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Full text of "ArabicEnglishLexicon.CopiousEasternSources.EnlargedSuppl.K'amoos.Lane.Poole.1863-77-93.8vols."

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PART 8 - LS 


Riad el - Solh Square 

19 6 8 

« olif JLiiU j £-.hj * l^Uf-l v-lUj l^t&j iLld J»lil3l 

oj-> \AV1 fU-t tJjll .ttj cJU jUU < ijjUJl'iyill *»lj$lj JiU$l 

J*UI Ijla C»J i : jJ /♦**«**! "j-*iy»J j J^*\ .u.r j^jJI Jli jJj 
Jl J^iJ < 4*J/jU»lJj jj < Ci/j J^JI j*irf j < »L&j 4>r j «JIpl 


Edward William Lane's ARABIC- ENGLISH LEXICON 
Book I contains all the classical words, their derivatives, 
and their usages. It appears in eight separate volumes 
and took the author more than thirty years to compile. 

Book II which Dr. Lane contemplated and which was 
to contain rare words and explanations, was incomplete 
at the time of his death in 1876 and therelore never 

In describing Lane's Lexicon, Dr. G. P. Badger wrote. 
This marvellous work in its fullness and richness, its 
deep research correctness and simplicity of arrangement 
far transcends the Lexicon of any language ever pre- 
sented to the world. » 

Printed .n Lebanon by OFFSET CONROGRAVURE 

If -*^ 



























[Book I.] 


The twenty-fifth letter of the alphabet; called 
ijy : it is one of the class termed iJUj [or 

liquids] ; and is a letter of augmentation. __ ^j 
with tcshdeed, and preceded by a fat-hah, is 
sometimes redundantly affixed to a word at the 
end of a verse : see an ex. voce yi. _ ,j, the sign 
of the dual, with damm, in one dial., instead of 
kesr, see ouJL*.. _ See also jU. — As a 
numeral, it denotes fifty. 



R. Q. 1. eliU lie fed him, or nourished him, 

tvell. (K.) = lie restrained him, or turned him 

bark, (Kl-Umawce, S, K,) from a thing that he 

t- t.t- 

desired to do. (El-Umawec, S>) = ^rljJI ^ UU, 

inf. n. iUU and SUU* ; [the- latter an unusual form 
of inf. n.;] and ▼ UUJ ; He was trsak, (M, K,) 
or confused ; (S;) and not firm or sound, (S, M, 
K,) t» his judgment, or opinion. (S, M, K.) — 
j^t iji liU J7e wa.« ireaAt i« </<c affair. (S.) — 
<uc UU, and * UU3, 7/c wa* unable to do it. (K.) 

UU, inf. n. SUU; (AA ;) and tUL3; (S;) 

V7c was weak, feeble, or remiss. (AA, S, TA.) 

It. Q. 2 : see R. Q. 1 in three places. 

ft t * i 

UU and » iUU (S, K) and * \$> and • UtU 

Weak ; cowardly. (S, K.) — UU One who fre- 
quently turns about, or rolls, the pupil, or black 
part, of his eye. (K.) 

•UU : see the verb. __ Weakness. (AA, S.) 
_ SUU I j-i OU j^^J f^S^i* [Good betide him 
who hath died in (the time of) weakness!} i. e., in 
the first of El-Islam, before it acquired strength, 
(S,) and its adherents and assistants multiplied. 

sou, V>*> am * ul ~* : see IJLi * 


1. c»U, aor. -, (S, K,) contr. to analogy, like 
«^J, (TA,) and -, (K,) agreeably with analogy, 
(TA,) inf. n. C-eii, (S, K,) of the measure J**>, 

because it signifies a sound, like ^1, (TA,) and 

OU, (K,) contr. to analogy, because the verb is 
intrans., (TA,) He (a man, S) moaned; or 
breathed violently, or with moaning; or uttered 
his voice or breath with moaning; 6yn. fj\, (S, 
TAJando^i: (?, K:) or it signifies heuttered a 
louder sound than such as is termed | ^ 4 »t. (K.) s= 
*JSU He envied him ; (K ;) [as also «>U]. = oU, 
inf. n. OU, He walked, or went, a< a s/oro pace. 

OU i.q. !>&: (?:) OUI fk lion. (K.) 


1- u*&l ^ £ b » aor - '•> inf - "• £»*' He went, 
went away, departed, or set forth journeying, 
through the land, or car/A. (S, K.) — j-»JI ^U 
The news, tidings, or information, went, or we«f 
away, through the land. (T.) — £</H <0»-U, 
aor. :, inf. n. »...*J, TAe nvW fce/rame in a state 
of commotion : blew with a swift course, and with 
a sound. (S, K.) — £-4^> L$\ w-*-^ The 
wind passed swiftly over the place. (TA.) _ 
y>')ii\ Lij (like y y* [pass, in form but neut. in 
sigpification] TA) The people experienced, or 
suffered, a swift and sounding wind. (§, K.) 
[See an ex. voce ~l^o.] — U^, ^ Jjy\ O-^-U 
[TAe camels were swift in their pace]. (TA.) — 
iU-SfjH c-i».U i.q. c-fcC, [app-, ^Ae orfoi/r aV/*- 
/«.«ea' t'r.<e//" strongly or powerfully]. (TA.) = 
I.U, (aor. :, inf. n. ..U, TA,) It (an owl) uttered 

a moaning cry; or hooted; syn.^eU: (K:) and 


in like manner a man. (TA.) _ —U, (aor. » and 

-, inf. n. JLli and ^l^i, TA,) 7/e (a bull) /oroea". 

(K.) ^_ *I)I ^J ^-U, (aor. r, TA,) He humbled, 
or abased, himself, with earnestness, in suppli- 
cation, to God. (S, K.) s ~L> Vie a<e weakly, 
or feebly. (K.) 

jj.^ _»jj Ifina" in a state of commotion : (S 
K:) swift in its course, and making a sound. 

P l.£3<y. (TA.) 

1'ii Quic*; *wi/il. (TA.) _^-UI The lion: 
(K:) so called because of his quick leaping, or 

springing. (TA.) srUA bull that lows murk. 
(TA.) — A man having a high voire. (TA.) 

OUJU [Birds of the kind called] >»U tittering 
cries. (S, L, K.) [In the CK, for >U is put 

vely*. See an ex. voce ».U*.] _ Also, Winds 

W * ** 

wing violently : (TA:) pi. *^}y- (A.) 

•^ * j • * 


aJLc jjJu U» w-UU «!JUj Pit Supplicate thy Ijord 
with the utmost humility, or abasement, and 
earnestness, of which thou art capable. (TA, from 
a trad.) 

~Cc [A place where a wind blows with a swift 
course and with a sound]. Ex. 

It- it ' -• i '%»>' 

(S.) [A place where birds of the kind called 

jt\A utter their cries]. Ex. 

(TA [but quoted in the S as an ex. of ~U« in the 
former sense].) 

~.JU >tjjfc i.q. ^jyLJu> [app. A distorted 
story]: (K:) so explained by I Sk, as occurring 
in the following verse : 



1. dJkt> AJ^U, (aor. -', A, int. n. jU, L,) A 
calamity befell him : (K:) or pressed heavily upon 
him, and distressed him. (A.) __. See OU. 

.• I- 

JC and t J& (S, L. K) and * ti y (L, K) A 
calamity: (S, L, K:) pi. of the second, jjJ. 



(L.) — >VJ 4*1 i, and * ^Sb, and * \&, (A, L,) 

-4 calamity that presses heavily, and distresses. (A.) 

0»» •■# 

^jb : see jb. 

* i . «•« 

ijy : see jb. 

1. iili, aor. :, (S,) inf. n. Jib, (S, A, K,) He 
postponed, delayed, or retarded, it, syn.. tjAA ; 
(S, M, A, # £,•) namely, an affair. (S, M.) _ 
7/e made it (a tiling) to be distant, or remote ; 
put it at a distance ; put it, or tent it, away, or 

/if/- away. (TA.) = ^M also signifies The 
taking, or reaching, [a thing,] absolutely, or n>t7A 
rAe A«W, or nutA (A* extended hand; (A, £;) 
and so * JlJLJ, (Msb,) and Ji^tf, (Msb, £,) 
and jji^i : (IDrd, TA :) or ♦ <J>}&, with ., 
signifies the taking from a distant place; and 
without ., the taking from a near place. (Th, 
TA.) You say, AiiU, inf. n. ^b, I took it, or 
reached it, absolutely, or with my hand, or with 
vi y extended hand. (TA.) And it is said in the 
kur, [xxxiv. 51,] " (^-jtUM^ ^Vj, and ySjLai 
with and without ., accord, to different readers: 
(TA :) with ., the word is from u*>l)l, the j 
being changed to • because of the dammeh; [so 
Mint the meaning is, But how shall' the attaining 
of belief be possible to them?] (Zj, Bd;*) or from 
oib as signifying O^b [see 6 below] ; so that 
the meaning is the reaching [or attaining] from 
afar: (By:) or from t^LS, meaning, "motion 
in a state of slowness or tardiness:" (Zj:) or it 
is from i'Jh\ oib, (Bd,) inf. n. J.6, (IB, TA,) 
signify in<{ I sought, or sought for or after, the 
thing: (IB, Bd:) [so that the almvc phrase in 
lite Kur. may be rendered Hut horn shall the seeking 
of belief be possible to them ?] __ It also signifies, 

(namely ,jib,) The taking [a thing] : and seizing 
violently: (A, K:) or taking in a violent seizure: 
you say, aib, inf. n. ^b, he took him, or it, in 
a violent seizure. (TA.) 

3li — y 

i* »" ■*'" 

vi*.} *X*» Jfe rfW it lastly, or latterly, or &j.«l o/ 

a//. (S, A, $.) And li-Li Tu. 7/e came lastly, 
or latterly, or Awt o/atf : (A :) or slowly, tardily, 
or /ate. (TA.) And j£\ ^* \1^S LiaJ Jfe 
overtook us after the day had declined; (Ibn- 
'Abbad, K;) i.e., he held back from us, and then 
followed us in haste, fearing escape. (TA.) _ 
ij~~yj also signifies Motion in a state of slowness 
or tardiness. (Zj.) == Th also explains J*JLi as 
signifying Distant or remote. (TA.) 

[ J»'b, &C. 
See Supplement] 

V^' see <uj-jI. 

[Book I. 

:, inf. n. 

(S, If) and ^ and 

6. ^iiLJ He, or i7, became, or remained, be- 
hind; became delayed, or retarded; it became 
poxtponed; syn. j*A3 ; (S ;) and so * yib, said 
of a man ; (Bd, xxxiv. 51 ;) and • ^iUil, (S, 

TA,) laid of an affair. (S.) He, or it, became 

distant, or remote; or he went, removed, retired, 
or withdrew himself, to a distance, or far away; 

(S, TA ;) as also t jfoy, (TA.) = See also 1, 
in three places. 

8 : sec 6, in two places. 

>J*'y> Strong; overcoming; or prevailing; 
(K possessing might or strength, courage, valour, 
or prowess. (TA.) You say also, JLjJj Jji ^n 
overcoming decree; as also Jllp. (TA.) See 
ulso art. cA>i. 

1. s^tj, aor 

VV 5 and ▼ w^i ; lie (a goat) uttered a sound, 
or cry, [or rattled,] and was excited by desire of 
the female: (S:) or uttered a sound, or cry, [or 
rattled,] when excited by desire of the female, (K,) 
or at rutting-time. (TA.) y--0 i QY 1^-5 M 
yrfj-31 t -Do not cry out [»'» my presence like as 
lie-goats rattle at rutting-time]. Said by 'Omar 
to some persons who had come to make a com- 
plaint to him. (TA.) [Hence,] ^ + He 

desired sexual intercourse. (TA.) __ t\yk ^ 
t He was jtroud, or behaved proudly, and magni- 
fied himself . ($.) 

*• «r*y» "»• n. yifS, It (a plant) produced a 
knotted stem. (K.) — ^ P-" c£jl ^t t [Fcri/y 
/ see evil, or /Ac evil, to have grown, like a plant 
producing knotted stems], (TA.) 

4. aJ«JI JjJ» <uJl f [Length of celibacy made 
him to be desirous of sexual intercourse]. (TA.) 
— v^'i i»£ "• •r'W'Ji 'f not a mistake for CJI, 
inf n. c»Uil, meaning "he became pubescent," 
probably signifies lie was excited, and uttered 
libidinous sounds, with the desire of sexual inter- 
course. (TA.) See R. Q. 1. 

5. v~-3 It (water) was made to flow ; or was 
set ajiuming. (K.) 

R. Q. 1 : see 1 J^HS J lie (a man, TA) 

talked nonsense, (and uttered libidinous sounds, 
TA,) in concubitu: (K :) implying his acting 
like a he-goat at rutting-time. (TA.) _ He 
prolonged his work, to do it well. (£.) 

iJ A disagreeable, or abominable, smell. (ly.) 
Probably a mistake for &J ; and therefore not 
mentioned by the leading lexicographers. (TA.) 

^y«j A table (SjuU) made of palm-leaves. 
voce ,JL>, q.v.) 


t ft * ml 

Jl or yJI: see 

it'- %r til 

•jl and ij_j-yl. 

Ot* t^ 1 t That part of 
a horn that is above the knotty portion, to tlw 
extremity: [i.e., the smooth part]. (TA) _ 
V>*»l t The spout, or tube, of a jug. (TA.) _ 
t A pipe of a tank, or cistern, through which the 
water flows: either from <*,--£, or from ^>yJ\ as 
signifying " an internodal portion " of a reed, or 
cane. (TA.) — *£)! ^y\ t The [bronchi, or] 
air-passages of the lungs. (K. ) • ^£l or ^Jl 
is said to signify the same, in an instance men- 
tioned by IAar, in which a poet speaks of the 
substance resembling lights which a camel in heat 
protrudes from his mouth, and which is called 

-f . - , til . ,. 

<U-c, as coming forth w-i^1 ^j : in which case, 
the word, if *,*JI, may be a pi., regularly ^»il, 
of which the sing, is ^ ; or, if with dammeh to 
the hemzeh, it may be a contraction of ^1, 

used as a coll. gen. n., in a pi. sense. (TA.) 

V^l A Kay, or road. ($.) [Ex.] i)^)\ »JI 

Keep to the way, or road. (As.) J^L ^^ 

\A track, or streak, (iiyJ*,) m a mountain, (^y,) 
apj>earing distinctly therein : of the dial, of Hudh- 
cyl: (TA:) Ex. w^JI jL * ^ [He went 
along every track of the mountain, or mountains]. 
(TA.) [As a coll. gen. n., used in the pi. sense : 
ex.] Malik Ibn-Khalid El-Klmzd'ec says, 
t » > .i i,l . . i. 

j-ai. v>~ii iuii ^i. ^ • 

[On the top of a lofty mountain, the streaks of 
which are green]. (TA.) _ ^^ J A row of 
trees (K) &c. (TA.) [See l>£*\.] — l>£\ 
An elevated tract of land : (K.:) one that is fine 
(iStPj) and elevated : pi. ^^oUl. (TA.) 

• * tat 

<u^*j| An internodal portion of a reed or cane; 
such a portion thereof as intervenes between two 
joints, or knots: (Lth, S:) i.q. ^£», [which 
signifies as above, and also a joint, or knot,] 
with reference to a reed, or cane, or a spear-shaft : 
(Kl:) as also *«_>>y'l ( L '»» K) and * lJj\, which 
latter is probably a contraction : (K:) [sec below:] 
or the pi. ofAjjyt is ^»^l and J-C-.UI : (S:) [or 
<^fy,i\ is a coll. gen. n., of which the n. un. is S^^-Jl, 
and the pi. ^^lil : see also art. w-JI]. -_ 
[flcnce,] 5^.1^ 2uyJ\ j^-j\ jkL\ Make thou the 
affair, or case, [uniform, or] one uniform thing. 
(Fr. in TA in art. -.b.) [Also, A slteath of a 

l c * * t ml 

plant. See 4a. y a.ol. And Any kind of tube. 

* " 

Sec ^..c.i.j 

1. (J. (K,) inf. n. \^>, (TA,) He uttered a 
low voice, or sound : or Ac (a dog) cried, or barked. 
(K.) [See «-J.] ass U, aor. -, inf. n. 1^-3 and 
lyj, He was exalted, or elevated. ss^yJLA bJ, 
((,) inf. n. I*.*, and tyJ, (S,) //e assaulted tliem ; 


Book I.] 

came forth upon them : (K :) like «-j and <v : 
he came upon them. (AZ, S.) [See also ^jjb.] 
— Ui lie went forth from a land to another land. 
(S, K.) [See ^b'.] — J>fy ** ^& '•<?• «* **ri 
TA* &i»d brought, or fed Aim; (S, L:) [accord, 
to Golius, The land brought, or produced, it : but 

it is a phrase well known to the learned among 

9 # # 
the Arabs in the present day, as similar to »'.>b 

aj\jj " his dust, or earth, (i.e. the place of his 
burial,) called liiin :" and the explanation which I 
have given is confirmed by the citation, in the S, 
of the following verse, of Ilanash Ibn-Malik, 


immediately after a/ OUi in the sense of x/ O.U- :] 

U— ^ 

»t m + w w w '• 


• jlj J£> ^» y-»->b OW-* •-» 

[77ten tahe good care of thyself ; for deaths (of 
various kinds) bring (or lead) a man into every 
valley (or place) : i. c., fate brings him to the 
place where he is destined to be buried, where- 
ever it be]. (S.) _ Ci, aor. :: see 4. 

2. Ui : see 4. 

3. »bU J/c acquainted or informed him, and 
the latter did the same. (K.) — Also, simply, 
lie acquainted or informed him. (TA.J—^bU 
He quitted their neighbourhood; withdrew to a 
distance from them. (K.) [See also art. yj.~\ 

tit* t *" 

4. obi »Ljl, and <o, (and «uc, S, K, art. 

jyb ;) and » »U (8,» K) and t iu, (S,« TA.) 

each followed by obi or Aj; (TA;) He it formed 

him, or f«/rf Aim, o/ - »'< : (K :) or these verbs, 

followed by »bl, signify he made him to hnow it; 

and followed by Ay, he informed him, or told him, 

of it. (TA.) — Es-Scmccn says, that Uil and 

* Ui and j+».\ and ;**., when they convey the 
meaning of knowledge, are triply transitive, or 
may govern three objective complements, the 
greatest number that any verb can govern : (TA :) 
[ex. Uil* j/*fi IjiJj OUil I acquainted Zeyd that 

'Amr was standing], __ It is also said, that * Ui 
has a more intensive signification than Uil : ex. 
J Jt ^J\ Jeiil ^JlJ J15 lii JUI ^i [WAo 
hath acquainted thee frith this? He said, The 
Knowing, the Intelligent (God), hath apprized me : 
Kur, l X vi. 3]. (TA.) Sb has mentioned 01 

■i)y;J\ [for ■i)y?>\ UI] as used for the sake of 
conformity in sound with a preceding word. 
( M, T A.) [See art. ]y*..] turn tjjt* ^ V/c cn»r, 
or shot, but did not split, or cleave, or ma/te a 
*%/<< r«f, or scratch : (S, K :) or, did not pene- 
trate. (K.) 

5. Ul3, (S, K,) said to have been pronounced 
with • universally; (Sb, S;) but in the L, ^jr^; 
(TA ;) He arrogated to himself the gift of pro- 
phecy, or office of a prophet. (L, K.) 

i«i • 

10. UJI V-w' lie sought, or searched after, 

. , 1 \.t ,. > > ■ • '■ 

information, or news. (K.) — >* J»vl il.»y.:.T y 

(in the Kur, x. 54) means And they mill ash thee 
to inform them, [saying,] Is it true? (Bd.) 


Ui Information; a piece of information ; intelli- 
gence; an announcement ; news; tidings; a piece of 
news; an account; a narrative, or narration ; a 
story: orwhatisrelatedfromanothcr or others: syn. 
J**.: (S, Msb, K:) it ia generally held to be syn. 
with j~m. ; but accord, to Er-Rdghib, signifies 
an announcement of great utility, from which re- 
sults eitlier knowledge or a predominance of opinion, 

and true: (TA :) pi. iUil. (K.) ' ja A^i\ till 

[Kur, lxxviii. 2,] accord, to some, The Kur-dn : 
others say, the resurrection : and others, t/ie case 

of the Prophet. (TA.) jlJ% in the Kur, 

xxviii. 60, ('U^t^^li* o4««rf ) signifies The 
allegations, pleas, or excuses. (TA.) 


5Ui An eminence, or protuberance, in the earth, 
or ground. (TA.) __ 5U vl low voice, or sound: 
(S, K :) or the cr^, or bar/dug, of dogs. (K.) 

*^j*j, (S, K,) pronounced with • in the dial, 
of the people of Mekkeh, (S,) whose pronuncia- 
tion of it is disapproved by Sb on account of its 

uncommonness ; (TA ;) by others, ^jJ, without »; 

(S, K, TA;) A prophet: (TA:) of the measure 
• * • t 

(^Umi used in the sense of the measure J«iu [i.e. 

JjuU or JjuU] (IB) or J*l» (S, Es-Sunoosee) 

or JyuU ; (Es-Sunoosce) i. c., who acquaints or 
informs mankind, (S',K, TA,) or n7w U acquainted 
or informed, respecting God and things unseen : 
or accord, to some, it is derived from »^J and 
i^Ui signifying " elevation ;" (sec art. yj ;) 
in which case it is originally without »: or, 
accord, to others, from *^f> in a sense given 
below ; that of " a conspicuous way." (TA.) 
It is a less special word than y)y*\ [when thereby 
is meant an apostle of God] ; for every .J*wj is 
a ^jii, but not every ^^-J is a J>-j. (TA.) PI. 

ha. •( 

•Ig-JI (S, K, without *, because the » is changed into 
lC in the sing.,S,) and *U (S,K, like »b^i» [pi, of 
jai^»\ TA,) and »Uil [K, these two preserving 
the original radical <] and 0»e-y.(K,) without » : 
(TA :) but some pronounced the first and last of 
these pis., in the Kur-dn, with • ; though the 

more approved pronunciation is without .. (TA.) 

• •• ' t 
The dim. is {-**?■> (§> Ki) w 'th those who make 

the pi. jUi [or JUil ] ; but with those who make 

•"' *f it 

the pi. «U-JI, it is ij-y- (K.) — An Arab of 

the desert said to Mohnmmad, aJJI i^^-j b, and 
the latter disapproved of his pronouncing «,«*) in 
this case with «, because, as it signifies An emi- 
grant, he meant thereby to call him an emigrant 

from Mekkeh to El-Mcdeeneh. (S, K, TA.) 

! ( « ? i A conspicuous, an evident, or a clear, way. 
(K.) Hence, accord, to some, the apostle [or 
rather prophet] is so called, because he is the 
conspicuous, evident, way, that conducts to God. 


(MF^ — J^j-j and " ^U An elevated, or a 
protuberant, or gibbous, place. (K.) __ Hence 

. . ... •* »* i * * » 

it is said in a trad., • > _ 5 -iJI ^j^f- \yLcJ "^ [Pray 
not upon the place that is elevated, or prottibe- 
rant]. (K.) 

• '» i' Si it 

i*y~>, (K, in the CK iyJ) in which the • is 
sometimes softened in pronunciation, and some- 
times [or rather generally] changed into ^ which 
is incorporated into the preceding j so that the 

• itt 

word is written and pronounced »yJ, (TA,) 

Prophecy ; the gift of prophecy ; the office, or 

function, of a prophet. (MA, K.) Dim. <*.>.■»'• 

(?, K-) 
• - «-- 

iVyb act part. n. of Ui. A bull [app. a 

'^ jy] that goes forth from one land or 
country to another. (TA.)^A torrent that 
comes forth from another land or tract. (S.) _ 
A man coming forth unexpectedly from an un- 
known quarter. (S, A.) — [See also J^j-o.] 

j-±. Hj\J ^£=>jJ^- ,jjk , i. q. j-i. aJU. , [Hare 
ye any current news? or — news from a distant 
place? ttc: see AyU.]. (A.) 

1. C~j, (S, M, K>) aor. i, inf. n. c~i and 
oC ; [which two ns. sec mentioned as substs. ;] 
and * c":J ; (M ;) nnd * O-il ; (Fr, S, K ;) 
[respecting which last see below;] It (a thing, 
M, or a leguminous [or other] plant, S, K,) 
grew; grew forth; sprouted; vegetated; or ger- 
minated. (S, M, K.) As disallows ♦c--il in 
this sense ; but AO allows it, alleging the words 

of Zuheyr, Ji-JI " *i~JI lj> ( _ J I»- [Until, when 

-1 ' " 1 * ' '** 
<Ae leguminous plants grew], o-j and ▼ w-JI 

W j8 »* * * ' mi 

are said to be like ,'U— " OjJa-c and <l>jJa*»l. In 

the Kur, xxiii. 20, Ibn-Ketheer, Aboo-'Amr and 

t *t 3*0, 

El-Hadremee read c*~Z: others, C ^J : but 

ISd says, that, accord, to the former reading, 

some hold »_», which follows C~ — " , to be re- 

1 1 • > • 
dundant; ami others hold c~~JU is under- 

stood after 

Fr holds them to be svn. 

(TA.) — rt ;.,.,— i)U- ^jie »i^J i/is, or it, gren- 
in a good manner, condition, or state. (L.) _ 
C-i.;', inf. n. C***i, J /< (a girls breast) became 
swelling, prominent, or protuberant. (K.) — 

^j^l wJUi, and ♦ CMf>l| TVic /and produced, 
or ^a«e growth to, plants, or herbage. (S, K.) 

2. C-Ii, inf. n. o^-iJ, t He fed or nourished, 
or reared or brought up, a child : (S, K :) /ic 
nourished a girl, and nursed her w« ?cc//, hoping 

• aw 

(Aa< «/»« t»«/A< jwo// excellently. (TA.) — c-j 

iLIlfc k > < ^» JJJU.1 [t P/an< r/<c ^ct-ot o/" </iy iyir 
6c/br« (lit between) iAt«c eyw ; i. e., keep it ever 
before thee]. (S.) — C—J, inf. n. iZ'j i »* 1, //<• 
planted a tree. (M, S, K.) — Zfe Kwwi seed, 
(M,) or grain. (A.) 

847 • 


,4. JoJt, (S, £,) inf.n. ilyl [for *!"<* ^0 
occurs, as shown below], (TA,) He (God) caused 
it, or made it, (a plant) to grow, vegetate, 
<rr germinate. (8, ]£.) — w**i1, inf. n. oL»J ; 
for which inf. n. Olii occurs in the Kur, iii. 32 ; 
ami lxxi. 10; I He (God) caused a child to 

grow. (TA.) — See 1 C^>\ His (a boy's) 

hair of the pubes grew forth ; (8, K ;) he having 
nearly attained the age of puberty. (TA.) He 
(a boy) became hairy : and in like manner a 
girl. (Msb.) 

5 : see 1. 

10. tSfii i l [He endeavoured to make it grow, 
or vegetate, or germinate]. (TA, art. i_r~W) 
.JJW f"| ! " ■ ' [^T« ffrcro »'i or raised it, by means 
of seed], and \J^ [by means of date-stones], 
iind ^-jiiU [by means of planting]. (Mgh, art. 

J> and * Olli [properly coll. gen. ns.] are 
iVil., (S, K,) [signifying A plant, a lierb : and 
plants, herbs, or licrbage:] whatever God causes 
to grow, vegetate, or germinate, in the earth : 
(Lth:) the latter is an inf.n. used as a subst.: 
(Lth :) or it is a subst. which is used in the place 
of an inf.n. of C-llI : (Fr:) n. un. of the former 
i£j; (AHn;) [and of the latter i3lJ of which 
the pi. oUlli is mentioned in the K in this art., 


and frequently occurs in other works]. _ J*l 
C * : . jll^ clL A people of the highest rank, 
or nobility, and a people whose property has 
grown to the most flourishing state by means 
of their own exertions. (L, from a trad.) 

hL> The manner, form, state, or condition, 
in which a thing grows, or germinates. (L.) __ 
J r'-'n Jjl^J <J] FiwiTy he, or it, «s o/ a goodly 
maimer, ijr., of growth. (L.) 

iJ^Li JoyJ C«ij 7%ere grew up unto them young 
offspring, (S, K,) that became conjoined to the 
old, and increased their number. (TA.) Dim. 
iiJ^i . (L.) — 'ji ii/UJ o^» ^ Oi [Fe™7y 
t/te jotm of such a one are an evil offspring]. (S.) 

* ■* * * 

manner, condition, or .state, t'n ro/itcft grow 

(<uA* c.Li U, see 1,) tAc camels $c, (Jt>«l) 

awt children of the sons of such a one ! __ iJjLi 

(TA) and CyljS [pi. of the former] (S, K) In- 

experienced young men. (S, K.) You say, IjlA 

iiLJI Jy, and c-^lyJI, This is the saying of 

i * St 

inexperienced young men. (TA.) — — £~/\yJ\ The 
name of a certain sect mho introduced strange 
innovations in El-Islam. (A, TA.) El-Juhidh 
couples them with the i-ailj. (MF.) 

C«t** * Origin, or race, [from which a man 

springs;] syn. j-el. (L.) So in the phrase ^yU Ail 

Jjuo C~U \Verily lie belongs to an excellent race; is 
' ' '- ' - . i 

of an excellent origin]: and so in the phrase j>j&\ ^ 

c-yUJt [of the most generous of origins, or race*.] 

(TA.) _ CxyU -A p/ace «n wAicA plants, or 
Aerta, grow: (S, K:) dev. from the constant 
course of speech : analogically it should be 
t C*yU : (K :) as the aor. of the verb from 

J 0- 

which it is derived is not C ^ O , with kesreh : 

t • - 

but there are other examples like it; as Jk^ ...,< 

and aJLixo &c. : T o-— «, however, also sometimes 

occurs. (TA.) [PI. 0*lli.] 

oU~o (^«jl [iawrf abounding with plants, or 
herbage]. (KL, voce <u»>j, &c.) 

OUi: see «^-y. — OUi j£-» [Sugar-candy; so 
culled in the present day ;] a?i admirable kind 
of sugar, of which are made pieces resembling 
crystal, intensely white and lustrous: app. Persian, 
and post-classical. (MF.) 

-— -*■ z ±-;i Vile, and contemptible, or despic- 
able : (Lh, K. :) said of a man, and of a thing. 
(TA.) In gome copies of the £, and in the L, 
instead of^J«», we read jJti, [accord, to which, 
the meaning is vile, and poor]. (TA.) 

\y .': sing, of <i-3tJ> which latter signifiies 
tne ridges that are raised along the edges of 
rivulets such as are called ol»Jk» (in the CK, 

(contr. to analogy, S, [for w«-u,]) A 

plant caused to grow, or germinate. (S, K.) 

t *» * j • - %* j 

C*«m« Firmly rooted ; syn. J*oU*. (TA.) 

—_j and " < 

uiiu • w~>-^- " », (K,) the latter so written, 
not as being so originally, but for the sake of 
agreement in sound [with respect to the first and 
second vowels], (AHei,) a subst., signifying 
What grows, or germinates, of slender (i.e. small, 
TA,) trees, [or shrubs,] and large : (K :) ex., 

^.J i'J^ 

[A desert in which there grew not aught of shrubs 
or of large trees] : (TA :) young shoots of palm- 
trees: (IKtt:) the prickles and branches that 
are cut off from a palm-tree, to lighten it. 

.' ;-. , . . ., . ".'m.i'i i „: „. i I (AHn, as from 'Eesa Ibn-'Omar.) — Pieces of 

^jUJLs) to retain the water: dUJl being ex pi. i v . • / 

.,,,-,% .... , the hump of a camel. (L.) 

by jjVJliJI aLofc! : so in the L, &c.: in several I 

copies of the K we read, in the place of jUa*1, i «£«e-~J: see »i--~J. 

/jLatl : but this is a mistake. (TA.) , ,., 

Z.'}}-' [coll. gen. n.] A certain sj>ccies of trees : 

.^, J& o^U TfAat w //•«/», or new, o/j(S:) poppy-plants; syn. ^ U . * i > 1 1 j»j: and 
anything, when it is groning forth small. (TA.) ' other trees of a large kind: or the trees called 

[Book I. 


-r>}j^ [see below] : (K :) or a kind of thorny 
trees, having branches and leaves, with a fruit of 
the kind called jj$f, i.e., round; called in 'Oman 
«-ili : n. un. with » : AHn says that there are 
two species of 0^~j ; one of these is a kind of 

thorny and short trees, also called v.V»- [°»- v 
having a fruit resembling a bubble, in which are 
red grains, having an astringent effect upon the 
bowels, used as a medicine ; the other species is a 
large species of trees: ISd says, An Arab of the 
desert, of the tribe of llabeca, described to mc 
the iiy~j as [a tree] resembling a large apple-tree, 
the leaves of which are smaller than those of the 

apple, having a fruit smaller than the j)j*j, in- 
tensely black and intensely sweet, with grains, or 
stones, which are put into scales, or balances: 
[evidently meaning the carob, or locust-tree, (see 

^j}ja-,) whence our term "carob," applied to a 
small weight, the twenty-fourth part of a grain], 
(L [See ole and j^ji].) 

1. w«J, aor. -, inf. n. vi-J ; (and " w.<»>'l, K ;) 
i.q. yili; (AZ, S, K ;) i.e., He dug with the 
hand. (AZ, S.) _ w~>, aor. -, inf. n. w~y, He 
took forth, or dug out, dust, or earth, from a well 

or a river. (L) __^o*>)l &z \yJJ I They searched. 
or sought, for, or after, the thing ; inquired re- 
specting it ; sought for information respecting it ; 
searched into, inquired into, investigated, scruti- 
nized, or examined, it. (TA.) ea w~>, [aor. '-,] 
inf n. «i*J, I He rvas angry. (K.) 

6. jlj—'^l t>* '^^ I They searched into each 
otltcr's secrets. (A.) 

8. ,± ;"'■'• see 1. — He took; received into his 
hand. (K.) — He tucked up the skirts of his 
shirt, or tlie like, when sitting on the ground. ($. ) 
— H (Si** or l ' ,e 1'ke) increased in size (Qj) in 
the water: (K:) as also Ju£1. (TA.) 

10. »jl> ^>* »lA-l w-^->l ♦ i^c examined his 
brother respecting his secret. (A.) 

v^j> A trace, vestige, or mark: (K:) a trace, 
or mark, of digging: (A:) pi. wUil. (TA.) __ 
l£i NjU* <J C-jIj U / saw not the man himself, 
or the thing itself, nor any trace of him, or it. 
(L.) — Sec C-~y. 

Z _-} The duit that an animal digs up with its 
feet in running. (TAar.) — * ii-^i (S, ?) and 
v *._ < -. and • 3r ^' (L) The rfiMt, or earth, that is 
taken forth, or dug out, from a well or a river: 

3 * 

(S, L, ly :) pi. of the first, «£«5y. (A.) — w-«i 
and * i>>ll« Earth, or dust, taken forth, or a>n 
out, from a well or a river. (L.) — £««# " 4^*i 

Book I.] 

Flesh-meat buried by a beast of prey against the 
time of want. (IAth, from a trad.) = »i««J 
A species of sea-fish; accord, to IAar; but it is 
hIso said, on his authority, that it is called w«w ; 
therefore it seems that one of these two words is 
a mistake for the other, .or that they are two dial, 
forms. See also w~»~j, in art. w~y. (TA.) = 
t^i-c;'- Jml \ Very bad, evil, wicked, or corrupt : 
(KL :) applied to a man : (TA :) the latter word 
is an imitation sequent to the former. (S, and 
some copies of the K.) mm jtyii\ «L~J \JM*> a,1( ' 
> ^ v JL3Li, J [He revealed the elicited secret of the 
people, and their elicited secrets]. (A.) __ >er Uj 
£££>) t l m it \[Betwcen them are enmity and 
secrets elicited]. (A.) 

see vi~w~>. 

»- ,.l 

Z$yS\ A certain game [played by children, TA ,) 
in which something is buried in a hole dug in the 
ground, arid he who takes it forth wins the ga me. (K.) 

J^Li. Umls %') J^jUo cJfJb X [The occasions 
for the scrutiny of their conduct appeared, and 
their evil qualities were not hidden]. (A.) 

1. L2, aor. i, inf. n. s-~J, He uttered a loud, 
or vehement voice, or cry. (TA.) — »--», inf. n. 
, -■, Pepedit, certo modas (TA:) inf. n. »-Li, 
trepitum rentris emisit • pepedit. (S, K.) — 
J_J, inf. n. -.Li and •---», He (a dog) burked; 
i.q. ^>. (S, 50 ■■ *■*• ^ fi "tfxerf «^>, or fteai 

up, fresh milk, ipifA o. i*&, until it became, froth, 
in which state it is eaten with dates, taken up with 
three fingers. (July the Bcnoo-Asad did this. 
( I Kh.) _ -_J He mixed up &y* &c. (TA.) 


d ♦ 


Milk mixed up, or beaten 

up, in the manner explained rare m), (1Kb.) 
__ -».r : '' on<l ♦ i»_jU A hind of food of the Arabs 
in the time of paganism, (in seasons of dearth, or 
famine, TA,) made by mixing up, and beating 
up, soft camel's hair (xj) mtn milk. (K.) 

r-LJ Loud, or vehement, in voire, or cry. (S, K.) 

-.Li and f .ythLi A dog that barks much; (K;) 

*"■ ' *».*»* 

a loud-barking dog. (S.) [See»-Li.] = »-Li [The 

wooden implement called] a *-J * t <* i for [mixing 

* • * • 

u/i]^i^a (K) tje.; (TA;) also called ^yi-* 

f * • • » d# 

and ouk^o. (El-Mufaddal.) [See also i»-LJ.] 

i^LJI 77ie Mtu; syn. C~1nI. (S, K.) 

•c^-Ui c./J^ Pepedit. (S.) — i*-Li J wooden 
implement at the end of which is a thing resembling 
a i£Xi [or the round head of a spindle], with 

which fresh milk is mixed up, or beaten up, in the 

manner explained voce *~*J. (IKh.) [Sec also 
• a- w 


5 .. 

. -.Li 


see *-L>. 

U : sec 


-_J! and " »~j| The/hut o/" a certain Indian 
tree, (K,) which is preserved, or m<i</c »Wo a con- 
fection, with honey; in form like the peach, with 

5 « J 

Me /teavi erfjrerf (J^*^) ; [but this seems rather to 
apply to a kind mentioned below, resembling the 
almond ;] it is brought to El- Irak ; and has 
within it a stone like that of the peach : (L:) an 

• • ' ot • "' 

arabicizcd word, from [the Persian] ^~>\ [or v-^']- 

(K.) — Hence ♦ oli-JI, (L,) with kesreh to the 
»j, Medical confections : app. an arabicized word: 
(S :) or confections, or preserves, made with honey, 

of the m.jj\ and *JUU»t and the like. (L.) — 
Accord, to AHn, «_JI is the name of Certain 
trees abounding in Arabia, in the districts of 
'Oman; planted; they are of two kind* ; one of 
these has a fruit resembling the almond, which is 
sweet from the commencement of its growth ; the 
other has a fruit in appearance like the Damask 
plum (i^«L>t), is at first sour, and then be- 
comes sweet when ripe: each has a stone, and 
has a sweet odour : the fruit of the. sour kind is 
pressed down m jars, or tart hern pots, [«_>L». : 

so I read for «_>'■**' wA*fe fresh, and kept until 
it attains to a ripe state, when it. becomes as 
though it were the banana, in its odour and taste : 
the. tree grows great so as to become like the 
walnut (jy*), which it resembles also in its leaves : 
and when it attains to perfection, the street [fruit] 
U yellow; and the bitter, [or sour,] red. (L.) 

• •« • .»» 

«_JI : sec Mil. 

^jUwjI Dough that has become in a state of 
fermentation, and inflated, or swollen, (S, K,) 
and sour : (TA :) in some books written with f- ; 
but heard from the Arabs with «., accord, to 
Aboo-Sa'ccd and Abu-1-Ghowth and others : (S :) 
there is no word like it except O^Aj'- (?> £•) 

^_jJUwjI: sec iV W ■:■ * • — Also, A mess of 
broken, or crumbled, bread, (j>Jp,) »"» which is 
[some degree of] heat. (K.) 

^yUw—* !u^, (S, K,) the latter word being 

& • * • * \ . . • . 

formed after the manner of .J^ * and Ji_^two, 

(S,) and tjjJLj-JI, r el. ns. of «. r +, each with 
fet-hah to the w>, contr. to analogy, (K,) the 
latter disallowed by IKt, but occurring in a trad, 
and in poetry, and not to be disallowed because 

contr. to analogy, since there are manv such rel. 
■ °" » 

■S '• - it 

ns., as ^£j}f> and ^£j'j &c, (TA,) A certain 
hind of eL£>, so called in relation to a place 


• • • 3 . ,n 

named ^u : (S, #, Ac.:) or ^yU-JI XSs, and 

I » »i 
^jiU-JI, which latter form is related by IAth as 

the one retained in the memory, a certain kind 
of t L_£>, so called in relation to a place named 
tjU-yl; of wool, liaving a nap, or pile, without 
a border; one of the meanest kinds of coarse 
garments: its I, accord, to some, is an augmenta- 
tive letter. (TA.) 

*-y~0 : 6eC -».. ; ,;,'■ 

r 3 

1. -.-i, aor. ; and '-, [the former of which, 
accord, to the Msb, seems to be more common,] 
inf. n. mJ and «■«•) and ».Li and >.Li (S, K) 

and m.£> (L,) and »-Lii, (K,) the last having an 
intensive and frequentative signification, (TA,) 
He (a dog, S, L, K) barked. (L.) — Also, 
(sometimes, S,) J said of a gazelle, (T, S, K,) 
when he has advanced in years, and his horns 
have branched forth: (T:) and tof a he-gout, 
(K,) in coupling-time : (L :) and t of a serpent ; 
(K;) meaning he uttered a cry, or sound : (L:) 
also tof a hoopoe, (jukji*,) inf. n. -.Li, signifying 
it uttered a harsh cry, by reason of age: (L:) 
and {of a lion, inf. n. ..Li, signifying he uttered 
a cry (L, K) like tlie barking (fa whelp. ( Aboo- 
Kheyreh, L.) __ ^JLCI &a~j and <uU ^-J, (T, 
Msb,) and t A^olj, (T,) 2Vie f% barked at him. 
(Msb.) __ -,-i; ^j i^yi S O^* t [Such a one is 
not howled at nor barked at]: i.e., by reason of 
his weakness, no account is taken of him, and 
neither good nor evil is said to him. (L.) _ 
m-J t He (a poet) satirised. (A.) — ^ jy— ■> ' » 
JXS§£s t Thy revilings reached, or overtook, me. (L. ) 

3 : see 1. 

4. <i 3... i l and * te^lwl, Ilemade him (a dog) 

/o bark: (S, K:) >yJj3l * w. y l^l /ie excited, or 

induced, the dog to bark : said of a man when, 

having lost his way, he imitates the bark of that 

animal, in order that a dog may hear him, and, 

imagining him to be a dog, may bark, and so 

guide him. (L.) Said also of a guest, [or one 

who would be a guest, and who desires to guide 

himself to a place of entertainment]. (A.) [Sec 

an ex. cited, from the poet El-Akhtal, voce 
' »» , 

10 : see 4. 

o-j-j t The clamour, confused noise, or mixture 
of voices, of a tribe, (S,) or of a people, (K,) and 
the barkings of their dogs, (S, K,) and the cries 
if their other animals. (A.) _ Subsequently 
put in the place of I Multitude, and might, or 
power: (S:) and signifying to numerous as- 
sembly. (Iy.) El-Akhtal says, 


[Verily strength, or eminence, or lordship, and 
multitude, and might, or power, belong to Ddrim], 


V Mm * ~: 

-.LJ A dog that barks much. (A.) _ »-VJ 
A roan (L) having a vehement, or loud, voice. 
(L, $.) — ♦ --0. wit » dammch, (?,) or -.Ui 
(as in the I.) I .1 hoopoe (jJ-jJk) that cooes (j*j*i) 

9 A* 

much. (I Aar, K.) «-U t A gazelle that cries 

much, or often: (I Aar:) and " iU-J i/ie M»tc 
applied to the female. (AA, K.) asa -.Li White, 
small [shells such as are called] \Jj~o: (TA:) 
small, white [shells such as are called] wi»U*, of 
Mekkeh, (T, K, TA,) i.e. brought from Mehkeh: 
(TA:) put into [necklaces such as are called] 
j2y3 ($, TA) and m£ 3 , and used for repelling 
the [evil] eye : (TA :) n. un. with ». (K.) 

—Uj : sec 7-vJ. 

ij*-Wj A dog having a loud bark. (Lh.) 

• - • • ' ' *** ' *E jt 

wU yJi> A barking dog : pi. *-jI>» V^^» 
^ '• *» »j* ^ * 

and ---j, and —jy- (I-) 



t »• - • * 

— >— •« J*.j A man likened to a dog. ( L.) — 
t A man reviled. (L.) 


I //(• sowed in a land such as is called 

.U.J. (K, TA.) 

\ '■ The small-pox; (S;) in an absolute sense : 
(TA :) or the small pox of sheep or goats <$•<:., 

(5,) Also, (S, K,) and » Lli, (K.) jB/wter», 

or pustules that Jill with water, on the hand, 
(S, R,) occasioned by work: (K:) when they 
break, or dry up, the hand becomes callous by 
work: [a coll. gen. n.:] n. un. with 5. (TA.)^ 
Also t jJ*J Marks of fire, [or blisters occasioned 
by burning,] u)H>n the body. 

iU_J A hill, or mound, such as it called 2*fs>t : 
(S :) or elevated ground : (TA :) or elevated and 
loose ground, not consisting of sand, but of hard and 
stony earth : (Th, £ :) pi. ^iC : ($ :) it has a 
broken pi. of the class proper to substs. because it 
is an epithet in which the quality of a subst. pre* 
dominates. (TA.) 

M ;' j A proud, a haughty, or an imperious, 
man: (S,S0 pl-£*&>' (?•) — A speaker. ($.) 

i'c'A Rude, coarse, rough, gross; (K;) an epithet 
applied to a man. (TA.) — *-J I vlP -P"*' V 
a dusky colour, and abundant. (L, K.) [See an 
ex. voce ~ . .«>, art *-•*.] 

1. «Juj, aor. -, inf. n. JuJ, (S, L, Msb, K,) He 
cast, threw, or flung, it away, as a thing esteemed 
of no account or importance : this is the original 
signification ; and in this sense it is mostly used 
in the Kur-un : (Er-Raghib :) he cast, threw, or 
flung, it'(§, A, L, Msb. K)from his hand, (S, L,) 
before him or behind him : (L, K :) and he cast, 
threw, or flung, it far away, or to a distance : 
(L :) and (so in the L ; but in the K, or) he cast, 
threw, or flung it in any manner : (L, 50 * Ji* 
has teshdeed given to it to denote frequency, 
or repetition, of the action, or its application 
to many objects. (S, A, L.) — <v»JU- Juj He 
threw his signet from his hand. (L, from a 

trad.) __ jUjt+b «Uj' •>***■* (K ur » "•• 184 ) 
J [lit., And they cast it behind their backs ;] means 
and they did not observe it ; (namely, their covc- 
nant ;) they disregarded it. (Bcyd.) _ Jw is 
both by act and by word; having for its objects both 
substances and accidents: (L:) you say jtyjUt Jui 
I He dissolved the league, or covenant, and cast it 
from him to him with whom he had made it : 
(A, L, M?b :•) and Jjl (J^L ^ jL Zj 

a-U Uilyj ^JJI jyaJI <t*»-U> X [Each party of 
them cast from him, to the other, the league, or 
covenant, by which they had made a truce; i. c. f 
each party of them rejected it, or renounced it, to 
the other]: (T:) and ^jjJI ^Jl «v, and t a JuLj , 
I He cast from him the league, or covenant, to 
the enemy, and dissolved it : and * I^JuLLj J They 
mutually cast from themselves t/teleaguc,or covenant, 

and dissolved it. (A.) See also 3. — «tj.j i^-*' •**> 
»jyii t [lit., i/c cajer my affair behind his back; 
meaning,] he did not perform my affair; (A;) 

; * * m * * * * m B mmm 

lie neglected it. (Msb.)__U» t JL» "^Jji <U'^* ojui 
t Such a woman threw out a goodly, beautiful, or 

m mi mm s 9mm 

pretty, saying. (A.) — ^0*^1 — )l aJ\ O JlJ, and 

• a a 

JLjai T)l, t 7 f/i/-£/i- /o Aim tAe salutation. (A.) __ 

I JXj oJlo ; [ / kit .s-Mr/t a </((/((/ as it were thrown 
tome; I had it thrown in my way;] I had it 
offered, or presented, to me, the meeting with it 
being appointed, or prepared; as also <u C««.«j . 

(A.) iL. ojui »l aD j2'o fiW (i« attributed 

the excellence of) tlie mother that brought tftee 
forth !] (A.) __ juJ He threw forth earth or dust 
[in digging a hole &c] ; as also si-y. (A.) Sec 
also SJuJ . __ Juj 7/<; r/trcw dates or raisins into 
a bag or skin, and poured water upon them, and 
left the liquor until it fermented and became in- 
toxicating : (T :) [or, simply, he steeped dates or 
raisins in water; for the beverage thus made, 
called ►>»-; '' , was not always left until it became 
intoxicating, as is shown by several trads.] _ 
IJk—J JlJ, (S, L, K, &&,) the most usual form 
of the verb, (Kz,) aor. ;, only; (MF;) and 
t ejmi, (A, L, K,) and ♦ «J^I, (L, ¥>.,) a form 
used by the vulgar, (S, IDrst,) and rejected by 
Th and others, but mentioned, on the authority 

[Book I; 

of Er-Ruasee, by Fr, who says that he had not 
heard it from the Arabs, but that the authority 
of its transmitter is worthy of reliance, (TA,) 
and ™ ojuijl ; (L, $;) X He made beverage of 

the kind called Ju-J. (S, A, L, K.) Also, 

ij^i jJj, (Lh, IAth, L,) and Uc, (IAth, L.) 

and ♦ »Ju3l, but this is seldom used, (K"tr, Lh, 
ISk, and others, and L,) and * »Jui->l , (L,) X He 
made, of the dates, and of the grapes, beverage of 
the kind called S--J ; (Lh, L ;) he left the dates, 
and the grapes, in water, that it might become 
beverage of the kind so called. (IAth, L.) __ 
Also, * JuUt X He made for himself that beverage. 

A ' ' 3 9* 9 mt 

(A.) _ ^ji* mi~~\ &"$** X Such a one boil* against 

me like [the beverage called] J^-.i . (A.) ass JlJ, 

[aor. ; ,] (S, L, K,) inf. n. JlJ (L, K)and <j\j~i, 
(S, K,) It (a vein) 2>ulsod; (L, K;) a dial, form 

of |>y. (S, L.) 

2 : see 1. 

3. oJ^Li , inf. n. »JuU«, lie. bargained with 
him by saying, Throw thou to me the garment, or 
piece of cloth, (A'Obeyd, L, £,) or other article 
of merchandise, (A'Obeyd, L,) or J will throw it 
to t/tee, and the sale shall become binding, or 
settled, or concluded, for such a sum : (A'Obeyd, 
L, K :) or, by throwing to another a garment, or 
piece of cloth, tlie oilier doing the like : ( Lh, L, K :) 
or, by saying, When thou throwest thy commodity, 
or when I throw my commodity, tlie sale is bind- 
ing, or settled, or concluded, for such a sum : 
(Msb:) or, by saying, When I throw it to thee, 
or when thou throwest it to me, the sale is binding, 
or settled, or concluded: (Mgh, art. ,j««J :) or, 
by saying, When I throw the pebble (L, I£) to 
thee, (L,) tlie sale is binding, or settled, or con- 
cluded: (L, ly:) or by another's throwing a pebble 

* * * 1 * 9 * mm 19m 

to him : (L :) »JwL*)l vj and »Lo»JI «-_> and 
j ■.■.■)! »LaJI iu-j signify the same; (Mgh;) as 

•» * ■ 9 9 m 

also (UUSI *£-> : (A :) such bargaining is for- 
bidden. (L.) __ IjJuU, inf. n. SJyU«; and 
♦ Ijj.. ail ; X They retired, each of the two parties, 

- J - 9 9 mm m 

apart, in war. (L, K.) «r>»-" V-V^> a "d 

^jjmwmi\ JfyJ\ tjui, He retired from them to a 
place aside, or apart, in war, for a just purpose, 
(JUJJ, in the 'Eyn for war, ^r>j**mii, TT,) tlury 
doing tlie like: (Lth, T, L:) or these two phrases, 
followed by ;l^-» ^ji*, are used when there is 
between two parties at variance a covenant, or 
league, or a truce, after fighting, and they desire 
to dissolve the league, or covenant, and each party 
casts it from him ( o S~j ) to the other : thus, 

mm* m . 9 9m 9 9m*m p 

«lj_« uXm, jgymlS Juil», in the Kur, [vm. 60, lit., 
cast thou from thee, to them, their league, or 
covenant, t» an equitable, or just, manner,] means, 
announce thou to them that thou hast dissolved 
the league between thee and them, so that they 
may have equal knowledge with thee of the 
dissolving thereof and of the returning to war : 

Book I.] 

(T, L:) .tj- ,jU here signifies J»J1 ^ 

jjjdl^: (Lh:) v./*-" •«*i al9 ° B 'g nitie9 ** 
made war nit/i him openly; (S, L, Msb;) and 

is syn. with vj^' ^i •& : ( L: > and -«*>>^ 

$•»** u** ***i r wa< ^ roar W *'^ *'* CTO openly, *'» «» 
equitable manner, declaring their hostile intention, 
mo that it was equally known to their enemies and 

themselves. (L.) See also 1 ^^fU I i arterf 

contrarily to, or differently from, or adversely to, 
them ; or wax, or became, contrary to, or different 
from, or adverse fo, tAem ; syn.^^iJU.. (Msb.) 
4 : sec 1. 
6 : see 1. 

8. JuZJl I lie merit, withdrew, or retired, 
aside, or apart, from others; separated him- 
self from others. (S, A, L, K. ) — O^-iJI 
0l£. (Kur, xix. 10,) X She withdrew, or retired, 
to a //face apart from her family, (L, Msb,) /ar 

aro/iy. (Msb.) <u^S ,ji «*£*) ■ ffc withdrew, 

or retired, from his people. (M.) — i^U **31 

lie went aside. (T.) See 1 And sec «£-iJ} 

in art. w~i. 

ili t A /t///e ; a «ma« quantity; (S,A,L,K;) 
JUJI O*. "f Kealtll > or property; (S, A, L;) 
as also * SJlJ [which is a word much used though 
I find it explained in few lexicons] ; (L, TA ;) 
because what is little is thrown away, and dis- 
regarded : (A :) and in like manner, of herbage, 
and of rain, and of hoariness or hoary hair, 
(S, A, L,) &c. : (L:) and a small number of 
men: (A, L:) and the latter word, a piece, or 
portion, of a thing, such as a.perfume : (L :) pi. 
of the former, illil : (L, K:) [and of the latter, 
JJ.] — ,^-UH O* \C\ (K,* TA) t The refuse 
of the people; (TA;) mixed people of the baser 
sort. (K, TA.) 

Ah — )* 

Le., J>£,) until it becomes strong; (Msb;) 
being expressed juice, or the like, that is left (j*i) 
[for a time to acquire strength) : (L, K :) it is 
said that this word is originally of the measure 
Jt*i in the sense of the measure Jy«**, but that 
it has become obsolete in this latter sense, and, 
applied to the beverage, is used as though it were 
a primitive substantive, as is shown by the form 
of its pi., (M, F,) which is SJuil ; (S, L, MF;) 
for a word of the measure J**J in the sense of 
the measure J>«*-» has not this form of pi. : 
(MF :) wine expressed from grapes is also called 
Ju_J, like as j^-J is also called j*tm : [ ±~-f is 
a coll. gen. n., and its n. un. is with S :] ij**j 
signifies some Ju-y ; lit., a portion thereof. 
(Ms>, art.j+i..) See also jj*. (L.) 

aj»;-.) : see J.. ,« i , and i^r-*- 

iQ [One who throws things away often, or 
quickly). See iU.1. = jU [One who makes, 
or sells, lite beverage called J^—J]. (S, K, art. 

5 Jk-i. o ^1 pillow, or cushion ; (Lh, S, A, L, K ;) 
tt/?o» wAtrn one reclines, or f&f : 60 called be- 
cause it is thrown upon the ground to be sat 
upon: (L:) pi. JuUi. (A.) Ex. ju- \ysyy 
JuUJI [They sat cross-legged upon the pillows, 
or cushions). (A.) 

see ijJ^-. 

♦j-i 0**» lt^ ^> e ^- s **■*• 

*., and ♦ iX^i ♦ ^ e * a ' a " rf<? > or a P art - 
(S, A, L, Msb, K.) 


S»Ui : see J~> : — and 3 j—>. 

_J CW, thrown, or ./fan/7, [^c. ; see 1 ;] 

(K ;) i. q- J>J^-(L.) But see below. — * 5Ju-J 
The earf/i or dust that is thrown forth from a 

as also *4-y : pi. 

Aofe or the like that it dug ; 

jilli. (A,* L.) Yaakoob asserts, that the 3 is 

a substitute for £>. (L.) ^_ji I A kind 

of beverage, made of dates, and of raisins ; i.e.,; and of honey; i.e., mead; ami of wheat, 
and of barley, Sfc. ; i. e. wort : (L :) or made of 
dates, or of raisins, which one throws (Jk*o, i. e. 
-.IfcJ, whence its appellation,) into a vessel or 
shin of water, and leaves until it ferments (jj*j, 
T, L, or iJL«i, Mgh) and becomes intoxicating, 
or not so long as to become intoxicating: before it 
has become so, it is a lawful beverage : (T, L :) 
whether intoxicating or not, it is thus called : 
(L :) or it is thus called because it is left (, 

ij~-o A child cast out by its mother (T, S, L, 
Msb, K) in the road, (T, S, L, K,) on the 
occasion of her bringing it forth, and which a 
Muslim picks tip and maintains ; whether a 
bastard or lawjully begotten; (T, L ;) a found- 
ling : (L, K :) such may not be called a bastard 
because its kin may be established: (T, L:) also, 
\a bastard; (L, K ;) because such is cast away 
in the road : (L :) fein. »3>-U (L) and » »J-^J : 
(A, L:) pi. masc. O^*?*- 4 allt * »«*^ l ~* > {"it 
and ph of JJu_J, JiU. (A.) — »3>r-» and 
♦ ff_f a _j« + A ewe or other animal (L) that is not 
eaten, by reason of its leanness: (L, K :) so 
called because it is cast away. (L.) — ^-« 
UyU^gi ,-ic i/e (Mohammad) prayed upon the 
to»i6 of a foundling : or, accord, to another read- 
in" J»-i*>-5 (V*» meaning, m/>o/» a towft apart, 
(L,) or distant, (K,)from otlier tombs ; (L, K ;) 
like an expression occurring in another trad., 
t J.? :.. ^Ju j»o he passed by a tomb .a part from 
other tombs. (L.) 

.IjJI Jl. ; " U yk t //« «'< y«r from kit house. 
(A.) — J ! " ' : o and t Jb y J U [A man &c,] aside, 
or fl^nr^, or separate, from others; (L ;) [See 
also i^~i 


Lj?, (T, S, A, K,) aor. 5, (S.K,) inf. n. 
P, (S,) jftt, (a man, S, A,) or it, (anything, T.) 
raised, or elevated, a thing : (T, S, A, I£ :) or j*i 
signifies specially the raising of the voice : (MF, 
from the first part of the Keshshaf:) or the rising of 
thevoice; so with the Arabs ; andonc says^^yJI^-i , 
inf. n. ijJ , meaning, the man spoke in a high 
tone: (IAmb:) and^.inf. n. ijJ,ke(a. man) 
uttered a sound: (A:) and [the inf. n.] t^J, 
signifies the crying out, or shouting, from fright, 
or fear : (T, $. :) and ,JJAJ1 '&, the singer's 
raising his voice from a low to a high pitch. 
(S, £.) — J>JI £, (S, M, A, K,) nor. ; , 
(M, ¥.,) inf. n. *Jj, (S, M,) He pronounced the 
/c«cr ipiVA /t<ms (>i*). (S, M, A,.£.) ■ u^y 
^«lj "^ [The tribe of Kureysh) do not pronounce 
with kerns. (S.) A man said to the Prophet, 
<dl\,*-J C [O Prophet of God) ; and he said 
■a-jtf J : i.7 *^, i. e. Pronounce not thou my name 
withhemz: (M:) for the tribe of Kureysh did not 
pronounce with hemz. (TA.) And when Ll- 
Mahdee performed the pilgrimage, he preferred 
El-Kisace to recite the prayers in El-Mcdeeneh, 
and the people of that city disapproved of his 
pronouncing with hemz, asking him whercforo 
he did so in reciting the Kur-an in tho mosque 
of the Apostle of God. (TA.) 

8. j-21 It (a heap of wheat) rose, by additions. 

(T.) It (the body, M, K, and a wound, 

T, A) swelled; became swollen. (T, M, A, K.) 

It (tho mouth, TA,) became blistered, or 

vesicated. (K, TA.) And ojy C>j^J\ His arm, 
or hand, became blistered. (§, A.) _ Ho (the 
j^l, M, and the ytJ** i K) ascended the j*i+ 
[or pulpit]. (M, K.) 

»: and see a verse of Lebeed, voce J-o'] 


]li sing.of jCj'» (T, S,) which signifies Heaps, 
syn. ^.\jJ=>\, (M, K,) or a collection, (M, S,) of 
j>\*±>, (S, M, K, MS,) meaning of wheat, and of 
barley, [or other corn,] and of dates: (MS :) or 

Tin the TA, and] granaries (»l»ftl) of j»Ui» : (in 

* *j 
the present day, a granary:) whut is called ^^a 

being also called jJ because the >ol«J», when 
poured in its place, rises : and tho pi. pi. [i. e. pi. 
of jLil ] is ^e-eOl. (T.) — jUl also signifies 
A merchant's magazine, or chamber, ( C---.,) in 
which he puts together, in order, or pile* up, his 
goods. (M,K.) [In the K, it is added, that 
the sing, is ^-i : but this addition seems to be 
misplaced: for jUJl in the last of the senses hero 
explained, as well as when applied to a granary, 
and to a collection of >»l»i», appears to be a pi. 

without a sing.] 

Y^J Anything rising from a thing. (M,A,K.) 

A swelling in the body. (M, K.) __ /. q. 

\ZJ. [meaning the sound, or the character, to 
called]. (T, S, K.) 


>«U The pulpit of the ^J»li. [in a mosque] : 
(M, TA .) bo called because of its height : (S, 
M,A,£:) [pl.j^U.] 

j>~» : seejyjju. 

*4f~*J\ <UL.»JI : see the first paragraph of art. 

• **' ». 

j*r* Pronounced with hemz (j+M ). (T.) 
-' "' '»,"- i * •«*** . •- »•• 

•j***"* *«**i anu T *j~—, i- q- ~ojy*t* ['• e - Poems 

of which the verses end with hemz]. 

1. tjfj, aor. s, inf. n. jJ, lie called him, or 
named him, by a by-name, surname, or nickname ; 
he by-named him, surnamed him, or nicknamed 
«»w; syn. *fU; (8, Msb, £;) mostly signifying 
he called him, or named him, by a nickname, a 
name of reproach, or an opprobrious appellation ; 
(TA ;) as also ♦ »>Ii : (K :) or the latter is with 
teshdeed to denote muchness, or frequency, or 
repetition, of the action, or its application to 
many objects: you say, ,jt^_La!V *>~V O^* 

1 * * * 

.SufA a owe by-names, surnames, or [rather] n»7vfc- 

MRW*, <Ae children; syn. J^lUj. (S.) '£i\ 

is also syn. withjji\ ; (K ;) or is gfo </(C fatter : 
(TA ;) [i.e., »j*i also signifies lie upbraided, or 
reproached, him ; or </ie Mc] 

out, or forth, (Mgh, Msb, K,) a thing, (Msb, 
TA,) [as] a leguminous plant, (S,) or a thing 
buried, (Mgh,) or a thing after burial, (TA,) 
[as] a corpse; (S, TA ;) whence JiC, q v.: 
(?» Mgh:) he made a thing that was concealed 
or covered to come out or forth, or to become 
apparent. (A, K.) _ [Hence,] *)UJ J£ £, 
(A, TA,) inf. n. as above, (K, Ta',) l He draws 
forth sustenance hence and t/ienccfor hit family, 
or household: (A:) or \he gains, or earns, or 
seeks sustenance, for them. (K,« TA.) And 

jIt-^' j£i')*, (A, TA,) and «io.*JI, inf.n. 
as above, (K, TA,) J He draws forth, or elicits, 
secrets, and discourse, narration, or information .- 
(K,* TA :) or jJljl oiJ signifies t / divulged 
the secret. (Msb.) — And Jj^JI t J£>j| j j/ e 

«fow /orM, or extracted, the veins. (A.) 

Also, He removed, a thing from over another 
thing which it covered or concealed ; (A, Msb,» 
K.;) and earth from a thing beneath it: (A, 

Msb :•) whence J.C , q. v. (Msb, K.) And 

hence, jlil JL13 [He uncovered, or he rifed, or 
ransacked, the grave]. (A, Mgh, Msb.) = Also, 
He dug with the hand; as also £^i. (AZ, in 
S, art. ^J .) 

5. ^Lr-^l O* u~~! y» [app. t He endeavours 
to draw forth or elicit, or A« searches out, secrets] 

[Book I. 

(a vein, or an artery,) pulsed, or beat, (TA,) [or 
throbbed;] was, or became, in a state of motion, 
or agitation. (S, A, £.) __ [Hence,] J±S U 

**-?** i3/f *• t f^Vo party-spirit, or zea/ in rAe 
caitw of his party, became roused, or excited, in 
him ;] he did not aid his people, or party, against 
oppression ; was not angry, or zealous, for them, 
and did not defend tliem. (A, TA.) _ And 
t a^,u \jk^ \ His anger became roused, or ex- 
cited. (A, TA.) — [Hence also,] iU^I c -£*'•, 
aor. as above, (in the L, written '- , but this is 
doubtless a mistake,] f The bowels became in a 

state of commotion. (TA.) And Jjjl ^ 

t The lightning flashed lightly, or slightly, (K, 
TA,) ZiTre /Ac ^aJ qf a vein or an artery. (TA.) 
= See also 4. 

2 : sec 4, in two places. 
■ .it 

2 : see 1, in two places. 

6. I^U, (Msb, K,*) or W.UU-& Ij^U-j, 
(?,) They called one another by by-names, sur- 
names, or [rather] nicknames : (S, Msb,* r> :) 
or they upbraided, reproached, or reviled, one 
another; (r>, TA ;) ra/Z/«^ one another by 
names of reproach. (TA.) So in the Kur, xlix. 11 ; 
where the doing so is forbidden. (TA.) 


>J, [or, accord, to the M$b, it seems to be 
••• ... 
>J, for it is there said to be an inf. n. used as a 

subst., but this form I have never met with 
elsewhere,] A by-name ,• or surname; or nick- 
name; syn. ^ij; (S, Msb, If ;) mostly, the 
latter ; i. e., a name of reproach ; an opprobrious 
appellation -. (TA :) but Kh, [makes it, contr. 
to common usape, to signify a proper name ; for 
be] says, that names are of two kinds ; £ /L^ll 
such as j^ and ^. • and jiu iCll, such as 
^'ji and jLj and the like: (TA :) pl.jU*. (S.) 

j^i Ignoble, or mean, (Sgh, K,) in hu grounds 
of pretension to respect, or his rank or quality, 
and in his natural disposition. (K.) 

•if' wM-j -4 wa» wAo « «Mf/t accustomed to 
call others by by-names, surnames, or [ruther] 
nj'cA-namc.1. (rJL.) 

I..JL2, aor. i , (S, Mgh, Msb,) inf n. yili, 
(?, A, Mgh, Msb, K) He took, drew, or /;«//cc/, 

8 : sec 1. 

iiU The <>•«</<:, or occupation, of the 



[ < «* .. j »i Earth extracted from a well or burrow 
or the like. Hence,] ^%j| £i^ [7y ie cnr , A 
extracted by the jerboa in making' its burrow]. 
(T in art. »,.) 

* *! 
u2Ui One who rifles, or ransacks, graves ; who 

takes forth the dead from them ; or 7y//o uncovers 

graves. (Mgh, Msb.) See 1, in two places. 

tji>JI A thing that is taken, drawn, or pulled, 
out, or forth: (Lh:) l\\e lower part of leguminous 
plants taken, drawn, or ;>«/&,/, omi, or forth : 
(S, K:) or trees pulled out by the trunk and 
roots: (K:) as also t H^j\ . (TA :) or t both 
signify n-/ia< is torn out by the rain : (AHeyth :) 
pi. wA^OI, (S, ?,) the pi. of both the above 

words. ( A Heyth.) Also, Pull-grown unripe 

dates that are pierced with thorns in order that 
t/iey may ripn. (TA.) — And the pi. signifies 
Small arrows. (Sgh.) Some say that this pi. 
has no singular. (MF.) 

<JI : sec ijM^yl, in two places. 

1- kj°~>, nor. j, inf.n. ^jclJ and o 1 *^ (?, 
A, K) and ^a^+i, (so in a copy of the S,) It 

4. tift k ji^JI > " -- n , i | 77«- /rrer mnflfe Am 
w/n, or ar/cr_y, to^«A«, ftcnf, (TA,) [throb,] or 
fceeome i/j a state of motion or agitation. (A, 
TA /*) — i^l l^I, (T, S, M, A, Mgh,) like 
ly--ftil, (Lth, T, M,) but the former is the more 
approved; (Lth, 'Eyn ;) and i^e. ^1; (A, 
Mgb ; ) orl^i^l^AHn, If ;) and l«i t ,>j, 
inf. n. JLJi ; (AHn, TA;) in the K, i^i t J£j t 
which is a mistake; (TA;) [He tnmnged tlie 
bow;] lie made the bow to give a sound: (AHn, 
K :) or he put the string of the bow in motion, 
[or made it to vibrate,] (A, K,) or pulled it, (T, 
S, M, Mgh,) and then let it go, (S, Mgh,) in 
order that it might twang, (S, K,) or produce a 
sound: (T, M, Mgh:) and g£\ ^aJl (S, A, 
Mgh) signifies the same : (S.'Mgii :) or he took 
the string of the bow with the ends of his two 
fingers, and then let it go so that it might fall 
against the hani/le of the bow : (Jm :) and ^Juit 
jjyi he pulled the string of the bom without an 
arrow, and then let it go : (Yaakoob :) or he 
pulled the string of the bow, and then let it go 
so that he lieard it give a sound. (Lh.) Hence 
the proverb,^ £iu J,& t (S.) or^U Cn> 

*}>*> ( A ») [ Twanging the bow without fastening, 
or binding, or bracing, the string; meaning 
I threatening without the means of execution] : 
applied to him who pretends to that which he 
has not the means of performing. (A, TA.) 
[See also art. jjj.] And a poet says, 

[1 will assuredly .shoot thee with a shooting, not a 
mere twanging] • meaning, my pulling [of the 
bow] shall not be a threatening, but execution. 
(TA.) __ You say also, *LLfU »_/ljull ^^1 
[The separater and loosener of cotton by means of 
the bow and mallet made his mallet to cause t/te 
string of the bow to vibrate]. (A, TA.) 

« s- 

isdJ [an inf. n. used as a subst, signifying 
The pulse]. _ Also, A pulsing rein, or artery : 

Book I.] 

as in the saying LkJ v n witll JL*. [^Ae physician 
felt his pulsing vein, or artery : or Aw pulse] : 

*, ii .:* q.v. (TA.) — 
See also ,>i~>. — [H is also used as an epithet. 
You 6ay,} ^iui jly, as also ▼ t>ui» and T i^fi 
(Sgh, EL,) and * ^Lj, (A, TA,) J A heart that 
is sharp in intellect, clever, acute, (A, Sgh, K,) 
and very brisk or lively or sprightly or prompt. 
(A, TA.) 

»>ui Sjj hjol*. 4^ U, (IDrd, S, KL,) and u* 3 -^ 

♦ ^oJ "^, (Sgh,) There is not in him any motion : 
(S, Sgh, K :) or sound, or voice, nor pulsation : 
(AA, in S, art. ,>*-»-:) or strength: (IDrd:) 
with fet-h to the second letter, only used in a 
negative phrase : (L :) As says, I know not what 
is i^LaJI, (S in art. ,>>*,) or ,>»««JI. (TA.) 
__ i^aJ iiy : see «jdui. 

• * • •- 

tjOfj : see ,_^lJ. 

[j4«n<7fepuZ«a<w7i]. You say, uuj w»jIj 
:^c a,^.;^ Jj^ [J «j»» a slight flash of lightning, 
lilte a single pulsation of an artery]. (A, TA.) 

• - ••» 

^jOf-i : see ^a~>. 

^U [part n. of 1]. You say, Jj^e. ^jj>\> U 
iU jii.1^ ^^u [A* /o?i<7 a* there remains t» wic 
a little artery pulsing, I will not abstain, or hold 
bach, from aiding tliee]; i.e., las long as I 
remain alive. (A, TA.) __ [Hence,] X Anger. 
(Lth, A, J£.) See 1, where an ex. is given. __ 
t An arclier : lit. one mho has a twanging. (Mgh.) 

^JLilt ^jo .'ti The place where one sees the heart 
pulsing, (TA,) or in motion ; (A, K ;) and where 
one perceives the gentle sound of its [pulsation, or] 
motion. (A, O.) You say, <>A .:« ^....l a , M ^-a. 
[The vhysician felt his place of pulsation], and 
**£ .tri [their places of pulsation]. (A, TA.) 

** 000 J ' 

__ JUL. «•■ ^n : : t aJ w*>jl> U means I /fe mm no 

* . 9 m » 

origin [hnown] ; like iL-e -*>>*** ; (A, TA ;) nar 
any people [to whom he belongs]. (TA.) 

jh r-'t *•.« [A pain causing pulsation, or 
throbbing]. (L, TA.) 

, (S, K,) or * A-o-u, (A,) The wooden 
mallet with which one separates and loosens cotton 
by striking with it t/ie string of a bow; syn. 
Jjl*, like JL^L*; (S;) or ii'jl*: (A, K :) 
JuU is said by Kh to occur in poetry as [its 
pi.,] meaning «_»iU*. (S.) 

a^'" : see what next precedes. 

1. IlJ, aor. - and ;, inf. n. i»yJ (S, K) and 

Jaui, (£,) It (water) welled, or issued fort A. (S, 
K.) S3 Sec also 4. 

2: see 4. 

3 : see 10. 

4. JU-Jt 1/e (a digger) reached the water: 
(AA, S :) or readied the first (hat appeared of 
the water of a well, (K, TA,) and produced it, 
or fetched it out, by his labour. (TA.) And 


tSjAS- ,«* JxJI He produced, or fetched out, by 
labour, water from good clay, or from clay con- 
taining no sand. (TA.)s=[It is also trans.: 
you say,] ijs/jjl ixJI ; and * lyia~U-t ; (M, K ;) 
and t gji ; (IAar, M, TA ;) in the K * \ia^j .; 

(TA ;) and * \£2, (M, K. [in the CKL with 

• 90 
teshdeed to the >J]) aor. -, (TA,) inf. n. ixJ ; 

(M ;) He produced, or fetched out, by his labour 

00 *$ 
[in digging], the water of the well; syn. ly*Ut ; 

(M, K;) and of the first, (TA,) and last, (TA,) 
[or rather of all,] UiU •.^•i-i-l. (K, TA.) 
And (IJI J*JI, inf. n. ^Uil j and *<U»*wl; He 
(a digger [of a well]) produced, or fetched out, 
by his labour, or work, the water. (Msb.) — 
See also 10, in five places, as &Ui[ also signifies 
The producing an effect, or making an impression; 
syn.^JU. (Ibn-Abbad, Sgh, K.) 

5 : sec 4 : and 10. ss Jx~j also signifies 

He affected to be like, or imitated, the ieLi [or 
Nabatheeans] : or he asserted himself to be related 
to tltem. (K., TA.) [Compare 10, in the last 
of the senses assigned to it below.] 

8 : see 10. 

10. h ; 7 \ : see 4, in two places : its primary 
signification is [that mentioned above,] from Ja«j 
signifying the "water that comes forth from a 
well when it is first dug." (Zj.) — And hence, 
(Zj,) He drew out, or forth; extracted; educed; 
produced ; elicited ; fetclied out by labour or art ; 

• 09 

got out; or extorted; syn. ~.j».Z*\; (Zj, S;) a 
thing: (Zj :) and t He made anything to appear 
after occult ation; as also *lsuil; (B;) [i.e. he 

O 10 J 

brought it to light :] and kyX^l f it (anything) 
was made apparent, after occupation; as also 
♦ iuJI '■ (K :) or the latter, [simply,] f it »" a * 
made apparent. (L.) And [hence] J He (a 
lawyer) elicited (*-j± ~"l) an occult, or esoteric, 
doctrine of law, by his intelligence, and his labour, 
or study : (K, TA :) or you say dJsu^wt, meaning 
t he elicited it ( 4 q .j m J Z*\') i namely a judicial sen- 
tence, by labour, or study; as also * aLujI, inf. n. 
bKJ\ : (Msb :) or t he searched out the knowledge 
of it. (Jel. iv. 85.) And l*Xe- <L*» k y S»t, and 

f W t * 

l^-ti., and *j)U, J jffe cfren; forth, elicited, or ex- 
torted, (-.jjii Z*\,)from him knowledge, and <70orf, 
or wealth, and property. (TA.) And * 1>LJ 

[app. an inf. n. of Jk^U] signifies the same as 

.m i 

>i-i^» LUiiil f The drawing forth, or eliciting, 
(£.t>~ll) o/ discourse. (TA.) And^^iijl ♦ il^, 
accord, to the K, or, accord, to Sgh, on the 
authority of Ibn-Abbad, **k-31, (TA,) t He 
drew forth, or elicited, (-.j» ,7 ,1,) speech. (Ibn- 

'Abbad, Sgh, ?.) And^JUJI * Jsuil : ife receafcrf 
knowledge, and spread it among men. (TA.) _ 
ui-yiJI t -?/e sought to obtain offspring from 

the mare: occurring in a trad.: but accord, to 

000 •'• # 

one relation, it is ly-ia-lwl, meaning, "he sought 

what was in her belly." (TA.) = He (a man) 

became a [naturalized] Jw [or A'aia//t<ran]. 

(S,* TA.) It is said by Eiyoob Ibn-El-Kirreeyeh, 

00 00 *** W0 • * JOt' J 090903 * m* * * > JO t 

[JVic people of 'Oman are Arabs who became 
naturalized Nabatheeans, and the people of Kl- 
Bahreyn are Nabatheeans whobecamc naturalized 
Arabs]. (S, TA.) [See also 5.] 

£lJ What first appears of the water of a well 
(IDrd, K) u7tcji it i, dug ; (IDrd ;) as also " <LkJ : 
(K.:) or the water that comes forth from a well 
w/ien it is first dug : (Zj :) or the mater that issues 
forth from the bottom of a well when it is dug ; 
(S, accord, to one copy ;) or this is termed f h^j • 
(S, accord, to another copy ; and TA :) pi. [ot 
pauc] itjl and [of mult] J»>-J. (TA.) __ 
[Hence the saying,] Ja-JI Ju«^ c^P 1 t^j* O"^-* 
t Such a one's promising is near, [but] his fulfilling 
is remote : i. c. he promises, but does not fulfil. 
(IAar.) And «ikJ Jj'J^ ^ J^»> ( TA ») antI 
Lj 4, JjjJ. ^, (ISd, TA,) t Such a one's depth 
is not known, (K,* TA,) and tftc extent of his 
knowledge: (TA:) or such a one's depth is not 
known ; meaning that he is cunning, or possessing 
intelligence mixed with craft and forecast (ISd, 
TA.) And *kli JU> ^ ^'p t Such a one is 
invincible, and inaccessible to his enemy. (TA.) 
__ huS also signifies A ivcll of which the water 
has been produced, or fetched out, by labour [of the 
digger]. (S, TA.) — And What oozes, or exudes, 
from a mountain, as though it mere sweat, coming 

J -w 

forth from the sides of the rock. (TA.) = Ix-JI, 
(S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and t£«J1, (S, M ? b, £,) 
and iCi^JI, (K,) the last is a pi. (AAF, S, 
Msb) of the first, (AAF,) and the second is [a 
quasi-pL n.] like 4-s^»» (AAF, L,) [Tlie Na- 
bathaans ;] a people who alight and abide in the 
«Jliu [see ^-Wl] betmeen the tmo 'Irdks : (S, K:) 
or a people (T, M, Mgh, Msb) mho alight and 
abide, (T, TA,) or who used to alight and abide, 
(Msb,) in the ^ (T, M, Mgh, Msb) of El- 
'Irdk : (M, Mgh, Msb :) afterwards applied to 
mixed people ; or people of the lowest or basest or 



meanest sort; or the refuse of men; and the 
vulgar sort thereof: (Msb:) the people to whom 
these appellutions properly apply were called 
JkJ because of their fetching out by labour 
(JLfcU^.^) what comes forth from the lands: 


(TA :) [for they were distinguished for agricul- 
ture ; and hence their proper appellations are 
used as equivalent to "clowns," or "boors:" 
but a derivation commonly obtaining with us is 
that from Ncbaioth the son of Ishmael :] the 
n. un. is t ^JeCi, (Yankoob, IAar, S, Mgh, Msb, 
£,) and t ^UU, (IAar, S, Msb, K,) like J>Q, 
(S,) and *.%£, (£,) and * 1>£, (S, $,) like 
oCi', (?,) and t Ujj, (S, K,) like ^, (S,) 
but this is disallowed by IAar, (Mgh, TA,) and, 
accord, to Lth, t^yllaui, but this [also] is dis- 
allowed by IAar. (Msb.) 

• - • > 


| • 4 

Jx.J : and Ja~-!l : 

^U and 

3 .» 

^^Jslfj and 



, &c. 

Sec Sup] 


1 see LlJ. 

m.j^> »'.»• jpvtt- 1 , q-v. (TA). [The place in which 
it is mentioned in the K shows that F regards the 
ij ns a radical letter ; and though it is said in 
the TA that its being so is doubtful, he is right 
accord, to those who- hold that every letter of an 
arnbicized word is to be regarded as a radical if 
it, or a letter for which it is substituted, is found 
in the original.] 

See Supplement.] 

1. c*}, [aor. -,] inf. n. C »«?'». iq. «^=>, inf. n. 

C « A ; (£;) and cJu, inf. n. <^~sl> : (L, K :) [It 

(u cooking-pot) boiled: <J"c.] UJat «jt^ U OJ 

J/m nostril became inflated, or swollen, by reason 
of anger. (£.) 

2. C«iJ /Ze explained news, tidings, or a 
report. (K.) 

6. SceR.Q. 1. 

R. Q. 1. oiL r (in a MS. copy of the £ t c3, 

[and so in the CK,] but the former is the more 
correct, TA) He (a man, L) became dirty (jj*j) I 
after having been clean. (IAar, L, K.) 

«Ui JL imaW hollorv, or cavity, in [stones of the 
kind called] ^jlyue, (K,) in which the rain-water 
collects. (TA.) 

1. UJ, aor. '-, inf. n. tc-i and JyLi, (S, TS.,) It 
swelled; swelled up; rose; grew up. (K.) Said 

of a plant, &c. (S.) UJ, (S, IS.,) inf. n. Jy!i, 

(TA,) It protruded, or jrrojected, from its place, 
wit/tout becoming separated. (S, K.) _ UJ It 
(an ulcer, or a wound,) swelled. (S, £.) __ 
/< (a girl's breast) swelled forth, or became pro- 
mincnt, or protuberant. (TA.) __ OUJ S/tc (a 
girl) ^rero wp, (S,) and became marriageable. 
(S, K.) -_ >n ~U. Uj, inf. n. *C-i, /fe rose, or 
exalted himself, above tliem. (TA.) _ [You 
say,] Uj, «j£aJ Thou despisest him, and lie 

[Book I. 

J 2 * t '• < 

riseth, or exalt eth himself: (S :) or _ he emu- 
lateth thee : or — he becometh great. A proverb, 
said of him who does not manifest his character 
or design by outward appearance, but keeps it 
secret : or of him who advances and exalts him- 
self by his cunning, while thou thinkest him 
senseless, or negligent. Accord, to some, it is 
y^-i$ »>»»w, without .: see art. yL>. (TA.) = 
LLi He went up from one country or land to an- 
other. (TA.) = yOV Js- Uj He came upon them ; 
syn. £ftj. (S,*.) 

8. Viljl He rose, or exalted himself. (K.) _ 
<J LLTJI He encountered him; met him; op/mseil 
himself to him. (I£, TA : the verb is explained in 
the K by i&ttf.) 

1. » r --- i > aor - -> »«'■ "• <-r>y^>, It swelled forth ; 
became prominent, or protuberant. (S, K.) Said 

of a girl's breast 


1. p-^j) (§, jK, &c.,) aor. t, (as in the L, [but 
I believe this to be a mistake,]) or ;, (accord, to 
the Msb, MS, MF,) inf. n. IB ; (S ;) and * _UI; 
(A ;) He assisted a she-camel, (S, K, &c,) [and 
a mare, see C n. ' . '< ,] and a ewe or she-goat (Msb) 
[or other quadruped], in bringing forth ; delivered 
her of Iter young one ; acting to her as a midwife 
does to a woman. (T, Msb, &c.) The original 
form of expression is IjJ, \»JS He assisted her 
in iringing forth a young one; delivered her of a 
young one. (Msb.) El-Kumeyt has used the 

r *****. m 

form " 9-^iJl in the sense of ^j : but it is not 
commonly current in Arabic. (TA.) AHn 

mentions the saying ,^-UI * ~ZJ <J t! fcll OcU lit 
SUfll J,l yjZ*.^ IjjJj, [WhenEl-Jebhah (the 
tenth of the Mansions of the Moon) sets anti- 
lieliacally, (for the setting, not the rising, is here 
meant, and this it did, about the commencement 
of the era of the Flight, in central Arabia, on the 
11th of February,) the people assist their beasts, 
much, or frequently, i« bringing forth, and deliver 
them, and the first of the truffles are gatliered]. 
Thus he relates the saying, with teshdeed to the 

C> of 9-^i, to denote frequency of the act. (L.) 

• » j 
— C ^X j , pass, in form, [but neut. in significa- 
tion,] inf. n. llli (S, K, &c.) and LIS ; (TA ;) 
and » C w » SJI, (K,) also pass, in form ; and some 

• m * » 

say C««> .I. '' , but this is rare, and not heard by 

IAar; (TA;) and some, also, say ♦ c^LJI, 
(Lth, Kr,) but A/, holds this to be a mistake ; 
(TA;) She (a camel, IAar, S, K, &c, and a 
mare, IAar, and a sheep or goat or other 
quadruped, Msb) brought forth : (T, Msb, TA:) 
or one does not say SUJI ;.» 7 i unless a man 
assist at the bringing forth. (Lth.) Thus one 
suppresses the objective complement of the verb. 

9*0 » * St * * 

And one also says IjJ, ajUI Cm^JJ The site-camel 
brought forth a young one: and in like manner 
one says of a ewe or a she-goat : and sometimes, 
with the same meaning, IjJ, iiUI ■" n "\ in the 
act. form. (Msb.) One also says JySI " C-»wUi 
T/ie camels brought forth. (A.) [You say,] 
v»,i>t liJ, (Lth,) and ^lii" (L,) TVtc ]>eople's 

camels or ,s/tee/; or goats brought forth : (Lth, L :) 

^ * »•» 
or " !, » ., : i t <Aey A«rf pregnant camels bringing 

»*• * » 
forth. (K.) One may also say jJ,)t m), 

meaning The young one of a she-camel &c, [sec 
»:■■. 7 », above,] wasbroughi forth, orborn. (Msb.) 

Sec 4. [Hence,] ^uJllI 1^5 L>^)\ I [The 

wind assists the clouds in the discharging of their 
rain ; i. c., draws forth the rain from the clouds. 

(A, L.) — — [s-^j It was produced, it resulted, or 
no* a natural consequence.] 

2 : see 1. 

S\ She (a camel, S, and a mare, S, K, 

or other solid-hoofed animal, Msb,) became preg- 
nant : (T :) and so * C«%JU, said of a she-camel, 
(Msb,) or other beast; but this is rare: (Es- 
Sarakustce, Msb:) or attained to the time of 
bringing forth : (S, K :) or became evidently 
pregiwnt : (Yaakoob, S, Msb:) accord, to IAar, 

O^.ol, in the pass, form, signifies she (a mare, 
and a camel,) became near to the time of bringing 
forth ; and he had not heard c^a. ■«.»!, in the act. 

form. (TA.) See 1 and 8 pl\ or L£\ (?) 

I It produced a thing at its fruit, or result. Ex. 
jiAJt 1»JLjU U>,lp ^jJI^Jtj j.a_*JI Impotence and 
remissness combined together, and produced, as 

Book I.] 

their result, poverty. (A, L.) And <UjJL»)t «>* 
isiUo 4». (11 -JL3 ^ rAt* preamble will not pro- 
duce a praiseworthy result. (A.) 

5. C-^ .7;? She. (a camel) breathed hard (Cjj^-jj) 
that her young one might come forth. (K.) 

6 : see 1. 

ft - ' : 

She (a camel) went away at random, and brought 
forth in a place unknown : (K :) or she brought 
forth by herself, unassisted by any one ; ( Yaakoob, 

L;) as also *c-a^Jt. (L.) 

tUJ : see C—. "■'■■ — [Also, an inf. n. in the 

sense of a pass. part, n., like J*»> in the sense of 
• * » , 
Jj t — », tec, What is brought forth by a camel &c; 

and what are brought forth by camels &c, collec- 
tively; a brood thereof; its, or their, increase, or 
offspring ; as is plainly shown in the lexicons &c, 
in many passages : for ex., see «.ji., and Oj : 
also applied, in the TA art. (jJa/, to the young in 
the belly of a mare]. 

£■*-■*> ( AZ > ?> K,) a rare form of epithet from 
a verb of the measure Jisl, (Kr,) and t llu, 
(AZ, TA,) or the latter is not allowable, (S, K,) 
and t ^J, (Kr,) A she-camel, (S, Kr,) or a 
mare, (S, K,) or other solid-hoofed animal, (Msb,) 
pregnant: (Lth:) or that has attained to the. 
time of bringing forth : (S, K :) or evidently 
pregnant : (Yaakoob, S, Msb :) or near to the 

time of bringing forth, and big-bellied. ( AZ. ) 

[See nlso * q »« S U .J 

fr 3 — P 

• • * • <* * ,'"''4 „ 

y 7 . ; .o : see w-j^-i • — - V : --<> J*» t a« •«'' 
accomplishing a want of nature. (A.) 


The antu; syn. c—l ; as also ai 

Amy.-\.» A she-camel &x., [see ?~->] assisted 
in bringing forth ; delivered. (Msb, TA.) — 
Also, A she-camel [&c, see -"-ri r -J bringing 

forth; (T;) and so, accord, to Kr, * $y—'. 
which, he says, is the only epithet of this 
measure from a verb of the measure J*£, 
except J^J: (TA:) pi. l*3lU: ex. JLjL* Jy' 
she-camels bringing forth. (A.) 

»»■ ;" . '» : see t-^->. 

• » « 

i^-eij .4 young one of a she-camel &c. [see 

^-i anil C .«.ZJ] brought forth. (Msb.) 

** :\ -> +4»y produce, fruit, result, or natural 
consequence, of a thing: (KL:) [the row. of a 
speech or saying: a necessary inference: the 
conclusion of an argument or of a syllogism : pi. 
£Jl£i.] You say, jL^£> _Jl£j ^ a>..>-J t j* 
j[77«w tl o?ie o/ the Jruits, or refli&r, o/ thy 
generosity]. (A.) [For another ex. see 4.1 _ 
<i*-e*J L»a 77/ey are 6o/A of one age: said of two 
sheep. (Yoo, S.) y& o<£ ^i The slieep, or 
goats, of such a one are of one age. (S, K.) 
\S*?3 *-•*' .^1 U*J 77iw cAt« M one 6or?t t'n 
r/ie same month, or year, a* my child. (A.) 

•jU A man assisting a she-camel &c. [see -,' ?_'.] 
Ml bringing forth; delivering her; or one »,«Ao 
awufc her in bringing forth; mho delivers her. 
(Msb, TA.) 

yiu The time at which a she-camel, (S,) or a 

mare, (K,) brings forth. (S, K.) Ex. iJUl cJl 

»»» ;» ■« y^jA* 27»e she-camel arrived at the time of 
her bringing forth. (S.) 

* " ", • * * 

1- *~~> , aor. j, inf. n. -JLi , 7/c, or it, sweated. 

/T \ Z • .St • * «• »j* 

l^-y — f^' aor - ' lr " - n * T~* and yj..*, /< 

(a leathern vessel, or skin,) sweated, or exurferf 
moisture, (S, L,) as when a skin sweats with the 

butter that is in it (L.) -LiJ, aor. -, inf. n. 

~LJ and -->LJ, /< (sweat) exuded (S, L, K) 
from the skin, (L, Ki) or from the roots of the 
hair ; (T, L ;) and grease, from a skin ; and 

moisture, from the soil. (L, K.) [And said 

of moisture, It percolated: see an ex. voce 
OJ*-J — CvvfraJI «. .^. 'i m J L i>i o^* J [Such a 
one sweats like a butter-skin]: said of one who 
is fat. (A.) — lj£ j^JI ^i i^JJ 7V te 
cameCs protuberance behind his car dripped with 
sweat, by reason of his journeying during a 
| vehemently hot summer-day. (L.) CmLJ i 

! ^v*^'. inf - «• j-^J, + TVte tears flowed. (MF.) 

i — 4»»iJ /< (heat, L, K, and some other thing, 

1 L,) made him to sweat. (L, K.) [Its aor. 

seems to be ^Ji-J; and MF thinks that, in an 

instance which follows, it may be written with I 

after the O by poetic licence.] F observes, that 

J has fallen into three errors with respect to 

£.Vij1 1 ; [saying that ^.uJ^I (in the place of 

I which is put, in some copies of the S, J-LZriJ^I, 

! as is mentioned in the TA,) is like ,111)1, and 

citing these words of Dhu-r-Rummeh, describing 

a camel making his voice to reciprocate in the 

«t i..«JLA, 

fii-st, because the root of the present art. is sound, 
so that ^Ui^l has no place in it; secondly, 
because this word has no meaning (in this art. 
TA) ; and thirdly, because the [correctl readin" 
is ^X^j, meaning " casts forth " the froth of the 
mouth. Neither IB nor IM has animadverted 
on J in this case. MF, however, observes, that 
one relation of a verse &c, does not impugn the 
correctness of another relation that differs from 
it; and that perhaps the o of -.U_U is a substi- 
tute for > ; such substitution being frequent ; 

[as in the case of «,lol ;] o: that the t is what 

is termed f U_il «JUI, and added for the sake 
of the metre. (TA.) 


I: see «.?, in art. 

»■■■ ■ " : see -.,. — o 


• • * 

~J-i Sweat. (K.) — See what follows. 

f-y-i The gums of trees : (S, K :) one should 

not say m£J, (S,) as is commonly said : (TA :) 

it is doubtful whether its sing, be *»2J , or oi 
some other form. (MF.) 

1 «' 1 9 

•-tj ^^a^i A butter-shin that sweats much. (A.) 

• ' » « 4 • 

I m J im iJ t The podex.: or the anus : syn. y^ — .1 . 
(L, K.) ' 

« j •. 
»-yl-J j! certain bird, (L, K,) bald-headed, 

found in sandy tracts. (L.) 

J!>kJI ««jL« 7%e ^ore.? through which the 
sweat exudes. (S.) 

1. l^J, (S, L, K,) aor. ; , (K, JK,) or t, 
*— t • ^ 

(L, JK,) inf. n. *-^Ji (S, L,) He pulled a thing 

out, or m;>, or o^*; removed it from Us place ; 
displaced it. (S, L, K.) lie extracted, or 
pulled out, a tooth : (S, L :) and, a thorn from his 
foot (S, L) with an instrument called llzlt, or 

jjU-L_u : (L :) or Ac extracted in a general 

sense. (L.) it (a hawk, or falcon, L, IS., and 

a vulture, L,) pulled off, or tore off", or snatched 

away, flesh (S, L, K) with its bill : (S, L :) and 

a raven, or crow, in like manner, a sore upon 

the back of a camel. (L.) — ajL~sI ^j-o a ~ ■ 

- C' 
J ZTe jt-a* removed, or /aie« away, from his cow- 
's '•- • * * * <«.-- 

paiuons. (A.) <Le^4 O^-J ^-o Af^eJI < "t. T_ ; 

t Death removed him from among his people. 
(A.) — Sec also C*bJ. 

JLn instrument with which thorns arc 

extracted from the foot ; syn. u * MU « : (S, 
1">K : ) u^ t '-- i * l ' lc *«»«c, having two extremi- 
ties. (Az, L.) See yiUl*. 

1. jli, aor. i, (S, M, A, Msb,) inf. n. ^li, 
(S, M, Msb, K,) He pulled a thing, (S, M, 
Msb, K,*) [as, for instance,] a garment, or piece 
of cloth, (A,) and his j£»j, which a man is 
required to do three times after Jy, (S, TA,) 
hard, or with vehemence. (S, M, A, Msb, K.) 
— He drew a bow vehemently : (K,* TA :) he 
drctv the bow-string strongly ; (TA;) or so that 

the bow nearly broke. (A.) He rent a 



[Book I. 

garment, or piece of cloth, with his fingers or 
with his teeth. (M, $.) And [in like manner,] 
UjUj'l ni R M ojLi The boms broke their strings. 
(IKtt.) — #« matched a thing unawares. (K,» 

T£.) //e acted ungently, roughly, harshly, or 

violently, (S,» TA,) in an affair. (TA.) — 
Aeli .«* j£i, (T, M,) inf. n. as above, (T,) He 
(a man) was as though he were pulling, in his 
walking: (T:) he leaned in his walking; as 
alsoTy^JI. (M.) 

8. / * ■' It became pulled (M, K) hard, or 
with vehemence. (M.) _ Seo also 1, last signi- 

10. *iy> t>* UJLSrfl He pulled his j£=>i so 

as to express the remains of his J^-> , in purify- 
ing himself in the manner termed « W • " ..>! ; 
(M,* A, T$.,') being earnestly desirous and 
careful to perform this act [fully]. (A, £.) 

jij ,>xA> A thrusting, or piercing, in which 
extraordinary force or energy is exerted, (M, K,) 
as though pulling vehemently that by which the 
weapon passes in the person thrust, or pierced : 
app. an inf. n. used as an epithet : (M :) or 
a thrusting, or jnercing, that is like a matching 
unawares. (ISk, T, S.) The saying of Alee, 
recorded in a trad. (J JLxJI 1>^*l»j has been ex- 
plained as meaning Thrust ye, or pierce ye, 
with extraordinary force or energy : and as 
though snatching unawares. (TA.) [See art. 
jsut.] Accord, to IAar, (T,) SjZJ <U*i» signifies 
A thrust that passes through. (T, $.) 

ljL-> A hard, or vehement, pull: (Msb:) 
pi. Otjii. (S, Msb.) Scc^ii. 

»pU ^^S A bow that breaks its string, by 
reason of its hardness: (S, K:) pi. fi\y : (S :) 
or Jlli .«— i signifies Jowx having the strings 
broken. (M.) 

[SJ3U*, in the K, I suspect to be a mistake for 

1. JLJLi, (S, A, K,) aor. 7, inf. n. J^SJ , 
(A, &,) i/c extracted; or flrerr, or pa/ferf, ok<, 
or forth; (S, A, £;) a thing, (S,) or a thorn, 
(A, J£,) and the like, (£,) and hair, (TA,) with 
the y-uJ- : (S, A, K, TA :) he plucked out 
hair or tht like. (IDrd, &.) — He plucked, 
or pulled, flesh, and the like, by pinching it 
with his fingers, (Lth, $,) and oy tafa'wj AoW 
u]H)n it n>i7A Am <ee<A. (Lth, TA.) — ^JLi 

Jiff^ a'Si""> aor - an( * m *- n * ° 8 aDove > The 
locusts ate the herbage of the earth. (TA.) — 

i» ** f .^i ^^* Com " '■ U J did not obtain, 

(S,) or take, (A,) /wm n<cA a one anything. 

(S, A.) — *M ji^'yi, (Lh, TA,) inf. n. 

as above, (K,) I He gains, or earns, or seeks 
sustenance, for his family, or house-hold. (Lh, 

K,» TA.) __JU ji» C^ J-f-^' >* t He 
takes [or ac^uirM] of every science. (A* TA.) 



-t U Zfr took not save a little. 

(jSlLu [A Ai/wf 0/ <nw.rcM;] an instrument 
with which one extracts, or rfraros or />u/£« owf 
or forth, (S, A, K,) a <A»»<7 (S,) or a thorn, 
(A, KL,) and (Ac Wic, (K,) and Aa»>; (TA ;) 

i.q. t J,\H>. (S,£.) 

sec Supplement.] 

1. w«i, [aor. 7,] inf. n. »£«J, 7< (a bone) distilled, 
or let flow, the oily matter that was in it : (TA :) 
[as also »i*«]. — w«i, aor. -, inf. n. J y ' » (S, IC,) 
and ^; (S;) and *iJ£i; ($;) J< (a skin) 
exuded (S, K) /A* clarified butter that was in it : 






(accord, to one reading, C «fr f J l w^, TA) And 

thou sweatest like tlie butter-skin. (S, from a 

trad.) — wJ, nor. ;, inf. n. C« e — » t -//e sweated 

by reason of fatness, and appeared as though he 

were anointed : as also w~«: (TA:) or lie siceated 

by reason of his bigness, and his abundance of 

flesh. (A'Obeyd.) £S, (so in the TA,)- 

[aor. i,] or l&JLi, (so in the ^,) He wiped his 

* « 
hand (K) witli a napkin : as also w~o. (TA.) __ 

wJ, [aor. *,] He anointed n wound : as also w~«. 

(TA.) iJ, aor. -', (S, M, L, K,) and : , (M, 

L, K,) the latter [which deviates from a constant 
rule] thought by MF to be a mistake, he not 
knowing any authority for it except the K, and 

disallowed by the T, (TA,) inf. n. ^J ; (S ;) and 
t^ili, inf. n. i~i3; (TA;) He divulged, (8, 

K,) or spread, dispersed, disseminated, (TA,) 
news, tidings, or information, (K,) or what was 
talked of: (S, TA :) like ^-J : or he spread what 
should rather be concealed than spread. (TA.) 

[See also 111] 

2: seel. 

R. Q. 1. >£j2j He sweated much. (¥..) — 
See 1. 

«iJ A wall (IwU.) that is moist, or damp, (K,) 
andfiaccid. (TA.) 

^J »ii j$£s [Very bad, or corrupt speech] : 

<£«» is here an imitative sequent to «£•£. fJjL.) 
2»lLi Ointment with which a wound is anointed. 


U The moisture exuded by a skin, such as 
is called Jj or tuL. (K.) 

» 4 ' » I »* 

OU-J and " *i~u [A man »<Ao u in the habit of 

divulging, or spreading, dispersing, or dissemi- 
nating, news, tidings, or information, or nrAal ?'.« 
talked of, or >uAa< should rather be concealed]. (Th.) 

«^>U One re/to traduces the Muslims behind their 

backs, but saying of t/iem what is true, and men- 

' a ' 
tioning their vices, or faults: pi. C>LL* : (AA:) 

[the pi. only is mentioned in the K, and explained 

as signifying persons «»Ao traduce others behind 

their barks, but saying of them what, is true]. 

sec ^>UJ. 

&U« A small portion of wool with which one 
anoints (K) a wound. (TA.) 

•£*'; aor. -, [inf. n. ww,] It (flesh-meat) 
became changed, or altered, and stank : formed 
by transposition from c~J : (K :) and so a wound. 

Ju A ■ iiJ A gum that i« flabby and bleeding : 
and in like manner i*i, a /»/> .- (TA :) [as also 

1. jii, aor. -', (S, M, A, Msb, £,) and ;, (M, 
Msb, K,) inf. n. j£i (S, M, A, M?b, K) and Jlfj. 
(M, IC,) or tlie latter is a simple subst., (S, A, 
Msb,) He scattered a thing, sprinkled it, strewed 
it, dispersed it, or (Afwc it d'ispersedly, (Lth, T, 
M, A, Msb, K, TA,) **<A his hand; (Lth, T;) 
as, for instance, grain, (Lth, T,) and fruit and 
the like, (Msb,) walnuts and almonds and sugar, 
(Lth, T,) and pearls, &c. ; (A;) as also tjlj, 
(M, K,) inf. n. )£> ; (TA j) [or the latter is with 
teshdeed to denote muchness, or frequency, or 
repetition, of the action ; or its application to 
many objects : see j>i— »•] — *J U i in Cjj^-j \ The 
palm-tree [scattered or] *AooA off' its unripe dates. 
(A.) _ otVjul Jili «Ufcj 1 He smote him with a 
knife and scattered his intestines]. (M, A.) _ 
ih J3I jLj Jl&jiJ'y J [I will assuredly scatter 
thine intestines like as one scatters the contents 
of the stomaeh of a ruminant beast] : said in 

threatening. (A.) _ IjJj 'jlj I He (a man, M) 
Aad many children born to him. (M, K, TA.) 

And Vi^ iljjl J^J>, (T, A, Mgh TA.) and 

l^jlj 13, (T, Mgh, TA,) and <££», (A, in art. 

iji^,) l The woman broughtforth many children ; 

(T, A, in art. u-j£»;) scattered children; ^jJJJ 

to the husband. (Mgb.) — y££lt^Li : He spoke, 

or talked, much. (M, £, TA.) — *3«£ >LS 

Book I.] 

I He hastened, or was quick, in his reading, or 

reciting. (A.) /Li, aor. ;, inf. n. j-iJ, I He 

(a beaBt of carriage, M, £, and a camel, M, and 
an ass, T) sneezed [app. so as to scatter the 
moisture in his nostrils] : (T, M, £, TA :) or did 
Kith his nose what is like sneezing : (T :) he (an 
ass, and a sheep or goat) sneezed, and expelled 
what annoyed or hurt him, from his nose: (A:) 
or <£^£J site (a ewe or goat) ejected from Iter nose 
what annoyed or hurt her. (S.) And>i3, (Fr, 
T, IAth, Mgh, Msb,) aor. ;, (T, IAth,) inf. n. 
*jiS (T, Mgh) [and app. *j£j>, as above], J He [a 
man] blew his nose ; ejected tlie mucus from his 
nose; syn. itl:«\ ; (IAth;) as also t^^S*! : (S, 
IS., art. hat - :) and /te ejected what was in his 
nose, of mucus, and of that which annoyed or hurt 
him, in performing the ablution termed *y-o$ ; 
(Sgh, TA;) as also * 'jii\, accord, to some: 
(TA:) or t^Ljl signifies he ejected what, was in 
hit nose ; or Ac emitted his breath from his nose ; 
or he introduced the water into his nose ; as also 
f jj - ■ ! and T^lSwl : (K:) but this last explana- 
tion is outweighed in authority; the form '^Ul 
is disallowed by the lending lexicologists; and 
the author of the IS., in respect of this form, follows 
Sgh, without clue consideration: (TA :) [accord, 
to the more approved opinion,) jU> signifies he 
scattered what was in his nose by the breath; as 
also t«i " ■' and *ytii-/l : (S:) or, as some of the 
learned say, he snuffed up water, and then ejected 
what was in it, of anything annoying or hurting, 
or of mucus ; as also * jLS~,\ : (I Aar, T, Mgh :) 
or'*>Lwl (T, M, IAth, K) and » jl^>\, ($,) 
he snuffed up water, and then ejected it (T, M, 
IAth, K) by tlie breath of the nose : (T, M, KL:) 
accord, to some, jLi and ▼ ji£-l signify he (a 
jierson performing •?£>)) snuffed up water : but 
others say that the latter signifies he ejected what 
mas in his nose, of mucus fyc. ; agreeably with 
a trad, to be cited below. (Msb:) I Aar says, 
that *ji;*.fl signifies he snuffed up water, and put 
in motion the o^Li, or end of the nose, in purifica- 
tion : (T [in the Mgh, this explanation is ascribed 
to Fr:]) and Fr, that^Li and 1jlSLi\ and t^iUwl 
signify he put in motion the ijLi, in purification. 
(T.) It is said of Mohammad, L>"}Il> J >.. t. : T ,. j ^J£o 
j bimj l>* Jl=5> ^j» [He used to snuff up water 
three times, every time ejecting it ; Sec] and this 
indicates that *ji£«.l differs from Jht-U-I. (T, 
Mgh, Msb.) And it is said in a trad., Ijl 
jU\J cJ&iZmtX, (S, Msb,) and j-->l», with the 
conjunctive \, and with damm and kesr to the «i>, 
(Mfb,) When thou snuffest up water, scatter what is 
in thy nose by the breath ; (S ;) or eject what is in 
thy nose, of mucus, Sfc. : (Msb :) or, as A'Obeyd 
relates it, *jfjU; inf. n. jUJI : (Mfb:) or, as 
he relates it jJLJli OU>y li!, with the disjunctive 
• ; and he does not explain it ; but the lexico- 


logists do not allow *Jijt, from jlLi^l ; one only 
says, JLS and t^LUt and * J 2JL>\. (T.) No 
instance of T jJLl»1 used transitively has been 
heard, except in a trad, of El-Hasan Ibn-'Alee, 
<Uu\ 1 J l^-,\ [He ejected the contents of his nose ; 

or he blew his nose] ; as though the root [j2-i] 
were regarded in it, or as though it were made to 
import the meaning of j_jii. (Mgh.) 

2 : see 1, first signification. 

3. [»jJli He contended with him in scattering, 
strewing, or dispersing, a thing or things. And 
hence,] __ jjJI »ptj *i>lj [lit., I saw him con- 
tending with him in scattering pearls : meaning,] 
J I saw him holding a disputation, or colloquy, 
with him, in beautiful, or elegant, language. (A.) 

4. ^Ul as syn. with jLi and ji£-,\ and^liJl : 
see 1, latter half, = tjLj\ X He made his nose to 

bleed; syn. <uUjl. (S, A, K.) You say, 
tjUM X [He pierced him and made his nose to 
bleed] : (S : ) and oJLili 44^0 [He smote him and 
made his nose to bleed]. (A.) — X He thretv him 
down upon his ijLi, (M, A, TA,) i. e., (TA,) 

t O * 

[upon tlie end of his nose : or] upon hisjt yL^, . 
($, TA.) You say, oJyl ^ Jjiili ii*£ I [He 
pierced him and threw him down upon the end of 
his nose from hi* horse]. (M, A.*) 


• m J • ' 

see 3 UJ : and jUJ : and 


sec 8. 

8. jLU\ (S, M, A, Msb, K) and *^JU3 (S, 
M, A, K) and t^£3 (M, K) It became scattered, 
strewn, dispersed, or thrown dispersedly : (S* 
M, A, Mfb, K :) [or the second more properly 
signifies it became scattered, &cc, by degrees, 

gradually, or part after part ; resembling hiCj 
&c. :" and the third, being quasi-pass, of 2, denotes 
muchness, or frequency, or repetition, of the 
action ; or its application to many things.] You 
say, ._-£>l^£)l CjjLZJ] \The stars became dis- 
persed: or became scatte?-ed like grain. (TA.) 
And l^jJLUI and ♦ Ij^U t [They (meaning men) 
became as though they were scattered by the hand]. 

(A.) [And jiLl T^tJ, and j£»JI, *Th* hair, 
and tlie leaves, fell off, and became scattered, by 
degrees.'] AndJ^iJI ^U3 I T/ie people fell sick 
and died [one after anotlter] : (M, If:*) or you 
say Uyi t IjjjUii '>-=>* [they fell sick and became 
separated by death, one after another], (A.) sis 
See also 1, latter half, throughout. 

10 : see 1, latter half, throughout. 

jlJ X [Prose : so accord, to general usage : 
and] rhyming prose : contr. of^joj : so called as 
being likened to [scattered pearls, or] scattered 
grain. (TA.) 

X Loquacity, (M, TA,) and the divulging of 
secrets. (TA.) 

jlJ X Loquacious ; one wh> talks much : as 
also *j£u (M, K) and ▼ J>t/£ : (Sgh, £:) or 
vainly or frivolously loquacious, and a divulge r of 
secrets : (A :) fern. S^JLi only. (M.) 

Sjlj [A single act of scattering, strewing, dis- 
persing, or throwing disjyersedly, with the hand. 
And hence,] — t A sneeze : (IS. :) or the like 
thereof; peculiar to a beast of carriage (S) [or 
other beast, and a fish, as appears from what 
here follows.] It is said in a trad. (A, TA) of 

Kaab, (TA,) Oji- l)J> il^JI (A, TA) jTAc 

locust is [produced by] the sneeze of a fish : or, as 

in a trad, of I'Ab, ^>>*JI ijl-i the sneeze of the 
fish. (TA.) [From this it is inferred that the 
locust is, like fish, lawful to be captured by one 
in a state o£jt\jmA.] = I The end of the nose: 
(IAar, T:) or i.q.,^y£^L : (A:) or the j>y^t*. 
with what is next to it : (M, K :) and (M, A; 
but in the K, or) the interstice that is between the 
two mustaches, (S, M, A, K,) against the parti- 
tion between the two nostrils : (S, M, K :) so [in 
a man and] in the- lion: (S, M :) or the nose oi 

the lion. (M.) Hence, (T, &c.,) SJ1JI, (T, 

S, M, K,) and jJ^I jjii, (T, A,) J Two stars, 
between which is the space of a span, (_j-i, [said 
in several law-books to be the twelfth part of a 
9—0), and therefore twenty-two minutes and a 
half, accord, to modern usage ; but there is reason 
to believe that ancient usage differed from the 
modern with respect to both these measures, and 
was not precise nor uniform ;]) and in [or between] 
which is a particle («-tJ) of white, as though it 
were a jwrtion of cloud; it is the nose of Leo, 
[which the Arabs extended far beyond the limits 
which it has upon our globes, (see p'jJJI,)] (S, 
K,) and is a Mansion of the Moon : (S:) [app. 
the Aselli ; Asellus Doreus and Asellus Auslralis; 
two small stars in Cancer, between which is a 
little cloud or nebula, called Prasepe : (see Pliny, 
1. xviii. c. 35:)] a certain star or asterism, which is 
of the stars or astei-isms of Leo, and which is a Man- 
sion of tlie Moon : (M :) [app. meaning the same, 
or Prcesepe :] or a certain star in the sky, as though 
it were a particle (^—kJ) of cloud, over against 
two small stars, in tlie science of astronomy per- 
taining to the sign of Cancer [though accord, to 
the Arabs belonging to Leo] : (T :) [app. Prtesepe; 
the two small stars adjacent to it being the 
Aselli :] a certain star, as though it were a par- 
ticle (J *•*') of cloud; so called because it apjicars 
as though the lion had ejected it from his nose : 
(A :) [app. meaning the same :] in the Mcgista 
[of Ptolemy] it is mentioned by the name of tlie 
mangei- [i.e., Prasepe], and the name of the two 


small [for 5>~*JI in my copy of ^zw, I read 
S^jLoJI,] stare is the two asses [i. e., the Aselli] : 
(I£ zw > Description of Cancer:) or the nose and 
nostrils of the lion, consisting of three obscure 
stars, near together: (JjiJI is [before them, and 
is] the two eyes of the lion, consisting oftrco stars, 
before which is iy-»JI, consisting of four stars: 
(AHeyth :) [app. meaning tlie Aselli togetlier 
with Prtesepe:] three stars, near togetlier; the 
nose of the lion ; [app. meaning the same ;] which 
compose the Eighth Mansion of the Moon : (l£zw, 
Description of the Mansions of the Moon :) 
[these descriptions apply to this Mansion of the 
Moon accord, to those who make .yll to signify 
"the heliacal rising:" see j+L\ Jjlu, in art. 
Jji:) or the bright star [app. meaning /}] in 
Cancer: (IjCzw, Description of Cancer:) [this 
agrees with the place of the Eighth Mansion of 
the Moon accord, to those who make .^Jl to 
signify " the anti-heliacal setting : " see again 
>tJU> JjLu.] The Arabs say Ou5 S^XJt c^rix it til 

*j— Jl, meaning, Wlien i^dl rises [heliacally], the 
unripe date begins to have its redness intermixed 
with blackness : its rising is very soon aAer that 
of ^£ jf *li\ [or Sirius : about the epoch of the 
Flight, it rose heliacally, in central Arabia, on the 
17th of July, O. S.; and Sirius, on the 13th of the 
same month]. (M.) 

• f j 

jCLi What becomes scattered, strewn, or dis- 
persed, of, or from, a thing; (S, Msb;) as also 
♦ JJdj, (M, K,) and *^J, ($, [but sce^iU,]) 
and, as some say, * Jli; : (Msb :) so the * ijuj 
of wheat, and of barley, and the like: (Lh, M •) 
or jUJ signifies the crumbs of bread, and of every- 
thing, tliat become scattered around tlte table : (T:) 
or the crumbs of the table that become scattered 
around; as also * »,UJ : (A :) or this last, what 
becomes scattered from the table, and is eaten in 
the hope of obtaining a recompense [for preventing 
its being thrown away or trodden under foot] 
(Lh, M, $.♦) 

* « 

jUJ, with kesr, a subst. fromjij, (S, A, Msb,) 
signifying The act of scattering, strewing, dis- 
persing, or throwing dispersedly, [anything,] (Lth, 
T, A, Msb,) [and particularly fruits and the like, 
such as] walnuts and almonds and sugar [and 
money, &c, on festive occasions,] and grain. 
(Lth, T.) You say J*& j& ojkyi J was 
present at, or I witnessed, such a one's scattering 
(Lth, T, A) of fruits, &c. (Lth, T.) And ll4> 
fj^ u^ We were at his scattering. (A.) __ 
Also, What is scattered, strenm, dispersed, or 
thrown dispersedly, (A, Msb, TA,) of such things 
as sugar and fruits and the like, (A, TA,) [and 
money, &c, on festive occasions;] a subst., (A, 
TA,) in the sense of j£», (A, Msb, TA,) like 
Vli£» in the sense of v>&; (Msb;) as also 

♦Jii. (A, TA.) [See also Jf-7.;,«.] You say 
jUJI ,^» siU^I / obtained [somewhat] of the 
scattered [sugar or fruits &c.]. (Msb.) And 
^e— O^** jr^ t>* l***l U We did not obtain 
aught of such a one's scattered things, such as 
sugar and fruit (TA.) Accord, to some, 

I.J. jCLi in the first of the senses explained above. 
(Msb.) . 

i j* 

iy-j I A female, (S, ]£,) or woman, (M,) having 

numerous offspring : (S, M, A, KL :) and so a 
male, (M,) or man. (TA.) _ . J A ewe, or she- 
goat, (TA,) having a wide orifice to the teat : 
(K., TA :) as though 6he scattered the milk. 
(TA.) See also jiU. 

• _ ' • j» - 

jtf-j : see jyi*. 

SjUJ : see jliJ, in three places. 

yti (A)"and * ]\£» (A, K) I A palm-tree (SjJj) 

that shakes off its unripe dates : (A :) or of which 

the unripe dates become scattered. (]£.) _ And 

the former, I A sheep or goat that couglis, so that 

something becomes scattered from its nose; as also 
* - 
ji\j : (As, S :) or a sheep or goat tliat ejects from 

its nose what resembles worms ; as also ♦ j**J : 
(M, I£ :) or that sneezes, and ejects from its nose 
what annoys or hurts it, resembling worms. (TA.) 

[Book I. 



j^a p Pcarh scattered, or strewn, much. (S, 
TA.) SecJ>£U. 

jliu : see_pU. 

*> >$ - z> ■ 

jy~» j3, and * j~->. Pcarh scattered, strewn, 

dispersed, or thrown dispersedly, with the hand. 
(A,* TA.) See also^LU*, and j£J>. You say 
"j-«JI jjJI diiaJ yj£s [As though his speech were 

scattered pearls], (A.) sj^iu <J>J=> *J X He 

has [numerous] young children. (A, art. uSJb.) 
— Also jy^t A hind of sweet-smelling flower ; 
(TA ;) [the gilliflower : so called in the present 

day : see also ^C*.*-] — See also J*\L :k. 

j— Urn In a scattered or strewn state; in a state 
of dispersion ; (M;) as also *>SU^, (TA,) and 
~jlJ, which last is applied to a thing and to 
things. (M.) See also Jl£j, and JlLi, and J^£U. 
You say '^jUio jj [Pearls in a scattered state]. 

jjUw* : see j. . ;,o. 

[ iaU, &c. 
See Suppleme.ic] 

1. -->, aor. ;, inf. n. -^J (S, YL) and J, 
(TA,) It (a wound, or an ulcer) flowed with its 
contents [namely purulent matter, or blood] : (As, 
S, K.) or exuded its contents: and in like 
manner, it (the back of a beast) flowed with puru- 
lent matter : and it (the ear) flowed urith blood 
and purulent matter. (TA.) = t~» and -J, 
(in the TA, art. -»•, it is said 1J» and I-J,) 
accord, to IAar, are syn. (TA) ««i ^y» «Jj£JI IJ, 
int. n. »j, signifies i.q. <u^>. (TA.) 

R. Q. 1. j-^l ^»J, (inf. n. i--^J, S,) 2fe 
agitated the thing, or ajfair, <o anrf /ro, in kb 
mind, (S,) and did not execute it; (TA ;) he thought 
upon tlte thing, or affair, but did not determine 
upon it. (S, K.) See R. Q. 2. __ J^l ^li A 
rfroce back the camels from the water: (L:) or 
he drove them back time after time to the tank, or 
cistern; expl. by ,>^aLjl ^ UiUj: (S, $:) 
[but jjic, meaning here to, seems to be a mistake 
for £y£,from]. Dhu-r-Rummeh says, 

^t ^ ^ ^ji' ii«i~i 

[Until, when he finds not a place of refuge, and 
drives them bach from the water, (accord, to the 
explanation in the L,) fearing to be shot at, so 
that all of them are thirsting]. (S.) _ -r' -> ■ 
He moved about [a thing; in the S, on the 
authority of A'Obcyd, a man], (S, K,) and 
turned over and over. (TA.) — One says, 

>*r £.^> J, iJl -*?-> ^^» ^->l *-^J [Turn 
Ike thing over and over in t ty mind, and perhaps 
thou wilt find a way. of egress, or escape]. (TA.) 
—- g* ■ *■' ) (mf. n. «» ». . » , . , S,) //« ?ie«< ro/«tr/ 
about in fright, or fear. (S, K[.) __ i$l\ ' '■* '. 
He moved the morsel to and fro in his mouth 
ami did not swallow it; like - '-i, 1 (Aboo- 
Turab.) *- ' 

li. Q. 2. *•••*•> He was in a state of commo- 
tion, or agitated, and confounded, perplexed, or 
amazed. (K.) — ajJj ^i ^jj, and »»-» ' ^ j t 
//c wa* confounded, or perplexed, and agitated, in 

his judgment, or opinion. (TA.) JL^J ' ' ^ ■'-' 

Hit flesh became much and flabby. (S.) Accord, 
to F, this is a mistake lor y^W > Dl »t Hr agrees 
herein with J. (TA.) 

1. oUJ, aor. i, (S, £,) inf. n. tlj (so in the 
S: in the TA, »uJ: [but this I think a mis- 
take:]); and *«U^Lil (Lh, IJ) and t «uLi; (S, 
KL;) He affected him, or it, by an evil, or a 
malignant, eye. (S, K.) 

Book I.] 

and 8 : see 1. 

i ^«)l y+j, and ,>*)! iy+j,.m& Ck**' t o^"*' 
and o**" 'Jj^- 1 , Having an evil, or o malignant, 
eye ; (Fr, 8, £ ;) anrf powerfully affecting there- 
with. ($.) 

S« •» •* » •*•'*« 

^^j and J,^^* ; and ?>^i : sce-^^JI yH- 

luLi An affecting with an evil, or o malignant, 
eye : (Ks :) /ore*, or eagerness, of look : (Ks, 
IAth, S:) lust, or rfmVe, or a hankering after a 
thing. (Ks, K.) Ex. aJ&V cP>» stli IjUJ 
(S) Avert the beggar's evil eye; (Ks;) or the 
force, or eagerness, of his look at thy food, or at 
thee ; (S ;) or Am lust ; or accomplish his desire, 
and avert his eye from thy food, in compassion for 
him; (TA;) do this by giving him a morsel. 

(S.) «^£jl lJJk 5UJ iUc j>j ^l»cr< /row thee 

the desire of this thing. (TA.) 

1. i|^i *'l vr-Jt-i, aor. 7 and -, inf. n. >,■»■ » , J5Te 
tooJk o/'fAe 6arA o/ iAe *<ew», or <runA, o/ tlie tree : 
(S:) or AfaJ, aor. and inf. n. as above; and 
f «nJ, inf. n. y.» ?3; and***^-*!; He took off 
Us bark; barked it. (ISd, K.) See *-«•-». aa 

* H * m aor. '-, inf. n. aJUJ, i/e was generous, 
noble, or liberal, tfc. : [see w> ^ . ' ]. (Msb, K.) 
He, or t<, nw excellent, or choice. (MA.) 
[Said of a horse and the like, He was generous, 
excellent, strong, light, or swift.] — — <*; ». a *<*"li : 
see 3. 

2 : see 1. 

3. t ifL;> ^* <*Io-b [ J/e re«Z roftA Aim, or strove 
to surpass him, in generosity, nobleness, or libe- 
rality ; and lie surpassed him therein.] (TA, 
art. ,}#*»•) 

4. ^.-^i H .ffe Jitvjrot a generous, noble, or liberal, 

child; such as is termed nm >. (S.) [This 

verb, being coupled in the K -with «--»~>, might 
be imagined syn. therewith ; but this, accord, to 
the TA, is not the case.] El-Aasha says, 

* a.. »ljjtj O^J 1 -r^** 1 ' 1 

(S) .He 6e(/o< a generous son in the times when his 
parent* (rejoiced) in him, wlien they produced him; 
and excellent was that which they produced. 
Accord, to one reading, the second word is >IjI : 
and <ujJIj>»U is also read in place of otjJIj O^j' ! 

in which case,>»Cl is fig. the agent of >T .»». 'i l. 
(TA.) __ C .«j H is said of a woman, in the same 
sense. (TA.) See also ^»JI. _«^okJI [as 
also ^ r. ;l ] He begot a cowardly child: (from 
the "bark" of a tree: TA:) thus the 

verb bears two contr. significations : (K :) or the 
two significations are not necessarily contr. ; for 
a courageous man may be not generous, or liberal ; 
and a generous, or liberal, man may be not 
courageous. (MF.) 

8. ^ : »u' '■' He selected him; chose him; (S;) 

preferred him above otters. (TA.) See also 

ft* _ See 1. __ J.fc ~-> Je-*i He went to 

collect [the kind of bark called] ^^i. (TA.) — 
A poet says, 

i Jit ^yn i^t C 

meaning, O thou who assertest that I take the 
verses of other poets and appropriate them to 
myself and, and as it were, take the bark of oilier 
trees than my own 'idAh, to tan therewith . . . 
(TA.) [See.Lkc.] 
* • r * 

^S The bark (A»J) of trees : (S, K :) or the 
rind of the roots thereof : or of what U hard 
thereof. (K.) The soft peel of branches is not 
thus called; nor is the rind of roots called jZZ, 
but »...» i : n. un. «**•>. (TA.) 

A bite of an ant. So in a trad., 
accord, to one reading: accord, to another reading, 
it is <L»J. Both these words are given by IAth 
on the authority of Z. (TA.) 

> and 


: tr S A generous, noble, liberal, man ; (S, K ;) 
one distinguished by rank or quality, nobility or 
eminence, reputation or note or consideration; 
(K;) excellent; of great worth in his kind ; one 
who is like Aw fatlier in generosity and actions : 
(TA:) as also * l~-i (K) [explained as sig- 
nifying " liberal, generous "] and * iwteJ : (S, K :) 
or you call a man »r-e»-i when he is generous, 
noble, or liberal; but when he is unequalled 
among his people in generosity, &c, you say 
d_o«i t dLLj yk, in measure like <L«iW- : (El-Alam 
Es-Sakhawee :) [but MF doubts the correct- 
ness of this measure ; and seems to think that the 
correct word is " ij^J :] >»yUl " i*»*J s* »s said 
of a man when he is the man, among them, who 
is distinguished by generosity, &c. : (S :) pi. 

"- ' , • . - ti , •',' ,vx * : 

iLa^> and vV 1 and v^ J * W*) — ■ fa* ? ' 

Excellent, as an epithet applied to any animal ; 
(IAth ;) a generous, excellent, camel or horse ; 
one of high breed; (ISd ;) a strong, light, swift, 
camel: (TA:) you say * . ; » » a»0 as well as 
4^-i *»U: (K:) pi. ^iLJ (S, K) and ^J. 
(S.) — _ oV*" v'V' The most excellent, and the 
purest, parts of the Kur-dn. Of such is the 


>Ui*^l Sjy-. (TA.) In like manner, ▼ «-**}> 

The heart thereof that has [as it were] no w««!»i 
[or bark] upon it : or the best, or most excellent, 
thereof. (K.) 

*,-».ly : see what next precedes. 

i^-B. U A man who begets generous, noble, or 
liberal, children; such as are termed lU(->. (K.) 

*. '1*1.* i • • i * * /c 

In like manner, a.«~~o »b-»l, and " «_jU-u : (.&, 
K :) pi. of the latter ^~*lS. (S.) — * vV^ 
also signifies A woman who has generous, noble, 
or liberal, children; suck as are termed >l«aJ. 

wUi U A weak man : (S, K :) pi. >,.■»»?. l~e. 

(TA.) See J.-». *.«, and also i^laUU «-» V^ 

An arrow that has neither feathers nor head ; 
(A'Obeyd, S ;) that is trimmed, shaped, or pared, 
but has neither feather-s nor head. (As, A'Obeyd, 
K.) — _•'» '■' An iron with which a fire is 
stirred. (K. ) 

_ <jm * t A vessel that is capacious within: 

(K :) a cajMcious vessel of the kind called *~JJ : 
(S:) or wide, or capacious, in tlie bottom: i.q. 
^i^fjJt, which, accord, to ISd, is the correct 
word ; but others say that the v and t»> 
may be interchangeable. (TA.) — w> J *> ' * «*^f 
A Aw/c tanned with the bark of the trunk of the 
-JlL. (S.) _ - ir- :j- W"-» •! ■ , '<"* tanned with 
the same: (S, K :) or »d<A [<Ac AintZ o/ ftnr* 
caZZcrf] ZJJ> : (K :) as also ^g^> (?, K) and 
^.^f. ;,o : (Aboo-Mis-hal, K:) but the last is dis- 
approved by ISd, because it is of the measure 
JjiLe, which is not used in the senso of the 

f s t . 

measure Jyiio. (TA.) 

Select; chosen; choice: (K :) an cpi- 


..." ., o OC 

thet a]>plied to anything. (TA.) 

1. %i«a-j, aor. i, inf. n. «£.»■ > ; and 'C-j^. J ; 
(TA;) andtvi-J^t and t ^. > :7 , ,1 ; (K;) He 
extracted, drew out, or caused to come forth, (K, 
TA,)a thing: apparently more especially used with 
reference to what is talked of, or news, tidings, or 
the like. (TA.) — 4-i i-^J, aor. 1, (and * O-iLi, 
inf. n. >£»■:■. Ji, TA,) and f ^.-fc ; JTe searched, 
or sought, fm; or a/ie?-, t< ; inquired respecting it; 
sought for infornmtion respecting it; searched 

into, inquired into, investigated, scrutinized, or 

* • * • • • 
examined, it ; i. e. an affair. (As.) _ l^-S *i-^J, 

faor. i ] inf. n. u>', 2f« <&# M P ''*« contents of 

a ^rawc. (T A, from a trad.) sas ^ A ^ i ■■> ^^i 

^^i, (inf n. <L1^, L.) SmcA a one seduces, mis- 

leads, or /earfs a*«ray, ( L j^»v--», Fr, b, K, or, 

accord, to A'Obeyd, \Jp£*4, with the unpointed 


c, i.e., summon.*, by a cry, to tcaition, or the like, 
S,) and implores aid of, the son* of such a one. 
(Fr,S,$.) [Sec 10 in art..,*.] 

' '* * 

"■ jW*-^ 1 ■-■■» 3 He searched, or sought, for, 

or after, news, or tidings. (TA.) [See also 1.] 

6. t^-Lo [TA^y revealed secrets, one to an- 

• * •** * - 

owerj: C-*-U» signifies the *iraa ax «1<L3, (K,) 

and i^-U. (TA.) — I^IS [They searched, 
investigated, scrutinized, or examined, toget/ier] : 
w^.tii signifies the same as «&>stQ. (T A.) 

8. ^^J» // e , or tt, Occam* inflated. (K.) r accomplisted. , Msb, * 
— A-H-«//M/a/M«fte«im.fl W M«»«. (K.) (M?b;) ftnd , (> (? ; M|b C^ - nf , n 

One says ill) I c-i-"'-' **- — *— — - &< I •.'•. *»- 

(TA.) _ See also 1 

nation respecting them ; searching into, inquiring 
into, investigating, scrutinizing or examining, 
them : (K :) a man rcho searches after news, 
diligently, or with labour, or perseverance, or 
time after time, and elicits it ; (As ;) as also 
jWa-^I O^ £>\L'i. (TA.) 

1. a-'*JI 


^J, (S, Msb, K,) nor. 

* ■ '■» t ' », (Msb, K,) inf.n. iLJt ; (Msb;) 
The want, or <Ai7i<7 wanted, became attained, 

[Book I. 
(.'?.; — J^- i U^> and * *-*>Li, f A near 
place; syn. Jl^. (L.) __ l^j J£ r ^ M 
energetic rising, or rawing o/ one'* self. (L.) 
[You say,] uL^J ll£ ^| |jl ^ ^ j #<? 
rose (pxkhly to' employ himself in' this affair. 
(A.) — SeeJ^. 

•' .' - 

<*«»WJ Patience. (XL.) 

'J\ The ewe became fat. 

10. Uei »i^_£_t /Ze exposed himself to a thing; 
or ventured upon it : (S, g, TA :) Ac <few/c</ 
himself eagerly to it, and set about it, or com- 
menced it. (TA.) __ See also 1. 

w-fc i and T C ». . ' » .4. coa/ o/ ma>7; syn. pp. 
(K-) — Also, (or * *zJJ>, S,) The pericardium; 
syn. « ? JuUt J^JLi -. (S, £ :) pi. i>uj'|. (S.) _ 
The house (c-e*) of a man : pi, .LuJl. (r>.) 

*~> : sec olit^J. 

• i j ■—■ 

■J I A hidden secret. (K.) _ See ■_-;«. ■ 
_^^iJI w-e^J lju TVtc «wv( f/<Ac people, which 
they concealed, became apparent, or revealed. 
(Fr, S.) — >^iJI i~^J U'13'f The affair of the 
people, which they kept secret, came to our know- 
ledge. (TA.) See Z£mJ>. sa C-«J What 

attains its utmost aim (iXf Lo), of praise, or of 
an encomium. (TA.) — i~«J A butt at which 
one shoots, or casts, consisting of earth collected 
together: (S, £:) or earth that is taken forth, 
and of which a butt is constructed, to shoot at, or 
cast at. (TA.) — i~«J i'J^i An affair that 
lias an evil end, conclusion, issue, or result. (TA.) 
•^ > i t-> i A certain leguminous plant. (K.) — 
*Z**J Slow ; tardy. (K.) [Sec >*~J.] 

(and t^-^J, TA) The dust, or earth, 
that is taken forth, or dug out, from a well; (S ;) 
i.q. A^j. (S, K..) — i'j.J jp/uK /«)< become 
apjmrent, or manifest, of that which is foul, or 
<%/-a«/H/,ofnews, tidings, or information. (S,£.) 
■ *W» Endeavour; effort : (K. .) as also AiJu. 
(TA.) So in the phrase *'*_*.'■ '--. k k} [His 
utmost endeavour, or <^brr, n-a* exerted, or <wi- 
/>%erf]. (If.) 

• a . t 

i>UJ and » si«^j One wAo is in the habit of 

searching, or seeking, fur, or after, things; of 
inquiring respecting them; of seeking for infor- 

£.U-il; (Msb;) He succeeded; he attained, or 
accomplished, his want, or want*, or the thing, 

or things, that he wanted. (S, Msb, £.) 

[You say,] t ^Jj «£ ^ /jfl ^ g,^ a 
o«e rf/'rf not prosper, or succeed, nor attain, or 
accomplish, his want, or wan/*. (S.) _ /- '■ 
»^«l IZiw ajfat'r became easy. (S, K.) 

^4: Seel. — «^U C-^il, (S,) and lyil-^l 
*•» (TA,) / accomplished for him his want. 
(S, TA.) <u».U. <u)l £>aJI CrorZ accomplished 
for him his want : (K :) or, helped him to 

attain, or accomplish, it. (TA.) [So, ?1»J' 

a-*-. aDI Go</ made, or m<^ ^7<«/ maix', his 
work to succeed, prosper, or have a good issue or 
result.] — *j r^' ^** or '*» ' ,wrcfl »»e Aim. 
(?.) Ex. JL ^-jf JfcUl sLlJ 'M ' //" <*0" 
seek what is vain, it will overcome thee. (A.) 

5. i».UJI £*~J, and ♦ \m.m. : :,,1, J/ c 
sought, asked, or demanded, the accomplishment 
of the want, or fA»'»J needed, from him who had 
promised him ; syn. djiLSj. (S, K.) _ * p- m . : ~ i l 
illl [i/e *oh<7/j<, or begged, of God, success, or 
the accomplishment of his want], (A.) See an 
ex. voce J-»c. 

6. i&L'l i-il.LJ, (S, A, K,) ..-.m^UJ 
<u^U-l *JLft (ISd) i JETm dreams followed one 
another with truth : (S, K :) or the truth of his 
dreams was continuous : (ISd :) or he had con- 
secutive true dreams. (A, L.) 

10 : see 5. 

~»J and * r UJ, (S, Msb, K.,) two substs., 

the former from -»^»j and the latter from 
, , it {- 

j»-»-il, (Msb,) Success; or the attainment, or 

accomplishment, of one's wants, (S, Msb,) or, o/ 

a <At'n$r. (K.) [See an ex. voce f!/-.] 

im <—. 

?~» t>- ii A patient mind. (K.) __ U 
■>•- •« 
. ■* *^« LJT*' -^y »»»nd rfoc? not patiently 
refrain from it. (L.) 

?-^-lJ ^t /In ca«y a/atr. (S, K.) Sec 

A man wAo attains, or accomplishes, 

his want, or wants; pi. 

(S, K :) as also t 

C HM- 

C^ 1 



y » ' : -« [a pi. of which the sing, is app. 
4 -fc a....«, meaning, ace to analogy, A ca«*e o/' 

success, or o/ <Ae attainment, or accomplishment, 
of one's wants, or of a thing : sec an ex. voce 
^.C,.] (A, TA, art. ^.) 

1. « ,*^J, aor. i , (S, L,) inf. n. j~J,, (L, ^t,) 
lie overcame, conquered, subdued, overpowered, 
prevailed over, or surpassed, him. (AO, S, 

L > ^-) — j>0)l j,j» *iy ^*^J, inf. n. .*»»», 
i^c exerted his judgment in affairs. (Sb, L.) 
— J^-j, (S, M, &c.,) [aor. t ,] inf. n. S^L^i 
(M, L, K) and »J«J, (K,) or the latter is a 
simple subst., (M, L,) He (a man, S, L,) was, 
or became, courageous, (S, M, L, Msb, K,) .and 
sharp, or vigorous and effective, in those affairs 
which otliers lack power or ability to accomplish : 
(M, L, K :) or, very valiant: or, quick in 
assenting to that which he was culled or invited 
to do, whether it were good or evil. (M, L.) 
Sec also 10, and 4. J^a-J, aor. s, inf. n. 

•*»-> J (?, I- ;) or j^j, like ^j^c, inf. n. ,x»J ; 
(K ;) He became [overcome,] afflicted, dis- 
tressed, or opirressed, by sorrow, grief or anxiety. 





? ■ >y ' (,5'j /^»i/A< counsel, advice, or opinion. 
(S, K.) __ ^i ^, (S, K,) and * L..U, 
| (K,) t A vehement pace : (K :) a quick pace. 

(S, Li, K.) __ Obw, aor. t, (S, L,) and i, 
which is extr., (L,) [or properly the aor. of 
»xaJ,] inf. n. Ju^J, (S, L,) J5f« (a man, S) 
sweated, by reason of work , or of sorrow, grief, or 

" •'* 

anxiety: (S, L :) and * J«JI he (a man, TA) 
•** * j ****** 

sweated. (K.) — U^c •**>>> (K,) or I3^t J>*~>, 

(L,) 7ff, (L,) or it, namely the body, (K,) 
flowed with sweat. (L, K.) — J*r->, aor. ; , 

(TA,) inf. n. j^j (K) He was, or became, 
stupid, dull, wanting in intelligence; not penetra- 
ting, skarp, rigorous, or effective, in the per- 
forming of affairs; soft, without strength, or 
sturdiness, and without endurance : and weary, 
or fatigued. (K, TA.) — jutJ He became 

Book I.] 

terrified, or frightened. (L.) = J*~», (aor. : , 
L,) inf. n. *iy>Ji, It (a thing, or an affair,) was, 
or became, apparent, manifest, plain, or evident. 

(L, ]£.) — •**-»> aor - '-> >nf. n. a*»-», J' (a 

road) mas, or became, apparent, manifest, con- 

. , , , .»• » * • » 
spicous, or plain. (L.)'__ jj»-» W c^j"^' «**' 

tyjU .He ^a»e Aim tAe Zand n>i*A what came 
forth from it. (L.) 

jn, j *-i Zfe (a man) became strong after having 
been weak, (S, L, K,) or sick. (TA.) — »>»» :■■■>! 
<JjU, (S, L,) and <u, (L, TA,) ITe oecajnc em- 
boldened against him, (S, L, K,) and dace to 
him, (L f ) a/Jfer having regarded him with awe, 

or /ear. (S, L, EL) J*..- tm \ He became 

courageous after having been cowardly. (A.) 
See also 

2. ykjJt »J*-i, (inf. n. J ^ » L3 , K,) Time, or 
Aatit, or fortune, tried, or proved, him, and 
taught him, (S, L,) and rendered him expert, or 
experienced, and well informed, (L,) or firm, or 

sound, in judgment: (K:) as also »Jk»«J, which 

« . • *5 

is more approved. (L.) = J**->, mf. n. j^— », 

He ran; syn. tj*. (K.) = j*~j, inf. n. 

j^a : '", He ornamented, or decorated, a house 

or tent (w~h) wi<A tAe articles of furniture 

called i^J, pi. of J4J : (S,* L, K :') [and, 

accord, to present usage, he manufactured beds 

and the like, and pillows ; and teased, separated, 

or loosened, cotton, for stuffing beds, &c, with 

• a » 
the bow and mallet : see also iU-i]- 

3. «jj».li He went forth to him to fight, or 

combat. (A.) J**j)l OJ-»-0 She (a camel) 

vied with the other cameh in abundance of milk : 
she yielded abundance of milk when tlie other 
camels had little. (L, K.*) — See 4. 

4. J*JI, (S, L, Msb,K,) inf. n. jUJt ; (L;) 
and * J*J, aor. i; (Msb;) and *a»»U, inf. n. 
IjJLui ; (S, L ;) lie aided, or assisted, another : 
(S, L, Msb, ]£;) he succoured him. (L.) — 
Ajift fjtf '■' -ffe aided, or assisted, him against 

him. (L.)_ i£jS\ j*-»l (S, L,K) He answered, 
or complied with, the call, prayer, or invitation. 
(L,£.)And «^*jJI «jk»JI He answered, or com- 
/>fted wi<A, Ais caW, prayer, or invitation. (M, L.) 

jufeJI J/c was, or became, or drew, near to 

his family, or rwj/e; expl. by <Uj»I ^>« ^yl. 
(Lb, ISd, 1£.) b itiJjl Oj»~»1 The sky became 
Hear. ($.) — J-s-il (L, K) and t ^jj (K) 
He, or it, (a person, or thing, L, both said of 
such a thing as a mountain, TA,) became high, 
or lofty. (L, K.) — J*-»'i j^ t2T« 6«came 
famous in the low countries and in the high. 
(A.) — J^Jl, (inf. n. jU-»t, L,) ZZe entered 
upon the country of Nejd : (S, L :) or he came 
to Nejd, or to high land or country : (L, K :) 
or he went thither : (L :) or he went forth to, 
or towards, it. (Lh, ISd, L, K.) — •**->! 
'■ y — ^tj O-*' a proverb, 7/e enters Nejd who 
sees Hadan, which is the name of a mountain ; 
i. e., in going up from El-Ghowr, or El-Ghdr. 
(9, L.) 

. ; or it is a pi. deviating from common 
(IB, L.) You say jUJjl ibli jit 

5- jofc • 3 : see 4. — He swore a big oath. (L.) 

10- »j^, :.*.,. I /fc asked, or desired, of him aid, 
or assistance, (S, L, 5,*) and succour. (L.) _ 

ZTi/?A, or elevated, land or country : 
(S, L, Msb, ?C :) or Aard, and ru^-ed, and 
elevated, or A1V7A, table-land: only stony and 
rugged, or Aard, elevated land, like a mountain, 
standing over against one and intercepting his 
view of what is behind it, but not very high, 
is thus called: (L:) pi. ju(-»l, (S, L, K,) a pi. 
of pauc, (TA,) and >UJI, (L, It,) [also a pi. 

of pauc.,] and >UfcJ and j^a-i (S. L, If) and 

* » ' ' ****** H 

jufcj; (IAar, L, K;) and pi. of }}*->, »J*?J\ ; 

[another pi. of pauc. ;] (S, K;) or this is a 
mistake, and it i9 pi. of iU->, like as e^-o*-! is 
pi. of j 

Ascend tliou these high lands ; and 3UJI JljU 
this high land, making it singular. (L.) — 
ili, (S, L, IS, &c.,) and J!^J, (K,) the latter 
of the dial, of Hudheyl, (Akh,) of the masc. 
gender, [The high land, or country;] a division 
of the country of the Arabs; opposed to jjAM, 
[or the low country,] i. c., Tihamch ; all the high 
land from Tihdmek to t/te land of El- Irak ; (S, 
L ;) above it are Tihamch and El-Yemen, and 
below it El- Irak and Esh-Shdm ; (K ; ) it begins, 
towards El-IIijdz, at DMt-Irk, (Msb, K,) 
and ends at Sawdd of El-' Irak, and hence it is 
said to form no part of El-Hijaz : (Msb :) or 
it comprises all that is beyond the moat, or 
fosse, which Kisra, made to the Sawdd of El- Irak 


until one inclines to the Ilarrah (S^»JI), when 
he it in El-IIijdz ; (El-Bahilce, T, L, Msb ;) 
and it extends to the east of El-Ghowr, or 
El-Ghor ; which is all the tract of which the 
torrents flow westwards : Tihameh extends from 
Dhat-'Irk to the distance of two days' journey 
beyond Mekkeh: the tract beyond this, west- 
ward, is Ghowr, or GhoY; and beyond this, 
southwards, is Es-Sarah, as far as the frontiers 
of El- Yemen: (El-Bahilee, L:) or, as the 
Arabs of the desert have been heard to say, 
tke country which one enters when, journeying 
upwards, he leaves behind him 'Ijliz, which is 
above El-Karyateyn, and which he quits when 
lie descends from the mountain-roads of Dkdt- 
'Irk, where lie enters Tihdmeh, and when he 
meets with the stony tracts termed jljt* in Nejd, 
where El-Hijaz commences: (As, L:) or tAe 
At^A country from Datn-er-llummeh to the 
mountain-roads of Dlidt- Irk : (ISk, L :) or <Ae 
country from El- Odheyb to Hlidt-Irk, and to 
El-Yemdmeh, and to El-Yemen, and to the two 


mountains of Teiyi, and from El-Mlrbed to 

Wejreh : Dhslt-'Irk is the beginning of Tihameh, 

extending to the sea and Juddeh : El-Medeeneh 

is not of Tihameh nor of Nejd, but of El-Hijai, 

higher than El-Ghowr, or El-Gh6r, and lower 

• $ * 
than Nejd. (IAar, L.) — j^J An elevated 

road: (S :) or an elevated and conspicuous road. 

(L, K) A roadin a mountain. (L.) [Hence c*$J» 

j • t j ' • • « 

j^j^JI, expl. below, and in art. *JU».] — 

ft * 9 M 

jjj j ifc j 11 [Kur, xc. 10] We have shown him 
the two ways ; the way of good and that of evil : 
(Beyd, Jel, L :) or the two consjneuous ways : 
(L :) — or We have given him the two breasts ; 
(Beyd, L j) for ju»J also signifies a woman's 
breast ; (L, K ;) the belly beneath it being like 
the [country called] j^c. (TA.)^ lyjj^fcJj Ul 
«iij.i cJum U Now, by her two breast*, didst 
thou not that? A form of oath of the Arabs. 

(MF.) J»Li and * ju».U A thing, or an 

affair, apparent, manifest, plain, or evident. (L.) 

; julil c"^J»>», and »j^t c*3U», (S, L, K.) 

and'^UJ Ab, (L, K,) and juL^t, (K, 
art. £U».) and jU-Jt, (L, K,) I He it one 
who surmount' difficult affairs : (A :) or A< is 
one who manages affairs thoroughly, (L, K,) and 
masters them : (L :) or lie is a man expert in 
affairs, who surmounts and masters them by his 
knowledge and experience and excellent judgment : 
or, wAo aims at lofty things : (K, art. £U» :) or 
Ac is one who rises to eminences, or to hjly things 
or circumstances, or to the means of attaining 
such, things: (S :) as also bill) I c-&». (S, £, 
art. fU».) See jLjfcJ, and j*.Uo.s=>»->, sing. 

of lyLS (A'Obeyd, S, L, K) and of **UJ , (L, 
K,) which signify The articles of household fur- 
niture and the like (cli«) wi<A M»A»VA a house 
or tent (C-*->) is ornamented, or decorated; 
(A'Obeyd, S, L ;) the carpeti and beds or other 
things that arc spread, and the pillows, used for 
that puipose : (L, K :) the cloths or stuffs used for 
this purpose, with which the walls are hung, and 
which are spread ; (L;) the curtains which are 
hung upon the walls: (A:) and ,»U-<l, pi. of 
jm sJ, household furniture, consisting of such 
things as are spread, and pillows, and curtains. 
(L.) a jm*J A skilful, or an expert, guide of 
the way. (L, K.) = j«1j, (K,) or *>^i, 
(L,) A place in which are no trees. (L, 1£.) = 
jjjj A kind of tree resembling the jtj^it (L, K) 
in its colour and manner of growth and its 
thorns. (L.) 

j^S Sweat, (S, L, I£,) % reason of work, or 
of sorrow, grief, or anxiety, fyc. (L.) = 
j'l jm d\ A certain sect of the Khdrijees, (S, L,) 
of those called the Ilaroorecyeh ; (L ;) the com- 
panions, (S, IS.,) or followers, (L,) of Nejdeh 
Ibn-Amir (S, L, K) El-Harooree (L) El-Hana- 
fee, (S, L, £,) of the Benoo-Haneefeh ; (TA;) 
also called * Su^Jil (TA.) 



• 9 

j**-> : see 

j«jJ and t J^J and t J^ ($, M, L, EL) 

and " j^J (M, L, EL) A courageous man, (S, 
M, L, EL,) sharp, or vigorous and effective, in 
those- affairs which others lack power or ability to 
accomplish : (M, L, EL :) or courageous and 
strong: (Msb:) or very valiant: or quick in 
assenting to t/iat which he is called or invited to 
do, whether it be good or evil: (M, L :) pi. of 
.*•*-», jL~»l, like as tU^I is pi. of jLL' ; (S, L ;) 
or this is pi. of jJLi and j«w ; (Sb, M,L;) 
and not of j«aJ : (M, L :) the pi. of this last is 

and lU^j. (S, L.) t ju^JI The lion : 

(EL :) so called because of his courage. (TA.) 

— io-UJI ,j» jta^i A man quick in accom- 
plishing that which is wanted, or needed. (S, L.) 

— *+i and * iy*~io (L) and • juaJ (TA) and 

" «A»>.U, in which last the I is perhaps inserted by 
poetic licence, (L,) Sweating, by reason of work, 
or of sen-row, grief, or anxiety, ,j-c. (L, TA.) 
See also 

"p : see , 

>, a simple subst. (M, I,,) Courage, (S, 
M, L, Msb, EL,) ana" sharpness, or vigour and 
effectiveness, in those affairs which others lack 
power or ability to accomplish : (M, L :) or 
courage with steadiness, and calmness in awaiting 
fearlessly death, victory, or martyrdom: (Esh- 
Shihab [EI-ELhafajee] :) or great valour: or 
quickness in assenting to that which one is called 
or invited to do, whether it be good or evil. (M, 

I... ) — ».A»w ji A man possessing valour. (S, L.) 

a * i" • * • * 

fcce J» U« . — »j^-» JFtyfo; combat; battle. 

(L, EL.) — 2Vror; /r»y»<. (L, EL.) £> ? /- 

ficulty; distress; affliction; adversity: (Lh, 

§,• L, M ? b,» EL:*) pi. oljJJ (Msb.) Ex. 

«■*»-» O^ ^"i) <S«<"A a one experienced difficulty, 

distress, trouble, or adversity. (Lh, S, L.) 

Sec also a saying of Sakhr-el-Ghei, and a citation 

Irom a trad., voce J.*,. __ Sj*^ A id; assistance. 

(Msb.) __ t^jj^j v>l i* t Ue tl ignorant 
thereof: contr. of ' t "_^«r, ; ^| ^*. By 
meant an allusion to Nejdeh El-Haroorec. (A.) 

J, with kesr, TViaZ, or affliction, ('*£i) 
[ftr/jerienraf] i'« war*. (Esh-Shihab [EI-ELha- 
fajee] and TA.) 

JJ > a ■ , » 

*jjm» J l : see , 

4 # 

jL-i The suspensory cords or strings of a 
sword : (S, & or the part thereof that lies upon 
the shoulder. (L.) — >l^I)1 Jj^i pit, .ffawn<; 
long suspensory cords or rtrw^ to his sword,] 

means! a man of tall stature : for when a man 

is tall his jUJ must be long. (L.) 

• j * 

j>»~>, applied to a she-ass, and to a she-camel, 

Long-necked: (L, EL:) or, so applied, (EL,) or 
specially to a she-ass, (L,) or to a wild she-ass, 
(S,) that does not become pregnant : (S, L, EL:) 
but Sh «ays, that this meaning is disapproved ; 
and that the correct meaning is tall, applied to a 
she-ass: (L :) or tall; overpeering : (S, L:) or 
high and great : from jt^J [signifying " high or 
elevated land"]: (As, L:) pi. J^- (S, L, 
K-) — Also, applied to a she-camel, Sharp ; 
spirited; vigorous: (L, K:) a correct meaning 
thus applied : (Sh :) or strong : (R :) one that 
precedes, or outgoes, others: (L, K :) or strong 

in spirit: (L:) pi. as above. (K.) Also, 

so applied, Abounding with milk : (L, EL :) and, 
that vies with the other camels in abundance of 
milk, (L, EL,) and surpasses them therein, (L,) or 
yields abundance when they have little : (EL :) [but 
for ijjjb lit, in the copies of the EL in my hands, 
meaning " when they yield abundance of milk," 

I read cjjc. 1*1 :] pi. as above. (EL.) Also, 

so applied, That lies down upon a high, or elevated, 
place : (EL :) or that will not lie down save upon 

high ground : (L :) pi. as above. ($.) Also, 

An intelligent woman ; sharp, or quick, in in- 
tellect : (KL:) possessing judgment ; as though she 
exerted her judgment in affairs: a strange mean- 
ing in which the word is used in a trad.: (Sh,L:) 

pi. as above. (K.) __See >^-^>, and jl^U^. as 

* j - 

Jj*~» One who works in shaking and spreading 

and stuffing and arranging [those articles of 

household furniture which are called] j^aJ [pi. 

of juLi]. (M, L.) See also ^C3. 

[Book I. 

of the masc gender. (L.) _. A wine-vessel : 
(KL :) any vessel into which wine is put, (A'Obeyd, 
S, £,•) such as a 1J»C> (L,) or a a.'Ju. $c. : 
(A'Obeyd, S, L :) or a :<;ine-cup, or a cup of 
wine; syn. ,^»lsa : (L :) or u rxmi in which wine 
is cleared; (A j) a clarifier, or strainer for wine ; 
syn. (jSjjIj ; (Lth, L;) which last is the meaning 
that most assign to the word. (TA.) __ Saffron. 
(As, L, EL.) — Blood. (As, L, EL.) 

»-u A small mountain (K, [in the CBI, for 

.*'•'. • ' •» 

J e -:*- is put J *f 4* ,]) overlooking a valley. (TA.) 

• * ■ 
— Jm » >« A kind of ornament, (L, K,) worn by 

women, (L,) adorned with gems, or jewels, (L, 
K,) one over another : (L :) a necklace of pearls 
and gold, or of cloves, a span in breadth, ex- 
tending from the neck to the part beneath the 
breasts, and lying upon the place of the )UJ ; 
(L, K;) i.e. of the jUJ of a man's sword: 
from Ov^JI jiaJ : (L :) pi. j».L«. (L, K.) 


, and 

J^-< One who mamifactures ( *Jl«j ) beds 
and the like, and pillows; and sews them : (S, L, 
]£ :) [and, accord, to present usage, who teases, 
separates, or loosens, cotton, for stuffing beds &c, 
with the bow and mallet : as also ♦ jm ' t :] one 
who ornaments, or decorates, houses, and beds 
and the like, and carj)els. (AHeyth, L.) See 

j^.u and » 3) » .-c Stupid, dull, wanting in 
intelligence; not penetrating, sharp, vigorous, or 
effective, in the performing of affairs; soft, 
without strength, or sturdiness, and without 
endurance: and weary, or fatigued. (TA.) _ 
See " 

»^-U, sing, of j^-iy (L,) which signifies 
Streaks of fat (L, ¥.) upon the shoulders of a 
camel : occurring in a trad. : so called because 
of their elevation. (L.) 

ij^Xt Wine : (As, L, I£ :) or excellent wine : 
or ihe first wine that comes forth when the clay 
is removed from tlie mouth of the jar : (As, L :) 

A light staff or stick with which a beast 
of carriage is urged on. (K.) __ A stick, or 
wooden instrument, with which wool is teased, 
or separated, i. q. oju* (?) (TA,) and with which 
the 4,-.«fc of a camel's saddle is stuffed. (K,TA.) 
• . a 

jUfc^o A man who aids, or assists, much or 
well. (Lh, L.) 

>}a*J*» Overcome; conquered; subdued; ovcr- 

• J 90 

powered : and fatigued. (L.) «_ jj- ■ -, and 
" » MH (and * >y>~> applied to a female, R,) 
Afflicted, distressed, or oppressed, by sorrow, 
grief or anxiety. (S, L, K.) See also j^.'.. __ 
i ff : ° -^ w * «<a<e o/" perishing or destruction. 
(L, K.) See JL.U. 

, as also j»>.;<, (S, L,) which latter is 
the more approved, (L,) A man tried and 
strengthened by experience ; expert, or expe- 
rienced; (S, L, K;) who has had experience in 
affairs, and has estimated and understood them, 
and become well informed. (L.) 

4 2' 

: see ){*->■ 

ji».tu A fighter; a combatant. (S, L, K.) 
__.An aider; an assistant; (EL ;) [and so, app., 
* o«w and * ajubJ and * >^*w, mentioned in 
the A]. 

1. «>»w, aor. -, (TK,) [or i , accord, to the- 
rule of the EL,] inf. n. J^*w, (L, EL,) He bit him, 
or it, (L, EL,) with ttie Jta»l3, which is the tooth 
next behind the canine tooth : [but seo this word :] 
(L :) or, with the J^-\ } j. ess »J^J (inf. n. J^*w,. 

TEL,) X He importuned him in asking : j>».,> 6ig- 
fies also vehement speaking^ (EL.) 

2. tj^j f -^< (experience) strengthened him : 

Book I.] 

(A:) or tried and strengthened him. (S, L.) 
Suheym Ibn-Wetheel says, 

li *.. .> .a .. 

[And the applying myself to the management of 
affairs has tried and strengthened me]. (S, L.) 
See 3, in art. jj j . And see J**->. 

jj*-\j sing, of oo-iy, which signifies The 

. »• 

furthest of the ^W.-ot [or molar teeth], (S, A, 

L, Msb, K,) of a man ; (S, Msb ;) which are 
four in number, (S, L, Msb, K,) next after 

the «»->jt ; (L;) also called ^JUJI ^\j-e\, [ or 

the teeth of puberty, and JJUJI ,^-lj-ol, or the 
wudom-teeth,] (S, Mgh, L, Msb,) because they 
grow after the attaining to puberty, and the 
completion of the intellectual faculties : (S, L, 
Msb :) or all the ^l^ol [or molar-teeth] : or 
the teeth next behind the canine teeth : (L, 
Msb, K :) altogether four in number : (L, Msb :) 
or the canine teeth: (L, Msb, K :) which last, 
accord, to Th, (L, Msb,) or the last but one, 
accord, to IAth, (I.,) is the signification meant 
in the trad, (respecting Mohammad, L.) 

\y OJli ,_j^. [He laughed so that his 
j>»-!y appeared] ; (L, Msb ;) because Moham- 
mad's utmost laugh was slight ; or this is a 
hyperbolical expression, not meant to be literally 
understood ; for the signification of j*t-\y most 
commonly obtaining is the first of those given 
above: (L:) the phrase also signifies he laughed 
violently, or immoderately : (S, L :) the term 
j**.\y> in also sometimes used in relation to the 
horse, (S, L t ) or a solid-hoofed animal, as well 
as man ; (Bari', Msb ;) and they are [termed] 
the v^-" 1 ' n a soft-footed animal such as the 
camel ; and the iUU* in a cloven-hoofed animal. 

(S, L.) See also ^>-/. jo»-t^JLi l^Jtc l^oc 

t They held her fast, as one holds fast in biting 
with all his grinders. (L, from a trad.) __ itfjut 
»J»U t JTt was immoderate in his laughter : 

and, in his anger. (A.) __ «Ja.U ^Ae. ^ac 
f lie attained to the age of puberty; or of manly 
rigour ; or of firmness, or soundness, of judgment : 
(A, L, K:*) and he bacame patient, and firm, 
rigorous, or hardy, in the management of affairs. 

(L.) — ?>«?-^ .V^-r^' u* '& t-Ha made 
his knowledge, <jrc, sound, or firm. (A.) _ CjJij 
•Jwfc-lyi //« J-»-Jy appeared by reason of anger 
or of laughter. (L.) 

^^i, (S, A, Msb,) aor. i, (S, Msb,) inf. n. 

j+i, (S, A, Msb, K,) He worked wood as a 

carpenter ; cut or hewed it ; formed or fashioned 

it by cutting ; cut it out ; hewed it out ; shaped 

it out; syn. Is*— J ; (Lth,S, A, K;) or, as some 

say, iSai. (TA.)s=sOj^J,(TA,) [aor. as above, 

*■ • • * 

accord, to the rule of the K.] inf. n. ja*j, (K,) 

She (a woman) notfe, or prepared, the kind of 

food called ij-sw, (K,* TA,) for her children, 

and her pastors. (TA.) 

_j*wJ t The shape, or form, of a man [or beast] ; 
his appearance, or external state or condition : 
(TA :) f S)>ecics ; distinctive quality or property ; 

syn. oy i as a ' so ™jW* an< ^ jW-* : (?> TA:) 
J nature ; natural or native disposition or temper 
or orAcr quality or property ; (A, TA ;) of a 
man [fccj ; as also ' jU-i or * jUJ : (A [in my 
copy of the A written erroneously jla>J :]) his place 
of growth; as alsojl»w : (A:) origin; syn. JJot ; 

as also * 



(S,* K :) grounds of 

pretension to respect; rank or quality, nobility, 
honourableness, or estimableness ; syn. * u^-- » s 
(S,» TA ;) as also * j\Lj (S* Msb, TA) and 

* jU»-> : (S, TA :) generosity of mind or spirit 
(A.) It is said in the prov.. 

t ujuj 

t A man (S, L) tried and strengthened 
by experience; expert, or experienced: (T, S, 
L, EL :) or (so in the L ; in the K> and) who has 
experienced probations, trials, or calamities, (Lh, 
L, K,) and thus become a vigorous manager of 
affairs. (TA.) See also 

> -*< • • J 

J^Uo [Moles] : used as pi. of JJU., (L, K,) 

and of 

(L, Is, &c, art. jJU..) 

E eery species of camels is their species: (S:) or 
every origin Sec: (I£:) [and every ww/7t of the 
camels of the various peoples of the world is their 
mark : (the latter hemistich is omitted in the 
S, K, but inserted in the TA:)] the camels here 
mentioned by the poet were stolen from among 
a variety of camels, and com prised every species 
[with every mark]. (TA.) The proverb is ap- 
plied to him who confounds things ; (S ;) and 
means, lie has in him every sort of disposition, 
and lias no opinion in which he is settled. 
(A'Obeyd, S, K.) [See Freytag's Arab. Prov., 
ii. 317. See also jU.] 

• # ■ # 

Olr^-* The piece of wood in which is the foot of 

a door : (£ :) or the piece of wood upon which 
the foot of a door turns : (S :) or the foot of a 
door, upon which it turns : (A :) or the jSjj'i 
[a Persian word signifying a bolt, and a hook,] 
of a door. (IAar, TA.) [Chald. N"TO vectis, 
pessulus: (Golius :) which suggests that the 
original signification may be that assigned by 
IAar : but the first and second and third arc 
alone agreeable with the following verse.] AO, 
cites this ex. : 


[/ poured water into, or upon, the Olr^i *° 
that I made the door to have no creaking], (S.) 

*.' ' * ' #•- 

jU-i andjU^i : see v »»»J, throughout. 

«jla-» [Cuttings, chips, parings, shavings, or 
the like, of wood;] what is cut, or hewn, (K, TA,) 
from wood, (TA,) when it is worked by the 
carpenter. (TA.) 

»jUJ The art of carpentry. (Msb, ]£.) 

»jf»~i Milk mixed with flour: or with clarified 
butter: (K:) or, accord, to Abu-1-Ghamr El- 
Kilabee, fresh milk to which clarified butter is 
added. (S.) See ijijf. 

• 5 ' 

jla-j A carpenter. (S, A, Msb, K.) 

jaJ>\ The anchor of a ship, (A, K,) composed 
of pieces of wood, (r>, TA,) which are put with 
their heads in contrary directiotis, and the mid- 
dles of which are bound together in one place, 
after which, (TA,) molten lead is poured between 
them, so that they become like a rock ; (ly, TA ;) 
the heads of the pieces of wood project, and to 
these are tied ropes ; then it is lowered in the wa ler, 
(TA,) and when it becomes fast, the ship becomes 
fast : (K, TA :) it is a Persian word, (TA,) 
arabicized, from ^-£-J : (K, TA :) [or from the 
Greek aymipa :] accord, to the T, a word of the 
(TA.) Tou say JjLil 'y. 

dial, of El-'Irak. 

jaJI (^>* He is heavier than an anchor. 


> * 

» •- » . < J ' . 

Jl : sec jU.1. 

Wood worked, cut, hewed, formed, or 
fashioned by the carpenter. (A.) 

1. jaJ>, aor. ;, (S, K,) inf. n.j*J; (S ;) and 

jLJ, aor. I, (K,) inf.n. j4j; (TK;) ft (a thing, 
S, TA,) came to an end; came to nought; 
perished, passed away: (S, K, TA :) in these 
senses, the former is the more chaste, and has 
been so generally used that the latter has been 
said to be not allowable; but both have been 
heard. (TA.) It (a speech or discourse) finished, 
(K, TA,) and became complete. (TA.) He (a 
man) died: (S:) occurring in a verse of En- 
Nabighah Edh-Dhubyanee : as related by J , 
y*->; but as related by A'Obeyd, Jm-S. (TA.) 
a J^yi jli, (A, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. i, (Msb, 
K,) inf.n.^; (Msb;) and >J, aor. -,(I>;) 

inf. n. j**J ; (TK j) Tlie promise came to pass, 
and was accomplished : (A, Mgh:) or the pro- 
mise was prompt, or quick, in taking effect : 
(Msb:) or tkc thing promised (TK) came, ar- 
rived, or became present: (K., TA :) in this 
sense, the former is the more chaste ; but both 
have been heard. (TA.) ea=j«L> is also trans.: 
see 4, in four places. 

2 : see 4. 



3. i>.U, (Mgh,) or JlLjLM J>.U, (A.)inf.n. 

tfrC, (S, A, Mgh, £,) He fought him : (K:) 
or he went, or came, out, or forth, in the field, 
to fight him, (8, Mgh, Msb,) and fought him: 
(S, Mgh :) or he (a horseman) went, or came, 
out, or forth, into the field, tojight him, (another 
horseman,) and they strove together until each of 
them slew the other, or until one of them was 
slain: (TA:) and * j*-&3 signifies the same 
as5j^.Lu: (50 you say, j>yi)t>.U3, meaning, 
The people contended together in tlie mutual 
shedding of blood; as though they hastened in 
doing so. (TA.) [Hence the saying,] C*t j 0[ 
V^-UJt Jlii t>U J I [7/" lAou de*ire <A< re- 
ciprocal prevention of fighting, and the making 
of peace, let it be before fighting] : (A :) or 
•>i.O> JJ «>-^-J1 (S, 5) [«/»« reciprocal 
prevention of fighting, and] the making of peace, 
[should be] before the striving togetlter, (il tU , H , 
as in the C$,) or hastening, (JUJUJI, as in 
some copies of the 5 and in the TA, and, accord, 
to the latter, IcjOl) «» fighting : ($, TA :) a 
proverb : (S, TA :) relating to the prudence of him 
who hastens to flee from him whom he has not 
power to withstand : (5 :) or applied to him who 
seeks peace after fighting. (A'Obeyd, $.) — 
Also, He contended with him in an altercation ; 
disputed with him ; litigated with him. (TA.) 

4. J£.U >JI, (£,) inf.n. jUJl; (TA;) 
and * U>J, (ISk, S, £,) aor. '-, inf. n. >J 
(ISk, S) and jUJ, or this is a subst in the sense 
of JUJJ, like fti in that of :uU«; (Har,p.326 ; ) 
He accomplished his want : (ISk, S, £ :) and 
y ^i^ t idjmJ I accomplished for him his want. 
(A.) _ j^l>JI, (A, Mgh, C^,) and * *£j, 
(S,) He fulfilled, or performed, the promise : (S,» 
A,* Mgh, C£ :) or he made the promise to be 
prompt, or quick, in taking effect. (Msb.) You 
say also, J**J» ^li j^Jl He fulfilled to me the 
promise; (5, accord, to the TA ;) as also *>J 
Af : (TA :) and */ * *J>»-> ^ wiade if to Je 
prompt, or guicA in to-Ain<7 ejfec* to him. (Msb.) 

[Hence the saying,] j*j U ;>»>»-» I (?> 5) An 
ingenuous man fulfils what lie promises : a pro- 
verb: (TA:) alluding to the fulfilment of a 
promise : and sometimes, to the asking, or de- 
manding, the fulfilment thereof: El-Harith the 
son of *Amr said to Sakhr the son of Nahshal, 
" Shall I guide thee to booty and one fifth of it 
be for me?" and he answered, "Yes:" so he 
guided him to some people from El- Yemen, and 
Sakhr made a sudden attack upon them, and 
engaged with them in conflict, and overcame, and 
obtained booty; and when he turned back, 
El-Harith said to him the above words, and 
Sakhr fulfilled his promise to him. ($.) — 
it in Ac j**i\ He hastened and completed, or 
made certain, tlie slaughter of the slain man ; 
t. q. *e** >♦*•'• (Abu-1-Mikdam Es-Sulamee 
and 5 ) 

5 : see 10, in five places. 
6: sec 3. 

10. a^-U. j^ ' * ■'. and ♦ \hjLsJ, He sought, 
or asked, or demanded, the accomplishment of his 
want, from him who had promised him; (Msb;) 
syn. \m ■■ : f*l. (S, £.) And j*j\ >~ui-1, 
and * U>LjJ, (Mgh,) or SjjOI, (£,) He sought, 
or ashed, or demanded, the fulfilment of the pro- 
mise : (Mgh, 5 an< * *•**" * oj*-^ A* fl ** c ^ 
of him the fulfilment of the promise. (TA.) 

Hence, OHjJI * Ja^i The demanding and re- 

ceiving of immunities. (Mgh.) You say also, 
l^U£> a-o Z'\n ' " -' i and AJ>r— >, [app. mean- 
ing, / sought, or asked, or demanded, of him the 
finishing, or completion, of a writing, or fetter, 
or 6ooA.] (A.) 

j^j and *>■»> are syn. You say, ^yU C»il 

iUj-U. j4>j, and -»' V '— '>--», TAom ar* on Me 

point of accomplishing thy want. (S, K.) 

« ij *° ? 

jj^j : sec j«J. 

wJ : sec>>.U, in three places. 

«>c»-i A recompense. You say, JU>a>< 0>»-''^ 
J ?»itt assuredly pay thy recompense. (TA.) 

j^C Coming to an end; coming to nought; 
perishing ; passing away. (TA.) __ [Complete : 
accomplished.] — A promise that has been ful- 
filled; asalso*je^3: (TA:) or that has come 
to pass, and is accomplished. (A, Mgh.) — 
Present; ready; (S, Msb, £, TA;) as also 
t jg^i : (BL :) and * both, promptly, or quickly, 
done, or </itwn. (TA.) You say, I^.U *^ 
i^.Urf (S, A, Mgh, Msb) [I sold it, or I sold to 
him,] present, or ready, [merchandise,] for 
present, or ready, [money,] (TA,) like ^-t Ijj, 
(S, A, Mgh, Msb,) i. e., ^#»*^ ^s**J- (§.) 
And >-U ^5^ /Ci "9, meaning, A aeof tote 
paid at a future time shall not be sold for ready 
money. (Mgh.) And >^W J--0 is a proverb, 
[meaning Ready merchandise with ready money,] 
like .>* X, and J».U* ,>-^. (TA.) It is 
said in a trad., J».Uj l^oU- lye-/ [Sell ye present 
merchandise for ready money]. (SO And a 
poet (Abeed Ibn-El-Abras, TA, art. »|l£>,) says, 

(S, TA, ubi supra;) [And when griefs attend 
thee, know that] they are, some, debts to be 
payed at future periods, and some, payments 
in ready money. (TA, ubi supra.) The saying 
[of 'Abd-AUah Ibn-'Amir El-gurashee, owner 
of a horse named Esh-Shamoos, (TA, art. 

[Book I. 

[app. meaning, Quickly as the running of Esh- 
Shamoos; ready with ready, or prompt with 
prompt;] is explained by IAar, as meaning, 
Thou hast given an evil recompense and I have 
recompensed thee in like manner : or, as he says 
in one place, this is said when one does a thing 
and thou do6t the like thereof; he not being able 
to go beyond thee in word or in deed. (TA.) 
[Respecting this saying, Freytag says, in his 
Arab. Prov., i. 305, (where, for \jm.\i wo find 
Ja.0,) that it applies to him who is equal to 
the execution of the things which he undertakes, 
as well good as bad : and that ^jj*- is to be 
supplied before ^^y-..] 

1. u-fcj, aor. a (S, Msb, %.;) and ^-»-J, 

aor. i ; (Msb ;) and u-»^>, aor. i, (K,) accord, 
to some, but the books of good repute are silent 
respecting this last ; (Msb ;) inf. n. ^-^J, (S, 
Msb, TA,) of the first ; (Msb ;) and i-UJ, 

(TA,) or this last is a simple subst. [as the verb 

* * * • 

kr> w to which by rule it should belong is not of 

good authority] ; (Msb ;) It was, or became, 
unclean, dirty, filthy, or impure; (Msb;) [i.e.,] 
contr. of'^», or ^J» : (Msb, K :•) i-U-J is of 
two kinds ; one kind is perceived by sense ; and 
one kind is perceived by the mind ; of which 
latter kind is that which is attributed, in the 
Klur, ix. 28, to those who assert God to havo 
associates: (Er-Uaghib, B:) but in this latter 
sense, it is said by^Z, to be tropical. (TA.) [See also 
aIuj below.] You also say, (of a garment, 
A, Msb,) T U n» : ", meaning, It was, or became, 

rendered unclean, dirty, filthy, or impure. (A, 

• • « , 

Msb, K.) = ts-w, [app. an inf. n. of which 

the verb is v—*J,] The making a child's 5>j* 

[or amulet, of any of the kinds described below, 

voce J^i't]. (TA.) 

2. a~*J, (S, A, Msb, £,) inf. n. 
(TA,) He rendered him, or it, unclean, dirty, 
filthy, or impure; (A, Msb, £;) and **-«JI 
signifies the same. (S, A, K.) El-Hasan said 
of a man who married a woman with whom he 
had committed fornication, y J^l >»i " V" » »l >* 
[He defiled her, therefore he is most worthy of 
her]. (A, TA.«) — ^Ji\ £JLS I [Sins, or 
crimes, defiled him], (A, TA.) « *> cr*-»i »"d 
L-Lj, He charmed him ; or fortified him by a 
charm or an amulet [of any of the kinds described 
below, voce w*+J3 , q.v.] ; syn. »^. (TA.) 

4 : see 2, in two places. 

5. u m ■" : see J.* '>■ «si He did a deed where- 
by to become free from uncleanness, dirt, filth, or 
impurity; (50 like as you say ^O and ^-> 
and j r ^ \ meaning, he did a deed whereby to 
become free from crime, sin, &c. (TA.) 

Book I.] 


and * J^J (S, A, O, Msb, EL) and 
♦ y^Li and *Ji$ and * JL^j (A, O, EL) Un- 
clean, dirty, filthy, or impure: (A, Msb, EL:) 
the last of these is only used when the word is 
preceded or followed by J-^= ( ISd: ) or onlv 
when it is preceded by J±y. (Fr, S,» and Har 
in the Durrat-el-Ghowwas :) but this remark 
correctly applies only to the greater number of 
instances: (M, F:) the second of the above five 
forms is an inf. n. used as an epithet ; (A, Msb ;) 
and is [therefore] used as sing, and dual, and pi. 
and masc. and fern., without variation: (TA:) 
[and the first and last are also used as pis., as 
will be seen below ; but when so used, I suppose 
X^ or some other coll. gen. n. to be understood :] 
the pi. [of every one of the other ibrms] is ^-U-il 
(A, Msb, TA) and [of the fourth and fifth, and 
perhaps of the first and third also, though I do 
not remember similar instances,] i~»J. (TA.) 
[See also ilU->, below.] ^^i and * v~m-J 
[&c], applied to a man, signify Unclean, &c, 
[both properly and tropically]. (TA.) [The 
two following examples are said in the A to be 

tropical.] ^WJI^tr&lj u" 1 ^ t^UI I i Mcn 
are of several kinds, and most oftlftm are unclean.] 
(A, TA.) And J^J O^J-X Cl I [Verily 
the associate.™ of others with God are but. unclean], 
said in the ELur, [ix. 28,] (S, A, TA,) or ^mZ, 
or * u-^-"' accord, to certain readers. (TA.) s 
Also, all the above forms, A man having an in- 
curable disease. (TA.) — _ See also ^-».U. 

: see , 


_> : see •«•»£ 

s '» '■ : see 1 : Uncleanness, dirtiness, Jilthiness, 
or impurity. (Msb.) — _ In the conventional 
language of the law, A particular uncleanness, of 
such a kind as renders prayer invalid ; as urine, 
and blood, and wine. (Msb.) 

j^jf.0 ?b and • v-fi-j (?, A, EL) and * u-jj-j 
(TA) An incurable disease: (S, EL, TA :) or a 
disease that baffles the \J )- + < « . (A.) See 

il [More, and most, unclean, dirty, filthy, 
or impure]. You say, ytxJI ±y> lj-**-'' l£P "9 
; [Thou wilt not see any one more unclean than the 
unbeliever]. (A, TA.) 

ij The name of a thing, either something 
unclean, or bones of the dead, or a menstruous 
rag, which used to be hung upon him for whom 
there mas a fear of the jinn's, or genii's, being 
attached to him : (EL :) or the hanging of some 
such thing upon such a person, as a child or any 
other ; for they used to say that the jinn would 
not approach those things : (TA :) or a thing 
which the Arabs used to do,' as an amulet, to drive 
away thereby the [evil] eye: (S:) " <* ■•<■* -■ » also 
is the name of a kind of amulet : (IAar:) and 
v c»-U-> is syn. with <*j>ju ; [by winch may be 
meant either that it signifies an amulet, or that it 
is a quasi-inf. n. of 2 ; for it is said that] it is 
app. a subst. from a) ^.mJ, or < u + > , as signifying 
Wyt. (IAar.) See also 2. 

• ■* '* 
u ..m. ;o One who hangs, upon him for whom 

t/iere is fear, unclean things, such as bones of the 
dead, and the like, to drive away the jinn, or 
genii ; because these beings shun such things ; (S,* 
A, TA;) one who fortifies by charms or amulets 
[of the kinds above mentioned] ; syn. iyto : (EL:) 
pi. Qj'M». U: (A:) and ♦ w»~i [a pi. of which 

.. J0 J 

the sing, is not mentioned] is syn. with Cyi**-*- 
(IAar.) = Also, A little piece of skin that is 
put upon the notch [which is the place] of the 
bow-string. (TA.) 

see i 

1. JjIj, aor. i, (S, Msb,) inf. n. ^ImJ, (S, 
Msb, EL,) He concealed himself. (Msb.) = 
[And hence, He pursued game, or objects of the 
chase : (see t_£»-lj :) or] he roused game, or 
objects of the chase, (S, Mgh, EL,) and scared 
them from place to place. (TA.) Tou say also, 

0% M •## » * * t 

ju^alt aJic Ijimfi, meaning, They scared thechase, 

or game, towards him, and drove and collected it to 

him. (TA.) _ He searched after a thing, and 

roused it. (Sh, A'Obeyd, EL.) This, accord, to 

Sh, is the primary signification : [but accord, to 

Fei, the primary signification is the first given 

above :] and hence the saying in a trad., %U$3 ^) 
t. . , i , , ji- -j » •- -- t»t t - 
bJu> Oy^i <2U^ U^i -~> 5^»- ^r-o-iJI The sun 

does not rise until three hundred and sixty angeh 
rouse it. (TA.) __ He drew forth, educed, Or 
elicited. (EL.) __ He collected together (S, EL) 
camels [&c] after a state of dispersion. (S.) _ 

He drove vehemently. (TA.) =: ^Aa-i, aor. i, 

(Msb, TA,) inf. n. JLLj (S, A, Mgh, Msb, EL) 


and iA*~>, [which is the form generally used by 
the professors of practical law,] (ISh, Mgh, Sgh, 
TA,) or this is a simple subst, (Msb,) He 
demanded the sale of an article of merchandise for 
more than its price, (A, Mgh, Msb,) not meanix^ 
to purchase it, (Mgh, Msb,) in order that another 


might see him and fall into the mare thus laid for 
him : and in like manner it is used with respect to 
marriage, [i.e., with respect to dowers,] and other 
things: (A, Mgh, Msb:) and the doing thus is 

forbidden : (Mgh :) it is from ,£»-* signifying 
" he roused " game : (Mgh :) or from the same 
verb signifying " he concealed himself;" because 
he who does so conceals his intention : (Msb :) or 
he augmented the price of an article of merchan- 
dise, not desiring to purchase it, but in order that 
another might hear him and augment in the same 
manner : (A'Obeyd, L :) or he outbade in a sale, 
in order that another might fall into a snare, he 
himself not wanting the thing : (S :) or he aug- 
mented the price of an article of merchandise, or 
praised it, in order that another might see that, 
and be deceived by him : (Ibrahcem El-Harbee:) 
or he praised an article of merchandise belonging 
to another in order that he might sell it, or dis- 
praised it in order that it might not be easy for 
him to sell it : (ISh :) or he concurred with a 
man desiring to sell a thing, by praising him : 
(Abu-1-Khattab, K :) or he bargained with a man 
desiring to sell a thing, offering him a large price, 
in order that another might see him and fall into 
a snare : or he scared people from one thing to 
another: (Kl :) also, he praised a thing; or 
praised it exceedingly, or for that which was not 
in it, or excessively and falsely ; syn. l^w *-ju« and 
»\jl*\ : and he invented, or forged, a lie. (TA.) 
It is said in a trad., (S,) * lyU-UJ ^, (S, Mgh, 
Msb,) i. e., Ye .shall not practise tj*>-i, or cA**-' : 
(Mgh, Msb:) or * cA^-^J signifies the bidding one 
against another, successively increasing their offers, 
in a sale, or other case ; (K ;) for it sometimes sig- 
nifies the doing so in the case of a dowry, in order 
that the doing so may be heard,and the amount may 
consequently be augmented: (TA:) and Sh men- 

tions, with respect to ~ Jb+AiJ, on the authority 
of Aboo-Sa'eed, another thing, which is allow- 
able, namely, [that it signifies the conspiring to 
promote the marrriage of] the woman who has 
been married and divorced time after time ; and 
[the sale of] the article of merchandise that has 
been bought time after time and then sold. (TA.) 

6 : see 1, last part. 

u *~- i , said to be a subst. from iA»J .- see 1. 


ijiWJ and ^^J : see J±M. sss ^yiUjI, 
(S, Mgh, EL,) the form preferred by EI-Fiirabee, 
(Mgh,) and J^iU-JI, (Mgh, Msb, EL,) which is 
the more common, (Msb,) but the former is the 
more chaste, (Sgh, EL,) and [^l^JI and ^iUJI] 
with kesr to the {J, which is said to be the more 
chaste, (EL,) and is preferred by Th, (TA,) but 
teshdecd of the «. is a mistake, (Mgh, MF,) The 

2772 » 

name of the King of t/ie Abyssinian* ; (lDrd, S ;) 

*• * "' 

like as one says jj>— £» andj*o3 ; an Abyssinian 

word: (IDrd:) ora certain King of the Abyssinian*, 

whose name was i«- «?l ; (Mgl), Msb, K;) [as 
is commonly said ; but authors differ respecting 
bis name;] and IKt says, that .-ilaJI is in 
Coptic <L»«.^I, meaning "a gift:" (TA:) or 
originally the proper name of an individual, and 
afterwards a common title. (MF.) 


»G, in four places. 
•>X>, in two places. 

»U A pursuer, or capturer, or insnarer, of 
game, or object* of the chase; (Msb;) as also 
▼ u T.;»i i and * u-l»-» ; (lbn-Abbad, K ;) because 
ho conceals himself: (Msb:) or [^Aa-U and] 

* i/ r V 1 and f ^^s^J signify one who rouses the 
game, or objects of the chase; (Az, TA;) and so 
t^^i* and "^iU*-;-*: (L:) or ,j£».U and 

s - : ' * s ' 

♦ ^U-i (Akh, K) [and * ^ WJ accord, to 
some copies of the K] and * uSUJU (Az, K) one 
who rouses them in order that they may pass by 
the pursuer, or capturer, or insnarer, thereof: 
(Akh, Az, K:) or ui^-U signifies one mho scares 
them toward* him, and drive* and collects tliem to 
him: (S, A, TA:) and t^Sl^J one who drives 
vehemently; (TA;) or one who urges camel* ; 

(A ;) or who collects them after a state of dis- 

2 a - 
persion : (S:) and * ^yiWJ [with teshdeed to 

the «- as well as to the ^£,] one who drives, or 
urges, trarelling-camels and other beast* of car- 
riage, in the marhet-place, to elicit their qualities 
of pace: (A A, TA:) and this last also signifies 
[absolutely] one who draw* forth, or elicits, a 
thing. (A'Obeyd, TA.) = Also, One who prac- 

Uses u *,m i, or i_A»~j, in an affair of buying and 
selling: (Msb, TA:*) [see X:] and ♦ w tuL3 one 
who does so much, or often. (Msb.) 

* :^ • ) • 

"^ -" (sec (jtfli; the latter, in two 
'iUl.: J places. 

or wade to reciprocate, (»j5,) £« Aw t'n«'«fe; as 
also t ^^j and * 1; » , r j : (K :) [each of these 
verbs, .of which the last seems to be the most 
common, signifies, as is implied in the L &c, and 
accord, to present usage, he made a reiterated 
humming in hi* throat, like a slight coughing, or, 
as soine -say, more violent than coughing ; as is 
often done by a niggard when he is asked for a 
thing:] ^lL3l is well known, (S,) and ililjl 
is like it ; (Lth, S ;) it is [t/ie making a sound, 
or sounds, in the throat,] slighter than coughing; 
and is the pretence of the niggard : (Lth :) or it 
is more violent than coughing; as also m ;» Hi 
(L.) See also 5^. [Hence, from the sound 

employed,] ^J, aor. i, He incited, or urged on, 
a camel. (K.) 


iAj» •* J>» A saying drawn forth, or elicited: 
(TA :) and a forged saying, in which is falsehood. 
(IAar, TA.) 

i>»l*-jl : see art. 


See Supplement.] 

1. --J, aor. ; , inf. n. f* * ~ i He (a man) re- 
iterated a sound, or made it to reciprocate, (»iij,) 
in his i/iside : (S, L :) or hit voice was reiterated, 

R. Q. 1. See «j iUaLi lie repulsed him 

(namely an askcr, or a beggar, L) in afoul, or 
an abominable, manner. (L, K.) 

R. Q. 2 : see LS. 

a»-Uj Niggardliness ; avarice. (£.) Also, 

contr., Liberality; bounty; munificence; gene- 
rosity. (K.) 

£*^ J r* * -' [ Vcn J "'ygardly, or avaricious] : 
the latter word is an imitative sequent : (S, K :) 
or it is a corroborative syn. of the former : (MF :) 
as though meaning one who when asked for 
something, disliking to give it, has recourse to a 
pretence, and makes a reiterated breathing [or 
humming in his throat] as a feint to hide his 
unwillingness. (L.) [Sec also IsLilslJ.] 

• - • - • - 

g-.'^. i : sec a&JI&J. 

^•"-i 1 *-' Niggardly, or avaricious, men : base, 
ungenerous, mean, or sordid, men, who make a 
reiterated humming in the throat (Qjm ' L '■'{.• ) 
when they arc asked for something : (A :) pi. of 
♦ r^i ■. or a pi. having no sing. (TA.) [See 
also m ;^.i.] 

1. w-~i, aor. i, inf. n. ^Jj ; (S, A, K;) and 
T -f--'> ln< - n - -r-:*-3; (A;) He cowed; made 
a vow; (S, K ;) 2>ut himself under an obligation 
to do a thing. (A.) — L^>, aor. r, inf. n. 1-L'', 
lie laid a bet, or wager ; betted, or wagered. 
(K.) [The explanation of the inf. n. by Lil^, 
in the K, seems to imply that it is the same as 
3 ; but this appears to be doubtful.] = «^J, 
aor. ; , (S, Msb,) or :, (£,) inf. n. ^~Ji, (S, K,) 
or this is a subst., (Msb,) and ^JJ ; (Si ;) and 
"s-*-^ 1 ; (S, IC ;) I II e raised his voice with 
weejnng, or wailing; wept, or wailed, loud; (S;) 
wept, or wailed, most violently; (M, K;) wept, 
or wailed, with prolonged voice. (TA.) _ ' m'\ 
aor. -, (S, K.) inf. n. 1>LJ (S) and ^1j (K) 

[Boos I. 

He (a camel, S) had a cough, or coughed. (S 
K.) =s v^«-i, [aor. r,] inf. n. v»J, He went, 
travelled, or journeyed, at a quick pace : (A A, S, 
K:) or with a light pace: (K :) with much 
exertion and perseverance. (TA.) [The inf. n. 
only is mentioned, and said, in the S, to be syn. 

• i * •' 
with w-*j.] 

2 : see 1. = l^li, inf. n. y ^Jj , t They 
strove, or exerted themselves, in their work; 
worked with energy : ( AA, S, K :) or they went 
on, travelled, or journeyed, (with energy, TA,) 
until they camt near to the water: (K:) they 
made a hard journey by night, in order to arrive 
at the water on tlte morrow. (S.) _ ULJ U^ i 
We pursued our journey laboriously, or with 
energy. (TA.) — U^i^Ljl ^JLi t The journey 
harassed such a one, (K,) being long. (TA) __ 
/*' \^ "t 1 " ' > and j*\ ^ji, J lie applied himself 
to a thing, or set about it, and adhe?-ed to it. 

3. 4-»-li, (inf. n. i-»-Co, TA,) He laid a bet, 
or wager, with him, (K,) y>\ ^JU respecting a 
thing. (TA.) — tffi ^'l ^.fj / c i te d him, 
or invited him, to submit our case to such a one as 
judge ; I cited him before such a one as judge. 
(S, K.)_ a^».U / contended with him, or disputed 
with him, for glory, or honour, or superiority in 
glorious or honour-able qualities and the like, (K,) 
before a judge, or umpire. (TA.) «_ Talhah 
to ibn-Abbits, Jts^j iL»-Ul O 1 iV ^ J* 
(j^JI (S) [or ^j-JI pjjj: for I find it stated in 
the margin of a copy of the S, that J left the final 
letter of %ifi without a vowel point, either fet-hah 
or dainmeh :] Wilt thou that I contend with thee, 
or dispute with thee, for glory, or honour, and 
that thou enumerate thine excellencies and the 
honour which thou derivest from thine ancestors 
&c, I doing the like, and that thou put the 
Prophet out of the question, not mentioning thv 
relationship to him, since this excellence is con- 
ceded to thec? (AM.) 

6. 1^**>U They appointed together a time, 
JU»-U for fighting; and sometimes for other 
purposes. (K.) 

8: sec 1. __ He sighed vehemently; (K ;) 
wept and sighed vehemently. (TA.) 

vp^J A vow. (S, K.) — <ua»J ^jUsi He 
died : or he was slain in an expedition undertaken 
for the sake of God's religion : originally meaning 
he accomplislted his vow: sec Kur, xxxiii. 23: 
(Msb :) as though he had constrained himself [by 
a vow] to fight until he died : (TA :) or it signi- 
fies he ended hi* term, or period of life ; ended his 
days: (Fr, Zj:) [or he finished his time: (as 
implied in the S): or he yielded his soul : or he 
accomplished his want :] from significations given 

Book I.] 

below. (TA.) __ ^.ili A great bet, or wager : 
eyn. JgJas. jixA.. (K.) So in the following verse 
of Jereer : 

U>»j J^JLJI UjJU. 

[In Tihhfeh we contended with the sword with the 
kings; and our horses, in the evening of JBistdm, 

ran for a great bet]. (TA.) — «^-»-J A jrroof; 

• - • 3 

a demonstration ; an evidence: syn. ^Ujj. (K.) 
_ A necessity ; want ; needful thing ; an object 

of want or need: syn. 4*.U-. (K.) See ^aS 

J Death. (K.) See 

,-ai, above. 

Ijjw jU. He proceeded, or journeyed, in a 
direct course, not desiring [to pursue] any other : 
as though he had made a vow to do so. El- 
Kumeyt says, 

* Wi^3 J^MkJl \jbjS- U. ,j.x»»3 • 

* w-»-ioJI ajju ^jioj yjc jU> L»£» * 

m>. A term ; fixed period ; the period of life. 
(K.) See <<■;— j 15-i*, above. _— The .son/: syn. 
y-ii. (AO, K.) — Mind; purpose; aspiration; 

« A I l' it 

desire; ambition: syn. <L»*. (K.) sa y> i u— »** 

.A laborious journey : syn. y_-5t.>. (S. ) ^e— 

^JLi, (TA,) and * 1-1 U ^- (K) M gwe* 

pace, or joitrney. (K, TA.) — The same epi- 
thets arc likewise applied, in the same sense, to a 
man. (TA.) — y« J A quick (or %/<<, K,) 
pace, or wtorfc 0/ going, travelling, or journeying, 
(A A, S, K,) n'J/A »we/t exertion and perseverance. 

(TA.) — - w—»i jJU O^* j^-* ^ MC ^ a one mnt 
on; travelled, or journeyed, with energy; [Y\t.,for 
a great bet, or wager ;] as though he had laid a 
[great] bet, and therefore strove, or exerted him- 
self. (S.) — 1JJ Length. (AA, K.) j> H ! 

^■■»j [so in the TA: perhaps, ^m '» j*yii hut 
more prohably y^j >^j] Jt fern*/ rf^y. (Er- j 
Riyashee.) — v -»»'> A space of time: a time. 
(S, I£.) See <u=»J ^-aS, above. __ Sleep : syn. 
>»^j. (L, K : in some copies of the K, j>y_. 
TA.) _ Fatness. (K.) _— I.q. SjJj [ Vehemence ; 
violence ;,S-r.: or distress; difficulty; adversity; jje.]. 
(It.) — A /yamc 0/ hazard: syn. jU5. (K.) = 
A <7rca< camel. (K.) Perhaps a mistake for 
^'. (TA.) 

rt,,»i > I i.q. icp [A /o< used in sortilege: or 
Zo<.j collectively: or sortilege itself;] (K;) from 
<t-*-U " he cited him before a judge ;" " he con- 
tended with him for glory j" and "he laid a bet, 
or wager, with him ;" because it is, as it were, a 
judge, or that which decides, in a case of sortilege. 

(TA.) lylii^ jy^l <Xci\ ^ U J-UI>ft y 

3,.m, •( "i)1 1v«jJU U* aJU [7/ men Anew rv/ta< 

advantage m attained by being in the first row of 

the congregation in the mosque, they would fight 

for it, and not advance but by lot]. (TA, from 

a trad.) 

• ' * 
yUJ A cough that attacks camels: as also 

• * > t * j _ 

wjU-3 and jU»j. (As from AZ.) See 1. 

i-«.G J A. weeping, or wailing, woman: pi. 

4*1^- (TA.) 

By >_■■» ;»)! is meant the man. ISd says, Th 
cites this verse, and says in explanation of it, 
This was a man who swore, saying, If I do not 
overcome, I will cut off my hand. He seems to 
consider it as implying the signification of vowing. 
So in the L. But it requires consideration. 
(TA.) — oULU JU £>•& Q\ li)-, We pro- 
ceeded, or journeyed, thither during three nights 
of laborious travelling. (TA.) 

1. C^.», aor. ;, (S, L, K,) contr. to analogy, 
(TA,) and -, (L, K,) which is the form preferred 
by IJ, because of the guttural letter, but this is 
disputed by MF, (TA,) and -', (K,) which is the 

4 0' 

form of weakest authority, (TA,) inf. n £-+*i, 
(S,) He cut, or hewed; formed, or fashioned, by 
cutting ; cut out, hewed out, or shaped out ; 
chipped : syn. ^£fj : (S, K :) he worked wood 
and the like as a carpaiter; syn. ja»j : he pared, 
peeled, barked, or deprived of its outer covering 
by }>aring, abrasure, or wearing away the exterior: 

lie sawed. (L.) [See also C a.1.] Accord, to 
some, the operation termed ;.>,i is only per- 
formed upon something hard and strong, as stone 
and wood and the like. (MF.) [♦ c-a-lit seems 
to signify He cut, &c, for himself:] you say, 
i^sJO AJSi U ^..t.-^ll ^yt, C^m [Cut, or hew, 
for thyself, of the wood, what will suffice thee for 
fuel]: (A.) — J-fcJI^UsJC-fcJ.aor. -and-, 
inf. n. tS-m> >, lie cut out, or hewed out, a house 
in the mountain. In the Kur, xv. 82, El-Hasan 
[El-Basrce] reads Q j '- * - '• (Msb.) [Accord, 
to the J£> his reading is ^yiU»-L>, (in the CK, 
^jyUl-J,) but this I find nowhere else, and I 
believe it to be a mistake.] __»j£)l ^jA* c^> » 
t [ JTe was fashioned after the model of generosity ; 
made by nature generous]. (A.) — £*m , i Inivit 
puellam : (K :) as also oi.1 ; but the latter is 
the better known. (TA.) — C ■>?, inf. n. C m ', 
I 2fe 6ea<, struck, or smote, him with a staff, or 
stick : (TA :) [as also o^J]. __ <i^i He threw 
him </own prostrate. (K.) __ <ul_L> c-a.'» t //c 
blamed; reprehended; reviled a man. (L.) 
[See also C-^J.] — C-^Li I It (a journey, or 
travel,) emaciated a. camel : (KL :) it made a man 
&.m; made him */»in, or slender. (TA.) — w»-», 
(TA,) [aor. ; and ;?] inf. n. J^ * J and i. 


^e «V//tcrf aloud: the inf. ns. syn. with c~£i and 
>J. (K-) 

8 : sec 1. — C-atJLil It (wood or the like) 
was [cut, or hewn ; formed, or fashioned, by 
cutting ; cut out, hewed out, or shaped out ; 
chipped ;] worked by a carpenter : [pared, peeled, 
barked, or deprived of its outer covering: sawn], 

(L.) _ 4^_Uo w-«fc " . ' »t I His (a camel's) ^U 

[i.e. toes or ./cc<] were worn, abraded, wasted, 
lessened, or attenuated. (L.) 

Oo»J and " OikJ (K) and * a:.j. j (S, K) 

t Nature ; natural, or native, disposition, temper, 
or of/icr property ; (S, I£ ;) a parlicidar cast, or 
fashion, of constitution, after which a 7nan is [as 
it were] cut out [by the Creator] : (TA :) and the 
first, the source, or origin, from which one is [us 
it were] cut out : [see also " c-a~ «]. (Lh.) __ 
<*7 a« i ^>« >>pJI Generosity is [a pari] (</" /u'.< 
nature ; or, [rfericcrf] _/row Am source, or origin. 
(Lh.) _ Cs^.-ll >_•;!>,& yk 7/e /.« o/*a wonderful 
nature. (TA.) — * ii^JJl y^.^ >* Iffl m 
generous in nature, or disposition. (AZ.) = 
C«a»> ijj Unmixed [i. e. sercre] coW: (IjL:) but 

this is said to be a corruption of c«a».». (TA.) 

* * ' 

[hec also C— J .J 

C« f »j A eow6 .* syn. h'n or h . t . a. (So in 
different copies of the K.) = w.-^ ' ^»U- -I hoof 
of which the edges have gone [or become abraded, 
been worn away] ; (S, K ;) [and so ™ Oj » : <> ^»^, 
occurring in the K in art «lX»-, where, in its place 

* * 

in the S, we find O >■■..'» jJW] — C..a».i t An 

emaciated camel : (K :) a camel whose feet ar e 
worn, abraded, or wasted. (L.) — * < L:., a ..> A 
[i»rlJ07l of the] trunk of a tree, which is heirn out, 
and hollowed, in the form of a jar such as is called 

^.a., for bees: pi. .-■- i. (L.) — C~a-J Any- 
thing bad; what is bad of anything. (L.) = 
ir-r, '■ One who introduces himself among a people, 
and lices with them, not being of their race. 
(?, K.) 

OLJ : see C*a»*. 

iuU^i Cuttings, chips, parings, and the like, 
(S,K,)ofwood[&c.]. (TA.) 



, - a : " IThe source, or origin, of a man, [from 
which he is, as it were, cut out]: pi. C-fcU«. 
(TA.) See also C«J. — Jj^ C..*. U ^^ y* 
He is of an excellent source, or origin. (A.) — 
^»X^\^>\^»^ They are of generous sources, or 
origins. (A.) 

£/?- (S, K) and ♦ Olll* (Msb, TA) An 
implement with which one performs the o}>eration 


of cutting, Iteming, and the like; (S, K, L ;) an 
adz, or addice. (Msb.)- 

jj\ymJ\ w^,;« u*ji [A horse having the hoofs 
much worn.] (IDrd, K, art. .i**-.) 

■•jr '- : see c~a~j. ae A word compounded 

* r * r * • 

of two [or wiore] words; such as J-«— -j, J ■>«»■> 
Ji^., J-ll, &c. (Msb, TA, art. J-»-o.) 

■,v,-». ■ dial, form of uLa-J : (Kr :) ISd thinks 
t lie w» to be a substitute for o. (TA.) 

1. ^J, (A, Msb, £,) aor. t, (Msb, K,) inf. 
n. j^J (S, Msb, K) and J^-li (Msb) and Jwli 
[an intensive form], ($,) //« stabbed, or *<wci, 
(A, K,) a camel, (A, TA,) or a beast, (Msb,) 
[but generally the former,] in hisjm-i, (A,) or in 
Ail jkJu, (TA,) where the windpipe (>yLU.) 
commences in the uppermost part of the breast 
(K, TA ; ) [i.e. f i»rt«4»; for]. 

in the i-J is 

• 3 J • * 

/ /«»'<, or /<«»•<, t/ie 
[Hence,] CkJj^JI 

like -^j in the throat. (S.) [Hence,] ^JI^jj 
[The day of the stabbing oftlie camels S[c] ; (1£ ;) 
and jt*Jj\ ,*«* [the festival of the stabbing of the 
camel* &c.]; (Msb;) the tenth of [the month] 
Dhu-l-J/H/eh ; (!£;) because then the camels and 
cows and bulls brought as offerings to Mekkeh, 
for sacrifice, are stabbed. (TA.) — He slew. 
(TA.) — »jjwJ, aor. and inf. ns. as above, lie 

9 m J A J # * * 

hit, or hurt, kkjLi. (£.) You say J-^JI O^J 
I <i/" t/ie man. (S.) = 
t [Zfis mastered affairs, 
or </jc affairs, by knowledge, or .tctence] : (A) : 
he knew affairs soundly, or thoroughly. (Har, 
•2nd ed. of Paris, p. 95, Com.) And^ldl ja^j 
y^j i [Jle masters knowledge, or science, indeed]. 
(A, K.) Jerecr was asked respecting the Islamee 
poets, and answered, J>jj*U t|>«-ill **-j [meaning, 
" The bow," or " the arrow, of the poets belongs 
to El-Farezdak;" applying the term isvJ in this 
manner because bows and arrows were made of 
the tree called slJ] : so it was said, " Then what 
hast thou left for thyself?" and he answered, 
\. m ■ jl'.u ^>jm~J Ul t [I have mastered jyoetry 
indeed}. (A.) You say also, uXe t f JL)\ oJjU 
t I knew tlie thing thoroughly, or sujterlaticely 
well; as also U-Hc «UUi. (Bd in iv. 15G.) — 
[Hence also,] S^ILaH j**J \ He performed, or 
recited, the prayer in the first part of its time. 

(TA.) — aUI ^j*J, occurring in a trad., may 
mean either f Jfay Oorf /ias<en to do them good, 
or may God slay them'. (IAth.) = [Hence 

also,] jLj\ «=W (?, A,) inf. n. J!^', (A,) J / 
became opposite to the man; syn, 6j<w -y O*^; 
(S;) J faced, or fronted, him ; syn. <CJl/li. (A, 
TA.) And jtjjl Jljjl jU, [or O^J,] ($,) 
aor. '-, (TA,) t 27tc Aoiwe faced, or fronted, the 
house; (K, TA;) as also t C^-U. (TA.) And, 
iJj>taJI jjfc-J^jb.j t TAeir houses face, or front, 
the road. (A.) [See also 6.] And Abu-1- 
Gheyth says, that the last night of the month, 
with its day, is called S^»~Jt for this reason, 

# 090 *<#,.•£ 9 90 *Sl 

Ujuu ^JJI >y^JI >»-•■> V^> ' e, > Because it be- 
comes opposite to the month that is after it : or 
because it reaches the first part of the month that 
is after it. (S.) 

3: see 1, near the end. 

6. JliiJI ^ lj^-U3 (S, TA) They stabbed one 

anotlier in the ja~->, or slew one another, in fight. 
Here the verb is used in its proper sense. (TA.) 
_ [Hence,] fin Jb 'j£\ ^U, (A, ?,) and 
4i* t \ iy ^J>\, (S, A, %.,) t Tlte people were 
mutually niggardly, or tenacious, or avaricious, 
of the thing, (S, A, K,) so that they almost slew 
one another. (K,* TA.) = ^|^.uij o'jW' 
t Tlie two houses face, or front, each other. (K.) 
[The like is also said in the A.] Fr. says, I 

»0 . IJJ 

have heard some of the Arabs say ^».LJ ^jlu, 

[for j+\iSJ,] t Their places of abode face, or 
front, one another ; this is opposite to this. (TA.) 

8. j*.2.'<\ He (a man, S) stabbed himself in the 
jm-j, (S,) or slew himself. (K.) It is said in a 
proverb, j* " iU (JjUJI ^j-> [The robber was 
robbed, and in consequence slew himself]: (S:) 
or j»»iJU JjLJI Jj* [app. meaning, \The robber 
robbed, and so occasioned his own slaughter : for 
it is said that the verb is here used tropically]. 
(TA ; and so in a copy of the S, and of the A.) 
[The former reading, which I prefer, is given in 
Frey tag's Arab. Prov , q.v., vol. i. p. 618.] — 
t It (a cloud) burst with much water. (A.) = 
Sec. also 6. 

^LJJI, (S, Msb,) or .jJLi\ jJU, (A, £,) The 

uppermost part of tlie breast, or chest ; (A, I£ ;) 

as also "jQ*» ipll : (Sb, IB, ¥. :) or the place of 
tlie collar or necklace : (A, K :) or that part of 
the breast or chest which is the place of the collar 
or necklace ; (S, Msb ;) so accord, to A'Obeyd : 

f J t0 

(TA, art. ^ji :) which is also called " j*. ■<■ > ! : 
(S :) or the breast or bosom or chest itself: (TA :) 
or j^_Jt, the pi., is also applied to the breasts or 
cliests: (Msb:) and jJ-JI, (A,) or *^Jjl, (S, 
A, Msb, KL, TA,) also signifies the part in which 
a camel is stabbed, or stuck ; (A, TA ; where the 


windpipe (^jiJU.) commences, in the uppermost 
part of the breast : (TA :) or the place where tlie 

[Book I. 

l^jjjk [or animal brought as an offering to Mekkeh 
or to the Kaabeh or to the Haram, such as a 
camel, cow, bull, sheep, or goat, to be sacrificed,] 
Sfc, is stabbed, or stuck : (S, J£ :) or the place, in 
the throat, where a beast is stabbed, or stuck : 


(Msb :) ja*J is masc, (Lh, KL,) only : (Lh :) [or 
sometimes fern. : see an ex., voce ^jj :] its pi. is 
jyLS, (A, Msb, $,) only : (TA :) and the pi. of 

.9'9.r m J" f - 

'j * * ■« is jm Ai t * . (A.) ss jmmj also signifies 
I The first, the first part, or the commencement, 
of the day ; (S, K ;) and of the month, (5,) as 
also ~jt>.\j ; (TA ;) and of the «*>*!>, which is 
when the sun has reached its highest point, 
[especially in summer,] as though it had reached 

the 'jLS, as also * YjmJi : (TA :) pi. J^JLS. (£.) 

..a 90 0*0 

You say jlyJI jmJ> ^j t\*-, &c., t He came in the 

first part of the day, Ac. (T A.) See also Vr V 

0* 90 9 00 000 

= Also, ,jyj jm*j j-i ^^j jjtf I 5mcA a on« sat 
tn front of suck a one ; facing him ; opposite to 
him. (A.) And »jmJ -» jlo [life, or &, te- 
came in front of, or opposite to, him, or ft], (S.) 

I » - * I 

And tJA >a~»j IJuk | 7am is in front of, facing, or 
opposite to, this. (Fr, TA.) 

• o « * 

90 9 909 90 9 Jt 

:JU, with tenween, + / met 


him in open view. (Sgh, K.) Sec S^^v and 

jjjm^ (S, A, K) and *^»J (K) I Soundly, or 
thoroughly, learned ; (S;) or skilled or skilful, in- 
telligent, experienced, (A, K, TA,) or, as some 
say, (TA,) sound in what he does, skilful and 
intelligent, knowing and skilful in everything : 

#- . 

because he masters (j*"-^) knowledge or science: 
(A, K, TA :) pi. of the former, ^jUJ. (A.) 

j«*J A camel [or other beast] stabbed, or stuck, 
(K. TA,) in the ^1^9, (TA,) where the windpipe 
(>»yiW) commences, in the uppermost part of the 
breast; (K, TA ;) and ';>»~^> signifies [the 
same: and] slaughtered: (TA:) the former is 
masc. and fem., and the fern, is also i^-»-J : (TA:) 
pi. of^-*J, (K,) and of J^, (TA,) ^j^J and 
KjtLJ and JjUJ. (K, TA.) — t A son devoted 
to be sacrificed: of the measure J-« in the sense 

■ 9 90 + ' ' " 

of the measure Jy«i-o. (Mgh.) = " »;. ■ > i ll 
I The first day of 'the month; [as also, app., 
^y-iJt *_ft>-j, and * aj^-U, and " AJjf*-* :] or rA« 
last thereof ; (K;) as also t^».UI: (TA:) or<A« 
last night thereof; (S, K ;) as also ^-^-i!l : (Kl :) 
or the last night thereof with its day [i.e. the day 
immediately following]; as also t oj^Ut ; because 

it becomes opposite to that which is next after it, 
or because it reaches to the first part thereof [or 

Book I.] 

of the following month] : (Abu-1-Ghcyth, S :) 
pi. J»-£ (8, K) and i»lj*li f (K,) both extr. [as 
pis. of ij^>, but reg. as pis. of »j»^], (TA,) 
[and app. J3WJ, being agreeable with rule as pi. 
of LaJ : or] ,^1)1 jJUi signifies t.<?. ij^J : see 
'jLj. (TA.) You say also ^iJI ^» ^ *V> 
and *5>.U, and 43^*J, I [app. signifying He 
came on the first day of the month.] And »l;t U 
j^in pLS Jl % and U^-9. and fy£** 
I [app., I see him not save on the first days of the 
months.] (A.) 

• * - • ' • 

.Wj : 6cc jU^i*. 

• - •• - • • ' , * '■ ' i"i 

^U and 5>fcU : sec ^-i and ^j**-'. ^^'y 

yi'-JI, [pi. of S>-C,] : n« -parts facing, in front 
of, or ojrjjosite to, the earth or Zanrf. (TA.) 

1 : 6ee jm*ii\, in two places. 
« an intensive epithet applied to a man, 
[A </ren< slaughterer of camels; as also * jU^i :] 
and signifying t Liberal ; bountiful; munificent; 
or generous. (S, TA.) You say £fi»* j 1 —^ *>J 
Verily he is a [great] slaughterer of the fat 
camels: (S,K:) and } j±ji 0)j^> i* l The H are 
great slaughterers of cameh]. (A.) 

, : see L-J. s= : Faced,or fronted. (TA.) 

manner an irreg. pi. oij>yU. (TA.) [In Har, 

p. rva, a doubt is expressed respecting y^-U, 

• • * 
as to its being a pi. of y-*-*; but only from 

ignorance of their being any authority for its 

• ^ - • * 
being so : it may, however, be pi. of A , i : », and 

not of cA»J.] I™ tne £ur, [ uv - 1 ^>] WIIle read » 
u „ '- jty ^ [In a day of unprosperousness'] : 

* ' ■ r 

others read ,_^»»J as an epithet. (S.) Sec ^^jfc-i. 

Also, Difficulty, distress, trouble, or fatigue; 

harm, injury, or evil state or condition; syn. ^^a- 
andj^: pi. ,^-«~»l. (TA.) 

Jt : see >o»-J>. 

See Supplement.] 

J^J (S, A, K) and * J.»lS (S, A) and 

«'' .«" «*****#. 

* ^-s^J (TA) and ▼ t>-^ and ▼ ^y-^* (A, 

TA) Unprosperous, unfortunate, inauspicious, or 

unluchy. (S, A, K.) You say, ,^—J J*-j and 

J^J (A) and Jl^JU (A, TA) [An unpros- 

perous man] : pi. of the last, ^ t fcl:«. (TA. ) 

And J-JU J^S (S, A, TA) [and J-J] and 

J^Li (A, TA) and J&J and ,^1-U (TA) 

• • » « as 
[An unprosperous day] : and in the pi., ^^-^J^bl, 

[which seems to indicate that l ^-»-J is originally 

an inf. n.,] (TA,) and ll<Li, and Oll—j, which 

is pi. of llmlS, (Az, TA,) and i_»J, (K,) and 

[its pi.] !>CmJ, (S, TA,) and 


signifies ^Uo itself: (Ibn-Buzurj :) or the latter 
signifies smoke in which is no flame : (8, Jel :) 
or smoke that rises high, and of which the heat is 
weak, and which is free from flame : (AHn :) or 
molten jiue : (Bd :) and some read l ^-»*->, which 
is the pi. (Bd.) = See also i^iU>J. 

J.UJ (S, A, K) and * Jluli (S, K) and 

t^UJ (K, but excluded by the TA) Nature; 
natural, or native, disposition or temper or otlier 
quality or property : (S, A, K, TA :) and origin: 
(S, A, TA :) or that to which the origin of a 
thing reaches. (IAar, K.) You say,^^ ^f^i 
^Ullll, (S, A,) and * ,^-UJll, (S,) Such a one 
U generous of nature, kc, and origin. (S, A.) 
=s Sec also c^-U^J, in two places. 


sec ir-a»j, throughout. 

4 i ' 

[^U-i A worher of copper or brass : a copper- 

.^•.U : see 

'i, in two places. 


U,] and [its pi.] ^-*.\y. 

(TA.) In 

1. J^S, aor. : ; (S, A, K ;) and 
aor. i; (K ;) and J-J, like [its contr.] 
(Bd, xvii. 30;) inf. n. [of the first] ^-J and [of 
the second iL^Jj ; (TA ;) lie, or it, was, or 
became, unprosperous, unfortunate, inauspicious, 
or unluchy : (S, A, K:) said of a man, (A, Bd,) 
and of a Btar, (TA,) or other thing. (S, TA.) 

4. jUt i* r *•' The fire had much ^Wi, i.e., 
jimoAe. (IKtt.) 

6 : see 8. 

8. {Jm mJLi\ He became overthrown, or subverted; 
as also ' tr*-U3. And the former is also said of 
a man's JL. [or good fortune]. (A, TA.) 

a •« Unprosperousness, unfortunateness, in- 
auspiciousness, or unluchiness ; contr. of >ju# ; 
(S, A, ?1 ;) of stars, and of other things : pi. [of 
pauc,] ts^toJl and [of mult] tf » y >; (TA;) and 
^U is an irreg. pi. of the same, (TA,) syn. 
with ^5l!i, (IDrd, ?, TA,) which is in like 

the $ur, [liv. 19,] some read, * 
[In an unprosperous day], as well as 
(S, TA :) and AA reads [in the Kur, xli. 15,] 
Z A m ; jXj\ J : and «1>1 t > is another reading. 
(TA.) You also say, * ^^^.li >U and * ^^a-~>, 
meaning, I A year of dearth or drought or sterility: 
(IDrd, K:) so they assert. (IDrd.) And 
t (j 1 » dl is an appellation of The two planets 
Saturn and Mars: (Ibn-Abbad, K :) like as 
[the contr.] o'-**-^' is applied to Venus and 
Mercury. (Ibn-'Abbad.) 

.U A place of unprosperousness, unfortu- 
nateness, inauxpiciousiicss, or unluchiness : pi. 
.l£i. (IJur, p. r»r>.) 

J ^ •-- [A cause of unjrrosperovsness, unfor- 
tunateness, inauspiciousness, or unluchiness: pi., 
accord, to rule, ^^•.U-o]. (A, TA, art. ^-*j .) 

: see (j-^J» m three places. 


> : see tr > 

■'ifc i : s: and lj-U- 

J,UJ (S, K, &c.) and ▼ JLuL. 

(Fr, K) and 

t J.Ui, (K,) the last, (TA,) or all, (K,) on the 
authority of Abu-1- Abbas El-Kawdshec, (K,) a 
word of well-known meaning ; (S ;) Copper: and 
brass; syn. ]Ls : (£:) or jiJ> : (Ibn-Buzurj :) 

or a species of ' jk*o intensely red: (TA :) a chaste 
Arabic word. (TA.) = Also, Mire : (IF, K. :) 
and the sparhs that fall from brass (^i-o), or from 
iron, when it is beaten (AO, K) with the hammer: 
(TA:) or ,^-ULi signifies *mo£e: so in the Kur, 
ly. 35: (Fr, Az, Bd, and others; accord, to Az, 
all the interpreters of the Kur. ; and it is wonder- 
ful that the author of the K has omitted this 

signification: TA :) but some say that it is 

• • ■* • * f 

'u-LJ signifies the smoke of jk-o; and ^UJ 

I cr * ^,^^-+», and 

[^jo—j, &c, 
See Supplement] 

1. «J, [aor., accord, to analogy, :,] inf. n. »J; 
(S, K;) and t 1113 ; (IAar, K ;) He went,^ or 
journeyed, veJtcmently. (IAar, S, K.) — £J, 
aor. i, (L,) inf. n. Lj, (S, L,) He drove, and 
urged, and chid, camels: (L:) tie drove vehe- 
mently. (Th, S.) — tff* £>, (Lth,) [aor. >-,] 
inf. n. Li; (Lth,K;) and y * £li3 ; (AM;) 
and ViJli ; (Lth ;) He chid the cameh by the 

' ' mm 

cry of *.< X} (or £.1 ^J, as in the CK and a 
MS. copy of the K : in the L written once £.1 2l, 
and twice i.\ Xl :) in order that they might lie 
down upon their breasts, with folded legs: (Lth,. 
AM, L, K:) you say IjljjJ. \aJ> \j^j, and 
Sjuj^ ia»i, he did so vehemently. (Lth.) _ 

Also, * y-'^' 1 , ( in ^ n - » '** ' > ^ tn ') *" wa " c a 
camel to lie down upon its breast, with folded legr. 

(IAar, Lth, S, K ; ) — ji^\ ^, and l^ ^3, 
[aor. i,l inf. n. *-i, i/« n»ad« rAe camels to lie 
down near by the collector of the alms required by 



* * * 

the law, called iij^e, that he might take them in 
payment of those alms. (L.) 

11. Q. 1 : see 1. 

R. Q. 2. », '-m, 3 // (a camel) lay down upon 
its breast, with its legs folded. (Ltli, S, K.) _ 
Also, C-a, : «fc . J She, (a camel,) lying upon her 
breast, with her legs folded, raised her breast from 
the ground. (L.) 

1 . 

£j, [originally an inf. n., then used in the 

sense of a pass. part, n.,] Camels that are made 
to lie down near by the collector of the alms re- 
quired by the law, called Sij^>, that he may talic 
them in payment of those alms. (S, K.) 

i j . * * * » g „ „ , J j 

•lJ and »i*.li»j (in the CK ia»U»J) i.q. ^» 

[Marrow, .jr.]. (K.) — ^i 1$ ^ \jl, and 

^^XS * ia.UJ, i.q. ^J3 ^ y j Jt} an J d ; 5 j. <) q v# 

(TA.) ' 

Aa>j or "*iJ or "ikj, as occurring in the 
following words of a trad., iijJo a~L..\\ * ( ^j ) 
[JVo a/m* an required by tlie law in the case of 
. . . .,] is variously explained. (TA.) It is said 
♦that ttJ signifies Stow*, (AO, Az, S, K,) men 
and women: (AO, Az:) also, a [single] male 
slave: (ISli:) also, working bulls or cows; (S, 
K ;) an<l so iLi : (K :) Th says that this is the 
correct meaning, because it is from ~J, signifying 
the "net of driving vehemently ;" and Ks says 
that this is its meaning, hut that it is only <uU, 
with ihttnm : (S :) also, asses, ^L, [in the CK, 
^**-i] ('Aar, L, K,) collectively ; (L;) and so 
imJ (L, K) and <UJ : (K :) also, [animals] reared 
iu houses or tents : (K :) also, whatever are em- 
ployed in labour, of 'camels, and hulls or cons, and 

(WW, and slaves; us also i«i»J : (Aboo-Sa'ecd :) 

* s ' 
also, pastors; and so ia-i : also, drivers, leaders 

or attendants, of camels: (K :) also, the tahing 

of a deendrfor himself by the collector of the alms 

required by the lam, called oijui, (S, K,) after 

he has finished receiving those alms: (S :) also, 

the deendr itself so taken is thus called. '(K.) In 

all these senses the word <Ui»J is explained in the 

above trad. (TA.) 

••J • 3 19. 

i»»j and *a»-> : sec AaVJ throughout. 
4*>U»J : sec *-J. 

accord, to some, in an absolute sense : (ISd :) or 
inivit ferainam peculiari quodam, modo. (ISd, 
K.) — ._..■. , i , aor. i, inf. n. ^..■.J, 7< (an ant, 
or a louse, TA) bit. (K.) = 4-ajJ He was 
cowardly, and his intellect quitted him ; syn. c~». 
(S, art. C~».) — ^j^fi v .a.,; > oi»l£> i" .^o/tc to 
him, and he was unable to reply to me: syn. 
U*&-C^Jk. (TA.) 

4. w^JI (as also vr-a^il, TA) 7/c begot a 

cowardly son : (K :) from yjgV.a. (TA.) 

>t-»- ' * ^« teyo' a brave, or courageous, son : (K:) 
from i^aJ. (TA.) Thus the verb bears two 
contr. significations. (K.) Sec also ^a^JI. 

5 : sec 8. 

8. See l._<ua^L»l [and f <u» ^J, as is shown 
by a verse cited in art ^JU, cpnj. 4,] He chose, 
selected, or preferred, him, or it. (S, K.) Ex. 
^}a-j iU^jill ij* ^^fcJLil //(; c/«we, or selected, 
from the people a hundred men. (TA, from a 

[Book I. 

former the more approved word, (TA,) Chosen; 
choice; select; preferred; excellent; best: or 
what is chosen, Sfc. : (K:) i.q. LaJ, q. v. : (S:) 
pi. of the former ^JJ>. (S.) Ex. ,_-*.' ^ »U. 
^.U^sl He came with the best of his companions. 
(S.) f U«il ijaJ The choice part of the goods, or 
utensils, Sfc. ; what was drawn, or taken, out from 
them. (TA.) — A company, or troop, chosen, 
or selected, and drawn out, from the men. Ex., 
from a trad., i^Jjl ^J U.J1 We went forth 
with the chosen band. (TA.) __ See 



—I Congressum viri concupivit fe- 

mina. (El-Umawce, S, K.) 

* t> - . »* ■ .. 

>t>^ -' > (K,) or " <UaVJ, (L, confirmed by the 

citation of two examples in verse,) and t iiiLLo 
(K) and ij^»-o (L) The podcx : svn. c— >t. (T., 
K.) — >_.iL.i Foramen vulva fertc : syn. Jji- 
^iUI. (TA.) __ a*=lj Foramen pudendi: syn. 
^AaJI J^a.. (Nh.) =: ,_^J Cowardice; weak- 
ness of heart. (TA.) See «, il'-. = ^ > -^'. y | 
large draught ; i.q. Pcrs. ^JU^^i [dost-kancc]. 

tw and w^^.i and ,— * 

La-j The skin of the heart. (TA.) 

see ■_ -ri V 

syn. with w* 1 ^; (TA;) A weak 
man, i« whom is no good: (K :) pi. J,-«.lli, and 
sometimes, in poetry, y^^U*. (TA.) 

Lean; meagre; emaciated. (K.) __ 

vya». v . c : sec 
^j : see , 

aj»3. .;.' : sec ■_ - T, '■ . 

wa^t : sec i 

C^J(S, K)andt^ 
to the TA: in the GK 
the CK * l^LS) and * * 

-J and t 

and * w--»-J and * »_>^--^« and t ^- 4 -.'. a 

1. Jij, (S, K,) aor. :, (S.) or -', (K,) inf. n. 
^JLi; (S, K;) and T^-^JI; (S;) 7/c rfrcm, 
or took, out, or /ortA : (S, K :) syn. of the latter 
•verb e^-il, (?,) in a trans, sense. (TA.) _ 
ju^J> ^ - a- ' He (a hawk) tore om< the heart of 
the game. (TA.) _ «^-jii, aor. ; and i, (K,) 
inf. n. > y «i> ', (S, K,) 7nt'o(< feminam : (S,' K :) so 

j (so accord. 
) and 'i«a«j (iu 
and * ^aVJ (K) 

(§, K) 
and ♦ v>^4', (K,) to which the CK adds *liJ, 
A cowardly man; a coward; as though his 
heart were drawn out; (S ;) i.e., having no heart. 
(TA.) tw-jaVJ ^^ij [.4 cowardly heart] : ,_ -.^, ■ 
signifies a coward, who has no heart : or, accord, 
to some, one who acts corruptly. (TA.) PI. (of 

♦ v ^-Vi,TA,)^: (K:) oft^^a^^al;, 
and sometimes, in poetry, accord, to lAth 
vr-A-U* : and Aboo-Bekr mentions OUaVJ as a 
pi. of JLaJ. (TA.) 

*-a^> : see w«i~> and w-a-j. = aJLoJ i-ij, and 

•*+* a^^J, q- v., ^ bite of an ant. Both these 
modes of writing the word arc mentioned by 
IAth on the authority of Z. 


sec >- ■ !» ., '' and 

!• ^-»-'» "'f- »• Ca»j, 7/e ;>ca,'rf, or picked 
up, and pulled off, or tore off, and snatched away, 
with his beak; syn. jii and liS, (K,) formed by 
transposition. (TA.) _ i^J, [ n0 r. '.,] inf. n. 
* = " i >^» -H* 'oo* " </«/c, or <«•« (/rt/c.v, />„,„ a trf(/ 
or o</te;- receptacle for travelling-provisions ,j-c. 
(K.) — c-i»i, [aor. -,] inf. n. c-1j, He plucked 
out; syn. oL_i. (IAth, L.) = See 2. 

2. u"^ c -= i -^> as also *• C.l j, 7/c wc«« /o 
/Ae trtwmt /rrw^^/i (j^y^aJUwl) in speaking to such a 

one. So in the Nuwadir. (Az, L.) [Accord. 
j, inf. n. c.a., 

to the K, t 


*^»j A^a-i A bite if an ant. So in a trad, 
accord, to one reading: accord, to another readin", 
it is <UaJ [q. v.]. (L.) 


*•*-» ( A «, S, K) and *Llj (AM, K), the 

- o i 

1. al^JI ^L : , (S, K,) and V ^j, (TA,) 
aor. -, inf. n. ^*J, (K,) He agitated, or moved 
about, the bucket ; (S, K ;) a dial, form of LLS>; 
(S ;) or, accord, to Yaakoob, its ^ is substTtuted 
for > : he moved about the bucket in the well in 
order that it might fill. (TA.) __ 1 1 j , (S, K,) 
aor. : (K) and i, (L,) inf. n. 22$, (K,) /n«n< 

feminam. (S, K.) 

Book I.] 

>, (ISk, S, K,) or, accord, to some, » ;») , 
without », (TA,) or, as some say, h i, . »■ » , and 
(says J) I know not which is right, (S,) Thin 
butter which comes forth from t/te shin when it is 
carried on a camel, after the first butter has been 
taken forth. (S, K.) 

1. >J, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. '- (S, Msb, K) 
and ;, (S, K,) inf. n.^riJ, (S, A, Msb, K,) and 

jm~>, (CK, but omitted in MS. copies of the K,) 
said of a horse, (As, TA,) and of an ass, (A, TA,) 
and of a man, (TA ,) [lie snorted ; and he snored;] 
he made a sound, or noise, with the nose; (S;) 
he made a sound, or noise, from his nose; he }>ro- 
longed the breath from (k-^U. [or air-passages 
of the 7iose] ; (Msb;) he made a sound, or noise, 
from his ,«~1L*», as though it were a musical 
note issuing convulsively ; (T A ;) he uttered a 
prolonged sound, or noise, from /i?'s >w iUi.: (A, 
K :) the sound which horses make, termed j^~>, 
is from the nostrils; that termed j~a~±>, from the 
mouth; and that termed jijS», from the chest 
( As, in TA, art. j*-2>.) You also say of a woman 
oJiJ, aor. '- and :, (L,) or -, (so in die TA,) 
meaning, She made the same noise, [i.e., she 
snorted,] in the act of concubitus, as though she 
were possessed. (L, TA.) s=^aU, (S, Msb, K,) 

aor. ;, (Msb, K,) inf. lLjd*i, (Msb,) It (a thing, 
S, or a bone, Msb, TA, and wood, TA) became 
old and wasted and crumbling; (S, Msb, K;) it 
became old and wasted and soft, crumbling when 
touched. (TA.) 

JrfJ (S, Msb, K) and *>.U (Msb, K) A bone, 

(S, Msb,) and wood, (TA,) old and wasted and 
crumbling ; (S, Msb, K ;) old and wasted and 
soft, crumbling when touched: (TA:) fern, of 
eaeli witli »: (K : ) or the former signifies a bone 
old and wasted : (K :) and the latter, a hollow 
bone, hucing a hole passing through it, (K, TA,) 
whence comes, when the wind blows, a sound like 
that which is termed j^j ; [see^ji-j ;] (TA ;) a 
bone into which the wind enters and whence it then 
issues with the sound so tciined ; (S ;) a bone, and 
wood, til which the wind makes the sound so 

termed. (A.) Of the two readings, in the Kur, 

? . * ■? * . . * . 

[Ixxix. 11,] ija»\J UUa£- and Sja*j UUit, Fr 

prefers the former, as agreeable in form with the 
words ending the other verses ; and he says that 

•' *' ' • i-i 

ijaJj and Sja*j arc the same in meaning, like 

£•& and 'fj*. (TA.) 

ij^J t A vehement blowing of the wind. (S, 
A, K) mm Also, (S, A, K,) and ♦ 5>J, (S,) 
The fore part of the nose, (S, K,) i. e., the head 
thereof, [or the flexible part,] of a man, (TA,) 
and of a horse, and of an ass, and of a pig, (S,) 

and of a sheep or goat, and of a she-camel : (TA:) 
or the hole thereof; (K;) i.q. T ^-U: (A:) or 
the part between the two nostrils : or the end, or 
tip, of the nose : (K :) or, as some say, the nose 
itself: (A, TA:) whence the saying, (TA,) 
He broke his nose. (S, TA.) 

9. . 3 9 . I 

it»~> : see S^j. 

ja.\j Making the sound termed j t a~> : see 1. 
(TA.) _>0 g U, (S,K,) i.e., jWW, (A,) 
t There is not any one in it, (El-Bahilce, Yaakoob, 
S, K,) i. e., in the house. (A.) = See also ^a»j. 

> ' 9 t 9 * 

, and 


^o, [the most common form,] originally, The 
place of the sound termed j-««~>. See 1. (Msb.) 
__ And hence, (Msb,) The hole of llie nose; the 
nostril; (S, Msb, K;) as also t j *. : ,», (T, S, 
Msb, K,) with kesr to the j. to agree with the 
vowel of the «-, like as they say ^j^u [for ij^u], 
(S, Msb,) both of which words are extr., as JjuLo 
is not one of the [regular] measures, (S,) and it 
is said that there is no word of this measure beside 

these two, (Msb,) or *ja. ;.« is for * j* * - •<, and 

* • • • 

in like manner ^jS^t, is for k >~^-», which is the 

original form, (T, TA,) and <^t and ~ja~U (K\ 

/ 9 J 9 J 9 I 9 3 

and *j$i^«, (S, Msb,K,) like jyuoft (Msb) and 

<i J 9 J 1 « ' 

J^JU, (K, [in the CK, erroneously, J>JU>]) 
which last is [said to be] of the dial, of Teiyi, (Msb,\ 
and said to occur in a verse of Ghcylun, but IB 
says that the right reading is jy***, with m-, syn. 
with j^J : (Sgh, in art. j»~> ; and L, in the 
present art.) pl.^6.Lu and ^^U*; (Msb;) [the 

9 • 9 3 9* 

latter irreg., unless pi. e>i'j, ± . ■< . orj ^T i '- » .] 

• *m m 

A man who makes the sound termed 

[sec jti-J] in the act of concubitus : (TA :) and a 
woman who does so in that act, as though she were 
)>ossessed. (K.) 



Q. 1. ^'j*"'' I* ( a canker-worm) pierced holes 
in, or eroded, a tree. (K.) IJ derives this verb 

from vI^-j ( TA ») 1- v - 

^jjaJt ; (S, K;) mentioned in the K without 
descrijition of its measure because there is no 

9 3 9' 

Arabic word of the measure J^ijti ; but some 
prefer it being written ^>^yiJ>, [as it is in the 
CK,] asserting its O t0 De augmentative, so that 
its measure is JywJ, as IAar holds, asserting it 
to be derived from.wjl^»-; (TA;) A fissure, or 
cleft, in a stone. (S, K.) — Also, [so in the 


TA : in the CK and a MS. copy, or,] A hole, 
perforation, or bore, in anything. (K.) PI. 
wo,U»i. (S.) _ Also, the pi., The holes, or 
cells, jrrepared with wax for the bees to deposit 
their honey therein: (K:) holes like the cells of 
wasps. (L.) 

9,-9, 93.9. 

^yj±~> [i. q. >Z>yfjaJi] An excellent, nimble, or 
agile, she-camel. Some say that its ^j is aug- 
mentative, and its radical letters are «-)j^ ; but 
its derivation from »->!>»• is not apparent; there- 
fore its ij should be considered as radical. 

«;a~i, and <L^a^U, A tree that is old 
and pierced with holes. (K.) 

1. rt.„s.'>, aor. i , (S, A, Msb, K,) and ; , (Lh, 
S, A, Mgh, K,) and ; , (Lh, TA,) inf. n. JJLJ, 
(S, Mgh, Msb,) He goaded, or pricked, him, 
namely, a beast, (A, Mgh, Msb, K,) with a stick 
(S, Mgh, Msb, K,) or the like, (A, Mgh, Msb, K,, 
*n the hinder part, or the side, (A, K,) so that he 
became excited. (Msb.) _ aj t^-i-J He goaded 

his beast. (Mgh.) aj I>11j, (A, L, TA,) 

or tjmiLi, (K,) They goaded his (a man's) beast, 
and drove him (the man) away; (A, L, TA ;) 
they drove him away, goading his camel with 

3 A . . . 

him. (K.) _ And J^-JW u-^-J t He excited, 
or roused, the man, and disquieted, or disturbed, 
him. (L, TA.) _ You say also, t\> ♦ tr^i-Jl, 

3 -.9$ 

meaning, »»u^\ J [He put him, or sent him, away, 
or far away]. (A, TA.) [Or perhaps the right 
reading is aj (^-»JI , meaning, ojju\ [Put thou 
him, or send tlwu him, away, or far away : 
as seems to be indicated by what immediately 
follows in those two works and here.] And 
<V lj.. ni. ;i ^»XO t [ a PP- meamng / He spoke, and 
they put him away], (A, TA.) 

4 : see 1. 

9 . * 9 . . . 

<L<U»J and i_U»J The trade of selling beasts : 

and the trade of selling slaves. (K.)" 

• i . 
urtlaiaJ A goader of beasts. (Msb.) — - And 

hence, (S,*A,*Msb,) Aseller of beasts; (K ;) one 

who acts as a broker for tlie sale of beasts (Mgh, 

Msb) and the like : (Msb :) and a seller of slaves ; 

(K ;) sometimes used in the latter sense : (TA :) 

a genuine Arabic word. (IDrd.) 

[ytaJ, &c 

See Supplement] 

-- Z. 

1. jj, aor. -, inf. n. jJ (S, M, A, Ac.,) and 

iljJ and ijju (S, M, L, K) and jujJ ; (M, L, 

Mfib, K;) and t^UJ ; (M, L ;) He (a camel) took 
fright, or shied, and Jlcd,or ran away at random , 
or became refractory, and went away at random ; 



or ran away, or broke loose, and went hither and 
thither by reason of his sprighthness. (S, M, A, 
L, Msb, $.) See also 6, below. — Abo jJ , 
contr., It (a people) assembled. ('Inayeb, MF.) — 
Jj It (a word) deviated from the constant course 
of speech ; like jki ; as some say ; as mentioned 
by El-Fdrisee : but it is not of good authority, 
nor agreeable with the usage of Sb. (M, L.) 

2 : see 4. = * S> , inf. n. ju jjS , He raised his 

voice. (L.) _ jju lie raised his voice in saying 
of another that which he (the latter) disliked. (Lth, 
in L, art. jui.) See 4 in art. j^i. — <u >Jj, 
(inf. n. jujuJ, L.) He declared, or exposed, his 
vires, or faults; (M, L, KL;) in verse or prose; 
(M, L ;) he rendered him notorious, or infamous. 
(AZ, S, L.) _ 7/c marfe him to hear what was 
bad, evil, abominable, or foul : ( AZ, T, M, L, K.) 
Ac reviled him. (AZ, T, L.) 

3. o*\i He opposed him, oppugned him. (L, K.) 

4. jul and • jjj He diyiersed camels. (M, 

6. ijiUJ TViey dispersed themselves, and betook 
themselves away. (K.) [See also 1.] Hence, 
jU3l >^j (S, M, L, K,) [The day of men's dis- 
persing themselves, and betaking themselves in 
different directions], applied to the day of resur- 
rection: (M, L:) so in the KLur, [xl. 34,] accord, 
to the reading of some ; (S, M, L, KL ;) namely 
El-Abbas and others: (KL :) Az says, accord, to 
the reading of Ed-Dahhuk only: (L:) others 
read jLjJI ; which may also be from ju ; one 
of the dais being changed into ^j, and being then 
elided : (T, L :) or this may be from iUllt : 

(M :) or ^l— : II jtyt may mean the day of men's 
assembling themselves together, from «ki signifying 
"it (a people) assembled." ('Iniiyeh MF.) 

jj (and " ju, M, L,) A certain hind of per- 
fume, (S, M, L, K.,) well known, (KL,) with 
which one fumigates : (Lth, M, L :) a certain 
wood with which one fumigates : (Msb:) or, as 
some say, i.q. i^)U: or, as Z says, in the Rabeea 
el-Abrar, a compound of aloes-wood aromatized 
with musk and ambergris and &\j : (TA :) or 
(accord, to Aboo-Amr Ibn-El-Ala, T, L) am- 
bcrgris, j-ift : (T,L:) or j^c [i.e., either saffron, 
or a certain mixture of perfumes : so in the copy 
of the T used by the author of the TT, if correctly 
transcribed by him:] it is not Arabic: (S :) or 
is thought by IDrd to be not genuine Arabic: 
(M, L,) many of the lexicologists, however, hold 
it to be genuine Arabic; and it occurs in verses 
of old poets; (MF;) but this does not, prove 
that it is not an arabicized word. (TA.) = jj 
A high liill ; (KL ;) a MB rising high into the sky : 
(S, L :) of the dial, of El- Yemen : (L-.) a great 
hill (3L^>'\) of clay or bam. (K.) 

*** ***** »1T - - 

jj and * jjJj and » » ju ju A like (S, L, K) 
of a person or thing: (L:) or a like of a thing 
by participation of substance ; a more special term 
than JjLo , which signifies " a like by participa- 
tion of anything :" (the kadee Zekereeya, MF :) 
or a thing which does, or may, supply, the place 
of another thing : (TA :) or a like that is con- 
trary, or opposed, to another thing ; (Msb ;) 
that opposes it (»jU»^> , i. e., »v*)U»j,) in Us cvr- 

cumstances ; (L ;) syn. with «>-i and *-i : 
( Akh :) and hence the first is applied to an idol; 
a thing taken as an object of worship instead of 
the true God: (L:) pi. of the first, jljol ; (L, 
Msb, K ;) and of the second, lljjJ ; and of the 
third, julJJ. (K.) You say, o^* JJyk.and 

* ' 

*jujJ, and ajjujJ, JIc is the like of such a one : 

(L:) and l&ji Ju ^, (ISh, L, K,) She is the 

like of such a female; (ISh, L;) but not yj^i jj. 

(ISh, L, KL.) You also say ^jj y», and ^jjjj, 
meaning He is my oj>ponent with respect to the 
course that I would jmrsue, contending with me 
for a different course. (AHeyth, T, JL) = 

See ju . 

• a, 

ijjj A she-camel wont to lake fright, or shy, 

and runaway, at random; <)'r. : seel. (M, L.) 

• « - - S 

JujJ and Sju jj : sec jj . 

* r ' 

}K>, act part. n. of jj, A camel taking fright, 

or shying, and running away, at random ; tifc. : 

• . * " 

pi. }\jj : (Msb, TA :) and quasi pi. n. jju ; 

(L ;) signifying camels in a state of disjKrsion. 
(L, K.) =s jO <0 J-J He has not any means of 
subsistence: (K:) app. meaning live stock ; from 
jj, said of a camel. (TA.) — [See also ili, 
and ejwl.] 

$ .t %• * * " 

juilil j^o, and %*iiUj, Birds in a state oj 

dispersion: (M, L:) [like juiV and ju>Wi or 

jujU : see an ex. in art. ju]. — jujlil l^*i, 

and JJiUj, (L, and some copies of the J£,) or 

ju^UJ, (as in other copies of the K,) They (a 
people, L) became dispersed in every direction. 

i.>^« A voice rawcrf Au;A t'n calling. (L.) 


1. Iju, aor. r, 2fe hated a thing: or it is a 
mistake for IJ^. (As, S, Kl.) = IjJ, (S, K,) 
aor. : , inf. n. ?jj (TA) He cast flesh-meat 
into the fire: (K:) or he buried it, (S, K,) or 
a cake of bread, (S,) in hot ashes, (S, K, TA,) 
that it might become thoroughly cooked, or 
baked. (S.) = 'ijJ, (K.) inf. n. VjJ, (TA,) 
He frightened. (K.) = Iju He cast a person 
«/)on <A« ground. (K..) aes^^JL* Uu 2Te come 

[Book I. 

/or«A u;«m them. ($.) e= iUJI IjJ ife nuae, 
or prepared, the kind of fire called iU . (^.) 

Q. Q. 1. Ij^J, inf. n. »b>i, He ran, with a slack 
pace : syn. Ijlc. (BL) 

■(•• Mai 

3iju: see »ljj. 

•« •> . ««•» 

Sljj and T »ljj Abundance of wealth, or o/" 

camels, or sheep &c. :(S,K!:)likei*jLi and iAji : 
(S :) by some explained as consisting of twenty 
sheep or /7oa<s. (MF.) = Abo, both words, 
The rainbow : (S, K :) also called ♦ tjjjj . (K.) 
__ Also, both words, A redness in the clouds 
towards the setting or rising of the sun : (K. :) 
or a redness by the side of the sun at its rising or 
setting : (TA :) or, by the side oftlie place of its 
rising or setting : (T :) also called ♦ J^jJ. (]£.) 

— Also, both words, A halo, or circle, round 

the sun or moon. (K.) _ Also, the former word, 


iljj, J A streak in flesh-meat, differing in colour 

from the rest : (K :) such a streak in the flesh of 
a slaughtered camel: (T:) and, in the dual, 
two streaks inside the two thighs, having over 
them a thin, white, sineiry substance, resembling a 
spider's iveb, divided, one from the other, by a 
single muscle, and thus appearing like two muscles : 
asserted by more than one to be tropical. (TA.) 
__ What is above the nuvel, in a horse. (K!.) 
= A woollen thing, (TA,) also called ie-.jj, 
which i* stuffed into the fuel of a she-camel, [and 
into her vulva, us explained voce a».j},] and 
which is afterwords taken out when she has taken 
a liking for another camel's colt, (K,) or for the 
stuffed skin of a camets colt prejiared for her. 
(IAar.) [See i».jj for a more full explanation.] 
= One oj several parts or portions of scattered 
herbage: (like JliJ : (TA :) also called * SljJ : 
pl.UJ. (£.) 

iljj : see preceding sentence. 

* ' * 

J^jJ, a subst., like * -* ♦ » » [or rather an 

epithet in which the quality of a substantive 

predominates,] Flesh-meat, or bread, cooked, or 

baked, by being buried in hot ashes. (IAth, S.) 

• * • • * • 

J^jiJ jfmJ Flesh-meat cooked, or baked, £c. 

(TA.) _ [See also ilju, in two places.] 

1. pp^S,, (S,) or f$l J\ t , aor. i , (Msb, 

K,) inf.n. ^>St; (Msb, TA;) and ? ajjlUI 
j*')} ; this latter verb being used transitively 
as well as intransitively; (Msb;) He, or 
it, called, summoned, or invited, him to the 
thing ; (S, Msb, K ;) and instigated, incited, or 
urged, him to it: (KL.) i.e., to war, succour, 
&c. (TA.) — [You say,] U jj ^'Jj U 
dU , m*m£\ "i)J wJU* t Nothing incited me to do 
what I have done but sincerity towards thee. (TA.) 

— >•' i^i *J-^, [and j^^J ; and v <^jj ; ( 8e e 
^_>j jj-o ;)] 77« *cn< At»» to do a thing. (KL.) ._ 
w>-*ll w»Jj, (aor. i, inf.n. «_>jJ, S,) J 2f» 

Book I.] 

mailed for, wept for, or deplored the loss of, the 
dead man, and enumerated his good qualities and 
actions. (S, K.) v,«ljl «^i J She (a wailing 
woman) called upon the dead man, praising him, 
and saying slj^ljlj and «U*t^, Alas for such a 
one ! and Alas for thee ! (M) or she, as it were, 
called upon the dead man, enumerating his good 
qualities and actions, as though he heard her. 
(Msb.) It is said that the action is peculiarly 
that of women ; and that the verb is derived 
from 4-iju, " he called him " to do a thing ; or 

from wjjJ, " a scar," because the wailer mentions 
the memorials of him who has gone ; or perhaps 
from v^> " lightness, or activity." (MF.) s= 
^jju, aor. : , (inf. n. «_>.jJ,TA;) and '.^JljI; // 
(a wound) had a hardened scar, such as is termed 
4jjJ. (K.). — oju, aor. :, inf. n. «_).*} [so 
accord, to the TA, agreeably with analogy ; but 
in the CK and a MS. copy, ^>jj ; whence, and 
from the form of the latter of the two inf. ns. 
here following, it seems not improbable that the 
verb may be also written _>ju ;] and ajojJ and 
wi^jj, It (»he back) had upon it scars, such as 
are termed wJjjo. (K) = wJu, aor. I , inf. n. 
ill jJ, TA,) //c wos iftjr/tf, or active, (and quick, 
TA,) »fl //<« accomplishment of affairs, or wants: 
he iras deter, ingenious, or acttfa in mind; ex- 
cellent. (K.) 

2. w>-^ -^ c faw»i g" f > or *W«j « '«•'<, wager, or 
rta/fc (L.) __ Sec 1. 

4. djjLJl It (n wound) made, or /i;/?, a scar 

«/)on ftfV«. (K.) _ i/e mflrffl a scar upon his 
skin. (TA.) _ See «_>jj. _ 'jy^ «-»«*Jl, and 
»rvJ» ^j*, He, or if, left scars (^jlJ) «;)on An 
back. (TA.) — Ijuji. LIj^I i»-UJt «£jjl J 77ic 
thing, or leant, made a severe impression upon 
him. (TA.) <>.,,«'■ ojjI, and <>.■,*;,», lie exposed 
himself to jmril. (K.) = See 1. 

8. <0 w>ju_ll ZZis answered, or complied with, 
or obeyed, his call, summons, or invitation, (S,) 
enrf hastened to him, when called to war, succour, 
&c. (TA.) — 41^1 ^ l^i. J^ ill v j£JI 
(occurring in a trad., TA,) God answereth his 
prayer for forgiveness [who goeth forth to fight 
fur the suite of his religion] : or is surety, or 
guarantee, for him : or hasteneth to grant him 
a good recomptwut : or graciously maketh his 
completion of that [recompense] to him necessary 
and sure. (K.) — aJ\ byjujl They hastened 
to him, cither at his call, or summons, or 
of their own accord. (TA.) __ ^jju_>l U JuL 
Take thou what is easily attainable; what offers 
itself without difficulty : (AA, K :) as also U 
>*J^-»I. (TA.)__ Seel=s*i w>jkij| lie opposed 
him in his speech. (K.) = ^Ijt cLi^^&bl 

V^i (J' i>* •>* ^ **U Beware of giving your 
children to a bad nurse; for it [that is the evil 

consequence, or the bad qualities that will be 
acquired,] mill inevitably appear some day. Said 
by 'Omar. (TA.) 

w»»*j A man who is light, or active, (and 
quick, TA,) in the accomplishment of an affair, 
or a ivant; (S, K;) as also * ^jl» (K) and 

LT***? : C** a man who, when he is sent to 
accomplish a great, or an important, affair, finds 
it light to him : (A :) clever, ingenious, or acute 
in mind; excellent: pi. o^Jj and jQjJ : (K :) 
the former agreeable with analogy; the latter 
formed from the imaginary sing, s^JJ ; like 

iU~»-, pi. of^«,. (TA.) ,_jjJ, as applied 

to a horse, Sharp-spirited; (Lth, S;) contr. of 
^> (Lth) excellent. (TA.) v jj Lightness, 

or ortfnVy. (MF.) — P'i^Jt ^ WJ3 Jlljl 
[/ .we thee to be clever in accomplishing affairs, 
or wants. (A.) s= See yjj. 

v_*>j, (S, K,) and, by poetical licence, ♦ »_jjj, 
(MF,) The *car, (S,) or scars, (K,) o/« »t-ou»^, 
(S, K,) not rising above the surrounding skin : 
(S :) accord, to the K, pi. 3ujJ [which is written 
in several MS. copies of the K S^jS ; and so in 
the CK; but this, accord, to the TA, is in- 
correct;] but it is a coll. gen. n., of which the 
n. un. is iSjJ, like as oJ»S is that «f j^. i • 
(MF:) pi. ^.IjJI and 1i$jJ : (K :) the former 
ofw»JJ agreeably with analogy: the latter dcv. 
with respect to analogy; or pi.' of «_; jS. (MF.) 
— wj^j is also applied, in a trad., to the 
t Marks made by Moses' smiting the stone [from 
which, thereupon, water flowed forth] ; these 
marks being thus likened to the scars of wounds. 
(TA.) __ «-JJu is also employed to signify 
I Scars upon men's reputation. A poet says, 

what is staked at a shooting match, or a race, 
and taken by the winner: (S,» K,» L:) pi. 4>&l. 

(Msb.) So in the following phrases li^i 

v»-»j [Between them is a bet, or wa(7er].__>lil 
V^ vjlc O^* [SmcA a ow> stood to a bet, 
wager, or stake]. (TA.) 'Orweh says, 

A people upon whose reputation I will leave scars, 
the effects of my satires. (TA.) = ,_>jj The 
direction in which one shoots an arrow or 
arrows: syn. ^i,. (So in the S and the CK 
and several MS. copies of the K : in other copies, 
fjiij The act of shooting an arrow or arrows. 
Both these readings arc correct accord, to the 
TA. See below.) o^'Sj j) ijjj ^^jjl ZTe 
*/iO< an arrow or arrows in one direction or j'n 
<roo directions: syn. i>-v»-j jl ly»-j. (TA.) „_ 

lj» >»^j U^jJ (said by those who are to contend 
at a shooting-match, TA,) The day of our com- 
mencing shooting shall be such a day. (K.) This 
confirms the assertion in the TA, that \>£ is 
syn. with j>ij, as well as with ^j. In the 
Turk. K, in the place of UJlJuJl"^, we find 

Lj<1.»wl ^»^j ; and Freytag adopts the latter 
reading; but I find no other authority for it.] 

[Shall Mogtcmm and Zeyd perish, and I not 
stand to a stake, some day, when I hare the soul 
of one who makes his life a stake to his adversary 
and sallies forth against him ?] These two were 
his ancestors. (S.) Or, accord, to Az, who reads 
«iUyj|, they were two tribes. (TA.) 

• * . 
s~>Jo : see %^jjJ. 

• # •» 

i> jj [a fern, epithet] Any camel's foot, or hoof, 

[meaning any camel, or hoofed beast,] that does 
not remain in one state. (K.) 

!'• ' 

Ajjj,a subst., A call; a summons; an in- 
vitation to do a thing. (Msb.) _ Ajju: a subst., 
I The act of wailing for, weeping for, lamenting 
or deploring the loss of, one who is dead, as 
described in the explanations of C-ZoJI 6jJ, and 

a-V^j. (S, K, M, Msb.) [iiJuJI Ha The » 

of lamentation]. = i^ Jj ^^ An Arabian of 
chaste speech ; (K;) eloquent. (TA.) 

• * 

<i~i-*>> (K,) or t^jjj^L,) A back having 

upon it scars, such as are termed «_jjjJ: (L, K :) 
the former epithet is also applied in the 6anie 
sense to a wound : and, so applied, is also ex- 
plained by the word L> 3 £~» : (TA:) [app. mean- 
ing that will be wailed for, or deplored; i.e., 

•ViU I A wailing woman ; or one wailing for, 

weeping for, or dejiloring the loss of, one who is 

dead, as described in the explanations of «_>.*J 

C~»M,and<wjJ: (M, Msb:) pi. vi'y- (M?b.) 

~ a 
OWIJ-JI a name given to Two bad marks in 

horses. (TA.) 

A place to which one is called, sum- 
moned, or invited. Hence w^jJ^JI ^jC [The 
Strait Bab cl-Mendeb, or The Strait of the Place 
of Summons :] so called because a certain king 
summoned a number of men to break through 


the mountain there, which originally opposed a 
barrier to the sea, in order to drown his enemy ; 
and this they did, thus overwhelming with the 
waters many cities and towns with their in- 
habitants, and forming the sea which intervenes 
between El- Yemen and Abyssinia, and which 
extends to 'Eydhaband Kuseyr [ice.]. (Ynakoot.) 
This king was Alexander the Greek ! (TA.) [It 

_ v*"' -^ bet) wager, stake, or thing wagered; j is probable that the appearance of the Strait gave 


rise to this story, and thus to its name : but it is 
also probable that the name may signify The 
Strait oftlie Place of Wading for the Dead ; as 
many perish who go forth from it.] 


j _>~o : see j j-> . 

• i .1 * It- 

w>ju4 : sec _>5 ->~°. 

^.•jj j 4 One *cn* <o c/o o </tin# ; a mes- 
scnger ; an envoi/; an ambassador. (TA.) — 

• 1 • it- * -3 l " * * '* ' CI 1 

a o»ic M*e/i< (0 do a great thing ; or to perform an 

t.a.t it • 

important affair. (A.) _ _ " i/jLi* an appellation, 
given by the people of Mekkeh to their Envoys, 
or ambassadors, to the palace of the Khaleefeh. 
(TA..) — ^)J^-o Desired; sought; sought after; 
as the name of a certain horse it is thus ex- 
plained : from v^ > M signifying " a pledge 
that is given on the occasion of a race." (L.) — 

.^jJuU: see C-1»JI VJ^ : A tmn o bewailed, [or 
complained of as painful,] with the exclamation 
qf<i or \' y 01 or Alas ! (KT.) [The name of 
the thing thus bewailed, or complained of, has 
always an I of prolongation and » annexed to it, 

or the I only.] .^juU, originally *Jj v>*~»> 

A thing to the performance of which one is called, 
summoned, or invited : (Msb:) [hence,] approved: 
(&:) a signification verified by the doctors of prac- 
tical law: (TA:) a thing the doing of which is more 
excellent than the leaving it undone, in the eye of 
the prescriber of the law, but which it is allowable 
to have undone. (KT.) [Frcytag, in quoting 

* * * * 

the original words, omits <JUu before U~*-lj.J 

\±A^> J>, (A, L, &c.,) and t c— J^l, (TA,) 
The sheep, or goats, became dispersed from, 
(S, K,) ort'n, (A, L, &c.,) their nightly resting- 
places, and became distended by repletion. (S, 
A, L, K.) 

8 : see 5. 

[Book I. 

9. <ulx> w-JJl, inf. n. «.Wj>jI, His belly became 
distended by reason of repletion. (S.) This, says 
IB, is its. proper art., not art ».,>• (TA, art. «o, 
in which J also mentions it.) P says, that J is 

in error in mentioning this verb, as also in men- 

Di' * .I * - • . 

tioning <uku »-Ijj1, inf. n. -.\>jj\, in the present 

art. ; the proper place of the former being in art. 
-O ; and that of the latter, in art. *-)* : but MF 
says, that J has merely mentioned them here be- 
cause of the resemblance of their radical letters 
and significations to the radical letters and sig- 
nifications belonging to this art. (TA.) 

i t- . * »' . *- >'- ^ • "" 

-.jLJ and v p.jLJ (K) and ' S» and »~>1U 

(S) Spaciousness; roominess; width; amplencss 
(L, K.) = Also, * LjJ (S, K) and ^jJ and 

*t'*' ,*!'•' i*-' *• * i ♦ • 'if * 

T di*.jj and v 4*.ju and " <xa-^ .x~e and * -~j~~-e 

(K) A spacious, roomy, wide, or ample, tract of 

t - Jt - ••( , 

land; (S, K;) as also «»jjU* uoj\ : (L:) and 



1. <t».jJ, aor. i, (A, K,) inf. n. ?-•»■>; on< l 
ti».i,(A,) inf. n. Ijjli; (TA;) He made 
it (a place, A) spacious, roomy, wide, or ample. 
(A, K.) — Hence the saying of Umm-Selemeh 
to 'Aishch, (when she desired to go forth to 
El-Basrah, TA,) yl ilL'i J&\ '^L 'Ji 
t\ L a ~ 'j- '"> , i.e., [7'Ae Kur-dn hath drawn together, 
or contracted, thy skirt ; therefore] do not widen 
it, (§, L, K,) or do not spread it abroad, (L,) 
by thy going forth to El-Basrah: (S, L, K:) 
the pronoun » refers to the word J->i : the 
Bpeaker alluded to the words of the Kur-dn, 

, m A -- - - • 4 ** * - t- , 

[xxxiii. 33,] o+J* % O*^** ^ OAs- 
(L.) Accord, to one relation, the last words are 
4«t».ju3 ^), i.e., do not open it. (S.) — _ «^-»->j 

i».« Jul ioU-JI The ostrich excavated and made 

' ' '* 
wide a hollow place for her eggs. (A.) — w^il 

.' j-* , * He became possessed of wealth like the 

dust, and enlarged his mode of life, and scattered 
his property. A proverb. (MF, from Meyd.) 

2 : see 1. 

3. a<»oU IIeriedwithhim,orcontended with him 
for superiority, in multitude, or abundance. (R.) 

5. W-^lJ* O* ^' <^*->£> » (§> K ») or 

-_jki^» a spacious, roomy, wide, or ample, place : 
(S:) pi. (of the first and second words, TA) 
lljjl ; (S, K ;) and pi. of <U.>l£«, ?-i>}^>> an(1 
by poetic licence ^olH ; (TA ;) which is allow- 
able also in other cases than those of poetical 
licence: (MF;) and it ( r *U*) also signifies 

deserts; or icatcrless deserts. (S.)^Also" w->U }\j 

. • - -»i * i - - 

A wide valley. (L.) *— jkiu jtjJI »JJk ^J> ■ixl 

Thou hast ample space, or room, in this house. 

(A.) * a^juUjV^I IJuk v >c (jJ, and ▼ ~-±i^>, 

I have ample sco/ie, freedom, or liberty, to avoid 
this thing, or affair: (S, L:) or I have that 
which renders me in no need of this thing, or affair. 

(L.) — *r>J£i\ t >«Ta». 5 j-i*J 1 >»jjUji ijf oJ» L a 

trad.,] Verily, in oblique, indirect, ambiguous, or 

equivocal, modes of speech, is ample scoj>e, freedom, 

or liberty, to avoid lying : (S, L :) or, that which 

renders one in no need of lying : (L :) one should 

- j • j - 1 1 - 

not say i»^jbU, (TA,) nor i*.}^***. (S.) — 

l-jj and t «.jj also signify Multitude; copious- 
ness; abundance. (L, K.) — Also, The face of 
a mountain, or part which faces the spectator, 

above its foot, or base ; (K ;) its side, or extremity, 

• -tt 
which inclines to width : (TA:) pi. ~\ji\. (K.) 

~jj ^1 Aeary thing ; syn. jiJ. (K.) — Also, 
C » * 

.4 thing that one sees from afar. (K.) 

jj,i«-Jo ) i».jJ,--iU,4».jj-^»,«.^li«:see--jj. 


4a._)jJI ^i wide hollow place excavated by an 
ostrich for Iter eggs. (A.) 

1. JjJ, (T, S, M, &c.,) aor. '., (S, M, Msb,) 
inf n. jji, (S.) or J 5 jJ, (M, Msb, K,) [which 
latter is the more common, if not the only right, 
form,] It fell, (T, M, Msb, K,) or went, or came, 
out, or forth, from another thing, or from other 
things, (Msb,) or from amid a thing, (T,) or 
from the inside of a thing, (T, M, K,) or from 
among things, so as to be apparent, or standing 
out to view ; (M, K ;) it fell, and became apart, 
fell off, fell out, or went, or came, out, or forth, 
from the generality of things, or the general as- 
semblage, main body, bulk, or common mass, to 
which it pertained, or from other things : (S, TA:) 
or, [in some cases,] simply, it fell, or dropped. 

(TA.) 4-4* ,>o j£ H' 7cettt f orth l and be ~ 

came separated] from his people. (Msb.) And 
x^i ^j^tjjj He went forth from his house or tent. 
(A.) I heard one say to his wife, (JJJJI [Go 
thou forth and be separate : app. meaning, be thou 
divorced]. (Z, in the A, immediately following 
what here immediately precedes.) _ >a MaM jjJ, 
(A,) or axJ>'^» £y» }^>, (Msb,) The bone became 
dislocated or displaced. (A, Msb.) It is said of 

j -A - - - -- - - - * - 5 * 

a man, in a trad., «U-iJ j^i j»-\ Jj u«ae [or, 

• -- - 
accord, to another relation, OjjJ, meaning, He 

bit the arm, or hand, of another, and his central 
incisor dropped out]. (TA.) — >/»>-£> jj* j5U» j JJ 
A bird dropped and alighted from a tree. (TA.) 
__ jI»JI J>* jjU jjj 4 prominence jrrojectcd, or 
jutted out, from the mountain. (A.) _ ^>Lot 
4*lyJI jj^ J^iaJI ^Wl TVte ra/rt /ett w/wm */te 
dry herbage and the fresh herbage came forth. 
(A.) And C>Ud1 jjj 7V/f /(/oh/ ;*«/ _/br/A id 
/cai-e.< (M, K)from its uppermost branches. (M.) 
And L^i '" Ojjo The tree produced its <Lo^». 
[q. v.] ; (M, K ;) which is the case when the 
camels are able to pasture upon them: (M:) or 
became green. (Sgh, K.) —^* ^5* j-*j> or t^ i '> 
(IKtt,) and aXai ^y, (Msb,) I He outwent others 
[or became extraordinary] (IKtt, Msb) t'« hnow- 
ledge or science, or t'« excellence, (IKtt,) and in 
his excellence. (Msb.) _>OIOI j jJ, J inf. n. eljjj, 
(Msb, TA,) X The speech, or language, was extra- 
ordinary or strange, [with respect to usage or 
analogy or both]: (TA:) it was the contr. of 

chaste : (Mz, 13th 'cy :) [but this explanation 
requires restriction ; for what is extraordinary 
with respect to usage is the contr. of chaste ; but 
many a word that is extraordinary with respect 
to analogy is more chaste than a cognate word 
agreeable with analogy : hence the above phrase 
is also explained as signifying] the speech, or lan- 
guage, was chaste and good. (Msb.) 

4. »j«wl, trans, of jju, He made it to fall, or 
to go, or come, out, or forth, from another thing, 

Book I.] 

or from other things ; [&c. : see 1 :] (Msb :) he 
made it to fall. (S, K.) You say, »±i «->■* 
UJjJU ufl*.".' 1 . 1 [He struck his arm, or hand, with 
i/te sword, and made it to fall.] (S.) And jOi' 
|jk£> v t'»n ^y> \[He made such a thing to 
fall out, he threw it out, from the reckoning']. 
(S.) And iJjJt ^i ij»£jl jJ^I I A« threw out ' 
or rejected, the young camel* in the mulct for 
homicide. (A.) [See also 6.] And^A^jJJ' 
Ijib <0U I //« took forth (L^L\)from him, of his 
property, such a thing. (M, K, TA.) And 
JU ^* O*^* ■*! <^>*^ * J censed [the hand of] 
such a one to cease from freely disposing of my 
property. (A.) — jJj» He said, or did, some- 
thing extraordinary, or strange. (IKtt.) 

6. l^pUJ [They mutually threw out, or rejected, 
a thing from a reckoning]. A poet (namely 
Aboo-Kebecr El-IIudhalcc, TA) says, 

• ^jii\ J& hi& ''^ 'i'5 * 

[FFAen <Ae courageous men covered with arms 
mutually throw out from the reckoning the piercing 
of the kidneys, as the young camels fall out 
from the reckoning in the doubled compensation] : 
he says, that their blood is suffered to be shed un- 
revenged, like as the young camels are thrown out 
from the account in the mulct for homiciilc : 
(S, TA :) meaning, that tlie pierced kidneys are 
thrown out from the reckoning, like as the young 
camel is thrown out, and not reckoned, in the 
mulct for homicide that is doubled time after 
time. (IB, TA.) — l£j£ pl£ O"^ ( A , TA) 
J Such a one comes to u* [rarely, or] sometimes. 

10. Jj^I CtjjXJ*] The camels sought after the 
leaves that had come forth upon the uppermost 
branches of the plants, to eat them, and applied 
themselves diligently to them : (M :) [or you say,] 
OUJI C-jjTv 1 they sought after the plants, to 
eat them, and applied themselves diligently to them. 
(TA.) And «^J»Jj» jJ^i J^ 1 [ The cameh] 
seek after the fresh herbage leisurely, and by 
degrees, or repeatedly. (A.) [The original sig- 
nification of j jJJ~j\ seems to be He desired to find 
a thing or things in a separate or scattered state; 

or to single out.] »J3l IjjJUZ-l t They tracked 

his footsteps. (A.) 

Sjju and » sJjJ, with fet-h and damm, are 
substs. from ,'jJ, [signifiying The state of being 
apart from, or out of, the generality, or main 
body ; &c. : __ and hence, I Extraordinariness ; 
rareness.] (Msb.) You say, ^ *5l J& O& <) 
ij'^JI.ortVJI^, andtlJaU % (Msb,) and 
SJ^JI ^ "Jt JUi *& *$, (A,) I That will not be, 
(Msb,) and that will not happen, (A,) save [extra- 
ordinarily; or rarely; or once] in, or during, the 

- n <■•'.'. 
space of [several] days; syn. ^dU^I c>*-> *>•«»• 

(Msb.) And JjjJI £> SjjJI ^ JH}> o£>- &| 
t 27*at «, or roi/J be, only once in whiles. (TA.) 
And t£i Z$, (M, K,) and SpJl ,_,», (S, M, 
K,) and t jjjjjl ^J , (S, TA,) and * iy.£\ ,/, 
(TA,) and t ^ji (M, K) and ^] JJ ^s, (S, K,) 
and ^rjjuJl, (M, K,) and ,j>il)l ^1, (?, M, K,) 
1 7/c me< Aim [hnw] in, or during, the space of 

it •- ** 

[.wiwra/] f/ays; syn. >C^I k > K >, (M, K,) or U-J 

,/>b^1 ^J. (S.) Also »j jj 'A piece of gold, 

(K,) and of silver, (T A,) found in the mine. (K.) 

• © * 
Sec also jj-i. 


6CC ijjj. 

^jjj : see 5jjJ. c5j Jl> <,ul "* *•*** ^ ro " 

</urad [or payed] to him a hundred out of his 
property. (M, K.) 

see ojjJ. 


jilj [act. part. n. of jjJ ; Falling, or going, or 
coming, out, or forth, from another thing; kc. : 
see 1]. — A wild ass going, or coming, forth 
from the mountain. (TA.) _. A prominence, 
or projecting part, of a mountain. (A,* Msb.) 
_ [ What remains here and there upon the ground, 
of rain, i.e., of rain-water: n. un. with i : pi. of 
the latter, oty.1 You say, pb i>° Jv*i" <Z~>y*i 

* , * * £ 

JotiJI and »jily, [2%c camels drank of what 
remained here and there upon the ground, of the 
water of the rain.] (A.) — \ Extraordinary ; 
strange; rare; unusual; applied to speech or 
language [and to a word and any other thing: 
fern, and u. un. with » : pi. of the latter as above : 
see Jji, and Jji] : (A :) or very extraordinary, 
strange,, rare, or unusual, applied to speech or 

%0 , - 

language ; and in like manner »jiU [as an epithet 
in which the quality of a subst. predominates] 
applied to a word: pi. of the latter as above: 
(Mz, 13th c£ :) [see lJJ> :] or^^XJI ply sig- 
nifies what deviate from the generality of words 
or speech or language. (S,* M, K.) You say 

also, O^i 11 *t*& &&* meani "g» ^ Suclt a one " 
the unequalled of the age. (K* TA.) [And 
5pU, used in this manner as a subst., signifies 
t Any extraordinary, strange, rare, or unusual, 
thing, or saying : pi. as above.] See olx^-a*. 
IpU $\ illi oA \^- 8ee **&' 


JjJI t. q. jJ*j [A place in which wheat or grain 
is trodden out] ; (S, M, K ;) in the dial, of the 
people of Syria: (S, M :) or, (M, K,) accord, to 
Kr, (M,) reaped wheat collected together; or 
wheat collected togetlier in the place where it is 
trodden out : (M, $:) pL^iUl (S, K.) 

[^jj, fee., 
See Supplement.] 

1. aJ3 ,-U JJJ, (Yoo, Akh, T, S, M, A,' 


K,) aor. - and i, (M, K,) inf. n. jJJ (Yoo, Akh, 
S, M, K,) and JJjjJ, (M, K,) [He made a vow; 

„ * *0 • I 

imposed upon himself a vow ; \j& J**i C' 1 tnat 

lie would do such a thing; either absolutely, or 

conditionally, as will be explained below ;] he 

made [a future action] binding, or obligatory, on 

himself; (T, M, A, K;) as also tjj^l. (K.) 

And Ijju f jjuil signifies the same as jJl» [lie 

vowed a vow]. (Sgh.) You say also JU OjjJ, 

• *> # 
aor. i [and ; as im])licd in the ]KL] inf. n. jju, [/ 

vowed my property; made a vow to give it.] 

(Yoo, Akh, S, $.*) And I ji> *JJ ojjJ, (S, 

Msb, K,) aor. i and -, (S, Msb,) inf. n. jju, 
(Msb,) / mflffc j< binding, or obligatory, on my- 
self, [i. e., J cowcrf,] of my own free will, to do or 

to give such a thing to God ; namely, some re- 

• • * 
ligious service, or an alms, &c. : (TA:) or jjJ 

signifies the promising conditionally ; as when one 
says, " Such a thing shall be obligatory on me if 
God restore to health my sick [son or other] : " 
this is termed jJJ : but the saying "I impose 
upon myself the giving a deenar as alms," is not 
so termed. (K.) The doing this is repeatedly 
forbidden in traditions : but what is meant there- 
by is, one's doing so in the belief that he may 
attain by it something which God has not decreed 
to betide him, or that he may divert from himself 
something decreed to befall him: yet if lie do so, 
fulfilment is obligatory on him. (IAth.) You 
say also, jjyi jJJ, (M, K,) and *3jJ^, (M,) He 
(the father, M, K) and she (the mother, M) ap- 
pointed the child [by a vo?c] to be a minister or 
servant to the church, (M, K,) or to a place 
appropriated to religious services or exercises, or 
acts of devotion: (TA :) so in the Kur, iii. 31. 
(M.) ss .JljL. jji, aor. :, (M, IKtt, Msb, K,) 
inf. n.Jjj (M, IKtt) and SjljJ and Sjljj, (IKit,) 
or, as some assert, it has no inf. n., like ^j— t &c, 

the Arabs being content to use in its stead ,jl 
followed by the verb, as is said in the 'Inayeh, 
on the Kur, chap, xiv., (MF,) He knew of the 
thing : (Msb:) or he knew of tke thing and icas 
cautious of it or on his guard against it or in fear 

of it. (M, K.) You say also ^juJO >»yUI jjJ 
(S, A) The people knew of the enemy: (S:) or 
knew of the enemy and prepared themselves for 
them : (A :) or knew of t/te enemy and were 
cautious of them or on their guard against them 
or in fear of them. (TA.) And it is said in a 
trad., >»y»JI jJJt Have thou knowledge of the 
people and be cautious of them or on thy guard 
against them or in fear of them. (TA.) 

4. ^U «3j^l, (M, K,)and 1^1)1 «3;JJI, 

(Msb,) inf.n. jtJJl (T, S, M, Msb, K) and jjJ 
(M, K) the latter accord, to Kr, but correctly it 
is a simple subst, (M,) and jJJ,(T,K,) or this is 
pi. of^jJj, (T,) and ;JJ, (K,) accord, to Lh 


and Kr, (TA,) [but this is properly a simple 
subst,] and jfjj, (M, K,) accord, to Zj, (M,) 

or Ez-Zejjajee, (TA,) but this should rather be 
regarded as a simple sub9t., (T, M,) / informed 
him, or adrised him, of the thing : (M, K, TA:) 
this is the primary signification: (TA:) and [I 
marnfid him of the thing ;] I cautioned him, or 
put him on hi* guard, against the thing, and put 
him in fear, (M,* K,) in my communication or 
announcement : (K :) in this sense the verb is 
used in the K ur » xl. 18 : (M, TA :) or J an- 
nounced to him the thing, (S,* Msb,) generally in 
a case of putting in fear the person addressed, or 
frightening him, (Msb,) or never otherwise than 
in such a case : (S :) and thus the verb is used 
in the Kur, ubi supra., i>j^}l j>y* ^a,JJIj [And 
warn them ami put them in fear of the day of 
the approaching event, the day of resurrection] 
meaning, put them in fear of its punishment: 

(Msb:) and U£ *5jjul / informed him, or 

advised him, of such a thing. (Msb.) «jJJI 

also signifies He (a spy) informed him, or 

advised him, of the stale of the enemy: in the 

copies of the K, »jJJ ; but this is a mistake. 
._. . m j# * * ^#* » • *•* 

(TA.) And you say, «juOI ^-_*> J eyJ\ Ojjul 

^^Jl / informed the people of the march of the 
enemy toward* them, to put them on their guard. 

, ., . i " ** " . **' # • - • I At' H it'll 

(1.) And jjjjdlj^jilt OjJJI, and ^jmJI^jJul, 
t-ignify the same. (A.) It is said in a proverb, 

- ,»t • . # # al •' 

jJJI ,>• jJl*I ji, meaning, .//> AarA become 

excused, and averted from himself the blame of 

men, who hath warned thee that he will punish 

thee for a future evil deed proceeding from thee, 

if thou then do the evil deed and he punish 

thee. (T.) Sec also \js.\, in two places : and 

• • i 
see j Jta . 

6. ysjiJl jjUJ 7^« people named, or cautioned, 

one another, or />«< one another in fear, (M, K,) 
of a terrifying evil. (TA.) You say^^AJI jjUJ 

1 j^ 7Vie people warned one another, (S,) and 
put one another in fear, of such a thing. (Si, A.) 
A poet says, (S,) namely, En-Nabighah, (T, 
TA,) describing a serpent, (T,) and his being 
threatened by En-Noam<in so that he passed the 
night as though he had been stung, turning over 
and over upon his bed, (TA,) 

* m * 9 » • * J A * ,' * , 

verse of Ibn-Ahmar, some say that jJJ is pi. of 

# * * § ss t • « 

j ju , like as ^jjkj is pi. of { j* J ; but others say 

that it is pi. of jjJJ in the sense of jjJ^-o: 

A J * • »t# » j g # 

» > J .» J , a .» '.*- 

• jJl-JI Ly-j .Jw^J i*VJ * 

[How many a waterless desert glistening with 
the mirage, in which vows, or things vowed, 
are vowed, lie in t/ie way to Lci/ld!]. (S.) — 
Also, t The mulct for an intentional wound ; 
used in this sense by Esh-Shafi'cc, (T, TA,) 

and of the dial, of El-Hijaz; (TA;) i.q. u-jl, 
(T, A, K, TA,) which "is of the dial, of the 

people of El-'Irfk: (T, TA:) pi. )>j!>: (T,A, 
K:) said by Aboo-Nahshal to be only for 
wounds, small and great. (T, K.*) You say, 

J£ ^ 3? >J, (T, TS, L,) or o^»' J^, 
(K,) I A mulct for a wound ii owed to me. 
(T, K, &c.) And toy» j±* <UAk*t t / </at;e 




[Of which the charmers have warned one another, 
and put one another in fear, on account of the 
eril nature of its poison, which it. discharges one 
time and one time draws bach], (T, S, TA.) 

