institute of Technology by Juettner 
and Howard.®^ Using this means for avoiding secondary decom- 
position of initial products, these workers have made a compari- 
son of the condensates and gaseous products from high vacuum 
distillation of 20-40 mesh coal and of coal ground to a particle size 
of about 0.001 mm., with those from distillations at the same 

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GASEOUS FUELS. 1934 AND 1935 291 

temperature in a Fischer retort. The yields of phenols and of 
neutral ether-insoluble substances was studied. The conclusion is 
reached that, in the coal used, the simpler phenolic substances 
are produced from the neutral ether-insoluble substances. 

The Pittsburgh Experiment Station of the Bureau of Mines has 
continued its studies of the gas-, coke-, and by-product-making 
properties of American coals.'^^ Splint-coal bands from the Elk- 
horn bed in western Kentucky gave a higher yield and a stronger 
coke than was obtained from bright coal bands in the same seam. 
The yield and quality of gas from the two types of coal were 
nearly the same. 

The expansion of coking coals is discussed by Altieri'^^ who 
described a new type of coal expansion tester designed to permit 
simulating conditions affecting the expansion of the coal during 
carbonization in coke ovens. 

Seyler^2 ^^s reported that the addition of 8 percent of 20-100 
mesh inerts to high volatile unwashed Klondyke coal prior to 
carbonization improved the physical properties of the coke, the 
best results being obtained with 6 percent of coke dust. 

Meredith ^^ has made a comparative study of materials used 
or proposed for the dustproofing of domestic coke. 

A study of the gases liberated from Virginia coals at various 
temperatures is described by Fish and Porter.'^^a 

Further data on the correlation of small and large scale car- 
bonization tests are given by Selvig and Ode.''* 

The hydrogenation of coal is treated by Wright and Gauger,''^ 
together with the effect of partial hydrogenation on coking proper- 
ties, and other topics in this field. 

A number of patents on coal carbonization processes and equip- 
ment, assigned chiefly to the larger builders of coke ovens, have 
appeared. Among these are those of Still,''® characterized by the 
withdrawal of the products of distillation from the interior of the 
coal charge, thus minimizing the secondary cracking reactions to 
give increased yields of benzol, an improved quality of tar, and 
reduced formation of naphthalene. Other patents have been 
granted on coke ovens ^'' and accessories,^^ and special types of 
destructive distillation apparatus.''^ 

The heating of regenerative coke-oven batteries by means of 
atomized tar oils or petroleum oils, using preheated air, is speci- 
fied by Richardson.s*^ 

Various modifications of conventional types of carbonization 
processes have been proposed or carried out. Keillor ^^ describes 
the operation of a plant at Vancouver in which coal gas is made in 
a given retort for the first twelve hours, water gas for the next four 
hours, and carburetted water gas for the last four hours. Miller ®2 
proposes a combined high- and low-temperature carbonization 
process producing a blended tar product, wherein the gases from 

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the high temperature coking of coal are brought in direct contact 
with coal to effect low temperature carbonization. Rose and 
Hill 83 have patented the use of a mixture of coal with naphthalene 
which is heated in a retort to the carbonizing temperature of the 
coal but below the critical temperature of the naphthalene, 
naphthalene and tar being separated from the coke after the 
carbonization. Bunce ®* describes the coking by means of hot 
gases of agglomerates of coke breeze and bituminous coal. Rose 
and Hill 85 have patented the treatment of coal and tar together 
in thin layers in the presence of steam, in which substantially all 
the tar oils are vaporized leaving a homogeneous mass of undecom- 
posed coal and pitch suitable for gas manufacture. The passage 
of oil refinery gas through coal undergoing carbonization with 
resultant cracking is patented by Odell.^® The coking of pitch and 
coal in a by-product coke oven battery is provided for by Tiddy ^7 
through the use of heat resistant metal linings in those ovens 
used for coking pitch. Other patents cover the production of coke 
and gas from oil in a retort,^^ the gasification of powdered fuel in 
an externally heated oven with production of rich gas and water 
gas,8» and the continuous production of coal gas in a vertical 
retort with zones of gradually increasing temperature.^ 

Wisner^i specifies the partial oxidation of finely divided coal by 
preheating it to about 175 to 235° C. to prepare it for coking. 
Another patent by Wisner^^ relates to the rotating heating drum 
equipment and associated cooler for production of carbonized coal 

The production of low-boiling liquid hydrocarbons by heating 
bituminous coal, peat, or lignite with an alkaline acetate has been 
patented by Michot-Dupont.®^ 

Kemmer^^ describes apparatus for the utilization of the waste 
heat of coke-oven plants or gas works for refrigeration for gas puri- 
fication. Suggestions for the improvement of the operation and 
maintenance of coal gas retort benches are given by Niles.^^ 

Gas Producers. Weiss and White ®® have extended the work of 
White and Fox on the influence of sodium carbonate on the pro- 
ducer gas reaction and its possible use in the manufacture of water 
gas. This work involved studies of the reaction of graphite, treated 
with sodium carbonate, with air and with steam, employing slower 
cooling than in the earlier case in order to permit reversal of the 
reaction Na2C03-|-2 C = 2 Na-h3 CO, to which the observed effects 
are attributed. This reversal was almost quantitative in the region 
where the furnace cooled from 900 to 750° C. Although as little 
as 0.1 percent of sodium carbonate was effective in greatly increas- 
ing carbon monoxide production at 900° C, one percent of soda 
was ineffective with foundry coke, apparently because of the reac- 
tion of the soda with the ash to form silicates. Admixture of 5 

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GASEOUS FUELS. 1934 AND 1935 29Z 

880° C. than could be obtained from the untreated coke at 1090° C. 
percent of soda with the coke was effective, giving a richer gas at 

Attention is called by NageP^ to improvements in the liquefac- 
tion and distillation of air and the availability of large capacity 
units for the production of oxygen and cites German costs for 
oxygen of 80 percent and of 95 percent purity. 

By-Products. Porter ^^ has reviewed changes affecting coke 
oven by-product recovery, especially the decline in revenue from 
ammonia resulting from the competition of synthetic ammonia, 
the recovery of sulfur from gas by the Koppers Thylox process 
and the possible use of such sulfur in the production of sulfuric 
acid for the manufacture of ammonium sulfate, and recent develop- 
ments in the uses of tar products, in phenol recovery, and in the 
distillation of the coke oven tar by the sensible heat of the coke 
oven gas. 

Tar, Dashiell,^® in reviewing developments in heavy oil tar and 
emulsion handling, states that the use of heavy oil brings about a 
tar dehydration problem more acute than gas oil and that a tar 
dehydrating plant is a necessary adjunct to every water gas plant, 
whether it uses heavy oil or gas oil of the types available in large 
quantities, that is, asphaltic base oils. Such dehydration may be 
carried out (1) by heating in high, open tanks to 195° F., as 
described by Parke,^^^ with subsequent treatment in stills, (2) 
by treatment in stills equipped for decantation, (3) by heating in 
closed tanks at up to 75 pounds pressure, and (4) by the use of 
centrifugal force. Operating and maintenance costs are given. 

Zane ^^^ has described commercial apparatus for continuous dis- 
tillation. Parke ^^^ discusses pressure flash dehydration and 
dehydration by spraying or pumping through restricted orifices. 
Zane ^^^ also describes automatic tar dehydration by heating under 
pressure and flashing into a column. 

Morgan and Stolzenbach ^^^ have investigated the mechanism of 
tar emulsions and state that the emulsifying agent is primarily a 
hydrocarbon substance which appears in the emulsion as a mem- 
brane surrounding the water droplets and preventing their coales- 
cence, that the toughness of this membrane determines the stability 
of the emulsion, and that the effect of the membrane may be 
increased by the presence of free carbon. 

Numerous patents have been issued in the field of tar technology, 
especially as to recovery from gases,^^^ tar distillation,^^® tar 
acids ^^"^ and pitch.^^® 

Delorey ^^® reports an increase from 60 percent to 127 percent 
of rating obtained by the use of coal tar for boiler firing in place 
of slack coal. 

Patents issued in the by-product field cover carbon dioxide 
recovery,^^® acetylene removal,^^^ benzene recovery,!^^ ammonia 
recovery,^^^ phenol recovery,^^* light oil absorption,^^^ naphthalene 

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and anthracene,^^® and hydrogenation of carbonaceous mate- 
rials.i", 118 

Overall transfer coefficients for the absorption of amnfonia and 
sulfur dioxide into a water spray, and the absorption of benzene 
vapor from air into an oil spray have been determined by Hixson 
and Scott.^^^ This work also develops equations correlating the 
effects of variable fluid flows for use in spray tower design. 

Purification of Gas. The developments in gas purification have 
related principally to improvements in liquid purification, the con- 
trol of oxide box purification to minimize the escape of nitric oxide, 
and improvements in plant practice in the operation of oxide boxes. 

The chemistry of the Thylox gas purification process has been 
studied by Gollmar.^^o Sodium or ammonium thioarsenate is the 
active agent in this process. The solution is regenerated by blowing 
with air. The principal reactions are believed to be 

Na4As2S502 + H2S = Na4As2SeO -|- H2O (in absorption) 
Na4As2S60H-0 = Na4As2S502H-S (in actification) 

Unless the />H value of the solution is maintained at 6,7 or higher, the 
arsenic tends to revert to its lower valence and probably a mixture 
of arsenous sulfide and sulfur is precipitated. Sodium thiosulfate 
slowly forms from a little of the sulfur in suspension. The hydrogen 
cyanide in the gas is converted to sodium sulfocyanate. Carbon 
dioxide has practically no effect because of the low alkalinity of 
the solution. The toxicity of the solution, usually containing less 
than one percent equivalent AS2O3, was studied but no evidence 
was found of arsenic poisoning. 

Continued attention to the use of ammonia in liquid gas purifi- 
cation is indicated in the patents of Hansen,^2i Qf Davies,^22 ^nd 
of Eymann.123 fhe use of arsenic,^24 Qf non-aqueous solvents in 
conjunction with alkaline solutions,^25 Qf phenolates and the like,^* 
of diethylenetriamine,^27 ^nd other liquid purification processes are 
described in various patents.^^s xhe removal of carbon disulfide 

by a liquid process is the subject of a patent by Hansen and 

The purification of natural gas containing small amounts of 
hydrogen sulfide in an iron oxide plant is described by Allyne.^^*^ 

Brewer ^^^ has modified the method of Seil, Heiligman, and Clark 
for testing the activity of purifying material, by passing a part of 
the foul gas stream around the absorption solution, thus permitting 
the passage of a test gas containing 400 grains of hydrogen sulfide 
per 100 cubic feet to the glass absorption tower. With the gas 
quality and rate of flow constant, the amount of gas purified is a 
direct function of activity. This modified method showed that 
certain samples having the same capacity varied greatly in activity. 

The use of granulated blast furnace slag for dry box purification 
is discussed by Presbrey.^^^ Purifying materials for use in oxide 

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GASEOUS FUELS, 1934 AND 1935 29S 

boxes have been patented by Seil ^^3 and by Smyly.^34 Broche ^^^ 
specifies the operation of oxide boxes in a two stage process involv- 
ing the use of a somewhat elevated temperature and the controlled 
admission of oxygen containing gases in the second stage. Mur- 
phy 136 has reported that the addition of four to six grains of 
ammonia per 100 cubic feet of coke oven gas maintains the />H 
value of the drain water from the boxes between 7 and 8 and results 
in a greater activity of the oxide, complete removal of the hydrogen 
cyanide, and increase in the sulfur content of the spent oxide to 
as high as 56 percent. 

Seil, Heiligman, and Crabill ^^t find that the nitrogen oxide is 
held in relatively stable combination with fouled iron oxide sponge 
until after revivification and that the nitric oxide can be eliminated 
by blowing the sponge with air and steam at a relatively high tem- 
perature before re-use. Fulweiler ^^^ has described a patented 
method ^^^ of oxide box operation designed to prevent gum forma- 
tion in gas distribution systems. 

Seil, Heiligman, and Crabill i*^ describe a procedure for con- 
ducting the Kunberger test on iron oxide for gas purification. 

Other patents in the gas purification field refer to the use of 
sodium chloride solutions containing lime ^^^ and to the separation 
of sulfur from the sulfur dioxide of flue gases.^^^ Further patents 
on the purification of gas at 'elevated temperatures have appeared.^^^ 

Gas Storage. The most radical development in gas holder con- 
struction appears to be that of a centrally guided waterless 
holder.^** In connection with the operation of waterless gas 
holders, some attention has been devoted to possible substitutes 
for water gas tar as a sealant. For example, the use of a viscous 
solution of waste sulfite material from the digestion of wood by 
the sulfite process is proposed by Laue ^^^ and that of various 
specified viscous aqueous solutions by Sperr.^^® Gruse ^^'^ pro- 
poses a heavy tar distillate from the tar produced in cracking a 
low-boiling petroleum distillate. 

Unremitting attention has been given by the gas industry to the 
safety features of the operation and maintenance of gas holders. 
Theoretical and practical considerations in purging holders have 
been outlined by Tomkins.^^^ Alrich ^^^ has discussed the mainte- 
nance of the M.A.N, holder with particular reference to the char- 
acteristics- of the sealing fluid. Gas holder corrosion problems are 
summarized and discussed by Munyan,^^® who emphasizes the 
importance of periodical internal and external inspection as a 
safety measure. Inspection and maintenance of gas holders are 
covered in the Rules and Regulations of the New York State 
Department of Public Service.i^i Experience in the removal of 

sediment from the tank of a five-lift gas holder is described by 

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Operation of a large gas holder in connection with a compressor 
station is described by Geiger.^^a 

Dunn ^^^ has indicated the conditions making an underground 
reservoir suitable for natural gas storage, namely, that it has con- 
sistently produced gas according to Boyle's law, properly applied, 
and has not ceased producing. 

Purging. The subject of purging gas plants, mains, and storage 
equipment has been given the closest attention by the gas industry. 
Specific instructions are given by the American Gas Association ^^^ 
for the purging of purifiers, and other gas works apparatus, includ- 
ing oil tanks, complete water gas plants, coal gas plants, gas mains, 
and works connections. Competent supervision, positive isolation 
of the container during the purging operation, an adequate supply 
of inert gas for purging, and reliable means for determining when 
the contents of the container are substantially free from gas or 
vapors are stressed. Definite directions for the production of inert 
gas are given. 

Tomkins ^^® has given a very complete discussion of the purging 
of apparatus with an inert gas, together with the explosive limits 
of different gases with air and maximum permissible oxygen and 
air contents of safe mixtures with inert gases. Carbon dioxide is 
indicated to be the most effective inert gas, and methods of pro- 
ducing it for this service are discussed. 

Natural Gas. Comprehensive statistical studies of natural gas 
production have been presented by Swanson ^^'^ and by Swanson 
and Struth.i^^ Comparative natural gas production and consump- 
tion statistics for 1929-33 and for 1912, 1922, and 1930-32 are given 
by Hopkins and Backus.^^^' ^^^ Further statistical data on natural 
gas are included in a review by Knapp.^^^ Advances in the tech- 
nology of natural and refifiery gases, including the removal of 
hydrogen sulfide, gas transmission problems, natural gasoline plants, 
liquefied gas, carbon black, and gas cracking are outlined by Bur- 
rell i«2 and Burrell and Turner.i«3 

In presenting a review of technical developments in petroleum 
and natural gas production. Fowler ^^^ emphasizes the importance 
of the oil-gas-energy relationships, refers to conservation measures, 
including proration and unit operation, and reviews recent engineer- 
ing research problems. These include methods of obtaining and 
interpreting subsurface pressures and temperatures in wells, solu- 
bility of gas in oil and the phenomena attending the liberation of 
natural gas under conditions approximating those of the reservoir, 
and the flow of oil, gas, and oil-gas mixtures through porous media, 
with particular reference to the problem of well spacing. Cattell 
and Fowler,^®^ in a well-documented review, have discussed the 
recent work on fluid-energy relationships of petroleum and natural 
gas, and point out the value of such studies in the equitable alloca- 
tion of production, the estimation of capacities of wells to produce 

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GASEOUS FUELS. 1934 AND 1935 297 

oil and gas, estimation of reserves, control of movement of gas, oil, 
and water within a structure, and similar problems. 

Engineering factors in the conservation of natural gas are con- 
sidered in a report of the Federal Oil Conservation Board.^^® Fur- 
ther discussions of the waste of natural gas ^^'^ and of conservation 
measures ^*»^ have appeared. Among recent studies referring to 
production are those relating to subsurface pressures and tempera- 
tures in flowing wells in the East Texas field,^®® solubility and 
liberation of natural gas from oil,^*^^ the energy liberated in isother- 
mal expansion by gas-saturated oil sampled in high pressure bombs 
from within oil wells,^'^^ and the measurement of the permeability 
of porous media.^^2 

Recent patents on chemical and other methods for treating gas 
and oil wells to maintain or increase production include those of 
Grebe and Stoesser,^'^^ Pitzer and Huffaker,^^^ Boundy and 
Pierce,i75 Mills,i76 and Heath and Fry.i^T 

A number of articles on the chemical treatment of wells,^*^®* ^'^®' "^^ 
drilling fluids,^®^' ^^^ ^nd the like have appeared. 

Important contributions to the knowledge of phase equilibria in 
hydrocarbon systems have been made by Sage and Lacey ^^^ and 
co-workers, who discuss both simple and complex systems in the 
range of pressures up to 200 atmospheres and of temperatures from 
20 to 100° C. Data are presented which permit the prediction of 
the density, composition, and relative mass of each phase present 
when a mixture of any total composition is brought to equilibrium 
at any set of temperature and pressure conditions within the range 
studied. Particular attention is paid to the methane-propane sys- 
tem 1®^ through the temperature and pressure ranges commonly 
found in underground petroleum formations, solubility of a dry 
natural gas ^®^ in crude oil, the solubility of propane in two different 
oils,^^® the pressure-volume-temperature relations and thermal 
properties of propane,^®*^ and the thermodynamic properties of 

The rates of solution of methane ^^^ and of propane ^^^ in qui- 
escent liquid hydrocarbons have been studied experimentally by 
Hill and Lacey. 

The economic aspects of gas-solubility experiments have been 
discussed by Morris.^®^ Lacey ^^^ has likewise referred to the 
bearing of such studies on the practical problems of pressure 
maintenance in petroleum production. 

Other papers dealing with the energy relations of natural gas 
and oil are those of Umpleby,^^^ relating to the efficient utilization 
of reservoir energy, of Moore and Shilthuis ^®* on the calculation 
of pressure drops in flowing wells, and of Hurst ^^^ on unsteady flow 
of fluids in oil reservoirs. 

Conservation measures are reviewed by Lewis ^®® and by Wal- 
lace,^®'^ who outlines practice in the protection of wells from 

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underground wastage and flooding. Eckert ^®® describes practice 
in deep drilling in the Tioga and Potter County fields of Penn- 

Neyman and Pilat ^®® report that the heat of solution of natural 
gas associated with petroleum oils is of a very small order com- 
pared with the heat of compression, to which the thermal effects 
are practically confined. 

The viscosity of natural gas has been determined for a number 
of natural gases of widely different chemical compositions by Ber- 
wald and Johnson,200 through the use of the relationship between 
the friction factor and the Reynolds number for the flow of gas 
through pipes. 

There has recently been reported the formation in natural gas 
transmission lines of solid compounds resembling snow or ice in 
appearance, which are attributed to the formation of hydrates 
with methane, ethane, propane, and isobutane in the presence of 
water at elevated pressures and temperatures. Hammerschmidt ^^^ 
has studied the conditions for formation of these compounds, as 
well as their melting points. 

Considerable study has been devoted to the occurrence of gas 
in coal beds. Selden 202 has reviewed critically the factors involved, 
as well as theories as to the origin of the methane and carbon 
dioxide in such gas. Ranney^oa has patented a method for the 
recovery of mine gas and urges such recovery as commercially 
feasible. Lawall and Morris ^o* have studied the occurrence of gas 
in Pocahontas No. 4 bed in southern West Virginia and have 
measured gas pressures and flows in holes bored into the coal. 
Burke and Parry 205 have developed mathematically the laws of 
flow governing the movement of gas in coal seams and discuss 
the origin of such gas. 

The production and sales of natural gasoline and of liquefied 
petroleum gases are reviewed by Shea.2<>« The huge potential 
supply of liquefied gases has led to a number of studies of means 
for their utilization. OberfelPOT has reviewed progress in this 
direction with respect to their use as industrial fuels, in gas manu- 
facture, and for domestic use. Gould ^^^ has made an economic 
study of this field. The use of propane and butane in the gas 
industry is reviewed by Friend.^^ The advantages of these fuels 
over fuel oiPio for various purposes and of propane as a sub- 
stitute for acetylene in the steel industry are presented by Jamison 
and Bateman.211 Hunt 212 has described the use of propane in 
metal cutting and salvaging operations. 

Experiences in substituting butane-air gas for 550 B.t.u. oil gas ^18 
and a description of a recent butane-air gas plant ^^^ have been 
given. A detailed description of typical butane-air gas plant equip- 
ment is given by Perrine.^i^ 

Patents on various processes and apparatus for generating gas 

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GASEOUS FUELS, 1934 AND 1935 299 

by carbureting air with liquid fuels have been issued.^i® De 
Florez^iT has patented a fuel for engines of lighter-than-air craft 
consisting of mixtures of hydrogen and butane and hydrogen and 
propane, respectively. 

Pyrolysis of Hydrocarbon Gases. In addition to the reforming 
of natural gas and oil refinery gases in the production of low 
gravity gas for city use, considerable attention has been directed 
towards the chemical utilization of these gases. 

In a review of the literature on the pyrolysis of saturated hydro- 
carbons with special attention to the primary decomposition 
reactions, Frey ^is points out that the paraffin hydrocarbons decom- 
pose chiefly into simpler olefins and paraffins and that high cracking 
temperatures favor the concomitant formation of complementary 
olefins and hydrogen. Two reaction mechanisms have been pro- 
posed. Surface catalysis dehydrogenates paraffins to the cor- 
responding olefins or degrades them to carbon, methane, and hydro- 
gen, converts cyclohexanes into the corresponding aromatics, and 
rearranges the other cycloparaffins. Storch 2i9 reviews critically 
data on the pyrolysis of methane, ethane, ethylene, gasoline, and 
petroleum to yield acetylene and has formulated mathematical 
expressions relating to the decomposition of methane. He has 
also discussed possible industrial processes utilizing the thermal 
decomposition of methane or ethylene diluted with 75 to 90 
percent hydrogen or carbon dioxide. A survey is made of the 
recent developments in pyrolysis of unsaturated hydrocarbons by 
Hurd,22o who proposes a mechanism correlating the fact that 
unsiaturated hydrocarbons pyrolyze characteristically into (1) 
simpler products, (2) isomers which include branched chain hydro- 
carbons from straight chain members, (3) dehydrogenated mem- 
bers, and (4) polymers. The importance of the contact time and 
the influence of metal tubes are discussed. 

The physical factors governing cracking operations are 
reviewed by Brown, Lewis, and Weber,22i who outline methods, 
based on the pressure-volume-temperature relations of hydrocar- 
bons, for computing the conditions existing at equilibrium, with 
special attention to the extrapolation of these methods, and their 
application to cracking plant problems. Paul and Marek222 give 
velocity constants for propane, butane, and isobutane. Ipatieff, 
Corson, and Egloff 223 discuss a catalytic process for the polymeri- 
zation of high olefin cracking still gases in the production of 
gasoline and mention a commercial plant which is in operation, 
producing more than five gallons of gasoline per 1000 cubic feet 
of cracking still gas. 

The thermal decomposition of pentane is discussed by Morgan 
and Munday.224 Lang and Morgan 225 have studied in great detail 
the pyrolysis of propane at low partial pressures. The results of 
their investigations show that a bimolecular primary decomposi- 

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tion occurs to a certain extent, that in the range of temperatures 
employed temperature has no effect upon the proportions of 
primary products obtained from propane, and that the proportion 
of propylene to ethylene in the unsaturated hydrocarbons obtained 
by commercial pyrolysis of propane may be increased at higher 
pressures. A critical study was made of the proposed mechanism 
of hydrocarbon pyrolysis, which is explained on the basis of Nef s 
dissociation hypothesis. 

Among the patents in the field of pyrolysis of hydrocarbon gases 
are those of Sullivan and Ruthruff,22« whereby saturated hydro- 
carbon gases are cracked, the methane and non-hydrocarbon gases 
eliminated by the selective absorption in oil of the hydrocarbons 
higher than methane, which are then polymerized at elevated tem- 
peratures and pressures to give a gasoline of high anti-knock 
properties. Another patent of Sullivan and Ruthruff227 covers 
the polymerization of light olefins in a continuous system in the 
presence of naphtha, gas oil, or the like, at temperatures above 
650° F. and pressures above 500 pounds per square inch to give 
gasoline of high knock rating. Wilson 228 j^^s specified a process for 
the polymerization of unsaturated hydrocarbons at elevated tem- 
peratures and pressures. The production of liquid aromatic hydro- 
carbons from cracking still or coke oven gases by polymerization 
in a pipe coil, with immediate introduction of cooling oils into the 
heated gas to check conversion, followed by the rectification and 
condensation of the products is claimed by Egloff.22» In another 
patent Egloff 230 proposes to crack natural gas or refinery gas, fol- 
lowing the primary cracking operation with a secondary cracking 
at increased pressure and temperature in the presence of steam 
and hydrogen preactivated by an electric discharge. Plummer23i 
proposes to combine the processes of polymerization of unsatu- 
rated hydrocarbon gases and the cracking of petroleum in a single 
process. Other processes are those of Wagner,232 Egloff,233 
Dunstan and Wheeler 234 ^nd Youker 235 for the polymerization of 
natural gas or oil-cracking gases. 

A process for the production of light oils, wherein natural gas 
or oil still gases are so cracked as to give the optimum yield of 
aromatic hydrocarbons, and the resulting tars and residual gases 
then hydrogenated catalytically, is specified by Smith and Rall.23« 
Odell 237 specifies a process in which gases containing unstable ole- 
fins are converted into stable hydrocarbons, employing firebrick 
with or without aluminum phosphate, aluminum oxide, iron oxide, 
or thorium oxide as catalysts. 

The production of a gas rich in hydrogen by the catalytic con- 
version of hydrocarbons with steam is patented by Russell and 
Hanks.238 A catalyst for this purpose is specified by Davis and 

Among the patents for producing gas primarily for use in 

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GASEOUS FUELS. J 934 AND 1935 301 

internal combustion engines are those of Reichhelm,24o Lacas- 
sagne,24i and deGrey.242 Apparatus for generating fuel gases from 
liquid fuels and air are patented by Jagmin ^43 and by Cordes.^^^ 

Garner 245 ^^s pointed out a number of possibilities and accom- 
plishments in the chemical utilization of natural gas, including 
the use of an improved carbon black process which also yields 
hydrogen, the production of unsaturated hydrocarbons, the manu- 
facture of formaldehyde from methane, the chlorination of hydro- 
carbon gases, the use of liquid butane as a solvent, and the 
recovery of bromine from brines from gas wells. Ellis 245a j^^s 
reviewed the chemical utilization of cracking gas, including a 
bibliography of 175 references. 

Laboratory and plant data on the direct oxidation under high 
pressures of methane, ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes, and 
heptanes have been reported by Wiezevich and Frolich.246 xhe 
products obtained may be separated into fractions having narrow 
boiling ranges. Oxidation of methane at relatively high tempera- 
ture results in the production of some methanol. Higher hydro- 
carbons undergo a carbon-carbon scission during oxidation, with 
the formation of lower derivatives in high yields. By recirculating 
intermediate derivatives, acids are produced. Increase in pres- 
sure tends to lower the temperature at which oxidation takes place 
and to retard the decomposition of intermediate products. The 
authors include a bibliography of 93 references. 

Recent patents on the partial oxidation of hydrocarbons under 
pressure for the production of alcohols and alehydes include those 
of Walker.24'^ Other patents refer to the production of acety- 
lene,248 of benzene,^^^ and of hydrogen-nitrogen mixtures,^^© and 
to the removal of small amounts of oxygen from natural gas by a 
combustion method.^si 

The extensive investigations of Johnson and Berwald on the 
transmission of natural gas have recently been summarized.252 
Formulas for the flow of gas at high pressure in parallel lines have 
been included in this and other papers.253 Problems in the design 
of natural gas transmission systems have been discussed by Mer- 
riam.254 Van der Pyl,255 in reviewing recent advances in the flow of 
fluids, has discussed the flow of natural gas at high Reynolds 

A study of the values of discharge coefficients of square-edged 
orifices has been presented by Bean.256 

Problems in the Distribution of Gas. Because of the large invest- 
ment involved in the construction of distribution systems, the fixed 
charges on which constitute a great part of the cost of gas service, 
the problems of minimizing the investment costs and increasing 
the life of the system have received deserved attention. Of equal 
importance has been the problem of ensuring unfailing continuity 
of service. Many of these studies relate to problems of design and 

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construction which cannot be included here. Others, however, 
relating to the protection of the distribution system and to means 
for ensuring continuity of service involve problems of chemical 

The protection from corrosion of the enormous investment in 
underground pipe systems has been the subject of continued 
attention. Ewing^ST reports on a four months' field trip during 
the summer of 1935 to consult with gas engineers throughout the 
country and to remove and examine the third set of coated pipes 
which were buried in 1929 in the American Gas Association field 
coating tests, outlines the experience and practice of various com- 
panies with respect to pipe coatings, and offers suggestions for the 
logical attack on soil corrosion problems. Ewing^ss ^^s also 
reported in some detail laboratory studies of the performance of 
pipe coatings in which periodic determinations of the electrical 
conductance of the coatings were made while they were exposed 
to the action of salt water and of soil which was alternately wet 
and dry. Among the important factors in estimating the protective 
value of pipe coatings are moisture penetration and the mechanical 
effect of the soil. These tests were designed to parallel field tests 
but with the end in view of developing a more rapid method. 

Although much work is being carried out on protective pipe 
coatings. Turner ^so expresses skepticism as to the value of coatings 
in congested areas and points out the great care necessary to pre- 
vent bare spots in precoated pipe used in such locations. He 
states that, after a few years underground, the resistance of the 
coating may be reduced to zero and in many cases, particularly 
where stray current electrolysis prevails, the use of a coating 
invites rather than prevents corrosion, because of the restriction 
of the action to small areas where a break in the coating occurs. 
The problem of electrolysis has received considerable attention. 
Ewing,26o in a detailed report of the American Gas Association 
sub-committee on pipe coatings and corrosion, describes methods 
for making preliminary surveys and for determining where drain- 
age stations should be located, where cathodic protection is 
employed, as well as for determining the effectiveness of the pro- 
tection at any time after the installation is in operation. Bridge ^^^ 
has reviewed the cathodic protection of pipe lines and states that 
it has been demonstrated that a negative potential of 0.2 volt (net) 
pipe to soil will effectively prevent corrosion. Smith 2«2 ^as given 
an exposition in simple terms of cathodic protection of pipe lines 
and urges its more general adoption because of its simplicity and 
effectiveness. Schneider ^63 has investigated the economics of 
such protection. Allyne^^^ has reported on experimental work 
showing the practicability of intermittent electric drainage for 
pipe line protection. Kuhn ^65 has likewise surveyed cathodic pro- 
tection of pipe lines from soil corrosion. 

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GASEOUS FUELS, 1934 AND 1935 303 

Scott and Ewing 2«6 have studied the relative importance of the 
factors influencing the density of the pattern in the so-called pattern 
test for pipe coatings which depends upon the precipitation of 
ferrous (ferric) ion by ferricyanide or ferrocyanide ion on a suitable 
paper, which is then immersed in developing solution. The blue 
stains produced record the discontinuities in the pipe. An improved 
procedure adaptable to field conditions is specified. Ewing 2«7 has 
summarized work on pipe corrosion carried out during 1934. 
Abbott 2«8 has also discussed the present status of work of this t)rpe. 

Although the emphasis has generally been placed on external 
corrosion, the problem of internal corrosion is receiving increasing 
attention, especially in connection with the transmission of natural 
gas. Allyne 2«» points out that in California this type of corrosion 
is very serious, resulting from the action of hydrogen sulfide and 
oxygen in the presence of condensed moisture. Removal of hydro- 
gen sulfide and oxygen by chemical methods is considered imprac- 
ticable and dehumidification the only feasible solution. Schmidt 
and Bacon ^70 have collected considerable information regarding the 
causes and effects of internal corrosion in natural gas transmission 
lines. The consensus of opinion appears to be that the most eco- 
nomical method of prevention now available is that of dehydration 
of the entering gas. 

Brennan 27i has formulated a mathematical correlation of corro- 
sion with the age and soil index for steel mains. 

The corrosive effect of hydrogen sulfide on steel has been recog- 
nized as responsible for large economic losses, according to work 
of the Bureau of Mines.272 

Although the increased use of mechanical joints for gas mains 
has tended to eliminate the hazards of broken mains, the bolts and 
nuts necessary for the joints are far more subject to corrosion and 
failure than the pipe itself. Perry ^78 has recognized the impor- 
tance of increasing the life of the bolts and nuts and has presented 
the results of an investigation directed toward this end. 

During recent years, the use of automatically controlled gas 
appliances has increased rapidly, requiring the use of thermostats, 
safety pilots, and time controls. The corrosion-resisting properties 
of the metals employed in these appliances are of the greatest 
importance in their successful operation. Ward and Fulweiler274 
have made a study of the corrosion resistance of copper base alloys 
used in the manufacture of safety pilots and the like, when exposed 
to city gas containing organic sulfur at ordinary and slightly ele- 
vated temperatures (up to 275° F.), in the effort to find a corrosion- 
resisting alloy more readily machinable than aluminum. Alloys 
containing less than 63 percent copper and in sheet or rod form 
are almost perfectly resistant to corrosion resulting from the pres- 
ence of organic sulfur and are further improved by the addition of 
one to two percent of either lead or aluminum. It was noted that 

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tubes of similar alloys, unless polished internally, were distinctly 
less resistant and the authors recommend that, pending the devel- 
opment of a commercially practicable method for cleaning the inside 
surface of tubing, aluminum tubing be used for installations where 
the tubing does not come in contact with alkaline insulation mate- 
rial, and that either tin plated tubing or a bimetallic tubing with 
aluminum on the inside and copper or brass on the outside be used 
where the tubing comes in contact with such material. 

A discussion of the corrosion and oxidation of metals employed 
for gas appliance tubing, together with a bibliography, is given by 

The problems peculiar to high pressure storage and distribution 
in connection with gas supply to outlying districts have been stud- 
ied by Larson.275a 

The importance of ensuring continuous operation of automatic 
gas appliances and pilot lights has justified continued attention to 
the problem of eliminating the gums found to contribute, along 
with dust, to shortcomings in this respect. 

In concluding the most recent of a series of papers describing an 
extensive investigation of the subject. Ward, Jordan, and Ful- 
weiler 276 emphasize the importance of vapor-phase gum as a cause 
of pilot outages and malfunctioning of automatic gas appliances 
and attribute the formation of such gum to the action of oxides of 
nitrogen, largely nitrogen peroxide, on any of a number of organic 
compounds present in manufactured gas. The oxides of nitrogen, 
arising primarily in any type of manufactured gas from products 
of combustion, are present chiefly as nitric oxide, which is slowly 
oxidized to nitrogen peroxide, which then reacts rapidly to form 
gum. Vapor phase gum, existing dispersed in the gas in the form 
of a very large number of electrically charged particles of submicro- 
scopic size, coalesce until a size of 1 to 1.5 u is reached. Above this 
size they no longer remain so dispersed. The authors recommend 
the reduction of the concentration of nitrogen oxides to below 
0.0003 grain per 100 cubic feet, equivalent to five parts per billion 
by volume, to ensure freedom from formation of vapor-phase gums 
and announce the development of a process involving a modified 
oxide box operation for ensuring the removal of nitrogen oxides 
by contact with sulfided iron oxide.^^^ Further papers on this sub- 
ject are those of Fulweiler ^78 and that of McElroy with Brady 27» 
on the continuous addition of nitric oxide to city gas for use in 
accelerated tests of pilots. 

Powell 280 has discussed the principles underlying the selective 
absorption of liquid phase gum-formers and naphthalene by oil 

In a study of the effect of fogging oil on gum deposits, Mathias ^si 
reports laboratory and plant tests on the use of a fogging oil con- 
taining an inhibitor in order to prevent gum formation. 

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GASEOUS FUELS. 1934 AND 1935 305 

Patents have appeared relating to removal of gum-forming con- 
stituents from gas by solvents 282 and by an electric discharge,283 
the prevention of gum formation 284 ^y the addition of inhibitors 
to the gas or to meter oil, and the humidification of the gas in the 
mains to inhibit gum formation .^ss xhe use of an aftercooler and 
a Blaw-Knox gas cleaner to prevent deposits believed due to liquid 
phase gum-formers has been discussed by Tenney.286 

Shnidman 287 has made a timely study of the problem of dust in 
gas, which appears to be more important at present in the trans- 
mission of natural gas than that of manufactured gas. 

Experiments on the resistance to dust stoppage of various pilot 
orifices are reported by Corfield.288 

Investigations of combustibles in manholes in Boston, Massa- 
chusetts, covering the findings of over 12,000 tests in Boston Edison 
manholes and over 3,000 manholes of the New England Telephone 
and Telegraph Company are reported by Jones.28» Knowlton,^^^ 
points out that notable progress has been made in eliminating 
explosion hazards and toxic conditions as a result of the coopera- 
tive effort of telephone, electric, and gas companies, and the U. S. 
Bureau of Mines. Statistics regarding carbon monoxide poisoning 
from various sources are cited by Briggs.^^^ In a study of factors 
affecting the lethal action on experimental animals of mixtures of 
city gas with air, Smith, McMillan, and Mack found that the sur- 
vival time was less in young adult rats than in old animals, and in 
male than in female rats, and that pregnancy and the use of a meta- 
bolic stimulant (a-dinitrophenol) greatly reduced the lethal inter- 
val.2®2 Barker 2»3 gives a case history of carbon monoxide poison- 
ing from a smoking oil stove. Studies of the "normal" carbon 
monoxide content of the blood, supported by tests of the blood of 
dwellers of both city and rural districts have been made by Gettler 
and Mattice.2^^ The average proportion of the hemoglobin com- 
bined with carbon monoxide was, for 18 persons in New York City 
under minimal conditions of exposure, 1.0 to 1.5 percent; for 12 
institutional cases in a rural locality, less than 1.0 percent; for 
12 street cleaners, about 3 percent; and for two taxi drivers from 
8 to 19 percent. 

A test is reported by Corfield 2»5 jn which exposure to an atmos- 
phere containing 24-29 percent of natural gas with the oxygen con- 
tent reduced to 14-16 percent for a period of one hour and 15 min- 
utes in a tightly closed room resulted in no injury to any of five 
men acting as subjects. Diffusion characteristics in gas leaks and 
the possibility of explosive mixture formation were also studied. 

Klar 2»^ has reviewed the leather characteristics and defects of 
meter diaphragms, giving consideration to the value of various oils 
and diaphragm dressings. Some of the engineering aspects of dia- 
phragm meters have been treated by MacLean.^^^ Several articles 

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have been published concerning meter repair shop practice,^^^ and 
factors and trends in meter maintenance.^^® 

A patent has been granted to Fulweiler and Jordan 3oo fQj. ^ 
material for gas meter diaphragms, consisting of leather stuffed 
with soap composed of aluminum and saponified coconut oil, which 
is insoluble in benzene and other hydrocarbons normally present in 
gas drip and also insoluble in water. 

The effect of humidity on meter proofs has been discussed by 
Corfield,8<^i and in a report of the Pacific Coast Gas Association.^*^^ 
Bean describes ^^ a convenient procedure for testing laboratory 
wet meters. 

Zoll 3^* has been granted a patent for an apparatus for determin- 
ing the amount of "corrected gas" in a stream of raw gas such as 
producer or water gas. 

Among the general reviews of developments in gas distribution 
are those of Battin ^os and of Larson.^^^ 

Utilization. The principal developments in the industrial utiliza- 
tion of gas have related to the design and construction of equip- 
ment for giving the proper gaseous atmospheres in which to carry 
out a wide variety of metallurgical operations. Equipment installed 
in industrial plants for the cracking, washing, and refrigeration of 
natural or manufactured gas has resulted in important new uses of 
gas where the effect of the atmosphere, whether oxidizing or reduc- 
ing,, is of importance. Considerable progress has been made in the 
use of controlled atmospheres in carburizing and other heat treat- 
ing furnaces. A new development ^^'^ is the use of so-called radiant 
tubes of alloy steel in which combustion takes place over a con- 
siderable length. Tubes of this kind have found considerable use 
in steel mills in the large annealing boxes for treating sheets and 

A continuation of the integration of the industrial uses of gas 
in the production lines of manufacturing processes has been 
observed. Typical examples of such applications, together with 
numerous references to the improvement of forging, hardening, 
and carburizing, to the bright annealing of copper tubing and of 
other non-ferrous metals, the melting of brass and soft metals, 
various low temperature baking and drying operations, melting of 
glass, vitreous enameling, the preparation of food products, indus- 
trial steam applications, and the like may be found by reference 
to the extensive annotated bibliographies appearing from time to 
time in the American Gas Association Monthly .^os 

Relatively little theoretical work appears to have been accom- 
plished with respect to such subjects as the transmission of heat 
by radiation in furnaces, notwithstanding the fundamental impor- 
tance of accurate knowledge of the temperature distribution in 
furnace design. Substantially all attempts to formulate equations 
covering the rate of heat transfer by radiation are based on the 

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GASEOUS FUELS, 1934 AND 1935 307 

wholly empirical Hudson-Orrok equation developed in connection 
with boiler furnace design. There seems little evidence that the 
highly mathematical treatments suggested by various investigators 
for the prediction of the distribution of radiant heat in furnaces 
have found any important engineering application, chiefly because 
pf their complexity. There is little doubt that progress in furnace 
design has been greatly retarded by the lack of simplified design 
procedures. Hottel and Mangelsdorf ^^^ have presented data 
covering the absorption and emission of radiation from non- 
luminous gases and indicates very considerable changes in the 
magnitudes of these effects from those given in earlier publica- 

Radiation from luminous and non-luminous natural gas flames 
has been studied experimentally by Sherman.^^® 

Cowan 311 has discussed the development of heating, annealing, 
and other heat treating processes in controlled atmospheres with 
special reference to the use of diffusion combustion, in which the 
strata of air and gas travel parallel to each other throughout the 
furnace chamber without substantial turbulence, with the object 
of preventing oxidation by blanketing the metal undergoing treat- 
ment with a stream of raw gas. The use of methanol to prevent 
the formation of oxide films in the bright annealing of brass and 
the use of various hydrocarbon gases or hydrogen-liberating gases 
for the same purpose is mentioned. Segeler^^^ has reviewed the 
recent work on special industrial furnace atmospheres, in which he 
refers to the necessity for consideration of the oxidizing effect of 
flight amounts of oxygen and water vapor, methods for the detec- 
tion of traces of oxygen, the desirability of oxidizing or reducing 
atmospheres in various processes, the factors influencing scaling or 
decarburization effects, the methods for obtaining the desired 
furnace atmospheres, and a list of specific recommendations 
regarding the type of atmosphere and methods for attaining the 
correct gas composition for various industrial heating operations. 

Murphy and Jominy ^13 have studied the influence of atmosphere 
and temperature on the behavior of steel with respect to scaling 
in forging furnaces and find that in a reducing atmosphere a higher 
temperature may be used. The scaling of steel increases with 
increasing time of exposure and temperature and is aggravated 
by the presence of small amounts of sulfur dioxide in the furnace 

Jominy 81* has studied the effect of pure gases including steam, 
carbon dioxide, air, nitrogen, hydrogen, and various synthetic mix- 
tures of pure gases, the effect of pressure and that of rate of flow, 
temperature and period of exposure, of reducing and oxidizing 
atmospheres and the like on the surface decarburization of steel 
at heat treating temperatures. 

Progress in the heat treatment of ferrous metals including 

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annealing, normalizing, bright annealing, carburization, and forging 
in connection with continuous furnaces in the automotive industry 
is reviewed by Clark.^is Manier ^^^ has reported on the use of gas 
in the treatment of non-ferrous metals with special reference to 
the use of controlled atmospheres employing in certain cases gas 
preparation units for the cracking of gas to provide the desired 

Gehrig 3^^ has discussed the application of gas-fired, radiant 
tubes to porcelain enameling. The results of experiments on 58 
porcelain glazes employing direct gas firing in an oxidizing furnace 
atmosphere are reported by Watts.^^s It was found that both 
white and colored glazes can be direct-fired without damage either 
to body or glaze but that flashing or direct impingement of the 
flame against the glaze surface must be avoided. Direct firing 
results in a material reduction in firing time. Young ^i® has 
described the bright annealing of non-ferrous metals and points 
out ^2^ the favorable opportunities for load building offered by the 
application of city gas for the production of special atmospheres 
in industrial furnaces. 

Gillett^^i has made a valuable comprehensive review of con- 
trolled atmospheres in steel treating, covering the difficulties to be 
avoided by the use of controlled atmospheres, the effects of scaling, 
the properties of gases available for such use, reactions of gases 
with iron and carbon, various equilibrium data, cost and action of 
available gases, types of controlled atmosphere furnaces, correla- 
tion of experiments and experiences on scaling and its avoidance, 
decarburization, carburization, and bright annealing, the use o£ 
city gas for carburizing, and the like. A bibliography of 86 refer- 
ences is included. In a summary of this subject, Gillett ^^^ empha- 
sizes the necessity of further research and points out unsolved 
problems in this field. 

Among the various research projects pursued by the Committee 
on Industrial Gas Research ^23 q{ the American Gas Association, 
are the studies of the effect of operating temperatures and of fur- 
nace pressures on the combustion of industrial gas, the develop- 
ment of individually heated and controlled deck bake ovens, the 
application of heat to ceramic firing, to sheet steel enamelling, 
ceramic decoration, and the development of gas operated house 
cooling and air conditioning equipment for both large comfort and 
industrial applications and smaller unit air conditioners. 

Progress in the application of gas to summer air conditioning for 
comfort employing the silica gel method, as well as in the use of 
lithium chloride solutions for the dehydration of air, has been 
reported.324 Among industrial uses of gas for air conditioning may 
be mentioned that in the printing industry, described by Fonda.^^© 
A detailed discussion of silica gel and its uses is given by Lednum.326 

The possibilities of improving the character of the gas load by 

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GASEOUS FUELS, 1934 AND 1935 309 

the development of air conditioning by gas are discussed by 

King 328 i^as outlined the principal consideration in the conser- 
vation of heat in gas-heated buildings. A bibliography of 148 
recent articles on house heating and cooling appears in a report of 
the House Heating and Cooling Committee of the American Gas 
Association. 329 

Methods of calculating gas heating have been presented by 
Kuenhold,^^^ together with data on conditioned air heating. A 
graphical method for determining flue losses from industrial gas 
furnaces is outlined by Smith.^^i Data on the heat content of 
gases from to 1900° C. have been given by Taylor.^^^ 

The importance of gas fuel in modern power generation has 
been pointed out by German ^^^ and by Philo.^^^ A renewed 
interest in gas engines, after a long period in which their use was 
limited chiefly to blast-furnace gas plants and in oil and gas fields, 
has been noted. A tabulation, giving data on 33 new engine plants, 
the largest being of 6600 h. p. total capacity, is given by Tanger- 
man.33^ The development of automatic gas engines for refrigera- 
tion and pumping purposes is receiving attention.^^® 

A revival of interest in gas lighting, with especial reference to 
flood lighting and indoor industrial lighting, has taken place in the 
past few years and a number of notices of successful installations 
employing high pressure street lighting have appeared.^^*^ 

Among papers relating to the design of domestic gas burners is 
that of Conner 338 ^nd of Leonard and Howe,33» who have estab- 
lished performance curves for a single port burner and a multi- 
port burner and suggest that it should be possible to interpret the 
form of such curves in terms of ignition velocity data. Mattocks 3*o 
has discussed the factors affecting the design and application of 
industrial gas burners. Appliance testing and laboratory operation 
are described by Conner.^^i The function and design of draft 
hoods 342 and the operating characteristics of domestic gas pressure 
regulators 343 have been discussed by Smith and the venting of 
flues by Clow.344 

Attention is given to the design and performance of safety pilots 
by Leighton,345 to the resistance of range pilots to drafts by Smith,34« 
and to the capacity of domestic flues and vents by Wills.34'^ 

Combustion. Morgan and Stolzenbach 348 have established 
experimentally that the ratio of the volume of carbon monoxide to 
that of hydrogen in products of combustion of carbonaceous fuels 
containing sufficient hydrogen is constant at 2.9 when the fuels are 
burned under such conditions that the free hydrogen in the incom- 
pletely burned products does not exceed 3 percent, thus confirming 
the conclusion of Minter,34» who contended that, contrary to 
rather common opinion, hydrogen does not burn at high tempera- 
tures at a greater rate than carbon monoxide. Hamilton 35o has 

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described a device for exhaust gas analysis based on the constancy 
of the carbon monoxide .-hydrogen ratio in automobile exhaust 

A study has been made of the combustion rate of carbon by Tu, 
Davis, and Hottel.^^^ A quantitative formulation of the rate of 
combustion of carbon in air is given, based on the concept of a 
surface covered by a relatively stagnant film through which oxygen 
and combustion products must diffuse countercurrently. 

The effect of ash on combustion characteristics of carbons has 
been studied by Oshima and Fukuda,^^^ ^j^o present data on the 
effect of natural ash and of added salts in carbonaceous materials 
upon their ignitibility and combustion velocity. 

The soap-bubble or constant pressure method as applied to the 
explosive oxidation of carbon monoxide has been described by 
Fiock and Roeder.^*^^ Results for this system of gases are reported 
over a wide range of mixture ratios. In an earlier report ^^* tjhe 
authors point out that water appears to be an essential factor in 
attaining equilibrium in this reaction. 

The combustion of carburetted water gas in luminous flames has 
been studied by Altpeter and Kowalke.^^^ The criterion of com- 
pleteness of combustion was the carbon monoxide content of the 
flame. Combustion rates at which carbon monoxide was reduced 
to 0.2 percent varied from 208 cubic feet per hour for a ratio of 
furnace volume: furnace area (V/A) = 16 to 132 cubic feet for 

A review of various experimental determinations of the mecha- 
nism and rate of combustion of solid carbon by gaseous oxygen, a 
discussion of previous mathematical analyses of the process, and 
an account of some measurements at low pressures are given by 
Mayers,^*^® who concludes that much more experimental work will 
be necessary before a complete formulation of the rates or mecha- 
nism of the reaction can be made. 

In another paper, Mayers ^^^ discusses the mechanism of com- 
bustion in both pulverized coal and in grate firing, together with 
the characteristics of coals determining the attainable rating. 

A marked catalysis of the oxidation of carbon, employing as 
catalysts lithium, sodium, potassium, strontium, and barium chlo- 
rides, and sodium and potassium sulfates, is reported by Day, 
Robey, and Dauben.^^® 

Lewis and von Elbe ^^^ have calculated the theoretical explosion 
pressures for oxygen-hydrogen mixtures by means of thermody- 
namic functions of gases derived from band spectra and offer 
explanations for the difference between observed and calculated 
values in the cases of dried oxygen-hydrogen mixtures and in those 
containing excess oxygen or nitrogen. 

Water vapor, in amounts above five mm. vapor pressure, has 
been found by Jones and Seaman 3«o ^q j^ise the ignition tempera- 

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GASEOUS FUELS, 1934 AND 1935 311 

tures of methane-air mixtures slightly. The maximum increase, 
for a saturated mixture containing above 4 percent methane, was 
found to be 11° C. 

A study by Pease ^®^ of the mechanism of the slow oxidation of 
propane at lower temperatures and oxygen concentrations than 
heretofore employed indicates that methanol, formaldehyde, carbon 
monoxide, and water are the primary products. Results are inter- 
preted in terms of the radical-chain theory of Rice, on the assump- 
tion that methoxyl (CHgO) and propyl (C3H7) are the chain 

Benton and Bellies have made a study of the kinetics of the 
oxidation of carbon monoxide with a reduced silver catalyst in the 
range of 80-140° C, together with the adsorptions of the three 
gases involved. 

According to McKinney,^^^ platinum oxide is a catalyst for the 
combustion of carbon monoxide at 80° C. and is not reduced as 
long as oxygen is in excess. 

The activation energies of the reaction + H2 = H20 have been 
studied by Bear and Eyring.^^* 

Composition and Analysis. Among the papers relating to gas- 
works control and industrial problems are those of Willien,^^^ of 
Glover 3^^* and of Bermann,^^^ the last including a number of 
nomographic charts. Jones and Kennedy ^^^ have investigated the 
values below which the oxygen must be maintained to prevent 
explosions of combustible gases and vapors and have given critical 
oxygen values for the paraffin hydrocarbons up to and including 
hexane and for ethylene, propylene, hydrogen, and carbon monox- 
ide using carbon dioxide and nitrogen, respectively, as the inert 
diluents. The effect of elevation of temperatures for the range 
below 40° C. was studied. 

Yeaw and Shnidman^^s have studied experimentally the dew 
point of flue products from the combustion of manufactured gas 
and find that the true dew points are higher than those calculated 
from the water estimated to be present according to the chemical 
equations involved in the combustion by an increasing amount as 
the excess air in the gases decreases, thig result being attributable 
to the presence of a trace of sulfur trioxide in the flue products. 

Scott,^^^ in a review of methods of fuel calculations, has outlined 
the computation of the ultimate analysis of coal from B.t.u. con- 
tent of fuel, percentage ash, and the composition of the flue gas. 
Other papers relating to the stoichiometry of fuels include those of 
Paul and Gleason^"^^ relating to engine exhaust gas analyses and 
their interpretation and application in the determination of air- 
fuel ratios and engine economy. 

Anthes and Fahey^*^^ recommend the determination of such 
combustion data for gaseous fuels as the air requirements for com- 
bustion for a given gas or the volume of flue products by calcula- 

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tions based on the results of an explosion test of the gas in an 
Elliott apparatus and a determination of the heating value in a 
Junkers calorimeter with the measurement of condensate and 
analyses of calorimeter flue gas samples. 

Charts have been presented by Nutting ^72 fQj. reduction to stand- 
ard conditions of gas saturated with water vapor. 

Gas Analysis. The developments in gas analysis have related 
chiefly to the use of physical methods, such as thermal conductivity 
through the increased use of micro-analytical methods, the devel- 
opment of automatic gas analysis apparatus, and the use of low- 
temperature methods. The use of the conventional absorption 
methods has been given attention by Kobe and Williams,^*^^ who dis- 
cuss the merits of various confining liquids with respect to the solu- 
bility of carbon dioxide. They conclude that a solution containing 
20 percent of sodium sulfate by weight and 5 percent by volume of 
sulfuric acid is the most satisfactory. Mulcahy ^'^^ has discussed the 
application of exact gas analysis to gas plant problems, pointing out 
the variety of types of gas encountered because of the recent changes 
in the industry. Various possible sources of error and methods for 
their correction are given. 

A new modification of the circular manifold type of gas analysis 
apparatus employing the Huff pumping pipette is described by 

Gas absorption apparatus has been described by Dillon.376 

Further work on the micro-analysis of gases, using solid reagents, 
has been carried out by Blacet and MacDonald,^'^'^ who have 
extended their earlier methods to include a new method for the 
determination of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, and to include 
hydrogen chloride and ammonia as gases determinable by the use 
of reagents already available. 

The analysis of combustibles in flue gas has been discussed in 
detail by Evans and Davenport,^'^^ who have developed a gas 
analysis apparatus employing slow combustion and several novel 
details. An improved slow combustion pipette has been developed 
by Porter and Cryder-^*^® Walker and Christensen ^^^ recommend 
the determination of methane by catalytic oxidation over cobalt 
oxide. A comparison of the Elliott and Hempel explosion appara- 
tus, employing measured volumes of gas and air, has been made 
by Anthes and Fahey,^^^ who conclude that the accuracy of the 
Elliott apparatus for use in routine gas plant practice may be made 
considerably higher than ordinarily assumed. 

Branham and Shepherdess have made a critical study of the 
determination of ethane by explosion, employing pure oxygen, 
commercial oxygen, and air. 

The sampling and analysis of entrained matter in gases, especially 
as a test of the efficiency of Cottrell precipitators, is discussed by 
Varga and Newton.^ss A new dew point apparatus for the deter- 

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GASEOUS FUELS, 1934 AND 1935 313 

mination of water vapor in natural gas which permits the test to 
be carried out in line under flow conditions, is described by Wood- 
ruff.3®^ The determination of water and hydrogen sulfide in gas 
mixtures is discussed by Fraas and Partridge.^^^ 

Littlefield, Yant, and Berger 386 have described a hydrogen sulfide 
detector based on the color change reaction on the surface of gran- 
ules coated with activated aluminum oxide with silver cyanide or 
lead acetate and placed in a glass tube through which the atmos- 
phere to be examined is aspirated by a rubber bulb or hand pump. 

Further use of the thermal conductivity principle for the analysis 
of gas is disclosed in the papers of Smith ^^'^ and of Anderson ^^s 
for the continuous determination of the helium content of natural 

Other apparatus employing electrical resistance effects are dis- 
closed in the patents of Stein 38» and of Jacobson.^®^ Schmidt ^^^ 
proposes to determine the oxygen content of flue gases and the like 
by carrying out combustion in the presence of an excess of flowing 
hydrogen and determining the temperature rise imparted to a 
separately metered stream of cooling fluid. Howe ^^^ proposes a 
method for determining oxygen in gas involving measurement of 
the temperature rise resulting from the catalytic reaction of the 
oxygen and combustible gas. An analysis apparatus for the deter- 
mination of carbon dioxide in flue gas is patented by Brown and 

A simplified design of carbon monoxide alarm and ventilation control 
is described by Houghten and Thiessen.^^^ 

An improved automatic analyzer for carbon monoxide in air in which 
the necessary removal of water vapor is accomplished by the use of 
silica gel or activated alumina is described by Frevert and Francis.^®^ 
A simple carbon monoxide testing device has been described by Dun- 

The increased interest in the utilization of cracking still gases and 
natural gas condensates has resulted in the direction of further attention 
to the low temperature analysis of hydrocarbon gases. Among the con- 
tributions in this field may be mentioned the method of Happel and 
Robertson ^^'^ for the analysis of dry refinery gases below pentane by 
simple batch distillation employing a master graph whereby the composi- 
tion of a refinery gas may be determined by an ordinary simple distilla- 
tion of the condensed gas. Tropsch and Mattox 3»8 describe a low tem- 
perature fractional condensation method for determining the gasoline 
content of refinery gases. Lang ^^^ has employed a combination of the 
Podbielniak distillation column and the Shepherd apparatus in the analy- 
sis of complex gas mixtures encountered in the pyrolysis of propane. A 
method for determining ethylene, propene, and butene is outlined by 
Tropsch and Mattox ^^^ which depends on the fractional solution of 
propene and butene in 87 percent sulfuric acid, the density of the mixture 
of propene and butene serving to give the ratio of the two hydrocarbons. 

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The ethylene is determined by absorption in concentrated sulfuric acid 
activated with nickel and silver sulfates. 

Podbielniak ^^^' ^^^ has described a fluid-reacting apparatus espe- 
cially adapted for fractionation in which gravity has been replaced 
by centrifugal force, and in which a consequent remarkable increase 
in efficiency of fractionation is said to be obtained in the fractiona- 
tion analysis of petroleum. 

Fulweiler^^3 has reviewed the analytical method for the deter- 
mination of nitric oxide in city gas and summarized work carried 
out during the past five years. An apparatus has been developed 
for the automatic detection of nitric oxide in city gas. 

Various Analytical and Test Methods. Kemp, Collins, and Kuhn *^ 
have shown that by refinements in the apparatus and its use, the effu- 
sion method for determining the specific gravity of gases may be greatly 

Considerable material of interest in connection with the analysis 
of gas making materials and by-products of gas manufacture is 
contained in the work of Fieldner and Davis,^^^ Selvig and Ode,*^ 
of Kirner^®*^ on the microdetermination of carbon, hydrogen, and 
oxygen, of Merkus and White ^^^* on the evaluation of gas oils, 
and of others.^®^ 

A method for determining moisture in coal is described by 

Berry ^1® has analyzed the accuracy of humidity computations 
and points out that since very small errors in wet-and-dry bulb 
temperatures produce relatively large errors in determinations of 
humidity, there is no gain, in the absence of highly precise wet-and- 
dry bulb temperature measurements, in using the equations of 
Carrier or of Ferrel as compared with the much simpler equation 
of Apjohn, proposed about a century ago, and that, indeed, the use 
of the Apjohn equation, together with steam tables and the equa- 
tion of state of air, may be more convenient for the occasional 
worker than that of established humidity charts. Ebaugh,^ii in 
agreement with the analysis of Berry, presents an air density chart, 
based on the Apjohn equation. 

Among the papers presented before the Division of Gas and Fuel 
Chemistry at the 1935 New York and San Francisco meetings of 
the American Chemical Society are a number relating to ana- 
lytical methods as yet appearing only in abstract form,^^^ including 
those of W. A. Millikan, H. A. Cole and A. V. Ritchie on the deter- 
mination of gaseous olefins or hydrogen by catalytic hydrogenation, 
of W. H. Fulweiler and C. W. Jordan on the development of prac- 
tical methods for determining small quantities of nitric oxide in 
different types of gas, of E. S. Hertzog on the determination of 
arsenic in coal, of W. T. Reid on the effect of iron on ash fusion 
temperatures, of W. R. Kirner on the direct simultaneous micro- 
determination of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in coal and its 

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GASEOUS FUELS, 1934 AND 1925 315 

products, of C. C. Furnas on a new method for the determination 
of the reactivity of solid carbon, and of D. T. Bonney with W. J. 
Huff on the determination of hydrogen by liquid reagents, in which 
a new and active reagent consisting of colloidal palladium and of 
an organic acceptor which readily undergoes reduction and reoxi- 
dation is announced. 

An investigation of the accuracy of the Junkers calorimeter, occa- 
sioned by errors occurring under conditions of high temperatures 
and low humidities, has been made by Richford,^^^ who presents 
new charts and graphs for calorimeter corrections particularly 
applicable to high B.t.u. natural gas. 

As a part of the 1935 Production Committee Report of the Pacific 
Coast Gas Association, White ^^^ has offered a scheme for a rapid 
systematic qualitative analysis for metallic ions employing the 
microscopic identification of crystal forms, as well as certain non- 
microscopic identifications. The procedure is detailed and the 
crystal forms obtained illustrated by photomicrographs. 

Trials have been made of the photoelectric cell for the measure- 
ment of the haze density of combustion gases,^^^ such as water gas 
blast gas. 

Chemical Engineering Processes. Among the papers of interest 
in connection with the chemical engineering phases of the produc- 
tion of gaseous fuels are those of Brown and co-workers,^^^ of 
Carey, Griswold, McAdams, and Lewis ^^"^ on plate efficiencies in 
the rectification of binary mixtures, and of Holbrook and Baker 
on the entrainment in bubble cap distillation towers.*^® 

The course of liquor flow in packed towers has been studied by 
Chilton, Vernon, and Baker."*!® 

Of considerable interest are the efforts of Colburn ^20 ^nd of 
Chilton and Colburn ^21 to correlate data on convective heat trans- 
fer, fluid friction, and absorption in such a manner as to permit 
the prediction of one from the other. 

The practical usefulness of the Reynolds number in the calcula- 
tion of the flow of fluids has been extended through the classifi- 
cation of pipe roughness and the establishment of friction factors 
for such classes of roughness by Pigott ^^2 and Kemler.^23 

The protection of gas plant equipment against corrosion has 
been given some attention. Thus, Korany and Bliss ^^4 report on 
a tubular condenser in which the corrosion was reduced by 98.8 
percent, by the use of the Kirkaldy system in which the system is 
made cathodic through the use of 5 amperes d.c. per 1000 cubic 
feet of cooling surface, the anodes consisting of stout iron bars 
arranged near the side walls. 

Colburn and Hougen ^^5 have outlined a method for the compu- 
tation of condenser surfaces and call attention to possible improve- 
ments in operations through the use of higher gas and water 

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Other papers of interest relating to unit processes are those on 
the diffusion of vapors through gas films by Sherwood and Gilli- 
land,^^ on the film concept in petroleum refining by Monrad,^^? 
and of Fenske, Tongberg, and Quiggle^^s q^ packing materials 
for fractionating towers. 

Van der Pyl2o5 ^as outlined recent developments in the flow of 
fluids. Huff and Logan,^29 i^ reviewing the status of gas engi- 
neering flow formulas, present a method for determining the flow 
of gas applying the Reynolds number in a form convenient for 
computation and include an alignment chart illustrating the 

A review of solution cycles, including such processes as those of 
Koenemann for generating high pressure steam by the use of 
exhaust steam, has been given by Sellew.^^® 

The writers are indebted to the several members of the Department 
of Gas Engineering who aided in assembling the material used in the 
preparation of this chapter. 


1. Minerals Yearbook, 1932-33, 1934, U. S. Bureau of Mines. 

2. Ryan, P., Annual Statistics of the Natural Gas Industry in 1934. Statistical 

Bulletin No. 18. Annual Statistics of the Manufactured Gas Industry in 1934. 
Statistical Bulletin No. 17. American Gas Association, October, 1935. 

3. Ryan, P. Monthly Summary of Gas Company Statistics for September, 1935. 

American Gas Association. 

4. Willien, L. J., Gas Age-Rec, 74: 433 (1934) ; 76: 399 (1935) ; Am. Gas /., 141. No. 6: 24 

(1934); 143: No. 5: 23 (1935) ; Am. Gas. Assoc. Mo., 16: 394 (1934); Am. Gas Assoc, 
Proc, 1934: 158; 1935, Preprint. 

5. Willien, L. J., Gas Age-Rec, 77: 57 (1936). 

6. Willien, L. J., Developments in Gas Making Processes for Peak Loads. Pre- 

print, Am. Gas Assoc., 1935. 

7. Johnson, Alfred and Hemminger, C. E., Am. Gas Assoc Mo., 17: 56 (1935). 

8. Beard, W. K., Gas Age-Rec, 75: 551 (1935). 

9. Wehrle, G., Am. Gas J., 141, No. 5: 27 (1934). 

10. Wiedenbeck, H. J., Am. Gas Assoc, Proc, 1934: 924. 

11. Workman, D. M., Am. Gas. Assoc, Proc, 1934: 936. 

12. Report, Gas Production Committee, Am. Gas. Assoc, K. B. Nagler, Chairman. 

Am. Gas Assoc., Proc., 1935. 

13. Young, H. B., Gas Production Committee Report, Am. Gas Assoc, 1935. 

14. Willien, L. J., Preprint, Gas Production Committee Report. Am. Gas Assoc, 1935. 

15. Mulcahy, B. P., Preprint, Gas Production Committee Report. Am. Gas Assoc, 1935. 

16. Perry, J. A., U. S. Pat. 1,971,728 (Aug. 28, 1934). 

17. Garner, J. B., Miller, R. W., and Leyden, G. B., U. S. Pat. 1,954,991 (April 17, 


18. Schaaf, A. H., Am. Gas Assoc, Proc, 1934: 933. 

19. Workman, D. M., Am. Gas. Assoc, Proc, 1934: 936. 

20. Jebb, W. T., Am. Gas Assoc, Proc, 1934: 937. 

21. Willien, L. J., Am. Gas Assoc, Proc, 1934: 938. 
21a. Eck, L. J., Am. Gds Assoc, Proc, 1934: 938 

22. Roberts, I. M., Gas Age-Rec, 75: 139 (1935). 

23. Robison, C. D., Gas Age-Rec, 75: 471 (1935). 

24. Dashiell, P. T., Gas Age-Rec, 75: 573 (1935). 

25. Willien, L. J., Gas Age-Rec, 77: 57 (1936). 

26. Parke, F. B., Gas Age-Rec, 74: 423 (1934). 

27. Parke, F. B., Am. Gas Assoc, Proc, 1934: 897. 

28. Terzian, H. G., U. S. Pat. 1,963,811 (June 19, 1934). 

29. Terzian, H. G., U. S. Pat. 1.980,115 (Nov. 6, 1934). 

30. Hall, E. L., U. S. Pat. 1,956,284 (Apr. 24, 1934). 

31. Evans, O. B., U. S. Pat. 1,971,710 (Aug. 28, 1934). 

32. Terzian, H. G., U. S. Pat. 1,956,259 (Apr. 24, 1934). 

33. Merritt, M. H., and Koons, G. I., U. S. Pat. 1,950,620 (Mar. 13, 1934). 

34. Nordmeyer, G. J., and Stone, T. W., U. S. Pat. 1,947,792 (Feb. 20, 1934). 

35. Nordmeyer, G. J., U. S. Pat. 1,949,728 (Mar. 6, 1934)). 

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GASEOUS FUELS. 1934 AND 1925 317 

36. Perry, J. A., and Hall, E. L., U. S. Pat. 1,995,897 (Mar. 26, 1935). 

37. Perry, J. A^ U. S. Pat. 1,964,299 (June 26, 1934). 

38. Nagel, T., U. S. Pat. 1,996,167 (Apr. 2, 1935). 

39. Morrell, J. C, U. S. Pat. 1,986,593 (Jan., 1, 1935). 

40. Ditto, M. W., U. S. Pat. 1,970,996 (Aug. 21, 1934). 

41. Mathesius, W., U. S. Pat. 1,958,671 (May 15, 1934). 

42. Sachs, A. P., U. S. Pat. 1,955,774 (Apr. 24, 1934). 

43. Arnold, W. P., Jr., U. S. Pat. 1,988,644 (Jan. 22, 1935). 

44. Elliott, M. A., with Huff, W. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 480 (1934); Am. Gas J., 141: 

No. 1: 14 (1934). 

45. Brewer, R. E., and Reyerson, L. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 734, 1002 (1934); 27: 1047 


46. Perry, J. A., and Fulweiler, W. H., U. S. Pat. 1,949,810 (Mar. 6, 1934). 

47. Bossner, F., and Marischka, C, U. S. Pat. 1,985,441 (Dec. 25, 1934). 

48. Kunberger, A. F., U. S. Pat. 1,971,721 (Aug. 28, 1934). 

49. Heller, M., U. S. Pat. 1,963,167 (June 19, 1934). 

50. Duke, W. V., U. S. Pat. 1,949,563 (Mar. 6, 1934). 

51. Air Reduction Co., Inc., Brit. Pat. 413,130 (July 12, 1934). 

52. Steere, F. W., U. S. Pat. 1,984,045 (Dec. 11, 1934); Loebell, H. O., U. S. Pat. 

1,964,293 (June 26, 1934) ; Hall, E. L., U. S. Pat. 1,964,285 (June 26, 1934) ; Odell, 
W. W., U. S. Pat. 1,972,897 (Sept. 11, 1934) ; Nygaard, O., U. S. Pat. 1,964,073 
(June 26, 1934); Pfaff, G. C, U. S. Pat. 1,980,499 (Nov. 13, 1934). 

53. Hillhouse, C. B., U. S. Pats. 2,007,860 (July 9, 1935); 2,010,634 (Aug. 6, 1935). 

54. Lucke, C. E., U. S. Pat. 1,977,684 (Oct. 23, 1934). 

55. Subkow, P., U. S. Pat. 1,972,833 (Sept. 4, 1934). 

56. Gas Production Committee Report. Builders' Section, Am. Gas Assoc., 1935. 

57. Porter, H. C, Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 150 (1934). 

58. Warner, A. W., patents pending. 

59. Lavine, I., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 154 (1934). 

60. Fieldner, A. C, Minerals Yearbook. 1932-33: 433. 

61. Fieldner, A. C, Minerals Yearbook, 1934: 627 (1934). 

62. Fieldner, A. C, and Davis, J. D., "Gas-, Cdce-, and By-Product-Making Properties 

of American Coals and their Determination." U. S. Bur. Mines, Monograph 5, 
164 p. 

63. Fieldner, A. C, and Davis, J. D., Relation of Carbonizing Temperature and Rank 

of Coal to the Reactivity, Electrical Conductivity and Hygroscopicity of Coke. 
Preprint, Technical Section, Am. Gas Assoc, 1935. 

64. Reynolds, D. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 732 (1934). 

65. Warren, W. B., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 72 (1935). 

66. Davis, J. D., and Auvil, H. S., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 459 (1935). 

67. Sherman, R. A., Blanchard, J. R., and Demorest, D. J., Combustion, 6, No. 6: 18 


68. Lowry, H. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 133 (1934). 

69. Juettner, B., and Howard, H. C, Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 1115 (1934); Carnegie Inst. 

Tech., Coal Research Lab., Contrib. 8, 1934. 22 p. 

70. Fieldner, A. C, Davis, J. D., Reynolds, D. A., and Holmes, C. R., Ind. Eng. 

Chem., 26: 301 (1934) 

71. Altieri, V. J., Measurement of the expansion of coal during carbonization. Preprint, 

Technical Section, Am. Gas Assoc., 1935. 

72. Seyler, H. W., Yearbook on Coal Mine Mechanization, Coal Division, Am. Mining 

Congress, 1933: 179. 

73. Meredith, H. J.. Am. Gas Assoc, Proc, 1934: 916. 

73a. Fish, F. H., and Porter, J. L., Bull., Virginia Polytech. Inst., Eng. Exp. Sta., 
Ser. No. 16: 4 (1933). 

74. Selvig, W. A., and Ode, W. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 88 (1935). 

75. Wright, C. C, and Ganger, A. W., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 164 (1934). 

76. Still. C., U. S. Pats. 1,943,634-5 (Jan. 16, 1934); 1,937,853 (Dec. 5, 1933); 1,940,567 

(Dec. 19, 1933). 

77. Schaefer, J.. U. S. Pat. 1,943,558 (Janl 16, 1934); Otto, C, U. S. Pat. 1.977,201 

(Oct. 16, 1934); van Ackeren, J., U. S. Pat. 1,980,018 (Nov. 6, 1934); Leithauser, 
H., U. S. Pat. 1,986,830 (Jan. 8, 1935); Ttotzek, F., U. S. Pat. 1,986,903-4 (Jan. 
8, 1935). 

78. Otto, C, U. S. Pat. 1,949,177 (Feb. 27, 1934); Knote, J. M., U. S. Pat. 1,987,779 

(Jan. 15, 1935). 

79. Merkel, G., U. S. Pat. 1,939,457 (Dec. 12, 1933); Karrick, L. C, U. S. Pat. 

1,958,918 (May 15, 1934); Riddell, W. A., U. S. Pat. 1,981,003 (Nov. 20, 1934); 
U. S. Pat. 1,944,192 (Jan. 23, 1934); Odell, W. W., U. S. Pat. 1,983,943 (Dec. 
11, 1934); Ranney, L., U. S. Pat. 1,992,323 (Feb. 26, 1935); Schaefer, A., U. S. 
Pat. 2,006,115 (June 25, 1935); Hereng, A. J. A., U. S. Pat. 1,964,877 (July 3, 

80. Richardson, R. F., U. S. Pat. 1,935,298 (Nov. 14, 1933). 

81. Keillor, J., Gas Age-Rec. 76: 139 (1935). 

«2. MiUer, S. P., U. S. Pat. 1,969,472 (Aug. 7, 1934). 

83. Rose, H. J., and Hill, W. H., U. S. Pat. 1,936,881 (Nov. 28, 1933). 

84. Bunce, E. H., U. S. Pat. 1,941,462 (Jan, 2, 1934). 

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85. Rose. H. J., and Hill. W. H.. U. S. Pat. 1.936,882 (Nov. 28, 1933). 

86. Odell. W. W., U. S. Pat. 1,968,053 (July 31, 1934). 

87. Tiddy, W., U. S. Pat. 1,940,893 (Dec. 26, 1933). 

88. Nordmeycr, G. J., U. S. Pat. 1,973,909 (Sept. 18, 1934). 

89. Herzberg, F., U. S. Pat. 1,939,498 (Dec. 12, 1933). 

90. Kropiwnicki, E., U. S. Pat. 1,964,639 (Tune 26, 1934). 

91. Wisner, C. B., U. S. Pat. 1,993,198 (Mar. 5, 1935). 

92. Wisner, C. B., U. S. Pat. 1,993,199 (Mar. 5, 1935). 

93. Michot-Dupont, G. F., U. S. Pat. 1,981,614 (Nov. 20, 1934). 

94. Kemraer, H., U. S. Pat. 1,932,076 (Oct. 24, 1933). 

95. Niles, G. H., Am. Gas J., 141, No. 5: 15, 110 (1934). 

96. Weiss, C. B.. and White, A. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 83 (1934). 

97. Nagel, T., Am. Gas J., 143. No. 6: 22 (1935); Mining and Met., 16: 215 (1935). 

98. Porter, H. C, Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 150 (1934). 

99. Dashiell, P. T., Am. Gas Assoc. Proc, Tech. Section, 1935; Am. Gas J., 143, 

No. 5: 44 (1935); Am. Gas Assoc. Mo., 17: 426 (1935); Gas Age-Rec, 75: 573; 76: 
435 (1935). 

100. Parke, F. B., Am. Gas Assoc, Proc, 1934: 897. 

101. Zane, A. H., Am. Gas Assoc., Production Conference, 1935. 

102. Parke, F. B., Am. Gas J., 142, No. 6: 32 (1935). 

103. Zane, A. H., Am. Gas Assoc., Proc. Tech. Section, 1935. 

104. Morgan, J. J., and Stolzenbach, C. F., Am. Gas Assoc Mo., 16: 245, 277 (1934). 

105. Forrest, L. R., U. S. Pat. 1,930,124 (Oct. 10, 1933); Shaw, J. A.. U. S. Pat. 

1,936,862 (Nov. 28, 1933); Miller, S. P., U. S. Pats. 1,944,129, 1,944,130 (Jan. 16, 
1934); 1,944,523 (Jan. 23, 1934); 1,959,289 (May 15, 1934); 1,979,046 (Oct. 30. 1934); 
Skinner, S. S., U. S. Pat. 1,978,768 (Oct. 30, 1934) ; Still, C, U. S. Pat. 1,986,080 
(Jan. 1, 1935). 

106. Miller, S. P., U. S. Pats. 1,930,130 (Oct. 10, 19J3). 1 <942.37M >942,.^7S (Jan. 2, 19M) ; 

1,947,485 (Feb. 20, 1934); 1,952,020 fMnr. 20, 19J4>; 1.95Ss2S9, 1,958,440. 1,958,583' 
1,958,585, 1,959,290 (May 15, 1934); 1.971.G90 fAuR, 28, 1934); 1,976,243, 1,976,356 
(Oct. 9, 1934); 2,005,102 (June 18, 19,^5); 2.016,751 (Oct. 8. 15J5) ; Weiss, J. M., 
U. S. Pat. 1,942,195 (Jan. 2, 1934); Bratidon, G. E., U. S. Pat. ISSMU (May 

15, 1934); Stupp, C. G., U. S. Pat, ],^SBA50 (May IS. 19.^4); Zavertnik, J., Jr.. 
U. S. Pat. 1,972,468 (Sept. 4, 1934); Witti^nberir. L., U. S. Pat. l,976.90fi (Oct. 

16, 1934); Beiswenger, G. A., U. S Put. 1,978.3^1 (Ott. 23, 19M)} McCloskeyn 
G. E., U. S. Pats. 1,979,838 (Nov. f., 1?.M>: 1,983,915 (Dec. 11, 19J4): DeAy. 
I. H., U. S. Pat. 1,984,731 (Dec. ]». 19.14); DLckson, J. V. E., V. S. PaL 
2,005,077 (June 18, 1935); Meigs, J. V., U. S. P^t. 2,OfJ7/>FJ^ nriTv 9, 1535): Ellms, 
E. H., U. S. Pat. 1,958,849 (May 15, 1934). 

107. Shaw, J. A., U. S. Pats. 1,956,597, 1,957,295 (May 1, 1934) ; Morrell, J. C, U. S. Pat. 

1,993,520 (Mar. 5, 1935); Hartwig, C. K, U. S. Pats. 1,991,979 (Feb. 19, 1935); 
2,011,633 (Aug. 20, 1935); Miller, S. P., U. S. Pat. 2,002,704 (May 28, 1935); 
Wilson, P. J., Jr., U. S. Pat. 1,968,275 (July 31, 1934) ; Jones, I. H., U. S. Pat. 
1,971,786 (Aug. 28, 1934). 

108. Miller, S. P., U. S. Pats. 1,958,277, 1,958,278 (May 8, 1934); 2,007,378 (July 9, 1935). 

109. Delorey, C. W., Gas Ind., 52: 506; Gas Age-Rec, 76: 33 (1935). 

110. Hogan, F. W., and Bulbrook, H. M., U. S. Pat. 1,931,817 (Oct. 24, 1933); Allen. 

A. S., and Michalske, A., U. S. Pat. 1,934,472 (Nov. 7, 1933); Hunt, F. B., 
U. S. Pat. 1,992,486 (Feb. 26, 1935). 

111. Pyzel, D.. U. S. Pat. 1,985,548 (Dec. 25, 1934). 

112. SchSneborn, H., U. S. Pat. 1,980,009 (Nov. 6, 1934) ; Hofsasz, M., U. S. Pat. 1,997,144 

(Apr. 9, 1935); Herbert, W., U. S. Pat. 1,997,145 (Apr. 9, 1935). 

113. Denig, F., Brit. Pat. 397,537 (Aug. 21, 1933); Spcrr, F. W., Jr., U. S. Pats. 

1,936,864 (Nov. 28, 1933); 1,980,010 (Nov. 6, 1934); Koppers, H., U. S. Pat. 1,971,964 

(Aug. 28, 1934); Shoeld, M., U. S. Pats. 1,980,006 (Nov. 6, 1934); 2,003,560 (June 
4, 1935); Jacobson, D. L., U. S. Pat. 1,983,375 (Dec. 4, 1934). 
114. Wingert, W. B., U. S. Pat. 1,963,516 (June 19, 1934); Burdick, C. L., U. S. Pat. 
'" tJ. S. Pat. 1,989,177 Qan. 29. 1935) ; Tarry, 

R. M., U. S. Pat. 2,001,613 (May 14, 1935). 

115. Jones, I. H., U. S. Pat. 1,949,746 (Mar. 6, 1934); Jacobson, D. L., U. S. Pat. 

1 993 344 (Mar. 5 1935) . 

116. Miihlendyck, W.*, U. S. Pat. 1,937,460 (Nov. 28, 1933) ; Miller, S. P., U. S. Pat. 

2,011,724 (Aug. 20, 1935). 

117. von Szeszich, L., U. S. Pats. 1,948,058 (Feb. 20, 1934); 1,950,333 (Mar. 6, 1934). 

118. Pier, M., U. S. Pat. 1,989,822 (Feb. 5, 1935) ; Griffith, R. H., U. S. Pat. 1,994,277 

(Mar. 12, 1935). 

119. Hixson, A. W.. and Scott, C. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 307 (1935). 

120. Gollmar, H. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 130 (1934). 

121. Hansen, C. J., U. S. Pats. 1,944,978 (Jan. 30, 1934); 1,979,934 (Nov. 6, 1934); 1,932,820 

(Oct. 31, 1933); 1,953,478 (Apr. 3, 1934). 

122. Davies, C, Jr., U. S. Pat. 1,942,050 (Jan. 2, 1934). 

123. EVmann, C, U. S. Pat. 1,957,253 (May 1, 1934). 

124 Gollmar, H. A., U. S. Pats. 1,957,262 (May 1, 1934); 1,971,779 (Aug. 28, 1934); 
Carvlin, G. M., U. S. Pat. 1,932,812 (Oct. 31, 1933); Eymann, C., U. S. Pat 
2,002,365 (May 21, 1935). 

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GASEOUS FUELS, 1934 AND 1935 319 

125. Bragg, G. A., U. S. Pat. 1,936,570 (Nov. 28, 1933); Garrison, C. W., U. S. Pat. 

1,942,054 (Jan. 2, 1934). 

126. Shoeld, M., U. S. Pats. 1,971,798 (Aug. 28, 1934); 2,002,357 (May 21, 1935). 

127. Perkins, G. A., U. S. Pat. 1,951,992 (Mar. 20, 1934). 

128. Gollmar, H. A., U. S. Pats. 1,942,094 (Jan. 2, 1934); 1,937,196 (Nov. 28, 1933); 

Spttr, F. W., Jr., U. S. Pat. 1,961,255 (June 5, 1934) ; Leahy. M. J., U. S. Pat. 
1,995,545 (Mar. 26, 1935); Fitz, W., U. S. Pat. 1.947,467 (Feb. 20, 1934); The 
Girdlcr Corp., Fr. Pat. 762,364 (Apr. 10, 1934); Forbes, A. L., Jr., and Byrne, 
C. O., U. S. Pat 2,014,250 (Sept. 10, 1935). 

129. Hansen, C. J., and Eymann, K., U. S. Pat. 1,964,572 (June 26, 1934). 

130. AUyne, A. B., Western Gas, 10, No. 10: 14, 44 (1934). 

131. Brewer, J. E., Am. Gas Assoc, Proc, 1933: 894. 

132. Prcsbrey, R. L., Gas Age-Rec, 73: 531 (1934). 

133. Seil, G. E., Fr. Pat. 776,903^ (Feb. 7, 1935). 

134. Smyly, A. L., U. S. Pat. 1,934,242 (Nov. 7, 1933). 

135. Broche, H., U. S. Pat. 2,007,741 (July 9, 1935). 

136. Murphy, E. Jy Am, Gas J., 142, No. 6: 37 (1935). 

137. Seil, G. E., Heiligman, H. A., and Crabill, A., Am. Gas J., 141, No. 4: 28 (1934). 

138. Jordan, C. W., Ward, A. L. and Fulweiler, W. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1186 (1935). 

139. Ward, A. L., and Jordan, C. VV., U. S. Pat. 1,976,704 (Oct. 9, 1934). 

140. Seil, G. E., Heiligman, H. A., and Crabill, A., Am. Gas J., 141, No. 6: 33 (1934). 

141. Ford, G. M., and Schoenwald, O. H., U. S. Pat. 1,930,875 (Oct. 17, 1933). 

142. Ahlqvist, H., U. S. Pat. 1,955,722 (Apr. 24, 1934). 

143. Huff, W. J., Logan, L., and Lusby, O. W., U. S. Pats. 1,947,778-1,947,779 (Feb. 

20, 1934); Huff, W. J., and Lusby, O. W., U. S. Pat. 1,947,776 (Feb. 20, 1934). 

144. Am. Gas /., 143, No. 4: 54 (1935). 

145. Lauc, E., U. S. Pat. 1,932,825 (Oct. 31, 1933). 

146. Sperr, F. W., Jr., U. S. Pat. 1,961,254 (June 5, 1934). 

147. Gruse, W. A., U. S. Pat. 1,985,860 (Dec. 25, 1934). 

148. Tomkins, S. S., Am. Gas J., 141, No. 6: 16 (1934); Am. Gas Assoc, Proc, 1934: 799, 

149. Alrich, H. W., Gas Industry, 52: 137 (1935). 

150. Munyan, E. A., Gas Age-Rec, 76: 189, 213 (1935). 

151. Am. Gas J., 142. No. 6: 18 (1935). 

152. Knowlton, L. E., Gas Age-Rec, 75: 216 (1935). 

153. Geiger, C. W., Gas Age-Rec, 74: 233 (1934). 

154. Dunn, J. H., Gas Age-Rec, 75: 525 (1935). 

155. Report, Committee for Purging and Placing Gas Piping and Gas Apparatus into 

Service or Removing Them from Service, Am. Gas Assoc., H. W. Alrich, 

156. Tomkins, S. S., Am. Gas J., 141, No. 6: 16 (1934). 

157. Swanson, B. B., Bur. Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1932-1933: 517. 

158. Swanson, E. B., and Struth, H. J., Bur. Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1934: 723. 

159. Hopkins, G. R., and Backus, H., Bur. Mines Minerals Yearbook, Statistical 

Appendix, 1934: 121. 

160. Bur. Mines Minerals Yearbook, Statistical Appendix, 1932-3: 103. 

161. Knapp, A., Mineral Ind., 42: 418 (1933). 

162. Burrell, G. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 143 (1934). 

163. Burrell, G. A., and Turner, N. C, Penna. State College, Mineral Ind. Expt. Sta., 

Bull. 12: 29 (1933). 

164. Fowler, H. C, Bur. Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1932-1933: 497-509. 

165. Cattell, R. A., and Fowler, H. C, Bur. Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1934: 707-21. 

166. Report V of Federal Oil Conservation Board to the President of the United 

States, 1932: 47. 

167. Gas Age-Rec, 75: 134 (1935). 

168. Davis, R. E Gas Age-Rec, 75: 565 (1935). 

169. Reistle, C. E., Jr., and Hayes, E. P., Bur. Mines, Rept. of Investigations, 3211 

(1933); Am. Petrol. Inst., Bull., 211: 53. 

170. Lindsly, B. E., Bur. Mines, Tech. Paper, 554 (1933). 

171. Lindsly, B. E., Bur. Mines, Rept. of Investigations, 3212 (1933). 

172. Wyckoff, R. D., Botset, H. G., Muskat, M., and Reed, D. W., Bull. Am. Assoc 

Petrol Geol., 18, No. 2: 161 (1934). 

173. Grebe, J. J., and Stoesser, S. M., U. S. Pat. 1,998,756 (Apr. 23, 1935). 

174. Pitzer. M. B., and Huffaker, N. M., U. S. Pat. 1,991,293 (Feb. 12, 1935). 

175. Boundy, R. H., and Pierce, J. E., U. S. Pat. 1,963,072 (June 19, 1934). 

176. Mills, R. v., U. S. Pat. 2,001,350 (May 14. 1935). 

177. Heath, S. B., and Frey, Wm., U. S. Pat. 2.011.579 (Aug. 20, 1935). 

178. Wright, H. F., and Ginter, R. L., OU and Gas J., 33, No. 44: 53 (1935). 

179. Pitzer, P. W., and West, C. K., Oil and Gas J., 33, No. 27: 38 (1934). 

180. Miller, H. C, and Shea, G. B., Bur. Mines, Rept. of Investigations, No. 3249 (1934). 

19 p. 

181. Dodge, J. F., and Frictsche, A. C, Oil and Gas J., 33, No. 45: 131 (1935). 

182. Lewis, W. K., Squires, L., and Thompson, W. I., Oil and Gas J., 33, No. 23: 16 

(1934); Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., 114: 38 (1935). 

183. Sage, B. H., and Lacey, W. N., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 103 (1934). 

184. Sage, B. H., Lacey, W. N., and Schaafsma, J. G., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 214 (1934). 

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185. Lacey, W. N., Sage, B. H., and Kircher, C. E., Jr., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 652 (1934). 

186. Sage, B. H., Lacey, W. N., and Schaafsma, J. G., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 874 (1934). 

187. Sage, B. H., Lacey, W. N., and Schaafsma, J. G., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 1218 (1934). 

188. Sage, B. H., Lacey, W. N., and Schaafsma, J. G., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 48 (1935). 

189. Hill, E. S., and Lacey, W. N.. Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 1324 (1934). 

190. Hill, E. S., and Lacey, W. N.. Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 1327 (1934). 

191. Morris, A. B., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., 114: 116 (1935). 

192. Lacey, W. N., Oil and Gas J.. Nov. 17; 1932, p. 49; OU Weekly, Jan. 9, 1933, p. 19. 

193. Umpleby, J. B., OU Weekly, Mar. 5, 1934, p. 22. 

194. Moore, T. V., and Shilthuis, R. J., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Eng., 103: 

170 (1933). 

195. Hurst, W., Physics, 5: 20 (1934). 

196. Lewis, J. O., Oil and Gas J., Aug. 10, 1933, p. 11. 

197. Wallace, H. A., Gas Age-Rec.^ 75: 593 (1935). 

198. Eckert, F. E., Gas Age-Rec., U: 9 (1934). 

199. Neyman, E., and Pilat, S., Oil and Gas J., 33, No. 49: 13 (1935). 

200. Berwald, W. B., and Johnson. T. W., Bur. Mirites, Tech Paper, 555 (1933). 34 p. 

201. Hammerschmidt, E. G., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 851 (1934). 

202. Selden, R. F., Bur. Mines, Rept. of Investigations, 3233 (1934)*. 64 p. 

203. Ranney, L., U. S. Pat. 1,992,323 (Feb. 26, 1935); Gas Age-Rec, 75: 585 (1935). 

204. Lawall, C. E., and Morris, L. M., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., 108: 11 


205. Burke, S. P., and Parry, V. F., Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., Tech. Pub., 607 

(1935). 15 p. 

