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Full text of "Akbar, The Emperor Of India"

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26.  And then, secondly, we are to understand
te original will of Nature, viz. the comprehensi-
lity  of the  centra.,  where each centrum in the
visibility shuts itself in a place to egoism and
slf-will as an individual mysterium or mind.    Out
: which springs unlikeness of will, showing how
L these two a contrarium arises, for they are two
L one.
27.  Namely (1) that which is inward from the
:igin of the divine power requires only a counter-
,roke to its similarity,, viz. something that is good,
herein the good, divine, emanated will may work
.id manifest itself.    Then (2) the self-generated,
[dividual,  natural will in the place of the self-
:>od of the dark impression of the sharpness also
quires a likeness,  viz.  a counterstroke through
s own comprehensibility;   through which com-
rehension it makes itself material, and requires
othing but its corporality as a natural ground.
28.  In these two we are to understand the good
ad evil will in all things.    And it is herein rightly
nderstood how the inward,  spiritual ground of
II beings arises from the divine power, and how
L  all  things   also  an  individual,   natural  desire
rises ;   and how all the bodies of visible, sentient
eings have their origin from the desire of Nature.
29.  Further,   we   should clearly   observe   that
ist as the individual, natural desire, which has a
eginning,  makes itself material  and makes for
self a counterstroke, viz. a likeness, wherein it
rorks ;  so also the divine ground and will through
le comprehensibility of its love makes for itself
counterstroke    and   spiritual   being,   wherein