8: sec j Jo, in two places. 

10. *\1\ j&UL A He offered warning to him 
(A, TA, art. jj* .) See jjkalwl. 

him the mulct for his wound. (A.) Aboo-Sa'eed 

m t til 

Ed-Pareer says that it is thus called <te» j JJ aj^), 
i.e., because it is made binding, or obligatory, 
for it; [namely, for the wound;] from the 
phrase ^JlJ ^s. ojii. (T, TA.) _ [A 

99 t 

votive offering], sss See also jJJ . 

3JJ (M) and * j.v (T, S, K) [and t *Jj 
(see 4)] and ♦ jjjJ (S, M) and t IjjjJ (M) 
and ♦ ijlli (Esh-ShatTee, K) and t ^'X' (K) 

are substs. in the sense of jljot [meaning An 
informing, or advising, of a thing : and a warn- 
ing, or cautioning, and putting one on his guard, 
against a thing, and putting one in fear of a 
thing ; <fcc. : (sec 4:)] (T, S, M, K :) or a putting 

t m t 

one in fear in announcing a thing. (TA.) \jj& 

* 9 I Ol 1It9t*JJ 

IjJJ ^1 and IjJJ jl Ijj*, accord, to different 
readings, in the Kur, lxxvii. 6, put in the 

accus. case as causal complements, signify ^•«**v* J 

jlJJNIj [For excusing and warning]. (Zj, T.) 

[See also art. jj*.] And in like manner, 'jJJ, 

in the Kur, liv. 10, &c, signifies i^jlJkil. (S, K.) 

And so *jiJj, in the Kur, lxvii. 17. (T, M.) 

Hence also the saying of the Arabs, "^ JJIjjx 

* * 9 » 9 * « o I 

j)1jJJ, meaning, jJ-J ^ jjicl [i.e. Do thou 
that for which thou wilt be excused, by inflicting 
punishment when it is deserved, and do not merely 
warn and put in fear]. (TA.) 

jJlj A vow, which a man mahes to be binding, 
or obligatory, on himself; (T, M,* K,»TA;) 
[cither absolutely, or conditionally : (see jju :)] 
p|. jjjJ: (S, M, K : *) an< l '" tne following 


/ fi 

see jjj. 

^.JJ t". «?. *jJ^, (T, S, M, A, Msb, K,) as 

also ' 5/JJ^J ; (M ;) i.e. [One n'/io ^iuc.'i infor- 
mation, or advice, of a thing, or things: and one 
w/tt> warns ;] one who cautions ; (M, TA ;) and 
n»Ao ;>m<4 in fear : {TA. :) one wAo ^tMt norice to 
a people of an enemy, or o<Aer thing, that has 
come upon them; (TA;) a spy who gives notice, 
to a people, of an enemy, to put them on their 

guard; (A ;) and in like manner " iji<H, a spy 

[Book I. 

who informs an army of the state oj the enemy : 

(T, K :) jjjj is of the measure J»j6 in the sense 

of the measure JjJ* : (M, L :) or its verb was 

j jj , but tliis has become obsolete : (T :) its pi. 

* *t 
is j jj ; (M, Msb, K ;) occurring in the Kur, 

liv. 23, [&c.]. (TA.) — [Hence,] jjJu «1 The 

cock (Har. p. 644) [And also,] ^jJuJI T/ie 

apostle: (M, K=) so in the Kur, xxxv. 34, 
accord, to Th : (M :) the prophet Mohammad : 
(T, K :) so, accord, to most of the expositors, in 
that verse of the Kur. (T.) __ Hoariness, or 
whiteness of the hair : (T, M, K :) so, accord, 
to some, in the verse of the Kur, last referred 
to: (T, M :) but the explanation immediately 

preceding is more probable. (T.) The sound 

of a bow: (AHn, M, K:) because it warns, 
or frightens, ( jjyj,) that which is shot at. (AHn, 
M.),= I.q. j>£u[ i.e. Vowed]: pi. jjj. (S.) 
bee } jj. = See also jJJ. 

9> * t ■ 9JI 

«jlJL» : see jJJ. 

ijijl [A votive gift ;] that which he gives who 
mahes a vow. (M, K.) — ^1 child appointed 
by the father (M, K) and mother (M) [by a 
vow] to be a minister, or servant to the church, 
(M,K,) orto a place appropriated to religious 
services, or exercises, or acts of devotion : (T :) 
pi. jj\Si. (T.) ss See also^jjj, in two places. 

• 9 > 

= And sec jju. 

see jj jo. 

9* A' %*'> 9.1 .9 * 

cu~*j ^1 jju* O^*' an " ji^> Such a one is 
looking at me hard or intently, and making his eye 
prominent. (T, in TA, art. jij.) 

jiUiu [A thing of which people warn or caution 
one another, or of which they put one another in 
fear] : applied to a disease [&c.]. (TA, art. 
ft*, voce ^j+fi..) _ [Hence,] jiUi«JI f T/ie 
lion. (Sgh, K.) 


» t . 9 * * * 

1. Jji, inf. n. aJIJJ, He was, or became, low, 
base, vile, ignoble, mean, sordid, or contemptible, 
(S, K,) in all his circumstances. (K.) 

• 90 

jJJJ A man vile, or mean, and despised in all 
his circumstances. (K.) 

9*9,* * Jm to,* 90 . . 

Q. Q. 1. <iiy v'j-J 1 ****<& 7"*^' or (-5^ 
yij^l, (TA,) inf. n. i.jl3, (TA,) The wind 
lays the dust upon it, or upon the ground, in 
cross, wavy lines: syn. .ta. ■ ■ ' . (K.) Hence 

>oyJwM w'/s'' (TA.) — It has been asserted 
that ^j and j do not come together in any [pure] 
Arabic word ; and F has said the snme in art. 
J*ji ; [or rather he has there said that j does 
not occur in an Arabic word with ,j before it ; 

Book I.] 

(meaning a radical O ;)] yet he has here men- 
tioned this word as though it were pure Arabic. 
So says MF. To this it may be replied, that <j I 
is inserted to separate the ,j and j , as remarked 
in the L. (TA.) — 'J&> He forged [speech, 
or language]: syn. » — >. (K.) You say *->r±i >* 

JyUt. (TA.) L>& He mixed, or confounded, 

sjMtech, [introducing what was fahe with that 
which was true]. (K.) — 'J& He uttered a 
malicious and mischievous misrepresentation, a 
calumny, or slander. (K.) 

l£± (S, K) and * *i£> (as in several copies 
of the K, [and I am inclined to think that tliis 
is the correct reading, as it may certainly be 
correctly used in the sense here given, being 
properly an inf. n., agreeably with analogy,] or 
t i^li (as in others, which W said in the TA to 
bo the correct word, and to be given on the 
authority of A A, [but it exhibits an incongruity 
of letters : see 1 :]) Mischief; malicious and mis- 
chievous misrejiresentation, calumny, or slander. 

(S, K.) 4^> fem - with 5 ' aml *$*? & ' 

A mischievous man ; (K ;) one who utters malicious 
and mischicrotis misrepresentations, calumnies, or 

slanders. (TA.) l>£ A itron 9 man - (¥•) 

^'^ A calamity; a misfortune. (K.) 

ifj^ and *&**'. see «->/*'• 

1. " 'ji He thrashed wheat, or corn, with a 
C £. ' (TA.) 

1$ (L, K)and * ~^3 and *£j>i, the last 
of the dial, of El-Yemen, and a word of which 
there is not the like in Arabic, (L.) A thrashing- 
instrument, or that with which heaps of wheat, or 
corn, are thrashed, whether of wood or of iron; 
(L, K ;) or, of iron and wood; (Sifr es-Sa'adch ;) 
[a kind of drag, wed, in Egypt and Arabia and 
some other countries of Western Asia, for the 
purpose of separating the grain of wheat and 
barley $fc. and cutting the straw, which serves as 
fodder ; it is a machine in the form of a chair 
fixed upon a sledge, which moves upon small iron 
wheels, or thin circular plates, generally eleven, 
fixed to three thick axle-trees, four to the fore- 
most, the same number to the hindmost, and three 
to the intermediate axle-tree: this machine is 
drawn, in a circle, by a pair of cows or bulk, 
their driver being seated upon it, over the corn : 
pi. [of the first and last words] wo'y- (TA.) — 
Also, the first and second, A ploughshare. (K.) 

-.jy and ^^-» : see ^yy ■ 

IjjU A well-hnown fruit; [the orange; citrus 
aurantium ; of which tliere are two species com- 
mon in the gardens of the East, one sweet, and 
the other bitter:] an arabicized word, from [the 
Persian] dJjO [also called *-»/J]. (&■) 


— lij 

yj~»rjj and yj-t-ji {The Narcissus] : see art. | 
,_r-«>-j - The former is mentioned by ISd in art. \ 
tj-a-j : the latter, in the present art. (TA.) 

ijj [The game of tricktrack, backgammon, or 
tables: and, app., a pair of tables and other 
apparatus with which that game is played:] a 
certain thing with which one plays; (M, L ;) 
well known : (M, L, K :) a Persian word, (M, 
L,) arabicized: (M, L :) also called^ioji, (M, 
L, K,) because invented (as sonic say, TA) by 
Ardasheer the son of Babak, (K,) a Persian king. 
(TA.) It is said in a trad., that he who plays 
at this game is as though he plunged his hand 
into the flesh and blood of the pig. (L.) 


j))y : sec what follows. 

jift>y an arabicized word, (S, A, Mfb,) from 
ji)}>, (A, K,) which in Persian; meaning "new 
day;" (TA ;) and " jijy ; but the former, 

which is of the measure Jyi-J, is the better in 

* " * . 

repute, because J^cy is not the measure of an 

Arabic word ; (Mfb ;) The first day of the year ; 
New-year's-day : (A , Mfb, K. :) with the Persians, 
when the sun enters Aries : and with the Copts, 
the first of [the month] Toot [the ancient Thoth, 
or the tenth of September, N.S., excepting when 
immediately following their leap-year, which is 
when our next ensuing year is a leap-year]. 
(Mfb, TA.) The word jj^-J is said to have 
been first used in the time of the 'Abbasce Kha- 
leefehs ; but it is related to have been used in 
the time of Alee. (TA.) 

1. u°j*$\ ^j*' (A, Msb, K,) aor. r , inf. n. 
ji; (Msb;) and ♦ Opt, (S, A, Msb,) The 
ground, or land, had water exuding, or oozing, 
from it : (S, K :) or had much flawing moisture : 
(Mfb :) or became [abundant in] uU [or places 
welling forth water], as in the TS and the K, 
or *3lL> [or places of stagnant water] by reason 

m , > - • • 5. - » 

oftheji. (TA.) — [iJxJl aj Cjjj : see iilsL..] 

:sji, aor. -, inf. n. jiji, He (an antelope, S,) 
ran: (S, K:)or he (an ostrich, and an antelope,) 
leaped, jumped, sprang, or bounded. (A.) — 
He (an antelope, S,) uttered a cry, or cries. 
(Ibn-El-Jarrdh, Ks, S, K.) 

4 : see 1, first signification. 

ji and * jj Water that exudes, or oozes, from 
the ground : (S, K :) or flowing moisture : 
(Msb :) the latter is the better word ; and is 
[said to be] Persian, arabicized : (TA :) the 

I former is an inf. n. used as a subst (Msb.) __ 

| f 3 1 ' 

, [The pi. is jjjj, occurring in the 1A in art. 
jjkc.] _ [The former is also used as an epithet : 
fem. with ». You say,] Sji ^jl Ground, or 
land, having water exuding, or oozing, from, 
it; syn. Jj Oli ; as also TSjU. (Lh, TA.) s 
[Hence, perhaps,] ji also signifies t liberal, 
bountiful, or munificent. (Sgh, K.) = Also, ji 
Much, or many. (K.) = A man ( A'Obeyd, S) 
light, or active, (A'Obeyd, S, K,) or light in 
fjririt, (TA,) sharp in mind, (A'Obeyd, S, K,) 
clever, or ingenious, (A'Obeyd, K,) and intel- 
ligent. (A'Obeyd, TA.) _ Light, inconstant, 
fickle, or unsteady: (K :) an epithet of dispraise. 
(TA.) __ A man (TA) much, or often, in 
motion; as also *JX« : (K:) a man, (A,) and 
an ostrich, (S, K, TA,) that docs not remain 
still, in one place: (S, A, K:) or that is quick, 
or swift, and does not remain still in one place : 
(TA :) or an ostrich, and an antelope, that 
leaps, jumps, springs, or bounds : (A :) and a 
light, or an active, camel ; (TA ;) and so iji, 
applied to a she-camel. (S, TA. ) — Light dust. 
(TA.) —j2i ™ ji , and * tjjji , i. q. oji and cjjji . 
(TA, art Ji.) 

sec jt . 


jijj : see ji, last sentence. 

S- „ , 3- 

jU : fem. with S: see ji. 


ji* A child's cradle: (A, K:) because of its 

frequent motion. (TA.) — — See also ji. 

1. ^oyie-* Ijj, (S, K,) aor. ■, inf. n. 'ji and 

« J J 

»jjj, (S,) He excited discord between them : (AZ, 

S, K:) like *ji. (TA.) — a^U J)l ',\ji 

He incited, or urged, him against his companion. 

(K,* TA.) ijjb ,Xt S)\ji U What incited, 

urged, or induced, thee to this? (Ks, S.) _ \jj 

aJLc, (S t ]£,) inf. n. !jj, (S,) He made an attack f 

+ * * 
or assault, upon him; syn. J-^m-. (Ks, S. K.) 

__ a)»5 ^jS- »jp He turned him back from 

t , 
what he had said. (K, # TA.) — *j ^jji, like 

.;.c , [i.e., pass, in form, but neut. in signifi- 
cation,] He was addicted, or devoted, to it ; 

desirous of it. (TA.) \jZ >OU (jjji *$ &\ 

A«j.*, (S, K,) thus thou sayest, addressing thy- 
self, when a man has been pursuing a good or 
an evil way, and turned from it to another 
way, or accord, to some copies of the S, ^ 

instead of^^U, [which is for U ^e-;] (TA;) 
Verily thou knowest not to what thing thy mind 
will become addicted, or devoted: (ISk,S, K:) 
i.e., to what thy state will come. (K.) In one 

* * * * 

copy of the K, JU^a thine old age, is put instead 

ofSUj*. (TA.) 



«^£p An inciter, instigator, or exciter. (TA.) 

^i*> * * * 

Tip J^y [A wan jnuc/i addicted, or devoted, to 
■ thing; very desirous of it]. (TA.) [See ^^.J 

*j !^>~e Addicted, or devoted, to it ; desirous of 

it. "(?,¥.) 

# <* • * • ••» 

1. v'pj aor - :> '"f- n > *r"i.P (?> K) and ^jp and 
^jljj (K) He (an antelope) uttered a cry, or 
sound, (S, K,) at rutting-time. (S.) Used with 
reference to the buck and the doe ; (K ;) or the 
buck only. (S, IC.) 

6. l^jU i.q. l^pU. (JC.) Accord, to I Hsh 
and others, this verb has not been heard [from 

tin- Arabs of the classical ages], but only the 

* " 

sulist. v.p> which is therefore decided to be a 

transp. form of_pj. (TA.) 

^ji A surname; a nickname; a name of re- 
proach ; an opprobrious apj>ell<ition : syn. w-il : 
(JJLs) (TA.) See 6. 

^jJ A buck-antelope; and a bull. (K.) [By 

the latter is probably meant the kind of antelope 

• « *#« 
called u-*->" j^S"-] 

1. «-p, aor. '- and ;, inf. n. «.jj and ...p ; (IC ;) 
and * r >iJl ; (TA ;) lie, or H, (a thing, TA,) 
became distant, or remote. (IC.) _jljJI C**»p, 
inf! n. »-jp, 77" /"'«"«> or dwelling, became distant, 
or remote. (S.) — O"^ fv^ ( s > K») a verb 
like />•£> [pus. in form, but neat, in significa- 
tion,] (K,) Such a one became far removed from 
his dwelling-place. (S, K. ) a ^11 ~JJ, (S, Msb, 
$,) nor. : (Msb) and : , (TA,) inf. n. Ip (S, 
Msb) and ~ s jj ; (Msb;) and *t^pl; (K;) 
Jfe drew forth all the water of the well ; exhausted 
it entirely: (S, Msb, K:) or he drew from it 
until little water remained in it ; nearly exhausted 
it. (K.) — 'J^\ C-»p, (A, Msb, £,) aor. '-, 
(TA,) inf. n. »ji (?) and l^p, (TA,) The well 
became entirely exhausted: (A, Msb, K.:) or, be- 
came nearly exhausted. (K.) See 4. _ ^yj^-p jj 

t Thou hnst exhausted me of what I had, or pos- 
sessed. (L, from a trad.) 

it • # #•• , 

4. >»yU< 9-jJl. (L, and so in some copies of the 

IC, [agreeable withanalogy,])or*^p, (so in other 
copies of the K,) The people had the water of their 
wells entirely, or nearly, exhausted. (L, K.) 

8 : sec 1. 

lii — 

-.jj -i|^»-j *->-» JJ^ft t [77iy wickedness ranges 
abroad unrestrained, and] thy goodness is little. 

• >« « - 

-.jj : see -.jli. _ Also, Turbid water. (K.) 

t'j • .»» •» • - 

~P and »-*p and —jJJ : see »»jlj. 

-.jli and * ~~jj and * --^p and " p-ijj A thing, 

(K,) or dwelling, (TA,) distant, or remote. (K.) 
• * • ■.« 

CjU jJ-> .4. distant, or remote, town, or country : 

(S:) and i».jl< jl.> a distant, or remote, house, or 

dwelling. (Msb.) _ t .-jjlu^ey* A distant, or 

remote, people. (S, IC.) And a»jjLuJ)»>l Camc/x 

/row distant regions. (A.) lSd says, that it is 

pi. of ' «-lj~o, meaning ST/jat romca to the water 

from a distant place. (L.) ess *.j0 and * «-jj 

and ™ *-_«jj A well entirely exhausted : or nearly 

* ** 9 3 

exhausted: (K:) or » «-jjj ^1> signifies a we// 

..... # S# #j 

containing httle water : pi. — p : (S :) and jl> 

# . . , C «», 

?">"» rvr* being of the measure J*i in the sense 

of the measure JyuLc, a j«c/i containing no water; 

i • »i * * **■* 

and it is allowable to say i»-«p«o : (Msb :) or o 

well of which thi water has been exhausted: (so 

in some copies of the S, and the like in the Nh :) 

or a well of which most of the water has been 

drawn forth. (So in other copies of the S, and 

in the K.) See an ex., voce 5jlj*o, art j^j. 

t * f& 

*a.j~6 A bucket (IC) with which water is drawn; 

(TA ;) and the like thereof. (K.) 

-Jj^» and wj 

Uo : see »>jU. 

\j£> s j^» ^-J- • - ■» . » C-j) t TViom ar< _/ar removed 
from such a thing; (S, K^*;) and, by poetic 
licence, ~-\jJj^>, with cLil UUI. (S.) Ex. 
«-.Jj ; -<i . '>»jJI ^j-o o-Jl J 7Viou art far removed from 
blame. (A.) 

1. j(p, aor. i, inf. n. Sjlp (S, A, Msb, K) and 

• 44 «- >j t«»4 

jjjp (Msb, IC) and »jj>», (1^,) or Sjjj, as in the 
M and L, and perhaps one of these last two forms 
is a mistake for the other, (TA,) It was, or be- 
came, little, or small, in quantity or number; (S, 
A, Msb, K ;) paltry, mean, contemptible, or in- 
considerable. (S, TA.) See also 5. — Also, 
inf. n. Sjlp, He (a man) nut, or became, possessed 

o/* /j<//<? </oorf, or Ktt/e wealth. (AZ.) ^Jjip, 

inf n. jjj, »S/*e (a camel) Aarf /»//& milk. (TA.) 
:=s »jji, aor. -, (TA,) inf. n. jjj, (5,) i/e <fc- 
xpised, and deemed little, him, or it. ($.* TA.) 
See also 2- — 7/e «mo<c him with the [evil] eye. 
( TA, art.j>i.)=«J>i,(As,A,)aor. i, (As,) 
inf. n. jyj, (As, K,) He drew forth, or got out, 
what he had, by little and little : (As :) he impor- 
tuned him, or pressed him, in asking (A, K) a 
matter of science or a gift. (A.) You say also, 

[Book I. 

J>* ls^- <j^ y 0$>(A,IC,) or tjjii, (so in 
two copies of the S,) Such a one will not give until 
he is importuned, or pressed, (A, K,) and despised. 
(S, K, TA.) 

2. »jjj, inf. n. jjj£; (IC;) or' * t'jji, aor.i, 
inf. n.jjj; (Msb;) He made it little, or small, 
in quantity; (Msb, IC ;) namely, a gift; as also 

'jipl- (li.) — Also « Ja p 7/c (/aw fctut a ZiV/fe, 
»«", paltry, mean, contemptible, or inconsider- 
able, gift. (TA.) [It seems to be implied in the 
i A, that " ojjjl also has this signification.]:^ 
See also 1, last signification. 


4. sjpl: see 2, in two places Also, He 

(God) caused him to be possessed of little good, or 
little wealth. (AZ.) 

5. jjj i.q. JliJ, (K,) i.e., It became di- 
minished, or rendered little or ,<mai7 »'/» quantity. 

(TK.) See also j>i He asserted himself to be 

related to the tribe of Nizdr : (IC:) or he made 
himself like that tribe : or he introduced himself 
among them, (S, K,) not being one of them. (TA.) 

jjj, applied to anything, (TA,) little, or small, 
in quantity or number; (S, A, Msb;) paltry, 
mean, contemptible, or inconsiderable : (S, TA :) 
as also Ijjji (Msb, K) and *jjji (Msb) and 

" JJ>>-» : (K or the last signifies little, or small, 
in quantity, applied to a gift, (S, TA,) and to 
food ; (TA ;) or a gift made little, or small, in 
quantity: (Msb:) and jji and *;jjl« a gift ob- 
tained by importunity or pressing : and • ^yU jli 
a gift given without its being ashed for; witkmtt 
importunity or pressing. (TA.) It is also 
applied to speech : thus the speech of Mohammad 
is described as jjii <) 3 jji ^ JJ«i [Distinct;] not 
little, or scanty, so as to indicate impotence, nor 
much and corrupt : (K :) or not little nor much. 
(TA, art ;.»*.) — A man possessing little, or no, 
good, or goodness; little, or no, wealth; and so 
j> ; as also ♦ }i }^. (AZ.) = lj!i -Njl cJL. U 

TTiom /Va*/ wot" come otherwise than slowly, tardily, 
or late. (£.) 

ijji: seej^p. 

jlp The quality, in a she-camel, of scarcely ever 
conceiving except against her will. (TA.) 

jjjp Any thing /t«/c, or small, in quantity or 

number. (K.) See also jjj. A woman having 

few children ; (S, IC ;) and in like manner applied 
to a bird; (S, TA ;) as also * Sjji, with kesr to 
the j, applied to a woman: (K:) pi. of the 

former, jji : (TA:) or the former epithet signifies 
having little milk ; (K;) applied in this sense to a 
she-camel. (TA.) A she-camel having wide orifices 
to tier teats. (L, voce *->i».) — Of little, speech; 
that spealis not until importuned, or pressed. (En- 
Nadr.) _ A she-camel whose young one has died 
and that affects tlie young one o r another, (K 

Book I.] 

TA,) but whose milk comes not save scantily. 
(TA.) _ A she-camel (TA) that scarcely ever 
conceives except against her will: (K:) a mare 
slow to conceive. (L.) 

% if 


see jjj ; the latter, in five places. 

[gp, &c. 

See Supplement.] 


i (S, M, Mf b, $) and J,Cl> (K) A kind of 

creatures dJXo. [an appellation often applied par- 
ticularly to human beings]) whereof [every] one 
jumps, or hops, u/ion one leg : (S, Msb, K :) it is 
related in a trad., that a tribe of 'Ad disobeyed 
their apostle, and that God thereupon transformed 
them into ^UJ, every man of them having a 
[single] arm and a [single] leg, [consisting] of one 
half [of a human being], ho)>ping like as the bird 
hops, and. pasturing like as beasts pasture; (K ;) 
and these are found in the islands of China : (TA:) 
or, as some say, these hare become extinct ; (K. ;) 
for a transformed being lives not more than three 
days, as the learned have established ; (TA ;) 
and what, exist now, of litis make, are a distinct 
class of creatures: (K:) or they are of three 
hinds; l ^ r Xi and ^U-J and <J ~J\~J ; (K ;) and 
the second of these are the baser sort; (TA;) or 
r/ie-i^JLJ are the females oft/iem, (K,) as Aboo- 
Sa'eed Ed-Parcer says; (TA;) or they are of 
higher ranlt than tlie ^U-J, (K,) as is said in the 
O : (TA :) or the (j-U— i are [the )>eoplcs called] 
Yajooj and Mdjooj : (IAar, Msb, K:) or a 
certain people of the sons of Adam : (K.:) or 
certain creatures in the form oj men, (M, K,) to 
called because of the weakness of their make, from 

• * r. # i» 

*" ■• -' »> which signifies weakness, (M,) differing 
from men in some things, and not oftfiem : (K :) 
»r, accord, to what is said [by some], a certain 
beast, reckoned among wild animals, that is hunted 
and eaten, having the form of a man with one eye 
and leg and arm, and that speaks like man : (Kr, 
M :) or a sjiccies of marine animal: (Msb:) or, 
accord, to El-Mes'oodee, an animal like a man 
having one eye, that comes forth from the water, 
and speaks, and, when it gets a man within its 
power, kill* him : or, as is related in the 3— ft»» ,1, 
on the authority of Ibn-Is-hak, certain creatures 
( JU.) in El-Yemen : vj-e»^l ,>>' 8a }' 8 » that they 
are of the sons of Sam tlie son of Sam, brothers of 
'Ad and Thamood, not possessing reason, living in 
the salt-water (-.U.^1) on the coast of tlte Sea of 
India : the Arabs hunt them, and speak to them, 
and they speak the Arabic language, and propa- 
gate one with another, and poetize, or versify, and 
name themselves by the names of the Arabs : (TA :) 
[in the present day, this appellation is applied to 
a pigmy: and also, to an ape:] Es-Suyootee 
says, in the Dec wan el-IIayawan, as to the animal 
which the vulgar call ,^-U-J, it is a species of 

jjj — tw 

apes or monkeys, not living in water, and the eating 
of which is unlawful: but as to the marine animal, 
some hold it to be lawful ; whereas the sheykh 
Aboo-Hamid holds the eating of the ^L-J [of any 
kind] to be unlawful, because it has the form of 
the sons of Adam. (TA.) . It is said in a trad. 
ofAboo-Hureyreh, J^ullll ^j Jaji ^Jkj [The 
men hare gone, and the ^L—J remain]. Being 
asked who were the ^-U«j, he answered, Those 
w/io affect to be lUte men but are not men. (TA.) 

[For the verb ^J, ice. : see Supplement.] 

1. L-S, aor. -, (S, K,) inf. n. J^ ; (S ;) and 
♦Hi, (S, £,) inf.n. £iJ!j, (S,) He chid (S, 
K) a camel (S) &c. (L) he urged, or drove, it. 
(S, K.) — (13, aor. ; , inf. n. ^J (S, K) and 
jl—u (K) [and *yi, mentioned in the TA, 
art. Uy;] and "Uilj (S, ]£;) He postponed, 
or delayed, a thing. (S, K.. Explained in tlie 

S, K by /*•»!, and in the K by *$£>, also, both of 
which words, accord, to the TA, are syn.) [See an 
ex. of the use of LJI, without a final », in art. 
voce i-ift.] — «d».l ^ji M l_j, and 
I dill "I— i\, God postponed the end of his 
life ; i. c., prolonged his life : (so in the Fs :) 
accord, to IKtt, <cU.I ADt L_j, and .J * UJI 
<>JL».t. (TA.) All of these four modes of ex- 
pression arc allowable: (MF :) as also <iXM ♦tlj 

t: (Z:) and ala-\ ^i ait »l_j, and 

t i „ ji i. 

. I 41)1. (As, S.) *j+* ^J, aj 

life was prolonged. (TA, from a trad.) — O 
J^^ll , inf. n. \^J> , He delayed or deferred the 
watering of the camels; or kept them from water 
beyond the accustomed time. (L.)^ .J L_> 
Jf^ 1 s>, (§, ?,) inf.n. ijj, (S,) He increased 
the time between the two drinkings, or waterings, 
of the camels, by a day : (A :) or by a day, or 
two days, or more. (A, L, K.) ^& J*NI UJ 

ijo^dJI He kept back, or put back, or drove back, 
the camels from the tank, or cistern. (S, L, I£.*) 

a1}I itli i'U What aileth him ! May God 

render him ignominious! (Kr,L,) or put him back- 
ward! (L.) Whom he puts backward, He renders 
ignominious. (L.) — — I — > , inf. n. 1^ , He sold 
a thing with postponement of the payment ; he 
sold it upon credit. (TA.) — ,*-ljl «UJ, and 
a_j_JI t oLJI, He made the sale to him to be on 
credit. (S, K.) » ,_■■ ; «, ) ! " sLJI He postponed 
for him the period of the payment of the price of 
tlie thing sold. (A.) -_ ajj <U£ LJ , inf. n. 'I_J ; 
(Akh, S;) and *ia t lLi\, (S,* KL,) and 

* i a . j» 

^jjt v »l_Jl ; (Akh, S ;) He postponed for him 
the period of the payment of his debt. (S, TA.) 
__ CmJ , a verb like ^jz , [i. e., pass, in form, 



I^rJ, Her 

«-Jl, His 

but neut. in sense,] aor. V— i-», inf n. 
menstrual discharge was later than its usual time, 
and it was therefore hoped that she was pregnant : 
(Kh, S, K:) or her menstrual discharge was later 
than its usual time, and her pregnancy commenced: 
(TA :) or s/ie began to be pregmnt : (As, S :) or 
she conceived. (As.) = J^IjUl [IS, (S, K, # ) inf. n. 
i^j-> , (TA,) He mixed the milk with water. (S, 

K.*) _ i >JJt aJ L_j, and v>JJI «l i , i/c mixed 

the milk with water for him. (TA.) __ #lU 1^« 

gave him to drink vJ, q.v. ; (K ;) i.e. wine, or 

* ' " 

milk. (TA.) _ Ol—i SAe (an antelope) licked 

her young one just after its birth. (K.) = LJ , 
(S, ?,) inf. n. \jl, (S.) 7< (a camel, sheep, Ac.,) 
became fat : (TA :) or began to grow fat ; when 
its soft hair (>»j), after falling off, began to grow 
again. (S, K.) 

2 : see 1. 

4: see 1. __ »l_JI He granted him a delay of 
payment, or granted him credit, in a sale, or in 
the case of a debt. (A.) >__ ^JZij-i «1>LJI I made 
my way to lead me far off'. (S.) [See art. <*{/*.] 

5 : see 8. 

jl It was postponed, or delayed; syn. 
j±.\j. (A.) — LJLJI 7/e (a camel, §,) went far 
off in the pasture. (S, K.) ___ It (a party of 
people) went far off'. (TA.) _ d— c i . r ;i //* c 
retired, or withdrew far off, from him or tl. 

/ ^ #^ it * * 

(S.) I^—UI and l j .1 : J occur in two readings of 
a trad., for \ £- U\, (which is the correct read- 
ing,) in this sense. (TA.) [Hence it appears 
that * I— l3, accord, to some, also signifies he 
retired, ifc] 

10- t imiSm A He ashed him to postpone or to 
grant him a delay in, the payment of his debt. 

(S, K.) [See also 1.] ^4-J'- iLii-1 He 

ashed him to make tits sale to be on- credit, or for 
payment at a future j>eriod. (A.) ^_ I i " A 
i-eljc- He ashed his creditor to grant him a delay 
in the payment of hi* debt. (A.) 

*^j*j and * \?J an d * 'j^-j A woman who is 

supposed to be pregnant; (K ;) as also* \yj> 


(A, K) and " ly-J : (A :) or M whom pregnancy 

has appeared: (K :) or, l^ (K^) and • *y-J, 
(TA,) as also * » L5 ~>, accord, to J and IM, but 
this is rejected by F, (TA,) a woman whose 
menstrual discharge is later than its usual time, 
and who is therefore hoped to he pregnant : (S, 

151:) pi. [of ^r-i] ?U-il and »»— j : and.fUi lymi 

» . * 
is also said ; and sometimes the sing, (v^-i), 

being originally an inf. n., is used as a pi. (TA.) 

ss l^ and t J^—J Thin, watery, milk : (^ :) 

or milk mixed with water. (T, S.) [See 1.] __ 

Also, both words, (TA,) or the former only; 

(£, MF ;) but t t^j-J is quoted in this sense, 

from IAar, who is said to have pronounced it 

thus, erroneously, for J^^j-J ; (TA ;) Wine ; 

2786 v "*' ~" "■« — ' 

(I Aar ;) drink that dispell the reason. (K.) M j was another custom of the Pagan Arabs, men- 
tjl Fatness : or U$ commencement ; (K ;) its ; tioned under this word in the TA.] The Arabs, 
completeness, (consequent upon eating dry food, j liking that the day of their return from pil- 

[Book I. 

i and 

• a 

being called )lj*i\. (S.) — ^ Ic-JI \J^f 
Zs\)Si\, (S,) or jU, (TA,) [Fatness, or it* com- 
menrement, ran through tlic beast* of carriage]. 

l^J> One who mixes, or conver*e*, with others : 
ex. "LJ l^J 1* He is one who mixes, or con- 
verses, with women. (K.) — See »,^->. 

grimage should always be at one season of the | (9i) and aor. r, inf. n. ^-J 
vear. postponed it every year eleven days; at , TA;) He mentioned his [i.e. an 

~-j , aor. i , (S. K,) inf n. »»— »■•«* -?— » , 

and i_J ; (K, 
year, postponed it every year eleven days; at.iA;; xie memwnca «w L ..e. another's] relation- 
the same time keeping sacred the two months ship, [lineage, or genealogy] ; (S, K ;) saying, 
in which the pil«rima"e took place, and the j He is such a one, the *on of such a one ; or He 
month next after those two, and also the month j ,„ f such a tribe, or city ; or of tuch an art, 

or such a trade ; and the lihe. (Lb. T.) _ 
aor. *■ , inf n. ^, — i , J/e traced up his [i.e. 

tjj and T^li and t^li and ?,_,--> and 

see J,^— '• 

TllS Zcn^A 0/ /»/«. (Akh, S, K.)_ The 
Fukeeh of the Arabs [El-Harith Ibn-Keledeh, 
as suid in the Mz, close of 39th cy, where the 

following is quoted,] says, *}} /L-JI »j-. i >» 

,lllll oCli J-Oj [Let him whom length of life 
rejoicetk (but there is no long endurance in life) 
lighten his debts, and make hi* morning-meal 
early, and delay his evening-meal, and take little 
enjoyment in women]: (S,* TA :) »bj)l here 
means debt. (T, M, TA, in art. ^jj, where 
this saying is cited with some variations.) 

tA-j, of the measure Je*i in the sense of the 
measure J^ui, (S,) A month which the Arabs, j d,jinite, period. (TA.) 
tn the time of paganism, postponed: (K :) the 
dninff of which is forbidden in the Kur, ix. 37. 
(S.) _ Also, as an inf n. of t-i , (which it is 

of Rojeb, at whatever season this fell. (TA.) 
[For the same purpose, at one time, they used 

to intercalate a month in the third and sixth and j ^ x ^ ]u ^^ t0 ^^^ tmm ^^ ( TA-) " 
eighth of every eight years. See Kur, ix. 3(5, 
where the prohibition of this custom is im- 
plied ; and Sale's Prel. Disc, § vii ] See l^i. 

f*_J (K, TA) and*lu-J and * »Ui, (S, 

K,) like *H^», (?,) A postponement, or delay, 
as to the time of the payment of a debt, or of the 
price of a thing sold, S[c. (S, K, TA.) The first 
is a subst. ; (K ;) and also an inf. n. ; (L;) 

[and each of the others seems to be sometimes 

-• ' ** ' 1 * l " 1 

used as such]. _ ' 4-*-w ««*V, and T oL - *» ( as 

also &L, S.) Hcsoltl it on credit; for.payment 
to be made at a future period. (S, K, TA.) 

I 1 *-; : see :*--3 Also, A debt of which 

the payment is deferred by the creditor to a 
future period. (TA.) — A *ale upon credit, 
in which the payment it deferred to a certain? or 

frJi, pi. ICS (S) and OJJi, (TA,) One 
whose office it wan to perform the act called 
also said to be in the L,) The postponing ofa\,^J; i. e., the postponing of a month : (S,TA:) 
month : i.e., the po*tponing of the sacredncss of\ ]ic wa8 .,| 80 ca l|oU J-J6, pL J-*"^- (TA.) = 

her]. (I Aar, from a trud.) O*^* i«" 

asserted him to be related to such a one : 

a month ; transferring it to another month. 
When the Arabs returned from Mina, [after the 
accomplishment of the pilgrimage,] it was custo- 
mary for a man of the tribe of Kinaneh to arise 
and say, tul Jl >'y. ^ {J^ Ul [" I am he 
whose decree is not to be rejected "] ; (S;)or 
• . i.i 0. 1 .1 t' * .' \ '. *. ■ .1 

J? iji % •^•1 *Sa ^ Ul ^ w*J» or >x « 

U ; [" Verily I am not to be accused 

of a sin, nor am I to be charged with a 
fault, nor ifr my saying, (or decree,) to be re- 
jected ;"] (TA;) whereupon they would say, 
tj^i, ui-il [" Postpone for us a month"] ; i. c., 
"Postpone for us the sacredness of El-Mo- 
harram, and transfer it to Safar:" for they dis- 
liked that three months during which they might 
not mnke predatory expeditions should come upon 
them consecutively, as their subsistence was 
obtained by such expeditions : so he made El- 
Moharram free from restriction to them. (S.) 
[But this, as appears from what is said in the 
Kur, ix. 37, was not done every year.] The 
tribes of Teiyi and Khath'am did not observe the 
sacred months; therefore the ^U (or postponer) 
proclaimed it lawful to slay them therein, when 
they were aggressors. (TA.) — [The term 
. * ..a appears also to have been applied to The 
postponement of the time of the pilgrimage ; which 

*_.U Anything fat : or beginning to grow fat : 

^** ■ - i • 

in the K it is said, o-*- £-0 J£» : in the L, 

% - J Lt ... l)£a, which is more proper. (TA.) 

ILL*: see 1. _ jCjl J && j£tf>1 &■? 

J^JI ,v itl-i [Union with kindred is a means 
of multiplying wealth, a means of prolonging 
one's memorial]. (TA, from a trad.) ss See 
J* '• 

(S, K) and ♦ SL-u, (K,) and also with- 
out ., (S, K,) A staff, or stick : so called because 
a beast is urged or driven with it: (K:) a 

pastor's great staff. (TA.) For *3UU, in the 

f ' • . " l 

Kur, xxxiv. 13, some read <Ot- v>» ; i.e. "from, 

or of, the end of his staff;" SU. originally signi- 
fying the "bent part at each end of a bow;" 
(Fr, TA, ice. ;) and being here used tropically. 
(TA.) This reading is disapproved by the author 
of the K. but is supported by good authorities. 

An interval; a distance; a space. 
J &\ Verily I am far from 


thee. (S.) 

, [aor. i ?,] He asked kim to mention, or 
tell him, his relationship, [lineage, or genealogy]. 

(K.) «JJ ♦c--— wLJ > ? ..,;-i *JI o— JU- : [/ 

sitt by kim, and he asked me to tell him my 
lineage; so I mentioned my lineage to kim]. 

(A.) tyJ T l,..,.,, -' li l;.7,.,,,i [She asked us to tell 

Iter our lineage ; so we mentioned our lineage to 

«-J He 
and he 

referred bis lineage, or origin, to such a one. __ 
He referred tlte origin or derivation of his name 
to such a one. — He attributed, or ascribed, it 
to such a one. See, for ex. Jjuo and w>J-b in 

the Msb. \j£a ^J\ <il_j t He referred it* 

origin, or tke origin or derivation of its name, to 
sink a tking. __ He attributed, or ascribed, it 
to such a tking. __] { J^j ^jM <u-J He named 
kim, or called him, in relation, or reference, to 
suck a one ; moaning an ancestor : and in like 
manner, in relation, or reference, to a tribe, a 
town or district, an art or trade, &c. See <u— >. 

1J^ (Jt <u— » \ He named it, or called it, 

in relation, or reference, to such a thing. _ 
Uf=> <iJt yij, and, by inversion, |JI <u-J 

U_=, (see S and K, in art. Jy*-, &c.) \-He 
attributed or imputed to him, or charged kim 
with, or accused kim of, such a tking ; namely, a 
fault &c. Both phrases arc often used as signi- 
fying thus by classical writers, and in the present 

1 j* • * * * 
day.] — ai/JW ^-j, (S, K,) aor. -, (S,) and 

•- % * * ***** 

'- , (L,) inf. n. ^r*t—J (S, K) and ^ — 1 and <j .,,,.,o , 

(K,) »'. 7. lyj s*?" 1 ; <l- v - > (§» fVi) -^ e mentioned 
the woman in an amatory manner, in the begin- 
ning [or prelude] of a poem : (TA, voce ^ - > ^ :) 
/te mentioned the woman in amatory language, in 
\e beginning of a Sj^ai, and tken turned to tke 
object of praise : [for it is a general rule to com- 
mence a »jud» in praise of a king, or hero, or 
the like, with .^^--J ; the transition from this is 
termed ummiti, 31 i see also w-iLil:] (IKh:) kc 
mentioned tke woman in kis poem, describing Iter 
as characterized by beauty and youth fyc. : (Lb :) 
or describing her as characterized by good quali- 
ties, whether truly or falsely. (Z.) This phrase 
and Jk>jjl «_■'"' both signify description; the 
latter signifying "he described the man with 
relation to his father, or his city or country, or 

Book I.] 

the like ;" and the former phrase, he described 
the woman as characterized by beauty and youth 
and love or ajfection fyc. (IDrst.) w*-i is also 
employed to signify the describing of the places 
where the objects of love have taken up their abode 
in the season of the %-t->j and at other times, and 
the lover's longing to meet them and be united 
with them, and what else is comjmsed in the 
signification of the words >^.. ,.-> * , J and ^)ji-. 
(MF.) [See J>, and JjJL.] 

3. <u-U lie shared ivith him in relationship. 

(TA.) U"9i C— CJ tjyj Such a one is related 

to, or a relation of, such a one. (S.) _ **-0 , 
inf. n. illL*, \ He, or it, bore relation to, re- 
sembled, was similar to, conformable to, analogous 
to, correspondent to, suitable to, befitted, him or 
it. (S, J£, Msb.) See also i~-J. 

4. 7-JjJt w -; '' The wind was violent, and 
drove along the dust and pebbles : (K:) [as also 

5. w -, ,■•_* He asserted himself to be a relation, 
or kinsman, or to be related, [i)UI ] to thee. 
Hence the proverb, ,>* "$ w^i-> o-° «-r-ir*-" 
^ '•■'' : (S, K :) i. e. He is [indeed] an ally who 
allies himself by affection and friendship: not tie 
who asserts himself to be a hinsman. (TA.) 

6. 1^-jUJ I They were mutually, or reci/rro- 
calli/, related; resembled one another; were similar, 
conformable, analogous, correspondent, or suitable, 
one to mother; bef tied one another. (TA.) See 
also Jv' ■ — [And w—U-j It was suitable 
in its parts, proportionate, symmetrical, or uni- 

8. See 10 and 1. — <u->f ^1 s — lit He 
asserted his relationship to his father, whether 
truly or falsely ; (S ;) [saying, I am the son of 
such a one : as was generally done by a champion 
when he sallied forth to challenge]. __ ^..... : .>l 
aJI It (a voice) was attributed, or ascribed, to 
him. (TA, art. »£~£.) 


-I (K) and 

JLil (TA) He 

mentioned his [i.e. his own] relationship, [lineage, 
or genealogy]. (K.) One says to a man, in 
asking him respecting .his relationship, &c, 

iVjjJU ^». UJ >, ;.il ^£\ LJ ■_■ LSrf] [il/CTl- 

/wa <Ay relationship, or lineage, to us, that we 
may know thee]. (AZ.) 

Q. Q. 1. Uyi--* y~...p , inf. n. <L.,. t .i, Zfe wen< 
to and fro between them two with malicious and 
mischievous misrepresentations, calumnies, or slan- 
ders, Sfc. (L, K.) 

: see 


d " a....' and * i— J (S, K; Relation- 

ship; relation; kindred; consanguinity ; [family ; 
race; lineage ; parentage ; pedigree ; genealogy ; 

origin; reputed relationship or lineage or origin ;] 
(5 >) with respect to father and mother; (ISk;) 
or with respect to fathers only: (K :) pi. of the 
first, w>LJI ; (S ;) of the " 6econd, sy— J ; and 
of the * third, ^-li. (Msb.) The first, by 
poetical license, is contracted into " w~J. (T.) 
[You say,] •_—> Uy~-^ Betmeen them is relation- 
ship ; said whether they may lawfully marry one 
another, or not. (Msb.) See v»-i . 

J Relation ; proportion ; comparison ; 
with respect to quantity, or measure, and the 
like. See y. . ' . — IJ^ *W—*i l ■** proportion 
to such a thing. — &UJI ^1 SjJJtll i~-i 77<e 
proportion of ten to a hundred U [</ta* o/" a 

tenK&j. (Msb.) [You also say \j£» ^JJl iLJ-Jlj 

/»» relation to, or in comparison with, such a 
thing.] —. Su— i A nawe of relation to a father, 
mother, tribe, town or district, art or trade, fyc. : 
[as J;yU, ^jJfli, ^jV, j£>, lAt^-'O ending 
with ^£. A more general name of this kind 
should precede a more particular one : thus you 
say ^j^ilyJI .-&J&II: and it is better that a 
name of relation to a tribe should precede one 
of relation to a town or the like: thus you say 
^C«JI ,-iyUI. It is said that the Arabs ori- 
ginally called themselves by such names only 
in relation to tribes ; and that, when they took 
up their abodes in cultivated lands and in cities, 
they borrowed names of relation to towns and 
the like from the Persians and Copts. (Msb.) 

i-Jj (TA) and t iZCS (S, K) and ♦ LLLh 

(TA) l Resemblance ; similarity; conformity; 
analogy ; correspondence ; suitableness ; fitness. 
(S, K, TA.) Ex. L-J o'Sjln ^S, and 
*iuU, and * y^iUJ, Between the two things 
is a resemblance, <ye. 2~>y> i~_J L»y^_j. Be- 
tween them two is a near resemblance, fyc. (TA.) 
[<i.j»Vtfc. iuJ The relation of a predicate to its 
subject (in books on logic).] 

v*—j i.q- *«^—<li», [A. sharer in relation- 
ship; one who becomes a sharer in relationship 
by marriage] : (K :) pi. iCli and »U-JI.) (TA.) 

^~J> (S, K) and t L>£lU{K.) One related ; a 

relation ; a kinsman. (S, K, TA.) You say 
tyf-s—' O"^* [Such a one is my relation] : and 

^ of * » 

^5L«JI j,* [They are my relations]. (TA.) 

▼ ^—j, also, is used for ^—i ^J [^ relation, or 
Ai/wmaw]; and means a ?/ia/c, or female, relation ; 
(Jel, xxv. 56 ;) and for w—i jji [relations, or 
Atn«7icn]. (Bd, ibid.) [See also jy-o.] — s *« — * 

and * v^—-* ^ man °/ »" on *> or quality, or 
<A« K*e, anrf of family, or lineage. (TA.) _- 
» t^O ,-wg i [An elegant amatory mentioning of 


« woman, or q/* women, in the beginning of a 
po«w] is a phrase like ^U> jjl*. (K.) See 

V^i (K) and ♦ iA-J (S, K) Skilful in 
genealogy : (50 [or rather, the former signifies 
very skilful in genealogies; or a great genea- 
logist :] the latter, possessing the utmost know- 
ledge in genealogies ; or a most skilful genealogist : 
[this being of a doubly intensive form;] the » 

being annexed to render the epithet one of exces- 

' it* 
sive praise: (S:) pi. of the former ^jyUJ, and 

of the latter oCLJ : (TA :) you say ii^j ^J-ia 

Otl_J , meaning OLrl—J JU>j i-j^J. (S.) 
\'Z- * -- 

ajL-1 : see »_>L-j . 


>_ , J A straight, or direct, and consjneuous, 

or open, roarf, or way: (K :) or narrow road, 

or n'a_y ; (TA :) as also * oW-e^ : (K some say 
^—J, which is a dial, form: (TA :) or v . ....,> 
signifies the traces of a road, or way. (K.) _ 
Also w~—y Ants that appear like a road - K (S ;) 
ants following one another uninterruptedly. (K.) 
Oukeyn Ibn-Reja says, 

• U-ei Ql ,^-UJI j^3 U,j* • 

[A source to which thou seest the people (repairing 
like) ants proceeding in uninterrupted succession]. 
(S.) _ Also, the track of ants, (ISd, K,) and 
of a serpent, and of wild asses going to their 
watering-places. (TA.) 

ijL— J : see >y — ^ . 

^.....U jjiJJI IjJk This poetry is more, or most, 
elegant in what is termed >y ■ ; ■■..' . see 2: (^:) 
as though they had said wwU v . C m,.i , like jxi 
j.tli, to give intensiveness to the signification, 
and thence formed the word ^—it. (TA.) 
S . 

[A] regular [hand-writing] : 
syn. SjLtli ji : (T A :) [properly, named in re- 
lation to its autlwr &c] __ w>j — u j*i Poetry, 

or a poem, in which is v .j . .i , [or an amatory 
mention of a woman, or women, in t'<i beginning] : 
pi. y^U. (K.) See 


i«wU and w— -I 



1. -.— », aor. ? , iuf. n. ~ — i, 2fe, or «'r, rfren-, 
collected, or gathered, together a thing : riYeru uW 
joined, or adjoined, one thing to another. This 
is the primary signification. (L.) __ -*-r j 


j*W*j v5j>" f— i.p' **• wind gathered together 
the leaves and the dry fragments of plants. Hence, 

m • A mm* 

accord, to some, y>yJ\ 7r~^> because the weaver 

adjoins the warp to the woof. (TA.) __ ~ i? ' 
. .i , - 
^'j-JI -^-^J I I 77t« tvintf aVew iAe </tw< together. 

(TA.) _ »UI l<pl wi-Li, and J^jjl, and 

>_>1>~JI, and jljJI ^»wj, t 7%e wind wirt</<! rip- 
pling lines, in cross directions, upon the water, 
and the sand, and the dust, and [with dust] upon 
the traces of the dwelling. (A.) [And so] 
JL»» 1 1£> «>-i|/i> " c-tt. - v . i l J Rippling lines were 
made, in cross directions, by the wind, upon the 
water, (S, # A,) and the sand, and the dust, and 
the traces of the dwelling. (A.) — _ Ca^'i 
£_>^Jt ■~~>jJ\ } The wind, bloiving in cross di- 
rections, obliterated the traces of the place where 
persons had alighted, (S, £,) [by covering it with 
dust or sand in such a manner as that it might 

be likened to a web]. __ -Lli J It (a spider) 

^~ ' *i ' " 

wove, or spun, its web. (A.) -_ v**-" ■»., > , 

• • * *-- 

aor. ? , and i , (S, I£>) inf. n. >J , (S,) II e wove 

the piece of cloth, or the garment. (TA, Sec) 

And 1^— - -_— i J/e plaited a thong. (TA, in 

art f— J.) — jjtvJI -»~-J I He. wove, or mra- 

/*»««■ verm. (TA.) __ J^Lll lii J 2Ze (a 

liar, TA,) forged speech. (I£.) __ Also, f He 

ex-plained, or expounded, language; syn. «wxaJ. 

(£.) — U*L) ^ iJLJI o-i-li : TAe *Ae-caroe/ 

moved her legs quickly in going along. (TA.) 

8. ~-.. : i l It became drawn, collected, or 
gathered, together : became drawn and joined, or 
adjoined, to another tiling. (L.) Spp 1 ...- . | 

It (a piece of cloth, or a garment,) became woven 

O ^ LoOl -»«j t 7V(e spider's web. (A.) __ 
See ■».- ; ...». 

• *j 

*— » Prayer-carpets; carpets upon which prayer 

is performed; syn. OlSl%I». (IAar, Th, ]£.) 

p>— i i A she-camel <Aa< worn Aer fey* quickly 
in going along: (TA:) or a she-camel wA<we 
foarf tA«* site carries does not shake about : (]£ :) 
so in all the copies of the K. ; but accord, to 
more than one of the leading lexicologists, a she- 
en mel whose load, and saddle, arc unsteady upon 
her, and shaking about: (TA :) and a she- 
camel that makes her load to shift forward 
to her Jm\£», [or the part of tfie back next, the 
neck,] by reason of the vehemence of her pace 

£-e-> and » £— » [the latter originally an 

M.n.]i.q.£ylL, Woven. (Meb.TA.) [And 
hence both, as substs., signify A web.] 80 t 

a web, a thing woven. (S, YL, art. Jjp».) — 
»J*"J ;»■ < ■■■ ' ' >* (an indeterminate expression, 
Hisham and Fr, in L, art. j^-j, q.v.,) I lie is 
unequalled, uni/pie, or an only one of his kind, in 
knowledge -Ac. : for when a garment, or piece of 
cloth, is of a high quality, no other is woven of 
exactly the same kind. (S, I£, &c.) It is only 
said in praise of a person. (TA.) [Opposed to 
*l*^3 J**?-] — O-o*" " »— J «->y A garment, 
or piece of cloth, the texture of El-Yemen. (Msb.) 
— »i-«*JI T -— J t [TAe texture of the rain] ; 
meaning the plants, or herbage. (TA.) 

i».l— » A Aina' o/" ii»JU, with which a 
person envelops himself App. thus called 
by what is originally an inf. n. (L, from a 

• , - 

i»-Lj The art of weaving. (S, K.) 

f ' ' * 

*sf Kff ■> : see ■». ; »,i. 

-.LJ [in some copies of the K, * *— ^1 
the act. part. n. of »— li ,] X weaver. (K.) — . 
-.l—i also, A manufacturer of coats of mail 
(K) „__,-.UJ also, J A liar ; (K ;) a forger of 
lies. (TA.) 

• .' • a - 
9~>u : sec -.1 — j . 

t »» < ^ », 

y^ : -« and J.....0 >1 ^)J/irc mAcre <Ac ar< q/" 

weaving is practised. (S, K.) — _ See -,..-■- 

• '• • • 

»• >« (S, K) and ■ r .,.,,: « (TA) [A weaver's 

loom;] the apparatus upon which the web is 
stretc/ied to be woven ; (S, K ;) the wooo" aw/ 
apparatus used in the art of weaving, upon which 
the web is stretched to be woven: (M :) or, 
specially, the Ju. ; (TA ;) i.e. the stay of a 
wearer'* loom; syn. 0^.: (TK1 :) [in the 
present day, applied to a frame for weaving : 
and to one for embroidering]. __ -, ■■ - 1 (S, K,) 

* * " ^^ ' 

and " ^,...;,o (TA) [The withers of a horse : or 

the lower part thereof: or the part below the 
witlters :] the prominent part from the brandies 
oftlie shoulder-blades to the lower part of the 
neck and to the even part of the back ; as also 
jKU. : behind it is the J*t£» : (A'Obeyd :) or 
in a horse, the same as the ,^jA& in a man, and 
the JjU. in a camel : (TA :) or the part of a 
horse below the iljW [which latter is the withers, 
or tAe upper part thereof] : (8, K :) or the 
swe'Jing part of the iy l£» [or wtlAm] of a beast, 
at tAe p/aee where the mane terminates, beneath 
the pommel of the saddle : (T :) said to be so 
called because the sinews of the neck extend 
towards the back, and those of the back towards 
the neck, and are woven together upon the 
shoulder-blades : (TA :) or the extremity of the 

[Book I. 

mane : (A :) or the part between the mane and 
tlie place wliere tlie shoulder-blades unite: pL 

1-Ul (TA.) 

* ** * •' 

1. ^— . > , aor. ■£ , (inf. n. «_~J , S,) He dispersed 

and removed dust; syn. \jj\\. (K, and some- 
copies of the S.) = ■»— J, aor. e, (inf. n. - - ■ , 
S,) He coveted; syn. ^Jo. (K, and some 
copies of the S.) 

~-L_~e A thing with which dust is dispersed and 
removed. (K.) 

1. 4>~J| aor. -, (L, K,) inf. n. •— ' ; and 
♦ m.m"M; (L;) He, or it, annulled, superseded, 
obliterated, effaced, or cancelled, (L, K,) a thing, 
^*.l {^i^ 6y another thing. (L.) /< annulled, 
or superseded, a thing, and (00A <Ae ;;/aee 0/ it 
(L.) Ex. J£j| ul^lil C^~l3, and f <:> „,:,j| > 
J The sun annulled, or superseded, the shade, 
(S, L,) anrf took the place of it. (L.) -; 
w)L^JI s ... ; ,, * ,II I Iloariness took the place of 
youth. (A, Msb.) Also, <vJ //e annulled, 
superseded, abolished, or mar/e twt</, a thing, 
substituting for it another thing. (K.) Ex. i— i 
SjI 7/c (God) abrogated, annulled, or superseded, 
the verse of the Kur-an, (Lth, Fr, S, L,) substi- 
ttiting for it another; (Lth, Fr, L ;) <b^L> Jy 
<Ac [i.e. another] verse: (S:) or Ac changed it. by 
substituting for if another : LJj signifying Ae 
changed a thing fcy substituting for it another 
thing. (IAar, L.) [Sec also 4.] Legal ^— J , 
or abrogation, may respect the letter and the 
force of command, or one of these; whether the 
command have been performed, as is generally 
the case, or have not been performed, as in the 
case of the sacrifice of Ishmael, [or, as some of 
the Muslims say, agreeably with the Bible nar- 
rative, Isaac,] for Abraham was commanded to 
sacrifice him, and then the command was abro- 
gated before its execution. (Msb.) __ Also, f 
lie, or it, cltanged, or altered, a thing. (1£.) 
Ex. jtjJI jl—il y~~>_ji\ C - i . .1 ' » The wind changed, 
or altered, [or, it may also be rendered, oblite- 
rated, or effaced^] the traces oftlie dwelling. (S.) 
__ rtn. . > He transformed him, or mctanwr- 
phosed him, into a worse, or more foul, or piore 
ugly, shape; i.q. * & ....«: (K :) ex. bji dill ttf, j 
God transformed him into an ape. (Fr, Aboo- 
Sa'eed.) .— [Also, as used in post-classical, and 
perhaps in classical, times, He (God) caused his 
soul to pass into the body of another man.] The 
connexion of tlie soul of a human being, after its 
departure from tlie body, with tlie body of another 
human being, is termed ^—J ; with the body of 

Book I.] 

a beast, ■>■ j ; with a plant, i— » ; and with 

an inanimate and not-increasing body, »— y. 
(Marginal note in a copy of the KT.) [But 
see 1 (last sentence) in art. r— ->• See also 6.] 
. 1 "> He transferred a thing from one -place 
to another, it remaining the same: (TA :) he 
transferred what was in a bee-hive to another 
[hive or place]. (K.) — JuLCJt £-i, (S, 
Msb, K,) aor. *, inf. n. LU; (Msb;) and 
t '■= -•<, (S, Msb, K,) and i U , :: ,1 ; (S, K ;) 
are syn., (S,) signifying He copied, or trans- 
cribed, the writing, or book, (T, Msb, K,) &Mcr 
for letter. (T.) — *LLi Cjj 4±-> ^ [He 
has not copied it, but only corrupted it by 
changing thc, diacritical points and altering the 

c- 3 

(A.)— » 

J, in the Kur, 


xlv. 28, signifies We set dorvn, or register, and 
preserve : ( Jel :) or We command to be tran- 
scribed and to be set don-n, or registered. (T.) 

3 : see 6. 

4. -j ■' He (God) made a verse of the Kur-dn 
to be abrogated, annulled, or superseded, by 
another verse : (Z, MF :) or found it to be so ; 
like ij^'l " he found him, or it, to be praised, 
or praiseworthy." (AAF.) In the Kur, ii. 100, 
Ibn-' Amir-reads «— Li U for A J » U. (TA.) 
[See also 1.] 

6. lL-^1 ck^U 2%e tAtw/j succeeded one 
another, one taking the place of another. (L.) 

OA**-" w-»— U_3, (A, Msb,) and Aufyt, 

(Msb, K,) J 77te <»ne.< succeeded, one in the place 
of another; (Msb, K;) owe passing away after 
another. (K.) — I3j>ll Cii-UJ, I [27ic Ae»>* 
died, one after another, and so cancelled their 
rights to inheritance]. (A.) »— iU-3 (S, K) and 
♦ 3 J, '.y.l (K) in the case of an inheritance, 
(S, K,) or with respect to the fixed primary 
portions of an inheritance assigned by the Kur-an, 
is The dying of heirs after other heirs while the 
original inheritance remains undivided. (S, K.) 
_ _ -v . rf 1 >J It became changed from one state to 

another. (L.) — ^'jJ^ 1 «S>*-*3 1 i The souh 
transmigrated]. (MF.) m-L\Jji, [The trans- 
migration of tlie soul from one human body 
to another, is thus explained ;] the connexion 
of the soul with the body after its separation 
from another body, without the intervention 
(J\m ") of any time between the two connexions, 
by reason of the essential love subsisting between 
the soul and the body. (KT ; in some copies of 
which JJL-3 is put for jliJ.) [See also 1.] 

Mi i A copy, or transcript : (S, L, Msb, K :) 
so called because it supplies the place of the 
original : (L :) pi. i— ». (Msb.) __ Also, A 
copy, or an original, from which a transcript is 
made: (L:) [pi. as above]. 

: see 

ISXj, and 1 *-*.'.:>, A distant town, or 
district, or country. (K.) — [A transverse or 
cross wind. See i**~j in art. »y .] 

\^k> and ▼ *;'"'■- A copier, or transcriber, of 
a writing or writings, or of a booh or books. ( L.) 
l£ „. u ajf A verse of the Kur-dn that abro- 
gates, annuls, or supersedes, another verse. (S.) 
[See 1.] [And so,] * £lj--U V\ A verse of the 
Kur-dn that is abrogated, annulled, or superseded, 
by another verse. (S.)-_[£-U An epithet 

applied to a particle, (namely, o\ and thc like » 
and U and *9.) or a verb, (namely, the abstract 
J&> and the like, and jl£» and the like, and ^ 
and the like,) which effects a change of the 
grammatical form, or of the meaning, in a 
nominal proposition before which it is placed. 
s Ui4nJ al-UJI Oj>Jt The particles which 
annul the quality of the inchoative.] 

a!aJ,UI1 (K) J The sect which holds the doctrine 
of 9-1^^)1 L-ti5 [or the transmigration of souls], 
and denies the resuvrection. (MF.) 

IjJLU and • 1,.',7*« A writing, or book, copied, 
or transcribed. (Msb.) — See £--U. 

• --».» • '»' 

i.,, Su : see ~.y~~o. 

• -•' * .'. 

4. ihT;o : see i-u, 


whatever be its species or variety, known to the 
Arabs, except tlie^oi-j, or aquiline vulture; and 
said to be applied by some of the Arabs to the 
eagle ; (see also ajjLJ ;) agreeing with the 
Hebrew 1^*3, which is plainly applied to the 
former bird in Micah, i. 1C, and probably in other 
instances;] a certain bird, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) 
well known; (A, Msb;) so called because it 
plucks (j~~. j) a thing, and swallows it, (A, and 
so in some copies of the K,) or, and pulls it out 
(so in some copies of the K,) or, and chases and 
captures it ; (so in some copies of the K ; the 
various readings being axJLZ*jj and axJUajj and 

A..a,.;i,;j ;) it is said that it has no ^. S m. * [or 

1. j-i, aor. -' (S, M, K) and ;, (M, K,) inf. 
n. JU, (S, M, K,) He (a bird, M, K, or a hawk 
or falcon, S, [or other bird, see ^-J below,]) 
plucked flesh (S, M, K) with his beak. (S, TA.) 
You say also, otli^ 't>'^>, meaning, He (a hawk 
or falcon [or other bird]) pluclted his flesh with his 
beak. (A.) a [Hence,] «j-~i X He blamed him ; 
found fault with kirn ; spoke evil of him behind his 
back, or in his absence, saying of him what would 
grieve him if he heard it. (A.) 

10. j S«1 He (the «i>Uj [or ignoble bird, or 
most ignoble of birds,] S, M) became a j~J [or 

vulture] : (M :) or became like the j-J (S, K) tn 
strength. (K.) Hence the proverb, «i>UUt ^1 
j a ■■■; U-ejly [Verily thc most ignoble bird, or 
most ignoble birds, in our land becomes like the 
vulture, or become like vultures] : (S, M :) meaning, 
the weak among us becomes strong. (S.) See 
also art 

j_j (S, M, Msb, K, &c.) and sometimes T ^~ 1 
[agreeably with the modern general pronunciation] 
and *j—i, (Sheykh-el-Islam Zekereeyi, in his 
Comm. on the Expos, of Bd,) but this is very 
strange, (MF,) [The vulture; app. any vulture, 

talon], but only the yLfa [or nail], like that of the 
domestic cock and hen, and of the croiv and the 
like, and of the i+A. j [or aquiline vulture]: (S:) 

the bird called in Persian J^SjSs, which eats 
carcases until it is unable to fly, and is said to live 
a thousand years: (Kzw :) AHn asserts, that 
the j—i is a bird of the description called JjUc ; 
[which is a term applied to birds of prey, and to 
noble birds, (in a sense wider than that in which 
this appellation is used in English falconry,) and 
especially to eagles;] but [ISd says] I know not 
how that is : (M :) pi. (of pauc, S) ^-Jl and (of 
mult., S) jyLi. (S, M, Msb, K.) _ ^51^)1 ^Ijl 
t [The Falling, or Alighting, Vulture,] and 
jj\iai\ jLii\ f [The Flying Vulture,] are two stars 
or asterisms, (S,* M, A, Msb, K,) well-known, 

-m i 

(M,) which together are called (jlp~JI [the Two 
Vultures], (M, A,) arid each of which alone is 

called j-I)t (M, Msb, K.) and j~i ; (M ;) being 
likened to the bird so ?iamed : (M:) the former is 
the bright star [o] in the constellation JUUDI [or 
Lyra] likened by tlie Arabs to a vulture (j~J) that 
has contracted its wings to itself, as though it had 
alighted upon something : and the latter consists of 
the three well-known stars [o and /3 and y] in thc 
constellation .^Uill [or Aquila] : (Kzw :) [The 
former rose heliacal! y, about the epoch of the 
Flight, in central Arabia, on the 25tlfof Novem- 
ber, O.S., with thc Eighteenth Mansion of the 
Moon, which is a of Scorpio ; and the latter, on 
the 28th of December, O.S.: and both set, to- 
gether, anti-heliacally, at that period and in that 
part, on the 24th of July, O.S. See !y, and 
]#>.] mJUs (S, M, Msb) and j-JI, (S, M, K,) 
the latter occurring in a verse cited in art. je-, (S,) 
A certain idol, (S, M, Msb, K,) belonging to 
Dhu-l-Kelaa, (S, Msb, K,) in tlie land of I/imyer, 
(S, K,) as «!>^*J did to Medlihij, and Jyu to Hem- 
dan, of the idols of the people of Noah, (S,) all of 
which are mentioned in the Kur, lxxii. 22 and 2:5: 
(S, M :) or a certain good man, who lived between 
Adam and Noah, and of whom, after his death, 
was made an image, which, after a long time, 

^' i * ' J 
became an object of worship ; like j£ and &\y* and 

£>*ju, and tjy*i, mentioned therewith in the Kur, 


ubi supra. (Bel.) tat Also, j~J [Tlic frog, or 
frush, of the hoof of a horse or ass or mule ; thus 
called in the present day ;] a portion of tough 
flesh, [or rather a horny sul>stance,] in the cf^i 
[or tolc] of the solid hoof, as though it mere a date- 
stone, [which it resembles in substance,] or a 
pebble : (§ :) or the flesh of the solid hoof, which 
the poets liken to date-stones: (T:) or a portion 
of flesh, (£,) or of hard flesh, (M,) in the ^W 
[or sole, or inner part,'] of the solid hoof, (M, £, 
TA,) as though it were a pebble, or a date-stone, 
(TA :) or what rises in the C>^^ of the hoof of t lie 
horse, from, or of, the upper part tliereof: (M, 
£:) or the ^^ itself of the solid hoof: (M :) 
pi. j>—i, (M, K,) which Aboo-Sa'ccd explains 
as signifying the prominences in the ^jJau [or sole] 
of the solid hoof, which are likened to date-stones 

because of their hardness, and which do not touch 

j » j • ' 
the ground (T A.) Hence the saying, iyJ L* /U. 

jj—JI [i4 «>M hoof hard in the frog : the sing, 
and pi. being used indiscriminately]. (TA.) 

sce^-J, first signification. 

tjjj-j [The wild rose, dog-rose, eglantine, or 
sweet brier : so in the present day : and, accord, to 
Spreng., Hist. Rei Herb., cited by Freytag, the 
jonquil:] a well-known rose; (l£i) a well-known 
swect-smclliug flower ; (Msb;) a secies of sweet- 
smelling flower ; (M;) a Persian word, (M, Msb,) 
arabicized: (Msb:) of the measure J-W ; and, 
if so, the [final] ^ is radical : or of the measure 
,j~X*j ; and if so, that letter is augmentative: 
Az says, I know not whether it be Arabic or not. 

JjjCi The eagle; syn. oUc: (IAar, £ :) 
likened to the jU. (IAar, TA.) [Hence it 
appears that, accord, to IAar, the j~> is not the 

} y~.i> (also written with ^jo, S, Msb,) A certain 
disease that happens in the inner angles of the 
eyes, (S, Msb, I£,) with an incessant defluxion 
therefrom : (S, TA :) and sometimes it happens 
also in the part around t/te anus : and in the gum: 
(S, Msb :) or it signifies also a. certain disease in 
the part around the anus : and a certain disease 
in the gum : (K :) and is an arabicized word 
[from the Persian]: (S, Msb:) j~o\y, pi. of 

jy-o\j, accord, to certain of the physicians, is a 
term applied to deep tdcers in the anus, at the 
extremity of the gut. (Msb, art. j-aJ.) __ 
Also, A vein constantly becoming recrudescent, 
(>«£ Jij*,)wi7/i an incessant defluxion; (S, £;) cor- 
rupt within ; whenever its upper part heals, break- 
ing forth again with corruption. (TA.) See also 
• * * 

(S, A, Msb, EL) and »^-Ii, (Msb, K,) or 
the former only, (AZ,) The beak of a bird (S, A, 
Msb, K.) of prey ; (S, Msb;) or of a hawk or 
falcon ; (A ;) that of any other bird being called 
jUL-.. (S, Msb.) = [Hence,] ♦ both words also 
signify f A portion of an army that goes before 
the main army : (S, £ :) [likened to the beak of 
a bird of prey ; as the side bodies are likened to 
the wings :] and a troop of horse or korsemen in 
number from thirty to forty : or from forty to 
fifty '• or from forty to sixty : (M, K :) or from a 
hundred to two hundred: (M, Msb, K:) or a 
troop of horse or korsemen : (El-Farabee, Msb :) 
or an army that does not pass by anything without 
snatching it away. (Msb.) 

« •» «»• 

j— '-» : see^— U, throughout. 

[k-J, &c. 
See Supplement.] 

1. JJ, aor. : , (A, TA,) inf. n. J~£ (S, A, 
Mgh, Msb, K) and JJ, (TA,) It (said of water, 

S, Mgh, Msb, K, and of other things, S, K, such 
as wine, and flesh-meat, TA) made a sound in 
boiling, estuating, or fermenting : (S, Mgh, Msb, 
IC :) and it (anything) made a sound like that of 
boiling, estuating, or fermenting ; or of beginning 
to do so : and it (water) made a sound in pouring 
forth. (TA.) You say also, j'jJUI cJb, (TA,) 
inf. u. J-tJ ; (IDrd, K ;) and » o-ilii, (TA,) 

. ti'i' 

inf. n. iULi ; (IDrd, K ;) The cooking-pot made 
a sound in boiling: (IDrd, K :) or began to boil, 
and so made a sound. (TA.) And ^» i\^i\ JU 


•*i-*^> jj^ [The water made a sound in a new 

earthen mug] : (A :) or fOl ^ Jujujjl jyjjl JLi 

T/te new [earthen] mug made a sound in the water. 

(Mgh.) And cjjjl ♦Juii Tlie coat of mail 

made a sound, (£,) or clinking. (Fr.) __ Also, 

It (wine, A, Mgh, or the beverage called Jk«i, 

TA,) estuated, or fermented : (A, Mgh, TA :) or 

• : 
c£~ij signifies the beginning to estuate, or ferment, 

of the first of expressed juice [of grapes or dates 

&c.]. (TA.) — iU-lM cJj, inf. n. JLJ, The 

[Book I. 

boding. (TA.) [See also LLjL,.] = ^ATjjl Jj 
[aor., accord, to analogy, i, but vulgarly, in the 
present day, r ,] He drove [or whisked] away the 
flies. (TA.) 

_ - * • ^ 

R. Q. 1. ^^u-U, see 1, in two places. See also 
!* * 

3 a i 

JJ The half of an iJ s \ [or ounce] ; (S, A, 

Mgh, Msb, K;) i.e., twenty dirhems; (S, Msb, 
K;) the iJjl being forty dirhems; (S, Msb;) 
and five dirhems being called i£ : (S:) or the 
weight of a date-stone (il^j) of gold: or the weight 
of Jive dirhems : or the quarter of an <L»jl: (TA:) 
and the half of anything; (IAar, Sh, Az, Mgh, 
Msb ;) as, for instance, of a diihcm, and of a cake 
of bread. (IAar, Sh, Az, Mgh.) 


see iilij. 

a— t — > uoj\ and v rt M.M.i Salt land that produces 
no herbage. (IDrd, K.) 

iiUi iLZ, (S, A, K,) and tiiUJ, (Az, TA,) 
A tract of salt land of which the moisture [or, as 
in a copy of the A, the earth,] does not dry 
up, nor its pasture, or herbage, grow: (A, K. :) 
or what appears of the water of salt lands, 
and begins to sink tJtcrein, so that it becomes 
salt. (S.) 

!*.-*- •- ' 

UUi) : see i.."..,.«,j . 

J*.LJl u ii* Tlie part of the shore of a 
sea or great river from which the water has 
retired. (A.) 

piece of flesh-meat dripped. (Sh, from certain of 
the Kilabees.) = Also ,JJ, aor. -, inf. n. j:, t iS 

(S, K) and JJ, (TA,) said of a pool of water left 
by a torrent, Its water began to sink into the earth : 
(S, 1£ :) or its water dried up, and sank into the 
earth. (TA.) It (water upon the surface of the 
ground) dried up. (TA.) It (a full-grown un- 
ripe date) lost its moisture. (TA.) ts J^ajJI Jli 

m mi 

O^iPV [aor., app., i,] He infused the oil, or 
other ointment, with perfume, by boiling it with 
sweet-smelling plants until it made a sound in 

[A fy-whUlt ;] a thing with which the 
flies are driven away. (TA.) 

Ji^~o ijj.> Oil, or other ointment, infused 
with perfume, (K, TA,) by boiling it with sweet' 
smelling plants until it makes a sound in boiling. 
(TA)[See also iiJL,.] 

• j s t J * m ' 

1. Hi, aor. i; and ^li, aor. i; inf. n. IJJ 
and lyU and tltj and SUJ and !<LU; He lived ; 
(Kl;) and (accord, to Sh) he rose, or became 
elevated, or high. (TA.) _ [It rose.] __ SLi-JI 
,_$>£.•% or it"^Ji\, [Kur, liii. 48,] The resur- 
rection : [lit., the other life]. (TA.) — illjl 
SjsW^X, or Si\.7. : 11, [Kur, xxix. 19, the same: lit., 

the latter life]. (TA.) [See also itli below.] _ 
t*J, (S, K,) inf. n. \jj> and \<Li (TA) and l£> ; 
(S ;) He grew up, (K,) and became a youth, or 
young man. (S, K.) [See ^li.] — \j? \J? oLiJ 

O^i, (S,) and O^* ^ u» t^i, (TA.) I 
grew up, and became a young man, among the 
sons of such a one. (S, TA.) lii, (S, $,) 

inf. n. IJJ and *,£>, (TA,) 2< (a cloud) rose, 
(S, KI,) a««? appeared : said of its first begin- 

Book I.] 

ning. (TA.) \±J He arose. (TA.) — [It 

became produced; it originated; ,j* from an- 
other thing. See 4.] It happened, occurred, 

or came to pass. (TA.) — ^ij *i & [.An 
opinion occurred to him, or arose t» A« mi/irf]. 
(S, K, art. jju.) 

2. ^Ii andt^iSt are syn., (S, K,) [signifying 
He was reared, made to grow, or grow up, and 
to become a young man.] See 4. 

4. Viil He (i.e. God) raised the clouds. 

(S, K.) — Ci* &' # e ** fP a beacon, or *'#" 
o/ <Ae nay, in a desert or highway : (TA :) 
and so Cu ♦l*- : ■-' ife »d «/> « teacon, 
or sign of the may. (A.) — *U-il, inf. n. SUiJ, 
J/e (i.e. God) r«iw«Z Aim io attorn <Ae age of man- 
hood, or near/y that age. (TA.) See 2 Uil 

and ♦ lii [so TA : app. IHi :] 7/e (i. c. God) 
created; produced; originated. (S.) 4XM Ujl 
jliJt God originated the creation. (TA.) — 
djliil J originated it ; brought it into being or 
existence ; made it, or produced it, for the first 
time, it not having been before. (Msb.) — liJl 
He founded or began to build, a house [&c.]. (K.) 
__ He framed or constructed, h proverb, or 
phrase. (TA.) — He composed language [such 
as an ode or the like]. (TA.) — He recited 
poetry, or a iSJ. , well. (I Aar.) — He forged 
a tradition, (S, K,) and attributed it [to the 
Prophet]. (Lth ) — lAJI, followed by an aor., 
He began (§, K) to relate, (K,) or say, (TA,) 
or do. (S.) H *i* ^-i' He went forth from it. 
(K.) Ex. Oliil J>jt ^>*, Whence hast thou come 
forth? (TA.) ass iiUJl C»lt*1 The she-camel 
conceived: (K :) of the dial, of Hiulhcyl. (TA.) 
bb= <ui* tii' ^« came '"' advanced '°» or */*" 
proached him or t«. (TA.) 

ZZis ro.*e anrf n>cnt fo acrom- 

odour, of nine. (I Aar.) [See 10.] See {£&• 

_ Also, The young ones of camels : (Kr, K :) 

pi. [or rather quasi -pi. n.] LtJ. (K.) 

ilii and * i«li_i J. creation ; an original 
production. (Aboo-'Amr Ibn-El-'Ala, S ) [See 
also 1.] See a 1 '*' 

»«UJ: see what precedes/ 

^~> : see • h ^j. 

plish his affair, or business. (A A, K.) 

bil* lie arose and went running to accompliih 
his affair. (AA.) 

10 : see 4. as L>j\ ^J^i He * centt ihe 
wind: said of a wolf: (ISk, S :) and Lii-I 
JuLty He sought, or searched after, news : (K, 
TA:) in both instances, with and without »; 
(S, # L;) being derived from ^-i^ C-li (S, L) 
and ^iJJ OW^J J^-J : [ fiee also ■■ « '■»■■ ■" ■■•] 
/L ,)sbs f j-r r* lUVi r_* ■! [/ requested him to com- 
jiose, or, perhaps, to recite an ode, or *Ae 
■fife]. (A.) 

tj£ and ♦ tjyli iiwe» cfowd* : (?:) or the 
J?r«< that rises of them : (S, £ :) or their first 
appearance : (ex. k >-*- ItAi «yjW-JI l^»3 2%e»e 
c/o(«i» /iar« a ^ooa" ^Ir/tt appearance :) or c/o«rfs 
wAen they appear like a piece of drapery (St'iU) 
spread out. (TA.) — i^J The exhalation, or 

*'..*-) The^Ir^ ;>ar< <Aa< it made of a tank, or 

cistern. (ISk, S, K.) a£jL)l ^C A tank, 

or cistern, of which the water is dried up, and 

the bottom apparent. (S.) __ Also, S , ' e , t ' » The 

.stone <Ao^ «> placed in the bottom of a tank, or 

CM/ern. (A'Obeyd, S, K.) The earth that is 

behind the yjU , (K,) which are the stones that 

are set up around the tank, the interstices between 

which stones are filled up with kneaded clay : 

(TA :) or it is said to signify what is constructed 

round the tank ; also called jLatl. (TA.) __ 

jZJ\ Ugii The earth that is taken forth from the 

well. (TA.) — <t .-;.*» What is fresh and green 

t < 
q/" <Ae p/r«n< which is called, when dry, <Uujl>. 

(K,* TA.) _ And (which is nearly as above, 

L,) The plants ^y«aj and ^tX-o : (L, Ifc :) or 

accord, to AHn, the plant called Zj*j, when it 
has become a little thick, and high, and is yet fresh 
and green : (TA :) or, (as he says on another 
occasion, TA,) what has sprung, or sprouted vp, 
of any plant, and not yet become thick; as also 
* »LLi. (K). See £iU, at the end. 

/_il> A young person past the age of puberty : 
(TA :) or a boy or girl past tlie age of childhood : 
(S, K :) or a comely young man : (I Aar :) or a 
youth-who has attained the stature of a man .* 
(AHeyth :) a girl, as well as a boy, is called thus ; 
(TA ;) and they also say, iiiU ijU.. (A A.) 
PI. \J-i and U—l (S, KL [or these two are rather 
quasi-pl. ns.,] or the * former is an inC n. 
U6ed as an epithet, Aboo-Moosa,) and ijy*"^ 

(AHeyth) and ^V : (TA:) or the last is a pi. 
of ,OU as applied to a girl. (MF.) Lth says 
that *1^j signifies Young people; or youths; 
and is used in the sing, also : ex. >j_> ij^> yh 
He is a bad youth: and he says that he had 
never heard iV-*^ used as an epithet for a girl. 
Fr says that the • of the pi. IJ—J is sometimes 
suppressed, and they say, in the 110m. Jj«) 5 ^-J 

[Excellent youths] ; ace, Jjue U-i ; gen. t _ J ^-' 

• # 
Jj-o. (TA.) — jOU Clouds not completely 

collected together. Hence, it is said, is derived 

the expression tj^oall ^— • ; which is therefore 

tropical. (T A.) — - ^,iU Whatever happens {and, 


perhaps, appears TA,) in the night: pi. ilii\i; 
(K ;) a strange form of pi. of a word of the 
measure J*t»: (M, F:) or iiili [see Kur, 
Ixxtii. 0,] is an inf. n. (K) in the sense of >»Li : 
(TA :) AM says, that J^ll iUiU signifies >y 
JJJI the rising in t/ie night : (TA :) or iJLiU 
signifies the first part of the night, and of the 
day : or the first of the hoursof the night : (S, KL :) 
or a pious act of the night ; i. e., performed in 
the night : (S .) or every hour of the night in 
which one rises : (K :) or every hour of the night : 
(Zj :) or a rising after a sleeping, (K,) in the first 
part of the night ; (TA ;) as also * i£ii. (K.) 

[l^-U The place of origination of anything, 
properly and tropically ; its source.] 

l.f. U and * V •*"._: ,T 1 o A beacon,- or sign of the 
way, raised and jtointed. (Hi.) [See the verbs.] 

Also, the former, An elevated hill. — 

OU-l^l <j/y,J\ [K^ur, lv. 24,] 27te ships with 
elevated sails: (Mujahid, S, K :) or, accord, to 
one reading, ♦ Ql.**,I«ll, Tlie ships elevating their 
sails: (TA :) or, advancing and retiring; or 
coming and going : (Fr:) or, commencing their 
courses. (TA.) 

^JLu 4.5U ^4 she-camel that has conceived : 
(K :) of the dial, of Hudheyl. (TA.) See 


-•, (K.,) also without », (TA,) A female 

diviner : (K :) so called because she seeks, or 
searches after, news: see the verb: or from UJI 
"he originated:" (TA :) or i j ,*.:.: ■», with- 
out tenween, is the proper name of a certain 
female diviner, (T,) one of the Muwelledehs 

(Z>\jiy») of Kureysh, in tlie time of Mohammad. 

1. l(J ll ^J ' t JiS\ '^i, aor. r, inf. n. 
(S) and ^-JLi (^L, accord, to TA, &c : in the 
C*: L~&:) and llL' ; (Kl ;) and ♦ >T .^.;.U 
(S, K) [and 'ylj, q. v.]; TVie M«n«? rtwc* 
fast in the thing. (S.) a,j ^utlt ^JLJ 77i« 
tone s/iwi /a«t tn Atw, or it ; (TA ;) womW not 

pa»» through. (K.) — v' ' » ttor - c > ln '- n * v^ i 

• # 
7< became caught, or entangled, ' tyJ Z ^ in a 

tA»i^; as game in a net, or snare. (Lth.) _ 
Jj>»j <u» ^.. »,;-■> l ... ... o^— it [ / bought some 

sesame, and a man seized it, or la id hold upon it, for 
himself]. (TA).— J&W/-JI 0^5,(S,A,) 
inf. n. ~ r »>-- i » (A-,) J 7«e rear, or ^A/, became 

-il), between them. 

U ; / cea«e<2 not 

intricate and entangled (o. 
(TA.) U£» J*»l w-,i 

to do to. 


# • 

\ I did not cease saying it. (A.)^,jl /■} Xt 1) 

U£> J*» 1 2/e rftrf no< </«/oy to rfo *o ; [A« rft'rf so 

without delay]. (A.) _ oU ,jl as,j t,-**j ^ 

J M </;a kali delayed not to die ; [died without 

delay, or immediately;] lit., did not cling to 

anything else. Occurring in a trad. (IAth.) _ 
j 1 * * « 
ym^S *-li The thing was incumbent upon him : 

syn.ilji. (£.) 

2. oCie ^ ^J l^ij [They set about, or 
commenced, the slaughter of 'Othmdn]. (TA, 
from a trad.) __ ,^Ll\ ^ ^li i. q.^li : (£ :) 
mentioned by Lh, but as being of weak authority. 

3. v>»-" *»-Vi t-^« waged ojyen war with 
him ; contended with him therein ; [app., with 
pertinacity]. (S.) _ »joe .^-U, inf. n. <Lilu, 
J [He contended with his enemy with pertinacity]. 


4. -«* ,£L f l, (S, £,) and * £li, (£,) / 
/««</* t7 <o stick fast in it, (S,) so that it would 
not pass through. (K.) _ .^JjI lie (a fowler 
or the like) had game caught, or entangled, in 
hi* mare, or net. (S, $.) _ i/e (a hawk) 
Ji.rcd liis talons into his prey. (TA.) -_ Cwl 

f->£\ i.q. CuJI, The wind was violent, and 
drove along the dust and pebbles. (K..) 

is us - 

5. wJ^DW 3)yZtt ■ T .1 ; J The thorns caught in, 

or to, or /atrf Ao«W wpon, the garment. (Msb, 
nrt. JLU.) — lyffc <ULJ ^i .^~iiJ t[Love of her 
took fast hold upon, or became fixed in, his heart], 
(A.) See 1. 

6. aJ y>. i ^ A U J They drew themselves together, 
/■leaving one to another, around him. (KL," TA.) 

8. See 1. _ Also, He collected fire-wood. 
(K.) — UU1* w.. ? . : . i l He collected together corn, 
and made for himself property (^iJ) thereof. 


v~L> (?, I£) and * kJS and t &.Z,.» Moveable 
and immoveable property; syn. JU and %tf* : 
(A'Obeyd, S, Msb :) or t/ie latter only : (Msb:) 
oi< fixed pro/>erty, consulting of animate and in- 
animate things; [or live stock and land ij- c. ; 
or land ifc. with its live stock;] lit vocal and 
mute, Jil»0 and w~»U> : (K :) or v ~lj is a 
term mostly applied to immoveable property, such 
01 houses and land ; whereas JU is a term mostly 
applied to moveable property, such as silver and 
gold coin, kc. : but this latter term is sometimes 
applied to all that a man possesses ; and some- 
times especially, or particularly, to camels. (TA.) 

See also 8. [You say,] .^JLi ^£l U^ ^ '. 3 ^£1 

* , * * * l *l * 

v* ifc "ill ^Jl U [Ye have (good) lineage ; but 
i/e have not Jixed property : ye are nothing but 
logs of wood]. (A, and in a MS. copy of the J£ : 
in the CIC, with the pron. of the third pers., and 


with ,j1 in place of the latter U.) = s^ii A 
certain tree, of which bows are made, (£,) one 
of the trees of the desert. (TA.) 

■'••* '*'. * • ******** t J 

«**** »eJI o^oj iJLi 5^ c-A JT 7»a* once 
such that, when I clung to a man, he experienced 
evil from me; but now I have reverted from 
being such through weakness. (IAar, K.») [See 
also art. ^JU.] A proverb. Said by El-Harith 
Ibn-Bedr El-Ghudanee. Applied in the case of 
him who has become abased after having been 
great or powerful. MF observes, that *<_Li as 
syn. with JU is properly written * 5lH ; and 
that it is altered here to assimilate it to *'\ e : 
but it will be seen that alii is explained in the 
$, in another instance in this art. in a sense 

suitable to it in this proverb. (TA.) 3.*; 

[A holdfast. And hence,] % A man rvho, when he 
is involved, or engaged, in an affair, can scarcely 
be extricated, or disengaged, from it; (A, K[ ;) or 
who is unable to accomplish it: (TA:) one who, 
mlien charged with, or accused of, a vice, or fault, 
or t/te like, will scarcely forsake it. (L.) [See 
an explanation of a verse cited voce ZfJaL.] = 
i~«> a proper name of The wolf. (K.) Imper- 
fectly declinable. (TA.) 

?'•' * It , •-•' 

**—* : see ^^mt, and iulj. 

w>l^J A maker of arrows. (r>.) See ^,C . 
>r>\^> coll. gen. n., Arrows : syn.^, (S,) or 
Jy : (S :) n. un. with S : (S, KI :) pi. ^lii : 

(TA :) from ^j£ " it stuck fast " in a thing. 

kr*ftU Sticking fast in a thing. (Msb.) 

Possessing arrows. (S, K.) A word of the 
same kind as ^<) and _^.U : (Msb:) after the 
manner of a relative noun; having no cor- 
responding verb from which to be formed. (TA ) 
i*wU>jS [A people, or party, possessing arrows]. 
(S.) — Also, LiU J.y, (TA,) and iijli, (Kl,) 
A people shooting, or who shoot, arrows. (K, TA.) 
— J 1 *-^' **iX> The pulley that sticks fast, or 
will not run. A poet says, 

lyu jj ^jlc w jU_J« 

[Book I. 
«T'. i » u [^.n instrument by which a thing is made 

to catch, or rticA /art.* pi. 4-^M- [Hence,] 

*• > .. 
JA5 v-ilu [TAc ca<cAe» of a lock]. (A'Obeyd, 

in TA, voce jL\\Ji', q.v.") — ^.iL Tough, or 
dry, bad, unripe dates; sy n . ^JUJ\ ^ : pi. 
^-iU.. (£.) — (^A-JW J^-W s^u yU-t My l 
[7%ey brought us tough, or dry, fcad, u/ir«>e 
dates,that chohed,or stuck in tfte throat}. (IAar.) 


• -- j 

A garment of the kind called j^j figured 
with the forms of arrows : (K. :) or figured with 
a pattern resembling the notches of arrows. (A.) 

»-£i, aor. ;, inf. n. m^j 




[^4»irf <Ao»e, <Ae sons of 'Adee, fell short of what 
they should do, or delayed: and I wonder at the 
pulley that sticks fast, and will not run!] He 
compares them, in their holding back from 
aiding them, [see art. jll,] to the pulley that will 
not run. So explained by IAar, and the L. In 
the I£ explained imperfectly. (TA.) 

• - 9- 

v* - " * A. place wlience one cannot extricate 
himself. Ex. j^l ^-iU ^j£ J He fell into an 
evil, or a misfortune, from which he could not 
I deliver, or extricate himself. (A, Kl.) 

(water) made a sound [in running] upon the 
ground. (L.) — ^JS, aor. ; , inf. n. L^ (S, 
£) and ^ii, (S,) He sobbed : (L :) he became 
choked with weeping, without raising, or pro- 
longing, his voice therein : (S, $ :) lie wept like 
a child when he is beaten, when his weeping does 
not find egress, but is reciprocated in his chest: 
(A'Obeyd:) lie became choked with weeping, on 

an occasion of fright, or fear. (T.) * Vt , 

($,) or 4J^p ^ii', inf. n. ^, (S ;) I He (an 
ass) made his voice to reciprocate (S, K.) in his 
c/test: (S:) he brayed, (A'Obeyd, ) on an occasion 
»ff right, or fear. (TA.) — lij lit ( a cooking- 
pot, and a skin, S, K, and ajar, or earthen pot, 
S) made a gurgling noise by the motion of its 
contents, as in boiling. (S, R.) — ? '*'• , (aor. 
-., inf. n. £-sii, TA.) He (a singer) made a 
distinction, or an interval, (J-o*,) between two 
sounds, and prolonged [the same]. (£.) _ ZJ$ 
t It (a frog) made a reciprocating croaking. (jg[.) 
— *i«l»ll Cs j JU t 27** */a6 made a [gurgling] 
sound within, on the coming forth of the blood. 
(TA.) — __li. aor. ; , inf. n. »-r^, He, or it, 
uttered, or wiadc, o sound, or nowc. (L.) 

«^ij A channel in which water flows : pi. -.Liil 
(§, t) 

•-ij »«* A weeping that reciprocates in the 
throat, with sobbing. (L.) 

m^fmi The channel of a torrent: pi. ■.&!. (L.) 



inf. n. aZiJ and 

9* ' •< and ~^ — i 

H, He 

drank a little, (L,) less than what would satisfy 
him : (S, L, K. :) or, contr., he drank until lie 
mas full: (L, 1%:) as also * mJjLi\. (L.) _ 
--ii 7/e ^otw his camel a little water to drink : 
(L:) he watered horses to as to allay the vehe- 
mence of their thirst. (T, L, £.) 

Book I.] 

8 : see 1. 

JLjiJ A little mater. (S, g.) Abu-n-Nejm 
Bays, describing asses, 

<• J * • f 5* 

U^ii C~-s* U til 

(S, L,) meaning f/n/t/, ro/ien they had taken into 
their bellies a little water: or *-y^ signifies a 
drink less than suffices to satisfy. (L.) 

1. jJU, (S, £, &c.,) aor. ^, (S, Msb. &c.,) 
inf. n. jJLi (L, Msb, #) and ij^iJ and o'J^j 
(S, M, L, K,) or these two are simple substs., 
(Msb,) lie raised his voice in seeking for, or after, 
a stray-beast, or beast that had been lost ; he 
called out and inquired respecting it ; he cried it : 
(L :) or he sought for, or after, it : (Lh, A'Obeyd, 
S, M, L, Msb, K :) and [in like manner] * j-iJl 
he ashed, or desired, to be directed to it. (M, L, K.) 
_ Also, He made known, or gave information 
of, a stray-beast, or beast that had been lost; 
(Lh, A'Obeyd, M, L, Msb £ ;) and so t jtiil : 
(Lh, S, M, IKtt, L, Msb, K:) thus the latter 
verb [as well as the former] bears two contr. 
significations. (M, £•) Sec also >ib. — ^iJ 
+ He sought, sought for or after, or desired, a 
thing. (L.) — ojJtJ f Zfe asked, begged, or ftc- 

sought, him. (L.) JȣJ t V/e wo* ashed, 

begged, or besought. (S, L.) See 6 : and 4. — 
ej*L>, (aor. i, L,) inf. n. ij^j [and SjuLi (sec 
below)] and rj\jj~> ; (L;) and * »j—U, inf. n. 
ij>iu« and jUJ; (M, L, K;) t i/e adjured 

him. (M,* L,* K.) Jili ly^t t //c adjured 

him by God; (L, K ;*) accord, to most of 
the grammarians and lexicologists, with a 

* * * * 

desire of conciliating him. (MF.) _— oj-ij, 
(nor. '- , T, S,) inf. n. JLii, % He said to him 
klM .iiijJ^, (S, L, K,) which signifies I conjure, 
hey, or beseech, thee by God; (S, A, Mgh, L, 
Msb, Kj) as though thou remindei'st him of 'Jod, 
and he remembered; (S, L;) as also ll i)j-t)l, 
and Jiii, (L,) and -IM * JUJiiC, (A, Mgh, 1,) 
and <&)(/ : (Mgh, L, Msb :) originally, I conjure 
thee by God, raising my voice : (Et-Towsheeh :) 
or ii signifies I remind thee of God, conjuring; 
and originally, I beseech of thee by God; the 
thing for which one conjures being preceded by 
^1 or what is syn. therewith, [as U3,] or by an 
interrogative or imperative or prohibitive : (MF:) 
or it signifies I remind thee of God, desiring to 

it* * I * - ' 

conciliate thee; as also aJJl^ JWJxli : (Msb :) or 

<jI)I AjjJ~>, inf. n. 3»xJLJ and Sj^— J and ,jl, 
signifies / adjure thee by God; as also f jibjjtj I 
*JJb ; (M, L,) or this latter is erroneous : (Mgh, 

,£ «• « * • * 

L :) and so signifies «OJI J ju^i ; (M, L, Kj) in 

■i M ill > >*"' 

which jLti is said to be originally SjJSJ, an 
inf. n. put in the place of the verb , or dill .JjuLi 
is a phrase of unpremeditated formation, like 

»U* »* •* ,it~ '*** 1 • 1 

«I)I Jjol5 and «Ul -i)>*£ ; or this phrase, which 
occurs in a trad., may be incorrectly transmitted, 

.if' • i i it 

and should perhaps be <UUI JJ-xlJ! : (IAth, L :) 

j , , , & * * * » * * 

or ejJJ signifies he said .to him dJJl^ iUju» i 

^•■vb [^ con J ure ^ iee > or a 4) ure tt iee > by God 
and relationship ; &c] : (Lth, T, L :) J 6e#, 
or beseech, thee by God, and by relation- 
ship, raising my voice. (L.) _ juij He 
remembered God. (S, L.) _ He knew, or 
'was acquainted with, a person. (L, K.) _ 
o jkyC « juLi , aor. * , He reminded him of hi* com- 
pact, covenant, engagement, or promise. (Mgh.) 

3. j^l »aiU, and ^*^l ^J, t He desired and 
ashed of him the thing. (L.) See 1. 

4. ejuUI, and ai jJLil, f He answered him; 
gave him his assent, or consent, to that which lie 
ashed, begged, or besought. The I in this case is 

called aJU^l oUI : as though the verb meant he 
e - 

caused bis raising of his voice (»ji~ijy to cease. 
(L.) See also 6 : and 1. — j^l, (inf. n. 
jUJI , A, Msb,) t He recited poetry ; (S,* A, L, 
Msb,* K ;) properly, [he chanted it,] with a high 
voice; (L ;) for the reciter [usually] raises his 
voice in reciting: (A :) he raised it in fame ; as 

also .iii. (L.) «j*i ^J^l He recited to 

me his poetry. (S,* A.) — jkiil t [He cited, or 
quoted, a verse, or verses. (The lexicons, &e., 
passim.)] —j^i J^l X He satirized them. (L, 
K.) juiJI f He gave. (S, L.) See 6. 

5. jUa.'^I jL.t,;"i X He sought to learn news (A, 
K) without others knowing the same. (A.) 

6. tjjiwU XThey recited [poetry] one to an- 
other. (L, Msb, K.) — El-Aasha, in the fol- 
lowing verse, 

* , § * * * * * • . - 

[My lord is generous; he does not sully a favour : 
and when he is ashed, or begged, or besought, in 
papers, he gives], means, accord, to AO, that En- 
Noaman Ibn-El-Mundhir, when asked, or begged, 
or besought, to write grants to poets {J>\^.), 

gave : jA f lU is here for juL3, meaning J£w. 

10. jiljl oj^L.\ (S, A,» L, K») X He asked 
or desired him to recite the poetry. (]£.) 

5.x— j and » u'-*— i Search for, or fl/ifer, a 
stray-beast. See also 1. (Msb.) Also, .4. making 

known, or informing respecting, a stray beast. See 

i « o 
also 1. (M§b.) __ ijJ~> A voice; a cry; a 

sound. (K.) 

^jIjl^J : see ojulJ. 


13 Elevation of the voice: (L, ]£ : ) or the 
roi'ce itself. (L.) _ t Poetry recited (S, A, L, 
Msb, K) by people, one to another; (S, A, L, Kl :) 
as also tijyiJI: (K:) pi. of '.he former, jiJLiJ ; 
(TA ;) and of the latter, Juiut. (A, T£.) 

OwU [act. part. n. of j*iJ] in the following verse 
of Aboo-Du-ad, 


[And she listens sometimes like as he who has lost 
a beast gives ear to the voice of a jl£>0], signifies 
a man making known, or giving information of, a 
stray-beast : or, as some say, one seeking for, or 
after, a stray-beast ; for he who has lost a beast 
desires to find one who, like himself, has lost one, 
that he may be consoled thereby. (S, M, L.) See 
art. ?-yo. — ^jkil3 Men who seek after stray- 
camels, and take them, and confine them from 
tlieir owners. (L.) 

• - » #J • - 

Z)ylj\ -. see j>-iJ. 

t * * * * 

jw/UZe X Poetry recited by people, one to another. 

(?, L, K.) 

1. 'jlJ, (S, A, Msb,) aor. >-, (S, TA,) inf. n. 

jZJ, (S, A, Msb, K,) He spread, spread out, or 
open, expanded, or unfolded, (S, TA,) a garment 
or piece of cloth (A, Msb, TA) or the like, (TA,) 
goods, &c, (S,) and a writing ; (A ;) contr. of 
^£yb; (A, K;) as also Ij^J, inf. n. j+Zjj: (K, 
TA :) [or the latter is with teshdeed to denote 
muchness, or frequency, or repetition, of the action, 
or its application to many objects, as is shown by 
an explanation of its act. part, n., which see 
below. Hence j-£jj u«J : see art. uU.] — [He 
spread out, or, as we say, priched up, his ears : 

and hence the saying,] «vV j-»^ «UJJJ j-iJ, lit., 
He spread out his ears at that thing : meaning, 
X he was covetous of that thing, or eager for it. 
(Har. p. 206.) [See jiU, below.] —.^riJI jij, 

(S, A, K,) aor. i and -., (S, Ii]) inf. n. jl3, (K,) 
X He spread, or publis/ied, the news. (S, A, K.) 
__ Also jlj, aor. '-, (Msb,) inf. n. jlj ; (Msb, 
K;) [and *j-iJ, or this is with teshdeed for the 
purpose mentioned above ;] He scattered, or dis- 
persed, (Msb, ]£, TA,) [people, kc; or] sheep or 
goats, (Msb, TA,) and camels, (TA,) after con- 
fining them in t/te nightly resting-place. (Msb.) 
— He sprinkled water. (A.) __ *^ji\ Ojii The 
wind blew in a misty or cloudy day [so as to dis- 
perse the mist or clouds]. (I Aar, K.) _ «Uc jij, 
(A, K,) inf. n.^ij ; (A ;) and 'lie. t^li, (A, L, 
TA,) inf. n. )~i-3 ; (S, A, L, TA ;) and in like 

manner * »j-li ; (S, TA ;) { He charmed away 



[Book I. 

from him sickness, (S,* A, L, K,*) and diabolical 

* • j 
possession, or madness, (L, ]£,) by a »j-i-», i. e., 

a charm, or on amulet ; (S, A, L, ]£ ;) a* though 
he dispersed it from him: (A:) and in like 
manner » *j2J he wrote for him a SjJU. (S.) 
El-Kilabee says, kiil C't=> 0^=» ^1 ^ IJj* 
Jl*e v >« t [And when lie who is smitten by the evil 

*ye m charmed by a »JJU, Ae « a* fAow/A A<? were 
loosed from a bond] : i.e., it [the effect of the eye] 
departs from him speedily. (S [in two copies of 
which I i'uidj^j, as above; but in the TA,'j~i.]) 
And in a trad, it is said, ^-Ul y^ J^tl s }i^ " »j-j 
J //« charmed away the effect of enchantment from 
him [by the words " Say I seek refuge in the Lord 
of men:" the commencement of the last chap, of 
the Sur-nn]. (S.) = Ji3, (El-Hasan, Zj, A, K.) 
aor. '., (TA,) inf. n. Jii andj^ii; (K, TA ;) or 

tjjji 5 (IAb, Fr, S, A, Mph, Msb;) or both; ,A\ k among tk$ people. (A.) And C 

(A, $ ;) J He (God, S, A, &c.) raised the dead 

2: see 1, in five places, throughout the former 
half of the paragraph. 

3. OuSt « r iU [2/e spread, or unfolded, with 
him the garments or ;«'ece» of cloth]. (A.) 

4: sec 1, after the middle of the paragraph. 

5 : see 8, in two places. 

6. 4* 1 **" \jjl,\£ [They spread, or unfolded, one 
with anotlier, the garments, or pieces of cloth]. (A.) 

8. ^L3I [quasi-pass, of 1,] It spread, expanded, 
or unfolded ; it became spread, expanded, or un- 
folded; asalso'^Lj: (K:) [or the latter, being 
quasi-pass, of 2, denotes muchness, ice] — O^UjI 
JJlaJbt 77ie branches of the palm-tree spread forth. 

(K.) [And (jLai^t O^il The brandies spread 

j. # 
forth : and /Ae branches straggled.] _^>JI ^IjI 

J 77*e new spread, or became published, (S, A, K,) 

fo /»/*«; quirkened them; revivified, or revived, 
them. (Zj, S, A, Mgh, Msb, $, &c.) FAb reads 

jljll t [7%c orfour spread, or diffused itself] 

(K. in art. -.y ; &c) — jlyJI ^Jl t TAe rfay 

[in the tfur, ii. 261,] U>2 J^» [7/o» m will j »°™»" &*0 «■* «*^^ : (& : > f nd so one 8a - V8 

I JL3I t77,e 

r»i« /Aem fo life], and adduces in his favour the | of otl,er '"'"S 9 - C 1 ^) 

^.,*"r»« T« .», -I i sinews, or tendons, became inflated, or swollen, (K.) 
words [in ihe Kur. lxxx. 22,] ~ e^l «L. lij ^ 

J [Then, when He pleaseth, He raiseth him to 
life]: El-Hasan reads UJiJj : [and others read 
lip«J, with ziiy :] but Fr says, that El-Hasan 

by reason of fatigue : (TA:) jUJit is a state of 
inflation, or swelling, in the sinew*, or tendons, of 
a beast, occasioned by fatigue: (S:) AO says, 
that the sinew, or tendon, which becomes inflated, 

holds it to refer to unfolding and folding, and ; or ^^ fc ^ ^^ (?> . TA) a „j th(lt what 

that the proper way is to use viJ I [in this sense,] j fi.. '. i *S- i . i •„ „«•„,..;„„ 

K «" V,, *^ | is teiTOcd ,-kiJt Jr»-> is suiiilnr to ibis affection, 

transitively, and ^J intransitively. (S, TA.) | excc])ting m •„ TOt bcin ,, g0 mU e nd«.ed by the 
{See also JfrV, which has the contr. meaning.] j hor8e . bv anot | ler) r others, it is said, that jUJjt 
__ Hence, ^k*)1 p^p> *j^*l = *•?• J^'» wit1 ' of the sinews, or tendons, of a beast, in his fore 
zAy : (Msb :) or I The sucking strengthened tlie bone. I leg, is a breaking, and coivmpient displacement, of 

(Mgh.) ■ jli, (S, A, Mfb, K,) aor. », (S.) inf n. those sinews. (TA.) »j£*i ^SJ\ \His penis 

)£> (S, A, Msb, TA) and *Jj, (Msb,) agreeably became erect. (TA.) [And hence,] Jl^JI ^1 
with what Fr says, (S,) signifies J He (a dead ! : The man beoame excited by lust. (S, K.) — 
person) lived after death; came to life again; I j£}| yLiil [In my copy of the A, jLZ~A, but this 
revived; (S, TA ;) or lived; came to life; (A, : I regard as a mistranscription,] The reattr became 
Msb;) as also *j±2\. (A.) Hence j,i-JI £i sprinkled; as also IjLl : (A :) [or the latter 

j, voce ^Ij : 
voce _j»^-I :] 

I The day „f resurrection. (S.) _ j£, (TA,) j «g«jfi« « ^' f «'" e wtt ' 7 ' V«»*^0 — U* 'i^' 
inf. n. ^Li, (¥, TA,) t /< (herbage, or | u*/»« *V» tecam« ic.^crcrf, or *pemrf, or f% 

scattered, or dis/mrsed, themselves, in the land, or 
car/A. (A.)— >*Hi»>i3»»(M!b,TA,)w»d^l, 
(K, TA,) TAe .i/usep or //oaf* [and the camels] 
became scattered, or dispersed, after having been 
confined in their nightly restiny-place : (Msb :) or 
the sheep or goats (TA) and the camels (K, TA) 
became scattered, or dispersed, through negligence 
of their pastor. (£, TA.) — j&l >^« t 2^ 
*fa<e »/" <Au^», or a/uu-Ji, 6ecame dissolved, broken 
up, decomposed, disorganized, or unsettled; syn. 
siilj. (TA, art. C-i.) i^ See also 1, latter 

part of the paragraph ^31 also signifies He 

put himself in motion, and went on a journey. 
(TA, in art. j^.) — >i» ^* 4^1 ^' r/ ' c 
wolf made an incursion among the sheej) or goats. 
(TA in art *i.) 

became green in connctpience of rain in the end of 
summer after it had dried Up. (TA.) — t It (a 
plant) began to grow forth in the ground. (K,* 

* * • I * 

TA.) You say, U^-i i>-»-l U I iiow ^oorf B «'* 
_/!»•)!< growth! (TA.) — t /< (a tree) ;;«< forth 
it* leaves. (£.) — t It (foliage) spread. (K.) 
— c4/9l *JA (?, A, K,) aor. i, (TA,) inf. n. 
j.ii, (^,) J 3TA« land being rained upon in tlie 
end of summer, its herbage, or pasturage, became 
qrei n after it. had dried up : (S, T A :) or the land, 
being watered by tlie rain celled £s£pt| put forth 
its Iterbage. (A, r>.) See ^. aas^J, (S, A, 
Msb,)*or. i, (S,) inf. n. ^15, (1^,) l[He sawed 
wood ;] A« cut (££i, §, or C-U, K) wood, (S, 
A, Msb, $,) w«A a j^- (?, A, Msb.) 

10. tyliS I He demanded, or desired, of him 
<Aat Ae should unfold (P^> O 1 ) t0 n ' m (*•*•) [ a 
thing]. (A.) 

^ii used in the sense of an act. part, n.: see^u. 
— And in the sense of a pass, or quasi-pass, part 
n.: scoj^J. .•! sweet odour : (S, A, JC :) [be- 
cause it spreads :] or odour in a more general 
sense; (A, K ;) i.e., absolutely, whether sweet or 
stinking: (A'Obcyd:) or the odour of a iroman's 
mouth, (ADk, A, K,) and of her nose, (ADk, 

TA,) and of her arm-yits (oUxtl), after sleep. 
(ADk, A, K.) as J Heritage, or pasturage, which 
has dried up and then Iterome green in consequence 
of rain in the end of summer or spring (see below, 

and see JJl»->) : (S, K :) ft is bad for the pasturing 
animals when it first appears, and men flee from 
it with their camels <)'•<•. ; (S, TA ;) which it 
affects with the [disease railed] j\-> when they 
pasture upon it at its first appearance : [see 
remarks on a verse cited in art. 
and see another verse in art. 
AHn says, that it does not injure animals with the 
solid hoof; or if it do so, they leave it until it dries, 
and then its evil quality departsfrom it : it consists 
of leguminous plants and of [the herbage termed] 

>y.£li ; or, as some say, of the latter only : (TA:) 

{an ex. of the word is cited in art. Vj*-. voce 

» « # i _ . # _ _ 

«yk.l :] or herbage, or pasturage, of which the 

upper ptrt dries up and the lower part is moist 

and green : (Lth :) or lierbage produced by tlie 

rain called *Jjl\ : (A:) and what has come forth, 

of plants, or lierbage. (TA.) = Life. (KL.) 

jLj is of the measure Jjti in the sense of the 
measure J>«*-», (Msb, TA,) syn. with j>— *, 
like as ,>»~5 is with ^joyJu», (Mgh,) and syn. 

• '0 3 

with j^~o, (S, MsJ), K,) [thcreiore signifying 
Spread, expanded, or unfolded : scattered, or dis- 
persed, &.c: and spreading, or being spread, ice: 
being scattered, &c.:] aud a thing that one has 
spread, expanded, or unfolded: &c. (O, voce 
JL,, q.v.) — You say \^~> V-ij (JjW" u-"*^! 
The hawk, or falcon, became clad in sjrreading 
and long feathers. (S, TA.) _ And bence } ZJ 
is applied to People in a scattered, or dispersed, 
state, not collected under one head, or chief; 
(Msb, K;) as also »^J : (K:) and to sheep or 
goats in a scattered, or dispersed, state, after 
having been confined m their nightly resting-place : 
(Msb :) or sheep or goats, and camels, in a scat- 
tered, or dispersed, state, through the negligence of 
their pastor. (T A.) You say, I^Li ^^iM c-ilj I 
saw tlie people in a scattered, or dispersed, state. 
(S.) And Ui-i >yU1 »W- *» he people came m a 
scattered, or dispersed, state. (TA.) __ Hence 
also, .UJI ^ii What is sprinkled, of water, (Mgh, 
TA.) in the performance of the ablution termed 
.,-i.yi. (TA.) It is said in a trad.,pj JU^JI 

Book I.] 

70' [Dost thou possess tvhat is sprinkled of watei?] 
(S ;) or ,U)I '£> <&& O* \. Who po»*emtk what 
is sprinhled of mater?] (Mgh;) [opp. meaning, 
that it is gone and cannot be recovered.] — And 
hence, tjjlS ^iT^JJI t God, compose what 
is discomposed, or disorganized, of my affairs : 
(K,* TA :) a phrase like J^> J- (TA.) 
'Aisheh says, in a trad., describing her father, 
t^k Je. x^lsi jij &, meaning, t And he 
restored what was discomposed, or disorganized, 
[lit., what was unfolded,] of El-Islam, to its 
state in which it wus in the time of the Apostle of 
God, [lit., to its fold, or plait;] alluding to cases 
of apostacy, and her father's sufficiency to treat 
them. (TA.) = See also ^,0. 

i'jij \ A charm, or an amulet, (*-»j, S, L, K,) 
by which a sick person, and one possessed, or mad, 
is cured; (A,* L, K ;) by which the malady is 
[as it were] dispersed from him. (L.) Moham- 
mad, being asked respecting that which is thus 
termed, answered, that it is of the work of the 
devil : and El-Hasan asserted it to be a kiud of 
enchantment. (TA.) 

. ,. * . 

jyZJ : sec jZX). 

SjUj J [Saw-dust ;] what falls from the jl^, 
[or saw]; (S;) what falls in jlj [or sawing]. (K.) 

ji,K> act. part. n. offii M*^'^ u jA 0^=* 

l.» i 'it- 
He (Mohammad) used to say jJ=>\ .Oil spreading, 

or unfolding, his fingers : said to mean not making 
his hand a clenched fist. (Mgh.) — y>\ \j2& £- 
[He came spreading, or, as we say, pricking up, 
his curs: meaning,] J he came in a state oj 
covitousness, or eagerness. (IAar, L.) [In a 
copy of die A, UjU> is erroneously put for U*U».] 

itij oLiUlV, in the Kur., [lxxvii. 3,] sig- 

nities And the angels, (TA,) or the winds, (Jel,) 
that do scatter the rain : (Jel, TA :) or the winds 
that do bring rain. (TA.) And 'j^J —j>, o< 
which the pi. is jZJ »-C;, signifies Wind that 
spreads [the clouds], or scatters [the rain] ; (S ; 
and B«J, vii. 5o ;) jy^> being syn. with jZX> : 
(Bd:) or it signifies in a scatttercd state. (Jel. 
vii. 55.) [In the Kur, ubi supra,] *-Ij^I J-i>i 
4U+M.J ^ju v > ft > l/i», and \jX>, and » \j-J, and 
t£Li, [&jufirfA <A* winds, Ac.,] (K,» TA,) all 

* J $ 

these being various readings, (TA,) lj-ij is pi. of 

jyii, (Bd, K,) in the sense of^b; (Bd;) or 

the meaning is, in. a state of dispersion before the 

. .. j 
rain; (Jel ;) and Ij-iJ is a contraction ; (Bd, K;) 

and the third reading means I quickening, or 
making to live, by spreading the clouds wherein is 
the rain, (K,) which is the life of everything, 
(TA,) * l/ii being an inf. n. used as a denotative 
of state, in the sense of C*{j£U, or as an absolute 

objective complement [of J-yj], for jCjl and 

• •*■ 

f~i are nearly alike; (Bd ;) and the fourth is 

cxtr., (IJ, K,) and is said to mean " Ij^J JjJLu 
[which is virtually the same as the third] : [Zj, 
K:) another reading is \jZ~>, pi. of e^JLi, (TA,) 
or of jyij ; (TA, in art.^;) or £iJ, (Bd, Jel,) 
a contraction of lj-ij, (Bd,)' pi. of jt^>- (Bd, 
•Jel.) = 2j£M ijO}\ t Land having herbage, or 
pasturage, which has dried up and then become 
green in consequence of rain in the end of summer : 
(S :) or having herbage produced by the rain 

called *ejil. (A.) Seejil 


j'.^oll XlVie place of resurrection. (TA.) 

i^-lw~o uii..j [Scattered, or miic/i scattered, 
writings or Me ///ft] is with teshdeed to denote 
muchness, or frequency, or repetition, of the 
action, or its application to many objects. 
(S, TA.) 

jLi—o J [A saw;] a certain instrument for 

cutting wood. (S, Msb, K.) Also, [but less 

commonly], A wooden implement with prongs, 
[lit., fingers,] with which wheat and the like are 
winnowed. (K.) 

• ■*•'. 

j^JLu What is not sealed, [here meaning not 

closed with a seal,] of the writings of the Sultan [or 

of a viceroy]; (K;) i.e., wkat is now commonly 

known by the name of (jU/i : pi. j*wlU. (TA.) 

__ t A man whose state of ujfairs is disorganised, 
or disordered. (K.) 

1. j2J, aor. - and ;, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. j^j, 
(S, K,) or j^~>, (Msb,) He rose, or raised him- 
self, (S, A, Msb, K.) O^ Ji « '/«•' /''"'''. (?,) 
and <, ,» ^» in his sitting-place, (TA,) and 
<»Ji£o ^^c, (A,) or ajULo ^>», (M8b,)y"/w« Am 
^j/are : ( A, Msb :) or he rose a little in his sitting- 
place: (T A:) or he stood up ajler sitting. (TA.) 
Both forms of the aor. occur, accord, to different 
readings, (the former being the reading of the 
people of El-Hijaz, and the latter that of others, 
Fr, TA,) in the Kur, [Iviii. 12,] bjlif Jji \i[' 3 
UjJLiU, (Msb, TA,) meaning, accord, to Aboo- 
Is-hiik, And when it is said, Rise ye and stand 
up, then do ye rise and stand up. (TA.) Accord. 

to IKtt )>Mt ,..l(fc o ^Jj>)U\j£J signifies The people 
drew themselves together [in tlteir sitting-place to 
make room] for those sitting with them : and also 
they rose from their sitting-place, and stood up. 
(TA) You say also, i«^uUt ^j j>yi}\j jLj, 

inf. n. jy—>, He rose with the people for the 
purpose of contention, altercation, or litigation. 
(TA.) _ He, or it, overtopped, or overlooked, an 
elevated piece of ground, and appeared. (TA.) 


_ [It rose ; rose from its place ; was, or became, 

high or elevated, protuberant or prominent ; it 

jit. i ... 
protruded.] <*,. »> ^jjlj I His soul, or spirit; 

or stomach, heaved, (A, K,) by reason of fright. 
(A, TA.) = Hence, from >ij in the first of the 
senses explained above, (Msb,) or from jJL>, sig- 
nifying "high, or elevated, ground," (Aboo-Is- 
hak, TA,) s£jl 0>£j', (S, K,) or l^£ Jx\ iijii, 
(A, Mgh, TA,) or l^j ^», (Msb,) and K*<&, 

(TA,) aor. - and ;, inf. n. j>iJ, (S, Msb, K,) 

J The woman, or wife, was, or became, disobedient 

to her husband, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and exalted 

herself against him, (TA,) and resisted him, or 

withstood him, (Msb,) and hated him, (S, Mgh, 

%.,) and deserted him: (TA:) or she disliked him , 

or hated him, (Zj, Mgh, TA,) and was an evil 

rii. ... 
companion to him. (Zj, TA.) And \Xsu jZJ 

V-U, (S, A, K,) or \yU, aor. '- and ■:, (Msb,) 

• * * 

inf. n. j^-i, (TA,) J Her husband treated her 

injuriously, and was unkind to her, or estranged 
himself from her: (S, K :) or forsook her, and 
was unkind to her, or estranged himself from her: 
(Msb:) or disliked her, or hated her, (Zj, Mgh, 
TA,) and was an evil companion to her. (Zj, 

4. »jiit He raised it, (A, Msb, K,) namely, 
a place, (Msb,) or a thing, (K,) from its place. 
(A, K.) — [Hence,] ^Zj\^\kt.jli\ He [God] 
raised the bones of the dead to tkeir places, and 
set them, or put them together, one upon another. 
(S, K.) So in the Kur, [ii. 2(5l,] > .lkjJl' Jl jiuTj 

* • * * > • - 5/ - * »i ,t. 

W=*-! \*.y-£> jg> U^Ui w*-£» [And look thou at 
the bones (of thine ass), how we raise them to their 
places, &c, t/ien ne clothe them with flesh], accord, 
to the reading of Zeyd Ibn-Tliabit; (Pr, S,» TA ;) 
but the Koofces read [U,.?.;_i] with ra : the 
former reading, however, accord, to Th, is pre- 
ferred. (TA.) [See art. j-U.] _ Hence also, 
^Ji*)l tU</l ji^>\ l The sucking of the breast 
increased, or augmented, the bone: as also »^ijl 
with ra. (Msb.) 

j^j and T^ij ^1 high, or an elevated, place; 
(S, A, Mgh, K ;) as aiso ♦jlli : (S, K :) or high, 
or elevated, ground: (Zj, TA:) or high, or ele- 
vated, and hard, ground: (M, TA:) or what rises 
from a valley to the [adjacent] ground, and is 

not rugged: (TA :) pi. (of the first, S, Msb) 

% j' 

jy^>> ( s » M £ n » M ? b » K,) and (of the second, S, 

TA, or of the first, Msb) jlii, (S, Msb, K,) and 
(of the second, S, M?b,) jliil. (S, Mgh, Msb, 
K.) You say, ^j-vjl '^»^J Ju jJJ, and til 
[He sat upon, a high piece of ground.] (Msb.) 
And jlijl jAJj ^jA* ^ii| Sit thou upon that high 
place. (S.) 

>^ : ) ... 

... } **j^ 


j£>\i Riling ; or rising from its place ; high, or 

elevated; protuberant, or prominent ; protruding. 

(K,* TA.) You say, >iU ^.JtS A heart ruing 

from its place by reason of fright. (K., TA.) 

And iiU Jj A high, or an elevated, mound, or 
■» * • * j ## 

Ai//: pi. freg. of SjiU and irreg. of >ib] >ily. 

• * ■ * - 
(TA.) And jlte w-^j .4. protuberant, high, 

pitbes, or moni Venerii. (TA.) And 5jiU i»»J .4 

/d'cre of flesh elevated, or protuberant, upon the 

• » 1 1 
Wy. (TA.) And >iU J^c A win constantly 

swollen and pulsating (A, ]£•) in consequence of 
disease (I£, TA) or from some other cause. (TA.) 

And i^fcllj^rU J*.j A man having a high, or 

>- - *t.» 
prominent, forehead. (TA.) And Jjili i\j+\ 

^^■^lill yl woman /<i7v/c in Me sides, having the 
t_$>~a3 [or lowest of the ribs] with the flesh upon 
it, prominent. (IAar, TA.) a Also, (A, TA,) 

or SjiO, (Mgh,) [but the former is the more 
common,] I A woman disobedient to Iter husband, 
(Mgh, TA,) and exalting lierself against him, 
(TA,) and hating him, (Mgh, TA,) and deserting 
him. (TA.) Seel. [The former epithet is also 
applied in like manner to a husband.] 

1. Lij, nor. :, inf. n. i»UJ (S, Msb, K) and 

J-> — 

or disquietudes of mind, became such as to lead me 
forth to the places to which one goes forth, to 
Syria at one time, and at one time to Wdsif). 
(S.) You say also of a road, Jn^JbJt i j^» luLo 
jJo£-"$\ I It goes forth from the main road, to the 
right, and to the left. (Lth, K.*) And^ JautJ 
»jjk£.li ijiji* I [A road led them forth, and they 
took it). (TA.) = y Jjt kii, (S, K,) aor. : 
(K* TA) and '-, (TA,) [inf. n. UL>,] He pulled 
out the bucket, (S, K,) or pulled it up, (TA,) 
from the well, (S, TA,) without a pulley. (S, 

KL.) And hence, L$)\ L£ iC-JUJI \The 

angels draw forth the souls like as the bucket is 

J*, (TA,) He (a man, S, TA, and a beast of! t ^KV-, (K,) inf. n. 

carriage, TA,) was, or became, brisk, lively, 
sprightly, frisky, active, agile, prompt, and quick; 
i-vn. out, (Msb, TA,) and c^_l ; (Msb ;) contr. 

drawn forth from the well : (Zj :) ami ^su 
V-olL o*y^l (Fr, L, £ [in the CK V^]) 
which means, (K,) accord, to Ibn-'Arafeh, (TA,) 
+ they loose the soul of the believer gently. (K, 
TA.) — [Hence also,] one says of a she-camel, 
[likening the motion of her fore legs to that of the 
arms of a man pulling up a bucket from a well 

without a pulley,] j~A\ ch.'.i U O— *"> meaning 
t Good was her wide stretching out of her fore 
legs (As, S, TA) in her going along. (TA.) = 

J^JI k£i, (S, Msb, K,) aor. i, (K, and so in 
a copy of the S,) or ;, (Msb, and so in a copy of 

the S,) inf. n. iuiJ, (S, Msb,)_ He tied the cord, 
or rope so as to form a knot ; (K, TA ;) as also 

: (TA :) or he tied it 

in a knot such as is termed a±>^L>\ ; (AZ, S, Msb;) 

as also* the latter verb: (Plain, p. vpr :) and 

ajJisJI iaJ-J he tied the knot so as to form what is 

., j.i 

thus termed : (Mgh:) ami ibyii'})! iaJiJ he tied 

the knot thus termed. (TA.) [See also 4.] ^= 
ixli, and JUc ^c ixij : see 4. 

of J-A ; (TA ;) or pleased, cheerful, happy, or 
willing; to do work, &c; (Lth, K;) or by reason 
of his work; (Msb;) as also ♦ iuUJ, (S,« K,) 
I j£s w»^) [to do, or on account of, such a thing, or 

i tr ■ i to v>k \ v^ii ao««l>r> -'it u » '. I 2. .>h ... i , inf. n. Lu. t .; j , He, or it, rendered him 
suck an affair \. (o, 1A.J i ou say also, «UI Jx_> I -, ' ' > 

[//« betook himself to him, or it, with briskness, ! ^ ['- e - 6 "**i / ' yc/ ^' W'a 1 ^!/, f™h, &c.]; 
liceliness,. sprigktliness, or </«! //Ac]. (TA.)__!(K;) as also * xk-ljt. (Yaakoob, K.) = See 
[Hence, app.,] -vW' Ch».'> T/te /*eas« of carriage I also 1, last sentence but one, in two places; and 
became fat. (K.) ■■ i»ij, aor. -, inf. n 

see 4. 

(S, K, TA,) /fe went forth from a place: (K:) 4 ^-^ said f a nlan> (R,« TA,) or of a 

he passed, or crowed, from one country or the like compnny f me n, (S,) His, or their, beasts, (S, 

to another: (TA:) said, for instance, of a wild j^j or f am n !/) (K,) were, or became, in a state 

bull: (AO, IDrd, S, K:) and in like manner, a . , ,j» .. , ., ,. ,. . . ,.,. 

V rv ^, '"iu| . , . / of .klij [i.e. briskness, liveliness, sp right Ivtess, 

star, [meaning a planet,] from one sign of the . , . . . , „ /a ri A „ „ ,..„ „ „ 

' L ° ' " , . .. \ frisktness, Sec. : see 1]. (o, K..) = As a trans, v.: 

see 2. _— [Hence, app.,] It (herbage) rendered a 

beast fat. (S, TA.) := He loosed, untied, or 

undid, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) a cord, or rope, (S, 

- ft 
K,) or a knot such as is termed «8i»».M,il; (Mgh, 

Msb,) as also * Ivi^l ; and t iu£j ; (Mgh ;) and 

in like manner, the bond termed JUc; (Msb;) 

and so, perhaps, t iJLi : (Ham, p. vi*r :) he 
pulled a cord, or rope, until, or so that, it became 
loosed, untied, or undone ; (TA ;) as also * JxiiJI : 
(S, K, TA,) Ac caused the JUc <o become loosed, 
untied, or undone, by pulling its iisjiJt : (K,* 

[Book I. 

TA :) he loosed, untied, or undid, a knot by a 
single pull. (TA.) You say also, _>-al)l He 
loosed, untied, or Mnrfid, the 3U»,Vil [0/ <Ae JUe] 
0/ tf/c came/. (TA.) And <OUc ^* ^-Jl kJLil 
/Ze loosed the camel from his JUc. (Msb.) 
[And hence the saying,] JUc ,j*» Ll>l Cil£> As 
though he were loosed [from a bond such as is 
called JUc] : (§,« Mgh, TA :) a proverb, relating 
to an event's happening quickly; (Mgh;) or 
said of him who commences any work quickly ; 
and of the sick when he recovers ; and of a person 
who has swooned when he revives; and of a 
person sent to execute an affair, hastening his 
determination respecting it: (TA :) it is often 
related in a different manner, JUc £y» fcjtj l£\£»; 
but this is not correct (IAth, TA.) [But see 
above, in this paragraph ; and see 1, where a 
similar meaning is assigned to the unaugmented 
verb.] sss He bound, or tied, him, or it, firmly, 
fastly, or strongly : so in the copies of the KL ; so 
that, if this be correct, the verb has two contr. 
significations. (TA.) = See also 8. 

5 : see 1, first sentence. — U^_> ^J ■--<»* ■' 
She (a camel) hastened, or teat quick, in her going, 
or pace. (S, K.) = Sjli»JI JsJLj J He passed 
through, or ouer, the desert, (K, TA,) with swift- 
ness, and with briskness, liveliness, sprigktliness, 
or activity. (TA.) And *.ln ,, ■-" + He traversed 
it quickly, or swiftly. (IB, in TA, voce ^UyA.) 
And yej^l c< h . i .; ii f She (a camel) traversed, or 
crossed, tke land, like the Jx^iU in her quickness, or 
her aim, with briskness, liveliness, or spi-ighfli- 
ness. (TA.) 

zodiac to another. (S, K.) And Jv^M 

aor. -, inf. n. laJj, The camels went, either in a 
right direction or otherwise. (TA.) — [Hence,] 
l^.Ua/ Lili j.^\ (S, TA) t Oriefs, or dis- 
quietudes of mind, lead forth him who has tkem, 
[from place to place]. (TA.) HimySn Ibn- 
Kohiifeli says, 


[meaning JxiiLJI Jl ^jj h t ."1, i. c., t -3^ ffrfofit 

8. I n . t . T , i l 7f (a cord-, or rope,) became loosed, 
untied, or undone. (Har, p. ni.)__t//e (a 
man) became loosed from the tie of silence, (Har, 
p. ri.j Mgh,) and from that of impotence. (Mgh 
[in which a doubt is exjiressed as to its being of 
classical authority].) = As a trans, v. : see 4, in 

two places He pulled, or drew, a iking. (TA.) 

— He seized a thing, took it hastily, or snatched 
it unawares: a meaning wrongly assigned in the 
£ to t laAJI. (TA.) You say also, JUJI h*.:..t 

^jC^JI, (Sh, K,) and ^)t, (Sh,) 27ic camels, or 
.v/tec/> or goats, pulled up, or 01/^, the herbage, with 

the teeth. (Sh, K.) He scaled a fish ; (£ ;) 

as though meaning Ae pulled off the scales thereof 

[app. a pi. of fJxiU] Persons untwisting 
cords, or ropes, in the time of undoing tliemfor the 
purpose of their being twisted or plaited a second 
time. (IAar, K.) 

zJ as used in the fo'Iowing saying, (Mgh,) 

f » ** J , » i 

JUxJI rth . t .i 'S djuLtlt Trie right termed HmZi is 
like the loosing of the bond called JUe, in respect 

Book I.] 

of the speediness with which it becomes of no 
effect, (Mgh, Mfb,) by delay, (Msb,) is of the 
measure iXxi from Jaiil, or from Ja—i in the 
sense of k£JI; or the meaning is, like the tying 
of the JUe ; i. e., it is of short duration ; but the 
former explanation is the more apparently right. 

i>y£j jii A well from which the bucket does not 
come forth until it is much pulled, (As, S, TA,) 
by reason of the distance of its bottom; (TA;) 
contr. o/"iuJl J£». (K.) 

(S, Msb, K) Brisk, lively, sprightly, 
active, agile, prompt, and quick; (Msb;) or 
pleased, cheerful, happy, or willing ; to do work 
&c. ; as also *KiU; (K;) [see Lij ;] applied 
to a man ; (S, T A ; ) and to a beast of carriage ; 
fern, with i: (TA:) pi. J»lii (Har, p. 591) [and 
J»LLj]. — A man (TA) whose family, or beasts, 
are in a state of fcULJ [i. e. briskness, liveliness, 
sprightliness, &c. : see 1] ; as also " t »*; .«. (K, 

Il-U : see U t * '■'• — In a verse of Et-Tirimmah, 
\ m * <» * • * 

[see ^jlU-l,] lUili is used for UjU tfyi [Jiy 

reason of yearning, or longing, desire], (K, in 
art. a.) ™ A wild bull going forth front land to 
land, (S, K,) or from country to country. (TA.) 
_ Hence, (S,) olkiUI, as used in the Kur, 
lxxix. 2, meaning The stars [or planets'] going 
forth from one sign of the zodiac to another: (S, 
K:) or it means the stars that rise, then set: 
(A'Obeyd, TA :) or the angels that draw forth 
the souls like as the buchet is drawn forth from 
the well: (Zj, TA:) or the angels that loose the 
soul of the believer gently : (Fr,* Ibn-'Arafeh, K :) 
or the believing souls that are brisk, lively, sprightly, 
or active, at death : (K,» TA :) or, as some say, 
[too fancifully,] the angels that ratify events; 

kiJl signifying "he loosed, untied, or undid," a 
knot " by a single pull." (TA.) 

aj-jV-J [A knot tied with a bow, or with a 
double bow, so as to form a kind of slip-knot ; 
whence, in modern vulgar Arabic, ik~wj »ji*, 
applied to such a tie; and i L hyA , applied to a 
simple slip-knot;] a knot, or tie, which easily 
becomes undone, or untied, like that of the running 
band of a pair of drawers ; (S, Mgh, ¥L\) a knot, 
or tie, which becomes undone when one of its two 
ends is pulled. (Msb, TA.) You say, iUUe U 
ttb*£*\ji meaning t Thy love, or affection, ts not 
weak, or frail. (S.) 

from SjjuOI 


and as this signifies the 

tying of a knot which is easily undone, the thing's 
easiness to them is thus notified. (TA.) _ X A 
road going forth from the main road, to the right, 
and to the left: (Lth, K*:) pi. Lift : (TA:) 
which latter word is applied in like manner to 
water-courses (K, TA) going forth from the main 
water-course to the right and left. (TA.) = 
See also i*Li. 

ilijl jL, (K, and so in a copy of the S, as on 
the authority of As, but in another copy of the 
S the t is without any vowel,) and 1»12JI^, (K, 
and, accord, to the TA, on the authority of As, 
and mentioned by IB on the authority of 
A'Obeyd,) A well of little depth, from which the 
bucket comes forth by means of a single pull : (As, 
S, K :) the latter may be defended on the ground 
of considering Lliit as originally an inf. n., of 

i-u A thing on account of which, or to do 
which, one is brisk, lively, sprightly, or active ; or 
pleased, cheerful, or happy; and which one likes, 
or prefers, to do: opposed to ojiio. (TA.) 

[k.t.:« A place to which one goes forth : pi. 

iff + f * 

IkwUo. See an ex. of the pi., voce hJJ.] 


l<u Having much J»UJ [i. e. briskness, liveli- 
ness, sprightliness, J riskiness, ice. : see 1]. (TA.) 

[*Jii &c. 
See Supplement.] 

1. tjyllt J£, (S,) aor. '-, (Mgh,) in£ n. Jai, 

J V 

(Mgh, TA,) He raised the thing; syn. «uej 
[which is here to be understood, like the English 
equivalent by which I have rendered it, in several 
senses, as the sequel will show]. (S, Mgh, TA.) 
This is the primary signification : (TA :) or, 
accord, to As, it is from aSUI ^joj, q.v. infra. 
(S.) You say, u-ij*^ »>"> (M, K,) or ^Jaj, 
(A, Mgh',) or zl—JI V-oJ, (Msb,) aor. as above, 
(A, Mgh,) and so the inf. n., (Msb,) He, or she, 
or the women, raised, (A, Msb,) or seated, (K,) 
or raised and sealed, (Mgh,) or sliowcd, or dis- 

played, (M,) the bride upon the <UaJU, (M, A, 
Msb, K,) or upon the tu^.o. (Mgh.) And 
Ukj^> <uJsJt Cmfti The doe-antelope raised, or 
elevated, her neck. (M, TA.) And ,j^|j ,jai 
tju_» t Such a one mas set up as a lord, or chief. 
(A, TA.) And cUJI Ji>, (M, K,) inf. n. as 
above, (M,) He put the furniture, or goods, or 
utensils, one upon another. (M, K.) Hence, 
(TA,) .ioJ^JI J*, (M, Msb, TA,) or ^'l «uL r 
AjjmXo, (A,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (M, Msb, 
TA,) I He traced up, or ascribed, or attributed, 
the tradition to the author thereof, resting it on 
his authority, by mentioning him, or mentioning, 
uninterruptedly, in ascending order, the persons 
by whom it had been handed down, up to the 
author ; or mentioning the person who had related 
it to him from the author, if only one pevson, in- 


tervened; syn. ii*J; (M, TA;) [i.e.] jLJ )J ***j 
l)'i ^» : (Msb :) I Aar says, (TA,) J^JI signi- 
fies^^! er-3^1 ijl ill^l X [the tracing up, or 
ascribing, or attributing, a tradition, in the man- 
ner explained above, to the greatest person of 
authority, here meaning Mohammad, or the author 
of the tradition]; (K, TA;) [i.e.] w«iJ*-M Jv 
signifies >£>S)t ^--3/1 ^J\ 'J^' }i oU^J. (Mgh.) 
You also say, «Ul i-iJ-J' J*>, (K,) or o"&* ^Ji 
(S,) I He ascribed, or attributed, or traced up, 
the tradition to him, or to such a one, in tlie 
manner explained above ; syn. <uWj. (S, 50 

See also Jaj\. — - * ( _ 5 ^JI »>" t -He "^rfc <A6 thina 
apparent, manifest, plain, or evident; he showed 
it, exhibited it, manifested it, evinced it, discovered 
it, or revealed it. (M,* K.) [The verb seems 
to be thus used because a thing « rendered con- 

ft* i - 

spicnous by being raised. See ^a*^\ *joj, 

above.] — [Hence, U »,ji j_jJU ^ai, aor. and 
inf. n. as above, X He, or it, (generally said of a 
passage in the Kur. or a trad.,) made a state- 
ment, or a plain, explicit, unequivocal declaration, 
respecting some, or any, particular thing, not 
capable of application to any other thing: and 
he mentioned something, or anything, particularly, 
or specially; he particularized, or specified it by 
words; very frequently used in these senses : and 
such we are to understand from the saying] %J aii\ 
also signifies U j^ji (( _ J ie O^e**"^ «-M>*" : (? '■) 
[for which I would rather read U j^ ^^Xe ,>u)l 
also signifies o***- 1 ^ "-"e*^" : adding the obser- 
vation that iJLi^ai as syn. with u*A\ is restricted 
in art «J»>^ in the K to a special relation to the 
law : and that » V [ J 1)I ^* ,JeJ\ is often found 

explained as signifying » ~ . t . % i ; as, for instance, 

' ... i;1 

in p. r»v of Har. :] these significations of ^aJI 

are tropical, from that word as denoting " eleva- 

s - 
tioa " and " appearance." (TA.) See also ^oi 

j £tf 

below. [From <uaJ signifying "he raised it," 

and consequently " he made it apparent," are 
derived several other significations, here following.] 

___ /9V <uj [app. for v kJ " x *• i-^-i] occurs in u 
trad, respecting Heraclius, meaning f //c etoifti 
a«t£ makes apparent, their opinion: (TA:) or 
J<Lpl Joj, (S, M, &c.,) inf. n. as above, (M,) 
signifies l/«a >ren< <o <Ae utmost point in question- 
ing, or ashing, the man respecting a thing, (S, K,) 
so as to elicit what he possessed [of information 
respecting »'<]; (S;) i.e. (TA) J Ac importuned 
the man in questioning, or asking, and urged him 
to tell die utmost that he knew; (A, TA ;) or flu 
questioned, or ashed, the man respecting a thing 
so as to elicit the utmost that he possessed [of in- 
formation respecting t'r], (M.) [See also 3.] 
__ [In like manner you say,] iiUl ^ej, (S, M, 
Mgh, K,) and i^ljJI, (M, Msb,) aor. as above, 
(M,) and so the inf. n., (S, M,) He made the 


she-camel, and the beast, to exert herself to the 
full, or to the utmost, or beyond measure, in going, 
or pare ; or to go the pace termed ey^-« ; syn. 
^e-JI ui \^Mij ■. (M, Mgh :) or he elicited her 
utmost pace; (I£, TA ;) from JaJ\ as signifying 
aipl ; for the phrase _>«-JI ^ V^j necessarily 
implies the eliciting the utmost of her celerity of 
pace : (TA :) or he went a vehement pace so as 
to elicit the utmost that she possessed [of celerity]: 
(As, S:) or he put her in motion so as to elicit 
her utmost pace : (A'Obeyd, TA:) or he urged, 
or incited, Iter, and elicited her pace: (Msb:) 

^joi, alone, also occurs in a trad., (M, Msb,) as 

ft»£ * »** . '*''* ** ft* 

meaning AiiLi %ij : (M :) and <£50 ' ^jt titmi sig- 
nifies the same as ly-ou. (IKtt, TA.) You do 

not say of a camel ^joJ, making him the agent, 
and the verb intrans. (O,* TA.) [In the M, 

however, I find it said, that 1 _^aJI and <J a»<iJ\ 

* a '* a . ,. . r 

signify jo j-Ul j~J\ ; app. indicating that they 

are inf. us., of which the verb is ^jai, aor., accord, 
to rule, r , signifying He went a vehement pace, 
or vehemently : and Golius says, as on the 
authority of Ibn-Maaroof, that this verb is used 

intransitively, with \ j * **b for its inf. n., as signi- 

fying valide mcessit : but see ^ai below.] _ 
[Hence, app.,] JaA\ also signifies The urging or 
inciting [a beast] ; syn. «^oJI. (M.) __ And 
tjji\ Jj, (M, &,) aor. i, inf. n. Ju,(T\,) He 
morcd the thing ; put it in motion, or into a state 
of commotion ; agitated it ; stirred it ; shook it ; 
(M, K;) us also " * *mi*b . (S, M, K.) Hence 
the saying, t-oi *«jl ^>w o^* (K> TA [in the 
Cly, incorrectly, ,_^o,]) SucA a on? wio»m about 
Iris nose by reason of anger. (TA.) And ' ^^a— aJ 
•ul— J 7/c moved about his tongue; (S, M ;) like 
<«.« ;■<■>'> ; (M ;) which is a dial, form ; (A'Obeyd, 

(^oi.] You say also, ^«}/»i\ C—aiJl, (M, !£,) 
or rtrf> .,.)l ^jJLe ,r.^>r il, (A,) TVie fcrirfe became 
raised, (A,) or seated, (K,) or shown or displayed, 
(M,) «/wn r/<« JUaJL*. (M, A, K.) = //« (a 
man, TA) aVero himself together ; contracted him- 
self; or «AranA. (Ibn-'Abbad, #, TA.) 

R. Q. 1. uaioJ, (S, M, £,) inf. n. <uw»j, (Sh, 
M,) He, or it, became in motion, or in a slate of 
commotion ; became agitated, stirred, or shaken; 
moved, or moved about, ; bestirred himself 'or itself; 
shook. (Sh.) 7/c (a man) shook in his walk, 
being erect. (M.) 7/e (a camel) shook, or /«'- 
came in a state of commotion, in rising from the 
ground. (M.) _ [Also,] said of a camel, it is 

like ^fii «->— ; (S;) i.e., it signifies (TA) V/c 
(the camel) fixed, or made Jirm or steady, his 
knees upon the ground, and put himself in motion, 
or in a state of commotion, previously to rising. 

(Lth, K, TA.) [See also J>£>.] And lie 

(a camel) made a hollow place in the ground with 
his breast, in order to lie down. (M, TA.) ss 
L >>~oJ used transitively, see 1, latter portion, 
in three places. 

S ;) the former being the original; the ±jo not 
being, as some assert it to be, substituted tor the 
^ ; for these two letters are not of the same kind 
so as to be cominutablc. (M.) as See also 8. 

2 : sec 3. 

3. twli, (K,) inf n.iilU, (TA,) lie (a. man, 
TA) went to the utmost length with him, (namely 
his creditor,) in reckoning, so as to omit nothing 

therein; (£, TA ;) as also * <ucuoJ, (K,) inf. n. 

^.■a/j. (TA.) lie (God) went to the utmost 

length with him, (namely a man,) in questioning 
and in reckoning. (TA.) [See also 1.] 

It* w) 

6. >yUI ,^«U5 The people, or company of men, 
crowded, thronged, or pressed, together. (TA.) 

8. ^»aiit He, or it, (said of a camel's hump, 
Lth, TA,) became raised, or elevated, or high: 
(K, TA :) or (TA) became even and erect. (Lth, 
K ,* TA.) [In a copy of the A, the verb in these 
senses, and relating to a camel's hump, is written 

i The end, or extremity, of any thing; (Az, 
S, 81 ;) the utmost, or extreme, extent, term, limit, 
point, or reach, of a thing: this is the primary 
signification. (Az, TA.) It is said in a trad., 
(S, M,) of Alee, (S.) JUuJI J£ i£J\ £L' lit, 
>W L~ y J'/» K^i (§»* M, K,») or Jxi 
JjliaJI, ($,• TA,) but the former is that which 
is commonly known; (TA ;) i.e. When women 
attain the period of mature intellect, (Mbr, S, K, 
TA,) and know the real natures of things, (KL, art. 
J*.,) [then the male relation* on the father's side 
have a better right to dixpose of her in marriage 
than the mot Iter ;] meaning, when they attain to 
that age at which they are qualified to contend for 
their rights; [accord, to the former reading;] for 
this is what is termed JliaJI : (K,* TA :) or 
when they attain to puberty : ( Az, TA :) or when 
they attain to that peiiod at which they become 
objects of contention for right ; when every one of 
the guardians asserts himself to have the best right : 
($:) or JUUJI in the trad, is a metaphorical 
term, from the same word as applied to camels 
[when entering upon the fourth year]; (K,* TA;) 
and ipltaJt, also, in this case, accord, to some, 
properly signifies the same, being a pi. of <U» ; 
(TA in art. <jm- ;) and the meaning is, n-lien they 
attain to the extreme term of childhood. (M, K.) 
= In the conventional language of men of science, 
it signifies \A thing [or statement] plainly, or 
explicitly, declared, or made manifest, by God, 

and his Apostle ; of the measure Jju in the sense 

• » # * * - 

of the measure JywU : (Msb :) or a ^ai of the 

Kur-ari, and of the traditions, is an exirression, 

or a phrase, or a sentence, indicating a particular 

meaning, not admitting any other than it. : (TA :) 

[Book I. 

so in the conventional language of the lawyers 
and the scholastic theologians: (MF, on the 
i~l»«». of the £ :) or a statute, or an ordinance, 
indicated by the manifest or plain meaning of 
words of the Kur-an, and of the Sunneh : from 
(>iJI as denoting "elevation " and "appearance:" 

or, as some say, from <Wu as signifying " he 

elicited, and made apparent, his opinion." (TA.) 

Hence, also, ns used by the practical lawyers, it 

signifies I An evidence, or a proof ': (TA:) [and 

particularly a text of the Kur-dn, or of the Sunneh, 

used as an authority in an argument, for proof of 

an assertion.] The pi. [in all these senses] is 

• j' 
iuoyai. (Msb.) _ [Also, + The text, or very 

words, of an author, book, writing, or passage : 
frequently used in this sense.] =s Hardness, diffi- 
culty, or straitnexs, of an affair, or a state, or case. 

(M, TA.) =a ^ jll, and T^L-ai, (S, K,) A 

vehement pace, in which a beast is made to exert 

itself to the full, or to the utmost, or beyond 

measure ; or in which the utmost possible celerity 

is elicited; [this meaning seems to be indicated, 

• - 3 
though not expressed, in the S;] syn. %J> Ju»>: 

(K :) or, the former, as Az says, in one place, a 

kind of swift pace : or, as he says in another place, 

the utmost pace which a beast of carriage is able 

to attain: (TA :) or ^jxt and * *j*&*v signify a 

vehement pace or going. (M.) See 1. 

• - a. 

ua~eu : see ^joi, last sentence, in two places. 

vju*^l ^ja\*ej yk lie is one who moves about his 
nose, [much] by reason of anger. (Ibn-'Abbad, ]£.) 

^L-aJ <La. A serpent that moves about much. 
(K.) [See also ^L-aj.] 

^fijl [a comparative and superlative epithet 

from w-iJkaJl ^,aj, q. v.]. Amr Ibn-Deendr 

«) ft i * * ft A*f ft * # I fti* # 

said, (J>-vpt u-° ^- i! -*- M cj*"' *)*ri "i-i'j I* I 
have not seen a man more skilled in tracing up, 
or ascribing, or attributing, a tradition to its 

author, in the manner explained above, (voce ^jaj,) 

f * - #*■ »*«i 

than Ez-Zuhree; i.q. <U «ijt and jj**\. (TA.) 

■ s. . 

: sec what next follows, throughout. 

, (S, M, A, Msb, £,) or t i^, (Mgh,) 
The thing upon which a bride is raised (S,* A, K) 
and seated, (Mgh,) or shown or displayed, (M,) 

or upon which she standi (<Juu [but this is pro- 

# j* * 
bably a mistake for jjuu, i.e. sits,]) when displayed 

to the bridegroom, (Msb,) in order that site may 
be seen (M, Mgh) [and distinguished] from among 
the women; (Mgh j) being a chair, (Mgh, Msb, 
TA,) or couch; (TA;) or consisting of pieces of 
chth raised, and carpets laid smoothly for a seat: 
(M :) written with kesr (Msb, K) as being an 
instrument, (Msb,) or with fet-h [as beinga place]: 
(Mgh :) accord, to some authorities, «Ucu« and 

Book I.] 

* ' * ' 

Z-r-t seem to signify the same tiling: (TA:) or 

the latter is the iX*~». [i. e. a kind of curtained 
canopy] (K, TA) over the <UiL»: (TA:) from 
cU^JI ^jcu, q. v. (K.) It is said in a proverb, 
i-cUo.II jJlc ,j"}b *-oj t Such a one teas exposed 
to disgrace and infamy: (TA:) or to tne utmost 
disgrace and infamy. (M.) 


1. oUu, aor. '., lie took him by the A~oO [or 
forelock]: (K :) from i~*=U : and therefore re- 
garded by some as improperly mentioned in the 
K in this art. (MF.) — Lai, aor. -, (S, K,) 
inf. n. ?,>u, (TA,) lie chid, (a camel, TA, or 

she-camel, S) ; syn. j#-j. (AZ, S, K.) _— Uoj, 
(S, K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) 77c raised, or 
elevated, a thing: (Ks, AA,S, K:) dial, form 
afJZ. (S.) 

1. w--aj, aor. 1, inf. n. y,«i ; (S, K;) and 
♦ »_— oJ ; (K ;) 77c .vet «;>, /;Kf up, set upright, 
erected, a thing: (S :) he elevated, raised, reared, 
a thing. (K.) — He set. up, a stone as a sign, 

3 ' Z* * , * — 

or mark. (Msb.) a-Ij v .«n> 77e raised his 

head. (TA.) — s^~ai, aor. -, inf. n. ** - >• * , He 
(a goat) had erect ears. (S : the inf. n. only 
mentioned.) — tj£> U">M w~~oi 7 *et, or set up, 
such a one as an obstacle to such a thing, or as a 
butt- for such a thing, like the butt of archers. 
(TA, art. o±j* ■) — «*£«M '*!*•**, £& 4—^ I [Such 
a one was set up, or appointed, for the putting, or 
keeping, of the town, or district, in a flourishing 
or jirosperous state, with resjicct to buildings, cul- 

lure, population, afc.]. (A.) — w~<aJ, aor. '-, 
inf. n. ly .ft i) (S, K,) or ^>*Jt y «<d >t - < " , (S,) 
+ //e san//, or chanted, a hind of song, or chant, 
peculiar to the Arabs, (S, K, &c.,) oftAc descrip- 

tioH termed «1j», (K,) [by which camels are 
urged, or excited,] or a Ain^ of song (K) resembling 
what is thus termed, (S,) &Kt finer, or m« <ic/i- 

rate. (S, K.) What is termed w~oj is The 
kind of singing, or chanting, above described: (S, 

K:) or a kind of *\j^ resembling singing : (AA:) 
or a hind of modulation : (Sh :) or a kind of song, 
or chant, of the Arabs : (ISd :) or, of the Arabs 
if the desert : (TA :) or poetry such as is com- 
monly recited, well regulated and set to an air : 
(Nil:) so called because, in [singing or chanting] 
it, the voice is raised, or elevated. (The Fdi'k.) 

— OjaJI w-*aJ, [aor. -, (not ',) inf. n. v .^>>,] 
He wrote, or pronounced, the [ final] letter with 

w - cl' ; (S ;) which is, in the case of the final in- 
flection of a word, like _J3 »n the non-inflection : 
(S, K :) [i.e., he wrote it, or pronounced it, with 

- or 1:] so called because the sound of a word of 
which the final letter is so pronounced rises to 
the highest cavity of the mouth. (Lth.) A 
conv. term of grammar. (S, K.) i^X£M 

[He wrote, or pronounced, the word with 
i.e., making its vowel of inflection 1 or - &c, 
according to the rules of grammar .-] he made the 
word to have fet-kah as its vowel of inflection. 

(Msb.) — . LfjLiX J 4-^»<inf- "• .!•■*>■>, TA,) 
He made war upon him : syn. %-oj. (K.) — 
Of anything that is raised, and with which one 
goes to meet, or encounter, a thing, one says 

w~«aj, and of the agent, <_~oj. (M, K.) _ 
a) w~o->, aor. '-, inf. n. ^*&>, I He acted with 

hostility, or enmity, toward* him. (S, K.) See 

< I* j- » # » * 
also 3. — — L>lj a! C«»<i> 1 1 gave him counsel from 

which he should not deviate. (A.) v**> 

aor. '., (inf n. y-gi, TA,) He put down a thing: 
syn. %-o$. Thus the verb bears two contr. sig- 
nifications. (K.) _ [He set, or ;>«/, absolutely: 
often used in this sense.] _ *~cu, aor. . ; and 
» 4~oJt, (inf. n. w-UaJl, TA,) 7< (disease) pained 
him; occasioned him pain. (K.) — m«JI y«a'», 
aor. i, (inf. n. ^..^ii, TA,) f He strove, or exerted 

himself, unusually in hit pace: (K:) or yuu 
signifies Ae pursued his journey with diligence, or 
energy: (TA:) or he travelled on all the day, at 
a gentle pace : (S, 1£ :) or he journeyed on all the 

night. (TA.) En-Nadr says, ^^aJI is the first 
pace ; then, wojJI, [but see p— -5 ;] tlicn, JUjOI ; 
then, Ju^Jt; then, «_~*H ; then, ^JJ^I ; then, 

j^^JI ; then, iaJL^JI. (TA.) =3 ^^ ai, aor. -, 

• •"■ * 

inf. n. yM(a>, //<e rvax fatigued^ tired, or wearied, 

(S, K.) _ >r--f».'', inf. n. y<w, 7/e suffered diffi- 
culty, trouble, distress, or affliction. (TA.) — — 
v r ~aJ 7/c strove; laboured; or toiled. (K.) 

v_~< aJb o-tfi tjU [Kur, xciv. 7,] signifies yl«<i 
toAcm <Aom shall have finished thy prescribed 
prayers, fatigue thyself in supplication : (Katadeh, 
Jel :) or when thou shall have finished the obliga- 
tory prayers, fatigue thyself in the performance 
of the voluntary. (TA.) Sec ^^oO. 

2. lyjljl J«j>Jt C»rfi'» The horses erected their 
ears often, or exceedingly. The teshdeed is to 
render the signification frequentative or intensive. 
(S.) See 1, and 3. 

3. j-Ul AmoU, (inf. n. <U«Ua, TA,) I He made 
an open show of evil conduct, mischief, or malevo- 
lence, to him ; (K ;) and in like manner, of 
enmity, (TA,) and of war: (S, TA;) as also 
" a~oj, (K,) unaugmented. (TA : in the CK[, 
v 4.^ii.) Sec also <U w.-»fl'. 

kirn; (CK, TA;) as also t^j ^gj. (TA;) 

and perhaps t r> . a> is also used in this sense, with 
reference to grief, or anxiety. (K.) Scel.=»,— aJl 
<£>! J>->j jjll w^jjubJI 77c ascribed, or attributed, 
the tradition to the Apostle of God ; syn. <»Jt 4ju-l 
and Aaij. (TA.) ss <\.a>\ He assigned him, or 

4. * • « n 1 1 77« fatigued, tired, or wearied, him : 
(S, K :) it (an afl'air)/a(w/u«/ Aim, <j-c. : (TA :) 
i< (grief, or anxiety,) fatigued, tired, or wearied, 

gave him, a"V^oJ ; i.e., a /o^, or portion. ($.) 
= O-i^— 'I sy-oJl //(• made, or //w/, a handle 
(vUii) /o (Ac *nr/«. (S, K.) 

5. jV»»JI J^»- ^>3*i)l C «» rf» ; 1 TTic she-asses stood 
round the he-ass. (S, K.) __ See 8. 

6. »^«©Uj They divided it into lots, or ])ortions, 
among themselves. (TA.) 

8. s_— cuJI and ♦sp— a-i, quasi-pass, of «_-cu and 
, 77e, or it, became set up, put up, set 

, or trivet,] 

upright, or erected; stood up, or upright, or erect ; 
became elevated, raised, or reared: (I£:) became 
even and erect. (TA, art. ,^aJ.) _ 77e stood 
erect, raising his head. (TA.) — _ [7t was, or 
became, erect, vertical, or perpendicular.] _ 
[»>xi w— =uJt J7m Aair, ieiw^r full-grown, stood 
out : see w— oJw^o. ] __ >_. ^- l.. ' '1 (TA) and * . 
(K) 1 7t (dust) rose high. (£, TA.) 
Set up thy cooking-jmt [upon the ^-yim 
to- cook, said to a cook. (IAar.) __ ■•^"■l 

j>\ji ^jJI AiUil [7t* teeth stood out forwards: 

* . • j 
sec yaoILU :] said of a mouth. (TA, art. Jtij.) 

_ [wiLcuJI is often used absolutely as meaning 

ylw erection of the penis.] _ Oj«»JI >_.« 7Vt« 
fetter [meaning the final letter of a word] wa* 
written, or pronounced, with w.~«n.'» : [sec v .«a» 
J>JI]. (S.) 

• t * » * * 

^— aj : sec v<r, (of which it is the inf. n.,) 

throughout. _ ^-— =J and " yi) and " y^^ n - ' i aixl 

#^ - 
♦ 4_--aJ yl sign, or mark, set. tip to show the way ; 

• 3 ft* #-* 

or a standard set up: syn. wi>*-» >^* : (^V : ) 
i.e., set r/p [«•' « -''J"] '*> a people: (TA:) or 
t^.- yi' 1 is pi. of 0+fOJ, like as ^i-^ ls "' **■*■*« 
(Lth, TA.) Also, » i-oi, ^1 ;wfc, or ?/»a.?t ; syn. 
i»jL>; (K;) set up to show the way: (TA:) 
also, ▼ v^-aUl and ▼ y j oUi (pis. which have no 
sings., TA,) Signs, or marks, or storujs, set up to 
show the way; syn. >»^UI and (^j-o : (K:) *toNe.« 
,*et up on tlie tops of isolated small mountains, 
whereby travellers are to be directed: (TA:) 
also, * U)<a«) [pi. w^--cUjj signifies >1 .<'«/», or 
mark, set up to show the way in a desert. (Fr.) 
In the Kur, lxx., last verse but one, some read 

, rf>i, meaning as above: others waj, meaning 

"idols." (Zj.)__ w~*w also signifies A goal; 
or limit; syn. ijU : (K :) or rather, some say that 

353 " 


it has this signification [in the verse of the Kur. 
above referred to] ; but the former meaning, of "a 
sign, &c.," is the more correct. (TA.)— See also 
^ r'' and ^ -/v, below. _,^..<x>, with respect to 
rhyme in a verse, is The being free from anything 
that would mar it, (Akh, K,) when the verse itself 
is not curtailed; for when the verse is curtailed, 
the term ^-oj is not applicable, though the 
rhyme be perfect : accord, to an explanation 
received from the Arabs: not one of the terms of 
Kh. (Akh.) Derived from ^UuJ'sJI, as sig- 
nifying "the standing erect; being tall; making 
one's self tall, by stretching the neck;" and 
therefore not applied to verse that is curtailed. 
(IJ, ISd.) — . y»» One mho is set, or set up, as 
an obstacle to a thing, or as a butt for a thing, 
like tin- butt of arc/iers. (TA, art. sjojt.) See 
1. _ -^ - -r ' [A peculiar mode of singing, or 
chanting : or a peculiar kind of song, or chant] : 
(Sec 1.) 

l^ *f*mi IJjk, and ^jijfi T ^— at, or the latter 
is a barbarism, (K,) disallowed by Kt ; but it is 
allowed by M{r; and said to have been heard 
from the Arabs [of the classical ages] ; This is a 
conspicuous object of my eye; a thing in full view 
of my eye : said of a thing that is manifest, or 
conspicuous, [standing before one,] and even 
when it is lying, or thrown down. (TA.) __ 
.^.c ^ -n'' dux**. I made him, or it, a conqncuous 
object, or a thing in full vicro, of my eye. (TA.) 
__ Mtr says, that y > <i, in this case, is an inf. n. 
used in the sense of a pass, part, n., and means 
an object [ns it were set, or set up,] conspicuously 
seen of the eye, so as not to be forgotten, nor to be 
unheeded, nor to be placed behind the back, or 
uncared for, or ^disregarded. (Ml'.; — > 
(S, K) and ♦^■■^ and t 4-JJ (K) Evil; (S;) 

trial; affliction; misfortune: (S, K:) so in the 
Kur, xxxviii., 40: (S:) disease: (K:) affliction 
occasioned by disease. (Ltli.) See also 


[as a subst.] Fatigue; weariness; toil. 
.— Difficulty; trouble; distress; affliction. (TA.) 
See the verb : and see 

i Diseased; sick; and in pain. (K.) 

sec ^. rfii . __ >_-~oj (K, Msb) and 
♦ _.*>> (K: accord, to the S, the latter is some- 
tunes written v u» : [but it seems that *f~mi is 
the more common of the two words:]) and * w— <=u 
(S, Msb) What is set up and worshipped to the 
exclusion of, or in preference to, the true God: 
(S :) or anything that is so worshipped : (K :) or 
a stone that is set up and so worshipped : (Msb :) 

j is wjUojI : (S, Msb:) or 

the pi. of 

a pi. of >r ~t aJ, like as Udu> is of 

or it is a pi. of which the sing, is 


-LoJ ; and it 

may be a sing., the pi. of which is vLoj ; (Zj :) 

which last word, accord, to some, is syn. with 
j>\Lo\ : but others deny this ; because >»U*»t are 
figured and sculptured or painted; whereas ,_jUuI 
are of an opposite description. (Msb.) [See a 
verse cited in art. 3 y>.] — Also, wjUoj^I Certain 
stones which were set up around the Kaabch, over 
johich it was customary for the name of some 

deity to be jn-onounced in the killing of animals 

-•. , &* j ... 

(lyJU. Jvi)> an< ^ v P°n which victims were slain in 

sacrifice to another, or others, than the true God: 

(ISd, K:) pi. of 4— »>'» as JjUcI is of £*■ ; or of 

,_»~aj, as JUSI is of Ji>. (TA.) — v— 6 ". as 

occurring in the Kur, v. 4, signifies An idol; or 

a stone which the pagan Arabs set up, to sacrifice, 

or slay animals, before it, or by it, and which be- 

• - 
came red with the blood: (Kt:) or pi. of wjLoj, 

and signifying idols. (Jel.) _>^=»JI w>Lcut The 
limits of the sacred territory [of Mekkeh] ; (K;) 
i.e., signs, or marlts, set up there, whereby it might 
be known. (TA.) See also 

A laying of a snare; meaning a plot, 
a stratagem, or an artifice. (TA.) 

see w~oj . 

wjLoJ The p/acc o/ sun-set ; ^r-^^JI 
(K ;) the pZo« fo ra/tt'eA it returns. (T A.) _ See 
,_ ,q:1 : and i_ ■ r i _ w>bki The handle of a 
knife; (S, K ;) t« rc/tic/i rA« O*^ '*' ' ,c ' : 
(TA :) pi. Z^ai . (K.) — v^*i > of property, 
I The amount which renders it incumbent on the 
possessor to pay the alms, or tax, called S&pl : 
(S, K :) as two hundred dirhcms,or five camels, 
(S,) [or twenty deenars, or forty sheep or goats. 
(IbrD.)] So called as being the "source" whence 
the tax comes. (Msb.) 

Z- t <S (S, K) and + l^ (K) : A share, or 


portion, or lot, syn. Jo*. ; (S, K ;) of a thing ; 
(S;) or of anything; (TA;) a set portion: 
(A:) [hence it appears to be in the sense of 
what is set :] pi. of the former 2L-0JI and 

I (K, Msb) [the latter a pi. of pauc], and 
■ • 

(Msb.) — yffli A tank, or cistern. 

(S, K.) — A snare, or fowler's net, set, or set 

* ' *' 
up : (S, K :) thus in the sense of w.- 

(TA.) See also lb 

, (S,) or w-SL^o , (K,) which latter is 
the pi. of the former, (TA,) Stones whinh are set 
up around a tank, or cistern, and tlie interstices of 
which are filled up with kneaded clay. (S, K.) 
Dhu-r-Rummeh says, 

*' ' ' ' * 

[ We poured it out into an old cistern of which 
the water was dried up and the bottom apparent, 

[Book I. 

which for a long time had contained no water, 
the stones set up around which, having their i?iter- 
stices filled up mith kneaded clay, were black and 
white]. (S.) The pron. in tlSjh refers to a 

large bucket mentioned before. (TA.) w-5Lai 

is also explained by A'Obeyd as signifying 
Stones that are set up around a tank, or cistern, 
to mark the quantity of water with which the 
camels will be satisfied. (TA.) See w— oJ. 

w— =U ^o* i". q. w~^u<> , Grief, or anxiety, 
that fatigues, tires, or wearies : (K :) after 
the manner of a rel. n. : (Sb, K :) meaning 

v««a> ji ; like y*\i and yjf) : or y^li is 
* * * 

here an act. part. n. used in the sense of the pass. 

part. n. [+r>yai+] followed by *«» ; i. e. « T ~ai> 

<us , in which one is fatigued, tired, or wearied; 

like ^U J-J , meaning <u» >>lo , &c. : (S:) 

i, >. . . / i..,i 

or the phrase ^^Jl <i ,..« a ' , in the sense of <uajl , 

has been heard; (K;) and ^~o\i is its act. 

part. n. (TA.) _ ^-«U w--aJ is also said to be 

a phrase of the same kind as OoU C^o, and 

* - ii 

j*U> jjui ; [therefore meaning Severe fatigue, or 

difficulty, or trouble, and the like]. (TA.) _ 
Also <_^«U is-?c, and " a ; o ,. ' .« ji, ^1 fatiguing, 

J ' i 

laborious, or troublesome, life. (K.) w— =lj~)l , 

and » ii . f« wl, and w~cuJI Ja! , Appellations 
of a sect who made it a matter of religious 
obligation to bear a violent hatred to Alee (K) 
the son of Aboo-Tdlib : (TA :) [so called] 
<0 t^-oJ ^oyj'^ because they acted with hostility, 
or enmity, towards him, (K,) and openly op- 
posed him: they were a sect of the Khawarij, 

pl^JI. (TA.) 

, i ,. - 
cla. ,t.)l i«ob 7V/.e <^/c of <//e serpent colled 

dU»»i, which it raise* to look. (TA in art. 
T". *' ) Tt y tue expression cl». ».JI i~oUi 
in the following words of the poet, 

* JUO^oJI cttti .M . I I i-jl^= J^CU 

is meant Zi&e </tc eye o/" the brave man, which 


/te raueji ( ly^-cw ) <o look at, or *ec, something. 

Ul : sec 

jl A goat having erect horns : (S, K :) 
fern. iU-aJ . (S.) — iU-oJ A she-camel having 
a» elevated breast. (S, K.) _ il-oJ ,jit yl?i 
ear t/ia* is erer<, ansJ approaches tlie other ear. 

v ««n;.o [so accord, to the copies of the S and K 
in my hands, and the Msb, which states it to be 
of the same measure as j>a. ■ „ < , and the TA : 

written by Golius and Freytag ,_.«n;« -.] and 
♦ ^CeJ \ Origin ; source ; (S, K, Msb ;) of 
anything; (TA;) that to which a person or 
thing is referred, as his or it* source; syn. 

Book I.] 

Tu*.j* ; (K ;) place where, or whence, a thiiuj 
grows ; (Msb ;) place where a person or thing it 
set, or set up. (TA.) PI. [of the former, »^-oU*, 
and] of the latter, l^Ui and ilaJI . (Az, Msb.) 
__ Jjuo ^■■tt-'r *J He has an excellent origin. 

(Msb.) — jJ-> ^~ei+ J)| £+ji >» a'" 1 * -r^ 
Jju© , He traces bach his lineage to an excellent 

origin. (TA.) J~slU t Hank, or quality, 

nobility, or eminence, and the like, absolutely, or 
derived from ancestry : syn. * r ~ »• and O^— : 
from the same word as signifying " origin, 
source, Ac." (Esh-Shihab.) — 4 - - f : < O"^ 
To such a one pertains eminence of rank or 
station. (Msb.) — v«U Ot'i *£*» A woman 

of rank or quality <j-c, (v ^ i ) anrf of beauty: 
or o/" beauty alone ; because alone it exalts her. 
(Msb.) __ w-«a-.« , in the language of those of 
post-classical times, [and commonly pronounced, 
in the present day, w^ut,] t A post, an office, 
a function, or a magistracy ; as though meaning 
the place in which a man is set, set up, or 
elevated ; (Shifa cl-Ghalcel ;) or in which be is 
set, or set up, to see, or observe, [or supervise] : 

(MP:) pi. C~oUi. (TA.) — [y-oQl 4»$ 
+ Functionaries ; magistrates.] __ See 

y«a> — ■— « v 


. ,-^n-^ jln iron thing (an iron trivet, TA,) 

upon which a coohing-pot is set up : (IAar, K.:) 
as also */,,o.u . (MF.) 

Fatigue, labour, or trouble : [or a 
cause of fatigue, $c.]. (K.) Sec..— oU. 

Ajj-a~«, as an epithet, applied to a iiLi or 
i)L»- (A net or snare) «e<, or Mi up. And 

hence, as a subst., like <ylj and jjt***, i An 
artifice, a stratagem, a trick, a plot, a resource, 
or an expedient : or a stratagem in the game of 
chess. You say aj^-cU-o iJ^S ^^-> [Such a 
arte framed a stratagem, or plot], (Z.) 

_ ■ ^ - >■ A horse of which the prevailing charac- 
teristic of his whole 7>iakc is the erect position of his 
bones, so thnt he stands erect without needing tobend 
[Am joints]. (TA.) _ y«M r - '° [H roaei 
and thin stones] set up, one upori another. (S.) 
__ w .o,:.< _>iu Teeth, or _/or« <ec<A, of e»ew 
r/rowth ; (K ;) as though set up and made even. 

(TA.) [See an ex. in a verse cited voce »»-*■*•] 
__ ^--n : ^ ^jy , accord, to the K, t. 7. jute~« ; 
but tliis is a mistake ; and the correct word is 
jl**., Soft moi*t earth; as iu other books. 

w --r~ -t t Dust rising high. (S.) — t Hair 
full grown, and standing out. (TA, art. j£**t.) 
_ s-jU. ^jll 8» o ZJ U ijU-l (S in art. tjij) or 

j»\ji ^Jl (JK in that art.) Teeth standing out 
or forwards]. 


, 1 



1. w-ai , aor. ; , (L, K,) inf. n. O-ai ; (L ;) 
and *c~qjI, inf. n. olaJt , (S, L, K) which 
latter is the more approved ; (L ;) and * C-aiil ; 
(L,K;) He was silent : (L,K:) or he was silent and 
listened : (S :) or he was silent to listen : (L :) or he 
was silent as one listening: (Er-Rughib:) or 
he listened: (Msb :) or «_~-a2l signifies he stood, 
or paused, listening. (Msb.) _ * aX-ojI, and 
«J C-oil , (S, K,) and 4J1 , (Z,) and a) C~ai , 
(L,) He was silent, and listened to his speech. 
(S, K, &c.) 

4. <C*ul He made him silent ; silenced him. 
(Sh, K.) — ,-ift Aiajt He made him to be 
silent, [and to abstain] from [speaking of, or to,] 
me. (A a.) — See 1. = ^ii Cxoil He inclined to 
play, or iport. (IAar, K.) 

8 : sec 1. 

10. l£i*iimt\ He asked him, or desired him, to 
be silent : (K:) or, to be silent and to listen to 
him. (TA.) 

Silence: [or silence and listening, fyc] 

■»■ oj 


1. aJ ^.^ > , and Aa^aJ, (S, K, &c.,) but the 

former is the original mode of expression, (Lb,) 

and is the more chaste, (S, Msb,) and the latter 

was scarcely ever used by the Arabs, (Fr,) 

if »- 

aor. ~, inf. n. m, <mi and 4a.Lcu (S, K,) and 

ia^-oi, (A, L, Msb,) or this last is a simple 

subst., (S, K,) and 4»-UaJ and ~~aj (L) and 

_^^i CTA1 and <La.LoJ : ^K :^ and ▼ <is_ alj . 

r>< w (TA) and <L».Lai ; (K ;) and 
inf. n. Aa^otU; (MF;) JT/c advised him, or 
counselled him, [in an absolute sense,] sin- 
cerely, honestly, or faithfully : and Ac so acted 
towards him: (Msb:) he directed him to that 
which was for his good, by words, or s]>eech, 
which is the proper signification ; or othertvise, 
which is a tropical signification: (Lb:) or he 
gave him good advice, or counsel ; directed him 
to what was good : or he advised him, or coun- 
selled him, sedulously, or earnestly : or lie acted 
sincerely, or honestly, to him, (MF,) or lie was 
benevolent towards him ; desired what was good 
for him. (Nh, MF.) _ ^j^-^oJ 4) c*-ai , 
inf. n. v-yoj, My advice, or counsel, or conduct, 
was sincere, honest, or faithful, to him. (L.) _ 
A^i C * o* , inf. h. 9-)^> X His repentance 
was, or became, true, or sincere, [§x. : see ^.yai']. 

(A.) i^UjJU OU J i^UJL) JLV [}Ve 

have come unto Thee for the purpose of sincere 
worship: we have not come for gain, or traffic : 
see art. *-»;]. (S, art. *»i, .) _ *~aj It 
(anything, S) was, or became, pure, unadulterated, 
or genuine. (S, K.) = «~<»j , (S, K,) aor. - , 
inf. n. ^- «u; (S;) and " ~~cJ*J ; (K. \) I He 
sewed a garment, (S, K,) or a shirt: (TA:) or 
he sewed it well. (A.) = ^jjl -_*u , (inf. n. 

-- ai, TA,) I He (a man, TA,) drank until 
V - »i j . .. 

he was satisfied. (K.) w>ji)l JjNI ■- -■ -rv, 

aor. r , inf. n. *-^-oJ , t 77te camels drunk in good 

earnest. (IAar, S.) jJUl J^J0\ •*.*&:> , (inf. n. 

* — * " > TA,) t TVie rain watered the district so 
that its herbage became close, without any bare 
part : (En-Nadr, K :) or, watered it abundantly. 
(TA.) = -— aj , aor. - , inf. n. m m +1 , He 
clarified honey. (MF.) But this is rejected by 
the author of the K. in [the work entitled] the 
Basalr. (TA.) 

3. Aa-oli , inf. n. A fc,^>Uc , [He advised him, 
or counselled him, with sincerity or faithfulness, 
tfc, reciprocally : see also 1]. (A.) 

4. mcuI He watered camels so as to satisfy 
them with drink. (IAar, S, J£.) 

5. p Jsim l He was prodigal of «^i [i.e., 
sincere or faithful advice or counsel, jfw.] Hence 
the saying of Aktham Ibn-Seyfec, « } - *^»j ^e^V-t 
io-j^JI Oj*^i <uL> ~.,« a ;j : JI [JScwatv ye of being 
prodigal of sincere or faithful advice or counsel, 
for it occasions doubt, or suspicion, or m7 
opinion]. (L.) — ~- <L-3 2T« affected to be 
/iAe, or imitated, » U i « < u [i. c, <Ao.«c to/jo advise, 
or counsel, sincerely, honestly, or faithfully, <$•<:. : 
see jl-oLi]. (S, K.) See 1. 

6. I j tfc olj-j [7V«cy advised or counselled one 
another sincerely or faithfully, fye. : see 1]. (A, 
art. -w-ai .) 

8. ~ ^ ? - i l J/e accepted ia* ptj , (S, K, # ) or 
«— ai, (TA,) [i.e., sincere, honcs{, or faithful, 
advice or coicnsel, fyc.]. As an ex. of this signifi- 
cation the following is cited 

»> J^i 

[77e «iy*, Accept my sincere advice, for I am to 

t/iee a sincere adviser] : (TA :) and -,, -r~ '■! 

'- - - . C ' ' 

«JJI ,_>( • fe Accept the sincere or faithful advice 

or counsel of the Book of God. (A.) But IB 

says, that the verb in this sense is intrans. ; and 

that, when trans., it signifies He took a person 

as a f m tft ti . [a sincere or faithful adviser or 

*• * * - 

counsellor, Sfc] ; whence the saying JJU* jwjl "^ 



U-La—il ^)« Ui rfi.i , i.e. jj-t^uJ ^jl iue jujl *i) 
li ;,«nj ■J»i " " ,jl ^j [J do no< desire of thee 
sincere or faithful advice, nor thy tailing me as a 
sincere or faithful adviser]. (L.) _— . See 10. 

10. A t* -r- r ■', (S, L,) and * <ia~oZJI , (L,) 
7/e reckoned him, or deemed him, -»-~aJ , (S, L,) 
i.e., « sincere, faithful, or, adviser, or 
counsellor, or a<;<or. (L.) 

--Uw I Thread (S, K) n>»'<A w/iicA one jew* : 

(S :) pi, ^-ib (K, TA ; in the CK lib ;) and 

4a.Ub : (K. :) the kcsreli and I in the latter are 

not those which are in the sing., and the » is 

added as a fern, sign of the pi. (TA.) [See 

• •*- 
also Jau*..] 

[Book I. 

oWUb Skins. (S, K.) 
this verse of El-Aasha, 

As cites as an ex. 

• ,l i . . Hi >.i 

(S, &c.) ^_jj liere signifies, accord, to some, a 
young camel such as is called %_ij : (Az :) or a 
latnh, or kid : (ISd :) or the bird called in 
Persian clj. (TA.) [But see what follows.] _ 
Also, (accord, to El-Muiirrij, TA.) Snares, (as 
in some copies of the K, and in the TA) or 
corti*i (as in other copies of the K) having loops 
(Jda.) made to them, which are set, and with 

which ajtes (a.jj» ) are cau 0^ >' OS- >) one of these 
animals being attached to one of the cords to 
attract others. (TA.) Agreeably with this signi- 
fication some explain the verse of El-Aasha cited 
above; »— >j , originally — Uj , signifying apes. 
(TA.) C ' 

• t * *'• ' 

*-yoi i>y> J True, or sincere, repentance : (S, 

K :) from y^. Jl Jo^JI C— i mi : (IAar, S:) or 
[repentance that mends one's life ;] from _«a-> 
wi^JI, agreeably with the saying of Mohammad, 
" lie who traduces the absent rends, and he who 
begs forgiveness of God mends:" [see lij:] (S:) 
or such repentance that one returns not after it to 
that of which he repents : (K :) sincere repen- 
tance, after which one returns not to sin: bo 
explained by Mohammad himself: (TA :) or 
renj sincere, or very honest repentance : (Zj :) 

Jjjj being a measure of an intensive epithet, 
applicable alike to the masc. and fern.: (TA:) 
or repentance in which one does not purpose to 
return (K) to the sin of which he repents. (TA.) 
The people of El-Medeeneh read [in the Kur, 

ft ft *■ 9 94 

lxvi., 8,] U-y^u: but some read lo-j-aJ , which 
is an inf. n. (Fr.) 

* * i ' 
»»*•»> : see «^eL> . 

■ .. « 

an inf. n., (L, Msb,) or a simple 

subst., (S, K,) Sincere, honest, or faithful, advice, 
or counsel, and conduct : (Msb :) direction to 
that which is for the good of the person who 
is the object, by words, or speech, which is 
the proper signification ; or otherwise, which 
is a tropical signification: (Lb:) or good 
advice or counsel; direction to what is good: 
or sedulousness, or earnestness, in advice or 
counsel: or sincere or honest conduct: (MF :) 
or benevolence; desire for what is good for 
the person who is the object : (Nh, MF :) [pi. 


■ 3* • ' 

«>Lai : see •ucli . 

^cli (act. part. n. of +~ei ) and " «.« ^t > 
arc syn., (S, K,) signifying One who advises, or 
counsels, sincerely, honestly, or faithfully : and 
who so acts: (Msb:) [mho directs another to 
that which is for the good of the latter, by words, 
or speech; or otherwise : or who gives good advice, 
or counsel : or who advises, or counsels, sedulously, 
or earnestly : or who acts sincerely, or honestly : 
or benevolent ; who deshrs what is good for 

*4 * ft • *. J 

another : see ai ~^ca :] pi. of the former ->*x> 
and p-Ub ; (K ;) and of the latter, .Un «b . 
(S.) __ w~aJl ^db J^"J 1 ^ wa " 7"""*> or 
sincere, of heart ; (S ;) »n riwi m «o deceit, 
dishonesty, insincerity, or dissimulation : (K :) 

•i * r 

said to be an expression similar to w>^J! jaU> 

[q. v.]. (TA.) [See also art. ^j*. .] == JLoU 

4 « a- 2 - vT- 

(S, K) and " r Uu and j.a—oLi (K) I A sewer ; 

a worker with the needle; a tailor. (S, K.) :=: 

-— «U J Pure, or c/car, honey, (As, S, KI,) &c, 

like job (As, S). ^jliJI 1>oU ^JUu, : 7/e 

gave me to drink white honey; or fine, or thin, 

roAt'/e Aotw/. (A.) = s—<»ly d>s* I ifatVw 

succeeding one a?iother. (A.) 

mm*ai* and Ja. m »jU I A needle, with which one 
sews. (L, K.) If thick, it is called 5>-xi . (L.) 


1. »^-a5 , (M, A, K,) aor. '-, (M,) inf. n. ^eS 
(M, A, K) and lj*i , (A,) or this is a simple 
subst., (S, Msb,) and )y^>, (K,) [but see the 
verse of Khidash in what follows,] He aided or 
assisted him, (M,K,) namely, a person wronged, 
misused, or treated unjustly or injuriously, (M, 
A > K,) against his enemy: (TA :) [he avenged 
him ; .(see the verse here following, and see 8 :)] 
he supplied his want, or somewhat thereof. (TA.) 
Kidash Ibn-Zuheyr says, 

e* ' * 



£->-»•— u*!* 5 . (A, L,) and ▼ ►Uu, (A,) 
I A shirt that is rent (A) and sewed. (L.) [See 
also .»..« a .-Z.o .] =s in . )<\ .o ^jo^ \ A land plenti- 
fully watered by rain, (K,) having its herbage 
closely conjoined, (ISd, K,) as though the spaces 
which were between the several portions of the 
herbage were closed up by sewing. (ISd.) 

mm>»t\i» \ Well sewed. (A A, EL.) [See also 

~- i *y.+.'\ __ Also I A 'place, in a garment, repaired 

and sewed: (TA:) a jxttched place, or place of 

patching: (K :) a place for sewing; similar to 


*j^o, q. v. (TA in art. £»j.) 

... , ' ' i ' ' ' " » • 

■ > i j. , 1 1 . , , , , 

LAj^-ojj Lf.-i-c. i^jl^aJI JUL ,:.i * 

[^4 Jirf rr*f/tou complain of treachery from a friend, 
those requitals are its result and its avengers, or 
avengement] : here j^oJ may be a pi. of ^li, 

like i^yi is of jJkli. ; or it may be an inf. n., 

i-i * ' ' •" * ' " ' • 

like JjA-j and ~jja. . (M.) You say, »^ai 

!■?"** L5^*' (v> A » ^ r ? ,) >) a,u ^ ♦JJ* l>°> ( A > 
Msb,) aor. i , (S, Msb,) inf. n. jib (S, A, Msb) 
and Z^oj , (A,) or this, as remarked above, is 
a simple subst., (S, Msb,) //<,• (namely, God, 
S, A, or a man, Msb,) aided or assisted him, and 
strengthened him, against his enemy: (Msb:) 
[he avenged him of his enemy. (See 8.)] And 

3 it ie ft* , , 

<0JI tyoj God made him to be victorious, to 
compter, or to overcome : so in the Kur, xxii. 15, 
where the pronoun relates to Mohammad. (TA.) 

_ , ftjft'ft,-i.ft J J • # i 

In the Kur, xlvii. 8, j^s^o^j <»JJV \jjtyi J rj\ 
means, Ifyc aid God's religion and his ajtostle, 
He will aid you against your enemy : (Bd, Jel :) 
or if ye aid his servants, kc. : or if ye heep his 
ordinances and aid his orders and comply fvith 
his command* and shun the things which He hath 
forbidden, &e. (El-Basair.) And the trad. 
U^Xix« jl bJLb i)l».l ^.^liI is explained as 
meaning, Prevent thou thy brotlier from wrong- 
ing when he is a wronger, and aid him against 
his wronger when he is wronged. (TA.) Also, 

Ift f ' * 4ft* t-ft, 

ftU-» oj*aJ , (K,) inf. n.j^aJ and Sj-oi , (TA,) [or 
the latter in this sense, as in the cases above 
mentioned, is a simple subst.,] He served or 
preserved him from him or it. (K.) — aJOI j-r* 
uof$\ God gave rain to the earth or land. (A.) 
And Jo°f)\ iJiJI J^J, (S, M, K,) [aor. i,] 
inf. n. j-<a3 , (M,) \ The rain aided the earth or 
land: (S :) or watered it: (M :) or watered it 
generally and copiously, (K, TA,) and caused it 
to produce herbage: (TA:) and JJUt ^eb til 
assisted the country to produce abundance of 
herbage: (TA :) and ±joy)\ Oj*oj J the earth 
or land was watered by rain. (S.) _ Hence, 
»j^b, aor. i, inf n. yej , t He gave to him. 
(M.) An Arab of the desert [in the A a beggar] 
accosted a people saying, aAJI^o^-oJ ^.j^-fibl, 
meaning, J (7/ue yc /o »nc : may God give to you. 

J % * 3 * , * 

Book I.] 

(M, A.) _ ail tj^aj also signifies t God be 
Homed upon him the means of subsistence, or the 

like; syn. 4Jy. (IKtt.) 

2. »>&>, (inf. n.jftt- "> , K,) J/c ?wi(/e Aim a 
Christian. (S, M, K..) II ' 8 8ai< * m a traJ » 
[relating to the natural disposition of a child to 
adopt the true faith,] ajjj-eujj aJb^yj 't^A^ 
[JBut Am two parents make him a Jem or wu»Ae 
him a Christian]. (S.) 

3. [t^eU //« rendered reciprocal aid to him. 
See an ex. voce^le.] 

5. j r- " ZZc laboured, or strove, to aid, or 
assist; syn. j-aJI -Jle : (M, K:) not of the 
same category as j^a.1 [he endeavoured to ac- 
quire^^i*-] and j^-j [he endeavoured to charac- 
terize himself by jj]. (M.) == lie became a 
Christian. (M, K.) 

6. Iji^oLiJ They aided or assisted one another: 
(S, Msb, TA :) the;/ assisted one another to aid. 
(M, A, K, TA.) _ jCl^l £>*UJ 1 77tc 
accounts, or tidings, confirmed, or verified, one 
another. (M, K, TA.) 

8. ^oJI 7/e defended himself: (13d, Jel, 

]v. 30 :) Ae defended himself against his wronger, 

j » 
or injurcr. (TA.) __ <su* j-oiJl /Zc exacted, 

or obtained, his right, or </mc, completely, from 

him, so that each of them became on a par with 

the other : (Az, TA :) lie revenged himself upon 

him.. (Az, S, M,* Msb, K.) 

10. j^a— _/t Jle ashed, sought, or desired, aid, 

or assistance. (M, K.) And »*,aiJLi\ Jle asked 

• ' * 
him to aid him, (S, Msb, K,) aJlc against him, 

(S, K,) i. e. against his enemy. (S, TA.) _ 

1 Jle begged ; (K ;) as though he asked for a 

gift, which is termed j-ai . (TA.) 

* * ' r 

j«aj [usedasuhst.,] Aid or assistance, rendered 
to another, especially against an enemy : [avengc- 
ment of another:] victory or conquest: (Bd, 
xxix. 9:) and * Sj-oJ is a suhst. from «j-aj [and 
therefore signifies the same] : (S, Msb :) or the 
♦ latter signifies good aid, or assistance : (M, 
K :) and this * same word, when the object is 
God, signifies aid of God's servants; &c. ; as 
explained above: sec 1. (El-Basair.) _ Spoil; 
plunder; booty. (Bd, ubi supra.) _ \ Jlain ; 
(A, TA;) as also " i^aj -. (TA:) in like manner 
as it is called -_JLJ : (A, TA :) or the ♦ latter 
signifies a complete rain. (IAar.) __ [Hence,] 
I A gift: (S, TA:) and J5U»J gifts. (M.) — 
See also ^U . 

*-'". *"■ ■ a i 

ojsoj : seej-cu, in nve places. 

^l^xi , (S, A, Msb, K, &c.) and * oLh" » 
(M, A,) or this latter has not been used without 
the addition of the relative ^ , (S,) or it has 
been sometimes used, (M,) and * »j>-aJ , (M, 
Msb, K,) but wc have not hoard this used, 
(M,) [A Christian: or this' is a secondary ap- 
plication, and the original meaning is a Na:a- 

rene :] fem. i-jj^ai , (S, A, Msb, K,) and 

# * » • # 

ijl^oj, (S, A, K,) or the latter is used only 

by poetic licence : (IB :) * ^jUaJ [applied to 
the Christians] is a rel. n. from *>-aU , [or Na- 
zareth,] a town of Syria, (S, M, K,) also called 
iJljii , (Lth, IDrd, K,) or o\r^> , (?, Msb,) 

and ZjjyaJ, (M, Sgh, K,) without tcshdeed, 

accord, to Sgh, (TA,) and ijjlai and ^Jjloj , 

(as in a copy of the M,) or |j>Iu and £jJ!.oS : 
(TA:) so originally, and then applied to such 
as hold the religion of its inhabitants : (Msb :) 
this is the opinion of the lexicologists; hut it is 
of weak authority, though admissible as there 
are other anomalous rel. ns. : (M :) or fso in 
)$., but in the S, and] ^jLai is pi. of fjj^x> , 

(Kh, M, Msb, K,) like as ^jl^ is pi. of^y^; 
(Msb, K ;) or of &\fiti (Kh, S, M) and iJi^J , 
(S,) like as ^tju is pi. of jCjJ (Kh, S, M) 
and iJUjJ ; (S;) but more probably of ^\'^a!> , 
because this word has been sometimes used, 
whereas wc have not heard \Jj*u used : (M :) 
and it is implied in the copies of the K, that 
jlcul is pi. of ^Ij-eu ; but correctly, it is a pi. 

of ^yoj , without ^g, as is said in the TS, and 
the L, in both of which is mentioned the savin" 
of the poet, 

* IjUuJI Ua-j ^j\j U) * 

[When I saw Nabatkeans, Christians], meaning 
,jjUi. (TA.) 

<LJIj-euJI The religion of the j^jUu [or Chris- 
tians]. (K, TA.) 

jyoi One n>Ao aids, or assists, muck or well. 
(TA in art. ^jjie. .) 

• * i * 

j~ej : see j~o\-> . It has the signification of 

the measure J«cL» or of the measure Jy*** ; 

for ^jl^t-cu o'^*" 1 ' occurring in a trad., means 

Two brothers, aiders of, and aided by, each 

other. (TA.) 

- ., 2 - .. 

j_£jLoJ : see Jl^-cu . 

jjUcu : see j-aj . 

• ' ' ' ' 

j«U act. part. n. of^-oj , ^4n ai«er or assister, 

especially against an enemy ; &c. ; as also * 


(S,» M, A, Msb, K,) and ♦ j+ii (Sgh, KL:) 

pi. (of jj^J, (S, M, Msb, and of^U, M,) 

jUail (S, M, A, Msb, K.) and (of %\J , M) 

jUaj , (M, K,) and jyca may also be a pi. of 
the same, as occurring in the verse of Khidash, 

cited above: (M :) and ^-=Ul is a pi. pi., being 

• '•* . '# • - 

pi. of jLail: (TA:) and*^-ai is used as sing. 

and pi., (M, K,) being an inf. n. employed as an 

epithet, like Jjic. (M.) __ jUu^l also signifies 

The Assistants of the Prophet; (M, K ;) of [the 

tribes of] El-Ows and El-Khazmj ; (TA ;) being 

an epithet applied to them especially, (M, K,) 

and used as a subst., as though it were the name 

2 -•* 
of a tribe, wherefore the rel. n. ^jlojl [which 

is used as sing.] is formed from it. (M.) 


LaJl : see 

sec j*r>U . 

I ... 

^Ij-aJ : — and. 

2 - ot 
(^jLoJl: see >«L> . 

j3-cl~o [Aided or assisted, especially against an 

enemy, &c.]. — . a}y£U« ^jl I Zawi/ watered by 
rain; rained upon. (S, A.) 

^■n.Z,..« [/LsAi/y, seeking, or desiring, aid, or 
a««'.s<a«ce]. _— I A beggar. (M.) 

[£^i, &:c. 
See Supplement.] 

1. ^^Li, aor. ^, inf. n. ^ . m (S, A, Mgh, 

Msb, K) and ^^u, (K,) It (water) welled from a 
source, or spring : (TA :) or flowed : (TA :) or 
flowed, (S, Mgh, K,) or came forth, (Mgh, Msb,) 
by little and little, (S, A, Mgh, Msb,) from stone 
or the like ; (Mgh ;) like ^j : (A :) or exuded ; 
or oozed forth, (A, K,) [like ^jaj ;] like as it 
does from stone. (TA.) You say also, ajU»_ 
s OW l>»-3 A cloud flowing with water. (TA.) 
And 4 InoJV k^-^ f-ij [ a l»P- •» wind bringing rain]. 
(K.) And ,JiJI 5jLl ^ il^iJI wjj, (K,) 

aor. r , inf. n. ^iu^J, (TA,) The water-skin 
slit, or burst, (K, TA,) and Us water came forth, 
(TA,) in consequence of being very full. (K, 
TA.) [Hence,] !^i *i 5> jto ^>o *JI (^j 

2 ^ • ' 

aor.-, inf. n. ^.^u [and ,_»flu^u], f \tmcwkat 

flowed to him from his bimnty : but the verb is 

mostly thus used in negative phrases. (TA.) 

You say also, <LoUoj jXi^jju, ^y> ^aj f A /j'/f/e 

o/tA,!/ bounty [flowed forth]. (TA.) And ^ai 

* >* 

*yj^i aJ t He did him a small benefit ; as also 
J±i. (A?.) — Hence too, (Mgh,) J&, (IKx>ot, 
S, A, &c.,) aor. -, inf. n. >> ».<>' », (K,) also sig- 
nifies J /< (a thing, IKoot, Msb, or an affair, K) 



[Book I. 

was, or became, within the power or reach ; or 
possible; or easy of obtainment or attainment; 
or prepared, or ready; or produced ; or apparent ; 
or »< presented itself; syn. ,^£«l ; (K, T A ;) and 
^J; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, TA;) and J^. ; 
(IKoot, Mgh, Msb, TA ;) and '^>. (Mgh.) 
You say, j>u U J*t» t Tn^e thou, or receirc (Aon, 
n)Aa< hath become easy of obtainment or attain- 
ment : or prepared, or ?-e««fy ; or produced ; or 
apparent; or ?r/«a* <W/t presented itself; syn. 
jI-5; (S,A,Mgl.,MHl),TA;)andJ^.;(Mgb, 
TA ;) iO to thee, or for tltee; (S, A, Mgb, TA ;) 
O** ir* °f a debt ; (S ;) or ^jJI ,>• o/ - Me 
debt ; (Msb ;) or ^a ,J* of thy debt ; (A, 
Mgh;) or J^jfi. ^y* from thy debtor. (TA.) 
And it is said in a trad., yj* ^aj t» ai_i~j t^.**. 

^yi\y»\ I Tojfcc ye t7*e poor-rate of what hath 
appeared, or presented itself, of their possessions; 
syn. ^yji, and J-a»-. (Mgb.) You say also, 
0-**" u^ iThe price was, or became, pro- 
duced, or apparent, or prepared, or rcarfy : 
wa.t, or became, given in ready money, or 
promutly, or quickly, or in adoance : syn. 
J^.: ond J*Jci. (Msb.) And ,>u U 
T^i *L ^J*, (S, Msb,) i.e. jla^- U t [No- 
thing became produced, or apparent, &c, by 
■my hand therefrom: or, accord, to A'Obeyd, 
or As, (sec ^ai,) the verb in this instance seems 
to have the signification here next following]. 
(Msb) aJU ,>u also signifies J7/w property 
became converted into money, or cox/*, q/ter ?'< 
/mm/ fccc/j a commodity, or commodities. (A, 

2 : see R.Q. 1, in two places. 

4. t^l He (a pastor, S) yace lambs or kids 
to drink a small t t uantity of milk. (S, KL, TA.) 
= t U« accomplished a want. (K.) 

* * » » * a ,, 
5 : see 10, in two places. = \j^» <Z ~e J *3 

+ I excited, incited, urged, or instigated, such a 

one. (Sgh, K, TA.) [In one copy of the K, 

t - ''.''-I 

- J 

(S, Msb,) ^^b ^>« /rom .«uc/t a one : (S :) or 
extracts, or elicits, it, part offer part. (K.) 
And u*»» a^-» * C^o.i [in one copy of the K 

» s:.^;^;")] + / took, or exacted, or received, 
fully, or wholly, from him, my right, or rf«e, (K, 
TA.) /w< (•;//«• pari! : (TA :) [as also &; * rna - ~ > 
<U«o.] And i*>.UJI ♦ C**uA«3 [in one copy of the 
K *w- oiiuj] t -^ sought, or demanded, the 
a ceo m i dish men t of the want. ( K . ) 

R. Q. 1. »>lli, (K, TA,) or * jwii, (so in 
the CK,) said of a man, (TA,) \ILu ^U, (K, 
TA,) i.e. what was apparent of his property, 
(TA,) became much, or abundant. (K, TA.) = 
7/c moved about his tongue ; as also ^aUu ; but 
the ^ in the former is not a substitute for the 
u o ill the latter, as some assert it to be : (L, 
TA!) the verb is used in this sense in speak- 
ing of a man ; (TA ;') and of a serpent ; (S*, 
A, K;) inf. n. i*bu*bi : (S, but in one copy 
*,.«,.<>> :) and accord, to Ibn-Abbad, H^Hi [the 
inf. n.] signifies the mailing, or uttering, of a 
sound; or the sound itself; (O^-o;) [app. by a 

motion of the tongue ;] of the serpent ; and hence, 

• ** • ' 
[accord, to some,] the epithet ^l^ai, as applied 

to a serpent: (TA:) or this epithet is from the 

phrase, (IAnr,) \j"$j ^j<*^>, (lAar, K,) *<ua-iu, 

(so in the CK,) He put such a one in motion, 

(lAar,) and he disquieted, disturbed, or unsettled, 

him; or removed him from his place. (lAar, 

K.) [In one jilace, in the TA, iLw <ti« ^>uwt 

is made to signify the same ; but this is doubtless 

a mistake, arising from an omission in transcrip- 

tion.] You say also, ajUAj ^*«JI yj aL i aj The 

camel moved about his oLju [((.v.], and made 
them to be in contact with the ground ; or this is 
[^fiiii,] with ^o. (TA.) 



10. iC^l JoJ^J\ He sought repeatedly and 
perscveringly Hie [small quantities, or remains, 
termed] iCj, of waUr, and took of them little by 
little. (TA [in which, however, ji^i\ is erro- 
neously put for >Wbl].) — [Hence,] ,_*a^~» y*> 
bjjjto J He seeks, or demands, bounty, or a 

benefit, as it were drop by drop ; syn. », 
(K, TA :) or extracts, or elicits, it: (TA :) or 
.•scc/U, or demand*, its accomplishment. (A, TA.) 
And *i»- ^x~-j yk, (S, K,) or 4u- ▼ ,>^, 
(so in a copy of the Msb,) t He seeks, or demands, 
the accomplishment of his right, or due, (S, Msb, 
K,) and takes, or reeeiees, (S,) part after part, 

R. Q. 2 : sec 5 : __ and sec also 10, in two 

J£ (S, Msb, K) and * Jib (S, A, Mgh, 
Msb, K) I Gold and silver coin or money; or 
dcendrs and dirhems : (S, A, Mgh, Msb:) such 

are called JU' * w«»li : (A, TA :) or the dirhem 
and deenrir : (K:) of the dial, of El-Hijaz : 
(As, S, Mgh, Msb:) but accord, to A'Obeyd, 
(S, Msb,) or As, (TA,) these are called ♦ ^U 
only >u/ic« converted into such after having been 
a commodity, or commodities; (S, Msb, K;) 
because one says, t^yi 4i« i_J-Vrf l/^ l-», (?, 

. . . . ' aV , . ... 

Msb,) i.e. J-cu»- U : (Msb :) ^«aJ also signifies 
w/ta< is apparent, or produced, or prepared, or 
ready; and so t ^U, particularly of property : 
(TA :) and * the latter, rw/««< Aas continuance, 
or endurance, of property. (Msb.) A man of 

much property is described as being u-UI j^t 

5 - ' 

♦UoU t [Z7ic most abounding of men in gold and 

silver coin]. (TA.) = See also 

) Water upon sand beneath which is hard 
ground, from which whenever any exudes and 
collects, it is taken. (TA.) 

ijoyai jlf A well of which the water flows 
by little and little : or oozes forth. (K, TA.) 

,>waj Water little in quantity : (S, O, L, K :) 
pi. >J>lk> ; (S, O, L, TA ; in the K, J&\±>, 
which is a mistake. TA.) Also, A small 

I £ * » 9 » » 

quantity of milk. (S, K.) _^aJJI ±ra?co y}»-) 
I A mo it having Utile Jhsh; (K;) as also ' A«ai, 

j > - « * * *et i * 

and * <ui>L^iL>. (TA.) =3^0:0' ^5<cJW biV > > 

.0 » 
and * yOV I^» ; ^aJ, TVtey r ( 7»ie «iW the most remote 

(f their company; (O, K;) from Ibn-'Abbad. 


<uiU»j A remainder, (S, K,) or small re- 
mainder, (A,) of water, (S, A, K,) &c. : (S, K :) 
the last thereof: pi. ^>ijLaJ and ^Uu. (TA.) 
[Hence,] J*»jJI jJ^ <U>Uu t jT/ic b«< r/ r/te 
children of the man : (AZ, S, A, K :) applied 
alike to the male and female and to two and 
more; (S, K;) like iy^s- and Zj-£*. (S.) _— 
t A small thing : (A :) what comes into one's 
hand, of a thing : a small benefit. (TA.) 

i^ikf/Ju A small quantity of ruin : (AA, S, K :) 
or a weak rain : or a weak cloud : or one flowing 
with water: (TA :) pi. [of pauc] i-oil and [of 

mult.] ^ixSLaJ. (S, K.) — A wind that brings 

„,' & . 
rain, (sUJl> iu^>>) so that it flows: or a weak 

wind. ( A'Obeyd, K.) &l J^SI >zJ=>'fi 'jjj 

A ^u J s J Oli ijA^, and ^ajtaj Olj, 77(e camels 
/«a?'e /(./< the water, having thirst; (S, K;*) 
not having satisfied their thirst. (S.) mm The 
(Otmd of the roasting of flesh-meat upon heatol 
stones : pi. ^oSLctJ : (S, K :) ISd, however, says, 
I think that k^uLai is a sing., like ^jU*. ; but 
the sing, may be ii^ii . (TA.) [It seems to 
me not improbable that ^ojLoj may be a mis- 
transcription, for u a'j\^>j, pi. of the inf. n. 
used as a subst.] = Sec also 

w -jlUaJ : see w> a : ^»i . == ^L^cu *-»., (IAar, 

S, K,) and ioL^ii, (S, A, K,) A serpent that 
retnains not still in a plate, (IAar, K,) by reason 
of its malignity and liveliness : (IAar:) or that, 
when it bites, hills immediately: (K:) or that 
moves about its tongue, (S, A, K,) having put it 
forth; (K ;) as also with ^ : [see ^LLiu:] 
(TA :) or that utters a sound, or sounds. (TA.) 
It is said that Dhu-r-Rumnich, being asked 
respecting the meaning of ^U«bj, did nothing 
more than move about his tongue in his mouth ; 
(S ;) or put forth his tougue, and move it about, 
(IJ, O,) in his mouth, making a sign with it to 
him who asked him. (O.) 

Book I.] 

■ * - • * • * * # * 

3 ,f * : -~ '■ : see JLiMuiti . 

^oU t A tiling, or an affair, within one's potver 
or reach [&c. : see 1, of which it is the part. n.]. 
(K.) —Sec also ^ai in six places. 

1. 1~£ . aor. '- (S, K, &c.) and also : , (Msb,) 

9 J J 

which latter is strange, (MF,) inf. n. *->>-aJ > 
(S, K, &c. ;) and * ^**ai ; (K ;) It (water) sank 
into the earth ; disappeared in the earth : (S, 
M, K, <tc. :) and became low: (S:) became 

remote. (S, M.) J>y^\ >-~°J, occurring in 

a verso cited by Th, [The water of the tank or 
cistern, tank into the earth], (TA.) — c«.*\j 

oolkJI ^Jc [The source* of El-Tuxf became 

* ' i* ****** ******* 

dried vp~\. (A.) — ^j*- >*3 J*~J* *** S-"* i ** 

oJliLi odi 77/0/ from which the water of the 

sea has become exhausted, and has dried up, it 

being alive, and which has then died, cat ye it. 

(TA, from a trad.) — jly$W p" £&^ ^ <■*» 
t\*\l\ <uc L,JaJ jJij [We were on the bank of the 
river in El-Ahwus, and the water had sunk, or 
receded, from it, leaving it dry]. (TA, from a 

trad.) <u~t. C-~a», (aor. - , inf. n. ^yoJ, 

TA,) t ■//*» *ye sank, or became depressed, in the 
sachet: or it is only said of the eye of a she- 
camel. (K.) _ yr'' It (herbage and the like, 
that had been abundant,) became little, or scanty : 
(lv:) or failed altogether. (TA.) — *-**<*> is 
met. used with reference to accidents [as it is 

properly with respect to substances] : thus it is 

******* _ 

said in a trad., t^^c ^*~aj t His life passed 

anay, or ended. (IAth.) This is what V means 
by saying (J"ib w~cu signifies OU, \ Such a one 
died. (TA.) __ «;;». >r~fl.', inf. n. «-»>«£"> I His 
goodness, or beneficence, became little. (AZ.) — 
Ay*.} 'U w-a'» t He was not ashamed. (TA.) = 
^~ii, (inf. n. **>}*£, TA,) t It (a desert) was 
far-extending. (K.) _ y iJ , inf. n. »->>*"> I ■** 
(a people, or party,) >i - ««, or became, distant. 

(S.) ^~oi I It (a people, or party,) strove, 

or used exertion, [npp., »'n a journey.] (TA.) = 
^r~e±, aor. ., 7/ (a thing, TA,) flowed, and ran. 
(K.) By our saying " a thing," we mean to 
exclude water, though water is included in the 
definition of a thing : so that we need not infer 
from what is said in the K. that the verb bears 
two contr. significations. (TA.) [But this obser- 
vation appears to me to be scarcely admissible.] 
__ ijjjJt CfAi [in the copies of the K in my 
hands, written ij^y] The sore on the bach of a 

i* £ * * * 

camel Sfc. became severe. (K.) jjjJI v^ 1 t The 
scar of the sore became severe and deep in the 
hack. (A.) sb l>yi\ ^JJ He pulled off the 
garment. (Msb.) 

* 9 9* 

2 : see 1 _c~-oJ, inf. n. y>;,c5, She (a camel) 

SJ Oi — m * M 

had little milk ; and her flow thereof became slow ; 
(K ;) and her milk was long inflowing again into 
her udder after each previous milking. (TA.) 

4. Jr^l yrft**l He pulled the string of the bow, 

* 0**t 

in order that it might make a sound : like ly«aJI : 

(K :) the former verb is [said to be] an original 

syn. of the latter; (TA;) [and if so, it has 

an inf. n., as shown below :] or he pulled 

the string of the bom, and then let it go, to 

make it twang : or he pulled the string of 

the bom without an arrow, and then let it go, 

to make it twang : (TA :) or he caused the bow 

to make a sound, or twang : (AHn, L :) s_^*ul 

* * *** * * **f . .... 

u *}ii\ ft} is the same as m*j\, of which it is 

a transp. syn. (S.) AHn, gives to it the inf. n. 
«_>Lk>! ; and yet asserts it to be formed by trans- 
position : but this is absurd ; for verbs so formed 
have not inf. ns. ; as mentioned by Sb and Aboo- 
Alec and the rest of the skilful grammarians. 
(Abu-1-Hasan.) Sec^-Ji. 

^.eUj-ai A pool of which the water has sunk 

. 9- *>•> 

into theearth. (A.) [So] * «U-iUo ^>c A source 

of which the water has sunk into the earth; [a 
source that has become dried up]. (A.) — &**• 
Z~aL> t [A deep hole : or afar extending desert] : 

syn. i-*;. (S, TA.) — pJI J^bUJ L/& o\ 
I Verily such a one is a person of little good, or 

beneficence. (AZ.) w~£li I Distant; remote: 

(As, S :) an epithet applied to water and any- 
thing. (TA.) — >l~otJ ^j'j**. t A far-extend- 
ing run. (TA.) 

^Jbi "', a coll. gen. n., [I find it said to have 
been written with tenweon by J himself: but it 
appears to have been also used as a generic 
proper name; and as such, having the measure 
of a verb, it must be written w.-o» >, being 
imperfectly declinable :] A certain tree : the 
O is augmentative, because there is no word of 
the measure JJjU ; whereas there are words of 
the measure Jju*.3 , as J- T . i . 3 and *■)*"> '• 
n. un. iliuJ : (S :) a certain tree of El-Hijdz : 
(K :) it grows large, in the form, or manner, of 
the**.jL,, having white and thick branches; and 
folds, such as are called j$}*-**>-, are made of it : 
[this is the only meaning I can assign to the 
words jJx^-« ykj, supposing Aj to be omitted 

after jiaJ*~», though jJUU*h! would be better:] 
its leaves are contracted; and it always appears 
as though it were dry and dusty, though grow- 
ing : (TA :) its thorns are like those of the 
«_w^t : (K, TA :) and it has a fruit [called jJu> 
(L, K, art. .*«-»)] like small grapes, which is 
eaten, of a reddish colour : AHn says, that its 
smoke is white, of the colour of dust ; and that 
poets therefore liken dust to it : and in one place 
he says, that it is a large tree, without leaves 
[jyroperly so called], which has a trunk, and 
from which grow thick bough, with many 


branches; its leaves [if such they may be called] 

being only shoots, which are eaten by the camels 

and sheep and goats : Aboo-Naijr says, that it is 

a tree having short thorns : not of the trees that 

grow on lofty mountains ; frequented by chame- 

leons: [see ?l^*~, in art. .—>«»- 1 and seo an ex. in 

a verse cited voce JU:] ISd thinks that it is 
thus called because of its little sap : AM says, 
that it is a large tree, from which are cut tent- 
poles : (TA:) and Ibn-Selemeh says, that it is a 

9 * 

tree from which arrows arc made. (S.) — . £y 

* w & * . n 

i tgi."..T-)l r*.\j£.£=> [Ske-cameh like arrows made 


of the wood of the tendub], (TA). 

see . 

* * fl J 9 9* 

1. 9.* a< , aor. '- , inf. n. -. Ai and m —*i . (S, 
K, &c.,) or these are [properly] simple substs., 
(the former accord, to the L, and both accord. 

9 * * 

to the Msb,) and the inf. n. is ~~aJ , (Msb,) It 

(fruit, ^Jj\ , S, K, [in the CK_£L)t , or dates,] 
as grapes, and dates, TA, and flesh-meat, S, K, 
whether dried in the sun or roasted, TA, [or 
cooked in any way,]) attained to a perfect state 
of fitness for being used, or for being eaten : it 
(fruit) became ripe, or mature : it (flesh-meat) 
became thoroughly cooked. (S, K, &c.) See 2. 
[And It (the skin of one tormented in Hell) 

became thoroughly burned: sec Kur iv. 59.] 

It (an ulcer or the like) became ripe, or sup- 

2. <*\Jy i5UJI C-i-li, (S, K,) and 

•V 1c*-\J*>, (K.) and liJJj c^jj, (L,) : She 
(a camel) exceeded the usual period of gestation 
by a month, or thereabout : (L :) or exceeded the 
year and did not bring forth : (S, K :) wus 
pregnant, and exceeded the year, counting from 
the time when she conceived, and did not bring 
forth. (As.) Th uses the expression c-a —cu 
UjJj as signifying She (a woman) exceeded the 
usual period of gestation, namely nine months; 
or did so by a month : in which case the child i* 
more strong for the delay. (TA.) — C* Ai 

lyiJU i-»LJt X The she-camel attained the Utmost 
point with her milk : but ISd thinks it a mistako 
for U jJ^ c— ~ii . (L.) = See 4. 

4. -—oil He rendered fruit, or flcsh-mcat, 
(whether dried in the sun or roasted, TA, [or 
cooked in any way],) perfectly fit for being 
used, or for being eaten : rendered ripe, or 
mature: thoroughly cooked : (S, IjL :) it (the 
proper time) rendered fruit ripe, or mature; 
ripened, or matured it. (TA.) _ AHn uses 
this verb in a strange manner, explaining the 

9*9* * *>* , , , • • it 

expression *j iY * OUJ by the words ji» ^jJI 

jjJI &L**iu\ [meaning, a plant, or herbage, that 
is nipped, shrunk, shrivelled, or blasted, by the 
cold] : this is strange because ^-Uul is an effect 


,. . « 

of heat; not of cold. (M.) [See Ju*.l.]__ 

-A. * • « 
dL>lj ^--ojI t Mature thy judgment, or thine 

opinion], (A.) .*_ ct^£JI x-^ - 'l *^> (^i) or 
0*0.0 0*0*- 
\c\j£s » mptkAAmfj , (A,) [ife does no. thoroughly 

rook the slender part of the leg of a sheep, or the 

like] : i. e., he is weak, and of no use, or does 

not possess a competence. (L.) — [»— oil also 

signifies It matured, or caused to suppurate, an 

ulcer or the like ; as also » <moj .] 

10 : sec 4. 

■4. <>> : see »■■■ < ■ ' ' . 

m*ii and * y*l 

see 1. — As simple substs., 
in rcliition to fruit, or to flesh-meat, A perfect 
state of fitness for being used, or for being eaten : 
ripeness, or maturity: the state of being thoroughly 
cooked. (L, Msb.) 

«-~&> and I *~0U (S, 1£) and " •* ■ * •.« 
(TA) Fruit, and flesh-meat, (whether dried in 
the sun or roasted, TA, [or cooked in any way,]) 
in a perfect state of fitness for being used, or for 
being eaten: ripe, or mature: thoroughly cooked: 
(S, K, &c. :) pi. [of the first, and perhaps of the 

second also,] «-Uu. (TA.) — ^ji\ »-~ai 
I A man of sound, [or mature] judgment. (S, KL.) 

_ • y^*** V- ' J [^ matured affair ; an affair 
soundly, or thoroughly, managed]. (A.) 


»LJ : see 


■ i tf i- o : see jf^oi • 
•*.*>•« : sec what follows. 

, -f» : - (S, L, K) and " « .n.,» anil each with 5 
(L) J A she-camel that exceeds the usual period 
of gestation by a month, or thereabout: (L:) or 
that exceeds the year and does not bring forth : 
(S, £ :) pi. IW^ (S) and ouLi^. (L .) 

See an ex. voce «->'y. — [Also both, but 
the latter the more common, A suppurative 

■ i T- - - An iron instrument for roasting flesh- 
meat; syn. jyui. (Iy.) 

1. -Lii , aor. : , (S, £,) and ■- , (Msb, MF,) 
inf. n. .. mi , (S,) He sprinkled a house, or 
chamber, [with water] : (S, K :) or he sprinkled 

• 0/0 4 0* 

it lightly: (TA :) •»— aj is like •_ 6J ; and some- 
times these two words agree, and sometimes 
they differ: (Lth:) some say that they both 
signify any sprinkling: (TA:) or the former 
signifies what is intentional ; and the latter, 

what is unintentional. (IAar.) [See ~ «h >.] 

.l»JI A--U C-t ti i , inf. n. -_ aj , [1 sprinkled 

■ ■A3 — «.<<l '» 

water, or ./.« water, upon him]. (As.) _ -_aJ , 
aor. r , and - , inf. n. mmM , He moistened, or 
sprinkled, a garment, or piece of cloth. (Msb.) 

_ t _>__=> ,j^o m *ii ajUsI [.4 sprinkling of such 

* * * ' 
a thing came upon him], (TA.) — C-a. mv 
* • * 
lyJ^-^ *S/.e (a camel) sprinkled her urine. (TA.) 

__ 4,ihc -_«ju , (S, K,) aor. - , inf. n. ~aj , 

(S,) J J< (water, TA,) moistened [or allayed] his 

thirst, (S, TA,) a«rf a/fayed it ; (K, TA :) took 

it away: or almost, took it away: (TA:) also 

(K) or ,j;Jjt m oi , (TA,) Ae satisfied his thirst 

with drink : (J£ :) or A« rfranA to than what 

would satisfy his thirst. (S, K.) — iU»JI «.. o > 

JC" TV*« wafer Zoo/: away <Ae </»V.s7 q/" <Ac 

camels ,fc. : or nearly did so. (T.)_tl«JI 9— oj 

/Ze (a camel) carried water from a river or 

canal or 7oeZ/ to irrigate standing corn or <Ae 

like. (Msb.) T-*J H'' moistened a skin, in 

v. .jj . .. 

order that it might not break. __ <UUJI m m hi , 

• • * *■• 

aor. ;, inf. n. »~iJ, He sprinkled the palm-leaf 

date-basket with water, in order that its dates 
might stick together : (L :) or he scattered forth 
its contents. (L, K.) __ *~ iu (inf. n. -_- aJ , 
S,) He watered palm-trees, (K,) and standing 
corn &c, (TA,) by means of a camel carrying 
the water. (K.) — U»-ai cjjJI ^^i- The stand- 
ing corn $c. was watered by means of buckets, 
(.•^1 and w>J!>*>) an d came l s carrying the water ; 
not by means of a channel opened for that 
purpose. (TA.) — ~cu3 J»-J «jJk These are 
palm-trees that are watered [by the means above 
mentioned]. (S.) — •— iuJW (^f-i O^ [Such 

a one waters palm-trees ice. by the means above 

* ****** 
mentioned]. (S.)_>«*JI ^jis. f - f '- i He drives 

tlie camel that carries the water for irrigation, 
watering palm-trees [$'c] (S.) — _ ^ jt oi 
jJlIjlj. ('nf. n. 1 4>i , TA.) I They shot at them 
[or sprinkled them] with arrows : (S, K :) they 
scattered arrows among them, like as water is 
sprinkled. (TA.) Mohammad said to the 
archers at the battle of Ohod, ,J~0»JI I— £ t^a^iil 
t Shoot ye at the horses and their riders with 
arrows [and so repel them from us]. (S,* TA.) 

Atf-ji -,. -!*'• , aor. s and - ; (TA ;) and * m . rfi7'» l 

and * ». jii- >->! [both of which are thus used as 

intrans.] ; (K;) He sprinkled some water upon 

i ii 
his pudendum after the ablution called tyo^\ : 
* * , 0' * ^ ^ 

(K:) as also ^ i r »1. (TA.) _ J^JU -^-aJ 

0UJ^Lj < St He ma<le [a little sprinkling of] 
urine to fall upon his thighs. (K.) Hence the 

a m J s 

saying in a trad., ~ ^> JI i j-o -i— =UJI, meaning, 

that he upon whom falls a little sprinkling of 
urine, like the heads of needles, as explained by 
Z, must sprinkle the part with water, and is not 
required to wash it (TA.) _il»~JI L t A» < k i 

[Book I. 

Tlie sky rained upon us. (L.) _ -* -h'< , [aor. - ,] 

He (a horse) sweated. (Msb.) jjil* / ji*. 
• 0' • - -- ' C 

inf n. -»-iu and ^U—eu , ifc (a man, and a 

horse,) broke out with sweat : and in like manner, 
the protuberance behind a camel's car ; and the 
arm-pit or the like. (L.) [See an ex. in a verse 
cited in art. }j£., conj. 3.] __C-J» -,'_'e\'' : + He 
diffuses the odour of perfume : lit., sweats it. 
(L, from a trad.) — »-oi It (sweat) exuded, 
or came forth. (Msb.) _ &j>ij| r-r. AJ, (S, 
K,) and «U-iUJI, (S,) aor. i, inf. n. -»^u and 
-.UuJ, (S, K,) [the latter of an intensive form,] 
The water-skin, and the jar, (being thin, TA,) 
sweated, (ISk,S, K,) or exuded its water. (TA.) 
— J-S>-!l >. ■ fti TVie mountain sweated water 
between its masses of rock. (TA.) _ ■,, -p- 
jfc .')!, inf. n. »— ai, TA,) J TVie tree.? 6e<?a« fo 

brmA out wit/t leaves. (As, S, K.) _ ■> rr 
jo- L 

cjpl, and " yxAi l, t 27' e standing corn became 

thick in its body, (TA,) and began to have the 

farinaceous substance in its grains, yet moist, 

j 0* » * . 

or succulent, or tender. (K.) — ^>i»JI «■"-■« A*, 

(L, K,)aor. -,inf. n. ?— oi; (L;) and ' C—~ eUil, 
(L,K,) and " ;■ > . n .'i; (K;) 7'Ae ffya overflowed 
with tears: (L,K:) tlie eye fllled withtears and tlien 
overflowed without stopping. (L.) __ ;»— o->, aor. ; , 
7t (a sea, or great river,) flowed. (TA, art. j-j.) 

** *5 0*0 0* **, 

V*-^ >o»>- J r" l^a-ii 1 = see J>j. = ^aj 

jfc 1>*> (§»?») aor - "i (? •) a,ul •*• * J-» U i 

(K,) inf. n. iLJodo and lUxi ; (TA ;) I He 

refielled from , and defended, such a one : (S, K :) 

as also -— out: (Shujiia:) and J»Jjl »— ai he 

repelled from the man. (Kr.) __ ■«—«_> ^t -~-v 

{ //e defended himself with an argument, a -plea, 

or an allegation. (S.) 

3 : sec 1. 

4 : see 1 — — ouo^c m~ i j \ f 7/ir; aspersed his 

honour, or reputation : (K :) marred it ; as also 

n- -r-«l : (Shujaa Es-Sulamcc :) made jieop/c to 

carp at it. (Khaleefeh.) 

# A J2"~0 *0£* 

5 : see 1 and 8. >v O/-* ^«-« -». rf> < ■ j a-^'j 

1 1 saw him deny, (S, K,) and declare himself clear 

of, (S,) that of which he was accused, or suspected, 

0(0 « 

(S, K.*) — j-«l (>« f*»A»J J 7/e pretended to be 

clear, or c/mjI!, o/</*e //.i«(7. (TA.) 

^Jl TVte water became 

8. iU» 

sprinkled ujxm them. (S.) — j_yU ^Jj^M -~-cu-it 

*j ^ 

w>yUI 77te u/'tne became sprinkled ujtoti the gar- 

meat. (Msb.) __ --3-a-JW 9. « a . »1 He sprinkled 

himself with the kind of perfume called r-yoJ ■ 

(L.) [And * ■— itiJ is used in similar sense in 

art. J — c in the K.] See 1. 

10 : sec 1. 

Book I.] 

A rain between two rains; better than 
What m called Jt ; (L;) i.q. i— oJ, with 
respect to rain. (Sh.) _ oU <iS [or oU-ii ?] 
A slight, or scanty, scattered shower of rain. 
(L.) __ Also * >— f ^ Main. (L.) -~iu 

+ Perfume that is thin, like water: pi. Lyol 
* ' f * * , ^> 

a <UmcuI: [see also -.yij:] what is thick, 

like J^JU. and &JL*, is called 



.A wtari /e/i fty water, or anything thin, such as 

9 0' 

vinegar and the lihe: differing from ~..a3 [q. v.]. 
(AA, in TA, art. 4~U.) 

■>— aj and " m *tJ*i I A watering-trough or 
tank ; or so called because it moistens [or allays] 
the thirst of camels : (I Aar, S :) or a small 
watering-trough or tank : (TA :) or the latter a 
watering-trough or tank that is near to the well, 
so as to bejllled with the bucket ; and it may be 
large: (Lth :) pi. of the former ■LUjI ; and of 
the latter ~^J. (S.) — 4 ^JI -lii What is 
sprinkled in the performance of the ablution called 
pyojH. (L.) [See *»yi »-^u.] 

• fi . j § > * 

see --yiu . 

some copies of the K <L3jj ; in the CK *-»tjj] 
i. e. .Am instrument made of copper or ora** /or 
shooting forth naphtha [into 0. besieged place : 
mentioned in several histories]. (L.) 



9-yai »i\ya A «i\j* that sweats, or exudes its 
(TA.) ___ j>-j-bJ t A certain kind of 

9 ' 9 o 

perfume. (S, EL.) [See also wj, oi.] __ ^y 
£->«ai, and " <j t «» <u , A bow that impels the 
arrow with force, or sends it far, and that 
scatters the arrows much ; expl. by ▼ Aa-l_Li 9-j»jI> 
jluj. (AHn, K.) — ^>iljl One of the 
names of The bom. (TA.) 

>-~^ u Sweat. (S.) __ See ~oJ . 

* •* 

~-LaJ He wAo drives the camel that carries 

water from a well jrc, for irrigating land, (S> 
K,) and waters palm-trees [fie.]. (S.) _ See 

'*■ i - * 9 . 

9.3. • - - ■ 

i^-Uni : see 

-_oU I A. came/ (S) or an ass or a bull (TA) 

npon which water is drawn (*~U ( JLi-j) [/rom 
a n>eM <J"c] : (S, TA :) a camel that carries 
water (*U)I J-^H)/ ro " t « Hwr or cana/ or 
n'eW <o irrigate seed-produce ; so called because 
it is a means of moistening [or allaying] thirst 
by the water which it carries: (Msb:) the female 

• . . 9. . 

is called 4- ALi (S, Msb) and i^L, [q. v.] : 
(S :) pi. —«iiy . (Msb.) _ Afterwards applied 
to Any camel: as in the following instance, 
occurring in a trad., «iU i A U a^jiM (?i»e Aim 
thy camel to eat. (Msb.) — — See «. A3 . 

fcw A JU (L, K) as also <U~cu4, (I Aar, L,) 
vulg. t HuJ, (Az,) i.o. Uljj, (I Aar, L, [in 

, aor. -, [and 7 , see below], inf. n. 

«.„<li , Tfe sprinkled him, or i<, [with water 
**. t . ~ . ••* 

Ac.] : or t. o. to Ju : (EL:) AZ says, -^-aJ 

signifies the act of sprinkling, like m, Jtb ; these 
two words being syn. : you say v^. ri . ii , aor. 
~oJl : (S :) or the former signifies less than 
the latter: (K:) so most say: (L:) or the 
former signifies what is unintentional ; and the 
latter, what is intentional : (1 Aar, L :) As says, 
that the latter is the act of man : (L :) and the 
former he says, signifies more than the latter, 
and has no pret. nor aor. : and Aboo-'Othman 
Et-Towwazee Bays, that the former signifies the 

mark, or effect, that remains upon a garment or 

• • - 
other thing, and that the act is termed t-~^> , 

with •_ unpointed.: (S :) As says, that imii has 

no verb nor act. part. n. ; and A'Obeyd says, 

that it has no pret. nor aor. ascribed to any 

* t # j • * « 
authority : or you say *r>yi)\ iMhA*, aor. - and 

- , inf. n. •», <u , 7 wetted the garment ; and it 

signifies more than C *.<.i . (Msb.) c.ri. H 

lyiiUue, inf. n. ^U— ai, Her (a she-camel's) arm- 
pits were sprinkled with pitch. (S, L, from a 
verse of El-Katamee.) \J£o ^j^, -; A3 ojLol A 
sprinkling, more [or less] than what is termed 

9 9. 91.9.. 

mmtU , came upon him. (As, S.) — jfjAJA -n- 
jl)W, (Yz, S,) and^ J^)1 L-~ii, (K.) 
t. o. ^L ^ai , (Yz, S,) We [shot at them and] 
sprinkled them with arrows ; or scattered arrows 
among them ; (Yz, S, K ;) meaning, our enemies. 

. . . 9 0^ 

(K.)_^_aJ, (inf. n. ~~ ai, L,) // (water) 
boiled forth vehemently (in gushing, L,) from its 
source, (L, K.,) or boiled up vehemently. (Aboo- 
Al'ee, L, K.) 

9 ... a 9 . 

3. LmsU, inf. n. <U» ,*>\...e and »-U»J, TAe^ 
sprinkled each other. (S, EL.) 

8. ±~oZJ\ It (water) became sprinkled. (S, K.) 

9. ~eul and ♦ -.Lojl /< (water) poured out, or 
/ortA. (TA.) 

11 : see 9. 

• 9 . 

m, Jti A mark, or effect, that remains upon a 
garment or other thing, (Aboo-'Othman Et- 
Towwazee, S, K,) as the body, (TA,) from per- 
fume, (K,) or mire, or o soil or pollution : (TA :) 
or from blood, and saffron, and mud, and the 

9 9. 

like : ~aJ being with water, and with anything 
thin, such as vinegar and the like. (AA.) [See 
also «..*>■> .] 

A rain ; a shower of rain. (S, K.) 


HjJ, which 


• 9- 

Z~£ A copious rain. S, Msb, K.) __ 

ia.LaJ { j^. Jl copious spring of water : (S :) or 
a spring that boils forth, or gushes forth (S, 
Msb) copiously. (Msb.) _ i£>iJJI i».LaJ A 
she-camel that sweats copiously in the part called 
^Jj&h , behind the ear. (L.) 

• '*-• 9.3, 

towArU , [in the TA *, if* ,] vulgo ItiXtii , 
t. ? . iiljj : (KI, TA :) [in the CK, 
is a mistake : see 

1. j*a>, aor. -, (S, K, &c.,) inf. n. jwiu ; (S, 
L,Msb;) and * juai, (L, K,) inf.n. j.a.j ; 
(S, L ;) or the latter has an intensive signifi- 
cation ; (S, L;) He put goods, household-goods, 
or commodities, (cLl», S, L, K,) one upon 
another : (S, L, Msb, K :) or put, or set, them 
together, (T, A, L,) in regular order, or piTerf 
wjo : (A :) both verbs signify the same : (L, EL .) 
or the latter, he put them one. upon another [or 
side by side] compactly. (S, L.) __ [You say,] 
0~voJI ^jic (jJUl Ojuii [7 placed the crude 
bricks in order against the corpse, to support it ; 
as it is laid upon its right side, or so inclined 
that the face is towards Mekkeh]. (L.) 

« * • . 

2. juij, inf. n. J giU J, 2/« [God] made a 

persoti's teeth to be disposed in regular order. (A.) 
See 1. 

* . 9t * 

5. (jU-^l OJ .^J J%c <ee<A were disposed in 
regular order. (A.) 

8. J UaSJ I, [quasi-pass, of 1, It was put, or 
«e<, one part upon, or oe^We, another, in regular 
order; was piled up, or became piled up], (K, 
art. jii.) — j^ZJI I It (a people, A) remained, 
stayed, abode, or dwelt, in a place ; (A, EL ;) and 
collected there. (A.) 

oj Goods, household-goods, or commodities, 
put one upon another : (S, L, EL :) or, ptrt, or 
«e/, together, (A, L,) in regular order, or 2><7erf 
«p : (A :) or the best thereof: (L, EL :) or such 
things in general : but the first meaning is the 
most appropriate: (L :) pi. jLeul. (S, T. ) 
i^ajlj *_)UUI £yc tjwu wolj I saw a number 
of garments, or pieces of cloth, and of beds, or 
the lihe, put together in regular order, or piled up. 

9 . . 9 . . 

(A.) — Sec Sjig rfu . __ juaj ^ couch-frame, or a 

rai'jfei cowc/*, ( ^^-i ,)upon which goods, household- 
goods, or commodities, are put one upon another, 
(S, L, K,) or put, or *et, together, in regular 
order, or pi/ed up : (A, L :) or simply, a couch- 
frame, or raised eoucA ; (^j-»;) so called because 
the things so termed are generally put upon it : 
(L, Msb :) or a ^...a. ,1; .» , or a thing resembling 
thu, upon which garments and Iwusehold-goods 
are put, one upon another, or together. ( L.) ^ m 
juai I Glory; honour; dignity; might; or 
power; (A;) eminence; or nobility. (K.) __ 



JLeJ I Eminent; or noble: (L, K :) applied to 
a man: pi. \Cai\. (L.) — Also, (A, L,) and 
the pi., (S, A, L,) tA man's paternal and 
maternal uncles (S, A, L) preeminent in nobility. 
(S, L.) — Also, the pi., t The party, or 
company, (L, K,) and number, (A, L, £,) and 
auxiliaries, or assistants, (A,) of a people, (L, 
K,) or of a man : (A :) and the sing, and pi., 
companies, or congregated bodies, of men. (A.) 

jJJ | A fat she-camel; (K>) likened to a 

couch-frame, or a raised couch, upon which are 
the things termed jueu ; (TA;) as also T jj-ai. 
(K.) _ jUul, of mountains, Stones, such as 
are called Jjlia., one upon another. (S, L, 
K.) Also, of clouds, Portions piled up, one 
above another: (S, L, K :) sing. jua). (L.) 


* . • * - 
see juai and jl» *»' >. 

and * jjaw. (Msb,K,) and ♦ j uihU , [or 
the last has an intensive signification, as is 
shewn above,] Goods, household-goods, or com- 
modities, (K,)put one upon another: (Msb, K:) 
[or put, or set, together, in regular order, or piled 
up : and the last, put one upon another, or side 
by side, compactly: see 1]. — J~ -a > f^»> •" 
the Kur, [I. 10,] Spadices of palm-trees [having 
their Jiomers] compacted, or compactly disposed; 
(L;) yet in their envelopes; (Fr, L;) for when 
they have come forth therefrom they cease to be 

j^oi. (L.) _ ♦ jyai* 

in the Kur, 

[Ivi. 28,] Qum-acacias having fruit or leaves 
closely set, one above another, from bottom to 
top, without their trunhs being apparent below. 

(L.) lyf>* L5*! t *^ 9 ' <*! '^ f^' -W 4 

77w free* of paradise are closely set with leaves 
and fruit, one above another, from bottom to top, 
without having trunks apparent: (L, from a 
trad. :) and similarly * j^-ai (Jel, lvi. 20.) 

5ju«ai A pillow : and any stuffed article of 
household furniture : (L, K :) pi. jjUu : and 
t jmcJ is used as a coll. n. (L.) 

• * • * 
iy<\'» : see 

S, Msb, K, and anything, TA,) was, or became, 
beautiful (S, Msb, K,) anJ bright : (S • [see 
e^iJ below] or, when said of a lace, tropically 
used, (A,) signifying as above : (TA :) or J it 
was, or became, beautiful and fresh : or beautiful 
and fine-skinned, so that the blood appeared 

[through the skin] : syn. u^i O— •" : ( A or 
pleasant: (Fr:) and IjtkkW, said of a tree, its 
foliage became green. (TA.) — [When said of 
a man, sometimes signifying He was, or be- 
came, in a state of enjoyment, or in a plentiful 
and pleasant and easy state of life ; agreeably 
with a usage of j-ai and " j-ai and " j-ajl to be 
mentioned below. And in like manner, when 
said of life, it signifies It was, or became plentiful 

and pleasant and easy.] = <0&l e^-ai, (IAar, 

• • # 
S, A, Msb, K,) aor. '-, (Msb,) inf. n. ^-oi ; 

(TA;) and * »^-ai, (S, A, K,) or this has an 
intensive signification; (Msb;) and " aj-ai'; 
(IAar, S, A, K;) when the pronoun relates to 
the face, (IAar, S, A,) in which case it is tro- 
pical, (A,) [or to a tree, or colour, as is implied 
in the K,] God made it beautiful (S, A, K,) and 

bright. (S,* TA.) When the pronoun relates 

to a man, the meaning (of the first of these three 
forms, as mentioned by En-Nadr and Sh and in 
the Mgh and TA, and of the • second, as men- 
tioned by As, and En-Nadr and Sh, &c, and 
of the * third, as mentioned in the TA,) is God 
made him to have enjoyment, or plentiful and 
pleasant and easy life ; syn. <t»*i ; (S, Mgh, 
Msb, TA ;) or I^Li <da»> [which signifies the 
same] : (A'Obeyd :) or &\ e^ , (El-Azdce, 
Mgh,) and 4I1I * Ijii , (El-Hasan El-Muiiddib, 
TA,) signifies t God made hit rank, or station, 
good (El-Azdee, El-Hasan El-Muiiddib, Mgh, 
TA,) among mankind: (El-Hasan El-Muiiddib, 
TA :) not relating to beauty of the face ; (El- 
Azdee, El-Hasan El-Muiiddib, Mgh, TA:) but 
is similar to the saying, ^J\ -»»5t^aJI t^JJsl 

c,$a-})\ ,jC». [which see explained in art. *»-^]- 
(El-Hasan El-Muiiddib, TA.) A? cites this 
verse : 


. j Pearls arranged, or put together, in 
regular order. (A.) _ Sec jtgJw. 

1. j-6J, aor. '-; (IAar, S, A, Msb, K ;) and 
'j^!> , aor. '- ; and j^ai , aor. - ; (IAar, S, A. K;) 
the last [also] mentioned by A'Obeyd ; (S ;) 
inf. n. Ij'Ui , (S, A, Msb, K,) of the first ; (S, 
Msb;) and jyai (K) and S^-ai, (S, A, K,) of 
the second, (S,)or this is a simple subst, (M^b,) 
and *y£>, (TA,) [also of the second;] and ^aj, 
(K;) [of the third;] and ▼ j-kil; (IAar, L, K, 
TA ;) It (a tree, A, K, and a plant, A, and 
foliage, TA, and a colour, K, and a face, IAar, 

\j.yj-ii L»Muc l 


[Book I. 

hears it :] (S, Mgh, in explanation of the latter 
reading, and TA, in explanation of both read- 
ings :) or t may God make to have a good rank 
or station &c. (Mgh, in explanation of the for- 
mer reading.) 

1 *> y w 

2. dill « 


: sec «>«&>, throughout, 
e j-ai , in two places. 


al)\ : see o^-ai , throughout. 

y* (S, A, Msb, K) and * jUJ (S, A, K, [in 
the CK jUJ] and TA) and * J~ai (S, Msb, K) 

and " j-ajl (KL [without ten ween, though this is 
not shown in the K, as it is originally an epithet, 
though it may be obsolete as an epithet,]) Gold; 
(S, A, Msb, K ;) as also ' jUai : (Es-Sukkaree :) 

or filter; (K;) as also ♦ J UaJ: (Es-Sukkaree:) 
or generally the former : (TA:) pi. [of pauc.] 
(of the first, S.) JiJl, (S, K,)' and [of mult.] 
jUaJ : (K :) or (so accord, to the S and A, but 

in the K, and) " jLai signifies what is pure, (S, 
A, K,) of gold &c, (A,) or of native or un- 
wrought gold or silver, (Lth, K,) and of wood, 
(Lth,) or of anything: (S :) and is used as an 

epithet, applied to gold : (TA :) and f i^aj 

* * ' 
[11. mi. of y6i~\ signifies a molten piece of gold. 


yaj : sec j-oU . 

i^ai Beauty (S, Msb, K,) and brightness: 
(S, TA:) so in the Kur, lxxvi. 11. (Jel.) [The 
above explanation in the Msb and K, "beauty," 
is evidently imperfect. Accord, to the Msb, the 
word is a simple subst., not an inf. n.] t Pleasant- 
ness of countenance. —^, : x ^J ZjJaj t The beauty 
and brightness of aspect characteristic of en- 
joyment, or of a plentiful and pleasant a7id easy 
state of existence: so in the Kur, Ixxxiii. '24: 
(Bd, Jel :) or the brightness, or glistening, and 
moisture ( IjJ ) [upon the shin] characteristic 
thereof. (Fr.) — Enjoyment; or a plentiful 
and pleasant and easy life ; syn. <i«ju [in the 

CK i^Jii]. (A, K.) Wellness; or competence 

or sufficiency. (A, K.) Life. (A, K.) mm See 

also j-ai. 


[May God grant enjoyment to bones which they 

have buried in Sijisldn: (I mean) falhat-et- 

Talahdt]. (TA.) And it is said in a trad., 
i> . ... . .. - ' «•- *ij -" 

j£ UU59 yj» U i* %+~t Ij-* «' j^>j 

\ <IA ^.(Sh.S/A/Mgh.'TA^ort^J , 
(Sh, S, in which latter we read L«l in the place 
of lju*, and A, in which we find ^>o in the 
place of ljuft, and Mgh; the reading 'j-ai 
alone being given in the copies which I have of 
the S and A;) May God cause to have enjoyment, 
or a plentiful and pleasant and easy life, [the 
servant, or man, who tiears what I say, and 
keeps it in mind, then conveys it to him who 

,laj : 

)UaJ : 

see j*ai ; each in two places. See 
also Vj* ■ 

see *o\-i, in two places : r= and see 

• ♦ - 


^U (A, L, K) and »%^ (A, L, Msb, K) 
and * UJ , (A, L,) [being epithets from j-oi and 
JJa3 and 'j^>, respectively,] and T ^-ail, accord, 
to the K, but in the place of this we find in the 
corresponding passage in the L the verb ^oJI. 
with the addition "is likopw," (TA,) Beautiful 

Book I.] 

(Msb, K) and bright. (TA.) So iii the Kur, 
Ixxv. 22, K-oU JUy. »y+) t Faces on that 
day shall be beautiful and bright : (Bd, Jel :) or 
shining by reason of enjoyment, or of a beauti- 
ful and pleasant and easy state of existence. 
(Fr.) [These epithets have also other, similar, 
significations, shown by explanations of yaJ and 
its variations.] j-oLi is coupled with <job, aB 
an epithet applied to a boy, (A,) and so " jtfOJ; 
(TA,) and S^eU with Lai, applied to a girl, 
(A,) and so !je-a5 ; (TA ;) and thus used are 

tropical. (A.) _J-oL» also signifies Intense in 

greenness: (£ :) you say j-oLi jtk±\ [intense, 
or bright, green], (S, £,) like as you say >-o1 
*5U and LoC ,J4jI : (90 and in like 
manner it is used as an intensive epithet applied 
to any colour : you say _^«Li >•»■! [intense, or 
ori^A*. red], and ^-il3 JiL^t [tnt«n«e, or bright, 
ye/tow]: (K :) so says IAar: (TA :) or ^1 
j-oU signifies smooth green, accord, to A'Obeyd, 
and Az adds, glistening in its clearness. (TA.) 

00% • • » _ • . * 

j-oJl : see^eu : as and see^-sLi . 

[w&A '», &c. 
See Supplement.] 


[1. imJilLi Uo3 : see U»j.] 

1. aIw (aor. i, inf. n. s^ii, TA,) -He struck 
[or fillipped] his ear with hisfinger. (£.) t« r Jait 
aJJI, and^ijl, and JkL, signify the same. (AA.) 

3.J^I£u, (inf. n. llfcCu, TA,) .ffe incited 
<Aem against each other, (K,) and acted in an evil 
or mischievous manner towards them. (TA.) 

4 : see 1. 

rt.Ki ?'.</. <Uieu, i.e., ^1 «tna;<e ac* of piercing, 
or peeking, with the beak, of a cock, &c. (Az.) 

•1>Ucl3 The Aead (Th, K.) Respecting the 
saying of El-Jo'eyd El-Muradee, 

• » '0 * » J m * 

JSk says, No one has explained it, and the reading 
better known is ajL1»j ^c, meaning " notwith- 
standing the sweetness (w~J=) that was in him :" 
for the man spoken of was going in to a bride of 
the tribe of Murad : but accord, to some, »_>UaJ 


here signifies The tendon of the neck; syn. ^t*. 
jlijl ; so in the ]$., on the authority of Aboo- 
'Adnan alone ; or JL3U0I J-*-, accord, to I Aar, 
who cites this verse : 

* * * •%' J 

[ We «mo<« him on the tendon of tlie upper part 
of his shoulders : we slew him : we slew him : we 
slew him]. <u Uli signifies »UU3. (TA.) 

J *•* 

4*feU, and >^JbU, sing, of v T 4»1y in the fol- 
lowing sense : (TA :) The holes tliat are made 
in a thing with which one clears, or clarifies, [i. e. 
strains, or filters], and through which what is 
cleared [or strained] passes forth: (K:) the holes 
of a strainer for wine, $c. (TA.) — See »_~Lu-o. 

w-k< and i.k:« and t^J»C .4 strainer; a 
* * * 

colander. (K.) 

a,.k.,o Stupid; foolish; of little sense: (£:) 
an epithet applied to a man. (TA.) 

1. ta~kJ, aor. 7 and r, (S, ]£,) inf. n. ,J»i, 
(S,) He (a ram, §, L, and the like, L) smote him 
with his horn. (K.) — Ot j el»»- <V C«^JL> U 
Qjl [4 horned animal did not smite with its horn 
for him a hornless ewe]: a proverb, said of 
him who has perished unavenged. (L.) [See 
also Freytag's Arab. Prov., ii. 507.] — <Ue AaJxi 
t He pushed him, or thrust him, away from him, 
and removed him. (A.) 

3. lli»U, inf. n. l\Ui (L, Msb) and LiL&Cu, 
(Msb>) 27*«y <»»o (rams or he-goats) smote eacA 

• m 090$ 

other with tlteir horns. (L.) — — »-UaJ Uy^-j 
t [Between tliem two is a contention like that of 

two rams]; said of two learned men, and of two 
• i . 0. • 0-- 

merchants. (A.) _— ~.lki J>— " ^ ^ ti>*f 

J [77j«re happened to us in the market a contention 
like that of two rams]. (A.) __ [<«^i>0 He, or 
it, faced, or ma* or came opposite to him, or it]: 
a.U*j is syn. with iLU-o in the dial, of El-Hijaz. 

6 : see 8 ^-l^» dlilli, and Jjllll, t [7%« 

waves, and tfta torrents, conflicted, or dashed 
together.] (A.) 

8. ^tai c> hT.I, and tc^i»U5, (S, K,) The 

rams smote one another with their horns. (IjL) 

090 j '*' * 
— ulH 1 \^ m.h^i ^ [7W she-goats will not, in 

it, smite' each other with their Iwrns]: i.e., two 
weak persons will not encounter each other in it: 
alluding to a case in which there will not happen 
any discord or contention. (L, from a trad.) 

• 1 • S ' 

m-^ai : see »-UaJ. 

«^h) Smitten with the horn and so killed : fern, 
with J: (L,5:) pi. ^Ll»i (L) and Lite: 

(Lb., L :) you say also --eJki <i-^u, as well as 
rt— t k i . (L.) __ Also a«^ki A (Ae«p or goat 

(Az) smitten with the horn and so killed. (Az, S,) 
and of which the flesh is therefore unlawful to be 
eaten: (Az :) the 2 is added because it is made a 
subst, not an epithet: (Az:) or because the 
quality of a subst. predominates in it, as in the 

case of 4— j^i and iJL£>t and i^j. (S.) f* * * 

and t «J»U J TTAar comet te tlieefrom before thee, 

(or _/ac« «Aee, L,) 0/ oira* and nn7d animals 
(S, L, K) ^*c, which one rouses by throwing a 
stone or by crying out, and from the course of 
which one augurs evil or good: (L:) contr. of 
ju*i. (S.) [The -. e lfti or t_J,U is of evil 

omen.] Hence, (TA,) «- ; h > J An unfortunate, 

or unlucky, man. (K.) _ ~., : k' i A horse having 

a blaze, or wAtte marA on At« /aw, extending to 
one of hit ears, which is deemed unlucky: (L:) 
or a horse having on his forehead two circular or 

*pt'raZ c«r& of hair (O^P'^)> which are disliked : 

(S, L, K :) if there be but one, it is called ij>\y 

31MJI ; and this is not disliked ; (S ;) or it it 

V f • * 

called &»k) ; and the horse, ^A>). (L.) 

• S %w* 

CUu i^^ [-/l ram <Aat «mtte« much with his 

horn] : (S :) and " »-yki [signifies the same : and] 

is applied to a man [app. as meaning who pushes, 

thrusts, or repels, much, or vehemently]. (IAar, 

TA in art. »j«Oj0 

a *0 
-_lsUl »pi> A certain circular or xptral c«rZ 

0/ Aair on a Aorw, which is deemed unlucky. 
(L.) [See ,L*ti] _ ,LbU I A difficulty; a 
distressing event ; an affliction ; a calamity : pi. 
Lie\'y>. (S, £.) Ex. IjbU A^UI ^t difficulty, or 
distressing event, befell him. (S.) ykjJI 9-Jsly 

TAe difficulties, Sfc, of fortune. (S.) IhJI 

-LkUlj t [The two stars called] gU»j2>H» [q.v.,] 
roAicA are [the two stars in] the two horns of 
Aries: (S, ]£:) [t/te first of the Mansions of the 
Moon: the latter is /?, and the former a:] ISd 
says, that * m h;.ll is a star irhich is one of the 
Mansions of the Moon, and from [the auroral 
rising of] which one augurs evil: and IAar says, 

• • • s 

that one says, ~JaJ and -. hull, without and with 
Jl ; and the like in the case of the name of any 
of the Mansions of the Moon. (TA.) The 

Arabs said 1L1)\ *_-U> ILtll £S> til I [When 
En-Nat-h rises aurorally, the house-top becomes 
pleasant as a place on which to sit in the evening, 
or on which to sleep]. (A.) — *)j «J»lJ *i U 
iuU. He lias neither sheep, or goat, nor camel 


1. ji3, (I?tt, Msb,) aor. i, (TA,) inf. n.^ii 



(I£«, Mfb, £) and Jjlki, (Sgh, £,) He kept, 
or matched, vines, (IKtt, Msb, K,) and palm- 
trees, (K,) and seed-produce. (TA.) See S^ki 

• t • 
and jy»U. 

o^bj, with the unpointed k, signifies The act 
of guarding, or matching with the eyes i and hence 
the word ♦ j>Ui. (IAar, Msb, TA.) 

Oj^iki, with fet-h, [JVaJron;] the Armenian 
jjyt,OT Jjtfi (thus differently written here in 
different copies of the £;) or [rather] the 
Egyptian J^J : (£, art. J>> :) the best kind [of 
Jj^] is the Armenian, which is soft, or fragile, 
light, and white : then the rose-coloured : and the 
strongest is the Ifreekee : there is a kind found 
in Egypt, in two places : one of these is in the 
western part of the country, in the neighbourhood 
of a district called Et-Tarranch ; and it is trans- 
parent, green and red ; the green being the more 
in request ; the other is in [the district called] 
El-Fakooseeyeh ; and this is not so good as the 
former. (TA.) [See also Jij>>.] 

jlki A scarecrow (J**»i») net vp in the midst of 
seed-produce. (Sgh, K.) 

jJ»U: see j^JsU. 

jjkU A keeper, or matcher, (S, Msb, 1£, &c.,) 
of vines, (S, £,) and of palm-trees, (]£,) and of 

seed-produce: (Msb, TA:) as also * StfLC (El- 
Bari', Msb) and *>U :(§,?::) pi. (of the first, 
TA)jel»V (Az, 8, A, Msb, $) and (of the last, 
TA) jlki and i£ki and S^ki : (K :) it is a foreign 
word, (■.>» »', K,) not pure Arabic, (TA,) of 

the dial, of the people of Es-Saw&d: (Lth, Msb, 
TA :) At says, I know not whether it be taken 
from the language of the people of Es-Sawad or 
be Arabic : (TA :) accord, to AHn, it is Arabic: 
(TA:) and IAar says, that it is from ijlaj, 
meaning as explained above : (Msb, TA :) IDrd 

says, that it is with k, (A, Msb,) from jikii\; 
(A ;) but in the language of the Nabatheans with 
k ; (Msb ;) that the Nabatheans change the 
former letter into k. (A.) 

%* * * * > * 

jj^JvO : see j^i»U. 

1. J±i, aor. i, (S, £,) inf. n. Jj-J, (§,) He 
was, or became, learned, or knowing, (!£,) in 
affairs, and skilful therein : (TA :) or he ex- 
amined things minutely, and attained the utmost 
knowledge of them. (S.) 

4. a iWil U How intelligent and knowing is he 
in affairs! (TA.) 

5. u-ia-j He took extraordinary pains, or 
exceeded the usual bounds, in cleansing or purifying 

jJai — jiaJ 

himself, or in removing himself far from unclean 
things or impurities: (As, S :) or he shunned, or 
removed himself far from, unclean things : (M, 
A, K :) and lie was dainty, nice, exquisite, refined, 
or scrupulously nice, and exact, syn. t>>U, (As, 
M, A, K,) in cleanliness ; (K ;) and in speech, 
(A, K,) so as never to sjieak otherwise than 
chastely; (TA;) and in diet and Rpparel, (A, K,) 
so as never to eat or wear anything but what was 
clean, (A,) or so as never to eat anything but 
m/tat was clean nor wear anything but what was 
good; (TA;) and in all affairs. (K.) It is 

said in a trad, of 'Omar, c-^W l* u »h; ill *■) ^ 

» * ii si 
^ju J— el *■,!, (S, M,) i.e., Were it not for the 

being scrupulously nice and exact, J had not cared 

for my not washing my hand. (M.) — — ^JaJj 

a** He examined it (anything) minutely. (A.) 

-_;U.'^I ^Ls, (S.) or j^l C*, (M, A,) 
He searched, or sought, for, or after, news, or 
tidings ; searched or -inquired into, investigated, 
scrutinized, or examined, news, or tidings. (S, 
M, A.) 

• t * -\ # # 

pJaJ ! / see ,_^Jaj ; the former, 

*^j : ) and the latter, in four. 

« j * 

in two places; 

u U; learned, or knowing; (A, £;) as also 

♦ Jk3 (K) and t JLki (A, K) and * ^Iki and 

♦ .j->lki : (f£ :) or learned, or knowing, in affairs, 

' *"' 1***' 

ana* skilful therein : as also " yjJai and " ^-ki : 

(ISk, TA:) intelligent, or skilful, and scrupulously 

nice and exact (£yZ»), in affairs : (A :) or one 

who examines things minutely, and attains the 

utmost knowledge of them : as also * w ,^Jbu and 

♦ u Ih&s : (S :) or learned, or knowing, in affairs: 
*At7/M/ in p/iy«'c $•<:. ; as also * ^Jii and " tr-JaJ 
and t *_wlki : (M :) or * Jjv (S, A, £, TA) 

and t ^-Iki (S, TA) and • ^fe, (A'Obeyd, 
S,) o student of physic, (S, K, T A,) who examine* 
it minutely ; (T A ;) or learned, or knotving, in 
physic; in Greek L-r <Ua_J [-yiwTTjs] : (A, TA:*) 
and ™ w U: r - one w/to U dainty, nice, exquisite, 
refined, or scrupulously nice and exact (Jy^«), 
a«d wAo cliooses or «fecte [ro/ta< is 6es<] ; (IAar ;) 
or any one who takes extraordinary pains, or 
exceeds the usual bounds, in a thing : (M :) also 
t^^eLJ, [without teshdeed,] a skilful man: 
(TA :) and * t^ki, [pi. of ^^JaJ or ,^Jsj or ^Jai,] 
*Ai^i</ physicians. (A, K.) — Also, One who 
shuns, or removes himself far from, unclean things; 
(K, TA ;) who is scrupulously nice and exact 
djili*) in affairs: (TA :) and iLisj a woman 
who shuns, or removes herself far from, foul, evil, 
or unseemly, things : (A A, TA :) and ^fJeJ, [pi. 
of trJw,] men mho do thus: (1£, TA :) and " i~lau 
a man who shuns much, or removes himself very 

[Book I. 

far from, unclean things, and is very dainty, nice, 
exquisite, refined, or scrupulously nice and exact 
(Jk->UJI jr£>) in cleanliness, and in speech, and 

in diet and apparel, and in all affairs. (K,* 
TA.) See 5. 


cr-«kj : ^ 8ee l ^J B u ) throughout. 
3 UJ: 

* a 


j^-kU, (accord, to one copy of the S, and the 

L, and the CK, and a MS. copy of the K,) or 

» u^kli, (accord, to the TA, as from the K.) or 
both, (accord, to one copy of the S,) A s/>y, who 
searches for news, or tidings, and then brings t/tem. 
(S, L, S, TA.) 

ipi}J?U : see ^-JaLi. 

• • * :* ',; . . 

JU : see v-Jod, in two places. 


***** > # • * 

(jliJeu an imitative sequent to ^ ; (S, 

K. ;) not used alone. (S, art. ^Ak*.) 

[^ki, Ac- 
See Supplement.] 

1. ^'l>3, (S, M, A, Msb, ?,) and ijki, (M, 
A, Msb, K,) aor. '-, (M, A, Jcc.,) and j>kil is 


substituted for jJxil in the dial, of certain Arabs, 

(IDrd, TS, K,) or, accord, to Lb, in the Bughyet- 
cl-Amdl, the ^ is here added only [by poetic 
license,] to make the sound of the dammeh full, 
agreeably with other instances ; (TA ;) and 

aJJ jiij, and »>k>, aor. -, (A, K,) the verb being 
like «^-» accord, to the correct copies of the Kl, 
[and so in the A,] but in one copy of the !£., like 
^; (TA;) inf. n. >S, (S, M, A, Msb, £,) 
and Jai is allowable, as a contraction of the 
former, (Lth,) and o!^" (?> S>) an< * J**+ (M, 
A, K) and »>kli and jUiuJ, (M, K,) [which last 
is an intensive form ; He looked at, or towards, 
in order to see, him, or it;] he considered, or 
viewed, him or it with his eye ; (S, A, K ;) ?rii!A 
the sight of the eye; (Msb;) [i.e. bolted at him 
or it;] as also V ojL^J: (K :) and * »»kUt sig- 
nifies the same as »jJsuj and »>ki [but app. in 
another sense, to be mentioned below, and not in 
the sense explained above, though the latter is 
implied in the TA ; and the same may be meant 
when it is said that fjk£ is syn. with jki, if this 
assertion, which I find in the M, have been copied 

Book I.] 

without consideration, and be not confirmed by 
an example]: (TA:) or <cJI 'jliJ signifies he 
extended, or stretched, or raised, [or directed,] his 
tight towards him or it, whether he saw him or 
did not see him. (TA.) The usage of jkj\ as 
relating to the sight is most common with the 
vulgar, but not with nersons of distinction, who use 
it more in another sense, to be explained below. 
(TA.) You say, S^U. !j& *JI Jj&i [He looked 
at him, or towards him, with one sweet looh.] 
(A.) And jl£u»JI ^ J&i [He looked in the 
mirror]. (A.) And wjliLOt ^j'j& [He looked 
into, or inspected, the writinij or booh], (A, Msb,) 
which is for y^fM ^ <i>£ZO\ JiJ [he looked 
at what was written in the writing or hook], or 
has a different meaning to be explained below. 
(Msb.) And *it*+. jikii yk [lit., He looks around 
him; meaning,] he looks much. (A.) [See also 
JiiJ below.] — J,'})\ Cj>'£>, (Sgh, K,) and 

O**!* v°j^ ^j^t ant * 0* ; s*J> (A,) t The earth, 
or land, showed (A, Sgh, K) to the eye (Sgh, K) 

its plants or herbage. (A, Sgh, K.) aJ\ ^£J 

\ It looked towards, meaning faced, him or it. 
So in the Kur, [vii. 197,] >kj jXJ\ OSj^.jt*^} 
OiJ^H J t TV/om *cex< r/iem fooA towards thee, 
i.e., face thee, but they see not ; referring to idols, 
accord, to A'Obcjd. (TA.) And you say, 
O^ }}* i^\ j*~i \£) x i t 3t$f house faces the house 
of such a one. (S.) And Jl^Jl Jul jki I The 
mountain faced tliee: (A:) as in the following ex.: 

«jL-j jl a^j ,j* J[fKA«i !/«>« takcsl such a 
road, and the mountain face* thee, then take thou 
the way by the right of it or the left of it.] (S.) 
— [Hence, perhaps,] jyi ^C ^\ ^ijj| j& 

^niUU [app. meaning, t Fortune opposed Ike 
sons of such a one and destroyed them] : (S [imme- 
diately following there the ex. which immediately 
precedes it here :]) or JajJI ^Jl ^ki signifies 
I Fortune destroyed them: (M, A:) but (says 

iSd) I am not certain of this. (M.) ^£u)l 

also signifies t The turning the mind in var-ious 
directions in order to perceive a thing [mentnlly], 
and the seeing a thing: and sometimes it means 
\lhe considering and investigating: [and as a 
subst., speculation, or intellectual examination:] 
and sometimes, fthe knowledge that results from 
[speculation or] investigation. (El-Bamiir.) It 
is mostly used as relating to the intellect by 
persons of distinction ; and as relating to the 
sight, most commonly by the vulgar. (TA.) 
[It is Baid that] when you say dJI oJ&J, it 
means only [7 looked at, or towards, him or it] 
with the eye: but when you say^^l i oJ£i, 
it may mean [f I looked into, inspected, examined, 
or investigated, the thing or affair] by thought 


and consideration, intellectually, or with the mind: 
(TA :) [this remark, however, is not altogether 
correct, as may be seen from what follows : the 
truth seems to be, that #^k3 and aJI ji£ may be 
used in the latter of these two senses, though 
4-i jJaj is most common in this sense] It is said 
in the Kur, [x. 101,] Ol^JI J^ ft U \/j£\ J$ 
t Say, Consider ye what is in the heavens. (TA.) 
And you say, *JI j!k» He saw it, and f thought 
upon it, and endeavoured to understand it, or to 
know its result. (TA.) [And He looked to it, 
or at it, or examined it, intellectually; regarded 
it; had a view to it.] And <u» jkj \ He con. 
sidered it: (TA:) or thought upon it; namely a 
writing or book ; or when such is the object it 
may have another meaning, explained before; 
and an affair: and with this is held to accord the 
saying jJii 4-i^, q.v. infra, voce Jai : (Msb:) 
and t he thought upon it, measuring it, or com- 
paring it. (M, K, TK. In the M and K, only 
the inf. n., jJaj, of the verb in this sense is men- 
tioned.) And j>£y J'^f ^ j& iHe con- 
sidered, or examined, [or estimated,] the possessions 
of the orphans, in order to know them. (Msb.) 
And similar to this is the phrase [in the Kur, 
xxxvii. 86,] >j ^,; t l ^ ijki jLii, meaning, f And 
he examined the science of the stars : (Msb :) [or 
he took a mental view of the stars, as if to divine 
from them.] ^kJI when used unrestrictedly by 
those who treat of scholastic theology means 
jL^c^l [\The thinking upon a thing, and en- 
deavouring to understand it, or to know its result ; 
or judging of what is hidden from, what is ap- 
parent; or reasoning from analogy], (MF.) 
—s>Y~ri jJaJ, inf. n. jlU, [app. for U .j '^i, 

• ■#-• * * 

^ov^-a] \ He judged between them. (K.) _ 
* * f * ■ - «- 

OjJxi, (TA,) inf. n. jlii, + She practised divina- 
tion ; (K,* TA ;) which is a kind of examination 
with insight and skill. (TA, from a trad.) 

^"^ ij ^* il I [J j0 °k thou out for such a one for 
me ;] seek thou for me such a one. (A, TA.) _ 
^JjJaJI f Listen thou to me. (M, K, TA [in the 
CK, erroneously, ^y^tjl.]) The verb [says 
ISd] has this meaning in the Kur, ii. 98. (M.) 
— «sMO ^)T ,J\ 'j&S Ul [lit., I look to God, 
then to thee; meaning,] ; I look for the bounty of 
God, then for thy bounty. (A.) __ «UI <Jjf ItJ 
t God chose him, and compassionated him, pitied 
him, or regarded him with mercy; because looking 
at another is indicative of love, and not doing so 
is indicative of hatred: (IAth:) or f God bestowed 
benefits upon him; poured blessings, or favours, 
upon him: (El-Basair :) aud ^i \ J£> \he com- 
passionated them, and aided them ; (Sgh, K ;) 
and simply, he aided them : (K,* TA :) and 4J ^J 
the accomplished his want, or that which he 


(another) wanted. (Msb.) = V£> \% also syn. 
with * g&aj, q.v. _ Also syn. with 'tjjiu', q.v. 
— Also »jjif, (K, TA,) inf. n. J&S; (TA ;) or 
f *j& ; (so in a copy of the M, and in the CK j 
but from the mention of the inf. n. in the TA, the 
former seems to be the right reading ;) He sold 
it (a thing, M) with postponement of the payment ; 
he sold it upon credit. (M,» K,» TA.) See also 
4. _ [In these last three acceptations, accord, to 
the A, the verb is used properly, not tropically.] 
=jJii He was, or became, affected by what is 
termed a i£i ; (K, TA;) i.e., a stroke of an 
[evil] eye; (TA;) [or of an evil eye cast by a 
jinnee;] or a touch, or slight taint of insanity, 
from Hie jinn ; (K ;) or a swoon. (K, TA.) 

2: see 1, last signification but one. _ *e»jii 
[He said of it j& a-i, q. v.]. (TA passim.) 

3. ^,1 ^J '»JiiC, inf. n. SJiC, (T, S,«) j He 
considered, or examined, or investigated, with him 
a thing or an affair, to see how they should do it : 
(T, TA :) he investigated, or examined, with him 
a thing, and emulated him, or vied with him, in 
doing so, each of them adducing his opinion: 
(TA :) [he held a discussion with him respecting a 
thing:] or »J£C is syn. with aJjU. : (Msb:) or 
SjiiL* signifies the examining mentally, or inves- 
tigating, by two parties, the relation between two 
things, in order to evince the truth; (KT; and 
Kull, p. 342;) and sometimes with one's self; 
but iljljfc-o- signifies the disputing respecting a 
question of science for the purpose of convincing 
the opponent, whether what he says be wrong in 
itself or not. (Kull.) __ Also »ji»U [I He, or it, 
looked towards, or faced, him or it ; 7vas opposite, 

or corresponded, to him or it. (See j*^>.)] 

\IIe was, or became, like him: (A, K:) or We 
him in discourse or dialogue. (TA.) __ u * * ^ 
UM jJiU; t An army that is nearly equal to a 
thousand. (A.) — &*& ^^ ^ t He mode, 
or called, such a one like such a one. (K) 
Hence the saying of Ez-Zuhree, (K,) Mohammad 
Ibn-Shihab, (TA,) >»•*£,, <)' 3 aJuT *J&.> ^ii(£ y 

it * J * 

aAJI J^-y, i.e., Thou shalt not call anything like 
the book of God, nor like the words of the apostle 
of God: (A'Obeyd, T, £0 or thou shalt not 
compare anything, nor call anything like, to the 
book of God, &c. : (A,) or tkou shalt not apply 
[aught of] the book of God, nor the words of the 
apostle of God, as a proverb to a thing that 
happens: (A'Obeyd, T, K; in which last, we 
read l>>jAJ iyj^, in the place of the right reading, 
*j°y*i j^j^J: TA:) for, as Ibraheem En-Nakha'ee 
say*, they used to dislike the mentioning a verse 
of the Kur-an on the occasion of anything hap- 
pening, of worldly events; (T;) as a person's 
saying to one who has come at a time desired by 
the former, (TA,) or to one named Moosh, who 


has come at a time desired, (£,) W J*** ^* c ~*- 
jj.yi [Thou hast come at a time appointed, O 
Moose. : (£ur, xx. 42:)] (T, £ :) and the like: 
(T:) hut the first explanation is the most probable. 
(TA, as from Az ; but I do not find it in the T.) 

4. 4f 'jiij\ J [He, or k, was made like]. You 

say, li '$ &> W ^ 1& &* & * (™* 
wax not like this, but has been made like] : (T, 

>- * 

$ :) like as you say, «m)> *i \yfr*- 0& u 

(T.) :=a •/toil He postponed him ; 
delayed him : (M, A, Msb, $ :) he granted him 
a delay or respite ; let him alone, or left him, 
for a while i (T, TA :) as, for instance, a 
debtor, (T, Msb, TA,) and a man in difficult 
circumstances : (TA:) and ♦ i>3 signifies the 
same. (Msb.) You say, ^Jfcili £i '^ I 
sold to him a thing, and granted him a delay. 
(T.) And a person speaking says to him who 
hurries him, ^i } j£l jj^' Orant me 
time to swallow my spittle. (T.) And it is said 
in the $ur, [xv. 36 and xxxviii. 80,] J>j£>U 
l j i i .' : '. J# ^j\ Then delay me until the day 
when they shall be raised from the dead. (TA.) 

See also 8 He sold to him a thing with 

postponement of the payment ; he sold to him a 
thing upon credit. (M.) See also 1, last sig- 
nification but one. 

5 : see 1, first signification. s= See also 8. 

8. \jliL-3 I They faced each other. (£.) 
You say, oli'jJI «i»jl*L3 I The two houses faced 
each other. (M.) And j&UJ Ujj*, (S,) or 
Ifr yJLsJ , [which is the original form,] (A,) 
: Our houses faced one another. (S, A.) — See 
also Lojlj-3. 

8. »pjuJI : see 1, first sentence, m He looked 
for him; expected him; awaited him; waited 
for him; watc/ted for his presence ; syn. v-AJjJ 
'.jyiL ; (TA ,) and ±& Jb ; (M, $ ;) and 
♦ *jlii (aor. i , T itc, inf. n. jjUi' S, £) signifies 
the same ; (T, M, A, Msb, S ;) and so t ij^J, 
(M, A, £,) and * •jrfl ; (Zj, TA ;) [but respect- 
ing the last two, see what is said below :] but 
when you say ^lauil without any objective com- 
plement, the meaning is, [he waited; or] he 
paused, and acted or behaved with deliberation, 
or in a patient, or leisurely, manner. (Lth, T.) 
It is said in the £ur, [lvii. 13,] J^S-i \JjjLi\ 
'Ja^ ^ Wait for us (li^Jii2l) that we 
may take' of your light : and accord, to Zj, 
U^lttl [which is another reading] is said to 
mean the same : or the latter means delay us : 
accord, to Fr, however, the Arabs say J>j*>\ 

# * * 

meaning Wait thou for me ( jjfV^iil ) a little. 


(T.) ♦ jJ sJJ H also signifies rA« expecting, or 
roat<in</ /or, o <Ain<? : (TA :) or the expecting, 
or waiting for, a thing expected: (M,^, TA :) 
or • tj)k-~ signifies he expected, or waited for, 
(^ fr - -.1 ) him, or it, leisurely ; and so * »jit\XL.\ . 

(S.) You say also, \j£ \\ !>**. *t j^^\ 
(M, A, K, in art. ^ojj, in the last of which 
is added */ jlo ) [He looked for, expected, 
awaited, or waited for, something good or evil to 
befall him, or betide him], 

10. sJ ttS J': see 8, last signification but one. 
__ He ashed of him, or desired of him, a post- 
ponement, or delay. (M, A, K.) 

*j f; : see ^Ja5 . ta A man says to another, 
L^J, [or perhaps *_^,like the word used in 

reply to it, here following, and like >_■! » »■ and 

• • • * 

lSJ meaning, I sett,] and the other says, jiti, 

meaning, Orant me a delay (^^kil) that I 

may buy ( >JjZ£i\ ) of thee. (M, TA.) 

JiJ : see 1. [Used as a subst, as well as when 
used as an inf. n.,] it has no pi. (Sb, in TA, 
voce jLi.) — jtiJ-i^Lif*, and jiis o*, I We 
saw them. (A, TA) — *fa UiLJ \ Between 
us is the extent of a look in respect of nearness, 
(A, TA.) —jJii ^, (&• TA,) and ^ 
Jfcij J-JU., (S.) and^&j Vi.ii J5U ^» ( A >) 
t A tribe near together, (S, A, !£,*) o/ wAic/» tAe 
several jiortions see one another. (S, A.) __ 
Jij <u»^ t -D«< ft requires consideration, by 
reason of its want of clearness, or perspicuity : 
(Msb :) [a phrase used to imply doubt, and also 
to insinuate politely that the words to which it 

relates are false, or wrong:] like J-oU ^i. 

(MF, art. £-*"»•) — CHj^" ?*-* **> wid 
in a trad., of one who has purchased a ewe or 
she-goat that has been kept from being milked 
for some days ; meaning, t He has the option of 
adopting the better of tlie two things ; he may 
either retain it or return it. (TA.) 

SJii A look: a quick look or glance: (T:) 
pl. £/\jiiJ . (A.) Hence the trad., S^auJI gp ^ 

*Aaft no« waA« a look to follow a look ; for the 
former is thine of right, but the latter is not 
thine : i. e., when thou hast once looked at any- 
thing forbidden, unintentionally, thou shalt not 
look at it a second time]. (T, TA.) And the 
saying of a certain wise man, J^«3 j) i>» 
'<ULJ J ^f i; J^j 'tcjiij [He whose look does not 
produce an effect, his tongue does not produce 
an effect] ; (T ;) meaning, that he who is not 
restrained from a fault or offence by being looked 
at is not restrained by speech. (TA.) _ A 

[Book I. 

stroke of an [evil] eye: (TA:) a stroke of an 
[evil] eye by which one is affected from the jinn's 
looking at him; (T, S ;•) as also hsxCsi (T :) 
or a touch, or a slight taint or infection of 
insanity, (JLili,) from the jinn : or a swoon. 
(M, $.) An alteration of the body or com- 
plexion by emaciation or hunger or iravel &c. 

(S, M, £.) Foulness; ugliness: (A A, TA :) 

evilness; or badness, of form or appearance : a 
fault; a defect; an imperfection. (M, K.) 

t Reverence, veneration, awe, or fear. (IAar, 

T, £.) : Compassion; pity; mercy. (IAar, 


Sfiai A postponement ; a delay. (T, S, M, 
Msb.K.) It is said in the &ur, [ii. 280,] 
S^4i jj'l gjjkli [Then let there be a post- 
ponement, or delay, until he shall be in an 
easy state of circumstances]; (T, M, Msb;) 

i.e., jl&li, (T,) or }*iXLi-. (Msb:) and 
accord, to another reading, * «^J»Ui ; like 
ljjl&, in the £ur, lvi. 2. (M.) You say 
also, ifialf * -iJt *~» c^ -H* *oW to Atm rA« 
thing with postponement of the payment; he 
sold to him the thing upon credit. (M.) And 
aJiwJ a~o a-Jj-^l, and jUiJU, 2 bought it of 
him with postponement of the payment ; I bought 
it of him upon credit. (T.) 

ijjlii t [Speculative knowledge or science; 
such as is acquired by study;] that of which 
the origination rests upon speculation, and acqui- 
sition by study ; as tlie conception of t/te intellect 
or mind, and tlie assent of the mind to the 
position, that the world has had a beginning. 

(5, T.) [It is opposed to ^*i±i and to [Jiij-a.] 

• a*»j fS**J . 1 /. . 

ijjiai *■*■»•■>, and vara, thereof, see in art. 

jUiJ , like >»UiS, (S, £,) an imp. n., (T,) mean- 
ing, Wait thou: syn. j^->\- (T, S, ?.) 

.aiaJ and * 'jy^> al> d T Sj^Li and T «>~tu 
^1 cAtef person, whether mafa or female, to 
whom one looks. (M,K.) You say, *»JJii o^* 
xa^S, and 4-4S T Ij^Jbi, iSucA a one u the person 
to whom Am ywopfe tooA, (Fr, T, S,) and whom 
they imitate, or to whose example they conform. 
(Fr, T.) All these words are also used in a pl. 
sense : (M, 1£ :) or [so in some copies of the £ ; 
but in others, and,] i^lii and Sj^lii have jpbi 
for their pl., (S, £,) sometimes. ($.) — Also, 
jJiS A man t»Ao neglects not to look at, (M, L, 
^,) or to consider, (A,) that which, (M, A, L,) 
or Aim roAo, (*$.,) disquiets him, or renders him 
solicitous. (M, A, L, 50 

Book I.] 

j^> X Looking to, or facing, another person or 
thing; opposite or. corresponding to another 
person or thing ; as also *^i»Li« ; syn. JjJL» . 
(A.) [Hence, C^lll 'j<£> , and ^1)1 , t The 
nadir; the point opposite to the zenith. J JjJii 
signifies iJjklJJ ^JJ),(M,) or aJfcUJ ,jji\ 
j£jiL£}, (T,) [which I suppose to mean t He 
who looks towards, or faces, thee; mho is 
opposite, or corresponds, to thee ; or he towards 
whom thou lookest, &c, and who looks towards 
thee, &c. : though susceptible of other interpreta- 
tions : see 3.] X Like ; a like ; a similar per- 
son or thing: (AO, T, S, M, A, K;) equal; 
unequal: (Msb:) applied to anything: (TA :) 
as also * j& ; (AO, S, K ;) like IjS> and ji ; 
(AO, S ;) and * JfcLu : (KL :) fern. lj& : (T, 
M, A :) pi. masc, i\Jk*i : (M, A, Msb, K :) 
and pi. fern. ^l£, (T, A,) applied to words 
and to all things. (T.) You say, J^> jtf 
t Such u one is thy like. (T.) And ^Jai U* 
tfjl, (T,) or 1JA 'j^>, (Msb,) XThis is the 
like of this, (T,) or the equal of this. (Msb.) 