206. Shea, G. B., Bur. Mines Minerals Yearbook, 1934: 737; 1932-3: 535. 

207. Oberfell, G. G., Gas Age-Rec, 73: 179 (1934); 75: 131 (1935). 

208. Gould, M. D., Gas Ape-Rec, 75: 335 (1935). 

209. Friend, W. Z., Am. Gas J., 140. No. 5: 69 (1934). 

210. Jamison, E. A., and Bateman, W. H., Iron Steel Eng., 12: 209 (1935). 

211. Jamison, E. A., and Bateman, W. H., Iron Steel Eng., 11: 344 (1934). 

212. Hunt, A. E., Natural Gas, 16, No. 5: 80 (1935). 

213. York, D. E., Western Gas, 10, No. 9: 40 (1934). 

214. Avcra, A. U., Ga^ Age-Rec, 76: 471 (1935). 

215. Perrine, R. O., Gas Age-Rec, 76: 541 (1935). 

216. Hermsdorf, W. H., U. S. Pats. 1,945,550 (Feb. 6, 1934); 1,994,247 (Mar. 12. 1935). 

Wannack, C. O., U. S. Pat. 1,935,925 (Nov. 21, 1933); Dickey, E., U. S. Pat. 
1,958,381 (May 8, 1934) ; Whikehart, J.. U. S. Pat. 1,944,818 (Jan. 23, 1934) ; Thomas, 
J. D., U. S. Pat. 1,945,464 (Jan. 30, 1934). 

217. De Florez. L., U. S. Pat. 1,936,155 (Nov. 21, 1933). 

218. Frey, F. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 198 (1934). Bibliography of 50 references. 

219. Storch, H. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 56 (1934). 

220. Hurd, C. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 50 (1934). 

221. Brown, G. G., Lewis, W. K., and Weber, H. C., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 325 (1934). 

222. Paul, R. E., and Marek, L. F., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 454 (1934). 

223. Ipatieff, V. N., Corson, B. B., and Egloflf, G., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1077 (1935). 

224. Morgan, J. J., and Munday, J. C, Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1082 (1935). 

225. Lang, J. W., and Morgan, J. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 937 (1935). 

226. Sullivan, F. W., Jr., and Ruthruff. R. F., Canadian Pat. 340,080 (Mar. 13, 1934). 

227. Sullivan, F. W., Jr., and Ruthruff, R. F., Canadian Pat. 345,540 (Oct. 23. 1934). 

228. Wilson, R. B., Canadian Pats. 345,537, 345,541 (Oct. 23, 1934). 

229. EglofiF, G., U. S. Pat. 1,933,845 (Nov. 7, 1933). 

230. Egloff, G., U. S. Pat. 1,993,503 (Mar. 5, 1935). 

231. Plummer, W. B.. Canadian Pat. 345,538 (Oct. 23, 1934). 

232. Wagner., C. R., U. S. Pat. 1,976,591 (Oct. 9, 1934). 

233. Egloff, G., U. S. Pat. 1,988,112 (Jan. 15, 1935). 

234. Dunstan, A. E., and Wheeler, R. V., U. S. Pat. 1,976,717 (Oct. 16, 1934). 

235. Youker, M. P., U. S. Pat. 1,976,469 (Oct. 9, 1934). 

236. Smith, H. M., and Rail, H. T.. U. S. Pat. 1,995,329 (Mar. 26, 1935). 

237. Odell, W. W., Brit. Pat. 418,779 (Oct. 31, 1934). 

238. Russell, R. P., and Hanks, W. V., U. S. Pat. 1,951,774 (Mar. 20, 1934). 

239. Davis, G. H. B., and Franceway, J. A., U. S. Pat. 1,948,338 (Feb. 20, 1934). 

240. Reichhelm, G. L., U. S. Pat. 1,932,478 (Oct. 31, 1933). 

241. Lacassagne, F. C, U. S. Pat. 1,955,242 (Apr. 17, 1934). 

242. de Grey, J. A., U. S. Pat. 1,942,956 (Jan. 9, 1934). 

243. Jagmin, A., U. S. Pat. 1,980,802 (Nov. 13, 1934). 

244. Cordes, J. H., U. S. Pat. 1,964,315 (June 26, 1934). 

245. Gamer, J. B., Natural Gas, 16, No. 1: 3 (1935). 
245a. Ellis, C, Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 826 (1934). 

246. Wiezevich, P. J., and Frolich, P. K., Ind. Eng, Chem., 26: 267 (1934). 

247. Walker, J. C-, U. S. Pats. 2,007,115-6 (July 2, 1935). 

248. Wulff, R. G., U. S. Pat. 1,966,779 (July 17, 1934); Pyzel, F. M., U. S. Pat. 

1,983,992 (Dec. 11, 1934). 

249. Towne, C. C, U. S. Pat. 1,943,246 (Jan. 9, 1934). 

250. Wilcox. W. D., U. S. Pat. 1,962,418 (June 12, 1934). 

251. Walker, J. C, U. S. Pat. 1,960,212 (May 22, 1934). 

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GASEOUS FUELS. 1934 AND 1935 321 

252. Johnson, T. W., and Berwald, W. B., Flow of Natural Gas Through High Pressure 

Transmission Lines. Bur. Mines, Monograph, 6 (1935). 

253. Idem, Bur. Mines, Rept. of Investigations, 3241, 11 p. Refiner and Natural Gasoline 

Mfr., 13: 319 (1934). 

254. Merriam. C. W., Jr., Trans. A. S. M. E. (Pet. Mech. Eng. Paper No. 9, 65-73) 


255. Van dcr Pyl, L., Instruments, 8: 1 (1935). 

256. Bean, H. S., Am, Gas Assoc. Monthly, 17: 259 (1935). 

257. Ewing, S., Observations on Soil Corrosion Mitigation in the Gas Industry. Pre- 

print, Tech. Section, Am. Gas Assoc., 1935. 

258. Ewing, S., Am. Gas Assoc. Monthly, 16: 98 (1934). 

259. Turner, C. F., Am. Gas J., 142, No. 5: 37 (1935) ; Natural Gas, 16, No. 7: 10 (1935). 

260. Ewing, S.. Gas Age-Rec, 75: 179 (1935). 

261. Bridge, A. F., Western Gas, Nov., 1934, p. 12. 

262. Smith. W. T., Gas Age-Rec, 76: 331 (1935). 

263. Schneider, W. R., Gas Age-Rec, 73: 11 (1934). 

264. Allyne. A. B., Gas Age-Rec, 74: 335 (1934). 

265. Kuhn, R. J., Gas Age-Rec, 75: 337 (1935). 

266. Ewing, S., and Scott, G. N., Am. Gas Assoc Monthly, 16: 136 (1934). 

267. Ewing, S., Am. Gas J., 142, No. 1: 29 (1935). 

268. Abbott, A. H., Am. Gas J., 140, No. 1: 9 (1934). 

269. Allyne. A. B., Gas Age-Rec, 72: 463 (1933). 

270. Schmidt, E. F., and Bacon, T. S., Gas Age-Rec, 74: 531 (1934). 

271. Brennan, J. F., Gas Age-Rec, 75: 359 (1935). 

272. Gas Age-Rec, 73: 108 (1934). 

273. Perry, J. A., Am. Gas J., 142, No. 1: 22 (1935). 

274. Ward, A. L., and Fulweiler, W. H., Am. Gas. J., 143, No. 5: 42 (1935). Corrosion 

Resisting Materials for Gas Appliances. Preprint. Tech. Section, Am. Gas 
Assoc., 1935. 

275. Wright, F. R., Am. Gas Assoc Monthly, 17: 35 (1935). 
275a. Larson, E., Am. Gas J., 142, No. 1: 17 (1935). 

276. Jordan, C. W., Ward, A. L., and Fulweiler, W. H., Ind. Eng. Chem. 26: 947, 1028 

(1934); 27: 1180 (1935). 

277. Ward, A. L., and Jordan, C. W., U. S. Pat. 1,976,704 (Oct. 9, 1934). 

278. Fulweiler, W. H., Am. Gas Assoc Proc, 1934, 954; Gas World, 101: 956; Gas J., 

208: 677 (1934); Gas Age-Rec, 73: 585 (1934). 

279. McElroy, W. D., with Brady, E. J., Am. Gas Assoc Monthly, 16: 64, 103 (1934). 

280. 'Powell, A. R., Am. Gas J., 142, No. 6: 23 (1935). 

281. Mathias, H. R., Gas Age-Rec, 76: 151 (1935); Am. Gas J., 142, No. 6: 24 (1935). 

282. Jacobson, D. L., and Shively, W. L., U. S. Pat. 1,932,525 (Oct. 31, 1933), Powell, 

A. R., U. S. Pat. 1,944,903 (Jan. 30, 1934); Brit. Pat. 374,975 (July 22, 1930). 

283. Bircher, J. R., Seyler, H. W., and Wells, J. H., U. S. Pat. 1,963,323 (June 19, 1934). 

284. Fulweiler, W. H., U. S. Pat. 1,986,333 (Jan. 1, 1935). 

285. Shively, W. L., U. S. Pat. 1,945,001 (Jan. 30, 1934). 

286. Tenney, R. F., Gas Age-Rec, 75: 255 (1935). 

287. Shnidman, L., Gas Age-Rec, 73: 563 (1935). 

288. Corfield, G.. Gas Age-Rec, 73: 485 (1934). 

289. Jones, G. W., Campbell, John, and GJoodwin, F. M., Bur. Mines, Repts. of Investi- 

gations. 3260 (1935). 25 p. 

290. Knowlton, H. S., Telephony, Apr. 20, 1935, p. 34. 

291. Briggs, G. M., Nat. Safety Netvs, Oct., 1934, p. 35. 

292. Smith, E., McMillan, E., and Mack, L., 7. Ind. Hygiene, 17: 18 (1935). 

293. Barker, L. F., /. Ind. Hvgiene, pp. 238-42, July, 1933. 

294. Gettler, A. O., and Mattice, M. R., 7. Am. Med. Assoc, 100: 92 (1933). 

295. Corfield, G., Proc Pac Coast Gas Assoc, 26: 51 (1935). 

296. Klar, R. L., Am. Gas J., 140, No. 1: 31 (1934). 

297. MacLean, A. D., Gas Age-Rec. 76: 320 (1935). 

298. (Sodsoe, J. A., Am Gas J., 141, No. 5: 21 (1934); 142, No. 1: 12 (1935). 

299. McClenahan, R. W., Am. Gas J., 142, no. 5: 30 (1935). 

300. FulweUer, W. H., and Jordan, C. W., U. S. Pat. 1,990,320 (Feb. 5, 1935). 

301. Corfield, G.. Gas Age-Rec, 74: 465 (1934). 

302. Gas Age-Rec, 76: 499 (1935). 

303. Bean, H. S.. Am. Gas J., 141, No. 1: 31 (1934). 

304. Zoll. M. B., U. S. Pat. 1,947,370 (Feb. 13, 1934). 

305. Battin, H. W., Gas Age-Rec, 74: 443 (1934). 

306. Larson, E., Rept. of Distribution Committeee, Am. Gas Assoc., (1935). 

307. Rutledge, F. J., Progress in Industrial Gas Utilization. Report of committee on 

industrial gas research, Am. Gas Assoc. (1935). 

308. Am. Gas Assoc Monthly, 16: 60, 212, 365 (1934). 

309. Hottel, H. C, and Mangelsdorf, H. G., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 31: 517 (1935). 

310. Sherman, R. A., Trans. A. S. M. E., 56: 177 (March, 1934). 

311. Cowan, R. J., Am. Gax Assoc. Monthly, 16: 46 (1934). 

312. Segcler, G. E., Am. Gas J., 143, No. 6: 9 (1935). 

313. Murphy. D. W., and Jominy, W. E., Univ. Michigan, Engineering Research Bull., 

No. 21: 1931. 150 p. 

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314. Jominy, W. E., Univ. Michigan, Engineering Research Bull. No. 18. 1931. 51 p. 

315. Clark, H. A., Am. Gas Assoc. Monthly, 17: 230 (1935). 

316. Manier, R. L., Am. Gas Assoc. Monthly, 17: 295 (1935). 

317. Gehrig, E. J., Am. Gas Assoc. Monthly, 17: 466 (1935). 

318. Watts, A. P., Am. Gas Assoc. Monfhly,' 16: 8 (1934). 

319. Young, W. W., Gas Age-Rec, 75: 409 (1935). 

320. Young, W. W., Gas Age-Rec, 73: 56 (1934). 

321. Gillett, H. W., Metals and Alloys, 6: 195, 235, 293, 323 (1935). 

322. Gillett, H. W., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 31: 706 (1935). 

323. Rutledge, F. J., Am. Gas Assoc. Proc, 1934: 144. 

324. Interim Bulletin No. 12, Commercial Section, Am. Gas Assoc. 

325. Fonda, B. P., Am. Gas Assoc. Monthly, 17: 46 (1935); Heating, Piping and Air 

Conditioning, 7: 12 (1935). 

326. Lednum, J. M., Am. Gas Assoc. Proc, 1934: 664. 

327. Parker, G. M., Natural Gas, 16, No. 7: 13 (1935). 

328. King, T., Am. Gas Assoc Proc, 1934: 513. 

329. Nash, C. A., Am. Gas Assoc. Proc, 1934: 496. 

330. Kuenhold, O. J., Am. Gas. J., 139, No. 9: (1933); 140. No. 3: 9 (1934). 

331. Smith, H. W., Jr., Am. Gas Assoc Monthly, 16: 194 (1934). 

332. Taylor, G. B., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26 1 470 (1934). 

333. German, W. W., Am. Gas. Assoc. Monthly, 17: 276 (1935). 

334. Philo, E. G., Western Gas, Jan., 1934, p. 30. 

335. Tangerman, E. J., Power, 78: 16 (1934). 

336. Natural Gas, 16, No. 5: 86 (1935). 

337. Blinks, W. M., Am. Gas Assoc, Proc, 1934: 454. 

338. Conner, R. M., Am. Gas Assoc. Monthly, 16: 41-5 (1934). 

339. Leonard, A. S., and Howe, E. D., Proc. Pacific Coast Gas Assoc, 26: 98 (1935). 

340. Mattocks, E. O., Am. Gas Assoc Monthly, 16: 188 (1934). 

341. Conner, R. M., Am. Gas Assoc. Monthly, 16: 76 (1934). 

342. Smith, H. W., Jr., Am. Gas J., 140, No. 6: 7 (1934). 

343. Smith, H. W., Jr., Am. Gas Assoc Monthly, 16: 226 (1934). 

344. Clow, M. T., Am. Gas Assoc. Monthly, 16: 81 (1934). 

345. Leighton J. A., Am. Gas J., 142, No. 4: 17; No. 5: 42 (1935). 

346. Smith, H. W., Jr., Am. Gas Assoc Monthly, 16: 297 (1934). 

347. Wills, F., Proc Pac Coast Gas Assoc, 26: 113 (1935). 

348. Morgan, J. J., and Stolzenbach, C, Gas Age-Rec, 73: 301 (1934). 

349. Minter, C. C, /. Soc Chem. Ind., 48: 35T (1929). 

350. Hamilton, W. F., Traru. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 29: 292 (1933). 

351. Tu, C. M., Davis, H., and Hottel, H. C, Ind. Eng. Chem. 26: 749 (1934); Davis, 

H., and Hottel, H. C., Ibid., 889 (1934). 

352. Oshima, Y., and Fukuda, Y., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 212 (1935). 

353. Fiock, E. F., and Roeder, C. H., Natl. Advisory Comm. Aeronautics, Report 

No. 532. 1935. 

354. Fiock, E. F., and King, H. K., Natl. Advisory Comm. Aeronautics, Report No. 

531, 1935. 

355. Altpeter, A. J., and Kowalke, O. L., Gas Age-Rec, 76: 109 (1935). 

356. Mayers, M. A., Chem. Rev.. 14: 31 (1934). 

357. Mayers, M. A., Am. Inst. Mining Engrs., Tech. Pub. No. 575. 1934. 17 p. 

358. Day, J. E., Robey, R. F., and Dauben, H. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2725 (1935). 

359. Lewis, B., and Elbe, G. von, /. Chem. Phys., 3: 63 (1935). 

360. Jones, G. W., and Seaman, H., Ind. Eng. Chem.. 26: 71 (1934). 

361. Pease, R. N., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 22% (1935). 

362. Benton, A. F., and Bell, R. T., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 501 (1934). 

363. McKinney, P. V., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2577 (1934). 

364. Bear, R. S., and Eyring, H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2020 (1934). 

365. Willien, L. J., Gas Analyses in the Study of Water Gas Operations. Preprint, 

Am. Gas Assoc, 1935. 
365a. Glover. F. B., Gas Age-Rec, 7A: 453 (1934). 

366. Bermann, M., Gas Age-Rec, 72: 211 (1933). 

367. Jones, G. W., and Kennedy, R. E.. Ind. Eng. Chem.. 27: 1344 (1935). 

368. Yeaw, J. S., and Shnidman, L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1476 (1935). 

369. Scott, G. S., Mineral Industries, 4, No. 2: 1 (1934). 

370. Paul, W. H., and Gleason, G. W., Nat. Pet. News, 26, No. 39: 21; No. 40: 42; No. 41: 

35 (1934). 

371. Anthes, J. F., and Fahey, F., Gas Age-Rec, 74: 82 (1934). 

372. Nutting, H. S., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 820 (1935). 

373. Kobe, K. A., and Williams, J. S., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 37 (1935). 

374. Mulcahy, B. P., Am. Gas I., 143, no. 1: 29; no. 2: 22; no. 3: 20 (1935). 

375. Jones, M. C. K., Am. Gas J., 143, no. 4: 27 (1935). 

376. Dillon, R. T., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 111 (1934). 

377. Blacet, F. E., and MacDonald, G. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed.. 6: 334 (1934). 

378. Evans, R. N., and Davenport, J. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed.. 7: 174 (1935). 

379. Porter, D. J., and Cryder, D. S., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 191 (1935). 

380. Walker, I. F., and Christensen, B. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 9 (1935). 

381. Anthes, J. F., and Fahey, F., Gas Age-Rec, 73: 271 (1934). 

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GASEOUS FUELS, 1934 AND 1935 323 

382. Branham, J. R., and Shepherd, M., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 13: 377 (1934). 

383. Newton, R. H., and Varga, F. V., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 240 (1935). 

384. Woodruff, L. E., Western Gas, 11, no. 2: 22 (1935); Oil & Gas J., 33, no. 27: 39 


385. Fraas, F., and Partridge, E. P., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 198 (1935). 

386. Littlefield, J. B., Yant, W. P., and Berger, L. B., Bur. Mines, Kept. Investiga- 

tions 3276 (1935). 13 p. 

387. Smith, A. S., Am. Gas J., 141, no. 3: 24 (1934); Bur. Mines, Rept. Investigations 

3250 (1934). 11 p. 

388. Anderson, C. C, Bur. Mines, Inf. Circular No. 6796. 1934. 11 p. 

389. Stein, J. A., U. S. Pat. 1,940,513 (Dec. 19, 1933). 

390. Jacobson. M. G., U. S. Pat. 2,010,995 (Aug. 13, 1935). 

391. Schmidt, E. X., U. S. Pat. 2,001,114 (May 14, 1935). 

392. Howe, A. H. D., U. S. Pat. 2,005,036 (June 18, 1935). 

393. Brown, R. P., and Harrison, T. R., U. S. Pat. 2,000,119 (May 7, 1935). 

394. Houghten, F. C, and Thiessen, L., Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning, 7: 149 


395. Frevert, H. W., and Francis, E. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 226 (1934). 

396. Dunham, A. R., Gas Age-Rec. 74: 145 (1934). 

397. Happel, J., and Robertson, D. W., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 323 (1934). 

398. Tropsch, H., and Mattox, W. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 405 (1934). 

399. Lang, J. W., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed. 7: 150 (1935). 

400. Tropsch, H., and Mattox, W. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 404 (1934). 

401. Podbielniak, W. J., A new basic principle in the design of fractionating, absorbing, 

and other countercurrent fluid-reacting equipment. Meeting of the Am. Chem. 
Soc. Petroleum Division, New York, Apr. 22-23, 1935. 

402. Podbielniak, W. J., U. S. Pats. 2,009,814 (July 30, 1935); 1,967,258 (July 24, 1934). 

403. Fulweiler, W. H., Gas Age-Rec, 75: 586 (1935); Am. Gas J., 142, no. 6: 27 ri93S^. 

404. Kemp, L. C, Jr., Collins, J. F., Jr., and Kuhn, W. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 

7: 338 (1935). 

405. Fieldner, A. C, and Davis, J. D., Gas, Coke and By-Product Making* Properties of 

American Coals. U. S. Bur. Mines, Monograph 5, 1935. 64 p. 

406. Selvig, W. A., and Ode, W. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 88 (1935). 

407. Kirner, W. R., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 358 (1934); 7: 363, 366 (1935). 
407a. Merkus, P. J., and White, A. H., Am. Gas Assoc, Preprint, 1934. 

408. Russell, W. W., and Marks, M. E., Ind. Rng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 381 (1934). 

Adams, J. E., Ind. Eng. Ch^m., Anal. Ed., 6: 277 (1934). Niederl, J. B., and 
Roth, R. T., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 272 (1934). 

409. Wood, W. H., Combustion, 7, no. 2: 16 (1935). 

410. Berry, C. H., Combustion, 6, no. 2: 15; no. 3: 24; no. 4: 21 (1935). 

411. Ebaugh, N. C, Combustion, 6, no. 6: 22 (1935). 

412. Abstracts of papers. Division of Gas and Fuel Chemistry, W. J. Huff, Chairman, 

Am. Chem. Soc., New York meeting, April 22-26, 1935, and San Francisco 
meeting, Aug. 19-23, 1935. 

413. Richford, M. A., Proc Pac Coast Gas Assoc, 1934: 101. 

414. White. C. E., Proc Pac Coast Gas Assoc, 26: 90 (1935). 

415. Gas Age-Rec, 73: 292 (1935). 

416. Brown, G. G., and Souders, M., Jr., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs.. 30: 438 (1934); 

Brown, G. G., Souders, M., Jr., and Hesler, W. W., Ibid., 30: 457 (1934); Brown, 
G. G., Soude-s, M., Jr., Nyland, H. V., and Ragatz, E. G., Ibid., 30: 477 (1934). 

417. Carey, J. S., Griswold, J., McAdams, W. H., and Lewis, W. K., Trans. Am. Inst. 

Chem. Engrs., 30: 504 (1934). 

418. Holbrook, G. E., and Baker, E. M., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 30: 520 (1934). 

419. Chilton, T. H., Vernon, H. C, and Baker, T., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 31: 

296 (1935). 

420. Colburn, A. P., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng.. 29: 174 (1933). 

421. Chilton, T. H., and Colburn, A. P., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 1183 (1934); 27: 255 (1935). 

422. Pigott, R. J. S., Mech. Eng., 55: 497 (1933). 

423. Kemler, E., Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning, 5: 252, 298 (1933). 

424. Korany, J. A., and Bliss, E. M., Gas Age-Rec, 75: 33 (1935). 

425. Colburn, A. P.. and Hougen, O. A., Ind. Eng. Chem.. 26: 1178 (1934). 

426. Sherwood, T. K., and Gilliland, E. R.. Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 1093 (1934) 

427. Monrpd, C. C, Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 1087 (1934). 

428. Fenske, M. R., Tongberg, C. O., and Quiggle, D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 1169 (1934) 

429. Huff, W. J., and Logan, L., Preprint, Am. Gas Assoc. (1935). 

430. Sellew, W. H., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 30: 546 (1934). 


Among the recently published books of interest in the field of f^aseous fuels are: 
Morgan, J. J.. "American Gas Practice, Vol. II, 2nd ed. Maplewood. N. J.. The 

Author, 1935. 1040 p. 

Pacific Coast Gas Association, Gas Engineers* Handbook Committee. "Gas Engineers* 

Handbook.** San Francisco. The Association, 1934. 1017 p. 

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Lunge, George, "Technical Gas Analysis"; revised and rewritten by H. R. Ambler, 
New York, Van Nostrand, 1934. 416 p. 

Ley, Henry A. (editor), "Geology of Natural Gas." Tulsa, Okla., Assoc, of Petroleum 
Geologists, 1935. 1227 p. 

Finley, G. H. (editor), "The Handbook of Butane-Propane Gases." 2nd. ed. Los 
Angeles, Western Gas (>)., 1935. 375 p. 

Callen, A. S., and Ulmann, A., Jr., "^Principles of Combustion." Scranton, Inter- 
national Textbook Co., 1933. 50, 45 and 71 p. 

Wadleigh, F. R.. "List of Books and CHher Sources of Information Regarding Coal 
and Coal Products.'* Washington, The Author. 1935. 63 p. 

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Chapter XIX. 
Petroleum Chemistry and Technology. 

Merrell R. Fenske, 
The Pennsylvania Stale College. 

General and Economic Developments. Petroleum still con- 
tinues to be big business. The annual gasoline bill is estimated at 2.5 
billion dollars and the oil bill at 250 million dollars.^ Gasoline con- 
sumption is about 16.5 billion gallons per year ^ and it is estimated that 
two million dollars per day is paid by the American gasoline consumer 
for taxes over and above the cost of the motor fuel. While Diesel fuels 
are hardly known to the average consumer, 31 states already have a tax 
on Diesel fuels ranging from 2 to 6.5 cents per gallon.^ It is also esti- 
mated that there are some 925,000 more cars, trucks and busses on the 
roads today than a year ago. This alone requires an additional 13 
million barrels of gasoline.^ The use of fuel oil is also extending. 
The new S. S. Normandie consumes a minimum of some 60,000 barrels 
of fuel oil on a round trip from Europe to the United States. 

During the year the oil business was confronted with various Euro- 
pean nationalistic policies, as well as legislation and government control 
problems at home. Despite all this there has been a general increased 
development and construction throughout the industry, involving addi- 
tional investments of many million dollars. A survey of the supply of 
petroleum has been made and methods for increased conservation out- 
lined.^ ConserA^ation is also being effected through better control of 
evaporation losses.^ 

Production. There has been increased production activity 
throughout all the oil-producing states. Geophysical prospecting meth- 
ods have caused increased drilling operations, not only in new areas but 
also deeper drilling is being resorted to in old areas.'^"^® Daily pro- 
duction of crude oil in 1935 is estimated to be about 2.7 million barrels 
per day higher than in 1934. Texas is the largest producer, with Cali- 
fornia and Oklahoma next in order. The total crude oil produced in 
the United States up to 1935 is 16.6 billion barrels, while crude pro- 
duction for the first six months in 1935 was 473 million barrels.^^* ^^ 
During the first six months of 1935 there were 10,329 wells drilled; 
71 percent of these were oil wells, 22 percent were dry wells, and 6 per- 
cent were gas wells.^^ In California there were more wells drilled in 
the first nine months of 1935 than in all of 1934. The Rodessa field in 
Louisiana, opened this year, has an initial potential production esti- 


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mated at 25,000 barrels per day ^^' ^^ while in the Michigan field, in 
which there was increased activity, a peak production of 50,000 barrels 
per day was reached. The output of the Michigan field for the first 
nine months of 1935 is estimated at 11,190,000 barrels.^^ In Pennsyl- 
vania there have been several large gas wells discovered, having an 
estimated production of several million or more cubic feet of gas per 
(lay. 17-19 The deepest oil well, in Upton County, Texas,20 is now at 
12,786 feet and there are many wells producing at the 8000 to 10,000 
foot level.21 Water flooding is being applied with greater care in the 
East Texas ^2 and Mid Continent areas.^^ Oil sands, as well as lime- 
stone formations, may respond to proper acid treatment, and under 
favorable conditions the production of wells may increase one hundred 
or more percent by treating wath hydrochloric acid.^"* 

Corrosion and Construction Materials. Large quantities of 
material are needed to replace those rendered useless by corrosion. In 
underground pipe lines cathodic protection is stated to be practical, and 
if power from a mechanical source is not available, the installation of 
zinc anodes is recommended.^^ As a means for generating power for 
this type of protection, wind mill electric current generators have been 
placed along pipe lines.2^-28 Corrosion inside pipe lines from sour 
crudes is also a problem. It may be reduced by removing either the 
water or hydrogen sulfide or both from the crude, but at present there 
is no economical method for hydrogen sulfide removal.^® In refining 
equipment the use of alloy steels is steadily being extended.^^ Chro- 
mium, nickel, and molybdenum steels are used in distillation and crack- 
ing equipment.^i' ^2 ^t low temperatures, such as those encountered 
in vaporizing propane, which is being used in lubricating oil manufac- 
ture, ordinary steels have been found to have an unsatisfactory impact 
resistance, so that unnecessary hazards are encountered. Certain solid 
solution types of alloys as the austenitic chrome-nickel steels and copper 
alloys seem more satisfactory for this purpose, and there are encourag- 
ing possibilities in the manganese-silicon steels.^^ In producing oper- 
ations alloy steels are used extensively.^"* 

Low Molecular Weight Paraffins. There has been a consider- 
able amount of new information reported on the normally gaseous 
paraffins during the year. Natural gas has been fractionally distilled 
in a commercial way to yield relatively pure fractions of methane, 
ethane, propane, or butane. In producing ethane, the fractionating 
column may be operated at a pressure as high as 1500 pounds per square 
inch; temperatures as low as —100° F. are also obtainable by using 
liquid propane as the cooling agent in the condenser. In one plant 
capacities of the order of 2 million cubic feet per day are planned.33, 36 
Uses for the readily liquefiable hydrocarbons, such as propane and 
butane, are increasing. These gases are used for cooking, water heat- 
ing, and refrigeration in homes, camps and towns not served by natural 
or manufactured gas. They are also being used for motor fuels, and 
industrially in glass making, steel treating, pottery manufacture, oxy- 

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propane cutting of iron and steel, lubricating oil manufacture, and for 
heating orchards and greenhouses. It is reported that these gases, 
used in special heaters in greenhouses, give a phenomenal growth to 
plants, because the combustion products, carbon dioxide and water 
vapor, saturate the atmosphere and stimulate a rapid gro^yth of vege- 
tation.^"^' 3^ 

A summary has been made of the thermal reactions or pyrolysis of 
the gaseous paraffin, olefin, acetylene, and cycloparaffin hydrocarbons. ^^ 
The thermal decomposition of methane, ethane, propane, butane, and 
the corresponding olefins have been studied from the viewpoint of 
maximum olefin and liquid fuel production. Propane was studied in 
detail and the removal of hydrogen from the gas mixture by selective 
oxidation is reported.^^ Acetylene has been obtained by pyrolyzing 
methane, ethane, propane, butane, and isobutane at temperatures of 
1100 to 1400° C.41 Under optimum conditions in KA2S steel tubes, it 
was possible to convert 74 percent and 82 percent by volume, respec- 
tively, of ethane and propane into olefins.'*^ Propane and butane were 
pyrolyzed at 725 pounds per square inch and 550 to 575° F., yielding 
a gas containing lower molecular weight paraffin and olefin hydro- 
carbons, as well as a liquid product. By subsequently polymerizing 
the olefins to liquids it was thought that upwards of 10 gallons of liquid 
fuel per 1000 cubic feet of commercial butane might be produced. ^^ 
The primary decomposition products of propane in the presence of 
water vapor may be accounted for by three reactions : ( 1 ) dehydration, 
(2) demethanation, and (3) a bimolecular decomposition into propyl- 
ene, ethane, and methane. Water vapor is substantially an inert gas 
up to 700° F.^^ The primary decomposition of pentane appears to be 
a first order reaction at 600° C. Increase of dilution with steam 
decreases the amount of ethane and increases the amount of ethylene 
and hydrogen formed.'*^ 

The chlorination of propane, butane, isobutane, pentane, and iso- 
pentane was studied ; it was found that carbon skeleton rearrangements 
do not occur during either photochemical or thermal chlorination, if 
pyrolysis temperatures are avoided. Every possible monochloride deriv- 
able without such rearrangement is always formed. This generaliza- 
tion also applies to the polychlorides so far as studied.**^ Further work 
has given a method for calculating from the structural formula of any 
paraffin hydrocarbon, the percent of its various isomeric monochlorides 
obtainable by noncataljrtic chlorination at temperatures from —65 to 
600° C.47 

The nitration of paraffin hydrocarbons with less than six carbon 
atoms has been accomplished in the vapor phase. Hydrocarbon vapors 
were passed through concentrated nitric acid at 108° C. and the result- 
ing mixture of about 2 : 1 molal ratio of hydrocarbon to nitric acid, was 
passed through a tube at temperatures from 150 to 420° C. Possible 
uses for these nitro compounds are: (1) primary compounds for Diesel 
fuels, (2) raw materials for synthesizing such products as aldehydes. 

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ketones, amines, nitro-alcohols, nitro-olefins, amino-alcohols, and fatty 
acids; (3) refining solvents for lubricating oils, and (4) lacquer sol- 

The formation of alicyclic hydrocarbons from free radicals was stud- 
ied by decomposing diheptyl mercury at about 350° C. Cyclohexane 
and some unidentified cyclic products were obtained. It appears that 
the cyclohexane was produced by direct decomposition of the heptyl 
radical rather than through some polymerization process of ethylene.*® 

Low Molecular Weight Unsaturated Hydrocarbons. It is esti- 
mated that some three hundred billion cubic feet of gas are produced 
yearly by cracking processes. This gas contains a considerable quantity 
of olefin hydrocarbons. Utilization of the gas is, in general, develop- 
ing along two lines; (1) chemical utilization, as evidenced by the 
placing in operation of the ten million dollar plant of the Carbide and 
Carbon Chemicals Co. at Whiting, Indiana, using these gases as raw 
materials, and (2) polymerization into hydrocarbon fuels by the refin- 
ers themselves. The industrial significance of this latter development 
will be outlined under motor fuels. Other than the cracked gas itself 
the cheapest raw material for producing olefins is gas oil. New data 
are available on cracking this material primarily for olefin production 
at temperatures higher than those used in gasoline production. The 
effect of pressure in promoting the absorption of ethylene in sulfuric 
acid is reported, and the formation of ethyl ether by reaction of diethyl 
sulfate and ethyl alcohol has been reviewed. ^^ The reactions of the 
simpler acetylenic hydrocarbons, such as monovinylacetylene and its 
polymers, which lead to the preparation of synthetic rubber, have been 
reported.^^ Cheap acetylene is one of the principle factors in cheap 
synthetic rubber, or DuPrene, and methods for producing it have been 
studied. Acetylene is formed by pyrolyzing ethylene, propylene and 
1-butene at temperatures of 1100 to 1400° C. with fractions of a second 
time of contact. Under these conditions over half the decomposition 
may take place to yield acetylene.^^ 

The polymerization of olefins has been studied rather extensively. 
The kinetics of ethylene polymerization were studied particularly for 
the purpose of obtaining more information on the effect of minute 
traces of oxygen on the rate of polymerization, the temperature coeffi- 
cient of the reaction, and the character of the primary products formed.^^ 
Under optimum conditions the polymerization of pure ethylene and 
propylene may give yields of liquid polymer amounting from 70 to 80 
percent from ethylene, and from 60 to 65 percent from propylene. 
Polymerization of these two hydrocarbons was studied over the pres- 
sure range 500 to 3000 pounds per square inch and at temperatures 
from 650 to 850° F. Octane numbers of the liquid polymer are also 
reported. ^2 Polymerization of olefins in the presence of 90 percent 
phosphoric acid gives a mixture of paraffinic, olefinic, naphthenic and 
aromatic hydrocarbons. The high pressure cataljrtic polymerization of 
ethylene gives isobutane, the percent increasing with increasing tem- 

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perature of polymerization. From 250 to 330° C. it varies from 2.5 to 
18.8 percent by weight of the ethylene that reacted.^* The mechanism 
of olefin polymerization by catalysts such as boron fluoride, aluminum 
and zinc chlorides, phosphoric acid, alumina, and silica gel has been 
discussed.55 Propylene polymerized by liquid phosphoric acid at 135 
to 200° C. and 1 to 15 atmospheres pressure yields a mixture of mono- 
olefins. A mechanism for the reaction is suggested, involving the 
formation of intermediate esters.^® Isomeric butylenes are similarly 
polymerized by phosphoric acid, isobutylene polymerizing the most 
readily and a-butylene the least. The presence of isobutylene has been 
found to accelerate the polymerization of the n-butylenes.^'^ Polymer- 
ization of propylene by aluminum silicate catalysts at atmospheric pres- 
sure and 350° C. yields a mixture of five-, six-, seven-, eight-, and nine- 
carbon hydrocarbons, with olefins predominating. Pentenes are the 
lowest boiling product of the polymerization and consist principally of 
trimethylethylene. The dipropylenes formed are 2-methyl-2-pentene, 
and tetramethylethylene ; 2-methylpentane is also formed.^^ 

Condensation reactions involving olefins have also been reported 
during the past year. Olefins and paraffins have been found to react in 
the presence of boron fluoride gas, finely divided nickel, and a small 
amount of water. The reaction consists of the alkylation of the paraffin 
to higher molecular weight paraffins through the addition of one, two, 
or more olefin molecules. The paraffins alkylated so far contained a 
tertiary carbon atom. Attempts to alkylate n-paraffins, such as pen- 
tane, propane, and methane with boron fluoride, were not successful. 
»- Paraffins, with the possible exception of methane and ethane, can be 
alkylated in the presence of aluminum or zirconium halides.^^ Naph- 
thenic hydrocarbons and olefins have been condensed. Cyclohexane, 
methylcyclohexane, and methylisopropylcyclohexane have been alky- 
lated by ethylene in the presence of aluminum chloride. Boron fluoride 
catalyzes the alkylation of methylcyclopentane and methylcyclohexane 
with ethylene.^^ The direct alkylation of aromatic hydrocarbons is 
reported by periodically introducing ethylene at 250° C. under pressure 
into a stirred mixture of 10 mols. of benzene, 50 grams of phosphorus 
pentoxide, 24 grams of lampblack and 10 grams of cresol, to form 
mono- and hexaethylbenzenes. In a similar way, benzene and isobuty- 
lene, toluene and propylene, and naphthalene and ethylene were alky- 
lated.®^ Using 85 percent phosphoric acid, the direct alkylation of 
benzene, naphthalene, and tetrahydronaphthalene with ethylene at 
300° C. was obtained; similarly alkylation of naphthalene and fluorene 
by propylene occurred at 200° C.®^ ^he mono-, di-, tri-, and tetraiso- 
propyl derivatives of benzene were prepared by condensing propylene 
with benzene, employing boron fluoride. Aluminum chloride promotes 
the formation of 7w-diisopropylbenzene, while boron fluoride gives the 
/>-diisopropylbenzene.®3 The addition of sulfur dioxide to methylpro- 
pene, 1-pentene, 2-pentene, 1-nonene, 3-cyclohexylpropene, and 3-meth- 
ylcyclohexene yields polysulfones. These are neutral products and the 

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first five of them have alcohol groups at the ends of the chains. The 
molecular weights of these polysulfones are in the range of 100,000 
to 200,000.«4 

The limits of inflammability of ethykne in air and in oxygen were 
determined as volume percent and found to be for air, lower limit 2.75 
percent, and upper limit 28.6 percent; for ethylene in oxygen, lower 
limit 2.9 percent and upper limit 79.9 percent.^^ 

Physical Data. The properties of methane in hydrocarbon oils 
have been studied,®^ as well as the viscosity of methane and propane 
solutions in hydrocarbon oils at various pressures and temperatures.^*^ 
The physical constants of propane have been summarized ^® and specific 
heat data for propane and butane in the range of 60 to 220° F. are 
reported.^^ The heat of combustion of isobutane, forming gaseous car- 
bon dioxide and liquid water at 25° C. and one atmosphere pressure, 
was found to be 686.3±0.13 kilocalories per mole. It was calculated 
that at 25° C. the internal energy of isobutane is less than that of butane 
by 1.63±0.15 kilocalories per mole."^^ A temperature-entropy diagram, 
specific gravity as a function of pressure and temperature, and pressure- 
fugacity ratios are now available for pentane.*^^ The effect of pressure 
on the isothermal change in heat content for pentane was calculated 
and found to agree with experimentally determined values. The effect 
of pressure on the heat content (enthalpy) of benzene has been experi- 
mentally determined and used for the construction of an enthalpy- 
pressure-temperature chart.'^2 The properties *of 1-octadecene, octa- 
decane, di-w-tolyethane,'^^ and tetratriacontadiene (C34H6e) have been 
measured.*^* Variations in hydrocarbon structure have been correlated 
with spontaneous ignition temperatures. It has been found that, for 
the same number of carbon atoms, the spontaneous ignition temperature 
falls roughly in the order, aromatics, alkylated aromatics, naphthenes, 
alkylated naphthenes, straight chain paraffins, branched chain paraffins, 
and unsaturated aliphatics.*^^ Molecular weights by the cryoscopic 
method are reported for various Mid Continent cracked gas oils and 
pressure still charging stocks. Molecular weights have been correlated 
with boiling point, viscosity, and density to enable an estimation of the 
molecular weight of any given cracked stock to be made.*^^ High tem- 
perature viscosities of liquid petroleum fractions have been measured 
over the range 100 to 800° F., and from atmospheric to 500 pounds per 
square inch.'^'^ 

Internal Combustion Engine Fuels. Tests on a large number of 
cars in the New England and Eastern states showed that from 5 to 
6 percent of the passenger compartments contained dangerous pro- 
portions of carbon monoxide. A person breathing air containing 
8 parts of carbon monoxide per 10,000 of air would probably experience 
headache, impaired judgment and decreased mental alertness in about 
1 hour, collapse in about 1.5 hours, and death in about 2 hours if 
not removed from the poisoned atmosphere. "^^ This is important in 
view of the increased use of automotive power. Busses are steadily 

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replacing street cars, because motor bus transportation synchronizes 
with all other forms of motor traffic present today on streets and high- 
waysJ^ The use of Diesel-electric drives on railroads is also increasing. 
Regarding air-fuel ratio in automotive engines, the maximum thermal 
efficiency is found at about 16 to 1, the highest mean effective pressure 
or torque at 12.5 to 1, and the maximum economy at about 14 to 1. 
Experiments have shown that 6.4 percent more gasoline is used with 
S.A.E. 60 oil than with S.A.E. 30 oil, and 3 percent more for S.A.E. 30 
than for 10-W, in consequence of higher friction.^^ Furthermore, com- 
pilation of results obtained on 213 automobiles and trucks and 184 
busses used by the Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light Company 
shows that gasoline consumption of vehicles reasonably well maintained, 
does not depend on the age of the vehicles or the miles from overhaul 
or piston ring change, is influenced greatly by carburetor conditions, 
proper jets, proper float level, choke operation and freedom from 
leaks; increases greatly as the number of starts and stops increases, 
depends on loads carried, is influenced by average daily mileage, 
is influenced by temperature and weather conditions, is adversely 
affected by very fast schedules, and is affected adversely if the gasoline 
is too volatile.^^ The ten, fifty, and ninety percent distillation points 
on the gasoline distillation curve are now lower than for any previous 
year, 82 ^cad there have been several studies made on gasoline 

Propane and butane have been used alone as motor fuels. There 
are two advantages claimed, namely, high octane number — 125 for 
propane and 93 for butane — and high volatility, ensuring good dis- 
tribution to the cylinders. A compression ratio of 10 to 1 is reported 
possible with propane, and 7 to 1 with butane, if the engine is of suffi- 
ciently rugged construction. However, the power produced, as well 
as the fuel consumption in terms of B.t.u., are found to be nearly the 
same as when gasoline is burned. This is explained by the cooling 
effect of the liquid gasoline vaporizing in the cylinder. From the 
standpoint of supply, availability, cost of distribution, and price, the 
general replacement of gasoline as an automotive fuel with liquefied 
petroleum gases is not economical. However, use will likely be found 
in large high powered stationary engines, in rail cars and trains, and 
in switching, tunnel, and construction engines.®®"^^. 

There has been marked activity throughout the petroleum industry 
to make commercially available a high octane number fuel, i. e., one 
of the order of 100 octane number. The demand for such a fuel comes 
practically entirely from the aviation field, where fuel costs are 
reckoned on the basis of cost per ton mile of pay load rather than 
cost per gallon. It has been pointed out that if a fuel of extremely high 
anti knock were available, the cost per ton mile may be lower even if 
the cost of the gasoline were doubled. The result is that a technical 
grade of isooctane or 2,2,4-trimethylpentane, has been made available 
and a considerable quantity has been ordered by the U. S. Army for 

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experiments on increase in engine power without a corresponding rise 
in weight. Gasoline of such high anti knock quality permits further 
increases in the supercharging of aircraft engines, thus increasing 
overall performance, the ease and safety of take-offs, and a quicker 
pick-up in emergencies. It further permits increases in compression 
ratio with a resultant decrease in fuel consumption. This is of par- 
ticular importance for military long distance bombers, and for com- 
mercial transports where long non-stop flights are made. Now that 
the successful non-passenger flights of the Pan American clipper ship 
to Hawaii, Midway, and Wake Islands and the Philippines have been 
realized, there is considerable need for higher octane number fuels 
that would permit even relatively small decreases in fuel consumption, 
for on these long trans-Pacific flights this would permit a substantial 
increase in the passenger load. It was hoped that the gasoline resulting 
from polymerizing the olefins in cracked gases would be this unusually 
high octane number fuel. While polymer gasoline has a knock rating 
of 80 octane number or better, it does not as yet appear that it will be 
the much sought for 100 octane number fuel. Furthermore, while the 
addition of lead tetraethyl to isooctane affords even additional significant 
increases in the highest useful compression ratio and consequently in 
power and output, the polymer gasoline appears to have the character- 
istic of not responding very well to lead tetraethyl additions. That is, 
octane number does not rise nearly so fast as in the case of isooctane 
upon the addition of lead tetraethyl.^®-^^ 

It is estimated that if, throughout the United States, the olefins 
present in cracked gases were polymerized, there would be available 
an additional 30 million barrels of polymer gasoline, or about 7 percent 
more gasoline than is now being produced.^^ There are already plants 
in operation having capacities of the order of one thousand barrels 
of polymer gasoline per day. In general, the polymerization of these 
olefins occurs in one of two ways : ( 1 ) at relatively low temperatures 
in the presence of catalysts, or (2) at elevated pressures and tempera- 
tures in the absence of catalysts. In the catalytic method, the opera- 
tion is reported as taking place at about 400° F. at pressures of 175 to 
200 pounds per sq. in. in the presence of a phosphoric acid type catalyst. 
Yields of from 2.5 to 10 gallons of an 80 octane number gasoline per 
1000 cubic feet of gas are reported.^^' ^^ In one type of non-catalytic 
polymerization, operating conditions are about 1000° F., and 800 to 
1000 pounds per sq. in.^^' ^'^ while in another operation the temperatures 
are higher, namely 1150 to 1300° F., and the pressures 50 to 75 pounds 
per sq. in. It is reported that under these latter conditions complete 
rearrangement of the molecules occurs, giving cyclic as well as 
aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene, toluene, xylene, and naph- 
thalene.93. 98, 99 

The use of alcohol for addition to gasoline has continued to be dis- 
cussed. It is claimed that the farmers consume some 23 percent of 
the gasoline in the United States and that the addition of 10 percent 

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alcohol would create a market for 1.6 billion gallons of alcohol a year. 
This procedure is reported to be unsound in this country at present, 
for it is claimed that the fuel consumption of a 10 percent alcohol blend 
is about five percent higher than straight gasoline, and the consumer 
would likely pay more for this fuel.^^"^^^ 

The addition agents for gasoline at present consist of one or more 
of the following types of materials: (1) halogenated hydrocarbons 
reported to minimize carbon troubles in engines,^^^ (2) antioxidants or 
gum inhibitors, (3) top cylinder lubricants, (4) color stabilizers such 
as the aliphatic amines of less than 5 carbon atoms,^^^ and (5) lead 
tetraethyl as an anti knock addition agent. Iron pentacarbonyl has 
the ability to suppress knock. It is reported that 3 cc. per gallon can 
raise the octane number from 58 to 96, but that the compoimd is so 
unstable to both light and air that it is nowhere in commercial use. 
A long literature and patent bibliography is available for iron car- 

Diesel fuel standards are desired which will include ignition quality, 
viscosity, gravity, distillation characteristics, cleanliness, Conradson 
carbon, ash, sulfur and corrosion acids, flash point, and pour point.^^^ 

Gasoline Preparation and Manufacture. In connection with the 
American Petroleum Institute Project No. 6 at the National Bureau of 
Standards, it is reported that in the 55 to 145° C. fraction of a Mid 
Continent gasoline there have now been isolated: (1) the normal 
paraffins, hexane, heptane, and octane; (2) the 2-methyl derivatives of 
these normal paraffins; (3) the hexane isomers, 2,3-dimethylbutane and 
3-methylpentane ; (4) methylcyclopentane and methylcyclohexane ; (5) 
the aromatics, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and the three xylenes. 
The hydrocarbons now isolated account for about two thirds of the 
entire volume boiling between 55 and 145° C. The paraffins, naph- 
thenes, and aromatics boiling in this range are present in about the 
proportion 6:3:1. In the fraction boiling between 145 and 180° C, 
nonane was present to the extent of 15.5 percent, decane 12.5 percent, 
mesitylene 0.3 percent, pseudocumene, 3.0 percent, hemimellitene 0.9 
percent. It is very likely that this fraction will yield far less than the 
total of 80 compounds reported in the literature as boiling within these 
limits.^^®' ^^^ The separation of aromatic and olefin hydrocarbons from 
paraffins and naphthenes by means of adsorption on silica gel is 
reported. 1^^ A procedure has been outlined for the classification of 
hydrocarbons depending upon grouping according to physical constants, 
as well as on standardized chemical reactions. m 

In the natural gasoline field, there are over 1,000 plants in operation 
in the United States producing about 10 million gallons of natural 
gasoline per day. About 200 of these plants are in Oklahoma, and 
about 130 plants are in each of the following states: Texas, Pennsyl- 
vania, and California.112. lis j^ view of the importance of natural 
gasoline to the overall volatility of motor fuels in general, an index 
for fuel volatility has been proposed in which the variables of engine 

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performance, atmospheric temperature, starting, and fuel efficiency ai*e 

The effectiveness of lead tetraethyl in different hydrocarbons has been 
studied. Quantitative measurements were made of the specific anti 
knock effect of lead tetraethyl in 62 different hydrocarbons, by finding 
the increase in critical compression ratio, in a single-cylinder-variable- 
compression engine, made possible by the addition of one cc. per gallon 
of lead tetraethyl. On this basis there are variations of as much as 
twenty-fold in the effectiveness of lead tetraethyl in suppressing knock 
in different hydrocarbons. ^^^ It has also been found that the various 
sulfur compounds in gasoline affect the lead susceptibility of the gaso- 
lines. ^^^ For the removal of sulfur compounds from gasoline, treatment 
with solutions of copper salts has been found to be economical. ^^"^ 

Increasing amounts of valuable data on distillation equipment desig^n 
are available.^^^'^^o ^ single distillation tower now produces five 
products from crude oil at the rate of 17,000 barrels per day.^^i Factors 
affecting entrainment in bubble cap columns have been studied ^22 ^nd 
an outline of the primary distillation applications in the petroleum 
industry has been made, together with design data for gas recovery 
and stabilization systems, and gasoline and lubricating oil manu- 

Cracking operations are now on a highly developed scale. Single units 
combining the processes of cracking, skimming, reforming, and stabili- 
zation are in operation resulting in greatly reduced manufacturing 
costs.124 The largest combined distillation and cracking unit is the new 
plant at Texas City, Texas, of the Pan American Petroleum Corporation. 
The daily charging capacity is 35,000 barrels of crude oil. Long time 
cracking runs of 98 and 123 days have been reported.^^s, 126 jhe various 
factors in cracking such as time, temperature, pressure, and conversion 
per pass through the apparatus have been studied. ^^7 Experimental 
cracking apparatus has been worked out for giving data applicable 
to plant design, such as yields of gas, gasoline, coke and polymers as a 
function of time, temperature, and pressure. Specific volume data 
are also available as a function of time, temperature, and pressure. As 
a result of these data a new basis has been found for the design of 
cracking plants.^^s ^ correlation of plant cracking data has been 
obtained that satisfactorily gives the octane number obtainable in 
reforming naphtha in terms of the octane number of the charge 
and the amount of cracking to which it has been subjected.^20 

Antioxidants and gum inhibitors are now used extensively to prevent 
gasoline deterioration and eliminate the necessity for acid refining. 
These products are daily applied to more than five million gallons of 
gasolines, resulting in annual savings of millions of dollars. The critical 
oxidation potential of inhibitors has been studied with regard to the 
induction period afforded cracked gasolines.^^^ It has been found 
that gum formed by oxidized gasolines is high in peroxides, aldehydes, 

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and acids. It appears that peroxides are the substances primarily 
responsible for gums.^^^ 

Standardized tests for gasoline color stability have been reported,^^^, 
133 as well as a potentiometric method for the determination of mer- 
captans.134 Improvements in the A.S.T.M. lamp method for sulfur 
have also been suggested. ^^s 

Lubricating Oil Preparation and Manufacture. Improvements 
in lubricating oil preparation have been principally in solvent extrac- 
tion processes, and in addition agents such as pour point depressors, 
oiliness or lubricity carriers, extreme pressure materials, anti-oxidants, 
and viscosity index improvers. A new addition compound for lubricat- 
ing oils, methyl a,c(-dichlorostearate, is being used.^^e 

Solvent extraction of lubricating oils consists essentially of a suit- 
able mixer or tower wherein oil and solvent are contacted as two liquid 
phases, distillation equipment to separate solvent from these phases 
for reuse, i. e., a solvent recovery system, the further processing of 
the insoluble oil, or raffinate, to make finished lubricating oil, and the 
disposal of the dissolved oil or extract. At present the following sol- 
vents are in industrial use in refining lubricating oils : sulfur dioxide, 
nitrobenzene, benzene-acetone-toluene mixtures,^^! ethylene dichloride 
and benzene, dichloroethyl ether,i38 propane and cresylic acid,i39 fur_ 
fural,^^^ phenol,^^! propane ^^2, 143 and aniline, i^^' ^^^ ^ graphical 
method, employing triangular coordinates for representing equilibrium 
in complex oil-solvents systems, has been developed as a basis for the 
solvent refining of oils. Calculations using data obtained in nitro- 
benzene extraction are given.^^^ The decolorization of lubricating oils 
by percolation through earths has been studied.^^*^ 

A means for characterizing petroleum fractions is reported, employing 
empirically developed charts and the factors of specific gravity, boiling 
point, viscosity, aniline point, viscosity index, and hydrogen content. 
These determinations enable the predictions of other properties with 
fair approximation for engineering use.^^^ Another correlation of 
viscosity, gravity, and S.A.E. classification has been made.^^^ 

Performance and Testing of Lubricants. It is stated that oil 
consumption can be controlled by using the minimum practical clear- 
ance between pistons and cylinder walls, by providing large oil return 
capacity in oil return rings, piston oil holes, and passages, by designing 
pistons so they are round when hot, by replacing rings when they are 
badly worn or when the oil return grooves are clogged, by using 
expanders in back of piston rings in worn cylinders, by maintaining 
correct main bearing clearances, and by preventing excessive crank-case 
temperatures.^^ The effect of viscosity and volatility on oil consump- 
tion, and of cylinder carbon on knock has also been reported.^^^ Dur- 
ing the year there have been several laboratory testing machines 
described for testing the ordinary as well as the extreme pressure 
characteristics of oils.^^^* ^^^ Improvements have been made in 
apparatus for accurately determining the kinematic viscosities of oils 

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at various temperatures,!^^ ^nd conversion tables have been formulated 
on the basis of experimental data giving the relationship between 
kinematic viscosity and Saybolt Universal Seconds.^^^ A boiling point- 
gravity constant is proposed as an index of lubricating oil character- 
istics.i^^ Improved viscosity index tables are available for calculation 
in terms of kinematic viscosity as well as Saybolt Seconds.^^® 

Bearing corrosion has placed additional problems on the refiner of 
lubricating oils. It has been found that excessive oil temperatures 
with oils which have been made to resist oxidation, and which are 
considered to be of the highest quality, appear to corrode the new bear- 
ing metals, such as cadmium-nickel, cadmium-copper, or copper-lead 
alloys. It is believed that this is due principally to excessively high oil 
temperatures, and that these temperatures should be kept below 250° 
jr 157, 158 ii has also been found that different types of extreme-pressure 
lubricants should not be mixed in automobiles. Most extreme-pressure 
lubricants contain one or more of the following elements in one com- 
bination or another: lead, sodium, aluminum, chlorine, and sulfur. 
In addition other materials may possibly be used such as castor oil, 
lard oil, and glycerin. Lead may therefore react under proper condi- 
tions with sulfur or chlorine to give insoluble sulfides or chlorides, 
and these are no part whatever of extreme-pressure lubricants. In 
other ways, mixing of different extreme-pressure lubricants may cause 
foaming, thickening, sludge, or other undesirable results.^^^ 

Improvements in greases have been in the direction of avoiding 
acidity and consequent bearing corrosion, avoiding hydrolysis of 
greases, and decomposition due to a change in the degree of dispersion 
of the soaps.!^^' ^^^ Laboratory service testing methods of automotive 
lubricating greases have been outlined, and the best methods for 
correlation with actual service performance tests have been studied.^^^ 
The fine structures of lubricating greases have been examined by a dark 
field microscope technique, and the suggestion has been made that a 
useful classification of greases would result, depending on the length 
of the soap fibers, where the fiber length varies from 0.001 mm. to 
0.080 mm.i63 

Miscellaneous Developments. A system to evaluate the suscepti- 
bility of asphalts to temperature change has been used similar to the 
viscosity index system for lubricating oils. Asphalts from heavy Mexi- 
can crude have been used as the basis for the 100 index material, while 
petroleum tar from cracking served as the basis for the zero index. 
Results using this method on various straight reduced asphalts have 
been tabulated. ^^^ The oxidation of the constituents of asphalts has 
also been studied. It is believed that through oxidation unstable com- 
pounds form, from which carbon dioxide and water are eliminated, 
leaving residues that polymerize.^^^ 

Spray oils apparently injure foliage because of the unsaturates^ 
hydrocarbons they may contain. Oils containing over 10 percent of 
unsaturated hydrocarbons may contain injurious quantities of asphalt- 

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ogenic acids formed from the unsaturated hydrocarbons by oxygen in 
the presence of light. ^^^ 

The field of petroleum solvents is increasing. A study has been 
made of the industrial solvents in use. The list contains petroleimi 
solvents, ketones, polyethers, esters, ether-alcohols, alcohols, chlorinated 
compounds, naval stores solvents and furane derivatives.^®*^ A modified 
and improved Kauri butanol test for the solvent power of hydrocarbon 
solvents has been reported.^®^ 

The oiling of coal for dust proofing and preventing spontaneous com- 
bustion is reported. The oil specifications suggested are 100 to 225 
Saybolt viscosity at 100° F., with a flash point of 305 to 370° F. The 
oil is sprayed onto the coal and it may also be emulsified with water. 
It is stated that in the ordinary method of water- wetting coal, the 
consumer loses in two ways: (1) by substituted weight and (2) 
by a loss in heat units required to vaporize the water.^®^ There is also 
a need for standardization in fuel oil burners for household heating. 
Several billion barrels of fuel oil are consumed per year and it is 
becoming desirable to standardize on one or two grades instead of the 
many types now existing.^*^^ 

Over 300 million pounds of carbon black are now made yearly. 
The yield from natural gas is about 1.4 pounds per thousand cubic 
feet of gas. Over half the production goes into rubber manufacture; 
the remainder goes into inks, paints, and other miscellaneous uses.^*^^ 


1. Geniesse, J. C, /. Soc. Automotive Engrs., 36, No. 1: 22 (1935). 

2. Automotive Industries, 72: 2 (1935). 

3. Natl. Petroleum News, 27, No. 42: 120 (1935). 

4. Mclntyre J., Oil Gas J., 34, No. 10: 23 (1935). 

5. Snider, L. C., and Brooks, B. T., Am. Chem. Soc, Petroleum Div., San Francisco, 

Aug. 19-23, 1935. 

6. Schmidt, L., and Wilhelm, C. J., U. S. Bur. Mines, Tech. Paper, 565 (1935). 35 p. 

7. Ingram, T. R., Oil Gas /., 34, No. 23: 155 (1935). 

8. Mclntyre, J., Oil Gas /., 34, No. 23: 158 (1935). 

9. Bredberg, L. E., OU Gas /., 34, No. 23: 169 (1935). 

10. Williams, N., Oil Gas /., 34, No. 21: 11 (1935). 

11. Mclntyre, J., Oil Gas J., 34, No. 10: 23 (1935). 

12. Mclntyre, J., Oil Gas J., 34, No. 24: 12 (1935). 

13. Mclntyre, J., Oil Gas /., 34, No. 24: 25 (1935). 

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15. Crumpton, J. R., OU Gas /., 34, No. 19: 84 (1935). 

16. Elliot. P. A.. Oil Gas J.. 34, No. 21: 40 (1935). 

17. Oil Gas /., 34, No. 20: 56 (1935). 

18. Conine, R. C, Oil Gas J., 34, No. 10: 30 (1935). 

19. Oil Gas /., 34, No. 8: 71 (1935). 

20. Bredberg, L. E., Oil Gas /., 34, No. 3: 12 (1935). 

21. OU Gas /., 34, No. 24: 9 (1935). 

22. Moore, T. V., Oil Gas J., 33, No. 43: 11 (1935). 

23. Fancher, G. H., and Barnes, K. B., Oil Gas /., 34, No. 23: 38 (1935). 

24. Wright, H. F., and Ginter, R. L., Oil Gas /., 33, No. 44: 53 (1935). 

25. Gabler, G. C, and Mudd, O. C, Oil Gas /., 34, No. 23: 54 (1935). 

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28. Rhodes, G. I., Oil Gas /., 34, No. 1: 30 (1935). 

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30. Nelson, T. H., Oil Gas /., 34, No. 7: 25 (1935). 

31. Morrell, J. C, Mekler, L. A., and Egloff, G., Oil Gas /., 34, No. 5: 50 (1935). 

32. Nelson, T. H., OU Gas /., 34, No. 4: 33 (1935). 

33. Blumbcrg, H. S., OU Gas /., 34, No. 4: 78 (1935). 

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34. Westcott, B. B.. and Bowers, C. N., Oil Gas /., 34, No. 4: 90 (1935). 

35. Albright, J., Refiner, 14, No. 9: 421 (1935). 

Z6, Conine, R. C, Oil Gas /., 34, No. 17: 40 (1935). 

37. Montfort, G. H., OU Gas /., 34, No. 25: 126 (1935). 

38. Lcgatski, T. W., and Friend, W. Z., Am. Chem. Soc., Petroleum Div., San Fran- 

cisco, Aug. 19-23, 1935. 

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40. Frolich, P. K., and Wiezevich, P. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1055 (1935). 

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43. Tropsch, H., Thomas, C. L., and Egloff, G., Am. Chem. Soc., Petroleum Div., San 

Francisco, Aug. 19-23, 1935. 

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45. Morgan, J. J., and Munday, J. C, Ind. Eng. Chem., Til 1082 (1935). 

46. Hass, H. B., McBee, E. T., and Weber, P., Ind. Eng. Chem,, 27: 1190 (1935). 

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Francisco, Aug. 19-23, 1935. 

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Div., San Francisco, Aug. 19-23, 1935. 

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50. Brooks, B. T., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 278 (1935). 

51. Nieuwland, J. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 71 1 850 (1935). 

52. Tropsch, H., Parrish, C. I., and Egloff, G., Am. Chem. Soc., Petroleum Div., San 

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53. Storch, H. H., Am. Chem. Soc., Petroleum Div., New York, April 22-23, 1935. 

54. Ipatieff, V. N., and Pines, H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1364 (1935). 

55. Egloff, G., Natl. Petroleum News, 27, No. 47: 65 (1935). 

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York, April 22-23, 1935. 

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60. Ipatieff, V. N., Komarewsky, V. I., and Grosse, A. V., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1722 


61. Malishev, B. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 883 (1935). 

62. Ipatieff, V. N., Pines, H., and Komarewsky, V. I., Am. Chem. Soc, Petroleum 

Div., San Francisco, Aug. 19-23, 1935. 

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65. Jones, Yant, Miller and Kfennedy, U. S. Bureau of Mines, Report of Investigations 

3278, July, 1935. 

66. Sage, B. H., Backus, H. S., and Laccy, W. N., Ind. Eng. Chem., IT: 686 (1935). 

67. Sage, B. H., Sherborne, J. E., and Lacey, W. N., Ind. Eng. Chem., If: 954 (1935). 

68. Lacey, W. N., and Sage, B. H., Oil Gas J., 33, No. 39: 49 (1935). 

69. Sage, B. H., and Lacey, W. N., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1484 (1935). 

70. Rossini, F. D., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards. 15: 357 (1935). 

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76. FitzSimons, O., and Thielc, E. W., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 11 (1935). 

77. Watson, K. M., Wien, J. L., and Murphy, G. B., Am. Chem. Soc., Petroleum Div., 

San Francisco, Aug. 19-23, 1935. 

78. VanDeve;nter, F. M., /. Soc Automotive Engrs., 37, No. 3: 322 (1935). 

79. Automotive Industries, 73, No. 25: 826 (1935). 

80. Geniesse, J. C, /. Soc Automotive Engrs., 36, No. 1: 22 (1935). 

81. Debbink, H. S., /. Soc Automotive Engrs., 36, No. 1: 20 (1935). 

82. Eisinger, J. O., and Barnard, D. P., Oil Gas /., 34, No. 8: 34 (1935). 

83. Oberfell, G. G., Alden, R. C, and Trimble, H. M., Oil Gas J., 34, No. 7: 45 (1935). 

84. Oil Gas J., 33, No. 51: 13 (1935). 

85. Becker, A. E., and Bauer, A. D., Oil Gas J., 33, No. 51: 65 (1935). 

86. Friend, W. Z., and Beckwith, E. A., /. Soc Automotive Engrs., 36: 36 (1935). 

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95. Egloff, G., Natl. Petroleum News, 27, No. 47: 25 (1935). 

96. Keith, P. C, Jr., and Ward, J. T., Oil Gas /., 34, No. 28: 36 (1935). 

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97. Keith, P. C, Jr., and Ward, J. T., Natl. Petroleum News, 27, No. 47: 52 (1935). 

98. Cooke, M. B., Swanson, H. R., and Wagner, C. R., Oil Gas /., 34, No. 26: 57 (1935). 

99. Wagner, C. R., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 933 (1935). 

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108. Leslie, R. T., and White, J. D., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 15: 211 (1935). 

109. Rossini, F. D., American Petroleum Institute Meeting, Tulsa, Okla., May 15, 1935. 

110. Mair, B. J., and White^ J. D., Oil Gas J., 34, No. 18: 29 (1935). 

111. Mulliken, S. P., and Wakeman, R. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 275 (1935). 

112. Oil Gas /., 33, No. 50: 49 (1935). 

113. Oil Gas I., 33, No. 44: 33 (1935). 

114. Hebl, L. E., and Rendel, T. B., Natl. Petroleum News, 27, No. 30: 36 (1935). 

115. Campbell, J. M., Signaigo, F. K., Lovell, W. G., and Boyd, T. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 

27: 593 (1935). 

116. Schulze, W. A., and Buell, A. E., Oil Gas J., 34, No. 21: 22 (1935). 

117. Schulze, W. A., and Buell, A. E., Oil Gas J., 34, No. 22: 42 (1935). 

118. Brown, G. G., Souders, M., Jr., Nyland, H. V., and Hesler, W. W., Ind. Eng. 

Chem., 27: 383 (1935). 

119. Thiele, E. W., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 392 (1935). 

120. Singer, S. C, Jr., Wilson, R. W., and Brown, G. G., Am. Chem. Soc. Petroleum 

Div., San Francisco, Aug. 19-23, 1935. 

121. Albright. J. C, Natl. Petroleum News, 27, No. 6: 20-F (1935). 

122. Pyott, W. T., Jackson, C. A., and Huntington, R. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 821 


123. Carey, J. S., Ind. Eng. Chem., IT: 795 (1935). 

124. Oil Gas J., 34, No. 40: 14 (1936). 

125. Healy, F. J., Alberding, C. H., and Flock, B. J., Natl. Petroleum News, 27, No. 13: 

31 (1935). 

126. Collins, R. G., Oil Gas J., 34, No. 22: 40 (1935). 

127. Trusty, A. W., Natl. Petroleum News, 27, No. 45: 34 (1935). 

128. Huntington, R. L., and Brown, G. G., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 699 (1935). 

129. Turner, S. D., and LeRoi, E. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1347 (1935). 

130. Dryer, G. G., Morrell, J. C, Egloff, G., and Lowry, C. D., Jr., Ind. Eng. Chem., 

27: 15 (1935); Dryer, C. G., Lowry, C. D., Jr., Egloff, G., and Morrell, J. C, 
ibid., 315. 

131. Morrell J. C, Dryer, C. G., Lowry, C. D., Jr., and Egloff, G., Am. Chem. Soc, 

Petroleum Div., San Francisco, Aug. 19-23, 1935. 

132. Lowry, C. D., Jr., Smith, M. A., and Murphy, G. B., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 

7: 140 (1935). 

133. Egloff, G., Morrell, J. C, Benedict, W. L., and Wirth, C, 3rd., Ind. Eng. Chem., 

27: 323 (1935). 

134. Tamele, M. W., and Ryland, L. B., Am. Chem. Soc, Petroleum Div., San Fran- 

cisco, Aug. 19-23, 1935. 

135. Zahn, V., Am. Chem. Soc, Petroleum Div., San Francisco, Aug. 19-23, 1935. 

136. Davis, L. L., Lincoln, B. H., and Sibley, B. E.. Oil Gas J., 34, No. 27: 31 (1935). 

137. Myers, W. A., Oil Gas J., 33, No. 45: 78 (1935). 

138. Williams, D. B.. Oil Gas J., 33, No. 52: 54 (1935). 

139. Tuttle, M. H., Oil Gas J., 34, No. 1: 13 (1935). 

140. Bryant, G. R., Manley, R. E., and McCarty, B. Y., Oil Gas /., 33, No. 52: 50 (1935). 

141. Dickinson, J., Oil Gas J., 33, No. 51: 16 (1935). 

142. Livingston, M. J., and Dickinson, J. T., Natl. Petroleum News, 27, No. 27: 25 (1935). 

143. Bray, U. B., and Bahlke, W. H., Am. Chem. Soc, Petroleum Div., San Francisco, 

Aug. 19-23, 1935. 

J44. Oil Gas J., 34, No. 20: 40 (1935). 

145. Waison, C. O., Oil Gas J., 33, No. 35: 19 (1935). 

146. Hunter, T. G., and Nash. A. W., Ind. Eng. Chem., IT: 836 (1935). 

147. Nichols, K. W., Oil Gas /., 34, No. 9: 38 (1935). 

148. Watson, K. M., Nelson, E. F., and Murphy, G. B., Ind Eng. Chem., 27: 1460 (1935). 

149. Grosholz, R., Natl. Petroleum News, 27, No. 50: 39 (1935). 

150. Merrill, D. R.. Moore, C. C, Jr., and Bray, U. B., Oil Gas J., 34, No. 5: 55 (1935). 

151. Woolgar, C. W., Oil Gas J., 34, No. 18: 34 (1935). 

152. Willson, C. O., Oil Gas J., 34, No. 18: 43 (1935). 

153. Cannon, M. R., and Fenske, M. R., Oil Gas J., 30, No. 47: 52 (1935). 

154. McCluer, W. B., and Fenske, M. R., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 82 (1935). 

155. Jackson, E. A.. Oil Gas /., 33, No. 44: 16 (1935). 

156. Hcrsh, R. E., Fisher, E. K., and Fenske, M. R., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1441 (1935). 

157. Natl. Petroleum News, 27, No. 46: 32 (1935). 

158. Qayden, A. L., Natl. Petroleum News, 27, No. 50: 45 (1935). 

159. Foster. A. L., Natl. Petroleum News, 27, No. 50: 50 (1935). 

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160. Ahlberg, C. R., Natl. Petroleum News, 27, No. 50: 54 (1935). 

161. McKee, J., Natl. Petroleum News, 27, No. 42: 24-D (1935). 

162. Klemgard, E. N., Am. Chem. Soc., Petroleum Div., San Francisco, Aug. 19-23, 1935. 

163. Farrington, B. B., and Davis, W. N., Am. Chera. Soc, Petroleum Div., San Fran- 

cisco, Aug. 19-23, 1935. 

164. Holmes, A., and Collins, J. C, Am. Chem. Soc., Petroleum Div., New York, 

April 22-23, 1935. 

165. Thurston, R. R., and Knowles, E. C, Am. Chem. Soc., Petroleum Div., New York, 

April 22-23, 1935. 

166. Tucker, R. P.. Am. Chem. Soc., Petroleum Div., San Francisco, Aug. 19-23, 1935. 

167. Doolittle, A. K., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1169 (1935). 

168. Baldeschwieler, E. L., Troeller, W. J., and Morgan, M. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. 

Ed., 7: 374 (1935). 

169. Van Voorhis, M. G., Natl. Petroleum News, 27, No. 43: 24-A (1935). 

170. Oil Gas J., 34, No. 23: 25 (1935). 

171. Oil Gas J., 34, No. 2: 67 (1935). 

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Chapter XX. 
Detergents and Detergency. 

Pauline Beery Mack, 
The Pennsylvania State College. 

The term detergent is derived from the Latin verb detergere, which 
means "to wipe away, or wash away, or cleanse." Agents used for 
this purpose in daily life and in industry are so numerous that it is 
difficult to classify them, and the present chapter will be devoted to a 
few of the more common types only. These will be classed in the 
following groups: soaps, and similar detergents, soap builders, dis- 
persing compounds for hard waters, enzymes, and bleaches. 

This presentation includes chiefly the development of detergents dur- 
ing the past few years, with emphasis on the progress made during 
1935. Methods of measuring detergency efficiencies and theories con- 
cerning the action of the more common detergents will be included 
also. The chapter will be confined to the work of American investi- 
gators, except in cases in which foreign work needs to be cited in 
order to make American contributions understandable. 

For many years, the term soap has been used almost exclusively for 
the sodium and potassium salts of the higher fatty acids. The more 
recent introduction of detergents which serve the same general pur- 
pose as these older soaps causes the literature to be somewhat confused 
as to whether or not the newer soap-like detergents will be classed as 
soaps. In the laundry and drycleaning industries, in which both of these 
classes of substances are now used, there seems to be a tendency to 
refer to the older sodium and potassium fatty acid salts as "soaps," 
and the newer introductions as "detergents." This presents a problem 
in nomenclature which is in need of clarification. 

An extensive bibliography on launderability has been published by 
Gugelman,^ which should prove helpful to everyone in the field. This 
covers the period from 1910 through 1934. 

An interesting history of the soap industry through 1925 was written 
by Ittner,2' 3 ^rho recently extended the review to include the last ten 
years. He points out that there have been no revolutionary changes 
in soap manufacture during the past few years, although progress has 
been steady. Improvements have been made in methods of alkali 
manufacture and of oil and soap production, in effecting a more com- 
plete saponification reaction, and in glycerol recovery. Unusual atten- 
tion has been given to the physical form of soaps, to increase their 
solubility and convenience in use. 


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The New Detergents. There are many references in the litera- 
ture to the new detergents which are being substituted in part for the 
older types of soap. These detergents were introduced to eliminate 
one of the chief shortcomings of ordinary soap — namely, its tendency 
to form curdy precipitates in hard waters. The chief difficulty with 
soaps of the older type is that they are salts of strong bases and weak 
acids, and hence are unstable in strong acids. Moreover, at ordinary 
temperature, they form precipitates in hard water by ordinary meta- 
thesis of the alkali soaps with any calcium and magnesium compounds 
which may be present, as follows: 2RC02Na-|-MgS04— » Na2S04 
-\- (RC02)2Mg. At higher temperatures (because the carboxylic acids 
are weak), these salts hydrolyze more completely as follows : 
(RC02)2MgH-2 H2O -» Mg(OH)2H-2 RCO2H. 

In order to take advantage of the desirable qualities of the ordinary 
soaps, while eliminating or reducing their shortcomings, various types 
of new detergents have been prepared. They comprise two main 
classes of compounds: (1) Acid sulfates of long-chain alcohols; and 
(2) condensation products of ordinary fatty acids or their derivatives 
with substances containing a strong acid group. 

The first class of detergents is exemplified by compounds of the type 
of sodium lauryl sulfate, frequently abbreviated as SLS. The second 
type is illustrated by the Igepons, in which the carboxyl group is 
"blocked" by condensation with a hydroxy- or an amino-sulfuric acid. 
The advantages of the introduction of a strongly acid group, such as 
the ( — SO3H) group of the sulfonic acids, or the ( — OSO3H) group 
of the substituted sulfuric acids, depend upon the fact that the sodium 
salts of compounds containing these groups are more stable in acids 
than are the salts of weak acids, such as stearic acid and the other 
members of the fatty acids which are the basis of ordinary soaps. 
Moreover, the calcium and magnesium salts of sulfated, sulfonated, and 
similar compounds are more readily soluble than calcium and mag- 
nesium soaps. 

Sulfonated and Sulfated Compounds as Detergents. The sul- 
fonated oils are numerous, and include both straight-chain and aromatic 
compounds. They have a wide application as wetting agents, because 
they penetrate textile fibers, and are stable in acid solutions. Hence 
they can be used in dyeing operations in acid solutions, in which soaps 
are unstable. Most of them form relatively soluble magnesium and cal- 
cium salts, and are stable in acid solutions, but they do not meet all 
of the other requirements for a detergent, in that they are low in dirt 
removal. Recently there has been introduced a group of sulfated 
compounds which are good detergents, and which have the other 
desirable properties of the sulfonated oils. These are now marketed by 
a number of American firms under various trade names. 

Sulfated Alcohols, The sulfated alcohols are sulfuric esters of the 
straight-chain fatty alcohols, containing from 8 to 19 carbon atoms in 
the chain, and sometimes more. These are produced by a hydrogena- 

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tion process, in which high temperatures and pressures cause the 
hydrogen to react with the carboxyl group in the fatty acid molecule; 
this reaction reduces the fatty acid either to the alcohol ( — CH2OH), or 
to the hydrocarbon ( — CH3) group, according to the temperature, 
pressure, and other conditions which are maintained during the reaction. 
This process differs from the older hydrogenation methods, in which 
relatively low temperatures and pressures were maintained, and. in 
which hydrogen was applied only at the double bond, with no change 
in other parts of the molecule. 

The sulfated alcohols have certain characteristics in common, although 
they differ from each other in certain properties according to the length 
of the carbon chains. The lower members of this group of compounds, 
which are called hymolal salts, are good detergents, while those of 
the longer chains are poor detergents but good wetting agents. 

The following formulas represent the principal components of three 
representative sulfated alcohols: 

(1) Sodium lauryl sulfate: CH3(CH2)ioCH20S03Na. 

(2) Sodium octadecyl sulfate : CH3(CH2)i6CH20S03Na. 

(3) Sodium oleyl sulfate: CH3(CH2)7CH: CH(CH2)7CH20S03- 


The first of these is made by hydrogenating coconut or palm kernel 
oils, which are then fractionally distilled. The sodium salts of these 
and of similar alcohols are marketed as detergents in this country under 
such trade names as gardinol WA, Gardinol LS, gardinol CA, Orvus, 
and Dreft. These products yield insoluble calcium and magnesium salts 
below 100° F. This is not a serious handicap, however, since these 
salts are soluble at the temperatures most frequently used in washing. 
The second of the sodium alcohol soaps, for which formulas are given 
above, has some value as a detergent, but is chiefly useful as a wetting 
agent. It is made by the high pressure-high temperature hydrogena- 
tion of sperm, tallow, or vegetable oils, and can be used satisfactorily 
only in water solutions above 130° F., because its calcium and mag- 
nesium salts are insoluble below this point. The third of the salts is 
made from sperm oil. Products of this range of molecular construction 
serve chiefly as wetting and finishing agents in textile and allied 

The early work on sulfated alcohols was done by many people in 
different places. Among these should be mentioned H. Berth of the Ger- 
man firm of H. T. Bohme, A. G., who was the first to point out that the 
carboxyl group in detergents must be eliminated or blocked, for reasons 
already mentioned. Killeffer "^ presented the following brief discussion 
of the early history of the high temperature-high pressure hydrogena- 
tion reactions to which reference has previously been made : "In 1931 
Adkins and Folkers ^ published two papers describing, respectively, the 
preparation of a hydrogenation catalyst, and the use of this catalyst in 
the direct hydrogenation of aliphatic acids to the corresponding alcohols 
having the same number of carbon atoms. Shortly thereafter, Schrauth, 

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Schenck, and Stickdorn,®' ^^ Deutsche Hydrierwerke, A. G., published a 
paper describing their method of accomplishing the same result and 
referring to patent applications previously made by them in Germany 
in 1928. Normann ^^ also published a paper on the process, pointing out 
the possibility of control of the product (alcohol or ester) by controlling 
the temperatures. In 1932, a patent was issued in the United States 
to Lazier ^^ describing a similar method of hydrogenation with the rather 
specific idea of hydrogenating to secure esters simultaneously with the 
alcohols. Between 1928 and 1931 the commercial development of 
these fatty alcohol derivatives proceeded abroad and numerous patents 
were issued to cover them. . . ." 

The literature in this country on the sulfated alcohols has become 
voluminous, and therefore only a few recent contributions will be men- 
tioned. The place of sulfonated and sulfated alcohols in the detergency 
and textile processing industries was discussed by Harvey ^^ at the 
1935 meeting of the American Association of Textile Chemists and 
Colorists. The analytical properties of the commercial sulfated alcohols 
have been investigated and reported by Biffen and Snell.^^ Sunder- 
land 1^ discussed the manufacture, properties and applications of these 
products in a series of recent articles. Richardson ^® gave some details 
concerning the manufacture of sulfated alcohols, and stated that in the 
United States the E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company and The 
Proctor and Gamble Company hold licenses from Bohme and Hydrier- 
werke in Germany for the manufacture and sale of the sulfonated and 
sulfated alcohols covered by the patents of the latter firms. 

Igepons. A second group of important new detergents includes 
the Igepons. These are best known in two forms — Igepon A, and 
Igepon T. The former is made by producing the sodium salt of a 
compound formed when isethionic acid combines with oleic acid or its 
derivatives. It has been found to be a good detergent, neutral in 
reaction, stable in acids of moderate concentration, but decomposed by 
strong acids, or on long contact even with weak acids. The term 
Igepon was coined from the first initials of the German combine which 
introduced these products — ^the I. G. Farbenindustrie Akt.-Ges. — ^the 
"A" being the first letter of the German word for the acid used in 
making it — namely, isethionic (German, aethionic) acid. 

The lack of stability of Igepon A in alkalies or in strong acids led 
to the production of Igepon T, the '*T'* indicating that tauric acid was 
used in making it. The two Igepons are similar in properties except 
for the fact that Igepon T is more stable in acid and alkaline solutions. 
The formulas of these two substances are the following: 

Igepon A: CH3(CH2)7CH:CH(CHo)7COOCH2CH2S03Na . 
Igepon T: CH3(CH2)7CH: CH(CH2)7CON(CH3)CH2CH2S03Na 

These formulas illustrate the commonly used term "blocking the 
carboxyl group." In the first instance the hydrogen of the carboxyl 

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group is replaced by a group which itself contains a polar solubilizing 
group, while in the second case, the ( — OH) of the carboxyl group 
is similarly replaced. 

Sweet ^"^ discussed the compounds and uses of the Igepons. Lederer ^^ 
described the results of tests on these compounds, which include solu- 
bility in water and organic compounds, density of aqueous solutions, 
viscosity, surface and interfacial tensions, foam number, and foam con- 
sistency. Niisslein i®' ^o, 21 described the performance of the Igepons 
in actual use, and gave a history of their development. In this country, 
the Igepons are marketed by various firms : Syntex is a trade name for 
Igepon T sold by Colgate Palmolive Peet, and various Igepons are dis- 
tributed by General Dyestuffs. 

Miscellaneous New Detergents. A wide variety of new deter- 
gents is being proposed or sold in the United States and abroad, all of 
which are having some influence on practices in the field of detergency. 
Naphthenic compounds, prepared from the naphthenes recovered from 
certain petroleums, have been studied and used, chiefly in Russia 22 and 
Japan.^'"^ Sulfonated naphthalene compounds ^^ are marketed as soap 
substitutes because of their wetting, dissolving, and dispersing proper- 
ties. A discussion of sulfonated hydrocarbons as detergents is given 
in Chapter 46 of the recent book by Ellis entitled **The Chemistry of 
Petroleum Derivatives" (New York, The Chemical Catalogfue Com- 
pany, 1934). Nekal BX, the sodium salt of a naphthalene sulfonic acid 
with side chains, is an agent of this type. Other products marketed 
under the trade names **Nekal," "Alkanol," and "Neomerpin N" are sub- 
stances of similar kind, the latter of which is the free acid instead of 
the sodium salt. Other agents which assist in soil removal because of 
their wetting and emulsifying properties have been prepared from 
related hydrogenated products, such as tetralin. 

In some of the new detergents which have been proposed, or actually 
placed on the market, phosphates or halides have been inserted either 
as substitutes for the sulfate group, or to increase the polarity of the 
compound, or for both purposes. Thus, the H. T. Bohme A. G.,^^ in 
Germany, has patented a wide variety of esters of pyrophosphoric acid 
with the higher aliphatic alcohols, in which the phosphate groups have 
replaced the sulfate groups. 

The Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation,^^ in America, has 
patented a cleansing, wetting, impregnating, and emulsifying agent 
made from methyl isobutyl ketone and ethylhexaldehyde, having this 
formula ( CH3 ) 2CHCH2COCH2CHOHCH ( C2H5 ) C4H9. Baldwin 
and Davidson,2'^ in England have patented a group of ethers produced 
by the reaction of an alcohol, such as cetyl, dodecyl, or oleyl, with an 
aliphatic or aralkyl halide, such as benzyl chloride, in the presence of 
aluminum powder and magnesia or chalk. When heated, and when 
treated with chlorosulfonic acid, the compounds formed are sulfonated 
products with good detergent properties. 

Calcott and Clarkson ^s have patented a series of detergents of the gen- 

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eral formula: C„(OH)„_iH„^2NRiR,2 where n is five or six, R^ is an 
aliphatic radical having an open chain of at least eight carbon atoms, 
and R2 is a hydrogen atom or an aliphatic radical. These compoimds 
are obtained by a process which comprises the reaction of an aliphatic 
halide having an open chain of at least eight carbon atoms with an amine 
of the general formula CnHn+2(OH)n_iNXY, related to a 5- or 6-carbon 
sugar. An example of such a compound formed from glucose and lauryl 
alcohol would have the formula Ci2H25NHCH2(CHOH)4CH20H. 

Aliphatic sulfonamides,^^ sulfonated dicarboxylic acids,30 pine oil 
preparations, and terpineol sulfate are among the other detergents 
which have recently been proposed or introduced. Such compounds as 
phenylphenol sulfate, under such trade names as Aresket, Aresklene, 
and Areskap, also have been developed. 

Chemical Tests of Detergents. Space does not permit a complete 
review of all of the chemical tests for various ingredients in soaps and 
detergents proposed or used in this country before the close of 1935. 
Mention should be made, however, of the fact that Hart,^! acting as 
Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Sulfonated Oils of the American 
Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, reported on tests for 
sulfonated and sulfated oils during 1935, which indicates that there is 
increasing interest in reagents of these types in this country. 

Practical Tests for Detergency. Chemical analysis of a deter- 
gent is an insufficient method of evaluating its cleansing properties. An 
actual washing test is necessary, either in addition to, or instead of, 
chemical tests. These involve the use of standard soiled and standard 
white fabrics which possess homogeniety of initial light reflectancy, and 
which come to have the same final light reflectancy after the same 
washing treatment. In 1927, the Subcommittee of the American Oil 
Chemists Society ^^ made a report on its work on practical washing 
tests. In this report, a standard soiled fabric was proposed which con- 
sisted of a piece of cotton sheeting which was desized and treated with 
a soiling mixture of lubricating oil, edible tallow, and lampblack. A 
method of evaluating the results was proposed, and a machine suitable 
for making washing tests was described. The method recommended 
by this Committee evidently was not widely accepted, since we find 
many investigations with different types of soiled pieces, and different 
methods of evaluating and reporting results. Thus, Chapin ^^ used a 
cotton fabric soiled with an ointment of lampblack and vaseline, lard, 
or medicinal oil He employed a special instrument and evaluated his 
results by the use of a colorimeter used as a reflectometer. 

Rhodes and Brainard ^^ measured the detergency of soaps of various 
concentrations directly under practical laundry conditions. Hill ^^ 
made a study of the comparative performances of various possible con- 
stituents of a soiling mixture, and adopted a preparation containing 
Oildag, olive oil, tallow, and mineral oil. He stated that this contained 
the chief constituents of general soil, with the exception of albuminous 
matter. He omitted the latter because it would have made necessary a 

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relatively low maximum temperature during the experimental pro- 
cedure. He found that weighing the soiled piece before and after 
laundering did not give a satisfactory measure of soil removal, and he 
therefore adopted a photometric method. He used a small agitator t)^e 
of washing machine in his tests. 

Vail 3^ stated that the trend in soiling tests was in favor of simple 
pigments. He described two possible methods of making soiled fabric 
— one in which umber in a water suspension was applied to a white 
fabric by passing the fabric back and forth through a clothes wringer, 
and the other by applying umber in a water suspension in a launder-o- 

Morgan ^^ described a standard soiled fabric made by the application 
to desized white cotton of 3 grams of Russian tallow, 10 grams of 
Nujol, and 2 grams of lampblack, suspended in 2000 c.c. of carbon 
tetrachloride. Tests were made in a miniature washwheel with results 
which showed the sensitivity of this fabric. Carter and Stericker ^7 used 
carbon black, burnt umber, and raw umber or ferric oxide as an inert 
soil in testing the comparative soil-removal values of various soaps 
and soap builders. 

Oesterling and Mack^® have worked for a number of years on the 
efficiencies of the standard soiled fabrics described in the literature, and 
have developed as a result a fabric which now has considerable use in 
laundry research. This fabric is desized with an amylolytic enzyme, 
and is soiled in a standard manner with carbon black of definite particle 
size, motor oil of definite specifications and melted Crisco in a bath 
of Stoddard solvent. The fabric is treated with the soiling substances 
in a Stoddard solvent bath, and is rinsed in a Stoddard solvent solution 
containing Crisco and motor oil of the same concentration as in the 
soiling bath. The fabric is then dried, washed with soap and water, 
and rinsed in a definite manner after which it is again dried. Test 
specimens from each square yard of fabric are examined by means of a 
light reflectancy spectrophotometer, and only those pieces are retained 
which have a definite percentage initial light reflectancy with a toler- 
ance of =•= 1 percent. In addition, test samples from each square yard 
are given a standard washing test, and only those soiled pieces are 
retained which show a specified increase in light reflectancy as a result 
of the treatment. The authors have found that results with this test 
piece are duplicated within narrow limits of error (provided that tests 
are based on a 50- wash procedure) that the piece is sensitive to slight 
changes in the washing formula, and that results with the test piece 
are in accord with practical results in a commercial laundry. 

Factors Involved in Detergency. A satisfactory detergent must 
perform a number of functions, of which the following are important: 
(1) it must wet the fabric or surface to be washed; (2) it must wet 
the various types of soil which are to be removed from the surface, 
such as inert soil and oily substances; and (3) it must form a stable 
emulsion of these soils so as to prevent their re-deposition on the sur- 

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face from which they have been removed. Fall ^o presented a critical 
resume of the conditions suggested by different investigators as enter- 
ing into detergent action, and employed various ones of these on differ- 
ent types of soap and soap builders. 

