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Appendix III 





The Earliest Recoverable Text of Sefer Yesira 

anao urtwa mKas nw m ppn naan mxVs ma-™ D'nun a^Vw (i) 

.1(1)301 naDI IDDH 

mm nnai wm nna rc»n mmsK -hm? naoa nana mrnao -row (3) 

.nai puni nVaa yxaxa nmaa 

nasna nn rros nnK Km -vm ,vm xVi nizw nana mrac n^i? 

bv nsv awm inn Vv nm navm ana mpm ana pna nraa nam 


nan n oxi innnVo naV ana nanVa T s °^ 3 ^^ ™Taa n^ 

nna nnnai m nan Vsn aitzn xisn i^k: -piz? aipa*7 aw 

nVma nanViw pioa in^nm jnV'nna pio pw nana mmao to* 

naio nnK na nnK ^dVi w n pKi nnK nsvntf 

pawn n^xn j?nw nno jnV pK^ "^ pmai nana mmao tot 

paim nnta pail? nnn paim an paw in paim ait? paiv nnnx 

iViaa 7una raxj n>a *?k mm pnKi mn paim pas pan* anva 

1 iv nv mn itznp p3?»a 

ina nam rp TnV px on^am pian nKiaa tn^as nana mmao -raw 

aAnni^a an iKaa ^dVt iaimv naioa naKam awn Kisna 

unipn nn x*n it a"n annx nn nnK nana mmao nttfv 

awn ninn vanK na asm ppn nna nn a^ntz? (12) 
runi? raa ti?Pn wen u?an imai mm ana asm ppn mna a^a wbv (13) 

nanva paa pan, nam paa prsn 

ntw ama narc ana Kas Van maa Koa na asm ppn a^aa vx otk (14) 
1 mnnrax^a 

lanm nuaV ma nnn ann vw inn, lanm nVvaV ma an ann won (15) 
ma anva ann mow 'ina lanm i^a 1 ? ma nma ann vaw nva 
ann -raw ma lanm iran ma am ann yrcn ma lanm innx 1 ? 

nna lanm nxa;zn ma pas 

nwa nVva u?k a^a mm a^n amVK nn nana mmao n^v iV^k 

anm pas anva mta 

mtawD nn^v a^n^i nniaa va^ maK w 1 ?© ma^ nvmK wrm an^v 
u?ana naa rvunap nna maisn Vipa mpipn nvmx dtiwi an^v] (17) 

[pu7 dt nn on pa n ^ la s?n nK maipa 




fx lai 1 ? ja'o mnxi d-ud VjVji ntn V;faa rrunap nvmx DTion anwy (18) 

y:na nuti? nyia oxi miso nVyaV mien 
]T»'m fVpiy pis psn ]ppn nvrnx DTiun anew (19) 
ma dv jVai i^d ny ma T7X ay jVai ,d>3 nv t^x ]mam f?pw ira] 
xsa3 anyu> nnxi D'tz^un DTixaa nixsv lxsaj nVnn nnnn iVai 

pnx oun xxv main "731 mm Va 
lrxw mixa nnvu omns asm wi wxa ix^yi waa imna ns' (20) 

.D^nm ynaa pn pwVi nam npi mm *p pio 1 wax m»'x rciVw (23) 
uaai myau wa oinm xVDiai noiaa ?m mo wax max u?iVu7 (24) 

.nipi'] laia Vmnai nm □'» wx I'xxv 
.D^nan [ynaa pn] mm nuaV n*n nVyaV wx [max] (n)u?Vu? (25) 
.D'naa ynaa pn mi fjVx npmw pw naan on wax max wVw (26) 
rnun nm DViy3 mix in onm ma iV iwpi nna ^Vx nx mVan] (32) 


lorn mw3 mpi oViya px 13 anm ma i 1 ? nwpi o^aa Da nx mVan (33) 


mwa mm DViya D^aw in onm nna iV nwpi wxa "fit? nx mVan (34) 

[.WD33 wxm 

naam Dnwi a^n mnwV Tiwa rrumna rnioa ua nniDa yaw (37a) 
n*7T nVi ^an Va^ *»a *»a mwV 'nun nnmnai nVwaa ym p nwiyi 
wVm 113^ nwpi pn vn vn ©n wn "»s 's *p *p 
nVn V»i Va'a >3 'a nmwV ^JW3 mwanwa rnaa naa mViaa y3W] (37b) 
mVisa w^m maa mm nwpi *p vn vn urn urn •-s ■»*) *p *]3 nVn 
nman nVix naan nman yn diVw nman ma D"n nman nman ]nw 
[nmy nViyaa nman mx^a ]n nman naaw ym nman my n^iy 
x^ij xini] y^ax3 ]3ia ump Va^m nnxp ^U7 msa *n3 mVioa yaty (38) 