And J51& O"^ Ji\ ^>** : J cmnted > or 
numbered, the camels of such a one in pairs, or 
two ty *n.o; (As.T.K;*) if by looking at 
their aggregate, you say, 1jU»- Va->*. (As, T.) 

Jj'jiki: see J^kS, in two places See also 

* yU; : see JjJii , in two places Also, A 

scout, or scouts; (T, Sgh, K;) and so * Jjj&i : 
(Sgh, £ :) pi. of both, jsifc. (TA.) __ Fern, 
of *j^i, q.v. ( T » &c )- [ And hence 'l jW*^* 
[the pi.] The more excellent of men : (K* TA:) 
because they resemble one another in dispositions 
and actions and sayings. (TA.) 

JuLi :A horse (A, $) that raises his eye by 
reason of 'his sharpness of spirit : (A:) or sharp- 
spirited, and raising his eye. (T, £.) 

SjV&j A people looking at a thing; (S, K;) 
as also * ijiili. (K.) — See also jlk-o. 

^J»U act. part. n. of^£J; Looking; Ac.: pi. 

jv£j. (Msb.) jtV-Jl [Tlie pupil, or appfe, 

of the eye, the smallest black of the eye, 
(§, Msb,) in «*&* i* [«en] tvhat is termed 

^jj» o^'» (§>) t anrf ] *""' roAicA '** maB 
wen; (Msb*;) <«« &foc« spot in the eye; (M, 
]£ ;) f/i* c/ear 6toc* spot that is in the middle 
of the [main] black of the eye, with which 
the looker tees what he sees : or that part of the 
eye which resembles a mirror, in which, when 
one facet it, he tees his person : (TA :) or a duct 
(Jj*)in the note, wherein is the water of tight : 
(M, £:) [app. a loose description of the optic 
nerve :] or the tight itself: (M, £ :) or the eye : 

jiai — sr**j 

(K :) or the eye is called » JJiiUJl ; (8, A ;*) 

the pi. of which is jJ»iy. (A.) __^l»lljl >jj>-, 
(so in a copy of the M and of the A and in some 
copies of the K,) or jiiLiJS . juj«, (so in some 
copies of the K and in the TA,) A man dear of 
suspicion, who looks with a full gaze : (M, K :) 
or clear of that with which he is upbraided. 

(A) i^ip»Uljl Two veins at the two edges 

of the nose, commencing from the inner angles of 
the eyes, towards the face. (Zj, in his Khalk 
el-Insan.) — Also, Jl»U + A guardian ; a 
keeper; a watclier : (S, Msb:) and, as also 
*j>J*L5, i.q. J>tLi, (K, TA,) [which last is] 
a word of the Nabathean dialect (TA.) — 

• #*J %0 9*9 00 1 

[The dim. is^Jijy.] You say, SjUvy ^ y^i - i * 
JLlJl ^J Jb\ ^J\ t X My eye (lit. my little eye) 
is looking to God for His bounty, tlten to you for 
your bounty. (A.) ass In the Kur, [lxxv. 23,] 
the words S^blJ \£>'j ^J\ have been explained 

as signifying Waiting for ( *j. tt . «■ » ) their Lord: 
but this is a mistake ; for. the Arabs do not say 

o S 03900 ' « - ' • 

, ill ^J\ Ofki in the sense of aj^JSuJi, but 
they say Li^ii CsjiaJ in that sense. (T.) 

%* m 9 *' 

ifis\j : sec jJiU. ss= See also ijioo. 

* > * * 

jyl»U : see ji»U. 

9* S * * t ' 

Sj^bU : see j^ia-'. 
j^lait for^liil : see 1. 

Ju'l [A |>/acc in w/iirA a </«in<7 i» ZooAed at] : 
a place, or state, in which one likes to be looked at. 
(T, A, TA.) You say, gilij >li y* O^ 
Ti '^tj ^j ^J' 9 X Such a one is in a state in which 
he likes {o be looked at and listened to [and in a 
state in which lie is satisfied with drink and food]. 
(T, A, TA.) And^l^^Ujniik^c-I^IiJ 
XThou wast in a state [in] which thou likedst [to 
be looked at], away from this place of abode. 
(T, TA.) _ The aspect, or outward appearance, 

%0 9 .0. v 

of a thing; opposite o/"j-i~»: (a, art. >r*-0 
[when used absolutely, a pleasing, or goodly, 
aspect; or beauty of aspect ; as also " S^Jiu : this 

* ** f ** ■ 

is implied by the usage of ^l^lii*, q.v., and is 
well known :] or what one looks at and is pleased 
by or displeased by; as also ts^klo: (M, KL :) 
or the former, a thing that pleases and rejoices the 
beholder when he looks at it : (T : ) and the * latter, 
the aspect (jkU) of a man when one looks at it 
and is pleased by it or displeased by it. (T, TA.*) 
You say, ^li. jjili <0 [He has a goodly aspect]. 
(A.) And ^11 alii- l\j*\, and * 5Jki»JI, [^L 

90 H090 

woman goodly of aspect.] (S.) And ^-i. ojH~o 
\^0t [His aspect is better than his internal 

and Ij-lmlU *^ * o'jfii* «i, (A,) [Verily lie has a 

* ' * f "IT 

pleasing aspect without a pleasing internal state.] 

ijia...c A high place on which a person is sta- 
tioned to watch; (S;) a place on the top of a 
mountain, where a person observes and natclies 
the enemy : (T :) and jlilli [the pi.] eminences ; 
or elevated parts of tlte earth; or high grounds : 
(M, K:) because one looks from them. (M.) 

Its application to A certain separate place of 

a house, [generally an apartment on theground- 
floor overlooking the court, and also a turret, or 
rather a belvedere, and any building, or apartment, 

commanding a view,] is vulgar. (TA.) — See 

90 a •'•».„ 

also ij\iaj. And see jixU, in five places. 

3 '•' 

(jT>JLi« : see what next follows. 

£jt^S. (S, M, A, $) and • JjjfiJ*. (M, £,) 
the latter contr. to analogy, (M,) A man (M,) 

2 00 00 9 M 

of goodly aspect. (M, K.) You say, ^Xj/lki* J*»j 

.-il^la^i [A man of goodly as]>ect and of pleasing 
internal, or intrinsic, qualities] ; (S, A ;) i.e., 

• J 090 * . 

jit\i0» ji and jtt i o }'}. (TA, art. j;*-.) 

Jljal* A mirror (A, K) in which the face is seen. 
(TA.) L- Also, A telescope; a thing in which 
what is distant is seen [as though it were] near : 
vulgarly, * ijUai. (TA.) 

Jjfc'l A man looked at with an evil eye: (A, 
TA ;) affected by what is termed a JjJii ; (T, 
TA;) i.e., a stroke of an [evil] eye; [or of an evil 
eye east by a jinnee ; or a touch, or slight tamt of 
insanity, from, the jinn;] or a swoon. (TA.) — 
A person, (T,) or chief person, (A,) whose bounty 
is hoped for, (T, A,) and at whom eyes glance. 

•' ' 9 m't.i 

(A.) — oj^iju-o A woman in whom w a tjiaj, 
meaning, a fault, defect, or imperfection. (K,* 

9 00 % 

j-bU« : seejJaJ. 

[ yJScu, &C. 
See Supplement.] 

state]. (§.) And j£J* ^ jku jjJ *il, (T,) 

3, aor. - and -., inf. n. ^-jw and 
(S, K) and l>\Ju (K) and ^UjJ and ^>\xiJ (S, 
K) He (a raven, or crow, vlr*>) uttered a cry, 
cried out, or croaked : (S :) or uttered the cry, or 
croak, that is asserted to be ominous of separation : 
[but see below :] or moved about his head without 
crying: (Msb:) he (a raven, or crow, or other 
animal,) cried out : or stretched out his neck, and 
moved about his head, in crying out. (K.) The 
w - t 9>'> of the raven, or crow, is said to be ominous 
of good; and its Je*^ of evil. (KifSyet el- 
Mutahaffidh.) — ya«i also signifies t Tlie neigh- 
ing of a horse. (TA.) — AijiS ^*i X [The cock 
crowed] is sometimes said, metaphorically. (S.) 
__ ,jSyit i(0*i X Tlie chanter of the call to prayer 


stretclicd out his neck, and moved about his head, 
in hit cry. (A, L, K.) _ ^ii, aor. -, inf. n. 
sr~«j, He. (a camel, K) went Kith a quick pace : 
(S, K :) or, with a certain kind of pace : (K :) 
or he (a camel) moved about his head, in proceeding 
at a quirk rate; like a .J*^ camel, raising At* 
head: (TA :) or, inf. n. &Csu, he stretched out 
his nerk. (A.) Accord, to some, s-olj signifies 
The moving of a she-camel's head forwards in her 
march, or pace. [S, accord, to an excellent copy, 
in which the original words are thus given: 

■■ i" •' V" 5 * *1 a ' "* 

-wJI Vy-ilj Jjj^j" ^.xJI ,jl Jli< : in another copy, 

V- 1. '• « . j ■ .. 

ly— lj jJ^~> ; making w-j«j an epithet of a she 

camel that so moves her head.] 

4. wJut t He (a man) cried out, or stretched 
out his neck and moved about kis head, in disturb- 
ances, broils, or the like: syn. ^j~ ill .J 

* *' • 

••Jj 4 rapef mW. (K.) 

sec «Lcb. 

9 m * 

»_>UJ The young one of a raven, or crow : syn. 
^ji. m.ji: or a raven, or enw, [absolutely]: 
syn. vl* 6 - I" a prayer of David occur the 
words a-U ^j* wjUJI Jjlj [0 Sustainer of tlie 

young raven (or .»/"""£/ «"ow) in Am nest .']. It is 
said that the young raven (or young crow), when 
it comes forth from its egg, is white, like a lump 
of fat, and that the old bird, on seeing it, dislikes 
and abandons it; that thereupon God sends to it 
gnats, which light upon it on account of its foul 
greasy smell, and that it lives upon them until it 
is fledged and becomes black, when its parents 
return to it. (L.) 

juUj : see i-cU. 

AltU (K) and ♦ v> ii and * XjU, (S, K) and 
T v *^ ( 80 •■ the correct copies of the K : in the 
L, i-iu. : accord, to MF, .^jlu : TA) A swift 
hhc-camol : (S, If:) pi. of the first, and of [the 
masc. epithet] v^U, s-*l^i and ^Jii : and of 

V***. -r-*>- (TA.) [The last pi. is the only 

one mentioned in the S, K, which do not point 

out its proper sing.] See also ^Jo in 1. 

• •• 
*r-»^ An excellent, fleet horse, (S, K,) that 

stretches out his neck like the raven, or crow : and 
(or accord, to some, TA) one that follows his own 
way, heedless of the bridle, [app., lowering his head, 
and stretching outtiiis neck,] syn. *-.£> -,U '• i< JJI, 
(K,) without any increase in the rate of his run. 
(TA.) __ See «ucU. __ A stupid, or foolish, and 
clamourous man. (K.) 

1. C-»J, aor. :, inf. n. Hi ; and ♦ waul ; He 

described, or characterized, or designated, (S, K,) 
a thing; (S;) syn. JLy : (S, K:) or he described 
a thing 6y mentioning what was in it, or roAat i< 
possessed; whereas, in the iJUo^ of a thing one 
may exaggerate : (L:) [he distinguished a person 
or a thing by an epitliet : and hence, he qualified 
a substantive by an epithet: and he used a word 
as an epithet :} or he described a thing by mention- 
ing what was in it that was good, or goodly ; not 
with reference to what was bad, or foul, or ugly ; 
unless by a straining of the meaning one say 
»^-» c-*j ; whereas ou=^ is said with respect to 
what is good, or goodly, and what is bad, or foul, 
or ugly : (I Ath :) or wji3 signifies he described 
by mentioning the make, or form, or other outward 
characteristic, as tallness and shortness ; and 
>_A-oj respects action, as beating: or, accord, to 
Th, c«*i signifies he described by mentioning 
something in some particular place in the body, 
such as lameness; .whereas JL^j is used with 
respect to what is common to the whole, as great- 
ness, and generosity ; therefore God is an object 
of uU>j, but not of oii. (TA.) _ <uJ U cJti 
je*-*^ [He described himself as possessing, or 
characterized by, or dUtinguis/ied by, goodness.] 
(Msb.) — 3Ji>, aor.::, inf. n. liUJ, He (a man) 
n<as naturally endowed with powers of description, 
and skilful in the use of those powers. (TA.) __ 
C*i, aor. '-, inf. n. *3Uj, He (a horse) was, or 
became, what m termed wju, i.e., generous, or 
./fee*, £c. (L, K.) — JLii, (L,) or c-«i, of the 
same measure as ~.^, (K,) He (a horse) affected, 
or endeavoured, or constrained himself, to be, or 
become, what is termed w-*i, i.e., generous, or 
/ce«, <jr. (L, K.) MF remarks that ojJ, in 
this sense, is strange, as Jjji is not a measure 
denoting «_ilfi. (TA.) 

[Book I. 

to him, and goodly qualities, or properties, which 
are causes, or occasions, of epithets]. (A.) __ 
[Ijib c» i il; £> , a phrase similar to U£» ji^fe, 

meaning Ztie swrA a (/an/;. See an ex. voce V" '■ . ] 

• »^ L." 

— <^»j Anything excellent. (TA.) [Hence,] 

^— ** W9*i and » .-■» : .;.», and " iou , [in the 
CK, c-i*i,] and ♦ w-*»i, and tiioJ, A 

generous, or a ./fee*, or sw/#, Aor«e, that' excels 
in running, and outstrips others. (K.) [And so] 
~ C^:.>« A beast of carriage, or a man, charac- 
terized, or distinguished, by t/iat which makes 
him to excel others of his kind: a horse de- 
scribed as di<stinguislwd by generousness, or by 
fleetness, or swiftness, and by outstripping others. 

4- Cxi I His face became beautiful, or goodly, 
so that he was described (£) as characterized by 
beauty, (TA,) [or, so that he became distinguished 
by an epithet]. 

8. C»3I He, or it, was, or became, described: 
(TA :) [Ac, or i*, was, or became, distinguished by 
an epithet : he, or it, was, or became, characterized, 
or distinguished, by that which made him to excel 
others of his hind: see C«xi]. See 1. 


«U«i .lUj*, or <U*i Jii«l , 7V/y ot«& *&»e, or 
<Ay female slave, is of the highest quality. (K.) 
But 'in the A it is said, cJJ iljuc, and 

i A generous, excellent, surpassing, man. 

(TA.) See also 

• •_ , 


«i^U Describing; a describer : pi. OUi. 

• >*' 

OyU« [A person or thing described; dis- 
tinguished by an epithet : and hence, a substantive 
qualified by an epithet] >»JOO OyLU [De- 
scribed as possessing, or characterized by, or 
distinguished by, generosity ; distinguished by the 
epithet of generous], (A.) 

• * * j « a* 

1. <uaj , aor. : ; and ♦ ajjujI ; iZc took it. (£.) 

10. <CxU_l He asked him to describe him, or 
it. (T,K.) 

w-xi yln epithet; or <Aa* whereby a person 
or *Ai«(7 m described: [hence, an epithet whereby 
a substantive is qualified:] (TA:) pi. OyJ : 
it has no other pi. than this. (ISd.) [Respect- 
ing distinctions said to exist between c-*i and 
v_«-y or ii«e, see 1.] [You say,] Oyw <J 
w-«Luj [2Te Aa* //oo<% epithets applied 

4. a)U ^j» dul /fe n-n* prodigal of his 
wealth: (K.:) or Ac scattered it: or it signifies 
*e* >».*$. (L.) =ss vioul Jffe *ct about, or coto- 
menced fitting himself out, or equipping himself 
for journeying. (K..) — ,i>Uil ^i ^» (in the 

CK, and in a MS. copy of the K, ^*UJl,) TAe^ 
have striven, laboured, or exerted themselves, in 
tlieir affair. (K.) 

8 : see 1. 

1. -_«j, aor. '. , inf. n. ^JJ (S,K) and ~^6 , 
(K,) a verb similar to ^JS», (S, K,) aor. i , inf. n. 
s^JJ*; (S;) so in the handwriting of J; (IB;) or, 
with reference to a colour, *-*i, aor. :, inf. n. 
»-«j, a verb like ^ * <», aor. - , inf. n. >, -f, m ; 
(accord, to an insertion in a copy of the S read 

Book I.] 

to IB, TA, [and bo in one of M. Fresnel's copies 
of the S, and in a copy in my possession, and so 
in the L, in which both forms of the verb are 
given,]) He, or it, [a colour,] was of a clear, or 
pure white. (S, L, $.) as »l*i , aor. -. , inf. n. 
-JJ, He (a man, Az, or a camel, S) became 
fat : (T, S, K :) said by AA to occur in a poem 
of Dhu-r-Rummeh, but not found in his poetry 
by Sh, who deems it strange : Az, however, 
confirms it by the authority of an Arab of the 
desert ; and adds, that it signifies he (a man) 
became fat and in good condition : and he in- 
created, and became swollen, or inflated : and 
-, t "» is said to signify the same. (TA.) — *-*?> 
aor. c , inf. n. -_iu , He (a man, S) became 
heavy in the stomach ( ^JJi\ ) from eating 
mutton. (S, ]£.) = li^l ^ C ».. »i , (inf. n. 
-jJ, L.) She (a camel) was quick, or swift, in 
her pace : (S, L :) she went with a certain pace : 
(L :) a dial, form ofc>.M. (S.) 

4. j>£x\ -JJl The people's camels became fat. 

(?, SO *- 

- «•■ [and t » «'• I ] 6J/" a pure n>Ai7e colour : 
(L :) [pi. of the latter •*-*•]"• — j*-*' » L -' 
£>\yi\ -_ci jr^C »" [Tfomen 0/ a fkr n'Ai'« 
colour in the parts around the eyes; intensely 
6/ac/t and wta«, in '/i« eye*]. (A.) is ~**i A 
man Amvi/ in the stomach ( v-i*-' ) /«»» eafingr 
mutton : pi. ^j>-»-xj . (S, TA.) 

i*Ju3, (8, K,) and ' &Lju, accord, to a 

•" * %* * * ■ Th- 
reading of El-Hasan, lj»-\y im~ai \J}, [Kur, 

xxxviii. 22,] (TA,) A ewe ; the female of the 
sheep : (L, K. :) also, the female of the wild 
bull: and, o/ t/ie gazelle: and, o/ <Ae w'W 
sheep: (TA:) [but see below:] pi. «.l*u and 
Ol^i. (S,K.) J$\ kLli TVte [roiM] cow: 

pl. J»*J)I *-laJ : no other wild animal but the 
cow (accord, to A'Obeyd, S,) is thus called: 
(S, ]£:) [but see above]. The Arabs speak of 
gazelles as though they were goats, terming the 
male ,_r~J ; and of wild bulls or cows as though 

they were sheep, terming the female a»ju. 

• * •* 

(AAF.) _ Also i»_xi I A woman ; as like- 
wise Sli. (TA.) 


»-tti A camel of beautiful colour, and highly 

esteemed. (TA.) ia-cli A she-camel of beauti- 
ful colour: (TA :) or a white she-camel, (S, 
&•) of generous race : (TA :) a swift she-camel : 
a she-camel upon which one hunts wild cows : 
(§, ]£ :) such is of tlie kind called kjjy* : (IJ :) 
or one that is light, or active : (TA :) pl. •»--» ty . 
(S.) __ <U_eU also A woman of beautiful com- 

plexion, or colour. (TA.) = A»-cLj ^ijl 

Ptein, or im, ianrf, (S, K,) fertile, and pro- 

during the kind of tree called w-*,. (Aboo- 


* - •« • . 

•_jul : see •»-»--• 

1. jii, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. ; (S, K) and - , 
(K,) [in the Msb, '- , but this I suppose to be an 
error in transcription,] the first of which is the 
most common, (]£,) or the most common when 
the verb relates to a vein, accord, to Fr, as cited 
by Sgh, (TA,) inf. n. J**i (S, A, Msb, K.) and 

jlxJ, (A, K,) or this latter is a simple subst., 
(Msb,) and »j»i, (A,) [or this also is a simple 
subst.,] He (a man, K, or a hcast of carriage, 
Msb,) uttered a sound, or noise, (S, A, Msb, 
K,) with, (A, K,) or in, (S,) hi* jtyi^ [or the 
innermost part of his nose] : (S, A, K:) but Az, 
says, I have not heard this explanation from any 
of the leading authorities. (T A.) __ Also, (TA,) 

inf. n. jt*j, (K,) He called out, or cried out 
veltmnently, in war, or in some evil case. (?,* 
TA.) And Ojju, inf. n. y~*j , She (a woman) 
clamoured, and acted in a foul or immodest 

manner. (TA.) __ o^' J* 5 ? (?» £>) or j*i 
j£i\i J>1, (A,) aor. r , (Fr, Sgh, K,) and 
- , (S, K ) the former of which is the more 
common, (Fr, Sgh,) inf. n. jai , (S, TA,) or 
^«sj and jIju, (as app. implied in the K, but 
perhaps not intended to be so,) t The vein gushed 
with blood: (S, K :) or, (aor. - , inf. n. jyu and 
jt*ti, TA,) made a sound by reason of the 
blood coming forth : (K :) or gushed with blood, 
and made a sound at the coming forth of the 
blood. (A.) 

ij3L> A sound, or noise, in thejtyi**. [or inner- 
m^ yart of the nose] ; (S, £ ;) [as also " jl*i . 
(See 1.)] _ Oljiu [the pl.] is also applied to 
The call of the Jiy»- (?•) 

{Jj»j : see^tu. 

• ^» »»»^ 

jUi : see SjJii . 

jUi and S;U3 : \ 

j*li Uttering a sound or [wit/i, or in, t/t« 
jtyL^., or innermost part of tlie nose]. (Sh.) 
And ♦ jUi Clamorous: (I£, TA :) * fern, with 5, 
applied to a woman, and signifying the same : 
(A :) or, so applied, it signifies clamorous and 
foul, or immodest : (K. :) and " (J>ai \>£j^ i\j*\ 
a [very jealous] clamorous woman ; (K ;) in 
which phrase, i£>aJ may not be regarded as fern. 


of ijtjaj, because [epithets of the measures] 
0'^ Jti and ijXai come from verbs of the class 
of ~.^» ; not from those of the class of >uU [or 

thatof vj-*L (Az,^.)_- [And so] t jU3 One 
who drivesawaythe beasts andcries out after them. 
(TA, art J£j.) — You say also, U^ 0>I»l 

f ~ - . » • 

♦ IjUj U3-0 [lit, J 7/iacfe a clamorous 'voice to 
fly with this; meaning,] X I published this. (A.) 
_ Also^tLi I A vein flowing with blood: (Sh :) 
[or gushing with blood; &c. (See its verb, 
above.)] And * jUj j A vein gushing with 
blood; and so * jyu : (S:) that does not cease 
to flow with blood; as also • jysti (TA) and 
▼ J5 fcU; (K, TA:) and t jlaJ applied to a 
wound signifies the same ; as also ;U3, with O 
and c , and * jU3 , with O and c : (I Aar, Az :) 
and "j^*i applied to a wound signifies Xmahing 
a sound by reason of the vehemence with which 
the blood comes fortk (TA.) 

J^U, (S, A, Mgh, Msb,) or t S^u, (K,) 
A [machine of the hind called] v*^ [q- v -]» 
(A, ^,) or oy4-ii [q- ▼■]» ( M g h . M ? b ») ro «' A 
which water is drawn [for irrigation], (S,) and 
which is turned by water, (S, Mgh, Msb,) and 
makes a noise, or [creaking] sound by [its revok- 
ing] : (S :) so called because of its j-ju [or 
sound] : (A, Mgh, Msb :) [app. also any rotary 
machine for raising water to irrigate land : see 
Niebuhr's ' Voyage en Arabic,' tome i., p. 220 
et seq. :] it is used on the banks of the Euphrates 
(A, TA) and the 'Asee : (TA :) pl. j*el>>. 

(S, A, Msb.) And the former, The wing (-_U*. ) 


of a mill or mill-stone. (K.) __ Also * »jy-l-j 

A bucket with which water is raised. (K.) ___ 
See alsoj*b. 

i jyb\j : see j^j- 


L v~*J, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. i, (S, M, and 

so in a copy of the B by the author of the K,) 

or-, (A, K,) [the latter being agreeable with 

analogy,] inf. n. ^-Ui , (S, A, 1$.,* T A,) or this 

is a simple subst., (Msb,) [He drowsed; he was, 

or became, drowsy, or heavy with sleepiness : or 

he slumbered, or dozed :] the inf. n. is syn. with 

yj^ij : (S, A, ]£.:) or * i^-laJ signifies languor 

in the senses, (K, TA,) arising from tlie heaviness 

[which is the prevenient sign] of sleep : (TA : ) 

or the beginning of sleep : (M, art. O-o:) or its 

proper signification is, accord, to Az, (Msb, TA,) 
• " «* 

k j-*j (Msb) or iw (TA) without sleep: (Msb, 

TA,)or iimi is in the head, and ^-UJ is in the 
eye : or JU* is the vapour ( wj ) of sleep which 
begins in the face, then is transmitted to the 
heart, and you say, of a man, 4^0^ , and then, 
^.Uj. (Msb, art>y.) It is said in a proverb, 



^-JuOl yrfU^s JJx* .[A delaying of the payment, 
of a debt, or tAe like, like the drowsing, or slum- 
bering, of the dog:] i.e. continual: (S, TA:) 
for the dog is characterized by much ^Ui, and, 
as is said in the B, is accustomed to open his 
eyes [only] sufficiently for the purpose of guard- 
ing, and this he does time after time. (TA.) — 

J-ii, (T£,) inf.n. JJJ, (IAar, K,) f It (a 
man's judgment, and his body,) was soft, and 
weak. (IAar, £, TK.) — \ It (a market) was, 
or became, stagnant, or rfutf, nntA respect to traf- 
fie. ($,TA.) 

4. jj-xil f He begat heavy, sluggish, lazy, indo- 
lent, or torpid, sons. (AA, K.) 

6. jj-tU) .He feigned himself [drowsing, or 
slumbering, or] sleeping. (£,* TA.) __ t /t 
(lightning) became faint. (A, TA.) 

I [X single fit of drowsiness : or of slumber :] 
a .«>i<//e movement o/ tAe A«id tn drowsing or x/um- 
bering. (TA.) You say, SjujJi a_jl> iu'Aj [A 
vehement fit of drowsiness, or of slumber, came 
upon him]. (A.) And »j«.tj i— *i w.-au [7 
drowsed, or slumbered, once]. (S.) 

(jl— ju : see ^^-tlj. 

irtUi : see 1. 

• ** 

^jju A she-camel bountiful in yielding milk ; 

(S, A, 1$.;) that drowses, or slumbers, in yielding 
milk; (A;) or because, in yielding milk, she 
drowses, or slumbers: (S:) or having muck milk, 
that drowses, or slumbers, when milked: (M :) or 
tkat closes her eyelid on being milked. (Az, TA.) 

* . i. '• . 

XwUi : see KJ ~sX>. 

ijmtM, part n. of i>_ju, [Drowsing, drowsy, or 
Aenry witA sleep : or slumbering, or dozing :] (S, 

Msb, $:) as also *o^; ( Lth . Fr » Th » M S b » 
If.;) but this latter is rare; (Fr, Th, Msb, K ;) 
and by some disallowed: (TA:) fem. of the 
former with i : (Msb, TA :) and of the latter 

(j— ju>, made to accord, with .y-'j, fem. of C^-'i > 
and this is best in poetry : (Lth, Msb, TA :) and 
" «u»Ui is also used as an epithet [in an intensive 
6ense] applied to a female: (TA:) the pi. of 
^U is ^rjo ; like *•£»,), pi- of £^lj : and that 

% * m t » ** f * * & * 

of 4 — cU is j^^-ct^j. (Msl>.) v-tX) ajk». I [//is 

mm * 

good fortune is slumbering]. (A, TA.) 

1. iui, aor. r, (S, $,) inf. n. JLii, (§,) J/e 
(God) raised kirn; lifted him up; (8, K ;) as 
also * *£juI ; (Lth, Ks, K ; ) which is disallowed 
by ISk, who says that it is a vulgar word, and 
by J after him, but is correct ; (TA ;) and ▼ eJimi, 
(AA, $,) inf. n. JL«*ij: (AA, TA:) or He 

(God) set him up, or upright ; as also » 4*1x31 : 
(Msb:) [see an ex. in a verse cited voce J-»i:] 
or Ae [app. a man] raised him, or lifted him up, 
after a stumble, or trip. (8b.) You say also 
Sjfc m ., ) I \ Z ■ « ■/ > 7 *et tAe t? - ee upright, when it was 
leaning. (TA.) And <i±fL JLii J/e raised Aw 
eye, or eye*. (§,• K.) __ [Hence,] aor. and inf. 
n. as above, (TA,) { He recovered him from his 
embarrassment, or difficulty : (A :) I he restored 
him from a state of poverty to wealth, or com- 
petence, or sufficiency ; (K, TA;) as also * Ai*il: 
(TA:) and \he recovered him from a state of 
perdition or destruction. (TA.) And alu iLiii 
t Afay GW restore thee from poverty to wealth, 
or competence, or sufficiency : or ma Ac tAee to con- 
tinue m life; preserve thee alive. (A.) And 
m. * 
'<t-L«Jt f//e *et Aim «/>, and strengthened his 

heart. (TA.) And Jj£)l JL«!j i^jll t (A, 
TA,) [77*e spring, or spring-herbage, or tA« season, 
or ratn, called x~jjJI,] makes men to live and enjoy 
plenty of herbage or tAe /iAe. (TA.) _ [Hence 
also,] C~*H ^1*3, (Sh, K,) aor. as above, (Sh,) 
and so the inf. n. (TA) t He eulogized, or praised, 
the dead man, (Sh, K,) and exalted his praise, or 
fame, or honour. (Sh.) _ A— II *j " * '■ also 
signifies TViey carried the dead man upon the 
yijo, q. v. (A [where this signification is indicated, 
but not expressed : it is shown, however, by an 
explanation of pass. part. n. (q.v. infra) in the 

0*0 M0 * J + 

TA.]) __ lyjjl-a- ^^JU Ji.«i A ^jti [q.v.] was 
made for her bier. (Mgh, from a trad, of, or 
relating to, Fatimeh.) 

2. LlL : see 1. =: Also, (K,) or U j£i, (S,) 
inf. n. t^ ti UJ, (K,) J/e xata to Aim 4JUI AJJu 
[which see above, in 1, and also below, in 8]: 

(S, K:) in [some copies of] the S, 4JUI jUju. 

4: see 1, in four places. 

8. i^juil He rose; or became raised, or lifted 
up : (TA :) Ae rose after his stumble, or trip : (S, 
A, Msb, K :) and in like manner you say of a 
bird, (A, TA,) meaning it rose [after falling or 
alighting], (TA,) and Ae raised his head. (TA.) 
Hence the saying, ,_£-wt "^s ^-*3 May he fall, 
having stumbled, or stumble and fall, and not rise 
[again] : a form of imprecation. (TA.) And 

hence the saying of 'Omar, 4JOI q>~«.i ^juJI 

Rise thou : may God raise thee : or <tUI i&Zju 
has here one of the two meanings assigned to it 
before, in 1. (TA.) -_ [And hence,] \He re- 
covered, or became recovered, from his embarrass- 
ment, or difficulty. (A, TA.) 

iJ-ju A state of elevation, or exaltation. (Sh.) 

See 1. A state of remaining^ lastingness; 

endurance; permanence; or continuance; syn. 
f\L. (Sh, K.) as [A kind of litter, or] a thing 

[Book I. 

S ' 

resembling a <Ui,«, upon which the king used to 
be carried, when sick: (IDrd, Msb, K:) not the 
,Jiaj of a corpse. (IDrd, Msb.) This is said to 
be the primary application. (TA.) _ And hence, 
(TA,) A bier, (S, A, Msb, K,) token the corpse 
is upon it, for otherwise it is called jij->: (S, IAth, 
Msb :) it is called by the former name because of 

its height, or its being raised: (S, TA :) pi. 

« jj 
u^^xj : (Msb :) also, a reticulated thing, (Az, 

Mgh, TA,) resembling a <U»-«, (Mgh,) which is 

put as a cover over a [dead] woman when ske is 

placed upon the bier; (Az, Mgh, TA;) but this 

• mm 

is properly called rv»-, though people called it 
i£ju, which is properly only the bier itself. (Az, 

.•* •* 9 mm » *- 

TA.) — [And hence,] (J>»£)l l£*» ^W [ or ^W 

(^JJt ^aj,' together with J±*J or J^i>, constitute 
t The constellation of Ursa Major :■ or tAe princi- 
pal stars thereof:] seven stars; whereof four 

[which are in the body] are called JLju [or ,J-ju], 

* " 
ana tAree [which are in the tail] are called Oty, 

(S, £,) i.e., Jju 0L0: (TA :) and in like 

-. i ,» i 

manner j^yLall, (K,) or ^jjuaJI ^^ju OU/ 

[together with ^fjimai\ ^ju constitute ttAe con- 
stellation of Ursa Minor : or tAe principal stars 
t/tereqf; seven in number ; w/iereof the four in the 
body are called ^Jju, and the three in the tail are 
called oLu] : (S :) [the former four] said to be 
likened to the bearers of a bier, because they form 
a square : (IDrd, TA :) [the OLo being so called 
as being likened to damsels or to men (for C*W 
is pi. of ^t applied to an irrational thing as well 
as pi. of Cxif) following a bier:] Sb and Fr agree 
that ^ju is imperfectly decl. because determinate 
and of the fem. gender : (S :) or it is perfectly 
decl. when indeterminate, but not when deter- 
minate [by having the epithet <jj&\ or (j>«-aJI 
added to it] : (Aboo-'Amr Ez-Zahid, K :) Jju yj 
also occurs, in poetry; (Sb, S, K;) because a 
single one [of the stars thereof] is called ^1*3 ^t, 
(Lth, K,) being made to accord, in gender with 

■ m 0m ft '*t 

>>jg> ; but when they say w>^M or %fj\, they 
say 0L0 : (Lth, TA :) [this is agreeable with a 
general rule; accord, to which, oUj is the pi. of 
^1 applied to anything but a human being:] 

** mti t mm < 

the pi. of JUJ cUi is L £mt\yi\ ; like as i^ojl^t is 
pi. of v*/fi J***' (L, TA.) See also ,J-t*J. — 
Also ,Jju A piece of wood, (K, TA,) of the length 
of twice the stature of a man, (TA,) upon the head 

% mm 

of which is a piece of rag, (K, TA,) called *-j»-, 
(TA,) teith which young ostriches are hunted or 
captured (K, TA.) 

if..*.' [or xj-gsu t The small star called] L5V -JI, 

tm -m 

which is [by the star {] in the middle of s J,su oU>. 
So in the saying, l J-*J 0U1 ^ u-c*^ O-* 0*^"' ** 
[He, or it, is more obscure than No'eysh among 
the Bendt Naash]. (A, TA.) 

Book I.] 

j^-clyJI : see ,jl»i, near the end. 

* #•* »* 

cA>**-» A corpse carried upon a J^jO, or bier. 

(S, A,» M ? b.) 


See Supplement.] 

1. v-ii, aor. * and i, (inf. n. ^Jki, TA,) He 

(a man, TA) swallowed saliva. (K.) _ s-^> 

... • •» 

(inf. n. v-ii, TA,) It (a bird) sipped water : you 

do not say of a bird L>^L. (K.) _ *^J6 He (a 

man) took in gulps, or gulped, in drinking: (K:) 

and likewise an ass. (TA.) __ Lij ,U"^I J^ c~ii, 

with kesr, / drank in gulps from the vessel. 

(18k, 9.) 

4 hungering. (K.) A tribe's wanting 
food, or hungering: syn. J^JI jUSt. (K, as in 
some copies: fapp. the rijjht reading:] in other 
copies, jliijl, which is pi. of >3. TA.) Sec 


i-ii and ▼ ijii .1 </«/;> • or as much as is swal- 
lowed at once; of water Sec. : (S, K:) or the 
♦latter signifies a single act of gulping: (K:) 
differing from the former like as [its syn.] *3*jL. 
does from i*jL: (TA :) pi. of the former Z^S : 

(S :) for which > ^t> occurs in a verse. (TA.) __ 

i? i*fn 'i ' i — °t l" -'V » . — '* - < - 
Lx. iiyJt ^ Ui^.1 Ujjw^ Ui^l U Ul 5 

vo^'j t>i>**^ l ~** t [Excellent! Horn cool a gulp 

is it ! How cool is it to the heart ! May the hands 

and mouth perish!] said on hearing of the death 

of an enemy, or of any trial or affliction that has 

befallen him. (A.) = alii A foul action. (S 

K.) So in the following saying, aJIc C«jJ^ U 
a , *.tj ~ ' • ' 

J»5 i«ii [A foul action was never found to be 

chargeable upon him.] (S.) 

1. oA>, aor. -, inf. n. c-«3, lie pulled hair; 
syn. •_>•*•-• (K-) 

i-ii Lasting and vehement evil. (IAar, K.) 
£-*» (j* U«5j We fell into lasting and vehe- 

ment evil. (L.) 

L jjiJI w£&, (S, K, TA,) aor. '-; and Cgtt 
(K, and so in a copy of the A,) aor. ; ; and 
0>i, aor. :; (£;) inf. n.yi (IK{{. K) [of the 
first] and >i (IKtf, TA) and ot>} (K, TA) 
and _ h jJLi, (TA,) Tlte cooking-pot boiled; estuated; 
became in a state of violent commotion; syn. 

fc, (As, S, IKtt, A, L,) and 0,6. (As, K.) 
= Hence, (TA,) J*L/JI >*J, (S,) or jii, (so in 
a copy of the A,) J The man became angry, or 
vehemently or most vehemently angry, or affected 
with latent anger without power to exercise it : 
(S, A :) or his inside boiled by reason of such 
anger: (As, S :) and <lJLc jiu, aor. -; and 
f»i, aor. -; and jiu, aor. - ; (K;) the first of 
which is the most common ; (TA ;) inf. n. jii 
[of the first] and £pjk>; and *^«J> (K;) [after 
which last, in the CK, the word ^jle, com- 
mencing the explanation, is omitted ;] his inside 
boiled against him by reason of anger : (K :) or 
by reason of vehement or most vehement anger, or 
latent anger without power to exercise it: (TA :) 
or (so accord, to the TA ; but in the K, and) 

a-ifc "^iiJ he became changed, or altered, to him, 
and threatened him with evil : (ISk, S, K> TA :) 
and jxj, aor. '-, inf. n. jiu, also signifies he held 
enmity in his lieart, watching for an opportunity 
to indulge it ; or he hid enmity and violent hatred 
in his heart; or he bore rancour, malevolence, 
malice, or spile. (TA.) 

5 : see 1, in two places. 

o. _>cU_3 i. q. ^£pU_3 [app. meaning, J The 
behaving with mutual enmity or hostility]. (K.) 

jki t [Angry or vehemently or most vehemently 
angry, or ajfected with latent anger without 
power to exercise it : as is implied in the S : 
or] having his inside boiling by reason of anger : 
(S,*I£:) and [it is said that] »j*3 Slj*l gig- 

nines a woman very jealous; syn. ^_J/-c : (K:) 
[but] it is related in a trad, of Alee, that a 
woman came to him and told him that her 
husband had illicit intercourse with her female 
slave ; whereupon he said, " If thou be speaker 
of truth, wo stone him ; and if thou be a speaker 
of falsehood, we whip thee:" and she said, 
Yjki J^l ^1 Jl ^j, (S, TA,) meaning, 
[Restore ye me to my family, very jealous,] 
with my inside boiling by reason of anger, or 
vehement or most velurment anger, or latent 
anger without jwwer to exercite it : this is the 
explanation given by As : and ISd says, that 
he holds Sjiu to signify here angry, not very 

jealous; since it is related that an Arab 6aid to 
a woman, ijij j>\ wJI \^j^\ [Art thou very 

jealous or angry ?] (TA.) 

jiu Certain birds like sparrows, (S,) or a 
species of sparrows, (Msb,) with red beaks: 
(S, Msb:) n. un. with i : (S:) or the young 
ones of sparrows: (K:) n. un. as above: (TA :) 
or the young ones of the sparrows; (Sh, Msb ;) 
which you always see in a lean state : (Sh :) 
or [a species] of young sparrows : (TA :J or 
the bird called JJL^ : (Msb, £ :) it is said that 
the people of El-Medeeneh call the JJ* by the 


*.i i 

names otjju and »>•*■; and it is said to resemble 

the sparrow; and the fern, is withi: (Msb:) 

or (TA ; in the K, and) a speAes of the j-m^-, 

(K, TA; in the CK, erroneously,^**.;) red in 

the beaks and in the lower parts of the JU»*I [or 

portions beneath the beaks]: (TA :) or the males 

thereof.- (K:) pi. ^jj*i, (S, Msb, K,) like as 

<j\>yo is pi. of jj-o. (S, Msb.) Its dim. is 
*•' ■» »% # 

>-ii (S, Msb, K) occurring in a trad. ; 1^1 Q 

^sidl Jjii U j^c [0 Aboo-'Omeyr, what did 
the little nughar?]; (S, K;) said by Moham- 
mad to a little child of Aboo-Talhah El-Ansaree, 
who had a bird, or birds, of this name, which 
died. (TA.) 

"ii, (S,) He 

See art. {jije.. 

1. u**j> aor. : , (S, K,) inf. n 
(a man, S,) failed of having his desire fully 
accomplished: (S, K:) but Lth says, that it is 
more commonly with tcshdeed, i. e. f Jo&, 
[unless this be a mistake for ,>iiJ,] inf. n. 
^o-ij. (TA.) — And in like manner, (S,) He 
(a camel) failed of having his full, or complete, 

draught, or drink. (S, K.) And It (beverage) 

was imperfect, or defective. (K.) See also 5. 

see ^aii (L, K) and ^k> (L, TA) [both inf. ns., 
the verb of the former being app. ^aiu, used 
intransitively, and that of the latter JaJO, used 
transitively, followed by aJL.1,] also signify The 
bringing one's camels to the drinking-trougk, and, 
when they liave drunk, turning them back, and 
bringing others ; (K ;) taking forth, from every 
two camels, a strong camel, and putting in its 
place a weak camel; and thus as it were, making 

tlieir drinking troublesome. (TA.) You say 

also, ^l^pl J»^ll ^jcju The man prevented the 
man from obtaining his share of water by inter- 
posing to hinder his camels from drinking : and 
in like manner, *!*, t <ij«j| [J{ e prevented him 
from obtaining his share of pasturage for hit 
camels] : the verb in the latter instance being 
with I. (TA.) See also 2. 

2. UeJ* ^aju He cut short a thing of which 
we loved to have much, or abundance. (IAar, 
TA.) _ iuXt ^cJu ; and a-1c tyojj i n f. n . 
ijaxj ; but the former is the more common ; He 
rendered [an affair, or circumstances, or a state,] 
troublesome, or perturbed, to him; syn. ;.»=». 
(IKtt, TA.) You say, j£)l e& *t>T ^oL, 
(S, K,) inf. n. J^JCJ; (S;) and LsJu (S, K) 
and ,J^ai\ <xJj» t u aij\ ; (K ;) God rendered life 
troublesome, or perturbed, to him ; syn. »jj£» : 
(S, K. :) the first of these is the most common : 



(TA :) the second occurs in poetry ; the pro- 
noun in this relating to a man. (Akh, S, TA.) 
m See also ^oju. 

4 : see 1, last sentence : — and see also 2. 

5. '«!!,* C-.nV 1, (§,) or ili^, ($,) His 
state of life, (S,) or hit meant of subsistence, (]£,) 
became troubletome, or perturbed, or attended 
with trouble; syn. C»Jj£J. (S, K.) You say 
also, iji! c^»i', inf. n. ^e&, [Hit affair, or 
raws, became troubletome, &c ;] ( A ,) [for] ▼ ,>»*J 
is syn. with J&3 as signifying. >*Cj. (Har, 
)>. r»p). 

6. c^^JI <J* J/^' o-aiUJ 7V*e «imefa 
crowded, or /wcwed, to jet her to the drinking- 
t rough. (Ks, K.*) 

Ja& is said to signify Thing* that prevent one 
from attaining an object of detire. (Har, 
]». r»p.) 

^fll'-r Any one who cult short a thing of 
which one loves to have more. (IAar, TA.) 

^ii — cJ* [Book I. 

[See JLi-ti, helow.] _.#^t J<*£ t Sit affair, And JLe.\i *J^. (K) and *,>& (S, K) M 

cfoiwZ, or clouds, becoming dense, and then ready 

1. J&, aor. ; , (Ks, S, A, Msb, K,) and i, 
(S, A, K.) inf. n. Jii (S, Msb, £) and ,>^ 

(S, K.) and O 1 -^ and ■>**» C50 *' roa * or 
became, in a ttutt of motto -t, commotion, agita- 
tion, or convulsion ; it shook ; shook about; rcab- 

* it * - 

bled; tottered; wagged; nodded; syn. i>^J, 
(S, A, Msb, K,) and 4>^> ( A > ?•) L5*. 
..iUJjf; (TA ;) as also t cA*J' (Msb, K.) and 
t , >Lj : (K. :) it is said of a man's head ; (S, 
TA ;) and also, (S, A,) with J£> and o 1 ^ 
for its inf. ns., (S,) of a camel's saddle, (S, A,) 
and of the central incisor (S, TA) of a child, 
(S,) or of any tooth, as also * the last of the 
verbs above mentioned ; (A ;) and of other 
things; (Mfb.TA;) J£> signifying any moving 
in a shaking or tremulous or convulsive manner 
i w>VjJ? »V ) ; (S, TA ;) and cJJb and 
♦ c JJUkiJ , said of a tooth, being syn. with 
C k rj (A.) — Also, inf. n. o\±*J, He, or 
it, was, jt oecame, disquieted, agitated, or violently 
.oitated. (TA.) — jiill J\ \y& t They 
rose and hastened and went forth to, or towardt, 
the enemy. (A, TA.) — JdX> also signifies 
+ It (a thing, TA) teas, or became, dense: (so in 
some copies of the K) or much in quantity: (so 
in other copies of the K:) or much in quantity, 
and dense. (TA.) And J Jt (a cloud) was, or 
became, dense, and tlten became ready to rain, 
and was seen to move about, one part into anotlier, 
without its going along: (S:) or mat seen to 
become ready to rain, without motion, not travel- 
ling along: (A:) or it travelled along. (IF.) 

or case, was, or became, in a weak, or unsound, 
state; syn. ^ky (TA.) = See also 4, in two 

4. ,JaaJ : see 1. — *Jtsiu\ He put it in a state 
of motion, commotion, agitation, or convulsion ; 
shook it ; shoojt it about ; made it to wabble, or 
totter; wagged it; nodded it; as also " d-oxi ; 
(S, Msb, K, TA;) and aj ♦ J£j: (A:) namely 
a thing: (Msb:) or his head; (S, A, TA ;) in 
wonder; (A;) or as one in wonder at a thing; 
(S, TA ;) or in disapproval of a thing told him ; 
(AHeyth, TA :) or in derision; or as though 
asking the meaning of what was said, inclining to 
the speaker. (TA.) Hence, in the Kur, [xvii. 

53,] '^-ssj SQ\ Oi ^ :''» (?, TA) And they 
will shake, or wag, their heads at thee, in derision. 

5 : see 1, in three places. 

uaii One who shakes his head, and trembles 
in his gait: (K.:) an inf. n. used as an epithet. 
(TA.) — A male ostrich that shakes his liead : 

(S :) or yj&S, as also ♦ »> 1 * i > ' s a name °*" t,ie 
male ostrich ; determinate ; (K ;) being a name of 
the species; like iXl : (TA :) so called because, 
when he hastens his gait, he moves up and 
down : (Lth :) or a name of the male ostrich 
that has a habit of going round about : (AHeyth, 
]£ :) and * iii3 [is the n. un., signifying] an 
ostrich. (TA.) — See also ^aiti. 

fjiju : see i_ffl*li, in three places. 


i A tree. (IKt.) — See also ^aju. 

to rain, and seen to move about, one part into 
another, without going along: (S :) or tN a state 
of motion, or commotion, one part after another, 
(K, TA,) not travelling along : (TA :) or seen 
to move about, one part into another, without 
going along. (L.) __ Also, (S, K,) or " <UxcU, 

(so in a copy of the A,) and " ^jaJu and T *>**>, 
(A, K,) but this is rare, (TA,) A cartilage : 
(S :) or the cartilage of the shoulder-blade : (A, 
K:) or the part thereof where it moves to and 
fro : (^ :) or the upper part of tlie end of the 
cartilage of the shoulder-blade : (TA :) or the 
♦ ^.^uii of the shoulder-blade is the thin bone at 
the extremity thereof: (Sh :) or the » C^-asu 
are the parti of the root of the shoulder- 
blade that move about in walking : (L :) and the 
^aiC of a man is the base if the neck, where he 
moves about his head, (-Sli.) 

• ' - * ■' 

iJai-U : see ^ai\J. 

[Juu, &c. 
Sec Supplement.] 


SU3 One of several parts, or portions, of 
scattered herbage: or one of several adjacent 
meadows (^C,), sejMraled from, and rising 

above, the greater part of the pasture : pi. UJ . 

^jOjiS A she-camel having a large hump: 
because, when it is large, it shakes, or quakes. 
(IF, SO 

uo\ju [In a state of much motion, commotion, 
agitation, or convulsion ; thakmg, shaking about, 
wabbling, tottering, wagging, or nodding, much]. 
You say, VV* *^& Jv' [Camels jogging much 
with their saddles ; or jogging much their saddles]. 

(A, TA.) See also ^icli v>W t >« i 

Wrinkled in the belly: an expression applied 
to Mohammad, (K,) by 'Alee, who thus ex- 
plained it: because of the elevation of the 

wrinkled parts above the even surface of the 

• •» > 
belly : or it may be derived from Or**> mean- 
ing "wrinkles" in the belly, by transposition of 
letters. (TA) 

(jlcO [In a state of motion, commotion, or 
agitation, or convulsion ; shaking ; shaking about ; 
wabbling ; tottering ; wagging ; nodding : pi. 
Ju&], You say, ^aii JU-i [Great pulhj- 
sheaves in a state of motion, &c.]. (S, TA.) 

1. ,jJUI C^i, (S, K,) aor. ; , inf. n. C~*i (S) 

and IJii and J&> ( Ij >) Tke coking-pot boiled': 
(KL:) or threw forth what resembled arrows, 
by reason of [its vehement] boiling : (S, L :) [see 
also c-n> i , and >L&Jki :] or [boiled so that] the 
broth, or gravy, stuck to its sides : (]£ :) or the 
broth boiled in the cooking pot, and what dried 
thereof stuck to tlie sides of the pot : (L :) you 
say [also] » oiu jjJUl, and Liti, [for ^ii5 
and iiUii]. (S, L [but in the latter, these two 
verbs are written without the syll. points].) — 
Cat CMJ, as also LiZ, t He boils with anger. 

(S :) Cii. -uie <^i, as also JaiiJ, t He 

boils against him with anger. (TA.) — «,J-o 
ijljjjl,. J-iiJ I [i/w breast boils with enmity]. 
(A.) [See also ii3.] — oii, aor. : , inf. n. 
ii5 and oUi (L, K) and <Z^£ and oui, (L,) 
t He (a man, L) was angry : (K, L:) or o^* 3 
resembles coughing : [so that the verb seems to 
signify he made a noise like coughing, by reason 
of anger:] (L:) or he blew in anger: (L:) or 
he blew, (lii, as in the copies of the K in my 
hands,) or sn-til.\l, or became inflated, (»-i3'» 

Book I.] 

as in the TA,) by reason of anger. (K.) — 
Cii, (aor. - , L,) inf. n. £*J6, It (flour or the 
like) had water poured upon it, and swelled, or 

became inflated, (.jJUj,) in consequence. (L, K.) 
6 : sec 1. 

Cjykj s Ja- J -t A coohing-pot throwing forth what 
resembles arrows, by reason of [its vehement] 
boiling: #c. (S, L.) 

A certain hind of food, thicker than 
what is called rt :.&.-,; (K ;) i.q. t&ijm- ; made 
by sprinkling flour upon water or milk, {fresh 
milk, L,) until it becomes swollen or inflated, 
( C a i j,) (S, L,) when it is supped, or sipped 

(^ y -m. " .>); (I,;) it is thicker than i-.tL ■> ; the 
master of a family uses it plentifully for his 
household in times of scarcity : (S, L:) they only 
cat <UJu and iif i, m in a time of stoutness, and 
dearness, and leanness of the cattle : A/, says, in 
art. ^jjjk*., a.:. * . „ i is flour thrown upon water or 
milk, and cooked, and then eaten with dates or 
[here a word in the L is illegible; after which 

we read] and it is [what is called] ,lL»L ; and it 

i ii i -' ' ' *' ' *' 

is also called *>j£ ..■> : and i^Ai and mj>«. and 

• ' It * 

»*!,**■ and iijij are a A«7irf o/" L_»., between thick 

and thin. (L.) [See also jfj-fc-i and <Ujj»..] 

* •• - » 

— u* A> L5^ l "*"*" i I -^ ( tne Holy Spirit 
[Gabriel]) inspired, or c»»<, or puf, t'n<o my wind", 

or A«art. (Nh, from a trad.) [You say,] 

4r& O"** «i&c iju ^J [T/ - sttc/t a one blew, 
or 4/wif, upon thee, he would throw thee down upon 
thy side.]. Said to one who tries his strength 

with one superior to him. (A.) /Lu - jJ i? 

UJac as though meaning lie blew at me by 
reason of the violence of his anger. (L.) [See 
also cJU.] — ijci IJI J^Jjl sLJj' iuj| [T/ie 
serpent ejects venom, from its mouth when it 
inflicts a wound with its nose]. (S.) __ £J£ It 

(a wound) emitted blood. (TA.) [From the 

blowing or spitting upon the knots:] jJJS, inf. n. 

• • - j a 

wJu, lie enchanted him. (Msb.) __ .jJUl cJ&J 
aor. - , in*, n. «£-Ju and £Ju, The coohing-pot 
boiled: or, boiled, and threw forth what resembled 
arrows, by reason of the vehemence of its boiling. 
(Msb.) [Sec also OJii.] It is when it begins 
to boil. (TA.) 


w-»li Enchanting. (Msb.) 

• #•» 

A man enchanted. (A.) 

OUa~iJI »iju Poetry: (K, from a trad.:) 
called »iJu because it is like a thing which a 
man spits, or blows, (-£JuS,) from his mouth, 

like incantation. (A'Obeyd.) 1>1&3 ^ fc 

&*)j This is of the poetry of such a one. (TA.) 

e 5 

!■ *J", (S, K,) aor. L , inf. n. --yu ; (Msb;) 
and ♦ ^uil ; (TA ;/ It (a hare, S, K, or other 
animal, Msb) sprang up (S, K) from its hole ; or 
lea)>ed. (TA.) _ Ljj ; (TA ;) and * -Jul, (S.) 
inf. n. £.lL f l ; (Msb ;) and * -Juil ; (TA ;) lie 
made a hare to spring up (S, kc.) from its hole ; 
or to leap. (TA.) — lii, aor. - and '- , inf. n. 
»Ju ; and » -.JujI ; /« (a jerboa) ran : (M :) or 

slackened his run. (A.) -LiLi, and * -.J-j'. 

and ' •» >;-">, 7< (anything) nwe ; or became 

elevated, or exalted. (TA.) lii, aor. i , 

inf. n. -Jo, 7/c mart* anything f« rise; or to 
become elevated, or exalted. (TA.) __ i 

aor. r and '- , inf. n. *i-*i (S, K) and 
^liu, (TA,) [lie puffed; or /yfc«>, without 
spitting : or /je sputtered, or fcfcm _/}«•//. o little 
spittle in minute scattered particles : or] he spat: 
or /ie [did as though he] spat without ejecting 
spittle: and tjJuOl ^ »£Ju signifies /t« .i/ja<, 
ejecting a little spittle, upon the knot, in enchant- 
ment : (Msb :) or wJUl is like iJUJI, or blowing, 
ffwa Zct» </ian ^l-UII, or spitting, or ejecting s])ittle 
from the mouth : (S, K :) or Me blowing, with 
[the emission of] spittle: (Keshshaf;) or like 
blowing, as done in enchantment, without spittle : 
the action, if accompanied by spittle, being 
termed Ja2\ : this is the most correct explana- 
tion : ('Jnayeh:) or gentle blowing witlioul 
spittle: (jl&i^l:) or more than blowing; or 
like blowing ; but less than, spitting : sometimes 
without spittle, thus differing from J-UJI ; and 
sometimes with a little spittle, thus differing from 
•^xJI : or the emitting wind from the mouth, 
together with a little spittle. (MF.)__j^ "^ 
A *S » i yj\j}j^e^ii [lie who has a disease in his 
chest must spit]. A proverb. (S.) — _ <ui ^» <u!aj, 
aor.-, inf. n. w-aj, He ejected it from his 

mouth. (Msb.) [Hence,] ^ i LJ li\ ill ^Jj 

wJLMI I GW cas/, or pu<, <Ac r/i/w^r fir/o rAe 
A«art. (Msb) — lji=> ^jj ^J i-Ai : Such a 
thing was inspired, or put, into my mind. (A.) 

*i-Ju >oj iiZooc/ emitted by a wound (S, K) or 
vein. '(TA.) 

w>Uj IJI& ^>L1« [A plain land that produces 
many plants, or herbs, or tokcA herbage,] as 
though blowing forth, or spitting forth, the 
plants, or herbs. (L, from a trad.) [The cor- 
rectness of «i>Uu is questioned by El-Klmttabee. 
May it not be a mistake for ,LlIi ?] 

i»Uj What one blows, or spits, (wJuj,) from 
his mouth. (S.) — What a person having a 
disease in his chest blows forth or suits out 
-tJto. (K.) _ What remains in one's mouth, 
of a Jl^w, or tooth-stick, and is spit out : (S :) 
a particle broken of (.Uii, . S o in the L Ac. : 

in the K, illai :) from a j)\y*, or tooth-stick, 
remaining in the mouth, and tpit out. (L, K.) 
One says, rt^ L r l U j)\^> a3lij ^C y If } ie 
ashed me for a particle of a tooth-stick, remain- 
ing in my mouth, I would not give him (it). (S.) 

A certain kind of food. (See iLii and 

*^»jjAJI The chieJutit came forth from its egg. 
(S, K..) _ fjS, (~r. i, inf. n. lii, S,) It (a 

woman's breast) heaved up her shift. (S, K.) 

*-ij}\ w-»Ju I The wind came with force: (S, 

1> :) or, suddenly. (TA.) IjU, inf. n. Lx>, 

He magnified, or made great, him, or it. (Msb, 
TA.) [And so,] * !»--vjI It became great. 
(TA.) — -Jti, aor. - , inf. n. -Jo ; (Msb;) ami 

* ff-* 3 '. ( TA >) an d * j^> ; (K ;) i/e ic/a.«/w/ 
of that which he. did not possess, (Msb,) and 
which was not in him : (TA :) or, of more than 
he possessed. (K..) 

4: see 1, and 10. 

5: see 1, in two places. 

st>U3 An enchanter; one who is in the habit of 

enchanting : fem. with S. (Msb.) oU&JI 

^ i « ,t ^ [Kur, cxiii. 4,] The women who blow, 
without spitting, saying something at the same 
time, upon the knots which they tie in a thread, 
or string: (J el:) meaning the enchantresses. 
(?> ?j M.) [See a verse cited voce <uiU.] 

8. >*«Jt W--W la. - w I TVw «</« o/ the camel 

became elevated, (S, K,) [or bulging,] and great, 

naturally. (TA.) — Hence the expression luil 
.- « C - * 

iU^I f [The swelling out of the new moons], in a 

trad, respecting the signs [of the last dayj. (TA.) 
— See 1 throughout. 

10. gkXL.\ (TAar, M) and *-Jbl, (M,) lie 
(a sportsman) drew forth a jerboa [&c. from its 
hole]. (M.) — Hence, (TA,) t He Arm forth, 
and caused to appear, the anger of a pei-son. (K.) 

->Jo and » i*f\ii I [A boasting of that which 
one does not possess, or the like : see 1, and «-Uj]. 
(A.) [See also iJo.] 

I -Jo A woman, (K,) and a man, (TA,) 
large in the buttocks : (ly, TA :) or prominent 
therein. (TA in art. ., **r ) 

j A single leap of a hare from the place 
where it has been lying. In a trad., a sedition, 
or disturbance, is likened to this in regard of the 
shortness of its duration. (TA.) 


i»Mi : see -*Ju and »-UJ. 

eAi A bom (S, K) wiarf* of a piece of wood 
of the hind of tree called *£ ; not known by Aboo- 
Sa'eed with *- [in the place of .-]. (S [so in the 
copies of that work which I am using, three in 
number : but in one copy, " except with ». "].) 

«-UJ t A proud man ; as also ♦ »■ *: ;,< : (KL :) a 
boattful and proud man: (ISk, S:) a man mho 
praise* himself for that which is not in him : one 
mho says that which he does not, and mho boasts 
of that which does not belong to him and which is 
not in him ; as also ♦ *JLi ^i (and * l*-\hi j£, A) : 
or one mho boasts of tliat which he does not possess : 
and said to be not of high repute. (TA.) [See 
also JL&.] 

,_jb : see a»-jU. 

il_jU The commencement of anything, (so in 
two copies of the S, and so in the Msb,) or of any 
mind, (so in one copy of the S,) that begins with 
vehemence, or violence : (S, Msb :) or a mind that 
begins mith vehemence: (K:) or, that comes mith 
vehemence : (A :) As thinks it to be attended by 
cold: AHn says, that sometimes the north wind 
rises upon people when they have been sleeping, 
mid almost destroys them with cold at the close 
of the night, when the former part of the night 
has been warm : (TA :) or a mind that rises upon 
one suddenly and vehemently, mhen he is not aware: 
(Sh :) pi. £iiy. (A.) — il»U I A cloud 
abounding mith rain: (S, K :) so called from the 
same word as signifying " a wind that comes with 
vehemence:" (TA :) thus called by the name of 
the thing which is its cause. (S.) bb i»jU The 
hinder part of a rib : (S:) or, of the ribs: (KL:) 
as also ♦ yd : (TA :) pi. £i$. (S.) — K^ 
t Camels which a man inherits, and mliereby 
his camels are increased in number. (TA.) — 
ItLib I A daughter: so called because she in- 
creases the property of her father by her dowry : 
( K : ) or, that increases the property of her father ; 
for he takes her dowry (consisting of camels, TA) 
and adds it to his property, (or camels, TA,) so 
that the amount becomes raised. (S.) The 
Arabs used to say, in the time of paganism, when 
a daughter was born tJ one of them, i»jUI jXi L.i* 
May she. mho is to increase thy property by her 
dowry be productive of enjoyment to thee ! (S.) 
■ — i^JU A bag, follicle, or vesicle, of mush : (KL :) 
pi. Li\y : (S :) an arabicized word, (S, KL,) from 
[the Persian] AiO ; and therefore some say that 
it is properly written *LiU : or, accord, to the 
Msb, it is Arabic, and a bag of musk is so called 
because of its high value, from im/M " he magni- 
fied him, or it:" but this requires consideration. 
(TA.) See iUJI 8;l», voce jl*. 

f-JUJLil One mho exonerates, or exceeds the 
due hounds, in speech ; (KL ;) and mho boasts of 
that which he does not jwssess. (TA.) 

dU* Pieces of stuff with which women make 
their buttocks to apjTear large; syn. oUlkc. 

,j,;: : i»M • p tima A man having elevated, [or 
bulging,] sides. (A.) — *-a^« A camel having 
prominent flanks. (TA.) See *-Ui. 

1. Lii, aor. :, (S, L, KL,) inf. n. £Ju (L, K) 

and l^Ai (L) and lli3 and O 1 **^. (£>) ^'(per- 
fume) diffused its odour. (S, L, KL.) — C -*J2 
LjJ\, (S, Msb, KL,) aor. '-, inf. n. -Ui, (Msb,) 
I The wind blew: (S, Msb, KL:) or blew gently; 
began to be in a state of commotion : (A:) w* U 
and w^.*J are syn., except that the effect of ->AJI 
is greater than that of «JuJt : (Zj :) or, accord, to 
As, (S,) or IAar, (TA,) lii relates to a cold, 
or cool, wind ; and fjii, to a hot wind : (S, TA :) 

[but see i»Ju] Uj^-j «->>i»Jl « " » *"' \The 

south wind blew upon it with its cold, or coolness. 
(IB.) — j>»Jt Lil, (aor. :, inf. n. ^Ai, S,) 
I The vein ejected, or spirted forth, blood. (S, KL.) 

.i i' * * ' '.'. nil 

And in like manner, >»jJV <U»ia)t C - t*i.> \lhe 
stab ejected, or spirted forth, Mood. (TA.) _ 
i „ \ \ \ ^JJ| Lji> t He churned the milk once. 
f£\ _- oilljlj *\»Ju I He struck him, or it, 
lightly, or slightly, with the sword: (A:) he 
reached, or hit, him, or it, (*JjlJ,) with the sword 

(S, L, K)from a distance, (S, L,) by a side-blon; 

\jjL. (L) ^J6, inf. n. ^Ju, He struck, smote, or 

beat. (L.) See 3 '■*£>, inf. n. -JLi, He threw, 

or cast. (L.) \£ fjt t He thrust, or pushed, 

or repelled, a thing from him. (L.) ^ii 

iSljJI, aor. :, inf n. ~Ju, T/ie horse, or tlie like, 
kicked, or struck, with its hind leg : (L :) or, with 
its hoof: (Msb:) or, with the extremity of its 
hoof: «JUI is said to be with one hind leg; and 
JL!^», with both hind legs together. (L.) O - . «■» 
4iUI The she-camel struck, or kicked, with her 
hind leg. (S.) ijljJI ^> Jix.1 He made the 
kicking of the horse, or tlie like, mith its kind leg, to be 
of no account; not to require anything to be paid 
by its owner. (L.) [See 3 in art ^-*e] s=a a»jj 
/jIj, (inf. n. *-ii, Msb,) J He gave him a thing. 

(S, K.) — i»-»i <u»ii I He gave him a gift ; or 
conferred upon him a favour]. (S.) [See an ex. 

voce ijj*.] 

S.^^LiU (inf. n. alilii, TA) \They con- 
tended with them with swords face to face ; or 

[Book I. 

encountered them in war face to face, having 
before their faces neither shields nor anything else ; 
syn. Jj.pLl\£9 : (S, K :) originally signifying 
they approached them in fight so near that the 
breath of each party reached the other. (TA.) 
mmm .UfcjLi J He contended with him. (K.) — — 
Z* -_»U ; (S, A;) and <Uc * lii, (A,) inf. n. -Ju ; 
(IAar;) I He contended for him, or in defence 
of him; (S;) repelled from him, and defended 
him: (IAar, A:) as also ~oU. (TA.) 

iLjJ An odour, whether good or bad : or a 
plenteous odour; differing from <i»-ij, which is a 
slight odour : (AHn, in L, art i-ii :) pi. Ol^Ai. 
(L.) You say i~J» i»Ju «J, (S, L,) and a-~*-, 
(L,) It has a good, or sweet, and a bad, or foul, 
odour. (L.) _ AaJu I A bfaxt, or breath, of 

wind. (K.) C-oJI ^ ialii J A pleasant and 

fragrant blast of the east. wind. And ^y» ImJi 
jty^t t A grievous blast of hot mind. (AHeyth.) 

V'-i*" O* ■*«** +yl P ar '' or P ortion > °f 

punishment : (S, Kl :) or a grievous blast of punish- 
ment : (AHeyth :) or o most violent infliction of 
punishment. (L.) — >jJI iLiS J The first gush 
of blood from a mound. (Khalid Ibn-Jcinbch, L.) 
«^ Aa^ij J A .s-ih^/c churning ( rtrfuw . * : so in tne 
A and TA : in the CK and a MS. copy of the K, 
*-h- -, with »- unpointed :) of milk. (A, K.) 
_[See l.]_LLL r I A gift: (Msb:) [pi. 

Olli] u>j^ijl ,>• iw U^, J!P *^ 

(S, L) l/Vtere cease not to be attributable to such a 
one acts of kindness, or favours. (L.) — '>-0/*3 
*Lt i^j oUJU:J (TA:) see art. w*>B f voce 

_.jii _,jjjA w/«rf //*«« i/on-.< violently, and 

*■ ^— • »» «4 »» 

roMM </te (bit. (L.) — .-^ii avUj J A «outA 
nvwi (S, IB) r/ta< ifo/w coW/y, or coolly. (IB.) 
_ I.^i3 Ijti A /torx«, or </*« WAre, that kicks with 
its hind leg : or, with the extremity of its hoof. 
(L.) [See 1.] — w-$ii t A ehc-camcl ichose milk 
comes forth icithout its being drawn from the teat : 
(S, K :) and an udder that, does not retain its milk. 

(AZ.) See --&. b »-yu ^^ I A bom that sends 
the arrow Jar; or that impels the arrow with 
/o/yc: (S, A, K:) as also ' ifc-ii'(K) and » iaJLU: 
(TA :) each of which two words is a name for a 
bow: (8, with respect to the former, and TA, 
with respect to the latter:) pi. of the lbnner 
-»5UJ : (S :) and * <u»-*J signifies a branch of the 
tree called %-i, of which a bow is made. (ISk, 
S, K.) [See also i^ii, with •..] 

: see «-yu. 

.lii Al~» [Musk that diffuses much odour or 

fragrance]. (A, art jta*-) 

Aa-UJ <UaJ» t A 

Book I.] 

stab that eject*, or spirt* forth, blood, much, or 
vehemently. (TA.) * £-jii *ii£ M *<a& *Aa* 
«>cfo to ft/ood oui'c%. (T.) = ~li3 t One roAo 

* St *" » ,H 

;im many gift*. (TA.) — ^.UUt, (K,) or ^.Udl 
^->V, (TA,) Tlie Destomer of [many] benefits 
upon mankind, or the creation: (K:) an epithet 
applied to God ; but disapproved by some, be- 
cause not so applied in the Kur-an or the traditions. 

~jlj Diffusing odour; fragrant. Ex. &»»iU 
LL»U A bag, or vesicle, of musk diffusing odour, 
or fragrant: pi. *■*}}>• (A.) 

i»Ju\ (S, K, &c.) said to be the most common 
form of the word, (TA,) for which one should not 
say «UjLit, (ISk,) but this is mentioned by Ihn- 
Et-Tciyance and the author of the 'Eyn, (MF,) 
and sometimes it is written and pronounced a»_*jJ , 
(K,) or this is the most common form, (Msl>,) 
and most approved, (ISk,) and sometimes ia*Ail, 

(K,) and * iaJLu, (I Aar, S, r>,) and i» . i - j , (I Aar, 
]£,) with «_» in the place of the j>, (TA,) [The 
rennet, or rennet-bag, of a kid or lamb ; i. e.] A 
substance that comes forth from the belly of a hid, 

containing coagulated millt which is termed \J, 
used as a means of converting fresh milk into 
cheese: (IDrst:) or a thing that is taken forth 
from the belly of a sucking-pig, (or lamb, Msb,) 
of a yellow colour, and squeezed in some cotton, 
(which is soaked, into milk, L, Msb,) whereupon it 
(i.e. the milk, MF) becomes thick, like cheese : (L, 
Msb, K:) or the stomach (,j£j&) of a lamb or 
kid before it eats : ( AZ, S, Msb :) when it eats, it 
is called ^JijS». (AZ, S.) F imputes inadver- 
tence to J in his explaining <UJkJl by the term 
cA^=* ; but he does not explain it by this term 
absolutely ; and F adds to his own explanation 
what makes it exactly the same as that of J, 
[except that he makes it relate to a kid only,] 
saying " when the kid eats, it," that is the <i*Jul, 
"is called ifijb." (MF.) None but a rumi- 
nating animal has an <UJul. (Lth.) The pi. is 
Lii>\. (S, £.) Any imM\, especially [that of] 
the hare, if hung upon the thumb of a person 
suffering from a fever, cures him. (K.) _ 4»Ju1 
also signifies A kind of tree (jaJli) resembling the 

ouJiC. (SO 

see p-yu and 4*_«jl. 



1. *-<jL> ±JL>, (K,) aor. -', [accord, to Golius 
and Freytag, incorrectly, -; see Kur, iii. 43, &c] 
inf. n. ~Jui ; (Msb;) and *^-*J, (K.) inf. n. 
±.,.k.i ; (TA;) He blew with his mouth; sent 

forth wind from his mouth; (j£ ;) this is done in 
taking rest, and in labour or exertion, and the 
like. (L.) ~_«j is mostly used as a neut. v. ; 

but sometimes it is trans., as many have asserted: 
you say jj-all «-&>, as well as a^s iJo, He blew 
the trumpet, or blew into the trumpet : (MF, TA :) 
L±JL> is a dial, form of *-> ±£> : (S:) also, -i-ii 
•Ul . J [he blew the fire ; or blew into the fire] : 
[see 8 (last sentence) in art Oy :] and ^j i-«J 
j£)l [he blew into, or inflated, the skin]: and 
sometimes one says <UJu. (Msb.) I^i-ii occurs 
in a verse of El-Kat&mee for ty-AJ. (§.) — 
<uJ* (V ^liu£)t Lii f[The devil blew into his 
nose] : said of him who aspires to that which is 
not for him. (TA.) — *jj^ ^> \[He in- 
flated, or puffed out, the side* of his mouth; 
meaning] he was proud, or affected pride. (A.) 

IriJJ, aor. '-, inf. n. *j3, It (food) inflated 

him, or filled him. (L.) — lii, aor. '-, inf. n. 
(L) Iii, (S, L,) He (a man, S, and a horse, L) 
had inflated testicles. (S, L.) — Also, He (a 
beast of carriage) had his pasterns inflated with 
wind. When a beast thus affected walks, the 
humour subsides. (L.) — l^i £& Pepedit ; 

^^ j m * * ' 

crepitum ventrii emisit. (S, K.) — -y-~i^ w*ti 

^ * t * - * 
The wind came suddenly. (L.) — ^^> £ n*J4 

£ijia}\ J The road cast [or brought] them suddenly 

[to a place] : from *j>M O a».ii. (L.) a Ct- « > 

1 f.n inf. n. -; li, \The morning became ad- 
vanced, and tlie sun high. (L, J£.) You say 
also j£dt t - ; , y- t l The day became advanced, the 
sun being high, (S, L,) an hour before noon. (L.) 

2 : see 1. 

5 : see 8. 

8. «Juil It (a thing, S, as a skin, Msb,) became 

inflated, or puffy ; (S, A, Msb ;) as also t ^;jtJ ; 

(A:) also, it became swollen ; i.q-j>jj- (K, art. 

«.«,) .^ -; i-'i He became inflated, or filled, by 

food. (L.) See 1 iU«>)lluit | The bigness [or 

swelling] of the new moon*. Occurring in a trad, re- 
specting the signs of the lost day. (L.) [See *J£il<] 
__ "JLc -; «~'il t [He became inflated against me; 
i.e.] lie was angry with me. (TA.) And *J «Jwt 
t [He behaved angrily to him]. (TA in art. j—j-) 

± *'■ [Flatulence. — And hence,] \Boastfulness; 
arrogance; pride; (S, T£;) [inflation with pride] : 
pride was termed by Mohammad ^jUa^-iJt ^~H>. 
(TA, art. >►*.) — ^u y> J»y', as also jj 
>Ju, t A boastful, arrogant, proud man ; (S ;) 
[a man inflated with pride]. 

belly (S, £) by food Ac. (TA.) You say ^ 
<UJu 7/c Art.? an inflation of the body: (K:) 
and <iaJu j»l 7 experience an inflation of the 

body. (S.) [And A flatulent humour of any 

kind : a meaning well known.] _ iai-i-JI The 
blast [of the horn] of the day of resurrection. 

(L.) li li A slight odour: differing from 

iaJb, which is a plenteous odour. (L.) — 
^,'Cli\ iLJi> t The chief part of youth. (L.) 
jUe-ZJjl '*'■*'*< \ The time of the season called 
%&j)\ when the earth produces lierbs, or herbage : 

(A :) or JU-Jpl ^-^> and *** * ' » <A * ' i,ne °/ 
rAat season when vegetation has ended. (AZ - .) 
_ ;u_ij ^l disease that attacks a horse, and 
?7MiAe* /it* testicles to swell. (L.) — See £■&• 

iUtii (applied to land, or ground, S) i f/. 
iU-li : (S, L, K :) or elevated and good or fertile 
ground, in which is no sand nor stones, producing 
a few trees; and so ll>»5, except that this latter 
is more flat and extensive : or soft land, in which 
is elevation : (L :) or tumid earth, tltat breaks in 
pieces when trodden upon : (TA, voce lU», :) pi. 
/^A.Ui: it has a form of pi. proper to substs. 
because it is an epithet in which the quality of a 
subst. predominates. (L.)_ — lUJu The upper 
part of the bone of the JU [or shank, or 
tibia]. (&.) 

->• _* i One who is employed to blow a fire. 
(K.) " 

~.lli An inflation of a humour occasioned by 
disease, (T, $,) arising in any part: (T:) 
a humour ; as also * i,m U . (L.) 

p, jj + A young man (TA) full of youthfulnest 
[or youthful plumpness or vigour] ; (K ;) and so, 
without 3, a damsel. (TA.) 

t - it 

See ii.liu. 

aL(L A bubble upon water. (L, K [but in 
some copies of the K, for SWaJI is erroneously 

put »j' n », II ]) [The air-bladder of a fish;] 

an inflated thing in the belly of a fish, which is 
(as they assert, L,) its ^\Ju [app. meaning its 
most essential part, or element,] by means of 
which it rises in the water, and moves to and fro 

(L, $.) A bladder of a plant (S, O, L, voce 

Jlii, Ac.) N. un. of •-& (AHn, in TA, voce 
jls-.) [And in anatomy, A cell.] 

iUj^o Li6 jl jJb U [There is not in the house 
a blower of afire ; i. e.,] there is not in the house 
any one. (S.) — — <* : ^»» i-»0 [A man inflating, 
or puffing out, his side*;] inflated, and ready to 
do mischief, or evil. (L, from a trad.) 

lji>\ A man, (S, L, £,) and a horse, (L,) 
having inflated testicles : (S, L, K :) *yn. of j>\. 
(Mgh, in art. j»\.) — Also, A beast of carriage 
having his pasterns inflated with wind: see 

and ii-iJ and 4jUl> Inflation of the \ iM*- ( L -j 


S . ,>l 


ijUJij. ,J«-j, and ^jU.jul, and .yUJul, 

# a 

^Ui-iJl, fern, with », f A manfull of fat; (K ;) 

g j«> 
inflated with flaccid fat, and so " f-y»^» J*»j ; 

pl.O^-y^. (TA.) 
• •• 
AJU < : see what follows. 

jZlil. (S, L, Msb, K) and ♦ liL. (Msb) The 
instrument with which a fire is blown : (Msb, 
K :) « blacksmith'* bellows : the </«»n-7 w&A wAiVA 
o _/?re or ofAer thing is blown ■• (L :) the <Ain<7 

into which one blows. (S.) See also^-5»._ 

8 ' ■'* 
^yi ^.uLu 7V.e instrument [i.e. reed-pipe] of 

the pastor, with which he calls together the camels. 

(A, TA, voce e£i.) 

l yhgjJ I «^iU« f 7V*fi suggestions of the devil. 

Ijil!* f Big-bellied ;. (K, TA;) [inflated in 
the belly]. — Also. (K.) * liill, (TA,) I fa< ; 
as an epithet ; (A, K ;) [inflated, or swollen, with 
/tit*]. See .JUJIJI. _ «.yU* t A coward : so 
called because he swells out his lungs. (L.) 

A I £ ■ « I A man inflated, or puffed, or filled, 
Nf'tA pride, and nn'<A anger. (L.) See -i-yL~<>. 

1. Jiii, aor. 1 , inf. n. jlii (S, A, L, Msb, K) 

and jub, (L, K,) 7i" (a thing, S, &c.) passed 
away and came to an end; became spent, ex- 
hausted, or consumed; failed entirely; ceased; 
syn. ,jii (S, A, L, Msb, K) and 4-*i (?, L, 
K) and ^L'i'.l. (L, Msb.) 

4. *.>AJI (S, A, L, Msb, K) and * » 
( A, L, K) and * »ji Zi\ (K) He caused it to pass 
away or come <o an ewti ; jpenl, exhausted, or 
consumed, it; caused it to fail entirely; caused 
it to cease ; made an end of it. (S, A, L, Msb, 
K.) s**JS U IjjJuil, and T ojji..:.„>l, They 

spent, exhausted, or consumed, what they had. 

* » • * * 

(A, L.) _- «u_^ " jj i 7 il 7/7: «p«n(, exhausted, 

or exerted, to tlte utmost his ability or power. 
(S, L, Msb.) __>^i)l jjjl 77/c people came to 
that state that their travelling-provisions were 
exhausted, or had come to an end: (S, A, L, K :) 
or, (in the K, and,) rAeir property had passed 
away and come to an end. (S, L, K.) _ 
•L&^JI CfjAil The well lost its water. (L, K.) 

judge; (IAth, L, K;) contended, disputed, or 
litigated with him. (K.) It is said in a trad., 
J^juilj ^yjjjU ^1 (S, L) 7/ (Aon contend with 
them before a judge, they will so contend with 
thee : or if thou allege to them, they will allege 
to thee: (IAth, L ;) but accord, to one relation, 
the verb is with Jj : (S, L :) and accord, to 
another, the latter verb is with J , Jjjjilj . (L.) 

6. UjtiUj They contended, disputed, or liti- 
gated, together. (A.) See 3, and see also IjjiLJ, 
with J.] 

8. »jJuJI : see 4. _ 77e exacted, tooh, or 

received, it fully, or wholly. (K.) _ ^j-* .>*:,.> I 

ajjkc 77e exacted the full, or utmost, rate of 

his running. Said with reference to a horse. 

(M, L.) — J,JUI jjUJI 7/e dro» /or«A the 
milk. (K.) 

10 : sec 4. 

3. tjiiU, (inf. n. SjJLu, L,) [He exerted his 
whole power, or ability, in contention, dispute, or 
littgalion, with him : see jjU» :] he contended 
niith him in arguments, pleas, or allegations, so 
at to put an end to his argument, and overcome 
him: (L:) or he contended with him before a 

jiu-j A man who exerts his whole power, or 
ability, in contention, dispute, or litigation, (S, 
L,) and who does so well, so as to put an end to 
the arguments, pleas, or allegations, of his ad- 
versary, and overcome him: (L:) who contends 
with his adversary in arguments, pleas, or alle- 
gations, so as to put an end to Am argument. 
(A, L.) One says, jillo ^jj jitj <U ^J 77e 
has not an aider, or assistant, nor one who con- 
tends Sfc. (A, TA.) 

»^e* i>* iA*U-i.o •v 7n Aim is tliat which 
renders thee in no need of any other. (Aboo- 
Sa'eed, T, L, ¥..*) — Jiiij aJU ^ ^J Verily 
in his wealth is ample provision. (AZ, T, L, K.*) 
_ U iLu >^l ,_,» J^J (in the TK Ij^.-i^ 
7%om nn7/ ^nd in <Ac countries, or rown*, a />/ace 
to which to flee and in which to seek gain ; syn. 
l^ k^-i^ Utl^-o. (If.) See also 

[Book I. 

forth from t/ie other side, or protruded from it, 
the rest remaining therein ; the extremity of the 
arrow passed through the animal at which it 
was shot, the rest remaining therein ; (M, L, K :) 
a part of the arrow passed through, or went 
forth or protruded from, the animal at which it 
was shot. (A, art ij-o.) See JjU j^,. __ 
<L*JaJt Ojuu The wound made by a spear or 
the like passed through, or beyond, the other side. 
(1 L.) — aUc JlajI (7o thou from thy place; 
pass thou from it. (L.) [See also ,^>e.] _ 
*v»->J J*j 77e went Ais way. (TA.) -_ JJu 
JijjJall J77je road was [a thoroughfare (see Jrfli)] 
pervious, or passable, to every one in common. 
(Msb.) _ Iji. o& (J' i^i #Joi-l Ui [TVim 
road i» a thoroughfare, along which every one 
may pass, to such a place], (T, M,* L.) _ 
U'O*'' i^i wl^ 1 «M» iTVte Aottse, or abode, 
[was a thoroughfare, and] communicated with 
the road. (Msb.) — jt^ii\ jij 77e passed 
through the people, and left them behind him; 
(T, M, L, K;) as also *Jl*J^'l; (L, £;) or 

jjt» 7/e «e< aside, or apart. (IAar, 



1. JlAj, aor. i, (M, L,) inf. n. JUJ and jyLJ, 
(M, L, K,) 7« n'eni, or passed, through : (L :) 
or i< went, or passed, through a thing, and became 
clear of it. (M, L, K.) — ojii 7 went, or 
passed, through. (L.) — ^1)1 jii, aor. i , inf n. 
iyu and 3Uu, ^Ae arrow perforated, transpierced, 
or pierced through, the animal at which it was 
shot, and went forth from it: (Msb:) or jJS 
Wl^ 1 ! ( M » L >) and C^f ^, (?, L,) and 
l^i, (M, A, L.) aor. I, (M, L.) inf. n. iUi (M, 

A, L, K) and i>i (A) and JJE, (M, L, ?,) 
tAe arrow penetrated into the inside of the animal 
at which it was shot, and its extremity went 

only the former is UBed in this sense. (L.) See 

also the latter j-oJI^aJju I 77ie sight reached 

them, and extended beyond them: (Kb, L:) or, 
extended over them all: (A'Obeyd, L :) you 
say also, j*a^\ ~^*JJu\ in the former sense: (L:) 
[or The sight penetrated into the midst of t/tem : 

'•" - -«f lit' mm" 

sce^^iJI Jjiil.J _ <utj Jjti + Jits judgment was 
penetrating; syn. ^Ju. (If in art. « r <£3.) _ 
f^\ jji JliJ 1 77e ac<ed, or wcn< on, with 
penetrative energy, or with sharpness, vigorous- 
ness, and effectiveness, in the affair ; syn. -n-> 
(S, K, art. ,^,-iu..) — o"^ ^J V 1 ^" &, 'nf. n. 
ilij and Jyu, \ [The letter passed to, came to, or 
readied, such a one]: (S, L:) [and in like 
manner, J)—jJI tAe messenger : see 4.] __ JUj 
j-»"i)l, and JyUt, t ^Ae command, or order, and 
<Ae saying, was effectual; had effect; was, or 
became, executed, or performed; syn. ^Ju. 

(Msb.) _ tjiJl Jju + [7*Ae art of emancipation 
had, or <oo£ e^'ect ; was, or became, executed, 
or performed: and in like manner, a covenant, 
contract, sale, £cc. : see 4]. App. a met. ex- 
pression, from ^v— " 3>*J ; because there is no 

retracting it (Msb.) L__,> JjUj life shall 

judge between us, and make his command or 
order to have effect, or execute or perform it. 

(L.) jy>y\ ^ i& «J :[77e Aas a6i% in 

affairs, to execute, or perform]. (A.) 

2 : see 4. 

3. » jjlj + 77e ci/ed Aim before a judge. It is 
said in a trad., Jjjili^jjilS ,jl If thou cite 
them before a judge, they will do the same to 
thee; meaning, If thou say to them, they will 

Book I.] 

say to thee. Accord, to one relation, the verb 
is with J and >. (L.) [Accord, to another, 
it is with o and >.] 

4. ^ f li\ JJul, (A; Msb,) and * tjli, (Msb,) 
He made the arrow to pierce, and go forth 
from, or to pats through, the animal at which 
it was shot: (MhI>:) [or, to penetrate within 
the animal at which it wa9 shot, and to protrude 
it* extremity from the other side, the rest 
remaining within ; accord, to the explanation of 
jty-i\ Juu in the M, L, K : or Co penetrate the 
animal at which it was shot, and to protrude a 
part of it from the other side; accord, to the 

explanation of JJU jpf- in the A, art iyo.] 

9 * 9 *9t . 

You say also, ^^-Jt *-» OJjuI [I made the 
arrojv. to pierce, or penetrate, him, ffc] (A.) 
__ «uJJjli <u~»j / shot, or east, at him, and 
pierced, or made a hole, through him. (Mgh.) 

_ See 1. j-o"i)1 Juut t[/^e brought to past 

the command, or order; made it effectual; 

made it to have effect ; executed or performed it : 

and in like manner, the saying: see 1]. — 

t He executed, performed, or accomplished, the 

. • - 
affair. (M, L, K.)^v»yUI JjUI 7/e became 

[ot entered] among the people: (M, L :) in the 

copies of the K, explained by jg^* jUe ; but the 

it . 90 

correct reading is joy~i [as in the M and L] : 
(TA :) or he penetrated into them, and went, or 
walked, in the midst of them. (T, L, K.) See 
also >IS)I JJU. — o"^ J 1 W^ J*il ; (§, L ;) 

. 3 0t ■ •„ 

and " »Jju, (A,) lilt n. JJU3 ; (S, L ;) I [He 
.•sent, or transmitted, a letter to such a one; 
caused it to pass to or to reach him] ■ and in 
like manner, *)y~i} a messenger. (A.) _ JJUI 

9 000 9 • • 

»Jyc, inf. n. jUUJ, f //« marfe Ait covenant, or 
contract, or </«« ///«% to /aAe c^erf ; executed or 
performed it : [and in like manner, an act of 
emancipation: see l.J (L, TA.) 

6. <te)l I^JJUS t 7*A«y mk« fo Aim, (namely, 
a judge,) an<i referred to him their cause, or 
unit, for judgment. When each party adduces 
his plea, or allegation, one says tjjJUJ, with }, 
unpointed. (Aboo-Sa'eed, T, L, K.*) 

%0 - 00 0,0 • f 0*000 

JJU \i iotl» i.q. SJJU <Usi> ; (S;) ^1 wound 
having a passage through the other side; by 
JJu being meant JJU», or i^ij : (T, L :) pi. j'.iJl. 
(A.) I£eys Ibn-EI-Kha^eem says (see Ham. 
p. 85), 

• ti.L^I clxljl y'yJ JJU L^J * 

(T, S, L) I pierced the son of 'Abd- El-Keys with 
the wound of one making an angry assault, that 
had a passage through, which, but for the 
spirtling blood, would have made it show the 
light through him. (T, L [See also tUi.]) 

JAJ — jii 
See also JjU*. _ Jju t A place, or way, or 


means, of exit, escape, or safety ; syn. *-j*>-« 
(T, S, A, L, K. ) So in the saying Jjw ,,31 
J 13 U t J/e effected a means of escape from 
[the natural consequences of] what he had said; 

3 9 , 9 > 

i.e., a~o r-jjL~oJU (T, S, A, L, K.) It occurs 

in a trad., where it is said, that unless a man 

who has published against a Muslim a charge 

of which he is clear do this, he is to be punished. 

* 0* 
(T, L.) JJu a snbst., (M, L,) used in the 

• .0 9% 3 .* 

sense of iUjt : (T, M, L, K:*) j*\ Jii sig- 
nifying \[The mahing a command, or order, 
effectual; mahing it to Irnve effect; to be 

executed or performed;] i.q. ajUJI : (T, L:) 

. .' ~.t * 

you say, «JJUj j««l \ lie commanded that it- 
should have effect, or be executed or performed ;] 

,9 * - * 9 t 

i.e., oliiU : (M, L :) and JjlJ t j^ < X... < ) t >l> 
wiDDl + [The Muslims accomplished the execution, 
or performance, of what was in the Scripture :] 
i.e. *-» U iUib. (T, A, L.) 

• t0 * r 

>yu : see jili. 

• * ••* y»- • i 

j^ j-dl t-A« offa*!" arranged, or made easy. 

, 9 ' 

(L.) See also j^ili. 

• a* • * 
j>lij : see jiu. 

• - ••' 

Jili >ov -, [An arrow that perforates, trans- 
pierces, or pierces through, and goes forth from, 
or passes through, the animal at which it is shot ; 
accord, to the explanation of the verb in the 
Msb : or, that penetrates into the inside of the 
animal at which it is shot, and of which the 
extremity goes forth from the other side, or 
protrudes from it, the rest remaining therein ; 
accord, to the explanation of the verb in the 
M, L, K : or,] of which a part has passed 
through the animal at which it is shot : when 
the extremity only has passed through, it is 

termed jjUa ; and when the whole of it has 

• 000 

passed through, JjjU. (A, art Sj-o.) — <UxJ» 

• - 

ijS\j A wound made by a spear or the like 

« ,00 
passing through both sides : (M, L :) pi. oUJ) 

09 ,. 9*9, 

Jjiy. (A.) See also Jju. _ Jili Jj^ia \A 
road which is a thoroughfare; (T, M, L, K ;) 
[pervious;] not stopped up; (T, L ;) along 
which every one may pass. (T, A, L, Msb.) 
bee also JjU«. — JiU sing, of Jity, (Msb,) 
which signifies All the holes, or perforations, by 
which joy or grief is conveyed to the mind {of a 
man, Msb); as the two ear-holes, (IAar, on 
the authority of Abu-1-Mekarim, T,- L, Msb, 
£,) and the two nostrils, and the mouth, and 
the a?tus: (IAar, T, L, K:*) called by the 
doctors of practical law JsUi, which is contr. 
to analogy : see Jjuu. (Msb.) _ JJU and 

* }9,ii and ' iUi [but the second and third are 


intensive epithets] I A man (M, L) penetrating, 
or acting with a penetrative energy, or sharp, 
energetic, vigorous, and effective, (^jU,) in all 
his affairs. (M, L, K.) — »jZ>\ ^ JJU jL] 
I A man penetrating, or acting with a penetrative 

energy, or s/iarp, vigorous, and effective, in his 

j l 
affair; (S, L;) and } y*r)\ ^j in affairs. (A.) 

9 * 90 0$ 

_ JiU »j0»\ + His command, or order, is 
effectual; has effect; is executed, or performed; 

syn. ,_*»U (K ;) and obeyed; (S, L, Msb, K;*) as 

0. * ' %0 * 

also "JudU. (K.) SJiU Sjj\} A feather, or 

curl of hair in a horse's coat, of the hind which, 
when it is only on one side, is called <uuU, but 
which is on both sides. (AO, T, L.) 

9^ 1.90 ^ 9 9 » .0 9>9 00 I 

>»yU1 JjLu 13, and ~^bjij ; and ^pAjitu »Jl*> 

9 9 9 00% 

and^iUit, [This is the place of passage of the 
people, and these are their places of passage}. 
(A.) — lj£> Jl^J jj£ Ji^UI IJul I This road 

00 * 

is a way along which every one may pass to 


such a place. (A.) _ >ayU) JuU* ^ \ In it 

(the road) is a [free, or an open,] passage to, or 

for, the people. (T, L.) See also JJU. 

in measure like j.m*„.,», [or 
agreeably with analogy, as it is written in copies 
of the T, A, L,] A place by which a thing passes 
through ; [a thoroughfare ; an outlet ; a place 
of egress:] pi. jiL*. (Msb.) See also JJU. 

-r Ample room, space, or scope, or 
liberty to act Ifc. : (syn. ial, (M, L, K, TA,) 

9 9. 

and A09.JJ0000 : (TA :) [ample means of escape : 

• *» 9* t> ,• ' O J 9t | j 

see also JJu :] you say, IJ/LT.:^ oUi ^j ,j\ 
Verily in that there is- ample room, scope, or 

means [for action, or for escape]. (TA.) See 

00 3 

1. >i, (T, M, L, Msb, K,) aor. :, (T, M, K,) 
and * , (M, K,) inf. n. Ju and &fo (M, K.) 


or jyu, (Msb,) said of a wild animal, (T, 

Msb,) a gazelle, (M, K,) or other beast, (M,) 

He took fright, and fled, or ran away at 

random ; or became refractory, and went away 

at random ; or ran away, or broke loose, and 

went hither and thither by reason of his spright- 

liness; syn. ijii; (M, K ;) as also t^UL.1 ; 

(T, Msb, K ;) and so the former verb in 

speaking of a camel, or a beast : (L, art. j^i :) 

ia ■ 00. 
you say, iiljJI 0>U, (T, S, M, A, K,) aor. - 

and -', (T, S, M, K,) inf. n. \jti and jUi (T, 

S, M, A, J£.) and jii : (A :) or this signifies 
the beast was, or became, impatient (A, K, TA) 
of or at a thing, (TA,) [or shied at it,] and 

retired to a distance; (A, r£, TA;) and 1 AjjsJs 

9 3 . ' . 

signifies the same as jyti : (S:) or jJu, inf. n. 



• - • ** 

j\Ju [and jyiu], signifies he fled, and went away 

or aside or apart or to a distance. (M.) — 

[Hence, ^u, nor. 7 and - , inf. n. jyu and jUi 

•» . • ° . 

and jij and ^u, as used in the following 

phrases.] j+"i\ I JJk ^>» «2>Jii t I shrank from 

this thing or ajf'air ; was averse from it ; did 

• • j • • # j ##* 
not /t'Ae or approve it. And <L*^ jj-» o"^ >^ 

0*)W I [SucA a on« shrank, or wo« averse, from 

the companionship of, or fAs associating with, 

* 0*0 if** „...• 
such a one]. And ly^-^j U-* »!>« JI ^y^ J [?'A« 

woman wo* averse from her husband; or shunned 

or avoided him]. (All from the A.) And you 

say of a man's disposition, ^mJ\ ,js. 1 jjui 

J [It shunned, or wa* own* from, the truth]. 

(Bd, lxvii. 21.) — iJyU ^1, in the £ur, [xvii. 

43, and xxxv. 40,] means t Save in aversion : 

and ,-*-> is like jjii : and the subst. is _,«J, with 

two fet-hahs. (Mfb) — ttr iJI ^» i^l)\ Jli, 

• # • ** 

inf. n. jUi [and jy*->], 77t« <Ainy receded, with- 
drew, removed, or became remote or a/00/) _/j*o/n 

<A« <Ai»$r. (A'Obeyd, T, S.) [See also 3.] 

Hence it is, I think, that jii> is used as sig- 
nifying t It became swollen, in the following 
words of a trad, of 'Omar : 4iUj .J J*.J J~± j 
»y yi-j y *a*V t -4 man, «'n Am (ime, picked 
his teeth with reeds, and in consequence his 
mouth became swollen: as though the flesh, 
disliking the disease, receded from it, and so 
became swollen. (A'Obeyd, T, S. # ) You say 
also, ^eiil oJi>, aor. - and -, inf. n. J9 ki, J His 
eye became inflamed and swollen: and so you 
say of other parts of the person. (M, K.*) 
And m%J1 jii, inf. n. as above, J 77«r wound 
became swollen : (T, Mfb :) or it became so after 
healing. (W, i. 42.) And JJLjl jkj \Thc 
skin became swollen, (S, A,) ana" tlie flesh receded 
from it. (A.) [All these significations seem 
to be derived from the first in this art.: and 
so several others which .follow.] _ 4&I .Jl OUJ, 
irtf. n. jlii, / betook myself to God by reason of 

fear, seeking protection. (IKft.) l^yU, (Msb,) 

in£ n.jki, (M, Msb, J£,) TJtey became separated, 
or dispersed: (M, # Msb, KL:*) and so O^U, 
said of camels. (TA.) Hence, (M,) the 
saying, ^3 ^> j4 jli i^i), (S, M, A,) 
a proverb, in which the last word is used 
tropically ; (A ;) explained in art. *--«, q.v. 

(§.) [And y\i "Jjj -^» ^-i ,>. ^-ie ; cx- 
* ** * » 5 J* 

plained in the same art.] _ _^« ^ ^.UJI yU, 

(M, Msb, £,) aon-, (S, M, £,) i»f. n. >i 
(M, Msb, £) and yU (M) and JyU ($) [and 
^Ai], The pilgrims removed from Mine. (Msb.) 
Hence, yUl >>jj, and >J1, and iji-JI, and >JUI, 

* « * * * ■ 

(?, M, £,) and yUlt i0, (S, TA,) and >JI, 

(TA,) [The day of, and *Ae night immediately 
preceding, the removing from Mine] ; after the 

0* mi* 

day called jii\ j>y> ; (S;) [therefore, the twelfth 
of Dhu-l-JIijjeh :] or there are two days thus 
called: (Msb :) J^lM ji-JI j>y> is [the day above 
mentioned,] the second of the days called j>C\ 
Ji^lai ; (IAth, Mab ;) and ^A.y\ jLj\ J>^j, 
(IAth,) or ^yUll, (Msb,) is the third thereof: 
(IAth, Msb :) the order is this ; ^.III Ji^J, 
then JiM ^j, then Jj^l ^1 'Jy_, then J£jj 
^1 jiSl. (T, L.) — &\ J, \)£, (S, M.) 
or^, (r^,) aor. : , (M, K,) inf. n. j^S (S, M, 
K) and Jlij (M, ^) and j.ii; (Zj, M, K;) and 
»ljyU3; (M, K;) They went, or went away, 
to execute the affair: (M, K :) and in like 
manner, JUiJI ^ to fight. (M.) And I^jjJ, 
alone, They went forth to war against unbelievers 
or tlie like. So in the Kur, ix. 82, I^JiJ ^ I^Jli^ 

<?o not ye forth to war against the unbelievers in 
the heat : say, The fire of hell is hotter] : and 
so in the same chap., v. 39 : (J el :) and in the 
same book, iv. 73. (Bd.) You say also, 
Jy} \}£i They went forth to fight them. (TA, 
from a trad.) And «->»JI ^1 tj^i3 They 
hastened to the war, or to war. (Msb.) _ 
[Hence,] <um lyii; and * *%Ji\, (M, £,) inf. n. 
jUiJ ; (TA ;) Tliey aided and succoured them : 
(M, K :) or the former verb, alone, they, being 
asked to do so, complied, and went forth to aid. 
(TA.) _ W jii : see 2. 

2. jL, (T, M, A, Msb,) inf. n. ^-a15 ; (Msb ;) 
and t^AJl; (T, K;) and *>^il ; (T, M, A, 
Mfb;) He made (wild animals, T, Msb, or an 
antelope, K, or a beast of carriage, M,) to take 
fright, and flee, or run away at random : (K, T A :) 
or he made a beast of carriage to become impatient, 
and to retire to a distance : (A :) or he scared 
away ; or made to flee, and go away, or aside, 
or apart, or to a distance: (so accord, to an 
explanation of the intrans. v. from which it is 
derived, in the M :) you say o3jjJ and t fci^uJLl 
and " 4jjiu\ : and in like manner, <juc jij, and 
Ai*jiu\, [meaning, he scared away, or made to 
take fright and flee, &.c, from him or it :] 

(TA:) s^iJI O* j^V', and «Uc ^a^JI, and 

J ' * * 

j U ,; : .. » ^)l, all signify the same, [i. e., /Ae scaring 

away, &c.,from a thing.] (S.) It is said in a 

trad, of Zeyneb, the daughter of Mohammad, 

<A« polytlteisls made her camel to take fright and 
run away at random with her, so that she fell. 

And in like manner you say, Ui Ju\, and U> JJ, 

. .*> ' ' ' ' 

[orlv^ii? Our camels were scared away with 

[Book I. 

im ; or made to take fright and run away at 
random with us : or] we were made to be persons 
having camels taking fright and running away 
at random. And^JUJ signifies The chiding ca- 
mels or sheep or goats, and driving them from 

tlLe pasturage. (TA) [Hence] tj>Uj ^jj IjJiL; 

t [Rejoice people by what ye say, and] do not 
encounter them with [roughness and violence and] 
that which will incite them to jyti [i. e. flight or 
aversion]. (TA.) See the act. part, n., below. 

****** 9 0* 

— [Hence also,] *i* yu, (S, K,) inf. n. >-i-J, 
(TA,) f Give thou to him a V .LJ [meaning a 
nickname or name of reproach], (S,) or a v JU 
tltat is disliked : (£ :) as though they held such 

■»** •* * * 9 0* 

to be a^£ k>*»Jls l >^JJ^ e iiJ [a means of scaring 
away the jinn, or ^e«t», and the evil eye, from 
him]. (S, K.) An Arab of the desert said, 
When I was born, it was said to my father, 

xis. jij; so he named me JjL-» [hedge-hog], 

j , "■*' '* 

and surnamed me «ljui)l ^1 [father of the quick 

runner]. (S.) 

3. [\ji\i, inf. n. »j»\lt, I They shunned or 
avoided each other; regarded each oilier with 
aversion. But perhaps this signification is only 

post-classical And hence, t They (two things) 

were incongruous, or discordant, each with tlie 
other. But perhaps this signification, also, is 
only post-classical. See also 6.] 

4: see 2, in several places. — tj^l Their 
camels took fright and ran away at random, 
(.^>j*->, K, TA,) and became separated or dis- 
persed. (TA.) — See also 1, last signification. 

5. Jk*JI ^>c jiJ^J : seel. 

6. [ t«jiU3 t They shunned or avoided one 

another ; regarded one another with aversion. 

But perhaps this signification is only post-clas- 

0*0 1 
sical. — And hence, iUw^t OjiU \ Tlie things 

were incongruous, or discordant, one with another. 
But perhaps this signification, also, is only post- 
classical. See also 3.] _ ^"^1 ^ |^>*UJ, or 

.10 ' 

jr*^ •■ see 1, towards the end. See also l^iUJ 

in the K : and compare 6 in arts. jJu and Juki. 

10. ^0j0jk:JL.\ He (the Imam) incited, and 

summoned or invited them to go forth, > l^J 
- j* ' ' ' 

i joOl to war against tlie enemy : (T, Mgh :) 

or imposed upon them the task of going forth to 
war, light and heavy : [see £ur, ix. 41 :] (A :) 
or he demanded, sought, or desired, of them aid. 
(M,» K, TA.) _ See also 2, in three places. 
__ And see 1, in two places, near the be- 

yu : see jili, of which it is a quasi-pl. : __ 
9 * 9** 

and jtjkt : — and jH> . 

Book I.] 

jL an imitative sequent to jkc, (T, M, K,) 
and so is *>J to ji*, (Sgh, K, but omitted in 
some copies of the K,) and "*i>J to *i^> 
(T, M, K,) and *c-*>J to i-i>f, (T, S, M, 
K.) and * aSjUJ to S^ui, (T, M, K,) and * l^Ii 
to i^ijif-; (K;) denoting corroboration. (S.) 

Ji3 A number of men, from three to ten ; 
(S, M?b;) as also T j*J and » iyu and * jtju : 
(S :) or to seven : (so in a copy of the Msb, 
[but probably iiy is a mistake for <U~j ntn« : 
this appears likely from what here follows:]) 
or a number of men less then ten ; (AZ, T, M, 
£;) as also t^ . (K;) and so Uj; (AZ, 
T;) and some add, excluding women: (TA:) 
accord, to Fr, (S,) a man's people or tribe con- 
listing o/his nearer relations; as also * Sjii ; syn. 
LiJ, (S, IAth,) and S^-lft: (IAth:) [see also 
•jii:] accord, to Kr, (M,) all the men or people: 
(M, K :) accord, to Lth, you say, *ij iji* »*9>*, 
i. e. these are ten men : but one does not say, 

*00 « Jf _ ''" J A 1_ I 

Uii ^)£jl&, nor more than ij— c : and Abu-1- 

'Abbas says, that yu, like >»y and Ja*,, has a 
pi. signification, without any proper sing. ; and 
is applied to men, exclusively of women : (T :) 
it is a quasi-pl. n. : (TA :) and its pi. is jUil ; 
(M, K,;) occurring in a trad., in the phrase 
UjUjI v _>-e j»l, which IAth explains as mean- 
ing any one of our people ; syn. U«y> : (TA :) 
and T j~»J, occurring, in the accus. case, in the 
Kur,, accord. to Zj, a pi. [or rather quasi- 
pi. n.] of jiu, like j*-c and ^^tXi-s. (M.) [See 


also j*aj, below.] Imra-el-Keys says, describing 
a man as an excellent archer, 

(S,) And he is such that the animal shot by him 
does not go away after it has been shot and then 
die. What aileth him ? May he be killed, so as 
not to be numbered among his people. The latter 
hemistich is a proverb. (Meyd.) The poet here 
utters an imprecation against the man, but in so 
doing praises him ; as when you say, of a man 

'£/*'«« *0 * 

whose action pleases you, Ai\ aX»\3 a) U and 

M •ijll [q-v.]. (S.) The rel. n. is * ,jjij. 

(Sb, M.) = [Accord, to the Msb, it is also a 

simple subst. from jH> : and app. as signifying 

especially Aversion.] 

• « • • 

jij : seejii. 

ijju -.iev.ejJu. — — A man's near kinsmen ; syn. 
ij*\ (T, K) and iX~os ; (K ;) mho are angry 

on account of his anger ; (K ;) as also ▼ ijii, 
mentioned by Sgh and others, (TA,) and » ijyii 
(T. K) and ♦ 5>U (A,» K) and * £ : (T :) 
and »)^u signifies a man's near hinsmen ( ij-\ ) 
who go forth with him to war when an event befalls 
him or oppresses him severely or suddenly. (TA.) 
You say, <GfiS ^ C*U- a.nd T \jfi>, (T, TA,) 
&c., (TA,) He came to us among his near kins- 
men, (T, TA,) #c. (TA.) And, LJJjii clii 
je^ijjij Our near hinsmen overcame their near 
kinsmen. (T, TA.) See also Jii, in two places : 
and see^-iJ. 

ijli (Sgh, $) and t 'ijjj (K) A thing that is 
hung upon a child for fear of, (K,) or to 
repel, (Sgh,) the evil eye. (Sgh, K.) as See 
also ijJu . 

jCJw : see jJH, last sentence but one. 

•- • . • i i !: f. **• 

ajJu and »i-J^ and **jyw : see jk>. 

a a. 

jUi a subst. from l^ljJI <1>JH . Ex. £)\ji\ ^ 
jlii [ In the beast of carriage is a disposition to 
take fright and run away at random]. (S.) And 
in like manner, from Jii said of a wild animal. 

f #* * * 

jykt : see^iti. 

J^ti A people hastening to war, or to some 
other undertaking : an inf. n. used as a subst. : 
(Msb:) or a people going to execute an affair: 
(S :) or a people going with one to fight ; as also 
t*»yLi [q.v.] and t>b': (M, K:) each is a 
noun having a pi. signification : (M :) or the 
first and last signify a company of men : and 
the pi. of each is Jttil: (M :) or the first, (S,) 
or all, (K,) a people, (S,) or company, (K,) 
preceding in an affair : (S, £. :) or the first, 
those of a man's people who go forth with him to 
war: or it is a pi. [or quasi-pl.] of ^>, signifying 
men assembled to go to the enemy : (Bd, xvii. 6 :) 
or aiders, or assistants. (M.) [See jii, in 
two places.] You say, o^* ks? */** «^*V> 
and^^eii, The company of the sons of such a 
one, that came forth to execute an affair, arrived. 
(S, TA.) l^]t* '#& means Those of Kureysh 
who went forth to Bedr to defend the caravan of 
Aboo-Sufyan, (M,) which was coming from 
Syria. (T.) Hence the proverb, ^ ^ o*^ 
j_r i I I ^» "^j ^jJI [Such a one is neither in 
the caravan nor in the company going forth to 
fight] : applied to him who is not regarded as 
fit for a difficult undertaking : because none held 
back from the caravan and the fight except him 
who was crippled by disease and him in whom 


was no good i (TA :) or the original words of 
the proverb are »iiJI ^J> ty ,;e«JI ^ *) : and 
these words were first said by Aboo-Sufyan, 
with reference to the Benoo-Znhrah, when he 
found them turning back towards Mekkeh ; and, 
accord, to As, are applied to a man who is held 
in low and little repute. (Mgh.) [See also Frey- 
tag's Arab. Prov., ii. 500.] 

ijyki : see ijij, in three places. 
*, .i t* 

* ' *•■". ••••*•*■ ./■ i 

ji\j [and ' j_j*J] and "jki!m • signify the same; 

[i.e., Taking fright, and fleeing, or running away 
at random : or being, or becoming, impatient, of 
or at a thing, and retiring to a distance : or fleeing, 
and going away or aside or apart or to a distance : 
or the second, being of an intensive form, signi- 
fies, as also T jjAi>, that does so much or often; or 
wont or apt to do so :] (TA :) and jiu is a pi. of 
ji\i, (J£,) or [rather] a quasi-pl., like as y*^ is 
of sl-»-Us, and jjj of y\j. (M.) You say, 
jiti StfGi and * jyJ, [A beast that takes fright 
and runs away at random : &c. :] (M, 1£ :) 
accord, to IAar, one should not 6ay Sji\i (M) 
[unless using it as an epithet applied to a broken 

pi. of a subst., as will be seen below]. It is said 

« t, a .i it 
in a proverb, T ;yti w>jl J£> [Every one, of 

camels, that is Itairy on the face is wont to take 

fright and run away at random : see art. wJj]. 

(M.) You say also ♦ j^ili {JSi, (M, K, # ) in 

some copies of the K, jyt-i, (TA,) A gazelle that 

takes fright and flees much or often ; or that is 

wont to do so. (M, K.*) And it is said in the 

Kur, [lxxiv. 51,] ^_y» CM " t j k tSm^ t j^m. ^>\£o 
S.»«i, i.e., iJli, [As though they were asses taking 

fright and running away at random, that have 
fled from a lion :] and (accord, to one reading, 
T) ♦ tjLi mtf (T, S,) meaning, made to take 
fright and run away at random ; (T ;) or 
frightened, or scared. (S.) _ IJjk ^» jiM Ul 
j**}! 1 1 shrink from this thing or affair; am 
averse from it; do not like or approve it. And 
\*-3j sj^ »r»lj ^-* t [She is averse from her 
husband; she shuns or avoids him], (A.) 


jiji : see art. jf^i^. 

iji\j -. see ijii. 

j*** act. part. n. of 2, q.v. — t One who 
encounters people with roughness and violence [and 
that which incites them to flight or aversion : see 
2]. (TA, from a trad.) 


see JiU ; the first and third in two 



1. jH, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. : , (S, Msb, K,) 
inf. n. o!>^ (S, K) and jii (Msb, TA) and jyu, 
(TA,) He (an antelope) leaped, jumped, sprang, 

or bounded; (S, A, K ;) as also » Jki : (A:) or 
did so in his running : (As, TA:) or tftW .so and 
aliijhted villi his legs spread: when he alights 

with his legs together, the action is termed jii : 
(TA :) or did so after putting his legs together : 
( AZ, TA :) or leaped upwards with all his legs at 
onre and put them down without separating them : 
(Msb:) or raised his legs together and put them 
down together : or ran at the utmost vehement 
rate of the running termed jtoa-l . (TA.) 

2: see 1. = '•£>, (JC,) or iSjti, (S, A,) He, 
or she, danred, or dandled, him, (S, A, K,) 
namely, a child ; (S, A ;) as also *3jii. (TA, 
ait. Jii.) 

6. IjjiU} They (children) contended together in 
leaping, jumping, springing, or bounding, in play. 
(A, *.) 

SjAi An antelope's running by reason of fright. 
(AA, TA.) 

jyu (S) and * jjiuo (K) An antelope f/tat /e«;w, 
jumps, sjrrings, or bounds, (S, If,) [in on« or 
otAer o/ t/ie manners described above,] much, or 
vehemently. (TA.) 

S>*U, sing, of jily, (TA,) which signifies The 
legs of a beast of carriage : (£, TA :) but the 
word commonly known is jily, with J. (TA.) 

1. j£>, aor. i, inf. n. llliS (S, M, A, Msb, 
£) and ^Ui and JLii (S) and J.^ ; (TA ;) 

and * J-&, (M, A, Msb,) inf. n. ^Uil ; (A, 
Msb ;) 7t NM«, or became, high in estimation, of 
high account, or excellent ; (M, Msb, TA;) [highly 
prized; precious, or valuable;] and therefore, 
(TA,) was desired with emulation, or in much 
request : (S, 1£, TA :) and the * latter verb, said 
of property, it was, or became, loved, and highly 
esteemed. (TA.) = <y J-H, (S, M, Msb, K,) 
aor. -, (K.) mf. n. Jm (M) [and app. ^ii as 

%0 00 %0 00 

will be shown below] and i-Ui and i~/V*i, which 
last is extr., (M, TA,) He was, or became, 
avai-icious, tenacious, or niggardly, of it, (S, M, 
Msb, ]£,) because of its being in high estimation, 
or excellent. (Msb.) Hence the saying in the 

£ur, [xlvii. 40,] *-& O* J^i Cj» [ a PP- 
meaning i/« w on/y avaricious from his avarice.] 
(TA.) You say, .JytJW 4^* J*, (M,) or ili 
[in the place of *JLc], (TA,) He was, or became, 
avaricious, tkc, of the thing, towards him, oi 

withholding it from him. (M, TA.) And U JL> 
»^Jj| yi, (S, M, K, TA,) and ,^JjW, (M,) 

inf. n. <LiUL>, (S, K, TA,) He van, or became, 
avaricious, &c, o/" t/i« thing, towards him, and 
tlfought him not worthy of it, and nvis not pleased 
at its coining to him: (TA :) or [simply] he 
thought him not worthy of it; (S, M, K;) as 
also A-i f <ujli ; of which lust verb we have an 
ex. in the phrase Lo i^-»^>, used by a poet in 
speaking of the tribe of KLureysh, meaning either 
lej> ^ l^jLj [they think others not worthy of 
worldly good], or l^o J*l ^^-iUi [they think 
the possessors of worldly good unworthy thereof']. 

(M.) [See also 3, below.] You say also, C »> 

XP^i l&> ( A . K.) or J^je^t, (S,) and C~l*3 

*.£**" A 00 % '0 % * 00 

\j^9 1^*. ^^U, (A,) inf. n. t^Ju and iwUi, (A,) 
77/ ow enviedxt me (S, A, K) #oorf, (A, K,) or a 
little good, (S,) and much good, (A,) and didst 

?*o< consider me worthy of it, (A.) And ^^ll> 
j*m\) <v » j i*)l U-Ac is-*~j *-» [app. meaning <S'«c/t 
a o»e f/oe* not «w«y us tlie spoil and the victory.] 
(A, in continuation of what here immediately 
precedes.) And i^-AJt IJuk U What is this 
envying? (A, TA.) = c-lii ; (S, M, A, Msb, 
K.;) and w— *'», (S, M, Msb, K,) as some of the 
Arabs say, (Msb,) aor. -; (Msb, K;) inf. n. 
^»Ui and iwUi (S, M). and t^jj, (M, TA,) or 

the first of these ns. is a simple subst. ; (Msb ;) 
t She (a woman) brought forth ; (S, M, K ;) and 
IjJj w— .«.» [*/<« brought forth a child] : (Th, M :) 
and LfcjJ^j C~ «■' [»/*« brought forth her child], 
(A.) You say also, i^o O 1 t»M U* U*^ ^J^ 
^j^Li, meaning, Such a one inherited this before 
such a one was born. (S.) Also, both these 

+ 00 

verbs, (Msb, K,) or the latter, C — if, only, (Az, 
Mgh, TA,) or the latter is the more common, 
(K,) the former, which is related on the authority 
of As, not being well known, (Msb,) J She (a 
woman) menstruated. (Az, Mgh, Msb, K.) [In 
the CK, a confusion is made by the omission of a 
s before the verb which explains this last signifi- 
cation.] This signification and that next preceding 
it are from (^Ju meaning " blood." (Mgh.) = 
y , n' : ; -" ti 1 1 smote him with an [evil or envious] 
eye. (S, K, TA.) 

i m ***** - 

2. d^i d-Ju, or <u : see 4. =s= &j£> ^~±>, (A, 

*• * 00 

Mgh, Msb, £,•) and £?£=> <uc ^Si, (S,) inf. n. 
J.,.r>«!i (S, Msb, K) and [quasi-inf. n.] ^Ju, (K,) 
; He (God) removed, or cleared away, his grief, 
or sorrow, or anxiety : (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K":) 
and <CA vJki signifies the same j (M, Mgh ;) and 
He made his circumstances ample and eary ; (M, 
TA ;) and lie (a man) eased him, or relieved him, 
syn. «ij: (§, TA :) and also, this last phrase, he 
granted him a delay: the objective complimeut 

[Book I. 

being omitted : and ( .;... i . j is used as meaning 

grant thou to me a delay : or, elliptically, ^~sj 

• - *' 

\j>}^ or jj^i [remove thou my grief, &c.]. 

(Mgh.) __ [Hence] ^...i.") ^Jj»-, applied to the 

prefix ^ [and its variants \Jy-> <tc], meaning /I 
particle of amplification ; because changing the 
aor. from the strait time, which is the present, to 
the ample time, which is the future. (Mughnee, 

in art. ^-..) = ^^yill it-aj I //e cracked the bow : 

(Kr, M :) [see 5:] accord, to ISh, /«.> put (!»».) 
it* .<tn'«(/ [a/«jij t/i« Jow], (TA.) 

3. »^jili ^ji »j-»^, (S, K, # ) inf. n. i_JU« and 
^Ixi, (S,) 7/e desired the thing, [or aspired to it,] 
with generous emulation ; (S, K;) as also * u -iU5: 
(K:) and <u» <t-*-Lo ,j~i\i [he vied with his com- 
panion in desire for it]: (A:) or <t-i T l^_jLj 
signifies they desired it [or aspired to it] : (S :) 
or they vied, one with another, in desiring it; or 

4 * ** 

they desired it with emulation; syn. t^-flp : (A, 
TA :) [and a-i ^U; i< tx emulously desired; or 
in request ; or in ^I'cat request :] or iuiLt and 
™ ^^Ji-J signify the desiring to have a thing, and 

to have it Jor himself exclusively of any other 

* * . . . 
person ; from u~a>, signifying a thing " good, or 

goodly, or excellent, in its kind:" (TA :) and 

we^l uJUi i . « i : ■ and <u» U_»Uj we envied one 

another for that thing, and strove for priority in 

attaining it. (M.) See also t^i\ a^* J-*?* 

with which *j A_jU is syn. (M.) 

4. ^^Jul : see ^-ij, in two places. = a_jui it 
(a thing, TA) pleased him, (K, TA,) and made 
him desirous of it : (TA:) or became highly 
esteemed by him. (lKtt.) __ a^ ^ . ' ..Ail He 
made me desirous of it; (S, M, A, K;) as also 
xJ ^y^Jii, (lAar, M, TA,) or ay. (So in my 

copy of the A.) ^ *_*il U Hon powerful is hi* 
evil, or envious, eye! (Lb, M.) 

5. ^ , fc g [//e breathed] is said of a man and of 
every animal having lungs : (S :) [or it signifies] 
he drew (j^i-l) breath: (M :) or [«e respired , 
i.e.] fo <//•«(' trent/i iw'lA t/ic air-passages in his 
tiose; to his inside, and emitted it. (Msb.) You 
say also, tTjJuljl u-lij [//« sighed: see also art. 
jl»*>]. (S.) _ t H e ( a man ) emitted wind from 
beneath him. (TA.) — Also, (TA,) or ,^-Ij 

&f Jl' C ; ») l ^^ rfrfl "* ^* TA) •^" 0W '*' 
mwxcZ (TA) wit/t t/ire« restings between drauyhts, 
and separated the vessel from his mouth at every 
such resting: (K, TA :) and, contr., the latter 
phrase, \ he drank [from the vessel] without 
separating it from his mouth: (K, TA :) which 
latter mode of drinking is disapproved. (TA.) 
_ Also kiS t He lengthened in speech ; he spoke 
long; tor when a speaker takes breath, it is easy 

BodK I.J 

to him to lengthen bis speech ; and ^ ^~k^ 

j>y£}\ signifies the same. (TA.) t It (said 

of the day, M , A, and of the dawn, A, and of 
other things, M) became extended; (M ;) it 
became long ; (M, A ;) or, said of the day, accord. 
to Lh, it advanced to that it became noon : (M :) 
or it increased : (S :) and it extended far : and 
hence it is said of life, meaning either it became 
protracted, and extended far, or it became ample: 
( M :) and, said of the dawn, it shone forth, (Akh, 
§>, K, TA,) and extended to that it became clear 
day : (Fr, TA :) or it broke, to that things became 
plain in consequence of it : (TA :) or it rose : 
(Mujahid :) or its dusty hue shone at the approach 
of a gentle wind. ( Bd, lxxxi. 18.) You say also, 
j*aJI Af ifJui t [Life became long, or protracted, 
&c, with him]. (A) And iilj C— JUj \The 
mater of tlie Tigris increased. (TA.) — kJ Jti3 
»->*JI \The waves sjrrinhled the .water. (S, K.) 
— . JJyii\ W...J3 J The bow cracked. (S, M, ¥.. ) 
It is only the stick that is not split in twain that 
does so ; and this is the best of bows. And u h-" 
in the same sense is said of an arrow. (M.) = 
[«^JI *e** sj-slS a pp. signifies the same as j^Ju 
^Jl ApU, q.v.] 

6 : see 3, throughout. 

v-*J The soul ; the tpirit; the vital principle ; 

•y n - r^J : ( S » M » A » M ? b ' ¥ but between 
these two words is a difference [which must be 
fully explained hereafter, though ISd says, that 
it is not of the purpose of his book, the M, to 
explain it] : (M :) in this sense it is fern. : 
(Mjb :) pi. [of pauc] JjS\ and [of mult.] J-yJ. 
(M, Msb.) You say, ilii c-i-jl [Hit soul, 
or tpirit, went forth] ; (Aboo-Is-hak., S, M, Msb, 
& ;) and so a~Ju OjU.. (Msb.) And a poet 
says, not Aboo-Khirash as in the S, but Hu- 
dheyfeh Ibn-Anas, (IB,) 

L>>~3 ^ OV- "ill jf-L Vi * 

i.e., [Sdlhn escaped when the soul was in the side 
of his mouth ; but lie escaped not save] with the 
tcabbard of a sword and with a waist-wrap/ier. 
(S.) In the same sense the word is used in the 
saying, IJjfcj ljj£> Jj£ o'l O"^ J*> ,j» [but 
this seems rather to mean, It is in the mind of 
such a one to do so and so]. (Aboo-Is-hak, M.) 
Some of the lexicologists assert the ^jii and 
the ~jj to be one and the same, except that 
the former is fern., and the latter [generally or 
often] masc. : others say, that the latter is 
that whereby is life; and the former, that 
whereby is intellect, or reason ; so that when 
one sleeps, God takes away his yj-Mi, but not 
n "» TS}> which is not taken save at death : aud 
the ^Ju is thus called because of its connexion 

with the ^-ii [or breath]. (IAmb.) Or every 

'■ * • • s • m 

man has ,jL_ju [two souls] : (I'Ab, Zj :) ^Ju 

Jjudl [the soul of intellect, or reason, also called 

•„"' i > >i • i 

4ju»UI ^-jUI (see v-yfji], whereoy one dis- 

criminates, [i.e., the mind,] (I'Ab,) or >— oJI ^-ii 
[the soul of discrimination], which quits him 
when he sleeps, so that he does not understand 
thereby, God taking it away : (Zj :) and ^-ii 
9-)j)\ [the soul of the breath], whereby one lives, 
(I'Ab,) or «LaJI yii [the soul of life], and 
when this quits him, the breath quits with it; 
whereas the sleeper breathes : and this is the 
difference between the taking away of the ^miJ 
of the sleeper in sleep and the taking away of 
the ^Ju of the living [at death.] (Zj.) Much 
has been said respecting the ,^Ju and the »-jj ; 
whether they be one, or different: but the truth 
is, that there is a difference between them, since 
they are not always interchangeable : for it is 
said in the I£ur, [xv. 29 and xxxviii. 72,] 

J • J ***** 

Lj*-*) ^y* *-» C-fcJuj [And I have blown into 
him of my spirit.] ; not \j-*i i>« : and [v. 116,] 
&'• J U JJJu [to be explained hereafter] ; 
not i4**)) (j, nor would this expression be well 
except from Jesus : and [lviii. 9,] ^ C>>Vo 
^ t si I [And they say in their souls, or within 
themselves] : for which it would not be well to 
say >cv ».l^jl ^ji : and [xxxix. 57,] j^Ju Jyu ^1 
[That a soul shall say]; for which no Arab 
would say »-«j \Jf*3 O' : hence, the difference 
between them depends upon the considerations 
of relation : and this is indicated by a trad., in 
which it is said that God created Adam, and 
put into him a l _ r ju and a *-}j ; and that from 
the latter was his quality of abstaining from 
unlawful and indecorous things, and his under- 
standing, and his clemency, or forbearance, and 

his liberality, and his fidelity ; and from the 

j. it > n 
former, [which is also called SjU'ill ^hUJI, q.v., 

in art. >*!,] his appetence, and his unsteadiness, 
and his hastiness of disposition, and his anger : 
therefore one should not say that ^^JU is the 
same as ~ 3J absolutely, without restriction, nor 
«-jj the same as ^-ij. (R.) The Arabs also 
make the discriminative ^-iJ to be two ; because 
it sometimes commands the man to do a thing or 
forbids him to do it ; and this is on the occasion 
of setting about an affair that is disliked : there- 
fore they make that which commands him to 
be a i_r-*J, and that which forbids hiin to be as 
though it were another ^Ju : and hence the 

saying, mentioned by Z, a~Ju r^yi O^* t [Such 
u one consults his two souls, or mind.*] ; said of a 
man when two opinions occur to him. (TA.) 
[i/^4 j-jUi is an elliptical phrase sometimes 

'it •* * ' * *' ,.i 

used, for jJu> Q"jJ ^...fcj, which see in art. 


used as a corroborative ; (S, TA ;) its whole, 
(Aboo-Is-hak., M, TA,) and essential constituent : 
(Aboo-Is-hak, M, A, £, TA :) pi. as above, 

• '** • 4>* #*•#•*#* el' 

u Ju\ and ^yu. (M.) You say, *u-jl> O^U w^|> 

^ji.] _ f A thing's self; (S, M, A, K, TA;) 

1 1 saw such a one himself, (S,) and *— jtf , r>«^ 
[or, more properly, * . Jit yk ^jt'^ (see, under 
the head of «_>, a remark on that preposition 
when used in a case of this kind, redundantly,)] 

He came to me himself (S, KL.) And Jjj 

. . .it 
rt ..,*; ,■ j**)\ [He superintended, managed, or con- 
ducted, tlie affair in his own person]. (J^C, in art. 
yij, kc.) And a— ju «L>j*. [He talked to himself; 
soliloquized]. (Msb, in art. yl/ ; &c) And 

t * •* 9*1 m m 

a — *J O*^ J^* t [<S>'^< <*. one killed himself] : 
and <uju JLUI t marfe /m w>/k;/c ««//* {o fall into 
destruction. (Aboo-ls-hafc, M.) And hence. 
(TA,) from t^j^JI u-ai signifying sj\±, (M,) 
the sayings mentioned by Sl>, J-^JI ^-*-v oJp 
+ [/ alighted in tlie mountain itself] : and ^JJ 
^yXjliuo J-jOI + [7%c mountain itself is facing 
me]. (M, TA.) [Hence also the phrase] ,«* 

,i .. 7* 

j*"$\ fjJu [meaning + in reality ; in the thing 
itself] : as in the saying, J^J ^,1 « <t_ij ,J eJJS 

m At* mi'nrf though it was not little in reality] . 
(Msb, art. Ji.) The words of the Kur, [v. 11C,] 

■M ■ A i ^j* U ^.JUI *^j cS - *' kJ* ^* ^ A * 3 mean 
t7V*«M knoroest what is in myself, or in my 
essence, and I know not what is in thyself, or 
in thine essence: (Bd, K:) or Thou hnowest 
what I conceal (M, Bd, Jul) in my ^«Ai [or 
mind], (Bd, Jel,) and I know not what it in 
thyself, or in thine essence, nor that whereof T/iou 
hast the knowledge, (M.) or what Thou eoneeolest 
of the things which Thou knowest; (Bd, Jel;) 
so that the interpretation is, Thou knowest what 
I know, and I know not what Thou knowest .- 
(M :) or cr Ju is here syn. with jue ; and the 
meaning is, Jj^js U ^JUI *)} ^JJ^t U ^Jju ; 
(K,* TA ;) [i.e., T/tim hnowest what is in my 
particular place of being, and I know not what 
is in thy particular place of being; for] the 
adverbiality in this instance is that of «Ul£«, not 
of ,j\SU : (TA :) but tlte best explanation is 
that of IAmb, who says that ^Ju is here syn. 
with w.«fi ; so that the meaning is, Thou knowest 
( _ J « e ft [my hidden things, or what is hidden from 
me, and I know not thy hidden things, or what 
Thou hidest] ; and the correctness of this is 
testified by the concluding words of the verse, 

w>^Jt)t >OU Col -iUI [for Thou art he who well 
knoweth the hidden things] : (TA :) [and here 

* ** 
it must be remarked that] v « e «)l, which occurs 

afterwards in the K as one of the significations 
of |^JU)I, is a mistake for v - («ll, the word used 
by IAmb in explaining the above verse. (TA.) 
_ f A. person ; a being ; an individual ; syn. 

,; (Msb;) a man, (Sb, S, M, TA,) 
altogether, kit soul and his body ; (TA ;) a living 
being, altogether. (Mgh, Mfb.) In this sense 
of t^Mfc.1 it is masc. : (M$b :) or, accord to Lh, 
the Arabs said, S j~.\j L-Ai c-jIj t [I *aw one 
perton], making it fern. ; and in like manner, 
{ftfLitJ Oc-^i w^tj + [J *an? <«>o person*] ; but 
they said, ^ji»» *& c^tj f [ J * aro * ArM 
pcrion*], and so all the succeeding numbers, 
making it masc. : but, he says, it is allowable 
to make it masc. in the sing, and dual., and fern, 
in the pi. : and all this, he says, is related on the 
authority of Ks : (M :) Sb says, (M,) they said 
^Ju\ ai"*}, (S, M,) making it masc, (S,) because 
they mean by ^Ju "a man," (S, M,) as is 
shown also by their saying j— -tj ^-AJ: (M :) 

3 'J 

but Too asserts of Ru-beh, that he said ^L>'%> 

' *f tf it 

i _j-*j\, making ,jJu fern., like as you say «£>>j 

3 t$ 3 tt »* ^ 

K _^\, meaning, of men ; and u*e *£} <L>^b, 

* t 

meaning, of women : and it is said in the Kur, 

[t t t # • • * * * 80 

iv. 1, &c.,] *J*.I« ^Jti rj+jfiXm. icJJI t [who 
t • * » 

created you front one man], meaning, Adam. 

tt, a- j »t. » 
(M.) You also say, 1—AJ ^ Col; U f J *iw 

not there any one. (TA.) _ t A brother : (I Kh, 

IB :) a copartner in religion and relationship: 

(Hd, xxiv. Gl :) a copartner in faith and religion. 

(lbn-Arafeh.) f It is said in tlio Kur, [xxiv. 61,] 

t 3 3tt ,0 * *0 * t * » tit** * 

w;Aen ys «/Jter houses, salute ye your brethren : 
(IB:) or your copartners in religion and relation- 
ship. (Bd.) And in verse 12 of the same chapter, 
jfH *■'; means \ Of their copartners in faith and 
religion. (Ibn-Arafeh.) _ I Blood: (S,M,A, 
Mgh, Mfb, K:) [or the life-blood: in this sense, 
fern. :] pi. [ofpauc. ^^julandofmult.J^-yu: (IB:) 
so called [because the animal soul was believed 
by the Arabs, as it was by many others in 
ancient times, (see Gen. ix. 4, and Aristotle, De 
Anim. i. 2, and Virgil's Mn. ix. 349,) to diffuse 

itself throughout the body by means of the 

arteries : or] because the ^-ii [in its proper 

sense, i. e. the soul,] goes forth with it: (TA:) 
or because it sustains the whole animal. (Mgh, 
•Msb.) You say, *-Ju ojC \ [His blood flowed], 
(S.) And &C JLii I [Flowing blood]. (S, A, 
Mgh.) And <i~Ji> ^iy t He shed his blood. (A, 
TA.) I The body. (S, A, K.) — t [Some- 
times it seems to signify The stomach. So in 

J 9 tt t * * 

the present day. You say, a-JU w-*>, meaning 

9*00 t * 

He was sick in the stomach. See a-Ai w-ic, in 

3t , t t ' » 3 3 tt # 

art. i^iA ; and ejjjut Oj J~* and «— Aj, in art. 
jju«.] _ t [The pudendum : so in the present 
day : in the K, art. yi^t., applied to a woman's 
vulva.] .— [From the primary signification are 
derived several others, of attributes of the 

rational and animal souls; and such are most of 
the significations here following.] __ f Know- 
ledge. (A.) [See, above, an explanation of the 
words cited, from ch. v. verse 116 of the Kur-an.] 
_ f Pride : (A, K, TA :) and self-magnification ; 
syn. Sjt.. (A, K.) — t Disdain, or scorn. (A, K.) 

— — f Purpose, or intention : or strong determina- 
tion : syn. &«*. (A, K.) t Will, wish, or desire. 

( A , K . ) — [Copulation : see 3, art. j^j. ] — — [ t Sto- 
mach, or appetite.] — I An [evil or envious] eye, (S, 
M, A, K, TA,) that smites the person or thing at 
which it is cast : pi. ^Ju\. (TA.) [See 1, last 

signification.] So in a trad., in which it is said, 

t 0t t - 

that the &\+j and the S^m. and the ,_^Ju are the 

only things for which a charm is allowable. 
(TA.) You say, JJiS U^Li oJu>t : [An evil 
or envious eye smote such a one]. (S.) And 
Mohammad said, of a piece of green fat that he 
threw away, tr jul ix--. i^i &\£->, meaning, 
t There were upon it seven [evil or envious] eyes. 
(TA.) — f Strength of! make, and hardiness, of 
a man : and f closeness of texture, and strength, 
of a garment or piece of cloth. (M.) = Punish- 
ment. (A, K.) Ex. a113 a3j1 j&'jj^J,), (K.) 
in the Kur, [iii. 27 and 28, meaning, And God 
malteth you to fear his punishment] ; accord, to 
F ; but others say that the meaning is, Himself. 
(TA.) = A quantity (S, M, K,) of iiji, and 
of other things, with which hides are tanned, (S, 
K,) sujflcient for one tanning : (S, M, K :) or 
enough for two tannings: (TA:) or a handful 

t/iereof: (M :) pi. ^Jj\. (M.) You say, ^Jk 

• tt , 
pU> v>? ^-* i (j [Give thou to me a quantity 

of material for tanning sufficient for one tanning, 

orfor two tannings, Ac.]. (S.) 

t -0 
v~ii [Breath ;] what is drawn in by the air- 
passages in the nose, [or by the mouth,] to the 
inside, and emitted ; (Msb;) what comes forth 
from a living being in the. act "f ^ faJ. (Mgh:) 
or the exit of wind from the nose and the mouth : 
(M :) pi. Jitiui (§, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K-) 
__^ gentle air: pi. as above. (M, Msb.) 
You say also, *-i£\ ■_>-*> [The breath of, the 

tS 3 

wind] : and i^^JI ,^-Aj the sweet [breath or] 
odour [of the meadow, or of t/te garden, &c.]. 
(TA.) _ [Hence, app., its application in the 

u * 00 

phrase] itl—Jt u -jj [The blast of the last hour ; 
meaning,] the end of time. (Kr, M.) — [Hence 
also, + Speech : and kind speech : (see an ex. 
voce «JU1 :) so in the present day.] _ [And 
t Voice, or a sweet voice, in ringing : so in the 
present day.] — A gulp, or as much as is swal- 
lowed at once in drinking : (S, L, K :) but this 
requires consideration ; for in one ^Ju a man 

[Book I. 

takes a number of gulps, more or less according 
to the length or shortness of his breath, so that 
we [sometimes] see a man drink [the contents 
of] a large vessel in one ^j-ii, at a number of 
gulps : (L :) [therefore it signifies sometimes, if 
not always, a draught, or as much as is swal- 
lowed without taking breath :] pi. as above. (S.) 

You say, ^JL> jl Ui; .UN! ^ cjl>J I [Put 
thou thy mouth into the vessel and drink] a gulp, 

or two gulps: [or o draught, or two draughts:] 

t * * j t 
and exceed, not that. (S.) And L_ii w«yj£> 
t 0ti* 
UUulj I [I drank a gulp, and gulps: or a 

t 3 

draught, and draughts]. (A.) And ^jii vj^i 

t Ul 030 

ju».l 5 ijJu ^t. aX£=> tUNI I [Such a one drank 
the whole contents of tlte vessel at one gulp : or 
at one draught]. (L.) — t Every resting between 
two draughts: (M, TA:) [pi. as above.] You 

say, J>—U (_r-i~> <t^ t [H e drank with one 

1 t * * 

resting between draughts]. (A.) And ^it 

^Uil iJ^/ I [Be drank with three restings 

between draughts]. (A, K.) [And hence,] 

t* * » 00 , . , . i 

iJm ij £ vl^ I Beverage in which is ampteness, 


[so that one pauses while drinking it, to take 

breath,] and which satisfies thirst. (IAar, K.) 

And ^JS i£3 '^ vlP X Beverage of disagree- 

t * 

able taste, (A, K,*) changed in taste and odour, 

(K,) in drinking which one does not take breath 
(A, K) when lie has tasted it ; (K ;) taking a 
first draught, as much as wiU keep in the remains 
of life, and not returning to it. (TA.) — [And 
hence it is said that] yJu signifies t Satisfaction, 
or the state of being satisfied, with drink; syn. 
^j. (IAar, K.) — [Hence also,] J Plenty, 
and redundance. So in the saying .UJI ,_,» oj 
Sjj't, J t J3 [Verily in the water is plenty, and 
redundance, for me and for thee]. (Lh, M.) 

t A wide space : ■ (T A :) t a distance. (A.) 

You say, ^-ii oUiJ*" ilw* t Between the two 

3 -t 00 t 

parties is a wide space. (TA.) And *^~y ijy-t 
yjJO I Between me and him is a distance. (A.) 
__ J Ample scope for action <jr. ; and a state in 
which it ample scope for action Ifc. : syn. Aa-, 
(S, M, A, Mgh, K,) and iLlj, (A, K,) in an 
affair. (S, M, A, K-) You say, Jii U^ J> & 
[There is ample scope for action <JT. for tltee in 

this. (Mgh.) And J^ol o-f <£■*■ \S. * : ~' , 
I [Thou art in a state in which is ample scope for 
action <fc. with respect to thine affair. (S, M.) 
And Jp '{y.±r& J <-^s J*^l t Work thou 
while thou art in a state in which is ample scope 
for action #c. ( iLj iH» ^y ) with resect 

to thine affair, before extreme old age, and 

diseases, and calamities. (TA.) See also i-ii. 

* 00 t 
t LengtL (M.) So in the saying Uii ^J>ij 

JU.' ^J X [Add thou to me length in my term 

Book I.] 

of life] : (M :) or lengthen thou my term of life. 
(TA.) You say also, * JJuJu »^U J> t[I» *« 
life is length : see 5]. (A, TA.) — The pi., in 
the accus. case, also signifies t Time after time. 
80 in the saying of the poet, 

• UUil Ij*. \i^ ^j** 

[O my two eyes, pour forth a faro of tears time 
after time]. (S.) = J-£ is also a subst. put in 
the place of the proper inf. n. of ^-Ai ; and is 
so used in the two following sayings, (K.^ TA,) 
of Mohammad. (TA.) ,>* 0$ £*> «>l-3 ^ 
4>U.Jj1 vJi, i. e. t [Ue»/7e not ye the wind, for] 
it is a means whereby the Compassionate removes 
grief, or sorrow, or anxiety, (K, TA,) and raiies 
the cloud*, (TA,) and scatters tlie rain, and 
dispel* dearth, or drought. (K, TA.) And 
OW 1 J*» O^J^J w-* 1 •**"' H l'erceioe your 
Lord's removal of grief, &c, /row /Ac direction 

(M, K,) which is also the only instance of the 

% * J ■ tfj lit 

kind except jli*, (K,) and chUu, and ^Ju and 
JjU (M) and JLLi (M, K) and JJS (K) and 
OljCiu (S, M, K) and [accord, to analogy, 
ofJjfijtXS. (K.) 

^t_*j, or 


see (j-*yt)- 


( — Ju : _.and ,^-jAi. 

J,lL I Childbirth (S, K) from ^Jj signifying 

" blood." (Msb, TA.) See olii [And The 

state of impurity consequent upon childbirth. See 
5, in art. J.c.] Also, I The blood that comes 

forth immediately after the child : an inf. n. used 
as a subst. (Mgh.) — A poet says, (namely, 
Ows Ibn-Hajar, O, in art. J>>1»,) 


* 1 . • .. 

j£L> i^iUbo <^*ijb L<,=» 

of El-Yemen: meaning, through the aid and j j- We ut(cr a cnj . tJien keep a short silence; like 
hospitality of the people of El-Medccneh, who I as K j len one t / tat / MS 1ulver y e t brought forth 
•were of El-Yemen ; (K, TA ;) i. e., of the Ansdr, ! experiences resistance and difficulty in giving birth 

who were of [the tribe of] El-Azd, from El- 
Yemen. (TA.) It is [said by some to be] a 
metaphor, from jl^Jt Jju, which the act of 
breathing draws back into the inside, so that its 
heat becomes cooled and moderated : or from 
-— ;,pl yjJij, which one scents, *o that thereby 
he refreshes himself: or from A-^jtjJI u-*^ 
(TA.) You also say, yjJsJ ^J ti, meaning, 
I There is not for me any removal, or clearing 1 
away, of grief. (A.) ss It is also used as an 
epithet, signifying + Long ; (AZ, K ;) applied 
to speech, (r>,) and to writing, or book, or j 
letter. (AZ, $.) 

to a child, or young one] ; meaning, ji#. (S.) 

j^yu An envious man : (M, TA:) I one mho 
looks with an evil eye, with injurious intent, at 
the property of others : (M, A,» T A :) as also 

♦ C2>, (TA,) or t ^AlL. (A.) 

JL>, (S, Mgh, K,) with damm, (K,) [in a 

copy of the S, «UAi,] + Belay ; syn. iiy-» ; (S, 

• » 2 j 
Mgh, K ;) and ample space, syn. *~i». (TA.) 

Ex. llAi^M tjjk ,j» jil \[Thou shall have, 

in this affair, a delay, and ample space]. (S, 

Mgh,* TA.) See also JjS. 

r.jj Relating to the ^jjti, or soul, &c. : 
vital : and sensual; as also " ^jiL-Ju. J 

iUAi (Th, S, M, Mgh, Msb,£, &c.) andfUAi and 
it Lhi (M, K) I A woman in the state following 
childbirth : (S, M,» Mgh,« Msb,* £ :) or bring- 
ing forth : and pregnant : and menstruating : 
(Th, M :) and ^U signifies the same ; (Msb ;) 
and so ♦ <L»yiU : (A :) [see C~Ju :] dual ^tjtJu ; 
the fern. < being changed into ^ as in O'^!/*-^ : 
(S :) pi. J.U>, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) like as 
jlic is pi. of ll>ie, (S, Msb, ^,) the only other 
instance of the kind, (S, K,) and c^Ui, 

L ^_ ;ij A thing high in estimation ; of high 
account; excellent; (Lh, M, Msb, TA ;) [highly 

■ prized; precious; valuable; and therefore (T A) 
desired with emulation, or it much request ; (S, 

1 K, TA;) good, goodly, or excellent, in its kind; 
(TA;) and ♦ u -iU signifies the same, (M,) and so 
does * u-aU, (Lh, M, A, Msb, K,) and * cr , >*~ : 
(K:) it signifies thus when a]>plicd to property, 
as well as other things ; as also * ^^JU* : ( Lh, M : ) 
and, when so applied, of which one u avaricious, 
or tenacious : (M :) or * ^J^-», so applied, abun- 
dant; much; (K ;) as also * ^Jlu: (Fr, K :) 
and " (>, a thing of high account or estimation, 
and an object of desire : (TA:) this last is also 
applied, in like manner, to a man ; as also u-Ju : 
and the pi. [of either] is ,^-Ui (M, TA) You 
also say, "<u» i _ r >$**~<> j+\, meaning, A thing that 
U desired. (M.) And <i_i " ^Ui* t^ ^ /«i«i7 
emulously desired, or i» muc/i request. (A.) 
__ Also, [as an epithet in which the quality of 
a subst. predominates,] Much property ; (S, A, 
K ;) and so " y-iio. (S.) You say, tHtU C^W 
and u-tii iSuc/i a o»te has much property. (S.) 

And ,-JU* >*^)l IJv iV>— i "* and u"*^* 
[ilfiwrA property does not rejoice me with this 
affair]. (S.) 


_^jb : see ^^--iJ, in three places, aa See also 

iLJu. sss I Smiting with an evil, or envious, eye. 
(S, M, 5.) = The fifth of the arrows used in the 
game called j~-*)l ; (S, M, $;) »wA/cA Aa* ,/Jre 
notches ; and for which one wins five portions if it 
be successful, and loses five portions if it be unsuc- 
cessful : (Lh, M :) or, as some say, the fourth. 


^jIU (^JLl IjJk This is the most loved and highly 

tit + * * fl# 

esteemed of my property. (S, TA.) = 4JJI dUJL/ 
jU*^)l cr^' J [May God cause thee to attain to 
the most protracted, or most ample, of lives: see 
5]. (A, TA.) And ^b O- J£* $* J ^% 
house is more ample, or spacious, than my house: 
(M :) and the like is said of two places: (M :) 
and of two lands. (A.) And .^juI •->>-" tjJk 
tjjk ,>« t rA»* garment, or piece of cloth, is wider 
and longer and more excellent than this. (M.) 
And o^y** J-*** f*^ I A garment, or piece of 
cloth, the longer and wider of tlie ttvo garments, 
or pieces of cloth. (A.) 

see u->J ; for the latter, throughout. 

t^^ivU : see t^-jAJ, in two places. = J Brought 
forth; born. (S, M, A, Msb, K.) It is said 
in a trad., lyjUC* ^-^ Ji^ "5)1 <L<yUo ^-Ai ,>• U 
jUI jl ilaJI Jj-o t [2'Acre m not any soul born but 
its place in Paradise or Hell has been written]. 
(S.) __ iLfUi^ applied to a woman : see it-Ai. 
= t Smitten with an evil, or envious, eye. (M.) 

[JLiUii A place of passage of the breath.] — 
^^jUU «>** ^ : see ^Ju See also jm—,. 

JSjJJt [Breathing;] having breath: (TA:) 
or having a sotd: (so in a copy of the M :) an 
epithet applied to everything having lungs. (S, 

XA.) * > , ;'; ,-» .feuli I A depressed expanse of 

/a«<^ extending far. (A, TA.) — ^-Aii* >-Ail 
t A nose of which the bone is wide and depressed; 
or depressed and expanded ; or a nose spreading 
upon the face : syn. Jjajl. (A, TA.) 



1. ^, (S, A,) aor. '-, (S,) inf. n. u^i, (S, 
A, K,) He separated, or y'«c*«<* asunder, or 
loosened, a thing, mtA his fingers, so that it became 
spread, or jsparse, or dispersed ; (A, K ;) as also 
t jl>, inf. n. jj£ : (S, ?L:) or the latter has an 
intensive signification : and accord, to some, the 
former signifies Ae separated a thing not difficult 
to separate, such as cotton and wool : or Ae pulled 


wool until its parti became separated, or plucked 
asunder, or loosened : (TA :) or he spread, or dis- 

* i j a ** 

persed, a thing. (MF.) You say, ^>lai)l c«iA» 
and >_»^l [/ separated, or plucked asunder, or 
loosened, with my fingers, &c, f/ie cotton and Me 
two/]. (S, A.) (jLii is likewise *yn. ro»<A ojki 
[the separating and loosening cotton by means of 
a bow and a wooden mallet]. (TA.) You also 

say, aJ>>H er-*- 1 . '"'■ "■ as above, meaning, lie 
separated what was collected together, or com- 
pacted, in the [hind of trefoil called] i~tj (TA.) 
And, of a cock, (T, S, in art. Jjj,) or of a (jTj^*-, 
(K, in that art.,) when about to fight, (T, K, 
ibid.,) *A5ljj ^^xi [He ruffled the feathers around 
his neck]. (T, S, K , ibid.) = 1 1 is also intra ns., 
si/n. viih yJJuj\, q. v. (TA.)— [And hence,] 
.>*» oiii, (S, A, $,) and JflH, (S, Msb, £,) 
accord, to IDrd the former only, but accord, to 
others the latter also, and in like manner one says 
of all beasts, though mostly of^^ic, (TA,) aor. I 
(S, Msb, £) and : , (S, K,) inf n. JL, (Msb, 
K,) or JLjii, (S,) or both; (TA;) and C-JJi>, 
uor. -', (IAar, Sgh, K;) The sheep or gouts, and 
the camels, pastured by night without a pastor: 
(S, Msb, K :) or without the knowledge (fa pastor: 

not fat, then let there be wool;] meaning, \ If 
there be not action, tlien [let there be] a show of 
action : (IAar, Az, L :) or the last word signifies 
a little milk: (Meyd, cited by Freytag: see his 
Arab. Prov., i. 70 :) it also signifies, [and perhaps 
in the above saying,] t abundance of speech or 
talk, and of pretensions. (MF.) as See also 1, 
at the end. = And see ^JJ\j. 

(jilii f Proud and boastful ; or one who praises 
himself for that which is not in him; or who says 

that which he does not. (T A.) = A hind of \jy«J 
[or citron ; the Union sponginus rugosus Ferrari ; 
(Delile, Flora; Aegypt. Illustr., no. 749)] of the 
largest size. (TA.) 

uiJU, applied to a camel [and to a sheep or 
goat] ; fein. iijb • (Msb :) part. n. of 1. (Msb, 
TA.) You say, ItiU Jyj (Msb) and Jji> 
[quusi-pl. u. of ^1*13] (S, K) and ^iii (Msb) and 
J±& (S, K) and j£> [pis. of Jiid] (TA) and 
jjiit^j [pi. of JLLiU], (S, K,) [and in like manner 

^t^,] Camels [and goats] pasturing by night 
without a pastor: (S, Msb, K:) or dispersing 
themselves and pasturing by night without knoiv- 
ledge [of the pastor]. (TA.) ^Aj are only by 

(TA :) or dis/iersed themselves by night: (A :) or 

dispersed themselves and pastured by night without ' "'«'" '' b,lt J**' bv ni 8 ht und b ^ dav - (?) 

knowledge [of the pastor] : or the sheep or goats 

entered among seed-produce : (TA :) occurring in 

utyLu v ^* (S) Wool of various colours sepa- 
rated and loosened by means of the bow and wooden 
the £ur, xxi.78: (S,TA:) the subst. is J*, mff/fr/ . (B d, Jel, ci. 4:) and in like manner, 

signifying their dispersion of themselves and pas- j* ? ••' • ti 

. . ., ,,, , . i" \2Jui* i/JaS [cotton that is separated, or plwhed 

tilting by night without a pastor. (Msb.) 

! asunder, or loosened, with the fingers, so that it 
2: see 1, first signification. j hecomes spread, or dispersed; kc : see 1 and 8]. 

4. ^lil JJu\, (S, A, K ) and J^l, (S, K,) ( TA > voce ■">*?■> Sce a,so «^ bolow - 
He (the pastor) sent the sheep or goats, and the j.;t* * _!*! ' -^ j^jl£^1 l^\ a 

camels, ($,• TA,) or left them, (S, TA,) to pas- j ' ' ,^ ' ' ,.'... 

^, „ _ ,. , female slave havtnq shaqqu or dishevelled hair ; 
tvrc by night without a pastor; ($, K, TA ;) ■ ,. " • /-/ * 4 ,,, 

neglecting them: (TA :) or to topers* themselves ;( A '•'/• *^- (K) _ ^^ i« likewise 

bv night. (A.) ! applied to anything Swollen, or humid, and /oo.«« 

- * **# j 
. ii .-.„„. .* „ or flaccid or soft within ; as also * iiAii«. (Az, 

6. 5^J1cJUJ,(S,A,K,)ai 1 dt c ^uii > (S,A,) ' 7 .... %M *^ 

The cat bristled up lier hair. (S, A, K.) And *> " ^ 8ay a ' 80 ' ^^^ ^' M ""« Vlor ' 

in like manner you say of a hyena. (A, TA.*) »'« "<« Of* [ or "?/' /»* r 0i ""^ 'preading upon 

And -iljjJI ^^liJ^A,) or^jU«JI,(K,) and "^liil, the face, like the nose of the ^--ij] : (A:) and 

(A, TA,) Tlie cock, (A,) or bird, (£,) ruffled, aJ.klU ijjf has the like signification ; as also 

(A,) or shook, (K,) his feathers, as though he »tvr.l J ,™, A N , , 

v " ,n " ^ ^ T rt. ;.»;■< ; (TA;) or it means an end of a nose 

feared, (A, £,) or threatened, (A,) or trembled. • ,«.., 

iu- \ : spreading upon the fare : (K. :) and f ,_ | iA.. ; .o 

: ^jA ijl, in like manner, wide in the two 
8. uUSI ,. 9 . yUi used intransi.i vely, [signifying ^^ (TA } ^ ^ Jj^ 

// (s thing, or cotton, and wool, and the like,) ; 

became separated, or plucked asunder, or loosened, 

with the fingers, so tliat it became spread, or sparse, 
or dis/iersed; &x\, being] quasi-pass, of ^JJL> used 
transitively. (TA.) See also JU m *. And see 
5, in two places. 

iJJu Wool. (IAar, £.) — [Hence, app., the 
saying,] JM* j^Ju Cr^i % 0\< ['"'i If there be 


, in three places. 


1. ,J>JJ, (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. '-, (S, 
M«b,) inf. n. ^JJj, (S, Mgh, Msb,) He shook 
(S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) a thing, (Mgh, Msb,) or a 
garment, or piece of cloth, (S, A, K,) in order 

[Book I. 

that what was upon it, of dust fc, might fall off 
(£>,• A,' Mgh, K,») or to remove from it dust 
and t/ie like; (Msb;) he took a thing with his 
hand, and shook it, or shook it violently, to remove 
the dust from it: (TA:) and in like manner, 
a tree, in order that what was upon it [if fruit 
or of leaves] might fall of; (S, A ;) [as, for 
instance,] a tree of the kind called etie, to shake 
off' its leaves. (TA.) You say also, lit Jiaij 
jLiJI and vlrJ' [He shook off from it the dust]. 
(A.) And Sjtt^SJI ^» Jj^yi ^~cJJ, inf. n. as 
above, [He shook off the leaves from the tree;] he 
made the leaves to fall from the tree. (Msb.) 
And t/aii also signifies The sprinkling or scat- 
tering in drops, (syn. JiJ,) water, and blood, (A, 
K, in art. Ji Jt ) and tears, (K, ibid.) &c. (A, 
ibid.) — [Hence,] J^^J\ 2±kj (S, A, K) I The 
fever made him. to shiver, or tremble. (As, TA.) 
— And Sl^l s^~iii, (K,) or (yif^> c.iuLi, (S,) 
or ly^l»j ^ UjJ^ vi-oii, (A,) t The woman bore 
many children; was prolific. (S, K, TA.) And 
Jj^\ < Z -<Ji> f The she-camels brought forth, (S, 
L, K,) all of them ; (L ;) and ♦ O-aAJl signifies 
the same. (IDid, S, K.) And <U.U-Jj| c~iuLi 
ly-a»j I [The hen hid Iter eggs; or all her eggs]. 
(A, TA.) — [Hence also,] jjjfil J^j J>\3 \ [ He 
arose, shaking off drowsiness], (A, TA.) And 
-. rfiT wlj a.~c y&liw'^l ^jixiu J [He shook off mala- 
dies from him, and recovered from hit sickness] ; 
i.e. his health became in a sound state. (A, TA.) 
And 4-o^» ,>« u* 1 *^ (A,) inf. n. »>>»aj, (A, K,) 
t He recovered, or becami free, from his disease. 
(A.K/TAO — And^lj^ ^» U «J /-.^ii t/ 
showed him what was in my heart. (Er-Rdghib, 
TA, in art. ^Jw and ^Jw.) — . And Jm^JsJI ^^aii 
t 7/e cleared the road of robbers, and intercepters 
of travellers: I he guarded the road. (A, TA. 
[The latter signification is shown by an explana- 
tion of the act. part, n.]) It is said in the trad, 
of Aboo-Bekr and the cave [in which Mohammad 

*.» * > Jet '(■ 

was hiding himself], JU^*- U u iJu\ bl ; / trill 
guard what is around thee, and go round about 
to try if I can see a pursuer. (TA.) You say 

also, ,j!£»)1 sjaij, (S, K,) aor. as above, (TA,) 
inf. n. ^joju ; -(S, TA ;) and * dj>;,;,,l, and 

* ««iJLj ; (S, K ;) t -"e looked trying to see all 
that was in the place; (S;) or /ie looked at all 
that was in the place so as to know it. (K.) And 

hence l _ r oij signifies f 2/e searched to the utmost. 
(L.) And -^U i-Uij l'il^ u<«^ 1)V C^SS lS* 
^>»A».b (S, K,* TA) t If Am </iou s/ieakest by day, 
look aside, or about, to try if thou see any one 
whom thou dislikest ; (S, K, TA ;) and wlicn thou 
speakest by night, lower thy voice. (TA.) And 

>syUI » ^f bAJSuA t He looked at the people, or 
company of men, endeavouring to obtain a clear 

Book I.] 

knowledge of them ; or considered, or examined, 
them repeatedly, in order to hnorc them. (TA.) 
The saying of El-'Ojeyr Es-Saloolee, 

means t [To a king whose eye] looks at the people, 
or company of men, and knows who among them 
has the right on his side : or looks to see in whom 
among them it mental perception, sagacity, in- 
telligence, forecast, or skill in affairs, and which 
of them is of the contrary description : (TA :) 
[or] >yUI <JiJ£ ♦ ^J\»V:''< J^ nieans I \- T,u> e V e 
of] such a one makes the people, or company of 
men, to tremble, by reason of his awfulncss. (A, 

TA.) You also say, Jt>°^)\ J£i Jfj\ t The 

camels traverse the land. (IAar.) __ And sjo*> 
^tyUI, (IAar,) or jyJ\, (K,) aor. '-, mf n. uoJu, 
(IAar,) J He read, or recited, (IAar, K,) the 
Kur-dn, (IAar,) or the chapters thereof. (K.) — 
Anil Uy^U. li*aij, ini u. i/oiJ ; and T U U . a <> ;. « <!; 
I We milked our milch beasts to the uttermost, not 
leaving any milk in their udders: (TA:) and 
cj^klt ^ji U J~aiM * ^aJui\ I tlie young camel 
sucked out all that was in the udder. (A, TA.) 
= [It is also used intransitively in the following 
exs., as well as in some instances given above. 
Thus j»Lli\ ,>»ij app. signifies The trees shook off, 
or dropped, their leaves or fruit. (See an ex. 
voce &£*, last sentence but one.) — And hence] 
one says, iUJI ^» U ^atv [app. meaning What 
was in the palm-leaf basket became exhausted; 
like jj£ ; or it may be syn. with ^^uuil] ; (A, 
K ;) or \yJ U g— » [aU '/»«' was it >' ; which 
shows that U in the former instance is virtually 
in the nom. case]. (TA.) See also 4, in two 
places. __ And *~eJI ^jaii, (ISh, Mgh, K,) inf. 

n. J&, (ISh, TA,) or J,£, (TA,) I The dye 
(ISh, £, TA,) of a red or yellow garment, or 
piece of cloth, (ISh, TA,) lost somewhat of its 
colour. (ISh, K, TA.) And hence, (Mgh,) 
vj^ll u&>, (A, Mgh,) aor. 1, (A,) inf. n. ^o^ii, 
(A, Mgh,) I The garment, or piece of cloth, lost 
its dye: (A :) or lost somewhat of its colour, of 
redness, or yellowness : (Mgh :) or tlie colour of 
its dye faded away so that there remained nothing 
but the trace. (TA.) J£l>, accord, to the 
lawyers, signifies + The being scattered, strewn, 
strewed, or dispersed : and accord, to [the Hanafee 
Imam] Mohammad, the non-transition of the 
trace of the dye to another thing : or its exhaling 
a sweet odour. (Mgh [but it seems that the 
particle "^, which I have rendered " non," is 
inserted by mistake in my copy of the Mgh.]) 
_ qj>\ J&, (&,) or &J gjll J&, (TA,) 
t The seed-produce put forth the last of its ears. 
($, TA.) And>»yJI ^oii t The grape-vine opened 
its bunches, or racemes. ($.) [See also 8.] 

2. uili, (S, TA,) inf. n. Jx**?, (TA,) He 
shook a garment, or piece of cloth, and a tree, 
much, or vehemently, in order that what was upon 
it might fall off. (S, TA.*) — Said of a horse, 
i.q. i^oij, q.v. (TA in art. yjaij.) 

4. iUJI c~ajjt i.o. SJkaJt ^y U ' ^joaj, (A, 

K,) or Vs» U ^Jf : (TA :) see 1 lyoAil 

originally signifies They shook their jjrovinon-bags, 
in order that the dust or the like might fall from 
them. (A.) And hence, (A,) J Their travelling- 
provisions became consumed, (S, M, A, K, TA,) 
and their wheat, or food; (M, TA ;) like 'jA^jl ; 
(S, M, K,*TA;) as though they shook their 
provision-bags in order that the dust or the like 
might foil from them, because of their being 
empty; (TA;) as also * \yt\k> : (K:) or \ycJi»\, 

(K,) or, as IDrd says, ^Ujtj ^l| making the 
verb trans., (TA,) They consumed their travelling- 
provisions. (IDrd, K.) And t Their camels, or 
the like, (J»yJI>«',) died, or perished. (S, K.) 
^oliit [the inf. n.] also signifies t The suffering 
hunger, or famine : and want. (TA.) — Crfi i i l 
JjNi : see C— ax>. 

# «•• Id 

5. o^«" hjOA-5 : Bee 1- 

8. ^iuuil It (a thing, Mgh, Msb, or a garment, 
or piece of cloth, S, A, 1£, and a tree, S, A) shook, 
or became shaken, (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) so that 
what was upon it, of dust <Jr., fell off, (Mgh,) or 
so that the dust and tlie like became removed from 
it. (Msb.) Hence the saying in a trad., ^jai^i 
£tJJaJI <u, i.e. [The bridge extending over hell will 
shake with him so that he will fall from it : or] 
wUl shake him, or shake kbit, violently, or [app. a 
mistake lor and] make him to fall. (Mgh.) — 
t He trembled, quaked, or shivered: said of a 
man, and of a horse. (A, TA.) — i It (& grape- 
vine) became beautiful and bright in its leaves: 
(K :) [as though its dust became shaken off.] = 
It is also used transitively : see 1, latter half: and 
see 10, in three places. 

10. j>^i\ vjoa^wI t Tlie people, or company of 
men, sent forth a i-a-ii, (S, J5L,* TA,) or party 

of scouts: (TA :) or sent forth 5-oAJ, or persons 
to clear the roads of robbers and of intercepters of 
travellers, or to guard tlie roads. (A, L, TA.) 

O^ 1 ^ '■ " ■ " l : andv»^AJI: see 1, in four 

places. — rt..a«;T„rl also signifies I He extracted, 
educed, or elicited, it. (A, Mgh,* (.) You say, 
tjMt U ■•■ nn— 1 1 1 extracted, educed, or elicited, 

what he had. (A, TA.*) __ And hence, (Mgh,) 
^jkiSmA J He performed the act of cleansing 

termed »U>j£»1, (Mgh, K,) with three stones, 
(Mgh,) or with the stone: (K :) or this is from 
^>yi\ t>uLi ; because the person who performs 
this act shakes off from himself what is annoying, 
with the stone; i.e., removes it (TA.) You 


say also, ^£» jjl u r\i;:„A l He took extraordinary 
pains in cleansing, or he cleansed entirely, (1^*^*1 ,) 
the penis from the remains of the urine ; as also 
*laA2l; (£;) and *,>uit [alone]: (TA:) 
and * this last, he sprinkled some water upon his 
pudendum after tlie ablution termed 'y-o}. (TA 
in art. *—cu.) — [Hence also,] Uy^U- \JmUS—\ : 
see 1. 

yjaij What has fallen, of the produce of a 
tree; (TA ;) what has fallen, of leaves, and 
of fruit : (S, Msb, $ :) or a thing that one 
shakes [or has shaken] off: (T in art. yCfi :) 
of the measure Jjtf in the sense of the measure 
Jyu*, (S, Msb, TA,) like ,>u» in the sense of 
^joyJut, (S, TA,) and >»j* in the sense of 
l»j£o: (TA:) and (K, TA) what has fallen, 
(TA,) of grapes, [in the CBL we find __~j«M v^*. 
for * r *l*i\ k^ttM., the reading in other copies of 
the K,] wlien they are found ( j^y_ [in the CEL 
j»jj, thus, with «., and with the unpointed 3,]) 
one with another, (K. TA,) or cleaving one to 
another: (L, TA :) or what lias fallen, of dates, 
at the feet of tlie palm-trees : (M, TA :) or what 
has fallen, of fruit, at the feet of trees ; as also 
♦ ^^LJUI: (A:) or * this last signifies leaves 
that are shaken off upon tlie 1/0UJ, q. v. ; as also 
» i^eUj [which is app. pi. of ,_*»»■>, like as JL*- 
is pi. of jli-] : (Sgh, K :) the sing, of t^iUI 
is t £iy£l. (TA.) [See also iiUi'.] =>»^5 
ijoaj [app. quasi-pl. of* i^oiO, like as>»jui. is of 
zjli.,] J A people, or company of men, whose 
travelling-provisions have become consumed. (ISh.) 

j J The shivering, or trembling, attending a 
/ecer termed ^^oiLJI; (S, K;) as also " *-iii 
(Sgh, K) and ♦ lUui. (S, ?.) [See also j,,^.] 
The subst. [from these words, which seems to 
indicate that they are inf. ns. or from t Jm j a k > 
l J*mJ\, which precedes them in the K,] is 
* c^oUi [app. signifying I A shivering, or tremour, 
attending that fever]. ($..) mas f A rain which 
falls upon a piece of land and misses another 
piece. (S.) [In the O and $ in art. >yC, written 


A-aiJ : see «i : ii, in two places. 

UAi -. see 3ueij . 

j-^uki : see ^j^Ju . 
iUuu : see <ucuu . 

^i\Ai : see i-aiu : = and see i^uu . 

J*dS : see LiUi . s Also, and * ,>Ui, t The 



failure of travelling-provision* ; i. e. their being 
consumed: or dearth, or drought: (S, K:) the 
latter of the words, and of the explanations, on 
the authority of Th. (S.) Hence, ^^aj ,>UJI 

4-VJI , (S, $,) a proverb, meaning, I The failure 
of provisions, (TA,) or dearth, or drought, (S, 
£, TA,) causes the camels, driven or brought 
from one place to another, to be disposed in 
Ales for sale, (S, K, TA,) in order that their 
owners may buy provisions with their price. 

JL\Mi : see £j>& : and Jiiu. =s= A piece of 

J * m 

cloth upon which the leaves of the f* and the 
like fall, it being spread, (K, TA,) and the tree 
being beaten with a staff, or stick: (TA:) pi. 
ijxto : (£ :) and [in like manner] * ^jaii* and 
t ^jbiikiA signify a garment of the kind called 
fL&» , upon which the JdJkl [or leaves or fruit of 
a tree] fall : (A, TA :) or * ,>ul* signifies i. q. 
will*, (S, £,) i. e. a vessel ( .Uj ) in which dates 
[and grain] are shaken to remove the dust fyc. 

(TA.) A garment of the kind called jljl worn 

by boys: (S.K:) pi. as above. (TA.) You 
say also, J&> <£u U, (S, K,) meaning He has 
not upon him any clothing. (Ibn-Abbiid, &.) 

sjojij \ A woman having many children ; pro- 
lific. (S, A, K.) = J&U Jo£ J^j I A 
man who considers, examines, or studies, speech, 
or language, or does so repeatedly, in order to 
obtain a clear knowledge of it. (TA.) 

LiUJ What has fallen in consequence of shak- 
ing to cause something upon it to fall ; (S ;) what 
has fallen from a thing so shaken; (IDrd, K ;) 
whatever it be ; as, for instance, of leaves ; and 
mostly, of leaves of the y+i* in particular, when- 
collected and beaten off [or rather beaten off and 
collected] in a garment, or piece of cloth ; (IDrd, 
L, TA ;) [like JcJJ, q. v. ;] and * ^UJ sig- 
nifies the same ; (S, £ ;) and * ,>Ui also. (K.) 
And What remains in one's mouth, of a l)\y* [or 
tooth-stick], and is spit out ; or a particle broken 
off therefrom, remaining in the mouth, and spit 
out; i.q. Jl^- IjLAJ, (IAar, K,) and *J)\yi. 
(IA 9 r.) 

1 JuV- J A company sent forth into the land to 
see whether there be in it an enemy, (S, K,) or 
not, ($,) or any [cause of] fear; (S ;) like 
imJUb; (S, TA;) as also * L±JJ ; [pi. of 

t JLit, like as *& is of 4-JU» (?, £0 or 
the former signifies men going before an army 
as scouts, or explorers : (As, in TA, voce ijfism. :) 
or men who explore a place thoroughly .- and also, 
a single person : (A'Obeyd, in TA, ibid. :) or 

v*ii — Uii 

a scout, or scouts, stationed on a mountain or 
other elevated place : (TA :) or one who guards 
the road: (A, TA:) or a company [of men] : 
(TA :) and * the latter, persons who clear the 
roads of robbers and of iiUercepters of travellers ; 
or who guard the roads: (A, TA:) the pi. of 
the former is J&& ; (S ;) which also signifies 
persons who throw pebbles in order to know if 
there be behind them anything that they dislihe, 
or an enemy. (£.) — Also, the pi., t Lean, or 
emaciated, camels ; (S, K ;) accord, to AA, as 
occurring in a verse of Aboo-Dhu-eyb, in which 
he says, 

(S, TA,) In which tlie lean, or emaciated, camels 
cast the shoes ; meaning that these have become 
dissundered ; or, as Akh says, t/ie thongs so 
called [by which tlieir shoes are fastened], these 
being dissundered ; <u* referring to the road ; but 
some read, l^-i, referring to the roads, mentioned 
before : (TA :) As reads ,>uUJ, as well as AA : 
(S, TA :) but others read the word with J, as 
pi. ofjaii, and signifying "jaded" camels: 
(so in a copy of the S :) or ,>uUi signifies camels 
which traverse the land. (IAar, K.) — The 
sing, is also said to signify Waters where tliere 
is not any one. (IAar, Sh; both in the TA, 
voce fj' : -pr, q. v., and the former also in 
tins art.) 

r,J' Motion : and tremour, or shivering ; 

as also * 


and t 

(O, ¥..) [See 

■ »* 

also <Uuu.] 

ijoiO \ A fever attended with shivering, or 
trembling: (S, A,*K:) of the masc. gender: 
(ISd, £ :) but applied as an epithet to ^^a. 
[which is fern.]. (TA.) Contr. of ^JU>. (S, 
in art. sr-JLo.) You say, t^u ^^a. a->J*.I, 
(S, K,) and uaiC-i J^, (K,) which is the 
more approved form, (TA,) and ^oiU yj^-, 
(K,) the latter word being sometimes thus used as 
an epithet ; the second meaning t Fever took him, 
or affected him, with [a shivering, or trembling, 
or] violent shivering or trembling ; (TA ;) [and 
the first and third,/«roer attended with shivering, 
or trembling, took him, or affected him.] = See 

• ' - , •'.'. fill * *'- ♦ A 

also &aJu : = and ^ov sa ^*>b ~>y I A. 
garment, or piece of cloth, which has lost its dye : 
(A :) or which has lost somewhat of its colour, of 
redness, or yellowness. (Mgh.) 

[Book I. 

eggs, ( V^j coti, A, TA,) and desisted, (A,) 
or become weary. (TA.) 

see i>Ui ; for the former, in two 


• #•# 

voyiu* t Made to shiver, or tremble, by fever, 

(S, K.) 



« #•! * .»• 

JUoyut : pi. |ja£»01 

in three 

see ,^a*j 

JL& £»»Vj, (A,) or iiii* [i. e. Ufe*}, 
(TA,) I A hen that has laid her eggs, or all her 

1. »ju «iJ»ii, (S, Msb,) or **£>,($,) aor. - , 
(Mfh, K,) inf. n. Lu and i*ji (S, Msb, ^,) 
tj ; (K;) or, accord, to AZ, c-Ja*J , aor. 
'-, inf. n. Ul3 and LjS ; (TA;) His hand 
became blistered, or vesicated; it had water, or 
fluid, between the skin and the flesh ; (AZ, Msb ;) 

A ^ M 

i. q. oJla~«; (S, K ;) as also * £*lmi I " : (S:) 

% 00 
or it became ulcerated by work. (K.) = »."-h«i, 

aor. r , inf. n. LiJ (ADk, S, ¥.) and iui, 

(TA,) iSAe (a goat) did wliat was like sneezing 

ft '00 

(o^Li [app. meaning scattered forth moisture or 
t/te /i/te]) wi<A /j«r nose : (ADk, S, IC :) or sneezed. 
(K.) It is said in a proverb, J lie <u» kiij "jj, 
meaning f Blood-revenge will not be taken for 
him ; i. e. for this slain person. (TA.) _ Also, 
(S, K,) aor. ;, inf. n. iaji, (S,) It (a cooking- 
pot, jji,) boiled, (S, JS.,) and poured forth [some 
of its contents], (S,) or so that it threw forth 
what resembled arrows; (TA;) a dial. var. of 

C. : >) . (S.) laJu, aor. - , | He was angry : 

or he burned with anger: as also * Jki-j. (K, 
TA.) You say, Lii ki£f U^Li ol » ( s , TA,) 
t Verily such a one burns with anger : (TA r) or 
it is like c-a-j [meaning 6ot& wjVA anger: or 
?nakes a noise like coughing, in anger : or blows, 
in an^cr] : (S :) [for the inf. n.] ^jUbuu signifies 
the doing what resembles coughing: and blowing, 

% 000 

on an occasion of anger : and so ^>Ui> . (TA.) — 

Also, (KL,) aor. ; , inf. n. Jauii, said of an antelope, 

it ' • * 

^jt-oJI in the KL, being a mistake for l _ y JiJI, as 
in the TS and L, (TA,) t-^"c u«r«i-erf n sound, or 
CT-y. (TS, L, ^.) — + -He (a man) spoke, or 
<aMr«f, unintelligibly; (K, TA;) <« /Aou^A fry 
reason of his anger. (TA.) — <u-t C-Ja>Ai t His 
anus emitted wind with a sound. (Ibn-'Abbad, K.) 

3 : see 6. 

4. Jaiit /< (work) caused the hand to become 
blistered, or vesicated: or caused it to become 
ulcerated. (£.)' [See 1, first sentence.] 

5 : see 1, in two places. 

6. &U3 JjJUI [for Lilsj, in the CK t itilS,] 
The cooking-ptjt throws forth foam ; (^ a 
dial. var. of ciu [q.v.] (TA.) 

Book I.] 

Hi, accord, to the T, Pustules which come 
forth upon the hand, in consequence of work, 
full of mater, or fluid; (Mgh ;) WWm, or 
vesicles, upon the hand ; a contraction of * J»*i ; 
which is pi. [or rather coll. gen. n.] of ▼ *i»iu, 
sometimes contracted into * iHi ; and sometimes 
ilLki is used as pi. of ii-S : (Msb :) or ♦ iixij 
signifies [simply] a pustule; as also ▼ *±*i and 
* IHi ; ($ ;) and the lawyers call it * ikUi, 
from this word as signifying " a place whence 
Hi issues," or it may be [originally] an intensive 
act part. n. (Msb.) _ Also, and » lu, (Msb,) 
or*ikii and tiUi and ▼ &&, (Mgh, Sgh, 
K,) The smaW-pox: (Mgh, Sgh, Msb, K:) 
accord, to Z, * hii [so in the TA, without any 
syll. signs,] signifies, in the dial, of Hudheyl, 
the small-pox in children and in sheep or goats. 
(TA.) ^See also what next follows. 

Hi and *iii, (S, Msb, K,) the former of 
which is the more chaste, (ISk, S, Msb, K,*) 
or, as some say, the latter, (Msb,) or the latter 
is a mistake, (As, K,) {Naphtha : and petroleum. : 
both so called in the present day :] a certain oil, 
(S,) well known, (K,) with which camels are 
smeared for the many,; or scab, and galls on 
the back, and tikes; it does not include what is 
termed J^M: (ISd.TA:) or, accord, to AHn, 
»'</. j*-^» : accord, to A'Obeyd, i.q- o\)^ "> 
but AHn denies this ; and says that it is an 
exuding fluid (*>*•.) of « mountain, [found] 
in the bottom of a well, with which fire is kindled: 
(TA :) the best is the white : it is a dissolvent ; 
and opens obstructions; removes the colic; and 
kills worms that are in the vulva, when used in 
the manner of a suppository. (K.) 

sec luJ, throughout: — and for 
the last, see also 


aivay, through the land, or country: (K:) [in 
the CK and some MS. copies of the J£» we 
afterwards find >%)! ,«* ^ with ke8r t0 the 
J, explained as signifying he proceeded, or 
joufneyed, through the lands:) * w*Jl he pro- 
ceeded, or journeyed, through the country: 
(IAar :) a**Jt ^ IjJL [Kur, 1. 35,] they pro- 
ceeded, or journeyed, through the lands, seeking 
for a place of refuge : (S :) or they tracersed the 
lands, and journeyed through them, much, SfC. : 
(Fr. :) or they went about and about, and 
searched, $c. (Zj.) Jli^t J> * i^, "» * verse 
of Imra-cl-Keys, J journeyed through the tracts 
of tlie earth, and came and went. (TA) — 
Jj»JI ^ii, nor. :, or ^-*-JI Jk«- ^>> ( L » TA >) 

% * * • * fi J • f * 

ai?yu-o sj£> : sec rth^a* . 

[ £*, &c. 
See Supplement.] 

• - •- 
UoJJ : 

ajbuu : 

&& [accord, to the C#, but erroneously, 
£liu] : see aiui, in two places. 

ilLii JU» A Aand ulcerated by work: or 
blistered, or vesicated ; having water or /ui<i, 
6e*ro««n * A« **»'» <««* <*« f^ 1 • and * *H^ 
signifies the same; and so tik^; (& ;) of 
which last, however, ISd says, it is thus related 
by the lexicologists ; but there is no way of 
accounting for it in my opinion; for it js from 
Jkiil. (TA.) [Golius also mentions * iUAi as 
signifying A hand affected with pustules ; on the 
authority of Meyd ; and it is agreeable with 

VUi A thrower of Hi [or naphtha] : pi. 

♦ iLlii, [or rather this is a coll. gen. n.,] (Msb,) 
and o^&. (Mgh.) 

lk>& A place whence iaii [or naphtha] is 

extracted; (El-Farabee, Msb, K;) as also 'iiUi ; 
(K ;) but the former is the more known ; (TA ;) 
a place where it it generated ; a mine, or source, 
thereof; a word similar to *iJ%» (Mgh, Msb) 
and SjUS: (Mgh:) pi. Olk& (Msb.) — A 
/fctntf o/ /amp made to give light by means thereof; 
as also * tS>& 5 (K ;) but the former is the 
more known. (TA.) — An instrument with 
which laii is thrown ; (Mgh;) an instrument of 
copper, or brass, in which iaJi is thrown, (K, 

TA,) and fire ; (TA ;) a o' J3 ' } \i of Jali, which is , 

thrown: (Msb:) pi. as above. (Mgh.) You and T^iit, (L.) Thecamel walked barefooted,^. 

say OlM-LLl Lt4i o*£" r* \F"\&* ^'^ *** ** S " % ^^ W °™ "* 
throwers of naphtha went forth, having in their j holes : (TA :) or ^-xJI ^-ii, (S, K,) and ^*»i, 
hands the instrument* with which to throw it], j (K.) rA« r«««,i'« /«/ &em«« fAto, [or were worn 
(Mgh.) — Sec also £&. — And see kli. j Mfa ; which is also a signification of Jm.]. 

, , ,,., I (S, K.) lliljil C-lii Our feet became thin 

ItiU ^i£» : see i£ui5 iixiO S^tj Fro<A, ! fa </(<J iA /M) fl „ rf blistered, by reason of walking. 

or /oam, /wwVi// t«66fe : (Az, Msb :) pi. hi\y \ (L.) JLL)I ^Ji, aor. -', i/c pn/rA«i the boot ; 

(TA.) i repaired it by patching. (K.) Also, He made 

the boot thin : he made [or wore] holes in it. 

(Msb.) JbiJI C^>, aor. i , (inf. n. « r -L, T A,) 

The boot became lacerated, or worn through, 
in holes. (S, K, TA.) [And in like manner 
The sole of the foot of a camel or of a man : 
i see below: and see an ex. voce JJAl.J — 
, aor. '., inf. n. ^X>, He (a horse) put his 
feet together in his running ('j**— \j_' [*•* 
which Golius and Freytag appear to have read 
ifLL ^,] K,) not spreading his fore feet, his 
running being [a hind of] leaping. (TA.)^ 
jUA-^l O* 4-^> a01 '- '- > IIe scrutinized, inves- 
tigated, searched into, examined into, or inquired 
into, the news; (K ;) and, in like manner, 
anything else : (MF :) [as also * ^L i see the 
phrase i%ll ^» '>f*J, explained above:] or 
he told, announced, or related, the news. (K.) 

_ y-UI y^JlJ s - T-^' 0> y^J yji\ Vtnl y 

I have not been commanded to scrutinize and 
reveal what is in the hearts of men. (TA, from 

a trad.) a-V ^ ^*>, aor - -» inf - n - *' U i- 

7/e actfii a* the ^~i over Aw peopte ; was their 

(S, ?1 :) but of a man who was not 

Ju, and has become so, you say ^ii, with 

damm, aor.i, inf. n. %&>, with fet-h, He 

became ^Ju ; (Fr., S, K ;) as also ^ii, aor. -': 

(IKtt, ^. :) or A^ULi with kesr is a subst. ; and 

with fet-h, an inf. n. ; (S, K ;) like Xtf} and 

i><)} : so says Sb. (S.) as ^>y>\ J^, aor. -', 

inf. n. <^*i, H e rnade the piece of cloth into a 

'■ (?.) 

: see 1. 


aor. - , inf. n. >^*i, lie perforated, 
pierced, bored, or made a hole through, or in, 
or into, anything : like .^Ju. (TA.) He made 
a hole through a wall. (S.) — ^Wl 5^- %-OJ, 
aor. i, He (a farrier) perforated the navel of the 
beast in order that a yellow fluid might issue 

forth. (S.) See 1&>. — c4»" «*■**• aor - '• > 
inf. n. ^Si, He performed, upon the eye, what 
is called ^JiM in the language of the physicians ; 
i.e., o remedial operation for the black fluid that 
arises in tlie eye : from the phrase next following : 
(IAth :) [but this is not a good explanation : 
the meaning is he performed upon the eye the 
operation of couching, for the cataract : so in 
many Arabic works, ancient and modern : 
(IbrD :) the couching-needle is called — . 

and £jJUI bt\, in the present day] 

ajtjjl j»U- Si (a farrier) pierced a hole in the 
hoof of the beast, in order to extract what had 
entered into it (IAth.) — *X *^*J, (aor. i , 
inf. n. C-ii, TA,) A misfortune, an evil accident, 
or a calamity befell him, (K,) and overcame him, 
or afflicted him; like *£&'. (TA.) [In the 
C£, for -&U>1, is put *^Ul.] — u»W' \J, *•***> 
aor. '- , and ♦ **ii\ and ♦ ^X, He went, or went 


3. 4^»U, inf. n. ^Ui ; as also OUi 4^'; 
/ wwt him fact to face : or wtVAou* appointment, 
(£,) anrf unintentionally : (TA :) or un«c- 
pectedly. (S.) lyUu is in the accus. case as an 
inf. n. ; or as a word descriptive of state. 
(TA.)_ Clii «Ol ±*>x, (S,) or ,UI C*«J 
^^> (£>) -^ came upon the mater unexpectedly, 
without seeking for it. (§, g.) 

4: see l.^^JLil His earners feet became 
thin; [or were worn thin;] (S, £ ;) or ?wre 
worn i» Aofe* 6y walking. (TA.) = .ffe 
became a door-keeper, or chamberlain; Arab. 
v«.U.: (KL:) or Ae became a v . t iJ. (L, 
$, &c.) 

5 : see 8. 

mitted the disease to the first camel. (TA.) 

vr-iJI £i\y ,UyJI ^ yL* J [Such a one puts 
the tar upon the places of the scabs] : said of one 
who is clever, or skilful, and who does or says 
what is right (A.) [See also ^J\S.] 

J, and, as a fem. epithet, t/Ui, A camel 
whose feet have become worn in holes, [or worn 
thin,] by walking. (TA.) See the verb. _ 
The former may also signify Having the scab, or 
what first appears thereof. (TA.) See 

sr-ii : see wJLi. 

8. c-iit (S, $, Msb) and t jjjj (Msb) 
She (a woman) veiled her face with a ^jlL. 

(?» £> MSD.) « 7 «!« ■, » t v .j;J; flPA^"^7 

• *. 

X (S, £) and * i-L ? (S) A hole, perforation, 
or bore, (£,) in, or through, a wall, (S,) 
or anything whatever : (TA :) or a large hole, 
perforation, or bore, passing through a thing; 
such as is small being termed ^Ju, with ,i» : 
(Mgh, in art ^Ju:) pi. of the former ^>£ 
(Msb) and ^>&\ and ^UJ. (TA, and some 
copies of the $.) — ^& ($) and * LiC (S) 
An u/«r that arises in tlte side, (S, ISd, £,) 
attacking the inside of the body, (S, ISd,) and 
having its tiead inwards ; (ISd ;) [as also * Sjlti, 
for] ^Ui signifies ulcers that come forth in the 
side and penetrate into the inside. (TA voce 
JlJi.) See^ii.__4Ji (S, K) and T^J- 
(KL) and *^JLu and ▼ %£, (S, $) A road (or 
narrow roan", TA,) in a mountain: (ISk, S, £:) 
a roaa" between two mountains: (IAth :) pi. (of 
the first and second, TA,) w>liil (a pi. of pauc, 
TA,) and ^>\Su ; ($ ;) and of the third and 
fourth, 4-JLu. (TA.) See also 

(?» K>) an d * *t->*j (KL : but the former is 
the more common : TA) and ♦ ^Jj (K) [the first 
is a coll. gen. n., of which the n. un. is iJu [q.v.], 
of which it is called in the S the pi. : but ynJL? is 
the pi. of «Lii :] Scab, [or scabs,] (K,) absolutely : 
(TA :) or scattered scabs (S, Kl,) when tltey first 
appear: (S:) 4JUM is the first that appears of tlte 
scab ; and is so called because the scabs perforate 
the skin: you say, of a camel, ilii 44 : (As:) tlte 
first that appears of the scab, in a patch like the 
palm of the hand, in tlte side of a camel, or on his 
haunch, or Aw lip : then it spreads over him until 
it covers him entirely. (ISh.) Mohammad, 
denying that any disease was transmitted from 
one thing to another, and being asked how it was 


(Imt a i-ii spread in camels, asked what trans- 

i-ii A mark, trace, or vestige : ex. %J6 x^e. 

Upon him, or it, is a mark, $c. (T.) See 

■*•*» ***i t Uust, (K,) upon a sword or the 

head of an arrow or a spear: (M :) or wJu fi.e. 

***"* 9 

T v-ii,q.v.,acoll.gen.n.,ofwhichiJuisthen un • 

or ^Ai, pi. of 4-ii ;] signifies : traces of rust upon 

a sword or an arrow-head or a spear-head, likened 

to the first appearances of the scab. (A ) - 
%.ti v * 

a-ii The face: (S, K:) or the parts surrounding 

the face : (L :) pi. ^£. (TA.) __ a£ A gar- 
went resembling an jljl, having a seived waistband 
or tiring, (aL^ Sj^L : so i n the S, M, L : 
whence it appeal's that the reading in the K 
***** »>--, '8 erroneous : TA : [F having, it 
seems, found Sj h^ .I written in the place of 
it»e^«:]) /i-j<Aoa< a JA-J [which is the part 
turned down at the. top, and sewed, through which 
tlte waistband jklsscs], (S, K,) tied as trotisers, or 
drawers, are tied: (S :) or a pair of trousers, or 
drawers, having a waistband, but wit/tout a part 
turned down at tlte top, and sewed, for tlte waist- 
band topasx through : if it have this, (i.e., a Ji,J,) 
it is called JjjI^ : (TA :) or a piece of rag of 
which the upper part is made like drawers, or 
trousers : (L :) or a pair of drawers, or trousers, 
without legs. (M, voce ^J\, TA.) = aSJ The 
state, or condition; quality, mode, or manner; 
slate with regard to apparel $c. ; external form, 
figure, feature, or appearance; of any thing: 




Colour. (S, K.) 

-*• t^r* A horse of beautiful colour. 
(TA.) See also *' 

i A mode of veiling the face with the «^UJ : 

(El :) pi. ^ii. (TA.) — aJUI iHU 0\ (S) 

Verily she has a comely mode of veiling Iter fare 
with the w*Ui. (TA.) 

^>\ij [A woman's face-veil;] (S, EL ;) a veil 
that is upon [or covers] the soft, or pliable, part 
of tlte nose; (AZ;) [not extending higher:] a 
woman's veil t/tat extends as high as the circuit 
of the eye : (Msb :) it is of different modes : Fr 
says, When a woman lowers her ^>Uj to her eye, 
it [the action] is termed i^yoj ; and when she 

[Book I. 

lowers it further, to [the lower part of] the circuit 
of the eye, it [the veil] is called ^>\ii ; and if it is 
on the extremity of the nose, it is [properly] 
called >liJ: (T:) the ^Mi, with the Arabs, is 
that [kind of veil] from out of which appears the 
circuit of the eye : and the meaning of the sayine 
in a trad., ^»^». ^>\jui\ is, that women's shewing 
the circuits of the eyes is an innovation ; not that 
they used not to veil their faces : the [kind of] 
V 1 * 3 which they used reached close to the eye, 
and they showed one eye while the other was 
concealed; whereas the [kind of] ^i\ii, which 
only shows both the eyes [without their circuits], 
was called by them i^Jj [a mistake for JLs'^] 
and £&j( : [in the original, S»l *i« jjuj ^ ^UUIj 
£JI A»-t ^l£»j ^Le*)! : but the ^ before <j\£» is 
erroneously introduced, and perverts the sense, 
which is otherwise plain, and agreeable with what 
is said before:] then they innovated the [veil 
properly called] v lii : (A'Obeyd:) pi. ^JL\ 
(Msb.) s wiUi and * Liu A road through a 
rugged tract of ground: (K:) the former word 
used both as a sing, and a pi. (TA.) = ^*Ui (a 
strange form of epithet, MF,) I A man of great 
kitowledge; very knowing: (S, SL :) or jtossessing a 
knowledge of things, or affairs : or, as also * -*Vt , 
mentioned by IAth and Z, a man possessing 'a 
knowledge of things, ro/to scrutinises or investigates 
them much ; who is intelligent, and enters deeply 
into things. (TA.) = .llii The belly. Hence 
the proverb, ylii ^i ^uL> r [Two young birds in 
one belly] ■. applied to two things that resemble 
one another. (K[.) In like manner one says 

•fr'j f^ cs? ^ t 77 "?/ were in one belly]- 
meaning they were like each other. (A.) 

i.q. ._>$*—, A thing perforated, pierced, 
bored, or having a hole made through, or in, or 
into it. (TA.) _ ^^^ii A musical reed, or pipe. 
(£•) — The tongue of a pair of scales, or balance. 
(KO — A dog having the upper part of his wind- 
pipe (Aii^d* : so in the S, K : or Aar% his 
windpipe, <Ojm^iL : so in the A) perforated, (S, 
K.,) in order that his cry may be weak : a base 
man performs this operation on his dog, in order 
that guests may not hear its cry. (S : and the 
like is said in the L.) =s»y 4-t^ The intendant, 
superintendent, overseer, or inspector, of a people; 
he who takes notice, or cognisance, of their actions, 
and is responsible for them; i.q. _ /t ^Jujk and 
^U^AlA and^^U-6: (?, £:) like ^\ and 
J-i£» : (Zj :) fA«V head, or chief: (TA :) like 

*-**>* [l -T -] ' '- e, » one w *° *» Kt over a people, 
and investigates their affairs: (L:) or, as some 
say, the greatest, or supreme, chief of a people : 
so called [from w-jj " he scrutinized, or investi- 
gated,"] because he is acquainted with the secret 

Book I.] 

affaire of the people, and knows their virtues, or 
generous actions, and is the way by which one 
obtains knowledge of their affaire: (TA:) pi. 
iLii. (S.) 



ajVu The office of 

(Sb: see 1.) 

i«ii Mind: syn. ^^Lii. (S, K.) You say 
<UJUt o»-»^-* £)*}* Such a one It of a fortunate 
mind, (A'Obeyd, S,) when the person referred to 
is fortunate in his affairs, succeeding in what he 
seeks after, or strives to accomplish: (ISk, S:) 
or when he is fortunate in his counsel, or advice : 
(Th, S:) or the phrase signifies such a one unfor- 
tunate in his actions, and in gaining what he seeks. 
(TA.) Sec also what follows. i~ii is also said, 

in the K, to signify the same as jic (under- 
standing, intellect, or intelligence) ; but, says SM, 
I have not found this in any other lexicon : only 
I have found the word explained in the L as 
signifying JjuUI &+j (good fortune attending, or 
residting from, an action) : so probably Ji* is a 

mistake for J*i. (TA.) Also, Counsel, or 

advice. (K.) See above. __ Also, Penetration 
<f judgment; acuteness; sagacity. (Ibn-Buzurj, 
K) — Also, Nature; or natural, or native, 
disposition, tempter, or other quality : (K. :) i.q. 
A+ttu and <xiujf. and i*g^>. (T, art. Jj*.) 
Agreeably with this explanation, the phrase above 
mentioned is rendered in the T, in art. jjjfi, Such 
a one is of a fortunate nature, or natural dis- 
position : (TA:) or it signifies, in this phrase, as 
also £««*;, i.q. yjy, Colour, complexion, species, 
$c. (IAar.) Also kJLi\ fjLL '£, He is of a 
good nature, or natural disjwsition : and in like 
manner, 3t e > » v ^JUe ^i ±f)± Such a one is a 
person of good dispositions, or natural qualities. 
(L.) = i-jii A she-camel having a large udder: 
(ISd, KL:) having her udder bound up with a 
cloth or the like, on account of its greatness and 
excellence : but AM says this is a corruption, and 
that the correct word is i~Jv, with ȣ>, meaning 
a she-camel "abounding with milk." (TA.) 

ears inclined to the singing of the drivers]. But ' aLj^. [aor. '- ,] He mixed, or confounded, his 

&£ lit, " by reason of their pleasure," is also j discourse, like as one mixes ford. (£.) = iiii 

read, for £^Uil : (TA :) [so that the meaning is j S&\i, [aor. '. ,] (and * ISttii, TA,) He hurt him 
The cheeks of their white camels were inclined, by 
reason of their pleasure, to the singing of the 

t ••* 
^..JlU The navel: or [a place] before it : (K :) 

iv/iere the farrier makes a perforation in order 

that a yellow fluid may issue forth : (S :) so in a 

horse. (TA.) See 

An iron instrument with which a farrier 
perforates the navel of a beast of carriage (S, K) 
in order that a yellow fluid may issue forth. (S.) 

Sec y& i, and <_jUl>. 

see s r *Ju . _ A narrow may between 
tiro houses, (L, K,) along which one cannot pass. 
(L.) It is said in a trad., that one does not 
possess the right of pre-emption ( <J« a. - ..)l ) with 
respect to a JUU* ; and this word is explained 
as signifying a wall : syn. Ja5U- : [and so in the 
KL :] or a way between two houses, as though it 
were \ierf orated from one to the other : or a road, 

or way, over an elevated piece of grotmd. (L.) = 
■**## §«»».. 

aJU« A virtue ; an excellence ; contr. of a .. . La : 

(S:) a cause of glorying : (K:) generosity of 

action, or conduct : (L :) a \_good disposition, or 

natural quality : [see«u-ii:J (T A:) a memorable, 

or generous action, and [good] internal quality : 

(A :) pi. v«5U« : (TA :) ^iU« ^j J^.j A man 

of memorable, or generous, actions, and [good] 

internal qualities. (A.) 

k>\Ju : 


y^»\j and i^U [the former omitted in some 
copies of the $] A disease that befalls a man in 
consequence of long sluggishness, or indolence : (E[ :) 
or, as some say, the ulcer that arises in the side. 
(TA.) 8ee ^JH. 

V«li a pl- without a sing., The ears: (M, 
K,) or, accord, to some, its sing, is ^Ju. (TA.) 
El-Katamee says, 

»»'** » » it • , 
[The cheeks of their white camels mere with their 

1. wJu, [aor. -,] infl n. cJb, //<■ /<'<;/< ok/, 
or extracted, marrow [from a bone]. (K.) Az, 
quotes, from Aboo-Turtlb, on the authority of 
Aboo-Ameythel, JJajd\ C-ii, and cJLi, The 
marrow of the bone was taken out, or extracted. 
(L.) And J says, ^_»JI c-ii aor. - , infl n. c-ii, 

is a dial, form of <uyu, meaning, / too* out, or 
extracted the marrow [from a bone] : as though 
they had changed the j into O. (L.) But it is 
said in a marginal note in the S, Aboo-Sahl 
El-Harawee says, What I remember to have 
heard is^tuOl •£*&>, aor. -, inf. n. ■£*&, I took 
out, or extracted, the marrow from the bone ; 

and so «>7t i . 7 - i l, with the three-pointed ^j ; and 
■»■>•'- ,*»».*• j>«. , 

, and rtt.i JL. i l, and <uyU. (TA.) 

fty words. (^.) = ,^0,^1 iii, aor. i, inf. n. 

He dug up the earth with a hoe or shovel. 

(AZ.) — £i SJj; (or, accord, to the TA. 

* I * ' 

;^5^ 0*>) an d » w»«"''l, //<-' du^ up t/»€ ear/A 

/row « ^Ai«y. (Kl.) ^^4*11 ii (aor. - , 

inf. n. iJj, TA ;) and t ijULLil ; and ♦ *£L 7> ; 

(TA ;) He took out, or extracted, the marrow 

from Die bone. (K.) See also cJLi. (TA.) 

^. ■*- ' », mf. n. «£Ju ; and * w-i», inf. n. ^....i-.-i; 
7/e removed a thing. Ex. UJj~o »j<JLJ "^ 5Ae 
iwerf not <o remove our wheat, or provision, nor 
to take it forth, nor scatter it; but kept it faith- 
fully. (TA, from a trad.) 

2 : see 1. 

5. w i.: Ji i/e endeavoured to make a woman 
incline to him, and to render her affectionate to 
him : (K : ) as though he drew forth her love, 
like as one draws forth the marrow from a bone. 
(TA.) __ , 

8 : see 1. 

i q. Ujkyiu. 

(TA.) _ 

j Malicious, or mischievous, misrepresenta- 
tion ; calumny; slander. (IAar.) 

*!>Li_i (in measure like>»Ua3) The hyena. (K.) 

in art. *-}».) 

(TA voce ia-13, 


1. «£-*5, aor. i ; and ♦ »il>, (inf. n. i. e i.*J, 
S,) and v w««-"-'l ; ^« hastened, was quick. 
(S, ^.) __ CJul C^ j «. 7 went forth hastening. 
(S.) — j«-JI w-*ii p/»-, and '^ i:;j , TTe w>en< 
/ortA hastening in his pace. (TA.) __ 

1. Ll-i lii, aor. - , (inf. n. *ii, TA,) He 
peeled, or barked, a thing; peeled off, stripped 
off, or removed, its outer covering. (£, TA.) 
S^it lii, (Msb,) or Uiilt, (T,) aor. : , inf. n. 
-JU, (Msb,) 7/c pared, or trimmed, the stick, 
or *fa^F, fiy cutting off its knots : (T, Msb :) and 
in like manner you say of anything from which 
you pare off somewhat. (T.) __ cJ^JI ,'. \ 1 , 
inf.n. jJLi; (B[;) and ▼ tmXi, (K.,) inf. n. 

> ■ t « '- "i ; (S ;) Tie ;;orcrf q^ the knots of the 
palm-trunk: (K. :) or Ae pruned, or trimmed, 
the trunk of the palm-tree, by cutting off the 
stumps of the branches, or by cutting off the 
superfluous branches. (S.) — IJU, (TA,) and 
* ^ftl, (K,) jffe stripped off the ornaments of 
his sword [to sell them] in a time of dearth and 
poverty. ($, TA.) — Jj£}\ ^ij, aor. :, (£,) 
inf. n. ^ii; (TA;) and * *-Jj, (inf. n. 
^L-il3, S;) and t ^SJLil; (S, ? ;) tf« «. 
traded the marrow from the bone : (S, ij. :) or 



has an intensive signification. (Msb.) 

****** j 

_ ' * , *■ -JU He separated what was good 

from what was bad of the thing. (Msb.) 

2. jJiIlt -JL>, inf. n. l- j i. J .3 ; (S, $;) and 
t *-, inf. n. -.liJl ; (?;) t H e trimmed, 
pruned, or put into a right or proper state, poetry, 
or rer«w. (S, K.) S$SLi\ »X» t H e scru- 
tinized the language, and examined it well : or 
he put it to rights, or trimmed it, and removed 
its faults, or defects. (TA) — See 1. 

4 : see 1 and 2. 

5. i^LL -Ij, (K,) or aiiln ^12, (S,) 

or Aiiii ^JLi, (TA, &c.,) t Hit fat, (K,) or 
the fat of the she-camel, (S,) or the fat of his 
she-camel, (TA, &c.,) became little in quantity, 
or diminished, (S, K, &c.,) or partially went 
away. (A.) 

8 : see 1. 

LjLJt j£**-M >*l)l ^*- I [T/ie best of poetry 
is that which is a year old, and trimmed, or 
pruned]. (S.) 

* * * # • - 

1. iJu, aor. : , (S, L, K,) inf. n. «Ju (S, L) 
and ~Ui, (L,) 7/e struck, smote, or 6ea<. (K.) 
<u,|j iju //« struck his head with a staff, or 
sword, or some other hard thing : or he struch 
his head so that the brain came forth: (L:) or 
he brohe his liead so as to disclose the brain ; as 
also ouu. (S, L.) AtUj ±Ju He broke his 
brain. (K.) — Also, iX> (L) and • ^ .i : ■! 
(L, £) V/e extracted marrow (L, K) from a 

bone. (L.) •£-> JS>*i\ lJu + It (sweet 

water) broke, [or abated, or allayed,] thirst, by 
its coolness, or coldness. (L, from a trad.) 

8 : see 1. 

•bUb Svee< water; that has no saltness ; (AO, 
Th, S ;) that strikes ( ±Ju> ) </te lieart (or a/wuw* 
<foe< w, L) by its coldness : (S :) or cold, or cool, 
and sweet, and clear, water: (?.:) or sweet 

* * »* 

mater, that breaks [or abates or allays] ( »jw, 
i. e. ^...v'j,) f A /;-.«< by it* coolness, or coldness : 
(L, from a trad. :) or abundant water which a 
man makes to well forth in a place where was no 
water. (ISh.) — Also, Pure, mere, unadulte- 

A ***** *\ 

rated, or genuine. (T, K.) — a>h>juI j-U; Ija 
(Fr) t This is pure Arabic ; or the purest, 
choicest, best, or most excellent, of Arabic. (Fr, 
A) — Also *.Uu <S7ee/> in health and safety. 
(Abu-1-Abbiis, K.) 

1. >kljjJI JJU (S, A, L, Msb) aor. i , (L, 
Msb,) inf. n. Jii (L, Msb, £) and >liiJ ; (L, 
K ;) and * UjJUJI (S, L, Msb, K) and * UjiLJ ; 
(L, KL>) He picked, or separated, the money, or 
pieces o/" money, (Lth, L, K,) and ;>«< /or<A <Ae 
6ad; (S, L, K ;) he picked, or separated, the good 
money from the bad: (A:) he examined the money, 
or pieces of money, to pick, or separate, the good 
from the bad : (Msb :) and the verbs are used in 
the same sense with respect to other tilings than 
pieces of money. (£.) — [jju, aor. -, inf. n. 
jju, q. v. infra, He gave cash, or ready money; 
paid in cash, or ready money. Often used in this 

* * A * * * * * w ' 

sense.] — { j+2J\ »jJLi, aor. '- , inf. n. jjw ; 

He gave him the price in cash, or ready money : 

(L :) or simply he gave him the price; as also 

t>oI-!l *J JJU : (A:) and ^kljjJt »JJ»->, and 

^jbljjJ! jJ jjU, Ac ^are Aim <Ae money, or piece* 

o/" money. (S, L, Msb.) [Hence, from the 

first meaning,] v»"}UlJI JJU, [and >*iJI,] and so 

He picked out the faults of the language, [and 
* * * * . * . *• ■ 

q/"t/je poetry ;] syn. <ui*0. (TA.) __ " jJ 

*Jbl» (J* Jtilt t [ffe picked out the faults of 

the poetry and urged them against its author.] 

(A.)_»jJoUj »jjl*, and <«JI jJL>, aor. '- , (L,) 

inf. n. jJu (L, K) I He looked furtively at, or 

o * 

towards it : (L, K :*) and so a*Jju »jiiJ : ( L :) 

and aJI <i *->*-> ■**-> he continued looking furtively 

** » # # « * 
a^, or towards, it : you say also, «j-a.i ^jlj U 

^Ui jJI jjUj [Ais ^are ceased not to be fur- 
tively directed at, or towards, that] : as though 
likened to the look of a man picking, or sepa- 
rating, what is good from what is bad: (A:) 

» 3 ********* * * 

and s^r-J! i«" °j^ L > « Jk *- > i J'j ^« Ac ceased not 
to look at, or towards, the thing. (S, L.) = jjU, 
(S, L,) [aor. -,] inf. n. jJu ; (S, L, If ;) and, as 
some say, jju ; (S, L ;) // (a tooth, S, L, K, 
and a horn, T, L, and a hoof of a horse or 
the like, L,) became eroded, (T, S, L, K,) and 
much broken: (L, K.:) and it (the hoof of a 
horse or the like) scaled off", part after part: 
(S, L :) it (the trunk of a tree) became worm- 
eaten. (L.) 

3. »jS\j t He reckoned with him to the utmost, 
syn. *15U, (S, A, L, K,)^*l ^j in, or respecting, 
an affair, (S, L,) [picking out his faults], 

4. jJul It (a tree) put forth its leaves. (L, K.) 

5 : see 1. 

, *a 

8. ^oJklj jJI j JLS l //e received the money, or 

piece* q/* money; (Lth, S, L, Msb, BL;) and 
^j^JI the price. (A.) _ See 1. as JMJJJI 7t 

[Book I. 

(a worm) a<e the trunk of a tree, anrf rendered it 
hollow. (L.) as i/e (a boy) ^rew up tnio 
manhood. (£.) 

jJu [properly an inf. n. used in the sense of a 
pass, part n., and thus signifying " paid," Cash, 
or ready money : or simply money]. You say 
j^c jju [Good cash, or ready money : or good 

* t * * ** * m A 

money] : pi. jU*. ^yu. (A.) o'j^-*-" signifies 
Silver arid gold money ; dirhetns and deendrs. 

(TA in art. ^jojc .) ._ _ jju Payment in cash, or 

*'* * 

j^earfy money; contr. of <ti..,,i : (L, Kl:) the 

giving of jju [i. e., ca*/», or rearfy woney] : (K :) 

• ## **>§> m 
[an inf. n. : see 11. _ jii ^»*jJJI TVie piece of 

money is of full weight, (S, L, K,") and good. 

(S, L.) — ^-UJI Juli i5U sjU [77m m a 

hundred, ready money of the people] is a phrase 

used by the Arabs, in which J is meant to be 

understood [before ^ r >L*-l\ : i. e. i^LJI is for 

a * • * •• * 

i^LJU ; and jjLJ for jjuj, as an epithet of ajU: 

* * * 
you may also say ^LJt ■**->, making jju a 

denotative of state ; but] the epithetic mode of 

construction is that which prevails in this case. 

(Sb, L.) _ jju. _ The saying of the poet, 

* • * »t t** A * ***, 

• ijju 3 \ ijJ, ^jj^a • 

means She will certainly bring forth a she-camel, 
which shall be a permanent acquisition for breed- 
ing, or a male, which shall be sold : for they 
seldom kept the male camels. (Th, L.) 

JjU (Lh, L, £,) and * Jju' (K) and * JjU, 

(Lh, Az, L,) the form most frequently heard by 

Az from the Arabs, (L,) or t jJu, (K,) [coll. 

gen. n.] A ee>-tain kind of tree, (Lh, L, *$.,) 

accord, to A A, of tlu, description termed a-oy**., 

having a blossom resembling tlie £>\*»jy->, i. e., the 

* * * 
jk*at* [or bastard-saffron]; (AHn, L;) its 

blossom is yellow, and it grows in plain, or soft, 

• * • j 
grounds: (Az, L:) n. un. with 3; (K ;) SjJu 

(Lh, S, L) and Ijju' (TA) and Ijju' (Lh, L) 

% * * * *, • »•* 

and »jju . (TA.) __ Also » »jju, (L,) or 

• * * *>*»** 

v SjJLi, (IAar, L, K,) The Xi^j£s [or caraway]. 

(LW, L, K.) See JjU. 


jjU [a coll. gen. n.] A kind of sheep, of ugly 
form ; (K ;) a kind of sheep of El-Bahreyn, 
having short legs and ugly faces : (S, L :) or a 
kind of small sheep of El-Hijdz : (L :) or, simply, 
lambs: (A, L :) [see an ex. in a prov. cited 
voce j>\i* in art. j****:\ n. un. with i : (S, L :) 

applied alike to the male and female : (L :) pi. 

■ - ** * 

i jU, and [quasi-pl. n.] oUu. (L, K.) A; says, 

that the best of wool is that of JJU . And one 

*A - i.f 

says, jjUI ^j*» Jit [More abject, or vile, than 

Book I.] 

the sheep called J*]. (S, L.) — Also, t The 

lower sort of people. (L.) — See jiJ and •»£». 

iii, (L,) or * JlL, ($,) Stow in growing up 
into' manhood, and having little flesh: (L, K :) 
[and bo * jJb, accord, to the C$: but^ao is 
there put by mistake for ^L} : and the former, 
(S, L,) or * i*, ($,) a boy despised and little in 
the eyes of others, that scarcely grows up into 
manhood; (S, L, £ sometimes thus applied. 
(S, L.) — 3*3 A horn eaten, or eroded, at the 
root. (L.) See also jiu. 

jJu and jJu and tjju and » .mj : see .**» . 
SjUi The cAotce />ar< of a thing. (JK.) — 

people. (A.) 

aUi A shepherd who tends the kind of sheep 
called jJtt : (L, £ :) or a possessor of skins of 
that hind of sheep. (Th, L.) — See jiO. 

jJO [One who picks, or separates, money, and 
puts forth the bad ; who picks, or separates, good 
money from bad:] who examines money, to pick, or 
separate the good from the bad : [as also * jlii :] 

pi. i& (Msb) [and SJi] [/!& ty, and 

♦ odu J One who picks out the fault* of poetry ; 
and the • latter, one who is accustomed to do so.] 
JiL)t Zjju i>« %» and *y\*-> fc >o, I [.tie »■' 
on« of <A<we »»/«o ptc* ou< </te /om/<» o/ 
poetry]. ( A ) 

jju — >w 

5 : see 4. 

, .'i 

ii\ The hedge-hog ; JJUiJI ; (S, L, K ;) a 
proper name, like liCl applied to the lion : 
(S:) as also jJU^I; (SO but 80me disallow 
the prefixing of the art; (TA;) and JJui^l. 
(L.) Hence the saying, jJLil J^X* OL>i (S, L,) 
or jX't *&», (A, L,) //« passed tlie night of 
the hedge-hog; i.e. sleepless : (L:) because the 
hedge-hog remains sleepless (and sees, L) all 
night: (S, L, £:) and -U-il O-f ^.>-» [A 
greater journeyer by night than the hedge-hog]. 
(A L.) — J*5 J^l -A calumniator; a slanderer; 
as also JJ iiii. (L. art. JuUJ.) — Also, 

ii&l [L,*S,)and *o'J^V' CW The tortoise: 
(L, ^ :) or the latter, the male tortoise : (Lth :) 
as also with J. (TA.) 

^tjJuNI : see preceding sentence. 

1. jju, aor. '-, inf. n. JJU ; (Msb, £ ;) or JaJ, 

(A, L,) aor. '-, (L,) inf. n. Jii; (A, L;) 2f« 
became safe, in safety, saved, or liberated; he 
escaped. (A, L, Msb, $.) _ iti U& <Sa/«ty to 
thee! Said to a man stumbling. (A, K.) — 
See also 4. 

4. ijJul, (S, A, L, Mfb, ?,) inf. n. Sift ; (K;) 
and t ' t jJXL*\ ; and * ijJLi ; (S, A, L, ]£;) and 
t ijli, inf. n. Juiii; and * »J£i, [aor. -,] inf. n. 
jii ; (K ;) He saved, rescued, or liberated, him 
or «, (S, A, L, Msb, K,) from such a one, (S, 
L,) and from evil. (Msb.) 

5 : see 4. 

10 : see 4. 

JJU A thing that one has saved, rescued, or 
liberated; (S, L, Msb, K;) of the measure Jii 
in the sense of the measure Jy«-<>, like ,>»*> ana 
JL$ ; (S, L ;) as also * J*ii and Sj*iu : (L :) 
a man saved, or rescued, or liberated: (L :) also, 
a horse taken from another people : (L :) or a 
camel &c. taken by, and then recovered from, the 
enemy ; as also Sj^Ju and Juii ; pi. ^5Ui : . (A :) 
or ♦ »Xt£ signifies a horse saved, or rescued, or 
liberated, (S, L, K,) and taken, (S, L,) from the 
enemy; (S, L, K;) pi. JuUi : (S, L ;) or the 
sing, of JjUu, signifying horses saved, or rescued, 
or liberated, from the hands of men, or of the 
enemy, is * J-*J, without 3 : (IAar, L :) and, 
accord, to El-Muftaddal, (L,) • 5Ju*J signifies a 
coat of mail, Y } i ; (L, K ;) because it saves the 
person wearing it from the sword: (L:) and Az 
says, I have read in the handwriting of Shemir, 
that it signifies a coat of mail saved, or rescued, 
from tlie enemy. (L.) You say also, »J-ii $» 
^^l, and ^yt j^Ou jt*. He is saved, or rescued, 
from distress, or adversity; and tltey are fyc. 
(A.) __ JJU *$j jii al U He possesses not any- 
thing. (K.) 

and fj.*' 1 : see Jju. — Also the latter, 
A woman having had a husband. (K.) 

jju^l [or JJUl, without the art.,] Tlie hedge- 
hog ; jiiill : (S ;) as also with 3. (TA.) 

also,] t He took [or picked] a thing, as, for 
instance, food, with the finger. (TA.) — Alto, 
(M, K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (M, TA,) He 
struck a thing (IKtt, K,« TA,) with a thing: 
(IKtJ. TA :) [generally, he struck, knocked, or 
pecked, a thing with a pointed instrument, like as 
a bird strikes a thing with its beak :] he struck 
[or pecked] a mill-stone, or a stone, kc, with a 
[which is a pick, or a kind of pickaxe; i.e.. 

L j&, (S, A, Msb, $,) aor. '-, inf. n. >u, (S, 
Msb,) He (a bird) pecked, or picked up, (S, A, 
Msb, JS. 4 ) a grain, (S,) or grains, (A, Msb,) from 
this place and that, (A, K,) »}&+* with his beak. 
(A.) [Accord, to the TA, the addition " from 
this place and that," which is found in the K and 
A, and in one place in the S, seems to be un- 
necessary. And VjaZJt signifies the same : see 8, 
in art. »^i.] — [Hence, because of the Bure aim 
with which a bird pecks a thing,] the same verb, 
having the same [aor. and] inf. n. signifies, I It 
(an arrow) kit the butt. (Msb.) And He (an 
archer) hit the butt, without making his arrow to 
pass through, partly or wholly. (TA.) — [Hence 

he wrought it into shape, and roughened it in its 
surface, with a pick]. (M, TA.) — [Hence,] 

I He wrote [or engraved writing] ^>>*> ^ upon 

I *a 
a stone. (A, £.) Whence the saying, ^f^\ 

uL>L)l u^* >^1^ jiufldl jV [ or > as ' n a verse of 

Niftaweyh, ^Jl ^J, i.e., Teaching in infancy 

is lihe engraving writing upon stone]. (TA.) _— 

He struck [or fillipped] a man's head, and in like 

manner a lute, and a tambourine, with his finger. 

(TA.) You say also iiil * jiii, meaning, He 

struck [or fillipped] his ear with his finger. (AA, 

in TA, art. -^Jai.) _ [Hence,] >L>, [aor. i, inf. 

n. jij, as appears from what follows ;] and "jii\ ; 

I [He made a snapping with his thumb and middle 

t finger;] he struck his thumb against the end of 

the middle finger and made a sound with them. 

(A.) [And in like manner the former verb used 

transitively ; as in the following instance :] *^j 

Ujiu _v <uJC ^jio(t ^j* a«V?1 J»> [J He put 

the end of his thumb against the inner side of his 

first finger, then made a snapping with it], (TA.) 

See alsojii, below. __ [Hence also,] SjljJW^ii, 

(T, A, TS,) or ^W, (S.) aor. -', (TA,) in£ n. 

^ ; (T, S, TS ;) and ♦JiJl, (A, TS,) inf. n. jUil ; 
(TS ;) t He made a [smacking or] slight sound, to 
put in motion the [beast or] horse, by making kis 
tongue adhere to his palate and then opening [or 
suddenly drawing it away] : (S :) or lie struck 
with his tongue the place of utterance of the letter 
j) and made a [smacking] sound [by suddenly 
withdrawing his tongue]: (A:) jii signifies the 
making tlie end of the tongue to adhere to the 
palate, then making a sound [by suddenly with- 
drawing it] : (M, K :) or one's putting his tongue 
above his central incisors, at the pari next the 
palate, then making a smacking sound [so I 
render £j^>\. (TA:) [the sounds thus described, 
which are nearly the same, are commonly made 
by the Arabs in the present day, in urging beasts 
of carriage :] or an agitation of the tongue (5, 
TA) in the mouth, upwards and downwards: 
(TA :) or a sound, (so in some copies of the $ 
and in the TA,) or slight sound, (so in the T8 [as 
mentioned in the TA] and in some copies of the 
5) by which a horse is put in motion : (TS, K :) 
or *iClf j&, accord, to IKt{, signifies he struck 
his palate with his tongue to quiet the horse : but 
this is at variance with what is said by Az, J, and 
ISd, and requires consideration. (TA.) A poet, 
(S,) Fedekee El-Minkaree, (K,) i.e., 'Obeyd 


Ibn-Maweeyeh, of the tribe of Teiyi, (TA,) uses 
JaJI for^idl, meaning J t dJ^ fJ Li\ [The smacking 
with the tongue to .urge the horses] : pausing after 
the word, at the end of a hemistich, he transfers 
the vowel of the j to the J, (S, K,) agreeably 
with die dial, of certain of the Arabs, (TA,) that 
the hearer may know it to be the vowel of the 

[final] letter when there is no pause; (S;) like 

*v * ' • - * •»» 

as you say, j£j IJuk and jiLf o,^ : but this is 

not done when the word is in the accus. case : 
(S, K :) and if you choose, you may make the 
final letter quiescent in pausing, though it is pre- 
ceded by a quiescent letter. (S.) _ Hence also, 
J3>U\ ^ jii 1il» [Kur, lxxiv. 8,] : For when the 

horn shall be blown : (S,* A,* Bd, K :) from J*i 
signifying J the making a sound : originally, 
striking, which is the cause of sound. (Bd.) 
See also jy»U, below. __ Also, jju He bored, 
perforated, or made a hole through or in or into, 
a thing : (TA :) or he did so with a jli!u ; (S :) 
and, inf. n. jii, he hollowed out, or excavated, a 
piece of wood. (Mgh, Msb.) jii and 1jf&j\, 
(so in some copies of the K,) or *>UJI, (so in 
other copies of the K and in the TA,) both in the 
pass, form, (TA,) said of stone and of wood and 
the like, signify alike, (K,) It 7vas bored, or per- 
forated, or it had a hole made through or in or 
into it : (TA :) [and it was hollowed out] You 
say, £ji}\ Je. X±£i\jk>, (K,) aor. '-, inf. n.^ii, 

the saying, *A3 ^J*. au. jii\ t*i 4^ Me beat j 
him and left him not until he killed him. (TA.) 
And hence the saying of IAb, Jill) «djf J<£s U ! 

0*»W yP^» 0*> i- e -» G°d K *U not leave the 
slayer of the believer until He destroy him. (S, 
TA.) i 

[Book I. 
pi. jii (A, K) and Jlii: ($ : )1j& also sig- 

(TA,) He made a hole in the egg [so as to disclose 
the young bird]. (K.) And U>£ly jLLi\ ojii, 

(A,) and ijii Uy^ *C»jliil, (Lth, K,) The 
horses made hollows in the ground with their hoofs. 
(Lth, A, K.) And in like manner, t - tj i- \\ 

5 : see 1,' last signification. 

8 : see 1, latter part, in four places. 


jii \ A slight sound that is heard in consequence 

of striking the thumb against the middle finger 
[and then letting them fly apart in opposite 
directions, passing each other] : (S, K :) [or the 
snapping with the fingers, or with the thumb and 
middle finger, or with the thumb and first finger ; 
as also * j£> : n. un. of the former with 5.] One 

says, ijii <ulj| U t [He did not reward him with 
even a snap of the fingers;] meaning, with any- 
thing : (S, K [in the former of which it is implied 
that ojij thus used is from jii in the first of the 
senses explained above :]) not used thus save in 
a negative phrase. (S.) A poet says, 


jUit fjji. 

'A* J**-" The torrents left hollows in the ground, 
in which mater was retained. (TA.) __ Hence 
j+y ^ 'jii; (Msb;) and ilk 1 jii, (S, K,) 
inf. n. ^i3; (S ;) and ♦ tjii ; and * <yL3 ; and 

* '»jiXJ\ ; (K ;) t IX* searched or inquired into the 
thing; investigated, scrutinized, or examined, it ; 
(S, Msb, K, TA ;) and endeavoured to /mow it : 
(TA ;) and so j*m\j\ ^jc jii J he investigated the 
news, and endeavoured to know it. (A.) [And 
hence,] ali^J Oti ^Jl 'jii, (K, in art. »>-.,) 
""•A*}' yj*, 'nf. n. JjLJ, (K, in art.^3,) [He 
tried the sonorific quality of the arrow by turning 

it round between his fingers, or upon his thumb : 

• "* » i • i a, 

see o^~-> and^oy-JI j>, and see also 4, in art. j>^ \ 

or] ^y— )l jii signifies he made the arrow to pro- 
duce a sharp sound [by turning it round between 
his fingers, or] upon his thumb. (TK, in art^i.) 

2 : see 1, last two sentences. 

4 : "Bee 1, in three places, in the first half. = 

Zk jii\, (S, ¥,) i"f- n. jliil, (TA,) He refrained, 
forbore, abstained, or desisted, from it or him; 
he left, or relinquished, it or him. (S* £.) Hence 

t [And tlieyarefit, or worthy, not Jo reward thee 
with anything, and thou art fit for, or worthy 
of, the fire of hell when thou rewardest]. (S.) 
Or the right reading in both these instances is 
♦ ijii, with damm. (TA.) [See iJjU.] One 
says also, ^lol Sfii jjlf ^J hjXJ. % % [He 
did not care for me so much as a snap of a 
finger]. (A.) [See also an ex. in a verse cited 
in the first paragraph of art. ^Li.] IAb, in 
explanation of the words of the Kur, [iv. 123,] 

W* 5 OyoJJay ^j, put the end of his thumb 
against the inner side of his first finger, then 
made a snapping with it (lijii J^j), and said, 
This is what is termed 'jtii ; [denoting the lit. 
meaning to be I And they shall not be wronged a 
snap of the fingers.] (TA.) But see lj£, 

below Also, A sound, or slight sound, by 

which a horse is put in motion : (TS, K :) as 
also "jtii : (TA :) or the former has one or 
other of the different significations assigned to it 
above, in the explanations under the head of 
i^ljjg 'jii. (K, &c.) 

•• •«» 

jii : sec ijii . ^ 

•»•» •»- 

ijii : see jii, in four places. 

*jii A small hollow or cavity in the ground : 
(S :) or a hollow or cavity in the ground, not 
large: (Msb:) or a hollow or cavity in the 
ground in which water stagnates: (TA :) or 
a round i jjkj [or hollow] in the ground, ($, TA,) 
not large, in which water stagnates: (TA:) 

nifies a hollow, or cavity, in the ground; and its 
pi. is Ijiil. (S.) — Hence, (S.) The place 
where the S}jm.+ 3 [or occiput] ends, in the back 
part of the neck ; (K ;) i.e., the hollow in the 
back of the neck ; (TA ;) what is called ij% 
Uill ; (S, A, Msb ;) i.e., the hollow where the 
brain ends; the cupping in that part occasions 
fbrgetfulness: (Msb:) [and any similar hollow ; 
as the pit of the stomach: and a dimple: 
accord, to present usage ; and in this sense it is 
used in the A, K, and TA, voce iJaLs.] „_ The 

cavity, or socket, of the eye. (K.) Foramen 

ani ; syn. c-l^l ^Ju : (r> :) but in the L 
it is said that Jj^ll ijii signifies the hole, or 
perforation, that is in the middle of the haunch ; 
[app. meaning the sacro-isrhiatic foramen : see 


J$\hS\, in art. J-i: but perhaps it may sometimes 
mean the socket of the thigh-bone; for ijii 
signifies any socket of a bone.] (TA.) _ The 
little spot [or embryo] upon the back of a date- 
stone, (AHeyth, K,) which is as though it were 
hollowed, (TA,) and from which the palm-tree 
grows forth; (AHeyth;) as also 1 j\ii (S, A, 
Msb, K) and *jL (K) and »J^b|. (Sgh, K.) 
You say, IjL' ^'lj| U, (El-Basai'r, TA,) and 
T Lrefs (A,) lit., [He did not reward him] with 
even a little spot on the back of a date-stone; 
(A, El-Basair;) meaning, t with the meanest 
thing. (R !.Bs?4ir.) In the S and K, <^Ul U 
ijii: see jii.] And iji, j£ ^H] U X He 
did not stawi me in stead of the meanest thing. 
(A.) Lebeed says, bewailing the death of his 
brother Arbad, 

{& <£ J ' > *f ^ UJI is^l 

lit., [And the people, after thee, are not worth] 
a little spot on the bach of a date-stone; meaniii"' 
.'(^r- (^ ■*>>*** <>- J I [after thee they are not 
worth anything]. (S.) And hence, accord, to 
ISk [and the Jel], the saying in the Kur, 
[iv. 123,] l^ii Oyo^i % [And they shall not 
be wronged even as to a little spot on the back of 
a date-stone.] (TA.) Hence also, [in verse 56 
of the same chap.,] \jJu J*Cj\ Jjy^j •$) j Tliey 
would not give men a thing as inconsiderable as 
the little hollow in tlie back of a date-stone. 

(Jel.) See also jii The place in which a 

bird lays its eggs: (£ :) pi. Jii. (TA.) 

jtii : see jii, in three places. = What is 
bored, or perforated ; and what is hollowed out, 
or excavated; (^ii U, TA, and Jii U, K, 
TA;) of stone, and of wood, and the like. 
(K, TA.) ___ A piece of wood, (Msb,) or a 
block of wood, (3lLL Jit, S, K,) or a stump, 
or the lower part, (J-el,) of a palm-tree, (T,) 

Book I.] 

which is hollowed out, and in which the beverage 
called j^ is made; (T, 8, Msb, K ;) the J*J 
wltereof become* strong : (S, £ :) or a stump, or 
the lower part, ( JL*t t ) of a palm-tree, which it 
was a custom of the people of El-Yemdmeh to 
hollow out, then the.;/ crushed in it ripe dates and 
unripe dates, which [with wafer poured upon 
them] they left until fermentation had taken place 
therein and subsided : ( A'Obeyd :) or a stump, 
or the lower part, (J-«l,) of a palm-tree, whereof 
the middle was hollowed out, then dates were put 
in them, with water, which became intoxicating 
Oe;J : (I Ath :) the word is of the measure J%*» 

in the sense of the measure Jyuc*. (Msb.) It 
is said in a trad., that Mohammad forbade 
j4»H\, (S,* Msb,* T A,) meaning, the SfJ thereof. 
(TA.) _ A trunk of a palm-tree, hollowed out, 
and having the like of steps made in it, by which 

one ascends to \Jjt\ [or upper c/tambers], (K. 

• " - ' • - *> 

[See also iWc.]) __ See also Sjii, throughout. 

SjUi The quantity [of grain] which a bird 
pecks, or picks up. (K.) See 8, in art. ^J(. — _ 
What remains from the boring, or excavating, 
( jij,) of stones : like JjUfJ and «uUJ. (TA.) 


jUo .An engraver: or, accord, to Az, one ro/to 

engraves stirrups and bits and the like : and one 

who bores (jiij) mill-stones. (TA.) J One 

who investigates, scrutinizes, or examines, and 
endeavours to know, affairs, and news. (TA.) 

jilj act. part. n. of jii, __ I An arrow that 
hits, (Msb,) or has hit, (S, A, IS.,) t/te butt, (S, 
IS.,) or <Ae eye of the target: (A:) if it do not 
hit the butt it is not so called: (S, TA:) [but 
see a phrase following:] pi. ji\'^. (A, Msb.) 
__ [Hence,] <££ olLi.1 \ [lit., Hi* arrows 
that were wont to hit the butt missed] ; meaning, 
lie did not continue in t/ie right course. (TA.) 
[And hence,] S^SO I A calamity; (K, TA;) 
pi. jS\y. (TA.) One says, S^Jli. j*Jjl »Uj, 
H.ndji\yj, % Fortune smote him with a calamity, 
and with calamities. (TA.) __ Also, SpU t A 
rig/tt argument, allegation, evidence, or the like ; 
By n. if fo .* *■ >— : in the K, a ^ is incorrectly 
inserted between these two words : but the pi., 
ji\y , is afterwards correctly rendered in the K. 
(TA.) One says, ji\^i *ud [J iS\ J There came 
to me, from him, speech which displeased me, or 
grieved me : or right arguments, or the like, (K, 
T A,) like arrow* hitting the mark. (TA.) In the 
L, jHy>f oUj t lie ca*t at him words that hit 
the mark. (TA.) 

• i - • t 

jjJU I A horn in which one blows; syn. jyo : 

(S, K :) in the £ur, Ixxiv. 8, the horn in which 

tlu angel shall blow for the congregating at the 

resurrection : the blast there mentioned is said 
to be the second blast : Fr. says that it is the 
first of the two blasts. (TA.) 


j^ijt : see ijii. 

see j 


0*»" ^-» (£.) and t U^iiu, (Sgh, $,) or 
» U^Uu, (CK,) Having the eye sunken. (£.) 

;um The 6ea4 of a bird ; <Aa< n>AieA is to a 
bird as the mouth to a man ; (Msb ;) because it 
pecks, or picks up, with it : (TA :) or of a bird 
which is not one of prey ; that of a bird of prey 
being called j_U : (Fs, and S in art. j~j , 
and MF :) therefore the explanation in the K, 
which is, the j— u of a bird, is incorrect : (MF:) 
[and the dual signifies the two mandibles of a 
bird ; used in this sense in the TA, art yu& :] 

pi. js»ui. (S.) Hence, (TA,) The fore 

part of the \Jitt [app. meaning the foot of a 
camel, not a boot]. (IS..) — [A kind of pick- 
axe ; or a pick, by which a mill-stone, or the like, 
isj>ecked, or wrought into shape, and roughened in 
its surface; (see 1 ;)] an iron instrument like the 
^li, (A, K,) slender, round, and having a uJa. [or 
pointed head], (T A,) with which one pecks, (lytjAJJ, 
A, K, TA,) and cuts stone*, and hard earth ; 
(TA ;) used [also] by a carpenter : (S :) and 
tj£u signifies [app. the same, or nearly the 

same,] t. q. Jy*-<> : (S, r> :) [the former is applied 
in the present day to a chisel:] pi. of the 
former, jt»^» ; (S ;) and of the latter, y»U«. 
(TA.) Dhu-r-Rummeh says, 

[Like mill-stones of Jlakd (a mountain so called) 
which the minkars have rounded], (TA.) See 

^>-j«Jt jiSim*. or Uj « >..« : see ji^» • 

^-•jiJ [Arthritis, or gout : or, specially, po- 
dagra, or gout in t/te foot or feet:] a certain 
disease, well known; (S, Msb;) a smelling and 
pain in t/te joints : (Ae, TA :) or in the leg or 
foot: (TA:) or in the joint* of the ankles and 
t/te toes : (K :) or a swelling in the joints of t/te 
foot, and mostly in the great toe, a property 
of which is t/tat it does not collect thick pu- 
rulent matter, nor exude moisture, because it is 
in a member not fleshy : and of the same kind 
are arthritis, or pain of the joints, (a*-.j 
J-oUlJI,) and sciatica, or hip-gout, ( U--II j£«,) 
but differing in name because differing in state. 

1- ^(S, A,) aor. i, (S, TA,) and ,, (TA,) 
inf n. J»i' and J#i (S, £,) and jlii, (TA,) 
He (an antelope, S and A) leaped, jumped, sprang, 
or bounded, (S, A, £,) as also * jL, (M, TA,) 
in his running, (S,) or on his ji\£, i. e., his 
legs : (A :) or he (generally referring to a raven 
or crow, or a sparrow, or locust, or the like,) 
leaped, jumped, sprang, or bounded, upwards; 
he /topped: (TA :) or Ite put his legs together 
in leaping, jumping, springing, or bounding: 
when the legs are spread, the action is termed 
Jii. (IDrd, TA.) 

2: see 1. =Also, inf.n. jJLJ, He made to leap, 
jump, spring, or bound : (S :) and OjL she (a 
woman) danced, or dandled, her child ; (£,• 
TA ;) as also OJAi. (S, &c, art. Jii.) 

00 tt0 

ji\y, [pi. of «>»li,] The legs of an antelope, 
(A,) or of a beast of carriage. (K.) See also »JiU. 

1. JJo It (a .^ib) sounded. (TA.) = 
I J-i3, (S, A, Msb,) or J-j5UI JJi, (Mgh, ¥.,) 

9 •« 

aor. -, inf. n. ^Jb, (S, Mgh, Msb,) He struck, 
or beat, the ,^-yU, (S, Mgh, Msb, XL,) J-ifa 
with t/te tAeO- (^{i''» ^) ^ ou 6a ^> *S«^Ju 

^jtoJI and " c.,i iT'il 27ie Christians struck, or 
oea< <Ae ^yli. (A.) It is said in a trad., that 
the Muslims were near to doing so, ( Ijjtia 


0}-*':>, S, TA,) or used to do so, ( \y\£a 
OyJ£, Mgh,) until Abd- Allah Ibn-Zeyd 
dreamed of the [mode of calling to prayer termed] 
D I3I. (S,Mgh,TA.) 

2. Ajl^i cr-<"> •"'• "■ \j~*pi If* put ink 
(^JU ) tn<o Am recqitaclefor ink. (S," ^.) 

8 : see 1. 

y-ii Jnl- ; syn. jlju« [which is a more common 
term] ; (A, IS. ;) that with which one writes : 
(S, TA :) pi. J-iil (S, IS.) and J-UUI. (S, A, »[.) 

^yiU The tArn^ wAjVA tAe Christians strike, 
or beat, (S, A, Mgh, Mfb, IS.,) to notify the 
time* of prayer, (S, A, Mgh, ^,) a* a sign for 
commencing t/teir prayer ; (Msb ;) being a piece 
of wood, long, (A, Mgh, £,) and large (K,) 
[suspended to two cords, (Golius,)] with another 
which is short, [with which the former is struck, 
or beaten,] and which is called ^fJ*: (A, K:) 

m 00 • J» 

pi. ir^Sty (S, TA) and l _ r Ju, as though the I in 
the sing, were imagined to be suppressed in 
forming the latter pi. (TA.) __ [Hence, in the 
present day, applied to A bell : and particularly 
to the bell of a church or convent.] 




1. J&, (S, M, Msb,) aor. i, (M, Msb,) 

inf. n. t>Ju. (S, M, A, M?b, K,) He variegated 

ti thing ; or decorated or embellished it ; By n.^g^j ; 
as also t ^^jUil : (M :) [/»« charactered in any 
manner a' coin Ac. :] and he engraved, agreeably 
with modern usage : he coloured A thing with tiro 
colour*, (K,) or with colours; (A, K ;) and 

" lA*', (?.) int "• u**^**i (?» w) signifies the 

same. (S, K.) — \JSa vU ^ J^>, and 

• **'** ' ' rr 

<wU. yoi jjJLc, (A,) inf. n. as above, (K,) 

[He engraved upon his signet-ring such a thing, 
and upon the stone of his signet-ring : and i JJu 
also signifies he marked with a cutting or a 
■pointed instrument : he sculptured a thing in any 
manner.] — U.y I ^JJu J He pecked the mill-stone 
with a jbU* ; syn. l*yu. (A, TA.) — ^J-^>, 
inf. n. as above, also signifies He, or it, scratched, 
lacerated, or wounded in the outer shin. (TA.) 

I hey said, SjUjL. ,_£ij <*v^-3 0^=* [^■ s * though his 
face were scratched, or lacerated, by a traga- 
canth-bush] ; syn. u^j.m. : relating to hatefulness, 
and austerity or moroscness of countenance, (M, 
TA,) and anger. (M.) __ JJuOl ^iiS signifies 
Tlte striking the raceme of dates with thorns, 
in order that the dates may ripen : (S, K :) or 
and their consequently ripening. (AA.) And 
one says, J>*JI »_£*>, menning, 7%« raceme 
of dates had sjwiks apparent in it, in consequence 
of ripening. (S.)_And [hence, perhaps,] ^^Jti 
is used as J syn. with cC»- (S, A, Sgh, K,) 
accord, to AA, (S,) or IAar; (Sgh ;) ^Jlj 
signifying I Inivit puellam. (T, K.) [This 
signification is mentioned in the A among those 
which arc proper ; but in the TA it is said, to 

be tropical.] sa Also >JJu, (S, M, A, Msb,) 
aor. as above, (M, TA,) and so the inf. n., (S, 
M, M$b, K,) He extracted, or drew, or pulled, 
out, or forth, a thorn (S, M, A, M$b, K) from 
his foot, (S, M,) with the ,JJua or ,^iU~« ; (Msb, 
K ;•) as also * JJui\ : (S, M, A, K :)' thought 
by A'Obeyd to be from iiiL«JI ; but others say 
the reverse : (TA:) and in like manner, bones 
from a wound in the head: (S, K:) and he 
plucked out (S, A,) hair, (A,) with the t^ULu ; 
(S, A ;) as also • ^AJUil. (A.) A certain poet 
says, (namely, Yezeed Ibn-Moksam [?] Eth- 
Thakafce, O in art. Jji,) 

isb^-i Ji^i. ^^t o-n^> 1 

[Do not thou by any meant extract from the 
foot of another a thorn, and so preserve, by 
(risking) thy foot, the foot of kin who hat 
pierced himself therewith] : the [former] ^> is 

put in the place of ^ye. -. he says, do not thou 
extract from the foot of another a thorn and 
put it in thy foot :■ (TA :)or i£> U. ^» means 
who hat entered among the thorns. (S and O, in 
art. J)yi>.) And it is said in a trad, of Aboo- 
Hureyreh, JLLbf ^i iL^i, JLi3l ^ 'j£ [May 
he stumble, and not rise again ; and may he be 
pierced with a thorn, and not extract the thorn] : 
(M, TA :*) the words meaning an imprecation. 

(TA.) See also 8, below. [Hence,] jLii, 

aor. as above, (TA,) and so the inf. n., (K,) He 
cleared the nightly resting-place of sheep or 
goats from thorns and the like, (K,) or from 
what might hurt them, of stones and thorns and 
the like. (TA.) — Hence also, ,^,1)1 ^jk JLH, 
(TK,) inf. n. as above, (IDrd, K.) He explored 

the thing to the utmost. (IDrd, K, TK.) 

[Hence also,] L«i *~. jSi U \ He did not 
obtain from him anything : but the word com- 
monly known is J£>. (M, TA.) See also 8. 

2 : see 1, first sentence. 

3. IliU, (Msb,) or ^,L*JI iisU, (S,» M, A,) 
and -r>l^»>l ij, (A,) inf. n. iiilU (S, M, Msb, 
K) and ^iUi, (M, TA,) He did the utmost with 
him, or went to the utmost length with him, in 
reckoning, (S, M, Msb, K,) to as to omit nothing 
therein: (A'Obeyd:) A'Obeyd thinks that y)ii 
signifying the " extracting " a thorn from the foot 
is from this ; but others 6ay the reverse ; that 
the primary signification of iLijC^ is the extract- 
ing a thorn from the body with difficulty ; and 
that it then became [conventionally regarded as] 
a proper term in the sense of doing the utmost, 
or going to the utmost length, in reckoning; as 
observed by MF. (TA.) It is said in a trad., 
o.xc v 1 -*- 11 Jty l>*t (§,) or id*, (M,) He 
with whom tlie utmost is done in reckoning (S, M,) 
it punished, (S,) or perishes. (M.) See also 4. 
_ [Hence,] jf$.£i\ JL5U f He picked out the 
faultt of the language; syn. »jJti. (TA, art. 

4. ^,ijt- ^jU i££j\ He went to the utmost 
length against his debtor. (IAar, K.) See also 3. 

8 : see 8, last signification. 

[Boor I. 

I He chose, or selected, a thing. (M, A, K.) 
You say, of a man who has chosen (A, L) a man, 
(A,) or a thing, (L,) for himself, *iiiifu ^U. 
A-JU I Good, or excellent, be that which he hat 
chosen for himself: (A, L :) or, accord, to the O, 
when a man has chosen for himself a servant 
(loU. [which suggests that this may be a mis- 
transcription for U >U-]) ?'. iil I jdk ■:-* '*'<* [thou 
hast chosen tltis for thyself]. (TA.) [Hence also,] 
*»«- <lU j^JUil J [He took from him hit right, or 
due]. (A.) And <tii. L»L ^Jcj\, and t ilLj, 
t He took from him the whole of hit right, or due, 
not leaving tliereof anything. (M, TA.) See 
also 1, last signification. 

ytii [an inf. n. (see 1) used as a simple subst; 
or in the sense of a pass. part. n. in which the 
quality of a subst. is predominant: Variegation; 
or variegated work: decoration, embellishment, a 
picture ; or decorated, or embellished, or pictured, 
work: broidery: tracery: (significations well 
known : see ^ilL :)] engraved work upon a 
signet: [and any sculptured work:] pi. cAyu. 
(A.) Also The imprest of a signet. (Mgh, in 
art. ^o**--) And A mark, or trace, upon the 
ground; as, for instance, of ashes. (AHeyth.) 
= Sec also ^SytU. 


sec ^j^yi.*. 

8. JLtJI : see 1, first signification. __ Also, 

(K,) or auoi L5 JLc ^Jd\, (Lth, A,) He ordered 

(Lth, A, K) the t^itfJ [or engraver], (Lth, K,) 
to engrave upon the stone of hit signet-ring. (Lth, 
A, K.) = He extracted, or drew, or pulled, out, 
or forth, a thing ; (K ;) such as a thorn and the 

like : (TA :) tyn. with i£ij, as shewn above ; 

see 1, in three places. (S, M, A, K.) [ Hence,] 

He (a camel) struck the ground (S, K) with hit 
fore leg, (S,) or with hit foot, (K,) on account 
of something entering into it; (S, K;) [i.e., to 
beat out a thorn or the like.] — [Hence also,] 

iilai The art, or occupation, of the (j£Ui, (M, 
K, TA,) who does variegated, or decorated or 
embellished, work ; (M ;) of him who does what 
is termed ^JJa : (TA :) [and of him who engravet 
upon signet-rings : and of him who does any sculp- 
tured woi-k.] 

i£Ui One who does variegated, or decorated or 
embellished, work ; (M ;) who does what is termed 
,JJij : (TA :) and one who engraves upon the 
stones of signet-rings : (Lth, K :) [and one who 
does any sculptured work.] 

» -• • 

tjiJLu : see ^* 

: see yijiu, first sentence. 

• a « • »« 

*a»-i : see ^iyLu, last signification. 

t • • 
i^tU-u An instrument with which variegated, 

or decorated or emhellitlied, work it done: pi. 

jJLJUo : (M :) [and an instrument with which 

engraving, or any tculptured work, is done : so in 

the present day.] — — Also, [A kind of tweezers ;] 

an instrument witk which one extracts, or draws 

or pulls out or forth, thorns ; as also * J" \\.» ; 
(Msb, K ;) [of which latter the pi. is JsCLi, 
occurring below:] and with which one plucks 
out (S, A) Itair. (A.) [Hence the saying,] 

JtiU^JV *-• t5^*" '" " t v ; 1 * " 'I * * weaned myself 
in extorting my right, or due, from him. (A.) 

Book I.] 

Jijil* A garment, or piece of cloth, (A,) or 
other thing, (TA,) [variegated; or decorated, or 
embellished: charactered in any manner, as a 
coin &c. : (seel:)] coloured (A, TA) with two 
colour-:, (TA,) or with colour* ; (A, TA ;) as 
also * JLiU. (A, TA.) — [A signet-ring en- 
graved: and anything sculptured. (See 1.)] — 
J^yfi'.l JJ^ A raceme of dates struck with thorns, 
and consequently ripened: (AA :) [or having 
species apparent in it, in consequence of ripening : 
(see Ji*M J*} :)] and Jijiu j^-i full-grown 
unripe dates pricked with tltorns in order that, they 
may ripen: (M, TA:) and J.£U ^»'j fresh 

ripe dates sou lied with water; Byn. 1*^ : (Sgh, 

• a - * 
TA :) called by the vulgar v*** L a PP- «r > «** * 3» 

(TA ;) as also Jlii. (K [accord, to some copies ; 

and in the TA : accord, to other copies of the 1£, 

s JJu ; but expressly said in the TA to be with 

fet-h.l) = rtJ j : t 2 » *• A wound in the head from 

which bones are extracted: (S, K:) and i»-i» 

t aJJL> a mound tn </»« head from which bones are 

removed; (AA, El-Ghanawee, Aboo-Turab;) if. 


yiil^l^ l^J, (S,) or Jj£j\ Km, (£,) 
[He gave him a violent ship, like */ie *to/> 0/ the 
camel striking the ground with his fore-leg, or with 
his foot, on account of something entering into it:] 
from JJ&I, said of a camel, as explained above. 
(S, K.) 

1. J&, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. '-, (M, 

Msb,) inf. n. (j 1 -^ (§1 M > A > M S h > M ? b ' $) 
and ^lii, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) or the former of 
these two only, the latter being the inf. n. of the 
trans, verb, (MS,) and ioeii (M) and ,>>Ui3, 
(K,) [which last is an intensive form,] said of a 
thing, (§, M,) intrnns., (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) 
It lost somewhat, decreased, diminished, lessened, 
wasted, waned, or became defective or deficient or 
incomplete or imperfect, after having been whole 
or complete or perfect : (lK{t» Msb, TA :) or he, 
or iV, /</.<<, or suffered loss or diminution, (A, K,) 
wv</t rttpeci to lot or portion : (K :) and * »^ai3l 
signifies the same; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K.;) and 
so does * u*Lj ; (T£, [probably from the TA,] 
art^'j) andsodoest^UJ: (TA:) [or this last 
signifies it lost somewhat, decreased, &c, gradually; 
contr. of «*ilp.] It is said in a trad., (Mgh,) 
tSUJUJ ^ j*e l^i, (Mgh, $,) i.e. Ramadan and 
Dhu-l-flijjeh, (Mgh,) meaning, Two months of 
festival are not defective virtually C*£»J1 ^i) 
though, they be defective in number [of days] ; 
(£ ;) i.e. let no doubt occur in your hearts when 
ye fast nine and twenty days [instead of thirty] ; 
nor if there happen a mistake respecting the day 

of the pilgrimage, will there be any deficiency in 
your performance of the rites thereof : (TA :) or, 
as some say, two montlis of festival will not be 
defective in one and the same year; but Et- 
Tahiwee disapproves of this explanation : some 
say that the meaning is, that though they be 
defective, or one of them be so, yet their recom- 
pense will be complete. (Mgh.) It is also said 

in a trad., Jc*L •$ i^» -» ,jj jii ^ j4*J» 0\ 
Jl£j ^ J> & 'U£ [Verily the deed that is 
done on the tenth of Dhu-l-IIijjeh, t lie recompense 
tliereof will not fall short of that which i* in the 
month of Ramadan : for U& J* sjeii means It 
fell short of such a thing.] (Mgh.) [On the exprcs- 
sion ^taiJI (ji, as used in grammar, see^-i*. J ■■ 
«Lki3, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. '-, (Msb,) inf. 
n. voiu, (MS,) [and accord, to the TK ^oULi 
and IjCoSl) also, which last, however, is said in 
the MS to be an inf. n. of the intrans. verb only,] 
He made it to lose somewhat, decreased it, di- 
minished it, curtailed it, lessened it, misted it, 
impaired it, tooh from it, or made it defective or 
deficient or incomplete or imperfect, after it had 
been whole or complete or perfect; (Msb;) he 
made it (i.e. a share, or portion) defective or 
deficient : (K :) [the pronoun often relates to n 
man : see an ex. in art. jye, and another in art. 
^J=>} :] this is the [most] chaste form of the 
verb, and is that which occurs in the Kur.: 
(Msb:) *<Laiil also signifies the same; (M, 
Msb, 1£ ;) and so does * *-»ii, (Msb, K,) inf n. 
,_^JL3 : (TA :) but these two are of weak 
authority, and do not occur in chaste language: 
(Msb:) and ♦ «ual^l signifies the same: (S, 
Mgh, Msb, K :) or this last signifies he took from 
it by little and little; as also * 4-0JU. (M,* 
TA [in the latter of which this is plainly said of 
both of the last two verbs ; but in the M, it seems 
rather to be said of a-=JLj only.]) [See an ex. 
of the verb followed by ,>• voce »jji». You say 
also, \'j£s 'Zj» Jaii He cut off from it such a thing.] 

Jo& is doubly trans. : (Msb :) you say *~aij 

'JL, (A, Mgh, Msb, TA,) inf. n. J£> ; (A, 
Mgh;) and in like manner, *i».*4-aijl; (M, 
A,* Mgh,* TA ;•) He diminished, or impaired, 
to him his right, or due; endamaged him; or 
made him to suffer loss, or damage, or detriment, 
in respect of it; curtailed him, abridged him, 
deprived him, or defrauded him, of a portion of 
it; (Msb,*TA;) contr. of '»li]l : (TA:) [and 
he abridged him, deprived him, or defrauded him, 
of it altogether; for «UU^ *UI «~aij signifies 
sometimes He deprived him of his family and his 
property altogether : as appears from the following 
ex. :] lj>y ^5*<j *JUj *i*l u*** [H e "'«* deprived 
of his family and his property, and remained 
alone]. (T, art. jiy) J.JI * ^liil also sig- 


nifies The denying, or disaeknomledging, the right, 
or due. (TA.) _ See also 5. 



5. ^joiJi : see ^cJu.csz a-ojUj : see <i*i i i .— Ifo 
attributed to him defect, or imperfection ; i. e. to 
a man ; (M ;) as also * n„a i ' <\, and " f< , - i«. : ...t : 
(M, TA:) he attributed or imputed to him, 
charged him with, or accused him of, a vice, 
fault,ov the like; detracted from his reputation; 
censured him ; reproached him ; spoke against 
him; impugned his character; (S, A, K;) as 
also ♦ 4-ai31 : (A :) [and a-kii signifies the same ; 
for] IKtt says, that * »>xii [app. Jaii], inf. n. 

• m * ** * » i - 

iaij, signifies «JU t>aJ» [app. «?U i>*±»]- 

6 : see ^/oii, where two meanings are assigned 
to it. 

8. u aiX>\ : see ^joii. as a . ti i Ti l : sec 
in four places. _ See also 5, in two places. 

10. o^' l>**~-' 1 He (the buyer, S) asked, 
demanded, or desired, a diminution, a lessening, a 
lowering, or an abatement, of the price. (S, A, 
K.) — — Sec also 5. 

^jaii : see 1. _— [Used as a subst., Loss, or 
loss of somewhat, decrease, a state of diminution or 
lessening or washing or waning, defect, defective- 
ness, deficiency, incompleteness, or imperfect iort, 
after wholeness or completeness, or perfertness; 
as also " ^)Uuu ; and ~ A.oi:« sigmnes the same 
as ^cJJ] as here rendered, agreeably with the 
explanation (i. e. of <i ,<->■■ ») in the PS., which 
is 0*^ ■ or, accord, to the A, < UaJLu seems to 
be syn. with i-aJL in the sense assigned to this 
last in the S, or in certain senses assigned to it 
in the K, which see below ; and thus to be more 
restricted in application than ^jaii ]. (S, TA.) 
_ Weakness of intellect : (M, TA :) and weak- 
ness with respect to religion and intellect. (TA.) 
You say, olitj <tJj ^ \j°*i aAs. J^j 
[There came upon him a weakness in his religicm 
and his intellect] : but pue should not say 
♦ ,jUoiJ [in this case]: (K.:) app. because 
u aLi\ is " weakness ;" whereas (jl^uUI is only 
" a going away [of part of a thing] after [its 
having been in] a state of completeness." (TA.) 

^Laij : see 1 : — see also ^jcju, in two places. 
__ It also signifies The quantity that is gone, or 
lost, of a thing that is decreased or diminished or 
lessened, (Lth, A, K.) You say, U£> -OUeuu' 
\j£»j The quantity that is gone, or lost, of it U 
such and suck (T£.) 

I n^j'- : see 1. — A defect, an imperfection, a 

• .- 
fault, a vice, or the like; syn. ^^ : (§, TA :) 



or a low, or bate, quality, properly, natural 
disposition,practice, habit, or action ; (K, TA ;) 
of a man : (TA :) or a weak quality, Ac. : 
(IDrd, K, TA:) hut the attribution of weakness 
to a quality, &c, requires consideration: and 
it seems that what is meant by lowness, or base- 
ness, is what leads to ,>& : (TA :) [♦ S^n't, 
also, accord, to the A, seems to be syn. with 
i ■*«*■ ' in one or another of the senses explained 

above; but its primary signification is probably 

•* t # * * * 

a cause of \jaii, like as that of UsWan is a cause 

of ^y*^, and that of *:<»■« a cause of 

the pi. of i^JLi is JeudJ : and that of 

i^aiU*.] You say, i-aJU <*J U and ♦faJLs 
[There it not in him any defect, imperfection, 
fault, or vice, &c] : and ^aSUi ji ^^ii and 
t^iU. [ Such a one ha* defects, ice). (A, T A. ) as 
As a subst. from «rf>»:1 and a-ojL-jI and <t-o « ■ •.■.!, 


[or, accord, to IKtt, as an inf. n. from jjoaj, 

and therefore from A-aii also, (see 5,)] it signifies 
The attributing to a man defect, or imperfection : 
(M :) the attributing or imputing to men, charg- 
ing them mVA, or accusing them o/, tnVw, faults, 
or Cm We ; censuring them ; reproaching them ; 
shaking against them ; impugning their cha- 
racter*. (K.) A poet says, 

# # * - * - • * *•* •#* 

■ • - • * i • - 

[But if others than my maternal uncles had 
desired to attribute to me defect, tec, I had set a 
brand upon them above the noses]. (M, TA.) 

JaiM act. part, n.of l. — ^oiU v*jj signifies .4 
dirhem deficient in weight; (Msb;) /ta/ir ana* 

deficient : and ^aii occurs as pi. of ^U thus 
applied, agreeably with analogy. (Mgh.) __ 
[Hence, (.^iU Jjii meaning An incomplete, 

3- •• 

i. e. a non-attributive, verb : opposed to >»U J**.] 

* • -■ «•■» : pi. l>»*U« : see *-o~«J, in four places : 
__ and see also i>uu. 

pass, part n. of 


(A, k.) 

1. -uiii, (M, Mgh, Msb,) aor. i , (M, Msb, 
TA,) inf. n. JL%, (S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K.) 
//« undid it ; took it ; or pulled it, to pieces : 
untwisted it : unravelled it : unwove it : dissolved 
it : broke it : or rendered it uncompact, unsound, 
or unfirm, : after having made it compact, sound, 
or firm: (JK, M, A, Msb, K, TA:) namely 
a building, or structure : and a rope, or cord : 
(S, A, Mgh, Msb, K, TA and silk, or flax : 
(TA :) and cloth: (L:) and I a compact, con- 
tract, or covenant ; (S, A, Msb, K, TA ;) and 

ta sale: (Mgh:) and f other things; (A, K, 
TA ;) such as f an affair, or a case ; and f the 
state of a place through which the invasion of 
an enemy is feared : (TA :) contr. of *\X£\, (M, 
A, K, TA,) as relating to a building or structure, 
and to a rope or cord, (A, K, TA,) and to a 
compact or contract or covenant, &c. : (K, TA :) 
or i q. tutff ,Jm., as relating to a rope or 
cord, and to a compact or contract or covenant: 
(Msb:) or t. q. <u>ju», as relating to a building 
or structure : (TA :) or the inf. n. signifies jCil 
o~oj->t U, as relating to a building or structure, 
(JK, TA,) and to a rope or cord, (JK,) and to 
a compact or contract or covenant. (TA.) [It 
is said in the K, that u aiii\ is the contr. of 
>|^l, like (jiliiNt and ^^oiUJI : but this is 
a glaring mistake ; and seems to be a corruption 

i J H 

of the following passage in the M: j^o ^jyLJl 

t^sUjj u a*X>\ i LaJu i C cuL ij a^oiJ j»1^NI, which 
is meant to indicate that u iu£j\ and t^oSUJ are 
quasi-passives of <uaij ■ and in like manner, the 
passage in the A, o^-ej J^lj »UJt ^j* t^iilll 

ijcuLjj ^^aJUiij vttljyMI ji*0, indicate.? that ^AiUjI 

and ^JL3 are quasi-passives of auxLi. Further, 
it should be observed that a^Ju, as relating to 
a building, is not well explained by <ujl* ; for 
you say, j>jj. *t£ sy fUJt ^oii, (mentioned 
in the S and A, &c, in art u«y>,) meaning 7/e 
took to pieces the building without demolishing, 
or destroying.] __ [Hence,] oyj ^^i» ,>u [lit. 
Suck a one undid, or untwisted, hii bow-string] ; 
meaning t suck a one took, or had taken, his 
blood-rerenge. (A, TA.) And ^aij ^J ^*jJI 

At* I} ["*■ ^'* m *> or fortune, has a property of 
untwisting and twisting tightly] ; meaning J that 
which time, or fortune, [as it were] twMte tightly, 
[or maAw^Jrw,] »<, at another time, [as it were] 
untwists, or undoes. (TA.) And «->jtft U c-rf»«'» 
J 7 annulled [what he confirmed, or made firm]. 
(Msb.) And *~Xc ^jojuj I [He undoes, or annuls, 
or contradicts,wkat lie (another) lias said] ; said of 
a poet replying to another poet. (Lth, A, K.) _ 
UU L Ji uMi, [i. e., app., >_««-)! ,/uu,] also 
signifies «. » ,* JL *aJ [i. e. *»£a «iU^«-3, The 
moving, or shaking, of the piece* of wood, or 
rafters, of the roof ']. (TA. [But perhaps the 
phrase to be explained is UULJI " *>uu, and the 

explanation, correctly, <u..t,*. J^-', i.e. The 
pieces of wood, or rafters, of the roof moved, or 
*hook, (for this, I am informed, is agreeable 
with modern usage,) app. so at to produce a 
sound: see also 5.]) = See also 4. 

2 : see 4, in two places : _ and 5 ; and see 1, 
next before the last break. 

[Book I. 

3. JyUI ^ iiiLJl is J The My/wy tAai which 
it contradictory in it* meaning [or meanings; as 
though one of its meanings undid, or annulled, 
the other] : (S,* K, TA:) from ,UJI J& -. and 
meaning J the contending with another in words, 
[or m contradiction,] each rebutting what the 
ot/ier said. (TA.) You say, ,^,1)1 ,y <Li*U, 
inf. n. 4-ailu and t^«Ui, I Zfe contradicted him 
in, or respecting, the thing. (M, TA.*) And 
UiUu aJ c~L» J / contradicted him with respect to 
his saying, and his satirizing of me. (M, TA.) 
And jji.^1 y>J*UJt JL.I j>»»U : [£>«« c/ </t« too 
po«^ contradicted the other]. (A.) And ,>i5U 
Jj"i)l (^wl <Oyi J [//*')( second saying contradicted 
the first]. (A, TA.) And Jy^l *y ji.7 »>»li 
t[7%e ia*i pari of his saying contradicted the 
first]. (Mgh.) [See also 8.] 

4. i'Oat u *ij\, (M, K, TA,) and & ,>uul, 
(M, TA,) He removed the crust of earth from 
over the tniffles: (M :) or he extracted, or took 
forth, the truffles from the earth. (K, TA.) = 
ljfii\ ^^oiil The crusts of earth broke up (CjbVw) 
//•om over the truffle ; as also ♦ ^aii. (M, TA.) 
[See also 5.] _ ^oj^ £***ii\ The earth showed 
[or put forth] Us plants, or herbage. (M, TA.) 
ess ^aij\ also signifies It produced, made, gave, 
emitted, or uttered, a sound, noise, voice, or cry : 
(S, M, K, TA :) and [particularly] a slight sound 
like what is termed jii : (S, TA :) said of a joint 
of a man, (M, K,) and of the fingers [when their 
joints are made to crack], and of the ribs, (A,) 
[see also 5,] and of a camel's saddle, (A, TA,) 
and of a cupping-instrument when the cupper 
sucks it, (TA,) [&c, (see ^aJu,)] and of an 
eagle, (S, M, K,) and of a hen (S, A) on the 
occasion of her laying eggs, (A,) and of a chicken, 
(M, A, K,) and of an ostrich, and of a quail, 
and of a hawk, and of a scorpion, and of a frog, 
and of the [kind of lizard called] ejj, and of the 
Jii [° r Syrian hyrax], (M, K,) and of a young 
camel, the sounds of which are denoted by ^ULit 
and c~l£>, as those of a camel advanced in age 
are by ijljt and jjja: (S:) or ^Uu* relates to 

animate things ; and * u^uU, inf. n. of ±/a£j, 
aor. i and -, to inanimate things. (M, K.) 
[Accord, to the A, whether said of animate things 
or of inanimate, it is proper, not tropical ; but 
accord, to what is said in the TA voce t^MOf it 
is properly said of animate things, and tropically of 
inanimate; though, if any such distinction exist, 
the reverse seems to me to be more probable.] — 

You say also, S^ljJW u** 5 '! (K>) or /■••-'Vi (^ tn i) 
or, as As says, (M, TA,) jJt^, (M,) or jetCj^, 
(TA,) and u->>V, (M, TA,) He made a sound 
to the beast of carriage, (M, K,) or to the ass, 
(Lth, Af, M,) or to the camel, (As, TA.) and to 

Book I.] 

the horse, (As, M, TA,) at the two $idt* of hit 
tongue, after making it cleave to the roof of hi* 
mouth, (Lth, M, K, TA,) without removing its 
extremity from its place, (Lth, TA,) in order to 
chide the beaut: (L:) or *# ^aij\ signifies i.q. 

Aijij [q.v.] ; (As, M, A, TA ;) the object being 
a [camel such as is called] jytf ; (A ;) or what- 
ever be the object. (As, M, TA.) And ^>ii\ 
jijL.. (S, Sgh, K,) or^W, (M, A,) He called 
the goat*, (S, Sgh, K,) or the *he-goat ; (M, A ;) 
accord, to AZ, (S, Sgh,) or Ks. (M, L.) And 
aj ^joiJ\ He made a sound to him lihe as when 
thou makest a smacking with the tongue to a sheep 
or goat, [in the TA, SUM yL3 U^>, for which I 
read ilXi\f jk3 U*»>] deeming him ignorant. 
(TA.) And JTe made a clapping to him with 
one of hi* hands upon the other, so as to cause a 
[sound such as is termed] ±ja-£> to he heard. 
(El-Khattitbee.)a= l^UI v°Z>\ (M, A, K) He 
made a sound, or sounds, [app. a cracking of the 
joints,] with hi* fingers: (M :) [and so » l^iJu, 
inf. n. fc^fcJ : (see «5j* :)] or he struck with hi* 
fingers in order that they might make a sound, or 
sounds: (K:) if it mean cracking of the joints 
(iiiji), it is disapproved ; bat if clapping, it is 
not (TA.) And iliaJI u iJu\ He caused tlie 
[kind of gum called] JULc to make a sound, or 
sound*; [i.e., in chewing it, as many women do;] 
the doing of which is disapproved. (S, L, K. 
[But in the S and L, it said that AUJI t^aiSj 
signifies eii**3, which docs not necessarily indi- 
cate that the former verb is transitive.]) — 
Hence, (S, M, TA,) ££ J^JI ,>iil (S, M, 
A, Msb, K # ) The load made his back to sound by 
reason of its weight : (M :) or pressed heavily 
upon him, (S, M, Msb, K,) so that hi* back was 
heard to make a sound such as is termed j^ogii ; 
(M, K ;• i.e. the sound of the earner* saddle when 
it becomes infirm by reason of the weight of the 
load; (Bd, xciv. 3 ;) or a slight sound, as when 
a man make* a smacking with hi* tongue (^cJLj) 
to his ass, in driving him : (TA :) or oppressed 

his back by its weight : (Msb:) or rendered him 

t » t* » * »* * 

lean, or emaciated ; UaiJ *!»»., i.e. "ilj^y-o. (Ibn- 

•* i 

•Arafeh, K.) Thus in the phrase J JV J» ^cij\ ^JJl, 

(S, M, K.) in [xciv. 3, of] the Kur. (S, M.) 

a I** .. *M - 

5. ^r\?'~ i see 8. — Sl*fll ^t l/*;'^' < r - A i J 
The earth clave, or cracked, or burst, from over 
the truffle* ; (S, A,* TA ;) syn. 0>i5. (S, 
TA.) In all the copies of the K, we find t >uLo 
>J)I, explained by ji>J3 ; [as though meaning 
The blood wa* made to drop, drip, or fall in 
drops;] but how likely is this to be a mistrans- 
cription. (TA.) [The right reading of the 


planation, jLiu ; and if so, the phrase is like 
(*£)l u^^'i an ^ u**j» explained above: see 4, 
second sentence.] — <J-~)I ,>uL3 The house, or 
chamber, became cleft, or cracked, in several 
places, so as to cause a sound to be heard, (K, 
TA.) And j>Ju> is also said of a building, 
[app. in the same sense,] like * ,jcJu. (TA.) 
[See UULJ1 ^joiJ, i" 1» next before the last break.] 
You say also, i-Uic C~i&3 1 -H" bones made a 
sound [app. in being broken]. (IF, K, TA.) 
[See also 4.] 

6. (jiSLJ: see 8. — ^a5UJ also signifies 
I Mutual contra iiction, or repugnancy; contr. 
°f&& (O» TA You say, ,>&$ **•££> ^ 
(A, Mgh, Msb, TA,) I [In Am speech is contra- 
diction, or repugnancy, between different part*;] 
one part of his speech necessarily implies the 
annulment of another part; (Msb;) Aw second 
saying contradicted (,^a»U) his first. (TA.) 

And O^i*" J&&> ( A » M g h >) or OV*£». 
(Msb,) \The two sayings, or sentences, contra- 
dicted each other ; or were mutually repugnant ; 
as though each undid the other; (Msb;) [tltey 
annulled each other.] And yj\ftA£l\ ^aSUj J [Tlie 
two poets contradicted each other.] (A, TA.) 
And »U>U ,ja5U3 lit* meaning was contradictory. 
(S,* K, TA.) = [It is also used transitively:] 
you say, i^JI Uiti fThey two mutually dis- 
solved the sale: as though compared with the 

saying j%)\ \}*\jt meaning "they [together] 

, # - * - ** 
saw the new moon;" and >yUI lj«l.v, meaning 

" they [together] called the people ;" and^ytUJ, 
meaning " they [together] asked them ;" not- 
withstanding that ^aiUj is [properly] intransitive. 
(Mgh.) And j^iyfi 1 l*-**^ + [They mutually 
dissolved, or broke, their compacts, contracts, or 
covenant*]. (T, voce Iy£>l3.) 


8. ^ni"'- 1 quasi-pass, of <ucuu [It became un- 
done; taken, or pulled to piece*: untwisted: 
unravelled : unwoven : dissolved ; broken : or ren- 
dered uncompact, unsound, or infirm, after it had 
been made compact, sound, or firm] : (M, A, 
Mgh, Msb, TA:) as also ♦ ^^Lj, (A,) and 
▼ ijojLj: (M, TA:) [respecting the first and 
last, see a remark upon a mistake in the K, fol- 
lowing the first sentence in 1 : but u aj£i\ after- 
wards occurs in the K used properly in the 
phrase oW *>• i^uUit U :] i.q. A *S 1: (S:) 
said of a building, or structure : and of a rope, 
or cord : (A, Mgh, Mfb, TA :) [and of silk, or 
flax : and of cloth : (see 1 :)] and t of a compact, 
contract, or covenant: (TA:) [and of a sale: 
(see 1 :)] and \ of other things. (A, TA.) — 
[Hence,] im-jii\ C«AI3I I The wound, or ulcer, 
became recrudescent. (IF,* A.) And \ 

»j * * * * • j 

4jft jjif — >»JI t The wound became in a bad, 


phrase is probaMy (J^\ ^^uj; and of the ex- ' corrupt, state, after its healing. (Mad.) And 

- »-* * s , 

**VUJI jJLt j*^\ ^cJCi\ (A,*M|b,TA) \The 
affair, or case, became in a bad, or unsound state, 
after it had been in a sound state. (Msb.) And 
»ju> JJ^/iuJI j^t ^okJ\ t [TAr state of the place 
through which the invasion of an enemy was feared 
became unfortified, after its being fortified, or 
closed]. (TA.) And i J ( t Li\ &Mti\ t 7A« state 
of purity became annulled. (Msb.) And ^AISI 
^aJJI AjLt I [77i« poetry became undone, annulled, 
or contradicted, by a reply against him : see 
yiu*S]. (A.TA.) 

11. ^eliil /< (a wall) cracked, without falling 
down; like ,>uut. (Kin art. \ja&.) See also 
u a\£i\, in art. ^^oJ.] 

see u<uu, in two places. 

i^oaj t. q. ' ^>>yL_o 

[Undone; taken, or pulled, 
to pieces : untwisted : unravelled: unwoven: dis- 
solved; broken: &c. (see 1:)] (§, Mgh, Msb, 
K :) like «tX (S, TA) in the sense of l>y&» : 
(TA:) as also * ^^ii ; (Mgh, Msb;) and 
t uiuti : (Sgh :) but El-Ghooree allows only the 
first : (Mgh :) Az, however, mentions only the 
second ; (Msb ;) which signifies as above, applied 
to a building, or structure ; (M, Mgh ;) or what, 
has become taken, or pulled, to pieces, (^aJui\ U,) 
of a building, or structure ; (K ;) as also the 

• • 000 

first : (TA :) or ^aij signifies C-Aii U what 

thou hast undone ; taken, or pulled, to pieces ; 

untwisted; &c] : (M :) and what is undone, of 

• t 
[the stuff of the tents called] <U>-I, and of [the 

. m t 

garments called] i , .... £ - >\, and twisted a second 
time ; (M, K ;) as also t ^jaij ; (K ;) and 
* tUalij : (L :) or this last signifies what is 
undone of a hair-rope : (S, O, K :) the pi. of 
^joii is U 6\J6\ [a pi. of pauc], (M,) and of 
the same, (Mfb,) or of ■ ^aX, (Mgh, Msb,) 
yjbyia. (Mgli, Msb.) — t Emaciated, or ren- 
dered lean, (S, M, K,) by travel ; (S, K ;) upon 
which one ha* journeyed time after time : (O:) 
Seer says, as though travel had unknit its frame ; 
(M, TA;) thus indicating it to be tropical: 
(TA:) applied to a male camel, (S, M, K,) and 
to a horse, (M.) and to a female camel, (S, K.) 
or the female is termed JUJLi: (M, K :) pi. 
J,\£\, (Sb, S, K,) only, (Sb, M,) both of the 
masc. and fern. ; in the latter, the I being 
imagined to be elided ; (M ;) and ^iuMJ is 

[also said to be] a pi. of ^aH signifying jaded, 
applied to a she-camel. (So in a copy of the 
S in art. ^eii.) — [See an ex. in a verse cited 
voce ju>.] — The place, (8,) or crust of earth, 
(M, K,) that becomes broken from over truffles ; 
(S, M, K ;) for when they are about to come 


forth, tliry break asunder the surface of the 
earth : (O :) pi. [of pane] ,_*iUL>l and [of mult.] 
u*yu. (M, I£.) _ Accord, to the $, «*. q. 
JaX> ; but the latter is a mistranscription ; 
(TA ;) Honey that has in it [worms of the kind 
called] isty-i ; mltertfore it is taken, (M, ?L in 
art. yjaij^) and pounded, (]£, ubi supra,) and the 

t i . I 

place of the beet is smeared ( •JaJL* [in a copy 
of the M i_lkj, which is doubtless a mistranscrip- 
tion,]) thereivith, together with myrtle ( ^1 ), 
and the bees then come to it, and deposit 
their honey in it; (M, ]£, nbi supra;) on the 
authority of El-Hejeree : (M :) or the dung 
of bees in the place where tliey deposit their 
honey : (I Aar, AHn, It, ubi supra :) or the bees 
that have died therein. (Sgh, K, ubi supra.) 
as See also sja^Ju. 

(^iii : see ^jaij, in two places. 

^agii t A contradictor : applied to a man : 

fern, with ♦. (M, TA.) Tou say [also], li 
ii\\ c^t** J Tkit is a contradictor [i. e. t/ie con- 
trary] of that : (A, TA :) [or this is inconsistent 
with that : for] O 1 **"!* *§3 0* *y *- l J OWj^ 1 
[what are termed (j U^ a- i cannot be coexistent in 
the same thing, nor simultaneously nonexistent 
in the same thing] ; as existence itself and non- 
existence, and motion and rest. (Kull, pp. 231, 

232) You say also, ij^txi u^h^ *Jf**» «-** 

* * * * * * 

£j$i J [This poem is a contradictor of the poem 

of such a one]. (A.) And iiJUl in poetry is 

t That by which one undoes or annuls or contra- 
dicts [what another j>oet has said]: (S:) or 

jji_JI d_a-ij consists in a poet s putting forth 
poetry, and another poet's undoing or annulling 
or contradicting it, by putting forth what is dif- 
ferent tlterefrom: (Lth, ]£,* TA :) the eubst. 
is ^,ri t v : [or rather this seems to be an epithet 
in which the quality of a subst is predominant, 
and syn. with *i».ii :] and the act of the two is 
termed " i-aiU* : the pi. of i-&.JL> is ij 6j\ij : 

(TA :) you speak of the ,_*=uUL> of Jereer and 
El-Farczduk. (A, TA.) = A sound, uoixe, 
voice, or cry; (Lth, S, M, O, K. ;) as also 
♦ ^jaiu accord to the K ; but this is an enormous 
error: (TA:) the former, of the joints (Lth, 
M, K) of a man, (M,) [a meaning also assigned 

to ,>uu in the K,] and of the fingers, and of the 
ribs, (Lth, M, A,) and of camels' saddles, (S, 
K,) or of a camel's saddle, (M, O, K, [but in 
C£, for jiyJI, we find JsmH, the foot,]) and of 
camels' litters, (S, $,) and of tanned skins, (r>,) 
or of a tanned skin, (M,) and of a bow-string, 
(M, £,) and of %-J [q. v.] (O, K,) when new, 
(O,) and of the sucking of a cupping-instrument ; 
(K ;) [in all these senses said in the TA to be 
tropical ; but see 4 ;] and also the former, (S, 
M, TA,) in the K, erroneously, the latter word, 

u-Oi— v^X 

(TA,) of an eagle, (S, M, £,) and of chickens, I 
and of an ostrich, and of a quail, and of a hawk, | 
and of a scorpion, and of a frog, and of the [kind 
of lizard called] I j}, and of the jjj [or Syrian 
hyrax ; kc, see 4.] (M.) 

i*c\ii : see >ja*j . 