Surface and Interfacial Tensions. The tensiometer of duNoiiy ^®» 
^1' ^2 i^as been used by various American investigators to determine the 
surface and interfacial tensions of detergents. In most studies of this 
type, the instrument is calibrated against analytical v^eights, and the 
calibration is tested by determining the surface tensions of water and 
benzene, using the ring corrections of Harkins and Jordan.^^ Cupples *^ 
in 1935 published the results of a very thorough investigation on the 
use of the duNoiiy tensiometer to find the wetting and spreading proper- 
ties of aqueous solutions. Although he was interested primarily in 
dipping and spraying solutions, he used sodium oleate and oleic acid- 
sodium hydroxide mixtures in a series of experiments which should be 
of interest to the scientist who is determining spreading coefficients of 

The falling drop method continues to be used as a measure of inter- 
facial tension. One of the most recent American works in which this 
method is described is that of Snell,^^ in which the interfacial tensions 
were determined by falling drops of water in oil, and by rising drops 
of oil in water. 

Adhesion Tension Studies. Ostcrhof and Bartell ^® made an 
attempt to correlate the views expressed by different investigators and 
writers on the wetting of solids by liquids. They classified wetting into 
three types — namely, adhesional, spreading, and immersional wetting. 
They suggested that adhesion tension be adopted as a term to designate 
degree of wetting, and suggested that apparent differences in conclu- 
sions of investigators could be harmonized if the nomenclature in the 
field were clarified. Bartell and Walton '*^ gave various tests for 
determining the degree of wetting of solids by liquids. They found 
that data on settling properties for certain powders dispersed through 
liquids agreed with adhesion tensions as determined by the pressure 
displacement method. It is possible that the methods developed by 
Bartell could be applied in determining the wetting of soils and of 

Miscellaneous Measurements. The viscosity of soap solutions is 
measured in some laboratories, as an indication of the particle size of 
the soaps. Viscosity may also play an important part in the stability 
of the emulsions formed from oily material in the soil and the soap 
or detergent. 

A sinking time test for wetting agents was introduced by Draves and 
Clarkson,^^ in" which the time required for a standard skein of cotton to 
sink in a solution of the reagent was recorded under a specified set of 
conditions. The effect of variations of temperature, />H, and other 
conditions on the sinking time were studied by the authors of the test, 
and the relationship between sinking time and surface tension was 

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investigated. The relationship between sinking time and concentration 
of the agent was found to be logarithmic. Although it is not entirely 
clear what property or properties the method measures, it is apparently 
a convenient empirical criterion which has become widely used. 

Lenher and Smith, on the other hand,^^ pointed out that the Draves 
sinking time method does not measure the penetration of the fiber by 
the solution, and proposed an absorption test for determining the effi- 
ciency of a penetrating agent. 

The de flocculating power of soaps is associated with the formation 
of sorption complexes and suspensions by a combination of soil par- 
ticles with the detergent. This determines whether or not soil, after 
removal from a surface, will be kept in a stable suspension, or whether 
it will floccculate and be redeposited on the surface. McBain, Har- 
bome, and King ^^ developed and standardized a method for the rapid, 
direct measurement of the amount of finely-divided carbon which 
various soap solutions carry through filter paper. The work of these 
authors showed that a slight variation in conditions resulted in 
changes in deflocculating power of the detergent under examination. 
Chapin ^^' ^2, 53 proposed and used a graphite test for investigating the 
fundamental principles of deflocculation in relation to detergency. 
Fall 3^ used manganese dioxide in studies on deflocculation, and others 
have used umber and rouge. 

Theories Concerning the Action of Detergents. McBain and his 
co-workers have published extensively in the field of detergency from 
1911 to the present time. McBain and Taylor ^^ studied the solubility 
of detergents in water, their colloidal behavior,, and their degree of 
hydrolysis. McBain and Martin ^^ determined the dissociation product 
and other fundamental properties of alkalies and soaps. McBain ^® 
drew a number of conclusions from previous work on the constitution 
and hydrolysis of soap solutions, the composition of soap curd, the 
osmotic properties and viscosities of soap solutions, and the mechanism 
of soap behavior toward soil. He further showed the comparative 
behavior of sodium and potassium soaps at 18° and 90° C, and the 
influence on properties of the position in the homologous series occu- 
pied by the fatty acid radicals in soaps. 

McBain and Salmon ^'^ determined the molecular weights of sodium, 
potassium, and ammonium soaps, and concluded that the metallic ion 
was the only crystalloid constituent of a soap, the negative radical 
being an ionic micelle, made up of normal soap and acid soap. They 
reported, also, that the addition of electrolytes to soap solutions caused 
dehydration and a reduction of the proportion of the ionic micelle. 
Further evidence favoring the theory of the ionic micelle is given by 
McBain,^^ and by McBain and Bowden.^^ The last two authors 
reported the results of studies on migration in soap solutions, trans- 
port numbers, and ultrafiltration. 

McBain ^^ reported results on measurements of electromotive force 
in soap solutions, ultrafiltration, osmotic pressure, and change in freez- 

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ing and boiling points in solution, which showed that the hydroxyl ion 
exerts only a very minor influence on the action of soap solutions, and 
that the activity of soaps can therefore not be attributed to hydrolysis. 
The results of their tests were believed to confirm further the ionic 
micelle theory. 

McBain ^^ used the hydrogen electrode to study the rate of saponifi- 
cation of soaps; McBain and McBain ®2 studied the scattering effect 
of pure sodium oleate sols and gels ; McBain, Lazarus, and Fitter ^ 
determined the effect of temperature upon equilibrium in soap solu- 
tions ; McBain and Liu ®'* determined the rate of diffusion of potassium 
laurate by means of the Northrop diffusion cell ; McBain and Field ®^ 
studied the system potassium laurate-Iauric acid over a wide range of 
temperatures and by several different methods ; McBain and Field ®® 
found two definite crystalline compounds in the system sodium palmi- 
tate-palmitic acid — ^namely, Na . HF and 2NaF . HP, and also deter- 
mined the transition temperatures and the eutectic point; McBain and 
Stewart ^''^ similarly investigated the system potassium oleate-oleic acid. 
McBain ®^ determined the diffusion behavior of soaps in relation to 
osmotic pressures and other properties. 

McBain and Watts ^^ observed the viscosities of soap solutions and 
explained the results in terms of two kinds of cohesion within the 
solution. McBain and McBain '^^ developed a formula for the con- 
centration gradient of a neutral molecule or a primary colloid at the 
isoelectric point. McBain, Kawakami, and Lucas '^^ studied the ultra- 
filtration of potassium laurate solutions with special reference to hydra- 
tion. They found that, when electroljrtes were used as reference sub- 
stances, a Donnan equilibrium was superimposed upon the filtration 
effect. They found also that, for high concentrations of ions, the hydra- 
tion is 12 moles of water for one of potassium laurate. 

McBain and Field '''^ mapped out phase rule diagrams for three- 
component systems of potassium laurate-Iauric acid-water, and studied 
the equilibrium conditions of the system. McBain, Bull, and Staddon '^^ 
demonstrated the presence of bound water in the soap curd, and deter- 
mined the amounts of water present in the hydrates of sodium palmitate 
and other soaps. McBain '^^ included soap in a discussion of the char- 
acteristic factors of the colloidal state. 

Lawrence '^^ presented evidence which seemed to show that the 
behavior of soap is due to two effects in the molecule : ( 1 ) the carboxyl 
group with its attraction for water, and (2) the hydrocarbon group 
with its insolubility in water. Lawrence '^^ gave further evidence which 
seemed to show that ordinary soap films do not have a colloidal struc- 
ture, but consist of a pair of surface layers of adsorbed, molecularly 
dispersed soap, enclosing between them a true soap solution. He stated 
that the formation of a stable soap film required (1) the lowering of 
the surface tension of water to one third its normal value by the for- 
mation of an oriented, adsorbed layer of soap, and (2) the formation 

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of such a layer which has an effective, lateral, cohesive strength greater 
than the disruptive force of the residual surface tension. In a later 
paper, Lawrence '^'^ reviewed the properties of soap micelles. 

Johnson '^^ considered the mechanism of detergent action from the 
points of view of wetting, deflocculation, emulsification, and solution, 
and compared some common detergents on these bases. 

Spychalski '^^ gave confirmation to the idea of a crystalline micelle 
by spinning various sodium salts of fatty acids into threads under ten- 
sion, and examining the threads by means of x-rays. The x-ray dia- 
grams indicated that the micelles have a crystalline structure which is 
not disrupted even by intensive drying, and that the water in the 
hydrate filled only the interstices of the fiber. He calculated the space 
lattice of the micelles, and concluded that the micelles have the form 
of rectangular prisms with the longest edge parallel to the fiber axis. 

Bertsch ^^ found that, when sodium oleate is dissolved in water, the 
( — COONa) groups of the surface layer are oriented toward the 
interior, while the rest of the hydrocarbon chain is directed toward 
the exterior. 

Bartell and Hershberger ^^ studied the degree of wetting of a solid 
by a liquid, and related this and other properties to the polarity of the 

Tate ^^ found that detergency in salts of fatty acids is limited to 
a narrow range of molecular weight of the hydrocarbon chain. If the 
alkali group constitutes too great or too insignificant a proportion of 
the molecular weight of the compound, the relation of the water- solu- 
bility and -insolubility of the two parts of the molecule is not satisfac- 
tory, or in other words, the compound does not possess the desired 
degree of polarity. ^ 

Soap Builders. There are four chieitypes of alkaline builders, 
or alkaline reagents used to improve the detergency of soaps in water 
washing. These are carbonates, silicates, phosphates, and caustic soda. 
To these might be added a less common fifth type — namely, sodium 
aluminum silicate. The carbonates used are soda ash, sodium bicar- 
bonate, and sodium sesquicarbonate. The silicates include water glass, 
sodium metasilicate, and sodium sesqui silicate (or orthosilicate), the 
last of which was recently introduced. It contains 36.9 percent sodium 
oxide, 23.8 percent silicon dioxide, and 39.3 percent water, as compared 
with 29.2 percent sodium oxide, 28.3 percent silicon dioxide, and 42.4 
percent water in metasilicate. The advantages of sesquisilicate are its 
increased alkalinity and its ready solubility. 

Experimental results on the detergent properties of the alkaline 
builders differ from one investigation to another, because methods, of 
test are not standardized, and because conclusions have been based on 
widely different tests without definite knowledge of the significance of 
each. The comparative detergency efficiencies of various builders have 
recently been investigated in washing tests by Snell,^^' ^^ Rayner,^^ 
Carter and Stericker,^^ and Morgan.^^' ^^ The deflocculating proper- 

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ties of various alkaline builders have been studied by Carter,^^ Baker,^^ 
and Snell.^^ Vail ^^ discussed the various silicates with relation to 
their detergency at a meeting of the American Institute of Chemical 
Engineers, in New Orleans, 1930. Rhodes and Bascom ^^ investigated 
the detergency of alkaline builders quantitatively, both alone and com- 
bined with soaps. 

Sodium Hexaphosphate in Hard Water. The recent introduc- 
tion of sodium hexametaphosphate (NaP03)6 has placed ordinary soap 
on a parity with the fatty alcohol sulfates and the Igepons for use in 
hard water, since this compound ties up calcium and magnesium in 
complex ions and prevents them from forming insoluble calcium and 
magnesium soaps. Gilmore ^^ described the method of making sodium 
hexametaphosphate (known in the textile industry as '*Calgon") by 
heating monosodium phosphate (NaH2P04) to form (Na2P207). 
Further heating at a low temperature converts the latter to sodium 
metaphosphate (NaPOg). Upon heating this to redness, it polymerizes 
into the hexametaphosphate. The />H value of this compound is about 
5.5 in dilute solution. The present trend in the use of this reagent is 
as an adjuvant in every type of cleaning which is conducted in hard 
water. The applications of sodium hexametaphosphate as an assistant 
in the textile industry is described by Bell.®^ 

Enzymes as Detergents. Enzymes have had some use in gen- 
eral laundry procedure in Germany ^® for a number of years. In the 
old detachable collar days in this country, amylolytic enzymes were 
employed in some laundries to remove starch and simplify laundering. 
At present, however, the use of enzymes in laundering and drycleaning 
is restricted to the employment of proteolytic enzymes for the removal 
of blood and other albuminous stains in hand stain removal processes. 

Keeney and Mack ^^ condracted laboratory and practical tests in which 
standard soiled fabrics coated with starch and with albuminous stains 
were treated with amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes, alone and 
together, in one of the baths of a recommended laundry procedure. 
Amyloljrtic enzymes were found to improve detergency efficiencies in 
the case of starched fabrics, and proteolytic enzymes assisted in remov- 
ing soil by digesting albuminous stains, provided that conditions of 
concentration, /)H, and temperature were suitable for the enzyme in 

Powers ^^ gave the optimal conditions for the action of certain 
enzymes, and discussed methods of measuring enzyme activity. 

Nopitsch^® investigated the effect of enzymes on the strength of 
cotton fabrics and concluded that there was no evidence of cellulose 
destruction throughout his work. Keeney and Mack^^ extended his 
investigations to include a larger number of enzymes under a wide 
variety of conditions of time, temperature, /)H, and concentration, and 
found no case in which the loss in breaking strength of a cotton fabric 
was greater when enzymes were present than when they were absent, 
all other conditions of the test being similar. 

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Bleaching Agents. Bleaching agents, principally sodium hypo- 
chlorite and similar reagents, have long been used in American laundry 
practice. Contrary to the popular belief, they are of no value in gen- 
eral soil removal, although they are effective in the removal of vari- 
ous stains, and to some extent in the maintenance of the whiteness of 
white fabrics. The destructive action which sodium hypochlorite 
exerts on textile fibers has eliminated its use with protein fibers, and 
has made its application to the cellulose fibers one which calls for 
extreme care. 

The shortcoming of the chlorine bleaches just mentioned has opened 
up two important lines of research in this field: (1) investigations of 
the ideal conditions for using the chlorine bleaches; and (2) searches 
for chlorine bleach substitutes. 

A study of the strength losses in cotton fabrics under a wide variety 
of conditions was made at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.^^*^ 
The influence of chlorine bleaches on the whiteness and breaking 
strength of fabrics was studied at the American Institute of Launder- 
ing.^^^ Oesterling and Mack^^ have found that the />H of a bleach 
bath has a great influence on the degree of degradation of cellulose, the 
breakdown being very small at high />H values, and very great when the 
/>H is low. They found that chlorine bleach baths made in a large 
variety of ways, either from sodium or calcium salts, were similar in 
their effect on the breaking strength of fabric, if the chlorine concen- 
tration, the />H, and other conditions were the same. They found fur- 
ther that moderately low temperatures (110 to 140° F.) and low con- 
centrations of chlorine were as effective (in stain removal and white- 
ness retention), as higher temperatures, while causing only small losses 
in fabric strength. They also found that increase in breaking strength 
losses of a fabric showed a numerical relationship to copper number 
of the fabric, which indicates that the loss in strength is due in con- 
siderable measure to chemical breakdown within the fiber. 

Among the substitutes for chlorine bleaches which have been pro- 
posed, or actually introduced into practice in this country, are sodium 
hydrosulfate, hydrogen peroxide, and various borates. Keeney and 
Mack ^'^ found that sodium hydrosulfate produced insignificant losses in 
the strength of cotton under a considerable variety of conditions, but 
was unsatisfactory as a laundry bleaching agent because of its yellowing 
effect upon fabrics. Oesterling, Mack, Krawiec, and Ebert, in unpub- 
lished work done at The Pennsylvania State College, have investigated 
hydrogen peroxide as a laundry bleach through a wide range of con- 
ditions, and have found that it is more effective in stain removal and 
whiteness retention than chlorine bleaches of similar concentration, 
and that it causes a smaller degree of breakdown in cotton than is 
caused by the other type of bleach. It may also be used, with proper 
precautions, on wool and silk fabrics, and on certain dyes. Its use 
requires care, however, and there is a definite concentration, tempera- 
ture, pliy and time range within which it is most satisfactory. Various 

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borates and perborates have been investigated as bleaching agents 
abroad,i®2 which have a limited application in laundry and drycleaning 
practice in this country. Bleaches of the borate and perborate type are 
being studied at present in various American laboratories to determine 
their possible utility for large-scale laundry use. 

Discussion. A survey of the literature in the field of detergents 
and detergency shows that a vast amount of valuable data has been 
accumulated by American investigators working in this field during 
the past few years. It is frequently difficult to relate the data of one 
investigator with that of another, however, because of the following 
facts: (1) there is no uniformly accepted standard procedure for the 
practical measurement of detergency; (2) methods of making chemical 
and physical tests on detergents have not been standardized; and (3) 
there is no agreement among investigators as to the significance of 
chemical and physical tests after they have been made. Too frequently, 
an investigator assumes that one or two measurements give all of the 
information necessary about a certain detergent. The factors involved 
are not simple, however, and several t)rpes of chemical and physical 
tests must be made and interpreted in order to explain the behavior of 
a detergent in practical tests. 

The chemical and physical tests on detergents which have been 
emphasized in the literature include the following: surface, interfacial, 
and adhesion tension; emulsion number and foam number, or height 
of suds ; deflocculation ; penetration, sinking time of fibrous material in 
a solution of the detergent; lubrication, and absorption; viscosity of 
solutions of the detergent; solubility and solubilizing effect of the 
detergent; />H; and chemical stability. 

Surface tension has been used by some investigators as a measure of 
the activity of the detergent. Actually, a low surface tension is merely 
indicative of strong surface or capillary active substances, and does not 
necessarily denote that the substance has other properties required in a 
detergent. Adhesion tension seems to be directly related to surface 
tension, while interfacial tension depends upon the polarity as well as 
the type of groups in the molecule of the detergent. The emulsifica- 
tion of oil by a detergent depends upon a low interfacial tension, while 
the foam number depends upon the surface tension, the type of micelle, 
and other factors. The balance between the surface tension of oil, the 
surface of the solution of the detergent, and the interfacial tension 
between the two determines the spreading coefficient, and shows 
whether one liquid will spread over or wet another. 

Good detergents apparently have the property of dispersing and 
suspending particles of soil, and they form films of sufficient viscosity 
to produce stable emulsions. The viscosity of a solution of a deter- 
gent also features in the ease of preparation and convenience of 
handling soap solutions. Lubrication, penetration, and absorption of 
detergents appear to play a part in the displacement of soil in fibers, 
and the production of a clean fabric with certain desirable properties 

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as to finish. At the same time, absorption is important in its relation 
to the rate at which the detergent is removed from the bath. Such 
factors as /^H and chemical stability are important also. 

The evaluation of the properties just discussed, either singly or in 
combination, must depend upon parallel washing tests in which soil 
removal from fabrics and whiteness retention are determined. 

The author wishes to thank Lawrence P. Hall for invaluable assis- 
tance in the writing of this chapter, and Mary D. Caulk for helpful 
assistance with the bibliography. 


1. Gugclman, L. M., Am. Dyestuff Reptr., 24: 593, 607 (1935). 

2. Ittncr, M. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 18: 908 (1926). 

3. Ittncr, M. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 756 (1935). 

4. Duncan, R. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 24 (1934). 

5. Schrauth, W., Seifensieder-Ztg., 58: 61 (1931). 

6. Schrauth, W., Angew. Chem., 46: 459 (1933). 

7. Killeffer, D. H.. Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 138 (1933). 

8. Adkins, H., and Folkers, K., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 53: 1095 (1931). 

9. Schrauth, W., Schenck, O., and Stickdorn, K., Ber., 64B: 1314 (1931). 

10. Schrauth, W., Schenck, O., and Stickdorn, K., German Patent Applications D56471 

IV/120 (August 30, 1928), and D56488 IV/120 (September 4, 1928). 

11. Nermann, W., Z. angew. Chem., 44: 714 (1931). 

12. Lazier, W. A., U. S. Patent 1,839,974 (Jan. 5, 1932). 

13. Harvey, N. D., Jr., Proc. Am. Assoc. Textile Chem. Colorists 1935: 290; Am. 

Dyestuff Reptr., 24: 508 (1935). 

14. Biflfen, F. M., and Snell, F. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 234 (1935). 

15. Sunderland, A. E., Soap, U, no. 10: 61; no. 11: 61; no. 12: 67; (1935). 

16. Richardson, A. S., OU and Soap, U, No. 1: 10 (1934). 

17. Sweet, H. A., Soap, 10: 55, 65 (1934); Am. Dyestuff Reptr., 23: 198 (1934). 

18. Lcderer, E. L., Angew. Chem., 47: 119 (1934). 

19. Niisslein, J., /. Soc. Dyers Colourists, 47: 309 (1931). 

20. Nusslcin, J., Melliand TexHlber., 13: 27 (1932). 

21. Nusslcin, J., Melliand Textilber., 16: 49 (1935). 

22. Bontoux, E., Mat. grasses, 4: 2156 (1911). 

23. Mikumo, J., /. Soc. Chem. Ind. Japan, 28: 1121 (1925). 

24. Noll. A. Seifensieder-Ztg., 54: 843, 860 (1927). 

25. H. T. Bohme, A-G., Fr. Pat. 772,787 (Nov. 6, 1934). 

26. Carbide and Carbon Chem. Corp., Fr. Pat. 782,835 (June 12, 1935). 

27. Baldwin, A. W., and Davidson, A., U. S. Pat. 1,999,315 (April 30. 1935). 

28. Calcott, W. S., and Clarkson, R. G., U. S. Pat. 2,016,956 (Oct. 8, 1935). 

29. I. G. Farbenind., A.-G., British Pat. 415,457 (Jan. 26. 1935). 

30. The Selden Company, French Pat. 776,495 (Jan. 26, 1935). 

31. Hart, R., Am. Dyestuff Reptr^ 24: 284 (1935). ' 

32. Hoyt, L. F., et. al.. Oil and Fat Ind., 3: 156 (1927). 

33. Chapin, R. M., Oil and Fat Ind., 5, No. 7: 208 (1928). 

34. Rhodes, F. H., and Brainard, S. W.. Ind. Eng. Chem., 21: 60 (1929). 

35. Hill, A. Elizabeth, /. Agr. Research, 39: 539 (1929). 

36. Vail, J. G., Soap, 7. No. 3: 29 (1935). 

37. Morgan, O. M., Can. J. Research, 6: 292 (1932). 

38. Ocstcrling, J. F., Thesis (Master of Science), The Pennsylvania State College, 

June, 1935. 

39. Fall, P. H., /. Phys. Chem., 31: 801 (1927). 

40. du Nouy, P. L., /. Phys. radium, 6: 145 (1925). 

41. du Nouy, P. L., Nature, 129: 278 (1932). 

42. du Nouy, P. L., Nature, 131: 689 (1933). 

43. Harkins, W. D., and Jordan, H. F., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 52: 1751 (1930). 

44. Cupples, H. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1219 (1935). 

45. Snell, F. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 24: 1051 (1932). 

•46. Osterhof, H. J., and Bartell, F. E., /. Phys. Chem., 34: 1399 (1930). 

47. Bartell, F. E., and Walton, C. W., Jr.. /. Phys. Chem.. 38: 503 (1934). 

48. Draves, C. Z., and Clarkson, R. G., Proc. Am. Assoc. Textile Chem. Colorists, 

1931: 109; Am. Dyestuff Reptr., 20: 201 (1931). 

49. Lenher, S., and Smith, J. E., Am. Dyestuff Reptr., 22: 689, 717 (1933). 

50. McBain, J. W., Harborne, R. S., and King, A. M., /. Soc. Chem. Ind., 42: 373T 


51. Chapin, R. M., Ind. Eng. Chem., 17: 1187 (1925). 

52. Chapin, R. M., Oil and Fat Industries, 4: 210 (1927). 

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53. Chapin, R. M., Ind. Eng. Chem., 18: 1313 (1926). 

54. McBain, T. W., and Taylor, M., Z. physik. Chem., 76: 179 (1911). 

55. McBain, J. W., and Martin, H. E., /. Chem. Soc, 105: 957 (1914). 

56. McBain, T. W., /. Soc. Chem. Ind., 37: 249T (1918). 

57. McBain, J. W., and Salmon, C. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 42: 426 (1920). 

58. McBain, J. W., Rept. Brit. Assoc. Advancement Set.. 1922: 360. 

59. McBain, J. W., and Bowden, R. C, /. Chem. Soc, 123: 2417 (1923). 

60. McBain, J. W., Am. Dyestuff Reptr., 12: 822 (1923). 

61. McBain, J. W., Chem. Ape (London), 11: 462 (1924). 

62. McBain, M. E. L., and McBain, J. W., Nature, 125: 125 (1930). 

63. McBain, J. W., Lazarus, L. H., and Fitter, A. V., Z. physik. Chem., Abt. A. 147: 

87 (1930). 

64. McBain, J. W., and Liu, T. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 53: 59 (1931). 

65. McBain, J. W., and Field. M. C, J. Phys. Chem., 37: 675 (1933). 

66. McBain, J. W., and Field, M. C, /. Chem. Soc. 1933: 920. 

67. McBain, J. W., and Stewart, A., /. Chem. Soc, 1933: 924 

68. McBain, M. E. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 545 (1933). 

69. McBain, J. W., and Watts, O. O., /. Rheol., 3: 437 (1932). 

70. McBain, J. W., and McBain, M. E. L., Proc Roy. Soc, London, A139: 26 (1933). 

71. McBain, J. W., Kawakami, Y., and Lucas, H. P., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 55: 2762 (1933). 

72. McBain, J. W., and Field, M. C, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 4776 (1933). 

73. McBain, J. W., Bull, H. I., and Staddon, L. S., /. Phys. Chem., 38: 1075 (1934). 

74. McBain, J. W., Nature. 135: 1033 (1935). 

75. Lawrence, A. S. C, Kolloid-Z.. 50: 12 (1930). 

76. Lawrence, A. S. C, /. Phys. Chem., 34: 263 (1930). 

77. Lawrence, A. S. C, Trans. Faraday Soc, 31: 189 (1935). 

78. Johnson, A. H., Ann. Rept., N. Y. State Assoc, of Dairy and Milk Inspectors, 6: 

37 (1932). 

79. Spychalski, R., Rocsniki Chem., 11: 427 (1931). 

80. Bertsch, A., Bol. assoc. ital. chim. tes e col., 6: 76 (1930). 

81. Bartell, F. E., and Hershberger, A., /. Rheol., 2: 177 (1931). 

82. Tate, G. S., Soap, 7, No. 8: 23, 25 (1931). 

83. Snell, F. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 24: 76 (1932). 

84. Snell, F. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 1240 (1933). 

85. Rayner, A., Chemistry and Industry, 1934: 589. 

86. Carter, J. D., and Stericker, W., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 277 (1934). 

87. Morgan, O. M., Oil and Soap, 10: 223 (1933). 

88. Morgan, O. M., Can. J. Research, 8: 429, 583 (1933). 

89. Carter, J. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 23: 1389 (1931). 

90. Baker, C. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 23: 1025 (1931). 

91. Snell, F. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 162 (1933). 

92. Vail, J. G., Chem. Met. Eng., 37: 736 (1930). 

93. Rhodes, F. H., and Bascom, C. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 23: 778 (1931). 

94. Gilmore, B. H., Oil and Soap, 12, No. 2: 29 (1935). 

95. Bell, E. B., Proc. Am. Assoc. Textile Chem. Colorists, 1935: 263; Am. Dyeestuff Reptr., 

24: 427 (1935). 

96. Kind, W., Seifenfabr., 36: 257 (1916). 

97. Keeney, P. E., M. S. Thesis, The Pennsylvania State College, February, 1935. 

98. Powers, D. H., Am. Dyestuff Reptr., 21: 332 (1932). 

99. Nopitsch, M., Melliand TextUber., 8: 281, 365, 461, 546. 627 (1927). 

100. Special Report on Chlorine Bleaches from the Research Laboratory of Applied 

Chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 

101. Special Report No. 53, American Institute of Laundering (1934). 

102. Peters, W., Seifensieder-Ztg., 55: 76 (1928). 


1,942,812. Organic products from 7,18-stearic glycol. F. Guenther and K. Saftien. 

January 9. 
1,943,253. Toilet soap powder. Wm. H. Alton. January 9. 
1,943,519. Washing composition. P. S. Denning. January 16. 
1,944,300. Wetting agent. K. Ott, W. Hentrich, and H. Keppler. January 23. 
1,944,848. Silicate flakes. A. W. Scheidt. January 23. 

1,946,079-80. Wetting agent. Alkylolamine soaps. J. G. Kern and C. J. Sala. February 6. 
1,946,272. Cleaning composition. R. H. Brownlee. February 6. 

1,947.650. Derivatives of higher fatty acids containiner nitrogen. K. Keller. February 20. 
1,947,673. Wetting agent. H. Bertsch. February 20. 

1,947,994. Apparatus for handling dissolving soaps. C. M. Larson. February 20. 
1,950,287. Water-soluble capillary-active substances. L. Becker and R. Muller. March 6. 
1,951.469. Wetting agent. H. Bertsch. March 20. 
1.951,511. Making soap. M. H. Ittner. March 20. 
1,951,696. Alkali metal sahs of fatty acids. M. Hofsasz. March 20. 
1,951,784-5. Wetting agents. H. Bertsch. March 20. 

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1,952,008. Emulsifying, detergent and wetting agent. H. A. Bruson. March 20. 

1,953,745. Aliphatic alcohols. C. L. Campbell. April 3. 

1,957,674. Washing, cleaning, emulsifying agent. W. Schrauth. May 8. 

1,957,918. Sulfur soap. T. Tanaka. May 8. 

1,958,860. Wetting agent. O. A. Pickett. May 15. 

1,959,590. Fatty acid esters of carbohydrates. E. J. Lorand. May 22. 

1,959,930. Hydroxyalkyl ethers of polyhydric alcohols. O. Schmidt and E. Meyer. May 22. 

1,962,299. Detergent suitable for laundry purposes. E. F. Drew. June 12. 

1.964.006. Fabric cleaning composition. E. C. Pailler. June 26. 

1.964.654. Wetting agent. H. Ulrich and P. Koerding. June 26. 
1,966,187. Sulfonic acids. E. Schirm. July 10. 

1,966,383. Cleansing agent, silicate and hypochlorite. H. G. Elledge and A. Hirsch. 
July 10. 

1.967.655. Alkoxyalkyl esters of organic carboxylic and sulfonic acids. H. Bertsch. 
July 24. 

1.967.656. Wetting agents. H. Bertsch. July 24. 

1,968,526. Powdered soap of low moisture content. B. Clayton, W. B. Kerrick, and H. 

M. Stadt. July 31. 

1,968,628. Powdered soap. Wm. H. Alton. July 31. 

1,968,793. Sulfuric ester of higher alcohols. H. Bertsch. July 31. 
1,968,794-6. Sulfonated alcohols. H. Bertsch. July 31. 

1,968,797. Sulfonated alcohols. H. Bertsch. July 31. 

1,969,612. Capillary active agents. W. J. Kaiser and A. Kirstahler. August 7. 

1,970,578. Textile assistants. Polymethylene. C. Schoeller and M. Wittwer. August 21. 

1,971,375. Soft soap. L. F. Hoyt. August 28. 

1,971,566. Powdered soap. W. A. Hutton. August 28. 

1.971.742. Primary alcohols. H. Bertsch. August 28. 

1.971.743. Reducing organic compounds. H. Bertsch. August 28. 
1,972,032. Neutral Na pyrophosphate. A. Reimann. August 28. 

1,972,458. Dry soap powder. Mechanic's soap. L. H. Phillips. September 4. 

1.974.007. Wetting agent. H. Bertsch. September 18. 

1,975,946. Detergent. Silicate and phosphate mixture. H. K. Ihrig and A. S. Butler- 
worth. October 9. 
1,976,886. Wetting agents. H. Lier. October 16. 
1,980,342. Wetting agents. R. Kern. November 13. 

1.983.414. Sulfo- acids of high molecular weight. K. Lindner. November 13. 
1,980,543. Wetting agent. E. Lurie. November 13. 

1.980.691. Sodium ammonium carbonate. R. B. MacMullin. November 13. 
1,981,792. Sulfonated fatty acid esters of monoethanolamine. J. W. Orelup. Novem- 
ber 20. 

1,981,901. Alkali metal salt of elaidyl sulfuric ester. H. M. Bunbury and A. W. Bald- 
win. November 27. 

1.984.713. Wetting and detergent agents. H. J. Weiland, C. O. Henke and G. Etzel. 
December 18. 

1.984.714. Wetting agents, etc. H. J. Weiland, C. O. Henke and M. A. Prahl. Decem- 
ber 18. 

1,985,747. Ether-like wetting, dispersing, emulsifying and washing compounds. A. Stein- 
dorff, K. Daimler and K. Platz. December 25. 


1,985,987. Spray drying soap. T. E. Hall. January 1. 

1,986,286. Laundering fabrics. S. M. RatzkoflF. January 1. 

1,986,808. Wetting agent. R. Greenbalgh. January 8. 

1,987,526. High molecular aliphatic sulfides. E. Elbel and A. Kirstahler. January 8. 

1.987.558. Producing alcohols. A. Hintermaier. January 8. 

1.987.559. Boron tricarboxylate. A. Hintermaier. January 8. 
1,989,312. Laundering. A. B. Gerber. January 29. 

1,989,759. Chlorinated alkaline silicate. P. Logue and Wm. N. Pritchard, Jr. February 5. 

1,989,765. Sodium metasilicate detergent. H. V. Moss and F. D. Snell. February 5. 

1,992,160. Wetting, emulsifying and washing agent. C. A. Thomas. February 19. 

1.992.692. Detergent and application thereof. L. H. Englund. February 26. 
1,993,375. Sulfonated poducts. M. Luther and A. v. Friedolsheim. March 5. 

1.993.415. Sulfonated polymerized terpene product suitable for use as a wetting agent. 
A. L. Rummelsburg and B. H. Little. March 5. 

1,993,431. Solid salts of higher alkyl sulfuric acids. H. Bertsch. March 5. 

1,994,467. Detergents and emulsifying agents. R. B. Flint and P. L. Salzberg. March 19. 

1,994,927. Wetting, penetrating and cleansing substances. R. L. Sibley. March 19. 

1,997,474. Soap cake reinforced with buoyant center. J. S. Stone. April 9. 

1,999,184. Soap powder. C. Ellis. April 30. 

1,999,315. Wetting, dispersing and detergent agents. A. W. Baldwin and A. Davidson. 

April 30. 

1,999,628. Detergent compositions. P. Friesenhahn. April 30. 

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2,000,994. Wetting-out and emulsifying agents. W. Schrauth. May 14. 

2,001,275. Ethers of hydroabietyl alcohol. C. O. Henke and M. A. Prahl. May 14. 

2,002,613. Cleansing, wetting, emulsifying and dye-stabilizing products. L. Orthner 
and H. Kep|>ler. May 28. 

2,003,471. Sulfonated terpene products. A. L. Rummelsburg. June 4. 

2,004,670. Perborate soap powder. C. W. Moore and H. Ballantyne. June 11. 

2,004,874. Superfatted soap. W. A. Lazier. June 11. 

2,005,160. "High percentage" transparent toilet soap. W. Pape. June 18. 

2,006,309. Hydroxy sulfonated fatty acid esters. C. C. Clark. June 25. 

2,006,557. Stable wetting and penetrating emulsions. S. Lenher and C. T. Mentzer, Jr. 
July 2. 

2,007,974. Soap composition containing pine oil. C. E. Kaltenbach. July Id. 

2,008,649. Aliphatic polyamides (wetting, cleansing and dispersing agents). H. Ulrich 
and J. Nuesslein. July 16. 

2,009,413. Liquid cleaning composition. F. H. Relyea. July 30. 

2,009,796. Composition for wetting, emulsifying, etc. B. R. Harris. July 30. 

2,010,661. Forming suds from soap. G. French. August 6. 

2,012,073. Salts of o-ether alkylthiosulfuric acids. E. Schirm. August 20. 

2,013,300. Detergents for textile materials. C. Dunbar. September 3. 

2,014,007. Fabric-cleansing and -dyeing compositions. E. C. Pailler. September 10. 

2,014,502. Emulsifying, cleansing and wetting agents. K. Marx, K. Brodersen and M. 
Quaedvlieg. September 17. 

2,014,782. Inorganic acid esters of higher glycols. W. Schrauth and R. Heuter. Sep- 
tember 17. 

2,015,912. Lathering and dispersing compositions. F. Sommer. October 1. 

2,016,109. Wetting and dispersing agents. F. Guenther. October 1. 

2,016^265. Detergent suitable for cleaning oily surfaces. W. T. Doherty. October 1. 

2,016,289. Rice-hull composition suitable for cleaning and scouring. H. T. McGill. 
October 8. 

2,016,956. Amino derivatives suitable for use as detergents. Wm. S. Calcott and R. G. 
Clarkson. October 8. 

2,019,775. Soap. B. Clayton and R. E. Burns. November 5. 

2,020,385. Compositions for use as wetting agents. Wm. Todd. November 12. 

2,020,453. "Assistants" as wetting agents. H. Beller and H. Schuette. November 12. 

2,022,766. Emulsifying agents containing fatty acid esters of polyglycerols. B. R. Har- 
ris. December 3. 

2,025,984. Esters of hydroxy carboxylic acids (wetting and detergent agents). B. R. 
Harris. December 31. 

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Chapter XXI. 
Cellulose and Paper. 

Harry F. Lewis, 

Institute of Paper Chemistry, Lawrence College, 
Appleton, Wisconsin 


The very considerable increase in interest and research activity 
in the fields of cellulose and paper, noted by this reviewer in the intro- 
duction to Chapter VIII of the 1933 Annual Survey, has continued 
throughout the past two years. Technical papers and patents have so 
increased in number that only the barest discussion is possible of the 
various literature references cited, while the patent literature must 
of necessity be entirely omitted. A recent TAPPI publication ^ con- 
tains 71 pages of U. S. patents granted in 1934 in the fields of cellulose 
and paper and lists only the titles, names of patentee, and necessary 
dates and description. The year 1935 has been even more prolific. 

Two historical surveys should be included in this review. The first, 
by Johnson,^ refers to the development of the pulpr and paper industry 
in the United States. The second, that of Esselen,^ deals with the 
rayon industry. A compilation of current researches on pulp and 
paper making in nineteen laboratories has been prepared by West.* 
Shaw ® summarizes the research work being carried out with the 
experimental paper machine at the Bureau of Standards. 

The scope of technical control in pulp and paper manufacture is 
indicated by Kidder,® Phelps,*^ and Minor.^ Heritage® discusses the 
fundamental relationship between research and operation from the 
standpoint of the product manufactured, and management, research, and 

A new laboratory has been established at the University of Michigan 
with facilities for pulp and paper testing. Additional laboratory and 
semi-plant construction is in process at The Institute of Paper Chem- 
istry, whereby laboratory facilities will be about doubled. 

Reference should be made to the symposium on the nature of cellulose 
held under the auspices of the Cellulose Division of the American 
Chemical Society at the spring meeting in New York in 1935. Review 
papers were prepared by authorities in the various fields to cover 
the chemical and physical properties of cellulose, x-ray structure and 
molecular weight determinations, the micro-structure of cellulose 
fibers, and the formation of cellulose in membranes. 


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Wood. The source of the future pulpwood supplies in the 
United States is a matter of general interest. Curran ^^ has made a 
survey of the situation and discusses the possible use of Engelmann 
spruce, ponderosa pine, redwood, and the western cedars in the remote 
areas of the country. Hunger ^^ and Davis ^^ describe the wood stands 
of the Pacific Northwest. The latter refers particularly to standing 
hemlock, spruce, noble fir, and three species of the white fir. The 
above reference by Curran shows the trend away from spruce, which 
in 1899 furnished 76 percent of the pulp and in 1932 but 37 percent, 
toward hemlock, southern yellow pine, balsam fir, and jack pine. 

Improvement in yield and quality of pulp wood by controlled 
hybridization of forest trees in the poplar breeding project of the 
Oxford Paper Company is described by Schreiner.^^ These new hybrid 
poplars are decidedly better than the native poplars for they grow 
more rapidly, are more easily propagated and are more resistant to 
disease. Many will produce wood with a longer average fiber length 
and somewhat higher density than the native poplar used in Maine 
for the preparation of soda pulp. 

The work of the Forest Products Laboratory in the evaluation of 
additional pulp woods has been continued so as to include the short 
leaf pine (Pinus echinata), cajeput, white mangrove, Australian pine, 
and Cunningham pine. Bray and Paul ^^ report that chemical analyses 
of the pulp obtained from the first wood showed no outstanding evi- 
dence adverse to the production of good quality pulps of average yields 
by the kraft process. Curran, Schwartz, and Bray,^-^ in discussing the 
kraft cooking of Fl©rida-grown species of the last four, point out that 
the pulps are short fibered and inferior to pulps from the common 
pulpwood species. 

Stamm ^^ has continued his investigations of the colloidal char- 
acteristics of wood. Measurements have been made of the equilibrium 
permeabilities of softwoods to air at different relative vapor pressure. 
On the basis of these, a new means has been developed for determining 
the distributions of size of openings in a porous membrane. He and 
Seborg ^"^ have measured the adsorption compression of water on Sitka 
spruce and white spruce heartwood sawdust, cotton linters, alpha cellu- 
lose, a normal sulfite pulp, and the same pulp in a "highly hydrated" 
condition in benzene. The evidence indicates that this force is of the 
order of several thousand atmospheres. A means of minimizing wood 
shrinkage and swelling in wood, involving the impregnation of green 
or dry wood with a water insoluble oil or molten wax or resin has been 
based by Stamm and Hansen ^^ upon the primary replacement of 
water in the wood with Cellosolve and the subsequent replacement of 
the Cellosolve by waxes or resins at temperatures above their melting 
point. The process serves as a combined seasoning and anti-shrink 
impregnation treatment for refractory species. 

Stamm ^^' ^o has likewise measured the effect of inorganic salts on 
the swelling and shrinking of wood, as well as other factors affecting 

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dimension changes such as result from variations in moisture content. 
Stamm and Loughborough 21 have applied thermodynamic methods to 
the calculation of equilibrium moisture content, relative pressure curves 
and isotherms, fiber saturation points, temperature curves, differential 
heats and free energy changes of swelling, isosteres, and entropy 
changes with swelling for Sitka spruce. 

Buckman, Schmitz, and Gortner^s have studied certain factors 
influencing the movement of liquids in wood. These include: (a) 
the relative effectiveness of the maximum and average pore diameter 
of the openings in the pit membranes for woods at different moisture 
contents, {h) the influence of pressure on the rate of flow of water 
through wood, and (c) the movement of organic liquids and salt solu- 
tions through wood. The diffusion of neutral molecules such as urea, 
glycerol, and lactose from aqueous solutions with samples of wood 
of known capillary dimensions has been investigated by Cady and 
Williams.22 Measurements have been made with heart and sapwood 
in transverse radial and semi-tangential sections. 

The series of articles on the chemistry of woods has been continued 
from the laboratory of the New York State College of Forestry. 
Peterson, Maughan, and Wise^^ have investigated the water-soluble 
polysaccharide from the European larch (Larx decidua Null) and 
establish its identity with the carbohydrates from the two American 
species; namely, an arabogalacton containing 11.63 percent anhydro- 
arabinose and 81.95 percent anhydrogalacton. Its separation as an ash- 
free chemically homogeneous material was effected by electrodialysis. 

Herty and Rasch.^^ have prepared rayon from southern pine pulp 
and have found that with the exception of the higher ash content, 
it compares favorably with rayon made from commercial rayon pulps. 
Brannock, Bunger, and Doud^s check these observations in the main. 

Cellulose. A large number of significant articles relating to the 
physical characteristics of cellulose and cellulose fibers have appeared. 
Stoops 2*^ has measured the dielectric constant and power factor data on 
dried glycerol-free Cellophane for a wide range of temperature and 
frequency. The dielectric constant for Cellophane is found to be 
nearly twice that of cellulose acetate. An explanation of this based 
on a variation in chemical structure is advanced. Sanders and Cam- 
eron 28 find the x-ray unit cell of the cellulose in cotton stalks and 
cusp to be the same as that in linters, and spruce, pine, and poplar 
wood. They trace differences in the physical properties of products 
from cellulose of different origins to the micellae in the fibroid structure. 

The sorption of water by cellulose as an index of the fine structure 
of the gel has been considered by Sheppard and Newsome.^^ Alpha- 
pulp has higher sorption than cotton cellulose, approaching mercerized 
cellulose. Sorption is unaffected by heating (hydration), which effect 
depends upon an increase in external surface or dispersity. Bancroft 
and Calkin ^^ believe that the reaction of caustic soda and cellulose is 
entirely described by adsorption rather than by compound formation. 

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The adsorption of organic liquids by cellulose products has been 
investigated by Wiertelak and Garbaczowna,^! who have been inter- 
ested in the extent to which the adsorption of organic liquids will 
interfere with the standard analysis of wood and cellulose products. 
They jfind ready adsorption of alcohols, pyridine, and benzene-alcohol 
mixtures, which liquids are not removed from the fiber by heating at 
105° C. Neither benzene nor gasoline is adsorbed. 

The sorption of dyes by cellulose has been considered by Clark and 
Southard 32 and by Friedman and Kuykendall.^^ Such work throws 
light both on the mechanism of commercial dyeing and also on the 
fine structure of fibers. The latter paper describes particularly the 
effect of />H variations on the absorption. Lenher and Smith 34 show 
that electrolyte-free substantive dyes in water solutions are only slightly 
absorbed by cotton of low ash content, that the addition of an elec- 
trolyte induces adsorption, and that a maximum particle size exists 
above which dyes are not readily adsorbed by cotton. The particle size 
and the salt sensitivity of the* dyes are the controlling factors in their 
dyeing characteristics. ' 

Rowland ^s presents a critical survey of recent work on selected topics 
concerning the colloidal behavior of cellulose as related to the technical 
problems of paper making. 

Two papers of interest bearing on the formation of carbohydrates or 
cellulose membranes are those of Sponsler 3« and Farr.^^ Sponsler has 
followed under the microscope the rate at which cell wall material is 
developed as a new cross wall is formed in the growth of green algae. 
The material is of carbohydrate origin. Farr traces the cell membrane 
formation in young cotton fibers to the existence of cellulosic elliptical 
particles covered with thin layers of pectic materials. These may be 
freed from the pectins by treatment with hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.19). . 
They can neither be regarded as micellae nor as macromolecules. 
Three other papers concerning the work of Farr and Eckerson ^s, 39 
and Farr and Sisson ^^ give additional material on this subject. 

Important studies on the molecular weights of cellulose and cellulose 
derivatives have been reported by Kraemer and Lansing.^i Com- 
parisons are presented for molecular weight determinations by osmotic 
pressure and viscosity measurements, end group determinations, and 
ultracentrifugal analysis. The authors describe the latter method as 
being the most reliable. The influence of solvation on molecular associa- 
tion and molecular weight values for cellulose are discussed. These 
range between 60,000 and 180,000. 

Kurth and Ritter ^^ have removed the easily hydrolyzable fraction 
from the holocellulose of spruce and maple wood by treatment with one 
percent sulfuric acid. This gives a fraction which, under the older 
methods of analyses, has always been mixed with other wood con- 
stituents. It is composed of constituents containing methoxyl, carboxyl, 
acetyl, and formyl groups and hydrolyzing to mannose, glucose, galac- 
tose, arabinose, and xylose. Salley^^ ^as studied the effect of ferric 

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salts and alkali in carrying on an oxidation of mannitol in aqueous 
solution. The factors increasing the rate of auto-oxidation are con- 
centration, temperature, and light. In the latter case, the increase in 
rate is directly proportional to the light absorbed. Oxidation inhibitors 
have no effect on this system. A comparison is drawn to the well- 
known behavior of cellulose. 

The utilization of bagasse as a source of cellulose has been considered. 
Lathrop and Munroe^^ show how the sugar cane may be preserved 
during storage by piling the bales in such a manner that the heat of 
carbohydrate fermentation is used to raise the temperature of the 
interior bales to a pasteurizing temperature. Payne ^^ pulps bagasse by 
digesting with two percent nitric acid at 90-100° C. for one hour, 
followed by two alkaline treatments. The method is said to be applicable 
to large scale production. 

A quantitative method for the separation of cellulose acetate, silk, 
regenerated cellulose rayons, cotton, and wool has been developed by 
Mease and Jessup.**^ After desizing the acetate silk is removed with 
acetone, and silk and regenerated cellulose rayon are removed with 
calcium thiocyanate solution of 1.20 and 1.36 sp. gr., respectively. 
Cotton and wool are determined by the solution of cotton in aluminum 
chloride with heat or the solution of the wool in the potassium hydroxide 
solution. The method is accurate for each fiber present to within two 
percent of the weight of the specimen analyzed. 

The physical properties of a series of the cellulose triesters of 
homologous fatty acids from the acetates to the stearates, as measured 
by Sheppard and Newsome,^*^ show that the cellulose character is pro- 
gressively submerged as the length of the side chain is increased. The 
structure of the solids is interpreted from x-ray data and by spreading 
and wetting experiments. Kirkpatrick *® has made a fire-resistant 
cellulose acetate sheet by incorporating 20 percent or more of triphenyl 
phosphate or a mixture of triphenyl phosphate and methyl phthalyl ethyl 
glycollate. The latter improves flexibility at the expense of fire resis- 
tance. Noncombustible fillers may also be incorporated in the latter. 
White ^^ describes how to avoid difficulties in the production and appli- 
cation of cellulose acetates for the various uses. 

A double dyeing method for estimating the increase in specific sur- 
face of beaten nitrocellulose has been devised by Phillips,^^ and has 
been confirmed by microscopic analysis. This permits a differentiation 
impossible by the settling test. Gloor ^^ lists the properties of low 
viscosity nitrocellulose of varied nitrogen content. He states that the 
film properties of these low viscosity types result from the degradation 
of cellulose residues and vary with the nitrogen content, viscosity, 
formulation, and plasticizer. McBain, Grant, and Smith ^^ have meas- 
ured the viscosity of nitrocellulose in over 100 solvents and solvent 
mixtures. They emphasize that the chief factor in the apparent viscosity 
of nitrocotton solutions is structural viscosity due to colloidal aggre- 
gates of easily varied degree of ramification and dismemberment. Time 

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experiments at 55° C. extended to three years have yielded solutions 
approaching the viscosity of the pure solvent within a few percent — 
an enormous drop in viscosity. In some cases these low viscosities may 
again increase and even set to a jell. Four new methods for determining 
degree of solvent power are briefly indicated. 

Lignin. Phillips ^^ has presented a 51 page survey of the chem- 
istry of lignin with 304 literature references. Phillips and Goss ^^ 
have investigated the lignin isolated from barley straw. Two fractions 
are found, one with the formula C40H48O15 ; the other, C40H42O16. The 
chemical characteristics of maple and spruce lignin, isolated by various 
methods, are described by Harris, Sherrard, and Mitchell.^^ Cold sul- 
furic acid lignin is free of carbohydrates and contains all the methoxyl 
not accounted for in the carbohydrates of the wood.* Hydrochloric acid 
lignin has lost methoxyl and contains carbohydrates. Cuprammonium 
lignin also contains carbohydrates. The number of hydroxy! and unsatu- 
rated groups from hard and soft wood lignin is different. Results from 
chlorination and methylation show that lignin is little changed during 
isolation by the sulfuric acid method. There is some evidence that 
lignin in wood is combined with carbohydrates. The reason for the 
difficulty in the use of Douglas fir for sulfite pulp has been ascribed by 
Bailey^® as being due to a difference in the structure of the lignins. 
Bailey believes that Douglas fir lignin consists of four rather than three 
polymerized coniferyl aldehyde residues in terms of the Klason lignin 
structure, and because of this the wood is more difficult to delignify 
than spruce. Ammonia lignin has been oxidized by alkaline halogen 
solutions. Alkaline iodine oxidation proceeds quantitatively and forms a 
compound containing carboxyl groups and iodine^®*; iodoform is also 
isolated as one of the products of reaction. Alkaline bromine solutions 
yield carbon tetrabromid^. The authors postulate the presence of a 
secondary group of the type CH3CH— (OH) in the lignin molecule. 

A number of papers relating to the microbiological decomposition of 
lignin have appeared. Levine, Nelson, Anderson, and Jacobs ^^ 
attempted without success to develop a specific lignin-digesting anaerobic 
flora. Alkaline lignin when added to an actively digesting sludge pro- 
duces no gas, and, when used in conjunction with fermenting corn stalk 
flour or packing house sludge, inhibits the gasification of the latter 
materials. This is not due to toxic action of the lignin on the bacterial 
flora, but to chemical combination with the production of complexes 
resistant to microbial decomposition. Boruff and Buswell '""'^ have 
investigated the anaerobic fermentation of lignin in cornstalks and 
the lignin isolated by four methods, and show that appreciable quantities 
ferment to carbon dioxide and methane in the natural state, while 
isolated lignin ferments very slowly and incompletely. Waksman and 
Smith ^^ deal with the problem of the transformation of the methoxyl 
groups of lignin in the decomposition of plant residues. The relation 
of this to humus formation in oils, peats, and composts is discussed. 

Mitchell and Ritter ®^ have analyzed three fossil woods mined from 

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the Miocene auriferous gravels of California, and find that a marked 
decrease has occurred in the extraneous and carbohydrate content of 
the wood, while the lignin contents are abnormally high. On the basis 
of the original wood, the lignin has decreased less than any other con- 
stituents. Decomposition of the cellulose appears to be due to hydrolysis 
rather than fungus attacks. 

Groundwood. Curran, Schafer, and Pew^^ find that much of 
the color in western hemlock groundwood is due to reddish inclusions 
present in the ray cells. These inclusions resemble chemically the 
material extracted by alkali from the bark and are therefore probably 
tannin or tannin derivatives. The fine-fibered portion contains more 
coloring matter than the coarse-fibered portion. Bisulfite and hydro- 
sulfite improve this color, while certain oxidizing agents in alkaline 
solution, especially hydrogen peroxide, are effective bleaching agents 
but of doubtful economic value. Lowen and Benson ^^ have prepared 
plastics from groundwood pulp, utilizing the pentosans for the produc- 
tion of a resinous adhesive to serve as a binder in place of extraneous 
adhesives. The products are of excellent appearance and are suitable 
for various purposes. They are slightly brittle and not very resistant 
to boiling water. 

Cooking Process. Aronovsky and Gortner have continued 
their series of articles on the cooking process. In Part V ^^ they describe 
the use of sodium sulfite and aspen sawdust, in Part VI ^* sodium sul- 
fide, and in Part VII ®^ sodium hydroxide and trisodium phosphate. 
They consider all these chemicals to be strong pulping agents. 

In Part VIII ^^ they tell of the formation of volatile acids when aspen 
sawdust is cooked with sodium carbonate for two hours at 170° C. 
The production of volatile acids is attributed to saponification. Aronov- 
sky ^"^ has summarized these previous reports, especially from the 
standpoint of the main components of the residual woods and liquors. 

A continuous pulp cooking system has been described by Braun and 
Lundberg.^8 The object has been the development of a continuous 
cooking, washing, and bleaching system with separate units for each 
step. No plants have yet utilized the process. 

Sulfite Process. A number of papers have appeared which 
describe work on some phase of the sulfite process. The commercial 
installation and operation of a new spray type sulfur burner is 
referred to by Kress, Swanson, Porter, and Smith.^^ The formation 
and dissociation of sulfur trioxide in sulfur burner gases from the 
above spray burner has been measured by Browning and Kress.*^^ The 
variables covered include temperature, the composition of the gas, and 
catalytic effects of various materials of construction. Frank and 
Beuschlein "^^ have investigated the equilibrium relations in the system 
calcium oxide-sulfur dioxide-water under conditions similar to the raw 
acid coming from the absorption towers. Beuschlein and Conrad '^^ 
have applied the film concept to the operation of sulfite acid towers 
and describe the role played by the several fluid films which control 

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the rate of sulfur dioxide absorption. Pressure-composition curves are 
presented for the system described above. 

McGovern and Chidester '^^ present data to show the effect of chip 
length upon the time of penetration and pulping of western hemlock 
heartwood, the chips ranging from % inch to 1^ inches. Time of 
penetration increased in a parabolic manner with increasing chip 
length. The optimum strength values were reached in pulps from 
chips % io yi inch long, but no significant variation in rate of pulping 
was noted. Hrubesky and Chidester '^^ have measured the rate of pene- 
tration of calcium bisulfite liquor in western hemlock chips and the time 
required to burn the chips under varying conditions. Benson, Erwin, 
Hendrickson, and Tershin '^^ pulped Douglas fir by an ammonia base 
liquor with and without a pre-treatment with 5 percent ammonia at 
temperatures below 70° C. Young Douglas fir and pre-treated Douglas 
fir approach spruce and hemlock. Old Douglas fir pulps are distinctly 
lower in quality. 

Sulfite waste liquor studies have appeared in a considerable num- 
ber. Warrick and Holderby '^^ describe recent waste liquor develop- 
ments, emphasizing especially the Howard and Paulson processes. 
Howard '^'^ al§o has written of his process, in which the waste liquor 
is fractionally precipitated with lime, whereby three-fourths of the 
pollution loading is removed, while Wells '^^ has described the Paulson 
process. Phillips, Goss, Brown, and Reid*^® treat the dry residue of 
sulfite waste liquor with ammonia at high temperatures and have investi- 
gated the fertilizer value of this ammoniated material containing up to 
10.5 percent N. It has some value but is not the equal of either dried 
blood or a mixture of sodium nitrate and ammonium sulfate as a source 
for mixed fertilizer. O'Dell and Greenlaw ^^ show that under properly 
controlled conditions, ponding and aeration will greatly reduce the 
biochemical oxygen demand of waste sulfite liquor, thus eliminating 
part of its pollutional effect. Pollock and Partansky ^^ describe a 
simple and inexpensive method for the determination of sulfur in sulfite 
waste liquor and other organic compounds. Leitz, Sivertz, and Kobe ^^ 
have measured the />H of sulfite waste liquor with the glass electrode and 
find a pH of 9.6 to be optimum for the precipitation of organic material 
with ammonia. Winiecki ^^ describes the use of "Raylek B" as a road 
binder and dust palliative. "Raylek B" is produced by concentrating 
waste liquor. The process leaves the material with an acidity about a 
fourth as much as vinegar. The material has been satisfactory as a 
patching material and is now under test as a binder for permanent road 
construction. Kobe and Centenero^^ show that the amount of com- 
bustible sulfur in sulfite waste liquor is much below the total sulfur con- 
tent. Methods for removing sulfur dioxide from the stack gas are 
also discussed. 

Billington, Chidester, and Cur ran ^^ have outlined a method for the 
conversion of sodium sulfide in the ash obtained from burning waste 

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soda-base sulfite liquor to sodium carbonate which is re-used in the 
preparation of fresh cooking liquor. 

Alkaline Pulping. An investigation by Holzer ^e of the coloring 
matter in pine kraft pulps reveals that this material appears to be 
related to the phlobotannins. Analysis shows organic sulfur and 
further evidence leads to the conclusion that the material is probably 
a sulfur derivative of the phlobotannins. Organic sulfur content in 
kraft pulp is dependent upon the sulfidity of the cooking liquor; in 
bleached and unbleached pulps the color varies with the sulfur content. 
Kress and Mclntyre ^'^ have followed the distribution of sulfur during 
the kraft cooking process. In carrying out the work, it was necessary 
. for them first to evaluate the methods used in the estimation of sulfide. 
Kress and Harrison ^^ find that pulps made from kraft cooks using 
improperly settled white liquor have poor strength and color, due 
possibly to the presence of mechanically entrained calcium carbonate. 

Pillow and Bray ^® have pulped compression wood by the kraft proc- 
ess and find, in contrast to normal wood, a lower yield of crude pulp 
with poorer physical and chemical characteristics and an increase in 
bleach requirements. Gordon and Creitz ®® remove the mercaptans 
and alkyl sulfides from the non-condensible gases present in the kraft 
relief gases by spraying a solution of hypochlorite into the gases. The 
aqueous layer of the condensate as well as the condensate from the 
evaporation of the black liquor are similarly treated. The odor is not 
entirely removed and the author states it to be unpractical to destroy 
all the mercaptans by the alkaline treatment. 

Pulp Properties. Lary and Davis ^^ have determined the effect 
of a variation in />H between 4 and 9 upon the freeness of chemical 
and groundwood pulps. With the chemical pulps, the drainage time 
increases as the />H is increased from />H 4 to a maximum in the range 
/)H5-6 ; it then decreases to reach a minimum at />H 9. The effects 
are of considerable magnitude in the case of samples given the most 
refining. With groundwood the effect is quite different; above />H6 
the values are erratic, below this the drainage time increases 60 per- 
cent in going from />H 4 to />H 4.4. 

McGregor ^2 ^^s studied the relation between the physical charac- 
teristics of pulp and their chemical components, using two rag pulps, 
an alpha pulp, and a Mitscherlich sulfite. These he degraded by vari- 
ous means to definite viscosities and then ran strength tests and chem- 
ical analyses. There appears to be a definite relation between viscos- 
ity and fold quality within the various types of pulp. In general the 
relation between the properties of the pulps and the degrading influence 
depends upon the type of degradation. 

Beating and Hydration. Lewis and Gilbertson®^ find that the 
temperature effect in the beating of rag stock is a matter of some 
importance on the strength of hand sheets prepared from the stock. 
The physical characteristics such as fold, tear, tensile, and Mullen are 
much lower for stocks beaten hot than for stocks beaten at lower tem- 

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peratures, while the chemical constants bear no relation either to time 
or temperature of beating. The effect of beating on fiber structure ,is 
described by Weil,^* who indicated the purpose of beating as two fold, 
first to bruise the various membranes and damage them in such a way 
that the first and subsequent layers of fibrils are loosened without 
harming the length of the fiber, and second, to form a fiber debris and 
structureless slime or gel which serves to cement the fibers in the 
dried sheet of paper. 

Bleaching. Henderson ^^ describes the art of bleaching in theory 
and in practice, dealing particularly with the basic chemistry of the 
reaction between chlorine and lignin. Recent developments in the 
bleaching of chemical wood pulps are surveyed by Rue.^® A method 
for the determination of available chlorine in hypochlorite solutions 
by direct titration with sodium thiosulfate is outlined by Willson.^^ 

Sizing. Little work of fundamental interest in sizing has 
appeared in the literature of the United States during the past two 
years. Dreshfield^^ has discussed the agents and methods which may 
be used to make paper repellant to different liquids. Various rosin 
sizing methods in commercial use have been described, Montgomery 
and Batchelor ^^ taking up the Delthirna process ; Kennedy,^^^^ the 
Bewoid, and Sinclair ^^^ and Neitzke,^^^ t^^ Bennett size making proc- 
cess. Descriptive papers have been published by DeCew ^^'^ and 
Stevens.^^^ Sutermeister ^^^ has completed a very excellent review 
of the literature of sizing, going back to 1900 and referring to the more 
important works prior to that date. Krimmel ^^^ points out the losses 
in the manufacture of rosin size milk with a number of hot processes 
and gives a practical method for measuring these losses. 

Permanence. Work has been continued in the laboratories of 
the Bureau of Standards and of the Brown Company on problems 
relating to the permanence of papers. Richter ^^"^ describes experi- 
mental work carried on in which papers have been exposed to natural 
sunlight for periods of time. He finds that losses in tear, tensile 
strength, and Mullen are minor as compared with the loss in fold. He 
suggests special sizing agents for use in papers so as to enable them to 
withstand the action of sunlight more successfully. While the fold- 
ing strength of a paper is enhanced by tub sizing with glue, this incre- 
ment in fold is largely lost when the papers are exposed to sunlight. 
He has likewise exposed papers for an extended period in a circulating 
air current maintained at 38° C. He reports that the physical changes 
correlate well with the corresponding changes taking place with the 
same types of paper subjected to the 100°, 72 hour test. He notes that 
severe chemical oxidation of an unbeaten cellulose fiber is reflected in 
a marked sacrifice in the stability of the paper produced. 

Rasch and Scribner ^^^ report on a series of 33 papers tested for 
chemical purity and strength after four years of normal aging. The 
folding endurance during this time has undergone marked change. 
The papers are placed in about the same order of stability by normal 

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aging as by the accelerated aging test. Scribner ^^^ further reports on 
an investigation relating to the preservation of old newspapers. For 
retarding decay he recommends the use of Japanese tissue paper or 
transparent cellulose acetate sheeting. Weber, Shaw, and Back ^^^ 
find that the ordinary fumigants, such as hydrocyanic acid gas, carbon 
bisulfide, etc., have no significant deleterious effect on the life of tjie 
paper and conclude that these can be used safely for killing insect life 
in records of permanent value. 

Zimmerman, Weber, and Kimberly ^^^ report that the life of written 
records depends upon the stability of the ink as well as upon the paper. 
Iron gallotannate prepared according to the government formula for 
standard writing ink greatly accelerates the deterioration of papers in 
the heat test. They recommend an ink made with ammonium-ammonium 

Shaw, Bicking, and O'Leary ^^^ have carried on a study of the 
relation of some of the properties of cotton rags to the strength and 
stability of experimental papers made from those rags. The results 
demonstrate that stable paper can be made from new rags and confirm 
the belief that high acidity from excess use of alum in rosin sizing has 
a marked deteriorating effect upon paper. They recommend a />H of 
5.0 Blaisdell and Minor ^^^ have done some work on the permanence 
of poor grades of paper, such as those made from cheap wood pulps. 
Of special interest is their conclusion that a marked change of copper 
number with oven or light aging may be considered as indicative of a 
definite loss of absorbency with natural aging. 

Of significance is the description by Farquhar ^^^ of the special edi- 
tion of 25 copies of scientific works being printed by the University of 
California Press on a permanent 100 percent rag paper. These copies 
are being distributed to a selected list of repositories throughout the 

Paper. High opacity papers continue to receive attention. 
Belcher,^^^ Cyr,^i® and Steele ^^'^ discuss the advantages resultant from 
the use of zinc pigments. Smith ^^^ brings out the fact that the zinc 
pigments slow up the rate of growth of organisms causing slime and 
discoloration. Willets 119-122 reports on the use of titanium oxide as 
a pigment and in the last reference takes up in a comprehensive 
manner the factors favoring retention in the sheet. Sutermeister 1^3 
concludes that the formula for satin white is probably 3 CaO • AI2O3- 
• 3 CaS04 • 31 H2O. 

The use of rubber latex in paper is reviewed by Townsend i^^ and 
by Birchard.125 A method for the de- inking of paper involving the 
use of sodium silicate and fatty acids is outlined by Snyder and Mac- 
laren.12® For the removal of color from broke, Binns 1^7 recommends 
the use of zinc hydrosulfite and outlines the conditions for its use. As 
a softener and plasticizer in paper, Leete i^s has used sugar combina- 
tions. The application of nitro-cellulose emulsions to paper is described 
by Hollabaugh.i2» Rancidity-retarding wrappers may be prepared by 

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incorporating colored materials which absorb blue and ultra-violet 
light, according to Morgan.^^^ 

Piper 131 describes a method for removal of oil from oil-impregnated 
papers for testing purposes. 

Bailey 132 presents a number of photomicrographs of thin paper 
sections ; these demonstrate the characteristics of the fiber to fiber bond. 
The significant sheet properties for use in developing paper specifica- 
tions are listed by Baird.i33 The basic principles of sheet formation 
as they relate to the head box and slice have been considered by 
Bearce,i34 while Rubin ^^o takes up the factors governing sheet forma- 
tion on the Fourdrinier wire. Doughty ^36 outlines the effect of 
mechanical treatment of fibers on sheet structure. Fundamental infor- 
mation on the drying of paper is presented by McCready ^37, 138 ^nd 
by Adams. 130 

Anderson i*^ discusses the possibility of manufacturing newsprint 
from southern pine under commercial operating conditions. The 
southern fibers apparently do not felt as well as the northern spruce 
fibers nor are their surface characteristics as good. Lee i*i reviews 
the work of Herty and his associates on the pulping of southern pine. 

Stamm i^^ and Baker i*3 consider the advantages to be gained by 
the use of white water in various mills and on various types of 
machines under differing conditions. Chase i*^ states that the acidity 
in paper may be measured by determining the H-ion concentration of 
the tray water and outlines a method for determining this />H. Minor 
and Blaisdell i*** criticize Chase's paper and present data which would 
indicate that there is no direct relation between the />H of white water 
and that of the distilled water extract of the finished paper, except 
under special conditions open to variations for each mill and each 
t)rpe of paper. DeCew i*^ has determined the adverse effects of gases 
in the manufacture of paper. 

Weber and Snyder,!^*^ jj^ ^^e laboratories of the Bureau of Standards, 
have published much data on the relation of lithographic papers to 
variations in atmospheric humidity and temperature. They find 
that the moisture content of these papers is influenced by relative 
humidity, temperature, and the history of conditioning. Humidity 
changes are the most important. The usual sizing materials have 
little influence on the moisture content response of paper to changing 
relative humidity, except with respect to the rate. The relation of 
sheet properties to register in offset lithography has been discussed by 
Weber.i^^ Trial printings of three groups of special papers made in 
different mills from different pulps lead to certain conclusions in regard 
to the use of chemical wood papers from multi-color offset printing. 
These conclusions may be summarized by saying that desirable paper 
should have low machine direction coefficient of linear expansion. This 
is lowest when the greatest number of fibers are parallel to the machine 
direction and the hydration at a minimum which can be controlled in 
the mechanical treatment of the fibers. 

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Wehmhoff ^*^ discusses the work of the Ink Resistance TAPPI Sub- 
committee regarding methods for evaluating the printing quality of 
paper. The committee recommends the adoption of density, oil pene- 
tration, oil absorption, and printing smoothness as tentative TAPPI 
standard tests. 

Pulp Testing. Morgan ^^^ has compared the action of a number 
of milling equipments such as have been proposed for strength testing of 
pulp. Simmonds and Baird ^^^ have determined some of the variables 
in processing pulp in a pebble mill, in a rubber surfaced ball mill, and 
in a beater. A detailed comparative study of five diflFerent sheet 
machines for pulp evaluation is presented by Doughty and Currah.^^2 
Williams ^^^ describes a new, rapid pulp and paper testing outfit, and 
Green ^^^ outlines the defects in the design of the sheet-forming device 
specified by the TAl^PI tentative standard T205m and compares this 
instrument to his own standard sheet mold. 

Kress and Brainerd ^^^ have fractionated a series of chemical an,d 
mechanical pulps and the isolated fractions have been tested for 
chemical and physical properties. They conclude that chemical and 
physical properties grow poorer in successively shorter fractions of 
unbeaten chemical pulps, while the strength of mechanical pulps 
increases with decreasing fiber lengths. They have also investigated 
the effect of beating on the nature of the fractions from chemical 
pulps. The conclusions were that in the case of bleached pulps the 
resistance of pulps to cutting action appears to be related to the purity 
of the pulps. 

Physical Testing of Paper. The advent of the N. R. A. and the 
subsequent establishment of the Paper Industry Authority with its 
Central Grading Committee resulted in a very considerable activity 
in the field of physical testing of paper. The subject of specifications 
and tests and their application to grading has been considered in 
papers by Mahler,i56-i58 Strange,i50-i«i Heritage,i62 Carruth,i63 
Krimmel,i«4 Briggs,i65 Annis,i66 Stuart,i67. les Plumstead,i69 
Wriston,i70 Boyce,"i Bullock,i72 and Addoms."^ 

The adoption of optical methods for evaluating paper characteristics 
in code grading has stimulated a large amount of work, and a number 
of papers relating to optical methods for testing paper are worthy of 
note in a survey such as this one. Lewis,^*^** i'^^ Michaelson,^*^^ Davis,^*^*^ 
Hunter,^*^^ and Judd ^'^^ describe various methods for measuring the 
brightness and whiteness of paper. By means of one of these instru- 
ments, the General Electric Reflectometer, Laughlin and Kress ^^^ 
have studied the effect of variables encountered in the manufacture of 
paper on the brightness of the sheet. They conclude from mill studies 
that the paper machine itself presents no difficulty in regard to bright- 
ness control. Variations produced by tub sizing and calendering are 
likewise practically negligible. The control of brightness appears to 
be dependent largely upon the uniformity of raw materials and upon 
the filler content. 

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The question of the measurement of gloss likewise has received con- 
siderable attention and Hunter ^^i' ^^2 and Kress and Morgan ^^^ write 
regarding new instruments for measuring the gloss of paper. The 
instrument which has been described by the latter, the Oxford Gloss- 
meter, possesses distinct advantages over the polarization glarimeter 
since it is very little effected by color, brightness, and t)q)e of coating. 

The subject of the measurement of opacity has likewise been gone 
into rather thoroughly by Judd.^^*"^^^ Dodge and Tarvin ^^"^ show that 
the printing quality of newsprint is primarily a function of smoothness, 
absorptiveness, and opacity. Instruments are described for measuring 
these characteristics. Davis, Roehr, and Malmstrom ^^^ have described 
a photoelectric formation tester and Williams ^^^ a finish and formation 
tester. A number of papers have also appeared relating to the more 
common types of physical testing of paper. Monnberg ^^^ considers 
critically the probable error and accuracy of testing. Carson ^^^ writes 
of the maintenance, calibration, and use of paper testing instruments, 
and in a second paper 1^2 describes the whole problem of the scope of 
paper testing. 

New or revised TAPPI methods have appeared, including a tentative 
revision of method T402m,^®3 "conditioning paper for testing," a tenta- 
tive revision of T400m,i®* "sampling paper for testing," and a tentative 
revision of T410m,i^^ "basis weight of paper." TAPPI committee 
reports include that of the sub-committee on physical tests of paper as 
presented by Clark ^^^ and Scribner's report ^^"^ for the paper testing 

Reports have also appeared on the measurement of other character- 
istics of paper such as the water resistance of paper and fiber board 
by Carson,^^^ a sizing test by Cobb and Lowe,^®^ air permeability by 
Carson,200, 201 tj^^ moisture vapor transmission by Tressler and Evers ^^^ 
and Charch and Scroggie,203 water absorbency by Reese and Youtz,^^ 
and oil and varnish penetration by Albert.^^s 

Methods for studying the stiffness, rigidity, and softness of paper 
are described by Minor and Minor 206 and Clark.^o^ a Gurley stiffness 
tester has also been described.^os 

Several papers on the manufacture and properties of fiber board 
have appeared. Arnold 20» has applied the distillation method for the 
determination of moisture and consistency in the manufacture of insulat- 
ing board. Arnold and Cleaves ^^^ have added zinc chloride to insulat- 
ing board in order to retard attack by mold and insects. A method 
for counting the plies in solid fiber board has been developed by 
Baechler.211 Whittemore, Overman, and Wingfield2i2 describe an 
electrical conductivity method for following the drying of board in the 
hot press. Jahn ^13 outlines tests carried out on fiber board. 

Chemical Testing of Paper. A number of critical papers on the 
various methods for the chemical testing of pulp and paper have 
appeared. Bump^i^ ^as determined the effect of variation in the 
alkaline solution and the time of treatment on the alpha-cellulose deter- 

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mination. The effect of the removal of extraneous materials by the pre- 
treatment of wood on the lignin determination has been investigated by 
Ritter and Barbour.^is Hendrickson and Benson 216 have used the 
determination of lignin as a method for measuring the degree of 

The TAPPI Non-Fibrous Materials Testing Committee 2i7 has» 
approved a method for the analysis of rosin. The proposed revision of 
the official TAPPI method for the determination of the amount of 
coating of mineral coated paper has been described, as approved by 
the TAPPI Paper Testing Committee.^i* That same Committee has 
also proposed a tentative standard testing method for the determination 
of acid-soluble iron in paper.2i» 'pi^^ analysis of paper for titanium 
pigment is outlined by Jarmus and Willetts.220 Methods for the 
determination of bleach demand are described by John and Poppe 221 
and by Seborg.222 'pj^e determination of the bleach requirement of 
pulp by means of its permanganate number is outlined by Wiles.223 
Hughes and Acree 224 describe the quantitative estimation of furfural 
with bromine, which has an application in the determination of pento- 
sans in pulp and paper. 

Fiber Identification of Structure. Graff writes in detail on the 
estimation of fibers in pulp or paper. He 227 goes into the nature of 
the factors involved in the accuracy of fiber analysis. Other papers 22J>. 
226 take up new stains for fiber evaluation, which stains apply in the 
differentiation of a number of the new types of fibers now appearing in 
paper. Kantrowitz and Simmons 228 discuss the relative merits of the 
commonly used methods for the determination of bleached and unbleached 
fibers in pulp and paper. Calkin 229 calls attention to the importance 
of using standard dyes in stains for the differentiation of fibers. Harrar 
and Lodewick 230-232 present a detailed series of papers relating to the 
identification and microscopy of woods and wood fibers such as are 
used in the manufacture of pulp. 

Changes in the structure of wood fibers during cooking and bleaching 
are described by Carpenter and Lewis.233 The article has been supple- 
mented by a number of cinephotomicrographs in which the swelling 
analysis has been used to demonstrate the changes which take place in 
the structure of fibers as the result of degradation. 

Ritter 234-230 j^^s continued his work on the microscopic structure of 
cellulose fibers. In addition to presenting a review of existing material 
on this subject, he has outlined new evidence on the behavior of fiibers 
during the processing of pulp previous to its manufacture into paper 
and the relation between this behavior and the inter-fibrillar material. 
Measurements on the internal and external swelling of wood fibers 
show that a substantial part of the swelling is internal. 

Sisson.237 has continued his x-ray study of the crystallite orientation 
in cellulose fibers. He explains his latest results with natural fibers on 
the assumption that a definite discontinuity of crystal structure exists in 
the concentric layers of cellulose in the cell wall. 

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Slime and White Water Problems. The production of parch- 
ment-like membranes from pulp and paper mill slimes deposited upon 
a sheet-forming substratum and treated with glycerol and mineral oil 
is described by Sanborn.234 The slime particles appear to have highly 
adhesive properties and suggest a probable application as binding and 
cementing agents. The same author ^39 ^as described factors which are 
involved in slime control in the mill. Holderby and Warrick ^^o have 
made a pollutional waste survey of Wisconsin pulp and paper mills and 
have compared these findings to those of previous years. They find 
that average fiber losses materially increased during 1934. 


1. West, C. J., "Biobliography of Papermaking," New York, Technical Association of 

the Pulp and Paper Industry, 1935. 191 p. 

2. Johnsen, B., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 514 (1935). 

3. Esselen, G. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 642 (1935). 

4. West, C. J., Paper Trade J.. 100, No. 20: 41 (1935). 

5. Shaw, M. B., Paper Ind., 17: 319 (1935). 

6. Kidder. W. K., Paper Ind., 16: 475 (1934). 

7. Phelps, M. W., Paper Trade /., 99, No. 17: 51 (1934). 

8. Minor, J. E., Paper Trade /., 99, No. 20: 45 (1934). 

9. Heritage, C. C, Paper Mill, 57, No. 29: 4 (1934). 

10. Curran, C. E., Paper Mill, 57, No. 43 (modernization no.) : 24 (Oct. 27, 1934). 

11. Hunger, T. T., Paper Trade /., 98, No. 25: 33 (1934). 

12. Davis, M., Paper Trade /., 99, No. 20: 41 (1934). 

13. Schreiner, E. J., Paper Trade /., 100, No. 8: 105 (1935). 

14. Bray, M. W., and Paul, B. H., Paper Trade /., 99, No. 5: 38 (1934). 

15. Curran, C. E., Schwartz, S. L., and Bray, M. W., Paper Trade /., 98, No. 23: 44 


16. Stamm, A. J., Physics, 6: 334 (1935). 

17. Stamm, A. J., and Seborg, R. M., /. Phys. Chem., 39: 133 (1935). 

18. Stamm, A. J., and Hansen, L. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1480 (1935). 

19. Stamm, A. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1195 (1934). 

20. Stamm, A. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 401 (1935). 

21. Stamm, A. J., and Loughborough, W. K., /. Phys. Chem., 39: 121 (1935). 

22. Buckman, S. J., Schmitz, H., and Gortner, R. A., /. Phys. Chem., 39: 103 (1935). 

23. Cady, L. C, and Williams, J. W., /. Phys. Chem., 39: 87 (1935). 

24. Peterson, F. C, Maughan, M., and Wise, L. E., Cellulosechem., 15, No. 11-12: 109 

(Dec. 30 1934). 

25. Herty, C.'h., and Rasch, R. H., Rayon & Melliand Textile Monthly, 16: 107 


26. Brannock, D. Y., Bunger, H., and Doud, E., Chem. Met. Eng., 42: 486 (1935). 

27. Stoops, W. N., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1480 (1934). 

28. Sanders, J. P., and Cameron, F. K., Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 1371 (1933). 

29. Shei>pard, S. E., and Newsome, P. T., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 285 (1934). 

30. Bancroft, W. D., and Calkin, J. B., /. Phys, Chem., 39: 1 (1935). 

31. Wiertelak, J., and Garbacz6wna, I., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 110 (1935). 

32. Clark, G. L., and Southard, J., Physics, 5: 95 (1934). 

33. Friedman, L*., and Kuykendall, D. V., Jr., Paper Trade J., 99, No. 12: 103 (1934). 

34. Lenher, S., and Smith, E. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 497 (1935). 

35. Rowland, B. W., Paper Trade J., 101, No. 13: 98 (1935). 

36. Sponsler, O. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1597 (1934). 

37. Farr, W. K., Paper Mill, 58, No. 38: 44 (1935); Paper Trade J., 101, No. 13: 87 


38 Farr W. K., and Eckerson, S. H., Contributions from Boyce Thompson Institute, 

6, No. 2: 189 (1934). , . 

39 Farr, W. K., and Eckerson, S. H., Contributions from Boyce Thompson Institute, 

6, No. 3: 309 (1934). 

40 Farr W. K., and Sisson, W. A., Contributions from Boyce Thompson Institute. 

6,'No. 3: 315 (1934). _ 

41. Kraemer, E. O., and Lansing, W. D., Nature, 133: 870 (1934); /. Phys. Chem., 39: 

153 (1935). 

42. Kurth, E. F., and Ritter, G. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2720 (1934). 

43. Salley, D. J., /. Phys. Chem., 38: 449 (1934). 

44. Lathrop, E. C, and Munroe, T. B., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 594 (1934). 

45. Payne, J. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 1339 (1934). 

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46. Mease, R. T., and Jessup, D. A., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 15: 189 (1935). 

47. Sheppard, S. B., and Newsome, P. T., /. Phys. Ghent., 39: 143 (1935). 

48. Kirkpatrick, A., Chem. Industries, 36: 319 (1935). 

49. White, H. C, Chem. Met. Eng., 41: 306 (1934). 

50. Phillips, A. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 416 (1935). 

51. Gloor, W. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1162 (1935). 

52. McBain, J. W., Grant, E. M., and Smith, L. E., /. Phys. Chem., 38: 1217 (1934). 

53. Phillips, M., Chem. Rev., 14: 103 (1934). 

54. Phillips, M., and Goss, M. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2707 (1934). 

55. Harris, E. E., Sherrard, E. C, and Mitchell, R. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc., 56: 889 


56. Bailey, A. J., Paper Ind., 16: 480 (1934). 

56a.Walde, A. W., and Hixon, R. M., /. Am, Chem. Soc. 56: 2656 (1934). 

57. Levine, M., Nelson, G. H., Anderson, D. Q., and Jacobs, P. B., Ind. Eng. Chem., 

27: 195 (1935). 

58. Boruff, C. S., and Buswell, A. M., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 886 (1934). 

59. Waksman, S. A., and Smith, H. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1225 (1934). 

60. Mitchell, R. L., and Ritter, G. J., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1603 (1934). 

61. Curran, C. E., Schafer, E. R., and Pew, J. C, Pac Pulp Paper Ind., 9, No. 7: 10 


62. Lowen, L., and Benson, H. K., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 1273 (1934). 

63. Aronovsky, S. I., and Gortner, R. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 1349 (1933). 

64. Aronovsky, S. I., and Gortner, R. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 61 (1934). 

65. Aronovsky, S. I., and Gortner, R. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 220 (1934). 

66. Aronovsky, S. I., and Gortner, R. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 451 (1935). 

67. Aronovsky, S. I., Paper Ind., 16: 413 (1934). 

68. Braun, C. E., and Lundberg, A. H., Pac Pulp Paper Ind., 8, No. 3: 6 (March, 1934). 

69. Kress, O., Swanson, W. H., Porter, D. C, and Smith, B. F., Paper Mill, 57, No. 41: 2 

(Oct. 13, 1934); Paper Trade J., 99, No. 17: 48 (Oct. 25, 1934). 

70. Browning, B. L., and Kress, O., Paper Trade J., 100, No. 19: 31 (1935). 

71. Frank, H. C., and Beuschlein, W. L., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2554 (1934). 

72. Beuschlein, W. L., and Conrad, F. H., Paper Trade J., 99, No. 12: 75 (1934). 

73. McGovern, J. N., and (^lidester, G. H., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 18: 41 (1934). 

74. Hrubesky, C. E., and Chidester, G. H., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 7: 34 (1934). 

75. Benson, H. K., Erwin, R. P., Hendrickson, J. R., and Tershin, J. A., Paper Trade 

J., 99, No. 12: 87 (1934). 

76. Warrick, L. F., and Holderby, J. M., Paper Mill, 58, No. 49: 15 (1935); No. 50: 18 


77. Howard, G. C., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 614 (1934). 

78. Wells, S. D., Paper Trade J., 101, No. 19: 40 (1935). 

79. Phillips, M., Goss, M. J., Brown, B. E., and Reid, F. R., /. Wash. Acad. Sci., 24: 

1 (1934). 

80. 0*Dell, M. J., and Greenlaw, A. Z., Paper Trade J., 99, No. 8: 41 (1934). 

81. Pollock, R. N., and Partansky, A. M., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 330 (1934). 

82. Leitz, C. F., Sivertz, V., and Kobe, K. A., Pac. Pulp Paper Ind., 9, No. 6: 10 


83. Winiecki, B. T., Pac Pulp Paper Ind., 9, No. 7: 18 (1935). 

84. Kobe, K. A., and Centenero, A. D., Paper Trade J., 101, No. 24: 36 (1935). 

85. Billington, P. S., Chidester, G. H., and Curran, C. E., Paper Trade J., 101, No. 11: 

44 (1935). 

86. Holzer, W. F., Paper Trade J., 99, No. 12: 91 (1934). 

87. Kress, O., and Mclntyre, J. W., Paper Trade J., 100, No. 18: 43 (1935). 

88. Kress, O., and Harrison, W. D., Paper Trade J., 100, No. 22: 30 (1935). 

89. 'Pillow, M. Y., and Bray, M. W., Paper Mill, 58, No. 51: 15 (1935) ; Paper Trade J., 

101, No. 26: 31 (1935). 

90. Gordon, W. O., and Creitz, E. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 565 (1934). 

91. Lary, E. C, and Davis, D. S., Paper Ind., 17, No. 4: 249 (1935). 

92. McGregor, G. H., Pacific Pulp and Paper Ind., 9, No. 10: 9; No. 11: 17; No. 12: 20 


93. Lewis, H. F., and Gilbertson, L. A., Paper Trade J., 100, No. 15: 37 (1935). 

94. Weil, C, Paper Ind., 16, No. 12: 842 (1935). 

95. Henderson, C. T., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 26: 59 (1934). 

96. Rue, J. D., Paper Trade J., 101, No. 18: 87 (1935). 

97. Willson, V. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 44 (1935). 

98. Dreshfield, A. C, Paper Trade J., 98, No. 5: 23 (1934). 

99. Montgomery, A. E., and Batchelor, T. G., Paper Trade J:, 100, No. 1: 25 (1935); 

Paper Mill, 57, No. 52: 8 (1934). 

100. Kennedy, G. F., Paper Mill, 57, No. 50: 8 (1934); Paper Trade J., 99, No. 26: 31 


101. Sinclair, H., Paper Trade J., 99, No. 26: 27 (1934). 

102. Neitzke, O. F., Paper Trade J., 100, No. 17: 39 (1935). 

103. DeCew, J. A., Paper Trade J., 100, No. 11: 44 (1935). 

104. Stevens, R. H., Paper Ind., 16: 249 (1934). 

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105. Sutcrmeister, E., Paper Trade /., W, No. 4: 18; No. 21: 26; No. 22: 20 (1933); 58, 

No. 1: 25 (1934). 

106. Krimmel, M., Paper Trade J., 101, No. 1: 44 (1935). 

107. Richter, G. A., Ind. Eng. Chem.. 26: 1154 (1934). 

108. Rasch, R. H., and Scribner, B. W., Bur. Standards J. Research, 11: 727 (1933). 

109. Scribner, B. W., Paper Trade /., 99, No. 14: 31 (1934). 

110. Weber, C. G., Shaw, M. B., and Back, E. A., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 

15: 271 (1935). 

111. Zimmerman, E. W., Weber, C. G., and Kimberly, A. E., /. Research Natl. Bur. 

Standards, 14: 463 (1935). 

112. Shaw, M. B., Bicking, G. W., and O'Leary, M. J., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 

14: 649 (1935). 

113. Blaisdell, C. A., and Minor, J. E., Paper Ind., 15: 512 (1933). 

114. Farquhar, S. T., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 11: 22 (1934). 

115. Belcher, V. A., Paper Trade /., 98, No. 11: 37 (1934). 

116. Cyr, H. M., Paper Ind., 16, No. 4: 257 (1934). 

117. Steele, F. A., Paper Trade /., 99, No. 12: 105 (1934). 

118. Smith, O. A., Paper Trade J., 99, No. 19: 41 (1934). 

119. Willets, W. R., Paper Trade /., 100, No. 1: 26 (1935). 

120. Willets, W. R., Paper Mill, 58, No. 45: 15 (1935). 

121. Willets, W. R., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 6: 37 (1934). 

122. Willets, W. R., Paper Trade J., 101, No. 13: 81 (1935). 

123. Sutcrmeister E., Paper Ind., 15: 6% (1934). 

124. Townsend, H. B., Paper Mill, 57, No. 50: 5 (1934); Paper Trade J., 99, No. 25: 37 


125. Birchard, W. H., Paper Ind., 15: 561 (1934). 

126. Snyder, F. H., and Maclaren, S. F. M., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 17: 46 (1934). 

127. Binns, F. W., Paper MUl, 57, No. 49: 3 (1934); Paper Trade J., 99, No. 25: 32 (1934). 

128. Leete, J. F., Paper Mill, 58, No. 28: 21 (1935). 

129. Hollabaugh, C. B., Paper Trade /., 101, No. 25: 39 (1935). 

130. Morgan, W. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., Ill 1287 (1935). 

131. Piper, J. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 380 (1934). 

132. Bailey, A. J., Paper Trade J., 101, No. 3: 40 (1935). 

133. Baird, P. K., Paper Trade J., 98 No. 2: 40 (1934). 

134. Bearce, G. D., Paper Trade J., 100, No. 3: 40 (1935). 

135. Rubin, M. M., Paper Trade J., 101, No. 6: 39 (1935). 

136. Doughty, R. H., Paper Trade J., 101, No. 16: 31 (1935). 

137. McCready, D. W., Paper Trade J., 101, No. 13: 63 (1935). 

138. McCready, D. W., Paper Trade J., 101, No. 13: 66 (1935). 

139. Adams, F. W., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 1: 38 (1934). 

140. Anderson, L. C, Paper Trade J., 98, No. 9: 31 (1934). 

141. Lee, J. A., Chem. Met. Eng., 41, No. 8: 429 (1934). 

142. Stamm, F. C, Paper Trade J., 98, No. 15: 39 (1?34). 

143. Baker, C. M., Paper Mill, 57, No. 3: 4 (1934). 

144. DeCew, J. A., Paper Trade J., 100, No. 5: 31 (1935). 

145. Cniase, G. C, Paper Trade /., 98, No. 22: 42 (1934). 

146. Minor, J. E„ and Blaisdell, C. A., Paper Ind., 16: 401 (1934). 

147. Weber, C. G., and Snyder, L. W., Bur. Standards J. Research, 12: 53 (1934). 

148. Weber, C. G., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 13: 609 (1934). 

149. Wehmhoff, B. L., Paper Trade J., l(K), No. 6: 41 (1935). 

150. Morgan, H. W., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 15: 44 (1934). 

151. Simmonds, F. A., and Baird, P. K., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 20: 33 (1934). 

152. Doughty, R. H., and Curran, C. E., Paper Trade J., 97, No. 25: 38 (1933). 

153. Williams, F. M., Paper Mill, 58, No. 34: 19 (1935). 

154. Green, A. B., Paper Ind., 17, No. 3: 164 (1935). 

155. Kress, O., and Brainerd, F. W., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 13: 35 (1934). 

156. Mahler, E., Paper Mill, 57, No. 8: 32 (1934). 

157. Mahler, E., Paper Mill, 57, No. 42: 1 (1934). 

158. Mahler, E., Paper Mill, 58, No. 47: 6 (1935). 

159. Strange, J. G., Paper Trade J., 99, No. 21: 35 (1934) ; Paper Mill, 57, No. 48: 6 (1934). 

160. Strange, J., Pac. Pulp Paper Ind., 9, No. 11: 9 (1935). 

161. Strange, J. G., Paper Mill, 58, No. 52: 15 (1935); Paper Trade J., 101, No. 26: 21 


162. Heritage, C. C, Paper Trade J., 98, No. 17: 51 (1934). 

163. Ca-ruth, H. P., Paper Mill, 57, No. 8: 28 (1934). 

164. Krimmel, M., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 16: 33 (1934). 

165. Briggs, L. J., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 16: 38 (1934). 

166. Annis, H. M., Paper Trade J., 100, No. 10: 43 (1935). 

167. Stuart, N. H., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 16: 41 (1934). 

168. Stuart, N. II., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 17: 48 (1934). 

169. Plumstead, J. E., Paper Trade /., 98, No. 5: 43 (1934). 

170. Wriston, H. M., Paper Mill, 57, No. 8: 60 (1934). 

171. Boyce, C. W., Paper Mill, 57, No. 8: 24 (1934). 

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172. Bullock, W. B., Paper Mill, 57, No. 10: 6 (1934). 