[oVia nx 
onyun d'»' o^aaia pa mn pns psn }ppn moa i:o mVioa yau? (39) 
yaix DTD nu7iy niDi3 tyi"?^ o^na iw mna d ,j 33x "-nw ]Dns is nrxa (40) 

maia 12?^ DTia onu?yi nxa m]ia iyan dtd yaixi onu?y ni3i3 

ixa-'a dti3 D">y3ixi d'dVx nuron ni3ia y3w D^na nn^yi mxa yai^ 

nVia^ pixn pxu? nai nan'? nVia 1 - nsn pxu? na awm xs ^xi 

yiau? 1 ? 
^D3 m3V nm /m 1 ? DViy n3 1 ? mx nnx p^aym D^yn nx ns^n] (43c) 

nn^ nmn nyaiy mxn piD - - psyoi^Dmin mnws miyy D^n^ (45) 
.mw nmn pinty mi m^n niyya ^atyn nu-'yV 
Viai mam mnma Via^ n^ios mnma Vi3i poa^x ,t 7i3a n^y d-w (47) 

nmDs Vi3i mnnn nmDs Vina nmnn mnma Vi3J man mniTa 

main maiya Vias mnnn rvaiso Vi3^ man nmss Viai maiya 

n'-an mam Viaj mnnn mam Vi3i rvon m3iya Vi3i. 

Appendix III: The Earliest Recoverable Text o/Sefer Yesira 


mVia DH3 isi imam fipw psn pns ppn mows nnyy dtw lv, (48a) 

DTmai ffipim 
^nVx D"n wnbx mxas "v 'n 11 nc inau; nvmx o^nun anu?y irx] 

[iaiy u?npi ny piu? xwn m Vx'ny' 
■»Viax n^y Q'atm pTiixasn D^u^aa nyaiyi in^nVim max n^Vw 
u?D3i nau? oViy D-'jaxi ony naiV n-'xm foiVax 
oViya ^Vn .a 1 ?! VxVai ,t 7n3 pipo iwy d^^i nyDiyi nwVu? mew pn 
nanVaa -j^aa u?D33 3V nana3 i^aa n3U73 V^Vj ixoa bv i^aa 
3ioa 3iDi yia yn yn naiyV 3iD a^nVx myy ht naiyV m f on Va dj 
d^iu 1 ? HT13J mitt 3iu nx i'nao ym vi nx j^nao aiu 
D^nVxn nwy m nayV ht nx dj nanVa i^aa pi»i nana p aa ]x^y i,s (48a) 
mxi myVu? Vy ^piVn nu7Vw nya^ naiy i-q 1 ? inx mx n^Vu? (48b) 
niz?V^i D'anx n^V^ nan"7a3 inaiy niyy o^w D^n33 ynaa pin 
nTa m ppnx iViai a^n^aa nurV^i D^na n^Vty n'amx 
" vVy hVpd iT3 nnVyi 3wm npm ^nsi isi nrax Dmax pantro (6i) 





1.7 Long and Sandyan Recension form. 

1.8 Short Recension form. 



(A translation of Ms A, the earliest manuscript 
of the long recension) 

5X1 Yah . the Lorcl of hosts, the God of Israel, the Living God, God Almighty, 
high and lofty, dwelling for ever, and holy is his name (Is.57:15), carved out 
thirty-two wondrous paths of wisdom. He created his universe with three 
(groups of) letters: with sefer. and sefer and sefer. 

5X2 Ten sefirot belima and twenty-two fundamental letters. 

SY3 Ten sefirot belima: the number of the ten fingers, five opposite five, 
and the covenant of the unity is placed exactly in the middle by the word 
of the tongue and the mouth, and the circumcision of the foreskin. 

SY^ Ten sefirot belima: ten and not nine, ten and not eleven. Understand 
with wisdom, and be wise with understanding. Test them and investigate 
them; know and ponder, and form (a mental image). Explain the matter 
clearly, and restore the Creator to his place. And their measure is ten, for 
they have no end. 

