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CIJ: 32463 M 

Licklider, J.C.R. 

Applications of information networks 
Proceedings of the IEEI, v.66 (11) pp. 





Applications of Information Networks 

J. C. R. LICKLIDER member, ieee, and ALBERT VEZZA, member, ieee 

Invited Paper 

Abstract—The present and* projected applications of computer- 
communication networks or information networks include electronic 
mail, teleconferencing, “the office of the future,” management informa¬ 
tion systems, modeling, “computerized commerce,” monitoring of 
patients, military command and control, home security, education, and 
news. This paper briefly examines 30 such applications and the net¬ 
work capabilities they require. It presents a way of estimating the 
relative importance of various network characteristics and of predicting 
the suitability of a network or network architecture for a given set of 
applications. The paper then considers several issues that relate to the 
political, social, and economic impacts of networks. Among the issues 
are privacy, security, compatibility, impact on productivity, the roles of 
networks in international technology transfer and economic competi¬ 
tion, and the confluence or collision of the fields of computers and 
telecommunications. j 

I. Introduction 

HE SUBJECT of this paper is applications of networks. 
The networks involve the use of computers, but com¬ 
putation in the narrow sense does not necessarily domi¬ 
nate the applications. The scope of the paper includes, no less 
than computation, computer-based applications in which the 
main emphasis is on communication among people, on access 
to information, or on control of systems, organizations, or—to 
mention early one of the deepest though least imminent 
concerns—societies. The applications of networks that we shall 
examine include electronic message communication [ 1 ] —[4], 
electronic funds transfer [5], access to information, computer- 
based office work and “telework,” management of organiza¬ 
tions and command and control of operations, education, 
entertainment and recreation, reservations and ticketing, and 
several others. 

Some of the problems and issues in network applications are 
mainly technical and some are mainly nontechnical, but almost 
all are mixtures of the two, and in most of them the technical 
and nontechnical factors interact strongly. For example, the 
relative merits of circuit switching and packet switching are 
mainly a technical matter, but the fact that the electronic 
switching stations of the existing telecommunications “plant” 
are circuit switches surely is an economic factor in the circuit¬ 
switching/packet-switching issue. The determination of what 
should be the individual citizen’s right to informational privacy 
is mainly a nontechnical matter, but the pragmatics of pro¬ 
viding informational security, the technical basis for assurance 
of privacy, must enter the decision process. The national 
telecommunications plant-in-being of the U.S. figures strongly 
in many of these problems and issues and forces them to in¬ 
volve both technical and nontechnical factors. The plant is 
valued at something like $120 billion, and most of it was de¬ 
signed to carry analog voice signals, which are quite different 

Manuscript received March 10, 1978;revised July 7, 1978. 

The authors are with the Laboratory for Computer Science, Massa¬ 
chusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139. 

in their spectral and temporal parameters and in their require¬ 
ments for error handling and security, from digital computer 
signals of the kinds that will flow through the networks of the 
future. Because of its inherent redundancy, speech remains 
intelligible even when mixed with considerable amounts of 
noise, but even a single undetected error—a single bit—can 
have extremely serious consequences in electronic funds trans¬ 
fer (EFT) or seriously degrade the performance of a network 
carrying enciphered information. 

One of the major motivations for networking is the need to 
share resources. The main resources that are often advantageous 
to share are communications facilities, computer facilities, and 
information itself. The design of a network can make it easier 
or more difficult to share resources and thus directly influence 
the amount of resource sharing that will occur. The amount 
of communication facilities sharing depends upon many design 
factors, all of which influence how well the network is able to 
allocate resources dynamically in response to changing needs 
and availabilities. Though the need for sharing certain types 
of computational facilities may diminish with the arrival of 
the age of the personal computer, it is not at all likely that the 
need to share resources will disappear altogether. Geographi¬ 
cally distributed users can share, through a computer network, 
the costly high-performance computers that are required to 
solve certain large computational problems. Even those using 
personal computers to satisfy the bulk of their computing 
needs may wish to avail themselves through a network of spe¬ 
cial software services provided by vendors—and they will cer¬ 
tainly wish to communicate with one another. 

The sharing of information is the most important type of 
resource sharing. The term “information sharing” immediately 
conjures up the thought of sharing large data banks of in¬ 
formation among many users, but that is only one aspect of 
information sharing. All the applications discussed in this 
paper have aspects of information sharing. Applications con¬ 
cerned with communications, management, commerce, govern¬ 
ment, protection, education, and awareness all involve sharing. 
The convenience and effectiveness with which sharing can be 
accomplished and the facility with which information can flow 
across the boundaries of individual application programs will 
have profound effects on how well the applications serve their 
intended purposes. 

Many problems and issues arise from the interaction of in¬ 
formation sharing with information security. For example, 
should EFT have a network or networks of its own to simplify 
the problem of providing secure transmission, processing, and 
storage of funds data, or should EFT messages be carried over 
a general-purpose network so that a reservations and ticketing 
operation can be completed in a single transaction involving 
the traveler’s organization, the airline and the bank. 

0018-9219/78/1 100-1330S00.75 © 1978 IEEE 




II. Applications 

F" In the context of information networks, just as in the con¬ 
text of computer systems, an application is essentially the im¬ 
plementation of a purpose. Applications, like purposes, may 
be defined narrowly or broadly. When the airlines began to 
develop computer-based reservations systems and formed a 
consortium, ARINC, to interconnect several of their systems, 
the application was narrow: airline reservations. Now, after 
. years of growth and augmentation, one can rent a car, reserve 
a hotel room, and arrange to be greeted with flowers and 
mariachi music. The broadened application might be defined 
as reservations and ticketing for almost anything that flies to 
or can be purchased at a distant place. One can project the 
broader definition into the future and envision a general reser¬ 
vations and ticketing application, operating in a nationwide 
or worldwide common-carrier network, through which anyone 
could examine the availability of, and reserve or buy a ticket 
to, almost anything in the broad class to which reservations 
and tickets apply. But, of course, there is no reason to stop at 
that particular class. One can expand the scope further and 
arrive at “computerized commerce,” dealing with the wHole 
gamut of things that can be bought and sold. The very broadly 
defined application would include advertising, dynamic pricing, 
and computer-based purchasing strategies. It might even make 
a place for cartels of suppliers and cooperatives of consumers. 
No doubt there would be vigorous competition among several 
or many offerers of the application, and perhaps one can 
imagine even a “meta-market,” an over-arching system that 
interconnects and integrates the competing “computerized 
commerce applications.” 

In any event, that introduces -the notion of applications of 
information networks. It might serve to introduce, also, the 
notion of issues, which involve the interplay of the opportunity 
and the threat aspects of applications. It is not difficult to 
imagine the mischief that could be played by pranksters or 
dissidents in a poorly protected, ,-publicly accessible, nation¬ 
wide reservations system. 

A. Basic Applications 

Computer-communication networks perform three basic 
classes of operations upon information: transmission, process¬ 
ing, and storage. The earliest recognized applications of net¬ 
works were essentially separate exploitations of the three basic 
classes of operations. Transmission of information through a 
network from a program in one computer to a program in 
another, of course, requires some processing and some storage 
(memory), but in simple message communication and file 
transfer interest is focused sharply on transmission. In every 
practical computer, processing requires storage (memory or 
registers), but in early time-sharing services such as Quiktran 
[6] —[8], which when introduced did not provide intersession 
file storage, the (dial telephone) network application was 
essentially access to processing. In the Datacomputer [9] 
service available through the ARPANET [10] —[ 12], although 
processing is involved in both storage and retrieval, one of the 
main applications is essentially access to storage in and of it¬ 
self: the Datacomputer is a place to park bits. 

A fourth essential network function combines the basic 
transmission, processing, and storage operations to provide 
access to information—with the focus of interest on the in¬ 
formation itself, rather than on any of the three basic ele¬ 
mentary operations. 