173. Addoms, C, Paper Mill, 57, No. 8: 18 (1934). 

174. Lewis, L. C, Paper Mill, 57, No. 25: 20 (1934); Paper Trade /., 98, No. 26: 71 


175. Lewis, L. C, Pa/»^r Trad^ /., 101, No. 6: 36 (1935). 

176. Michaelson, J. L., Gen. Elec. Rev., 38, No. 4: 194 (1935). 

177. Davis, M. N., Paper Trade /., 101, No. 1: 36 (1935). 

178. Hunter, R. S., Paper Trade J., 100, No. 26: 37 (1935). 

179. Judd, D. B., Paper Trade J., 100, No. 21: 40 (1935). 

180. Laughlin, E. R., and Kress, O., Paper Trade J., 100, No. 8: 110 (1935). 

181. Hunter, R. S., Paper Trade J., 99, No. 7: 38 (1934). 

182. Hunter, R. S., Rayon and Melliand Tevtile Monthly, 15: 283 (1934). 

183. Kress, O., and Morgan, H. W., Paper Trade /., 100, No. 26: 41 (1935). 

184. Judd, D. B., Bur. Standards J. Research, 12: 345 (1934). 

185. Judd, D. B., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 13: 281 (1934). 

186. Judd, D. B., Paper Trade /., 101, No. 5: 40 (1935). 

187. Dodge, W. G., and Tarvin, C. E., Paper Trade J., 100, No. 5: 38 (1935). 

188. Davis, M. N., Roehr, W. W., and Malmstrom, H. E., Paper Trade /., 101, No. 4: 

31 (1935). 

189. WUliams, F. M., Paper Trade J., 98. No. 15: 41 (1934). 

190. Monnberg, R., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 12: 41 (1934). 

191. Carson, F. T., Paper Ind., 16: 621 (1934). 

192. Carson, F. T., Paper Trade J., 101, No. 8: 31 (1935). 

193. TAPPI, Paper Trade J., 99, No. 21: 38 (1934). 

194. TAPPI, Paper Trade J., 99, No. 21: 41 (1934). 

195. TAPPI. Paper Trade J., 99, No. 21: 42 (1934). 

196. Clark, J. d'A., Paper Trade /., 98, No. 14: 44 (1934). 

197. Scribner, B. W., Paper Trade J.. 98- No. 12: 47; No. 13: 39 (1934). 

198. Carson, F. T., Paper Trade /., 98, No. 21: 36 (1934). 

199. Cobb, R. M., and Lowe, D. V., Paper Trade J.. 98, No. 12: 43 (1934). 

200. Carson, F. T., Bur. Standards J. Research, 12, No. 5- Sff7 (1934). 

201. Carson, F. T., Bur. Standards J. Research, 12, No. 5: 567 (1934). 

202. Tressler, D. K., and Evers, C. F., Paper Trade J., 101, No. 10: 33 (1935). 

203. Charch, W. H., and Scroggie, A. G., Paper Trade /., 101, No. 14: 31 (1935). 

204. Reese, S. W., and Youtz, M. A.. Paper Trade /.. 100, No. 7: 33 (1935). 

205. Albert, G. A., Paper Trade J.. 101, No. 11: 31 (1935). 

206. Minor, C. A., and Minor, J. E., Paper Ind., 17: 35 (1935). 

207. Clark, J. d'A., Paper Trade /., 100, No. 13: 41 (1935). 

208. Gurley, R. D., Paper Trade /., 99, No. 25: 43 (1934). 

209. Arnold, L. K., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 1: 40 (1934). 

210. Arnold, L. K., and Cleaves, D. L., Paper Trade /., 98, No. 24: 31 (1934). 

211. Baechler, R. H., Fibre Containers. 20, No. 6: 31 n^3S). 

212. Whittemore, E. R., Overman, C. B., and Wingfield, B., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 831 


213. Jahn, E. C, Paper Trade J., 101, No. 12: 34 (1935). 

214. Bump, C. K., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 223 (1934). 

2a5. Ritter, G. J., and Barbour, J. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 238 (1935). 

216. Hend-ickson, J., and Benson, H. K., Pac. Pulp Paper Ind., 8, No. 3: 10 (1934). 

217. TAPPI, Paper Trade J., 98, No. 13: 33 (1934). 

218. TAPPI, Paper Trade J., 98, No. 1: 37 (1934). 

219. TAPPI, Pat>er Trade J.. 98, No. 3: 37 (1934). 

220. Jarmus, J. M., and Willets, W. R., Paper Trade /., 98, No. 1: 41 (1934). 

221. John, H., and Poppe, F. W., Paper Trade /., 99, No. 9: 36 (1934). 

222. Seborg, C. O., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 8: 109 (1934). 

223. Wiles, R. H., Paper Trade /.. 98. No. 11: 34 (1934). 

224. Hughes, E. E., and Acree, S. F., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 6: 123 (1934). 

225. Graff, J. H., Paper Mill, 57. No. 25: 22 (1934); Pat>er Trade J., 99, No. 1: 31 (1934). 

226. Graff, J. H., Paper Trade J., 100, No. 16: 45 (1935). 

227. Graflf, J. H., Paper Trade J., 101, No. 2: 36 (1935). 

228. Kantrowitz, M. S., and Simmons, R. H., Paper Trade J., 98, No. 10: 46 (1934). 

229. Calkin, J. B., Paper Trade J., 100, No. 3: 35 (1935). 

230. Harrar, E. S., and Lodewick, J. E., Paper Ind., 15, No. 11: 630 (1934). 

231. Ha-rar, E. S., and Lodewick, J. E., Paper Ind., 16, No. 2: 103 (1934). 

232. Harra-, E. S., and Lodewick, J. E., Paper Ind., 16, No. 5: 327 (1934). 

233. C'lrpenter, C. H., and Lewis, H. F., Paper Trade J., 99, No. 3: 37 (1934). 

234. Ritter, G. J., Paper Ind., 16, No. 3: 178 (1934). 

235. Ritter, G. J., Rayon & Melliand Textile Monthly, 16: 522, 606 (1935). 

236. Ritter, G. J., Paper Trade J.. 101, No. 18: 92 (1935). 

237. Sisson, W. A., Ind. Eng. Chem.. 27: 51 (1935). 

238. Sanborn, J. R., Ind. Ena. Chem., 26: 532 (1934). 
239 Sanborn, J. R., Paper Mill, 57, No. 49: 9 (1934). 

240* Holderby, J. M., and Warrick, L. F., Paper Trade J., 101, No. 3: 19 (1935). 

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Chapter XXII. 
Synthetic Plastics. 


Gustavus J. Esselen, Inc., 
Boston, Mass, 

In view of the fact that the last review of Synthetic Plastics 
appeared in Volume 7 for the year 1932, this present survey includes 
the years 1933, 1934, and 1935. The material selected for discussion 
in this chapter includes all synthetic compounds of a plastic or 
semi-plastic nature with the exception of the cellulose esters and 
ethers. These compounds are commonly designated by the term 
"Synthetic Resins." 

Two excellent reviews ^' ^ of the chemistry of these resins have 
been published during the period in question, and this subject has 
been exhaustively covered in two volumes published by Ellis ^ in 
1935. Nevertheless, the actual progress in the chemistry of syn- 
thetic plastics has been reflected to a much greater extent in the 
patent literature than in any of the scientific journals. Therefore, 
it is from the former source that most of the information recorded 
in this chapter was derived. 

The synthetic production of resinous materials is practically 
always accomplished by either of two general classes of chemical 
interactions; namely, polymerization and condensation. It is under 
these headings that the developments during the past three years 
will be discussed. Sometimes both types of reaction are involved 
as when an already ploymerized substance condenses with some 
other material. 


The term "polymerization," as it is used in this review, compre- 
hends those processes in the course of which a more or less con- 
siderable number of similar molecules unite to form larger com- 
plexes. The degree of polymerization is influenced by the nature 
of the unsaturated linkages and the substituent groups adjacent to 
these linkages, by heat, by light, by pressure, and by the presence 
or absence of a great variety or catalysts. All of these factors will 
be discussed in connection with the various groups listed below. 

Compounds With a Triple Bond ( — C = C — ). Acetylene 
(CH : CH) is capable of polymerization under certain conditions 


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with the formation of products with a definite resinous character. 
There is a certain amount of danger inherent in this reaction, 
because of the possibility of forming compounds of an explosive 
nature. Calcott and Downing^ have discovered that the formation 
of explosive compounds during the polymerization of acetylene 
was inhibited by performing the reaction in an inert medium, such 
as nitrogen. A catalyst ^ for producing polymers from acetylene 
has been formed from materials including a cuprous salt, such as 
cuprous chloride, and an ammonium salt, such as ammonium chlo- 
ride, together with a non-aqueous solvent for the cuprous salt, such 
as ethyleneglycol. In a study of the efficiency of carbon dioxide as 
a radiochemical catalyst for the polymerization of acetylene,^ it 
was determined that only 30 percent of carbon dioxide ionization 
was used in promoting the reaction. 

Methylacetylene (CH • CCH3) has been polymerized to a white 
solid by exposure to ultra-violet light.*^ 

The polymerization of vinylacetylene (CH2:CHC : CH) has 
been investigated by members of the Du Pont organization.^"^^ It 
was shown that vinylacetylene can undergo at least three distinct 
types of polymerization as follows : 

Type Catalyst Resultant Polymer 

A Quprous Acetylene 

chloride tetramer (CH, : CHC i C-CH : CHCH : CH,) 
B None Cyclobutene 

derivative (CH ; CCH-CHC • CH) 
I I 

C Acids Styrene (CeH^CHrCH,) 

It was inferred that the higher polymers had polycyclobutene- 
cyclobutane structures. Divinylacetylene has been partially hydro- 
genated in the presence of a nickel catalyst and the resulting prod- 
uct was polymerized by heating in the presence of benzoyl peroxide 
to obtain a product of good stability to light. 

Halogen derivatives of vinylacetylene were also polymerized.^^, 13 
2-Iodo-l-vinylacetylene (CH2:CHC • CI) formed a hard resin-like 
mass which deflagrated when struck, emitting iodine vapor and 
clouds of heavy brown smoke. The polymerization of l-halo-2 
vinylacetylenes could be accelerated by ultra-violet light, benzoyl 
peroxide, or ozonides. Chloro-, bromo-, and iodo-polymers have 
been prepared. The chloro derivative formed the least explosive 

Porous materials such as cloth, paper, or wood have been impreg- 
nated with derivatives of vinylacetylene and the material was then 
subjected to superatmospheric pressure to cause polymerization of 
the occluded compound.^^ Other products suitable for the impreg- 
nation of paper, as well as for the manufacture of safety glass. 

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have been obtained by the polymerization of vinylethinylcarbinol 
[CHg: CH(CH i C)CHOH] in the presence of suitable catalysts.^^ 

Compounds With a Single Double Bond (-CH = CH-). Poly- 
mers of vinyl esters, such as the chloride and acetate, have become 
important factors in the synthetic resin industry and have conse- 
quently been the subject of considerable study. The mechanism of 
the polymerization was first investigated by Staudinger in 1927 and, 
according to the review published by Allen, Meharg, and Schmidt 2 
in 1934, the following structure is quite generally ascribed to the 
polymers (R denoting the chloride or acetate radical) : 

R H R H R H 


H H H H H H 

Morrison and Shaw ^^' ^"^ have investigated the catalysts and con- 
ditions influencing the formation of vinyl acetate and ethylidene 
diacetate from the direct combination of acetylene and acetic acid. 
The progress of the photopolymerization of vinyl acetate has been 
followed by a determination of the iodine number with Wijs solu- 
tion.18 Vinyl chloride and vinyl acetate have been conjointly poly- 
merized ^^ with the aid of various catalysts, notably peroxides. In 
one case 20 acetyl benzoyl peroxide has been directly formed in the 
reaction mixture by passing dry air or oxygen through a mixture 
of benzene and acetic anhydride. In addition to the peroxides, a 
catalyst-assisting material,^! such as lead, tin, or aluminum, has 
been used. A polymerized mixture of vinyl chloride and vinyl ace- 
tate has been made more resistant to the influence of heat and 
exposure 22 by including in the reaction a small proportion of hexa- 
methylenetetramine. Polymerized mixtures of vinyl chloride and 
vinyl acetate have been fractionated ^3 by treating them with 
selected solvents in which the desired fractions were insoluble. 
The polymerized mixture has been obtained in the form of a mold- 
ing powder 2* by dissolving it in acetone, treating the solution with 
ammonia of at least 5 percent concentration with rapid agitation, 
and then precipitating a powder by adding hydrochloric acid. 

The polymerization of vinyl esters and similar unsaturated com- 
pounds has been accomplished under the influence of extremely 
high pressures, such as 2000 to 12,000 atmospheres.25 The fusi- 
bility and solubility of the polymerized esters has been diminished ^^ 
by precipitating them from solution in the presence of an aqueous 
solution of alkali, whose strength was not sufficient to cause appre- 
ciable hydrolysis of the resin. Low viscosity vinyl polymers have 
been obtained 2"^ by polymerizing the acetate and the chloride in 
the presence of an acid whose deleterious action is counteracted as 
much as desired by the addition of ethylene oxide. The character- 
istics of the vinyl ester polymers have been further modified by the 

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presence of rubber,^^ rosin or a rosin ester,^® ester gum and drying 
oils such as linseed oil or China-wood oil.^^' ^i 

Various applications of the polymerized vinyl acetate and chlo- 
ride have been proposed. A solution of polyvinyl acetate in ethyl 
lactate has been used as a varnish for new and old paintings.^^ 
Vinyl resins have been used for phonograph records,33. 34 fQj. ^g^. 
tures,35 for protective coatings,3«. 37 ^nd for the impregnation of 
paper 38 and fabrics.3^ 

Vinyl compounds other than the acetate and chloride have also 
been studied. A substantially chlorine-free resin has been obtained 
by reacting vinyl chloroacetate with an alkali metal salt of an 
alcohol, phenol, or carboxylic acid and polymerizing the resultant 
product.^^ Divinyl ether has been polymerized to a highly viscous, 
resinous material by heating it at 70 to 150° C. for 20 to 24 hours.^i 
A product suitable for use in lacquers and in molded products has 
been obtained by heating vinylnaphthalene to below its decompo- 
sition point (i.e., about 300° C.).*2 

Styrene (vinylbenzene) is capable of polymerization with the 
formation of hard glass-like resins. These resins have found 
numerous applications in industry. Houtz and Adkins ^3 have fol- 
lowed the course of the polymerization of styrene by determina- 
tions of the viscosity of the solution, and the weight and specific 
viscosity of the resultant polystyrene. The polystyrene chains 
of greatest length, as measured by the specific viscosity, were 
formed in an atmosphere of nitrogen at 110° C. Certain per- 
oxides (especially diisobutylene ozonide) were much more active 
catalysts than ozone. Crude styrene has been polymerized by heat- 
ing it in the presence of benzoyl peroxide formed in situ from 
ozone and benzene.^^ Styrene will even polymerize in the absence 
of ozone but at a diminished rate.^^ Polystyrene, after precipita- 
tion and drying, retained its capacity to add more styrene with the 
formation of chains of greater length. Polymerized styrene ^^ has 
been found particularly suitable for making acoustic diaphragms 
such as those of telephone transmitters and microphones. 

Those resins obtained by the polymerization of indene and of 
cumarone have been known for many years. The structure of poly- 
indene has been represented as follows:^ 


The structure of polycumarone is similar with an — O— replacing 
the — CH2— group. 

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A recent patent ^'' stated that cumarone may be polymerized, 
with the aid of a catalyst such as sulfuric acid, in the presence of a 
liquid diluent, such as a petroleum fraction which is inert to the 
polymerizing reaction and is a solvent for the resulting resin but a 
non-solvent for the catalyst. In the formation of resins of the 
cumarone-indene type, polymerization of the initial materials has 
been effected in the presence of an absorbent earth, such as fuller's 
earth, and an acid ferric sulfate.'*^ 

Acrylic acid (CH2:CHCOOH) and its derivative^ have been 
transformed by polymerization into very interesting resins, many 
of them of a hard, colorless, glass-like nature. However, most of 
the recent investigations along this line have been carried out in 
countries other than the United States. One recent United States 
investigation ^® has revealed that a bubble-free polymer of an 
acrylic or alkacrylic acid may be obtained by until the 
temperature of at least some portion of the mass approaches the 
temperature of bubble formation, then cooling until the reaction 
is substantially stopped and again heating. and cooling alternately. 
Compositions for the production of sound-records ^^ have been pro- 
duced from thermoplastic resins obtained by the polymerization of 
acrylic acid, alkacrylic acid or their esters, nitriles, or amides. 

Polymerization products of esters of ethylenedicarboxylic acids, 
such as fumaric, maleic, citraconic, and mesaconic acids,^^ have 
been used conjointly with polymerized vinyl esters or styrene. 

Compounds With Conjugated Double Bonds. The polymers of 
unsaturated organic compounds of this class are distinguished by 
the fact that they are more rubbery than resinous. The most 
important member of this group is Chloroprene, chemically desig- 
nated as 2-chloro-l,3-butadiene (CH2:CC1CH:CH2), whose poljrmer, 
Duprene, has been developed by E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Com- 
pany as a substitute for rubber. The basic patents on the prepara- 
tion and polymerization of the chlorobutadienes were issued in 
March, 1934.^2 

The structure of polychloroprene has been represented as fol- 



Ha H H, H, H H, H, H H, 

Williams and Walker ^^ have studied the effect of oxygen and 
water on the polymerization of Chloroprene. They concluded that 
oxygen increased the rate of polymerization of Chloroprene, but 
that it was not necessary for either the polymerization to a-poly- 
chloroprene or for the conversion of a to u-polychloroprene during 
vulcanization. The rapid polymerization in emulsions was due to 
the nature of the polar interfaces and to their distance apart rather 
than to the increased surface of accelerating action of the dispers- 

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ing agent. In the commercial application of the Chloroprene plas- 
tic polymer,^^ the scorching of this polymer has been guarded 
against by mixing it with a plastic, elastic reaction product of an 
aromatic compound, such as benzene, with ethylene chloride. 

In the polymerization of the related compound, 2-methyl-l,3- 
butadiene (CH2:C(CH3)CH :CH2), commonly known as isoprene, 
an insoluble polymer was largely formed when the aluminum chlo- 
ride catalyst was in the solid state. When the aluminum chloride 
was put in solution as a complex in the isoprene, a soluble polymer 
was largely formed.^^ The homogeneous thermal polymerization 
of isoprene has been investigated in the temperature range of 286.5 
to 371° C. at pressures ranging from 212 to 739 mm.^® 

The chlorine derivatives of butadiene have been the subject of 
exhaustive studies.^"^ The polymerization of 2,3-dichloro-l,3-buta- 
diene was inhibited by hydroquinone and accelerated by air or ben- 
zoyl peroxide. The polymer was an opaque, tough, hard mass, 
non-plastic and lacking in extensibility. l,2,3-Trichloro-l,3-buta- 
diene polymerized very slowly to form a dark-colored, rather soft 
and friable mass. The speed of spontaneous polymerization of the 
chlorobutadienes was graded as follows: 2,3-» 2-1:^ 1,2,3- > 1-^ 
1,2,3,4-chloro. Only the second member of the series (Chloro- 
prene) yielded a definitely rubber-like polymer. 

The preparation and polymerization of other butadiene deriva- 
tives has been reported by Coffman ^^ and Dykstra.^^ Among 
those studied were 4-cyano-l,3-butadiene and the oxyprenes, 2-eth- 
oxy-l,3-butadiene and 2-butoxy-l,3-butadiene. As substitutes for 
rubber the polymers of these oxyprenes were inferior to poly- 

The polymerization of unsaturated organic compounds with con- 
jugated double bonds has been studied by Starkweather ^^ at pres- 
sures ranging from 2000-9000 atmospheres and temperatures rang- 
ing from 20 to 74° C. At about 6000 atmospheres an increase of 
1000 atmospheres doubled the rate of polymerization. The rate 
was increased by substituent groups in the 3- or 2-position in the 
order alkyl, phenyl, chlorine, bromine, iodine. In the a- or 1- 
position, halogens were less effective and alkyl groups were 

Werntz ^^ has investigated the addition of organic carboxylic 
acids to vinylacetylene. Acetic acid reacted with vinylacetylene in 
the presence of a catalyst, such as a mercury salt or boron fluoride, 
to give l,3-butadienyl-2-acetate. The corresponding formate, 
chloroacetate and butyrate were similarly formed. These esters 
were polymerized under normal conditions or under high pressure 
or in emulsions, with the formation of a rubber-like material. 
Unlike Chloroprene, the acetate, when polymerized under the influ- 
ence of peroxide catalysts, yielded resinous products. 

A product which was suitable for coating compositions has been 

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produced by heating furylethylene in the presence of a catalyst 
such as benzoyl peroxide and discontinuing the heating before the 
polymer became insoluble in toluene.^^ 

Mixtures of Olefins and Diolefins. The polymerization of mix- 
tures of unsaturated hydrocarbons obtained from cracked petro- 
leum distillates was first reported by Thomas and Carmody in 
1932.^' ®* The resins obtained in this manner offered possibilities 
for use in varnishes and were of particular commercial interest 
because of their low cost. 

These mixtures of unsaturated hydrocarbons have been poly- 
merized by heating at 25 to 35° C. in the presence of aluminum 
chloride as a catalyst,^^ and also in conjunction with an alkyl ben- 
zene, if so desired.^^ Unsaturated components of cracked petro- 
leum distillates boiling below 230° C. have been polymerized to 
products boiling at 300° C. or higher and oils of lower boiling point 
were then separated from the polymers.^"^ Compounds transparent 
to light in a layer thickness of 2 inches and having drying properties 
equal to vegetable oils have been prepared by fractionating unre- 
fined vapor-phase cracked gasoline and polymerizing the lighter 
condensable fraction having a boiling point not over 112° C.^^ An 
oil such as a crude coal-tar naphtha has been heated with lead 
oxide, then distilled and treated with a polymerizing agent, such as 
sulfuric acid, to obtain light-colored varnish resins.^^ Resinous 
material has been formed from petroleum sludge by heating the 
sludge and treating it with sodium chlorate or other similar agent J*^ 

Unsaturated Linkages With Elements Other Than Carbon. 

Lactide (CH3CH<^^q>CHCH3) has been polymerized by heat- 
ing it at temperatures ranging from 250° C. to a temperature 
approaching that at which decomposition of the polymerized prod- 
uct began to occur. The polymerized product was further heated 
within this temperature range and at a pressure below 100 mm. of 
mercury, in order to remove monomeric lactide by distillation."^! 

It has been reported that bromoalkyldimethylamines polymerize 
readily to give products which are hygroscopic and vary in physical 
state from resinous gums through glass-like products to amor- 
phous solids.'^^ 


The term "condensation," as used in this review, distinguishes 
those polymerization processes, usually involving two or more com- 
pounds, in which there is a separation of some substance, such as 
water, as a by-product of the reaction. Within the wide limits of 
this definition, condensation includes those processes ordinarily 
described as esterification, etherification, lactone and anhydride 
formation, oximation, etc. As in the case of straight polymeriza- 

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tion, condensation is promoted by a great variety of catalysts, as 
is indicated in connection with the various groups listed below. 

Phenol With Formaldehyde. The mechanism of the phenol- 
formaldehyde condensation has been the subject of considerable 
study ever since Baekeland developed this reaction on a commer- 
cial scale. In the excellent review of this work by Allen, Meharg, 
and Schmidt,^ the great variety of reactions possible between 
phenol and formaldehyde either in neutral, acid, or alkaline solu- 
tions, and either with phenol or formaldehyde in excess, are repre- 
sented by the following equations: 

(a) Alkaline reaction = phenol alcohol 


l+CHaO^ ^' |CH,OH 

(b) Alkaline or acid reaction = Novolak 

CH,OH_^ _^ +H.0 

(c) Alkaline reaction = Resol (Bakelite A) 




{d) xResol-fyResol = Resit (Bakelite C)+ water 
{e) xNovolak -f y formaldehyde = Resit + water 

If the reactions represented by equations (a) and (b) are con- 
sidered as a unit, one molecule of phenol has reacted with 0.5 mole- 
cule of formaldehyde. As the ratio approaches 1 to 1 the chains 
which constitute the Novolak become longer, resulting in a resin of 
higher melting point, of lesser solubility in caustic or alcohol, and 
finally of complete infusibility and insolubility as the 1 to 1 limit 
is reached. 

In the limited space of this review it is possible to give only a 
brief summary of the developments in the phenol-formaldehyde 
resins during the years 1933, 1934, and 1935. The initial condensa- 
tion of phenol with formaldehyde has been performed in the pres- 
ence of strong alkaline catalysts, such as sodium hydroxide and 
potassium carbonate, and the reaction mixture has then been 

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neutralized by such acids as sulfuric, hydrochloric/^ lactic,*^^ tar- 
taric,''^^ or succinic/® In certain cases the entire condensation has 
been carried out in an alkaline medium, e. g., in the presence of 
aniline,"» '^^ ammonia,*^^ hexamethylenetetramine,®^ triethanol- 
amine, or trisodium phosphate.^^ The condensation has been halted 
at the desired stage by running the condensate directly into water 
to form a suspension ®2 or by the addition of a relatively cold sol- 
vent, whose boiling point is above 100° C, such as butyl alcohol 
or amyl acetate.^® The condensation products have been freed 
from uncombined phenol by distillation at a temperature of 140° 
C. or higher in the presence of high-boiling non-resinous organic 
fluxing compounds such as glycerol, ethyleneglycol, or phthalic 
esters.^3 Transparent phenol-formaldehyde resins have been 
formed by adding to the condensation a decolorizing agent con- 
sisting of a mixture of acetic acid, camphor, glycerol, and hydro- 
chloric acid. 8^ The condensate has been hardened while it was 
still liquid and hot by adding a slight excess of oxalic or phos- 
phoric acid.^^ Products of high brilliancy have been obtained by 
the addition to the partially condensed mixture of about 0.5 percent 
of an oxidizing agent, such as ammonium chromate or potassium 

The phenol-formaldehyde condensates have been modified for 
coating purposes by including in the condensation certain oils 
such as linseed oil^"^' ®^ wood oil,^^ or tung oil,^^ as well as certain 
natural resins, such as rosin ®i or the glycerol ester of a 
natural resin acid.^^ ^ resin which may be hardened by heating has 
been formed from phenol, formaldehyde, and an alkyl ester of citric 
acid which served as a plastifier.^^ Oil-soluble synthetic resins have 
resulted from the condensation of phenol and formaldehyde with 
bis-(4-hydroxyaryl) dialkylmethane ketone.®^ Tests have been 
described in which a part of the linseed oil in typical house paints 
was replaced with tung oil-phenolic resin varnishes. After over 2 
years exposure the indications were that weathering would result 
in chalking rather than checking or cracking.^^ It has been deter- 
mined that the hardness and speed of drying of phenolic-resin var- 
nishes were proportional to the melting point of the resin.^® Var- 
nishes must be free from the initial condensation products of phenol 
and formaldehyde.^*^ For varnishes, the non-heat-hardening type 
of phenolic resin has been found superior to the heat-hardening 
type, in that the former is susceptible to better control during 
cooking and to less yellowing.®^ 

The adaptation of phenol-formaldehyde condensation products to 
molding compositions has received considerable attention in the 
period covered by this review. The phenolic resins have found 
continued use as binders in the production of toothed gears,®®* ^^ 
threaded caps,^^^ and large plant equipment where resistance to 
acid was desired.^^^ fhe resinous binder has been incorporated 

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with fillers, such as asbestos, mica,^^^' ^^* wood flour,i<>5, loe and 
fabrics of various kinds. A molding composition has been formed 
by including barium phenoxide in the reaction mixture and then 
incorporating a filler in the condensate.^^*^ Bakelite resinoid has 
been used as a mounting medium for small metallographic speci- 
mens and metal powders.^^® The molded Bakelite products have 
been of considerable interest for electrical insulation. Fibrous 
material, such as paper, has been impregnated with the resinous 
condensate to form a product suitable for electric insulation.^^*® 
The electrical conductivity, dielectric strength, direct-current resist- 
ance and power factor of various types of Bakelite materials have 
been determined. It has been shown that all three tests were 
required to describe completely the electrical properties of these 
resins.iiO' ^^^ 

Phenolic Mixtures with Formaldehyde. In many cases it has 
been found expedient to substitute in place of the purified phenol, 
certain cruder mixtures containing phenol as one constituent. For- 
maldehyde has been condensed with "phenol oir',^^^ crude cresylic 
acid,^^^' ^^* and with a low-temperature coal tar distillate either 
in an acid,^^^ or alkaline solution.^^^"^2o j^ one modification of this 
process, an intermediate phenol-formaldehyde resin was treated 
with the addition of an alkaline solution of the high-boiling tar acid 
components of a low-temperature coal tar together with at least a 
molecular equivalent of formaldehyde.^21 

Resinous compositions substantially not penetrable by short- 
wave rays, such as x-rays or radium rays, have been prepared by 
the condensation of an aldehyde with a phenolic compound of lead, 
uranium, thallium, or thorium.^22 

Homologues of Phenol with Formaldehyde. Formaldehyde has 
been condensed with a dihydroxybenzophenone to form a synthetic 
resin compatible with cellulose esters ^^3 and with m- and />-cresols 
in the presence of a coal tar acid containing a substantial amount 
of xylenol.^24 ^ xylenol-formaldehyde-magnesium oxide resin has 
been formed by heating and by vacuum drying. This resin softened 
but did not flow on a hot plate at atmospheric pressure, whereas 
it flowed freely and set to a hard mass when hot-pressed at about 
165° C.^26 Resorcinol-formaldehyde resins have been found suit- 
able for sound records. They may be plasticized with rape-seed 
oiP26 Qr modified by adding to the condensation cresol in 
which />-nitraniline is dissolved.^27 They have also been emulsi- 
fied by the use of beeswax in the presence of an alkaline salt such 
as borax.^28 

Oil-soluble resins have been prepared by condensing formalde- 
hyde with thymol,^^® p-teri-hvLtyl- or amylphenol,^3o ^-crotyl- or 
allylphenol,^^^ />-cyclohexylphenol,^32 q_ qj- ^-hydroxybiphenyl,^^^ 
xylenol ^^* or a neutral alkyl ether of xylenol.^^^ The condensates 
were readily soluble in tung oil and permitted the preparation of 

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varnishes which dried rapidly to films highly resistant to moisture, 
alkalies, and sunlight. 

Phenol with Aldehydes, Ketones and Carbohydrates. Phenol has 
been condensed with paraldehyde in the presence of an acid 
catalyst ^^^ and with furfural in the presence of an alkaline con- 
densing agent.^37.139 Condensation products suitable for use with 
nitrocellulose lacquers have been produced by heating phenol with 
benzoyl-(7-benzoic acid in the presence of sulfuric acid.^*^ Phenol has 
been condensed with ketones such as acetone ^^^ or a-chloracetone ^^^ 
to form products compatible with cellulose derivatives. Phenol has 
been reacted with formaldehyde and a ketone, such as acetone or 
cyclohexanone, in the presence of an alkaline catalyst to form an 
elastic resin which was readily hardened by heat and was not 
darkened when heated at 180° CM^ 

A water-soluble synthetic resin has been produced by con- 
densing phenol and formaldehyde with an alkaline solution of 
sucrose and terminating the reaction before the product became 
insoluble.^** A primary carbohydrate-phenol resin has been heated 
to about 230° C. with the addition of glycerol to form a product 
which was substantially infusible.^*^ A coating composition com- 
prised a carbohydrate-phenol reaction product and a metal oxide 
or hydroxide in a volatile solvent together with a reactive hardening 
agent such as hexamethylenetetramine.^*^ 

Urea and Thiourea with Formaldehyde. The condensation 
products of urea and formaldehyde have been very important as 
plastics but have not been extensively used in varnishes or lacquers. 
They are particularly distinguished by their hardness, transparency, 
and absence of color, and for this reason have been widely heralded 
as substitutes for glass. 

The structure of the urea-formaldehyde polymer has been 
represented as follows: 2 

NH, NH, NH, 

o=c c=o c=o 

I H3 I H. I H. 

The condensation of formaldehyde with urea, like the condensa- 
tion with phenol, has usually been carried out in several stages. 
In general the urea was first caused to react with not more than 
1.4 mols. of formaldehyde at a temperature of not over 70° C. 
and additions of formaldehyde were then made with continued 
heating until the final proportion was about 1.1 to 1.3 mols. of urea 
for every 2 mols. of formaldehyde.^*^-^®^ An excess of formaldehyde 
might be used in the beginning and then removed by passing air 
or steam through the solution before completing the polymeriza- 
tion.15* The formation of cloudiness has been prevented by adding 
salts, such as sodium chloride.^^^ 

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The urea-formaldehyde condensation has been carried out in 
the presence of phthalic anhydride,^^^ acetaldehyde,^^'^ zinc chlo- 
ride,^^^ silica gel,^^^ hydrogen sulfide,^^^ ferrous sulfide,^^^ 
thiourea,^^2 phenol,^^^ or a substantially anhydrous alcohol con- 
taining an inert dehydrating agent.^^^ Superatmospheric pressure 
has been used to facilitate the condensation.^^^' i^® An intermediate 
condensation product has been preserved in the jelly stage by the 
addition of a colloidal retarder such as gum tragacanth ^^"^ or 
gum acacia.^^® 

Molding compositions have been obtained by mixing the urea- 
aldehyde condensation product with water,^^^ resorcinol,^*^^ a 
natural resin,^''^ sulfite fiber,^'^^ ^nd nitrocellulose.^''^ The con- 
densate has been rendered substantially insoluble by heating with 
an acid, such as salicylic acid.^''* Urea has been mixed in the dry 
state with a solid polymeric aldehyde (such as paraformaldehyde) 
and a filler to give a mixture which could be condensed and hardened 
at the same time by hot-molding.^''^' ^''^ A powder suitable for 
molded articles was obtained by reacting formaldehyde with 
ammonium thiocyanate or unaltered dicyandiamide and urea or 
thiourea.^''''' ^''^ Alternatively, the resinous condensation product 
of formaldehyde and thiourea has been contacted with an excess 
of water to precipitate a fine powder suitable for molding.^''® 

Solutions suitable for use as a varnish or lacquer have been pre- 
pared by dissolving a permanently fusible resin from thiourea and 
formaldehyde, together with a hardening agent, such as para- 
formaldehyde, in a mutual solvent, such as ethyl lactate or ethylene- 
glycol.^^^ Water solutions of a thiourea-formaldehyde condensate 
have been stabilized with ammonia and carbon dioxide to render 
them suitable for coating various materials.^^^ 

Other Amines with Formaldehyde. Resins which are compatible 
with cellulose derivatives have been formed by condensing form- 
aldehyde with toluenesulfonamide i«2-i84 qj. ^j^j^ ammonium thio- 
cyanate.^^5 Products of a resinous character suitable for rust- 
proofing coatings on metals have been obtained by reacting para- 
formaldehyde with a phosphorus amide.^^® Formaldehyde has also 
been condensed with a primary aromatic amine, such as aniline or 
naphthylamine ^®'' and with dicyandiamide and a protein material, 
such as casein.i^s 

Polyhydric Alcohols with Polybasic Acids. According to Kienle's 
theory of flexible resin formation,^^® long-chain molecules (heat- 
nonconvertible) attached through primary valence linkages to heat- 
convertible resin molecules (such as glyceryl-phthalate) should 
yield flexible heat-convertible resins. Such resins were prepared 
by heating together a dihydric alcohol-dibasic acid polyester as 
the heat-nonconvertible, flexibilizing phase and glyceryl triphthalate 
as the heat-convertible phase. Since the flexibility of the product 
depended largely on the mole ratio of the phases, it thus became 

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possible to produce resins of definite and controlled flexibility by 
intentional formulation.^®^-^®^ 

In commercial practice the glycerol-phthalic anhydride con- 
densation has been modified by the presence of natural glycerides 
or the fatty acids obtained by hydrolysis of such glycerides. The 
following oils have formed a source of supply for this purpose: 
China-wood oil,^®^ linseed oil,^^**^^^ tung oil,^^^^"^®^ rubber-seed 
oil,20« castor oil,207. 208 and corn oil.^o® Other modifying agents 
have been recommended, sugh as borneol,2io butanol,2ii. 219 
rosin,2i2 shellac,^!^ oleic acid,2i*» 216 ^ ketene,2i« glycerol gluta- 
matCj^i"^ zinc or calcium oxide,2i8 and partially esterified glycerides 
made by treating a drying oil in the presence of water with a 
hydrolyzing enzyme.220 A fusible alkyd resin has been rendered 
infusible by heating it with acetic anhydride or acetyl chloride.221 

Phthalic acid has been condensed with compounds other than 
glycerol to produce resinous products, e. g., maleic acid,222, 223 oleic 
acid with triethanolamine,224 and lactic acid in combination with 
ethyleneglycol.225 Glycerol has been condensed with compounds 
other than phthalic anhydride, e.g., bromomaleic anhydride with 
the monoisopropyl ester of monochlorosuccinic acid,226 bromo- 
maleic anhydride with acrylic acid,227 and citric acid.228 

Alkyd resins have been extensively used for varnishes, either 
straight, phenol-modified and oil-extended or natural-resin modi- 
gg(j 229-285 They have been used for lacquers in combination with 
nitrocellulose 236-238 and with cellulose acetate.^so The question of 
suitable solvents for these resins has received consideration.^*® High- 
boiling solvents, such as diethyl oxalate and ethyl lactate, have been 
recommended for some purposes.^*^ Solutions of alkyds in mix- 
tures of xylene and naphtha have been reduced in viscosity by the 
addition of small amounts of butyl alcohol.2*2 The tolerance of 
toluene solutions for denatured alcohol, ethyl acetate and mineral 
spirits has been determined. In general the most tolerance was 
shown for ethyl acetate and the least for alcohol.2*3 An oil-modified 
alkyd resin has been used with a highly volatile solvent to pro- 
duce a wrinkle-finish coating.^** Hart and Gardner ^^s have noted 
the tendency of white and light-tinted paints using alkyd vehicles 
to chalk. 

Alkyd resins have also been used for molded products,24^"2**' 
both alone and in combination with urea-aldehyde resins,^*^ casein- 
formaldehyde,250 and rubber.^si They have formed the basis of 
solventless cements whose hardening was accelerated by dehydra- 
tion catalysts, such as zinc oxide.2o2 

Kienle and Race ^53 have studied the electrical, chemical, and 
physical properties of alkyd resins. They pointed out that alkyd 
resins might be hard, rigid, soft, balsam-like, flexible, or rubbery. 
During the formation of unmodified alkyd resins, there occurred a 
progressive increase in electrical resistance with time, the tempera- 

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ture being kept constant. The observed electrical characteristics 
of alkyd resins were best explained by the theory of conduction 
in the solvating component of a gel structure. 

Other Condensations with Separation of Water. Resinous plas- 
tics have been formed by the condensation of aldehydes with guani- 
dine and its homologues,^^* sulfonamides,265 benzidine,256 polyvinyl 
alcohol,257, 258 cracked hydrocarbon oil distillates,^^^ and hardwood 
tar distillates ;2«o also by the condensation of allyl alcohol with 
cresol in the presence of zinc chloride,^^^ of furfural with urea in 
the presence of China-wood oil,^^^ of phenol and o-cresol with 
hexamethylenetetramine,2^3 and of alkylolamines with themselves 
in the presence of an alumina catalyst.^^* Carbohydrates and pro- 
teins have entered into resinous condensations: as for example, 
sucrose or glucose with formaldehyde,283 pectose with formalde- 
hyde or a ketone,28^ dextrose with maleic anhydride,285 casein, 
gelatin, or albumin with glycerol,^^^ and corn gluten with for- 
maldehyde and phenol.287 

Condensations Involving Sulfur or its Compounds. Resinous 
plastics have also been formed by the interaction of divinylacetylene 
with sulfuryl chloride (SO2CI2) 2«5 and sulfur chloride (SaCla),^^^ 
of phenol with sulfur chloride,^^'^ of cracked hydrocarbon distillates 
with sulfur,2«8 of aldehydes or ketones with a mercaptan,^^® of 
ethylene dichloride with soluble polysulfides,^''^"^'^^ ^nd of aldehydes 
of furfural with polysulfides.273, 274 

Miscellaneous Condensations. Other plastic forming condensa- 
tions have included methylene dichloride with sodium phenate,^''^ 
ethylene dichloride with benzenoid hydrocarbons,276 a-terpinene or 
terpinolene with maleic anhydride,^'^'' pinene with maleic anhy- 
dride,^'^®' ^^o cineol with maleic anhydride,28o pinene with toluene,^^^ 
and trichloroethylene with itself in the presence of aluminum 
chloride.282 Abietic acid has formed the basis of synthetic resins 
which were also suitable for use as plasticizers.288-291 

Rubber Derivatives 

The story of recent developments in synthetic plastics would not 
be complete without mention of the modified-rubber compounds. 
A chlorinated rubber, marketed under the name of Tornesit, has 
proved to be a valuable base for coating compositions.2»2 Chlor- 
inated rubber is a light yellow solid which has a specific gravity of 
1 5 293 The best solvents for chlorinated rubber are the aromatic 
hydrocarbons.^^* Suitable plasticizers are the soft alkyds, chlo- 
rinated naphthalene, methyl or benzyl abietate, and some synthetic 

A new molding resin, called Plioform, has been formed by cer- 
tain adaptations of the reaction between rubber and the chlorotin 
acids.2»6 This resin is tough, odorless and tasteless, resistant to 

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alkalies, most acids, and moisture, and is thermoplastic. It is 
soluble in gasoline or benzene but insoluble in acetone. It is also 
available in sheet form. 


During the period covered by this survey there have been several 
comprehensive reviews 296-304 ^hich emphasize the important place 
which synthetic plastics have established for themselves in modern 
industry, and which point out the probable trends of these develop- 
ments in the near future. 

Synthetic Plastics for Coatings. The varnish industry has, in 
the past few years, undergone a radical change with the introduc- 
tion of the newer types of phenolic and alkyd resins which are 
not only oil-soluble but also exert a beneficial influence on the 
resulting oil-resin coatings. Thus, there have been developed a 
series of quick-drying varnishes in which the objectionable processes 
of the drying of siccative oils have been substantially eliminated 
by uniting the drying element in the structure of the synthetic 
resin molecule. 

Ellis 1 summarizes the present trend of the coating industry as 
being towards the development of an ideal resinous substance 
which shall be soluble in cheap solvents, quick-drying, light- 
colored, flexible, even at low temperatures and highly resistant to 
heat, water, light, acids, and alkalies. Change to an insoluble 
form shortly after application is desirable. There should be little 
or no progressive change upon aging. 

Synthetic Plastics for Molded Articles. Breskin298 states that 
among the present-day molded plastics are a number of applica- 
tions so common that few think of them as novelties any longer. 
Heat resistance makes them ideal for radiator knobs. Electrical 
resistance makes them ideal for switches, plugs, insulators, and 
other electrical fixtures. Resistance to wear has brought them into 
favor for door knobs, bell pushes, and various articles of fur- 
niture. Their decorative qualities and workability are making 
them increasingly popular as a building material, particularly in 
laminated sheets for interior decorative effects. 

Molded plastics have also been used for phonograph records, for 
dentures and for the construction of plant and laboratory apparatus 
which is distinguished by its acid resistance. Synthetic plastics 
of the clear, colorless type have been proposed as a substitute for 
glass for a number of purposes and some appear to have possi- 
bilities as the intermediate films in laminated safety glass. 

Other Applications for Synthetic Plastics. Improvements in 
grinding wheels have been made by using phenolic resinoids as the 
binder for the abrasive. Paper has been impregnated with a 
phenol resinoid and used instead of glue in the production of wood 
veneers. A flexible waterproof cloth, called Revolite, has been 

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manufactured by calendering the fabric with a phenolic resinoid. 
This fabric has been used for surgical tape, raincoats, shower 
curtains, etc. Special anti-crease fabrics impregnated with the 
colorless urea resins are coming into increasing prominence. 
Phenolic resinoids have proved quite valuable in floor-covering 
compositions of the type of linoleum, and as binders in various 
brake linings. 


1. Ellis, C, Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 125 (1933). 

2. Allen, I., Jr., Meharg, V. E., and Schmidt, J. H., Ind, Eng. Chem., 26: 663 (1934). 

3. Ellis, C, "The Chemistry of Synthetic Resins," N. Y., Reinhold Publishing Corp., 

1935. 2 V. 

4. Calcott, W. S., and Downing, F. B., U. S. Pat. 1,924,979 (Aug. 29, 1933). 

5. Downing, F. B., Carter, A. S., and Hutton, D., U. S. Pat. 1,926,039 (Sept. 12, 1933). 

6. Rosenblum, C, /. Phys. Chem,, 37: 53 (1933) 

7. Lind, S. C, and Livingston, R., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 1036 (1933). 

8. Carter, A. S., and Downing, F. B., U. S. Pat. 1,896,162 (Feb. 7, 1933). 

9. Dykstra, H. B., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1625 (1934). 

10. Calcott, W. S., and Downing, F. B., U. S. Pat. 1,950,429 (Mar. 13, 1934). 

11. Calcott, W. S., Carter, A. S., and Downing, F. B., U. S. Pat. 1,959,343 (May 22, 


12. Vaughan, T. H., and Nieuwland, J. A., /. Chem. Soc, 1933: 741. 

13. Jacobson, R. A., U. S. Pat. 1,967,864 (July 24, 1934). 

14. Calcott, W. S., Carter, A. S.. and Downing, F. B., U. S. Pat. 1,950,430 (Mar. 13, 


15. Carothers, W. H., Berchet, G. J., and Jacobson, R. A., U. S. Pat. 1,963,074 (June 

19, 1934). > J^ 

16. Morrison, G. O., and Shaw, T. P. G., Chem. Met. Eng., 40: 293 (1933). 

17. Morrison, G. O., and Shaw, T. P. G., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 63: 425 (1933). 

18. Jeu, K. K., and Alyea, H. N., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 575 (1933). 

19. Reid, E. W., U. S. Pat. 1,935,577 (Nov. 14, 1933). 

20. Shriver, L. C, U. S. Pat. 1,938,870 (Dec. 12, 1933). 

21. Young, C. O., and Douglas, S. D., U. S. Pat. 2,011,132 (Aug. 13, 1935). 

22. Young, C. O., and Douglas, S. D., U. S. Pat. 2,013.941 (Sept. 10, 1935). 

23. Young, C. O., and Douglas, S. D., U. S. Pat. 1,990,685 (Feb. 12, 1935). 

24. Smith, C. N., U. S. Pat. 1,992,638 (Feb. 26, 1935). 

25. Bridgman, P. W., and Conant, J. B., U. S. Pat. 1,952,116 (Mar. 27, 1934). 

26. Robertson, F., U. S. Pat. 1,921,326 (Aug. 8, 1933). 

27. Wemtz, J. H., U. S. Pat. 1,988,529 Qan. 22, 1935). 

28. Reed, M. C, U. S. Pat. 1,989,246 (Jan. 29, 1935). 

29. Barrett, H. J., U. S. Pat. 1,942,531 (Jan. 9, 1934). 

30. Lawson, W. E., and Sandbom. L. T., U. S. Pat. 1,975.959 (Oct. 9, 1934). 

31. Lawson, W. E., U. S. Pat. 1,938.662 (Dec. 12, 1933). 

32. Ives, H. E., and Clarke, W. J., Tech. Studies Field Fine Arts, 4: 36 (1935). 

33. Symonds, J. E., U. S. Pat. 1,946.597 (Feb. 13, 1934). 

34. GroflF. F., U. S. Pat. 1.966,856 (July 17. 1934). 

35. GroflF, F., U. S. Pat. 1,990,903 (Feb. 12, 1935). 

36. Sloan, E. C, U. S. Pat. 2,013,867 (Sept. 10, 1935). 

37. Davidson, J. G., and McClure. H. B., Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 645 (1933). 

38. GroflF, F., U. S. Pat. 1,919,697 (July 25, 1933). 

39. Lawson, W. E., U. S. Pat. 1,953,083 (Apr. 3, 1934). 

40. Dykstra, H. B., and Lawson. W. E., U. S. Pat. 1,975,087 (Oct. 2, 1934). 

41. Hibbert, H., U. S. Pat. 1,916,423 (July 4, 1933). 

42. Lawson, W. E., U. S. Pat. 1,982,676 (Dec. 4, 1934). 

43. Houtz, R. C, and Adkins, H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 1609 (1933). 

44. Natelson, S., Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 1391 (1933). 

45. Thompson, H. E., and Burk, R. E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 711 (1935). 

46. Smith, L. T., and Thuras, A. L., U. S. Pat. 2,003,908 (June 4, 1935). 

47. Anderson, G. K., U. S. Pat. 1,990,215 (Feb. 5, 1935). 

48. Weiss, J. M., U. S. Pat. 1,894,934 (Jan. 17, 1933). 

49. Kuettel, G. M., U. S. Pat. 2,008,719 (July 23, 1935). 

50. Bren, B. C, U. S. Pat. 1,997,572 (Apr. 16, 1935). 

51. Dykstra, H. B., U. S. Pat. 1,945,307 (Jan. 30, 1934). 

52. Carothers, W. H., and Collins, A. M., U. S. Pat. 1,950,432; Collins, A. M., U. S. 

Pat. 1,950,435; Williams, I., U. S. Pat. 1,950,436; Starkweather, H. W., U. S. 
Pat. 1,950,437; Carothers, W. H., Collins, A. M., and Kirby, J. E., U. S. Pat. 
1,950,438: Carothers, W. H.. and Kirby, J. E., U. S. Pat. 1,950,439; Jacobson, 
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1,950,441; Williams, I., and Walker, H. W., U. S. Pat. 1,950,442 (Mar. 13, 1934). 

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53. Wmiams, I., and Walker, H. W., Ind. Eng. Ckem., 25: 199 (1933). 

54. De Holczer, L. J., U. S. Pat. 1,967^2 (July 24, 1934). 

55. Thomas, C. A., and Carmody, W. H., /. Am, Chetn. Soc, 55: 3854 (1933). 

56. Vaughan, W. E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 4109 (1933). 

57. Berchct, G. J., and Carothers, W. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 2004 (1933). 

58. Coflfman, D. D., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1981 (1935). 

59. Dykstra, H. B., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2255 (1935). 

60. Starkweather, H. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1870 (1934). 

61. Wemtz, J. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 204 (1935). 

62. Sorenson, B. E., U. S. Pat. 1,911,722 (May 30, 1933). 

63. Thomas, C. A., and Carmody, W. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 54: 2480 (1932). 

64. Thomas, C. A., and Carmody. W. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 24: 1125 (1932). 

65. Thomas. C. A., U. S. Pat. 1,982,707-08 (Dec. 4, 1934). 

66. Thomas, C. A., U. S. Pat. 1,947,626 (Feb. 20, 1934). 

67. Apgar, F. A., and Runyan, A.. U. S. Pat. 1,945,719 (Feb. 6, 1934). 

68. Hyman, J., U. S. Pat. 1,919,722-23 (July 25, 1933). 

69. Cline, E. L., U. S. Pat. 1,942,201 (Jan. 2, 1934). 

70. Bird, J. C, U. S. Pat. 1,917.869 (July 11, 1933). 

71. Dorough, G. L., U. S. Pat. 1,995,970 (Mar. 26, 1935). 

72. Lehman, M. R., Thompson, C. D., and Marvel, C. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 

1977 (1933). 

73. Granger, F. S., U. S. Pat. 1,956,530 (Apr. 24, 1934). 

74. Pantke, O., U. S. Pat. 1,909,786-87-88-89 (May 16, 1933). 

75. Loos, K., U. S. Pat. 1,960,116 (May 22, 1934). 

76. Schmidt, F., U. S. Pat. 1,978,821 (Oct 30, 1934). 

77. Bender, H. L., U. S. Pat. 1,955,731 (Apr. 24, 1934). 
7S. Cherry, O. A., U. S. Pat. 1,994,753 (Mar. 19, 1935). 

79. Florenz, M., U. S. Pat. 1,982,651 (Dec. 4, 1934). 

80. Bender, H. L., U. S. Pat. 1,922,272 (Aug. 15, 1933). 

81. Jackson, E. H., and Cameron, H. J., U. S. Pat. 1,919,163 (July 18, 1933). 

82. Cheetham, H. C, U. S. Pat. 1,976,433 (Oct. 9, 1934). 

83. Secbach, F., U. S. Pat. 1,891,455 (Dec. 20, 1933). 

84. Pechin, G., U. S. Pat. 1,894,702 (Jan. 17, 1933). 

85. Schmidt, F., U. S. Pat. 1,927,375 (Sept. 19, 1933). 

86. Novotny, E. E., U. S. Pat. 1,984,423 (Dec. 18, 1934). 

87. Heck, A., U. S. Pat. 1,947,414-15 (Feb. 13, 1934). 

88. Seebach, F., U. S. Pat. 1,988,465 (Jan. 22, 1935). 

89. Seebach, F., U. S. Pat. 1,985,264 (Dec. 25, 1934). 

90. Wakefield, H. F., U. S. Pat. 1,997,614 (Apr. 16, 1935). 

91. Rosenblum, I., U. S. Pat. 2,007,983 (July 16, 1935). 

92. Asser, E., U. S. Pat. 1,969,292 (Aug. 7, 1934). 

93. Sontag, L., U. S. Pat. 1,911,477 (May 30, 1933). 

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98. Norton, A. J., Ojgicial Digest Fed. Paint & Varnish Production Clubs, No. 148: 

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99. Cherry, O. A., U. S. Pat. 1,896,070 (Feb. 7, 1933). 

100. Lytle, R. W., U. S. Pat. 1,952,811 (Mar. 27, 1934). 

101. Scribner, G. K., U. S. Pat. 1,916,692-93 (July 4, 1933). 

102. KilleflFer, D. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 1217 (1933). 

103. Nash, C. A., U. S. Pat. 1,942,874 (Jan. 9, 1934). 

104. GroflF, F., U. S. Pat. 1,931,958 (Oct. 24, 1933). 

105. Redman, L. V., Weith, A. J., and Brock, F. P., U. S. Pat. 1,924,514 (Aug. 29. 1933). 

106. Nash, C. A., and Daniels, R. S., U. S. Pat. 1,989,243 (Jan. 29, 1935). 

107. Ellis, C, U. S. Pat. 1,903,809 (Apr. 18, 1933). 

108. Schleicher, H. M., and Everhart, J. L., Metals & Alloys, 5: 59 (1934). 

109. Richards, B. H. F., and Haroldson, A. H., U. S. Pat. 1,897,651 (Feb. 14, 1933). 

110. Zinzow, W. A., and Hazen, T., Ind. Eng. Chem., 21: 899 (1935). 

111. Clark, J. D., and Williams, J. W., /. Phys. Chem., 37: 119 (1933). 

112. Dent, H. M., U. S. Pat. 1,894,088 (Jan. 10, 1933). 

113. Edwards, E. S., U. S. Pat. 1,970,649 (Aug. 21, 1934). 

114. Novak, I. J., U. S. Pat. 2,013,523 (Sept. 3, 1935). 

115. Johnson, A., and Howson, C. E., U. S. Pat. 1,994,714 (Mar. 19, 1935). 

116. Caplan, S., U. S. Pat. 1,907,497 (May 9, 1933). 

117. Burke, S. P., and Bhagwat, M. R., U. S. Pat. 1,911,745 (May 30, 1933). 

118. Granger, F. S., U. S. Pat. 1,946,459 (Feb. 6, 1934). 

119. Bhagwat, M. R., U. S. Pat. 1,948,465 (Feb. 20, 1934). 

120. Luedeke, A. W., U. S. Pat. 1,985,453 (Dec. 25, 1934). 

121. Burke, S. P., and Enterline, H. M., U. S. Pat. 2,010,773 (Aug. 6, 1935). 

122. Weger, M., U. S. Pat. 1,918,996 (July 18, 1933). 

123. Moss, W. H., U. S. Pat. 1,954,826 (Apr. 17, 1934). 

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124. Mains, G. H., U. S. Pat. 1,976,572 (Oct. 9, 1934). 

125. Ellis, C, U. S. Pat. 1,980,987 (Nov. 20, 1934). 

126. Billings, H. P., and Hurst, D. A., U. S. Pat. 1,999,717 (Apr. 30, 1935). 

127. BUlings, H. P., and Hurst. D. A., U. S. Pat. 1,999,716 (Apr. 30, 1935). 

128. BiUings, H. P., and Hurst, D. A., U. S. Pat. 1,999.715 (Apr. 30, 1935). 

129. Honel, H.. U. S. Pat. 2.012,277-78 (Aug. 27, 1935). 

130. Hond, H., U. S. Pat. 1,996,06^70 (Apr. 2, 1935). 

131. Dykstra, H. B., U. S. Pat. 2,006,043 (June 25, 1935). 

132. Turkington, V. H., U. S. Pat. 2,006,189 (June 25, 1935). 

133. Turkington, V. H.. and Butler, W. H., U. S. Pat. 2,017,877 (Oct. 22, 1935). 

134. Ferguson, C. S., U. S. Pat. 1,896,842 (Feb. 7, 1933). 

135. Secbach, F., U. S. Pat. 2,014,415 (Sept. 17, 1935). 

136. Ellis, C, U. S. Pat. i;974,605 (Sept. 25, 1934). 

137. Hanson, N. D., U. S. Pat. 1,917,248 (July 11, 1933). 

138. Kurath, F., U. S. Pat. 1,969,890 (Aug. 14, 1934). 

139. Moss, W. H., and White, B. B., U. S. Pat. 1,941,708 (Jan. 2, 1934). 

140. Bruson, H. A., U. S. Pat. 1,934,032 (Nov. 7, 1933). 

141. Moss, W. H., U. S. Pat. 1,920,100 (July 25, 1933). 

142. Moss, W. H., U. S. Pat. 1.958.488 (May 15, 1934). 

143. Sussenguth, O., U. S. Pat. 1,989,951 (Feb. 5, 1935). 

144. Loetscher, E. C, U. S. Pat. 1,959,433 (May 22, 1934). 

145. Meigs, J. V., U. S. Pat. 1,975,471 (Oct. 2, 1934). 

146. Meigs, J. V., U. S. Pat. 1,993,708 (Mar. 5, 1935). 

147. Smidth, L., U. S. Pat 1,893,911 (Jan. 10, 1933). 

148. Ripper, K., U. S. Pat. 1,967,261 (July 24, 1934). 

149. Ellis, C, U. S. Pat. 2,011,573 (Aug. 20, 1935). 

150. Howald, A. M., U. S. Pat. 2,016,198-99 (Oct. 1, 1935). 

151. Kraus, W., U. S. Pat. 2.016.285 (Oct. 8, 1935). 

152. Bearing, M. C, U. S. Pat. 2,016,594-95 (Oct. 8, 1935). 

153. Howald, A. M., U. S. Pat. 2,019.453 (Oct. 29. 1935). 

154. Pollak, F., U. S. Pat. 1,950,746 (Mar. 13, 1934). 

155. Ripper, K., U. S. Pat. 1,972,110 (Sept. 4, 1934). 

156. Bitterich, F., U. S. Pat. 1.971,476 (Aug. 28, 1934). 

157. Barsky, G., and Wohnsiedler, H. P., U. S. Pat. 1,896,276 (Feb. 7, 1933). 

158. Bowen, A. H., and Dike, T. W., U. S. Pat. 1,992,180 (Feb. 26, 1935). 

159. Wasum, L. W^ U. S. Pat. 2,012,411 (Aug. 27. 1935). 

160. Marks, B. M., U. S. Pat. 2,019.354 (Oct. 29. 1935). 

161. Landecker, M., U. S. Pat. 1,904,244 (Apr. 18. 1933). 

162. Ellis, C, U. S. Pat. 2.009,986-87 (July 30, 1935). 

163. Crump, J. W., U. S. Pat. 1,973,050 (Sept. 11, 1934). 

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168. Dearing, M. C, U. S. Pat. 1,982,794-95-96 (Dec. 4, 1934). 

169. Landecker, M., U. S. Pat. 1,904,243 (Apr. 18, 1933). 

170. Howald, A. M., U. S. Pat. 1,928.492-93 (Sept. 26. 1933). 

171. Ellis, C, U. S. Pat. 2,009,545 (July 30, 1935). 

172. Schmidt, J. H., and Daniels, R. S., U. S. Pat. 1,917,815 QvlXj 11, 1933). 

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174. Belfit, R. W., U. S. Pat. 1.898.709 (Feb. 21. 1933). 

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176. Sussenguth, O., U. S. Pat. 2,007,987 (July 16, 1935). 

177. Ripper, K., U. S. Pat. 1,951.772 (Mar. 20. 1934). 

178. Howald. A. M., U. S. Pat. 1,910,338 (May 23, 1933). 

179. Ripper, K^ U. S. Pat. 1,899,109 (Feb. 28, 1933). 

180. Schmidt, J. H., and Daniels, R. S., U. S. Pat. 1,944,867 (Jan. 23, 1934). 

181. Novotny, E. E., and Wilson, W. C, U. S. Pat. 1,926,786 (Sept. 12, 1933). 

182. Moss, W. H., and White, B. B., U. S. Pat. 1,907,554 (May 9. 1933). 

183. Moss, W. H., and White. B. B.. U. S. Pat. 1,908,159 (May 9. 1933). 

184. Walsh, J. F., and Caprio, A. F., U. S. Pat. 1,930,069 (Oct. 10, 1933). 

185. Jacobson, R. A., U. S. Pat. 1,945,315 (Jan. 30. 1934). 

186. Woodstock, W. H., U. S. Pat. 1,940,383 (Dec. 19, 1933). 

187. Burmeister, H., U. S. Pat. 1.989,543 (Jan. 29. 1935). 

188. Ripper, K., U. S. Pat. 1,952,941 (Mar. 27, 1934). 

189. Kienle, R. H., and Schlingman, P. F., Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 971 (1933). 

190. Kienle, R. H., and Rohlfs, H. C. U. S. Pat. 1.897.260 (Feb. 14, 1933). 

191. Rohlfs, H. C, U. S. Pat. 1.899,588 (Feb. 28. 1933). 

192. Durant, W. W., and Scrutchfield, P. H.. U. S. Pat. 1.975.569 (Oct. 2. 1934). 

193. Kienle. Roy H.. U. S. Pat. 1.893,873 (Jan. 10, 1933). 

194. Robinson, P.. and Sorenson, B. E., U. S. Pat. 1,989,711 (Feb. 5, 1935). 

195. Patterson. G. D., and Shive, R. A., U. S. Pat. 1,984,153 (Dec. 11, 1934). 

196. Salzbcrg, P. L., U. S. Pat. 1,980,441 (Nov. 13, 1934). 

197. Hopkins, H. H., and McDermott, F. A., U. S. Pat. 1,974,742 (Sept 25, 1934). 

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198. Iliff, J. W., and Robinson, P., U. S. Pat. 1,972,521 (Sept. 4, 1934). 

199. Rosenblum, I., U. S. Pat. 1,937,533 (Dec. 5, 1933). 

200. Moore, C. G., and Zucker, M., U. S. Pat. 1,915,544 (June 27, 1933). 

201. Kicnle, R. H., U. S. Pat. 1,898,840 (Feb. 21, 1933). 

202. Adams, Lester V., U. S. Pat. 1,893,874 (Jan. 10, 1933). 

203. Bradley, T. F., U. S. Pat. 2,015,661 (Oct. 1, 1935). 

204. Bradley, T. F., U. S. Pat. 1,952,412 (Mar. 27, 1934). 

205. Gauerke, C. G., U. S. Pat. 1,920,980 (Aug. 8, 1933). 

206. Moore, C. G., and Drake, E. H., U. S. Pat. 1,922,743 (Aug. 15, 1933). 

207. Heck. A., U. S. Pat. 1,947.416 (Feb. 13. 1934). 

208. Brubaker, M. M., U. S. Pat. 1,932,688 (Oct 31, 1933). 

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210. Adams, L. V., U. S. Pat. 1,904,595 (Apr. 18, 1933). 

211. Kienle, R. H., U. S. Pat. 1,921.756 (Aug. 8, 1933). 

212. Ellis. C, U. S. Pat. 1,967,232 (July 24, 1934). 

213. Haroldson, A., U. S. Pat. 1,999,096-97 (Apr. 23, 1935). 

214. GroflF, F., U. S. Pat. 2,008,417 (July 16, 1935). 

215. Ellis, C, U. S. Pat. 1,970,510 (Aug. 14, 1934). 

216. Brubaker, M. M., and Graves, G. DeW.. U. S. Pat. 1,993,828 (Mar. 12, 1935). 

217. Brubaker, M. M., and Thomas, R. E., U. S. Pat. 2,009,432 Quly 30, 1935). 

218. Ellis, C, U. S. Pat. 1,897,977 (Feb. 14. 1933). 

219. Swallen, L. €., and Irey, K. M., U. S. Pat 1,993,700 (Mar. 5, 1935).* 

220. Robinson, P., U. S. Pat. 1,925,935 (Sept. 5, 1933). 

221. Warren, H. W. H., Newbound, R., and Ward, A. T., U. S. Pat. 1,902,477 (Mar. 

21, 1933). 

222. Downs, C. R., Ind. Eng. Ghent., 26: 17 (1934). 

223. Rosenblum, I., U. S. Pat. 2,004,880 (June 11, 1935). 

224. Weisberg, L., and Greenwald, W. F., U. S. Pat. 1,918,222 (July 11, 1933). 

225. Bradley, T. F., U. S. Pat. 1,956,559 (May 1, 1934). 

226. Zwilgmeyer, F., U. S. Pat. 1,950,468 (Mar. 13. 1934). 

227. Zwilgmeyer, F., U. S. Pat. 1.975,246 (Oct. 2, 1934). 

228. Cherry, O. A., U. S. Pat. 1,983,658 (Dec. 11, 1934). 

229. Krumbhaar, W., Paint, OH & Chem. Rev.. 96, No. 12: 7 (1934). 

230. Honel, H., U. S. Pat 1,968,080 (July 31, 1934). 

231. Honel, H., U. S. Pat 1,988,353-54-55-56 (Jan. 15, 1935). 

232. Jacobson, R. A., and Keats, J. L., U. S. Pat 1,912,369-70-71-72 (June 6, 1933). 

233. IliflF, J. W., and Robinson, P., U. S. Pat. 1,941,398 (Dec. 26, 1933). 

234. IliflF, J. W., and Young, H. R., U. S. Pat. 1,942,757 (Jan. 9, 1934). 

235. Sanderson, J. M., Official Digest Fed. Paint & Varnish Production Clubs, No. 146: 

209 (1935). 

236. Chrystler, F. M., U. S. Pat 1,904,417 (Apr. 18, 1933). 

237. Ham. P. W., Official Digest Fed. Paint & Varnish Production Clubs, No. 135: 102 


238. Rosenblum, I., U. S. Pat. 1,969,761 (Aug. 14, 1934). 

239. Van Heuckeroth, A. W., Natl. Paint, Varnish Lacquer Assoc. Circ, No. 458: 

97 (1934). 

240. Haines, H. W., Paint, Oil & Chem. Rev., 95, No. 10: 27 (1933) ; Sanderson, J. McE., 

ibid.. No. 11: 38 (1933). 

241. Schmidt, J. H., U. S. Pat 2,016,180 (Oct. 1, 1935). 

242. Bogin, C, Paint, Oil & Chem. Rev., 97, No. 9: 45 (1935). 

243. Beck, Roller & Co., Paint. Oil & Chem. Rev., 96, No. 10: 18 (1934). 

244. Root F. B., U. S. Pat. 1,976,191 (Oct. 9, 1934). 

245. Hart, L. P., and Gardner, H. A., Am. Paint & Varnish Mfrs. Assoc. Circ, A36: 

226 (1933). 

246. Kienle, R. H., and Ferguson, C. S., Chem. Met. Eng., 39: 599 (1932). 

247. Wright, J. G. E., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 28: 21 (1932). 

248. Lindhe, H. E., U. S. Pat. 1,964,886 QviXy 3, 1934). 

249. Goldschmidt S., and Mayrhofer, R., U. S. Pat. 2,014,889 (Sept. 17, 1935). 

250. Holt, H. S., U. S. Pat. 1,978,533 (Oct. 30, 1934). 

251. Grupe, H. L., and Kienle, R. H., U. S. Pat 2,018,492 (Oct 22, 1935). 

252. Hovey, A. G., Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 613 (1933). 

253. Kienle, R. H., and Race, H. H., Trans. Electrochem. Soc. «: 87 (1934). 

254. Ellis, C, U. S. Pat 1,952,060 (Mar. 27, 1934). 

255. Bren, B. C, U. S. Pat 1,961,579 (June 5, 1934). 

256. Schlingman, P. F., U. S. Pat. 1,982,486 (Nov. 27, 1934). 

257. Schmidt, F., U. S. Pat. 1,956,837 (May 1, 1934). 

258. Schmidt, F., U. S. Pat. 1,996,216 (Apr. 2, 1935). 

259. Day, R. B., U. S. Pat. 1,933,715 (Nov. 7, 1933). 

260. Carlin, J. C, and Hochwalt, C. A., U. S. Pat 1,911,489 (May 30, 1933). 

261. Moss, W. H., and Seymour, G. W., U. S. Pat. 1,940,727 (Dec. 26, 1933). 

262. Novotny, E. E., and Johnson, W. W., U. S. Pat. 1,951,526 (Mar. 20, 1934). 

263. Weith, G. S., U. S. Pat 1,975,884 (Oct. 9, 1934). 

264. Mattox, W. J., U. S. Pat. 2,011,064 (Aug. 13, 1935). 

265. Calcott, W. S., and Carter. A. S., U. S. Pat. 1,896,159-60 (Feb. 7, 1933). 

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266. Calcott, W. S.. and Carter, A. S., U. S. Pat., 1,896,157-58 (Feb. 7, 1933). 

267. Seymour, G. W., U. S. Pat. 2,017,993 (Oct, 22, 1935). 

268. EgloflF, Gustav, U. S. Pat. 1,896,227 (Feb. 7, 1933). 

269. Dreyfus, C, and Schneider, G., U. S. Pat. 1,960,262 (May 29, 1934). 

270. Patrick, J. C, U. S. Pat. 1,962,460 (June 12, 1934). 

271. Patrick, J. C, U. S. Pat. 1,990,202-03 (Feb. 5, 1935). 

272. Patrick, J. C, U. S. Pat. 2,012,347 (Aug. 27, 1935). 

273. Ellis, C, U. S. Pat. 1,964,725 (July 3, 1934). 

274. Patrick, J. C, U. S. Pat. 1,9%,487 (Apr. 2, 1935). 

275. Prutton, C. F., U. S. Pat. 1,950,516 (Mar. 13, 1934). 

276. Shinkle, S. D., U. S. Pat. 2,016,026-27 (Oct. 1, 1935). 

277. Peterson, E. G., and Littmann, E. R., U. S. Pat. 1,993,025; Littmann, E. R., U. S. 

Pat. 1,993,026; PeteJrson, E. G., U. S. Pat. 1,993,027-33 (Mar. 5, 1935). 

278. Humphrey, I. W., U. S. Pat. 1,993,034, 1,993,036 (Mar 5, 1935). 

279. Littmann, E. R., U. S. Pat. 1,993,035 (Mar. 5, 1935). 

280. Littmann, E. R., U. S. Pat. 1,993,037 (Mar. 5, 1935). 

281. Thomas, C. A., U. S. Pat. 1,939,932 (Dec. 19, 1933). 

282. Clark, F. M., and Kutz, W. M., U. S. Pat. 1,998,309 (Apr. 16, 1935). 

283. Ford, A. S., U. S. Pat. 1,974,064 (Sept. 18, 1934). 

284. Hawerlander, A., U. S. Pat. 1,941,351 (Dec. 26, 1933). 

285. Weiss, J. M., U. S. Pat. 1,999,380 (Apr. 30, 1935). 

286. Sly, C, U. S. Pat. 2,009,029 (July 23, 1935). 

287. Berlin, H., U. S. Pat. 1,988,475 (Jan. 22, 1935). 

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289. LaLande, W. A., Jr., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 678 (1934). 

290. Peterson, E. G., U. S. Pat. 1,978,598 (Oct. 30, 1934). 

291. Seymour, G. W., and White, B. B., U. S. Pat. 2,004,297 (June 11, 1935). 

292. Koch, W., U. S. Pat. 1,957,786 (May 8, 1934). 

293. Wiggam, D. R., Koch, W., and Mayfield, E., Ind. Eng. Chem., News Ed., 12: 

179 (1934). 

294. Krumbhaar, W., Official Digest Fed. Paint & Varnish Production Clubs, 133: 

33 (1934). 

295. Thies, H. R., and Cliflford, A. M., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 123 (1934). 

296. Baekeland, L. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 538 (1935). 

297. Ellis, C, Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 37 (1934). 

298. Breskin, C. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1140 (1935). 

299. Chase, H., Elec. Mfg., 14, No. 1: 23 (1934). 

300. Martin, R. C, Metal Cleaning & Finishing, 5: 203 (1933). 

301. Stoppel, E. A., Official Digest Fed. Paint & Varnish Production Clubs, No. 126: 

189 (1933). 

302. Worstall, R. A., Paint, Oil & Chem. Rev., 96, No. 12: 20 (1934). 

303. Chase, H., Am. Machinist, Til 241 (1933). 

304. Hunt, J. K., and Lansing, W. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 21 1 26 (1935). 

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Chapter XXIII. 

Webster N. Jones, 
Carnegie Institute of Technology, 

Chemistry has continued to play a major role in the advance- 
ment of the rubber industry. Although there have been no spec- 
tacular discoveries during the year 1935, hundreds of investigators 
have been actively applying their chemical knowledge to solve the 
intricate problems of this major industry. 

The executives of the large rubber companies, several of whom 
served their apprenticeships in the chemical laboratory,^ appreciate 
the potentialities of chemical research as evidenced by their gener- 
ous support of research work and the resulting publications. The 
government laboratories have also contributed some very impor- 
tant papers. Many suppliers to the rubber industry are maintain- 
ing very productive research laboratories and have contributed 
freely to the literature. One of the suppliers, E. I. du Pont de 
Nemours & Company, was given the award for chemical engineer- 
ing achievement for bringing to fruition during the past two 
years the successful industrial development of synthetic rubber, 

A noteworthy general paper, "Rubber Industry at the Cross- 
roads," was contributed by Geer,^ who was largely responsible for 
the awakening of the rubber industry to the value of research. 
Geer feels that there are two courses open: "either to keep on 
along present lines or to branch out upon a broad, intense program 
of fundamental research. Executives must face now the law of 
diminishing returns in research conducted along present lines. If 
an ample appropriation were made for a cooperative research 
laboratory and continued over a period of ten years, the entire 
scope, quality, and utility of the rubber industry might be revo- 

Crude Rubber. By a method of total reflection, McPherson and 
Cummings * have determined the refractive index values of rubber 
in different forms. The average (N. D. 25) values of Hevea crude 
rubber and purified rubber were approximately the same, regard- 
less of differences in the non-rubber components, nor were the 
values altered by mastication. The "n" value of crude rubber was 
not altered by the addition of rubber-insoluble fillers, whereas solu- 


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ble substances changed the "n" value in proportion to their own 
"n" values and their proportional weight of the rubber. The "n" 
value offers a method for determining the solubility of a substance 
in rubber. Sulfur in rubber increased the niy^^ of crude rubber by 
0.0016 for each percent and phenyl-3-naphthylamine by 0.0015 for 
each percent. The combination of a given proportion of sulfur 
with rubber increased the "n" value more than the solution of the 
same proportion of sulfur in the rubber, and therefore, when rub- 
ber is vulcanized, there is a progressive increase in its "n" value. 
A formula for finding "n" is given, and the changes in the slope 
of the curve, plotted with "n" values as a function of the tempera- 
ture, are discussed. 

Forms of rubber as indicated by temperature-volume relation- 
ship have been investigated by Bekkedahl.^ Temperature-volume 
measurements were made from —85 to +85° C. on rubber hydro- 
carbon and three soft rubber-sulfur compounds. Measurements 
of linear expansion were taken on one specimen of rubber hydro- 
carbon from —190 to 0° C. These measurements indicate that 
unvulcanized rubber may exist in at least four forms : amorphous I, 
crystalline I, crystalline II, and amorphous II. Vulcanized rubber, in 
the unstretched state, exhibited only the amorphous I and the amor- 
phous II forms. The results of this investigation afford a basis for 
correlating and interpreting data obtained by the author and other 
investigators on the heat capacity, electrical properties, and behavior 
of rubber on stretching. 

A method was previously described for purifying the hydro- 
carbon in Hevea latex and separating it into two fractions by 
extraction with ethyl ether. The present paper of Smith and 
Saylor ^ deals with the insoluble (the gel) fraction, of which about 
25 percent of the total hydrocarbon is composed. Presumably the 
gel is insoluble in ether, because of a complex structure and high 
molecular weight. When traces of oxygen are present, it becomes 
soluble in suitable organic liquids. The dissolved gel was crystal- 
lized from a dilute solution at low temperatures and the crystals 
were examined. The refractive indices, £=1.535 at —5° C. and 
J^= 1.583 at —5° C, are very close to the values previously found 
for crystals of ether-soluble hydrocarbon. Melting temperatures 
( — 5 to -f-14° C.) depend upon the history of the sample and indi- 
cate that the crystals are solid solutions, probably of many closely 
related components. As witnessed by micromanipulation below their 
melting temperature, the gel crystals contrast sharply in elasticity with 
the crystals of sol rubber. The former appear to be elastic, the latter 
are plastic. Also, after the loss of birefringence indicates that the 
crystals are melted, the gel is more resistant to deformation than the 
sol. Crystals of ether-soluble rubber have been vulcanized below their 
melting point by means of sulfur chloride. The shape of the crystal^ 

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remains unchanged, but birefringence disappears, and their resistance to 
deformation is increased. 

Bekkedahl and Matheson*^ have determined the heat capacity, 
entropy, and free energy of rubber hydrocarbon. Measurements of 
heat capacity were made on rubber hydrocarbon in its different forms 
from 14 to 320° K. At 14° K. the heat capacity was found to be 
0.064 j/g/° C. for both the metastable amorphous and the crystalline 
forms. With increase in temperature, the heat capacity increases gradu- 
ally up to a transition temperature at about 199° K. At 199° K. both 
forms undergo a transition of the second order, the heat capacity rising 
sharply. For the amorphous form above this transition, the heat 
capacity rises gradually without discontinuity to the highest temperature 
of the measurements. The crystalline form undergoes fusion at 284° K., 
the heat of fusion being 16.7j/g. At 298.1° K. the heat capacity of the 
rubber is 1.880 ± 0.002 j/g/° C. The entropy of rubber at 298.1° K. is 
1.881=*= 0.01 Oj/g/° C. The free energy of formation of rubber from 
carbon (graphite) and gaseous hydrogen is 1.35 ='=0.1 Ok j/g. 

Jessup and Cummings^ have investigated heats of combustion of 
rubber and of rubber-sulfur compounds. Measurements with a bomb 
calorimeter have been made of the heats of combustion of samples of 
rubber purified by various methods, and of compounds of rubber and 
sulfur containing up to 32 percent sulfur. The average value for the 
heat of combustion of ether-soluble rubber in gaseous oxygen to form 
gaseous carbon dioxide and liquid water at a temperature of 30° C. and 
a constant pressure of 1 atmosphere is 45,207 international joules per 
gram. The values obtained foy the heats of combustion of compounds 
of rubber and sulfur may be represented by the equation 0^=^5200 
— 37823w, where Q^ is the heat of combustion in joules and m is the 
mass of sulfur per gram of compound. From these data, and the data of 
Eckman and Rossini on the heat of combustion of sulfur, the heat of 
combination of rubber with rhombic sulfur has been calculated to be 
1,881 international joules per gram of sulfur and is independent of the 
percent of sulfur in the compound. 

Gehman^ studied the Raman spectrum of a solution of rubber in 
carbon bisulfide and carbon tetrachloride. Concentrations of rubber 
from 10 to 40 percent by volume were used. Raman lines were 
exhibited by a 4358A mercury line. Three most intense Raman fre- 
quencies for rubber are 1672, 1460, and 1382 cm.-^ The Raman spec- 
trum data appear to confirm the generally accepted views regarding the 
chain structure of rubber, although a cyclic structure is not definitely 
excluded, since cyclic terpenes have a spectrum of this nature. 

Midgley and co-workers ^^ have shown that natural rubber contains 
oxygen, while synthetic rubber is oxygen-free. The oxygen appears 
to be of an hydroxylic type, and its quantity corresponds to about one 
hydroxyl group for each 1,000 isoprene units of the rubber molecule. 
A mechanism of reaction has been proposed to interpret the quantitative 
data obtained. 

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Bridgman ^^ applied a pressure of 50,000 kg/cm^ to a specimen of 
crude rubber. The sample became a hard, translucent material, not 
imlike horn in appearance. The change was permanent. Sackett^^ 
studied the deleterious effect of manganese salts in plantation rubber. 
He studied also the consumer's crude rubber requirements.^^ Ingman- 
son and Mueller ^^ developed a process of treating gutta percha which 
comprises cold leaching of the resins from the gutta hydrocarbon by 
petroleum naphtha, heating to 100° C. to expel the naphtha, and allow- 
ing albane to precipitate out at room temperature. 

Plasticizers. One of the first production operations in the manu- 
facture of a rubber article is the milling of the crude rubber. The mill 
rooms are large consumers of power and labor. Testing machines 
have been devised to measure the plasticity of milled rubber and are 
used to maintain imiformity. Technologists have been attempting for 
years to discover plasticizers which will lessen the time of milling 
without affecting the workability of green stock and the quality of the 
finished product. 

Williams and Smith ^^ have investigated the use of hydrazine and 
its derivatives as rubber plasticizers. They advance the theory that 
hydrazine may react chemically to assist in the destruction of a 
carbon-carbon bond in the rubber molecule, it may react chemically 
without the rupture of a carbon bond in such a manner that the at- 
traction between molecules of rubber is decreased, or it may act in 
a purely physical manner to decrease the intermolecular forces in 
the rubber. 

Tuley ^^ claims a method for breaking down crude rubber by adding 
an oxide of lead and then milling at a temperature sufficient to reduce 
its viscosity. He also proposes the breaking down of crude rubber 
prior to compoimding by adding a relatively stable aryl peroxide in 
an amount sufficient to reduce the viscosity of the rubber.^*^ 

Gibbons ^^ has devised a means of improving physical properties 
of rubber by plasticizing a body of solid rubber by adding, at the 
beginning of its breakdown, a substance which furnishes upon hydroly- 
sis a sufficient concentration of hydrogen ions to decompose the alkali 
proteinates and alkali soaps. 

King and King ^^ have developed a thermo-plasticizing composition 
made of a hydrocarbon solvent, non-volatile at vulcanizing temperature, 
and an oil-soluble sulfonated product as activator. This composition 
acts on unmasticated rubber to enable it to be readily plasticized. 
They ^o also claim that, by the addition of a small amount of non-liquid 
softener, unworked raw rubber becomes more readily plasticized and 
is made ready for compounding without preliminary mastication and 
with a saving in time and power required. Hyman^i claims as a 
rubber plasticizer the high pressure liquid phase polymerization product 
obtained from cracking gasoline at 450 to 750° F. 

Vulcanization and Structure of Vulcanized Rubber. Thibodeau 
and McPherson 22 have studied the photoelastic properties of soft, vul- 

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canized rubber. A study was made of double-refraction under tensile 
stress of transparent, vulcanized rubber at about 25° C. by means of 
a Babinet compensator, using light of wave length, 5461 A. The rela- 
tive retardation per unit thickness and the stress-optical coefficient 
were found to be related to the stress by equations of the form D^ = aT 
-f&T^ H-cT3, and C = a-hbT-hcT^, where D^ is the retardation coeffi- 
cient, C the stress-optical coefficient, T the stress, and a, b, and c are 
constants for any given rubber compound. Formulas for the compounds 
investigated, in parts by weight, were given. The parameters a, b, and 
c were functions of the type of compound. The values of a, b, and c 
were given under the different conditions. 

Nutting, Squires, and Smithes discuss the effect of cure on some 
physical properties of a high-sulfur rubber mix. A mixture of smoked 
sheet 100 and sulfur 50 was vulcanized isothermally through the range 
from soft rubber to ebonite, and the sulfur coefficients of vulcanization, 
tensile strengths, ultimate elongations, and densities were determined 
as vulcanization progressed. A table and graphs show these properties 
as functions of the time of vulcanization. 

Smith and Holt^* have studied the vulcanization and stress-strain 
behavior of sol, gel, and total rubber hydrocarbon. The stress-strain 
properties in three different types of vulcanization were fotmd to be 
similar for each type "of cure. Vulcanized rubbers prepared from the 
insoluble rubber hydrocarbons were less extensible, and those pre- 
pared from the soluble rubber hydrocarbon more extensible, than those 
prepared from the total rubber hydrocarbon. 

Garvey,25 as the result of experiments, concludes that the main 
vulcanizing effect of sulfur chloride is a catalytic reaction rather than 
an addition to the hydrocarbon. 

Williams 26 concludes that vulcanization appears to consist of a 
chemical reaction that is accompanied by changes of a colloidal nature. 
The experiments which were described lead to the conclusion that vul- 
canization is the result of several actions which take place to a varying 
extent under different conditions. 

Somerville^^ vulcanizes rubber by introducing a catalytic anti- 
oxidant to prevent oxidation by atmospheric oxidation to which the 
compound may be exposed, an organic oxygen absorber to eliminate 
any oxygen initially present in the compound, and an organic base to 
activate the organic absorber. 

Accelerators. Since the discovery of the use of organic acceler- 
ators in the vulcanization of rubber by George Oenslager in 1906, this 
field of investigation has been explored by many chemists. Each year 
the patent literature discloses new and more complicated organic 

Aldehyde Amines, Cadwell^s claims that the products obtained 
from treating a preformed heptaldehyde and an aniline condensation 
product with a strong mineral acid gave a new class of compounds 
suitable for the vulcanization of rubber. Powers ^^ produced a high 

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boiling viscous liquid or resinous solid accelerator by the reaction of 
an aldehyde, a primary aromatic amine, and carbon disulfide with the 
elimination of water. SebrelP^ used the product resulting from the 
reaction of acetaldol with aniline and the further reaction of this 
material with formaldehyde. Messer^^ investigated the reaction 
product of formaldehyde, a 2-mercai)to-aryl-thiazole of the benzene 
series, and a primary aromatic amine of the benzene and naphthalene 

Mercaptohenzothiazole, Sebrell and Clifford ^2 claim di-(aryl- 
thiazyl) monosulfide and an accelerating amine. Sebrell vulcanizes 
rubber in the presence of a mercaptothiazole in combination with a 
compound selected from the group consisting of ammonia, amines 
having a primary amine group, aliphatic amines, and alkyl aryl 
secondary amines.^^ Sebrell ^^ has also patented a method of prepar- 
ing mercaptan-amine derivatives, and Teppema ^^ evolved a process of 
preparing carbamyl disulfides. Teppema ^^ also uses thiazyl com- 
pounds of the group consisting of the nitrophenyl nitrobenzothiazyl 
sulfides and the nitrophenyl halo-benzothiazyl sulfides. 

Williams 3*^ vulcanizes with an accelerator of the type mercapto- 
henzothiazole, diphenylguanidine, tetramethylthiuram monosulfide, and 
butyraldehyde-aniline, and an activator consisting of the zinc, lead, 
mercury, or cadmium salt of propionic acid. Semon and Ford^® have 
patented a process for the manufacture of mercapto aryl thiazoles, 
which comprises heating a mixture of mononuclear arylamine and car- 
bon disulfide with an organic oxidizing agent. Coleman ^^ suggests 
the use of iV-nitrosoarylaminomethyl arylenethiazyl sulfide for the 
vulcanization of rubber. Coleman *^ also claims a chemical compound 
which is the product of reaction of a mercaptohenzothiazole, formalde- 
hyde, and a primary aromatic amine. Harman *^ studied the vulcaniza- 
tion of rubber, using an accelerator comprising the reaction product 
of an organic base and a mercaptoarylthiazole in the presence of a 
primary amine acid phthalate. Tuley*^ vulcanizes with mercapto- 
henzothiazole and an amino derivative of carbamic acid, adapted to 
decompose at vulcanizing temperatures to yield ammonia and an ali- 
phatic amine. 

Evans *^ prepares an accelerator by reacting a furoyl halide and a 
mercaptoarylthiazole in an aqueous medium containing a small amount 
of an inert organic solvent. Dunbrook and Zimmerman** describe a 
new method of preparing 2-mercaptobenzothiazole in one step from 

Thiuram. Cramer *5 prepares thiuram disulfides by a method which 
comprises oxidizing the sodium salt of a cyclic dithiocarbamate with 
ammonium persulfate. Northam *^ claims an accelerator consisting of 
thiuram polysulfide derived from a secondary amine, and thiuram 
monosulfide derived also from a secondary amine. Semon *^ accelerates 
vulcanization by heating rubber in the presence of a tetraaryl substituted 
thiuram sulfide. 

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Miscellaneous. Christensen *^ discusses a method of vulcanizing 
rubber by heating with sulfur in the presence of an accelerator com- 
posed of the reaction product of acetic acid and the product formed by 
reacting methylenedipiperidine and carbon disulfide. Coleman^® 
accelerates the vulcanization of rubber by use of a vulcanizing agent 
and zinc oxide with />,/>'-diaminodiphenylmethane as the accelerator. 
Sibley ^® discusses a process for retarding the vulcanization of rubber, 
which comprises heating a mixture of rubber, sulfur, and an acceler- 
ator comprising the crotonaldehyde derivative of the reaction product 
of mercaptobenzothiazole and hexamethylenetetramine in the pres- 
ence of 2,4-dinitrophenol as a retarder of the accelerating action. 
Reed ^^ claims accelerators of the general formula 


where R is an aromatic nucleus, Y is CH2, O, S or AT-aryl. 