SY5 Ten sefirot belima: restrain your heart from thinking; restrain your 
mouth from speaking. And if your heart races return to the place from 
whence you came, and remember that thus it is written: And the living 
creatures ran to and fro(Ezek.1:H). And concerning this matter a covenant 
was made. 

SY6 Their measure is ten, for they have no end. Their end is fixed in their 
beginning as the flame is bound to the burning coa/(cf.Ezek.1:13). Know and 
ponder, and form (a mental image) that the Lord is unique and the Creator 
one, and he has none second to him; and before one, what can you count? 

SY7 Ten sefirot belima; and their measure is ten, for they have no end - 
dimension of beginning and dimension of end, dimension of good and dimension 
of evil, dimension of above and dimension of below, dimension of east and 
dimension of west, dimension of north and dimension of south. And the unique 
Lord, a trustworthy divine king, rules over them al! from his holy, abode for 
ever and ever. 

SY8 Ten sefirot belima: looking at them is like observing lightning, and their 

end? - they have no limit. His word is in them as though running (k* raso , 

Ezek.lMO, and they pursue his command like the storm wind, and before his 
throne they bow down. 

SY9 Ten sefirot belima and twenty-two fundamental letters - three matrices, 
seven double letters, and twelve simple ones; and the Spirit is one of them. 

SY10 Ten sefirot belima: one - the Spirit of the Living God. His throne is 
established from of o/d(Ps.93:2). Twice blessed is the name of him who lives 
for ever. Voice, and air(ruah) and speech - this is the Holy Spirit(ruah). 

SY1 1 Ten sefirot belima: one - the Spirit of the Living God; two - 
aether(ruah) from the Holy Spirit; three - water from aether; four - fire 


from water; and above and below, east and west, north and south. 

SY12 Two - aether from Spirit: he carved and hewed in it the four 
directions of space - east and west, north and south. And the Spirit is in 
each one of them. 



12 Three - water from aether: he carved and hewed in it tohu and 
hu(cf.Gen.1:2), mud and m/re(cf.Is.57:Z0). He made then like a sort of 
.,_,. ,. _j- <-„.,„,. c.->i uq arorteri them like a sort of wall, and 

garden-bedtcf. Song of Songs 6:2). He erected them like a sort of wall 
he wove them like a sort of ceiling. And he poured out snow over them and 
it became dust, for it is said: For to the snow he says, "Become earth (Job 
37:6). Tohu is a green tine which surrounds the world. Bohu is the slimy 
stones sunk in the abysses between which the water comes out. 

S YU Four - fire from water: he carved and hewed in it the throne of 

glory, and the Ofanim and the Serafim, and the holy living creatures, and the 

ministering angels. And from the three of them he founded his abode: he 
makes his angels windsi ruhot), his servants a flaming fire(Ps.104:4). 

SY15 Five - he sealed above. He chose three simple letters and fixed 

them in his great name - YHW. And he sealed with then the six edges (of the 

universe), and turned upwards and sealed it with YHW. 

Six - he sealed below. He turned downwards and sealed it with YWH. 

Seven - he sealed the east. He turned in front and sealed it with HYW. 

Eight - he sealed the west. He turned behind and sealed it with HWY. 

Nine - he sealed the south. He turned to his right and sealed it with WYK. 

Ten - he sealed the north. He turned to his left and sealed it with WHY. 

SY16 These are the ten sefirot belima: one - the Spirit of the Living God; 
two - aether from the Spirit; three - water from aether; four - fire from 
water; and the height above, and below, east and west, north and south. 

SY17 Twenty-two fundamental letters: three matrices, seven double letters, 
and tweive simple ones. They are carved out by the voice, hewed out in the 
air, fixed in the mouth in five positions: Alef, Het; He. Ayin; Bet, Waw, Mem, 
Pe; Gimel, Yod, Kaf, Qof; Dalet, Tet, Lamed, Nun, Taw; Zayin, Samek, Sade, 
Resh. Shin. They are bound to the tip of the tongue as the flame to the 
burning coal. Alef, He, Het, Ayin are pronounced at the back of the tongue 
and in the throat. Bet, Waw. Mem. Pe are pronounced between the teeth and 
by the tip of the tongue. Gimel, Yod. Kaf, Oof are cut off a third of the 
way up the tongue. Dalet, Tet, Lamed, Nun, Taw are pronounced by the tip 
of the tongue with the voice. Zayin. Sade, Resh, Shinlare pronounced) between 
the teeth with the tongue relaxed. 