Simple message communication and file transfer, access to 
time-shared processing, access to storage, and access to in¬ 
formation are important as well as fundamental network func¬ 
tions, but they are no longer typical of the activities or services 
we associate with the term “application.” In present-day 
parlance, “application” suggests something more highly differ¬ 
entiated and specialized and closer to some specific task or 

B. Communication Applications 

In the developmental history of the ARPANET, electronic 
message service was a sleeper. Even before the network in¬ 
cluded a dozen computers, several message programs were 
written as natural extensions of the “mail” systems that had 
arisen in individual time-sharing systems in the early 1960’s. 
By the Fall of 1973, the great effectiveness and convenience of 
such fast, informal message services as SNDMSG [13] had 
been discovered by almost everyone who had worked on the 
development of the ARPANET—and especially by the then 
Director of ARP A, S. J. Lukasik, who soon had most of his 
office directors and program managers communicating with 
him and with their colleagues and their contractors via the net¬ 
work. Thereafter, both the number of (intercommunicating) 
electronic mail systems and the number of users of them on 
the ARPANET increased rapidly. 

lj Electronic Mail, Electronic Message Systems: It soon be¬ 
came obvious that the ARPANET was becoming a human- 
communication medium with very important advantages over 
normal U.S. mail and over telephone calls. One of the ad¬ 
vantages of the message systems over letter mail was that, in 
an ARPANET message, one could write tersely and type im¬ 
perfectly, even to an older person in a superior position and 
even to a person one did not know very well, and the recipient 
took no offense. The formality and perfection that most 
people expect in a typed letter did not become associated with 
network messages, probably because the network was so much 
faster, so much more like the telephone. Indeed, tolerance for 
informality and imperfect typing was even more evident when 
two users of the ARPANET linked their consoles together and 
typed back and forth to each other in an alphanumeric con¬ 
versation. Among the advantages of the network message 
services over the telephone were the fact that one could pro¬ 
ceed immediately to the point without having to engage in 
small talk first, that the message services produced a pre- 
servable record, and that the sender and receiver did not have 
to be available at the same time. A typical electronic mail 
system now provides a rudimentary editor to facilitate prepa¬ 
ration of messages, a multiple-addressee feature to make it 
easy to send the same message to several people, a file-inclusion 
scheme to incorporate already prepared text files into a mes¬ 
sage, an alerting mechanism to tell the user that he has new 
mail in his mailbox, facilities for reading received messages, 
and a “help” subsystem. The prospects of electronic mail ap¬ 
pear to have caught the attention of computer manufacturers 
and software and time-sharing firms as well as telephone com¬ 
panies, national telecommunication authorities, and the U.S. 
Post Office—and most of them now seem to be planning, de¬ 
veloping, or even offering some kind of electronic mail service. 

Even before electronic mail was well established, it had be¬ 
come apparent that users would need computer aids for 
scanning, indexing, filing, retrieving, summarizing, and re¬ 
sponding to messages. Indeed messages are usually not isolated 
documents but documents prepared and transmitted in the 



course of performing complex activities often called “tasks.” 
Within task contexts, messages are related to other messages 
and to documents of other kinds, such as forms and reports. 
It seems likely that we shall see a progressive escalation of the 
functionality and comprehensiveness of computer systems that 
deal with messages. If “electronic mail” refers to an early 
stage in the progression, “electronic message system” is appro¬ 
priate for a later stage and “computer-based office system” or 
some comparable term for the stage of full integration. At 
some intermediate point, message service will no doubt be 
blended with direct user-to-user linking to provide for delay- 
free conversation whenever both sender and receiver are on-line 
at the same time an3 prefer conversation^ sequential ex¬ 
change of messages. 

2) Duologue and Teleconferencing: Although there has not 
been, .thus, far, very much use of networks for one-on-one 
interaction between users, it seems likely that some kind of 
computer-augmented two-person telephone communication 
will one day be one of the main modes of networking. In 
order to displace the conventional telephone, “teleduologue” 
will probably have to offer speech, writing, drawing, typing, 
and possibly some approximation to television, all integrated 
into a synergic pattern with several kinds of computer support 
and facilitation. The two communicators (and their supporting 
programs) will then be able to control displays in certain 
areas of each other’s display screens and processes in certain 
sectors of each other’s computers. Throughout a duologue, 
each communicator will be advised by his own programs and 
will use information from his own data bases and other sources 
accessible to him. The effect will be to provide each com¬ 
municator with a wide choice of media for each component of 
his communication and with a very fast and competent sup¬ 
porting staff. 

A teleconference [14]-[17] is an organized interaction, 
through a communication system or network, of geographically 
separated members of a group. The term “teleconference” has 
been used recently mainly to refer to interactions organized 
or presided over by or with the aid of programmed computers. 
In some teleconferences, the members of the group participate 
concurrently; in others, each member logs in when it is con¬ 
venient for him to do so, reviews what has happened in his 
absence, makes his contribution, and logs out, perhaps to re¬ 
turn later in the day or later in the week. 

During the last five years, a considerable amount of experi¬ 
ence has been gained with computer-facilitated teleconfer¬ 
encing, but it is evidently a complex and subtle art, and 
teleconference programs still have a long way to go before 
teleconferences approach the naturalness of face-to-face inter¬ 
action. On the other hand, we note the inefficiency of travel¬ 
ing to meetings and the inefficiency of letting one participant 
take up the time of n - 1 participants when only m < n - 1 
are interested in what he is saying. As teleconferencing is per¬ 
fected (especially n'onconcurrent teleconferencing), it will be¬ 
come an extremely important technique. 

C. Neopaperwork 

“Office automation,” “computer-based officework,” “the 
high-technology office,” and a few other such phrases refer to 
the aggregation and integration of several applications of com¬ 
puters and networks in office work. (“Automation” is in¬ 
tended in its weak sense, which includes computer “aiding” 
and “semi-automation.”) Office automation includes every¬ 

thing presently called “word processing” (dictation, docun 
preparation, etc.) plus computer-based filing (informs 
storage and retrieval), communication (electronic mail, t 
tronic message services, duologue, teleconferencing), 
modeling (simulation), and it connects with electronic fu 
transfer, management information systems, and parts—if 
all—of computerized commerce. 

Office automation is expected to make heavy use of ; 
Works, both local and geographically distributed. Much of: 
work is organized in an approximately hierarchical mam 
with component desk functions such as transcription, editi 
filing, retrieval, scheduling, and telephone answering at 1 
echelons and corporate or divisional functions such as planni: 
marketing, operations, and public relations at high echelo 
Low-echelon functions typically are carried out locally, witl 
a single office or suite of offices, and, when low-echelon fui 
tions are supported by minicomputers or microcompute 
local networks will be required in their integration, 
geographically distributed organizations, of course, geograpl 
cally distributed networks will be required as higher level fur 
tions are integrated. 

1) Telework: Networks will make it possible for people 
do informational work effectively at locations remote fro 
their managers, their co-workers, the people who report 
them, and, indeed, even from customers and clients with who; 
they must interact. Such telework will require facilities fc 
duologue, teleconferencing, and all the other aspects of offic 
automation—but little beyond what automation of a nondi: 
persed office will require. 

Telework will offer the possibility of saving the hours anc 
the energy spent in commuting. It may burden some familie: 
with more togetherness than was contracted for through the 
marriage vows (“for richer or poorer, but not for lunch”). But 
its strongest impact on individual lives will surely be felt by 
persons immobilized by prolonged illness, physical handicap, 
or children. For many of them, networks will open many 
doors—including the door to gainful employment. 

2) Augmentation of the Intellect: The at-a-distance aspect 
of computer-based work that is emphasized by the term “tele¬ 
work” will be overshadowed, in the opinion of many, by what 
Engelbart [18]-[21] has called “augmentation of the in¬ 
tellect.” Computers will help people do informational work 
faster and better by providing fast and accurate tools to 
supplement such slow and fallible human functions as looking 
up words in dictionaries, copying references for citation, 
stepping through checklists, and searching for matching pat¬ 
terns. Augmentation is needed at levels that range from 
A) helping poor typists who cannot spell to put out neat and 
accurate reports, to Z) improving the content and style of top- 
level policy statements. Expectations differ concerning the 
prospect for significant early contributions from artificial in¬ 
telligence, but it is clear that relatively unsophisticated aug¬ 
mentation systems can make major contributions. Consider 
the help provided by descriptor-based and citation-index-based 
information retrieval systems to a person looking for refer¬ 
ences pertinent to a particular fact or concept. Or consider 
the impact that would be made, on writing such as this, by a 
text editor that automatically displayed the Flesch Count [22] 
of every paragraph it helped compose. 

3) Task Management and Coordination: In addition to help¬ 
ing the individual worker, computers will facilitate teamwork. 
Each office task will have its planned course of actions, in- 



volving particular workers at particular projected times. A 
:: computer-based task management system will monitor the 
task as it moves along the course, checking the actions as they 
are taken, arranging that planned coordinations and approvals 
are obtained, and revising the plan (or calling for human help) 
when the schedule slips. In the early days of office automa¬ 
tion, the task management process will be mainly a matter of 
maintaining orderly work queues for the office workers and 
displaying for them at each moment 1) what needs to be done 
and 2) the information needed in doing it. What will need to 
be done will usually be, of course, to solve a problem or to 
make a decision—ritost of the preliminary work will have been 
performed automatically by computers. With the passage of 
time, as people come to understand the problem-solving and 
decision-making processes and the supporting.information in 
programmers’ terms, computers will chip away at the problem¬ 
solving and decision-making substance of office work, but we 
expect the now-rising wave of office automation to succeed or 
fail on the measure of its help to human workers and to 
human teamwork. 

D. Management Applications 

Office automation will have its impact upon management, 
of course, as well as upon the office workers. Manage/nent 
deals almost exclusively with information. (Money is essentially 
information, of course.) The comptroller’s department was 
computerized early. Electronic funds transfer will be a major 
application of special-purpose, limited-purpose, or general- 
purpose networks. On-line financial services may burgeon. In¬ 
ventory, ordering, production, pricing, and planning will all be 
interrelated with the aid of networks and computer modeling. 

