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Full text of "Akbar, The Emperor Of India"

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Y2                    SIX THEOSOPHIC POINTS
into flesh and blood, tliat it might not so easily
become susceptible of the wrath-essence. Thus it
has its delight meanwhile in the mirror of the sun,
and rejoices in the sidereal essence. Presented to
it is (1) the light-world in its true fire, (2) the dark
world in the fire-root, (3) the outer elemental world
in the astral source. Among them hovers the great
mystery of the soul's fire.
20.  The  world  to  which  the   soul  unites  and
abandons itself, from that  it receives  substance
in its imagination.   But because it has in Adam
turned.itself to the spirit of this world, and carried
its imagination into the same, its highest desire is
now in the essence of the sun and stars, and by this
desire it draws the spirit of the outer world with its
substance of four elements continually into itself,
and has its greatest joy therein;   in which it is in
a strange lodging as guest, for the abyss is beneath
it, and there is great danger.
21.  Here external Reason says: God has created
the soul in flesh and blood in the outer world, what
harm can that do it ?    This Reason knows no more
of the soul's origin than a cow does of a new stable
door.    She looks at it, and it seems to her to be
strange; so also to external Reason the inner world
seems to be something strange.
22.  It finds itself in the outer world, and aspires
after that which the outer world has ; and yet finds
in itself the inner world!, whio.h ^rmtirnmllv