SY1B Twenty-two fundamental letters. They are fixed on a wheel with two 
hundred and twenty-one gates. The wheel rotates backwards and forwards. 
And this is the sign of the matter: if for good, above pleasure) ng), and if 
for evil, below paining ). 

SY13 Twenty-two tetters: he carved them out, he hewed them, he weighed 
them and exchanged them, he combined them and formed with them the life 
of all creation and the tife of all that would be formed. How did he weigh 
and exchange them? - Alef with them alt, and them all with Alef; Bet with 


them all, and them all with Bet; Gimel with them all, and them all with Gimel. 

And they all rotate in turn. The result is that they go out by two hundred 

and twenty-one gates. The result is that all creation and all speech go out 
by one name. 

SY20 He formed substance from chaos, and he made it with fire and it 
exists, and he hewed out great columns from intangible air. This is the sign: 

SY21 (This paragraph sets out the great columns of combinations of each 
letter of the alphabet with all the others) 

SY22 He looks and exchanges; he makes all creation and all speech one name. 
And a sign for the matter: twenty-two objects in one body. 

SY23 Three matrices: Alef, Mem, Shin. Their basis is the scale of acquittal 
and the scale of guilt, and the language of law holds the balance between 

SY21 Three matrices: Alef, Mem, Shin - a great secret, hidden and ineffable, 
and sealed with six seals. And from it goes out fire, water and aether, and 
it is enveloped in male and female. Know and ponder and form (a mental 
image) that fire evaporates water. 

SY25 Three matrices: Alef, Mem. Shin. The offspring of the heavens - fire; 
the offspring of air - aether; the offspring of earth - water; fire above, 
water below, and aether is the balancing item. 

SY26 Three matrices: Alef, Mem. Shin. Mem is silent, Shin hisses, Alef is the 

balancing item. 

SY27 Three matrices: Alef, Mem, Shin. And from them were born three 
fathers from whom everything was created.' 

S_Y28 Three matrices - Alef, Mem, Shin - in the universe: aether, water and 
fire. Heaven was created first from fire, and earth was created from 
water, and air was created from aether, holding the balance between them. 

SY29 Three matrices - Alef, Mem, Shin - in the year: fire, water and aether. 
Heat was created from fire, cold was created from water, and humidity from 
aether holding the balance between them. 

SY30 Three matrices - Alef, Mem, Shin - in mankind. The head was created 
from fire, the belly from water, and the chest from aether holding the 
balance between them. 

SY31 Three matrices: Alef, Mem, Shin. He carved them, hewed them, combined 
them and sealed with them the three matrices in the universe, and the three 
matrices in the year, and the three matrices in mankind, male and female. 

SY32 He made Alef rule over aether, and bound to it a crown, and combined 
them with each other, and formed with them air in the universe, humidity in 
the year, and the chest in mankind, male and female - male with Alef, Mem, 
Shin, and female with Alef, Shin, Mem. 

SY33 He made Mem rule over water, and bound to it a crown, and combined 
them with each other, and formed with it earth in the universe, cold in the 
year, and the belly in mankind, male and female. 


SY3^ He made Shin rule over fire, and bound to it a crown, and combined 
them with each other, and formed with it heaven in the universe, and heat 
in the year, and the head in mankind, male and female. 

SY35 How did he combine them? - AMSJi, A£hM, MA^H, MSJ1A, SJJMA, £HAM - 
heaven/fire, air/aether, earth/water. Man's head is fire, his belly water, his 
heart aether. 

SY36 Three matrices: Alef, Men, Shin. 

There was formed with Alef: aether, air, humidity, the chest, law, and 

language(the tongue). 
There was formed with Me«: earth, cold, the belly, and the scale of 

acquittal . 
There was formed with Shin: heaven, heat, the head, and the scale of 

This is Alef, Men, Shin. 

SY37 Seven double letters: Bet, Gimel, Oalet; Kaf, Pe. Resh. Taw. Their basis is 
life and peace, wisdom, wealth, prosperity, beauty and mastery. They are 
pronounced with the tongue in two different positions, for they represent 
two categories of opposites: Bet/Vet, Gimel/Ghimel, Dalet/ Dhalet, Kaf/Khaf. 
Pe/Fe, Resh/Rhesh, Taw/Thaw, corresponding to soft and hard, a paradigm of 
strong and weak. They are opposites. The opposite of life is death; the 
opposite of peace is evil; the opposite of wisdom is folly; the opposite of 
wealth is poverty; the opposite of prosperity is desolation; the opposite of 
beauty is ugliness; and the opposite of mastery is slavery. 