<irf> ; ii : i see \ m $~\JA . 

* Z* * * i 

uayUt : see ^jaJu . 

• « m ft 9 * ' 

i-aSU* : sec _j*J-> . 

• ■• t 


i. q. r-ijZ*, [Refraining,] see art. 


1. v^3» &, (?, Msb,) or J^IJI, (K,) 

aor. i , inf. n. JouL, (S, Msb,) He pointed, or 

dotted, [the book, or writing, or] the letter, or 

word, with the diacritical points or point ; and 

with the syllabical points or point, by which are 

shown the pronunciation and division of syllables 

'. . «s 
and the desinential syntax; syn. *»%*! ; as also 

* aJojLj : (K :) and «Ju»-Ua-oJI * Jouu, inf n. lx. «■■ " », 
[he so pointed the copies of the Kur-dn.~\ (S.) 

2 : see 1, in two places. —-^ji^icpLi duy WsJ 
i'-*-»J^, inf. n. k ; i.j, [He made specks, or small 
spots, upon his garment, with saffron, and ink;] 
(Lth ;) and «^p ,Jl« JaJu [signifies the same]. 
(A, TA, in art. k»j.) And VvJL^j ij^JI C-ili 
jJUJl^ j " m - "■ ilyJb Ujwi.3 [77ic woman marfe 
specks, or rnna/2 x/wf«, tt/xm W face, with black, 
beautifying lierself thereby]. (TA.) 

5. ixi-'i [quasi-pnss. of 2 ; It became pointed, 
&c And henoe,] t It (a place) became scat- 
tered with spots, or portions, of herbage. (K, TA.) 

i inf. n. un. of 1, [A single act of pointing, 

Ac] (Msb.) 

A diacritical point of a letter or word : 
a syllabical point thereof: seel:] (K:) [a point, 
dot, speck, speckle, or small spot : a mathematical 
point; i. e.] the extremity of a line: (TA :) pi. 
L£> (S Msb, K,) and ilii. (AZ, S, £.) 
Hence, one says, iliii ^J Uiii.1 U They two 
did not differ respecting so small a thing as a 
point of a letter or word. (TA.) And [hence] 

•r •• '1 

the vulgar say, when they admire one, ikii ^* 
u i^ -^1 ^» f [-#« « like o point, or «fo/>, »» a 
copy 0/ t/i« A'ur-o/»; because the stops in the 
Kur-dn are generally ornamented, and often very 
beautifully, with gold and colours]. (TA.) — 
t [Any very small thing, that may be likened to 
a point, dot, or speck. Hence,] 'Alee is related 
to hare said, O^M' **^» &J ^ -**?» 
t [<Sci«w;e, or knowledge, is a very small tking : 
only the ignorant have made it to be much]. 

[Book I. 

(TA.) And you say, jle ^* ikii »ivil J [^T« 
</a»e Aim a drop, or eery ma// quantity, of 
honey]. (TA.) — t [A portion of a thing, or some 
of a number of things, tn a separate, or scattered, 
state, here and there.] You say, ^>« ^i* U 
iloij •nJI jtj\y*\ I There remained not of their 
possessions [aught] save some palm-trees and a por- 
tion of seed-produce here and there. (I Aar, TA.) 
And *5U3I k >« J»Uu y«j*9l ^ji, and -i~» Jnii, 
t 7n </ee /anrf are scattered spots, or portions, of 
herbage. (1$.,* TA..) — t A thing; an affair; 
a matter; a case ; an event ; an action. (TA.) 

ll^Ju dim. of iki'. (TA.) 

i»Uj 0/i« m/10 points copies of the Kur-an S[c. ; 

i.e. adds the diacritical and otlter jnints. (S,* 


« i» - * - 

Isjslu wjUia (Msb, TA) .1 book, or writing, 

pointed with the diacritical, or other, points. 


[jii, &c. 

See Supplement.] 

1. lijill 10, (S, K.) inf. n. :JL r , (S,) He 
peeled off tlte scab from the sore (S, K,) before it 
was healed, and it became moist in consequence. 

(K.) [See also J&.] = I jjjl IG, and ^ 

jJl«JI, dial, form of (J SLi [q.v.]. (K.) By some 

rejected. (TA.) =s uL «t£ (like »l£»j, TA), 

inf. n. t^li, 7/e pa/'</ Aim /«u rf««. (K.)«_ 
fcj yj cii*, (S,) and uij, (TA,) and *C3 (S, 

for aJUi or UCJ, TA), Mnyest thou be made to 
have enjoyment, in that which thou hast received, 
and not experience pain ! (S.) Mayest thou gain 
what is good, and may harm not befall thee'. 
(T :) or, with the latter of the two verbs with- 
out » (-il~J), may God not make thee discomfited ! 
(AHeyth, L.) [Accord, to AHeyth, as men- 
tioned in the TA, the latter verb in this proverb 

• '•' * * tt 

is written «££ and *£J ; but the right reading is 

,«j • .»t 

doubtless ■iiii and aCJ : this is shown by the ex- 
planation there following.] 

t , ■ . • 
8. i**j*)\ Ol&t The scab peeled off from the 

sore before it was healed, and it became moist in 

ti t ' t * 

consequence. (A, TA.) = **-». <lu 1£jI (like 
t&jjl, TA) He received from him his due. (K, 


i'Sj and l~~9) One who pays his debts, and does 
not put off. (K.) = «i»y>Jt '»&, and i\iZi, 
dial, form of *■£» [q.v.]. (K.) 


» * - * ef 

1. <uc v*£i, aor. -, inf. n. *^t£i (S, K) and 
^£j ; and ^S$, aor. i, inf. n. ,^& ; (M, L, ^ ;) 

Book I.] 

and *sJb, (inf. n. l,*SZ, TA ;) and »V&3 ; 
(K ;) He deviated, or turned aside, or away, from 
it, (K.,) from the road, (S,) or from another thing. 
(TA.) [You say] JiJoi\ **£, (l*>» being 
put in the accus. case, inf. n. >*tf~*> TA,) and 
[Jiji4\ J*] a* ^SJ, He deviated, or turned 
aside, or away, with him from the road ; led him, 
or rawed him to turn, aside, or away, from the 

road. (K.) [So] *aJG, inf. n. C-e&. He 

turned aside, or away, from him, and separated 
himself from him. (S.) — * a-CJ He went, or 
turned, aside, or away, or apart, from him ; 
avoided him; went, or removed, to a distance, 

from him. (S.) U* .-i-3 He turned aside, 

or away, from us. (TA.) — Jiji* O* **■•*"■ 
w>£Ja)l, aor. i, inf. n. ._>>£> ; and ,>* ▼ ^fc» 
_.i 3 y-» ; t He deviated from the right course of 
action $C. (Az.) — 1«J« C-C, aor. '-, inf. n. 
^^Jj, 77ie wind blew- obliquely, in a direction 
between [the directions of] t*o [cardinal] winds. 
($.) See 10. urn L^J, aor. '-, inf. n. ^£>, He 

threw, cast, or fung. (K, TA.) y LSi He 

threw him down (K) yoj^l J>* upon the ground. 

(TA.) ^jJI*I£,aor.i,inf. n. ^Si and ^Xi, 

t Fortune overcame him, or afflicted him: or 
smote him with an evil accident, a disaster, an 


affliction, or a calamity. (K.) — y^J + He 
was overcome, or afflicted, by fortune: or was 
smitten by fortune with an evil accident, a disaster, 
or the like. (S, TA.) See iX tb^l ^£>, 

(aor. -, inf. n. C-&. 1' A >) J3T« [<A«W down, i.e.] 
poured out the contents of the vessel: (K:) but 
only said of what is not fluid ; as dust and the 

like. (TA.) <uiL=» i^>, inf. n. as above, 

He inverted, or inclined, his quiver, (S,) so as to 
your out the arrows contained in it : (TA :) or 
he sea tiered the contents of his quiver. (IS..) [ See 

also oX.] — (,U»-JI A^J. a° r « -. inf - n - «t"*5i 
T/ie ttonet wounded him, and made him bleed, [in 
the foot]. (S.) aJU-j SjU»»Jt C~xi The stones 
vounded his foot, and made it bleed: at kit, at 
struck, or hurt, it. (K.) 4-£d' is when a stone 
wounds, &c., a nail, a hoof, or a camel's foot 
(TA.) — aju-oI Q-'.£ JSRi <oe was hit, or /mr«, 
ty the stones. ( T A . ) as '^Sj , aor. -, inf. n. ^Si , 
He (a camel) had a disease in the slioulder-joint, 
or in the shoulder-blade, and in consequence halted. 

(S.) See *,£> 4-£l, aor. -, inf. n. ^Sj, He 

(a man) had a pain in his shoulder-joint. (TA.) 
= <l4s ^ic ^Sj, aor. i, inf. n. «Ll£J (S) and 
V*&, (Lh, K,) I He was, or acted as, »y£u 
orer A« pcopfe : (S, ]£ :) or was sjuj* over them. 

2. aJo, inf. n. v .Cj, i/e removed, or pur 

a«We, or away, Or out <»/" f/»e way, /«'», or i/. 
Thus it is both trans, and intrans. ($.) See L 
__ Uc xSJ Put him away from us ; put him out 
of our way. (T A. ) 

5. ^Jjj (S, K) and * ^Xai (K) He threw 
his bow, (S, £,) or his quiver, (K,) upon his 
shoulder ; lie shouldered it. (S, K.) — ^j^c «^&J 
^^5 //e /ennerf upon a bow : and, in like manner, 
upon a staff. (TA, from a trad.) = See 1. 

8 : see 5. . 

,_-<•'. i.q. iUCi, q. v. — See also 3JHi. 

J,£i An inclining in a thing: (S :) or what 
resembles an inclining in a thing. (M, K.) — A 
halting in a camel (ISd, K) by reason of a pain 


easterly, winds, being called l^tij*^'- (AZ:) [but 
see this word,, and see below:] or what are 
termed Jfy\ !ji> [^& being pi. of .L£] are 
four: (IAar, Th, S, K:) namely, first, the *U£i 
.-jyU-Jlj UJI the wind that blows in a direction 
between that of the east, or easterly, and that of 
the south, or southerly, wind; also called ^j*^ , 
CS, K;) which is a very thirsty wind, that dries 
np much the leguminous plants; but E$-Tara- 
bulusee, in the Kf, and Mbr and IF, assert that 
the w-ijl is the ~r>y~- ; not its .IX*: (TA:) 

second, the jCi»S C*»' *M° the wind t,Mi 
blows in a direction between that of tlte east, or 
easterly, and that of the north, or northerly, mind; 
also called i^UJl,and called also *iUe£JI, (S, K,) 
a diminutive meant to convey the opposite of a 

in his shoulder-joint: (ISd:) or a disease which diminutive sense; for they find this wind to be 
attacks camtlt in the shoulder-joints, in consequence vei . v c0 ] j . (g.) j t \ s ver y boisterous and very 

of which they halt : (S, K :) or only in the 
shoulder-joint. (El-Adebbes, S, ?.) 

iX A hurt [of the foot] by a stone, causing a 
bleeding : or a hit by a stone [upon the foot]. 

Ex. ICi % *£> **y U* Oi'i J-J Thet ' e " not 
in the way of the attainment of this thing a hurt 
[of the foot] by a stone, fyc, nor a track in the 
inside of the foot. (IAar, ISd.) [See also ^Ci] 
Hence iXi in the sense immediately following. 

(TA.) t A misfortune ; an evil accident ; a 

disaster; an affliction; a calamity: (S, K, TA:) 
as also * ^Sj : (K. :) pi. of the former OUU ; 
(S;) and of the latter, *->£>. (K.) 

iLfj A heap of corn, not measured nor weighed : 
ay n. »>-*• (£■) 

*^~& The circuit (2j5tj : in some copies of the 
S, SjjIj : but this, as IKtt says, is a mistake; 
and the former is the correct word : TA) of a 
hoof, (S, K,) and of a camel's foot. (S.) Sec 

...1 j -,i 

iLXJI : see ^-ii>\. 

jUJI &* wXl, and <t^c Vw.=>U, J A man 
deviating from the right course if action <yc. 

(A.) iL£i [fern, of .^£i<] an epithet applied 

to Any wind that blows obliquely, taking a direc- 
tion between [the directions of] two [cardinal] 
winds: (TA:) a wind that blows obliquely, de- 
viating from the direction whence blow the right 
(^eybt [or the cardinal]) winds: (S:) or a [par- 
ticular] wind that blows obliquely, and takes a 
direction between [the directions of] two [cardinal] 
winds; (K;) which destroys the camels and 
sheep &c, and restrains the rain : (TA :) or a 
wind that blows in a direction between that of the 


east, or easterly, wind, (W-a 31 ,) an d that of the 
north, or northerly, wind, ( jC^O : (AZ, K :) 
that between the south, or southerly, and east, or 

cold ; unattended by rain or by any good : (T A :) 
third, the j^jjJIj JU-^H iW& the wind that blows 
in a direction between that of the north, or 
northerly, and that of tlie west, or westerly, wind; 
also called 'U^aJI ; and termed ^j^l istmJ the 
opposite wind to the ^jl ; (S, £ ;) a cold wind ; 
(S;) and sometimes attended by a little rain; 
but Ibn-EI-Ajdabee asserts that the »Uj>»- is the 

Jt»i : (TA :) fourth, the ^jj£ V^J' 'W& '*« 
wind that blows in a direction between that of the 
south, or southerly, and that of the west, or 
westerly, 7vind; also called »JLjyJt ; (in the CK, 
ouyll ;) and termed »UXJt *_J the Opposite wind 
to thetlxCi; (S, K;) a hot wind (S) and very 
thirsty. (TA.) Accord, to Ibn-Kubsis, the tract 
whence blows the »U& [by which he, means only 
the wind that blows from the north-east or there- 
about] is that extending between the point where 
rises the ctji [or the osterism composed of the 

stars o and /3 of Gemini, E. 33° N., in central 
Arabia; or a and /3 of Cnnis Minor, E. 7° N., 
in the same latitude] and the pole-star: and the 
tract between the pole-star and the point where 
sets the clji is the tract whence blows the Jl»w. 
Sh says, Each of the four [cardinal] winds has 
its tL&, which is called in relation to it: that of 
the Uo is that which is between it and the Jl*£ ; 
[blowing from the north-east, or thereabout ;] and 
it resembles it in gentleness; sometimes having 
sharpness, or vehemence ; but this is seldom ; 
only once in a long space of time: that of the 
^JLfri is that which is between it and the jy} ; 
[blowing from the north-west, or thereabout ;] and 
it resembles it in coldness: it is called JU-UI 
jUcUJI : each of them is called by the Arabs 
A~olw : that of the jy> is that which is between it 
and the *->y-+- ; blowing from the point where sets 
j^-^w [or Canopus; i.e., S. 29° W., in the latitude 
of central Arabia] ; and it resembles it in its 
violence and boisterousness: and that of the w>>*- 


is that n-kirh u between it and the Ue ; [blowing 
from the south-east, or thereabout ;] and it is the 
wind most resembling it in its soilness and in its 
gentleness in winter." (L.) The pi. of .tX is 
sr-yj, as shown above. (8, K Sec ) [See also 
y-i-UI £*3, in art. £-J.] — ^Si j^l [app. 

* v^X, originally an inf. n., used as an epithet, 

'uiil therefore applicable without S to a fem. noun] 

i.q. 'UC; [npp., The .IX of the jy/i; a south- 

t -•» 
westerly wind], (TA.) _. wXl A camel having 

a disease in the shoulder-joint, or in the shoulder- 
blade, and in consequence halting : (K :) a camel 
///a/ walks on one side, or inclining, or a« though 

*9* Si* * 

he wallted on one side. (L.) __ llX <Uli .An 
inclining pulley : and « r X ^^i inclining pulleys. 

(TA.) — ^til ■(• Overjwwering, or oppressive; 

unjust, or tyrannical. (S, TA.) — _ .^x'l J*Jj' next > ^ '^J' » the next, >kC*^1 ; the next, 

*.*.«.■■. t* ■ / 

^yUul. (L.) It is a. word without a sin". (K.) 

iSd says, I know not a sing, to it ; but by 
analogy it should be yXu, (TA.) JilJ 

V» l«»< **v-» I -H« feathered his arrow with 
featliers such as are described above. (TA.) 

^ *rXi* I fcj. oup£, i. c. The intendant, 
superintendent, ijrc., of a people: or an aider, 
lielper, or assistant, of a people : (K :) or the 
assistant of an uu/ : (Msb :) one below an 
w*j>c: (IAth:) or the chief of the .lij* [pi. 
of (-i^«] ; (Lth, S ;) there being over so many 
Mj* a ^Xu : (Lth [see Jbi -.]) pi. ^£»ui. 

vJu — cX 

yJ^JIo/rto mountain: (TA :) so in the Kur, 
Ixvii. 15, the pi. signifies the sides, $c, of the 
earth : (Fr :) or its roads, accord, to some : 
(TA:) or its mountains: (Zj:) which last sig- 
nification in this case is preferred by Az : (TA :) 
or the sing, signifies an elevated place, or part, 
of the earth, or land. (S.) __ 4»£»W)I I The 
feathers next after the j>)\£ ; [which latter are 
the anterior, or primary, feathers of a bird's 
wing ;] (K ;) the feathers of the wing of a vulture 
or an eagle t/tat are next after the »l^l, which 
are the strongest and most excellent of the 
feathers ; (TA ;) four [featliers] in the wing of 
a bird, next after the j>}\£ : (S:) [the four 
secondary feat hers of the wing :] in the wing of a 
bird are twenty feathers : the first of them are 
those called .AjlyUt ; the next, yfcM ; the 

v-X. ^ t Fortune abounds with evil accidents, or 
disasters, or afflictions, or calamities; i.e. it 
deviates much, or often, from the right course : 
it will not remain in one state : or, accord, to one 
relation, iJI >iXI jAjJI. A proverb. (TA.) 
mm wXl A man not having with him a bow. 

(ft SO 

(masc., Lh, JC) The shoulder; i.e. 
the place of junction of the os humeri and the 
scapula, (S, ]£,) in a man &c; (ISd;) the 
place of junction oftheos humeri and the scapula 

and the [tendon called] JJUJI jli., in a man 
and a bird and any other thing. (TA.) [It seems 
to be regarded by some as originally signifying 
" a place of deflection :" but] Sb denies its 
being a noun of place, because, were it so, it 
would be yXu : he does not allow it to be 
included in the class of p-v**, because this is 
extr. PI. visU. »M nfc u#ll jijjw J*-j signifies 
A man having a strong shoulder : as though the 
sing, were applied to denote each part of the 
joint, and the pi. to denote the whole. (TA.) 

\tjh X [Tliey shook their shoulder- 

joints ;] i.e., they rejoiced, or were joyful, or 
happy. (TA.) — ^* ^£>& 'J$\ J^JC*- 
S"J^a}\ f [The best of you are the most easy of 
you in the shoulder joints in prayer :] meaning, 
those of you who keep [most] still therein : or, as 
some soy, those who [most readily] give room to 
such as enter the rank in prayer. (TA, from a 

tnul.)^ l ^yjUI yJ>U The star /J in Pegasus. 
(El-r>azweenee &c)_ tlj^JI *^& The bright, 
and very great star, a, in the right shoulder- 
joint, of Orion. (El-£azweenee Ac.) _ wXL* 
J The side of anything; or a lateral, or an 
adjacent, part, quarter, or tract, thereof: (£ :) 
pi. ^-^=»tu: ex. yiy^l O* y-SU ^ t>- We 
proceeded, or journeyed, along a side, or lateral 
part, of the land: and, in like manner, ^>» 

J>«JI O* v^^ [t One w/io deviates muck 
from the right course of action $c] (TA.) 

• it, t 

«->>*-u and .^X, accord, to the copies of 

the K, but the latter word is a mistake for 

" «r-e&, Having the foot wounded, and made 

to bleed, by stones : or hit, or struck, or hurt, 

by stones. (£.) See 1 -^ycl* t Overcome 

or afflicted, by fortune : or smitten with an evil 

accident, or the like. (S, TA.) See ^Si. 

«r»>Xi! [like jj t fc. » in measure: in the CK, 
• •» »» 
^j^£-«:] A road deviating from the right course 

or direction. (K..) 

1. ciS, aor. '-, inf. n. cX, (or ,>^t cX 
^.. t ± ii. ; , [Sec.,] TA.) lie struck tlie ground with 
a stick, (S, M, $») or with hi* finger, (M,) so 
that it made a mark, or marks, upon it, (S, K,) 
with its extremity ; an action of one reflecting, 
or meditating, and anxious. (TA.) [Thus our 
Saviour seems to have done in the case of the 
woman taken in adultery : see S. John viii. 6 and 
8.] i_ Also, He struck t/ie ground with pebbles. 
(TA.) __ Hence, % He reflected, or meditated, 
and talked to himself (TA, from a trad.) 

[Book I. 
c£, aor. -', (S, $,) inf. n. 1&, (?,) He (a 
horse) bounded (C5, S, K)from the ground, (8,) 

in running. (TA.) *&' He threw it down 

upon the ground. (TA.) <CiU£> S35 He 

scattered the contents of his quiver. (TA.) See 
^^Aj.] _ «X» A^aJs /fe tArtut him, or pierced 
him, and threw him down upon his head. (As, 
§» ¥•*) — >Z*£> It (a cooked bone, containing 
marrow,) was struck with the edge of a cake of 
bread, or with some other thing, to cause the 
marrow to fall out. (TA.) JU»» c-£? 2%e 
winrj-ow q/" the bone was taken out, or extracted. 
(Aboo-Ameythel.) Mentioned in art. cJti, q. v. 
(TA.) as ^-^ ^ ^ii, and .O^S ,^5, [aor. i , 

inf n. c«Ju ? (in the TA, the verb is written with- 
out the syll. points, but the form commonly known 
in the present day, and occurring in many late 
works, is * «C-Xi, inf. n. c~Cj ; { He made use 
of nice, or subtile, sayings, expressions, or allu- 
sums, such as are termed C-&, pi. of £a& )]. 
(A.)_*A)'uH y o^* *i»V*>A*)l ,v •si* 

0*^«* He alluded ( j\£i\) [with respect to science, 
to the agreement of such a one, or the disagree- 
ment of such a one]. (L.) 

2. «T~1»/Jt C<£», inf. n. cXS, 77te </«/« i«^an 
<o r//)ert [anrf <o become speckled], (Msb.) _» 
See 1. 

8. cXil He was thrown down upon his head; 
or fell doivn ujwn hi% head, having been thrust, 
or pierced. (S, K.*) 

• » .. i - » i 

c£ : sec iXi. 

iX yl point; a dot; a speck; a minute spot ; 
i. 7. ilouLi : (S, K :) pi. «iXl, (Msb, &c.) agree- 
ably with analogy, (TA,) and Ol£>, (£,) devi- 
ating from analogy, and, accord, to some, olt, 
in which the I is said to be added cCL'P, or to 
render the sound of the fet-hah full, like JliJ: 
(TA:) the last of these pis. has been heard 
[from the classical Arabs] ; (Esh-Shihab, in the 
Expos, of the Shifa;) or it is vulgar. (Msb.) 
_ &£j [A small s/M>t, or mark,] resembling dirt 
upon a mirror : (r> :) l\iyL <L3u A small [black] 
mark, like a spot, or dot, resembling dirt upon 
a mirror or a sword or tlie like. (L, from a 
trad.) _ iX [A spot in the eye ;] what resembles 
a ijij in the eye. (L.) __ [ * ^X seems to 
be a quasi-pl. of iX, like as i*li is said to be 
(by some persons in the present day) of iUi>, 
and to signify Any small spots, or specks, in a 
thing, differing therefrom in colour. Such. I 
suppose to be meant by the words in the L, 

l& ^ ouu. .^ j Ui Jfc.] . •& 

l A nice, subtile, subtilely excogitated, quaint, 

Book I.] 

facetious, or nitty, saying, expression, or allu- 
sion, ( iijU) that makes an impression upon the 
heart ; from JJtdl {the striking the ground with 
a stick &c., so as to make a mark, or marks, 
upon it with its extremity] : also, a question 
educed by refection, [ >iu£)V, ns the passage here 
translated is given in the Kull, p. 302, but m 
the TA JiilW. w '' icl > is a " evident mistake, as 
might be shown by many authorities,] which 
makes an impression upon the heart, on hearing 
or considering which one generally makes marks 
upon the ground with tlie finger or the like : 
(El-Feniirec's Expos, of the Telwech:) a nice, 
or subtile, saying, expression, or allusion, that 
requires one to refect, and [induces one] to make 
maths upon the ground with a stick or the like : 
(from a scholium quoted by De Sacy, Anthol. 
Gr. Ar., 308s) [a nice, subtile, abstruse, or 
mystical, point, or allusion : the point of a say- 
ing or sentence, especially one that is difficult 
to be understood: a conceit expressed in words 
difficult to be understood: a quaint conceit: a 
point of wit : a facetious saying or allusion : 

pi., generally, .!&] £&i 'W- t [He uttered 

a nice, or subtile, saying, expression, or allusion, 
«>■]• (A.) 

J-eSu Spoken against; having his reputation 
wounded. (TA.) 

0& (and ♦ oXu TA) t One mho speaks 
much, or frequently, against others; who 

nounds the refutations of others, much, or 
' . • i * z. in- 

frequently. (K.) — u*b*J' u? ^^ *J 
Zeyd is one who wounds the reputations of others 
much, or frequently. (TA.) 

C-£»0 A distortion in a earners elbow, so that 
it lacerates his side : (El-Adebbes El-Kinanec, 
S, K :) or the cutting of a camets side by his 
elbow: (L:) or [that fault in a camel] when his 
elbom makes a mark, or marks, upon his side: 
in this case you say, ^-£>U <u : but when it 
makes an incision, or incisions, in his side, you 
say jU. aj ■ (IAar) or C-£>U is similar to >».0, 
i. e. the elbow's striking, and making a mark, or 
marks, upon tlte edge of the callous lump beneath 
his breast; in the case of which you say *y 
,z^o\j •. (Lth:) and nearly the same is said in 
the A. (TA.) 

Oj£~« A cooked bone, containing marrow, 
that is struck with the edge of a cake of bread, 
or with some other thing, to cause the marrow to 
fallout. (TA.) 

Ju< : see OUO. — &&-• *Jej A date be- 
ginning to ripen [and to become speckled]. (S, £.) 

■*'<* -- <UJU> The extremity of the curved piece 
of wood termed y-*~ in the kind of saddle called 

w^5, and in that called «Jlf&1, when it is short, 
and wounds the side of the camel. (TA.) 


1. i£>, (S, K.) aor. '., (K, Msb,) and ;, 
(K,) inf. n. Uj, (TA,) He undid [the threads 
of] a garment of the kind called «L-^, &c. : 
(Msb :) he undid, or untwisted, a rope. (S, 1£.) 
__ JtyJt wJO, aor. i , inf. n. *t£j ; He, or it, 
made the head of the tooth-stick to be uncom- 
pacted, disintegrated, disunited, or seperated, in 
its fibres: and so the verb signifies with respect 
to other things. (TA.) [See also 8.] — viij, 

j (aor. i, and ; , K, inf. n. 3Jo, TA,) I He dis- 
solved, violated, or broke, a covenant, or com- 

! pact, (S, K,) or an act of inauguration, Ac. 

j (TA.) j£}\ o* ^£> i-q- u^i(Aboo-Turab, 

\ in TA, art. u°£>-) 

5 : see 8. 

6. soMyyC- lji£»U» J They mutually dissolved, 
or broke, their covenants, or compacts ; syn. 
UyiiU. (K.) 

8. st£Z>\ It (a garment of the kind called 
JLA, kc, Msb, or a rope, S, K) was undone, 
or untwisted. (S, K, &c.) — Jlj-Jt w£jI [so 
accord, to the TA : in the K, *«iXi:] (TA:) 
and *viX3, (TA, in art. .£«»£,) The head of the became uncompacted, disunited, or 
separated, in its fibres. (T A.) _ vi«£j| [He was, 
or became, emaciated, or lean; he (a camel) be- 
came lean after having been fat. See 4, in art. 
^j\j.] — wXjI J It (a covenant, or compact, S 
and K, or an act of inauguration, &c, TA,) was 

dissolved, violated, or broken. (S, K, &c.) 

^1 Jj ^LL. ^ &tt\, (K,) or iS^.% (S.) 
I He turned from a thing that he wanted to an- 
other thing, (S, K,) having desired, or sought, 
the former. (TA.) 

• • 
wJu What is undone, to be spun again, (A, 

Msb,) of the garments called 

\, awl of the 

stuff of the tents called S^akl : (A:) pi. »l>tfjl : 
(Msb :) or threads of an old and worn-out stuff, 
of wool or hair, untwisted, and mixed with new 
wool [or hair], and beaten with JjU»-», flnrf spun 
a second time : or old a nd worn-out thread of 
wool or common hair or the soft hair called _^j ; 
so called because it is untwisted, and twisted 
again : (TA :) it is when the old and worn-out 
materials of the garments called iu_£>l (and of 
the tents called <L*^I, S) are undone, to be spun 
again. (S, K.) [SM seems to have understood, 

from the cxpl. in the S and K, that JO is an inf. n.; 

for he adds,] the subst. is * ii-Ju : (TA :) [i. e., 
this last word has the signification assigned 


above to «£*£, from the A and Msb]. — CJ * 
£&\ Jjii, and ,£»&'% She spins what has 
been undone, to be spun again, $c. (A.) _ 
3Jj J^l. and ♦ 3~c£, (TA,) and <2\>l£l, and 
* »->&*, (K,) A rope undone, or untwisted, (r>, 
TA,) at its end. (TA.) 

,_\>l£i Pustules which come forth in the mouths 
of camels: (K :) as also i>U3. (TA.) — A 
disease in the ^Ui£ of a camel, tohich are two 
prominent bones by the fat parts of the two cart : 
it is also called w»l&. (TA.) 

w~xj : see w£>. 

AJtiu The broken particles of the end o/« j)lj- 
[or tooth-stick], remaining in the mouth. (K.) 
__ Also, What is undone, or untwisted, of the 
end of a rope, (£,) ij-c. (TA.) 

llSJ : see **X Subst. from jlljl ££2\ 

[What is undone, or untwisted, of a rope]. (TA.) 

■ • j 
— X Breach of promise; syn. Jto> (S, Ijk.) 

Ex. *«» i£c "^ *^^5 ^^L» J IS Such a one said a 
saying in which was [intended] no breach of pro- 
mise. (S.) _ I A difficult, or an arduous, affair, 
or case, in which a people dissolves, or breaks, 
(,iX3) [its covenants, or compacts]. (S, ^.) 

A great affair. (TA) The utmost of 

one's endeavour, or effort: (S, Kl:) power, or 

strength: (K :) pi. «iJUl (TA.) Ex. 0*& ^ 
o^-*j aLso iSiir/t a one exerted the utmost en- 
deavour, or ^ort, [or ;;o/wer, or «t/'enf///i,] «/" his 
camel, in journeying. (S.) [See also Ai .^ , "> .] _ 
iiXi Nature; natural, or native, disposition, 
temper, or o</tw pro]>erty. (K.) — i^-JI + TAe 

mind; the soul; syn. k _ J _a-J I : (S, K! :) so called 
because the vexation of those things of which it is 
in need dissolve ( w&J ) its powers, and old age 
destroys it : the o is added because it is a subst. 
(TA.) Ex. aLCJI Jujui ^^ SucA n one is 
strong in mind. (S.) PI. i-5l£. (TA.) 

f 2m 

^>Uo Owe w/jo undoes, or un<n)M<«, thread, 
and twists it again, or, io (row^ it again. (TA.) 
[See si«C>.] — j^jlU ^>l£> | O/te who u wont to 
dissolve, violate, or break, his covenant, or com- 
pact. (TA.) 

'if' f J. 

0)£-^: sec W&. 

Emaciated; lean: (&:) a camel /Aa/ 
/ta* been fat, and has become lean. (TA.) 

1. ^Xi, (S, K, &c.,) aor. ;, (Msb, £,) and 
i,(K.,)the latter agi-eeable with analogy, but 
by some rejected, and the former contr. to 
analogy, but more common, and the form used 



in the &ur, (TA,) the only instance of an aor. 
of this form from a rerb haying -_ for its last 

radical letter, except »l>o and «^ and ~ Jkij 
and -_-j and T-*ryi and *JU and -.jb and 
_X*> , (ISd,) [and --iu ] inf. n. *-.& (S, K, &c.) 
and -jCi ; (ISd, K,) Inivit feminam : and 
(sometimes, S) /*« married, took in marriage, or 
contracted a marriage with, a woman : as also 
▼ -X£-l ($, K, Ax.) [and ♦ .JbU, inf. n. 

ifciU:] used only with reference to a man : 
(ISd:) but Th uses it with reference to flies: 
(TA :) J says, that it is sometimes used in the 
latter sense ; but accord, to the Msb it is more 
commonly so used ; (MF;) and it is used only 
in this sense in the Kur : (TA:) IF and others 
say, that it signifies coitus; and coitus without 
marriage; and marriage without coitus : (Msb:) 
[but] in the Time of Ignorance, when a man 
demanded a woman in marriage he said, 
■ jij^O l ; and when he desired fornication, he 
said, i ««g i i w. (TA, in art *Ju<.) It is dis- 
puted whether it be proper or tropical in these 
two senses ; or proper in one, and tropical in 
one: (MF:) it is said to be from ^jjjJl -«. Si, 
or from jU~-^l C^AliJ, or from jLj\ _£j 

tjofi^ ; and if so, it is tropical in both the above 
senses ; and the opinion that it is so is confirmed 

by this, that the signification of marriage is not ■ , 

, i.V ; l" a K° n J Arabs used to take women m marriage : 

understood unless by a word or phrase in con- , /c , . , . . . . . , 

, ., \V? : ) [meaning A giver of a woman in marriage]. 
nexion with it, as when you say Jj J> ^i j (MF> in „ t ^^j A ma „ used t0 8ay t0 

J")* [he took a wife from among the mm of Umm-Kharijeh, in asking her in marriage, ^ii., 
such a one]; nor is that of coitus unless by the 0lld she U8C< 1 t0 reply L£ : hence the saying 

same means, as when you say «^*>sj *-£> [ini- «• • -I -. • *-•» ' 

C | i»yVA. j>\ ^IJJ ^yo ff^ [Quicker than the mar- 

vit conjugem suam] ; and this is one of the signs I * Vc * * t , 

. , . - ,- : riage of Umm-Khdrijeh]. (S, K.) [See w-j**."!. 

of a tropical expression. (Msb.) o— Ci She ~ 

* V * * 

mSJ : sec ~Sj. 

~Si : see *«.£■■ 

futuerunt: see 6, in art o jy ] __ c-»JbC5 

* . .« 

jW-i^l TVie trees became drawn, or connected, 

together ', Msb.) 
10 : see 1. 

•Ju and " ~£j substs. from y»Xil, [The act 
of giving a woman in marriage], (K.) — [These 
two words are properly quasi-inf. ns. of *Sj\, 
signifying as explained above; and, like inf. ns., 
may be used as epithets, meaning A giver of a 

* ' ' 
woman in marriage, correlative to < T Ja^.J It 

was a custom, in the time of paganism, for a 
man to come to a tribe asking lor a woman in 
marriage ; and he would stand up in their assem- 
bly, and say ^-I n *-, i.e., I have come as an asker 
of a woman in marriage; whereupon it would 
be said to him ?~£>, meaning We marry her to 
thee, or give her to thee in marriage, [or, more 
lit., we are givers of her in marriage : for an inf. 
n. or quasi-inf. n. used as an epithet is used 
without variation as sing, dual., and pi.; and 
masc. and fern.]. * •_£> was also said : but »Ju 
is here said for the sake of resemblance to v .i>».. 
(L.) Tou say l t «»C> yk He is the, person who 
gives tier in marriage: and o ■■»■£> Jk She is the 
person whom he gives in marriage. (T'h, L.) _ 
~£j and " «Ju, [and, accord, to Lth and ISh, 
~£j : see jol:] are also two words by which the 

married, or took a husband. (S, JC.) __ LJii 
jjij^l jJ»*JI The rain became commingled with 
the soil : (Msb:) or, rested upon the ground so as to 
soak it; syn. lyJlc *«£ftl: (KL :) as also * \£»ii. i ia*£i J*. J( (S, K,) and " -£j (K) A man 

(L.) j^jjJI iLSi The disease infected him mlt0 marries much, or often : (S, K, TA:) AZ 

(i^U.), and overcame him. (Msb.) lii i explains the former by ^-\£i\ ^.ji,, [app. meaning 

<L-c u-UJI I Drowsiness overcame his eye; I vehement in coitus,] and mentions as its pi. oCii: 
(K ;) as also £fc»U : and in like manner * mJ&L,\ (TA:) [and * ~& (A, TA, art. ^-ii, &c.) sig- 
l* Xyi\ sleep overcome kis eye. (TA.) nifies the same.] 

-.Ixj : see 


-i» - < 
4. »l/«Jt **pXil //<• married the woman to 
. . -.« 
/(/'/». (TA.) — l t ^Cil J/e married the woman ; 

i. e. gave her in marriage. (S, K.) __ t^Jul 

. ., t . . 
JjSI w>U»I jj^^JI t [Accustom ye the feet 

of the camels to pebbles]. (A.) 

6. I^»_£>U} They intermarried; contracted 
marriages togetlier. (Commencing a trad, in 
the Jiimi' os-Sagheer.) [And U^&UJ Se invicem 

-ȣ>U (S, K) and iiȣ>U, (K,) the latter oc- 
curring in poetry, (TA,) A woman married; 
(TA ;) having a husband. (S, KI, TA.) Ex. 
{£$» ^ij ijt m^ste ^h She has a husband among 
the sons of such a one. (S.) 

«_Cu and isfrjfcs : see ^Jo\u. 

~.Ss\l» Women, or wives; syn. !LJ : (£:) a 
pi. having no sing. ; or its sing, is ▼*■£»•; [or 

[Book I. 

T ^i*, which occurs in the S and K, art. 
w>ie, evidently as signifying a wife ; as though 
being a place of -.Uj ;] or ♦ ia-ji-*. (TA.) 
— JU^I U^U- ^»UJI Oj [Verily the best of 
women to take in marriage are virgins], A pro- 
verb. (TA.) 

1. jf , aor. ;, (S, K, &c.,) inf n. *j&, (S, L, 
Msb,) It (a man's life) was, or became, hard, or 

strait, and difficult. (S, L, Msb, £.) jii 7f 

(u she-camel's milk) became deficient. (R.) _- 
JXi /< (water) became exhausted. (A.) __ oj^d 
i^°ji\ The well came to have little water. (S, L, 

K.) jX>, aor. -, inf. n. jSL>, He was, or be- 
came, unpropitious, and mean: (L:) he became 
hard, or difficult : (Msb:) he gave little : or gave 
not at all: you say also US^U>^ ^X> he was 
niggardly of that which we wanted. (L.) ^_ 
d-*-U- jXi, aor. i; (K ;) or cua-U. ojjo, (L,) 
He withheld from him, or refused him, his want. 
(L, K.) __ »j&, aor. -, He withheld from him, 
or refused him, what he asked: or [in the CK, 
and] the same, (K,) or *)L. U »j&, aor. -, inf. 
n. jiXJ, (L,) /t« ^/are him not save the least of what 
he asked. (L, K.) _ .00, [in measure] like 
,-ic, //« A<J</ many ashers and gave little. (K.,) 

__ ^£», aor. '-, He (a raven or crow) croaked 
with his utmost force ; (A, 1£;) a * though vomit- 
ing; as also ♦ j£J. (A.) 

W .»« 3 -•' ' * it* 

2. ^j-oJly «»Uac .»£> J/« impaired his gift by 
reproach. (A.) _ <ti__) jJu 7/« «^«i/, or ex- 
hausted, what he possessed, in consequence of 
frequent petitions. (A.) ^_ eji£> 7/c vexed, dis- 
tressed, or troubled, him; (Gol, from Meyd ;) [us 
also uJlc jXJ]. 

3. »j^9li //e treated him, or behaved towards 
him, with hardness, harshness, or ill-nature. (S, 

4 »jJul) aJI— . 7/e a.«ic(/ of him, and found him 
hard, or difficult, (A, L,) awrf mean, or niggardly: 
(L :) or found him to have only what was scanty, 

or fittfe, (L.) >£li i^.U. aI* «^JLu 7/e 

sought, or desired, of him a thing that he wanted, 
and he was niggardly. (A.) 

5. JJULj [7/e became vexed, distressed, or 
troubled]. (A.) See Bd, in Ixviii. "25: and see 1. 

6. Ijl£»U5 27«ey treated each other with hard- 
ness, Itarshness, or ill-nature. (S, L, K^.) 

• •- •».•• . •.- 

jXi : see jJu, and jJu. 

j£j and " jSi Scantinexi of a gift; (L, ^0 
and its not being enjoyed, or found pleasant, by 
the receiver. (L.) — See what follows. 

t . . >. t ., «»j * »> 

!•>»-». j <0 IjJu, and U -» j «i » lj&, [.1/a^ 

Got/ decree strait ness, or difficulty, to him, and 

Book I ] 

poverty] : forms of imprecation. (L.) — .*& 
Anything that bring* evil upon the person whom 
it affects. (L.) See jJu. 

.»& [Hard, strait, or difficult; applied to a 
man's life; (see 1 ;) and to fortune, as in an ex. 
voce j*\-] — Water little in quantity. (L.) — 
IjJu «$l IJJLj % in the Kur, [vii. 56,] accord, to 

the common reading, or * IjXi, accord, to the 
reading of the people of El-Medeeneh, or, as it 
may be read, accord, to Zj, " !.>£ and » \j&, 
means, accord to Fr, It [the herbage] will not 
come forth save with difficulty: (L:) or, scantily 
and unprnfitably. (Beyd.) _ .»& (S, A, L, 

Msb, K,) and * J& and • ^5 and * jiSl (L, K) 
A man who is unpropitious, (L, K,) and mean, 
(L,) and hard, or difficult : (S, A, L, Msb, K :) 
and a people you term jVjCjI and j^£»U» (S, L, 

K) and J.& and i&. (A.) jJu and * j&\ A 

man t/ta< brings evil upon others. (L.) 

>l& Hardness, or difficulty, in a man. (A.) 
See j&. 

jl&i Oy* , j l Lands possessing little goods. (L.) 
jl£»U : sec j*jI. 

jjSl. __ tfjij A »hc-cnmel abounding with 
milk; (IF, L,K;) ns iilso 0&>U : (L:) a she- 
camel that has no young one tiring, and therefore 
abounding with Willi, because she does not suchle; 
(L; K ;) so O^la* *!.*£;, of which the pis. occur 
in a verse of El-Knmeyt cited voce y^ Jt i (S:) 
also, contr., a she-camel having no miUi : (IF, 
A, K :) or having little milk ; as also * .ȣ=>U : and 

both words, a she-camel whose young one has 

• • j 
died: (L:) pi. (of both words, L) jiLi (S, L, 

* * • * * *%% 

K.) See also l\j£-e. jSj\ Unfortunate; un- 
lucky. (S.) See jJCi. 

• a. j t * •» 

j^lLu : see j}£~». 

ijil« A *wia//, or scanty, gift; (A, L, K ;) as 

also "jiCu. (A.) .>}>— « A man having many 

tinkers and giving little : (TA :) or a man pressed 

with petitions; as also Jijj** and » j» t , c and 

• * • . 

i>«!-**- (IAar, L.) 

UXu »«V ile ram« to him unwelcomely : or, 

empty: or, as Th says, it is correctly \}SJ*t, from 

JiJ\ *Z>j£>, though )&\ as meaning " his wells 
became exhausted," has not been heard. (L.) 

1. «,& : see 4, in several places, se/i, inf. n. 

»jl£i, [He was, or became, ignorant : or perhaps 
only the inf. n. of the verb in this sense is used : 
see »jt&', below. __ And, contr., He possessed 
mining; meaning both intelligence with craft 

and forecast; and simply intelligence, or skill 
and knowledge : or perhaps only the inf. n. of 
the verb in this sense is used : see jk>. —J Jt 
(a thing, or an afTair,) was, or became, £i* [app. 
here meaning disapproved; or bad, evil, abomi- 
nable, or foul; or disallowed]. (A.) _ Also, 
(S, K,) inf. n. fy&, (TK,) or IjK, (TA,) Jt (a 
thing, or an affair,) was, or became, difficult, 
hard, arduous, or severe. (S, K.*) 

2. tjki, (inf. n. jSjj, Msb,) i/« changed, or 
altered, him or it, (S, A, Msb, TA,) <o an 
unknown state, (S, TA,) ao as not to be known; 
(TA ;) [he disguised him or it.] It is said in 
the Kur, [xxvii. 41,] \^j£ \i l_jj£> Alter ye her 

throne so that it may not be known to her. 
(TA.) See also 4, last signification but one. 
_ [In grammar, He made it (a noun) in- 

3. '»j£>\i, (S, TA,) inf. n. JJ£»C, (A, K,) 

He strove, or endeavoured, to outwit, deceive, 

beguile, or circumvent, him ; or he practised 

with him mutual deceit, guile, or circumvention ; 

>. . * j . . 

syn. AtjU. and »Ut.> : the inf. n. is also ex- 

*''*■* •*,..* 

plained by *ijl_^> as well as mjIm [both of 

which signify the same]. (TA.) _ Hence, 

(TA,) He contended with him in fight ; (S, ]£. ;) 

and n war, or hostility. (A, K.) It is said 

of Mohammad, by Aboo-Sufyan (S, TA) Ibn- 

Hurl), (TA.) ax« oJlfe -yt lj—1 JsU ^ 

Jt^A^I, (S, TA,) meaning, 7/« rf»W no< wa»" 

with any one without being aided by terror 

[Cast into the hearts of his opponents]. (TA.) 

And one says, «,£•!—<> L»y--j J Jet ween them two 
is war, or hostility, (A, TA,*) ti«<i fighting. 

4. ij&t, (S, A, Msb, K, &c.,) inf. n. jl&t ; 
(Msb, &c. ;) and * \'J* % (S, A, Msb, K, &c.,) 

aor. s, (L,) or it docs not admit the variations 
of tense like other verbs, (IKtt, Msb,) it is not 
used in the future tense, nor in commanding nor 
in forbidding, (Lth,) inf. n.^£i (K) and j£j and 
J^i (S, ?:) and j^ij (S;) and t ,^,1; (S, 

M, A, K;) and * 'tj&>\£ ; (M, K ;) signify the 
same; (S, A, Msb, K, &c. ;) i. c, He ignored, 
was ignorant of, did not know, failed to know, or 
[rather] was unacquainted with, it (i. e. a thing, 
or an affair, I&t$> K) or him (a man, S); 
syn. ^V?- ; (Kr, ly ;) or contr. of *ijc : (S,* 
IKtt, Msb:) [see also Sjlxi :] some, however, 
say, the j£j has a more intensive signification 
than j£>l : and some, that j& has for its objective 

complement an object of the mind ; nndj&t, an 
object of the sight: (A, TA:) or [the converse 
is the case ;] j£i has for its objective complement 
an object of the sight ; and _,£>!, an object of the 


mind : (Kull, p. 81 :) [but both forms seem to 
have been generally used indiscriminately.] El- 
Aasha says, 

o>Li ^JJI o& Vj sj?£> s s 

[And she did not know me ; and the accidents 
which site did not know were none others than 
hoariness, and baldness of the fore part of tlie 
head]. (S, TA.) And it is said in the Kur, 
[xi. 73,] ituA. jrr* wr^-ib ' j^r^ [■«• * new 
not what they were, and conceived a fear, or a 
kind of fear, of them] : (TA :) ^£ here sig- 
nifies ^oApCjl : (Jel :) or it means ^^ ^> j£>\ 

[q. v. infra]. (Bd.) oj&\ also signifies He 

denied, or disacknowledged, it; (L, art. ja»» ; 
[and this signification, as well as the first, may 
be meant to be indicated by those who say that 
»j&\ signifies the contr. of *»j* ;]) [and so "tjXi ; 
for] j\&\ signifies i.q. jj—fc, (S, TA,) and so 
ijlj£> [which is an inf. n. of *j&]. (TA.) [In 
this sense it is doubly trans. :] you say. -»j,£jI 
aa»., meaning, I denied, or disacknowledged, to 
him his right. (Msb.) The cause of jUwl with 
the tongue isjl&t with the mind, but sometimes 
the tongue denies, or disacknowlcdgcs, (;^-j,) 
a thing when the image thereof is present in the 
mind; and this is lying; as is the case in the 
following passage of the Kur, [xvi. 8->,] \J^>j*h 
lyij^Jw ^ 4l)l a«ju [TViey confess, or acknow- 
ledge, the favour of God ; then they deny, or </»'*- 
acknowledge, it]. (B.) See also j£j. s=s Also, 

7/<r deemed it strange, extraordinary, or impro- 
• » » 

&d&/<!. (MP, voce «_-»►*.] — [Also lie denied, 

or negatived, it. — — 7/c disbelieved it. — And 
7/c disapproved it ; he disliked it ; he deemed it, 
or declared it to be, bad, evil, abominable, or 
foul ; he disallowed it : so accord, to explana- 
tions of the pass. part, n., q. v. infra; and 
accord, to common usage of classical and of 
modern times.] It is said of Abraham, when 
the angels came to him, and he saw that their 

hands did not touch the meat which he had 
brought to them.^jXi, meaning, 

JUj jfLA 

[He deemed that conduct of theirs evil, or dis- 
approved it : or, perhaps, he did not know 
what that conduct of their's was, or what it 
indicated]-. * j& and_^il and »_;Ci-.l [of which 
last see an ex. voce^j] signify the same. (Bd, 

xi. /3.) And you say, *Xxi a-JIc O^Jul, mean- 
ing, / blamed, or found fault with, his deed, 
and fr' -ide it; I disapproved and disallowed 
his de< :. . (Msb :) [and J manifested, or showed, 
or declared, disapproval, or disallowance, of his 



aW ; and in like manner, a^U Oj&t, ellipti- 
cally ; 4-Ui, (his deed,) or ijy, (his saying;) 

or the like, being understood ; like <UU j-c for 

*t • •" *** • * • :-• 

«JU* a^JU ^* or the like: see j-£.] — /*■>{ 

also signifies The changing [a thing; like^-w] : 
(T, MhI>, TA:) or the changing what is j£~o 
[here app. meaning disapproved: see^C, which 
is syn. with it, but is a simple subst.]. (S, TA.) 
_ tjii>\ U 2fore> oreat u At* cunning ! meaning 
both hi* intelligence and craft, and forecast ; and 

simply, Am intelligence, or skill and knowledge. 

*"fi * * . 
(*1A.) And »j£i\ ±\\£a U ZTon> <7>'ea< was his 

cunning, kc. (TA.) 

0. j£3 //c, or if, changed, or altered, himself, 
or itself; or became changed, or altered; (S, A, 
Msb, TA;) to an twino/en rtato : (S, TA :) 
[/<« assumed an unknown appearance : he dis- 
guised himself ; or became disguised:] he became 
changed or altered in countenance by anger so 
that he who saw him did not hnow him : (Har, 

p. 144:) or j£j signifies the changing, or alter- 
ing oneself, or itself; or becoming changed, or 
altered ; from a state which pleases one to a 

state which one dislikes. (T, K.) >*£>£ ^3l»' 

vlroiV/ thou evil disposition. (Mgh.) — .J j£j 

^^li .S«fA a one [oerawc changed, or altered, in 
countenance to me by anger so that I did not 
hnow him; or] met me in a morose manner. 

(A, TA.) [In art. wiii in the K, »J£l3 occurs.] 

6. tj£>L5 : see 4, first signification. __;£>L3 
He feigned ignorance. (S, A, K.) — IjjfbUi 
77<fy <irtort* m/</« mutual hostility. (TS, A, K.) 

10. tjflSiA : see 4, first signification, and also 

in the latter part. jULiwI also signifies The 

inquiring respecting, or seeking to understand, a 
thing, or an affair, which one disapproves; (K, 
TA ;) roAen on« disapproves confirming, or e*/a- 
blishing, the opinion expressed by an inquirer, or 
disapproves that his opinion should be contrary 
to what lie has expressed. (TA.) 

j£j : see j£>. = See also^io. 

jh (S, K) and *^Sj [but the former is the 

more common] and f S/& (S, A, K) and " i\j& 
(A, K) Cunning; meaning both intelligence mixed 
with croft and forecast ; and [simply] intelligence, 
or sagacity, or .«/</// and knowledge ; syn. iUi ; 
(S, A, K;) and Aiii. (A, K.) See also J&. 
You say of a man who is intelligent and evil, or 

cunning, '»JS JLil U, and * »j£> [How great is 

ti • i . , . 
his cunning, kc. !] (S.) And »j£> ^>* *X«i, and 

* 4Jj&, He did it of his cunning, kc. (TA.) 

And it is said in a trad, of Mo'awiyeh, *;£»*) ^j\ 

ji.JI J ijliUl Verily I hate cunning («UjJI) in 

■ *■** ... 

//<« man. (TA.) m^&, as an epithet, applied 


to a thing, or an affair, Difficult, hard, arduous, 
or severe; as also Vj& (M, A, K) and *^,ji : 
(TA :) and t.o. £u, q. v. (S, A, K.) 

jXi [app. Difficulty, hardness, arduousness, or 
'j* * * * 

severity ;] a subst. froui^Ju, in the sense of « r -Juo 

[It was difficult, Ac.]. (IKtt, TA.) 
jUj : secjXJ, m two places. 

>C and tj£ (S, K) and *J& and *>~i, (K,) 
epithets applied to a roan, Possessing cunning; or 
intelligence mixed with cunning and forecast; (S, 
K ;) and [simply] intelligent, or skilful and 
knowing: (K:) and so, applied to a woman, 

*'J6 (K) and *'J$ (L, TA [but this is probably 
a mistake for T jXi]) and "lljXi, but jXil is not 
applied to a man in this sense, (Az, TA,) nor is 
»j£u to a woman : (TA :) pi. of the first and 
second (S, £,) and third, (K,) Jl£'l : (S, K :) 
and of the last, jtr 3 ^-* ; (Sb, S, K :) or, applied 
to men, uij^-^'y ant ' t0 other things, ^.£>Lu 
[which is irreg.]. (Az, TA.) __ Also, j& and 
"jio One who disapproves what is bad, evil, 
abominable, or foul; expl. by j&«H yCL ^ jJI : 
pi. as above. (S.) 

jSu : see jJu : and jiwo. s See also ^io, in two 

«/u a subst. from j&l, (K,) with which it is 

syn., [app. signifying (like «/&) Ignorance: or 

denial: or disapproval, or t/t* /(As], (TI£,) like 

iiij from ,JUit. (r^-) ^ l ls said, in a certain 

trad., ij& iil ^C-Ifc, (TA,) i.e. I/&I, (T?,) 

[TVjou n>a*t to me most ignorant, kc] 

%* * >• 

ij£> Ignorance, kc, ( jUCil ,) of a thing ; (TA ;) 

contr. of asjjuo; (S, ?L;) and so " ijlxi ; syn. 

i)ly»- ; as in the phrase 5jUu **» [J» Aim M t^no- 

ranee]. (A.) See also » v &. _ [As contr.of 

iijSLA, it is also, in grammar, an epithet applied 

to a noun, signifying Indeterminate) or indefinite.] 

t\Sj : see j£-». — — A calamity : (K. :) rigour, 
or severity, of fortune; (A, TA;) as also [its 
dim.] >\JSj. (TA.)asSee also JL'. s And 
see j£>. 

ji& i.q. jUIil [in the sense of Denial]. (]£.) 
It is said in the Kur, xlii. 46, ^Ju ^>« ^J Ui 
^inrf <Aerc *AaZi 6e /or you. «o [power of] (/enia/ 
of your sins. (Bd, Jel.) And one says, j^i, 
j,£ sjja ^l& Ci j^^U [SucA a one row reviled 
and he had no denial to make]. (A.) __ [Also, 
i.q. jl&l in the sense of Disapproval, or the like: 
and manifestation thereof. See what here follows.] 
_ Also, i.q. jt£il in the sense of The changing 

[Book I* 

[a thing] : (T, Ms b, TA :) or the c/uinging what 
is j£*» [here app. meaning disapproved] : (S, 
TA :) a simple subst. (T, TA.) The words of 
the Ifur, [xxii. 43 and lxvii. 18,]^ J/& tjffl 

are explained as signifying And how was my 
changing [of their condition]! (TA:) or the 
meaning is, and how was my manifestation of 
disapproval of t/ieir conduct, (^yS* ^j^'i) by 
changing favour into trial, and life into destruc- 
tion, and a flourishing condition into a state of 
ruin ! (Bd, xxii. 43.) In [some of] the copies 
of the K, it is said that ijSi [but in a MS. copy 

_ . I y 

I find j£j and so in the CI£] is a subst from 


j£j as signifying the changing, or altering, one- 
self, or itself; or becoming changed, or altered; 
from a state which pleases one to a state wAicA 
one dislikes : but a different statement is found in 
the T .- [see above :] and ijSj is not mentioned 
by any authority. (TA.) = A strong fortress. 

(Sgh, K.) Sec JL'. = See also j£u. 

»jUu : see lj£i. = See also j£i. 

£>\ Worse, and worst; more, and most, evil, 
abominable, or foul. So it is explained as occur- 
ring in the Kur. [xxxi. 18,] Oyol Ol^-o^t j&\ ,j\ 
J—* H [Verily the most abominable of voices is 
t/ie voice of asses'], (TA.) _ See also _>G : and 
the fem., il/£, see above. 

jXi* contr. of Oji^juo: (K:) [an explanation 

including several significations, here following.] 

— [Ignored, or unknown; as aUo T j^il«, for] 

j^Cu is syn. with J^,f~-o [the pass. part. n. of 

the verb by which »pul is explained by Kr and 

. • ' •- ■ * 
in the K] ; (TA ;) and " jUs — o signifies the 

same. (L.) For the pis. of j£~c, see jJCi. — 
[Denied, or disac/tnomledged. (Sec the verb.) 
_ Deemed strange, extraordinary, or improbable. 
(See again the verb.)] _ Any action disapproved, 
or disallowed, by sound intellects ; or deemed, or 
declared, thereby, to be bad, evil, hateful, abomin- 
able, foul, unseemly, ugly, or hideous; or /»ro- 
nounced to be so by the law because the mind 
deliberates respecting the regarding it as such : 
and thus it is used in the Kur, ix. 113 [and other 
places] : (B, TA :) or anything pronounced to be 
bad, evil, hateful, abominable, or foul, and for- 
bidden, and disapproved, disliked, or hated, by 
the law: (TA :) a saying, or an action, unap- 
proved, not approved, unaccepted, or not accepted, 
by God: (KT:) unbecoming, indecent, or in- 
decorous. (KL.) See ^J^j**, voce o>c. _j£u 

and *J£ and *JSj (S, A, Msb, K) and *iT£' 
(S, Msb K) are all syn., (S, A, Msb, K.) [and 
are used as epithets in which the quality of a 
subst. predominates,] signifying a bud, an evil, 
a hateful, an abominable, afoul, an unseemly, an 
ugly, or a hideous, [and a formidable,] thing or 

Book I.] 

affair [or action or saying or quality, &c] : (Msb:) 
[in tli is sense, its pi. is OjX^ and ^U; as 

will be seen below :] 1j£i is ctmfr. of ^jjc [which 
is syn. with o^ii]. (TA.) You say j^i 
y~^i «J>jy*«J1, and ^Olj tJjuJI, [ /» <Aew» are 
good and evil qualities.] AndolX-oJl ^^^j^*, 
and ^-£»UJI, [77j*y commit bad, evil, abominable, 
or ybttf, art/on*.] (A.) And it is said in the 
£ur, [xviii. 73,] #u t££ ciL JjU [Verily thou 
hast done a bad, an evil, an abominable, or afoul, 
thing], (S.) = The name of one of two angels, 
the other of whom is named jSj ; (S ;) who are 
the two triers of [the dead in] the graves. (ISd, 
K.) ss Sec also X. 

• *m * •. • » 

ji£~» ■■ see j£~e, first signification. The pi. is 

r >L<i, [which is also a pi. of Xu,] accord, to 
Sb, who mentions it because, accord, to rule, the 
pi. of a sing, of this class is formed by the addi- 
tion of ^ nnd ,j for the masc, and I and O for 
the fern. (Abu-1-Hasan, TA.) 

UfcU vr^- He ment forth disguised ; or 
changed in outward appearance, or state of ap- 
parel. (TA.) 

see j£-j», first signification. 

j3*-i LHjb A road, or nay, in a wrong direc- 
tion. (S, K.) 


See Supplement.] 

i . - . * »- 

1. *_&, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. -, inf. n. i^X, 

(S, Msb,) 7/e turned it over, or upside down ; 
inverted it ; reversed it ; changed its manner of 
being, or state: (Sh, Msb:*) Ae turned it over 
upon its head : (S, A, K : ) and he turned it fore 
part behind; made the first part of it to be last ; 
or put the first part of it last : (Sh :) and 
* <l.. Ci , (S, A, K) inf. n. ^. X J, (S,) signifies 
the same; (S,* A, K;) or has an intensive sense. 
(TA.) You say, *3lXt ,-i j^lll J-li 77te 
arrow was turned, or ;iaf, upside down in the 
quiver. (TA.) And it is said in the Kur, 
[xxxvi. 68,] i> imJ\ ^5 4-JUJ e^xi ,>•}, or, 
accord, to the reading of'Asim and Hamzeh, 
™ <uXii ; meaning, .A/irf Aim whom We cause to 
live long, We cause him to become in a state the 
reverse of that in which lie was, in constitution ; 
so that after strength, he becomes reduced to 
weakness ; and after youthfulness, to extreme old 
age. (TA.) — j& Ju), ^ U^i ±1& f I 
made such a one to enter again into that affair, 
or state, after he had got out of it. (ISh.) 
[Hence the saying in the I£ur, xxi. 66,] ^ 
j*r-:)j t^* !$■>*> t Then they were made to 

j& — vSi 

return to their disbelief: (Jel :) or t then they 
reverted to disputation, after they had taken the 
right course by means of consulting together; 
their return to falsity being likened to a thing's 
becoming upside down : and there are two other 
readings ; * l^~X, and \y~ C ; the latter mean- 

• ) , t si 3 * * 

ing^ t ... itil \y-£> : (Bd ;) or f t l' en they reverted 
from what they hum, of the .evidence in favour 
of Abraham. (Fr.) — [And hence,] «uij, and 
4-oh> |V' a— Li, I It made him to fall back into 
his disease.] (TA, in art. i^a^A.) And u-Ju, 
(S, Msb, K,) or A-iji ,«* JX, (A, TA,) inf. n. 
Jx (S, Msb, K) and JJ5 (TA, [but see what 
is said of this below]) and J!>l^i, (Sh, K,) t He 
relapsed into his disease, after convalescence, or 
after recovery, but not complete, of health and 
strength : (S, A, K. :) or the disease returned to 
him; [he relapsed into the disease;] as thougli 
he were made to turn back to it. (Msb.) You 
say, y.pi !.*£» J£*\ \ [He ate such a thing, 

and relapsed into his disease], (A, TA.) And 

»».•- i, ft . t , „ 

l~&5 a) Lju, and sometimes one says, LJu, (S, 

K,) in this case, (S,) for the sake of mutual re- 
semblance, (S, 1^,) or because Uu is a dial form 

* * j 
[of l~£i], (S,) [meaning, f May lie fall upon his 

face, or the like, (see art. cr-*J>) and relapse into 
disease : or] may he fall upon his face, and not 
rise after his fall until he fall a second time : and 
in like manner you say, * u X^ilj JJ&. (Msb, art. 
yj-aj.) [See also 8.] You say also, »lj»JI JX 
t [The wound brohe open again; or became 
recrudescent]. (S, in arts, ^jj* and .ku*., &c.) 
— And yjfiu^\ Si lj£j JuiLt Jx j The 
food, tj-^., made the disease of the sick man to 
return. (K.) And *-,lj ^JS ^,lL*J\ JJZ t He 
put the dye upon his head repeatedly, or several 
times. (A, TA # ) — Also JX [or more pro- 
bably JX] t He (a man) became weak and 
impotent. (Sh, in TA.) And Ajl^ki ^ JX*, 

" ke O^' + He f eli inort °f lli * fellows ; mas 

unable to attain to them. (TA.) *llj JJj, 

andt<uX,(TA,)[and JJS alone, (see J^£»C,)] 
and * ^Jj, (L, TA, art. yu,) and * ^JfcJl, 
(TA,) [and in like manner * yXJ, said of a 
flower-stalk in the M and JjL, voce ^,.t.«,] He 
bent, or inclined, his head; (TA;) Ae lowered, 
or stooped, his head; bent, or AuM/7, 1/ rfown 
towards the ground ; absolutely ; or 6y reason 
of abasement. (So accord, to explanations of 
the act. part, n., below.) 

2 : see 1, throughout. 
5 : see 1, last sentence. 

8. ,^Xjt quasi-pass, of ilX ; (S, A, TA ;) 
[and therefore signifying It became turned over, 
or upside down; became turned over upon its 
head; became invented; became reversed ; became 


changed in its manner of being, cr state ; it became 
turned fore part behind ; its first part was made to 
be last, or was put last :] he fell upon his head. (]£.) 
This last signification [understood figuratively] 
it is said to have in the phrase (^XjIj J~a3, a 
form of imprecation, meaning, t May he be dis- 
appointed, or fail, of attaining his desire : for he 
who is overthrown in his affair (,«» JSlA ^j* 
»f»\ ) is disappointed of attaining his desire, and 
suffers loss. (TA.) [See also 1, where this 
form of imprecation is differently explained.] _. 
Also, i q. Hij JJS. (TA.) [See 1, last sig- 

vSj An arrow having its notch broken, and 

its top therefore made its bottom: (S, A, $:) 

pi. [of pauc] JmXI (A, TA) and [of mult.] 
i/X. (A.) __ A bead, or blade, of an arrow 

Ac, having its tongue (■;—.) broken, and its 

point therefore made its tongue : (K. :) pi. ,^.(£1. 

(TA.) __ A bow of which the foot ii made [of] 

the head of the branch ; as also T ilijijj*. This 

peculiarity is a fault (KL.) A child such as 

• •- 
is termed yjX> [born preposterously, feet foremost ; 

* *' 
but ^>i> is an inf. n., and I have not found it 

used as an epithet anywhere but in this instance] ; 
(£;) *-<7- !>*•£•+ ; and mentioned by I Drd ; 
but he says that it is not of established authority. 
(T A.) _ \ Low, or ignoble ; base ; vile ; mean, 
or sordid: See a verse cited vo«-e JjUiI : (A:) 
I one who falh xhort of the utmost point of 
generosity ; (K ;) or of courage and generosity : 
(TA:) fweak{ (S, K;) applied to a man: 

(S:) t'Aorf; (AHn :) pi. J.I&I. (A, K..) 

bee also ^ J & U : — and ,^-xj. 

^Sj, [app. pi. of j^X,] f Old men tottering 

oy reason of age (^yoAjju.) after attaining to 
extreme old age. (K.) 

IS.&U Lowering his head; bending, or hang- 
ing, down his head towards the ground; [abso- 
lutely ;] (S, K ;) [or] by reason of abasement : 
(TA:) pi. [properly 0>~^ ; (see KLur, xxxii. 
12 ;) and sometimes] ^^\y>, (S, K,) used [only] 
in poetry, (S, TA,) by reason of necessity, (TA,) 
and anomalous, (S, K,) like j^-jly. (S.) El- 
Farezdak says, 

J 'OS' * * *t* t »<* I 9 

- O t f * * *tt *• t 9 

* J^^l w-^V V 1 */" f-=>*- * 

[And when the men see Yezeed, thou seest them 
depressed in the necks, lowering the eyes] : (S:) 
thus the verse is related by Fr and Ks : Akh 
says, that it is allowable to say jl^u^l _, fcUJ, 
after the manner of the phrase — >^. w-_ j ■ — • 
[see art. ^j*. ;] and Ahmad Ibn-Yahya adds 


l£ in relating it ; saying jLa^I ^^-^aly . (TA.) 

[See the remarks on u-y'V* pi- of ^-v^-] 

^jjUtt A horse t/ta< doe* n<>< ra;>e, or elevate, 
hit head, (§, IF, £,) nor Am necA, when running, 
by reason of weakness : (IF, !£:) or <Aa* Aa* not 
reached the other horses (Lth, 1£) in <Aeir Acat, 
or single run to a goal ; (Lth ;) i.e., by reason 
of his weakness and impotence ; as also * l _ r SJ. 

i^slu jJj ^d child [preposterously brought 
forth ; whose feet come forth before his head. 
(A, Msb, and so in a copy of the §.) See 
also JJj. — yj-^* >*)} [Preposterous child- 
birth] is roAen <A« feet come forth before tlie 
head; (K, and so in a copy of the §, [and that 
this is whut was meant by the author of the S 
seems to be indicated by what immediately fol- 
lows]) t. q. l >^>. (S.) __ ^£~o w»l>l» .4 
circuiting of the Kaabeh performed in a way 
contrary to the prescribed custom, by saluting 
the black stone and then going towards the left. 
(Mgh.) _ U/jX-o Olr*" lr* ■"' read or recited, 
the Kur-dn, beginning from the last part thereof, 
(!£,) i. e. from [the commencement of tlie latter 
o/*] the o^i>*-« [or Am< <wo cAaj>/er«], (TA,) 
onrf ending with the i»Jli [or ^Jr*< cAapfo-] ; 
contrary to the prescribed mode: (TA:) or 
beginning from tlie end of the chapter, and 
reading it, or reciting it, to its beginning, in- 
vertedly; (£ ;) a mode which A'Obcyd thinks 
impossible ; and therefore he holds the former 
explanation to be the right: (TA:) each of 
these practices is disapproved, excepting the 
former in teaching children, [in which case it is 
generally adopted in the present day,] (K,) and 
[in teaching] the foreigner the [portion of tlie 
Kur-un called the] J-«JU ; an indulgence being 
granted to these two only because the long 
chapters arc difficult to them : but if any one 
knows the £ur-an by heart, and intentionally 
recite it from the last part thereof to the first, 
this is forbidden : and if we disapprove this, 
still more is the reciting from the end of the 
chapter to the beginning disapproved, if the doing 
this be possible. (TA.) — i^Cu also signifies 
t Suffering a relapse into disease, after conva- 
lescence ; or after recovery, but not complete, of 
health and strength. (K.) _ iLftjfcs applied to 
a bow : sec ^jSi. 

1. J^\ J&, (S, A,) or i^JI, (K,) aor. - (Az, 

S, ISd, £) and '-, (IDrd, $,) inf. n. J&, (A,) 
He entirely exhausted the water of the well: (Az, 
§, A:) and (A) he extracted what was in the 
well, of black fetid mud (Sl^o. [in some of the 

copies of the K, &••>., which is a mistranscrip- 
tion,]) and of clay; (A, K;) as also tl^^CjI. 

* jrftj * ft • * • * 

(Sgh, K.) Hence the saying, Jl£j *)j»-j 0>* 
(§, K*) + [Such a one is] a sea, or great river, 
which will not be entirely exhausted, nor will 
diminish. (K.) And i£&3 "}) AtU^i »jJ& (S, 
TA) I He has courage which will not be exhausted: 
said of Alee, by a man of Kureysh. (TA.) __ 
And «*£JI s££j He consumed the thing ; made it 
come to an end, fail, cease, perish, or come to 
nought: (A, £:) and the same, (ISd, A,) aor. 
and inf. n. as above, (M,) or <U* J£j, (Lth, K,) 
he made an end of the thing ; or ceased from it, 
having finished it. (Lth, ISd, A, K; but in 
[some of] the copies of the K, eji is put by 
mistake for cji, in this explanation. TA.) One 
says, ftyi^Ii ^JLc ,Jt \>£>\ They came at last to 
herbage, and consumed it. (S, # TA.) And i*+) 
Jith U [A piece of herbage beginning to dry up] 
that is not extirpated, or cut off entirely with its 
roots. (£.) fJSJ also signifies t The scru- 
tinizing or investigating, or searching or examining 
or inquiring into, affairs. (TA.) [You say, 
app., ^^1 O* J&, meaning, He scrutinized, 

kc, affairs.] And j£& is like Jsi [but in 

what sense is not said]. (TA.) 

8 : see 1, first sentence. 

Ji&i + A man who scrutinizes or investigates, 
or searches or examines or inquires into, affairs; 
(TA ;) as also * JsL. (IDrd, K..) 

• *• « a. 

JlXu : see ^bJ. 

Jil£Lo a dial, form of Jlliu, but of weak 
authority. (TA.) 

i^ljilo A receptacle of the kind called ht - of 
which tlie contents have been taken out. (TA.) 
... (^^UeJt y^yt u^L^s yk t [He is one of those 
who are empty, or devoid of good] : a phrase 
denoting vituperation. (TA.) 

1. ^0>l O* iu e ^- > y (A, K,) [aor. -, and some- 
times '., as will be shown below,] inf. n. \jo£j 
(S, IF, A, Msb, £) and J& (A, K.) and Jc&U 
(KL) and ^Uaii, (MA,) He receded, retired, or 
drew back from the thing, or affair ; refrained, 
forbore, abstained, or desisted, from it ; recoiled 
from it, shrank from it, or drew back from it in 
awe or fear; (S, IF, A, Msb, £;) as also iX 
ilc. (Aboo-Tur&b, TA.) You say also, Ja& 

i&f J&, (§» M? b » ^») or *& (>. ( A ») 
aor. i (S, Mfb) and -, (S,) or the latter only, 
(Sgh, TA,) or the former is allowable, (Zj, TA,) 

[Book I. 

He turned back from a thing to which lie had 
applied himself; (IDrd, S,» A,* Msb,* 1£, TA ;) 
meaning a good thing; and sometimes an evil 
thing; (IDrd, TA;) or meaning particularly a 
good thing; or extr. with respect to an evil 
thing. (K.) [See the l£ur, xxiii. 08.] Hence 
♦,j*£jI [as syn. with yjcSj], though we have 
not heard it. (Mgh.) 

8 : sec above. 

^jo£s\j oj>»>^ ^jei\j aHm. t [His lot, or portion, 
is decreasing, or deficient, and Am ^oorf fortune is 
receding]. (A, TA.) 

J&, (O, B, K,) like ImL., (TA,) [in the 
CK, erroneously, ^aJCu,] ^1 ^/are to which one 
removes, withdraws, or retires afar off; syn. 
t rffcJ i U . (O, B, K.) £1-Ansha says, praising 
'Alkamah Ibn-'Olatheh, 

-• / / •*#•*- ♦ # s *•#! 

*** • 

[O 'Alkamah, affairs have compelled me to have 
recourse to thee, and there was not for me any 
place to which to retire. (TA.) 


Sec Supplement.] 

Ci and *v Little lice. (Kr, K.) [See also 

d^J yl certain plant, having a fruit that is 
eaten. (L, K.) The only explanation given by 
several lexicographers. (TA.) 

~-ij-li (r>, Msb &c.) and «-i^»Jt ; which latter 
is said to be a corruption in the TS and the K; 
but this is denied by EI-KhaCljee and by Mtr; 
and learned men, in early and in late times, have 
constantly used the word *-3>«Jl without any 
expression of disapproval ; Z and El-Hasan Ibn- 
Rnsheck El-Kcyrawanee, two leading lexico- 
logists, having even named thereby books written 
by them ; (MF ;) vulgo <0)*i [which is a Persian 
word ] ; (TA ;) A model, an exemplar, a pattern, 
or a likeness of a thing, after the similitude of 
which a thing is made: (Msb:) a model, or like- 
ness, of a tiling ; (K. ;) i.e., a thing that is made 
in the form, or after tlie fasliion, qfanotlter thing, 
that the mode of the latter may be known thereby : 
(TA :) a thing which shows the mode, or quality, 
or qualities, of another tiling : (Msb:) an arabi- 
cized word, (K,) from [the Persian] o**^ 

1. ^J, aor. -, (S, £,) inf n. %i, (S,) [It was, 

Book I.] 

or became, spotted like a leopard or -panther : see 
also 5:] it (a cloud, or collection of clouds,) 
became of the colour of tlte yj> [leopard or pan- 
ther], (S, %.,) spots being seen in their interstices. 
(S.) st See also 6, in three places. 

2. j^i, inf. n. j~Ji, t He, or it, changed, or 
altered, and rendered morose, his face. (T.) s= 
See also 5, in two places. 

5. ^3 [He made himself like a leopard or 
panther, in diversity of colours : see also 1]. 
'Amr Ibn-Maadec-Kerib says, 

» Ijk5^ UUU- I^>^J Ju 

[A peo/?/e who, n7/«n they put on armour of iron 
mail,] make themselves like the leopard or panther 
(>»3) in the diversity of colours of the iron [rings] 

and the thongs. (S.) t He made himself like 

the leopard or panther (^, K., TA) in ill-nature: 
(TA:) \he became angry; as also *>*i, (M,) 
aor.^inf.n.t^ii; (TA;) and 'j^ : (M :) the 
became evil in disposition ; as also *j+J : (T:) 
J he became angry and evil in disposition ; as also 
t^i and Ij^i; (IKtt, Sgh, K;) like the ^: 
(TA:) t/'« strained the voice in threatening: 
(Sgh, K:) and <i _^-J \ he became ill-natured 
and altered to him, and threatened him ; because 
the j«3 is never met otherwise than angry and ill- 
natured. (As, S, KL.) 
• • • : 

*}+> : see j^Jl, throughout. — j-^ (?, A, Mfb, 
£, &c.) and Ji», (M, A, Msb, £,) which is a 
contraction of the former, (Msb,) or a dial, form, 
(TA,) [The leopard ;] a certain wild beast, (S, 
A, Mfb, £, Ac.) well known, (A, K,) more malig- 
nant than the lion, (T, M, Mgh, Msb,) and 
bolder, (Msb,) so called because of his j+i [or 
spots], (M, K,) being of divers colours, (M,) 
called in Persian JuIj : (Mgh:) fem. with i: 
(S, Msb:) pi. [of pauc.] *^>\ (M, K) and } \+i\, 
(M, Mfb, ?,) and [of mult.] ]£, (S, M, Msb, 
]£,) held by Th to be pi. of £, (M,) and i jyt i 
(Mfb, and so in some copies of the I£) and j^j, 
(S, M, ]£,) which occurs in poetry, and is anoma- 
lous, perhaps a contraction of jyi, (S,) and not 
mentioned by Sb, (M,) and *J+>, (M, £,) which 
is the most common in occurrence, but, accord, 
to Th, he who uses it makes the sing. j+j\, (M,) 
and JO, (M, £,) held by Th to be pi. of '£>, 
(M,) and iJC»- (?•) As the j+> is one of the 
most abominable and malignant of wild beasts, 
one says, f£l\ Jj^. ^f& J** J~?> meaning, 
t Such a one became changed, or altered, to tuck 

a one; or met him in a morose manner: (IB:) 
or became very rancourous, or malicious, towards 
him. (TA.) The kings of the Arabs, when they 
sat [in judgment] to slay a man, used to attire 
themselves in skins of the j+i, and then give 
orders for the slaying of him whom they desired 
to slay. (IB.) = See also Je*i, throughout. 

\£> A spot, or spech, of any colour wliatever : 
pL#. (M,£.) 

l'yZ> A garment of tlie kind called l*#, of 
wool, (S, K, TA,) striped, (TA.) worn by tlte 
Arabs of the desert : (S, K, TA :) or a garment 
of the kind called *Ci, (M, K,) or »Tl£», (A, 
. Mgh, Msb,) having white and black stripes, or 
lines, (M, Mgh, Mfb, K,) worn by the Arabs of 
the desert: (A, Mfb:) and a garment of the hind 
called sjl*. ; (M, K ;) so called because of the 
diversity of the colours of its stripes: (M:) or 
any jj**, of those worn by the Arabs of the desert, 
that is a striped i&L : (IAth :) or a striped jtjl 
of wool; (TA;) pl.JO: (IAth, Mfb:) it is an 
epithet in which the quality of a subst. predomi- 
nates. (TA.) It is said in a trad, of Saad, 

[A Nabathean in his hubweh (a long piece of 
cloth, or the like, wound round the back and legs 
of a person sitting with his thighs against his 
belly) ; an Arab of the desert in his nemireh ; a 
lion in his den]. (S.) — See also ^i\. 

'^ »U (T, S, M, A, £) and *)*i, (M, £.) 
Wholesome water, whether sweet or not sweet : (S, 
K. :) or sweet and wholesome water : (T, A :) or 
wholesome in satiety: (TA:) or copious: (Ibu- 
Keyran, M, K :) or increasing in quantity, syn. 
>0, (Af, T, TA,) or i)\j, (K,) whether sreeet or 
not sweet : (T, TA :) or increasing in quantity in 
the beasts [app. meaning while they drink], 
(j>\$ a^iUI ^ *>& T» M >) wither sweet or not 
sweet. (M.) [As Jlj is coupled with >»0, app. 
as an explicative adjunct, in the T and M, I 
think that I have here rendered it correctly : 
otherwise I should have supposed it to mean, 

perhaps, pure.] — j~»j *r— *•> V?> ^*» ** W 
and *JJ, (M, £,) I i.q. Jlj [see above] : (S, M, 
A, £0 pl-jOl (M.) 


as above : (S :) and a lion in which is dust-colour 
and blackness: and *>•«• a bird having black 
spots; also sometimes applied as an epithet to a 
horse such as is termed Q]p>ji- (TA.) Also, A 
collection of clouds oftlie colour of the y^>, spots 
being seen in tlieir interstices : (S :) or having 
black and white spots : (TA :) and *^»i signifies 
a collection of clouds having marks like tlwse of 
thej^>: or small portions near together: n. un. 
with I : (M :) or * Sj+i signifies a small portion 
of a cloud: and its pi. [or rather the coll. gen. n.] 
is s+i. (K.) It is said in a proverb, lj+i lyeijl 
tjh'i, i^ji [Show thou it to me spotted like the 

leopard, I will shorn it to t/tee raining] : (S, ?. :) 
alludin<T to an event which one certainly knows 
will happen when the symptoms thereof appear: 
(Meyd, K, TA :) originally said by Aboo-Dhu- 
eyb El-Hudhalee : (TA :) »J*i is here like \ykL 
in the ?Lur, vi. 99, for^ii.1 : (Akh, S :) by rule, 
it should be 3£, (K, TA,) fem. of '£$. (TA.) 
— See also^oJ. 

Jx t- see j^*t. [In the TA, voce »j^-, it is 
applied as an epithet to a garment of the kind 
called >j4 : and in the I£, voce j&*; to a cloud, 
or collection of clouds : in the former case, it app. 
signifies striped, (sec »^i,) or, as in the latter 
case, spotted.] 

'j£\ Spotted white and black : (M, $ :) or tn 
which is black and white ; applied to a wild beast; 
as also * Ui : (A :) fem. i>^ ; (M, A, £ ;) 
applied to a ewe or she-goat: (A:) pi. ^> : 
(A:) also '£\ a horse, (S, ^,) and an ostrich, 
($,) variegated like tkejj, (S, K, TA,) having 
one spot while and another of any colour : (S, 
TA:) pi. as above: (TA :) or, applied to an 
ostrich, in which is blackness and whiteness : pi. 

1. f '■ /■, aor. -, inf. n. ^j-^, He concealed it; 

namely, a secret (S.) See also 2 He spoke, 

or discoursed, secretly toliim, or with him; he 
acquainted him with a secret; (S;) as also 
t iU0, (?, M, A, K,) inf. n. iLL\iU (M, A) 
and JXi. (M.) You say, Ji\ ^^ ^ 

»*i-' ^ t':l [How great is my desire, or longing, for 
thy secret discourse !] ( A, TA.) = [And it seems 
to be indicated in the M, that i^~*j, aor. and int. 
n. as above, signifies lie became a confidant, or 
acquainted with another's secrets.] = [Hence, 
perhaps,] 'J£i J-^> inf - "• M above » ( IA ar?) 
and jrrti t J-» i ' , » (IAar, K,) inf. n. ^-U^J ; 
( I Aar ;) He created discord, or dissension, among 
them, (IAar, £,) and incited them, one against 
anotlter, or went about among them with calum- 
nies. (IAar.) See also 2. =n ^, aor. :, inf. 
n. J^3, It (clarified butter, S, A, K, or oil, M, 
and perfume, and the like, A, and anything sweet 
or good, M) became bad, or corrupt, (S, A, si,) 
so as to be slimy, ropy, or viscous; (TA;) became 
altered (M, TA) and bad, in tlie manner described 
above : (TA :) and *J^i, said of [the preparation 
made of churned milk called] Jail, it became 
stinking, or fetid (TA.) See also 2, below. 

2. jl^l Z±* v~l>, (A,» TA,) inf. n. v~t+3, 


(A, 5») He concealed from him the thing, or 
affair ; or made it dubious, or confused, to him ; 
»yn. ilJ. (A, K,» TA.) See also I, first sig- 
nification, warn *.m.\ *\ . j ^.^j He calumniated his 

companion; syn. <u ^. (A.) See also 1. exa 

«^«i t^^j //»'* Ziair became befouled by oil. (M.) 
See also 1, last sentence. 

3. j^-^C He (a hunter) entered a ^-y>^>, i.e., 

lurhing-place, or covert. (K.) See also 7. as 

> »» .... 

•U : see 

5. is~»3 //« (a hunter) made for himself a 

^^•U, i.e., lurking-place, or covert (A.) — 
** • jg • # • 

»* - 

7. lm)I, of the measure Jiiil, (S, CK [in 
some copies of the K, JjC^I, which is a mistake,]) 
lie concealed himself : (S, K:) or» ( _ J Ijl ^ ^r^Jl 
signifies A« entered into the thing (M , lKtt) anrf 
concealed himself. (IKjt.) See also one of the 
explanations of l ^y»\j, in which this verb occurs : 
and see 3. 

c>—o-> [The ichneumon; so called in the present 
day ;] a certain small beast, (IKt, El-Farabee, 
S, M, Msb, K,) broad, as though it were a piece 
of JujJ [or salted or sun-dried fiesh-meat], (S,) 
found in the land of Egypt, (S, K,*) one of the 
most malignant of wild animals, (M,) that kills 

the [hind of serpent called] ,jLju : (IKt, El- 
Furitbee, S, M, Msb, K :) the keeper of vines or 
palm-trees or seed-produce ( j)»tJ1) takes it for his 
use, when he is in vehement fear of serpents of the 
kind above mentioned : for it attacks them, making 
iticlf thin and slender as though it were a piece 
of rope; and when it winds itself upon them, they 
draw bach their breath vehemently, and it takes 
their breath ; thus the serpent becomes inflated in 
its inside, and is cut asunder : (TA :) or i.q. 
wj* Ch' [tM nvasel] : (IKt, TA :) or a certain 
small beast, resembling the cat, generally frequent- 
ing gardens ; accord, to IF, also called ,J)) [q-v.] ; 
(Msb ;) the beast called &i> [the Persian original 
°»i?*J5 [ 8ce cv/*-* u>A ' n a|i t- c^j*;] called 
^~*r> from ^s-*J in the first of the senses explained 
above: (A;) or i.q. oWj«l» • (El-Mufaddal Ibn- 
Selemch, TA :) from these various sayings, it 
appears that several species are called by this 
name: (TA:) pi. [ofpauc] J^M (TA) and [of 
mult.] yj-y+J. (Mfb.) You say, ,^-CjI ,j-U1 ^,4 
[app. nieimiiig, Among men are some that are 
malignant as the animals called ^ r ,l 9 j\\. (A, 

, applied to clarified butter, (A,) or oil, 
(M,) and perfume, and the like, (A,) and any- 
thing sweet or good, (M,) Bad, or corrupt, (A, 
TA,) so as to be slimy, ropy, or viscous; (TA;) 
altered, (M, TA,) and bad, in the manner de- 
scribed above : (TA :) and * ^Z-Jo, applied to 

Jail, [see 1, last signification,] stinking, or fetid. 


u*l«j : see 


v~+i The odour of milk, and of grease or gravy; 
as also^— i. (M.) 

^3*0 A secret: (Seer, M:) [pi. 1 _ r ^»I^J.] __ 
[Hence, app., rather than from the Greek vo/xos 
as some have supposed,] Revelation. So in a 
trad, respecting fines for bloodshed ; in which it 
is said, ^^ULp uJ CyM [Thou hast pronounced 
judgment respecting us according to revelation], 
(Mgh.) [But see a remark on this signification 
in what follows.] _ [And hence,] The law of 
God. (KT.) _ _ [And from the first,] An evasion, 
artifice, or expedient, by which a man conceals 

himself; expl. by JW^-'JH o-f J-v" ^t \j-~± <■•; 
(S ;) or j£*.^1 ^» aj tr ^j U : (K [but here, 
app., is^oli is a mistake for ^^^i:]) deceit ; guile; 
circumvention. (A, TA.) You say, ,^-»-Lo ^j 
yj*y*\j, and l _ r ~~a\y, Such a one is a person of 
deceit, &c, and of deceits, &c. (A, TA.) And 
hence the |)hrase c l«£aJI ^r-.el^j [app. meaning 
The artifices of the wise' wic»]. (TA.) __ [Also, 
in post-classical writings, A man's honour, or 
reputation, which should be preserved inviolate ; 
syn. t^ejt.] — [The remaining significations I 
regard <js being derived from those above men- 
tioned; supposing a prefixed noun to be under- 
stood ; in some instances, ^mXm, or ji ; in 

others, ^jXi, or J*i-«.] — A confidant; one 
who possesses, or it acquainted with, secrets, or 
private affairs; (S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K ;) of 
a king, (Mgh, TA,) or governor, or [irince, (A,) 
or other man; (A'Obeyd, S, M, Msb, TA;) 
whom one acquaints with his private affairs, 
and distinguishes by revealing to him what he 
conceals from others: (A'Obeyd, S:) or one 
who possesses, or »'.* acquainted with, secrets, or 
private affairs, of a good nature: (K, TA:) 
and u^wtjh. signifies one who possesses, or is 
acquainted with, secrets, or private affairs of 
an evil nature. (TA.) [The author of the Mgh 
thinks that the second of the significations men- 
tioned above, i. e. " revelution," is derived from 
this ; a prefixed noun [such as *j£Js, perhaps,] 
being understood.] Hence, (Mgh,) ^^Ul, 
(A'Obeyd, S, M, Msb, K.) or £>^\ J.yiui, 
(A, TA,) is applied to [The angel] Gabriel; 
(A'Obeyd, S, M, A, &c.) by the people of the 
scriptures ; [meaning, the Christians, and per- 
haps, the Jews also ;] (S, Mgh ;) because God 
has distinguished him by communicating to him 

[Book I. 

other is acquainted. (TA.) A repository 

(•lf>) of knowledge. (M.) — Skilful; intelligent. 
(K,* TA.) — One who enters into affairs with 
subtle artifice. (As, K.») — A calumniator; 

syn. ^O ; (K ;) as also t ^£j. (A, K.) 

A liar. (M.) — The lurking-place, or covert, 
( 'J 3 , q- v.,) of a Jiunter, (S, M, A, K,) in which 
lie lies in wait for the game : (TA :) sometimes 

written with » [,^-^U ;] but for what reason 

[says ISd] I know not. (M.) A mare; 

syn. Jtji, : (K :) because it is concealed beneath 

the ground. (TA.) — The covert, or retreat, 

of a lion ; as also * iL yj U. (K.) The chamber, 

or cell, of a monk. (TA, K,* vocejyiu.) 

4-^oli : see \j*yM, last signification but one. 

' -•« 
tr-oJI Of a dusky, or dingy, colour, (K,) 

[like the yj^ti, or ichneumon.] _ Hence, [its 

pi.] v~ti is applied to [A certain species (namely 

the ijj!>£>) of] the kind of birds called \LS. (K.) 


tr-aUo Entering a >j*ytM [or hunter's lurking- 
place]. (S.) 

1. J^'j, aor. i, (K,) inf. n. j£, (TA,) He, 
or it, was, or became, speckled with white and 
black : or marked with spots upon the shin 
differing from it in colour. (K.) See ,J^i 
below. == -lioj, inf. n. ^+i, He variegated it ; 
or decorated, or embellished, it ; (TA ;) [as also 
T a* . . i , but app. in an intensive sense, for- its 

inf. n.] 

is syn. with *-t'j3. (TA.) __ 

[And hence, app.,] t H» mixed, or confounded, 
it ; e. g., good speech with bad ; as also the 
* latter of these two words. (TA.) 

2 : see 1, in two places. 

> A mark, trace, vestige, or relic. (TA.) 

i revelations and hidden things with which no I and lines, or streaks. (TA.) And 

White and black specks (S, A, Mgh, K) 
in a colour : (TA :) or s)M>ts in the skin differ- 
ing from it in colour ; (IDrd, A,K;) sometimes 
in horses, and mostly in such as are of a sorrel 
colour. (TA.) __ Lines, or streaks, of variega- 
tions or decorations in variegated or figured 
cloth, &c. (K.) _ Whiteness in the roots, or 
lower parts, of the nails, which goes away and 
returns. (TA.) 

^i-oJ Speckled with white and black ; applied 
to a bull ; (TA :) and so * J^j\ ; (Mgh, TA ;) 
applied to a man. (Mgh.) You say, ^p^i 3 yi, 

meaning, A wild bull, which has specks (S, TA) 

•j ■ 

Book I] 

^lyUI A bull having black line*, or streaks, 
in the leg*. (A.) And ▼ l\±*i jie- A slie-goat 
that i* black speckled with white, or white 
speckled with black. (TA.) — t£«J «_*«-« I A 
sword in which are diversified wavy streaks. 
(A, If., 9 TA.) — jL»i Ity A camel having in 
his foot a mark that becomes distinctly shown 
upon the ground, without any mark thereon made 
artificially; (Ibn-Abbdd, K ;) and bo J^ j^su. 
(Ibn-Abbad, TA.) 

JL^jl : fern, liil^i : see yJ-*>, in two places. 

2. iujj signifies The directing, or guiding, 
to a thing. (K.) You say, ^yU JJa«J ^y 
,* 111 Iji Who directed thee, or guided thee, 
to this thing? syn. <uU illj. (Ibn-Abbad.) 

i^i The facing, or outer covering, (Sjl^b,) 
0/ a oca" (T, Mgh, K) w/»n to/mcA owe .«/ec/w, 
(Mgh,) or of a thing that is spread upon tlte 
ground to sit or lie upon, (T, K,) whatever it 
be: (K :) or a sort of rarj>et or other thing 
that is sj>read upon the ground: (S, K:) and 
a woollen cloth (Mgh, Msb, K) which is thrown 
over the [kind of vehicle called] »oyi, (Mgh, 

K,) having a fine nap, or pile, (TA,) of some 
colour ; what is white being seldom or never so 
called: (Msb:) or a sort of dyed cloth, like 
jt-jj, these names being seldom or never applied 
but to wltat is coloured red or green or 
yellow ; what is white not being called h^j ; 
(Az, L :) and a cloth that is spread beneath a 
horse'* saddle: (Meyd, as cited by Golius:) 
some say, that it is a receptacle like the ieJL. ; 
(Har, p. r»r [but this I think doubtful :] pi. J»Cil 
[properly a pi. of puue. but used also as one of 

mult.] (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and I»Ci. (IB, K.) 
= A body of men (S, Mgh, Msb, K) whose 
case is one; i. e. o class of men. (8, K.) It is 
said in a trad., (S, Mgh,) of Alee, (Mgh,) 
il,j*9l WJt JU*jH tJJ» ^U- The best of this 
people is the middle body thereof (S, Mgh) whose 
case is one; i. e. the middle class thereof: (S, in 

which is added, ^^Jl £Tft) u'^" jay! iS*^i 
jJUJI [he who falls s/t07't shall be made to 
reach them, and he who exceeds the due bounds 
shall be brought back to them :]) A'Obeyd says, 
(Mgh, TA,) the meaning of this saying of Alee 
is, (TA,) that he disliked the exceeding of the 
due bounds and the falling short (Mgh, TA) 
in religion. (TA.) = A way: (Msb, TA:) 
a way, course, mode, or manner, of acting, con- 
duct, or the like; (Mgh, K ;) as also * k*j| : 
(TA [so there written, without any syll. 
points:]) a tenet, or body of tenets, belief, creed, 

opinion, or persuasion, which one takes to, or 
holds : (Mgh, TA :) a kind, or way, of speech. 
(TA.) You say, WJI LU >»pl keep thou to 
this way. (TA.) And «x»-tj Ja^j ,Xt U*Jl£i 
They spoke according to one way, course, mode, 
or manner, &c. (Mgh.) — t A sort, or species, 
(Mgh, Msb, K,) of a thing, (K,) of goods or 
commodities, of learning or. science, &c. (TA. ) 
You say, Jx^JI IJuk ,>• cU< ^J^e t J have 
goods of this sort, or species. (Mgh.) And 
\ja Jk«j ^ye I JiA I This is of the sort, or species, 
of this. (Msb.) 

S -- I *.t 

(jiflL^J: see ^M- 

JxoJI: see ia*j. 

(jJal-oJI [-4 maker, or seller, of J»l»Jl, pi. of 

Ko-> :] a rel. n. from AvoJ ; as also * ^Jh^j : 
(K, TA :) the former [from the pi.,] like 

^jUoil: the latter from the sing., agreeably 


with analogy. (TA.) 

[J*?, &c. 
See Supplement.] 

1. ^, aor. : ; and^i, aor. -' ; (S, K ;) and 
p j. • , 

^yj ; (as in one copy of the S ;) inf. n. !*J (S, K) 


and lyj (S) and S.'lyi (S, K) and i^jyi (K) and 

!^yj (S, K) and ijlyj, (the last dev. from rule) ; 

(KL;) /< (flesh-meat) wax not, or d*rf «o< become, 

1 - , i*f * 
thoroughly cooked. (S, K.) _ j-^j U ^yiil U 

■>_tfu U "9_j aJL-i ^>-« [/ care not what is in- 
sufficiently cooked, of thy w~0, nor what is 
thoroughly cooked: i.e. I care not whether evil 
or good befall thee]. (S,* TA,) A proverb. 
(TA.) = lyi j^^fc. «->ir, aor. : , He drank till 
he was full. (£,• TA.) 

4. VI (S, K) inf. n. SjSj, (S,) He in- 
sufficiently cooked flesh-meat. (S, K.) __ He 
did a thing not firmly, not soundly, not tho- 
roughly. (K.) 

Ijyi The state of being not thoroughly cooked. 

*>^j^> (S, K) and * l^ (S) Insufficiently 
cooked flesh-meat. (S, K.) 

^j*U Satiated with food and with drink. 




1. «^-v-JI s-v-* Qor - *i ani ' •> a| >d A^j, aor. r; 
(inf. n. w-yj ; TA ;) and 'a^I; [and * «u*L ;] 
2T« <ooA f/te x/>o»7, plunder, or booty. (K.) 
' wjlyiJ'^l is ZM taking of spoil, plunder, or 
booty, by wlwmsoever will: you say ™ «,-yJI 
*)U J^-^l ["•• man allowed, or ^are, At* /»■»- 
perty to be taken as spoil], ' jj^b, and 
t^-yj, and * «>lkCi, which all signify the same, 
[and they took it as spoil], (S.) _ ^..XOl a^j, 
aor. : , 7Vi« rfoy seized him (a man) fry the tendon 

of hi* heel (S, ¥..) \£> ; (S, K ;) and 

t *yx\j, (K,) inf. n. I'jkU^ ; (TA ;) J T% 
carped at him in their speech, (S, K,) or, with 
their tongues, and spoke roughly, harshly, or 
coarsely, to him : [as though they plundered him 
of his good name]. (A.) 

3 : see 1 J-j^l cry*" *r** u > '"£ "• *^-«> 

t The [one] horse emulated, or contended with, 
the [other] horse in running. (TA : and agreeably 
with this the inf. n. is explained in the S and K.) 

Used not only with reference to a horse. The 

Rujiz says, 

\I emulated them, or contended with them, with a 
bucket that took up much water], (S.) See also 6. 

4. <0U jivJI yyil (S) The man allowed, 
or gave, hit property to be taken a* spoil, plunder, 
or booty. (TA.) It is doubly trans. : you say 
jOl 'J^j w—yjt [^ allowed Zeyd to take the 
property as spoil]. (Msb.) Sec 1. \J"$4 A-yJI 
He offered it, or exposed it, to such a one, [to be 
taken as spoil]. (TA.) 

6. ^jCijii\ ^aU3 X The two horses emulated, 
or contended with, each other. (TA.) Sec also 

3 JUJI C*Ci »'. q. oUilLj, q. v. (TA, in art. 

-'■-- ) J^i^\ Jj^I C-1*L3 I The camels look 

much of the ground with their legs : (Iv :) [app. 
meaning, took wide strides over it : not, as 
rendered by Golius, " multum pulveris pedibus 
suis rapuerunt ;" nor, as tendered by Freytag, 
"multum terras pedibus abstulcrunt"]. __ Jj^M 

^^f-JI v>«y-^, and «UjJkUi>, [The camclt perform 
the night-journey with large strides] : and [in like 
manner] ^j'ill C«»*Uj. Camels that do so are 
termed <^»*>\y ^>J- (A.) 

8: see 1 i»^i)l J->JI s^-y^l I The hor.-e 

gained the winning-post ; or won the race. (If., 

«_-yj Spoil; plunder; booty; (S, K ;) as also 
• -•j «» j- .» 

f i^i : (TA, art. ^^JLi. :) ex. v-vV « ^1 he 

came to him with, or brought to him, spoil : 



(TA:) p|. vV (?, S) »nJ v< £ . (Nh, Ac:) 
o~V a '*» signifies </m mim; .and thus is 
similar to . -U t , meaning i t Uc : and also sig- 
nifies nrAaf u allowed, or ^tcra, to 6« <aA«» a* 
spoil, plunder, or fwoty ; and thus is similar to 
^>U and ,Jjj ; (IAth ;) and so * k^ (Mfb) 
[and » ^ i e » ' » and » ^ !ey i :] a man, named 
Fur, suid of some goats which he drove forth, 

..Si • ,:A 

^ ; t yjt ^, or ^-, et .;)l, accord, to different 
readings ; meaning that it was not allowable to 
any one person to take of them more than one: 
(TA :) or .^yi signifies what it taken at spoil, 
plunder, or booty ; or to taken by whomsoever 
will, of what i> allowed to he to taken: syn. 
v^l U: (Lh, ?:) and * ^j-yj, what it 

allowed to be to taken ; syn. ^yi\ U j^\ : (S :) 
or what it taken at tpoil, plunder, or booty; 
syn. v^-yj U^l. (So in one copy of the S.) 

_ [Hence] « T ^> .An ineurtion made into an 
enemy's territory for the take of acquiring tpoil, 
plumier, or booty; and a spoiling, or plundering. 
(1 A.) an Ji\y)\ ^£*\} ^y^j Oj^-I, in a trad, 
of Aboo-Beker, means I have accomplished what 
I had to perform of the prayers termed j3j)\ 
before my sleeping, lest the occasion for my doing 
so should slip from me; and when I awake, I 
perform the prayers termed JjIj>JI. (T A.) [He 
termed the j5} prayers w-yj because he performed 
them before the right time] = ^-yj I A kind of 

\ji*£>) [i-c, app., of running, with reference to a 
horse]. (Lh, ?.) 

3uy> and f ( _ J V (Llj, Mgb, Mfb, K) and 

™ u :< » '' and ij-f-yi (K) Spoil, plunder, or booty ; 
a thing taken as spoil : (Mgh, Mfb :) and also 
Spoliation ; a taking of spoil, plunder, or booty : 

(Mgh :) substs. from yy: (K:) and substs. in 
the sense of w^ 1 ■" (l"h, Mgb :) T ^-V is 
explained in the Towshcch as signifying the 
taking of a Muslim's property by force : it is 
said, [of Mohammad, ] in a trad., that he scat- 
tered some articles of property, and the people 

did not take them ; so he asked them why they 
... . »•»* •«»•*•• 

did not take ; aud they replied w~y> J* t^-Jjl 

yj»yi\ t^* [Hast thou not forbidden s/x>liation ?] ; 

but he said y=»L_*JI ^j.^, ^c c-gy> l*JI [7 /tare 

only forbidden soldiers' spoliation]. (TA.) See 

- • # 

^^ > : see^yiandV- 


w»V »>| [pi- of ^**U and <u*U]: sec 6. 

w-v-4 A horse that excels in running : (K :) 
and in like manner an ass. (TA.) 

*r>>v~* What it sought, or sought ofter, quickly : 

• A . * • $ » m 

syn. J^ju, V >AJ— . (?.) 

*• Cy, aor. ; , [contr. to analogy,] inf. n. 
(§, T£.) and Olyi (?) ^Te crtW out, or 
«««•«* a cry .• (TA :) [see l^ ,^^1 voce 
o-yv :] Ae uttered the kind of sound termed j£\ ; 
[i. e., he (a lion, TA) uttered a sound from his 
chett; or roared:] (50 or he uttered a sound 
lower than that which it termed j^j : (S :) or he 
breathed hard ; or emitted the voice, or the breath, 
with a moaning; Iq. ^.j, (£,) and jL±: 
(TA :) or he uttered a sound from hit chett on 
an occasion of distress. (TA.) 

OlyJI and t C-yijt and t oy*JI (thus the 
last is written accord, to the K, but it occurs in 
a verse written ▼ oyjl, TA, and in this latter 
manner it is written in the L,) The lion. (£.) 
— i»V HI, (S, L,) »nd * cy*', (L,) [A lion 

uttering frequently a low growl], (S, L.) 

Olyj jlo». t An ass that brays much, or fre- 
quently. (S, K.) — Oyi J4j J A man that 
breathes liard ; or emitt the voice, or t/w breath, 
with a moaning. (S, ?.•) See I "' Vi» . 

w*UI 7%e /Aroa<; r/j« yt,««r; (K:) so 
called because the sound termed wt-j proceeds 
from it (TA.) 

C^JI, and C y ^lt, and Cy VI •" sec oly-JI . 

!• pVi (¥» Msb,) aor. : , inf. n. p.^ ; 
(Msb;) and * *-^l ; (S, K;) It (a road, or 
way, 8 and Msb, and an affair, TA,) became 
manifest, plainly apparent, or open ; (S, £, Msb,) 
and so, with respect to a road, ♦...,;;„). (K.) 
__ ^5, (S, £, Msb,) and t ^ t , ($, M sb,) 
//#, or it, rendered (a road, S and Msb, and an 
affair, TA,) manifest, plainly apparent, or open : 
(S, $, Msb :) _ & iiLp U ^U J^l Do 
according to that which I have made manifest 
to thee. (S.) ssss l^j, aor. s , (inf. n. — yJ ; TA,) 
and t __yj| ; It (attrition, TA) wore out, or 
rendered worn out, a garment. (K.) __ *-*■>, 
aor. i; (A'Obeyd, S, K ;) and jj-yi, (K,) but 
this is disallowed by A'Obeyd, (S,) and -»-yJ, 
and ♦ rj— yj t ; (K ;) It (a garment) became old 
and worn out : (K :) or * -.-yjl signifies it! fc<"///m 
to become worn out : (S :) and it became old and 
worn out, but without being rent in several parts. 
(TA.) (jM *-J -^il [The effect of] attrition 
spread through it. (I Aar.) = i^JaJI *_yj 7/c 

[Book 1. 
w«i/ a/oni/ <Ac »-oarf. (S, ?.) = «^j, aor. - , 
inf. n. ^yi ; (S, ? ;) and l^J, inf. n. i^i ; 
(ISh ;) this inf. n. also mentioned by Lth, who 
knew no verb belonging to it; (L;) and 1^5, 
aor. - , ($,) inf n. -^ ; (L, in art ^-M ;) and 

' *-y>'» in f- "• p-^li (L;) He was out of 
breath; breathed short,or unintermittedly; panted; 
(§, !•» ? by reason of violent motion : said 
of" a man, and of a beast of carriage, (L,) and 
of a dog. (T.) One says, u Jj\ J l^j jyS 

" " ■* » ' l ^.tiji' U* iSiicA a one is out of breath, 
or breathes s/iort, or unintermittedly, or ;«.«••« 
/or breath, and I know not what hath caused 
him to be so, or to do to. And it is said in a 
trad., ~~rj ^l».j fj\j He taw a man breathing 
sltort, or unintermittedly, or panting for breath, 
by reason of fatness, and putting forth his tongue, 
from fatigue or the like. (8.) 

J"*" 1 vJ*^ *V>^ 7»T« beat him until he 
became stretched along : or, until he wept : (TA:) 
[but probably ^Sy " he wept " is a mistake for 
^Jy Ae became worn with the beating], =» -_yil 
7/«, or it, caused him (a man, S, and a beast of 
carriage, TA) to be out of breath, or to breath 
short, or unintermittedly, or to pant for breath. 
(S, TA.) [See an ex. voce sj-yi.] He rode a 
beast of carriage so as to cause it, or until he 
caused it, to be out of breath, Sfr., (S, K,) and 
to become fatigued, or jaded. (TA.) = See 1, 

10 : see 1 J& J^ L£-* £$*, (S.) 

or ^^i Jgji*, (K,) Such a one follows the way 
of such a one. (S, K.) 

^yi (S, K,) and » wi (L) and * -■>,.■• and 

' »-V-* (?) 5) -4 manifest, plainly apparent, or 
o/>en, riTao*, or way : (S, L, K :) and so J^^J* 
* I^JkU : (TA, from a trad. :) pi. of the first 
OUy and ~-yi and *.^yi : (L :) [and of the third 

•JkUt]. — ojwyj Jy= Manifest roads, or n-ay.v. 

a '•- 

(L.) — And «>j;<VJI sf-yi [7%^ plain, or o/wt, 

rraci o/^A« roa</]. (M, ?, in art. t>-.) 

• *< • •« 
j-yi: see ^yi. 

* » * % t • •# 
<V*U J^l»: Bee «-y>. 

f-r-» and ^lyi* : see -^ . 

1. ^i, aor.i , (S,L, Msb,?,) and '- , (Msb,?,) 
inf. n. iyyi, (§, L, &c.,) It (a girl's or woman's 
breast) was, or became, swelling, prominent, or 
protuberant : (S, L, Mfb, ? :) or became full. 
(Munjid of Kr.) [See also %--*£=>, and ill*' ; 

Book I.j 

• * • •• * « 

and see also jj.0.] — Oj^j, aor. - , and - ; and 

" Oj^, (inf. n. J~*-i3, TA,) SAe (a woman [or 
girl]) came to have smelling, prominent, or pro- 
tuberant, breasts. (L, ]£.) __ iijii\ w>J^ 27ia 
tkin became nearly full. (A.)__yjJI OJV 
i J-oJI, inf. n. jiyi, 77t« fcucfat became nearly full. 

(A'Obeyd, L, TA.) j^, (M, L, K,) aor. : , 

(L,) in£ n. i^>, (M, L,) and Oyi, (L,) He (a 
man) rose; (M, L;) i.q. sjoyj ; (K;) or the 
latter signifies " he rose from sitting;" whereas 
the former signifies " he rose under any circum- 
stances." (M, L.) «6 .iyj, (L,) and <u)l, 

(Th, L,) He rose to him. (Th, I..) — 'SJ> 
Ij\iij, (A'Obcjd, L, K,) and jjil Jjl , (S, L, 
hU\>\) aor. '-, (S, L, Msb,)' and '- ,' (Msb,) 

inf. n. ,*v» (Msb, K) and j>yj, (!£,) -ffe attached, 
or assaulted ; or rose an</ hastened and went forth 
to, or towards, tiie enemy; (S,* L, Msb;) t. #. 

o^V : (■?» I 1 ''* directed his course towards 
the enemy, and commenced fighting with them. 

(A'Obeyd. L, £.) _ 'j^, (IK«,) inf. n. \£, 
($,) // (a thing, lKtt) went, or went a tray, 
(^fi*,) in any case. (IKtt, K.) = *^> also 

* 9 * 

signifies The being strong. (TA.) — j^j, aor. - , 

inf. n. OjyJ, He (a horse) tra«, or became, large 
and tall: (S, L:) or bulky and strong: or 
goodly in body and limbs, and tall : (L :) or goodly, 
large in body and limbs, fleshy and tall. (K.) 

cat jLyi, and * j^it, 7fe honoured (J&) a gift. 

2 : see 1, near the beginning. 

3. ejJkli, inf. n. ijdkLu, i. y. <uo*U ; (S, A, 
L, Msb, K ;) He attacked or assaulted him, 
or row and hastened and went forth to or towards 
him, in war ; he directed his course towards him, 
and commenced fighting with him. (M, L.) _ 
»Jk*U, inf. n. SjdkUo, J/e contended or disputed 
with him, in an absolute sense. (TA.) =^*JjkU, 
[inf. i). 5 j.»l~o.] //« contributed with them to the ex- 
penses of a journey or an expedition, clubbing with 
them, i. e. sharing equally with each of them. (L.) 
See also 6. = «jjkU, inf. n. SjukL*, He played 
with him at the game in n>hich one puts forth as 
many of his fingers as he pleases, and the other 
does the like; he played with him at the game of 
morra ; the inf. n. expl. by «_jUa^lj i^L-o, 
(S, L, K,) and U-jW^, q. v. (TA.) 

4. j^i\ He filled a tank or cistern, (S, L,) and 
a drinking-bowl, (A,) and a vessel, (L, ]£,) so 
that it overflowed : (L:) or nearly filed it (A, 
L, £.) — iUNI jyJ <tfC .4 site-camel that fills 

the vessel [with her milk]. (IAar, L.) — tj^j\ 
He made him, or it, to rise. (L.) ass See 1. 

6. Oj^ //« sighed; breathed with an expres- 
sion of pain, grief, or sorrow ; or uttered a pro- 
longed breathing. (TA.) 

6. Ij j^Uj 77iey attached or assaulted one an- 
other, or ro*e a»td hastened and went forth to or 
towards one another, in war; t/tey directed their 
courses one towards another, and commenced fight- 
ing. (A, Msb.) as IjjJkU; (S, Mgh, L, K;) 

and » IjjJkli, (It, Msb,) inf. n. I jUsUa ; (Msb ;) 
TVjcy clubbed, i.e. contributed equally to, the 
expenses which they had to incur, (S, Mgh, L, ¥.,) 
on the occasion of a journey, (K,) or an expedition 
against an enemy; (L;) or contributed equal 
shares of food and drink: (ISd, L:) the first 
who instituted this practice is said to have been 
Hudeyn Er-Rakushee : (TA :) or they contri- 
buted, each giving his share, for the purchase of 
wheat, or food, for their eating in common. 

(Msb.) jJjIm IjjJkUj They took the thing 

and shared it between them. ( L.) = 1jj.aU They 
played together the game of morra, described in 
one of the explanations of ajdkl). (S, TA, art. 

jiyj A high, or elevated, thing: (L, If:) as a 
shoulder-joint, (L,) and a horse. (TA) — A 
girCs or woman's breast : so called because of its 
prominence, or protuberance : (Msb:) [pi. a>yj]. 
jv^j ty Jaa> A pubes swelling forth, or pro- 

minent : opposed to ^juA. (L.) — Jyi — j^ -^ 
strong, bulky, youth, or young man. (L, from a 

trad.) __ jy ^ generous man, (S, ]£,) wAo atmji 
at means of acquiring eminence, or nobility. (S.) 

j^j A horse /a»'^e and tall: (Lth, S, L:) or 

bulky and strong : or goodly in body and limbs, 
and tall: ( L : ) or goodly, la rge in body and limbs, 
fleshy, and tall: (K:) fern, with ». (L.) __ 
JIJJUI jiyi, and (J>e<*>JUi, A horse Za;v/e and pro- 
minent in the back of the head, and, in the short 

ribs. (Lth, L.) J^JI and ♦ jJkUl 27m; lion : 

(K :) from jjyi in the sense of iji^J and Sy. 
(TA.) saa j*yi -4tVZ ; assistance. (L.) See jy>. 
_veyL)l )u» «jy3 «jJ» JTe aided, or assisted, the 
people. (L.) — — Also, //« contributed with the 
people to the expenses of a journey or expedition, 
sharing equally with each of them. (L.) See 
also 3. = And see 

jkyj (L, K) and sometimes " j^>, (^C,) or the 
latter signifies the action described in the following 
explanation, (L,) A contribution, or that which 
m contributed, to the expenses of a journey, equally 
shared by each member of the party: (L, ]£.:) 
or a contribution that is made for an expedition 
against an enemy, by a clubbing, i.e. an equal 
sharing of the expenses, so that there shall be no 
defrauding of one by another, and no obligation 
of one to another. (IAth, L.) See 3 and 6. 
You say, ilj^J C>U Give thou thy contribution 
to the expenses of tlie journey, or expedition, 
equally with thy companions. (L.) 

^l^yi or O'-V* (?> L > *S>) fem - \J>-*r> a "d 


AjI-V> (I'i) A tank or cistern, (S, L, K,) and 
bowl, (S, A,.L,) or vessel, (I., K,) full, but not 
yet overflowing : (S, L, K :) or full so as to over- 
flow : (L:) or nearly full: (A, L :) or filled 
high: (L:) or two-thirds full. (K.) 

- i * i 

iJU jU 77te amount, or number, of a hun- 
dred. (K..) 

juyj Fresh butter that is not thin: (S, L:) or 
thin butter: (1£:) or fresh butter of which the 
milk has not been quite thick and fit for churning : 

or a large lump of fresh butter; as also * »juyi 
andVjyi: (L:) or^ij^j signifies f resit butter 
made of milk that has not become thick and fit for 
churning, and which is therefore little in quantity, 
and sweet : (AHat, L :) or ij~yi Sjyj fresh 
butter expressed from a skin by squeecing it. (L, 
art. jxj.) 

ij>tyj ■ 8ee j^yj. — The hearts of the grains 
of colocynths, boiled until thoroughly cooked and 
thick, and then hairing a little flour sprinkled 
upon them, after which tltey are eaten. (S, L, 

« » 

•Wbli A girl's breast that is swelling, prominent, 
i 00 
or protuberant : pi. j.*\y ; which denotes more 

than iUiy. (A'Obeyd, L.) Also, and * ijJkU 

(S,L, Msb, £.) and ▼ j^u, (L, K,) or i^yU, (as 
in the TA,) A girl, or woman, having swelling, 
prominent, or protuberant, breasts: (S, L, Msb, 
KL:) or a woman whose breasts have become full : 

(Munjid of Kr:) pi. jjkiy. (Msb.) j*li A 

boy nearly come to the age of puberty. (A.) __ 
jdkli Attacking or assaulting, or rising and hasten- 
ing and going forth to or towards an enemy : pi. 

* il ••* 

jlyj. (Msb.) __ See jLyj. 

* * * * 

»jj.\j : see jukU. 

iljkyj [fem. of .Xyjl] vl« elevated sand, (S, L, 
K,) like a compact hill, fertile, producing trees : 
(L :) or a tract of ground such as is called iUJU, 
but more flat and extensive : (L, art. ~Ju :) it is 

used as an epithet; but not the masc. jkJl. (L.) 
— vOjiJI jbyjl yk /ic u tA« strongest and hardiest 
of the people. (R.) 

jy- : see jukU . 

1. ji3, (S, Msb,) aor. i, (Msb,) Jt (water) 
ran upon, or along, the ground, (S, TA,) aitc/ 
made for itself a jyi [or channel like that of a 
river]. (S.) See also 10. __ It (anything, as 
in one copy of the S, or anything copious, as in 
another copy of the S and in the TA) ran, or 
flowed ; (S, TA ;) as also * j^l-l, (S,) or t^it. 

(TA.) It (blood)/o?t;«d with force : (Msb :) 



on J *J^JI it (blood ) flowed (K, TA) like a river: 
(TA :) and the latter also, it (a win) flowed and 
would not stop ; (K, TA ;) meaning, it flowed 
li/ie a river; (TA ;) as also *>31: (Sgh, K, 
TA:) and *^yil also signifies the same said of 
the belly; (TA ;) or it (the belly) became loose, 
or relaxed; or .it discharged itself; (JK;) as 
also t^SI. (JK, K.) —.£, (S, K,) aor. '-, 
(K,) inf. n. £, (TA,) He (a man, S) dug a ^i 
[or channel for a river] : (S, TA :) he made a 
^j [or river] ^o run, or flow. (K, TA.) =^v-', 
inf. n. ^, /fe morfe an inroaa" or incursion, or 
inroads or incursions, into the territory or terri- 
<»n'« «/" enemies, in the day-time. (TA.) = 
tj'yi, (S, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.,) aor. '-, inf. n. j^ ; 
(TA;) and*.^il; (S,Mgh,Msb,K,&c.;) Hechid 
him; he checked him, restrained him, or forbade 
him, ivith rough speech; syn. »jm.j, (Mgh, Msb, 
K, and so in a copy of the S,) or «^>j, (as in an- 
other copy of the S,) ii^iS yjSj : (Mgh :) he 
addressed him ivith chiding speech, (JK, A,) for- 
bidding him from doing evil. (JK. [in the TA, 
citing the last explanation from the T, je*- { js. is 
erroneously put for y* O*.]) I' ' 8 8a, d m tne 

**•* 'r 

Kur, [xciii. 10,] ^i5 "& j3Ujf u'j [4«d as for 

the beggar, thou shall not chide him, or address 

him roi/A 7-<iu///i speech]. And in a trad., ^^3 1 ^>* 

AJUI <U*I« UU-iU U»l <uli «0)l ^U it ju ^o-U> 
» » ' * 

^-£>^l ejAJI (>• [Whoso chideth, or checheth with 
rough speech, the author of an innovation in relu 
gum, Ood will Jill his heart with security and 
faith, and Ood mill preserve him from the greatest 
terror]. (TA.) 

4. Jy i\ : see 1, in three places. = t He made 
blood to flow: (S:) or to appear and flow : (K:) 
iir to flow amply and copiously : (Mgh:) or to 
flow with force: (Msb:) or lie poured it forth 

- a m 

copiously. (TA.) It is said in a trad.,>*jJI jyjl 

jiii y i>* £y» O^ *■• ^' *SJA W [Make thou 
the blood to flow, tic, with what thou pleasest, 
except with what, is made of a tooth or a talon.] 
(M<rl>, Msb.) The issuing forth of the blood 
from the place of slaughter is likened to the 
flowing of water in a river. (TA.)_t//e 
made it wide; (S, K ;) namely, a spear-wound 
or the like, (S, TA,) or a ^j [or channel of a 
river], as is implied in the K, but in other lexi- 
cons as in the S. (TA.) = He was, or became, 
in day-time: (S, # K» #T A:) he entered upon 
day-time: (MS:) fromj^JI. (S.) 

8 : sec 1, in five places. 


10: see 1 It (a river [in the CK ^yJI is 

put by mistake for ^Jl]) took a place, (JK,) or 
a settled place, (K,) for its channel. (JK, K.) 
_■ It (a thing) became wide. (S.) 

*£ and *^i' (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) A channel 

in which water runs: (A, K:) so most say: or 
the water itself [that runs therein ; i.e., a river ; 
a rivulet ; a brook ; a canal of running water] : 
(TA :) or a wide channel in which water runs : 
originally, the water [that runs therein] : (Mgh :) 
or properly, wide running water : and by a secon- 
dary application, which is tropical, t the trench 
or channel [in which it runs] : (Msb, TA*:) pi. 
[of pauc] /yil, (Msb, K,) a pi. of the former, 
(Msb,) and J£l, (S, Msb, K,) a pi. of the latter, 
(Msb,) [but used as a pi. of either, both of pauc. 
and of mult., and the most common of all the 
pis.,] andjfj, (Msb, and so in some copies of the 
K,) with two dammehs, a pi. of the former, 
(Msb,) or^yi, (as in some copies of the K and in 
the TA,) and \^>. (IAar, K.) You say, jjj^- 
'J^ii\ [The river ran, or flowed] ; like as you say, 
V'>»» \Jj-r- (Msb.) And t U>1 j^> %> [A 
channel of running water having much water], 
(A.) And *^i' is also used in a pi. sense ; as in 
the Kur, [liv. 54], ^ OUi. ^J [In gardens 
and among rivers], i.e., jV; "*• tlie phrase in 
the K ur » [same chap, verse 45,] >jjJI OsPyH* 

(Fr, S,) meaning '&•$ : (Fr, TA :) but it is 

# * * 
otherwise explained. (S.) See j+i below. 

j^i: see j^>, in two places. =s Amplitude : 
(K or light and amplitude: so, accord, to 
some, in the K ur » liv. 54, differently explained 
above : see ^> : (S, TA :) or, accord, to Th, ^> 
is a pi. [or rather quasi-pl.] of jyi, which is a pi. 
ofjCi. (TA.) 

]^ Much ; (TA ;) as also *^yi ; (K, TA ;) 

both applied to water. (TA.) — A wide j^i [or 
river, or channel in which water runs]. (K.) ass 
j^j ,j4y A man of day-time; syn. jlyi ^-^Uo ; 
(S, K ;) who makes inroad* or incursions into the 
territories of enemies therein : (S :) or who works 
therein : (A :) a kind of rel. n. ; as is shown by 
the ex. 

• , *j" - »' * ** 

j&*\ yjSiy J«JUI £>\ *) 

[I am not one of the night-time, but I am one of 
the day-time : I do not journey in the night, but 
I go forth early in the morning] : as though he 
said*(V)V. (Sb.) The verse is correctly re- 
lated as above ; not as it is given in the S. (IB.) 
__ See also JV J\. 

• mm • * ' 

jlyj Day; or day-time; contr. of JJ : (S, 
TA:) or broad daylight, (Mgh,) from sunrise to 
sunset : (Mgh, Msb, K:) this is the original sig- 
nification : (TA :) or this is the signification in 
the vulgar conventional language : but in the 
classical language it signifies the time from the 
rising of the dawn to sunset : (Msb:) or the light 

[Book I. 

between the rising of the dawn and sunset : (K :) 
and so accord, to the lawyers : (TA :) in the 
trads., it is the whiteness of the jlyi, and the 
blackness of the J-J ; and there is nothing inter- 
vening between the JJ and the jlyi : but some- 
times the Arabs amplified, and applied jlyj to the 
time from the clear shining of the dawn to the 
setting [of the sun] : (Msb :) or (so accord, to the 
TA, but in some copies of the K, and) the 
spreading of the light [which is a cause] of sight, 
and its dixjHrsion: (K :) in this explanation in 

the L, in the place of ail^ilj we find -tcl^tj 
[and its collecting together] : (TA :) it is also syn. 
tiith jm^j ; and is so when used without restriction 
in the non-fundamental sciences of religion, 

it * mm m J 

(ejjiJI,) as in the phrases Ijlyj ^,-b [fast tltou a 

*~ 9mm mm* 

day] and ljlyj J-** 1 [work thou a day] : and it 
may be so used, or in its proper classical sense, 
when prefixed to jtyi, governing the latter in the 
gen. case : (Msb :). it has no proper dual, (Mgh, 
Msb,) and no proper pi., (S, Mgh, Msb, K.) like 
w»tji and v!/-* > (§> K ;) the former of which, 
however, has a pi. assigned to it [by Zj and] in 

mm .. 

the K, namely, ajJ^i ; (MF;) [and respecting 
the latter see vIP. *&■ tA ;] [for] 3 \j is a name 
applied to every jtyt [or day'] ; and JJ, to every 
itJ [or night] : one does not say u'j V'J jK^> nor 

O^j J* 1 : DUt tne 8 ' n g- °* j v l8 -ty. '• (TA :) 

and the dual, u^>*i '• (Msb, TA :) and the pi., 

* it 

j>l>\: (Msb:) and the contr. of>^j is iU : so 
says Az, on the authority of A Hey th: (TA:) or 


it has pis. ; namely, j^>\, (IAar, S, K,) a pi. of 

pauc, (S,) in some lexicons ijyil, (TA,) [also a 

pi. of pauc.,] and jyj, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) a pi. qf 

mult (S.) [See also jyi.] Ibn-Keysan cites 
the following ex., 

' ' * * 

[Were it not for the two tkereeds (or messes of 
crumbled bread moistened with broth), we had died 
of leanness : the thereed of night, and tltereed in 
the day-times]. (S.) 

• . • m 

jar'- see^. 

j_£)lyj : see jyi. — Food that is eaten in the 
beginning of the day. (TA.) 

jyj\ jlyi, and • jyi, [A bright day:] in each of 
these phrases the epithet has an intensive effect, 
(K,* TA,) as the epithet in J^'l JJ. (TA.) 

*j£- The place of a river. (T, TA.) __ A 


place which the water hollows out in a ^j [or 
channel of a river]. (K-) — A cleft, (K, TA,) 
or hole, (TA,) in a fortress, passing through [the 
wall], whence water runs, (K, TA,) or by which 

water enters: (TA:) pl.j*lll (TA.) 

Book I.] 


Lj&, aor. r, (Msb,) inf. n. £5, (Msb, TA,) 
He rose to take a thing with his extended hand. 
(Msb, JK, TA.) He took athing with his ex- 
tended hand. (JK,TA.) See also 3 and 8.«=J^ 
J^ljl The thing became near. (K.) See also 3, 
in two places. 

3. \fh\j, inf n. »>»li«, He strove with him, or 
made haste, to outstrip him ; to be, or get, before 
him; to precede him. (TA.) You say, jk\j 
jifj-ilt He made haste to get before the game, or 
object of the chase, (K, TA,) and seised it before 
its escape. (TA.) And Jo>*JI j*£& [I strove 
with them, or made haste, to be before them in 
taking, or seizing, the opportunities, or the turns 
for drawing water or the like], (S, A.) A poet 

* <-*•>•- JWv -*vJ> u 

[I strove with them, or made haste, to be before 
them in drawing water with a capacious bucket]. 
(S.) ■ Also, (K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He 
approached it ; drew near to it ; nearly attained 
to it ; (K, TA ;) as also * ȣ. (TA.) You say, 
4*£)l jh\i, (S, Msb,) and JuJI, (A, TA,) He 
(a boy, S, Msb) approached, drew near to, or 
nearly attained to, puberty. (S, A, Msb.) And 
S ft t ^" j*U [He approached, or nearly attained 
to, the age of fifty]. (A, TA.) Andj>UoJdijh\i, 
(A, Msb,) inf. n. as above, (Msb,) He (a child) 
approached, or drew near to, the [time of] 
weaning; (A, Msb;) as also ♦ a) jyi, (Msb, TA,) 
nor. ' . (Msb.) = See also 8. 

6. IJaUj They strove together, or made haste, 
each to be, or get, before the other. (K.) You 
say, life jii SjUl oU* 1 ^* C* 2T7'«y ftrtM 
together, or wwAe Aarfe, eacA to fce fce/cwe <Ae 
other in obtaining the government of such a town, 
or country. (S,» TA.) And Ja'jii\ IjjiuS [They 
strove together, or wiarfe haste, to be before one 
another in taking, or seizing, the opportunities, 
or the turns for drawing water or the like : 
see3.] (A.) 

8. lSojti\ jr*\ He took, or seized, [or availed 
himself of] the ojrportunity ; syn. \£t\; (S, 
A, K :) or he arose and hastened to be before 
another, or others, in taking, or seizing, the 
opportunity ; or simply he hastened to take it. 
(Msb.) You say, oyJl jls i£&l ji UJ^I 
[TaAe </iow, or seize t/iou, it ; (meaning the op- 
portunity ;) for it hath become within thy power ; 
before the escape thereof]. (TA.) And yfi\ 
.jjtf ^Jt.\ j& [Take thou, or seize thou, the 
opportunity ; for it hath offered itself to tliee], 
(A, TA.) Also, Uk>yil He took it, or them, 

[but to what the pronoun refers is not shown,] 
nith his extended hand, from a near spot ; and so 
* U>*U. (TA.) And j^lll j^>\ He accepted 
the thing, and hastened to take it with his extended 
hand. (TA.) 

•-•■» . • 

Sjyi An opportunity; a time at which, or 

during which, a thing may be done or had ; syn. 
i^ji. (S, K.) — A thing that offers itself to 
one as a prey, or spoil. (JK, L.*) You say, 
u <'ri j'l ijyi o>* [°w™» a one ts tlie prey of 
the matcher] ; meaning, such a one is the prey 
of every one. (L.) And Ly— Uo-b lj^> »±h [Thts 
is a thing that offers itself as a prey, therefore 
snatch thou it.] (A.) 

jhC Approaching, or near, to the time of 
weaning; applied to a boy; (JK, Msb, TA;) 
and to a girl ; (TA ;) or the epithet applied to 
the latter is with 5. (JK, Msb.) 

1. iv, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. '- (Msb, K, 
MS) and ; ; (Msb ;) and a!^, aor. -' ; (Fr, K ;) 

inf. n. J$ (S, Msb, TA) and ^ ; (TA;) 
He (a man, S, Msb) took it (namely flesh or flesh- 
meat) with his fore teeth, (S, A, Msb, K,) to eat 
it, (M8b,) and plucked it off; (A, K;) as also 
t 1 v r. l- (S:) and he ate it off from a bone 
(aJ>«3) with his fore teeth : (Lh, TA :) or he 
pulled it off with the central incisors, to eat it ; 
(TA :) and he took it with tlie fore part of his 
mouth ; as also * A~y3l : (A :) or he took it 
with his mouth : (1 Ath, TA :) or he took it with 
his mouth to bite it and make a mark upon it 
without wounding it : (TA, art. ^Ayi :) and he 
(a dog, and any animal having a canine tooth,) 
bit it : or seized it, and tlien )mlled it, or pulled 
it vehemently, or rent it with his teeth : but there 
is a difference of opinion respecting this verb in 
all its significations : some say that it is with the 
unpointed v* I an< * thus, only, it is mentioned 
by ISk, who says, I heard El-Kilabee say, of a 
dog and of a wolf and of a serpent, » *~£j\ 
and il^i ; (Msb ;) [and J says, the ,^-yJ of 
the serpent is the same as its Jly; (S;) you 
say 3 "» !t i.:,„yj in the sense of « ; . »/ > [ 1lie 
serpent bit him] : (Z, Sgh :) others say that the 
verbs are with ^ and ^i throughout ; and thus 
says IF on the authority of A? : Az cites Lth 
as saying that J^5, with the pointed yi, signifies 
taking, or reaching, from a distance, like the 
ytyJ of the serpent; and ^>, with the unpointed 
letter, the seizing upon flesh, or flesh-meat, and 
pulling it, or pulling it ve/iemently, or rending it 
with tlie teeth : Th says that the latter is with 
the extremities of the teeth ; and the former, with 
the teeth [absolutely], and with [those that are 
termed] the ^-1^1 : IKoot says, like Lth, that 


one says of the serpent (i^Jl), <uiyi, with the 
pointed ^J, ; and of the dog and wolf and hyena, 
•u^i, with the unpointed letter. (Msb.) 

8 : see 1, in three places. 

■ ii • i- 

^r>yY> : see ^\j, in two places. 

is-tyj : see yjt^i*, in two places. 

• s- 
,^-lyi A dog that it wont to bite; (Msb ;) and 

" u">tj> applied to a she-camel, signifies the 
same ; (TA ;) and the latter, a lion that bites a 
thing when able to do so : (IKh :) or the former, 
a dog that is wont to seize, and tlien pull, 
or pull vehemently, or rend with his teeth. (Msb.) 

_ A lion ; as also T »^->r i an d ' v-r*- <Jv) 
_ A wolf. (TA.) 

• -»- 

sj~yi* A place from which a thing [such as 

herbage &c.] is taken with the mouth and eaten : 
(K,» TA :) pi. J^U. (TA.) You say, J>'/\ 
is-tL^I °j~Z£» Land abounding in such places. 

• »• • i. 
\j-y~* '• see u - V* 

sj-'yy* A man liaving little flesh ; (§, A, K. ;) 
[as though it were partly eattn off the bones;] 
as also * ^r-tyi. (TA.) You say also, ^^y-^o 
v^Lijin, (A, K,) or Je£&\, (TA,) A man 
(TA) having little flesh upon tlie feet, (A,' K,» 
TA,) or upon tlie ankles. (TA.) And iJLji} 
" tr^j [A shank of a quadruped] light of flesh. 
(TA.) See also ^^». 

1. &f, (S, K,) aor. - , (K,) inf. n. J%, (S,) 
t. q. <n—y> ; (S, K ;) i. e. He took it with his 
mouth to bite it and matte a mark upon it with- 
out wounding it : [&c. :] (TA :) or he took it 
(namely flesh or flesh-meat) with his fore teeth : 
(S:) and so accord, to some, " <ulyli). (S.) 
And // [a serpent or scorpion] bit him ; or stung 
him; syn. 4juJ : (K :) you say, i.aJI o^p-* ,fu ' 
serpent bit him. (S.) And He (a dog, TA) 

* * * * 
bit him, or it ; (K ;) as also a— yj. (TA.) Or 

He took it with hi* [teeth that are called] 
^>\j^\: whereas a— y> signifies he took it with 
the extremities of the teeth : (K :) or jLy> is less 
then isV ; the latter signifying the taking, or 
reaching, with the mouth ; but the former, the 
taking, or reaching, from a distance, like tlie ylyj 
of the serj>ent. (Lth, TA.) [For other obser- 
vations on these two verbs, see art u~r>-} — 
j^ulTli ^Ijjl liyi (IAar, S, K) I Time, or 
fortune, bit him, so that lie became in want. 
(TA.) __ \yr} «S..iy » She (a woman) seized the 
flesh of her face with her nails. (TA.) _ tjQt 


nlso signifies t He, or it, harassed, distressed, 

fatigued, or wearied him. (IAth.) _ iJ-*J, 

inf. n. as above, + He became emaciated, or lean : 

and bjUitl » C«~yS) four arms from the elbow 

t * > 
upwards became emaciated : (TA :) and £»£yi 

tljuit t/iu arms from the elbow upwards be- 
came slender, (ISh, K, [but in the CK U»j is 
put by mistake for &}]) and tlieir flesh became 
little. (ISh.) 

8 : see 1, in tiie first and last sentences. 

• *# • Mi 

j^iyj : see ^jy— •. 

J-y> : see ^jHyyi*, in five plnces. _ As an 
epitiiet applied to a camel, i.q. ^A^J, (Ihn-'Abbad, 
K,) as explained in art. ^-»j. (Ibn-'Abbdd, TA.) 

• % set 

y tf i '■ see fjiiy^t. 

cAjv-** t A man harassed, distressed, fatigued, 
or wearied : (S, IAth, £ :) J &»'««» oy lima, «.r 
fortune, so as to be in want, (IAar, 6, K, TA,) 
t nnd emaciated, or lean : or having little flesh, 

en f fat: or /«//«<; as also "^Ayi and "»^y» 

# * 

and " ^rtyj. (TA.) Applied to the pudendum 

muliebre, t Having little flesli ; »s also T c£t^» 
(TA.) And in like manner, ^ J j ^A tl iHjyU 
t Emaciated, or /<'«», in /Ac thighs. (TA.) And 

m * * * * it 

^.-•jJUl ^jy^o f A man having little flesh upon 
the feet. (IAar, K.) And o^t 11 * uV I A 
man, (TA,) or a beast of carriage, (S,) %At in 
the arms, or /ore legs ; (S, £, TA ;) as though 
from a.dJ| * c A t J: (S:) ond so T^tyUt J^>, 
I light in the legs, (K, TA,) in passing along, and 
having little flesh upon them; (TA ;) as also 
♦yilijl^. (S,»TA.) [But see also Jilli.] 

imimJ l it * A woman scratching her face in afflic- 
tion or misfortune. (r>, TA.) Such Mohammad 
cursed. (TA.) 

m • • % as 

1. t>V> ao <- -» ■<>'• «'• u»jr' (S, A, Mgh, 
Mfcb, K) and ^rdyi, (S, A, R,) i/e ro*e, or stood 
up, syn. jij,!, (Msb,) or J>\i, (S, Mgh, O, $,) 
AiVC* ^jzfrom his place; (Msb;) as also * t _^a v ^jt, 

syn. >»15: (IAar:) or the former, he quitted 
a place: and he rose from it: (M, TA:) or 
he rose from sitting; thus differing from j^i, 
which signifies "he rose" under any circum- 
stances: (M, L, in art. jv:) [and he rose 
and went: or Ac rose and Itastened, as shown 
below :] and * u^r-*'? he mas, or became, 
made, or excited, to rise, or stand up; quasi- 

* * '*' /c% ir S0 *■* 

pass, of A-oyil. (S.) You say, *Jj ^^yi // e 
ra*c, or .s<uw/ •//>, to Aim : (Mgh :) and j+*$ 

[to tto, or perform, an affair]. (S, I£.*) And 
;jai!l ^j)l i^V ■"« [ro<« and] sped, or hastened, 
to, or towards, the enemy. (Msb.) [See also 

-••- • - * ~ • . . W §0 0000 

Jyi.] And ^oyLH .Jl L~oyj and ^eyJ' U-aiJ [We 
rose and sped, or hastened, to, or towards, the 
people, or company of men :] both signify the 
same. (Abu-l-Jahm El-Jnafaree.) Andtl^Oflil 

* • T •9*0* 

and " \yiJr\ij signify the same as JUiU \yayj 
[They rose and sped, or hastened, to fight, or to the. 
Jight]. (TA.) — t It (a plant) stood erect ; or be- 
came strong and erect. (S, A, K.) — t It (a bird) 
spread, or expanded, its wings to fly. (S, A, 

Mgh, K.) You say, i^ayJt >»-l£ ^i [A youn<7 
bird laching the power of spreading its wings to 
fly]. (A, TA.) [See an ex. in a verse of El- 
Hoteiah cited in the first paragraph of art. wAJU..] 
__ a_ju C* Ay l (K in art UL»., Ac.) and 
aJI 4_«J (S in the same art., and A in art 


&c.) signify [the same, i.e.] Ol£». t [His sotd, 

or stomach, heaved, &c] (S, A, K, in the arts. 

'* j f j - 00 

above mentioned.) — ^U^Jt ^y ^■ t :.)\ t >v v j 

l[IIoariness arose in youth]. (A, TA.) As 
cites the following verse from an anonymous poet: 

m » * 0W0t . * 000 

t [J , / , cmor arwe« m my little bach from the time 
of noon to the little evening]. (TA.) 

3. «U*U, (S, A, &c.,) inf. n. iiiul, (TA,) 

^e ro« »«n't/i him, or against him, and withstood 

* • ' * 
him, or opposed him, in contention; syn. a^»U; 

(S, Mgh, I£ ;) namely his adversary. (A, Mgh.) 


4. o<i t »l //e m.a(/c MM, or excited him, to rise, 

or stand up : (S, A,* K, TA :) or he roused him, 
or put him in motion to rise. (TA.) You say 

ol • . J 1 • 009 ' 

also, ja'P vtfAySI, [if this be not a mistran- 

. * 0* t> 09$ 

scription for tfAyil,] 7 ma</e /«';« to rise to [//o, or 

perform,] the affair. (Msb.) And JU a-o^i 
l«^JI f -^ e strengthened him to rise, and do, or 
perform, tlte thing. (TA.) __ i^i3l ^iyl t He 
nearly filled the water-skin [so as to inahe it 

rise]. (!£, TA.) ^.\Lli\ -LJll si^'l ;77ie 

n-i'nrf bore and drove along the cloud, or clouds. 

6. y^Jl ^J tyiuklS (S, A, Mgh, K) They 
rose, one with another, or one against another, 
and withstood, or opposed, one another, in war, 
or battle: (Mgh:) or each party of tlietn. rose 

and hastened ( 1 _^a v J) to, or towards, the other, in 
war, or battle. (S, ]£..•) See also 1. 

8 : see 1, in four places : = and see 4. 

10. t jk£» j^"j <uAyiwi 7/e ordered him, or corn- 
manded him, to rise to [do, or pcr/brm,] «ucA an 

[Book I. 

• * 

fl/air. (S, ?.*) [And^-.l ^i JUyr.J 2fe «e«t 

/«'»» on an affair, to perform it.] 

* ' •' « 

i-iyi [inf. n. of un. of 1 ; A single act of rising, 

kc. : and] a motion, or movement : pi. Ol^yj. 

(Msb.) You say, i-oyJ <u« OiU., (A, TA,) or 

4*ayj <L~a c*iV£», rAerc was [a rmng, or] a 

motion, or movement, on his part, (Msb,) ^}t~ »* 

U£> [to .iwcA a pface], (A, TA,) or IJ£» ^1 [to, 

or towards, such a thing]. (Msb.) And jJ£» y* 

OUi^Jl [7/a if a person of frequent risings, 

or motions or Movement]. (A, TA.) Also, 

t Power, or ability ; and strength. (TA.) 

% 0%M 

4 *y [The ac< of rising, or standing up : or the 
rtate 0/ 6etn<7 made, or excited, to rise, or .t<a;iii 

u;; .-] a subst from ^Li^f. (TA.) 

o^'v [One who frequently rises ; or who fre- 
quently rises from, or <?u<7*, his place:] quick in 
motion. (Expos, of the Mo'allakat, printed at 

0>* 1 1 • A« #j 

Calcutta, p »r) __ »"^jyj c^V >* I C a PP- *** 
i» wont to rise ivith these, for their assistance : 
see i-ajkU]. (A, TA.) _ »%I,i ^0 >* : see 
art. J>>. 

>>ukLi [act. part. n. of L, Rising, or standing up: 
Sec.]. — t Energetic, sharp, vigorous, or effective, 
in his agency, or ww/r. (T A.) — J A young bird 
whose wings have become complete, (S, A, Mgh,) 
or whose wing has become complete, (£,) and 
which has risen, (S,) or it able, (A, Mgh,) or 
ready, (K,) to fly: (S, A, Mgh, K:) or that 
has spread its wings to fly ; or that has raised 
itself to quit its place: applied by some par- 
ticularly to the younjr of the eagle: (TA:) 

i 00 * . 

pi. yjotAy. (A, Mgh.) [See also ^l*.] 

jj^j A^a4,u I A man's people, (L,) or tlie-sons 
of his father or ancestor, (S, O, K,) who rite fur 
him, (O,) or with him, (K,) or with whom lie 
rises, in a case that grieves him, (L,) or who are 
angry for him, (S,) or who arc angry by reason 
of his anger, and rise to aid him : (TA :) and 
A?* people, (A,) or servants, (K,) or those, (S,) 
who undertake, or manage, his affairs: (S, A, 

K. :) or his aiders, or assistants. (A, in art jyfc.) 

• - 
You say, <la*U i/^ ^° ♦ Such a one has not 

any (S, A) people, (A,) or servants, (TA,) who 
undertake, or manage, his affairs. (S, A, TA.) 

[Jyj, &c 

See Supplement] 

000 m 00 90 —. 9, 

1. «U, aor. lyij, inf. n. !y (S, £) and 11^3, 

(Kl,) ife rose, or arose, with effort and difficulty. 

• 900 
(S, K..) — 4l* » .J *0 He rose roith his burden 

•* r 

with effort and difficulty : (TA :J Ac rose nith 
his burden oppressed by its weight. (S, £.) « _ 

Book I.] 

Uj L»JM lfi3 She rises with lier buttochs oppressed 

6y i7i«'r weight : said, of a woman. (S.) — »l» 
»jj r-.' fle arose. [App. said originally, if not 
only, of a camel.] (TA.) — ^ «0 and • »»U1, 
Jt (a burden) oppressed him by its weight, and 
bent him, or weighed him down. (S, K,) — iyj 
i^' jn 1 V^j 7Zer buttocks oppress her by their 

weight : said of a woman. (S.) _-. *U 7/e wa* 
oppressed by weight, (K,) and fell down : (S, K :) 
thus the verb bears two [partially] opposite sig- 
nifications. (K.) — *y^» «Vi t He behaved 
yrcW/y. (TA, art. Jm.) — Jijl &, nor. lyi, 

inf. n. V 5 and * ■k 2 "' and (J^! (K < the latter 
being formed by transposition, TA) The star, 
or asterism, [generally said of one of those com- 
posing the Mansions of the Moon,] set (accord, 
to some), or rose (accord, to others), aurorally, 
i. e. at dawn of morning. (TA.) See \y. [It 
seems that »U is used in both these senses because 
the star or asterism appears as though it were 

nearly overcome by the glimmer of the dawn.] 

— TO, (K,) formed by transposition from jjU , 

(TA,) or a dial, form of this latter, (S, TA,) 
He, or it, was, or became, distant ; removed to a 
distance ; went far away. (S, K.) — y *U [It 
rendered him distant, or removed liim to a 
distance]. (TA.) — J«"^ J*U U (S) [see 
explained in art. V*] : JAi is here used for 
j)Xi\, in order to assimilate it to J«V-< ; (S ;) 
like as they say ^i^y ^>}*, WW LsiL^'- 

3. ifjli, inf. a. SljU. and l\'y, He contended 
with him for glory ; vied with him.. (K.) _ 
He acted hostilely towards him. (S, K.) Some- 
times without .; but originally with .; being 
derived from iJU I «U and *^\ ^>y. (S.) 

4 : see 1. 

#Li*l [He prognosticated rain $c. 


by reason of the ruing or setting of a star or an 
asterism aurorally, i. e., at dawn of morning ; or 
he regarded a star or an asterism as a ,y]. 

(L.) It is said, i&=» J>i^i vi*" 'l^T" 3 ^ 
[The Arabs do nut prognosticate rain $c. by 
reason of the auroral rising or setting of all the 
stars, or atterisms: or do not regard all the 
stars or asterisms as lyl]. (Sh, L.) I}l£»l 
\J^y\, the . being transposed, They exacted, or 
looked for, the rain called ^~yl, [from the 
auroral ruing or setting of a star or an 
asterism]. (AHn.) as »*u£lj t He sought, or 
ashed a gift, or present of him. (K.) 

$, pi. tfy» and oV. (§> ?») ^ Har > or 
an asterism, verging to setting: or the aetti/i// 
of tlte star, or asterism, in t/te west, aurorally, 
i. e., at dawn of morning, and the fixing of 
another, opposite to it, at tlte same time, in the 
east: (K:) or the setting of one of the stars, or 

asterisms, which compose the Mansions [of the 
Moon (seej^ill JjCu)], in the nest, aurorally, 
i. e., at damn of morning, and the rising of its 
«_~»j, which is another star, or asterism, opposite 
to it, at the same time, in the east, each night 
for a period of thirteen days: thus does each 
star, or asterism, of those Mansions, [one after 
another,] to the end of the year, except *yt»JI, 
the period of which is fourteen days: (S:) [or 
it signifies the auroral rising, and sometimes the 
auroral setting, of one of those stui-s, or asterisms ; 
as will be shown below : I do not say "heliacal" 
rising because the rising here meant continues 
for a period of thirteen days]. Accord, to the T, 
,y signifies the setting of one of the stars, or 
asterisms, above mentioned : and AHn says, 
that it signifies its first setting in the morning, 
when tlte stars are about to disappear ; which is 
when the whiteness of dawn diffuses itself. (TA.) 
A'Obeyd says, I have not heard *y used in the 
sense of " setting," or " falling," except in this 
instance. (S.) It is added, [whether on his or 
another's authority is doubtful,] that the [pagan] 
Arabs used to attribute the rains and winds and 
heat and cold to such of the stars, or asterisms, 
above mentioned as was setting at the time 
[aurorally] ; or, accord, to As, to that which 
was rising in its ascendency [aurorally] ; and 

f * * ' * * J Try 

used to say, \j£a t y-> Ujla-o [We have been given 
rain by such a «y] ; (S ;) or they attributed heat 
[and cold] to the rising of the star or asterism, 
and rain [and wind], to its »y [meaning its 
setting]. (AHn, Har, p. 216.) This the Muslim 
is forbidden to say, unless he mean thereby, 
" We have been given rain at the period of such 
a *y ;" God having made it usual for rain to 
come at [certain of] the periods called t\y\. 
Again, A'Obeyd says, The Ay\ are twenty-eight 
stars, or asterisms ; sing. «y : the rising of any 
one of them in the east [aurorally] is called »y ; 
and the star, or asterism, itself is hence thus 
called : but sometimes »y signifies the setting. 
Also, in the L it is said, that each of the above- 
mentioned stars, or asterisms, is called thus be- 
cause, when that in the west sets, the opposite 
one rises; and this rising is called »yii\ ; but 
some make %y to signify the setting; as if it 
bore contr. senses. (TA.) [El-Kazweenee men- 
tions certain physical occurrences on the occasions 
of the «b>il of the Mansions of the Moon; and in 
each of these cases, except three, the *y is the 
rising, not the setting. Two of the excepted 
cases are doubtful : the passage relating to the 
third plainly expresses an event which happens 
at the period of the auroral setting of ii^oll ; 
namely the commencement of the days called 
jy*~*M >l*' 5 corresponding, accord, to El- 
Makreezce, with the rising of >».>i*JI A^', the 


*^Jj of iiyaS\ : and it is said in the §, art. J*~e, 
on the authority of Ibn-Kunaseb, that the jS$\ 
jy^*i\ fall at the period of the ,y> of tt^oJI. 
(The auroral setting of i»j-aJl, at the com- 
mencement of the era of the Flight, in central 
Arabia, happened about the 9th of March O. 8. ; 
and this is the day of the N. S., the 26th of 
February O. S., on which commence the >bl 
jy±*i\ accord, to the modern Egyptian almanacs.) 
Hence it appears, that sometimes tlte setting, but 
generally the rising, was called the >y. More- 
over, the ancient Arabs had twenty-eight pro- 
verbial sayings (which are quoted in the Mir-at 
ez-Zeman, and in the work of El-Kazweenee) 
relating to the risings of the twenty-eight Man- 
sions of the Moon : such as this : { j\i»jii\ xJU» Iji 
,jUp1 (^y—l " When Esh-Sharatiin rises, the 
season becomes temperate :" or, perhaps, " __ 
the night and day, become equal." (If this 
latter meaning could be proved to be the right 
one, we might infer that the Calendar of the 
Mansions of the Moon was in use more than 
twelve centuries s.o. ; and that for this reason 
ijUtfJUl was called the first of the Mansions ; 
though it may have been first so called at a 
later period as being the first Mansion in the 
first Sign of the Zodiac. But I return to the 
more immediate object which I had in view in 
mentioning the foregoing sayings.) I do not 
find any of these sayings (though others, I 
believe, do) relating to the settings. Hence, again, 
it appears most probable, that the rising, not the 
setting, was generally called »y.]__[In many 
instances,] Jty^H signifies The Mansions of the 

• m 

Moon [themselves] ; and 'y, any one of those 
Mansions : and they arc also called jl*+i\ *y*J 
'the stars, or asterisms, of rain]. (Mgh, in art. 
Ua^..) IAar says that the term >y was not 
applied except in the case of a star, or asterism, 
accompanied by rain : (TA :) [see exs. under 
Jan. and Ujl»- : but most authors, it seems, apply 
this term without such restriction : it is some- 
times given to certain stars or asterisms, which 
do not belong to the Mansions of the Moon ; as 
will be seen below : and it is applied, with* the 
article, especially to VjjJ31]. __ Accord, to AZ, 

as cited by AM, the first rain is that called 
i t. 
~a_*yi: the *\y\ of which are those called 

^\jj*.yj\ ^jOyyJI, the same, says AM, as &jil\ 

j* )\ n , [the 27th Mansion of the Moon, which, 
about the period of the commencement of the era 
of the Flight, (to which period, or thereabout, 
the calculation of AZ, here given, most probably 
relates,) set aurorally, (for by the term »y AZ 
means a star or asterism, at the setting of which 
rain usually falls,) in central Arabia, on the 21st 
of Sept O.S , as shewn in the observations on 


< -a 

tlie j+i)\ JjtU in this lexicon] : then, J#j-L)t, 
[one of the O^jA the l gt Mansion, which, about 
the period above mentioned, set aurorally on the 
17th of Oct] : then, £>3I, [the 3rd Mansion, 
which, about that period, set on the 12th of 

Not.]. Then comes the rain called i&^JI : the 

Wit f * * ' * * * 

. I.jl of which are Jlj«*JI [meaning ixiyJI, the 

flth Mansion, which, about the period above 

mentioned, set aurorally on the 8th of Dec.] : 

» » >• * 

then, (jUljJJI, [i.e. JLojJL+JI eljjJI and eljJJI 
aU«, ,...») I ; the former of which, about the same 
period, set anti-heliacally on the 3rd of January, 
the proper relative time of the setting of the 7th 
Mansion ; and the latter, on the 16th of January, 
the proper relative time of the setting of the 8th 
Mansion ;] and their ijli, [the 8th Mansion, 
which, about that period, set aurorally on the 
16th of Jan.] : then, iy^Jt, [the 10th Mansion, 
which set aurorally, about that period, on the 
11th of Feb.] In this period, the i_£jli rain 
ends ; and that called JybjJI (q. v.) begins, and 
[after this] oLoll. All the rains from the ^jv} 
to the ^y»i are called iw,. Then, [after the 
_t>3,] comes the Jui : the .lyl of which are 
,J<£»CJI ( Jjft'^l and ^S^\) ; [the former of 
which is, accord, to El-Kazweenee, the 14th 
Mansion, which, about the period above men- 
tioned, set aurorally on the 4th of April : the 
latter seems to be the «-->J) of 0^1 (see w-~»j) ; 
i. c. J^JLfeNI, the 17th Mansion, which, about the 
same period, set aurorally on the 13th of May] ; 
a period of about forty days. Then comes^^^aJI, 
( sci- this word, said by some to be] a period of 
about twenty nights, commencing at the [auroral] 
rising of oW«*"> [ at the epoch of the Flight, 
about the 26th of May, O.S.,] which has [little 
rain, or none, and is therefore said to have] no 

•y . Then comes ok^piJt [a period of little rain] : 
the .lyl of which are ^l^-JI [or the two vul- 
turcs, *Jiyi j— Jl and jjUaJI j— Jt, which, in 
central Arabia, about the period above mentioned, 
set aurorally on the 24th of July, O.S., both 
together] : then, jj\ti,*$\, [which I have not been 
able to identify with any known .star or asterism, 
in the TT with «_ o written above it, to denote 
its being correctly transcribed] : then, ^Uy^jdl 

Oyj"^"> " ,e Bame 8a y» AM, as _»juL«JI £>*)!, 
[ the 26th Mansion, which, about the same period, 

set on the 8th of Sept.]. (T, TT, TA.«) 

[Hence,] *y [also means +Tlic supposed effect of 
a star or asterism so termed in bringing rain fie. : 
whence the phrase a) »y j It has no effect upon 
the weather; said of a particular star or 

J * f J a 1 »i 

asterism : see ^-lsJ'- ■■«■ Also, Rain consequent 
upon the annual setting or rising of a star so 

termed : so in many instances in Kzw's account 
of the Mansions of the Moon.] And t Herbs, or 
herbage : so called because regarded as the con- 
sequence of what is [more properly] termed *y : 
[i. e., the auroral setting or rising of a star or 
asterism, or the rain supposed to be produced 

thereby.] Ex. lyJI i_i«- The herbage dried up. 
(IK}.) Also, J A gift, or present. (K.) 

I —t -- •« . 

tyl More, or most, acquainted with the Ay\. 

(K, and some copies of the S.) [See «y .] It 
is an anomalous word, though of a kind of 
which there are some other examples ; for it has 
no verb ; and, by rule, a noun of this class is 
not formed but from a verb. (TA.) 

t One of whom a gift, or present, is 
sought, or asked. (K.) 

1. <U|}, aor. oj-j, inf. n. ^>y ; and * *:>:_» I ; 

I came to lUm by turns. (TA.) _ t ,^Cbl , 

• - * 
inf. n. *_»laiil, He came to them time after time. 

(S, EL) The Hudhalee (Aboo-Sahm Usameh, 
TA,) says, 

f • • J i »£ 

• yuUI tjJ-t ju> ^1 

- * * 

• uuii ^i ,i»ji )H y » • 

(S) Slender in the belly, an object of the chase, 
in a part of tlie desert far from water and 
pasture ; he 7vill not come to the water otherwise 
than time after time. The poet is describing a 
wild ass. (IB.) Accord, to one relation, the 
last word is Me*-* 1 ! meaning " coming by night." 
(S.) — [Also, * wAUl, app., He did a thing 
time after time: did a thing by turns. (See 

V^-J — <-«J| aor wjyj, inf. n. vy» He 
drove camels early in the morning to the water, 
and was [again] at t/ie water in the evening, 
going to it [thus] time after time. (IAar.) __ 
41 J\ ^i; (K ; ) and t^'j v ut, (S, K,) 
inf. n. •Vw] ; (TA;) He returned from dis- 
obedience to obedience to God; lie returned unto 
God [repenting]; he repented: (§, K :) or the 
latter, he returned unto Qod; syn. «*.j : (Msb :) 
or w)U signifies he kept to obedience unto God : 
[this is given in the K as another and distinct 
signification of w>0 :] and w»UI signifies as 
before explained : or lie returned to the per- 
formance of God's commands, not departing 
from anything tliereof: or Ae returned time after 
time: the lit. signification, accord, to the Kesh- 
shaf and AHei, is he entered upon the good turn. 
(TA, where for J*-«JI read^-aJI.) — ,JL ^/\i, 

aor. ^»y-i, inf. n. «_>»J and w-l~o (S, K : but the 
former inf. n., which is mentioned by Tli, is 
omitted in some copies of the S) and i/Lj (Msb : 
[the only inf. n. there mentioned :] but this 


last, though also mentioned in the L, is rejected 
by Th and the other early authorities as not 
belonging to the classical language of the Arabs : 
TA :) He supplied my place ; served for me ; 
acted in my place or stead, or as my substitute, 
lieutenant, deputy, factor, or agent ; (S, K, &c. ;) 

•«^ i_5* in such an affair. (Msb.) 'Zs. ^>li 

[and a/Cu ^li] It (a thing) supplied its (another 
thing's) place. (TA.) — )2\ ^(j, aor. 4^', 
(S,) inf n. v> j and 1£ ; (K, TA;) and 

T *&*\ i (S ;) a thing, or an event, [generally a 
misfortune, or an evil accident,] befell him; 
betided him ; happened to him. (S, K.) 

3. lyU, (inf. n. aJjU, TA,) He did [or took] 
a thing with him, each taking his turn : syn. 

**»<*• (K.) — *Ztjb, inf. n. Ay^U, i.q. Ai»*L. 
[q.v., here signifying / shared with him : see 6J. 

4. ili i£\, (K,) and * iCill, (TA,) / ma</e 
Ami to supply his [another's] place ; to act in his 
place or stead, or as his substitute, lieutenant, 
dejntty, factor, or agent j (K, Msb ;) \J£» ^ 

in such an affair. (Msb.) See 1 ^|3| 

a) ^~j\ Ui jj-^li Such a one came to me, and 
I cared not fur him, or paid any regard to him. 

6. ^. h. i. 1 1 UyUJ, and j-t^l, IF* performed 
the affair, or business, by turns ; or <urn rt/i«r 
turn. (TOWI^^Oi^,^;. 
J»s*J [^Vy 'oo* 'ww in «A« ca*» o/ a </«/>// 
that was between them; in the case of water $c] 
(S.) — A^ie I^jUJ 2%ty rf«d it by turns; this 
person doing it one time; and that, another. 
(Msb.) — I^UJ, as also lyjLJ and \y+t.\iaj, 
They (a people on a journey) ate with, or at the 
tent of, [meaning, of the food of] this man on 
one occasion of alighting, and another man on 
another occasion of alighting ; each one of them 
having his turn to supply the food of one day. 
(ISh.) __ ,Ol Jk VjU3, (K,) or »WI 1**13, 
(L,) They shared the water among themselves 
[by turns] by means of tlie JJt\ tCtL, (K,) or 
AAioJI ; (L ;) which is a pebble that is put into a 
vessel; then as much water as will cover tlie 
pebble is poured into tlie vessel : this is done by 
persons on a journey when they have little 
water; and thus they divide it into shares. 
(K, arts.^^j and JJU.) — UJJU3 CGjI Deaths 
come to us by turns; to each of us in his turn 

8: see 1. 
10 : see 4. 

w>«-JI What is a day's and a night's journey 
distant from one: (§, K :) what is a night's 
journey distant is called ^'Ju\ ; originally in the 

Booi I.] 

case of going to water; (S:) or what is three 

days' journey dittant : or what is two leagues 

(^,UJ,jj) distant; or three. (TA.) Lebeed 


[I have become enamoured of one of the descen- 
dants ofJaafar : she has not become a day's and 
a night's journey (on three days' journey or two 
eagues,) distant from me, nor a night's journey 
distant]. (S.) Or ^>y signifies [in these words 
of the poet] near, so that he might visit her 
repeatedly ; and ^>j9 an( * Vy are synonymous : 
(IAar:) or «_>>* [» used bv nim t0 B 'g nif y tliat 
at such a distance] he might come to her once in 
three days. (AA.) = vP Strength: (KL:) as 
also *i»i: ex. Jti £U *9 C-llil Thou hast 
become without strength : and <0 w>y ? *SB»|3 I 
left him without strength. (TA.) jy Near- 
ness. (ISk, S, K.) a v^ » Pi- ( or rather a 
quasi, pi. n., TA) of «^5U : (RA, K :) [but in 
what sense I do not find : app., as the act. part, 
n. of ^>(i " it befell, &c."] 

Vy Bees : pi. of ^5U : (S, K :) from a£ " a 
turn that falls to a man at a certain time," accord, 
to As : or so called because they feed and return 
to their place : (S :) and if so, the sing, is ^0 : 
(TA :) or so called because they are of a colour 
inclining to black ; (S, from A'Obeyd ; or, as in 
some copies of the S, A'Obeydeh ;) or as likened 
to the nation of negroes called i^I)l : and if so, 
the word has no sing. (TA.) See also «_>>). sas 
4*>J1 (S, JS.) and **/>)l (S) [The Nubians;] a 
nation of the Negroes [or rather Ethiopia ns] : (S, 
K :) or the latter is the name of their country; 
an extensive country south of Upper Egypt. (JS., 
TA.) — ♦ .jjjj [A Nubian;] an individual of 
the nation above mentioned. (S.) See <^J. _— 

Ajy A turn which comes to one, or which one 
takes; the time at which, or during which, any- 
thing is, or is to be, done, or had, in succession ; 
an opportunity : (S,* IS, MF :) pL. ^>y, (S,) 
which is extr. [with respect to analogy.] (TA.) 
See yy, _ i>y and * i>0 A coming to water, 
fyc, one time, or turn, after a former time, or 
turn. This is the meaning of the words in the 
following phrases, mentioned [but not explained] 
in the S and K : JiZty «OtU. and uJ-l.Cj C *»l » , 
Thy time, or turn, to come to water, #c, in suc- 
cession, has arrived: (TA,:) pi. of the former 
word L>y. (S, $.) — %'y An assembly, a 
company, troop, or congregated body, of men, (#.) 

i>jj : see w>^j and a~>o. 

%,' #»•* 

iflJ i see *jy>- 

t^U ^**. Abundant good, (K,) //*a* come.? 
a^atn amf a</at» [fry *«r/w]. (A.) — ioU ^*»- 
.4 quotidian fever. (S.) — - *<3U Guert* coming 
time after time. (TA, from a trad.) _ See ^>y . 
__ >^JU One who supplies tlie place of another ; 
who acts in his place or stead, or as his substitute, 
lieutenant, deputy, factor, or agent : pi. w>1>>- 
(Msb.) — i-jli TFAa* befalls, betides, or happens, 
that is afflictive, distressing, difficult, or unfor- 

tunate : pi. s-~>V and w>y ; the latter of which 

* • * * 
isextr. : (TA:) or rather this latter is pi. of i>y, 

which is syn. with £«3U, (MF,) a subst. from 

ja\ ajU, (S,) [and therefore signifying an acci- 
dent, or a casualty, ijrc. ; and as such this pi. is 
not extr., but analogous:] an evil accident; a 
misfortune ; a disaster ; a calamity ; an afflic- 
Hon : pi. *^i\y : (S :) only signifying what is 
evil : (Msb :) or, accord, to some, an accident, 

whether good or evil : ex. Lebeed says, 


J - ii 0* § J » * **+ t*0 

[Accidents of a good nature, and of an evil, both 
of them ; and neither is the good prolonged, nor 
the evil constant] : or what befalls, betides, or 
happens, to a man, of difficult, arduous, distress- 
ing, or afflictive, events, or affairs, and accidents: 
[a difficulty, or difficult affair] in a trad, respect- 

ing Kheyber it is said, aJI^J UUoj l j,.«^i \+-& 
^j i < >.. 1 > l l ^>-j \Juaij ajI^U.j [He divided it into 
two halves; half for his own difficulties, or difficult 
affairs, and wants, and half among Utc Muslims]. 

• . ' *. ,, 
>_jU« A road to mater. (K.) w)U« 1 1.^. 

te^« : ex. ^U* AgJI I [7b him is my recourse]. 


• ft 

w>U« pass. part. n. of 4, A person made to 

supply another's place ; IfC. (Msb.) __ ^U* yt\ 

A-i An affair in which a person is made to supply 

another' s place ; in which a person is made to act 

in the place or stead of another person ; or as 

another's substitute. (Msb.) See the verb. 

## » # • « 

*i» vy*-* A person n)Ao«e /?/are « supplied by 

another; in whose place or «tea</, or a« w/«we 
substitute, another person acts. (Mgb.) — _y\ 
<*^* w>>~* -^ n affair inwhich a person supplies the 
place of another ; in which a person acts in the 
place or stead of anotlier, or a* another's substitute. 
(Msb.) See the verb. 

• j « 

y ^U i from aJUI ^Jt wj^I, Repenting, ice. 

(TA.) _ yt**. act. part. n. of 4, A person 
making another to supply his or another's place ; 
Sfc. (Msb.) _ See the verb. _ w-~u Copious 
rain : and (700^ rain, of the [rain termed] a-jj : 


(5 .) or, accord, to En-Nadr Ibn-Shumeyl, 

• •*•/* 
copious rain (3^».^Lu>) is termed yyi : and you 
• • > . ., .% 

say, w-^« Jjua «-jj LjUjI [There fell upon us 

c.n excellent, copious rain, of such as is termed 
*&} ; meaning] good rain, but inferior to what is 
termed >y*. ; but this is an excellent rain if fol- 
lowed by other rain. (TA.) 

w>u~o act. part. n. of 8. — [Coming by turns: 
$c] __ Visiting. (RA.) __ Doing a thing time 
after time : doing a thing by turns. (TA.) 

1. OU, aor. OyJ, inf. n. Oy, i/c (a man) 
moved from side to side in walking ; as also C>U, 
aor. C~-o : (L:) or he so moved by reason of 
weakness, or infirmity : (K :) or, by reason of 
drowsiness, like as the sailor turns the vessel from 
side to side. (L.) 

CAi i.q. ^>\i Mankind ; or men : (S, IS.:) like 

OUisI for ^l«^l j the ^ being changed into O 
[see art. )>r >], accord, to the dial, of certain of the 
Arabs ; as related by Az. (S.) 

(Jy [and v oly] A *ai/or u/?o?» the sea, (S, 
K,) wlio turns about the ship in the sea : (TA:) 
pi. of the former ^j3I>j, (S, K,) [and of the latter] 

OvV • (TA.) Accord, to J, from the language 
of the people of Syria: accord, to others, an 
arabicized word [from the Greek vo<5r»jt]. (TA.) 

%. lb * ' 

Oly : see ^y. 

&jy %.q. 4>,».. (L.) 

1. iljjl 

■U, aor. f-y£, inf. n. ^y and ,-LJ 
(S, r>). and ^-'y, (L, ?,) or this is a simple 
subst., (Msb,) and i*-ly» (A, L, K,) or this also 
is a simple subst., (S, Msb, [and as such it is also 
mentioned in the K,]) and -.U» (K) and i»-Lu, 
(L,) [The woman mailed]. You say ^^Xc o^-b 
c4jl, (M§b,) and V^j ^^nd *Ji.U, (L, ^,). 
but aJU. c-fcU is preferred, (TA,) [Si« wailed 
for, or bewailed, the dead, and, Aer husband]. 
Also, c4*)l i^A* »-«• (A.) *-U and t..Ll«1 
are syn. (L, K.) [In the S it is implied that 
it is tropical : see i»Jli : but in the A it is said 
to be proper.] _ «ul»*J1 c-i».U, (L,) inf. n. ~-y , 
(L, ^,) ZVw ;>»^eo» cowrf (L, IS.) in a plaintive 
or wailing manner. (L.) Some say that this is 
tropical ; but most, that it is proper. (MP.) __ 
~.^_j jlkJI [7%e birds warble plaintively.] (A.) 

# •* - > • ' 

3. UkJv V- 3 *^ r-j^ ^"^ ,<^ 'Afw. ft*a« opposite 



to, or faced, another. Said of mountains, and 
in like manner of winds. (S, L.) 

5. »-y3 It (a thing) moved about, hanging 
dorm ; it dangled. (S, £.) 

6. f-}k3 ^e^J' [*»• nnu marble plaintively, 
one to another], (A.) See an ex. in art. 
£5*, conj. 6. _ JlCyt c— jUi 7%« wtntZf 
Wen> violently [as is generally the case when 
they blow from opposite directions]. (TA.) 

See an ex. voce ^- U-^Lj They two were 

opposite, one to the other ; they faced each other. 
(S, K.) You say so of two mountains, and of 
two winds. (S, L.) 

10: see 1 ~.\XL,\ He (a wolf) howled, (L, 

£,) and wat listened to and followed by other 
wolves. (L.) _ Me (a man) wept and induced 
another, or others, to weep : (If. -.) or he wept 
so as to induce another, or others, to weep. (L.) 

f *< • . . 

~-y : see AaJU . 

i».y' and " i»~J Strength ; force. (L.) 

■ * •* •« •# 

ifc--i : see i».y . 

• 'i I* * 

--ly : see i».Li. 

ii\i (S, Mfb, £) and * liy' (M ? b) substs. 

from JI^JI c—U, q. v. \_A wailing, or bewailing 
a dead person]. 

• a* * '. - 

»-y : see i»->U. 

- • i > * <** 

\Jj±-\ 9-ij M i e . ' » /£ countermind, or wind 

n7»icA u </«« opposite, of another wind. (S, A, L.) 

One that blows transversely with respect to 

another is called the <U. c ...'» of the latter. (S, L.) 

mailing manner. (L.) __ -lily also signifies 
Standards, or ensigns, opposite one to another, 
in battle. (L.) _ Also, Swords. In this sense, 

it occurs written » (j^lyM, by transposition. 
(Ks, L.) 

* . . . t . 

A*.lu .4 />&<?« o/ -.y [or wailing for a dead 

person] : (Msb:) pi. o££o and *jU. (A,L.) 
Ex. ^|i <l»>lu ^ Lib [We were in the place 
of wailing of, or fur, such a one]. (S, K.) _ 


io-jU^ll «-bjJI TV roiwd* rattwi ^XJI : [see 

iL& :] so called because they are opposite, one 
to another : they blow in times of drought, when 
rains are scanty, and when the air is dry, and 
the cold severe. (L.) 

[Boos 1. 

# *» * .i 

~Uo: see -.Lu. 

< : see i»JU . 

.a • - . - 

l^lyll : see a^jU. 

i*-3U [A wailing woman] : (Msb :) pi. wly 
and CjWSU : and you also say * ».y* 'X~J, and 
«-lyl, and " —jj : (8, K:) ?~>}y> is an epithet 
applied to women mho assemble in a i».Ue> : and 
" a»-U» (also) and * «-y signify women who 
assemble together for the purpose of mourning. 
(L.) wly are so called from v-^&l, signifying 
" the being opposite, one to another :" (S :) [if 
so, it is app. a tropical term : but accord, to the 
A, ~.jL31, as above explained, is tropical]. Also 

♦ .i»ly' [A woman mho nails much, or fre- 
quently; mho is in the habit of mailing; a pro- 
fetsional mailing woman], Ex. ^yy « ^yk 
(jtJU [She is the professional mailing woman of 
the sons of such a one], (A.) _ i<LS\i i«C--, 
and ▼ <U-ty , A pigeon that cooes in a plaintive or 

1. ~-b : see 10. 

-o'£ *A « » i 

... • ** > * 'tn ****** 
2. eUJJ &)jJ* c^j*>I *AJl ft->> t Gorf mnrfe, or 

mat/ (rod make, the land capable of receiving the 

mater [of the rain *o a* <o 6e impregnated, or 

fertilized, or soaked, thereby] : expl. by 

aLiJC*. (S.) See 4. 

4. £UI (S, L, Msb) and » ~^i (L, Msb) fl"e 
(a man) made a camel to lie down upon his 
breast [with his legs folded, as is done on the 
occasions of mounting and dismounting, &c,]. 
(S, L, Msb.) Also, t £3 (S, L, ?) and £.01 
($) and • rf-Ui-t (L) He (a stallion-camel) 
made a she-camel to do so in order that he might 
cover her .' (S, K :) or made her do so and 
then covered her. (L.) _ JJJI3 1^1 *# *.lil 
J [2Vta/, or affliction, and abatement, befell 
him]. (A.) 

5 : see 4. __ and 10. 

10: see 4. Also, ±XS*\ (S, L, Msb) and 

" f-y3 (L, Msb) /fe (a camel) lay domn upon 
hi* breast [with his legs folded]. (8, L, Msb.) 

Also, OVU and * £* ±y 3 She (a camel) did 
so in order to be covered by the stallion. (]£.) 
It is said that one should not use, in the sense 
of the quasi-pass, of the trans, v. *-lJl, the form 
* ~~C, nor * *.Vit: (Msb :) but the authors on 
verbs mention «.UI in a neuter sense ; and IAar 
says, that one says p»Ut, but not w-\i: (MF:) 
or IAar says, j«aJI t f-yj , but not pli nor 
a^Ut : (L :) [and F says, that] one should not 
say, in the sense of C ^ U wl and T <Z*»- y J as 
explained above, either o-a-U or c-4»Ut. (K.) 

iA-y A remaining, staying, abiding, or dwell- 
ing, in a place. (L, K.) 

AdLSO A distant hrnl : (K[ :) or it is [correctly] 
iL.U, with v ( T A.) 

«-U« A place in which camels are made to lie 

down upon tlieir breasts, [with their legs folded] ; 

(Msb;) a place where they so lie ; ($;) a nightly 

resting-place of camels. (Msb, voce p-Jj-».) In 

a trad, in which it occurs, accord, to one relation 

it is " ~.U«. (TA.) __ Also, A time at which 

camels so lie. (MF.) _» Also, pass. part. n. of 

^•Ut ; and used as an inf. n. of that verb, like 

H.\J\. (MF.) .'yl* Ills IjJk I This is a dis- 
agreeable place. (A.) 

1-pl The lion. (£) 


1. jU intrans., in the sense of jlil : see the 
latter, in two places. = jUl t^jli : see 5. = 
f~*~>\ ■Zty X I made a mark upon the camel with 
a hot iron. (M, !£•) See jO . 

* . A j J 

2. jy, intrans., in the sense of jUI, from jyJI : 

see 4, in two places. _ ••jJkfy jy, (Mgh, Msb,) 

inf. n^yJ, (Msb,) 2Te performed the prayer of 

daybreak when the dawn had become light : 

(Mgh, Mfb :) lor when the horizon had become 

bright : (TA :) ja-»JI xyZ, without ^j, is an 

• a* 
amplification. (Mgh.) ^y3 as a subst. from this 

verb, see below, wrn jy, trans., in the sense of jU I, 

from jjllt : see 4, in three places. s=sjy,(S, A, 

Msb, $,) inf. n. jjjj', (S, ?!,) /< (a tree, S, A, 

Msb,^, and a plant, Msb) blossomed, or flomered ; 

it put forth its jy ; (S, A, Msb, K ;) as also 

♦ Juf, (S, Msb, K,) originally Jy f 1. (TA.) See 

also 4 — It (seed-produce) attained to maturity : 

(r> :) [see an ex. in a verse cited in art y**, 

conj. 3:] j-jyj, the inf. n. of the verb in this 

3 ** * m 

sense, has a pi. jij^j. (TA.) ess »jy J7« 
smeared him or it wt'M Sjy . (Mgh, Mfb.) __ 
**«ji }*, (?, ?,) inf. n.^yJ, (TA,) He pricked 
his forewarn with a needle, and tlten sprinkled 

»y> [q- ▼•] u P° n «• (?» ?•) 

4. jUI, (inf. n. Sjlil, Msb,) It (a thing) (S, 
Msb) gave light ; or shone ; or shone brightly ; 
(S, A,» Msb, £;•) as also * jy, (Lh, S,» A, 
Msb, K,) inf. n. % H £ 5 (?, Msb ;) and t jLU-l ; 
(S, A, Msb, ?[;) and * jd, (A, Msb, Ijl,) aor. 
jVi'» (Msb,) inf. n. jy r ; (K, TA,) orj£, (as in a 
copy of the A,) or jCi ; (Msb;) and T jy3: 

(?: :) jy- (S,» Mgh, Msb, 5) and jUI (Mgh, 
Mfb) and jUlwl, (Mfb,) said of the dawn, sig- 
nify as above ; (Mgh, Mfb ;) or its light ap- 
peared. (S,» g.) [Hence,] iliill ▼ OJU, 

* >* 
aor. jyj, Sedition, or discord, or <A« /iie, Aap- 

pened and spread. (Mfb.) __ [Hence also,] j\i\ 
and jyl, (K,) the latter being the original form ; 

Book I.] 

said of a plant ; (TA ;) It became beautiful : 
and it became apparent. (K, TA.) And C>,y» 
ij^ Mt The tree became beautiful in its verdure : 
or, as some say, put forth its blossom* or floicers. 
(TA.) See also 2. ma ;U 1 and ▼ ; y" He made 
to give light; to shine; or to shine brightly. 
(Mfb.) ▼ jiyat and (,'U^I signify the same. 
(S.) You say, .&J1 jUI, and ♦ '»jy>, (A,) and 
' Cr-, " ▼ jP, (Mfb,) #e wod* the lamp to give 

tyA* ; or to become bright. (Mfb.) — O^ 1 -)"' 
2?e illumined, or lighted, the place ; (K;) i.e., 
j9U< %A< [or a %A<] in it. (TA.) — [Hence,] 
•jOt t If* elucidated it; rendered it apparent 
or p/atn/y apparent, conspicuous, manifest, or 
etn'aW ; (TA ;) as also * '#£*. (A, TA.*) — 
And hence, *iU^ UlT jUl t Corf tau^At Aim, or 
dictated to him, his proof. (TA.) 

• ' s " 
5 : see 4, first signification. = ^>« jLM Ijjy3 

jujJ, (S, K,) and * li^U, (K,) TAey looked at 
tliefire, or endeavoured to see it (Ujjj-oJ,) yrom 
a/ar : (S, K:) or jUI jyJ he looked at the fire, 
or endeavoured to see it, (Uya n . 'i ) ami repaired 
towards it: (A :) or A* came <o the fire: it has 
this signification as well as the first. (TA.) — 
J»»pl jyj, and i\j+H, He looked at the man, 
and the woman, at or by a fire, from a place 
where the latter did not see him ; he stood in the 
dark to see the man, and the woman, by the light 
of the tatter's fire, without the latter's seeing 
him-; JyJ being like jjiul (TA.) = See 
also 8. 

8. jUJt, (Th, T, S, M, K,) imp. £3} ; (T ;) 
and ^pi, (T, K,) imp. Jj»1 ; (T;) and • J y3; 
(S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) or only jUit and 
jyjl; not jy3; (T;) or some say jUil ; [im- 
plying that most say jytf ;] (S ;) He smeared 
himself with $jy [whioh is differently explained 
in the lexicons, so that these verbs are made to 
bear different meanings by different lexicons]. 
(Th, T, S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K.) 

10 : see 4, first signification. = «v jlU-t He 
sought the aid of its light : (TA :) or of its rays. 

•li a word of which the meaning is well 
known; (M, K;) [Fire; not well explained 
as signifying] the flaming, or blazing, («r~y),) 
tliat is apparent to the sense: (TA:) its I is 
originally j : (S, TA :) it is fem. ; (S, M, Msb :) 
and sometimes masc. : (AHn, M, K :) and the 
dim. is ijiyt, with j because it is the original 
medial radical, (S,) and with 5 because jU is 
fem.: (Mfb:) pi. [of pauc] jyi, (S, M, L,) 
in the K Jlyl, [whioh is a mistake, though this 
is also said to be a pi. of jU,] (TA,) and [of 
mult.] £{/*> [which is the most common form] 

(S, M, K) and iJ (AAP, S, M, Mfb, K) and 
J^i and j£, (M, K,) and Jv^l also occurs, in 
the phrase jt^l .#, in a trad, respecting the 
prison of hell ; this phrase, if correctly related, 
perhaps meaning o!/^' A and W ^'"S 
originally jjyt (IAth.) Jtdl is also applied 
to The fire of hell. (TA.) The Arabs say, 
in cursing their enemies, a>jlj j^$> •*' ■*■*' 
*j££\ lju [May God make their abode distant, 
and kindle a fire after them .'] And it was a 
custom of Arab women, as related by IAar, on 
the authority of El-'Okeyleeyeh, when they 
feared evil from a man, and he removed from 
them, to kindle a fire behind him, with the view 
of causing his evil to depart with him. (T.) _ 
J^)T jU A fire which the Arabs used to kindle, 
in the time of ignorance, on the occasion of 
entering into a confederacy: they threw into it 
some salt, which crackled ( *mu) when the fire 
burned it : with this they frightened [one ano- 
ther] in confirmation of the srrearing. (T.) — . 
w-a-L*- 11 j^ I 1 * 9 Deen explained in art. • r -^. — 
Jo also signifies simply Heat. (TA.) — Also, 
I [The fire, meaning] the evil, and excitement, 
or rage, of war ; as also * »jj\j. (TA.) You 

say, vj*J' J^ •***' 1 l He leindled the fi re °f 
war]. ' (A.) __ Also, X Opinion ; counsel; advice. 

(IAar, T, K.) So in the trad., ,W lj| :^ --J ^ 
J^^l, (T,) or il^ll ji» jW, (?,) t [Seek 
ye not to enlighten yourselves by the counsel of 
the poly t heists ; i.e.,] seek ye not counsel of the 
polytheists. (IAar, T, A.*) — Also, X Any 
brand, or mark, made with a hot iron, upon a 
camel; (As, T, S, M, A, K;) as also * tjjj 
(M, £) and *J^ : (TA :) pi. as above : (M :) 
or the pi. is Ju, and the pi. of the jU that 
burns is oUej- (IAar, Th, T.) The Arabs 
say, aJUt «jJk jt3 U J ir/mt U /Ae oranrf, or 
marA, o/«Am she-camel, with which she is burned? 
(T, S, A. # ) And they say, in a proverb, 
Ujli UJU_> (T, S) TAetr origin is indicated by 
their mark with which they are burned. (T.) 
The Raj is says, 

a • * f •* *'* a * 

[£/»i»7, or w tAa<, they watered their camels 
because of the brand that they bore: for the 
fire, or the brand, sometimes cures of the heat 
of thirst] : (T, S : •) he means, that, when 
they saw their marks with which they were 
burned, they left the water to them. (S. For 
another reading of this verse, see v0 See 


J£i Blossoms, or flowers, (M, Msb, K,) of a 
tree, and of a plant : (Mfb:) or white blossoms 


or flowers; the yellow being called jhj ; (M, K ;) 
for they become white, and ihen become yellow : 
(M :) and " »jy and " j\y signify the same as 

t a, f* # -i __ 

jjy : (M, ^ :) or [rather] jy and j\y signify 
the same ; (S, Mfb ;) [but the former is often 
used as a generic n., signifying a hind of blossom 
or flower : though both are coll. gen. ns. ;] and 
»jy is the n. un. of } y , like as Sj+J is of ^ ; 
(Mfb ;) and »jly is the n. un. of t \y : (S, M, 
L :) and the pi. of )y is j£f . (M, Mfb, ?1.) 

]y Light; syn. fl^o, (S,) or !*-£; (M, A, 
Mfb, 5 ;) whatever it be ; (M, A, K ;) contr. 
of 4«ib : (Mfb :) or the rays thereof: (M, A, 
K :) accord to Z, t£o [with which *.y* is syn.] 

is more intense than jyi : in the Kur, x. 5, the 
sun is termed J~o, and the moon jy : and it is 
said that tU-6 is essential, but jy is accidental 
[light] : (TA :) it is of two kinds, the light of 
the present world and that of the world to come ; 
and the former is either perceived sensibly, by 
the eye, and this is what diffuses itself from 
luminous bodies, as the sun and moon and stars, 
and is mentioned in the Blur, x. 5, referred to 
above ; or perceived by the eye of the intellect, 
and this is what diffuses itself of the divine 
lights, as the light of reason and the light of the 
Kur-an ; of which divine light mention is made 
in the l£ur, v., former part of verse 18, and 
xxiv., latter part of verse 35 ; and both of these in 
common are spoken of in the KLur, vi. 1 and 
xxxix. 69 : that of the world to come is men- 
tioned in the I£ur in lvii. 12 [and lxvi. 8] : 
(B :) the pi. is ]\y\ (S, M, Mfb, K) and £}*> 5 
(M, 5 ;) the latter mentioned by Th : (M :) 
and *i«Jljy : signifies the same as jy. (TA.) 
As jy is a convenience of the pious in the 
present world rind the world to come, it is said 
in the Kur, [lvii. 13,] J^>jy' C>-» J>& t/£>\ 
[Wait ye for us that we may take of your light]. 
(B.) [See also i^-] — II ' 9 also applied to 
Mohammad: (T, M, K:) it is said by Aboo- 
Is-hak to be so applied in the Kur, v. 18. (T.) 

And That which manifests things, (K, TA,) 

and shows to the eyes their true or real state : 
and therefore jyJI is applied iu the Kur, vii. 
156, to Ithat [revelation] which the Prophet 

* i 

brought. (TA.) Jylt is also one of the 

names of God ; meaning, accord, to IAth, He 
by whose light the obscure in perception sees, and 
by whose guidance the erring is directed avight : 
or the Manifest, by whom is every manifestation. 

•(•«' ' > * tint 

And y^lj Oly^JI jy «»l [m the Kur, 
xxiv. 35,] means Ood is tlte enlightener of the 
heavens and of the earth: like as Ij^ O*** 
means uLjw : (TA :) or, as some say, the right 
director of the inhabitants of the heavens and of 
the inhabitants of the earth. (T.) = See also 

jU , last signification. 



ijy : see jli, last signification, as J.g. ;U* 
[a word well known to mean Tar, or tigutof 
;>«7rA, or a kind thereof; but I do not know this 
signification as applying to ijy, nor, app., did 
8M, for he has made it to be the same with 
that which here next follows, from the T] : 
( M, K :) or a kind of stone burned and made 

into i>«l£» [or quick-lime] and used at a depi- 
latory/or the pubes: (T:) or lime-stone; syn. 
U J&\ j*-m- : and by a secondary and pre- 
dominant application, a mixture of quick lime 
(ipjfe) with arsenic, or orpiment, ( -i— -Jj j ,) and 
other things, used for removing hair: (Msb:) 
[a depilatory composed of quick lime with a 
email proportion {about an eighth part) of orpi- 
ment : it is made into a paste with water, before 
application ; and loosens the hair in about two 
minutes; after which it is immediately washed 
off: thus made in the present day:] some say 
that it is an Arabic word ; and others, that it is 
arabicized. (Msb ) See 8- 
• a »•» • • 

S~i Giving light, shining, bright, or shining 
brightly ; (A, Msb;) as also " j&-» and Vj yS— s 

( A) [and *yli.] — Beautifulin colour, and bright ; 

as also 1jt»» a "d *jy': (TA:) or the last 
signifies [simply] beautiful; (K ;) or conspicuous 
and beautiful (TA.) It is said of Mohammad, 

)jL :<)< * j>Jl i)l^ : V/e was beautiful and 
bright in the colour [of what was unclad] of his 
body. (TA.) 

j}^, (8, Msb, and so in some copies of the 
*$.,) or jj'y, (T, M, and so in some copies of the 
$,) or both, the former being the original form, 
(S, TA,) uq. £i«i [i.e. Indigo-pigment] ; (8,£;) 
or ■.■;>(» ; [which appears from what follows to 
be the right reading, though both ->JLj and 
-.:.!/> are used in the present day for the purpose 
described in explanations of jj^i, to give a 
greenish colour to the marks made in tatooing ;] 
(Msb ;) i.e., (so accord, to the 8 a »d Msb; but 
in the K, and) the smoke [meaning the smoke- 
black] of fat, (IAar, T, $, M, Msb, £,) that 
adheres to the c...i», (IAar, T,) with which the 
punctures made in tatooing are dressed, (8, Msb,) 
or filled in, ( M ,) that they may become green ; 
(8, Msb ;) or with which the women of the Arabs 
of the time of ignorance tattooed themselves: 

(T :) Lq. lii [q T.] ; (IAar, T :) or, accord, to 
to Ltb, the smoke [or smoke-black] of the wick, 
used as a collyrium or for tatooing; but, [says 
As,] I have not heard that the women of the 
Arabs used this as a collyrium in the time of 
ignorance nor in the time of El- 1 slam ; their using 
it for tatooing, however, is mentioned in their 

poems: (T:) or lamp-black; the black pigment 
(y-ii) prepared from the smoke of the lamp ; 
used for tattooing. (Comm. on the Mo'allakat, 
printed at Calcutta, p. 143.) _ Also, A kind of 
small stone, resembling j*j\, which is bruised, or 
brayed, and then taken up, like as medicine is by 
tite lip. (M.) [The same is found in the £, 
excepting that, in this latter lexicon, the ex- 
planation is less full, and i2i\ is substituted for 
iiiJI, the reading in the M.] 

j\y and »yy : see jy. 

yy: see^i. _t Apparent or plainly apparent, 
conspicuous, manifest, or evident ; as also *^~-»- 
(Thus the pi. fern, of each of these is explained 
in the TA.) _ Sy\j A^Li Sedition, or discord, or 
the like, happening and spreading. (Msb.) __ 
And »y\i alone, Sedition, or discord, or the like : 
(Msb :) or sedition, or discord, or the like, hap- 
pening: (TA:) and rancour, malevolence, or 
spite : (T :) enmity, or hostility, (T, 8, A, Msb,) 
and violent hatred. (S, A, Msb.) See also JU. 
You say, iy\J\ «ul>| ^ c. t *« I laboured in 
stilling the sedition, or discord, or the like. (Msb.) 
And Jy U^y^wi Between them is enmity, or hatred, 
and violent hatred. (A, Msb.) = One who 
occasions evils among men. (T.) 

jyl : see^j, in two places. _ Jli ^>o jyl 13 
[2%t» it %Ater, or brighter, than that]. (TA.) 

jiyj The <tm« wA«?i <Ae dawn shines, or becomes 
light. (T.Mgh.) Yousay,^!^;^! JU 
He performed the prayer of daybreak when the 
dawn shone, or became light. (Mgh.) See 
also 2. 

jtu [originally jy-*] A place of light ; as also 
* SjL*. (M, K.) _ A «pn, or mark, set up to 
show the way: (As, T, S, M, £:) and a rAtn^ 
that is put as a limit or boundary between two 
things; (M, !£;) or between two lands, (As, T,) 
ma<&; of mud or ctoy or of earth : (Af, TA :) pi. 
jj£> [respecting which see sJlU]. (A.) It is 
[also used as a coll. gen. n. ; as, for instance, 
where it is] said, in a trad., jlii^t ,>• *JJt J>aJ 
xjbf)\ 3ffly GW curs» Aim who alters the marks 
of the limit between two lands: (T, TA :) or it 
may mean j>j»4\ ^U* iAe boundary-marks qf the 
Haram [or <acr«4 territory of Mekkeh], which 
[it is said] were set up by Abraham. (T, TA-*) 
And it is said in another trad., ijyo j?)-Ai o' 
ljU*a I Verily there are to El-Jsl4m signs and 
ordinances whereby it is known. (TA.) _^ See 
also lausyo. — The middle, or main part and 
middle, or part along which one travels, ( 3 n r t,) 
of a road. (M, $.) 

[Book I. 

• ' •— • « 

^-« : «ee^, in two places. -_ See also^U. 

ij\i+, originally Sj^u; (A, 5;) see jU. _ 
A stand for a lamp ; a thing upon which a lamp 
is put: (T, S, M, A, 50 of the measure l&Ju, 
with fet-h (8, Msb) to the >; (8;) but by rule 
it should be with kesr, because it is an instrument 
(Msb.) Aboo-Dhu-eyb uses it, for the sake of 
metre, in the place of •>£*•, >" likening a bright 
spear-head, without rust, to a lamp. (M.) __ 
Also, A candle having a •.£* [or lighted wick]. 

( T — [A pharos, or lighthouse.] The mena- 

reh [or turret of a mosque, whence the English 
term " minaret," so written in imitation of the 
Turkish pronunciation,] upon which the time of 
prayer is proclaimed; (S, Msb;) syn. liji., (£, 
TA,) vulgarly AiiU [which is the form given in 
the C$]. (TA.) __ [Any pillar-like structure. 
(See Jyjj.) — The perch of a hawk, or falcon. 

(See (iy>.)] — The pi is J_«lU and jSIu : he who 
uses the latter likens the radical letter to the 
augmentative ; (8, Msb, £ ;) like as they say 
*,^Lew«, which is originally ^*lcJ». (S, Msb.) 

> ; :>. .0: seejei. 


1, ^U, aor. ^yi, (S, M, A, Msb,) inf. n. 
J£ (S, M, A, 5) and oCy f , (M, A, £,) /< 
(a thing, S, M, as a lock of hair, and an ear- 
ring, A) moved to and fro; (8, A, Kl;) it was 
in a state of commotion, and moved to and fro, 
(M, TA,) hanging down; (TA;) it dangled, or 
hung down and was in a state of commotion or 
agitation. (M, Msb [but in the M, the verb' in 
this last sense has only the former of the two inf. 
ns. assigned to it, though the other equally be- 
longs to it.]) You say also, <oU) J*£ His 
slaver flowed and mas in a state of commotion. 
(M.) [See also 5.] 

4. AwUI He made it to move to and fro ; (S, 
A ;) he made it to be in a state of commotion, (M, 
K, TA,) and to move to and fro, (M,) and to 
hang down ; (TA ;) he made it to dangle, or to 
hang down and be in a stale of commotion or agi- 
tation. (M.) It is said in a trad. (8, M, TA) 
of Umm-Zara, (S, TA,) *p'i> ^L ^» J,Ul [He 

made my two ears to move to and fro, tec, with 
ornaments] ; (S, M, TA ;) meaning, that he 
ornamented her two ears with [ear-rings of the 
kinds called] iis>ji and J^, Vhich moved to 
and fro, &c., in them. (TA.) 

5. ^yj It, (a branch of a tree,) being blown 
by the wind, became shaken thereby, so that it 
moved much to and fro; as also cyS. (TA.) 
[See also L] 

^-U is applied to Men, and to jinn, or genii; 

Boos I.] 

(8, Msb, K ;) but its predominant application is 
to the former: (Msb :) it is said by some to be 
wpplied to both in. the former of the last two 

verses of the Kur, ^Ut pj^o ^ i^-y->yi ij^ 
yJtJIj 3lmJ\ ^» [who mggesleth what is vain in 
the breasts of people of the jinn and mankind] ; 
unless by it be meant ^LJI [the forgetting] ; or 
i*tUlj i^Jt ij* is added in explanation of a 

preceding, word, ^t^lyi, or of ^JJl, or it is in 
dependence upon ^^yj; (Bd;) [but what cor- 
roborates the first explanation is the fact that] 
men and jinn are both termed JVj in the Kur, 

j 0$* 

Ixxii. 6; and the Arabs used to say, L.U wolj 
i>^J1 ^yt, [I km) people of the jinn] : (Msb :) it 
is a pi. of Jjl, (K,) originally J.&, (S, K,} a 
pi. which is rare [as to form] ; (K ;) or ^bt is 

pi. of cA-'J; (M, art - urJ'j) an d w^ has the 
article J I prefixed to it, (S, M,) but not as a 
substitute for the suppressed », because, were it so, 
it would not be found prefixed to the original, 
iP»UI, whereas it is found prefixed to this latter : 
($:) this derivation, however, from ^jMl, con- 
tradicts its belonging to art. eny : (MFj) [but 
some hold that it does belong to this art ; and 
the form of its dim., to be mentioned below, 
favours their opinion: Fei says,] it is a noun 
applied to denote a pi., likely and Ja*J; and its 

sing, is ,jt_ il , from a different root : it is derived 

- *.; t t* 

from ir>V>, aor. wy-j, signifying "it hung 

do wji and was in a state of commotion : " and 

[agreeably with this derivation it is said that] its 

dim. is ^j~>y : (Msb :) some, again, said that 

oUI is originally ^IJI. (L, TA, voce Jjl.) 

See also y-it, throughout, a>n See also \j*\y>. 

• j - ■ 
[O^-ili Human nature; humanity; as also 
•a . « 
ieiU-i) : probably post-classical : opposed to 

f I m 

Oyk*^, q. v., in art. d*).] 

a »«« • ** 

uL}i : see u-ly • 

t^ly A [loch of hair such as in called] 3J\$i, 
that move* to and fro : (K, in explanation of 
v'y ji the name of a king of El- Yemen :) or 
' < has this signification: (A:) [the former, 
therefore, is a coll. gen. n., and this is indicated 
in the S ; and the latter is its n. un. :] and 
* oUy signifies i. q. «^-5l^i, [pi. of ijl^i,] 

because they move about much. (TA.) What 

hangs to the roof, (M, A, Ac. [a signification 

assigned in the K to ^U, probably through the 

> - i 
careless omission of the word ^lyJI by an early 

transcriber,] consisting of smoke, (A, TA,) [or 
soot,} cfc. (TA,) The word in the T and O, as 
well as in the A [and M], is ^ly . (TA.) _ 
The web of a spider: because of its fluttering. 

4>iy — w»>« 
iwly : see i^-'y- 

v^-ty , applied to man, (S,) Quivering (^jjLL*), 
and flaccid, or flabby. (S, K.) 

JjU act. part. n. of 1. Ex. llSU Ja^aV Threads 
dangling or hanging down tend moving about. 

a * * a * # 

i^m^U, (M, Msb,) or y-j^U, (Mgh,) Burial- 
places of Christians : (M :) or a burial-place of 
Christians : (Mgh, Msb :) [De Sacy observes, 
that En-Nuweyree and El-Makreezee constantly 
use this word in speaking of the burial-places 
of the ancient kings of Egypt, and that it is from 
the Greek *aos : (" Relation de l'Egypte par 
Abd-allatif;" p. 508 :) Preytag, on the authority 
of Meyd., explains it as signifying a coffin in 

which a corpse is enclosed: and Abd-el-Lateef 

* * a a » * 
applies the (expression **>-*>■ ±y» u->}}^ to the 

sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid : (see " Abd- 
ollatiphi Hist JEg. Comp. ;" p. 96:)] if Arabic, 
(M,) of the measure Jyli : (M, Mgh, Msb :) 
plj^>. (Mgh,TA.) 

* - 

**0 *»* a** 

1. <OU, aor. i£yv, (S, A, Msb,) inf. n. ^Sy, 

(S, A, Msb, K.) He took it, or reached it, abso- 
lutely, or with, the hand, or with the extended hand ; 
(S, A,Msb,K ;) as also * AiatJ, (A, TA,) inf. n. 
J. 3 <2; (S, Mgh, Msb, K ; ) and * iittl, (A, 
TA,) inf. n. JLCi! : (§, K :) it is also written 

with .; (A, K, TA, in art. ^SU ;) and so is 

a * »» * 

jajjj. (Msb, and K in art. iJM.) And He 

took him, or reached him, to seize his beard, or 

his head. (ISk, S.) You say, ii*i». iiy <C\i 

[He reached him with a feeble, or slight reach, 

i . m> 

with his spear or the like]. (A.) And ?-UrJI 
tt i. S - 

eiiyi The spears reach him : occurring in a 

poem of Dureyd Ibn-Es-Simmeh. (TA.) And 

i)lj^)l J^yJ tCilll [The antelopes reach and take 

with their mouths of the trees called j)\j\] ; as 

also tiiUJ. (A.) And Ji^-i\ ^ J>*£ «UM 

[The she-camel reaches and takes with her mouth 

of the water of the drinking-trough]. (TA.) 

A poet says, (ISk, S,) namely, Gheyl&n Ibn- 

IJoreyth Er-Raba'ee, (TA,) 


1-ijj^a.oJt [The testament is a means of an attain- 

t * •— 
ing of benefit] : i.e., the testator gives [for JjU-j 

t -t 
in my original I read JjUj] to the legatee with- 
out diminishing his property [during his own 
life]. (TA.) And it is said ir. the Kur, [xxxiv. 
Ol,] ju*j ^t£* l ^»a v ytjtal^J ^1^ meaning, 
[i?u< Aow shall] the attaining of belief [be pos- 
sible to {Am from a distant place, i. e.,] in the 
world to come, when they have disbelieved ill 
him [namely Mohammad] in the present world ? 
in which passage some read [^jUijt,] with >. 
(S.) [See art. JlV.] Accord, to Ibn-Abbad, 
in this instance, v ^^UjJI signifies Returning. 
(K,» TA.) And 'Aisheh said of her father, 

* St #a» aj ar # «-*" 

»\j\ ■ «* ,.«. o ,_>jjJI v ^UJU jlnrf Ac restored the 
religion, and laid hold upon it and took it from 
the abyss into which it had fallen ; [by his exalt- 
ing it;] in which instance, also, the verb is some- 
times pronounced with •. (TA.) — <u ^C, aor. 
as above, He clung, or clave, to him, or it. (TA.) 

*m * 

• •& ^ VAy w*yJI ui>3 ^ 

* ^UUl jlyVl £-Ib_L3 a^ tSry» * 

And she reaches and takes of the drinking-trough, 
from above it, a copious draught by means of 
which she traverses [the middles of tfte] waterless 
deserts without needing other water. (S.) You 
say also, &i- >UU< ,>a C~£J I obtained some- 
what oftluifood. (TA.) And <>a yiji *efjM 

ii, (Lth, S.) inf. n. Jiy, (Lth,) / 

made him to attain good; (Lth, S;) and \j2t 

evil. (Lth.) 

3. rrt»X JUp^> [inf. n. ii^U^, T% 

reached, or thrust, them with the spears, in 

near, but not close, conflict, being in like manner 

reached, or thrust, by them,] (A, Mgh,) is from 

t^ijLj in the first of the senses assigned to it 

* . . ,t 
above : (Mgh :) £ijL-o, in conflict, is the reaching 

one another [with spears or other weapons] (ISk, 

S, K) nshen the two parties are near [but not close]: 

* .. ,i 
(ISk,S, TA) and is like iijV°» '• e -> conflicting. 

(TA.) See also 6 iJiJI uSjU He mixed 

with [or engaged in] the thing. (IAar.) 

mm • i I * " 

6 : see 1, in three places. __ •.Upl> > *a>yjjUJ 
They [reached or] thrust them with the spears, 
[in near, but not close, conflict,] being in like 
manner [readied or] thrust by tliem : (Msb :) 
i^LJ is the reaching one another with the 
spears [or other weapons] when the two parties 

are not close together. (TA.) See also 3. 

8: see 1, in three places *iUJ I also signi- 
fies He caused him to come, or go, forth (K, TA) 
from a place of destruction : or he took, led, or 
drew, him forth therefrom: (TA :) and he 
saved him, or rescued him, from destruction. 

k^i^y Strong : (K :) a man possessing might, 
or strength, courage, valour, or prowess: (S, 

TA :) as also ^P» q- v - ( T A.) [In two copies 
of the S, I find the latter only, with .]. 

1. Jot, (M, K.) aor. Je&, (M,) inf. n. ^y 


and olu (M, £) and ^» (M) and v*if 
(5) and J»0, (?, accord, to the TA,) or i^W, 
(accord, to a MS. copy of the £, and accord, to 

to the C£,) and 0^> (&») He P ut himul f in 

motion: (£:) or he put himself in motion and 

went aivay. (M, TA.) You say, tffcs J°Srt & 

-L £ i Such a one does not put himself in 

motion for [the accomplishment of] my want. 

(TA.) And (jiiji *i U There is not in him 

strength (S, M) and motion [or activity]. (S, 

TA.) — i&^-U »>» u » ""• n - <»y and c^ 1 -** 

l/e prepared himself for motion. (M, TA.) _- 

J->l witf, (L»h, M,) inf. n. J£, (Lth, TA,) 

27i« horse, having his bridle pulled in, and 

being put in motion, raised his head; as also 

t ^Ui-1 : (Lth, M :) or * L>t~ll signifies a 

horse's putting himself in motion to run. (£.) 

to him. (?.) — «•«. aor. »»**» ,nf - n - w*y» 
JJ« tor*** a«We, or away J (M, TA :) he drew 
back, receded, retreated, or retired ; (S, £* ;) as 
alsot^Ui-l: (S:) he fled; or turned away 
and fled : (TA :) he escaped, and outwent : 
(Msb:) and, inf. n. Jo** and u#U, A« 
escaped; or oecame «a/e, or *ecure: (M :) and 
accord, to IB, J»y\ with, damm, [app. as an 
inf. n.,] also signifies the act offering. (TA.) 

You say, •& J* J»* # e turned asidt > or 
away, from the thing, or affair; he declined 
from it; he avoided it; as also Jo^. (Aboo- 
Turab, TA.) And <u* w» b » inf - n - «•*' ""' 
rvmovcrf, withdrew, or rettr** to a dMann, and 
separated himself, from him, or it. (Ibn-Abbad, 
|f.) And «£ vl^ uiu, (S, A,) aor. ^joy*, 
inf. n. J^y'an'd J&, (§,) 2&./W, or tern«i 
away and fled, from his opponent, or adversary, 
(S, A,) ana- eiuaW Aim, (S,) or removed, with- 
drew, or retired to a distance, from him. (A.) 
And it is said in the £ur, [xxxviii. 2,] O*^ 
^Ou J^, meaning. When it was not a time of 
'fleeing : (As, TA :) or when it was not a time 
of drawing bach and fleeing: (S, TA:) or when 
it was not a time of seeking, or petitioning, and 
of being aided, or succoured. (M, TA.) 

3: see ij»-. 

10 : see 1, in three places. 

J,'J A wild ass; (S,M,$;) because he 
ceases not to raise his head, going to and fro, 
like one running away at random. (Lth, ?•*) 

^0 Raising his head, and running away at 
random : (M :) or a wild ass raising his head, 
and going to and fro, like one running away at 
random: (Lth,$»:) and ♦ Js^» a horse raising 
his head. (TA.) 

j^olii A place to which one lias recourse for 
refuge, protection, preservation, or concealment ; 
a place of refuge; (S, Msb, £ ;) a place to which 
one flees; (S;) a place of safety, or security. 
(A.) am See also 1, throughout. 

: see ^^SU. 


1. *iu, aor. fey*, inf. n. iy, He suspended 
it ; hung it. (S, Msb, £.) You say, iiji)\ ^-Jw 
l^fcl^ [J suspended the water-skin by its J»l*>, 
q.v.]. (TA.) And i{Jj\ a& Lj The thing 
was suspended to him, or it : and *eic J»y : (TA:) 
or <£U * iy. (S; accord, to two copies: the 
pronoun relating to a camel when loaded.) And 
l'JLi *t h^ The thing was attached to, or con- 
nected with, him, or it. (TA.) It is said in a 
trad., i»y % J»>- }b lye ^1 »UJw*.l U i.e. [>Fe 
too* At»» not taw nn'tA ease;] with neither beating, 
[lit. with neither whip,] nor hanging [or clinging]. 
(TA.) And in a proverb, J»U- V*^ •*" w^ 
[Every sheep, or #oat, *Aa// i« Aun</ by its hind 
leg] : i.e. every one who commits a crime shall 
be punished for it : or, accord, to As, one ought 
not to punish for a crime, or an offence, any but 
the committer thereof. (TA.) And Hassan Ibn- 
Thabit says, 

.^U Jl y* L*j ^} 

[And thou art an adopted person, who is connected 
with the family of Hdshim, like as the single 
drinking-cup is connected behind the rider]. (TA.) 

See also JU>, in art Jyv. 
2 : see 1. 

8. fcliJl It was, or became, susjiended, or hung; 
it hung; ($, TA;) <v to him, or it. (TA.) — 
[And hence,] \It was, or became, distant, or 
remote, or far-extending. (S, TA.) You say, 
ij'JLjl cJUUil, and, by transposition, C -h'' |, 
J TAc a«ert extended far ; [as though it were 
connected with a desert like it; (see J»0;)] it 
wan far-extending. (TA.) And jjjliill wJ»Ui» 
J 77** p/ace* o/war were distant, or far-extending : 
from SjUJl &0> meaning " the far extent of the 
desert :" or from tyJI. (TA.) And cJ»Uil 
JljJl 1 Tlie house, or piire of abode, &c, wa* 
rfwtant. (IAar, 5, TA.) 

i^i ^ tAwtf, (S, ?,) wAatewr fit be, (S,) tAat 
u suspended, or A«w^, /row* another thing ; (S, 
}£;) an inf. n. used as a subst. : (£ :) and 
particularly a tAin^ <Aat is put, or hung, upon a 
camel, (}'yfc,) between two halves of a load, 

[Book I. 

»-• #«#»•* 

4>j J^ i>tf i (?.) or » M A'Obeyd says, £H>y*i\ Otf 

[which, if not a mistranscription, app. means 
between the two staves of the saddle] ; (TA ;) the 
S.'iU. being thus called because it is suspended 
(kL3) to the load : (Z, T A :) and a small [recep- 


tacit of palm-leaves, of the kind called] ii», (As, 
S, £,) containing dates (S, 16.) and the like, (£,) 
which is suspended from a camel, (S,) being hung, 
by its handles, from the saddle of tlte camel of 
burden ; (Az, T A ;) such, says Az, I have heard 
thus called by the people of El-Bahreyn : (TA :) 
pi. [of pauc] iiyf (S. K) and [of mult] ££ : 
(Az, K. :) the former is pi. of iy in the general 
sense first mentioned above ; and also signifies 
rcAat is suspended (£y , as in two copies of the S, 
or iy, as in the TA) upon tlie camel when he is 
loaded: (S, TA:) and i.q. JelU* [things sus- 
pended to a beast of burden ; sw.h as tlie I**** 
and the 2jj3 and the «*£*]. (S, K.) It is said 
in a proverb i»lyi »e*^ i»le Taking [or reaching 
to take] without there being there anything sus- 
pended; which is like the saying " Driving by 
singing without having a camel." (S, L, [See 
also art. y*e.]) And in another proverb, letl ,j\ 
Ity »>ji Je«l)l [If the camel be fatigued, add 
thou tohim an appendage to hit full load] : mean- 
ing, if he be slow and inobsequious in his pace, 
do not thou lighten his burden: (K:) accord, to 
As, ll»li »'iji ^*l O 1 is a prove"" relating to the 
pressing a niggardly man. (TA.) — J»iyi Ol> 
the name of A particular tree, (S, TA,) of great 
size, (S,) w/ttcA was worshipped in the time of 
ignorance, said by IAth to be the name of a 
particular gum-acacia-tree (°j-o->) to which tlie 
believers in a plurality of gods used to suspend 
their weapons, and around which they used to 
circuit. (TA.) — v**^*" ^y" occurs in a 
trad, as meaning The leg of a rider, from fatigue 
or some other cause, ever dangling, or moving 
to and fro. (TA.) 

Uj : see bQ, in two places : and §ee art. Ja-J. 

feLi The hop-shaped handle (»jy*) of a 3^» 
[or water-skin] : (Msb :) the [apf/endage called] 
J^» [q.v.] of a bow; (§,£;) by which it is 
suspended: ($, voce ^jal. :) and of a itjt; [by 
which it is suspended ; (see 1, second sentence ;) 

and of anything. (&.) — See also j£i 

Also (S, Msb [in the #, " or," which is evidently 
a mistake,]) ££)! [i.e. ^-1a)I ££ [The suspensory 
of the heart;] a vein, (S, Msb,) or a thick vein, 
(£») t a PP" t,ie sending aorta,] by which tlte 
heart is suspended (S, M?b, 1^) from, {^», S, 
Msb [or possibly this may mean forming a part 
of,]) or to, (Jl, ?,) tA« ^j, [which seems 
here to signify the descending aorta, or, accord. 

Book I.] 

to the second rendering of o-*. suggested above, 

the aorta altogether,} (S, Msb, £,) tlie cutting, 
or severing, of which causa death; (S, Msb;) as 
also t J4> : (? :) pi. [of pauc] *J>f\ and [of 
mult] iy, with damm, (Az, ?,) because the <J 
in lQ is originally ^ : the latter is allowable 
when the number is not meant [to be limited to 
a few] : or, accord, to some, there are two things 
thus called : the upper being that of the heart : 
and the lower, the ~-ji. (Az, L.) [Hence,] 
J>U)I j-fcj«" (K, and so in a copy of the S, 
excepting that the former word is there without 
the article,) is applied to I The ^j\ [or female 
hare], (S, $,) like ^uJ/^l ai£ii, (S,) as an 
appellation of good omen, i.e. as meaning that 
her k\fj will be severed : or, as some say, **ki»M 
iLJI, ($, and so in some copies of the S, excepting 
that the former word is there without the article,) 
as meaning that, by reason of her swiftness, her 
W*>, or [as in the A,] the J»UJ of [every one of] 
the dogs [that pursue her], will be severed. (I£.) 
Hence also the saying, * Ja«Jv **M «Uj, meaning 
[God smote him, or may God smite him,] with 
death. (S.) [See also art. 1*5.] [Hence like- 
wise,] 1»VJI is applied to t Two stars [app. a and 
t of Scorpio] between which is .-"j*"* 1 »»~l» [which 
is the star and of that constellation']. (Sgh, £, 
TA.) — Also, i.q. il^AJI [which generally means 
The heart ; but is probahly here used in one of 
its other senses, namely, the appendages of the 
cesophagus, consisting of the liver and lungs and 

heart]. (1£.) Also, A certain rein lying 

within the v -Lm [i.e. bachbone, or back], beneath 
the [portion of flesh and sinew called tlte] &U ; 
and so * ibui : (£ :) or the 1 ttter is a vein ex- 
tending in, or along, the s^-o, [in some copies of 
the IJL, ^JJ| which, as is said in the TA, is a 
mistake,] by the cutting of which tfie } i k ^« [or 
person in whose belly is yellow water, as explained 
in the TA,] u treated for tlte purpose of cure. 

(S, 1£.) SjUJl i& t Tlie far extent of the 

desert: (TA:) or of the way thereof ; as though 
it were connected with another desert, (S, K,) 
hardly coming to an end. (S, TA.) [Thus,] 
aiCi Jt*-.", applied to the Hijaz, means J^aJt 
lilii i[\.e. Whereof every connected part, or 
appendant tract, i* far-extending]. (Ham, p. 
nol). The Rajiz, El-AJjaj, says, 

• kt-LL-Jt Sju. .» ., » 3j, > 1^3 

f[Many a region far extending, unknown, ren 
dering unapparent the trace of the stepping of 
the stepper]. (S and in the present art. and 
in art. J>*0 

&U1: see iC. 

J»>i — V 

Jb^3, (S, K,) like X&> (?») ■■* ^' (S » 
K,) with damm to the O (£) and fet-h to the O 
(TA) and kesr to the .5, (K,) or &£, (as in 
some copies of the S,) and i»y3, (TA, voce j^j,) 
A certain bird, that lets down strings from a 
tree, (As, S, K,) and weaves its nest like an oil- 
flask, suspended to those strings, (K,) then pro- 
duces her young therein ; and hence its appella- 
tion : (As, S:) a certain bird, like the iijl* in 
blackness, [or rather in dinginess,] that constructs 
its nest between two twigs, or branches, or upon 
one twig, or branch, making its nest long, so that 
a man cannot reach its eggs until he introduces 
his arm to the shoulder-joint : or, accord, to 
Aboo-Alee, a certain bird, that suspends pieces 
of the bark of trees [formed into strings], and 
makes its nest at their extremities, to protect 
itself from serpents and men and ji [or young 
ants, or small red ants] : (TA [see also jfo :]) 
called in Persian '$-£> : (Kzw :) n. un. with » . 
(S, £.) [See De Sacy's Chrest. Arabe, 2nd 

ed., vol. iii., p. 499.] Hence the proverb, *i^l 
]?p3 ^j-* [More skilled in fabricating than a 
b'yj]. (Meyd.) 

£lyj What is hung (S, &) from, (S,) or 
upon, (£,) the [kind of vehicle called] »o>», 
for ornament : (S, K :) or the implements, or 
apparatus, fyc, that are hung upon a horse. 
(Ham, p. ri»i) — And hence, I Advenlives; or 
persons who introduce themselves among a people, 
and live among them, not being of their race ; 
and persons whose fathers are free men, or 
Arabs, and whose mothers are slaves, and who 
have become conjoined with the genuine and pure 
Arabs, not being of them: for ]»\yJ\ jj ; [or 

btyl)l j^i;] the latter of these two words 

being originally an inf. n. : or it may be an 

inf. n. used as an epithet. (Ham, ibid ) [See 
« > - 

also J»jie.] 

J»tl« A place of suspension, or hanging. (Msb.) 
__ [Hence the saying,] 0>l)t J»tu ^~« O"^ 
J [Such a one is with respect to me as though he 
were in the place of suspension of the Pleiades] ; 
i.e., in distance: (Sb, S, £* [in the K, LU 

is put for o^ \ and m the ®&* ^^ iB err0 " 
neously put for ili«] :) or the meaning is, in 
such a station : the prep, being understood, as 
in »UJ1 0-»J and w-«H O-U-i : Z says, 

C'Jj\ Jiui L5^!>^* it** 9 * are &c -^ by reaBon 

of their elevated state. (TA.) 

L£U Suspended; hung. ($.) You say, \J* 
if £yu This is suspended, or hung, to him, or it. 

(^.) [Hence the saying,]>yUW ^»y* J*J '•** 

t This is a man adventive to the people; one who 
has introduced himself among them, and lives 


among them, not being of their race : (K,* TA :) 
or i.q. ".ty [one whose origin, or lineage, is 

suspected ; &c] : (§1 :) and «_> Ju JU »y^» is 
also applied to a person of this latter description 
who betakes himself to a people; the latter epithet 
being added to denote that he knows not to 
whom to assert himself related, like the wind 
wavering to the right and left. (TA.) See also 


£l£u t Distant, or remote; and far extending . 
(TA.) You say, jLJ\ tliu J Whose place of 

abode is distant. (TA.) And il»Uu iAc- X A 
distant goal, or scope ; or afar-extending space. 

[ £y. &c. 

See Supplement.] 


1. «U, aor. 1(^5^, (so in the S, Nh, L, Msb; 
but in some copies of the K, 2U<, [which appears 
to be put by mistake for the inf n. in the ace. 
case];) inf. n. l^j, (S,) and ^j, without., 

and ly, (Sh,) It (flesh meat, &c.) was not, or 
did not become, sufficiently cooked; it was in- 
sufficiently cooked : (S, KL :) (like ^i :) or it 
was untouched by fire ; [i.e., raw]. (L.) ___ 
Jt (a thing) was not firmly, not soundly, not 
thoroughly, done. [See 4.] (TA.) 

2 : sec 4. 


4. j-e^l *UI He did the thing not firmly, not 

soundly, not thoroughly. j*^\ ' Q, accord, to 
the 5, signifies thejame : but this is unknown, 
and not authorized by transmission [from the 
Arabs of the classical ages], and therefore not 
mentioned by IM nor by other leading lexi- 
cographers : the correct phrases are [when the 
verbis intrans.] ^»^l .U [and J»JJI], and [when 
it is trans.] JU-W .01 [and ^^l] : the forms 
of the verb being like ,^0 and oV- (TA.) — 
,01, (S, incorrectly written in the £ UJI, TA,) 
inf. n. 5(01, He insufficiently cooked flesh-meat 
[to.]. (S,*S.) 

rJ Flesh meat Ac. insufficiently cooked : (S, 
K:) or untouched by fire; [i.e., raw]. (L.) 


It was also pronounced by the Arabs ^j ; but 
the original word is with > . (TA.) — Wine 
untouched by the fire: cooked [or mulled] wine 
being called -. t i>>, (TA [written ^, without.]). 
__ Pure [and sweet] milk : sour milk being 
called 7—-0J : or milk just drawn from the udder, 
before it is put into the skin. (TA [written ^i, 

without ..]) 
3- ♦ * 

is 5 [f° r *iV] F at > aB contradistinguished from 

flesh, [which is app. called *-t<cJ]. (TA.) 

fjei and hyti The state of being insufficiently 
cooked : (S, K. :) or of being untouched by fire ; 
[i.e., rawness]. (L.) 


1. a^\J, aor. v*«^> H e hit him on his ^li, 
i.e., his canine tooth. (S, $.) 

-»a ■ 

2. ^>v— J' ve* H" °it the wood of the arrow, 

to know whether it were strong or weak, and 
made an impression upon it with his canine tooth. 
(S, K.) — **» ***t> H* (a beast of prey) made 
an impression upon him with his canine tooth: 
he fixed his canine teeth in him. (TA.) _ 
C - ..J She (a camel) became extremely old: 
(Lh, S, K:) became what is termed a ^»0. 
(A.) — sr-ei and • ^-^3 f It (a plant) put 
forth its root. {¥..) Also signifying the same 
with reference to white, or hoary hair. The 
root is thought by ISd to be thus likened to a 
canine tooth. (TA.) _ ^Jtj I J£» ^i ^^i ^ 
I Such a one clung to, caught to, or took fast 
hold upon, such a thing: [lit., stuck his nails and 
dog-teeth into it]. (A.) See also ^lb. 

: see 2. 

V'j [originally ^^J, The canine tooth, or 

dog-tooth ; or eye-tooth ; the tusk, or tush ; or 

tho/an/7 ; of certain animals :J one of the teeth ; 

(S ;) the tooth that is [next] behind the &£], 

[or next but one to the central pair of incisors :]. 

(M, K.) [In this sense, the word is masc. :] 

the tooth thus called is masc. when thus called : 

[though if you call it ^j~,, it is fern. :] but ^>U 

when fern, signifies " an oiu she-camel " : 
(Msb:) or, accord, to the M and K, it is fem. 
only in each of the above senses, without 
distinction. (TA.) Sb says, that the Arabs 
observed the pronunciation termed imaleh («UUl) 
in the case of ^»\j in the noni., [as well as in 
the ace. and gen., in which latter case this 
pronunciation is agreeable with analogy on 
account of the final kesreh,] likening its I to that 
in jj-tj, [in which it is expressed in writing by 
{£,] because it is changed from ^j: but this is 
extr. That is, this pronunciation of I changed 
from ^ or j is only observed [regularly] when 
the said I i9 a final radical letter ; and specially 
in verbs : the instances of this kind that occur 
in nouns are extr. j and more so are those in 
which the I changed from ^ is a medial radical 
letter. (TA.) [But the restriction to the case 
of verbs is inconsistent with what is said bv 
Ibn-Malik and other high authorities: and so, 
too, is the restriction to the case of a final 
radical letter] PI. ^£l (Lh, XL) and ^>0 
[both pis. of pauc. : but the latter, is used as a 
pi. of mult:] and vV » (§» SO the latter 
contr. to analogy, (S,) because f^ilS is originally 
» T »*», and] a word of the measure jii does not 
[regularly] assume the measure Jjii in U\p pi. ; 
(TA;) to which should be added v^. a dial, 
vor., as in the case of every pi, of the measure 

J^*» of which the medial radical letter is ^j : 
(M,F:) J^fi. ($, TA.) Ibn- 
Seena says that no animal has both a ^»U and a 
horn. (Msb.)^.^ An aged she-camel: (S, 
K :) not applied to a male camel : (S :) so called 
because of the length of her tush; (S;) by 
synedoche ; the whole being called by the name 
of a part : (TA :) as also ♦ v*£ j (? i) accord, 
to some copies of the K, vW - ; hut this is a 
mistake: (TA :) pi. of the former v0' a^d 
"v>^ (S) and ^-ei : (S, J£. :) or these are pis. 
of both the forms of sing. ($, accord, to some 
copies; and TA.) Sb is of opinion that «l^j is pi. 
of ^»0, and says that the Arabs have made it 
ot the measure J*4 [as it is said to be in the S, 
for it is originally ^^i,] like as they have the 
pi. of jlj, disliking the sound of ^yj, because 
the ^ is with dammeh, and preceded by dam- 
meh, and followed by j. It is also said to be 
pi. of • ^^j ; as it is related, on the authority 

of Yoo, that certain of the Arabs say j^o and 

• , , • ' - , • i. 

u^ti, as pis. of iyt *» and ^eyci, agreeably with 

the dial, of those who say jlj [instead of jly] ; 

namely, the tribe of Temeem : but their not 

saying s4i, like as they say J^ and JL£, is 

an argument in favour of the opinion of Sb. __ 

^1 ci U iUi jii* y [I will not do that as 

long as aged she-camels yearn towards their 

young ones: i.e., I will never do it]. A proverb. 

(S.) _ The dim. of ^>\i is v^i, without S, 

because ^M, as applied to an aged she-camel, is 

like an epithet: (S :) or rather this formation 

of the dim. without J is a dev. from constant 

rule. (MF.) Sb says, that some of the Arabs 

make the dim. of yli to be Z*£, because many 

an I such as that in ^U is changed from j : [or 

rather, this is generally the case :] but this, says 

Ibn-Es-Sarraj, is an error on his part [who does 

so]. (S.) This apparently means, that Ibn-Es- 

Surraj accuses Sb of an error ; but such is not 

the case : for Sb himself says " but this is an 

error on their part;" i.e., on the part of the 

Arabs who say ^y for ^^J. (IB.) _ 

*3r y* t The lord, master, or chief, of a people : 

(S,K:) pi. v£l- (TA.)__^lvtf^, 

11 13 - 

and AjyJ, [t The dog-teeth of fortune bit him]. 

(A.) _ vW*' are likewise met. assigned to evil, 
or mischief. (TA.) 

[Book r. 

1X1? *'./. ••' ' ' 

1. ^>\>, aor. C-rt, mf. n. c-ei; as also oU,- 

aor. z>*i y inf. n. i£ ; (L, £ j) He (a man) 
moved from side to tide in walking : (L, art. 
£>y :) or he so moved by reason of weakness, 
or infirmity: ($ :) or, by reason of drowsiness. 
(L, art. Ciy, q. v.) 

1. v^JI JO, aor. "j^, (T, S, M, A, ?,) 
inf. n. pi (T, M, ^ ;) and t j£, (T , M, A, 
Mgh, K.,) inf. n. j«i3; (T;) and f i,UI, (T, 
S, M, A, Mgh, K,) and £ui, (S, M, TA,) like 
Oil' and j£i, (S,) aor. of the latter ij^, 
(M, TA,) inf. n. 5,'ull, (M,) or IjU; (TA;) 
He made, or put, to the piece of cloth, a ^ ; 
(T, S, M, ^ ;) i. e., an _Jjt [or ornamental 
border]; (T, S,» M,» A, Mgh, £,• TA ;) syn. 
*4Ul : (A :) and a woof; (S,« A, Mgh, TA ;•) 
syn. *XHj (A;) contr. of iull and JljL.. 

(Mgh.) __ UJ^ J^^i ^J^ ^ (A) or 

• i * 

{Jj—i (TA) l [He commences things, or affairs, 

and completes them]. 
2 : see 1. 

4 *jC« and «;&: see 1, throughout. 

u. t 


V>eJ: seev 1 '- 

v-ei [as though pi. of ^JU or IjiC] an 

epithet added to « r >» i as signifying "canine 
teeth," to render, the signification intensive, or 
energetic. (TA.), 

I Having a. large, t or thick, canine tooth, 
(SO that does not bite, a thing without break- 
ing it. (Th.) 

j* The j^s. [or ornamental border] of a piece 
of cloth : (T, S, M, A, ? :) pi. £1. (M , ? .) 
It is related that 'Omar disliked it, (TA,) and 
that he^ forbade it (T, TA.) __ Hence, f The 
side (»>) of a road: (T:) or the side (^i\L), 
and wide or widening part (jJLi), of a road: 
(so in some copies of the If, and in the TA ; but 
in some copies of the former, "or" is put in the 
place of " and : ") or the conspicuous part of a 
road : (S :) or the conspicuous furrowed part of 
a road. (M, A, £.) __ The unwoven end 
(.»>.*») of a piece of cloth. (Ibn-Keyaan, M, 
&•) — The woof of a piece of cloth. (T, S, A 
Mgh, K.) "When cloth is woven with a double 
woof, (uJjtf ^,) it is more close in texture 
and more lasting. (S.) J!^ £ ^J signifies 
A piece of cloth strongly woven, with a double 
woof: (A :) or a piece of cloth woven with doulile 
thread: (T :) and [in like manner] tjjU ^ 
a piece of cloth woven with a double woof; (Lb 
M, K;) i.e., with a double thread: (TA :) also 
called i^Ci, (T, TA,) an arabicized word ; 
(TA;), in Persian JjJ '», or \# J>, ( M i n 
different copies of the $,) or oQ j'y (T.) This 
mode of weaving is termed L.«tLi, which is the 

Book I.] 

making the woof of a double thread, and putting 
two threads together upon the **». [which here 
means the yarn-beam, on which the warp is 

rolled]. (T.) Hence, ^J Ob iSU t A 

slie-camel having an accession of fat upon former 
fat : (T :) or having, upon her, layers (uBI»^o) 

of fat i as also jUil Ciljt : (A:) 01 advanced in 
yean, yet having some remains of strength ; (M , 
K ;) and sometimes the epithet is applied in like 

manner to a woman : (M :) and jLJI Olj iiU a 

* > * 

she-camel having thick flesh. (TS.) Also, J*»j 

t >i/ei jj J A man whose strength is double the 
strength of his companion : (S :) or strong and 
firm. (A.) And ijjjt? _}J ^'j I Might opinion 
or counsel. (A.) And O^je* C»tJ vj* ♦ Violent 
mar. (T, A.) = The cane* (.^-^5) and threads 

~ at 

(ifcj-i.) [t'n a foom], wAen tAey are put together : 
(M, K :) [it is a coll. gen. n., of which the n. un. 
is with 5, as appears from what here follows :] 
" ijt> is a subst., signifying the threads and canes, 
(ibj-j». and *«<!», [or war^ and, app., cane-rou, 
on which t/te warp is rolled when put into the 
loom, and from which it is gradually unrolled as 
the work proceeds,] when they are put together : 
when they are separate, the threads are called 
*iey*m- ; and the cane, 4~a», or, if a staff, Lot : 
(AZ, Sh, T :) Sj-3 is also explained as signifying 

one of the implements of the weaver, with which 
he weaves ; namely, the transverse piece of wood 
[in the loom ; the same as is described above]. 
(T.) In the following verse of an unknown 

lyJ U: I 

[She divides warp that she has with cane-rolls, 
and beats the ndkoos in the midst of the convent], 
the author may mean *&, and may have altered 

the word by necessity ; or * j-j may be a dial, 
form of jJ. (M.) One says of a man who 
neither harms nor profits, 2«aJ "slj «U-v c-il U 

ijt) ^5 I [lit- Thou art not a warp nor a woof 

nor a cane-roll]. (T.) [See also a similar 

• as- 
saying voce **»..] an [The yoAe of a bull; the 

piece of wood that is upon the neck of the bull, 

together with its apparatus : (M, K :) or the 

piece of wood that is placed transversely upon the 

necks of the two bulls (T, S) yoked together for 

ploughing: (T:) called gUJJ' 'j? -. (S :) pL [of 

pane] J$ and [of mult.] o\ft»/- (§, M, £:) of 
the dial, of Syria. (M.) 

}jt\ : «ee^i. 

^JU act. part. n. of 4 : see 1. — [Hence the 

8a y» n g.] >»^-» Vj >f+i_ f*y '^» ^ C-m* 
X [Thou art not in this affair a commencer nor a 
finisher: or a person who will do harm nor one 
w/io will profit]. (TA.) 

jfi* : sec j*j J A skin that is thick (A, K, 

TA) and strong, (TA,) like a piece of cloth with 
a double woof. (A, TA.) 

jUy^, for jUo, pass. part. n. of 4. (Ks, 
Lh, M.) 

^L_J [vulg. ^LJ] The seventh of the Greek 
[or Syrian] months ; (KL ;) [corresponding to 
April, O. S.] It is [said to be] a property of 
the water of its rain, that dough kneaded with 
it ferments without other treatment (TA.) 

1. &C, aor. J»~o, inf. n. J»-J, It was, or became, 
distant, or remote, or far-extending; as also 
* 1*131. (K.) [See the latter in art. by.] 

8 : see 1. 

JxJ : see J»Ui, in art J»y, in two places. — — 
Death : or a bier : or the term of existence : (]£ :) 
or the death which Qod connects (<uay->) [with 
one]: (IAar:) and if so, the ^j is interchangeable 
with ^, (IAth, TA,) the word being originally 

« •« f *» • e- 

J»>j, then JxJ, and then .Ui : (TA :) if a con- 

..... ••- • *• • •' •»' 

traction, it is like ^y^k and ^>j*, and k >J and ^> J. 

(Az, TA.) You say, ±*-JU <UH »Uj meaning 
[Got/ smote him, or may GW jwtfe him,] with 
death: (S, in art. Jay, and TA:) or [may God 
smite him] with the death which He connects [with 

him] ; as also <Ua— j aJJI »Uj. (IAar.) And 
Aikgi »UI /ft* term o/" existence came to him. 
(TA.) And <da-i ,ji ^^Li ^j SwcA a one was 
cast into his bier ; meaning, when he died. (TA.) 
See t^So. 


Y see art. J»y. 
LC: ) 

[<_%j, &c. 

See Supplement] 

JiyV> (M?h,) and JiyV> (Msb, and so in the 
CK,) or >>Uj, (so in copies of the K, and so 
accord, to the TA,) or, as some say, j»y~>, or 
j»y^>, (accord, to different copies of the K,) 
[Tho nympheea, or lotus of Egypt and of Syria;] 
a certain well-known plant ; (Msb ;) a kind of 


sweet-smelling plant, which grows in stagnant 
waters, (K., TA,) called by the people of Egypt 

Ot^i> [«•*• Ot~r>.i] and °y tfie vulgar ji^-, 
(TA ;) [both of which last names are now given 
in Egypt to the nympluBa lotus, or white lotus, 
found in the neighbourhoods of Rosetta and 
Damietta ; and the former, also, or perhaps both, 
to the nymphaa carulea, or blue lotus, found in 
the same parts, and, until within a few years, in 
a lake on the north of Cairo, called Birket er- 
Ratlee, whence I have twice procured roots of 
this plant:] jiyV [written in Persian jli^i and 
jjyV and eJjjyV &c] is a Persian word 

M « •* 

( fl t ,^cl), and is said to be composed of J-j, [or 
indigo,] with which one dyes, and the name for 
a wing, [Le.,^;] as though "winged with J^i 
[or indigo] ;" because the leaf is as though its 
two wings were dyed [with indigo] : (Msb :) the 
plant so called is cold in the third degree, moist 
in the second degree, emollient, good for cough 
and for pains of the side and lungs and chest; 
when its root, or lower part, (J-«l,) is kneaded 
with water, and used as a liniment, several times, 
it removes the disease called «^Jt ; and when 
kneaded with w-»j, it removes the disease called 

I *l> : (K, TA :) an excellent beverage is 
also prepared from it. (TA.) The imum Bedr- 
ed-Deen Mudhaffar, son of the Kadee of Baala- 
bekk, says, in his book entitled Suroor en-Nefs, 
that it is of many species ; whereof [one or more] 
in Syria, used in perfume ; and a species in Egypt 
blue ; and that its temperament is cold and moist 
in the second degree ; that the smelling it is useful 
against hot diseases, and anxiety ; and its juice 
in like manner ; and that the beverage prepared 
from it is useful as a remedy for cough and 
roughness [of the throat] and pain of the side 
and chest, and is a laxative. The author of the 
Irshad and that of the Moojiz also mention, that 
the beverage prepared from it is an exception 
from other sweet beverages inasmuch as it does 
not become converted into yellow bile, which is 
wonderful ; and its oil is more cold and moist 
than that of violets ; and there is no flower more 
cold and moist than it Er-Uuzce, too, says that 
the smelling it is one of the causes of weakening 
the generative faculty, and that the beverage is 
one of the causes of stopping it; [for which pur- 
pose, or as an antiaphrodisiac, it is used in the 
present day by some of the women of Cairo ;] 
notwithstanding which, it rejoices the heart, and 
is useful for palpitation of the heart. This art. is 
omitted by J and Sgh and the author of the L. 

>yy» oryyei : see art^iyV- 

•* J>*V ***'«\* 


[Book I.] 

[ The twenty-sixth letter of the alphabet ; called 
°U : it is one of the class termed Sjdm [or gut- 
tural], and is a radical letter, except when written 
with two dots, 3 ; for which, and for the pro- 
nominal values of », &c, see the Supplement. — — 
As a numeral it denotes five.] 

R. Q. 1. J^l/uU, (El-Umawee, S, K.) inf. n. 

tlys* and .'UU, (]£,) the latter extr., (TA,) [see 


U»U»,J He called the camels to food, or provender, 

by the cry \h ,* : (S, K. :) or he chid them, 

' ' |.f. 

(^•/fj)' b y tl,e crv ****• (K) [See also arts. 

U. and U»..] — UU, inf. n. !UU, //<; cAtd a dog. 

(TA.) He called a dog. (TA.) UU, inf. 

PM J, 

n. tUU, 7/e laughed loud and long: [a word imi- 
tative of the sound]. (K., TA.) 

.♦ »-*- 

.^j*, subst. from UU, [A call to camels to food, 

or provender]. (S, K.) I^A and S^,*. are said 
to be thus written by Az's own hand, with kesr: 
and are thus written in the Jame' [of Kz]. (L.) 
[See arts. U. and lj»..] 

i.t. ..t. 

UU and !UU One mho laughs loud and long. 

(K, TA.) _ eUU <u,U. A damsel rrho laughs 
loud and long. (Lh, TA.) 

1. ^> cJi, (S, Ac.,) aor. ^, (M, &c.,) 
contr. to analogy; for all reduplicate triliteral 
verbs that are intrans. have kesr in the aor., 
except twenty-eight, of which this is one ; (Lb ;) 
inf. n. v** and 4-«* (?, K) and ^Jk; (K;) 
but this last is not of high repute ; (IDrd ;) The 
wind blew; rose; teas in a stat-e of commotion. 
(S, K, Ac.) __ It is also said of a foul, or stinking, 

odour. (Msb, in art. ..^5.) iL£J1 'Z£>£> is 

for a^s ^.^j [A 4day in which the wind called 

»L£JI blows]. (TA, art. ^a^.) ^i f/( (a 

*tnr) rose: (TA :) [and in like manner, the dawn: 

see yJJac.] — •ijlUJI ,JI w>* He arose, or went, 
or betook himself, to prayer. (ISh, from a trad.) 
— >_-*, inf. n. w-A, I //<; was brink ; lively ; 

3 * i I jJ 

sprightly. (TA.) _ ^-*, inf. n. w~fc and .-»>** 
and <_>La, 7/e (any person or animal marching or 
journeying) was briilc, lively, or sprightly, and 
quick : (K :) or *^Jk, aor. w»yj, with kesr, inf. n. 
^r-A and «_>>?*> ^' e ( an y 8ucn person or animal) 


was brisk, lively, or sprightly : and »,-*, [aor. 
w-vi,] inf. n. ._>>?* and m>Ua, Ac (the same) wa* 
quick, and brisk, tifc. : ex. a»UI c~a, aor. w-yj, 
with damm, inf. n. «->W*> ^Ae she-camel was quick 
in her march, or pace : (TA :) and jtsCi\ ZJ., 
inf. n. w>La, T/ie camel was brisk, lively, or 
sprightly, in his march, or pace. (Lh, S, TA.) 
, aor. w-yj, (S,) inf. n. 
Jk; (TA;) and 
T v - V? », inf. n. i «yJfc ; (K;) f/Zfi awoke f or became 
roused, from his sleep. (S, K.)_ !«*£» JjUj ,^-a 
t .He began to do so ; set about doing so ; i. q. 
JW». (S, K.) _ [You say] 0>~a ^1 ,>« 
t Whence hast thou come? (K;) as though you 

See also R. Q. 1. = 

w^fc and w)*-* 1 (K) and 

said oia 

O^' »>•; »•«*•, 


Cw' k>» 

Whence hast thou been roused [to come] to us. 
a» » » » . m 

(S.) [And] Uc c ,j,;> ^1, with kesr, (in some 

copies of the K, U*> is put for Uc ; but this is a 

mistake; TA;) Where hast thou absented, or 

hidden, thyself, from us? or, rather, where hast 

thou been absent, or hidden, from us? (Yoo, K.) 

— ^r-A 1 /fe wa* absent a long time. (Yoo, K.) 

s - _ •» - i *. 

= «▼-*> (?» K.,) aor. v^, (Msb,) or ^yj, (Az, 

TA,) inf. n. <Uk (S) [and, app., ijk,] and ^Jk, 

(TA,) /< (a sword, S, ^, and a spear, S,) shooh, 

or quivered, (S, K,) an</ penetrated into the 

thing struck with it. (S, Msb.) 4I*, (aor. 

«_-yj, TA,) inf. n. >_^a and <Uk and <Ul ; and V<u^k1 ; 

(Sh,* JjjL;) /< (a sword, Sh,) cut him, or it; or 

cu< ft off. (Sh, K.) «_ »^jk He was routed, or 

pu< to flight, in battle. (IAar, K.) C^, aor. 

T-vi (?, K) and ^-yj, (K,) the latter dev. from 

rule, and not found in other lexicons, but see 
what is cited above from Lb, that ^Jk is one of 

the twenty-eight verbs which thus deviate from 

• - ••'-,- *fi , 

rule, (TA,) inf. n. *,**•* and w>W* and *Jk ; and 

* ^kl ; (S, K ;) and ♦ ^Jk, (K,) inf. n. ilyU; 
(TA ;) I He (a goat) was excited with lust : 
(TA;) or uttered a sound, or cry, [or rattled,] 
and mas excited by desire of the female ; or 
uttered a sound, or cry, [or rattled,] when so 
excited, or at rutting-time : (S, K :) or »_->-r* 
signifies he uttered a sound, or cry, [or rattled,] 
at rutting-time: (TA :) or ^Jk, inf. n. w»U* and 

% « 

w~A ; and T ^JaI ; J/e (a stallion-camel, &c.) 
desired copulation. (M.) — *j '--««A / called 
him (a goat, TA) ad initum ; ut femellam con- 
scenderet. (K.) [F observes, that J's giving 
<u~a in this sense is a mistake : but MF remarks, 

that what J says is * A~y*A, he (MF) having 
examined many copies of the S and found them all 
alike in this case, and that this is correct ; and 
this is the reading that I find in both of M. 
Fresnel's copies of the S: see also ^-^yj, given 
in the S as quasi-passive of <C ;t .;A - SM, however, 
states in the TA, that the reading found by him 
in a copy of the S in the handwriting of Yakoot, 
the author of the Moajam, collated with the copy 
of A boo-Zekereeya Et-Tebreezee and that of 
Aboo-Sahl El-Harawee, is aj «-•;,;», as in the K; 
and this, he says, is the genuine reading.] 

2. -WA He tore it, or rent it, much. (K.) 

4. f-J/" »,->*', and " VyX-l, [He (God) caused 
the wind to blow; to rise; to be in a state of 
commotion]. (A.) = <uaI f He awoke him, or 
roused him, from his sleep. (S.) T <uk is said to 
signify the same ; and in proof thereof is adduced 
a reading in the I£ur, deviating from that which 
is universally received as correct ; ^j** Ujk ^jl» 
UaS>*, instead of Ciy ,ja, Who hath roused us 
from our sleeping-place? [ch. xxxvi., v. 52 ;] but 
IJ rejects this reading, unless it be elliptical, for 
W C-*- (TA.) = J£j| ^m\ He shooh th« 
sword; or made it to quiver. (Lh, Sh.) 



0. w-ryj t It ( a garment) became tvorn out, or 
ragged. (S, £, TA.) 

8 : see 1. 

10 : see 4. 

R. Q. 1. «"m*> : see «u C ■■.;*. — yyi*i in '- 
ii. «J ;y! >, //<• ».■«.» outcA, or swift. (K.) See 
also 1. k ^y-*, ' n ^- "• ****** It (the vlfi or 
mirage,) glistened, or shone; syn. Jjijj ; (K ;) 
i.e., «J. (TA.) =s ^-v-A, inf. n. <LyJk, i/t- 

urged, or ducked, [app. the former,] n>t<A At« 

» « « • , 

WK*j syn. jf.j; (K;) by saying ^Jk, (R, as 

cited by MF,) or w-a ^h: [so I understand from 
the TA, where it is said v % ^J. <u<> JjU)t^ ; for 
which it is evident that we should read JjOJI^wIj 
•Jl «u«; meaning "its" (imperative) verbal n. 
&c.:] accord, to some, used specially with refe- 
rence to a horse : see >_jU [in art. s-**]- (TA.) 
You also say 4/ vv>*- (TA.) = w»y-*, inf. n. 
k, Z/e slaughtered [a beast]. (K.) 

R. Q. 2. ^t* 3 -^ e ( a K oat > T A > called ad 
initum, S) *Aoo£ himself; syn. s-j*jJ. (S, K.) 
See aj ■"!!»■ =s w-v-v-^ eAs*!- ^" army of which 
one part presses upon another. (TA, art. y «*-) 

v~*. pi- of AJk : see «y~>La> »_>y . 

£yll The wind. (TA, voce JLiV) 

iJk (S) and t ijk, (K,) both of which forms 
are correct, (TA,) t The penetration of a sword, 
(S, K,) or spear, into the thing that is struck 
with it, and its shaking, or quivering- (S.) — 
ilk ji A sword that shakes, or quivers, and pene- 
trates into the thing struck with it: (S:) and, 
that fails with vehemence. (TA.) — ilik (S, £) 
und * iJk, ($,) or the latter only, (TA,) + An 
hour, or a short time, (i*U»,) remaining before 
dawn. (As, S, $.) — £* (S, £) and ♦ i!», 
($,) or the latter only, (TA,) t An indefinite 
period of time ; syn. 52L- : (S, $ :) a fon^ time; 
syn. ^*o. (Az.) Ex. ykjJI ^>o iJk iUJj Uic 
We lived therein, or t'» that [state], some time, [or 
a long time] : like the saying ij-,. (AZ, S.) __ 
[You say] <Uk a-ol; 7 saw him once (K) in fr/e. 

(ta.) — *f* Ly*^ •** ■"* '"" f, "" e t'"] <o me 

once. Occurring in a trad. ; said by a woman in 
allusion to her husband's having once come in to 
her: (TA:) if. iai> (Msb.) See art. J— 6 in 
the Mgh. 

JUk : see <uk throughout. — A state, or con- 
tlition : [or perhaps the meaning iniended is the 
state of being brisk, lively, or sprightly, and quick]. 
(r>.) Ex. il^\ ijlmj Ail Verily he is in a good 
state, or condition, $c. (TA.) — A-* The state 

of a stallion when excited by desire of Hie female. 

% a 
(S.) See 1. = iJk A piece of a garment, or the 

like: ($:) pi. «r~*: (S, K :) a piece of rag. 

(TA.) — See ^5U vy- 

^jLk mentioned in the Nawadir of Th, and said 
* j » » 
to be from p->Jl\ *->y&, but not of established 

authority: [unexplained]. (TA.) 

A wolf that is light, or active, and quick, 

or swift, of pace. ($..) See ^j-t-* A certain 

valley of hell, the place of abode of tyrants, 
oppressors, and the like. (TA, from a trad.) 

A *•# . • *», 

l> _ J ^v-* Quick, or swift: as also "v*v4* and 

♦ vVt*- (^0 — A %/«<, or active, camel : 
fern, with S. (K.) — _ ,^-y-* O/ie who serves well ; 
a good servant. (K.) __ Any one who does well 
a small thing : accord, to some, specially, a cook, 
and a roaster of meat. (TA.) _ A butcher ; 
syn. ^>lo3: [from ^j. "he slaughtered"]. 

(IAar, K.) __ ^j-y-a On« who sings well to 

a -.. 

camels, to urge, or excite, them. (K.) __ j-fy-* 

A pastor : (S:) or a pastor of sheep or goats : or 
the lie-goat of a flock. (£.) 

vUk i. q. tUik [2)i««, <fc. : see ^»>**]. (K.) 

w)^ and "i^^jk and v ^..^/k A wind that 
[blows violently, and] raises the dust. (S, K.) 

[Book I. 

struck, or smote, him (A, 'Obeyd, S, K) with a 
sword. (Sli.) Ex.\^ v ^\yiiji l ^».\^/.yiJ.They 
smote them both with swords until they slew them. 

(TA, from trad.) __ <uJk, aor. - , He, or it, 

*f" ts-i. >a . 

lowered him, syn. «JxJk and »U»U» and oJo*., 

(K,) with respect to station, rank, or dignity : 
(TA :) and abased him ; debased him ; rendered 
him abject, vile, despicable, or ignominious. (L.) 
Ex. 3iji* ^JJ-~c- 0^»JI <UJk Death lowered him 
In my estimation with respect to rank, or dignity, 
because he died upon his bed, and did not die a 

martyr. From a trad. (Fr.) C~Jk He was 

lowered with respect to rank, station, or dignity. 
(Fr.) — c~* (like ^j^c, [i.e. pass, in form, but 
neut. in signification,] (K,) 7/e (a man) wi 
cowardly, and his intellect quitted him : (S, K :) 
he was without intellect. (TA.) _ w~*, aor. ;: 

^lyJk: see ^j-y-*- = Clamorous; a bawler. 
(K.) as vVr* The yl^, or mirage. (M, K.) 
_— ylyji A certain game of children, (K,) of 
t/ie children of El-' Irak, (TA,) or of the children 
of the Arabs of the desert. (T.) 

C-5U 4»Pi (A?, S, K,) as also C- 5 ^, (As, 
S,) and * yUl, and " w--*, (Ijl,) J ^4 garment 
rent in pieces, ragged, or tattered. (As, S, K.) 

i-U «»jj [.4 rot'/uf blowing; rising ; in a .tfa/e 
of commotion.'] (A.) 

*.*(•*. •'»,'- • *I 

w^W*' «-jy .- see ^~>Uk yy. 

[ ^-v-o ^1 ^iare of blowing of the wind. ] 
LCy* (S, L, K) and » ^^ (S) and * 

of the same measure as ^kiua, (L,) I A he-goat 
that is much exnted with lust : or that rattles 
much, and is murh excited by desire of the 
female: or that rattles much when so excited: 
see 1. (S, £.) 

3 M 

see wjU^. 


1- a^Jk, aor. ; , (inf. n. w~Jk, TA,) 7/e beat, 

*iJk Softness; laxity. (L.) — Stupidity, 
foolishness, stupefaction. (TA.) 

Weakness (S, K) in intellect. (S.) Ex. 
,-» 7V/e/-e i» a weakness in his intellect. 

(S.) iZ-k *t» There is a stroke of stupidity in 
him : or there M in him what resembles heedless- 
ness, and unsoundness of intellect : (TA :) or 

<UJk signifies loss of reason. (TA in art. *X±..) 
i.i in.. • »> .>.»». • » •» ji»». 
oUk aJ^^ OU- *«y «- O* J 1 —' ^ - " 4 ' 

fAotl not inquire respecting an oil man, whose 
sleep is that of a sick person, or of otie far 
advanced in years, or whose slerp is light, (TA, 
art. «i~«,) [and whose night js one of languor]. 
From a trad. OUk, here, is from c~*>, as signi- 
fying "softness, and laxity." (TA.) 

xZ-jrh One in whom is sudden fright, or tcr- 
ror, and a shrinking ( JJLi ) [fty reason of 
/ear], (L.) _— c«i> and " C^y* A cowardly 
man, whose intellect is quitting him : (S, K:) a 
man without intellect. (TA.) — In the saying 
of a poet, C-~* l T - i >— -■> quoted, '•"' not expl., 
by Th, w^Jk is thought by ISd to be of the 
measure ,!-*» in the sense of the measure ^U, 
and to signify, w-jyj J^-, i.e. A thing that 
stupefies, or renders foolish, and confounds, per- 
plexes, or amazes, and thus stills, or quiets and 
causes to sleep. The poet says, 

• o^k lyiyn >,-JI jw • 

[he is app. describing clear and strong wine, and 
says, It will show thee a mote in it, if it be 
therein: a little after sleep, (even,) tlte intoxica- 
tion (which is the result) thereof is a thing that 
stupefies, #c.]. (TA.) 

Book I.] 

* '*' 
■Ziy-y* Confounded; perplexed; amazed; i.q. 

OyV<>. (TA, art. *zJj>.) jl£i)t O^-y-o A man 
o/" « cowardly heart, without intellect. (S.) See 
C«« > — <ZJyty» Lowered with respect to rank, 
station, or dignity. (Fr.) _ ^jSU^JI 0^-y-» 
Having depressed, deficient, collar-bones, or c/a- 
rtWe*. (Fr.) = -Z>y^* A bird </*«/ is sent forth 
at random ; without being rightly directed; [with- 
out being let fly at some oilier particular bird]. 
Thought by IDrd to be a post-classical word in 
this sense. (TA.) 

1. aJU w~A, aor. - , inf. n. *!*-*, He scattered, 
or squandered, his property. (L.) 

Q. Q. 1. .illi : see *£i. 

UfUt A severe, difficult, or afflictive, affair : 
(S, K:) pi. st-jU»: the ,j is an augmentative 
letter. {TA.) The pi. also signifies calamities : 
and confused affairs and news. (TA.) _ Also, 
Confusion in speech, or, in what is said: (S, 
£:) [probably an inf. n , of which the verb is 



1. c-r*> aor. -, inf. n. >_*A ; (L ;) and * ^^j 
He, or it [a camel's udder], became swollen; or 
Au<i a tumour [or »— *]• (?, L, K.) _ -_j> 
/< (a man's face) became swollen, and con- 
tracted: (L:) [and so ♦ 9-tyJ, ' n t ' 10 K, art. 
J*j: see its part, n.] _ am. ■>, (S, K,) aor. *, 
($,) or 7 , [which is more probably right,] (L,) 
inf. n. ~-Jk, (S, L,) i/e bea< Aim, or struck 
Idm, (S, K,) with a staff, or stick : like *^ :■- 

(S) [and «^;fc] : or, with uninterrupted blows, 
but not violently : or, rot'M a piece of wood, 
like as one beats a dog in killing him: or 
he beat him in any part of him that he 
saw. (TA.) 

as also T ~A, (L,) and ? »-y :4 - (A.) A man 

Aeaty, or .in//, tn spirit; syn. ^aJLj. J*i5. 
(S, K.) 

• *»« j • a^# 

^i* : see -_«»-.. 

-Jk, inf. n. T -i . y , /< caused him, or «t, 
[a camel's udder], to become swollen ; or to Aape 
a tumour [or *-•*]• (?, K.) __ <h*-j *-*A [Tit 
rendered his face swollen : see ?«--*:] said of much 

sleep. (TA,inart. J*,.) «4* //« A;7/«/ a 

•dog, [app. by beating]. (L.) 

5 : see 1. 

«_Jk .1 thing like a tumour, in a she-cameVs 
udder : (S, & : ) it is a tumour, or swelling, of 
the slightest kind. (T A. ) 

see what follows. 

L j*-tJl Ju*, aor. -. , (L, K,) inf. n. juA, (L,) 
He broke jl~a, (Lth, L, ]£,) i- e. colocynths : 
(Lth, L :) or (in the 1£, and) Ae cooAei ju_» [i.e., 
colocynths or Mej'r *ee<fc] : (L, ]£ :) or (in the 
5, and) he gathered j~*> [i. e. colocynths] ; (L, 
K;) as also * »juy3 and t^j^t; (K;) or 
" J~^S and * julkt ; which are said of an ostrich 
and of a man : and these two verbs signify he 
(an ostrich or a man) extracted juJk [or colo- 
cynth-seeds] to eat : (L :) you say of an ostrich 

•*!%•** J* ne extracts the seeds of the colocynth 
to eat them : and ♦ j^3 signifies he took a 
colocynth, or colocynths, and broke it, or them : 
(S, L :) or he (an ostrich) broke a colocynth, or 
colocynths, and ate its, or their seeds: (A:) 
and he gathered colocyntlis and macerated them 
in water: (L:) and * JlJAI A* [an ostrich) 
pierced colocynths with his beak, and ate iheir 
seeds : (T, L :) and he took the seeds of dry colo- 
cynth, and put them in a place, and poured 
upon tliem water, and rubbed and pressed tliem 
with the hand, tlien powed off from them the 
water, and did this for some days, until their 
bitterness was gone ; after which they are bruised, 
or brayed, and cooked: (S, L :) or lie prepared 
for food ( ij'lc) the pulp of colocynt/is. (Afleyth, 
L. [See an ex. in a verse cited voce <U».lj.]) 
— Also »j~m>, (aor. as above, L,) He fed him 
(namely a man, K) with jL~i. (L, £.) 

5 and 8 : see 1. 
ju* : see 

• a- 1 

mvur. (TA.) A «roff«» face of a nan ; (A;) | supped. (L.) 

A man swollen; or affected with a tu- 

The colocynth; as also t j~m: (L, K :) 
or the seeils of the colocynth ; (S, A, L, £ ;) as 
also j^h : (L, ]£:) n. un. of the former, [which 
is a coll. gen. n.,] with i : (L :) or the pulp of 

the colocynth. (AHeyth, L.) [See JiW] — 

Also, A certain food, which is eaten in cases of 
necessity, made by breaking colocyntlis, and taking 
forth their seeds, and macei-ating these in water, 
that t/ieir bitterness may go, and then cooking 
them: (Nh, L :) or colocynths macerated for 
some days in water, then washed, and, after their 
upper rind has been thrown away, cooked; to 
which it added some flour ; and sometimes ij^ax- 
is made of it : (AA, L :) or a food made by 
macerating in mater the seeils of dried colocyntlis, 
and heating this water until its bitterness has 
gone, -tlien pouring upon it some grease, and 
sprinkling upon it a little flour, after which it is 


J^l* J^j A man who gathers colocyntlis: 
(TA :) and «vlyk [pi. of ij^di] women who gather 
colocynths. (r>.) 

[JljA: see v«**-] 

[1. »*, Ac. : see Supplement.] 
■•• ■ • • •<- 

>*A V>^ : Bee }*-"■ 

l^A (S, £) and ♦ £,La (TA) [Scurf on the 
head ;] what is in tlie hair of the head, resembling 
bran; (S;) the dirt of the head, that clings to 
the lower part of the hair, resembling bran ; (K. ;) 
as also ib^l (TA) and '&£>. (AO, S, ]£, in art. 

>«3.) — Also, [both * words,] What flies about, of, 
or from, feathers, (r>. TA,) and the like: (TA:) 
and the former, what flies about, of, or from, the 
down of cotton : (£:) or the^ne down that flies 
about from cotton : (L :) and what becomes scat- 
tered about, and compacted, of, or from, canes, 

or reeds, and tlie \^ijt [or papyrus] : (Yaakoob :) 

pi. of the former, oC^Jk. (TA.) 

t* " 

4jjLa: see above, in two places. 

jyJk Barley growing, or growing forth ; in the 
Nabuthaean language. (Sa'eed ihn Jubeyr, TA, 
art. ouot.) 

1. J^h, aor. ; , (S, TA,) inC n. J±m, (S, A, 
!>,) He collected a thing; (TA;) as also ^t^A, 
aor. -: (ISk, ISd :) he collected; and gained or 
earned, or sought sustenance ; (S, A, K ;) as also 
♦^^-yj: (S, A :) or he practised some art or 
trade, to procure sustenance ; and he exercised 
art, craft, cunning, or skill, in the management 
of his affairs: (TA:) and * yi-ikl and f ^J~^i 
lie gained or earned, or sought sustenance; and 
collected; and exercised art, craft, cunning, or 
skill, in tlie management of Aw affairs : (ISd, 

TA :) and » tA**> iuf. n. 1 _A~ v j, he collected 
much; syn. p-o»-. (K.) You say, aJLjJ ^J-^j yh 
He collects; and gains or earns, or seeks suste- 
nance ; for his family, or household ; (S ;) as also 
♦ jjt-t-j : (S, A :) or practises some art or trade, 
to procure sustenance for them ; exercises art, 
craft, cunning, or skill, in the management of his 
affairs, for them. (TA.) [See also JL»-] ^ 
rti.:.'.A, (!£,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) / obtained it, 
(K, TA,) by collecting and gaining or earning. 
(TA.) And :ik* ml* *J~£»\ He obtained from 

him a gift. (K.) — ^IaJI JLa, inf. n. as abore, 
[npp. meaning He roused and scared the sheep or 
goats, and drucc and collected them to some 



* * * I * * /T , 
person or place,] is like j««Jt vs* a »-'- (Ibn- 

2 : see 1. 

5. cA-v 5 : 80e *> > n three places, on Also, and 
t L £«2fcl, // became collected ; or if collected itself: 
or the former, it became collected, or *f collected 
it*!f> from several places : syns. *.,* "» and 
fV--< • (£.) And^yiH j.A-tJ r/*e company of 
men became collected as an army, or a military 
force ; or collected itself into an army, or a mt/i- 
tary force. (TA.) 

8 : see 1, in two places : = and see 5. 

iiii. i.q. iiCL; (S, $;) i.e., W/taf t* cof- 
/*c<ed, of men, and of property: (S, TA:) a 
company, or body, of men, not of one tribe : (TA, 
in art. ,jI-». :) and what one gains or earns, and 
collects, of property : pi. Oli/Uk. (TA.) 

t^iCk One w/io collects; and n>Ao gains, or 
earn*, or *eeA* sustenance : (S :) or wno ace* *> 
m«rA: (Lth, K, TA ;) and rolw exercises art, 
craft, cunning, or shiU, in the management of 
his affairs, for his family, or household. (Lth, 

iu^yry* Collected; and gained or earned. (§,• 

1. b^L, (S, M?b, $,) aor. -. and '-, (Msb, K,) 
but the latter is of rare occurrence, (Msb,) inf. n. 
by*, (8, 1£,) of that whereof the aor. is ;, and 
of that whereof the aor. is i ; (TA ;) or of the 
latter only, that of the former being Jauk ; (Msb j) 
He, or it, (said of water too., Msb,) descended: 
(S, Msb, £ :) and ♦ blyj he descended, or went 
down, or went down a declivity ,■ and if sloped 
down; syn.jjiijl; (TA;) and * b^>\ signifies 
the same as this last ; or t he became lowered, or 
degraded; syn. b*\j\ % ; ($;) being quasi-pass, 
of * Iklil, (S, TA,) and it may be also of «bl*, 
as is said in the M. (TA.) You say, ^ Liu* 

i-»_o ;^J*- [N"« descended a difficult declivity]. 

* * 

(A, in art. jj»..) And <^ljlt k*A, (Bd, ii. 58, 

and Msb,) [as though it were trans., for ^j 
l£»l>)1,] inf. n. by*, (Msb,) We descended into 
the valley. (Bd, Msb.) And <cu Jauk //<• cuwe 
forth from it. (Bd, ubi supra.) It is said in 
the l£ur, ii. 68, \y*+ !>*»-*> Descend ye into 
Misr: (Bd:) accord, to one reading, \ybl*\. 
(Bd, TA.) You say also U£» j\/ bi* He 
entered such a town or country. (}J.) And 
ju±y» jJl %>oy* £y w'k> J removed htm from 

a place to a place. (Msb.) — i*-*» also signifies 
I The falling into evil: (£, TA :) and t the ftetnif, 
or becoming, low, abject, mean, or rife; (TA:) 
and J the sufering loss, or diminution. ($, TA.) 

You say, <Oj~« jj«« bl* I 2fe /eW /rom his 
honourable station. (TA.) [See also 7, men- 
tioned above.] And o"£* Jali JSkcA a one 
became low, abject, mean, or vile. (TA.) And 
4.,nfc II ^o Jauk t He became mean, or abject, 
and lowly, or submissive, from fear. (TA.) 
[See Kur, ii. 69.] And J£i) I iuk, aor. ; , t The 
■people, or company of men, became in a state of 
abasement and diminution. (TA.) Whence the 
trad., (TA,) \bl* ^ ^J^', (S, TA,) i. e. jijLLi 
UIU. ^>c kyi O 1 v>J «*** JyHJ iJsuAJI [J Oorf, 
we ask of Thee a good state, or condition, and we 
put our trust in Thee for preservation that we 
may not become brought down from our state] : 
(S:) mentioned [and explained] before, in art. 
bJt, q. v. (TA.) [But in this instance, UxJk 
may be regarded as the inf. n. of the trans, v. to 
be mentioned below.] You say also, ^^U ;.W> 
,^-^.j, aor. ;, inf. n. by*, t My camels, and 
my sheep, or goats, suffered loss, or diminution 
and in the same sense JouJk is said of flesh, and of 
fat, and of fatness. (TA.) And iiilll ^j H* 
I jTAe price of the commodity, or article of mer- 
chandise, became diminished, or lessened, (S, Msb, 
l£, T A,) below its former full rate; (Msb;) be- 

came lowered, or abated. (TA.) And J j.«JI Jsuk 
t T^e counterpoising portion of the load became 
adjusted or ai-ranged, made even, or ?n<3^ easy, 
upon the camel, (TA.)= aK-*, (S, Msb, K,) 

aor. i , (K,) inf. n. ixJk, (S,) He made him, or if, 
(namely water, &c , Msb,) to descend; (S, Msb, 
K ;) [/<e sent, or nut, Aim, or it, down ;] as also 
♦ilukl. (K.) You say, ^il iuJI ♦ > l^.<kl 
jLeL**^! [77te year of dearth, or drought, caused 
them to go down to tlie cities, or great towns]. 
(A, in art. j— m..) And \J& jJu .ijV.» i/'c, or i/, 

caused him to enter such a town or country. (K.) 

* ^ * * * *^ 
[And ^j&o L _U <v lu*> 7/c, or it, made him to 

a/»<//jf «/«>n a place : see an ex. voce »-j.] — — 
t He lowered him, or degraded him, Jrom his 
state, or condition; (Fr ;) as also " aJsuAI ; (Fr. 
S;) i.e., God did so; (Fr;) or a man: (S:) it 
(time, or fortune,) caused his wealth, and his 
goodness or beneficence, to go away, after he had 

i m • m J * * * ** 

abounded therein. (TA.) _ <»,■. ) u«>»" ^* 
I The disease rendered him lean; emaciated him : 

(S, K. :) or diminislted his flesh. (TA.) hJ> 

i^UJI 'J^, (S, ?,) inf. n. l^k, (?,) : He (God, 
K, or a man, S) diminished, or lessened, the price 
of the commodity, or article of merchandise; (S, 
K ;) he lowered, or abated, it ; (TA ;) as also 
♦ aJsuAI, said of a man: (A'Obeyd, S, M :) or 
■S«Zi1 (>* bl* i lie diminished somewhat from the 
price; and sometimes * <Js*l is used in this 

sense. (Msb.) JjjJI J«li t He adjusted or 

arranged, made even, or maa*e ea.<y, tlie counter- 

[Book I. 

poising portion of the load upon the camel. 
(TA.) _ \y§± blk He beat, or struc/i, such a 
one. (£.) 

4 : see aJsua, in five places. 


see ialk, first sentence. 

ikLk A /«>w, or depressed, piece of land or 

• « • # 
ground; (Mgh, ( ;) contr. of ijjuo. (Mgh.) 

Jo^jk ^1 declivity, or declinal place: a place 
of descent, or iy which one descends; (S, Msb, 
^ ;) a place which brings one down from a higher 
to a lower place. (Az, TA.) 

J»~jk I Lean, or emaciated, by reason of disease ; 

as also " by-^c: (K:) both are applied to a 
camel, signifying whose fatness has become di- 
minished; as also * iuU : (TA:) and the first, 
to a she-camel, signifying lean, and lank in the 
belly; (AO, S;) or to a wild bull, to which a 
she-camel is likened in respect of her swiftness, 
and her briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness : 
(IB :) and * the second signifies rendered lean, 
or emaciated, by disease, so that his flesh quivers. 

Xl/U [act. part. n. of 1, both intrans. and trans.] 
The rajiz says, 

[Nothing surprised me but the wolf sending down 
upon the tents his flock of sheep, or goats, fifty or 
more in number] : he means aJ»y» \ b .. r o ; so says 
ISd : or he may mean *!»>» ^JLe Usui* [descend- 
ing upon his flock, Ac..]; making LtuU trans, by 
ellipsis : (TA :) »-U»., in this verse, is the name 
of a wolf. (TA, in art. ?—*■■) — See also b~M. 

^jfc-y I laty* [The place of descent of revelation ;] 
a name of Mekkah. (Msb, TA.) 

by??* X A man wAoxe */afe, or condition has 
become unsound. (TA.) _ See also l» a . A, in two 

[£Jk, &c. 
See Supplement.] 

1. <£Jk, aor. - , inf. n. C v ^k, 7/e (a jL, or 
young camel,) uttered a sound resembling a squeez- 
ing of the voice {■Ztyaii j»aaJI »uZt) : you sav, 

i . 
of a j£j, observes Az, £*yt, inf. n. as above. 

i ' * ' • •' 

then, J^SJ, inf. n. u * .. » . f> ; then jj^, inf. n. 
^ijjk. (L.) __ »>»tJI OJk, aor. - , inf. n. C4, 7/c 
uttered the letter hemzeh. (L.) [See O^o.] M 

e . 

tinously. (K.) 
▼ ■-- "> inf. n 

Book I.] 

w-*, aor. i , inf. n. c-i, -He uttered, recited, or 

repeated, a speech or the like, wt<A uninterrupted 
fluency ; syn. j^l, (S f L, K) and ^.U. (L.) — 
[Hence] \)ji C^i, aor. '. , inf. n. oi, SAe */)«« 
Aer thread one part immediately after another : 
(TA :) the spun her thread continuously : (Az :) 
signifies a woman's spinning thread con- 
ZJk, aor. £ , inf. n. wJk ; and 
He broke a thing, (K,) 
so that it became reduced to small fragments, or 
particles: (TA :) he stamped upon a thing ve- 
hemently, so that he broke it. (TA.) — w«*, 
aor. i , inf. n. C-i, He rent clothes. (I Aar, K.) 
__ Also, t Bt rent the reputation of another. 
(I Aar, K.) = C-i, aor. i, inf. n. oi, He 
removed the leaves of a tree [by rubbing or scrap- 
ing the branches] ; syn. O— ; (K [in the CK, 
C-i, is put for Ji-». ;]) i. e. he took them. (TA.) 
= c-*, aor. i , inf. n. c-i, -He pourerf out, or 

/or<A, [water, &a] (K.) — l>»ji»l «^» #* 
poured out, or forth, [the contents of] the S}}}*. 
(TA.) _ l£i C-* #e /wureo" oui, or forth, one 
part or portion of a thing immediately after 
another. (TA.) _ >Jl ■cJJi iUJLlI TA* 
cloud pours forth tlu rain continuously. (TA.) 

s oi, aor. - , inf. n. w*, he lowered (!»».) a 
person with respect to rank, or dignity, in [the 
vianner of] paying honour [to him]. (I Aar, K.) 
(Comp. C~Jk.] 

R. Q. 1. >i4-* Be urged a camel («>o-j) oh 
/Ac occasion of drinking, by the cry .£«* w*. 

(AHeyth, K.) See C-i, below C^i, inf. n. 

liyLk ; as also 4^5 j .He twisted, or distorted, his 
tongue in speaking. (Az.) — Also C-y^ ; (and 
♦ li, TA, [aor. ; ?] ;) He was quick, or rapid, 
in his speech. (K.) — i See w*. 

sSJk, (TA,) or C-» £**, (K,) 4 «•# ty which 
a camel is urged (jm-jj) on the occasion of drink- 
ing. (K.) — ^i fki}l ^ je^» 0^5 'ij 

• -'-•'- '"'.'- «r.-. 

Odk *) Ji3 ; or, as some say, <u wvv" >» ; 

[WAen thou hast made the camel to stand over 
the hollow in the rock in which tlte rain-water 
has collected, say not to him C-a]. A proverb ; 
meaning, accord, to AHeyth, when thou hast 
shewn a man his right course of conduct, do not 
urge him. (TA.) — ^«JI^5ly c-a The sound 
of the falling of tlte camel's feet [upon the 
ground]. (L.) = ui Ui j£>j* [He left 
them routed, or broken asunder, and cut off;] 
he broke them asunder : or he cut them in 
pieces. (L.) 

ments, or particles : stamped upon vehemently, so 
as to be broken. (TA.) 
S . 

oUb : sec 

C - e ?k A sound. Occurring in a trad, as sig- 
nifying a sound made by wine poured out upon 
the ground. (L.) sa c-P* and ▼ ^y-r* A 
thing broken so as to be reduced to small frag- 

c-i-» J*»j, and * OU», A man quick and 
voluble in speech; (S, K ;) incorrectly, and 
vainly, or frivolously, loquacious; a great babbler. 

•J j tt *■ % * • J * ' * * ' ■" ° * 

oy^o : see c ~: * . — ^ ^sty* £>y* l^v" 
jyu^jl ^oi\ [Hemzeh is a sound uttered (after 
a suppression of the breath) in Ike most remote 
part of the throat]. (Kh, L.) Sb applied the 
term Ofi^\ to the letter a, because of its weak- 
ness and lowness. (L.) — il^ rtr )\ ^yc ej->\ 
Quicker than the quick-speaki?ig woman. (I Aar.) 

1. li, aor. :, (K,) inf. n. *JJk, (TA,) He 
beat a person (K) with a staff or stick. (TA.) 
_ sJx, aor. i , He was bent, or crooked. (K..) 

5. V^J It (a garment) became ragged, and 
worn out. (S, K.) 

toJk J^JUI o* ( _ r ii, and * Jc-*, (ISk, 
K,) and *:^, (Lh, K,) and * ^Sfc, (Lh,) 
and * SLLk, and * ^e* (same measure as 
L^ij, as in the TA), or * *.U», (as in the C£ 
and a MS. copy) and t :u«*, (K,) and ▼ »U», 
(AHeyth, K,) A portion of tlte night elapsed 
(K, &c.) — *J-a *5l JU*i C>f Jsfi & Tliere 
remained not, of their slteep, or goats, save 
a part, less than the part that had gone 
away. (TA.) 

tyZ-*> : see *c~a . 

ui and ▼ »yik ^i ren<. (K.) _ A swelling : 
syn. ^i, (TA.) 
*t •> 

see Jc-*. 


made Aim <o 6« fucA a« M eaZ/eef ^-« ; [i.e., 
made him to lose his reason, or intellect : or to be 
addicted to, or fond of, speaking of a thing : 
which latter signification seems to be particu- 
larly indicated in the lexicon from which this 
is taken; but the former seems the more appro- 
priate.] (K.) 

' •## * j • * 

3. «pU, [inf. n. »jj^* andjU*,] He encoun- 
tered him with mutual reviling, saying what was 

false : (K,* TA :) so says iAmb, on the 
authority of AZ ; but, says Th, accord, to others, 
Jply^JI signifies the saying [that] whereof one 
part contradicts, or annuls, another: and hence 
one says, jUyJI » [leave the saying that whereof 
one part contradicts another]. (TA.) 

, a 

4. _^*l He became disordered in his intellect : 
(A, TA :) or A* became so by reason of old age : 
(S :) or he lost his reason from old age, (AZ, 

A'Obeyd, K,) as also ♦ '2jL\, (AZ, TA,) or 
from disease, or grief ; as also jJ.\. (£.) See 
also 10, in two places. 