1) Management Information Systems: The widespread feel¬ 
ing of disappointment in the management information systems 
(MIS’s) [23]-[26] of the 1960’s and early 1970’s had, we be¬ 
lieve, a simple basis: the activities that generated the informa¬ 
tion required to support management decision making had not 
yet been brought on line to computers, and, therefore, the re¬ 
quired information was not available to the management in¬ 
formation systems. To some extent, information important 
to the manager is so global in scope that capturing it all on 
line is still not possible. (It was not worthwhile to keypunch all 
the basic operating data just to feed them into the manage¬ 
ment information system, for only a small fraction of the 
totality would ever be used. It was impossible to anticipate 
just what subsets or aggregations of the basic operating data 
would be required.) As soon as all the informational activities 
involved in operating an organization are on line, however, the 
basis for an effective management information system will 
exist. A few organizations are already approaching that state, 
but most are just entering—or just beginning to contemplate— 
office automation. 

Local and geographically distributed networks will make it 
possible, at a cost, for top management to access all the facts 
and figures involved in the minute-to-minute operations of a 
business. Top management should resist the temptation to 
convert that possibility into actuality. The principle that 
looks best at present is to let the data of a corporation reside 
where the managers most conversant with them reside (“keep 
the data near the truth points”) and to have conversant man¬ 
agers “sign off” on the release of data upwards in the corpo¬ 
rate tree. Certain data should be abstracted and moved upward 
according to preset schedules; other data may be queried from 

above—but queried through an authenticating release process. 
Of course, the release process may in some instances be medi¬ 
ated by programs operating on behalf of the human conversant 
manager rather than by the human conversant manager himself 
or herself. 

The foregoing discussion pertains, indeed, to most of the 
data management functions in office automation. In dis¬ 
tributed organizations, data will be distributed, and one of the 
main uses of networks will be to move data from points of 
residence to points of use. 

2) Modeling and Simulation: Computer-based modeling and 
simulation are applicable to essentially all problem solving and 
decision making. At present, however, modeling and simula¬ 
tion are computer applications much more than they are net¬ 
work applications—and they are far from ubiquitous even as 
computer applications. 

The trouble at present is that most kinds of modeling and 
simulation are much more difficult, expensive, and time con¬ 
suming than intuitive judgment and are cost-effective only 
under special conditions that can justify and pay for facilities 
and expertise. But those are prime conditions for resource 
sharing and, hence, networking. Whereas very large organiza¬ 
tions will be able to afford their own concentrations of facili¬ 
ties and expertise, small organizations will not. As management 
grows tighter and more sophisticated, therefore, there may 
come to be a place for management consultation and service 
firms that specialize in modeling and simulation and offer very 
large or special facilities—and deliver their products through 
networks. Perhaps a glimpse of such a future has been given 
by the large array-processing computer, Illiac IV [27], [28], 
which has been used through the ARPANET in modeling the 
world climate and the space shuttle. Similarly, MIND [29], a 
system accessible through a value added packet network, is 
being used to design communication networks. 

E. Commerce 

Shifting our attention from activities within an organization, 
such as a business firm, to interactions among organizations, 
we can see another kind of application for networks. 

1 ] Electronic Markets: Networks will serve as marketplaces, 
providing meeting grounds for buyers and sellers. At first, 
networks will displace telephone and mail, which now serve 
the marketplace function for most businesses. Later, networks 
will begin to displace stock exchanges and commodity markets. 
Ordinary office automation and funds transfer facilities will 
adequately support negotiations and transactions when the 
“commodities” bought and sold are purely informational or 
sufficiently specifiable by words and figures. Wide-band facili¬ 
ties for examining products at the time of purchase (“squeezing 
the grapefruit”) may extend the scope of the electronic market¬ 
place to commodities that must be selected or approved in¬ 
dividually by prospective purchasers. We can expect networks 
to go beyond the role of the mere place or medium for trans¬ 
actions and, with the aid of sophisticated programs, actively 
to “make a market” in the sense that certain stock brokers 
make markets in certain stocks. 

2) Computerized Commerce: Computerized commerce [30] 
is based on the idea of electronic markets. It goes beyond pro¬ 
viding a marketplace and making a market—and back into the 
primary motivation of the business firm—by using computers 
to develop and carry out the strategies and tactics of buying 
and selling. The concept of computerized commerce is appli- 


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jmiactice [34], [35]. Human expert consultation will, of 
Pfcouxse, be available to supplement the computer knowledge 
biases, but considerations of cost and availability will almost 
Isurely favor the computer. Difficult problems of legal re¬ 
sponsibility and liability may have to be solved: advice from a 
^knowledge base may be similar to advice from a book, but a 
|| knowledge-based program that controls the administration of 
an anesthetic would appear to introduce a new factor. 

Possibly even more far reaching in its implications than 
. access to medical knowledge bases by physicans is access to 
jjf- medical knowledge bases by ^laymen. Knowledge bases for 
IT laymen would have to be quite different in content and pack- 
aging from knowledge bases for physicians, and ideally the 
two applications would complement each other. The layman- 
oriented application might deal mainly with the complaints 
not ordinarily taken to a doctor or with the decision process 
that determines whether or not to seek a physician’s help. In 
either case, if the knowledge-base program had access to the 
individual’s medical record, and if it could make simple 
observations such as temperature and pulse rate through the net¬ 
work, it could go rather far beyond the limits of the conven¬ 
tional book of medicine for the layman. Society should ex¬ 
amine such incursions by the computer into medicine ?r even 
paramedicine very carefully before making up its collective 
mind about them. They obviously mix benefits with dangers. 
Unfortunately, they tend to be approached with prejudice. 

G. Government Applications 

Actual and potential government applications of networks 
include military command and control, communications, 
logistics, acquisition and interpretation of intelligence data, 
dissemination of intelligence, law enforcement, delivery of 
government services such as Social Security benefits to citizens, 
knd converting the paperwork of the bureaucracy into bits. 
Paperwork in the government is rather like paperwork in the 
private sector, but earned a step or two further into detail. 
The other government applications, on the other hand, seem 
rather special. Military command and control, communica¬ 
tions, intelligence, and to a considerable extent logistics sys¬ 
tems’must be able to operate fast, move fast or hide, and 
function in the presence of physical (as well as other) counter¬ 
measures. Law enforcement information systems are in some 
ways like highly amplified credit reference systems: derrogatory 
information seems especially crucial, for to be forewarned is to 
be forearmed, and action must often be taken on the basis of 
whatever data can be assembled in a few seconds. Serving all 
the citizens and collecting taxes from most of them requires 
that certain personal data be held about almost everyone- 
enough in sum to make a several-trillion-character data base 
that at least conceivably could be subverted to political or 
economic exploitation. There are strong lessons about govern¬ 
ment applications of networks in the recent rejection by the 
Office of Management and the Budget (OMB), at the well- 
timed suggestion of several members of Congress, of the pro¬ 
posed new Tax Administration System of the Internal Revenue 

1) Military Command and Control and Military Communica¬ 
tions: Military command and control and military communi- 
•••: »•.-*•-» ' r ' t, VC'lC ' ,r ^ic 5 it'0 T !S. Both interactive 

?nu n'.ar.v * . ac .au 

works. For reasons we do not fully understand— since.fasti 
response to a changing situation is the essence of command;.: 
and control-the World-Wide Military Command and Control; 
System (WWMCCS)- is actually not very interactive, aud its " 
computers, which use the GECOS operating system [36] do- 
signed for batch processing, are not interconnected by an elec¬ 
tronic network. But surely WWMCCS will in due course be-up¬ 
graded. Autodin II is under development and will supplement 
or replace Autodin I [37], the Department of Defense’s present 
store-and-forward digital telecommunications network, with a 
modem packet-switching network based on modified and 
secured ARPANET technology. Networking is being pursued 
actively, also, in the intelligence community. One of the most 
significant possibilities for the military that is opened up by 
advances in information technology is the achievement of a 
much tighter coupling between intelligence and command and 
control. One can envision a reduction in the time required for 
the distribution of intelligence information from days or hours 
to minutes or seconds. Such an advance would, of course, put 
pressure on intelligence gathering and processing to operate on 
faster time scales. 

2) Military Logistics: There is less progress, but also less 
pressure, in the logistics area, where more than 20 large batch 
inventory systems can be counted, diverse in respect of hard¬ 
ware, programming language, and data management system. 
Over the coming years, however, even the logistics situation 
will probably be brought under control and onto a network. 
The overall objective is to make the entire operation of a mili¬ 
tary effort responsive to coherent hierarchical command in the 
fight of valid and current intelligence-with security against 
enemy actions and countermeasures. 

3) The Network of the National Crime Information Center 
(NCIC): The NCIC is operated by the FBI and connects with 
state and local police units in most of the states. The NCIC 
contains, among other things, data on stolen cars and stolen 
license plates and the police histories of convicted criminals. 
The case of the NCIC network is an interesting study because, 
in it, the informational needs of the police and the information- 
providing capabilities of computers and telecommunications 
run head-on into Congressional concern for the right of in¬ 
formational privacy. When a police officer stops a speeding 
car and approaches it to make an arrest, he would like to know 
something about the car and driver. Is the car stolen? Does 
the owner have a history of resisting arrest? Forewarned is 
forearmed. About two years ago, however, an innocent man 
was killed by an arresting officer forearmed by forewarning 
with incorrect information. In the most recent chapter, the 
Senate Committee on Government Operations caused to be 
rejected the NCIC’s request for permission to acquire a message- 
switched network to speed up communication with state and 
local police. 