SY38 Seven double letters: Bet. Gimel, Dalet; Kaf. Pe. Resh. Taw. Seven and 
not six, seven and not eight - (corresponding to) the six ribs and the six 
faces (of a cube), and the Holy Temple set in the middle. Blessed be the 
glory of the Lord from his p/ace(Ezek.3:1 2) - he is the place of his world, 
but his world is not his place. And he supports them all. 

SY39 Seven double letters: Bet. Gimel. Dalet; Kaf, Pe, Resh, Taw. He carved 
and hewed them, he combined and weighed them, and he formed with them 
the planets in the universe, the days in the year, and the apertures in 
mankind, by sevens. 

SY40 How did he combine them? - two stones build two houses; three build 
six houses; four build twenty-four houses; five build one hundred and twenty 
houses; six build seven hundred and twenty houses; seven build five thousand 
and forty houses. From here on go out and ponder what the mouth cannot 
speak, and what the eye cannot see, and what the ear cannot hear. 

SY41 f 1) He made Bet rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined 

one with another, and formed with it Saturn in the universe, the sabbath in 

the year, and the mouth in mankind. 

(2)He made Gimel rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined one with 

another, and formed with it Jupiter in the universe, the first day of the 

week in the year, and the right eye in mankind. 

(3)He made Dalet rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined with 

another, and formed with it Mars in the universe, the second day of the 


week in the year, and the left eye in mankind. 

(4)He made Kaf rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined one with 

another, and formed with it Sun in the universe, the third day of the week 

in the year, and the right nostrj.1 in mankind. 

(5)He made Pe rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined one with 

another, and formed with it Venus in the universe, the fourth day of the 

week in the year, and the left nostril in mankind. 

(G)He made Resh rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined one with 

another, and formed with it Mercury in the universe, the fifth day of the 

week in the year, and the right ear in mankind. 

(7)He made Taw rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined one with 

another, and formed with it the Moon in the universe, the sixth day of the 

week in the year, and the left ear in mankind. 

SY42 And with them were carved out seven firmaments, seven earths, seven 
hours and seven days. Therefore he loved the seventh above everything 
under heaven. 

SY43 These are the seven planets in the universe: Sun, Venus, 

Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars. 
And the seven days: the seven days of creation. 

And the seven apertures in mankind: two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, 

and the mouth. 
And the seven firmaments: Wilon, Raqia , Shehaqim, Zebul, Ma on, Hakon, 

Arabot . 
And the seven earths: 'dama, arqa, tebel, neshiyya, siyya, heled, 

He split up the witnesses and made each one stand by itself - the universe 
by itself, the year by itself, mankind by itself. 

SY44 Seven double letters: Bet, Gimel, Dalet; Kaf, Pe, Resh, Taw. 
There was formed with Bet: Saturn, the sabbath, the mouth, life and 

There was formed with Gimel: Jupiter, the first day of the week, the 

right eye, peace and evil. 
There was formed with Dalet: Mars, the second day of the week, the 

left eye, wisdom and folly. 
There was formed with Kaf: the Sun, the third day of the week, the 

right nostril, wealth and poverty. 
There was formed with Pe: Venus, the fourth day of the week, the left 

nostril, prosperity and desolation. 
There was formed with Resh: Mercury, the fifth day of the week, the 

right ear, beauty and ugliness. 
There was formed with Taw: the Moon, the preparation of the sabbath, 

the left ear, mastery and slavery. 

SYA5 Twelve simple tetters: He. Waw, Zayin. Het, Tet, Yod, Lamed, Nun, Samek, 
Ayin, Sade, Qof. Their basis is sight, hearing, smelling, talking, eating, sexual 
intercourse, action, walking, anger, laughter, thought and sleep. 

SY4 6 Twelve simple letters: He, Waw, Zayin, Het, Tet, Yod, Lamed. Nun. Samek. 
Ayin, Sade, Oof. Twelve and not eleven, twelve and not thirteen. 