5. ^yi He was, or became, stupid, and 
ignorant. (KL: but only the inf. n. is there 

6. !/Jly3 They accused each other falsely. (S, 
A, Mgh, Msb, K.) — And hence, Oj-SlyJ 
Olyt, (Msb,) and Ob^ljl, (A, Mgh,) The 
testimonies, or evidences, became null: (Mgh, 
Msb :) or belied one another. (A.) 


If* : see U*. 

- »■ • l see *»i«*. 

6^ : 

Ukl Humpbacked. (BL.) 

1. »jfi, aor. ;, (K, TA,) like L>£i, (TA [in 
the CK, - , but this is evidently a mistake,]) It 
(old age, K, TA, and disease and grief, TA), 


see 4. — He was, or became, 

much given to false, or rain, sayings, or actions. 
(TA [but this seems rather to be >^I»I : see its 

part, n., below.]) i He followed his own 

natural desire, not caring what he did. (Msb 
[but this also seems to be in the pass, form.]) — 
I jSif f*f**\ I Be became addicted to, or fond of, 

such a thing, (K, TA,) not talking of any other 
thing, (TA,) nor caring what was done to him, 
(K, TA,) nor how he was reviled: (K:) Ae 
became addicted to, or fond of, such a thing, not 
talking of, nor doing, any other thing: and he 
became fascinated by stick a thing, and lost his 
reason on account of it, and his strong deter- 
mination became turned towards it, so that ke 
talked much and vainly respecting it. (TA.) — — 
Z>yju >^i-' , [or^i-l,] and l^ »^»1, [or^l,] 
I He [became attached, or devoted, to such a 
woman so that he] cared not what was said of 
him on her account, nor how he was reviled: 
(A, TA :) and 1yj*\ also signifies f he became 
addicted or given to, or fond of, speaking of a 
thing. (K.) 

*£j. The loss of reason from old age or disease 
ot grief . (K.) 

jZ. An error in speech. (S, A, Mgh, Msb, 
K.) You say, JyUt Cr? r+l '*«*• Be uttered 


an error of speech. (A.) And tjjCk j2* A 
great error of speech. (S, £.•) _ A falsehood ; 
a lie. ($.) You gay, jj, J^i A false saying. 

j3\m : see ^k. 

< *0 
jftyl Testimonies, or evidences, that belie one 

another : as though pi. of y^J : (K :) or any 
evidences, or testimonies, that are not legal proofs. 
(Mgh [but in my copy of that work written 

jZr» Disordered in his intellect, (S,) or having 
lost his reason, (AZ, A'Obeyd, J£,)/rora old age, 
(AZ, A'Obeyd, S, K,) or from disease, or 
grief: (£:) if from 'j±\, it is anomalous, (K, 

TA,) like o^J-i, &c. (TA.) + Addicted or 

given to, or fond of, speaking of a thing. (81.) 
See also 

fresh green pasture unftf t* was destroyed, ,-i. 
^jj. [So in the L: app. [^ J?L\) 

s^t. and » i£i and * ^l^ JL confusion of 
sounds, noises, or twice*, in war : or a raiting of 
a loud cry, or clamour, or confused noise. (M.) 
[App. inf. n., of which the verbs are >£.k and 

- , a - 


and » il^U ^ word imitative of some- 
what of the speech of him who has the vitious 
kind of pronunciation termed iJO. (TA.) See 

Erring in his speech. (TA.) 

Much given to false, or vain, sayings, 
or actions: (81 :) or one who says what is false, 
or erroneous : or one who cares not what is said 
of him, nor how he is reviled: or t attached, or 
devoted, (j£ll»,) to tlie world. (IAth, TA.) 

— "i^jr-f j " y « " * t Addicted to, or ,/cuid of, a 
thing, (!£, TA,) or fascinated by it, (A,) not 
talking of any otfier thing, (TA,) nor caring 
what is done to him, (A, KI, TA,) nor how he is 
reviled, (£,) having lost his reason; (A;) as 
also T ^«. (A.) You say, vlr— 'W j'-^—* 0"^» 
I S»/cA a one is addicted to, or fond of, drink, not 
caring what is said of him. (S.) 

[J*., &c. 
See Supplement] 

■ . I. 

1. ^-*, aor. ! , inf. n. »£«», He mixed a thing, 

one part with another. (M.) _ £**, [aor. -,] 
inf. n. ^i, 77c /»'«/. (IAar, K.) 

R. Q. 1. w^A, inf. n. *V*> 77e wiixerf, or 
confounded; like «iJU. (TA.) £l ,*^k 77e 
confounded his affair. (TA.) — v^y-t*, inf. n. 
<UyJU, 7< ro«* mixed, or confounded. (S, K.) __ 
^i^k, (inf. n. *^*, #,) 77e (a magistrate, S) 
acted unjustly, injuriously, or tyrannically. (S, 
K.) _ ^-Ul «t« r i* He (a magistrate) <ie/c<i 
unjustly, injuriously, or tyrannically, towards the 
/maple. (TA.) hi i-iii, inf. n. %£*, J< *>„< 
/<//•*/* quickly : (& :) [ex.] U^llij jJL 111 Cwffi 
ly»Jjj 77j« c/otul *en< /«/W/t quickly its rain and 
Us snow. (S.) ks w-yi», inf. n. ai^i (and 
•i»V-*» T^) ^ e ' r0 4 or trampled, vehemently. 
<£.) — 7/ (a pasturing herd or flock) trod the 

.!>£» Qj«cA ($) rain. (TA.) i>l£k 

Confused; confounded: (r>:) an epithet applied 

to a man. (TA.) — See ^j. And see 

w>U* and A^ik ^>lyl» A town, or district, 

abounding with dust. (K.) 

* '« S # 

«Myi» : see ^». 

^iU» and * «Ll£ A liar. (K.) Also, the 

latter, A man who tells unmixed lies. (TA.) 

LA, &c 

See Supplement] 

i ■*i"*i. a ' . , • 3 . 

1. jUl w»A, aor. - , .inf. n. ■ >.!> * and »jk ; 

(L;) The fire burned fiercely, or intensely; or 
flamed, or blazed, or burned without smoke, 
fiercely, or intensely : or, ?»a(/e a noise, or *wwrf .- 

J UI ff-s^-* ^'"g t,ie 8ame a s W#»»'i (S, L, K,) 
like as Jlyk is the same as Jljl : (S, L:) or, 
burned, and caused a sound, or noise, to be heard 
by its burning. (L.) = See art. ,1c, last para. 

2. jUI » -»■ » 77e »na</e the fire to burn fiercely, 
or intensely ; or <o flame, or fe/aze, or Z>u»n 
without smoke, fiercely, or intensely : or, <o waAe 
a noise, or sound, or /o turn *o a* <o rausc a sound, 
or noijfe, <o 6e heard by its burning. (L.) __ 
9-*>a 77e (a camel) had his eyes sunk in his 
head by reason of hunger or thirst or fatigue ; 
not by their natural formation. (Lth, As.) 

o^tfi w«^ a »» [so in three copies of the S, and 

* a ' 
in the L ; not C-^J k, as Golius seems to have 

found it written in a copy of the S ;] His eye 

became sunk in its socket. (As, S.) In the 

saying of the daughter of El-Khuss, when she 

was asked how she knew a she-camel to be 

* .>, • * * 

pregnant, £.Ua ,j~»5j ^Ij'^lljlj lu ^lil ^jl 

[I see the eye to have become sunk, and the hump 

to have shaken, or moved to and fro, and she 

walks, and straddles in doing so], g.U may be 

[an act. part, n.] formed from -~-ij, >, although 

this form of the v«rb be not used ; and 

she makes ,j**)l masc, meaning thereby j-oxil 

or o^kJI ; for properly she should have said 

ifcU: or -.U is used [instead of 
imitation of jllj [and ~Uj]. (L.) 

5>i^* (^ J!-'* 7/fl (a camel) made his 

braying to reciprocate. (L.) 

a . 
4 : see «-e, last paragraph. 

8. *ji ~_ikl He persevered (t^iUi) »« i^, (K,) 
i.e., in his judgment, not listening to the counsel 
of any one. (TA.) 

p—l He followed hit own judgment, 


(81,) whether erring or taking a right course, 
without consulting any one. (TA.) 

R. Q. 1. ^li\j ^Ll, (S, K;,) and '^J\, 
(L,) 77c cried out to the lion or o//jer beast of 
prey, (S, K,) and chid him, in order that he 
might refrain, forbear, or abstain. (S.) [See 
g-*J — — iJ+^V » »t»j > TTe cAiJ </<e camel, saying 
to him £-*; (K; [in the Cr> !«*: see ait. 
^~>:J) or £*a; (accord, to the TA;) [but it 
occurs in a verse written *-»:] and in like 
manner SSUU, the she-camel. (L.) _ .J s-rf-* 
°Ji-? A > 8a 'd of a stallion-camel, (S,) 77e wa^fc a 
vehement noise in his braying. (L.) 

^A and ^*, (S, K,) like as one says ^J and 
£i, (S,) or jj^*, as related by Lh, (L,) and 
^-*, (^,) or ^a gjk and -jk -uk and Ujk U»a, 
(Az,) Cries 6y roAicA one chides a dog, (S, £,) 
an^ a iion, a» ( Z a wo/f, ^r., fo ^«ie< him : (Az :) 
anrf sometimes one says \Lk \*Li, (ISd,) and, if 
he please, U^fc, once, (Az,) to chide camels: (ISd 
Az :) and £-*, or ^k at the end of a verse, is « 

cry by which a she-camel is chidden. (L.) For 
• - • - .- «- 

g* ^», one also Says a». a^., by transposition. 


• -•- , . » . 

£T*!~*, (K,) and ^,Lh, (S,) but the latter is 

only used by poetic licence, (K,) A cry by which 
sheep or goats (and a dog, Az,) are chidden, or 
checked, or urged, (S, K.) 

* > >*■* -A wonZ imitative of the cry of a man 
when he cries out to a lion. (Lth.) [See -Jk.l 

«-^~* One in whom is no good. {L, art. 

t C^.) 

..'>j».U*, (As, S, K,) as also jLilJui, (An, 
S,) in the dual number, like «iljlj,j and aV'%», 
(TA,) supposing [it to be addressed to] two 
[persons], (As, S, K,) or [1^ L^ dJL^t ^ ^ 
i.e., He/rain thou! or forbear thou! or abstain 
thou! (TA;) said to people when one desires 
their refraining, or forbearing, or abstaining, 
from a thing: <A«, S, If.:) and to a lion, and a 
wolf, &c, to quiet him. (Lh.) 

Book I.] 

«-U-> 4-^»j. (indeoL, S,)and ~U»i, [in form], j 
like^lii, (S, K,) or ^.UJk •*•! ±y> ^j, and 
*U»l»-i ^£»j, in the dual, form, (TA,) He went 
at random, or heedlessly, without any certain aim, 
or object ; or went hit own way, without considera- 
tion, not obeying a guide to the right course; or 
pursued a headlong, or rash, course. (S, K.) 

lg » (S, £) and t L^ll (K) A rfe*/> »««cy : 
(S, K:) or deep, as an epithet, applied to a 
valley : of the dial, of El- Yemen : pi. [of the 
former] oW-*- (TA.) 

VVa, (K.) without the art. Jt, (TA,) or 

ij-U^jk jLj, (S,) and ♦ g-W* and T *«f-W«!-»> 
(K,) A stupid, or foolish, man ; one of little sense : 
(S, K :) and the first, one who consults not any 
one, but follows his own judgment whether he err 
or take a right course: (Sh :) or without heart 
and without intellect or intelligence : (AA in TA, 
art. cj :) and the second, a rude, coarse, or 
churlish, and stupid, or foolish, man : (K:) and 
the third, a man of much evil, or mischief, and of 
little understanding : or, accord, to AZ, of no 
understanding, and of no judgment. (T A. ) 

4-lyjL-* A camel that brays veliemently. (K.) 
A word imitative of the sound which a stallion- 

and which has ceased. (K.) It also occurs 
without ', UJk. (TA.) 

»Ujk Fooliih ; stupid. (K.) 

camel makes in his braying. (TA.) — ^ 
WW to tahe fright, and to run away. (S, K.) 
Sec A».U_ft. 

: see 

JU.U 0«*i (S, L,) and * <U-^-, (L,) An ey, 
sunk in its socket. (S, L.) [See 2.] 

• # - * 

by a cry. (L.) [See g*.] 

4 person chiding a lion 

1. Wit, (S, K,) aor. :, inf. n. t-Jk and J 
(K,) J< (his hunger) became appeased, (S, K,) 


and departed, or ceased. (K.) _ U~» He ate 
food. (£.) — Vji, (S,) »nf. n. :£i, (TA.) 
He filled his belly. (K.) — U~i and * Ljbl //e 
stayed, or restrained, camels (K) or sheep or 
goats, (TA,) that they might pasture. (K, TA.) 
», fc, aor. i , XT« Aaa* raging hunger. (K.) 

4 : see 1 **>»- ^- k ', inf. n. !U~»I , 7/ (food) 

appeased his hunger; or caused it to depart, or 
«a*. (S, ?.) — ijL 1*jH, (K.) and ^^1, 

(TA,) He paid him hit due. (K.) £i »*WJkl 

i/e jare Atm a </un<7 <o eat. (K.) 

5. vij^Jl W *' ?• cj^r 5 - (SO 

Ufjk yi»y date, or case, in which one has been, 

1. w'fc», aor. -, inf. n. > y j » », .He d/v»e, or 

un/erf aton<7. (K.) Also, He beat with a 

stick, or staff. (K.) — Also, y , > *, inf. n. as 
above, J/e was ^wtr/*, or swift, (K,) in his pace 

$c. (TA.) This art. is omitteu Mr most of 

the lexicographers, because not regarded by them 
as of established authority. (TA.) 

1. j*L*, (S, A, L, Msb,) aor. '-, (L, Msb,) 
inf. n. }yL*>; (L, Msb, K ;) and 1 jJL^, (S, 
A, L, Msb, SO and t j*u.\, (L, S.) and » jiljk; 
(IAar, L;) J/e (a man, L) slept : (L, Msb, S : ) 
or *Ze/>< »'» <Ae night : (IAar, S, A, L :) or, in the 
latter part oftlte night. (L.) — Also jia. > and 
♦ L »», J (S, A, L, Msb, K [in some copies, of the 
last of which the former verb is written " j-a^t, 
and so in the TA) He remained awake, or was 
sleepless or wakeful in the night : (S, A, L:) and 
hence the praying in the night is called ju^J : 
(S, L :) or he awoke from sleep (K) to pray, or 
for some other purpose : (TA :) or he prayed in 

the night; (Msb;) as also tjhqjk: (IAar, L:) 
thus these verbs bear two contr. significations : 
(S, A, L, Msb, K and * J^-f> he relinquislted 
sleep for prayer: (A:) so in the Kur, xvii., 81. 

2 : see 1, in three places. __ Also a >a>Jk, inf. n. 
j^a^yj, He made him, or caused him, to sleep ; 

(S, L, K ;) as also *«oaUkt. (Ibn-Buzurj, L, 
K.) — Also, He awoke him from sleep. (Ibn- 
Buzurj, L, K.) Thus it bears two contr. signifi- 
cations. (K.) See also 4. 

4: see 1: and 2. Also ojw^Jkl He found 

him (namely a man, K) sleeping. (L, K.) — 
And j.»i»l He (a camel) laid the fore-part of his 
neck (the part called o!/*0 upon the ground; 
(ISk, S, L, ¥. ;) as also * j^Jb, (IK«, El-Basair, 
K, TA, [in the CK ^Jk]) inf. n. i^. (I?tt, 
El-BasAir, TA.) 

5: see 1, in three places. 

, (as in some copies of the K,) or j u » > , 
(accord, to others and the T A,) ^1 cry by which a 
horse is chidden. (K.) 

i>^-*> : see jukU. 

J»U Sleeping: (T, L, Msb:) pi. iy»-k and 
i. (Mfb.) [See an ex. in a verse cited voce 
>»w«, in art. >>..] — - Also, (L,) and * i^~*> (L, 

K.) and * J-HL'^U (T, L) Praying in the night : 

(T, L, K:) pi. of the fint, (L,) or second, (L, 

K,) >y|Jk and j«jk. (L, SO >*^-* and J ^ M 
are also fem. pis. [app. in both of the above 
senses]. (A.) 

• * » *j • * 

Ja.y l a : SCe Jt*-U. 

1. »^*-», (S, A, <fec.,) aor. i, (Msb,) inf. n. 
;JLi (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and o!^A, (?, A, 
Mgh, K,) or the latter is a simple subst., (Msb,) 
He cut him off from friendly or loving, com- 
munion or intercourse ; contr. of aJLoj ; (S, 
Mgh :) he forsook, or abandoned, him ; syn. 

(UtlbS : (Msb, TA he cut him ; meaning, he 
ceased to speak to him, or to associate with him ; 

J* * * J * # m 

syn. <u>0, (A, Mgh, K.) and a^£s sJas. 
(Mgh.) It is said in the Kur, [iv. 38,] 

» J J 00*' 

*,m\*\m)\ ^J> ^j* iJ o0jb\ i , i.e., [And cut ye them 
off from loving intercourse] in the sleeping-places, 
in order to obtain their obedience. (Msb.) See 
also 3. _ He left it ; forsook it ; relinquished 
it ; abandoned it ; deserted it ; quitted it : ab- 
stained from it : neglected it : shunned or avoided 
it ; was averse from it : syn. aJ=>*j ; (A, Msb, 
K, TA ;) and iiij ; (Msb ;) and JkijU : (B :) 
and dJliil : and tUe. ^j6jt.\ : (TA :) namely, a 
thing to which it was necessary for him to pay 
frequent attention : (Lth, TA as also " t^-*! ; 

(K ;) which latter is of the dial, of Hudheyl : 

(TA:) and^»»i he, or it, was left; &c. (ISttO 

• -» 

^jl^fjk may be with the body and with the 

tongue and with the heart or mind : it is with 

the first in the passage of the Kur cited above : 

it may be with any of the three in the K ur > 

• J • J 009. 

[lxxiii. 10,] where it is said, y. 
[And avoid thou them, i.e., avoid the associating 
with them in person, or speaking to them, or 
entertaining friendship for them in thy heart, 
with an avoiding of a becoming kind] : and it is 
with all the three in the following ex. in the 

001. 01 000 

Kur, [lxxiv. 5,] j*t-*\4 ^ftPli [And idolatry 

00 0. 

avoid thou]. (B.) You say also, J^JI jaUk, 

* 00 

inf. n. jt,* and ,j1j*»*, [He abstained from, or 

avoided, polytheism, or tlie associating of others 

0*0 0*00 
with Ood,~] *;„,». 3ja»Jk [with a goad manner of 

abstaining, or avoiding], (Lh, SO And it is 

000 A *T" ' * . 0. 00 

said in a trad., I/a-* *5)J Olr*" O i 11 * 1 ".' ^> 
meaning, [And they hear not the Kur-dn save] 
with neglect of it, and aversion from it : the 
reading l^aJk "j)1, mentioned by IKt, and his 
explanation of it, save ivith foul speech, are both 

said by El-Kha(tdbee to be erroneous. (TA.) — 

000 •• 

jifejk, [aor. -,] inf. n. ja~», He (a man) went, 

removed, retired, or witlidrem himself, to a 

distance, far away, or far off. (TA.) _^ 


^H" <J± J%*i (¥») aor - '- 1 »"<"■ "• d\jt^> 
(TAJ He abstained from sexual intercourse in 

fasting. (K.)--^i, (Lth, Fr, S, A, £, 

&c. f ) or *-■*£» u» j^i, (Msb,) aor. i, (Lth, 

Fr, 8, &c.,) inf. n.3%i, (Lth, S, A, Mgh, Msb,) 

with fet-h, (Mgb,) or ^»Jk, with damm, (K,) 

and iJjoLa, (A, K,) or this is a simple subst., 

(Lth,) and (j^-^jkl, (K,) [or this and that 
which immediately precedes it are intensive inf. 
ns.,] He (a sick man, Lth, S, Msb, K, or one 
having the disease termed >C^, A'Obeyd, A, 
or having a fever, A'Obeyd, and one sleeping, 
Fr, K) talked nonsense; talked irrationally or 
foolishly or deliriously, (Lth, Fr, S, A, Mgh, 
Mfb, £,) and confusedly: (Msb:) or \Jjt»~* 
signifies the talking much, and saying what is 
eviL (Sb.) In the I£ur, [xxiii. 69,] instead of 
Oj>^V, ■» the phrase fjjjm^j Ij-oL., [Holding 
discourse by night, talking irrationally or fool- 
ishly,] T'Ab reads ^jm^i from r j*Jkl, [q.v.,] 
from J^J)I. (TA.) See also 4 * j^Jk, 

nor. - , inf. n. j*-*>, He dreamed of him or it; 
or *o»» Aim or it in sleep : or he did so and talked 
foolishly or deliriously. (TA.) 

2. ^La, (Lth, A, $, Ac.,) inf. n. J^£, (8, 
Mfb, K , ) He journeyed in the time called the 
»j%U; (Lth, S, A, Mgh, 1£ ;) us also Tj~, f " ; 
(1 Aar, 8, A, 1£ ;) and ♦j^Jkl : (K :) or he went 

forth in that time: (Aa, TA :) or he was (jto) 
in that time: (Msb: [but in my copy of that 
work, jL« is perhaps a mistake for jC* :]) or 
t jaUkl has this last signification ; (Lth, TA ;) or 
signifies he entered upon that time; like j^>\. 
(A.) — It (the day) attained to tlie time called 
he S^U. (S. TA.) 

3. «j*>Uk, (A,) inf. n. ljs\\*\ (B;) and 
* */q»2kt ; (A ;) He cut him off from friendly, 
or loving, communion or intercourse, being so cut 
off by him ; or he cut him, or ceased to speak to 
him, being in like manner cut by him : and he 

forsook, or abandoned, him, being forsaken, or 
abandoned, by him : (A,* B :) this is the primary 
signification of the former. (B.) _ j*f\it, (T, 
A, Msb, $,) inf. n. 'i/L\!> (T, S, A, Msb) and 
i^Jk, (A,) or the latter is a simple subst, 
(Mgh, Msb,) He (an inhabitant of the desert) 
went forth from, hi* desert to the cities or towns : 
this is the primary acceptation, with the Arabs, 
of the verb [when in trans. ]: also, he (any one) 
left his place of abode, emigrating to another 
people : (Az :) he departed, or went forth, from 
one land to another, (S, K,) or from one country, 
or district, or town, to another : (Msb:) and, as 
used in the Kur, ii. 215, [and in many other 
instances in the same and other books,] he went 
forth [or emigrated] from the territory of the 
unbelievers to the territory of the believers [or 

to any place of safety or refuge on account of 
religious persecution, £c] (B.) See an ex 


and see •> 

4. »j+*\ : see »>*~*>. s <JUxU J j»~*>\ (S,* 
Mgh, Msb, ]£,) or simply _>*-*!, (A,) inf. n. 
j'uJkl (S, $) and ^Li, (Lh, Kr, £,) or the 
latter is, .correctly speaking, a simple subst., 
(TA,) He spoke, or uttered, foul, evil, bad, 
abominable, or unseemly, language : (S, A, Mgh, 
K:) or he did so much ; beyond what lie used to 

do before; as also T J*-A, aor. i , (Msb,) inf. n. 

* * ' 

iftJs: (L, TA:) and in like manner, he talked 

much of that which was not ft, suitable, meet, or 
proper. (S.) — <u j^~s>\ He mocked, or scored, 
or laughed at him, derided him, or ridiculed him, 
and said respecting him what was foul, evil, bad, 
abominable, or unseemly. (Msb, K.) = See also 
2, in two places. 

5. j»~yJ He affected to be like the ^jj^mXy* 
[or emigrants from the territory of the unbelievers 
to that of the believers]. (A'Obeyd, S, A, K.) 
Hence the trad., Ij/^v ^i * 111***! (A'Obeyd, 
S, A,) i.e., Perform ye the ijmJs with sincerity 
towards God, and affect not to be like those who 
do so without your being really such as do so : 
said by 'Omar. (A'Obeyd, TA.) as See also 2. 

6. 1^^-ljJ [They <*' one another off from 
friendly or loving communion or intercourse ; 
or they cut, or ceased to speak to, one another : 
they forsook, or abandoned, one another: ns also 
*|jLj%JJkt]. (A.) You say also ^jt^-lyi; L»a, and 

O^ j f+ ' y i , >- e -> O^^^-i [They two cut each other 
offSfc] : (£ :) jmS^i is syn. with iilii. (S.) 

8 : sec 3 and 6 ; the latter in two places. _ 
[He journeyed in the time of the ij»-\». : see 8 
in art. ylc.] 

[Book I. 
*%') or of foul, or evil, actions. (A, Msb.) 
And ♦>«.£& 3& (in the CK1 ^W #« 
spoke foul, or evil, language. (L, K.) 

%. . . ( 8ee 'J*+- 


; and see also S^-U. 
, ,ts 

, a subst. from^fcjkl ; (S, Mgh;) or from 
its syn. >»-*; (Msb;) Foul, evil, bad, abomi- 
nable, or unseemly, language, or <a/& ; (As, Ks, 
T, S, A, Mgh, Msb, K ;) as also * AjLk; (Sgh, 
K ;) and " «/»-U ; of which last the pi. is j*.tyt, 
incorrectly said by IJ to be an irreg. pi. of jtfJk ; 
or " 5^».U may be an inf. n., like <vil^ &c. 
(IB.) You say, l^y I^iLa J15, and t |j^i 
l>«-y, [/?e sow/] afoul [and a wonderful] thing : 
T ^*Jk is an inf. n., and ^^Jk is n simple subst. 
(L, TA.) And " Ol^wlylV *Uj 7/e assailed him 
with foul words ; o^U being a word of the 
same class as ^^ and ^U . (A, Msb.) And 
l£i\jtf\i «Uj, and *Cjljm-r+j, (S, KJorOl^lyJU, 
(A,) and Ot^^jL., (A, Msb,) ITe accused Itim 
of evil things that exposed him to disgrace .- (S, 

k, a subst. from •js t Js, (S, K,) as 
T o'j*-*» (Msb,)signifying The cutting another off 
from friendly or loving communion or intercourse : 
(S:) cutting one; or ceasing to speak to him: (K:) 
forsaking, abandoning, deserting, or shunning or 
avoiding, one. (Mfb.) It is said in a trad., 
^k jjl> »ja>-* *j [Tliere shall be no cutting 
off from friendly communion after three nights 
with their days,] : the meaning is, >ajk as contr. 
of ,J-oj ; i.e., such anger as exists between 
Muslims, or a failing, or falling short, with 
respect to the duties of society, exclusively of 
what relates to religion : but the ijtU* of those 
who follow their own natural desires [in matters 
of religion], and of innovators [in religion!, 
should continue even as long as they do not 
repent, and return to the truth. (TA.)_ [Also, 
A mode, or manner, of cutting another off from 
friendly or loving communion or intercourse : 
&c. See 1, where an ex. occurs.] — Also, A 
removal from the desert to the towns or villages : 
this was its [primary] acceptation with the 
Arabs : and the forsaking of his country, or 
district, or thelilce, by an inhabitant of the desert, 
or by an inhabitant of a town, or village, or 
cultivated district, and taking up his abode in 
another country or district, or the like, an 
emigration; (TA ;) the forsaking of one's home 
and removing to another place; (Mgh;) the 
forsaking of a country, or district, or the like, 
and removing to another ; (Msb ;) the going 
forth from one land to another ; as also * SjmtM : 
(K.) [and an emigration from the territory of 
the unbelievers to the territory of the believers, or 
to any place of safety or refuge on account of 
religious persecution <J'c. : see 3, last signifi- 
cation :] a subst. from >^U. (Msb, TA.) __ 
[S^-y)') peculiarly, The emigration, or fight, (for 
it was really a flight,) of Mohammad, from Mekkeh 
to Ycthrib, which latter was afterwards called 

- o it. 

El-Medeeneh. Hence, Sj^JI f-> } \3 The era of 
the Hijreh, or Flight. The epoch of this era is 
not the date of the Flight itself, as some have 
inagined, (for this took place on an uncertain 
day, most probably the first or second, of the 
third lunar month of the Arabian year,) but is 
the first day of the Arabian year in which the 
Flight happened : and as I believe that all 
European writers who have attempted to fix it, 
prior to M. Caussin de Perceval, have erred 
respecting it, tbe true date, as shown by him, 
(see his " Essai sur l'Histoire des Arabes," &c, 
in the places referred to in the index to that 

Book I.] 

work,) I think it important here to mention. 
The first year of the Flight was the two hundred 
and eleventh year of a period during which the 
Arabs made use of a defective luni-solar reckon- 
ing, making every third year to consist of thir- 
teen lunar months ; the others consisting of 
twelve such months. This mode of reckoning 
was abolished by Mohammad in the twelfth 
month of the tenth year of the Flight, at the 
time of the pilgrimage ; whence it appears that 
the first year of the Flight commenced, most 
probably, on Monday, the nineteenth of April, 
a.d. 622 ; or perhaps on the eighteenth ; for 
the actual appearance of the new moon properly 
marked its commencement, and, as the new 
moon happened about sunset on the sixteenth, it 
may perhaps have been seen on the eve of the 
eighteenth. According to M. Caussin de Per- 
ceval, the first ten years of the Flight com- 
menced at the following periods. 

1st. [Mon.] Apr. 19, 622 
2nd. [ Sat. ] May 7, 623 
3rd. [ Th. ] Apr. 26, 624 
4th. [Mon] Apr. 15, 625 
5th. [ Sat ] May 3, 626 
6th. [ Th. ] Apr. 23, 627 
7th. [ Tu. ] Apr. 12, 628 
8th. [Mon.] May 1, 629 
9th. [ Fri. ] Apr. 20, 630 
10th. [ Tu. ] Apr. 9, 631 
Thus it appears that the first and fourth and 
seventh years were of thirteen lunar months 
each ; and the seventh was the last year that was 
thus augmented : therefore, with the eighth 
year commenced the reckoning by common lunar 
years ; and from this point we may use the 
tables which have often been published for find- 
ing the periods of commencement of years of the 
Flight We must not, however, rely upon the ! 
exact accuracy of these tables : for the com- 
mencement of the month was generally deter- 
mined by actual observation of the new moon ; 
not by calculation ; and we often find that a 
year was commenced, according as the place 
of observation was low or high, or to the east or 
west of the place to which the calculation is 
adapted, or according as the sky was obscure or 
clear, a day later or earlier than that which is 
indicated in the tables ; and in some cases, even 
two days later. The twelfth day of the third 
month of the first year of the Flight, the day of 
Mohammad's arrival at Kuba, was Monday: 
therefore the first day of the year was most pro- 
bably the nineteenth of April, as two months 
of thirty days each, or twenty-nine days each, 
seldom occur together. But the tenth day of 
the first month of the sixty-first year, the day on 
which El-Hoseyn was slain at Kerbela, was 
Friday : therefore the first day of that year, at 
that place, must have been Wednesday, ihe third 
of October, a.d. 680 ; not the first of October, as 
in most of the published tables above mentioned. 

>►* — 

when the luni-solar reckoning was instituted, see 
0-*j)]- O^r^v" means [The two emigrations, or 
flight* ; namely,] the ijtLh to Abyssinia and the 
i'jmJk to El-Medeeneh. (S, K.) And Q^L t " ^i 
lie (of the ijU— «s [or Companions of Mohammad] 
TA) who emigrated, or who has emigrated, to 
Abyssinia and to El-Medeeneh. (K.) 



see »>». 


Left; forsaken; relinquished; aban- 
doned; deserted; quitted: abstained from : neg- 
lected: shunned or avoided. (TA.) = See also 
«r»-U, in three places. 

: see *^U. 

Custom ; manner ; liabit ; wont : state ; 
, I. 
condition; case; syn. «_>b, (T, S, A, K,) and 

\'i<e, (S, TA,) and o'J/i, (TA,) and J& ■ ( T » 
A, K :) and the speech, or language, of a man; 
[or ivltat one is accustomed to say ;] syn. jf^& : 
(T, TA :) as also • ^j-^Jk, (T, S, A, £,) and 
♦ j^Jkl, (S, K,) and T iT^Jkl, and * »j)*-*\, 
and * CflM, (K,) and CjL\, and *W». (S.) 
Tou say, 'c^Lm J)j]> Jlj U, (A, Kl,» TA [in the 
("K, AJfJiL* IJ>*,]) and »l^.»~*, (S, A, K,) and 
»|/e»-Al, &c, (K,) That ceased not to be his 
custom, &c.c (S, A, K.*) And 1 ^j^JLh J U 

Ujj* He has no custom, &c, other than it. (TA, 
from a trad.) 


>^.U, act. part. n. of 1, q. v. Talking non- 
sense; talking foolishly or deliriously. (S, TA.) 
See 1, last signification but one. 

• r^-vA: see ^auk, in four places. = 3^-lyJl, (S, 
A, Mgh, Msb, K,) and *J^, (S, Msb, K,) and 
♦sJh*-», (A, K,) and *Jlj», (S, K,) Midday 
when the heat is vehement : (S :) or midday in 
summer, or in the hot season: (Mgh, Msb:) or 
the period from a little before noon to a little after 
noon in summer, or in the hot season, only : (En- 
Nadr, ISk :) or from the time when the sun 
declines from the meridian: (Aboo-Sa'eed :) or 
midday, when the sun declines from the meridian, 
at Oiejyii : or from its declining until the j_-ar : 
because people [then] shelter themselves in their 
tents or houses; as though they forsook one 
another (Ijj^lyJ): (K:) or the vehemence of the heat 


•K-VH *** period a little after the »j*-U : (Es- 
Sukkaree:) [pi. of the first, >»•!>*.] You say, 
^a-ij^JI <t' »i , : i t> [The vehement midday heats af- 
fected him with a hot, or burning, fever], (A.) 
And * jf>~J\ »'%o The prayer of noon ; as also 
'jt+^S, elliptically. (TA.) See also I^J*. 


£Hj**** WUkl U«jI We came to our family in 
the time of the S^-U. (S.) _ -~ A jm 1 1 and 
j»\* : see _^wjk. 

(For the principal divisions of the Arabian year ($, TA) therein: (TA :) and S^J^JI [dim. of 

J 15 ^^vy* Ja Is one who journeys in the 
»j*-l± like him who stays during the time of mid- 
day? (TA, from a trad.) 


J3»"v* Cm off from friendly or loving com- 
munion or intercourse; forsaken, or abandoned: 
cut, or not spoken to. (Mgh, Msb.) In like 
manner Ij^t* > s used in the £ur, [xxv. 32,] 
signifying avoided, or forsaken, with the tongue, 
or with the lieart or mind. (B.) [But see what 
here follows.] = Talk, or language, uttered ir- 
rationally or foolishly or deliriously. It is related 
by Aboo-'Obeyd, on the authority of I braheem, 

that the words of the Kur, ijjk jjjjjf ...^S ^,\ 
* j •« » ~»j •»# ft 

b^-r° O'j^'i [xxv. 32,] mean, Verily my people 
have made this Kur-dn a thing of which they have 
said what is not true: because the sick man, 
when he talks irrationally or foolishly or de- 
liriously, says what is not true: and the like is 
related on the authority of Mujahid. (S.) 

■« »j 

^ly* A place to which one emigrates. (Msb.; 

• - > 

ja^y* Any one, whether an inhabitant of the 

desert [as in the primary acceptation of the epi- 
thet] or an inhabitant of a town or village or 
cultivated district, who emigrates; or who forsakes 
his country or district or the like, and takes up his 
abode in another country or district or the like. 
Hence Oitr^-W 1 applied to T/ie emigrants to 
El-Medeeneh : because they foisook their places 
of abode in which they were reared, for the sake 
of God, and attached themselves to an abode in 
which they had neither family nor property, 
when they emigrated to El-Medeeneh. (TA.) 

(K,) or H-&W, ( M ? b >) **■-., (S, S, MS, 
TA,) or l , (Msb,) inf. n. J*Li, (Msb, TA,) 
The thing fell into, or occurred to, or bestirred 
itself in, his mind, or the mind ; or occurred to 
his mind, or the mind, after having been for- 



gotten; lyn. «ij and jitji. ; (Msb;) or, of the 
phrase in the A and that in tlte K, a)U> j3**~, 
(A, £,) and .jJU. J & : (TA :) or J£k 
signifies [the thing's] talking, or suggesting some- 
thing, to the person's mind, in his bosom ; ezpl. 

by the words tjj^o ^y <t_*j »!>.>•»-! ^1 ; like 

• *• 
l _ r -l^_ J 3 : (K,* TA :) and hence die phrase in a 

' ' a »•..-. , . 

trad., _pU-aJt ^» u ». t j U«, meaning, ana ro«at 

_/'«//* tn(o, or occurs in, and bestirs itself in, 
</<« minds, (\j j±x±-j,) and revolves tlierein, of 
matters of discourse, and of thoughts : (TA :) 
or i,ji ijy*-* ^ u*i~* signifies i.q. ^.x*. 
[app. meaning a thing came at random into my 
mind] : (8, L :) and you say also, ^f& ^j 

sound, occasioned by tlie falling of rain. (L.)_ 
jl*, aor. - , (L,) inf. n. jl> jjk, (S, L,) It (the 
sound called ^U, from the sea,) made a mur- 
muring. (S,* L.) __ jl*, aor. - , inf. n. jjk, He 
(a camel) brayed. (TK.) See also It. Q. 1. = 

,^-j 0-» J.XA t»J**.tf "-UJ** ^ passed by a man 
n:/io u sufficient for thee as a man ; (L, K ;) as 
also i)jk* : (K :) an expression of praise : (L :) 
or it means, <Ae description of who*e good 
qualities would be burdensome to thee : there are 
two dial, forms used in this case : some use juk 
as an inf. n., [in the sense of an epithet, 
(marginal note in a copy of the S,) saying, in 
such a phrase as the above, .i).**,] in which 
case, it has no fern, nor dual, nor pi. form ; (S, 
[it fell into, or occurred to, my mind; Ac.]. j L the sing, and dual and pi. are the same: 


5. j4-i3 Iq- >«l. (T, art ^^.) 

• • ' *<*' 

u m > .4 fow wice, or sound, (i^>,) which 

one hears but does not understand. (S.)_ 
See also u-»-U . 

(K :) and some make it a verb, and give it [a 
fern, and] a dual and a pi., and say, J*jj ^>iy* 
^Jfc.j £yt J job, as above, (S, L,) and il^oL. 
•1^*1 ,>• JJU«uk, (S, L, K,) like as you say 

i)U£> and jLi£», (L,) and JljJk 0«^r/> an(1 
JjjJk JU.^>, and JUjdk (>J!/«Wi and »>-W 
J-.U A twin?, or an idea, or o/;/ert o/jjiij^i. (S, L, £.) — IAar also cites the 
thought, or an opinion, coming at random into, [ following ex. [by El-Kattdl El-Kilabee, (mar- 
falling into, occurring to, or bestirring itself in, ' ginal note in a copy of the S.)] 
tlie mind; (S, A,* Msb;) syn.>U. : (S, TA :) ' 

an epithet in which the quality of a subst. 
predominates : (TA :) and ' ,j-»-a also signifies 

See Supplement.] 

as meaning, [And I liave a companion in the 
anything falling into, or occurring to, the mind .' j cave ;] of how great estimation, and how in- 
( Ltb, £ :) pi. of the former, J-^^. (A, TA.) r/«*">i«, and Iww knowing, is lie [as a companion] ! 

describing a wolf: (L :) in which he who reads 
i)jjk makes jjk a verb ; and as such it has a 
dual and pi. and fern. : but some read JjJk, 
milking it an inf. n. used as an epithet; and as 
such it has no dual nor pi. nor fcm. (Marginal 
note in n copy of the S.) — J^v 11 «** a ' 80 
signifies Exrellent is the man: (ISd, L:) and 
^^•Jjl J^i <ul Verily, excellent ix the man (L, 
K) in hardiness and strength : (L :) and «XyJ 
J»yJI Horn hardy is the man! (L.) — In a 
trad., Aboo-Lahub is related to have said, 
jfi^j^Xa j^=*ja~* U j^y), [meaning Jlow greatly 
hath your companion enchanted yon !] : Jyl is 

an expression of wonder. (L.) — j^j i j'$a 
Such a one is praiseworthy for hardiness (S, L, 
Jj.) and strength. (S, L.) 

1. ^*, aor. '-, (S, L, Msb,) inf. n. jm (S, L, 
Msb, K) and »jjl*, (L, ^,) He demolished a 
a building ; (As, S, A, L, ^. :*) threw it down ; 
(TA ;) pulled it down to <Ae ground : (As, S, A, 
L :) demolished it roi</* violence: (L, K:*) 
demolished it a< once, wM a twA#»MM< noi'w. 
(M»l>.)= [Hence you say,] IJ£» «.>* U + <S«r/j 
a thing did not break him, or it. (S, L.) — 

^••^1 ^ JJk, a»d ^x^J "**• + ^ ,/ " ''""^ d*** 1 *** 1 *' 
and broke, or crushed, me. And [in like 
manner] j^.' Ciy» ^J** U t [T/w death of any 
one has not distressed, nor broken, or crushed, 
me]. (L.) And 4e"f*l» ojjl* 77t« I calamity 
debilitated, or enervated, him. (S, A, L.) — 
jjk, aor. :, and ; , inf. n. jJk, He (a man) «<«*, 
or became, weak, (L, K,) »« body; (L;) oeramc 

extremely aged, or decrepit. (TK.) — See 7 

ji, nor. - , inf. n. ju jjk, Z* (a wall or the like, 
S, L, or a part of a mountain, L, by its falling, 
S, L) made a noise ; (S ;) or, a violent noise. 
(L.) — Ojdi It (the sky) sent forth a noise, or 

2. »iJ*, (Msb, K,) inf. n. J^J^i (S, L) and 

ilj^J; (L:) and*o!v3; (S, L, Msb;) //e 
threatened him; (L ;) threatened him with 
punishment ; (Msb ;) frightened, or terrified, him. 
(S, L, K.) 
5 : see 2. 

7. Jyil 7< (a building) [fell down : or] 
became demolislu-d at once, with a vehement noise : 
(Msb :) and * ji, aor. ; , it (a wall) fell down ; 
mentioned by AHei; and also by Es-Semeen, 

[Book I. 

who concedes it; (MF;) but this form of the 
verb is commonly known only as transitive. 
(TA.) __ It (a mountain) broke down. (S, L.) 


10. »j^>\ He regarded him as weak. (L.) 

R.Q. 1. jubjjk, (S, L, K,) inf. n. J.i*J!*,(S, 
L,) He (a bird) cooed; syn. '£j» : (L, K, TA 
[in the CK, jiji] :) lie (a pigeon) cooed ; syn. 
j>*, and Jjla : (TA :) or made a murmuring 

or confused noise in cooing : (S, L, accord, to 

• * "** 

the explanation of SjlAj^a:) and lie (a <camel, 

S, L) brayed; syn. J juk : (K:) or made a 
murmuring or confused noise in braying. (S, L.) 

See also 1 OjdkjiA, (inf. n. Jjukjuk, L,) 5/ie 

(a woman, S, L) shook, or rocked, a child (S, L, 
K) in its cradle, (L,) in order that it might 
sleep. (S, L, K.) == Jdkjuk He sent, or (Anm>, 
a thing down, from a high place to a low one. 
(L, K.) 


jjk A fttfaA man ; (As, S, L, K ;) i.e., weak 

in body; (L;) as also ♦ J*: (K :) or, accord. 

to IAar, the latter only, meaning cowardly and 

weak : (S, L:) or jjk (Sh, L) and • ji'l (L, K) 

and * SjtjJk (Sh, L, K) signify a cowardly (and 

weak, TA) man: (Sh, L, K :) and T >ljA^tai 

3 - ' i- 
a cowardly people : (Sh, L :) pi. of jl*, tJjJJk: 

(L, K:) it has no-broken pi.: (L :) and of 
j^a, i^jJ 1 *- (K.) A man says to another, in 

threatening him, a* >>*) ui' Verily I am not 

'3- " 

roeaA. (S, L.) _ juk Extreme old age; decrepi- 

tude. (K, TA.) See 1. = JLi A rough, or 
harsh, sound; as also *j>*. (L, K.) __ jjk 
The braying of a camel. (I.h, L, K.) See 
jJk'A generous, liberal, bountiful man. (IAar, 

S, L, ^K.*) A strong man. (IAar, L.) — 

\*+*Xo Jj^a *^».Uo ^jJ, and i >« Jja j^ ^jj-* 
J**j : see 1. 

3 .., 3. 

juk and jjut : see ^*. 

jjiA The sound of the fall of a wall or the like: 
(S :) or a violent sound occasiunerl thereby, or by 
I lie fall of a part of a mountain. (L.) __ The 
sound of rain falling from the sky. (L.) __ A 
sinking, and falling in, of tlie ground. (L.) 

jdkjJk The voices, or cries, of jinn, or genii: 
without a singular. (L, K.) 

jjkji A certain bird, (S, L, Msb, K,) w«W 
Icnoirn; (L, Msb, K ;) [namely, the hoo]tee, or 
upupa of LinnsRus ; so this bird is called in the 
present day ; and this, accord, to a common tradi- 
tion, is the bird mentioned in the Kur, xxvii. 20;] 
as also jJtjJfc (K) and *^*lj.*: (S, L, K:) or 
the last, a certain bird resembling the pigeon : 
(Lth, Az, L :) or (in the K, and) >*a* signifies 
a pigeon that cooes much; (IDrd in explanation 

Booc I.] 

of ▼. 20 of ch. xxvii. of the £ur., and AHn, L, 
£;) as also tjJktjJk: (IDrd, Alln, L :) and 
any bird that cooes; that utters the cry called 
ijkjt ; (L, $, TA [in the C£, /&. is put for 

Jip&l) a8 a,9 ° * •**'«** : ( A ?» L p 1 - ( of al, » w 

Jjklii (S, L, £) and j^kU*: (Kr, L, K:) but 
ISd says of the latter, I know not how this is, 
unless the sing, be jlijuk. (L.) Er-Ra'ee says, 

\Like a jJktjJk whose wing the shooters have 
broken] : (S, L:) As says, he means the fci.l», 

or the ,_j--«i, or the 0^J> or tnc ■**■**> or a 
man, or camels: and Lh says, that Ks asserts 
him to mean, by juktjok, the dim. of jukjdk: but 
As disapproves of this; and so does ISd; but 

the latter adds, that it may perhaps be for j^iJJ* ; 

♦* • * t a - ' r 

as some of the Arabs say iilji and <L>t^> for 

4-j^i and ifj^i ; though they are only known 
to change the ^ into I before a double conso- 
nant. (L.) 

ojjkjjk [an inf. n. used as a simple subst] The 
murmuring or confused sound of the cooing of 
pigeons, and of the braying of a camel [and of 
thunder (see <u>*j)] : pL jdktjuk. (S, L.) 

• •« •. " 3. 

jljjk and »jljuk: see jjk. 

• «j 

jjkljjk A stallion-camcl //«;< brays much among 

the she-camels but does not cover tliem. (L.) ■_ 
_ •* • ■» 
See- -wkj^A. 

• » 

^jjjk A voice, cry, sound, or noise. (L.) 

See also 1. — A threatening from behind one. 
(A?, L.) 

s . 

>U A certain murmuring sound from the sea ; 

(£ ;) a sound which is heard by people inhabiting 
the sea-shore, coming to them from the direction 
of the sea, murmuring over the land, and some- 
times followed by an earthquake. (S, L.) 

ijU Tliunder. (L, K.) Ex. Sjli J»lill u- ^, U 
We have not heard this year thunder. (L.) 

i.i I. 

jukl : see jm. 


1. IjlA, aor. e, inf. n. !jJk and ?}.**, 77>, or tV, 
iro* outer, or *f«7/, fo7m, or unruffled; (S, £;) 
«a* motionless ; was silent : (T A :) [and so, app., 

" LMkl : see i^Jy*.] — \£'*r* and 3** occur for 

I ,,. / it. 1 ..* 

tjiyj and ^£jU. (TA.) — <uc Ijjk 7f [pain or 

the like] became appeased, and quitted him. (TA.) 

Sec 4 J*yH OljJk jij Ulil t //e came to 

im w/*en <Ae _/bof (of the passenger by night) had 

become still (S.) jL'ji I OU* U JJl/ UUl 

O^h * ^ c ft""* '" w a /'* r 'he foot {of the pas- 

jMfc — ^Jdk 

1 Mfl^er % night), and the eye, were at rest. (S, 
TA.) __ ^^l> I jji J -He *myed, aWe, or dwelt, 
t'n <Ae place. (K.) — Ijuk, (inf. n. tjjJk, TA,) 
I He died. (K.) = ^jui, aor. r, (K,) inf. n. 
I jj», (TA,) t. o. LJ ifc, lie had a curving bach, 
Sfc. : (K :) or he had depressed and even shoulders, 
inclining towards the breast ; not erect, or ele- 
vated: (Lth, and others :) or he was humpbached. 
(S, TA.) ,_£.xi It (a camel's hump) was bent 

by much lading, (K,) and had its soft hair (j*)) 
sticking upon it, without its being wounded. (TA ) 

4. Ijukt He rendered quiet, still, motionless, 

silent. (K, TA.) illl V\j*\ <) May God not 

give him rest from his labour, or fatigue ! (K.) 

,^5-1)1 * I .ii, and "ijJkl, [the latter only I find 

mentioned in one copy of the S : but both are 
mentioned in another, as well as in the TA :] He 
patted the child with his hand, and quieted him, 
that he might sleep : (S, TA :) or, accord, to Az, 
OljJkl signifies She spohe soothingly to her 

AJJI aljdkl 

child, and quieted him, that lie might sleep : and 
tjby^ is a child thus soothed. (T.) — — Accord, to 
IAar, tjiy« >n the following verse of Adee Ibn- 
Zeyd, [quoted in the S,] 

jj\ t ojJI ^ o^u» J*»- 

signifies a child soothed in order that he may go 
to sleep. Others read it as an inf. n. (TA.) 
Ijukl J He wore out a garment. (A.) 

God made it (a shoulder) to be in the state 
described in the explanation of the word IjJkl. 

(K.) »U*I It (old age, K, or beating, TA) 

i ' * * 

rendered him what is termed Ijukl. (l£.) 

I'ja : see 1 JJUI ,>. • Ja j^v ^, (?, K,) 

and * jjuk, (%.,) and ' SljJk, (S, ^,) and T Ij.^, 
and 1 f< jj.Jb, and V>^jdfc, (K ; the Inst is also an 
inf. n. and a pi. ; TA,) I He came to us after a 
period, or poi'tion, of the night; (S, TA;) or 
after about a third or fourth part of the night had 
elapsed, (S, TA,) when men were asleep, (S,) or 
at rest, and the night, and the foot of the pas- 
senger, mere still : (Sb, T£. :) or *juk is the first 
third part of the night ; from the commencement 
to the third, (K,) m/ien it begins to be still. (TA.) 
= »jdk and i^JJt (in which the ^j is said to be 
substituted for », TA) Way, or manner, of life. 
(AHeyth, $.) as j4-j ,>. iisjjfc jL^j O^i 
i.q. i)«x*: (see art. jJk:) the latter is that which 
is commonly known and approved. (Ez-Zejjajee.) 

•j ». 

*juk : see I jjv. 

■ * * 

IjJk Smallness of a earners hump, occasioned by 

his being much laden. (K.) It is less than what ( 


is termed w~j»- [a word app. incorrectly written, 
but which I am unable to correct]. (TA.) 

SljMk Quiet; stillness; rest from motion ; silence. 
... *-.* 

(Lh.) sb See >jjs, and IjJkl. 

AiJ iljjk a) U, (K,) mentioned by Lh, but not 

t * 

explained by him : thought by ISd to mean He 
has not a night's food : (and so accord, to the K :) 
i.e., what may quiet his hunger or sleeplessness 
or anxiety. (TA.) 

iljuk A hind of run. (K.) 

Ujjjk U13I J He came to us after a sleep : (S :) 
after men were at rest, and sleeping. (TA.) a 
See *.>*. 

l^gj* : see J juk. 

Set juk A slender horse : (K :) generally said to 
be a term peculiarly applied to the male only : 
but said by some to be common to the male and 
the female. (MF.) 

jjt^a l^» IjJkl yt> I He is more quiet, or more 
at rest, than lie mas: i.e., he is dead. From a 
trad. Said by Umm-Suleym to Aboo-Talhah, 
respecting her son, to comfort the heart of his 
father. (TA.) = tjjkt i.q. U».l, Having a curv- 
ing bach, Sfc: ($.:) humpbacked : (S :) or a 
person having the shoulders depressed, and even, 
and inclining towards tlie breast; not erect or 
elevated: fem. itjdk : you also say Ijukl ^Xu a 

shoulder such as is described immediately above : 
and IjJkt a crooked man: (Lth, and others:) also 
a shoulder of which the upper part is swollen, or 
filled with fat and flesh, and its strength relaxed. 
(K : in some copies of which we read ^^.yLA 
ii-». : in others, < JL — . : [the former is the 
reading that I adopt].) — jljuk (so in the CK 
and a MS. copy : in the TA, * SijJk, [which seems 
to be an error];) A she-camel having her hump 
bent by much lading, (£,) and the soft hair (>jj) 
sticking upon it, without its being wounded. (TA.) 

« ' * ' • ' ' 

iljty^: see "jJk. 

lj^> : sec 4. 

• j 
l£Jv" oW«; motionless. (TA, in art. ■*♦*..) 

Sljky-o iS<a.'e, or condition. (S.) 

«aj4f* iV* *^y 7 /f/i Aim m rAe «ra/«, or 

condition, wherein he was: (As, S, £ :) dim. of 
«»- •« 
*W* (§•) 


1. <vjj», aor. -, He cut it ; or cut tt 0/! (K, 

TA.) See also v**- — v-^j ( aor - r 1 ' n ^ n - 
w>juk, S,) 7/e mi7A«d a camel : (ISk, S, K :) or 
he milked any animal with the ends of his fingers. 



(I?«) — VJ* (?,?,) aor. i ; or * v**, inf - n - 
Z-jJ^J ; and ♦ wjj^l ; (TA;) Zfe plucked, or 
gathered, fruit, (S, £,) or [the kind of leaves 
called] vJJk. (TA.) = vjJk, (inf. n. v«**> 
TA ;) and * ^jaI ; /< (a tree) had long and 
pendulous branches, or twigs. (K.) The latter 
verb is explained by IK» as signifying It (a tree) 
had numerous branches. (TA.) This is not 
derived from the »_> Juk of the ^ijl and the like. 

(AHn.) ij<*}\ C-jji, aor. '-, (inf. n. «->■**» 

TA,) The eye had long lashes. (K.) 

2 : see 1. sb i}l)l v>* [?] «•?• *r»J*i q- v - 
(A, in TA, voce ^jjz. q.v.) 

4 : see 1. _ w> jJkt It (a tree) produced, or 
put forth, its ^>Sm. (TA.) 

5. wJ-»yJ [/£ (a part .of a cloud) /jmh// A;?™ 
like the unwoven end, or extremity, of a garment]. 
(S.) See v-^*- 

8 : see 1. 

wj>» and * v*** (9>i) tMe ' attor a dial, form 
of the former, (TA,) coll. gen. ns., and * <->•***> 
(K,) also a coll. gen. n., (TA,) and * ^_>t juk, 
[likewise a coll. gen. n.,] and * <V->uk, [which is 
rather the n. un. of »->■**>] (T A,) of a garment, 
or piece of cloth, i.q. J^i. : (K : in like manner, 
* ijjuk and * ijjJ* are explained in the S by 
UU* or rather, The [/rtn^«, or] unwoven end, 
or extremity, of a garment, or of a piece of 
cloth ; its enrf, or extremity, that has not been 
woven : or an end, or extremity, consisting of 
warp without woof: sometimes it is twisted, 
and [as it forms a fringe,] it preserves the edge 
[of tbe woven part] of the the garment, &c. : 
(whereas ,J+*- signifies the " nap, or villous 
substance," of a garment, &c. : [such is the 

meaning of the words j*jj}'£? <u£> ,_jyJI JJU»iU: 

".* » 

this is what is generally meant by J-»±. :] and 
this is mostly in' what are called oulkS : MF:) 
or the extre.aity of a garment, &c. next [the part 
called] the »jJ» : (T A ;) or the i»jJk of a garment, 
&c, is the same as the ijJa : (Msb :) n. un. of 
the first word, (._> j-m or ^ jj*,) with I : (K :) 
so too of v*e*> (TA,) [and of «^>lS*]. The pi. 
of ij>JJk is w>.»a. (Msh.)__« r >jjk, (K,) or ,_»* 
i ^4«JI, (6,) and ♦•_».**, (&>) which is a dial, 
form of ^jjJ>, (TA,) coll. gen. ns., The eye- 
lashes; the hairs that grow upon the edges 
of the eyelids : (6, £,:) n. un. with 5 : (£ :) 
pi. v'.**'- (Msb.) 

wJjuk [generally signifies slender sprigs, like 
strings, garnished with minute, amplexicaut, 
oppressed, acute leaves, overlying one anotlier 
like the scales of a fish : see jle :] tbe branches, 
or twigs, of the ^JeJ and similar trees (£) that 

have no leaves : a coll. gen. n., of which the 

n. un. is with 5 j and the pi., w>ljjfcl. (TA.) 

[The foliage of the cypress and tamarisk, and 

the like :] leaves of a tree that are permanent, 

(and that have not a projecting nerve along the 

middle, TA,) a* those of the cypress (KL) and 

tamarisk and j**,. (TA.) Those parts of a 

plant that are not J } y but that have the place 

°f*5}2 : (A-Hn, ?• : ) or an y i}j3 ''"*' have not 
width; (S, K ;) as those of the JjI and jj^ and 

^J»*\ and.Xffk: (S :) as also Olli, (S, K,) 

both of which are coll. gen. ns., of which the ns. 

• - •* 

un. are with S : pi. wjljdkl, (K,) which is a 

regular pi. of ._>jJk ; (TA;) and » wljJk : (K, 

a # A J 

accord, to the TA : but in a MS. copy, «L»ljJk ; 
and in the CK, <L>ljjk:) but in the M, *_>ljjk is 
said to be a noun signifying the «_>•** OI " a 
garment, &c, and the w>juk of the ,J»)I • 
(TA.) Az says, that'JJ* is precisely the same 
as w>jJk. (TA.) _ * w)ljjk is also said to sig- 
nify Inclining branches, or twigs. (TA.)__ Also, 
(Jji-JI " w)ljJk Palm-branches ; syn. 4»w. (S.) 
== wjtjukl is said to be used by Aboo-Dhu-eyb, 
in the phrase wjIjla^I iuw, as signifying The 
shoulder-blades: but ISd, who mentions this, 
denies its correctness. (TA.) 

«_jjdk A horse having a long forelock. The 

^jl* [pi. of w>JJk, but whether O^o* or oW«** 
is not shown,] are among those horses that are 
held in high estimation among the Arabs, and 
are distinguished as belonging to different tents, 
or houses. (TA.) L*}\ iT/te lion. (K.) 

But accord, to Lth, ♦^jjaI, as an epithet applied 
to felt and the like, signifies t Having long nap, 
or villous substance: (TA:) and as an epithet 
applied to a lion, accord, to the A, it signifies 
J Having long shag [or shaggy hair] : (TA :) 
whence it is seen that the correct word [applied 
to the lion] is *jjJ*\, [q.v.] not w>jl*. (TA ) 

• * j *- 1 j •«> 
w>jJfc and ijj.h : see «->.**. 

i/j.M (TA) and v iujJt (Kr, K) A certain 
bird : (K.:) or a small dust-coloured bird, resem- 
bling the i«U, except in being smaller than this 
latter. (L.) El-Jiihidh says, The Arabs have 
not a name for that [kind of bird] which sees 
not in the night : it is that which is called jj£w 
[a Persian word, written j$£«w], more frequently 
than 2jjj>. (A.) s= N. un. of w-Jui, q.v. 

i/ji* [written without the sy II. points ; probably 

*' * ' 

l&Jk ;] .1 piece, part, or portion. (TA.) 

f *^J to * J 

Ajjut : see i> jJk. 

y ' ' • »»• 

~->jj» '. see w»s*. 

• • j «»j «.« • * «* 

wjljJk : see yjJk and «_>jjb and v-^t*- 

[Book I. 

wjju* (S, 5» a word of a rare measure, TA,) 

and * 1\jjJ* (K. : [but it is not there said 
whether it be imperfectly or perfectly declinable : 
accord, to Ibn-Buzurj, as mentioned in the TA, 
it is fern., and therefore imperfectly decl. : but 
from the ns. un. given below, it appears to be 
masc, and perfectly decl. : probably, therefore, 
all the forms of the word ending with long 
or short alif may be correctly pronounced without, 
and with, tenween :]) and t ^jJA (ISk, S, Msb) 

and iCjJJk and ^jIm; (Az, S, K, Msb;) but 
the word which is used by most of the Arabs of 
the desert is the first : (Az :) IKt only mentions 
the third form: (Msb:) also • iCjjj. • (S;) or 

[^yJ-A and \>juA are coll. gen. ns., and] StJjuA 
is a n. un., (AHn, ¥.,) as also »«bju* : (AHn, 
TA :) A certain leguminous plant, (S, K,) well 
known, (K,) of the description termed j\^.\ ; 
[i.e., of a slender and soft nature, and eaten 
crude;] (TA ;) [lickorium, intybus and endivia ; 
wild and garden-succory, and endive : also called 
in the present day sjj^b :] a plant of middling 

temperament, (iljJJc,) useful for the stomach 
and the liver and the spleen, when eaten; and for 
the sting of a scorpion, wlien applied externally, 
with its roots: he who cooks it errs more than 
he who washes it [and so uses it]. (K.) F 
mentions the names of this plant in art. w>ju*, 
as though the ^j were a radical letter, which no 
one asserts it to be : J [and others], in art. 
V.**. (TA.) 

.(jjyjk, «U ju», and 5b j^jb, see ,_>juA. 

•^ * » * * . * 

• *•* • * j j 

w>>4* : see ^jj, [Its pi., viW*i »» also 

applied to Filaments, capillaments, or fringe-like 

appertenances, of a flower.] _ yju» { A cloud, 

or clouds, hanging down, (K,) approaching [tlie 


earth], like the w>jt* [or unwoven end or 
extremity, ]of a (iLkS : (TA :) or the w>J** of 
a cloud is its ^i [or skirt]: (K :) or what 
hangs down, of it, like the unwoven end, or 
extremity, of a garment, (<L*» w»V *•>) wA«" »' 
m about to rain, resembling strings. (§.) „_„ 
w>juk J j4 pendulous (or jiabby, TA,) pw/xw of 

a woman: (K:) likened to the^jjuk of a cloud. 

* ** * 

(TA.) — «->•*?* I Tears flowing in a continued 

succession. (K.) On the authority of Lth, who 
cites the following verse : 

, » r • , 

* Oljl^-*. jj3 >-■<■> —. » * 

• '». #5 * # . 

[With hot tears ujwn the cheeks, flowing in a 
continued succession]. But it is said in the L, 
I have not heard «,A*e* used as an epithet 
applied to rain falling continuously, nor as an 
epithet applied to tears; and the verse which 
Lth adduces as an authority is forged. (TA.) __ 

Book L] 

VJ** (S, K) and * ,_>«** and * ^r>&* (S) 
Impotent in speech or actions; syn. i«>c ; n 
one copy of the K iyt* f or unintelligent ; TA ;) 
and heavy, or du# : (S, KL :) or «->->•«* signifies 
impotent in speech or actions ; dull of speech and 
understanding ; heavy : and hard, or churlish ; 
heavy, or rfu//; having much hair: (Az :) or, 
as some say, one who has upon him dangling 
strings, or the like, hanging from the suspensory 
of a sword, or other thing, and resembling the 
w>juk of a cloud: or, as some say, this word 
signifies stupid; foolish; of little sense: and 
* Z>jm, weak (TA.) 

jjLjk A hind of pace of a horse, in which 
exertion, or energy, is employed ; a certain hard 
pace of a horse. (K.) See also .-jJuA. 

>Ol£)1 ^J** J*j t ^1 »«<*» of much speech, 
or <«/Ar ; of many words. (K.) App. from the 
w.Jukofacloud. (TA.) 

w>jJkl A man having long, or large, eyelashes. 

(K.) Lth explains it by the words jliil Jjji> 

U^i£> ^>l«)l ; [and J in a similar manner ;] but 

Az disapproves of this expression, because jliit 

t>~K)l signifies " the edges of the eyelids," 

- » i j . . t 

whence the eyelashes grow : (TA :) jUi"^l ._>ju»1, 

and jUi^JI ♦ v-" 1 *; [ tne same ;] having long eye- 
/ax/iM. (TA.) ibjJk v >*c -4n eye having long 

&?.«/ies. (TA.) Jbjjk Sj*-- A <«• having 

long and pendulous branches. (K.) — iL. jjk ^jjl 
X A pendulous, flabby, ear. (TA, from a trad.)^ 
ll/jj. H..m, ) I vl /a»/f, not crixp, beard: and so 

' w>juk Or^- (TA.) v** 1 J-* * A vulture 

having long feathers which reach to the ground. 
(TA.) See v-**- 

^jyi Having an unwoven end, or extremity; 
syn. _>! j.a ^i : occurring as an epithet applied to 
the kind of stuff culled ^^Xo. (TA.) 

jujJk and * j^ljjk Very thick milk : (S, L, 
K :) wur and thich milk. (L.) The former 
word is a contraction of the latter. (S.) — 
Also the former, Smallness of the eyes, and 
weakness of the sight; or nyctalopia, or the 
seeing better by night than in the day, and in a 
cloudy day than in a clear one; syn. ,_£*•>. : (L, 
]£ :) or (so in the L, in the K, and) weakness of 
the eye, (K,) or, of the sight : (L :) or (so in the 
L ; in the K, and) [that weakness of the sight 
which is termed] He-, [which is a badness of 
sight by flight and day; or the quality of seeing 
by day but not by night,] (El-Mufaddal, L, K,) 
also termed ijSLii : (El-Mufaddal, L :) or weak- 
ness of the sight; with a flowing of the tears at 
most timet; syn. J~oS- : (S, L:) or this is a 

mistake : (K :) or any injurious affection of the 

eye. (M, F.) Also, Weak-sighted : (L, ]£:) 

an epithet applied to a man. (L.) — Also, 
Black gum (L, K) which flows from trees. (L.) 

juljuh : see jujuk. 

1. »>jj», aor. ; , inf. n. ^jU-jub (S, K) and 
-.ljjk (K) and »-.**, (TA,) t lie walked gently, 
in a weak manner: (TA:) or he walked in the 
manner of an old man ; (S, K ;) and the like : 
(TA:) or he (an old man) walked with short 
steps : or walked hastily, without desiring to do so : 
(TA :) or lie walked with unintermitting steps : 
(As:) or he walked in a shaking manner, by 
reason of old age. (IAar.) — *->*, (S,) aor. -, 

inf. n. oW-J 1 * 5 a "d " J!-JV : -' , J (TA ;) He (an 
ostrich) walked, or went, (or ran, TA,) in a 
tremulous manner. (S, TA.) _ jjJUt c*J * 
t The cooking-pot boiled vehemently. (TA.) — 
C-»»j>*, (S,) inf. n. *-ju», (L,) 6V*c (a camel) 
yearned towards her young one ; UjJ; ^JUs c~*. ; 

(S, L;) as also fc-^jLyS; (I,;) [and, app., 
uttered the cry produced by yearning towards tier 
young one : see below :] or the latter signifies she 
was affectionate to her young one. (S, K.) — _ 
Also, inf. n. as above, fit (the wind) made a 

sound; syn. c.* and c-'i^-c ; from asUI c»»l>fc. 

2. w-«*jj» | S/te (a camel) became high and big 
in the hump, so that it bore a resemblance to a 
C £L (TA.) 

5. «>JV It (the voice, or a sound) became 
much intercepted, or interrupted, ( t .Ka ! i) h&A a 
tremulous manner. (S, K.) See 1. = I3.a-j.yj 
aJIc TV/ry made apparent, or manifest, his gracious 
actions, or qualities, or Aw favours, or kindnesses. 

10 : see 1. 

i»-j.*, (a subst., L,) The yearning, or the rry 
^rorf^ced by yearning towards Iter young one, of, j™^ ( [lneanmg> „n«<«ZJ a < t 'rf, a«rf wicom^M- 
a ca wcZ ,• i»UI ^>>. : (K :) or the yearning of m(e(l fty fl „ tufc< .-j /, e m06 je g <0 j e f h« «rcoK;^ ; 
a she-camel towards her yaung one ; aiUI ^«-^ i (A, Mfb f K ;) as also * ojjJbl ; (S, A, Msb, K ;) 
Oyji^. (S, L.) 


(TA :) [the last is pi. of * <u».jU, fem. act. part. 

n. of «-jJk]. — Also, the t latter, ^ln ostrich : so 
called because it so walks, or runs : (TA :) [and 
so * ia-iU, pi. *otyk, as in the following exam- 
ple.] £ ? VI ii ^1^)1 J\ i?j& [I looked 
at the women's camel-litters upon the' camels like 
ostriches]. (A.) 

■ * # • d * 

iU-jU : see %-ljJfc. 

~.i^A [A Ain«/ of camel-vehicle for women ;] the 
vehicle of the Arab women of the deseit : (JK :) 
a kind of vehicle for women, (S, K,) having a 
dome-like top (^...i-c) ; and one not having such a 
top: (S:) or [a camel-vehicle for women] made 
with staves, over which are put pieces of wood, 
and covered with a dome-like top : (M :) or a 
camel-vehicle (J*»~«) having a dome-like top 
(Ca), covered with pieces of cloth, in which women 
ride: (Et-Towsheeh :) pi. jr-i'**- (TA.) [See 
J.<,a-^ and »jVa~o.J 

L\Jy* A she-camel that yearns, or that utters 
the cry produced by yearning towards her young 
one: (K:) or tliat yearns towards her young 
one : (S, L :) as also * Z.3JJ.. (TA.) — Also, 
f A wind that has a sound; ,j-i»- V : (S, L:) 
from i»UI C-— ■. (ii.) 

«.jy^~» Haste. (K.) 
^•J r"" * -f^ a *'y- (&•) 

1. j'jJb, aor. ; (S, A, Msb, K) and '-, (Msh, 
^,) inf. n. JjJk (S, Msb, K) and )'jm, (K,) or 
the latter is a simple subst., (Msb,) It (a man's 
blood, S, A, Msb, K, or another thing, K) went 
for nothing; [meaning, in the case of blood, 
unretaliated, and uncompensated by a mulct; as 
shown below, voce jJl* ;] it was, or became, of 
no account, null, or void; (S, A, Msh, K ;) as 
also tjjJ.1. (Msh.) ='«jjJk, (A, Msb, K,) 
aor. i, (Msb,) He (a man, Msb, K, or the 
Sultan, S, A,) made it (a man's blood) to go for 

which means he made it (a man's blood) allowable 

to be taken, or sited. (S, TA.) Thus these two 

».!.*»*. I verbs are trans, as well as intrans. (Msh.) It 

, t . » ., , j. M I is said in a trad., joLj ^jl j-iy jl> ^ £Xb l> 

-..jA: see w-'Jv*- — ;*-«•»>* j«*» t-^ cooking-. ! ,„..,, '.'.'',' .," 

C - ' C - . " ._ 7 .• 4^ Ojjuk [W/m>«» lookeih into a house without 

• a. 
j^-jjb : see »-i. 

po< </ia< Joiis- vehemently : (TA :) or, quickly. 

permission, his eye shall be allowed to be put out ; 
or] Me putting out of hit eye sJtall go for nothing, 
unretaliated, and uncompensated by a mulct. 

..I.XA and ' p,ji<>.jhA One wAo waZAs in the 
manner termed oV-**: see 1. (£.) — An | (TA.) One says also, ^ie >»Jt ^U-,1^ ^j^* 
ostrich r/«a< .10 walks, or runs. (S, TA.) One I [Thou hast made me (meaning my offence) to 
says Zui JjLb, and lljji Jlii and li£i:j»a« unnoticed, or /ia*l <oi«i mo occouh/ </ 


me, by annulling in respect of me the prescribed 
mitigation]. (KL, art p.^/.) And El-'Ajjaj 

which El-Bahilee explains as meaning, And the 
worthless people have made good fortune to become 
of no account. (TA.) wmjjJk, (S, K,) aor. ; (KL) 
[and app. '- also], inf. n.^jjuk (S, K) and jji (KL) 
and j^jJk, (TA,) said of a camel, (S, KL,) that is 
advanced in age, (S, in art. ^jaii,) [He brayed; 
i.e.,] he reiterated his voice in his lm ■-■ [or 
windpipe, or the head of his windpipe] : (S :) or 
he uttered his voice, not in a 4« A i A , [q. v.] : (K :) 
and *jJM, (S, KL,) inf. n.^j^j, (S,) signifies the 
same: (S, K :) Z mentions also jlj^ as an inf. 
n. ofjjuk said of a stallion, [meaning a stallion- 
cnmel.] (TA.) — Hence the saying, (TA,) 

**^ L5* J"*** **> and *^*- l«*, t[//« « 

xonorous and fluent in his speech, and tn his 

»» * • % • m * 
oration :] and <Li iil ft 0,0* I [7/u utterance 

was sonorous and fluent.] (A, TA.) joi is 

also said of a calf, [signifying, + He lowed.] 

(TA, art ci», from the Nh.) Also, of a lion, 

[signifying, t He roared.] (S, TA, voce ^iJ.) 

— Also jii, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. ; (Msb, KL) 

and .', (Msb,) inf. n. JjjJk (S, IKLtt, Msb, TA) 

• • * s * •. 

and jjJk and jUyJ, (KL,) said of a pigeon, J It 

uttered a cry: (S, KL :) or cooed, syn. J>ji, (A,) 
or »•»-_>, (Msb,) and reiterated its voice, or cry, 
in its ij»—m. [or windpipe, or <Ae head of its wind- 
pipe]: (A:) its cry being apparently likened to 
the y_ juk of the camel : and JjJk signifies the 
same. (TA.) ___ Also jjuk said of a boy, (As,) 
when he desires to speak, being young, or little, 
(Abu-s-Semeyda',) t He uttered a sound, or cry : 
as also J.»a. (As, TA.)__It is also said of 
thunder; inf. n. jt^*; signifying, J It made a 
[loud, or rumbling,] sound, or voise. (A.) _ 
You say also, of w>{p [or wine], jji, (S, KL,) 
aor. ; , inf. n. jjJ. and jlj^j, (§, TA,) meaning, 

' * 

t It fermented ; syn. ^jl*. (S, KL.) And «Oj«xA 
J*4»l i>, (TA,) aor. 7 , (A, TA,) inf. n. ^>ji 

and jl-s-i. (TA,) J [Y%« jar o/ JuJ^fermmital.] 
Kl- Akhtal says, describing wine, 

»». ..*••«!•» • a » 

V^M ^Jlj-I Aj^lJ c^£» 

^1^3 0*^0^ 


[7< mas stopped three years with its lump of clay, 
until, wlten it became free from froth, after fer- 
menting], (S, TA.) 

2. jJA, said of a camel : see 1. 

m m m m 3m m m 

4. jjukl : see jjM. ass »;ju»l : see »jjdk. 

jJA — Jl* 

6. IjjiV 3 ^' c y made one another's blood to go 
for nothing; [meaning, unretaliated, and uncom- 
pensated by a mulct;] they made it to be of no 
account. (KL, TA.) 

jjj. : see Jt *A : = and see also _, jU. 

• • § m 

jJJk: seejiU. 

• »• 

jjJk, a subst. from jjd» in the first of the senses 

explained above. (Msb.) You say, 4*j ^J.} 
\]jj., (S, A, M?b,) and * IjJLi, (S, Msb,) His 
blood went for nothing, or as a thing of no account, 
(S, A, Msb,) unretaliated, (S, Msb,) and uncom- 
pensated by a mulct. (S, TA.) Also, applied 

to blood, Ac, A thing that goes for nothing; 
[meaning, in the case of blood, unretaliated, and 
uncompensated by a mulct ;] what is of no account, 
ineffectual, null, or void;. (A, ]£ ;) [as also ]£*..] 
You 8a y.>w^ J>* J^Ui Their blood (lit. bloods) 
is made to go for nothing, or to be of no account, 
among them: (r^/TA:) is allowed to be taken, 
or shed. (TA.) — See also j^ti. 

..- > seejiU; 

; the former, in two places. 

J>** It*- t [A. jar of wine or j^J fermenting 
much]. (TA.) 

j1^*-JjLi [A stallion-camtl that brays much']. 

(TA.) See also j^U j\jj. J£, \[Loud, or 

rumbling, thunder]. (A.) 

■ . 

jiU, applied to a man, t Zoro ; ignoble; mean ; 

of no account; worthless; (K;) as also T jjJk, 
(Kr, £,) and v i jJk * ; (S, K ;) which last is also 
applied to a woman : (I£, TA : [in the former of 
which it seems' to be implied that iJJJL and 
T ijjM are also applied, each, to a man and to a 
woman ; but it appears from what is said in the 
TA that this is not the case :]) pi. Sjjj. and ijjj. 

wm m 

and ijjJ. ; the first of which is the most agreeable 
with analogy, like »>i=9, pi. of ji\Sa ; the second 
being of a measure exclusively belonging to words 
which are unsound [in the last radical letter], as 
in the instances of »\ji and »Uo5, [originally Sjjji 

and i^ei, pis. of jU and ^bti,] unless, indeed, it 

* * 

be a quasi-pl. n. ; and some disapprove it, finding 
fault with IAar who relates it: the third, more- 
over, is not a pi. of a form, [regularly] belonging 

• m 

to a sing, of the measure ^li, whether sound or 

unsound : (ISd, TA :) [or, accord, to Sb, it is a 

quasi-pl. n. :] or it is pi. of T j.** ( (TA,) which 

signifies a heavy man, (K, TA,) in whom is no 

good; analogous with S>^5, pi. of *j» : (TA:) 

and ' jjJm [a quasi-pl. n. of j>U, like as jtjA. is 

of ^ol*.,] signifies low, ignoble, or mean, people, 

[Book I. 

in whom is no good. (TA.) You say, ijjjk J», 
(S, A, £,) and ijj*, (IAar, TS, K,) and ijjjk, 
(IAar, ISd, It,) I Tluy are lorn, ignoble, or mean, 
people; of no account, or worthless. (IAar, S, 
A,* It, &c.) ebb [A braying camel : fem. with S : 
pi. of the latter, Jjlyi. You say,] ji'yL J,1 
[Braying camels;] camels reiterating their voices 
in their j*f.£*L. (S.) See also jXr+, and j'L'/n, 

and jljjk [Hence the saying,] jjU jLJ £j*jj 

I [app. Such a one is a vigorous orator of sonorous 
and fluent speech]. (A.) 

i**)t \S. i J tr^ > [■£'*« the brayer in the 
enclosure of wood, or canes, or trees] : a proverb : 
applied to a man who raises a cry and clamour 
which is followed by nothing, (S, A,») or who 
raises a cry and clamour and does not make his 
saying or action to have effect : (A, £ :) like 
the camel that is confined in the enclosure of 
wood or canes or trees, prevented from covering, 
and brays. (S, ]£.) 

[wJJJk, &c. 
See Supplement] 

1. Jj., aor. i, (S, L,) inf. n. J* (S, L, $) and 
VjJ. (L, K) and iljui, (K, TA.) or ilji, (C&, 
[which latter is the correct reading, (see iJbStjJL,) 
and, accord, to the JK, is a quasi-inf. n.],) 
He cut quichly, or cut off quickly ; as also 
* ju/kt : (S, L, K :) or he cut anything. (£.) 

• St »*S m t & * 

— > Ji . .. I L» »Jjk, inf. n. Jdk, He cut him, or it r 

in pieces with the sword. (L.) juk, aor. J, 

(S, L,) inf n. jj. (S, L, K) and ijdi (L, 1^) 
and iljji, (K, TA.) or l\jJ.; (Cr> [see 
above] ;) and * Juki ; (KL ;) t He read, or recited, 

quichly. (S, L, KL.) You say, *ji\ji Jj», aor. -, 

inf. n. jJk, I He performed his reading, or reci- 
tation, quichly. (Msb.) And OlH^ 1 »Ki >* 
t He reads, or recites, the Kur-dn rapidly and 
uninterruptedly : (S, A, L :) and in like manner, 
^j>ll the narrative; (S, L ;) and jjLZjl the 
poetry. (L.) 

8 : see 1. 

I. 2 • j. 

Jjk, or jjb : see ij J>*. 


i^Jjk (S.^L, K) and itjjk (K) and * Jm, (L, 
CK,) or » jJk, (us in some copies of the KL, and 
in the TA,) and *iUJj. and i*lji, (L, KL [the 

• mm 

last in the CK Jjkljjk],) Sharp ; quickly cutting : 
(S, L, KL:) the first, which is masc. and fem., 
and the second, applied to a knife; (S,* L;) 
and the last two, to a sword. (L) 

Book I.] 

ib'jl J>*, (as Af says, S) is said to people when 
you desire them to refrain, or forbear, or abstain, 
from a thing ; as also il* »Ufc ; supposing [it 
to be addressed to] two [persons] ; (S, L ;) [but 
it is addressed to one;] meaning Refrain thou! 
or forbear thou I or abstain thou ! (TA, art -_».) 
Abd-Beni-l-Has-has says, 

i 1 «» > i > 

«JL~ « )jJ\-t »>- >J-i J* 'i} 

v->^ i^J w-e» c^- Aiil-** 

[ When a burd (a kind of garment) is rent, the 
like thereof in rent with the burd — refrain thou — 
to that there is no wearer of the burd, it having 
been rent so as to full off: but it seems more 
proper to render it here, Kith rending after 
rending, which is nearly the original sig- 
nification, as will be presently shown ; and, 
thus rendered, it does not interrupt the sentence]: 
the women assert that, when, in the act of 
concubitus, [app., for the first time,] somewhat 
of the garment of the man is rent, love continues 
between the pair ; but otherwise, that they 
desert each other. (S, L. [This verse is related 
with several variations: see another reading 

*t* • 00 00 

of it voce JXJ \}>, in art. Jjj.]) — -±ljiU* Wj-o 
With a beating, or striking, with cutting after 
cutting; (L, K;) J* J*i * '.**, (M i.e., 
«J»5 Jlaj Uki : (L, K :.) or ruith a beating, or 
striking, successively ; uninterruptedly ; 1»W J^j. 
(JK.) — In the saying of the poet, 

. j # * •«* « j*. **** 

# # • f A d - '•< <3 - f»* * # 

JA — ->JJk 

J/^l oijuk 27i« camehfell down, [and, app., 

died,] one after another: syn. o«J«3l-j. (K.) 

ipl J^ £jJ., [aor. - ,] 2fe perished of cold. 

(£.) J»">ibt IjJk i/e »ea4 loquacious, with 

error. (TA.) 

5. ljy3 It (a wound, or an ulcer.) became 
putrid, or ?-o««n, and dissundered, or ragged. 
(S, K.) 

Iljjk »'.7- «ul — • [q.v., in arts. , ,»—. and 
•] (K.) 

ijjk and*tTju. A sharp sword, (TA [but the 
orthography is not quite clear].) [See also 
ait. (J.U.] 


Jljjk: see IjJk. 

I jj. : see art. li. 


[in which, for JAJt, in the L and TA, I sub- 
stitute jJul,] AHn says, that it signifies jJ* 
£m jjl/, i.e., w>p Ssu \jj2* ; the poet meaning 
And he applied himself early to a jar full of 
wine, [with its mud-plaster sealed upon it, with 
drinking after drinking, until he exhausted all 
that was in the jar,] and emptied it. (L.) 

il*juk ^ji + A long and difficult night journey 
to water: (L, K :) or quick. (JK, K.) — 
See >} jJ.. 

• St - • s* 

Jl j.m -. see >j jM. — . Also, f A camel that 

outstrip* others. (K.) 

1. IJu., aor. -, inf. n. !juk, He rut a thing 
(A?. 8, K) [quickly], with a sword, &c. (TA.) 
It signifies a quicker act than docs J*. (K.) _ 
IJkA He destroyed the enemy. (K, TA.) __ 
4iUL# •&, (K,» TA,) inf. n. !Jdk, (TA,) Zfe 
Awr/, or offended, [or cu',] Aim with his tongue ; 
(TA ;) made him to liear what he disliked. (K.) 

1. «Ujdi, aor. ; , inf. n. v**i &* cut *' »' or 
cut it off: (A, K :) like ^ji. (TA.) — ^ii, 
aor. , , inf. n. l>lh ; (K ;) and * aj jJk, inf. n. 
^jj^i ; (S ;) //e cleansed it ; purified it ; 

cleared it. (S, K.) .->.**, aor. - , inf. n. w>^A, 

7t wa.i ;mr«, clear. (K: but only the inf. n. is 
there mentioned.) _ «_>.** <»Jiy» ^ U ^/tcre j* 
no purity in his love. (TA.) — *JJA, aor.-, 
inf. n. w».i* ; and " &sjJk, (inf. n. ^-iOyJ, TA) ; 
He put it into a right, or proper, state ; put it to 
rights; trimmed, adjusted, repaired, mended, 
amended, reformed, or improved, it. (K.) — — 
iia^Jl wjjuk He trimmed the palm-tree by clear- 
ing it of the fibrous substance called tjy. (K.) 
_ MF says, on the authority of the etymo- 

logists, that the original signification of ' ^^i^v> 

• • * 
and wJjJk is The clearing, or trimming, of trees, 

by cutting off the extremities of the branches, in 
order that they may increase in growth and 
beauty; that they were then used to signify the 
cleansing, or purifying, of anything ; and putting 
it into a right, or proper, state; trimming it; 
or adjusting it ; and clearing it of any dirty or 
filthy things, or the like, mixed with it ; so that 
these became their proper meanings by general 
acceptation : and that they were then used to 
signify the trimming and embellishing of verse, 
and clearing it of whatever might vitiate it in the 
opinion of the c/iaste in language, and the philo- 
logists : but the truth is what is said in the L ; 
that the original signification of wo-XyJ is the 
clearing the colocynth of its pulp, and jrreparing 
its seed* so that they may lose their bitterness, and 
become sweet. (TA.) = «->•**> (aor. - , inf. n. 

vi*, TA,) It (a thing) f/vwed. (K.) vi*, 

(aor.;, TA,) inf. n. «_JJL and iC\Si; (K ;) 
and^vJ^ 1 . (K,) inf. n. -^>\jM\ ; (S ;) and 


♦ v Jla, (K,) inf. n. ^j$ ; (S ;) and t ^,JU ; 
(K;) He (a man, &c, K, as a horse in his 
running, and a bird in his flying, TA,) mi 
quick, or swift, (K,) in his pace or course : 
(TA :) he was quick in flying, in running, and 
in speech. (S.) — V-** B.* ran vehemently. 

(As.) — ^^»>' V-H* [°PP- V^rt «r».*w] Ht 
makes the inclinations of his head and body [»M 
prayer] in quick succession. (TA, from a trad.) 

M •«- m 

— See also art. JuA. _>yUI «->-** 77te peojite 
were very noisy, or clamourous, (K,) and loqua- 
cious. (TA.) 

2 : see 1. _ w*J^k, inf. n. ^^-ojkyJ, //(' trimmed 
an arrow ; or shaped it wiVA nicety, by the second 
operation : the first operation is called w-oJuLJ. 

(AHn.) _ lyU£ w>>* t.^. ,jjji, accord, to £s- 
Sukkaree, who cites the following verse of one of 
the Hudhulecs : (namely Aboo-Khirash, L, 
art. ijb :) 

,00** 00 000 * A" 

•» •• • •• 0* 

[app., He removed from her what was next the 
belly, and directed himself to a line of the back, 
between the rump-bone and withers]. (TA.) 

3 ! see 1. 

4. «V U » . " )! ojjjkl The cloud poured forth its 
water quickly. (K.) See 1. 

5. wJwiyJ [/< became nicely, neatly, or properly, 
trimmed] : said of a thing from which one has 
cut off whatever required to be cut off, so that it 
has become free from everything unseemly. (A, 

* » m t A# 

TA, art. Jj».) _ Jjw _U C-j>yj [7 n-a.», or 
Aaue been, amended, or improved, by thy agency, 
or mco«.«]. (A, TA, art. \JJu.) 

■_>jjb _^~»»-, after the manner of a rel. n., ^1 
7-ain following vehement heat, that pours down 
quickly : see 4 : syn. w>IJj.I ^j. (TA.) 


^Juk ^1 hind of pace of a horse; (S ;) like 


^jkjA: (K :) a subst. from «->•** " no Wi,s quick, 
or swift, in his pace." (TA.) The former is 
also mentioned by Az, in the T; I Did only 
mentions the latter word. (TA.) _ A running 

* 00 ' ' 

with a leaning on one side, Ex. .yjL.v-11 .— -o 
[He went leaning on one side]. (IAinb.) But 

'0 090 

for this some read ijrJv>v" i«*~*> which is equiva- 
lent to ^JuA. (TA.) 

9 i .1 ■ * 

^jj-yt Jj>~j t A man of purified natural dis- 
positions, or maimers, or morals ; (S, K;) a man 
of integrity ; free from vices, or faults. (L.) 

w>jye Quit-A, or swift, [in jmce, $■«.]. (TA.) 
__ w»«f»-»" » s a l 80 a namc of 2%« 2>et)<7; who is 
also called ^JloJI, meaning " he who embellishes, 


or gives a goodly appearance to, acts of dis- 
obedience [to God]." (Fr.) 

wjjly* J*t Quick, or swift, camels. (K.) 

1. iW'*» jj*, aor.:, (A, K,) inf. n. )jl, (TA,) 
His speech, or talk, rvas much, or abundant, and 
erroneous and false or vain or frivolous. (A, K.) 
— jjjk, aor. J and -, He talked much; babbled; 
was loquacious, or garrulous: (JK:) [or he talked 
irrationally :] or aajouU ^ jjj., aor. - and ; , inf. 

ii. jjt* (S, Msli, K) and jIJ^j. (K,) which latter 
has nn intensive signification, (TA,) he confounded 
in his speech, and talked what was not fit or meet 
or proper: (Msb:) or he talked much and badly : 
or en-oneously : (K:) or he talked nonsense; he 
talked irrationally, foolishly, or deliriously ; (S ;) 

ns also * } JJ.\: (K:) and <u"5l^ ^ T jJJkl Aa 
talked much; babbled; was loquacious, or </ar- 
rulom. (S, TA.) 

4 : see 1, in two places. 

• « * »# •• ^ * 

jjjk ^ jjj *^ JVbt /«'»/« nor much: (TA:) or 

not scanty, so as to indicate impotence, nor much 

and corrupt : said of the speech of Mohammad. 

(K, art jjj.) [See jJJk, from which it is altered 

to assimilate it in form to jji.] 



■ t a 

• a , 



;•**■• : 

6ce jSm ; the third, in two places. 

,Ju», a suhst. from aiixLo , J ijdk, (S, Msb,) 
Much talk; babble: (JK:) or nonsense; or tr- 
rntiona), foolish, or delirious, talk : (S :) or con- 
fused rtn<f improper speech : (Msb :) or speech, 
or MA, fAa< »'.» MUffA and bad: or erroneous: 
(A, K :) or <Ao< u not regarded as of any weight 
or worth. (TA.) See also jJj». 
* i. • • 

jjuk, an epithet from jjuk, applied to a man, 
[signifying, Loquacious ; garrulous ; babbling ; 
a great talker; a babbler: or nonsensical, ir- 
rational, foolish, or delirious, in his talk: or one 
who speaks confusedly and improperly : or wAo 
speaks, or talks, much and badly : or erroneously .-] 
(JK, S, K:) as also, [but in an intensive sense,] 

♦jji (K) and I'ijjj. (S, K) and *ijjJ. (K) and 
t y ji (S, K) and ♦ jlju. (K) and ♦ oWjlk (JK, 
A, K) and t'j^. (K) and ♦jU^, (JK, S, A, 
Msb, K,) [signifying, very loquacious, &c. :] and, 
[but in a doubly intensive sense,] * «_,lju* (JK, 
K) and * ijUv*, ( JK, A, K,) [signifying very very 
loquacious, &c. :] fern, ij Juk (K) and * SjJo* (TA) 
and f jlJv« [without 5] : (K :) or » ,jbj Juk sig- 
nifies one njto talks badly, or corruptly, and 
much : (TA :) or light in speech and in service : 
(8, TA :) the pi. of TjIjv- is^ilyi, not ,j.}JlJy«. 
(ISd, TA.) 


y. 1. vjjdk, inf. n. «VjJu», -ffc to/Aerf mucA ana" 
quickly: (K :) a dial, form of.j»Jju», or mispro- 
nounced for the latter word. (TA.) See also 

\jtrt-** (accord, to the TA, ^y^Juk, and so in 
Golius's Lex.,) Custom ; habit. Ex. ob^Ju* »Jd> 
This is his custom ; or habit. (K.) 

• -* • j 

ObjJjk Xi^A/, or active, (and quick, TA,) m 

Am */?eerA anrf t» Aw service. (K.) See also 
^Ijj JA, in art. jjdk. 

[.JJuk, &c. 
See Supplement.] 

*'•* * , - 1> ^ 

Q. I. ^,J Ju», inf. n. ioJjuk, //e ma* %A<, or 

active, and quick. (K.) But IDrd and others 

assert it to be a word mispronounced for v*)Ju». 

1. jM, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. ^', (S, Msb, K,) 
inf. n. jjyk, (S, A, &c.,) said of a dog, [lie 
snarled, or howled, or whined;] he uttered a n-y 
less velicment than barking (S, A, Msb, K,) fry 
reason of his little patience of cold; (S, K ;) <uil 
at him : (K :) or barked and grinned, displaying 
his fangs. (L, TA.) It is said in a trad., 

***' *'j^ !!>-• jvi *r-^" u| Verily the dog [snarls, 
or] barks and grins, displaying his fangs, behind 
his master: meaning, that courage is a quality 
implanted by nature in a man, so that he engages 
in wars naturally, and from care to defend what 
should be inviolable, not reckoning upon a reward, 
like as the dog naturally barks and grins, display- 
ing his fangs, to defend his masters. (L, TA.) 
— jjjh is also applied to other sounds than the 

cry of the dog; as in the instance of ,j««.yi jjjh 
t The sound of the turning of the millstone. 

[Book I, 

(T A.) You say also u^yUt <Z>jh f The bow made 
a sound. (AHn, K.) And the looking of 
courageous men, one at another, is likened to 

jtjl (ISd, Msb.) _ J5UI 4-j ^ >. t He 

grinned in the face of the beggar, showing his 

teeth, and looking sternly, austerely, or morosely. 

(A, TA.) _ [Hence, perhaps,] » •*, (S, K,) aor. 
i,. i , i , 

yvi and jyj, (K,) [the latter irreg., like j>jj as 

aor. of the trans. v.j»j,] inf. n.^* (S, K) and^yk, 
(K,) J He disliked, disapproved of, or hated, him 

or it. (S, K.) You say, ,^-Ut tjj. t The people 

* * 3* 

disliked, &c., Ats vicinity. (A.) And t^.101 jh, 

and ^tjLi\, (S, A,) inf. n. j^ji, (S.) J He disliked, 
&c, the cup of wine, and war. (S, A.) = 
j^JI '»jt., (K,) aor. »j£, inf. n. ji, (TA,) The cold 
made him (a dog) [to snarl, or Aon;?, or whine ; 
or] to cry [in the manner described above] ; as 
also * 7jj.\, (K,) inf. n. jljil. (TA.) It is said 
in a proverb, (TA,) w>U Ii ' jh\ ji> [It is, or 
was, an evil thing that made t/ie fanged animal 
to snarl, &c] : alluding to the appearance of the 
signs and symptoms of evil : the sayer thereof, 
hearing the cry (^jM) of a dog, feared the assault 
of evil, and therefore said this to denote the mag- 
nitude of the case in his mind ; meaning, nought 
but an evil thing made the fanged animal to cry : 
and for this reason, the use of an indeterminate 
word as an inchoative is well. (K.) 

3. »jU i.q. <y»-j ^ jh*. (?» K,) i.e., t He 
grinned in his fare, showing his tenth, and looking 
sternly, austerely, or morosely, (A,) Wee a dog. 

4 : see 1, last signification, in two places. 

jtm A male cat ; syn. i y^i ; (S, A, K ;) which 
latter is uncommon in the language of the Arabs ; 
(IAmb, in Msb, art. yi~> ;) fern. »Ja; (S, A, 
Msb, K :) or jM is applied to the male and the 
female; and the latter is sometimes called ij* -. 
(IAmb, Msb:) the pi. of ft. is i^; and that of 
Ijh is jj.a ; and the dim. of ijj, is »^>jA. (Msb.) 
= Also, a subst. from tjJb meaning " he disliked, 
disapproved of, or hated, him or it." (S ) It is 
said in a proverb, (S,) ^i yj*t \jM OjJj *i), (S, A, 
K,) meaning He knows not him who dislikes or 
hates him from him who behaves towards him with 
goodness and ojf'ection and gentleness, and regard 
for his circumstances: (S, TA :) this is the best 
explanation of it: (TA:) or the action of him 
who grins in his face, showing his teeth, and looking 
sternly, austerely, or morosely, from the action of 
him who holds loving communion with him : (A :) 
or the calling of sheep or goats, (S,) or the calling 
of them to water, (\\,)from the driving of them : 
(S :) or the calling of sheep or goats to provender 
from the calling of them to mater: (IAar:) or 

Book I.] 

the driving of sheep or goats (Too, £) f rom **• 
calling of them. (Yoo, TA.) It has been ex- 
plained [more fully] in art.^. (K.) 

,: S- 

JjA: see jU. 

jl* A dog [tAat snarls, or AowJ», or wAtnw, by 
reason of his little patience of cold : or] that barhs 
and grins, displaying his fangs: and *jl>* signi- 
fies the same [but in an intensive manner ; that 
snarls, &c, much:] or the latter signifles a dog that 
grins [much], displaying his fangs : or that barks 
much : or that barks [much] and grins, displaying 
his fangs. It is said in a trad., ^W« J**' "S> 
t '£)) [properly signifying, 1 mill not pay a fine 
for hilling the dog that barks much, is expl. as] 
meaning, I will not impose anything [as a fine] 
for the killing of a dog that barks much ; because 
such a dog annoys by his barking. (TA, [see 

art. J**.]) ijl* (jOl *** The ridim J- 

camels returned to her, or it, one grinning (jyt) 
in the face of another, showing its teeth, in con- 
sequence of fatigue. (TA.) 

1. jjj| »\jM The cold destroyed him, or, perhaps, 
debilitated him; i.e., a beast; lit., broke him: 
syn. *j-&>. (TA.) [See also \jh.] mm j^i, 
like [J*, [i.e., pass, in form, but neut. in signifi- 
cation,] (incorrectly written in the S ^^t., K,) 
It (a camel or sheep Ac, or a man.) perished of 
cdld, or heat. (Ks, K.) — jjJI »tji, inf. n. ijk 
(A?, S, K,) and 5»"£ ; (K ;) and <\jM\ ; (Fr, S, 
£ ;) The cold affected him so severely as nearly to 
hill him : (As , S, £ :) or so severely as to hUl 
him. (£.) _ *l<pl £>&- The mind teas, or 
became, intensely cold. (K.) = \jtt, (K,) inf. n. 
£», (TA:) and t£» ; (K;) and tl>kl, (Fr, K.) 
inf n. !"£*!; (TA ;) He cooked flesh-meat 
thoroughly : ($ :) or so that it fell off from the 
bone. (S, K.) — (jjfi, aor. : , inf. n. tjM and IjA 

and tjyl ; (K ;) and ♦ "fa ; (S, K ;) It (flesh-meat) 
mas thoroughly cooked: (K:) or mas cooked so 
as to fall off from the bone. (§,• TA.) sssi ,J> <Jk 
eii£; (S, K,) aor. i, (K,) inf. n. £i, (TA,) He 
mas loquacious : or he mas loquacious, mith incor- 
rectness; (TA;) asalsojtfflt £i: (ISk, S:) or 
A« wa« very foul in his speech: or mas very 
incorrect, or faulty, therein : (K. :) or, simply, he 
mas foul, (8,) or incorrect, or /aufcy, (TA,) in 
his speech : (S, TA :) also y*fl» » \j*\ he multi- 
plied his words but spake not to the point, or cor- 
rectly. (K,) — W ' ' ^ * Oj» inf - n - £*» 
[Verily his speech is prolix: or is vitious, and 
disorderly]. (TA.) 

2: see 1. 

4 : see 1. ^ l^jjl ^ !>*• -ff« entered upon 

the cool time of the evening ; (S, 1£ :•) or properly 
said only of the evening of the hot season. (£.) 
[See also \j*\.] — i*Jw O* •&* (J^»> Stay 
thou until the mid-day heat shall have become 
assuaged, and the air be cool. (TA, in this art.; 
and IAar, in TA, art. -^».) = \jh\ He slem a 
person. (K.) = See 1, last sentence but one. 

5. jj^3 He (a beast) mas destroyed, or, perhaps, 
debilitated, by the cold; lit., was broken: syn. 
jlSS. (TA.) as See 1. 

{£jL (so in the TA : in one copy of the S, 
^£jh: in another, \£j*f.) and ' I** (TA) Meat 
thoroughly cooked: (TA :) or cooked so as to fall 
off from the bone. (S,* TA.) 

\jM : see *l/k . 

,t • « . 

tjyk, or 5j^* Jl»i-», (S, 5.) Loquacity : or 
vitious, disorderly, speech: (K:) or loquacity mith 
incorrectness. (S.) — fij*, (K,) fem. with », pi. 
with OS J (TA ;) and ♦ Vji. ; (K ;) A great talker 
of nonsense. (K.) 

\\jS> A young shoot of a palm-tree, (AHn, K,) 
when first plucked from the mother-tree. (A?.) 
as itJyJI ^ certain devil whose office it is to suggest 
foul dreams. (K.) 

• -• mm *3 

iiijM. lyj iji Cold that occasions injury and death 
to men and to cattle $c. (El-Fezaree, ISk, S.) _ 
Also, 3L>j* The time in which cold thus affects 
them. (TA.) 

t)jr*, from ^jM, pi. with & 3 , [in the CK, for 

Oittrr* ' 8 P ut OlJv*>] Perishing of cold, or heat. 
(Ks, K.) __ Explained by AHn [in his book on 

plants] by the words jt^JI *%«* n jJs i_^JJ' 
[meaning, What is nipped, shrunk, shrivelled, or 
blasted, by the cold: see art. *-aJ]. (TA.) 

1^* : see (£>*. 

1. v^* (S, K,) aor. - ; not '-, as some have 
imagined on account of the measure of the first of 
the following inf. ns., imagining thence also that 
the pret. is w>jjk ; nor - with the pret. v>*> M 
some have supposed because of the guttural letter; 
for a guttural letter, when it is the first, is not 
reckoned as having any influence on the form of 
the aor. ; nor -, as some have thought; (TA;) 

inf. n. vj» (S, K) and ^J^i and oW*i ($;) 
He (a man, or any animal, T A) fled; ran amay. 
(S, K.) _ 4i^JI >&•■ <^J [To Thee I flee for 
refuge from Thee; i.e., from thy punishment: 

addressed to God]. (TA.) jjyi ,>• *_>>* 

<uUu Zfa//" o/* <Ae wooden pin, peg, or ^<iAe, <fu- 
appeared [in the ground]. (K.) a v^a, aor. i, 
1T« became extremely aged, old and weak, or de- 

crepit ; i.q. J»jA ; (K ;) of which it is a dial, 
form. (TA.) 

2. aJa, inf. n. «^4>^, lf« wia<fc, or caused, 
him to flee, or rem amay. (S, £.) See also 4. 

4. A/jftt iTe forced, or compelled, him to flee, 
or run amay. (K.) See also 2. — «^>ll w>i>*' 
7%« wtW raised and carried amay the dust, (!£,) 
causing dust and dry herbage fyc. to accumulate 

on the ground. (TA.) v./* 1 &* ( a home, or 

other animal that runs, Lh) strove, or exerted him- 
self, in going amay, or in flight, being frightened, 
(ISk, S, K,) or not being frightened. (TA.) 
See i»jy. itiL. _ w>jjkt He went, or travelled, far 
into, or through, the land. (TA.) [^ * vi* 
JA/SI, mentioned also in the TA, seems to sig- 
nify the same.] j-.^l ^ v^ 1 -H* immersed 

himself in the affair; took extraordinary pains in 
it. (K.) SeeCyr-i'V- 

6. I^jl»3 (S, 0, K, art. ji,) They fled, one 
from another. (T£.) 

w)jA The (Atn integument of fat that covers the 
stomach and intestines : or the/at [or caul] that 
m spread over the intestines: i.q. ^>UJI ^jj : 
(K :) a word of the dial of El-Yemen. (TA.) 

Vj6 "ib Vj^ *i C» He has not [of camels &c] 
any tAat returns from mater, nor any that comes 
to it; i.e., A« Aa* not anything; (Kh, S, K ;) 
or, he has not anything, nor has he any people ; 
an expression similar to <uk ~$ 3 a.,«.,„. a) U : 
(Lh :) accord, to IAar, »->jU signifies one who 

returns from mater ; and Vj^*» o™ w *o ««**, or 
journeys to, mater : (TA :) or the meaning is no 
one fUes from him, nor does any one approach 
him; i.e., he is a person of no account. (As, K.) 
[In the TA a trad, is quoted which confirms the 
former signification.] See also art. ^jji. 

t>jv+ A place to which one flees ; a place of 

refuge. (Msb.) — vJt* ^ O^* t Such a one 
is a refuge to us. (TA.) 

. * t» 
^fv* *^ B* came striving, or exerting himself, 

in the affair : (Lh:) or, as some say, he came 

fleeing and in fright. (TA.) 

• -• 

-—>>*-* ■* piece of mood, or wooden implement, 

which the sower, or ploughman, drams formard 
and backward [over the ground]. (K.) [A piece 
of the trunk of a tree, or of a thick branch, is 
thus drawn over the soil after sowing.] 

SijM sing, of »Sf\js., which signifies The 
servants, or ministers of the fire (S, K) of the 
Magians; (K;) the servants, or ministers, (i-ji, 



L, #, by which ia meant>j4., TA,) oftkefire- 
Umple of the Indians: (L, £ :) or the judges 
of the Magians: (L:) or the great men of 
the Indians: or their learned men: (L, K :) 
a Persian word, [originally .*>>»,] arabicized. 
(9. L.) 

».>.>* .4 pac« lessquich than that termed ^1^.. 
(S, L, ¥•) 

« • 
Lf«*4^ ^ protti and self- conceited manner of 
walking, or going; (L, KL;) rcAtcA u (L) a 
manner of making or ^otny Me *Aa< o/ the 
#\^1> [pi. of i^]. (A'Obeyd, L.) A'Obeyd 
mentions it in speaking of the paces of camels ; 
and says that it is without a parallel in form. 

(**) — \J^^ J*n->l U* ?%« camel ran in- 
clining towards one side. (S, L, K.) 


♦ c£j1 (L) The lion. (EL.) __ Also i*> A 
woman tn whom the division between the vagina 
and the rectum has been broken through. (S, £.) 
Sometimes employed in tnis sense. (S.) ___ >L*Ja 
A rent garment. (ISd.) — oo^a A wounded 
reputation. (ISd.) as io>L jL' } A man who 
does not keep a secret, and who talks foully. (K.) 

OjjyJI : see c~>^y)l. 

OjjU [A certain fallen angel, the companion 
o/OjjU]; the name of an angel, or of a king; 
but the former accord, to the more common 
opinion : generally and most correctly held to be 
a foreign name. (TA.) 

Ojjkl : see 

•o/A throughout. 

t an epithetic appellation given to a 
pi. h'ji; (TA;) [like 4iUi^i, q. v.] 


1. Uei O^A, [aor. ; and i ,] inf. n. Ojh ; He 
rent, or slit, a thing, to widen it. (TA.) __ 
«Joi oji, [aor. : and i ,] inf. n. oji, /fe </rew 
the side of his mouth towards the ear. (TA.) __ 
O**, aor. i , (inf. n. O,*, S,) He was wide, or 
ample, in the sides of the mouth : he had a wide 
mouth. (S, $, TA.) — 442JI «^i*, (S,) aor. ; 
and ' , inf. n. Oji, (ISd, !£,) -H« rent the gar- 
ment. (Aa, 8, ISd, £.) — *^t oji (S) aor. r 
and ! , inf. n. OjA, (K,) if* wounded his reputa- 
tion; syn. <cj ,>*I» ; (S ;) as also .iyk and i^A. 
(TA.) [Accord, to the K, O^k seems to signify 
the same as ^ij» absolutely ; but in the TA, 
the signification is restricted as above.] __ oJk 
^Ll)\, (S, 1$.,) aor. ■. and i, inf. n. o>i; (K ; ) 
[and * «uyk ; see Oj^i ;] if* cooked the flesh- 
meat thoroughly : (£:) cooked it so that it fell 
off' from the bones. (S.) 

2 : see 1, last sentence. 

Ojyll and O^jyJI : see C-^jyil . 

% .. 
<^iyh Wide, or ample. (£.) ___ Wide, or ample, 

in the sides of the mouth : (S :) as also f cA*1 

J^iJI, and J.CJI w^A, and * 4J JJV *, and 

. >> -»j 

» *3>t«U. (TA.) A wide-mouthed horse; as 

also " OjAl , and camel. (TA.) [See an ex. in 

a verse cited voce ^>j.] _ JjLiJI c-j^* 4^., 

and * <uJj|^a, A serpent having a wide mouth. 

(TA.) — ' OjAl Jk->l A /ton rotrfe m </k jjWc* o/ 

* ^ *•' ** ' 
the mouth. (S.) — " Cjj±\ ^^.j A man having 

a wide mouth. (TA.) -—^I * ■^->ijy^> Having 

a mouth wide in the sides. (S.) — " ^jy-c 0^^ 

Jtjui^l />Di/.t tvufe in the sides of the mouth. 

• " ■* ' 

(S.) [See an ex., voce VJ^-J — >^Ov" an( ^ 

" OjyM and f ^5^1 and ▼ Oj^yJI (K) and 



!>k. = Flesh-meat thoroughly 

cooked, so that it kas fallen in pieces ; as also )jy* ; 
or this latter [only] is the correct word. (TA, 
from a trad.) 

«l>jlyZ« Twisting about the sides of the mouth, 
and drawing then often, or much, towards the 
ears. (TA, from a trad.J 

4 -0 1 



^jjA An old, wo>:i-out, garment. (K.) [Sec 
also wo/*.] 

1. g-jJk, aor. ; , inf. n. ~.;t>, He did, acted, or 
occupied himself, much in a thing; (S, L;) ex- 
patiated, or took a wide range, in it. (L.) This 
is the original signification. (S.) ^» IJJb 

I, (aor. ;, inf. n. ~-J*, Msb.) //<• 
launched into, and expatiated in, or nv«.s diffuse 
in, discourse, talk, or narration: (K:) this is 
the signification in most frequent use : (TA :) or 
he made a confusion, or confounded, therein. 
(K, Msb.) __ -.;*, aor. - and i , inf. n. ~.yk, 
Multum inivit : (S, L :) or [simply] inivit an- 
cillam suam. (K.) _ »-yk, aor. - , (inf. n. »->*, 
TA,) 7/e (a horse) ran much: (S, L:) or ran 
quickly, or swiftly: (Msb :) or [simply] ran. 
(K.)__ ^LJI ^, aor. -, (inf. n. JJi, (S,) 
TAe people fell into a slate of trial, or civil tear 
or conflict and faction, or discord, or discussion, 
(iU»,) and con/usion, or disorder, (S, K,) anrf 

slaughter. (K.) — ~.^i, aor. s , (inf. n. «-3*> S>) 
7/c (a camel) became perplexed in his sight, by 

[Book I. 

r«won 0/ /A« vehemence of heat, and his being 
much smeared with pitch. (S, K,) and being 
heavily laden. (TA.) 

2 ,«M jjyA, inf. n. *->fj>, and * <u.>kt, 
inf. n. -.IjAl ; 2T« incited, or «r<7erf, <Ae cam*/ to 
journey on (during the hottest time of the day, 
S) until he [the camel] became perplexed in his 
sight by reason of the vehemence of the heat. (S, 

to tf*e /wm or o/A«r beast of prey, and chid him. 

(?> ¥•) = ^/*, inf. n. £j/y3, // (beverage of 

the kind called J^) affected, or too* effect 
upon, a person. (S, K.) 

4 : see 2 ^*1 TAc heat reached his (a 

camel's) inside. (L.) 

!>*-jl»J Iniverunt, alii alias. (TA.) 
£ /r 3l 2f« roas, or became, affected by beve- 

rage of the kind called JuJ. (S, CK.) 

• 0, 

£jM Trial, or civil war, or conflict and faction, 

or discord, or dissension, (i^s,) anrf confusion, or 
disorder: (S :) vehement and much slaughter: 
(TA :) in a trad, respecting the signs of the last 
day, conflict, and confusion, or disorder : (TA :) 
or slaughter; as explained by Mohammad him- 
self: (S:) and so, accord, to Aboo-Moosa, it 
signifies in the language of Abyssinia. (TA.) 
Ibn J£eys Er-Rukeiyat said, in the days of the 
faction of Ibn-Ez-Zubeyr, 

•«** git" Jj" l£M^ ^ • 

Would that I knew whether this be the first of the 
slaughter predicted as a sign of t/ie last day, or 
whether it be a time of trial, or civil war, &c, 
other than the slaughter so predicted. (S.) 

•TV* : Bee £rr»; 

*' a- 

a»-I^a Ah assembly, or ^ company, of men who 

launch into, and expatiate in, or are diffuse in, 
discourse, talk, or narration. (]£.) 

K-rr* A man ")/io.«c camels are affected with the 
scab, and have therefore been smeared with pitch, 
and to whose insules the heat has penetrated. 

z-jr? an ° p"'>* A horse tAa* run* mucA j (S, 

K:) and ♦ «r-|^t-° a '»orse <Aa« run* vehemently. 

^1^ : see ^.. 

Q. 1. w~*>/*, inf. n. i?»>k, He was quick, or 
*wt/r. (I$tt.) 

Book I.] 

V 1 */ and s~-*-j* Tall, or long, as an epithet 
of a man &c. (K.) __ v*»y* A tal ^ or long- 
bodied, (<Uj^J») anrf bulky, she-camel: (S:) as 
also jU.>k : pi: ^~~.\j*. _ w>Vj* Anything 
yreaf, fari/c, or bulky: so in the Moajam : or 
extending long, horizontally. (IK.) __ iJuJ 
yWJt X to/f palm-tree. (TA.) 

1- S>k, (S, L, K,) aor. 7 , (K,) inf. n. Vji, (L,) 
He rent, or tore, (S, L, K,) a garment, or piece 
of cloth; (8, L;) asalsooyk: (Az, L:) he rent, 
or tore, to injure, or spoil, (L, K,) not to amend: 
(L : ) he (a puller) rent, or tore, anrf fceof , a gar- 
ment, or piece of cloth: (L:) and *,jj* he rent, 
or tore, much. (L.) — — 4-i^c j>jjk, aor. -, (L,) 
inf. n. ijM, (S, L,'l£>) He wounded his reputation. 
(S, L, K.) — SJi, aor. : , (S, L, K,) inf n. jji, 
(L,) He cooked flesh-meat so that it fell off from 
the bones: (S, L, K:) or rooked it much: (As, 
L:) or cooked it thoroughly and well: (ISd, L, 

£:) and ♦ i yk, y (l£,) inf. n. j^i, (S, L,) signi- 
fies the same, (S, L, K,) but with an intensiveness: 
(S, L:) or he put flesh-meat info the fire, and 
cooked it thoroughly. (AZ, L.) yj*, (L, K, 

TA,) or i>, (AZ, L, CK.) and *j^, (TA,) 
/< (flesh-meat) became cooked so that it Jell off 
from the bones : or, cooked much : or, cooked 
thoroughly and well: (L, K :•) or it, being put 
into the fire, became thoroughly cooked. (AZ, L.) 

Irreg. verb. « (J ljl 0;j», aor. »J^*I, [in the 
CK, i^>kl,] (Lh, M, art i SJ ; and K,) inf. n. 
•a'i*. (Lh, M in art jjy,) i.^. ii^l [q.v., in 
art jjj, I willed, wished, or desired, the thing]. 
(Lh, M, art. jjj ; and K.) 

2: see 1. car >jA, inf. n. ju^jI, Zfe n,w« a 
iAH-». (K,) »e., a yellow garment, dyed with 
>jL. (TA.) 

5 : see 1. 

jj» Certain roots with which one dyes, (L, K,) 
of a yellow colour: (TA :) or (so accord, to the 
L; but in the K, and) i.q. % Jl»js»: (L, K:) or 
the yellow j&j£* : correctly, the roots of the 
j&jr*> or ,_^jj : (TA :) and a certain red earth 
(K) with which one dyes. (TA.) 

- » 

l£*>^> ( A ?> 9i "* ?» t but in tne last 't '» not 
shown whether it be with or without tenween]) 
of the measure ^^iii, (S, L,) of the fern, gen., 
(IAmb,) but Alln says, I know not whether it 
be masc. [and therefore with tenween] or fem. 
[and therefore without tenween], (L.) [in one 
instance in the L, and in a copy of the K, written 
\}jh, which is evidently wrong,] and *\>j*, [i.e. 

jTjJa or jTjj*,] (L, $,) and * o>^. (L.) A cer- 
tain plant; (As, S, L, K;) a certain herb, of 
which Alln says, that he had not met with a 
description of it : (L :) and f ^'ijU ' 8 also *• 
name of a certain plant, (K,) Mc ^Jy*, (L,) or 
i.q.Z/>W (TA.) 

2 << • t». 

<J>J* : see iJL ^«. 

t -• - » 

o'Jy* : see (Jjy*. 

• # *•# »• 

Ob;-» : see efj^*. 

ju^* and " iif^o A garment, or piece of cloth, 
rent, or torn; (L;) as also C~>>*. (AZ.) 

tit- • 

j^n-» s 8ee «*i/*- — Also, (S, L, K,) A gar- 
ment, or piece of cloth, dyed yellow (S, L) with 
jyjk; (L;) and so " ij^a (L) and " ^ij* : (K.,* 
TA,) or, as Sh says, accord, to information given 
to Aboo-Adnan by an intelligent Arab of the 
desert, of the people called Bahileh, dyed with 
^jj, and then with saffron, so as to become of a 
colour like that of the flower of the AJlj^»- : (Az, 
L :) or of a light yellow colour. (IAmb, L.) 

Q. 1. yj/, inf. n. i>a^k, (and ^ijM, TA, [a 
strange form : perhaps a mistake for w>b>» or 
v'*./*:]) He ran heavily. (IKtt &c, and K.) 

11^* Grat'», (Msb,) or wAo^t, (TA,) bruited, 
brayed, or pounded, [vehemently, or violently, 
(seev-jjA,)} and then cooked: (Msb, TA:) [or 
a kind of thick pottage, prepared of cooked wheat 
and cooked flesh-meats much pounded together : 
(Golius ; app. on the authority of Ibn-Maaroof :) 
but this is probably one of the kinds of A~j jk 
peculiar to post-classical times ; which kinds are 
many : see De Sacy's Relation de l'Egypte par 
Abd-Allatif, pp. 307 and 312:] of the measure 
JJLai in the sense of the measure S^sJu : (Msb:) 
from the verb above-mentioned : (S, 5 :) pi. 
Jj$L (A.) 

\j»\jh A maker, or preparer, ofiLjj* • (Mgh, 
Msb, ^ :) and a seller thereof. (Mgh.) 

• *• • • ' 

sj*\jv* [in the M, voce Oj*, q-*-» accord, to 

the TA, u-jv*, i.e., app. ^jy*,] A stone hollowed 
out, (S, Mgh, Msb,) oblong, (Mgh, Msb,) and 
heavy, resembling a [vessel of the ki?id called] ,y, 
q.v., (Mgh,) in which one bruises, brays, or pounds, 
and from which one performs the ablution termed 
»y«5; (Sj Mgh, Msb;) and it is also made of 
brass ; and grain and other things are bruised in 
it : (Msb :) and sometimes, by a tropical appli- 
cation, lone of wood, (Mgh, Msb,) used for the 
same purpose : (Msb :) or a mortar; syn. y^U; 
(J£;) or thing in which grain is bruited: (A, 
TA,) and also, (A, £,) tropically, (A,) I a hol- 
lowed stone, (A, K,) of oblong shape, (A,) from 
which one performs the ablution above mentioned ; 
(A, K;) consisting of a bulky stone, which several 
men cannot lift nor move because of its weight, 

iiijtt (and wO,r*> TA) An old woman. (S, 
£•) — Also, (as some say, TA,) Having a i capable of holding much water. (TA.) 
swollen belly, and cowardly: (S, K :) or cowardly, I 
bulky, of little sense, swollen in the belly, and having 
no heart. (TA.) — Accord, to Az, in the T, A 
large, long-bodied man is called ijjyJk. (TA.) 

1. a-Ja, aor. i, (IF, A, Msb,) inf. n. J^i, 
(IF, S. A, Msb, K,) He bruised, brayed, or 
pounded, it ; crushed it so as to break it ; broke 
it, or broke it in pieces, by beating; (S, IF, Msb, 
TA ;) namely, grain, (Msb,) or some other thing: 
(IF, Msb :) or he did so vehemently, or violently : 
(A, K:) or with something broad: or with some 
preservative between it and the ground. (TA.) 

v~ijk Grain, (Msb,) or wheat, (A,) bruised, 
brayed, or pounded, (A, Msb,) vehemently, or 
violently, (A,) with tlie ^t^-e, before it is cooked; 
for when it is cooked, it is termed <Loj* ; (Msb:) 
[of the measure J-*» in the sense of the measure 
J)***-] from the verb above-mentioned. fK.) 
You say, *li^I> ^-jjM ^jlc I have wheat 
bruised, &c.,for the iLjjk. (A.) 


1. J,jh, aor. -', (Sgh, K,) inf. n. Jiji, (TK,) 
t He (a man, TA) was, or became, tvil, or bad, 
in disposition. (Sgh, I£.) = jijjl J;Ja, (Ibn- 
Abbad, A, K,) and O^jjl, (A,) aor. '- and -, (A, 
K,) inf. n. Jijk, (TK,) I Time, or fortune, was, 
or became, distressful, or calamitous. (TAbbad. 
A, K.) [In the A, app. by inadvertence, J^j* 
j*jS\ is mentioned as proper; and O^ 1 <J>j*, 
as tropical.] 

2- V^JI O^' J&, (A,« K,« TK,) inf. n. 
u^/yJ, (?, A, K,) He excited strife, or quarrel- 
ling, between, or among, the dogs; syn. ^L. : 
(S,» A, K, TK:) and v*f» £ ^jU, (A, 
Mgh, TA,) or y^LOW, (S,) or Ji y^Ol Jjj 
J&, (K,» TK,) inf. n. iijl^ (S, A, Mgh, K) 
and ui\jA, (S, Mgh,) he incited the dogs to attack 
one another. (S, Mgh, K.) — [Hence,] ^a 
-*»*" Of, (A,) or ^Ul J4;, (K,) inf. n. as 
above, (S, K,) J He excited discord, dissension, 



disorder, strife, quarrelling, or animosity, between, 
or among, the people. (S* A, K.) 

3. vijli [They fought and assailed each other] : 
said of two dogs. (A.) See also 6. _ [Hence,] 
u^'j* yJ» [-4 n irritable, or a quarrelsome, dog] ; 

like wftly. C-^=»- (TA.) 8ee &1bo 2 J^LJ* 

is also used to signify The fighting against each 
other of men. (Mgh.) 

6. v*? I cijltJ. and t c-A>*l, (A, £, TA,) 
and lLL' \^Lju * JijU, (A,) TA« dogs fought and 
assailed one another. (TA.) 

8 : see 6. 


i-iyk ^n oW woman /ar advanced in years : 
( K : ) a mni-ovt oW woman ; as also ikLjh. (T.) 

<^t»\'jM rK«#i : (K ;) a pi. that has no sing. ; 
or its sing, is C~-*j* or <Z>y*j* ; or perhaps the 
O is an augmentative letter : (MF :) or, accord, 
to the L, it is a name of a certain group of wells 
in the tract of Ed-Dahma, said to have been dug 
by Lukman the son of 'Ad : or, accord, to As, 
certain wells on the left of Dareeyeh : if so, F has 
erred in prefixing to it the art. Jl. (TA.) 

1. »jM, (S, A, Msb, K,) and -vji, [respecting 
which see what is said on an ex. below,] (A, K.) 
aor. '., (A, Msb,) inf. n. jt\, (S, A, Msb,) [He 
shook it;] he put it in motion, or into a state of 
commotion ; (S, A, Msb, K ;) as also * tjjM, (S, 
£,) and -v j>, (TA,) inf. n. j^3; (£ ; ) and 

? •>>» (§, £,) inf. n. 'ijAjA ; (TA;) meaning, he 
made it move by pulling and pushing ; or he made 
it move to the right and left : or, accord, to Er- 
Raghib, he did so Kith violence, or vehemence. 
(TA.) It is said that jm is trans, by itself, and by 
means ofy, like jl*J and JXsC: it is trans, in 
the latter manner in the Kur., [xix. 25,] where 
it is said, * U . 1 1 e-**-v JfJ\ ^Jjs>) [And shake 
thou towards thee the trunk of the palm-tree"], 
i. e. u&t^ : but I&d says, that the verb is here 
made trans, by means of ._» because it is used in 
the sense of \£j*t- : and MF says, that, properly, 
it is not trans, by means of v (TA.) You 
**J> ^J**} wJt-" J* [H* «A«>* the sword, Sfc] 
(A.) And oUiV» ^»l oj*, (A,) and j^Jjl, 
and * (^jji, (S,) [The wind shook the branches, and 
the trees,] and oC-JI o>* it shook (szJa^L.) the 
plants : but this has also a tropical signification, 
which tee below. (TA.) _ You say also, jsA 

^yL£», and ^jf^*, X [lit, / shake my shoulder- 
blade, and my shoulder-joint;] meaning, I walk 
with an elegant and a proud and self-conceited 
gait ; I behave with pride and self-conceitedness. 
(Mgh.) And IJiD ZlLe.}*, J [lit., He shook his 

sides at such e thing; app. meaning, he was 
active, or prompt, and brisk, or was moved with 
alacrity, to do such a thing, or he was rejoiced at 
such a thing: like * a) jz*>\, q.v.]: and in like 
manner, ** & • j*>. (A.) [In like manner also 
you say,] (af a*fi ^ c^lj U j* [app. meaning, 
accord, to a gloss cited by De Sacy in his Anthol. 
Gr. Ar., p. 309, I What I saw rejoiced me : or, 
as rendered by him, p. 286, ce dontj'etois temoin, 
reveilla en mot le courage.] (Z, in his preface to 

the Keshshaf.) And J/^1 j*, (§> A » S») *° T - '-> 
inf. n. ji (TA) and >»>*, (S, $, TA.) XHe (a 
man urging his beasts by singing) made the camels 
to be brisk, or sprightly, by his singing to urge 
them. (S,» A, £.) And^JI liji : [The jour- 
neying made them to be brisk, or sprightly]. (TA) 

»•* a- 
And je~H <o >* t The pace brought him on quickly. 

(TA.) And •griJ U^i ^jj*> t / w«a« «cA a one 

to rejoice [or to 6e prompt and brisk (see the 

quasi. pass., 8,) to rfo ^oorf] : said of a generous 

man: (En-Nadr, TA :) and * <>j*>js> and oJ*J* 
•• .-. • * > * * 

4U [app. signify the same]. (A.) And o"^ tlj ^ 

t _ 5 -i- JI >yj, and 4-oyj, t Such a one came walking 
impulsively : ( JK in art. ^iuk :) or wt(A a grace- 
ful gait, impulsively. (Ibn-EUFaraj, TA, in art 
uott.) — You also say, of a plant, or herbage, 
jUob«>)l^ --LjjJI ▼ «u^* I The winds and the rains 

made it to become tall (A, TA.*) ^&>£\)h: 

see 8. _ [s^o seems to be an inf. n. of »ja.] You 
8*7 'jt^ 1 6^' A-J ($, TA, art ^^p,) [app. for 
»>vJI J^ t ] A .^ear (Aat vibrates, or quivers, 
when shaken. (TA, ibid.) 

2 : see 1, in two places. 

5 : see 8. 

• t . » it. 

8. j2b1, (inf. n. Jl>-ftl,) quasi-pass, of »JM, (TA,) 

[Jt shook; or gui'vcred ; ] tt became in motion, or 
tn a «toto o/ commotion ; (S, Msb, K ;) as also 
'£*>, (S, £,) quasi-pass, of »ji* ; (TA ;) and 
f js>j^3, (S, A, K,) [quasi-pass, of »js>js> ; meaning, 
accord, to explanations of »>* in the TA, it became 
moved by being pulled and pushed ; or it became 
moved to the right and left : or it became so moved 
with violence, or vehemence.] _ ^jj*. ^ iUJI^pkl 
t [app. fAe water quivered in its running] : and 
4,olAi>l ^y v A j OI l [the star in its shooting, or 

darting, down] : (S, A, TA :) and ^-£»£\ J&\ 
I the star shot, or darted, down [app. with a 
quivering motion] ; (O, L, TA ;) as also j*. (A, 
K-) __ t yA^ ltjasI I The procession, or cavalcade, 

f Book I. 

ftwnf quickly : (En-Nadr, TA :) or mais a now 
ana 1 clamour. (S.) _ J/>}t Opkl I Ta< camels, 
being urged on by the singing of their driver, 
became brisk, or sprightly. (S,* A, TA.) You 

• S M 

say also, j-»^ jZs>\ I He was, or became, active, or 
prompt, and brisk, or cheerfully excited, at a thing, 
or to do a thing. (TA.) [Ex.] _4"L) P* 1 I -He 
rejoiced [or wa» active or prompt, &c, to do good] : 
said of a generous man. (En-Nadr, TA.) And 
^jjjs^ii j^yj yt> I [He rejoices, or is active, or 
prompt, Ac, to <ft> what is beneficent, or Atoa']. 
(A.) [Hence the saying,]^ *ifij>4i *$ O*** 
t [/SucA a one does not rejoice, Ac., to give, but he 
shrinks from giving]. (A, TA, art_pb.) [Hence 
also,] jut* O^J o^»^/ ' cAi^i-*! I ^< empyrean 
of the Compassionate rejoiced at the death ofSaad; 
(En-Nadr. IAth, K, TA ;) meaning Saad Ibn- 
Mo'adh ; (TA;) i. e., when he [meaning his soul] 
was taken up ; (IAth, TA ;) because of the 
honour in which be was held by his Lord ; (K ;) 
or the inhabitants of the empyrean rejoiced at his 
death : these words occur in a trad., of which 
there is another relation, u&jjUI ji*t : and some 
say, that by JijsA\ is meant the bier upon which 
Saad was removed to his grave. (TA.) You 
also say, ^Ai s£\ *Jt>j£ I My heart became 
moved by a cheerful, or joyful, affection towards 
him. (K, TA.) — i»£jl >UI : The plant, or 
herbage, became tall. (A, TA.) _ ^j^l Opkl 
I The land produced plants, or herbage : (A :) or 
became put in motion, and produced plants, or 
herbage. (TA.) 

It. Q. 1. cjt>j*t, and *j>*>a, and 

see 1. __ Also, the first, (inf. n. »js»js\, TA,) l-He 
subdued him, or rendered him submissive; syn 
£3i. (S,*TA.) 

R. Q. 2. JJk>yJ : see 8, in two places. — Also, 
t He became subdued, or submissive; quasi-pass. 
of'*js\jL (TA.) 

ijh t Brisk and rejoicing to do evil or mischief; 

« i' 

applied to a woman : pi. Ol/S>. (A, TA.) 

• ■» 

*js> \ Briskness, or sprightliness : (S, K :) and 

t briskness, sprightliness, alacrity, or cheerfulness, 
disposing one to promptness in acts of liberality, 
kindness, and beneficence; .or liberality of disposi- 
< ton ; syn. «ea>->jl ; (K ;) and [in like manner] 
*jjj*> X briskness, or sprightliness, of camels when 
urged on by the singing of their driver. (A, TA.)_ 
I A kind of pace, or manner of going, of camels; 
(As, K;) when the train goes quickly : ( As, • En- 
Nadr, TA:) or a state of commotion of a train 
or procession or cavalcade : (ISd, TA :) or the 

confused sound thereof. (IDrd, TA.) I The 

sound of the boiling of a cooking-pot : (S, 50 
t the reiterating sound of thunder ; as also * jjjs> ■ 

Boos I.] 

($:) which latter has likewise the following 
similar significations : to sound, or noise ; (K;) 
as, for instance, a sound, or noise, of turning of a 
mill ; as also #}} C inf - n - of ft : ( TA and J the 
murmuring of the wind (S, &) when it shakes the 
trees : (S :) or the sound of the blowing of the 
mind: (TA:) or the lightness of the wind, and 
the quickness of its blowing. (A, TA.) 
• * •« 

Jjlj* + Difficulties, afflictions, or calamities .* 
[a pi.] having no singular. (Th, TA.) 

i ' * ' » ~ . 

jU y^-j** J [j4 *<ar shooting, or darting, 
down ; or quivering in doing so : see 8]. (S, TA.) 

Yjjkji : see 11. Q. 1, of which it is the inf. n. : 
and see j*\j*. 

>*{j* [app. pi. of »j*j*] Seditions, or discords, 
or dissensions, dji»,) »» which people are in a 
state of commotion : (S, Msb :) or wars and 
difficulties or afflictions or calamities that put 
into a state of commotion : (A :) or the excite- 
ment of commotion in men, by trials, or trying 
events, and by wars; (K,* TA ;) as also 

♦«». (SO 

1. 11* \ja, (£,) and * ; (S, £ ;) and ^r> 
(S, $) followed by *i« and <u ; (Akh, S ;), but 
accord, to Yoo, we should say aj ^j>* only ; 
not *~o ; (TA ;) aor. i, in£ n. !>* and jjj* (S, K.) 
and :^>i (TA) and Y\£ ; (S, £ ;) and *t • [fc3, 
(AZ, S, ?,) and A, • ^1; (S, £;) He 
mocked at, scoffed at, laughed at, derided, or 
ridiculed, him. (S, KL.) — The most approved 
reading of T ^yj y :...c in the £ur, ii. 13, is with 
the . fully pronounced: some alleviate it: and 

some read Qtij* '"* '■ and some OSJr' "" * » ( Dut 
this pronunciation is of weak authority ;) and 

say c-jjyi-l for Crijylwl. (Zj.) — !>»i vb—" 
■rjflj I [TA« mirage mocks the company of 
riders]. (A.) — 't>i, (K,) inf. n. S>, (TA,) He, 
or ft, fo-oAe a thing. (K.) __ A poet says, de- 
scribing a coat of mail, 

• Ui. J£jl if* Ju Q • 

[It has creases that repel the arrows, making 
them to recede, and break the broad and long 
arrow-heads, and those which are small and 
broad]. The ._> in JjU^JU is redundant. This is 
the opinion of the lexicologists, except ISd, who 
thinks that this is an error, and that tjyj here 
means" mocks." (TA.) =aLi \ja, (K ; but it is 
thought that this may be a mistake for l^i, TA,) 

inf.n. jjfc; (TA ;) and * U \jh\ ; (K ;) He 
killed his camels with cold. IAar says, that 
>Jjt »\jh\ and t\jh\ both signify The cold killed 
him. (TA.) = lj* He put in motion, [or excited, ) 
the beast on which he rode. (Af, IjL) a I/* 
and ^ji JTe AW (K) hi his place, or on the 
spot ; i. e. unexpectedly, or suddenly : (Z :) im- 
properly objected against .by Ibn-Es-Saigh. 
('Inayeh, MF.) 

4. \j*\ He entered upon the time of severe cold. 
(£.) See also \jh\, which is the word commonly 

known. (TA.) See 1. as *1»0 <y C>l>*l His 

she-camel hastened with him. (K.) 

5: ) 

10: J - " 1 ' 

»\jm One mho is mocked at, scoffed at, laughed 
at, derided; a ridiculous person. (S, K.) 

i\jh One wlto mocks at, scoffs at, laughs at, 
derides, or ridicules, otliers. (S, K.) 

AjjU »tj* I A morning intensely cold : as 
though mocking men when they shrug and 
shiver. (A.) 

w^jpb SijU VjUU, and with StjA for iSjl*, 
\[A desert that mocks the company of riders]. (A.) 

• '• - , . • ■ t 
^jy* A camel rfron^r in running; syn. ^j>» 

jjj^JI : (]£, and so in a copy of the S :) or a 

strong and bold camel ; syn. >iO». ,<j3 : (so in 

the S, in several copies) : a s<»w»0 camel : (El- 
Jarmee :) a camel advanced in age, and bold. 
(As.) — vjy* -^ vulture, (K,) advanced in age. 

* '•. • • • 

w>>~k Sharp; fierce; syn. juj*.. __ w~J 

■^fjtjk A sharp, or fierce, lion : (K, accord, to 
the TA :) or a strong lion. (CI£.) 

^jli and (QjU ^4 kind offish. (Kl.) 

j5>* *nd j()* and^fj>i, (?L,)or the first [only], 
(TA,) Thick and bulky : and strong and hard or 
hardy: pl.^lj*. (K.) You say, ijjjh i»U J 

Aard, or hardy, site-camel. (IAar.) _ Also, the 
first, (S, K,) and the second and third, (Sgh, K,) 
The Hon : (S, Sgh, K,) accord, to some, because 
of his thickness and bulkiness. (TA.) Some 
say that the o is a radical letter: others, that it 
is augmentative, and that the word is from jjj , 
signifying the " act of repelling with strength." 
(MF, TA.) 

1. '^., aor. : , (S, $,) inf. n. £j*; (L ;) He 


sang in a certain manner, with trilling, or quaver- 
ing; as also ♦ ^& ; (6, ^;) and ▼ ^jh: (^ :) 
or * ~-jyj signifies he reiterated, or made to re- 
ciprocate, the graceful modulations of his voice : 
or prolonged his voice, without elevating it: (Aboo- 
Is-hdk, L :) or *.j* does not at all signify trilling, 
or quavering ; and therefore IAar has applied 
m.jh as an epithet to a dog that barks much. 
(L.) _ lie read, or recited, with a prolonging 
and trilling of the voice, making the sounds to 

follow closely, one upon another; as also T frj**- 

2. Z»yai\ ~.jM, inf. n. x->J^, He (a singer 
[or a reader or reciter]), made the sounds of tlxe 
voice to be closely consecutive, and uttered in a 
light and quick manner. (L.) _ *iyo ~/*. 
and * <«*->yJ, [the latter app. a mistake for m.yj} 
&£»,] He made the sounds of his voice to be closely 
consecutive, or near together. (TA.) _ See 1. 

4. h-ja! He (a poet) composed, or uttered, 
verses of the metre termed m$\> (K.) 

5. ,_r<)Ajt c-a-^yj I The bow twanged, on the 
archer's loosing the string after drawing it (S, 
?, TA.) — See 1, and 2. 

[ «.jA 'The twanging of a bow, on the archer's 
loosing the string after drawing it; and of alute- 
string: in the TA, i.q. iij : pi. *-<>*l and pi. pi. 

J. ' x ^* 

«_>jUI : or perhaps this latter is a pi. of which 

the sing, is * itf.tjh\, like as^»-tjl is pi of »jy*-j< ; 
and the twanging of a bow-string or lute-siring 
may be likened to an ode or a song of the metre 
termed g-jyll, which is perhaps, judging from 
analogy, the proper signification of i*._jjAl.] 
,_jjUI ^yUl^ *yJj I [To the lute and the bow 
there are twangings]. (A.) El-Kumeyt says, 
[speaking of a bow,] 

V- ,^UJI ^ lWj *r*ijl 
< } , , ' m. W 4i* UjlUl ^i 

[Neither its owner nor the people imputed a fault 
to any of Us properties, except its warning the 
(wild) asses of his presence by the twangings of 
its harsh singings, and its causing a groaning 
sound to follow the loud, or prolonged, wailing], 
(S.) — *■}* One of the modes of singing (^JU^I), 
in which is a trilling, or quavering : (S, J£ :) pi. 
«-l>*l. (L) [But see 1.] — . A voice that excites 
lively emotions of joy or grief. (K.) — _ A fine, 
or delicate, and elevated, voice. (T A.) __ A voice 
in which is hoarseness, or harshness. ( K . ) __ A ny 
speech of which the component parts are closely 
consecutive, or near together, (K,) uttered in a 
light, or quick, manner : pi. as above. (L.) __ 


*->*J1 The name of a certain kind of metre of 

verm; (S,K;) consulting of four feet, each of 

t ** 
the measure ^J^tU* : originally of fix feet, like 

the j»y and the J-»j, in each of which, [as in the 

*->k,] each foot consists of one element of the 

S; - t #• # • * 

kind termed fj«» t jJ 5 , and of two elements 

of the kind termed Ukt&*» « r 4-' : bo called because 
of the mutual nearness of its component parts. 
(TA.) — Iji Lightness, or a^»/%. (TA.) — 
Quickness tn the falling, and putting down, of 

the lege [upon the ground]. (TA.) t The 

sound of thunder. (S.) __ t The buzzing of 
flies. (L.) 

K-jh A singer [or reader or reciter] who pro- 
longs his voice, with trilling, or quavering, making 
the sounds to follow close, one upon another. (A.) 

m * * 

— u~aH *->*, occurring in a verse of Antarah, 

cited voce J>, The cat that ciies for food at 

supper-time : (EM, p. 233 :) or the dog that 

barks much in the evening ; meaning, in the 

night : or buzzing flies in the evening. (L.) — 

**-}* A child, and a horse, whose legs fall, or are 

put down, quickly [upon the ground]. (TA.) __ 

. *& . *> 
I Sounding thunder, as also * rrj-r^- ( Tj -) — 

t A twanging lute [and bow]. (A.) — t A cloud 

• A J 

sounding with thunder. (A) — ■Z>yei\ k-j*. a "J 
v *^_*ljjk, One who makes the sounds of his voice 
to follow close, one upon another. (L.) 

im~»j* Uninterrupted speech or language. (K.) 
_ Confusion of voice or sound beyond measure ; 

(K;) as also i^J>. (K, TA, art. »J>.) — 

• * * 
[The> is an augmentative letter : see -_*ljjk] 

•»—•)>»> A voice, or the like, of which the sounds 

are closely consecutive. The> is an augmentative 

• 00 • • - 
letter. (S, K.) — *-*<>* -Zjyo A confused voice 

or sound. The sound so called is less than what 

mil % m 

is termed tUj. (L.) _ [See also p-jh.] 
ff ' " i 



: sec ffjA. 

jjm [Soc Supplement.] 

;tji» [The nightingale;] a certain bird, (K, 
TA,) the same that is called ^.. e ljUfe, (S,K, art. 

^Jjkift,) o/" *wee< twice ; improperly said in the 

• . • - • ... 
£ to be what is colled in Persian ^lio j\jh ; for 

j\jh itself is Persian, and signifies "a thousand," 
and ,jU«.li moans [as also yj\Z->} in that language] 
" a talc ;" as though this bird, in the sweetness of 
its warbling and the pleasantness of its melody, 
told a thousand tales ; being thus called by way 
of hyperbole and excessive praise : then they 

contented themselves by employing the word 
jtj* alone ; and the Arabs used it, and prefixed to 
it the article Jl : (TA :) the pi. is Oljl>*. (Msb.) 

0000 9*00* 

Q. 1. w>jj*, inf n. *jj>*> He was light, or 
active, and quick, or swift. (IKtt, K.) A dial, 
form, of <J,'i*. (TA.) 

[ £J* &c. 
Sec Supplement] 

000 00 000 

Q. 1. ;«-!>*> inf. n. AaJj*, He (an ostrich, or 
anything,) was quick, or swift. (TA.) 


ifJj* : see 1 ; and art. *->*• 

• *»» 

~JjM A quick, or «nn/*t, he-ostrich. (K.) 

w-S]>* Qm««*, or *rw/i! : (TA :) a %A<, or an 
agile, (and swift, or quick, TA,) wolf: (S, K :) 
pi. «J1>» and »!*>!>*• (TA.) Accord, to Kr, 
it is derived from *-Jv"- (TA.) [See *»-«>* in 

See Supplement.] 

Aj,^* aud *-*>* : see art. »->*. 
See Supplement.] 

Sufficiency; like ^....m.. (K.) 

[ JL-Jk &C 

See Supplement] 

1. ,Jj., aor. u^vj ; ( JK, TA ;) or JU, sec. 

,00 0*0 0*00 

pers. C ■*,*>, aor. JLyj ; (Msb;) inf. n. iil_* 
(JK, A, Msb, TA) [and li^i* and JL^Lj. and 
,_£*, as appears from what follows] ; It, (a thing) 
was, or became, soft, yielding, flaccid, flabby, lax, 
slack, uncompact, crummy, fragile, frangible, 
brittle, friable, easily or quickly broken ; (JK, 
A, Msb, TA ;) syn. i^U-j *-» ^l=», (JK,) or 
£j ££.4 ol£», (A,» TA,) or ^^ £>% 
(Msb.) You say, >Iij> Jli, aor. -,(S, K,) 

J & * 

inf. n. iiyU (K)and ^1/k, (TA,) meaning, jle 


U> ; (S, K ») •• e -i The bread became [soft, Ac., 

» t a* 
or] «wy to break. (TA.) And jydt JU, (IAar, 

Msb,) aor. [; , or] '- , ( Msb,) inf. n. J^-Jl, (IAar, 
Msb,) The wood, or stick, broke in pieces: (IAar :) 
or became easily or quickly broken. (Msb.) And 

fjtl li\ C ■.»■», inf. n. ,Jjk, The tree dropped its 

[Book I. 

leaves, one after another. (Msb [in which it 
seems to be indicated that the aor. of the verb in 
this sonse is - ; but this is contr. to rule in an 
intrans. verb of this class ; and I think it impro- 
bable.]) __ J.J., inf. n. <£yl», t He (a man) 
became weak; unable to endure difficulty or 
distress. (TA.) And JLi, aor. - , t He affected 
languor, or languidness ; syn. y-Sj : and he became 
old, or aged. (TA.) = Jl, (Meb, K.) first 
pers. iJLii, (S, Msb, K.) aor. J^ ; (Msb.K,) 

fi- 0** i * 

and t^Jk, first pers. >.--*,?,», aor. ^iyj ; (Msb, 

K;) inf. n. iidi (S, Msb, K) and Jiti*; (A, 
K ;) I /ft' was, or became, cheerful, brisk, lively, 
or sprightly : (S, E :) or Ae smiled, and was, or 
became cheerful, hrisk, lively, or sprightly. (Msb.) 

You say, o^ C-iii, (?,TA,) and <u oJii, 
* * * * * 

(TA,) X I was, or became, cheerful, Ac, i* 
behaviour towards such a one : (S :) or / was, or 
became cheerful in countenance, or joyful, or 
pleased, at meeting with such a one. (TA.) And 

00 . !....* 

*J\0f00.\ ^J\ ^lyj 0,00, \ He is cheerful, &c, towards 

. £ '9*0' 0* * 0** 

his brethren]. (A.) And ^y T ^IIaU aJU o-JU-j 
t [/ w«nt in to him, and he was cheerful, &c, in 
his behaviour towards me] ; like jJ Jlil . (A,* 
TA.) And ojj^JJ c-iii, (JK, TA,») and 

■J.AJU, (TA,) inf n. liliik (S) and w&li*. 
(A,) t / was, or became, cheerfd, brisk, Ac, 
to <fo what was kind, or beneficent: (S,* TA :) 

. I 00 

or / desired to do it : (JK :) and " ■.".■t.M.atl 

^jjjjtoJJ / mas, or became, cheerful, &c, and 

desirous, to do what was kind, or beneficent. 

(TA.) And j^L)1 ^jt Jilii jS yk { [He pos- 

.www cheerfulness, briskness, liveliness, or spright- 

liness, of disposition to do good]. (A.) Accord- 

» • * 
to Sh, C»i*> signifies t He rejoiced, and desired ; 

or was, or became, joyful, and desirous. (TA.) 

1.0*. * M0* 
And the phrase ^\f*»\ ^J\ c- l' . ft , if correct, 

means either t ^ inclined towards my wife, or / 
was, or became, brisk, or sprightly, in disposition 
towards her. (Mgh.) And accord to ISd, 
>»yLll k^ilLk [so in the TA, but accord, to the 
JK ,.^Jklii,] f The people's being in a state of 
commotion, or agitation. (TA.) as Jj>JI cA*, 
aor. i , (S, A, K,) and 7 , (Sgh, K,) inf. n. JJk, 
(S,) He beat the leaves with a staff, or stick, in 
order that they might fall ; (S, A, K i) M a ' 80 
♦ i*l0Jk (Z, TA.) It is said in the Kur, 
[xx. 19,] (S,) ^i. JU y J^\i [And I beat 
the leaves with it in order that they may fall upon 
my sheep, or goats] : (S, A:) or, accord, to Fr, 
and I beat the dry trees with it in order that 
their leaves may fall so that my sheep, or goats, 
may feed upon them; and so says As : (TA:) 
Lth says, that J^)\ signifies thy drawing towards 
thee a branch of a tree : and also, thy scattering 
its leaves towards thee with a staff, or stick: 
(JK,* TA:) but Az says, that the correct ex- 

Book I.] 

planation is that given by Fr and As ; not the 
former of the two explanations given by Lth. 
(TA.) [The verb also seems to have a similar 
application in a more extended sense ; for it is 

aaid that] JLi, aor. '- , inf. n. Jii, signifies He 
(a man) assaulted (J^>) with his staff, or stick. 
(Msb.) You say also, ^V' c£* H* broke in 
piece* the dry herbage or the like. (TA.) 

2. ill*, (JK, K,) inf. n. J^p, (TA,) t He 
deemed him, or reckoned him, weak, or feeble, 
(JK, K,») and soft, or gentle. (TA.) = J He, 
or it, rendered him brisk, lively, or sprightly; 
and joyful, glad, or happy : (K :) and " < < » » T 
Jit (a thing, JK, TA) incited him, or excited 
him, to briskness, liveliness or sprightliness ; syn. 

& :',!. (JK,K,TA.) Yousay.t^iljUo^ 
^^aJI t [SttcA a on«, roea/, or welfare, does not 
excite him to briskness, &c] (A, TA.) 

8. JL&t //« w<w, or became, cheerful, &c. : 
see 1, in two places. 

10 : see 2, in two places. 

R. Q. 1. - * \ ■* '*■ : hoc 1, latter part. — He 
moved, or put in motion, or into a state of com- 
motion, him, or it. (IDrd, K.) 

jji* A thing, (S, Msb,) or anything, (JK,) 
soft, yielding, flaccid, flabby, lax, slack, uncom- 
pact, crummy, fragile, frangible, brittle, friable, 
easily or quickly broken ; (J K,* S,* A,* Msb, 
K,*TA;) syn. *J£ \Ly, (S, A, K ;) as also 
♦ . L-ii. (JK, S, K.) You say, <jl >li-, (S, 

K.) and ♦ JA±*, (K,) Bread that is [soft, &c, 

or] easy to break. (TA.) And il* Sj^. A 

lump of duugh, baked in a fire in the ground, 

that it dry, or hard : asserted by I Ktt to have 

two contr. significations. (TA.) [But to this 

assertion it may be replied, that dry bread is 

easy to break.] And in like manner, aJjt i+jj\ 

A citron easy to break : or dry, or hard. (TA.) 

And JLi j^a Wood, or a stick, that is easily, or 

i - »j 
quickly broken. (Msb.) __ [Hence,] ,JJk y> 

>-&!, (JK, S, A, K,) or ^l&Jt, (TA, [but this 
is contr. to all the other authorities that I know,]) 
and j-£-J\, (TA,) X He is easy, or compliant, 
when asked: (A:) or he is of easy nature, or 
disposition, (JK, S, K,) with respect to what is 
sought, or demanded, of him, of things needed : 
(S :) said in praise of a man (S, TA) when it 
means [lit.] that he is not one whose wood gives 
only a sound when one endeavours to produce 
fire from it ; but said in dispraise of a man when 
it means [lit.] that he is one whose wood is weak. 
(TA.) [And in like manner] * iA*i* (K) and 
♦ ,J<U (TA) signify J One who rejoices, or m 
glad, when asked. (K, TA.) You say, • ^ili yk 

Jt£_JI juc, and " ^'i, I He is one who rejoices, 

or is glad, at being asked. (TA.) — [Hence 

also,] jl jlj, (TA,) or *J\'yL\ J\ J* J4-J, 

and * yiU, (JK,) X A man who is cheerful, brisk, 
lively, or sprightly, in his behaviour towards his 

brethren. (JK, TA.) And Jlf JJ* jL] \A 
man who is cheerfid, brisk, lively, or sprightly : 
(S :) or cheerful in countenance ; pleasant [there- 
in} (S, TA in art J^.) And Jj Jl ^ u'l 
I / am cheerful, brisk, lively, or sprightly, in 
behaviour towards him; (K;) joyful; happy. 

It w 2. • J * 

(TA.) And «il_j> ^A J*»j X A man quick, or 

A' * — 
prompt, to do good. (As.) And ,_£* ^ji 

^LjUI f [A horse that is brisk, lively, or sprightly ; 

hi.,] light of rein. (TA.) And JiA ^ji X A 
horse that sweats much; (JK, IF, K ;) contr. 

of i^Lo ; (S ;) or not > > U». (A.) 

* ,. I. 

iJJCjb : see J^*>, second sentence. 

i^i^-t* t A ewe, or she-goat, abounding with 
milk. (S, K.) 

Dry herbage, syn. ^»*i*, (K, TA,) for 
the horses of the people of oU-.^l [app. meaning 
the shores of 'Oman] in particular. (TA.) ss 
See also u tA, in three places. — Also, f A man 
who is niggardly towards his family, or others, 
with respect to food ; syn. jZe. .«. (TA.) [Thus 
it bears two contr. significations.] 

is thought by ISd to signify Leaves 
[app. beaten from a tree]. (TA.) 

• - 5 # • * • 

iirllA iiji A water-skin from whick the 
water flows by reason of its thinness. (K.) 

• ^ • » 

<i . t . ( im > t Motion; or commotion. (JK.) 

[ylAli* is app. its pi. : see 1, next before ^ijk 

^ly^Jk J G'ood in disposition; liberal^ or fa?u/i- 

<j^Z. (lAar, K-) 

2 Z 

^AU : see ^1*, in three places. 

• * '" 

ii * > m t « , in the copies of the K erroneously 

written 4*. y * .) , :« , (TA,) t A woman who manifests 
love to Iter husband, and rejoices in him. (£,* 

[jJ^Jk &c. 

See Supplement.] 


inclined it : or he pulled and inclined it : (A, K, 
TA [but in the last of these, only »j*a* is given 
in this sense, agreeably with the A :]) kebrought 
it near; (K ;) which is near in meaning to " he 
inclined it:" (TA :) he took hold of its (a 
branch's) head and inclined it towards him : (S :) 
or he inclined it (a branch) towards him : (A :) 
or he bent it (a branch) and drew it towards 
him : (Mgh :) he bent it ; namely, a pliant thing, 
such as a branch and the like : (A, K :) and he 
broke it without separating : (K :) or he bent it, 

namely, anything: (A,*K:) as also * »j*£*\. 
(K.) lmra-el-Keys says, (S> TA,) using the 
verb tropically, (TA,) 

* C^^ tlj ^oj^Jt UejUJ Uli • 

And when we discoursed together, and she became 
compliant, J pulled, (TA,) or, laying hold of its 
head, inclined towards me, (S,) a branch with 
fruit-stalks, waving from side to side : the poet 
meaning, by the branch, her body, because bend- 
ing, and soft or supple, like a branch, and 
likening her hair to the fruit-stalks of the raceme 
of a palm-tree, in respect of its abundance and 
luxuriance. (TA.) And it is said in a trad., 
respecting the building of the mosque of Kuba, 

<uku Jl oj-ayi V**-* l>*-** /«-*; He raised a 
heavy stone, and inclined it. towards hit belly. 
i (TA.) And in another trad.,^oA afe, til ,jU=> 
>jyj» He used, when he boned himself [in prayer], 
to bend down his back towards the ground : 
(TA :) or tjyii j-cJb signifies he bent hit back 
much, making it er>en with his neck. (Mgh.) __ 
X He pushed him or it; so accord, to all the copies 
of the K ; but accord, to other authorities, J he 
pressed or squeezed, him or it : and he pressed, or 
squeezed, him or it vehemently. (TA.) You say, 
AJji j-ait, aor. and inf. n. as above, t He pressed, 

or squeezed, his adversary. (TA.) Also, 

(K,) or 'ijiok [alone], (S,) + He broke it ; (S, 
K ;) as also ♦ »^*u*1. (S.) You say of a lion, 
3' jf» j*o*, (A, TA,) aor. and inf. n. as above, 

1. .,-ot, aor. -, inf n. ^-^>*, He fled; ran 
away. (K.) 

1. ij-**, (S, A, K,) and •£!** (S, K,) aor. ; , 
(K,) inf. n. ^eui, (A, K.) He pulled it: and he 

X He broke [the neck of] the prey, and inclined 

it towards him. (TA.) And i_jji)l ^1. j«e>A, 

, t ' ' 

and V-|^>, (A, TA,) I He [broke the head of, or] 

slew the prey. (TA.) ss »j*r j<at>, aor. - , 

[inf. n. j-ai,] X His good fortune declined. (TA.) 

5 : see 7. 

7. . r t '-' and ♦ jr olAl It became pulled: and it 
became inclined : or it beca me pulled and inclined : 
it was brought near : it (a pliant thing, such as a 
branch and the like,) bent : it broke, without 
separating : or it (anything) bent : (K :) or it (a 
branch) inclined and bent : (TA :) or fell upon 
the ground : ( AHn, TA :) and T ^-a»J it (a branch) 


hung down, or was pendent. (TA.) [It seems 
to be implied in the K that j-<vt &1> d * j-*^* 1 Are 
quasi-passives of ojloJ* in all its senses.] 

8. j4u*>t : see 7. as »j-«u*l : see 1, in two 

placet. — 4.U. .11 ^«u*>t JETe placed the racemes 
of the palm-tree upon the branches, and put them 
straight or even. (T, K.) 

t » 

j*Jk {A man who presses, or squeezes, vehe- 
mently ; as also *^o*. (TA.) __ t The /ton ; as 
also *J^» and * Sj-o* (K) and ^JyjJL (S, K) 
and * jj-o* and ♦ Sj,-a* ( K) and * jUo* (S, K) 
and t^eU (K) and *JiI* (S, K [in the CK 
" jj-a-*]) and " jUxjk and "j*» t « and * jUo^ and 
~ j^a^* and "j-cuy-»: (K:) or j^o* is an epithet 
applied to a lion, (A, TA,) as also " jl*a and 
*^-o-* [&r.], (A,) signifying, <Aa< ,«/ay« anii 
breaks: (TA:) pi. [of j-oU] **&* and [poetice] 
^-olyk. (TA.) aes j-a» j*>. X Declining good 
fortune. (TA.) 


•s* • # 

• > •- 


[^,-u, Ac. 
See Supplement] 

I 11*, (S, A, K.) aor. i, (S.) inf. n. J»i, 
(TA,) He broke it; as also ♦iiu*>l; (S, K;) 
and ♦ * . ^ t i i >; (K ; ) inf. n. Ve^Ak: (TA :) and 
the first, (8, A,) or t all, (K,) he bruised, brayed, 
pounded, or crushed, it; (S, K;) if. <u*j; i.e. a 
stone, Ac. : (A :) or lie broke it in a manner 

falling short of what is termed juk, [in the CK, 

■ • • &* 

incorrectly .*».,] fruf exceeding what is termed ^oj : 

(Lth, K :) or, accord, to some, the first, he broke 

it leisurely, or gently : and the * last, he broke it 

hastily. (TA.) You say, jllci ^^ JaJUl 

JjaLsJI (S, A) The stallion breaks, or crushes, the 
imcAs o/ the [other] stallions ; as also " X^kfkfj . 
(TA.) And Jo'J)\ ,>y J^NI TA* cam«i» bruise 

the ground. (L.) Also, js}\ C~a* t TV 

camels hastened, or went quickly. (K.) And 
^~JI (^lyj Jj"^)I 0»U-, inf. n. as above, + The. 
camels came hastening, or quickly. (TA.) And 
JrU» J*i O* «*~» (Ibn-El-Faraj, JK, K,») 
and tjfj, (Ibn-El-Faraj, JK,) t Such a one came 
walking impulsively: (JK:) or with a graceful 
gait, (Ibn-El-Faraj, K,) impulsively. (Ibn-El 

Faraj.) ess Jktt is also syn. with ^i***-- (Ibn- 
Abbad, K.) 

2. ^^uuk 7/e bruised the ground vehemently 
with his feet. (TA.) 

7. i>vl Jt broke, or became broken : (S, K :) 
«t became bruised, brayed, pounded, or crushed : 

* A * * m 

(S :) quasi-pass, of <ua* and < JtSa-l. (TA.) 

# j ■»#•«»• 

8: see 1, in two places. _ ^^U) . «— »j C—iuaikl 

t / held myself to have fallen short of my duty to 
such a one ; syn. \l>j^~[. (JK, S, K [in one 
copy of the S, l^Jj^t.]) _ ^>i ^* c*AAasj 

ILi f I took from such a one a thing. (JK.) 

i * * • « 
R. Q. 1. *Ay—j : see 1, in three places. 

jLoa A company (S, K) of men ; of the measure 

i^JLai, like il^^o; mentioned by Th; (S;) and 
by Af ; (TA ;) or a company of horses, or Aor*e- 
«t«n ; (A, T A :) and a [troop of horse such as is 

termed] tj^Jn : because they break things. (TA.) 
^ja^itM A thing (S) broken : bruised, brayed, 

pounded, or crushed: as also ~ ^j<t t ; (S, K,) 
and * u^v~*- (?■) 

<UUuk, like ^Uw, (K,) or ioUaa, (so in the 

JK,) t What is taken (u^_ U [in the CK, 

erroneously, ^aZ^,]) from any one. (JK [where 

it immediately follows the phrase r^» Corral 
i * ' 

U o"^* explained as above], Sgh, K.) 

• a * • • # 

i^oLo* J*»J A stallion that breaks, or crushes, 
the necks of the [other] stallions ; (S, A, K ;) as 
also ♦ ^1^^* : ( JK, K :) or a stallion that throws 
down a man, and a camel, then leans, bears, or 

presses, upon him with his breast. (lUrd.) 

utfly^* : see what next precedes. 



I A woman (TA) who annoys, or 
molests, her fellow-wife or female neighbour, or 
her fellow-wives or female neighbours : (so accord, 
to different copies of the K :) transmitted by 
Sgh. (TA) 

[Boo* I. 

1. il*-Jt ,:.,<,»>, aor. ; , The sky rained: (K :) 
or rained for some days incessently. (TA) See 

*••' e A ****** 

i~«aA. _ iLo-JI juSf&Jk The sky rained upon 
tluim : (S :) it wetted them much. (TA.) — 
yJwt lya >x^JW >t**tJ ! -Se pours /ortA verses, 
and discourses in rhyming prose, or tft« /tie. (A.) 

— w-^J» ^ s^i»i and * *,~iuH, (S, K.) 
and ▼ y^atl (K, but omitted in the TA,) f £T« 
launched into discourse, (S, K,) a«<i /a/Aerf mwcA, 
or launched into discourse time after time, (TA,) 
and raised his voice. (S, TA.) — >>y l> l>~o*t 

7a/A, or speak, people. (S.) __ yi> and 

▼ v^sl 7/c tatt«</ /audi (A A.) = ^~oJ. He 

(a man) walked in the manner of a stupid, dull, 

* • . * * * 
unexcitable person. (K.)=>jjUI v <i> : see 

, and y^U. 

4 : see 1. 

8 : see 1. a « r ~^uJkt It (the vibrating of a 
bow-string) produced a twanging. (TA.) 

10. yMeyJl Jt became what is termed « T ~o*, 
(K,) or iffiM ; (A ;) i. e. a mountain of the kind 
so termed. (A.) 

^— aM A kind, mode, or way. A.Heyth quotes 
the following verse of El-Kumeyt, describing a 
horse : 

»* * * 9 9* * * * * *i * * 

» # * * » - • j fS • • * 

The poet means, that his running, or usual run- 
ning, was of different, or various, kinds ; not of 


, or kind. (L.) BBi See 

A rain: (S, K:) or a rain consisting 
of many drops : (IAth :) or a lasting rain, con- 
sisting of great drops: or a single fall thereof: 

(TA :) or hard rain : (Msb :) pi. .,.«*, (S, 

K,) like Ji pi. of »JjJ, (S,) extr. [with respect 

to rule], (TA,) and w-tkfc, (K,) or this is pi. of 

_.>* accord, to the S; (TA;) and pi. pi. 

* * % * * 

^ L jt\ft* ; (K ;) or this is pi. of ^Ut, which is 

pi. of * i»%, signifying fine showers of rain 

h * * t* f * * ** * 

after other rain ; tjlkalal JMfjU Oli»; (AZ, 

S ; ) and this is what is correct : (TA :) or V w~oi 
signifies a ^?ne ratn ; or a _/in« shower of rain ; 

syn. j£j ili*. : it is also said, in the L, that 

» •• * • I , .,••-,.. „, 

v <L>^o*l is syn. with ^.rfit, [either in one of the 

last two senses, or as a coll. gen. a of which 

4*-a*. is the n. un., which it is said to be below,] 
and that y^Ul is its pi. : * i>j-o* also is the 

i **; ,t 

same as l^yatt\ : so in the phrase ifyi^i\ ^vUsi 
, h.ll J^« [7%* ylns shower, or showers, of rain 

Book I.] 

(or the shoner of rain, or of copious rain, or of 
lasting rain consisting of large drops, or liard 
rain,) fell upon them] ; mentioned in the £: it 
is also said in the L, that v ^> forms in the pi. 
vUukl, and then s^>\j.\ ; like as Jy forms 
Jip', and then JjjB*. (TA.) * J-^* > 8 a,s0 
said to be a pi. of i-i* ; but it is rather a coll. 
gen. n., [of which i~o* is the n. un.] : and «^~«A 
is also added to the list of the pis. of the same 
word ; but this, accord, to the S, on the authority 
of AA, is pi. [or rather a quasi-pl. n.] of ^~eU, 
[act part. n. of 1,] like as %*3 is of £*13| an< > 

j^ of jiclj. (TA.) = i~ii A hill; (IAth :) 
or a mountain spreading over the surface of the 
ground: (S, Mfjb, K :) or a mountain composed 
of one mass of rock : (l£ :) or any firm, hard, 
large mass of rock : (TA :) or a long inaccessible 
mountain, separate from others; but only of red 
mountains : (K :) or a hill, such as is termed 
«£^»', with fen) plants, or little herbage : (Msb :) 

pi. « T ~i* and ^la* ; (?» K ;) and pi. pi. w~-oUI. 

• ' i ' • ■■ 

(K, TA.) v— bUl is used, by poetical licence, 

for v^w-cUl, in a poem of one of the Hudhalces : 
(TA :) [or it is pi. of w~i*l, which is pi. of pauc. 
of ^ -M] **"£>* is also said, in the S, and L, to be 
a pi. of i~a* ; but it is rather a coll. gen. n. 
(TA.) __ An elevated, or overlooking, tract of 
sand. (TA, art. jjb.) aa f A run; a single 
run. (AHeyth.) 

w >*■ I A horse sweating much ; or tAat sweats 
much. (S, K.) __ Hard, or ,/trm, and strong, 
or robust. (K.) — Large, or WAy ; as an 
epithet applied to the kind of lizard called * r ~e, 
and to other things. (TA.) 

.^.f.«, ^^ii Sheep or <7oa<* having little milk : 

(K :) app. from w-iyJI, signifying jiJUt iJU-. 

■ # *j • * •.. 

ijj-o* : see i~o*. 

«^>U, used after the manner of a rel. n., 

signifying ^-i* jj : so in the following ex- 
pression in a verse of Aboo-Snkhr El-IIudhalce ; 
y^U *JJt cytjtyi j-s ; which means in a day 
when the people had played much, and quickly : 

•A ft * * ft - ft * 

explained by the words ^JJI ^j l>~cuk ji t^jl£>. 


•* j • i •# • - 

dj^okt : see <U*o*. 

a.j Y- t t i-ijj [A meadow, or tAe //£e, rained 
upon : or mucA wetted by rain]. (TA.) 
[J.iA &c. 
See Supplement] 

1. C*A*, aor. -, inf. n. CJU; (TA;) and 
t o» V 3 J (§, £ ;) -ft /<•'# continuously, or succes- 

sively, (S, ?,) part ty part, (S,) or part after 
part, like as snow, or fine rain, falls. (TA.) 

♦ c-slyj is mostly used with reference to some- 
thing evil ; (TA;) [as] jUl ^J hf^i \. The V 
shall fall successively into the fire of hell] ; (TA, 

from a trad.;) [and] jUM ^ w-l>" «i-»^ 
27i« mot/u /e// successively into the fire ; (S ;) 
[and] Jtyi\ iJ>i^ The people fell down suc- 
cessively dead; (TA ;) [and] *eU WjiilyS They 
fell upon him successively. (TA.) — wi* and 

♦ C-slyS It (snow, and fine rain,) fell quickly. 

(TA.) oii, [aor. -,] inf. n. C-ii, -He, or 

it, /e// ; fell down. (T A.) ,£Ju», aor. ; , (S, 

K,) inf. n. oii and ZMh; (TA;) and tc-VI ; 
(S ;) it wa*, or became, depressed, or lowered ; 

syn. i^ai^Jl and jukil . (S, K.) — Ojl* and 

♦ C-iyjl It was, or became, lessened, or diminished. 

(IKtt) ȣii, (aor. 7, inf. n. ISi, TA,) 7t 

became minute, fine, or slender; syn. Jjj. (K.) 
__ si«**, (aor. 7 , K,) inf n. c-i* and Olit, Jt 
J?nt about, or became dispersed, by reason of its 

lightness. (S, K.) «£jU», aor. : , lie talked 

much, without consideration. (K, TA.) 

6. w-»lyJ It (a garment) j(WJ i» pieces, piece 
after piece falling off, and became worn out. 
(TA.) _— O^JlyJ It was continuous, or successive; 

syn. ijUJ. (K.) _ Sec also 1. — ^-UJI oi^3 
tOt jji« The people pressed, or crowded, to the 
water, [one after another, or party after party]. 

7 : see 1. 

C~a* Rain falling quickly. (K.) — — A aV 
pressed, or low, piece of ground : (K:) like ^Jj*-*. 
(Az.) = C~«A jf).£a Inconsiderate loquacity. 
(TA.) __ O-iJk Abundant stupidity : (^ :) sur- 
passing stupidity. (IAar.) 

OUa Stupid ; foolish ; of little sense. (S, I£.) 

[But see its syn. OUJ, voce oJUl.] Authorities 

• *» 
differ respecting this word and OUI, whether 

they should be written with O or with 5 or with 

both. (TA.) 

OyUk ^-ft* Gruin that fall* to the bottom of 
the cooking-pot, and swcUs out quickly. (Lth.) 

- ' * ' ' » ' ** . 

^Ul ,j^ <i:,.«> Ojjj There came a party of 

men whom a year of drought had compelled to 
emigrate. (S.) 

Oy^t Confounded; perplexed; amazed: (£:) 

ft tm, 

like o^-y-o. (TA.) 

[yU &c. 
See Supplement.] 

Width; amplitude; largeness. (I£.) 


A word by which a horse is checked, or 
urged. (K. 

Having a large, or ample, throat, (]£t) 
swallowing everything. (TA.).— . Large, big, or 
6u/#y, and taW, or /on^; an epithet applied to an 
ostrich, (Lth, K,) and to other things: (1£ :) or 
long, or tall, as an epithet applied to other things 
than the ostrich. (TA.) 

^Juii Hard, or firm, and strong, or roftiot. 


[ juU &c. 
See Supplement] 

1. *^U» aor - : > in ^- n - «r-^*> -^ e had much hair 

[of the kind termed ^JU] ; mas very hairy. (K.) 

^Jii\ ^3'i ^JUk, and J->)l «^-ii, aor. i , 

inf. n. ^Ju», He shore the tail of the horse : (Msb:) 

shore it, or cut it off, utterly. (TA.) *CJj. ; (S, 

K ;) and * aJU., (K,) inf. n. ^Jy ; (TA ;) He 

plucked from him (i. e. a horse, S,) Am ^-U [or 

# / 
coarse hair, of the tail <jr.]. (S, If..) — *,-!» 7t 

(a tail) wa* entirely cut off. (TA.)^^*^*!* 

ajLJl>, aor. ; ; and ♦ >0 vA*i (' n f- n - vt V i ^A ;) 
t i/^e satirized and reviled them : (K :) Ac carped 
at them severely with his tongue. (TA.) aa «^-i*, 
aor. '-; and * ^JUI, (inf n. 1>SUJ, TA) ; //« 
(a horse) prosecuted, or continued, his course, or 

rwn, uninterruptedly ; syn. ^J>»J' >^w : (K. :) 
and, the latter verb, he (a horse,) was ardent, 
or impetuous, in his course, or running ; as also 
^11. (As, in TA, art. s-tJ-) [See also ^yi 
J»yUt ] =>o^i)t f't"" c-JUk 77te sAy 7»ett«d tA« 
peopZe »j!»'tA a*ew (^ji) : or, with continual rain. 
(£.) iUlJI Culii TAe «iy netted us with dew 
(^jJ) or the like; (TA ;) as also ♦ u£.'i*l : (T :) 
tAe *Ay rained upon us a copious, or an excellent, 
rain. (TA.) 


see 1. 

5. ^J^i and * ^^-V l& e > ° AorM » Aad *" 
tat* *Aorn : see 1 :] Ae Aad Am *,i* [or coarse 
hair, of the tail $c.,] plucked out. (r>.) 

7 : see 5. 

g. l _JU/»l He drew a sword from its scabbard. 

^Jli, [a coll. gen. n.,] Hair, absolutely : or 
coarse hair; (K ;) as the Aair of the tail of a 
she-camel: (Az :) or Aair of the tail: or pigs' 
bristles, with which skins and the like are sewed : 
(K. :) J gives this last signification to T *Jj» : 
and also, coarse hair of the tail tjre. : (so in the 
S :) but Hi is the n. un. (TA.) — *,-ii, The 

eyelashes. (TA.) — ^i*, call gen. n., Hair 



that one plucks from the tail : n. un. with ». 
(TA.) _ ^JUk [pi. of alii] Tails and manes 
plucked out. (TA.) as ^Jl* Continuance, or 
constant succession, of rain. (TA.) 

nj J U J*j [A man having much hair ; of the 

A-iW called yJU ; rery Xatry : see v-*- 4 a 
man mAose «_Ju* u growing forth. (TA.) 

ill* The hair that is above the pubes, extend- 

• t j 
»»u/ near <o <Ae wawi. (TA.) See v%U. b= 
• - • > . *'** 

iJL* Severity, or pressure, of fortune : like iJ£» 

and 5JU-. (S.) — Also, and * ilu, Severity, 

or intenseness, of winter. (K.) <uU yi *~>l 

,tilJI 7 came to Aim during the severe, or intense, 
cold of winter. (El-Umawee.) 

ijjk : see 

day», in Kanoon el-'Owwal [or January O.S.] : 
or t'n Me severe, or intense, cold of winter : (K :) 
or t'n fAe severe, or intense, co/d o/" <Ae month 
[above mentioned], in the latter part of it. (L.) 
33a w)"i)jk t One wAo satirizes [and reviles] much : 
(ISh:) [roAo carps much and severely at others 
with his tongue : see 1]. 

jjOt «,JU and ^*JI -..—Ju [Two] r/ay.? o; 
winter. (K.) __ See art. r~j»->. — iulU iU jt 
ratny ni</At. (K.) 

«_>jjlk A woman wAo draws near to her 
husband, or ingratiates herself with him ; syn. 
L^j ^ Zj^LJ>; (K, TA;) and i* loving, or 
affectionate, to him ; and distant with respect to 

others. (TA.) Also, contr., A woman who 

is distant, or shy, with respect to Iter husband, or 
who alienates herself from him, or avoids or 
.«Au>m Aim, (K,) and draws near to, or ingratiates 
herself with, her special friend. (TA.) _ From 
ajLJU 4-Jjk " he carped at him severely with his 
tongue ;" because a wife carps either at her 
husband or at her friend : or, accord, to IAar, 

in the former sense, from " v"^ >»** ft day °» 
gentle, constant, innocuous rain;" and in the 
latter sense from the same phrase as signifying 
" a day of rain attended by thunder and lightning 
and terrors, and destructive to dwellings." (TA.) 

^Juk and ysU : see w/}U. 

A/^L» The /?&A lAa* is washed away from the 
membrane which encloses the foetus : (K:) i.q. 
i^ym. : [a word which has two applications, 
which see:] also called »ULJ1 a^U : (TA :) [but 
«li~JI is written by mistake for LJ i-Jt]. [See 
also Aj"i>jk.] 

^r§j. (K) and S/-$i (S. K) A cold wind, with 
• i- ••• 
rain. (S, ISd, K.) — ^"^Jt^yj A day in which 

is wind and rain: (S:) a day of rain attended 
by thundei- and lightning and terrors, and de- 
structive to dwellings. (IAar.) — Also, A day 
of gentle, constant, innocuous rain. (IAar.)__ 
Also, A day of dry cold; or dry by reason of 
cold. (As, in the T, art. ^-JU..) — ,!>•£* J^U, 
and * k^JUkt, A year of much rai7i. (K.) _ 
♦ w \a* >U t A plentiful, or fruitful, year; a 
year of abundant herbage, or vegetation : like 

V jl. (S.) v"*» » nJ r >*-ii-« » nd ? **-***. 

(K,) or as in one copy of the K, that of Et-Ta- 

bldwee, the last is * vr~JU, (TA,) and this is the 
more correct reading, (MF,) [Three] very cold 

I Having much hair [of the kind called 

V&]j very hairy: (K :) fern, illii. (CK.) 

A horse having much hair of the kind called y^-JLfc : 

(S:) a coarse-haired man: (TA:) a man having 

coarse hair upon the part where are the two veins 

' • • < 
called (jUj^^l, and upon Am body: (TA:) 

having much hair upon the head and body. (TA.) 

— 4***l A tail cut off. (K.) Also, [accord. 

to the CK, or,] Having no Itair upon it: and, 
contr., Having much hair : (K:) [in each sense, 
as seems to be implied in the K, an epithet 
applied to a tail: but, app., accord, to the TA, 

applied to a horse]. _ 2UU, fern., A beast of 
carriage (TA) having much hair. (K, TA.) __ 

ll*U The podex; syn. c— >l : (K:) used as a 

subst. ; originally an epithet. (TA.) JU 

■t/^uJI «--~Ulj Beware of him who has a hairy 

podex. Originally said by a woman to her son, 

who was boasting that he found no one whom he 

did not overcome, and who was afterwards thrown 

down by a man answering to this description. 

A proverb used in cautioning the self-conceited. 

*# * • ig 
(Meyd, TA.) __ UJUk u& } \ X Land abounding 

with plants, or herbage. (TA.) — Also, [contr.,] 

t Land of which the herbage has been eaten. 

(TA.) itii LSI (in the CK, iUU i-ii) A 

severe calamity. (K.) — See w>*5uk. 

* *•! ** 

^^JUI <0 Yie [a horse] has ardour, or im- 
petuosify, in his running fyc. : formed by trans- 
position from, or a dial, form of, ^l (M.) 
fc^JUl ji »jja [7/m (a horse's) running is of 

ardent, or impetuous, modes, or manner.?]. (TA.) 

* "' <■ ' ' 

__ w)jJU>t .4 Ainri, or way [of speech] : Byn. ^ji 

(K) and i>£S: (AO:) pi. C-s"*'- (AO, K.) 

j^Jukl yl Knet, or M'oy, of praising, 

or eulogizing 

V>C« (§i A > L > M ? h ) and * C-V ( TA ) A 
hone having his tail shorn: (Msb:) having the 
hair of his tail utterly removed : (L :) having his 
>_Juk [or coarse hair, of the tail ij'c.,] shorn : 
(A:) having his «_~U plucked out. (S, TA.) 

f d«j « j. - 

see wj^iy-o. 

v-Iy* : see v^- 

^jULa A kind of dates. Said to be the only 

[Book I. 

kind brought from El- Basrah to the SultAn. 

O^Jjk Stupid; foolish ; of little sense : or a*uW 
of speech and understanding; dollish; heavy; 

9 0* 

syn.^jL*. (S, and some copies of the K.) 

a^U* Stupid; foolish; of little sense: (S :) 
or one unsurpassed in stupidity, foolishness, or 
paucity of sense : or heavy, dull, stupid, and of 
little use: (TA:) or a Aeary, or dull, man: 
(T:) as also ^.UU: (L:) Khalaf El-Ahmar 
says, I asked an Arab of the desert respecting 
the meaning of <u.UU, and he said, It means a 
stupid, or foolish, man, or one of little sense, bulky, 
or corpulent, impotent in speech or actions, and 
heavy, or dull, or doltish, a great eater, who — 
who — who — , and he continued to add to his 
interpretation something each time ; after which 
he said to me, desiring to depart, he is one who 
comprises every evil quality. (S, K.*) 

1. c-U, [aor. '- and - ?] inf. n. c-U, He peeled 
a thing ; or deprived it of its outer covering, or 
crust ; syn. ^ii. (K.) — >ijj| cJu, as also 
.i-Lr, He peeled off, or scraped off, (jli,) the 
[dried] blood with a knife. (Lh, L.) —j>) -c-l j, 
iijJI, [as also cJL,] He scratched the skin of 
the Sujj [or beast brought to Mekkehfor sacrifice, 
or fAcre sacrificed, or the right reading is S^JlJI, 
i.e. fAe scar, (sec C-L.,)] with a knife, so that he 
made the blood to appear. (Lh, L, TA.) 

7. jjju C«V! i.q. C-A— il, (in the CK, c-Xyil 
wJUJIj J^,) He withdrew himself privately, or 
stole away, without being known to do so, running. 
(Ibn-El-Faraj, K.) 

^Jai A certain plant; (S, K;) wAen it dries, 
it becomes red; and when it is eaten, and grows, 
it is called j u t / tf : or, accord, to Aa, a certain 
tree, growing like the jjUJUs, except that its colour 
inclines to red: or, accord, to Aboo-Ziyad, as 
AHn says, a plant of the kind called Osujls, 
growing like the ijUuo and the ^5-*"^, red when 
fresh and moist, and more red when it has dried; 
il is watery ; and the camels and sheep tjr. scarcely 
ever eat it when they find any other herbage to 
serve them in its stead. (TA.) 

Aj^lJb The black filth that is washed away from 
the membrane which encloses a young lamb or Aid 
in its mother's womb. (K, TA.) [For aillc 
t \iyJ\ ajU ...It, as in the copies of the K in my 
hands, I read 'b^JI. — See also A^**.] 

Book I.] 

oUL* [accord, to the TA and a MS. copy of 
the K : in the CK oUU :] A company of people 
staying, or abiding, in a place; and of people 
journeying. (K.) So accord, to AZ ; but accord, 
to ISk, with A. (L.) 

^JJUk -An assembly, a company, or congregated 

body, of men. (IAar.) [Or perhaps it is ^jiU.] 

Also, and ♦ xii [or perhaps i'uii] and t fdu 

and * »»UJU and * SiUJU and " ilU .An assembly, 
a company, or a congregated body, {composed of 
a great number of men, TA,) w/io.*e twice* are 
raised high. (K.) [That »UJUk is with ten ween 
is expressly shown by Fr. : but whether »Uii is so 
is doubtful.] — Also ♦ *Djk, with the second 
syll. short, An assembly, or a company, more in 
number than what is culled io-oj. (Th.) __ 
*»-^ ,J£» (>• " «UA* Oil*. There came partie 
from every direction. (Th.) 

se eLJ iU. 

!UU [app. »UU], coll. gen. n., n. un. with S, A 
hind of palm-tree, slender below, and thick at the 
head; the unripe dates of which are of a reddening 
yellow, disagreeable in taste; and Us fresh ripe 
dates of tfte best, or sweetest, hind. (Aboo-Hatim, 
in Meb.) — See s _ J iu. 

Sj.lili : see ^Jjl and £>yl. 

.i^U and T JjUU and t » ( UU Flaccidness, or 
• # • 
languor, («U.^_t,) </j«* <wn<?« u/wn a man. (K.) 

w-5^A Pco^/c o/" //<« lower, or fowerf, cku. 
(TA.) —^^JLS^U ^ 1a, mentioned, but not 
explained, by IAar: thought by ISd to signify 
He is of the dregs of them : or, of their assembly, 
or company. (TA.) 

an intelligent housewife, who is a good manager, 
in the house: (K, TA; but omitted in some 
copies of the SL :) so is this medicine to the brain 
and stomach, (TA.) [See also *Ju^, in art. 

y W . U A large cooking-pot. (K.) 
[jJU &c. 
See Supplement.] 

• »5 t J 

k cy»- Fe/*em«n< hunger. (A A, T, L.) 
See also w>*Aa. 

• »S (J 

cj»- Vehement hunger. (K.) [See also 


1. Ci, aor. ;, (K,) inf. n. jJU ; (TA ;) and 
T l^kl ; (K ;) He rent, (K,) i. e., pulled so that 
it tore, (TA,) a giirment : (K :) he wore out, or 
rendered threadbare, [and ragged]. (K.) 

4 : sec 1. 

5 : see 7. 

7. Uyil (K) and 1 1^3 (S, K) It (a garment) 
became rent: (TA :) became worn-out, or thread- 
bare, (S, ]£,) ant/ ragged. (S.) 

!«* A worn-out, threadbare, or ragged, gar- 
ment: pi. :C»f. (K.) 

^Mll (IAar, S, K) and t^kl, (Fr, Sb, K,) 
but this is disapproved by IAar, wbo observes 
that there are no words in Arabic of the measure 
JA-ail, but there are of the measure .lL*»l, as 
^_LUJ and ^1^1 and jij>l, (S,) and ^Ui, 
(L,) but this is disallowed by ISk, (S,) [a coll. 
gen. n.,] n. un. with i, (K,) an arabicized word, 
(S,) from aJ^Al, (TA,) [or rather iLu, a Per- 
sian word,] A well-known fruit, [the fruit of the 
myrobalan, as well as the myrobalan-tree,] one 
kind of which is yellow, (£,) and another hind 
black, the latter being in the highest state of ripe- 
ness, and another kind called .JWt& : it is useful 
as a remedy for quinseys, and preserves the intel- 
lect, and removes the head-ache, (when used made 
into a conserve, TA,) and is, in the stomach, like 

l C-*», [aor. '- ,] It (j^jjj) became hidden in 
the grease; (K;) became oversjrread by the 
grease. (TA.) 

4. j>^Si\ C-*aI, and j fi— AH, He made speech, 
and laughter, low ; he spoke, and laughed, low. 
(K.) It is said to be bom J V^'l ; the ^ 
being changed into ■Z). (MF.) 

*■ £-»*> [ n PP- *-+*>> aor. -- ,] inf. n. ^4*, He 

hungered; was hungry. (L.) Jj'sJI .--, 1, l\ 

&\ iy>, (S, K,) aor. i , inf. n. l^k, (S.) Tfte 
camels drank of the water at one draught, (S, 
K,) until they satisfied their thirst. (S.) 

*• £-»*l,(i»f- "• ^Cl|, TA,) He (a horse, S, 
]$., or other animal that runs, Lh,) strove or 
exerted himself, in his running, (S, K,) and then 
ran impetuously, so as to raise the dust. (TA.) 

£+A Hunger -. or (in the K, and) bad manage- 
ment of the means of subsistence. (S, K.) 

*-^l* *-^k ISevere hunger : or very bad 
management of the means of subsistence:] 


(?> £ the latter word is added to give 
intentiveness to the signification ; (TA ;) or 
to corroborate ; (S, K. ;) as in the case of 
J& j£- (?•) — j-i* Small flies, like gnats, 
tliat fall upon the faces of slieep or goats, and 
asses, (S, K,) and into tlieir eyet : (S :) or gnats ; 
so called from -_»* signifying " hunger ;" be- 
cause when they are hungry they live, but when 
they become satiated they die : or Z)\jj>i\ .U-o : 
(L :) [but this is evidently a mistake for jliLo 
VVJJI the young ones, or little ones, of flies ;]) 
or any grubs that burst forth from flies or from 
gnats: (Lth, A:) pi. of lL^t>, (S,) [or rather 
this is the n. un. of l^i, which is a colL 
gen. n.]. __ ^m Lean sheep or goats : (?1 :) 
[a coll. gen. n.,] n. un. with S. (S, K.) — l^i 
I Stupid, or foolish, men; or men of little sense: 
(K :) or stupid, or foolish, young men of the 
meatier sort : (S :) or simply young men of the 
meaner sort : or a mixed and low set of men : 
or disorderly vagabonds : (TA :) you say also 
£■»* \}f-i a "d * t »> « stupid, or foolish, man ; 
and £U JU.J, and ^U*» : (TA :) or iL*i 
signifies a stupid, or foolish, man, who has not 
frm command of himself . (Aboo-Sa'eed.) _ 
»-»* Old and weak ewes : (K. -.) [a coll. gen. n.,] 
n. un. with $ : which also signifies simply a ewe. 
(TA.) __ ,_»* j>ji A people in whom is no 
good. (TA.)_t _^li — »* Young men of the 
meaner sort ; like -_«* alone : and a mixed set 

of men who have no intelligence nor man- 
liness. (TA.) 

g^ o* A doe-antclopc scared, or frightened, 
by [the small flies called] -_^i : (S :) a young 
doe-antelope, (K,) of beautiful body: (L :) .>ik> 
lank in the belli/ : or one that has twit streaks if 
a colour different from that of the rest of the 
body in [the two parts called] the oU^L : (IC :) 
or one that has two such streaks on her bach ; 
which is only the case in such as are white ; 
and also applied to the male: (TA :) or one 
tliat has been attached by a pain in consequence 
of which her face has become flabby. (]£.) 

£~»U : see -_»* J [A people] left to mix 

tumultuous/y, one part with another. ($.) [The 
explanation seems to be borrowed from the 
Kur, xviii. 99.] 

1. jUI oj^i, aor. i , (S, A, L,) inf. n. \£> t 
(S, A, L, K,) The fire became extinguished (As 
S, A, L, K) entirely ; went out entirely, (As, S 
A, L,) none of it remaining: (L:) or lost its 
heat : (L, K :) when [only] its flame has ceased, 
you say of itO^l. (As,L.) — 1U, (M,A,L,) 
aor. ., (M, L,) inf. n. >*^*, (M, L, ^,) J He died ; 



[became extinct;] (M, A, L, £;) perished; 
(TA ;) like as did Thamood ; (Lth, A, L ;) as 
also j^L. (A.) — ftj^JI iy» J**> >fe* tBt 
nearly perished of hunger. (L.) — - J***, aor. '- , 
(S, A, L,) inf. n. >^i (S, L, £) and X+, (L, 
£,) t 7* (a garment, or piece of cloth,) became 
dismndered (L, £)and worn-out, (S, A, L, Msb,) 
by being long folded, (A, L, Msb, K,) so that a 
person leaking at it mould imagine it sound, but, 
rntten he touched it, mould find it fall to puces. 
(A,» L, Msb.») — LiJ\ C>XJ> + Tlie mind 
became still. (Msb.) — ,>/$! OM inf. n. 

i^h, t 7Vte /a«</ became lifeless, without herbage, 
without wood, and without rain. (L, K.) __ 
uoj^)\ 1^ '& j'i 1 t 77j« rree* 0/ <Ae land became 

rvorn-out, or masted; and perished. (L.) — 
»j< . »i • »«• ... .. , T 

_^»1y*l Jji«i t 7/Aeir t?otces became silent. (L.) 

4. •*♦*', inf. n. >C*J. t He stilled, or quieted. 

(]£.)__ 77«(God, and a man,)A-i#ed, or destroyed, 

.9 1 
a man, or men. (A.) y^\ jL*fcl I 77e jjk< 

an end to the affair. (A.) — ^Jo^ i»»Jut Jl«aI 
J Drought rendered the land sterile, so that it 
contained no herbage but such as mas dried up 
and broken. (L.) — .*♦*!, (inf. n. jU*j, K.) 
t lie kept silence in an unpleasant case. (L, K.) 

_ >♦*!, (S, L.) inf. n. iUll, (L, K,) He 
remained, continued, stayed, abode, or dwelt, (S, 
L, K,) in a place: (S, L:) he mas still; (K ;) 
i. c, did not move. (TA.) ^ .A**', (S, L) 
inf. n. iU*'. (!•«, K,) 77e hastened, or nvj* quick, 
(S, L, K,) in going along: (S, L:) thus it bears 

two contr. significations: (S, L, K :) Aa (a dog) 

. , • » <■ a 

rrt«; ■yii. j-ifcl. (L.) = >»UJsJI ^ l>**Al, 

(inf. n. jC* 1 , K,) They fell to eating of the food. 

(Ibn-Bimiij, L, K.») 

• - 
sec j^U. 

1 t Apoplexy : cams : syn. iiJL». (S, L.) 
[A trance. (Sec »jij.)] 

^.^ I Sheep or //on/* /iff/ have died : (L:) 
or the icff*/< or ?Ae /«'** (JM '*«' «» registered 
in the government-accounts as due from a man. 

(ISh, L,K.) You say, .i**^ ^JA.\ lie (the 
collector) exacted from us tiding for the sheep or 
goats that had died: (L:) or, taking what was 
registered r.s due from us in the government- 
accounts. (ISh, L.) — See o-»U. 

ju*U and * Jl»a and ♦ j*»ft> J In a state of 
* * 

death, or extinction]. (M, L.) _ *oU JA 

garment, or piece of cloth, [dissundered and]morn- 
out by being long folded, so as, when touched, to 
fall to pieces : (A:) Of anything old and worn- 
out: (L, Msb:) pi. Xi- (A.) See 1. _ 
i j>.oU (^ejl t Zrfind w wAicA w no herbage : (S :) 
and in the same sense jl*U is applied to a place : 

— >* 

(I£:) or sterile land, (A, L,) fAe herbage of 
which is dried up and broken, (A,) or containing 
no herbage except what is dried up and broken : 
(L:) dry and dusty : pi. jLotyk. (L.) — J^k 
t Old and morn-out or wasted, blackened, and 
changed, [for the morse]. (K.) __ J A tree 
black and wasted : (L:) or dried up; (A;) us 
also herbage. (S, L, K.) — t Fruit black and 

stinking. (A, L.) ___ I A date just ripe, thick- 

9 ' • - - 
skinned and yellow. (TA.) j^>U iUj Ashes [in 

a state of extinction or] masted, (L,) and com- 
pacted together, and changed in appearance. 
(A,L.) ' 

[Book I. 

^iCi, (S, L,) or ^iC*, (L, in all its senses,) 

Quickness (L, K) in running : (L :) or exertion, 

or haste, in pace, or in going. (Sh, L.) — 

Violence, of rain: (A'Obeyd, S, L, K :) and 

[so in the L : in the TA, as some say,] violent 

occasions of rain, and of mutual reviling, and of 

running; which are sometimes violent, and at 

other times remit: (L :) and violence of heat; 

a .* 
(IAar, L, K ;) as also ^iU». (IAar, L.) You 

say, i"cjC* «i />y., and ij'i^t*-, A day of 

violent heat. (IAar, L.) Quirk, or swift; 

(A'Obeyd, S, L, K ;) applied to a she-camel, 
(A'Obeyd, S, L, K,) and to a he-camel. 
(A'Obeyd, S, L.) 

1. XjXi (S, A, K,) aor. i (S, K) and ; , (K,) 
inf. n. j^b, (S,) lie, or it, poured it ; poured it 
out or forth ; (S, A, K ;) namely, water, (S, 
TA,) and tears, and rain, and the like. (TA.) 
__ c^-ail ^» U j+* He drew forth all the milk 
that wits in the udder. (S, K.) — <JU v ^» <0 j+h 
t He gave to him of his property. (S, K.) — 
y*Ot j^h, (K,) or 4^^ ^, (A,)aor. :, 
inf. n. ^U; (TA;) and ASS^ *W{i (S ;) 
t He talked much. (K.) =j_»*, intrans. : see 
7, in two places. 

7. ^eyJl 7' poured ; poured out or forth ; (K ;) 
said of rain, and of tears ; (TA ;) as also '^f**, 
(K,) aor. :, inf. n. j^i ; (TA;) [and so, app., 
♦j^J^kl, q. v.;] it flowed; said of water, (S, K,) 
of rain, and of tears; like J*y3l: (TA :) and 
in like maniit-r, ^»JJW a^c " O^oJk Xfu eye 

{&+*: seejU*. 

jl»* A cloud pouring forth much rain ; as 

also * yXtt,. (K.) Applied to a man, (S,) 

t Loquacious, garrulous ; babbling ; a great 
talker; a babbler; or nonsensical, irrational, 

foolish, or delirious, in his talh ; as also " j+y+ 

and *JC* (?, K) and *J^j. (Sgh, K.) And 

yov* " ^..lii. J j4« orator copious in speech. 

(A, TA.) And ♦ ^Jj—*, applied to a woman, 
t Clamorous ; (K, TA ;) abounding in talk or 
speech, like a pouring torrent. (TA.) 

j-sl* Pouring rain, and tears ; as also ~j 
(TA.) Sec also JC*. 

see jC* ; the tormer, in two places. 

J~frY~° : 8ee J-* 1 * • 

flowed with tears; as also 
^^UUlj^^jl: sec 1. 

CJU*. (A.) _ 

8. j-^Al : see 7. I 7/e (a horse) ran (S, 

K, TA) like a torrent. (TA.) 

j^a Much sand; as also ♦ J y» y j. (K.) 

ij^jk A/aK of rain. (K.) _ I Anfliry «j»c«cA. 
(Sgh, L, K.) 

jy+v> i see ^»a : as and sec aUo jUa. 

Q. 1. jliJI 4J1* -.^i, (inf. n. **- ^ U, L, K,) 
He rendered the news, tidings, or information, 
confused to him. (S, L, K.*) 

i>^ Confusion; (K, L ;) as also w-j-»*, 
and • -rj^*, »"d *»/ « * •■ e«- of the last *Jj 
*^J»* u* >*^ u ' •^' c people fell into a state of 
confusion: (L:) and the third (L) and fourth 
(TA) signify also civil war, or conflict and 


faction, or discord, or dissension; syn. *\£i. 
(L, TA.) __ A confused manner, or *<fl/e, i« 
walking. (S.) — A confused noise, or wtx/ur« 
o/" voices, or unintelligible sounds, of men ; as 
also t J,U.j.^i. (K.) — Lightness, or agility, and 
quickness. (K.) — Tf r Aa( u raia, or /a/.ve; 

syn. JtC. (K.) — O^H' i>«, *e-,r»* J^ 1 
7'Ac CrAooZ arc a mixture of the Jinn. (L.) 

«_^A: see i*r'y*L. Penetrating (^U) in 

affairs. (K.) 

oV>»* : see *»»**• 

1. ;>i, (S, A, Msb, K.) aor. : (S, Msb, K) 
and - , (5,) inf. n. >*, (S, Msb, £,) He 
pressed it ; squeezed it ; pinched it ; (S, A, Msb, 
K,) as, for instance, a walnut, (A, TA,) or 
other thing, (S, TA,) in the hand ; (S, A, TA,) 
and a man's head ; (S, A, TA ;) and a spear- 
shaft, with the>£, to straighten it. (TA.) — 
He pushed, impelled, or repelled, him or it, (S, 
K, TA,) meaning anything ; as also »>♦> ice. 

Book L] 

(TA.) You Bay, ii-LJt «2j «*>* Want im ~ 
yelled, or drove, him to him or it. (TA.) _— He 
struck, or beat, him ;. (S, K, TA ;) as also '»'£> 
&c. (TA.) _ He goaded, or spurred, him ; 
(K, TA ;) he urged him on (namely a horse) 
with the jC^o, to make him run. (Mho.) — 
He bit him. (IAar, K.) — He broke it. (K.) 
= J He (the devil) suggested evil to his mind. 
(JK, A, TA.) You say, »pk ,>• *AJ*V y^l ; 

and O^W^' ^'i** Of 5 * * •** ^/"^ »« 
God from his [the devil's] «n7 suggestion ; and 
/rom fAe «»«/ suggestions of the devils. ( A.) = 
t IZe blamed, upbraided, or reproached, him ; he 
found fault with him ; syn. of the inf. n. *_*<*, 
(Fr, in TA, art.>J; and IAar, in TA, in the 
present art.) as also jil : (Fr, in TA, art. >J ; 
and S,) or he s]>oke evil of him, or spoke of him 
in a manner that he disliked, mentioning vices or 
faults as chargeable to him, behind his bark, 
though it might be with truth ; syn. ^i A^Ut! 
A r'li . (Msb :) and [so] »U» ^ »>»* he back- 
bit him. (JK, A.) = SjL*\ j*i, (S, O,) or 
ijuCJI, aor. ;, inf. n. >U, (Msb,) [i/e pro- 
nounccd the word with the sound termed >»*, or 

*>•*> °f «*»«* ' ,<e ^fl" 1 "">! is f,0ln "■*?* in tlie 
first of the senses explained above ; (S, Msb,) 
because what is termed ±J> in speech, (S,) or 
»>U, (Kb, TA,) [i. e. the sound so called,] is 
[as it were] pressed, or squeezed, (Kb, S, TA,) 
from its place of utterance [by a sudden emission 
of the voice forced out after a compression of 
the passage whereby it has been stopped]. (Kh, 
TA.) It was said to an Arab of the desert, 
ijlill >4^> [meaning Dost thou pronounce SjUJI 
with hems, or hemzchJ] and he said, [under- 
standing the words to mean dost thou squeeze the 
rat, or mouse?] (hyj^i '}*->* [ T,,e cat «l ueczex 
it]. (S.) See >U, below. [And see also^y.] 

7. j^j\ [quasi-pass, of »>i; It was pressed, 
squeezed, or pinched : lie was puslted, &c. The 
first of these significations is indicated, or im- 
plied, in the JK and the TA.] — J^lJI >^JI 
[TJie word was pronounced with tlte sound termed 

£k, or •>♦*]• (?.) 

sA mJ£j \ >1* was explained by Mohammad as 
meaning J Madness, or insanity ; syn. Xiy», i. e. 
^j^L ; because it arises from the goading and 
pressing or pinching of the devil. (A'Obeyd, 
K.) See 1 ; and see also Oj>**, voce »>»*. = 
*£», (S,) and S>U, (Kh, TA,) [the former a gen. 
n., and the latter the n. un.,] The sister ofalif; one 
of the letters of tlte alphabet ; [written thus • ;] a 
genuine word, old, heard [from the Arabs of 
classical times], and well known ; so called for a 
reason mentioned above : see 1, last signification : 
bo says Kh ; therefore no regard is due to what is 

said in certain of the expositions of the Keshsh&f, 
that the term •>♦* thus used has not been heard 
[from any of the Arabs of classical times], and 
that its name is Jttl: (TA:) several persons 
say, that the term »>•* is mostly applied to the 
movent [alif ], and >_ill to the quiscent letter. 
(MF, TA.) See the letter I. 

Ij^M n. un. of J**, q. v. _ i>-l»U-Jl «_»!,>♦* 
X The vain suggestions of the devils, which they 
inspire into the mind of a man. (S, TA.) See 
also 1 ; and see J-»*. 

iyjk i.q. jUi; (K;) i.e., (TA,) One who 
blames, upbraids, reproaches, or finds fault with, 
others, much, or habitually; (S, TA;) as also 
*jC* (S, TA) and *>U; (S, K ;) and bo 

i>J : (S, K, art. jj :) [or rather] the first and 
second are intensive epithets (TA) [but the third 
is not intensive] : or one who backbites hit 
brother; as also ♦ jC*= (M\ A, TA :) or one 
who defames men ( J^VJ jvc'^)} O^ Jtnr^ ^ i 
j^mymi) ; and the action thus signified is like 


is [attached or fixed] in the hinder part of the 
boot of him who breaks, or trains, beasts of 
carriage: (S, K :) pi. [of the former] >-»l*- 
(K) and [of the latter] y,\». (S, K.) See also 

I, and may be [by mahing signs] with the side 
of the mouth, and with the eye, and with the 
head; asalso'jC*: (TA:) or, conjointly with 
ej^l, one who speahs evil of men, or backbites 
them, and defames them: (Aboo-Is-hak, TA :) 
or both together, one who goes about much, or 
habitually, with calumny, or slawkr, separating 
companions and exciting enmity between friends : 
(Abu-l-'Abbas, TA:) S>/fc is applied to a man 
and to a woman; (S, TA ;) [like ijj ;] for its 
5 is to denote intensivencss, and not the fetn. 
gender : (TA :) * jC* [which is the pi. of>«U] 
signifies persons who blame, upbraid, reproach, 
or find fault with, others behind their barhs, 
much, or habitually: (IAar, TA :) [or, more 
correctly, it has not an intensive signification.] 
See also 3^«J. 

see »>•*, throughout. 

see jUv»- 


Jn instrument for beating, (itj**, 
AHeyt'h, K, TA,) of copper or brass, [app. 
meaning a kind of spur, or a goad,] with which 
beasts of carriage are urged on : pi. j*\* : 
(AHeyth.TA:) or a staff or stick: (K:) or a 
staff, or stick, with an iron in its head, with 
which the ass is goaded, or urged on. (Sh, K.) 

See also jUy-» [The pi., j*\*, of this word 

or of >»y^, is also applied to An instrument, or 
instruments, with which spear-shafts are pinched 
and straightened : see 1, first signification.] 

jl^« and *>•»"• (?, Msb, K) A well-known 
thing; (Msb;) [namely, a spur ;] anironwliich 

1. tr-i*, aor. ;, (A, TA,) inf. n. 
(AHeyth, L, TA) and ,^-e^i and ^yl>, (L, 
TA,) He spoke inaudibly: (AHeyth, TA:) or in a 
low, faint, gentle,or soft, manner, (AHeyth, TA,) 
so as to be hardly intelligible. (TA.) It is said 
in a trad. ,jasu (Jl v—ri Ua«^ J*>+* And 
some of us began to speak to otliers in a low, 
faint, gentle, or soft, manner, so as to be hardly 
intelligible. (TA.) And in another trad., q\£» 

**yii *) »^ cr^* ^-*» yj^>\ 'i He —*% 

wlteri he performed the afternoon- prayer, to utter 
something in a low, faint, gentle, or soft manner, 
we not understanding it. (TA.) You say also, 
n*; jL .■ *JI J««* [He uttered his discourse to 
me inaudibly : or in a low, faint, gentle, or soft, 

* ■ # ###« •* S f * - 

manner.] (A.) Andjjue *Zmt y *yi u—iri 0^*e~" 
^CJNI [The devil speaks inaudibly in his sug- 
gesting vain or unprofitable things into tlte bosom 

of man]. (A.) And ^JuaJI ^i O 1 ^' J-^* 
The devil suggested vain, or unprofitable things 

in tlte busom; syn. ^y*}- (TA.) See also 
^j~^k below. — Also, aor. and inf. n. as above, 
He made the faintest, or slightest, sound in tread- 

ing. So in the saying, <l*j cr-»*J anu *-°4 >— »* 
Make thou the faintest, or slightest, sound in 
treading, and be thou silent: addressed by a thief 
to his companion. (TA.) And hence the saying 
of the Ilajiz, 

» , * i* tj« 

Awl they walk with him making the faintest, or 
slightest, sound in treading. (S.) ^-~e* also 
signifies The walking softly; with a soft-sound- 
ing tread: (TA :) [and so ^-^k ; as in the say- 
ing,] >Ij3^I^ ^Ui.^1 y-^k C-fcr- [/ heard 
the soft-sounding treading of the feet of camels 
and of the feet of men]. (A.) See also 
below. s=s O^olt fjmi, aor. - , inf. n. 
He made the sound, or voice to be low, faint, 
gentle, or soft. (Msb.) And >£&( J^k, [aor. 
and] inf. n. as above, [He spoke in a low, faint, 
gentle, or soft manner; like ^^M alone; lit.,] 
he made speech, or tlte speech to be low, faint, 
gentle, or soft. (A, TA.) =. ^Ukdl J-U, (TK), 
[aor. and] inf. n. as above, (AZ, K,) He chewed 
the food with the mouth closed: (AZ, K, TA :) 
or without opening the mouth, (TA.) You say, 
t ' * \ Assi> yk He eats without opening his mouth. 
(A.) Hence, a toothless old woman's eating is 
termed JJ^. (AHeyth.) aI^a also signifies 
[simply] He chewed it. (TA.) 

• •• 


3. A_»U, inf. n. ilU\+, He spoke, or dis- 
coursed secretly to him, or with him. (A.) You 
say also, t^lili, (TK.) inf. n. as above, (K,) 
They spoke, or discoursed, secretly together ; as 
also t I^LJ. (£,• TK.) 

6: see 3. 
• .- 

A low, faint, gentle, or soft, sound. (S, 
A, Msb, K.) So it has been explained as occur- 
ring in the words of the Kur, [xx. 107,1 ^i 
I— •* ?] £»-J [So <Aa/ thou shalt not hear 
aught save) a lorn, faint, gentle, or soft, sound, 
arising from the shifting of the feet from place to 
place towards the scene of congregation [for the 
general judgment] : or, as Az thinks, the mean- 
ing here is, the sound of the patting, or pattering, 
of the feet (^Iji-s)! jii.) upon the ground. 
(TA.) _ The faint, or gentle, sound of the voice 
in t/te mouth, of such kind as has no mixture of 
the voice of the chest, nor loudness of utterance. 

(Lth, K.) See also yj-yy* And Anything 

low, faint, gentle, or soft, (^JuL jk, K, TA,) 

of speech and the like: (TA:) [see again, ^>^i:] 
or the faintest, or slightest, sound of the feet; 
(S, K ;) i. e., of their tread upon the ground : 
(TA:) so [uccord. to J] in the instance in the 
Kur, [xx. 107,] mentioned above: (S :) and 
[in like manner] t ^^^ signifies the sound of 
the shifting from place to place of the feet of 
camels. (K.) Sec also 1. 

• i i * •- 

is-*** : see 1 : and sec ,^.«*. 

4 J*. g - - 

\j*y+v* J?$£* [Speech spoken inaudiblij: or 
in a low, faint, gentle, or soft manner, so as to be 
hardly intelligible : see 1 : or] speech not spoken 
out or openly. (A,* M?b.) — S>*£* SjL, 
(Msb,) or y~+J\ d>i., (IJ,) [A letter which is 
pronounced with the breath only, without the 
voice; a non -vocal letter; a sound with which 
tlie breath passes forth, not from the voice of the 

chest, but passing forth gently; (I J ;) contr. of 

• s • * » . * * * > * > 

jit* * - (Msb :) i~iy+yj\ ^J if mJ\ are the letters 

(ten in number, S,) which are comprised in the 

saying j AIJ tJ CL±Zi, aLL : (S, K : •) 60 called 

[accord, to Borne] because the stress is made 

weak in the place where any one of them occurs 

until the breath has passed forth with it. (Sb, S.) 

he went at a good and quick and graceful pace; 
(L;) he (a beast of carriage) went a good pace. 
(Abridgment of the 'Eyn.) See]^JI 

, as a simple subsL, (An easy and quick, 
or good and quick, or good and quick and grace- 
ful, or good, pace of a hackney, or pacing horse, 
or beast of carriage:] pi. .!)£». (L.) 

• '• 

£^n»a, (?, K, Ac.,) used as the act. part. n. of 

£-J^A, (Abridgment of the ' Eyn,) whence it would 
seem that the regular form of the act. part, n., 
£-W», has not been used, (Msb,) an epithet 
applied to a hackney, or pacing horse, £&&/, 
(S, K, &c ,) or a beast of carriage, (I,,) both to 
the male and female, (L, Msb,) Going, or that 
goes, an easy and quick pace; (Msb;) a good 
and quick pace ; a good and quick and graceful 
pace ; (L ;) a good pare : (Abridgment of the 
'Eyn:) syn. ^U , (K: in the CK £X£:) 
a man's beast for riding : (L :) pi. Ljijk ■. 
(S :) a Persian word, arabicized : (S, L, K -.) 
[but I have not found its original in a Persian 

lexicon] £^«»* •& -* "heep in which is no 

marrow, by reason of its leanness. (K.) 

* '*" *n 
* '■ > • j*\ An affair rendered manageable, or 

easy. (L, K.) _ An affair proved by ex- 
perience. (L.) 

See Supplement.] 

[J-*A &C. 

See Supplement.] 

Q. 1. IC*. (L, Msb,) inf. n. 

K, ice.,) lie (a hackney, or pacing horse, ig&v, 

S, L, &c., i. e. a u'>*;> TA,) went an easy and 
quick pace ; (Msb ;) he (a hackney, or pacing 
horse, or a oeust,) went a good and quick pace ; 

1. y*, aor. -, inf. n. »<ui ; and ^ii, aor. - ; 
It came, or hapfjened, without inconvenience, or 
trouble : (K :) [it was pleasant, or productive of 

enjoyment : see what immediately follows]. 

JUJJI yj. (S, £ •) aor. i , inf. n. sYlIi (S, K) 
and SUa and l^jj., (K,) or !^* (as in some 
copies of the K, and in the L) ; epithet ?*-* ; 
(S ;) and ^j., (Akh, S, K,) aor. : , inf n. t^Jj. ; 

(TA ;) and Ui, aor. : , (Lth.) The food was, or 
became, pleasant, or productive of enjoyment, to 
the eater : or easy to swallow ; not attended by 
trouble: [agreeable:] or not succeeded by harm, 
even after digestion. (Z, cited voce j^».) _ 
>uLll ^iUi, (Akh, S, Kl), and ^ U, aor. ; 
and : (S, £) and-, (K.,) unexampled, says Akh, 
in the class termed mahmooz, (S,) [though \j\ 
and \j» are similar with respect to their having 
damm to the aor.,] inf. n. \'ji. and X'^h, (S, K.) 
> (§. 1., [The food was pleasant, or productive of enjoy- 

ment, to me : or easy to swallow; $c. : see y£*l 

— UjJr^jmM ^yU*: see art. \j+, »U* 

iUi, and iUi 4} U* TAa/ (thing) was pleasant, 
or productive of enjoyment, to him ; $c. (TA.) 

[Book I. 

[See y*.] — ^^* **-\j}* The «•"* «/" «c* 
a one nw* pleasant to me to hear. (TA.) __ 
>UJWI ^ii, aor. : ; and>UWV * U»3, (S, ?,) 
and>UkJ| "C^, and il^i-l, (TA,) [He enjoyed 
the food; found it pleasant, or productive of 
enjoyment ; ice. : see y* :] he found the food to 
be productive of no evil result, and not attended 
by inconvenience. (TA.) _ l -ii, (AZ, S, K,) 
aor. - , inf. n. Ui and Jjji, (K,) He (a beast) 
lighted upon a good piece of herbage, but did 
not satiate himself tlterewith. (AZ, S, ]£.) _ 
<U« uL* Jj±. j»u£jl I juk Ulisl TFe fi/c tAu /oorf 

m/i/i7 we were satiated with it. (TA.) cJL* 

^Nl TAe camels were satiated with herbage. 
(TA.) — aj ^jj. He rejoiced in him, or it. 
(KL) — J!»UiJI ill UU» [God made the food 
pleasant, or productive of enjoyment, to us : fyc. : 
made us to enjoy it : see yi]. (TA.) _ <uJljk 
aJUJI [Health made it pleasant, or productive 
of enjoyment, to me: occ.]. (^^-—(^jUJI jAi^J 
[May tlie horseman give thee joy : a form of con- 
gratulation on the exploits of a horseman ; i. e., 
I congratulate thee on 'the exploits of the horse- 
man] : also written and pronounced '^^J : 
^UyJ, though it occurs in a trad., pronounced 

* m* **e* 

•ii-yJ or >iL^J, (but which pronunciation is to 
be preferred is disputed,) is said to be a vul- 

garism, and not allowable. (TA.) _ »Uk, aor. 1 


(El) [and app., , (see J><*>)\ inf. n. \'Jh, (TA,) 
He fed him ; or gave him to eat. (K.) — »Uk, 
aor. : and ; , (S, K,) inf. n. t^i ; (S ;) and 
" »U*jI ; (IAar, K ;) He gave him, or bestowed 
ujwn him : (S, K :) gave him plentifully. (TA.) 
— >>UJaJI ui, inf. n. l^fi. and !,>» (K) and 

»cUa (as in some copies of the K) or «U* (as in 

«- . «•- 

others) or SUA (as in others) or SU* (as in the 

CK), He made the food good; qualified it 
properly ; seasoned it : syn. AaJLol. (K.) _ 
JU Ui, (TA,) and eSU *U*I, (K,) He put 
his property in a right, or good, state. (K.) 
— j»jii\ La, aor. ^ , He nourished, or matn- 
tained, the people ; (S;) satisfied tlieir wants; 
bestowed upon them. (TA.) Ex. ^^/^i^iui 
[//<; maintained them two montlis]. Hence the 
proverb quoted in illustration of the word ^jili, 
accord, to the second reading. (TA) __ «Ui He 
aided, succoured, or defended, him. (K.) = 
J£j\ Ui, aor. r (S, K,) and : and '- (K : dev. 
from constant rule as shown above : TA), inf. n. 
U» and J i >*, (TA,) He smeared the camels with 
»Ua, which is tar, or liquid pitch, syn. O^lJ, 
(AZ, S, K,) or a kind thereof, (TA,) [as' a 

Book I.] 

remedy for, or preservative against, the mange, 

or scab] J»jJV *»>v" J-3 The wearing of 

a camel [all over) with >Uk is not [merely] 
smearing the cavities under the shoulders, and 
the like, which the mange, or scab, more 
quickly attacks. A proverb, applied to him who 
does not a thing thoroughly. (TA.) — See 2. 

2. »LU) «La (in a trad, respecting the pros- 
tration for inattention) He (the devil) made 
him to think of pleasant things, or things pro- 
ductive of enjoyment, and of things wished for, or 
objects of desire, in his prayer. The former verb 
is pronounced thus to assimilate it to the latter. 

(TA.) >*^lt> »La, >nf. n. «uy and ^jy ; 

(S,£;)and'.'ui, (K,) inf. n. \'Jk; (TA;) He 
congratulated him on the thing, (S, K,) such as 
the possession of a government, &c. : (S :) he 
said to him ilL^) [May it give thee joy]. (£.) 
__ [When the agent of the verb is God, the 
meaning necessarily is, He granted him enjoy- 
ment in the thing ; made him to have enjoyment 
in it.] a£3 ^j C-!U : see art. ISj. 

4: see 1. 

5. L\3 He gave many gifts. (IAar.) — Uy5 
Ijij [unless it be a mistake for QyJ, as IbrD 
suggests, which I think not improbable, though 
mentioned in this art. in the TA] He prided 
himself in such a thing : syn. Iy«3 and ii^so and 
^— 5 and J^-J and OiP- (TA.) — See 1. 

8 : see 1. 

10. 'aLy^l He ashed him for aid, succour, 
or defence. (KL.) — He asked him for a 
gift. (£, TA.) — He conceded to him, or 
gave him, a part of his dues, or rights. (TA.) 
See 1. 

i^jM A gift. (S, K.) = A part of the night. 
(£.) = .'o* subst. from J*N)I La ; (K ;) i. e., 
The smearing with »L». (MF.) 

it. • 
l£LA Jj\ Camels which have lighted upon a 

good piece of herbage, but are not satiated there- 
with. ($.) 

?La Tar, or liquid pitch ; syn. ^I^JaS : (S,K:) 
or a kind thereof . (TA.) See also ijy ; and «^J13. 
e 1U» dial. var. of ^Ut , (K,) or formed from 
the latter by transposition, (TA,) A raceme of a 
palm-tree. (A#n, K.) [See o^J •] 

» ( _ji» What comes or happens to one without 
inconvenience, or trouble : (S, K :) [what is 
pleasant, or productive of enjoyment; an un- 
alloyed gratification, i. e., a thing that gives un- 
alloyed enjoyment; see what follows:] as also 

t Uy*, (£,) a subst., sometimes written and 
pronounced L^« ; pi. yj}r*, sometimes written 

L* JLJk 

and pronounced oV-*. (TA.) [See L^-o also 
below.] __ Pleasant, or productive of enjoyment, 
to the eater: or easy to swallow; not attended 
by trouble : or not succeeded by harm, even after 
its digestion. (Z, cited voce jj*-) — ^ij* L^a 
[May it be, or Eat it, or Drink it, with enjoyment, 
and with wholesome result : or with ease in the 
swallowing, and with quickness in digesting : fyc: 

see i'j^]. (S.) ibj a) I&a [May that be 

productive of enjoyment to him!]. (TA.) _ 
U-Jk and \L>j* are of the number of epithets 
which are employed after the manner of inf. ns. 
significant of a prayer or good wish, governed 
in the ace. case by a verb understood. (Sl>.) 

2L*M (K) and <L^a and i^-A (the second is 
the most usual ; and the third is said to be 
formed by substituting a for « ; but accord, to 
some, the word is incorrectly written with », [so 
says F,] and is a dim. formed from iyJ», which 
becomes first iyJk, and then <ujk : see art yJ. :) 
(TA:) A little; a little while. (K.) 

* - » - 

ijjUk A servant, (K!.) — uil* occurs in this 

sense in a trad. ; but the reading commonly 
known is LaU. If right, it is an act. part. n. 
from La " he gave." (TA.) — liili ^JL l£\ 

yj^3, or UyX-J ; the former is the reading of 
El-Umawee; the latter, of Ks ; Thou art only 
named Hani. (Giver, or Nourisher,) that thou 
mayest give, accord, to both readings ; or that 
thou mayest nourish, or maintain, and supply 
people's wants; ^jiCfj Jyu) : (TA:) [such is 
said to he the meaning of UyU here :] and accord, 
to El-Umawee, ^V* signifies \J&*U, (S,) 
[which is app. the same as Jyu)]. A proverb: 
said to him who is known for his beneficence, in 
order that he may continue to do as he has been 
wont. (TA.) 

U^> : see i^k U^JI M, (S,) and L%JI, 

(TA,) [Unalloyed gratification to thee!] — 
jj^JI duXe-j Uy*JI ^JU [To thee be unalloyed grati- 
fication, and on him he the burden, or sin]: said, 
accord, to a trad., to one who asked whether he 
should accept an invitation to eat the food of one 
who received unlawful interest or profit ; and 
also said with respect to eating the food of 
a tyrannical intendant. (TA.) 


i\Jm (incorrectly written by J, in a versa 
which he quotes, ILii, ]£» TA ; but in an old 
and excellent copy of the S, I find the word 
written jU*;]) and i Jjl (K) and <Ua and 
♦ Ijjk (IDrd, K) A woman of weak understand- 
ing; without discrimination; stupid; foolish; 
of little sense : (S, £ :) accord, to some, as men- 
tioned in a note by Aboo-Zekereeya, in the S, in 

** j 
this art., .«~* signifies an insane woman ; or 

one possessed by a jinnee. (TA.) *Li* is the 

f ' ' 
only word of the measure *^)L«4 known to Ai. 

(TA.) Accord, to the K, IDrd writes *U* lljll 
and <5~* : but this is [thought to be] a mistake : 
he gives the two forms 'Li* and j^y-*, as stated 
by IM and others; and, app., .«~*- (TA.) — 
The first and second of these three words also 
signify A man who is stupid, foolish, or of little 
sense. (K.) 

Exceedingly stupid, or foolish. (IAar, 


A camel smeared with »U*. (S.) 

^«Jk [probably an inf. n., of which the verb 
j g J. i -^ , aor. - ,] Weakness of understanding ; 
want of discrimination ; stupidity; foolishness; 
littleness of sense. (S.) 

. ,-Jk &c. : see il~Jk. 

. He was remiss in his affair. 

Az, K.) 

Q. 1. C :'*-, inf- n - * ■ " ■•* * >, He was languid 
and sluggish. (Ir>tt, ]£.) It may be said that 
the tj is augmentative, and that the word 
is derived from *i«i, signifying " weakness." 

Q. 1. tycW 
(K.) See also » 

2. <uju*, inf. n. jk-^j, She (a woman) behaved 
towards him in a blandishing manner : (IDrd, 
L:) she enamoured him by blandishment, (L, K,) 
and by amatory conversation or conduct: (L:) 
she enslaved him by amatory conversation, or 
conduct. (S, L.) [Thought by Golius to be 

derived from jUk, a proper name of a woman.] 

_ aJjl/ OjuA She deprived him of his Iteart. 

" ' -r - • • ' 

(Ibn-El-Mustaneer, L.) es ju*, inf. n. j^y, 

He made a sword of Indian iron. This is the 
original signification. (T, L.) _ He sharpened 
a sword. (L, K.) 

ju* a name for A hundred camels; (M, 

L, K ;) as also ♦ SJ^A ; (T, S, M, A, L, %. ;) 
which latter is a determinate noun, imper- 
fectly decl., not admitting the art. J I, 
[though it is written with it in the S, and 
in a verse cited in the S and L,] nor having 
a pi., nor a proper sing.: (T, L:) [see 
an ex. in a verse cited voce «_ij-< :] or 
the former is a name for more than a hundred 
camels and less : (£ :) or a little more and a 
little less : (M, L :) or two hundred camels : (M, 


A, li, K :) so accord, to Ez-Ziyadee, as men- 
tioned by ISd, who adds that he had not heard 
it from any other than IJ : (L :) and the latter, 
a hundred of other thing* : (S, L :) or any 
hundred: (AO, S, L:) also the former, two 
hundred years : and the latter, [written with the 
art. Jl,] a hundred year*. (Th, ISd, L.) ess 
jUfJI The name of a well-known nation ; (M, L, 
5 ;) or of a country : (S, L :) [the Indians : and 
India :] rel. n. ♦ ^Ju* : pi. ay* : (S, L, K :) 

* * 

and jJU^I signifies the men of «v-yJI [or India] ; 

, .. I ' . 

as also JiUyJI, (L, 5,) pi. of ^>J^ [q- v - ln 

art. Jju*]. (L.) __ See also cr «*-l. 

I • • • 

i^jyJk : see ju*. __ Also, Indian aloes-wood. 

(L.) — ^J^tt o4-. ( L ») and * (jib"*^*' ['" the 
C5 ^i\')±U,l and Ji/jS*, (S, A, L, K,) A 
sword made in the country of jiyJI, [or India,] 
and well fabricated : (L:) or, made of the iron 
of that country: (A:) as also f J^y*, in the 
Intter sense, (S, A, L,) and in the former : (L.) 
so termed in relation to the people called j^yJI : 

(5 and t 
word. (L.) 

( K :) and " jJ^o oi-w a sharpened, or sharp, 

S ■ J 1 it • 

^jjl, juJk : sec (^J^*. 

j *•« j • • 

SjL-i» : sne ju». 

j^iy* : sec (^jua. 


wJ->.J> and !bjuA &c. : sec art. <->•**- 

jtjyJk, (S, 50 w ' tM kesr, C>.) found in the 
work of Az, in several places, written with fet-h, 
[jljui,] (TA,) A limit; syn. juL: (K:) [or 
rather it measure:] an arabicized word, from 

•jljul, (S, 50 with fet-h, (50 which is Persian : 
(S :) the nrabicized word is with kesr to the 
fii-Bt letter becuuse of the rareness of the measure 
1 J'ilu6 in the cases of words not reduplicative. 
(50 You say, jljUk •& yL*. *k olkil [He 
gave to him without calculation and without 
measure], (S.) 

SjljyJk The cubit :vith which [certain] cloths 
and the like are measured; [about twenty-Jive 
inches in length :] also a Persian word arabicized. 

jjiiy* One irho determines the measures and 

proportions of subterranean channeh for water, 

and of buildings: [an architect : and also a geome- 

• ■> • 
trician:] fromjtjuA: but they change the J into 

t •-•> 
^j, (S, K,) and say ^jj^*, (S,) because there 

is not in the [genuine] language of the Arabs a 
j with a i before it. (S, K.) 

fajjjfr, [The art of determining the measures 

and proportions of subterranean channels for 

water : and hence, the art of architecture : and 

the practice, and science, of geometry :] a subst. 
• •# j 

from i^a Jkaya*, q. v. (S, K.) 

^^.jU^* <?«« wAo determines the measures 
and proportions of subterranean channels for 
water: [and hence, an architect: and a ^eo- 
metrician : derived from jl JUA, (S, K,) which is 
Persian [in origin], (S,) arabicized from «_>l 
jljjl ; (5 ;) jlj^l signifying " the act of measur- 
ing," and w>l signifying " water ;" (TA ;) the 
j being changed into u- because there is not in 
the [genuine] language of the Arabs a j after a. 
(S, K.) 

4. jj- )l jUa, aor. oj.~^j, inf. n. SjUkt, or 
SjUa; for 4jUI : see art. ^-j. 


See Supplement.] 

i .. 

., (K) by some written wJUa, (TA,) 
S/407-t : (K :) but it is not a word of established 
authority. (IDrd.) 

See Supplement.] 


1. Jl^JI Jj 4-iX «V», (5, K,) aor. <]w. (?>) 
inf. n. JjA, (TA,) He raised his mind to high 
things, or objects; purposed, or aspired to, high 
things. (S, K, TA.) The vulgar say, ^Jfyi 
* .-.; . (S.) — ««yk Oyk U / aia no< /mow tf, 
nor desire, or mean, [to do it ; i. e., I did it not 
knowingly, nor intentionally]. (TA.) __ w>* 
£i. *v, (Az,S,K)and£i, (K,) and ^-y «C^-, 
and)!., (Lh,) inf n. 5yk, (TA,) / thought him 
to be possessed of good, (Az, S, K,) and, of evil 

(K, TA.) jJ^> JW *5>* / eAow/A/ him to 

6e possessed of much wealth. (TA.) _ 2)**i) j^jj 

jJ^I IJJk ^>* ii^ Fert'/y / exalt thee above this 

j 1 1 
thing; I hold thee above it]. (Lh.) — *? C^a 

t- " i » 
I rejoiced in him, or it. (AA, 5-) — jJ} L^>*' 

aor. I^yj, //« purposed, or intended, it. (K.) 

— ,t* and »U and U, in imperative senses, and 
the forms into which they are inflected, see 

[Book I. 

3. «I^U He contended with him for supe- 
* * * 
rior glory : like tljU. (IAar.) [See also art. 

fU, <U, U, &c. __ »U, with kesr, is syn. with 
OU, fiiw ; [or changed from this verb;] and 
is thus inflected : sing. masc. »U, fern. >vl* ; 

+ * * - 

dual. masc. and fern. uU ; pi. masc. I>jU, fern. 
J«5U: (8,5: Hke OU, >; l^U; I^U, 
t>fjU : • holding the place of Cj : S.) __ But 

(U, with fet-h, is syn. with i>U, 7'aie; [or 
changed from this word ;] and is thus inflected : 
sing. masc. tU, fern. *U, without ^ ; dual masc 
and fern. U^U; pi. masc. >^U, [so in the K, 
and so I find it in one copy of the S : in another 
copy of the latter, >jU, as it is pronounced 
before a conjunctive I ; for instance, in the 5 ur > 
Ixix, 19:] fern. ,jjU, (S, 5 :) or O-jU : (L:) 
[which last does not exactly correspond with the 
model ^>£aLk : but I think it most probable that 
^U is changed by idgham from ^j^£»\i ; and 
in like manner, that (jjUk is changed from 
J>IJU :] (like i)U, JU ; CfeU ; ^£.U, ^4u : 

* holding the place of J : S :) also, sing. masc. 


U (originally tU, S), fem. ^U ; dual masc. (S) 

and fem. (S, K) Tli ; (S, K ;) pi. masc. I 3J U, 

(S,) fem. ,jl»: (§,50 a ' so » sing.masc. and fem. 

U ; dual. masc. tU, fem. UjU ; pi. masc. 1»U, 

fem. vJjU. (TA.) — — [See a saying of 'Omar 

cited voce *Uj, in art. ,<*)•] — When it is said 

to thee (U 7'i/(c, thou sayest iUI U What shall I 

., ~ . ~. i , 

take ? syn. J«i.l U ; and <U1 U, in the pass. 

form, What shall I receive, or be given? syn. 
•iicl U. (S.) [Also, in the TA, it seems to 
be said that «U! signifies ^5^1 He gave, or 
made to take: but this is uncertain; as the 
former verb is there written «UI, and the latter 
is without the syll. points]. — tU is also syn. 
with iQ At thy service! tj-c. (K, TA.) = 
li aJUI «li *), or, more chastely, li *UI U S), or the 
former is a barbarism ; originally tjuk «JJIj *$ : 
U and li are separated, and the name of God is 
introduced between them ; (5 ;) and the mean- 
ing is No, by Ood, {I did not) this ! (S, art. U, 
q. v.) or No, by Ood, this (is what I swear 
' by) ! (K.) 

fyk Mind ; purpose ; aspiration ; desire ; am- 
bition. (S, K, TA.) Ex. ,^i\ J-*j A person 
of far-reaching aspiration, or ambition. (S, 
TA.) _ Xjtt Penetrating judgment. (50 — 
^yk jji »5^, and ♦ ^J** it occurred to my 
mind, or imagination. (50 

lyt. -. See preceding sentence. 

Book I.] 

O'ii- (S, K) and ♦ o*fr* ( K ) A mide desert > 
or wide, tract of the kind called >\ j mm o . (S. K.) 
Custom : syn. »jU. (K.) A part of the 

night. (K.) The mention of \j\yy» m tn ' 8 

art., by J, says IB, and F after him, is wrong; 
for its measure is J*yU ; the ^ being an aug- 
mentative letter. [But if so, F has himself done 
wrong, in mentioning it, not only here, but also 
in art. ^5*» (where, if the ^ be augmentative, it 
is equally inappropriate,} as though it were a 
quasi-quadriliteral-radical word, of the measure 
JIjuU.] ISd gives it as formed by transposition 
from the root U», and explains it as signifying a 
wide place. (TA.) 

2 t . t , t t,»t 

C^yr* ■ «* ] *r*- 

1. >_>)* : see art - "T-:*- 

i i, j i • ** 

<_jyk Distance ; remoteness. (S, K.) — *Ajj 

#\'i v>* ,j*i and^b * «_>**> (§, K,) or, accord, 
to some, as stated in a marginal note in a copy 
of the S, in the handwriting of Aboo-Zekereeya, 
r>\} v>* i<*» w ''h V>* as a prefixed n., (TA,) 
7 /e/i Aim in such a place that it was not known 
where he was : (S, K :) jj\* w»y» being the 
name of a land over which the Jinn, or genii, 
have obtained ascendancy : (TA :) or the correct 
reading is [Oyb] with O. (K.) = «->>* ^ *"'"" 
pid, or foolish, and loquacious, man : (A'Obeyd, 

S, K :) pi. «l>'s*'- (TA.) = .l^i The heat, 
or burning, of fire; (S, K ;) awrf its flaming, or 
blazing ; of the dial, of El-Yemen : also, the 
heat, or burning of the sun : also of the dial, of 
El-Yemcn. (TA.) 

VjA : see v>*- 
wjyr* : see art. y ^ t, 

* • •- 

2. <ij Oyk, inf. n. c-jjyJ, //« <-u//<'</ out to 
** .. 

" • ' * • ■" 
Aim ; (K ;) saying Oj». 0$»- : (TA, art. :) he cried out to him, and called him. 

(S.) A dial, form of c4*- (TA.) [See c4*.] 

• -• * 

4Jyk : see what follows. 

4Jy»(K)and * iuyk (S, K) .4 /o»», or depressed, 
tract, or j>»ec«, o/ land : (S, K :) or a rfe«/? place : 
(IAth:) or the space between two mountains: 

(IAar:) pi. Oyk (as in the CK) or Oy» (as in 

• > * * > 

the TA.) It may be said that Oj* and Oy» 

arc coll. gen. ns. [of each of which the n. un. is 
with »]. (TA.) __ Also «uy» A road, or way, 
descending to water. (IAar.) _ aJic <U)| 



J^JJI ^^-s JU.A !••<>-< A certain time, or />or- ! always care . wAere *A« puts her feet on the 

ground. (A.)_*U.y» ..j) I Any wind that 
blows violently : (IAar :) o; 1 a wind of which the 
blasts are closely consecutive, as though charac- 
terized by what is termed «-y> : or a wind that 
carries away the dust, and makes a trace upon 
the ground like that made by dragging the skirt : 
(TA :) or a wind that tears up the tents : (S, 

SOpi •£>*• (SO 

tion, of the night passed. Accord, to Aboo- 

'Alee, .Ue* is of the measure V^sti, and quasi- 

coordinate to 9-l>j~, and belonging to this art. 

' »U-a eUjk A cry by which the Arabs urge on 
a dog against the game which they are pursuing. 

(TA.) [In the L written «U*a, and mentioned 
in art. C~*.] 

*•* et * • J * * * 

by Uyk jrr^y **t made a great slaughter 
among them. (TA.) [See art. «i>y.] 

L> A thirst. (K.) 

1. ^yk, aor. : , inf. a. ».yb ; (L ;) and ▼ -.^yj ; 
(A, TA ;) He (a man) was characterized by 

1. }\h, aor. i^i, (S, L, Ac.,) inf. n. jji, (S, 
L, ^Jl, &c.,) 2fe returned (IAar, A, L, Mfb) 
/row e»i7 <o good or /rom </oo(/ /o evil: (IAar, 
L:) lie repented, (S, A, L, K,) and returned 

to the truth; (S, L, K;) as also t j>,j: (L:) 
and the latter, lie repented and did righteously. 

(AO, S, A, L.) JUI li'Jjk We have turned 

unto Thee with repentance. [Kur, vii, 155.] 
So accord, to Mujahid and Sa'ecd Ibn-Jubeyr 
and Ibraheem. (L.) It is made trans, by 

what is termed ~.^h, (L, A,) which is similar to means of ^1 because implying the meaning of 
i)^*; (L;) i.e., stupidity, foolishness, or paucity b**y- (ISd, L.) — aU, (S, A, L,) aor. i^j, 
of sense: (JK, L :) tallness, combined with hasti- j inf. n. ij» ; (L;) and ♦ t^j ; (S, A, L, Msb, 
ness, and stupidity or foolishness or paucity ^.^ He hecame a Jen) . ^, A, L, %;) he 
of sense: (S:) or tallness, with stupidity or became of the Jewish religion. (L, M ? b.) 
foolishness or paucity of sense and levity or j 

fickleness or unsteadiness, and hastiness : (K. :) j 2. oy», (L, Msb, K,) inf. n. J^^yj, (S,) He 
or tallness, with levity or fickleness or «»- ; mat/t Aim (his son [for instance] Msb) a Jew ; 
steadiness, and hastiness : (T A :) or tallness, (S, L, Msb ;) he turned him to the religion of 
(A,) or excessive tallness, (L,) r»i<A stupidity the Jews; (L, K;) taught him that religion, and 
or foolishness or paucity of sense. (L.) initiated him in it. (L.) = ju£i The talking 

j togetlier of jinn, or genii : (L, 1£ :) so termed 

4. ao-.a! He found him to be such a man as . , A , . . , r . . 

t , h ; because of the gentleness and weakness of their 

is termed *.**!. (L.) 

see 1. 

~ji : see 1 p.;* ij^ ^, and -.yk, are 

syn., [meaning In such a one is a deviation from j 
rectitude]. (A A, L.) 

4».U a dial, form of io-U- ; but of weak 
authority. (L, from a trad.) 

».ybl A man characterized by what is termed 

~-yt> ; (S, L, Ac. ;) stupid, foolish, or having 
little sense : ( JK, L :) or tall, with hastiness, 
and stupidity or foolishness or paucity of sense, 
Sfc: (S,&c.:) fern. lVy»: (A:) [pi. ^i.]_ 
J^laJI »-j*l t A man exceedingly, or excessively, 
(A.) — Also ^y»t J A courageous man, 


Vy»j " *3>» an imprecation, respecting which 
ISd says, I know not what is &y» here. [It 
probably signifies A cry, such as destroyed the 
tribe of Thamood: see Op>.] (TA.) 

who throws himself into a scene of war. (A.) 
s->fcl t A he-camel that goes quickly, as though 
characterized by what is termed *>y»: fern. 
'l*->» : [pi. »-yk :] or the fern, epithet only is 
used, applied to a camel ; and you say iU- ? A is li ; 
(TA ;) i.e., a she-camel that goes quickly, tyc., 
as explained above ; (S, K ;) an</ that does not 

voices. (L.) _ iyh, inf. n. j->y^, He reiterated 
his voice, or quavered, or trilled, gently. (Ibn- 

Jebeleh, L, K.) iyb, (L,) inf. n. ju^j, (K,) 

i/e «on^ ; syn. ^£. : (Aboo-Mdlik, L :) he 
sang, or gladdened, and diverted; syn. ,_yvJ^j wjj». 
(K.) See also jjy*. ^ ^y», inf. n. Ju^, /fe 
n 4 «jit, or proceeded, gently, or »« a leisurely 
manner, (S, L, K,) like the manner termed 
v^-^jj : from Sjl^yJI. (S, L, K.) It is said in a 
trad., Ci» Ij^yJ "$j jjUJI ^ i^^ )l l>V* 

r/u(Vi- at a funeral, and go ye not in a gentle or 
leisurely manner like as go the Jens and the 
Christians']. (S.) See also 5. — jyk, (L,) inf. n. 
juj^j, (S, L, K,) It beverage, or wine,) intoxi- 
cated (S, L, K) a person : and rendered him 
languid, and caused him to sleep. (L.) __ 
jyk, inf. n. Jw^j and jhjyj ; (L, K ;) and * iyfi; 
(TA ;) He uttered a weak, gentle, (L, K,) and 
languid, (L,) voice. (L, K\) — j>y», inf. n. 

% <H*? (?» L » K ) and >'^ 5 and * ijv 5 ; (K j) He 
was low, not loud, in speech, or utterance. (S, L, 

K) — i^A, inf. n. jtyj (L, K) and >l^j ; and 



♦i^J; (L;) He was slow, or tardy, in hi* pace, 
(L, $,) and gentle. (L.) — jyk He (a man) 
rested; or mas still, quiet, or at rest. (Aboo- 

Malik, L.) ayk, inf. n. J^yP, He slept, (S, 

L.) jyk, inf. n. ju$y3 and jl^yj ; and » jjyJ ; 

//* nx»* <7en<fe ; Ac acterf, or behaved, in a gentle 

manner. (L.) Also, The murmuring and 

gentle sounding of the wind over sand. (L.) =s 
iyk, inf. ii. Js»>y5, He ate of a camels hump; 
(K ;) or what is termed o>A. (TA.) 

3. o^U, (A,) inf. n. %>£*, (S, A, L, £,) i/e 
tnarfe peac« with him ; reconciled himself with 

%* * * * 

Aim; (A ;) syn. of the inf. n. it}\}* ; (A, L ;) 
in the $, S.**l>«, which is a mistake; (TA ;) 
and A^JUii, (S, L,) and £&•: (TA :) and 
also i*L*~\y> [app. signifying the restoring a 
person, or taking him fracA, tn<o one's favour]. 
(TA.) — He inclined towards him reciprocally; 
syn. <JbU : and IjjU 77«ey two inclined each 
towards the other ; syn. ^loU : (TK :) syn. of 

tlie inf. n. iLW*. (S, L.) _ He returned to 

'" ' 
him, or it, time after time ; syn. »jjU : (TKL:) 

%. . ,' 
syn. of the inf. n. ojU*. (K.) 

• * • 

6 : see 1 and 2. __ a,-i~» J i^j //<• walked 

gently, imitating the motions of the Jew* in their 

reciting or reading. (El-Basair.) See also 2. __ 

.jjyj //« became allied, or a //ted himself, or 

sought to ally himself, (J-oy, K, and «->>£, El- 
Basair,) fry a frond o/" relationship ; or fry sonii! 
o*/ier sacred or inviolable bond or tie, or a quality 
$c. to be regarded as sacred or inviolable or 
rendering him entitled to respect or reverence. 


(1£, EI-BnsA'ir.) See also ^1*. 
J*J' = »ce j ivi . 

9 # • * •* * * 

o$a: see Sjyk. 

oyi A earners hump : (S, K :) or the base of 
t/t« Aump : (Sh, L :) as also » S j ? a : (L :) pi. 
ilk: (N, L, K :) [or rather, this is a coll. gen. n., 
and oyk is the n. an.]. 

i)\)* Gentleness; lenity; (A, L, 1£ ;) and 
that kind of conduct whereby One hopes to effect 
the adjustment of an affair between a people : (L, 
K :) quietness: (L:) peace, or reconciliation: 
inclination, or affection: (S, L:) favour, or 
partiality : (L :) facilitation, whereby a person 
is indulged in an affair. (L, K.) Ex. »j*.U ^ 
ojl } * <lU1 i«i Quhtness with respect to a re- 
strictive ordinance of Ood, with favour or par- 
tiality towards any one, will not affect him, or 
influence him. And »3l$* «ile» «J>».0 *v) Favour 
or partiality with respect to thee will not affect 
him, or influence him. (L, each from a trad.) 
__ i>\ytk also signifies A sacred or inviolable bond 

or ri« ; or a quality .jr. to be regarded as sacred 
or inviolable, or rendering one entitled to respect 
or reverence: and a frond of relationship. (L.) 

joU Returning (Msb) [from evil to good or 
from good to evil: see 1 :] repenting andreturn- 
ing to the truth : (S, L :) pi. ijA, (S, A, L, Msb,) 
like as Jjjj is pi. of JjU (S, L, Msb.) 

jjjj and jjyJI an< l " >y}\ [the second of 
which is the most common,] signify the same, 
(S, A, L, Msb, K,) A certain tribe ; [namely, the 
Jews:"] (L :) j^yj is said by some to be origi- 
nally ijyj, and arabicized by the change of J 
into j ; but ISd disapproves of this assertion : 
others say, that it is from iU " he repented :" 
(L:) it is imperfectly decl., because it is a proper 
name and of the measure of a verb ; and [of the 
fern, gen., as it is said to be in the S and L,] 
because il means a <U. : -< : but it is allowable to 

prefix to it the art. Jl, and to say j/yJI : (Msb :) 
this, however, is allowable only on the ground 
of its being, with the art. prefixed, for O^Ji^ve" > 
for it is of itself determinate : (S, L :) [thus] 
iy^ is [as it were] pi. of * ^£i^i ; (L ;) which is 

the rel. n. of iyyi, or, accord, to Sgh, of Ijjyj 
[or Judah], thus written by him with the un- 
pointed } in this instance, the son of <->$**-> [or 
Jacob]: (Msb:) jjyj (sometimes, TA) has 
(jlj^ as a pi. : (K:) this pi. occurs in a poem 
of Hassan : (TA:) Fr.says, of tjji, in the Kur, 
ii, 105, that it is for hjyi [app- a mistake for 
>yrt\ > or tnat ' l mR 7 De p'- °f J^ 1 *- ("0 

Z ** 3 1, 

\J>S*i- 8ee i*ri- 

*i)} r J\ The Jeivi&h religion. (L.) 

• w*J „•*«■ 


tive letter : (TA :) [and this seems to be the 
correct 'reading; for it occurs in a verse, cited in 
the TA, in which the measure required it to be 
of one syllable: it therefore appears that iyk is 
a coll. gen. n., of which the n. un. is with ».] 

1. ♦>, (K,) [aor. ^',] inf. n. £k, (TA,) 
He threw it down ; pulled it down ; pulled it to 
pieces; or demolished it; namely, a building; 

(K ;) and in like manner, a ^ij*. [i.e. an abrupt, 
water-worn, bank, rising by the bed of a torrent 

or stream] ; (TA [in which j^j* is given as an 
inf. n. of this verb ; but it is more probably an 
inf. n. of the intrans. verb only, agreeably with 
analogy ;]) as also t »/$*, (S, A,) the pronoun 
relating to a building, (A,) and to a O^. ; (S;) 
and o^A [in illustration of which see what is said 

of^yJ, below] ; (S, art.^;) and " »j^y3, in which 

the pronoun relates to the upper part ofa o>»., or 

to the brink ofa well. (TA.) j£ftl jli, (K,) 

aor. ^yd, inf. n. iy k, (TA,) I He slew the 

people, and threw them down prostrate, one upon 

• j 
another, (K,) like as when a «-»>»> falls down. 

(TA.) And [in like manner you say,] vj-o 

»j\yi \j^» f He smote such a one and prostrated 

him; as also * «,yk. (K,» TA.) jli, (S, A, 

it* % * 

Msb, K,) aor. jjyi, inf. n. ij» (S, Msb) and 

j}yM, (S,) It became thrown down, pulled down, 

pulled to pieces, or demolished ; or it fell in ruins, 

or to pieces; (S, A, K;) said of a building, 

(K,) and ofa <->/». [explained above] ; (S, A ;) 

as also ♦jlyil and * J9 ^ (S, A, K) and j^j, (K,) 

which last has ^j as being interchangeable with 

j, or it may be of the measure J*t*3 [originally 

]'x£]: (TA:) or it fell; it fell, or tumbled, 
dotvn ; it collapsed; broke down ; said ofa build- 
ing; (TA;) as also *jlyiland *j>j; (Msb, 
TA ;) said ofa building, (TA,) and of a wi>*>, 
(Msb,) or of the upper part of the latter, and of 
the brink of a well; (TA;) [and *j>i*t, q. v., 
probably signifies the same :] or ii cracked, with- 
out falling; said of a \Jjf : (Msb:) or it 
cracked in its hinder part, remaining yet in its 
place; said of a building. (TA.) 

2. »;>* : see »jU, in two places. 

5. jjfj : see _>U, in two places ; in the former 

of which, ^jyj is also mentioned as syn. with 

jyP. — I He plunged, or fell, into an affair with 

little care [for the consequence thereof] : (S, K :) 

or j)<^)l ^ jjyj he plunged, or fell, into affairs 

without thought, or reflection, or consideration : 

(A:) or j^yj is a state, or condition, adventitious 

to the irascible faculty, by reason of which one 

ventures upon affairs not Jit, or meet, to be 

iy/A !Uc [in some copies of the S, iy,*,] A 

low, not loud, singing. (S, L.) \~^* also 

signifies Gladdening, and diverting ; syn. ^tjLlo 
and <UU. (IAar, L.) 

ijv^o Allied, or allying himself, or seeking to 
ally himself, (Jwojl*. IAar, Sh,) by what is 
termed Sjtyk. (IAar, Sh, L.) See 5. 

JJ^it, (L, K,) or iiyi, [without the art. Jl, 
as a proper name,] (S, L,) written by Ed-De- 
meeree with damm, but fault has been found with 
him for this, (MF,) [The bird called] the S<i*3 : 
(S,L,I£ :) or, as some say, t/ie female Slkr: (L:) 
or »ijA, (as a determinate noun) is the name of 
a certain bird, (L, K,) different from the above: 
(L :) pi. Jyk, (as in the CK and a MS copy of 
the K) or ijA, formed by eliding the augmenta- I ventured upon; as the fighting with unbelievers 

Book I.] 

when they are more than double the number of 
the Muslim*. (KT.) = » J5v J : see »jU. 

7 : see jU, in two places. 

8. j^^kl : see jU, last signification. _ It (a 
thing, S) perished. (S, K.) 

jj(k and jU, (S, A, Msb, K,) the latter formed 
by transposition from the former, [first into 
l$j\A, and then into jU,] (S, TA,) like as 
-."iLJI ibli is changed into ^^1 O^' 
(S,) applied to a building, (K,) and to a <-ij»; 
[explained above, (see »jU,)] (S, A, Msb,) 
Becoming thrown down, pulled down, pulled 
to pieces, or demolished: (S, A, K:) or falling; 
falling, or tumbling, down : (IAar :) or crack- 
ing, without falling : (Msb:) or cracking in its 
hinder part, remaining yet in its place. (TA.) 
See an ex. of the latter voce jiu*. : and another 
in the Kur, ix. 110.] 

***** , 

j)y--o A man plunging, or falling, or who 

plunges, or falls, into an affair with little care 
[for the consequences thereof]. (S.) See 5. 

c*-y» Somewhat of madness, or insanity, or 
diabolical possession, (S, A, K,) in the head: 
(A :) or a vertigo, or giddiness, and confused 
noise, in the head. (A, TA.) _ Hence used by 
the vulgar to signify Hope. (TA.) 

^r-jV- Affected with somewhat of madness, or 
insanity, or diabolical possession. (Ibn-Abbad, 
K.) _ A man who talks to himself. (A.) — 
Sometimes, One n?/to M affected with melancholy, 
and with vain, or unprofitable, suggestions. (TA.) 
__ And One who occupies himself with the science 
of alchemy. (TA.) 


1. ,^SU, aor. t*t)yJ, inf. n. ^j., (S, A, Msb,) 
It (a company of men) mi*, or became, in a 
state of conflict and faction, sedition, discord, or 
dissension: (Msb:) he, or it, (a number of 
people,)./*// into a bad state, or state of disorder 
or disturbance ; as also ,_>->*>> like «_-» ; [indicat- 
ing that its aor. is -, and its inf. n. as above;] 
and T iH^t-i : (TA :) it (a company of men, S, 
A) was, or became, roused, or excited ; (A, TA ;) 
in a state of commotion, agitation, convulsion, 
tumult, or disturbance; (S, A, TA ;) and in 

like manner, " t_Ay>, said of the belly, i< was, or 
became, in a state of commotion, agitation, &c, 

by reason of leanness : (S :) or t^iyk, like *-*->, 

[see above,] (K,) aor. '. , inf. n. o-y., (TK,) Ae 
(a man, TK) was, or became in a state of com- 
motion, agitation, &c. ; or his belly became small, 

syn. ^jjuo, (K» TA, [or empty, (ji~o being per- 
haps a mistranscription for ji-o, for it is said in 

another part of this art. in the TA that ch>*)I 
signifies " the belly's being empty,")] by reason 
of leanness; from IF: (TA :) or it (the belly) 
became so. (IF, TA.) — Jf)\ c-ili, (JK, 
TA,) or jlriJI, (A,) fjUJI J, (JK, A,) aor. 

J,£>, (JK,) inf. n. Jiy., (JK, TA,) The camels, 
(JK, TA,) or the horses, (A,) took fright, and 
ran away at random, (JK, A, TA,) and became 
dis/wrsed, (TA,) or separated themselves, (JK,) 
and went to and fro, (JK, A,) in the hostile 
sudden attack made by a party of armed 
horsemen. (JK, A, TA.) _ o& J\ *~&> 7 
became agile or brisk, and advanced towards suc'i 
a one. (TA.) And t> a*J ><r ^Ju w^aJI J*l »^U 
The warriors became agile or brisk, and hasten/ d, 
one to another ; [in like manner] * lyljlyj. (A.) 
^ Also, [aor. and] inf. n. as above, He collected : 
and mixed, or confused, or confounded. (TA.) 
You say, Ut^a. *^U> C—i* I collected unlawful 
wealth. (Sgh, TA.) And °J^,\h and *^yk 
//e mixed, or confused, or confounded, them ; 
and collected them hence and thence. (A.) See 
also 2. 

2. i^y. : see 1, first sentence : and see 5. 

^ Also.^oy*^* * occasioned variance between 
them, or among them. (Msb.) And ^y« 

j*Yt~l He created, or excited, disorder, dis- 
turbance, discord, or dissension, between them, 
or among them. (TA.) _— And hence, (Msb,) 
^y., (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. J^J, (K,) #e 
mixed, confused, or confounded, (S, Msb, K, 
TA,) a company of men, (S, TA,) one nnr/» 
anotlier ; (TA;) and general rules ; (Msb;) and 
anything. (S.) See also 1, last sentence: and 

see JZyii. [Hence also,] vlPW fir" <^}*> 
The wind brought the dust of various sorts 
[mixed together]. (S,* IF, K.) 

3. _^w}U 7/e mixed, mingled, or consorted, 

with them : (K :) or did so to create, or excite, 

disorder, disturbance, discord, or dissension ; or 

• « * * j 
fo TMoA^e mischief: (TA :) and iijl^-o signifies 

% * , , t 
conflicting ; like iijU«. (TA, art. u-y-) 

5. t^-jv 3 : see 1, first sentence. Also ly*^* 

TViey mixed, or mingled, together ; or became 
mixed, confused, or confounded, together ; as also 

♦tyijV; (K;) and * lyiyi. (JK, TA.) 

And 4uXc lyvjf'i They collected themselves together 
against him. (IF, Msb, K-) 

6. bytjlyJ : see 1, near the end : _ and see 5. 

t^iyb .4 /a»v/e number : (S, K :) or, as the 
women of Temeem say, a multitude of men ; 

4 0' 

and of beasts of carriage; as also ^yf : (Aboo- 
' Admiin :) and men collected together in war. 
(TA.) You say, t^yt c^W »V He came 

with multitude, or the multitude; (K ;) like as 
you say, ^Ul J->Jl» V. (TA.) 

• * A * 

iiy. Conflict and faction, sedition, discord, 
or dissension : (A'Obeyd, S, A, Msb, K :) excite- 
ment : commotion, agitation, convulsion, tumuli, 
or disturbance : (S, A, K :) and confusion : (A, 
Msb, K :) and ♦ Silyi is like liy. ; (TA ;) or 
signifies war. (JK.) You say, ^J <U^A C*o^^ 


i J^-JI [Conflict and faction, &c, happened in 
I <Ac market]. (A.) And it is said in a trad., 
I JV^Jt oliy.j JJUI OU,y.^ >.U (S, TA) 
I Hi wore ye of the misfortunes, calamities, or evil 
■ accidents, of night; and of the wrong courses, 
and trickery and robbery, of the markets. (TA.) 

Jj^-JI oUyk, thus related by Th, but not ex- 

: plained by him, is thought by ISd to mean The 

confusion of the market, and the defrauding there 

practised in buying and selling. (TA.) See 

• *•« 
also rt,t, ; * in two places. 

iityk A mixed, or confused, assembly, com- 
pany, or assemblage, of men ; ('Arram ;) as also 
♦ -LLyi: (K,«TA:) and i^ily., [the pi. of the 
former,] collections of men, and of camels, (S, 
K,) mixed, or confounded, together: (S:) and 
what is collected of unlawful wealth or property; 

(K,» TA;) and of lawful. (TA.) See also 

> ,. * • ' ' 

i^jAy*. ^ See also «U.y.. 

4^jyb : see <u>ly.. 

(Jily. and lily. Camels unlawfully collected: 
(JK :) or the latter, camels taken from this and 
that place: (TA:) and the latter also, camels 
taking fright and running away at random. 
(JK.) See also Jbli. 

Jbli : see J.'i*- = J^>* Jf|> [P 1 - of *i5U,] 
Camels taking fright and running away at 
random, in a state of confusion, attacked by a 
party of armed horsemen : (Lth :) or taking 
fright and running away at random, (JK, A,) 
separating themselves, (JK,) and going to and 
fro. (JK, A.) See also ^lyi. = li5li A 
great viper. (TA.) 

^^tyl and cfijly 3 

see j_^jly-«. 

^^1^. W/ta< is /7««cn by force or <A«/f : (K :) 
or any wealth, or property, (S,) r/ia< »« gotten by 
unlawful means, (JK, S,) .'uc/i as force and </<e/i! 

and M« /t'*«; (S :) pi. of ▼ ^>yif» : (A :) or as 
though pi. of this latter word, as signifying 

collected ; and mixed, confused, or confounded. 

... . • ' * * * l • * 

(TA.) It is said in a trad., ^>« *^U w>U»l j^ 



ji* t.**t 

'j$ ^ ill ilk* I Jij\J» [ Whoto getteth wealth, 
or property, of such at it unlawfully acquired, 
God will make it U pa** away in place* of 
destruction] : (S :) but this is variously related ; 
some saying ♦ J^V ; and some, w-jlyJ ; and 
some, cAjV>» with O, which is explained in the 
£. as signifying ^UL*: the relation given in the 
§ is that which is commonly known by the 
lexicologists ; but all are correct, excepting that 
^1^3, with Z>, and with a kesreh to the j, is 
disapproved by some of the lexicologists : (TA :) 
this last word is a contraction of tAyVs pi- °" 
♦ c»il>»i, of the measure JliiJ from cAjyM, (£• 
TA,)'meaning " the collecting "; and " mixing," 
" confusing," or "confounding": (TA :) or from 
u£»- ^U C-i*. (Sgh, TA.) A poet says, 

[Thou eat est what thou ha*t collected of thing* 
unlawfully acquired]. (Sgh, TA.) 

See Supplement.] 


1. (Uk, aor. l£ and J^j, (K ; the latter not of 
respectable authority, Lh ;) inf. n. aL*, He wa*, 
or became, of good, or goodly, form or appearance, 
or other propertie* denoted by the term i^jk, q.v. 
(]£.)_ [^ik, accord, to the K, signifies the 
same : but see below.] __ |e», accord, to I Hsh 
and others, the only verb of this form whose 
medial radical letter is >j : (MF :) accord, to the 
£, syn. with iU, in a sense indicated above : 
but IJ states that it has a superlative sense ; 
that it is to be classed with \lai " excellent [or 
how excellent (see £i^' voce jUb*)] is he in his 
judging!" and ^oj' " excellent [or how excellent] 
is he in his throwing, or shooting!" [wherefore 
it signifies Excellent, or how excellent, is he in his 
form or appearance ! Ac. ;] and that it is, like 
'y 'ri [and ytj], invariable [as to person, tense, 
and mood]. He observes that, as a verb of the 
measure Jj»i is formed from one whose final 
radical letter is ,j, [as 'yci and yj from ^yoS 
nnd .**;,] so is this formed on the same measure 
from a verb whose medial radical letter is ^j : 
and that it is invariable [as to person, tense, and 
mood,] because of its resemblance, in its super- 
lative sense, to the cIbbs of verbs of wonder, and 
to 1*3 and jli. He further remarks, that they 
[the Arabs] have abstained from forming a verb 
on the measure J*i [variable as to person, tense, 
and mood,] from one whose medial radical letter 
it ij, fearing to make what is difficult to pro- 
nounce still more so ; for in that case they would 
be obliged to say C-iJ, M& and U* ; and, as 

would also happen if a variable verb of the same 
measure were formed from one whose final 
radical letter is ^j, the change of ^ into^, which 
is more difficult to pronounce, would thus become 
frequent. (TA) — **)! »V*>, aor. iLj, inf. n. a**, 
He desired, lunged for, longed to tee, him or it. 

2. U, inf. n. *0 and tj,^3, [primarily sig- 
nifies He invested him with, or made him to 
have, <La, as meaning garb, guise, &c. See 
Bd xviii. 9. __ And hence,] He prepared, pro- 
vided, disposed, arranged, or put into a right, or 
good state, Ac. (S, K.) [And hence, He rendered 
an affair feasible, or practicable; he facili- 
tated it."] 

5. *Cy3 [He, or it, was, or became, prepared, 
provided, disposed, arranged, or put into a right 
or good state, &c. And hence, It (an affair) 
was, or became, feasible, or practicable : and it 
(a thing) was, or became, attainable, or within 

power or reach.] __j-»"^J Uyj ; and a) «U, (S, K,) 
aor. iQ ($) and i'^j, (S, K,) inf. n. '£* ; (S;) 
He prepared himself for the thing. (K.) Ex. 
Jii C-i* cJlij And she said, I have prepared 
myself for thee: accord, to one reading [for 
c4*, in the Kur, xii. 23]. (Akh, S.) — [See 

also u\j.] ji^l 'a! 'Cyj, (Msb.K, art } J\, &c.,) 

or l^i\, (S, art. ^31,-fcc.,) The thing, or affair, 
was, or became, feasible, or practicable, to him; 
and the thing was attainable.] — il£*U Vv [He 
was ready, or about, to weep : a phrase of 
frequent occurrence ; like «l£JI jljl, and s UJl>^jk. ] 
(S, art. J^., Ac.) 

[Book I. 

expedition of Sinjdbt]; (TA ;) and .^yk being 
indeclinable, with a vowel for its termination 
to obviate the occurrence of two quiescent 
letters, and with fet-hah as the final vowel 
because it is more easy of pronunciation than 
the others in this case. (K, TA.) _ [See also 
art. Li.] 

tit. . •!• 

i_jk and * <u»» Form, fashion, shape, aspect, or 
appearance; figure, person, mien, feature, or linea- 
ments; (S, TA ;) guise; or external state or 
condition; (Msb;) state rvith regard to apparel 
and the like; or garb; (Lth ;) ttate, condition, or 
case ; quality, mode or manner of being : (K : ) pi. 
OU* and oU. (TA.)__ <LjyJt ^>-». [of goodly 
form, aspect, or apjyearance, guise, state of 
apparel, garb, See.]. (S.) _ [Also, goodliness of 

form &c. : see 1. See also C~f, for an 

■ * #t »^ 
addition.] _ [ i^jU- i-A,in Logic, An accidental 
« *## ■»#« # * i 

mode.] _ ^^yjl^c OUyJI iC^'i l>A-»l, in a trad., 
.-, * ^ * 

signifies, Forgive ye the people of good qualities 
Sfc, who keep to one state and way, their slips. 
It alludes to those who make a slip unwittingly. 



see what next follows. 

6. Jii) ^jl* fijiV-' They agreed toget/ier upon 
that, or to do that. (£,* TA.) 

!/jk and "-* The calling, or a call, to food 

and beverage. (K.) The calling, or a call, 

to eameh to drinh : (K :) or, [rather,] a call to 
camels to food, or provender. (TA.) — [See 
arts. La- and U.] 

,J U i^ C [but see J^jA] [Oh! what 
has happened to me ?] an expression of regret ; 
, Jk being a word signifying regret for a 
thing that passes away from one, or escapes 
him : (S, TA :) or, (as some say, TA,) 
an expression of wonder : (KL :) see also 
i i \S and t^j C, which are syn. with i^jik L> : 
(TA :) or i .**, (accord, to certain of the lexico- 
logists, as related by IB, TA,) is nn imperative 
verbal noun, signifying Attend! (a-3); like a-d, 
which signifies "Be silent!" (K ;) the inter- 
jection b being put before it in like manner as it 
is in the saying of Esh-Shemmakh, 

[Come now! O, give me to drinh, before the 

^je* and " l^jt** A person of good, or goodly, 
form or appearance, or other properties denoted 
by the term i^k. (K.) 

lev-s [Prepared, &c] __ Also t'.^. ) J9 Uj, q.v. 
(MF, art. j J3 .) 

SbL^* .4 thing respecting which persons have 
agreed together. (K, TA.) 

3U gy <U A camel //ta< seldom fails of becoming 
pregnant when slie has been covered. (K.) 

1. ajU, (S, K, Ac.,) first pers. w-», originally 
ol*i, (S,) aor. i»Q, (S, If,) [originally ^>,] 
and ^-eyj, (IKtti c ' te d by MF,) imp. ^Jk, 
originally ^j\m, (S,) inf. n. iLk (S, Kl, Msb) and 
ajL^ (S, K) and ^~» ; (K ;) and * ^Ujkl and 
♦ Af-yj ; (K ;) [He revered, venerated, respected, 
honoured, dreaded, or feared, him or it;] he 
regarded him or it, i.e., anything, TA,) with 
reverence, veneration, respect, honour, dread, or 
awe; (S, K,» Msb, TA ;) and fear; (S, K ;) 
cautious fear, or caution. (£, Msb.) _ vr Jk 

JyLj ^-Ui! Reverence men, [and] they will 

* j 
reverence thee. (TA.) _ w»>*» > n which the 

original ^j is changed into j, [2Te (a man) was 

regarded with reverence, veneration, or awe; 

with fear ; 'or with cautious fear, or caution]. 

(9, SO 

Book I.] 

2. *\J\ ""::* I made it to be regarded by him 
with reverence, veneration, or awe; with fear ; 
or tvith cautions fear, or caution. (S, K.) 

4. 4U*»U>4 v**' t ^T* called '*" companion. 
And in like manner, ^riJI ^jJ' *^ w~*» I -* 
ca/Zed Aim, or invited him, to what was good. 

(MF.) J*^W V 1 * 1 - ff « cafle <* to ,Ae camels, 

in driving tliem or urging them, by the cry 

vU V 1 *- (K.) — -^ v^' *• ( ft P H8tor > 
cried out to his sheep, or goats, in order that 

they might stop, or return: and f**$\ •~ j1 *' 
[Hecriedout to the camel, for the same purpose]. 
(S.) a^U^I is Tlie crying out to camels, and 
calling them. (As and others.) — J**- 1 ^ "v*** 1 
He called the horses, or called out to them by the 
cry ^(h, (60 in the S and in a MS. copy of the K : 

in the C£, v<*») or fc y tA * cry of ^M and ^*, 
meaning Come! Approach! or Advance boldly! 
(K.) Az remarks his having heard w> u used 
[as a cry] only to horses ; not to camels. (TA.) 

See wl«*, in art. y». 

>^~h : see ^U. 

0& : see 4-* 1 * oC* (5) or [rathe 1 "] 

♦oQk, (TA, [see ^-5U]) A he-goat: (£:) 

explained by the word ^^-3 ; but this is a 

signification not found [by SM] elsewhere, and 

appears to be a mistake for L / . *' .; <> ; for in the 

L and other lexicons we find the word explained 

• .. • *«j . . 

by JUU. iJJkZ*, Scattered, and light ; with a 

citation of the following verse of Dhu-r-Rummeh : 

6: ^ 1 J±£ It filled me with awe, or 

fear: (EUarmee :) it made me to fear: (S, 
lSd, Msb:) I regarded it with awe, or fear; 
f ff Iffi. (Th:) J /eared ft; i.q. *%• (S, 
I8d, $.) Ibn-Mukbil says, 

• l^jl iU^JI ,j~«v> U J 

• ^LJW (Ml w-^UJ »ij 

[AndfAe waterless desert Jills me not with awe, or 
fear; (or ww/fce* me not to fear, £c. ;) I ride 
over it when the male owls (?) answer one another 
at early dawn : ^^t^J being for ^ 4^]. 
(S, &c.) 

8 : see 1. 

4i (K) and ♦ y^ and t ^ (S, K,) [but 
respecting the second of these words see 4,] 
Cries to horses, meaning, Come! Approach! 
(S, K,) or Advance boldly ! (K.) 

, * - 

^>U and ^j«a : see *,-*• 

4»U + A wrpent. (£.) — v 1 * -<* calB^a to 
camels, in driving, or urging, them, by tlie cry 

4,u4*k. (*•)— See4 - 

Jj^l l^Uil <t-W J^C ,«-(. * 

[She ejects from her mouth the scattered and 
light froth, as though it mere plucked fruit of the 
'oshar which the flabby sides of her mouth cast 

forth:"] and we also find, in the R, (jW* O* 9 
explained as signifying cotton that is plucked, or 
teased with the fingers, so as to become scattered ; 
syn. u *iv : " : or O^e*. signifies, in the above- 
cited verse, accord, to some, Light, [which 
signification is also given in the K, but in the 
CK displaced ; following, instead of preceding, 
the word .a*!/)!, and without j before it ;] and 
separated into small particles : (TA :) [or] the 
froth of the mouth of camels; (Az, K ;) i.q. 
J»UJ : (Mj, Sifr es-Sa'adeh :) Az cites the above 
verse ; and says, that the fruit of the ji* [or 
asclepias gigautea] comes forth like a small 
pomegranate, and, when burst open, discloses 
what resembles [white] raw silk; to which the 
poet likens tlie froth of the camel's mouth. 

(TA.) oC* (or oC», TA,) A pastor. (K, 

from Es-Seerafee.) [Accord, to the CK, a light, 

• 'A* 

or an active pastor : but see above.] _ oW*> 
(or » O^m*. TA,) Dust, or ear<A : syn. ^i\Ji. 
(£.) See J!-5U. 

• »j» • -a- 

jjUg* : see oW**- 


of them ; asserting u*^*e* t0 De unknown as the 
measure of an unsound word, like as ^"^CnJ is 
unknown as that of a sound word except in extr. 
instances ; (TA ;) [Having much reverence, ve- 
neration, dread, or awe; much 'fear; much 
cautious fear, or caution;] fearing men [much]: 
(K. :) a coward, who regards men with awe, or 
fear, Sfc. : (S :) [The last of these epithets is 
also explained in the CK as signifying having 
much fear, or very fearful ; («_i)ijt ^£>;)and 
a coward: but in the TA and in a MS copy of the 
K, w^aJl is omitted ; and in the TA is added 
by the author, after j~£*, the words X }S» £y» 
' -1 ; as though the meaning of the word were 
" much, or many, of any things:" the correct 
reading seems to be the former, and the mean- 
ing intended by SM, having much fear, or very 
fearful, of everything : in like manner] ™ V19t* 

signifies a man who fears everything. (TA.) _ 
. t if * * 

" w>>^* 0**i*^' [Faith is fearful, or very fear- 
ful; i.e.,] he who possesses faith fears acts of 
disobedience : occurring in a trad. : (S :) in this 
case, w>>s* ' 8 use< ' ' n l ' ie sense of an act. part, 
n. : or it signifies [faith is feared; or regarded 
with reverence, Spc. ; i. e.,] he who possesses faith 
is feared, or regarded with reverence, $c. : in 
which case «->>** ^ used '" l ' le sense of a pass, 
part. n. (TA.) 

jii iu-y-o 'jJJI IJkA [This thing is a cause of 
awe, or fear, to thee], (S.) 

^ly* : see <- r ~y<- 

• * #w •*•* 

iuly-o : see 4 

w>>v* : see 

and " v^v - * (?, K,) the former agree- 

see v~jU. 

see v5U, and 

ll^i and * ^V-* : Bee 1- — C^ 8 su hsts., i2e- 
verence, veneration, respect, honour, dread, or 
awe; fear ; cautious fear, or caution.] _ Also, 
great, reverend, or venerable, dignity ; a quality 
inspiring reverence or veneration or respect or 
honour; venerableness ; awfulnea; a quality 
inspiring dread or awe. (MF.) 

yoU [act part n. of -_>U, Regarding with 
reverence, veneration, dread, or awe; with fear ; 
with cautious fear, or caution ;] fearing men. 
(K.) This is the original [simple] epithet. (TA.) 
__ The following, which are explained in the K 
in the same manner as the above, are intensive 
epithets : (TA :) namely ▼ v^e* (?, K) and 
dyjs*, (S,L,) [in which the I is added to strengthen 
the intensiveness,] and " vW* and A/La, (S, 
K,) in which » is added for the purpose above 
mentioned, (TA,) and ♦ »_~*, (K,) which may be 
contracted into w~«*, (TA,) and * ^Ws* (K) and 
t ^Qk (S, K) and * o£h; (K ;) of which last 
two forms, the latter only is admitted by some 
of the learned; but MF admits only the former 

able with rule, (TA,) and ♦ v>e*- OS-) [respeot- 
ing which see also <^-3l*,] and * ^We*> (Th, IM, 
K,) [Regarded with reverence, veneration, re- 
spect, honour, dread, or awe; with fear ; with 
cautious fear, or caution ;] a man whom others 
regard with reverence, $c. ; (S ;) a man whom 
others fear. (K.) _ v>v* 0^-«> formed from 
the verb v>*> l ^ e original ^- being changed into 
j, (S, K,) A place regarded with awe, or fear ; 
(S ;) a place in which one is impressed with awe, 

or fear : as ah>o * <— 'V* C^~° : (?> ? vV 
signifies a place of awe, or fear. (IB.) _ 
,^-^Jl and wJ^t-^' and "virWl t 2Vte /ion; 
(K :) because regarded with awe, or fear, by 
men. (TA.) 

> if > ' 

*r*tr-)\ : see .^*r»Jl. 

2. 4v i^, (S, K,) inf. n. c~^J, (TA,) as 
1 also OjA, (S,) 2fe cried out to him, and called 


him,(S, K,) saying, ^h sZ-<± ; or Baying »C »b, 
which is a cry by which a pastor calls his com- 
panion from afar; or, accord, to AZ, saying 
W» l* [or rather t\j. ^ : see art. <u]. (TA.) 

3. OU Oive me : (K :) J^-j C OU Gi're me, 

Oman: (T, S, M ':) i.q. U -J^l : (T, S, M, 

K :) to two men, CjU : to a plurality of men, 

* * .. * , 

lyU : to a woman, ^yU : to two wom;>n, UiU : 

to a plurality of women, ^U : you say OU 

' ** * 

C~iU *9 [Gt'vewie: mayest thou not (/^(here- 
after)! an imprecation, of the like of which there 
are many examples] ; and jXj c-jl& jjl oU 
»tily« [<j«'»e me, if there be in thee (a disposition 
for) giving]; and uJLJUt U [I do not give thee], 

like as you say, jA^l»U-l U ; but you do not say 
cJU ; nor do you use this verb in a prohibitive 
manner : [it is used neither affirmatively nor 
prohibitively :] accord, to Kh, OU is from K JJ\, 
aor. ^yyi ; the ! being changed into ». (S.) 
[But ^yl is of the measure Jjel ; and OU is 

the imp. from the measure J*b. See also art. 
^jik, where it is mentioned again in the S 
and K.] 

Cm * an exclamation denoting wonder : the 
Arabs say, Jk*Si C~i [ What forbearing mild- 
ness, or clemency !]. (L.) M ol*, (Akh, S, 

K, .fee.,) and JU c^ik, (Akh, K,) and aU o^, 
(Akh, IB, K,) and the first letter is sometimes 
with kesreh; (K;) as is related on the authority of 
Alee, (TA,) [so that you say c-e* and C-A and 


C-^A, the first of which three forms is mentioned 

by Fr, Akh, IB, and the third by Fr, IB ; but 

for the second I find no other authority than 

that implied above ;] of all which, the most 

.. •* 
common is AS sT-jk, with fct-hah to the « and 

* *' 
O : (Zj :) w>«* is of the dial, of Hownin, whence 

it became introduced into • Mekkcli ; and C-«A, 
of the dial, of El-Medeeneh : (Fr :) [imper. 
verbal us.] I. q. ^Ju, Come! (Akh, S, L, K,) or 
Jl«j the same, (Fr, Ks,) or J-il, the same, or 
Come forward! (L.) It occurs in the Kur, 
xii. 23 ; where it is commonly read dAJ w«e* ; 
(Zj ;) but Alee and I hn- Abbas are said to have 
read iO <z^J», with hemzeh. [See art. Uk.] (TA.) 
C~A is itself invariable whether used to denote 
the sing, or pi. or fern, or masc. ; but the dif- 
ference of number is observed in what follows 
it; for you say UxJ C-e* [Come ye two!] and 

A A* * *' « 

(JjXJ c~a [C«/«c ye women ! &c.]: (S :) you 
also say simply c-j* [Cowe/] and this is also 
said to signify Hasten I and Set forth journey- 
ing through the land, or earth. (TA.) Autho- 
rities differ respecting this word ; whether it be 
Arabic or arabicized ; and whether it be a noun 

or a verb ; Ac. Accord, to AZ, as related by j thing] much ; syn. 

Az, Jii c-s* is arabicized in the Kur, from the 
Hebrew «_fe Uj* [app. a mistake for ~J U«a, 

which I suppose to be meant for nS^ ilF\y 

t : t — 

"Now, come!" occurring in Gen. xxxi. 44]. 

see 2. 

-A A low, or depressed, piece of ground : 
(K :) a piece of ground having a low, or de- 
pressed, bottom : (TA :) t. q. i^M and Sjy>. 

!U*A, and oU.a : see art. Oyk. 

* A, 

Ole* [Clamorous ; calling out often, or much]. 



[Booi I. 

alkct [He deemed what lie gave him much]. 
(TK.) _ See 1. 

An assembly, a company, a congregated 
body, (As, S, K,) of men, or people; like <lL*. 
(As, S.) 

iJJU The clamour, or confused noise, (<M»,) 
of a people. (L.) 

* . ■• 

w-jly-o Taking much; one wAo <aA« ?auc/i. 



1. «J ^»U, aor. w~yj, inf. n. £~h and O 1 -!*. 
J5T« gave him a little, or something little in 
quantity. (AZ, S, K.) [See also li., in art. 
>>»•.] — aL& ^ «1>U, inf. n. «i»j*, 2fe gave 
little in his measure, or in his measuring ; i. q. 
L»-, mf. n. y*. : it is like what is termed <J\j*-. 