Lubs and Williams ^2 vulcanized rubber by adding, before vulcani- 
zation, the products obtained by hydrogenating carbazole until at least 
part of the hydrogenated carbazole is soluble in 10 percent acetic 
acid. Meuser and Leaper^^ reacted a ketone and an aromatic amine, 
containing only secondary amino groups, at 100° C, using a hydrogen 
halide as catalyst. Sibley^* has patented a process of preparing 
diphenyl derivatives — ^the sulfuric acid derivatives of the reaction 
products of a monohydric alcohol and a nuclear hydroxy substituted 
diphenyl and their alkali metal and alkaline earth salts. Clifford ^^^ 
prepares dithiazyl disulfides by a process which comprises oxidizing a 
thiazyl mercaptan with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of an 
inorganic acid. Gracia^^ prepares dithiazyl disulfides by heating an 
aqueous alkaline solution of mercaptobenzothiazole and mixing there- 
with an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide and an amoimt of sul- 
furic acid sufficient to neutralize said alkaline solution of mercapto- 

Age Resisters. The first age resister appeared on the market in 
1921. Since that date the study of age resisters has been a fruitful 
field of research. Each year new organic compounds are added to the 
already long list of materials that are used to prolong the life of rubber 

Tener and Holt^*^ have studied the effect of antioxidants on the 
natural and the accelerated aging of rubber. Five different tjrpes of 
vulcanizates, in each of which were incorporated five common anti- 
oxidants, were ( 1 ) kept in darkness at room temperature for 7-8 years ; 
(2) exposed outdoors for 16-20 months; (3) heated in air at 70° C 
for 32-42 hours; (4) heated in air at 90° C. for 4-7 days; and (5) 
heated in oxygen at 60° C. under 300 lbs. per sq. in. pressure for 18-33 
hours. Changes in tensile strength are shown in graphs. Two numeri- 
cal criteria are suggested for expressing the effectiveness of anti- 
oxidants, a "time" index (the increased time during which a vul- 
canizate will remain serviceable) and a "tensile" index to show the 

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improvement in the integrated tensile strength over a definite period of 
aging effected by the antioxidant. Sommerville ^^ presented a very 
interesting paper on the effect of oxygen absorbers in rubber to prevent 
cracking. Pyrogallol-ethanolamine and pyrogallol-quinolethanolamine 
combinations were used. Semon^® has patented the condensation 
product of an unsaturated aliphatic ketone with a primary aromatic 
amine ; the reaction product of a ketone with not more than two oxygen 
atoms with (1) an aromatic amine containing both primary and 
secondary amino groups ; (2) an aromatic amine derived from benzene 
or an alkyl or alkoxy substituted benzene and containing only one 
primary amino group. Semon^® also claims the use of symmetrical 
diphenyl substituted naphthylenediamine as an antioxidant. He has 
devised a method for preserving rubber by adding, before vulcanization, 
a plastic mass resulting from the cooling of a solution of a diarylamine 
in a molten neutral wax;®^ he prepared antioxidant by condensing an 
aromatic mono-amine with a ketone to produce an intermediate amine, 
and further reacting the intermediate amine with an aromatic mono- 
amine at a temperature at least 50° C. higher than that at which the 
intermediate amine is produced. ^^ Sloan ^^ retarded deterioration of 
rubber by treating with a poly-aryl carbinol containing one or two 
amino groups. He has also patented an antioxidant of the formula 
A — R — X — R'— A', where A and A' represent amino groups, X an 
aliphatic nucleus, and R and R' represent aromatic nuclei attached to 
different carbon atoms of X.^* Craig ^^ uses an antioxidant consisting 
of diary lamines having at least one aliphatic hydrocarbon group which 
contains at least two carbon atoms substituted in the aromatic nucleus. 
Clifford ®® preserves rubber by treating with an aryl naphthylamine 
having at least one hydroxyl group substituted on an aromatic nucleus. 
Sibley ^^ preserves rubber with the reaction product of one mole of 
acetone-anil and one atomic weight of sulfur. He also claims the use 
of an age resister consisting of products of one of these reactions : ( 1 ) 
dihydroxydiphenylmethane and an amine ; (2) 2,4-tetrahydroxydiphenyl- 
methane and o-toluidine or 13-naphthylamine ; (3) 2,3-tetrahydroxy- 
diphenylmethane and a-naphthylamine.^^ Calcott and Douglass ^^ claim 
the use of a mono-hydroxy-diaryl methane as an age resister. Wolfe '^^ 
uses the addition product of a mono-hydroxydiphenyl and an amine of 
the group consisting of primary aliphatic mono- and diamines, primary 
aromatic monoamines of the benzene and naphthalene series, benzyl- 
amine, cyclohexylarnine and hexamethylenetetramine. Scott "^^ pre- 
serves rubber by treating it with a sulfur derivative of a diaryl amine, a 
phenyl radical of said diaryl amine containing a nuclear alkoxy sub- 
stituent only. Howland "^^ preserves rubber by the use of the reaction 
product of an alkali metal upon a ketone-aromatic amine condensation 

Control and Testing. Havenhill and MacBride "^^ have devised 
a new laboratory machine for evaluating "breakdown" characteristics 
of rubber compounds. The new apparatus measures the flexing force 

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and also indicates the time of initial failure before destruction. The 
specimen is rotated between oflF-center plates, and samples may be com- 
pared under constant load or constant deflection. Unexpectedly the 
flexing force increases, i. e., the rubber stiffens on continued flexing, 
which indicates a structural change. The effects of volume loading, 
type of pigment, and other changes of ingredients are shown. Tests 
showed excellent correlation with service results, both for tire and 
carcass mixtures. 

Holt '^^ describes a study of the compression cutting test, also referred 
to as the shear test, for rubber. The test consists of compressing a 
sample of rubber to failure between a flat plate or anvil and a cutting 
tool and recording the relation between the thickness of the sample 
and the load up to failure. Data are presented on (1) different tools 
used for the test; (2) conditions affecting the results; and (3) a com- 
parison of the compression cutting tests with other common tests. 
Advantages and disadvantages of the compression cutting test are 
discussed. The conclusion is reached that it is a valuable supplement 
to, rather than a substitute for, the tensile test. 

McPherson and Bekkedahl ^^ have developed a simpler method for 
determining the heats of reaction of rubber-sulfur. The description of 
the calorimeter methods and results is given and a comparison with 
the results of previous investigations is made. 

Barnett and Mathews "^^ show that good correlation exists between 
pendulum tests on rubber compounded with various types of zinc 
oxide and flexing life as measured by the Firestone flexometer. The 
effect of particle size of zinc oxide on the results obtained in both tests 
has been investigated and the optimum size found to vary greatly with 
changes in pigment loading. 

Rainier and Gerke "^^ have devised a new laboratory test for calculat- 
ing the resistance to fatigue cracking of tire tread stocks. Data are 
given which show that ozone cracking and fatigue cracking are additive, 
that the rate of growth of cracks is a function of the maximum strain, 
that endurance limits may exist, and that the addition of antioxidants 
decreases the rate of growth of cracks and raises the endurance limit. 

Scott "^^ has determined the specific volume, compressibility, and 
volume thermal expansivity of rubber-sulfur mixtures containing from 
3 to 31 percent sulfur at 10-85° C. at pressures up to 800 bars (790 
atmospheres). The effect of the pressure on the specific volume was a 
function of the sulfur content and the temperature. The apparatus and 
technique are described and illustrated in detail. 

McPherson and Bekkedahl "^^ have studied the heats of reaction of 
rubber with sulfur to form vulcanized compounds having empirical 
formulas lying between CsHg and CsHgS. 

Scott ^^ determined the effect of pressure on the dielectric constant, 
power factor, and conductivity of rubber-sulfur compounds. The effect 
of pressure on the three properties varied with the sulfur content. 

Wiegand and Snyder ^^ claim that the rubber pendulum furnishes 

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a convenient method of visualizing and, to some extent, measuring the 
thermodynamical implications of the Joule effect ; the extent and conse- 
quences of fatigue; the conditions for and degree of reversibility; and 
the way in which these properties vary with the state of strain, with 
temperature, and with other conditions. Clark ^^ described the progress 
in x-ray research with rubber. 

Sager ^^ determined the permeability to hydrogen of a number of 
synthetic film-forming materials spread on closely woven cotton fabric. 
Of the films studied, those in which the molecule is rich in hydroxyl 
groups show very low permeabilities to hydrogen. 

Walton and Osterhof ^* encountered numerous difficulties in attempt- 
ing to rate rubber carbon blacks by means of heat of wetting meas- 

Fisher and Schubert ^^ analyzed four samples of hard rubber for 
carbon and hydrogen content. Sulfur apparently adds to the rubber 
hydrocarbon until saturation is complete before any substitution takes 
place, provided proper vulcanizing conditions are maintained. It is 
pointed out that the carbon-hydrogen ratio is one of the best indica- 
tions of substitution by sulfur. 

Kraemer and Lansing^® have used the Svedberg ultracentrifuge to 
determine the molecular weights of ether-soluble sol rubbers and of 
polychloroprenes. The molecular weights as determined in the ultra- 
centrifuge are several times as great as Staudinger's viscosity values. 

Ward and Gehman®^ have determined the rubber content of latex 
optically in an extinction cell by the use of a green filter. 

Cole ^s has studied the effect of binary mixtures of zinc oxide, channel 
black, and clay on the physical properties of rubber. Hardman and 
Barbehenn^^ report that the long-used method of fixing the free 
sulfur in the acetone extract of vulcanized rubber by means of copper 
gauze gives the true free sulfur in vulcanizates containing acetone- 
soluble organic sulfur compounds or other interfering substances. 

De Vries ^^ has shown that the density of latex is not a linear function 
of the percentage rubber by weight. Because of De Vries' work, 
Rhodes ^^ has reexamined the data on the density of rubber in latex and 
has corrected the value from 0.902 to 0.9064. 

Dillon and Torrance ^^ used an extrusion plastometer in the pressure 
measurements exerted by rubber on the walls of the die of a tubing 
machine; the results obtained were employed in correlating the plasto- 
meter with a tubing machine. 

Humphrey ^^ has devised a new method of determining guanidine in 
uncured rubber stocks. 

Abbott and Sloman^* describe a traveling test track capable of 
movement and of being dusted for the testing of tires. 

Compounding Ingredients. Schoenfeld^^ has investigated the 
surface chemistry of carbon black and its effect on the vulcanization of 
rubber. There are so many different theories to explain the retarding 
effect of channel carbon blacks on vulcanization that a systematic study 

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was carried out to ascertain to what extent (1) physical adsorption, 
where the adsorbed substances are recoverable, (2) activated adsorp- 
tion, with probable formation of molecular complexes and only par- 
tial recovery, and (3) solution of the adsorbed substances by the carbon 
black are responsible for the retardation. Blacks treated in various 
ways to alter their adsorptive power showed no relation between their 
adsorptive power and their influence on the rate of vulcanization. 
Channel black heated with sulfur and extracted with acetone gave a 
sulfur-bearing black (2.61 percent sulfur), which was used in rubber 
mixtures compensated and not compensated for sulfur; the sulfur in 
such a black is inert, but it alters the surface properties and thus 
increases the rate of vulcanization. Study of the impurities in gas 
blacks by means of blacks treated in various ways and added to mix- 
tures accelerated with basic and acidic accelerators showed, among 
other inert components, an acid molecular complex of carbon and oxy- 
gen which is removable only at very high temperatures, and which 
retards the rate of vulcanization in a way similar to organic acid 
retarders. Extraction of black with concentrated ammonia, evapora- 
tion in vacuoy washing with ethyl alcohol, and evaporation in vacuo 
gave a mixture of unidentified organic acids, one of which behaved 
like mellitic acid. These acid components are the determinant factor 
in the retarding effect of blacks on vulcanization. 

Park and Morris ^^ have studied the effect of stearic acid and other 
so-called dispersing agents on the dispersion of channel gas black. 
Experiments show that channel gas black disperses with difficulty in 
rubber in which the acetone-soluble components are reduced to 0.5 per- 
cent or less. The addition of stearic acid to such extracted rubber 
facilitates the dispersion, which is a direct proof that stearic acid is 
a dispersing agent for gas black in rubber. Because of these facts, 
acetone-extracted rubber may be used as the basis of a method for 
testing the effect of various agents on the dispersion of gas black in 
rubber. In this way, various substances were found to improve the 
dispersion of gas black, others were without influence, and still others 
were antagonistic to the dispersion. The dispersing power of a given 
agent for gas black in rubber bears no relation to the deflocculating 
action of the agent on the same black in a paste with dipentene. 

Wiegand^*^ has shown that glycerine improves the curing behavior 
of tread mixings accelerated with mercapto and softened with pine tar. 
The effect of direct addition of glycerine, without reduction of tar, was 
quite marked, whereas similar direct addition of higher aliphatic alco- 
hols was without specific effect. A pre-cooked mixture of one part 
glycerine with three parts of medium pine tar improved the rate of 
cure, modulus, and tensile strength of a mercapto tread stock contain- 
ing 50 percent of carbon black, as compared with a control using 
straight pine tar. The above conclusions, since they do not include 
aging results nor road tests for abrasion resistance, must be accepted 

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as preliminary, but seem to warrant a further study of glycerine in 
tread compounding. 

Smith ^® presents a historical review of the uses of coal tar products 
in rubber. He describes the use of cumar as a rubber ingredient. 
Jack^® discusses the use of wood flour as a compounding agent in 

Spear 1^^ claims the production of a carbon black by the thermal 
decomposition of a mixture of a hydrocarbon gas with twice its volume 
of diluent gas, followed by passing the mixture over high temperature 
surfaces. The solid carbon particles are separated from gaseous decom- 
position products. Spear ^<>i also claims a carbon black identified by 
the following physical characteristics (1) apparent density 0.37; and 
(2) maximum loading value in rubber when compounded therein as a 
reinforcing agent in excess of 100 but not substantially in excess of 

Wiegand ^^^ claims a process for the manufacture of carbon black, 
which consists of burning a hydrocarbon gas in a restricted supply of 
oxygen, causing the flame to impinge upon a cooler collecting surface, 
and subjecting the deposited carbon black to controlled oxidation by 
an oxidizing atmosphere between 300 and 1000° C. to produce a carbon 
black of improved color and workability. Wiegand ^<>3 ^Iso claims a 
carbon black of high color intensity and a high degree of workability. 

Richardson ^^* has developed a process for producing hydrogen and 
carbon black, which consists of mixing hydrocarbon gas and steam and 
heating to effect thermal decomposition. The relative amounts of car- 
bon black to gases are controlled by relative volumes of steam and 

Odell ^^5 claims a fine particle size carbon black formed by thermal 
decomposition of a gas, which consists of pure carbon nuclei with the 
vapor of a metallic catalyst on the surface. 

Park 1^^ has patented a pigment comprising a dried froth formed by 
co-precipitating a mixture of barium sulfate and ferric oxide, using 
pine tar, pine oil, cresylic acid, w-, c?-, or />-cresol as foaming agent. 
Coolidge and Holt ^^'^ claim that a pigment is rendered non-caking by 
the addition of from 0.25 to 1.0 percent of a protective agent dispersed 
in a liquid medium, said agent being taken from the group consisting 
of rubber, rubber latex, balata, and gutta percha, whereby a film is 
deposited on individual pigment particles when the mass is dried. 

Gray and Kemp ^^^ have patented a vulcanizable insulating com- 
pound for coating electrical conductors at 160° F. and 400 feet per 
minute. The compound contains rubber, plasticizer, softener, and 
ultra accelerator. 

Cowdery ^^® has advanced a composition comprising rubber com- 
pounded with coal tar free from crystalline material. Cowdery ^^^ also 
claims the use of an oil resin containing one to five parts of heat polym- 
erized cumarone resin and five parts of coal tar oil boiling at 170° C. 
as a compounding ingredient. Bergeim ^^^ proposes the use of a com- 

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position comprising rubber and a coal tar distillate, the distillate boiling 
above 200° C. under atmospheric pressure. Frolich ^^^ uggs a rubber 
composition containing an asphaltene powder derived from cracked 
petroleum tar, free from hydrocarbon oils and resins. 

Minor 113 proposes the addition of triethanolamine which has 
absorbed an equal volume of carbon dioxide gas to a rubber compound 
as an agent for fhe preparation of sponge rubber. 

Kiernan ^^^ uses a leuco compound of a vat dye, which has been pre- 
pared by the action of a reducing carbohydrate, to color unvulcanized 
rubber. Croakman ^^^ uses the leuco compound of a dye with latex, 
followed by oxidation, to obtain a colored, vulcanized rubber. He also 
mixes the leuco compound of a dye with solid, unvulcanized rubber, 
followed b.y oxidation, to obtain a colored, vulcanized product.ii® 

Damon ^^^ claims to have improved carbon black, intensifying the 
color by continuously agitating a charge and subjecting it to a slow 
oxidation at a temperature below that at which calcining takes place 
but high enough to increase the stable oxygen content of the carbon 
black. Bolton and Hayden^i^ have developed a process for preparing 
a rubber composition containing carbon black and an open chain ali- 
phatic alcohol of at least eight carbon atoms. 

Rubber Technology. Davies ^^^ discusses the discoloration and 
transparency in vulcanized rubber. Discolor ization originates from 
various causes, including natural components of the latex, putrefaction 
of protein, contamination with iron, smoke and dust, the natural brown 
color of the rubber-sulfur compound, and impurities in nominally color- 
less or white compounding ingredients. This discoloration makes the 
production of colorless transparent vulcanized rubber and white vul- 
canized rubber impossible without excessive loading. 

Keenan ^^o gives a short discussion of the uses of aluminimi in the 
rubber industry. It is used for molds because it heats evenly, requires 
little cleaning, is immune from attack by sulfur, sulfur compounds, 
rubber solvents, and ammonia, is strong, hard, light, cheap, and inert, 
and gives a very smooth surface, dimensional accuracy, and good 

Peterson ^^i discusses new uses of rubber. He mentions the use 
of sponge rubber as an expansion joint for highways. The rubber lasts 
15 to 20 years. Townsend 122 discusses the application of latex in the 
preparation of paper fibers. Madge ^23 makes rubber thread by forcing 
an aqueous dispersion of rubber through a nozzle into a coagulant, the 
nozzle being cool enough to freeze the dispersion. Minor ^24 manu- 
factures sponge rubber by adding an inert gas under pressure to the 
latex and vulcanizing, the water escaping as steam, which condenses. 

Gilbert and Malm i^s impregnated a cable conductor with material 
formed from a composition of matter comprising at least semi-fluid 
depolymerized natural rubber mixed with an antioxidant not soluble 
in water. 

Muller 126 proposes a degummed or artificial silk fiber treated with 

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a solution of the reaction product of rubber with chlorostannic acid. 
Bodle ^27 makes a decorated rubber article by electrodeposition of the 
rubber in the cavities of an engraved anode plate, transferring the 
deposited rubber to an unvulcanized rubber surface by adhesive contact 
therewith, and vulcanizing. 

Hoover ^28 explains how the excessive wastes in the pickling of steel 
may be eliminated by the use of a new type of rubber-lined acid tank. 

Cements and Adhesives. Contributions to cements and adhe- 
sives have appeared in the patent literature from the laboratories of 
the consumer industries. 

Kronquest and Robison ^^^ have patented a coating dough for pro- 
ducing a coating material, comprising a mixture of 100 parts of rubber 
solution containing 30 parts rubber, 15 parts adhesive ester gum, 
3 parts liquid petrolatum, and approximately 100 parts of zinc oxide. 

Williams and Smith ^^o reduce the viscosity of rubber solutions by 
the addition of a small amount of unsymmetrical substituted hydrazine. 

Kronquest and Robison ^^^ have patented a liquid coating material 
for sealing the seams of cans — 3. mixture of rubber, zinc oxide, an 
adhesive ester gum, a plasticizer, sulfur, an accelerator, an antioxidant 
in a volatile solvent for the rubber and the gum. Kronquest and 
Robison ^^^ have also patented a coating material of milled rubber 
(30 parts rubber and 80 parts zinc oxide), an adhesive gum, and a 

Robinson ^^^ claims a composition for lining can. ends which consists 
of a solid body material, a solution of latex, and fortified ammonium 
alginate. B oilman and Ornes ^^^ claim a liquid adhesive adapted to 
vulcanize firmly and secure durably a plastic rubber composition to 
leather-like surfaces. 

Reclaiming. Reclaimed rubber has played an important role in 
stabilizing the price of crude rubber. The principle use of reclaim 
rubber is in mechanical goods. As the price of crude rubber advances, 
the use of reclaim will increase, and more attention will probably be 
devoted to research in this important field. 

Lane ^^^ reclaims rubber by heating fiber-containing vulcanized scrap 
with a small amount of caustic alkali. Busenburg ^^^ claims a method 
which comprises shredding scrap rubberized fibrous material, removing 
the major portion of the rubber from the shredded material, partially 
decomposing the remaining shredded essentially fibrous material by 
treatment for at least eight hours with steam at superatmospheric 
pressure, and physically disintegrating the treated material to produce 
a relatively free flowing earth-like product. 

CampbelP^'^ has devulcanized scrap rubber by introducing an oil, 
including benzene, toluene, xylene, and a heavy solvent, into a digestor 
with a desulfurizing agent. Upon application of heat and pressure in 
the presence of moisture, the rubber swells and softens, thereby allow- 
ing the desulfurizing agent to react. 

Fairley ^^^ has patented a process of treating vulcanized rubber which 

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comprises subjecting vulcanized rubber to destructive distillation up to 
400° C, continuing the distillation until a dry residue is obtained, con- 
densing all resultant vapors, and collecting the mixture of vapors as a 
single distillate. Davies ^^® has patented a method of treating rubber 
to produce depolymerization which comprises subjecting the rubber to 
the action of caustic soda and a hypochlorite. 

Hard Rubber. Kemp and Malm ^^^ give a resume of the litera- 
ture on hard rubber, including vulcanization, chemical and physical 
properties, compounding, and mechanical and electrical properties. 

Edland^^^ makes hard rubber products by vulcanizing rubber mix- 
tures with a percentage of sulfur sufficient to form hard rubber and 
with the addition of a sufficient amount of selenium to accelerate the 
vulcanization but not exceeding about 14 percent of the sulfur. 

Latex and Rubber Dispersions. Latex and rubber dispersions 
are playing an increasingly important role in the rubber industry. A 
book "Latex in Industry" has been written by R. J. Noble and published 
by "Rubber Age." 

Cotton ^*2 gave a review and discussion dealing with latex as a 
colloid system, surface phenomena, stabilization, coagulation, concen- 
tration, compounding, filler dispersions, viscosity, surface tensions, the 
influence of humidity, "setting," heat sensitizing, drying ornamental 
surfaces, and vulcanization. McGavack^^^ discussed the use of latex 
as wire insulation and described latex purification, water absorption, 
advantages of latex insulation, and the electrical properties of the 

McGavack and Teflft ^^^ have prepared a water-resistant rubber for 
electrical insulation, containing creamed latex with wax dispersed in it 
and an ammonium soap of the wax. Tefft ^*^ uses a latex containing up 
to 0.5 parts of a water-soluble alkylated cellulose per 100 parts of latex 
solids for creaming. McGavack ^^^ patented a process for increasing 
the rate of creaming of latex by subjecting a mixture of creaming agent 
and latex to a violent shearing stress for a brief period of time, then 
allowing the serum and rubber-rich portions to separate by gravity. 
McGavack ^^"^ also thickens latex with a small amount of hydrophilic 
colloid, introducing additional amounts of said hydrophilic colloid into 
at least a portion of the serum, and mixing the thus-treated serum with 
the cream portion. 

Madge ^^^ claims a golf ball thread deposited directly from latex, 
having smooth faces and rounded edges. 

Noble ^^^ claims a process which comprises adding to rubber latex 
a water-soluble stabilizer, flocculating the latex with a chemical that 
insolubilizes the stabilizer, dewatering the rubber floes partially, then 
adding water and a chemical that restore the insolubilized stabilizer, 
thereby causing the mass to revert to latex. Noble ^^^ has also pre- 
pared granulated rubber from rubber latex by adding an insolubilizable 
hydrophilic stabilizer to the latex, flocculating the latex with an agent 

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that insolubilizes the stabilizer, separating the floes, dewatering and 
granulating the cake. 

Leguillon ^^^ makes a decorated rubber article by using two distinct 
types of plastics, a body stock, and a surface-decorating stock. The 
body stock is roughly formed to desired pattern and then the decorating 
stock with a lower plasticity is poured on and the whole vulcanized 
in a mold under pressure. Leguillon ^^^ also decorates rubber articles 
by applying to a body of rubber a multitude of bodies of decorating 
stocks of at least two different light reflectivities. This forms a surface 
with a multitude of diffusion planes. Leguillon ^^^ makes multicolored 
rubber articles by producing a localized deposit of rubber in the cavities 
of an open cavity engraved mold. 

Szegvari ^^* makes rubber articles by a method which comprises 
applying to a base surface a coagulant whose thickness varies over 
the surface and thereafter applying a coagulable dispersion of rubber 
and drying the coagulated rubber. 

Linscott ^^^ has patented a stable concentrated latex composition 
capable of producing a dried rubber film substantially free of water- 
soluble ingredients, comprising a creamed latex containing a soap of 
a voltatile base and a soap forming acid, and a volatile resin solvent 
which is a non-solvent of rubber. 

Williams and Dales ^^^ stabilize artificial and natural latex by adding 
sulfonated abietane or sulfonated abietene and sulfonated abietine. 

Hazell ^^^ manufactures a rubber fabric by applying a coating of 
rubber from an aqueous dispersion to a fabric and applying another 
coating of rubber which is less basic (alkaline) than the first. Win- 
chester^^® prepares rubber goods directly from latex by applying a 
dehydrating agent to a form, alternately dipping the form in a bath 
of latex and removing it to the air, and drying the whole when the 
desired thickness is reached. Dehydrating agents used are bentonite, 
wilkenite, and ardmorite. 

Partridge ^^® prepares an artificial rubber dispersion by dispersing 
the aqueous medium in the rubber and then inverting the phases of the 
dispersion by adding a soluble peptizing agent capable of furnishing 
polyvalent negative ions. Levin ^^^ produces a cellulose-rubber mix- 
ture by mixing a solution of viscose with an aqueous suspension of 
rubber, adding a chloride of an alkaline earth metal, heating, and recov- 
ering the solid components. 

Willson 1^1 claims a coagulant composition, comprising a latex coagu- 
lant, a volatile organic solvent, and a substance which improves wet- 
ting of the form and also of the residue. Cake ^^2 preserves latex with 
a mixture of phenol, soap, ammonia, and alkali metal hydroxide. 

Chapman and associates ^^^ control the speed and degree of thicken- 
ing of a latex dispersion by addition of a salt of hydrofluosilicic acid. 

Messer ^^ claims a lactex composition containing a vulcanizing agent 
and a water-soluble dithiocarbamate. Erdahl ^^^ uses a composition of 
matter comprising alginic acid and rubber latex. Grupe and Kienle ^^® 

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claim a plastic composition comprising a mixture of vulcanized rubber 
or rubber latex and an alkyl resin. 

Synthetic Rubber and Rubber-Like Products. Brous and 
Semon ^^^ present some of the properties and uses of a new plastic, 
"Koroseal." The generic term "Koroseal" refers to a particular class 
of compositions with properties varying from those of hard rubber to 
those of a jellied rubber cement embodying modified, substantially 
insoluble polymers of vinyl halides. By a suitable choice of raw mate- 
rials in proper proportions and of methods of processing, a variety 
of useful rubber-like products can be prepared, the chemical and physi- 
cal properties of which depend upon the above factors. The process- 
ing, compounding, physical and chemical properties, and applications 
are discussed. Koroseal is characterized by remarkable resistance to 
various oils, mineral acids, alkalies, oxygen, and radiation. 

Korolac is the solution of Koroseal and is recommended for covering 
plating-racks.^^® It withstands alkalies, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, 
hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, chromic acid, and water. Its film 
is tough and elastic and easily repaired. Korogel is the jelly form of 
Koroseal and is used for molds for plaster of Paris, Keene's cement, 
Portland cement, Hydrocal, and other types of synthetic stone. It gives 
fine detail and will not dry out. It can be remelted and re-used. 

Special mention is given to a type of coating with a trade name of 
Thiokol C-103.^®® It can be sprayed, spread, dipped, or brushed on. 
It bonds solidly to most surfaces, and it does not age. It is highly 
resistant to aromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents. 

Thiokol D is an oil-proof synthetic rubber with a tensile strength 
up to 1,700 lbs. per square inch.^*^^ It is flexible at —45° F. and resistant 
to hot oil at 200° F. 

Reed ^"^^ claims as a plastic composition and process of making the 
same a homogeneous and amorphous composition, comprising rubber 
together with a vinyl resin identical with a resin resulting from the 
conjoint polymerization of two different vinyl esters. 

Brooks ^"^2 has patented a process of making a rubber-like material 
by separating mono- and diolefins of four to five carbon atoms from 
a mixture of hydrocarbons. The diolefins are separated from the mono 
by cuprous chloride and the former polymerized to form a rubber-like 

Nieuwland ^"^^ presented a general paper on the preparation, prop- 
erties, and uses of DuPrene. 

Carothers and Berchet ^"^^ claim a process which comprises reacting 
1,2,3,4-tetrachlorobutane with an alkaline compound which will remove 
hydrogen chloride from the said chlorobutane. 

Collins ^^^ uses an aqueous dispersion of a halogen-2-butadiene-l,3 
and protein in which the ratio of one to the other is never greater 

than 9:1. 

Gibbons and Smith i'^« produce a styrol from alkyl benzol by pyro- 
genically dehydrogenating material containing sulfur, whereby the 

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released hydrogen combines at least in part with the sulfur, and sepa- 
rating the styrol from the reaction by-products. 

Derivatives of Rubber. Calvert ^"^^ has patented a transparent 
film composed of a rubber hydrohalide and a substance to retard photo- 
chemical disintegration of the rubber hydrohalide. 

Baymiller ^"^^ proposes the treatment of a rubber surface by subjecting 
it to the action of a solvent for a suflficient time to cause slight flowing 
of the surface and then to the action of a halide of an amphoteric 

Ford^*^^ prepares a derivative of rubber by heating a mixture of 
rubber, a smaller proportion of an aldehyde, and a phenol in the pres- 
ence of an aromatic sulfonic acid. McGavack^so jj^s produced chlo- 
rinated rubber by introducing chlorine into the vulcanized latex. 

Miscellaneous. Thies ^^^ proposes the use of a small amount of 
furoic acid to prevent the scorching of rubber. 

Fine ^82 has shown that the use of rubber cements as a constituent 
of paints is made possible only by the reduction of viscosity. A number 
of catalysts have been tried and formulas developed that yield ready- 
mixed paints, as well as gloss paints with improved qualities. At pres- 
ent the addition of rubber to enamels has not been as satisfactory as 
in the case of paints. 

Jacobs ^^^ has patented a paint consisting of a liquid composition com- 
prising crude rubber, solvent naphtha, petroleum, turpentine, linseed 
oil, China wood oil, kauri gum, ester gum, manganese borate, zinc sul- 
fate, and red lead in such proportions as to make the composition suitable 
for use as a paint 

Fairley ^®* prepared a varnish gum by a method which comprises 
subjecting vulcanized rubber to destructive distillation until a dry resi- 
due is obtained, collecting the mixture of vapors as a single distillate, 
heating said distillate in contact with nitric acid, and cooling the reac- 
tion product. Fairley ^^^ also claims a flowable coating comprising a 
drying oil, which is the total distillate obtained by distilling vulcanized 
rubber to dryness, a resin, and a drier. 

Holm ^®® has patented an artificial leather from a mixture of rubber, 
fiber, and leather. 

Werder ^^^ has patented a lubricant consisting of a heavy lubri- 
cant, a volatile solvent, and a rubber cement. 

Weller^®^ vulcanized rubber by interposing between the contacting 
surfaces of the article and the mold the salt of a polybasic acid ester 
of an alcohol having from 6 to 20 carbon atoms. 

Seaman ^^^ developed a rubber solvent consisting of a liquid organic 
sulfide selected from the class consisting of alkyl thioethers and poly- 

Bonney and Egge^^® claim a protective coating composition con- 
sisting of a homogeneous mixture of chlorinated rubber and that com- 
ponent of oxidized drying oil which is separated from the unoxidized 

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and non-hardening constituents and is capable of hardening without 
further oxidation. 

Lawson ^^^ isomerizes rubber with anhydrous fluoric acid. 

Flint ^®2 claims a composition of matter comprising peracylated rub- 
ber and a film forming material of the class consisting of cellulose 
derivatives and resins, the peracyl group of said peracylated rubber 
being derived from a non-basic acid. 

Rodman ^^^ claims a rubber composition containing a pig^nent and 
a dispersing agent selected from the group consisting of aliphatic dihy- 
dric and aliphatic trihydric alcohols containing at least eight carbon 


1. /. Chem. Education, 12: 315 (1935). 

2. Kirkpatrick, S. D., Chem, Met, Eng., 42: 588 (1935). 

3. (Jeer, W. C, Jnd. Eng. Chem., 21 1 362 (1935). 

4. McPherson, A. T., and Cummings, A. D., 7. Research Natl. Bur, Standards, 14: 

553 (1935). 

5. Bekkedahl, N., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 13: 411 (1934). 

6. Smith, W. H., and Saylor, C. P., /. Research Natl, Bur. Standards, 13: 453 (1934). 

7. Bekkedahl, N., and Matheson, H., J, Research Natl. Bur, Standards, 15: 503 (1935). 

8. Jessup, R. S., and Cummings, A. D., J. Research Natl. Bur, Standards, 13: 357 


9. Gehman, S. D., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1382 (1935). 

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11. Bridgman, P. W., Phys. Rev., 48: 825 (1935). 

12. Sackett, G. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 172 (1935). 

13. Sackett, G. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1201 (1935). 

14. Ingmanson, J. H., and Mueller, G. S., U. S. Pat. 2,002,204 (May 21, 1935). 

15. Williams, I., and Smith, C. C, Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1317 (1935). U. S. Pats. 

2,018,643, 2,018,644 (October 22, 1935). 

16. Tuley, W. F., U. S. Pat. 1,996,036 (Mar. 26, 1935). 

17. Tuley, W. F., U. S. Pat. 2,016,403 (Oct. 8, 1935). 

18. Gibbons, W. A., U. S. Pat. 1,995,847 (Mar. 26, 1935). 

19. King, R. J., and King, E. C, U. S. Pat. 2,000,028 (May 7, 1935). 

20. King, R. J., and King, E. C, U. S. Pat. 2,008,554 (July 16, 1935). 

21. Hyman, J., U. S. Pat. 2,008,102 (July 16, 1935). 

22. Thibodeau, W. E., and McPherson, A. T., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 13: 

887 (1934). 

23. Nutting, R. D., Squires, L., and Smith, C. C, India Rubber World, 91: 45 (Mar., 


24. Smith, H. W., and Holt, W. L., /, Research Natl, Bur, Standards, 13: 465 (1934). 

25. Garvey, B. S., Jr., Rubber Age, 37: 301 (1935). 

26. Williams, I., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 1190 (1934). 

27. Somerville, A. A., U. S. Pat. 2,026,442 (Dec. 31, 1935). 

28. Cadwell, S. M., U. S. Pat. 1,988,438 (Jan. 22, 1935). 

29. Powers, D. H., U. S. Pat. 1,993,803 (Mar. 12, 1935). 

30. Sebrell, L. B., U. S. Pat. 1,994,732 (Mar. 19, 1935). 

31. Messer, W. E., U. S. Pat. 1,996,011 (Mar. 26, 1935). 

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33. Sebrell, L. B., U. S. Pat. 2,024,605 (Dec. 17, 1935). 

34. Sebrell, L. B., U. S. Pat. 2,024,606 (Dec. 17, 1935). 

35. Teppema, J., U. S. Pat. 2,024,613 (Dec. 17, 1935). 

36. Teppema, J., U. S. Pat. 1,989,469 (Jan. 29, 1935). 

37. Williams, I., U. S. Pat. 1,997,760 (Apr. 16, 1935). 

38. Semon, W. L., and Ford, T. F., U. S. Pat. 2,001,587 (May 14, 1935). 

39. Coleman, C, U. S. Pat. 2,022,953 (Dec. 3, 1935). 

40. Coleman, C, U. S. Pat. 2,010,059 (Aug. 6, 1935). 

41. Harman, M. W., U. S. Pat. 2,011,219 (Aug. 13, 1935). 

42. Tuley, W. F., U. S. Pat. 2,013,117 (Sept. 3, 1935). 

43. Evans, S. M., U. S. Pat. 2,020,051 (Nov. 5, 1935). 

44. Dunbrook, R. F., and Zimmerman, M. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc. 56: 2734 (1934> 

45. Cramer, H. I., U. S. Pat. 2,014,353 (Sept. 10, 1935). 

46. Northam, A. J., U. S. Pat. 2,006,057 (June 25, 1935). 

47. Semon, W. L., U. S. Pat. 2,026,256 (Dec. 31, 1935). 

48. Christensen, C. W., U. S. Pat. 1,986,463 (Jan. 1, 1935). 

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49. Coleman, C, U. S. Pat. 1,989,226 Qan. 29, 1935). 

50. Sibley, R. L., U. S. Pat. 1,998,559 (Apr. 23, 1935). 

51. Reed, M. C, U. S. Pat. 2,001,584 (May 14, 1935). 

52. Lubs, H., and Williams, I., U. S. Pat. 2,002,639 (May 28, 1935). 

53. Meuser, L, and Leaper, P. J., U. S. Pat. 2,002,642 (May 28, 1935). 

54. Sibley, R. L., U. S. Pat. 1,994,927 (Mar. 19, 1935). 

55. Clifford, A. M., U. S. Pat. 2,024,567 (Dec. 17, 1935). 

56. Gracia, A. J., U. S. Pat. 2,024,575 (Dec. 17, 1935). 

57. Tener, R. F., and Holt, W. L., /. Research Natl. Bur, Standards, 14: 667 (1935). 

58. SomerviUe, A. A., Rubber Age, 37: 301 (1935). 

59. Semon, W. L., U. S. Pat. 2,000,039-41 (May 7, 1935). 

60. Semon, W. L., U. S. Pat. 2,009,526 (July 30, 1935). 

61. Semon, W. L., U. S. Pat. 2,013,319 (Sept. 3, 1935). 

62. Semon, W. L., U. S. Pat. 2,015,696 (Oct. 1, 1935). 

63. Sloan, A. W., U. S. Pat. 2,000,044-45 (May 7, 1935). 

64. Sloan, A. W., U. S. Pat. 2,009,530 (July 30, 1935). 

65. Craig, D., U. S. Pat. 2,009,480 (July 30, 1935). 

66. Clifford, A. M., U. S. Pat. 2,020,291 (Nov. 12, 1935). 

67. Sibley, R. L., U. S. Pat. 2,001,071 (May 14, 1935). 

68. Sibley, R. L., U. S. Pat. 2,011,952 (Aug. 20, 1935). 

69. Calcott, W. S., and Douglass, W. A., U. S. Pat. 1,989,788 (Feb. 5, 1935). 

70. Wolfe, W. D., U. S. Pat. 2,004,914 (June 11, 1935). 

71. Scott, W., U. S. Pat. 2,024,477 (Dec. 17, 1935). 

72. Rowland, L. H., U. S. Pat. 2,026,386 (Dec. 31, 1935). 

73. Havenhni, R. S., and MacBride, W. B., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 60 (1935). 

74. Holt, W. L., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 12: 489 (1934). 

75. McPherson, A. T., and Bekkedahl, N., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 14: 601 

(1935); Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 597 (1935). 

76. Bamett, C. E., and Mathews, W. C, Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 1292 (1934). 

77. Rainier, E. T., and Gerke, R. H., Rubber Age, 37: 26 (1935). 

78. Scott, A. H., /. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 14: 99 (1935). 

79. McPherson, A. T., and Bekkedahl, N., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 597 (1935). 

80. Scott, Arnold, J. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 15: 13 (1935). 

81. Wiegand, W. B., and Snyder, J. W., India Rubber World, 91: 43 (Mar., 1935). 

82. Clark, George L., Rubber Age, 38: 79 (Nov., 1935). 

83. Sager, T. P., J. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 13: 879 (1934). 

84. Walton, C. W., and Osterhof, H., Rubber Age, 37: 25 (1935). 

85. Fisher, H. L., and Schubert, Y., Rubber Age, 37: 26 (1935). 

86. Kraemer, E. O., and Lansing, W. D., Rubber Age, 37: 25 (1935). 

87. Ward, J. S., and Gehman, S. D., U. S. Pat. 2,024,617 (Dec. 17, 1935). 

88. Cole, O. D., Rubber Age, 37: 26 (1935). 

89. Hardman, A. F., and Barbehenn, H. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 7: 103 (1935). 

90. de Vries, O., India Rubber J., 89: 343 (1935). 

91. Rhodes, E., India Rubber J., 89: 397 (1935). 

92. Dillon, J. H., and Torrance, P. M., Physics, 6: 53 (1935). 

93. Humphrey, B. J., India Rubber World, 93: 47 (1935). 

94. Abbott, A. O., Jr., and Sloman, C. M., U. S. Pat. 2,010,049 (Aug. 6, 1935). 

95. Schoenfeld, F. K., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 571 (1935). 

96. Park, C. R., and Morris, V. N., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 582 (1935). 

97. Wiegand, W. B., Can. Chem. Met., 19: 2 (1935). 

98. Smith, G. W., Rubber Age, 37: 129 (1935). 

99. Jack, H. C, Rubber Age, 36: 227 (1935). 

100. Spear, E. B., U. S. Pat. 1,987,643 (Jan. 15, 1935), 

101. Spear, E. B., U. S. Pat. 1,987,644 (Jan. 15, 1935). 

102. Wiegand, W. B., U. S. Pat. 2,013,774 (Sept. 10, 1935). 

103. Wiegand, W. B.. U. S. Pat. 2,013,775 (Sept. 10, 1935). 

104. Richardson, R. S., U. S. Pat. 2,013,699 (Sept. 10, 1935). 

105. Odell, W. W., U. S. Pat. 1,999,573 (Apr. 30, 1935). 

106. Park, C. R., U. S. Pat. 2,012,823 (Aug. 27, 1935). 

107. Coolidge, C, and Holt, H. S., U. S. Pat. 2,009,435 (July 30, 1935). 

108. Gray, A. N., and Kemp, A. R., U. S. Pat. 2,008,861 (July 23, 1935). 

109. Cowdery, A. B., U. S. Pat. 1,986.389 (Jan. 1. 1935). 

110. Cowdery, A., U. S. Pat. 2,006,310 (June 25, 1935). 

111. Bergeim, F. H., U. S. Pat. 2,001.176 (May 14, 1935). 

112. Frolich, P. K., U. S. Pat. 2,009,712 (July 30, 1935). 

113. Minor, H. R., U. S. Pat. 2,017,217 (Oct. 15, 1935). 

114. Kieman, H. G., U. S. Pat. 2,022,887 (Dec. 3, 1935). 

115. Croakman, E. G., U. S. Pat. 1,988,483 (Jan. 22, 1935). 

116. Croakman, E. G.. U. S. Pat. 1,988,484 (Jan. 22, 1935). 

117. Damon, E. H., U. S. Pat. 2,005.022 (June 18, 1935). 

118. Bolton, E. K., and Hayden, O. M., U. S. Pat. 2,014,198 (Sept. 10, 1935). 

119. Davies, B. L., India Rubber J., 89: 427 (1935). 

120. Kccnan, R. A., Rubber Age, 37: 81 (May, 1935). 

121. Peterson, R., Rubber Age, 37: 82 (May, 1935). 

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122. Townsend, H. B., Rubber Age, 3«: 233 (Feb., 1935). 

123. Madge, N. G., U. S. Pat. 2,002,640 (May 28, 1935). 

124. Minor, H. R., U. S. Pat. 1.990,460 (Feb. 5, 1935). 

125. Gilbert, J. J., and Malm, F. S., U. S. Pat. 1,988,005 (Jan. 15, 1935). 

126. Muller, O. F., U. S. Pat. 2,011,726 (Aug. 20, 1935). 

127. Bodlc, V. H., U. S. Pat. 1,989,676 (Feb. 5, 1935). 

128. Hoover, J. R., Wire and Wire Products (Sept., 1935). 

129. Kronquest, A. L., and Robison, S. C, U. S. Pat. 2,009,776 July 30, 1935). 

130. Williams, I., and Smith, C. C, U. S. PaL 2,018,645 (Oct. 22, 1935). 

131. Kronquest, A. L., and Robison, S. C, U. S. Pat. 2,009,777 (July 30, 1935). 

132. Kronquest, A. L., and Robison, S. C, U. S. Pat. 2,009,778 (July 30, 1935). 

133. Robinson, J. E., U. S. Pat. 2,013,670 (Sept. 10, 1935). 

134. Bollman. R. R., and Omes, C. L., U. S. Pat. 2,004,059 (June 4, 1935). 

135. Lane, G. F., U. S. Pat. 1,990,658 (Feb. 12, 1935). 

136. Buscnburg, E. B., U. S. Pat. 1,998,432 (Apr. 23, 1935). 

137. Campbell, C. H., U. S. Pat. 2,021,046 (Nov. 12, 1935). 

138. Fairley, T. J., U. S. Pat. 1,986,050 (Jan. 1, 1935). 

139. Davies, R. L., U. S. Pat. 1,998,449 (Apr. 23, 1935). 

140. Kemp, A. R., and Malm, F. S., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 141 (1935). 

141. Edland, L. A., U. S. PaL 1,997,547 (Apr. 9, 1935). 

142. rf>*-*f>Ti F H., India Rubber J,, 89: 109, 171 (1935). 

143. McUiivack, J.* Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 894 (1935). 

144. McGavack, J., asid Tefft, R. F., U. S. Pat. 2,005,382 (June 18, 1935). 

145. TetTt, R. F- U. S. Pat. 1,994,328 (Mar. 12. 1935). 

146. McCiavack. J., ir. S. Pat. 1,989,241 (Jan. 29, 1935). 

147. McGavack, J., U. S. Pat. 1,991,402 (Feb. 19, 1935). 

148. Maiige, N. G., U. S. Pat. 2,004.167 (June 11, 1935). 

149. NoMc, R, T.. U, S. Pat. 1,995,747 (Mar. 26, 1935). 

150. Nolile. R. J.. U, S. Pat. 2,019,055 (Oct. 29. 1935). 

151. Leifuillon, C. W,, U. S. Pat. 1,989,703 (Feb. 5, 1935). 

152. l.cKuillon. C. W., U. S. Pat. 1,989,704 (Feb. 5, 1935). 

153. I.tttiiilon, L\ W., U. S. Pat. 1,989,702 (Feb. 5, 1935). 

154. Szegvari, A., U. S. Pat. 1,989,717 (Feb. 5, 1935). 

155. Linscott, C. E.. U. S. Pat. 2,001,791 (May 21, 1935). 

156. WUliams, I., and Dales, B., U. S. Pat. 2,002,622 (May 28, 1935). 

157. Hazcll, E., U. S. Pat. 1,992,665 (Feb. 26, 1935). 

158. Winchester, G. W., U. S. Pat. 1,993,233 (Mar. 5, 1935). 

159. Partridge, E. G.. U. S. Pat. 2,006,841 (July 2, 1935). 

160. Levin, M., U. S. Pat. 2,016,286 (Oct. 8, 1935). 

161. Willson, E. A., U. S. Pat. 1,996,090 (Apr. 2, 1935). 

162. Cake, W. E., U. S. Pat. 2,004,156 (June 11, 1935). 

163. Chapman, W. H., Pounder, D. W., Murphy, E. A., and Purkis, F. T., U. S. Pat. 

1,994,503 (Mar. 19, 1935). 

164. Messer, W. E., U. S. Pat. 1,995,859 (Mar. 26, 1935). 

165. Erdahl, B. F., U. S. Pat. 2,013,651 (Sept. 10, 1935). 

166. Grupe, H. L., and Kienle, R. H., U. S. Pat. 2,018,492 (Oct. 22, 1935). 

167. Brous, S. L., and Semon, W. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 667 (1935). 

168. The B. F. Goodrich Company, Rubber Age, 38: 84 (1935). 

169. Thiokol Conporation, Rubber Age, 38: 26 (1935). 

170. Thiokol Corporation, Rubber Age, 37: 300 (Sept.. 1935). 

171. Reed, M. C, U. S. Pat. 1,989,246 (Jan. 29, 1935). 
170. Thiokol Corporation, Rubber Age, 37: 300 (1935). 

173. Nieuwland, J. A., Tech. Eng. News, 16: 71, 82 (1935). 

174. Carothers, W. H., and Berchet, G. J., U. S. Pat. 1,998,442 (Apr. 23, 1935). 

175. Collins, A. M., U. S. Pat. 2,010,012 (Aug. 6. 1935). 

176. Gibbons, W. A., and Smith, O. H., U. S. Pat. 1,997,967 (Apr. 16, 1935). 

177. CnWert. W. C, U. S. Pat. 1,989,632 (Jan. 29, 1935). 

178. BavtniM^r, T. W., U. S. Pat. 2,016,736 (Oct. 8, 1935). 

179. Ford. T. F.. U. S. Pat. 2,024,987 (Dec. 17, 1935). 

180. Wcfiavack, J., U. S. Pat. 2,021,318 (Nov. 19, 1935). 

181. Thfps, H, R., U. S. Pat. 2,017,808 (Oct. 15, 1935). 

182. Fine, R. L., American Paint Journal, 19: 44 (Sept. 2, 1935). 

183. JiJtobs, S.. U. S. Pat. 2,007,802 (July 9, 1935). 

184. Fairley. T. J., U. S. Pat. 1,986,051 (Jan. 1, 1935). 

185. Fairley, T. J., U. S. Pat. 1,986,049 (Jan. 1. 1935). 

186. IJnlnj, Ij., U. S. Pat. 1,995,179 (Mar. 19, 1935). 

187. \\Vr.[cr, T, F., U. S. Pat. 1,995,371 (Mar. 26, 1935). 

188. \Yr [Irr, .S. L., U. S. Pat. 2,015,207 (Sept. 24, 1935). 

189. Seaman, W., and Mathcson, G. L., U. S. Pat. 1,996,001 (Mar. 26, 1935). 

190. Bonney, R. D., and Eggc, W. S., U. S. Pat. 2,013,336 (Sept. 3, 1935). 

191. Lawson, W. E., U. S. Pat. 2,018,678 (Oct. 29, 1935). 

192. Flint, R. B., U. S. Pat. 1,999,186 (Apr. 30," 1935). 

193. Rodman, E., U. S. Pat. 2,015,234 (Sept. 24, 1935). 

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Chapter XXIV. 
Unit Processes in Organic Synthesis.* 

Edited by P. H. Groggins, 

Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, 
U. S. Department of Agriculture 

Nitration. Practically all of the recent contributions to the 
literature of nitration are concerned with the technical art and 
relate to some modification or slight improvement in industrial 
processes. As is to be expected, mixed acid (i. e., nitric-sulfuric 
acid) was the principal nitrating agent employed. 

Mixed Acid as a Nitrating Ag-ent, In the preparation of the 
iso-tneric nitrochlorobenzefnes, an eutectic mixture (65 percent 
para and 35 percent ortho) is obtained after the />-isomer is crystal- 
lized out. When this mixture is submitted to dinitration with 
mixed acid (67 percent H2SO4, 33 percent HNO3) at 60® C, the 
o-isomer is preferentially nitrated to 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene, 
whereas, the />-isomer is largely unattacked.^ Beard and Lulek^ 
report the nitration of anthraquinone-2-carboxylic acid dissolved 
in about 100 parts of concentrated sulfuric acid with mixed acid; 
the same product can also be obtained by a similar treatment 
of the keto acid before cyclization.^ 

In the preparation of 4-nitro-2-aminotoluene ^ and 4-nitro-2- 
aminoanisole ^ from the corresponding amines, it has been found 
advantageous to treat the diluted reaction mass with naphthalene- 
sulfonic acids. A sulfonic acid salt of the amine is formed and 
precipitated. The free bases are obtained by washing and hydro- 
lyzing the sulfonates. Another method of separating nitroamines 
has been proposed by Flett.® In the nitration of acetanilide, the 
o-isomer is separated by diluting the reaction mass to a residual 
H2SO4 acidity of 65 percent and permitting the sulfate of the 
/>-isomer to separate as crystals. The use of adsorbent silicious 
material, such as kieselguhr, to facilitate the separation of nitro- 
benzene from the spent acid is reported by Simon.*^ 

Acetyl and benzoyl derivatives of 4,5,6-tribromoguaicol were 
nitrated, with fuming nitric acid at room temperature.® The 
products were 2-methoxy-3-nitro-4,S,6-tribromophenyl acetate and 

♦ Compiled by the following authors of "Unit Processes in Organic Synthesis," 
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1935: M. R. Fenske, P. H. Groggins, S. J. Lloyd, L. F. 
Marek, H. P. Newton, A. J. Norton, E. E. Reid, A. F. Shepard, R. N. Shreve, W. A. 
Simpson, A. J. Stirton, and H. E. Woodward. 


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2-methoxy-3-nitro-4,5,6-tribromophenyl w-nitrobenzoate, respec- 
tively. It is significant that no bromine was split off in these nitra- 
tions and that, in the last case, both nuclei were nitrated. 

Craig ® has studied the nitration of fer^butylbenzene with mixed 
acid, a mixture of 77 percent para and 23 percent ortho and no 
meta derivatives being obtained. 

Michael and Carlson ^^ have made an excellent study of the 
mechanism of the nitration process. With respect to the nitration 
of ethylene with mixed acid, they conclude the acid mixture must 
contain mixed anhydride, HOSO2ONO2, which should add readily 
to ethylene to yield CH2(OS03H)CH2N02, from which the SO3H 
group should be displaced by the more negative NO2 radical with 
the formation of pyrosulfuric acid and the nitro nitric ester. Grog- 
gins ^^ has presented tabulated data indicating that nitration gen- 
erally occurs through the intervention of simple or mixed anhydrides 
of nitric acid. 

Amination by Reduction. During the past few years very little 
of real importance has been added to our knowledge of amination 
by reduction. 

Metal-Acid Reductions, It was well known that, in the metal-acid 
reduction, the acid could be substituted by any salts which, in the 
presence of metals, are hydrolyzed in aqueous solutions, resulting 
in the formation of hydrogen ions. Calvert ^^ has pointed out that 
a solution of ammonium chloride and finely divided iron can be 
used for the reduction of 2,4-dinitrodiphenylamine. It has also 
been shown that comminuted, tinned, ferrous scrap can be employed 
in reductions requiring iron.^^ Iron etched with hydrochloric 
or other suitable acids can be utilized for the reduction of nitro- 
biphenyl in benzene solution.^^ Zinc dust and a solution of zinc 
acetate and copper sulfate has been recommended for the reduction 
of nitroguanidine,^^ while zinc and HCl are suggested for the 
reduction of either iV-(/>-nitro- or nitrosophenyl)-morpholine.^^ 

Sodium arsenite in alkaline solution is employed by Dahlen and 
Carr ^"^ for the preparation of 3,3'-diaminoazoxybenzene. 

Reduction by Hydro genation, Unsjonmetrically substituted ethyl- 
enediamines ^^ may be prepared by reducing nitriles (which are 
made by causing an aldehyde or ketone to react with a metal 
cyanide in the presence of a mineral acid) with hydrogen under 
pressure, and then causing the product to react with an amine. 
/>-Nitro- or nitrosophenol in acetone can, likewise, be reduced by 
hydrogen in the presence of a platinum catalyst.^® Wojcik and 
Adkins ^o have reported on an extensive investigation relating to 
the catalytic reduction of amides to amines. Machlis and Blanch- 
ard^i have described the reduction of a-isonitroso-4-propionylbi- 
phenyl with hydrogen at 35 pounds pressure in the presence of 
palladiumized charcoal. 

Diazotization. In recent years American chemists have shown a 

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moderate interest in the diazotization reaction, as shown by their 

Snow 22 has extended our knowledge of the effect of temperature 
and of substituting groups on the stability of diazonium com- 
pounds by quantitative studies on a series of 32 such compounds. 
He confirms the rule that negative groups increase the stability of 
diazonium compounds, and shows that many amines may be 
diazotised at higher temperatures than were formerly used. It 
has been known that 2-aminofuranes are not easily diazotised. 
Oilman and Wright ^3 suggest that 3-aminofuranes are more easily 
diazotised because they are more basic. They describe the diazoti- 
zation of 4-amino-5-acetylamino-2-furoic acid ethyl ester and some 
monoazo compounds obtained from it. 

The diazonium group may be replaced by the acetate group, 
according to Haller and Schaeffer,^^ by reaction of diazonium boro- 
fluorides with acetic acid or acetic anhydride. Smith and Haller ^5 
report an exception to this reaction in the case of l-amino-3,4- 
dimethoxybenzene, which gives 2-hydroxy-4,5-dimethoxyaceto- 
phenone, probably by rearrangement of the acetate first formed. 

Clark 26 shows that 4,6-dinitrobenzene-2,l-diazooxide is useful 
as a detonating agent for initiating the explosion of dynamite and 
other explosives. A method of obtaining this diazo compound in a 
free flowing form which makes its use practical is disclosed by 
Hancock and Pritchett;^^ the process consists of a gradual addition 
of acid to a solution of a picramate and a nitrite. 

A process for obtaining a stable dry preparation which on addi- 
tion to water gives a solution of a diazonium salt is reported by 
Kemmerich.28 The preparation consists of the reaction of an 
amine, in the form of a condensation product with an aldehyde, 
with a nitrite and an acid salt, such as sodium bisulfate. 

A peculiar reaction of diazotised aminopentamethylbenzene was 
observed by Smith and Paden.29 With pentamethylbenzene, it 
reacted to give a colorless hydrocarbon, C22H30, not decamethyl- 

Halogenation. Reports and patents dealing with recent research 
and advances in the field of halogenation are so numerous that no 
detailed or adequate survey of the literature can be presented here. 

Chlorination (Hydrocarbons). Sharp ^o describes the chlorina- 
tion of propane with chlorine in presence of cupric or ferric 
chloride under the influence of actinic rays. The liquid phase mono- 
chlorination of pentane in the presence of poly chlorinated products 
is also reported. Benzene in the liquid phase under 4 atmospheres 
pressure at -- 15° C. gives a highly chlorinated product.^^ 

Acid and Alkyl Chlorides. The conversion of carboxylic acids to 
acid chlorides is the subject of a number of patents. Thus, acid 
anhydrides may be treated with chlorine in the presence of phos- 
phorus or phosphorus trichloride or alternatively phosphorus tri- 

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chloride in the presence of phosphorus oxychloride.** Phosphorus 
pentachloride in benzene solution is similarly employed for 1,4- or 
1,5-anthraquinonedicarboxylic acids.^^ Conover^s shows that 
benzoyl chloride may be obtained from phthalic anhydride by 
reacting with hydrogen chloride at 200° C. in the presence of a 
decarboxylating agent, such as chromium chloride. 

The preparation of alkyl halides from alcohols and olefins has 
been the subject of widespread study. Daudt reports the prepara- 
tion of alkyl halides by reacting ethanol with hydrogen chloride 
in the presence of bismuth chlorides.^^ The halogenation may also 
be carried out in the presence of zinc chloride.^*^ Olefins may 
similarly be converted by hydrogen chloride in the presence of 
sulfuric acid or a metal halide catalyst, such as antimony or bismuth 
chloride.^® Tert-hutyl alcohol is converted to the alkyl halide by 
hydrogen chloride in the presence of calcium chloride,*® while 
copper is employed to increase the yield of ethyl bromide from 
ethanoH^ when the reaction is carried out in aqueous sulfuric 
acid. The presence of copper results in the production of sulfur 
dioxide which reduces any bromine to bromide ion. 

Lutz and Wilder ^^ have studied the action of phosphorus penta- 
chloride and thionyl chloride on 2,5-diphenylfurans and unsaturated 
1,4-diketones. Phosphorus pentachloride reacts to produce 2,5- 
diphenylmono- and -dichlorofurans and also apparently adds to 
dibenzoylhydroxyethylene to give diphenyl-4-chloro-3-butene-l,2- 
dione. Thionyl chloride behaves similarly in some cases, but is not 
so active. 1-Aminoanthraquinone dissolved in nitrobenzene is 
chlorinated in the 4-position by the action of sulfuryl chloride *^ in 
the presence of aluminum chloride. Bass and Burlew ^^ report the 
preparation of a- and 3-chloropropionic acids by chlorination of the 
acid with chlorine gas in the presence of the corresponding acid 

Bromination. Raiford and Milbery^^ have brominated the benzoic 
esters of phenol and the cresols under different conditions and the 
position of the bromine was determined. Sachs and Peck ^^ show 
that in the bromination of anthraquinone with bromine, chlorine 
under pressure can be employed to regenerate bromine in situ from 
the hydrogen bromide that is liberated. 

Fluorination, Due to the economic value or potential possibilities 
of many fluorine compounds as refrigerants or in the manufacture 
of dyestuffs, research in this comparatively new field has been both 
intense and widespread. 

With respect to the preparation of aromatic fluorine derivatives, 
Aelony*^ reports an improved method of synthesizing w-fluoro- 
benzotrifluoride. The fluorination of hexachlorobenzene is dis- 
cussed by Bigelow and Pearson.^*^ The reaction of acyclic com- 
pounds with hydrogen fluoride and a hydrocarbon halide containing 
a halogen other than fluorine in the presence of ferric chloride 

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and activated carbon is recorded in one patent *® and the use of 
antimony pentachloride and hydrogen fluoride in another.^® Instead 
of antimony pentachloride, numerous other halides are suggested.^^ 

For the preparation of aliphatic fluorine derivatives, e. g., 
dichlorodifluoromethane from carbon tetrachloride, Henne ^^ sug- 
gests the use of antimony trifluoride and the addition of chlorine 
to the reaction zone. Henne and colleagues ^2, 53 further elaborate 
on this process in subsequent patents, and the use of calcium 
fluoride ^^ and antimony sulfate ^^ are also reported. Daudt and 
his coworkers have also contributed largely to the advances in 
this field and their contributions are recorded in numerous 

Calcott and Benning^^ describe the preparation of fluoro- 
chlorethanes by reacting tetrachloroethane with fluorine in an 
inert liquid medium. 

Deanesly^2 adds to our understanding of the halogenation 
process by his investigation of the inhibitory influence of oxygen 
in the chlorination of propane, butane, and pentane. In the addition 
of chlorine to olefins, no inhibition by oxygen was observed, but 
this may be due to the speed of the reaction. 

Sulfonation. Recent contributions in the field of sulfonation 
indicate clearly a better understanding of the fundamental prin- 
ciples involved in this unit process. The use of cycle acids, the 
employment of sulfur trioxide in comparatively inert solvents, and 
the utilization of chlorosulfonic acid for the preferential sulfonation 
of one of two isomers exemplify the progress in the art. 

In the sulfonation of benzene Carswell®^ employs a heel from 
a previous sulfonation and progressively adds definite proportions 
of oleum and hydrocarbon so that the sulfuric acid concentration 
in the sulfonator is at all times approximately 98 percent; sulfone 
formation is inhibited and the process may be carried out con- 

Gubelmann and Rintelman ®* report an improvement in the pro- 
duction of the anthraquinone-2,6- and -2,7-disulfonic acids. The 
disodium salt of />'-sulfobenzoyl-2-benzoic acid is cyclized to form 
3-anthraquinonesulfonic acid by means of 1.5 parts of 25 percent 
oleum in the presence of a small amount of vanadium oxide. Disul- 
fonation is then effected by adding two parts of 60 percent oleum 
and heating to 150° C. In this way a mixture of 2,6- and 2,7-anthra- 
quinonedisulfonic acids is produced in a purer form than by the 
usual process starting with anthraquinone. a-Isomers, oxidation 
products, and unreacted anthraquinone are largely avoided. 

Chlorosulfonic acid was used by Gilman, Smith, and Oatfield®^ 
for sulfonating dibenzofuran in their study of the orientation of 
nuclear substituents. They found that sulfonation occurs in the 
2-position and with great ease. An 89 percent yield was obtained. 

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Chlorosulfonic acid, in 5 percent excess, was dropped into a 
solution of the dibenzofuran in carbon tetrachloride at 25° C. 
This is the first time that orientation of a dibenzofuransulfonic 
acid has been definitely established. 

An interesting and important use of chlorosulfonic acid is pro- 
posed by Kyrides.^® The eutectic mixture obtained in the dichlo- 
rination of benzene is treated at 25° C. with chlorosulfonic acid, 
whereby the o-isomer reacts preferentially and the /^-isomer is left 

The extended use of sulfur trioxide in inert solvents for direct 
sulfonations has progressed as was to be expected. Tinker®^ 
employs it in tetrachloroethane for the sulfonation of 3-naphthyl- 
amine, while Weiland and Prahl ^® employ the same agents for the 
sulfonation of abietene. Temperatures of 0-25° C. are preferred. 

The monosulfonation of biphenyl with concentrated sulfuric acid 
in the presence of nitrobenzene was disclosed by Stoesser and 
Marschner.^® The reaction is not carried to completion, the unat- 
tacked biphenyl being separated. Biphenyl-4-sodium sulfonate is 
then obtained as colorless plates by treating the sulfonic acid with 
sodium sulfate. 

Lauer and Langkammerer "^^^ investigated the action of sodium 
bisulfite solution on resorcinol at the boiling temperature and 
obtained the hitherto unreported sodium salt of phenol-m-sulfonic 
acid. The reaction mixture, after boiling, was treated with caus- 
tic soda and then hydrochloric acid. The sodium salt of phenol-wi- 
sulfonic acid was then obtained from the evaporated and dried mix- 
ture by extraction with alcohol. 

Reed and Tarter '^'^ studied the action of aqueous sodium sulfite 
on alkyl halides of higher molecular weights, by carrying out the 
reaction in an autoclave at about 200°. Bromides were used in 
their investigation, except in the preparation of sodium lauryl 
sulfonate, in which case lauryl chloride was used. Octyl, decyl, 
myristyl, cetyl, octadecyl, and lauryl sulfonates were prepared. 
This investigation settles a point of argument concerning the 
Strecker reaction and firmly establishes this reaction as a method 
of obtaining alkyl sulfonates of higher molecular weight. 

Hitch and Black '^^ describe a method of separation of 1-amino- 
naphthalene-5-sulfonic acid, "Laurent's Acid", from 1-amino- 
naphthalene-8-sulfonic acid, "Peri Acid". It is stated that the most 
effective means of separating these acids is to treat an alkaline 
solution of the two acids with sulfuric acid until the />H is adjusted 
to between 4.0 and 4.6. This treatment results in the precipitation 

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of the 1,8-acid, which is filtered off. The filtrate is then made acid 
to Congo, whereupon the 1,5-acid precipitates. 

Adamson'^3 studied the purification of 1-nitroanthraquinone- 
6-sulfonic acid from impurities present in large scale manufacture. 
This acid is an intermediate in the production of l-nitro-6-chloro- 
anthraquinone. It has been found that erratic results were obtained 
in the conversion of the sulfonic acid to the chloro compound 
unless the sulfonic acid was previously purified. It was found that 
the nitroanthraquinonesulfonic acid could be removed from impuri- 
ties with practically complete success by recovering the sulfonic 
acid from a 40-45 percent sulfuric acid solution instead of the 70 
percent residual acidity previously used. Sodium sulfate is used 
to decrease the solubility of the sulfonic acid. 

Amination by Ammonolysis. The progress in this field has been 
characterized by improvements in the established art, rather than 
the introduction of new principles. Because certain groups of com- 
pounds require fairly specific treatment, this review is arranged 

Aliphatic Halogen Compounds. Lauter '^^ has modified the process 
of Curme and Lommen '^^ for the preparation of ethylene- 
diamine from the corresponding dichloride. Instead of employing 
aqueous ammonia alone, a prodigious quantity of such salts, e. g., 
cuprous chloride, capable of forming a ternary addition complex 
with the reactant, is added. Upon hydrolysis of the complex, the 
diamine is obtained. 

Aromatic Halogen Compounds. Wuertz '^^ has extended the work 
of Groggins and Stirton "^"^ with respect to the use of ammonium 
salts and oxidants. Such compounds have been found useful in 
the preparation of amines which are not readily susceptible to oxi- 
dation. SucK. compounds inhibit the formation of hydroxy com- 
pounds and facilitate completion of the reaction. 

Treatment of Aliphatic Alcohols. The vapor phase conversion of 
alcohols to amines has been the most active field of investigation. 
Arnold '^^ thus prepares butylamine by passing the corresponding 
alcohol over a porous gel impregnated with a dehydrating oxide. 
Methylamine '^^ is similarly prepared by passing the reactants over 
aluminum oxide ®^ or activated charcoal.^^ 

Bottoms 82 discovered that glycerol dichlorohydrin can be con- 
verted to 1,3 diamino-2-propanol by treatment with aqueous 
ammonia in the presence of sufficient alkali to form sodium chloride 
with the replaced chlorine. Isomeric isopropanolamines have been 
prepared by Wickert^^ by diffusing propylene oxide into aqueous 

Treatment of Carbohydrates. Flint and Salzberg ^^-^^ have developed 
procedures for the preparation of glucamines and related products 
by reacting glucose with aqueous ammonia or alkylamines in the 

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presence of a nickel catalyst and under a hydrogen pressure of 
1500 pounds. 

Calcott 8*^ has prepared secondary and tertiary amines by treating 
-AT-glucyl-iV-methylamine with cetyl chloride at 150° C. in a copper 
autoclave. Bruson ®® has discovered that amides can be prepared 
from fatty acids by reacting in open vessels with urea at 180 to 
250° C. 

Oxidation. Considerable money and effort has been spent in 
attempts to make use of two basically cheap chemical raw mate- 
rials, i. e., air and the alphatic hydrocarbons of petroleum, for the 
formation of more valuable oxygen-containing compounds. An 
historical account of this work has been given by Marek and 
Hahn.8» From the standpoint of the use of petroleum as a raw 
material for chemical synthesis, Ellis ^ has given an account of the 
work dealing with oxidation. Other reviews have appeared, many 
of them associated with original work. 

Wiezevich and Frolich ®^ have discussed their laboratory and 
semi-commercial work on the direct oxidation of saturated hydro- 
carbons at high pressures, the results of which showed the possi- 
bilities for the formation of oxygenated compounds from methane, 
ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes, and heptanes as raw materials. 
Elevated pressures were found to lower materially the temperatures 
necessary for reaction. An extensive bibliography is given. 

The kinetics of oxidation has been studied further. Pease and 
Munro ^^ report on the slow oxidation of propane, having investi- 
gated liquid as well as gaseous products. The reaction was found 
to be highly autoaccelerating, to be suppressed by inert foreign 
gases and by glass packing, and to have no simple kinetic scheme. 
Pease ^^ also found that slow oxidation of propane at low temper- 
atures and low oxygen concentrations gave rise to formation of 
methanol, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and water as the pri- 
mary products. 

Few details are available on the results obtained from oxidation 
of petroleum fractions. Sheely and King ^* show that vapor phase 
oxidation of kerosene leads to the production of a mixture of alde- 
hydes and acids containing from 8 to 10 carbon atoms per mole. 
BurwelP^ also has discussed the formation of fatty acids from 
petroleum by low-temperature, liquid-phase oxidation, on the basis 
of several years of practical work. 

Frear^® studied the nature of methane-oxygen reaction by the 
flow method. Studies have been reported on the oxidation of 2- 
butene, in which the principle products were found to be acetalde- 
hyde and butadiene, and less important products to be glyoxal, 
olefin oxide, acids, and some peroxide.^*^ Oxidation of triisobutylene 
has been studied from the standpoint of evaluating the structure of 
the acids obtained.®^' ^® 

Oxidizing agents other than oxygen itself form a large field and 

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receive considerable attention both industrially and experimentally. 
It has been shown that activated carbon under certain conditions 
can absorb oxidizing agents, such as halogens, nitric acid, potas- 
sium permanganate, potassium dichromate, and ammonium persul- 
fate, and in such condition can be effectively used in the chemical 
treatment of liquids and gases.^^ Bancroft ^^^ has discussed the 
use of oxides in general as oxidizing agents, and Fisher ^^^ des- 
cribes the effect of selenium oxide in the oxidation of aromatic 
side chains, such as the methyl of toluene. 

The oxidation-reduction potential for stannous-stannic acid 
system has been redetermined and the range of data extended.^^ 
Potassium permanganate was found to give rapid oxidation of the 
benzene ring of arylboric acid resulting in the formation of phthalic 
acid.^*^ The oxidation of acetylhydrazobenzene by sodium dichro- 
mate in glacial acetic acid was studied by Ritter.^^^ 

The oxidation-reduction reaction of mixed perchloric and sul- 
furic acids in quantitative analysis has been discussed by Smith.^^ 
Oxidation-reduction with hydrogen peroxide was studied by Ban- 
croft and Murphy and discussed at length.i^*'^ 

The theories relating to autoxidation have long been under dis- 
cussion and new data are continually being presented in support of 
the various mechanisms. Thus, Milas ^^^ and Stephens ^^ come 
to the support of their theories. Egerton ^^^ has also discussed 
the mechanism of autoxidation and suggests possible mechanisms 
of general types of oxidation on the basis of the active molecule 

The results of an extensive investigation on the electrochemical 
oxidation of various organic substances in concentrated aqueous 
organic salt solutions have been reported.^^^ The electrochem- 
ical oxidation of toluene in nitric and sulfuric acids has been 
studied; 112 ^^at of xylose in the presence of alkaline earth bromides 
and carbonates was studied by I shell and Frush.i^^ 

The oxidation of various organic compounds has been reported ; 
thus, vapor phase oxidation of ethanol,ii* propionaldehyde,ii^ 
cinnamaldehyde,!!^ hydrazine,ii'^ mannitol,ii^ furan series,ii® autox- 
idation of animal fats and inhibition,i20 autoxidation of catechol,!^! 
oxidation of tertiary hydrocarbons with oxygen ^^2 and others. 

The study of atmospheric oxidation was continued by Spoehr ^^3 
in his work on the catalytic oxidation of trioses and related com- 
pounds. The mechanism of carbohydrate oxidation was discussed 
by Swan and Evans ^^4 as a continuation of the work on this 

Hydrogenation. Domestic developments in hydrogenation have 
been confined largely to new researches and primarily to new 
laboratory preparations. 

The heats of hydrogenation of some simple olefins, employing a 
copper catalyst, have been studied at 82° C.^^s, i26 xj^g ^g^t of 

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hydrogenation of pyridine to piperidene has been determined to 
be 48,680 cal. per mole over the temperature range 150 to 170° C. 
In addition, the equilibrium in the gas phase system pyridine, 
hydrogen, and piperidine was studied at 150 and 170° C., using 
a nickel catalyst. The free energy decrease for the hydrogenation 
of pyridine at 150° C. was found to be +3835 cals. per mole, while 
at 170° C. it was -f 1760 cals. per mole.^27 fhe influence of oxygen 
on the hydrogenation of ethylene was studied. It was found that 
small amounts of oxygen in ethylene-hydrogen mixtures greatly 
increased the initial hydrogenation reaction rate for the homo- 
geneous reaction at 538° C.^^ 

In the presence of a variety of amines, carbon dioxide and 
hydrogen under pressures of 200 to 400 atmospheres and tempera- 
tures of 80 to 250° C, with Raney nickel or brass catalysts, yielded 
formates of the amines. It is believed that the amines only serve 
to neutralize the formic acid formed by the direct hydrogenation 
of the carbon dioxide; i. e., that the formic acid is produced 
directly and not through the reduction of compounds formed 
by the reaction of carbon dioxide and amines. At temperatures 
above 100° C, the formates of the amines may be dehydrated to 
the substituted formamides.^^® 

The catalytic hydrogenation of nitroguanidine at low pressures 
with platinum oxide or Raney nickel catalysts has been found to 
result in satisfactory yields of nitrosoguanidine.^^o Using platinum 
oxide catalysts and low pressure hydrogenation the S-lactones of 
aldonic acids have been reduced in good yields to the correspond- 
ing sugars. The y-lactones have also been reduced, but usually 
gave lower yields of sugars, owing to the further reduction of the 
sugars to the corresponding sugar alcohols. The sugar alcohols 
have been obtained in yields of from 60 to 80 percent.^^^ 

Using a palladium catalyst and low pressure hydrogenation, 
a-isomorphine was converted to dihydro-a-isomorphine. In the 
case of 3-isomorphine with a platinum oxide catalyst, two moles 
of hydrogen were added to yield tetrahydro-3-isomorphine, along 
with the dihydro product.^^^ ^ platinum oxide catalyst and low 
pressure hydrogen also reduced pseudocodeine methyl ether to 
tetrahydropseudocodeine as the principal product; the methoxyl 
group was not eliminated.^^^ 

The hydrogenation of cis- and /ran^-dibenzoylethylene was 
studied, using a platinum catalyst and various solvents. In the 
case of the ^raw^-compound both mono- and unexpected di-mole- 
cular products were formed, while in the case of the cw-compound 
the usual expected reduction of the ethylenic double bond took 
place. Parallelisms between catalytic reductions with hydrogen 
and reductions with zinc combinations indicated a common reac- 
tion mechanism for these two reduction methods.^^* 

Dialkyl, diaryl and aryl alkyl ethers were hydrogenated at 175- 

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200° C. and 150-250 atmospheres with about 5 weight percent of 
Raney nickel catalyst. The reaction consisted of hydrogenolysis 
or cleavage of the ether linkage, yielding a hydrocarbon and an 
alcohol. Depending on the ease of breaking the ether linkage in 
compounds having unsaturated structures, there may or may not 
be hydrogenation of the unsaturated linkages along with the ether 
linkages. The stability of various ethers toward hydrogenolysis is 

The electrochemical reduction of sugars to alcohols, e. g., glu- 
cose to sorbitol and mannitol was accomplished by Creighton.^^e 
Lead amalgamated with mercury serves as the cathode and also 
keeps the catholyte in an alkaline condition. Sorbitol may also be 
obtained by agitating a neutral solution of glucose under a hydro- 
gen pressure of at least 20 atmospheres at 100-150° C. in the 
presence of a partially reduced nickel chromate carried on a 
siliceous materiaL^^*^ 

Alkylation. For convenience alkylated compounds are classi- 
fied according to the linkage of the alkyl radical to the rest of the 
molecule. The following classification is used in this survey: 
alkyl bound to oxygen, to tri- and pentavalent nitrogen, and to 
carbon or to a metal; when the binding is to the carbon of an 
aromatic nucleus, it is termed nuclear alkylation. 

Alkyl Bound to Oxygen. Stoughton, Baltzly, and Bass ^^^ report the 
preparation of new alkyl phenols by the Fries migration of 
phenolic esters and subsequent reduction. Catechol and hydro- 
quinone were first condensed with acid chlorides of fatty acids 
and then subjected to the aforementioned treatment. Tabulated 
data are given for a number of new compounds. The simul- 
taneous production of 4- and 2-tertiary alkyl phenols of the ben- 
zene series is reported by Perkins, et alM^ The process com- 
prises reacting a tert-a\kyl halide with a monohydric phenol, having 
the 2- and 4-positions free, in the presence of aluminum chloride. 
The similar preparation of /(?r/-butylphenol in the presence of 
hydrated ferric chloride is described by Seymour.^^^ Buc^^^ sug- 
gests the production of alkyl phenols by reacting an olefin, e. g., 
hexene or cyclohexene, with cresol in the presence of sulfuric 

Alkyl Bound to Nitrogen. Zimmerli ^^^ proposes the following pro- 
cedure for the preparation of alkyl amines. The condensation 
product of molar proportions of /)-aminophenol and furfural is 
treated with dimethyl sulfate in chlorobenzene at 60° C. for two 
hours. The crystalline addition compound is dissolved and reacted 
with a mixture of 95 percent sodium carbonate and 5 percent 
sodium sulfite, whereby furfural is liberated and monomethyl-/?- 
aminophenol is obtained. According to Carleton and Wood- 
ward ^^^ mono- and diethylanilines are obtained by autoclaving at 
180-185° C. 465 parts by weight of aniline, 208 parts of ethyl 

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chloride and 250 parts of ethanol. The same investigators^*^ 
effect a similar synthesis by reacting ethanol, aniline and hydrogen 
chloride under pressure at 180-185° C. Clarke and coworkers***^ 
produced tertiary amines from simple aliphatic amines by reacting 
with methanol and formaldehyde; yields in excess of 80 percent 
are reported. 

Nuclear Alkylation. Thomas ^^^ produces higher alkyl derivatives 
of aromatic compounds by partially chlorinating an alip'hatic 
hydrocarbon of eight or more carbon atoms and then reacting 
this mixture with an aromatic compound in the presence of a 
Friedel and Crafts condensing agent. Another method for pro- 
ducing alkylated aromatic compounds is suggested by Isham.**'' 
Propylene gas, for example, is led into a mixture of naphthalene 
and naphthalenesulfonic acid at 120*^ C. until the desired absorp- 
tion is effected. The propylated naphthalene separates as a clear 
yellow layer when the reaction mass is treated with hot water. 
Ipatieff and Komarewsky **® obtained ethylbenzene and biphenyl 
in rather small yields by autoclaving benzene and dry hydrogen 
chloride at 125° C. Destructive hydrogenation occurred, giving 
ethane, which then alkylated the ring. 

Alkyl Attached to Metal. Calcott and coworkers ^*® suggest that 
the subsidence of pressure be used as a guide for controlling the 
reaction between large amounts of lead mono-sodium alloy and 
alkyl chloride. With respect to the preparation of tetraethyl 
lead, a small proportion of the total ethyl chloride required is 
first added to the surface of the alloy and then other portions 
are added as the reaction pressure abates. 

Esterification. The preparation of esters has, in all probability, 
been the most active field of organic research in recent years. 
The development of new and important esters of carbohydrates, the 
expanded use of the higher fatty acids, and the economic introduc- 
tion of many new acids and alcohols suitable for the production 
of solvents and plastics have contributed to increase the technical 
and patent literature on the subject of esterification. An adequate 
discussion of all types of esters cannot be made here. Some, such 
as the esters of cellulose, will be omitted entirely. 

Phosphoric Acid Esters. Levene and Schormiiller ^^^ have studied 
the phosphoric esters of hydroxyamino acids, e. g., 1-hydroxy- 
prolinephosphoric acid. Tritolyl phosphates were prepared by 
reacting cresol successively with either phosphorus pentachloride 
or pentoxide.^^^ The production of mixed esters, by reacting 
various phosphoric acids with a mixture of alcohols obtained by 
the reduction of fatty oils, is described by Graves^^^ 

Tremendous progress has been made during the past few years 
in the preparation of mineral acid esters of alcohols, e. g., by 
reacting olefins obtained from refinery wastes with sulfuric acid. 
Wilson 153 reports the procedure for the preparation of ethjrl 

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acetate, which consists in hydrolyzing the reaction product of 
ethylene and sulfuric acid to decompose all the diethyl sulfate 
present and then adding calcium acetate, while maintaining an 
excess of free sulfuric acid or monoethyl sulfate. Similar processes 
relating to the preparation of isopropyl and butyl esters are also 
described.^^* Such esters may also be obtained by heating the 
carboxylic acid with the olefin in the presence of sulfuric acid and 
permitting the reaction mixture to stratify into a solvent phase 
containing the ester and an acid phase.^*^*^ Another modification 
consists in reacting olefins, having less than seven carbon atoms, 
with lower fatty acids, above the boiling point of the ester and 
in the presence of halides of zinc, aluminum, etc., or relatively 
nonvolatile inorganic acids, such as sulfuric or phosphoric acids.^^® 
Vail ^^"^ shows that similar esters can be produced by reacting an 
olefinic hydrocarbon, e. g., propylene, carbon monoxide, and an 
alcohol under pressure. 

Mono- and dicarboxylic acids have been employed extensively 
in the preparation of esters. Oxalic and malonic acids, esterified 
with an excess of ethyleneglycol at 100° C, produce formic and 
acetic esters, respectively.^^® When an alkylene diester, such as 
ethyleneglycol diacetate, is treated with ethanol in the presence 
of hydrogen chloride, ethyl acetate and ethylenechlorohydrin are 
formed.^^® The esterification of dicarboxylic acids, such as adipic, 
methyladipic, pimelic, sebacic, muconic, zeronic, etc., with ether- 
alcohols is described by Izard.^^^» ^^^ 

Alcohols derived by the hydrogenation of oils i^2-i64 ^j^ay be 
esterified by suitable acids to produce didodecyl adipate and 
phthalate, tridodecyl citrate, dimyristyl succinate, etc., by reacting 
in the presence of a water-removing agent or carrier, e. g., sul- 
furic acid or benzene. Numerous esters of levulinic acid and 
alcohols such as octyl, nonyl, cyclohexanol, etc., are described by 
Lawson and Salzberg,^^^ while terpene esters of phthalic acid are 
reported by Borglin.^^^ 

The esterification of polyhydric alcohols with anhydrides of 
dicarboxylic acids in the presence of pyridine is described by Malm 
and Fordyce '^^'^ and a study of the esterification of glycerol with 
chloro- and trichloroacetic acids is reported by Helgeson and 
Shaw.^^® It is also shown that glycerol or glycols may be esteri- 
fied by a ketene in the presence of sulfuric acid.^^® 

The preparation of vinyl esters of lower aliphatic carboxylic 
acids is described by Perkins.^'^^* The conditions for the synthesis 
of vinyl acetate from acetic anhydride and paraldehyde are given. 

The preparation of aromatic esters has been studied by a num- 
ber of investigators. Nitrobenzyl esters of organic acids have been 
studied by Kelly and Segura.*''^ The formation of tolyl phthalates 
from cresols and phthalic acid is described in one patent ^'^^ ^nd 

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the preparation of benzyl esters of halogeno-o-benzoylbenzoic 
acids in another.^'^^ 

The acetylation of sucrose has been reported by Cox and Fer- 
guson ;^'^* sucrose is treated with acetic anhydride in the presence 
of about a third part of sodium acetate which serves as a catalyst. 

Hydrolysis. Some notable advances in technical hydrolytic 
operations have been reported during the past year. 

Downing and coworkers have investigated the preparation of 
o-dihydroxybenzenes from the corresponding dihalogen derivatives. 
It was found that the introduction of a reducing agent, such as 
sodium formate,^''** to the reacting materials, C6H4CI2, NaOH 
(31 percent), BaCl2, and CU2O, gave good yields of the phenolic 
compound. The gradual introduction of aqueous sodium hydroxide 
during the course of the runj^*^® so as to maintain the alkali con- 
centration at about 2.9 normal, was found to be advantageous; 
the feasibility of making the process continuous was also indi- 
cated.^'''^ When a barium hydroxide concentration of 2.44 normal 
is used and the charge is heated at 275° C. for 10 hours, a yield 
of 69.7 percent of catechol was obtained.^''® 

Britton ^''^ has discovered that when an 0- or />-monochlorinated 
aromatic hydrocarbon, having the general formula R— C6H4— CI, 
wherein R represents an aryl or alkyl group (e. g., chlorobiphenyl 
or chlorotoluene), is treated at about 360° C. with 10 percent 
sodium hydroxide, a substantial portion of the product is a 
w-hydroxy derivative. o-Chlorotoluene under such conditions 
yields 77 percent of cresols, consisting of 59 percent m- and 41 
percent o-cresol. Moose ^^^ has shown that when a mixture of 
monochlorobiphenyls, preferably the eutectic (25 percent 4-chloro- 
and 75 percent 2-chloro-), m. p. 14° C, is similarly treated, the 
product will contain from 35 to 50 percent of the w-hydroxy 
derivative, the remainder being almost wholly 2-hydroxybiphenyl. 

Britton and Stoesser ^®^ report on the conversion of a-bromo- 
naphthalene to a-naphthol by reacting with 15 percent sodium 
hydroxide at 225° C. When, however, a-chloronaphthalene is 
treated in an iron autoclave with 10 percent sodium hydroxide at 
360° C, the product contains both a- and (3-naphthols in about 
equal proportions.^^^ 

Bannister 1^8 has demonstrated that a group of organic acids, 
consisting of formic, acetic, oxalic, and succinic acids, can be 
obtained from cellulose-containing materials by fusing such 
materials with caustic soda at 200-260° under pressure. When 
corn cobs are treated with about an equal quantity by weight of 
caustic, a typical yield of acids based on the weight of corn cobs 
(containing 7 percent moisture) is as follows : Acetic 25, oxalic 
30, formic 15, and succinic 10 percent. 

The production of indanthrones, particularly the technically 
important Ar-dihydro-l,2,l',2'-anthraquinoneazines from 2-amino- 

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anthraquinone, has received considerable attention. In addition 
to the usual caustic alkali and oxidant, Bishop and Perkins ^^* 
recommend the incorporation of butyl alcohol and sodium phe- 
nolate to the fusion mixture. Murch ^^^ suggests the addition of 
alkali metal chlorates and nitrates with 2-aminoanthraquinone as 
an aqueous slurry to the fused caustic alkali. Thompson ^^^ has 
developed a procedure involving the treatment of 2-aminoanthra- 
quinone with a caustic melt in the presence of sodium phenolate 
and an alkali salt of a lower fatty acid. A procedure for the 
separation of the azine from the fusion mass is reported by Peck 
and Knowles.^^'^ 

The preparation of monohydroxy alcohols by the hydration of 
olefins has been investigated by Larson.^^^ In the proposed proc- 
ess the olefin and steam react in the presence of a volatile halide, 
e. g., ammonium chloride, and activated charcoal. 

The addition of a relatively small amount of soap is proposed 
to prevent the formation of a hard scale of magnetic iron oxide 
on the reactor walls in the hydrolysis of chlorobenzene.^^^ 

The Friedel and Crafts Reaction. Substantial progress has been 
made during the past few years in our understanding and appli- 
cation of the Friedel and Crafts reaction. 

Groggins and his coworkers have carried out extensive investi- 
gations in the preparation of ketones by condensing aromatic 
compounds with carboxylic acids, their anhydrides, and acid 
chlorides. Studies with Nagel and Stirton ^^® and subsequently 
with Newton ^^^ showed that carboxylic acids, e. g., acetic and 
benzoic, could be used instead of the acid chlorides or anhydrides. 
In some of these investigations ^^^ \^ ^yas found that the addition 
of powdered aluminum or iron exerted no marked deleterious 
effect ^^^ and the use of iron alloy reactors was suggested.^^* It 
was also found that both acyl groups of acid anhydrides could be 
made to enter into reaction ^^^ when three or more moles of alumi- 
num chloride are used, thus doubling the yield of ketones. A theory 
regarding the mechanism of reaction in the condensation of car- 
boxylic acids and their anhydrides is set forth.^®^ 

Oilman and his colleagues have continued their investigations 
in the furane series. Studies with Calloway and Burtner ^^® 
showed that furfural and isopropyl chloride gave 4-isopropyl-2- 
furfural. Oilman and Burtner ^^'^ discuss certain anomalous reac- 
tions, and in a further investigation with nitro compounds,^®^ it 
was found that nitrofuran, propionyl chloride, and titanium tetra- 
chloride gave 5-chloro-2-furyl ethyl ketone. Nitrobenzene, how- 
ever, undergoes reduction and chlorination when treated with 
isopropyl bromide and aluminum chloride to give o- and />-chloro- 

Machlis and Blanchard ^^^ report that 4-propiobiphenyl, and 
not the 3-isomer as previously reported, results when biphenyl 

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and propionyl chloride are permitted to react in the presence of 
aluminum chloride. Silver and Lowy^^ have condensed biphenyl 
with acetyl chloride and dichloroacetic anhydride to obtain p.f- 
diacetylbiphenyl and chloromethyl /►-xenyl ketone, respectively. 
With phosgene, a mixture of di-/>-xenyl ketone and />-xenil was 
obtained and with thionyl chloride /►-xenyl-Zj-sulfinylbiphenyl was 
the principal product. 

Dougherty and Hammond^* have studied the reaction between 
benzene and sulfur in the presence of aluminum chloride ; diphenyl 
sulfide and thianthrene were formed, the percentage of the former 
increasing with the ratio of aluminum chloride used. 

Stoughton202 has reported on Fries' migrations with esters 
of a-naphthol. The propionate under the influence of 
aluminum chloride yields 54 percent of the 2-propionyl, 6 percent 
of the 4-propionyl, and 2 percent of the 2,4-dipropionyl derivative. 
Other esters give similar products. Sekera^^^ has found that 
ferric and zinc chlorides can be used instead of aluminum chloride 
to effect transformation of aryl esters of carboxylic acids into 
hydroxyaryl ketones. 

It has been shown that olefins and cyclic compounds can be 
condensed in the presence of either BF3 or AICI3; C3H6 with ben- 
zene yields mono- to tetra-isopropyl derivatives.^o^ 

In the preparation of alcohols, e. g., 3-phenylethyl alcohol from 
ethylene oxide and benzene, Carpenter ^os discovered that the 
introduction of air greatly improved the yields. 

Polymerization. Theoretical. A number of valuable articles 
have appeared which deal with newer polymerizations and their 
reaction mechanisms. Theoretical studies of such important resin- 
forming reactions as those between urea or phenol and formalde- 
hyde continue to be neglected. 

The polymerization of divinylacetylene by heat has been shown 
by Cupery and Carothers^oe to involve the formation of cyclo- 
butane derivatives, 1,2-divinylethynyl cyclobutane being the dimer 
and bisvinylethynylcyclobutylacetylene the probable trimer. 
Dykstra^OT has demonstrated a similar mechanism for the heat 
polymerization of vinylacetylene. 

