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Full text of "Akbar, The Emperor Of India"

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that he will receive the 'children of this world at
the dissolution of this Mystery into his kingdom.
Therefore he drives the children of God from this
world, lest they introduce his children of this world
along with them into the world of light.
21.  But if man had been created for this world,
he would certainly let him alone ;   but he continu-
ally desires to recapture his royal seat which he
had, and from which he was cast out;   and if he
may in no wise obtain it, he would deny it to the
children who are to possess it.
22.  Now this is for man highly to consider, and
not to be so blind.    Every man has entered into
the mystery of this world; but he should not there-
fore   as   a   prisoner enter also   into the  earthly
craving of the confining of death, but should be
a discerner and knower of the Mystery, and not
the   devil's   butt   and   fool.    He   should  by  the
imagination continually go out again into the light-
world for which  he  was  created,  in  order that
the light may give him lustre, that he may know
himself and see the outer Mystery.    Then he is a
man.    But if not, he is the deviPs fool and the ape
of the light-world.    Just as an ape will be know-
ing and play with everything, and imitate every-
thing, so it is with the earthly man, who is but an
ape.    His   juggling   tricks   with   the   light-world,
when he presses not thereinto with earnestness,
but only plays therewith,—this the devil derides,
and accounts him a fool.    And so he is;  he is an
animal-man.    So long as he is attached with his
will to the external, and regards this world's good