(TA.) =a ^>U, aor. >i--vJ, inf. n. w-«*, /< w;oa- 
t» a state of motion, or commotion; (S, K;) like 

^Sli, inf. n. £a. (S.) ^^i)l ili, aor. .Lsyj, 

inf. n. w*e*; and » w-jlyJ ; The party became 

intermixed in altercati6n. (TA.) — aJL-v ili 

W!<A Am /oc»<. (TA.) _ C>Ia, aor. w-yj, inf. n. 

11*: (TA ;) and ♦ ^lyl-l; (K ;) He coi-rupted, 
or marred; acted corruptly ; did mischief ; syn. 

JuJl. (K, TA.) a)U ^i, aor. i^, 

inf. n. w~Jk, Ja« ac/erf corruptly ( ju»il ) »«j'</t Am 
property ; (K ;) as also «t>lc ; (TA ;) [Ae scat- 
tered and marred his property; s<juandered it; 
expended it quickly : see art. «i~-e]. __ Also, 
[contr.,] He acted rightly with his property. 
(TA.) __ 'jji ^y ^>U 7/e acterf corruptly with 
a thing ; and tooh it without gentleness ; (TA ;) 
[as also i>U]. — jfil\ ^J> »^ijjl TAe 
wolf did mischief among [or worried] the sheep, 
or goats; (TA ;) [as also «1>U]. = J^ .i^li 

JUl, aor. w~*j, inf. n. w*A, //« obtained what 
he wanted of the property. (K.) 

3. aJoU, inf. n. iiJly*, //(• contended, or rfi.«- 
puted, with him for superiority in abundance, or 
multitude; as, for instance, of wealth, or of 
dependants or followers. (TK.) a^V* is syn. 
with 'ijfeL. (K.) See 10. 

5. w~y!> //«' (/are. (K.) ILw <0 vi-^j i/e ^ave 
Aim a <Aj»(7. (TK.) 

6 : see 1. 

10. -^V 1 - 1 (and * ^.U, TA,) fle oeemerf [a 

1. ».U, aor. a-eyj, inf. n. *_jk and u 1 --^ [the 
most common form] ; and »-U*, ; and v «-l2kt, 
and * ^^ ; it (a thing, S) became raised, 
roused, excited, stirred up, or provoked ; syn. jt3 : 
(S, L, K :) it became so by reason of distress, 
or difficulty ; or of harm, or injury : you say 

* ft F" ' ln "' ?"** an( ^ <^ V f-s*' The blood 
became roused, or stirred up, in him : (A, L :) 
and in like manner, ij+i\ the gall, or bile: and 

JCill the dust. (A.) See also lili. lli, 

inf. n. -.IgA and ~-^-a and ^.lU-e* ; and " »-U*t ; 
I He (a stallion-camel) became excited by lust; 
initum appetivit ; brayed, and became excited by 
lust. When this is the case, he becomes lean, 
and his price is lessened. (L.) _ <l^c C>»>U, 
(S, art. *-y> ; and L, art. juoj ; &c.) inf. n. 
O Vi ^i (K, art. J^ojj &c.) His eye became in- 
flamed; painful and swollen; affected with 
ophthalmia; (L, art jus, ;) «'. ^. «Kj. (S, art. 
jt*; ; and L, K,* in the same art.) _ A/ »>U 
»lfc.y> J [7/c became excited against him, or 
attacked him, and satirized him]. (A.) __ ,-l/k 
l^yijj iW-iJI I [Sttw* was excited between them 

two. (A.) «*«j*-)1 w«-U (inf. n. ~~a, Msb) 

t War became excited, or raised. (A, Msb.) _ 
je^-l j£i\ «n.U J Evil become excited among them. 
(A.) »-U, inf. n. -_ Jm, He, or iV, wo* in a 

.■.Va^c of commotion. (L.) __ U^JeL«* iLo — It C«»U 
TVje xAy became cloudy and windy, and we were 

rained upon. (TA.) ^.U ; (S, K ;) [followed 

by an accus., and also by v ;] and * /»-«*> 
inf. n. mtn*3, the most common form;] and 

♦ ^-jU ; (S ;) ^fe, or it, raised, roused, excited, 

stirred up, or provoked, (S, K,) a thing; (S ;) 

* * j 
syn. jVJl. (K.) Thus the first of these verbs is 

trans, as well as intrans. (S.) All have the 

same meaning: (S:) or the second has an in- 

tensive signification. (Msb.) _;Ua)t j-\h, and 

t Afc^fc, [which is more common,] i/e raised the 

dust. (TA.) j^ll * *^» I-ff« ex«t«d «»/ 


Book I.] 

among a people. (A) — i^iJb aSUI • £* +* * 
I rowed the ike-camel, and she became rowed. 
(A.) ___ l\i dSa^h I rowed him, and he became 

rowed. (TA.) j^llt JU»1 <J C-.L 1 * The 

dwelling excited his longing desire. (A.) — ~U 
He, or it, disquieted, and scared, a person. (L.) 

J/^|, inf. n. p.**, He put the camels in 

motion, by night, towards the watering-place and 

pasture. (L.) jff »i~-lA The cameh thirsted. 

(£.) lu, (inf. n. It*, S, and -4», TA,) 

J/f (a plant, or herbage,) rfWerf up: (S, K 
[t'< withered:] it (a leguminous plant) became 
yellow : (Msb :) or dried up and became yellow : 
and became tall. (L.) _ ^of^ «^*- l *i inf - "• 

IXek and 14* and OV**> * r/w 7>to"'*> or 
herbage, or leguminous plants, of the land dried 
up. (L.) 

2: see 1 and 4. 

3. i^U, (T$,) inf. n. £t>, (S, $,) #e 
fought with him; engaged in a conflict, or 
comfort, n'i<A Aim. (T£.) _ gQl >Vi 2V 
day of fight, conflict or combat. (S, K.*) — 

4. c4^l sIj^JI C«».UI J TVjc wind dried up, or 
cawed to dry up, the plants, or herbage : (S, 
K* :) and [so] * & > t* . (O, K. in art. £j-».) — 
Jb}}\ » =*1l IV* J We /bum/ //ie /and 'o * fl «« «** 
plants or herbage, dried up. (S, K.) 

5 : sec 1. 

6. 1j4-i£ t ^Aey Zeap*/, or *prun«7 «/), to- 
gether, to fight, one against another. (S, K.) 

8 : see 1. 

£»: see ^ 

* °t, Civil war; or conflict and faction ; or 

lo-U A ewe that does not desire the ram : as 

• * * 
though deprived of excitement. (M.) — <*»va 

A female frog. (L, K.) See an ex. in a verse 

cited voce »jC-o. — An ostrich. (L.) PI. of 

both, 1>\L\a. (L. K.) Dim. Aa-ijA and 


see l< 

£4* a ,ld * L5"-e* (?,. L, K) and * -4* and 
♦ -.l^Jk (L) the third [as also the fourth] originally 

an inf. n., (Msb,) War. (S, L, K.) 

• -.< • » 

•»~a : see 9_>lfc. 

»-La : see 1 and 3 ; and *Uw». 

IjIa !^ji, and * w-ty** ^ ' / "'y> or P erson > 
that raises, rouses, excites, stirs up, or provokes, 
much: each of these epithets having a trans, 
signification. The former is also used as a fern, 
epithet. (L.) 



discord, or distention ; syn. iJ-ZJ. (L.) See 

>\''.i Excitement of the blood : or, of coitw : 

or, of longing desire. (L.) — «* >>j -* «oy 
o/ mind : or, q/* c/oud*, or will, and rain. (K, 
TA: [but accord, to some copies of the K, 
instead of "and rain," " or, of rain."]) — ^U 
\ ' 1- - j j <J, said with respect to a cloud, or 
body of clouds, when first rising ; (As ;) [mean- 
in"-, It hath had a good rising, or hath risen 
well, so as to present, at its first rising, a good, 
or promising, appearance: an expression like 

,^li. :JlJ 43, q. v., art 111] £°a, t Yellow- 

nets: [app. in a plant] : (L :) or a state of drying 
up. (IAar, L.) See IjIa. 

- t h , indecl., with kesreh for its termination, 
and t mjk, Criet by which a she-camel it chidden. 
(]£."> [See also ,.,■> a, in art p*.] 

-5-5U I Anger ; an ebullition of anger, rage, 
or passion ; syn. Sjyi. (S, K.) Ex. a*»jU »-U 
t 7/w aw/er became roused, or excited; (S;) 
became violent ; (TA ;) /ie became inflamed with 
anger. (A.) And a^li 'J^* I ^ 1/ '' e ebullition 
of his anger, rage, or passion, became appeased. 

(S.) ISUk (S, K) and * l^i (TA) I A stallion 

excited by lust ; inilum ajipetens. (S, K.) — 
ioJid, J±j\ I Land of which the leguminous 
plants have dried up, or become yellow : (S, 
K:) or, as in some lexicons, [and as in one 
copy of the S in my hands,] and become 
yellow: (TA:) or, of which the leguminow 
plants have dried up. (TA.) ^5U Ji>, and 
t \' s h l J Leguminow plants dried up, or drying 
up, [and yellow]. (L.) 

LCr» A she-camel that it excited by desire for 
its acewtomed place, and hastens thither. (S, K.) 

See t-yj* Tr^r? A camel that thirsts 

before [oilier] camels. (K.) 

1. ili, aor. j*eyi, inf. n. j-a ; (S, L, K ;) 
and tj^, (L,K,) inf. n. i-^5 ; (TA;) He 
moved, or put in motion, (S, L, K,) a thing, (S,) 
or anything: this is the original signification. 
(L.) — *U, aor. j^, inf. n. j-a and ^U ; (L, 
KL ;) and • jJ* ; (K ;) It frightened, or terrified, 
and afflicted, distressed, or oppressed, a person. 
(L, K.) — >li, aor. juyi, inf. n. <><a ; (L, K ;) 
and * jl* ; (K.;) He repaired; put into a right 
or proper state. (L, K.) It is said in a trad., 
with reference to the Mosque (of Mohammad, 
L), »>*, (S, L,) meaning Repair it : (L :) or 


pull it down, and then repair it : (S, L :) or pull 
it down, and recommence the building of it, and 
repair it, and put it into a right or proper state. 
(L.) iU, ( Yaakoob, S, L, K,) aor. j^j , inf. n. 

j4*, and jU ; (L;) and * ju* ; (Yaakoob, S, L :) 
He chid a man ; and turned him away, or back, 
from a thing: (S,* L, KL:) or j*#j is only used 
with a negative in this sense. (Yaakoob, K.) — 
iU He removed a person or tiling from hit or 

its place. (L, K.*) jli He or it disquieted, 

disturbed, or unsettled, a person. (K.) — 
\j£s ^jjL-yjLo Such a thing does not move nte; 
(L ;) it does not disquiet, disturb, or unsettle, me ; 
I am not moved by it ; do not care for it, or 
regard it. (S, L.) Accord, to Yaakoob, j^yj 
is only thus used with a negative. (S, L.) One 
says, .iLlj ,js. IjJk JXtJ^d "3 Let not this move 
thee at all from thine opinion. (TA.) 

2 : see 1. 

♦ - »i- 

jU : see »x-». 

jl* and ' >i* a,ul i 1 * (?» ^' ?) an(1 ■*•* 
and juA and iU (IB, L) and j>«a (L) Crica 
iy which camels are chidden (S, L, K) and urged. 

(L.) Also jJk vl mode of singing to cameh, 

to urge or excite them: (L:) or the commence- 
ment of such singing : (TA :) when a man is 
about to sing to camels for this purpose, he says 
j^jk juA, and then sings, or prolongs and mo- 
dulates his voice. (L, TA.) iO U ^«a, (T, 

L, K,) and ^ U J~a, (Sh, L,) and JX) U I-a, 
(L,) [What is thy ttate, or condition, or thy 
affair, or business?] forms of speech used in in- 
quiring of a man respecting his state, or con- 
dition, or his affair, or business ; (T, L, K ;) 
like as you say iu U IjiC. (T, L.) One 
says, iU U j^a <J Jlii aJU [He met him, and 
said to him, What is thy state, Src. ?] and x^iJ 

iU U jui ,J J15 C^ [I met «»'"*> a "^ * e saiti 
not to me, Wliat is thy state, ^v. ?] (Lh, L,) and 
Jbla^o^! U jua G, and J l^U i ■■ -> ' U juk b. 
[ITAa< u t/ie .state, ^c, o/ /Ay companions ?] 
(Ks, L,) and one says, >-a cJi U L _ $ ~»^- y, 

iU U, meaning, [Hadst thou reviled me, or 
shouldst thou revile me, I had not said, or would 
not say,] What it thine affair? (As, on the 
authority of 'Eesa Ibn-*Omar.) When a stray- 
camel passes by a man, and he does not turn 
him aside, nor does he regard it, you say, j^i y, 
jtf U j*a di J IS Ui, and, as related by an 
Arab of the desert, «iU U j^a, with kesr to 
the i, [A camel passed by, and he said not to 
him, What is thy state, $c. ?] (AZ, L.) — 
tjU >^1 juA <*) U He has no motion: (L, K:) 
or neither J~b nor aU is to be said to him; 
meaning, he is not to be moved, nor withheld 


from a thing, nor chidden away from it. (S, 
L.) =a jb«k ». q. w>JUk -4 fiahby pubes. (Fr, 
in TA, voce i ^A .) 

• • • - 

juk: see ju*. 

^Ij^k [whether with or without tcnween is 

not shown] Cowardly; or a coward: (S, L ;) a 

heavy, cowardly man ; like ^IjJk. (L.) 

2. »^I* : see »jys. 
8. ^J : see j^J. 


1. A3 fl\ J^h, aor. ^AevJ, ($,) inf. n. J^m, 
(S, K>) The people, or company of men, were, 
or became, in a state of commotion and excite- 
ment, (S, K,*) UJLc against us. (S.) _ ^iU 
^A«V u" jtY^ * i -*>*" *»• people, or company 
of men, leaped, or sprang, one, or one portion, 
towards another, for fight, or conflict : (TA :) 
and uAav J 1 ^oy-euv jj-UJI " u-ir* The men, 
or people, leaped, or sprang, one, or o»w portion, 
towards another, (JK,) t» the slightest hind of 
conflict. (TA.) — ^-Ul J> JU, (JK, TA,) 

inf. n. Jt»t, (JK, K») -H* created, or excited, 
disorder, disturbance, discord, or dissension, be- 
tween, or among, the people; made mischief 

among them. (JK, K,* TA.) ji.^1 JiU, 

(JK,) inf. n. J£, (JK, K,) The man used, or 
uttered much foul speech or language. (JK. 
Sgh, K.*) ™» c^^** aor. as above, (TA,) and so 
the inf. n., (Fr, K.) He collected. (Fr, K, TA.) 

[In this sense, as well as the first, it is like i_£U 

• 1** 

having JiyJk lor its inf. n.] 

5 : see 1. 

ii^k i.q. iiyk ; (§, K ;) Conflict and faction, 
sedition, discord, or dissension. (JK, K.) It is 
raid in a trad., (TA,) \'£ Olil»)< ,_,* J$, 
(K, TA,) or, accord, to one relation, oli^JI _», 
(TA,) rA«r« m no retaliation for one slain in 
cases of conflict andfaction, &c, when the slayer 
is unknown. (K, TA.) And Oliji in the 
phrases jlui oLL-a and Jl^-^l oli-* is like 

Oliyk. (TA.) an A company of men : (JK, 
§ :) or a mixed, or confused, company. (K.) 

1. liU, aor. J^', (S, K,) inf. n. J£k, (S,) 
/fe frroAte t/, namely, a bone, after it had become 

set; as also " <U>likt : (S, K :) and in like 
manner, a wing. (TA.) _ t It (a thing) mads 
him to fall back into his disease; (S, A, TA ;) 
and bo ^ U Jl <uiU. (TA.) You say also, 
«^JjLM ^J^>" u* 1 * t Gri*f affected the heart 
time after time. (TA.) And >»I>A)I • *-a^J 
( Vehemence of desire] returned to him a second 

time. (A,* TA.) t It softened him, or it. 

(TA.) And so IAar explains the verb as 
occurring in the saying of 'Aisheh, JLaJb JjSjJ 
V-oV (_j^V J>iU Ole-yt t [^ad that befallen 
the firm mountains which befell my father,] it 
had softened them. (TA.) [See also an ex. of a 

similar meaning voce *JU».] J It (drowsiness) 

made him languid. (A, TA.) _ I He broke 
him, or defeated him : as in the imprecation 
uttered by 'Omar the son of 'Abd-el-'Azeez 
against Yezeed the son of El-Mohelleb, when he 

broke his prison, and escaped, ji <ul ,^JUI 
it,., ' 

*-ay» ,^^1* t O Goil, verily he hath broken me, 

or defeated me, and encroached on me (^ic j\ijl), 
then do Thou break him, or defeat him, and I 

[Book I. 

see ^jOfy*. 

tjolyi-* [A beast] that has had a leg broken, 
and has recovered, and has been hastily laden 
and driven, and whose bone has consequently 
broken a second time, after it had become set and 
nearly well: or, accord, to ISh, one that has 
been diseased, and recovers, and is hastily put 
to work, so that he is distressed thereby; or that 
eats food, or drinks beverage, and in consequence 
relapses into disease. (TA.) 

*• **<*i Jjj u » inf. n. luk ; and J Jlj U 
■s-»j «e* ; He ceased not to be engaged in crying 
out, or vociferating, or calling for aid or succour ; 
and in evil, or mischief; and railing a clamour, 
or confused noise. (K.) IKu says, that K^ ; 
has no pret. (TA.) [See also 3.] 

3. J»La [in the senses assigned to it in what 
here follows] is an inf. n. of which the verb 
[iLU] is obsolete. (L.) You say, ^J Jlj U 
requite him for that which he hath done. (TA.) I tile* 1>Ca He ceased not to be in a state of 

approaching, or drawing near, and retiring to a 
distance : (K :) or JbU* signifies the act of 

2. <Uoe* f He roused, excited, or provoked, 
him; and it, namely the heart. (IB.) 

5 : see 7 : = and see also 1. 

7. J> (yjl It [a bone] broke, or became broken, 
(JK, K,) after having been set; (JK;) and 
T 1^*3 signifies the same. (K.) 

8: see 1. 

v*e* t Any pain following upon pain. (S, 
TA.) See also iU!i 1 Softness. (TA.) 

ii^ii, (Lth, K.) or * J£*, (JK,) t A ditease 
after a disease : a return of anxiety, or dis- 
quietude of mind; and of grief . (Lth, JK, K.) 
— 4-oe* *i t He has a purging and vomiting 
together; [i.e. the cholera : used in this sense in 
the present day :] (§, K :) or a discharge of l/te 
belly alone. (TA.) You say also, U^L» c-^Uot 
i-a*A, meaning t A. change of his temperament, 
such as often occasions laxness of the bowels, 
causing a frequent going to and from the privy, 
affected such a one, from the disagreement with 
him- of something which he had eaten. (TA.) __ 

, , 1,9, 

_£,£)! i-iu* <u I In him is the languor produced 
by drowsiness. (A, TA.) 

u>« W * A bone broken after having become set ; 
(S, A, K ;) as also T y^l^t (S) and ▼ ^o(^». 
(S, A.) 

advancing : (Lh :) or i»UA and tUo respectively 
signify the mo*r Vehement driving in coming to 
water, and the most veJtement driving in returning 
from water; and the meaning is, going and 
coming : (Aboo-Talib :) or both signify the being 
in a state of commotion, tumult, or disturbance ; 
as some say, arising from their saying " No, by 
God," and " Yes, by God:" (TA :) [it is also 
said thatj-ituly* [which is likewise an inf. n. of 
JouU] signifies the act of crying out, or voci- 
ferating; and raising a clamour, or confused 
noiie; [(see also I;) and so, app., .!»£»; for it 

is immediately added,] one says, .j j>Jsi\ «J« 
I»le<j J»Uk [as though meaning the people, or 
company of men, fell into vociferating, &c.l. 
(?) *l»iV* l»t>ti» is also said to signify 
Between them two is lorn, faint, or gentle, 
speaking. (TA.) [See i»Co.] Accord, to 

IAar, <«JajU signifies i/e esteemed him weak. 

6. I^laulyj They came together, or coalesced, 
and arranged, or adjusted, their affairs; (Fr., 
S, K ;) contr. of I^W. (Fr, §.) 

Ja5U and JaiU are explained by IAar as sig- 
nifying Going and coming. (TA.) 

[£-A &C. 

See Supplement.] 

[Book I] 


The twenty-seventh letter of the alphabet; 

* - . . » ' - 

called jlj : it is one of the class termed iyii [or 

labials], and is a letter of augmentation. _ For 
the uses of j as a particle see Supplement ; for _j 
in the sense of Jj sec a verse in art. juo» ; _j 
giving fulness of sound to - , sec ^iaJ ; _j uscil 
j&jJl), see ^1*31 »JU1 in art. 1, and sec «_i)l 
jlx^.."^! ; ^ in the sense of w>, sec a verse in art. 
jj; — t. . __ As u numeral it denotes <S<-r. 

R. Q. 1. Ij1_j, inf. n. St^lj, .His (a dog) barked. 
(A.) Also inf.n. Jijtj ([respecting the form of 

winch see U»U»] in the CI£ and a MS. copy, Ijl^) 
He (a jackal, ^1 ^1,) cnW, or barked. (K.) 
_ [See also »>£)■] 

- 1- j - »_-f, 

1. v_jIj, aor . — £j, inf.n. ilj [app. a mistake 
• *. «. ' 

for ^»lj and Uj, 7< (a hoof) wo* contracted in 

* • *- 

if* erfjrc*, or t'n its/ore edijes. (Az.) See «_>lj. — 

Vljj aor. 4~e, (S, K,) inf.n. l>\j (S) and 2^1 
(§, K) 7ie contracted himself, or </rcw himself 
together, or shrank ; and wax ashamed. (S, K.) 

— V*i ( TA ) and f 4*1 (§, K) He tras ashamed, 

(§. K,) ;^ <J*ofa thing. (TA.) — v'j» »«■ 

V»^ti *'.<7. out [app. meaning JEf« ms disdainful]. 

(TA.) _ -r^%, [aor. *->iyi : see j^Jbj :] He was 
angry. ($.) 

4. *^«jl JEftf rf«o to him an action of which one 
should be ashamed : (S, K :) or he made him 
angry: [mentioned twice in the K: once as 
though there were no difference of opinion respect- 
ing it:] or he turned him, or drove him, back 
with ignominy, from his affair, or from the 
object of hi* want : (so in the copies of the K ; 
but in an old copy, relied upon as correct, of the 
Tahdheeb el-Afal, from hit companion, ^>* 
<-»-Lo : TA :) as also t «^13I ; (K ;) meaning he 
turned him, or drove kirn, back with ignominy : 

(TA :) or */»jt also signifies he turned Mm, or 
drove him, back from his affair, or from the 
object of his want. (S.) 

8. w>UI : sec 1 and 4. 

• t- 

«->'.); as an epithet applied to a solid hoof, 

Strong, contracted in the edges, or in the fore 
edges, and light : (K :) or simply strong : (L, 
art. 9~i>j :) or round like a cup (such as is called 

%r»*»); cup-shaped; (S, K;) and that takes 
[app. meaning occvpics] much of the ground: 
[(see also ^^kUJ:) accord, to Freytag, liolloned 
within, so that it takes up (tollat) much earth:] 
(K :) or i.q. h;» fc : ( Az, as cited in the TA :) 
[but this I incline to think a mistake for 

light :] or of excellent size : (K :) or of moderate 
size ; not wide, nor contracted. (T.) __ »_>lj 
jjly«-ll Having hoofs contracted in the edges, or 
in the fore edges. (Az.) See also J>l« above. __ 
w>l^ A large, or big, and wide, arrow : (K :) 
[but I think that, for -JjJUl £>*, in the K, we 
should read ~-t j3y\ ,>• ; and that vjj is there- 
fore an epithet applied to a cup, such as is called 

« mm 

C«A» ; as Golius and Freytag have understood it ; 
, • • I 

and not to a ^.jJ: see what follows]. «_>l^ JLil 

A large, or big, and wide, vessel: a wide vessel : 
pi. ««*b>' V'j f" *** A large, or ftiy, deep, and 
wide, [cup]. (TA.) — £jlj JJi ^1 nmk, or 
ample, cooking-pot. (TA.) See also ^5^ 

"t»Is -* rea< c*™ 61 : (?> K :) accord, to some. 
(S.) — «4lj A short and broad she-camel, or 
woman. (TA.) _ A female of middling make, 
between good and bad, or handsome and ugly. 
(TA.) _ A small hollow, or cavity, in a 
rock, tliat retains water. (S, K.) _ ijlj jL A 
wide and deep well: (K :) or a deep well. (L, KL.) 

^-e^ Wirfe, or ample: syn. v-efij. (TA.) 

i*^3 jjS A deep cooking-pot. (T, K.) 

i/\ , (S, K,) in which the 5 is a substitute for 
the [incipient radical] it (S,) and ♦ l£;, (S, K,) 

in which the O is originally j, (S,) and ♦ &y», 
(K,) A disgrace ; a shame ; a thing of which one 
should be ashamed : disgrace, or ignominy : 
(S, K :) shame ; (K ;) and a contracting of 
one's self, or shrugging : (T A :) a vice ; fault ; 
or the like. (Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheybdnee.) _JT 
Ex. Af\ ^j» ijyj -Ju [Such a one married in 

a manner that was disgraceful; or, of which one 
should be ashamed: i.e., m.a7vied a woman of 
low origin, or the like]. (S.) _ Dhu-r-Rummeh 

[When the Marace has daughters that have 
attained to puberty, they bind upon his head 
disgrace and ignominy], (S.) _ * i/y j&b 

(or ify ^i >»UJ», as in the TA,) Food of which 
one should be ashamed to eat. Mentioned by 
A A on the authority of an eloquent Arab of the 
desert. (S.) 

ioy and iy>-o : sec id. 

• ^ j 

OL5^ fotii, or disgraceful, qualities, or rf«'«- 

positions. (S, K.) 

• -*- ■*«* .. » • , - 

1. i)j, aor. jZj, (inf.n. jl^, S, L, &c.) 7/« 
fturied his daughter alive (S, L, Msb, K) in the 
grave, (S, L,) and put a load of earth upon her. 
(A.) It was customary for a man in the time 
of paganism, when a daughter was born to him, 
to bury her alive when her motlier brought her 
forth, from fear of reproach and want : but this 
is forbidden in the Kur. xvii. 83 : and some of 
them used to bury their children alive in times of 
famine : (L :) the tribe of Kindeh used to bury 

their daughters alive. (S, L.) _ /jUJI ,>UJI 
a term used in a trad, as meaning Jixtractio penis 
tempore concubitus, ne conciperet femina : as 
also (j>i-a)l t ojjj^JI because this act resembles 
that of burying a child alive, and is done with 
the same motive. (L.) 



ft- u&M V* ^i'>> The earth, or iA« /and; 
hid, or concealed him, and [as it were] removed 
him: (T, :) formed by transposition from 
oijy, [q.v. in art \> 3 \ (T.) See 8. 

8. iUl (originally >bjl, S,) and * j£j J/ e 
acted", or behaved, with moderation, gentleneu, 
or deliberation, moderately, gently, deliberately, 
or coiitr. of hastily: with gravity, ttaidness, 
tedatenest, or calmness: (T, S, M, A, L, Msb, K :) 
from i*y> [q.T.]: (?:) or from *\y. or, as some 
say, formed by transposition, and from 0>jti 
l^l j^*, meaning " she (a woman) bent in her 
rising, by reason of her heaviness." (T, L.) 

Ex. e^f y* >ttl, and *«* **Vi jffc oetel 
wit* moderation, gentleneu, $c, in hi* affair : 
(S, # A, L,» Msb :) and 4*1^ ^i in At# walk, 
or jpace, or /^ai7. (S, L.) 

s\} and ▼ juJj A sound, or not'ic ; (K ;) 
absolutely : (T A :) or a loud sound or notw ; 
(S, L, K;) as that of a wall falling, and the 
like. (L.) — The sound occasioned by vehement 
or heavy treading of the ground: the heavy sound 
of the feet of camels. (L.) _ Also the former, 
(L,) or both, ($,) The braying (jjJA) of a 
camel. (L, K.) 

*£ and 2 j*>' 3 (L, £) and * i>) } y, (?• L » ¥») 
and, by abbreviation, ».>>•, (Abu-1- Abbas, T,) 

A daughter buried alive. (S,L,£.) — " o_}.j>JI 

• •' i - jI- »i» _ . _ 

jjyuaM : see i _ } *»JI jl^l, voce jlj. (L.) — bee 

•I- _ , •'»• 

>tj. — See also Sjy . 

jJij A man burying, or wAo buries, his 
daughter, or daughters alive. (L.) 

• • . t.»* 

j«y : see ij>». 

J# (T, S, M, L, Msb, K) and S# (M, L, 
£) and i>>3, without ., [i.e., »>y> or oy,] 
(TA,) and * \t£ (M, L, £) and » I«£ ; (Kl ;) 
the first originally »}& ; like as 5U3 is originally 
il£>j ; (T, L ;) Moderation ; gentleness ; de- 
liberateness ; a leisurely manner of proceeding, 
or of deportment, ifc. ; contr. of hastiness : and 
gravity ; staid ncss ; sedateness ; calmness : syn. 
£b, (T, M, L, ¥,) and jUi, (T, L,) and %%, 
(M, L, K,) and 1^. (Msb.) Ex. Jt iiii 

i^j //r did it in a moderate manner ; with 

*s> »# » # 
gentleness ; <$•<:.] (A.) And oy (jr U ^^1* (S, 

Msb) [He walked moderately; gently; Sfc.;] 

calmly ; or quietly. (Msb.) * \j.£j Q£t j^jL. 

i.q. i>yi ^jlc [He walked moderately ; gently; 
<J*c] ; (S ;) calmly, or quietly. (Msb.) 

?* '*' j •*** *» j -«- 

o>3Si* and •■>>-• : see j^j aud jij. 

o5l^ Calamities, : (I Aar, T, K :) formed by 
transposition frnm yjU. (IAar,T.) See art. y}^ 

[jlj: see Ijj. 
t^olj) &c, See Supplement.] 

1. *->} (originally >_>'> tbe I being changed 

into j, Az,) inf. n. w>j ; and ▼ w>y_j, '"*■ "• VsO '■> 
He prepared to charge, or make an assault, in 
battle. (K.) See art. v'- 

R. Q. 1. w^ : see 1. 


1. J£j)\ c£), (S,K,) aor. U,;, (K,TA,) 

or UJ, (C£,) and L»^j, (accord, to the K : in 
the (S and) L and other lexicons, only this last aor. 
is mentioned ; but it is asserted on the authority 
of AZ, who says that this form of the pret is of the 

dial, of the Kusheyrees, that the aor. is Cp, with 


kesr to the O, [ analogy,] TA,) inf. n. (y ; 
(r> ;) or 1%$ ; (S;) and c~jj, aor. Cj and Cp ; 
(Moo'ab and Jami') and O^, inf. n. $m and 
5»ly and W and » 1*1 (£, the j being changed 
into t in the latter two) ; and with ^ without ', 
[i.e., dyi}]; (Moo'ab and Jami'] and C-Ijj, 

(S, K,) like^^c, [i.e., pass, in form, but neut. 
in signification,] (K,) aor. UJ, (L and other 
lexicons,) in which, the j being changed into ^j, 
the vowel of the first letter necessarily becomes 
kesr, (TA,) or tp, (S,) inf. n. Cj, (K, TA : 

in the CK lij,) or fCj ; (S, L, &c. ;) and * OOjl, 
(S, %.,) inf. n. Jut ; (TA ;) The land was, 

or became, afflicted with bj: (Kl :) or, much 

t.. *-•- 

afflicted with disease. (S.) s^ bj, aor. b^j; 

(K; contr. to rule, which requires that the 

aor. should be Uj ; MF ;) and * Uj ; He 

put the utensils, or goods, one upon another ; 

or packed them «p : or he prepared, set in 

order, or arranged, them ; syn. Lc . (K.) 

=a aJi Uj ; (S, K : Ibn-EI-Mukarram says, I 

think that Th has mentioned Ob^, without tesh- 
deed ; but I am not confident of it ; TA ;) and 
♦ Ojl, inf. n. *\tf\ ; (S,K;) dial. vara, of Uj 
and Ujl ; (S ;) He made a sign to him : (S,K :) 
or aJI bjt signifies Ae raa<fe a «'</» to Aim 
wi<A Aj* fingers, forwards, that he should 
approach; and <«-JI Ujl "he made a sign to him 
with his fingers, backwards, that he should retire, 
or remain behind." So accord, to the Kl; but 
this is at variance with what the leading lexico- 
graphers have transmitted. In the L it is said, 
aJI Vj and Wj' are dial. syns. of Uj and U)t 
he made a sign to him : or, accord, to some, Ujl 
<UI signifies "he made a sign with bis hand to 
him, (i.e., to a person before him,) turning his 
fingers towards the palm of his hand, in order 
that he should approach him ; " [in doing which, 
the palm of the hand is held towards the person 

[Book I. 

beckoned ;] and * 4^)1 l^t he made a sign 
to him ; (i.e., to a person behind him,) opening 
his fingers [from the palm] towards the back 
of the hand, in order that he should retire, 
or remain behind; [in doing which, the palm 
of his hand is towards himself]. El-Ferezdak 

•* UaJU. Oite-^i Hr; O' \j^ KSf* * 

»2~ A » .%** J • * * * 

[If wc journey on, thou seesl the people journey 
on behind us ; and if we make a sign to ths 
people to remain behind, they stop, one after 

another]. 1 b^jl is also read in this verse for 
.ti. • 

Ulvj- Ibn-Buzruj says, that Ujt signifies "he 

made a sign with the eyebrows, and the eyes ;" 

and t bj , Ac made a sign with the hands, and a 

garment, and the head. (TA.) __*JI Obj, aor. 
%.. ' * 

Lj, She (a camel) yearned towards it [i.e., to- 
wards her young one] ; or uttered to it the cry 

produced by yearniny : syn. Ctim . (K.) 

2 : see 1. 

■ *• . . ^ 

4. l*jl It became unwholesome : syn. IL^jLo. 

(TA.) = See 1. = ( _i»)|ifc (a young weaned 

camel) suffered in the stomach from indigestion, 

in consequence of repletion. (K, TA.) = y ?U 

I J ... * 

^^,5, like yjiyj *$, Water that does not fail, or 

stop. The like is said of pasture. (TA.) 
5 : see 10. 

10. Wy^.1 (S, K,) and ♦ by (TA) He found, 
or deemed, a country, (S, K,) or water, (TA) 

unhealthy, or unwholesome : (K., TA :) [see Q^j :] 
or, much afflicted with disease. (S.) 

bj and * »b_j, (S, K,) and also without /, 
[Wj»] (TA,) Plague, or pestilence; syn. 
,^cU» : (K :) or a common, or general, [or 
an epidemic,"] disease : (S :) or any such 
disease : (K :) or a quickness, and common- 
ness, of death among men. (TA.) Accord, 
to Ibn-En-Nefees, it is a corruption happen- 
ing to the substance of the air, by reason 
of causes in the heavens or the earth ; as 
stinking water, and carcases, such as arc the 
result of bloody battles. Accord, to the hakeem 
Dd-ood, it is a change effected in the air by 
events in the higher regions, as the conjunction of 
beaming stars ; and by events in the lower 
regions, as bloody battles, and the opening of 
graves, and the ascending of putrid exhalations ; 
with which causes conspire the changes of the 
seasons and elements, and the revolutions of the 
universe. They mention also its signs ; among 
which are fever, small-pox, defiuxions, itch or 
scab, tumours, &c. What is said in the Nuzheh 
necessarily implies that the (j^clb is one of 
the different kinds of Wj ; as the physicians 
hold to be the case: -but the opinion which the 

Book I.] 

critics among the professors of practical law and 
the relators of traditions hold is, that these two 
diseases are distinct, the one from the other ; the 
lyj being an unwholesomeness in the air, in con- 
sequence of which diseases become common among 
men ; and the 0>*U* being that kind [of disease] 
with which men are smitten by the jinn, or genii : 
an opinion which they corroborate by the words 
in a trad. rjt*i\ ,>• J^CU*» >»>j *J' [ v erily it 
is the impenetrating thrusting of your enemies 

among the jinn]. (TA.) The pi. of Vfc is ilfjl ; 
and of *<£, ££f (S,K, TA) or Ujjl. (CK.) 

il( The state of a land being afflicted with 

& (SO 

*« i>j'» a ,ul T *V^» ( s » k») ftlul T "***» 
(S, L,) and &)^, (S, K,) a land much, or often, 
afflicted with \fy. (K:) or, much afflicted with 
disease. (S.) 

tVfcJ: see Vj. 

*\j*i ®dl * unwell ; (IAar :) Sec 4Z4) t_*»>l- 
\<fj Unwholesome, water. (TA.) 

£jiy Engendering l^j. (TA.) j^ i*j». 

^jyty^fjs- £y %ji>\ A draught of brackish water 
is more profitable titan sweet water that engenders 
If). (A trad.) Hero the • is omitted in the last 
word to assimilate it to wJjj-i. It is a proverb, 
applied to two men ; one, superior in station, 
■and more slim ; the other, inferior in station, but 
more useful. (TA.) __ See Qp \jbj\> -— ^ty* 
Water that is little in quantity ; and failing, or 
stopping. (IS..) 

• »*» . ft ' *'* 

Styiyt : see *S£ ^o^ . 

1. olOW c "tt» aor> <: ~!'-> ("«.ti. °"0> ***) 
Se remained, stayed, abode, or dwelt, in the 
place. (]£.) 


2. *±~>}, iuf. n. i-tiyi, He reproved him, or 

^~ • • j 

/owrf At'm, (L, Msb, K,) *X*i t y~(for his evil 

action or conduct : (L :) reproved or blamed 
him, or aW so severely, or wi<A Me utmost 
severity ; and threatened him : (S, L, ^ :) re- 
proached or upbraided him. (El-Farabee, Msb.) 
aj^pI is a dial, form of the same: (IAar:) or 
its hemzeh is a substitute for the y (ISd.) 

*«i-J} A burning reproof: (L :) as also <U» sj ; 
(IAar ;) in which the «_» is changed into > 
because of the nearness of their places of utter- 
ance. (AM.) 


1. .iyj, ($,) aor. £»*, (TA,) inf. n. *p, 

(S, M, L, &,) J* (life, or manner of living,) teas, 
or became, hard, strait, or difficult : (S,M, L,I£ :) 
t» (a man's state, or condition,) was, or became, 
evil, (S, M, L, £,) fiy rawon of the largeness of 
his family, and the littleness of his property : 
(M. L :-) you say *JU. •£**£. (M, L.) See also 

jLy below.— -<4ic «***>(?> M > !•») aor - : >(K>) 
inf. n. Xi» (M, L, K,) He was angry with him : 
(S, M, L, $ :).like Jmj. (S, L.) — j£, aor. ;, 
inf. n. juj, J< [a day, &c] was, or became, hot, 
(M, L, K,) anrf without wind : (M, L :) like 
A*j. (M, L.) — ±i), aor. -, inf. n. Jfy, It (a 
garment) became old and worn-out. (M, L, £.) 

jli) : see j^j. 

juj Hardness, straitness, or difficidty, of life, 
or »7ia»»jcr o/" living : evilness of one's state, or 
condition, (S, M. L. K.) 6;/ reason of the. large- 
ness of his family, and the littleness of his 
property: (M, L :) indigence; (M ;) poverty, 
adversity ; (T, L ;) largeness of family, and 

f -el 

littleness of property : (K :) pi. iWj'- See 1. __ 
jj«,an inf. n. used as an epithet, and [therefore] 
sing, and pi., A man, and men, in an evil state, 
or condition : and sometimes .jl^jl is used as its 
pi. ; (S, L, K ;) as though it were imagined to bo 
a proper epithet : (S, L:) or this is for jVyl Ij^i : 
(M,L:) also " J*>y-~ « signifies the same [applied 
to a single person] : (S, L, K :) and j^j , (TA,) 
or * jyj, (L,) a poor man : pi. jCjI. (L, TA.) 
_* jljj A vice, fault, or defect. (M, L, K.) 

jo jT„ ,4 : see Jyj. 

1. Jj3, (S, Msb,) aor. : , inf. n. jj 3 , (Msb,) 

He (a camel) Aad wmcA ^y [i. e. /wr, or soft 
hair]. (S, Msb.) 


jij, a pi. [or rather a coll. gen. n.] of which 

the sing, [or n. un.] is with » ; (S, Mgh;) or a 
masc. n., of which the fem. is with S, (Lth, T, 
M, Msb, K,) and also a pi. [or coll. gen. n.], 
(M,) [The hyrax Syriacus; believed to be the 
animal called in Hebr. \5VJ ;] a certain small 
beast, (Lth, T, S, Mgh, Mfb, K,) like the cat, 
(Mfb, £,) or of the size of the cat, (Lth, T, M, 
Mgh,) or smaller titan the cat, (S,) of the beasts 
of the desert, (M,) of a dust-colour, (Lth, T, 
Mgh, Msb,) or of a hue between dust-colour and 

white, (V^mJo, this epithet being applied to Sjjj, 
S,) or white, (TA,) having beautiful eyes, (Lth, 
T, Mgh,) or having eyes bordered with black, or 
very black eyes, (ty*j£>, Msb,) having no tail, 
(S, Msb,) or having a small tail, (Mgh,) [Golius 
says, on the authority of Dmr., " longiore cauda," 
which is a mistake, for it has no tail,] said to be 
of the weasel-kind, (Msb,) t*ry*«y,(Lth,T,Mgh,) 
living in low grounds, (Lth, T,) and dwelling in 
houses [of its own or of men], (S,) or it is confined 


in houses, and is taught ; and it is eaten, because 
it feeds upon leguminous plana : (Mgh :) it is 
[said to be] a ruminant; [but this is not the 
case;] and therefore it is said in a trad., that 
when a man in a state of jt\j^. kills it, he must 
sacrifice a sheep or goat : (TA :) [a full and cor- 
rect description of this animal is given in art. 
" Shaphan " of Dr. Kitto's " Cyclopaedia of Bib- 
lical Literature :"] pi. JWjj (S, M, Msb, 5) and 

\£ and %(,} (M, K.) and J#l, (M, TA,) with 
hemzeh in the place of the y (T A.) One says, 
#£\ a~* l >» -wo-.! o^» [ouch a one « more 
liberal than the marrow of the webr] : because 
the marrow of the webr comes forth easily. (IAar, 

T.) And sjljjll «>? >i' O^ [Such a one is 
more dispraised titan the webrs]. (Fr, T.) = 
^Jl One of the days called j)*. ti\ j.Ul , (S, M, 
^C,) which are seven, falling at tlte end of winter : 
or it is called j»j), without the article : for the 

»f .lit- t» "3 * S 

Arabs say, jjj \^ rlf -a-\^ jt~°5 Cy° [$inn and 
Sinnabr and their little brother Webr] : but this 
may be for the sake of the rhyme. (M.) 

#} The <Ji>o, [here meaning the fur, or soft 

hair,] of the camel, (Lth, T, S, a M, A, K,) and 

of the hare or rabbit, and the like ; (Lth, T, M, 

A, SL ;) and in like manner, that of the jyc [or 

sable], and of the fox, and of the JlLi [or marten] : 
(T :) or it is to the camel like wool (^iyo) to 
tlte sheep ; and so to the hare or rabbit, and the 
like: (Msb:) originally an inf. n. : (Msb:) 
n. un. with 5 : (S :) pi. jIjjI. (M, Msb, ]j£.) 
■■•» ii£\ J*' t 2%* people of tlte deserts; [or 
rather the people of tlte tents ;] because they make 
their tents of the jt$ of camels [as well as of 
goat's hair, which is not included in the term 
jjj, but is called jsC] : opposed to jj^J! JaI 
the people of the cities and of the towns and 
villages. (TA.) See also JjLi i^Jt j*.t 

»## t He took tlte thing altogether ; lie look tlte 
" ' ... * ..i 

whole of the thing : as also »*>)ji »J**.I. (A.) 

jtf A camel having muchjjj [i. e.fur, or soft 
hair] ; (S, M,* A,« Msb, K ;) and in like 
manner, a hare or rabbit, and the like ; (K ;) 
as also * Jj^I : (S, M, A, KL :) fem. of the former, 
b*S\ ( M » A » M ?h, K;) and of the latter, |f£. 

jjy : see *yp J^l Oil?, (A?, A'Obeyd, 

AHn ( T,S,M,K,)and^l JjCS, (AZ,T,S,M,) 
the art being added by poetic license, (M,) A 
species of «U£» [or truffles], downy, (AZ, As, 
A'Obeyd, T, S, M, [the epithet thus rendered is 
written in copies of the K i»t>«, and in the T, 
S, M, i-t>», but in art. s--*j in the TA it seems 
to be indicated that it is probably *-«>•,]) small, 
and of the colour of earth : (AZ, S, IjL :) or, 



accord, to AHn, truffle* (*U£>) like pebble*, 
tmaU, found in place* where they have broken 
through the crust of the toil, in number from one 
to ten ; they are bad in flavour ; and are the 
firtt of »U£> : or, as he says in another place, 
they are like ol»£>, but are not il^So • and they 
are small: (M: see also K,**- :])n. un.^}' Q4L 

(As, A'Obeyd, T.) You say, jL J& ^ 0\ 
...» .. ' ' ' ' 

#}\ Ol^ [Verily the son* of such a one are like 

bendt'Ombar] : one imagines that there is good 
in them [when there is none]. (M.) And w~JU 

f>}\ oUj <lu J experienced from him [a dis- 
appointment, or] a calamity, or misfortune. 
(Sgh, ¥.) — <& !*&, (S, A, art. ^), t ^n 
cw7, afoul, or an abominable, calamity, or ?«<.<- 

Jortune. (TA, Yoce j*it, q. v.) 

2. ^j (TA,) or livjl c£o, (?, L,) '"<"■ "• 
ijLc-l)}, (TA, Zfe collected companies, bodies, or 
force*, ofvariout tribe*, for war. (S,* L, TA.) 

j£'l (ISd, TA,) and t J^j (ISd, K,) sings. 
of i£Wy (^d, £> TA) which signifies A medley, 
or mixed multitude ; (S, A, K ;) and the lowest 
or basest or meanest sort, or refuse, or riffraff; 
(A, ]£;) of men, or people ; (S, TA;) or of 
troops, or soldiers; (A;) like «-)U>^t; [and 
similar to ^jUwI, but more particular ;] and said 
to be a pi., formed by transposition, of in>y 
[q. v.] : (S) or sundry, or separate, sorts, of men, 
or people: (As, ISd, TA :) and of trees and 
plants: (ISd, TA :) or a small number, and 
those separate, of trees and plants. (A, TA.) 
__ [Hence, app.,] >^£JI jji^j t What is bad 
of speech, or language. (TA.) 

*« . • •* 

^ji-jj : see u-Vj- 

1. ufl^, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) nor. ,>»*-», (S, 
!£,) inf. n. .jae^i (S» M > A » M ? b > ?) and u*4j 
(M, K)-»ml &;, (M, TA,)said of lightning, 
(S, A, K,) and of other things, (S, M,) Jt shone, 
gleamed, or glistened. (S, M, A, Msb, K.) You 
say, [also,] JUJI C~«J}, inf. n. yj-^j, 77ie 
%A< nAone, or shone brightly ; accord, to AHn ; 
nnd jj'jli * C«*j3< i signifies my %/U *Ao«e, or 
.«/towe brightly: (M:) or the latter signifies my 
/iV//i< showed its fame : (K. :) or my light began 

to «/iow »7* /fame: (ISk, S:) or jUJI ▼ O-ayl 
signifies the fire appeared on being struck. 
(TA.) And yjhll t>»«-^ signifies 27ie shining 
of perfume. (Mgh, TA.) 

4: see 1 [Hence,] J±f)\ C~a^l fTAe 

/and began to show it* plants, or lierbage. (ISk, 
S.) = (^jU C~«iy / »naa"« my fire to burn, or 
o/a?e, intensely. (A.) 

• ,. . • - 

«uojj : see u»jIj. 

#3— «*»J 

OUJi (Fr, M, £) and ^, (IDrd,*,) 
[or O^J an d lA*Y}i (s** art - uH*Y>)] in some 
copies of the Jra., o^V> [which see in art.^^xi,] 
(TA,) The month of'jiJ^S £**> : (M, $ :) i.e. 
the name of that month in the Time of Ignorance : 
pi. oUuij. (TA.) 

<*-a--j j : see t_*»jlj. 

yol j : see what follows, in four places. 

^^fljlj Shining, gleaming, or glistening : (Msb :) 

and * i_*»L>.}> ( as > n some copies of the K,) or 
both, (M,) shining, gleaming, or glistening, 
much : (M, and some copies of the K :) or the 
latter, shining, gleaming, or glistening much in 
colour ; (so in other copies of the K ;) in which 

last sense, both are added to the epithet ^^a-jl : 

(TA :) and » «^oW^> applied to a cloud, signifies 
also intensely shining, or gleaming, with light- 

nfn<7. (M.) You say " u°^ii j+* t-^- moon 

shining brightly]. (A.) And t ^aliyi signifies 

77tc moon. (I Aar, K.) __ <uaj|^ signifies t. v. 


iJ^j [app. A flash of lightning] : (M:) and^Jre ; as 

also * 3i>. m : (I Aar, K :) and a Z/i'e roa/ ; as 
also " i^uj. (M.) — 5«_o — !t i-c^tj Jj».j, (M,) 
or %«w i^v'j, (S, A, K,) means A man wAo 
re/i'es upon what is said to him : such a man is 
called ,jll : and the epithet is made fem. because 
(jjl is meant : or the S may be added to render 
it intensive : (M :) or the meaning is, who trusts 
in all that lie hears : (S, K :) or wlio hears 
speech and trusts in it : (A :) or who hears what 
is said and relies upon it, and thinlcs it true, but 
is not yet sure. (TA.) You say also, io^lj 
(j'^lL «_o-l> [One who relies upon what he hears 
of, or from, such a one] : and IJljj s^-> i^utj 
j^^\ [Otic who relies upon wliat he hears of this 
affair]. (TA.) 

Sec Supplement.] 

Oj (L, K.) and O^ and «j (K) or iij (L) 
Tho cry of the bird culled O^Ji- ( AA > ^> K.) 
,Jj) signifies Ho cried as cries tho O^J^- 
(I Aar, L.) 

0^l5j 1.7. cH^^i ftiJ suggestions, #c. (K.) 
The y- is thus changed, in poetry, into O, as 
in OU and £<J>*. (MF.) 

1. Uj, aor. tT, (K,) inf. n. Joj, (TA,) i/c 
roa* Aeaty and slow in his gait, by reason of 
age, or by nature. (K.) Not mentioned by J 
because esteemed by him not chaste. (TA.) 

U-j : sec art. O. 

[Book I. 


1. >«->Jj, aor. yw, inf. 11. »*oj, JZi? remained 
fixed in the place, and did not move. (I£.) 
Omitted by most of the lexicographers; and 
said by some to be a word mispronounced [app. 
for ^]. (TA.) 

. • '• > '»- • - • - - 

1. a*3j, aor. y~3yi, inf. a. ia-Uj (S, ^C) and 

^••yb (?) ana «*^i ( L *) -^ ( a tllin g> ?, or a 
gift, If) toa« /i«/c, or *?«a//, and paltry, mean, 

or contemptible. (S, L, £.) <<lk« ^J^, aor. 

i^ ; (? ;) and * i^l ; (S, KL ;) and t J^Jj, 
mf . n. «3>5 ; (S ;) 2Tc moa"c Aw gift little, or 
small, (S, K,) and paltry, mean, or contemptible. 
(K.) __ f^j^JI a) * ~-3jt 2Te made the thing 
little to him. (L.) __ » >-Jjl J^c became a 
person of little property. {IS.) 
2 : sec 1 and 4. 

4 : see 1. — \j^i »-3jl -He harassed and dis- 
j» ^ . ... j.. , 
tressed him ; syn. <lu iJLij «J^»> ; (L, 1$. ;) and 

111 like manner, •«iy»- pJjyi and a^o w_)1,hikI 

* t-'J- 0*) — f^j'* m this sense, occurs in 
a verse as related by Th : as related by lAar it 
is^ijl. (TA.) 

5. _>!pJI ^_ya ■*->£ Jic drank a little of 

the beverage: (S, L :) or, as also «_>l^£ll »J$3, 

Ac drank the beverage by little and little. 

sn3j »^> and » ^jj, (S, K,) and » wj, and 

* »-p3> (^j) -4 fttt/e, or small, and paltry, 
mean, or contemptible, thing. ' (S, K.) One fays 
also ^jej «J^ ?,^i J. s»m/Z, or /««/e, or scanty, 
thing: the latter of tho two epithets being 
an imitative sequent ; (.3 ;) or, correctly, 11 
corroborative. (Marg. note in a copy of the S.) 
__ T do»Jj y^.} (j^*l ^j a i>lirasc like v _ J ^il U 
*^* v _y i *> (L,) or J/e, or it, was of no profit, 
or advantage, to me. (L, K.) __ «_;• >>Ui» 
l^ooflf in which is no good ; like C*ii (L.) ___ 
T r-Jj ^■j -d. vile, mean, or contemptible, 
man. (S.) 

see 9~>*. 


1. ^>j, aor. j^, imp. jJ, inf. 11. jjj (S, L, 
K, &c.) and SjJ ; (M, L, £, Ac. ;) and * jjjl ; 
(A,Msb,K ;) and t jj^, (M, Mgh,) inf. 11. ij^J ■ 

Book I.] 

(TA ;) He knocked with a mallet, (Mgh,) and 
fixed, or made firm or fast, a woodcm pin, peg, 
or stake, (S/ M, A,» L, Msb, ]£,) in the ground 
or in a wall. (Msb.) _ jJj, (M, L, K,) [aor. 
J^,] inf. n. jJ^ and SjJ ; (M, L ;) and * j3^ ; 
(M, L, ]£ ;) It (a wooden pin, peg, or stake,) 
was, or became, fixed, firm, or fast. (M, L, K.) 

vJWV >-*& ^ "*^> and * **•*&»♦ [ God 

made <Ae ear/A ,/irm, or /a*< oy means of the 

mountain*. (A.) __ ya/J}! ^i «V; » jJ^ t -"<" 
fixed his foot firmly upon the ground. (L.) -— 

■*" £ j .J t jjj J ife remained fixed in his house. 

(L.) __ * jJj /< (growing corn) jw< /orfA t'/s 

stalks, and became firm and strong. (L.) — 

* jjj, (S,L,)inf.n. j^, (K,) J Libidine veneres 

exarsit vir : (S, L :) erexit penem. (K.) — It 

, « * 
was said to an Arab of the desert, What is ^LUaJ ? 

and he answered, ^j1.mJ»»)I * jJy_ J [It corroborates 

Me word { j\' he] : or, as some relato it, ^ 
U«"^£> aj jui [A thing, meaning a word, by 
which we corroborate our speech"]. (A.) 

2 and 4 : see 1. 

• >'. • •. 3. • - 

jjj and jJj and jj : sec Juj. 

jj^, (S, M, K, &c.,) of the dial, of El-Hijaz, 
and the most chaste form, (Msb,) and " jJj, 
(S, M, Msb, K,) and * Jjj, (L, K,) and * > 3 , 

J3 3 -J, 2917 

0"^jul* ; which kind is called Jjj/** >>3), a ', is said in a trad. IjpjU j3jf\ VH >jj **JI uj 

' «•» 00^ *• I 

disjoined peg ; because the quiescent letter dis- | &\jii\ J*IU [Verily Ood is one only : He loveth 
joins the two movent letters : pi. >Ujl. JWj , the odd number : tlieref ore perform ye the prayer 
does not take place in the >U^1, because the foot of an odd number of reh'alis, people of the 
depends upon them; but it does in the vC>l- \ Kur-dn]. (T.) And in another trad., l'ij 
(L.) __ jJj (A, L, K) and JjJj (L) of the ear., 'jl)U <Z>j f * " »' When thou stones in 
J [The tragus ,] the small prominent thing in j ,/,„ purification termed .Wull , t«e «n orfrf 
tAe anterior part, (A, L, ]£,) /iAe a teat, (A, L,) nump,,,. . (TA ;) h e. use three stones for that 
next the uppermost part of the side of the beard : j purpose, or five, or seven, and not an even 
(L :) or the prominent part next the temple : \ number (T } = ££ (T> ft A> Mgh) aor *£ 

(L :) or the 0'«W} of the two ears are the two 

inf. n. jjj (S,) and _p • and »y, (T, S,) i/« slew 

parts in the interior thereof resembling a «x3«, ,.„ . .. , 

r * * ^ ( Aw relation, and so separated him from htm, and 

also called the jl^ . 

• , * - 

Jujj : see jJ j . 


jJU I A man standing fixed, or ,/i'rm, or 
motionless. (A, L.) — t An rrrc< horn. (A.) — 

rendered him solitary : (A, Mgh :) or lie slew a 
person belonging to 'dm, or related to him, with- 
out t/te latter's obtaining revenge, or retaliation, 
for the blood of the slain : (S :) or lie slew a 
person belonging to him, or related to him; or 

Fixing, or maAiny firm or fast, a wooden pin, took property belonging to him. (T.) It is also 
peg, or stake. (L.) i doubly trans. : you say, >U*1 U"iU 0*$* j>3 Such 

, a one committed a crime against such a one by 
i slaying his family ; or by taking them away : 

}yiy» A wooden pin, peg, or 
or made firm or fast. (L.) 

l' * >' m* 

(S, L, K,) and j^- (L, K) A mallet 
{ajjjm, L, K,) with which wooden pins, pegs, or 
stakes arc knocked [into the ground or a wall], 
1 (S, L, £.) 

1. tji}, aor. »jZ>, inf. n. j-3j ; (Msb;) and 

(S, M, Msb,) of tho dial, of Ncjd, (Msb,) the O * tji^i (?, Msb, £ ;) Me made it, (a num- 

being made quiescent, and then changed into }, 
and .incorporated into the final a, (S,» Msb,) and 
* J^jy, (L, art. i^,) A wooden pin, peg, or stake, 
which is fixed in the ground or in a wall : 
(M,L,K:) ploUJl. (S,M,L,K.) [You say,] 
el*v jjj ^« Jit \Morc vile than a wooderi 
peg in a plain]: because it is always knocked. 
A proverb. (TA.) _ jJI^ J^j, an expression 

« « 4 J 

like J*Li> J*-, (As, S,) the latter word a cor- 
roborative ; (K ;) or A wooden pin, peg, or 
*taAe, firm, or fast, (A, L,) and erect. (L.) _ 

c*j*^' i^j' i [''*• ^ c i'^** or stokes, of the 
earth ; i. e.] <Ae mountains : (A, L, K :) so 
called because they make the earth firm, or fast. 

(L.) >%ll il3^\ t The chiefs of the towns, 

provinces, or countries. (L, K.) — ^ill ^(3j| 

J TAe teeth. (L, K, TA.) jSj, of a sandal, 

f The part that projects from the ear [or loop]. 
(L.) aJ^ t [^ />c<7 o/« w~v, q.v. ;] a por- 
tion, or division, of a foot of a verse, consisting 
of three letters: (L, !£*:) it is o/" <ioo kinds: 

one consisting of two movent letters followed by 

>' j 

a quiescent letter ; as ^*» and ,jjlc ; which kind 

• •»•' • - . ,' 

is called OAr^" "*^3> a eonjotned peg ; because 

each two letters are conjoined by a vowel : the 
other consisting of three letters ; one movent, 
then one quiescent, then one movent; as O*^ in 

ber, Msb,) sole ; or one, and no more : syn. 
•j*!, (S, 1$,) or a}ji\. (Msb.) It is said that the 

(T:) and «JU tjjj (T, M, $) fhe committed a 
crime against him by taking away his property : 
(T :) or t he made him to suffer loss or detriment 
in respect of his property ; or he deprived him of 

it in part, or altogether; syn. »L»1 <wuL> : (T,* 

•»a» ^ — * 

M, K:) and «l*»- »/Jj, (S, A, Mgh, Msb,) aor. 

as above, (Msb,) \he made him to suffer loss or 

detriment in respect of his right or due; or he 

abridged him, or tkprived him, or defrauded 

him, of it partially, or wliolly ; syn. <uoi-i. 

(S, Mgh, Msb.) It is said in a trad., Aijli K j^» 

latter verb only is used in relation to a number: ^ &• £* ^y ^j, J^ (T> M # M ^ 

but both are said to be thus used in the M [as 

well as in the Msb.] (TA.) __ [And He made 
it to be an odd number.] You say, j>yH\ yj, 
(M, K,) aor. -, inf.n. y 3 ; (M;) and *V>ijl ; 
(M, K;) He made the people, they being an 
even number, to be an odd number. (M, K, TA.) 

i f , J~» IC0 J ^ * * #0 A* # # 

'At* says, Uii lyl£>j ^yjuLii t^>>yUI ^l^ 
^yjy^i [TA« people were an odd number and I 
made them an even number, and tliey were an 
even number and I made them an odd number]. 
(TA.) You say also, S^JI^Sj, (Msb, K,) and 
t Upy, (T, §, Msb, K,) and * lipj, (K,) and 

S^LoJI j** ^>*y» (^w M,) //fi ma^ the prayer 

to be «ucA a * is termed y$ [i. e., to consist of an 
odd number ofrelc'as; us is done in the case of a 
prayer which is performed in the night, consist- 
ing of three rek'ahs, and particularly called S^ILo 
^5^JI] ; (S,* Msb, K;*) lie performed prayers of 
double rek'ahs, two and two togetlier, and then 
performed the prayer of one rek'ah at the end, 
making what he performed an odd number: 
(T:) and *j5^', alone, signifies Ae performed 
tlie prayer called y^\ [explained above] ; (T, 
M, A, Mgh, K ;) or Ae performed prayers of 
[an odd number of rek'ahs,] two and two together, 
and then a single rek'ah at the end. (TA.) It 

TA) By whomsoever the prayer of the afternoon 

jiasseth unobserved, lie is as though lie had his 

family slain and his property taken away : or 

as though he had his family and his property 

taken away : (T :) or as though lie were deprived 

(,^ai>) of his family and his property, (T, M, 

Mfb^ TA,) and remained alone: (T, TA :) the 

loss of the family and property is thus likened to 

the loss of the recompense : 4JUI and jJU being 

in the accus. case as objective complements: 

(Msb :) <U*I is a second objective complement : 

for the first is understood, as implied in the verb: 

ji .« if 00* 
but if we read aJUj «vJUk1, accord, to another 

relation, ■iijkl supplies the place of the agent, 

nothing being understood, and the family and 

property are the objects to which the loss is made 

to relate. (TA.) And it is said in another trad., 

ir * * * '■*' * >0~0* 9 * . * , 

»y t He who sitteth in an assembly in which 
God is not mentioned is obnoxious to detriment, 
or loss : or, as some say, to a claim of reparation 
for wrongful conduct. (TA.) And it is said 

II. .«! 0/ 00 0.. 

intheKur, [xlvii. 31 ,] j£}\*t±\ j&jZj yj)j f And 
He will not deprive you of aught of the recom- 
pence of your deeds: (Zj, T :) or will not make 
you to suffer loss in respect of your deeds ; like 



' J • - -■ 

as you say C^JI C J Ut . >, meaning ^ cJUk> 

CWI. (S.) [Alio,] '££, (M, ?,) aor. iy^, 

(5,) inf. n. Jij (M, £) and y?j (TA) and Sjj, 
(M, K,) He executed blood-revenge upon him : 
or did so wrongfully: (M, # £,• T]£:) expl. by 

jLjj ^.Ul. (TK.) He overtook him (*£»pt) 

ivtfA wmc displeasing, or abominable, or er»7, 

action. (M, K.) _ i/e frightened him ; ter- 

* • - #»« 
fT/Iea" Aim. (Fr, K.) ==s ^-yUt jjj : see 2, in 

two places. 

2. »"^La)l ^ : sec 1, near the beginning. = 
^jiM j3j He fattened, bound, firmly, or braced, 
the string of the bom ; expl. by Ujjj .d; (Lh, 

M, K ;) as also ♦ lipjl j (Lh, M, Mfb ;) both 
these signify the same ; (S, in which the mean- 
ing is not explained ;) and * 1*>>j, (M, TA,) inf. 
n. jjj : (TA :) or " Upy signifies /ie pu< to *< « 
ttring : (M, £ :) and * UpJj, (M, £,) aor. U^j, 

(?,) inf. n. Ifi, (TA,) Its attached to it its string : 
(M, I£ :) this, accord, to some, is the proper 
signification of the last. (M.) It is said in a 

proverb, >J^3 j^kf i^otJl [Twanging the bow 

without bracing the string] : (S :) or J%*3 "il 

j^i^\ J& ^Cj^I [jEToafm no< </»e twanging of 
the bow fce/br« */i« bracing of the string] : allu- 
ding to the hastening a thing before its proper 
time. (M.) [See also art. i^oJ. And see 2 
in arte. y^> an d s " : » •] 

> . , , » 

3. »jl*«-t i>^ >".J> (A> a »d so in some copies 
of the K,) or ♦ jJjl, (M, and so in some copies of 
the K,) and *£&» &fl, (M,) and » J ( t i.\j}\ i , (M, 
K ; in the latter of which *y\} is put by mistake 
for V*plj, as is observed in the TA,) and ol^£>, 
(M, A, K.) inf. n. £j£ (S, M, £,) and Jo,, 
(M, £,) He made his tidings, or narrations, 
and /jm writings, or letters, to follow cne another : 
(M, A , K : ) or with some intervals between them ; 
for ij»\y» between things is only when there is 
some interval between them ; otherwise it is 
i&jl jm and iLol^-o : (S, K :) or w^Dt y>l_j 
signifies he made the writings, or letters, to follow 
one another nearly, one by one, without ceasing : 
(S :) or he made them to follow one another with 
a small interval between every two : (T :) and 
y>," jj\} he made the tidings, or narration, to 
fallow one part after anotlter : or, accord, to 
A?, with a small space between every two portions 
thereof: from jjj in the sense of >ji. (T.) You 

say also jj*je» Cytrf >*l) -^* wa</« t/ieir supplies 
of wheat to come to them without stopping ; time 
after time. (TA, from a trad.) And it is said 

in a trad., «J^*j **• .P 1 *! O' vr»V *5> ZmH «n'W 
be no harm in his performing the fast of Ra- 
madan at intervals, fasting one day and breaking 
/a** on« day : (T A :) >>y«JI oyty* is the fasting 
one day and breaking fast one day, or two ; per- 

forming it separately : it does not mean iJU> l^oJ I, 

because it is from Jjyi, (S, ?, TA,) i.e., $». 

4: see 1, in seven places, first part. _ 
J^-s*'' »!>«-/ j^j' : Bee 3. = «pjl fie made him 
to attain, or obtain, his blood-revenge. (Az, 

TA; and L in art. jii.) See an ex., vocejli. 

" * s 

sal (_r->»-)l >»jl : see 2, in two places. 

5. ^y» t /< (a sinew, or nerve, T, M, A, 5» 

and a vein, M, TA, not the neck, for JUall in 

the K is a mistake for JjaJI, TA) became tense, 
(M, K, TA,) like a bow-string. (M, TA.) 

6. ji\y Jt was consecutive : or was so with 
intervals : (M, A,K :) or was so with separation, 
or interruption. (Msh.) You say, JjNI Op|y, 

and Uai-M, and so of any other things, Tlue camels, 
and r/je 6tVrf* of the kind called UauUt, &c, came 
one near after another, not in a rank. (Lh, M.) 


And J-riJI Opty Tlie Iwrses came following one 
another. (Msb.) And w,.:JJl O^jI^j 2Vt« writings, 
or letters, came, one near after anotlter, sepa- 
rately. (S.) 

£$ : see_p3, througliout. 

jjj and * %, (T, S, M, A, Msb, K, &c.,) the 
former, [which is the more common,] in the dial, 
of Nejd, (Lh, M,) and of the tribe of Temeem, 
(T, S, M, Msb,) and of the people of El-'Aliyeh, 
(ISk, as on the authority of Yoo, and S) or the 
latter in the dial, of the people of El-'Aliyeh, (T, 
as on the authority of Yoo,) or of the people of 
El-Hijiz, (Lh, S, M,) Single; sole; only; one, 
and no more : syn. *ji : (T, S, M, A, Msb, K. :) 
or iJutJI ,>• *i^J ^ **'• (M» A, K ; except 

• ^ • j i A* «v 

that in the K, instead of *iii, we find » ■ . * ;.» :) 

or contr. of «ii< : ( Mgh : ) [and a n odd number : ] 

all [even and odd] numbers are termed [re- 

• * ••' _ . 

spectively] »ii and jSj, whether many or few. 

(T.) \jjj !P_j [Singly; separately; one by 

one]. (S, K..) [See »Ii.] — >>», one of the 
names of God, The Single; tlie Sole ; the One; 
He who has no equal, or like ; the Unequalled ; 

syn. jJbl and jjill. (TA.) — >J^I V%o, and 
py I alone : see 1, first part : it was sometimes 
said by Mohammad to be a single ix£»j. (T.) 
_ In the words of the Kur, [lxxxix. 2,] £*^Jl.s 
jljlj by the former is meant all creatures which 
are created in pairs; and by the latter, God: 
(T:) or [by the former, Adam and his wife ; and] 
by the latter, Adam, who was made a pair with 
his wife : (IAb, T :) or by the former, the day 
of the sacrifice ; (T ;) and by the latter, the day 
of'ArafeL (T, K.) (See more voce ^ii.] = 
Also J5j, and tj^, (T, S, M, A, Msb, £,) the 
former, [which is the more common,] in the dial. 

[Boos I. 

of Nejd, (Lh, M,) and of the tribe of Temeem, 
(Lh, T, S, M, Mfb,) and of the people of El- 
'Aliyeh, (T, as on the authority of Yoo,) and El- 
Hijaz, (S,) or the latter in the dial, of the people 
of El-'Aliyeh, (ISk, as on the authority of Yoo, 
and §,) and El-Hijaz, (Lh, M,) Blood-revenge; 
or retaliation of murder or homicide : or a seeking 
to revenge, or retaliate, blood : or a desire, or 
seeking, for retaliation of a crime or of enmity : 
syn. jLl ■. (T, S, M, Msb, £ :) or wrongful 
conduct therein : as also ▼ iy and T *jt*y in 
either sense : (M, T&. :) or a crime which a man 
commits against anotlter by slaughter or by 

plundering or by capture: (TA:) pL [of>jj] 
•>»< •# g # ' 

jUjI and [of J J] oly. (A.) 

• -' .» 
ji) The string, and the suspensory, syn. itji> 

and JUa« [the latter signifying properly the 

appendage, (see >>pV \j*&\jJ**; an( i see J»LJ,)] 
(M, K,) of a bow': (S, M, Msb, £ :) [and in 
like manner, a chord of a lute and the like :] pi. 
Jl5]l (S, M, Msb, K:) and Jtjj. (Fr, Sgh, TA.) 

— Also pi. [or rather coll. gen. n.] of Spj [q. v.] 
in all the senses of the latter. (K.) 

Sjjj, of the nose, The partition between the two 
nostrils [consisting of tlie septum and subseptum 
narium, or the subseptum alone] ; (S, A, Mfb ;) 
as also v 5^3^ ■ (S, A, Msb, K! :) or the former 
signifies what is between the two nostrils : (M :) 
or the junction that is between the two nostrils : 
(T :) or the edge of the nostril : (M, K :) accord, 
to Lh, (M,) what is between tlie tip of the nose 
and the 2JL* [or middle of the mustaclte ; app. 
meaning, the subseptum narium] : (M, K :) and 
the latter, the partition between the two nostrils, 
of tlie fore part of the nose, exclusive of the car- 
tilage ; [i. e., app. the subseptum narium : (AZ, 
T :) and the former, in a horse, what is between 
the tip oftlte nose and tlie upper part of the lip : 
(M:) pi. [or rather coll. gen. n.] of the former, 
in all its senses, J J i . (K.) In a trad, in which 
it is said that the fine for destroying the ȣ$ is 
a third of the fine for homicide, by this word is 

meant the Spj of the nose. (TA.) The sinew, 

or nerve, (i-ic,) of the back (^*). (M.) 

• -' V -' . 

jtJ} : see °j~>}, near the end. 

«* » •* 

3/-jj : see jjy . = A way, course, mode, or 

manner of acting, or conduct, or the like : (S, 
M, A, Mgh, Msb, K :) and nature, or disposition : 
(A, Mgh :) from ^31^3 : (Th, M, A, Mgh :) or 
a road keeping close to a mountain, (5, TA,) 
and pursuing a regular, uniform course: (TA :) 
or constancy, or perseverence, in a thing, (AO, 
T, Mfb, TA,) or in a work. (TA.) You say, 
5j^-\' } ifS} ^jie Jlj U He ceased not to follow, 
or continue in, one way, (&c.,) of acting or the 
like : (T, S, M, A :) or one disposition. (A.) 
And 5 jj*-\ t ȣ} j^i* j^k They follow, or con- 


tinue in, one nay, Ac. (A, Mgh, Msb.) m 
Remissness, or languor, syn. •>£*, (S, M, Msb, 
£,) in an affair: (M, ?. :) and syn £*y [which 

signifies the same] : and faultineu; syn. »>»**> 

•- ' .*«. 

(M, ^,) [in some copies of the latter, Sj-*fc, with 

the unpointed j.]) You "V* *J^* f*** u? U 
TA*re if no remissness, or languor, in his work. 
(8, A, Msb.) And sj^ *«* J3 je- A journey- 
ing, orpace, in which is no remissness, or languor. 

(S.) ZWay. (M, J£.) — Confinement ; re- 

strietion; restraint. (M, I£.) = I", q. lft$, as 
explained above. = A ring (S, M, £) o/ s^i* 
[or «Wn>], ($,) by aiming at which one learns 
the art of piercing with the spear ; (S, M, K ;) 
also called iljjj : (S :) or a ring that is made 
at the end of a spear or spear-shaft, by aiming 
at which one learns the art of shooting, or casting 
{the lance] ; made of bow-string or of other string 
or thread. (M.) = A white rose : (S, M, A, 
$:) or red rose : (Kr, M,K:) or a rose-flower; 
a rose-blossom: (AHo, M, &:*) n. un. of 
*Je3> (AHn. M.) = A star, or blaze, or 
white mark, on the forehead or face of a liorse, 
when round, (T, M, A, I£,) andsmaU : (A :) when 
long, it is called Siott. : (AO, T :) likened to 
the ring. above mentioned, thus called; (T ;) or 
to a white rose, which is also thus called. (A.) 
See ijk. 

iji: seej3). The 4> is substituted for the 
elided > (TA.) 

,_£ji3 tjju-, and \J&3, with and without ten- 
ween, and with O substituted for the original 
incipient s , (T,» S,« M, A,» Msb,» $,) in the 
former whereof, (S, M,) which is the better, 
(S,) and the more common, (Fr,) pronounced 
by Hamzeh and Ibn-'Amir and Ks with imaleh, 
[i. e. tetrc,] (Bd, xxiii. 46,) the I [which is written 
• e] is a sign of the fem. gender, and in the latter 
whereof it is an t of quasi-coordination, (8, M,) 
from jt$ in the sense of 3ji, (8,) They came 
following one another ; one after another ; (A, 
Mfb ;) syn. o±>>\£» : (M, £:) or interruptedly. 
(Yoo, T.) It is said in the Kur, [xxiii. 46,] 

xfjU ULy tJLyl j*j, or {Jj^j, T/ten we sent 
our apostles one after • another : (S :) or in- 
terruptedly ; at intervals : (Too, T, M :) or 
making a long time to intervene between every 
two. (T.) 

»UJ*jl jjy uaji %A horse contracted tn the 

" - o t 9 

[veins called] *wl, [pi. of L-J,] as though they 
were braced, or made tense. (A, # TA.) See 


jjfiy One who has his relation slain, and so 
is separated from him, and rendered solitary: 
(TA :) and one who has a person belonging to 
him, or related to him, slain, and lias not obtained 

& — *•*'} 

revenge, or retaliation, for his blood: (S,EL,TA:) 
a seeker of blood-revenge, or retaliation; one to 
wliom belongs the revenging of blood, or retalia- 
tion. (TA.) [See an ex. voce jIj.] 

ji\y0» Consecutive, but with small intervals: 
thus differing from <i>jlju\o and uUU. (Lh, 

M. [But see £*U3.]) You Bay, C^'j^ 1>5W-: 
0% % ^. . » ** * 

explained above, voce ^jU. (M, K.)^3ly*j»*. 

Tidings, or a narration, told, or related, by one 

from anotlier : (T :) or by one after another. 


See Supplement.] 

iSy>2 Weakness; impotence. (L.) 
«— >\jjj A weak, impotent, man. (L.) 

1. »jj «— 'tfj, aor. Ui, inf. n. ««£>j ; (AZ ;) 
and c^jj, (a form disapproved by some, TA,) 
aor. tlic same, inf. n. the samo and Oj, (K, TA,) 
or i\$j ; (CK and a MS. copy) and Op^ ; and 
viijj, (S, K,) like Jyic, [i.e., pass, in form, but 
ncut. in signification,] (K.,) which is the chaste 
form of the verb ; and to the inf. ns. are added, 

ojj 0.1** 

on the authority of the Wd'ee, *yi} and Sl3j ; 
(TA ;) [but it is not said to which form or forms 
of the verl) these belong ;] Sis hand became 
affected by what is termed *Cj$. (K.) — sj-± Ijj 
(S, K) and v ij^!, (K,) He caused his hand to 
be affected by what is termed *<1>j. (S, K.) — 
oj^'ljJ^JOl [O God, bruise his hand! fie] 
is a form of curse used by the Arabs. (IAar.) 

^i U1 Uj He, or it, (i.e. a blow,) deadened 

the flesh. (K.)] — jJyM U> J i.q. »£Jli, 
q.v. (A.) 

4: see 1. 

J^jjj and SOj ^1 breaking of the flesh without 
separation of the parts, (jb*o},) not reaching to 
the bone, (K,) producing a swelling: (TA :) or a 
pain in the bone, without fracture: (IKoot,K:) or 
a dislocation (K,TA) and concussion of the joints, 
which affects the hand, without fracture : (TA :) 
or [an injury] resembling dislocation ; in the 
flesh as a fracture in a bone : (AM :) or a 
bruising or breaking of the flesh without break- 
ing the bone : (IAar. :) or a bruising of the skin 
and flesh, reaching to the bone, without its break- 
ing : (TA :) or a bruising of the bone, without 
breaking : (Lth, S :) in which last sense, Lth 

uses also the word Cj. (TA.) The • in JOj is 
sometimes omitted, and the word is written «1>j, 
like ju and^o • ^j>} is condemned as vulgar. •!>$ 
is authorized by As ; but ^^ (which is said by 
the vulgar, S, [and is disallowed in the ]£,]) and 
y>$ are disallowed by him. (TA.) 


•V) Having a broken hand : (TA : [but see 

:i>j:]). — &} Ju, and * SieJj, (?,) and t «<^^, 

(S, K,) A hand affected by what is termed t^. 

2L3j and »*y>y* '• see ^j- 

SlL* A mallet with which pegs, or stakes, or 
tent-pins, arc driven. (TA.) 

1. «^-5j, aor. wJo, inf. n. v^3 an <l T»y3 ( tno 

latter agreeable witli analogy, TA,) and tj<-»j 

% • 

and v-eJj (S, K) and ^^ (¥ ! DMt tni " '" 

generally affirmed to be an inf. n. of v-j'.)» TA ;) 
and iy, (Ibu-Malik and others) ifr leaped; 
jumped ; sprang ; bounded: (S, ^. :) or he leaped 
down, or downwards. (Mgh, Msb, urt. jkio .) _ 
r <V>gH v*0 [-He leaped, or jumped, upon, or 
orer <Ac/>/acf]. (TA.) __ iJ^ w»>JI ^jJt v*"^ 
t [ 7/e wtaf/r a single leap to eminence, or 
nobility]. (TA.) _ «*)! ^-jj [ a PP-> &' leaped, 
or sprang up, or Ac hastened, to Aim]. (TA.) — 
wjjjjJI, except in the dial, of Himyer, signifies 
2Vie act of rising, or standing up. (TA.) __ It 
is also much used by the vulgar as signifying 
The act of hastening to a thing ; as observed by 
MF, who is wrong in saying that there is nothing 
in the lexicons that favours its being so used. 

000 * ' 9*0 

(TA.) = w-jj, [aor. v*^>] '" f - "• vA?> '" ,l, ° 
dial, of Ilimyer signifies He sat ; sat doxon. 
(K, TA, from a trad.) _^j in that dial, signifies 
Sit; sit down. (S.) It is related that Zeyd 
Ibn-Abd-Allah Ibn-Darim came as an envoy to 
one of the kings of Himyer, and found him at a 
hunting-place belonging to him, on a high 
mountain, and he saluted him, and mentioned to 
him his lineage, or relationship ; whereupon tho 
king said to him v r ~j , meaning t ^J*-l, Sit ; but 
the man thought that he commanded him to leap 
from the mountain ; und he aid, " Thou shnlt 
find me, O king, very obedient :" then he leaped 
from the mountain, and perished. So. the king 
said, " What ailed him?" And they explained 
to him his case, and his mistake respecting the 

«* • fi 00 0*9 9*9' 

word : upon which he said ^yo C^J>» U jut c— -f 

j+j*. jU-b J*-i i.e., [" Arabic is not current with 

us :" (for, probably, in the time of this king, the 

fi 00 
term iojt was only applied to the general lan- 
guage of Arabia :) " whoso entereth phafari,] 
let him learn [or, rather, speak, as MF says,] 
the Himyeroo language." (Mz., 16th p$i.) [The 
principal facts of this anecdote are also mentioned 

in the S, on the authority of As.] By the king's 

•• s ti 00 

saying C«eJjfr was meant i-r>*Jl : the i is pro- 
nounced wV in the case of a pause (which is the 
case here) in their dialect. (S.) Or, accord, to 
another relation of tho above anecdote, the king 
said j^JUjjjt^ C^-j>^ U^^£ ^j^J [" Arabic like 


your Arabic is not current with us :"] and this, 
says ISd, is the right reading in my opinion : 
for the king did not mean to exclude himself 
from the Arabs. (MF.) 

». *-Jj , inf. ii. v^-J^J , 7/r seated him upon a 
cushion : (S, 1£ :) asserted to be of the dial, of 
Himyer. (MF.) _ ijLj <Jj, (S, K,) in some 

copies of tho YL ilj£, (TA,) He threto to him a 
eus/iion (S, L, £) <Aa< he might sit upon it : (S :) 
[app. in tho dial, of Himyer]. __ bOj <CJ^ I 
spread for him a bed, or the lihe. (TA.) 

3. *-jI_j flif leaped, or sprang, upon him, or 
ar Aim ; Ae assaulted or assailed him ; syn. 'j^L* 
(S, £) and i^O. (£, art. j^J) and iijli. (£, 
art. J5-0.) — [Also, perhaps, He contended 
with him in leaping, jumping, springing, or 
hounding.'] __ [*-jt^ is also mentioned in the 
TA as having a signification not explained in 
the YL. : app., He contended with him in hasten- 
ing to a thing.] 

4. aJjI He made him to leap, jump, spring, 

or bound. (S, Msb.) _ Jue>*>«Jt <ujjI [He made 

him to leap, or jump, upon, or over, the place]. 


•ft. • •* 

VVi (j«^ -4.» antelope that leaps, jumps, 

springs, or bounds, quickly. i^Uj ,^» .4 mare 

/Aa/ /<;ap*, <fre., quickly. (TA.) __ ♦ ,-ljl 1". a. 

♦Vtfj ; (It ;) i. e., That leaps, £c, quickly. 

OM*-* A king who sits still, and does not 
undertake military expeditions : (S, Y.:) asserted 
to be of the dial, of Himyer. (MF.) 

•V* -A. plain, or level, land, or tract of land. 
(?•) — -^ leaper, or jumper. (IAar, KL.) _ 
Also, [contr.,] A sitter : (IAar., Y. :) [app. in 
the dial, of Himyer]. __ What is elevated, of 
land. (K.) _ A rivulet, stream, or streamlet 
syn. J j J*-. (K.) 


5. ,j) * v o ^ i j*jj »^Jy ♦ jSurA a one took 
possession unjustly of an estate belonging to me ; 
he seized upon it unjustly. (S, K.) ,«i yoy 

«*e«tl j^A* <Lijl I JHf took possession of his land 
with injustice towards his brother. ' (A.) — 
*21y*> jit «_^i y X He look possession unjustly 
of the place occupied by him. (A.) 

>.... *j 

6. I.x£> ^ift ^jyjl^o _^A 7//ry leap, or r«.t//, 
together vpon such a thing [in an evil, or in- 
furious, or a contentious manner]. (S, art. »^-A^.) 
^Jl^JI is syn. with ^J\£lil. (S, K, art. vJLfc.) 

i,jj u4 *iwa/r 7ro/», jump, spring, a bound : 
(TA :) or a leap down, or doicnwards. (Mgh, 
Msb, art. jhk .) 

3ji An assembly ; a company ; a troop ; a 
congregated body. (K.) [But it scorns rather 
to belong to tho root {J £, as remarked by 
Freytag ; or, accord, to some, to urt. ^y. So 
arts. u»3 and ^y.] 


- if' 

s_jIjj A throne, or cohcA ; syn. jijL ; (K ;) 
accord, to some, that is always occupied by the 
king ; or that the, king does not cease to occupy : 
(TA :) [app. of the dial, of Himyer]. _ A bed; 
or what is spread to lie or recline upon : (Y. :) 
ox. 1*1*9 *~>} 1 spread for him a bed, or the 
like : (TA :) or places where persons sit ; syn. 
j*U-» : (S, \y :) in which case it is a pi., as some 
have expressly affirmed it to be : (TA :) accord, 
to IF and others, of the dial, of Himyer. (MF.) 
Applied to heaven (iC-JI) as being tho sitting- 
plnccs of tho angels. (S.) 

-i- "J- ♦- -- 

jHJ > aor. £>y.> mf. n. i^U^ ; (S, K;) and 

* gjjl, and t ^J^l ; (TA ;) 7< (anything, S,) 

became dense ; thick ; compact. (S, K.) Iji, 

nor - F*H> »>f. n. i^tfj, He became abundant 
in flesh ; or very fleshy : jjj, inf. n . (,'Uj 
signifying he became abundant in fat ; or very 
fat : and both signify he became bulky, or big ; 
or large in body, corpulent and fleshy. (AZ, S.) 
— C*t*JI ^Jj 7%^? herbage, or plants, became 
dense, thick, or compact, and tall. 

this food. (TA.) Seel. 

10. 9~>>^>l i< became in a complete, or pafect, 
state : (TA :) or it became so in a certain way : 
(S :) one says O-JI *->y~*\ X the plants, herbs, 
or herbage, clung together, one part to another, 
and became in a complete, or perfect, stale. (S, 

K-) See 1. — JlJI » V....I The property 

[app. meaning camels or tho like] became much, 
or abundant. (S, K.) — jO' v>« «-V-l He 
desired, wished for, or longed for, much of pro- 
perty [app. meaning camels or the like] ; syn. 
j&L\ : (As, Th, S, K.» :) as also JJ^I. (TA.) 

*■ " ■■% »j?" »l 5/ic (a woman) became large in 

' body, or corpulent and fleshy, and perfect in 
»«a/:r. (T.) 

£-sJ^ Anything (S) </«»*<> ; fAici; comjmct. 

(S, K.) A horse, (S,) and a camel, (TA,) 

compact in flesh : (S :) or strong. (TA.) 

Dense, thick, or compact, herbage. (TA.) [Sec 
also S^JJyt ^jt.] _>j3j ^p t A garment, 

or /riccc 0/ cloth, of firm texture. (A.) [Sec 
also 4*.j5^* «->Lj-] 

• - 

rr— »'j ? applied to herbage, Dense, thick, or com- 
pact, and tall. (TA.) 

evidently a mistake]) Land abounding with herb- 
age, or pasture, (S, $,) and with tangled trees ; 

• * *' 
as also iuf^ty : (ISh :) land of which the herbage 

is dense, thick, or compact. (TA.) [See also 

i*?.yya vWJ Garments, or pieces of cloth, of 
which the threads and texture are slack, or / 
(K, from Sh, on the authority of a man of Ba- 
hileh : but see 

5T J 



1. jjj, aor. i , inf. n. SjUj ; [and app., >>j ; 
(see the second signification ;)] It (a thing, S, 
M, Msb, or a bed, A) was, or became, plain, 
level, smooth, soft, or easy to lie or ride or walk 

upon. (S, M, A, Msb, £.) jlil C»)£; 

and Ojjj,, inf. n. as above, I The buttocks became 
fat. (A.) See also SjUj, below. = »J5j, (M, 
A, £,) aor. »j^, (»:,) inf. n. J% (M, TA) and 

»P; (TA;) and * eyj, inf. n. ^^J^J ; (M, A, 

K ;) He made it plain, level, smooth, soft, or 

easy to lie or ride or roaUt upon. (M, A, K.) 

*«* •* - 
And <*~=>j*° jjj 7/e 7;iarfe t/t« rAin<; on w/ttc/t 

Ac rode smooth, soft, or ea^y to ride upon. (A, 


2 : sec 1, in two places. 

4. idly ^jjI U How smooth, soft, or easy 
to lie upon, is thy bed! (A, TA.) 

10. jZ\jii\ jjyi*\ He found, or deemed, the 
bed smooth, soft, or easy to lie upon. (A,* TA.) 
— liPji-b !tJ*T siJ-jP W t [ H'/jen </jom <aA«sr 
a woman as thy wife, choose Iter fat, suitable for 
a bedfellow : see jLij]. (A, TA.) 


see ^«jj . 

jj^ : see ^j^, in three places. _ See also *^~*, 

4>jl (in the Clf 

[which is 

« «- 

sec j^jj . 

jUj : see jlij . 

jlj), a subst., Plainness, levelncss, smoothness, 
softness, or state of being easy to lie or ride or 
walk upon ; as also T jUj. (M, K.) = See also 
wj, in two places. 

^fj^ Plain, level, smooth, soft, or <a*y <o to or 
»-»a'e or watt upon; (T, S, M, A, £;) as also 
f J^ (T, S, X.) and »^i md »>j ; (M, 1J;) 
applied to a bed, (T, S, A, K,) and anything 
upon which one sleeps, (T, TA,) or sits, (TA,) 
and finds it to be thus, (T, TA,) and to other 
things: (M, K ;) and thick and soft ; applied to 

a bed : (Msb :) [and * jtfj seems to signify the 

Book I.] 

same ; or this and ♦ jjy are epithets in which the 

qualitj of a subst. predominates:] fern. ij*J). 
(M $.) You say, J?, 4iJU, aa&flj, (S, TA,) 
There is not beneath him a smooth, or soft, bed. 
(TA.) _— lj£$ I A woman having much flesh : 
(IDrd, S, Msb, K. :) or/a* ; (T, A, K ;) suitable 
for a bedfellow: (T, KL:) andj%*M j^-jj Xlaiye, 
(T,) or fat, (A,) or soft, (M,) in the buttocks: 
(T, M, A :) pi. J5l3j andjl5«. (M, K.) = See 
also »jip*, throughout. 

•*■ mm 

JjUj : see 1. __ J Abundance of fat : (AZ, S :) 
or of flesh : (I£ :) or the latter is termed i».0 ' . 

jjjl J/ore [and moifj smooth, or jo/I ; applied 
to a bed. (TA, from a trad.) 

ijLc, (T, S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) of the 

measure ibuco, from SjljjJt, (TA,) without hemz, 

(S, TA,) originally l$y>, (Msb,» TA,) the j 
being changed into ^ because of the kesreli before 
it, (TA,)andt^ and tj3 ; , (£,) or [only] 

l^j, (TA, &c.,) of a horse's saddle, (T, M, A, 
Mgh, Msb, K,) and of a camel's saddle, ('!',) A 
thing in the form of a pillow, made for the saddle, 
like the 3jJo [q. v.], (M, Mgh, K,) to render it 
soft, or easy to ride upon : (T :) or the saddle- 
cloth or housing (SjJ) of a horse : (S :) pi. ji\y» 

and jj^t, (S, M, A, Mgh, Msb, ¥.,) the latter 
agreeing with the sing., (Msb,) retaining the 
permuted letter, as is the case in jUct, pi. of 
Oe6. (IJ, M.) _ Also, accord, to the r>, [re- 
ferring to the three words above,] or [correctly] 
the red j3t*«, (^i»J1^5L©Jt,) which are forbidden 
to be used, (S, IAth, TA,) Certain things to 
ride upon, (w-£»l^>, S, IAth, K, TA,) used by 

tlte ^m.^\, (S,) or^LJt, (IAth, TA,) [meaning 

Persians or other foreigners,'] made of ^-L-jj or 

yijm. [silk brocade or other silk] : (S, IAth, K, 

TA :) or the red Sjl^t, (o'**-/^' h*e*>) for- 
bidden, in a trad., to be used, is a stuffed thing 
to ride upon, which is put upon a camel's saddle : 
(TA :) and the red SjJL-o which is put upon a 
horse's saddle is included in the prohibition. 

(IAth, TA.) Also, the first of the above 

three words, (M,)or all of them (KL) A garment 
or piece of cloth which is put as a covering over 
other garments or pieces of cloth. (M, IS..) __ 
Also, (accord, to the K [referring to the three 
words above,] or [correctly] yl*», (TA,) The 
skins of beasts of prey. (K, TA.) 

[ JJj &c. 
See Supplement.] 

Z . 


tf.j A kind of medicine ; (S, K ;) certain 
twigs, or rods, with which one fumigates ; (TA;) 
or which are used medicinally or remedially ; 

(T ;) [aeorum, (Golius,) or acorus ; sweet-cane, 
or, as some say, galangal : see Diosc., 1. i., 
c. 2., referred to by Golius :] thought by EI- 
Juwaleekco to be not pure Arabic ; i.e., an 
arnhicized word, from the Persian [«-_}] : (TA :) 
so says J. (S.) 

i. . I. ». 

1. Wj, (S, Msb, K,) aor. W^j, and some- 

i » <- a «■ 

times Ifcj, (Msb,) inf. n. N-j ; (TA ;) and 
♦ U.y ; (K ;) He beat, or struck, or smote, a 
person with his hand, (S*, K,) or with a knife, 
(S, Msb, K,) or the like, on any part. (Msb.) 
_ xLs. U.^, inf. n. S-.j, He beheaded him : 

syn. j-juc ^>yo. (S.) U.j \ Inivit fcmiuain. 

(K.) J~Jj| U.^, inf. n. *-j and fu.^, (or the 

latter is a simple subst., TA,) He beat the veins 
of the testicles of the goat between two stones, 
without extracting the testicles themselves : or he 
bruised or beat the goat's testicles until they 
broke, (K.,) and he became like one gelded. 
(TA.) You say also J^fllU-j. (S.) [See fUj.] 
iV*-.} Jle (a goat) had the operation termed »«.j 
performed upon him. (K.) — He was struck 
with a knife. (S.) — l».^ \ He bruised, or 

t.O « 

pounded, dates mw</7 they cohered. Hence ^-»-_j, 
q.V. (TA.) 

2: seel. A^jll U^j, inf. n. l^jm.^3, He 

found the well to be what is termed aU-3, 
[fern, of lp-y, q. v. : app- signifying without 
water]. (¥L.) 

4. &*& \c*.j\ He repelled from him ; removed, 
or put away, from him. (K*, TA.)__ U.^1 He 
came in search of a thing that he wanted, or 
in pursuit of game, and did not attain it. (K.) 
__ It (a well) failed ; i. e., its water ceased : 
or it contained no water. (TA.) [See also 

. oi 

jos 1 , a 

8. ^0-^-" VaJI 1 2V(e rfa/M became closely packed, 

or presxed together : (K :) //<."# topre bruised, or 
pounded, until they cohered. (TA.) 

*pj R« j and * U-^, and t ^U.^, ^4. water 
where there is no good : (KL :) [app., a source of 
wat.T where there is no herbage, or pasture ; or, 
moro probably, a source without water; or a 
water that has failed : see 2 and 4.] 

U.j and *U.j : see *^-j 'U . 

*l»-j, a subst., A striking with a knife or the 
like, on any part. (Msb.) [See also 1.] _ 
*U«£ The bruising of the v?ins of the testicles 
until they break, so that it is like gelding. (S.) 
[See also 1.] 

*[^2*j an d " 'yyy» A goat on which has been 


performed the operation called f-.^. (K.) [See 1.] 
— The latter is said to be used in a trad, as 
signifying Gelded. _ Also the latter, Struck 
with a knife. (S.) 

2£»j t Dales, (K,) or locusts, (ISk, S, £,) 
bruised, or pounded, and then stirred up with 
clarified butter (^>»w), or w«'M oil, and so eaten : 
(S, K :) or dates moistened with milk or with 
clarified butter, and then bruised, or pounded, 
until they are consolidated : (TA :) or dates 
bruised, or pounded, until the stones come forth, 
and then moistened with milk or with clarified 
butter so that they become macerated and co- 
hering, in which state they are eaten. (ISk, S.) 
_ Also, A cow. (IAar., }£..) 

l **y 

see 1 


... » • 0-0 • 

1. v-^j aor. «, * » .» , inf. n. <L*.^ (Lh, K) 

and v-^j (Lb) /< (a wall, or the like, Msb, or 
a house, or anything, Lh,) fell down. (Lh, JS., 

Msb.) See <t>»^. — <-"»vj, inf. 11. <u»), 7/ 

fell to the ground. (TA.) _ i^j docs not 

signify a single act ; but is an inf. n. in an 

absolute sense, unrestricted to the signification 

s j. 
of a single act : ex. um*£i\ <L^ The falling of 

the sun, in setting. (TA.) — \->5-*>- CmM 'ili 
[Kur. xxii. 37,] is said to signify And when 
their sides fall down upon the ground : or and 
when their souls depart, and they fall down. 

(ta.) __ J^L\ ^.;, (s, k:,) i..f. ... ^ 

• J J #.0 « 

and w>>^) Cs) am ' **^5 (sec above), J7/<' sun 

set. (S, K.) — £e*i\ c4*J t ?^ e «ye «"»*, or 

became, sunk in the head. (^.)_» T -^.^ J (§, K,) 

aor. ^-^i, inf. .1. v>^*5 »"*! >r-^y«, (TA,) Tie 

/«•« down and died : (S :) he died. (£.) 

Hudbeb Ibu-Kl.ashram says, 

Ji .<». .0- . J. iO*. 

• out JU-fi OU N <U cJli-i • 

[And I said to him, Let not thine eye weep ; for 

by my own hands is occasioned what I experience, 

now that my death has come to pass]. By s-*-*-« 

he means Oye. (TA.) __ [Sec also <L»-« 

which seems to bo a third inf. 11. of the verb in 

... ■* . 

this sense] __ v»-j, (aor. >,.«> j , TA,) inf.... 

*t'«*-J ( Tl1 ^ ?,) and ^m.^ and £>&■) (K) and 

* ' J f.o. 

w>y».j and a-».j, (TA,) // (the heart) palpitated, 
beat, throbbed ; (K ;) was agitated, or in a stats 
of commotion. (S.) — ^i*$\ >^a-j, and * -,r- : » - , 
The camels could scarcely arise from the places 
where they lay down. (TA.) __ ^-»-j, [aor. 

JJO. ft , j j 

^^j,,;,] inf. n. i-^a-j, He was cowardly, or 
pusillanimous. (S, K.) __ <U» <u^ i/" e a'rove 
Aj'j?» back, or turned him back, from it, (K ) 
when he had long kept to it. (Nawadir el-Aarab.) 



'J' A,) ate once a day. (Th, K ) See Llj • = 
»***J> aor. v^i, inf. n. vw (S,K,)and l^-, 
(K,) It (a thing) uw, or became, necessitated, 
necessary, requisite, or unavoidable : it was bind- 
ing, obligatory, incumbent, or due : syn. j>$ • 
(S, K, Mel> ;) [lit. accord, to some, it fell on a 
person: see 4;] and c-y, (Telweeb,) which 
moans nearly the same as J»p. (TA.)_ . For 

a fuller explanation see its syn. J^.. [In 
the science of the fundamentals of religion, It 
necessarily was or existed; was a thing of 
which the nonexistence could not be mentally 
conceived : as is the essence of God, (Ibr.D.)] 
_ [QJb *jU H*» J < or Uss JiiJ ,ji, S«rA a 
(Ainy, or rAe dotny o/ *wcA a /Ai'no-, tea* &i'«d- 
iny, incumbent, or obligatory upon him ; was 
unavoidable to him; lay on him; was his 
necessary, or indispensable duty : or was bind- 
ing, incumbent, or obligatory upon him, by 
God's express appointment, so that he would be 
punished for neglecting it j and it was that which 
should be preferred and approved. See v*-'j .] 
_ See also another explanation, afterwards. __ 

£«N V"*a» aor - *r-*-i» inf - n - *•*■ ( L1 'j ?, Msb) 
and v>*-3 (Lb, Msb) TAe »a/e twu, or became, 
binding, or obligatory ; (Msb, TA ;) ratified, 
fixed, settled, decided, or determined; (Msb ;) 
completed, accomplished, or concluded ; it had, 
or tooA, e^ecf ; «'{ wai extended, or performed ; 
or i* »a«, or became, effectual; (TA:) and 
*W €»«*»Jj «•?• d/, q. v. (M, iu art. C-*.) 
_ It is said in a trad., j^k. ^jx. i^JI {j\£s \\\ 

v^J •*** [ W'A«n <Ae *a/e i* optional, it is bind- 
ing, or obligatory] : i. e., whon one says, after 
the contract, " Take thy choice to reject the 
sale, or to make it effectual," and the person so 
addressed chooses to do the latter, the sale is 
binding, even if the two parties have not yet 
separated. (TA.) — In liko manner, J«L)I ^-i>J, 
inf. us. as above, The right, due, or claim, was, 
or became, bindinj, or obligatory ; or fixed, 
settled, decided, or determined. (Msb.)_ «^.».« 
«r-*-y', "if. n. *<+>j: (TA: [unexplained; but 
following S-—-.5 as signifying " n, bet, &c. :" 
app. meaning The bet, wager, or stake, became 

due, or inrumhent] [dJx. ^i.^ // wajj or 

became, necessitated, necessary, requisite, or 
unavoidable, for him to do, or suffer, such n 
thing ; and hence, sometimes, it was, or became, 
binding, obligatory, or incumbent, on him.] _ 
J^ill «,J« ^-«- 5 [The saying or sentence became 
necessitated to lake effect upon him ; or it became 
requisite that the saying or sentence should take 

effect upon him.] Jol, in xxxvi. 6, &c [ yi» j 

L& 4J jSmcA n M»'n«7 wa*, or became, due to him ; 
as, for instance, a reward, or a punishment.! __ 

30, ...... J 

jail a~U «,«•») [Slaughter was, or became, his 
due.] (TA, in art. ^, &c) 

*• u*jj* ^i *r*rj> ""• »• v i» > i| -«e Mrew 
Aim rfowa upon <Ae ground. (S.) — — ^->*-j > inf. n. 
vt^y, 7%^ ramr/ /ay upon his breast with 
folded legs, falling down upon the ground. 
(TA.) _ C-.» j , inf. n. ^ r --*.y, SAe (a camel) oe- 
came mil hi ess: (TA:) or [Aer /nestings coagulated 
in her udder : see ^-»-_j]. __ ■^.-■■j, (inf. u. 
*r*t*-y>> K,) .ffe was fatigued, tired, or tceary : 

(S, $:) said of a camel. (S.) UOI v-*»J> 

inf. n. v' i ff.y » r«e /nestings coagulated in the 
udder. (K.) en ^JLj, (inf.n. ^^.y, TA,) 
77e milked (a camel, K,) Au< once in <Ae course 
o/eofiA rfay and ni^Af. (S,.KL.) -_ s^), inf.n. 
^r^-y, He accustomed himself, (Lh, S,) in 
which case you also say a- jLJ v-I-^, (Lh,) and 
his family, or household, and his horse, (Lh, K,) 
to eat but one meal (]£) j'n the course of each day 
and night. (Lh, S.) — See 1. = ^,1^ He 
took, got, or won, a bet, wager, or stake, at a 

shooting-match or race. (L, in TA, voce -^>'jj .) 

3 : Bee 4. 

4 - *•**' (?» K,) and * ijl^ (K:) but this 
latter is by some rejected, (TA,) He (God, S) 
made it, or rendered it necessary, requisite, or 
unavoidable; necessitated it; made it, or aV- 
clared it to be, binding, incumbent, or obligatory : 
(S, }£. :) [lit. accord, to some, he made it to fall 

on a person : see Jbjs.] i!jl v^j'. (Lh, 

S,) inf. ii. <v»l%tfl, (Lh,) He made, or rendered, 
or declared, the sale binding, or obligatory ; 
(Msb, TA ;) ratified it ; made, or rendered, it 
fixed, settled, decided, or determined ; (Msb ;) 
completed, accomplished, or concluded; effectual. 

(TA.) ^Jl ilj ^s>. s ) He made the sale to 

thee to be binding, or obligatory ; £c, (Lh, K.) 
__ In like manner, ijJI t^i^ inf. n< a'^ f t 

and wJ^-> J (Lh ; in quoting whoso words, the 
author of the IC has made an omission, so as to 
cause it to appear that these two words are inf. 
us. of v^l ; TA ;) He, with his (another's) 
concurrence, made the sale to him to be binding, 

or obligatory ; $c. (TA.) l£i «li* ^"-jt 

[He made a thing, or declared it to be, binding, 
obligatory, or incumbent, upon him ; or unavoid- 
able to him]. (TA.) ttiuUt *jU s^jt He 

necessitated the sentence to take effect upon him ; 

syn. -tin. and <H».\ . (TA, in art. J»-.) v »j| 

Zfc d«'a" a great sin, or an art of great goodness, 
making [the punishment of] hell, or [the reward 
of] paradise, the consequence thereof [unless 
followed by different conduct $c] : (S, £ :) he 
committed sins for which he who should punish 
him would be excusable, because he deserved 

punishment. (IAar, in TA, art. \>£ .) It is 

said, in a trad., that some persons came to Mo- 
hammad, saying, ^a-jI U L».Uj q\, i.e., 
Verily a companion of our's hath committed a 

[Book L 

sin- for which he has become deserving of hell : 
to which he replied, Command him to emancipate 

a slave [as an expiation]. (TA.) In another 

trad, it is said, j^J^lj i^l £ «^»y, mean- 
ing, He of whom three children, or two, have 
gone before him [to paradise] hath become entitled 
to paradise. (TA.) __ #1 *\ i^J| X ^jf 
It (an action) procured for him as a necessary 
consequence thereof [the reward of] paradise, or 
[the punishment of] hell; or made such to be to 
him a necessary consequence thereof; [unless 
followed by repentance $c. :] (S, £• :) [it re- 
quired for him paradise or hell.] mm [^.^j' 

U*» It necessitates, or renders necessary, such 
a thing It requires such a thing, as a neces- 
sary consequence It necessarily implies the 

coexistence of such a thing therewith. Used in 
physics &c, and jHsrlmps in classical writings 1 
— *•*• 0>*J »^~s»-jl means I regarded such a 
one's right or due: aud you say iUi ■c'x ii 
T?*. ^^i t 7 did that from regard to his right 
or due] (Har. p. 490) ; [and i' lu^l He made 
it, or declared it to be due to him], ___ [* :K j\ also 
signifies He affirmed it, he averred it; i. q. <c^*| a8 

contr.of alii And It necessarily occasioned it.] 

=a AeAe ^-.^1 He beat him, overcame him, in a 
case of laying a bet, wager, or stake, at a shoot- 
ing-malch or race. (TA.) = aJS &\ ^^..1 
God made his heart to palpitate, beat, or throb ; 
[to be agitated, or t'n a stale of commotion]. 
(Lh, $.) = Sec 1. 

8 - ^'V The !/ laid a bet, wager, or stake, 
one with another, at a shooting-match or race : 
as though one party of them made a thing 
binding, or obligatory, on another party of 
thorn. (TA.) 

10. « * / wl He had a right or Just title or 
claim, to it; deserved it; merited it; syn. 
4i»-iJ [q. v.] (S,K[.) See the act. part. n. below. 

— UjJ ^--^l «• g- **^£l J (TA, iu art. j*. ;) 
which means He did what necessitated sin ; 
(Ksli, Bd, Jel, in v. 10(5 ;) [was guilty of a sin ;] 
and deserved Us being said of him that he was a 

sinner. (Ksli.) jGl l^ ^.^11 iLl*L ^£»J 

[He committed a sin for which he became deserv- 
ing of hell]. (TA.) 

*->*>-5 and » *r-+y A she-camel whose nest- 
ings coagulate in her udder. ($.) __ ^»l».« 
Places in which water stagnates: (K :) pi. of 
«t-^3- (TA.) __ ^..j ^1 /arye *Ai„ „/ /fle ^, nd 
caWed tlL., made of the (complete, TA,) Aide of 
a he- goat: pi. 4»l*}. (AHn, £.) _ ^.j 

5<upt'd ; /oo/«A ; o//i«/e *en*e. (£.) ^.* * 

(S, EI) and ♦ v4i (?) and * iju^ (IAar, ^) 
and *«^.>« (IAar) A coward; cowardly; 
pusillanimous. (S, £, &c.) [The second and 
third, and more especially the latter, are probably 

Book I.] 

intensive epithets.] ass w-»-j A bet, wager, or 
stake, at a shooting-match (Lh, £) or a race. 
(I Aar ; and L in TA, voce ^ jti .) 

A*a»j inf. n. of w^»-j " it fell down, Ac," 
q. v. _ i^->JI s j££j *:'•*.'> a proverb, (S,) 
[(May a disease be) in his side, or (mag Qod 
afflict him, or smite him, with a disease) in his 
side, and mag falling down upon the ground, 
and dying, happen (or be the result thereof) ! 
i. e. Af <La»yt i>£Ai i\y a..*./ ; or <JJI <Uj 
~JI ***** jlj^. (Freytag, Arab. Prov. i. 156)]. 

— *-») A falling with a sound, or noise, 
such as that produced by the fall of a 
wall or the like : (S, 1£ :) [see 1, where it is 
given as an inf. n. unrestricted to the significa- 
tion of a single act :] or tho sound of a thing 

falling (Jfc.) and producing a sound such as 

•»a - 
above mentioned. (TA.) a «Lf.^ An eating but 

once in the course of a day and night : (S, ]£ :) 

or an eating but once in a day until the like 

eating in the following day : (]£ :) an inf. n. 

(Lh) [restricted to the signification of a single 

t .» . i » t. • f j 
act] : yon say, i^j J£»L> ^,^|L» Such a one cats 

but once (T) in the course of the day and night. 

(AZ, S.) [See alsoys^.0.] — In a trad, respoct- 

• • » ' t * 

mg the expiation of an oath, it is snid >># *tu 

i^-lj «La>.j t^ jfcLU S^Xfr [He shall feed ten 
poor men with a meal sufficient for a day and a 
night], (TA.) 

■ t^I^-j : sec wA»-j . 


A--fc.^ .4 r/m/y allowance of food ; or «fa«7y 
• » 
maintenance: syn. ii-bj : (K:) i.e., tt>Art< a 

roran u accustomed to allow himself [each day] as 
that which is necessary, and fixed : but tho word 

in the A is A^j, q. v. (TA.) K**} [A 

term employed in the case of] one's concluding a 
sale, and t/ien taking it [meaning what is sold to 
him] by regular successive portions, one after 
another, (AA, S, ]£,) or, as somo say, on the 
condition of his taking a portion of it every day, 
(TA,) until he has taken the whole of his V *j ■ 
(5 :) [which hence appears to signify both the 
act above described and also what is due to one 
of a thing purchased and taken in this manner; 
but more probably tho latter is tho only moaning 
intondod]. When a person has finished doing 
this, one says to him i&jtyj cjffiff ji [Thou 
hast taken the whole of what was due to thee of 
the thing purchased and taken by thee in the 
manner above described]. (§.) 

a . . 

[\jt}*'3 Obligatory, or incumbent: opposed 
I '. a 

to ^yUial.] 

VV.* and ^1*9 : see ^.^ . 

V^3 — £*J 

.£ S/at'n; (S:) dying; or dead. (TA.) 
So in the following verse of £eys Ibn-El- 
Khateem : 

*S mm * I i * 

• v-r'* jj» o^» lt* ^ o* • 

[TAe *ow* of ' Owf obeyed a commander who for- 
bade them to make peace until he was the first 

who was slain, or who died]. (S, TA.) as y^.1^ 

[act. part. n. of <**-*-} ; Necessary; requisite; 
unavoidable : binding, incumbent, or obligatory. 
In the science of the fundamentals of religion, 
Necessarily being or existing; of which the 
nonexistence cannot be mentally conceived: as 
the essence of God. (IbrD.)] __ Accord, to [the 
Imam] Aboo-Haneefeh, v-^ls [in matters of 
religion] is not so strong a term as ^oji : [and 
so may be rendered incumbent, or obligatory; 
or that which is a necessary, or indispensable, 
duty; yet not so decisively or manifestly shown 
to be such as that which is termed ^joji :] or, 
accord, to Esh-Shafi'oe, these two terms are 
syn., signifying [binding, incumbent, or obli- 
gatory, by OoaVs express appointment, as] a 
thing for neglecting which one will be punished : 
and v'^lj signifies that tohich should be pre- 
ferred and approved; thus explained by El- 
Khattabee as occurring in tho following trad. : 
j£~— sj£> Jl* s-^lj ifcHjJI jii. The 
ablution prescribed to be performed on Friday is 
an act which every one who has experienced a 
nocturnal pollution should prefer and approve. 
(TA.) as w^-l_j Jii [A verb expressing an 
event as a positive fact] is such, for instance, as 
in the phrase juj tU. J I U=> Ul CuJ [while I 
was thus, or in [this state, lo, or behold, Zeyd 
came]. (S, L, art. Jl.) 


great sin, and also an act of great goodness, 
which makes [the punishment of] hell, or [the 
reward of] paradise, the consequence thereof 
unless followed by repentance $c.] ($•) _ 
JU»»y <Z>\*?y JUU J>\ ^Ll [0 God, I ask 
of thee those things which will procure thy 
mercy f]. (T A, from a trad.) — See 

*•>« One who eats but once in the course of 
a day and a night. (AZ, §.) a ^-1U A beast 

of carriage that is frightened at everything. 

(ISd.) Not known to AM. (TA.) See 44-S 

in two places. 

• - t *.» t tit _ 
• } »*• " > !•■ r }'" ■• aUI Ood is worthy, or descrv- 

in 9> of praise ; has a right, or just title or claim, 
to it; deserves it; merits it: syn. <iJ) yk, and 

>i * • 3 

<*« * . ■ ; ,..«. (TA.) 

l - £*-lt* or ' £*fji, «nf-n. --^.j, He had 
recourse, or betook himself, to a thing or place, 
for protection or concealment. (L.) [As also 
•pmwm.}.] See 4. 

2 : sec 4. 

An effect ; that which is produced by 
an operating cause; a result; a consequence. 
(Msb.) = [^Ly» J»*^>, lit. An affirmed sen- 
fence; i.q. o^i* as coutr. of ^jil* ; virtually 

the same as * ^J* »^, an affirmative sen- 

* *. 
Lv*> > * A place wltere one falls down and 

dies; where one dies]. __ Jt ^\ 'ji 

Yf?*y», i.e.^^Ui ^Jl; The people went 
forth lo the places where they .should be pros- 
trated; or, as implied in l/te S, where they should 
full down and die; or where tliey should die!. 
(S.) am s^m+y, [and » *i+ y »] A cause; an 
efficient; that which produces, or effhts, any- 
thing. (Msb.) Beti^^^i^mm^^ 

A name of the month Ji^l (K) in ancient 
times. (TA.) 

t. j 

imm-y, A great sin for which one deserves 
punishment [in the world to route] : (TA :) or a 

4. *jM Aa**)! He compelled or constrained 
or necessitated him to have recourse to, or to 
betake himself to, him or it for protection or 
concealment or the like. (£.) _ c^l ■ t jl 
JTc curtained the house, or chamber, or /en/; (^, 
TA ;) Aun<7 a curtain upon it. {TA ) T ^ jy e 

held fast, and defended, a thing. (T.J — r TJ 1 . 
(L,$,)and t^ ( (^ TA>) or f —^ (M b 

tho L and CI£,) /< (a thing) appeared ; became 
apparent. (L, $.) _ J,,^! U ^. y The road 
became apparent or conspicuous lo us. (S.) _ 
jUl C ^<> ^ 1 The fire became apparent or con- 
spicuous. (S.) as £*^1 He reached, in digging, 
smooM rork, (S, ?,) whioh is called r U.j. 
(K.) = J^-Jl Aa>«.^l The urine oppressed him 
by his wanting lo void it. (S, L, r>.) 

% m m 

£*._} A ;>/acc to mAi'cA one Aa* recourse for 
protection or concealment; a place of refuge; 
an asylum: (L :) [as also ^l.j :] a place 
resembling a jU [or ca»c in a mountain], (L, K.) 

J-Uj and £u.j and ^, ( S> L, ?,) of 
which throo fonus IAar prefers the first, (L,) 
and sometimes the j is changed into I, and one 
says .Xl and ^.U.1 and jlu.1, (§,) and in one 
dial. ^Vj, indecl., with kesreh for its ter- 
mination, (L,) and ^f., (¥, in art. *.)».,) A 
thing by which a person or thing is veiled 
concealed, or hidden; a veil; a covering; a 
curtain. (S, L, £.) _ ^ yi ££ ^JS^, 
Such a one came having upon kirn nothing to 



veil, or conceal, him. (L.) — t-W-.} **$-» o-e' 
There is nothing that veils, or conceals, before, 
or in the may to, him, or it. (L.) — ^h <j~£ 
lU-j «4^ TWe U nothing that veils, or con- 
ceals, between me and him, or it. (L.) — r-^3 
Water in a tank or cistern sufficient to cover its 
bottom. (S.) _ L\L.'} The remains of a thing, 
such as property, &c. (Az.) _ R^J L5 8 *' ** e ^ 
f met him, he being the first object that I sarv. 
(S, K.) = Smooth roch. (K.) 


•■? : 
. i 

.- - 


£•-***■.•< : see^-^-. 

t>»^* A garmont closely woven, (S, £,) a»d 
ykVm : (S :) or 0/ c/o*e texture, and thick : or 
strong : or narrow and firm : (TA :) as also 
*L*3i (S, ?, TA:) from &K te^jl. 
(S.) __ j-+-y» A. smooth skin. (K.) = »-»->* 
Constrained, compelled, or necessitated, to have 
recourse to, or to betake himself to, a thing or 
place, for protection or concealment or 'Ac ft Ac ; 

•. ,» I. .. 

syn. l^JU. (L,$,TA [in the C£ UJU, which 

• .* « 
is the signification of »-»*j]) Az says, that tlic 

{- ' • . » * 

word which he retains in his memory is jt-o*-U, 

with tho -. beforo tho 9. 

ancl that the two 

words may ho two dial, forms. ^ ~^.yc, or 

», accord, to two different rolations of a 

v- ' 

trad, in which it occurs, Oppressed by the want 
to void his urine. (L.) 

thing. (L.) 

Ono n'Ao veils, or conceals, or hides, a 

i Sec 


~.y*.y» ^&4 A closed door : (S, K :) or a 
door before which is a curtain. (TA.) 

• a 

» Tj- {JHJ^ -^ conspicuous, open, wide 
road. (L.) 

1. aj^-j, aor. j^J and ji^, (S, L, Mali, #,) 
tho latter of tho dial, of the tribe of 'Amir (S, L, 
Msb) Ibn-Saasa'ah, (MF,) and without a parallel 
(S, L, Msb, ]£) in verbs of this class, (S, L, Msb,) 
the y in it being dropped because it falls out in 
the original form of the aor., (Msb,) both of 

which forms are said by several authors to apply 
to the verb in all its significations, though F 
seems to restrict the latter to two significations, 
(TA,) inf. n. lyij (S, L, Msb, $) and o 1 -*^ 
(L, Msb, $,) and 0^> ( IAar - L > £>) iu 
which the _j is changed into *, (L,) and >».j 
and juk.3 and Sjt*. ; (L, K ;) and »>^>>, aor. 
.vo~> j (]£ ;)'but this form of the verb is not 
found in the lexicons, [tho K only accepted,] 
(MF,) in the sense here assigned to it ; (TA ;) 
He found it; lighted on it; attained it; obtained 
it by searching or seeking ; discovered it ; per- 
ceived it; saw it; experienced it, or became 
sensible of it ; (F, in the K and in the Basair, 
on the authority of Abu-1-lfasim El-Isbahance ;) 
namely, a thing sought, sought for or aftor, or 
desired ; (S, L, £ ;) and simply a thing. (L.) 
jy»-5 is of several kinds. It is The finding, <J'v., 
by means of any one of the five senses : as when 

******* rr in 

one says ljuj Oj»j [i" found, efc, Zeyd] : 

j , • , j $ - , j * . .- j * • - 

and A«jLb Oj»j, and *Sm <\j, and Ajyo , and 

*** ' * • 

*r.\y,.m., [i found, or perceived, ofc., its taste, 

and its odour, and its sound, and Us roughness]. 

Also, Tho^ndm^, tj'c, by means of the faculty 

of appetite, [or rather of sensation, which is the 

cause of appetite :] as when ono says Ojuhj 

«11)1 [I found, experienced, or became sensible 

of, satiety]. Also, The finding, &c., by the 

intellect, or by means of the intellect : of which 

kind is one's knowing God : and here it should 

be observed, that iyr~} attributed to God is 

simple knowledge : (Abu-1-Kasim El-Isbahance, 

cited in tho Basair :) Aii\ j*-_j, wherever it 
occurs, means God knew. (Br-Raghib, Z, &c.) 

i.e., in the Knr-iin. (TA.) S*-) [He found, 

in the sense of] he knew [by experience], (A, 
TA, &c.) [In this sense, it is a verb of the 
kind called ^>^Jli.l JUil ; having two objoctive 
complements ; the first of which is called its 
noun, and tho second its predicate.] Ex. o>»-j 
i»U»*Jl li Ij^j I [found, or] knew Zeyd to 
possess t/tc quality of defending those things 
which should be sacred, or inviolable. (A.) 
Used in this sense, as doubly trans., its inf. n. 
is o'«*-»*\} (Akh) and >y*-)- (Seer.) It is also 
used as singly trans., as syn. with >0 J* . (TA.) 
_ When J*rj signifies he found, or lighted on, 
a thing after it had gone away, its inf. n. is 

Ol SL 3 . (IKtt.) &UI S^-i, (S, A, Msb,) 

aor. ,.*», 1 (Msb) and o>w, (MF,) inf. n. 0'<***r5 
(S, Msb) and jlj (Msb) [He found the stray 

beast] \jL JJi Of J-(-l Jt for which 01ie 

also says ju».l Jj>, I found no means of avoiding, 
or escaping, that. (Kz, TA.) — «*»-3j (L,) 
and gOl t5». «**>5j (Fs, T, S, L, Msb,) and 

•Mj J* 11 *W>*« ( L ^» M ' *W BOr ' «*^» ( L ^> 

[Book I. 
» j • » - 

M, L, 1%,) inf. n. j*.^ and j^ and >«.j and 
W (Lh, T, S, M, K) and J,!^ (T, L) and 

j^»-3, (Tz,) flie became possessed of wealth, or 
property : (T :) or Ac roa*, or became, rich ; 
possessed of competence, or sufficiency ; in no 
need ; without wants, or roi'A /<?w wants ; (S, M, 
L, K ;) so as not to be poor afterwards : (L :) 
and he gained, acquired, or earned wealth. 
(Exps. of thr- Fs.) Hence tho saying of tho 
Arabs, ^^1 'Ji\ ^JJu Cwf^l O***} \. The 
possession of money hides the weakness of judg- 
ment of the weak in judgment]. (T, L.) = 
lAs. j^-j, (S, L, £, Ac.) aor. J^J (Fs, M, L, K) 

and Jkij'; (M, L, K ;) and a»j.j, as hoard by 
Fr from certain of the Arabs ; (Kzz ;) inf. n. 
\j+y>, (Fs, S, A, L, Msb, £,) by some pre- 
nouueed oj>».y«, (Fr,) and j*-j and 5^. (L, If) 

and o' J^-J ( L b, S, M, L) and jjr^j (Fr, If«) 
lie was angry with him : (Fs, S, A, L, Msb, ]£) 
or A« rocw angry with him with the anger that 

* *' \ 
proceeds from a friend. (TA, voco *,-& .) ■■ 

^ J^.j, (aor. J-rt, L,) inf. n. j--^, flc /ooed 
Aim. (L, £.) Wj |ii.j,(A f L,)and * **■?, 
(A.) He loved her; (A, L ;) he loved her pas- 
sionatcly or fondly. (L.) o-^ l^ *• He 
has a love [or passionate or /ond /ore] /t»r Aer. 
(A.) a ^ , [aor. J^ ,] ('Eyn, Fs, S, L, Msb, 
&c.,)and j»-3, [aor. •*•-*,] (El-Hejoree, M,^,) 
the latter the only form mentioned in the K, 

but the former is the only form generally known, 

,i , • • » 

(MF, TA,) and j^j, (Lh, M, L.) inf. n. ^.j, 

(S, L, Msb, ^, &c.,) He grieved; mourned; 
sorrowed. (S, L, Msb, JL, Ac.) You say, i>I#^ 
a^, (Msb,) and 4J * C>J^y, (S, L,) / grieved, 
mourned, or. sorrowed, for such a one. (S, L," 
Msb.) Ibn-Hishim El-Lakhmee says, that in 
this sense .*».« is not transitive : (MF:) [i.e., 

'* ■ * ' ' 

without a prep.]. ^^*J-^» (mf. n. *>»*.> A, 

Msb,) It existed ; it became existent (A, Msb) 
from a state of nonexistence. (S, L, If.) 

4. »bl ij*.y He (Gcxl, S, A, L) made him 
to find, attain, or 06'atn, it; (Lh, S, A, L, ^ ;) 
namoly, the thing that he sought, sought for or 
after, or desired ; (S, L, ?i) <" » Btrav bea9t - 

(A.) ij-.y He (God, S, &c.) enriched him ; 

made him to be possessed of wealth or property ; 
to be possessed of competence or sufficiency; to 
be in no need, or without wants, or with few 
wants. (S, A, L, ?.) Ex. tfjl ^» Z^l 

juU ^ ^^i ^* ^' ^.^' PraUe 
be to God who enriched me after poverty and 
strengthened me after weakness. (S, L.) — He 
strengthened him after roeaAnew ; like M»l. 
(K.) [But see what immediately precedes.] = 
^^1, (inf. n. aVi}, TA,) He (God) made it ; 
meaning, created it ; originated it ; caused it to 

Book I.] 

•>«— >J 


L, K) and 0^3- ( L > ?■) 

Jawj ^IC* .4 ;>Zace aboutiding with il >.}> ph 
ofJk»._j. (K.) 

> ,. . ' ~" * * * * 

1. Dja-j, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and Ijj »j»-j, 

(AZ, A,) [or !;>*■>] aor. *^-J, (Msb,) inf. n. 
jtf.y, (AZ, K;) and ♦ »>»-jl, [which is the more 
common,] (S, A, Mgh, Msb, TA,) and tl^j »jf-^, 
or \jy*}, (TA,) inf. n. jU-jJ; (Msb;) He put, 
or poured, medicine into his (a child's, S, or sick 
person's, Msb) mouth ; (AZ, K ;) iw/o any part 
of his mouth : (ISk, ISd :) or into the middle of 
his mouth : (S, Mgh :) or into his fauces: (Msb :) 
with a Sja. : .e : (A :) and tl^M 'jt-^ [he poured 

(K ;) urffl any part of the mouth: (ISk, ISd :) 
or into the middle of the mouth : (S, Mgh :) or 
into the fauces: (Msb:) or into the middle of 
tlie fauces : (TA :) of a child, S, TA, or sick 
person; (Msb;) with a ij»*~». (A.) — AIho 
the former, \ [A thing which one is made to 
hear and which lie dislikes, or hates:] a subst. 
from oj**j in the last of the senses explained 
above. (£.) 

t - 4' * 

j a. >* (S, K) ii rid ojz*~t* (A, K) A thing like 

9 • J 

</«e kx_o , with which medicine is put, or poured, 
(S, K,) into the mouth, (K,) or into tlie middle 
of the mouth, (S,) [or into the fauces.] 

be or exist, or to come to pass; brought it into ' it stagnates : (L:) or a pool: (L :) and (some j^.^ (S, A, Mgh, Msb, $) and j^-j (£) 
existence (S, L, Msb, £) from a state of non- say, TA) a la«/i, or cistern: (K:) pi. i^ (S, j Medicine which is put , or poured, into the mouth ; 
existence, (Msb,) not after the similitude of any- 
thing preexisting. (TA.) »j^ in this sense is 
not allowable. (S, L, KL.) 

6. tjlf^i He complained of it ; namely, sleep- 
lessness by night, (L, K,) &c, (£,) or a par- 
ticular affair. (L.) as See 1, in two places. 

6. j*-1j3 He feigned, or made a show of, 
love [or passionate love]. (A.) 

•• ' > !' •• ' i i 

j»* and «>»■ : see ju^ ; and see 1. 

j^j and ▼ J»-j and » J»-j [and » »^- &<;., 
see 1,] (the first of which is the most chaste, 
1Kb, MP) Richness, or competence, or sufficiency; 
state of being in no need, or of having no wants, or 
/c/» wanto: (M,L,K:) aM/ity; capacity; poicer. 

(M, L.) -_ (Jj44 O-o '^* r/ "* " a mwto °/ 
my power, or ability. (It.) 

JL.1), act. part, n of 1, Finding ; or a finder ; 
Ac. (L.) — Rich; possessing competence, or 
sufficiency ; in no need ; without wants, or wif/* 
/en> wants; (L ;) solvent; one who finds that 
wherewith to pay what lie owes. (A'Obcyd, L.) 
Ex. i^'yU J*Jt J^-iyi ij The solvent man's 
putting off tlie payment of his debt with promises 
repeated time after time makes his punishment 
allowable. (L, from a trad. See Mgh art. ^.) 
JVuHj as an epithet applied to God, He who 

has no wants. (IAth,L.) = 4*».U ^Ae <*+^2*> 

— *' 

He is angry with his companion. (A.) = lit 

/JLl) J»-tj I am able to do the thing. (Msb.) 
bob ii^Li# Mf\) y» , and lyJL*, and T .w»-j~o, //<• « 
in love [or passionately in love] with such a 
female. (A.) _ J*-j is mentioned in the 
Towsheeh as a pi. of j».tj ; but this is strange. 

ijf-y, part. n. of jm-j, Being, or existing ; 
come to pass : (S, L, £ :) or, as an irreg. pass. 
part. n. of »J*rj\, caused to be, or exist; or to 
come to pass ; brought into existence : (MF :) 
pi. C»\'»^fy» : which is a term applied to three 
kinds of things : namely, that which exists and 
has neither beginning nor end ; and such is only 
God : that which exists and has a beginning and 
an end ; as the substances of the present world : 
and that which exists and has a beginning but 
no end ; as men in the world to come. (TA.) 
_ [Present.] — iyry» A thing within one's 
power ; over which one has power. (Msb.) 


1. 'jL'}, •-, inf. i). SJUJ (A, Msb, TA) and 

tlie water into his mouth : or into the middle of ja-j, (M, TA,) [It (an expression, or speech, or 
his mouth : cr into hi* fauces]. (A'Obcyd.) — language,) was brief, or concise : or] it (an ex- 

" i .. J , IP ,. > '* a ut"' ,£ i /A'r»i„.„j pressionl mas brief, and quickly intelligible: 

^1 W ! (IKtt ;) or ^1 ' W l, (A Obeyd, K J J t J » 

C. C , i (Msb :) or it (a man s speech) was of few words; 

S, A, K,) which latter onlv is allowable;!^ ' „ ' ' J J 

(A'Obeyd.S;) or the latter is what is com-j( A i) as also *>^jl, said of language: (A,*:) 
monly known, but the former may be a dial. ' or bolh "S"^ U ( la "g na S e ) »" •//«• ™ r ?*> 
form thereof; (IAth;) and £#iy \'^ .\™th Aoauenec. (M, TA.) -. Oku J> J4- J( 
(Lth;) X He pierced him in his mouth toith tlie j aor. '.; (A, ^;) or d^£» ^J ; (Msb;) and 
spear : (A, K :) or in his breast, or chest : (Lth, ■ **» jf.j, aor. jm~j ; inf. n. SjUvJ ; (A, fy. ;) of 
S, IKtt ;) and »jll)W »j^-i, inf. n. *jL 3 , occurs t]ie formcr verb . ( TA .) an( i [ f t h e latter] jLj 
in a trad., signifying, J he pierced him with the ^ J^y . ^ ^ ;) and ^ f>j| . (Mfb ;) 
sword. (IAth, TA.) _ And in like manner [//e |MJ ^ Qr conc , w ; t -; /ti , .^^ or / aM . 
you say, i!i» f •jitf t ["PP- H« infused into j ^^ . M(|fr ^^iil : or] Ac ma* o//«w wor<ii 
Aij/i TwaM, or rage]. (A'Obcyd, TA.) — Also, in /„-, vccc / t . ( A , K :*) or Ae mas brief, and 


jk»-j ^4 ins/1, or round, hollow, or cavity, in 
a mountain, (S, L, K,) t'n roAtVA water collects, 
(§,) or ivAtcA retains water, (L, K,) a»a* in roAtcA 

«^o-j, aor. tjafj, inf. n. j»-j, t J3T* marfe him to 
hear what he disliked, or /»a<cd: (K, TA :) but 
the form commonly known is ™ ojf-^, as 
A'Obcyd says. (TA.) 

4 : see 1, throughout. 

5. ja-p He swallowed a medicine (K, TA) by 
little and little, or by degrees. (TA.) _ He 
drank water against his will. (Aboo-Kheyreh,K.) 

8. j^Jl, (S, K,) originally j^l, (S,) He 
physiced himself with the medicine termed jj»-j . 
(S, TA.) 

jVj and jU^ The Iwle, or ilen,(js»s^, A, K,) 
or subterranean habitation, (^j-i, T, S,) of the 
hyena, (T, S, A, $,) &c, (A, ?[,) or, and the 
like, (T,) such as the lion, and the wolf, and the 
fox, and the like : (M, TA :) pi. [of pauc] SJa^'l 
and [of mult.] j*j. (^[.) A poet uses the ex- 
pression ^Uj v^^, a PP'y'"g jWj metaphori- 
cally to the place of the dog: but it is not 
improbable that the correct relation may be cllo 
jUm : though it mav be allowable to call hyenas 
V^^> a8 he r young ones are called ~\pe. (M.) 

quickly intelligible, in his language: (Msb:) or 
*j»jl signifies he was quick andbrief'm speaking. 
(Nh. TA.) See this latter verb below. =j»-3 
aaJJI : sec 4. 

4 : see 1, in four places, ass JaiJJt j*.)\ [He 
made the expression brief, or concise ; and in like 
manner, the speech, or language : or] lie made 
the expression brief, and quickly intelligible; as 
also * o]*Vs> aor - *j*-i '• (Msb:) or a^£o j*.}\, 
(A, K,) inf. n. JljLjt, (A,) he made his language 
to be of few words: (A, K:) or^Ct jtf^ he 


abridged tlie language ; (S ;) t. q. «^cuA.I ; though 
there is a logical distinction between the two, for 
the mention of which this is not the place: (M, 
TA :) the difference is said to be this ; that the 
formcr signifies he expressed the correct meaning 
concisely, mitltout regard to the original mords ; 
and the latter, " he curtailed the words, preserv- 
ing the meaning." (MF, in art, j**-.) — 
alfajdl^».jt He made the gift jtrompt, or speedy : 
(A, I£ :) or he made tlie gift little, or small. 

(L, TA.) sbs ^^iJI ^ j*+j\ He hastened and 
completed, or made certain, the slaughter of the 
slain man; i. q. *Jlft jy».l. (Abu-1-Mikdam 
Es-Sulamee, in TA, art. ja^J .) 


* - - 
6. »,j«iJl >*■>• ■#« sought, asked, or demanded, 

the accomplishment of the thing ; sy n. ^a. -"» : 
(S, K :) Ae sought, asked, or demanded, it ; syn. 
» w»U I ; (£ ;) fln<f asked for its accomplishment ; 
»>*— J meaning «jUJ Jlij aI^JI. (TA.) 

• » » 
J^.j Quickness; speed; haste. (TA.) As an 

epithet, applied to a man, (TA,) Qut'c/t of motion 
(£, TA) in *Aa< roAt'cA Ae i^in* .- (TA :) fem. 
with S : (£:) and </«*cA, applied to a camel. 
(TA.) — Also, applied to a mar:, (TA,) Prompt. 
or quick, in giving. (£.) — Also, jm-j (S, K) 
and *>s^ (S, A, Msb) and *>.lj (TA) and 
* j+y (S, £) and *>»■>*, (S,) applied to an 
expression, (Msb,) or language, (S, A, K, TA,) 
[Brief, or concise :] or brief, or quickly intel- 
ligible; (Msb :) or consisting of fem words : (A, 
TA:) or abridged: (S :) or light, or easy, 
(«-*(•**•, Kl, TA,) anrf keeping within just, or 
moderate, bounds : (TA :) and all these epithets 
(all but the last accord, to the K, and the last 
also accord, to the TA,) are likewise applied to 
the thing, or an affair, [app. meaning, small, or 
slight, or the like :] (£, TA :) and the first is 
also applied to a gift, and to beneficence, mean- 
ing, little, or small. (TA.) 

" '* 
syn. j+JA. (A.) So in the Rlur, [xx. 70,] 

"*e*- *^£> u* cr^} 1 * ^*rf A« conceived in his 
mind a fear: (Aboo-Is-hak, S:) and ♦ J-»-y 
signiGes the same : (S :) or the above words of 
the KLur. signify he perceived, or felt, and con- 
ceived, in his mind a fear ; (K;) and in like 
manner in the same book, [xi. 73, and] li. 28 : 
or, as Aboo-Is-hak says, in one place, w*te}\ 
signifies fear fell into his mind. (TA.) See 
also l.and 5. 

Hcejm.], in two places. 

• • •• ' 

y*-y» and j*ry»- see >».j, in two places. — 

j*yy» : [so in the L and TA: it may be either j^.ye 
or j*-y :] One of the names of [the month of] 
ji-e : [app. for one or other of the reasons men- 
tioned voce jk*o :] thought by ISd, to be an 
appellation used in the time of the tribe of 'Ad 
[who arc also said to have called this month 
^li]. (L,TA.) 

jV<-« [Brief, or concise, in speech;] a man 
who uses few words in speech and in reply, &c. 
(IDrd, £,• TA.) 

1. w*n, aor. \j*fii inf. n. ,_^»-j and ^jl^m.^, 
Be was frightened at some sound, or other thing, 
that fell into his mind, or ear. (TKi .) [See also 
u-*-3> below ; and sec 4, and 6.] This com- 
bination of letters generally denotes the per- 
ception of a thing of which one bears not any 

sound. (Sgh.) — '^j-^l v~*-2> [ aor - a PP- as 
above,] inf. n. L ^-»j, «. q. ^.A*- [app. meaning 
The thing was unperceived, or hardly perceived, 
by the eye, or ear, or mind; was hidden, or 
concealed; was low, faint, gentle, or soft, to the 
ear; or was obscure to the mind]. (TKtt.) 

2 : see 5, last signification but one. 

4. u"-*-j' Be conceived a thing in his mind ; 

8. tr*->> He listened to (S, A, K) a sound, 
(A,) or a low, faint, gentle, or soft, sound. (S, 
K.) Ex. Ijfb, L^jfcjj [Be listened to a low, 
sound], occurring in a poem of Dhu-r-Rummeh : 
or, as some say, it means he perceived a low 
sound, and listened to it, being in fear. (TA.) 
[See also 4, where another signification of the 
same verb is mentioned ; and see 1.] And 
VyJIjI " . j .. i ». y .,A Tlieir ears (referring to camels) 
listened, or endeavoured to hear. (IB, [in a 
marg. note in my copy of the TA, art. sj-j\.]) 
— [Hence,] jCa.^1 ^c u-«^>» & e sought to 
learn the news, or tidings, without ot/iers knowing 

of him. (AZ, in TA, voce ^.JLj.) Also, 

ui"^ 1 C.i n fc ^ S The ear heard a low, faint, gentle, 

or soft sound; as also t c~JLj. (TA.) Also, 

\j-*-yi He tasted food, and beverage, time after 
time, little and little at a time. (K.) 

10 : see 5. 

• • • 
v**.} A fright of the heart : (S :) or fright 

that falls into the heart, or into the ear, from a 
sound or some other thing ; (Lth, A, K ;) as also 
» ^jl— •*.*,. (K.) [See 1, of which each is an 
inf. n.] _ A low, faint, gentle, or soft, sound. 
(A'Obeyd, S, K.) [And particularly The sound 
denoted in the words here following, and ex- 
plained in a former art., voce jii.] It is said 
in a trad., v-t-jr 1 ! O* \jv>i meaning, He forbade 
a man's being with his slave-girl, or Am wife, 
when another female would hear their low sound. 
(K,* TA.) And in another it is said, respecting 
the same case, that they used to dislike [what is 
termed] ,^-fc.^l . (S.)n See also JU-^t. 

O*— ^-j '■ sec 1, and 

[Boor I. 

and motions ; for], accord, to Es-Sukkaree, u-^-3 
means uXii. (TA.) 

^jj An opinion, idea, or object of tltought, 
bestirring itself, or occurring, in tJie mind; syn. 
J^-U, (S, $,) i. e.,>W. (TA.) 

» * *t 

u-fcjl A little of food, and of beverage. (5-) 

One says, tr-.jl «jl£ c«5i U / tasted not, at 
his abode, any food ; '(El-Umawee, S ;) and [in 
like manner] t CLj. (TA.) And *5UL .J U 
tr^jl TViere w no< t'n hit skin a drop : thus the 
phrase is given, without the mention of beverage : 
or a drop of water. (TA.) It is said that the word 
is not used except in negative phrases. (TA.) 
— Also, u-i-j'i)! and J*lj^l (S, ?) the latter 
on the authority of Yaakoob, (S, TA,) but the 
former is the more chaste, (TA,) Time; syn. 
j*jM. (S, Ki.) Hence the saying, (TA,) iuil "^ 
cr"-y»t J-rt-^, (S, K,) and yJ-^l, (S,) 1 

will not do it ever. (ISk, S, K.) And iiiil N 

' ' In ' * ' ' • ' 
y-o-j^l LTT«~ft y jmi/s f ,> I will not do it while 

time lasts. (El-Farisee.) 

[£*-*. &c. 
See Supplement.] 

It. y. 1. ^->»-j, inf. n. ia-^j, £"« u^ercrf a 
sound accompanied by a hoarseness, roughness, 
harshness, or grufnexs, of the voice : (S, Kl :) 
he made his breath to reciprocate in his throat, 
so as to be audible, by reason of cold ; (TA :) 
he blew upon his hand by reason of intense cold. 
(?, K.) 

,^-U.^ is syn. with ^)l* [Knowing, Ac.] ; and 
therefore made trans, by means of «_> in the say- 
ing of Aboo-Dhu-eyb, 

* ^^f) a-a)l jIjoj »r» ji • 

[An intelligent person, acquainted with the cir- 
cumvention of game : see •JjG] : (M, art. ^ja :) 
(ISd holds it to be a possessive epithet, since it 
has no known verb [of a suitable meaning that 
is unaugmented] : or [the meaning of these 
words is, a person possessing skill in circumvent- 
ing game, a listener, or attentive, to their sounds 

£**•* A strong man, (L, tj,) who breathes 
hard at his ivork by reason of his briskness and 

vigour; (L ;) as also » ££»*. (£.) Also 

the former, (L, £,) and the latter, (L,) A quick, 
or prompt, and sharp-spirited, man. (L, £.) _ 
Also the former, (S, K,) and the latter, (S,) A 
light, or an active, or agile, man. (As, S, K.) 
__ Also both words, A lord, or chief: pi. 
pjU.^ and a»._jU.j. (L.) — Also both words, 
A barking, or howling, dog. (L, Ki.) 

• • 

*-\y*-2 : see what precedes. 

w>Vj A disease that attacks camel*. (#, 
TA.) By some written vVj ; [and so in the 
CK ;] but the correctness of this is improbable. 

<^—~-} >»U1» Food in which is no good. (L.) 

1. jL'}, aor. ja^j ; (T, L, Msb ;) and j».», 
(Lh, M, L, K,) aor. jta.^ (Lh) and j«J ; ($ A 

Book 1 J 

with the latter aor., like ijy, aor. £>y. ; but J+-) 
with this aor. is not mentioned by the lexico- 
logists or grammarians [except F] ; (MF j) [and 
its aor. is therefore probably jj»-y_, only, agree- 
ably with analogy, for which reason it seems to 
be omitted in the M;] and j»j, (Lh, M, L, 
Mfb, £,) aor. also J^; (K ;) but this is 
without a parallel, and without any authority 

[except F] ; (MF ;) or j^-y. ; (L ;) [but this is 

also extr., and is probably a mistake for J*-y, 

which is the form agreeable with analogy ;] 
inf. n. 5j». (T, M, L, Msb, K) and j£.j (M, 
L, £) and j^j fL) and Sji-j, (L, K,) or 
Sjk»-_j, (ns in some copies of the K and in the 
TA) and lylj (K) and &U.J (M, L, Msb, K) 
and »iy*-j ; (K ;) He, or it, was, or became, 
alone, by himself or itself, apart from others ; 
(T, L, Msb ;) as also [♦ j^Jt ; and ♦ j^-y ; 
and] ♦ jkw.5i.-l; (A':) he mas, or became, alone, 
without anyone to cheer him by hi* society, com- 
pany, or conversation : (L :) he remained alone, 
by himself, apart from others; (Lh, M, L, 
£ ;) as ulso * JuLj3. (M, L, £.) See also 5, 

J ftj 4 0' 

2. o,**^, (inf. n. .x^y, K,) JZe »»a«fe »'* one; 

# a- 
or ca/<W it one ; ( K :) like as one says sU, and 

JcSj: (S, L:) as also »j£'l. (TA.) Similar 

verbs are formed from the other nouns sig- 

nificaiit of numbers, to S^lc. (Esh-Sheyb&nee, 

I. ft* * ' '* rr • . 

5.) __ ajIjji*^ .**>-•,, or UjU£, i/« remained one 
night with his wife: and in like manner the verb 
is used in relation to any saying or action. 

(TA, voce **-.) — «i)l J>»»j, inf. n. jw-jj, .He 
asserted, or declared, God to be one ; he asserted, 
declared, or preferred belief in, tlie unity of Ood : 
as also *ju»>l. (T, L.) — J^ybl The belief in 
Ood alone ; (L, £ ;) in his unity. (L.) 

4. <«-JU- <uJl Jk^jt [OW rendered him soli- 
tary] ; i.e., he remained alone ; (K ;) or was 

****s\ j 
made to remain alone. (L.) — _ (ij^^ll) oju»-_)l 

.He fc/i Aim [«/one] to Me enemies. (L, K.) _ 

«j»)t He (God) made him the unequalled one 

of his time : (S, L, K : ) made him to have no 

f(/Hi/. (A.) — ^Ul ojk»-^l 77te people Zc/H 

.- Tv 'ftJJjft^l* 

him alone, or fty himself. (L.) — ^l* ^J^s', 

inf. n. 3W-I , [J singled him by my sight;] I 
saw none save him. (S, L.) __ O j»jl iS/ic 
(a ewe) brought forth one only : (S, K. :) like 
Ojil . (S.) — «J Oj».jl »9/w (a woman) 
brought him forth an unequalled one. (L, from 
a trad.) 

5. «i«<iM 4X1I j*-^j, (S,) or tf»»j Jj»y, 
(L, K,) God protected him himself, not com- 
mitting him to the care of another. (S, L, K.) 
— >*W •'^y -He mas > °r became, alone, without 

any <o j/iaj'e or participate with him, in the 

t- - 
affair. (L.) _ *jh* j*-y .He ma*, or became, 

alone, without any to share, or participate with 

him, in his opinion. (S, L.) — See 1. 

8. [jttwl It was, or became, one. And hence, 

j .»» « * a 

A** jaJI //e n'a.v, or became, one with him 

in interests &c] _. jiaJI J< (a number of things, 
or substances, two and more, KT,) became one. 
(KT, KL.) Seel. 

10 : sec 1. 

»>>. : sec j.*-?. _ ajjl»- Olj ^>« <ux», and 
<uj*. Oli ^ji*, and *3jl». ^i j>«, and ^>o 
^.-^•» o'J, and <ulj Olj (j-*, He did it of him- 
«//■; q/"/tts orcn accord; of his own judgment. 

(AZ, L, K.) 

» fl ^ # ^ ** • • mi, 

j^.j : see 1, and jj ^j .- — »>».^ 4ilj 

(S, L, K) 1 saw him alone. (S, L.) jl».^ is 
here an inf. n., having no dual nor pi. (K.) 
The Koofees hold it to be in the ace. case as 
an adv. n. of place : the Basrees, as an inf. n., 
in every instance ; as though thou saidst aij^-^\ 
IjW^I ,j~!3>*, meaning " I saw none save him," 
and then substituted oj^j : or, as Abu-l-'Abbas 
says, it may mean the man's being himself 

alone ; as though thou saidst lj>U* y*»-j C-j'j 
bl*WI, and tlien substituted 0^.0.3. (S.) Or 
it is in the ace. case as a denotative of state 
accord, to the Basrees [and the grammarians in 
general] ; not as an inf. n., J being in error in 
what he says on this matter: (IB, K :) the 
Basrees hold it to be a noun occupying the 
place of an inf. n. in the ace. case as a denotative 
of state; like La£»j juj E lo., meaning Lotalj : 
(IB :) excepting some of them, as Yoo, who 
holds it to be in the ace. case as an adv. n. of 
place, for «j^j ^i, (IB, K,) like ijlc: (TA:) 
and there is a third opinion, that of Hisham ; 
that it is in the ace. case as an inf. n. (L.) Or, 
(accord, to IAar, L,) it is a noun used as a 
noun absolutely: (L, K :) so in the dial, of the 
Benoo-Temeem : (Msb:) you say »j*.j (jJUf, 

and »j».j v _ J ic, and Ua jl*.j ^c l*~l*-, and 
. « » * « ft. * * j'' 

UyiJ*»j, and >e *j*.j ^jic l>-J*-> [He sat 

alone, and they two sat alone, and they sat 
alone]. (L, K.) When not preceded by a pre- 
fixed n. [or a prep.], it is always in the ace. 

t * ,. t\ * d 
case : (Lth, L :) you say, 6Jj-$ aDI ^1 »M| *^J 

t « * * 
[There is no deity but God alone] : and Oj>« 

«jl».^ jjj) [I passed by Zeyd alone] : (L :) 

[excepting in a few cases, such as the phrases] 
'•*•*'«< 'i *0* 
Ujjka-j j*y\ tjjk Uki [We two alone said this 

. to * * j " * 
thing], and l»yjjL».j «U)v5 [They two women 

alone said it] ; mentioned by AZ. (L.) You 

say also, a j»-j [> _ r U ijjk, and ♦ 43jk». ,^1*, 7% is 

w by itself; (L, $;) and CyJJ^- t^i* li* 27«ey 

• • # * ' » t 
two are by themselves: and js & M ^5**^** 


• a « • « 

TAey are /'// themselves : (L :) and J*-'j J^» V»1 

" ftjft 
<u j>». ^yic ^^^4 Crire t/tow /o every one of them 

fty himself; syn. <JU». ,_Jlc. (S.) The 5 in «j^~ 
is a substitute for the y (S, L) which- is cut off 

T * * * 

from the beginning. (L.) __ J— j, (K,) or 

t j»^, (L,) A wild animal alone, by itself, or 

apart from otlters. (L, K.) — J^, (5,) or 

t j»j, (L,) A man whose lineage and origin are 

unknown. (Lth, L, K.) __ j»^ is used as the 

complement of a prefixed n. only in the fol- 

• » * . . t 
lowing phrases: (A'Obeyd, S, L:) »j*-j ». ..,i y, 

which is an expression of praise ; (S, L, K ;) 

meaning, J He is one unequalled; one who has 

no second : (L :) or he is a man of right judg- 
' * * » .j 

ment : you say also 1»j».x»-j U. . ; ,... i l^jk, and 

^j»j il*Lj ^Jk, and Ujk*>^ i«~~j ^jA, nml 
a' '•- t t - . it 
i>* jj»-j »-?'■— ' O* : (Lth, L :) [see art. ■»— J :] 

^ >• j * *■ 

it is as though yon said jijil tyyJ : you put 

»ji*.3 in the place of an inf. n. in the gen. case : 

(S :) and » Jl»j Jtfj, (IAar, L,) and »j»j J-*-;, 

(S, L,) [A man unequalled ; who has no second, 

and a little man (probably meaning the contr.) 

« * t 
&c] : and «,*•»•, v^i A man ici'/A whom no one 
" c - . - tt,, 

contends in excellence : (Lth, L :) and oj^-^j^t-, 

• ' 3 0,0 

and «J>»>*, !_>*:». »•, which are expressions of 
dispraise ; (S, L, K ;) meaning, I One who does 

not consult, nor mix with, any one, and who is 

contemptible and weak : (Sh, L :) j^-j being 

used in the manner of an inf. n., not being an 
epithet nor an enuueiativo so as to be in con- 
cordance with the preceding noun, would be 
more properly in the ace. case ; but the Arabs 
use it in these instances as the complement of a 
prefixed n. : (Lth, L :) these expressions are 

ft , .30 

indeterminate : for the Arabs say, «jk»^ ■» . ..■■ '■ w>; 

wolj ji J [Few unequalled men have I seen]. 
(Hisham, Fr., L.) 

jLOhj : sec jk»-_5 and J^*-j. 

jl»^ : see j*»j.^ . 

;jia>3 The i/a<f o/* 6ein^ a/one, or apart /row 
others; solitariness; solitude. (Sb, S.) Seel. 

__^I*)I oj^»-j [Tlte solitude of the grave]. (A.) 

[Sj^l <LU TAe HtgrAi of solitude; the first 

night after burial : so called because the soul is 
believed to remain in the grave during this 
night, and then to depart to the place appointed 
for the residence of good souls until the last day, 
or to the appointed prison in which wicked souls 

m • # S 'ft' 

await their final doom. See also «U^*,)I iJU.] 

SeiljVj The unity of God : (L, K. :•) as 
also x>jb»-l. (Msb.) 

S - • » 

L ,jlj.»*) One roAo u singular in his religious 

opinions ; who separates himself from the general 


«*•* — w*9 

body of believers : a rel. n. from iJuUll ; the | n - ai" 1 otherwise. (Msb.) [See, again, art 

j*>-l.]_* .*»jy >*^l '»** <£* ^— J -* <"» "<>< 

alone, without a parallel, or match, in this 

affair : (S,* L, K :*) or simply, I am net alone 

in it. (T, L.) The fern. l\^»-'* is not used. 

(S, L.) _ o' •**•'» tne P»« w " a»-jt, is applied 
by a poet to dogs having no equals or matches. 

(S, L.) _ aJ j*-I_j "5) 0*^* ^ uc '' a one nas no 
equal, like, parallel, or match. (S, M, L.) — — 
Also, Owe <Aa* Aa* no equal; one unequalled. 

(L.) __ *^k i J^^j (J^J ouc/i a person is the 

unequalled one of his age. (S, L.) And in like 

manner, (TA,) AiUj J*f * jL)\ tf$i (S, L) 

Such a person is the unequalled one of the people 

of his time. (TA.) The pi. of *j^t [as well 

< . • J 

as of «x».lj in the same souse] is ^1j*.l, 

* - » ' ... * ' ' . *' •! 

(originally 0'*""J> ?) n * e as O'A*- 1 ' s P»« >>*'• 

(S, L.) <»»oi j^Ij [.4n unequalled son of his 

mother], is an indeterminate expression, like 

ojk*.^ !»■■■■"'», q- v. (Hisham, Fr. L.) — Also, 

A man pre-eminent in knowledge or science, or in 

valour in war, (L, K [in the CKL, for ^y is put 

^■M]) or in other qualities ; as though having 

I and fj being added to give intensiveness to the 
signification. (L.) 

S . . 9 * 

jWj : see j*-y*. 

J*».j (8, L, Msb, K) and • ll.'£, (L, $) 
and * j»^ and T j»-^ (S, L, Msb, K) and * jl».j 

(M, L) and T J*»'j (1) A man a/one ; 6y Aj;«- 

m(/"; a/>ar< /rom o<//er« ; solitary ; lonely : (S, 

M, L, M 9 b, $ ;) as also j^'l : (M, L, £ :) or, 

i,> ii. 
accord, to Az, one should not say «x»-t Jj*-j, 

• ••••• •**.»•* i 

nor j*-l ^jj, "or j»».t '^w, though some of 

the lexicologists assert that j»t is originally 

.>»-) : for «**■! is an epithet applied to God 

alone : (L :) the fern, epithet used in this sense is 

»J») : (K :) and T J^-'j in this sense receives 

• # • j • , j ^ 

the dual form : and tho pi. is 0'«**"J ;n "' u'-^ - 1 

and jWj. (L.) J^—^ J*y vl man who has 

no one to cheer him by his society, conversation, 

or company. And ~ j^- y -o Jj»-j ^1 man who 

remains alone, by himself, apart from others, 

or solitary, not mixing with other people, not 

sitting with them. (L.) See also jlo-j . 

• r 

j»-Ij 0»« ; the first of the numbers : (S, L, 

Mfb, K :) syn. [in many cases, whioh will be 

• ' t 
shown below,] with jk*.| : (1£ :) [and one alone: 

a single person or thing :] fem. «.x».lj •. (L, 
Mfb :) it sometimes receives the dual form ; 
(L, K ;) as in the expression ^jj*~\ 5 uJiji 
[ We met, we being each of us one alone] ; cited 
from a poet by I Aar : or the dual form pertains 
to it in another sense, explained below, namely 
" alone :" (L :) pi. Ojj^lj (§, L, K.) and 

% t * • ml 

0'-*~.5 ftnd 0'«*^' J (?> *« ;) in tn e last of 

no equal, and thus being alone : (L :) pi. 
jlj»^ and (L, K.) — j^l^JI and 
JL.^1 (T, L) and * J«i.^l and * JJL^Jl, (M, 

which, I is substituted for j because of the 
dammeh : (L :) one says, ju^l^ ^j*. ^j\, and 

* j m * 

CtfJ**i^ ^5^, (Ye are one tribe, L ) like as one 
says O>0* **J/? : ( F S, L :) ^uf may also 
be a pi. of j»Ij [and therefore originally jl^-jl,] 
like as l\L\ is pi. of I*li,. (Th, Msb.) Its 
proper signification is A thing having no sub- 
division : and it is secondarily applied to any 
existing thing; so that there is no number to 
which it may not be applied as an epithet ; 
wherefore one says, »ji«.|j tjls. [One ten], and 
Xj*-lj *5U [One hundred]. (Er-RAghib.) It 

it interchangeable for »u».l when used as an 
epithet applied to God ; and in certain nouns 
of number. [See art. ,>•.!.] In most cases 
differing from these two, there is a difference in 
usage. Tho latter is used in affirmative phrases 
as a prefixed noun only, governing the noun 
which follows it in the gen. case ; and is used 
absolutely in negative phrases : whereas the 
former is used in affirmative phrases as a prefixed 

L, £,) epithets applied to. God, The One, the 

Sole ; He whose attribute is unity : (M, L, K :) 

or the first signifies the One in essence, who has 

no like nor equal; and the second, the One in 

attributes, beside whom there is no otlier : or 

the first, the One who is not susceptible of division 

into parts or portions, nor of duplication, and 

who has no equal nor like : (TL :) or the One 

who has ever been alone, without companion : 

(IAth, L :) and there is no being but God to 

whom the first and second of these epithets are 

applicable together, or to whom the second is 

■ f 
applicable alone. (T, L.) See also j^l, in art. 

jaJ. _ .^Jt ,-» JLlj J^jii^ ody The 

human being and the horse are one in genus. 

And cyJI ^ «*»-lj JtH*j Jyj Zeyd and 'Amr 

are one in species. (Er-R4ghib.) — ja-Ij jStn- 

• * > 

gular, as opposed to plural: pi. ^j\j^.y (The 

• J mi mi 

lexicons, passim.) _ J**-'.} l»f W »— ij ^jlfc-el 
[Thy companions and my companions are one 

• « MM it* 

and the same]. And J»l.j 3>**)bj t»->iaJI 
[u^ 1 * 11 a,, d J>**ll ere one and the same]. 

(L.) See J^ ji-s. ^iU., masc, and 

i^ll i>iU., fem., Eleventh. In this case, [and 

in similar instances, as ^^iej L^^ * lvent l/' 
first, &c.,] ^5*^. and «L>^la- are formed by trans- 
position from j^lj and 5j*-li, by putting the 
first radical letter after the second. [When 
without the artiile, it is indecl. : but when ren- 
dered determinate by the article, the first word 

[Book I. 

is decl.] You say, J*jJLc JjU. ^* [He is the 

eleventh of them] : and ^JLe ^laJI ^.^i\ [Tlie 

eleventh day]: and iji* ajjUJI iLiJI [The 
eleventh night]. (ISd, L.) [The rules respect- 

m> ** + m* m 

ing^ic ^iU. and its fem. are the same as those 

* m* ** mm t> 

respecting jLs. ^)U and its fem., explained in 

art. »i-Jj, q.v.] __ Sjk*.l^j signifies i.q. Hi: 

and is ofton used ip the sense of i£jl. (MF, 

• i, 
voce ^ji.) 

- ». • 

l£j»1 : see art. Jl»-I. 

i $0 

il».l : see jk*.ye. 

' ■ H • 

Jk».jl : sco jk».tj. 

t j 
j^-ym A ewe bringing forth, or that brings 

forth, one ewe only. (S, ]£.) [See a>U.] 

jj*-5-o and T }\**.j and ^Wt [used adverbially] 
are imperfectly decl. because of their having the 
quality of an epithet and deviating from their 
original form, (S, L,) which is U».lj : (L, K. :) 
or because they differ from their original both as 
to the letter and the meaning ; the original word 
being changod as above stated, and the meaning 

* * ' » 

being changed to I j»-l_j Ij^lj : (S, L :) you say 

•*•** ^-P \jU->, (S, L, ¥.,) [and iU.J Stlj,] 
and iUi.1 iU.1, (L, J£,) 2%ey entered one [and] 
one, [one and one] ; or one [by] one, [one by 
one] ; (K ;) or one at a time ; one after another. 
(S, L.) 

i-J' a "* / '.' • ' ■> 

[»^».^e, (not «j»yo,) conv. term in lexico- 
logy, Having one diacritical point ; one-pointed: 
an epithet added to .lv to prevent its being 
mistaken for .0, »U, or »y. (The lexicons, 

.>Uw-~o Owr of several hills, such as arc called 

' ' f " 
OV«Jsl, separate or remote, one from another : 

pi. ju».l^o. (L, K.) F remarks, that J is in 
error in saying, k j«o jV. »» ' ^ JL»h.iy I ^>e >W t »)l 
t^iai\ : (TA :) but the meaning of this is, that 

it denotes one part or portion ; like as jtiiM 
signifies one of ton : (L :) [i.e., the former sig- 
nifies one o/ /several things whereof each is 
alone, or by itself:] and the same explanation 
is given by [several] old authors. (TA.) [In 
one copy of the S, instead of 5j-to«Jl, I nnd^JL*)!; 
which affords a good sense, i.e., that jli»««, is 
syn. with j^-t^ ; and may be the true reading.] 

-. see j-a-j and j*-^ . 

1. J^»j. aor. i, [inf. n., probably, «U^*.^ or 
*i,U.j or both,] Ji (a place) abounded with wild 
animals. (lKtt.) [The meaning assigned to this 
verb in Freytag's Lex. belongs not to it, but to 

Book I.] 

cA*j-] ■■ ^ cA^-i, or £,] aor. J~-i, (IAar, 
£,) inf. D. Jlj ■ (T?;) and ^ * jL it (S, 
5,) or ly/, (S, A,) which latter form of the verb 
is disapproved by IAar, but both are correct ; 
(TA ;) and * J^>-£ [app- used alone, the ob- 
jective complement being understood]; (TA;) 
He threw it, or them, away, (S, KL,) or to a 
distance, (A,) namely, his garment, (S, K,) or 
bis garments, (A,) and his sword, (TA,) and his 
spear, (S, TA,) and his weapon, or weapons, 
(S, A,) or anything, (TA,) to lighten himself, 
(A,) or his beast of carriage, (TA,) in fear of 
his being overtaken: (S, I£ :) [or in any case; 
for] it is said in a trad, of El-Ows and El- 

00*0jJ0* g» «>0»» • * o I J * * * 

Khazraj, Uo*j J ar 3ajL i •A*"" B b ycy**-^-^ \y^$* 
[Then they threw away their weapons, and em- 
braced one another], (TA.) 

2 : see 1. 

4. \J»-y* It (a place, A, Msb, or a place of 
alighting or abode, S, £) was, or became, desolate, 
deserted, or destitute of human beings ; (S, A, 
Msb, K,) the people having gone from it ; (S, 
K;) as also v J^-y>- (A, Msb, K.) And [in 
like manner you say of a land,] i^oy)\ " C«£»>-y, 
[and » .-■'.fc.j7.jl, (see ii*.^ i^ojl, voce |^»>.j,)] 

' " 

The land was, or he.rame iio-j (S, TA) [i. e. 

desolate, deserted, &c] ^« (a man) was, or 

became, hungry ; (S, A, K, TA ;) not liaving 
eaten anything, so that his inside was empty; 
(TA ;) ns also ♦ J^-y ■ (A :) or the latter 
signifies his belly became empty by reason of 
hunger. (S, K.) Also the former, Hi* provisions 
became spent, or exhausted. (S, K.) You say, 

• "•' Jl' - - 61 «,. 

^MpXJ ->— o U.;,r>-jl jk» Our provisions have been 
spent for two nights. (S.) You say also, " Jia-y 

mm A 

(l^jJL) (S, A, K*) He made himself hungry; 
(A;) or made his inside, (§,) or his stomach, 
(K,) empty of food (S, K) and beverage; (K ;) 
for the purpose of drinking medicine. (S,* A,* 

K.) bb t^j^' u-*-j' ■"" found the land to be 
ii»j (As, S, K) [i. e. desolate, deserted, or 
destitute of human beings __ ^»-jJl c£»-jl (y> 
A) .//« made the man lonely, or solitary; and 
natf", sorrowful, or disquieted or troubled in mind ; 
[by his absence, or withdrawal of himself; and 
a/raja";] or he made him to feel, or experience, 

ii»»j [i. e. loneliness, or solitude, &c] ; (S ;) 
«7*<r. q/" d — II, (S, K, in art kJ ~i\,) inf. n. ^UjI. 
(S, in that art.) Hence the saying of the people 

of Mekkeh, [and of Egypt,] I: :.:.r»-jl [Thou hast 
made us lonely, Ac, by thine absence]. (TA.) 

[See also an ex. from a poet, voce U mi\ : And 
see its quasi-pass., 10.] 

5. iA*-y H e ( a beast) became wild, or shy ; 
syn. jot, (S, A, K, &c, in art Jul,) and j^O. 
(A, L, in that art.) And 2T« (a man) became 
unsocial, unsociable, unfamiliar, or shy; like a 

wild animal; syn. jut, (S, K, ubi supra,) and 

j^U : (A, K, ubi supra ;) and * L £*. i Z*\ sig- 
nifies the same ; (see this verb below ;) or he 
became, or made Itimself, as though on a par with 

the wild animals; expl. by u i».yV <.*+*)• (TA.) 
[See exs. of both voce J«il,] — See also 4, in 
five places. _ And see 1. 

10. jjVynr 1 : see 5. — It is also quasi-pass, 
of jLj\ JL».jl, (S, TA,) and [thus] signifies 
He felt, or experienced, ii».j [i. e. loneliness, or 
solitude, &c. ; and sadness, grief, sorrow, or dis- 
quietude or trouble of mind, &c. ; and fear, he.]. 
(S,» $, TA.) And .JyJl Jl Ji*^-! [ife /«/< 
a want of the thing]. (K, voce ^jZ, q. v.) You 
say also *L wt*.^!, (A, TA,) or «J±, (Msb,) 
[meaning /fe was afraid of, or feared, him, or 
t< ; agreeably with an explanation of the inf. n. 

in Har, p. 331 : see also an instance below, voce 

• • * 
J^>-2 : or] meaning he was shy of him ; averse 

from him; unsocial, unsociable, or unfamiliar, 

with him ; and like a wild animal. (TA.) — 

i^j^l c ,t,n. j7,„l : see 4. =^ [He deemed a word, 

or sound, &c, strange, or uncouth.} 

ii». : pi. |J>^»- : see i^»-j . 

jjl*.^, applied to a country, or region, (S, K,) 
and a place, (TA,) and a house (jb), (A,) and 
[its fern.] ii».j, applied to a land (^jl), (S, 
TA,) to a house (j1>); (A ;) Desolate, deserted, 
or destitute of human beings or inhabitants ; (S, 
K, TA ;) as also " J~a-y* and * J^-y^> : (A :) 
and J i 't -j ,_*ijl and trt 'if^T , o signify the same. 
(K, TA.) You say also, 0>~*" *JV Countries, 
or regions, desolate, deserted, &c. ; after the 
manner of 05*-" > ■*" '" tne accus. and gen., 
^.-.ifc. : pi., as Az says, of * iio-, originally 

u~*-J> [^° I rea d instead of *»'»>_}, which is 

evidently a mistranscription,] the _j being want- 

•« •« v* 

ing, as it is in 4Jj and 4JL0 and Sj&. (TA.) 

* » . jj . 

You also say, c~o-<=j cA°-V ^^^S, K,) and 

rtJ^ol, (TA,) i. e., I found him, or met him, in 
a desolate, or deserted, country, or region. (S, 
K.) [See remarks on the last word in the 
former phrase in art. C »y»».] And in like 

manner, ^>ioJI cA«vy <Cfe^3 I left him in the 
desert part of the elevated plain, where one could 
not reach him. (L, TA.*) And [hence] jU»- 
ylfc-j An ass of a desert; [i.e. a wild ass;] as 

also ^llj jU--. (S, K.) [And jl^\ % 
The bull and cow, or bulls and cows, collectively, 
of the desert ; i. e., the wild bull and cow, or 
bulls and cows.] — [Hence also] Animals (^1^*0*. 
[which is used as a sing, and a pi., but is here 
meant to be understood collectively, as appears 


from what follows,]) of the desert, (S, A, $, 
TA,) such as are not tame; (TA;) [i.e. wild 
animals ,■] of the fern, gender ; (TA ;) as also 

i*£y-i (S) and * u~^-3 : (K :) these three words 
are all used in a collective sense : (ISh :) and 

♦ LjZ-»-y signifies a single one of such animals ; 

3 •• • •- S » 

(S,K;) like ^j^jj in relation to -Jj, and ^jj 

• * * ••' _ , 

to >»jj : (TA :) or ,Ji»-^ signifies such as u not 

tame, of beasts of the desert ; and everything that 

t 0*0. 0* i I 

is afraid of human beings ( ^ <m> y ... > t^j* ^)s» 
,-LJI rp) ; as also * iV*-^i as though the ^ 
were a corroborative, as in (J'jlja : or, accord, 
to El-Farabee, J^-j in the pi. [lexicologically, 

but not in the language of the grammarians] of 
* j£-}, like as^jj is of ^y. (Msb:) or it 

is used as a sing., as well as collectively ; for 
you say, JU~» cA*-5 '•** [''*** ** a buif, V mild 
animal], and J^-'j »li< «J^» [this is a wild sheep 

or ^oa«, &c] : (ISh :) u^^-^ » a P^> °^ tr*-J> 

(Msb, K,) and so is oui-j, (Sgh, 1J,) and so 

is J"j-\, [lexicologically, but grammarians 

• . »l. 

term it a quasi-pl. n.,] like as o-^~o is of ^)li : 

• j j 
(Sgh, TA :) or ^y*-^ i g ' t8 on 'y broken pi. 

(TA.) — [Hence also, Wild, or *7iy ; applied 

to girls or women : see an ex. of the word in 

this sense voce y , where it has a redundant jj 

affixed to it.] __ [Hence also] Lone; solitary; 

el * « 

without company. You say, v°y)\ u* vji~~* 
Lia-j /fe walked, or roeni, tn //*« /awf alone, 
having no other with him. (TA.) _ [Hence 
also] Hungry ; (S, A, K ;) as also * ij~-y», 
(AZ, A,) and * J-*-y*, (A,) and * J^j : 
(TA:) pi. of the first, JaJ/\ (S, A, K) [and 
Oy^il You say, lilj 0^ >^W, (S, A,« 
K,*) and Li»-^o, and UoyU, (A,) SucA a one 
passed the night hungry, (S, A, K,) not having 
eaten anything, so that his inside was empty. 
(TA.) And |><.ti*»_3 Ujo Tf« passed the night 

without food. (TA.) [In another place in the 

- 1 « "0* * 0" 
TA, we find . ,-i-*-j » J^* U-iAJ U_o jJU , and so 

in the L ; the last word being evidently a 

mistranscription, for ^j ■ _ » . fw^ : and it is added, 

• * ^- * * 
as though the speaker meant, ^^^ ^-U*> ; 


doubtless a mistake for ij^^ £cU*» so that the 

saying seems to mean, We have passed this our 

night like a company of wild animals.] 

,_£j»-3 : see 

, last signification. 

loneliness; solitude; lonesomeness ; so- 
■« « 
litariness; desolateness ; syn. S^U. : (S, ]£:) 

sadness ; grief; sorrow ; disquietude, or trouble, 

of mind: (S, K, TA:) or sadness, tec, arising 

from loneliness or solitude: (TA:) /ear: (K, 

TA :) or fear, or fright, arising from loneliness 

or solitude : (TA :) a state of disunion between 


men, and remoteness of heart/ from feelings of 
love or affection; from J^-j signifying "a 
wild beast," or " wild beasts, of the desert :" 
(Msb :) unsociableness ; unfriendliness; unsocial- 
nets; unfamiliarity ; shyness; mildness: [in all 
the above senses] contr. of yj|, (T, S, A, K, 
in art „•!!.) [Hence, ai».yi ij£) The night of 
loneliness, Ac. j the first night after burial : also 
called Sji—jJI iU,q. v.J You say, ^ '±£*ji 
ii*-j J /e/i Ai/»» in loneliness, or solitude. (TK.) 

'*•« MS* * % 

And <U*.yi *jj*-l Sadness, grief, sorrow, or 

disquietude or trouble of mind, or sadness, Ac., 

arising from loneliness or solitude, laid hold upon 

him. (TA.) 

J •, 

^1*.^ [ Of, or belonging to, or relating to, the 

desert : and hence, nn'/cf ; untamed ; undomesti- 

cated ; uncivilized ; unfamiliar : and often used 

as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. is 

• • ' 
predominant]: see u--*\5> i" three places: i.q. 

i ' I »i 

vj^ fc ; (?» Msb f art - ua»»0 «w»"-. o/ jjUt. 

(TA, in art. J*!.) — ^^^, J t a. ^i, 
q. T. (S, A, art. J^y :) and in like manner, 
♦ i,^.^ iUJ It. a. l^y*. (Mz, 13th fy.) 
— The right side of anything: (AZ, AA, S, 
If, Ac. :) or the left side (As, S, A, K,) of any- 
thing. (As, S.) [For more full explanations of 
this term, and its contr. ^-J\, in relation to a 
beast and to a man, see the latter term: of a 
beast, accord, to most authorities, it is The right, 
far or off, side. See an ex. in a verse cited 
voce w»a .] Of the arm or hand, and of the leg 
or foot, The back; ^-Jl signifying the side that 
is towards the man : (S :) or of the foot, the 
former means [the outer side, or] the side that is 
the more remote from the other foot ; the latter 
being the «ontr., or that which is towards the 
other foot (TA.) Of a bow, (S, £,) or of a 
Persian bow, (TA,) The back; and J^-il, the 
side that is towards thee : (S, If :) or of a bow, 
whether Persian or not is not said, the former 
means the side against which the arrow does not 

lie. (TA.) And * J~m~J\ ^-JUJI signifies the 

1 . , 
same as ^m-^. (IAar.) — A sort of Jig, 

that grows in the mountains and in the remote 

parts of valleys, of every colour, black and red 

and white ; it is the smallest of Jigs, [in the TA, 

smaller than the tJ-3,] and when eaten newly 

plucked it burns the mouth ; but it is dried. (AHn, 

L.) — g , T » j [or Ifi^-j •_>;] A wind that 
enters one's clothes, by reason of its vehemence. (}f.) 

,jU».^, applied to a man, Sad ; sorrowful: 
pl.^U,. (If..) 

tj^f-j : scc k- A»-j, (of which it is a quasi-pl. 

* « 

n.,) in two places: __ and see yi^j. 

• J 1 * " 

uA"»>» : see ,J^-y , first sentence, and near the 

i-yt-yt ^ojl A land having, (Fr, S, A,) or 
abounding with, (K,) roiM animah, or animals 

of the desert. (Fr, S, A, K.) [See oj^JL* t^j', 
in art. j^»-.] In [some of] the copies of the K, 

•* * 

, which is a mistake. (TA.) 

see J-*~$, first sentence, and near 

the end.' 

4 m » y .. M « yi,! : see (jlfc-j, first sentence. 

[«-ia-j Ac 
See Supplement.] 

R. Q. 1. f-f*'} His belly was, or became, 

flabby. (TA, voce •, -i, > .) 

• - * - 
~l^»-_) A _/a7 ana* fleshy man, whose flesh 

shakes : (L :) having a flaccid belly, and dilated 

skin ; (L, K ;) as also 

(L :) lazy ; (L, 

EL;) unwilling to work: (L:) fazy or heavy : (L:) 
tceaA : (S, K :) a tc<?aA coward : (L :) ad rene- 
rum impotens; (L, K ;) as also *-Ua^> and ^-i^i : 
(L :) qui se polluil, aut concacat, tempore coitus; 
as also w-UiJ and -i-jji. (IAar.)__ Anything 
flaccid : (L :) and particularly a flaccid date : 
(K :) or a date having a flaccid skin : (L :) or a 
date having no sweetness nor taste. (IAar.) 

--* ^^i^ • • • * , . , 

1. Ju»»j, aor. ow, inf. n. J^-j and ^Ijh^j 

(S, A, L, K) and J^a-j, (K,) He (a camel) went 
along throwing out his legs like the ostrich : (S, 
L, K:) or went quickly: or went with wide steps: I 
(L, K:) as also ^-x»- : (L:) also said of a horse, ! 
(Kr, L,) and of an ostrtch. (TA.) Sec 

[Boos I. 

a dagger, (S.) and a needle, (A, Msb,) Ac., 
(Msb,) not making the instrument to pass th ugh : 
(S, A, Msb, ]£ :) or, as some say, he did so 
making the instrument to pats through -, in a 
trad., the plague (^jcllJI) is said to be a jm. 9 
inflicted by jinn, or genii ; and the word in this 
instance is explained by some agreeably with 
the former rendering, and by some agreeably 
with the latter : or j*.} signifies a slight piercing, 
and is like a goading: so accord, to Khdlid 
Ibn-Jembeh, who uses the expression -i j&j 
t ibkfftn l^Uw [He made a slight stab in her 
hump with his scarifier]. (TA.) j*.j also sig- 
r.ifies The act of scarifying; syn. juj-i. (If. 
[So in a MS copy of the K, and this is the right 
reading: in the TA, £iJ-3. written with e, 
unpointed: in the C£, %±yi, with ,j and c 
instead of <j and c.]) You say of a farrier, 
V « »a ll M--i ">' lafA»i Ij*.^ fr*?*V "j^-j [^ c 
scarified it with a scarifier slightly, not penetra- 
ting to the sinews'] ; the pronoun referring to the 
hoof of a horse or the like, and the place of the 
operation being the part called the jclLl. (Afcoo- 
Adnan, TA.) 

Ji*.} The plague; syn. (j^elb. (TA.) See 
above. _ Pain : [or, app., a piercing, or prick- 

ing,pain:] as in the following ex.: j»-^ ^1 

\j*t.} {JJ-j ^J [FiwiVy I feet, in my arm, or 
/taw/, a />ain, or a piercing, or pricking, pain]. 
(IAar, TA.) 

«* and ♦ jlij (S, L, ]£,) and t }}»■) (L, 
K) A camel going along, or Ma< jtom along, 
throwing out his legs like the ostrich : (S, L, K :) 
or, quickly : or, with wide steps. (L, K.) The 
second [which is an intensive or frequentative 
epithet] is also applied to an ostrich : and the 
third [which is intensive] to a she-camel. (L.) 

- - - . * 

1. J^) Ac. : see art. Juki. 

1. »j».j, (S, A, Msb,) aor. *j*->, (Msb,) inf. 

n. JA-_5 (S, A, Msb, If) He pierced, stabbed, or 
pricked him, with a spear, (S, A, Msb, K,) or 
other thing, (K,) or with the like of a spear, as 

1. ij-o-}, aor. - , inf n. iiU._j and ii 5 »-j (S, 

^) and Jlyi'j, (TA,) /< (a thing, S, TA,) Ziecawe 
ftafl", »tfe, or base. (S, K, TA.) 

(jii-j Z^aa", rife, or ia.<c ; applied to anything : 
(K :) low, ignoble, vile, base, or mean ; the refuse, 
or lowest or basest or meanest sort, of mankind ; 
(Lth, A», S, Msb, K ;) the abject, contemptible, 
or despicable, thereof; (Lth, Az, Msb ;) used 
as a pi., (S, Msb, K,) and dual, (Msb,) and sing., 
and masc. and fern., without variation : (M;b, 
K:) but sometimes it is made fern, by the ad- 
dition of » : (IAar, ISd :) and has the dual form : 
(S, £ :) and lias for its pi. Jll^'l (S, If) and 
JiU.j;(l£;)or the latter is pl.ofili.^.(TA.) You 

say, Ji-.^ J*-j and ^A^-j J1f*1 and yii-j >y 
[A man, and a »rowian,and a company of men, low, 
ignoble, Ac.]. (TA.) And jl.) o+ J*j ■&> 
^UJI That is a man of the low, ignoble, vile, 
base, or mean, of mankind. (S.) And ^jJ«U- 

^-.Ul J>* ^hU-Ji Some of tfie refuse, or lowest 
or 6a*&!i or meanest sort, of mankind came to 

**-♦-., V ' 

wie. (S.) And ' 0-**J 1S **• Mme a$ lt*-}'- 

(TA :) the rajiz (Dahlab, TA) says, 

Book I.] 

[A girl mho it not of the low, or ignoble, Ac.] ; 

meaning Jl*.^)\ ; adding a double £. (S, TA.) 

3 - • ■- • • * 

^j « ■* _ } : tee ^i.i.j. 

See «Jek»>3 in two places. 

1. *U^j, aor. isui-j, (TA,) in£ n. J*»i-> (As, 
S, K,) /fe pierced Am through : (S, K, TA :) 
or he pierced him slightly ; ( K , T A ; ) not through : 
(TA :) or he pierced him to at to penetrate into 
hit inside ; not piercing him through ; (As, TA ;) 


r. — «pL> with the spear ; as also it<itj. 

[See also oj±-) ■] — [And henoe,] ._■-«»■> I <ua*»j, 
(S, K,) aor. as above, (K,) and so the inf. n., 
(TA,) I Hoariness, or whiteness, became inter- 
mixed in hit hair; (S, K, TA ;) as also duoLj : 
(TA :) or appeared or spread upon him : or At* 
blackness and whiteness [of Itair] became equal : 
(K:) and you say of the man, m>j: (K,*TA:) 
or this signifies hit head became hoary, or white. 

5. J»^y : see 2, in art Ja-*. . 

■tu»-} [originally an inf. n. (see above)] is said 
to signify \A little, somewhat, or a small degree, 
of hoariness, or whiteness of the hair. (TA.)^ 

You say also, ^U-i r^» k±.\ C I In it [mean- 

* * 

ing a land (t^ijl)] '* a "nail number of wild 
animah. (TA.) 

• a « • • « 

i>l»- 5 ijjUs [A piercing, of one or anotlier 

of the hinds described above, that is much, or 
frequent] : and in like manner LU-j -__«, [a 
spear so piercing, much, or frequently']. (TA.) 

i»^»-5-o A man (TA) having hoariness, or 
whiteness, intermixed in his hair : or upon whom 
hoariness, or whiteness, has appeared and spread: 
or whose blackness and whiteness [of hair] have 
become equal: (Kl :) or whose head has hero me 
hoary, or white. (TA.) 

See Supplement.] 

1. »3j, first pers. 0335, (S, M, L, Msb, 

K, &c.) and 033^, (Ks, Z, K,) [but most dis- 

*-- , . •' * 3- 

allow this] aor. iyj, inf. n. >j and 3^ and 3j, 

(S, M, L, K,) of which three forms the first is 
the most common, (MF,) and »iy», (S, M, L, 
K,) or this last is a simple subst., (Msb,) and 
•3>* (CK and some MS. copies of the K) and 

»iy, (accord, to some other copies of the K, 
this and the next preceding deviating from the 
common forms of inf. ns., TA,) and »ay» (M, 

Kz, K) and »>iy*, (TA,) but these last two are 
allowable only in poetry, and deviate from con- 

slant rule, the former doubly, (Kz, MF, TA,) 
and *\}j and >Jjj and 3I3J, (M, L, K,) the firBt 
of which last three forms is the most common, 
(MF,) and Sjljj (M, L, K) and, accord, to some, 
ijljij and »^bj, (MF, TA,) and, as in a copy 

of the K esteemed of good authority, Syjiy* , 
(TA,) lie loved, or affected, him, or it, (S, M, 
L, Msb, K,) i. e. any means of attaining or doing 
good. (AZ, M, L.) The form O335 is dis- 
allowed by the Basrees who hold it to be erro- 
neous : and Zj says, "We know that Ks did not 
mention Ojjj without having heard it ; but he 
heard it from him who was no authority. (T, L.) 
— »33^l, an imp. form [of "•>_}!], without 
idgham, accord, to the dial, of El-Hijaz, occurs 
in a trad., meaning Love thou it, or affect it. 
{^■J — «yJi Jjuu ji <Zs}}). and «lXil y O33.5 

' . ' •''*; ' ' 3 ' 

^i ij^uu, (S, L,) aor. as above, inf. n. >• and 

35 and ijlij (S, L, Msb) and 3I3J (S, L) or 
*'*$i (T, in TT,) J wwAcrf /A«< thou wouldest do 
that. (S, L.) — tjjb ^,l£» ^J o'ii^ / towAerf 

<Aa< t'< had been so. (Msb.) t*£j| 033^ / 

wished for the thing. Fr says, This is the more 
approved form ; but some say O33J : in both 
cases the aor. is 3^ only. (L.) [Respecting 
the latter form of the pret., see above.] This is 
a secondary signification of the verb. (TA.) 

6. »3l^, inf. n. #31^0 and 3>3j, He loved, or 
affected him, being loved, or affected, by him. 

4: see 1. 

0- *33>> He attracted to himself his love, or 
affection. (IAar, L, £.) — aJJ 33^ //e numt- 
/«*<erf, or showed, love, or affection, to him. 
(L, Msb, K.) 

6. ob'jii Ui, (S,L,)inf. n. 3^, (K,) r% 
<tj'o iooe, or affect, each other. (S, L, K.) 

i s^ 1 

>S (?, L, K) and * 3j (L, K) and * 3J (U, 

L, K) and ♦ ^.^ (S, L, K) A person loved, or 
beloved; an object of love; a friend ; syn. J^*. 
and ^^^ and ^.^-c (L) and y^ , (K : in 
the CK w^.) _ Also, t \" s (TA) and • 3^33 
(S, L, Msb) and * ^3] (TA) and t ^l} (Kz) 
A person who loves; loving; affectionate: (S, 
L, Msb, TA:) the first also used in a pi. sense, 
(L, K.) being [originally] an inf. n. (TA) and 
the second used alike as masc. and fern. (S, L, 
Msb.) — Also, * 3J and ♦ 3^ and t " i ^ j (K,) 
also written * 3^, (MF,) A man (TA) loving 
much; having much love or affection; very 
loving or affectionate. (K, MF.) _ PI. 3I3I', 
(L, K,) pi. of 3^, (TA,) and also a pi. [of %] 

in the second of the above senses j (K ;) and 

• « r . 3- • . 

* x >3> LP 1 - of ij or -H*}] in the first of the above 



senses ; (L ;) and 3jl, (S, L, K,) pi. of 3] (TA) 
in the second of the above senses ; (K ;) or of 
>} 5 (?, TA ;) and 3^1, (L, K,) [an irreg. pi., 
or quasi-pl. n., upon which I find no remark,] in 
the first of the above senses, (L,) or the second ; 
(K;)and 3I3.}, pi. of 3IJ ; (K2;) and llj^l, (S, 
L, K,) pi. of jL-3j (TA) in the first of the abovo 
senses, (L,) or in the second; (L ;) and #351, 
(K,) also pi. of ju3j (TA) in the second of the 

above senses ; (K ;) and l\}>j, pi. of 353^ (S) in 
the second of the above senses, (S, K,) [and the 
third] ; and ju^^ is also mentioned as a pi. in 
the socond of the above senses in the K ; but 

this is probably a mistake for 3133. (TA.) 

IAth says, that • 3.5, used as an epithet, is for 
>} ji j but 3^ does not require ji to be under- 
stood, being syn. with ^jJ^o. (L.) 

i- , S i, .3, 

3^ : seo 1, and 3^ 3.J and ' 3^ (the former 

is the more common, L) A certain idol (S, L, 
K) which pertained to the people of Noah, and 
then to Kelb, and was at Doomet-el-Jendel : (S, 
L :) or a certain good man, who lived between 
Adam and Noah, and of whom, after his death, 
was made an image, which, after a long time, 
became an object of worship ; like tllw and 
wJjAj and j^aj and j-J , mentioned therewith in 
the Kur, lxxi. 22 and 23 : (13d :) and the former, 
a certain idol belonging to Kureysh, also called 
3I. (L.) — Jj^ By thy Wedd! moaning the 
idol so named. (L.) sas 3^ A wooden pin, peg, 
or ttake ; i. q. ju^ : (S, K :) of tho dial, of 
Temeem ; (IDrd ;) or of Nejd : as though they 
made the O quiescent and incorporated it into 
the 3. (S.) 

s ' . ,3 3. . . . ,t m , 

3J : see 1, and 3^, and 3j jfa \ yj iyi 

l->^ I with that such a thing may be. In the 
following saying of the poet, 

Uc JJJU»JI JJWI l^jl • 

[O thou visitor of the tick, inquiring respecting 
us, wishing that thou mayett tee my grave- 
clothes], the kesreh of the 3 is lengthened for 
sake of the measure. (S, L.) 

• * - 3 , t, 

3.J3.J : see 3j *ja>" , as an opithet applied 

to God, The loving towards his servants, (I Amb, 
L,) or, towards those who obey: (Beyd, lxxxv. 
14 :) or He who regards with approbation his 
righteous servants : or He who is beloved in the 
heartt of his saints. (IAth, L.) 

• • - 

3^33 also, A mare that puts forth all her power 

of running. (ISd, L.) 

• . 3 
ju3_j : see 33 . 

3 . 3 

3'.} : see 33. 

370 • 



ij\ More or most, loving or affectionate. Said 

to be also used as a pi., for Oj*j' • (J**) 

a,, i. a 

iyt and iy» : see ^ . 

i)y» Love ; affection. (Msb.) See also 1. — 

Also, A letter ; an epistle : and letters, or 

■ • * * 

epistles : syn. .^jUs* and s r ^£». (IAar, L, K.) 

Said to havo the latter meaning in the Kur, 
lx. 1, in the first of the instances of its occur- 
rence there: (L, K :) but this is a strange 
interpretation. (TA.) 


*j — vSj 

• * J 

for |>*» 1 1«, &c. (TA.) __ A grave. 
(See below.) __ Zuheyr Ibn-Mes-ood Ed-Dabbee 
says, in an elegy on his brother Ubei, 

» • i » i A i 

1. •!,>}, aor. Iju, .He mnrfe i< etien or plain. 

• ? 

(K.) = See 5. = b j (aor. I ju, T) Vcretrum 

exseruit equus : (T, K :) but AHeyth says that 

this is an error, and that the correct word is 

without .: [i.e., yj*}, q.v.]. (TA.) ss ^yh 

[imp.], i.q. if*>, Let me &c. (K.) Said by 
some to be of weak authority. (TA.) 

2. \jbf$\ *e** h), inf. n. l^iy, He made 
the earth even, or plain, over him. (AZ, S, K.) 

sjb)*$\ *3ljj The earth, or <Ae /anrf, hid, or 

concealed, him. (TA.) [See also 5.] __ l>_j, 
./Ye, or id, buried. (IAar.) __ j^ Ijj, inf. n. 

iii^j ; (S, L ;) accord, to the K , I jj ; but this 
is incorrect ; (TA ;) He covered, or overwhelmed, 
them with evil, or w«M ill treatment. (L, K.) 

5. (^oj"^l 4«Xfi. Oby 7flf ear/A became even, 
or plain, over him, (K,) as over a dead body in 
the grave : (TA :) or enclosed him : or was 
overturned over him : or was broken in pieces 

over him. (K.) The earth, or the land, hid, 

or concealed, him. (TA.) [See also 2.] This 
phraso is used when a person has gone away to 
tho more distant parts of the earth, or land, 
so that it is not known what he litis done : also, 
when a mnn has died ; even if among his family. 

(ISh.) jW*^ 1 <ue Oljy News, or tidings, 

of him were cut off, or ceased to come ; like 
• oiij, and were hid. (K.) [In tho K wo 

read, J juaU ! j^^l <«-* [Oljy]^ *JLft [Oljy] j 
«JI : whence it seems that jU*Vj)l i^Xc Oljy 
also has tho above signification. But in the 
TA, after a^A*, in the passage above quoted from 
the K, is inserted u°f)*- This word, however, 
has, I think, been inserted through inadvertence : 
if not, tvj^l **Afc Obj^i signifies The land was 
interrupted to him, and hid: as also ^wAjj.] 
_ a)U .JU 1^3 J/e <ooA his property or wealth, 
(mrf Arp< it* carefully. (K.) ss <uU Ijjj Jfc, 
or (I, destroyed him. (S, ]£.) 

tj>j Perdition ; destruction. (1£.) 

• a 

Ijye [Earth nuiifc eren, or plain, over a per- 

Hon : or earth hiding, or concealing, him ;] like 

[0 Ubei! if thou become a deposit in a place 
over which the earth is made even, or plain, (or 
in a place that hideth thee, or in a grave,) 
tcitli smooth, or slippery, sides, and having its 
bottom hollowed out laterally, —} (S, TA. Sec 
Ham, p. 4G6.) __ »!.»• A place of destruction, 
or perdition ; or a desert in which is no mater. 
(A A, S, K.) Also, accord, to IAar, or with- 
out 5, as in an example which he quotos, A 
grave. (TA.) 

w>j} An evil state, or condition. (L, K.) 

C 3J 
*■ £■>>> (S» K>) do '"- :» (SO i»f- n- *-ii (U 
K) and »-li^ ; (L;) and ♦ -.^j, inf. n. *->iy» ; 
(K ;) but the latter has an intensive signification ; 
(M?b;) He cut the vein called »-i>lt : (K :) 
he bled a beast by cutting the vein so called; 
p-yj with reference to a beast, as the object of 

the act, being the same as juo» with reference 


or arteries] : (T, Msb, TA :) aecord. to some, 
the »o^ and ju^*, are the same ; [meaning, that 
each of these names is applied to the external 
jugular vein :] (Msb :) or the a-tjjl are the 
veins which surround the windpipe : (TA :) or 
the w-j) is tho vein called the a jtA.1 , [eWewhere 
said to be a branch from the j-jjj, in the place 
where one is cupped,] which the slaughterer 
[of an animal] cuts through, thereby putting an 

end to life. (Msb.) O^-ij I Two bi others: 

(S, K :) two persons mutually attac/ted ; likened 
to the two veins so called. (A.) Uoj ^Jj 
U* <->j»' Two evil brothers of war are they 

two. (S.) sb wo} t A cause ; a means whereby 

*~ • - - • t * 

one attains to a thing ; syn. ^~_, and iJU-j ; 

(K ;) or, as in some lexicons, iU?_j. (TA.) 
Ex. tj>=> ^Jl jjoj-i^ O"^* O^ 3 Such a one was 
my means of attaining to such a thing. (TA.) 

C ,J 

to a man. (S.) — -*->3, inf. n. r-~>s t He put 
to rights ; put into a right or proper state ; 
adjusted. (S, K.) JUM i.'} 9 lie put the 
property into a right or proper state. (Msb.) 
>9ytll ^j^j *.)} He adjusted differences between 
the people, (S, Msb,) and put an end to evil. 

2 : sec 1. 

J « -J 

3. aaiot^, inf. n. io-jlj-o, t //"'' «'•'/('(/ towards 
him with gentleness and good nature. (ISh, A.) 

p.*}, (S, K,) also written with kesreh, [app. 
•>riy but perhaps p-iy,] (Msb,) and w-'jjj (S, 
K,) [A name given to each of the external 
jugular veins;] a certain vein in the neck; (S, 
K ;) one of two veins, which are called the 

^ULi^ : (T, S, &c. :) these are two veins ex- 
tending from the head to the lungs; and tho pi. 
is ~ \>$\ : (M :) or two great veins on the right 
and left of the pit between the clavicles: (Msb, 
TA :) they are by the side of the O lj S!jJ> ["ere 
app. meaning tho two carotid arteries,] and are 
of the number of the veins in which the blood 
[merely] runs, whereas the O'-^JJ are f° r P u '~ 
sation and for [the diffusion of] the soul, ^Juii 

[i.e j«jUJI, not ^^i-JI ; for, accord, to the Arabs, 
the animal soul (^jjt^aJI >-)/)(, as is said in 
the KT,) diffuses itself throughout the body, 
from the hoart, by means of the pulsing veins, 

4. »-jj1 He confessed; syn. ji\: (L, K :) 
or he confessed a falsehood, or what, mas false : 
(ISk, T, K:) or he confessed himself submissive 
to him mho mould lead, guide, or govern, him : 
(AZ, T, K :) he was submissive, or prompt in 
obedience, and humble. (S, K.) _ He (a ram) 
held bach, and would not mount the female. 
(S, K.) — lAv^I »£«■»■ JJ I T/ie camels became J'at 
and in good condition. (S, K.) 

See Supplement.] 


1. »V> (S, K,) aor. tjJ, (TA,). inf. n. i\' s , 

(S,) He imputed to him a vice, fault, or the 

like ; despised him ; ( S, K ;) chid him ; (S, K ;) 

and blamed, or reproached him. (A'Obeyd.)ss 

<i~c <uc Olij His eye recoiled from him, or it : 

syn. AiA sl~o. (K.) 

£-a , t.. 

8. I Jul , quasi-pass, of Ijj, He was charged 

with a vice, fault, or the like ; $-c. (S, K.) 

I'ij Disapproved, or hateful, language ; (K ;) 
whether it bo reviling or of another description. 

5J>j «v U (lite *iij) There is no fault, or 
defect, (SXe,) in him or it. (Aboo-Malik, 1^.*) 

wiljj The stomach of a ruminant beast, (or, 
as in some lexicons, the stomachs of such beasts, 
TA,) with the intestines, or guts, into mhich milk 
is put, and which are then cut in pieces, [and 
eaten] : a pi. which has no sing. (ISd, fC.) — 
Also The perforations, or punctures, made in 
sewing, or the loops, (the word in the original is 

Book I.] 

Ijj*-, pi. of Xt'jL: in some of the lexicons, j^*. : 
but both these words relate to the same things : 
TA : [whence it appears that, accord, to the 
author of the TA, &c, the former of the above 
two meanings is the one intended :]) of a 



' a 

..Jj, aor. *-iy an( l r— *e 


or -J*3,(TA,) inf.n. £-i 5 \ (S,) The sheep was, 
or became, foul with »-ij [q.v. infra.]. (S, K.) 

' j^, inf. n. as above, He suffered from an 

inflammation and excoriation of the inner sides 
of his thighs ; (En-Nadr, L, K;*) as also ^.U. 
(En-Nadr, L.) 

^-il The dung and urine that have clung to 
the wool of sheep, (K,) or to their tails arid the 
inner sides of the roots of their thighs (V^jOi 
and dry [thereon] : (S :) or the filth that clings 
to the rump, or buttocks, of the ram : (Th :) 
n. un. with 3 : pi. »->) ; like o«*/» (?> &) P l - of 
&*. (S.) 

1, 'tji'y of the same measure as *»-> (S, K, 
TA,) or ijiS, (Lth, ISk, T, TA,) is the original 
pret. of which the aor. is »jjj (Lth, ISk, T, S, 
K, TA) signifying, He leaves, lets alone, or 
ceases or desists from, it, or him ; he leaves it 
undone; syn. liJJ, (ISk, T, S, K, TA,) and 
4£»% ; (Msb;) imp. '»% syn. **j: (ISk, T, S, 
K, TA :) but the pret. is not used, (Lth, Sb, 
ISk, T, S, M, Msb, K,) '<*£>>> being used in its 
stead ; (Lth, T, S, TA ;) and because its pret. 
is not uBed, the aor. is of the measure J«Li ; for 
if there were a pret, [it would most probably be 
of the measure Jii , as this is the regular measure 
of trans, unauginetited triliteral verbs, and] the 
aor. would be of the measure JjuLj or Jmj : (bb, 
M, TA :) nor is the inf. n. used, (Lth, T, M, 
Msb, K, TA,) ip being used in its stead, (Lth, 
T,M r TA,) i.e., instead of jij: (K:) nor is^ the 
act. part, n., (ISk, T, S, Msb, K,) namely )>}), 
instead of which ^U is used: (ISk, T, S:) or 
the pret. is sometimes used, (Msb, K,) though 
rarely, (Msb,) or by the deviation from the con- 
stant course of speech : (K :) so in the K ; but 
in the M it is said, that the phrase ,j5ljj ji» ^ 
['» \} t [I left not behind me anything, with kesr 
to the J, and so in the original copy of the TT,] 
is related on the authority of some of the Arabs. 
(TA.) You say, f> ji and tj **i [Leave thou, or 
let alone, or cease or desist from, this]. (ISk, 
T.) It is said in the Kur, [kxiii. 11,] ^jjij 
V jjfjiT j And leave me, or let me alone, with 
the belters, or descrediters ; (Bd ;) commit their 

case to me, (Bd, TA,) and busy not thy heart 
respecting them; (TA;) for I will stand thee 
in stead to recompense them. (Bd.) 

[^iij, &c. 
See Supplement.] 

1. fa, aor. £>, He repelled, pushed, or thrust. 

(K ) — >Uk»l ^j-o Ijj He was, or became, filled 

with food. (K.) = ci^ U, and * C-5^j U, 

I knew not. (K.) 6i yJU * »=4p' U I knen 
not the thing, or of the thing. (L.) 

2 and 4: see 1. 

5. ,>j^l AjJU; Oljy ?. q. Olj.3, The earth 
became even, or plain, over him : or enclosed 
him : <>. (IJ, K.) 

10. J->^l wAy—l The camels took fright and 
ran away, in a body, one after another: (Asi) 
accord, to AZ, this is said when they have taken 
fright and ascended a mountain ; but if they 
have taken fright and run away in a plain, one 
says OjjU-<l : so in the dial, of the tribe of 
'Okcyl. [Thus in the TA iu this art. : but see 
t ' -'n 

l\$ and l\'a »nd j&j, indecl., (K,) an adverbial 
noun of place or time: (Bd, &c. :) J mentions 
it iu art. (J'jj, regarding the » as substituted for 
j_j ; and this is the opinion of the Koofces, and 
of all writers on inflcxiou, though disapproved 
by F, who, however, mentions it again in art. 
^£,3 as though belonging to that art. : (TA :) 
Behind: and, contr., before. (K.) In like 
manner, l\' 3 '^\ [The location that is behind, or 
beyond ; and the time past : and, contr. that it 
before, or preceding']. (K.) Or it does not hear 
contr. meanings; but one meaning; namely, 
what is concealed from one. (K,art. \J)}.) Or 
it is a homonym; [but not a word of contr. 
meaning ; as it signifies what is behind, or be- 
yond, in respect of place, and wliat is before in 
respect of time], Fr. says, It is not allowable to 
say, of a man behind thee, that he is JIjJj &~i ; 
nor of a man before thee, that he is j)i\^ ; these 
expressions being only allowable [as synonymous] 
in cases relating to particular times of events or 
actions : thus one may say, ±>j£> iji JjA& and 
jljjlw iji ibJJ 4>rf [meaning Before thee is 
intense cold] : each of these expressions is allow- 
able because the intense cold is- a thing that is 
coming ; so, as it will overtake thee, it is, as 
it were, behind thee ; and as thou wilt attain 
to the period thereof, it is, as it were, before 
thee. It is said in the Kur, [xviii. 78,] 0^» 
XUU JU»Ui There mas before them a king: 
[because it has reference to a certain period, 
which might be said to be before them as they 


would attain to it, and behind them as it would 
overtake them: this passage Jelal-ed-Dee'n ex- 
plains by saying, " there was behind them when 
they returned, and before them now, a king."] 
Of the same kind also is thephrasc^^i^. euljj ^y* 
[Kur, xiv. 19,] Before him is i hell : [for the same 
reason]. (TA.) — - etljj L»j j^>*Juj, [Kur, 
ii. 85,] signifies And they disbelieve in what 
[hath been revealed] beside that : syn. »t^-< : 
(lAar :) or it may mean after that. (Jel.) 
__ tig is iiiid fern. (TA.) Its dim. is 
iijjj, (K,) accord, to those who hold the ' to be 
a radical letter, not substituted for ^J ; namely, 
the Basrccs : accord, to others, ijjj and ^j$. 

(TA.) _ [Sec also art. yjj}.] U *i|U jly 

tf^o i\jj : see aj^j j . __ tljj A son s son, or 

soft's offspring. (K.) — _ *\j} Bulky, and thick 

in the 9-iyt, or shoulder-blades. (AAF.) 

!• ^J3> aor - Vj>!» illf ' n - Vj^> *h or **» ( a 
root, origin, or stock, S, or a man, TA,) was, or 
became, corrupt. (S, K.) 

2. w>ji3j '"^- n. v«Op> C a PPi H:e expressed 
himself respecting a thing equivocally, or am- 
biguously, by words objectionable in one sense, 

and allowable in another: so thinks IbrD:] 

- -. i •« 
the inf. n. is thus explained : ^>c i£iy* O' 

oU-Clli oUjOg .^l- (T, K, but in the 
latter, the y before the last word is omitted.) 

3. vjb> inf - "• fyy* He strovc t0 owtu,ie > 

deceive, beguile, or circumvent [another] : syn. 
^li and J5U.. (K.) Accord, to IAtli, it is 
from <i>j>)l "the being corrupt:" or it may be 
from w-j^l "intelligence, &c. ;" the I being 
changed into j. The latter is the opinion of 
AM. (L.) _ One of the sages says, ZJJy 
2Uc« J^». r^-ij^ [The striving to outwit the 
cunning, or intelligent, or sagacious, is ignorance 
and labour without profit]. (TA.) [See art. 
w>jt, where this saying, but with Sbj\y» in the 
place of ifjly, is given as a trad.] _ It is 

said in a trad., .iVj'j »^»iW £>\> ••••• ■ ii ^» Xi '> 
If thou buy and sell with them, they will deceive 
thee, or endeavour to deceive the. (IAth.) 

,_)j3 The hole of a wild beast: pl. *->ljjl. 
(K, TA.) — «l>jj The space between two ribs ; 
JUdUdl ^ U : (K :) but this (says SM) I find 
not in any other book than the K ; and probably 
it should be J^>\ 0*t u the *P ace betmeen 

two fingers ; for we read in the L that .^Jtf is 
J * i * -»» 

said to signify g^'}' £>H ^ ' ( TA: ) P 1 ' Vji'- 
(K, TA.) [See also 1^'.] — VjJ The s P aee 
measured by the extension of the thumb and fore- 
finger; syn. y» : pl. vW- (K, TA.) bb» vjj 

2884 Vj£ — £tf 

A member; a limb : pi. vltf'* (£» TA.) T *pj} (Msb.) And a~>I ,>• « L5 i)t ^jj He inherited 

the thing of, or from, hie father. (S.) When 
you say ^La »Ut juj d>jj [Zeyrf inherited of hie 
father property], the word "})U is a second 

[also] is a dial, from of ^>j\, (K,) as signifying 
"a member, or limb." (TA.) The form of 
word commonly known, says AM, is «_>jl ; but 

I do not deny that vj.} ma 7 he a «i«»l- form, 

* * * * 

like as «!»;• and «1>^1 are two words whereof one 

is a dial, form of the other. (TA.) — w»j^ 

and * 4fj_j The podex : syn. C~«l : pi. of the 

former v&j 1 - (£. TA.) t Ljj The ;>»/, or 

hollow, that it in the lower part of the tide, i.e., 

the hypochondre, or flank. (TA.) Ztjj The 

mou<A o/*fA« Aoto of a rat, or mouse, (»jli,) and 
({/"a scorpion: pi. vL)j'- (¥•) 

• • • *. 

t>J}- »ee vj^- 

• •# . ■ •. 

» • • 

VJ.J Corrupt. (r£.) _ vji t3j* -^ corrupt 

root, origin, or *torA:. (S, KL.) Aboo-Dharrah 
El-Hudhalee says, 

*!P ^ ^1 


f //' //«>u mention thy lineage, thy lineage is 
traced up to a corrupt origin, or jtocA]. (S.) __ 

V/J J^j -^ corrupt man. (TA.) _ ^ijj A 
eloud that is loote (K) unrf much broken. (TA.) 

• s i ■ a ( j 

Vj>^ [>• °,- *ryy»] A member, or limb, ck< q^" 
«nlir*. (TA.) 

1. ^jf, aor. w*^, (S, K,) an instance of 
deviation from a constant rule, there being only 
the following verba of the measure Jj>i which 

have the aonsts of the measure Jjuu only, 
namely, j£, h#, gj^Jjp, (J^j, Jij, ^, 
and JUj, (Ibn-Malik and others,) and w~oj : 
(TA, art. w-sj :) the j falls out in Ojj [&c] 
because it occurs between ^ and kesreh ; and in 
those persons of tlio aor. which begin with I and 
O and ^ because these letters are changed from 
ft, which is the original : (S :) inf. n. 1>j^ and 
«-'j1> (?. £«) in which the j is changed into 1, 
(S,) and «Uj, (§, J£,) in which the 3 is a sub- 
stitute for 'the [elided] j, (S,) and aJtJJj (S, K,) 

[the most common form] and *3ljl, (TA,) and 

• ' 

accord, to some «£>!/?*, but this is an error, for 
• 0* 
JUa* is not one of the measures of inf. ns., 

(I8d,) [but it is used by some of the professors 

of practical law as an inf. n.,] and i£> : (Msb 

[but see iy below] :) He inherited. (S, £, 

I 0$ m 

Ac.) You aay »lyl «1>jj He inherited [the pro- 
perty of} hit father: (S, ]£ :) but the original 

t . . . . 
phrase is 4^1 JU £>jj He inherited the pro- 
perty of his father. (Msb.) Also suA .>• £/,** 
*■** ■*- 9* 

(and *-c, A,) He inherited of his father : (]£ :) 

or he inherited part of the property of his father. 

objective complement, if the verb be doubly 
trans. ; or it is a substitute of implication 

(jOiT J^)'for juj. (MF.) You say a£3,^ 

j. j » , 

*JU, and ».>*..«, / inherited his property, and, 

0»0 j t • 
\ his glory : and <uc *Z*Jjj I inherited it from 

him. (TA.) 

Z. *3j}i inf. n. si-jj^j, He included him among 

the heirs of his property : (S :) or made him to 

be one of his heirs : (TA :) [see also 4 :] or 

^JU 4jjj he included him among his heirs, he 

not being one of them, and assigned him a portion : 

(AZ, Msb:) [in like manner,] a)U ,J Ojj he 

included among his heirs of his property one or 

more not of them. (TA.) __ ^>« U"^ C-ijj 

0"5*j I made such a one to be the heir of such a 
* J 

one. (TA.) See 4. = Ay He stirred a fire, 

in order that it minht burn up, or blaze : (KL :) 

a dial, form of «i>jl, q. v. (TA.) 

[Book I. 

for ye act [therein] according ta usage inherited 
from Abraham. (TA, [app. from A'Obeyd].) 

re 1 i • • • " i * *'' 

[bee also «i»jl in art. «iy I. ]__ .***-• Ajl^yJ 
iTkey have an inheritance of glory. (TA.) 

*3jj Fire. (L.) 

. * ' a * % * * * 

•Zsjlj An heir: pi. ily and Sjjj. (Msb.) 

__ It is said in a prayer (of Mohammad, 

' * «»* 00*0 .00 w • •* aS jX I 

TA) •I'jiyi *i«»t) ^St^iS o"* "■.' t ^ iJt ~* l >*y 1 ^' 

4. (^jilt Ajjjl i?e (his father) made him to 
inherit the thing. (S.) _» Uli- Oj^l ijj^t J^c 
mn«ie Aim to have a goodly inheritance. (TA.) 
«l»jN)l Ajyt.and A^ll, and tC\ t isjj, /i e «, a aV 

Aim to inlterit tlie heritage. (A.) __ ajj^I and 
♦ *Jy 2fc (his father) made Aim to 6e o»te q/* Am 

heirs. ($..) [See also 2.] » jjj A^l ifc 

made his son sole heir. (AZ.) — tl£ a^jjI J /< 
occasioned him, as its result, a thing. Ex. ajj^I 

Uauo t^-oJI I The disease occasioned him, as its 
result, weakness. (TA.) 

• . « - 

6. >*lib j^* Ij*^ «yj'y J [TViry inherited it 
by degrees, one great in dignity and nobility from 
another great in dignity and nobility]. (S. ) [See 

art.^£>.] ,£o£aJI ^jZJyi (Bedr Ibn-'Amir 

El-Hudhalee) \ Misfortune look me by turns, 
as though they inherited me, one from anotiicr. 

• 00 

w»y J What is ,/resA, juicy, or moist, of 

thinga. ($.) 

«t>j^ and » Ajt [sec 1] and * «l>ip (in which 

the O is originally j, S,) and >1>I^« (originally 
£i\jy», the j being changed to ^ because of the 
kesreh immediately preceding it, S.) What is 
inherited ; an inheritance, or a heritage : ox, 
accord, to some, w>^ and «£>!>*« are used with 
reference to property, or wealth ; and Ajt with 
reference to rank or quality, nobility or eminence, 
reputation, or the like, in Arabic, \-' r : (M :) 
[the pi. of •£>1/*« is <^jj\yc.] [See also art. 

> «e*^t w*jl k _>-o Att I Remain ye steadfast in the 
observance of tliese your rites, or ceremonies ; 

l> j00» [0 God, cause me to enjoy my hearing and 
my sight, and make it (i. e. the enjoyment that 
I pray for, TA) survive me : or,] make it to con- 
tinue with me until I die. (K.) Or, accord, to 

J» . 90>' 

another relation, which substitutes U^JLa*.^ for 
<»Jju».tj, make them both to continue mith me, 
sound, until I die. Or, as some say, what is 
meant is the continuance and strength of those 
two faculties in old age, so that they may 
survive all the other powers : so says ISh. 
Some say, that by *-o-> is meant the remember- 
ing of what is heard, and the acting according 
thereto ; and by j*clj, the being admonished by 
what is seen, and the light of the heart, whereby 
one escapes from perplexity and darkness to the 

right course. (TA.) AjV 1 (a 8 an epithet 

applied to God, TA.) He who remains after 
the creatures have perished. (K.) He remains 
after everything beside Him has perished; and 
thus, what was the property of mankind, his 
servants, returns to Him. (TA.) 

see •Lijj, and 1. 

£>5}y> Property inherited. (Msb.) 

them. (A.) 

1 1 Olory is inherited among 


(S, L ;) and * £jyi ; (L ;) It (dough) was, or 

became, thin, or flaccid, (S, L, K,) by reason of 
the abundance of water in it. (S, L.) 

2. I ji=> jtyt-i «_>U^II ~-j} He inscribed the 
writing, or letter, with the date of such a day ; 

>. it 

i.q. Aa.j1; (S, K*;) of which it is a dial. form. 

4. 00-j$\ He made dough thin, or flaccid, (S, 
L, K,) by putting much water to it. (L.) 

5 : see 1 : — and 10. 

10. Jo'jHs c-*.j>^l,and * 0*.jy , The land, 
or ground, became wet, or moist. (K.) 

t %0 *0 

f-jl A hind of tree resembling the ^yt in Us 

Book I.] 

growth, (L, KL,) except that it is dust-coloured, 
having slender leaves, like the leaves of the 
£)j*-ji», or larger. (L.) 

JU-j^ ^oj\ Land having tangled and luxuriant 
herbage. (KL.) 

4*L> jj Dough that is thin, or flaccid, (S, KL,) 
oy reason of the abundance of water in it. (S.) 
_ Wet, or moi«<, land, or ground. (KL.) 

* • «- 'Is 

£0»y, pi. of £j;y : see £^0. 

1. j£, (S, M, L, Mfb,) aor. >^', (S, L, Msb,) 
inf. n.'Vjjj (M, L, Msb) and ^ (L) and >jp, 

(M, L, KL,) or tb - e last ' 9 a 9 * ra pl e 8ubst » (^» 
Mfb,) He (a man, and a camel, &c., Msb) came 
to it, or arrived at it, (M, Mgh, L, Msb, K,) 
[and repaired to it,] namely a water (S, M, L, 
Msb, KL) &c, (M, L, KL,) whether he entered it 
or did not enter it; (M, Mgh, L, Msb, K ;) as 

also «^* >J)> ( M > L >) and * 4 *jy» ( M ' L ' ♦») 
and * Oj^l : (M, A, Mgh, L, K :) he came 
to it (namely a water) to drink : (L :) I he 
arrived at it (namely a town or country or the 
like), whether he entered it or did not enter it : 
(Mgh, L r) it is allowed by common consent 
not necessarily to imply entering. (L.) [Hence, 
JjNt «^Ojj, the objective complement *U or «l«JI 
beine understood, The camels came to water.] — 
ij« inf. n. i)j), He came ; he was, or became, 
present. (S, L.) _ G!i^ ^, inf. II. \^ \ He 
(a roan) came to us. (Msb.) — * r >k£}\ >JS, ( A > 
Msb,) inf. n. [^ and] ^y (A,) I The letter 
came, (A, Msb,) ^* to me: you say, ^U }j 3 
JjU-Sil- (A.) — iUlL^Jl * >j'fi j* I flc ventures 
upon, or yoe* t'nft), places of destruction}. (A.) 
iHJjl * smS*!. and Uiji, t [#« ran info 

error], (A.) — Aiiu^ J" ' ^* >Jt9 * t A <A, "£ 
6e/eM Aim tcAicA Ae u>a.< ««afe/« to master]. (A.) 
__ ^ Ay £ It contravened it; presented 
itself as an objection to it ; opposed it.] 

— [>J3> ""^ °* a wort * or P nrase or tne ''^ e » 
It occurred.'] _ J^»» • *3>ji> ( aor - J^»r M ? b i 

inf. n. ijj), A) \The fever attacked him periodi- 
cally. (S, A, L, Msb.) — \jp t fle suffered a 
periodical attack of fever. (A, L, Msb.) = jyj, 
aor. * , (S, Msb, KL,) inf. n ; jjjjj ; (S, L, Msb ;) 
and * >!*>', originally >j^j', the _j becoming ^ 
because of the kesreh before it ; (S, L, KL ;) t He 
(a horse) roae, or became, [of a bright, or yel- 
lowish bay colour ;] of a colour between that 
called C.('i^» and^ii.1 : (S, L, K :) or, of a red 

colour inclining to yellow. (M, L, Msb.) — 
,,#i in . . . *..»* 

2. *^y jyj t [.He dfyed Am garment, or j>tece 
o/" c/otA, red, or of a rose-colour]. (A.) — - 
*^JL)1 Ojjj, (AHn, L, KL,) inf. n. J^J ; (KL ;) 
and £»j), aor. ^3 ; (Msb ;) 7%e free flowered, 

£33 — »i 

or blossomed. (AHn, L, Msb, KL.) — «^ij^ t She 

(a woman) reddened her cheek with the dye of 

dyed cotton. (L.) 

i ** . , i 

3. Ojlj, (inf.n. i*j\y, A,) He came to water 

wt<A Aim. (L, K.) — . Sjylj^ ^jj^eUJI ^>jj, and 

jjlyi, t [i?eiween <Ae <wo poe/* ts on agreement, 
or a coincidence, in ideas and expressions ; as 
though they both drew from the same source]. 
(A.) Similar to this is the phrase ^i»UJl }j\yi 
I [Agreement, or coincidence, of thought, ortrfea]. 

4- Ojuf, and * »>jy~,\> (5,) and " »>j 5 3, 
(ISd,) fie brought him to the watering-place. 

(K.) Also, the first and second of these 

verbs, He brought him ; made him to come, or to 
be present. (S, L.) _ [And the first, He ad- 
duced it, or cited it ; namely, an evidence, a 

speech or saying, a word, &c. — He set it forth, 

or expressed it ; namely, a meaning.] — ojV 

«UM, (inf. n. jljjl, A.) He made him to come to 
the water. (L, Msb.) [See an ex. voce cA»»--] 

ai^uiJl »i,j)\ I [He made him to run into 

error. (A.) _ Jjtffe *Jlc ij^l [He brought to 
him wealth, property, or ieAa< was good.] (Mugh,. 
in art .^A»».) ^Jl 4ie Jyj' I^ c reiaterf 

<o Aim <Ae news. (L.) — '.^ Jjj' I -^ wen " 

, . < ■ .-»* 

<ioned /Ae <Ain</. (TA.) — j-*-*^ AJJ 1 I ffe 
began and compelled. (TA, art. j^o) — »ij^l 
ojjuol^ //e brought it and he took it away. 
(Har. p. 361.) 

5 : seel, and 4, and 10. — SjdJI Js^-N ^Jyy 
t The horses entered the town by little and little. 
(S, L, K.*) ^ }jy* t [H became red, roseate, 
or rose-coloured] : said of a woman's cheek. (A.) 

6. Ujj'y We came to water together. (A.) 

10. ijy-l (ISd) and * jyy (K) He desired 
to come to water. (ISd, K.) [See an ex. of the 
part. n. voce )>,»..] __ See 1 and 4. 

11 : see 1. 

>J3 C co11 - g en - n Tne fi 0Ker i or Mossom, of 
any tree (AHn, L, K) or plant : (AHn, L :) but 
its predominant application is tot he rose y^-y- , 
(L, K,) the well-known red flower (T A) wAicA 
one *me&: (S, L, TA :) its colour varies in 
winter and summer: (L:) and it is of different 
kinds in the cultivated soil and in the desert and 
in the mountains : (AHn, L :) n. un. with 5 . 
(S, L.) Said to be an arabicized word. (Msb.) 
__ Ijj I A horse [of a bright, or yellowish, bay 
colour ;] of a colour between that called £*t»Mt 
and ^ill : (S, L, £ :) a horse, (M, L, M»b,) 
or other thing, (M, L,) of a red colour inclining 
to yellow, (M, L, Msb,) beautiful in everything: 
(M, L :) fem. with S : (S, L, Msb r) applied in 
the above sense to the sky, in the l£ur, lv. 37 : 
(L:) or it there means roseaies, or of a rose- 
colour : (Zj, L :) pi. V/), (S, L, £,).like as £gf 


UjjL of o^!-, (?,) and \\jp (S, L, Msb, %.) and 
jljjl : (K :) but this last is unknown, and app. 
a mistake. (M, P, TA.) — \j ') t A lion of the 
colour termed >jj : (S, A, L :) or a lion ; as also 

t i^u . (EL.) »ij3 i^iJt I An evening when 

the horizon is red (L, KL) at sunset ; which is a 
sign of drought : and in like manner the morn- 
ing at sunrise.' (L.)_— »;>jj iy Ji night of 
which the beginning and end are red ; which is 
the case in a time of drought. (A.)— >)} 
Bold, or daring; (KL ;) an epithet applied to a 
man; (TA;) as also * \jlj. (BL.) — >j} Saffron. 

(KL.) _ ^J\ >jj\: see JW*.— >j& ^ 
t The penis: (K:) so called because of its redness. 

• * t 

)j} A coming to, or arriving at, mater £fc, 

whether one enters it or does not enter it ; (S,* 
L, Msb, K ;) contr. of jjSe. (S, L, Msb.) See 
also 1. }j) Water to which one comes to 

drink. (L.) >jj TAe time of the day of 

coming to water, between the two periods of 
abstaining from water :. (L :) a time, or turn, 
of coming to water. (TA in art. w>>»- •) — ij} 
Tlie arrival of the day of coming to water.. (L.) 

{£} tU)t J^^l «^»Sji, and >lj a l,and in like 

manner, j r irM, TAe camels, and the birds, came 
to the water in a lierd, or in a flock, and in 
herds, or in flocks. (L.) — >j^ A company of 
men, (S, L, Msb, K,) and o number of camels, 
and of birds, <j-c, (L,) comi;i<7 to, or arriving at, 
water ; (S, L, Msb, K ;) as also ♦ S^\_j : (L, 
Msb, KL:) the former originally an inf. n. : 
(Msb :) its pi. i» >\j$>- (L.) Sec also >j\ } . — 
\j j A herd of camels. (L.) _ A flock of birds. 

(L, KL.) I An army, (L, KL,) so called as 

being likened to a herd of camels, or to a flock 
of birds. (L.) — A portion, or share, of 
water. (L,K.) — Thirst. (L.) — (^^^H Jj-J 

\IU 'j£+ J' [Kur, xix. 89,] + We mill drive 

<Ae sinners to hell like beasts that come to water : 

or, thirsty : (Beyd :) or, walking and thirsty. 

(Zj, L.) — - >j) I The day of a fever, when it 

attacks the patient periodically : (As, S, L, Msb,* 

K* :) or one of the names of fever : (L, K :) 

but the former explanation is the more correct. 

(TA,) — iji t A portion of the night when a 

man has to pray. (L.) _ }j) I A section, or 

division, (S, L, KL,) of the Kur-an : (L, KL:) a 

set portion of recitation or the like: (Msb:) a 

certain portion of the Kur-dn, as a seventh, or 

half a seventh, or the like, (Mgh, L,) which a 

person recites at a particular time : (L :) a set 

portion of the Kur-an, or of prayer ; £e., of 

which a man imposes upon himself the recital on 

a particular occasion, or at a particular time ; 

i. q. v>fc- q- »• • ( M gh» L P'« *S?.« (L, Msb.) 

• it.. 
Ex. \£ij} ^Aj* [I recited my set portion of the 

Kut^dn, $c] : (S, L :) and >j) i& JSa o*&> 


net portion of the Kur-6n which he recites. (L.) 

i'ijy [A bright, or yellowish, bay colour ;] a 
colour between that of a hone that is termed 
- "j^- and that of one termed jkZi\ : (S, L :) or 
a red colour inclining to yellow. (L.) 

O'iji «^. (Msb,) pi. o'Aj^ °W> (K.) -A 
certain insect, (Msb, £,) roe// Anown, (K,) /iAe 
the beetle, of a red colour, mostly found in baths 
and in privies. (Msb.) 

JujjJI, and JMjjJI Jf*-» [Each of the two 
carotid arteries : and sometimes applied to each 
of the two external jugular veins :] each of two 
veins asserted by the Arabs to be from the j^jJj 
[or aorta], on the right and left of the two sides 
of the neck, next the fore part, and thick : (S, 
L :) or the j^j^ is n certain vein, said to be the 
•*.>} [or external jugular vein] : or, by the side 
*f the »0) : or, accord, to Fr, a certain vein 
between the windpipe and [the two sinews called] 
the ^IjQc, always pulsing; being one of the 
veins in which is the life ; the blood not flowing 

j 93 

in it, but only the soul, (^JUJI [i. e., ,^-iUl, "ot 

^JUJI; for, accord, to the Arabs, the animal 

i ... i i 
soul ( l> j\ it aJ\ *-3j)\, as is said in the KT,) 

diffuses itself throughout the body, from the 
heart, by means of the pulsing veins, or arteries : 

see also fri}] '■ (Msb :) or the O'JSO.9 are fmo 

veins in the nech, (AZ, L, K,) between the pr-lajl 

[or external jugular veins] and [the two parts of 
the nech called] the ^j\ZJ : in the camel, the 

OVij [ or two external jugular veins] : (AZ, 
T:) or, accord, to AHeyth, and his is the cor- 
rect explanation, two veins beneath the ^jIj^oj , 
[see above,] which latter are two thick veins on 
the right and left of the pit botween the clavicles ; 
they (the former) are always puhing, in man : the 
j^jj is a vein in which the soul (^-JUI [see above]) 
flows, and in which the blood does not flow : and 
every pulsing vein, in which the life flows, is of 
those thus called : (T :) or the jujj is the vein 
in each side of the nech which swells out on an 
occasion of anger : (L :) or four veins in the 
head ; of which two descend before the ears, and 
of which are the 0'«*iJ5 "* the neck : or a certain 
vein beneath the tongue: and, in tins upper half 
of the arm, the ^JL» [or cephalic] : and, in the 

fore arm, the ,Jt* rS l [or median] : and, among 
those which separate in the outer side of the 
hand, the **.\Z>\ : and, in the belly of the fore 

arm, the cA*'jj : (T :) pi. Ojjl [a pi. of pauc] 

# .> > %*» 

(M, Mgh, I£) and yjj, (M, Msb,) like as j^ is 

pi. of ju^, (Msb,) [and ^>jj of &£}, &c.,] or 

>iji< ($■>) [ nut tn ' H I think a mistake]. _ 
j^„'jJI »■*" ■• i^*-j [A man whose external jugular 
vein smells out;] a man of bad disposition or 
temper, prone to anger. (TA.) 

*tf — WJO 

jtjj : see >/). 

}j\j A man, and a camel, or other animal, (L,) 
coming to, or arriving at water, Sec, whether he 
enter it or do not enter it ; (L, Msb, K ;) as also 
♦ l\j' 3 : (L, CK :) pi. of the former, >1jj (S, L, 
Msb, K) and 0}>j\s '• ( L : ) * nd of tue latter » 

. J 3. '•• ,'*» 

£)}>\)S- (J J -) See also j^j **>jls 71**** O' 

[Kur, xix. 72, There is not any of you that shall 
not come to it,~] means, accord, to Th, that the 
Muslims shall come to hell with the unbelievers, 
hut not enter it with them. (L.) _ }j\$ Jt£>*? 
I A road, or way, by which people come to water: 
opposed to j>Uo. (M, A, art. jj~o .) See also 

})y> — >j\} Nj jiLo *i U : see art. jj^>. __ 

)j\) A preceder. (L, K.) So (accord, to some, 
TA) in the £ur, xii. 19. (L.) jjlj Cou- 
rageous ; (K ;) bold ; forward in affairs. (TA.) 
See also )j) . = jjlj jjCi t Long and lank hair : 
(L, K :) or hair so long as to reach the buttocks, 
(A,) of a woman. (L.) _ 3j\y t Anything long. 

(L.) _ Oj^j ifjjl t The end, or tip, of a nose 
advancing over the middle of the mustaches : (A, 
L :) because the nose, when it is long, reaches to 
the water when the person drinks : and in like 
manner, a lip, and a gnm. (L.) __ j/j £)%* 
•uij"i)l J Such a one has a long end, or tip, to his 

nose. (S, L, KL.) ^jl^t"})! ijylj »;*-£ I A tree 
having pendulum branches. (L.) _ See jyj. 

%. . % * • a • • t 

Sijlj : see jjl^, }j), and )jy* . 

• . * . . 

[i\jj\ t Income ; revenue: pi. ObK^j!.] 

3jy» A place of coming to water : (Msb :) a 

watering-place: (L:) and » °>jy* a road, or way, 
by which one comes to water ; (L, K ;) as also 
' iij\} : (A, K :) pi. of the first (L) and second, 
(TA,) ij£> ; (L, TA ;) and of the third, ObjlS- 
(TA.) Hence, (A, TA,) 1/y and * \/ s \A 

road, or way; (S, L ;) as also * Sjgl^ : (TA:) 

or the last, the middle and main part of a road ; 

mi . 
or a main road; or simply, a road ; syn. oil*.; 

(K;)asalso*»jj^ : (L, K :) pis. as above. (A, 

TA.) j-»l }j\y» t [The ways leading to a 

thing : or the ways of commencing a thing] : 

( w-».j.) [See an ex., voce « T >*-Uy ; and 

see its opposite, y»\ jil-o-o, voce jjuox.j _ [ijy» 


also signifies, agreeably with analogy, The time 
of coming to water: pi. }j\y : 8ee the last fligni- 
fication of iiS in this lexicon : see also j^j .] cb 
J~* >jy I [The primary idea, or thing, signified 

' ' : ' 

by a parable or proverb : correlative of w>j-o-« 
i)2* : pi. })\$-»\ (TA, &c, passim.) 

%. 9 . % 9 . 

'ijyo- see ijy. 

>}jy» I Attacked by a fever periodically : (S, 

[Book I. 

L:) or suffering a periodical attack of fever. 
(Msb.) _ An Arab of the desert said to another, 
jjjjyjl J\ji\ Jut U [What is the sign of the 
convalescence of him who is attacked by a perio- 

dical fever ?] and he answered, iUicyJI [The 
sweat which follows it ; or copious .sweat], (S.) 

ijy» t -A. shirt dyed of a rose-colour ; of a less 

• A . J 

deep dye than that whieh is termed « r ^a* : (S, 
L ;) or dyed with saffron. (TA.) _ )jy jui. 
t A reddened cheek. (TA.) — J1 JjUI >jy *»-j 
t ^« returned [with t/ie back of his head] 
slapped, or thumped with the fist, [and rendered 
red]. (A.) 

9*. . > 99. 

ijy* : see i)3 . 


* 0* 

• j » 

1. »j-yj, inf. n. tr^jj^, It (a plant) became 

green. (AA, A, Hn, M.) See also 4. — _ 

J»j^. (M, K,) aor. ^-j^j, (K,) It (a rock, M, 
K, in water, K) became overspread with [the 
green substance called] -,,-*». >-, «o Mat it became 
green and smooth. (IJ)rd, M, K.) __ See also 4. 

2. A-j 5 , inf. n. u-ijy > -" c '(v^ *' ( a garment, 
or piece of cloth,) w«'tA ^^j , q. v. ; (S, ^.) 

4. ^ICJI try^l TAe pZace produced tlte plant 
called ^Jj' s . (S.)-_i-!«J» ^-^1 Tlie [trees 

9 . 

called] si~<y produced u*)j , a thing yellow like 
the [garments termed] ."^o ; as also » t>»j^ : so 
it is asserted, on trustworthy authority: (M:) 
or became yellow in their leaves, (S, K,) after 
attaining to maturity, (S,) and had upon them 
ro/m< wn* Z?'ie yellow '"}*» ; (S, K ;) and in like 
manner one says of a place, ijl£eJt ^ryjl : (TA :) 
or became yellow in its fruit : (A:)— w*j^ 
^iLJjl The trees put forth leaves; (K.;) as also 
♦c^ji- (IK«.) 

# •" 

^^y^ ^1 certain plant, (S, A, Mfb, K,) of a 
yellow colour, (S, Msb,) resembling sesame, (A, 
K,) with which one dyes, (A, Msb,) and of which 
is made the [liniment called] Sj^a for the face, 
(S,) existing in El-Yemen, (S, ]£,) and nowhere 
else, (K,) being there sown; (Msb;) it is not 
wild, but is sown one year, and remains ten years, 
(AHn, M,) or twenty years, (]£,) without ceasing 
to be profitable, resembling sesame in its manner 
of growth ; and when it dries, on its attaining to 
maturity, its pericarps (iuK>.) burst, and it is 


shaken, and the ^j^ shakes out from it : (AHn, 
M,) it is useful for the [discolouration of the face 
termed] \jS£s, used as a liniment ; and for the 
[leprous-like discolouration of the skin termed 
iSrft [prepared] as a drink; and the wearing 
of a garment dyed with it strengthens the venereal 
faculty : (K :) or a certain yellow dye : or, as 
some say, a certain plant, of sweet odtmr : or, as 
is said in the OV 1 * [°f Ibn-Seena, or Avicenna, j 

Book 1."] 


— h 


a certain thing of an intensely red colour, resem- *yK signifies "possessing dates;" (AHn ;) and 

bling powdered taffron, brought from El-Yemen, 
and said to be scraped or rubbed off, or to fall 
off, from its trees: (Mgh :) or, as some say, a 
species of \^^o, q. v. : or, as some say, resem- 
bling Jz»°J* : (Mfb:) or a certain thing, yellow, 
like the [garments of the kind called <&», that 
comes forth upon the [trees called] £~»j, between 
the last part of summer and the first part of 
winter, (M, TA,) which, when it touches a gar- 
ment,soil»it: (TA:) or it alio, sometimes, [accord, 
to certain persons who seems to misapply the 
word, « a substance which] pertains to the [trees 
called] j*j* and £~» } , and to other trees, above 
all in Abyssinia ; but this is inferior to that first 
mentioned (K, TA) in virtue and propertia : as 
to that of tit* jtjt. , it is found between its rind 
and the main substance, when it dries up ; and 
when it is rubbed, it rubs off; and there is no 
good in it ; but u-jj [properly so called] is adul- 
terated with it : and as to that of the «i~«j , when 
it is the end of summer, and it has attained its 
utmost state, it becomes intensely yellow, so that 
what envelops it becomes yellow, and with this 
also one adulterates : so says AHn : (TA :) ^jj 
is called in Persian J^— I [^j~— '] ; and in 

Turkish, *&*?$. (TK.) [Freytag adds to what 
he has given on this word from the K, S, TK, 
as follows : "Memecylon tinctorium. Sprengel. 
hist, med., t. ii., p. 444, ed. tert. (ubi j J3 scrip- 
turn est). Spreng. hist, rei herb., t. i., p. 258. 
Aviccnn. p. lift."] 

w;.j : see v-ijj. 

,fM A yellow bowl : (A :) or a bowl made 
of jLii, (M,) which is a yellow wood: (TA :) 
or of the best hind of those made of jLii. (Lth, 
K.) __ A pigeon that is red inclining to yellow- 
ness: (M:) or a pigeon inclining to redness and 
yellowness. (K.) — See also yj-ijy 

u-ijS -^ garment dyed with ^t^ ; as also 
,' t ii.j 

t ^ and * ^j\) (M) and »u-j>-)- (M, A.) 

You say, iljjj «U» JU, (so in some copies of 
the S and K) or * il-jj, (as in other copies of 
the S and K, and thus in a copy of the Mfb,) 
[An outer wrapping garment] dyed with sj*j) ; 
(S, Mfb, K ;) t. q. * Lj^ ; (K ;) which latter 
epithet is sometimes used. (Msb.) — See also 
• - 

JLtj applied to a place [Producing the plant 
called J^ii\- ( TA> ) — Applied to a tree of the 
lend called »£-•>, Producing v*/ 3 , a thing yellow 
like the [garments termed] ."%» : (M :) or be- 
coming yellow in the leaves, (S,K,) after attain- 
ing to maturity, (S,) and having upon it what is 
like yellow ?£•: (S, K:) or becoming yellow 
in its fruit: (A :) or, app., having ^-jj, like as 

V J^ likewise has the last of these signifi 
cations: (TA:) * J*jy also signifies the same 
as J-jlj, applied to a tree of the kind above- 
mentioned ; (A, K ;) but is very rare, though 
agreeable with analogy: (K :) it is said (M) 
one should not say J^> ; (S, M ;) but it occurs 
in a poem of Ibn-Harmeh. (M.) — Applied 
to a tree [of any other kind], Putting forth 

leaves. (TA.) Applied to a plant, Becoming 

green. (M.) You say also, ^J^Joi^ i-jtj »>— ', 
A rock overspread vnth the green substance called 
^ \ m r», so that it is green and smooth: see 1]. 

(A.) It also denotes intenseness of colour, in 

the phrase J-jlj Ji*l Yellow intensely bright. 
(M.) And [in like manner] you say, ^jlj J+* 
i^UjI A camel intensely red. (Sgh.) And 
<^-/i C/J**} t a PP-» Bright-coloured saffron], 
(A.) See also u-OJ • 

yjSj'^* : see v-ijj, in two places. 



| K,) which is the male of the ^(J [or kind of 
collared turtle-doves of which a tingle female is 
called %fj (see yjjj)], (Mfb,) oftlte birds of 
the desert, (TA,) the flesh of which is lighter than 
that of the [common] pigeon: (K:) fern, with 
i: (K:) pi. ^Al^ (S, Mg!i, Mfb, K) and 
j£ iit (S, Mfb, K,) like as obJfi* i« a pi. of 
£>h&, contr. to rule. (S.) It is said in a 

proverb, q^ *r±i J*>* Q&^ ftl l*** 
the pretext of the warashdn, thou eatest the fresh 
ripe dates of the excellent kind called O^*-*] : 
(S, A, K :) said to him who pretends one thing 
and means another: (A, K :) originating from 
the fact that some people employed a slave be- 
longing to them to guard the fresh ripe dates of 
their palm-trees, and he used to eat them, and, 
when reproved for his evil conduct, laid the 
blame upon the warashan ; wherefore this was 
said to him. (Sgh.) 

Jijlj One who comes in to a people uninvited, 
when they are eating ; like Jilj in the case of 
beverage : (S :) and, accord, to some, t. q. J*l^ 
but others say, that »j-j\} has the first significa- 
tion only, relating to food : and that of a sponger 
desiring food. (TA.) See [>ilj and j^M»- 

1- J-j's, (S, A, K,) aor. J.^., inf. n. J^y^ 
(K) and J.]'}, (TA,) He took, or reached, or 
took or reached with the hand, or with the ex- 
tended hand, (S, A,K,) food, (A, K,) or some- 
what thereof, (S,) or a little thereof. (AZ.) 

Also, (£,) inf. n. ^jj and t^j;j> (TA,) 

He ate vehemently and greedily : (Ibn-Abbad, 
A, K:) but accord, to IAar, (^Sjj, with the ra 
first, signifies the "eating much;' and J^j), with 
the waw first, the eating little. (TA.) — Also, 
(K,) inf. n. Jijj, (TA,) He coveted; longed; 
yearned; eagerly desired; strove to acquire, 
obtain, or attain. (Ibn-Abbad, £.) You say, 
<u)l (ji^j He coveted it; Ac. (TK.) — ^jj 
J^U, (A, K,) inf. n. ^ 3 ), (TA,) He came in 
to them, uninvited when they were eating, (A, K, 
TA,) to get some of their food: and when one 
has gone in to others while they were drinking, 
yousay.^Jl* jiy. but see eA>'.s- (TA.)x= 
,jy>ki WjJ Ji>^ He incited such a one against 
such a one: (Ibn-Abbad, TA:) in the K, 
erroneously, g'&y.O^*' J.&. (TA.) See also 2. 

2.j>'iii\ 'J^i J£i, (S,) inf. n. lAjj,^. (S, 
K,) He excited discord, dissension, disorder, strife, 
quarrelling, or animosity, between, or among, 
the people; syn. tA^; (S, K. ;) as also u-jl 
(S) [and J*j*]- See also 1, last signification. 

J,Uj^ A certain bird, (S, Mgh, K,) of the 
pigeon-hind, (AH4t, Mgh, Mfb,) or resembling 
the pigeon, (TA,) also calkd >* JU, (S, Mfb, 

1. fy>j) He veiled, concealed, hid, or covered, 
her, or it, or them ; [to what the pronoun relates 
is not said ; but I incline to think that the right 
reading is l^ij^, and that the pronoun relates to 
camels; (see 2;) as also '^l: (L, TA :) 
from IAar. (TA.) 

2. W», (S, Msb, K.) inf. n. iu/,3, (S, Msb,) 
He made him to fall into what is termed aJ»jj 
[properly and also tropically, or in its primary 
sense and also in any of its subordinate senses] ; 
as also * itjjl, (S, Mfb, K,) inf. n. i»\^U 
(Mfb :) both signify + he made him to fall into 
that from which he could not extricate himself; 
(TA :) or into that from which he could not 

' t i " 
easily extricate himself. (Msb.) — *i/\ J»jj 

,j^i.| J^l ^i f He hid, or concealed, his cameh 
among other camels [in order that they might 
escape the notice of the collector of the 
poor-rates] ; as also ▼ J»jjl. (K.) [See also 
1, and 3.] 

3. £l^ (S, Msb, TA) and a»j£. (TA) [The 
act of mutually making to fall into what is termed 
2±,jj. = And hence,] t The act of mutually- 
deceiving, beguiling, or circumventing ; or en- 
deavouring to deceive, beguile, or circumvent i 
(TA;) or the act of deceiving, beguiling, or cir- 
cumventing; (S, Msb;) and the acting t or 
advising, or counselling, dishonestly, or insin- 
cerely; (S, Mfb, TA ;) and ♦ £^ and * fel^ , 
the latter on the authoritY of J, [accord, to som« 



kii— Hi 

copies of the 8, but in other copies i^ ,] signify tion , (Msb :) a lore, or depressed, piece of ground 

the same [as snbsts.] (TA.) You gay, i, 1^3 y 

^lu^l V* i 'ijJI OJ* i»jW- t [I>o no* thou 
practise 'mutual deceit with thy neighbour, or 
endeavour to deceiving him, kc.,/or the doing so 
brings upon its author things, or affairs, from 
which it is difficult to escape]. (Z, TA.) And 
it ia said in trad , L\jp *% VJU. $, which is like 
his [Mohammad's] saying, f There shall be no 
putting together what is separate, nor separating 
what is put together, from fear of the poor-rate : 
(8 :) J»"iU. has been explained in its place : 
(TA :) b\ j3 [has also been variously explained 

or land, in which is no may, or road, (S, Msb, 
K,) directing to escape : (Msb :) this is said by 
A'Obeyd to be the primary signification : (S :) 
a deep hollow, cavity, or pit, in the ground : 
(TA :) a deep hollow, cavity, or pit, formed for 
the purpose of a stratagem, such as may be in a 
mountain, occasioning difficulty to him who falls 
into it: (As:) and hence, (TA,) a weU: (K, 
TA .) and anything that is Jby<\e. [app. here 
meaning low, or depressed} : (K:) also, by 
derivation from the first of these significa- 
tions, (Msb,) or from the second, (S, Msb,) 
[or some other,] \ perdition; or destruction; 

in that place, and, it is said,] signifies the putting or death: (Sf Mfib R , and 

together what i* separate: and the reverse: (K :) \ barrassinn m- £«. u ' L • * 

.... . , ,„ _., v - ' \ oa riass%ng, or difficult, case, or affair -A any 

or the dispersing camels ($, TA) among other case or fl ~. -, ..'. W V "* 

M —;.. /ta i .u \- , \ ' ■" , > J rom wAtch Mra P e is dif 

camels: (TA :) or the hiding camels among' 

other camels ; (Th, £ ;) or in a low, or depressed, 
piece of ground; in order that the collector of 
the poor-rate may not see them : (£:) or the 
making one another to fall into a ii^, (TA,) 
one saying to the collector of the poor-rate, 
" Such a one has that for which a poor-rate is 
due," when he has not; (£, TA;) so accord, to 
IAar: accord, to Ibn-Hani, it is from i^l 
*tsCj\ J& Ji ^ijl. (TA.) See 4. 

ficuh: (SO pi. [of pauc] il^l, (S, IS,) the 
• in the sing, being app. regarded as elided ; 
(IS;) and [of mull] iljj, (£,) and oli^. 
(TA.) __ Also, I The podex: or the anus: svn. 
^i- (S.TA.) 

ibljj: see 3. 

4 : see 2, in two places ; and 1. __ i»jy 
-^' <f* <Jl «*$*■" t-ff« put the end of the 
JO^ (<!■ y -] °f the camel into its ring, and then 
pulled it so as to throttle him. (Ibn-Hani. K.) 

& L5^ ^J* 3 He fell into what is termed 
# •# 
«U»jj [properly and also tropically, or in its 

primary sense, and also in any of its subordinate 
senses]. (S.) You say, U^^iAII oJ»J)3 The 
sheep, or goats, $c.,fell into mud from which they 
could not extricate themselves; or into a depressed 
piece of ground in which was no way directing 
to escape : and heuce the verb is used in relation 
to any straitness or difficulty. (Msb.) Thus you 

B aj,>*'>l ^ O*** ■'•jV t Such a one undertook, 
or embarked in, the affair, and could not easily 
extricate himself; and go<ui ' ± i yL,\ : (Msb :) 
or the former signifies t he fell into the affair, 
or case : (J£.:) or \ lie became entangled in the 
affair, and could not easily extricate himself 
from it ; (TA ;) and so * the latter : (Sh, $, 
TA :) and 1t>jy} and * J*)**"' both signify he 
stuck fast: or + he perished ; or died. (TA.) 

See Supplement.] 

i t, 

J3 a (1,al - ▼<"■• of jjl, (S, £,) A /two 1 of water- 
fowl; (S;) [the goose, or ^ee/ce; and the duck, 
or dud»; but generally the former of these 
birds ;] as also • £jj£ : (If :) n. un. of the 
former, »/ 3 • (Msb, art. j s ;) and of the latter, 

[Book I. 

Ijj Strong-made : (S, ? :) or a «Aorf, /at 1 , 
strong-made, man. (TA.) 

1. wyj, aor. vji.inf. n. V jjj, It{ water, 5, 

or a thing, T,) flowed. (T, £.) 

4 - u^j^l (^ «-»jj' I Be went, or ro«»< away, 

or pursued his course, through the land, (£,) like 

as does water. (TA.) 

9 &* 

w»'jJ I A C ^*"^ '/"V-' (^ so called because 
quick in his motions, like running water. (TA.) 

w>l^~6 A wtUer-spout ; a pipe or other channel 
that spouts forth water ; (TA, art. vj' }) that by 
which water pours down from a high place; 
(Towsheeh ;) a water-spout of wood, or the like, 
to convey away the water from the roof of a 
house : (MF, art. ^ :) from jU>I Jj^ " the 
water flowed:" (£:) or a Persian term, ara- 
bicized ; (S, K ;) i. e., composed of the Persian 
words, (T A,) signifying "make water:" (£:) 
also written w>|p» ; and in this case its pi. is 
«r-^U : (S,K :) but if without ., its pi. is s^jC", 
(?i) or T~t$y> ; the latter agreeable with analogy, 
like Oetl^i and C^j'j-- (TA.) [See also arts. 

Vj 1 and .jjjj. It has also two other forms, 
■ -• t #• 

V'j>^ and wijjj^.] 

10 : see 5, in three places. __ { j'^> juo \> } y~,\ 
t He behaved proudly, haughtily, or insolently, 
in speech, with such a one. (TA.) 

bjj •. see 8. 

hJ J9 Slime, or thin mud, [in the CK, J»Jjl 
is erroneously put for J*.y I,] into which sheep or 
//oa<.i fall, and from which they cannot extricate 
themselves : (Msb, $ :) this, or, as some say, 
what here next follows, is the primary significa- 

^JV (?gh, TA.) See ^j£» 

^j^ and iiJj^ : see jj. 

•j>* i»»ajl A tarni abounding with the birds 
called jy, (K: ;) like lj s l» from jjt. (TA.) 

1. 'ijj, (S, K,) aor. I>j, (?:,) inf.n. JJj, (S,) 
He rfrierf flesh-meat : (S, ^ :) or he roasted and 
so dried it. (TA.) __>»jij| lj£ ^e repelled one 
part of the people from another. (K.) — Ijj 
yO^Ajl One par< q/" </«e people repelled another 
part. (TA.) 

2. *uyt Ijj, inf. n. i)jy» and *^£iy, He made 
tight the contents of the bag ; or other repository : 
»jrn. ( *j& jLi. (AZ.S,?.) _lij, (S,?,) inf.n. 
*ii^P» ( s ») -S* ^ &rf » water-skin (S, ^l) or 

other vessel. (TA.) ass »y «^»Uj, (§, K,) inf. n. 

1- •- 

*H|y> (?») ^e ( a ma re, TA) or a camel, S, K,) 

t/,reio /urn (i.e. her rider, TA,) down prostrate. 
(S, K.) = »\jj He made him bind himself by 
every oath : (K :) or by a hard, or severe, 
oath. (L.) 

5. tjy It (a water-skin, K, or other vessel, 
TA) was ff lied, or became full. (IjL) _ ife was, 
or became, filled with drink to satiety. (As, S.) 

1. jj^, (A, Mgh, K,) aor. j[>J, inf. n. jjj, with 
kesr, (K,) He bore, or carried, a heavy load, 
or burden. (A, Mgh, K.) It is said in the 
Kur, [vi. 164, Ac.,] ^jjL\ jjj S*jlj [fi % 
Nor shall any [soul] bearing [a heavy burden] 
bear the [Aeary] burden of another aoul; (S;) i.e. 
iU burden of sin : (Mgh, Msb :) meaning, that 
no one shall be punished for the sin of another • 
nor shall any sinning soul bear the heavy burden 
of another soul ; every one shall be requited for 
his [own] deeds : (T A :) or nor shall any sinning 
[soul] sin by the sin of another. (Akh, S, TA.) 
— Hence, (Akh, S.) jj, (Akh, S, A, Msb, £,) 
aor. j>, ; and jjj, aor. } )y m ; (Akh, S, A, M?b, 
K. ;) and jjj (the same and A,) aor. Jj^j ; ( Akh, 
S, KL ;) inf. n. jj^ and jj^ and ijj, (5,) or 

»jj«, accord, to Zj, as I have seen it [says IM] 
pointed and well written; (L;) I He sinned: 
(Akh, S, A, K :) or he bore [a burden of] sin. 


(Msb.) See also 8. — jjy also signifies t He 
was charged with, or accused of, a sin. (tj., m 
TA.)_^.*sU j'ji, (A,) and ^IkljU, (Msb, 
[this I believe to be the right reading ; but in 
the only copy of the Msb, that I have, I find it 
written ,jUaJLJI ;]) aor. jit ; (A, Msb ;) inf. n. 
Sj'ji ; (A ;) and p$i t *^ % (S.) or oUJUj 
(K;)and* »jjtj ; (S, ?1 ;) \ He was, or became, 
H)} [or vicegerent] (S, A, Msb, ?1) to the governor, 
(S, A,) or sultan, (Msb,) or king. (K.) 

Book I.] 

3. [-jjlj He bore a burden with him. — 
[Hence,] JUJI iUI iU^JI jjJj I //« bore with 

S * * 

the king (aJUU.) (A« burden of the regal office. 

(A.) See also 1, last signification. ^^U- «jjlj 

jZ)\, (TA,) inf. n. ijj\y, (A, TA,) He aided, 
assisted, or helped, him', and strengthened him, to 
do the thing: originally »jjl: (A/TA:) the 
former of these, »jjl^, is the more chaste. (TA.) 

4. »jj)l Zfe appointed him a jjj, (K, TA,) 
i. e., a place of refuge to which to betake himself. 

5 : see 1, last signification. 

8. jj?\, of the measure JjiijJ, (S, Msb,) 
[originally jj3jl,] J He committed a jjj, (S, K,) 
i. e., a tin. (Msb, TA.) 

10. »jjr~,\ t He took him, or chose him, as a 
j*}} [or vicegerent]. (K.) You say, O^jj**-" 1 
t &ueA a one was taken, or chosen, as a **}}■ 
(§, A.«) 


jj^ .4 /i*at>y load or burden, (A, Mgh, K,) 

a bundle, (S,) or great bundle, (K,) <Aa< u carried 
on the bach: (S, 50 « weight; syn. Jii: (S, 
[in which the syn. is written jii: so in two 
copies; and so app. accord, to A'Obeyd, who 
makes its pi. JU5I :] and Msb [in which, in my 
copy, the syn. is written without syll. signs :] 
and K [in which it is written Jii :]) pi. itul. 
(Msb, K.) _ I A weapon ; an instrument of 
mar : or weapons ; arms : syn. -.%. : (S, Mgh, 
Msb, K:) because heavy upon the wearer: 
(Mgh, Msb :) or jlj^l signifies the burdens and 
instruments of war, &c. ; and the sing, is jjj ; 
(A'Obeyd, TA ;) or it has no sing., accord, to 
some. (TA.) A poet says, (S,) namely El-Aasha, 
(Mgh, TA.) 

[And I prepared for the war its weapons and 
other apparatus ; long lances and male horses]. 
(S, Mgh, TA.) And it is said in the Kur, 
[xlvn. o,] Ujljji ^^mJI «-iu ^jm., meanings 
t f/n«t/ </*« war terminates : (Mgh, Ms b :) because 
then the people thereof lay down their arms: 
(Mgh :) properly, until the people of the war lay 
down their burdens: (Msb:) their weapons and 

burdens: or, as some say, their sins. (Bd.) 

t A sin-. (S, Bd, ubi supra, and Msb, K :) and 
[especially] polytheism : (Fr, Bd, TA :) pi. as 
above. (Bd, Msb, kc.) This is the sense in 
which it is most frequently used in the traditions. 

)j} A mountain : this is the primary significa- 
tion : (8 :) or a mountain difficult of access, or 

strong : (K, TK :) or a mountain to which one 
betakes himself for refuge : this is the primary 
signification. (Aboo-Is-hak.) — A place of 
refuge: (S, Msb, K:) any such place. (Aboo- 
Is-hak, K.) So in the Kur, lxxv. 11. (TA.) 

__ See also 


Jiii *• Q- jjl*-° [One who bears a burden or 
burdens with another : or one who aids, assists or 
helps, and strengthens, another : see 3 : ] (S, A, K : ) 
like as J~£»l signifies i. q. J£»lj^, (S,) and 

is-tX»- i. q. isJU^a. (A.) _— I [A vicegerent of 
a king or the like : or a confidential minister of 
state: in English commonly written vizier, in 
imitation of the Turkish pronunciation ; but pro- 
perly, wizeer .-] the familiar of the king, who 
bears his master's burden, and aids him by his- 
counsel: (I£ :) or the jjj$ of the king is the 
person who bears with him (»jjt>J, i. e. 4JUU^,) 

the burdens of the regal office : not from »jj\y» , 
signifying the " act of aiding or the like," because 
the j in this latter word is substituted for >, and 

the derivative from it of the measure J~«i is 

• t 

jjjl : (A :) ISd says, some hold that the ^ in ^jjj 

is substituted for.; but Abu-1 'Abbas says, that 
this is not agreeable with analogy ; for the sub- 
stitution of » for 3 in a word of this measure is 
rare, and that of _j for » is more strange : (TA :) 
ihejjjj is so called because he bears for the king 
the burden of administration : (S,* Msb :) or it 
is from T jjj, signifying "a mountain to which 
one has recourse to save himself from destruc- 
tion :" so the jtjj of the khaleefeh is one upon 
whose counsel the khaleefeh relies in his affairs, 
and to whom he betakes himself for refuge or 
safety : (Aboo-Is-hak, TA :) pi. i?jj£ (A, Msb, 
K) and jljjl ; (A, K ;) the latter like o£il and 

^t^ 1 . (A, TA,) pis. of oup and 


*j'iJ a "d h\ii ^ ne condition, or office, of a 

Hii '■ (?, Msb, K :) the former word is the more 
approved. (ISk, Msb.) 

jjlj Bearing, or carrying, a heavy loud, or 

burden. (A.) _ [Hence, - ] also, (A,) and *;jj>«, 
(S, A, Msb, IJ,) : Sinning : (S, A, £ :) or bear- 
ing [a burden of] sin. (Msb.) «l»ljjju occurs 
in a trad., for Olj^j^*, the regular form, because 

it is there coupled with OlJ^.U, to which it is 
opposed. (S, Mgh, Msb,*?.; 

spoke, or talked, indistinctly : (TA :) [or in a 
low, faint, gentle, or soft manner, with confused- 
nets : for] Aboo-Turab is related to have said, 
that he heard Khaleefeh say, a-jj-j signifies the 
speaking in a low, faint, gentle, or soft, manner, 
with confusedness : or, accord, to one relation, it 
is [i£^,] with Ji. (TA.) [It is generally 
intrans., agreeable with the above explanations : 
but sometimes trans. ; for you say,] J*yJ1 J*f->$ 
He spoke to the man with low, faint, gentle, or 

soft, speech. (M.) [Hence,] aLh aJ\ c~!>'y*'), 

(S, M,« A,» Msb, K,») and o^l 4*' J>^, 
(S, A,» Msb, K,) and <J, (S, Msb, K,) and *?, 
(TA,) or >jjJo ^, (M,) inf. n. iL^ (S, M, 
A, Msb, K) and ^r-j, with kesr, (S, A, Msb, 

K,) and ^\'yj^, with fet-h, is also allowable in 
the case of this and similar reduplicative verbs, 
(MF, voce l&Ui ,) or this last is a simple subst, 
(S, Msb, K,) Hit mind, or soul, (S, M, A, &c.,) 
and the devil, (S, A, Msb, K,) prompted, or 
suggested to him [something], or talked to him,. 
(S, M, Msb,) and [in him, or] in his bosom : 
(M :) or suggested to him, or talked to him of, 
(A,* K,) and suggested in him, or talked in him 
of, (TA,) what was vain, or unprofitable, and 
destitute of good : (A, K, TA :) and in like 
manner one says of the thoughts. (TA.) By 
the prep. J by which it is made trans, in the 
Kur, in vii. 19, is meant J}\, (S, Msb.) You 

" * 

say also, 4j ^j^wj [as though signifying properly 

He had vain things suggested in him by the devil, 
so that his mind was disturbed thereby, and] his 
speech became confused, and he became stupified, 
or deprived of hie reason. (TA.) _ [Hence 
also,] ^-Jl J*'£ 3 , (M, A, Bd, in vii. 19,) inf 
n. i->-<_5 and ,^»l^«, (M,) t T/ie woman's or- 
nament sounded, or made a sound or sounds : 
(M :) or made a low, or gentle, sound ; or a 
chinking. (Bd, [who holds this to be a primary 
signification : but it is said in the A to be tro- 
pical.]) And 4~^UI J.^ t [ Tl * reeds made a 
low sound; or rustling]. (A.) And ----,"■ 
*"ly3 1 1 /teard its low sounding, or tit chinking ; 

• 06 , 

JJliy- see^jlj. 

[fjj Ac- 
See Supplement.] 


R. Q. 1. <j-y}, [inf. n. il^-j and ^-\y^, 


and simple subst. y-lj-j, but see U>0>,] He 

or its rustling]. (A.) See also ,^-«>-»j. 
iwj-»j : see 1 ; and ^i^wj , in two places. 

ft »•» 0«*0 

u»\y} a subst. from u->-j ; (S, Msb, K ;) 
signifying, [Speech, or talk, that is indistinct : or 
low, faint, gentle, or soft : or low, &c, and con- 
fused : see 1 And hence,] The soul's, or 

mind's, (S, M, Msb, K,) and the devil's, (K,) 
prompting, or suggestion, or talk, (8, M, Msb, 
K,) of what is vain, or unprofitable, and destitute 
of good; (K;) as also * il^ [used as subst, 
in which case its pi. is cj-jUj, occurring below]. 
(?, K.) _ [And hence,] t An evil, or unprofit- 
able, idea, imagination, or thought, which bestirs 
itself in, or occurs to, the mind. (Msb.) __ And 


[by a metonymy,] t A certain disease, (i. e. me* 
lancholia, in which is a doting in the imagination 
and judgment, a sort of delirium, vulgarly 
attributed to diabolical prompting or suggestion, 
but, it is said,] arising from a predominance of 
the black bile, attended with confusion of the 
intellect. (Msb.) __ [And from the primary 
signification seem to be derived those which here 
follow.] t The low, or faintly heard, sound of 
the hunter and the dogs. (S, £.) _ f A low or 
faint sound [or rustling] of wind; as also 
♦ \-y-i- (M.) I The sounds, (§,) or sound, 

(M, £,) of women's ornaments : (S, M, £ :) 

* * * * 
[the chinking thereof: see 1.] = Also, ^*\y*y\ 

The devil; (M, K ;) a name of the devil: (S :) 

it occurs in verse 4 of the last chap, of the £ur ; 

* *' * 
and is said to mean there (^-l^w^JI ^i [the, 

prompter, or suggester, of what is vain, or un- 
profitable, and destitute of good. (M.) 

S .,. %.. 

• •"lyO *-*».r* [^ disease of the nature of 

melancholia]. (K in art JU^e.) 



* • ' * * - 

sj»ymiy*, with kesr, A man subject to j^-jU) 
[or diabolical promptings, or suggestions, of vain, 
or unprofitable, things, and thereby confused in 
his intellect, or disordered in his mind] : (M :) 
an act. part, n., applied as an epithet to a man, 
because he to whom it is applied talks to him- 
self: and one also says v»y*y», [or <tJ] ^yjy* ,] 
like ^taJU yjrfit,«H : (Msb .) or, accord, to 
I Aar, one should not say v*y*y». (TA.y 

t^*J — *-> 

V^f« Dates «ncA a* are termed f-j»~°, [i. e., 
Aa//", or two-thirds, ripe] : (1£ :) i.e., as applied 
to ^i»j, w'/e, or bad. (TA.) 

*• £-*» (* 0T - p-^i. £,) inf. n. 1*^ (S, 
K) and -_-, } and 0^*-0 > (^>) -H* ( a camel) wen/ 
a certain pace ; (S, L, £ ;) [more ouicn /Aan 
that called ~-~s. : the contr. is said in the TA, 

app. by a mistranscription : but sec ^-yv , and 
J»«i :] the first pace, accord, to En-Nadr and As, 
is called v~j.»JI ; the next, JU*H ; the next, 

lit -i J £ '•. 

jupl ; the next, J~oJJI ; the next, .. ...all ; 

and the next, -■ ryM : or he went quickly, or 

wn/Hy. (TA, L.) 

4. ^ — >^l //r incited, urged, or made, a camel, 
to yo a/ /Ac pare raZ/erf mmJ) I • (S, £.) 

• a - • a- • . - 

I- w»j^l w4-ii «""• ^r-7 5 . ('nf. n. ^«w 5 , 

TA ;) and * C~-<jl ; 77«« fond became abundant 

• ^ 
in fresh herbage, such as is called y « J , (S, K,) 

# . # #ft# 

nn</ mi (fry herbage. (TA.) — *^j,aor. w— y, 

inf. n. ywj, i/"«, or tV, wa* aVry .• (IAar, & :) 
syn. with ^£> 5 and ^iiU. (TA.) 

4 : see 1. 

^—■3 Ifood '««/ i* p«r in /Ae /oroer par/ o/"a 
ice//, n:Aeri i/« ear//t is such as would pour in, 
( K ,) and /Aa/ prevents the earth from doing so .- 
called by *he people of Egypt »/*}**• , and only 
of the wood of the sycamore fig-tree : (TA:) 
[the lyiji±. is a lining of planks, resembling a 
barrel ; and the wood above mentioned is used 
in its construction because water does not rot it 
so quickly as it rots other kinds of wood :] pi. 
«r>>-j- (&•) [Accord, to ll)r«l, of the dial, of 
El-Yemen. (Freytag.)] 

•^—p Plants; herbs; herbage: (S, K:) or 

abundance of herbage. (M, in art. ^— <l.) 

• » 

*v~>y t A ram abounding with wool : (K :) 

likened to a land abounding with herbage. (TA.) 

-_L_c K-^-'i J^" A. quick, or swift, camel (K..) 
r-y—s- r-y-i ^ Quick, or swift, camels. (BL.) 

1- r~?}> ilor - •— »3i (S, $1) and *— L< and 
>■ "ti! i (¥») [the last two of which are irregular 
forms,] inf. n. i—j ; (L ;) and * i-Jl and 
♦ fLyi (S, K) and * £-,i,l ; (^ ;) // (a garment, 
S, L, K, and the skin, L, or some other thing, 
Msb) was, or became, dirty, filthy, (S, L, K,) 
in consequence of its being seldom washed, (L,) 
or from want of care. (Msb.) 

2 : see 4. 

4. £-.1 (S, L, ^) and * ^ (L, ^) He, 
or it, made a garment, (S, L, 5,) and the skin, 
(L,) or some other thing, (Msb,) dirty, or 

filthy. (s,l,k:.) 

see 1. 

i_j Dirt, filth, or soil ; (S, L ;) what collects 

upon a garment, or the skin, (L,) or some other 
thing, (Msb,) in consequence of its being seldom 
washed, (L,) or from want of care : (Msb:) pi. 

l£f\. (Msb.) — y-UJI ICjl* JjLb <J I [Live 

not thou upon the alms of men]. (A.) 

•i— <^ Dirty, or filthy, [in consequence of being 
seldom washed, or] ,/rom want of care : an 
epithet applied to a garment &c. (Msb.) 

2. &Cj ij^ 5 , or HC^, (L, K:,) and l^i, (S,) 
//« pu/ a pillow, (L, K,) and a thing, (S,) 

[Boor I. 

beneath his (another's) head. (S, L, £•.) [See 
an ex. in a verse cited voce vyi : *nd another 
voce *!>-.] 

• i 

4- >9—ll (_5» Jwjl £fe hastened, Or too* quick, 

m his pace. (L, £.) — iju-jl, (S, L, $,) or 
J«^JW »-*—jl, (Msb,) He incited him (a dog) to 
the chase : as also »jS\. (S, L, Msb, ]£.) 

5. a-«y, (L, K,) and IjUj ju.y, or SjUj 

(L,) and iLi, (S.) //e put for himself a pillow, 
(L, K,) and a thing, (S,) beneath his head; (S, 
L,) he rested his head upon a pillow. (L.) __ 
Atlji j-- y He made his fore arm his pillow; 
i.e., lay upon hit fore arm, putting it as a 
pillow. (L.) 

»C| (S, L, Msb, K:) and ♦ SjCj (S, A, L, Msb, 
K) and »iL-j and »iCj, (]£,) but some disallow 
the last twoforms,(TA,)and S^Cl, (L,)andsSCl, 
(Kl, art. jmlj A pillow, or cushion, upon which 
one rests his cheek (S, A, L, Msb, K:) or head : 
(L :) and the first, a thing upon which one 
reclines, or rests : (M, L, £ :) or the first, only, 
signifies, anything that is used as a pillow, (A, 
Msb,) or put beneath the head, (L,) whether of 
household-furniture, (Msb,) or stones, (L,) or 
earth (A, L, Msb) <fr. .• (Msb :) pi. of the first, 
jL's (S, Msb, K) and jL'j ; (L, TA;) and of the 
second, JJiCj (S, L, Msb, K) and OljCj. 
(Msb.) — Juyj JiC, Oj I [lit., PWy My 
pillow is wide:] said by Mohammad (L, K) to 
Adee lbn-Hatim : (L :) alluding to his sleeping 
much; (L, K. ;) because he whose pillow is wide 
sleeps pleasantly : (£:) or to his sleeping night 
and day : (L :) or to his having a wide back 
to his neck, and a great head, indicating want 
of understanding. (L, K\) You say, Jeuj* yh 

jL,yi, meaning, He is stupid, dull, or wanting 
in intelligence • (Msb :) or sleepy. (TA, art. 

SjL>j : sec i 1 — ) . 

1. J»^iUt J»U^, aor. iuj, inf. n. ilj (?, Msb, 

• * ' ft^ 

K) [and by-, } (as shown below)] and «\k»» t (S, 

K^,) £fe *»/, [or iwm, or iecame,] in tA« middle, 
or miast, o/ </te people, or company of men; 
(K;) or among them; (TA;) t'.o. t^L* - . 
(S, ^ ;) or Jmi i^ i v Jsiwy : (Msb :) and in like 
manner, ^jlwl .U_j [Ae n»a<, or became, or «ai, 
in (/(« middle, or mi66tf, o/ /nt> p/ac«] : (Msb :) 
and (^5^)1 Jbbwy , and * <Uxwj, and ▼ *ia_y , A« 
wo*-, or became, in the middle, or midst, of the 
thing : and [in like manner] ^~^J\ £>-j sig- 

" a • "f '" <n 

nifies tU-JI " lyJ»-,y [T^ aw»'« o«tny, or becom- 
ing, in tlte middle, or mtoV/, o/ the shy], (M.) 
__ t^^t k^^ also signifies £fe, or it, was, or 

Book I.] 

became, in the best part of tlie thing, most remote \ 

M . . . j 

from the two extreme*. (TA.) And *)**} He 
alighted, or took up his abode, in, or among, the 
best, or most generous, thereof. (M.) And 

**»* J*--*" •■*.»» and *?y ls!' inf - n - <u,v- 3» 

7%« man occupied, or AeM, o middle place, 
[meaning tAe best place, or one o/t/ie best places,] 
among his people, in respect of truth and equity. 
(Msb.) And w~l»JI (j* *«»>» A»-.j, aor. ix-j, 
in£ n. ii— , [i/e /*e/a" a middle, or </rW, or /A« 
*«j<, rank among his people in regard of grounds 
of pretension to respect.] (M.) And ^j Ja-*j 

fl'r. [aor. ii-.^',] inf. n. ii>Cj and ilL., [i/« 
Ae/d a middle, or </ood, or the best, rank in regard 
of his grounds of pretension to respect;] (M, 
TA ;) and ixlj signifies the same ; ( M ;) and 
»o doea ♦ klj, (M, TA,) inf. n. hu-.^. (TA.) 
[See Ja~j, below.] 

2. iklj, (1$:,) inf. n. i*-^', (S, K,) He put 
it in the middle, or midst. (S, K.) — And [so 
in the S, but in the K " or,"] He cut it [in the 
middle, or midst, i. e.] in two halves. (S, K f ) 
[See the pass. part, n., below.] — [In the Kur, 
c 5,] some read, U**> *j O^*-^ [which may 
mean And have put in the midst, thereby, a com- 
pany of the enemy : or have divided in two halves, 
thereby, Ac : or have thereby become in the midst 
of a company of the enemy] : (S, TA :) others 
read ,jL^'y». (TA.) See 1, first sentence. — 
■>■, ■-- ^ )aL>j : see 1, last sentence. 

5 : see 1, first sentence, in four places. _ 
( _ r ,UJ| ^^ .k^y i/e mediated, or interceded, 
between the men, or people, for the purpose of 

accommodation ; from <x*ji «J^vP' ^"^ il1 "' i^? 

• , • - - * 

<uy>, explained above; (Msb;) or from il»L.j ; 

(S ;) he made mediation, or intercession, ( J^t 

aVC^H ,) between them. (K.) _ ix_^j also sig- 
nifies 2/e tooA u»Aa< tea* «/" a middle sort, between 
the good and the bad. (K.) 

i»Lj, with the ,»• quiescent, is an adv. n. ; 
[as such written i*-<j, meaning /« </<r middle 
of; in the midst of; or among;] (S, M, IB, 
Mgh, K ;) and it is for this reason that it has 
its middle letter quiescent, (S, IB,) like ^j^j (IB) 
with which it is syn.; (IB, Msb ;) [for] it may 
l>e used in any case in which i j~j may be sub- 
stituted for it ; (S, IAth, K ;) and, like ^j^/ , it 
does not denote a part of the thing denoted by 
the noun to which it is prefixed, wherein differing 

from * k^j. (S, IB, K.) You say, cJjU. 
v»yUI klj (S, IB, Msb) / sat [in the middle of, 
or in the midst of,] or among, the people, or com- 
pany of men, (IB, Msb;) not being one of them. 

(IB.) And y>*» a-1; L-,'} [ In the middle of 
his head is oil] ; not meaning a component part 
of the head. (IB.) And it is said in a trad. 

^ydU aaUJI ialj uJWM [The sitter in the 

midst of the ring is cursed] : for he must of 
necessity turn his back towards some of those 
who surround him, and so displease them ; where- 
fore they curse him and revile him. (IAth.) __ 
It may not [properly] be used as a decl. n., (IB,) 
i.e. as an inchoative, (Mgh,) nor as an agent, nor 
as an objective complement ; (IB, Mgh) Sec. ; 
thus, also, differing from * ia_j ; unless it have 
the adverbial particle [^j] prefixed to it ; in 

which case it has the sense of 
• - *' • 

i*, and you 
• • » I. • . 

say, >>yi)l kwj ^j O— W. and ^j*} a-Ij ix_ 5 ^ 

• . a * .. I. , > . 

_,« £ mXt> and <0 

t j 


• ,. ' 
lx-, j, sufficient observations have been made in 

the next preceding paragraph, which see through- 
out, and more especially in its latter part :] the 

pi. of ia-.^ is l»Ujl ; and that of its syn. " i»-jt 

■» -* • 

is Jewt^t ; or this may be a pi. of ' J»—tj, and 

originally Ixwlj^. (M.) You say, ^Jk C.»*» 

ts * * 

jtjjl Ix-j [ / sat in the middle, or middle part, 
oft/ie house] ; (S, Mgh, Msb ;) because ixL^ is 
a subst. (S.) And <Ok-<j «— Jt [TAe middle, or 
middle part, thereof, became wide]. (Mgh, 
Msb.) And *_.!; ia—j CW^e [/ «mote (A« 
middle, or middle part, of his head]. (Mgh, # 
Msb.) And ^, — «jJ! J»_j 0^-S» [7 broke the 
middle, or middle part, of the spear]. (IB.) 
And *iji» s jm je*. Ak->^ [The middle, or middle 
part, thereof is better than the extremity]. 

(Mgh, Msb.) And giCy ;> i^l j^*. TAe o««t 
of affairs, or actions, or raw*, are ewcA «/" (Ae« 
<u are between two extremes. (M. [See R. Q. 1, 
in art. Ji^.J) It is sometimes put in the accus. 
case as an adv. n. ; as in the saying, Amii* 
j\ jJt itLj ; but this is an instance of departure 
from the original usage ; and [the meaning is 
jtjJI ix-,} yi si— JU. signifying as explained 

[like as you say^syUi a->j >-— *»■ aim «_<ij jawj 

^Ai , explained above]: and sometimes it is 

used as a subst., preserving the quiescence [and 

the adverbial form], like as i >o is usedasa subst, 

though virtually an adv. n., in cases like that 

. St . . t * * 
where it is said in the Kur, [vi. 94,] aJ»Ju jJU 

**'*' • i-*- ' . 

V-^ [racaiiiiij,'^^ U, or, as explained in the 

Expos, of the Je\.,^s£t^6Z>)] : (IB :) or laL s 

is sometimes used for * -K- j , improperly; (S ;) 
or it may be so used ; (Msb ;) or it is so used 
by poetic license ; (M ;) or, as some say, each 
of them may take the place of the other ; and 
this seems the most likely : (IAth :) or one says 
JsLj, with sukoon, only, of that whereof the 
component parts are separate, or distinct, (IAth, 
K*,) such as a number of men, and beasts of 
c.rriage, &c. ; (IAth ;) and * ioLij, (IAth,) or 
both, (K,) of that whereof the component parts 
arc united, (IAth, K*,) such as a house, and the 
bead, (IAth,) or such asa ring : (K :) it is related, 
as on the authority of Th, that «. ,^JI * Ja_.« and 
aJxwj [both meaning The middle, or midst, of 
the thing] are said when tho thing is solid ; but 
when its component parts are separate, or dis- 
tinct, the word is Ja-» j , with sukoon, exclu- 
sively. (M.) 

•tuj) [The middle, midst, or middle part, of a 
thing; i.e.,] properly, the part of which several 
lateral, or outer, portions are equal ; as, for 
instance, the middle finger : but also meaning 
the part which is surrounded, or enclosed, on its 
several sides, although unequally : (Msb :) or 
the part that is between the two sides or extremities 
of a thing ; (M, IB, Mgh, K ;) [or thenar*, or 
point, that is between every two opposite extremities 
of a thing; and properly when equidistant;] 
as, for instance, the centre of a circle : (Mgh :) 
as also * Ixwji, (M, K,) which is [likewise] a 

subst., like ^Jxil and ^j\ [but imperfectly decl. 