Marvel and co-workers ^os, 209 have prepared polysulfones of 
high molecular weight from olefins and sulfur dioxide in the 
presence of oxidizing catalysts; these polysulfones appear to be 
linear polymers terminated by hydroxyl groups. Other linear 
polymers of interest are the polymeric formals of Hill and Car- 
others 210 the polymeric decamethylene oxide of Hill,2ii and the 
linear ammonium salts described by Gibbs and Marvel.212 

Catalysts which seem destined to become of increasing import- 
ance for polymerization reactions are phosphorous pentoxide 218-215 
and boron trifluoride and its derivatives.^i^. 217 xhe accelera- 
tion of polymerization by extreme pressure (6000 atmospheres) 

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was determined by Starkweather 218 for a large number of sub- 
stances ; it was observed that the polymers thus formed differ little 
from those obtained under more nearly normal conditions. 
Thompson and Burk^^^ found that, in the substantial absence of 
oxygen, citral and heptaldehyde do not polymerize, while styrene 
continues to polymerize at a diminished rate, catalyst effects still 
being predominant. 

Applications. While no strictly new resin seems to have come into 
general commercial use, new applications and improvements of 
well known resins are of much interest. 

Phenol-formaldehyde resin, in the form of the colloidal plywood 
glue described by Sontag and Norton,220 fills the need of the ply- 
wood industry for a waterproof and vermin proof bond. Trans- 
lucent and transparent cast phenolic resins meet a demand for a 
durable material of extreme beauty.221 Phenolic resin with a 
mineral filler is well adapted to the fabrication of acid-proof chem- 
ical equipment.222 

Oil soluble resins of various types are finding wider use in 
the varnish and paint industries 223, 224 ^o give films which are 
more durable, faster drying, more stable in color, or more 

Improvements in molding technique have brought about 
increased use of thermoplastic resins. Plasticized vinyl halide 
resins 225 have formed the basis for thermoplastic molding materials 
of a wide range of properties. Likewise, the technique of isomeriz- 
ing rubber to tougher and less extensible products has been 
improved, and a light colored thermoplastic material,226 similar in 
properties to hard rubber, has been made from rubber by the use 
of tin halides. Both the above resins have remarkable resistance 
to ordinary chemical reagents. 



1. Dahlen, M. A., and Foohey, W. L., U. S. Pat. 1,981,311 (Noy. 20, 1934). 

2. Beard, E. E., and Lulek, R. N., U. S. Pat. 1,991,191 (Feb. 12, 1935). 

3. Beard, E. E., U. S. Pat. 1,985,232 (Dec. 25, 1934). 

4. Tinker, J. M., and Stewart, W. C, U. S. Pat. 1,998.795 (Apr. 23, 1935). ' 

5. Tinker, J. M., and Spiegler, L., U. S. Pat. 1,998,794 (Apr. 23, 1935). 

6. Flett, L. H., U. S. Pat. 2,012,307 (Aug. 27, 1935). 

7. Simon, K. C^., U. S. Pat. 2,008,045 (July 16, 1935). 

8. Raiford, L. C, and Silker, R. E., Proc. Iowa Acad. Set., 41: 171 (1934). 

9. Craig, D., /. Ant. Chem. Soc, 57: 195 (1935). 

10. Michael, A., and Carlson, G. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1268 (1935). 

11. Groggins, P. H., Unit Processes in Organic Synthesis, McGraw-Hill Book Com- 

pany, New York, 1935. 689 p. 

Amination by Reduction 

12. Calvert, W. C, U. S. Pat. 1,948,330 (Feb. 20, 1934). 

13. McBerty, F. H., and Simon, K. C, U. S. Pat. 2,020,368 (Nov. 12, 1935). 

14. Booth, C. F., U. S. Pat. 1,954,468 (Apr. 10, 1934). 

15. Wyler, J. A., U. S. Pat. 1,990.511 (Feb. 12, 1935). 

16. Lubs, H. A., U. S. Pat. 2,004,763 (June 11, 1935). 

17. Dahlen, M. A., and Carr, J. I., U. S. Pat. 2.014,522 (Sept. 17, 1935). 

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20. Wojcik, B. H., and Adkins, H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2419 (1934). 

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Amination by Ammonolysis 

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131. Glattfeld, J. W. E., and Schimpff, G. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 2204 (1935). 

132. Small, L. F., and Faris, B. F., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 364 (1935). 

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135. Van Duzee, E. M., and Adkins, H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 147 (1935). 

136. Creighton, H. J., U. S. Pat. 1,990,582 (Feb. 12, 1935). 

137. Larchar, A. W., U. S. Pat. 1,963,999 (June 26, 1934). 


138. Stoughton, R. W., Baltzly, R., and Bass, A., J. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2007 (1934). 

139. Perkins, R. P., Dietzler, A. J., and Lundquist, J. T., U. S. Pat. 1,972,599 (Sept. 4, 


140. Seymour, G. W., U. S. Pat. 1.972,956 (Sept. 11, 1934). 

141. Buc, H. E., U. S. Pat. 1,954,985 (Apr. 17, 1934). 

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142. Zimmerli. A., U. S. Pat. 1,987,317 (Jan. 8, 1935). 

143. Carleton, P. W., and Woodward, T. D., U. S. Pat. 1,994,851 (Mar. 19, 1935). 

144. Carleton, P. W., and Woodward, J. D., U. S. Pat. 1,994,852 (Mar. 19, 1935). 

145. Clarke, H. T., (iUlespic, H. B., and Weisshaus, S. Z., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 55: 4571 


146. Thomas, C. A., U. S. Pat. 1,995,827 (Mar. 26, 1935). 

147. Isham, R. M., U. S. Pat. 2,014,766 (Sept. 17, 1935). 

148. Ipatieff, V. N., and Komarewsky, V. I., /. Am. Chem. Sac, 56: 1926 (1934). 

149. C^lcott, W. S., Pannelee, A. E., and Stecher, J. L., U. S. Pat. 1,983,535 (Dec. 11, 



150. Levene, P. A., and Schonnuller, A., /. Biol. Chem., 106: 595 (1934). 

151. Adler, H., and Gk)tUieb, H. B., U. S. Pat. 1,983,588 (Dec. 11, 1934). 

152. Graves, G. DeW., U. S. Pat. 2,005,619 (June 18, 1935). 

153. Wilson, W. S., U. S. Pat. 1,979,515 (Nov. 6, 1934). 

154. Wilson, W. S.. U. S. Pat. 1,979,516 (Nov. 6, 1934). 

155. Edlund, K. R., and Evans, T., U. S. Pat. 2,006,734 (July 2, 1935). 

156. Kane, T., U. S. Pat. 2,014,850 (Sept. 17, 1935). 

157. Vail, W. E., U. S. Pat. 1,979,717 (Nov. 6, 1934). 

158. Shorland, F. B., /. Am. Chem. Sac, 57: 115 (1935). 

159. Britton, E. C, Coleman, G. H., and Moore, G. V., U. S. Pat. 1,987,227 (Jan. 8, 


160. Izard, E. F., U. S. Pat. 1,991,391 (Feb. 19, 1935). 

161. Izard, E. F., U. S. Pat. 2,006,555 (July 2, 1935). 

162. Graves, G. DeW., and Lawson, W. E., U. S. Pat. 1,993,736 (Mar. 12, 1935). 

163. Graves, G. DeW., and Lawson, W. E., U. S. Pat. 1,993,737 (Mar. 12, 1935). 

164. Graves, G. DeW., and Lawson, W. E., U. S. Pat. 1,993,738 (Mar. 12, 1935). 

165. Lawson, W. E., and Salzberg, P. L., U. S. Pat. 2,008,720 (July 23, 1935). 

166. Borglin, J. N., U. S. Pat. 2,011,707 (Aug. 20, 1935). 

167. Malm, C. J., and Fordyce, C. R., Can. Pat. 352,343 (Aug. 13, 1935). 

168. Helgeson, J., and Shaw, E. H., Jr., Proc. S. Dakota Acad. Set., 14: 22 (1935). 

169. Graves, G. DeW.. U. S. Pat. 2,007,968 (July 16, 1935). 

170. Perkins, G. A., U. S. Pat. 2,021,698 (Nov. 19, 1935). 

171. Kelly, T. L., and Segura, M., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2497 (1934). 

172. Kyrides, L. P., U. S. Pat. 1,989,699 (Feb. 5, 1935). 

173. Canon, F. A., and Zimmerli, A., U. S. Pat. 1,998,489 (April 23, 1935). 

174. Cox, G. J., and Ferguson, J. H., U. S. Pat. 2,013,034 (Sept. 3, 1935). 


175. Downing, F. B., and Qarkson, R. G^ U. S. Pat. 1,969,732 (Aug. 14, 1934). 

176. Downing, F. B., and Clarkson, R. G., U. S. Pat. 1,970,363 (Aug. 14, 1934). 

177. Downing, F. B., and Clarkson, R. G., U. S. Pat. 1,970,364 (Aug. 14, 1934). 

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14, 1935). 

179. Britton, E. C, U. S. Pat. 1,996,744 (Apr. 9, 1935). 

180. Moose, J. E., U. S. Pat. 1,979,116 (Oct. 30, 1934). 

181. Britton, E. C, and Stoesser, W. C, U. S. Pat. 1,992,154 (Feb. 19, 1935). 

182. Britton, E. C, and Steams, H. A., U. S. Pat. 1,996,745 (Apr. 9, 1935). 

183. Bannister, W. J., U. S. Pat. 1.972,059 (Aug. 28, 1934). 

184. Bishop, O. M., and Perkins, M. A., U. S. Pat. 1,975,248 (Oct. 2, 1934). 

185. Murch, W. M., U. S. Pat. 1,990,954 (Feb. 12, 1935). 

186. Thompson, M. S.. U. S. Pat. 1,997,610 (Apr. 16, 1935). 

187. Peck, F. W., and Knowles, F., U. S. Pat. 1,994,484 (Mar. 19, 1935). 

188. Larson, A. T., U. S. Pat. 2,014,740 (Sept. 17, 1935). 

189. Grebe, J. J., and Reilly, J. H., U. S. Pat. 1,986,194 (Jan. 1, 1935). 

Friedel and Crafts Reaction 

190. Groggins, P. H., Nagel, R. H., and Stirton, A. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 1317 (1934). 

191. Newton, H. P., and Groggins, P. H., Ind. Bng. Chem., 27: 1397 (1935). 

192. Groggins, P. H., and Nagel, R. H., Ind. Eng. Chem.. 26: 1313 (1934). 

193. Groggins, P. H., and Nagel, R. H., U. S. Pat. 1,999,538 (Apr. 30, 1935). 

194. Groggins, P. H., U. S. Pat. 2,008,418 (July 16, 1935). 

195. Groggins, P. H., U. S. Pat. 1,991,743 (Feb. 19, 1935). 

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197. Gilman, H., and Burtner, R. R., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 909 (1935). 

198. Gilman, H., Burtner, R. R., Calloway, N. O., and Turck, J. A. V., Jr., /. Am. Chem. 

Soc, 57: 907 (1935). 

199. Machlis, S., and Blanchard, K. C, /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 176 (1935). 

200. Silver, S. L., and Lowy, A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 2429 (1934). 

201. Dougherty, G., and Hammond, P. D., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 117 (1935). 

202. Stoughton, R. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 202 (1935). 

203. Sekera, V. C, Trans. Illinois State Acad. Sci., 27: 81 (1935). 

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204. Slanina, S. J., Sowa, F. J., and Nicuwland, T. A., /. Am. Chetn, Soc, 57: 1547 


205. Carpenter, M. S., U. S. Pat. 2,013,710 (Sept. 10, 1935). 


206. Cupery, M. E., and Carothers, W. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1167 (1934). 

207. Dykstra, H. B., /. Am. Chem. Soc., 56: 1625 (1934). 

208. Frederick, D. S., Cogan, H. D., and Marvel, C. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1875 


209. Hunt, M., and Marvel, C. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1691 (1935). 

210. HUl, J. W., and Carothers, W. H., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 925 (1935). 

211. Hill, J. W^ /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1131 (1935). 

212. Gibbs, C. F., and Marvel, C. S., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 1137 (1935). 

213. Ipatieff, V. N., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1067 (1935). 

214. Ipatieff, V. N., and Corson, B. B., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1069 (1935). 

215. Malishev, B. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 883 (1935). 

216. Sowa, F. J^ Hennion, G. F., and Nieuwland, J. A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 709 (1935) 

217. Sowa, F. J., Kroeger, J. W., and Nieuwland, J. A., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 454 


218. Starkweather, H. W., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 56: 1870 (1934). 

219. Thompson, H. E., and Burk, R. E., /. Am. Chem. Soc, 57: 711 (1935). 

220. Sontag, L. A., and Norton, A. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., 21 x 1114 (1935). 

221. Breskin, C. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., HI I 1140 (1935). 

222. Tarr, L. W., Ind. Eng. Chem., Til 1284 (1935). 

223. Norton, A. J., Paint, Oil and Chemical Rev., 96, No. 12: 13 (1934). 

224. Turkington, V. H., Moore, R. J., Butler, W. H., and Shuey, R. C, Ind. Eng. Chem., 

27: 1321 (1935). 

225. Brous, S. L., and Semon, W. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 667 (1935). 

226. Thies, H. R., and Clifford, A. M., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 123 (1934). 

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Chapter XXV. 
Chemical Economics. 


Lawrence W. Bass,* 
The Borden Company, New York City, 

No marked increase in quantity or quality of publications on chemical 
economics has occurred since the first review appeared in the "Annual 
Survey" (Volume V, Chapter XL, 1931). Only two major events 
have occurred to indicate a more general interest in the subject: the 
American Chemical Industries Tercentenary in New York under the 
chairmanship of A. W. Hixson in 1935, and the Silver Anniversary 
of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers in Chicago in 1933. 
During the Tercentenary celebration special chemical issues were pub- 
lished by The Wall Street Journal ^ and the Boston Evening Tran- 
script.^ Also, a general symposium on chemical economics was arranged 
by R. P. Soule, and a plan was carried out to have a paper of economic 
interest scheduled in each divisional program. At the time of the 
Chemical Engineers' Anniversary, a symposium ^ was published on 
economic and technological progress in the process industries during 
the period 1908-33. 

Although a sustained, marked expansion of interest in chemical eco- 
nomics does not seem to be widespread, it must be emphasized that 
the editors of the industrial journals are making every attempt to foster 
the growth of this subject. A gradually increasing stream of chemical 
thought is flowing into the torrent of financial and economic literature. 
Some of the larger financial houses are employing chemically trained 
men, and in some cases economists have entered the service of chemical 
companies. The publication of "Chemical Economics"* by Haynes 
should serve as a crystallizing force on chemico-economic concepts, and 
the popular version of this work — "Men, Money and Molecules" ^ — 
will undoubtedly transmit an interest in the business side of chemicals 
to a numerous lay public. 

Five major factors are responsible for the present unorganized con- 
dition of chemical economics. First, the hybrid chemist-economist is 
not easily developed; the chemist appears to be the more likely parent 
stock. Second, the individual chemical industries are so diverse that 
it is difficult to find a common economic ground. Third, the rate of 

* Grateful acknowledgment is made of helpful suggestions and comments from R. T. 
Baldwin, C. C. Concannon, T. W. Delahanty, W. A. Haraor, Williams Haynes, S. D. 
Kirkpatrick, A. E. Marshall, D. 'P. Morgan, and W. N. Watson. 

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change in technology is much more rapid than in other industries that 
have been subjected to extensive economic analysis. Fourth, there 
is a real need for a chemical imagination less fanciful than that reflected 
in the lay press; pseudo-economic reasoning can produce shapes that 
are far distorted, without an added torque from chemical fiction. 
Finally, there are at the present time few reliable statistics on which 
a sound structure for the subject can be built; until such time as the 
industry shall make adequate information available, efforts in this direc- 
tion will be severely handicapped. 

It is safe to prophesy, however, that eventually a rounded philosophy 
of chemical economics will be evolved through mutual effort of the 
chemist and the economist. It is the writer's hope that this survey of 
the literature may stimulate that progress and mark a milestone on 
the road. 

Publications of a General Nature. The editors of our industrial 
journals — Williams Haynes, H. E. Howe, S. D. Kirkpatrick, L. E. 
Westman, and their associates — ^maintain a running fire of economic 
comment on timely topics. Their annual review numbers, especially 
in the case of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, are in a sense 
textbooks of chemical economics. 

Haynes, in "Chemical Economics," * devotes chapters to chemical 
supply and demand; cost, value, and price; chemical distribution; car- 
tels and consolidations; and American chemical mergers; in addition, 
the historical background of the industry is covered in considerable 
detail. In "The Development of American Industries," ^ brief eco- 
nomic reviews are given of the following industries: pulp and paper, 
textiles, rubber, leather, petroleum, glass, cement, chemicals, and paint, 
varnish, and lacquer, as well as several metals. The broad scope of 
"Twenty-Five Years of Chemical Engineering Progress" ^ has already 
been mentioned. Weidlein and Hamor, in "Science in Action," '^ in 
addition to reviewing the part that research has played in the develop- 
ment of various industries, discuss the economic importance of research 
in problems of waste utilization, engineering economics, industrial man- 
agement, employment and banking, and in the creation of new industries. 

In recent years studies by various state planning boards and uni- 
versities have brought to the surface critical problems affecting indus- 
trial structure, such as freight rates, raw materials, markets, power, 
and water supply. Such activities have been particularly noteworthy 
in mineral technology; the State Planning Reports of Illinois and 
Colorado have advised closer study of the requirements of consumers 
in order to improve marketing, and searches for new uses have been 
begun in Michigan. Research on the development of new industries 
has been advocated in many studies of this nature.® 

Other subjects of a general nature which have been discussed include : 
the relation of chemical industry to the state,^"^^ to the individual,^®* ^'^ 
to other industries,^® to other sciences,^^ to warfare,^**' 21 ^nd to the 
tariff ;22» ^^ the chemical industry during the depression ;24-32 the chemi- 

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cal industry and inflation ;38-3e and the chemical industry of the 

Education in Chemical Economics. The desirability of training 
in economics for engineering students is generally admitted by educa- 
tors,**' *2 as shown by the following quotation from a report by the 
Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education.*^ This point of 
view is further emphasized by the Engineers' Council for Professional 

"There seems to be rather general agreement that more than the 
present emphasis on economics and its application in engineering should 
be given; that sufficient time is now devoted to the subject of general 
economics as taught by the Departments of Economics; and that it 
would be desirable both to provide for specific instruction in engineering 
economics, and to devote greater attention and emphasis to economic 
phases of engineering problems in the engineering subjects themselves." 

A survey of the curricula of institutions accredited by the American 
Institute of Chemical Engineers indicates that these recommendations 
are, in general, being followed. Practically all these schools list gen- 
eral economics as a required course or as a preferred elective. Economic 
aspects of chemical engineering problems are usually emphasized in 
the engineering courses, and Tyler's monograph,** which unfortunately 
has not been enlarged or revised since its publication ten years ago, has 
been used as the basis of an organized course. Read*^ has included 
a chapter on chemical economics in his textbook on industrial chemistry ; 
Haynes' monograph* is being used as a text and as assigned supple- 
mentary reading. "Economic Balance" has for a number of years been 
included in the chemical engineering curriculimi at Massachusetts Insti- 
tute of Technology, and, in one form or another, in many other insti- 

In chemical curricula, as distinguished from chemical engineering 
curricula, much less emphasis is placed on economics. Some schools, 
however, recommend the subject as an elective. It is to be hoped that 
there will be an increasing trend in this direction. 

Research in Chemical Economics. Professional economists still 
practically ignore the chemical industry as a field for research. In most 
cases in which data on chemicals have been studied, they have been 
included as part of the manufacturing industries as a whole, and not 
as a subject of interest in their own right. As an example of the gen- 
eral situation, the thirty-second annual list*^ of doctoral dissertations 
in political economy in progress in American universities and colleges, 
which includes a total of 537 titles, contains none covering chemicals, 
in the narrow sense of the word, one each on the steel, tire, and drug 
industries, and two on the ceramic industry. 

The chemist, on the other hand, appears to be gradually becoming 
more and more interested in the economics of his industry. We can 
look forward with confidence to an increasing number of researches by 
chemical economists entering the profession from the chemical side. 

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Economic History. Many of the references cited in other sec- 
tions are concerned to a considerable extent with the economic history of 
chemical manufactures. For example, "Twenty-five Years of Chemi- 
cal Engineering Progress" ^ includes historical discussions of the more 
important process industries during the period 1908-33 and a statistical 
review of the entire group by Weidlein and Bass. Haynes *» ^ and 
Weidlein and Hamor '^ likewise include much valuable historical mate- 
rial on industrial development in their treatises. 

Browne*'^ has traced the early history of the chemical industry in 
New York. Haynes and Bass *® have recorded in chronological form 
the outstanding economic and technical developments in the industry 
during the last three centuries. Histories of individual chemical com- 
panies have been published in Chemical Industrie sj^"^ Industrial and 
Engineering Chemistry, ^^ and Fortune,^^ 

Sources of Statistics.^^ xhe most important sources of statistical 
data on the chemical industry are included in the following list. 
General. Miscellaneous publications and releases from the Chemical 
Division, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (activities have 
been described in detail by Concannon and Delahanty).^^ Tariff Infor- 
mation Surveys issued by the Tariff Commission in 1921 and 1929. 
Production and Sales. Census of Manufactures (biennial), including 
mimeographed preliminary sheets and printed finals on divisions of 
the industry. Minerals Yearbook (annual). Census of Dyes and 
Other Synthetic Organic Chemicals (annual), U. S. Tariff Commis- 
sion; the 1934 issue contains for the first time reports on "inorganic 
chemicals used in the production of coal tar products." Sulphuric Acid 
and Superphosphate (monthly). Bureau of the Census. Production of 
Methanol (monthly), ibid. Statistics on Industrial and Beverage Alco- 
hol (annual) ; Statistics of Industrial Alcohol (monthly) ; Bureau of 
Internal Revenue. 

Hours and Wages. Trend of Employment, Department of Labor. Sur- 
vey of Current Business, Department of Commerce. Federal Reserve 
Bulletin (monthly). Reports of the Chemical Alliance. 
Prices. Wholesale Prices, Department of Labor. Survey of Current 
Business, Department of Commerce. Federal Reserve Bulletin. OU, 
Paint and Drug Reporter. Chemical Industries. 
Distribution. Census of Manufactures and Minerals Yearbook con- 
tain some meager data. (With the 1935 Census of Manufactures sche- 
dule is appended a Census of Distribution schedule which specifically 
covers a few chemical groups: agricultural insecticides, alkaloids, etc.) 
Printed reports. Tariff Commission, under section 315, Tariff Act of 
1922, and section 336, Tariff Act of 1930; for the products covered, the 
data are very complete. Census of Wholesale Distribution, 1929, 
Bureau of the Census (very little on chemicals). Census of Ameri- 
can Business, 1933, Bureau of the Census. Tariff Commission press 
•release on salt. World Trade Notes, Chemical Division, Bureau of 
Foreign and Domestic Commerce. 

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Consumption, Census of Manufactures. Annual review and statis- 
tical issues of Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering present detailed 
data for a number of heavy chemicals. Minerals Yearbook contains 
some consumption statistics. Sulphuric Acid (monthly), Bureau of 
the Census. National Fertilizer Association; data for acid, phos- 
phate, nitrogen, and potash. 

Exports and Imports, Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the 
U. S. (annual), Department of Commerce. Monthly Simimary of 
Foreign Commerce of the U. S., preliminary, Department of Com- 
merce. Advance official data mimeographed sheets (monthly), 
Chemical Division, Department of Commerce. U. S. Foreign Trade 
Statistics (monthly), Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce 
(shows imports only). (The utility of United States foreign trade 
statistics, with suggestions for their improvement, has been discussed 
in detail by Mears.)^* 

Finance, No official publication has much information on finance as 
applied specifically to the chemical industries. Survey of Current 
Business contains considerable financial statistics. Federal Reserve 
Bulletin is a fundamental source. Chemical Markets {Chemical Indus- 
tries since Oct., 1933). Annual reports of individual chemical com- 

Construction, Monthly summaries in Chemical & Metallurgical Engi- 
neering, (Sources of information on construction and employment in 
construction have been described in detail by Gill).*' 
Foreign Countries. The larger countries collect official statistical 
material in a similar manner. In many cases statistical yearbooks are 
published. Canadian data collected by the Dominion Bureau of Sta- 
tistics have been summarized by Losee and McLeod.^^ Periodic reviews 
of the more important foreign countries from the point of view of 
chemicals have been published by the Chemical Division, U. S. Bureau 
of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.^'' 

Technological Research and Development. The ultimate source of 
new economic developments in the chemical industries lies in the research 
laboratories. As an example of the importance of sustained research, a 
recent news release from the General Electric Company stated that, 
during the five depression years 1930-1934, the ratio between business 
attributable to "new" lines of products (i. e., lines not manufactured 
more than ten years prior to the year under consideration) and total 
business for all lines manufactured by that company, was, on the aver- 
age, approximately 10 percent higher than for the ^yq prosperity years 
1926-1930. The achievements that have come as a result of research 
have been discussed in detail by Boyd,^® by Redman and Mory,^* and 
by Weidlein and Hamor.'^ 

According to a compilation by West and HuU,^® there were 1575 
industrial and consulting laboratories in the United States in 1933. 
Holland and Spraragen ®^ found that the tendency to decrease research 
expenditures during the depression, while not marked in 1931, increased 

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progressively during 1932 and 1933;* further, that the major emphasis 
on research has been changed from attempts at lower production costs 
to the development of new products, new uses, new processes, and the 
improvement of existing products. 

Informative surveys of current practice in research laboratory man- 
agement have been conducted by Ross ^^ and by the Metropolitan Life 
Insurance Company.®^ Additional discussions of various aspects of 
research management have appeared on: laboratory information ser- 
vice,^* financing,®^ expenses,®^ objectives,^*^ and personnel.^^ 

Special attention has been accorded the use of pilot or semi-works 
plants as an effective development procedure.®^"^^ 

The research chemist should be particularly well-informed on patent 
matters, because the literature available to him is excellent. It includes 
monographs by Deller,'^^ Geier,''^^ Rhodes,*^^ Rivise,''^^ Rossman,''^^ and 
Toulmin;'^'^ a section by E. J. Prindle in the "Chemical Engineers' 
Handbook" ;''^8 the patent index by Worden;*^® the report on the patent 
system by the Science Advisory Board ;S^ and a number of journal 

A survey has been made of the respective merits of exclusive and 
non-exclusive licensing of patented inventions.^^ Weidlein and Bass ®® 
have pointed out that a comparatively low monetary valuation is set 
on patents and goodwill by chemical companies. 

Three additional related subjects have been discussed: the chemical 
expert,^*^ engineering contracts,^® and competition between university 
research and consultants.^^ 

Raw Materials. Emeny 20 and Zimmerman ^^^ have provided val- 
uable source books of information on raw materials, including those 
used by the chemical industries. Weber and Alsberg's ^^^ monograph 
on vegetable shortenings is not only a masterly treatment of this indus- 
try, but also a model to be followed in similar studies of a technico- 
economic nature. Several discussions of miscellaneous substances as 
chemical raw materials have appeared: agricultural products,^^^ cel- 
lulose,^^^ fish and animal oils,^^^ lead,^^^ chemical raw materials in 
petroleum refining,!^®* '^^'^ phosphate rock,^^^ and vegetable oils.^^® 
Special mention should be made of the 8 page supplement to the Jan- 
uary, 1934, issue of Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering entitled 
"New Data on Chemical Raw Materials for the Process Industries." 

Much interest has recently been aroused in the possibility of closer 
relationship between the chemical industry and agriculture, particularly 
from the point of view of increased use of agricultural products as 
raw materials for chemicals. Many ideas have been suggested by 
Hale,^^^ but there has been considerable criticism of his views.^^^ In 
1935 a conference was held in Dearborn, Mich., for the purpose of dis- 
cussing means of effecting closer economic cooperation between agri- 
culture, industry, and science.^^^ xhis conference eventuated in the 

* Since this survey was completed, the tendency has, in general, been reversed.— L. W. B, 

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organization of the Farm Chemurgic Council, which has begun activi- 
ties along the lines indicated. 

Chemical Technogeography. The location of factories of all types 
has in the past, with few exceptions, been more a matter of chance 
than of selection based upon careful study of the various factors 
involved.^^3 Chemistry has an intimate connection with the problems 
of highway transportation, which, especially within the past two decades, 
has changed profoundly merchandising methods, operations, and even 
plant locations. The advent of the pipe line has been of notable economic 
significance, and its future developments may be even more striking. 
In the last half-century the production and distribution of electricity 
has become a major American industry, and the resulting increase in 
mobility of energy has removed many restrictions on plant location and 
layout and the design and control of machinery and processes. 

An excellent summary of economic factors to be considered in chemi- 
cal plant location has been prepared by Cuno as a chapter in the "Chemi- 
cal Engineers' Handbook."'^®' i^*» ^^^ The twelve governing factors 
discussed are: raw materials; fuel; power; water; labor; transporta- 
tion; freight rates; markets; consumer, feeder, and competitive indus- 
tries; climate; taxes and corporation fees; and state and mtmicipal 
restrictions. A bibliography on plant location containing 272 refer- 
ences has been prepared by Perry and Cimo.^^® The economic factors 
governing the choice of locations for major chemical plants recently 
built in the South have been reviewed by Kirkpatrick ^^^ and by 
Haynes.^^® Other summaries of chemical activities in various geo- 
graphic regions have been made for New England,^^® the Far West,^®» 
>2i the South,i22. 123 and the South-west.i24 

Chemical Engineering Economics. Tyler's monograph,** al- 
though bearing the title "Chemical Engineering Economics," broadly 
covers not only the engineering phases of chemical processes, but also 
the entire field of chemical economics. The recent developments in 
the more strictly engineering aspects have also been treated in sections 
of reviews of chemical engineering progress which have become a 
feature of recent volimies of the "Annual Survey." To avoid duplica- 
tion, mention of work in this field, except as covered in other sections, 
will be limited to pointing out the economic importance of such sub- 
jects as feasibility of processes and products,^*^ plant design and equip- 
ment choice,'^^' ^25. 126 economic balance, and amortization and deprecia- 
tion.i2T. 128 

Production. In a comprehensive survey of the nation's produc- 
tive capacity, Nourse ^2» found that, on the average, our entire manu- 
facturing industry was operating during 1925-29 at approximately 80 
percent of practical capacity. He cites the coke industry as the best 
illustration of slow displacement of obsolescent capacity by a more 
efficient process; in 1930 only 29 percent of beehive capacity was 
utilized, while in normal times 85 to 90 percent of by-product oveai 
rated capacity was used. Surplus capacity in petroleum refining is 

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uncertain in amount, but there is no evidence of an increase in excess 
capacity. In the period 1925-29 capacity was utilized in portland cement 
manufacture to the extent of 80 percent, in the rayon industry close 
to 100 percent, in steel production 93 percent, and in plate glass manu- 
facture 85 percent. 

Using data compiled by Mills ^^^ for a large group of individual 
industries, Weidlein and Bass®* pointed out that, in nearly all the 
14 process industries included in the list, there has been a notable 
increase in physical volume of production ^^^^ ^^^ ^nd in physical vol- 
ume of production per wage earner. There has been a marked decrease 
in cost of materials per unit of product in the post-war period and a 
similar change in the labor costs. 

Alford and Hannum^^^ have shown that there may be startlingly 
large variations in production per kilo-man-hour in establishments 
devoted to the manufacture of the same products, as, for example, in 
petroleum refining. Labor costs in the chemical industry have been 

Prices.^^'^ Warren and Pearson,^^® in a study of wholesale prices 
of basic commodities in the United States for the period 1797-1932, 
found a striking decline, compared with all commodities, in the prices 
of the chemical-and-drug group (Table I). 

Table I. 

Index Numbers of Wholesale Prices 










































































































143 . 














Using the prices during the period 1910-14 as a base, it is seen that, 
until the close of the World War, chemicals and drugs were one of 
the highest priced commodity groups. A marked decreasing trend in 
the index numbers is clearly apparent, however, throughout the period 
covered. The effect of war-time demand on chemical prices is illus- 
trated in the figures for 1813, 1865, and 1918. Since 1918, prices for 
chemicals have dropped sharply, and were lower in 1932 than the mdexes 

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for any other group of manufactured commodities, or than the index 
for all commodities; they were even lower than during the period 
preceding the War. It should be noted that in spite of this sustained 
trend toward lower prices, the chemical industry has maintained an 
outstanding record of financial return. 

The prices of chemicals are not likely to rise during the next ten 
years as rapidly as the general commodity index, according to Cope- 
land.34 Pricing has not been reduced to a scientific basis, but there 
are various applicable analytical methods that are of great assis- 
tance.^^®-^*^ National monetary adjustments are most likely to be effec- 
tive in changing the prices of commodities that enter into international 
trade or that are traded on commodity exchanges. ^^^ Laufer ^^^ ^^s 
pointed out the important bearing on chemical prices of supplantive 
competition, new synthetic developments, and the protectionist policies 
of nations. 

Fuel and Power. McBride,^^^ introducing a symposium on fuel 
and power sources from the point of view of the chemical engineer, has 
pointed out that the process industries paid for almost half the fuel 
and energy used in American factories in 1929. This is a notable 
increase over the proportion in 1909.^* McBride further states that 
the consumption of coal, the most abundant and cheapest fuel, is gradu- 
ally decreasing as a result of more efficient use and because of com- 
petition from other fuels. Oil now furnishes over 25 percent of the 
energy supply, while as recently as the World War it accounted for 
only about 10 percent. In Table II is given an estimate of the probable 
importance of various energy sources in the United States in 1940. 

Table II. Energy Sources of American Industry 

Average 1923-27 Estimated for 1940 

B. t. u. Percentage B. t. u. 'Percentage 

(Trillions) of Total (TrUlions) of Total 

Anthracite coal 2,000 8 1,500 5 

Bituminous coal 14,000 60 15,500 48 

Petroleum 5,000 20 8,000 25 

Natural gas 1,500 6 5,000 16 

Water power 1,500 6 2,000 6 

. 24,000 100 32,000 100 

Many state planning boards have analyzed their power situations. 
Minnesota, Missouri, Arkansas, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, Colorado, 
Texas, Washington, Maine, and Pennsylvania have studied their elec- 
tric power resources quite broadly. The Maine State Planning Board 
published a bulletin dealing with markets for power, such as electro- 
metallurgy and fertilizer and chlorine manufacture. Similar studies 
have been published for Missouri, Oregon, and the Pacific Northwest. 

Merchandising Research.i^^ Commercial or merchandising re- 
search has received a new impetus, which is especially noticeable in 
the marketing of chemicals, through the use of the laboratory as an 

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adjunct to market analysis. Switz,!*^ referring to the standard recom- 
mendation for diversification and development of new products so fre- 
quently made to companies operating in a closed market, has commented 
on the fact that this is an exceptionally easy course of action in the 
chemical industry, because of the similarity in scientific, technical, and 
merchandising problems of its different products. Competition in the 
chemical industry may come from other processes for producing the 
same commodity or from new materials striving for the same outlets, 
that is, inter-commodity or inter-process competition.^**^ The technic 
of conducting commercial researches on chemical products, which 
usually requires the services of the laboratory as a weapon of offense 
and defense, has been discussed in some detail.^*^-^^® Other related 
subjects that have been treated are : chemical demand,^^^* ^^^ seasonal 
variation,^^^ customer research,^^* and technical servicing.^^^ 

Distribution. Considerable attention has been devoted in recent 
years, particularly by the Manufacturing Chemists' Association, to the 
development and standardization of suitable containers.^^®'^^^ Ques- 
tions of freight rates ^®® and other distribution agencies ^®^ are of great 
importance in chemical marketing. 

"For a hundred years," Haynes* points out, "the chemical indus- 
trialists of the world have been striving to make greater profits by 
paring down their raw material and plant costs, improving their yields, 
and increasing their sales volume. Every success has been but another 
incentive to greater sales effort. And additional sales effort has piled 
up selling expenses. Old markets have been more intensively culti- 
vated. New markets have been invaded. The sales area has been 
widened, thus adding not only to direct sales cost but also to packing 
and transportation charges. . . . Better transportation and the desire 
of consumers to hold down their raw material inventories has meant 
smaller chemical orders and more frequent shipments. Expert advice — 
both practical technological help in operating problems and scientific 
assistance in research — is a part of the regular service a chemical 
seller is expected to render to his customers. Stimulated by a pro- 
duction program of ever increasing volume, the chemical sales executive 
is goaded by competition to extend his efforts beyond the limit of reason 
and fair profit. 

"In this way distribution costs have climbed a steep spiral, but a 
situation so unsound economically is sure to be righted. It is quite 
logical, therefore, to find that marketing functions and policies are radi- 
cally changing. As a result, distribution problems are today a chief 
concern of the industry." 

The average plant cost of a chemical product may be estimated at 
60 percent of the selling price.** ^®2 Freight equalization is said to 
account for 31.8 percent of the total sales expense of heavy chemicals. 
Haynes * classifies marketing functions under the following headings : 
assembhng, storing, grading, dividing, transporting, packing, selling, 
financing, and risking. "About 96 percent of our total production of 

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chemicals is consumed in industry and agriculture; but this indirect 
consimiption of chemicals is not, from the marketing point of view, 
their most distinctive feature. Coal, iron and steel, copper, zinc and 
lead, wood, rubber, wool, silk, cotton, all enjoy widespread industrial 
markets; but none of them, as do chemicals, find their principal con- 
suming field right within their own industry." The chemical industry 
consumes about 70 percent of all its products, either within the plant 
of their origin or as chemicals sold for use in further chemical processes. 

The high intensity of competition in chemical marketing has been 
pointed out in several articles. ^^-^^^ Technical aspects of sales policies, 
such as the 10th prox. discount ^^^ and the uniform sales contract ^"^^ 
have been discussed. The role played by specification buying in the 
marketing of chemicals is important.^'^^ xhe various aspects of selling 
chemicals to the retail consumer have been analyzed.^'^^ The factors 
that play a part in sales costs have been pointed out^*^* There exists 
a problem of choosing between a sales policy based on marketing 
by products or one based on marketing by industries.^*^^ Beneficial 
effects on profits can be shown from an analysis of customers in their 
bearing on profitability.^^* 

Haynes * has discussed the reasons for the non-existence of a Chemi- 
cal Commodity Exchange. According to Smith,^'''^ the requisites for 
successful exchange trading are reasonable durability of commodities, 
accurate measurability, adequate standardization, sufficient volimae, and 
comparatively high price fluctuations (inelastic supply). Haynes 
argues that while some chemicals may meet most or all of these require- 
ments, chemicals in general as a class do not meet a single one; hence 
the organization of a chemical exchange is not a practical possibility. 

Weld^^® quotes the following figures, compiled by the Association 
of National Advertisers, on the advertising expenditures of various 

Table III. Average Advertising Expenditures of Various 
Industries Expressed in Percentage of Sales 

Drugs and toilet articles 19.6 

Paints and varnishes 6.4 

Chemical and allied manu- 
factures 6.1 

Electrical and radio 5.9 

Jewelry and silverware 5.7 

Food 5.6 

Office equipment and supplies 5.3 

Hardware 4.7 

Travel and transportation... 4.6 
Household equipment, other 

than electric 4.5 

Agricultural equipment and 

supplies 4.1 

Clothing 3.8 

Furniture 37 

Automotive 3.5 

Leather and shoes 32 

Textiles 3.0 

Building materials 2.8 

Paper and paper products 2.6 

Metals, machinery, etc 2.5 

Industrial 2J 

Finance and insurance 1.1 

The successful use of radio programs as an advertising meditmi for 
fertilizers is described by Garrard.^*^® 

Foreign Trade. Weidlein and Bass,®^ summarizing the statistics 

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on foreign trade in products of the process industries, find a noteworthy 
increase in both exports and imports during the twenty years ending 
in 1929. In general, however, the volume of exports or imports is small 
compared with the production volume in this country for the same year, 
the average for exports of all manufactured products being 8.1 percent 
in 1929. Detailed reviews of our foreign trade in chemicals have been 
prepared by Wilson ^^o and by the Chemical Division, Bureau of For- 
eign and Domestic Commerce.^'^ Other aspects of foreign trade dis- 
cussed include the tariff,^^. 23 measures of exports,^®^ the effect of the 
chemical revolution, ^^2 and the South American export business.^®^ 
The importance of the trend toward autarchy, or national self-suf- 
ficiency, has been discussed by Howard.^^* 

Accounting. A chapter by Prochazka in the "Chemical Engi- 
neers' Handbook" ^^ is devoted to accounting under the following head- 
ings : general accounting, analyzing financial statements, fixed-property 
accounting, cost accounting, process costs, material accounting, product 
costs, cost estimating, and budgeting. Articles have appeared on cost 
elements,^®*^» ^^® costs from the point of view of the chemist or chemical 
engineer,^^*^' ^®® "availability" in process steam cost accounting prac- 
tice,i8» depreciation,i2T. 128, 190-192 and budget control. i»3, 194 

Personnel. Considerable attention has been given to the earn- 
ings of chemical engineering graduates.^®^"^*® The safety of chemical 
workers has aroused much consideration.2^"2<>* Women in chem- 
istry,205 chemists' contracts,2<>« and the technic of applying for a posi- 
tion ^o^ have been discussed. 

During periods of economic stress the larger industrial centers are 
confronted with difficult problems because of unemployment; this situ- 
ation has focused attention on the problem of the relocation and 
development of new industries.^^s There should be a study of seasonal 
aspects of the chemical industries.^os Technological unemplo)mient 
has been much discussed.2i0' 211 

Financial Aspects. Moulton,2i2 in his comprehensive analysis of 
capital formation, observes that, in the years since the World War, the 
growth of capital in the chemical industry has shown the characteris- 
tics of a new industry. While increase in capital in established lines 

Table IV. Financing of New Industries in Millions of Dollars 

1924 192S 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 

Aviation 1.9 ... 0.2 55.1 172.8 42 

Chemical 15.1 562 35.0 26.1 86.5 237.7 57.8 

Motion picture 12.2 91.1 100.8 141.2 77.9 50.3 172.7 

Natural gas 3.0 15.5 39.3 100.5 107.5 51.9 59.7 

Radio 17.7 9.5 3.8 49.6 29.8 61.3 4.7 

of manufacturing was relatively slow during this period, certain new 
lines of business, as shown in the following table, exhibited a rapid 
expansion in the later years of the boom period. 
An analysis 213 of the $4,101,000 of new financing in the chemical 

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industry since the Securities and Exchange Commission's activities 
began in October, 1934, discloses that $300,000 was used for plant and 
equipment, $531,000 for increased working capital, and $3,175,000 for 

Weidlein and Bass,®* analyzing the financial data compiled by 
Epstein ^^^ on 2,046 manufacturing corporations during the period 1919- 
1928, point out the following conclusions. The chemical industries 
show a low bonded debt in comparison with capitalization. They also 
show a capital ratio (ratio of capital invested to annual value of prod- 
ucts) well above unity, confirming a similar observation made earlier 
by De Long.^is The large sums received by chemical companies as 
dividends from other companies are a striking feature of the analysis. 

The industry has been discussed by several writers from the point of 
view of general financial background and eamings.216-223 Th^ hold- 
ings of chemical securities in the portfolios of investment trusts have 
been analyzed.^^* 

A comparison made by the National City Bank 225, 226 of figures for 
1933 and 1934, from the annual reports of 18 of the larger chemical 
companies, reveals an increase in total net profits for the group from 
$50,754,000 to $64,165,000 or 26.4 percent. The total net worth of 
these companies remained approximately constant for these years, and, 
accordingly, the percentage return increased from 7.1 to 9.0. 

Industrial Organization. During the early 1930's, there was con- 
siderable discussion of European cartels and their operation in periods 
of depression.*' *^^' 227-229 The organization of NRA and the introduc- 
tion of the codes shifted interest to the American scene. The voices 
of the chemical industry were, in general, raised against the codes,23<>-240 
and following the adoption of the various governing codes,2*i-244 there 
was much discussion of their effect, frequently of a sceptical nature. 

The following interesting comment is made by Haynes^ in regard 
to NRA: "When the NRA was launched General Johnson wanted 
employers to pay 40 cents an hour for 40 hours a week. But workers 
in chemical plants were already being paid 56j^ cents for 41 hours. 
Today they receive 61.9 cents, or more than half again as much as the 
NRA ideal ; and they work 39.4 hours a week." 

Individual Products. In addition to publications of an economic 
nature relating to the industry as a whole, a number of valuable papers 
are concerned with some specific chemical or chemicals. Space does 
not permit detailed discussion, but for convenience a selected bibliog- 
raphy has been prepared. A large number of additional papers have 
been published on some of these products in journals specializing in 
their respective fields. Acetic acid and cellulose acetate,245. 246 jjco- 
hol from wood waste,247 alkalies,248, 249 carbon black,250 carbon diox- 
ide,25i foreign trade in copper,252 fertilizers,253 fuels,254 hydrogen,255 
naval stores,256 nitrogen,257-260 petroleum,26i phosphoric acid, phos- 
phates and phosphate rock,2«2-265 plastics,2®« potash,229. 267 power alco- 
hol and motor fuels,2«8-27i pulp and paper,272 rubber tires,273 salt,274, 275 

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sugar,276. 277 sulfur,278 sulfuric acid,279. 280 synthetic yarn,28i tartaric 


1. The WalhStreet Journal, AprU 23, 1935. 

2. Boston Evening Transcript, supplement, April 22, 1935; chemical number edited by 

Sydney B. Self. 

3. Kirkpatrick, S. D., editor, "Twenty-five Years of Chemical Engineering Progress." 

New York, Van Nostrand, 1933. 373 p. 

4. Haynes, W., "Chemical Economics.*' New York, Van Nostrand, 1933. 310 .p. 

5. Haynes, W., "Men, Money and Molecules." Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Doran, 

1936. 186 p. 

6. Glover, J. G., and Cornell, W. B., editors, "The Development of American Indus- 

tries." New York, Prentice-Hall. 1932. 932 p. 

7. Weidlein, E. R., and Hamor, W. A., "Science in Action." New York, McGraw- 

Hill, 1931. 310 p. 

8. Utah State Planning Board, Progress Report, April 15, 1935, p. 268; Washington 

State Planning Council, First Biennial Report, 1934, p. 33; Iowa State Planning 
Board, Second Report, 1935, p. 63; New Hampshire State Planning and Develop- 
ment Consultant, "State Planning," March 15, 1935, p. 48. 

9. Allen, E. M., Chem. Markets, 28: 581 (1931). 

10. Beard, W., "Government and Technology." New York, Macmillan, 1934. 599 p. 

11. Derby, H. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 481 (1933); Chem. Met. Eng., 40: 582 (1933). 

12. Chem. Markets, 32: 403 (1933). 

13. Kelsey, V. V., Chem. Markets, 29: 259 (1931). 

14. Staub, W. A., Chem. Industries, 34: 318 (1934). 

15. Westman, L. E., Can. Chem. Met., 19: 215 (1935). 

16. DuPont, U.Ind. Eng. Chem^ 27: 485 (1935). 

17. Kettering, C. F., Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 484 (1933). 

18. Stine, C. M. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 487 (1933). 

19. White, A. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 498 (1935). 

20. Emeny, B., "The Strategy of Raw Materials." New York, Macmillan, 1935. 202 p. 

21. Haynes, W., Chem. Markets, 28: 148 (1931). 

22. Derby, H. L., Chem. Markets, 30: 551 (1932). 

23. duPont, L., Chem. Markets, 32: 19 (1933). 

24. Bell, W. B., OU, Paint and Drug Reporter, 128, No. 19: 26; No. 20: 24; No. 21: 26 

(Nov. 4, 11, 18, 1935). 

25. Chem. Markets, 32: 132 (1933). 

26. Index (New York Trust Company), 15: 147 (July, 1935). 

27. Jones, B., "Debt and Production." New York, Day, 1933. 147 p. 

28. McBride, R. S., Chem. Met. Eng., All 618 (1935). 

29. Madden, J. T., Chem. Markets, 31: 333 (1932). 

30. Morgan, D. P., Chemist, 8: 387 (1931). 

31. Whitney, R., Chem. Markets, 29: 359 (1931). 

32. Wilson, O., Ind. Eng. Chem., 24: 388 (1932); 25: 104, 225 (1933). 

33. Biddulph, G., Chem. Markets, 32: 216 (1933). 

34. Copeland, M. T., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 759 (1935). 

35. Landis, W. S., Chem. Markets, 33: 495 (1933). 

36. Spahr, W. E., Cheth. Industries, 34: 124 (1934). 

37. Furnas, C. C, "America's Tomorrow." New York, Funk and Wagnalls, 1931. 295 p. 

"The Next Hundred Years." New York, Reynall & Hitchcock, 1936. 434 p. 

38. Hale, W. J., "Chemistry Triumphant." Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1932. 

151 p. 

39. Haynes, W., /. Chem. Education, 10: 399 (1933); Bull. Newark Museum, Newark, 

N. J., 1934; Nation* s Business, 1935, January, p. 32. 

40. Midglcy, T., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 494 (1935). 

41. Basore, C. A., /. Chem. Education, 10: 282 (1933). 

42. Kobe, K. A., /. CItem. Education, 10: 738 (1933). 

43. "Report of the Investigation of Engineering Education, 1923-1929," p. 46. Pittsburgh, 

Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education, 1930. 

44. Tyler, C, "Chemical Engineering Economics." New York, McGraw-Hill, 1926. 271 p. 

45. Read, W. T., "Industrial Chemistry." New York, Wiley, 1933. 576 p. 

46. Am. Economic Rev., 25: 614 (1934). 

47. Browne, C. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 501 (1935). 

48. Haynes, W., and Bass, L. W., "American Chemical Chronology." New York, 

American Chemical Industries Tercentenanr publication, 1935. This chronology is 
available also as an appendix in Haynes, W., "Men, Money and Molecules." 

49. Haynes, W., and Gordy, E. L., "Chemical Industry's Contribution to the Nation: 

1635-1935," Chem. Industries, May, 1935. See also, a series of articles by Haynes 
on "Pioneer Cliemical Industrialists" in Chemical Industries. 

50. Series of briel articles on "American Chemical Industry" in Industrial and Engineer' 

ing Chemistry and the News Edition. 

51. A number of interesting articles on chemical companies have appeared in Fortune 

during 1931-35. 

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52. For a discussion of Census classification of industries see Epstein, R. C, /. Am, 

Statistical Assoc, 30: 47 (1935). 

53. Concannon, C. C, and Delahanty, T. W., Chem. Met, Eng., 38: 10 (1931). 

54. Mears, E. G., /. Am. Statistical Assoc, 30: 501 (1935). 

55. Gill, (;., /. Am. Statistical Assoc, 28: 31 (1933). 

56. Losee, W. H., Can. Chem. Met., 15: 119 (1931); Losee, W. H., and McLeod, H., 

Can. Chem. Met., 1$: 111 (1932); 17: 86 (1933); 18: 98 (1934); 19: 119 (1935). 

57. Concannon, C. C, and Swift, A. H., "World Chemical Developments in 1934," 

Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Trade Information Bulletin, No. 823. 
"Chemical Developments in Foreigrn Countries, 1934," ibid.. No. 824 (1935). 
Similarly, reviews of chemical industries in individual countries, etc, have been 

58. Boyd, T. A., "Research— The Pathfinder of Science and Industry." New York. 

Appleton-Century, 1935. 319 p. 

59. Redman, L. V., and Mory, A. V. H., "The Romance of Research." Baltimore, 

Williams & Wilkins, 1933, 149 p. 

60. West, C. J., and Hull, C, "Industrial Research Laboratories of the United States," 

5th ed. National Research Council, Bulletin 91. 1933. 223 p. 

61. Holland, M., and Spraragen, W., "Research in Hard Times," Division of Engineer- 

ing and Industrial Research, National Research Council, 1933; Ind. Eng. Chem., 
24: 956 (1932) ; Food Industries, 4: 371 (1932). 

62. Ross, M., editor, 'Profitable Practice in Industrial Research." New York, Harper, 

1932. 269 p. 

63. "The Control of Industrial Research." Policyholders Service Bureau, Metropolitan 

Life Insurance Company, 1934. 27 p. 

64. Smith, J. F., and Smith, I. F., Ind. Eng. Chem., 24: 949 (1932). 

65. Redman, L. V., Ind. Eng. Chem., 24: 112, 1198 (1932). 

66. Hamor, W. A., and Beal, G. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 24: 427 (1932). 

67. Little, A. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 23: 237 (1931); Chem. Markets, 28: 584 (1931). 

68. Tones, W. N., Ind. Eng. Chem., 24: 423 (1932). 

69. Darlington, C. J., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 31: 506 (1935). 

70. Pierce, D. E.. Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 29: 100 (1933); Chem. Met. Eng., 40: 

424 (1933). 

71. Vilbrandt, F. C, Chem. Met. Eng., 42: 554 (1935); Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 

31: 494 (1935). 

72. Deller, A. W., **The Principles of Patent Law for the Chemical and Metallurgical 

Industries." New York, Chemical Catalog Co., 1931. 483 p. 

73. Geier, O. A., "Patents, Trade-Marks and Copyrights, Law and Practice," 7th cd. 

New York, Richards & Oier, 1934. 127 p. 

74. Rhodes, F. H., "Patent Law for Chemists, Engineers and Executives." New York, 

McGraw-Hill, 1931. 207 p. 

75. Rivise, C. W., "Preparation and Prosecution of Patent Applications." (Charlottes- 

ville, Michie, 1933. 484 p. 

76. Rossman, J., "The Law of Patents for Chemists." Washington, Inventors Publish- 

ing (^., 1932. 304 p. See also Rossman, J., "The Psychology of the Inventor." 
Washington, Inventors Publishing Co., 1931. 252 p. 

77. Toulmin, H. A., "Graphic Course of Patentable Invention." New York, Van 

Nostrand, 1935. 40 p. 

78. Perry, J. H., editor, "Chemical Engineers' Handbook." New York, McGraw-Hill, 

1934. 2609 p. 

79. Worden, E. C, "Chemical Patents Index." New York, C^iemical Catalog Co., 1927-34. 

5 vols. 5321 p. 

80. "Report of the Committee on the Relation of the Patent System to the Stimulation 

of New Industries," Second Report of the Science Advbory Board — Sept, 1, 
1934- Aug. 31, 1935, p. 321-350. Washington, 1935. 

81. Cottrell, F. G., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 28: 222 (1932). 

82. Penning, K., Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 343 (1933); Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 28: 226 


83. Geier, O. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 24: 1304 (1932). 

84. Griswold, T., Jr., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 28: 185 (1932) ; Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 

346 (1933). 

85. Hamor, W. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 342 (1933). 

86. Hatfield. H. S., "Inventor and His World." New York, Dutton, 1933. 269 p. 

87. Killeffer, D. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 1084 (1934). 

88. Littell, N., Chem. Industries, 37: 13 (1935). 

89. Rivise, C. W., Ind. Eng. Chem., 23: 580 (1931); Chem. Industries, 35: 306, 509 (1934). 

90. Rossman, T., Chem. Markets, 28: 373 (1931); /. Chem. Education, 9: 486 (1932); 

Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1380, 1510 (1935); Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 61: 247 (1932). 

91. Sadtler, R. E., Ind. Eng. Chem., 24: 1194 (1932); Chem. Markets, 32: 120 (1933). 

92. Wallace, L. W., Chem. Markets, 32: 30 (1933); Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 28: 

210 (1932). 

93. Weidlein, E. R., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 28: 199 (1932). 

94. Withrow, J. R., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 28: 203 (1932). 

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95. "Exclusive vs. Non-Exclusive Licensing of Patented Processes." Policyholders 

Service Bureau, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 1934. 

96. Weidlein, E. R., and Bass, L. W., "A Statistical Survey of the Chemical Engineering 

Industries, 1908-1933," Chapter XXIV in "Twenty-five Years of Chemical Engi- 
neering Progress." 

97. Grosvenor, W. M., Chem. Markets. 28: 590 (1931); /. Chem. Education, 8: 2159 (1931). 

98. Tucker, J. I., "Contracts in Engineering." New York, McGraw-Hill, 1935. 341 p. 

99. Mahler, P., Research Laboratory Record, 2: 139 (1933). 

100. Zimmerman, E. W., "World Resources and Industries." New York, Harper, 1933. 

842 p. 

101. Weber, G. M., and Alsberg, C. L., "American Vegetable Shortening Industry." 

Stanford University, Food Research Institute, 1934. 359 p. 

102. Knight, H. G., Traru, Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 28: 269 (1932). 

103. Levey, H. A., Chem. Industries, 35: 303 (1934). 

104. Chem. Industries, 37: 231, 331 (1935). 

105. Cuno, C. W., Ind. Eng. Chem., 23: 108 (1931). 

106. Ellis, C, Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 30: 348 (1933-4); Chem. Met. Eng., 41: 287 


107. Keith, P. C, Jr., and Forrest, H. O., Chem. Met. Eng., 41: 292 (1934). 

108. Chem. Industries, 36: 419, 531 (1935). 

109. Chem. Industries, 37: 23, 131 (1935). 

110. Hale, W. J., "The Farm Chemurgic." New York, Stratford, 1934. 201 p. 

111. (Sortner, R. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., News Edition, 12: 32 (1935); Jesness, O. B., ibid. 

112. Proceedings of the Dearborn Conference of Agriculture, Industry and Science, New 

York, Chemical Foundation, 1935. 256 p. 

113. See especially "A Study of Wisconsin," Wisconsin Regional Plan Committee, 

December, 1934, p. 311. 

114. Perry, J. H., and Cuno, C. W., Chem. Met. Eng., 41: 434 (1934). 

115. Hartford, F. D., Chem. Met. Eng., 38: 72 (1931). 

116. Perry, J. H., and Cuno, C. W., Chem. Met. Eng., 41: 439 (1934). 

117. Kirkpatrick, S. D., Chem. Met. Eng., 41: 400 (1934). 

118. Haynes, W., Chem. IndusO^ies, 34: 397, 494 (1934); 35: 13, 115, 205 (1934); Manu- 

facturer's Record, 1934, Sept., p. 20. 

119. Esselen, G. J., and Scott, W. M., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Bng., 26: 1 (1931). 

120. Turrill, P. L., /. Chem. Education, 9: 1319, 1531 (1932). 

121. Manning, P. D. V., et. al., Chem. Met. Eng., 42: 410 (1935). 

122. Harrison, P., /. Chem. Education, 8: 1618 (1931). 

123. McBride, R. S., et. al., Chem. Met. Eng., 41: 416 (1934). 

124. Weigel, W. M., et. al., Chem. Met. Eng., 39: 366 (1932). 

125. Vilbrandt, F. C., "Chemical EJngineering Plant Design." New York, McGraw- 

Hni, 1934. 341 p. 

126. "Flow Sheets of Process Industries," Chem. Met. Eng., 41, May to October, 1934. 

This collection of flow sheets has also been assembled in booklet form. 

127. Olive, T. R., Chem. Met. Eng., 40: 584 (1933). 

128. Fiske, W. P., Chem. Met. Eng., 41: 26 (1934); Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 30: 

1 (1933-4). 

129. Nourse. E. G., and associates, "America's Capacity to Produce." Washington, 

Brookings Institution, 1934. 608 p. 

130. Mills, F. C, "Economic Tendencies in the United States." New York, National 

Bureau of Economic Research, 1932. 639 p. 

131. A comprehensive study of indexes of physical volume of production of the manu- 

facturing industries has been made by Leong, Y. S., /. Am. Statistical Assoc, 
27: 256 (1932); 30: 361 (1935). See also Kolesnikoff, V. S., ibid., 30: 581 (1935). 

132. For a discussion of "net value of manufactures" from Census of Manufactures data 

see Thompson, T. E., Am. Economic Rev., 22: 660 (1932). 

133. Alford, L. P., and Hannum, J. E., Mech. Eng., 54: 821 (1932). 

134. Downs, C. R., Chem. Markets, 30: 333 (1932). 

135. Haynes, W., Chem. Markets, 33: 397 (1933). 

136. Oark, D., Chem. Industries, 35: 27 (1934). 

137. For suggestions for improving information on wholesale prices see Copeland, M. A., 

Proc. Am. Statistical Assoc, 1931: 110. See also C^rmack, E. M., "Price 
Sources," Washington, Dept. of Commerce, 1931. 320 p. 

138. Warren, G. F., and Pearson, F. A., "Wholesale Prices in the United States for 

135 years, 1797 to 1932," Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station 
Memoir 142, 1932. 222 p. '^Prices." New York, Wiley, 1933. 386 p. 

139. Lyon, L. S., Chem. Markets, 29: 38 (1931). 

140. Chalmers, F. S., Chem. Markets, 29: 34 (1931). 

141. Chem. Markets, 28: 154 (1931). 

142. Leyden, T. F. H., Chem^ Industries, 34: 110 (1934). 

143. Laufer, E. B., Chem. Met. Eng., 41: 18 (1934). 

144. McBride, R. S., et. al., Chem. Met. Eng., 39: 184 (1932). 

145. For a bibliography on merchandising research see Kelsey, G. W., "A Selection of 

Books and Articles on the Purpose, Scope, and Techniques of Marketing Research." 
New York, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1936. 

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146. Switz, T. M., Clurm. Met. Eng.. 38: 6 (1931). 

147. Ckem. Met. Eng., 38: 4. 19 (1931). 

148. Klugh, B. G., Chem. Met. Eng., 38: 14 (1931. 

149. Ladoo, R. B., Ckem. Met. Eng., 38: 403 (1931). 

150. Watt, L. A., Chem. Met. Eng., 38: 8 (1931). 

151. McNiece, T. M., Chem. Markets, 30: 542 (1932). 

152. Haynes, W.. Chem. Markets, 30: 233 (1932). 

153. Kalish, J., Chem. Markets. 33: 27 (1933). 

154. Burdick, C. L.. Chem. Met. Eng., 42: 10 (1935). 

155. Watt. L. A., Chem. Met. Eng., 42: 14 (1935). 

156. Watson, W. N., et. al., Chem. Met. Eng., 39: 23 (1932). 

157. Berliner, J. J., Chem. Markets, 28: 59 (1931). 

158. MacKdcan, H. G., Chem. Industries, 35: 215 (1934). 

159. Lahey, R. W., Chem. Met. Eng., 42: 16. 132, 267, 544, 662 (1935). 

160. Mabey, H. M., Chem. Met. Eng., 39: 30 (1932); Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 28: 

255 (1932); Chem. Industries, 37: 441 (1935). 

161. Rost, O. F., Chem. Met. Eng., 39: 37 (1932). 

162. Chem. Met. Eng., 39: 2 (1932). 

163. Brooks, B. T., Chem. Markets, 28: 38 (1931). 

164. Churchill, W. L., Chem. Industries, 34: 412 (1934); Chem. Met. Eng., All 12. 

129 (1935). 

165. Grupclli, L. D., Chem. Markets, 33: 412 (1933). 

166. Haynes, W., /. Chem. Education, 12: 103 (1935). 

167. Thorp, W. L., Chem. Markets, 28: 30 (1931). 

168. Wilcox, D. A., Chem. Markets, 28: 40 (1931). 

169. Willis, S. L., Chem. Markets, 30: 254 (1932). 

170. Chem. Markets, 31: 211 (1932). 

171. Haynes. W., Chem. Markets, 31: 307 (1932). 

172. McBride, R. S., Chem. Met. Eng., 42: 18 (1935). 

173. Prochazka, G. A., Jr., Chem. Met. Eng., 39: 35 (1932). 

174. McNiece, T. M., Chem. Met. Eng., 39: 9 (1932). 

175. Rand, W. M., Chem. Met. Eng., 39: 13 (1932). 

176. Caswell, R. G., Chem. Met. Eng., 39: 16 (1932). 

177. Smith, J. G., "Organized Produce Markets." New York, Longmans. 1922. 238 p. 

178. Weld, L. D. H., Nations Business, 1932, Jan., p. 35. 

179. Garrard, H. L., Chem. Markets, 28: 593 (1931). 

180. Wilson, O., Ind. Eng. Chem., 23: 430 (1931); 24: 354 (1932); 25: 350 (1933); 26: 

351 (1934); 27: 344 (1935). 

181. Cowden, D. J., "Measures of Exports of the United States." New York. ColunAia 

Univ. Press, 1932. 119 p. 

182. Roorbach, G. B., Chem. Met. Eng., 41: 78 (1934). 

183. Chem. Markets, 28: 377 (1931). 

184. Howard, F. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 770 (1935). 

185. Banks, A. S., Chem. Markets, 31: 427 (1932). 

186. Staniforth, L., Chem. Markets, 28: 385, 609 (1931). 

187. Peterkin, A. G., and Jones, H. W., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 28: 235 (1932). 

188. Taylor, B. S., Chem. Markets, 29: 273 (1931). 

189. McCabe, W. L., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 28: 141 (1932). 

190. Hossack, A. B., Chem. Industries, 36: 28 (1935). 

191. Kunst, J., Chem. Industries, 37: 338 (1935). 

192. Klein, J. J., Ind. Eng. Chem., 71 1 7GA (1935). 

193. Bechtel, V. R., Chem. Industries, 35: 495 (1934); 36: 120, 222, 321 (1935). 

194. Knoeppel, C. E., Chem. Markets. 31: 499 (1932). 

195. Anable, A., Chem. Met. Eng,, 42: 306 (1935). 

196. Beatty, J. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 23: 1070 (1931). 

197. Jones, W. N., Chem. Met. Eng., 41: 462 (1934). 

198. Parmelee, H. C, et. al., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 27: 375 (1931). 

199. White, A. H., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 27: 221 (1931); Ind. Eng. Chem., 24: 

203 (1932). 

200. Chem. Markets, 32: 504 (1933). 

201. Chem. Met. Eng., 42: 329 (1935). 

202. Gehrmann, G. H., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Eng., 31: 712 (1935); Chem. Met. Eng., 42: 

672 (1935). 

203. Gumaer, P. W., Chem. Markets, 33: 499 (1933). 

204. Zimmerman, A., Chem. Markets, 33: 43, 136 (1933). 

205. Wikoff, H. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 467 (1933). 

206. Norton, A. J., and Hall, A. L., Chem. Markets, 34: 113 (1934). 

207. Hurst, E., "The Technical Man Sells His Services." New York, McGraw-Hill, 

1933. 239 p. 

208. "State Planning," National Resources Board, 1935, p. 235. 

209. Indiana State Planning Board, Preliminary Report, 1934, p. 78. "Seasonal Unem- 

ployment," Iowa State Planning Board, June, 1935, p. 4. See also Hamor, W. A., 
Social Science, 9, No. 1: 30. 

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210. "A State Plan for Indiana," 1934, 1. 

211. Chem. Markets, 30: 49 (1932). 

212. Moulton, H. G., "The Formation o£ Capital." Washington, Brookings Institution, 

1935. 207 p. 

213. Business Week, Tan. 11, 1936, ip. 29. 

214. Epstein, R. C, in collaboration with Clark, F. M., "A Source-Book for the Study 

of Industrial Profits," U. S. Department of Commerce, 1932. 

215. De Long, C. R., Chem. Met. Eng., 32: 853 (1925). 

216. Florance, H., Review of Reviews, 1935, May. 

217. Haskell, B., Jr., Ind. Eng, Chem., 24: 953 (1932). 

218. Hessd, F. A., Ind. Eng. Chem., 23: 573 (1931); Chem. Markets, 29: 155 (1931); 

Chem. Industries, 37: 135 (1935). 

219. Mantell, C. L., Chem. Markets, 31: 329 (1932); Trans. Electrochem. Soc, «: 

15 (1932). 

220. Morgan, D. P., Chemist, 9: 170 (1932). 

221. Stansfield, A., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 63: 259 (1933). 

222. Smith, E. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 26: 608 (1934). 

223. Crum, W. L., /. Am. Statistical Assoc, 30: 35 (1935). 

224. Hessel, F. A., Chem. Markets, 29: 369 (1931); Chem. Industries, 34: 308 (1934); 

36: 316 (1935). 

225. Bulletin, National City Bank, 1935: 39. 

226. Robinson, L. R., /. Am. Statistical Assoc, 29: 39 (1934). 

227. Haynes, W., Ind. Eng. Chem., 23: 588 (1931). 

228. Marks, L. H.. Chem. Markets, 30: 229^ (1932). 

229. Stocking, G. W., "Potash Industry." New York, Smith, 1931. 343 p. 

230. Allen, E. M., Chem. Industries, 36: 536 (1935). 

231. Battley, J. F., Chem. Markets, 35: 309 (1934). 

232. Belknap, E., Chem. Markets, 30: 549 (1932). 

233. Derby, H. L., Chem. Met. Eng., 40: 582 (1933). 

234. Chem. Markets, 33: 115, 211, 233 (1933); Chem. Industries, 34: 415 (1934); 36: 117, 

145 (1935). 

235. Chem. Met. Eng., 40: 396 (1933). 

236. Garvan, F. P., Chem. Industries. 35: 19 (1934). 

237. Hay?ies, W., Chem. Industries, 34: 16 (1934). 

238. Hettinger, A. J., Jr., Chem. Industries, 36: 430 (1935). 

239. Marks, L. H., Chem. Markets, 33: 121 (1933). 

240. Quiggle, E. B., Chem. Industries, 34: 13 (134). 

241. Chem. Met, Eng., 40: 396 (1933); 41: 278 (1934); 42: 20 (1935). 

242. "Code-Sponsoring Trade Associations," Market Research Series No. 4, Bureau of 

Foreign and Domestic Commerce, 1935. • 

243. Brand, C. J.. Chem. Industries, 36: 524 (1935). 

244. Chem. Met. Eng., 41: 9 (1934); 42: 52 (1935). 

245. Curtis, F. J., Chem. Met. Eng., 38: 38 (1931). 

246. Partridge, E. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 23: 482 (1931). 

247. Hurter, A., Chem. Markets, 33: 503 (1933). 

248. Chem. Met. Eng., 38: 32 (1931). 

249. LeSueur, E. A., Trans. Electrochem. Soc, 63: 187 (1933). 

250. Murphy, W. J., Chem. Markets, 32: 419 (1933). 

251. Jones, C. L., Ind. Eng. Chem., 23: 519 (1931). 

252. Pettingill, R. B., Am. Economic Rev., 25: 426 (1935). 

253. Burdick, C. L., Chem. Met. Eng., 38: 24 (1931). 

254. Fieldner, A. C, Ind. Eng. Chem., 71 1 983 (1935). 

255. Chem. Met. Eng., 38: 40 (1931). 

256. Chem. Markets, 29: 142 (1931). 

257. Curtis, H. A., "Fixed Nitrogen." New York, Chemical Catalog Co., 1932. 517 p. 

258. Haynes, W., Chem. Markets, 28: 148 (1931). 

259. Kalish, J., Chem. Markets, 29: 582 (1931). 

260. Tyler. C. Chem. Met. Eng., 38: 42 (1931). 

261. HUl, J. B., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 519 (1935). 

262. Curtis, H. A., Chem. Industries, 34: 507 (1934). 

263. Kalish, J., Chem. Markets, 29: 461 (1931). 

264. McBride, R. S., Chem. Met. Eng., 38: 28 (1931). 

265. Waggaman, W. H., /. Chem. Education, 10: 391, 476 (1933). 

266. Baekeland. L. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 538 (1935). 

267. Stocking, G. W., Chem. Markets, 28: 247, 368, 482 (1931). 

268. Bridgeman, O. C, and Querfeld, D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 25: 523 (1933). 

269. Haynes, W., Chem. Markets, 32: 307 (1933). 

270. Killeffer, D. H., Ind. Eng. Chem., News Ed., 11: 117 (1933). 

271. "Motor Fuels in Foreign Commerce." Trade Information Bulletin 805, Bureau of 

Foreign and Domestic Commerce. 

272. Johnsen, B., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 514 (1935). 

273. Davis, R. E., Proc Am. Statistical Assoc, 1931: 10 

274. Crawford, E. T., Jr., Ind. Eng. Chem., 27: 1109, 1274, 1411 (1935). 

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275. Lonn, E.. "Salt as a Factor in the Confederacy." New York, Neale, 1933. 324 p. 

276. Home, W. D., Ind, Bng, Chem,, 27: 989 (1935). 

277. James, C. L., Am. Economic Review, 21: 481 (1931). 

278. Cunningham, W. A., /. Chem. EducaHon, 12: 120 (1935). 

279. Chem. Met. Eng., 38: 35 (1931); 39: 42 (1932). 

280. Fairlie, A. M., Ind. Eng. Chem., Ul 1280 (1934). "Sulfuric Acid Manufacture." 

New York, Rcinhold Publishing Corp., 1936. 669 p. 

281. Mullin, C. E.. Chem. Markets, 28: 363, 492 (1931); h: 211 (1933). 

282. Chem. Markets, 29: 485 (1931). 

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Abbott, A. H.. 303, 321 
Abbott, A. O., Jr., 407, 417 
Abbott. W. S.. 267. 274 
Ablard. J.E..30.32, 67 
Acken, J. S., 143, 160 
Acree. P.. Jr., 268. 276 
Acree, S. P.. 108. 116. 373, 

Adair, P. L., 226 
Adams, E. G., 216 
Adams, E. Q., 166, 161 
Adams, E. W., 261, 363, 269. 

Adams, P. H., 162. 160 
Adams, P. W.. 370, 376 
Adams, G.. 246. 262 
Adams, J. E.. 323 
Adams, L. V.. 396 
Adams. M. H.. 248 
Adams, R., 197, 202, 204, 

216. 226 
Adams, W. B., Jr., 101 
Adamson. W. A., 426, 436 
Addinal!. C. R., 228 
Addleatof], J. A., 76 
Addoms, C. 371, 377 
Adel, A.. 56 
Adelaon, D. E., 216 
AdcrcT, Jm 147. 161 
Adkfns. H . 86. 89. 181, 182, 

107, 20a, 216, 343, 366, 381, 

a93> 420. 436, 437 
Adlw, H., 438 
Addan, M. B.. 123 
Aelony. D.* 422. 436 
AfifTtiss, M. S.. 91. 96, 100, 

104. 114 
Ahlberg. C. R., 340 
Ahlberg, J. E., 61. 74 
Ahlqvist, H.. 319 
Ahmann, C. P.. 228 
Ahrens, B.. 227 
Akerlof. G., 16. 18, 30. 71. 76 
Alberding. C. H.. 339 
Albert, G. A.. 372, 377 
Albert, W. D., 76 
Alberts. A. A.. 209. 216 
Albertson. W., 146. 160 
Albrecht. A. J., 216 
Albright, J., 338 
Albright. J. C, 339 
Albrook, R. L.. 182 
Alden, R. C, 338 
Alford. L. P.. 447, 466 
Allen. A. O.. 43. 44, 74. 182 
Allen. A. S.. 318 
Allen, E. M.. 463. 467 
Allen. I.. Jr.. 380. 386, 393 
Allen, P., Jr.. 182. 204 
Allen. W. P.. 228 
Anes. G. A.. 166. 161 
Alexander, L. L.. 204 
AUison. S. K.. 117, 122. 144. 

AUyne. A. B., 294. 302. 303, 

319, 321 
Almquist. H. J.. 242. 243. 


Alrich, H. W., 205. 3iy 
Akherg, C, D.. 244, 251 
Alsbcrg. C. L,, 445, 455 
Altamura, M.. 181 
Altar. W.. 67 
Alticri. V. J., 201, 317 
Alton, W.H., 356.357 
Altpeter, A. J., 310>a22 
Alvord. E. B.p 2ft4, 274 
Alyea, H. N., 3&3 
Amber, C, R., 76 
Ambler. H. R., 324 
Ambler, J. A.. 247, 262 
Amflur. I., 43 
Am merman, M.. 237* 250 
Amrhein, F, J.. 32S 
Amundsen, L. H., 204 
Anablc. A.. 456 
Andersen, H. P*, 202 
Ajadereon, C. C, 313, 323 
Anderson, C, T., 74 
Anderson, D. Q., 364, 375 
Andenson, G. K., 303 
Anderson. H. W., 254. 27ti 
Anderson, L, C, 77. 178, 187, 

201, 202, 215, 370, 376 
AndetEon. L- D., 270. 271. 

274. 279 
Anderson. T. P., 66 
Anderson. W. E-, 230, 248 
Andes,J. 0.. 2fll,278 
Anding, C. E,, Jr,, 183 
Andrews, D, B., 181, 201 
Andrews, D. H., 57, 202 
Andrews, J. C, 248 
Andrews, K, C. 248 
Andrews, L, H, 142, 149 
Andrews, L. V.. 15, 30 
Andrews, P. R., 273, 274 
Annis, H. M.. 371. 376 
Anthes, J. P., 311. 312, 322 
Anthony, H. L., 134, 137 
Apgar, P. A., 394 
Archibald, P. M.. 182 
Ardagh. E. G. R.. 181 
Arganbright. A. B.. 126. 136 
Armbruster. M. H.. 14, 31. 

Armstrong, C. B., 216 
Armstrong. M. R., 262 
Armstrong. T. N., 128, 136 
Amdt, P., 182 
Arnold. A.. 239. 260 
Arnold, H. R.. 182, 426, 436 
Arnold. L. K.. 372. 377 
Arnold, W. P., Jr., 286, 317 
Aronovsky, S. 1., 366, 376 
Arveson, E. J., 141, 149 
Ascham, L., 236, 249 
Asdell. S. A., 262 
Ash, C. S., 262 
Ash. E. J., 133. 137 
Ashbum. H. v., 204 
Asser. E., 394 
Aston, J. G., 68, 74, 182 
Atkin, W. R., 22, 30 
Audrieth, L. P., 101, 167, 161 
Austin, C. R., 131, 136 


Austin, J. B., 68, 74, 76, 76, 
126, 127, 128. 131. 136. 

Austin. J. H., 216 

Austin. R. J.. 10. 30 

Auvil, H. S.. 290. 317 

Avera. A. U.. 320 

Avery. S.. 204 

Babasinian, V. S.. 215 

Bach man. G. B„ 179, 181. 

193. 203, 2m, 200, 216 
Bachmann. W. E,. Ift4, 189. 

192. 10*S, 201. 202. 203 
Back, E. A., 369. 379 
Backtis. H,, 20fl, 310 
Backus, H, S., 76. 338 
Bacon, T, S., 303, 321 
Badger, R. M., 56, 140, 149 
Badoche, M,. 184 
Baechler, R. H., 372, 377 
Backfcliind, L. H.. 397, 457 
Baer, J. M., 265, 274 
Baeyerti. M., 130. I3fl 
Bahlke, W. H,. 339 
Bailey. A, J,. 364, 370, 376. 

Baiiey, C, H,. 244, 251. 262 
Bailey, L. H., 244, 252 
Bail&y. M.I.. 242, 251 
Bain, E. C. 132, 133. 136. 

Bain. J. P., 216 
Baird, P. K., 370, 371, 376 
Bake. L. S., 26S. 274 
Baker. G. L.. 352, 356 
Baker, CM., 370, 376 
Bak«r, E. M„ 315, 323 
Baker. F. B„ 260, 260. 276 
Baker. G. L., 243, 252 
Biiktr. K. F„ 258. 274 
Baker. T.. 315, 323 
Baker, TV. B., 228 
Dokti. /;. N.. 24, 30 
Baldeschwieler. E. L.. 84. 88. 

142, 149. 340 
Baldwin. A. W., 346. 366. 367 
Baldwin. R. T., 440 
Ball, T. R., 68, 94, 100, 109. 

Ballantyne. H.. 368 
Balls. A. K.. 244, 246. 261. 

Balon. P. A.. 100 
Baltzly, R., 429, 437 
Bambach, K., 106, 114 
Bancroft, W. D., 77, 143, 160, 

361, 374, 427, 437 
Banks. A. S., 466 
Bannister. S. H.. 182 
Bannister. W. J.. 277. 432. 

Barbehenn, H. E., 407. 417 
Barbour. P. A.. 227 
Barbour, J. H., 373, 377 
Barch, W. E., 204 
Barger. G., 226 
Baril, O. L.. 88. 89. 203 

Digitized by 




Barker. B. P.. 66, 164 
Barker, L. P.. 305, 321 
Barker, M. M.. 16, 32 
Barkhash. A. P., 179 
Barnard, D. P., 338 
Barnes, C.R.. 109. 116 
Barnes, D. P., 266. 274 
Barnes. K. B.. 337 
Barnes, R. B., 66 
Barnes. R. P., 182, 201. 204 
Bamett, C. E., 406. 417 
Bamett. M. M.. 201 
BamhiU, G. B.. 260. 274 
Bamum, G. L.. 241, 251 
Barr, E. S., 12, 32 
Barrett, C. S., 120, 122 
Barrett, E. P., 119, 120, 126. 

Barrett, H. J., 393 
Barringer, L. E., 159. 162 
Barsky. G.. 396 
Bart. B., 147, 151 
BarteU. P. E.. 348. 351. 365. 

Bartholomew, E. T.. 106. 114 
Bartlett. J. H.. Jr.. 144. 150 
Bartlett. P. D.. 181. 203, 204 
Barton, R. C. 66. 75, 93, 100 
Bartow. E.. 182 
Bartunek, P. P., 56 
Bartz, Q. R., 202, 215 
Bascom. C. H.. 352, 356 
Base, E. L., 338 
Bashour, J. T., 215 
Basinger, A. J., 267. 274 
BaskerviUe. W. H.. 76 
Basnre. C. A.. 463 
Bass, A., 420, 437 
BasB. L, W.. 440, 443, 445, 

447, 450. 4.'i2. 455 
Ba3s. S, L., 422, 436 
Baasdtt. S. H., 234, 249 
BatcheMer. E, L., 2^^, 252 
Batchfilor, T. G., 308, 375 
Bateman, R. U, 204 
Batemati, W. H., 208, 320 
Batts, F. X, 163. 160 
Bates, J. R., 35. 43, 77, 178 
Bates. R. W., 2^3, 24© 
Battiii, H. W., 306. 321 
Battley, J. R, 4.57 
Bfttty.a, 1^.137 
Bauer, A. D., 338 
Bauor. E. L., 182 
Bauer, U N,, 215 
Baumaii, L., 202 
Biiuialach, H. L., IIU, 115. 

140. 149 
Baxter, G, P., 149 
Bayfield, E. G, 244, 251 
Bayndller, J. W., 415, 418 
Badn, E. V., 242. 251 
Beai:h, J. Y., 65. 5fi, 58. 202 
Bcal. C. L., 168, 161 
Bcal, G. a. 227, 454 
Bcala, M. C, 251 
Bean, H.S., 301,306, 321 
Bear, R. S., 57, 311, 322 
Bearce, G. D., 370, 370 
Beard, E.E,, 419, 435 
Beard, W,, 453 
Beard, W. K,, 2S3, 316 
Beanden, J. A„ 122 
Beattie, J, A., 75, 179 
Beatty, J. D,,45e 
Beaumont, J. H., 25S, 259. 

276, 379 
Beavena, E. A., 252 
Bechdel. S. 1,. £43, ^51 

Bcchtel. V. R.. 466 
Becker. A. E., 338 
Becker. T. A.. 140, 149 
Bt-cker^ L., 356 
Bccket, F, M., 130, 136 
B^ckwirth, E. A., 338 
Btckwith, M. M., 121, 122 
Beiforrl, M. H., 10,30 
Bcebe, R. A-h 83, 8S 
Beerbow^T, A, 02, 100 
Bchrend, A.. 227 
Behrman, A, S., 4S7 
Bfiiswcnger, G. A,, 318 
BtkkedaTiJ, N. 74, 75, 390, 

400,406, 416,417 
BelthiJT. D,, 21, 32, 76 
Bekher, V, A.. 360, 376 
Bekhetz, L., 33, 43, ISO 
Belfit, R, W, 385 
Belknap, E., 457 
Bell, E. B.,362.36a 
Bdl F. K., 5«. 182. 202 
Bell, R. H., 274 
Bt'll, R, M.,.S6. 58 
Bell, R. P., 178 
Bell,R. T.,311, 322 
Bdl, W. B., 453 
BeUer, H., 358 
Bcndaaa, A., 220, 248 
Bender, R, 58 
Bender, H.. 436 
Bender, H.L,.3tH 
Benedict, W. L., 339 
Benedict, W, S., 43, 44. 56, 

79, 85. 88, 89, 178 
Benner, J. R., 12tJ, 136 
Botintng, A. F„ 170, 423, 436 
Beimon, H. K., 385. 366, 373. 

375. 377 
Bent. H. E.. 25. 30. 159, 161, 

187, 201, 207, 215 
Benton. A. P., 85. 88, 311, 

Berchet, G. J.. 180, 393, 394, 

414, 418 
Bergeim, P. H.. 409. 417 
Berger. L. B.. 313. 323 
Bergmann, M.. 231. 233. 248. 

Bergstresser. K. S.. 109. 115 
Bergstrom, P. W., 152. 160. 

205. 215 
Berberike, L. P„ 57 
Berlin, H., 307 
Btrliner, J. J., 456 
Bermanii, M., 311, 322 
Bemheim, F., 227 
Berry, C, H„ 314, 323 
Berry. G. W., 17, 2S, 32. 181 
Berry, L, J.. 261, 275 
Bertsch, A,,351, 355 
Bertsch, H., 356, 357 
Bertsch , J. A., 155, 161 
Berwald, W. B., 208. 301, 

320, 321 
Bessey, O. A., 235, 249 
Bethke. R. M.. 240, 250. 251 
Bettman, B., 437 
Betz, M. D.. 16, 26, 32, 

Beuschlein, W. L., 365, 375 
Bhagwat. M. R.. 394 
Bibbins. P. E., 226 
Bichowsky, P. R., 77 
Bickel, 0. L., 189. 202 
Bickford, P. A.. 96. 100 
Bicking. G. W.. 369. 376 
Biddulph, G., 453 
Biffen. P. M., 181, 344, 355 

Bigclow, L. A., 422. 436 
Bigfeflf, J. H., 267, 275 
Bifiinelli, R, 190 
Biifnell. L. G. E, 338 
Billings, H. P., 305 
BiiUnjfs, S. C, 267. 274 
Biilington, P. S,, 366, 375 
Bills, C. E., 240, 251 
Biltz, H.. 225 
Binna, F. W., 369. 376 
Birch, ?,. 75 

Birehard, W. H., 369. 376 
Bircher, L R., 32E 
Bircher. L. J., 05, 100 
Bird, E. W.. 344. 251 
Bird, J- C, 304 
BiBbey, B., 238, 250 
Bishop, O, M„ 433, 438 
Bi swell, C, B„ 202 
Eitterich, p., 395 
Bixby, E. M., 05, 100 
Bjernjin, J , 142, 149 
Blacet, P. E.. 313, 322 
Black, A., 249 
Black, C. K., 424, 436 
Blackman. L. E., 16. 32. 76 
BlaisdeU. C. A., 369, 370* 

Blanchard, A. A., 94, 99, 100, 

Blanchard, J. R., 290, 317 
Blanchard, K. C., 204, 420. 

433, 436, 438 
Blanchard, L. W., Jr.. 197 

Blanchard, M. H.. 31 
Blatt. A. H., 182. 201, 204, 

Bkakney, W., 77 
Bleakney, W. C. 101 
Blickc. P. R, 101, 202 
Blinks, W. M., 322 
BlJsh, M. J.. 244, 251 
Blias, A. R., 228 
Bliss, C.l,. 265, 274 
Bbss, D. E.p 244, 252 
Bliss, E. M„ 316, 323 
Block, R. J., 249 
Blome, W. H., 228 
Bluomfteld, G., 181 
Blue, R, D.. 157, 161 
Blue, R. W., 74 
Blumtacrg, H- S., 337 
Blumenthal, D.. 231, 248 
Blunck, R H., 201 
Boatner, C. 201 
Bode, C. E.. 244. 251 
Bodlti, V. H.. 4U, 418 
Bgese, A. B., Jr., 204 
Boas net. P.. 287, 317 
Bofiflrt. R., 240, 250 
Bogert, M. T., 180, 197, 199, 

202, 204. 215, 216, 217 
BogjicBs, D„ 226 
BoRin, Q,39a 
Boiler, E. R., 254, 274 
BoUinger, D. M., 25. 31, 143, 

Bolhnan,R. R.,411. 418 
Bolton, E. K., 264, 274, 410, 

Bone, W. A., 36 
Bonner, W. D., 75 
Bonney. D. T., 316 
Bonney, R. D., 415, 418 
Bontoux, E., 356 
Bonyun. M. E., 144, 150 
Booher, L. E., 238, 250 
Booth, C. P.. 435 

Digitized by 




Booth. H. S.. 64, 69. 76, 76, 

91, 96, 96. 100, HI, 116, 

182, 204 
Bordner, E. R., 66 
Borelius. G., 140. 149 
Borgeson, G. M., 243, 261 
BorgUn, J. N., 438 
Borsook. H.. 216. 232. 249 
Boruflf, C. S., 364, 376 
Bossert. R. G.. 228 
Bost, R. W.. 202. 204 
Botset. H. G.. 319 
Bottoms. R. R.. 182. 426. 437 
Boundy, R. H., 297. 319 
Bousquet, E. W., 260. 264. 

271. 274 
Bovier, L. S.. 182 
Bowden, R. C, 349, 366 
Bowen, A. H., 396 
Bowen, E. L., 273. 274 
Bowen. N. L., 70, 76 
Bower. J. H.. 112. 116 
Bowers, C. N., 338 
Bowker. R. E.. 116 
Bowman. P. I., 85, SS 
Boyce< A. M,, 257, 274 
Bf^yce, C. W.. 371, 376 
Boyd. E. M., 230,248 
Boyd, T. A.* 3^9, 444 < 454 
Bayd, W. C, 231. 248 
Boiorth, A. R., 95, lOO 
Bo^orth, R„ 121. 122 
Bradley, a A., Jr.. 56 
Bradley, R, S., 146. 150 
Bradley, T. P., 396 
Bradt, W. E., 154, 161, 437 
Brady, E. J.^ 304, ^2\ 
Braeg, G. A,, 319 
BfaTnard, S. W.. 346. 355 
Brainerd, F. W.h371,3T6 
Branch. G. E. K., 203. 437 
Branchpn. L. E., 182, 215 
Brand, C J., 457 
Brand, E., 232, 24S, 249 
Brandee, O. H., 100 
Brandon, G. E., 318 
BranJiam. X R-p 141. 149, 

Brannotk, D. Y.. 374 
Brannon, L. W.. 271. 276 
Brastow, W. C, 139, 149 
Brattain. R. R.. 56 
Braun. 0. E., 366, 376 
Braun, J. von, 189 
Bray, M. W., 360. 367, 374, 

Bray. U. B.. 339 
Bray. W. C, 12. 31. 76, 108. 

Breazeale, D. P.. 244.261 
Breazeale, W. M., 58 
Bredberg. L. E.. 337 
Bren, B. C, 393, 39fl 
BTEanan, J. F., 303, 321 
Brenner. B-, 146, IfiO 
BTeskin, C. A.. 392, 397, 439 
Breuer, F. W.. 179 
Brewer, L E.. 294, 319 
Brewer, R, E„ 88. 287, 317 
Brick. R. M., 122 
Brickwedde. F. C 76 
Bridge, A. P.. 302. 321 
Brid^man. O, C.» 457 
Bridger. G. L.. 23, 32, 75 
Bridgman, P. W,. 23, 31, 60, 

65. 67, 74» 75, 7<i, 77, 143, 

Brifigs. G. M.,305.32t 
Briggs,L, J.,371,37fl 

Brigham, P. M.. 164. 161 
Bright. H. A.. 111. 112. 116 
Britton, E. C., 179. 262, 266, 

274. 432. 438 
Broadbent. B. M.. 266. 274 
Broche. H.. 296. 319 
Brock. P. P., 394 
Brt)ckman, C. J.. 103, 114, 

162. 163. 164. 156. 160 
Brockway. L. O., 46. 66. 66, 

74, 202 
Erode, W. R.. Ill, 116. 190, 

202. 228 
Brodersen, K., 368 
Brodie, J. B., 237, 260 
BrSnsted, J. N., 8, 9. 10, 11, 

Brookbank, E. B., 141, 149 
Brooker, L. G. S., 216. 217 
Brooks, B. T.. 179. 182, 337, 

338, 414, 418, 466 
Brosheer. J. C.. 77 
Brous, S. L., 414, 418, 439 
Brower, T. E., 126, 136 
Brown, A. S., 13, 19, 31. 76. 