4} Social Security: In the U.S., the Social Security Adminis¬ 
tration (SSA) distributes more than $100 billion a year to 
more than 20 million people and interacts with millions of 
clients each year through about 1300 offices manned full-time 
and 3000 manned part-time. The set of computer processible 
data bases that support SSA operations contains more than a 
trillion characters, and it is estimated that in those operations 
-far several trillions of characters flow from one location 
, u - a tenth of a trillion by a network and process- 
vvrlr*’.- DARS system,” and the rest mainly 



In 1976, the SSA began planning the modernization of the 
process through which it discharges its massive responsibilities 
[38], The new process will make even heavier use of com¬ 
puters than does the present one and there will be much con¬ 
sultation and updating of central or regional data bases from 
local offices. (The present process requires several computer 
areas, each with multiple mainframes, more than a hundred 
disk drives, and more than a hundred tape drives—and, in all, 
approximately 400 000 magnetic tapes.) The new communica¬ 
tion subsystem will, therefore, be a network of very major 
proportions, probably a dedicated SSA network operated by 
the General Services Administration or (improbably in the near 
term) a part of an even larger and more comprehensive net¬ 
work. Most technologically developed countries will sooner 
or later have social security networks. 

- H. Protection 

If military, intelligence, and police networks are reckoned 
as networks for protection, then protection is a very large 
category of network applications. There is another member 
of the class that deserves mention. i? 

1) Home and Neighborhood Security: Several of ihe pro¬ 
jected applications of computers in the home relate tojsecurity: 
sentry against intrusion, fire, and gas and water leakage, moni¬ 
toring the well-being of the elderly and infirm, and “electronic 
babysitting.” In most of these applications, computers will 
be better at detecting trouble than in correcting it, and there 
will be a strong requirement for communication with remote 
persons or agencies. At present, some burglar alarms are con¬ 
nected by dedicated lines to central security offices or police 
stations and some “dial up” in the event of trouble. If a packet 
network were available, it would probably be less expensive 
; and it would provide a wider range of options, including absent 
members of the family, friends, and neighbors as well as se¬ 
curity companies and public agencies. 

It seems possible that a neighborhood communication 
medium (with a broader fan-out or faster sequencing of calls 
than the telephone) might be just what is required for the 
elderly to help one another achieve a higher level of security 
and peace of mind. CB radio or house-to-house (or apartment- 
to-apartment) wiring or a multipurpose packet network could 
provide the medium. 

Probably just conversation of the kind that prevails on CB 
radio interconnections would go a long way, but it could be 
reinforced by slightly higher technology. Home computers 
could be programmed to interpret a variety of indicators of 
trouble—the sound of a fall, too long a flow of water, the re¬ 
frigerator door open, prolonged quiescence-and to ask for an 
“all’s well” report whenever there was cause for concern. Fail¬ 
ing to be satisfied that all was indeed well, the computer could 
call for help. It would have a list of participating neighbors 
and a schedule of probable availability for each, and—by com¬ 
municating with their home computers—it could quickly find 
someone to look in and check, or provide assistance. It has 
been suggested that a neighborhood net could monitor its 
clients while they were walking on the sidewalks as well as 
while they were at home, and a small device has been demon¬ 
strated that sends out a radio signal when its wearer falls 
down—or for some other reason becomes horizontal [31]. If 
neighborhood networks existed, there would probably be no 
end of inventions to exploit them in the interest of security: 
heartbeat monitors, breathing monitors, footstep sensors, and 
so on. And if the present trend of population statistics con¬ 

tinues, security applications might constitute a significant 
sector of the network application pie. 

I. Education and Awareness 

Beginning with the last section and continuing now into this 
one, the focus of interest has moved from the organization-or 
the individual as a member of an organization—to the in¬ 
dividual as an individual in the primary family group in the 
home. Probably the most important network prospects for 
the individual in this century lie in education and training. 

1) Computer-Based Education and Training: We assume 
that advances in computer representation of knowledge and in 
computer mediation of interactions between people and 
knowledge bases will advance computer-based education and 
training far beyond the “expensive page turners” and drill and 
practice routines that are associated in many minds with the 
term “computer assisted instruction.” We assume that knowl¬ 
edge bases accessible through networks will eventually accumu¬ 
late more knowledge, in each of many fields of learning, than 
typical teachers are able to master and retain, and that the 
knowledge in the knowledge bases will be well organized (by 
experts in each field) and effectively accessible to students at 
all levels of mastery and aptitude. However, computer-based 
techniques for the representation, organization, and exploration 
of knowledge are at present still topics of research-and even if 
they were fully developed today, it would still take a decade or 
two to translate the content of the many fields of learning into 
computer-processible knowledge bases. During the coming 
years, therefore, application of networks in the area of 
computer-based education and training will be preliminary and 
propaedeutic. Perhaps toward the end of the century it will 
approach its ultimate volume and significance-and be among 
the top three or four uses of networks. 

2) News: At present, most people gain their awareness of 
what is going on in the world mainly through mass media that 
report on events rather than processes, that select a few news 
items instead of covering the news, and that give everyone, 
regardless of his or her interest pattern, the same few selec¬ 
tions. Networking has the potential of changing the news into 
a multidimensional dynamic model of the world that each in¬ 
dividual can explore in his own way, selecting for himself the 
topics, the time scales, the levels of depth and detail, and the 
modes of interrogation and presentation. Interest profiles and 
other techniques of selective dissemination may play im¬ 
portant roles, but networking in principle removes the neces¬ 
sity of disseminating (with its implication that the initiative 
lies mainly with the transmitter) and opens the door to self- 
directed exploration and investigation by the receiver of the 
news. To provide the multidimensional dynamic model for 
exploration and investigation would, of course, be a demand¬ 
ing responsibility for the gatherers and organizers of news, but 
they gather and organize much more even now than they print 
or (especially) broadcast. There will probably be a long slow 
evolution from the newspaper/newsmagazine format and the 
nightly news format through increasing levels of user initiative 
toward truly user-dominated interaction with a whole-world 
knowledge base. 

III. Requirements Imposed Upon Networks 
by Applications 

Now that we have sketched out several applications we 
should examine briefly the network characteristics they re¬ 
quire. The applications do not all require the same network 
characteristics, of course. One application may require one 



Rttttero of characteristics, while another application may re- 
Kjpire another pattern. Some of the frequently required char- 
gacteristics are the following. 

g-; 1 ) Bidirectional Transmission: Most applications require 
»two-way communication—if not the capability of sending and 
^receiving simultaneously (full duplex), then at least the capa- 
i bility of alternating between sending and receiving (half duplex). 

2) Freedom from Error: One wrong bit may completely 
| change the meaning, especially if numerical data are repre- 
•isented nonredundantly. In such cases, even though the basic 
^communication channel itself is ijot error free, the end-to-end 
I communications must be made error free through the use of 

adequate error handling mechanisms. 

3) Efficiency Despite Burstiness: A source that transmits 
short bursts of information and is quiescent between bursts 
typically does not wish to pay for channel time while it is 
quiescent. Both human beings and computers are bursty 

4) Low Cost per Bit: The cost of network service depends, 
of course, upon many nontechnical factors as well as upon the 
technical efficiency of the network in converting its resources 
into services. But technical efficiency is a very strong and 
basic factor. This characteristic refers to the cost of trans¬ 
mitting one bit from source to destination. The relation of 
cost to distance is considered separately. 

5) High Connectivity: A source may need to transmit, to any 
one or more of many destinations. A destination (i.e., user) 
may need to examine many sources. 

6j High Information Rate: Wide-band channels are capable 
of transmitting many bits per second. The criteria for “high,” 
“wide,” and “many” vary widely with type of signal and level 
of expectation. The 50 000-bits/s information rate of most of 
the ARPANET channels seems like a high information rate for 
ordinary interactive computing, but it is too low for con¬ 
venient transmission of large files (e.g., high-resolution photo¬ 
graphs) and far too low for moving pictures, even low-resolution 
television pictures. 

7) Security: Security is a complex of characteristics, some 
of which provide the technical basis for the protection of 
privacy. Others have to do with preventing disruption of 
service and protecting against fraud and theft. 

8) Privacy: In the U.S., this complex of informational 
rights, including but by no means limited to protection against 
eavesdropping, has been formulated by the President’s Com¬ 
mission on Privacy and, to a considerable extent, expressed in 
legislation in the Privacy Act of 1977. Other nations also have 
privacy laws, of course, some of them in some respects more 
stringent than ours. 