§ * * 
because originally an epithet] : (M :) J&wj has 

its middle letter with fet-h in order that it may 

... . .... ?,- .Msb,) * , Jx-V' >-»^ >S, Msb. K) The middle 

agree in measure with its contr., which is o^b ; I V^*"" \Jf«~T C~ ( •' T *" 

the like agreement being frequent : (IB:) and j fi n ger. (Msb.) And * •kly^t >>e" [The middle 

it is only used in cases in which ^ may not be I ^, (Msb.) And * ^Jo^^ *MJ' [The middle 

above ; so that] it is not here syn. with ^>o» 
like as ixlj is. (IB.) _ It is also used as an 
epithet: (IB, Mgh:) (as such signifying Middle ; 
intermediate ; midway, or equidistant, between 
the two extremities or extremes; in place, or 
position : but in this sense superseded in usage 
hy * Jj-jjt and " ia.wlj and " b^y^t : and in 
time ; but in this sense also superseded in usage 
by t iw^l :] middling ; of middle sort, hind, or 
rate ; (Msb ;) as also • Lf}\ (S,* M, Mgh, Msb, 
K) and * Ll'^ (M, Mgh, Msb) and ♦ i^j 
(M, TA) [and * i»wj] ; between good and bad ; 

(Msb, TA ;) as also ' Ja-jl : (Msb :) conform- 
ing, or conformable, to the just mean ; just ; 
equitable : (Zj f S, $ :) good ; (Zj, M, Msb, $ ;) 
as also t b ; ,' j : (M :) most conforming, or con- 
formable, to the just mean ; most just ; most 
equitable ; applied to what is so of a thing ; (S, 
M, K;) whatever it be ; (S,K ;) as also * J»-}l: 
(M:) best; (Msb;) as also * LL}\ : (S, # Msb, 
K*:) most generous: (M :) and when used as 
an epithet, it is applied alike to a masc, fern., 
sing., dual, and pi., subst. : (Mgh :) the fern, of 
♦ iu^t is ijsl*'} ; (Mgh, Msb;) and the pi. 
masc k-iy ; and pi. fem. Jal» 3 . (Msb.) Hence, 

substituted for it, herein [and in other respects, 
mentioned in the next preceding paragraph,] 
differing from Ja_j : (S, IB, K :) [respecting 
the similar and dissimilar usages of Jswj and 

night. (Msb.) And * Ja-bj^l S^iaJI, meaning 
The [ten middle] days. (Msb.) And jiilt 
♦ Lu^JI, meaning The [ten middle nights : not 


. . <i i* . 

" ifc-j^l >— «J1 ; for this is a vulgar mistake, into 

which relators of traditions have fallen ; or it 
may be a mistake of transcription. (Msb.) And 
T ^ji»^tjf\ 5jJ-a)l, (M, Mgh, Ac.,) mentioned in 
the Kur, [ii. 239,] (M, K,) meaning The middle 
prayer (Bd, TA) between the other prayers, 
(Bd,) or between the prayers of the night and 
the day ; (T A ;) or the most excellent of them in 
particular : (Bd .) i. e. the prayer of the after- 
noon; ('Aloe Ibn-Abee-Talib, I'Ab, and others, 
Mgh, Bd, K ;) because the prophet said, on the 
day of the Ahzab, " they have diverted us from 
Ja^ll SjJLsJI, the prayer of the afternoon :" 
(Bd:) or the prayer of daybreak; (nlso said to 
bo on the authority of 'Alee, Mgh, lid, K ;) 
because it is between the prayers of the night 
and the day ; (Bd ;) for the saying of the prophet 
mentioned above does not contravene this and 
other assertions, since what is meant in the trad, 
is not what is meant in the Kur : (K :) or, (M, 
K,) accord, to Abu-1-Hasan, (M,) the prayer of 
Friday; (M, K ;) because it is the most ex- 
cellent of the prayers ; (M ;) and he who says 
otherwise errs, unless he trace up the assertion 
to the prophet: (M, K:) these three opinions 
are of the strongest authority ; (B;) and the first 
is that which commonly obtains : (Mgh :) or the 
prayer of noon ; (Mgh, Bd, Msb, K ;) because 
it is in the middle of the day : (Bd.) or the 
prayer of Friday on the day thereof; but on 
other days the prayer of noon : (K, and also 
said to be on the authority of 'Alee:) or the 
prayer of sunset : (Mgh, Bd, K :) or the prayer 
of nightfall: (Bd, £;) or [the night-prayer 
called] jj))\ : (K:) or the prayer of the breaking 
of the fast: (K :) or the prayer of sacrifices: 
(K :) or the prayer of the period called the 
^j"— « : (K :) or the prayer of the congregation : 
(K :) or the prayer of fear : (K. :) or the prayers 
of nightfall and daybreak together : (K, and said 
to be on the authorities of 'Omar and 'Othman :) 
or the prayers of daybreak and the afternoon to- 
gether: (K :) or any of the five prayers ; because 
before it are two prayers and after it are two 
prayers : (K :) or all the divinely-appointed 
prayers : (K :) or certain prayers not particu. 
larized : (K :) or prayer of middling length, 
between long and short. (K.) Hence also. J* i, 
ix-. } A middling thing ; a thing of middle sort or 
kind; (Msb;) between good and bad; (S, Msb ;) 
as also "Afcwji : (Msb :) and in like manner it is 
applied to a male slave, and a female slave, 
(Msb,) and two male slaves, and two sheep or 
goats. (Mgh.) And ^jj»«ln"> U * lx_,y ^, 
> jLjlH, in the Kur, [v. 91,] Of the middle sort 
of that which ye give for food to your families, 
(Mgh, Msb,) between what is prodigal and what 
is niggardly. (Mgh.) And * LJj$i Ljj\ The 
middle class of men : occurring in a saying of 
'Alee, cited in full in art. ki . (M.) And -> A r- 
t U» $-5 Lo> Teach thou to me a religion of the 

middle sort : occurring in a saying of an Arab 
of the desert to El-Hasan, cited in full voce i^i. 
(M, TA.) And uL^ &'J£>uii., in the Kur, 
[ii. 137,] (S, Mgh, Msb,) [We have made you 
to be a nation] conforming, or conformable, to 
the just mean; just; equitable: (Zj, S, IB, Bd, 
K :) or good. (Zj, Bd, Msb, K.) And \/^ 
Ja-5 Choice pasturage. (M.) And k-j JLj 
A good man ; as also * J»,-.j : (M :) or a man 
having good grounds of pretension to respect. 
(TA.) And 4^1 ^J t L_j j^ i> (S, K»,) or 

j*r*r>, (»s '» 8omo copies of the K,) Such a one 
is the best of his people (*^lxL s \) in race, and 
the highest of them in station. (S, K.) And 

S /" fc ''j jW 1 " ^t-j O^* [Such a one is of 
good quality, or of the best quality, in respect of 
tribe, and of grounds of pretension to honour]. 
(Lth.) And **£ JaJj i>«yk, and *^kL,y ±yt, 
Re is of the best of his people. (Msb.) And in 
like manner, ,^1 Jal^ ^ ^i, and *<U»ljl v >o, 
It is of the best of the thing. (Msb.) And Jli 
1 jrr^->^ in the Kur, Ixviii. 28, The best of them 
said : (Jel :) or the most rightly directed, of 
them, to the truth : (Msb :) or it means t^u'.^i 
Uj [the most remote, of them, from either extreme, 
in judgment] ; or L_ [in age]. (Bd.) 

• ' ■ * . . 

»y-} • see ia-j, as an epithet, in two places. 

Ja*wj : see leL,}, as an epithet, in five places. 
— _ A mediator, or an intercessor, for the purpose 
of accommodation, (O, K,) between people, (O,) 
or between two persons engaged in mutual alter- 
cation or litigation. (K.) 

ibUj [originally an inf. n. : (see 1 :) __ and 
hence, as a subst., Mediation, or intercession]. 
(S, K : see 5.) — ^UjJI ihC^ The best of 
deendrs. (TA.) 

[ik~-j A mean, or means : pi. iuCj.] 

Jx-I^ : see Jau^j, as a subst., and also as an 

epithet jjfll i-bj, (Lth, S, K,) or jljjl, 

(ISh, Az, M,) and t litwl^, (Lth, M, K,) and 
* azlo-iy*, (Lh, M, [or perhaps * <uJk->«, cor- 
responding to * 4JyL.$*,]) The fore-part of the 
camel's saddle: (S, K:) accord, to Lth, (Az, 
TA,) the part, of the camel's saddle, which is 
between the <LoU and the Sj±.\ ; (Az, M, L ;) 

[Boo* L 

strikes; (TA, in art. jmJ ;) the lfC\ being the 
extremity which is next to the tail of the camel ; 
(Az, L ; ) the hinder part of the saddle, which 
is its tall and broad piece of wood that is against 
(iji\Lj) the head of the rider: (ISh, Az, L:) 
the former of these is not called Iwlj as being 
a middle part between the iji^\ and the i*jtf, as 
Lth says ; nor has the camel's saddle any [part 

called] io«. (Az, L.) iLiyi also signifies 

The piece of wood that is in the middle, between 
the two pieces called the (jUjtic , in the yoke 
that is upon the neck of a bull which draws a 
cart or the like. (L in art. j n c ) 

Ig The jewel that is in the middle of a 
ii^i [or necklace], which is the best thereof ; 
(S ;) the large pearl (»ji) that is in the middle 
thereof, which is the most precious of the beads 
thereof. (L.) _ [In modern Arabic, A means 
of doing a thing. You say, lj,£> iU_l^ By 
means of such a thing Also, An inter- 
mediary, interposer, or agent between parties; 

a go-between.] — See also iujj. iV >* 

t^~«ll ^y» ik-lj f B.e is in a good condition of 
life. (Er-ftaghib, TA, in art. o*..) 


fern, ulwj; pi. masc. iwljl ; pi. fern. 

1»~5 : see Ja-j, as a subst., in two places ; and 
as an epithet, throughout. 

h~,yo What is in the middle of a w«4 [i. e. 
house.or tent,k.c],particularly. (Ibn-'Abbad,K.) 

Alo~>y», or *j*~,yt; see lx-lj. 

lkwj-6 LJ'ili JjJ He slew such a one cut [in 
the middle, or midst,] in two halves. (TA.) [This 
mode of slaughter, termed -1**-^, was often 
practised under the rule of the Egyptian Sultans ; 
many instances thereof being mentioned by El- 
Makreezee and other historians. See De Sacy's 
Chrest. Ar., 2nd ed., vol. i. p. 468.] 

In *%JA '■ 


but this is a mistake ; (Az, L ;) for the iwbj of 
the camel's saddle is one of the (jU-^i,, (ISh, 
Az, L,) which are its two extremities, [or upright 
pieces of wood,] like the ^jLs^ji of the horse's 
saddle, (Az, L,) between which the rider sits; 
(ISh, Az, L ;) it is the extremity which is next 
to the head of the camel ; (Az, L ;) the tall fore- 
part next to the breast of the rider, (ISh, Az, L,) 
against which the breast of the rider sometimes 

*3, as an epithet, in two places. 

[£-J &c. 

See Supplement.] 

K. Q. 1. [u***^ inf. n. <U>>£j, He spoke in a 
low, faint, gentle, or soft, manner, with con- 
fusedness; accord, to an explanation, given by 
Khaleefeh, of the inf. n. ; or the word of which 
he gave that explanation was i-j--), with ^ : 
(see u->-.5 or he spoke confusedly, so as to be 
hardly intelligible : or he spoke in a low, faint, 
gentle, or soft, manner : (see Otyiij below : and 
see It. Q. 2:) in the present day it signifies he 

J * * 6 * 

whispered: and «C>-j, he whispered to him.] ^ 
**^^» [or rather, app., «^t «tt>Aj,] I gam 
or handed, it to him in a small quantity. (£.) 


R. Q. 2. \^iyty They were in a state of 
commotion, and ipoke together one to another, or 
tome of them to others, in a low, faint, gentle, or 
eqft, manner. (IDrd, Kl.) 

• *» * 9 * 

i^ij Speech with confnsedness, (S, £,) *> as 
to be hardly intelligible : (TA :) or confused 
speech : or low, faint, gentle, or soft, speech : or 
such a word or saying. (TA.) See R. Q. 1. = 
Lightness, activity, or agility. (JL) 
3 4 »»» •»•- 

c ••• 

«^SI>ij LtflA<, artice, or agile; (Lth, S, K ;) 

applied to a man ; (S ;) and to an ostrich; (AA, 
K ;) and so * Ul^ applied to a she-camel ; 
(#;) or this last, so applied, signifies quick, 
and light or active or agile; and so uiljij 
applied to a he-camel ; and * y££$ applied to a 
he-camel and to a man. (TA.) You say also, 
gtjJM ▼ ^j-y J»y, meaning, ,uiii;, (K,) 
i. e., A man slender in the [fore] arm, and light, 
or active, in work. (AO, TA.) 




£~ij TVec* o/ which spears are made .- (S, i ment. (L.) ^,^1)1 t iLJ^, as also 

S :) or can« growing obliquely, or, as in the t -He ;>«< on Aim the garment in the manner 
vr -•- .•_.._• ..- ._ a. > . . 


T~3 [»PP- meaning Fleshy] is from the ex- 
pression a-i) J^J, (in one copy of the $, iUij, 
TA,) X dote having a thick »UJ [i. e. />u//>, or 
/&**]. (£.) Of the dial, of El- Yemen. (TA.) 

• » , • -«« 

^— « sing, of .ptoj'j (K,) which is the same 

as wiCJt (S, If) and ^»\'yL\, (TA,) [but see this 
last word, in art. vj^i] and signifies, A medley, 
or mixed multitude ; (K ;) or sundry, or separate 
sorts of people ; (S ;) and y»un? men of the 
baser sort. (TA.) A term of dispraise only. 
(Marg. note in a copy of the S.) 

M, in an intricate manner : or the hardest of 
canes: or, as a coll. gen. n., t spears ; n. un. 
with I : (TA :) [See also iJuU :] or, originally, 
the roots of canes : and afterwards applied to 
signify spears, themselves ; so called because of 
their intermingling when meeting together. 
(Ham, p. 165.) _ £-i^W l^lij I They thrust 

one another with the spears. (A.) 'iili\. c -M 

j^-eijll Drought destroyed the tangled trees, or 
their roots; no moisture remaining in the earth. 
(TA, from a trad.) — 1^ The roots of the 
sinews. (TA.) — ^Lij J Intricacy of relation- 
ship : (S, K:) pi. 12&), (T A.) Ex. ^ 
^ ■■■■ :l 1 a-^J There is an intricacy of relation- 
ship between them. (TA.) 

*.» • « 


1. O***'^ J>«JI C-%i.j 7%p roote and 
branches became entangled together. (S.)_» J ». 1 
aor. ^ , inf. n. ^ and ^ij, 7* (anything) 
became entangled, intermixed, confused, or in- 
tricate. (TA.) — J^ j^\ ajfc ^j J.^ ij 
I Affairs, and griefs, or solicitudes, became per- 
plexing in his heart. (TA.) _ .-.^ '-' Jj 
O** *# At, aor. ^tj, £,) t The relationship 
of such a one to thee has become intricate; (S, 
$> TA ;) like as the roots and branches of trees 
become intricate. (TA.) 

2. 'it<jji\ gJL 3 , i„f. n . 'gtZjS, J He (God) 

made the relationship intricate. (S. K ) - "■ - 
»,.».„ v .»■*••/ — £«-j 

^ot---^ «1M t God joined and mixed them together. 

(TA.) j^ij 2f«r Jac<;d together a J*JL« [or 

basket in which grapes are carried to the drying- 
place] with a leather thong, or the like, (such as 
a i*if£,, TA,) lest anything should fall from 
it. (fc) 

The root (J^c) of a tree. (S, K.) 

See i^ilj ***ij [An implement made of] 

fibres of the palm tree (^) twisted, and then 
tied (or, as in some lexicons, attached in the 
manner of a net, TA,) between two pieces of 
wood, (or a net between two pieces of wood, 
TA,) upon which reaped wheat $c. are carried 

(s, k:.) 


g~>\) Anything entangled, intermixed, con- 
fused, or intricate. (TA.) 

*-~i!i(S, K) and ♦ V^£ (TA ) r Intricate 
relationship; or intricate uterine relationship; 
(S, £ ;) and c fo,<.. (TA.) Ex. i^il^ J^ 

^••j Between them is an intricate and close 
relationship. (TA.) 

• S.J It! 

£«*• >•' ^» intricate, or a confused, affair. 

2. Ji^JI ^£ 5 , i n f. n . £ t g > He pu( m {hc 
woman a ^, q . v . (S, RI.) _ See 5. __ ^^ t /fe struck him a blow upon the place of 
the ^.lij. (TA.) 

5. o^j, ( s, S,) and t c- ^ j ^ flfa 
(a woman) ;>«< m, r decked herself with, a 

^h * v - (^ k.) _ 4* ^ (S , ¥) & ' c t) 

and 4, t ^^3,, (M?b>) j • ?> ^ . (? . s) but 
MP disapproves of this explanation : (TA :) or 

described in the explanation of the phrase jJLyi 
*j& . (M, L.) — *C^ iy (S, S, Ac.) t i.q. 

»jIiJ : (K :) [or t. q.] *j^, JiU^-J ~±y He 
put the suspensories of his sword over hii left 
shoulder, leaving the right bare: (T :) and 

t*}*~?, r^y [signifies the same]. (A.) r~>y 

a<ULW (L) t He threw the bit and bridle of his 
horse upon his shoulder, and put his arm through 
it, so that it became like a *-U.j. (Expos, of the 
Mo'allakat printed at Calcutta, p. 171.) [See 

the verse of Lebced quoted below.] _ r "■«•; 
■-i. •- v. 

l\j*\ I Inivit feminam : (A, TA :) or he em- 
braced a woman round the neck, and turned her 
over. (TA.) 

8: see 5, in two places. 

• -I • . 

CHI : sec — U,«. 

p-U-j and 9-U.3, (S,K,)also written ♦-.lil and 
j-lil, and by poetic licence * sJ^},i$,)An orna- 
ment worn by women, (L,)[consisting of] two series 
(Ol-r^») of pearls and jewels strung or put 
together in regular order, which two series are 
disposed, or placed, contrariwise, ( l »^\'[ v_A)Ul^ ,) 
one of them being turned (^JyLsi») over the other 
[so that they cross each other] : (L, K. :) or a 
thing woven of leather, and adorned with jewels, 
like a »i^i, worn by a woman: (Msb:) or a 
wide [piece, or thing, of] leather, (IS.,) or a 
thing woven of leather, in a wide, or broad, form, 
(S,) and adorned with jewels, which a woman 
binds (4juL3) between her shoulders and her flanks: 
(Lth, S, Mgh, K :) or a i'i^3 of the belly, which 
is sometimes long, so that the redundant portions 
of its two extremities are thrown over the shoul- 
ders : (Mgh :) or one of a pair of necklaces 
which a woman makes to hang down upon Iter 
sides; one upon her rigkt side, and the other 
upon her left: (W. 144:) [hence it seems to be 
of different kinds; one kind consisting of two 
ornaments resembling necklaces, one of which 
rests upon the right shoulder and against the 
left flank, the other resting upon the left shoulder 
and against the right flank ; another kind seems, 
from an expression in the A, "a woman bearing 
a £.li^, and c*».lZj ," to be one such ornament ; 
another, an ornament resembling a necklace 
thrown over the head, so as to rest upon the 
shoulders, crossing in front, and passing round 
the loins, and is tied or crossed in front, and of 

He put his garment under his right arm-pit ' *"* " ^ ° r Cr ° 88ed 

and threw it [meaning a portion of it] over his ^ ^ redUndant , ^T «" th ™'" •*« 

^,Wd«, like as the^i: does; (T, Msb •) I ^^ "" ^ ^ + C^ » d 

a^i,l (S, K) and £&j S (M, SO the last 

thought by .ISd to be formed as though from 

like W and £kol : (T or he threw a portion 
of his garment over his left slioulder, and drew 
its extremity under his right arm, and tied the 
two extremities together in a knot upon his bosom 

3*»\i,j . (L.) — Lebced says : 

(M.) Also, Ke wrapped himself up in his gar-\ • l^UJ i,^ \\ ^ft, 1# 


[ And I have protected the tribe ; a swift, out- 
stripping, Morse, whose bit and bridle were my 
--U>) when I went away, bearing my arms : see 
*-V-0 -_ ly ] : he relates his having gone forth 
as a scout for his people, mounted on his camel, 
with his horse by his side, and bearing its bit 
and bridle like a ,-lij, so that he might bit the 
horse if he perceived the enemy. (L.) — -.lij 
t A bow : (L:) [so called because of the manner 
in which it is worn] a-Ui^ (M) and " i».lij 

(M, $) \A sword: (M, $:) so called because 
of the manner in which it is worn : see 5. (M.) 
_£lij)l J^k ^*,'[and gttjll ^JSJ., or 

«.U,yt ilkt.and p-li*)! i«3W-»] I Sne " slender 
in the belly and flanks. (?.) [See also art. 

*mM,^\ see 7-^y 

lULij A she-goat (S, K) that is black, (L,) 
witA a white mark, or wi<A two white marks, lifie 

($, L, K.) 

}u A woman w/w orders one to sharpen 
teeth and to make them thin [and serrated] : 
(L:) or who asks for this to be done; as also 
t sy t y * • (K ;) if with., it is from ji,\, not 
jlij ; and if without ., accord, to the regular 
way it should be Sj-i*U. (£.) 

a »-li^ ; expl. by ooL—# 

•»-->* t A garment, and a cock, having two 
marks like a ~\iy (L.) — iLl'^ J A gazelle, 
and a sheep, and a bird, having two streaks, or 


strips, one on each side. (L.) [SeeJ-aXo.] 

1. j£j, (S, K,) inf. n.^Lj, (TA,) //« *«««/ a 
piece of wood with a j^tf \ a dial, form of ji>\-; 
(S.K;) 1.7.^. (K.)__i.>j,aor.^,(M 8 b,) 
inf. n. jZ>y (S, K,) She (a woman) sharpened (S, 
Msb, K) her teeth, (S, K,) or her canine teeth, 
(Msb,) and made them thin [and serrated], (S; 
Msb, (,) meaning their edges: (TA :) [as also 
C>i»1.] See 5/ilj. 

10. O/w^-l She (a woman) a»A<"rf ./or her 
[teeth or] canine teeth to be sharpened and made 
thin [and serrated]. (Msb.) 

j2i) a dial, form of >il [A serration and a 
sharpness of the extremities of the teeth]. (Sgh.K.) 

i>it\\ A woman who sharpens and makes thin 
[and serrated] the [teeth, or] canine teeth. (Msb.) 
It is said in a trad., ij£iyj\) Sjiiyi *AJ1 O** 
[May Ood curse her who sharpens and makes 
thin and serrated the teeth, or the canine teeth, 
and her who orders one to do this, or who asks 
Jor it to be done]. (S, TA.) An old woman 
does this in order to make herself like the 
young. (TA.) 

y -t i j*ea&\ j£iy», applied to the beetle, [meaning, 
Having the fore-shanks formed thin, and ser- 
rated;] as also without «. (K.) 

.lie*, without », A saw; a dial, form of jlii*. 

(§,• so 

[ii£ 3 &c. 
See Supplement.] 


2. w^.,, (AZ, TA,) or * C~^, (M,) 
SAe (a girl, M,) put on, or wore, her *jtei [a 
kind of face-veil], (AZ, TA,) or Aer cU5 [a kind 
of head-covering], (M.) in «<cA a manner that 
nothing was seen but her eyes: (AZ, M, TA :) 
^(i-ojj and ^jOf^ofi signify the same : (AZ, S, 
CK :) the former is of the dial, of Temeem : 
(AZ, TA :) or both the above verbs signify she 
(a woman) contracted her ^ULi (K, TA) so 
that it shewed nothing but her eyes : (TA :) or 
xZ *t )i~) signifies she (a woman) put her w> lii 
near to her eyes. (Fr. TA.) 

£. Q. 1. c~0^0) : see 2, throughout — 
<uoyo} He looked through a hole such as is 
termed ^joyo). (K.) — , He (a whelp) opened 

his eyes. (K.) ■■ <tie* uoy*} He (a man) con- 
tracted his eye in order to obtain a sure view. 
(IDrd, M.) 

^joj\*s j : see ^joymoj . 

S>ye'}, (S,) or * J>\'y»'i, (M,) or both, (K,) 
the latter on the authority of Lth, (TA,) A hole 
in a veil or the like, of lite size of the eye, through 
which one looks. (S, M, K.) And u^!^°i> 
[the pi. of the former, or of either,] The narrow 
parts of the apertures for the eyes of a xijj [a 
kind of woman's face-veil] ; (M, TA ;) as also 
JoXJo'). (TA.) 

sJ o\y<>2 : sec joyej. — A small %»y, [a 
kind of face-veil] : (S, M :) pi J>j^> (S.) 
signifying small %>\ft worn by a girl. (]£.) — 
u#l fc# 4 iiv A %3ji that ix contracted [so as to 
show nothing but the eyes]. (M, TA.) 

1 ^^jj, as also £j~<»» (mentioned by Lb, 
T A,) It (a garment) was, or became, dirty. (K. ) 

1. ^~0j, aor. *t~At, inf. n. V>-9J ; (?, K ;) 
and t*,-^^! ; (K ;) It continued; was constant; 
(S, }$. ;) «"« y^ccrfi settled, or yiY/n. (Kl.) — 
iSLJI v>J •^-oi t ^A* milk of the camel con- 
tinued, or was constant. (A.) — v-f^i aor - 

[Book I. 

inf. n. <^oy, (S, K, Msb ;) and ♦ s-ej 
and ♦ v-jjI and ♦ >^oy> ; (? ;) i^« (» «»>»»» 
S,) nro*, or became, diseased, ill, or «'cA ; (S, K :) 
or in pain : (Msb :) [or tit violent pain : or in 
continual, or constant, pain: or emaciated in 
body by reason of fatigue or disease : or in a 
state of excessive fatigue : and, sometimes, he 
suffered fatigue, 01 weariness, and languor: see 
t^Joy.] w-~oj5 is also explained as signifying 

the being languid: (TA:) and • «<~s>>3, as sig- 
nifying, or experienced, pain in his body. 

(A.) ^,->x £" «J-^>5 \Thefat [in an animal] «m- 

<in M erf. (TA.) j!»V)1 ^i* ^j, (S, K,) aor. 

vy. rfi j, [inf. n. «-»5^»^ i] an ^ v— °J> aor- > y f -' » 
the latter aor. extr. [with respect to analogy] ; 
(Kr;) like Jjj, aor. JIj, and JUj, aor. j>»j, 
Ac.; but not mentioned by the lexicographers 
with these verbs ; (TA ;) [acd * »r~ejl ; see 

below ;] and * v^lj ; (TA ;) i. q. J^lj ; He 
kept, attended, or applied himself, constantly, 
perseveringly, or assiduously, to the thing ; (S, 
K ;) and managed it, or conducted it, well. (K..) 

4JI0 ^ v~o$, and aJU ^s- ; and w— »^ ; 

aors. as above ; /fe ie/rf, attended, or applied 
himself, constantly to his property, [meaning his 
camels &<•.,] ancf managed it well. (Kr.) — 

»^*~" L4^* >W" '«*"*j' Thefieople kept, attended, 
or applied themselves, constantly, perseveringly, 
or assiduously, to the thing. (S, K.) 

2. *~o) -We /ooi rfl»'e 0/ //</n, tended him, or 
nursed him, in his sickness: like d-0,.0. (TA, 
from a trail.) — See 1. 

3 : see 1, and 4. 

4. 4<-ojl It (a disease) rendered him ill, or 

sick. (TA.) See ^j *~ejl //« (God) 

afflicted him with a disease, sickness, or malady. 

(S, K.) See ^~©j «^~- »jl fle (a man) Aaa" 

diseased children born to him. (K.) Accord, to 
IKtt, J»yUI s— ^ 1 ^"^ people had their children 
wearied by disease. (TA.) = 45UJI w-*-©}! 
'jjmJJ\ J 7%*- she-camel grew fat, (K,) ««rf f»n- 
tinued so : (TA :) [explained in the K l>y C~J 
\^Lji, , [which is probably a mistake for C~j ; 
and if so, I prefer another reading of the phrase 
in the K, mentioned in the TA ; namely, 

'.1)1 3i£i\ ~~oi\ : i.c lne she-camel was 

constantly fat], -l. &£i\ w-*"»}t, and * C~-olj, 
t The she-camel yielded milk continually, or 
constantly. (A.) — See 1. 

5 : see 1, ill two places. 

^Js) The space between the third finger and 
the first finger ; or, lit., what is between tlutse 
two fingers. (K.) 

ti~o) A disease, sickness, or malady : (S, K :) 
or pain : (Msb :) or violent pain : or continual, 
or constant, pain : or continuance of pain : 
(TA :) or emaciation of the body by reason of 

Book I.] 

fatigue or disease : (IDrd :) or excessive fa- 
tigue : (Zj :) and, sometimes, fatigue, or weari- 
ness, and languor : (TA :) pi. »_>L»j1. (K.) 

4~fj (S, K) and t i^\' s (TA) Diseased; 
ill; sick: (S, £:) » r «» />"'» : (M?b :) [or in 
violent pain : or in continual, or constant pain : 
Ifc. : see »»— o^] : pl» of the former )J jLej and 

vUj. (K.) 

s-*^ : see »r~«> — v~?'J «**»•** L^ ur - 
xxxvii. 9,] .4 continual, perpetual, constant, or 

fixed, punishment. (Fr, TA.) — V-olj j>>!!dl <*1, 
[?ur, xvi. 64,] as Zj observes, is said to mean 
To Him shall be rendered obedience perpetually, 
or constantly : (Fr, S :) or it may mean To Him 
shall be rendered obedience, whether man be 
content with that which he is commanded to do, 
or not ; or whether it be easy to him, or not : 
to Him shall be rendered obedience, even if it be 
attended by excessive fatigue. (TA.) _ SjU* 
ilotj A desert far-extending, [as though] with- 
out end ; (S ;) that extends so far as scarcely to 
have an end; (A;) very far-extending. (K.) 

s^Soye Afflicted by God with a disease, sick- 
ness, or malady. (S.) 

k~ayi iili, nnd T A~&y> [perhaps a mistake 

iar*i~o\y»: see*:] t A she-camel that yields 
milk continually, or constantly. (A.) 

^~eyi> Having many pains [or diseases]. 

4~cyo : See 4~eyo A»U . 

4. jue^l He closed, a door, or an entrance; 
syn. Jifc* ; (S, M. A, L, K ;) and J$>t : (Msb, 

£ :) as also j^T. (S, L, K.) — See 10 

j-ojl 1/ (a door, or entrance) became closed. 
(S.') __ juojl //e covered, or covered over, a 
cooking-pot. (M, A, L.) — ^ J~Ll\ £$} 
ejL-ojb ,j£S3t vV I?" mountain fell upon the 
entrance of the cavern, and stopped it up. (L, 

from a trad.) See also jJojt **1* I5J-05I 

I They straitened him, and imposed on him a 
difficulty which he was unable to bear. (A.) 

10. juoy^l (S, A, L, K) and * juajl (A, K) 
He made a fold, such as is called Sj~oj, (S, L,) 
or j**), (K,) or a i^L-, for his sheep or 
goats, (A,) in a mountain. (S, L.) 

>Uy (M, L,) as also jUI, (L,) and * ^~o 3 
[see the £ur, xviii. 17,] (K,) i.q. JJ**- (M, 
L, J£.:) [in 1 copy of the M written JJa-» : in 
the L, without any syll. signs: in the Cl£, 
JL'r Lw • and in my MS. copy of the £, J^Lo : 
see the remarks on these words in art juet :]) or 

jU>« and iU>l are like JU» . (O.) 
* s 

<r~0) — Uj 

j^-oj .4. cowr/, or an open or o wide space in 
front of a house or dwelling, or extending from 
if* *ufe* ; (S, M, A, L, Msb, JBL :) as also ju^l ; 

q.v.: (L:) pi. JL^ and jJUJ. (TA.) — A 
fAraAo/o^Msb.K) of a door or entrance. (Msb.) 
__ .A rfoor, or entrance. (A.) See >Uoj • — 
It has the first of these meanings in the Kur. 
xviii. 17; (A, L,TA;) or the second: (TA:) 
or the third : (A, TA :) or it there means The 
cavern oftheAshdb eUKahf. (K», TA.) — Also, 
Xt+j, (K,) or »5J^, (S, A, L.) [as also 
S ju-ol ,] A fold (»^»b».) for sheep or goals : 
(A:) or a house like a Sj^o*., of stones, made 
in the mountains, for flocks or herds ; (L, K ;) 
i. e.,for sheep or goals $c. : (TA :) an enclosure 
like a a^Jm-, made for flocks or herds, excepting 
that it is of stones, and a ij^u>- [is] of branches 
of trees: (S, L :) F, misunderstanding this ex- 
planation, has erroneously said in the K, that 
*x~0) also signifies a Sj,.fri». of branches of trees : 

(TA:) pi. jaUej. (A) _ [Snares, or traps, 

for catching beasts of prey : see j^Uo; m art. 
j^oj.] __ ,x~oj Herbage having the roots near 

together. (S,L,K.) — ju-o^ I Strait; straitened; 

(K, TA ;) as also aJU * J^i. (A, TA.) 

ij^-oj : see j^«^ . 

juej-o A door, or entrance, closed : (L :) or 
become closed. (S.) __ In the Kur, civ. 8, [and 
xc. 20,] ijuo^t (as some read instead of aj*oyo, 
L) signifies Closed over. (S, L.) — Sec Jw-03 . 

^^ej ^. covenant, compact, or contract : (S, 

4 9 

K :) a dial, form of j-ot ; like as they said CjjI 
and Oj«,and e^Ut and ot»j. (S.) — Also, 
(S,A,K,)and tjj^^Lth.AjKJandtlj-.cj (K) 

and *>*j'» (Lth, TS, L,) ul written statement of 
a purchase or sale, transfer, bargain, or contract. : 
(S, A, K, TA :) the first is from j«et, and is 

generally used in this sense: pi. of the first, 

* - » t • fl ** — 

jUsji ; and of the second, <Z>\fO} : Lth says, 

that the second is an arabicized word ; and 

others say, that the first and second are Persian 

words, arabicized. (TA.) One says, oxJ»SI 

j-a^\ a) ^■■" a >3 u«j'^'> an d *>Hyl| [j?"/c made 
him a grant of the land to be held in fee, and 
wrote for him the statement of the transfer.] (A.) 
And it is said in a trad., Li,t ^j-^ (j^^t tjuk 

V ^J1 ^;.]a»,j [27«u man purchased of me some 

land (or Ijb a Aotue, as in the TA) and received 
of me the written statement of its sale, but lie will 
not restore to me the written statement of the sale, 
nor will he give me the price]. (S.) 


W» m 

t « 
see >■*}• 

[OU3j &C. 

See Supplement.] 

1. ye} (S, K) aor. y*>y* , inf. n. SiUy ; (TA j) 
and ^«bj, aor. U.^ ; (10, &c. ;) He was, or 
became, fair, beautiful, neat, or clean. (S, K.) 
__«U>y *«Uilj,(S,K,) aor. of the latter Uu, 
(S,) dev. from rule, by which, as a verb of the 
class called aJUlJI JUit, it should be like j+*i, 
(TA,) He vied with him for the honour of sur- 
passing in fairness, or comeliness, and prevailed 
over him tlierein. (S, K.) 

2. oUij [He made him, or assisted him, to 

perform the ablution termed 'ye*, or •>-?}. (M, 

t • 
TA.) [See an ex. voce h-S.] 

3 : see 1. 

5. Uoy , (S, K,) inf. n., [or rather quasi-inf. n., 
• A" • jj • 0* 

used for the regular inf. n. V** 3 *] *>**5> or *>^J> 

* ~ ,, 
or both, [see these two nouns below,] from StUij, 

(lit., 2T« ?na<& himself fair, beautiful, neat, or 
clean: TA :) He performed ablution, S'jJaU for, 
or preparatory to, prayer. (S, J£.) — It some- 
times signifies 2f« washed some one or more 0/" 
Aw members : lie purified his hand, or hands, and 
mouth, by washing, from the foul smell of fat, or 
greasy, food: he washed his hand. _- Some say 
w~~£*P [for oLcjj] ; but this should not be said : 
(S :) it is of weak authority, or is viciously so pro- 
nounced : (K:) it is said to be of the dial, of 

Hudheyl. (TA.) Uy , and OUy , He (a 

youth), and she (a girl), arrived at the age of 
puberty. (K.) 

;u>t : 

see 'ij-aj • 
see »yo) 

^4$ signifies The act of ablution, Sfc. (S, K) 
(see 5) ; and T '^-oj, the water wi/A wAt'cA <Aa< 
ac< is performed, or the wa/er that is prepared 
for that act, (S, K, TA,) and is said to be also 
an inf. n., [or rather a quasi-inf. n., signifying 
the act itself]: (S, $:) or they are syn. words 
of two different dialects, each sometimes used as 
an inf. n., signifying the act, (though inf. ns. of 
the measure Jyi deviate from constant rule, 
TA,) and each sometimes as signifying the 
water. (S, K, TA.) AA says, that * «>ij sig- 
nifies " the water with which one performs the 
ablution above mentioned ; " and he knew not 
*'yc>} [though it occurs in many traditions] : 
and A'Obeyd disallows i>ij, and allows only 

U'yZj. (TA.) 

:^,(S,S,)pU£A;» and te> : , (£;) and 

t id' it [S, 5 ; in the C?, erroneously, S^i ;] 



pL cn$Uj » nd Cr^-h > ($ ;) and * ^G, 

( K,) which is used in the future sense, accord, 
.o Lh, [like an act. part n., though from a neut. 
verb,] as in the ex. [mentioned in the K] _$* U 
i"f '>• > 'l^J De '"6 U8e( * in the present sense ; 

(TA ;) -FW, beautiful, neat, or clean. (S, $.) 

In the following of En-Nabighab, 

[.4»id <Aey are fair, beautiful, neat, or clean ; 
unsullied at to their inner garments], t ttil may 
be put for fu,. (TA.) 

i»toj Fairness, beauty, neatness, or cleanness. 

(S, £.) 

•a* • 

«l*j and £*elj : see * k * r *>j. 


Lo^l Fairer, neater, or cleaner. (TA, from a 


If' i * '- 

»Uae«, and, sometimes, ▼ »(U*«, -4 j>/ac« in 

which, and from which, one performs the ablution 

termed .y*> } ; (KL ;) [as also * \1'^J> :] a S^iu> 

(KL: in the CK!, Sj^Im), meaning that from 
which, or in which, one performs the said ablution : 
(TA :) [o tank for ablution, accord, to present 

mistake of a copyist, it app. signifies He, or it, 
was dirty; or was dirtied, soiled, or besmeared]. 

8: see 4. 

4. *m~o}\, (S, Msb, El,) and «ui *-*jl, (L,) 
inf. n. Lu,l: (TA,) and » 4*4}, ($,) inf. 
?-e^y >' (TA ;) He rendered it apparent or 
plainly apparent, overt, conspicuous, manifest, 
notorious, plain, obvious, or evident ; (S, L, $;) 
rendered it clear, or unobscured ; exposed it to 
view ; displayed it ; laid it open ; disclosed or 
uncovered it. (Msb.) __ He rendered language 

perspicuous. (The lexicons, passim.) __ 

^Jl 7%e wound upon the head laid 


»*Lo~« : see what precedes. 

ttkm** ft - 

U6yU: see 5Uu*. A privy; or place where 
one performs ablution. ($., TA, voce ^.ij*, Ac.) 

bare the bone. (Msb,) [See lL~6^>.] _ , foi 

')+*$ if, (S,Kl,)and J.}L£H, (S,) flc made /Ac q^atr, 
(?» ?») and <Ae language, (S,) j>/ai», or c/ear, to 

Aim. (S, $.) — See 1 1^5 -_^l Zfc saw 

a people. (L.) — »— 03I -He (a man) had white 
children born to him; (S, L:) and in like 
manner one says [c - ..^l] of a woman. (L.) 

5. See 1. fooy [ a PPv -2c ( a sheep or 

goat) Aaa* a whiteness predominant over other 
colours, overspreading generally his whole body : 
or in his breast and back and face]. (L.) 

8 : sec 1. 

[Book I. 

— ?~°5 A blaze, or white mark on a horse's 

forehead or face. (£.) What is termed 

J-^*J in the legs of a horse. (L, Jf.) And 
also applied to other varieties of colour. (L.)_ 
9»l0)l _ji u»ji A horse having a blaze and what 
is termed J«— J. (A.) — L^ Whiteness of 
the hair, or /wariness ; or while, or hoary, hair. 

(¥•) J Milk : (L, K :) thought by ISd to 

bo so called because of its whiteness.- or milk 
that lias not been mixed with water : (L :) or 
that is just drawn. (TA, art. jhj .) Aboo-Dhu- 
eyb says, 

> • — » - At 

!• £-**» aor - £-?*. »nf.n. £>ij (S, Msb, L, 
$) and i-^o and LLi, (L, £,) the last with 
fet-hah because the guttural letter ; (TA ;) and 
t ^l, (S, Msb, $,) and * -J^J, and » -J^J j 
(L,K1;) it (an affair, j-.l,§, ?;, and a thing, 
•(^w, L,) appeared; became apparent, or plainly 
apparent, overt, conspicuous, manifest, notorious 
plain, obvious, or evident ; (S, L, $ ;) became 
clear, unobscured, exposed to view, displayed, 
laid open, disclosed, or uncovered. (Msb.) _ 
X It (language) MM perspicuous. (The Lexicons, 
passim.) — Ji^l M* * «4y Tte middle 
of the road became plainly apparent, obvious, or 
conspicuous. (S.) — ^S»\ji\ ^J,' 3 ^\ J^ 0> 
as AZ says, or, as others say, t ^^1 ^| ^ )g#j 
WAence Ao" the rider make his appearance ? (L.) 
Or v*&!/H £— ij signifies </*« rwfer cai»« forth : 

(ISd :) and ▼ C^ rf» jl ^1 ^>« whence hast thou 
come forth? (IAar, S,) and [in like manner one 

saysJiW-^ '-V C«' C>-»- (?.)«= J/^l r.>,i^ 

Q^JVt*.fl.C-ii5l. (^.) = £^i,aor.;,inf.n. 

£-bj, [a verb of which the inf. n. is explained in 

the Msb by the word £,j : if this be not a 

10. li*w ~ o^7 wl Jc /»«< Ais //a/if/ orer Az« 

eye* (in the sun, L) to try if he could see a 

thing, (S, L, K,) guarding his eyes with his 

hand from the rays of the sun : as also tU& ' , , t 

1 'I'ii'i /i v ^. •'-■'.- J *- 1 • •-• 

and mVjmtmmU (L.) One says ^^> W *i* -. <=-jT A 

[Try if thou canst sec him, or it, by putting thy 

hand over thine eyes, O such a one]. (S.) _ 

J teyH * > > rf>j*« i>l He sought or endeavoured to see 

plainly or clearly the way : syn. <uULl (Beyd, 

vi. 55.) _ U -^J\ ., «/« ,! //<? blinked at the 

sun; syn. Ql u^yUJ. (A.) ^-s)! i^^jy^t, 

(S, K,) and >*iU3l, (S,) He asked him to make 
the affair, (S, KL,) and the language, (S,) p/ain, 
or clear, to him. (S, EI.) ^\ ^ye. T >j ' •( 

£e inquired respecting the thing or affair; 
sought for information respecting it ; inquired 
into it ; investigated it. (L.) 

£^09 ZiprA*, and whiteness, (S,) of anything : 
(TA :) the whiteness of daybreak, or dawn : 

and of the moon ; (Kl ;) and its light. (TA.) 

p-»yi (^i p-«y i>? '>«3-« -fa*' ye from new 
moon to neto moon. (IAth, from a trad.) _ 
^-o^ t Leprosy; syn. c ^» h .. (S, Kl.) It is 
sometimes used in this sense, mctonymically. 
(S.) — ?— 'j ^ »«arA i» a Aor*e differing in 
colour from the generality of his coat. You say 
«-oj y^alW /» the horse is such a mark. (S.) 

[2V<ey sAo/ a» arrow towards the sky, and 
no one knew of it : then they returned, and 
said, An excellent thing is milk'] : mean- 
ing, we would rather have milk than the 
blood of him who has killed our companion : 
they preferred that camels should be given 
them in compensation. (L.) [Sec also 2, 
in art ^-:] __ ^—y A sound, whole or 
perfect, [silver coin, of the kind called] ^3. 

(S, .£.) ^jj ^My) A clean, white dirhem : pi. 

• 1 '. * ' ' % . . 

^U>jl . (TA.) __ »—»5 The middle, or main 

part and middle, of a road ; the part of a road 

along which one travels. (S, KL.) -Li^ A 

woman's ornament (^jJU.) of silver : (A'Obcyd, 
K:) or, of stones; (El-Mesharik ;) i.e. of silver- 
stones : (Towshcch:) so called because of its 
whiteness: (TA :) pi. ItfJ: (S :) or lu^l 
signifies a hind of woman's ornament ({J^.) made 
of whole [silver coins such as nrr culled] >0 *lji : 
(S:) and (according to some, TA,) L^ sig- 
nifies an anklet ; syn. JUUi. (K!) ljj>' 3 (K)or 

^■f^*" C^' ^ L ' bllt tlic latter word ' 8 tncrc 

written ii>ji»,) Small portions, or />ar/s, rw 
herbage; (L, KI;) «-A«/ Aa.v become white thereof ': 
(AHn:) pi. £&$■. (L:) or «^» ,>• il^l 

signifies someio/tat of herbage that has become 
white : (As :) Az says, I have mostly heard the 
term «— 05, with respect to herbage, applied to 
the ^oj and ^ t . o jLU which is not a year 
old and has not become black .•- and on another 
occasion he says, that it is the remains of the 
^J*. and oW^o only. (L.) — -^05 Whiteness 
predominating over other colours in sheep or 
goats, overspreading generally the whole body : 
pi. 9-1-0)1 : (L :) or, in the breast and back and 
face: (T :) you say also ♦ ««e>3 <J. (L.) 

— ««»~33 !>,> ,^j| ^y» : see 1. ^>jJUI -r j-j 

Whiteness of the hollow of the sole of the 
foot. (L.) 

ia— i_j ^4 she-ass. (K.) 

Book I.] 

im t ' ff j Camels, or camels and sheep ; syn. 

U5:pI.^3U> (L.K.) 

• a- • 

mUoj : see moIj ■ 

•>— olj and * 7-Li>i [but the latter lias an 
intensive signification] Apparent, or plainly 
apparent ; overt ; conspicuous ; manifest ; no- 
torious ; plain; obvious; or evident; (L, K;) 
clear, or unobscurcd ; exposed to view; dis- 
played; laid open ; disclosed, or uncovered. (So 
accord, to the explanation of the verb in the 
Msb.) _ Perspicuous language. (The Lexicons 
passim.) __ Also the ? latter, A man of white, 
or fair, and beautiful, complexion : (S, L, K :) of 
beautiful and smiling countenance. (L.) __ See 

■.■ oj7 «.^A1bo the » latter, \ Leprous. Hence 
y * * a- 

Jedheemeh El-Abrash was called -.Li^JI. (S.) 

— t ^.Uyt T^e <%. (L, K.) The night is 
called oU*jJI • (L.) — * r^ 1 J& The prayer 
of morning, or daybreak. The prayer of nightfall 
is called O 1 *** i>*- (L, K [but in the CK 
arid a MS. copy of the K, for ^C*S we find 
OU>].) _ * gUj ^, (L, K,) and^liii 
*>l2j, (L,) A certain game (of the children of 
t/te Arabs of the desert, L,) in which children 
take a white bone and throw it in the darkness of 
night, and then disperse themselves in search of 
)t : (L, K :) he who finds it wins. (L.) [See 

more in art. ^lic.] ♦ia—ilj ^jl iJU» ji He 

is plainly apjtarent to thee, as though he had be- 
come white. (Th.) — ^. ' ..L )1 L*,\j Jlj, and 
™ Aa*if&3, 1 A man as though lie were conspicuous, 
clean, or pure, and white, with respect to rank 
or quality, nobility, reputation, or the like. (L.) 

— In like manner one says, ▼ ^U>yi ,_ -J| <j 
J He is of conspicuous and pure race, or lineage. 
(TA.) _ ^-elj t An illustrious man. (Es- 
Saadee.) — [And so] JiWJlj c>-UJI 0-« * r-^5* 
[Illustrious people, and mixed people of the baser 
sort ;] companies of people of various tribes. No 
sing, of *-U>)l in this sense has heen heard. (L.) 

— ( *jfl [P 1 - of £-?*j] Tliestars called 4-S^ftl 

* A * 

u-*-JI [namely, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, 
and Mercury,'] when in conjunction with the 
bright stars of the Mansions of the Moon. (L.) 

subst. predominates : pi. «iU-l^>. (TA.) —See 





7— «_j and 9— o 

£*°y> inf. n. of 2, q. v. __ And see -— *j 
at the end. 

** "*y * (S, K) and * SjLoIJ (TA) A wound 
by which the head or face is broken, that sftows the 
whiteness of the bone: (S, K, T A :) or, that removes 
the skin which is between the flesh and the bone : 
the only kind of iO for which retaliation is 
allowed : for [some] other kinds there are as- 
signed mulcts: and for this too is assigned a 
mulct, consisting of five camels : but a 4a~oy« 
may also be in otlier parts than the head or 
face ; and respecting this, a judge must give 
his sentence: pi. *~i>}y». (TA.) [See Xli..] 
— <■?■"" £■?'>* *•#■ **£•, q. v. (TA, in art. 

t^ti •) — **~oy» A woman who brings forth 
white children. (O, in TA, art. ^iuj.) 


^■■f j ;< and T £~f '$ -A- camel <Aa< j* roAi'fe, 6«* 
not intensely so ; (En-Nadr, L, K ;) more roAt'/e 
<Aa» skcA as is termed u a^\ [app. a mistake for 
tr-cl] and ^,-ol : (En-Nadr, L :) also (the 
former accord, to the K, and tho latter also 
accord, to the L) of such a colour in the ^>\Ji\ 
[or flanks]. (L, K) — A-fi^ One rcAo M 

apparent, or plainly apparent. (K.) One 

roAo sAon-s himself openly in the road, (S,) or 
who goes along the middle, or main part and 
middle of the road, (K,) and does not enter a 
woody place or the like where he would be con- 
cealed. (S, K.) 

1. yjJt £-»j, and t lyi^ojl, //e «ear/y Ao//"- 
yf/Zerf <Ae 6«cA^, *o <Afl< it resembled one half- 
full. (L, K.) [See also 4.] 

•c\y. see --bt 5 ._.__«ilyN)|>L« i ,, originally 

^']>S. (Hr, K,) pi. of i^-jlj, (TA,) or^ 

gUkyTl, (IAth,) The fasting during the days 
•jfthe white nights : (£• TA :) which was com- 
manded by Mohammad : (It :) these are the 13th, 

14th, and 15th, [of the lunar month]. (TA.) 

*»~o!}JI The teeth that appear when one laughs : 
(9* 50 «» epithet in which the quality of 

3. Ai~o1j, inf. n. il^,\^ (S, $) and Itiy, 
(K,) He emulated, or imitated, him (that is his 
companion) in drawing water, doing as he did. 
(As, Ks, S, EL.) This is the original significa- 
tion : afterwards used with reference to any two 
persons emulating each other. (Ks, S.) [Hence,] 
— I He emulated him, or imitated him, in run- 
ning ; (L, K ;) and exerted himself excessively, 
or exceeded the usual bounds or degree, therein : 
(L :) or [so in the L ; in the K, and] went, 
journeyed, or marched, like him ; or kept pace 
with him in going, journeying, or marching; 
( s » I«, K ;) not a vehement rate ; (S, L ;) as 
also^I-Jl .taL.^. (L.) Ax says, that *»~o\y, 
as used by the Arabs, signifies emulation, 
although not with unusual exertion, or an exceed- 
ing of the usual bounds or degree, in running. 
(L.) [See also 6.] 

4. y jJb --i— ojl He drew naier with the bucket 
and shook it about vehemently [app. so that it 
did not become, or remain full] : or he drew 

with it little water. (L.) [See also 1.] a/^—^1 

He drew for Aim little, or a little, water. (S, 
L, K.) — Also, ^Ijl C.-^l The well con- 
tained little water; its water became little; (K ;) 
water having been taken from it for irrigation. 

6. lo^oly They (two men standing together 
over a well, L) emulated each other [in drawing 
water and] in watering, or irrigating. (L, K.) 
__ J They (two horses) emulated each other [in 
running] : (L :) and J^NI w ^ -oly <Ac caHwk 
emulated one another in going, journeying, or 
marching. (L, K».) [See also 3.] 

• n 

~yo$ Water in a bucket resembling half [of 

the quantity that would fill it] : (S, L, K :) 
or what is less than the quantity that would 
fillit. (L.) 

1. J-ja, (M, Msb, K,) said of a vessel, (TA,) 

and O^oj, said of a bowl, (<bua3, S,) aor. j-Ayi 

(Msb) and 'j*£, (S,) inf. n. Jj£, (S, Mfb,) It 
was, or became, dirty, or filthy, (S, M, Msb, K,) 
with grease or gravy, or *Ae dripping that exudes 
from flesh-meat, (S, M, K f ) or otherwise, with 
what is termed j-05. (M, K.) 

2. 0,-ij [^e wuk&j tt (a vessel) rfirty, or filthy, 

A « « . 

withj^j, 1. e., grease, or rAe ft'Ae]. ^ ^ii ^Ife 

SiUjJIj o^ey i^j^l [-We wai unsullied in honour, 
and lie sullied it by baseness], (A.) 

j-6j Z)ir<, or //<A ; (S, Msb) : and grease, 
gravy, or dripping that exudes from flesh-meat 
or from fat: (S:) or the dirt of grease or gravy, 
or 0/ wAa* exudes from fieth-meat, and 0/ »»itt : 
(M, A, K :) and (so in the M ; but in the K, 
or) the washings of a skin that is used for mil/i 
or for water, and of a bowl and the like : (M, 
K :) [see j-o^JI l\jJam. voce «_~lt :] and remains 

ofZ* [or tar] (AO,S,K) &c. : (AO,S:) [and 
feculence of clarified butter, adhering to the in- 
terior of a skin : see 2&c and ii-c :] and the 
soil, or stain, of saffron and the like ; (K j) or 
of[tlie perfume called] J>LL, or of [otAer] per- 
fume having a colour : and a mark that remains 
from what is not perfume : (TA :) pi. jU»y . 
(K.) — Also, The odour, (A,) or what a man 
smells of tlie odour, (AA, S, K,) of food in a 

corrupt state. (AA, S, A, K.) You say also 

of a man, j«e>j aS^U.! ^ tin his dispositions is 

foulness. And jUyl ^ '^ \ He possesses foul 
qualities. (A.) 

*jjp Dirty, or filthy, (M, A, Msb, K,) with 
grease, or gravy, or ro/m* eaw«fe» fiwn flesh-meat, 



or otherwise, with what is termed j*>j ; (M , A, 
K ;) applied to a vessel : (A :) fem. »jJ»i (M, 

A, £) and • J^; (M, K;) both applied to a 
woman ; ( M ;) and the former, to a hand. (A.) 
See Aw* — [Hence] \J£$\ (IAar, K) and 
t/ij^ll (A, Sgh, K) The anus; syn. «£w^1, 
(A, TA,) and ijjj&t, (K, TA, [in the CK, 
$jjjjM\, which is a mistranscription,]) both of 
which signify the same. (TA.) — [Hence also,] 
$jl.*}\ 'jJ>$ oyi J Such a one is foul in dis- 
positions. (A.) 

tj>o) and J'j-oj : see j^j ; the former in 
two places. 

[ *-i} &c. 

Seo Supplement.] 

j, [an inf. n., of which the verb is l»j, 
aor., accord, to rule, - , but accord, to tho TK, 
i ,] The crying of the J»b>i- (Sgh, K.) — The 
crcaAin*/ of the [kind of vehicle called] J*L*. 
(Sgh, K.) 

B. Q. 1. &>j, [in*' "• of V&d T 116 
uttering speech, or »orrf* rapidly, or near to- 

yerter. (K.) [See 1*1^.] t The ieinflr 

torn*. (K.) 

R. Q. 2. i»*L>j3 2Ze (a child) cried out. (Ibn. 
'Abbad, Sgb, £.) 

ii,^ : see the last sentence of the next para- 

■ | j 
\»\J»'i The bat ; syn. ,j£U*. : (As, S, ]£ :) or 

the /ar<7« J&- ■ (Msb:) or the swallow; syn. 

JilLL ; (S, Msb ;) this is thought by A'Obeyd 

to be, moro probably than the first, the correct 

meaning ; (S ;) or the last may bo right, but the 

first is that which is commonly known : (IB :) 

or it has tho first signification, and also signifies 

a species of the swallows („i«l»U»i.) of the 

mountains, (K, TA,) black and likened to a 

species of the JuiUA. [or bats'], because of its 

[frequent] receding and turning aside [in its 

flight] : (TA :) [Golius says, as oh the authority 

of the K, " pec. genus montanum ct vocale, quod 

oirovs diciiur ; i.e. tie swift :] pi. ±Upe), (Msb,) 

or i»jU»i, (S,) or both, (Kr, K,) but the latter, 

which is irreg., only allowable in poetry, in 

cases of necessity. (Kr.) It is used in the first 

of these senses in the proverb, s } e ii\ ^ j^\ 

Vll^Jt i>* [More clear-sighted in the night 

than the bat]. (S, Msb.) — Clamorous; (Lb., 

K ;) applied to a man : (Lh :) and one who 

utters his speech, or words, rapidly, or near 

together ; (Lh, K ;) as though his voice were 

the voice of bats: so they assert it to mean: 

(Lh :) fem. with 5 : (K :) and [in like manner] 

V .Jol^i*} signifies loquacious ; a great talker ; 
a babbler. (K*, TA.) — f A man weak in in- 
tellect and judgment: (ISh :) or weak and 
cowardly ; (A'Obeyd, S, K ;) in tho opinion of 
A'Obeyd, as being likened to the flying tiling so 
called j (S ;) as also * Jb\£j : (K :) and t I£J , 

(IAin-, K,) of which Ll^Jvj is tho sing., (TA,) 
men (IAar) weak in intellects and bodies. 
(IAar, K.) 

3 - • • t ' t ' 

^>\ i )»} : seo h\yb}, in two places. 

1. '{£>>, aor. ikJ ; (S, K ;) the j falls out 
from the aor. of this verb, and from that of 
*->}, because they aro transitive; for other 
verbs of the class Jjti , having the aor. of the 

measure Jjuu , and the first radical letter infirm, 
are intransitive; and as these two differ from 
their class in being transitive, they are also 
made to differ in the aor. ; (S ;) or Ibu was 
originally {Ja*, and therefore the j falls out 

from it; (TA;) inf.n. ti'j (TA) [and &», q.v. 
infra] ; and * l£j, (K, but this has an intensive 
signification, MF ;) and * Xby (S, K) Me trod ; 
trod upon; (4»)J with his foot; S) trod under 

foot ; trampled upon : (S, K, TA :) or albj 
signifies he pressed, or bore, upon him, or it, 
with Ms hand or his foot. (TA, in art. Uku.) 
[Seo also »U»j .] __ <u» , at the commencement 
of the 20th ch. of tho Kur, is read by some 
4J9 , and said to be for Uo , (the » being sub- 
stituted for .,) and to signify Tread upon the 
ground with the soles of both thy feet ; because 
Mohammad raised one of his feet in prayer. 

(TA.) 'S>M 'J&i i* : They (i. e. the 

sons of such a one) sojourn, or encamp, near the 
road, so that its passengers tread upon tltem 
[i. c., became their guests] : (SI), K :) a tropical 

phraso, in which Jfi^Jall is put for JSi_>JaJl J*l ; 
this being done to give greater force to the 
phrase, as it is ono expressive of praise ; for the 
road is a thing that is constant ; whereas its 
passengers are sometimes upon it, and sometimes 
absent. (L.) [It means They arc a people who 
take up t/teir abode near the road in order that 
many passengers may enjoy their hospitality.] 
[See also J^l*.] — Of the same kind is 

the phrase o*&» ^^ i*^!*" J^P*" ls^ ^•**" 1 
X [We look to the road wlwse passengers tread 
on (t. e., make themselves the guests of,) the sons 
of such a one]. (IJ.) — — So too, >>yu Uj^o 
Sij^^i O^&y * [We passed by a people trod 
on (i. c, resorted to for their hospitality,) by the 
passengers of the road], (IJ.)^Also, &>j±> Ij 

[Book I. 

lit., make us to tread on, i. e., make us the guest* 
of,] the tons of such a one! (IJ.) — C^>' ($> 
K,) aor. as above, (S,) Inivit femiuam. (S, K.) 
_ Lbj, inf. n. ii\> , f He trod under foot, and 

despised. Ex. J^JJJI iil» ,>o £>\j iyu We put 

our trust t» God for protection from the vile 

person's treading us under foot, and despising 

ws. (Lh.) __ U»j and t t£j (in MF's copy of 

the K U»lj) He prepared, and made plain, smooth, 

> »- . ' t- • 

or soft. (K.) C-~bj, for OU93, U dis- 

allowed. (TA.) __p»j, aor. $»#, »"• n. U»j, 
[so in tlie TA : probably a mistake for »»U»j : 
seo aiJo below:] He (a horse &c.) was, or 
became, easy to ride npon. (TA.) _£1*3, aor. 
'ySyi, inf. n. *it\bj (S, K) and W^L} (TA) and 
id> (T4, as from the K) [and, app., sht, q.v. 
infra], It (a place, S) was plain, level, smooth, 
soft, or easy to be travelled, or to waUt, or ride 
or lie upon. (S, K, TA.) = Vj*} U»'l C-il» 
t / used to conceal the mention of him, or it. 
(TA, from a trad.) 

" . fit-*; 

2. Sec 1, in two places Ubj, inf. n. <Ui»^j, 

He made plain, level, smooth, soft, or ca^y to be^ 
travelled, or to walk or ride or lie upon. (S, T£.) 
He made a beast of carriage easy to ride upon ; 
trained, or broke, it (M, voco yolj .) _ Also, 
(TA,) and * l£y , (L,) He prepared (L, ubi 
supra, and TA,) a bed, or a chamber. (TA.)__ 
He arranged, or facilitated, an affair. (TA.) 
C-J93 [for Olioj] is di>allowcd. (S.) i__ U>j 
J2« (i.e. God) rendered a land p/aw, feoe/, 
smooth, soft, or easy to walk or »•«</<! or /»c upon. 
(TA.) _ Also, //> (God,) rendered a land f/«- 
presscd. (K.) =ss Sec 4. 

3. Jll ,JU »^»j, (AZ, S, K,) inf. 11. Slil^»- 

(S) and SLj ; (TA ;) and * "u»ly and * '.i^3 ; 
(K ;) J 7/e agreed, or concurred, with him 
respecting a thing. (S, K.) Tlio radical sig- 
nification of li»l^ is said 10 l>u //c trod iu the 
footsteps of unotltcr : and the signification of 
agreement is therefore figurative. (MF.) — 
,-»«*l a«_\ t*^^ O"^* ♦ [&(«« « one s name 

agrees, or ij *Ae KUNC, »ftA wa'/ic]. (S.) 

JiJ\ J^m. U I jus l^tl>J t [^n< </*cy may agree 
in the number of {the mouths) which God hath 
made sacred: Kur, ix. 37]. (S.) _ 1U»^ J—A, 
as some read, [in tho Kur, lxxiii. 6,] signifies 
t More, or most, suitable; (S;) [i.e., prayer, 
and the recitation of the Kur-iin] : but some 
read lifaj, in the sense of UU5: seo iiili. (S,L.) 
See 4. 

4. 0^. »\bj\ He made another to tread, or 
trample, upon him. (TA.) — *-yi »Uojl He 
made his horse to tread, or trample, upon him. 
(K, TA.) — u*)^ «lty Sc made htm to tread 
apo» Me ground. (Msb.; — ^5 ^fc^l f ^Aey 

^•jj jj ll» It J roarf, irin^ us near to [or, ' overcame them, or prevailed over them, in a 

Book I.] 

contention, or dispute. (TA.) — In a trad, it 
ia said, that the pastors of the camels, and the 
shepherds, boasted, one party over the other, 
and the former overcame the latter Ct*j£J*30* 
(TA.) The verb is used in this sense because it 
originally signifies, with the annexed pronoun, 
they made (others) td tread, or trample, upon 
them : ($, TA :) for him with whom you 
wrestle or fight, and whom you throw down, 
you trample upon, and make to be trampled 
upon by others. (TA.) — S^SjOI •UsjI, (?,) 
and 5^ic, (S, KL,) He made him to pursue a course 
without being rightly directed. (£*,TA.) See art. 

yU.-.£li\ t/bu*. (§. k») inf - n - ®*V> 

(TA ;) and £ll\ tfcjl, and *-» »U»lj, and * »\Jo it 

and tltf, and 'Ail, (KL,) in which last the j is 
changed into I ; (TA ;) He repeated a rhyme in 
a poem, (S, £,) using the same word in the same 
tense : (Akb, Kl :) when the word is the same, 
but the meaning different, the repetition is not 
called -U^l [but j>\i J*U*-]. (TA.) This re- 
petition (ALul) is deemed by Arabs a fault : or 
it is only deemed a fault if it occur two, or 
three, or more, times. (TA.) 

5. See 1, 2, 3 cJtis for Ol£^3 is in- 
correct (S.) "ity He, or it, mas, or became, 

prepared. (Hi.) [See also 8.] 

& l^tbp \They agreed together. (S.) — 
jjX Ij^t'v + Tliey agreed together, or concurred, 
respecting it. (TA.) [See 3.] 

8. li»3l It was prepared, and became plain, 
smooth, or soft. (K.) [Sec also 5.] _- &■!( ttfl 
(in a trad.) The evening became completely dark: 
[or the period of nightfall fully came :] also 
read ^iJjl, accord, to the dial, of the tribe of 
KLeys, and explained as signifying the period of 
nightfall came. Tho latter verb also signifies 
" concurrence, or concord, and agreement, with 
another." (TA) — ££»» ti^J [About half 
the month has elapsed]. This is said a day 
before the half, and a day after the half. (AZ.) 
tLSl. fas in the CK,) or U»L1, (as in a MS. 
copy of the K,) measuro JjU»1 [in the TA 
written fe£l, which is doubtless a mistake,] It 
mas right, and attained its full period ; was 
perfect, or complete. (r>.) 

10. lWji-1 He found, or deemed, a thing jtdain, 
few/, smoofA, soft, or easy ta roa/A or ride or Ke 
upon. ($, TA.) — -He /w«nd, or deemed, the 
thing on which he rodo smooth, soft, or easy to 
ride upon. (S.) 

t, •■» 

lb} and t Jli^ and * U»*o (measure J***, as 

Bhown in the TA ; but in the C?, flk~»;) 
Depressed land, or tow ground, between eminences 
(jtii [in the CR jUi] and uitjld [in the CK! 

vJipi]) : (EL:) jtii, is pi. of *£>, and wiipi is 
pi. of J»P; and both signify "eminences." (TA.) 

5U» : see£J». 

life and f 5U» (in both of which the final » is 

* . • ••- » 

a substitute for tie incipient j, S) and ▼ Sribj 

(S, £) and * Si£lVj ($) Plainness, levelness, 

smoothness, softness, or state o/ oein^ ea*y to 

walk or ride or lie upon. (S, K, TA.) 

\\L'j [A tread, or a treading. _ And hence,] 
J A pressure; oppression; affliction; violence: 
(S, EL:) or a vehement assault, or punishment ; 
syn. Sj*J& ijJLl: (K :) also, a Aorfi/e ex- 
pedition or engagement ; battle,fight, or slauglUer. 

(TA.) >*l* ^,1* JBUpj AjJil^l, in a trad., 

6?oi, make thy punishment of Mudar severe. 
(S,TA.) Jjyji Sli^ jjill Ul»j J [Z7«e enemy 

assaulted, or punished, us with a very vefiement 

* S • * * * 

assault, or jwnishvient]. (TA.) lyifej »U»J >*■' 

ly 4M, in a trad., J TAe tas< assault, or conflict, 
which Qod caused to befall {the unbelievers was) 
in Wejj [a valley of Et-Tiilf]. (TA.) — l\l' } 
and t \i,'y (K) and » £,i»^i (S, $) A ptace on 
u>AieA fA« *ofe o/" rAe /oo« is placed; a footstep, 
or footprint. (S, K.) 

?U»j: see tUsj, and .J*}. 

flfcj (S, K) and t ?ltj, (£,) the former is the 
word commonly known and approved ; the latter 
disapproved by many; (TA;) The contr. of 
ZUoft (o covering) ; [what is placed, or spread, 
beneath one, to sit or lie upon] : (S, K :) pi. 
Vi£\. (TA, in art. j^*..) 


when a little thicker, i^U ; and when so thick 
that it may be chewed, iie-a*. (El-Mufiaddal.) 

Also, (as some say, TA) A thing like [the 

kind of sack called] a »J\ji: (8:) or a lj\fk 
containing dried meat (jyJ^) and ± \ s & » (KL) and 
other things: (TA :) __ J£>\ i>50 0| gj*-» 
i^t^ ^» Talcc forth and give us three cakes of 
tread from a ij\ji. . (S, TA, from a trad.) — 
[Sec also iii»\^ and U»^4.] 

Sii»lj Pai/en dales. (K.) An act. part. n. in 
the sonse of a pass. : (K:) [such dates boing so 
called] becauso they are trodden under foot. 
(TA.) Or [it is changed] from CU»j, pi- of 
£j»j, [which is] from Ifcj; [and such dates 
are] so called because their owner has despised 
them, or trampled upon them, (VUj ,) and spread 
them about, for those who may take them; 
wherefore they are not included in the conjectural 
estimate of the produce of tho tree [mado by the 
collector of the legal alms]. (TA.) — iti»^ (r>) 
[pi. of £kbj] and &lj (S, $) Travellers ; 
wayfarers : (S, KL :) so called from their treading 
the road. (S.) 

ti^i ^y» U.yj "^ One is not to perform *yb$ 
(i. e., to repeat it,) on account of treading on 
filth in the road : but this does not mean that 

one is not to wash off the filth. (TA, from a 

tit , 
trad.) — SceiU*}. 

• * - *f f ' 

fjeya I sec olbj. 

**l±S Plain, level, smooth, soft, or easy to be 
travelled, or to walk or ride or lie upon. (S, K, 
TA.) — »is^S ^ ,a (I^* 1 ) A beast easy to ride 
upon. (TA.) — l lj»l J-*' l An eai, J li f*\- 
(TA.) — JkUJl l^Jo^ E<*y in nature, or dis- 
positon. (TA.) 

StU»3 : 

sec iik. 

iLbj -d certain Aind of food, (S,) i. y. &■*■» : 
(IAar:) or dates of which the stones are taken 
out, and which are kneaded with milk : or what 
is called iJ\, tvith sugar : ($ :) or a food of the 
Arabs, prepared with dates, which are put into 
a stone cooking-pot ; then water is poured upon 
them, and clarified butter if there be any ; (but 
no i»51 is mixed up with them ;) and then it is 
drunk, like *--». : (T :) or it is Uke u-t»-; dates 
and Jail kneaded together with clarified butter : 
(ISh:) or a certain kind of food, also called 
t *!»• ; a thin Sj^-ae : when it is thickened, it is 
called &L*i ; when a little more thick, 3-e4i ; 

is .? - 

Uap* : see * J?) . 

li'^>°y» jUl (in a trad, respecting destiny) 
Tracks trodden [as it were] by past predestined 
events, good and evil. (TA, from a trad.) 

JUfe'^l %'^, (?,) aud J^JI t i^J.;, 
(TA,) A man of easy nature, or disposition, 
generous, and very hospitable : or one in whose 
vicinity his companion is possessed of power, 
authority, or dignity ; hot harmed, nor incon- 
veniently situated. (KL.) _ U»>* aU»I > ^1 
^Snjl t O God, make him to be (a Sultan, 
followed by many dependants, and) one whose 
heels shall be trod upon : (£», TA :) an im- 
precation, occurring in a trad, respecting a man 
who had been secretly informed against to 'Omar, 
who said this with reference to the informer if a 
liar. (TA.) 

4J>j A shin (!(*-) in wAicA milk is put, (S, 
K,) specially used for that purpose : (S :) or a 
sAin in which arc put clarified butter and milk : 
(Mcjma' el-Bihar, ice. :) it is made of the skin of 
an animal such as is termed cJ», [meaning a 
goat in its second year,] or what is above that 
[in age] : (ISk, S, £:) the skin of a sucking kid, 
in which milk is put, is called Sy£ ; and that 

ofonothat is weaned, »Jj^ ; and the like of a 
ij£l>, in which clarified butter is put, ISk ; and 
the like of a S JJ ^ t VlL.: (ISk, S:) see also 

ijj^t : pi. of pauc. C-Iy, and of mult. L&} (S) 

and vU»jl» (dev. with respect to analogy, (TA,) 
[accord, to most grammarians ; but not so accord, 
to Fr, because its first radical letter is j ;] and 
pi. pi. (i.e. pi. of vJjjl, TA,) 4-Wjl- (SO — 
s-Vj X A hard, rough, rude, or coarse, man : 
syn. ^U. jLj. (S, K.) — 4-&i J A far^e 
breast : (tf :) likened to the skin so called. (TA.) 
— +M*} Ojiuo \ He died : or he was slain : 
(r> :) the body's becoming empty of the soul is 
compared to the skin's becoming empty of the 
milk : or tho meaning is his blood issued forth 
from his body : or, as some say, ill shins became 
empty of their milk; a hostile attack having 
been made upon his camels, and no milch 
camel remaining in his possession. (TA.) [See 
similar sayiugs voce jlj, ; and see Ham., p. 34.] 

*>**■» J>* J*y, (TA,) or Jo^Li\ C^J»ly, 
(K.,) The camels crowded, or pressed together, to 
the tank or cistern . (K.) 

»J»j [so in the S] and so written by Aboo- 
Sahl, but in the copies of the K Ijtj, (TA,; 
Dung (Syz) or mud that adheres to cloven hoofs, 
and to the claws, or talons of birds : (S, K :) 
n. un. with ». (TA.) 

«-J», without teshdecd, [but whether Xi> or 
i*J» is meant is not said,] A piece of skin, or hide : 
thought by ISd to be perhaps from J^J>^\ : 
but tho word commonly known is ili», with 
leshdoed, mentioned in art. ^Jb. (TA.) 

S-* - 

AJ»j, occurring in a trad., accord, to one 

relation, arid oxplaincd by En-Nadr as signify- 
ing The kind of food called J4^-, made of dates 

t — - j 

and Jail and clarified butter: but said to be 

erroneous : accord, to another relation, ijJo., 

which is erroneous : accord, to another, ay»^ 
[q.T., app. the right reading], (TA.) Sec 

lLl»3 t A woman having large breasts: (S, 
K. :) as though having a ^J^ ; (S ; ) i. o., carry- 
ing a ^J»j of milk. (TA.) 

1. <Z±' 3 , (aor. CJjJ, $,) inf. n. C-Lj, He 
struck the ground vehemently with his foot : (S, 
If :) or he (a camel) struck vehemently with his 
foot : (TA:) a dial, form of JJpj, or viciously 
pronounced for the latter word : (S :) or the £> 
of «iJ»j ' 8 a substitute for the ^ of ,^J»^ ; and 
tho meaning is he broke : (Yaakoob :) or *&•, 
aor. *J^(, inf. n. «£J»j, signifies he trod, or 
trampled, upon it so that he broke it. (T.) 

i- **•*»')> »or. l±i, (inf. n. iLk, TA,) He 
pushed him, or thrust him, with his hands, un- 
genily, harshly, or violently. ($.) 

6. >yt)| *J»ly 2%« people did evil, or wiw- 
chief, one to another, by turns: or fought 
together. (El-Umawee, S, £.) __ o*J*V 

1 ji>j, aor. jJaJ. inf. n. Jj»j (S, L, K) and 

iSi> ; (L, $ ;) and » j£j, (K,) inf. n. j^P ; 
(S, L ;) He made a thing constant, firm, steady, 

steadfast, fast, or established. (S, L, Tf.) JLfaj', 

aor. iiaJ, inf. n. J£j (S, L, K) and 5jd> ; (L, 
$ ;) and t jjjj, (£,) i„f. „. Jg£ . ^ L ;) jj^ 

or it, pressed upon a thing heavily ; syn. J15. 
(?> *•> ?•) — ^J »JJ»3 -He aVen> and pressed 
him to him; hugged him. (L, K».)_,i£j, 
inf. n. .iij, JGTe pressed a thing to another thing, 

ana* wrnde t</a*<. (AA, L.) Jbf) \ J»| £i£ 

He pressed him to tfte ground {with his hand, or 
hands, or foot, or feet,] and kept him fixed upon 
it, preventing his moving: (IAth, L:) he trod 
upon him vehemently : (S, L :) occurring in a 
trad. (L.) — iiju £ j£>j * t He prepared, or 
established, (j^o,) for him a station; (L, JS.;) 
asalso^otj. (TA.) _ J,$\ j^ He closed 
up, (K,) .and trod, (TA,) the ground, in order 

that it might become hard. (K., TA.) Seo 5. 

— .xij He trod; trod upon ; trod under foot ; 
trampled upon ; a dial, form of £l»j. (K..) 

>~aJl^UJt yW ^1* OjJ»3 I piled up the rocks 
at the entrance of the cave so as to slop it up 
with them. (S, L.) See also 4. 

[Book I. 

J*l»5 and t }*}ay> Rendered constant, firm, 
steady, steadfast, fast, or established. (L, %.) 

See also jJ»lj juJ,j and v>J»>« Pressed upon 

heavily; syn. JiU. (L, BL) 

'•^J t -4» established station which a man 
holds. (Yaakoob, L.) 

Ojlbj t The foundations, or 6a*e», or the 
co/mwww, (Atty,) of a building : (S, L, $ :) the 
columns (^JaC\) of a mosque. (A.) __ rfjS 

"^***r "^^ ^>* * [^" cA a ?«•«>» «* one o/lAe 

co/umn* of el-Islam.] (A.) j^li^ J 27*e «wp- 

ports called ^sUI of a cooking-pot: (A, £:) 
app. pi. ofljul,^. (TA.) 

Ablj Constant, firm, steady, steadfast, fast, 
settled, or established ; as also, by transposition, 
■>U» [q- v - in art. >U>]. (S, L.) See also J^' 3 , 
and JJaly^t, and jJ»j^. 

• S.J 

2: see 1 li3u pUal l jH 'Jsi\ jl£^, as also 

»jJ»l, J Gorf established, or confirmed, to the 
Sulldn kit dominion. (L.) _ «j£j He beat it 
with the implement called S jiv~o . (A.) 

w»o«n<ain fell upon the entrance of the cavern, 
and stopped it up with its ruins. Occurring in 
a trad. IAth says, One should only say « j&j ; 
or perhaps «jj»^ is a dial. form. Another 
relation gives »JL^jl. (L.) See also 1. 

5 - ffyt (?, L, ¥.,) and » jjJl ; (L ;) and 
* &J, (L, K,) inf. n. *^ ; (L ;) 7« became 
constant, firm, steady, steadfast, fast, or esta- 
blished. (S*, L, IjL) 

8 : see 5. 

5oJ»^ i q t o\bj : bo in the following words [of 
a trad.] ; j^ J* .itfjj^ iJt ^\ ^w [0 ^od, 
make thy punishment of Mudar severe !] (£•, 
TA.) [See also VuVj.] 

i>«>* : see jlJ»j, and jJ>^«. 

»ji»*e A wooden implement with which the 
foundations of a building tyc. are compressed, in 
order that they may become hard. (A, L, J£.) 
_ Apiece of wood with which a boring-instru- 
ment, or drill, w held : [i. e., a wooden socket 
which fits upon the top]. (S, L.) 

<&** >. and * ij>°^», and *Ji»lj, X Esta- 
blished, or confirmed, might, or </fory' (A.) 

« - .' 

jJ»lyu Continuous ; or constant and uninter- 
rupted; (K. ;) as also * jj,lj and jlfc. (TA.) 
— t o<ro>t(/ ; vehement ; hard. (K, TA.) 

jj»^ A. roani; an object of want or »j«#rf; (Zj, 
S, A, Msb, IS.-.) or one which one purposes to 
accomplish: (Lth:) or for which one is anxious, 
(A, if,) or desirous : (Msb :) pi. 'jSeji. (S, A, 
Msb, K.) It has no verb. (Kh, S, Msb.) You 
**!> L£>*y >Z ~~ c a I accomplished, or obtained, 
my want, &c. (A, Msb, £.) And J>* 

UiA^ W^ -^ accomplished my want of such a 
thing [so as to have no further need of it : see 
Kur, xxxiii. 37, in two places]. (Lth.) 

[,^-l>3 &C. 

See Supplement.] 

*• '^ \J* ^h> ( aor - 4-^y, 5,) inf. n. 
• t» • » • 

V*J»jt (and v^j, Msb,) IT* continued, to do a 

thing ; persevered in it : (Lth, Lh, S, If :) or, 

(as also 4«J*j, aor. and inf. n. as above, TA,) 

i.q. ^^i\j, [which is the more common,] inf. n. 

■ * - - , * 

*J»1^», A« kept, attended, or applied himself, 

constantly, perseveringly, or assiduously, to a 

*X>K I.] 

thing; he mat, or became, intent upon it ; (AZ, 
Lb, S, K ;) ♦ ^Jil) is said to be sometimes trans, 
without a preposition, like j>f$ ; but Es-Saad 

£*•£ * * 

denies tbis. (TA.)_ i^ll c~JUj TA* meadow 
was incessantly pastured on, [so that it became 
destitute of herbage]. (TA.) See the pass, part n. 

a one « deprived of his property (his camels Sfc.) 
by successive misfortunes]. (TA, [but for s_-vb jj 
is there written ^Jsli .]) See the pass, part n. ss 
v-Jij, inf. n. ^i^, He trod; trod upon; trod 
underfoot ; trampled upon. (K, TA.) 

- -» - 

3 : see l._ i3^l» <U j±. ^t. aJvI^ 7/e incited 
him, or ttr//cd Arm, <o heep to, or continue in, tlie 
service of such a one. (TA, from a trad.) 

ilk j The cuZtia (>C>>> Tj . or jC"^> ¥>) </ a 
solid-hoofed animal. (L, K.) 

Ijj=> ^jlt s~*b> ll "d " *-**• wiit^o, Keeping, 
attending, or applying himself, constantly, per- 
severingly, or assiduously, to such a thing ; intent 
upon it. (Lh.) 

m«Jiy» »'• ?■ j/«» , (K,) which is a Awid 0/ 
done. (TA.) 

• » - • j 

wJjbyo J».j .4. »»a« deprived of his pro- 
perty (JU [app. meaning Ais camels &c.]) 

* *' 

6y jtucccMtoe misfortunes. (S, K.) __ ^jl 

«y>by* yf tend tAat Aa» been pastured on by 
turns, so that there remains in it no herbage, or 
pasture. (S, K.) In like manner, S^flta* *-»sj : 
or a meadow that has been incessantly pastured 
on. And ^^iby jl^ A valley of which the 
herbage has been eaten by cattle S[c, so that it 
has become barren, or bare. (TA.) 

s-sbl^) : see ^i\y. 

See Supplement.] 

1. A-cj,aor. wou, (inf. n. w-cj, Msb;) and 
" 4-C5I, (inf. n. w>UjJ ; Msb ;) and * «t,.fej;.<l ; 
(and " <utjj ; TA, voce >r<*««3 ;) J/e f ooA ii 
altogether; took the whole of it. (£, Msb.) 
See 4. 

4 : see 1. _ a^cjl (TA) and * *«MS r! (S, 
TA) He extirpated it ; eradicated it. (S, TA.) 
^»^*$l and * ^ .6 3 2f« went to, or attained, 
the utmost limit in anything. (TA.) __ v_^tjl 
pjMkJI J i/e extirpated the trunk of a palm- 
tree. (£.) But this is a mistake: the right 
reading is e-x-JI «^*jl He made the mutilation 
(of a nose, ear, hand, or lip) to be radical, or 

total. (TA.) See^J^ 1£\ ^j\ Me cut 

off the whole of his nose. (S, TA.) __ *Lcj I .fl« «<* 
off the whole of his tongue. (TA.) lj£i ijill 

- - - « 1 - 

ly-cjii .Hie swallowed a banana-fruit, and left 

nothing of it. (Lh.) — ,^i)l ^ «^I)I .^jl, 

(K,) and <ui t a_c_j, (Az,) 2Te pu/, inserted, or 
introduced, the whole of the thing into the [otlier] 

thing. (K, Az, Msb.) 4)U ^ji ^y-c^l Ife 

/eni, or paid in advance, of his property , syn. 
sJUL«l: (IM:) or he was prodigal of his property; 
syn. «J»j-il : (IKtt:) or, as some say, he ex- 
pended his property in every way. (TA.) _ 
j>yii\ w*jl + 7%e people collected tliemselves to- 
gether ; congregated : (S, TA :) <Acy came all 

together. (TA.) — <^s-^\ He collected; gathered 

* * al- 
together; congregated. (K.) _ O"^ y^ s-^l 

jk».l ^^i* >»jJ-j Jk*-> V^ ►^ J [TAe sons of 
*ucA a one came aW togetlier, emigrating, so that 
there remained not in their country one of them]. 

(ISk, S.) — cS& ,VJ O*^ »^- w*jl The sons 
of such a one collected together a company for 
<Ae sonsofsuch a one. (Lh.) _>ji)t w«cjl jTVie 
people went forth all together on a military ex- 
pedition. (TA.) 'j&\ l^fCjl TViey [collected 

togetlier the men, and] went forth all togetlier on 
a military expedition. (TA, from a trad.) 

5 : see 1. 

• a 
10: see 1. _ J^^l ytf^l J // (a place, or 

a vessel, 1 ) was large enough to contain the thing ; 

it held the thing, or received it into its capacity. 

(TA.) — ^e. ^f. ^..ey "i 5j*.t^l aW*J> 

i«LiJt >^j ju»J| 1 One favour [of God] will be 
equivalent to all the works of a man on the day 
of resurrection. A trad. (TA.) _ t^ep&l [ge- 
nerally signifies He, or it, took, took in or com- 
prised or comprehended or included, or tooA up 
or occupied, altogether, wholly, or universally ; 
or tooA in <Ae gross; engrossed: like Jjj«" .-l ]. 
See 1 : and 4, in two places. <ujl». -..-'■jT.iI I3 1 

ijjl\ , said in a trad, respecting the nose, If the 
mutilation thereof be total, so that nothing be left 
of it, the [wlwle] price of blood [shall be paid] : 
(S:) or, accord, to another relation, 4I& ^-xj' 
[If] the whole of it be cut off. (TA.) 

vfj A wicfe road. (KL.) You say, JjjL 

• •* • * v # 

v-e^: and the pi. is w*^- (TA.) «_>b} 

Wt'rfe places in a land. (K.) Correctly, it is pi. 

of w-cj ; but in the Moajam [el-Bulddn] it is 

made a'proper name of certain places. (TA.) 

v-.-ej An ample house, or tent. (K.) An 
ample vessel, that takes in the whole of what is 
put into it. (TA.) — ,_~c^ u^ji Jj^l l ^r 
The horse came at kis utmost rate. (S, K..) _ 
v-eft^ Pudendum mulieris amplum. (TA.) 

UO s-*jl '•** 2^" « »»o*< proper, or fit, for 
the full giving, or receiving, or tAe WAe, 0/ aucA a 
tAtn^.- syn. *3U*~^ ij>.l. (?.) This is taken 
from the following words of a trad. __ <Uy 


- • 1 .n 

»no«i proper for the complete evacuation of the 
semen remaining in the penis. (TA.) 

' j • • . 

w*>o cju»-, (also written >^*£y», TA,) /{ 
mutilation of the nose, ear, hand, or lip, by which 
it is extirpated. Oiie says, in reviling, **y>» 
Uc^o lc«xo. 4l)l J/ay troi/ mutilate him by an 
utter mutilation of the nose, Sfc. ! (S.) 

U**''^* 'j3^" + They came having collected 
together all that they could : (S, K :) they came 
all togetlier, not one of them remaining behirul. 

- • »0 

1. w*^, aor. «j (inf. n. w«t_5, TA,) and 

>*«*j, aor. i, (inf. n. i5>*3 and *il*j, TA,) It 
(a road) was difficult to travel, (K,) <m<i arduous 
to ascend. (TA.)_w-cj, aor. -, inf. n. wtj 

and «i«cj ; and w^j, aor. < , inf. n. <u^c^ ; It 

• • * 

(a road) was soft, and like what is termed C*cj • 

(ISd.) _ »*«cj It (dust) was fine, and it (land) 
was .<ry?, and loose, so that tlie feet of beasts of 
carriage sank in it. (TA.) _ «ju o~tt 5 His 
hand broke. (K.) 

2. w<6j, inf. n. v^y, 7/r withheld, or re- 
strained, and turned, or diverted, [another from 
a thing]. (K.) \j£» ^j>, oicj Zfe tttrnerf Aim, 
or diverted him, from such a thing ; as also 
ju)*.. (Az.) 

4. w«£jt J7e came i/jjo/j a tract such as is 

* *' 
called C«cj : (S, K :) Ae came upon an even 

and soft tract : (A :) Ac walked along a tract 
such as is called •£*•£■}. (Msb.) — — 4JU ^J si-x_jl 
He was prodigal of his wealth, (ISk, S, K.) = 
w-cjl, inf. n. <^jUj1, Se confounded, or con- 
/w*cd. (TA.) 

«i«*3 A place that is even and soft, (S, £,) 
sucA a* i* termed ^J^i, (K,) or j^-ajJI jjflbi 
(S,) in which the feet sink, (S, K.,) and upon which 
it is troublesome to walk : (S :) or sand in which 
the feet of camels, §c., sink : (ISd :) and [in liko 
manner] ♦ jllc^ signifies that in which the hoofs 
of horses and the like, and the feet of camels, 
sink, consisting of fine sand, and what is termed 
u-A*>t of small pebbles : (Az, from Khilid Ibn- 
Kultliooiii :) or v^cj signifies whatever is soft 
and even : (As :) or sand that is not much in 
quantity : or a soft place : pi. w>cj and <^>«£« : 
and [in like manner] " >£*£y» UU an extruded 
and gibbous tract of sand, which is soft, and in 

which the feet sink. (TA.) Also w»cj and 

+ *i - . * s- 1 

▼ w-63 and " <£*e.ys A difficult road. (^.) 

» - • » > j j j 

ki-cyi ^ji L$ ~»i 3*, and ^»>*yi ^j*, ITe walks 

along a tract such as is called ^Uj , (and along 
tracts of that kind,) in which walking is laborious. 

(TA.) — &*) % A bone broken, (S, £,) and 

chipped, or notched. (S.) w«*j Leanness : 

(5 :) so/i leanness. (TA.) i*j A corrupt 

flnrf confused state of an affair : pi. «1>J*3- (!■•) 
__ »£«C) I Anything inconvenient, troublesome, 
difficult, or toilsome. (Msb.) __ iicj SI/*J A 
woman who is fat, (£,) or fleshy ; (S ;) as 
though the fingers would sink into her, by 
reason of her softness and fleshiness. (TA.) 
kJbj^ll iicj »l^«l X A woman having soft but- 
tocks. (ISd.) Ru-bch says, 

[/Tct- soft buttocks make her to bend]. Here 
w-ctjl may be pi. of vi-cj, contr. to analogy ; 
or it may bo pi. of w-£)t, which may be pi. of 
w-cj. (ISd.) v *Utj also signifies the same 
as ^-cj. (ISd.) __ [For the prov.] 

(TA,) [seo 2, in art. J**..] 
Ctj : see »i-cj . 

Ojftj Adversity ; difficulty ; distress ; afflic- 
tion ; evil. (TA.) _- Soo w-cj . 

lUcj I Inconvenience, trouble, difficulty, or 
tot/, (S, £,) of travel : (S:) or severity of trouble, 
difficulty, or toil, thereof. (A'Obcyd.) __ Also 
the like with respect to crimes, sins, or the like : 
you say, iUc^I v"£*j meaning J Tie committed 
a crime, sin, fault, or act of disobedience. 
(A'Obcyd.) See <&y 

^j^'yo A man deficient in rank or quality, 
nobility, or eminence, reputation or note or con- 
sideration, or wAa* u termed %,■■■■*•• (?, K.) 

• «- ■» • »' 

w-cy* : seo w-cj. 

1. j*j, aor. j*i, inf. n. j*j and Sac, (S, L, 
Msb, £,) [in which the S is a substitute for the 
elided j,] or the latter is a quasi-inf. n., (L,) 
and J*yt and »-*£j-o, (L, Msb, KL,) or the last 
is a quasi-inf. n., (L,) and .>>*>« anil °.>^>«, 
(L, K,) the last two being instances of inf. ns. 
of the measures J**** and «U$*i*, (L,) He 
promised. (TA.) It is trans, immediately, and 
by means of the prep. «,> ; (L, Msb, £ ;) but 
some say that the »_> is redundant in this case ; 
and most of the lexicologists disallow it with 
this form of the verb, allowing it only with jtcjl. 

(TA.) It is also used with refcrenco to good 

*t, »*** 
and evil : (S, L, Msb, $ :) you say 1^-A. ».»sj 

ft, i.« 
[He promised him good'] : and \j£> »j*j X [He 

threatened him with evil] : (Fr, Fs, S, L, Msb, 

$, &c. :) and, [accord, to some,] jl»~i »j*j) 

and jLi. (IKoot, Msb.) When neither good 
nor evil is mentioned, if you mean the former, 
you say «x*j [He promised good] : and if you 
mean the latter, * jijl, (Fr, T, S, L, Msb, £,) 
inf. n. ilxjl, with which jut) is syii., (S, L, 
Msb, K,) being one irregular inf. n., [or quasi- 
inf. n.,] (Msb,) [He threatened,] or threatened 
with, evil] ; and " »>6jt [He threatened him, 
menaced him, or threatened him with evil] ; 

(Msb ;) as also " ojs-y , (L, Msb,) inf. n. .xty ; 
(S, L, ¥L;) and*»j«3l. (L.) You also say 
\jt±. t j^l [1T« promised good] ; (IAar, T, 
ISd, Msb, $ ;) but this is extr. : (L :) and 
flj tj^jl [He threatened, or threatened with, 
evil] : (S, L, Msb, K :) when ^ is introduced 
after this form of the verb, it rolatcs only to 

evil : (Fs, Msb:) but you also say l^i T oj^jl. 
(Msb.) i_ Failure of performance, with respect 
to a promise, the Arabs regard as a lie ; but 
with regard to a threat, as generosity. A poet 

* >J^fy }*--*} ^S^i\ «"* ; *■ ^ 

[Anrf t>en7y I, if I threaten him or promise him, 
fail to perform my threat, but fulfil my promise]. 
(Msb.) Nay, they do not apply the term >_ * >*■ 
to the failure of performing a threat. (TA.) — 
li^ jl«j u«jj J C/«r day promises cold. (L.) — 
c^j^' Ojlcj 1 3^« land promised good produce. 
(A.) _ « >£•>» o J^l.5 : see 3. 

3. «Jt«1), inf. n. »'j*\y>, He promised him, 
the latter doing the same to him. ( 

Mo'adh, L.) o J^}» »Ji*1j He vied with him 

in promising, and surpassed him therein, by pro- 
mising more. (L, K.*) — i5>Jyl »J*I^, and 
Ji q'i'I, [-ff« appointed with him the time, and 

tA«p/ace]. (L, Kl.) \±s-y» l^***^' is a vul S ar 
mistake. (Aboo-Bekr, L.) 

4 : see 1 throughout, ess j*^1, (A, L,) inf. n. 
y*A, (L,) in the sense of which j^e.$ is also 
used [as a quasi-inf. a.], (S, A, L, K) X He (a 
stallion-camel) brayed, ( j-xa, S, A, Ac.) on his 
being about to attack and fight with other camels. 
(S, A, L.) 

5 : see 1. 

6. IjJtcbp and ♦ t>»x5l signify the same, 
[They promised one another] : (K # , TA :) or 
the former relates to good, (S, Msb, K,) signify- 
ing they promised one another something good : 
(S, Msb,) and the latter, to evil, (S, L, £,) sig- 
nifying they threatened one another: (L:) and 
this distinction is commonly admitted and ob- 
served. (TA.) _- ffWl 6j*lj3, [and C-S^Jl, 
We appointed mutually the place, and the time]. 

8. J*3l, (A,) [aor. J>*CJ,] inf. n. it«5t, (S, L, 

[Boor I. 

K,) He accepted a promise : (S, A, L, K :) 

originally jjujI ; the j being changed into O 
and then incorporated [into the augmentative 
O] : some persons say jljujI, aor. jjuU, (inf. n. 

iUljl, TA) and pronounce the act. part n. 

• .*, 

<**Jy*, with >; (S, L, K ;) like as they say 

. '»- 

j»3b : (S, L :) but [if they do not change the } 

»»* S -m 

into O] they should say jjwI, and J«3b, and 
jjuy«, without » . (IB, L.) Also, Ee con- 
fided in the promise of another. (L.) — See 
also 1 : — . and 6. 

j»c^ and ' JjLft (in which latter the 5 is a 
substitute for the [elided] _j, S, L) and * j&y 

and ~ ijs-yo and " >$*y» (A) and * *iy*y ■ 
(L :) see 1 : A promising ; a promise ; (A, L ;) 
meaning, of something good : (S, L, &c. :) pi. 
of the first, >^cj ; (IJ, L ;) or this has no pi. : 
(T, S, L, Msb:) and of the second, OU* : (T, 
S, L, Msb :) (and of tho T third, jtcjj* :] and 
of v i^ayt, juclyo. (L) When ajlc is used 
as a prefixed n., [in a case of wasl,] the S is 
elided, (Fr, S, L,) and ^ is substituted for it : 
(Fr, L :) a poet says, 

* '^J 16 ^ L?"*" > , '^ , t^"** *J*iHj * 

[ Ani Mey have broken to thee the promise of the 
thing which they promised]. (Fr, S, L.) __ 
<Lkc » I JbWi [A promise is equivalent to a yt/i] : 
i. e., it is base to break it as it is to take back a 
gift. A proverb. (TA.) _ bpl * Sj^ »j*j 
^oUU [lf« promised him as the moon promises 
the Pleiades] : for the moon and the Pleiades 
are in conjunction once in every month. Another 
proverb. (TA.) [Perhaps we may also read 
>»iJI u>JI «at : soe jIj^», in art. jkC.] __ 

jiyi jyli.1 o^ J*^l J^llt [The breaking of 
a promise is one of the natural habits of the 
mean and base]. A saying of tho Arabs. (MF.) 
_ jkfcj also signifies The fulfilment of a pro- 

* m* ,1 .V 

mise. Ex. jlc^II IjJk ^y^o, in the Kur, [x. 49, «kc] 
means, H7*«n *Aa/7 />e Mc fulfilment of this pro- 
mise ? (L.) _ Also, a <Amu/ promised. (TK, 
art. ja»J .) 

SjlC : soo acj, and 1. 

i<jLP O/i or relating or belonging to, a pro- 
wi*« : rol. n. of Sj*, like jJj of iij, formed 
without restoring the ^ like as it is restored in 

[the rel. n. of] i£ : [seo art. ^i :] but Fr says 

8 - i - S - 

i^jj* and pj^, like >J^tf. (S, L.) 

j^jc j : soe 1 : A threatening ; a threat : (S, 
L, $ :) also written I-cj. (TA.) See also 4. 

Book I.] 

lljte^t A certain sect of the rj'i*-» who are 
extravagant in threatening ; asserting that trans- 
gretsors [who have been true believers] shall remain 
in hell for ever. (TA.) 

jLftl^ J A:horee that promises run after run. 
(L, £.) __ t A beast that promises to be pro- 
ductive of good, and fortunate. ^ (L.) I Sec an 
ex. in a verse cited voce Jj m — ■ — I A tree, 
or herbuge, promising good produce. (A.) — 
X A cloud, which, as it were, promises rain. 
(L, K.) — + A day which promises heat ; (L ;) 
as also a year: (TA :) or of which the commence- 
ment promises heat ; or cold. (S, L, K.) — 
iJ*'i tAjl I £*>«* oftohich the herbage is hoped 
to prove good and productive, (As, S, A, L, K,) 
by reason of its first appearance. (As, L.) 

j&l* signifies A covenant, or compact So, 
accord, to Mujahid, in ch. xx. vv. 89 and 90, 
of (lie Kur-in. (L.) — ji£* and Sj*y : sec 1, 
and .vcj. _ See also jU^*. 

ibL* (S, A, L, Msb, If) and * j^ (S, A, 

L, Msb) A time, and a place, of jrromise : (S, 

A, L, Msb, K. :) [and, of appointment ; an ap- 

jtointed time, and place]. — jUe-* ^4 mutual 

premising, or promise. (S, K.) 

• i., «-•>«- . , ••- "-,. 

iyc-y and O^Cj-* : seel, and J*} — >$«»l 

j»c>»JI [7%c promised day; meaning] </«e day 
of resurrection. (TA.) _ >>Cy*j i>v^ >**«• 
/'n.if and present and future : tlie tenses of a 

verb. (Kb, in L, art. >yC.) i**5-» 18 oue of 

the inf. n*. which have pis. governing as verbs ; 
its pi. being jk-cl^-o. 

... j, i _•'' 

Ex. w>>~* »U.I »^j3^ J^>>« 

[.4* 'OrkooVs promisings of his brother in 
Yethrib.] (IJ, ISd.) See *&tj*. 

1. £), (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. ^ ; (TA;) 
and Jej, aor.^*J ; (Msb, K ;) and^cj, (Lh, A, 
K.) aor. ^ (K, TA) and >* ; (Lh, TA ;) 

inf. n. I'^'i (S, Msb, K) and fyij, (Msb, K,) 
of the first (Msb, TA) and second; (TA ;) and 
^, (Msb, K,) of the first (TA) and second ; 
(Msb, TA ;) and j^, (K,) of the second only ; 
(TA;) and j»j, (K.) of the third; (TA :) It 
(a place, A, K, and a mountain, S, Msb,) was, 
or became, rugged ; ( A, K ;) as also * ^ey : (S, # 
A,K :) or difficult. (Msb.) — [Hence,] IjZyillt 
(an affair), and /«r, (a man,) was, or became diffi- 
cult, or ha id. ($,*T A.) Yousay,a^U- U^L* UL. 
Oj\ f j£^J J We asked of such a one a thing 
wanted, and he was hard, or difficult, to us. 
(Sgh, TA.) — [Hence also,] j*j, inf. n. ijUj 
and ijjz'l* 1 Lt ( a tn ' n 6) was t or became, little, 
or *ra?ity. (5. TA.) 

2. »jt\}, inf. n. j«*j3, J5& made it (a place, 
K, and a mountain, S,) rugged : (S,* £ [° r 

4. Jj>£jl a* .jftjl TAe road became rugged to 
him : or brought, him to a rugged land. (K,* 

TA.) js.^ He came, or lighted, upon a rugged 

place. (A, K.) See also 10. — X His (a 

man's) property became little, or scanty. (K,* 
TA.) The man is thus likened to a rugged place 
without plants or herbage. (TA.) — »j*}\ X He 
made it (a thing, A, K,) little, or scanty. 
(S, A, K.) 

5 : see 1, in two places. 

10. \jty~,\ He found it, (S, Msb,) or deemed 
it, (K,) namely a place, (Msb,) or a road, (A, 
K.) or a thing, (S, Sgh,) rugged, (S,* K,) or dif- 
ficult ; ( Mf b ;) as also * itjAj) . (Sgh, £.) 

j*3 Hugged; contr. of JyL : (A, K :) or 
difficult : (Msb :) applied to a place, (TA,) and 
a road, (A,) and a mountain : (S, Msb :) as 
also *^6j, (A, K., or, accord, to As, this latter 
is not allowable, (S,) and F's assertion, that 
this which is said in the S is nothing, being a 
negation of a negation without evidence, is a 
thing unheard of, MF,) and *j*1^ and ;&) and 
t '^\ : (K :) and plain with ruggedness : and a 
mountain rugged, and difficult of ascent : and a 
place inspiring fear, and desolate: (TA :) pi. 
%}, (K,) a pi. [of pauc] of ^, (TA,) and 
)& t (A, K,) a pi. of mult, [of the same], (TA,) 
and sj^ej, (A,) [of the same,] and jUjt, (A, 
K.,) a pi. [of pauc] of yp and j^y (TA.) — 
Applied to a place where a thing is sought, 
(4. AW , §,and Msb) + Difficult[of access]. (Msb.) 
Also, applied to a thing, t Little, or scanty. 

(A, TA.) And you say, o^ijt j»j O^*. 
meaning, I Such a one has little goodness, bene- 
ficence, or kindness. (S, A, K..) — It is also 
an imitative sequent to J-A5 ; (S, Kl ;) [but in 
this case it is only a corroborative;] and to 
]J4j : (S :) and so is ♦ js^ to jsCc, in the phrase 


dered, or enjoined, him, respecting such a thing, 
j, (S, Mgh, ?,) and jSl, (Mgh, ?,) 


jji jl jiij o' that *• 'Ao"^ * ["0 or not *° 
[it]; (?j) as also <*>! ♦jpj, (?,?/) inf. n. 
h*i*> (90 and (sometimes, S) <«» *jf>, (S, 
K.,*) inf. n. je^ ; (S ;) which are also explained 
by >»ji [signifying the same as >J*J and ^tt] : 
or the first and second are correct, accord, to 
ISk, but the last (£}) is not allowable, accord, 
to him, nor is it, as related by AHat, accord, to 
As. (TA.) 

See Supplement] 

Jtj JjJ> jjlL, (JK.,) meaning, t Little, scanty, hair. 

>£« : sec jfrj, in two places. 

see j6 y 

J* 4- 

1. jej : see 4. 
2 : see 4. 


4. \'j£» J> ^'i*j'. (S, K,) or \'jLi, (Mgb,) 
inf. n. jliyl, (Mgh, TA,) -Hit commanded, or- 

1. lliij, (S, Msb, ^, Ac,) aor. £«i, (Msb, 

K,) inf. n. ii^ and ii*, (S, Msb, ?[>) »n which 
the i is a substitute for the elided y (TA,) and 
akt, (TA,) and ikc^i, fJL.) in which the i is 
not to denote the fern, gender, because this is not 
real, (TA,) or this last is a simple subst, (Msb,) 
He exhorted him, admonished him, or warned 
him ; he put him in fear : (IF :) he exhorted him 
to obedience; commanded him to obey: (Msb:) he 
gave him good advice, or counsel; and reminded 
him of the results of affairs: (S :) he reminded him 
by informing him of that which should make the 
heart tender : (Kb :) he reminded him of that 
which should soften his heart, by tlie mention of 
reward and punishment. (K.) It is said in 
the Kur, [xxxiv. 45,] Sj»ly ^fliel Cj I only 
exhort you, or command i/ou, to do one thing. 
(Mab.) And you say, tjt^i H*) [He was ex- 
horted, admonished, or warned, by the example 
of another : see 8]. (S.) [And ii._j, alone, He 
preached a sermon or sermons.] 

8. fc«V [He became exhorted, admonished, 
warned, or put in fear :] he obeyed, or con- 
formed to, [an exhortation to obedience, or] a 
command, and restrained himself: (Msb :) he 
accepted good advice, and the being reminded of 
tlie results of affairs : (S :) he became reminded 
of that which should soften his heart, by the 
mention of reward and punishment (K\) It is 

said, *i iauul &* 0*-^ */s*i **5 i>* «* **■ ■'' 
»j£. [The happy is he who is exhorted, or 
admonished, or warned, by the example of 
another, and the unhappy is he by the example of 
whom another becomes exhorted, or admonished, 
or warned]. (S, L.) 

ike : see 1. — [As a simple subst.,] it has 
for its pi. olkc : and is syn. with * llke-y* : 
(TA :) [the pi. of the latter is Jicl^o.] It is 

said in trad., ike oidjuf-S) I will assuredly 
make thee a warning, or an example, to others. 
(TA.) And in the Kur, [ii. 276,] »iU. ,>i* 
Z } £y» ♦ ik*^ [But he to whom cometh an 



exhortation, or an admonition, or warning, from 
his Lord]. (TA.) And ♦ akc^Jl* JiiJl [The 
slaying by way of warning], mentioned in a 
trad., it when the innocent is slain in order that 
he who gives reason for suspicion may become 
warned. (TA.) 

- a- • . 

J»Uj : see Jitlj. 

Jtetj [One who ex/torts, admonishes, warns, 
or puts in fear :] one who exhorts to obedience ; 
who commands to obey : (Msb :) one who gives 
good advice % or counsel; [mho reminds of the 
results of affairs ; Ac. : and a preacher of a 
sermon or sermons : see 1 :] and in like manner 
* *Vej [one who exhorts, tee., much, or fre- 
quently] : (TA :) pi. of the former ]iCy (Msb, 

•• *, » ■ 

3>ii>s.y» : sco 1 : _ and Urn*, in three places. 

See Supplement.] 

1. vf*> m,r - *■»"*■*!> ' I,f - "• ^J*) ( ll,, d *jI*j, 
IM and others), lie (a camel) wa*, or became, 
large, big, or bulhy. (S, £.) 

v-*\j WA«f is of a mean sort, of the utensils 
and furniture of a house, or tent : (S, K :) pi. 

wj^^' :l1 "' V^ : (ly th° former, of pane. ; 
the latter, of mult. (TA.) The wAcjl of u house, 
or tent, are the wooden bowl and the stone 
cooking-pot and the like : (S :) [as also ^>l*jt]. 

-__ A sach, such as is called Sj\j*. : (K :) but 
this is included among the moaner sort of the 
utensils of a house, or tent ; and is therefore not 
particularly mentioned by any of the lexico- 
graphers except T. (TA.) — ^ (A?, S, K) 
and %*'■> (Th, #) Stupid ; foolish ; of little 
sense : (S, £ :) i. q. *+-£}, a weak, stupid, mon : 
(TA, voce ^U :) pi. as above. (£, TA.) See 

also «f»i). — -t-^J Weak in body : (as also 
• •« • •, . 

jlA^ : TA :) pi. as above. (KL.) __ ^^i. Base ; 

• •• 
mean; vile.: (as also j^-j : TA .) pi. as above. 

(£.) — ^-^5 A large, big, or bulhy, camel : 
(§, £:) pi. as above : fem. with S. (K.) 

1. >ij, nor. i , (S, $, &c.,) inf. n. SjU}, (L, 
Mab, $,) .ffr was, or became, a low, or ignoble, 
mean, or sordid, and weak person, (S, Msb,) wAo 
served for the food of his belly : (S, L, M.?b :) 
or light, (L,) stupid, and tveah (L, JC) in intellect, 
(L,) /otc, or ignoble, and mean, or sordid ; (L, 
]£. ;) or weaA m Wy: (L, £ : ) or /»^A* in 
intellect : or nvrj/c as is a slave. (Msb.) __ jl'j 
^b\, aor. ^t, (S, L,) inf. n. JIj, (L,) He 
served the people ; acted as a servant to them. 
(S. L.) 

ii*j — ^ 

3. «jLil 3 , (L,) inf. n. Ufct^i, (S, L, *L,) He 
(a man) did ZiAe as he (another man) did : (L, 
K :) accord, to some, specially in pace, or in 
going, or marching ; (L ;) he went lihe him ; or 
kept pace with him : (S*, L :) and he ran with 
him; or vied with him in running: (K :) you 
say \Jj*.y\ AiUI d^LVj the she-camel went like, 
or Ae/rt pace rwVA, <A« o<Aer: (L :) and some- 
times the term »a*1^o is used in relation to a 
single she-camel, because one of her fore legs, 
and her hind legs, moves with (>*'>3) the other. 
(As, S, L, K.) 

t • » 

.A*) .4 low, or ignoble, mean, or sordid, and 

weak person, (S, A, Msb :) »»Ao seroe* for the 
food of his belly : (S, A, L, Msb :) or fyAf, 
(L,) stupid, weak (L, K) tn intellect, (L,) foro, 
or ignoble, and wean, or sordid : (L, ly" :) or 
weaA in body : (L, i[ :) or light in intellect : 
(Mfb :) or weak ; as is a slave: (Uinm-El-Key- 
them, Msb :) or who eats and carries away. (Expos, 
of the Lameoych of Et-Tughriice.) _ A servant 

of a people. (L,K.) — A slave. (L, &.) A 

boy. (L,£.) — PI. l\i$ (A, L, Msb,K)and £\jlj 

and o'«**5- (I J 7 K.) — A certain arrow, (8, 
A, L, lj t ) of those used in the game called 
j' ^t t ft , (S, L,) to which no portion, or share, 
pertains. (S, A, L, K.) Accord, to the A, 
this is the original signification. (TA.) __The 

fruit of the oW^i> (L, ?.) Soil^JI A 

certain game (K) of the. Arabs, in which one 

player does lihe as the otlier does. (TA.) 

See also 3. 

1. l>r -o"iJI *Jr*j The sun fell vehemently upon 
him. (A.) — S^VI o^, (]£,) aor.jii, (?,• 
TA,) inf. n. jij, (TA,) 2Vie summer-midday was, 
or became, intensely, or ve/temently, hot. (K.,* 
TA.) sb [Hence, (see >^,)] ij^, j«j, (S, 
Msb, K,) aor. >^ (S, Msb,* ¥.,•) and >!. , 
with kesr to the first letter, (Fr, K,) [an irrcg. 
form,] like J»~-» ; (TA ;) and "£y, aor. J«S ; 
(K, TA ;) but j^f-i is more common than jju ; 
(Az, : TA;) inf. n. >i, (S, Msb, ¥,) of the 
former, (S, Msb,) and j*j, (K,) [of the latter,] 
or ^yis a simple subst., and the inf. n. is jt^ ; 
(S* Msb, [but perhaps this is said because only 
the former of the two verbs is mentioned in the 
S and Msb] ;) His bosom was, or became, affected 
with rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite, and 
enmity ; and burned with wrath, or rage ; (S, 
A, Msb, K;) ,j^» ,-U against such a one: 
(S, A:*) or became fitted with wrath, or rage, 
(Msb, TA,) and rancour, malevolence, malice, 
or spite : (TA :) or burned by reason of intense, 
or violent, wrath, or rage : (T A :) and ? jiyj 
he (a man, TA,) burned, and was, or became, 
hot, with wrath, or rage. (K, TA.) You say 
also, £j$S (> y* jt\$, aor. >iu-j, [see above, 

[Book I. 

S«c/» a on« became affected with rancour, 6a. ; 
or burned with wrath, or rage; against me]. 
(Ft, TA.) 

2 : see 4, in two places. 

4. tjyijl 2%«y entered upon the summer-mid- 
day when the heat was intense, or vehement, (g, 
TA.) = «Tjl jij He heated the water, (£, 
TA,) by putting into it heated stones : (TA:) or 
i q. dSj^S : (TA :) — He made the water to 
boil. (S, K.) Sometimes, a live pig has its hair 
scalded offin it, and is then slaughtered : (S, £ :) 
pr, accord, to some lexicons, is then roasted. 
(TA.) This is done by certain Christians. 
(S,K.) You say j<jl»JI ^cJUUI Jj£f The 
Christians boiled some water, and scalded off the 
hair of a live pig in it, and then slaughtered it. 
(A.) — o-JJ' ji)\ , He made the milk what is 
termed jfkj and l^ j as also, t tjt it (S, ^,) 

inf. n. jtAy> • (S.) sa »j*jl He made him to be 
affected with rancour, malevolence, malice, or 
spite, and enmity, and to burn with wrath; or 
rage : (£ :) or he made him to be affected with 
wrath, or rage : (A :) [in like maner,] ¥ »j2j 
*i«, (TK.) in£ n.^43, (5,) Ae incited him to 
rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite, against 
him. (K,* T]jL\) You say also, l ^a » } j~o Oji^i 
^•jW / made his bosom hot with wi-ath, or rage, 
against such a one. (S.) 

5 : see 1. 

ji-i Rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite, 
and enmity ; and a burning with wrath, or rage; 
(S, A, K ;) as also * ^ ; (A, T£ ;) or the latter 
is an inf. n., (S, TA,) but the former is a simple 

subst. : (TA :) or the state of being filled with 

*'* ' 
wrath, or rage : (Mfb:) from »>£•,, explained 

••« a « . 90 
below. (S.) You say, j*j .A* ojj^e <J In 

his bosom is rancour, &c, against me. (S,) And 

» 19. , * * 

»jjuo jij ^^J The rancour, &c, of his bosom 

a -•»*»* *& 
departed. And jjuaJI jc-) ^*>jj ajJ^I TAe gift 

dispelleth the" rancour, malevolence, malice, or 

spile, and tlie heat, of the bosom. (TA.) 

• - - •• , 

b*3> (§, K,) and^fc i^cj, (Msb,) lntenseneu, 
or ve/tetnence, of heat : (Msb, K :) or of the burn- 
ing thereof, (S, TA,) wA«i <A« .t«n t'» tn tA« 
meridian. (TA.) You say, ialJui S^ ^i UJp 

IJ>=> ( U ^jic IFe alighted during the intense 
midday heat at such a mater. (TA.) 


jt&j Milk into which heated stones are thrown, 

and which is then drunk : (K :) or (so accord, 
to the TA ; but in the K, and) milk boiled and 
cooked : (K :) or milk made hot with heated 
stones ; as also • »jt£p : (S :) or the latter, or 
pure milk alone, heated until it is thoroughly 
cooked ; and sometimes clarified butter is put into 

Book ].] 

if. (ISd, TA.) —Also, Flesh-meat roasted 
upon heated stone* : ( Lth, TA :) or upon stones 
heated by the sun. (L, K.) 

S^ty te'jtty 

jjucjl ji.\} yk He has the bosom [affected with 
rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite, and enmity, 

ft »# 

and] burning with wrath, or ra/jre ; ^jA* against 
me: (TA:) or ./WW »ri<A roratfi, or rage. 

jjyll ^n— » H jj$*l\ c^±J=> The pigs hated 
the boiled hot water. A proverb. (TA.) See 4. 

See Supplement.] 


1. 4ie jij, (S, M, A, $,) [in the Msb, «i»j, 

but this appears to be a mistake,] and aJI, (M, 

£,) aor. .i4 (M, K,) inf. n. \& (M, A, £) 

ami jJ^ (31, K) ami 2^, (M, A, K,) or this 


his withers! (S, L.)'*j3$3 is also syn. with 
jjy in the above sense. (K, TA.) __ jdijt, 
inf. n. jliul, J Tit (a white antelope) raised its 
head and erected its ears. (L, K.) __ jiy, 
inf. n. jU^I, TT« hastened, or w«n<, quickly : (S, 
L, EL :) occurring in the poetry of Ibn-Ahinar. 
(S, L.) _ <**y> inf. n. alibi, J T< rose, or 
£*caro« elevated. (A, L, K.) L_ jiy, X He 
raised, or elevated, a thing. (L.) 

5. J^l Cuiy, and jJaJI, t The camels, 
and </<« otrrfs, strove to outgo, or outstrip, one 
anot/ier. (L.) — J^L)| J^i Jt*$l Ojiy 
1 7%e mountain-goats ascended upon the mountain. 
(A.) _ See 4. 

6. 4,1* U jiityj [ Jfe cdme together as ambas- 
sadors, or envoys, ,j-c., to him : see 1]. (A.) 

10- ^jjiyZ-S t [app. Tie a.«/re«/, or desired, 
me to come]. (TA.) = jiyL,\ X He elevated 
himself, and made himself erect, in his manner 
of sitting j (A ;)adial. form of jiy* I [q. v.] (S.) 

jiy. see jty a&T jS 3 r UJI J [The 

last is a simple subst., (S,) and Sjl»l, (M, K,) pilgrims of Mekkeh are the ambassadors of God]. 

(A.) — J^iillj p^li >- r 4 , * n **** **" ***i 

J [7%e ambassadors of God are three ; the 
u-urriftr, and the pilgrim of Mekhch, and the 
performer of the ceremonies of the tjjt]. A 
tradition. (L*, El-Jami' cs-Sagheer.) = jij 
The upper part of an elevated bug tract (jli. : 

'in some copies of (he K, JLL {) of sand. 

! (?, T., K.) 

in which the j is changed into I, (M,) He came 
to him, (S, M, A, K,) namt'ly, to a king, (A,) 
Or governor, (S, A,) or great man, ('Inayeh,) 
as an ambassador, envoy, or messenger; (S, A ;) 
or to convey gifts, and to ask aid, or assistance: 
('Inayeh:) or he went forth to him, namely, to a 
king, or governor. (As, L.) 

2 : see 4. 

4. <u> ijij», (M, A, K,) and *& (S, M,K,) 

inf. n. »tf*t; (K;) and 4il * »j2j, (L,) inf. n. 

j^y ; (K ;) He sent him to him, (S, M, A, K,) 
namely, to a king, (A,) or governor, (S,) [or 
great man, as an ambassador, envoy, or mes- 
senger ; or to convey gifts, and to ask aid, or 

assistance: see lj. _(jjJt^>)t ^l^^l » *jj>j 
tiyi [The governor, sent him as an envoy to the 
governor who was above him], (L.) _ j)j>iy U 
ulic \[What hath caused thee to come to tts?]. 
(TA.)_^U M 'Jj\ il J^ J j Ul C£ 
U J*-^j I ir/it'/c T wa.< in difficulty, 

S*l*j, Bul»St. from 4ic J^j, (S,) yi cow% to 
a king, (A,) or governor, (S, A,) [or /Ae like,] 
as an ambassador, envoy, or messenger, [&c. : 
see 1]. (S, A.) __ Silijj a) [a phraso of frequent 
occurrence in notices of companions of Moham- 
mad, meaning, He had the honour of coming as 
an envoy to the Prophet]. (TA, passim ; and 
other works.) 


jibj A man coming to a king, (A,) or governor, 

(?, A«) [or great man,] as an ambassador, 
or envoy, or messenger ; (S, A ;) [or to convey 
gifts, and to ask aid, or assistance : sec 1 :] pi., 
(S, L,) or [rather] this first is a quasi-pl. n., 
(L,) ♦ JSi (S, A, L, £) and JJj (£) and jlij ; 
(A, Msb ;) and pi. of jAf t >bjl and \jt\ : (S, 
L, Msb, K :) jjj is also explained as signifying 
a party that assembles together and comes to a 
country or town : and a party that repairs to 
princes, or governors, to visit, and to ask aid, or 
assistance, or some benefit, S[c : (L :) and a 
party that comes to a king respecting an affair 
of conquest, or for congratulation, or the like : 
(Mgh :) and a company chosen to go forth for 
the purpose of having an interview with great 
men : (En-Nawawee :) and a company of riders: 
. (Jel, xix. 88;) and a company riding and 
«£>jW jftjl How beautiful is the prominence of\ honoured: (Zj, in explanation of the same verse 

lo, God brought to me a man, and extricated me 
from it. (A.) = ,J,£jl ^ie jS}\, inf. n. 3 \L\ , 
X It rose up, or stood up, so as to be higher than 
the thing ; overtopped it ; overpeered it ; over- 
hung it ; overlooked it. (S, L, £•.) A poet 
(Homeyd Ibn-Thdr El-Hilalee, TA) says, 

• tji^i <£» ^^Ull JJi • 

- a, j -««* * * > .?*„ 

• \j~JU VJy \tfjj ^l£> » 

[Thou seest the 'Ildfee saddle overtopping her, as 
though a high-raised tower were upon her.] (S, 


of the Kur-an :) but from the explanations in 
the K, and other lexicons, it seems to signify a 
party coming, whether walking or riding, chosen 
for the purpose of having an interview with 
great men, or not: the explanations of En- 
Nawawee and some others maj be in accordance 
with general or conventional acceptations, and 
those of the rest may be proper, or literal. (TA.) 
_ jkil^ X A camel, (S, A, $,) or bird, (A,) or 

bird of the kind called UsJUt, (K,) that precedes 
t/te others (S, A, JC) in pace, and in coming to 
water. (A.) — _ ^jljJiyi (in the poetry of El- 
Aasha, S, L) } The parts of the two cheeks which 
project when one chews, and which become 
depressed when one grows old. (S, A, L, £.) 
One Bays of a very old man, »U»bj ^M, J [The 
middles of his cheeks have become depressed]. (A.) 

iU y vj** js* They are upon a journey : 
(L, £:) asalsojlill. (TA.) 

My» X Prominent, or elevated: (A, L :) applied 
to a cainol's hump, (A,) and to the pubes. (L.) 

L.) And one says of a horse, U 

I U 

X Erecting himself, and not placing 
himself at his case, in his manner of sitting ; 
(L;) i.q.ji'^. (L, ?.) 


1. A)> (T, S, M, A, Msb, 5,) aor. %; (T, 
Msb.K;*) and>j,[aor.ji^S;] (A.^;) inf. n. 
)& (T,S, M,M?b, K) and % and i>, (M, ?,) 
[all of the former,] or^ij is inf. n. of the trans, v. ; 
(Msb;) and Ijbj, (^,) [which is of the latter;] 
It (a thing) was, or became, full, complete, 
perfect, whole, or entire : (S, Msb :) or it (a 
thing, TA, or property, M, £, and herbage, 
M, [and a collection of goods, or commodities, 
or household furniture and utensils,]) was, or 
became, much, abundant, ampU, or copious ; (T, 
M, A, £ ;) not deficient: (T :) or it (anything) 
was, or became, generally, or universally, com- 
prehensive : [syn., in the last sense, jjt, as is 
implied by an explanation of the epithet JiJ , by 
which this sense of the verb is indicated in the 
lexicons whence this signification is taken :] (M, 
A, #:) as also *>£l, (K!,) [and *Jy>: see 
Jilj.] You say also of a branch, 15^ t^i^ll [It 
was full of, or abounded with, leaves]. (L, £, 
art. j^t:, -.. i£* jij, and^', (M, L,) inf. n. 
[of the former] )£ 3 , (M,) J [Hit honour, dignity, 
or estimation, was unimpaired;] he was honour- 
able, or generous, not careless of his honour, or 
dignity, or estimation. (M, L.) oh »U«, (T S 
M, A, Msb, £,») aor. Q,, (T, Msb,) inf. n. % 
(T, S, M, Msb, S) and J^, (T, M,) and %, 
(TA, as from the $> but wanting in the C& 
and in a MS. copy of the £,) He made it full, 
without lack or defect, complete, perfect, whole, 
or entire ; (8, Msb ;) as also t Ifa la £ n.>J^5 ; 



(£;) and * *ji)\, inf. n. Jli^; and * »jiy^\: 
?,»TA:) or, as also t J^j, (T, M, A, $,) 
which latter it the usual form, (Lth, T,) he 
made it much, abundant, ample, or copious; 
(Lth, T, M, A, £ ;) not deficient. (Lth, T.) 
You say, <UU «J jij 27« waife Aw property much, 
abundant, ample, or copious. ($,• TA.) And 
it is said in a trad., *i«JI »jiu_ *) ^^)l aU >«aJI 
Prowe 6e ro 6W, roAow withholding doth not 
make to abound. (TA.) You say also, * jij 
st^-M i/e cut out <Ae garment whole. (M, K.) 
And ili-Jl * jij 2fe t»a<b tA« */a« rcAofe, a-t'tA- 
uut cutting off any redundance. (M.) And 

4ubik a! * ^V.J> '"'• ■• J**^ I made his food 
full, or complete, in quantity; not deficient. 

j. ****** *S, ** ' * 9A* _ 

(Msb.) And ♦ tjiyL*\i *£— a«U dji) I gave 
him the whole of his right, or due, and so he 
received the whole of it ; syn. of the former verb 
with its objective complement and the prep., 
4^, (A, Mgh,) or £^1 4^*1 ; (Msb ;) 
and of the latter verb with its objective com- 
plement, * alj^l \ (A, Mgh, K :) or both these 
verbs, thus used, signify the same, i.e., »\iyL*\, 
(S, K) [in the former of which we read, *eJU jij 

•UyLrft ^cl o^^lj l^jj <a». ; and in the latter, 

«*a*< *-•■*• ja^ •*- «;*■•#• 

«jij£> «Uy^>t ai— <uJU ^iy^.1 .] You also say, 

,t\Ls\ ,'&, (M,£,) inf.n. >j, (TA,) .He re- 
stored, or returned to Aim Ai» jrj/r, fretn*7 content 
with it, (M, K.) or deeming it little. (M, TA.) 
And IJk£» ^>« Ala*. aJUI yj OVi made his lot, 
or «Aare, of such a thing, full, or complete. (T.) 
And ojjui »y^ I He left his hair to become 
abundant and long. (A, TA.) And c^*JI Ojij, 

aor. .Jit, (Msb,) inf. n.^(Msb.TA) and sji ; 
(TA [in my copy of the Ms b, jil, which is probably 

a mistranscription;]) and sjji^, in an intensive 
sense; (Msb;) He preserved, or guarded, 
honour, dignity, or estimation. (Msb.) And 

*£• •& ; (§> M > A » ? and *-*»• »A I ( A 

and si t'ji's; (M ;) or *J ♦ »yj,(l£,) inf. n. 
jtiyi i (TA ;) J [He preserved his honour, &c, 
unimpaired ;} he spohe well of him, and did not 
find fault with him ; (A ;) he did not revile him ; 
(M, ]£;) as though he preserved it [namely his 
honour, kr.] to him abundant and good, not di- 
minishing it by reviling. (M.) It is said in a 
proverb, lji» ,^1* j^Lij 'jiyi (S,* A,) t Thy 
honour, or dignity, or estimation, will be pre- 
served, or guarded, and thou wilt be spoken well 
of, for such a thing : (A :) from '.w^c dJji*. ; 

and <UU : (S :) said by him to whom a thing is 
offered : and applied to a man who, when thou 
hast given to him a thing, returneth it to thee 
without discontent, or without esteeming it little. 

2 : see »ji), and what follows it in the same 


4: see »jij. 

5 : see ji^ O* j*y> * He Kas regardful 

of those things pertaining to him (namely his 
companion, A) which one is under an obligation 
to respect or honour ; (S, A, K ;) and held loving 
communion, commerce, or intercourse, with him. 
(TA.) \J£» J& Jy I He turned his pur- 
pose, or intention, or strong determination or 
resolution, (*i»*,) toward such a thing. (A, 
Mgh, Msb.) 

8: see^»j. 
10 : see ^»j : 

and see sjij, in two places. 

[Book L 

ample, or copious.] (A, TA.) You say, ji\} JU, 

and ji\'} C>lS, &c, [Full, or complete, &c, or] 
much, or abundant, property, and herbage, tec, 
(TA) And * y^. \{J. A thing that it full, 
complete, &c. (S.) And * J'y9 *t|t> A recom- 
pense of which nothing i* deficient. (TA.) And 

jjiitl * >^> o^j I Suc,t a one na * ,iW nair ty* 

to become abundant and long. (TA.) And fii- 

**>& (T, S, A, ?,) and 1%, (Sgh, K.) A shin 
for milk, or water, made of hide of which nothing 
is deficient. (T, S, A, K.) And in like manner, 
l\jij li\j* A leatlier natcr-bag made of a com- 
plete skin ; (S, M, A, K ;) nothing t/iereof being 
deficient : (S, TA :) also signifying a leather 
water-bag filled (M, K,* TA) completely. (M, 
TA.) And * i\fi 3 ^i>j\ Land in the herbage of 

lift see jjij. _ Also, [an inf. n. used as an 
epithet in which the quality of a subst. predo- 
dominatcs] Much, or abundant, projxrty, (Lth, 

T,S.) of which nothing is deficient: (Lth, T:) ™ hkh « abundance: (M, K,*TA:) and land 
what is much, abundant, ample, or copious, of of which the herbage Juu not been diminished. 
property, and of goods, or commodities, or house- (S, K.) And • ifcj J}\ An ear having a large 
hold furniture and utensils ; (M, A, K ;) whereof \ lobe : (M :) or a large ear, ($, TA,) large in 
nothing is deficient : (TA:) or what is generally, j ^ e i obe ^<j»A.) You say also, * O^f* Jo* 

or universally, compreliensivc, (»l*,) of any- 1 They an numerms , ^ jr^ ^|y| Tlie 

thing: (M, A,?:) pl.j^- (M, K.) See also j ^ - fa y; (M,»^i) /*• 

til* »*»»»* 

^"J" measure of which consists of £jSXti\iu» six times 

jj . 8 ee *, J',. P« its original state] : (Sgh, KL :) or, [in practice,] 

^$*s ^_JUIjU t^JLc-U*, twice: or ^^JJ^uU 

SjJy: «*;£ AKffa/rcoifertedft^tW,^^ ^.^ ; (ML:) ^ ^^ ^^^ tf 

upon the head : or hair hanging down upon the , ^ flre ma (|p ^ ^ ^^ rf ^ ^ &> except 
ear.,: or Aa.V extending beyond the lobe of the ^ ^ fa ^ ^.^ ^ ^ ^^ 

onr ■ ^M K:^ or /(«/> extending to the lobe of . ... - 

ear. v«i, •^••;"' ^ so that it is not complete. (M, L.) 

tAe car : (S :) or AoiV (T, Mgh, Msb) such as 

termed <CL, (T, A, Mgh,) extending to the i ji^l, fern. ti>j, [pi. >»3 :] secpii. 

: (T, A, Mgh, Msb:) it is said to be larger , s , , , . ...... 

but this is a mistake : /** '' ^ $* '" th, ' eC p,aCeS - — ^ ^^ 



than what is termed 

(M :) the order is this : first, the 1%; then, the \&* c?— 1 « ' W '">» '» '*« *«* *<«'«, « ««" 

it^ ; then, the J&i (S, M, K:) the second ofj ' W ' "- (^^ 

these three is what extends beyond the cars; 

(M ;) and the third is what descends upon the 

shoulder-joints: (S, M :) pl.jU?. (M, K.) 

J^j and *Pj and • % and ▼ J^i [are inf. ns., 
(see 1,) used as simple substs.,] all signify the 
same : (S, TA :) Fulness, completeness, perfect- 
ness, wholeness, or entireness : (S :) or muchness, 
abundance, ampleness, or copiousness: (TA:) 
and the second also, richness; or competence. 
(A, $.) You say, % C£ ^ ,>»jl « ja, (S,) 
and t \%, (S, A,) and ts>, (S, A, K.) i. e., j^, 
(S, A, TA,) This is land in the herbage of which 
is fulness, &c, (S,) or abundance; (TA ;) the 
herbage of which has not been pastured upon. 

(S, A, TA.) And jQl ,>* f>S t5? >* t He 

is in possession of abundance of property]. (A.) 

yij and » jy^* and ▼>»>* and T ^»«-» L and 
*y^1 and T>^] all signify the same: [i.e., 
Full, without lack or defect, full-sized, complete, 
perfect, whole, or entire: or wiucA, abundant, 

9 3*' 
9*: 1 




3. ijilj He hastened with him ; vied, or strove, 
with him in hastening ; or made luute to be, or 
//et, 6e/«re Aim ; syn. aW*. (A, TA.) 

4. »ji^\ He hastened him. (K.) 

5. jiyi He prepared himself (A, £) tj£>/or 

*i*cA « tAin^, (A,) or >U1 /or e»</, or mischief. 
(KL.) ^ Also, He turned over and over upon 
his bed. (A.) See also 10. 

10. <ujjt5 ^J> j>y-\ He put himself in an 
upright posture, not at his ease, in his manner of 
sitting ; he sat erect, not at his ease : (S, Mgh, 
I£ :) or Ae put down his hnees [upon tlie ground] 
and raised his buttocks: (Aboo-Mo'adh, I£ :) 
or Ae raj'*ed himself upon his legs, or feet, without 

Book I.] 

having yet. set himself firmly in a standing posture, 
but having prepared himself to leap, or spring, 
(Lth, £, TA,) or to go away : (Lth, TA :) or 
he sat in a posture as though he desired to rise 
and stand up; whether in the manner termed 
»U5I [i.e. sitting upon the ground with the 
shanks erect], or otherwise. (MF.) 

from his country: (M:) he banished him. 

J&i (S,M, £,) and ♦ J*) (M, ML) Haste: 
(8, M, K:) [like j»'j and % :] pi. u*fy- (£0 
You say, ,>^ Jte TU, and * J>i}, and ^Alty, 
He came in haste. (M.) And u£l»}l ^jX* *^*1 
I found him in a slate of haste: (S, £:) like 
jlijl. (S.) 

I ,>»»j : see ^ , in two places. 

j*j and * jij //arte; pi. (of the latter, TA,) 
jl$ . (S, K.) You say, jlijl Ju o-~5, (S, K,) 
and & [ J^, (K,) We are in haste: (K :) or 
wc are on a journey; [like jlijl ^ ;] the time L£' 3 A pastor's [bag of the hind railed] *k>>., 
of our journeying has come. (S, TA.) And for his implements and provisions, (M, K,) which 

ifi'J i; aLsJ, and >i JU, //o»nd A'« *» « I he earHe * therein - < M -> — And henCC ' " being 

'state tfhas't*: (Az', TAO or preparing [Aw | l^ed thereto, (M,) A [j^»/«« Wc«/^] 

'j c 4 . .„/i cyi TA •* 3 -~n- . (M, K,) or a thing like the **»»., (»,) 

ap^tvKttt/or/mtaQ. (M.TA.) . . • . V » • ;> •/ 

>3 : see>» 5 . 

1 for arrows, (M,) o/' *ftow, or hides, (S, M, K,) 

; in which is no wood: (S, M :) or [a quiver] 

, . \ smaller than the **»»., having its upper and 

Sji s An upright posture in sitting, so that one , l()Wer parts of equal dzc . the j^. is ro und and 

is not at his ease. (Lth, T A.) See 10. j ^ ^ hag & coyer on ^ tQpj om . itg mouth . 

>Syi» Turning over and over upon the bed, j rg ec tne i atter word:] (ISh:) pi. uo&'> (S, M, 
scarcely sleeping: (K,* TA :) mentioned by Z, j ^ ^ anJ ^^ (A> TA } _ Alg0 ' A ^ 
ami liv Sirh in the O, on the authority of I bn- : .. *.*.**■%.* » • 

Abbad. (TA.) * ,«t 

I (Fr,) in which a man of the class called u^bj' 
*/£U> act. part. n. of 10, q.v. One says, ^ fa ///v j w ^ ( F ,. ( M# j Also, The sma« <fe- 

U> j V * « J'ji (V 1 * »>0»l [#« '*"" "' '' ox *> ./'"' prcssion between the two mustacltes, beneath the 
I sec thee to be sitting in nn upright and uneasy \ nose, (K, TA,) of a man. (TA.) 


the mischief of night when it cometh in upon 
men ; (S ;) [for other explanations see ,,^-li in art. 
t •■ — „ . • t» , • i J 
JU.C.] — t^JI C~»^, (inf. n. v-»^ and vy^» 

K,) \ The sun set: (S, ^0 entered its place [of 
setting.] (S.) — ^*i\ 4-^j. (inf. n. v>»^. TA -») 
The moon entered upon a state of eclipse ; (1£ ;) 
entered into the cone-shaped shade of the earth. 

(TA.) »U* oJjj (and simply ^J$, TA,) 

His eyes became sunk, or depressed, in his head. 
- - ' ■ , * i- , • -' 

(S.) — v-»3> aor - «r"*i > inf - n - V-*J and »r-4»3» 

J/e (a horse) made a sound with his prepuce : 
[in the S and K, the verb is not mentioned, but 
only the latter of the two inf. ns., which is 
explained as signifying "the sounding of 11 
horse's prepuce:"] or made a sound by the 
motion of his penis in its prepuce. (TA.) _ 
4-ij, aor. LfJu, inf. n. ^j It (a thing) entered : 
(S :) but it is said in a marginal note in a copy 
of the S, that the inf. n. is correctly v>»J> because 
the verb is intrans. : accord, to some, it signifies 
he, or it, entered into a ^3, q. v. ; and 111 the 
K, *^»j is given 11s the inf. n. of the verb in 
this sense. (TA.) [In the CK, cJj is put by 
mistake for v**}-] — "i"*** [ aor - *f*it] '"'• "• 
^-jj and w*^, He, or it, became absent, hidden, 
or concealed. (K.) — ^-i} [aor. >^ii,] inf. 11. 
<*r>»3, He, or if, came; approached; advanced. 

posture]. (TA.) 


1. J&), (A, Mgli, K.) aor. Ji*i, (K,) inf.n. 

(A, K) and 

(lDrd, K;) and 

I, (S, Mgh, K,) and ♦ uai^ ; (S, K ;) 
He ran: (A, Mgh, K:) he hastened, or went 
quichly. (S, A, Mgh, K.) Hence, in tlie Kur. 

[lxx. 43,] * O^Mii X* ^ >*'**' or *»T* i ' 
„U C/io«^/i //«i/ »•«> hastening, or //«/»/; quichly, 

Ji>\J^\ Parties if men : (A'Obeyd, S, K :) a 
mixed multitude : (A'Obeyd,M,K :) fromw-ajj 
J->NI meaning " the camels became dispersed :" 
( A A :) or pom; weak, defenceless people : (L :) 
or an assemblage, (K,) or a mixed multitude or 
collection, (S,) from various tribes, such as the 
^UaJt _■'» r' : (A'Obeyd, S, K :) or a company 
of whom every one has a i^aijfor his food, (Fr, 
M, K,) i. e. a thing resembling a iiU£», (Fr, 
M,J of small size, (Fr,) in which he puts his 

to a thing set up for worship. (Fr, S, TA.) YeuL^ (F r, M;) but this explanation is disap- 
say also Jj^)\ w-iij The camels hastened, or |)roved by A . 0bcy j (TA ) j-. dnd by ISd]: or 

say also Jj*SI 

went quichly: (M :) or went the pace termed 
^L. (Khulcefeh El-lloscynce.) And The 
camels became dispersed : (A A : ) and * C a - i ^l 
they became dispersed (K, TA) in their pas- 
turing. (TA.) 

4. yjai*\ : see 1, in two places. ■■ Also, He 
made a she-camel to go the pace termed v~»- ; 
as also ouojl. (Khaleefeh El-Hoseynee.) And 
He dispersed camels. (The same, and K.) See also 
10. = *J w^y M e spread for him a carpet, or 
the like, by which to preserve himself from the 
ground; ($, T A;) as also^jl. (TA ) 

10. uoiy-il : see 1, in two places. = Also, 
He required, or commanded, another to hasten, 
or be quick, or he hastened, hurried, or urged, 
him. (S, M, A, ]£, [but in the M ; it seems to 
relate to camels, or an ostrich.]) _ He drove 
away (S, M, 1£) camels, or an ostrich ; as also 
t ^oijl : (M :) he drove away, or expelled, another 

proveu by 

^iUj^l applies to the persons called <UUo)l JJkl, 
I (M,) who were a mixed multitude (A'Obeyd, 
M) from various tribes, (A'Obeyd,) consisting 
of ninety-three men. (TA.) [See **-»•] 

^aVu* Gcing quichly, or swiftly ; applied to 
a she-camel, (S, M, K.) and to an ostrich. 

(S, M.) 

• * * • * 
^jCL+y t Going quickly, or hastening, by reason 

of fright ; (A? ;) or running away by reason 
of fright ; as though desiring his ^oij , or 
running : (Sgh :) or frightened. (TA.) 

[J»j, &c. 
See Supplement.] 

1. ^oLiLl *-->} The darkness came in upon the 
people. (S, K # .) — So in the verse of the 
^ur. [cxiii. 3,] *?$} lit Ji~Ac ^ ^^ And from 

4. J^ Jl >^-ij' The palm-tree became rotten 
in the fruit-bearing stalks of its racemes. (TA.) 

v^y He (K),or it, (a people, S,) hungered; 

suffered hunger. (S, K.) — ll-i *t^j\t (»"£ »• 
^jULJ, TA,) He put a thing into a <t-»j, q. v. : 
(Fr, S, K :) or, as in some Lexicons, into a w-Jj. 

wi^ A small hollow, or cavity, (Sjju,) in which 
water collects, in a mountain : (S:) or in a rock: 
as also * i-*j : (K :) or, accord, to some, <^3} is 
a coll. gen. n., of which i-5^ is the n. un. : 
(MF :) pi. 4»^' : ( TA or ^i> accord, to 
the K, (but accord, to the TA f i-3j,) signifies 
what is like a well, in a tract of hard and large 
stones that produce no plants, a fathom, or two 
fathoms, in depth, (K,) in which the rain-water 

stagnates. (TA.) The cavity, or socket, of the 

eye : (S :) any cavity, or socket, in the body; as 
that of the eye, and that of the shoulder-blade : 

(K :) pi. l>£ t and v^j- (TA.) The pit, or 

cavity, above the eye of a horse : (KL :) pi. w'^ij 
and *ff»y (TA.) — The hole into which enters 
the axle of a pulley. (K.) — See also AJj. sas 
Stupid; foolish; of little sense: (S, K. :) like 
^&2 : (S :) an epithet of a man : pi. «_>li}l : (K r 
TA :) fern, with 5. (TA.) — So in the follow- 
ing trad, of El-Ahnaf : ^>\i^ 4?o°-} ^o&^ 
[Beware of the care with which stupid people 
defend their rights : a proverb]. (TA.) For 
tjAia^l, another relation substitutes ^&y$\, 
meaning the same, or weak persons. (TA, 


art. <**£}, on the authority of AA.) _ See 

V^jl — A despised, or contemptible, low, 
bate, or ignoble, man. (Tli, K.) 

4-» The Mtn*/ f Ml u in Me 6e%, resembling the 

w.» * : (TA :) the imJtii [a name given to the 
stomach of a sucking kid, &c] when it has grown 
large, of a oli, [i.e., a sheep or goat or the 
like] : (K :) not in any animals but those termed 
•Li : (IAar :) mentioned before, in art ^J, [q. v., 

where it is also written AJ]. (TA.) 

AJ } A large aperture, or hole, in a wall, in 
which is shade : (£ :) pi. v^j 1 - — — Sec *r-*> 

jj&l A&, (S, £,) and ^JJJL. (K,) but 

the latter is a mistake, and the correct word is 
j>»jlJI, [a vase for ointment], (TA,) t.<y. a S * j&< l t 
[i.e., it* cavity or hollow]. (S, x>.) Lth says, 
that * *,*»} signifies any cavity, hollow, or pit ; 

as that in a [stono of the kind called] jyi, and 

j • j ## • j 

in a o- fcJU> > or ■*■•■*■*■«> q-v. (TA.) 

-Jj Fond of, or /71'ren to, the company of 
•_>lijl, i.e., stupid, or foolish, persons. (K..) 

t^J 1 tP" °^ S"*J •] The utensils and furni- 
ture, of the meaner sort, of a house, or tent : 

(£, TA:) a* also .yUJl. (TA.) 

j »•* • - - 

w-Jjl ^i=»i Mult am penetrans in vulva m penis. 
»•• •- # 

(K.) — 'Li} *e^j -1 "' t '" '.'/" "''«'cA '/'(■ water 

»infa into the earth. (TA.) 

i.q. Acj^ [Tho e/ie// ca/fcd eowr^]. (£.) 



wjULy> A man who drinks much of water : 
(Jt :) or of the beverage called J*y. (L.) — 

«_.•!*-<> A stupid, or foolish, woman : or one 
who gives hirth to stupid, or foolish, children ; 
hv 11. ' i i~ - (K : [so in tho CK : in a MS. 

copy, li+rn m, one to whom stupidity, or folly, 
is imputed: but tho former is evidently the 
right reading; v^V* being an epithet similar to 
j\£a JLe and JjLI* &c.]) — Also Latum vulvam 
habens mulicr. (KL.) — yUe*M yV a reproachful 
appellation, (K,) referring to the mother of the 
persons to whom it is applied. (TA.) __ 
w^U-JI jt* A journeying continued during a 
day and a night together. (K.) 

1. wij, aor. c-Aj, inf. n. cJj ; and » cJj, 

inf. n. C^Jy ; He determined, defined, or 
limited, a thing <u to /i>«e ; (IAth, L, Msb;) 
and otherwise : (L, Msb :) he determined, or 
defined, times. (S, x>.) *3j .He declared [or 
appointed'] a time in which it should be done. 
(S.) iy~ai\ 4lll oi> aor. cJljj and * £*j, 
God AatA determined, or defined, a time for 
prayer. (Msb.) * C-ij , as also cJt, 2/e 
assigned, or appointed, for a thing, a particular 

time; he assigned, or appointed, a particular 
time for doing a thing. (IAth, L.) ^»^J * a3j 
t ji» [/ appointed him, or t't, /or sncA a «ay] ; 


like aiU-1 . (S.) __ In the following words of 
the Kur. [Ixxvii. 11,] c-31 J-jJt til^, t ^jj| 

is a dial, form of s^5j, like as a^a-l is of 49*.^ ; 
(S;) and the meaning is And when the Apostles 
shall have one [particular] time assigned to them 
to decide between the people [to whom -they 
have been sent to preach] : (Zj :) or, shall be 
collected at their appointed time, on the day of 
resurrection. (Fr.) This is the general reading : 
but there are other readings ; namely, c~3j, 
and oiSj, (S, TA,) and C-3j_j, which last is 
of the measure wJlcy, from iuit^Jl. (1£.) — _ 

l^». >»*J1 ^y c~*j ^) 7/e (Mohammad) d<W 
not determine, or dejine, for [drinking wine,] 
a castigation consisting of a certain number [of 
blows, or stripes]. (TA, from a trad.) _ wij 
sometimes signifies He [i.e. God] made the 
entering upon the state of ' j*\j*-\ in pilgrimage, 
and prayer at the commencement of its appointed 
time, obligatory, or incumbent, upon men. (TA.)' 
— AiLJjkJI IJ 4^>jk«lt Ja'n) T c«»^ He appointed, 
for the people of Kl-Medecneh, Dhu-l-JIuleyfch 
as the place where they should enter upon the 
state ofj>\'jm^\. (TA, from a trad.) 

2 : see 1 throughout. 

3. *31j, inf. n. i3l^», [//c ma(2( an appoint- 
ment with him for a particular time]. (K.) 

wf} (S, K) A time ; or space, or measure, 
of time, (M, L, K, Msb,) appointed for any 
affair; a season: (Msb:) mostly used with 

[Book I. 
(S.) Ex. -^Jl olL. The place where the 
pilgrims enter upon the state of j>\JL\ : ($, xj :) 
you say, >UJ| J») olv* | jJL This is the place 
where the people of Syria enter upon the state of 
jAjs»A. (S.) _ [Also, A place in which a 
meeting is appointed to take place at a particular 
time. Ex.] JJUJI Cj\i^ j)^| [The world to 
come is t/ie place in which mankind are appointed 

to meet after the resurrection]. (L.) [Also, 

That which determines the commencement, or the 
like, of a period l[c. Ex.] j^lll Oil** J^Jl 
[The crescent is that which determines the com- 
mencement of the month]. (L.) _ See also 

it ••"* 

id " 1 

•ZtjPy* and ▼ <£*y» Determined, defined, defi- 
nite, or limited, as to time. (L.) _ jy^ C-*3, 
and t oi^«, A determined, defined, definite, or 
limited, time. (£.) — ^ cJl4 S^Jjl ^,1 
lijl^ Cl^» L*~»jijl [Blur. iv. 104,] JVw 
prayer is to the believers a prescript, or an 
appointment, or ordinance, ordained [to be 

performed ] in the times [thereof]. (S, x>, <fcc.) 
.1 11. . • St, * 

— Also [£>)iy (see 1) and] * ^iy. Deter- 
mined, defined, or definite, as to its extreme 
limit, extent, or amount: (L:) both signify 
anything defined, definite, or limited. (Msb.) 




w3$>«, [of the measure] JjuU from oJyi : 
(S, K :) [it may therefore be an inf. 11., or a 
noun of place, or a noun of time]. El-'Ajjaj 

[And He who congregateth mankind for the day 
of the appointment of a particular time, or, of 
the place of a certain event, or, of the time of a 
certain event; i.e., for the day of resurrection]. 

oU«« : see C-i). — Also, A place in which 
a certain action is appointed to be performed. 

*• £*s> ( s > S>) ao1 - {fy- ; (§ ;) ««i £-f}, 

(K,) aor. ^'; (TA;) and ^i,', (l>,) aor. 

jlii; (TA;) inf. 11. L.lij and LL^j, (S, x>,) 
respect to what is past : (M, K:) sometimes 1 i,lf - "-"• o{ tlic firet > (TA,) and Li^ and «J^, 
with respect to the future : (TA :) as also j (s,) [also of the first,] and lij, so in [most 
TCiU^, (r>,M?b:) or, accord, to some, there of] ^m. copies of the £, [but in the Cr> XL] 
is a difference between these two words ; the - *•-- 

former having an absolute signification, and the 
latter signifying a time appointed for the per- 
formance of some action : [as in the S :] (TA :) 
pi. of the former OlSjl, and of the latter c~£\y*. 

(M?b.) [Hence, j&j Then; at that time.] __ 
* •- *' 

wij J A space, or measure, of local extension ; 

as a mile, &c. (Sb.) 

inf. 11. of the second, (TA,) and imJi and <W3, 
(S, K,) in both of which the S is a substitute for 
the [elided] y, (S,) and in the latter of whieh 
the fet-hah is put in the place of kesreh because 
of the guttural letter, both inf. us. of the second 
and third ; (TA ;) and * r-»j'. and * ~Ay-\ ; 
(S, K ;) It (a solid hoot, S, K, and a camel's 
foot, and the back, TA) was, or became, hard. 
(S, K.) _ £ij, (S, ¥.,) and ^, and iSj, 

(K,) inf. 11. iLtij and iLi and Hi (S) and 
£Jj and ^yj ; (Lli ;) and * ^Ip ; (A ;) He 
(a man) had little shame : (S, K :) lie was 
hard-faced, having little shame: he was bold to 
do bad, foul, or abominable, things, and cared 
not for them, accord, to Bd and Z. (TA.) 

* • •- 

2. 7-ij, inf. n. **£•?, He repaired a tank, 

or cistern, with pieces of dry clay, or tough clay 
in which was no sand, and (or, as is sometimes 
done, TA) with broad and thin stones. (K.)_ 
•_jj, inf. n. »-s»y, He rendered a solid hoof 

Book I.] *Jj — JSj 

hard by meant of melted fat, (S, K,) burning , 4. JUI jijl, (S, A, L, Msb, K,) inf. n. jlijl ; 

(L, Mfb ;) and * Ujiij, (L,) and * Ujjy, 
(K,) and tUji^I-l; (S, L, Msb, K ;) He 
lighted, or kindled, the fire ; made it to burn, 

to burn up, to burn brightly or fiercely, to blaze, 

.** *< 
or to flame; syn. V-*/-°' i (K> art - -*r° ») an ^ 

lyia^t; (T£ ;) he raised the fire, or wiaofe it to 

burn up, with fire-wood, or fuel: (A:) or the 

* last signifies he desired, or endeavoured, to 

kindle the fire, and to make it burn up, or 

with the melted fat the placet where the hoof 
wat worn by treading, and the hairt next to 
ike hoof. (TA.) 



Bee 1. 

-.») and ♦ •.!»$ J A man having little shame. 

(S, A.) — *4->Jl ^-I5j, an epithet applied to a 
woman, (S,) without », as well as to a man, 
and dJL.'^ 1 1 -Lgjj, applied to a man, \ Hard-faced, 

having little shame; (TA ;) as also ▼ ^^j 
applied to woman. (Msb.) 

^J JJ1 jC-VS^ t A man jiatient in riding. (I Aar, 
K.) [See CJi.] — £&) (S, K) and * £ilj 
(K,) A Aarrf solid hoof, (S, K,) and camel's 
foot, and the back ; the former an epithet both 
masc. and fem. : (TA :) pi. of tho former 
£s',, (S, £0 and £Jj. (TA.) ££ J>> M 
Aarrf awd rtrwi^ /<or«. (Msb.) — Sec -J> 

A**,i and ^jLij : see ^i, . 

•*JI>: see ,-l»j. 

»-*$■• J*.j J A man w/io Aa* fo«n trt'ea or 
jrroved, or rendered experienced or expert (Lb, 
S, K) fry trtato which hare befallen him ; as also 
*>>*■ (Lh, S.) — ^-Jj-o ^e>V I -^ came/ jaded 
by work. (TA.) 

1. jUI Ojij, aor. j*5, inf. n. j^Sj (S, A, 

L, Msb, K) and \? 3 , (Sb, Zj, L, K,) but this 
is a deviation [as to form] from the constant 
course of speech, and most hold that the former 
is an inf. n. and the latter a subst signifying 
"fire-wood" [or "fuel"], though there are 
some instances of inf. ns. of tho measure J^ai, 
whereof Jyt» is one, (El-Basair, TA,) and jk*j 
(S, A, L, Msb, K) and j£j and »ji and o'J^j 
(S, L, K) and j&j ; (S, L;) and tojiiy, and 
• Ojiil, (S, L, Msb, K,) and * Oj3yL,t ; (L, 
Msb, K ;) The fire burned ; burned up ; burned 
brightly or fiercely ; blazed; or flamed; syn. 
C J utf&l ; (Msb, art. J*i ;) and C-»-U ; (L;) 

and l^J iiijlji C.«li>.«. (Bd, ii. 16.) Ojij 

^iUj i^ t [May my jJj emit fire by thy 
meant !] a prayer, like i^Uj «ib C-j,^ : (L :) 
[meaning, do thou aid, or help, me]. __ JJ« 
and * jJ$3 if (anything) *Ao»c, or glistened. 
(L.) — *-X» » J&£ I Hit heart became excited 
with ardour, or eagernet*. (L.) __ [And t j5»j 
I He (a man) to<m, or became, clever, ingenious, 
acute, tharp, or penetrating. (See jl»}.)l 
2: see 4. 

burn brightly or fiercely, and blaze, or flame. 
(Bd, ii. 10.) — UUM J^Ji IjU tjjjjl 0^> 

*U I J [ WAeneuer </i«y Ainttfe a ^Jre ybr war, 
God extinguisheth it; ^Lur. v. 69,] meaning, 
whenever they contrive a mischievous and deceit- 
ful plot, God annulleth it. (Msb.) _ Ojijl 
Ijli L-aiJ [in some copies of the 1^, ^^j-pJJ,] 
+ / relinquished silly and youthful conduct. (L, 
K.) A poet says, 

+ [2 recovered from intoxication, and relinquished 
vain and frivolous diversion; and youthfulness 
restored to me what it had borrowed], (L.) _ 
«jj| ijU j^jIj »jli 4JJI jot^l | [-3/a_y &o^ remove 
hit dwelling far away, and] may He not bring 
him back, or restore him! (L, K.) It was a 
custom of Arabs, when a man whose evil or 
mischief they feared removed from them, to 
light a fire behind him, that his evil or mischief 
might go with him. (L.) 

5. See 1 and 4. jJ>y is also said of the 

odour of perfume, (S, A, I£, in art. »Jkj,) 

meaning ill wat, or became, hot [or strong]. 


'• a « 

8 : see 1. _ u . , « * )l CjJul [7%« jun tvat, or 

became, burning, or fiercely burning], (M, K, 

in art. jjUc, conj. 4, &c.) 

10 : see 1 and 4. 


made to burn, burn up, burn brightly or fiercely, 
blaze, ox flame : (L :) or the blaze, or flame, of 
fire, which one sees. (Lth, L.) — ^Ul Ujy^ 
SjUi-iJTj' [Sur. ii. 22; and lxvi. 6; The fuel 
whereof shall be men and stones]. (L.) — See 
also 1. In the Kur. lzxxv. 5, it is most 
properly rendered as an inf. n. ; (Az, L ;) and 
some in this case read jy>". (Yaakoob, S, L.) 

}\$2 Shining, or shining brightly; (L, ]£>) 
applied to a star. (L.) — .>I3) (L, K) and 
* ji^-o (L) I A heart, or mind, quickly excited 
with ardour, or eagerness, in liveliness and acute- 
nest or penetration. (L, K.) _ Also, both 
words, t A man (L) clever, ingenious, acute, 
tharp, or penetrating. (L, IJl.) 

ChJ*W j>y* t Blind : (A :) by ^jJI^JI are 
meant the two eyes : El-Aasha says, accord, to 
one reading, 

0*'j3U\ >U tJuLj Olj 

but the reading commonly known is cM^'>"> 

j&y* (S, A, L, Msb) and * jJ^I~* (A, L) 

jjj jP«Ve itself 
jjyt IJuk How great it thitfire! 
also 1. 

(A, L, $.) Ex. ^f U 

(A.) See 

5j3yi, (S, K,) or ^Jl sjjj, (L,) I The 
greatest heat; (S, L, K;) which it a period 
of ten dayt, or of half a month. (S, L.) 
__ w«~aJ1 ajL*j >>r : «. ,h 1 [27te greatest heat 
of the summer affected them with a hot, or 
burning, fever]. (A.) — ^* Oljij : see the 
last paragraph of art. Jj*. 

iJJ*3* fem. Shining, or glistening. (L.) _ 

See also jUL«. 

« #« 

■>^J Fire-wood; (S, L, Msb, £ ;) but it is 

only so called when kindled; (El-Hareeree, in 

De Sacy's Anthol. Gramm. Ar., p. 31 of the 

Arabic text ;) as also jtfj and J^ : (5 :) or 

any fuel; anything with which fire it kindled, or 

and * Siyo (JK) Afire-place ; a place in which 

fire it lighted. (S, A, # L, Msb.) See an ex. 

voce ^l—fc.] 

•* j • # # 

jjj-o : see j3>o. 

• » ••- 

jU~o jJj 4 juj tAat quickly produces fire. 

(A, L, K.) You also say (_^>»_j JJj, i.e., 
Sjiyu. (JK.) 

jtiyU : see ^I5_j. 

• •# • j ■ •* 

ji^T i o : see j3^«. 

1. »Jlsj, aor. Juu, (S, L, &c.,) inf. n. JJ^, 
(S, L, K, &c.,) 2/c /«■«< him, or struck him, 
violently: (L, K :) /i« &ea< him until he became 
relaxed, or languid, and at the point of death : 
(S, L, Msb :) or he beat him to that he became 
at the point of death : (A :) he broke his skull, 
wounding the brain: (L:) he beat or struck, 
him upon the small protuberance above the back 
of the neck, so that the sound of the blow or 
blows reached tlie brain, and deprived him of 
reason i (Aboo-Sa'eed, L :) he beat him (a man) 

until lie died. (L.) — v>^V ••**) [He killed 

him with beating]. (ISk, L.) »UJI JJj He 

beat the ewe, or she-goat, to death with pieces of 

■ . * * * * 

wood [Sec. : see J**j]. (L.) __ »jij He prot- 

(rated him. (K.) __ V'-^J t^** *s a -^ 1 * = ~tH' 
2 6«a< <A« terpent until I killed it. (A.) __ 
o jij f2< (clemency, forbearance, or gravity,) r«i- 
dercrf /ri/n .■Jii'/Z, ^uiet, or tranquil: (L, K :) it (the 
fear of God) rendered him still, quiet, or tranquil, 
and had tuck an effect upon him at to prevent hit 


committing an unlawful action. (L.)—»Jij X U 
(drowsiness, S, L, Msb) overcame him : (S, L, 
£ :) or made him to fall down. (Msb.) — 
ijij + 2/«, or it, left him *U, or ***>'■> 
also *ijjy. (K.) — J.JJ1 «jii, ftnd^l, 
t [Disease, and grief, overcame him, or rendered 
him infirm, or caused Aim <o &« «< the point 

of death]. (L.) ii'U«J« iUSj J [Religious 

service rendered him infirm, or caused him to 
be at tlie point of death]. (A) — *^» yj?<&i 
\^' t - \[A wwrf, or sentence, that I heard, 
distressed me.] (A.) — OJij t She (a camel) 
was milked against her wish, so that her milk 
became little. (A.) — Ai* o? iJjj ,j4» y* 
J 7n my Aeari M xome distress remaining in con- 
sequence of tltat. (A.) 

4 : .iee 1. 

Xfiy Beaten [violently : or] until he has 
become relaxed, or languid, and at the point of 
death : [.jr. „• see 1 :] nsalso ♦ ±£y>. (Msb.) __ 
iejj (ISk, L, K) and *ttj£* (Fr, ISk, S, L, 
Msb, K) A ewe, or she-goat, beaten to death ; 
(Fr, ISk, L ;) after which it is eaten : (ISk, L :) 
hilled with pieces of wood (S, L, Msb, K) Ac. ; 
(Msb ;) not legally slaughtered : (Fr, L, Msb:) 
beaten to death with a staff, or stick ; (A, 
El-Baaair;) or with blunt stones: (El-Basi'iir:) the 

from the effect of the rag with which they have 
been bound to prevent their being sucked, (S, L, 
£,) by reason of its tightness : (L :) or that has 
been sucked by her young one without its drawing 
her milk otherwise than scantily, by reason of 
the largeness of her nddcr, in consequence of 
which she suffers disease, (S, L, ]£,) and has a 
tumour (S, L) in her udder. (L.) 

1. jij as syn. with j»y : and VA '■>> <->j*) ns 
»-#■ #*j| *Aj» *** 

syn. with Cjjs 3 \ : see 4. oe [Hence,] *iil -UJI^J^, 

aor. uji/, (S, Msb, £,) inf. n. %, (S, Msb,) 

I God made his ear heavy, or dull of hearing : 

ni t 
(Msb, K :•) or deaf. (S, K.) You say, ^1 

a3jl ji t O God, make his ear heavy, or dull of 
hearing : (A :) or deaf. (S.) — [Hence also,] 
Aiil hjs'j, (ISk, S, TA,) aor. Jjy', inf. n. jjj ; 
(ISk, TA;) and i>j»j, aor. js^3 ; (S, Msb, 
TA;) and i>%, aor. yp ; (Msb,TA;) inf. n. 
Jlj, (S, Msb.TA,) which by rule should be Jjj, as 
inf. n. of c>&, (S, TA,) but which is regular as 
inf. n. of C»& ; (TA ;) I His ear was, or became, 
heavy, or dull of hearing: (Msb, TA:*) or 
deaf: (S, TA:) but in the K we find, less pro- 

pe'tyi J*l and Jh> t aB tnou g h signify^g Ae ( a 
man) was, or became, dull of hearing : or cfea/:] 

Arabs in the time of paganism killed beasts | Jnf ; „.^ f w hich by rule should bey^; andjjj, 
thus. (A.)— X& Prostrated. (K.) Jin the | ^ ^ (fpA#) Y ou say also, <£ ^i* O& 
TA, «j->t is erroneously put for *pZd\.] — J [ilf^ rear n<a« dull of hearing, or rfea/, to (lit. 
JieJj + A man i« whom is no fat or strength ; i from) Aim] : (A :) and <l^£» £^*f"'' y>* "-'/?^ 
j> ^ C. (S, L.) — l»i t A slow, heavy j t [«'< ™» «V« o/ hearing, or deaf, to (lit. from) 
man :"(L, KV) as though his heaviness mid ! '*« *•"** °/» or fe<e "^ J»» /i " **«*1- ( A » 
weakness overcome him, or prostrated him, ! TA : but in the latter, C>y».j.) — [Hence also,] 
«jjj. (L.) — - <***} \ Violently sick, and at the \jij, aor. jij, in£ n. jlSj, i He, or it, was, or 
point of death ; as also ' &>*>• : (L, K :) heavy, \ became, still, or motionless; rested; syn. O* - - 
(Lth, L,) suffering from sickness that cleaves \ ( TA ) go in the phrase ^AaJI ^ '& fit (a 

/«*< to him, atid at the point of death : (Lth, I . . ...... . • j ' „j i 'x' 

' ... thing) restea in the heart, or mind : and J yj 

A, L ;) suffering from, a swoon, and xn such a j , ° ' 

state that it it not known whether he be dead or j ^ t« ( a 8 ecret ) "«'«* '» A » i<Mom: occur " 


(ISli, L.) J-»j I i//, «V7<; as also 

♦ JSy». (TA.) — JJlij Stones spread about : 

ring in a trad., accord, to different relations. 
(TA.) You say also, *ii» ^ £>J 3 &£> *^I &» 

4 .* J J spoke to him a speech which rested (w-i-j) in 
(L, £:) sing. .Oe»3. (L.) — p->'>-JI a*»j ; *~ r ,».,... .a 

tOriee^ t« tA« AVarf; as though it were hkmr ' (M.A.) And ^-Ull etoj^ g^JI ^Jjlj 

broken and weakened by grief. The «JI^ [are * [ 7 ' m '« rf "» **« ear »' fln<;i: ' Ae neart > or W, ' ,M '» 

/.ep< t'< in memory]. (A.) And Ijib **IS ^^ 
t Sue/t a thing came into his mind and left its 

the ribs that] enclose the heart. (L.) 

•'- j * ■ 

J3y» : see Jl^j 

jjy* An extremity of the person, (K,) or 
place upon which a blow is severe, (A,) as, (K,) 
or namely, (A,) the elbow, (A, L, K,) and 
shoulder-joint, (£,) or extremity of the shoulder- 
joint, (A, L,) and knee, and ankle-bone: pi. 
JJV. (A,L,¥.) 

■ it, •, . ♦ . t. 

iy^ and «iy^-» : sec ju»j- 

ijjys A she-camel suffering in her dugs 

impression remaining. (A.) — [And hence,] j5j, 
aor. J«j ; (Msb, K, TA ;) and JSj, aor. ji>» ; 
(TA;) in£ n. %, (KL, TA,) of the former, 
(TA,) and l]^, (K, TA,) of the latter ; (TA ;) 
I He (a man, TA) sat : ($., TA :) or he sat 
with jlSj [i. e. gravity, Ac.]. (Msb.) _ [Hence 
also,] jlj, aor.^ii ; (S, £ ;) and 'j» it aor. jiyi ; 
(Msb, ? ;) inf. n. jl5j, (S, Msb, £,) of the 
former, (S,) or of the latter, (Msb, $,) and SJJ, 

[Book I. 

of the former, (S, ?L,) and Sjlij, of the latter ; 
(K ;) JTie rvas, or became, grave, staid, steady, 
sedate, or calm ; (S, Msb, K ;) [see jlS) , below ;] 

as also * j*-J\ and ^>»>«: (K :) or this last, 
signifies he showed, exhibited, or manifested, gra- 
vity, staidness, steadiness, sedateness, or calmness : 
(KL:) [and also, agreeably with analogy, lie 
endeavoured, or he constrained himself, to be 
grave, &c] It is said in the Kur. [xxxiii. S3,] 
^S-3 «-_> ,j» ^^yij [meaning, accord, to some, And 
be ye grave, &c, in your houses, or chambers] : 
(S, A :) or the meaning is, and sit ye, ice. : (TA :) 
and so another reading, jjj5jl(TA :) or this latter, 
(S,) or each of these two readings, (TA,) is from 

j£UI, (S,) [i. e.,] from ^5, aor. %. and yi; 
(TA ;)and is a contraction of ^^J [or Ojy}]- (?•) 

2. »>Jj, inf. n. >-»V' + -H* »»arfe Aim (a beast 
of carriage) ro be still, or quiet. (I£, TA.) __ 
I He pronounced him, or AeW, or reckoned him, 
to be grave, staid, steady, sedate, or calm; syn. 
of the inf. n. &ijj>. (&•) — I He treated him, 
with honour, reverence, veneration, or respect; 
(S, A, ?, TA ;) did not hold him in light estima- 
tion. (A, TA.) 

4. »>3}l (inf. n. jVLl and iji, K, which latter 
is anomalous, TA,) He loaded him : (S, A, Msb, 
5 :) or loaded him heavily : (A, K :) namely a 
camel, (S, Msb,) or a beast (K) or a mule, and 
an ass : (A :) [see A, below: and ▼ tjij, aor. 
\'jk>_ , signifies the same ; and its inf. n. seems to 
be (jjyj, q. v., as also, probably, jij : jij, aor. 
jiu, is explained by Golius, as on the authority 
of Ibn-Maaroof, as signifying " gravavit, aggra- 
vavit."] You say, Sj^jm Sj3 a*tjJ! £}\ [He 
loaded the beast of carriage severely]. (TA.) 
And U*S AlWIj jijl He loaded his riding-camel 
with a bad, or heavy load, of gold. (TA.) _ 
^jjjt »ji}\ t Debt burdened him, or burdened 
him heavily. (S, A.*) — ili-JI C&l, (S, A, 
Msb,) and * l>jS^, (A,) The palm-tree became 
laden, or heavily laden, with fruit ; (A ;) became 
abundant in fruit. (S, Msb.) — And ^1, or 
^1, (accord, to different copies of the S, in art. 
jty,) [or «'.* *j s j' or ^^-IJW,] said of a camel 
&c, t. q jt* Si\ijs» [He was, or became, loaded, 


or overspread, with fat : see>»i]. (S, in that art.) 


sec 1, last signification. 



s * , >. . 

10. UUi »^S^ j^y—^ He took, or received, 
his load, or /«• </ry /«ad, q/" wheat or otA#r yboa*. 
(1^.) __ J^l Cijij^l, (K, TA,) or 0,V-l 
C^i, J^NI (A,) 77«« camels became fat ; ($. ;) 
[lit.] carried fat : (TA :) or became heavy with 
fatness. (A.) 

jSj A heaviness in the ear; (S, A, K;) a 

Book I.] 

heaviness, or dulness, of hearing : (Msb, TA :) 
or deafness ; entire loss of hearing. (K, TA.) 

jij A load, (S, A, Msb, K,) in a general sense, 
(A, K, TA,) whether heavy or light or moderate, 
(TA,) of a mule and of an ass and of a camel; 
(Msb ;) or mostly of a mule and of an ass • that 
of a camel being mostly termed JL*} : (S, TA :) 
or a heavy load : (A, K :) or a weight tliat is 

* **' 
carried upon the bach or head : (TA :) pi. jlSjI. 

(A, K.) You say, *>J« ^}«**.> *V iie cflme 
carrying his load [&c.]. (P.) 

«», *■>. • *< 

^.oryj: seejyj. 

* . , % >l * • t> - 

SjSj oi' : 8ee j£y>- 

jUj Gravity, staidncss, steadiness, calmness; 
syn. iStjJ, (S, Msb, K,) and^^W, (S, Msb,) and 
•U-Jw, and <Ulaj ; (L, TA ;) and " jyLJ is syn. 
with jl5^ [in this sense], (S, K,) of the measure 
Jyui, (K,) originally j^iy, (S,) the _j being 
changed into «1» : (S, K :) [see 1:1 or, accord, 
to some, it is syn. with y$i». (TA.) El-Ajjaj 

i. e. \^$J&3 15— *'• [.And if wear, or waste, hath 
become the cause of my gravity, &c. : or, if it be 
syn. with \Jj^^J , the cause of making me still, 
or guier]. (S, TA.) Some make it to be of the 
measure JyxiJ, lilu: wjjjJJ, &c. (TA.) __ Also, 
Tho greatness, or majesty, of God : as in the 

Kur. lxxi. 12. (S. [See 1, in art >**,.]) 

See also j^ij. 

J**i (S, A, K) and ♦ &, and *%, (K,) or 

*-£}> ( L .) aml ^J^^t (TA,) Grave; staid; 
sedate; calm: applied to a man: (S, A, K, 
TA :) and the first applied also to a woman : 

(K :) pi. of tho first, jij, (A, TA,) applied to 
men, (A,) and to women. (TA.) 

j3j I Heavily burdened with debt. (TA.) _ 
*. # ■ * l • * •. 

• * t ## 

_^5lj (jU». J .1 heart which fright does not make 

to flutter. (A.) 

t • a. * i • 

jji— ' : see jlij . 

jjy» [Zotfcw,-] having a load: or [A«atn7y 

laden;] having a heavy load: [as also ▼ jy>^*:] 
applied to a man : (K :) and also [the former] 
applied to a woman, in the same sense : (TA :) 
or you apply to a woman the epithet *j*y>, 
meaning, bearing a heavy burden. (Fr, S, TA.) 
You say also *^£^J *V' i > meaning * «jy>« [A 
beast of carriage laden : or heavily laden] : 
(K :) but ISd holds that * ^j'Jj is used ellipti- 

cally, for |^*»j ^'i, and is an inf. n., of the 

. . *•» *•* 

measure ^£*i, like (- y»A». and {Jji*. (TA.) 

[ jy>°> '" tnc same sense, is also applied to a 
ship ; as in the Expos, of the .Tel, ii. 159.] _ 
*jf,i lLL r , (S, A, K,) and t tjy., (S, K,) 

and f jty», (S, A, K,) like as one says, Sl^ot 

J-olo-, (S,) anijiya, which is anomalous, (S, K,) 

and * jUu«, (K,) and * »jy>*, (A,) and ' Sjiy», 
(K,) A palm-tree laden, or heavily laden, with 
fruit; (A, KL;) abounding in fruit : (S:) pi. 

[of the first, second, third, and fourth,] j»\y, 
(S, K,) and [of jUL* and Sjy>^«,] j-»l>«. (A.) 

_ See also j-ij. 

• j # ^ > 

ji*^e, and with » : see j»y». 

j3>« pass. part. n. of 2, q. v. _ Sjiyt 3 A& i : 


jy^c, and with S : see j» t A man [rf«// 

(.la. 1 ji 
of hearing: or dea/". (S.) And »j^5>« Oi' t^* 

ear dull of hearing : or deaf: (ISk, A, TA :) 
as also * 3/»j, (A,) or * »j^.s- (TA.") 

jU-o : Bcey^o. 
^5^i«: seej^Jj. 

L Aiii^j^Ks.Sj^andt^lXA'Obeyd, 
TA,) aor. ^^aj, (Ks, S, K,) inf. n ,>>5^, (Ks, 
S, Mgh,) He broke his neck, (Ks, S, Mgh, K,) 
and the thing. (A'Obeyd, TA.) You say also, 

<uJl»-lj A/ c~a5j [//« rtding-camel, or ihe-camel, 
6roAre »'«» neci] : (S, K :) like as you say, JU> 
»UeuiJI and ^UaaJLi j*i- : (S :) and C^ij 
ly^l^j diUJt TVie she-camel threw her ritfer and 

broke his neck. (Msb.) And i^oSj He had hii 
neck broken ; (S, K ;)' said of a mar. ; (S :) 
[and also] said of a camel, signifying, he became 
diseased in his back, and without motion : and 
in like manner said of the neck, and of the 
back. (Khalid Ibn-Jcmbch.) And a_.l ; w~a5j / 
pressed, or squeezed, his head; sometimes mean- 
ing, so as to break the neck. (TA.) _ [Hence,] 

a*Uc ^ jJI i>as_j i Z)e&{ [oppressed him as though 
it] broke his neck. (TA.) _ [Hence also,] ^-.AJI 

m * 

j,\£=>*fi SJ ojLi J The horse bruises the hills, or rising 

grounds : (S, K. :) or breaks the summits thereof: 

(A:) and in like manner one says of a she-camel. 

00..,. A i. ,1 a 
(TA.) — . You say also, ^joius VjJlj ^/Jfi aj'jJI 

,i .0. 

^»l^JJl lyift J T/ie beast of carriage beats off 

from her with her tail, and kills, the flies. (TA.) 

= JUaH C«aii The neck broke : thus the verb 

is intrans. as well as trans. : (K :) or, accord. 

to Ks, one does not say this : (3 :) i. e., one 

only says of the neck C—mK, using the pass. 

form. (TA.) ■ Jfa (S, K,) aor. J£#, (S,) 


inf. n. J&}, (S, A, Mgh, K,) He (a man, S) 
was short in the neck. (S, A, Mgh, K.) 

2. »;li JU uJj.flf, A,) inf.n. ^^,(TA,) 
//« <Arero fragments, or &roA«n pt'«c«j>, 0/ *<ic*« 
»//>o» //« /re : (S,* A :) or A< 6ro*e in pieces 
sticks upon his fire. (TA.) 

4. <ua5^t He (God) made him to be short in 
the neck. (S, K.) 

5. t^aly X He went a pace between that called 
JUjOI and that called w-^-J' ; (K ;) falling short 
of the latter, but exceeding the former, and re- 
moving his legs a* in the pace called «^«*»JI, 
excepting that thty were nearer to the ground, 
and throwing himself [forward] : (AO :) or he 
trod vehemently in going, (K, TA,) with short 
steps, (TA,) as though breaking what was beneath 
him: (K, TA :) or he (a horse) bounded (As, 
S, A) in his running, (As,) making short steps, 
(As, S, A,) as though breaking his steps. (A.) 

You say, <UjJ «v u&yk Os* J* iiUCn a one 
passed along, his horse bounding, and making 
short steps, with him. (S.) 

6. kjaSly He made himself like, or imitated, 
him who m short in the neck : (K :) said of a 
man. (TA.) Hence, ^> ^a *3j^ ^Ji. Jeitiip 
ULm3 He bent and shortened himself to hold on 
his »ifi with his neck, that it might not fall. 
(TA, from a trad.) 

tjo&y : sec what next follows. 

i>o3) t Fragments, or broken pieces, of sticks, 
which are thrown upon, (S,) or into, (K,) afire: 
(8, K :) or small pieces of fire-wood with which 
a fire is made to burn more vehemently ; (A, 
TA;) as also yJSy. so, says Aboo-Turab, I 
heard Mubtekir say. (TA.) =. Also, sing, of 
ijeli*,!, as used in relation to the [tax called 
iijuo ; signifying \ What is between one i^xtji 

and the next U^ji : (S, K:) as, for instance, 
when camels amount in number to five, one sheep 
or goat is to be given for them ; and nothing is 
to be given for such as exceed that number until 
they amount to ten : thus, what is between the 

five and the ten is termed ^jda^ : (S :) some- 
times pronounced * u°*3 '• (Msb :) and in like 
manner, &Z. : (S :) or (accord, to some of the 
learned, S) u**} relates to bulls and cows par- 
ticularly, (S, Mgh, Msb,) or to these and to 
sheep and goats, (Msb,) andJUi [q. v.] to camels : 
(S, Mgh, Msb :) both signifying what is between 
one 3-fluji and the next : (S, Mgh, Msb :•) or, 
accord, to Aboo-Amr, (Mgh, L,) i.e. Esh-Shey- 
banee, (L,) ^aij signifies camels for which 
it is incumbent to give sheep or goats in payment 

of the a$ju0, (Mgh, L,) when the camels are 
between five and twenty in number; (L;) but 
some disapprove of this : (Mgh, L :) accord, to 



IB, it signifies sheep or goats taken in payment 
of the iijJo/or camels. (L.) c= You also say, 
U»l» 5 l tjjjttf t 7Vy became scattered, or <m- 
persed : and ^^)L4 .-^ k >« u*"^' W 1 2»ere 
cama to tu separate portions oj the tribe of the 

sons of such a one : (Ibn-'Abb&d, K :•) tjctSjl 

• ** 
in these cases being a pi., [namely of ,>*»},] like 

LCa, pi. of Zf£*. (TA.) 

W*) — *?&} 

u*i)\ A man (S, Mgh) sltort in the neck ; (S, 
A, Mgh, K ;) naturally so : (TA :) or having 
the neck inclining and short : (A'Obeyd, TA :) 

fern. jUSj. (A, TA.) ■■ i>*j>Idl u*3jl 4* 
t Take thou the nearer of the two mays : (Ibn- 
AbbAd, K :•) or shorter thereof (A, TA.) 

^jojiys A man (S) having his neck broken : 
(S, K :) and so JU-*JI %jo£y : (A :) the fern, is 

with S : and ♦ i-a3 l_j occurs in the sense of i-otfiyo 
in a trad, of 'Alee, in which he is said to have 
given judgment in the case of the iojli and the 

<UmU and the * <LaiU, that the price of blood, 
or fine for homicide, should be paid in thirds ; 
these being three girls, who were playing to- 
gether, and mounted, one upon another; and 
the lowest pinched the middle one, who there- 
upon leaped off, so that the uppermost fell, and 
her neck broke ; wherefore he imposed a third 
of the fine for the killing of the uppermost upon 
the lowest, and the like upon the middle one, 
annulling the third of the uppermost because she 
aided against herself: (Mgh, TA, in art. uoji , 
and Msb,) here, [accord, to those who hold that 
Jt&y is trans, only,] ▼ i^i\ } is like <C.*lj, in 
the phrase i~ilj it-c ; (TA, in art. ^oji and in 
the present art. ;) and is used in the place of 
a^ofiy for the sake of agreement in form with 
the two other epithets : (Mgh, in art. ^oji, and 
Msb :) ♦ 4-oei), also, signifies having her neck 

* m * ' 

broken; and its pi. is ^txMj. (Meyd, as in 
Frey tag's Lex., excepting that the pi. is there 
written uflrfVj-) You say also ioy^ ^Jis. A 

broken neck. (Msb.) And ^o^y* is also applied 
to a camel, signifying, Become diseased in his 
bach, and without motion. (Khalid I bn- Jembeh.) 

[jJ,, &c. 

See Supplement.] 

1 : see 8. 

3. Ajjhj i<X» \ss\j He leaned upon his hands, 
or arms. Mohammad was seen to do so when 
he raised and extended his hands in supplication 
to Ood. (IAth.) 

it . ,i 

4. »\£> i \, (S, K.) inf. n. Wol, (S,) He set up 

• «&* 
for him a thing upon which to recline (l&«.) 

(S, K.) — »U3I, (in which o is substituted for 

},) inf. n. *l£2t , He propped him up by a cushion 

or other thing whereon to recline; made him 

recline upon a cushion Sfc. (AZ, TA.) 

obub 4j^>, (A,) or »UjI ^i*. tUjde, originally 

' * r ** 

°\==>)\, (S,) I He smote him, (A,) or pierced him, 

(S,) so that he made him fall in a reclining 

posture: (S, A, !£:•) or, so that he threw him 

down upon his left side. (K.) — See 3. 

5 : see 8. 

8. ICI He sat in a firm, or settled, manner : 
and he sal leaning upon one of his sides : (Msb, 
in art. IC3 :) the vulgar know it only in the 
latter sense : but it signifies he leaned, rested, 
or stayed, his back, or his side, against, or upon, 
a thing: and he leaned, rested, or stayed, him- 
self in any manner,' upon a thing. (IAth, in 

Msb,art.U>>) ilx 1 ^ '&, (S.) and • &y, 

(S, K,) and » tfejl ; (K ;) and * ^, [in which 

1,9, 9 - 

O is substituted for ^,] aor. iSi, inf. n. *M ; 

(Lth ;) and * IfeJ ; (CK ;) He leaned, or re- 
clined, upon a thing; supported, propped, or 

stayed, himself upon it. (K.) — lijl He re- 

dined upon a cushion, &c. (TA.) __ Uul He 
made for him [i.e., app., for himself,] a thing 
upon which to lean, or recline : (CK, and a MS. 
copy of the K :) or he made him to be a thing 
upon which to lean, or recline. (TA.) [The 
latter seems to be wrong, unless the verb be 
read KM.] __ £?& juc Ul£il J We ate a repast 
with, or at the abode of, such a one. (TA.) = 
ofcll (MF) and * i>U»J3 (IC) She (a camel) 
was taken with the pains of labour, and cried 
out. (K.) Accord, to Lth, AiUt^&jJ signifies 
ly-iU~o jUft tyiLeu : (TA :) [luit it is evident 
that the right reading is y tl Ufl ; and the sense 
agreeable with the above explanation]. 

•lO (in which O is substituted for _j, TA) 
A staff, or stick, (r>,) upon which one leans in 
walking; a walking-stick: (TA:) that upon 
which one leans or reclines. (S, K.) — _ One 
who reclines much. (S, K.) — tA heavy person 
[app., in disposition]. (TA.) 

{JLlW act. part. n. of 8 &£• J£»T ^ I 

(said Mohammad) eat not sitting in a firm, or 
settled, posture, cross-legged, or in such other 
similar manner as it adapted for much eating: 
for he used to eat sitting upon his hams, with 
his shanks erect, so as to be ready to rise. 
The meaning is not [only] "inclining on one 
side," as the vulgar among students imagine. 

GcEe A place in which one reclines : (S :) a 
chamber, or sitting-room. (Akh, S.) — That 
upon which one leans, or reclines, in eating, 
drinking, or talking. (Zj.) — I Food, or a 

[Book I. 

repast : so called because people used to recline 
when they sat to eat: but the Muslims are 
forbidden to do so. [See £&•.] It is said to 
have this last meaning in the Kur. xii. 31. 

L s-^. aor. *,£*, inf. n. v^»j (K) and 

J^>i (?) and 4J»j (CK), He walked, went, 
or marched along, in a leisurely manner, (S, K,) 
or, as in some copies of the S, in a grave and 

t •* * m 

leisurely manner. (TA.) See *fS-*ya . wsm *,«£>« 
He (an antelope) proceeded at a quick pace, 
(IKtt,) [and with long steps : seew>^>j]. [Thus 
the verb bears two contr. significations.] Hence 
the word T >-^=>y> (IKtt) [as moaning "a 
certain mode, or manner, of walking, &e."]. = 

^•£39, inf. n. w-£3j, He, or it, stood erect; 
became erected, set up, raised, or reared : (S,K:) 

hestood. (W.)—ja*$\ ^jka *-£*$, and "^-felj, 
(in a copy of the S, *_-s£»lj, which is also men- 
tioned in the sense here following by IKtt and 
IM, as stated in the TA,) He kept, attended, 
or applied himself, constantly, perseveringly, or 

assiduously, to the thing, or affair. (S, K.) aes 

* . * • •* 

***£*} ; and * v--£>j inf. n. w-j&y ; It (a date) 

became black when ripe: (K:) or y&i sig- 
nifies, as below, "it (the skin, or a garment,) 
was dirty, or filthy ;" and *» r ^»}, it (a grape) 
became black: (TA : where it is said that this 
distinction [excepting that the second verb 
relates to the grape rather than the date] is 
meant in the K ; the passage presenting what is 

termed wJ/-» j^>3 «JU :) or the latter verb sig- 
nifies it (a grape or a date) shotoed some degree 
of blackness. (Aa.) See ^JL*y. _,^£s>j > aor. 

w-£=>>;, inf. n. s'^Sf « (tl» skin, or a gar- 
ment,) was dirty, or jilthy. (TA.) See w-^>j. 

2. v-^=>3, inf. n. v-~£»y, [app., He pursued a 

middle or juirt, »»ay with respect to tlie j\j~o ; 
which is a cord, or a piece of rag, that is bound 
over a she-cameCs udder, or teats, to prevent her 
young one from sucking Iter]. (K : the inf. n. 
is explained by the words jl>«aJt ^ ajJU^JI : 
written in the TA j\j*o*$\ ; to which is there 
added, with kesr.) See 1. 

•»« - j 

3. ^-£>bj (inf. n. 2*£*\y*, TA.) He marched, 
or journeyed, or kept pace, with them; syn. 
>k!^ : or Ac hastened with them, and strove to 

ml*. * 

be before them ; syn. ^o*pW : (K :) or he rode 
with them (S, K) in their s^£^y> [or procession] : 
(TA:) and also, he contended with them in a 
race or the like'. (S.) — Sec 1. 

4. y A ijI i/<? (a camel) kept to the mode of 
walking, <£c.,] or kept with [the kind of pro- 
cession, called] a ^£sy>. (ISk, S, K: [but 
accord, to the K, the latter is the meaning 
intended ; or, as said in the TA, he kept with 
the procession of riders or camels ; for which, 

Book I.] 

however, SM knows no authority.) =a v-^J 1 
He (a bird) roM to fly ; ex., jU.^3 v-^^ ! '' c 
row to ^/fy, and tAen ^/few : (Er-Riy&shee :) or 
prepared to fly ; (S, K:) or flapped his wings 
while falling. (K.) = <*-£>jl fie wiarfe him 
angry. (K.) 

* * * 

v-^ 3 ^ The blackness of dates ; (K ;) or o/ 

grapes, fyc, (T,) 7i7<en tAey become ripe. (K, 
T.) Generally used with reference to grapes. 
(TA.) __ Dirt, or filth, (K,) upon the skin or 
upon a garment. (TA.) 

*->)£=>} *«!» also An antelope that keeps to 
• j , *-• « 
tt* Aercf. (TA.) _ vj^»3 *«J» ^" antelope 

proceeding at a quick pace, with long steps ; 
syn. U^- jj* £iaZ ^j3l: (S:) and in like 
manner *lfW|<s*<uU a site-camel that proceeds 
in that manner : (S, K :) see «^-£>j : or the 
latter signifies a she-camel that journeys, or 
marches, or &eep« pace, with the y^£s^» : (K:) 
that does not lag behind the [company of~\ 
riders. (A.) 

• * * 

V^J A man (TA) grieving, or mourning, 

much ; very sorrowful, sad, or unhappy. (K.) 

*-£>1j t'.g. <UjU [app. signifying The leg of a 

quadruped] : (S, K :) from <^£»j " he stood." 

• »- 

*r>£>yt A certain mode, or manner, <>/ walk- 
ing, marching, proceeding, or journeying. (S.) 
See 1. — A company [or /jroce.wt'on] o/" mm, 
riding or walking [or marching by slow degrees, 
or gradually; or in a jrravi manner, and by 
slow degrees, or gradually] : (5 :) or a party o/ 
people riding upon camels, for the sake of pomp, 
or parade, (S, K,) or to oo /ortA <o t/*e gardens 
or tAe ZtAe ybr amusement : (TA :) and in like 
manner, a company of horsemen, or a caval- 
cade: (S:) pi. C^»'^- (TA.) j£, jC 

S'^J*^ H c walked, marched, or journeyed [in 
the manner, or at the rate, of a ceremonious 
procession, or by slow degrees, or] without hasten- 
ing. (TA, from a trad.) 

* * '* 

y~£*y* A date (or grape, TA,) becoming black, 

when ripe : (K :) or a grape or date in which 
the least blackness appears. (Az.) — — Also An 
unripe date that is pricked with a thorn in order 
that it may ripen. (AHn.) 

i+£s\yo : see ^^Sst. 

^i^Ssyo : see 1. 

1. o^>_), aor. o^j, (inf. n. c-i>j, fie, or tt, 
made a mark, or impression, or Ze/i a mar&. 
(K,) You say U^i ^-^.j -He, or it, made a 
mark, or impression, or Zf/2 a marA, upon a 
thing. (TK.) = C-£>j, aor. CJu, inf. n. ^Ja'y, 
and t^i>> inf. n. C***5 ; He filled (K) a 

<^S, (Lh,) or a cup, or the like, as also C-£>j. 

(Ft.) = <^=>}, aor. c£», inf. n. C-£»j, fi<" 
walked, or went, rottA s/wrf «tep«. (Sh, K.) _ 
ZT« (a beast of carriage) raised and put down 
his feet quickly. (L.) _ ,*i«Jt ^-^i, inf. "■ 
Or£>3 and ^jU£»j, fie went, or walked, with 
short steps, but in a heavy and ugly manner. 
(L.) — »>*- ^ v" *"-*^5 ^ e weut w ' tn a P ar " 
ticular kind of pace. (L, from Kr.) = c*£>j 
w>L£)l, inf. n. cA j, fie pointed, or dotted, the 
book, writing, or Zetter. (L.) 

2. »j-Ljl i&a»3 inf. n. C ^ fep, TAe rfa^e 
became speckled, by reason of its ripening. (S, 
M, K.) ta See 1. 

ci»j, (Nh, &c.,) or 5^%, (L,) A »»aH-, (L,) 
or a *maZZ mark, (Nh,) in a thing, resembling a 
speck (ikiJ), q/* a different colour from the 
thing itself: (Nh, L :) pi. of the latter [or 
rather coll. geu. n., of which the latter is the 

n. un.] c-£aj. (L.) _ ciaj A //«^ ; not 

muc/i, a little thing. (Sh, K.) — c~£»j and 

•' * ' 

i^>j A «pecft t/tat appears in a date by reason 

*-** '•• 

of its ripening. (TA.) — il»_j vl «^ecA (iloii) 

in a thing : (K :) or what resembles a ikL in 
a thing : (S :) a red speck, or s/>o/, in the white 
of the eye, which, if neglected, becomes a 2i}j : 
(ISd :) or a white speck, or spot, in the black of 
the eye: (TA:) you say, *^_j *^«c ^» [2n 
his eye is a speck, ifc.]. (S.) — &&} ^JS ^j 

cJL* U-o I On my Aeart t« a .</iV//tf impression 
made by what thou midst. (A.) 

• « ■* ^ oj 

£&>} i.q. juj A^i (K : in the CK, i-o» 
[app., The no<c/t M a wooden instrument for 
striking fire ; as understood by Golius : but 
accord, to the TA, the notch, or the like, in the 
joint called jjj of a camel]. 

w~£aj The act of calumniating, or slandering, 

syn. i;U-. and i.li_j, (K,) to one possessed of 
command, or power. (TA.) 

• . s - • - - 
C>»j J^y, mentioned by Kr; thought by 

ISd to be from ^J^\ •£*£*} > [ an( l therefore to 
signify A man wlio walks, or <7oe«, with short 
steps, but in a heavy and ugly manner] ; because 
were it by the phrase mentioned by Kr [i.e. 
»je* ^ <£*&)] it would be eJL'^t. (TA.) 

C~£>Ij, in a camel, i.q. c£>C. (K.) 

O^isyo X Changed in colour (j*Jo) by reason 
of anxiety, or grief : (50 or changed in colour 
{j^Js), and full of malevolence, and of anxiety, 
or yrte/. (TA) _ Zj&y* yj*p An eye in 
which is a ££>j. (A, &c.) 

• * - » * • » • J • m * 

Z£>y Sj~i, and >Z*£ay», (the latter on the 


authority of Seer, TA) A date speckled, or 
becoming speckled, by reason of its ripening. 
(T, M, ^.) When it is speckled in the part 
next the stalk, it is called 4J jL*. (TA.) See ^JLj. 

10. ^£>jlwl He ate of what is called *1>1£> S : 
(^:) A« hastened, and ate somewhat of that 
which is called >1>1&j, thereby to attain the 
period of the morning-meal called A jJOl . (L.) 

■ « ■ « j 

^»ts>j and ^>l&3 JFW, aliment, or nutri- 
ment, (*IJ£ : so in some copies of the K, and in 
the TA : in the CK, l\ j&, or a morning meal :) 
that is prepared, or taken, in haste, (<u J^ nZ ._■,) 
[fte/bre tAe morning-meal called ,\ji : see 10]. 


10. t»!/AH C«fc ^T ywt 7%c young birds became 
big, bulky, or coarse. (S, K.) 

• j j 

?-£».} -B»J7, 6uZ*y, or coarse, young birds: 

(50 after the manner of a rel. 11., as though 
pi. of ^-^'jj or *-}£=>}, since it cannot be pi. 
of J^y.t.4. (TA.) 

1. J^»ji aor. jkXj, inf. n. 3>&>^, fie remained, 
continued, stayed, abode, or rffve/t, (L, 5,) 
O^W in a place. (L.) m See 2. a £•! ji»j," 
(L, 5, # ) aor. ^j, inf. u. jl&j, (L,) fie at'med 
at a thing; sought, endeavoured after, or pur- 
sued, it; desired it; intended it, or purposed 
it; syn. 'jSal (L, 5) and ^JUk (L.) See also 

** 1 » « s • 

below. »jl&>j jk£»j fie directed his course 

to, or towards, him, or tt ; or /*e pursued his 
(another's) course ; syn. «juai juai j (S, L, 5;) 
rt"otn^ a* Ae did. (L.) _L ijll J^', aor. and 
inf n. as above, also signifies He laboured at, 
and endeavoured after, a thing. (L.) _ J&\, 
(L, 5,) aor. j£i, inf. n, jl3J, (L,) ».a. v^' 
He, or tt, dirf, or went, right; attained an 
object ; Ait, struck, smote, affected, hurt, befell ; 

2 - «*S»> (?, L.) inf. a X&^J (S, 5;) 
[and ? jkfej as is implied in the 5< hut app. by 
the unintentional omission of the word JJb>. ;] 
and Tofejl, inf. n. JlLl ; (S, L;) He made 
a horse's saddle, (S, L,) and a camel's, (L, 
K>) firm, fast, or strong; or 6ound or ti'rd it 
firmly, faslly, or strongly ; (S, L, 5 ;) as also 
Ofel and jl&I : but more chaste with j. (S, 
I* ?•*) — AJ 80 * J5T« confirmed, ratified, or cor- 
roborated, a compact, a contract, a covenant, 
or an engagement ; as also j£*\ (S, L, 5) and 
jl&I : but, in this sense also, more chaste with 
j; (S, L ;) or in this sense more approved with 



I : (L :) and in like manner >xi=j he confirmed 

an oath: you say, 0*JU> l>'^ J^»U 0>i* li I 

J>£>y JfAcn fA»u makcst a contract, ratify; 
and when thou swearest, confirm. 

4 : seo 2. -_ olju «Uj£»^i 7/i.v arms, or 

Mauds, exercised him with work. From a trad., 

relating to a seeker of knowledge. (L.) 

*• i «■ ■ _ 

5. j-o^l Jt^sy and ,>sU signify the same, 

[The thiny, or affair, became confirmed, ratified, 

or rorrofcoru<c<£]. (S, L, K..") 

j^j Desire; purpose; intention; aim; en- 
deavour. (L, K.) See also 1. 

>} Work; labour; exertion; endeavour. 
(L, £.) Ex. iJjJ*) iUi Jlj ^ ^Aa* rra**/ 
no/ <o be my work, (L, K.,) and endeavour. (L.) 

jb=> 5 yl rope with which cows arc tied on the 
occasion of milking. (S, L.) _ Also }\£>j and 
l\&»\ sings, of ilfoj [and J^l£»l], (IDrd, L, K,) 
[pis. deviating from the constant course of speech 
in relation to the sings. ; see art. j&\ ;] sig- 
nifying,* (i.e. the pis.,) Thongs, or straps, with 
which one binds (L, K) a cameVs, or horse's 
saddle : (L :) or the thongs, or straps, by which 
the yj*yi£ it bound to the two side-boards of a 
horse's saddle; (IDrd, L;) as also • J^W 
and J^U and ♦jk e £>^3; (K ;) or these are 
railed J*&W*» but not J>tr»\y> : (L:) and it 
[ j^ l t -] is a pi. that hns no [proper] sing. 

ij£»\y» A she-camel that strives, or exerts 
herself, in her progress, course, or pace. (JK.) 

+JU& and ju&p : see jl&j. 

j^i j£»fU, (L,) or^, (K,) Standing ready, 
or prepared, for a thing, or an affair (L, K.) 

1. t^> aor - -»^» ' n ^ n - &} (?, K) and 
J^fe^, (K,) He (a bird) came to the j&j [or 
«e*i] : (K :) or entered Aw JSo 3 . (S.) — ^£>,, 
(Mgh, Msb,) aor.^', (Msb,) iT« (a bird) took 
for himself or made, or prepared, (Jafcjl,) a 
j£>3i (Mgh, Msb;'* as also * J ^s> i , (A, Mgh, 
Msb, TA,) inf n._**£>^3 ; (TA ;) but the latter 
has an intensive signification; (Msb;) and "jO. 
(K.) j£s^ in this sense is a mistake. (Mgh.) 
mm'j&>), aor. %; (K ;) or *>*»j, (A, L, 
Msb,) inf. n. jtS=>'£ i (Fr, S, L ;) He made, or 
prepared, the food called Sjt&j ; (Fr, S, A, L, 
Msb ;) 'Jjfor them. (L, K.) 

2 : see 1, in two places. __• Sec also ij t $sj ) in 
two places. 

8 : see L 

^£»3 The n«t (u^*) of a bird ; (AA, S, A, 

Msb, K ;) wherever it is; in a mountain or a 

tree ; (A A, S, Msb ;) anrf so if the bird is not in 

it; (M, A, K;) as also • Ijk) i (£ :) the 

/>/aec m which a bii-d lays its eggs, and has, or 

hatches, its young; being a hole in a wall, or in a 

tree : (T, TA :) the place into which the bird 

, • • « I * 

enters; as also c>^5 : (As,TA:) [see also ^c. ; 

and 4^ pi. (<>f pauc, TA :) ^L'J\ (K) 

andj&jl, (S, A, Msb, K,) and (of mult, TA) 

j^j (S, K) and j£»3 (Msb) and ^i»j. (K.) 

You say, ^-JaJI jl^,l£» ^a-t [Houses like the 

nests of birds]. (A.) J [A house: as in the 

following saying,] ^y itfjp j^Ki ^i jb U 
ijj^j t Thine alighting at my house was not 
revolved in my mind]. (A.) See also Sj^^. 
_— The ^oji [q. v.] of a Sjuj. (A, in art. 

ijtr 3 } Food that is prepared on account of the 
completion of a building ; (S,* Msb,* $ ;) as 

also * j^=>i and * 5/»j and » ijS»% : (^ :) 
food which a man prepares on the occasion of 

building his j&»} [or house], or buying it, (A, 
TA,) and to which he invites [others'] : (TA :) 
accord, to Fr, [food] prepared by a woman 
among the requisites for a bride or a traveller 
(jly»JI i«»); sometimes, he says, called str°jJ : 
which latter word also signifies the act of feeding 
[with the food called »'^»i]. (TA.) 

1. *Jb»9, (S, Msb,) aor. oj£j, (Msb,) inf. n. 

J^»_j, (Msb, ^,) ife struck, or teat Aim, (S, 
Mab,) [with anything,] as, for ex., with a stall, 
or stick : (TA :) or it signifies, (Msb,) or sig- 
nifies also (S) Ae struck, or beat, him with his 
jist upon his chin : ($, Msb :) or, accord, to 
Ks, ». q. 4^£j ; (Msb ;) [i. e.] Ae struck, or beat, 
him with his fist. (A, K.) _ He puslied, or 
impelled, or repelled, him. (S, Msb, K.) _ He 
pierced him (Ks, K,» TK) with a spear. (TK.) 
_ He goaded him. (TA.) _— He broke his 
nose. (T, TA.) 

»j^»_5 A blow with the fist. (A.) 
■ a , 
j^_5 One who strikes, or beats, much with his 

fist. (A.) 

>*>U j£=>y*o Standing t*cady t or prepared, for 
a thing, or an affliir. (L, art. J^_j.) 

1. ^^Ajjaor. ,^-£j, inf. n. ^r^j, -ft (a thing, 

LBook 1. 

S, Msb) was, or became, defective, or deficient ; 
it fell short; it diminished, or decreased. (S, A, 
Msb, K.) It is said in a trad., (S, Msb,) 
of Ibn-Mes'ood, (TA,) ^a^ ^ l^ '^» \$ 

Jxkw *^j She shall have the dowry of Iter like : 
there shall be no falling short nor exceeding : 
(S, A,* Msb,* TA :) or there shall be no diminish- 
ing nor exceeding of the limit. (Mgh.) [For] 
<* *£> }, aor. and inf. n. as above, signifies He 
rendered it defective, or deficient ; diminished it, 
or decreased it; (A, Mgh, Msb, K ;) as also 
t Ll> 3 , (TK,) inf. n. J-£^3. (K, TK.) _ 
He made him (a man) to suffer loss ; syn. 4~aJu ; 
(S, TA; as also * Ljs i inf n. JL&y: (K,« 
TA :) or he cheated, or defrauded him. (IKtt, 
TA.) You say, *5jUJ J> J^>,, (S, A, Msb, 

K,) inf. n. JJ>j, (TA,) He suffered loss, (S, A, 
Msb, TA,) or diminution of the price, (TA,) 
[in his traffic, or merchandise ; us also t ^^JmI, 
(S, A, Msb, K,) inf. n. J-IC.1 ; (TA ;) and so 

Cr^}, aor. (K) and inf. n. (TA) as above. 
(K, TA.) 

2. <t~3,, inf. n. v-t£>yi : see 1, in two places. 
_ Also, He reproved, or blamed, him, or <fc{ so 
severely; or w/VA rAe utmost severity; or Ae 
reproached, or upbraided him. (AA, £.) 

*• t3jl, (A,) or ^U J^>]f, (Ibn-'Abbid, 
K,) His property went away. (Ibn-'Abbid, A, 
K.) __ <*Jjl»J ^ J-^»j' : ece 1. 

^^-^1 [More, and mart, defective, or deficient: 
less, and /east, t'/t »a/tte]. The saying respecting 
the division of a building, v^a-Lo ji . fe.*'! 

cr ^j">Jt means, One lAou look to see which is Ae 
whose place is of t lie less, or least, value. (Mgh.) 
__ A man having a small portion,or little good 
fortune: (A:) or a low, an ignoble, or a mean, 
or sordid, man. (Ibn-'Abbad, K.) 

[££»> &c. 
See Supplement.] 

1. *^Jj, aor. v-^i» '«»• »• V^i He entered 
(K) into a house or tent, or into a tract, or 
quarter, or the like. (TA.) 4-^i He has- 
tened (K) in entering. (TA.) i \I)I iyi ^Jl 

aor. »,-Xj, inf. n. v^Jj ^e <Aj'»<7, of whatever 
kind it was, came to thee, or reached thee. 
(A'Obeyd, S.) In the copies of the K, ^J^ 
JLJI3 t^JI ; accord, to which, tho verb, in the 
sense of ,J-*3j, there assigned to it, is trans, 
both immediately and by means of .JI : but 
the correct reading is \_yiJI ^1 t-J.9, as above. 
In an old, and generally correct, copy of the 

Tahdheeb el-Af'al of IKtt, it is said that 


^Jl jX^\ w-lj signifies The evil reached thee: 

Book I.] 

svn. J^. (TA.) — 4-J> inf - n - V^i and 
»^Jj, It (com or the like) germinated in offsets 
around the older plants. (IKtt) _- yy .^Jj 
r/& The sons of such a one multiplied, or 
increased. (IKtt.) 

.^Jbj, Going into a thing; entering into it. 
(Esh-Sbeybance, S.) 

Sjhj The offset* of the corn and the like : 
(K :) bo called because they enter into the roots 
of the parent-plants: (TA:) or corn or the like 
growing from the roots of that which has pre- 
ceded it: (S:) pi. ^i}}. (TA.)— fyj The 
offspring of camels, (IAar, S,) ami of sheep or 
goats, (IAar, K.) and of cows, (K,) and of a 
people. (IAar.) 

^yj : see art. %f*Xi. Accord, to Sub., the £> 
ii< substituted for ^, and the word is derived 
from iJbj, the "offsets of corn and the like:" 
and Ibn-'Osfoor and IKtt assert the same. 

1. Aim. *Ji), aor. viJo, inf. n. cJj ; and * *3jl ; 
He diminished unto him his due, or right ; [or 
defrauded him of part thereof]: (K :) as also 

i'"9, ami 431, or *3I. (TA.) 

v4» — £** 

or, wot firmly concluded, or *c«/erf : (S, K :) or 
somewhat, or a little, of a covenant, compact, or 
contract : ex., in a trad., J^l ,>? *• <~*5 *T 
jlj'p O-^iJ TFere a* wo< /or somewhat, or a 
Zt'M&, o/ a covenant granted to thee, 1 had be- 
headed thee : (TA :) or the remainder [or what 
remains unfulfilled] of a covenant $c. : (T :) or 
a covenant $c. firmly concluded, or settled. 

(TA.) «iJj A little of anything that is much 

in quantity. (IAar.) wJj What remains, of 

dough, in a platter. (K.) — What remains, of 
water, in a Js£». (K.) — What remains, of 
the beverage called JyjJ, in the vessel. (K.) — 
iJj A weak promise. (K [See 1. In the CK, 
and in a MS. copy of the K, for j*yl is put 
jki^ll.]) __ You also say >_»■ » ■*> wJj ^j a,ltl 
_^£=2-o »£j], [A weak promise has been marie to 
them, and a firm promise]. (TA.) _ wJj A 
vestige, or trace, of ophthalmia. IK.) — jl .V 

* ifo] ^t tit, I saw not, of him, or it, aught 

* # •» 

.«a?:e a *ma// vestige, or /we. (A.) — . wJj 

?.c/. <u».y ; i.e., The saying to a slave (.ilyv*^), 
Thou art free after my death. (K.) 

i.t. < ». - . • «,»- » 

*3j : see <£Jj. ^*- 0-« ^J L5*** 6 ■» '""' e 

m /iMfe «f «'.<. (TA.) 

4 : see 1. 


1. iul» U3j, [aor. y*-X3,] inf. n. .13], 77»<? 
,v/6y wetted us with a little rain. (TA.) — . 
*aX aor. i-Xi, (S,) inf. n. CJJ, (S, K,) He beat, 
struck, or smote, him, (AA, S, K,) with a stuff, 
or stick, (A A, S,) a little : (As :) or he beat 
him, or struck him, without tcounding him. 
(Aboo-Murrah El-Kusheyrce.) — Iji* «J v£Jj 
He made with him a covenant, compact, or 
contract, that was unintentional, or not firmly 
concluded, or settled. (S.) J£ iij, [aor. <^Xt,] 

inf. n. wJj, 7/e gave them, or granted them, 
somewhat of a covenant, compact, or contract. 

(TA.) iJj, [aor. 1^ ?] inf. n. liy He 

concluded , n covenant, compact, or contract. 

(TA) *)' "i-ij. »or. C-Xj, inf. n. CJJ, He 

w»a</e <o Aim a wercA promise. (TA.) — .iJj 

C^l ,>• U O"^*. inf - n - * Jl ii Such a " llc 
appointed the manner of somewhat of our affair 

/or «« ; syn. a».j. (TA.) — Vile ^. ^ U-* 1 vi-Jjj 
[aor. wJb, inf. n. ^Jj,] He promised his slave 
manumission after his death, saying, Thou art. 
free after my death. (ISh.) 

i!} A little of rain: (S, K:) ex. >iJj U^UjI 
^iu« ^>* A Zi«fc rain fell upon us. (S.) — - 
v »a * » »*Jj A little rain. (TA.) — *iJj ^1 
covenant, compact, or contract, between a people, 
</iat happens unintentionally, J-a» j-A ^>< : (S :) 

• - 8- 

«*Jlj ^i ^4 lasting, or constant, evil. (BL.) 

^ „ C-)U j>Ji, nn expression used by Ru-beh, 
(TA,) A burdensome debt : (K :) or a lasting, 
or constant, debt : (IAar :) or, as some say, a 
debt by which one constantly binds himself 
(»jJULo), as he does- by a contract. (L.) 'As 
disapproves of the expression. (TA.) 

1. »Jj, aor. ;*-Jj, inf. n. »-yj and 4*J ; ami 
1~U\', (S, Kj) ami *^3y;; (Lj) He, or in, 
entered. (S, K.) You say si-l<" j>-J^» an( l 

" 4ajLit, and » 4aJy, He entered the house. 

. i a ^ , , 

(L.) And tpi. ^j i^^l »-'5 7 , /«' thing entered 

into another thing. (Msb.) As is said in the S 
and L, Sl> says that >J^ has for its inf. n. pr-y^, 
whicli is of one of tlic measures of the inf. 
ns. of intrans. verbs, lvceause the meaning [of 

4. -Jjl, (S, K.) Inf. n. ^t; (Mfb ;) and 

* Lj5\ , as in the CK and in several MS. copies 
of the K) or ^-^1, (»» in the L, and all the 
copios of the K consulted by SM, in this art., 
and in art. *JU,) in which C> is substituted for 
^, and this is the correct reading ; (TA ;) He, 
or it, caused to enter; introduced; inserted. 

(S, K.) The expression in theKur. [xxii. GO; 

and other chapters,] •»- 1 ^!j j V" ^ J«UI 9-jy 

^JJIJI jj jlyill signifies He maketh the night, 
by increasing it, to enter into, [or encroach 
upon,] the day, and maketh the day, in like 
manner, to enter into, [or encroach upon,] 
the night : (Jel :) or He -increaseth the night 
with a part of the day, by taking from tlie 
latter and adding to the former, and in like 
manner increaseth the day with a part of the 

night. (S.) [;»-!.)' is often used for «j£>i sp-Jjl i 

ami hence as meaning Inivit.] 

5 : see 1. 

8 : see 1 and 4. 

*»Jj *».>. J»-j, (S.) and ▼ m.% -.!>., and 

♦ -.y^ x-)j±; (TA,) ^1 man frequently going, or 
coming, out and in. (S, TA.) [This is the 
primary meaning : for others sec art. e-j*'.] 

iaj] A /j^arc, (S,) or a cavern, in which 
passengers shelter themselves from rain <J"c. : 
pi. Z^JI and lj«, (S, K,) [or rather the latter, 
which is omitted in the CK, is a coll. gen. n., of 
which iaJj is the n. un.] or -Jj. (L.) — 
Also, A bend, or y;/acr of bending, of a valley : 
(IAar:) pi. as above. (K.) 

it, f 4' t -" 

^.y^ and m. *)} : see 4»J^. 

*+ }\ Anything that is introduced, or inserted, 
into a thing, and that docs not belong to it : 
any such thing is termed a <U»Jj of a thing. 

(A'Obeyd.) ^^^-Jj yk He is an adherent 

to them ; (K ;) one who has entered, or become 
introduced, or included, among tliem,] and not 
belonging to them. (TA.) PI. Is^j. (TA.) 

^_ 4a»J« t A particular, or special, intimate, 

• a - 

friend, or associate, of a man; syn. <w>U- (S, 

K) and lili^ (S) and ii^i : (K :) by these 
syns. A'Obeyd erplains it in the Kur. ix. 16 : 
and it is applied to one and to more than one : 

si~JI O-Jj] is 4-i C-aJj : and it is said in j ^> A .j or onc w hom a person takes to rely upon, 

or to place confidence in, not being of his family 
(EL :) and so some explain the word in tho verse 
above referred to : (TA :) or it there signifies an 
intimate friend who is onc of ' the poly theists. (Fr.) 

the M, that Sl> holds the intermediate particle to 
be dropped : but Mohammad Ibn-Yezceii holds 
the verb to be trans, without an intermediate 
particle. MF observes, that Sb's words appear 
to make -»Jj a trans, verb, which no one asserts 
it to be : that if he mean that it has as its 
complement a noun in the ace. case as an ad- 
verbial noun of place, it is like wJiao and 
other intrans. verbs : but if he mean that it 
governs a simple objective complement, like 
Ijuj wj^-c, his opinion is not correct. (TA.) 

AaiJhj i.q. SJLo, (K,) i.e., A certavi disease 
in the belly. (TA.) A pain that attacks a man ; 
or a pain in a man ; ,jL-iNI «>A.b *»-j, (so in 
two copies of the S, and in the L,) or m.J 
^LjSI ^» : (so in the TA and a MS. copy 
of the K :) or a pain that attacks the teeth ; 


# ,»» * 

or a pain in Me fce<A; ^Uw^t J^-^ ,**-.}> 

-•» *• 

(•o in a copy of the §,) or jjUw*>)l ^ **ey 

(So in the CK.) 

-J}! [Afore, or mos/, penetrating} : applied 

to language or discourse. [TA, in art. **>*■'• 

• - • .', c 

see an ex. voce »»■..«.] 

• '•' 

•Jy* The hiding place of a wild beast, (or 

antelope, TA,) among trees, (S, K,) tnto n>A»'c/« 
Ae en<er< (*u* *J^ ^-^0 5 ''^° ? J J i ! tne "-*> 
says Sb, is substituted for $, and the word is of 

the measure J^y ; for Jjuu is scarcely found 
in Arabic as the measure of a subst, whereas 
J*y is frequent (S.) 

jmly* A place of entrance ; a place into which 
one enters: (TA:) pi. *Jj$*. (8.) [See its 
contr. ~-yi~».] 

p-jfy A man attacked by the disease called 
•Vl^orU^. (&TA.) 

•L*)^ A [sack of the kind called] Sjlji : (S, 

L, K :) or eucA as is called a JH^t*.-. or a 

large and wide Ji\y»- : (L:) and a date-basket 

of palm-leaves ; syn. iU. : (S, L, $:) and a 

eacX: or <Ae iWe forming one half of a beast's 

bad, in which are carried jierfumes and clothes 

(ji) and the like: (L:) n. an. of -^Jj', pi. 

13& (§,L,?.) 


1. Crjlj, (9, £, &c.,) aor. Jo5, (L, £, &c.,) 
inf. n. '»&} and l^ (S, A, L, Msb, #) and 
5^*i)_j and i"^)j, but each is more common with 

ft . 0* ft ft- 

kesr, (Msb,) and S^t and jiy* (L, K) and 
»jJ, (K,) [and app. j^H*«, like jljuU, (see an 

ex. voce y}U, in art. jJtf,)] SAe (a woman, S, 
L, or mother, L, or any animal having an ear, 
ns distinguished from one having merely an 
cur-hole, (Msb,) brought forth a child, or young 
one ; or children, young, or offspring. (Msb.) 
__ Also, jJj, (aor. as above, Msb,) He begot a 
child, or young one ; &c. (Th, L, Msb, £.) __ 

Ol>*jM JlU ,UXJ1 Jb"\ l[ThelandofEl-Balka 

produces saffron}. (A.) _ ^1^ L5*^** ls^' 

O-"^ l* l5j*^ * L-^'"' n ^^ are pregnant : it 

is not known what they will bring forth"]. (A.) 

r •' •*• . , a •» 

— [»jjl>V occurs in a verse cited voce w>j, 

'•'»•' ,., •* • s ». 

for « jJL; ^1 ; like jw.) ^ for jl^.1 ^. ] 

3. UjJj, inf. n. j*)y , He assisted her [namely 
a woman, A, L, Msb, and a ewe or she-goat, 
S, A, L, Msb, or other animal, Msb) in bringing 
forth ; delivered her of her child or young one : 
(S, L, Msb, $•:) he acted as a midwife to her. 

* -** 

(L.) __ b^'jl IajJj He made her to be the 

mother of children. (MA.) See 4. __ »jJj, 
(inf. n. OeJy, ?,) Herearedhim ; educated him; 
brought him up. The Christians (as Th says, 

T, L) have corrupted, in the Gospel, God's 

- - ' •* 

saying to Jesus, on whom be peace ! ,,~J c~>i 

-#• a- *t# ' *- 

«iUjJj Uij [in the CJ£, erroneously, .ilJjJ),] 

TAou ar< my prophet, and I reared thee : 
* * * ** i«»j 

altering it thus, .JJujJj Ut^ L5 _>> c~>l [7'Ao« ar< 

my Zt7t/e son, and I begot tltee] ; attributing to 
Him a son. (T,* L, K.*) __ jjj I He innovated, 
or originated, language, and a story or the like. 
(A.) t [It (a thing) generated, engendered, pro- 
duced, or originated, another thing.] 

4. OjJjl, (inf. n. j*)U, Msb,) iS/te (a woman, 
S, L, Msb, and a ewe or goat, L) attained to 
the time of bringing forth ; was about to bring 

forth. (S, L, Msb, $.♦) >ji)l jjjl The 

people attained to the time of [their having] 

children. (IKtt.) i^jUJI jJjl ifc made the 

girl to be the mother of a child. (MA.) See 2. 

5. t^jlll Cy» I'JlU JJy}, (S.) or ijl v >*, 
(Msb,) \The thing became generated, or engen- 
dered, or produced; it originated; from the 

***** M M 

other thing. (Msb.) — jt^tt *W*>* M OjJy 
I [Party-spirit originated, or became engendered, 
among them]. (A.) 

6. IjJJIy TVtey multiplied, or became numerous, 
[by propagation,] and begot one another ; (S, 
L;) as also * l^jOJt. (TA.) 

8 : see 6. 

10. UjJyL*! JSie rendered her pregnant; got 
Iter with child. UjJjt in this sense is not of 
established authority ; and some expressly dis- 
allow it. (Msb.) 

••* *** 

jJj : see jJj. 

J*t-j jJj, and * « jJj, A man s people, tribe, or 
family. So, accord, to some, in the Kur. 
Ixxi. 20. (T.) See jJ^. 

•• •' •" 

jJj : see jJj, and jJ^. 

jJj (of the measure Jjlj in the sense of the 
• ' • . *tj 

measure J^juU, Msb) and » jJj (S, A, L, Msb, 

?L) and t JJ5 (S, L, ?) and ♦ Jjj, (K,) each 
used alike as sing, and pi., (S, M, A, L, K,) 
and masc. and fern., (M, L, Msb,) A child, son, 
daughter, youngling, or young one ; and children, 
sons, daughters, offspring, young, or younglings ; 
of any kind : [often applied to an unborn child, 
&c. ; a foetus:] (M, L, Msb:) pi. [of pauc] of 

JJ,', (M, L, Msb, TA,) and of JjJ, (M, L,) 

i^ljl ; (M, L, Msb, K ;) and [pi. of pauc. of 
** * # -• •-* •- - 

jJ_j,] »jJ^ and SjJI : (M, L, K :) and pL of jJ^, 

jJj, (S, M, L, Msb, K,») like as Jill is pi. of 

•x-1, (S, L, Msb,) in the dial, of the tribe of 

$eys, (T, Msb,) who make jij singular. (T.) 

[Book 1. 

— jXiSs. ^J»\ ^ t J Jjj, a proverb, (T, 8, 

L ; but in the S, <-L»*c ;) of the Benoo-Asad, 
(S, L,) Thy son is he who made thy two heels to 
be smeared tvilh blood; (TA ;) i.e., whom thou 
thyself broughtest forth ; (£, TA ;) be is thy 
son really ; not he whom thou hast taken from 

another, and adopted. (TA.) ___ ^1 ^pl U 

* j 3 2 00 

y» J«v)l JJj I knoto not what man he is. 


• * 

SjJ, in which the i is a substitute for the 
j that is elided from the beginning, for it is 
from S^^yi, (S, L,) or, accord, to some, it is 
from i£jJ, q.v., (TA,) applied to a male and 
to a female, (TA, voce «?>»,) i.q. -*>j3; (8, L, 
K ;) meaning One born at the same time with 
another; co'etanean, or a contemporary in birth 
(TA) of a man : (S, L :) dual o«jJ 5 (§, L;) 
[but SjJ occurs in a dual sense in the Jm and O 
and &, voce iy*, q.v.;] pi. OljJ and Ji^Jj : (§, 
L, J£ :) AHei and other expositors of the Tes- 
lieel say, that words like SjJ have the latter 
form of pi. when they become proper names. 

(TA.) The dim. [of the pi.] is Otj£J and 

* jft*j 

0>*t?2> (?>) because the formation of a dim. 
restores a word to its original form ; (TA ;) 

■ S 00 it .* 

not oIjjJ and Oyi^t as some of the Arabs 
erroneously make it: (K :) but this which F 
pronounces an error is accordant to the authority 
of the leading writers on inflexion, who say 
that by regarding the original form, and re- 
storing it thereto, the word is made to depart 
from the meaning intended by it ; for if its 
dim. were made >Jj, there would be no dif- 
ference between it and the dim. of jJj. (TA.) 
See also art. ^jJ See ,>^*«. 

• % 00 

*•$•, and a"5j«, : see 1. _ Pregnancy : (A, L, 

in which the former only is mentioned, and 

Msb :) the former is the more common. (Msb.) 

jy», [Prolific ; that breeds, or brings forth, 
plentifully.] (S, $, art. j^i.) _ Sec jJlj. 

jJ* (of the measure ^ai in the sense of 

the measure JyuU, TA,) and * >jiy» signify 
the same, (T, L, K,) i.e., A new-born child: 
(M, L:) a young infant: (the former in the 
L, and the latter in the Msb :) the former, as 
well as the latter, masc: (M, L:) or, accord, 
to some, the former is applied also to a female : 

.9 * . 9* jm * 9 09 

as also T SJJ*, and ~ »>^y» : pi. of jUj, &\J&% ; 
and of SjJ> ji%. (L.) — iC^JI ^i J^yt 
The child that dies in early infancy, or that is 
prematurely born, is in paradise. (L, from a 
trad.) — Also j^ A boy: (S, A, L,?:) a 
youth: (AHeyth, L:) la boy who has arrived 
at the age when he is fit for service, before he 
attains to puberty : (A, L :) a youthful servant; 
one is so called from the time of his birth until 

Book I.] 

he attains to manhood : the servant of a man 
in paradise is a jUj always, never changing in 
age : (L :) a slave ; (S, L, K ;) or, as some say, 
one born in servitude: (TA :) fern, in these 
.senses, with » : (S, A, L, K :) a female slave is 
called Sjl^ even if aged: (L:) pi. (of the 
masc, S, L) jCji} (S, L, ?) and I'Jjj; (L;) 
and (of the fero.,: S, L) >& (S, L, £.) — 

•3-» .it 

See also J^y*. — <*thfl J>\ The domestic hen. 

(£.) _ *±J) yj'iC <) £\ ^ 'J* (S, L, K») 
[They ttrr in a case, or an affair, wherein (lit. 
whereof) the boy, or servant-boy, or *face, wiZZ 
not o* called out to] : a proverb, (L,) originally 
meaning, they are in a case of difficulty or 
distress, such that the mother forgets her child, 
and does not call out to him: and afterwards 
applied to any case of difficulty or distress : 
(M, L :) or they are in a formidable case, in 
which children are not called out to, but those 
advanced in age : (AO, or As, M, L :) and 
sometimes it means, they are in such a state of 
abundance and affluence that if a juJj put forth 
his hand to take a thing he is not chidden away 
from it : (M, L :) or it is applied to a case of 
good and to one of evil, and means, they are so 
occupied with their case or affair that if a .xJj 
pat forth his hand to the most valuable of 
things he is not called out to for the purpose of 
chiding him : (K :) some say, that its original 
reference is to the running of horses ; because a 
fleet and excellent horse goes without being 
called out to ; and that it is secondarily applied 
to any case of great moment, and to any case 
of abundance. (S, L.) — — One also says, .-J 

tjj) {£>^-4 *il s—-* c^oj'ill [In the land is fresh 
herbage resorting which the servant-boy, or since, 
mill not be called out to] ; because it matters not 
in what part of such land the beasts are ; the 
whole abounding with herbage: and>»l*ia^ 1*5^* 

•«*»}j ij>^i y [They brought food respecting 
which the servant-boy, or slave, would not be 
called out to] ; meaning, that one would not 
care what injury he might do to it, nor when he 

ate of it. (ISk, L.) Muzarrid Eth-Thaalcbce 


• -'*: .•'■*.. •- • > l*-- 

[/ have become clear of the vice of reviling men, 
by my turning unto God with repentance re- 
specting which the servant (myself) will not be 
called out to] ; meaning, respecting which I 
shall not be questioned. (ISk, L ) 

» juJj : seo J^U. 

•a *t 

^*y> (IA ar > lo K,) an inf. n. which has no 

verb, (Th, L,) and 4j^ (#) and £jJ^, which, 
accord, to Th, is the original form, and ♦ »i"^_j, 
(L,) Infancy: (IAar, L, £ :) boyhood; girl- 


hood : the stale of a j^ or 3 juJj. (L.) Ex. 

a tt , i * ** a j/ 

A^iifij yj Jlii Jjtt, and iCjifi}, He did that 

in his infancy: (El-Basair:) and a^jJj ^ 

when he was a JlJj. (L.) — ^->>^} (L, K) and 

Aj ifi^ (L) Rudeness ; coarseness ; hardness ; 
churlishness; deficiency in gentleness, (L, K,) 
and in knowledge of affairs : (L :) illiterate- 
ness. (L.) 

ft y » j 

MfeJl tyfj O^* if**** t [The society of such 
a one is very productive of good.] (A.) 

jJIj and SjJUj, (M, L, K) the former as a 
possessive epithet, and the latter as an act. part. 
n. (M, L.j A woman, and any pregnant animal, 
having a child or young one, or children or 
young ; and bringing forth. (Tli, M, L.) — Also 
jjlj A father: (S, L, Msb :) and a mother; 
(L j) as also ijjbj ; (S, L, Msb ;) [which latter 
is the more common in this sense :] pi. of the 
former, Oi^i "> aml °f tac lattcr > *>«*»lj : 

(Msb:) the dual O'^'j signifies the two parents; 

* - • - 
thu father and mother. (S, L, Msb.) — jMj 5U. 

A pregiio/tt ewe or goat; (ISk, S, A, L, Msb, 
K ;*) as also SjJIj and * \& : (L, K: :) pi. •»);, 
(as in the L, and most other lexicons, accord, 
to the TA, and in some copies of the J£,) or 
jS}, (as in the A, and in other copies of the 
K.) each of which is correct. (TA.) — Also, 
A prolific ewe or goat; that breeds, or brings 

forth, plentifully ; (Nh, L ;) [as also * ^ : 

* * J ' 

see S, K, art. j^l : see also an ex. of i^ 3 , 

l.ti »» • 

applied to a woman, voce l^-d.] — j£> O* 

jjj Uj jJ'j, occurring in a trad, respecting 
prayer for God's protection, [lit., From the evil 
of a parent and what he hath begotten,] is said 
to mean Ibices and the devils : (L :) or Adam 
and the true friends and the prophets and the 
martyrs and the believers whom he hath be- 
gotten. (El-Basair.) 

ji^» The place nf birth (T, S, M, A, Msb) 
of a man. (S, L, &c.) — See also j"iUo. 

jjya [A woman, and] a ewe or she-goat, (L,) 

about to bring forth : (L, K :*) pi. jJIj* and 
JuJI^. (L,£.) 

a%* The time of birth (T, S, M, A, L, Msb, 
K) of a man ; (S, L, &c. ;) as also * jjli, (T, M, 
A, L, Msb, K,) and ▼ 5jJ : (]£ :) but this last is 
mentioned only in the K, and requires proof. 
(TA.) — [See also 1, of which it is app. an 
inf. n.] 

• <i. • . 

>^y> '• see ^y 

'& J4-J, (?. L, Msb,) and \'Jl'y\ %£, (S, 
L,) A man, and an Arab female, not of mere 


Arabian extraction : (S, L, Msb :) or jiy» (L) 
and its fern. Sjiy (M, L, K) signify a boy, or 
slave-boy, (L,) and a girl, or slave-girl, (M, L,) 
born among the Arabs; (M, L, K;) as also 

T j^j (M, L) and Sj^j : (M, L, K :) or a boy, 
or slave-boy, and a girl, or slave-girl, who has 
been born among the Arabs, and has'gromn up 
with their children, and been educated, dis- 
ciplined, or bred, in their manner : (A, L :) or 
the latter, »j0>-o, signifies one bom in a country 
i?i [and of] which is only her father or her 
mother: (ISh, L :) or one born at thine own 
abode, or home; (ISh, T, S, in art jJJ ;) like 

>"$j : (S, art. jlU :) or born in the territory of 

the Muslims. (Mgh, art. jJU.) _ j)y» js\£. 
X [A post-classical poet ;] a poet of the last of 
the four classes; of the class next after the 
(j^~o*))u>l ; also called «l>jha~« : (Mz, 49th e.y :) 
called by the former appellation [as well as the 
latter] because of his recent age. (L, £.) [It 
is difficult to mark the exact line of distinction 
between the Islamees and the Muwellods, so as 
always to be certain to which of these two classes 
a poet belongs. The latter are those born, not 
merely since the first corruption of the Arabic 
language, which happened in, or before, the 
age of Mohammad, (seo Mz, 44th f-y,) but 
since the extensive corruption which happened 
after the Arabs had spread themselves, by their 
conquests, among foreigners, in consequence of 
which their language became simplified. This 
change took place in the latter half of the first 
century of the Flight. Hence the poetry of 
the Muwellods is not cited as authoritative in 
lexicology or grammar, or as to the metres of 
verse, or rhymes. (Sec jjkli.)} Ibn-Rasheek 
mentions, ac the most famous of the Muwelleds, 
El-Hasan (surnamed Aboo-Nuwds) Habeeb, El- 
Bohturee, Ibn-Er-Roomee, Ibn-EI-Moatezz, and 
El-Mutanebbee : [the first of whom died in 
the year of the Flight 195, or -6, or -8]. Aboo- 
'Amr Ibn-El- 'Ala [who died in the year of the 
Flight 154, or -9,] termed El-Farezdak and Jeroer 
Muwelleds, in comparison with the Pagan poets 
and the Mukhadrams, though others call them 
Islamees. (Mz, 49th cy .) __ jSy* Ji%^> ', [Post- 
classical,] or innovated, or modern, or modernized, 
language ; (L ;) language which is not of the 
original dialect of the Arabs; (A ;) language 

which is not genuine Arabic. (Msb.) And 

• a- j 
simply jJy» I [A post-classical phrase or word;] 

a modernism; an innovated, or a modern, or 

modernized, phrase or word ; a phrase or word 

innovated by any of the Muwelleds, whose 

phrases or words are not cited as authoritative 

[in lexicology, or grammar, or as to the metres 

of verse, or rhymes : see above] : the difference 

between it and the py-a- is, that the latter is 

given by its author as chaste (■, -r*) Arabic; 

whereas this is the contrary [i.e., confessedly 

innovated]. (Mz, 21st »y.) It is opposed to 


• .j g i ,j 

i*l. The lexicons passim.) _ Also jJy, (L,) 

and its fern, witli J, (K,) J Anything tnno- 
rated. (L, $.) — jJj-o v 1 ^ " -4 forged writing. 
(L, K.) __ i Sy> a~j I Evidence not verified. 

f M.J 

SjJ«* 4 midwife. (A, L, ]£.) 

[crJj, &c. 
See Supplement.] 

•• Pi ^i> (9, ¥,) aor. t* inf. n. jjj ; (S ;) 
and *U^1, (S, $, which is the chaste word, MF,) 
inf. n. fCiJ ; (TA ;) and » Uj ; (K ;) He made 
a tign to him. (£.) <L t *}\ [for oujl] is dis- 
allowed : (S :) [but see what follows in this 
paragraph]. Lth says, that 'Uj^' >» tke making 
a tign Kith the head or the hand, as a sick man 
doe* with his head for the inclination and pros- 
tration in prayer : (TA :) and <lJ_* UjI some- 
times signifies He [made a sign with his head 
as though lie] said " iVo ; " Akh cites this verse : 

* sJuj^, Ji tJ +i\ JU Ji lit # 

^li-^i o**>v yi 

<— *y 3 

[ WA«n the man's wealth becomes little, his friends 
hecome fen ; and the fingers, together with the 
eyes, make signs to him] ; in which c~ojl is for 
CtUyl. (TA.) — [For a further explanation of 
Ujl, and the mnnner in which it is said to 
differ from IjjI, see art. ^.] 

tSt. t i * . - 

2. Uj : see 1. — • ( _ 5 ^JIj ^y»y [for Uj : as there 
is no such root as ^5*3:] He look away the 
thing. (TA.) 

3. U*** £g*\# J$i, and^Sl^, [Suck a one 
agrees, or vies, with such a one]. These two 
verbs are of two different dialects, or the former 
is formed by transposition from the latter. (£, 
TA.) ISh quotes, 

• *U\y SIJuJI Uli • 

meaning, accord, to Al>u-l-Khatt:U>, "Ami I, in 
the morning, shall see him, or it: " syn. <u>uL«. 

4 : see 1. 

10. ja*)\ ^s- \j+y.^\ [for UyU : as there 

is no such root as u ^:] He made himself 

master of the thing: like ^jiwl. (Fr.) 


«m*Ij A misfortune ; calamity : (S, K :) 

thought by ISd to be a snbst. [not an act. part, 
n.] because no verb from which it could be 

derived is known. (TA.) *L»t^ ^ ii^ Jf e 

fell into a misfortune or calamity. (S.) __ 
*£»\, wJV£» U ^j'al C* ^v 4-*i My gar- 
ment is lost, and I know not what misfortune 

has taken it away: (M, 50 or > wn <> nas taken 
it. (Yaakoob,S.) The phrase without negation 
is also used. (L.) [See a similar phrase 
in art. l»J.] 

<Z)y*f» »^ji A thing that is known, and 
decided, or determined; syn. jjJL* ojjjc*. (K.) 

1. iLJUl Oju>j, (S, L, K.,) aor. JL^S, inf. n. 
j-oj, (L,) 7%e «/(//// was, or became, one of jl*j, 
i.e., t'n*«we /wa<, <jf-c., as explained below. (S, 
L, ]£.*) One also says >ojJl Jl«j : but the 
former is more common. (M, L.) _ aJU jL*j, 
(?,• M, A, L, $»,) aor. j^, (K,) inf. n. £.j, 
(M, L, K,) I 2Z« w<™ angry with him ; (S, M, 
*i L, 5>) was incensed against him ; i.ij. juu, 
(S, L,) of which it is a dial. form. (S.) 

i .- 

^05 Intenseness of the heat of night; as also 
- * - .' 
▼»j-»j: (S, L, Kl.) or intense heat: (CK:) 

or sultriness ; i.e., intense heat with stillness of the 

wind: (Ks, T, L, K:) or Kent of whatever kind 

with stillness of the wind: (M, L :) or dew, or 

moisture, that comes during the greatest heat, 

(M, A, L, !£,) from the direction of ike sea, 

(M, L, £,) with stillness of the wind : (M, L :) 

or a dew, or moisture, that comes from the 

direction of tlie sea, when its vapour rises and is 

blown by the east wind, so that it falls upon the 

bordering regions like the dew of heaven, very 

noxious to men by reason of its offensive smell: 

(T, L :) and Sj^aj a dew, or moisture, from the 

sea, falling upon men in the intenseness of heat, 

w/ien the wind is still: (L:) it comes during the 

greatest heat, from the, direction of the sen, and 

falls upon }nen in the night; (Lth, T, L ;) and 

sometimes in the days of autumn also. (T, L.) 

J*j i& : (L, $ :) ami ♦ i'jJ), (T, M, A, L, 
K,) which latter is the more common, (TA,) 
A night of jloj, i.e., intense heat, ij'r., as ex- 
plained above. (T, M, A, L, £.) One also 

• - •»» 
says juoj j>)j; but not so commonly. (M, L.) 

• " •- . .1 
__ j*oj <vJ* jA { He is angry with him. (A.) 

• . * . « . . 
3jL«) : see jl*j. 

• * » • . 
Sjk*j : see jc4 5 . 

1 : see 4. 


4. u* 1 - 9 ^' It (lightning) flashed, gleamed, or 
shone, slightly, (S, A, Msb, K,) not extending 
sideways in the adjacent tracts of cloud ; (S, K. ;) 
for when it docs thus, it is termed jiA. ; and 
when it extends high in the sky, without extend- 
ing sideways to the right and left, it is termed 
ii-ic : (S:) it is also said of other things, beside 

[Book I. 

lightning: (M :) and *»>*> (?, M, A, M?b, 
£.) aor. vix+j, (S, Msb, K.) inf n. J^^ and 
J=U) (S, M, A, 5) and JJaX) (S, A, ^) and 
t^UyJ, (M,) signifies the same; (S, M, A, Msb, 
K ;) or it (lightning) flashed faintly or weakly, 
and then disappeared, and then flashed again; 
(IAar ;) and is also, sometimes, said of fire, 
(M, TA,) and of anything of a clear [or bright] 
colour : (El-'Eyn :) or both verbs signify it 
(lightning) gleamed, or shone. (Ham, p. 786.) 
— Hence, S\^i\ c .^ojl XThe woman smiled, 
so as to display her teeth : the glistening of her 
front teeth being likened to the flashing of light- 
ning. (A, TA.) — And XThe woman stole a 
glance, or glances; (S, M, $ ;) as also c~o««l 
ly^s*V : (A :) or this last, fthe woman looked, or 
gazed with widely opened eyes. (L.) __ And 
*y*l *i <>u>y f He made a sign to him with 
his eye : (M :) or ^yj ,>u»jl \such a one made 
a private, or secret, sign, (K, TA,) fj\ to me. 
(TA.) ss Also, He saw the slight flashing, or 
gleaming, or shining, of lightning, or of fire. 
(M, TA.) 

9 * * 

A^voj [A slight flash of lightning, Ac.] You 

8ll .v. J>f f ^ J£ » Jjf 'iJLt} c4a [/ looked at a 
slight flash of lightning, like a single pulsation of 
an artery, to see whither it tended, and where it 
might rain]. (A, TA.) 

v***} Jjt '•?• T tA*'^ [Lightning flashing, 

gleaming, or shining, slightly ; &c. : j^gi} in 

this aise being app. an inf. n. used as un 

epithet.] (TA.) 

* # 
sjiu»\^ : see what next precedes. 

[JUj, &c. 
See Supplement.] 

2. d*i> u>* >'• s-s'yj «< reprehended, re- 
proved, blamed, chid, or reproached, him severely; 
,fc. : (£ :) a dial, form of i^l. (TA.) 

[^J>j, Ac- 
See Supplement] 


#» * J« » #- *■ 

1. U-i J w-aj, (aor. yyi, K; said to be 
originally v^>i; which is changed into v -^f 
because of the kesr ; and then, into t,*,^ because 
of the medial guttural letter ; Msb, voce *-,« ;) 

••' •-- ** •*•» 

inf. n. wAj and »_~*J and But, (S, K) and «,-•>< 

and <ua*^, (Msb,) or the last two are substs., 
(S, K, &c.) He gave him a thing; properly, as 
a free gift, disinterestedly, and not for any 
compensation. (Msb, TA.) You should not 
say *£?*) [he gave it to thee], (l$L, &c.,) making 

Book I.] 

the verb doubly trans.: (TA:) or [this is 
allowable, as it is said that] AA has related this 
on the authority of an Arab of the desert : so in 
the K : but in the L, it is said that Seer 1 has 
related this, from Amr, (meaning Sb,) from an 
Arab of the desert. (TA.) En-Nawawee allows 
the expression «uu \j£a c~aj, meaning, J gave 
such a thing to him, fyc. ; (,>« being redundant, 
as in Ams l«x£» c-*j " I sold such a thing to 
him;") as occurring in several trails. (MF.) __ 

• » lit — .. . 

See 3. _ J)\ja aJUI | _ji«Aj May God make me 
[or give me as] thy ransom ! (IAar, K.) 
JJljJ c~*} May I be made [or given as] thy 
ransom! Ibu-Umm-I£asim says, that ^-ftj is 
one of the verbs which signify He caused to be, 
or to become : and he cites the above phrase 
from IAar ; and adds, that the verb is only used 
in the pret. tense. Others assert it to be rare. 
(TA.) __ <£U} c-Jlxi \S^ Suppose me; syn. 
j^jiib ; (AHei, cited by Fei ;) or count me, or 

reckon mc ; syn. ^o J^lj .«~-»t ; (M, K ;) 
[or yrawf me;] to have done that. (M, £.*) 

<i Vh ;< ljuj w-* Suppose Zeyd to be going away, 

t * ■ 
or yon* away ; syn. ^..,,^1 . (So in two copies 

' i 2 

of the S : in another, ^.-a-l.) Thus this verb is 
doubly trans. : (S :) but it is not used in this 
sense in the pret., nor in the aor. : (S, 1£ :) you 
do not say iUi cJL*» JX^Jbj [I supposed thee to 
have done that] : nor (as some usscrt, Msb,) do 
you say oJL«» ^1 «^«fc, (TA,) as say the vulgar, 
though what the grammarians say, respecting 
the class of verbs to which <^ belongs, that 
^1 and ij\ [with what follows them] may supply 
the place of the two objective complements, [as 
when you say J& \j£ £l iui, and £l C-iU» 

^>\ii \j^j, " I thought Zeyd to be standing,"] 
affords inotter for controverting this. (Msb.) 

3. * 4uhyi <ua1j, aor. of the latter verb ^^ 
and y^~yj. He strove to mrjmss him in giving, 
freely, or disinterestedly, and he surpassed him 
therein. (JS..) [The former of the above aors., 
accord, to general opinion, is irregular; and the 
latter, regular ; because the first radical letter is 
j ; as in the case of ojtcy nj^cl j, aor. juu : 
or, accord, to the rule laid down by Ks, the 
reverse is perhaps the case, because the medial 
radical letter is a guttural. See Lumsden's Ar. 
Gram., p. 171.] 

V*) — C-Aj 

•J» y-s'i) I / became capable of such a thing 

and able to do it. (A.) iJ^Ll iu ^-*jl TV 

thing mas, or became, within thy power, or reacA, 
.w that thou mightest take it. (K.*) Belated on 
the authority of IAar alone, who says, They 

did not say Ju I£»J|. (TA.) l{Jj\ 4 ^J$ 

The thing was lasting to him. (A'Obeyd, AZ, 
S, K.) J cites the following verse : 

* «&<i*)l j-et^JI jig UiJI ^^lie • 

ii * 

[Zarye jb </<e flac/t of tlie neck, soft (or loose or 
flabby) in the flanks: dates of the best that El- 
Medeeneh produces, prepared with clarified butter, 
and leaven, are lasting (provisions) to him]. 
But Alee Ibn-Hamzeh says, that this is a mis- 
take, and that the right reading is OUAjl, 
meaning " are prepared, and continued." So in 
a marginal note in a copy of the S. (TA.) [So 
too in the margin of ono of my MS. copies 
of the S.] 

6. I^-Aly They gave gifts, one to another. 
( s > K.) — v^lyai^i [They have a habit 
of mutually giving gifts]. (TA.) <u»U3 

• * *•* J St 

4r4 \j-\A\ [77i« people gave it ; one to another]. 
(TA.) — iui) ^Jt O «^*£bl *$} [Nor is 
their mutual giving of what is (possessed) among 
them (from fear of) humiliation] : i. e., they 
do not give by constraint. (TA, from a trad.) 

8 - n-v»J (originally ^-yjjj* TA >) Be accepted 
a il», or gift. (S, Msb.) AjyJI He accepted it 

[as a gift], (K..) Ui,j ju. S^\ [I accepted 
from thee a dirhem, as a gift]. (L.) 

10. ^-»>^l, (S,) or Zj> v^k^I-l, (Msb,) He 

asked for a <La, or gift. (S, Msb.) *Jk^,l 

^i^ [Be ashed him to give him a servant."] 
(K, art v»jlA..) 

4. t^i*\ *J ^-a^I Ife prepared, or nua« 
ready, <A« thing for him. (]£.) «U^J| iutilt 

Vl^lj I prepared, or made ready, for thee tlie 
food and beverage, and abundance of them. 
(Tahdhecb el-Afal.) But see this verb in an 
intrans. sense. _ .j>[aiti\ ^jkjl \The food, or 
corn, or the like, became abundant and ample, so 
that some of it was given away. (A.) 

<*-» and ▼ A^ky* A gift (or Mtn^r bestowed) ; 
properly, one tliat is freely and disinterestedly 
given, not for any compensation; a free, or 
disinterested, gift. (L.) [In the £, the latter 
is explained as signifying simply a gift.] PL of 
the former J La ; and of the latter, 4-*|>*- (A, 
&c.) — [A i-A is of two kinds : Jijue <La j1 
free gift, for no requital, or compensation: 
and v!y *** A ^i/i /or a requital, or com- 
pensation. This distinction is made in law, &c] 


first signifies Giving; properly, at a free gift, 
disinterestedly, and not for any compensation : 
or one who gives ; $c. :] the others are intensive 
epithets, [as is said in the S of the third and 
fourth,] signifying one who gives liberally, or 
bountifully ; $c. : and in this f.enso * v***" is 
used as an epithet of God ; or, accord, to the 
Nh, it signifies He who dispenses his bounties 
universally and perpetually, freely, or without 
constraint, and disinterestedly, for no compen- 
sation. The S in ^iiUj is added to give more 
force to the intensiveness ; as in &OU. (TA.) 

^--Aj-o and * <uAy« substs. of %r*k} [" ho gave, 
&c. ;" signifying A gift (or act of giving) ; 
properly, tliat is free and disinterested, not for 
any compensation; a free, or disinterested, dona- 
tion], (S, $, &c.) See 1. 

A thing, such as food, prepared, ready, 
at one's hand. (S.) 

I ****>• Jlj t A valley abounding with 
fire-wood. (A.) as t*>^ O^ f-U? Such a 
one became prepared, or ready, '(IjJti; so in 
an excellent copy of the S: in another copy, 
) nndable. (S.) 

•- ' o * 

see i 

1 •-»£ 


a-* i 

• -el 

q. i-Al q. v . (Ki, in art. >,-Al.) 

wjUj and i>UJ.-) 

see »r^klj. 

v-fclj and * v^*i (K) and * ^l*J and ^S^IaJ 
(§, ^) epithets from 4-»> [" he gave, &c." : the 

_ I A cloud falling [in rain] 
in any place : (%. .) pi. <! r M\^»: you say cfj£o 
y»j^' vjf s-^'>oJl TAe rains became abundant 
in the land. (TA.) _ ili^o and * al*^ t A 
swwtt ^oo/ o/ »»a/cr fc/i iy a /'orr»« '• or the 
former only is the correct word, and the meaning 
of which, as explained in the S, is a small hollow, 
or cavity, in a mountain, in which water stag- 
nates: pi. v«*£i : and in the T it is said that 
a small cavity, or hollow, in a rock, is called 
***>•> with fet-h, being extr. [vith respect to 
rule]. (TA.) 

***yo : see * r "*>* and i»A y> . 

>v*f*A« A thing piuen; properly, a« a free 
gift, $c. : see the verb. (Msb.) __ d oyi^i 
Having a thing yjeen to Afw; properly, a* a 
free gift, $c. (Msb.) — v>*>« ^ *»»; o 
rnt'Zcf ; offspring : and whatever is given to one 
by the Liberal, or Bountiful, Giver, i.o., by God. 
An epithet in which the character of a subst. is 
predominant. (TA.) 


i '" ' ' ' ■ •*- 

1. 4*Aj, aor. c-yj, inf. n. O^kj, lf« irorf, or 

stamped upon it vehemently. (L.) _ He pressed 

compressed, or pressed against, him ; or it ; syn. 

iiiii. (L, £.) 

4. C*a1 /< (flesh-meat) became stinking : (S, 
£ :) dial, form of ^1. (TA.) 

AlAj A depressed, or foro, /wre of ground : 
(K. :) pi. [or rather coll. gen. n. of which it is 
the n. un.] cJLj. (TA.) 




L *<?• \Ji *^*> aor - ^» inf - n - *** -H* 

wa« persevering, or assiduous, in the thing. (K.) 
__ l£, si-Jkj, aor. viyj, inf. n. *i-A^, -Hi* 'rod, 
or trampled, vehemently upon a thing. (K.) 

5. ^^)l ^ w~4y 7/c nwi<, or penetrated, 
/or into <Ae affair. (M, £.) 

w-*l^ One throning himself into destruction. 

1. jUt c ^ ij i aor. «^J, inf. n. -Jkj and 
OW^J ; (S, L, £ ;) and c-jj^kj, [app. a mis- 
take for C-». *>] aor. •-*>>, [inf. n. »-ij;] 
(L;) The fire burned; syn. OjJul ; (S, K, Ac.;) 

and bo t w-*l>S ; (L ;) syn. Oj5>J ; (S, L, K ;) 
[or this last has an intensive sense, and signifies, 
as does the first accord, to the A, it burned 
fiercely; glowed]. __ Also, all these verbs, with 
the same inf. ns., It (the sun) burned, or mas 
hot: and it (a fire) burned from a distance. 
(L.) _ Also, all the above verbs, with the 
same inf. ns., J It (a day, and a night,) was 
violently hot. (L.) 
8: see*. 

4. j*-*} 1 //« kindled a fire ; made it to iwrrc ,- 

gyn. jJjl : (S, K ;) [or made it to Jurn fiercely, 
or to jfow :] in the M, ♦ -_»). (L.) 

5. +-*>}>■ sco 1. __ 1 7< (the odour of perfume) 
i mu Aof, or strong ; syn. ,*»y. (S, £.) _ 

J J< (a jewel) shone; glistened; glowed. (S, £.) 
__ \ It (a day) was violently hot. (A.) __ t It 
(heat) mas violent. (A.) 

•-»$ >jii a,1(1 T uV^i, and i»~4j aJU, and 
* iiUjkj, J A violently hot day, and nighU (L.) 

-_*3 and * -_e*j The burning, or A«a<, of fire. 
(9, 5.) [Sec 1.] — Also, The diffusion (in a 
neut. sense) of the odour of perfume ; and tlio 
Aor, or strong, odour, thereof. (L.)__Also, 
the latter, Tho shining, glistening, or glowing, of 
a jewel. (L.) 

• » «. •» . . • • 

O 1 *-*} R '"' ij ^-*) : see Lmj. 

«-*J >•*-' [«■ fiercely burning, or glowing, 
<torj. (TA.) »-Uj -.1^ [/I fiercely burning, 
or glowing, lamp : K.ur. lxxviii. 13 :] i.e., the 
sun. (TA.) 

is> i y' .o, as an epithet applied to a woman, 

Hot in the pudendum; expl. by eU^JI SjU.. 
(L.) C 

J* 3 (L) and J jJ»i (As, S, A, L) J. low, or 

**} — £-j 

depressed, place ; (As, S, A L ;) as though it 

were a hollow, or cavity, dug, or excavated, 

for which the latter is also a name : (L :) and 

both words, low, or depressed, ground : (L, K :) 

j *s 
pi. .Mkji, (L, K,) a pi. [of pane] of the former, 

(TA,) and jUj (S, A, L, K) and o'«**S> or 

O'J^Jj (as in different copies of (lie K, the 

former being the reading in the TA,) and a*} 

of 5jubj : (S, L :) [or rather this last is a coll. 

• - • , 
gen. n., of which SjJkj is the n. oil. :] also 

4>*j a hollow, or cavity, or rfrr/) hollow or 
cavity, (»>*,) t» Mr ground ; (L, K ;) and so 
JA3 ^tCo, and Sjdkj ^jl : (L :) and a ?ounrf 
hollow excavated in the ground, deeper than 
what is called laj\i, not having abrupt sides, 
in width two and three spear's lengths, a7id not 
producing any herbage. (L.) _ Also ijdbj 
The hollow, in the ground, in which the weaver 
puts his legs, or feet. (Mgh.) __ Also, i.q. 
<< ■:«•»■) (IAar, L,) which latter, says Lth, .sig- 
nifies The part where the mustache* divide. 

[j*3 Ac- 
See Supplement.] 

* >• • - t • > 

V«ij a word liko Jjj (S, K) and wj and 

^^^ : these four words agree in form and mean- 
ing, and have no fifth ; although some of the 
loxicologists differ, in holding that some of them 
relate to what is good, and others to the falling 
into destruction. Accord, to what is said hv 
Z, in the Paik, v^j and «^>j and ^^jj denote 
compassion : but Jjj is used in reviling, and 
imprecating destruction. (MF.) IKtt says, in 
the Tahdheeb el-APal, that the invariable verbs 
arc nine 111 number: ^ju and ^J^ and ^~J and 
^j— * and the verb of wonder and juj ^_»j and 

**ij and tX> 9 and a-j^ ; but tliat F.l-Mdzinee 
asserts the last four to be inf. ns. (TA.) You 

s»y «£!..}» (?, &) and uij s^, and jJp ^-j'i, 
and a) Uy, and <U ^.j, (K,) with the three 
diflerent vowel-terminations, both in addressing 
a. person and in speaking of one who is absent, 
(TA,) and **>}, and t^k ^j, (£,) [and ^Jj 
S>j^, (see below,)] and jjj ^j, (S, K,) and 

so. ft. j a. 

•H) »rO (*-^») t an< ^ "Hi V<3i (sec below,)] and 
^^H» v«y on tn e authority of IAar, (K,) who 
adds, except tho jk-rl ^j, who, it appoars, from 
his saying this, givo fet-h to the w» : (TA :) the 
meaning of all which is, May God make woe 
(Jj^) to cleave to thee! [and — to Zcyd! $c. : 
or Woe to thee! &c. : but see what is said 
above.] (S, K.) Dhu-1-Khirak Et-Tuhawee uses 
v^a in the sense of Jjj, addressing to a wolf 
the ejaculation JJj^c s-0> [which is therefore the 
same in meaning as iJU>j] : (TA :) but accord. 

[Book I. 

to what is said by Z, in the Faik, &J) and 
^U w^jj &c. signify Mercy on thee! or the like. 
(MF.) When ^j is put in the ace. case, it is 
so put as an inf. n. (S.) This is the opinion 
generally obtaining: the opinion that -^-jj is a 
verb is extraordinary. (TA.) When you use 

the prep. J, you [generally say] jl»>I v^j (or 

JuJJ ^>j, L) : when you use J, it is more 
elegant to put s^j 5 in the nom. case, as an in- 
choative, than in the ace. case : but when you 
use w-j^ as a prefixed noun, with its complement, 
the ace. is more elegant than the nom. case: 

[i.e., it is more elegnnt to say juj ^^ than 
juj ^-j*]. (S, L.) Ks says, Some of the Arabs 
say -^3 aud J^^t yi^; ami sonic of them say 
jjjj C,, like j.°ij> -&y (TA.) _^l li^ CS 
(K, # TA) 1.7. *l U»^j [-H wonder at, or rotrA 
respect to, this thing! (K,) and so a,j^. (TA.) 

i«j^ ^1 measure consisting of twenty-two, or 
twenty-four, ^Ijl«I (pi. of jk), which see in art. 
JX*. (K.) Not mentioned by J nor by IF; 
aud IDrd doubted respecting it. In truth it is 
a post-classical word, used by the people of 
Syria and Egypt and Africa Proper. (TA.) 
[At present, the Aoj in Cairo is the sixth part 
of an wojj, which latter is equivalent, very 
nearly, to five English bushels.] 

-»j) a word denoting compassion, or pity : 

(AZ, As, S, K.:) J->^ denotes [an imprecation 

of] punishment ; (S ;) or [of] removal from 

good, or from prosperity: (AZ, As:) or [of] 

• ° ' 
destruction : (AZ :) and u-^ denotes the same 

as 9-ii\ (AZ;) or less than f->5- (As:) or 

••jj and yj~iy denote compassion, or pity, and 

admiration of one's beauty ; as when you say of 

a child, AbJUI U a»~j$, and A>JUI U a— j_j, 
[Mercy on him! or the like: Aoio beautiful is 
he!] (Kb) or, accord, to most of tho lexico- 
logists, Jjf is a word said to, or of, any one 
who falls into destruction or trial, or misfortune, 
and on whom one docs not wish God's mercy : 
and ^-jj is said to, or of, any one who falls into 
trial or misfortune, and for whom one wishes 
God's mercy, and his escape therefrom : the 
former word being so used in the Kur-an, and 
the latter by the Prophet : (T :) or ,Jj} is said 
to, or of, him who falls into destruction : and 
Hj is a word by which one chides him who is 
at the point of falling into destruction : (Sb :) 
or «^jj and Jjj arc syn., (Yz, Eu-Nadr, S, 
Ibn-Et-Faraj,) and ^-jj signifies the same: 
(Ibn-El-Faraj :) or -^y is a little softer, or 
more gentle, than Jj^ : (En-Nadr :) [if so, 
Aa-jj signifies woe to him ' in the same, or in a 
milder, manner than aJuj :] or the original of 

Book I.] 

?-0 ' 8 lSJ > sometimes »- being added to this 
latter word, and sometimes J, and sometimes 
V> *»d sometimes „^» ; (K ; ) so that it becomes 
-^ and J^ and .^oj and ^-y. (TA.) [See 

J<3 and s-is and »j-0 and C&-J You ""tf fO 
jwp [Mercy on Zcyd! or woe to Zeyd!] ; putting 
wj in the nom. case as an inchoative ; (8, K;) 
and in like manner, jjji Jj j : (S :) and also 
ju>) Wy ; putting mmt} in the ace. case because 
of a verb understood ; (S, K ; ) as though you 
said U»j) «JUI <u>j)l [Jf«// God make mercy, or 
Twe, to attend him constantly!]; and in like 

manner, juJJ ^|bj : (S :) or [it is put in the 

ace. case as an absolute complement of a verb 
understood, i.e., as an inf. n., and] the meaning 
is U*»>3 <L*a»jjl[/ say, May God liave mercy 
on him ! emphatically] : (Z, in the Faik :) you 
also say -iWjj, and juj --jj ; (S, K ;) making 

Hj a prefixed n. ; (S ;) and putting it in the 
ace. case again because of a verb understood ; 
(S, K ;) and in like manner, .iULy, and juj Jjj : 
(S :) and also Juj l«i j_g in the name sense. 

* *' 

,^-jj a word used to. denote compassion, or 

pity, and admiration of one's beauty; (M, K ;) 

the object being a child; (K;) as when one 

says of a child, a»JUI U twj [Merry on him ! 

or the like : how beautiful is he !] : (TA :) or 

t • . • •• • • - 

yjmjj and ~-j} are used in the place of Jj j ; 

(TA;) and a) ,^-jj signifies a) Jjj [Was to 
Aim.']: (M, TA :) or, as some say, ^-jj is a 
word denoting contempt ; and has no verb ; 
analogy forbidding that it should have one : 
(IJ, M :) Aboo-Turab says, I heard Abu-s- 
Semeyda' say, v>) and «-j^ and ^j have one 


meaning : (TA :) or •ii^-a is not said except to 
children ; and -iXJO^ is an expreriion in which is 
roughness and reproach ; and w j is a gentle and 

good expression. (AHdt, TA) See ^j and 
Jjj and v-e> — It a' 80 signifies Poverty. 

(ISk, M.) And one may say, if it be right to 

j- * • « 
say so to one, <0 ^^ as meaning Poverty be to 

him. (ISk.) _ Also, What a man desires. 

* »' 9 

(M, K.) So in the phrase Loj ^i) He found, 
or met with, or experienced, what he desired; 
(M, K ;) accord, to an explanation given by 
IAar ; so that it means much : but in one place 
he says that this phrase signifies he found, &c, 
what he did not desire. (M.) 

[Jo &c 

Sec Supplement.] 

[Book I.] 


Tlio twenty -eighth letter of the alphabet : 
railed *0. It is one of the letters termed soft, 
or weak, and is a letter of prolongation and of 
augmentation. Ah a numeral it signifies Ten. 
s=s ij for Vj frequently occurs in the phrase 
o-UI J»^yj, and in ly^W- — ^ inserted to give 
fulness of sound to kesreh, see art. 1. _ Used 

jl£^J, see jVSw-,^1 «JUI in art. I ,j with 

sheddeh followed by 5 converts a part. n. into 

' /5 i • - 

a quasi-inf. n., as a-j 3 j-cuoJI, "the being beaten. 

- • — 
So, by the relative ^j, i-~JI «W> substs. and 

even particles are converted into abstract nouns 

of quality, as rt.,.,1 and <UgS>. sss W is the 

most common of vocative particles, used in 

calling to him who is near; [like 0f\ ; and to 

him who is distant ; [like Ho there ! Holloa .'] ; 

and to him who is between near and distant ; 

[like ho! what ho. r ]; (Ibn-cl-Kiitib, in the 

Kafiyeh, cited in TA, art. U.) Pronounced 

with imaleh, see art. Ul . — JW for Jl u, 

., - * .i 

see J. — WW an d *-W i 8ee art - W'- 

R.Q.I. »WWi ,n '' "• »WW and *WW» [respecting 
the form of which latter see U>U>,] He made a 
show of kindness, benignity, or favour to him. 

(K.) _— fCW >* ^' [^' ** on 'y making a show 
of kindness, tyc. : or, porhaps, 2fe is o»/y one 
m>Ao makes a show of kindness, §c,\ (L.) = 
>»4«W WW Bt called the people : (K : so t»o in 
the L, and this is the correct meaning: TA :) 
or he said to the people WW > "' order that they 
should assemble, or collect together. (K) __ 
AjSU CC He called to the camels by the cry 
ig\, (whence the verb is formed by transposition, 
TA,) to quiet them. (K.) 

SWW The cry, or crying, of tlie bird called 
i^j. (K.) — [See also the verb.] _ See art. W'l. 

Jfa A certain bird (S, K) of prey, (S,) 
resembling the [kind of hawk called] J-W : (S, 

K :) it is of the birds called ;yU-, [pi. otjtLo,] 

»* J 
as are also the |_£jW and the 0^ Jk1 -' all( l t' 10 Jjj 

and the JiW = (AHat in TA, in art. Jl* :) 
accord, to Dinr, it is a small bird, short-tailed, 
the temperament of which is, in comparison with 
that of the JkwW> c °ld and moist ; for it is more 
patient, or enduring, and heavier in motion : 
the people of Egypt and Syria, he adds, call it 
^W, on account of the lightness and swiftness 

of its wings : (TA :) pi. ,vW, and, in a verse, 

^jjC. (S.) _ Also, accord, to AA, The head, 

or uppermost part, of a vessel in which J^» 

(collyrium) is kept : mentioned before as called 


yyi, which is perhaps a mistake for yiyi- (TA.) 

1. j£, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) .Jjjjl Of, (S, 
A*, Msb,) aor. ^^-j and i^-w, (S, M, Msb, K,) 

the latter of which is extr., (Sb, S, M, K,) 

|.| J *' m ' " * •" /•'* 

like >^~_a-j, aor. of ._....»>■, mulyuj, aor. of^jtj, 

(As, S, TA,) and is of the dial, of the higher 
classes of Mudar, as are also the similar in- 
stances, but the former is of the dial, of the 
lower classes of the Mudar ; (AZ, S, Msb, TA ;) 
or, as Sb says, accord, to his companions, the 
verb was originally of two forms; uJW> aor. 
i>-~j, and u*W> aor. ^-Ju;, and a compound 
[which is yJW having ^^JU,; for its aor.] was 
then formed from the two ; but as to Jmjj, aor. 
i^+j, and t^ij, aor. ^aj, and .**,., aor. >»jj, and 
^jJj, aor. ^y^, and Jjj, aor. J^>, and «£»y, aor. 
<£»>i, in each of these only one form is allowable, 
with thekesr; (S, TA;) and some change the 
second ^£ of the aor. of K _ r i~i_ into t, and say 
JJC and Jft«W ; (Mbr, S, TA ;) and. I'Ab reads, 
in the Kur. zii. 87, l _ r ^e.. after the manner of 
the dial, of those who pronounce the first letter 
of the aor. with kesr excepting such as is with 
ij [for its first letter], (K, TA,) which dial, is 
that of Temeem and Keys and Hudheyl and 

Asad; (Ks, Lh, TA;) the case of ^ being 
made an exception by them because kesr with 
that letter is difficult of pronunciation ; (Sb, 
TA ;) but some of the Benoo-Kelb pronounce 
^ also with kesr, which is extr. ; (Fr, Lb, TA ;) 
and this is done in the instances of ^r-i-j and 

Jj^-j because one ^ is here strengthened by 
another ; (K, TA ;) [I find also, in a copy of 
the M, ts-eW, as an extr. form of the aor. of this 
verb, on the "authority of Sb ; but it is doubtless 
a mistranscription for lJ ~J-o ; and there is another 
evident mistranscription in a quotation from Sb 
immediately following in that copy, relating to 
aors. of the form of u-i-j, which has been ren- 

dered correctly above, in the present work, from the 
TA;] inf. n. J.C (ft M, A, Msb, K) and JX, 
(TA,) or ^W, ( M m a copy of the M,) and i_.b ; 

(Ibn-'Abbad,M,K, TA [but in a MS. copy of the 

**** vV *-■▼- *f - 

K I find it written «_>W i and in the CK, i-W 0) 

and ^^ is also used as an inf. n. of this verb, 
though properly an inf. n. of 4 ; (Msb ;) lit 
despaired of the thing ; syn. of the iuf. n. 
±£, (S, A, K.) contr. of ti±y. (M, A, K :) 
or he cut off liope of the thing : (A, K :•) or 
Am Itope of the thing became cut off : (Mgh :) 
and * j^JLl-t signifies the same, (S, A, K,) 
in like manner followed by ^»; (S;) and so 
does ♦ o^Ij», (S, K,) [originally ^UjI,] of the 
measure jiiil, but with incorporation [of. the 
j_$ into the o]. (S.) It is allowable to trans- 
pose the letters of yJ ~-j, so as to say u -j\ ; but 
not those of the inf. n. (Msb.) There is not a 
word in the Arabic language commencing with 
l£ followed by • except ^JL; [and its derivatives] 

.W and its derivatives, and words 
commencing with an augmentative ^ followed 
by a radical -]. The expression J^i v ^» ^C *^, 
occurring in a description of Mohammad, means 
that his stature was such as would not make 
[one] to despair of his height ; for he was nearer 
to tallness than he was to shortness : (K,* TA :) 
i^W ' s bere an indeterminate noun governed in 



the accus. caso by the negative *$ : (TA :) or, 

accord, to one rotation, the words are, ^JjC ">) 

f * >' ' 

J>^» \J-», [in the Cljf, erroneously, ^b *}),] 

meaning, that his height was not despaired of; 

i.e., he who vied with him in tallness would not 

dospair of hiin on . account of his excessive 

height : (r>, TA :) so that ^JjC is hero in the 

<•- • - -'. 

sense of u»)y+, like Jrfb !U in the sense of 

Jyju.. (TA.) — [Honcc,] »f^JI c~-^ Tlte 

woman was, or became, barren. (Msb.) __ 

v~~i> (§> M, A, Msb, K,) aor. ^J^j and yJU;, 

(M,) also signifies \ He knew; syn. ^is. ; (S, 

M, A, Msb, £;) in the dial, of En-Nakha'; 

(S, Msb;) or, accord, to El-Kclboe, (M,) or 

lbn-EI-Kelboo, (TA,) in the dial, of Wahbeel, 

a tribe of En-Nakha' ; or, accord, to El-Kasim 

Ibii-Muan, of the dial, of Hawazin. (M, TA.) 

So in the £ur. [xiii. 30.] tyil ^JJI ^JjJ ^Jbi 

[Do not then those who have believed know?]: 

(S, M, Msb, r> :) or, accord, to some of the 

lexicologists, do not then those who have believed 

know with a knowledge wherewith they despair 

of its being otherwise than what they know ? or 

the meaning is, do not tlum those . who have 

believed despair of the belief of those whom 

God has described as those who will not believe ? 

(M, TA ;) but I'Ab (M, TA) and 'Alee and 

others (TA) usod to road \yJ>\ ^ JJI £ j*rj jj&\ ; 

and I'Ab said that he thought that the writer 

had written ^-~ei '" a s t ftf e of drowsiness. (M # j 

TA.) Soheym Ibn-Wcthecl El-Yarboo'ee also 

uses the verb in this sense, in a verso cited in 

art. j-i, voce ^J, q.v. (S, M»). [Z says,] You 

•»7j tf**"f wJ*"J ■*•*' '-"- fl •*»* meaning, t 1 have 
known [that thou art a good man], because 
with eager desire is restlessness, and with 
the cessation thereof is quiet and tranquility ; 
wherefore it is said, ^>^.ljj)1 Jult ^yi [De- 


(r>, TA:) or, as Sub. says, in the R, this 
disease was called ^b Jl>, or ,^-Ut <b, because 
^-Vt the son of Mndur died of it. *(TA.) 

• I- 

• I. 


see ij-jC i 

^JC (M, Mgh, Msb) and * W -A (M) and 

v>5yi (S, M, A, ]£) and * ^^j (M, K) Despair- 
ing : (S, M, A, Mgh, K :) but the third has 
nu intensive signification, (Bd, zli. 41),) [and 
so the lust.] 

a— 5b, A barren woman. 


>j*}}t* Desjmired of. (M, Mgh, Msb.*) 

spair is one of the two states of rest.] 

4. *LU, (S, M, A, Mgh, K,) inf. n. J.Q, 

(L, Mgh, Msb,) of the same measure as w>U£>, 

(Msb,) originally ,^-bl, (L, Msb,) like .Iliu'l , 

(L,) and oWi (Msb,) He made him to despair : 

(S, M, A, 1£ :) or to cut off hope : (A :) or 

to cease to have hope: (Mgh:) \jJs ^ of such 

a thing : (S :) ns also * aIJ [from jji], (Mgh, 

¥•) — [Hence,] *Juf l^bl 6W «iar/<* Aer to be, 
or become, barren. (Msb.) 



see 1. 

^b. Phthisis, or consumption; syn. J«i ; 
(M, r> ;) because ho who is affected by it'is 
despaired of ; (M ;) or [becauso] the first who 
was affected by it was J*Q\, (£, TA,) or 
k^-Ul, (TA,) the son of Mudar the son of Nizar : 

2. tyftii '90^ [^ '"'.'/ rendered it waste, and 
made it desolate : see vQ]* (A.) 

^)Uj Vacant ; in which there is nothing ; (Sh ;) 
»'» which there is no one. (T.) ^U; ^jl .4 
/and that is in a state of ruin, or waste, unin- 
habited, depopulated, deserted, desolate, in a 
state tlte contrary of flourishing : (S, K:) an 
uninhabited land, accord, to some. (Msb.) 
.^bj v'j*- : i Q this case, the latter word is 
merely an imitative sequent to the former : (Sh, 
Msb :) or it is not so ; (S ;) [and therefore the 
meaning is A very desolate waste, or the like; 
w>Uj being added to strengthen the signification 
of w^l^i. : or merely a waste, or the like; 
w>U| being an explicative adjunct], vlr^-e^jb 
t>U ^3 w-jl*^ vWi [Their dwelling is desolate, 
vacant ; there is (to it) neither guard nor door]. 

(A.) w>l~! ^joy— A. tank, or cistern, t/tat is 

, . , -•' 

empty ; containing no water. (A.) ^» - t! 

W**i t^-eJ^I *• became devoid of inhabitants : 
occurring in a verse of Ibn-Abeo-Rabee'ah. (TA.) 

1. ^^i, aor. ^p-f-j (S, M, A, Msb, K) and 
J^'W (S) and yl^, (S, M, Msb, £,) which 
latter is extr., (S, M, K,) so that it is like JjlUt , 
(TA,) inf. n. J1L (S, M, Msb») and Jl^ (M, 

Msb,» TA) and J1L' (M) and llj£, (K [but 
not there said to be an inf. n., being only men- 
tioned there in an explanation of the word (_r-fj, 
and accord, to general rule it would be an inf. n. 
of t^-j, which is probably an obsolete form,]) 
It was, or became, dry; or it dried, or rfW«f 
up ; after having been moist, humid, succulent, 
or tlie like: (A, Msb, K:) or, [rather,] it was, 
or became, dry; or it dried, or dried up: and 
also, [but perhaps tropically,] it was, or became, 

st 'ffi rigid, tough, firm, resisting pressure, or 

* ' . *»t 

hard : [contr. of ^Js, :] ,^-j signifying the 

s * * j f » #j 

conlr. of<uyhj; (M :) i->«J is a quality which 

[Book I. 

necessarily implies difficulty of assuming form 
and of becoming separated and of becoming 

united: (KT :) and * ylJl, (S, M, $,) of 

— * 

the measure JjCs\, (S,) the ^ being changed 

into O, (M,) as well as [its original form] 
tr-rtji (TA [there written J,'^\ because it has 
tho conjunction ^ prefixed to it]) aor. [of the 
former] ^^J and [of the latter] ^-Jb, (M,) 
signifies the same as ^^-j : (M, KL :) or is quasi- 

pass, of f a— fj [and therefore signifies i< became 
dried, or drwrf ?//; ; &c] ; (Ibn-Es-Sarraj, S ;) 
[as also * tr-J, occurring in the TA, art. yjSe..] 
ion say, otJI Lr -j [The plant, or herbage, 

became dry; Ac] (S, £.) And ^j^l -" 1^ 
The land lost, its water and moisture ; its water 
and moisture went away. (M.) — [Hence, 

«*r j« ; i> « : -,., . . j f He became costive. And] cr ^j 
***** * 
Uv--J L» t [77(at friendship which was between 

them two became withered; (see 2, and see also 

^^j;) i.e.,] they became disunited, each from 

tint other; the bond of friendship that united 

t/iem, each to the otlter, became severed; syn. 

Ui»U3. (A, TA.) — Hence also, (M,) * J^t, 

(so in a copy of the M [agreeably with an 

explanation of its part. n. i^/b, q.v., and in a 

•#• • tt 

copy of the A written (^~jI,]) or ^~ ol, [from 

^-mI,] like>»j^l, (K,) X Be thou silent; or 
cease thou from speaking: (M, A, K :) said t* 
a man. (M.) 

2. 4-4, (S, A, £j) inf. n. Jl^, (S.) He 
dried it; made it dry; [&c. ; see 1 ;] (S, A, 
1$;) as also *il£l. (M, A, ^.) _ [Hence 
the saying,] <Uy^« v»a>; ,^— ^J ^1 aJUI^ JJkjCl 
I [/ pray that thou mayest be preserved by Ood 

from thy withering a freshened tie of relation- 
ship]. (A,TA.) AndJA^o^^l^y 
I [ Wither not the fresh and vigorous friendship, 
between me and thee ; i.e., sever not thou t lie firm 
bond of friendship t/tat unites me and thee : 
see UyL> U Lr ^ ; and see also ^£jj]. (A, TA.) 


3. •* — jb f He treated him with dryness and 

hardness, or niggardliness ; syn. 4*~«li ; (L, K, 
art. -— 5 ;) i.e. »JLiJlj ^^b; *JUlc. (T^I, in 
that art.) [See u-^b.] 