SY47 Twelve diagonal lines, radiating out to the six faces (of a cube), 
separating in each direction: - the south-eastern line, the upper eastern line, 

the lower eastern line, the lower northern line, the north-western line, the 

upper northern line, the lower western line, the upper western line, the 

upper western line, the lower western line, the lower southern line, the 

upper southern line. And they expand continually for ever and ever and they 
are the arms of the un/Verse(cf. Deut.33:Z7). 

SY4B Twelve simple letters: He, Waw, Zayin, Het, Tet, Yod, Lamed, Nun, Samek, 
Ayin, Sade, Qof. He carved them, he combined them, he hewed them, he 
weighed them and exchanged them, and formed with them the constellations, 
the months, and the principal (bodily) organs: two exultant ones, two babbling 
ones, two deliberating ones and two rejoicing ones. They are the internal 
organs and the two hands and feet. He made them a sort of lawsuit, he 
arranged them in battle array, one opposite the other(cf.Eccles.7:14). Three - 
each one stands by itself; seven - three are at loggerheads with three, and 
one is the law which decides between them. Twelve stand in battle array: 
three are hostile but three love; three give life but three kill. And the 
divine, trustworthy king rules over them all - one on top of three, and 
three on top of seven, and seven on top of twelve. And they all adhere to 
each other. And the sign for the matter is: twenty-two objects in one body. 

SY49 Twelve simple letters: He, Waw, Zayin, Het. Tet, Yod. Lamed, Nun, Samek, 
Ayin, Sade, Qof. He carved them and hewed them out, he combined them, 
weighed them and exchanged them, and formed with them the twelve 
constellations in the universe, the twelve months in the year, and the twelve 
principal organs in mankind. 

These are the twelve constellations in the universe: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, 

Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Saggitarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, 

And the twelve months are: Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Av, Elul, Tishri, 

Marheshvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, Adar. 
These are the twelve principal organs in mankind: two hands, two feet, two 

kidneys, the liver, the gall, the spleen, the gullet, the intestines 

and the stomach. 

SY50 Three mothers: Alef, Hem. Shin; and seven double letters: Bet, Gimel. 
Dalet; Kaf, Pe, Resh, Taw; and twelve simple letters: He. Waw, Zayin, Het. Tet, 
Yod, Lamed, Nun, Samek, Ayin, Sade. Qof. 

SY51 These are the twenty-two letters by which Yah, the Lord of Hosts, the 
God of Israel, the Living God, God Almighty, high and lofty, dwelling for ever 
and holy is his name(Is.57: 1 5), laid the foundation. 

SY52 f 1 ) He made He rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined 

one with another, and formed with it Aries in the universe, Nisan in the 

year, and the liver in mankind. 

(2)He made Waw rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined one 

with another, and formed with it Taurus in the universe, Iyyar in the 

year, and the gall in mankind. 

(3)He made Zayin rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined one with 

another, and formed with it Gemini in the universe, Sivan in the year, and 


the spleen in mankind. 

(4)He made Het rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined one with 

another, and formed with it Cancer in the universe, Tamrauz in the year, and 

the gullet in mankind. 

(5)He made Tet rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined one with 

another, and formed with it Leo in the universe, Av in the year, and the 

right kidney in mankind. 

(6)He made Yod rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined one with 

another, and formed with it Virgo in the universe, Elul in the year, and 

the left kidney in mankind. 

(7)He made Lamed rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined one with 

another, and formed with it Libra in the universe, Tishri in the year, and 

the intestines in mankind. 

(8)He made Nun rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined one with 

another, and formed with it Scorpio in the universe, Marheshvan in the 

year, and the stomach in mankind. 

(9)He made Sanek rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined one with 

another, and formed with it Sagittarius in the universe, Kislev in the 

year, and the right hand in mankind. 

(10)He made Ayin rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined one with 

another, and formed with it Capricorn in the universe, Tevet in the year, 

and the left hand in mankind. 

(11)He made Sade rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined one with 

another, and formed with it Aquarius in the universe, Shevat in the year, 

and the right foot in mankind. 

(12)He made Qof rule, and bound to it a crown, and combined one with 

another, and formed with it Pisces in the universe, Adar in the year, and 

the left foot in mankind. 

SY53 He split up the witnesses and made- each one stand by itself - the 
universe by itself, the year by itself, and mankind by itself. 