9) Authentication: A good authentication scheme provides 
the electronic equivalent of a signature. Ideally, authentication 
identifies the author of a document and makes it impossible 
for him to escape responsibility for the authorship. Ideally, 
also, authentication makes it impossible for anyone to change 
even one character or bit of the document without destroying 
the “signature.” 

10} High Reliability: Low probability that network service, 
as seen by the application, will be impaired by macroscopic 
malfunctions. For present purposes, we distinguish between 
macroscopic malfunctions and microscopic errors in bit 

11) Full-Duplex Transmission: Some applications require, 
and most are favored by, the capability of sending to another 
station and receiving from it at the same time. 

12) Priority Service: Guaranteed or preferential service, es¬ 
pecially when the network is congested, is widely regarded as 
essential for certain very important functions or for certain 
very important persons. 

13) Speech Capability: Present speech circuits transmit 
alphanumeric information inefficiently, and most present data 
networks were not designed to transmit speech. It will be ad¬ 
vantageous, however, to integrate speech with data. 

14) Pictures: It will be advantageous to integrate pictures, 
also, into the repertoire. Graphs, charts, diagrams, and simple 
sketches fit readily into the pattern of data transmission, but 
high-resolution pictures and, especially, moving pictures re¬ 
quire high information transmission rates. This characteristic 
is essentially a second “information rate”—but scaled in such a 
way as to be more demanding of very-wide-band capabilities. 

15) Insensitivity to Distance: Synchronous satellites and 
packet switching both tend to make the difficulty and cost of 
transmission less dependent on distance than they are in tradi¬ 
tional communication systems. Rarely is it an absolute re¬ 
quirement that difficulty and cost be independent of distance, 
but often it is desirable. 

16) Short Transit Time Delay: If the sum of the signal- 
transit time and the signal-waiting-in-buffer time is too great, 
an application may be slowed down too much or disrupted. 
The 0.2-s delay introduced by transmission via a synchronous 
satellite somewhat disturbs two-way speech communication. 
The delay introduced by transmission from one processor to 
another may slow down the operation of a multiprocessor that 
is a network of minicomputers or microcomputers. 

1 7) Uniform Time Delay: In some applications, successive 
segments of the signal must reach the destination in sequence 
(or be put back into sequence if they arrive in scrambled 
order). Note that reordering may cause all the segments to be 
delayed as much as the most-delayed segment. 

18) Broadcast Capability: Some applications require, and 
some are favored by, the capability of transmitting to many or 
all destinations concurrently. 

19) Mobility: Some or all of the stations may need to move 
from place to place and may need to communicate in transit. 

To obtain rough measures of the requirements imposed upon 
networks by the several applications, we filled in the body of 
(an early version of) Table I. 1 Into each cell we entered a 
number to indicate our intuitive rating of the importance of 
the characteristic for the application. The rating scale we used 
runs from 0 (lowest) to 5 (highest). For example, we con¬ 
sidered connectivity to rate at 4 in importance for mail and 
message systems because mail and messages typically fan out 
widely from senders to receivers and fan in to receivers from a 
wide distribution of senders. We did not assign a 5 because 
mail and message systems would still be valuable (cf., the plans 
of Satellite Business Systems) if connectivity were limited to 
within organizations. In the case of the column 6, information 
rate, we used a somewhat special scheme. The numbers from 
1 through 5 encode five class intervals of information rate in 

1 In order to obtain a broader basis on which to think about, and 
possibly model, the relations between networks and applications, we 
suggest that you (the reader) photocopy Table I and fill in some rows 
with your estimates of the importance of the characteristics to the ap¬ 
plications. We have also provided room for you to define additional 
applications or characteristics. If you are willing to share your estimates 
with us, despite the fact we are not bold enough to share our raw-data 
estimates with you, please post them to J. C. R. Licklider and A. Vezza, 
MIT-LCS Rm. 219, 545 Tech Sq., Cambridge, MA 02139. 



Importance Coefficients op Network Characteristics for Various Classes of Network Applications (Each Cell Entry Should Be 
Subjective Rating of Importance on a Scale from 0 (Low) to 5 (High)) 




10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 SPACE FOR ADDITIONAL 






si m m as m s ss ss m m m i 




[ Si $5 

sism ansi 


„ -Modeling 


Computerized Coi 

<sSo&W >> 




« m m * 

As sw M am $ 


rce /, 


-Monitoring Non-Rattenls 

,, Medical,Knowledge Bases 






News' •' ; 



gg *'t,gg?g gg! ggl §Si &*«l 





o d 

£ o> 

3 IS s = 

71 81 9 1 101 111 121 121141151 161171 18 119 I 


. .**5S 

z 5 30 

<3 < 

z g 25 

9 s! 20 

Z Q_ 

< < 15 




C « S «0 ^ 

fc ct © c Z 

<2 © « s 3 

y S o o £ 5 

w h w £ £ 5 

< o 

CD * O 

24 261916 

W © © ©3 

03 -5 G) ■*— 

3 § S 4= Q .H 

« s 11 

ti 3 r > 

© ~ “• cr 

^ ™ £ 5 

■£ c ra 3 





= s 2 ^ E> 2 < 

^ w -j ra 7 

o h < h- 5- 

LU <C 

= CL 
© LU 
^ T5 *5 

S5 I 


= vJ 

E 05 

to £ « 

O © 

<5 *d w -J 
o *c © ? 

cl E9 
(3 P QIU 

05 o E U- 
U-l O LU O 





^ Z n 
^ ui U 

C C T3 
O O ©j 

2 2 5 

© LU = g O 

5 > 2 3 2 

/-><»! ou MrruiUM MV-/JNO ia id 2166852116 sjj^ou l^lii <: o <:o is co ;z s> i 10 o ^ 

* Fig. 1. Importance Coefficients of 19 network characteristics and demandingness coefficients of 30 network applications. ('Divide each num 

ber by 1000 to scale the sum to unity.) 

< "O 

> > Q S 

•z £ Z © 

3 _ 3 < DO 

© o © 2 © 

WpWO 3 
© O © H £■ w 
y LU £ < £ 5 

o f— o O o © 
to O X ID o z 
X o 

Q_ UJ 

24 28 15 21 


bits/s: 1) 75-300, 2) 300-1000, 3) 1000-10 000, 4) 10 000- 
! 1 000 000, and 5) above 1 000 000. For the rough purposes 
of our analysis, nevertheless, we shall interpret the entries in 
column 6, as all the other entries, to be estimates of the im¬ 
portance of The (columnar) characteristic for the (row) 

Fig. 1 shows the relative importance of the 19 network char¬ 
acteristics. As one examines the average ratings of the charac¬ 
teristics, it comes as no surprise that bidirectionality is very 
important. It is the “co” in “communication.” 

It may be slightly surprising, however, that freedom from 
error is so important. It is freedom from error as seen by the 


.• application, of course. There are bound to be errors in the raw 
-• network channels, but they may be detected and eliminated by 
= error-correcting circuits or by retransmission. “Error-free” 
■may in practice mean one bit error in 10 n or 10 14 bits, on 
the average. The importance of achieving an extremely low 
error rate stems in part from the fact that many of the applica¬ 
tions involve information, such as financial data,,in which 
changing a single character could make a great difference. 
Freedom from error is required, also, by most cryptographic 
schemes. Where freedom from grror is not required by an 
application, one can usually firfd error detecting and correcting 
mechanisms within the application itself. Such mechanisms 
are quite evident, for example, in human conversation. But it 
greatly simplifies most network applications if the network 
can be counted on to do the error handling. 

Ability to handle bursty transmissions efficiently ranks third. 
The advantage provided by this characteristic translates di¬ 
rectly into a cost advantage. 

Low cost ranks fourth in importance. It did not rank higher 
because we recognized that certain of the applications, such as 
military command, control, and communication, are relatively 
insensitive to cost. Also, other network applications such/as 
mail and messages are already quite cost competitive with their 
conventional counterparts and do not demand very-low-cost 

Connectivity ranks fifth in importance. The reason con¬ 
nectivity does not rank higher is that we assigned only a 
medium score for connectivity to applications that required 
only connectivity within an organization or within a region, 
and many applications could function—though perhaps at 
some disadvantage—with such limited connectivity. 

Information rate ranks sixth. We interpret that to mean that 
very wide-band transmission is not vital to most of the applica¬ 
tions and that most of them could be satisfied with an in¬ 
formation rate in the range 1000-10 000 bits/s. However, that 
is the information rate seen by the application. To handle 
heavy traffic, and to handle a few of- the applications, a net¬ 
work should have channels of considerably greater bandwidth 
than that. 

Security, the complex that includes assurance of service 
when required and protection against fraud and theft, ranks 

Privacy, the complex that includes protection against dis¬ 
closure of personal information and unauthorized use of it, 
ranks eighth. 

Authentication, a characteristic closely associated with se¬ 
curity, ranks ninth. 

v At the other end of the ranking, mobility (19th) is not re¬ 
quired by most of the classes of applications we considered— 
but, of course, is essehtial for some applications. ■ 

Broadcast capability (18 th) was scored low because it is not 
needed at all in many applications and is needed only oc¬ 
casionally in others such as mail and message systems—and, 
when needed, usually can be simulated adequately by repeated 
point-to-point transmissions. 

