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Full text of "Akbar, The Emperor Of India"

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192              ON THE DIVINE INTUITION
divine word and will,; as the Spirit of God has in
such a counterstroke, in the powers of wisdom,
sported with himself in such formation of simili-
7.  As the mind of man in the understanding
introduces itself by the senses into a counterstroke
of  an exact likeness,  and by  sense flows  forth
and disposes into images, which images are the
thoughts of the mind, wherein the will of the mind
works, and thus by desire brings itself into a sha^p-
ness, as into a magnetic appropriation, from which
joy and sorrow arise;
8.  So  also,  in regard to  the  eternal mind  of
perceptibility, we are to understand that the out-
going of the one will of God has, through the Word,
introduced itself into separability, and the separa-
bility has introduced itself into receptibility, as into
desire and craving for its self-revelation, passing out
of the Unity into plurality.
9.  Desire is the ground and beginning  of the
nature of perceptibility of the particular will.    For
therein is the separability of the Unity brought
into   receptibility,   whence   the   separabilities   of
the wills are brought into perceptibility of a self-
hood,   wherein the  true,   creaturely,   perceptible,
angelic, and soulic life is understood.
10.  For the will of the eternal One is imper-
ceptible,  without tendency to  anything;    for  it
has nothing to which it could tend, save only to-
wards itself.    Therefore it brings itself out of itself,
and carries the efflux of its unity into plurality,
and into assumption of selfhood, as of a place of
a  Nature,   from  which  qualities  take  their  rise.