5Y54 Twelve simple letters: He, Waw, Zayin, Het, Tet, Tod, 

Lamed, Nun, Samek, Ayin, Sade, Qof. 

(1)There was formed with He: Aries, Nisan, the liver, sight and 


(2)There was formed with Waw: Taurus, Iyyar, the gall, hearing and 

deafness . 

(3)There was formed with Zayin: Gemini, Sivan, the spleen, smelling 

and anosmia. 

(4)There was formed with Het: Cancer, Tammuz, the gullet, talking and 


(5)There was formed with Tet: Leo, Av, the right kidney, eating and 


(S)There was formed with Yod: Virgo, Elul, the left kidney, action 

and paralysis. 

(7)There was formed with Lamed: Libra, Tishri, the intestines, sexual 

intercourse and impotence. 

(8)There was formed with Nun: Scorpio, Marheshvan, the stomach, 

walking and lameness. 

(9)There was formed with Samek: Sagittarius, Kislev, the right hand, 

anger and equanimity. 

(10)There was formed with Ayin: Capricorn, Tevet, the left hand, 

laughter and sadness. 


(H)There was formed with Sade: Aquarius, Shevat, the right leg, 
thought and thoughtlessness. 

(12)There was formed with Qof: Pisces, Adar, the left leg, sleep 
and insomnia. 

SYS5 This is He. Waw, Zayin, Het, Tet, Yod, Lamed. Nun, Samek, Ayin, Sade. 
Oof. And they all adhere to the Hook, the Diurnal Sphere, and the heart. 

SY56 Three matrices, seven double letters, and twelve simple ones: these are 
the twenty-two letters by which Yah, the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, 
the Living God, God Almighty, high and lofty, dwelling for ever, and holy is his 
name(Ts.57:15), carved out (the universe). Yah - two names; Yahweh - four 
names; hosts - it is a sign in his host; God of Israel - he is a prince before 
God; Living God - three are called living: the Living God, running t = living) 
water, the tree of life; God Almighty - a strong God; Almighty (shadday) - so 
far sufficient(day). high - for he dwells in the height of the universe, higher 
than the highest; and lofty - for he lifts and supports both above and 
below, for all who lift are below and what they lift is above, but he is 
above and what he lifts is below, and he lifts and supports all his universe; 
dwelling for ever - for his kingdom is eternal and has no end; and holy is his 
name - for he is holy, and his servants are holy, and every day they say to 
him, "Holy, holy, ho/y"(Is.B:3). 

SY57 Twelve below and seven above on top of them, and three on top of 
seven. And from the three of them he founded his abode. And they all 
depend on one - a sign for the One who has none second to him, a King 
unique in his universe, for he is one and his name one. 

^Y58 Three fathers and their offspring, and seven dominant ones and their 
hosts, and the twelve diagonal tines. And a proof for the matter 
trustworthy witnesses: the universe, the year and mankind. The universe - 
its counting is by ten; the year - its counting is by ten; mankind - its 
counting is by ten. And there are twenty-two objects in each one. In the 
universe there are three: fire, air and water; and seven planets and twelve 
constellations. In the year there are three: cold, heat and the temperate 
state; and the seven days of creation, and the twelve months. In mankind 
there are three: the head, the belly and the chest; and the seven exits, and 
the twelve principal organs. 

SY59 There is a law of ten, three, seven and twelve. They are present in 
the Hook, the diurnal sphere, and the heart. The Hook in the universe is 
like a king on his throne; the diurnal sphere in the year is like a king in a 
province; the heart in mankind is like a king at war. 

SY60 The sum of the matter: in some cases these are combined with those, 
and those with these; these are opposites of those, and those of these; 
these correspond to those, and those to these; and if these do not exist, 
neither do those. So Cod has created every object, one opposite the 
other(cf.Eccles.7: K): good opposite evil - evil from evil and good from good. 
Good is stored up for the good. 

SY61 When Abraham our father came, and looked, and saw, and investigated, 
and understood, and carved, and combined, and hewed, and pondered, and 
succeeded, the Lord of all was revealed to him. And he made him sit in his 
bosom, and kissed him upon his head. He called him his friend and named him 


his son, and made a covenant with him and his seed for ever. And he trusted 
in the Lord, and he accounted it to him for righteousness (Gen. 15:6). And he 
invoked upon him the glory of the Lord, as it is written: Before I formed 
you in the womb, I knew you, ptc.(Jer.1:5). He made with him a covenant 
between the ten toes of his feet - it is circumcision. He made with him a 
covenant between the ten fingers of his hands - it is language/the tongue. 
He bound twenty-two letters into his language/tongue, and the Holy One 
revealed to him the secret. He drew them out into water, he burned them 
into fire, he shook them into the air, he branded them into the seven, he 
led them into the twelve constellations. 