Uniformity of time delay (17th) is important mainly for 
speech transmission. If speech had been given a weighting pro¬ 
portional to its probable eventual importance in networking, 
uniformity of time delay would have ranked higher. 

The capability of giving preferential treatment to high 
priority traffic (12th) ranks as high as it does because we 
viewed priority in. the context of present-day systems that 
dnay introduce considerable delays into the delivery of some 
or:all of their messages. In the context of future systems in 

which a whole transmission will take less than a second, 
priority may be much less important. However, the need for 
priority is unlikely to-vanish. Priority classes are useful in 
queuing messages for processing by people and in indicating 
the prioritizer’s sense of urgency or importance to the re¬ 
cipient. Moreover, even very wide-band systems tend to be 
designed just barely to handle expected peak loads, and even 
such systems can be overloaded—in which case, prioritization 
might be helpful. On the other hand, it is conceivable that the 
processing of priorities might slow a system down more than 
eliminating low priority traffic could speed it up. 

We do not want to attribute too much value to our no- 
doubt-ideosyncratic subjective estimates of the importance of 
network characteristics to applications, but we would like to 
carry the analysis another step to illustrate what we think 
might be a valuable method. It attempts to deal with the rela¬ 
tive merits of various networks or network architectures. 

The method begins with a table of applications versus char¬ 
acteristics similar to Table I except that each application has 
an importance weight and all its cell values are multiplied by 
that weight before the columns are totaled. The method as¬ 
sumes, also, a table of networks or network architectures versus 
network characteristics such as Table II. The entries in Table II 
represent our very subjective impressions of the degrees to 
which the characteristics at the top characterize the networks 
at the left-hand side. The values are certainly not definitive. In 
the case of the hypothetical augmentation of the ARPANET, 
they assume major increases in number of subscribers and in 
information rate, and they assume that advanced provisions are 
made for security, privacy, authentication, and priority service. 
They assume, also, that satellite relays are incorporated into the 
network along with wide-band surface channels and that there 
is a packet-radio subsystem to serve mobile applications. 

In the case of the projected SBS service, indeed, they are 
based only on the most informal information, and they make 
rather optimistic estimates about the characteristics of the 
hypothetical networks that would be developed on the basis 
of the SBS facilities. The reader is invited to substitute his or 
her own estimates. 

To determine the suitability of a network or network archi¬ 
tecture to a set of applications, one simply multiplies each cell 
value in its row in (the table like) Table II by the importance 
of the corresponding characteristic at the bottom of (the table 
like) Table I—and then finds the sum (across the row) of the 

To illustrate the use of the method, we worked with the four 
networks of Table II and with four sets of applications. Appli¬ 
cation set 1 was the set shown in Table I. Sets 2, 3, and 4 were 
subsets consisting of—set 2: speech and encrypted speech, 
set 3: still and moving pictures, and set 4:. duologue and aug¬ 
mentation. (We gave equal or uniform weighting to the appli¬ 
cations in each set-to all 30 in the first set and to both of the 
two in each of sets 2, 3, and 4.) 

We obtained the 16 appropriateness indexes shown in Table 
III. The dial telephone network performs best in the speech 
applications, of course, but it does not appear to do badly in 
the others. (Giving more weight to cost tends to reduce its 
scores.) The experimental ARPANET appears to perform well 
on speech, which surprised us despite the fact that experiments 
on the transmission of compressed speech over the ARPANET 
have been very successful, but best on duologue and augmenta¬ 
tion, which we expected. In the scoring, the ARPANET suffers 
Because, being experimental, it was not developed in respect to 
some of the important network characteristics. Assuming such 

:KLIDER AND VEZZA: applications of information networks 



Estimated Degrees to Which Four Selected Networks Possess the 19 Network Characteristics 
(The Ratings Are the Authors’ Intuitive Estimates on a Scale from 0 (Low) to 5 (High) 

*A hypothetical network based on ARPANET technology but with very wide-band ground and satellite chan¬ 
nels, very many subscribers, advanced provisions /or security, an authentication scheme, arrange¬ 
ments /or priority, and a mobile/ponable radio adjunct based on the ARPA Radio Net. 

**A hypothetical network of the kind that might be based on the projected facilities of the Satellite Business 
Systems Corporation and used by a large corporation with geographically distributed branches, it is assumed 
that this network is used only within the corporation and therefore has restricted connectivity. 


^Appropriateness Scores for Four Selected Networks, Each Rated 
qfr: on Four Different Sets of Applications (The Appropriateness 
Scores Are Based on a Scale from 0 (Low) to 5 (High). 

The Way They Were Determined Is Described in the Text.) 





30 Applications 
of Table 1 ' 

Speech and Encrypted 


Still and Moving 


Duologue and 


Dial Telephone 





Experimental ARPANET 





Hypothetical Augmented 






Hypothetical Corporate 

Net Based on SBS Service 





Obviously, the result obtained with the method is no better 
than the ratings it processes, and we do not make any claims 
for our ratings. We believe, nonetheless, that the Scheme puts 
into an orderly array some of the basic factors that determine 
the relative appropriatenesses of various networks for various 
sets of applications, and that it leads the users of the method— 
or at least it led us, as we used it—to consider the factors care¬ 
fully and to think about how they act and interact. Upon 
examining the interactions, it soon becomes clear that the 
linear weighting scheme smooths over many nonlinear logical 
interactions, and that a more advanced model would have to 
be more like a computer program than three tables and a 
pocket calculator. Nevertheless, the first step has to be to 
survey the variables that are active in networking, and the 
simple scheme provides a start on that. 

IV. Issues 

A. Brittleness 

jr development (Hypothetical Augmented ARPANET) yields the 
appropriateness scores in the third row of Table III, which are 
all toward the upper end of the five-point scale. The hypo- 
jjb thetical corporate network based on the projected SBS service 
i. appears to perform almost as well as the hypothetically aug- 
0,mented ARPANET, suffering in the comparison only because 
^i. we assumed for it limited connectivity (intercorporate com- 
munication only), no surface channels (and therefore always 
jss!-. *h e 0.2-s satellite delay), and no mobility. Those lacks showed 
jjk U P °hly in the average over the 30 applications and in the 
s Peech applications. 

Brittleness is approximately the inverse of the lauded com¬ 
plex of system attributes: flexibility, robustness, and graceful¬ 
ness of degradation. Brittleness often arises from a quest for 
efficiency or economy. If you space the pony express posts 
as far apart as a fresh pony can run, then the mail does not get 
through when an emergency forces you to use a tired pony. A 
socioeconomic unit with a minimum-capacitance supply sys¬ 
tem avoids the waste inherent in having products stagnate in 
the pipeline but crumbles in a siege. Networks will almost 
surely be more efficient than the systems they supplant. 
Should not that expectation prompt us to ask whether they 
will also be more brittle? 

From an engineering point of view, the preferred approach 
is to avoid brittleness through judicious choices in the archi¬ 
tecture and design of networks. The dynamic routing feature 


^ t ^ Le tf f' RPANET ’ for “ample, pennits the network to con- 

power supply, and redundancy of information storage More 
over, sophisticated uses of redundancy J•, M 

B Electronic Imperialism or Technology Transfer to the World 


ready had working transportation, systems hefn* , 

™ £ 

WS opmg world with the concentrated supercritical inters of 

the developed world, bringing the former deeply int Jhe Z° 

action patterns of the latter and making it much“S“he' 

ism, J f ~ 

^ may l0 ° k “» *> so™ 

*«* * 

sms”~ irjr tF^ 

1 but of knowledge and it flows through h ^ ° mformation 
• Perhaps the most effective pattern involves by 

promising young people from developing co^Mes in w Y 
graduate schools in developed countriM-fX ,h , g 

experience in the developed countries and then return fo 7°^ 
foa of advanced technology in the a. , ™ to form 

mained functionally and motivational mlhe , I6 ' 


could as well be in foreign countries poStdoctoraI locations 
technology, if only they had net ’ £ V6n Countries with little 
cient funtog to keep local te^ , 0 COnnefiti °™ and suffi- 
to pay for computing time and 0peration “d 