77. 109. 116 
Brown. B. E.. 366. 376 
Brown. D. J.. 16. 30. 77 
Brown, E. M., 262 
Tii-^-n. E. V„215 
Brown, P., 227 
Brown. G, G.. T5. 299, 316, 

320, 323, 338, 339 
Brovm. R. P., 313, 323 
Brown, W. G,, 72. 77 
BxQwn, W. J., lU, U6 
Brown. W. L., 236. 249 
Browne, A. W., 95. lOO, 437 
Brt}wne, C. A.. 443^ 463 
Browning. B. L,. 365, 376 
Brownle^H R. H,, 356 
BrownmiUer, L. T.. 76 
Brownscombe, E. R., 94, 100 
Brubaker, M. M., 396 
Brunauer, S.. 83. 88, 89 
Brundage, J. T.. 227. 228 
Bruner. W. M., 216 
Brunjes. A. S.. 76 
Brunot. F. R., 140. 149 
Bruson. H. A.. 182. 263. 274, 

367, 396, 426, 437 
Bruyne, J. M. A. de, 67 
Bryant, G. R., 339 
Bryant, W. M. D., 181, 188, 

202. 209. 216 
Bug. H. E.. 271. 274. 429. 437 
Buchanan, G. H., 266. 274 
Buchanan, K. S., 230, 248, 

Buchman, E. R., 212, 216, 

217, 260 
Buckman, S. J., 361, 374 
Buckner. R. P., 264. 278 
Buehler. 0. A., 202 
Buell. A. E.. 339 
Buerger. M. J.. 118, 122 
Bulbrook, H. M.. 318 
Bull. B. A., 196. 203 
Bull. H. I.. 360. 366 
Bullock. W. B.. 371. 377 
Bump. C. K.. 372. 377 
Bunbury, H. M.. 367 
Bunce. E. H.. 292, 317 
Bunger, H.. 374 
Bunker. J. W. M.. 241, 260, 

Burchfield, P. E., 96. 100. 

182 204 
Burckhardt. E., 226 

Burdette, R. C.. 266. 274 
Burdick. C. L.. 318. 466, 467 
Burg, A. B., 97, 101, 169. 161 
Burger. A.. 202, 216, 227 
Burk, R. E., 36, 43, 180, 203. 

393, 436, 439 
Burke. S. P.. 182. 298. 320. 

Burlew. W. L.. 422, 436 
Burmeister. H.. 396 
Burnett, R. E.. 179 
Bums, J. L.. 137 
Bums, R. E.. 358 
Bums, R. S., J32, I3fl 
Burrell, A, B,, 257, 277 
Burrell. G. A., 296. 319 
Burrows, G. H., 76, 216. 437 
Burtner. R. R,. 204. 215, 433. 

Burton. J. O.. 108. 116 
Burwell. A. W.. 263, 274. 426, 

Busbey, R. L.. 263. 266. 266. 

278, 279 
BusenLurff, IL B., 4ll, 418 
BushnelU V. C, 74 
Buskrjrk, JI. H., 247. 252 
Bub well. A, M., 364. 376 
Butler, C. L,, 227 
Butler. W. H.. 305. 439 
Butterworth, A. S., 357 
Butts. J. S., 232. 249 
Buti, L. W„ 215 
Byall.S.. 247,252 
Byers, H. Q-. 107. 115 
Bsrers, J/L.. 139, 149 
Byers. J. R.. 179 
Byrne. C. O., 319 
Byms, A, C, M. 100 
Bywater, W. G.. 215 

Cadwell, S. M., 402, 410 
Cady. G. H.. 92, lOO 
Cady.UC. 361,374 
Cagle, W. C, 76 
CahiU, G. F.p 232, £48, 249 
CajoK, R A.. 229, 248 
Cake, W. E., 413, 418 
Calbeck, J. H*, 158, 161 
Calcott, W. S., 179, 273. 274, 

346. 355. 358. 379, 393. 

396. 397, 405, 417. 423. 426. 

439, 436, 437, 438 
Ciildwtll. F. R„ 146. 150 
CalJweU, J. R., 113, 116 
Calf! well. M.L.,229,248 
Calliane, D. F. 154, 101 
Calingaert G.. 179 
Calkin, J. B., 361, 373^ 374. 

Callen, A. S., 324 
Calloway, N. O.. 194. 203, 

204. 216. 433. 438 
Calvert. W. C. 416. 418. 420. 

Calvery. H. O.. 232. 249 
Cameron. P. K.. 76. 361, 374 
Cameron. H. J.. 394 
Campbell. A. N.. 26. 31. 104. 

Campbell. C. H.. 411. 418 
Campbell. C. L.. 367 
Campbell. D. A.. 129. 136 
Campbell. F. L.. 263. 270. 

272. 274, 276 
Campbell. H. C. 43. 44. 182 
Campbell. H. L.. 234. 236. 

247. 249. 262 
Campbell. J.. 321 

Digitized by 




Campbell, J. M.. 339 
Cann. J. Y., 71, 77 
Cannon, M. R., 330 
Canon, P. A., 438 
Capen. R. G.. 244, 252 
Capillon. B. A.. 147. 151 
Caplan, S., 394 
Caprio. A. P.. 395 
Carey. J. S., 315, 323, 389 
Carleton. P. W.. 429. 438 
Carlin. J. C, 396 
CarUsle. P. J.. 265. 274 
Carlson. G. H., 179. 182. 201 

203. 420. 435 
Carmack. B. M.. 455 
Carmody. W. H., 394 
Camahan, P. L.. 203 
Carney, B. S., 96, 100 
Carothers, W. H.. 180. 207. 

215. 393. 394, 414. 418. 434. 

Carpenter, C. tL. 373, 377 
Carpenter, D. C, J.S2, 215 
Carpenter, 0. B., l81 
Carpenter, J. JL. jJ^, 100 
Carpenter. M S.. 4:J4. 439 
Carr. J. I.. 420. 4;i5 
Carruth. H. P., 371. 376 
Carruthers, A-, 22S, 248 
Cars, N., 182 
Carson, P. T.. 372. 377 
Carson. L.. 202 
Carswell, T. S., 423, 436 
Carter, A. S., 393, 396, 397 
Carter, P.. 146, 150 
Carter, P. B., 147. 151 
Carter. H. E.. 248 
Carter, J. D., 361, 352, 356 
Carter. R. H.. 258, 259, 274, 

Carter. W.. 261. 274 
Cartland. G. P.. 226 
Cartledge. G. H.. 92. 100 
Carvlin, G. M.. 318 
Cary, C. A., 229, 248 
Case, L. O., 57, 182 
Cashman. R. J., 81, 89 
Caspe. S.. 182 
Cassel, H. M., 28, 31, 74 
Cassil, C. C, 268. 276 
Castles. I.. 203 
Caswell, R. G.. 456 
Cattell. R. A.. 296. 319 
Caulk. M. D.. 356 
Centenero. A. D.. 366, 375 
Chalmers, P. S.. 455 
Chalmers, W.. 181 
Chamberlain. J. C. 216 
Chamot, E. M., 97, 101 
Champlin, P. M., 262 
Chandlee, G. C, 14, 32, 77 
Chandler, A. C. 256. 274 
Chao, S.-H., 56 
Chap, J. J., 216 
Chapin, R. M., 346, 349, 355, 

Chapman, A. T., 36, 43, 179 
Chapman, E. C, 123 
Chapman, P. J., 254, 265. 

274, 277 
Chapman, W. H., 413, 418 
Charch. W. H., 372, 377 
Chase. G. C, 370. 376 
Chase, H., 397 
Chatfield, C. 245. 252 
Chaudhuri. T. C. 190 
Cheetham. H. C. 394 
Chen, A. L.. 228 
Chen, K. K.. 226. 228 

Cheney, L. C, 215 
Chorry. O, A., ^M. 3M 
CKidcatcj'p G. H.» 366. 37fi 
rtiittitn. T. Km ISO, 315, 323 
Ch[pmaii, J., 74. 113, 116, 

12.^. 127. 135.136 
Chltwood. Hh C, 21fl 
Chitwood. L M., 251 
Cholflk, J.,110. 115 
ChDu, T, 0., 228 
Chow, B. P.. 181 
ChriVt, R. S.< 181, 202 
C;.:,.,.c...,^ji, B. E.. 87. 89, 

312. 322 
Christensen. B. V.. 228 
Christensen. C. W.. 404. 416 
Christensen. L. M.. 181 
Christian. S. M.. 25. 31. 143. 

Christiansen. W. G.. 10, 11. 

Christmann. L. J., 257. 274 
Chrystler, P. M., 396 
Chu, E. J-H., 189, 202 
Churchill, W. L., 456 
Cislak, P. B., 273, 275 
Claffue. J. A.. 246. 252 
Clark, C. C. 358 
Clark. C. L.. 129, 130. 136. 

Clark. C. W.. 74 
Clark. D.. 455 
Clark. E. P.. 268 
Clark. P. M., 160, 162. 397. 

Clark, G. L.. 121. 122. 123. 

362. 374. 407. 417 
Clark. H. A.. 308. 322 
Clark. J. D.. 159. 161. 394 
Clark. J. d'A.. 372. 377 
Clark. L. V.. 421. 436 
Clark. T. H , L>94 
Clarke, B. L„ 113, 115 
Clarke, H. T., 205. 212, 217, 

231. 248. 25a. 430, 438 
Clarke. M.R, 236, 24S 
Clarke. W. J.,393 
Clarkson, R. G.. 3lfi, 348. 

355. 358. 437, 43& 
Claussen, W. H., 03, 100 
Clayden, A. L,. 3^9 
Clayton, B., 367. 35S 
Cleaves, H. E.. 135 
Clements, J. H.,66 
Cleveland. C. R.. 261. 263, 

274. 276 
Clifcom, L. B., 216 
Clifford, A. M.. 397, 403, 404. 

405, 416, 417. 439 
Clifford, P. A.. 279 
Cline. E. L.. 394 
Clow. M. T.. 309. 322 
Clyne. R. W.. 129, 136 
Cobb. A. W., 20, 31. 74 
Cobb. R. M.. 372. 377 
Coblentz. W. W.. 56 
Cockerille, P. O.. 180 
Coffman, D. D.. 180, 383, 394 
Coffman, D. H., 393 
Cogan, H. D., 439 
Cohen, P. L., 227 
Cohen. M. U., 105, 114, 117, 

118 122 
Cohn.'B. N. E.. 241, 251 
Cohn. E. J.. 10. 19, 29, 31, 32. 

57, 75, 76, 77, 183 
Cohn. B. W.. 233. 249 
Colbum. A. P., 315. 323 
Colby, W. P.. 56 

Cole, H. A., 314 
Cole, O. D., 407. 417 
Cole. S. S.. 76. 123 
Cole. W.. 201 
Colehour. J. K.. 93. 100 
Coleman. C. 403. 404, 416. 

Colemfln, G. H„ ISO, 438 
Coleman. J. M.. 245, 252 
Collett, A. R,,304 
ColKofl. A. M.. 393. 4U. 418 
Collins. G.. 5n 
ColliiiB.J. C. 340 
Colltns, J. P., Jt., 314, 323 
CnllEns, R, G,,3:^fl 
CoJliiifi, S. C. 74 
Ci.ll man. W., 286, 275 
Col well, A, T., 134. 137 
Compere. E. L., 251 
Cismpton, A. H., 117. 122 
Conant^ J. B., 393 
ConcanfiDti, C. C, 440, 454 
Confrancesco, A. j.. 2(M 
Conine. R. a. 33?. 338 
Conn, L. W,, 107, 115 
Conn, W.T,, 273, 275 
Conner, R. M., 300. 322 
Connor, R . ISI. 201, 21 
Conover. C, 422, 436 
Conrad, F. H.. 365, 375 
Coni^d.R. M..29.31, 75 
Cook, E.. 128. 136 
Cook. E. J. R., 25. 31, 104, 

CcKjk. E. W., 154, 155. 156. 

Cook, G. A., 35, 43 
Cook. J. W\, 191. 192 
Cook. W. A.. 76 
Cooke, M. B., 339 
Coolidge. A. S., 57. 58 
CooUdge. C. 409. 417 
Coon, E. M.. 56 
Coons, C. M.. 241. 251 
Coons. R. R.. 241. 251 
Cooper, T. P.. 268. 278 
Cooper. K. P.. 266. 276 
Cooper. N., 228 
Cooper. S. R., 109. 116 
Cope. A. C. 181. 201. 202 
Copeland. M. A., 455 
Copeland, M. T.. 463 
Copenhaver. J. £.. 246. 262 
Copenhaver. J. W.. 201 
Copley. M. J., 83. 89 
Cordes. J. H., 301, 320 
Corfield, G.. 306. 306, 321 
Cork. J. M.. 146. 160 
Corl. C. S.. 268. 276 
Cornell. W. B.. 453 
CorBon. B. B., S9, 180, 299. 

320. 338, 439 
Corson, H. P., 266, 275 
Cortese, P.. 202 
Cory. E. N.. 259, 376 
Coryell. C. D., 95, 100 
Cosby. B,0.. 204 
Cothran. J. C, 100 
Conoti,F. H..412.418 
Cotton, R. T,. 265. 279 
Cottrell, F. G.. 454 
O^uch, J. P,, 228 
Coull. J.. 76 
Coulson, £. J., 236. 242, 249. 

Courtney, E., 230. 248 
Cowan. R. J., 307, 321 
Cowden, D. J^ 466 
Cowdery. A. B.. 409, 417 

Digitized by 




CowgUl, G. R., 239. 260 

Cox, E. R.. 76, 179 

Cox. G. J.. 432. 438 

Cox. J. A.. 275 

Cox, N. L.. 25. 31 

Cox. R. P. B., 182, 201 

Cox, W. M., Jr.. 180 

Ciabill. A., 295, 319 

Cnti«. D., 180, 204, 405, 417. 

Craig, L. C. 156, 161, 219, 

Craiit. R., 2fl7, 276 
CroiR, W. E.. 202 
Craig. W,M.. 97, 101 
Cramer. H. L, 40^, 416 
Crane. H. R.. Ill, 100 
Crane. K. D., 94, 100 
Crawford, E. T., Jr., 457 
CrawfortJ^P, M.. ISl 
Crawford. H. M.,201 
CreiRhton. H. J., 155. 161. 

429, 437 
Creitz. E. E„ 367, 375 
Cressman. A. W., 260. 275 
Cretchcr, L. H., 227 
Crist, R. H., 43 
Critchctt, J. H., 128, 136 
Croakman, E. G.. 410, 417 
Crocker, W., 250, 279 
Crockfortl, H. D,. m, 75 
Croope, D. H., 430 
Crosbie, H, H,, 220 
Cross, H. C, 129. 13fl 
Cnjss, P. C, 55, 66, 74 
CroGsIey, F. a. U2, 140, 204 
Crowd U M. F., 247. 2i'J2 
Crtiwell, Vir. R.. 99, 101. 110. 

lift, 140, 149 
Cfomlh W. J., 203 
Crum, W. L., 457 
Crump, J. W., 395 
Cnimpler, T. B., 105, 1J4 
Cmmpton, J. R., 337 
Cryder. D, S., SS, 89, 181, 

312. 322 
Csonka. P. A.. 234. 249 
Gulp. P. B.. 245, 252 
Culpepper, C. W., 245, 252 
Cummings, A. D.. 398, 400. 

Cunningham. G. B.. 82, 89 
Cunningham, G. L.. 85, 88 
Cunningham, W. A., 458 
Cuno. C. W., 446, 455 
Cupery, M. B., 154, 161. 434. 

Cupples, H. L., 259, 265, 275. 

348. 355 
Curie, I., 90 
Curie. M., 149 
Curme, G. O, Jr., 425, 436 
Curran, C. E,, 3fM), 365, 366, 

371, 374, 375, 37 B 
Curran, W. J., 57 
Curtis. P. J.. 457 
Curtis. G.. 229, 24S 
Curtis. H. A.. 457 
Curtiss. L. P., 105, 114 
Cuthbcrtson.^ G. R., 66, 75 
Cybulski, G., 225 
Cyr, H. M.. 369, 376 

Daft, P. S., 249 
Daggett, A. P., 72, 77 
Daggs, R. G., 234, 249 
Dahl, A. I., 74, 146. 150 
Dahle, P. B., 134, 137 
Dahlen. M. A.. 420. 435 

Daimler, K., 357 
Dains, P. B., 203. 217 
Dakin, H. D., 235, 249 
Dale, H., 226 
Dales, B., 413, 418 
Damon, B. H., 410, 417 
Damon, G. H., 112, 116 
Dangelmajer. C, 265. 274 
Daniel, D. M., 276 
Daniels, A. L.. 234. 236, 249 
Daniels. P.. 35, 44. 179 
Daniels, R. S.. 394. 395 
Daniels, T. C, 22. 31 
Daniloff. B. N.. 136 
Dann. M.. 239. 250 
Darlington. C. J., 464 
Dashiell, P. T.. 285. 293. 316. 

Dauben. H. J.. 86, 89, 310, 

Daudt, H. W.. 179. 423, 436 
Davenport, B. S., 132, 133, 

Davenport. J. E., ,112, 322 
Davey, W. P., 120, 121 
Davidson, A.. 345, a-W, 357 
Davidson, A. W., 19, 31 
Dftviffsnn, D., ISO, 199, 204 
Dttvidaon, J. G., 393 
Davidson, R. H., 255, 276 
Daviea, B, L., 410, 417 
Da\its. C, Jr., 294, 318 
Davies, R, L„ 412. 418 
Davis, A, C., 257, 275 
Davis, C. W.. 13S, 149 
Davis, D. S„ ,167, 375 
Davis, G, H. D„300, 320 
Dflvifi. H., 310, 322 
Davis, H. M., 180 
Davis, H. W., 138, 149 
Davis, J. A., 217 
Davis, J. D., 289, 290, 314, 

317, 323 
Da^is, J. J.. 272, 275 
Davis, L. L., 330 
Davis, M., 300, 374 
D^ivis, M. E, 226, 227 
YMcAs, M, N., 371, 372, 377 
Ii , is, R. E., 319, 457 

is, T. L„ 179. 204, 215 
i - is, W. W., 340 
D-vy, B. D., 22 « 
Dawsey, L. H., 260, 275 
Dawson, C. R., 27, 32 
Day, A. R., 204, 437 
Day, H. G.. 249 
Day, J. B., 86, 89, 310, 322 
Day, P. L., 242, 251 
Day, R. B., 396 
Dean, R. S., 125, 135 
Deanesly, R. M., 180, 423, 

Dearborn, P. B., 253, 275 
Dearing, M. C, 180, 395 
Dearing, W. C, 14, 31, 109, 

Debbink, H. S., 338 
DeBeer. B. J., Ill, 116 
DeCew, J. A., 368, 370, 375, 

Deditius, L. P.. 155. 161 
Dees, M., 19, 31, 76 
De Holczer, L. J., 394 
Deitz, v., 37, 43, 57 
DeKay, H. G., 228 
Delahanty, T. W.. 440, 454 
Delammater. W. W.. 127. 

Deller. A. W.. 445. 454 

De Long. C. R.. 452, 457 
DeLong, D. M., 257, 275 
Delorey, C. W., 293. 318 
Dembo, L. H., 245. 252 
Deming, L. S., 64, 75 
Deming, W. B., 64, 75 
Dcmorest, D. J., 290, 317 
Dempster, A. J., 144, 150 
Denig, P.,318 
Denison, I. A., 129, 136 
Dennine, P. S., 356 
Dennis, L. M., 93, 06, 97 

100, 101 
Dennifion. D. M„ 5fl. 57 
DeNfotft, A., 228 
Dent, H, M., 394 
De RewHl, F. J„ 262, 275 
Derby. H.L., 453. 457 
Derby, I. IL, 273, 275, 318 
D«rEe, G. J„ 141,149 
Denck, C, G„ 156, Ifll 
Dettwyler, W., 438 
Devaney. G. M , 242, 243, 251 
DtamOTid, H., 79. SO, 89 
Dickey, E.. 320 
UEckey, J. B.. 179, 201 
Dkkh&uSBf , E., 180 
Dickinson, B. M.. 144, 150 
Diclrinaon, J,. 339 
Dickinsan, J. T., 339 
Dickinson. R. G., 179 
Dickson, J. V. E., 31S 
Dicksnn, W, M,, 254,275 
Diesel, N. P., ISI 
Dietrichson, G.. 95, 100 
Dietz, H. P., 257. 264. 274. 

Dietz. v.. 20 
Dietzler, A.J., 437 
Digges, T. G., 133. 137 
Dike, T. W., 395 
Dille, J. M., 226 
DiUon, J. H., 407, 417 
DiUon, R. T., 312, 322 
DiUs, L. B., 260, 275 
DingwaU, A., 21, 31, 111. 116 
Distler. B. P.. 76 
Dittmar, J. H.. 247, 252 
Ditto, M. W., 286, 317 
Dixon, B. S., 132, 137 
Dixon, J. K . ^5, S9, 142, 149 
Dobbins, J. 1., 70. 93, 100 
Dobroseky, I. D., 257, 276 
Dodd. L. E.. 120, 132 
Dodge, B. P., 65, 75. 84, 89, 

ISO, 182 
Dndgis, J. F., 319 
Dodge, W. O., 372,377 
Doebbeling, S. E,, 248 
Doede, C, 98, 101 
Dohert^H W, T., 358 
Doaleavy, J. J., 216 
Dooley. M, P.. 33 
Doolittle, A. K,, 340 
Dorfman, M. 25,30.201 
Duroiii^h, G. L., 304 
niMifJ^ K,, H6l,374 
Dougan,R.B., 11,31 
Dougherty, G., 204, 215, 434, 

Doughty, E. W., 27, 31 
Doughty, R. H., 370, 371, 376 
Douglas. S. D., 180, 393 
Douglas, T. B., 68, 75 
Douglass, W. A., 405, 417 
Dounce, A. L., 215 
Dove, W. B., 267, 275 
Dover, M. V., 152, 160, 179. 


Digitized by 




Dow, H. H., 168, 161 
Dow, R. B., 23, 31, 75, 182 
Dowdell. R. L.. 131. 136 
Dowling. A. S.. 238, 260 
Downes, A. W., 141, 149 
Downing, P. B.. 379, 393, 432. 

Downs, C. R.. 396. 466 
Doyle, J. E.. 216 
Drabkin, D. L., 216 
Drake. B. H., 396 
Drake, G. W., 97, 101 
Drake, N. L.. 181, 272, 276, 

Draper, R. B., 69, 76 
Draves, C. Z., 348, 366 
Dreshfield, A. C, 368, 376 
Dresser, A. L.. 100 
Drew, E. P.. 367 
Dreyfus, C, 397 
Dreyfus, H., 181, 182 
Drier, R. W., 143, 160 
Driggers. B. P., 268, 276 
Dryer. G. G., 339 
DuBois, D., 227 
Dubpemell. G.. 140, 149 
Dubrisay, R.. 179 
Dudley, H. C. 107. 116 
Dudley, H. W., 226 
Duffendack, O. S., 110, 116 
Dufraisse, C, 184 
Duke, W. v., 287, 317 
Dull, M. P., 203 
DuMond, J. W., 84. 89 
DuMond. J. W. M., 119, 122 
Dunbar, C, 368 
Dunbrook, R. P., 403, 416 
Duncan, A. B. P., 66, 181 
Duncan, C. W., 236, 241, 249. 

Duncan. R. A.. 366 
Dunegan, J. C, 278 
Dungan, P. H., 267, 276 
Dunham, A. R., 313, 323 
DunUe. H. H.. 121. 123. 128, 

Dunn, C. L., 15, 32, 101, 112, 

Dunn, E. P., 269, 275 
Dunn, T. H., 296, 319 
Dunn, M. S., 216, 232, 249 
Dunning, J. W., 266, 276, 277 
Dunstan, A. E., 300, 320 
duPont, L., 463 
Durant, W. W., 396 
Dutcher, H. A., 107, 115 
Dutcher, R. A., 239, 260 
Dye, H. W., 257, 279 
Dyer, H. M., 231, 248 
Dykstra, H. B., 180, 383, 393, 

394, 396, 434, 439 
Dymock, J. B., 182 

Eash, J. T., 143, 146, 160 
Eastman, E. D., 65, 76 
Ebaugh, N. C. 314. 323 
EbeHng, W., 261. 264, 275, 

Ebers, E. S., 201, 216 
Ebert, G., 180 
Ebert, M. S., 88, 89, 92. 100, 

Eck, J. C, 184, 201 
Eck, L. J., 286, 316 
Eckart, C, 56 
Eckerson, S. H., 362, 374 
Eckert, P. E.. 298, 320 
Eckman, J. R., 400 
Bdds, R., 202 

Eddy. C. O.. 260, 267, 275 
Eddy, C. T., 137 
Eddy, H. C. 169, 161 
Eddy, N. B., 227 
Eddy, W. P.. 134, 137 
Edie. P. M., 254, 277 
Bdland. L. A., 412, 418 
Edlund, D. L., 134. 137 
Ediund, K. R., 182. 438 
Edmonds, S. M., 103, 105. 

Edmunds, C. W., 227 
EdsaU, J. T.. 20, 29, 31. 57. 

64. 74. 76, 182, 202 
Edwards, B. S.. 394 
Egerton, L., 427. 437 
Egge, W. S., 415, 418 
EgU. H., 21 
Egloff, G., 36. 43, 180, 299, 

300. 320. 337, 338, 339. 397 
Ehret. W. P., 94. 100 
Eidinoff, M. L., 68 
Eilers. L. K.. 227 
Eisenmann, K., 396 
Eifimgpr, J. O.. 338 
EMey. J. B.. 1B2, 204, 216 
Elbe, G. von, 37, 39, 43, 59. 

60, 65. 7-4, 75, 310. 322 
ElbeL E., a57 
Eldprfield, R. C.. 193, 203 
Eidfcdn D. N,. 264, 278 

Eldn, L C. 77 
ElfedEE. H. C 357 
EUingfr, G. A.* 127. 131, 132. 

Etliot, P. A. < 337 

Elliott . M. A, 286, 317 

Elliott. N.MS 

Hllia, C, tSO, 301, 320, 367. 

37S. mi. in^, 394, 395, 396. 

3U7< 426, 437* 465 
ElliB, E. L., 74, 183 
Ellfs, L, N., 236, 249 
Ellis, N. R., 114, 116,229,248 
EIU5. S. B., 10ft, 116 
El[[.w, L. O., 267, 278 
KiCms, E. H., 318 
Elsey. H. M., 204 
Elvehjem, C. A.. 216, 236. 

238, 239, 249. 250 
Ely, E. C. 77 
Embree, N. D., 22, 31, 75 
Emrnv, ■B..44,'>, 463 
Efiitry, F. H-, 111, 116 
Eniniett, P. H., 65, 80, 83, 

88, S9, U2, 149 
Emsch^lller, G., 179 
Engpl. L. L., 202 
Enfiland, A.. Jr., 31, 76, 183 
English, H.,249 
EnghiTifl, L. H„367 
Enterliiie, H. M., 394 
Epstein, R. C, 462, 454, 457 
Epstein, S.. 128. 132. 136. 

Erdahl, B. P., 413, 418 
Erickson. J. L. E.. 201 
Ernst, A. H., 148, 161 
Erwin, R. P., 366, 376 
Esselen, G. J.. 369, 374. 378, 

Essex, H., 76 
Etzel, G., 367 
Evans, C. 228 
Evans, E. A., Jr.. 249 
Evans, G. H., 67 
Evans, H. M., 230, 237, 238, 

241. 248. 260. 251 

Evans. M. D.. 228 
Evans, M. G., 9 
Evans. O. B.. 286. 316 
Evans, R. N., 312, 322 
Evans, S, M , 403, 41d 
Evans, T., 182, 43S 
Evans, T, W., 77 
Evans, W, L., 427, 437 
E\^ne, W. V„ SI, 89, 156, 

E verb art, J. L., 394 
Evera, C. P.. 372, 377 
Ever&dle, W. G.. 27, 31 
Eversoti, G. J., 238, 249 
Ewart, R. H., 02, 100 
Ewdl, R.H;.70.7e. 77 
Ewing, S., 302, 303, 321 
Ewinfi, A, J., 226 
Eyer, J. R., 266, 276 
Eym&nn, C, 294, 31S 
Eymann, JC.,2&4*3ie 
Eyre, J. V., ISO 
Eyring, H., 7, 8, 9, 3 1, 32. 38, 

39, 41, 42, 43, 44. 57, 92. 

100. 143, 160,311,322 

Pabian, P. W., 247. 252 
Pahey, P.. 311, 312, 322 
Pahey, J. E.,278 
Paick. C. A., 76 
Pairley, T. J., 411. 416. 418 
Pairlie, M., 458 
Pajans, K., 103 
Pales, J. H.. 254, 275 
Palk, K. G.. 230. 248 
Pall, P. H., 348, 349, 355 
Pancher, G. H., 337 
Parquhar, S. T., 369, 376 
Paris, B. P.. 149, 227, 228. 

Parley, A. J., 254, 275 
Farlow, M. W., 86, 89, 181. 

216, 437 
Parr, W. K., 362. 374 
Parrar. G. E., Jr., 235, 249 
Parrar. M. D., 261. 267. 275 
Parrell. J. K., 179 
Parrington, B. B.. 340 
Parwell, H. W.. 58 
Pasce. E. V.. 181. 203 
Payerweather. B. L.. 271. 277 
Pehlandt. P. R., 182 
Pield. A. L.. 126. 135 
Peinstein, H. L., 228 
Peldman, H. B., 110. 115 
Peldman, J., 165, 161 
Peldman, S.. 26, 32 
Pellets, C. R., 246, 246, 247, 

Peng, C. T., 228 
Penning, K.. 454 
Penske, M. R.. 75. 316. 323, 

326. 339 
Penwick, P., 108, 116 
Peraud, K.. 215 
Perguson, A. L.. 57, 140, 

Perguson, C. S., 395. 396 
Perguson, H. P., 273, 276 
Perguson, J. H.. 432, 438 
Permi, E., 91 
Pemelius, W. C, 93, 100 
Pemholz, E.. 203 
Petz. E.. 119. 122 
Peyder. S., 229. 248 
Pield, A., 262 
Pield. M. C.. 360. 356 
Pieldner, A. C. 288, 289. 314. 

317. 323. 457 

Digitized by 




Picser, L. P., 154, 161. 191. 

202. 203. 204, 205, 207, 

215, 216 
Pieser, M., 191, 202. 204 
Pincke, M. L., 234. 249 
Pindley, J. K., 130, 136 
Pine. R. L., 415. 418 
Pink. C. G., 141. 142. 149, 

150. 157. 161 
Pinlayson, A., 273. 274 
Pinlayson, D., 181 
Pinley. G. H., 324 
Pinn. A. N.. 75 
Piock, E. P., 310. 322 
Pischer. B.. 190 
Pischer. W. von, 103. 105, 

Pish, P. H., 291, 317 
Pisher, C. H., 201. 202, 427. 

Pisher. C. K., 266, 274 
Pisher, E. K., 339 
Pisher, H. L., 407, 417 
Piske, C. H., 235, 249 
Piske, W. P., 465 
Pitz. W.. 319 

Fitagerald. T. B., 183, 203 
FitiiSiinofifi. O., 338 
ineodng. S, H..Jr,. 181 
Plemingr, W, E., 260, 2flft, 275 
Fleming, W. R,, 125, 135 
Pletclier, H. H.. 2+S 
Flett, L. H.p 419, 436 
FleKsert L. A.. £ 1 , 31. 111,1 16 
Flint. R. B., 260, 276. 357. 

Flint, W. P., 2fi7. 275 
Flock, B. J., 339 
Flood, D.T., 17a 
Florance^ H,* 457 
Florence, R. T., 19, 32. 77 
Florenz. M,, 3^ 
Floret, L. de, 299, 320 
Fltievog, E. A., 76 
FltikE.iC. U, 259, 275 
Foley, F, B., 125, 136 
FoIkpT^, K.. 343, 355 
Fonda, B. P.,308, 3:?2 
Pontana. M. G., 74, 113. 110 
Foohesr. W. L., 435 
Foote. F., 118, 122 
Forbes. A. L., Jr., 319 
Forbes, E. H.. 533, 249 
Forbes, G. S., 43 
Forbes* W, A,. 260,275 
Ford. A. S., 307 
Ford. O. M,.319 
Ford, J. H.. 202 
Ford. M, A., 204 
FoTd, T. P., 403. 415. 416, 418 
Fordyce. C. R.. 431, 438 
Foreman, M, O., 273, 274 
Fqnnan, M„24!) 
Fornwalt, H. J., 28, 31 
Forrest, H, O., 455 
PorTfist, L. R., 318 
Forsce, W. T., Jr.,216 
Foster, A. L,. dm 
Foster, J. P., 26, 32 
Foster. L. S.. 157, 161, 202 
FoBtftT, L. W., m. 07, 101 
Foster, R.H.K., 227 
Foulk, a W., Ill, 116 
Fowler. A.. 8 
Fowler. A. F,. 242, 251 
Fowler. 11. C, 296, 319 
Fowler. R.M., 111. 116 
Pox. S. W.. 248 
Foy. M.. 203 

Praas, P., 313. 323 

Prance, W. G.. 156, 156, 161 

Pranceway, J. A., 300, 320 

Prancis, E. H.. 313. 323 

Pranck. H. H., 182 

Prank, A., 57 

Prank, A. R.. 182 

Prank, H. C., 365. 375 

Pranke. P. E.. 227 

Pranke. K. W.. 236. 249. 250 

PrankUn. E. C., 94. 100. 140. 

149. 205. 215 
Pranks. R.. 130, 136 
Pranz. R. A., 215 
Praps, G. S., 236, 250 
Frayser, L.. 233. 349 
Frazer, J. C. W.. 100 
FrajJer, E,, 236, 240 
Frear. D. B. Hh. 258, 275 
Frcar, G. L., 426, 437 
Frederick, D, S.. 430 
Frederick, H.^ 260 
Preeborti, S. B., 261, 275 
Freed. S., 57. 61. 74 
FrencK, G.. 358 
FrcDch, H. E,, 179 
French, H. B.. 248 
Fretidenberg:, W., 17S 
Freud en bereer, H., 199 
Frevel. L. C, U9, 122 
Frevcrt. H. W., 313, 323 
Frey, F. E.. 180. 2f>9, 320 
Piickfi, H., 04, lOO 
FriedmsTi, L..362, 374 
FriedolahEim* A. v.. 357 
Friend. W, Z., 208, 320, 338 
FrieniQTi, W. J.. 100 
Pries, F. A,. 180 
Fricscnhahn, P.. 357 
Frietsche. A. C, 319 
Frolich. P. K., 301, 320, 338, 

Fiw-i, ii.. A., 98, 101 
Frost, S. W., 266, 275 
Prost, W. S., 100 
Prush. H. L.. 153. 160. 161, 

427. 437 
Prutchey. C. W., 256, 277 
Pruton, J. S., 249 
Pry, E. G., 227 
Pry, W., 297, 319 
Pukuda, Y., 310, 322 
Puller. M. L.. 119. 122 
Pulmer. E. I.. 181 
Pulton. C. C., 228 
Pulton, K. H., 260, 275 
Pulton, R. A., 152, 160 
Pulton, S. C., 271, 275 
Pulweiler, W. H.. 287, 295. 

303, 304, 306, 314, 317, 319, 

321 323 
Punndl. E. H.. 235, 249 
Purman, N. H.. 105. 108. 

Pumas, C. C., 76, 315, 453 
Puoss, R. M., 24, 25, 28, 31, 

Puson, R. C., 180, 196, 201, 

203, 204, 205, 215 

Garbacz6wna, I., 362, 374 
Gabler. G. C.. 337 
Gabriel. A.. 70, 77 
Gaddy. V. L., 17, 32, 76 
Gaines, A., Jr., 57 
GaUup, J., 76 
Gambill, E. L., 239, 250 
Gans, H. B., 182 
Gant, V. A.. 227 

Garboch, P., 180 

Gardner, H. A., 262. 276. 

390. 396 
Gardner. J. H.. 204 
Garman. P.. 268, 275 
Garman, R. L., 109, 115 
Gamer. C. S., 15. 31, 77 
Gamer. J. B., 284. 301. 316. 

Gamer. R. L.. 182, 189, 202 
Garrard, H. L.. 450, 456 
Garratt, P., 133, 137 
Garrison, C. W., 319 
Garvan, P. P., 457 
Garvey. B. S.. Jr, 402. 416 
Gaucher, L. P., 62. 74. 179 
Gauerke, C. G,. 396 
Gauger, A. W.. 291,317 
Gay. H., 327 
Geer. W. C. 398, 416 
Gehman, S. D». 400. 407. 416, 

Gehrig, E. J., 308. 323 
GehnnanTi, G. H., 456 
Gcib, K, H- 33 
Geier, O. A„ 445, 454 
Geiger. C. W., 296. 319 
Geniefise. J* C. 337, 338 
Gensamer, M,, 121. 123 
Gerastopoloii. B. G.. 154, 161 
Gerber, A. B.. 357 
Gerke, R.H.,14. 406. 417 
Gerlach. G, H,. 227 
German, W. W., 309, 322 
Gcrrmann. F, E, E,. 67. 76 
GerriLz, H. W., 113. 116 
Gerry. H. T.. 179 
Gersdorflf. W, A-, 269, 275 
Gershinowiti, H., 9. 32. 37, 

30,42,43,44. 57 
GcTSteriberger. H. J.. 250 
Gettlef.A. O., 305, 321 
GeU, a A., 103, 111, 114. 

116, 216 
Geyer. B. P.. 202 
Ghering, L. G., 81, 89 
Giauque, W. P.. 60, 61, 74 
Gibbons, W. A., 180. 401. 

414. 416. 418 
Gibbs, C. P.. 216. 434. 439 
Gibbs, E. L., 226 
Gibbs, P. A., 226 
Gibson, K. H., 106, 115 
Gibson. R, E,, 22, 23, 31, 59, 

GieaekinE, J. E., H4, 116 
Gilbert. E, C, 20, 31. 74 
Gilbert. H. N.. 265. 275 
Gilbert. J. J., 410, 4l& 
Gilbertson, L, A., 367. 375 
Gilbertsorj, L. I., 93, 100 
Gilchrist, R.. Ul, 116, 138, 

139, 149 
Gilfillan, E. S., Jr., 98. 101. 

159. 161 
Gill. C.. 444. 454 
Gillaspie. A. G.. 193. 203 
Gillespie, B., 77 
Gillespie, H. B., 438 
GUlett, H. W.. 128. 136. 308. 

Gilliland, E. R., 316, 323 
Gilman, H.. 201, 204. 205, 

215, 421. 423, 433, 436, 438 
Gihnore, B. H., 352, 356 
Ginnings, P. M., 18, 31, 76 
Ginsberg, A. M., 228 
Ginsburg, J. M., 259, 262. 

268, 270, 271, 275 

Digitized by 




GiDBburs. N.. 06. 164 
Ointcr. R. L.. 319. 337 
Gist. W. J., 201 
Givens. f. W.. 243. 261 
Glattfeld, J. W. E.. 86. 80. 

Gleuvcs, I>. L„ J72, 377 
GleaaoD, a. W., 311. 322 
Glotklu-, G.p 56 
Gloor, W. E.. 3tt3. 375 
Glover, P. B., 311. 322 
Gbver, I. G., 453 
Glover. L. C. 267. 277 
Glovef. L. H.* 267. 278 
Gly^^art. C. SL, 228 
Gnadinger, C. B., 257. 268, 

Goblc.A.T..145, 160 
Godfrey. G. H.. 266, 275 
Godsoe. J. A.. 321 
Goeppert-Mayer. M.. 141. 140 
Goettsch, £.. 239. 250 
Goetz. A.. 120. 122 
Gold. H.. 227 

Goldhamer. S. M.. 235. 240 
Goldheim. S. L.. 92. 100 
Goldschmidt. H.. 22 
Goldachmidt. S.. 396 
Goldsworthy. M. C. 255. 

275. 278 
Goldwasser. S.. 88 
GoBmar, H. A.. 294. 318. 319 
GomtK^fB. M„ 190< 203 
Good. R, C 125, 135 
Gooden. E, L,, 216 
Goodhue. L. D., 22. 31, 181 
Goodinfi. C. M.p 2(^, 215 
Goodrich, F, X.228 
Goodwin, P. M., 321 
Gond^n. R. T.. 27?t. 376 
Goransou, R. W., t57, 76 
Gordon. A. R., 58. 60. 74 
Gordon. N. B.. 204 
Gordon, W. B., 190. 202 
Gordon, W. G.. 208, 216. 232. 

Gordon, W. O., 367, 375 
Gordy, E. L., 453 
Gordy, W.. 56 
Goresline, H. E., 262 
Gorin. M. H., 18, 31, 76 
Gortner, R. A.. 361, 365, 374, 

Goslin, R., 58 
Goss, E. P., 244, 251 
Goss. M. J.. 364. 366. 375 
Goss, N. P., 118, 121, 122, 

123, 128, 131. 136 
Gottlieb. H. B.. 438 
Gould. I. A., 243, 251 
Gould, M. D.. 298. 320 
Gould, R. G., Jr.. 201. 215 
Goury. L. G.. 26 
Gowens, G. J., 74, 146, 150 
Grada, A. J., 404, 417 
Graeber, B. G., 88. 89, 181 
Graff, H. P., 122 
Graflf. T. H., 373, 377 
Graflf. S.. 216 
Graham, H. W., 132, 137 
Graham. J. J. T.. 266, 276 
Granett, P.. 262. 268. 270. 

271. 275, 276 
Granger, F. S.. 394 
Grant. D. H.. 262. 269. 276, 

Grant. E.. 269, 278 
Grant. E. M.. 363. 376 

Grant. M.. 202 
Grantham. R. I.. 228 
Graubard, M.. 233. 249 
Graves, G. DeW., 396, 430. 

Gray. A. N.. 409. 417 
Gray. D.. 109. 116 
Grebe, J. J.. 297, 319. 438 
Green. A. A.. 31 
Green. A. B.. 371. 376 
Green. E. L., 256, 260, 276. 

Green, E. W., 15, 31. 77 
Greenberg, D. M., 26, 31 
Greene. C. H.. 93. 100. 105, 

GrcMnfi. E. S., 78, Iftl 
GTeEne, O. V,, 133, 137 
Grt*nhalffh, R. ^67 
Gr^i^nUw, A. Z., 36Q, 375 
Greensteiti, J. P.. 21, 29. 31. 

57. 76. 182. 183. 216 
Greertatonep A., 91, 100 
Green wald, W. F., 396 
Gregff, J, L., 136 
GrtlW, L. J., 73. 77 
Greig, J. W., 77, 160 
Greninger* A., B,. 120, 123 
Grawe, R., 217 
GTty. J. A, de, 301, 320 
Griffin. C. W., 82, 8fl 
GnEfith.R, H.. 3ia 
Grirlith. W. H.. 237. 250 
Gnffith^. F. P.. 242, 251 
Grimes, M. A., 236. 260 
Griinsbaw. L. C. ISO, 136 
Gristtold. E., 19, 31 
Griswold. J., 316. 323 
GriswoH. T„ jr.. 454 
Groff, F.. 393, 3fl4, 3B8 
Grogfdns, P. H,. 203, 419, 
420, 425. 433. 435, 436. 438 
Qmaholi, R.. 33» 
Gross. C. R., 263, 259. 269^, 

276, 27S 
Gross, D. L., 274, 277 
Gross, B. G., 223, 227 
Gross, P. P., Jr., 100 
Gross, P., 16, 31, 71, 77 
Grosse, A. V., 87, 89, 91, 96. 
100, 104, 114. 179, 194, 
203, 338 
Grossmann, M. A., 133, 137 
Grosvenor, W. M., 456 
Grove, A. B., 256, 267, 276 
Gruber, C. M., 227, 228 
Gruber, E. E., 202 
Grupe, H. L., 396, 413, 418 
Grupelli, L. D., 466 
Gruse, W. A., 296, 319 
Gubelmann, I., 423, 436 
Gucker, P. T.. Jr., 20, 23, 31, 

GuelUch, G. E., 136 
Guerrant, N. B., 239, 240, 

250, 261 
Gugehnan, L. M., 341, 366 
Guggenheim, E. A., 17 
Guenther, P., 366, 368 
Guilbert, H. R., 236, 260 
Gullickson, T. W., 241, 261 
Gumaer, P. W., 466 
Gurin, S., 212, 217, 260 
Gurley, R. D., 372, 377 
Gustafson, H., 437 

Haag. H. B.. 227. 228 
Haas. A. R. G.. 244. 245, 262. 
264. 266. 276 

Hadlock, C. 75, 179 
Httjier. A,, 263, 379 
HaffQod, J..2S4. 276 
HahT5, D. A.. 426. 437 
Haigh. L. D., 139, 140 
Haines. E. C„ iSl, 203 
Haines. H, W.. 3^ 
Hale. W. J.. 445, 453, 456 
Hale, W. S., 244, 245, 251, 

H&lc^y, D. E.. 26S. 275 
Halford, j.Q.. 77,173 
Hall, A. L., 456 
Hall, A, R,, 139,149 
Hall, E. L., 286, 286, 316, 317 
Hall, H., 251 
Hall, J. L., 29. 31.75 
Hall, L. P.. 356 
Hall. R., 134, 137 
Hall. T. B.. 357 
Hall. W. H., 93. 100 
Hallcr. H. L.. 26-1, 26S, 269, 
Haller, M. H.. 258, 350, 274, 

HallfTian. L. P.. 232, 249 
Hallomn, C- P., 243, 251 
Hfllpem, O.p 16, 21, 24, 31, 

Halpin. J. G,, 249 
Ham. P. W., 396 
Ham, W, R.. 140. 149 
Hainan, R, W., 260 
HamUet. C, H., 93. 100. 181 
Hamer, W. J-, 13, 14, 17, 37.,76,77 
Hamm, W. H., 178 
Hamilton, C. C, 25S, 276 
Hamilton, C, S„ 86, 89, 202, 

21)4. 215 
Hamilton. N.. 126. 135 
Hamilton. W. P.. 309, 322 
Hammer. B. W., 243. 244. 251 
Hammerschmidt. E. G.. 298. 

Hanmiett. L. P.. 12, 21, 31, 
32, 67, 103. 106. 111. 114, 
116. 141. 149, 181 
Hammond, E. S., 100 
Hammond, J. P., 180 
Hammond, P. D., 204, 216, 

Hamor. W. A.. 440, 441, 443, 

444, 453. 464, 466 
Hancock, R. S^ 421, 436 
Handforth, S. L., 147. 160 
Handorf, B. H.. 17. 31. 32, 

76, 181 
Hanford, W. E., 204. 226 
Hanks. W. V.. 300. 320 
Hann. R. M., 204, 217 
Hannum, J. E., 447. 465 
Hansen. C. J.. 294. 318. 319 
Hansen. L. A.. 360. 374 
Hansen. V. A.. 436 
Hansen. W. W.. 144. 160 
Hansley. V. L.. 180 
Hanson. A. C., 75 
Hanson. G. B.. 158. 161 
Hanson. L. I.. 201 
Hanson. N. D.. 395 
Hanson. W. E.. 110. 115 
Happel. J.. 313, 323 
Harbison, R. W.. 142. 147. 

149. 160 
Harbome. R. S.. 349. 366 
Harder. O. E.. 146. 160 
Harding. P. L.. 246. 252 
Hardman. A. P.. 407, 417 

Digitized by 




Hargreaves, C. C, 226 
Harkina. W. D.. 98, 101, 34a 

Harkness, R. W., 80. 89, 142, 

Harlow, E. V., 159, 161 
Haroldson, A., 396 
Haroldson, A. H., 394 
Harman, M. W., 403, 416 
Harman, S. W., 262, 276 
Harned, B. K., 228 
Harned, H. S., 7, 13, 14, 15, 

22, 31, 66, 71, 75, 77 
Harper, I. M., 260 
Harper, W. W., 100 
Harrar, E. S., 373, 377 
Harrington, R. H., 132, 136 
Harris, B. R., 358 
Harris. C. R., 265, 276 
Harris, E. E., 364, 375 
Harris. L., 56, 140. 149. 203. 

Harris. M., 279 
Harris. M. M., 248 
Harris. P. L., ISO 
Harris. R. S.. 241, 250. 251 
Harris. S. A., 204 
Harrison, P., A55 
Harrison, R. W.. 251 
Harrison, T. R., 313, 323 
Harrison, W. D.. 367. 375 
Hart. E. B„ 236. 238. 249. 

Hart, G.H., 236. 250 
Hart. L. P., 390. 395 
Hart, M. C. 202. 326 
Hart. R.. 34fi, 355 
Harteck, P., 33 
Hartford. P. D.. 455 
Hartford. W. H., 07. 101 
Hartman, E. F., 273, 276 
Hartman. W. W., 17(1 
Hartting. W. H., 142, 149, 

HartweU, J, L.. 203, 204, 216 
Haftwlp. C. E„ 318 
HartzeM, A.. 263, 276 
Hartzell, P* Z.. 2fi2, 270 
Harvey, C. L., J 28. i:i6 
Harvey < N. D., Jr., 344, 355 
Haflclie, R. L,* 181 
Hasalwood, G. A. D., 191 
HaflfcolL B., Ji-,, 457 
Hass, H. B., 338 
Hasselstrom, T., 202. 215 
Hassidt W. Z., iftg, 161 
Hatcher, R, A., 227, 228 
Hatcher, R, L., 228 
Hatcher* W. H., 44, 437 
Hatfield. H. S., 454 
Hathaway, M. L.. 250 
Haupt* G, W., 10«, 115 
Hauser, C. R., 193, 203 
Havsnhill, R. S., 405. 417 
Hawerlander, A., 397 
Hawkcs, J. B., 58 
Haydea, A. H., 228 
Hayden, O. M., 410, 417 
Hayes, E. P., ai9 
Hayncfl, W., 440. 441, 442, 

443, 445/ 449, 450, 452. 

45a, 455, 456. 457 
Hasell, E., 413. 418 
Haaua. T.. 3&4 
Haslet, S. E., 204 
Heald. F. D., 258, 374 
Healy, F. J., 339 
Hup, M.k,252 
HeajMi. C. W„ 123 

Heard. J. R.. Jr.. 153. 154. 

160. 437 
Heath. M. A.. 141. 149 
Heath. S. B.. 274. 276, 297, 

Hebl, L. E., 339 
Heck, A., 394, 396 
Hedenburg, O. P., 254, 276 
Heggie, R., 179, 204 
Heiber, P., 190 
Heidt, L. J., 43 
Heiligman, H. A., 294, 295, 

HeiUgman, R., 228 
Heiman, V., 244, 251 
Heindlhofer, K., 129, 136 
Heisig, G. B., 86. 89, 180 
Helgeson, J., 431, 438 
Heller, M., 287, 317 
Hellerman, L.. 182. 189. 202, 

233 249 
Hehners, C. J., 162, 160, 179. 

Helwig. E. L., 153, 160 
Hemingway, A., 108, 115 
Hemminger, C. £., 283, 316 
Henderson, C. T., 368, 375 
Henderson, R. G., 257, 276 
Henderson, V. £.. 228 
Hendricks. S. B., 56 
Hendrickson, J. R., 366, 373, 

375, 377, 
Hendrixson, P., 436 
Henke, C. O., 357. 358 
Henne, A. L., 107, 115, 179. 

400, 416, 423, 436 
Henning, C. C., 125, 135 
Henning, P., 145, 149 
Hennion, G. P., 180, 181, 203, 

Henriques, V. deP., 252 
Henry, A. M., 259, 276 
Hensill, G. S., 259, 276 
Hensely, W. A.. 338 
Hentrich, W., 356 
Herbert, W., 318 
Hereng, A. J. A., 317 
Hergert, W. D., 251 
Heritage, C. C.. 369, 371, 374, 

Herman, C. R., 44, 180 
Hermsdorf, W. H., 320 
Hemdon, T. C., 109. 115 
Herrick, G. W., 267. 276 
Herrick, H. T., 230, 248 
Herrmann, C. V., 75 
Hersh, R. E., 339 
Hershberg, E. B., 202 
Hershberger, A., 351, 356 
Hershey, A.V., 108. 115 
Herty, C. H., 361, 370, 374 
Herty, C. H.. Jr., 124. 126, 

133, 135, 137 
Hertzog, E. S., 314 
Hervey, G. E. R.. 270, 276 
Herzbcrg, P., 318 
Herzfeld, K. P., 8. 33, 82, 89, 

141, 149 
Hesler, W. W., 323, 339 
Hess. P. L.. 146. 150 
Hess. W. C.. 226. 232. 249 
Hessel. P. A., 457 
Hester, E. A., 228 
Hetherington, H. C., 180 
Hettinger, A. J., Jr., 457 
Heuer, W., 180 
Heuter, R., 358 
Heyrovsk^, J., 102 
Hibben, J. H., 56 

.L.. 230, 248 

r 76. 77, 183, 203, 

Hibbert. H.. 393 
Hickfiy. G. M., 148, tSl 
Hicks. L. C, 128. 136 
Hidnert, P., 75 
Hiemlce. H. W., 129, 136 
Hiffhbergcr, J. H., lOD, US 
Highstone, W. H.. 227 
Hilbert, G. E., 66, 203, 205, 

Hildebrand, E. M.. 265, 276 
HildirbTarsd, F. C, 248 
HildEbrand, J. H,. 17, 31. 68, 

Hileniati, J. 
Hill. A. E., 

346, 355 
Hill, A. L, 216 
Hill. D. M., 76 
Hill. E„ 220. 248 
Hill. E. S., 320 
Hill. G, A., 204 
Hill. H. B., 206 
Hill, J. B,, 457 
Hill. J, W., 180, 434, 439 
Hill. S. B„ Jr., 254, 27fl 
Hill, W-H., 292. 317. 318 
Hillhouae, C. B., 287, 317 
Hillis, D. M., 159, 161 
Himnielfarb, D„ 182 
Himmelsbach, C. K.. 227 
Himwich. H. E., 227 
Hintermaier. A.. 367 
Hippie, J. A., Jr., 77 
Hirsch, A.. 158, 161,357 
Hifscbf elder, J. 0., 56, 58 
Hirsh. F, R., Jr., 145, 160 
Hitcli, E, F,. 424, 436 
Hitchcock, D. I., 11, 31 
Hitchcock, L. B., 31 
Hixon. R. M., 32, 31, ISI. 376 
Hijtwn. A. W., 294, 318,440 
HJQit, A. M.. Ill, 116 
Hoard, J. L,. 15, 32, 101,112, 

Hobba. R. B., 129. 136 
Hoberman, H. D.. 204 
Hobrock, R. H.. 123 
Hockctt, R, C, 164. 161 
Hochwalt. C. A.. 396 
Hodge, E, B., 338 
H5neU H., S95, 396 
H5m(^3chmid. O., 149 
Hofsasa. M„ ISO, 318, 356 
Hogan, R W,. 318 
Hogness. T,R, lOO 
Hok&, C. M., 148, 150 
Holbrook, G, E.,315. 323 
Holbrook, H, E„ 147, 151 
Holdcrby J. M.» 366. 374, 

375. 377 
HoUabflUgh, C. B., 369. 370 
Holland, M., 444. 464 
Molley, k. T., 236. 249 
Holm. B., 415, 418 
Holm, M. M., 182 
Holmes, A., 340 
Holmes^ A. D., 236, 349 
Holmes, a R., 317 
Holmquiat, J, L., 126. 136 
Hoit,L. a,436 
Holt>H.S., 396. 40^,417 
Holt, W. L., 402. 404, 406, 

416. 417 
Holton, A. B., 182 
Holzer, W. P., 367, 376 
Homerbcrg, V. O., 134, 137 
Honda, K., 136 
Hood, G. R., 166, 161 
Hooft. P. v., 244, 262 

Digitized by 




Hopper, G. S.* Ifi7. 161, 202 
Hoover, J. R.p4tl. 418 
HopChH, B„76, 110.115 
Hopkina, B. S.. as, 101, 157. 

HopWaa, C, P., &G3. 276 
Hopkins, G. R.. 2t>a, 319 
Hopkins, H. H„ 305. 396 
Hopkiiia, P., 139, 149 
HopkinB. R. K., 12a 
Hoitah, A, J,. 250 
Home, J. W., 262. 276 
Home, W. D.. 246. 252, 468 
Horafall, J. L., S.-Sfl. 258, 276, 

Horafall, W. R , 265, 276 
Horsley, G. F., 183 
HorvBth. A. A,, 245, 252 
Hdi-vitz, D., 227 
Horwood, J. R, 44 
HoskiDs, W. M., 369. 267, 

Hossack, A. B.. 456 
Hottel, H. C, 307. 310, 321. 

Hiiugtiii. O. A,, 115, 323 
HotJgh, G. J., 107, 115 
Hough, W. S.. 254. 276 
Houghton, P. C, 313h 323 
Kounhton, H. W,, 265, 276 
Houpt, A. G., 437 
Routz, R. C, 381, 393 
Hovey, A. G., 396 
Hovorka. F., 14. 31. 109, 115 
Howftld, A. M,, 395 
Howsr^, D. H.. Jr., 95, 100 
Howard. F. A., 451, 456 
Howard. G. C, ^06, 375 
Howard. H. C. 390, 317 
Howard. J. B., 57 
Hoflrard. J. W., 203 
Howard, N. P., 255, 271, 276 
HoTt-c, A. H. D., 313, 323 
Howe, E, £>.. 300, 322 
Howe, H. E„ 441 
Howes* H., 227 
Howland, L. H>. 405, 417 
HowBon, C. E., 394 
Hoyer, D, G., 285, 276 
Hort, L, P.. 355. 357 
Hoyt. S. L., 125, 130, 135, 136 
Hru beaky, C. E., 366, 375 
Htibbard, D,, 75 
Hubbard, D. M., 107, 115 
HubbeU. H. B., 247. 252 
Hubaer, W. H,» 339 
Huckett. H, C, 270, 276 
HuettiK. H„ Jr.H 76 
HiJey. C. S., 437 
Hnff, W, J., 280, 286, 315, 

HuiTaker, N. M.. 297, 319 
Huffman. C. F., 236. 241. 249, 

Huffjoan. II, M., 74. 75, 183, 

HwgginB. M, L., 57, 144, 150 
Hugbes, E. D., 179 
Hughes, E, E,. 373, 377 
Hughes, G., 58 
HtiBhes, J. S,, 240. 250 
Hughes. K, H., 229. 248 
Hughes, T. P., 131. 136 
Hulett, G. A., 25,31 
Hull. C. 444,454 
Hull, G, P., Jr., 66, 170 
Huraphrijy. B, J., 407, 417 
Humphrey, I, W., 397 

Hunt, A. E., 298, 320 
Hunt. D,J.. 239, 250 
Hunt, F, B„ 318 
Hunt. H., 16, 32, 76 
Hunt, tK, 397 
HuTit, M,, 183, 215, 439 
Hunt, M. J.. 245. 250, 253 
Huut^r, J. E.. 251 
Hunter, R, S., 371, 372, 377 
Hunter. T. G., 339 
Hunter, W. H,. 160, 162 
Hunttf^gton, H. B., 5S 
Huntington, R. U, 339 
Hurd. C. D., 181, 182, 201, 

202, 203. 299. 320 
Hurd, L, C., 107, 115 
Hurley, P. H., 106, 116 
Hurst. D. A,. 395 
HuTst, E., 456 
Hurst. W., 207. 320 
Hurt, R.H„ 257. 262, 276 
HurtftT, A., 457 
HuBcher. M. K. 179,436 
Huston, R, a, 204, 228 
Hutchison, A. W., 14, 32. 77 
Hutton, D,. 393 
Hutton, M.K., 240 
Hutton, W. A., 357 
Hmcford, TV. S.. 81, fi9 
Huyset.H. W.. 182 
Hylbrsiia, B. A„ 38, 43 
Hyman. J.. 394, 401, 415 

Ihrig, H. K., 367 
Iliff, J. W., 396 
Imboden, M., 251 
Imes, H. C. 166, 161 
Ingmanson, J. H., 416 
Ingold, C. IL, 178 
Ingram, T. R., 337 
Inman, M. T., 268, 276 
Insley, B. G., 84. 89 
Insley, H., 70, 76, 77 
lob, L. v., 241, 261 
Ipatieflf, V. N., 87, 89, 179, 

180, 194, 203, 299, 320, 

338, 430, 438, 439 
Iranoflf, S. S., 256, 278 
Irey, K. M., 394, 396 
Isbell, H. S., 163, 160, 161, 

427, 437 
Isenberg, S.. 100 
Isenburger. H. R., 121, 122, 

123, 136, 137 
Isham, P. D., 246, 262 
Isham, R. M., 430, 438 
Itter, S., 238, 260 
Ittner, M. H.. 341, 366, 356 
Ives, H. E., 393 
Ivy, A. C, 227 
Izard, E. P.. 431, 438 

rack, E. L., 243, 261 

rack, H. C, 409, 417 

rackson, C. A., 339 

rackson, £. A., 339 

Jackson, E. H., 394 

rackson, R. W., 208, 216, 

232, 248, 249 
Jackson, W. P., 37. 43, 89 
Jacobs, P. B., 364, 376 
Jacobs, R. B., 122 
Jacobs, S., 416, 418 

Iacobs, W. A., 219, 226 
acobsen, C. P., 228 
acobson, B. M., 235. 249 
acobson, D. L., 318, 321 
acobson, M. G., 313, 323 
Jacobson, R. A., 393, 395, 396 

acoby^ A. L., 204 
Jaeger, A. O., 159. 161 
Jagmin, A., 301. 320 
Jahti. E, a, 372. 377 
Jakosky, J. J., 158, 161 
James, C. L., 453 
James, H. M,. 57, 58 
tamea, J. H., 271, 376 
Jamieaon, G. S., 245, 252 
Jamison, E. A-. 298. 320 
Janes. R. B., 57. 143, 150 
Jan sen, E* P.. 216 
JaUBSen, P„ 183 
Jarabek. H, S., 135 
Jarmug. J. M„112, 116,373, 

Tarry, R. M., 318 
Jaync, D. W.. Jr., 257. 258, 

274, 276 
Jebb, W. T., 286, 316 
JeflFreys, C. E. P., 232, 249 
Telen, P. C, 76 
ennings, W. H., 134. 137 
ensen, H., 232, 249 
eppesen, M. A., 66, 58 
esse, W. P., 122, 123 
essup, D. A.. 363, 375 
essup, R. S., 74, 400, 416 
ette, E. R., 117, 118, 119. 
122, 417 

Jeu, K. K., 393 
ewett, J. E., 164, 161 
ohn, H., 373, 377 
Johnsen, B., 369, 374, 457 
Johnson. A.. 283, 316. 394 
Johnson, A. H., 107. 115. 351, 

Tohnson, C. C, 266, 276 
ohnson, C. R., 26, 31 
fohnson, E. R.. 129, 136 
Johnson, J. H., 204 
Johnson, M. O.. 262, 276 
Johnson, N. J., 141, 149 
Johnson, R., 203 
Johnson, T. B., 202, 203. 215, 

216, 217 
Johnson, T. W., 298, 301, 

320 321 
Johnsin, W. C. 96, 97, 100, 

Johnson. W. W.. 204. 396 
Johnston, C. B., 227 
Johnston. H. L.. 74, 93, 100 
Johnston, J. M., 227 
Johnston, M., 66, 57 
Joliot, P., 90 

Jominy, W. E., 307, 321, 322 
Jones. B., 463 
Jones, C. L., 457 
Jones, G., 25, 28, 31, 75, 143, 

Jones, G. W., 306. 310. 311, 

321, 322, 338 
Jones, H. A., 269, 270, 271, 

272, 274, 276 
Jones, H. LaB., 179. 436 
Jones, H. W., 466 
Tones, I. H., 318 
rones, J. H., 241, 248, 251 
rones, M. C. K., 312, 322 
fones, R. M., 266, 276 
[ones. R. N., 201 
rones, W. N., 398, 454, 466 
rordan. C. B., 228 
rordan, C. W.. 304, 306, 314, 

319, 321 
Jordan. H. P., 348, 355 
Jordan, L., 122, 128, 133, 
136. 137 

Digitized by 




Joseph. L.. 204 

Joseph. N. R.. 20. 21. 31, 75, 

Joshua. W. P.. 182 
Joslyn. M. A., 203, 245. 246, 

262. 437 
Jost. W.. 140. 149 
Judd. D. B.. 371. 372, 377 
Juettner, B., 290, 317 
Jukes. T. H., 21, 31, 238, 250 
Jukkola. E. E., 101, 157. 161 
JuKan, P. L., 201, 204, 208. 

216, 217. 220. 226 
Jungers, J. C, 36, 43, 80, 85, 

89, 178 
Jurgensen, D. P., Jr., 77 
Junst, A. E., 228 
Juterbock, E. E., 44, 180 

Kable, J.. 201 

Kadow, K. J., 254, 256, 276 

Kahlenberg. L.,.140, 141, 142, 

149. 150 
KahlenberK, 0- J., 240 
Kaiser, H. P., 120» 122 
KAfser, W, J., 357 
Kalish, J., 458, 457 
ICaltenbftch, C. E., 358 
Kamerlingt S, E.i 21 
Kaminskr* J*, 203 
Kanim* O., 2D3 
Kamner, M. E.^ 9, 31 
Kampp J. van de, 193, 202 
Kane, T,, 43S 
Kaneko, G. K.. 203 
Kantrowitz, M. S., 373, 377 
Kaplan. J., 215 
Karapfltoff, V., 160, 162 
Karus, G* M., 25a, 276 
Karpenko, V., 107, 116 
Kamck, L. a, 317 
Kaflline, C, T.* 106. 115 
Kaaul, L, S., 9, 31, 33 , 35, 42, 

43, 57* 74p B2, 100, 179 
Kaufman, S,, 145. 150 
Kawakami, Y., 350, 356 
Kaye, A. L., 92. 100 
Keane, J. C. 247, 252 
Keats, J. L., 396 
Xeenan, J. A., 238, 250 
Keenan, R. A., 410.417 
Kceoe/, P. E,^, 352, 363, 356 
Keffler, L. J. I^., 74 
Keillor, J, 291, 317 
Keith, P. C. Jr., 338, 339, 455 
Keller* K,, 356 
Kellej^. G, A„ 77 
KfeUey, V. \Sr..261,275 
Kcllog, A. M,, 112, 116 
KeUqg,H. B., 112. 116 
Kelly, T. L., 431, 438 
Kdly. W. R.. 75 
Kelaey, G, W., 455 
Ktflsey. V. V., 453 
Kembte, E. C-* 67 
Kemlfir, E., 316, 323 
Kemmer, H., 292, 3lS 
Kemmeiich, W. E„ 421. 436 
K-"-!.i. \ R , 4^1*^. J 12. 417, 

Kemp, L. C, Jr., 314, 323 
Kennard, M. A., 228 
Kennedy, E. J.. Jr., 120, 122 
Kennedy, G. P.. 368, 375 
Kennedy, R. E., 311, 322, 338 
Kennelly, R. G., 207, 215 
Kenney, J. R.. 227 
Kenyon. R. L.,^132, 136, 137 
Keppler, H.. 356, 358 

Keresztesy, J. C, 212, 217, 

Kern, J. G., 356 
Kern, R., 357 
Keras, C, 154, 161 
Kerrick, W. B., 357 
Kersten, H., 122 
Kertesz, Z. I., 229, 248 
Keston, A. S., 13, 31, 77, 109, 

Kettering, C. P., 453 
Keyes, D. B., 157. 161 
Keyes. G. H., 217 
Kharasch, M. S., 163, 180, 

194, 203, 226. 256, 276 
Kidder, W.K., 359, 374 
Kiehl, S. J.. 109. 115 
Kienle, R. H., 160, 162, 309. 

Kieman. H. G., 410, 417 
Kiesselbach, T. A., 274. 277 
Kik. M. C, 230, 248. 249 
KiUeffer. D. H., 255, 343, 

394. 454, 457 
Killian, D. B., 180. 181 
Kilmer, P. B.. 256, 278 
Kilpatrick. M., 76. 103, 114, 

Kilpatrick, M., Jr., 11, 21, 22, 

Kimball. G. E., 57 
Kimberly, A. E.. 369, 376 
Kimmel, L., 252 
Kind, W., 356 
King, A. M., 349, 355 
King, C. G.. 230, 239, 248, 

King, E.C. 401,416 
King, H. K., 322 
Kiryr, L. A., Jr„ 75, 216, 437 
King. M.R„ 227 
King. R. J., 401, 415 
Kmg, '1\, 3f)9. 322 
King, W. H.. 426, 437 
KinnesT, C. R., 75, 202 
Kinjiey, G. P.. 109. 115 
Kan ad, A. B.. 125, 126. 135 
Kirby. J. E.. 393 
Kifby,R.H.. 301 
Kiroher, C. E,. Jr., 320 
Kirk, R. C.. 154, 161,437 
Kirkpatrick, A., 363. 375 
KirkpatricV, S. D., 416, 440, 

441, 446, 453, 455 
Kirkpfltrick, W. H.. 215 
Kirkwood, J. G., 7, U, 20, 23, 

Kimer, W. R., 314, 323 
Kirschman, H. D., 99, 101, 

140, 149 
Kirstahler, A., 357 
Kise, M. A., 216 
Kistiakowsky, G. B., 33, 35, 

37, 43. 44, 63. 66, 74, 75. 

78, 89, 179, 204, 437 
Kitchel, R. L., 267, 276 
Klabunde, W., 157. 161 
Klar, R. L., 305. 321 
Kleiderer. E. C.. 226 
Klein. H.. 249. 436 
Klein, J. j., 456 
Kleiner, I. S., 246, 252 
Klemgard, E. N.. 340 
KUne, O. L., 238, 250 
Klooster, H. S. van, 92. 100 
Klotz, L. J., 266, 276 
Klotz, L. P., 244, 252 
Klugh, B. G., 456 
Knapp, A., 296, 319 

Knapp. B, H.,15B. 161 
Kneeland. R. X, 24S, 252 
KnJght. H,, 261, 263, 376^ 277 
Knight, H. G., 455 
Knight, O, A., 127, 129. 131, 

135. 136 
Knight, O. S.. 67, 76 
Knoeppcl, C. E.. 456 
Koorr, C. A., 141, 140 
Koote, 1 M., 317 
Knott, E. M.. 240 
Knowles. D. a, Jr„ 111. 116 
Knowlca, E. C. 340 
Knowles. R, 433. 43 & 
Knowles/H. U., 113, 116 
KnpwltQn, H. S., 305. 321 
ICnowlton, U E.t 29h5, 319 
Kny- Jones, P. G., ISl 
Kobe, K. A,. 141, 149, 202, 

312, 322, 366,375, 453 
Koch. E. M., 250 
Koch, P. a, 233, 240. 250 
Kodh, W., 397 
Koehkr, A. E., 229, 248 
Koehn. C. J.,Jr., 338, 250 
Kodaoh, C, P., 184, 201 
Koenig, P. O., 74 
KofiTtig, M. C, 243, 251 
KoerdTriR, P.. 357 
Kohler. :£., 251 
KoMer. E. P.. 181. ISO, 197, 

198. 201. 202, 204, 215 
Kohitian. E. P., 234, 249 
Kollmann, T., 395 
Kolthoff, I. M., 15, 21, 22, 

81, 75. 103, 105, 107, 110. 


Komarewsky, V. I., 203, 338, 

430. 438 
Koons. G. I.. 286, 316 
Koppanyi, T., 226 
Koppers, H.. 318 
Korany, J. A., 315, 323 
Korman. S., 21, 31, 77 
Kossiahoff, A., 15, 32, 101, 

112, 116 
KGsting, P, R.. 130, 136 
Kracek, P. C, 67, 76 
Kraemer, E. O., 106, 115, 

362. 374. 407, 417 
Kraratr. E. N., 93. 100 
Kramer. M. M,. 243, 251 
Krastt, N. W., SS, SO, 181 
Kraup, G. A., 24, 26, 31, 61. 

74, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101 
KrauE, W„ 396 
Krause. W., 140. 149 
Krauskopf, K. B.. 43 
Krauss, W. E., 249, 250, 251 
Kremers, R. E., 242, 251 
Kfcsa. 0„ 366, 367, 371, 372, 

375, 376, 377 
Kriehle,V.K.. 11, 31,77 
Krimmd, M.. 368. 371. 376 
Kristensson, A., 182 
KriTobok, V. N., 122, 132. 

Kroeger, J, W., 07, 101, 430 
Kronquest. A. L., 411,418 
Kropiwmcki, E., 3lB 
Krueger, G. v.. 101 
BCrueger, H., 227 
Kniger, P. G.. 145, 150 
Krumbhaar, W., 396, 3ff7 
Kruae, H. D., 249 
Knitter, H. M., 67, 132 
Kucera, J. J., 1S2, 215 
K^h], F„ 257, 277 

Digitized by 




Kuenbold, O. T., 30f>, 322 
KJuBitsAl. W. E., ISO, 338 

Ktiffaer, P.. ^2& 
Kuhfip C. S., 2lfl 
Kuhn, R. L. 302. 331 
Ktilm, W. E., 3U, 323 
Kwck. L. P., 216 
Kuuiler, W, D., 32. 39, 31 
Kuiiberge^ A. R. 287, 317 
KuTierth, B. L- 251 
Kunitz, M.. 233 p 3iO 
Kunsman, C. H., B4, S9 
Kunst. J>, 456 
Kurath, P,, 395 
Kurth, E. P., 3B2. 374 
Kut!, W. M.. 397 
KuykendaU, D, V, Jr„ 362, 

Kyrides, L, R. 155. 161, 424. 

4136. 43S 

Lacassagne, P. C, 301. 320 

Lacey, C. P., 228 

Lacey. W. N., 75, 76, 297, 

319, 820, 338 
Lachat, L. L., 241, 261 
Lacroix, D. S., 270. 277 
Lacy, K. B., 182 
Ladoo, R. B., 456 
LaPollette, J. R., 261, 279 
LaPorge, P. B., 269, 276, 277 
Lahev, R. W., 456 

Laird, B. R., 56 
Lake, D. B., 141, 149 
LaLande, W. A., Jr., 397 
Lamb, A. B., 63, 75, 83, 89 
Lamb, P. W., 106, 115 
Lambros, G. C.. 142, 150 
La Mer, V. K., 9, 10. 11, 14, 

21, 24, 30, 31, 32. 72. 77. 

Landecker. M.. 395 
Landis. W. S.. 453 
Lane. C. B.. 244, 251 
Lane, G. P., 411, 418 
Lang, J. W.. 35, 43, 299, 313, 

320, 323, 338 
Lange, B., 14 
Lange, N. A., 216 
Lange, W., 101 
Langedijk. S. L.. 181. 182 
Langford. G. S.. 259, 275 
Langkammerer. C. M.. 181. 

424. 436 
Langley. W. D., 216 
Langmuir. I., 28. 82 
Langston. W. C. 242. 251 
Langwell, H.. 180 
Lansing. W. D.. 362. 374. 397, 

407. 417 
Lantz. B. M.. 236, 249 
Larchar. A. W.. 437 
Larsen. B. M.. 126, 135 
Larsen, R. G., 201, 202 
Larsen, W. E., 16, 32, 76 
Larson, A. T., 181, 182, 438 
Lsrson, C. E., 26» 31 
Larson. C. M- 356 
Larson, E.,304h 306, 321 
Lary, E. C, 397. 375 
LoBby, Hh A., 24[i, 251 
La^ereflf, W., 37, 43 
Latham, D. S., Jn5, 114 
Lathrop. E, C. 3rJ3, 374 
Latimer. J. N,. 254, 277 
U«c, E.* 206. 319 
Lat]«r, W. M, ISl, 204, 424, 


Laufer, E. Bh, 448, 455 
Laug, E. P.t 10&, 115 
l^ugbliPnER,, 371.377 
LaugblTn. K. C„ 437 
Laiuie, L. L., ISl 
Laiaritaen, C. C. 01, 100 
Lauter. M. U, 435, 436 
taiittr, W. M., 22S 
Lavin, G* 1.^ 37 
Lavifie, I,. 288, 317 
Uw, H. R.. 76 
La wall, a H., 298, 330 
Lawrence, A. S. C, 350. 351, 

Lawrence, B. O., 143, 160 
Lawrence, W., 261 
Lawson. W. B., 393. 416. 418. 

431, 438 
Lazarus, L. H.. 350, 356 
Lazier, W. A.. 181. 182, 344, 

356. 358 
Lazzell, C. L., 204 
Leahy, M. J., 319, 339 
Leapcr. P. J.. 404. 417 
LeaveU. G.. 114. 116 
Leavenworth, C. S., 108, 116 
Lebeau, P., 149 
LeClerc, J. A.. 244. 262 
Lederer, B. L.. 345, 356 
Lednum. J. M.. 308, 322 
Lee. C. P.. 251 
Lee. C. H.. 156. 161. 201 
Lee. E. P.. 126. 135 
Lee, P. H., 156, 161, 201 
Lee, H. H., 77 
Lee, T., 182 
Lee, J. A., 370. 376 
Lee. W. C, 56 
Lee. W. M.. 264, 277 
Lee, W. Y., 229. 248 
Leekley, R. M.. 182 
Leeming, B. J., 179 
Leete, J. P., 369, 376 
Leeuw, P. j. G. de, 244, 252 
LeGalley, D. P., 122 
Legatski, T. W., 338 
Legault. R. R.. 226 
Leguillon. C. W., 413, 418 
Lehman. M. R., 394 
Leicester, H. M., 203 
Leighton, J. A., 309, 322 
Leithftuser, H., 317 
Leitz. C. P., 366. 376 
Leland. H. L.. 76 
LeMaistre. J. W., 193. 203 
Lempert. J.. 76 
Lenher. S.. 180. 181. 349, 355. 

358, 362, 374 
Lenher, V., Ill, 116 
Lennox, W. G., 226 
Leonard, A. S.. 309. 322 
Leong. Y. S., 455 
Lepkovsky. S.. 230. 237, 238, 

248, 250 
LeRoi, E. J., 339 
Leslie, R. T., 339 
LeSueur, E. A., 467 
Levene. P. A.. 179, 180. 210. 

216. 430, 438 
Levey, H. A., 466 
Levin, M., 413, 418 
Levine, M.. 364. 375 
Levine, N. D.. 267. 277 
Levy. M.. 182. 216 
Lewis. B.. 37, 39. 43. 59, 60. 

65, 74, 76, 310. 322 
Lewis. C. M.. 66 
Lewis, E. J., 110, 115 
Lewis, G. N.. 98. 101. 143. 150 

Lewis. H. B.. 229. 232. 248. 

Lewis, H. P., 359, 367. 373, 

376, 377 
Lewis, T. O., 297, 320 
Lewis, L. C. 371. 377 
Lewis. W. K„ 299. 315. 319. 

320. 323 
Ley, H. A., 334 
Loyden, G, B., 284, 316 
Leyden, T. F. H„ 465 
Li, C. C, 204 
Liafig, P., £28 

Liddel. U,. 56, 202, 207, 216 
Lieber, E., 182* 437 
Liebermann, C. T., 225 
Liebhafsky. H- A., 12, 31. 75 
Liedholm, C. A.. 133, 137 
Lier. H., 357 
Liipfert. W. X. 256, 277 
Lima. A., Jr., 158, 161 
Lincoln. B. H.. 122, 123, 339 
Lini!, S. C, 35, 43, 178. 393 
Lindblom, S., 140, 149 
Liud^ren. D. L,. 266, 27S 
LIndhe, H. B., 39fl 
Undner, K., 357 
Lindsay, J. D.. 75, 338 
Limialy, B, E.. 320 
Lindstaedt, F. P., 260, 268. 

Lindwall, H. G., 201, 207, 

216, 216 
Linegar. C. R., 226 
Lingane. J. J.. 110, 111. 113. 

116. 116. 228 
Linscott. C. B.. 413. 418 
Lionne. B.. 395 
Lippert. T. W.. 121. 123 
LitteU. N.. 464 
Little. A. D.. 454 
Little. B. H.. 357 
Little. V. A.. 271. 277 
Littlefield. J. B.. 313. 323 
Littmann. E. R.. 33. 43. 203. 

Ltttooy, J. P., 260> 277 
Litzinger. A.,216*217 
Liti* T. H., 360, 356 
Livingston. A. E,. 227. 228 
Livingston, M. J., 339 
Livingston, M. S., 91. 100. 

143, 150 
Livingaton, R.. 393 
Llnyci, S. J., 416 
LoekwcKjd, L. B., 230. 248 
Loder, D. J., 201 
Lode wick, J, E*, 373, 377 
Loebell, H. O., 317 
Loetscher* E. C. 396 
Logan. L., 280, 316, 319. 323 
Loguc, P., 357 
Lohsc, P., 04* 100 
Lommcn. F. W., 435, 436 
Long. 2.. 251 
Longsworth. L. G.. 13. 26. 27. 

Loim. B.. 468 
Loos. K.. 394 
Lorand. B. J., 357 
Lorch. A. E.. 109. 116. 141. 

Lorig. C. H.. 128. 134. 136. 

Loring. H. S.. 248 
Losee. W. H.. 444. 454 
Lothrop. W. C.. 202 
Loughborough. W. K., 77. 

361. 374 

Digitized by 




Lougovoy, B. N., 396 
Loughrey, J. H., 279 
Love, L., Jr., 203, 216 
Lovell. W. G., 339 
Low. G. W., Jr., 88, 105, 108, 

Lowe, D, v.. 372. 377 
Lowe, W. G,. 215 
LoweTi.L., 36fi, 375 
Lowry, C. D., Jr. 339 
Lowry, H. H., 290, 317 
I-K>wy. A., 1*2. 149, 162, 163, 

IGO. 434» 438 
Loiier, W, W., 101 
LubB* H. A.. 404. 417, 436 
Lucas, P. P., 127, 136 
Lucas, H.X, 43, 170, 437 
Luras. H. P.*360. 356 
Lucke, C. E., 2S7< 317 
Luedclce. A. W., 394 
Luerssen, G, V, 133, 137 
Lui, S. C, 182 
Lukcns, H. S., 154, 161 
Lulek, R. H.M 10. 435,436 
Lundberg, A, H.. 366, 376 
Luiidbenr, W. O., 74 
Lundquiat* J. T.. 437 
Lunge, G.. 324 
Lurie, E., 357 
Luflby, 0. W„ 31» 
Luteu, D. B., Jr., 12, 32 
Lttthflr, M.,367 
Luta* R, E., 86. 89. 149, 166, 

161, 196. 203h 215, 227, 228, 

432, 436, 437 
Lynch. K. M„ 242, 251 
Lynn, E. V., 223 
Lyon, L, S., 455 
Lyons,E. H„ Jr., 179 
Lyona, Ui,, 230 
Lytic. R. W., 394 

Mabey, H. M,. 456 
McAdam. D, J, Jr.. 129, 136 
McAdama. W. H, 315, 323 
McAlevy, A.. 1S5. 201,437 
McAlpfne. K. B.. 57. 179 
McBain, J. W., 16. 25, 26, 27, 

32, 77, 349, 350, 355, 366, 

363, 375 
McBaiu, M. E. L., 350, 366 
McBee, E, T.. 33* 
McBerty, F. H., 435 
McBride, R. S., 448, 463, 

465, 456, 457 
MacBride. W. B., 406, 417 
McCflbe, W. L.,45Q 
McCallati, B. E. A,, 258, 264, 

277, 279 
McCallum, A. D., 277 
McCann, D. C., 112, 116 
McCarthy. B. L., 136 
McCarthy, B. Y., 339 
McCauley, W. E., 267, 276 
McCay. C. M., 247. 262 
McClain, H. K., 142. 160 
McCleary. R. L.. 93, 100 
McClenahan. R. W.. 321 
Mcaoskey. G. B.. 318 
McQuer, W. B., 339 
McClure. H. B.,393 
McCollum, E. v.. 236, 238, 

McCoy, H. N., 98, 101, 113, 

McCoy, R. H., 248 
McCready, D. W.. 370. 376 
McCullough. R.. 76 
McDaniel. A. S.. 267. 277 

MacDaniels, L. H.. 267, 277 
McDermott, P. A.. 396 
McDonald. P. G.. 261 
MacDonald, G. D.. 812, 322 
McDonald, R. D., 44 
MacDonald, R. T., 101 
MacDougall, D. P., 60. 74 
MacDowell, L. G.. 216 
McElroy, W. D.. 304. 321 
McElvain, S. M., 182, 186, 

201. 216 
McGavack, J.. 412, 416, 418 
McGill, H. T., 368 
McGovern, J. N., 366, 376 
McGovran. E. R.. 266. 277 
McGreal. M. E., 202 
McGregor. E. A., 267, 277 
McGregor. G. H., 367, 376 
McGrew, P. C, 204 
McGuire, G.. 230, 248 
Machlis, S., 204, 420. 433. 

436. 438 
Macht, D. L. 227 
Mcrihcnny, J. S.,31 
McTntyre. J,. 337 
Mclntyi^, r W.. 367. 376 
Maclnnes, D. A.. 13, 19, 21, 

Mnck, L., 305, 321 
Mack. P. B., 341, 347, 362, 

McKw. J., 340 
McKee. H, H,. 153, 154, 166. 

160. 161, 437 
McKcehan, L W., 120. 122 
MacKetcsn, H. G.. 456 
McKellor. A,. 56 
McKelvey, J. B., 95. 100 
Macktnney, G., 238, 260 
McKinney, P, V.. 140, 141, 

149, 311, 322 
McKinney. R. S, 246. 252 
Madachlart, W. W. G., 227 
Mflclaren. S. F. M., 369, 376 
MacLean, A. O., 305, 331 
McLean, H. Q, 269. 277 
MacLeod. F. L., 237. 246, 

2.50h 252 
MacLeud. G.. 245. 249 
McUod. H., 444. 454 
McLester. J. S., 253 
Mc Master. L.. 216 
McMcrekin. T. L., 19, 32» 77, 

183, 231, 248 
McMillan, E., 91, 100, 306. 

McMullan, O. W., 131, 136 
MacMuUin, R. B., 182, 367 
McNab, J. G., 180 
McNab, M. C, 180 
McNary, R. R., 179, 436 
McNiece, T. M., 466 
McNidty, G. M., 269, 274 
McPherson. A. T.. 76. 398. 

401, 406, 416, 417 
MacPherson, H. G., 68 
McOuaid, H. W., 133. 137 
Maculla. A., 216 
McVetty, P. G., 129, 136 
McWaters, L. S., 203 
Mac Wood, G. E., 66 
Madden, J. T., 463 
Madge, N. G., 410, 412, 418 
Maju, P. L., 266, 277 
Magistad, O. C, 246. 262 
Magoffin, J. E., 77, 143, 160 
Mahin, £. G., 126, 136 
Mahin, W. E., 128, 136 
Mahler, E., 371, 376 

Mahler. P.. 456 
Mahnclce, H, E., 56, 179 
Mains, G. H., 395 
Mair, B. J.. 76. 339 
Major, R. T. 354. 161, 204. 

228, 435 
Malfshev, B. W.* 87, S9, 203. 

338, 439 
Malisoff, W. M.. 183 
Mallory, Gh E*, 227, 228 
Matei, a J., 181, 431, 433 
Malm, P. S., 410. 412, 418 
Malmstrom, H. E., 372. 377 
Mangels. C. E., 244, 251 
ManRelsdorf. H. G.. 307, 321 
Manter, R. L., 308. 322 
Manky, K. E,.339 
Mannin;^, M^ F.. 67 
Manning. P, D. V., 455 
Mannweiler, G. E., 14, 31, 76 
Man^ke, R. H., 208, £16 
MantcU, C.L.,4S7 
Martiovitch. S., 261, 27S 
Marek, L, F., 299. 320. 419. 

426. 437 
Marischka. C, 287, 317 
Marker, R. £., 181, 203 
Markley, M. C, 244, 261, 262 
Marks, B. M.. 396 
Marks. L. H., 467 
Marks, M. B., 323 
Markush. E. A.. 262. 277 
Marlies, C. A.. 11. 32 
Maron. S. H., 76, 77 
Maroney, W., 76 
Marr, E. B., 216 
Marschner. R. P.. 338. 424. 

Marsh, G. L., 345, 240. 262 
Marsh. J. S.^ 137 
Marshall, A. S., 440 
Marshall, A, L., 131, U6 
Marshall. J.. 254, 265. 277 
Martin. E, L., 154, 161. 202. 

205, 215, 216 
Martin. P. D., 16, 32, 77 
Martin, H.. 20!. 277 
Martin. H. E., 349, 356 
Martin, J, L, Jr., 244, 251 
Martin, L, P., 203 
Martin, H, C, 307 
Marvfel, C. S.. 183, 184, 187, 

£01. 2m, 203. 215, 216, 

338, S94, 434, 439 
Marvin. C. J, 265, 277 
Man, K , 358 
Mason, C. M.. 75 
Mason, C. W., 100 
Mason, H. C, 271. 276 
Mason, H. E., 160, 162 
Mason. I. D.. 233. 249 
Massengale, O. N., 261 
Mathers, P. C, 166, 167, 161 
Mathesius, W., 286, 317 
Matheson. G. L.. 4. 418 
Matheson. H., 74, 108, 115. 

400, 416 
Mathews, W. C, 406, 417 
Mathias. H. R.. 304, 321 
Matthews, E. D., 182 
Mattice, M. R.. 306. 321 
Mattill, H. A., 230. 242. 248. 

Matttson. B. L., 179. 436 
Mattocks. E. O., 309, 322 
Mattox, W. J., 179, 313, 323. 

Maughan. M., 361, 374 
Mawhinney. M. H.. 131. 136 

Digitized by 




May, O. B., 230, 24 S 
Mayberty. M. G., 182 
Ma yew. M. A., 310, ^T2 
May field. B,. 397 
May^ard. L. A., 247, 2fi3 
Mayrhofcr. R. 390 
MaJtwcll, L, R., m 
Mead, F. C, Jr.. 3*, i3. 203 
Meani, B. G., 454 
Mea«, R. T. SOD, 3TA 
Meae<, a., 232, 24 » 
MedHn, W'. V,;303 
Meehan.E, T.^fiS 
MehaTH, V. K.. 380. ^85, 393 
Mehl. J. W.,26,32. 119,120, 

MehligJ, P,, 110, a 1, 116 
MeiffB, R M.. 262. 27S 
MeiffB, J. v., 318. a^fl 
Meincke, E. R., 182. 201 
MHnt8.R. E.. 157, 101 
Meitaner, E , 316, 228 
Mekler. L. A.. 337 
Melampy, R., 113, 116 
Meldnim, W. B., 113, 116 
Melhus, I. E., 274, 277 
Mell, C. W., 266, 277 
MeUon. M. G., 106, 116 
Meloche, V. W., 93, 100, 216 
Melsen, J. A. van. 181, 182 
Mdvin, E, H., 56 
Mendel, L. B„ 230. 235, 247. 

248, 249. 252 
Mentcn. M. U, 239. 250 
Mentzer, C. T., Jr., 36S 
Menuaan. H.. Jr., 260, 276 
Meredith. H/ /.. 291. 317 
Merica. P. D., 144, IBO 
Merkel. G.,317 
Mfcfkua. F. J., 314, 323 
Mfirriam, C. W., Jr., aOl, 321 
Merrin, D, R,. 2fiO. 263, 273, 

Merritt,'M. H., 286. 316 
Mcrtz, E. T., 248 
Merwin, H. E., 77, 160 
Messer. W. E.. 403, 413, 416, 

Messerly. G. H.. 74 
Metzger. P. W., 266, 277 
Meulen, P. A. van der, 266, 

Meuser, L.. 404, 417 
Mcwborne, R. G., 268, 277 
Meyer. C. E., 248 
Meyer. E., 367 
Meyer, J. D., 180 
Meyer, R. J.. 149 
Michael, A., 179, 182. 194, 

201. 203. 420. 436 
Michaelian, M. B., 243, 261 
Michaelis, L., 142. 149, 202. 

216. 244, 252 
Michaelson, J. L., 371, 377 
Michalske, A.. 318 
Michot-Dupont, G. P., 293, 

Midgley. T., Jr., 179, 400, 

416, 436. 453 
Migeotte, M., 56 
Migrdichian, V.. 256, 277 
Mikeska, L. A.. 84, 88, 142. 

Mikeska, V. J.. 217 
Mikumo, J., 355 
Milas, N. A., 87, 89, 185. 201. 