SY62 (1)Air, temperate state and chest; earth, cold and the belly; 
heaven, heat and the head. This is Alef, He«, Shin. 

(2)Saturn, sabbath and the mouth; Jupiter, the first day of the week and 
the right eye; Mars, the second day of the week and the left eye; the Sun, 
the third day of the week and the right nostril; Venus, the fourth day of 
the week and the left nostril; Mercury, the fifth day of the week and the 
right ear; the Moon, the sixth day of the week and the left ear. This 
Bet, Gimel, Dalet; Kaf, Pe, Resh, Taw. 

(3)Aries, Nisan, the liver; Taurus, Iyyar, the gall; Gemini, Sivan, the 
spleen; Cancer, Tammuz, the gullet; Leo, Av, the right kidney; Virgo, Elul, 
the left kidney; Libra, Tishri, the intestines; Scorpio, Marheshvan, the 
stomach; Sagittarius, Kislev, the right hand; Capricorn, Tevet, the left 
hand; Aquarius, Shevat, the right foot; Pisces, Adar, the left foot. This 
is He, Waw, Zayin, Het, Tet, Tod, Laned, Nun, Samek, Ayin, Sade, Qof. 

SY63 H )Three are hostile. These are they: the tongue, the liver 

and the gall. 
(2)Three love: the eyes, the ears and the heart. 

(3)Three give life: the two nostrils and the liver of the left side. 
(4)Three kill: the two lower orifices and the mouth. 
(5)There are three which are in man's control: the hands, the feet, 

and the mouth. 
(6)There are three which are not in man's control: his eyes, his ears 

and his nostrils. 
(7)Three things are heard by the ear and they are evil: cursing, 

blasphemy and an evil report. 
(8)Three good things are heard by the ear: blessing, praise and a good 

(9)There are three evil sights: an adulterous leer, an evil eye and a 

deceptive look. 
(10)There are three good sights: modesty, a good eye, and a trustworthy 

(11)Three things are bad for the tongue: Ke who speaks evir in the 

presence of his fellow, he who slanders, 

and he who speaks one thing with the mouth 

but another with the heart. 
(12)Three things are good for the tongue: silence, reticence, and 

speaking the truth. 

SY64 This is the book of the letters of Abraham our father which is called 
"The Laws of creation". There is no limit to the wisdom of all who look into 




Paragraphs 1-16 


These are the ten sefirot belima: the Spirit of the Living God, 
and aether, water, fire, above, below, east, west, north and south. 
(Para. 16) 

These are divided into three groups: 

1. Alef(n- '), Mem(n.- m) , Shin(w- sh); the three matrices. 

2. Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Kaf ,Pe, Resh, Taw; the seven double letters. 

3. The twelve simple letters; the rest of the Hebrew alphabet. 

Paragraphs 23-36 


Primordial elements 
Universe( a^iy ) 
Time( niiu ) 
Mankind! uJol ) 
Moral realm 

Paragraphs 37-44 




Moral f pos. 
realm \neg. 

Space : 








water (mayim) 

f ire( 'esh 

air ( 'awir) 













Det Gimel Dalet 

Saturn Jupiter Mars 

sabbath 1st day 2nd day 

mouth right left 

eye eye 

life peace wisdom 

death evil folly 









3rd day 

4th day 

5th day 

6th day 













poverty desolation ugliness slavery 

the seven double letters also represent the six dimensions of space 
(Sefirot 5-10) + the Holy Temple(=God) in the middletpara. 38) 

Paragraphs 45-55 






the 12 signs of the zodiac 

the 12 months of the year 

12 bodily actions (sight, hearing, smelling, etc.) 

12 bodily organs (hands, feet, kidneys, liver, etc.) 

the 12 diagonal lines which radiate out to the six dimensions of 

space = the arms of the universe (Para. 47). 



Three main statements are made: 

1. The correspondence of the macrocosm and the microcosm (Paras. 

2. The law of the opposites (Para. 60). 

3. The revelation to Abraham of the power of the Hebrew language 
(Para. 61 ) .