Indeed, it seems likely that teeh i 8 somewhere on the net. 
countries couM becomf j t0 devel °P^ 

than informal exSon 3 n ° m ° re 

become well established in the ARPANEtTo*^ ^ 

Fo^aT 2 o rti 0 ons t0 Seen e 

Productiveness of the technology-transfer'ent^ST ^ 

cannot "hope to^ffer^olutito^t^th* ^ reSPeCt t0 ’ “ d we 
the juxtaposition of “electro* ■ t0 the problem suggested by 
we,- p '“ " a ° b ‘° i ™ 
working between the developed aild the d Pr !° SPeCt ° f Het ' 
deserves very serious study. From the potat f 0 *"” 8 Tf 

jar how * ^ t6 ' 



c - Unity, Federation, or Fragmentation 

is: would we see a side ’ 01 3 fra 8 men tation? That 

11 applications and fr^g “ C ° mp “ si ” s 

coherent system ot intercommunicating neTOoriS' 0 /“ 
incoherent assortment of isolated ? ° r “ 

works, most of them d.dic.fcd 'J.TST' 
single organizations’ The first le™« U " nS or semng 

engender pluralistic solutions to mo t ’ Z wIuch seems to 
alternative-many seMelit Pr ° blemS - ™ e ^ 
what woufd be rLchJd >V 

fore, may be Judged rathe, probable butit woSbT ' T 

Serbs’” ^ »d =o™b y „,°e f “ eP on; 

combinatorial^ ^e^ddf^l ^ ^ grow 

woblem of ho.°toacwTnt'gi She” „TS s^poi* £ 

ssr is “ " a i -ssx 

Coherence” characterizes a system in Which ah the n , rt 
culate well and function in synergy and in which th v, S 
systems are compatible and cooperative.' In an in forma tT 
network, coherence is desirable partly for*the same r ° n 
is desirable in a telephone system: the* value to a ,. ea ^ on lf 
mcreases as the number of other^ccessible users increases' 

This is true no matter whether the users are nennie 
Puters. The importance of coherence,'is amplified h** C ° m " 
by the fact that some of the -'applications of ’ 0wever > 
works will involve several functio&”operafino° mPUter net ’ 
information. Planning a trip]:*for:' > example will ° D . COI ^ mon 
action among: your calenda&'pfogram and'th require 
grams of people you will'/viStffthe, reserve« 6 C endar pro " 
airlines, car rental services*md;hotels 'the r, ° nS I 510 ® 111118 of 
terns of your banlcvan'd^venSFotherbani- trans ^ er sys- 
■ ‘ your company’s 


office, and perhaps data bases pertinent to business to 
cted on the trip. The computers could not be of 
help in the planning if each function or service had its 
iparate network or if their networks were physically 
hnectable but incompatible at various levels of proto- 
Indeed, coherent interconnection of diverse functions will 
Essential if networks are to live up to expectations in elec- 
nic message services, computerized commerce, delivery of 
aal services that involve both federal'and state governments, 

ministrative policies can be defined clearly and networks can 
be designed responsively. 

D. Privacy 

It is now very widely understood that the collection of large 
amounts of personal information in computer processible data 
banks tends to jeopardize personal privacy. The main reason, 
of course, is that aggregation and computerization open up the 
possibility of invading privacy efficiently and on a massive 

■d many military and intelligence applications. 

Coherence, however, is a condition that has to be planned 
(fstriven for. It does not arise in a short time through evolu- 
h—at least not through evolution that conforms to the 

ontaneous-variation-plus-natural-selection model. Will the 

Srces that are operating in the present network situation 
bster a sufficient degree of coherence for networks to fulfill 
•their promise? On the positive side is the fact that a standard 
packet-switching interface protocol X.25 [40] was formulated 
and agreed upon in an unusually short time and that the inter¬ 
connection of such dissimilar networks as Telenet [3] and the 
Canadian data network has already occurred. Also on the 
;positive side is the possibility: that one or two commercial 
networks, such as the one being developed by AT&T and t^e 
v one being developed by Satellite Business Systems, vyill 

■ dominate the network market and thereby create the kind of 
.. coherence that IBM has created in a large part of the computer 

■ software field. 

However, the other factors seem to work against coherent 
interconnection. First, the network situation is evolving with- 
y out any national policy. (Within the U.S. government, it is 
evolving without any federal policy.) Several countries are 
■V building networks independently. Many companies are 
building networks independently. Second, although the lines 
may be leased from the same telephone company that leases 
lines to everyone else, there is some security in having one’s 
own dedicated network. The need for security in such areas 
as EFT may be stronger than the nped for interconnection. 
Third, wherever personal information is concerned, and 
especially in the federal government, privacy has become a 
major issue, and a simplistic interpretation of the privacy 
problem sets interconnection into opposition with privacy. 
Fourth, research and development in the area of network 
security and privacy assurance have not been and are not being 
supported at a high enough level to create-soon enough-a 
technology that will let one say: "You can have both intercon¬ 
nection and security, both interconnection and privacy; you 
can have your cake and eat it, too.” Actually, the technology 
of communications security is rather well developed [41] — 
[ 44 ] —except for uncertainties arising from the “56-bit contro¬ 
versy” [45] —as a result of many years of work in the military 
• intelligence area, but the technology of computer security is 
less well developed [46], and nontechnological aspects-plant, 
personnel, and operational aspects—of network security are 
not in good condition at all. 

The conclusion with respect to unification, federation, or 
fragmentation must be: we should strive for the kind of feder¬ 
ation of networks that will provide coherent interconnection 
where needed and justified and, at the same time, provide 
informational privacy and security. That will require planning 
at national and international levels. It will require intensified 
research and development in network security and in inter¬ 
netting. And it will require an elevation of the ongoing dis¬ 
course about privacy—to a level on which legislative and ad- 

scale. At the same time, they open up the possibility of pro¬ 
tecting privacy tirelessly and algorithmically and of using the 
personal data effectively in the effort to accomplish the legiti¬ 
mate purposes for which the data were collected. Indeed, the. 
stage is set for a battle between the forces of good and evil. 

The stage is, however, not set in reasonable balance. The 
things required for the protection of privacy in information 
networks are policy and technology: legislative and admin¬ 
istrative policy to define what is to be achieved and a tech¬ 
nological basis for achieving it. In the U.S., the legislation is 
the Privacy Act of 1974 and the administrative policy is an 
OMB Circular [47]. Both are cast in terms of absolutes. The 
technological basis, as mentioned in the preceding section, is 
a combination of communications security and computer 
security. Because computer security is a relatively new and 
neglected subject, it is difficult to provide convincing assur¬ 
ance to an intelligent skeptic that any proposed intercon¬ 
nection of personal data, transmission channels, information 
processors, and interrogation-and-display facilities will not 
jeopardize privacy. Repeatedly, indeed, the advocates of pro¬ 
posed federal data networks have failed to present convincing 
analyses of the threats to privacy and of the trade-offs be¬ 
tween privacy and mission effectiveness—and, repeatedly, their 
requests for permission to procure such networks (e.g., FED- 
NET, NCIC upgrade, IRS Tax Administrative System) have 
been sidetracked or denied with good reason. 

At least in government circles, therefore, the issue of privacy 
is a very real and central network issue. Before it can be 
solved, three things have to be done. 1) The technology of 
information security has to be improved to the point at which 
reasonable analyses can be made and assurances can be given. 
2) Network advocates have to develop plans and justifications 
that take privacy into account and provide strong assurances 
that it will be protected. And 3) the members of the oversight 
committees and their staffs have to face the fact that to pro¬ 
tect privacy by precluding interconnection is not a very satis¬ 
factory solution for the long term. They should support and 
foster the accomplishment of steps 1) and 2) with the aim of 
receiving plans and proposals that they would not have to kill. 

E. Other Issues 

Space limitation precludes substantial discussion of other 
issues, but there are several that should be discussed. We shall 
discuss only a few of them, and those only very briefly. 

1) Transborder Data Flow: Several European countries are 
beginning to restrict the flow of personal (or personnel) data 
across their borders on the ground that they must protect the 
informational privacy of their citizens against threats implicit 
in data processing in countries with less stringent privacy laws. 
Some of the countries have laws or regulations that preclude 
the transmission of encrypted information through their 
public communication facilities. Many believe that such re¬ 
strictions may be used to discriminate against foreign (e.g., 



American) data processing firms and against multinational 

2) Technology Export and Import: International networks 
can be expected to facilitate greatly the transfer of scientific 
and technical information and know-how among the tech¬ 
nologically developed nations. From a nationalistic point of 
view, one can see both advantages and disadvantages in such 
transfer to ideological, military, and economic competitors. 
The advantages are mainly humanistic and short-term eco¬ 
nomic. The disadvantages are mainly security-related and 
long-term economic. The interplay of advantages and dis¬ 
advantages is giving rise to issues that will probably intensify. 

3) Competition Versus Monopoly and Free Enterprise 

Versus Regulation: These are the issues of the “Bell Bill” 
(Consumer Communications Reform Act), Computer Inquiry 
II, and several recent decisions of the Federal Communications 
Commission that have favored competition in the telecom¬ 
munications industry. How these issues are settled will to a 
large extent determine who operates the networks of the 
future in the U.S. and how such applications as electronic 
message service and “the office of the future” are, imple¬ 
mented. / 

4) Nature of Office Work and Workforce: Some of the net¬ 
work applications we have discussed would tend to- alter 
markedly the nature of white-collar work and the knowledge 
and skills required of members of the workforce. . That fact 
will give rise to issues involving reeducation and retraining, pay 
commensurate with responsibility, and displacement of labor 
by automation. 

5) Impact on Productivity: Many people are expecting that 
applications such as electronic mail and office automation will 
significantly increase productivity, but there are as yet few if 
any definitive experiences with such applications or quantita¬ 
tive models of them that will convince skeptics. Impact-on- 
productivity may become a major issue in and of itself. 

