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Full text of "Akbar, The Emperor Of India"

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1.  If we consider all this,  and pass
inward world into this outward visible
find that the essence of the external worl<
ceeded from the internal, viz. from the in
or desire of the internal world.    And we
in the  external  world the  property  of
inward worlds ;   also how the wills of
perties are moving and manifest in the
world.    And then how the good,  or ti
which has proceeded from the light-worl
up in wrath and death; and how the div
activates all, so that all grows through a
the fierceness of death.
2.  For the earthly tincture has no c<
or fellowship with the heavenly in the lij
We find, however, in the earth anothe
which has fellowship with the heavenly,
precious metals, but is hidden in them.
8. And we understand thus the motio:
Fiat 6f the two eternal worlds, viz. the d
and the light-world : Each has longed af
and as God put himself in motion once f
world could not be moved without the o
4. For the dark world contains the fi
of Nature, and the light-world the oth
viz. the heart of God, or the Word of po
Deity; and one world is not separated