215, 427, 437 
Milbery. J. £., 422. 436 
Miller, A. P.. 125. 135 

Miller, E. J., 115 

Miller. H. C.. 319 

MiUer. H. P., 193. 202. 203 

Mfller. H. L.. 128, 136 

Miller, K., 252 

Miller. M. L., 9. 10. 32. 181 

Miller. N. P.. 182 

MUler. R. P.. 202. 215 

MiUer. R. L.. 254, 260. 276, 

Mtller, R. W.. 2S4, 316 
Miller, S E., 204 
Miller, S. P., 291, 317,318 
Miller, W, E., 33S 
Miller, W, U, 266, 277 
Milligan, W. O.. 122, 123 
MilUkan. W. A., 314 
MIlJs, P. C.t447, 45fi 
Mills, L. E., 256, 262, 208, 

271, 274, 277 
Mills. R. v., 297, 319 
MillinaTJ, J., fi7 
Milner, U. W„ 229. 24S, 437 
Mtlner. R. T., 7fi, 145, 160 
Minor. C A„ 372, 377 
Minor, H. R., 410, 417,418 
Minor, J. E.. 350, 369, 370, 

372, 374, 376, 377 
M inter, C. C, 309, 322 
MHcbelK H. H., 248 
Mitchell, J. B., Jr., 228 
Mitohell, J, S., 245, 252 
MitchelJ, R. U. 364, 375 
Mithoff, R. C. 181 
Moif, C, 2 IS. 226 
Mollett, C E, 228 
Molatad,M.C., 84,89. 180 
Monheim. J.. 14 
Monnberg. R., 372, 377 
Monrad, C. C, 316, 323 
Monroe, E., 191. 202 
Montfort. G. H., 338 
Montgomery. A. E.. 368. 

MontiUon. G. H., 77 
Moon. H. H.. 245. 252 
Mooradian. V. G.. 119, 122 
Moore. C. C.. Jr., 339 
Moore, C. G., 396 
Moore, C. W., 358 
Moore. E. E. 228 
Moore. G. V.. 438 
Moore. M. L.. 202, 203 
Moore, R. J., 439 
Moore, R. W., 126, 135 
Moore. T. V., 297. 320. 337 
Moore. W.. 264, 267. 273, 

Moose. J. E.. 432. 438 
Morfit. E. P.. 141, 149 
Morgan, A. P.. 239. 241, 245. 

246, 250. 251. 252 
Morgan, D. P., 440, 453, 457 
Morgan, H. W., 371. 372. 376, 

Morgan, J. J., 35, 43, 179. 

180, 293. 299, 309, 318, 320. 

322, 323, 338. 370, 376 
Morgan, M. D., 340 
Morgan, O. M., 347, 351, 355, 

Morgan. S. O., 57. 76, 160, 

Morikawa. K.. 43. 44. 79. 89. 

Morken, C. H.. 134. 137 
MorreU, C. E., 56 
Morrell, J. C., 273, 277, 286. 

317. 318. 337, 339 

Morris, A. B., 297, 320 
Morris, D. E.. 156. 161. 227, 

M'.frEi^-j, J. <.. .. .j7, -4 si 
Morna, L. M„ 298, 320 
Morris. M. M., 252 
Morris, R. Ck. 226 
Morris, R. E.,43, 76. 179. 437 
Morris, S. G., 248 
M orris. V. M„ 40S. 417 
Morrison, G. O., 380, 393 
Morriflon, R, W., 22S 
Mortenscn, M^, 244. 251 
Morton, A. A.^ 227 
Morton, P. A., 261. 277 
Morton. J. M., 35 
Mory. A. V. H., 444, 454 
Mns«r, H. A., 160 
Moses, A, J., 121, 123 
Mosftttig, E,. 192, 202. 215, 

Moaher, M, A., 147, 150 
Moskovltz, B., 112, U6 
Moaley. V, M., 66 
Moas, H. v.. 357 
Mos^, W. H.. 394, 395. 396 
Mottem. H. H., 199 
Moulton, H. G., 451. 457 
Mover, P.. 231, 24S 
Mowte, W, U. 254, 279 
Mojer, H. v., 113,116 
Mucha, P., 274, 277 
Mudd, O. a,337 
M^hlendyck, W„ 318 
MuJler. A., 179 
Mueller, G. B.. 71, 77 
Mueller, G. S., 401, 416 
Mflller, R., 356 
Mailer, R, H., 105, 114 
MiiHor- Stock, H.. 127. 131, 

Mulcahy, B. P.. 284, 312, 316. 

Muller, O. P.. 410, 418 
Mulliken. R. S.. 57, 179. 181 
Mulliken, S. P., 179, 339 
Mullin, C. H., 458 
Munch, J. C., 204, 228 
Muncie, J. H.. 256, 277 
Munday, J. C., 43, 179, 180, 

254, 277, 299, 320, 338 
Munger, P., 264. 278 
Mxingcr, T. T., 360, 374 
Munro. W. P., 43. 179. 426. 

Munroe, T. B.. 363. 374 
MunseU, H. E.. 242. 251 
Munsey, V. E.. 244, 252 
Munyan, £. A., 295, 319 
Murch, W. M., 433, 438 
Murphey, E. A.. 418 
Murphv, D. W., 127. 136. 

:H>T. \^2\ 
Murphy, E. J., 295. 319 
Murphy, G. B., 338, 339 
Murphv, N. P.. 427. 437 
\' R. R., 251 

Murphy, W. J., 457 
Murray. C. W.. 258. 276. 278, 

Murray, J. W.. 56. 57, 202, 

Muskat. I. E., 155. 161 
Muskat, M.. 319 
Myers, W. A., 339 
Myers, W. D., 113, 116 

Nadeau, G. P., 182, 215 
Naef, E. P.. 250 

Digitized by 




Nagd, R. H., 433. 438 
Nagel, T,. 336, 293, 317, 318 
NaimaTi, B., 217 
Nash* A. W„ 339 
Naah, C. A., 322, 304 
NatelBon. S., 32, 393 
Natlmn, W. S., ISI 
Nea4. J. H., 133, 137 
Nes], W, M., 228 
NeaJy. V. L.,a37 
JNTeeley, A. H.. 204 
Ndswander. C. ll,,277 
Nmt^lre. O. P.. 36S, 376 
Nelson, E. ?., 339 
Nelson. P. C, 269. 277 
Nfflson, G. H., 155, 161, 364, 

Nelson, J. M.. 229, 233, 248, 

Nelaon, L. H., J26, 135 
Nelson, O. A., 227, 253, 268, 

276, 277 
Nelson, R. A„ 84. 89 
Nelson. T, H,, 337 
Nclaon, W. L., 227 
Nesbit, H. T., 235, 249 
Nestler. R. B.. 243, 251 
Neuss. J, D.. 109, 115 
Neville, H. A., m 
Newberry, E.. 109. 115 
NewbDund, R.,300 
Ncwbtirgl], L. H., 235, 249 
Newcomer, E. J, 2fll, 277 
Newell, H. D. 130. 136 
Newman, M, S.. 202, 203 
Newsome, P. T.. 361, 363, 

374, 376 
Newstrom, J. E., 202 
Newton, H. P., 203, 419, 433, 

Newton, R. P., J6, 32, 77 
Newton. R. H., 66, 76, 312, 

Neyman, E.. 203, 330 
Nichols, K. W., 339 
Nichols, M. I^.. 92, 95, 100, 

104, 109, 114. 115 
Nichob, P. R, 252 
Nicholson, F., 202 
Nicolet. B. H.. 201, 203, 204 
Niaderl. J. B., 202. 323 
Nielfien. H. H., 5«. 57 
Nielsen. H, P„ 131. 136 
Nielson. V., 244. 251 
Niea, N. P.. 06, 75, 179 
Nieuwland, J. A,, 97. 101, 

ISO, 181 . 203. 338, 393, 414, 

418, 439 
Kikawita, E., 220, 226 
Niles. G. H..202,31S 
Nilsen,B., 37,38. 43 
Noble, R* J., 412, 418 
Noll. A,, 355 
Noller, C. R,, 203, 204 
NopitscJi, M., 352. 350 
Nordmeytr, G. T.. 286, 310, 

Normann, W., 344, 366 
Norris, P. G.. 126, 136 
Norris, J. P., 181, 196, 203 
Norrish, R. G. W., 34 
North, E. O., 228 
Northam, A. J., 403, 416 
Northrop, J. H., 232, 249 
Norton, A. J., 394, 419, 436, 

439, 466 
Norton, J. T., 119, 122, 127. 

128, 135. 136, 137 
Norton, L. B„ 264, 277 

Nourse. E. G., 446, 465 
Novak, I. J., 394 
Novotny, E. E., 394, 396, 396 
Noyes, A. A., 16. 32, 99, 101. 

112, 116 
Noyes. W. A.. 67. 99. 101 
Noyes, W. A., Jr., 66, 179, 181 
Nasslein, T., 346. 366, 368 
Nu6y, P. L. du, 348, 366 
Nusbaum, C, 121, 123. 131. 

Nutting, G. C. 68 
Nutting. H. S., 168, 161, 179. 

266, 274, 312, 322. 436 
Nutting. R. D.. 402, 416 
Nygaard, O., 317 
Nyland. H. V., 323, 339 

Oakley, M., 228 
Oatfield. H. J, 423, 436 
Oberfell, G. G., 298, 320. 338 
Dberst, F. W,. 204 
O'Briftn, J, J., 05, 100 
O^Btyan. H. M., 143, 160 
O'Cotinnr, C, T., 394 
O Connor, R., 203 
0*Daniel. E. V„ 265, 277 
Ode. W. H.. 291. 314, 317, 

O'DeU, M. J., 366. 376 
Odell, W. W., 292, 300, 317, 

318, 320. 409, 417 
Oesper, R. E., 106. 114 
Oesterling, J. P., 347, 366 
Ogbum. S. C., Jr., 139, 149 
Ogg, R. A., Jr., 179 
Ohl, E. N., 63, 76, 83, 89 
O'Kane, W. C., 267, 277 
Olcott, H. S., 230, 241, 248, 

261, 437 
Oldenberg. O., 37,43 
O'Leary, M. J., 369, 376 
Olive, T. R., 466 
Oliveira, J., 276 
Olmsted. W. H., 229, 248 
Olpin, H. C., 182 
Olsen, A. G., 242, 261 
Olsen, A. L., 77 
Olsen, P., 158. 161 
O'Neil, M. A., 204 
Oneto, J. P., 202 
Ong, E. R. de, 266, 262, 267, 

Onaagor. L.. 7, 28 
Opnloiiick, N., 204 
Or^lup, J. W., 357 
Orent. E. R^^ 238. 249, 260 
Ornes. C. L., 411,418 
Ort, J. M,. 143, 160 
Ortefi, J. M.,235, 249 
Qrthner, [..,358 
Oserkuwsky, J.,2a2, 277 
Oshima, Y. 310, 322 
Osol, A, 228 

Osterberp, H..75,407,417 
n^UThof, H. J., 348, 366 

^1 ■ ■ ■ ■■.^^. J. v., 27 

Ott, K., 366 
Otto, C, 317 
Otto, M. M., 30, 32, 67. 181. 

Ouer, R. A., 230, 248 
Overcash. D. M., 166, 161 
Overman, C. B., 372, 377 
Owen, B. B., 7. 13, 26, 32, 77 
Owens, J. S., 110, 116 
Owens, R. M., 76, 100 
Oxley, H. P.. 181 

Paden. J. H.. 421, 436 
Pailler. E. C. 367. 368 
Painter. E. P.. 260 
Palmer. E. W.. 127. 134. 137 
Palmer, P. S.. 86, 89, 203, 216, 

Palmer. L. S.. 233, 241. 243. 

249, 261 
Paneth, P., 103 
Pantke, O., 394 
Pape. W.. 368 

Pappenhagen. L. A.. 111. 116 
Pardee, J. T., 146, 160 
Park, B., 110, 115 
Park, C. R., 408, 409, 417 
Parke, P. B., 286, 293, 316, 

Parker. A. S.. 216 
Parker. G. M.. 309, 322 
Parker, J. R., 261, 277 
Parker, P. T., 215 
Parks. G. S., 76. 131 
Parks. L. R,, 109, 115 
Parnian, D. C, 267, 276 
Parmeloe. A, E, 438 
Parmelee, H. C, 450 
Parmelee, H. M,. 179, 436 
Pannenter. E. F., 98, 101 
Parrntt, L. G., 113, 122 
Parrish, C. L. 202, 338 
Parry, V. P., 29S, 320 
Partansky, A. M., 306. 376 
Partrirljue, E. G.. 413, 418 
Partridge. E, L.. 457 
Partridge. E. P., 70, 77, 313. 

Patrick, J. C, 397 
Patterson, G. D., 395 
Patterson, J, A,, Jr„ 437 
Patterson. W, t., 204, 248 
Patton, A. R., 231, 248 
Paul, B.H„ 300, 374 
Pitul, R. E., 299, 320 
Paul, W. H. ,31 1,322 
Pauling, U, 38. 43, 45, 56. 56, 

S7. 5R. 74, 95, 100. 144h 160, 

190, 198, 202, 204. 205, 215 
Payne, T. H.. 363, 374 
Payne, L. F.. 243, 251 
Peartre, G. W.. 254, 277 
Pcarce, J. H„ 16, 32, 57. 63, 

Pearl. A. H.. 32 
Pearse, R, W. B.. 140, 149 
Pearson, F. A.. 447, 455 
Pearson, T. R., 4J2. 436 
PeaBE. R, N., 35, 36, 37. 43, 


426, 437 
Pechin. G., 394 
Peck. F,W., 422, 436, 438 
Poderson. C. S., 2.52 
Pelicr, H., B 
Pence, L. H.. 202 
Pennlman, W. B. D.. 182 
PenmnRton, W. A.. 134,137 
Pepper. B. B., 275 
PerlSna, G. A.,319,431. 438 
Perkins, M.A„ 433. 436,438 
Perkins, M. E. 233,349 
Perkins, R, P.. 429, 437 
Perlniaii. J. L,,213, 251 
Permar, H. H.. 227 
Perrine, R. O., 298, 320 
Perry, J. A.. 2S4, 286. 287. 

303,316,317. 321 
Perry, J. H„ 75. 446, 454. 455 
PersinfT. C. O.. 257, 267, 277, 


Digitized by 




Pfiki. A. J. van. 182 
Pettrkin, A, G.» 440 
Peters, A. P., 228 
Pfet^Ts, G.. 2m. 211 
Ptettra, W.p 35fl 
Petefsen. J, 152 
PetcriHjn, E. G., 397 
Peterson. P. C.p36t. 374 
Petem-n. P. 0.257,277 
Peterson. R.. 410.417 
Petiey, A. U'., IID, 110 
Petrie, P. S.. 179, 265, 274, 

Pettengill, R. B., 457 
Pew, J. C, 365, 376 
Pffiff, G. C.. 317 
Phelpa, M. W., :i5ft, 374 
Philltfs. A.. 12a, 121, 122, 

123, 128, 135. 136. 137, 168, 

Phillips, A. J. 3(53, 376 
Phillips, E. P., 265, 376 
Phil lips, G, P,H 134, 137 
PhilJipa. L, H., 357 
Phillips, M,, 364. 366, 376 
PhiUips, P. H„ 249 
Philo, E. G., 309, 322 
FhippB. T, E-, 83, 80, 157, 161 
Pickens, L., 243, 361 
Pickett. O. A., 367 
Pickett, T. A.* 236, 249 
Pier, M., 31S 
Pierce, D. E,, 454 
Pierct, I, H., 223. 227 
Pierce. T. E„ 297. 319 
Pierce. L„ 278 
Pierces R. H. H., Jr., 74, 76, 

126, 128, 135, 136 
Pierson, C, 126, 135 
Piereon, G. G., Ill, 116, 139, 

Pigott, R. J. S.. 316, 323 
Pikl, J., 216, 220, 226 
Pilat, S., 298, 320 
Pillow, M. Y., 367, 376 
Pines, H.. 89, 180. 338 
Pinck, L. A., 180, 203 
Piper, J. D., 190, 202, 370, 

Pitman, G., 245, 252 
Fitter, A. V., 350, 356 
Pittman, M. S.. 242. 251 
Pitzer. K. S.. 15, 32, 101, 112, 

Pitzer, M. B., 297, 319 
Pitzer, P. W., 319 
Pizzolato. P., 203 
Plant, J. H. G., 181 
Plant, O. H., 227 
Platz, K., 367 
Platzer, N., 226 
Plechner, W. W., 112, 116 
Plummer, W. B., 300, 320 
Plumstead, j. E., 371, 376 
Plyler, E. K., 12, 32, 66 
Podbielniak, W. J., 313, 314, 

Poe. C. F,. 227, 228, 239, 250 
Poffenberger. N„ 75, 179 
Polanyi, M.. 9. 83 
Pollak, P.. 305 
Pollard. C, B.. 201, 216 
Pollock. R. N.. 36li. 376 
Polly. O. L., 35, 44. 338 
Polushkin, E. P., 128, 136 
Ponts. D. F.. 203 
Poole, R. P., 254. 277 
Poore, H. D-. 246, 252 
Poppe, P. W.p 373, 377 

Popper. Wy,Jr., 238, 350 
Porter, C. W,. 187, 201 
Porter, D. C, 365. 375 
Porter, D. J., 312, 3£2 
Porter, H. C, 2S7, 288, 293, 

317, 318 
Porter. H.D., 201 
Porter, J. L., 291, 317 
Porter, T. E.. 361 
Poritsky, H., 74 
Poanjak, E., 77. 150 
Post, C, B., 120. 123 
Pottensfer. C. H.. 113.116 
Potter. H. ,201.204 
Pottcf. V. R.. 249 
Pottinscr. S, R„ 242^ 251 
Pntts.W , 76. 181 
Pound. A.W.. 437 
Pound, J. R.^7 
Pounder, D. W., 418 
Powell, A. R., 304. 321 
Powers, D. H., 352, 356, 402, 

Prahl, M. A., 367, 368, 424. 

Pranke. E. J., 266, 277, 278 
Prater, A. N., 43, 179, 437 
Pratt, P. S., 264, 278 
Pratt, H. J., 228 
Prener, S., 181 
Prentiss, S. S., 16 
Presbrey, R. L., 294, 319 
Present, R. D., 67 
Price, W. C, 66, 181 
Price, W. K., 267, 278 
Priest, A. E., 254, 277 
Prill, E. A., 216 
Prindle, E. J., 445 
Pritchard, W. N., Jr., 357 
Pritchett, L. C, 421, 436 
Prochazka, G. A., Jr., 451. 

Prutton, C. P., 76, 77, 397 
Pucher, G. W., 108, 115 
Pungs, W., 395 
Purdom, E. G., 146, 150 
Purkis, P. T., 418 
Putney, L. K., 242, 261 
Pyhrr, W. A., 166, 161 
Pyott, W. T., 339 
Pyzel, D.. 318 
Pyzel, P. M., 320 

guaedvlieg, M., 368 
uayle, H. J., 264, 266, 276, 
Querfeld, D., 457 
Quiggle. D.. 316, 323 
Quiggle, E. B.. 457 
Quigley, J. P., 227 

Rabald, E., 180 
Raby, E. C, 105, 114 
Race, H. H., 159, 160, 161, 

162, 390, 396 
Rafter, J. R., 101 
Ragatz, E. G., 323 
Raiford, L. C., 204, 422, 435. 

Rainier, E. T., 406, 417 
Rainsford. A. £., 203 
Raisin, C. G., 178 
Rakieten, N., 227 
RaU, H. T.. 300, 320 
Ramage, W. D., 266, 278 
Ramseyer, C, P., 135, 137 
Rand, W. M., 456 
Randall, M., 14, 16.32,77, 

106, 116 

Rank, D. H., 56 
Ranney, L., 298, 317, 320 
Rapoport, M., 260 
Rapp, I,, 229, 248 
Rasch, C. H., 152, 160 
Rasch, R. H., 361, 368, 374. 

Rasmussen, R. A.. 239, 260 
Rathemacher, C. P., 436 
Ratzkoflf, S. M., 367 
Ray, W. A., 28, 31 
Rayner, A., 361, 366 
Read. B. E.. 228 
Read, W. T., 442, 453 
Reagan, W. J.. 126, 126, 136 
Rearick, J. S., 273, 276 
Record, P. R., 260 
Redman, L. V.. 394, 444, 454 
Reed, D. W., 319 
Reed, G. H., 75 
Reed, J. B., 101 
Reed, M. C., 393, 404. 414, 

417, 418 
Reed, R. M., 179, 424, 436 
Reed, T. W., 262, 276 
Reese, S. W., 372, 377 
Regan, W. M., 261, 276 
Reichhelm, G. L., 301, 320 
Reid, E. E., 179, 180. 183. 

216, 419 
Reid, E. W., 180, 393 
Reid. F. R., 366, 375 
Reid, J. D., 105, 114 
Reid, J! G., 227 
Reid, W. T., 314 
Reilly, J. H.. 438 
Reimann, A., 357 
Reimer, M., 181, 203 
Reinartz, L. P., 125, 135 
Reinhart, P. M., 11, 31, 77 
Reistle, C. E., Jr., 319 
Relyea, P. H., 368 
Remington, R. E., 235, 242, 

249, 251 
Rcmv. T. P.. 264, 2/8 
Rendel, T. B., 339 
Renfrew, A. G., 227 
Renoll, M. W.. 416 
Ressler. I. L.. 266. 277 
Revukas, A. J.. 181. 202 
Reyerson, L. H.. 35, 44, 77, 

78, 87. 88, 89. 178, 179, 

287, 317 
Reynolds, D, A., 289,317 
Reynolds, P., 107. 115 
Reynolds, H, H.. 438 
Rhodes, E.. 407, 417 
Rhodes, P. H.. 77, 346. 352, 

365, 366. 44J\. 464 
Rhodes, G. I. 337 
Ricci,J.E., 77.92. 100 
Rice, P. O., 33, 35, 37, 44, 

180, 338 
Rice, K., 36 
Rice, O. K., 9, 32. 34. 36. 39. 

42, 43, 44, 74, 180, 182 
Richards, B. H. P., 394 
Richards, L. W., 228 
Richardson, A. S., 344, 355 
Richardson, C. H., 253. 267. 

277 278 
Richa'rdson, H. H.. 267, 278 
Richardson, R. P., 291, 317 
Richardson, R. S., 409, 417 
Richford, M. A., 316, 323 
Richter. G. A., 368, 376 
Richter. G. H., 216 
Richter, H. J., 184, 201 
Richtmyer, P. K.. 146. 150 

Digitized by 




Rickett, R. L., 130, 136 
RiddeU, W. A., 317 
Rideal. E. K.. 33, 43. 180 
Ridenour. L., 91, 100 
Rider, T. H., 106, 114 
Ridgley, G. H., 06, 101 
Ridler, E. S., 148, 161 
Riegel. B., 248 
Riegel, C, 227 
Rieman, Wm., Ill, 109, 116 
Ries, D. T., 267. 278 
Riesch. L. C, 11, 21, 32, 76, 

Rfker, A. J., 256, 278 
Riley. C. H.. 228 
Rmtelman, W. L., 423, 436 
Ripper, K., 395 
Ritcher. P, O., 2i5§. 275 
Ritchie, A. v., 314 
Rittenberg. D., 330, 248 
Ritter. P. O., 181. 427, 437 
Ritter, G. J., 362, 364, 372, 

373. 375. 377 
Ritter, R. M„ 374,278 
Rittinger. F,, 245, 252 
RivisE, C. W., 445, 454 
Roark, H. C, 253, 263. 266, 

271.272. 27S 
Rol>erts. CH, M,. 158, 161 
Robert*. H. S., 76, 122 
Roberts, /. M-, 285. 3J6 
Roberts, J. W., 255, 278 
Robfertfl, L. J„ 251 
Robertson, D: W.. 313, 323 
Robertson, P., 393 
Robey, R. R, 86, 80, 310, 

Robinson, C^ S., 236. 249 
Rabinaon, H, M.. 106, 115 
RobinBoo, J, E., 411, 413 
Robinson. L. R„ 457 
Robinson, P., 306. 396 
Robmsort. R.. 216. 2J7 
Robinsijn. R. Ah, 14, 16,32 
Robinsfjn, W. O., 107. 116 
RobiuoTJ, C. D., 285, iS16 
Robfson. S. C, 411, 418 
Hohlin, R. O.. Tr.. 204 
Robacbeit'Robbtns. F. S., 249 
RochDw, E. G.. 92. 97* 100. 

Rodda, J. L.. 122 
Rodebush, W. H., 32, 36, 37, 

39, 42, 44, 77, 92, 100 
Rodman. E.. 416, 418 
Rodowskas, E. L., 44, 92, 100, 

Ro<^r[aii, R 148, 151 
Roduta, F. L., 202, 437 
Roebuck, j. R,. 75 
Roeder, C. H., 31 ft. 322 
Rj>fhline, O. C.. 43 
Roehtti. G, H., 246. 2h2 
Roehr, W. W., 372, 377 
Roepke. M. H,. 14:i. 150 
Roeser. W. F,, 74, 146, 146, 

140, 150 
Rogers, G., 226 
Rogers. L, H,, 110, 116 
Ragera, W. F,. 337 
Rohlfa. H. C. 395 
RohrUaugh. P, W., 260. 264, 

Roka, K., 181 
Rollefson, G. K., 43 
Rollefson, R., 66 
Romeyn. H., Jr., 74, 89, 97, 

101, 179. 437 
Roney. J. N., 269, 270. 278 

Ronzio, A. R., 182, 204, 216 
Roorbach, G. B., 466 
Root, P. B., 396 
Rose, C. R., 274, 278 
Rose, H. J., 292, 317, 318 
Rose, M. S., 236, 243. 249. 

Rose, W. C, 230. 248 
Rogeman. R., 06, 100 
Rosenberg, S„ 437 
Rosenberg, S. J., 122. 128, 136 
Rosen hi um, C, 103. 114,393 
RMcnbluni, 1., 394. 396 
RosenthAl. J. E.. 57 
Ros-n, j.,22S 

Ross. M., 110, 115, 445, 464 
Ross, P. A., 145, 160 
Ross, R. P.. 76 
Ross, W. E., 203 
Ross, W. P., 249 
Rossini, P. D., 37, 44, 62, 63, 
. 74, 76, 179, 338, 339, 400 
Rossman, J., 446, 464 
Rost. O. F., 456 
Roth^ R. T,. M23 
Rothcmimd, P., 208, 216, 216 
Rothrock. H. S., 181 
Rotondjiro. F, A*, 228 
Roush, G. A.. 138, 149 
Rowe. L, P., 76 
Rrjwe, L. Wh, 226 
RoB^^land. B. W., 362, 374 
Rowland. E. S.. 122 
Rowley. II. H.. 81. 89, 168. 

Roy, M. F., 201 
Ruben. S., 65, 75 
Rub erg, L, A., 204 
Rubin* M. M., 370, 376 
Rnbm.T,R.. 20, 31,65.76 
Ruriberg, E., 76 
Ruder, W. E., 137 
Rut. J. D., 368. 376 
Ruehle, A. E., 322, 217. 260 
Ruhkopf, H.. 213. 217 
Rtihoflf, J. R.. 74, 75, 39. 179. 

Rummelsburg. A. L., 367. 368 
Runyan, A., 394 
Rupp, V. R.. 242, 261 
Ruprecht, R. W., 246, 262 
Rusk, H. W., 269, 276 
Rusoflf, L. L., 228 
Russell, R. P., 300, 320 
Russell, W. C, 240, 261 
Russell, W. W., 81, 89, 106, 

1 14 323 
Rutherford, P. C, 181 
Ruthruflf, R. P., 180, 300, 

320. 338 
Rutledge, P. J., 321, 322 
Ryall, A. L., 268, 269, 276, 

Ryan, P., 316 

Ryden, L. L., 183, 203, 338 
Ryland, L. B., 339 

Sabetta, V. J., 182 
Sachs, A. P., 286, 317 
Sachs, J. H., 422, 436 
Sackett, G. A., 401. 416 
Sadtler, R. E., 464 
Saeger, C. M., Jr., 133, 137 
Saffien. K., 366 
Sage, B. H., 76. 76. 297. 319. 

320. 338 
Sager. T. P.. 407, 417 
Sala. C. J.. 366 
Sale, P. D.. 129, 136 

Salky. D. J., 362, 374, 437 
Salmon, C. S.. 349, 356 
SfilstTom, E. J., 56 
Salzberg, P. L., 260, 262, 264, 

274, 275, 278, 367, 396, 426. 

Samaras, N. N. T., 28 
Samiach, Z., 241, 251 
Samuclson. G. J., 77 
Sanbom, J. R.,374. 377 
Sanborn, N. H., 234,249 
Sanchis, J. M„ 107. 116 
Sandborn, L. T„ 393 
Sandell, E. B., 113, 116 
Sanders, B. S,. 227 
SandtifB, J. P., 361, 374 
Sanders, W. E., 137 
Sanderson, J. McE.. 396 
Sandin. R. B.. 182 
Sands. G. C. 244. 261 
Sandford. R. L.. 127. 131. 

132, 136 
Sanger, C. R., 206 
Sankowsky. N. A.. 269, 278 
Sarquis, M. S., 106, 116 
Sarver, L. A., 106, 114. 204 
Sattler, L., 181 
SaucheUi, V., 274, 278 
Saul, E. L.. 248 
Sauveur, A., 132, 134, 137 
Saylor, C. P., 399, 416 
Saywell, L. G., 262 
Scanlan. J. T., 105, 114, 203 
Scfltchard, G.. 10, 15. 17. 20, 

Sdiajif, A. H., 284,316 
Scliaafsma. J. G,, 75, 78, 319, 

320, 338 
SchHeffcr, A., 317 
Scbaefer. A, E., 179 
Schaefer, J.. 317 
Schafer, E. R., 365. 375 
Schaffer. LM., 27S 
Schaffer, P. S., 271, 276, 421, 

Schaffner, M., 181, 203 
Schairer, J. P., 70, 76 
Schane, P., Jr., 137 
Scheldt. A. W., 366 
Scheil, M. A., 126, 130, 136, 

Schenck, O., 344, 366 
Schicktanz, S. T., 76 
Schierholtz, O. J., 181 
Schiflett, C. H., 36, 43, 178 
Schimpflf, G. W., 86, 89, 437 
Schirm, E., 367, 368 
Schleich, H., 249 
Schleicher, H. M., 394 
Schlesinger, H. I., 90, 97. 100. 

101. 169, 161 
Schlingman, P. P., 396, 396 
Schmidt, C. P., 227, 228 
Schmidt, C. L., 183 
Schmidt, C. L. A., 20, 21, 26. 

31. 32. 76 
Schmidt. E. P., 303, 321 
Schmidt, E. X., 313, 323 
Schmidt, P., 394, 396 
Schmidt, J. H., 380, 385, 393. 

396, 396 
Schmidt, L.. 337 
Schmidt, O., 367 
Schmidt, W. B., 109, 116 
Schmitt, T. B., 268, 271, 276 
Schmitz, H., 361, 374 
Schneider, B. H., 233, 249 
Schneider. P., 249 
Schneider, G., 397 

Digitized by 




Schndder, H., 130, 14(» 
SchneHer, W. R.. 302, 321 

Schock. E. D.^24& 
SchMllftf. C.* 357 
Sch^ntbi^tm, H,. 318 
Schoenfdcl* F. K,, 407, 417 
Schoenheimer, R., 230, 248 
Schottiwatd, O. H,< 31D 
Schofield, P. H. IfiO 
Scbr>l«. S. R„7a 
SchoU, A. W,. U, 32, 77 
Schnonovier, I. C, 107, llS 
Schormulkr, A,. 430. 438 
Schownlter, A. E., 127, 136 
Schmuth, W., 3fi6. 357, 368 
SdhrrtbeT, R, S., 204*217 
Schrciner, E. J.. 360, 374 
Schrocder, W, C. 70, 77 
Schubert, v., 407, 417 
Schuettf , H., 358 
Scholer, R., 182 
Schulte, W. C, 1KB, 136 
SchuHz, J. F., 65 
Schtike, W. A., 339 
Schumb, W. C, 76, S3, PO, 67. 

100, 101, 108, 115, 181 
Scliwarti, E.. 141, 140 
Sehwarti, H, A., 126, 137, 

135. 136 
Schwartz. S. L., 360, 374 
Schwarz, R., 244, 262 
Schwarzenbach. G., 21 
Schwegler, C. C, 168. 161 
Scorah, L. V. D., 180 
Scorah, R. L.. 39, 44, 74 
Scott, A. P.. 14, 23, 32, 76. 

106, 116 
Scott, A. H., 66, 76, 406, 417 
Scott, A. W., 216 
Scott, C. B., 294. 318 
Scott, G. N., 303, 321 
Scott, G. S., 311, 322 
Scott, H., 131, 136, 137 
Scott, R. B., 76 
Scott, W., 406, 417 
Scott, W. B., 182 
ScQtt, W. M.. 378, 45,^ 
Scoville, W. L,,a28 
Scribncr, B. W.. 368, 369. 

372, 376, 377 
Seribner, G. K.h 3t*4 
Scroggie, A. G., 372, 377 
Scnitchfield, P. H.. 305 
Scudj. J. v., 182, 201. 203,216 
^aman. A,. 415. 418 
Seaman, H., 3 HI. 322 
Searls.E. M., 269, 278 
Sears, G. W,,94, 100 
Seats, R. W., 140, 140 
Seavey, F. R., 158, 161 
Seborg, CO,. 373, 377 
Setaorg, R. M., 360, 374 
Sebrqil, L. B„ 403,416 
Sebrell, W. H., 239, 260 
xScehnch, R, 394, 395 
Seegera. W. H., 242, 261 
Sefifig, F. G., 133, 137 
Segelcr, G. E.. 307, 321 
Secuffl, M., 431, 438 
Sfiil, G. E,,2&4, 295,310 
SeiU H, A„ 208, 278 
SeitJ. F., 66, 57 
Sekera. V. C..438 
Selby, W. M„ 2^01 
Sftldcn, R, P., 298, 320 
Sdigman, A, M.. 191, 202 
SelUH, M.,242,251 

Scllew, W. H.. 316. 323 
Scltz. H.. 17, 82, 68. 69, 76, 77 
Selvig, W. A., 291, 314. 317. 

Sclwood, P. W., 77, 98. 101 
Scmenov, N. N., 34, 38 
Semon. W. L., 349, 403, 405, 

414. 416, 417. 418 
Scrber, R., 37, 44, 67, 179 
Serf^s,B. J.. 109.116 
Sessions, A. C., 266, 278 
Seubert, K., 139, 149 
Scvals, N., 262 
Seward, R. P., 97, 101 
Seybold, P., 139, 149 
Seydel, H., 262. 278 
Seyler, H. W., 291, 317, 321 
Seymour, G. W., 396, 397. 

429. 437 
Sharma, J. N., 263, 278 
Sharp, W. E., 421, 436 
Sharpies, P. T., 262, 278 
Shaw, D. L., 16, 32, 77 
Shaw, E. H., Jr., 182, 431. 

Shaw. G. T., 44, 180 
Shaw. J. A., 318 
Shaw. M. B.. 369. 369. 374. 

Shaw, T. P. G., 380, 393 
Shea, G. B., 298, 319, 320 
Shearin. P. E.. 66 
Shedlovsky, T.. 26, 32, 76 
Sheely, C. Q., 426, 437 
Shelton, S. M., 129, 130, 136 
Shenk, W. E., 108, 116, 126, 

Shepard, A. P., 416, 419 
Shepard, H. H., 266, 277 
Shepherd. B. P.. 133. 137 
Shepherd. M.. 141. 149. 312, 

Sheppard, S. £.. 361, 363. 

374, 376 
Sherborne, J. E.. 62. 76, 338 
Sherk, K. W., 437 
Sherman, A., 38, 44, 68 
Sherman, CO.. 229 
Sherman, H. C., 229, 234, 236. 

238, 247, 249, 260, 262 
Sherman, R. A.. 290. 307, 317, 

Sherman. W. C, 239, 260 
Sherrard, E. C. 364, 376 
Sherwood, G. R., 101 
Sherwood, R. C. 244, 261 
Sherwood, T. K., 316. 323 
Shields. T. P., 148. 161 
Shiffler. W. H.. 181. 182 
Shilthuis, R. J., 297. 320 
Shinkle. S. D., 397 
Shinohara, K., 91, 100 
Shive, R. A., 396 
Shively, W. L.. 321 
Shnidman, L., 311, 322 
Shoeld. M., 318. 319 
Shorland. P. B., 182, 438 
Shotwell, R. L., 261, 277 
Shoupp, W. E.. 146, 160 
Shreve, R. W., 419 
Shriner. R. L., 204, 217. 228 
Shriver. L. C. 393 
Shuey. R. C, 439 
Shukers, C. P., 242, 261 
Sibley, B. E., 339 
Sibley, R. L., 263, 278, 367, 

404, 406, 417 
Sickman. D. H., 34. 36, 43, 


Sidwell, A., lOt 
Rkbel. F. P., Jr., 244, 262 
Siebert, C. A.. 131,136 
Stcgler, E. H., 264,278 
SEcver. C. H.. 273, 278 
Sifferd, R. H., 210,216 
Si«naigo, F, K., 3:^9 
Silker. R. E„ 436 
Silver, S. L., 434, 433 
Stmard, R. G., 203 
Sinjmonds. F* A., 371. 376 
Simmonfi, R. H., 373. 377 
Simon. A. K.. 227 
Simon, F., 61 
Samon, K. C, 419, 435 
Simons, J. K,. 191, 302 
Simpson, W. A., 419 
Sims, C, E., 133, 337 
Sinclair, H,. 368. 375 
Sinclair, R, G., 230, 248 
Singer, A. W., 216 
SjnKef,S, C, Jr., 339 
Singh. A. D.. 88, 89, 181 
Stngnien, E., 244. 252 
Sisco, F. T., 124 
Sissnn. W. A., 362, 373. 374. 

Sivertz. V., 366, 376 
Skau, E. L., 21, 32, 63, 69. 75. 

Skinner. S. S., 318 
Skovholt, O., 244, 261 
Slanina, S. J. 180. 203. 338. 

Slater, J. C., 67, 122 
Slaughter, D.. 227 
Sleator. W. W., 66 
Sloan, A. W., 406. 417 
Sloan. E. C. 393 
Slrj.-nan, CM., 407, 417 
Sljr, C, 307 
SmaK. C. G., 257, 278 
Small, L. F., H2, 149, 166, 

161, 218. 227, 228, 437 
Smidth, L., 395 
Smith. A, A., 77 
Smith, A, H„ 236, 236. 249 
Smith, A. J., 122 
Smith, A. S„ Sl3, 323 
Smith, B. P,. 3ft6, 376 
Smith, C. C, 401, 402, 411, 

41G. 418 
Smith, C. M., 216, 264, 269, 

276. 278 
Smith, C. N., 393 
Smith, C. R., 227, 268, 278 
Smith, C. S., 127, 134, 137 
Smith, D. M., 181, 188, 202. 

209, 216 
Smith. D. P., 141, 149 
Smith, D. W., 120. 123. 127. 

136. 136 
Smith, E., 268. 259. 276, 278, 

306, 321 
Smith, E. B.. 262. 277 
Smith, E. C., 126. 135 
Smith. E. J., 362, 374 
Smith, E. L., 467 
Smith. E. R. B.. 22. 32 
Smith. E. W.. 216. 423. 

Smith. P. A. U.. 226 
Smith. P. L., 2nd. 106. 116 
Smith. G. B. L.. 100. 181. 182. 

202 437 
Smith. G. P., 102. 103. 110. 

Ill, 114, 116. 116. 216, 

427. 437 
Smith, G. W.. 409, 417 

Digitized by 




Smith, H. A., 36, 44, 66, 74, 

76, 89, 120, 122, 179. 180, 

Smith, H. M., 300, 320 
Smith, H. v., 107, 115 
Smith, H. W., 364, 376, 402, 

Smith, H. W., Jr., 309. 322 
Smith, I. P., 454 
Smith, J. C, 180 
Smith, J. E., 349, 355 
Smith, J. P.. 454 
Smith, J. G., 450, 456 
Smith. J. M., 243, 251 
Smith. L. E., 263, 264, 274. 

278, 363. 375, 421, 436 
Smith. L. I., 201, 202, 204, 

421, 436 
Smith, L. T., 303 
Smith, M. A., 27S, 330 
Smith, M. C. 230, 240 
Smith, O. Am 369, 376 
Smith. O. H., ISO, 414, 41B 
Smith, 0,M.. 10^7,115 
Smith. R. H., 297, 278 
Smith, S.. 226 
Smith, S. B., 77 
Smith. W. H., 390, 416 
SmEth, W, R„ 4.% 204 
Smith, W. T., a02, 321 
Smuts, D. B., 233, 249 
Smyly. A. L., 29.^319 
Smyth. C. P., 57, 76, 179, 1^2 
Snell, R D,. ISI, 344, :M8, 

351, 352,3515. 356,357 
Snicicr, H.J,. 114, 116 
Smder, L. C.. 337 
Snow, C. C. 421, 436 
Snyder, P. H., 369, 376 
Snyder. P. M., 269, 278 
Snyder, T. W., 406. 417 
Snyder, L. W., 370, 376 
Sobin, B., 181, 203 
Sobotka, H., 203 
Sohl. W. E., 228 
Somers, D. M., 246. 252 
Somerville, A. A., 402, 405, 

416. 417 
Sommer, F., 358 
Summer, H. H., 243, 251 
Sommer, M. H,. 130, 136 
Sonta^, L.. 394 
Sontag, L. A„ 435.439 
Sorenson, B, E.. 31)4. 395 
Sor«. L. v., 339 
Sosmart, R. a., 77, 150 
Sotiders. M., Jr., 323, 339 
Souk, R. P., 440 
Sotithard, J. C. 75. 145, 150, 

Sowa, P, J.. 97, 101, 180, 203, 

3,^5 S. 439 

Spahr, W. E., 453 
Spanagel, E. W., 180. 207, 

Spaulding, L. B., 216 
Spealman. M. L.. 36, 37, 44 
Spear, E. B., 409, 417 
Spedding, P. H.. 68 
SpeUer. P. N., 129, 136 
Spence, R., 44 
Sperr, P. W., Jr., 295, 318, 

Spiegler, L.. 435 
Spiehnan. M. A., 201, 211. 

Spies, J. R., 272. 276, 278 
Spies, T. D., 238, 250 

Spoehr, H. A., 229, 248, 427, 

Sponsler, O. L., 362, 374 
Spokes, R. E., 273, 278 
Sprague, J. M.. 216 
Spraragen, W., 444, 454 
Spychalski, R.. 351, 356 
Squier, M., 245, 252 
Squires, L., 319, 402, 416 
Staddon, L. S., 350, 356 
Stadt, H. M., 357 
Stair, R., 56 
Stamm, A. J., 77, 360, 361, 

Stamm, P. C, 370, 376 
Staneslow, B._J., 97, 101 
Stanfield, K. E., 107, 115 
Staniforth, L. 456 
Stanley, H. M., 182 
Stanley. W. M., 27 
Stanley, W. W., 261. 278 
Stansby, M. E., 107, 115, 242, 

Stansfield, A., 457 
Stanton, E. J., 227 
Staples. M. L.. 181 
Stare, P. J.. 238,250 
Stareck, J. E., 143, 150 
Starkweather, H. W., 383, 

393, 394. 435, 439 
Starling. L., 262 
Staub, W. A., 453 
Staud, C. J., 181, 203 
Staudinger, H., 180, 199, 380 
Stauffer, C. H., 181 
Steacie, E. W. R., 44, 180, 437 
Stearns, A, E,, 44 
Steams, E. 1., 93. 100 
Stearns, H. A.. 262, 274, 438 
Stecher, J. L., 438 
SteerJ, J, Q„ 111, 110 
Steele, P. A., 309, 376 
StMinbqck. R., 350 
Stwre. F. W., 317 
Stdn, J. A.. 3L^, 323 
Stein, O., 263. 274 
Stein dorff. A., 357 
Sterner, H. M,. 267,278 
Stetnct, J., 142, 150 
Stekoh J. A.. 231. 248 
Stellet, M. R„ 244, 251 
Stenger. V. A., 105, 107, 112, 

114. 115, lie 
Steph&ns, H. N.. 202. 427, 437 
Sterickfir, W., 351, 356 
Stem, M, 156 
Stcrrptt, R. R.. \22. 123 
Stevens, A. N., 2;Jti 
Stevens, R. H., 368, 375 
Stevinson, M. R., 86, 89, 202, 

Steward, W. B., 56 
Stewart, A., 350, 356 
Stewart. P. S., 396 
Stewart, P. H., 274, 277 
Stewart. T. D., 44, 179 
Stewart, W. C. 436 
Sticht, G. A., 227 
Stickdom, K.. 344. 355 
Stiehler, R. D., 75, 216 
Still. C, 291, 317, 318 
Stillwell, C. W.. 167. 161 
Stillwell, W. D., 96. 100 
Stine, C. M. A.. 453 
Stim, P. E., 236, 249 
Stirton, A. J., 419, 425, 433, 

436, 438 
Stocking, G. W., 457 
Stoddard, K. B., 144, 150 

Stoesser, S. M., 297. 319 
Stoesser, W. C, 424, 432, 

436, 438 
Stokes, f., Jr., 250 
Stokstad, E. L. R., 242. 243, 

Stoland, O. O., 228 
StoU, A.. 226 
Stolzenbach. C. P., 293. 309. 

318, 322 
Stone, T. S., 357 
Stone, L. P., 160, 162 
Stone, T. W., 286. 316 
Stoops, W. N., 160, 162. 361, 

Stoppel. E. A., 397 
Storch, H. H., 35, 37, 39, 43, 

44, 79, 89, 179, 180, 299. 

320, 338 
Slivrmont, R. T, 182 
StoLjyhton. R. W., 138, 202, 

429. 43 <, 437, 438 
Straley. J. M., 263. 279 
Strakci, L. E,. 105, 114 
Strain, H. H., J02. 238, 350 
Strain, W. H.. 203 
Stramathan, J, D-. 57 
Strange, J. G., 371.376 
SUitsancr. E. A.. 26, 32 
Straup. D., IOh 32 
Strauss, J„ 128. 136 
Strong. J. 0„ 228 
Strong. H. A.. 250 
Stmsacker. C. J., 158, 161 
Struas. E. F., 204 
Strutb, H, J.. 296, 3!9 
Stuart, E. H., 226 
Stuart, N. H., 371, 376 
Stupp, C. G.. 318 
Sturgis, B. M.. 304.217 
Sturm, W, A., 77 
Sturtcvant, J, M.. 10, 3a 
Subbarrow. V.. 235, 349 
Subkow, P., 317 
Suchy. J. P., 228 
Sussenguth, O., 395 
Suits, C. G.. 74 
Sullivan, P. W., Jr., 180, 300. 

320. 338 
Sullivan, M. X.. 226 
Sullivan, V. R., 110, 114, 115, 

Sullivan, W. N.. 263. 270, 

272, 274, 276 
Summerbell, R. K., 215 
Sun, C. E., 38, 43, 44 
Sunderland, A. E., 344, 355 
SundstrOm, R. P.. 96, 100 
Sure, B., 230, 233, 248, 249 
Suter, C. M., 201 
Sutermeister, E., 368, 369. 

Sutton, L. E., 56, 58 
Svirbely, W. J., 10, 30, 32, 57, 

198, 204 
Swain, A. P., 264, 278 
Swain, R. C, 61 
Swallen, L. C, 181, 277, 396 
Swan, D. R., 427, 437 
Swanger, W. H., 129, 136. 

Swank, H. W., 106, 115 
Swann, S., Jr., 152, 155, 157, 

Swanson, C. O.. 244, 251 
Swanson, E. B.. 296, 319 
Swanson, E. E., 226 
Swanson, H. R., 339 
Swanson, P. P.. 236. 249 

Digitized by 




Swanson, W. H., 365. 375 
Swanaon, W. W., 241, 261 
Swearingen, L. B.. 19, 32, 76, 

Sweeney, O. R., 273, 278 
Sweet, H. A., 346, 355 
Sweetman, M. D.. 246, 252 
Sweetser, R. H.. 125, 135 
Sweetser, S. B., 76, 108, 110, 

Swift. A. H., 454 
Swift, R. W., 249 
Swinehart, C. P.. 75. 96, 100 
Swingle, M. C, 268, 278 
Swisher, C. A., 227 
Swisher, R. D., 77. 178 
Switz, T. M., 449, 466 
Swoap, O. P., 226 
Sykes, W. P., 122 
Symonds, J. E.. 393 
Ssalkowsia, C. R., 227 
Szegvari. A., 413, 418 
Szeszich, L. von, 318 

Tabem. D. L., 216, 228 
Tafel. J., 156 
Taft, R., 143, 150 
Tamele, M. W., 339 
Tammann, G., 23 
Tanaka. T.. 367 
Tangerman. B. J., 309, 322 
Tanner, W. B.. 63. 75 
Tarr, L. W., 439 
Tartar, H. V., 142. 150, 179, 

424, 436, 437 
Tarvin, C. B., 372, 377 
Tate, G. S.. 351, 356 
Tattersfield, P., 268, 278 
Tauber, H„ 246. 252 
Tiiylur, B. S„456 
Taylor. P, L., 202 
Taylor, G. B., 30ft, 322 
Taylrtr. G. G,. 76 
Taylor. H. A., .^1, 35. 44, 180 
Taylor. H, S., Se, 4:^, 76, 77, 

7(», SOh 85, 84, SS, 89, 98, 

101, 17a 
Taylor, M., 349. 356 
Taylor, M. W., 340, 251 
Tsylor, N. O.. 147, 151 
Taylor, J^. W., 76, 123 
Taylor, T. I., 76 
Taylor, T. C. 229. 348 
Taylor, W.H.. 203,215 
Ttal. G. K.. 56, 73. 77 
Tcets, D. E., 57 
Tefft, R. P., 412. 41S 
Ttichmanti. C. P., 262, 278, 

TdiDplctun, H, L., 343. 251 
Tenqnhaum, D.. 20+ 
Tener, R. P,, #04. 417 
Tennty. H. R. 305. 321 
Teordl, T., 27, 32 
Ttppenia. J., 403, 416 
Tershin, J. A„ 36fl, 375 
Terzian, H. G.. 2S5, 286. 316 
Thayer, F. D . Jr., 109, 115 
ThWer, S., 337 
Theis. E. R.. 109, 115 
Thews, B. R.. 142, 149 
Thibodeau, W. B., 401, 416 
Thiele, B. W., 338. 339 
Thienes, C. H., 227 
Thies, H. R., 397. 415. 418. 

Thiessen. L.. 313, 323 
Thode, H. G., 57 
Thomas. B. H., 250 

Thomas. C. A.. 267. 278. 357, 

394. 397. 430. 438 
Thomas. C. L., 338 
Thomas, B. B., 98, 101, 181 
Thomas, P. L., 269, 270, 278 
Thomas, H. C, 14. 15. 31, 71. 

Thomas. J. D.. 320 
Thomas. J. E.. 227 
Thomas. R. E., 396 
Thomassen, L., 129, 136 
Thompson, A. P., Jr.. 201 
Thompson, C. D., 202, 394 
Thompson, P. C, 22, 30 
Thompson, H. B.. 180. 203. 

393. 435. 439 
Thompson. H. B.. Jr.. 17. 32. 

Thompson. J. G.. 107. 116. 

125. 135 
Thompson, J. J.. 92. 100 
Thompson. M. R.. 226 
Thompson, M. S.. 433. 438 
Thompson, T. B., 455 
Thompson, T. G., 107, 115 
Thompson, W. I., 319 
Thomson, G., 142, 149 
Thordarson, W., 253. 278 
Thornton. N. V., 159, 161 
Thornton. W. M. Jr.. 96. 

Thorp. W. L.. 456 
Thorssell. C. T., 182 
Thum. B. B.. 136 
Thuras. A. L., 393 
Thurston. J. T., 204 
Thurston. R. R.. 340 
Tiddy. W., 292. 318 
Tieszen, D. V.. 182. 204 
Tilley. P. W.. 278 
Tilley. J. N.. 147. 148. 150. 

Timm. J. A.. 216 
Timm. O. K.. 229, 248 
Timmis, G. M., 226 
Timson. G. H.. 236. 249 
Tinker, J. M., 424, 435, 436 
Tipson,R.S., 210,216 
Tisdale, W. H., 264, 271, 274, 

Tischler, N., 269, 278 
Tishler, M.. 181, 198, 201, 

204, 215 
Titus, H. W., 243, 251 
Tobin, B., 181. 203 
Todd, T. W., 247, 248, 252 
Todd, W., 358 
Tolbert, L. A., 252 
Tolle, C. D., 251 
Tolman. R. C, 8. 44. 59. 74 
Tomboulian, R. L.. 234. 249 
Tomiyama. T.. 21. 32. 182. 

Tomkins. S. S.. 295. 296. 319 
Tomlinson. M. L., 213. 215. 

Tomsicek. W. J.. 15. 21. 31. 

Tongberg. C. C, 316, 323 
Topfey. B., 143, 150 
Torrance. P. M., 407, 417 
Torrey, G. G., 245, 252 
Totzek, P.. 317 
Touceda. E.. 134, 137 
Toulmin, H. A.. 445. 454 
Toussaint, J. A.. 30, 32. 67, 

Tower, M. L., 267, 279 
Towne, C. C., 320 

Townsend. H. B.. 369. 376, 

410, 418 
Tranter, G. D., 135, 135 
TraveU, J., 22S 
Travers, M. W.. 180 
Trebler, H. A., 107. 1 16 
Treichler, R. 23«, 250 
Tremeame, T. H.h 65. 76 
Tressler, D. K,. 252, 372. 377 
Trigger, K. J.. 133, 137 
Trimble, C. S.. 24^, 251 
Trimble, P. H.. 122 
Trimble, H. M., 76, 181. 338 
Troeller. W. J,, 540 
Tropsch. H., 179, 313, 323. 

Tri^Lt, G. M,, 243. 251 
TMK-5d;^]L-. E. C. 123 
Trusty, A. W.. 339 
Tschesche, R., 212, 217 
Tu, a M,. 310, 322 
Tucker, C. M., 122 
Tucker. J. T. 455 
Tucker. N. B.. 182 
Tucker, R. P., 254, 279. 340 
Tulcen. t. F., 112, 116 
Tuley, W. R, 401. 403, 416 
Turck. H, E.. IS. 30, 76 
Turck.J. A.V..Jr.,204,215, 

Turkington, V. H., 395, 439 
Turner, C. P., 302, 321 
Turner, L. B., 338 
Turner, N. C., 296, 319 
Turner, S. D., 339 
Turrill, P. L..^455 
Tuttle, M. H., 339 
Tyler, C., 442, 446, 453, 457 

Ullyot, G. B.. 201 
Ulmann, A., Jr., 324 
Ulrich, H., 367, 358 
Umpleby, J. B., 297. 320 
Underwood, H. G., 203, 217 
Underwood, H. W., Jr., 88, 

89. 202. 203 
Unger. E. D.. 76 
Upson, P. W., 76 
Upthegrove, C., 122, 131, 136 
Upton, G. B., 136 
Urban, P., 26, 32 
Urban, S. P., 125, 135 
Urey, H. C, 37, 56. 73 . 77 . 98. 

141. 149 
Urmston. J.. 140. 149 

VaKHeich, E. McC, 235. 249 
Vat I, J. C, 347, 352. -i55, 356 
Vflil.W.E.. 181.431.438 
Valaer, P., Jr^^ 227. 228 
vun Ackeren. J., 317 
Van AUtinc, H. E„ 234, 249 
Vnn dcr Pyl, L ., 30 1, 316, 32 1 
Van Ijcvi-ntqr, F. M..338 
Van Duiee, E. M., 86, 89 

203. 437 
Van Heuckeroth. A. W.. 396 
van Hook. A.. 36. 44. 180 
Van Horn. A. L.. 250 
Van Horn. K. R.. 120. 122, 

Van Klooster, H. S., 76 
van Loenen, W. P., 158, 161 
Van Rysselberghe, P.. 16, 32, 

59. 74, 77 
Van Vleck, J. H., 57, 58 
Van Vorrhis, M. G., 340 
Vance, J. E., 85, 89, 142, 149 
Vander Wal, R. J., 215 

Digitized by 




Vanderbllt, B. M., 33& 
Vanick, J. S., IM, IST 

VHUuhan, W. E., 65, 74, 75, 

m. 179, 180. 3134, 4^7 
Vaughn, T. Hh. 181, 203, 393 
Vcit<;h. F. P., Jr., ISl 
VemoTi, C, C. 204 
Veraon. H, C, 315, ^423 
ViissekjVHky, V. V.. 44, 180 
Vickcty, H. B., lOR, U5 
Viffncatid, V, du, 210, 216, 

231. 34g 
Vilbratidt, F. C, 454. 455 
Vilella. J. R., 13fl 
Vinqcnt, J. E„ 181,203 
Vmi?ii, R, P., 148, 151 
Vittha,lp.. 181.204 
Vivian. D. L., 183 
Vo«t. C. L. 338 
Vogt, E. R., 181,203 
Volck, W. JI.. 2112. 279 
Void, R. D.. 74. l7iJ 
Volwiler, E. H., 210 
Voorhees, V., 269, 279 
Vopicka. E.. 216 
Vorhaus. M. G., 237. 260 
Vorhes, F. A., Jr., 279 
Vosbureh, W. C, 76 
Voskuyl, R. J., 100 
Voss, A.. 180 
Vries, O. de, 407, 417 

W.idt^ell, J., 510 

Wflde. W. H., \7\y 
Wadlcigh, F. R., 324 
WflgBUman. W, H., 457 
Wfl^oer. C. 28 
WaF^er, C. R.. ISO. 300, 320, 

338. 330 
IVaf^ner. E. C. 2H, 2ie 
Wa^er, G. S., 265. 270 
Wagner, G. H., 254. 279 
Wahl, M. H., 77 
Wakefield, H. P., 304 
Wakeham. G., 227 
WakelaDd, C 250, 270 
Wftkeman, R. L., 179, 339 
Waksuian. S. A,, 364. 375 
Waldbauer, L., 112, 116 
Wfildp, A. W., 22, 32, 66, 76. 

Waldcn, G. B., 240 
WaJdcn, G. H.. 57 
Walden, G. H., Jr., 103, 105, 

114, 11S< 122 
Waldo, A. W., 131, 123 
Wales. H-, 227. 22S 
Walker, A. 0„ 101 
Walker. C. K., lOfl, 115 
Walker, H. G., 270, 274, 279 
Walker, H. L., 143. 150 
Walker, H , W., 273, 270, 382, 

303, 3D4 
Walker, I . F., 87, 89, 312, 322 
Walker, J. C, 182, 301.320 
Walker. J. T., lai. 198. 204 
Walker, M., 205. 277 
Walker. M. K., 74 
Wallace. E. L, 109,116 
Wallace, H. A., 297, 320 
Wallace, L. W., 454 
Wallenmeyci'. J. C,,251 
Walling, C.T,. 201, 202 
Wajlis. E. S.. 162, 160. 100, 

Wallis, G. C., 241, 261 
Walls, W. S., 67, 182 

Walsh, J. P., 395 

Walsh, W. L., 87, 89, 202, 215 

Walter, L. A., 216 

Walters, P. M.. Jr.. 119, 122, 

127, 136 
Walther, H. T., 126. 136 
Walton, C. W., 407. 417 
Walton, C. W., Jr.. 348, 365 
Walton, J. H., 141, 149 
Walton, R. P., 228 
Wannack. C. O.. 320 
Wantz, P. E., 216 
Ward, A. L., 303. 304, 319, 

Ward, A. M„ ISl 
Ward. A. T., ,S96 
Ward, C. E., 230, 24 S 
Ward, J. S.. 407, 417 
Ward, J. T., 33S, 330 
Ward, K., Jr.. 182 
Ward, N, R, 123 
Ward low, R. H., 215 
Warner, A. W.. 2SS, 317 
Warner.J.C, 10,30,32,57, 

77, 198, 204 
Warren, G. E., 76, 181 
Warren, G. P., 447, 466 
Warren, H. W. H.. 396 
Warren, L. E., 227 
Warren, W. B., 289, 317 
Warrick, E. L., 10. 32 
Warrick, L. P., 366, 374, 376, 

Washburn, E. R., 28, 31, 32, 

76, 77, 181 
Washburn, E. W.. 98 
Washburn, T. S., 126, 132, 

136, 137 
Wasum, L. W.. 180, 396 
Waterman, R. E., 212, 217, 

237, 260 
Watson, H. B., 181 
Watson. K. M., 338, 339 
Watson, P. D., 168, 161 
Watson, W. N., 440, 466 
Watt. L. A.. 466 
Watts, A. R. 30a 322 
Watts, O. O., 350. 356 
Weare, J. H,, 19. 32, 77. 183 
Webb, B. H., 243, 251 
Webb, H. A., 109, 116 
Webb, W. L., 10. 30 
Weber, A. L., 259. 277 
Weber, C. G.. 369, 370, 376 
Weber, G. M., 445, 465 
Weber, H. C., 169, 161, 299, 

Weber, H. H. R., 230, 248 
Weber, P., 338 
Webster, R. L., 266, 279 
Weed, A., 268, 276 
Weger, M., 394 
Wehmhoflf, B. L., 371, 376 
Wehrle, G., 283, 316 
Weidenbaum, B., 44, 179 
Weidlein, E. R., 441, 443, 444, 

446, 447, 460. 462, 463. 

464. 466 
Weigel, W. M., 465 
WeU. C.. 368, 376 
Weiland, H. J., 367, 424, 436 
Weinbaum, S., 58 
Weinberg, A. J., 225, 228 
Weinland, C. E., 131, 136 
Weinstock. H. H.. Jr., 201 
Weisberg, L., 396 
Weiser, H. B., 122, 123 
Weiss, C. D.. 292, 318 
Weiss, J. M., 318, 393, 397 

Weiasbaua, S. Z., 438 
Wcith. A. J,. 394 
Weith, G. S., 390 
Welch, A, D,, 228 
Weld. L.D.H.. 450. 456 
Wcldon, M. J., 133. 137 
WeUer. S. L„ 416, 418 
Wells. C. 119. 122, 130 
Wells, R:H.*204 
Wells, J, H., 321 
Wells. S. D., 366, 375 
Wells, W. H.. 130, 136 
Wenker, H., 15fl, 161, 182, 

203. 217 
WenseL H. T.. 74, 145, 146, 

149, 160 

Wenzke. H. H., 30, 33, 67, 

150, 202 

Wenler, J. F„4J5, 418 
Wemtz, J. H.. 180. 383, 393, 

Wertheitn, E„ 204 
West, C, D.. 74, 144, 150 
West , C. J., 350, 374, 444, 464 
West, C, K., 319 
Wtut, D. H„ 101 
West, R,, 236, 24 Q 
West, W., 34,44 
Wi!sUjott. B. B.. 338 
WestRHte, W. A,. 267, 277 
Westmnn, L. E,. 441, 453 
Wetberill, J. P., 217 
Wheeler, A,. 44, 85, 89, 179, 

Wheeler. G. A.. 230, 250 
Wheeler, R. V.. 36. 300. 320 
\^T]eland. G. W., 38, 43, 67, 

58. 198, 204. 205, 215 
Whik^hart. J., 320 
Wliipple, D,. 242, 251 
Whipple, D. v., 250 
Whipple, G. H,, 235. 249 
White, A., 232. 233, 248 » 249, 
White, A. E., 129, 130, 136, 

White. A , H., 57, 76, 160, 162, 

Whitt, A. McL., 90, 101 
White, B. B*. 305, 397 
White, C. B., 31ii, 323 
White, E, G., 16:i, IflO 
White, F. L., 216, 217 
White. G.H., Jr., 152, 160 
White. K. C. 363. 376 
White. H. L., 26.32 
White, J, D.. 339 
White, R. C., 200, 278 
White, R. P.. 266, 270 
White, W. B., 259, 279 
WTiite.W.H., 270,279 
Whitehead. P. E„ 253, 279 
Whitehead. H., 148. 161 
Wh^(rV,.nirl r. B., 150, 160, 

Whiteley, J. M., 338 
Whitmore, P. C., 201, 203, 

338, 437 
Whitmore, W. P., 139, 149, 

181, 202. 273. 276 
Whitney. L. V., 74, 146, 160 
Whitney, R., 463 
Whittaker, R. M., 271, 279 
Whittemore, E. R., 372, 377 
Whittier. E. O., 229, 243, 

248. 261 
Wichers, E., Ill, 116, 138, 

140, 142, 147, 149. 150 
Wichmann, H. J.. 279 
Wickcrt, J. N., 182, 425, 437 

Digitized by 




Wiebe, R,. 17, 32, 65, 75, 76 
Wisdeabeck. k. U 283, 316 
WlMKld, W. B . 406, 408, 

Wiekud, H., ISK 
Wiesi. J. L., 338 
WicrteUk. J.. 362 H 374 
Wietkr. K., ISI 
Wieievich, P, J., 301, 320. 

338, 42fl, 437 
Wiggam. D. R., 3U7 
Wjgncr. E, 8- Wl, 58 
Wi^, B. O., H2. 149 
Wikoft. H. L,,4Sfl 
Wilcox* 1>. A., 450 
Wikojt, L. v.. 105* 114 
Wikon* R. L., ng, 122 
WllcDX, W. D.,3^ 
WUcnjton, P,. 2^, 263, 264, 

276, 277, 270 
Wild. W,. 44 
Wilder, P. N., 422, 436 
Wilder, O. IT. M., 250 
WiHner. E. L..SS 
Wiles. R. H., 373. 377 
Wiley* F.H.. U0< 116 

wiiiidTn* c. J.. :m 

Wilheliiiy,E,*H5. 150 
WilldnB, E. S,, Jr,* 106. 115 
Wiliard, H. H., 92, 100, 105, 
110. Ill, 114. 115, 116 
WillaTd,i.H35, 44, 179 
Willets. W. R.. Zm, 373, 376, 

WiUiitma, U., 5il 
WUliams, D. B., 339 
Williams, P. J., 123 
WiUiams, P. M.. 371, 372, 

?76, 377 
Williams. G. D., 228 
Williams, I., 264, 278, 382, 

393, 394. 401. 402, 403, 

WiUiams. J. C.,242, Jfll 
Wimarns. J. H., 144, 145, 150 
WUHama, J. S.. 312, 322 
Williams. J. W., 30, 33. 159, 

161^ 203, 361* 374, 394 
Williams. K. T-. 107. 115 
Williams* N.* 337 
Williams, R. R., 205, 2J2, 214, 

Williams* T. L.* 182 
Williams, W. H.. 158,161 
WilHcu. L, r., 283* 284. 285, 

311, 316, 322 
Willihnganz, E., 74 
Willis. S. L., 456 
Willits. C. O., 92, 100, 104, 

Willoughby, C. E., 106. 115 
Wills, P., 309, 322 
Wills. W. H., 137 
Willson, C. O., 339 
Willson, E. A., 413, 418 
Willson, K. S., 69, 75, 76. 91, 

Willson, V. A„ 3fl&, 37fi 
Wilson, C.C. 154* 161 
Wilson, C. D.* 437 
Wilson, C. J., 30, 32. fi7, 180 
Wilson. C. L.. 17S 
Wilson, E., 35, 43. ISO, 338 
Wilson, E. B., Jr., 45, 57 
Wilson, T., ISO 
Wilson, J. B-* 181 
Wilson, J. D., 255* 270 
Wilson, J. E,. 129* 138 
WUson, J. L,. 86, 80, ISO 

Wilson. M. M„ 262* 278 
Wilson, rx, 451* 453, 456 
Wilsijp. P. J.. Jr.. 318 
Wilacm, R. E., 30O, 320 
Wilaoo. R, L.. 130, 136 
Wilson* R. W., 339 
Wil&m. T. L., 107, 115 
Wilwn. W. C. 305 
Wilson. W. S., 430* 438 
Wdtftn, H. M.. 132, 137 
Winchester. G. W,* 413, 418 
Windaus. A., 213. 213, 217 
Windsor, M. M,. M, 90. 100, 

WinffCTt. W. B., 318 
Winpfield, B,* 372. 377 
Winifroki,B.T., 366,375 
Wimmer,E. J.. 229.248 
Winnek* P. S., 21. 31, 76 
Winner, G. B., 265. 274 
Winstein. S., 179 
Winter. O. B., 106, 115 
Winterstdner. 0„ 212, 217, 

Wirth, C. 3rd., 339 
Wirth, W. v.. 179 
Wise, E. M.. 143, 146. 147, 

148, 150. 151 
Wise. L. E., 361. 374 
Wiselogle. P. Y.. 184 
Wisner. C. B.. 292. 318 
Withrow. J. R.. 454 
Witmer, E. E., 57 
Wittenberg. L.. 318 
Wittwer, M.. 357 
Woglum, R. S.. 261. 279 
Wohnsiedler. H. P.. 395 
Wojcik. B. H., 420, 436 
Wolfe, W. D., 405, 417 
Wolff, W. A., 227 
Womack, M.. 248 
Wood. L. J., 98, 101 
Wood, R. W., 56, 96, 101 
Wood, S. E., 68 
Wood, T. P.. 201 
Wood. T. J., 134, 137 
Wood. W. H.. 314. 323 
Wood. W. P.. 130, 136 
Woodbridge. D. B.. 57 
Woodhouse. J. C, 181, 182 
Woodruff, L. E., 313, 323 
Woodruff, S., 243, 251 
Woodstock, W. H., 395 
Woodward, H. E., 419 
Woodward, H. Q.. 106, 115 
Woodward, T. D.. 429. 438 
Woodward, J. E., 148, 151 
Woodward. R. C. 133. 137 
Woolgar, C. W., 339 
WooUey, D. W., 182 
Wooten, L. A., 21, 32, 113. 

116. 181 
Worden. E. C, 445. 454 
Work. R. W., 97 
Workman. D. M., 283, 284, 

Worrall, D. E., 217. 228 
WorstaU, R. A., 397 
Worthley, H. N.. 272, 279 
Wright. C. C. 291, 317 
Wright. C. I., 227 
Wright. P. R.. 304. 321 
Wright. G. P., 180, 203. 421, 

Wright, H. P.. 319. 337 
Wright. J. G. E., 396 
Wright, N.. 56 
Wright, O. E.. 249 
Wright, T. A.. 146, 150 

Wriston. H, M.. 371, 376 
Wuerti, A. J.. 425, 436 
Wulf. O. H„ 56. 202, 207, 215 
Wulff, R. G., 320 
Wyckoff. R. D., 319 
Wyckoff* R. W. G.. 117, 122 
Wyirr, J. A.. 435 
Wyman. E. T., 250 
Wyman. J,* Jr.. 29. 31. 57, 

75, 183, 2C12 
Wynne- Jones, W. P. K.. 8. 9. 

12, 17*32, 77 

Yager, W. A. 67, 76 
Yagoda, H., 08, 101 
Yanick* N. S., 77 
Yant, W. P.* 313. 323. 338 
Yates, A.. 273. 270 
Yeager, J. R* 2B3, 379 
Yeaw. J. S., 311,322 
Yeasen, T. D,. 126. 136 
Voder, L. 260 
Yoc. J. H.. 105, 114 
Yohe, a. R., 181, 204 
York, D. E.. 320 
Yost, D. M,. 15. 31, 56, 62, 

66, 75* 77* 90* 02, 93. 95, 

Yothfirt* W, W.. 254. 260, 

276. 279 
Youker, M. A., 179. 300, 320. 

Young. C. B. P.. 157, 161 
Young. C. O.. 180. 181, 393 
Young, G. H., 204 
Young. G. W., 254, 279 
Young, H. A., 12 
Young, H. B.. 284. 316 
Young. H. D.. 257. 265. 275. 

Young. H. H., Jr.. 203 
Young. H. R.. 396 
Young, J. C, 75 
Young, P.. 105. 110. 111. 114. 

115, 116 
Young, P. A.. 260. 261, 279 
Young, R. C., 101 
Young, R. v., 215 
Young, V. A.. 256. 279 
Young, W. G., 179 
Young, W. W., 308, 322 
Younger, K. R., 77 
Youtz, J. P., 84, 89, 119. 122 
Youtz, M. A., 153. 160. 372. 

Yuen. K. C.. 227 
Yuster. S.. 35, 44, 87. 89. 178, 


Zachariasen, W. H., 181 
Zahn, v., 339 
Zane, A. H., 293, 318 
Zavarine, I. N., 126, 131, 

Zavertnik, J., Jr., 318 
Zeisert, E. E., 257, 275 
Zeleny, L.. 244. 252 
Zervas, L.. 249 
Zeigler. A.. 135. 137 
Ziegler. P. K., 123 
Ziegler, N. A., 126, 127, 135, 

Zimmerli, A., 429, 438 
Zimmerman, A., 456 
Zimmerman, E. W., 369, 376, 

445, 455 
Zimmerman, P. W., 256, 266, 

Zimmermann, P., 148, 151 

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Zimmermann, M. H., 403. Zittle, C. A., 20, 32. 183 Zschiegner. H. B., 148, 151 

416 Zoellner. B. A.. 201 Zucker. M.. 396 

Zinzade, C. 105. 114 Zoll, M. B.. 306. 321 Zuffanti. S., 202 

Zinzow, W. A., 394 Zrike, E.. 216 Zwilgmeyet, P., 396 

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(This index is only a guide to the principal topics covered by the Survey.) 

Absorption spectra 

Infrared. 46 

Ultraviolet, 49 
Accounting in chemical industry, 451 
Acetylenes. 169. 328 

Polymerization, 36, 169. 379 

Aliphatic, 174 

Electrolysis, 152 

Ionization constants, 21, 66 
Acrylic resins, 382 
Activity coefficients, 13, 64 

Vapor pressure, computation from, 16 
Adhesion tension in detergency, 348 
Adhesives, rubber, 411 
Adsorption, 82 
Alcohol as motor fuel, 332 
Alcohols, 171 

Analytical tests, 172 

Ring closure, 197 

Sulfated, as detergents, 342 
Aldehydes, 172 

Identification. 188 
Alicyclic compounds, 184 
Alkaline pulpmg processes. 367 
Alkaloids. 218 
Alkyd resins. 390 
Alkyl haUdes. 164 
Alkylation. 429 

Catalytic. 87 
Allison effect, 54, 94 
Alloys, x-ray studies. 129 
Amalgam cells. 15 
Amides, 177 
Amination, 420, 425 
Amines, decomposition, 34 
Amino adds. 177 

Calorimetric measurements. 20 

Compressibility of solutions. 23 

Food value, 230 

Ionization constants, 21 

Solubility. 19, 20 

Gas, removal from, 294 

Liquid, as solvent, 96 

Structure. 47 
Anabasine, 268 
Analsrtical chemistry, 102 
Apples, 245 

Argon, compounds of, 91 
Arsenicals, 253 
Asparagus, 245 
Asphalts, 336 
Atomic reactions, 37 
Attract ants, 266 

Decomposition, 34 

Explosion, 38 

Bagasse, 363 
Bakelite resins. 385 
Beating of pulps. 367 

Structure. 48 

Substitution rule. 198 

Thermal decomposition. 35 
Benzoxazoles, 212 

Blackberries, 246 

Blast furnace operation, 124 

Bleaching agents, 353 

Bleaching of pulps, 368 

Bond energies, 37 

Boron compounds, 97 

Bread. 244 

Brewing, 244 

Broccou, 24Q 

Bromination, 422 

Butane motor fuel, 331 * 

Butter. 243 

Buttermilk. 243 

Cadmium in seed disinfection, 256 
Caffeine ethers, 225 
Calcium. r61e in metabolism. 234 
Calcium chloroarsenate, 254 
Cameras, x-rays, 118 
Cannizzaro reaction, 194 

"Crossed", 199 
Carbazoles, 207 

Carbohydrates, nutritional value. 229 
Carbon black, 407 
Carbon fluorides, 95 
Carbon monoxide, analysis, 313 
Carbon steels, 128 
Carbonyls, 99 

Carcinogenic compounds, 191 
Camosine, 210 
Carotene, 236 
Cast iron, 133 
Cast steel, 133 
Catalysis, 8 

Platinum metals in, 141 
Catalysts, surface properties of, 83 
Cellulose, 359, 361 

Esters, 363 
Cements, rubber, 411 
Cheese, 244 
Chemical economics, 440 

Education in, 442 

Research in, 442 

Sources of statistics, 443 
Chemical engineering economics, 446 
Chemical industry, financial aspects, 451 
Chemical kinetics, r61e of entropy, 9 

Distribution. 449 

Foreign trade, 450 
Chlorination, 421 

Catalytic, 87 

Kinetics of, 35 
Chlorine bleaches, 353 
Chloroform, oxidation of, 36 
Chloropicrin, 266 
Chloroprene, 382 
Chromium compounds, 94 
Cinchona alkaloids, 221 
Citrus fruits, 244 

Carbonization, 287 

Chemical structure, 290 

Decomposition products, 290 

Dust proofing, 337 

Properties, 288 
Coal coke, 287 


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Coal ^as. 287 
Codeine iaomen, 221 
Cokes, 280 

Colorimeters, photronic, 105 
Colorimetry, 105 
Commodity prices, 447 
Compressibility, 22, 64 
Concentration cells, 13, 71 
"Condensation" resins, 384 
Conjugated systems, 185 
Contact catalysis, mechanism, 79 
Copper catalysts, 81 
Copper insecticides, 255 
Corrosion, 129 

Bearing, 336 

Gas systems, 302 

Petroleum industry, 326 
Cracca firginiana, 271 
Cranberries, 245 
Critical constants, 64 
Croton resins, 272 

Crystal formation, mechanism of, 104 
Crystal structure 

Metals and alloys, 120 

Platinum metals, 144 
Cuscohygrine, 225 
Cyanides, fumigation with, 264 
Cyamne dyes, 212 
Cystine, 231 
Cytoeine, 210 

Dates, 244 

Depolarizers, organic, 160 

Derris, 269 

Deteigency, factors of, 347 

Detergents, 341 

Tests, 346 

Theory of action, 349 
Deuterium, 98 

Exchange reactions, 79 
Deuterium compounds, 

AUphatic. 163 

Raman spectra, 46 

Thermodynamics pf , 72 
Diama^etism, 52 
Diazotization, 420 
Dibenzofuran, 206 
Dielectric constants, 29 

Velocity constants, relation of, 10 
Dielectrics, organic, 159 
Diels- Alder reaction, 199 
Diffusion, 27 

Metals, 120 
Dimorphism, 67 
Dipole moments, 51 
Dithiazanes, 212 
Duprene, 382, 414 

Eggs, 242 

Electric moments, 30, 51 

Benzene substitution, relation to, 51 
Electrical conductance, 24 
Electrochemistry, organic, 152 
Electrode potentials, 16, 71, 108 

Antimony, 109 

Perrocyanide-ferricyanide, 15 

Glass, 108 

Hydrogen, 109 

Quinhydrone. 14, 109 

Silver chloride, 109 

Silver-silver bromide, 13 

Silver-silver iodide, 13, 71 

Compressibility of solutions, 22 

Thermodynamic properties, 12 
Electrolysis of gas pipe systems, 302 
Electrometric titrations, 108 
Electromotive force, 12, 70 

Electron diffraction, 45 
Electroplating with platinum metals, 142 
Electrothermal processes, oiganic, 158 
Elements, transmutation, 90 
Energy of activation, rftle in chemical ki- 
netics, 9 
Entrophy, rdle in chemical kinetics. 9 
Enzymes, value as detergents, 352 
Ergot alkaloids, 218 
Easterification, 430 
Esters, 176 
Ethers, 175 

Ethyl nitrite, decomposition, 34 
Ethylene, polymerization, 36 
Ethylene oxide, fumigation with. 265 

Theory of, 38 

Thermodynamics, 59 

Fabrics, cleaning tests, 346 
Factories, location of, 446 
Fats, metabolism of, 229 
Pigs, 246 
Pish. 242 
Flour, 244 

Fluorescence analysis, 112 
Fluorination, 422 

Analysis, 107 

Compotmds, 91, 92, 95 
Insectiddal values, 256 
Poods, 229 
Free radicals, 187 

Friedel and Crafts reaction, 194, 433 
Fries' migration, 434 
Fruits, 244 

Spray residues, removal of, 258 

Economics, 448 

Gaseous, 280 

Petroleum, 325 
Fungicides, 253 

Synthetic. 262 
Furans. 205 

Gallium compounds, 97 
Galvanic polarization, 25 
Gardinols, 343 

Analysis, 312 

Combustion of. 309 

Composition, 311 

Distribution of, 301 

Heat treatment with. 308 

Heating with, 307 

Purification, 294 

Utilization, 306 
Gas appliances, 303 
Gas burners, domestic, 309 
Gas holders, 295 

Gas mixtures, statistical mechanics of, 7 
Gas plants, purging, 296 
Gas producers, 292 
Gas reactions, kinetics of. 33 
Gas storage, 295 
Gas systems, corrosion in, 302 
Gas tars, 293 

Adsorption, 82 

Platinum metals, 140 

Diffusion through platinum metals, 140 

Electron diffraction, 46 

Homogeneous equihbria, 65 

SolubiUty, 17, 68 
Gasoline, 330 

Alcohol and, as fuel, 332 

Antioxidants, 334 

Distillation, 334 

Manufacture, 333 

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Gasoline, natural, 333 

Glycerol-phthalic anhydride resins, 390 

Glycol, 172 

Glyoxal, decomposition, 34 

Grapefruit, 246 

Grapes. 246 

Grignard reaction, 187 

Halogen compounds, 92 

Halogenation, 421, 427 

Heat capacities, 20, 60, 62 

Heats of adsorption, 83 

Heats of combtustion, 62 

Heats of fusion, 62 

Heats of hydrogenation, 63 

Hematopoietic substances, 236 

Heterogeneous reactions, kinetics of, 85 

Holocellulose, 362 

Hydration of pulps, 367 


Aliphatic, 164 

Chlorination, 166, 327 

Classification, 165 

Electronic structure, 166 

Identification, 188 

Ionization potential, 165 

Nitration, 327 

Oxidation mechanisms, 165 

Petroleum, 326 

Photobromination, 166 

Physical properties, 167, 330 

Pyrolysis, 165, 169, 299, 327 

Rubber, 399 
Hydrogen, ortho-para conversion, 80 
Hydrogen ion concentration, 22 
Hydrogen ion meter, 108 
Hydrogen isotopes, 72 
Hydrogenation, catalytic, 86, 197 
Hydrolysis, 432 

Velocity of, 11 

Ice, entropy, 65 
Igepons. 342. 344 
Imidazoles, 209 
Indicators, 103 
Indium compounds, 97 
Indoles, 207 
Infrared spectra, 46 
Insecticides, 253 

Spreaders, 259 

Sjmthetic, 262 
Interfactial tension in detergency, 348 
Internal combustion engine fuels, 330 
Inversion, velocity of, 11 
Iodine, r61e in metabolism, 236 
Ionic mobility, 27 

Ionic reactions, bimolecular, theory, 10 
Ionization constants, 21 
Iridium, 139 

High purity, 126 

Metabolism, r61e in, 236 
Iron-carbon alloys, 126 
Iron-chromium alloys, 128 
Iron-copper alloys, 127 
Iron-manganese alloys, 127 
Iron-silicon alloys, 127 
Isomerization, kinetics of, 33 
Isoprene, 383 

Hydrogen, 72 

Oxygen, 93 

Platinum metals, 144 

Reaction mechanisms, use in study of, 12 

Thermodynamics of, 72 

Joule-Thomson effect, 64 

Ketones, 172 

Cleavage, 196 

Electroljrtic reduction, 166 

Identification, 188 

Oxidation-reduction potential, 191 
Ketoximes, 177 
Kolbe synthesis, 162 
Korolas, 414 
Koroseal, 414 

Lactide resins, 384 

Larvicides, 264 

Latex. 412 

Lead, microanalysis, 106 

Lead arsenate, 263 

Lead sulfate, precipitation studies, 104 

Light oils. 300 

Lignin, 364 

Lime-sulfur sprays, 267 

Lipases. 229 

Lipoids. 230 

Low temperature studies, 60. 61 

Lubricants, testing. 336 

Lubricating oils. 335 

Lupine alkaloids, 225 

Lysergic acid, 218 

Magnesium, r61e in metabolism, 236 
Magnetism, 62 
Magneto-optic effect, 54, 94 
Manganese, rfile in metabolism, 236 
Martensite, 127 
Meats, 242 
Mechanical pulp, 366 
Merchandizing research, 448 
Mercury disinfectants, 266 

Ferrous, 124 

X-ray studies, 117 

Constitutional diagrams, 120 

Crystal orientation in, 120 

Electrodeposition from organic solutions, 

Grain distortion in, 120 

Inspection by x-rays, 121 

Solubility relations, 120 
Meter diaphragms, 306 

Pyrolysis. 33 

Structure, 47 
Methanol, synthesis, 171 
Methionine, 231 
Milk, 243 

Minerals, role in metabolism, 234 
Molecular polarization, 29 
Molecular rearrangements, 188 
Molecular rotation, theory of, 49 
Molecular structure, 46 
Molecular vibrations, theory of, 49 

Isomers, 221 

Physiological action, 222 
Mothproofing, 273 
Moving boundaries, 26 

Naphthalenes, sulfonated, 346 

Naphthenes as detergents. 346 

Narceine. 224 

Narcotine, 224 

Natural gas, 296 

Nephelometry, 106 

Nicotine, 220, 267 

Nitration, 419 

Nitro compounds, electrolytic reduction, 164 

Nitrocellulose, 363 

Nitrogen chloride, thermal decomposition, 33 

Nitrogen compounds, organic, 176 

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Nitroao compotmds, electrolytic reductton, 

Nitrous oxide 

Decomposition, 40 

Oxidation, 40 
Novolak. 386 
Nucleotides, 210 

Oil emulsions as insecticides, 260 
Olefins. 167. 328 

Condensation reactions. 329 

Poljrmerization, 328 

Alkaloids. 221 

Assay. 224 
Orange juice. 245 

Organic matter, destruction in analysis, 113 
Oi^no metallic compounds, 191 

Electrolysis, 156 
Osmium. 139 

Atomic weight. 139 
Osmotic coefficients, 16 
Overvoltage, 140 
Oxidation. 426 

Catal3rtic. 86 

Electrolytic. 152 

Gaseous, kinetics of. 35 
Oxidation potentials, 15 
Oxidimetry, indicators for, 105 
Oxime formation, 173 
Oxygen isotopes. 93 

P-V-r relations, 64 
Palladium. 139 
Papain, 233 
Paper, 359 

Fiber analysis, 373 

Permanency, 368 

Properties, 369 

Testing, 371 
Paramagnetism, 52 
Paris green homologs, 253 
Peroxide effect, 170 
Petroleum. 325 

Cracking. 334 
Petroleimi solvents, 337 
Petroleum spray oils, 260 
Phenanthrene derivatives, 192 
Phenol-formaldehyde resins, 385 
Phenols, identification, 188 
Phenothiazine, toxicity, 253 
Phosphates as detergents, 345 
Phosphorus, rdle in metabolism. 234 
Photochlorination, kinetics of, 35 
Photolysis, 35 
Physostigmine, 208, 220 
Pig iron, 124 
Pineapples, 246 
Piperazines, 211 
Plastidzers, 401 
Plastics, synthetic, 378 

Uses. 392 
Platinum metals, 99, 138 

Analysis. 111. 138 

Industrial uses. 146 

Physical properties, 143 
Plioform. 391 
Polycumarone, 381 
Polyindene. 381 
Polymerization, 170, 193, 328, 378, 434 

C5atalytic, 87 

Kinetics of, 36 
Polymorphism, 67 
Porphjrrms, 208 

Decomposition, 35 

Oxidation, 36 
Propane motor fuel. 331 
Propylamine, decomposition, 34 

Protactinium, 91, 95 
Proteases, 230 
Proteins, 230 

Nutritive efficiency, 233 
Prunes, 246 
Pseudoephedrine, 224 
Pseudomorpfaine, 223 
Pulp testing, 371 
Puzines, 209 
Pyrethrum. 268 
Pyridines. 209 
Pyrimidines. 209 
Pyrolysis, 169, 193, 299, 327 
Pyrroles. 207 

Quantum numbers, 53 
Quinazolines, 211 
Quinolines, 209 

Radioactive elements as indicators, 103 

Raisins, 246 

Raman effect, 46 

Rare earths. 98 

Raw materials. 445 

Reaction velocity 

Liquid systems. 8 

Theory of, 7 
Reduction, electrolytic, 154 
Refinery oil gas. 284 
Reformed gas, 283 
Repellents, 266 
Research, technological. 444 
Resit. 385 
Rhodium, 139 
Roach powders, 257 
Rotation, energy of, 41 
Rotenone, 269 
Rubber, 398 

Age resisters, 404 

Compounding ingredients, 407 

Dispersion of, 412 

Hard. 412 

Plastidzers, 401 

Reclaimed, 411 

Synthetic, 414 

Technology, 410 

Testing, 405 

Vulcanization, 401 
Accelerators, 402 
Rubber articles, 412 
Rubber derivatives, 391 
Ruthenium, 139 

Salt error, 14 
Salting out effects, 18 
Salts, solubility of, 18 
Seed disinfectants, 256 

Analysis, 107 

Poisoning by, 236 

Insecticides, 257 
Shellfish, 242 
Silicon compounds, 96 
Silver, oxidation states, 99 
Sinking time test, 348 
Sizing of paper, 368 
Slime in pulp mills, 374 
Soap builders, 351 
Soap solutions 

Activity coefficients, 16 

Properties, 349 

Viscosity, 348 
Soaps, 341 

Deflocculating power, 349 

Molecular weight. 349 
Sodium hexaphosphate in soaps, 352 
Sodium lauryl suuate, 342 
Solubility. 68 

Gases, 17 

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Limits, x-ray studies, 119 
Non-aqueous solutions, 19 

Compressibility, 22 
Heterogeneous equilibria, 67 
Solid, thermodynamics of, 17 
Theories of, 7 
Thermodynamics of, 12, 61 
Sorbite, 127 
Soybean milk, 245 
Spectro|rraphic analysis, 110 
Sponge tron, 125 
Spray residue removal, 268 
Stainless steels, 130 
Age hardening, 131 
Analysis, 112 
Corrosion-resistant, 130 
Creep properties, 129 
Grain size, 132 
Heat treatment, 131 
High speed, 133 
Inclusions, 125 

Inspection by x-rays, 121, 135 
Manufacture, 124 
Nitrided, 128 
X-ray studies, 120 
Stereoisomerism, 197 
Styrene polymers, 381 
Sugar industry, 246 
Sugars, electrolytic oxidation, 153 
Sulfite process, 365 
Sulfite waste liquors, 366 
Sulfonated oils, 342 
Sulfonation, 423- 
Compounds, 93 
Organic, 178 

Insectiddal value, 263 
Insectiddal value, 257 
Surface conductivity, 26 
Surface tension, 28 

Detergency, rftle in, 348 
Sweet potato, 246 

Tautomerism, 200 
Tellurium compounds, 93 
Temperature scales, 145 
Thermochemistry, 69 
Thermocouples, 61, 145 
Thermod3mamics, 69 
Thiazoles, 212 
Thiokol. 414 

Thiourea resins, 388 
Titanium compounds, 96 
Tomatoes, 246 
Tool steels, 133 
Tomesit, 391 
Trinitrides, 94 
Troostite, 127 
Tyrosinase, 233 

Ultraviolet spectra, 49 
Urea resins, 388 

Vapor phase gums, 304 
Vapor pressure, 67 

Activity coefficients from, 16 
Vasicine, 220 
Vegetables, 244 
Vinyl ester polymers, 380 
Vinylacetylene, 379 
Viscosity, 28 
Vitamin A, 236 
Vitamin B, 236 
Vitamin Bi, structure, 212 
Vitamin C, 239 
Vitamin D, 236 
Vitamin E, 241 
Vitamin G, 238 

Valence, quantum mechanics of, 63 
Volumetric analvsis. 111 
Voltaic cells with organic electrolytes, 159 
Vulcanization, 401 

Accelerators, 402 

Water, structure, 47 
Water gas, 283 

Carburetted, 285 

Heavy oils in, 285 

High-hydrogen, 286 
Water gas tar, 285 
Weed lallers, 274 

Wetting agents for insecticides, 269 
Whey, 244 

White water (paper mills), 374 
Wines, 246 

Wood, properties of, 360 
Wood preservatives, 273 

X-ray photographs, interpretation of, 45 
X-ray spectra, platinum metals, 144 
X-ray studies, equipment for, 118 

Zinc, rdle in metabolism, 236 
Zinc arsenates, 254 
Zinc fungicides, 256 

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