6) Educational Applications of Networks: Packet-switched 
and satellite networks, together^with the great advances being 
made in computers, appear to open the door to revolutionary 
improvements in education, but much more than mere access 
and mere hardware will be required to achieve truly significant 
results. The issue that is arising is whether the society values 
education enough to support the long and difficult effort that 
will be required to develop effective computer- and network- 
based methods—or whether there will be' another wave of pre¬ 
mature exploitation followed by disappointment as there was 
in the computer-assisted-instruction “revolution” of the early 

j: 7) Networks Versus Stand-Alone Systems: Why do we need 
time sharing when everyone can have his or her own micro¬ 
computer?' What good is a network when one can have a 
'whole library on a video disk? Those questions have answers, 
of course, in such applications as electronic message systems, 
distributed but cooperating “offices of the future,” and 
computerized commerce, but the questions will nevertheless 
constitute a major issue. Microcomputers and inexpensive 
digital storage devices have significantly changed the network 
concept. Less than a decade ago, a computer network was 
something that provided access to a time-sharing system. Now 
it is a facility to support communication among spatially dis¬ 
tributed people and computers and to supply people and 
computers with common information bases and supple¬ 
mentary storage and processing capabilities. 

Id Leadership: An important latent issue is implicit 
people have quite different percep¬ 

tions of the importance of networking. A significant fraction 
of the people who have had experience as developers or inten¬ 
sive users of a packet-switching network believe they have 
been in on the beginning of a new era and that descendants of 
the ARPANET will constitute the nervous system of the 
world. On the other hand, most of the people who now deter¬ 
mine the kind of national policy that earlier fostered the 
merchant marine, the railroads, the airlines, and the interstates 
seem not to be aware that any significant new potential exists 
or that there may be any reason to move rapidly to take 
advantage of it. And, of course, if it is meanihgful at all to the 
man in the street, the term “information network” still 
suggests the telephone system, the radio, or a television net¬ 
work. In that situation, it is difficult to project as an issue the 
importance of networks to world economic leadership. We 
believe, nevertheless, that it is such an issue, and we hope that 
it will soon be recognized as such an issue. 

9) Totalitarian Control: If almost all the telecommunica¬ 
tions in an area were based on computerized networks con¬ 
trolled by an organization—say by a government—then, in the 
absence of effective safeguards, that organization could map 
the life space of every individual and record the business trans¬ 
actions of every company. The notion of telecommunications 
in the hands of a “big brother with computers” goes beyond 
the bounds of what is usually called “invasion of privacy” into 
the realm of totalitarian control. One can detect at least a 
trace of the “big brother” issue in the coldness of certain 
members of Congress toward, and the rejection by the OMB 
of, the plans (mentioned earlier) of the IRS to develop a 
computer- and network-based Tax Administration System. 
The mere possibility of subversion was enough to kill the 
system. It is of the utmost importance, of course, to develop 
truly effective safeguards against misuse of networks for pur¬ 
poses of social control. But such safeguards will be more 
difficult to devise than safeguards against ordinary invasion of 
privacy or against fraud and theft. Networks will have to be 
designed in such a way that representatives of diverse interests 
can satisfy themselves that there is no subversion and that the 
audit trails are not dossiers. And the arrangements will have to 
be dictator-proof. We think that that is a very great task and 
that it is being neglected. 

V. Conclusions 

Shakespeare could have been foreseeing the present situation 
in information networking when he said,” . . . What’s past is 
prologue; what to come, in yours and my discharge” [48]. 
Most of the applications that will shape the future of net¬ 
working are now in the stage of conceptualization or in the 
stage of early development. But it seems possible that a “net¬ 
work of networks” will, even in this century, become the 
nervous system of the world and that its applications will 
significantly change the way we live and work. The degree to 
which the potentials of networking will be realized will depend 
upon how we resolve some of the issues that have been 

The value of information networks will depend critically 
upon their connectivity and their ability to connect any one 
of many sources to any one or more of many destinations. 
High connectivity will be precluded if conditions force the 
development of many separate, independent, incompatible 
networks. One condition that would force such an incoherent 
development is the combination of 1) a need for security 
against loss of “electronic funds” and (other) proprietary 



formation and 2) the lack of a technology capable of pro- 
,g security in an interconnected network or network.of 
orks. That would lead to what we have called “frag- 
itation.” Another such condition is based in a similar way 
a combination of need for informational privacy and lack 
the technology necessary to protect it except by isolating 
: e- privacy-sensitive data. The rapid and intensive develop¬ 
ment of computer and network security technology is vital to 
'any network applications. 

y forces are fostering the development of networks to 
'terconnect organization or branches of organizations and the 
lopment of applications to serve organizations, but there 
few forces that foster networks to interconnect individuals 
.network applications to serve individuals. Perhaps the main 
ipe for the provision of network services to individuals— 
ecially network services to individuals at home—is that the 
ill System will move (as obviously it would like to do) into 
he processing, storage, and information-commodity parts of 
ie overall information business. But the telephone companies 
nil be very slow to provide high-in formation-rate services 
use they have such large investments in narrow-band 
lalities. To get inexpensive wide-band channels into homes 
;ian early date, we need a new departure in cable (or fiberi 
tics) communication, taking off from cable television, or 
imething truly revolutionary like a nation-wide network 'of 
'erostationary platforms: microwave platforms at 70 000 ft, 
pported by helium plus helicopter vanes, and relaying signals 
;om housetop “dishes” a meter in diameter. 

Examination of 30 actual and potential applications of net¬ 
works suggests that the following network characteristics or 
pabilities are especially important: bidirectionality, freedom 
im undetected errors, efficiency despite “burstiness” in the 
mission pattern, inherently low cost, high connectivity, 
gh.information transmission rate, security, privacy, authen¬ 
tication, and reliability. Mobility and broadcast capability 
ed out to be of the lowest priority in our analysis. Packet- 
tching and time-division-multiple-access networks, espe- 
:y such networks with satellite relays, were suggested by 
e analysis to have the patterns of characteristics required to 
irve best the full range of applications. The analysis suggests 
^approach to the selection of the best network to serve any 
ified application or set of applications. 










L 9 i 


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A Tutorial on Protocols 



Invited Paper 

Abstract—Protocols ate common tools for controlling information 
transfer between computer systems. The concept of a protocol, which 
grew out of experimental computer networking, is now fundamental to 
system design. In this paper, basic protocol functions are explained and 
discussed. Then, the concept of a distributed system architecture is 
presented. It provides the framework for layers and protocols to operate 
across heterogeneous systems. The purpose and functions of each 
protocol layer such as, transmission, transport, virtual terminal, are 
described. Interactions between design and performance are discussed, 
and typical mechanisms are reviewed. CCITT and ISO relevant standards 
are summarized. Finally, the similarity between protocob and program¬ 
ming languages is emphasized as it points to the major impact brought 
about by protocob in system design. 

I. Introduction 

VERYONE has had the opportunity to overhear such 
cryptic conversations exchanged over the radio by taxi 
drivers, policemen, and aircraft pilots. Although upon 
hearing these conversations at first do not mean much to the 
layman, these abbreviated languages carry well-defined mean¬ 
ings and obey well-defined rules. Speakers give their name, ask 
correspondents if they are listening, confirm reception, etc. 
This form of conversation differs drastically from a face-to-face 
chat. The communication channel is shared by many speakers. 
To save bandwidth and reduce interferences, messages are short 
and coded. External noise and other interferences are com¬ 
mon occurences, hence, repetition and confirmation are normal 
practice. These rules are known as protocols. 

Manuscript received February 27, t978; revised July 24, t978. 

The authors are with IRLA, 78150 Rocquencourt, France. 

The term protocol entered the computer jargon at the turn 
of the 70’s, when the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Project 
Agency set out to build a network of geographically distribute 
heterogeneous computers [71 ]. Up to that time, communica¬ 
tion between computer programs or processes was limited to 
processes which were located within the same machine. Inter¬ 
process communication was accomplished through the use of 
shared memory and special signals exchanged through the 
mediation of the operating system. This technique represented 
the analog of a face-to-face chat between processes. Inter¬ 
process communication between geographically distant systems 
would have left processes with the same kind of constraints 
that taxi drivers encounter. They would have to interact 
through a potentially hostile environment with limited band¬ 
width, delay and unreliable transmission. In addition, the 
processes in the different computer systems did not even speak 
the same native tongue, having been created by different 

Computer veterans remember the sinuous evolution that led 
from binary programming to assembly code, to Fortran, Cobol, 
Algol, and other high-level languages. Originally viewed as a 
collection of tricks and hobbies, programming languages have 
developed into a major branch of computer science. The 
evolution of protocols has followed a strikingly similar path. 
Indeed, Protocols are common tools designed for controlling 
information transfer between computer systems. They are 
made up of sequences of messages with specific formats and 
meanings. These messages are equivalent to the instructions 
of a programming language, although protocol languages are 
still in an early stage of ad hoc development. 

0018-9219/78/1100-1346S00.75 © 1978 IEEE