4- u°j$\ Cmm «jI T/ie land had its plants or 
herbage, (A,) or its leguminous plants, ( Yaakoob, 
S, £,) rfr^in^r i/p^ or dried up : (Yaakoob, S, A, 
K :) or became abundant in its dry plants or 
herbage. (M.) — liUI C.~» . »l 2%« site-camel 
became milkiest. (TA, voce w^-iO — tr-i' 
>yUI 2%« peo;>/« journeyed in the land: (If, :) 
or tn tA« rf»y /anrf; (TA;) like as yon say 

'■• l ft an t tt 

bJ^- 1 from J>^» c^j-i>l- (S, TA.) _ ^-^l : 
see 1, last signification. = *— jjl : see 2, in two 

Book I.] 
5: see 1. 

8. ir***! and ,_^-Ijt, aor. 
see 1. 



: and Bee ,_r->U , throughout. 

i * 
: see 1 : = and see u-?W. in two places. 

: see 1 : = and see twU, throughout. 

Lr ^j : see ^U 

• «# • # ". ' * 

u-Uj : see ^wltf. = t>-Wi» like >Uai, [as a 

proper name,] The pudendum ; syn. Stj-Jl : or 

the anus; syn. ij^juUl ; (If, TA [in one copy 

of the If, ij^j-ijl ; and in the CJ£, Sjjuill ;]) 

i.e., 0-<"^l : on the authority of IAar. (TA.) 

see ^C ; for the latter, throughout. 

t^-jO Dry, or rfrirrf «/>, after having been 
moist, humid, succulent, or the like : (A, Msb, 
If. :) or, [rather,] dry, or </r»'ed m/j, or exxicca ted: 
and also, [but perhaps tropically,] stiff, rigid, 
tough, firm, resisting pressure, or hard : [sec 1 :] 
(1ft:) pi. tr-J (M) and * ,^-j, which latter is 
like C-S»j of 4-%b « (ISk, S, Msb:) 
and ♦ (J--J is a dial. form, of yj~*j : (A'Obeyd, 
§ :) or y-fj is [rather] a quasi-pl. of ^C, as is 
also » ^^ : (M '•) or this last is used by poetic 
license for Jl* : (TA :) also, (S, M,) * Jl^ m 
signifies the same as i^-Ai, (S, M, Msb, If.,) 
as also * Lr ^J, (M,) and t U r-rf> ( M , K,) and 
* JUi, (K») <«d *!/"»*> (M.) and *,^.C, 
(TA,) and t ,,^-jl : (K :) or * ^^-j signihes </ry 
from its origin, not having been known moist : 
(K :) but t ,^-j is applied to a thing dry after 
having been known to be moist : (TA :) and as 
to the path of Moses, [to which the former of 
the last two epithets is applied in the Kur. 
xx. 79,] it had never been known as a path 
either moist or dry, for God only showed it to 
them created such ; but tho epithet is also read 
with sukoon to the w>, because, though it had 
not been a path, it was a place wherein had been 
water and which had dried up: (K, TA:) the 
latter reading is that of El-Hasan El-Basrcc : 
and El-Aamash read the word with kesr to 
the V s (TA^) Th [however] says, (S,) you 
Bay * L ^--i -, - 1 *— . dry fire-wood, as though it 
were so naturally: (S, Msb:) [and J says,] 
t Lfmfi signifies a place dry. after having been 
moist; and so in the instance in the Kur. men- 
tioned above : (S :) [and Fei says,] it signifies 
a place that has had in it water which has gone 
away ; or, as Az says, a path in which is no 
moisture : (Msb :) [and ISd says,] * ^-^ and 
t ^Jj signify a place that is dry : and in like 

w-ft! — J-i 
manner, applied to land (*jbj\), of which the 

water and pasturage have dried up : and the 

latter, so applied, t hard ; (M ;) as also ,^-jU 

X applied to a stone : (A :) T u-~i is [generally] 
applied to a plant, or herbage, as signifying 
dry, or dried up ; (S, M, A, Msb, K ;) as also 

[sometimes] L ^-fU ; (M, K ;) the former being 

of the measure J-si in the sense of the measure 
• - 
J*li : (Msb :) or it is so applied to herbs, or 

leguminous plants, of the sort termed jl/»>l [that 
are eaten without being cooked, or that arc 
6lender and succulent, &c], (As, K,) and of the 
sort termed j^>'i [that are hard and thick, or 
thick and rough, &c] ; (As, TA;) and [so As, 
in the TA.; and so in some copies of the K. ; 
but in the CK, or] those herbs and leguminous 
plants that become scattered when they dry up ; 
(As, K. ;) as also t ^-aj and T ,j~«i ; (TA ;) 
but not to what is dry of the i*U^ and 0^"° 

and iJU.. (As, TA.) [Hence,] j^iijl 

J^Jl mils" t The palsied of whom the half is 

without sensation and without motion. (Mgh.) 

ti , • - • ' - 
And J.C-J1 ^y» lt-jW J^-j (AHn) app. meaning 

t A man as though he were dead and dried up 
in consequence of much intoxication. (M.) [And 
*»,... kU J-A* + Costive.] And ^C o|^1< + In- 
toxicated so much as not to speak ; as though the 
wine had dried him up by its heat. (M.) And 

t il^ J,Ul (IAar, M) and * ilZ (Th, M) + A 
she-ass dry and lean. (M.) And ~ ^-~i »li 
and T JU> (AO, S, M., K) + A ewe, or she- 
goaf, without milk : (AO, S, M, K :) or whose 
milk lias stopped, and her udder become dry. 

(M.) And *i— o »l/*l t A woman who has no 

• ' " ~ * .n , 

milk : pi. Ol--j and ^^UjI and [quasi-pl. n.] 

^j [like J->V and ji^}. (TA, from the 

Moheet.) And " w~i Jj* t [A dry duct], 

♦ * % * * 
meaning, penis. (Lli, M.) And y-ib js& 

X Hair upon which no effect is produced by 

moistening with water nor with oil ; (A, TA*;\ 

which is the worst sort thereof. (TA.) And 

" W \j-fA t-Dty sweat : (M, A :) or [simply] 

sweat. ( AA, S, If.) And ^Ij J*y and " ^^-m 

t A man having little good : (A :) and i— jU «l^l 

and *JL^ (A, TA) and t j£ (S, K, TA) 
t a woman having little good : (A :) or in whom 
is no good: (K, TA :) or who does not cause one 
to obtain any good. (S.) And * ^t-jI (J^j Wv-^ 
I Between t/iem two is disunion. (A, TA.) 

y-^l [comp. and superl. of v-Ai). — [Hence 
the saying,] ja»~aJI l >« t^-rt 1 J Harder than 


pains one, (AHcyth, Ijt,) anrf roAe?j it is broken, 
the leg is lost : (AHeyth :) or r^L^ty signifies 
the parts of the two shanks upon which is no 
flesh: (S :) or the parts of the two shanks of a 
horse upon which the flesh is dry, or tough: (AO:) 
or the shank-bones (M, TA) of tlie fore leg and 
hind leg : (TA :) or what appears of these : 
(M, TA :) or the parts above the oW^» and 
(jljjj [app. here meaning the two ankles and 

wrists]: (A:) pi. ^tjl : (S, K:) which is also 
applied to such parts as are like the hock, or 
hough, and the shank. (TA.) -_ Also, the pi., 
Hard things upon which swords are tried. (If..) 

<i—iy» »^ojl [originally a ... ^ ,*] Land of which 
the plants, or herbage, are drying up, or dried 
up. (A.) 

• * 9 

y-L.0 «_jj [A very drying wind]. (TA, 
voce ilXi .) 

See Supplement.] 


j.,c 1,9. 

rock. (A) = See also u-fe, near the beginning 
and at the end. = L _^ ~;"^l, as a subst., not an 
epithet, (AHeyth,) The part of the shin-bone, in 
the middle of the shank, which, when pressed, 

Q. 1. a^«J \Jjj (K, TA; in the Of, [erro- 
neously,] Up;) He dyed his beard with \i^». 
(If.) A strange verb as to its form, (K.,) which 
[except in its final vowel] is that of an aorist, 
though it is a preterite. (TA.) Mentioned in 
the L in art. U, (q.v.), on the authority of IJ; 
and there also by ISd ; and AHei and others 
assert the ^ to be augmentative. [If so, the 
verb is a quasi-quadriliteral-radical word.] F 
follows Sgh, in mentioning it here. (TA.) 

\jji (S, K) and bjj and >U^ (K) and b^j 
(without ») and (accord, to [the Bari', as men- 

» »-•. \.9» 

ttoned in] the TA, art. Uj,) U^ and U^ and 
(accord, to MF, who omits the two forms here 
immediately preceding,) ,\jjj and \ijj, without ., 
(TA,) i.q. *.CL (S, K) [The plant Lawsonia 
inermis]. See also art. U,, where the word is 

written [erroneously in my opinion] Uw< Accord, 
to IB (not IJ [as in the Of]), the * may only 
be omitted when the word is pronounced with 
dammeh to tho ^j. (TA.) 

* * * »t* 

1. j~i, aor. j~.j, [respecting the form of 

which see the same verb in a different sense 
below,] inf. n. j—j and j~~> [and jy t » (see f— j 
below)], He was, or became, gentle, and tract- 
able, submissive, manageable, or easy; (M, If.;) 
said of a man, and of a horse : (M :) and J— j 
[app. signifies the same : and] is said of speech, 
and of a thing or an affair; signifying, [when 
relating to the former,] it was gentle, or [when 
relating to the latter,] easy ; like J*>j)l juu> [as 



•yn. with J-su»], and j^-w [as syn. with Sm ^»~j]. 

m * * * * 

(Bd, xvii. 30.) See also j-~3. — ^Jj—i, said 

i » t$ « * » 

of a woman : see Oj— jI =»>— ;, aor. -, /f (a 
thing) n«M, or became, little in quantity: (A, 
Msb :) contemptible; paltry; of no weight or 

worth. (A.) ra ^yj—j, aor. ^w, (AHn, M, 

** * 

K.) inf. n. jw, (AHn, M,) //« (a man, AHn, 

M) came on, or /rom <Ae direction of, my left 
hand. (AHn, M, K.) See also 3. b^, 
[aor. j—ti, inf. n. j— i,] He divided anything 
into ports, or portions. (TA.) You say, 
AJUI O^-j. / divided the flesh of the she-camel 
into parts or portions. (TA.) And j^jr JI \^j—i 
They slaughtered the she-camel and divided its 
limbs, (S,) or portions, (T A,) among themselves ; 

(S, TA ;) as also, accord, to A boo-' Omar El- 

. - .» * a *» i e* • * •> 

Jarmce, * Ujj_JI , aor. lyJ^—o, inf. n. jl— 51 ; 

,. ^ -V- 
and he adds that some people say, lyjjj_jb, 

t . •<• * * «l* • j 

iuf n. jl— 31, with hemz ; and 0.3/" >, ^Sr* >o* > 

like as they say in the case of jjuI. (S.) 
Soheym Ibn-Wetheel El-Yarboo'ee says, 

[/ *«y to them, in the ravine, when they divide 
me among, themselves, deciding what shares they 
shall severally have in ine, Know ye not that I 
am the son of the rider of Zahdam , and that ye 
may obtain a great ransom for me ?] for capture 
had befallen him, and they played with [gaming-] 
arrows for him. (S, TA. [but in the latter, 

instead of \y— i«J, we find \y t U~i, which signifies 

f *« *- * * a., 

the same.]) You say also, " 1j>— -", aor. ^jn -; 

and O^W; (K;) and * Ij^y ; (M, $;) TAey 
divided among themselves the slaughtered camel. 
(M, K.) — [Hence,] jw, aor. J-^, (S, M, A, 
Msb, £,) in the [second] ^ is not suppressed as 
it is in juo and its coordinates [haying _j for the 
first radical], (S,) and j—ti, like Jjw-j, in the 
dial, of the Bonoo-Asad, (TA,) inf. n.^, (M, 
TA,) or j~_-e, (A,) He played at the game called 

^—1^)1; (M, Mali, K ;) he played with gaming- 
arrows. (S, A, Msb.) 

2. »j~J, (inf. n. ^e-e3, M, &c.) ife (God, A, 
Msb) made it, or rendered it, easy; facilitated 
it. (M, A, Mgh, Msb, $.) You say, l^iy. ojlj 
»Wy ^'Ac ac ' °f bringing forth was rendered 
easy to her. (A.) _— He made his circumstances 
ample; he made his condition, or his way or 
course [IJ& to such a thing], easy, or smooth: 
(Sb, M :) he accommodated, adapted, or disposed, 
him, [£r-^* [to «**y things, or affairs, or ct'r- 
r urn stances ; or to tAe easier, or easiest, way] : (S. 
A, [in the latter of which this is given as a proper, 
not tropical, signification :]) + he prepared, or 

made ready, him or it, I JoJ for such a thing. (A 
[in which this signification is said to be tropical.]) 
j t-t J relates to both good and evil : (M, K:) as 
in the following instances in the K.ur; [xcii. 7, 
10;] ^'jl^i '»jl£j>, and ^','JZi, (M,) [We 
will facilitate, or smooth, his way, or] We will 
accommodate Aim, or adapt him, or dispose him, 
[to a state of ease, and to a state of difficulty, or 
(as explained in the TA, art. j—c-,) to punishment, 
and a difficult case:] (S, A:) or We will pre- 
pare him for paradise, and for hell : (Jel :) or 
We will prepare him to return to good, or right- 
eous, conduct, [and to persevere in evil, or un- 
righteous, conduct ; the former leading to case, 
and the latter to difficulty:] (Fr, TA :) or We 
will prepare him for that habit of conduct which 
leads to ease, such as the entering paradise, and 
for that which leads to difficulty, such as the 
entering hell : from ^_ r >j»)\ j~>, moaning, he pre- 
pared the horse for riding, by saddling and 

J. *mJ * - - 

bridling. (Bd.) It is said in a trad. <0 ^— j jJSj 
j^tJ* f And water for ablution had been prepared 
and put for him. (TA.) __ J*-»)l j~* , (inf. n. 
jt —0 » &i) The man's camels, and his sheep or 
goats, brought forth with ease, (I Aar, M, K), and 
none of them perished. (IAar,M.) _^jUI C^-j 
The sheep, or goats, abounded in milk, (S, M, A, 
J£,) and in like manner, ^^M t/ic camels, (M,) 
and [so in the S, M, A, but in the K or] in off- 
spring : (§, M, A, K :) and they brought forth : 
and they were ready to bring forth : and they 
abounded. (TA.) A poet (namely Aboo-Usey- 
deh Ed-Debeeree, TA) says, 

-a .j * . . . -, . * 

. 1 .• . t .&. v t • - i . 

(S, M) 77iry <wo are /?«?• (wo chiefs, as </»ey a»- 
.«;•/; /;«< they are only our chiefs inasmuch as 
their sheep, or goats, abound in milk and in off- 
spring. (TA.) Sec also c>»>l. 

3. ^->L;> ['•»£ "• */-''»*•] -Hi t"«* gentle to- 
wards him; acted gently towards him; treated 
him with gentleness; syn. A-U'i): (M, A, K :) Ae 
was easy, or facile, with him; syn. <*LkC (S, K.) 
Ex., cited by Th, from a poem : \^y—i ^oyjjwb ^1 

If thou treat them with gentleness, they become 

* a *,. , 
gentle. (M.) And JJb^JI j-^Lj //p »»as rasy, or 

facile, with the partner. (TA, from a trad. j =: 

mI^, (inf. n. 5^_'L<, K,) He tool; the left-hand 

side or direction; (S, M, A, Msb, K ;) as also 

♦ ^-.Igj j (S, Msb, KL ;) which latter is the contr. 

of O-'W : (K :) or ♦ \$t^Q they took the left- 

hand side or direction; contr. of \y+\gj . (A.) 

You say, ilLk-ob^l; Take thou the left-hand 

side or direction with thy companions; (S, A;) 

as also^-iUi ; but some disapprove of this latter. 

(S.) And ^ilL j-iL; iZe took the left-hand side 

[Book I. 

or direction with the people; as also ' ' j^ J~it 
aor. j— ft ; accord, to Sb. (M, TA.) 

• ^ ^ ft 

4. «i>wl SAe (a woman, M) brouglU forth 
with ease; she had an easy birth; (M, A, Tf. ;) 
as also *0>w, (M, IKtt,) which is in like 
manner said of a she-camel ; (M ;) or, as in the 
copies of the JC, 0»w , without teshdeed. (TA.) 
One says, in praying (M, A) for a pregnant 
woman, (A,) C>jj£»ilj O^— j> jWiay -'Ae Aatie an 
easy birth, (Lh, M, A,) and may she bring forth 
a male child. (Lh, M.) See the contr., 0>1*I. 

=j—jI, (S, M, &c.,) aor. f-yi, in which the 
[radical] ^ is changed into j because it is qui- 
escent and preceded by damm, (S,) inf. n. jt« A 
(M, Mgh, K) and *^L ; (M, KL ; ) accord, to i?u- 
and Lh, but correctly the latter is a simple subst., 
(M,) He became possessed of competence, or 
sufficiency ; or of richness, or wealth, or opulence; 

(S, M, Mgh, Msb, K;) and abundance. (Msb.) 

.'_>. tt. * ,. »* • 

= Vj>— i'j i_yv' »i~i*il ^ />«' my camels aside 

on the right hand and the left. (A.) 

fi- y—i> It (a thing, M, Msb) was, or became, 
facilitated, or ea»y; (M, A, Msb, £, TA j) 
contr. of difficult, hard, strait, or intricate; 
(TA ;) as also *^--i-l. (M, A, Msb, KL.) You 
say, ^— -3 U UJL».I, and ▼ > _ e i-l U, IFe/ooAwAat 
waseasy [of obtainment, or of attainment]. (TA.) 
And it is said in a trad., respecting the eleemo- 
sinary tax called »U=»j, u 1 U<j^ V** J'i'lj 
U*ji CHy^ }\ *J f Uj -e ..^ ilnd Ae «Aa// ptK 
w/M i7, or </iem, rn:o sheep, or goats, if they be 
easy to him [to give], or twenty dirhems. (TA.) 
And in the j£ur, [ii. 192,] ^J^ll ^y» * JL t zL\ L»i 
What is easy [to give], of camels and kine and 
sheep or goafs : or, as some say, either a camel 
or a cow or a sheep or goat. (M, TA.) __ Also, 
4jL3, (S, TA,) and *> »^^-l, (S, K.) TA,) 
t // (a thing, or an affair, j£) was, or became, 
prepared, or made rettdy for him: (S, j^l, TA:) 
[and he prepared himself for it.] It is said in a 
trad., J12UU l^-~5 ji t iTAey had both prepared 
themselves, or made themselves ready, for fight. 
(T A, from a trad.) __ i"ilJI Oj— <y [ TAe countries 
became abundant in herbage, or in the goods, 
conveniences, or comforts, of life. (TA, from 
a trad.) 

6. ljj->l-J [TVtey were gentle, or artorf gently, 
one towards another; they treated one another 
with gentleness: (see 3, of which it is the quasi- 
pass.)] they were easy, or facile, one with another; 

syn. I^IaUJ; (]£,* TA;) }Lti is the contr. of 
• * »« 

j_/bu. (S, art. j— c.) It is said in a trad., 

Jljk-cJI ,j» lj^>->U3 Zfe ye ea*y, or facile, not ex- 
orbitant, one with another, with respect to dowry. 
(TA.) = See also 3. = And see 1, latter part. 

8: see 1, in two places. 

10 : see 5, in five places. 

Book I.] 

*^i (TA) and ♦ jlj, (M, A, £,TA,) [each an 
inf. n. (see 1) used as an epithet,] and j~>W> (K, 
TA,) it'a.«y and gentle in tractableness, submis- 
siveness, or manageableness ; applied to a man and 
to a horse: (TA:) or [simply] easy ; facile; 
(M, A, £ ;) as also »^1J (TA) and jj-J, (Msb), 

this last being syn. with o**> (S, K,) and sig- 
nifying not difficult, j^jfB., (A,) and * jj— -• 

# • i j 

[respecting which see also j— *, pi. ^<U]. (A.) 

Hence, * oIj—j , pi. of »j — j and »j— j , applied to 
the legs of a beast, signifies East/ : (M :) or light, 
or active, legs of a beast : (S, TA :) or light, or 
active, and obedient, legs of a beast of carriage : 

(A:) or the legs of a she-camel : and you say also, 

• ~ ■ «« * 00 i '0 00 
oUU. Olj — j y^^ll Ijuk^jly ^jt , meaning, verily 

the legs of this horse are obedient and light or 

active. (TA.) [Hence also,] j— j »>*^ [An easy 

birth, or bringing forth]. (A.) And Ujij OjJj 
£-J <SA« brought forth her child easily : (M, KL*:) 
said of a woman: (M:) or ♦ Iplj. (C$.) And 
it is said in a trad., ~ *—i i>4>*" '•** O' Verily 
<Ai* religion is easy; liberal; one having little 
strakness. (TA.) You say also, ♦ »jy-^» J-A. 

9 . 0*0 m00 

°j > « ■* pjj (^aAe f Aou roAa< is easy thereof, and 

leave thou what is difficult], (A.) And • \y ■"« 
is applied to a saying, or speech : (A:) so in the 
¥.ur. xvii. 30; meaning, gentle; (Bd, Jel;) easy: 

/t i \ # * ■"' '.' - •* ' 

(Jel:) or ■ j>~-» J>> means prayer for j>-~o, 

i.e., for j_^ [q.v.]. (Bd.) — ^L' ^J!£* [The twist- 
ing a rope or cord toward* the lift, by rolling it 
against the body from right to It; ft; or] the twist- 
ing downward*, by extending the right hand to- 
wards the body [and so rolling the rope or cord 
downwards against the body or thigh, which is 
the usual way of twisting]; (S, A*, %.;) contr. 
«/jp- (M, A, TA.) — 'jL J^ The thrust- 
ing, or piercing, [straight forward ; or] opposite 
the face: (S, M, £:) opposed to jyL, which is 
from one's right and one's left. (TA.) See an 
ex. voce «j>i. 

j~i {Easiness; facility;] contr. of j^c; (S, 
M,Mgh, Msb, £;) as also *^; (S, Msb, TA;) 
[and * [Jj--i ; (see 3, where it is variously ex- 
plained ;)] and *j>-~» is the contr. of jyl**, 
[and therefore signifies as above; or easy; facile;] 
(S;) or this last signifies, (accord, to the lexico- 
logists, M,) what is made easy; or facilitated ; 
or (accord, to Sb, M, [but see J^iii,]) it is an 
inf. n. of the measure Jj*i», (M, £,) [used in 


the sense of^^w as explained above,] of the same 
kind as [its con:r.] jyisi. ; and Abu-1-Hasan 
•ays, that this is tho truth ; for it has no unaug- 
mented verb, and inf. ns. of this measure are not 
of verbs which are in use, but only of imaginary 
unaugmented triliteral-radical verbs, as in the case 
of »j*i00», which is [really] from jUUJ. (M.) 
For examples of^-j, see j-c. __ Also, (accord. 

to the M ; but in the K, or; and in both of these 

lexicons the signification hero following is placed 

first;) and in like manner, * j— j , (rv,) and " jI—j, 

(S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) and » .jd., (S, $,) and 

A 000 $>0 ^9.19. 

T if.*.*, and " ij — ~o, (S, M, K,) of which last 

000 *, 1 » 

Sb says that it is like <Lj — o and i^-t-o in not 
being after the manner of the verb, [but after 
that of the simple substantive,] (M,) and " Sj— **» 
(K.) Easiness [of 'circumstances] ; (M, K;) com- 
petence, or sufficiency ; or richness, or wealth, or 

opulence; (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K ;) abundance; 

* tl 
(Msb;) [in these senses, also, contr. of j— c ;] 

and ™ ^j—j signifies [the same ; or] easy things 
or affairs or circumstances ; contr. of ^5j—c ; as 
also * 5j_-~o. (TA, art. j — t.) Tou say also, 
" j!—,; i«^ j^jj-loijl [Gran^ //to?/ »ie a delay until 
I shall be in a state of easiness of circumstances, 
&c] ; in which the last word is indecl., with 
kesr for its termination, because it is altered from 

0M 00* 

the inf. n., which is 5^, ,, , ., 1 1. (S.) In the Kur. 
[ii. 280,] some read, " »j— j-o ^jll ijlkii [Then let 
there bo a postponement, or delay, until his being 
in a state of easiness of circumstances] : but Akh 
says, that this is not allowable ; for thero is no 
noun of the measure Jjii* [of this kind] : as to 

• '*, 9 1. 

/>jS~* and 0>*^> ['* ' s said that] they aro pis. 

[virtually though not in tho language of the 

* .a, ,.i. 

grammarians] of iojXo and AJyu». (S.) [On 


i it 

this point, see JUU, voce Jyi.] ^ See also 
• •*. oil! till 

j—i, m two places. =>~j iys. : sce^-.l j^«, in 

art. jmtl, 

* . . 9. 

f—j: sec j— j. __ Made easy, or facilitated ; 

• A , i 

'•1-j~t*- + prepared: (K:) or [the «7«(»«c called] 
j-— t-o-f ' prepared: or, as some say, t anything 

prepared. (M.) ss^lj' j_lcl A man w/*o worA.?, 
or </oc* anything, with both his hand* [alihe] ; 
ambidextrous; ambidexter: (S, M, Msb:) and 

1 . 0% 1 .00 

" j-n! 1 >— *' occurs in a trad., acconl. to one rela- 
tion ; but the former is the correct expression : 
(A'Obeyd:) and the fern, is ijw iljle : (M:) 
explained before, in art. ^—6. (£.) a= See also 
j—Q, in six placos. 



see^-j, in two places. 

0, , , . 

ij—i '■ sec jL-j, throughout. 

00* 4 1 

(_£r-j : see j— j, in two places. = See also 
j, tt . . 

y— j\. sss See also jl—j, throughout. 

*. ■ 0t 

jL-j : see j— j, iu two places. = Also, (S, M, 

Mgh, Msb, %, &c.,) and ♦ ]Cj., (M, Msb, K,) 
the former of which is the more chaste, (ISk, 
IAmb, IF, M, Msb, K*,) or the latter is so, 
(IDrd, M, J£,) or the latter is a variation used 
for the sake of assimilation to [its syn.] jCi, 
(?&'■> TA,) or it is vulgar, (IKt, Msb,) and not 
allowable, (S,) or J is in error in disallowing it, 
(K,) or it is disapproved because the incipient ^j 


with kesr is deemed difficult to pronounce, (M, 

TA,) bat there are three other words commencing 

, • * i . . . 

like it, namely, j>\y», an inf. n. of <UjU, though 

this is disallowed by some, and jUj, pi. of jju, 

and JU, a proper name of a man, also pro- 
nounced with fet-h [to the ^]; (TA;) and another 
form is t jLj ; (Sgh, K. ;) contr. of £>**yi ; (S, 
M, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) and so is t \Jj~i of ^-^j, 
(M, A, Mgh, Msb, ^C,) and i^Z of il^, (M, 
A, Msb, K,) and • IjlZU of il^, (A, Msb, ^,) 
and T j—jI of v >^.I : (S:) jl~j and * ti>-i sig- 
nify The left [hand, or arm, or foot, or leg, or] 
limb : and the same two words, and T 5j_ j and 
▼ »>~~o, the ie/d, meaning the fe/i! «rfe or direc- 

tion or relative location or place: (Msb:) and 

t i . 0t 

» >~»l, the Zc/i «'a«: or a person [or thing] </W 

»s on /Ae /e/it side : (Msb, art. (j^j :) [and ' ~*j _- 

the /e/l M)in<7 of an army :] the pi. of _;!-«,; is j j 

(Lh, M, K) and 'jLL, (K,) or ^lS; (AHn, M ;) 

which last is [also] pi. of * L ^li ; (TA ;) [and 

the pi. of t ij..,^ is^Ci.] You say, ^^i JjiS 

. *i9 , 

~ ij~i Such a one sat on the left side. (S.) And 

♦ 0j-i 3 i^j l^jil, (A, Msb*,) and ^^ ^ 

^CJj, and T L $>~Jlj ^^Jl, and f S^L^li -Ui^i)'. 

(A,) or IjCj lL^, and ^Q'l ^j ^J1 ^, 

.910* .01 ..0.0 , ..»„ 

and ^5^-Jlj ^5^1, and «>-^Jlj «U«JI, mean- 
ing, 2'Ae^ sat on the right side and on the left. 
(Msb.) And * »^_,C »"J>j [//e <>wMed Aw &/i 
/jar/s towards him]. (A.) 

jL«j : see jl— j. 

j>~j : see >-<Ij, in two places. 

9 , 09 

j~yt : see j— j. sss Little, or smnll, in quantity, 
petty: (S, A, K:) mean, contemptible ; paltry; 
of no weight or worth. (A.) = Sec also^wb. 

%* 001 

»jt~i : see_^-j. 

A . * . . 

jl— ; : see jl-j. 

* * ••* « 

j-«u : see ^^w, first signification, m [raAiny 

<Ae left-hand side or direction : or coming on, or 
/rom <Ae direction of, the left hand of a person :] 
contr. of i>«C. (S.) = [Dividing a thing in/o 
part*, or portions.] — [Hence,] The slaughterer 
of a camel : (KL, TA :) because he divides its 
flesh into portions : (TA:) the person who super- 
intends the division of the slaughtered camel (M, 
£) for the game called j-Jjl : (£:) pi. [Jy^_lJ 
and] jUjI : (M, K :) A'Olieyd says, I have heard 
them put j*\j in the place of jl^, [for the expla- 
nations of which sec what follows,] and IjLS in 
the place of j-<C, (M,) or * j~t and j~C signify 
the same: and tho pi. is jtljl: (S, A:) JLdJ 8 jg_ 
nifies [as explained above, and also] a person mho 
plays with gaming-arrows, (S, Msb, TA,) [at the 


ijnme called j-^JI,] for a slaughtered camel; 
because he is one of those who occasion the 
slaughter of the camel ; and the pi. is [as above 
and] C)i^-^i '• (TA and tj—j, i.q. •fiy* [which 
signifies the tame; and the perton who it entrusted, 
at deputy, with the disposal of the arrowt in the 

game above mentioned, and who thufflet them in 

* - • » • - * 

the dLjUj :] and, [as quasi-pl. of ^-<L>, like as>»jk*. 

is of »U-,] a party attembled together at the 

game called yJ^S: (M, $:) pl.jO: (M :) and 

* jt~i and * j>— j signify one who contendt with 

another at a game of hazard; syn. j^IS : (K:) 

or ' y-i and " jy-i, and also j~,\>, are applied to 
one who hat, or to whom pertaint, a gaming- 
arrow. (IAar, TA.) 

j~j\ [More, and most, eaty, or facile; fern. 
{Jj—i\. ^b See also jU-j. 

• • • ^ 

j-^j^o [originally j— e*,] Pottetting competence, 

or sufficiency ; or rtc/i, or wealthy, or opulent : 
(M,$:) pl.jU^: (Sb,M,¥0 [like ^U^, 
pi. of^jJUU; andj«i>li«, pi. ofjhM^,; as though 
the sing, were ;>—~° :] but by rule it should be 
^jyfy, for the masc, and ctj—^e for the fem. 
(Abu-l-IJasan, M.) 

%*». «« > 

j~t»: seo^-i. 

j t ^ The <7am«, or />/ay, wifA unfeathered and 

headless arrowt ; (M, K ;) the game of hazard 

which the Arabt play with tuch arrowt; (S, Mgh, 

Msb;) a game of the Arab*, played [by ten men,] 

with ten unfeathered and headiest arrowt: they 

first slaughtered a camel, [bought on credit, (see 

IkjIow, in this paragraph,)] and divided it into 

ten portions, or, as some say, [agreeably with 

what follows,] into twenty -eight: the first arrow 

was called J4J1, and had [one notch and] one 

portion of the slaughtered camel: the second, 

>»«yjt, and had [two notches and] two portions : 

the third, ^~JjM, « n <l bad [three notches and] 

three portions : the fourth, ,^-UJt, and had [four 

notches and] four portions : the fifth, ,^-iUI, and 

had [five notches and] five portions; or, as some 

say, this was the fourth : the sixth, J^-. *lt, and 

hud [six notches and] six portions: the seventh, 

J^Jl, which was the highest of them, having 

[seven notches and] seven portions: the eighth 

and ninth and tenth were called ~..k » . 1 1 and * ~ e>+i\ 

und J^)l ; and those throe had no portions: [the 
players to whom these three fell had to pay for 
the slaughtered camel : (see J- — »JI :) whence it 
appears, that if the camel was divided into ten 
portions, (see jtij,) the game must have con- 
tinued after all these were won, until it was seen 
whose were the eighth and ninth and tenth ar- 
rows ; and it seems to be the general opinion that 

this was the case :] the camel being slaughtered, 
they collected together the ten arrows, and put 
them into the i>Wj, a thing resembling a quiver 

(i3L£>), and turned them round about or shuffled 

' . i .t 
them (Uy U-i ) : [or they employed a person, whom 

they called <Loj»., to do this :] then they put 
them into the hand of the judge (^£»JI), who 
took them forth one after another in the name of 
one after another of the party ; [or they com 
missioned the <Lo^». to do so;] and each took of 
the portions of the slaughtered camel according 
to his arrow ; but those to whose lots fell the 
arrows without portions were obliged to pay the 
price of the slaughtered camel ; with the flesh of 
which they afterwards fed the poor ; and him 
who would not engage with them in the game 
they reproached, and called &j>ji : (Sefeenet Er- 
Raghib, printed at Boohik ; p. 637:) [see also 

t - • m t ■ * 

«-~3j, and ^o^o, and j — c:] or any game of 
hazard; or play for ttahes, or wagert : (KL:) so 
that even the game of children with walnuts is 
included under this name by Mujahid in his ex- 
planation of verse 210 of chap. ii. of the Kur. : 
(TA :) or anything in which it ritk, or hazard: 
(Kull, p. 321 :) or the game of tricktrack, hack- 
gammon, or tables; syn. .yj : (Sgh, K :) and 
diets was called by 'Alee thcj~~« of the Persians, 
or foreigners ; (TA :) or the slavghtercd camel 
for which they played : for when they desired to 
play, they bought on credit a camel for slaughter, 
and slaughtered it, and divided it into twenty- 
eight portions, or ten portions ; and when one 
[of tho arrows] after another came forth [from 
the <t>Wj] i'i the name of one man after another, 
the gain of him for whom came forth those to 
which belonged portions appeared, and the fine 

of him for whom canio forth [any of the arrows 


called] the Jic : (K:) so called as though it 

wore a place of division : and so used by the 
poet Lehoed, who speaks of a fat ■ j— ~ o. (TA.) 

scCj-»j, in two places. = See also jl— *, 
in four places. 

#- j»* 

Prepared; disposed; made eaty, or 
facile. So in the following words of a trad. : 
a) JmU. U) j--.« J*» [And every one it pre- 
pared, &c, for that for which he it created]. 
(TA.) =3 I.q. \j& [q.v.] ; (Mgh, K ;) app. 
a post-classical word ; so called because easily 
taken; (Mgh;) in Persian, called <»JUj [or 
»i\y], (Mgh, !£,) and in Egypt termed i+i) 
^Ull.. (TA.) 

j ft, applied to a man, (S, TA,) Having 
numerous offtpring of theep or goatt [and there- 
fore much milk] ; (TA ;) contr. of ^ ■■. o . 
(S, TA.) 

[Book I. 

• *•« ••» 

jyt* ■ Bee j—j, in three places : am and ceo 

also j—,; . 

* * - 

^_U« She-camels that bring forth easily. (TA.) 

>_.■,;,■> A well known stone; [jasper; pecu- 
liarly a whitith kind thereof, found in Mount 
Imaut: (Golius, from Et-Teyfashee :)] an ara- 
bicized word, from [the Persian] j^-j, q.v. (£•) 

(>r J ak j 

i ** *\ * #*« ti 

4. <ulx>l U i.q. a~J»I U : (K :) a dial, form 

of the lattor, or formed from it by transposition : 

• a t •« 

(TA :) and in like manner <v ykjlj i.q. <V v ^Vrl : 

[both signifying Horn good, sweet, delicious, or 
pleasant, is he, or if]. (TA, art. *^~h.) 

* * »t » *t i 

*_~UjI i.q. v-jJ^I [More, or most, good, sweet, 

delicious, or pleasant : and pure] : a correct and 

chaste dial, form of the latter word. (Ex., 

from a trad., <uiaul <uU a~o yj-**$ l i jjEjfm Keep 

ye to the black thereof; (i.e., of the fruit of the 

.iMjl ;) for it it the best of it. But some deny 

its being a dial, form, [holding it to be formed 

by transposition]. (TA.) ^ SLUI cJLJI 

lylJsul, .-iiid lyiJul, (the latter form from AZ, 
T A,) The sheep, or goat, came in the vehemence 
of her lust fur the male. (K.) See also 
art. •_-;!>. 

[ >*i, &c. 
See Supplement.] 

1. *»-AJ, (K,) aor. -, because of the guttural 
letter, or '- , accord, to the common rule observed 
in the K, or ; , as though it wero of the same 
class as >cj, (TA,) [the last is probably the 
most correct form, as Aa-sU is the aor. of ej*i\ 

of which AaJb is n dial, form,] He, or it, hit 
him, or hurt him, on the part of his head called 
the »-yO. (K.) 

t * * 

ffiU [The top of the head;] the part where 

the anterior and posterior bones of the head 
meet : [see f-^i, of which it is a dial, form :] 
pi. i^it^j. (TA.) ISd regards this form of 
pi. as an indication that the ^j is a radical letter, 
and therefore mentions it in this art. ; (TA ;) 
[and F says the same in art. iil: but see that 

art.] JW-JI li-yU. ^^» f [He touched 

Spica Virginis, or Arcturut, with the top of his 
head]. (A.) — j,^\ £«*£ o^ &>3 t Suck 
a one had lordthip and eminence given to him. 
(A.)_ j£>l j^iC I^JL; ti-qiyi&t [They 
journeyed in the night; $c] (A.) [See also 
art. f-**-] 

Book I.] 

• *•• 
£-)*~» Hit, or hurt, on the part of his head 

called the f^C. (K.) 

[ jAj, Ac. 
See Supplement.] 

OyC, [coll. gen. n., The eapphire, of what- 
ever variety : the ruby, oriental rul>y, or red 

* * • * • 
eapphire, also called j-»»-l Ojitj ; of which there 

are several varieties, whereof one is the car- 

* *' • 
bunele; also called (j>»»- OyU : the sapphire, 

commonly so called, or blue sapphire, also called 
Jyjl Oyb : and the topaz, oriental topaz, or 
yellow sapphire, also called yuel oyb : the 
jacinth, or hyacinth, accord, to Golius, who 
observes, as on the authority of the Teyfi'tshee, 
that by this name arc culled various genu of 
the East; four species thereof being enumerated; 
the red, the yellow, or gold-coloured, the blue, 
or azure, and the white: that the sapphire and 
the chrysolite are also thus called : hut that, 
by the word used absolutely, the red jacinth, 
or hyacinth, commonly ail led the ruin/, is meant: 
which last remark is agreeable with modern 
usage :] a well known gem ; (r> ;) of which 
there are many varieties, (T A,) the most excellent 

. i ii t , t l 1 

whereof is that called ^le/H j+*-"$\ OyUI, 
(K,) also called ^UjyJI ; [the finest kind of 
ruby or carbuncle ;] said to be brought from 
Sarandeeb [or Ceylon]: it has the property 
of exhilarating, and of conjoining [separated 
friends] ; (TA ;) and is profitable for disturbance 
of the mind (occasioned by the black bile, TA) 
and pnlpitut-ioij, and weakness of the heart and 
stomach, if drunk ; [being app. reduced to 
powder for that purpose, as is done with some 
other gems in the East ;] and for concealment 
of the blood, if hung [upon the person]: (£:) 
it is a Persian word, (S,) arabicized : (S, £ :) 
of the measure J^li .- n. un. with i ; and pi. 

1. iiii, nor. ;, (Msb, £,) and Jdi^ aor. •_ ; 
( J'I'j ¥> i) a,,( l >" the Msb is added ±Uj, i.e. like 
V>-*> which is strange ; (TA ;) [but this I do 
not find in my copy of the Msb ;] inf. n. [of the 
first] Liu (Msb, &) and liji, (Msb, TA,) 
or the latter is a simple subst., (S,) and [of the 
second] iiilij ; (Mfb, £ ;) He waked, or woke; 
did not sleep, or was not sleeping. (Msb, K.) _ 
See also 6. 

2 : See 4, throughout. 

4. *iiSu\ (S, Ac.) inf. n. ilLl, (TA,) He 
awakened him, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) *J£ ^ 
from his sleep; (S;) as also **1»jL, inf. n. 
*e?£; (S ;) and t XlU^l. (TA.) — J He 

roused his attention, jyt'p to the things, or 
affairs; (Msb;) as also aJouu. (TA.) __ Jkif\ 
jLilt I He dispersed the dust: (Lth:) and f he 
raised the dust; (Lth, S, Z ;) as also • aUXj : 
(Lth, S :) or, accord, to Az, this is a mistran- 
scription, for vjpl &*i) inf • "• J****^ • (T A -) 

5. JaJLo He became awakened ; or he awaked, 

or awoke ; (S. Msb, TA ;) **y ^ from his 

sleep; (TA ;) as also * Jii^l. (S, Mgh, Msb, 

K.) — I His attention became roused, or he had 

his attention roused, j+yi to the thing, or affair; 

(M?b,» TA;) as also ♦JU^L.l, and ♦ iluu : 
(Mfb:) he became vigilant, wary, or cautious. 
(TA.) You say also, <C^> ^1 f kiJ..J ^i 
J [ //c Aa* his attention roused at his voice, to 
listen thereto]. (TA.) 

10. bi . : ..jl : see 5, in three places. — — ; It 
(a woman's anklet or other ornament) made a 
sound or sounds : (£, TA :) like as one says 
[in the contr. case],>»U, meaning "its sound, or 
sounds, ceased," by reason of the fulness of the 

(TA.) b Aki-L-I : see 4. 

see what next follows, in three places. 

Ja£j and " JeJu and " u'"'*^! A ma " waking, 
or awake: not sleeping: (KL : ) or the last has 
this signification ; (S, Msb ;) and its fem. is 
^fcJL': (O, Msb, $:) the pi. ($, Ac.) of the 
first (IB, Msb) and second, (IB,) or of the first 
only, for the second has no broken pi., because 
of the rareness of JjLj as the measure of an 
epithet, (Sb, TA,) is ilL'l, (Sb, IB, Msb, ?,) 
which is applied to women as well as to men ; 
(O ;) and the pi. of oUiJu is ilL ; (IB ;) nnd 
the pi. of v _ $ ^uLj is ^\Ju. (K.) — And the 
first (ISk, S, Msb) and * second (ISk, S) I A 
man vigilant, wary, cautious, or in a state of 
preparation; (S, Msb;) having his attention 
roused : (S :) and intelligent : (Mfb :) or a man 
having his attention much roused, very vigilant, 
and possessing knowledge and intelligence. (ISk.) 
[In the TA, each of these two epithets is said to 
be after the manner of the rel. n. ; but they are 
both part. ns. from kiu as syn. with ItigJ .I 
Tou say also, jfii\ ^I&aj yj+j and * eJu£* 
and *iaXi and " *.* * &.< I [A man vigilant in 
mind]. (TA.) And LiJ ^ Oj t [Verily 
such a one is vigilant ; not dull, heavy, or list- 
less; lit.] light in head. (AA.) 

• - •- 

HaJu : see what next follows. 


[Life is a state of sleep, and death is a state of 
waking; and man between tlie two is a night 
journeying phantom] ; but most hold it to be 
used only by poetic license. (TA.) 

*-•' • * - • * jt 

i;lkaj : see iiSu, in two place*. _ ^jUiiUi yf\ 

Tlie domestic cock. (K.) 

t» . -tt in, . 

*U. iaju) c-jIj U I[J have not seen any more 

vigilant, wary, or cautious, than he]. (TA.) 

I U^Si s : see iaJu . 

[0*i, Ac- 
See Supplement.] 

A state of waking, or being awake; 
(S, Mgh, £;) as also * iiaij, occurring in the 
saying of the Et-Tihamee, 

•Vf* s% .» , * », it. 

* * » - ,1-t. » .* , 

\$$* JW*. U»^ ijj\} • 

JJlj Shields, of the kind called, (K.) 

• •J i~ 

pi. of yj*fi ; or o/ the kind called Jjp, as 
is said in the R and M ; which two kinds differ 
in this, that the Jji, like the *-*».»■, are of skin, 
or leather, without any wood or sinews (or 
nerves), whereas ^y is a more general appella- 
tion: (TA:) or coats of defence, syn. cjp, 
(£,) of the fabric of El-Yemen : (TA :) made 
[app. whether shields or coats of defence] of 
skins; (§1 ;) i.e., of the hides of camels: (TA :) 
or coats of defence ( ejjj) of the faliric of El- 
Yemen, made of skins sewed togetlier : a coll. 

gen. n., of which the n. un. is «CL : 'Amr Ibn. 
Kulthoom says : 

* ^iUell ^jgij ^Jl LeJU • 

[Upon us (were) helmets, and leatltem coats of 
d< fence of tlie fabric of El- Yemen, and swords 
that are straight (so accord, to the above reading, 
of 0-»*i> which I find in an excellent copy of 
the S : but some read ,>►*,;, which, I think, 
affords not so good a sense :) and that curve] : 
(S:) or helmets made of camel's hides : [see also 
^r-JI and «UI :] or [head-coverings made of] 
plaited thongs of leather (c>li) woven together, 
which are put on the head in lieu of the helmet : 
(TA :) or shins which are sewed together, and 
worn on the head, specially : (£ :) or shins which 
are worn beneath the [hind of coat called] pj>, 
or [beneath that of] -.Cp ; one of which is 
called aJj : or skins which are worn like lite 
coats of defence called ejp .- or skins of which 
such coats are made: (TA:) or any defensive 
coverings, or armour, of skins; not of iron; 

and hence, shields (Jji) [of thins] are thus 
called : a poet says, 


[Upon them (are, or mere,) all (hinds of) ample 
coats of mail, smooth and glistening; and in 


their hands, round shields of skin*] : and 
originally is a name of that skin [of which such 
coverings are made] : Aboo-Dahbal El-Jumahee ■ , 

[;Jfy roa< of mail is smooth and glistening : its 
cleaving (or sticking close) is an admirable cleav- 
ing : and its shield, of good dimensions, is of 
strips of skin : so accord, to explanations in the 
S, in arts. Jli and j3 : but I incline to think 

I Inii \j)~- here is the same as \-..j^ ; and that 
a word is understood, which makes the meaning 
to be its opening at the neck and bosom, of good 
dimensions, is bordered with an edge of thongs'] ; 
(S :) or simply skin, or hide. (K.) _ Also 
defensive coverings, or armour, of pieces of felt 
{iyJ ), with a stuffing of honey ( J—ft) and sand. 

($.) Also, Steel; (K ;) pure iron : (ISh, T, 

K:) n. un. AJ^- (TA.) Of this signification, 
the following hemistich is cited as an ex., 

[And a pulley-axis clearer (in its brightness) 
than the lustre of pure iron, or steel] : but ISk 
says that it is by an Arab of the desert, who. 
hearing the verse of Amr Ibn-Kulthoom quoted 
above, erroneously supposed *^Sj to signify the 
most excellent kind of iron; atid IDnl also 
asserts that the meaning assigned to it in this 
hemistich is founded upon a mistake. (TA.) 
See also AJt. — _ Also, Anything great, big, or 
large in size. (K.) 

[M, &c - 

See Supplement.] 

A certain thorny kind of tree, not of 
the kind called oUac Mentioned here by J.M. 
See art. c~J. (TA.) 

w~~._' A hind of sea-fish : (IAar, T :) different 

from the w « ; »; : it is doubtful whether it be 
Arabic, or a foreign word introduced into the 
Arabic language. (T.) [Sec arts. w~V an( ' 

[Book L 

4. wyjl (as also C-Ajt, TA) It (fleoh-meat, 
K, or a wound, TA) became stinking. (AZ, £.) 

O^vyJI A name of the fish upon which is the 
earth : erroneously written with o [-"'jm;"] '• 
so says Esh-Shihab in the 'Imayeh. (MF, TA.) 
[See my translation of the 1001 Nights, note 
to the Introduction.] 

~.y>, (so accord, to A Hat, Mbr, AAF, Kr, 
Abu-l-'Ala El-Ma'arree, A,) [of the fem. gender, 
(see p-y>,)] indecl., and without the art. Jl, 
(ISd,) accord, to 1 Amb ~-y., but this is a mis- 
take originating from a corrupt transcription 
of the word, (IKh, IB, Ac.,) and r-y>, also 
indecl. like j-£, (TA) and ^-y>, (lAth, £,) 
names of The sun. (S, art ~-y>, 5, &c.) [See 

[j>y>, &c. 
See Supplement] 




♦ ♦ 

v*yi A sort ofj£i ■ see w»jU-». 

e«" "S I*. T 

1. tU-JI «-»: see C-*-- 

a^l [The pommel of a sword ;] the thing of 
silver' or iron a< tAe ftf<«i«tty of the hilt of a 
sword. (S, J£.) 


1. j$ »s syn. with ♦ j3«, q.v.: see^l, in two 

place.. -^ I* iL # U r&l ^' I «eo ^ 

'Li He tooA, receired, or admitted, willingly, 

or witA approbation; he accepted. Soo J^». 

j£j t .iJLi TAe landaZ Aad t<* JW» *«»*«•. 

(TA in art. £— -•) 

3. ^15 He faced, or fronted, or too* op/xmte 

to or oeer a//atn*t, Aim, or it, (§,* K) See a,9 ° 

* iiiill He, or i<, corresponded to him, or it. 

_ „ I *: f ij^(J [He opposed himself to him]. 

(T A, art. ^j*.) See <J ,>> ; and see 4 J*» 

I j£* «J^» He recited *ucA a thing with such a 
thing; o r did,orgave,suchathingin return for such 
a thing; as good for good, evil for evil, good for 
evil, or evil for good. (The Lexicons passim.) 
__ He counteracted such a thing with such o 

thing He compared such a thing Ac Jvy 

lj^ It was compensated, or requited, by, or tcttA, 
such a thing: see an ex. of the part. n. ™»>^ 

Slljl ji« : see *li>» >«>• — »>? J*** WJ 1 

ai*»^ JjT A Aorxe tAat u generous Kith respect 
'to both parents. (S in art. Jil .) 

4. ,\1m i2J' /made it to /ace tAe thing: 
(S, ^ and *J^M' 3j« app. signifies the same: 

see a verse of El-Aasha voce >C5jl *i Jt»« 

[He t«med it forward ; contr. of y ji> IJ. (S, J^ 

art. ,*>.) J«*» #« came, facing; (JK, S,» 

£ ;•) came forward ; came on ; advanced; contr. 

of '$ ■ (?, K.) — iUUS OJ$ [not i&5] J 
advanced, or came, toward tAee. Like OJ»a5 
iljU. (L, art. ij-.) See also Kur, ii. 172. — 
4ii jJl He adranced, or approached, towards 

'him, or it. __ O^i Ji'*$> n th ° u B h he 
desired no other person. (JK.) — JW*' T^ 16 

advancing of fortune; contr. of jty JW*^' 

& jjt ^ [Adcance in tAe world, or in worldly 
circumstances]. (Mgh in art. J*. .) j^ngm- 
fies The being fortunate. (KL.) — JW»« «'•$'• *■>>> 
{Good fortune; &c.; see ,±U13]: and »>* [might; 
&c.]. (Kull, p. 64.) — y% JJ» He *Aowed 
/atwur to Aim: or, more properly, Ae pre- 
sented a favourable aspect to him ; or, accord, 
to general usage, Ae met him hindly ; see *J ^ . 

_ Ojji 4*» «s-i^l ( A » art - H* ») T/w worW 

favoured him. _ j^A ^ ,#1 #« *«< a* "', 
or commenced, doing a thing. (K, &c.) — See 

j j^ 4i» j4* ^ e cfacc to " : an ^ ^ took 

to, set about, began, or commenced it; as also 
UttJ,}. (K.) — [<-i£W 4^ ji*'» and 
tkiil., and i»^l>W -He advanced against him, or 
W< «;»« Aim, witA tAe sword, and »citA tAe staff 
or JtirA, and icitA tAe n>Ai^.] — You say, j£t 
Ju^ fc^l>W 4i* l He advanced against him, 
or set upon him, with the whip, striking him]. (S in 
art. J**.) — SeejJ._A>lJi^Wj£and 

JMi J» o£» >* ,: 8ee >**' ?•** ^ fil 

»** .»,,.«•« 

U^JW: see ?ar, p. o.a — JU*3 y»» Jf I 
[HetaAe', or apply, thyself to thine own affairs]. 
(T, voce Jt .) — <^&* ^ -^ ^aJ' ** «=** : 

see ^i J^l [He recovered, or regained, 

health;] occurring in the K, as the "explanation 
of ^ v«- (K, art V y) J!>* *« ^ , ' 
f K, voce lii- .) — J^l with reference to the 

slit ear of a she-camel : see ^jl **>* ^', 

app. a mistranscription for UjAil : see *-»i. 

6. ty-Jlii 2%«y /<»« rf » or confronted, one 
another : see S in art. m£i. 

8. U^£it He 6e?an it, or commenced it; 
namely, 'an' affair; (S,« Mgh, K ;•) as also 
ta.i^l. (Mgh.) 

10. ii^ll : see i^^l. He faced him, 
or it. (TA)' He turned Ai* /ace towards him, 

or it. He came 6</ore Ai* /ace. — He 

n-ent to meet Aim; Ae met him, or encountered 
him. He saw it before him : he looked for- 
ward toil: he taw it, or Anew it, beforehand. 
He saw, or Anew, at the beginning of it what 
he did not see, or know, at the end thereof. 
__ fij ;.l,,iT,l (T, S, K, &c., in art. .*) 
He wet Aim, or encountered him, with a thing, 
or an affair, or an action. (TK in art. »*.) — 
\% V JM ?-« (A, K, in art. w^, &c.) He 
encountered Aim witA, or, as it often means, Ae 
accused him, to his face, of a thing that he 
disliked, or Aated: see ^ ; and the phrases 

^^ C&i.* iutfH^i »nd yJ^W/«Ji«. 
vJce ^ ; and J^JV -0^', voce ^J ; in both 

senses like .,'& '<&. — 9. ^ '^^ 
iti* [/encountered Aim, or confronted him, with 
speech in which was roughness]. (JK, M, TA, 

art. ***■•) ftHafi-* 1 ^« anticipated it; namely, 

Ramadan, by fasting before its commencement. 
(TA.) — See 8. 

Jj He/ore; contr. o/ jij ; (S, ?, &c ;) an 
adv. n. of time ; and, as some say, of place also; 
(MF, TA;) and of rank, or station. (TA.) 

<& IJbt^ [and ^W] Hi poured the 
water into the trough while his camels were drink- 
ing, so that it came upon them : (T, TA :) or JJ 
signifies a man's bringing his camels to water, 
and drawing the water over their mouths, not 
having prepared for them aught [thereof] before 
that : (A?. TA :) and •& aX;! ^ ^ *• 
poured the water over the mouths of his camel* : 
(II, TA :) and *Aj1 Jl* * J$ *• *rem the water 
over the heads of his camels while they drank, 



when they had drunk what mix in the trough, 

(Lb., M,TA,) not having prepared it before that: 

and this is I ie most severe mode of watering. 

(Lli, TA.) ee an ex. voce L»., art. y&. and 

^j^- • — J--' is opposed tojjy : see the latter. _ 

--a. a 
t»W^ ijmJ\ \J Verily the truth is manifest ; where 

one sees it. (T 'A, art. >»**.) JJ \Ji £y : see 

<*>°9* \Ji !>* ; and see J-5 ; and t_iil. __ 13 1 

*J\ Jju ij^xljl «i-,»lj : see M, art. ^>. 

}LJ AiOJ 7 »te< Aim /ace to /ace. (JK.) 

^ ^ ^ ^li ^1 iC^I *H?. tpj jjj ^ , 

i. e. [7 will not speak to thee until ten nights] 
in what I [now'] begin [of time] : or the latter, 
until ten [nights] which thou [now] beginnest : 
and the former, until ten [nights] of the days 
which thou [now] witnessest, (K, TA,) i. e. begin- 
nest : (TA :) or the latter, of a time [now] begun; 
or, a future time. (Mgh, Msb.) And \j"js cJjl 
^ L$i t>? »• <?• **}?• ( Ltl » in T, art. t_iil .) _ 
jlj Towards. (Bd. ii. 172.) j^i J^5 W7*a« 
m next to a thing: you say, Jfy-JI jli 4-*i [*« 
went to the part next to the market]. (TA.) 
JU «M ^) T Aat?e property in his hands ; i.e. 
due, or owing, to me by kirn; syn. tjuc [q.v.] 
(K, # TA.) And ilu. iL£ U : (S in art. ^j, 
Ac. :) see i^j (and ju* also). — ^>» j^l tjjk 
*ill 7%i* lAiw^, or affair, is from him ; syn. 
ajUU ,>* and AiaJ ,>•> meaning «ju£ ,>•. 
(Lth, TA.) AiJI ^ ^ Jl£$ [77 e speaks from 

(i. e. through) his nose]. (JK and K, voce ^ijl.) 

•- « a - • 

— a-*J y)-i o* ^jJLJt 7f (a garment) rent of 

itself. (L, art. f-yc, &c.) 

J^> The /ron/, or/ore par*. See Kur, xii. 26. 
The former or _/S«l part .• see ,«ii,>. _ J*i)l 
T/jc anterior pudendum (Jji) [vulva, and vagina,] 
of a man or woman ; (Msb ;) opposite of ^jJI. 
(S, K.) 

*tf* *2j *M *> L*. &c.: seo^ij. 

3 .. 

s .. 
see ^ji* . 

fl}\ JUJ aud glill : see j*£ U o!*-i 

of the sandal : see j»^») . 

J^J Favourable reception; acceptance; appro- 
bation : (KL PS :) love, and approbation, and 
inclination of the mind. (TA.) J^J ^^L» ^U 
[Approbation is bestowed upon such a one;] the 
mind accepts, or approves, such a one. (S.) __ 
y}yi Goodliness, beauty, grace, comeliness, or 
pleasingness : and [ beauty of] aspect or garb. 
(K.) [And Acceptableness. J^J aJIc may be 


rendered £//wn Aim, or it, is an appearance of 
goodliness, &c] 

* ' * ■ * -. 

i}~£ : see jtO. __ Ju-i Kind, species, class, 

race. ^3 s>* tv '^ e Atnrf, ^r. See rt JUJ i . 

J^ tU. Zfe came a A'W/e while ago ; syn. Uit. 
(M in art. «_wt.) 

<CJLi Opposite to, in a position so as to face, 
him or it. (K, &c.) Sec jL». in art. Jj»». — 
AJIJ The direction, point, place, or tract, in 
front of a thing ; the opposite direction $c. 

aX~» A body of men from one father and 
mother : and * ^}^, without i, a body of men 
from several ancestors. (Az in TA, art. iu->.) 
•• iu*5 : see ,_-«■*- . ^_ j4 wiass o/" «/owe or rock 
at the mouth of a well. (K and TA voce v 1 **; 
q. v.) See J-IJ. 

* ' * . * »» 

JjISvsU, and * J^JLt , signify the same, [./l ncx<- 

comingyear]. (S.) iLliJI t.a.iiijl ajUUI [7%c 

next night]. (S, K.) See ^iUM 1 ji) Jyli 

Susceptible of such a thing. _» ^j\3 An arrow 

rAa< wuu [in the game of j I^Jt] ; (TA, art 

• « 
^3 ;) confr. of jj\y, q.v. (S and TA, art. jf}.) 

— JjLj of the head: see ,jUi. And 

' ii~3 of a helmet: see ijj/b. — 4JL^» --1 w/f. 

(TA in art. «_»>•) 

ii . 

4^15 [The quality of admitting or receiving ; 


dJacy^J JJ(| [More, or mo»r, inclined to accept 
admonition], (TA, art. ,Jj-] 

•- '«• « »• «, .» 

ilUSI and its syn. JUSt : see 4 ; and see S^IjjI. 

J«i«:see i bU [7. o. J^i-»]. Ex. iXJU 

^yi (K, voce A^t^.,) and yulll. (TA, ibid.) 

See fjJ-». 

a. i a • ••< 
JJL»JI >jV J*" [-^ mouth, or /ro«r <ccM, co/a*, 

or coof, in Me j»ar/ Ma/ if kissed]. (A, 

art. j*a»., &c.) 



•US [A kind of tunic, resembling the JjliS, 
generally reaching to the middle of the shank, 
divided down the front, and made to overlap 
over the chest. So in the present day. See also 
Dozy, Diet, des noms de vetoments, pp. 352-62.1 

2. »j3 Be prostrated him. upon his side, ^ 
tr 3 [not/jiJ v>e, as in the K] ; (L*;) he threw 
him down upon one of his two sides, j^.1 Jl 
^iS 3 , having pierced him [with a spear]; (JK ; ) 
like tjiaS. 


S/3 ^1 7%e 4e-.. (T in art. ^i,.) 

^1 MieW of good dimensions. (S.) 


^jWI Of ji^' eonfr. of ^\j^i\, (M, art. 
^/a, q. v.) — JjU* JVoWe, fty the father's and 
mothers side : (S, K, TA :) see an ex. voce v^J 
and see V^AJi* — <UjI** applied to a ewe : see 

*>J-V<>- — S^jIJl-o aX^UU iib : sea jj\ J;fc't 

iliUJ^ ■• see f-m. JJl£» iiJlio ^ /» m . 

parison with such a thing: see an ex. in art. ,j-r 

in the Msl>. 

, with fet-h to the ^>, Looked forward 
to, anticipated, begun. 

• i a ' - » * - 

£l*» il steelyard: see olfcJ' >>**■ 

1. t^l jii, inf. ri. jls, f77c knew t/ie thing; 
he was, or became, acquainted with it : (Msb :) 
[or rather, i. q.] Ue iiii, (Bd in iv. 156, and 
TA,) ami I^U., (K,) and aJ^,, (Bd, ubi supra,) 
he knew it (Bd, K, TA) completely, (TA,) or 
thoroughly, very well, or superlatively well • 
also Ulc 4/ »J. (Bd.) 
in art. 


See ii>; ,J£,| ,£jjj 

* A 

Z. J-3 : see a verse cited in art. ^^e, conj. 4. 

3. aAjU 77e /ou^Ar, or combated, him ; con- 
tended with him in fight or conflict or battle. 
«N c«i L5 i* JJ15 : see 3 in art. j>j|. 

5. a) c.'Uii 



jjlfc CUJJJj a) 

- - e * a 

10. J : I , : -.! [properly 77e sought, or courted, 
slaughter;] i.q. £&L\j (S, K ;) meaning Ae 
cared not for death, by reason of his courage ; 
(JM ;) A« resigned and subjected himself to 
slaughter, and cared not for death. (Mgh.) 

J^i : from this word is formed the pi. J»J5, 
on the authority of hearsay. (£I-Jurjanee, in 
Msb, art. juai.) 

J13 [Murderous; slaughterous; very deadly.] 
You say a5i5 a^. [A very deadly serpent]. (TA 
in art. J»et.) 

JjlS Deadly; applied to a tree; (K in art. 

.k**. ;) and to poison. (TA in that art.) 

• »•• 
JJAo A [vital] place in a man [or an animal, 

i.e.] roAere a wound causes death; (S, Msb;) 

as the temple : (Msb :) pi. JJUL* . (S.) 

jXAjul. ^p means Jly^j ^1 J^.. (A.) 




* » * m *j 

1. i>^i : tee C~i. 

i « • ■ 

V ^J : see »<J. 

1. J^J 7< (an arrow) rose in tlic sky. (JSh, 
in TA, art. ,>^.) 

•• . § . j • * . "- 

i_«r- I : see z U f p-r. in two places ; — and .V. 

__j4 jr/aw bowl; as also *<,»■ <»■■ (Az, 1A in 

art ,*-•) 


J>«wi, applied to a man and to a horse, «'. q. 
v>~£. (IAar in TA, art.^»-e.) 

J«-t.l ; sce^AjJI. 

1. j^'ill ^j» *lii >»-3 ami ly-» *^»»-i-3 and 
*^-i i II 7/c entered into affairs without con- 
sideration. (A.) 

5. ^ i~> He. experienced dearth, drought, or 
"sterility. See an ex. \oec i»w. — ^ ^fi^ij 
£}. y*t ja"$\ [lie plunged, or rushed, into the 
affair without consideration]. (K* TA in art. 

iOft.) See 1. ^»-*3 ■ see *£J.w. 

# . #• 

8 ^.ifc at. Sec 1. Said of a young camel : 

see voce «JL>. — Ol>»idt ^e"^' '■ «'"' 1 m :irt 

"- -' " i'i' 

Ljo^t*-. And aJUJI ^ a . ^ 1 : Bee 


, liko ijfc-5, vln oM woman. See 

^m L» Itediindant ; pleonastic ; Jointed in : 

applied to a word and to a letter. 

■ * * » j 

j^ i i A letter inserted without reason. 

is also applied in like innnncr to a word. [In a 

copy of the S, in arL O-^, I rind it written 

c] : 1. 1/. ojulj. (TA in art. C-yj.) 

^j\ymJ»\ : see jfjy V • See also n verse cited 

VOCe JayJ. 

\j*}& (p'- i^-ii'y) -^ n earthen or wooden pot 
of a water-wheel. (l'U.) 

1. *-y cjlJ //e pulled in his horse by the 

bridle and hit, to stop him ; (S, K ;) Ae curbed, 

, * *£* i 4* • » J 

or restrained, htm. (S.) __ cjJL ^ J*JUt ^jk 

* in ft t 

aajI : see oul ; and see cji. 

£>3 — >ji 

1. J»yUI >ji, aor. i , inf. n. >»ji (?,* Msb, 
K) and jljji; (Kj) and *^Jo5 ; (§,* Msb, 

K;) and C^li » and t ^"*^! 5 (? ; ) i/e 
became before the people : (TA :) syn. ^oy*~- ; 
(Msb;) he preceded them; went before them; 
tooh precedence of tliem ; headed them ; led 
them, so as to serve as an example, or object of 

imitation. __ See ,*v-»l. — «*W >*•**» aor - - > 

inf. n. >yji and j>JJu>, [jETe came ro, or arrived 

* . . > . . * ' i 
a^, Me /o/in, <J-c] (Msb.) U 3 >»>» U ,jj J*.l 
,*, ti . . - . 

£>j*. : see art. 6j». _ j-"i)l ^^Aft >>ji »'. <7- 

iJi *>jil [7/e advanced boldly to undertahe 

the affair]. (TA.) Sec an ex. in a verse voce 

JUu, _ See 6. 

2. AuUJI (jJI Ij^j Jji 7/r t;o»////(< Zefd 
near, or caused him to draw near, or <o 
approach, to the wall. (Msl>.) -_ <uji 7/c f^i^ 
i7 forward ; offered it ; proffered it. — lie 
brought, and brought forward, him or it. — 
Lotjtls ai ^»j3 7/c proffered, offered, or presented 

2 ' 

to him, food. _>ji 7/c </«/ gooil or cv i I preciously, 
or beforehand : (lid, ami Jel in XXZvi. 11; &e.:) 
he laid up in store. (Bd in xii. 48.) Sec <U)j . 
— ^ji lie made foremost ; put. brought, or 
sent, forward ; he advanced him or it: lie pro- 

mated him. — a^-c ^—JLc. <coji, inf. n. ^J^>, 
//<t mocb /((>«, or ir, <o 4c before, or Artec prece- 
dence of, another, in time: and ('/( place. ; i.e. 
/*e plaecd, or ;}?//, /(iw, or >7, before, another ; or 
7«rt</e /(?'to, or if, <o precede another : and ('/t 
•c/ih/j', or dignity ; i. e. Ac preferred him, or ft, 
before another ; or honoured, or esteemed, him, 

00 B * 

or «7, «ftore another. (Kull, p. 104.) _ a^jkJ 
IJ£J 77c prepared it, or provided it beforehand , 
for such a thing. See Kur, xii. 48. _ >>j3 
l^a. aJUI «x~c 7/c prepared, or provided in store, 
for himself, good, [i. c. a reward,] with God. 

09 0' " 

(A and Mgh in art v «-»..) — k >*3l <t) >»jk» //e 

paid him in advance, or beforehand, the price. 

*. **0*0t*&z 
^_ lJJb> (Jjui^ O' >*•*' -" e preferred doing such 

a thing; Byn.jJl, i.e. J^i. (M in art. ^Jl.) 
[Hence, j^j-iJI ^ >^*Jt »-» -7/e preferred 
backwardness with respect to the thing.] (See 
J»j»' and Wji : and see Kull, p. 2?!).) _ ^eji 
syn.withyejJu, q.v.: hkeas^A.tis mthj^u: so in 
the Kur, xli. 1. (TA, art.jAJ.) — >>ji [is trans. 
and intra ns. : for its significations as an intrans. v., 

see its syn. >jJu, and see 1 :] as a trans, v. it is 

.it » i,t. 

contr. of^l . (Msb, art. /*.!.) — <uji is syn. 

with <u Ijj. (Mgh and Msb in art. tju.)_>o»x3 
t Jk£» i«i a-JI : see >sjuw. — — See ^iU voce 

, .0. ? .it fl « « J - i ^ . #4| 

^it. b*i)^l ^J^5 aud ^cy-Uj^s : see is^it. __ 

rt_ojJ> and " a-»jJII Tie urged hint forward. 

0**0 %0 • - 

(Mo'allakat, 157.) — ^oji lias <UjJui ior an 
inf. n. 

'»•« -j* 

4. >«jk3l 77e was bold, or auc'nrious. _>»jJl 

>*"i" 15A* 77e ventured ujwn, or addressed him- 
self to, the thing boldly, courageously, or daringly ; 

9 * »t 

(S, K O *« attempted it. <u^5 ^jJU. j.ji\ He 

behaved boldly, courageously, or daringly, against 
his adversary; (Msb ;) he attached him. _• See 
1. __voj3l, (improperly >»ji5l,) said to a horse, 

Ad ranee boldly ! (S.) So rendered voce .-A*'* 

and w-A. 

5. ^sjju 77e was, or became, or wen/, before, 
or ahead; preceded; had, or /ooA, precedence; 

,2t. i 

contr. of ja-C , q. v. See 1. __ ^yJI >jJLJ 
i>_jUJt 77e dreyv near, or approaclted, to the 

wall. (Msb.) __ >»jUL3 7/e advanced; went 

i * , 
forward, or onward. (L, art. ,»♦».) *jk-iJ 

,J»JI .jic : sec Bd, xviii. 27. _>»jJu 77c became 

% 00 00 B 00 

advanced, or promoted. _ jtySs Aio >juu : 
see Jby: but the primary meaning is, Speech 
proceeded from him. previously. — — .Jle ^sjjLJ 

o. 00 t m\* 

tjtfi. quasi-pass, of »>»£ ^^U <cojl3 ; 7/c, or it, 
was, or became, before, or had precedence of, 
another, in time: and in place; i.e. he, or 
iV, tea*, or became, before another; preceded 
another; went before another: mid »'/i ivkiA, or 
: dignity ; i. c. Ac, or it, teas, or became, preferred 
■ before another; or honoured, or esteemed, above 
another: in all these senses like «^c >>.v«5. Sec 

*5* W & 00 

yH>. —. j.-ol ,-» >sjJu [7/c was forward in an 

• *** 

affair] alsj J«5 [before doing it]. (A Qboytl, 

T in art. ^^oj.) _>.ȣ> 1, y. ^w; (K, art. ^Jw, 

&e.;) and co«/r. q/" ^1.15. (TA, art. _^i.t.) 

lj£> -i 4Jl^ji5, (K,) or lj^. (Msl.,) -r Uth, 
(Mgh,) 77e commanded, ordered, bade, charged, 
or enjoined, him respecting, or to do, such a 
thing ; (Mfjh, Msb, 1J ;) as nlso *>ji, inf. n. 

SrtXsJ. (Msb.) 

6. >,)l£i is best rendered 7 t ' became old : and 
T^aji t( was old. 

8. <u |^Ju*t 77e did ns he did, following his. 
ewample ; or tailing him as an example, an ex- 
emplar, a pattern, or era object of imitation. 
(Msb.) He followed his example, imitated him; 

00 09 0, 000 

10. jtjkVLA He went before, — c~ojJU_t 
0. • 

oJUU-j : see art. j*—j. 

jtji The human foot, from the ankle down- 

9 0.0. 

wards. (Mgh.) — ^j^\ ^i 4at-»lj jtji ai • 

see art. j — ; j. —^lacji^i ^j* On an excellent 

.*■ 0. 00000 
foundation. — ^"^i^jS ^e. ^^j Such a one 

is successor of such a one. 


aj-> Oldneu; antiquity. _— Existence, or 
duration, or time, without beginning; like Jjl 

(Kull, p. 31 ; &c.) See Jj'l ykjjl <t^.j ^ : 

jMji\jtj3 moans properly the olden time; antiquity. 

• 9 * ' 

— ykjJI j>j5 jJU [In, or from, old, or ancient, 

time ; q/° old]. (S, M, K, art ^1 ; in the first 
and last of which it is coupled with the lite 

>»ji ^ [/» /«m<]. (K, voce ^yfiii.) — 
>jJ: sec^fcl. 

*' ' 

<U>li as applied to a part of a camel s saddle 

is an improper word: the proper term is Jxwlj. 

>^jJ An orfz; [so in the present day, but 
pronounced »>» ;] a certain implement of the 
carpenter; (S, Mgh, Msb;) a <J a\i with which 
one hews, or forms or fashions by cutting. (S.) 

^jj Ancient; old; to which no commencement 
is assigned. — ^jS JU Old, or long-possessed, 
property. (S, A, Mgh,, all in art. jJj.) 
__ ^»ji The reputation ( v — .»■) of a man or 
people. (TA,art.jji.) See a verse in 1 of art. i-J. 
^jjJUI, as an epithet applied to God, t*. o. 

j_j)j*^l ^wjJUI T/ut Ancient without beginning. 

>lji)l The location that is before. 

j>)\)» : respecting the feathers thus called, sec 
voce v iU, and ^j\ . 

. * i » . • '**■ 

>>jJLoJI l \SJ*f- so ° art> !/*■• »**'' 1S Dere 
syn. with >ljiNI. 

• - • 

>ljJU Very bold or daring or courageous 
- i , - • 

(S, K,) against the enemy; (S;) as also <UljJL«. 

(S.) _ leljXo: see voce aJljjL*. __ [The pi.] 

^>li« Fronts; fore parts. See an ex. voce jiel. 

^itii The/»w»< of the forehead. (JK.) 

• a ' * 
jtJJL* A provost, chief, head, director, con- 

ductor, or manager. _ >>jJU The antecedent 

(or first proposition) in an cnthymeme, and {first 

yw/) o/* a hypothetical proposition. — ' 

The fan, or vanguard, of an army. 

Preceding: anterior; being, or lying, 
si »i»-.» 

in advance of others. — j**"^' iV >*fct For- 

wara" t'n affairs. 

e>e< » J>i " i ^ H in the Kur, xv. 24: see Bd; 

■ . ' I* » ■> 

and see its opposite, ^j^-ir ,H 


i^ji and Sjji (S, Msb, K,) and ijji (K,) 
M pattern; an exemplar; an example; an object 
of imitation; one who is, or is to be, imitated. 
(S, Msb, K, TA.) See I^ll. 

I- *. «- • 

4JJJ : sec OujS. 

The ground whereon rests an inquiry 
or investigation : anil the ground whereon rests 
the truth of an evidence or a demonstration: and 
a [premiss or] proposition which is made a part 

J * « 9 m 9*9 J 

<>/' a syllogism : and a-jjjOI iojuLJI is /Ant 
[premt**] w/iic/t if fo>M actually and virtually 
suppressed in the syllogism ; as when we say, 
A is equal to D, and D is equal to C, w/ien it 
results that A is equal to C, by means of the 
3uf> . t iU jui-o , which is, every equal to the equal 
<>J a thing is equal to that thing. (KT.) 

ij^li The first that come to one, or come upon 
one, of a company of men. (TA in art. ^mJg.) 

3. Acili lie reviled him, being reviled by him; 
and vied with him in foul, or unseemly, speech or 
language. (A, ]£.) See 3 in art. ^-jlJ. 

1- l*«*j »J^~»-'W >-*•**, »or. -, inf. n. «jji, 
He threw stones, Sfc. (Msb.) __ aj oJi 7/e 
ca*< it; cast it forth; namely, an arrow, and a 
pebble, and speech, and anything. (Lth, TA.) 
It may sometimes be rendered He shed it; as, 
for instance, light into the heart, said of God. 

— J.JV JjSu (Kur, xxxiv. 47,) He (God) 
uttereth truth. (Zj, TA.) _J r li\^ JJi He 

shot the arrow. (Lth, TA.) ijji He re- 

proac/ied, upbraided, reviled, vilified, defamed, 
or gave a bad name to, a chaste womau : (MA :) 
he reproached, upbraided, &c another ; syn.^,,^. 
(JK.) Used tropically, aSji is most correctly 
rendered t He cast at him an accusation : but it 
is commonly used and expl. as syn. with t a 't,r 
q. v. _ o Ji He charged, reproached, or up- 
braided, (^5-ojj) a chaste, or an honest, or a 
married, woman, with adultery. (S, Msb, K.) 
_ tiji He aspersed him, reviled him; syn. A^Zii. 
(JK.) — dj aiJS He reproached, or upbraided, 
him with it; he accused him of it. (TA.) _ 
Also, i.q. ju <iu\^>\. (TA.) _ v-JOb ^yJJLj 
(Kur, xxxiv. 52,) They uttering conjectures, (Zj, 
TA,) or uttering conjecture ; (Bd ;) speaking of 
that which was hidden [from them], (Ksh,) of 
that which had not become apparent to them. 

• f 9 ' J 

(Bd.) _ ^f^JUW w-»J3 t She (a camel) became 

, 9 JO J 

fat and plump. (TA, voce C.^-juwI.) __ 

wJjIyUt AljJJ : see -Jl^ioJI <u».^J». 

«jji Ln?w/ in n*/itcA t* no pasturage wherein 
cattle may freely range. (L, art. ._-£>.) 


Jtji t. q. JjitLl* : (Lth, K :) The kind of 
instrument with which a thing is thrown so that 
it goes far; n. un. with ». { Aboo-Kheyreh, K.) 
see j>\*>-fo and i»»-j-o. — iiljj ^1 </tn^ : pi. 
Ctlitji. (MA.) 

J ^ - J««d/ 

oity ; see ^Jl>t»; and ^'I^JaJI A^-^b. 

^Jilio: see ^Ux*: Places of perdition; syn. 
ib£. (TA.) 


M 9 

JtJJJt The whole of the back of the head: 
(S, Msb, K :) or the part from the hollow of the 

' a j 

back of the neck (Uill »ji>) to the ear: (El- 
Ghooree, M^h :) [see iytm «iH in art. »v»»j :] 
and, in a horse, the place wliere the jtjbft is tied, 
behind the forelock. (S, Msb, K.) 

1. »\JS : see a~bjt>-. 

,jji What falls into the eye ; (S, K ;) a little 
piece of wood, or dust, that falls into the eye: 
(JK:) ami what falls into beverage ; (S, K;) as 
flies, <jv\; (TA;) what betakes itself [or u 
attracted] to the sides of a ressel, and clings 
thereto: (Alln, TA :) dust, motes, or particles 
of rubbish, as of sticks and stalks and straws, or 
the like, that fall into the eye or into water and 
beverage : (KL :) any floating particles upon 
water, .jr.: [scum:] dirt that fulls into the eye ; 
(Msb;) what eollects in the inner angle of the 
eye ; (liar, p. (V5 ;) what comes into the eye, such 
as a bit of straw, fyc: (Id, p. 14'J:) [properly 
a coll. gen. n.:] Stji [the n. un.] a thing that 
falls into the eye and pains it : (Id, p. 25S) :)' « 
mote. — (_£.** J* i*^* 1 ! sc<5 art, yai-. 

. .. * 9. . . .9 

1. ijZji, aor. - , inf. n. j^iji ; and "j^i^St and 

* i£/*3 ; lie gained, acquired, or earned, and 
collected, for bis family. (M.) 

5 and 8 : sco 1. 


uoji A round convex ornament worn on the 
crown of the tarboosh. (See Modern Egypt. 

Appendix A.) 

iaji : sec k\j5. 

• # • « • 

Islji A lamp, or its lighted wick : syn. ^.L^u* 

or <sui*i : (K:) the lighted wick (ii*i) o/* a 
/amp; (S;) and so T i»y. (L, art. »~-o.) 




tJJrj} J. red garment, of the kind called ^~>- 
See v*^. P- 2598r. 

aJUbJi .An a**'* pannier, one of a pair. See 


... ,-- »,»- 

1. c^J in the sense of v>-^ nftS fJ-*-' * or 
an inf. n. (Mgh, irt.j*£.) — *fjr* i^? £>* *■?■ 
a-Jj-b-* ^ Vj-*>- (TA in art. v./—*') — 
-» J1 j ^- e^J J 2/e impugned his character; 
blamed or censured him; spoke against him 
(Mgh, art. >»i.) See >•*•• — >» C«-* «H 
<qC1* wki»« <uU Hefillipped with the nail of his 
<Aum& and thatof his forefinger. (Lth, K, # T A, art. 
j»Jj.)^*ii\ fjijy Jm-ii\ 9 *: see oul and cjJ. 
_ *iil ejj, inf. n. cji, t^« rejected him, 
repelled him, or turned him back; namely a 
suitor in a case of marriage. (TA, in art. £-iu.) 

See iiy -J^-* 1 \£& *•*& t ** )l Ol : see 

Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 55 ; and Har, G56. _ 
La«Jl H fj*i*$: see Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 543, 
and Har, 655, in two places. _ i«"}UJI \*>*i **j* ■ 

Lac. __ UaaJb a_tj c-cy and ou-Jb : see 
... . . ff '.- , •»- ■»•' •», *-c 

tji *jtH V**-^ £>* : and ^iyr* %*? £f '• 

&c. : see art. <^ili : and a»U >«!jU aji : see JU. 

2. ac^S 2Ze reproached him for his crime or 
the like, saying to him, Thou didst so and so. 

(TA, voce V>--) — {£ Ue tooh > <J ot > or won > 
a bet, wager, or stake. (L, in TA, voce v>-*-) 

3. ACjli : see its .«vn. diJtC 

4. jg^tf cji\ He ordered, or commanded, them 
to cast, or drayo, lots, or to practise sortilege, 

[among themselves,'] for the thing (t^J^^*)- 
( JM :) [see an ex. in the Mgh, in this art. ;] or 
he prepared, or disposed, them, for doing so, [tor 
the thing (.^^Dl j^*): (Msb:) or A* cast, pr 
drew, to<«, or practised sortilege, among them. 
(K.) The first explanation is generally preferable. 

See,,^^ jtr*\' 

39 / '( / p + 00 +3 + +* 

6. jJJIj^>JI pLbjUUj U* : see LeyUu. 

©Jail v* TTorm* »'n the belly. (TA, voce 
— Jljkyi.) But see ,-yUI jji. cji)l is not a 
^mistake for ~->UI : »ja)I v"*- is a corruption, 
found in medical books : ejU\ <^»- is a name of 
the tape- worm, because each joint of it resembles 
a grain, or seed, of the gourd. (IbrD.) 

« li Bare pieces of ground amid herbage. 

(TA in art. yj*., from a trad.) 

icjj [A lot used in sortilege: lots collectively: 
sortilege itself. Used in all these senses in the 

present day, and app. in the classical times.] 
i£ji)\ ■Ltyi He shuffled, or cast, or drew, lots; 
performed a sortilege. 

LjS; pi. LjfjS: see an ex. of the pi. in a prov. 
cited voce ^>i-l. — »<**■} £>j* ^* ' see j*.j. 

J^jisjl ScjlS The higher, or highest, part of 
the road; the part that is trodden by the pas- 
sengers; [the beaten way]. (Msb.) In law 

a i-»* 
books expl. as meaning JijjJeJI <-*lp»l ; opposed 

a * 
to its oUk. 

4*jl5 A sudden calamity. (KL.) See also Bd, 

and Jel, in xiii. 31, and an ex. voce «y*jj» 

£jU : see 

cji-o : see 

as.ji~a A whip : or anything with which one 
beats: (K:) or a thing with which a beast is 
beaten: (Az, TA:) or a piece of wood with 
ichich mules and asses are beaten: (TA:) [a 
cudgel : often applied in the present day to a 
cudgel made of the thick part of a palm-stick ; 
and this, when used in sport, has several splits 
made in the thicker end, to cause the blows to 
produce a loud sound :] pi. Pjl*<«. (TA.) 

3. AijIS He was, or became, near to it; meaning 
some base thing, or the like. (TA.) See ^j». 

,_jl» The mixing with others; [and particularly 
with others who arc diseased or the like] ; a subst 
from ' i»jUL« : (K :) the being near to [a person, 
or persons, or a place, infected with] disease : 
(S, TA:) the being near to pestilence, or epidemic 
disease. (T in art. wiAJ.) See «_AJLi. 

f*a *-•< • *^a 

iijiJI C— ijj-l signifies O .. J 1 : (TA, art. \jbj*\) 

a. > • # .a . >*a<». .j . 

and <Usji CouJ l signifies A«y^ ^a^-fe. (1A, 

art. i_r-J.) See voce u°J*- 

i_»^U ^4 />/ace o/ paring off: see an ex. voce 
« • / 

t: .... . 

> : see <UJ». 

^^kii) : properly ax5j», q. v. 

1. >»p /< 0>yj«>ed: see ii^. 

^»ji : see 


>oji : see 
ixji : see 5ji». 

>|j5?iiA«rf. (lAar ; in^A, art. 
4*JU. v 

^►yU : see X»jL* . \ 

}£ji : see <UJ». 
inlp YTA, art. 

..) See 

LtjLo A coverlet of a bed; (Mgh, in arts.>tj» 
and t^-r*-'.) also called ^~ *». ■ > • ■ (Id, in art. ^r-*-:) 
or a <A«n curtain, accord, to some, figured ; as 
also *>^i* and ♦>»£»: (Msb:) or this last, a 
figured curtain, (Msb.) 

i^oytji A hollow which a man digs wherein 

to sit to protect himself from the cold. (Mgh, 

* -. 
art. ^ojj .) See an ex. voce ^jdt j . 

jxji, pi. J*\j* : see i*-». 

1. Sj^i^ l^i Oj^ He connected, coupled, or 
conjoined, a thing with a thing. (S.) 

3. lijli, (S.) inf. n. ^IJS, (S, K.) and aijlii, 
(K,) He associated with him ; became his com- 
panion. (S, K.) 

4. o^»' He gave of a thing two by two. 

i.t a. i 

(A'Obeyd in T, in art Ju, voce j^l.) Sec j^l. 

i^JLi\ oA ( M ?»'») or •v!r^ JL !' (W [*• 

latter more probably right,] He was able and 
strong to do, or effect, &c, the thing; (Msb, K;) 
He had the requisite ability and strength for it. 

,jj_5 One who opposes, or contends with, 
another, in science, or in fight, ffe.; (Msb;) an 
opponent; a competitor; an adversary; an an- 
tagonist : or one's equal, or match, in courage, 
(S, £>) or generally, one's equal, match, or 
fellow. (K.) 

ijji One's equal in age; syn. ijJ, (K,) or «r>3: 
witbfet-hwhen relating to age, and with kesrwhen 
relating to fighting and the like. (Har, pp. 572, 64.) 
_ oJ5, (JK, Msb,) or y-lJI ^ o^J, (S.) [A 
generation of men ;] people of one time (JK, # 
S, Ez-Zejjajee, Msb,) succeeding another £)ji, 
(JK,) among whom is a prophet, or class o/' 
learned men, whether its years be many or fete. 
(Ez-Zejjajee, Msb.) — &ji The part of the head 
of a human being which in an animal is the 
place whence the horn grows: (K:) or the side, 

(S,) or upper side, (K,) of the head: (S, K :) or 

* * * 

[more exactly the temporal ridge (see cju;) i.e.] 

the edge of the JUU (which is the middle and 
main part of the head [i. o. of the cranium]'), on 
the right and on the left. (Zj, in his "Khalk 

• 9 * 

el-Insan.") — Olr* °f tne nead '■ 8ee a verse 
cited voce Jau*.. OA>* °^ horses: see jtf-\. — 
^jji of a solid hoof: see <u». — £)j> of a desert, 
the most elevated part. (TA in art. o^»-,) _ 

^iel ^yi, as moaning ^4 spear-head, see jJUI. — _ 
jjiy A pod, like that of the locust tree : pi. Qji: 
Occurring often in the work of AHn on plants, 
and in the TA, Sec. See «_ili. — ^» [A thing] 
in a she-camel, which is like the Ji*\ in a woman : 





and which is cauterized with heated stones. 
(A A, TA, in art. Ji«.) mmm ^jj An issue of 
sweat: pi. &jj» : see two ex. voce v >*. 

\jy» and " ,j \ji A cord of twisted bark which 
is bound upon the. neck of each of the ploughing 
bulls (£,• TA) and to the middle of which is 
then bound the <Uy [or whole apparatus of the 

plough]. (TA.) See oljLi. [The pi.] 

Ol/*' Sons of one mother from different men. 
(1 A, voco O**) — Cir* '■ 8C 

iijS The "horn" of the uterus. 

• . * .. 

ijy : see ,jjJ . 

• ,._ *..t *.. 


CMji An associate; a comrade; a companion. 
(S, K.) <u>jJ A connexion; relation. — Sj^ji 
[A clause of rhyming prose, considered as 
connected with the similar clause preceding or 
following; tho two together being termed 

^IwjJ]. (Har, pp. 9, 23.) Also, A context, 

in an absolute sense. _ " *Z>}j* •"— i ' and 
*■ -iP : see 1 in art. . ,,<. 

«• *- • 

Aij^J : see O^- 

q^JI [Homed; having horns'], (S, voce jl>£» 
[which see]). See au ox. of the fom. t"\Sji, voce 
vjb in art. ^j*. 

• '• t - • 

0>*-* : *C0 iJJ u L <. 

• a^ * ■ » ( 

*ij» .4 town, or r*7/a^c ; (Msb, TA ;) a *ma// 
j^, smaller than a ioju, : (MP, voce j*»jj :) 

not well applied to a <U»jl» unless qualified by 
an epithet denoting greatness. (TA in art. Jju->.) 
Sec Bel, ii. 261. 

yjy» ^y "6 : see 4 in art. 1^5. 

S^i [vulg. 4j^5 The yard of a ship;] a squared 
piece of wood upon the head of the mast of a ship. 
(Az, TA in art. ~J>j .) 

Ajjb ^4 certain bud. bee ^LaA. and i»Jj. 

jli for £jl3, q.v. 

jl«J 4iU ^t long-barked she-camel. (IB, in 
TA, voco wjU-jA.) 


L^yU : see 2 in art. J^»». 

j_^Lo and ^ji« for ?^>i-o : sec art. \ji. 



sec *-l*»J. 

1. u ^At l ^^J is doubly trans.: see a verse 
• * 
cited voce ap. 

8. j_J>!-»' [meaning a . ; , "? : sec a verse of 

Aboo Dhu-cy 1 :, voco UU, in art (_»j»».] It also 
means lie investigated a country or countries. 
(S,» K,* TA, all in art. ,jji; and TA in art. 
_)_;!.) -W> nwrtV ;«//<7j and diligent search. (KL.) 
Sco also 10 in art. \ji. 

Ugjl Entertainment for a guest ; that with 
which a guest is entertained. (S.) — Water 
collected in a trough, or tank, for the drinking 

of beasts : see Oj^ : thus explained in the M 
in art. 

^£ji A place where water runs, (T, S,) to, 
(T,) or in, or into, (S,) meadows, (T,) or a 

meadow. (S.) See «-ew (last sentence). _. PI. 

•' •' *'i ^" 

Ajji\ : see >/*. 


jJ3jt : see jjj*ai. 


»jl t»-y : see -._>». 






J,lili /.y. ,J&. (IKh, TA, art. JiJ..) 

1- ^»~» and %-J JJe divided; parted ; divided 
«n parts or shares ; distr United. _ »^ol ^o— 5, or 
see 3 in art. Jj*. 

2 : see 1. 

3. J^iJI **-l» //« divided with him the thing, 
each of them allotting to himself his share, pi- 
portion. — *UW a*-, IS i/e *wore ro Aim ty Gfid. 

».,-,.( /^ ^ 

4. 4-Xe^^-il He conjured him; he saidJOiJ^j. 

(Mgh'.art.^.) J 

5. jt-Zi It (a thing) was, or became], divided, 
or distributed. (MA.) See an ex^^ a verse, 
voce (^(tli. yT 

7. S^-»>uit i_JI ^q.-aJI It) was divided into 
» ' » *"* / 

many parts. j 

10. >) ...«. T ..J He sougkL-'io know what was 
allotted to him, by me/ans of the >»"9jl, (S,* Mgh, 
and Har, p. 465,) nind what was not allotted to 
him. (Mgh, IfLar.) 


jt-i A division: (Msb:) and particularly (Msb) 
a portion, or share. (S, Msb, K.) Pl.JiCjI. 
— '«*= ^»V-j»l ^>«» ^^J /f w not a part of such 
a thing ; it does not belong, or appertain, to such 
a thing ; it is independent of such a thing. 

* ' '. . . ~ ♦ ' 

^0— » A conjurcment. See aJLc^,—*!. _ An 

oath (S, Msb, K) by God [,jr.]. (Msb, K.) An 
asseveration i ^Lii\ ^ T/ie j denoting an oath. 

d_o_3 is also used in the sense of>». £0 [mean- 
ing ^4 //n'////, or collection of things, divided into 
portions, or .</tare.«] : (Bd and Jel in liv. 28 :) a 

* • 
portion, or share; like^^-i: (Msb:) [and por- 

' * ' ' ' ' 

twns, or shares ; us in the phrase,] UjjJ» ?*-j*~' 

jljJI ^1 \j°j*)\ i»-i v>rf O - [W* ,e «'^ exclude a 
way, or passage, from among the portions, or 
shares, of the land, or t7je Aouw]. (Mgh in art. 

>»U-» yln officer of the Kudcc, who divides in- 


3. «U»li He endured it ; struggled, or contended, 
with, or against, it ; struggled, or contended, with, 
or against, its difficulty, or severity ; he endured, 
or Ac struggled, or contended, with, or against, 
the tlifficuliy. or trouble, or inconvenience, that 
he experienced from it or Aim; [and so «IJU; for 
both of which sec Har, p. 564 j and for tho latter 
see »l»U ; and for both see also oLLw-o] ; syn. 
oSl£>, (S, K,) and IjjJi ljU : (TA:) A« 
underwent difficulties, troubles, or meonvenxtnees, 
in doing it. (Msb in explanation of the 6yn. 

^-» pi. of ^^i. 

3 -i 

\^$y~> '• sec art. u*>V • 


iJJi Stabile ; statu of corn, &c; straw. L 13 
ja^J\ Seaiced. ^Jj Hushes of which mats are 
i#iade. Jii >j~aa* A mat of rushes. 

• 5. • a. 

yiui : sco v»Uj. 

1. ^jU— J I *_£/)! « " « wm i 1 The wind removed, or 
cleared off, the clouds; (S, K. ;) as also ♦ -«'-*«;. 


4. ilil and *£ii^ and t*^ /< (a cloud) 
became removed, or cleared off. (S, £.) See 1. 

sec 4. 

, inf. n. uiii, 2/e n?a* coarse in hi 





living: this is the original signification: he was 
neglectful of cleanliness : (Msb :) he runs neglect- 
ful of washing and cleanliness ; unfrequcnt in 
paying attention thereto ; slovenly with respect to 
his person : (M, Msb :) and * iJ uLSS signifies the 

like. (Msb.) U£», inf. n. ULjj , lie became 

sunburnt. (M.) 

: see 1. 


IS ; see uA«3. 

- - - i 5*1- 

1. u> : sec an ex. toco ojLe. 

t* * t '*' 

i«-a3 A iow;/ no/ so /aryr a.? a JUa»., our nca:< 

* • - 
ro if in *««, that satisfies ten : (S, voce .. . » * ■ ,o :) 

, * i ' * i 
it is a wooden bowl. — ^SsL-JI i*-as : sec 

<U,oli4 ajJuU : see i-a*l*«. 

(jl^j ou-aJ oCi [A tocaA, or fragile, sappy 
plant]. (TA, in art. £>*■•) 

1. J«eJ : see J-o*. . 

• , . I* ' ' 
J*c3 of wheat and barley : see <Ulj*». 

J_ ai Com, or seed-produce, (K,) or barley, 
(Msb,) «•«< icAifc jj-rccfj, (Msb, K,) /«r fodder. 

• - • • ' • 

J-oi* : sec J « » •• 

^ .^.-i Artemisia abrotanum, or southern-wood ; 
also called ^fei j-yo^: and ^1 ^^-o^ is 
applied to santolina. 

2. j_j>e*: see ^a~ai. 

5. ^j-a** : Bee »^a-a«3- — yoW «UJI Vj^< j^"** 5 
i». » f Ai* ■* ; [i/e drank the water to the utter- 
most, not leaving any of it remaining], (TA, in 
art. wii.) SeolO. 

10. ->»«' il //? tocn< to /Ac utmost length, or 
point, in a question, (K,) and in like manner 
you say, ^^l ^^ii-l and 'olcuu. (TA.) __ 
[ffe exhausted a subject. — 7/e proceeded to 
extremities. He was, or became, extreme, in an 
action, &c] __ <OL_« ^oi:„il [7/e went to the 
utmost point in questioning him, or asking him,] 
respecting a thing, so as to draw forth the utmost 
ihat bo possessed [of information respecting it]. 
( ^flj.) — aJU-^ll (j* ^ . o « : ...! and * L5 ^*3 
(S, K) both signify the same ; (S ;) \Hc reached, 
or attained, [and elicited, aud investigated,] tlie 
utmost [that was to be reached. Sic.] in the 

question: (K, TA:) and in liko manner 
S*y\ and * «UJu (TA) I [He investigated, or 
searched, to the utmost the case, or affair ;] he 
reached, or attained, the utmost of the case, 
or affair, in investigating it. (MA in explana- 
tion of the former phrase.) — a-^is. ^o i : . J 
He attained the utmost knowledge of it. _ 
J ~J\ ^_yt a3U jiifi U -*uu-l [He elicited, or 
exacted, the utmost of his she- camel's pace, 
or power of going on]. (TA, art. ^joi.) — 
«l«n«:,..l, nietonymically, signifies I Tlie being 
niggardly, stingy, or avaricious. (Az, TA in 

. . * ****** > >o ' . 

art. JEo.) — — o^»" w™.<n«"^ i'-'j i.y. tu- j jj^wl. 
(TA in art. ^Jtf.) 

Uiill ^jJaa., anil iLaiJI : and tLaiil b^iiW. : 
&c. : sec art. l»y>- , and sou 1 in art. ^». . 

* * j ,*> .** 

le^rf is liko Uij and l^A*, with ^ changed into 

^£. (ISd in TA, voco ^ys*.) 

, (K,) and some say j^U-ai, (TA,) 

The ^liii q/" S^Wn .- (K, TA :) or the green, 

and lank (&), thereof: (Ibn-'Abbid, TA :) or 

* - 
a species of trees of the [kind called] u***»> 

(AHn, K, TA,) slender and yellow, (AHn, 
TA.) SeeJJi. 

U^AI Lean, or //17A/ of flesh. (TA in art. 

1. ^ii 2Tc crunched, nibbled or gnawed? 
See l«i* : and see also Freytag's Arab. Prov. 
ii. 245. 

>»ULi : 


^^-oi as moaning A ;Ain &c. has for pi. 4**oil 

* ■*- * * ' «. 

[a pi. of pauc] and^eS, aml^-ii, accord, to Sh, 

is a quasi-pi. n., (TA,) and ^ai is a pi. [or 

quasi-pl. n.] thereof as meaning a white skin 

upon which one writes. (S, K.) See au ex. of 
• it • 

— ai voce 

1. <*-£>* He finished a. thing entirely, by word, 
or by deed. This is the primary meaning. (Bd, 
ii. 111.) By word, as in iJl/j ^fiij (Idem, 
ibid.) And thy Lord hath commanded decisively. 
(Idem, xvii. 24.) And by deed, as in ^^AUdii 
Ol^ff-/ »w [Kur, xli. 11, And he completed them 
seven heavens], (Idem, ii. 11.) __ And He 
(God) desired a tiling so as to necessitate its 
being. (Idem, ii. 11.) __ t^_ot ^j^J IJI , [Kur, 


ii. Ill,] When He (God) desireth a thing to be. 

(Bd, Jel.) [Thus it signifies He decreed n thing; 

ordained it; pronounced it; or decided it judi- 
cially.] _ dLifi u* 3 *. tt0r - "j '"'• "• »*-** '^ c -» 
He decided judicially, or judged, against him ; 
and j -t rfi II ^t~/ between the two litigants. 
(TA.) Secjji.— [He completed; accomplished; 
or fully performed ; a thing.] — yis He at- 
tained, or obtained, or accomplished, his want. 
(Msb.) _>_ [//c ;>o»rf, discharged, or satisfied, 

J St * t M * t 

a debt, ilnc, claim, or demand.] — &i*> t S^Ju 
I gave him [or paid him] his due, (M?b,) fully. 
(Har, p. 22.) — <ut u -d5 (S, K, in art. (J>»», 
&c.) //p, or »V, payed; or made, or jratv, or 
rendered, satisfaction; for him. (TK in that 
art.) And followed by li-i> [He paid a thing 
for him, or in A(< ircflrf ; <7«»e, or rendered, it 
as a satisj'action ; lit. and fig.] (S, TA in that 


art., and Bd in ii. 45.) Sec «u* ^j»- ; and sco 
a verse cited voce O'i, in art. ,jjj. ^— i/« 
finished doing a thing: he jinished his prayer. 

(TA.) Ife performed, fulfilled, or accomplished, 

the pilgrimage, syn. (_£jl, (Mijlt,) and the reli- 
gious rites and ceremonies of the pilgrimage, 
(lid, Jcl in ii. 11X3,) syn. ^>l. (Jel, ibid, Msb.) 
_ You also say, <4 j-cJ £c decreed il ; Sec. ; 

liko <y ve^ : 8CU ttil ex - voco O 1 -*^* — *V 
^-fc.301 ^^ij C* [//« saying such a thing w 
o/" <Ae things that induce wonder in the utmost 

degree], (TA in art. ^-JU-.) See Har, p. 22. 

.• - -. 
J~5|>~>1 U V ^j 51 ^- i *.} (Kur, xvii. 4): sec 

^)l . — >«»3 : sec jji, and ysh, and ^Uaj ; and 
see *-»!> in the S. 

3. «Lili 7/e cited Aim before a judge. (TA.) 
5 : see 7. 

6. (^jJt aLilib 7/e /00A, or received, from 
him the debt. (M, K.) — See 10. _ And 

sco LjjUJ. 

7. i5^*il aiid * •J* 1 *' -^ passed away ; came 
to an end, or io nought ; became cut off. (K, 

* ,* 

8. \j£» yt-o^ I 1 required such a thing: it 

required the inference of such a thing : it neces- 
sarily implied, or involved, such a thing as its 
consequence or concomitant ; it required such a 
thing to be conceded; it necessitated such a thing. 
_ AA&. »ltfu*t We demanded of him his due. 
(MA.) __ ic*^ *i* C-— iuJI I took, or received , 
_/Vo;n Aim 7«^ 'i«e. (Mgh, Msb.) 

10. it« ; .fli;,,i.l 7 demanded of him the giving 
[or payment] of my due, (Msb, K>*) or debt; 
(K;) and in like manner ^a » A^jUu aud ^j^J^. 

;Lo» a term of the law ; opposed to Jl^l, 
which sec: and see an ex. cited voce ^«, _ 



A decree ; an ordinance; a sentence, or a judicial 

decision. See j^e, J>£. and Jjj . *Cbi 

The exercise of the office of a kddee. [You say] 
j+m. i'LiiJI [meaning, the exercise of the office 
of a kadoo is one that often leads to hell]. (L, 
art. jjc.) 

•- _ . 

«V«aS .4 /Ain^7 ; a» affair ; a matter ; a ease ; 

an event; an action: significations well known, 
hut not found hy mo in any classical writing, 
nor in any loxicon, excepting as implied when 

tho word is used in explanations : syn. y»\ and 

ft. J -r , 

0^>- — A case of law. (L in art. .»»•*.) — 

Ma J %i _ . 

<UA& ij^»J [A universal or general prescript, 

rule, or"cano:t], (Kull, voce Sjtfli, p. 290; KT, 

in explanation of tho same word.) ___ a~o» in 
logic, A proposition, 

^-cuiv. [Exigence.'] — W)l ^yiJU That 
which the word, or expreition, indicates. (El- 
Farabee, Msb, voco ,j<*vo.) 


« i 1,3. 

2. w>a3y A*k» 7/e Mangled him with beating. 

fv**"' t M !? ri P in ff> or cutting pain, in the 

bowels ;] i. ,,. JoO, in the belly ;(S, K., TA ;) as 

also £~oju. (TA.) Sec also «ii. **lsub 

Oy«aJI (K in art. w>Jk».) /I repeated interrupting 
of the voice in singing. (TK in that art.) See 
*» * «»»« — £*»*, mf. n. » ; laJu, Ife articulated, 
or spelled, n word. __ See *JLi5. 

3. «ui>li He separated himself from him, with 
the latter'* concurrence; socajJU; and see xJttiil 

* ***** * w 

*-* • «J»l» 7%c// disunited thrmstlvrs, each 

from the other ; severed the bond of friendship 

that mi i ted them, each to the other ; rontr. of 

^Ulj. (£.) See 6. 

8. *Jsuu for *iL» : sec S, voce j££>, _ jLkJtf: 

see jiyoJ: It (n wound or ulcor) became dis- 
sundercd, hy putrefaction. _ It (a garment, or 
It water-skin, &c.) became ragged, tattered, or 
dissundcred, by rottenness. // (milk) became 
decomjtosed ; it. curdled, clotted, or coagulated ; 
i. e. separated into clots. 

6. UJbUu [Theg became disunited, each from 
the other; the bond of friendship that united 
them, each to the oth-r, became severed] ; (A, art. 
t^-rt ;) «J»tfj signifies the co«<r. of J~ol>< : (S :) 
SCO I^OjUsj . 

*!?. fir**' ^ c " ecame disabled from prose- 
cuting, or unable to proceed in, or prosecute, hit 
journey, (S, Mgh,) [Am means having failed 
him, or] his means of defraying the expense 
having gone, or his camel that bore him slopping 
with him from fatigue, (S, Mgh,) or breaking 
down or perishing, (Mgh,) or an event having 
befallen him so that he could not move. (S.) __ 

<Cfc-«*. ^ji fJaivl [He was, or became, cut short, 
or stopped, in hit argument, or plea]. (TA, art. 

cr-V-) — «V«!>* w- »h «. '> l is said when one is 
unable to perform [or continue] his recitation, 

or reading. (TA in art. _*j»-*-) »,.hiil 

S&\ ^ [or jf$Q\ J* {K. in art. ^j) 
He broke off, or ceased, from speech]. (TA, 
art. OJW.) — >oUL)l a.h 5--I 77is */*>er/i 
stopped short, or iroAp o/f. (TA.) __ «Uft JlLaJI 
[7/e iroAc off from him ; separated, or disunited 
himself from him]. See C~JI ; and see **&\i 
hero. __ *iaiil It became cut off, intercepted, 
interrupted; or stopped ; was put an end to ; or 
put a stop to; it stopped, or stopped short, it 
finished, it failed, it failed altogether ; ceased ; 
became extinct ; wos no longer produced ; came 
to an end. __ He cut himself off, or became 
detached, or he detached himself, from worldly 

filings, &c UjaJlt «£x^j iJaiil [He was, or 

became, cut short, and was silent, bring con- 
founded, or perplexed, and unable to \?ec his 

right course]. (TA in art. C-yJ.) *£uL-l 

O^* ^5" I He made himself solely and pecu- 
liarly a companion, or an associate to surh a 
one. (TA.) And aJI &LLl app. signifies t He 
withdrew from a person or persons, or a place, 
to him, or it: see «u!l tl^. __ o'y %b£j\ : sec 

8. aJeu»l [//c cut off for himself] a piece from 
a thing : (S :) took a portion from another's 
property. (Msb.) «C>jui. iixiil : sec 8 in art. 

^5 tPa<» a'« t/te ie%, and .^lii. (TA.) 
See 2. 

••• S - 

^iaS, applied to an arrow: sec f-l»lio and ^^. 

• -•• 

«uvla5 A piece ; bit ; part, or portion, cut off, 

detached, or separated from the whole; a segment; 
a cutting ; a slice ; a slip ; or the like : a piece, 
or portion, or parcel, or plot, or spot, of land, 
ground, herbage, -vc. : a distinct quantity or 
number: somewhat, or sonic of a number of 
things. _..4 detached number of locusts: see 

J*.j : and so of a herd or flock, &c. : and a 

* ' * • -* 

detached portion. __iaJa», of poetry: sec 

■ * -I'M'* 

pl. £-!**> with which " OUJaA* is syn. 

or kinc, of camels, and of swine, and of ante- 
lopes; and a "swarm" of bees, &c. — Juki 

A whip cut from the shin of a camel Ax-kl 

A portion of land held in fee. See Mgh, Msb. 
— aijj i.q. OLJ-4-A- (S, K.) And iijai 
-f^r' [7^e rutting, or forsaking, or abandoning, 
of kmdrcd, or relations ; conlr. of y^\ iJLo]. 
(K, voce ajUU..) 

j^o-^J gUj jJ.J (S, M, A, K, nil in art. 
w~a»); sec iitos. 

pLOJI jKii f Unable to reply. (AZ in TA, 

£-J»iu Conformation, or proportion, of a man 
or beast; lineament of the face; i'.». Jij, of 11 
man : (K :) and the */rt///7y» ; or justtirss, or 
beauty, if the stature; of a man; syu. iS,\i- (K:) 
and the cut, shape, fashion, or form, of anvthin<r : 
sec an ex. voce ^j ; and also voce ji , where it 
is shown that, being an attribute of a thiiirr a8 
well as of a person, it docs not always mean 
stnturc or the like: it signifies cut, shape, fashion, 
or form : and more commonly conformation or 
proportion: and hence, &Mtt*r/„ or justness, of 
stature; and dimply s'o/vrs, or fullness: pl. 
£sJ»li3, which is more commonly used than the 
sing, in the present day. 

• . t, 

fJoi. A place of crossing, or traversing, of a 
river [and a desert, fa.]. (Ij:, TA :) pl. in this 
sense ^Ui . (S.) — Also the place »f utterance 
of a letter; like ^J, £ a j\ '^^ . sco 

A cause, or wmiw, </ cutting off, or 
stopping: sec rt .„^.<>. 

.*','; J'-' _',':■"'- «/•> 

<uUx» : sec At jo>. A.«t-im aj^s : seo j y> ja. . 

£eJa» ^l /jf rrf, /roo/), or drove ; a distinct col. 
lection or number; of beasts, &e.; a flock, or 
bevy, of sheep, birds, &c.; a party, or group, or 
collection, of men, <te.; a pack of dogs. Tho 
term "herd" is applied to "a collective number" 
of camels by several good writers. We say a 
" flock " of shcop, and of geese ; and " flock " or 
rather " herd " of goats ; and a " herd " of oxen 

-»U3 [Garments cut out of secern I 
pieces] are such as the shirt, and trousers, or 

drawers, Sfc. (Mgh in art. ^.) Isdbi^J^]'^ 

Dirliems [or cojw*] that are [clipped, or] light 
of weight, [or] in which h adulterating alloy: 
or, as some say, much broken. (M»h ) 

'.3.1 , j , v * ' 

ixJaioJI Li^^oJI The letters of the alphabet : 

so applied in an explanation of ^^JUjI <J>j^L, 

iis syn. with this, in the S in art, ~a»*. See 

also O/tte. _ See AaJa3 . 

• 'OJ m>.0 e 

^ki-u »U^-,1 .In exception in which the thing 
excepted is disunited in kind from that front- 
which the exception is made; contr. oj J-e£»\ 
__ f Jk h im : sec J— ^>. 

j«i»ULo Heads of spears, or arrows ; syn. jUu. 
(L, art. jOrf.) Sec also «-tJ. 


A bunrh of grapes, &c. : pi. o^JaJ : soc 

an ex. voce Jjj JlLS i. q. J^JUlo. (TA in 

art. Ja_j.) See 

■ * m 1 Q * 

w Jfci : see J£j . 

oUaS and » oUo5 The time of gathering the 
crop of grapes : (S, Mgh, K :) or the latter has 
this meaning; and the former is allowable accord, 
to Ks : (T, TA :) and the latter is also an inf. n., 
(Mgh,) or may be so, (Ks, T, TA,) meaning the 
gathering of t/te wop of grapes: (Mgh :) [or both 
have this meaning ; for] you say, ^Uj Iju* 
w»lluUt and w'UoiJI. (Msb.) See »U*. 

a coll. gen. n. syn. with ^Jj\Sai, men- 
tioned in the TA voce »->Ll, which see. __ iLiJ 
A villous, or nappy, j\jy [or outer wrapping gar- 
ment]. (S, Msb, K.) See also 0^>-»-lj. 

<^Ua5 : see my 1001 Nights, note 23 to chap. viii. 
Set also iff^j. In the TA, art. «JL£>, it is 
applied to iiLib. 

(vulg. ULfcJU) [pi. .J&UU] A hand- 
ba&ket, made of palm-leaves : so called because 
originully used in gathering fruit. (See also 
iii and J~jj .) 

1- O^-^V O^ 1 * -H* resided in the place. 

^fiai syn. with lai : see the latter. 

• •* > f j fi •* 

^i^JI k >l»5 : see ^i^j. 

i >. 

v >k5 The jMirf between the two hips, or haunches; 

(S, K ;) or the downward [or fewer] awd even part 
of the back of a man ; (Msb;) the lower portion 
of the loins. 

iiiaS t. 7. w .i , » ., ns its description plainly 
shows ; i.e., the third stomach, commonly called 
the manyplies, and by some the millet, of a rumi- 
mint animal. See i>Uj . 

•So Mil 

<LJaS and <UUa3 [Any imd of pvlst>, or seed 
o/*o leguminous plant that is cooked; this is the 
general meaning, and includes almost all the par- 
ticular definitions of tho word] : pi. .Jlii, (S, 
Mgh, Msb, K,) in the CK erroneously written 
with the article ^JUx*)l . 

« . 
^]oM A resident. (Msb.) 

• 1 »• * - 1 - 

0>*»s» A closet ; syn. cjui^o ; i.e., a [small] 

chamber within a [large] chamber. (L in art. 

OJaJu A plant (S, K) and the like (K) that 
has no jC [or standing stem] ; (S, K ;) as the 

- 5 i» 

gourd-plant and the like: (S:) any tree [or plant] 
that spreads [or creeps] upon the ground, not 
rising upon a stem ; such, for instance, as the 
colocynth ; but conventionally applied especially 
tothe*7owrd. (Msb.) See ~-UbLt. 

Uo5 Sand-grouse; pterocles melanogaster : so 
Wilkinson, Anc' Egyp"», i. 250 : see De Sacy's 
Chrest. Ar., 2nd ed., pp. 3G9, et seqq. 

• • • » 9. , 

S^JaS : see 2J\} . 

SUai, of a beast, The croup, or rump, and what 
is between the hips, or haunches : (K :) or [the 
fore part of the croup ; i.e.] the place where 

tfie yj'ij sits. (S, K.) SeeoW'>JI ^ Jjl 

SUai : see «-J. 

4. <U> Vl : see Jtl . 

--•I *i - 

R. Q. 1. *i«5 : sec an ex. voce ,jJI>. 

R. Q. 2. *-ixij it ?nar/« a sound, or «owe ; 
a "crepitus;" a succession of sharp, or harsh, 
sounds, or noises; a creaking, crackling, rustling, 
clattering, clashing, rattling, &c. : see an ex. voce 


(A, TA, in art. uU..) [See also c£ii, said of 
land.] — JLj : see R. Q. 2 in art. 



T^e clash of arms. — See 

Jaa£. — <buU5 .4 gnashing of the teeth. 

&> .-. 

*» *U or *i : see J^. 

•1*4 Jf- ! - ' '* 

el*» zU : see Jl^». and Jc. 




8. JaiuJt: seej*^cl i»GO»i^l and i^*)1 

i-ivUsJ! signify the same. (O, K, in art. J^l».) 


owii! : see »i-«iil ; Re died. (TA, art. 

4. ^xil 7< (a star) rose high, and then quitted 
not its place. (TA, art.jj*.) 

iUiNI : see 


o. oUiil Tho eating until nothing re wit his. 
(Ham, p. 239.) 

i- 1. 

o»3 : see *_sc. 


<-« IH'J h ground, (Msb, K,) fc« than what i* 
termed J^. : (Msb .) or a high portion of the 
O^o of the earth : (S :) or high utul rugged 
ground, not amounting to what is termed jlL. 
(Sh, TA.) 

*«a (pi. ^ii>) A basket of t/ic same Itind as, 
that called uUUU, but larger; smaller than 
the J-jij : i. q. &y*^. (TA in art. Oy*-) 



l_5i>yJl^ii)l Jews-pitch, i.e. asphaltum ; afso 
called mumia, and in Arabic lle^i : see De 
Sacy's Abd-alliitif, p. 273 : and sec Jl£ and 


1. ^1 

The land had its herbs, or 
leguminous plants, dried up for want of water. 

jyiS i. q. jy\£>. (IDrd in TA, art.>£».) 

Jiii A boot: (M:) or a short boot: (IAar,. 
K, TA :) or such as is cut, and not well made. 
(Az, TA.) 

4. vWI J*' 1 -S« 'oc^ed 1 the door. (TK.) See 

also JLUI. 

Jii : seo ^\ji. 

• • 

Jil» A slender horse. (TA, art. v^i..) 

<U315 A company, or an assemblage of persons, 
travelling together: (El-Farubec, Msb:) or a 
company returning from a journey: (S, K :) 
and commencing a journey; as auguring their 
return: (El-Fardbee, Msb, K :) ho who restricts 
it to those returning from a journey errs : (El- 
Furdbec, Msb, in which sec more :) a caravau. 


1. «pi U> and ty\ He followed his track, or 
footsteps; tracked him. (S, Msb.) __ U^Jl» U$ 
He followed the footsteps of such a our. (TA.) 
See »jj\ ^jai, which signifies the same, for a 
better explanation. See also «pl OyU. 

& The back of the neck. (S, Msb, K\) 

»U» ^ tU-e is said of him who is put to flight-, 
because he looks behind him, fearing pursuit. 




(TA in art. owl.) And #U> ^ +k>\ J**-: see 

Jul. _ [Also the back of tho hand: and the 
flat hack of a knife and the like.] 

A-ii : see .ijj. 

i^*l5,by synecdoche, for i-»li^i, (U,) t-4 wrsc ; 
a single verse of a poem. (Akli, Az, TA.) — 
Also, [by a farther extension of the proper sig- 
nification,] A ij^ei [or an ode, or a poem]. 
(Az, IJ,TA.) 


Sj^Jli and ej>L> : soe chU^ 

1. Ji, It mas, or became, few ; small, or /»«/«, 
in number, quantity, or amount ; scanty. -_ 

IjJs ^^* JJu yk 7/e, or »/, is smaller tlian, or too 
nnofi /or, such a thing ; syn. ji-o^. (TA.) — 
lyii ji Her milk became little, or scanty ; she 
became, scant in her milk. — «•-»*» Ji [Hi* 
good things, or wealth, and All beneficence, be- 
came few, or little ; scanty, or wanting ; he 
became poor ; and he became niggardly :] for 
j^jL sHi signifies "poverty" and "niggardliness." 
(A, TA, in art. >»-»..) And It became scanty, 
or deficient, or wanting, in goodness. _ Ji He 
had few aiders : sec an ex. voce Ji. 

2. lili ITc made it, or held it, to be little. 

(Msb.) He shamed it, or made it to appear, 

to be little, in quantity. (TA.) — See 4. 

4 ilit He lifted it, or raised it, from the 

■ , , >z.t 
ii3t .Oil 

ground; awl carried it. (Msb.) — 
f Anger disquieted, or flurried, him. (Mj, TA, 
in nrt. J**-.) And JJ1 [alone] t tie reas dis- 
quieted, or flurried, by anger. (T, TA, in that 

Hrt.) __ «!• Jj'l ». 7- **^- ( M > — &* JIe 
became poor : (S, Msb :) or he had little pro- 
perty. (£.) 

6. jlii (K, art. j>J) /< became diminished, 
or rendered little or iwaU in quantity. (TK, 

i-ame art.) *Uii 2T« «aro it 1 , or deemed it, to 

be little in quantity. (TA.) 

10. J ft*' i r 1 He was independent, or a/on« ; with 
none to share, or participate, with him. (TA.) 
[And Amiij Jii-I , t'»e «"»« »' or ( tt8 »l«own by 
an explanation of the act. part. n. in the TA) he 
managed his affairs, by himself alone, thoroughly, 

soundly, or vigorously.] And I j^ Ji^-J *2> •>* 
if« »'.« no< ao/e [6y himself] to do this. (TA.) 
__ Ji": . 1 //« trai independent of all others ; 
absolute. _ Ji-*-l //« (• «"">) »*o**, or rawed 
himself, with a burden : (JK:) and a bird in 

yti — ja 

his flight. ( JK, K.) — \-±c. JiLl He (a man) 

became affected with a tremour, or trembling, by 

aw/er. (JK.) __ .^j^JIj J^i-d ».»/. ^ j-i-l. 

(TA in art. £**.) 

I, . , 

Js Poverty : see an ex. in a verse citod voce 

Ji 0*J* : 8ee J-»- 

f 5 > 

ili The top, or highest j>art, of a mountain, 

&c. (S, K.) The top of the head and 

hump. (K..) See a verse cited voce JJ» . — 
pUJIS [app. u Uai, or rather u UJl», from C-JU] 
The hollows of the two collar-bo7ies ( u Uy»jiJt). 
(TA, art. «r»j5.) 

ilS [Pawo'/y; smallness; littleness; scantiness; 

waw/ of due amount of anything: as in S^JU* iA5 

toan/ q/" due care : or this phrase signifies want 

• i 
of care : also fewness : for] ili sometimes sig- 

#»» ' •-. 

nifies i. 7. >»c. (Mgh in art. i&i»..) __ ili may 

often be well rendered Lack. 

JJi Few; small, or Zftt/^, in number, quan- 
tity, or amount ; scanty. — _ vl small quantity, or 
quantum, or number, «j«£j JU v>* 0/ property, 
or cattfe, ^-c. — <w iJI J-J3 : [see art. j-i., 
where an explanation is given equivalent tojle 
j^S: and in like manner] b'jhll J-ii is used 
to signify Not making use of oaths at all (Mgh 
in art. JfiJu*..) It may ho well rendered Lack- 
ing, or destitute of, good, or wealth ; as well as 
having little thereof: it generally moans having 
little, or no, wealth, or good ; or lacking, or cfeis- 
/t'<H/c o/, goodness or yood things. — J*A5 : see 
jjJbuo. __ Possessing little, or possessed in a 
small degree, of anything. 

iLJi as a subst., Little : see ij~&>- 

t i-t , , 

IjJjj *^U Ji\ Posseesmg, or possessor, oj less 

than another in respect of wealth and children : 
see an ex. (from the Kur xviii. 37) in art. i-». 

Jj- ~ A writing on a particular, peculiar, or 

special, subject. iU . 7 ,, i)U^ ^1 monograph.. 

See also a verse cited voco^^ . — J £Z- .» ^y** 
xi An independent meaning. 

^■^JUI, or Jaui^Jti\, Some small stars before 

- ' i .A 

^I^jjJI ; [i. 0., towards L.J3I ; being between the 
Ifyadet and the Pleiades;] following l^pt. 
(Mir-iit ez-Zcman.) Or The Hyades. 

1. iiS and * *3iil He pulled, plucked, tore, 
wrenched, or rooted, out, or up, or off; detached; 


removed from his or its place ; displaced; (Msb, 
K*;) eradicated; uprooted; unrooted. (K.) 
__ sJUj (K in art. _)Ji*-) and j~J\ «JUu (1A 
in that art.) [a|>p. for^-JI ^ M*5]j said of she- 
camels, (K ib.) [app. y/'«y »"«t.« their feet clear 
from the ground : seo jJi and «Ji : the pret. 

seems to be «Ji : so if jtU3 be the right reading : 
but in a copy of the K it seems to be »JUu : seo 
JW, art. }S*-. 

4. «Jil It (rain) left off. (The lexicons pas- 

sim.) It cleared away ; syn. jUJ'- (*^v~~ 

4^* «JL»l i/e, or «7, «yi fli'«, or quitted him, or 

it". (Mgh, M$b, K.) He abstained, or desisted, 

/row t'<. (S.) — jclil /< (hard fortune) departed: 

• ii * of 

see an ex. voce Jul o*^' » £ ■»■*»■ The fever 

passed away. 

5. -*/ *-t i«i xJUu 7fe wallced as though he were 
descending a declivity. (TA.) 

7. «JJul 7i became pulled out, or m/>, or off ; 
became removed from it* place, displaced, eradi- 
cated, uprooted, or unrooted; it fell, or came, 
oui. You say, <uUI OodUul [7f« teew fell, or 
cawie, ou/.] (TA, art. ,j~»-.) 

8 : see 1. 

i»Ji as meaning Large stones: see ^5^^*. 

2«« t ^ « •»*• • # * 

^jxJli : pco ^oUjj and .iXil ; in Turkish (_0i. 

c^li is a quasi-inf. n. of the verb in the phrase 
a". , . »i a - 

^^■Jl C-*X5I: see J*o. 

pXsuo ■. see an ex. voce f-o->o. 

c"^L« ^4 thing with which one throws a stone ; 
(S ;) a sling : (PS :) so in the present day. __ 
See also Ji<y-i>. 

2 : 800 8. 


8. jli4jl oil^l He pulled out the finger-nail by 
<Ac roo<: (Lth, TA :) and so *4ftJL», accord, to a 
usage of its pass. part. n. in the T, art. jkio . 

iite [also The prepuce of the clitoris of a 
woman ;] a piece of flesh between the Olr*£ °' a 
woman, which is cut off in circumcision. (Msb, 

* * ' 
voce jia^c) 

oUil has also for pi. u Uj3 : see>t>6l. 

^ ( ^ 

Q. 2. *iUjl e>o 50l j* C-iUJJO [2Vj« cru«<« 0/ 
car^A 6roAe fc7> /ro/n owr t/i« truffle]. (M, art. 

1. Jii, aoT.-,(M,Msb,TA,)inf. 11. Jii, (S, M, 
Msb, K,) It was, or became, unsettled, unsteady, 


unfixed, loose, mobile, unquiet, or restless; it 
did not settle, become fixed or motionless or quiet 
or at rest, or it did not I'est or remain or continue, 
in its place. (TA.) He, or it, became disquieted, 
disturbed, aijitated, flurried, or in a state of 
unrest or commotion ; syn. -_cjjl, (S, K, TA,) 

andvj£u*t. (M, Msb.) _ <«JI JJi, or ^yi\ 

*uU) , sec <_—» • 

2 : sec 4. 

4. AjJil //«, or it, disquieted him ; disturbed 
him; agitated him; flurried him. (S, Msb.) 
He moved it, a thing, from its place ; as also 

tiiXi. (M.) 

g « # » * •* - 

Jjii Unsteady; loose. _ <uUS ijLc y1 foosc 

expression. (TA &c, passim.) 

aS'^L* Looseness in an expression. (TA &c, 

jfi anil • O 1 ^ aml * oCi» : MO »V -^ 

writing-reed prepared for writinij ; a reed-pen. 

• — • ■> 
yjK^i: scc^, 

o i ll.l -li • ' 

jaialt _^JJU ami jUJ6^)t : see jAJs. 

• «.{ « - 

,j-*A3 : sec ^"« 

yJL5 and ,jJ15 

1. *£$ and ^JLS /ile /Werf wheat ; i. c. roasted 
it in a JjL. [or frying-pan or roasting -pan]. 

(Mgh.) ^ji» with^^ foritsaor.: see ^1 

^Jt yJJu yk : sco jj>i . — ^yi* If* roasted in a 
frying-pan (MA, KL) ilcsli-mcat (MA) or any- 
thing : (KL :) and ^Jyit signifies the same. 
(MA.) JWl^ %)» J6 and S'^ljl means »££ 
[i. 0. Ae parched, or roasted, the wheat with tlie 
JJU]. (Mgh.) The aor. is ^yUi and >JJy, and 
the inf. u. ^Ji (MA, Mgh) and ^5. (Mgh.) 

^JLJ Potash; as is shown by the explanations 
in the ?, K, and TA. Hence onr term " alkali." 

_yl« A man irAo eaf* aW that is upon the table. 
(S, K.*) _^L* and i»JU : scc^^-t. 

jgkah A certain well-known vessel ; arabicized 
from ;£<£> ; (K, TA ;) a vessel of copper, in 
which water is heated; also called j^~ ; and 

called by the people of Syria **£& ; as also 
ioioi : (Msb :) or a well-known vessel of copper, 
(Jr., «'» which water is heated, narrow in the 
head: and hence, ta small vessel of copper or 
silver or china-ware, i» which rose-water is put 
[for sprinkling, having a long and narrow neck, 
with a cover pierced with a hole or with several 
holes']; (TA;) the vessel of the perfumer : and, 
with », a vessel of brass, having two loop-shaped 
handles, which the traveller takes with him ; pi. 
JsC*. (Msb.) 

<LdU«i : see A^JLa. and ,jW»- and £***>• 


a... '*'-. 

1. 4jL«i : see »U5. 

^JLjl «4* What sticks to the date, around its 
stalk : (Mgh :) the bast: of ike date. (Mgh, 
art. ^-J}.) See tjjj*J. _ See also a use of the 
pl. cU»l, voce j'jip. — 0>y £** ^'* meatw 
q/" «/»« ear : sec ,j"}k»»A». . 

( jii» A frying-pan; i.q. o**-^. (Mfb in 
art. k^fJ*.) 

»a» »«* . , 

1. ri,» • see 4; and a«j, in two places. 

4. *V J*-* 31 ^ 1 a n<1 Jj^" W: see J«ftt. 

R.Q 2. «,V«i«8J / took it, or devoured it, 
altogether. (TA in art. ^-*.) 

luO Sweepings. (§, K.) 

* • 

1. J*e* : see ^>h- 

4. J-oJl, said of the >i~oj : so 

J^5 t.o. u-^- 1 : or a *' n ^ °f>)jP- (^ e '» '"• 130-) 
See ^C 

.Uio : sco k > e 3. 

,-- • ** '-- 

1. *<3, aor. -, inf. n. »y^, i.<y. ~J, q.v. 

iLU 4n isolated mountain. (K, voce J^*-) 
See a verse cited in art. j*. 

&li Galbanum : so in the present day : see 

1U ilil ji.j : sec art O' • The l ast WOI- d 
may perhaps be a mistranscription for Sjjj (from 
,ji) : but this I have not found in art. k >». 

The state, or condition, of slavery. 

^^C* A certain herb, or leguminous plant, 


beginning of the 
called in Arabic 

jy-»* i eaten by 
C.t iy [correctly 
<«f Ghazneh j>jjJ : 
to the y^ , though 
without teshdeed; 
in the Tckmileh. 

(aJUj,) growing forth in the 
*-jj ; a Nabathaean word ; 
JjJl»j [correctly J>i«J] and 
racn ; ant/ called in Pcrs. 
C — « jyj ; ca/W fcy r/«c people 
(O :) correctly with teshdeed 
in most of the copies of the K 
and with kesr to tho w», as 
(TA.) Seejyu*. 

1. *-Jj> , said of seed-produce or corn: sec 
»-i : sec J-i—M u^^j > voce «t-^"'j* 

j«^5 A /ar^c, long-bodied mau. (Az, in TA, 
voce 2-i)jl> • 

i_rJS : see (J-'b • 

• »•« 
^y The [iu/w<«//] <o/; 0/ n« »'/o« helmet. 

(K.) Sec ^ji. 

5. Ji«^J J«-i*J 2«* »«•'<»* content with a thing. 
(K, voce i ^JmS .) 

fj\aui [not ^lUui, as in the CK] If'i</« whom 
one is contented, or satisfied, (S, K,) like ™ »..«■<>, 
(S, K,) in respect of his judicial decision, nr 
his evidence: (K :) used alike as niasc. and few. 
and sing, and pl. (S, K) and dual. (S.) 

eUS A 7co)nan s covering worn over the jI*j>> 
[or head-covering'] ; (Msb ;) a woman's head- 
covering, wider than the ' in-io . (S, K. ) ^ cUS 
»_JjUI 7Vi« integument of the heart ; the peri- 
cardium. (Mgh in art vlU. ; and K.) 

ajl», as used in Hhc Kur, xxii. 37, accord. In 
some, One who asks, or begs. (TA. ari.^*.) 

«JLo : see jj lsti » — MU»W «iUi ,_«i o 1 f« , % 
in that is a sufficiency]. (S, M, in art. >y>.) 

**JLo : sec <mJUo. 

[and tuJL*, PS] ^4 woman's head-veil. 
(MA, PS.) 

J>*!.j !*W -r»i lr*J* ij-i 'A^ t>^> u 


• • - 
l^kJ What is white in one half, black in the 

back, that walks contractcdly, and makes water 

in drops? An enigma : to which the answer is, The 

JuuS [q.v.J. (L.)__ JJ JjlJ One who sleeps not 


[during the night] ; because the JJU3 sleeps not : 
(L:) and a calumniator ; a slanderer ; (L, K ;) 

as nlso J^J jJU] . (L.) Also JjUS and jsu> 

The rat, or mouse; ijn. jl» : (K :) fem. with S. 

(TA.) _ jJLi t The part behind the ear of a 
camel, whence tlie sweat exude*. (S, L, K.) — — 
And, with », f The ;wn-< o/" i/ie head that is 

• lie* 

behm that which U eaWed Me e^juk-oi. (L.)_ 


jlaJ +A place thut produces tangled herbage: (S, L, 
K :) an elevated place abounding with trees: AHn 
says, that what is thus termed is in hard ground, 
Itetwcen what is termed >JL5 and sand. (L.)_ 

i# j j • j 

J-»j JUUJ + jSawrf collected together, (Aboo- 
Kheyreh, L, £,) an ^ elevated, (K.) or somewhat 
elevated: (Aboo-Kheyreh, L :) or the abundance 

o* j * at 

of trees of sand: or, as some say, J*j »wuj, with 
fet-h, signifies abundance and tallness of trees of 
sand. (L.)__ jlJ (L, K) aud with » (L) t A 
tree in the midst of sand. (L, K.) _ Jjlo 
t Mountains that are not long: or long and 

narrow tracts, (J«*>t, L, K, TA : in the CK, 

** ! 

J-r»-l , or mountains,) of sand : (L, K :) or hills 

with pointed heads (.iUJ) lying in the wag, or 
road. (Th, L, £.) 

Jid Half an VJj' • (*» voce tOj' •/ See 

j-» aud .^J 

1. tUfcJI .yJ He kept to the sense of sliame, 
or modesty; (S, £ ;) Ac preserved it ; and »'. y. 
ot fc : .1 : and ~^jiL*,\ he kept to [or preserved] 
his sense of shame, or modesty. (TA.) _ 
U>-i Li, and " ^jiJJil , /fc <oo/* /or himself, got, 
or acquired, sheep, or i/oo/* [,/br a permanent 

00 -»0 - 

poiiMiimi], not for sale. ( J K .) Us, aor. ^Jb , 

inf. n. yJ ; a dial var. of US, q.v. (TA.) 

3. J»U : see lilS. 

8. .y^»' If* gained, acquired, or </of, for him- 

self, (S, K.) or took for himself , (Mgh,) property, 
or camels, &c, (S, Mgh,) as a permanent stock, 
for propagation, (Mgh,) not for merchandise: 
(S, Mgh :) he made it to be in his possession, not 
to depart from his hcud : (TA:) he acquired it 
for himself permanently, or for a permanence. 
See 1. 

10: see 1. 

US of the nose : see ^+2>. — i>ij US a name 
given in Egypt to ij-Z>) ; also called ^J-ii and 
«i,l, (TA in art. J&1.) 

SUi .4 spear-shaft ; (Mgh ;) a ,^,-r,;- (T, S. K) 
that is hollow, like a cane; (At., in TA ;) a spear 
with a head affixed to it. (Msb.) «_ Hence, 
A subterranean channel, or conduit, for water. 

(Mgh.) — [And A pipe] jjbl SUi Z7»e JJb 

[or spout] oftktjtfSs* [or «/(/^j, that pours forth 

</«; jfrt^«-. (M, K, in art. J->.) SUi, said to 

signify 4.-.a.j e^u : see SUj. 

lyi : sec <ui» . 

3 and ♦SyJ Sheep, or goats, taken for one- 
self, gotten, or acquired, [for a permanent pos- 
session,] not for sale. (JK.) 

.el . t . . 

K yi\ in the prov., ^jU*J ^yJH ^"^Li. C f . 
^j>\ [as meaning JI/o.«< preservative: see that 
prov. in art. ^U., and see »UaJI ,~3, above]. 
(S in art. >W, and Meyd.) 

»l>ULe The tceaving with one thread white and 
one thread black. (T, voce _>«).) 

«->Jv* oftwl ■• (K :) an epithet applied to a 
man. (TA.) 

R. Q. 1. <uLS He uttered a reiterated (K, TA) 
and prolonged, (TA,) or a vehement, laughter : 
(K :) or he laughed, reiterating the sound of *>. 
(S, Msb, ^.) 

oULS : sec JUJ». 

Big, bulky, or large in body ; as also 
^oiyi : (Seer, L :) or the same as an epithet 
applied to a camel : (TA :) or big, bulky, or 
large in body, and advanced in years ; as also 

*,X?, (K,) and 4-*Js . (TA.) Tall, or long, 

and having a capacious belly. (K.) Hard, 

and strong, or robust. (M.) __ /. q. ^\amj iU ; 
(IAar, ¥. :) as also Ci^»- ( TA ) 


Z?«/; bulky; large in body. 

5. Jjyij i/e 7ir««, or became, unfrcquent in 
washing aiul cleansing his jwson ; slovenly with 
respect to his person. (K.) 

^jU-yj : see what follows. 

5 Tall, and liaving a curving back, the 
upper part bending forward over the breast, or 


a bent and humped bach, or a projecting breast 
and hollow back ; accord, to the different expla- 
nations of U>.t ; or tall ; (K ;) i. o., in an abso- 

r .S), 

lute sense ; (TA ;) as also * k jlu v i. (I£.) But 
AHei and others assert that the ,j is augmen- 
tative. (MF.) 

• *. j 

s^ v ** Always remaining at the water. (K..) 

y : see ^S 

»jl» ^4 she-bear : see an ex. in art. i>k£ 
(conj. 2). 

Ms •- 

J»yi : sec an ex. in a verse cited voce *i*.tj. 



^J An even place ; (S, voce juL ;) plain, or 
level, land, (S,,) <Aat produces nothing ; 
(IF, Msb ;) />/ai/i, or w/i, /ana", (ii^l y*,!,) 
/ott-, awrf /ree /rom mountains. (}£..) See also 
<*-9«ij. Respecting its pis., sec jU*.. 

«-»y of the car, The upper part : or the 
helix : see IC and iCl and uili. Not to be 
confounded with Jy. _ ,jy and ^jLS : see 



•< J»- J 

JIS: sec Jl», in two places. _ S^«i»)l oliJI: 
sec art. jjJ. 

Jy : sec Jli . 


1. JUS. The objective complement of JIS, 
meaning He said, or what is termed JyLM J+i-o, 
must be a complete proposition, or a word sig- 
nifying at least oue complete proposition, as 
U^Lfe j or a word signifying a command or the 

like ; or a word significant of a sound, termed 

* * ' * 
0>-o jpA : it may be a verb ; but cannot be 

an inf. n., as SjUe. (Gr.) [This is what is 
meant where] it is said in the Kcshshiif, »jL«Jl 
jUiJ ^. (Kull, p. 327.) — ii JIS signifies 
a) ^jiU. : '<&■ JU, -tie jjjji : 4iU JB, ,j£j| 
4«JLc : «o JIS, 44 jaiL. : and -».» JIS, 4-i olii.1 . 
(Marg. note in Additions to a copy of the KT.) 
— i)jl\ US V JIS, i.e. »y J^-l : soe i)j3. 

dtic JIS, aor. i , He lied, or said what was 

false, against him. (TA in art. >15.) See jytf . 
__ ckjj J'sS and <uc 7/e .sajVi q/" /jiot, or it, such a 
thing. _ ijdu J13 fie asserted his belief in such 


a thing, as a doctrine or the like : a well-known 

»•« « # 
meaning. _ ^j 1 -**" ^^ 77te eyes wiaae a «/7» 

J- , - 
[a» though saying . . .]. (TA.) _ a-I^i Jli 77* 

made a sign with ki$ head : (TA :) or a motion. 

(Ham, p. 242.) _ »jS-i Jli He look [with his 

hand]. (TA.)_— aU^j Jli He walked, or struck 

[with his leg, or foot]. (TA.) <u^ J& B.C 

raised his garment. (TA.) »ju ^jie jQb Jli 

He poured the water on his arm or hand. (TA.) 
— *s* J** 7/e spoke against him ; vituperated 
him. — \jjC J13 lit., He said, or spoke, or /;«< 
forth, or uttered, or #aee utterance to, or recited, 
poetry ; he spoke in verse ; he poetized, or versi- 
fied. _ Jli 2Ze marfe a stV/7* ; syn. Ujl . (Ham, 
p. 601, where see other meanings : see also p. 242 
of the same : and see Mgh.) «ju-f Jl» [He made 
a sign with his hand, meaning to say . . .]. (A 
trad, cited voce lx*- ; and another voce Oj»-.) 
Also, He struck his hand upon a thing. (Mgh.) 
See an ex. voce w>/wl . 

0. AjJ* J>*-> -#« K*d against him. (Har, 
p. 256.) 

8. yi jiat, (s,) or J^ii, (K,) ,\ ? . ^^J, 

(§,)or^l. (K.) Seeju|i. 

J^l A saying; something said: and speech, or 

diction JyUI Aj^* h-*-* [Diction, or speech, 

was, or became, difficult to him]. (K. in art. Jt*>.) 

J-3 and " JyU : see j**}. 

• - - i £ £ 

J-5 : see exs. voce ■, . ;,«? I and voce tj>— o. — 
iXti [4 saying], (M, art. j^l.) 

*■ • i.ji 

illi : see **>>, near the end. 

* a » 

Jly, &c, Gooo" in speech: or loquacious; or 

copious in speech ; chaste, or perspicuous, in 
speech; and eloquent. (K.) _ Jtyl ^jI Tlie 
man who talks much. (TA in art. ^j.) 

J jit I Jy«-« 7V*e </*t»/7 sau/ .- as I j^=> in the 
phrases \J£* Jli and lji» JUL*'. See Jli. 

• ,* • •- 

J^i«: see Jei. 

^£*)l O^ji*)!, in logic, The Ten Predicaments, 

' ' ° ' ■ ** ' 

or Categories; namely, ^*>*JI Substance, j£S\ 

Quantity, i_i«XJI Quality, <L»U>St Relation, 

^jS$\ Place, or where, 15^*" TVme, or n'/<en, 

a-eyl Collocation, or posture, «iU»JI Possession, 

or having, JjuUI Action, or doing, and Jliuj'iJt 

Passion, or suffering. 

1. >>6 7/< stood *<t7/ (Ksh and Bd in ii. 19) 

«'» Ats p/aee. (Ksh.) _ ajIjJI O-oli 77te ocas/ 

stopped (S, K, TA) /row journeying, (TA,) 
from fatigue, or being jaded ; (S, TA;) i. y. (A.) And AjIjJI <uic v^-^15 His 
beast, being jaded, stopped with him, and moved 
not from its place. (Mgh.) __ >»ll He, or it, 
stood up, or erect; syn. >,..a>il. (K.) And 
hence, He rose, i.e. from sitting or reclining. — — 
J-AJLp ^oli He rose in the night to pray. _ >15 

,jLiu>j He passed the nights of Ramadan in 
prayer: (El-Alkarnee in a marginal note in a 

copy of the Jami' es-Sagheer, voce ^>o :) or he 
performed the prayers [of Ramaddn] called 

--j^IjJI. (En-Nawawee, ibid.) — 5*}LaM C~»li 
The people rose to prayer < or the time of their 

doing so came. (TA.) i^LJI C «L» The 

resurrection, or the time thereof, came to pass. 

Ji«j JiiJI ^l^j i ^- e- M I C~oli [27«; *wn became 
high, and tlie shade almost disappeared, at mid- 
dny], (JK.) — _ AjJLft >li 2Te rose up against 
ni/n : see a verse cited voce w»y»-- — >**^W >»^* 
Zfe undertook the affair; took, or imposed, it 
upon himself; syn. aj jic ; and the epithet is 
^li and _^«i : (Ham, p. 5:) [and] Ae managed, 
conducted, ordered, regulated, or superintended, 
the affair; syn. <u,L, ; (TA in art. ^y-;) and 
Aeift ^li has tliis latter signification ; and he 
tended, or took care of, it, or him; syn. «u.C 
and 4«Jj: (Ham ubi supra:) [and] the former 
signifies he attended to the affair; [occupied 
himself with it] ; (this should he the first ex- 
planation ;) was mindful of it ; kept to it con- 
stantly, or steadily ; and is contr. of a-c Juti 
and jLftUu: (JM, q. v.:) [or,] as contr. of ,x»i 
*i& and js.\lu, he acted vigorously in the affair ; 

as also t**lil; syn. Aji Jul, and JJuJ. (Bd 
in u. 2.) — . You say, ajUIj >li 2fe under- 
took, or superintended, or managed, his affair, 
or affairs. And you, say, ^^jyi^li, (Msb in 
art. J>*,) and ,J~ilU, (Idem, art. Ji£>,) /fe 
maintained the orphan, and <Ae child ; syn. «0U, 
and tJ Urn : (Idem :) and itj^JI ^eli, and l^JU, 
Jife undertook the maintenance of the woman ; 
or he maintained her ; (lyiU [i. e. lyljliCi j>\S 
(S and K in art. Oj-*)] ») a "<^ undertook, or 
managed, her affair, or affairs. (K.) And 
iL_J) j^jJLc ^jytjiui Jl*.j)l The men govern the 
women : (Bd, iv. 38 :) or are mindful of them, 
and act well to them, or take care of them. 
(TA.) — (^j-a-xj >»Li [He undertook, and it 
served, to excuse me], (Msb and TA in art. j j* ; 
&c.) — — a^ >»L» /fe, or it, was supported, or 
sustained, by it ; subsisted by it : see the expla- 
nation of >>ty in the Msb. __ \j£s oCXe. >li It 
cost him such a thing, such a sum, or so much. 


__ >li often signifies c~j : so in <uJu . _s >»li 
IJ^ aJI It was, or became, established in his 
mind that it was so. — UU UL5 <o >L3 i/c 

managed it perfectly. __ IjJj J«AJ ^1-5 He 
began to do such a thing ; he betook kimself to 
doing such a thing. (Zj, in TA, art. _>»ji.) _ 
iljl>li f The water congealed, or froze ; syn. j***.. 
(S, M, voce Js>»-.) — a^c ^-oli : see A«5li v j e ». 
___ SjjyJaJI ^li ^»li : see «^i» : there expl. from 
JK. — _ joiJj ^oU : see julj ; and tjb^uit ; 

* 3 t * * 

and see an ex. voce ijw. _ >ii has also for an 
inf. n. >>ULo, agreeably with a general rule : see 
Bd in x. 72, &c. ; and see^»l^o in art.^jjj. 

. l>8; 

2. a-oji 7/e mae/c i< straight, or roen ; namely, 

** '* 

a crooked thing ; as also » A*Lil : (TK :) and 

marfc i< right, or i« a ri//Ar condition ; direct, 
or rightly directed. _ IJ^j j_o } » i/c valued it, 
or rated it, as equal to, or worth, such a thing. 
A phrase well known, and used in the present 
day. _ A«y> He set its price ; assigned it its 
price ; valued it ; (S,* Msb, K ;) as also ♦ <uU£j . 
(Msb, K.) __ '^ y i , : . 1 A^«y t. 7. Jj.juj aUjlc. 
( Msb.) ^ >»^i He made a writing, and an ac- 
count, or a reckoning, accurate, or exact, or right. 

3. A«jli [He rose against him, and withstood 
him, or opposed him, in contention ;] namely, his 
adversary. (Mgh in art. u^y 1 -) — It was equal, 

or equivalent, to it. (Msb.) w>=~M .j A^jli 

Zfe opposed him, or contended with him for 
equality, in war, or battle. (MA.) __ A^jli 
<L».L». ,»_» jBTi! row, or stood, with him [or 
assisted him] to accomplish some needful affair. 
(lAth, TA.) __ A_« 3 lJ 7/ «« equal, or 
equivalent, to it: see Msb: syn. a)^U, q.v. 

* * * »* 

(TA in art. Ijj.) — >>j ,.,H>»U,{ [/< counteracts 
poisons]. (TA, art. ^Jl^.) 

4. >olil //<• «< up, p«< t*p, *c/ upright, a thing. 

(Msb.) __ A*lil said of food, [7< sustained him, 

supported him], (Msb.)_jLui. ( _ J i* > »lil He stood 

* ., . .1 

to a bet, wager, or «to£e. (TA, voce — '-xJ.) — >»Ul 
. a «-- 
JoJI A«U He inflicted upon him the punishment 

'if itt...l - 

termed j^.. (Mgh, art. jL»..)__«ip>lil: see Ijj. 
__ S^ILaJD >lil, inf. n. <u>lit , Zfr (the M~«) recited 

the form of words called <Ul»t, q.v. infra.— 

'■ 1* * 

jt\J\ He remained, continued, stayed, tarried, 

resided, dicelt, or abode, in a place : he remained 

. . i . .1 
stationary. _ »'%ei\ >»lil, He observed prayer: 

or I^Jlki J»bl. (S, Msb.) See also Bd, and Jcl 

<• . .1 
ii. 2. _ *$*i >»lil //c performed an action. _ 

See 1. __ jxpall ( _ J Jlfc A*lil 7/e »i«rf<- A<M to heap 

<o ///<? road: and j^^uaJU , to the right way. (L, art. 

.**).) — See 10 ^t^lil He put the affair 


into a right state; like a*Joj: see the latter in the 
Msb. _ 4ulil (K in art. Jj^) He made it to be 
conformable with that which is right ; namely, a 
judgment, a judicial decision. (TK in that art.) 

See 2 a^UI in the Hamaseh, p. 75, 1. 9, 

app. signifies lie stood in his stead. — j»\-»\ 
He observed, or duly performed, a religious, or 
moral, ordinance or duty. _ «U g - ».lt J&*\ [He 
established the evidence or proof; and so 1^>»15I? 
the «_> being redundant]. (Bd, iii. 68.) And [in 
like manner,] *:«.— j>\i\ i. q. l»iyl ; (TA in art. 
ww ;) and so, npp., <i>, i» / ; the ._> being rc- 

dundant, as in an ex. voce <Ua*. ; but this is the 

only ex. that I know, and it is without explana- 

o >o* . . 'i 

tion : Golius mentions the phrase jf-A& j_y^»l*l ; 

. •' ' -» 

hut without indicating his authority. _ ^JU^lsl 

JU. He abode, or continued, in a state, or con- 
dition; and f\ ^jA«>13l the same; and lie abode, 
continued, stayed, or waited, intent upon, or 
occupied in, an affair, a business, or a concern ; 
he kept to it. 

5. >yu 7/ subsisted: see o^j- 
Aa«* a price ; was valued. _ See 2. 


j 7/ 

6. ^y-~j U^» »y*jU3 7Vicy valued it, or e*7i- 
mated its price, among them. (TA.) 

10. >»Ui-l 7/ became right ; direct ; in a right 
state ; straight : even : tended towards the right, 
or desired, point, or object ; had a right direction, 
or tendency ; was regular. — StJ^° ls** J *** ^ 
J>tljl (K, art. jiij) He continued in the way of 
truth, or the right way; as also a^ *^»lil? 
__ j_»-^l ^. ; ' i ^»J 7/Ae «2fair uhm, or 

became, difficult: see jjuu. __ j^l aJ >»Ulwt 
7V«« affair, or ca«e, became in a right state for 
Aim ; syn. Jju*t . (S.) ^>UUwl i/e, or i/, tea*, 
or became, right, direct, rightly directed, «n- 
deviatimj, straight, or even: and A«, or t7, stood 
right, or straight, or orert. (MA, KL.) Tie 
nicJi/ right on, straight on, or undeviatingly : (see 

w»ej :) whence i*yjaJI ^JL» >»UUwl Ar rwrcr on 
undeviatingly in the way. (See Km- lxxii. 1G.) 
He went right ; pursued a right course ; acted 
rightly, or justly. See also j~>, with which it is 
■yn. It (an affair) was direct in its tendency, 
or had a right tendency. It (discourse, &c.) had 
a right tenour. _ See 2. 

>»ji [A people, or Wy o/ persons composing a 
community: uid people, or persons:] a company, 
or body, [or party, (see what follows,)] of men, 
[properly] without women: (S, Msb, K, Ac. :) 
or of men and women together; (K;) for the 
>y of every man is his party, and his kinsfolk, 
or rri&r: (TA:) or (K) sometimes including 

>y — ev 

women, a* followers ; (S, Msb, K. ;) for the j»y 
of every prophet is of men and women. (S, Mjb.) 

_ >»^S opposed to JL_> : see a verse cited voce 

iels The stature of a man ; his height in a 
standing posture ; it is a span (j~>) shorter than 
a cl^: (JK:) tallness, height; and beauty, or 

justness, of stature. (K.) _ i»l» ^1 structure 
[or jwjs/] /<Ae rAe figure of a man, raised at the 
side of a welt, whereon is placed the wood to 

n'AtcA /Ac pulley is attached: pl.jtli : (JK :) also 

called » 4^5'i: see K, voco >y*z: or *>£JI <UU 

,0 , 
signifies /Ac sheave (*j&) wi/A i/x apparatus. 

(S, K.) 
>0 -5 ^> ^4 r»^A< religion. (Kur, vi. 162.) See 

j>$ti\ r-W^pl *"• right [or cardinal] winds. (S, 
voce liSJ .) 

J&\ JhlJJt (Kur ix. 3C) 77<e right, correct, 
or true, reckoning. (T in art. ^jjy .) __ j-e^I^cjS 

i, y. " rt ^ A a and a — >L> : fern. i«_j . (TA.) 

w«lj ^^ vl manager of an affair; i.q. *%U\. 

(S, Msb, art. JEJ'O See >*^ -*^ >^ ^ 

manager, conductor, orderer, regulator, or su- 
perintendent, of an affair: (TA :) a manager, 
conductor, &.C., of the affairs of a pooplc. (JK.) 

Jljl ,JU ^^5 ^4 (7<jo</ [manager and]4ender of 
camels, &o. (TA in art. ^Jb .) 

ioJ The Wfl/ value, or worth, of a thing ; its 
equivalent ; differing from ^>«j , q. v. (MF in 
art. 0+3-) 

j>\£ Stature, and goodly stature, or tallness, 
of a man : (S :) symmetry, or justness of propor- 
tion, (Msb.) _ j-o"i)l >l^s and tboteS and A-oly 
TAe */a,»/, or support, of the thing, or affair, 
whereby it subsists, and is managed and ordered. 

(Msb.) And >»lj5 The food that is a man's 

• « 
support; (Msb;) [his «uu«i«/cnc^.] ^>ly [The 

main stay of a thing.] — aj aJ >1j3 ^ [He has 

not power to withstand liim. (K, art. }»J>.) 

>>ly Subsistence: see (J>=>j and ^>J». 

>L5 [A i/a/f of purging, or ./?«* of the belly: 

used in this sense in the S, K, voce a-cu*]. 

t - • 

^^» : sec >rt^». 

i i. > i. - 

j>y&\ : sec j>yi \j in the last paragraph of art 

t%ii, where I have rendered it on the authority 

of an explanation in the TA. 

>ly One who rises much, or often, in the night 
to pray. (TA.) See j»\yo. 

i~o)5 is written with datum in copies of the 
S, K, JK : in the CK, erronoously, i-oy , in 
both senses. See voce L r ~n-.'..r.<> . 

^15 Appearing; conspicuous; [as though 
standing before one] : *au/ 0/ a /Ainy whether 
standing or thrown down. (TA, in explanation 
ot the phrase ■ ; e .c s ., «-i i tjuk, art. ^..oi.) 
__ a^_>L», pi. ^SljJ), Leg of a horse, &c. 
— a_o—>U jj.^* An eye [blind, or white and 
blind, but still whole: or| that has become white 
and blind, but not yet burst, (AZ in L, art. Jw,) 
or sightless, but with the black still remaining. 
(Mgh, Msb.) J^IS and A»5li The hilt of a 

sword. (Msb.) i^li A /^ of a table, and 

of a throne, or moveable scat, &c. (JK.) See 
also <ul» ; and see jUwl . __ ,UI w»e-> i«y 
(K, art JojJk.) 27*e servants of the fire-temple. 
(TA, same art) _ ^©SljiJt 77ie »«?iWji. So in a 
verse of Umeiyeh Ibn-Abi-^-Salt. (TA, voce 

JjlL.) sJjOl j^y [TAe /<■//« of the table]. 

*' • I. 

(K, art. jic.) __^li Jai A nibbing in which the 

pith and the exterior of the reed are made of equal 
length: opposed to ^jya*. (TA in art. >-£>•»•.) 
__^„j15 ,U Frozen water. And stagnant water: 

sec i)L».. 

t • • #** 

iolit The/orm of words chanted by the *±~o, 

not by the >jyy», consisting of the common 

words of the ^IJI, with the addition of C~ol5 ji 

1 .1 

S"i)uaJI (TVie fiAW of prayer has come!) pronounced 

/wire o/i«r »^UJI ^jJLc _,».. See >->•• 

>»lLo The p/«ce 0/ /Ac /cc/; (K ;) a standing- 
place; (S, Msl> ;) as also ">UU: (S:) or the 
latter, a place- of stationing: (Msb:) and both, 
a place of continuance, stay, residence, or abode: 
(K:) [a standing :] and the latter, a place of 
long continuance, stay, residence, or abode : 
(Expos, of the Mo'allakut, Calc, p. 138.) and 
both, continuance, stay, residence, or abode. 
(S, K.) 

>»UU: scc>»UU. 

Lasting; continuing: (Bd, ix. 21 :) un- 

ceasing. (Bd, tx. 69.) _ juii^JI ^JL^JI sjhawl : 


see art. jo»» . _ See ^ . 

AmULo ^. standing-place. Hence, t A. sitting- 
place. Hence, fThe persons sitting there. 
Hence, t An oration, or a discourse, or an 
exliortation, (U* jt <UkA. ,) or (A« /tAe, /A«t'e 
delivered; as also ^.. U . « . (Mtr, in De Sacy's 
ed. of El-Hareeree, p. 5.) 

v<>yu« ;»-»• (K, art. t/->°) ^1 precious stone. 
(TA, same art.) 

jgJSLmJIt i«*Vl The rectum. 

oCjyu [pi. of jrtjtt] Stellar calculations. 
(TA, voce •-»}.) 

i*y : see <U^», last sentence. 

1. ^S and t >j£i (S, K) and * j£\ (K) 
B« became strong : (S, ]£ :) vigorous, robust, or 
sturdy; like ju-1, or the last signifies he became 
excellent in strength. (TA.) — 4ic {$£ He 
had strength, or power, sufficient for it ; or he 
had strength, or power, to endure it; lie -prevailed 
against it ; namely, travel, adversity, <fcc. And He 
or it, prevailed over him, or it. __ See 4. _ ^y 
is [said to be] originally j>», because it is from 
iybl: (I'Ak, p. 368:) but Lth holds %i to bo 
[anomalous,] originally i^. (TA.) I prefer 
the former opinion, and think it should be men- 
tioned in art ^1, or I would rather head this art 


£ or \S^> like >* or \Jjk. ISd holds Sy to 

Hi , » 

be from $£, like Sy , q. v. from $yt. 

• a- * » - » f - fij . 

2. «ly : see «j£. — *«JU ^'V : 6ce 2 m 

art. «3>1>. 

3. »l«13 ife tued tctVA Aim, strove to surpass 
him, or contended with him for superiority, (S, 

$,) in strength : (TA :) »'. q. oti. (A, L in art. 


4. jtjJI Oy I TVie house became empty, vacant, 
or unoccupied; (S, Mgh, Msb, ]£;) as also 
tcy. (S,K.) 

5. i_jyij #e strengthened himself; made him- 
self, or constrained himself to be, strong; affected, 
or endeavoured to acquire, strength. See 1. __ 

4-»y^> • LJ i'' Of LS** 5 : see £"•*• 

8 : see 1. 


Sy Strength, power, potency, might, or ybrce ; 

* * * 

co«<r. o/ubks; (S, K ;) in body, and in intellect: 

(TA:) vigour, robustness, or sturdiness; like 
ojjj. — _ iy A strand; i.e., a single twist of a 
rope; a yarn; a distinct, and separately twisted, 
portion, of two or more which, being twisted 
together, compose the whole, of a rope, and 
of a string, or thread. See also ,j-i->. _ 

.4 faculty. Ex. J,jJ lyj> oJ^I ^ »>* £-o— )' 
Ot^-3*i)l [j-o-J 1 w a faculty in the ear by which 
it perceives sounds'], (TA in art. »_»-..)__ 
SyUU Potentially, or virtually; as opposed to 
JjUJL>, i. e. actually. — — iaut) Sji : see C^l. 

* i a 

by> Cy, and Ijjli, and CyLo : see ^>t 
I^a in art. ^i. 



i_^C» : see i_*»[y> • 


) Consistent with analogy. 

see ^yi-o. 

|> ji9u$ : on the «.& thus called see ^ji-e • 

fUJ, (K, voce iUU ; S, K, voce Jaij, and 
voce £j) ; K, voce <uu*; &c.,) or Sstij, (S, voce 

iUU ; and TA,) and 5\i£, (TA,) or Sli^S and 
fclLs, (JK,) The envelope (jh, JK, or .T^, 
TA) of <Ae «JLfe [or spadix of the palm-tree'] ; 
(JK, TA ;) which is made into a drinking-vessel, 


like the aiitt : (JK :) the >'i J of the aXjb is the 
envelope (>li«) <A«/ » wtVA Me *e>«. (K, voce 

see ^jli. 

'U^ see voce <->*• an< i ¥^> voce f^p ant ^ 

1. JIS He slept during midday : (Mgh :) or 
he stayed during midday. (TA, art. j^Jt .) _ 
Ja* : see another meaning, voce C~-j . 

- ». .» '^ 

3. «-JI djjli [He dissolved, rescinded, or an- 
nulled, with him the sale]. (A, art. jj.) 

4. iuj£c i57 J«', and jJUe, [ATay God 
cancel thy slip, lapse, fault, wrong action, or 
mistake: (A, art. jit:) may God raise thee from 

thy fall. (Msb, art. Jj.) *3>!fc i'lji Ife for- 
gave him his slip, lapse, or fault. (MA.) 

, at. 
j and JwfU. 

5. »l^t JJu : so; 

10. *«JI JUi— t He desired, or demanded, the 
rescinding of the sale, or purchase. (MA.) And 
»ya)l JUI-.I ^Te diisired, or demanded, his passing 
over, or forgiving, .'.he slip, lapse, or fault. (MA.) 

See also liar, p. 7. See also a verse cited voce 
• -•, 

aJjIS : see i£\L . 


J-i+Arestingylace; syn.ji:...*: hence, Jeii 
> yJ I [Me resting-place of love] and k-idl JJLo 
[<A« resting-place cf toratk], applied by El-Mu- 
tanebbee to Mc ^c<jr<. (W, i. 112.) See an ex. 
(mistranslated) in De Sacy's Ar. Qr., sec ed., 
ii. 165 : the same, with a var., in Ibn- Akeel 
p. 210. 

(j^J The part, of a camel, that is the place of 
the shackle, or hobble. (Ham, p. 558.) See a 
verse of Dhu-r-Rurameh, voce .jib. 


J prefixed to a noun is called «> e , ,!,:)! «_jlib The 

£) of companion. Respecting its being prefixed 
»t • - • 

to pronouns, see jjl, supra, p. 106. J-*^! 

« .<!, • i , % 
tj^lj L,l£» 'ijAJI IJuk 3faAe tAou Mi* thing to 

be [uniform, or] of one may, or morfe, or manner. 

(I9k, in TA, art. Aj.) iUji» 77i« like 

thereof; such like ; and simply such ; and so. _ 
- ■> <i, • »»- 3 ( 

J£» and ;la» : see ^w or ^A£» voce ^1. — 

U^> followed by a pret. often means Like as 
when : see an ex. in a verse cited above, p. 740. 
— Ui» is often followed by a pret. in the sense 
of an aor. : see exs. in EM., pp. 41 & 214. _ 

»•-- • *l ■ - 

Ij^j5 w~»l l*£» [Keep as, or where, thou art, and 
approach not Zeyd ! like Ij^jj JJLJUlo]. Heard 

by Ks. (L, art jll«.) ^yiJI C^» Waft /or 

ww wAwe thou art ! Heard by Az from certain 
of the Benoo-Suleym. (L, art. jue.)__i) of 
allocution is varied like the pronominal affix of 
the sec. pers., accord, to the sex and number of 
tho persons addressed : see exs. in the Kur, iii. 
42 and xix. 21 (Flfigel's ed., and Lees' Keshshaf), 
xii. 37, ii. 46, Ac, and xii. 3*2. But sometimes 
the same form is used in addressing a number 
of persons as in addressing one man : see, for 
ex., #ur, iv. 96. 

. « ' • . * . . » i - . , , ,* 

1- £ht** : see &t-o. — v>~" O^ 9 : see i>**- 

C& : said of a horse : see above, art. ->-*-, 
p. 656 6. _ See also a phrase voce «JL>. __ L£a 
He fell upon kit face: ($, TA:) or so *yLj CJ» : 
S, TA :) and Lis also signifies y* [he stumbled, 
or tripped], (TA.) 

^Uss (same as jlc) The ceremony (not certifi- 
cate) of a marriage-contract. ^St «/lah ' « ; "^- 
ii^J TAey performed the ceremony of the con- 
tract of his marriage to such a woman (same as 
»jj* t*,jJU) V U3I JaI : see jil. 

Uu£» [The shoulder-blade ;] a wide bone 
behind the shoulder-joint. (Mgh.) __ [Hence, 
The shoulder itself.] See ijL and •yjjyo. 

CM^t as an epithet applied to tho locust, see 
in TA, voce «. t ,«. See also j|>».. 

vJUfe of a Jg^j : see ,_,- 

** e"^> i. a. <L-o A broad piece of iron. A 
poet speaks of a wooden vessel of which a 
fracture is mended with a iUtffc. (S.) 

2. i3l£>, inf. n. J*du, J2c made »t (Wl [&c.]) 
in/o lumps, or compact pieces or portions. (TA.) 
_ And lie, or it, fattened him. (Kr, TA.) 

5. JJiiL? J* became compacted together in a 
mass; it became lumpy. See J^J, art. 33J. 

3As£» A lump, or compact piece or portion, 
(S, M,» Msb, 5,) of a thing, (Msb,) or of gum, 
&c, (S,) or of dates, and of clay, Ac. : (M, £ :) 
a piece, or portion, of dates packed together in a 
receptacle : (Mgh :) and a piece of flesh-meat. 

R.Q. 1. cX£> : see - Jb - V 

w-^.^> The coar* part o/ «#, and o/ 
tow, ^"C 

*••-*■ *• ?• JtO' ( TA in art- (>--»■■) 

* lit • • 

j-*-? ** je*^ ' ( M?b > *») or tAtn ^ **** a J»y > 

[or J*-Vj>] (?,) holding fifteen measures of the 
quantity termed cLo ; (S, ]£ ;) it is a tAin^ [or 
basket] made of palm-leaves, in which dates, fc, 
are carried. (Msb.) 

JJX* Round and compact; (K;) applied to 
a head : (TA :) short (S, K, TA) and strong : 
(TA :) a man thick in body, (^, TA,) compact 
therein, and inclining to shortness. (TA.) 

1. ^»li9, aor. -, inf. n. ^£» [and ^l»:A], 
doubly trans., Zfe concealed, or suppressed, a 
secret. (Mgh.) __ ^Jji ^^ : see a verse cited 
in the lost paragraph of art. ^j*. 

5. >e ^j (K, art. ^Ji) He (a man) concealed, 
or Aid, himself., (T, K, same art.) 

6. (>»3tJu 2*/iey practised concealment, one tvith 
another : see \yS\j3. 

9 ■> - 

v»>£> A strict concealer of secrets. 

* - • >•- • . 

^«3V£a meaning j»y£* : see Jiib, in two places. 

^>-Jl^o3lS9 ^ : see a verse cited in conj. 3 
of art \jbjz. 

0-^=* ^ or O^^ : 6ee au ex - > n a verse cited 
voce w»j^- 

*ali>, see Six) in the ^ and TA. 

r •> * i r - I* 

4. 1»»-£>I : see iaaJI, in two plcaes. 

1. J*. Jo t £?* P Mi 0M< > or blinded, an eye with 
a heated nail, &c. : see an ex. voce^ 

8. UeU& i s Ju i fc l U and Ut«* &c. : see 

»«*s Is* 

ji^l. See also ^Uo. 

10. jY-i\ J*JwL>l t [He became sleepless; as 
though he took sleeplessness as a collyrium]. 
(TA in art u-JU., from a trad.) 


JJLfi> and jJLis (S, K) A year of drought, 
barrenness, or dearth ; (S ;) a hard year. (K.) 

J^l ^ a proper name for .4 Aorse of high 
breed; as also*^^. (TA.) _ XL** aT<w 
(Ol^li) in the dial, of El-Ipjaz. (TA, voce w>> ; 
from the T.) See Hi. 

• -•* i ••** i 

O^ f ■ : see J«^3. 

$JLfi> (j«* -An eye fAa* " 6/acA, [or ftZac/i; in 
the edges of the lids,] by nature, as though it had 
JjL4> applied to it. (Mgh.) Not in the TA. [It 
seems to have both of these meanings.] 

i^aJs 4 certain plant : soo K, voce jU~~> : 
calendula arvensis : see Delile, Flor. Aeg., no. 

J»_£»^l 7%« median vein. See j^^ and J^->l 

ond jyi\ and ,>»UJt. 

1. >jA ife 6t* wtfA the fore part of the mouth. 
(S, Msb, k.) 

6. j^mJ\ _>»jl£J [The wild asses' biting one 
another Kith the fore part of tlie mouth']. (TA 
in art. y> .■>.) See also c-JLJ. 

SjLHJJA [Pers. yC-*^>] An intelligent house- 
wife, who is a good manager. (I£, art. ^-U ; 
but omitted in some copies.) 

%* * 3 .. B - 

JUjJa : see J> •*-«> •» art. Jj. 

•jjULe : i. q. J*~bu, expl. in art. jf*. (TA, 

art. >«~c.) 


• fl # **• 

7. t^iJI (j* i^y&l jK« entered into the thing 
and concealed himself. (IKtt, in TA, art. cr-o^O 

^WM ,_,-£► (T, K, art.^) The bezel of the 
ring. (TK.) 

*C!jj&», thus written: (TA:) [J3«'«er vetch:'} 
see JmI». 

^^9 [or ^^s t] A wr< o/w^*. (The 
Minhaj, in TA, art. ,>»♦»..) 

ciij^> or tA;^> 77<« pkm/ «o named : see A»5>. 

i>uj^ y1 AtW ofiai\ : see !«£-£>. 

• -J. » • 

vejiU ■. i. q. y^fo*, q. v. 

1. ,UJI ^ cj£», and ,TiNM ^, .He pu< All 
mouth into the water, or into the vessel, and so 
drank. (Sec <^~c) 

.,, 3 

e.\j£> : see jkfi. 

c\jS» : see 2^, w^*;, elji, and ^j^. 

ty-j£=> The prominent extremity of tlie ulna, 
next to the little finger, at the wrist. (S,* K.) 

ij=>^=> The Numidian crane ; ardea virgo : 

3 . 3- 3-3. <1 

also called ^tr 6 jj', and l**!/* jj. See ^t 

jljsxll and &l>j£. 

* j *i ■ . . 

1. >»j^, inf. n. >»^, -ft (a thing) too*, or 

became, highly esteemed or prized or valued; 

excellent, precious, valuable, or rare ; (Msb :) 

followed by <tJLs : see 1 in art *<•»-*• — C~»^» 

<u«jl His land yielded increase of its seed-produce, 
(iSh, K,) and its soil became good, (ISh,) being 
manured; (ISh, K ;) [or it was, or became, 
generous, or good; i.e., productive, or fertile']. 

—. d_JLc c-*!^, (S, K, art. >c,) / exceeded him 


m generosity, or nobleness. (TK, vocc^.) 

2. Jlft <loj£» [ZTe honoured him above me], 
(Kur, xvii.64). _ IJ^> l jx -u>j£» [7/e preserved 
him from such a thing] : see an ex. in a verse cited 
in art J^ (conj. 3): and see, here, 4 and 5. — 
v°j£» //c highly regarded a horse or the like. — — 
See l^Ju. 

* r ** I 

4. a.»j£t>\ He treated him nnth honour, or 
courtesy. _>_>-£> I., and '^XJL.1, He found a 
generous horse (Uj>^ ^/*)• (TA in art. Ja^j.) 
See iuj. _ ■5^a cue Cwybl I preserved my- 
self from it. (S in art. ^^c. See also 2.) 

5. 4^c j>j£Ji, and T >OjlXJ, J/e shunned it; 
avoided it; hept, or rerowerf, himself far from 
it ; or preserved himself from it ; (K ;) for in- 
stance, from foul speech. (TA in art. «3>.)__ 
>jO J?« affected, or constrained himself, to be 
generous. (S.) 

6 -. see 5. 

10. f{jl)\ jy£L,\ : see 10 in art. tyi. -_ See 
also 4. 

>jibl ^t The uSai [i. e. ^rape, or bunch of 
grapci]. (T in art. ^.) 

>&^> in a horee, &c M generous quality. See 

^r— ^; and soc^^, and a-o^C*, and oL>^. 

j>\'jLYs J^JI ^i (Kur, Iv. 27) Possessed 
of majesty, or greatness, and bounty : (Jel :) or, 
o/" absolute independence and universal bounty. 

j-A-oJI ^s^XJI : see jA-aJI JjjjJI. 

^eJj£» Generous; liberal; honourable; noble; 
high-born ; contr. of ^J . (K, &c.) __ [A 
generous, a noble, a high-bred, a well-born, or 
an excellent, horse, &c. ; of generous, high, or 
good, breed or quality.] __ A thing highly 
esteemed or prized or valued ; excellent, precious, 
valuable, or rare. (Msb.) _ [iii^£» ^jl Pro- 

J I > r> * **! * "* li * - • - 

auclive land. See 4-i,l w~c;£».] ——^j^^ .gj^ 

•i -. 
aA*I ^^U [^ ramc/ AeW t'n Au/A estimation by his 

owner], (TA in art. »*>.) [^>JI aJjT li-j 

means 3TAe glorious face ofOod: soe an ex. voce 
iL£] — yjOl >> (TA) or Jl^jl (Mgh, 
Msb) Such as are held in high estimation, pre- 
cious, or excellent, of cattle or other possessions; 
(Mgh, Msb, TA ;) the choice, or best, thereof. 
(Mgh, Msb.) 

nor o jar-cover: i. e., iVo .• (/ will not give thee, 
or J will not do, what thou requirest,) nor any- 
thing else. See ^j*. ; and see 3*>£j. _ <Utj£>, 
the kind of miracle so called : pi. C>U1j£» ; like 
the term xapltrpaTa as used by St. Paul in 1 Cor. 

xii. : it imy be well rendered thaumaturgy : 

* - * j » 
and OUt^ w**-Lo a thaumaturgus, or thau- 

». • j «... 

mat ur gist : sze o j ^*e, and iwlji. 

■»-•«. • ' •(•«<•■ i 

.^•fSal in the sense o\ j^jSa, as in Ul ^^«^l : 

see ^W- 

io^, «yn. nii<A ^oi^C ; (Mgh ;) subst. from 
#j«4# «... 

Aio^^j ; as also * <ul^3. (Msb.) 

i*j£* A means, or cause, of attaining honour. 
(Mgh, Msb.) 

Hi* til t # j * 

>>j£o : see JjJl and ^^-j. 

<Uepw« A generous, or honourable, quality or 

artiow. (Msb, &c.) »,LCiJI ,j* ^f [He 

became eminent in generous, or honourable, actions 
or practices or qualities or dispositions]. (Msb 
in art >J-£.) — >>jl~£« may often be rendered 

!LojSL» ^oj\ and " '^Aj^ J Generous, good, land: 
(K, TA :) [good and fertile land :] or dunged and 

tilled land. (TA.) And ^LJU &£, ,J,j\ 
t Land producing good herbage or plant*. (S, 



TA. [In some copies of the S, good for herbage 
or plants.]) 

1. <!*,£» [He disliked, was displeased with, dis- 
approved of, hated, him or if.] 3j>\j£i\ ia the 
contr. of JjljNl and ^^jJt. (Marg. note in 

TA.) iyb (Mgh, Msb), inf. n. iilj*. and 

<U£fi>, (Mgh,) or oji» and »j-£», (Msb,) 2f« 
rfirf not desire it ; he disapproved it, or was dis- 
pleased or discontented Kith it ; (Mgh ;) he dis- 


liked it ; disapproved it ; hated it ; contr. of***-. 
(Msb.) __ tj£» and ♦ ♦.£ : see Lfc i ■ 

2. <J,i)t aJI c-v£>, inf. n. ijjb, 7 ?/iarfe fAe 

(/«tn<7 <o ic an ofr;'ecf of dislike, disapprobation, or 
Autrea*. fo Aim. (8, $.*) 

4. U£» ^^U *a^»l I made him to do such a 
thing against his mill. (S.) 

6. a*,£> He showed, or expressed, dislike, dis- 

J - A .' 

approbation, or hatred, of it; see a^».U and 
aLu>»>J : and a^Xb *a,lC> signifies the same ; see 
mji. — o^-O Jfe expressed dislike, displeasure, 
disapprobation, discontent, or katred. (IbrD.) 
See examples in the K, voce ai.1, and voce ol, 
&c. The above is the prevailing signification, 

and often occurs aa^XJ t. j. tJkfJm, q. v. 

(K,*TA.) See also i**U. 
6 : see 8. 

a_>j-£> Disliked, disapproved of, blamed, or 
hated; hateful, blameable, displeasing, or odious; 
as also t »}>£■• . 

1^,-UJ ijAl^l signifies a) l >uuJI and >j« 

«fM^U. (MF in art ^1.) 

• ■ --i 

fljl£» Unwilling : see an ex. voce »L#1. 

«•• • 

»j.v.-o .1 //iiti// rA<i< orifl dislikes, disapproves, or 

/iafe«, or tAaf one dislikes to do: opposed to k.f..« : 

(TA in art. Jxij :) [a fAtn<?, or an event, fAat is 

an object of dislike or hatred], 

»)^>~o Foul, abominable, or evti ; i. q. /^ ; 
(Beyd, xvii. 40 ;) and ji : (TA :) [Ae« in aver- 
rim]. See *u>£>. — «jl£t> a pi. of *>/£*. — 
ykjJI Ojli« Z%* afflictions, or calamities, of for- 
tune; syn. dJjiy and ojoljji. (TA.) See also 


•- •- • * • »« 

d,x*-»4 : tee an ex. voce ^oj£ . 

3. ijb v _ r U |^jl& He employed a beast of 
carriage to carry for hire. (IbrD.) 

4. *jb ^ (/£»), and a^Ij, He let me his house, 
and his beast of carriage, on hire. (Mgh.) 

6 : see 8. 

8. [J/£»\ and * \j£-\ and * ^jlC -ffe hired, 
or fooA on Aire a house, and a beast. (Mgh.) 

10 : see 8. 

\jj=> or \j£» Drowsiness. (S, Msb, K>) 

^j^fe One wAo /e<* a «/«»(/ on Aire; (Mgh:) 
one who lets beasts on hire. (M?b.) See an ex. 
in a verse cited art. ^ , conj. 4. _ And One 
wlw is hired. (Mgh, &c.) In one copy of the 
Mgh, lSP^I is put by mistake for iJjX*^ : 
t. q. Jii : and J^- (TA in art >j»-.) 

fjjka Spherical : see BLsh in ii. 20. 

&jj£> Sphericalness : see Bd in ii. 20. 

U^£» [Caraway-seed] is of the measure JJ^«> 
[and if so must be written ly^] : (^ or n 
may be j£$»a : [but see what follows :] AHn 
says that, if with medd, it is fem. [and therefore 
l\£Sa\ : but it is not Arabic [and therefore, 
without medd, it is probably Vy^£»]. (TA.) 

Ohj£* '• Bee ?*° an &"&' 

jlLi One who lets beasts of carriage, $c, on 
Aire; like ^Js, q.v.; an owner, arid letter on 
hire, of otte/rjr.]. (KL.) See £&. 

JUI ou& : see JIj. 
J-^£» t. y. ». ■ j ,a » . (M.) 

2. ailfe, inf n. Je-&, said of satiety, It ren- 
dered him heavy, sluggish, lazy, indolent, or tor- 
pid. (TA.) 

4. C* J^»* 8»gn' fieB j£ ^3 g^' ' t 1 "** 1 
sed non emisit ;] (IAar, in TA, art. j^i ;) [i. e., 

^•jufia Heavy, sluggish, lazy, indolent, tor- 

pid. (ij:.) 

iUUfcs : see an ex. voce <Ua3. 

1. Uul t3ym£* [I invested him with a sword]. 
(TA in art yU..) 

0. ^— G : see ^ji-J. 

fll£> [A garment]. See !Uc, and J-U. and 
«-e— •. — jt-fe jj, as opposed to ^ ^,\ A 


poor. man. (S, art *—£•) [The »l ,...,4> was 
evidently a simple oblong piece of cloth ; for 
^yU-SJI is said to have been thus named because 
he wore a >l~£> while in the state of j>\ja*\ ; as 
is mentioned in the TA, art. y-£=> ; but it seems 
to have been sometimes sewed in the manner of 

■ T" i • t i ■ • *** . ••* 

the .Uc, which see ; and see also ■»■ .....o, and j^..] 

It is [properly] not one of the garments which 
are cut and sewed [but is a single piece]: (Mgh, 
art. xh3 :) [a wrapper, or wrapping garment, 

of a single piece]. __ »t"\LS» ^£>j He fell upon 
tlte back of his neck. (IAar, in TA, art ejj.) 

ij-A£» Having clothing : see an ex. voce vj • 

j^j.&l : see J-a^. 


1. < « >., : , g» and <u« otife 7/e uncovered it ; 
unveiled it ; laid it open ; displayed it ; exposed 
it to view ; discovered it ; detected it ; revealed 
it ; disclosed it. __ <uj. Jjj£-, He investigated, 
explored, or scrutinized, it ; searched, examined, 
or inquired, into it. __ <ii,T.&> He removed it ; 
namely, a cover, or covering, or the like: 
and Ae uncovered it, laid it open, &c. ; as also 

**>■ «-*-& 5cJ i ^t I^i wii£» J/e removed, 

put off', took off, or stripped off, a thing 
from over, or from before, a thing which it 
covered or concealed. (K.) _ ULL^ He re- 
moved, cleared away, or dispelled, grief, or 
sorrow : see »-ji (of which it is an explanation 
in the Msb and K). _ See 7. 

3. aAilSa, inf. n. 4>.H C c, [He acted openly 
with him, or towards him;] syn. of the infVn. 
Sj*lm~». (Har, p. 470.) He, or t't, appeared to 
Aim; as also aJLc i_it>l^; syn. a) ^yi>. (TA.) 
— c-*i-i.l Uv i_i^£> Tie became acquainted 
with, knew, or ^ot knowledge of, what I con- 
cealed: syn. 4ic ii£l. (Har. p. 686.) i«£lC^ 

The showing open enmity, or hostility, with any 
one. (KL.) [I. e. 'aA^.U£> alone, or] <U^L£> 
JjtjmJ^ signifies 7/e showed open enmity, or 
hostility, with him ; (S, M A, K ;) and so «i£l£> 

i^ljJtll. (MA.) See i»Juo [ Also Discovery, 

or revelation : pi. cUi>lC« : see Hajjee Ehaleefeh, 
s. v.] __ w>»-ll AAilis [i£e ma^e war with him 
openly]. (Msb, art. JwJ.) 

5. sJlIC 7/e uncovered, or exposed, himself in 
sitting. (TA, voce C-iftl.) 

6. I^libu 2 '/«•!/ revealed their faults, or secrets, 
one to another : see lyiljJ. 

7. aIc U&&I [J?e, or »t, withdrew, or became 
withdrawn, or rewiored or became removed, from 
Aim, or it, or from over ii]. — c i..A»l said of a 
she-camel : see |>UU. — IjiiJLil [7%ey mere 


routed, defeated, or put to flight ; like * \ ^ k lm : 
the former is quasi-pass, of tJLi£», " he routed," 
Ac.], (1£, voce JU. in art. J^»-.) See also *»->J, 
in art. *~ji . 

Jllfi* : see Ham, p. 49, 1. 2. 

kJj£JU Uncovered, Ac. ; overt. 

\J&\£* [A discoverer, or revealer: thus I have 
rendered it voce o* 6 -] 

»» £j> Barley-rcater : (K :) or pounded wlieat 
or barley: a Persian word, arabicized. (Mgh.) 
Hence, IxLb A kind of broth. (Mgh.) 

1. rt.iat.fc ^h^* //<■ repressed, or restrained, his 

wrath, or rajre. (K.) __ ^Ja£>, aor. ;, inf. n. 

jji&, Re restrained himself. (TA.) ^ b<1 .' U 

a -.• a »» f i* » »a ' 

Sj*. ^ylx ; and ai^- ^jAc .**»& "j) : see Sj*. . _ 

f^fc JU >>&» i. q. &UJ&*. (TA.) 

^ilh4» [pi. of <ULk£»] Subterranean conduits 
for water. (TA in art. yi.) 

iji*P* and " »jy.»r> Anything compact (K, 

TA) a/to* round: (TA:) and the latter, i.q. Sjuic 

[meaning a knot, or a ltnob~\ : (TA :) [pi. of the 

latter j^la^a : see ^jm. : see also>s^a.1]. _ Also 

The seed-vessel [i.e. siliqua, or pod,] of the radish 

i . , 
and some other plants. (IAar, TA voce jUmI.) 

•#fft * J «.J » J 

«jj-jii=» : see »^. «fe . 

»lLn A .4 wellltnorcn bread; (K ;) biscuit ; 
(MA ;) or [a kind of] dry bread : (MA, TA :) 
now applied to a sort of bread made in the form 
of a ring, hollow, [and generally containing some 
u~t} or the like,] the best of which is brought 
from Syria, and given as a present. (TA.) 


Jj& : see Jju. 

1- Sef*" ^» : 8ee &• 
jXȣ> A muzzle for a camel. (PS.) 

«UU£> The iron thing that embraces, or clasps, 
( M i : \ ~ i,) the muzzle of t/ie horse. (IDrd in his 
book on the Saddle and Bridle, p. 8.) 

1. »_>yJl w»^» He sewed the edge, or border, 
of the garment, or piece of cloth, tlie second 
time, (S, K,) after the [slight] sewing termed 

Jill, (S,) or jilt. (K.) — [Re felled (a seam 

#•*• a . 
or garment).] _ «uc v_i£» , aor. i , ife refrained, 

or forbore, from it, as forbidden ; abstained, 

or desisted, from it ; left, relinquished, or forsook 

it : (Msb :) [as also * JL&I] He. Jt£» Re 

refrained, desisted, forbore, abstained, or held, 

from it. (K, &c.) — <*-t **£=> Re made him 
to refrain, forbear, or abstain, from it ; averted 
him, turned him away or back, from it ; (K ;) 
prevented, hindered, held, withheld, or restrained, 

him from it. (Mgh, Msb, TA.) [JU» 

l+r~j He interposed as a restrainer between them 
two: a phrase of frequent occurrence]. — U» 
^jtUI ,>• (M, K, art. j-e>3) 7/e shortened the 
hair. (M, ibid.) 

3. ^jjlc tyl£> t. 9. >4 *^j*.l»., which see. __ 
ij.j %. . , 1 

isl£e signifies t. 0. «p»-U_6, because it is a pre- 
venting, or an abstaining, from fighting. (Mgh.) 

7 : see 1. 

U& [generally The hand : sometimes, app., 

the palm only :] accord, to Aa, the palm with 

the fingers. (Msb.) _ [Hence, A cake of the 

length and thickness of the hand: thus in the 

tit S . 

present day. See JU»-ft.] «_»^ A handful ; 

what one takes with the hand, or grasps ; syn. 

ii-5. (S, art. yij.) [U£» ajj^o He struck 

him a slap with the hand.] mm, [oi^s often signifies 

The pan of a beast.] jUJ^JI Jj&\ The star 

a of Cetus. — Je-j-oi. II <J&\ The star /J of 

• 2 . »w 

<U£» : see <U£> . 

<ijJ=> The selvage, i. e. border, or m'oV, of a 
garment or piece of cloth, (S, Msb,) that has no 
w>juk [or end of unwoven threads] : (S, voce »p» :) 
or what surrounds the skirt of a shirt. : or what- 
ever is oblong; as the iuiU. of a garment or 
piece of cloth, and of sand: and the edge of a 
thing. (K.) 

• a 

**£» The bezel, or collet, i. e. the part in 

which the stone is set, of a signet-ring. (TA in 

art. s-=>j.) See v-5 -y£» See also Jji». __ 

aa£» ^f «cafe of a balance : (MA:) vulg. * ii=> . 

w»U£» The like of a thing. (S, Kl.) i^oi, 

or sustenance, that renders one independent of 

others : (S, K :) or sufficient for one's want, not 

exceeding nor falling short. (Msb.) 

• • 
>_jU£» The circuit, rim, or surrounding edge, 

of a thing. (S,£.) 

&U£> [app. a subst., not an inf. n.,] The act, 

a - 

or art, of sewing in the manner termed «_»-& ; 
(T A ;) contr. of li^Li. (TA in art. Ji .) 

4i\i=> aiC ^n o/rf aru/ wcnA she-camel. (AO, 

TAin art>»ju«.) [iilfe U The restrictive U, 

a at 
which is annexed to o' > C'» & c,: so <»Ued be- 
cause it restrains the particle to which it is 
adjoined from exercising any government.] __ 

3& fT/*o%. (Bd and Jel in ii. 204.) 

Siil£© 0^ ^1 particle denoting compensation, 
or £Ai complement of a condition; like ;IJ^ o^. 

1. JUJIj (J 1 '^* ■^* wa *> or became, respon- 
sible, answerable, accountable, amenable, surety, 
or guarantee, for the property (Msb) owed by 
another person: (IbrD:) [it may be rendered 

he guaranteed the property. See JyifL*]. _- 

• a . . . 
^JL i.lli J-«-^> //e mas, or became, responsible, 

answerable, amenable, or surety, for another 

person, (Msb,) i. e., ybr Me latter s appearance, 

or presence, to a.tswer a suit. (IbrD.) 

,Ji-£> The J-a-t [or hinder part, posteriors, 
buttocks, or rarny] : (Msb, K:) or the wijj [or 
hindermost part] thereof: or the [part called] 
OU. (K.) 

yj ; I fe One who is responsible, answerable, 
amenable, or a sponsor or surety. (S, K, &c.) 

<UU£» Responsibility; answerablcness ; amena- 
bility; or suretiship ; (S, Mgh, Msb, ]£ ;) the co»- 

joining of one responsibility (<L*i) /o another, 

[i.e., the conjoining one's own responsibility to 
that of another 'j>erson,] with respect to the right 
of suit, [so that one person becomes liable to be 
sued for that which another owes] ; (Mgh;) t. q. 

(jU-o- (S, &c.) 

9 * • 

J la-Co A wotnan iflr^e in the J±&> [or hinder 
part, or posteriors], (TA in art. J*3.) 

Jjj&o app. signifies Guaranteed, or pledged : 
for, accord, to IKtt, as is said in the Msb, you 
say JLoJI C J J U h as well as JUJIj CJUUb ; mean- 
ing I took upon myself the property; became 
responsible, or answerable, for it ; [or / guaran- 
teed it :] or J>iC« is better rendered ensured by 
an acknowledgment of responsibility for it : see an 

ex. voce 0!>*.r* • 


.«* '*>- r/rT , 
5. fUaiLt l y .». Vj [27i«y wrajyped themselves 

with elkil /or jrratJe-c^Ain^]. (TA, art. iu— .) 



4. jv*£»t i said of clouds : see a verse cited 

L life He, or it, sufficed, or contented: 

hence >^l O*^ u''"*'^' ^ wc * ° owe sufficed 

me, or contented me, in respect of the affair; 

i. e., by taking upon himself to perform it or 

accomplish it if good, or to prevent it or 

t m 0j 
avert it if evil : and l.w£> .yl»^ jffe sufficed 

»»c am, or ybr, a witness ; or Ac suffices me as, 
or _/br, *«cA : and sometimes «_> is redundantly 
prefixed to its agent, and sometimes to its objec- 
tive complement; as in exs. citod in art. «_>. Sec 
Ham, p. 152. .«*£> [It sufficed, or satisfied, or 
contented^] it stood instead of another thing, or 
other things ; (M$b ;) [as also tj+t ^ye. ^j£o.] 

W ^> for liUia &c. See W, pp. 5 and 0. 

__ ,,»£>, aor. ,«*£;, inf. n. iMSs, also signifies 
*»> and *i« followed by ^>*. (Har, p. 43, q.v.) 
[You say, j-DI »U& Jfe repelled from him evil ; 
and hence, Ae defended him therefrom ; and Ae 
freed him therefrom : said of God, and of a 
man, &c] 

• a «#• 

8. • t _j-iJW (^5*^1 ■*** n;o *> or became, sufficed 

by tho thing, so as to need nothing more; or 

content with it. (Msb.) 

4jU.:=> .4 sufficiency ; enough ; a thing that 
suffices, or contents, and enables one to obtain 
what one seeks. (TA, art. %^(.) _ dSAhSj >»15 
He undertook his maintenance ; he maintained 
him ; syn. 4JU. (S, 1£, art. <Jy>.) 

^yifel [More, and moat, satisfying]. (Mgh, 
in art. Ij»») 

JLi£sL£» or l^=>\£* [Pers. ,j£»l£>] : see ^-^c. 

1. ,_)£» It (the sight) was, or became, dim, 
dull, or hebetated. (K.) — /fe (a camel) was, 
or became, fatigued, tired, or wearied. (MA.) 

— ikS'&y *^«^» 2'Ae hands, or arm*, became 

weak; syn. cJuuo [i.e. JJb fc AJ. (Ham, 29G.) 

[ J*i ,^>* ^)£» //e icas fatigued, or wea£, and «o 

disabled, or incapacitated, from doing a thing ; 

Jfi .Df 19m m - m m J , « 

like <uc Uti, and nut ou»«a : see >,.jL. ' > and ^^.J 
^4jU_,I C A fc , (K, art. ^-/.i,) inf. n. J*^>, 
(S, in that art.,) 7/t* <ee<A were se< on edge, 
(T£, in that art,) by eating, or drinking, what 
was acid, or sour. (S, K, in that art.) __ J^b 
// (a sword, &.c.) was blunt, and would not cut. 

(K, &c.) l_ ^vyli^a for ^>yA^> : see Bd xzxi., 
last verse. 

2. JJl£> -He adorned a thing with gems or 

i, ,,i s - t 
4. xiUwl J^t [J< se< Aw <ee<A on ectye] ; said 

of acid, or Sour, food or drink. (Ibn-'Abbad, in 

TA, art. u"j^-) See 1. 

t- <o 

J£> A burden ; syn. JiJ : (S, Mgh, Msb, ?:) 

a perso?i, or persons, whom one has to support ; 
syn. jU, (K,) and JLc : (S, Mgh, Msb, K :) 
applied to one and to more. (Msb.) See an ex. 


voce 4*3 (last sentence but two). 

y}£s when preceded by a negative and followed 
by an exception, means Anyone; as in the Kur, 
xxxviii. 13, jLji\ L>j£> *5l jis £,| There was 
not any one but accused the apostles of lying. 
Sec also another ex. voce C»J. __ See ^ny. ._._. 
^Ixll (J^a ^UJI yk [lit. lie is the possessor of 
knowledge, the entirety of the possessor of know- 
ledge,"] means that he is one who has attained to 
the utmost degree of the quality thus attributed 

to him. (Sb, K, TA.) Uli=> Whatever 

1<J^ Whenever; as often as; every time that; 

ft mi * 

in proportion as. __ > j- g Jl^» Whoever. 

•a j it 

4A» [musr/nito-curtain]: see jbj ^>1 and ^jauu. 

^jJL^ Relating to all or <Ae whole ,- universal; 
total ; and often meaning relatingto the generality ; 
general; contr. of ^J>J»-. — And, as a subst., 
^1 universal ; that which comp7-ises all C>L>j^, 

or particulars: pi. OLA& S,JL^ The quality 

of relating to all or the whole; relation to all 
or the whole; universality ; totality: and often 
meaning the quality of relating to the generality; 
generality. — ^ ^J l oCUbt, in logic, The 

J J td 

Five Predicables : namely, j^-^JI Genus, c$JI 
Species, J.« ^ j U I Difference, <LoUJI Property, 
and t^iyjOt Accident. 


JJ^a Weak, or /at'n<, lightning [app. likened 

to a blunt sword]. (TA in art. J~»t.) _ J-A£» 

ft A 4 -» f # • * " 

jJLkJI : sec ^ib. __ JJl^> ^UJ A dull tongue ; 
lacking sharpness. (S.*) 

S, + + + t m* + * + + * " 

ii'jS> "^f. } £>}}, and oJ^liSa j,*, i/e was AetV 
of a man who left neither parent nor offspring 

Jji>^l ThellthMansionof the Moon ; (Kzw;) 
<Ae head of Scorpio. (Aboo-1-Heythem, quoted in 

the TA, voce ^-jij.) J-J^>SI TArce bright stars 

in [or rather before] the head of Scorpio, [namely 
y, -n, and 0,] disposed in a row, transversely. 

The border of flesh round the nail: (K :) 

in the TA, art. UJii, >fcJI Jt&>\. 


w Ji£» Adorned with gems or jewels. (L, art. 
-»■»■..> ; a common meaning.) 

1. Aj U ULfe He became attached, addicted, 
given, or devoted, to it ; or Ae attached, addicted, 
gave, or devoted, himself to it ; (S, Msb, K, 
TA ;) Ae loved it : (Msb, TA :) [he was fond of 
it :] he loved him, [or it,] vehemently. (TA.) _ 

ft - * mm 

imiXhm, inf. n. of (jUia : [tvo&nf or intense love:] 

i ' 
see ^r-a. ; and see a verse cited in the first para- 
graph of that art. 

2. l^i <u-iJ u*JL£» i/c tasked himself reith 

a thing, as also ' t^i uLXXJ. __ \yc\ omXSs 

He tasked him to do a thing ; imposed upon 

itim the task of doing a thing. ^_ So i_w c \SJ 

The imposition of a task or duty. _ A task ; 

* - a - 
compulsory work ; a duty imposed. _ ■« ■ I <=» 

- o I 

j — o*i)t He imposed upon him the thing, or 

i & * *2 m t m $m , a - 

affair; syn. »U «Jl»*.. (Msb.) __ -« U o»I^ 
2fe ^«< himself to trouble or inconvenience; like 

. mi mm , m , , 3 , 

" k_»JAj alone. — lj£» AiA£» //c imposed upon 
him the task of doing, or procuring, or bringing, 

tueA « ^/un^ l^ol 4JUfc 7/e imposed upon him 

a thing, or aw "ffair, in spite of difficulty, trouble, 
or inconvenience : (Msb :) Ae ordered him to do a 
thing that was difficult, truublesome, or incon- 
venient, to him : (S, K :) Ae made, required, or 
constrained; him to do a thing ; exacted of him 
the doing a thing ; meaning, a thing that was 
difficult, troublesome, or inconvenient, to him : 
(Kill), 123; arid the Lexicons, passim.) See *\ '7'* 
w**l£> An imposition ; a requisition ; con- 
straint, fyc. 

<•£ -Zu- 

IH. I^ot iJJSj He [undertook a thing, or an 

affair, as imposed upon him ; or] took, or im- 
posed, upon himself, or undertook, a thing, or 
an affair, [as a task, or] in spite of difficulty, 
trouble, or inconvenience ; (Msb ;) syn. ■«,'»>" : 
(S, K :) Ae constrained, or tasked, or exerted, 
himself, or took pains, or made an effort, to do 
a thing ; meaning, a thing that Teas difficult, 
troublesome, or inconvenient, to him : or Ae 
affected, as a self-imposed task, the doing of a 
thing. (The Lexicons, passim : see Jjii : and 

ft St t mSt m * m M 

see 1^0 1 *aA£>.) — AAmro oU£i He affected, or 
endeavoured to acquire, a quality. So in the 

- a - m 

explanations of verbs of the measure Jju3 ; as 

JoiftLi. (Sharh El-'Izzee, by Saad-cd-Deen.) 

Also, He affected, or pretended to have, a 
quality, not having it. So in the explanations of 
verbs of the measure J*U3, as JaU»j ; (idem :) 
[and sometimes in verbs of the measure JjUj also, 
as jm.S3 &c.]. And iJULCi alone, He exercised 
self constraint, or put himself to trouble or in- 


convenience. — sJ& O He affected what was not 


natural to him. mmm Ju& He used forced effort* 
to do a thing, and to appear to have a quality. 
He affected, or endeavoured to do or acquire, #c. ; 
he constrained himself to do, $c; he applied him- 
self, as to a tash, to do a thing. aiu..:JI u&J 
He made himself, or constrained himself to be, 
courageous ; affected, or endeavoured to acquire, 
or characterize himself by, courage. _ «_il& 
• ff l^ m JI also, He acted, or behaved, with forced 
courage; endeavoured to be courageous. _ <JU£» 
*?t-ljz ,_5» He used a forced, or affected, manner 
in his Arabic speech. __ UBfcJ A straining of a 
point in lexicology. __ Ji»j signifies i/e affected 
or endeavoured to acquire, intelligence; explained 
by JiiUt uU£j ■ and Jilai, lie pretended to be 
intelligent, not being really so. (S, art. Jiz.) 
oU& in a verb of the measure Jjuu is as above 
explained, signifying a desire for the existence 
of an attribute in one's self : in a verb of the 
measure J*U3 it is different, and means the pre- 
tending to be or to do something which in reality 
one is not or does not ; as in the instance of 
JaUJ, he pretended to be ignorant, not being 
bo in reality. (Sharh El-'Izzee, by Suad-ed-Docu.) 
tjh£& oiixj He did so purposely. _ ^jliu He 
tasked himself. __ t^i\ «JUC3 He vomited inten- 
tionally. (TA, art. ,^j.) 

*' ' 

Utl fr * [A discolouration of the face, by] a thing 

that comes upon the face resembling sesame ; [by 
freckles, accord, to present usage :] and a dingy 
redness that comes upon the face. (S, K.) 

liX& A difficulty, or difficult affair, or a 
duty, or an obligation, that one imposes upon 
himself; (S, 1£ ;) or a thing imposed upon one 

as difficult, troublesome, or inconvenient. (Msb.) 

3 > 
See v** 1 ■•— {Constraint ,] trouble, pain, or in- 
convenience. (MA.) 

(Msb, &c. :) a saying : a say : something said : 

in grammar, a sentence. J^JaiS jj£i\ i see C«^»« 

t * * * * * 

— J?}&: also, a quasi-inf. n. for^^Jlfl, some- 
times governing as a verb, [like the inf. n.,] 
accord, to some of the grammarians ; as iu the 
following ex. : 

• a-juo* ^^ Ui* iW$±> iyu • 

(Sharh Shudhoor edh-Dhahab.) See JLIm J^J. 

*^OI ,*U [TAe theology of the Muslims;] a 

science in which one investigates the being and 
attributes of Ood, and the conditions of possible 
things with respect to creation and restitution, 
according to the rule of El-Islam ; which last 
restriction is for the exclusion of the theology 
of the philosophers. (KT.) 


•a» - 

**•= Quantum, or quantity, as answering to 
" how many." 

<"£?? J+J> "*» C-£- [and 
(Ibn-'Abbid, Z, TA.) 

>] i.q. JULu*. 


i*i& of a bow : see j^\ of a S>lti : see 

•«# .1 

jt lfjte* A Muslim theologian. See ^,^1 ^le. 

1. }l£>, first pers. O^ia, aor. ^JLL'; and ^£>, 
first pere. C~ii», aor. ^&' ; inf. n., 1'}L£» ; see 

^jAOl : rAe feat/iers so called : see .y-^Ui and 

pU«AiDt A name of two stars on the ear of 
Taurus. (See O^SI-) 

Covered over, or concealed (jy-~»). (S, 
art. v-o*..) See »'^. 

«» *•» The cancamum-tree : see^*^ and <y-o. 

wr»>J»*jU^ [xa/iata-iTUS, t/te ground-pine] : see 

>»^ A kind of belt with a receptacle for 

•• J*** H c > ^ it, wax, or became, perfect ; and 
sometimes, it was, or became, complete, entire, 
lohole, or full; which latter signification is more 
properly expressed byjj, which see. 

J*l^ Complete with respect to bodily vigour, 
having attained the usual term thereof. See 
CXt^ «^-e'. art. jxc. Also Consummate, perfect. 

»' ' •» i» 

y)L»Xll yj^e. -. see l£». 

^^-j^* Supererogatory acts of religious service. 


■» » ' * 

3. «UJI£> i.J. iibli. (TA in art. JJaJ.) 

0. <ci ^^Aio fl^e «poAe /or Aim ; syn. ^^ . (S, 
Msb, art. j*c.) 

6. l»Jl£ TA^y .tpoAe, talked, or discoursed, each 
with the other. (S,» M.) 

<i*I£» .4. word; (Kull, 301 s) an expression: 

(?:)« proposition : a sentence : [a saying :] an 

argument. (Kull.) An assertion : an expression 

qf opinion. 

• - . 
j,"^£s is a gen. n., applying to little and to 

much, or to few or many j (S, TA ;) to what 
is a sing, and to what is a pi. (TA.) It may 
therefore be rendered A saying, &c ; and say- 
ings, or words: see an ex. voce jiJl, in art. 
J£*. — jt}& Speech ; something spoken ; [dic- 
tion ; language ;] parlance ; talk ; discourse : 

jfs : see its syn. (<l& or ^\£s voce ^1 

As an interrogative with the specificative sup- 
pressed, What number ? Horn many ? and, as in 

an ex. voce v _ J iw, virtually meaning How much? 

, ' •- - - <i. 

and so in an ex. voce i»L»o and voce j~2,. Also 

How long? as in the Kur, ii. 161, &c. ; a noun 

signifying a period of time being understood : see 

also an ex. voce >_«..,c, and voce J£ji. 


j& and^^ are both app. right : see ji. 

S . 

j& The calyx of a flower. (K, &c.) ^£o 

The envelope [or spathe] of the »li, [or spadix 
of a palm-tree'] : and the covering [or calyx] of 
flowers or blossoms; as also f kcC^s , (S 
Msb, K.) 

4«S» A 5^—05 : (TA in art. ~J*t .) or a round 
l^jii : (S, K :) pi. %\^. (K,» TA in art ^0 

i«U& : see^£». 

v' J-»JI O^ Jl » mentioned in the TA, in art. 
Jxo, uq. J»Li^| ^Jje, which is applied as a Jj^J 
to a wound. 

^>ol^ Latent. 

• * A* 

t>»£« j4 />/ac .' of concealment, a lurking-place : 

(Mgh, Msb :) pi. ^.tCi. (Msb.) 


* -* j # a 

and 4 

(TA in art. 

^5*^ A courageous man: or one wearing 
arms or armotr : (K :) or a courageous man 
covered, or protected, by arms or armour; (S ;) 
a courageous armed man. 


j>£> A p/are of rc<rea< or concealment ; such 

as a cave, and in excavated house or chamber : 

(Beyd, xvi. 83:) see # ^j£a The shelter of 

a wall : see kjj. _« A rAin^ tAa< «<rv<* /or 
w«7in^, covering, or protecting. (S,* Msb,* K.) 
See JJ», where I have thus rendered it. 

*i> •< . 

<Uf9 : see »_«.1> . 

4jU» : see i*—. 


• > 

^yL£> Afire-place ; a place in which fire is 

lighted. (S, $.) 

JJUUI 0>£* : 8ee a yerse °f El-Aasha in art. 

^>£— « J*b : pee i >i i — • . 

Confusion of speech, or discourse, by 
reason of errors, or mistakes. (Yoo, K.) [App. 
an inf. n. of which the verb is v »A .] 


[a hind of roast flesh-meat'] 

8. >ji)l tidmA The people were on his right 
and left. (Msb.) — *iii£»l It bordered it on 
either side. 

i_jr'^» Vicinage or neiglibourhood, or region or 
quarter or trace, and shadow or shelter or pro- 
tection. (£.) — o*- i '^ ^^ ^7»« man'* too 
sides, right and left. (TA.) 

Jy& : see jjjj, in two places. 

• « • • 

<J ^ : fr> : see vj j • 

aJL£» .4 AtW of pastry, resembling vermicelli, 
made of fine flour and water mixed in such pro- 
portions as to compose a thin paste, which is 
poured into a vessel whose bottom is pierced 
with numerous small holes : the vessel being then 
movod circuitously over a large round tray of 
tinned copper, beneath which is a fire, the paste 
runs in fine streams, is quickly but slightly baked, 
and swept off. For eating, it is slightly baked 
with clarified butter (,>*-')» and then sweetened 
with honey, or sometimes with treacle, or sugar. 
«_ iiL£» i.q. Pers. oljUJ *^>j [Thread katdif]. 

(KL.) Seei^t. 

3 ... * . >> 

jJULfe A maker or seller of i*L3. 

uulfc* A she-camel that lie* down behind the 
other camels. (Az, cited in L, art. »-jj.) 

4. <u£>l : see an ex. in a \ erce cited voce ^^ao . 

/■£- : gee ^o3. — *-£> may often be rendered 

l.,Ji£» He affixed a <QCfe, meaning, with the 
Koofees, a pronoun, to a verb [&c] : (TA in 
art. y^tj :) but accord, to the usage of the verb 
in two instances in the M and IjL, voce ^>lj in 
art. »^o, it clearly means he spoke allusively. _ 
j t'jt- ^* <»j J^£», Se used it metonymically 
for such a word or phrase ; he alluded thereby 
to such a thing. 

0*> — iJ-> 
3y» A surname of relationship. 

9. . 9 0. 

3u\i-£o A metonymy : see sjeujaj j where the 

difference between these two words is explained. 

Also, An allusion. (TA.)^ Also, and t^iCo, 

accord, to De Sacv, in his Ar. Gr. i. 455, or ~yjil», 

for I find its plural written in a copy of the S 

■+. > . . 

OLXo, A pronoun ; see ,y^ • 

* . J St. J §» . 

{ jHo and ...&• : see «LU£». 

il^>, accord, to Ibn El-Aarabee, Yellowness 


inclining to redness. (TA, voce * .■.. » ..) 

8. ^jyi&l, said of a plant, It became tall and 
full-grown: (TA:)or it became of its full height, 
and blossomed : (S :) see^lj . 

^Ss Of middle age ; or between that age and 
the period when his hair has become intermixed 
with hoariness. See ,_jUA ; and ~-«i and>»>£. 

9. 3 J • ** 

4j^y3 : see yLHi . 

Jjklib [The withers of a horse, &c] i.o. JjU. : 
or the anterior portion of the upper part of the 
back, next the neck, which is the upper third 
part, containing six vertebra: or the part be- 
tween the two shoulder-blades : or the part where 
the neck is joined to the bach-bone ; [the base of 
the neck: see »_*>]. (K0 

iil^£a Divination ; soothsaying. (r£, &c.) 

• * 9 St. 9 . 

,jjbl£» : see \J\jS- and >Jl>\z. 

i^L and ij& (S, Msb, K) and _j&> (K) A 
hole, or perforation, or an aperture, (S, Mgh, 
Msb, K,) in a wall (Msb, K) or chamber; (S, 
Mgh;] [a mural aperture ;] or the first and 
second, a small one ; and the third, a large one. 
(K.) See also ;&i» . 

3 - • - 

jjjlfe [^j^ ?] i. q- vi/ ^ applied to a man. 

(AA, in TA, voce w~»j*-) 

ej£» The extremity of tlie radius, or 6one o/ 
t/ie fore-arm, next the thumb : (S, Msb, £ :) or 
the protuberance formed thereby. 

,s-« . * . . 

5. Jyu : see >oUJ. 

• - 2 ^ . 

jLS &mc of i^.^ {because it is the name 


of the incipient letter of this word: 1001 Nights 
ii. 304). 

rtjiyfr* A thing that is worn upon the head ; so 
called because of its roundness, or its being round. 

8. >»U^1 J/e walked upon the extremities of 

*. . 
hit toes, by choice. (TA, voce *»;l»-, q.v.) 

1. ^)l£> //t or & was. A verb of the class 
called incomplete, (JLiU,) because, with the 
agent which it comprises, or to which it re- 
lates, it cannot constitute a complete proposi- 
tion ; i.e., non-attributive. The other verbs of 

this class are, j\*a, ■>— ~ol, ^_j— ••'» ^j*—ol> t*M"> 

«^W, J'j ^», r^ ^i Cs^ L *' ^' ^' -*'* **» 
and J-J. Each of these governs its noun, or 
subject, in the nom. case, and its enunciative, or 

f . 9 * . . . 

predicate, in the ace. case ; as, UjI3 j^j jo 
Zeyd was standing. — (The ^ in ,j£j and the 
like is often irregularly elided.) — ^V&, divested 
of all signification of time, is often used as a 
copula. (See De Sacy's Gr. Ar. i. 190.) So too 

9 . 9 9 . . I * 9 . 9 . . I 

is ^jj^=> ; for ju j t Jj. and I juj ,>>» Ua signify 

at' . . 
the same. (Mughnee, voce £1.) — O^ 3 as a 

complete, i.e., an attributive, verb, see J-a^, 

in three placts. 

5. (jyb he, or it, received, or took, his, or 
its, being, or existence; came into existence; 

10. o^- -1 J5T* n " , *> or l ,ecame t lowly, humble, 
submissive, oi in a j/afc of abasement. (Har, p. 4, 
q.v.) See ^>CL>I in art. ^>£«i : and sec art. ^e^. 

O^JI JJiJ j^JI ^>» *I)W 5>»> = see jjL and 

iitfi*£»: see «>U,. 

&l£o ^4 particular place of being or existence. 
See an ex. voce ,^-ii . — '«*ijj «sXJl£« [JKsep 
wAere <Ao« or< anrf approach not Zeyd!] Heard 
by Ks. (L, art. J>-J-c) — State, or condition. 
[Bd, xi. 122, and xxxix. 40.) See art. £>£*<■ — 
^,l£i t. q. li>U. (Bd, xii. 77.) — O& '•** 
I j^. U»i) This is a ground for our saying thus. 
__ \jj& ^,\ilo 14** ^ became as, or &Ae, ««rA 
a Mt'n^. Ste a verse cited voce ^j. 

1. »lji» JTe (a veterinary, and any other, TA) 
cauterized him; i.e. burned his skin; with an 
iron, and the like : (K :) or he burned him with 
fire. (Mgh.) 


t^-S* Intelligent ; ingenious, clever. (S, Msb, 

£.) [Plur. ^jfe :] also J-l^4>l. (Msb.) 

. ... J* 

O*— e^ -*' a metonymical name of The knee, 
in the dial, of El-Azd. (TA, art ^£sj ) 

l ^a-^» 

Ja^ : see Jeo. 


2. Utfa <^£a, used by the Muslim theo- 
logians, (£, TA,) verbs derived from ^iJo, 
(TA,) [signifying / specified by the ascription of 

i<* quality and »* became so specified,'] are formed 

in accordance with analogy, not heard from the 

Arabs. (K,».TA.) 

» 5. .. 
5. JuC : see what next precedes. 

1* • - 

iei-£» Quality as answering to "/ton-?"; mode, 
or manner, of being. 

ifjji-ia for <L « A : see aV.-J. 

• *.'*« to * , 

8. «ul» JU&I and <u« : see .Jl* in the sense 

Of j>6. 

• ft - • *■ 

J*£» : sco JlX*. 


JL£» [^( measurer of corn and the like]. (A, 
art. tr*^.) 

Jle£o .4 measure with which corn is measured ; 
(S, Msb, £ ;) as also ♦ J«£» ; (Msb ;) a measure 
of capacity. 

10. ijltwl: see,jj£-l in art. £&#: and see 
art. 0>^- 

l >^ (also written i~£», $, voce »»-3jiJ) : ^e 

\^£» A large, or 6w%, she-camel : see (he 
last sentence in art. • St. 

J. — Ao tf)J .-^ ^ U [We have a claim, 

upon the tone of such a one, to blood, lit. bloods]. 

(S in art J^..) _ U£» Ji^ J,| i' £Te *Aa« 

have a right to do such a thing : see syic. 
* » j# j #i. 

__ Uj^ «J c-jIj I saw it to have a glistening : 

«•- j» * • » 

and uj^j «J j.iini / heard him, or it, to have 

a sound proceeding from him, or it ; or rather, J 
heard a sound attributable, or to be attributed, 
to him, or it ; moaning, / heard him, or it, utter 
or produce, a sound ; or J heard in consequence 
of it, ice. (see *J»-). _ I jSo «i often means 
Such a thing appertains, or m attributable, to 
him, or it. — J3Uu •}) U U, in the Kur ii. 247, 
[i.e."J|jjl,] means What object have we (Uyoji^l) 
in (^ji) [that tee should not fight ? or, in our] 
not fighting ? (Bd :) And ^i* jL'£ $ U U 
<UJI , in the same, xiv. 15, means TF/iat excuse 


MM r»« (U jJl* j^yl) in (J) [Ma< w« tnouid not 
j-e/y upon Ood? or, in our] not relying upon 
God? (Bd.) \j£» Jjuu' i Jl' U U [may be 
rendered W/iat reason, or motive, have we that 
we should not do such a thing 1 or, in that, &c. 1 
or in our not doing &c.1 for] the original form 
,. . ..'. i '.■'•'* * ... 

of the phrase is \j£a Jjuu *^ O' ic* ■" ^*- 

• i • t - 

(Mugh, voce O') Often ,j\ is omitted, but 

meant to be understood : you say also, jU U 
\j£a JjuU H Aat reason, or motive, hast thou 
that Mou <jW *uc/i a Min^ ? or roAa< <ii7ctA tAee 
&c. ? It is often like JUij U. _ *i Zj'Jo.; jti 
^*i»-o It (a bird) warbled with a feeble voice 

peculiar to it ^aitl ^jJU^CoiJ *li)j ^J U : 

see ^. \j£a JJuU Jljl ^ U What hath 
happened to me that I sec thee doing such a 
thing, or thus? See an ex. in cor.j. 3 of art. jJL. 
_ tJX/ all U : see a verse cited in art. ^JLc. 
— \i\ji lam for it ,• i. e., I am the man for it ; 
meaning a war, or battle, <*ijL, which is of the 
fern, gender. Often occurring in old Arabic 
stories. _ J in the sense of J; see Msb, voce 
*J*. — ^ O* W/w is, or will be, for me, as 

aider, or helper, or defender, or surety? For 

■ ••* % " * *'•* ■*' # •. 

exs., see **-, and ^1, and U»l. __ a} LoO, and 

a) l»-J, and *J Lij, &c. : see the first word of 
each of these phrases. __ IJuL J /^ ■ see o 
(near the end of the paragraph) : and see also 
above. _ J in the sense of jju : see an ex. voce 
_>k>l,and see other exs. in the Msb, art. jioJs 

I • L ' *' S- * I - 

ij in the sense of jju, or c~>j v >< : see ^s.. 
^ CA»k ilgJU TFAen one m^Ai had passed; 
i.e. on the first day of the month : J in this case 
meaning juc. __ ii-JUJJ Li come with succour 
<o <Ae calamity : see ,>U. _ J in the sense of ( J* : 
see J£ur xvii. 108-9, and xvii. 7, and xxxvii. 103 : 
ana see exs. voce t^i (last quarter). __ J in 
jJU ^jt* &c: see art. ^jjS. _ J used as a cor- 
roborative, (see S in art. j>^,) after ^J and ^)y 
the conditional ^j\ , is sometimes difficult to ex- 
press in English, except by emphasis in pronun- 

• . I|.# n .s 
ciation ; as in ^jSs ^f^ **' L«' Verily, or now 

surely, he is a generous man. This ex. occurs 
voce Ul . J redundantly prefixed, for cor- 
roboration, to the J) of comparison : see a verse 
of Tarafeh voce ^-J j and another similar in- 
stance in the Mugh, art. J. _ juj ^ijJi) means 
/foro excellent, or elegant, in mind, manners, 
address, speech, person, or <Ae /iTte, is Zeyo* / syn. 

4>^J»I U : and _}j-»* >>0 i/ow generous, Sec, is 

****%* . « .» # 

Xmr/ syn. *^£»l U. (Mugh.) __ yjk ^^UJ 

. . •* . . 
Excellent indeed is he, or it. _ Jjuu) ijlfb U 

j .*. . . 
means, accord, to the Koofees, Jjuu (J^ 3 *-• > t ' 1L ' 

J being redundant, to corroborate the negation : 

. . •* • s # * . * . 
accord, to the Basrees, Jjuu (j^J I jwjli ^l& U . 

(Mugh.) See an ex. voce .J* as equivalent to,»». 

— _ J in sentences beginning with ^jl for c>\ '• Bee 

p. 107, cols. 2 and 3 : and see conj. 3 in art, \ji. 

— - J of inception (»l J^SI j>*$) : see exs. of this 

voce ,j' : and see De Sacy's Gr. Ar. ii, 682, &c. 

I* J 

— J termed w)l^»J) jf$ is, I think, best ren- 
dered by Then ; or in that case : see exs. voce Ul . 

— J in 4JJI ^,j() is [not a particle denoting 

swearing, but merely] a corroborative of the 

inchoative; the enunciative of which, i.e. . *, 

or lO^^-il U, is understood. (S, art. j+e.) — 

«... «... 

JjJJ 0, and j>ij JL>, accord, to the Koofees, is 

• . ... . 
a contraction of juj Jl 0. (Mugh, letter J ; and 

El-Ashmoonee on the Alfeeyeh, § iJUlw^l.) It 

seems that where the J is not connected with 

the word following it, JG is generally, if not 

always, for Jl L j and so sometimes when it is 
...... ■ . 

connected. See jJ-c Ju, voce jiLc, and see 

V»* • See also De Sacy's Gr. Ar., 2nd ed., 
i. 476, note. 

*), the negative, does not necessarily restrict 
to the signification of future time a marfooa aor. 
following it : in a case of this kind, U is often 
substituted for it in the explanation of a phrase ; 

as in the instance of jt ,>• Ljk Joi'j, m the 
TA, art. jj ; and the aor. is more properly ren- 
dered by the present than by the future. 

• «• * l * " 

j*X* J»y *5> There is not any man standing : 
(Mugh :) but when the subst. and epithet are 
both simple words, and not separated, the latter 
may be used in three different ways ; as in 

\Jl>jJ* J»-j *) and Uj^b and ou>l> ; otherwise 
* . . 

it must be mar fooa or mansoob, but not mebnee : 
this relates to 'j used ,^-UfJI ^jiJ. (Ibn-Akeel, 

p. i-f .) __ ^, also, Lest. See n-lf^. _ 

•.. . . j. . -^ 

[aAc- ^Jj el ^ There is nothing due to him, 

nor anything to be demanded of him. (Thus I 
have rendered this phrase, voce ,j--JU , in three 
places.) For] when *) is a general negative, the 
context renders it allowable to suppress its sub- 
ject, as in iUU ^ , for iUU J-L ^ ; and some- 
times the predicate, when known, is suppressed, 

as in t^li •$. (Msb.) _ Jiy, for i^ *f: see 
art. cf^V- — Vj *>^ [-ds the time occupied in 
saying ^ "j)]. See an ex. in the TA, voce O 1 ^- 
— ^3 *) Olive-oil : iu allusion to the words 
in the Kur xxiv. 35, occurring in a trad. __ 


l>4 *^ , as a prohibition, and \jkt *) as an enun- 
cimive with the same meaning : see a trad, thus 

commencing in the J ami' es-Sagheer : and see 

• •* 
the Kur lvi. 78 : and see an ex. voce o*J- — 

• « •<• 4,i « ■ « » 

jnv>. 3} >*' ^ : Bee _*«^ . _ ^ in a case of 

, */ 

pausation pronounced *■); see art. 1 (near the 


1. i»^ He sent. (Msb in art. dUI .) ^ySJI 

<UI ; and alci) : see art. OUI. 

10. il'^ull : see iUU-l. 

J^U: see JlJU. 



j>oO^I: see JljL.'. 

J"^J : see art. ^ . 

«D: see art. }. 

^LD Lest ; in order that not. 

1. >6p 7/c was base, base-born, low, ignoble, un- 

# j » 
generous, mean, sordid ; (S :) contr. of,o,£3. (K.) 

• - -t. »- - 

See >oe U . __ >"i) : see also ^*U». 

• - * • * j • -- • , ■»« j 

3. >o^i)l l ^ e ^ w~e«"^ , inf. n. iut^lU, / recon- 
ciled the people, (S, Msb,) and brought them 
together. (S.) — a-»«"^ He was suited to him 
as a companion : see 5 in art ^£^j . __ d-o«S( 
/< (food, T, and an affair, M) suited him. (T, 

M. ) __ And i. q. <u>j^. (T.) A nd It coalesced, 

or united, with it. 

.$. • 

8. ^UJI It (a wound, and a crack) became 

coalesced, consolidated, closed, or closed up : (S :) 
it (a hole, or rent,) became repaired. (Msb.) __ 
UUJI They (two things) agreed together, or be- 
came consistent. (S, Msb.) «_ ^\jj\ It drew, 
and stuck, together; coalesced; or consolidated. 

ioj) : see <U£J . 

Lp', (?,$,) or tii-j, (M, IB,) The tvhole 
apparatus, or gear, of the plough : (AHn, S, 
M, £ :) or its iron [or share] and its wooden 
parts : (M :) or the 3iw [or plourjlishare] with 
which the earth is ploughed up, and which, when 
upon the plough, is termed jCp, pi. O^: (IAar, 
TA:)the*L. (IB, TA.) See oWf. 

'I * * * • M * #, 

- *" £•?•■ w^a : 8ee £*?*•• 

.^3 Mean; ungenerous; sordid; ignoble; base; 
base-born ; contr. of ^)j&» . (§1, Ac.) See^.ji. 


_**n)I Baser, and &a«ert ; &c. : see an ex. voce 

&*&! i. ?. cUil^l : see^JU^t. 
.V>^* u-ij «• ?• jelp. See c-*J. 

t. ... 
^) jjy After difficulty, &c. (Lth, TA.) See 
- a- * ?, 

an ex. cited voce ^ b^ WifA difficulty, 

trouble, labour, or exertion. 

^-J-o pi. Ol, , „ ., ! , o Sugared almonds, Ifc. 

* •- • • « 

UJ : see «-*>. 

JiJ «><£ and <uj iiLc • sec ,L>c. 

* ' ' * i 

w-y^Jl) ^JJ : see JJic. 
i»U : see iJUt in art. ijfil. 

1. <t£J is like rtiij. 

see iCc 

«-»*W "• see w/iLU" or vC^- 

^>J OLo [app. 7%e *»i«// _7«<* or intestines, 
in which originate the lacteals ;] the intestines in 
which is the milk. (M, K.) See *&?*., termed 

^1 OW ill)' fn. un. of ,jj]. (Az, in 

TA, art. ih^a..) 

oi Bricks ; (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, KL ;) crude, 
or «niur«<, bricks. (MA.) 

»-• »« • 

<uJ : see 4A~^ . 

(jU [The frankincense-tree~\ is a <rce o/" <Ae 
kind called »Ukc, having a fruit resembling the 
pistachio-nut, and a resin like the jJJA, [which 
is said in the S and TA to be the same as the 
£jU>] »"A«i it concretes : (O and TA in art. *** :) 
it is also, and more commonly, applied to the 
resin itself, i. e. frankincense, or olibanum : the 
tree thai produces it is novo known to be of the 


genus Boswellia, found in Hadramowt and other 
parts of Southern Arabia, and also in the oppo- 
site (eastern) region of Africa, and in India : it 
was formerly erroneously supposed to be the 
Junipcrus Lycia. __ &LI .-*». : see K, voce 
t^—e ; and see art. 

• - 

OW| The sucking of milk or of the breast: (S, 

Msb, K :) see an ex. in a verse of El-Aasha 

' ' ' * 
cited voce ^^wl : and see 1 in art jjki. 

OjJ : see ^.^i' and jL ^ J>*J A male 

camel that has entered upon his third year: (S, 
Mgh, K :) or entering upon his third year: (Msb:) 
or in his second year. (]£•) 

'•3 ' '' , •>-•» 

^jijU! J-c t. q. ia^l [now applied to Storax, 

or styrax] sometimes used for fumigation. (TA.) 
See art. J— c 

Af^^io ii\J : see ^jy^/ji. 

Food made with milk: so in modern 
Arabic : see is 

AijJ [A little milk : dim. of &J, n. un. of J^] : 
see lij. 

,>J-f A thing like the Jn»j»-«, upon which 
bricks (^jJ) are carried from place to place. 
(M,) See'iUii 

2. »U [inf. n. all!] He said to him Ji : li. 


^iUJ, and «uJ, and *ibju ^ : see art. ^J. 

a.tJ The ;um. Sec art. w>jj. 

**iJ The changing, in pronunciation, ^ tn<o 
i>, or j into 4 or J, (S, K, Msb,) an^i //<« like : 
(Msb:) or, one letter into another. (Az, in Msb 
K.) Also, jl TBorrf mispronounced ; as when a 
word is said to be <UJ ^t ii) a dialectal variant 
or a word mispronounced. 

a ' '' ' 'i' 

1. j-V »-»»- 5jl>».aJI C<»««J The stones wounded 

the cameTs foot, and made it bleed. (S.) _ 
C-ii3. She muffled herself with a >12J. (K.) 

>>LiJ A kind of muffler for the mouth. 




* - # * 

^jU : tec *-«-*. 

ijj^Oi w>jj«JI [ITAe gingieul letters:] these 
are «i>, >, and 1». (TA, commencement of 

1. J!»y\ ^ mj He kept, attended, or applied 

himself, constantly, perseveringly, or assiduously, 
to the thing ; he was persevering, or assiduous, 
in the affair. (Msb.) 

«JL)J : see ^jdi. 

4. y9 mJ\ He bridled a beast ; agreeably with 
an explanation in the K : and sometimes he 
bitted him ; as expl. in the Msb. 

5. -z-i-. U : see 10 in art. jki. 

jJUi», of silver or iron or thong. (IDrd, in his 
Book ou the Saddle and Bridle.) = See *«^J. 

1. t>*J : see J-J. 

5. oUJI Ch^ : see Jpi"- 


oUJ : see what follows. 

^»J : see 

t^s*. I and */>LJ yl thing from which one augurs 
evil ; an omen, or a bodement, of evil : because 
it refrains one from a thing that he wants. (A, 
art. w Uf ) '^oi-'j which is originally the plural 
of both, is also used us a 6ing. (A, ibid, where 
see an ox.) See t>r Ja« and ^^kc. 

jt\^J [A bit; i.e., tAc iron appurtenances of 

a bridle]. To tho ^VJ belong pieces of iron 

which arc fastened one to another ; as the 
, , t - 

(jUSli*, and the J*.-*, and the u- 1 -* and 

* ' • .•* 

its extremities of iron. (Az, in TA, voce •r-*-*.) 

The above explanation is incomplete : it means 
tho bridle, or headstall and reins, with the bit 
and other appurtenances ; like its Persian origi- 
nal, J»uJ : see &>S. It signifies The piece of 
iron in the mouth of the horse : thus, by exten- 
sion, applied to this with it* thongt, or straps, 
and apparatus : it comprises the <U X i>, which 
is the transverse piece of iron in the mouth; and 
the ^U, which is the piece of iron standing up 
in the mouth ; and the J^_—o, which is the iron 
beneath the JXi^.; and the ^jbUai., which are two 
bent pieces of iron in the Jm, .o and the **•£-, 
on the right and loft ; and the ^jUJiljJ, which 
are two pieces of iron wherewith are fastened 
the extremities of the O'j'^ 5 :lllli tuc ****•» 
which is tho ring surrounding the O-y-o and the 

A Sj^JU that is Jx** [no< lined, nor 

stuffed] : if lined or stuffed, tbe vulgar also 

call it by this name, but the Arabs do not know 

this: (L, TA:) and the same applies to the 

• * - • 

♦ wilnJ : Az says, that >_jl»J and >-»■» U mean 

the same : like jljl and jji*, and j>\j» and j>ji* ; 
and sometimes one says ioji-o and Us*X* ; and 
it is the same whether tho garment be h^- • or 
lined. (TA.) Ho says also, [in another place,] 
that the Arabs apply the terms*i_»UJ and <i i t U 
to .4 night-wrapper (y)J jljl) */" i< oe >».\j JU» 
[a «'n/;te piece of stuff; i.e. no/ double, not lined 
nor faced, nor stuffed]. (TA in art. J*«->.) — 
Sec jljl. 

1. <uL»J and *li?a»J and 1ajia~}\ He reached him; 
overtook him ; or came «/> with him. (S, Msb, K.) 
_ aiaJ /< (grief, &c.) overtook him ; or ensued 
to him. — Also, and *,» JaJ He overlook him ; 
came up with him. — a/ ijaJ He became, or 
made himself, on a par, or as though on a par, 
with him. See an ex. voce ^».y. — -ft became 
adjoined, or annexed, to it. — * JWy /< was 
firmly, or strongly, compacted or coherent or 
A»i< togctlter : and if* several parts were inserted 
one into another. (TA.) — 0-»3l <utaJ, inf. n. 
J^«J, [i. <y. aisjjt, i.e. The payment of] <Ae /wire 
n:as, or became, obligatory on him. (Msb.) — — 
dM. <uy tT-rri I : see the last sentence of art. 
ijyC: __ <ti»J has for its inf. n. J>=-J as well 
asJUJ. (TA.) 

3 : see 1. 

moved him to it ; namely, a place ; lit., caused 
him to reach it : see an ex. voce ^U.. — He 
affiliated him to him ; announced him to be his 
son, because of a mutual likeness. (Msb.) — . 
(Ci *ioJl He classed him, as an adjunct, with 
him ; put him on a par with him ; or made him 
to be as though on a par with him. See two exs. 
voce h"^, in art. IxJ. __ See 1. 

6. LjUbl^II Qi^j" Tlie saddle-camels overtook 
one another. (S, K..) ly^-^i The last of them 
overtook, or came up with, the first of them. (S, 
TAinart. Jji.) 

J^»J i. y.^ojjJ and J^ol. (TA.) 

JVt*^l J^-*^ Lean, or lank, in the sides. (Ham, 
p. 496.) 4 >£jM Jfc*$ Lank in the belly. (TA in 
art. utA).) 

Jjl»JI The rendering a word quasi-coordinate 
to another word of which the radical letters are 
more in number than those of the former word. 
A letter which is added to a word for tlie 
purpose above mentioned. Sec JjUJ*9l <_»M and 

wJ&l Jill in art. I JjUJI o>i. A letter of 

adjunction, or quasi-coordination. 

t - - o I 

4. <u aJUJI He made him to reach, overtake, 
or come up with, him; (S, Msb,* K.;*) or to 
follow him. (Msb.) He made it (a punishment) 
to [overtake him, or] befall him. (Msb.) He re- 

JbIju, pi. -r-'-r- Lj \ A word rendered quasi- 
radirally coordinate to another word of which 
(he radical letters are more in number than those 

of the former word. (^WjJW J * ^ * A quast- 

quadrUiteral-.'adical word. — Seo J^-JJ- 

lu.^ oib* '• 9- !>}&*• ( TA in art - 09 s -) 

4. AiJi-^JI \_He closed up the hole thereof ^with 
a patch] ; meaning a garment, or piece of cloth, 
and a skin, or hide. (TA in art. £3,.) — >UJl 
Ol^.|^»JI [T'ic consolidating of wounds], (Klin 
art. *«->.) = *-*>* a4«Lm I //« empowered him 
to revile, vilify, or censure, him : (S, K, TA :) 
he made his honour, or reputation, to be to him 
[as] a * i»U [or hawk's portion of the quarry]. 
(Har, p. 392. ) — <Z^'j1a U JU^I ' sce C5-*- 1 - 

6. Joi.^ i< was joined, or /mtt, together. Sce 
K, vocojy>i. 

8. ^B»ijl /< coalesced, consolidated, closed 
up, or became, closely united. (TA.) 

^Lj 4)^3 [Bates having flesh]. (Mfb in art. 
oii»..) —.^oaJ : see •'ypi l* 81 sentence. 

• - • - * ' i * i 

»^J jtm»A see t /i* o and yw . 
* * * * 

A^»J and * <CaJ The woo/"; or the threads 
that are woven into tlie ^Ju. or tcarp, o/a piece 
of cloth. (Msb, &c.) 


%' * '. a ,1'*: •>.-*-•' 

4«aJ : see 4, and <U*J. __ a£>li *,- ' : gee 

• .a 

>I>J ^1 *««e*er. (Fr, TA in art. ^kw.) 

•?ji)\ jt*y^» (?) TVte narrow, or *<ra*7, parte 
o/ <Ae pudendum muliebre : (T A :) or rather, f A* 
./?e*Ay parti thereof: tho sing. *^JU signifying, 
accord, to analogy, a place of much flesh : sec 

« . . *j 

3 f i r _L»JI [7%« tunica albuginea, or icAite o/ - 

<Ae eye: so in tho present day]. (K, voce J-w.) 

(Msl),) the part on which the beard grows. (S, 
Msb, K.)__ And sometimes Either lateral por- 
tion of the lower jaw : see &>\, and J-UJI. 

•" i' * * A *• * . 

\jmt^J\ i-aJ : see ,U<. __ <U»J is sometimes, 

by a synecdoche, put for the whole person : see 

t • j 
a verse cited voce w~^>. 


.j • i . 


see < U » .i», and aJjL/ (voce 


1. O**^ ■"• «*raf in speech ; spoke incorrectly. 
(Msb.) _ a) i>«»J -flfc said" to him something 
which he (the latter) understood, but which was 
unintelligible to others: (Az, S, Msb, K.:) he in- 
timated to him something which he (the latter) 
alone understood. 

3. j**-^ «■ q- l^&&. (S, K.) Sec an ex. 
voce £^V j and see my explanations of i-i>lL>. 

y>»J The meaning of speech; its intended 
sense or tm/wrt : (S, K, TA :) its i»<en< .- (TA:) 
[it is direct : and also indirect :] an indication 
thereof wliereby the person addressed is made 
to understand one's intent ; so says Az (Msb : 
[and the liko is said in the TA on the authority 
of AHeyth :]) an oblique, or ambiguous, mode 
of speech : (Msb :) an inclining of speoch to 
obliqueness, or ambiguity, and equivocal allu- 
sion. (Bd, in xlvii. 32.) A barbarism, an 

incorrect word. — «* ^L£» ^L) ^ *JS^ and 
Ao^£> ^j> ^. and *uT)£a ^o\jJu> ^ signify 
the same. (Msb in art. ^joje-) Sec the last of 
these voco ^ojjfi ,J*J A modulated sound; 

^j^OII £— • : see ,«y-JW J*. 

»I»J Darh; and in particular the iarA ot a 
plant, or of a tree, of which ropes Sfc. are made. 
__ The *UJ of the date is [its Pulp, pulpy 
pericarp, or flesh ; i.e.] the part that clothes the 
>\y> [or stone]. (TA.) — s,-i«JI iUJ [7%e c&m 
of grapes], (TA in art. ^r. V) 

* J - 

expl. as being ie.yoy^\ ii.y^ti\ Ol^o^l ±y> • 
pi. O^J« and O^J- (SO You sav, ^uJ| 
^JVe^l [Tlie modulated sounds of songs]. (Mgh.) 

1- jj»J : see a vorse cited voco 
AJU1 oUJ : see <tj£. 

a .. 
0. ^^U, (S, Mgh,) and ff^U*/ ^IJU, (TA, 

art.j^e,) He mound a part of his turban under 

his lower jam : (S, Mgh :) as also i&J, q. v . 

8. ^i\ Je^Ll>\ , : . t V ~'\ \ [I peeled of the 
flesh from the bone]. (0, £, in art. JJU) 

CS"*' M ^J The>oro-6ow; (Mgh, Msb;) 
either ««>«•««•/«,«,«..• (Msb:) and, in a man, 

*^l (^ly, for * r ~±}\ _J|y, q . 

t in 

J^**- 1 [-^ *"r< o/ trench, or channel, made by 
water, which has worn and undermined its sides;] 
a place in which water flows, having sides worn 
and undermined thereby, and hollowed in the 
form of the river, or river-bed: pi. JjUJ. 
(ISh, TA.) 

(^•Jl Distorted in the mouth. (CIC ; L, art. 
«J, but written »UJt.) 

• a** 

^oj-U A garment, or piece of cloth, patched, 
or /neeerf ; or patched, or /wecctf, in swera/ 
places ; like >>^. (Lth, T, in art. juj.) 

Oji Supple; lithe; limber; limp; pliant; 
pliable ; flexible. 
• i, • 
OJJ Of From the time of: see a verse cited 

in art. yJ n, conj. 4 2 jj ^ 'j^\ \j^ ,-. ? . 

fW *>! > 1' r ' ( Lth in TA, in a'rt. JJ.) 

L O^-WI ^JJ [/< burned the tongue; was 
acrid]. (S, Msb, art. Jkjm. ; &c.) 

A^JI pji [The hurting, or paining, of cold]. 
(?, O, ?, voce ouii.) 

3. •j-y ». q. li^Li. (TA, voce Lib.) 

jji-q.'othj. (A,?.) I„ the C*, ^ j^j 
is a mistake for ^>-»j>" jJU t^. 

A»jJ and dip^ Close by his, or «to, side. 

1. 4-o^J J/ necessarily, or inseparably, belonged, 
or pertained, or i< c/«re, or adhered, to him, or 
If; as also <J >_>) : if (disgrace, Ac.) attached 

to hun 0*5*-* >"•• <up y«e management 

of the affair, or affairs, of such a one was, or 
became, incumbent, or obligatory, upon him. _ 
LLw >p /fe A<?p< r/o*r, clave, clave fast, clung, 
or held fast, to anything. (S, \y, &c.) And 
hence, ^e preserved a thing : see iy>-5 . __ 

See 3 jtijii\ j>jJ, and a/ j,yi, and • *ij^ , 

He adhered, kept, clave, clung, or held fast, to 
the debtor. (Msb.) __ «ue-> j»jj He kept, or 
clave, to his house or tent ; did not quit it ; 

was not found elsewhere. (Kull, p. 318.) 

Jl*M <u»jJ The [paying of the] money .j-c. 
behoved him, lay on him, was incumbent on him, 
or obligatory on him. (Msb.) 

3. A-sj'v) He kept, confined himself, clave, clung, 
or held fast, to him, or it : as also ♦**jl : he held 
on, or continued, it. See 1. 

*•* i , , el 

4. ILi xopl signifies He necessitated him, or 
obliged him, to do, and /o pay, &c. ; or to suffer, 
or endure, a thing: and hence, said of God, He 
decreedf-or appointed, or ordained, to him a thing. 
And He made him to cleave to a thing ; and he 
made a thing to cleave to him. See ;>. __ 
asjLaj "N| U^i >iJI [^e tea* mac/e to cleave to a 
t/im^, not quitting it]. (K.) _^£)l xUI A^jjl 
A/ay tforf maJ< ec// to cleave to him : or, to 
attend him constantly: or decree ««7 to Aim. 
_*i* ^i «pii 4lUp|, (Klur xvit. 14,) fFe 
have decreed to him his happiness or his misery, 
foreseeing that he would be obedient, or (lis- 
obedient: (AM, in TA, uUjtM '•) or we have 
made his works and what is decreed to him to 
cleave t u him like the (J^J» upon his neck. (Bd.) 
.^ a^JI A*pl Jii* compelled him, or constrained 
him, to accept, or admit, the evidence, or proof. 

(Jel xi. 30.) __ Jl*M *-»>» i/c oM«7ea: Aim to ^«y 
tlie money $c. J^jOI A*pl He obliged him to do 
the deed. (Msb.) — ^JJl tZttJl, and ^aJI: soe 

£)j •iXvji ^\JjLij»ji\ [Keep thou thy sandals 

upon thy feet], (Prom' a trad, in the Jami' ej- 

8. >»>-iJI He took upon himself an affair. 
(KL.) You say, *«>iJI He took it upon him- 
self; charged himself with it ; obliged himself 
to do it ; became, or made himself, answerable 
for it by an inseparable obligation : see tV, __ 
yJWV C—>JI i. q. ^X> *f w~»>Jl, and cJuEB 


>»p — J«J 


Ay, accord, to IAmb, or *\t . r -H «— ", accord, to 
AZ ; (Msb in art. Ji£» ;) J made myself answer- 
able, r expansible, or accountable, by an inseparable 
obligation, for the property: see ^y^a- — >»j— -*{ 
JUl, and J^jdt, 7/a oftij^erf himself, or too/i 
upon himself t lie obligation, to pay the money fyc, 

and to do the deed. (Msb.) <u>>JJt 77e kept, or 

restricted himself, to it ; i.e. an action, or usage, 
&c. — And It was, or became, necessary for him, 
or obligatory upon him, to do it, or pay it, &c; 
or to suffer it, or endure it. _ -»lji)^ »JUj He 
hastened to take me by the hand and embrace me • 

000 f * » >J* •» # * i * t 

see UUi . — ^'>«J1 »'• ?• >>i ^ U >»_}>» : see 

10. aajJUmI 7< necessarily required it or »n- 
volved it. 

jt)j± One twAo *«.?», cleaves, clings, or Ao/d» 
/art, much, or habitually, *V±J <" a <'""# •' see 
an ex. in the Ham, p. 238, line 21. 

jtjXj "9 U jtjjl The imposing upon one's self 
what is not indispensable ; or adhering to a mode of 
construction that is not necessarily to be followed : 
as in tho following instance in the H-inm of the 

* 9 ***** * * « +* J * * * 

K unions : (_yt !>&*.) W-s -3 ^ •^-o'J-oJ 1 O-* l***0 
ly*e»oU ^>-»li < H . 

jtjy Keeping, keeping close, cleaving, Ac.; 

tenacious : and pertinacious. __>»j*9 A thing in- 

' t ** 
separable from another thing : pi. >ej'y . (TA.) 

Such as cleaves fast ; inseparable: as an epithet. 

— -*)*)j**\ '• 8ee £•*"» M B 'g n >fy' n g " a plural" 
__^»jl^J Necessary, or inseparable, adjuncts, 
accompaniments, consequences, or results. 

*• *' '•' • 'iJ r ' 

j>jl\ as syn. with ^dl in the prov. «yj**»- 

«iCL«J .-iil means jV/<w< preservative : see that 

' """ ' - ' ' 

prov. in art. JU., and see »L«Jt yJi, and >>>J 


^p : sec t_iL.i . 

• i • i • > • » 

cr JU) : see J — I— . 

■ »••« *' ••« 

<L 1-1: see aJL-JL,. 

• ~ §* 3 9 & . » S • •* * 

^JLJU : see ^JL.* and J-J — o. 

^JLj Chasteness, or perspicuity, or clearness, of 
speech, (S, Msb, K,) and eloquence; (Msb ;) i. a. 
yjti : or, as some soy, the quality of speaking 
well : and chasteness, or perspicuity, or eloquence, 
of speech, and sharpness of tongue. (TA.) 

vjCj of a sandal, The <A»nfl (iii) projecting 

t. • 
in <Ae _/bre part thereof. (TA.) See >j — •. — 
■ - * 

,jLJ The tongue [or cocA] of a balance : see 

^j. U in the S and K. _ ^jLJ Information, 

news, or tidings ; syn. j-i.. (S in art. ^J-t-) See 

a verse cited voce yLe. 

l >— Jo : see iJi»., voce ,JL».. 

^>JU, (S,) or with J, (K,) A sandal /on^ and 
slender, like the form of the tongue: (S, KL:) or 
having the extremity of its fore part like the 
extremity of the tongue. (TA.) 


3. AiLe 1 ^ 7/c associated with him. 
Jt~A) ^1/i associate; an adlierent. 

JUaJU «'. ?. ^i (TA ;) as also » J-aJL» (TA m 
art. tJ-J) and ^-JU : (K, and TA in that art.:) 
or [a consociated alien ;] one residing among a 
tribe of which he is not a member by lineage. 

2 s '' t '*' 

Ji-alo : see ^j-aJ-o. 


ULU) : see J^l'i . — UJa) A she-camel far 
advanced in age, and hating lost her teeth. (T, 

f J 9 ' 

in L, VOCC mSs t mb .) 

i^iUaJle A pickaxe. (TA.) 

1. oikJ It (a thing) u>a* small, or /t'tt/e ; (S, 
Msb, K, KL ;) and slender, thin, or fine : (K, 
KL :) and elegant, or graceful. (KL.) 

2. uAJrO // (a medicine) acted as an attenuant, 
an</ o.« an emollient. — Ailai, inf. n. J.Ul , [2fe 
marfe it slender], (A, and K, art.^i^ ; &c.) 

3. wii"^ -Hie caressed ; treated with blandish- 
ment; soothed; coaxed; wheedled; cajoled: i.q. 

tjC. (S, K) *'h t»*j also signifies i?e */wAe 

softly, gently, or blandly, to him. (TA.) .ffe 
acted in a good manner with him : (KL :) 
manifested goodness towards him : (PS :) he acted 
towards him with goodness: and he did so, 
experiencing from him the same : (TK :) or 
rather, as syn. with »jU, he behaved towards him 
with goodness and affection and gentleness, and 
regard for his circumstances ; or did so, expe- 
riencing from him the same behaviour. 

4. aiikJI He gave him a gift or present. (T A.) 
_ He showed him kindness, or goodness, and 

affection and gentleness, and regard for his 
circumstances, \jSL> [by such a thing, or such an 
action, #c.]. (S, K, TA.) Often occurring in 
the latter sense: but Li-v AiiaJt, expl. in the S 
and K by aj «jj, may mean He presented kirn 
with such a thing; like *j <*JU>j. __ See <lLU-I. 

0- >e^> u tt J C t.y. Ji>jJ: (S :) see ^-i>.__7.9. 

^ikJUl wiJLCi. (Bd xviii. 18.) ^ u '^uH (^ 

,>»p. (Mgh in art. Jij.) 

UUaJ Gentleness; graciousness ; courtesy ; civi- 
Zi<y : (S, &c. :) soo JLij : and delicacy of flavour, 

• • - • .* 

JA>i A gift, or present: pi. wilkll. (MA.)__ 

See IftXJ. 

• * r * 

iaJaJ yl present ; i. e. a <Atn^ «ent <o another 

•■* ' 
in toAen o/" courtesy or honour; syn. <ujt*> ; (S, 

K ;) as also ^ijihl, as stated by Z and others : 

pi. of the latter Jlijl. (TA.) 

Gentle^ gracious, courteous, or benig- 
nant : and also subtle ; knowing with respect to 
the subtilties, niceties, abstrusities, or obscurities, 
of things, affairs, or cases: in both of these- 
senses often applied to a man. And Refined in 
manners, &c. — Obscure, recondite, or abstruse, 

language. (Kull.) — Sec Ham, p. 455. __ 

• * • * 
Applied to a medicine, &.c, Delicate: see /j^ty*. 

A nice, subtile, suhtiUly excogitated, 
quaint, facetious, or witty, saying, expression, or 
allusion ; a witticism ; a quaint conceit. ^_ [A 
nicety of language;] any indication of subtile 
meaning, apparent to the understanding, but not 
to be expressed ,--as [matters of] the sciences of 
taste (Jljftl »U). (KT.) 

< > t 

s^jUajMI Self-pollution, by a woman : see 

in art 

2. ^Jhi He slapped muck, or violently. See 
jt^o, and see K, voce «_^»~U. 

ri,, hi : see ■» Jaj. 
, t^i ; sec >..h). — . ~Ja) A ^ma/i camel. 

(TA, voce JuLl*.) — iie^J see aUjj. _ Smat7 
weaned camels. (TA in art. ■>«».-. c.) 


• » »> ♦ ■ •■» , 

aka) : see aliie, in two places. 


1. J«J TJe /i< Aed (S, K, TA) his fingers: (TA:) 
he ate & thing toi7A Ail ./?»^er [ty taking it «p 
<A«rCT«tA]. (Mfb.) 


* *' 

t£yi) A line tut. 

• »»• 

i [A spoon ; vulgo rt«,U« ;] a well-known 
instrument. (Mfb.) 

^^ [May-be ; perhaps] ; a word denoting 
hope and fear. (K.) It governs the subject in 
the accus. case, and the predicate in the nom. 
See Ibn-'Akeel, ed. of Dieterici, p. 90 ; and see 
cJ. — J*J, in its original and general accep- 
tation, expresses hope ; but in the word of God 
it [often] expresses certainty, and may be ren- 
dered Verily. (Jel, ii. 19.) 


AAAJI The genuine language of the Arabs; which 
is the classical language. 

I .» 

ljy*i Of, or relating to, the genuine language 

1 L i " «•- 

of the Arabs. {jy** \j** A genuine lexico- 
logical meaning. 

4«A) A word of weak authority. (TA, voce 
<\jf., et passim.) 


I i 

|*5: seejiU. 


**«*) -<< &>«* (iLa*.) of hair. (S, voce IlLmL.) 

voUjt JiiU a>U [4 she-camel laving -'he hump 
much enveloped with fur : see >*yjUI «4r5 > : * '] 
(Ibn-Abbad, O.K, voce JiyUe. q.v.) 

t>UJI j a « A man having a well-knit frame ; 
compact in make. (L, art. »» <,.) 


• • ' 

SuaJ A man wlio is much cursed. (TA in art. 

i ^ e «J The 6<jj«, or foroer parf, of a raceme of 
a palm-tree. (TA in art. k > v c.) 

L i_i) -ffe folded, or rather wrapped; folded 
up, or rather wrapped up, or ro/fed «j», a thing 

in another thing ^jujl Ju [ app . He involved 

the enemy (in difficulty), or entangled him :] said 
with reference to war, and excellence of judg- 
ment, and knowledge of the case of the enemy, 
and the subduing him, with the infliction of 
many wounds. (L, in TA, voce a£^c.) But see 

3. Jaiy : see *bjU. 

V r 

U), said to a camel when it stumbles : see 
voce JJn : and see the first paragraph of art. 
J>s last sentence but one. 

iysti A hunting bitch. (L, art. jSf.) 


£i£)t: see J^il. 


3. »&§ i.q. <uuli. (TA, voce ais'li.) 

jtMi : see an ex. in a verse cited voce^^i. 

Oy^ The sides, or adjacent parts, (.j^-lyM) 
of the iKJ, impending (ii>i-e) over the jXtl. [or 
throat] ; as also ,j*>Ui : (JK :) see iijui, and 

•- '•' . s»t 

iiyJO : sec i<juc. 

8. »U^ He jested, or joked, with him; inf. n. 
fo*i. (A.TA.) Yousay.^JI^*;^'. ( A , 
TA, art. y^fi..) 


i*i, applied to speech, Sec, Nought; of no 

account ; (M, K ;) unprofitable. (M.) jlwi 

yUJI : see KT, voce ^tfH. 

5 : see 8. 

a , • 
8. v_i-iJl Tit (herbage) tangled; became con- 
fused, and caught, one part to another : (Msb :) 
or became luxuriant, or abundant; (S;) tt (a 
collection of trees) became luxuriant, or abun- 
dant, and cbse together: (AHn :) [or thickly inter- 
mixed:] it (a thing) became collected together, 
and dense ; (TA :) best rendered tangled, or 
luxuriant, or abundant and dense. __ UL IJ l and 
▼ »_MJJ .He wrapped, or enwrapped, himself in, 
or with, a garment ; (KL, PS;) i.y. J^lil . 

(Msb.) A^-Li] a--'} JL£Jl means cJL^Jt 

*i-*J [i. e. The face of the young man became 
continuous, or uninterrupted, in its beard]. (TA.) 
— «- * ■«■ * ] -ft (an affair) became complicated. 

J^>3 »-*J in rhetoric, [Complication and expli- 
cation, involution and evolution ; i.e., a construc- 
tion in which two or more words are mentioned, 
and, after them, two or more other words, as 
epithets, $c, referring to the former, jljj JL) 
S-^>*. Involution and evolution regularly dis- 
posed, is when the order of the latter words 
agrees with that of those to which they refer. 
u*<£*+ j~ij >_iJ, or u£$i*, Involved, or dis- 
ordered, involution and evolution, is when the 
order of the latter words is contrary to that of 
those to which they refer]. (TA, passim.) See 
Har, p. 383. 

• S ' t.t>> 

<UU i. q. 

see 4jus, last sentence. 

- »s - - ' 
l - V^ 1 (i-i-J He joined and sewed together, 
or put together and sewed, the two oblong pieces 
of cloth of the garment; (S, Msb, $ ;) and » J55, 
inf. n. Jgkij, signifies the same, and is more 
common ; or has an intensive signification. (T A.) 

— See also Har, pp. 253 and 254 *Jeit3 The 

bringing, or putting, together. (KL.) And The 

making suitable, or conformable. (KL.) And 

The speaking, or telling, what is untrue, or false: 
(KL:) the embellishing [of speech] with lies. 
(Har, p. 254.) — Jij He felled (a seam or gar- 

2 : see 1. _ .«*#3t J^ Jjj, (JK, voce ilj , 
&c.,) inf. n. Jt^>, (K, voce i+*j3, &c.,) He 
interlarded, or embellished, the speech, or dis- 
course, with falsehood : see the pass. part. n. 
aAAU : and see iw,, and J/J, and JTJ. 

0. <tj i^aJb : see s j»\i. 

OUUJ Two pieces which compose a S(*^L>, (Mgh, 
Msb, TA, in art J>uj>) being joined together; 
(Mgh, TA, in that art.,) by sewing or the like. 
(TA in that art. ) 

« . •- » 

JUJ : see «L«^:ij . 

ii«J-o ^i-JiU-l Narrations, or stories, com- 
pounded, or combined, with falsehood; embel- 
lished [or interlarded] therewith: and ptrf /o- 
ye/Aer. (MA, Har, p. 254.) £&U Hi : see 

1U> A thick thigh : see a verse voce \yj>£j. 

v; * ii *- * > ^^ »>• 0*^» : see art. JU. 

iiUJ A wrapper for the leg or foot #c. (S, 
?.) — And A pericarp ; a glume, and <A« /iAe ; 
an envelope : pi. w*5UJ. 

>»UJ A kind of woman's face-veil. See ^lii. 

6. »li*j3 «'.y. *.»jljj [He repaired it ; a mean- 
ing well known] ; (S, Msb, K, TA ;) namely, a 
short-coming ; or failing, or falling short, of what 


was requisite, or due; and an inconsistent act. 
(TA.) You say, Jk"& ") J1.I \jl {This is an 
affair that will not be repaired]. (TA.) And 
-JLoJV yUr*' iV*!^ [He repaired their condition 
by peace, or reconciliation]. (EM, p. 117.) See 



Su>: seoOUU. 


Jj A fissure in a rock. (AA, in TA, voce 
cJ.) J/ JJ and Jl^y J'iUI : seo ^U,.. 


1. <uii He seized it, or tooA i< quickly; (S, M, 
K ;) namely, a thing thrown to him with tlio 
band, or said to him. (M, TA.) Seo also last 
sentence of 1 in art. -lL».. 

8. <L*i y>* AiiU //« caught it and retained 
it quickly, [i. o., what he said,] from his mouth. 
(TA.) ' 

1. iju ^i, [aor. '. ,] inf. n. *Ji}, (JK, MS,) 
[//« gobbled a gobbet, or morsel, or mouthful, or] 
A« swallowed the gobbet; and so M t ,i :H . (S.) 
*i*l, aor.:, (Msb, K, &c.,) inf. n.^U, (JK. 
MA, ?,MS,JM,)or>U(M8b,[app.a mistake,]) 
//c gobbled it ; i. o., ate it quickly, (Msb, K, 
TA,) as also * aJuji, (Msb, [see above,]) and 
hastily; drew it with his mouth, and ate it 
quickly, (TA ) — » fit ^*J He put morsels into 
his mouth (i. e., his own mouth) with his hand. 
See an ex. voce i«-i>. This seems to be the 
primary signification. 

2. jAikJI *Ju and »£} T «U*fi {He fed with 
the food by the mouthful ; put it into his mouth 
by the mouthful] : (Msb:) or »U <v»i) and»A»i)l 
oU A« p«« a mouthful [of it] into his mouth. 
(TA.) And iili and ***£' [-He/ed Aim % the 
mouthful ; put mouthfuls into his mouth], (S.) 

4. ^iil Ih put morsels into the mouth of [such 

a one]. See 2 j%*-» Ai»*JI 1 1 silenced 

* < - .it 
him in an altercation. (Msb.) _. jJJsjJI a«*JI : 

seo the latter word. 

6. i^JkiiS J& " //<; swallowed the gobbet, or 
morsel, or mouthful, in a leisurely manner. (S, 

8 : see 1 Jt£j\ ^ lili^^LJI [/Ye tooA Aer 

moutA within his lips in kissing]. (S in art 1>0 ji&.) 
Hence the verb signifies \It embraced, or clasped, 
a thing : see an instance, voce 

A morsel, gobbet, or mouthful: what is in art. ^m.j. [See this and three similar exs. 

[sivallowed, or] eaten quickly, at once, of bread voce ^i.j.]) _ v »^Ljl aJI ^5*-" He offered to 

[key, like as l*^. sign.fies what is swallowed Mm xalutation} or submission: see^L. — . v> 

at once in drinking : (Msb:) or what is pre- „ , ,1 . ,»,' »- , mI 

^ r 7, • j -i • j.j r , ■ *-" 1 «*" I* ; see art - V.P j** 31 **•' «=-«*" 

pared <o ie [swallowed, or] cafen quickly [at , - , L?r T -^ w -^ . , 

«**]. (K, TA.) _ ^ULJI Uj, and i^J «"« J>V 7 <" W > or communkaud, to him the 

j saying. (Msb.) _ tjUjii *Jt£ JUI : see art. 
jw. _ dJle «UUI fle put it into hit mind; he 
suggested it : elill [thus used] is said of God 
and of the Devil. (Kail, p. 277, in explanation 
of i^*^ 1 - [See 1 in art. ,_^u», last sentence but 
one.]) _ [And] He dictated it ; (Msb ;) namely, 
a writing to the writer. (Msb, in art. J*.) _ 
»j~i jl .ji-li [He revealed to me his secret]. 
(TA, art. jw.) — ^V 4^1 ^1 ") ■ see art. 

Jji . __ tm i ii t^'j sa 'd of night (J>fiJJI): see 

, *, * . * »' .•* 

u^ij- — U"^fe <iJI ^iJI He addressed to him 


I : seo jy^Uj, art. >j^ ; and 
^Ull C>Ue<J Same as ^j-e^UI O^il. 

3. <u5*$ i. 7. aajU.. (TA voce aiilj.) 
j^jU, arnbicisod from [the Persian] J>i> [also 
written ^>Cj], /l thing [or fcasin] resembling a 
«Jp, of jLe [or 6ra«]. (TA.) Sec iiU.!. 

> • ^ i . - 

1. *ei) /ft' me< Sim, or i7. (Msb.) — And 

/7e [7?ie< n)»'</i, or] found him, or t7. (Msb.) 

You say, Ij—I^UJU [TAou wilt find them lions]. 

(Miighncc, voce ^1 .) See also pit, — a^a) and 

j * ' 

t Jitv.i'j J en me nea»" <o Aim, facing him ; came 

before his fare, near to him. (Ksb, in ii. 13.) 

njy&vi *^aJ (K in art. <u»-, &c.) He in art. jfi\.) 

[encountered with him, or] toui to hitH, or rftrf 

to him, a thin.j dislihcd, or hated : (TK in 

art. 4-»-:) like ojiJ loJ aX^IwI. 

5. ki« »l*l5 ife received it from him. (TA.) 
jJLLi i. 7. v^lii. (»d in 1. 1G.) 

8. UlxX— * iv^JI [Her vagina and rectum met 
together in one, by the rending of the part 
between,] on tho occasion of devirgiuation. (M, 

2. Iji «UJ [He made him to experience evil 
treatment]. (TA in art. cj*., voce cj«-.) See 

below ; and see ^iU • — *e»-J 0>*^! ^' 4<, y 
(AaH t«e greeted with prayer for length of life, 
or everlasting existence. (Bd in xxv. 75.) 

3. elS"^ [//e we/ Aim face to face; had an 
interview with him ;] i. q- aM*. (TA.) See 
1. __ j*^ He experienced pain &c. See an 
ex. voce jti ; and voce Jl : like ^il, voce J1.^ 
ajkiij »jljl ^X)b yjSt jJ*^ [//e maiie <Ae two ends 
of his jljl to meet, a»d <ted ft]. (A, art. J*-*-.) 

10. LJ iJ^--l -He lay, syn. >0, (K,) upon the 
buck of hifi neck. (JK, S, K.) And It (any- 
thing) was [or lay] as though thrown down or 
extended. (T, JK, TA.) 

4. »U)I He threw it where he would find it. 

^jii Mu teles of the flesh. (TA, art. »-e«o.) 
L5^ \J* : 8ee ^ • 

fiil The facing a thing : [encountering it:] and 
meeting it meeting with it, or finding it : and 
perceiving it 6y tAe wiwe, and % tAe «i//At. (Er- 
llaghib, TA.) __ nil : its predominant appli- 
cation is Encounter, i. e. conflict, fight, battle, 
or war. (Mgh.) _. »L»JUI >»>j TAe </ay 0/ 
encounter in tight &c. 

^a^aJI *\ii\ ?-?> : sec «JuU, and art. ,^-*>. 

i)t JJL3 ^>« IjJk Oj*.j / experienced this from 

(Er-Ragbib.) — And hence, conventionally, He ^ ^ ^ ^ ;wr< ; 8yn . i^ J^ aml ^ 
threw it in any way: (Er-llaghib :) Ac <Arew t* I ',,' , ' ,,, , ,' 

, .„ . w , . .. n -.C'„ i'if. LiU^J. (Mgh in art. J^.) aSUXJ ^>* J-'i" '•** 
on Me ground: (Mgh:) [he put it .] ^WjI - 

aJ|jJI ^ie /;>«< the goods upon the beast. (Msb.) 
__ UjJj C-i)l SAe ea.s< Aer young one, or Aer 
young. _i5*JI also signifies /Ye let fall a thing, 

a curtain, &c iJeA. <U' C~iii t / did good to 

him. (TA.) And 5^1 a-JI 0-«iH and S^JU 
t [/ offered or tendered to him, or ya»e or granted 
him, love, or q/fecft'on], (TA.) — a-U ^J\ 
li»A.j' t [He naife Ais /o»e, &c, /o /aW, or light, 
upon Aim, i.e. Ae bestowed it upon him]. (K, TA 

This thing, or affair, is from him ; syn. »ju» ^>« ; 
as also aJLS 0- ;i,u ' "-'-^ 0-°- (l 1 '' 1 ) '" TA in 
art. J-J.) — «UW Jn <Ae direction that meet* 
or fares. (El-Khafajee, TA.) You say, a*.^ 

^"^i ttilj [//e went towards such a one], and 

'- — •' 

jUt tULtf [in <Ac direction of, or towards, the 

./ire]. (K.) And ot'iU > & —l» / sat over 
against him, or opposite to him. (S.) And otfj 
I (U.X3 ife stopped facing the house, (Msb.) 


aJUUI <tU3 [7^« direction of the Kibleh]. 

(M, K, vocev>Ut.) =3 See a^. 

p>UI yj>%» [pi. of ^jiJU,] 2%* narrow, or 

strait, parts of the pudendum muliebre. (TA in 

art > ^J.) (Jty^ T^e horizontal slabs in 

which is the aperture in a privy. 

S.j *- »-> 

yjiX-t Greeted: see i^vW, in art. 4Jy. 


1. dM //« pushed him, or thrust him ; like 
a£»'j and JLo. (Ah, TA in art. J>.) 

illiCJ A pressing, or crowding: see an ex. voce 

>3 [inf. n. of «jflj «.y. i >»£, like >J. (TA, 
art. >J.) 

ioiJ A blow with tshe Jist. 

3LLfc J .An impotence, or impediment, or a 
difficulty, in speech or utterance ; (Mali ;) a 
barbarowmess, or viciousncss, and an impotence, 
or impediment, in speech : (S :) or the woi speak- 
ing Arabic rightly, by reason of a barbarousness, 
or viciousness, in the tongue: (K:) or the inter- 
posing of [words of] a foreign language in on*'s 
speech. (Mhr, TA.) See VV ; and H»mr., with 

which it is syn. 


i>£), with the ,j quiescent, has no government. 

— It means But after a negative proposition : 

bui not after an affirmative : see 'fi . 


L «flaft aJJI jj God rectified, or repaired, and 
consolidated, what was disorganized, disordered, 
or unsettled, of his affairs. (S.) 

2. ^j Re made a U of his hair. (Z, TA in 

4. >*yUW >o" He came to the people, and 

alighted at their abode as a guest. (Msb.) 
. . 1 * • ,. i.t 

See oU?l. _ And hence, < _ J ^*«JU^JI f He 

Anew <Ae meaning. (Msb.) _ And «*J Jlt| ^1 
f Zfe committed the sin, or offence. (Msb.) __ 
And _^l -His, or «<, visited covertly; (Ham, 
p. 23 ;) or in a /tool, slight, or /tatty manner. 
(Idem, pp. 385 and 815.) It became near. 

(Msb.) It happened. (Ham, p. 385.) ~J\ 

44 He came to him. (Ham, p. 127.) — I. q. tj\j 
l)t; as also -a* "J\- (TA.) 

8. ^1 // uws collected, accumulated. — 1^*31 
They collected themselves ; congregated. 

^ with an aor. following it is often to be ren- 
dered in English by the preterperfect : ex., »j\_^ 
0^*yi •*"> -^ have w0 ' * 8CT ! " ,OT y° r too ^ay-«- — 

«r>*y ^ He did not beat. (S, &c.) See also 1*3 . 

' • -« -» . 

__ ^Jl : see the latter half of art. ^1 ; and 

.1 i. 

the former part of art. Ut . — w as a par- 
ticle of exception [is equivalent to our But ; 
meaning both except and, after an oath or the 
like, only, or nothing more than ; and] is put 

before a nominal proposition ; as, ^JLi ^£s ^j\ 

ikila. lyJLc O [There is not any soul but over 

it is a guardian, (I£ur lxxxvi. 4,)] accord, 
to those who pronounce the j> with teshdeed : 
and before a verb which is literally, but not 

£« . it ft , J J oi 

in meaning, a preterite; as in l»J aJJI Jj^ii 
wJLs» [ / conjure, or 6e^, or beseech, thee by God 
///// Maf Mou rfo such a thing], i. e. *})l jJJUI U 

SUjuS [I do not ask of thee anything save thy 

doing such a thing]. (Mughnee.) See its syn. 

•^I. In the 5 ur xxxviii. 13, accord, to one read- 

ing, it occurs before a verb which is a preterite 

literally and in meaning. _ UJ, accord, to Ibn- 

» » 

Malik, is syn. with J I : [and sometimes, like it, 

it means Since, or because ;] oue may say, O 

000 0>S*t f mt '*** % 

j>fe)\ JUu>=3l ts-*! ^ie^al : but this is said to 
mean jJUej^bi ^^-ol ^ jJU^£>t >>^JI si>J l^J . 
(Mughnee.) See also an ex. voce Jjj. __ Ci 
<~>j*oj He has not yet beaten. (S, &c.) See 

_^«J A slight insanity or diabolical possession ; 
(Mgh, Msb :) a slight taint or infection of in- 
sanity. See <J U ». 


i»J A touch, or somewhat [of a taint or an 

infection of insanity], from the jinn. (S, K.) 

O Hair that descends below the lobe of the 
ear. (S, ?•) But see ijij : and see a tropical 
use of it in a verse of Kumeyt cited in art. wi»., 
p. 597 c. 

a- I, 

j„U: see^^-.. 

A misfortune that befalls in the present 
world. (S.) See an ex. in a verse cited voce 


(K, TA,) and *£t, (TA, S, ?, Ac, in art. JU. 
&c,) and <»4-J. (TA,) 2Te signalled, or ma«Je a 
s»<7«, u>i<A At» nana* or arm, (£» TA,) and wiM 
Am garment, and wt<A Aw sword; or dia* *o 
/or the purpose of information or warning ; by 
raising it, and mooing it about, [or waving it, or 
brandishing it, i. e., Ae waved it as a sign or 
signal,] in order that another might see it, and 
come to him ; as also * ««JI ; but the former is 
the more approved ; [i.q. Lat. micuit;] and some- 
times the verb is used without the mention of 
the hand or arm [Ac.]. (TA.) See a verse cited 
voce u°j>- — *i*~1 >*)> (S, and K, art. •->),) 
and ±iyi, (S, ibid, and S, K, &c, in art. J*»-.) 
He made a sign with his sword, and with his 
garment, [waving it about, to make it seen by 
some one whom he desired to see it]. (§, 5.) 

. . ;•« 
4. tj^t *«JI, <&c.: see 1. 

8. n„ q7)I l/ r e sought, or a5A«d, or demanded, 
it. (S, K.) He *ou</Af it out. 

A shining, glistening, or glossy, appear- 
ance, [or An*,] .of the body: (£ :) any cofo«r 
different from another colour [in which it is] ; 

(TA ;) [a sp.rf of colour] [Primarily] A 

portim of herbage beginning to dry up. (S, 
Msb, K.) 

J * * 


A boy having a &«J. (IDrd, TA, voce 


1. %+i It (lightning, &c.) shone ; shone brightly; 
gleamed ; glistened. (S, Msb, K.) — _ » Jw f«J^ 

£~*yj : see Jj^I in the K, and my rendering 
in explaining the latter word, s.v. 

JUi : see J'iU, voce iiJU. 

^>) A particle denoting negation, rendering the 
aor. mansoob, and restricting it to the future 
sense : not implying corroboration of the nega- 
tion, nor its never-ending continuance ; though 
Z asserts it tc imply these. (K.) [Hence J>J 
w>«aj signifies simply He will not beat : not 
Ae assuredly r-ill not beat; nor Ae will never 

ja^J An anchoring-place, a harbour, or a port, 
(^j-^o,) for ships. (TA.) Occurring in the ]£ 
art. j-,. (TA.) 

• - •' . . 

>J>y) A sha-p spear-head: see an ex. in a 


verse of Zuhej r, cited voce -.j . 

<L»jy] accord, to different authorities, app. The 



angle of the lower jaw: or the ramus thereof: 
or the flesh upon the hinder part thereof. See 

1- «/ V He, or it, was cast, or thrown. (TA 
in art. iJUU .) 


1. ^ic wV, (inf. n. uO, 5,) and * o#J, He 
grieved for it, or at it; regretted it ; syn. {jji. 
and j-^J ; (S, K meaning a thing that had 
escaped him after he been at the point of attain- 
ing it : ( JK, TA :) or he grieved for it, or at 
it ; or regretted it ; and was angry, or enraged, 
on account of it. (TA.) But see J ■' j ; and 
see S, voce uUI .«_ u^ signifies He felt, or 
expressed, grief, sorroto, or regret. 

5 : see 1. 

ijtyj UOlfc #rt«/7 see an ex. in art LLui., 
conj. 4. 

«UyJ Greediness ; voracity; eagerness. 

<-J^X* Qreedy ; ravenous ; eager ; J* or .Jl 
/or a thing. 

4. m A U dJUl a^JI [God directed him by in- 

spiration to that which was good, or to pros 
perity], (TA, art. JPj,) __ o^l a^JI 2Je «<0- 
getted it to him ; (in the order of tho words, he 
suggested to him it ;) he put it into his mind. 

8. ^ffyJI He gulped 

a> . ■>! »i 

^y) and ^1: seeaJOI. 

1- ** is}, (S, Msb, K) and *J* $, (Msb, K,) 
JBTe became diverted from it, so as to forget it. 
(S, Msb, K.) — See an ex. voce ^iU-l : and see 

O* f^^- u"i *"*>» inf - u - V and W, SAe 

(a woman) w<m, or became, cheered, or delighted, 

and pleased, with his discourse. (M, K.) And so 

***^ <iyp. (T in art. y y ) 

• a -it 

4. l^AJI ^M 1 The thing diverted me; syn. 

^4^-. ( M « b ) — ..U*»V»V»[^rfi»«-teo;A«m 
Aywny»n^]. (S, art. .v*-.) 

pi« a man so as to divert him from that which 

would render him sad or solicitous, fc.: (TA:) 

or relief of the mind by means which wisdom 

does not require : this [it is said] is the original 

signification : (Et-Tarasoosee, Msb :) a thing in 

which a man delights himself, and which occupies 

him so as to divert him, and then ceases. (KT.) 

It has a more general application than ^Ji : for 

ex., the hearing of musical instruments or the like 

is jjj, but not 4-^- (TA.) __ ^ *jT [An 

instrument of diversion, meaning, of music]. (K 

voce 4»WJ.) 

• .. 

JlyJ [The uvula ;] the red piece of flesh that 

hangs down from the upper jU»-. (Zj, in his 
Khalk el-Insan.) See also JJU^I , and "*«», . 
— . SlyXJI [generally expl. as meaning The uvula : 
or] what is between the end of the root of the 
tongue and the end of the ^Ji [thus in all the 
copies of tho K that I have seen, an evident 
mistranscription for CJLS, i.e. hollow'] of the 
upper part of the mouth : (K : [app. meaning 
the arches, or pillars, of the soft palate; agree- 
ably with the next explanation here following :]) 
or the furthest part of the mouth : [seo £2 :] 
and, of the he-camel, the ZjLZii. [i.e. bursa 
faucium]. (JK.) See also a usage of the pL, 
Ol^yl, in the last explanation of c 


thou do such a thing? and in like manner, 

.-•» ss s> 

Uj) and ^1 and }U. See an ex. in the Kur, x. 98, 

explained in art. *5l. _ ijlj J& ijji •$ Had 

not this been, or but for this, that had been, or 

would have been *j£| is followed by a noun 

in the nom. case (as in the Kur, viii. 69), or by 

a verb, as in exs. above. 

C? : see wJI. 


u»y-» The sweet food called ijJU : see jtej*. 

*y Ardour of love : see 


» - - -- • 

• *.. *" 

• a.. 

*■ K^^t v& «• 9- fc* : (TA :) and ^ i.j. 
-a- " t*" 

(Msb.) _ And ^^JU ffe diverted himself. (TA.) 

>^J Diversion; pastime; sport; play: or 
especially, n«;A as t« t»ai», or frivolous; idle 
sport : (from various explanations :) what occu- 


S^ What is thrown, [i.e. the quantity of corn 

that is thrown,] (S, K,) by the grinder, with his 
fond, (?,) into the mouth of the mill or mill- 
stone. (S, K.) And The mouth [itself] of the 

mill or mill-stone. (IKtt, TA ; and S voce jL].) 

*' I* * • * 

^) : see ajj^cu). _ It is used as an optative 

particle, fj^ii. See Kur, ii. 162 ; and Jel, ibid. 

See also ija SiV> && ijjb ^lfi> ^J Had this 

been, or if this were, that had been, or would 
have been. — .^JUt ^ «i>>»»c p^ J«o means 
[Pray thou though thou be unable to stand; i.e.] 
pray thou wiiether thou be able to stand or unable 

to do so. (Msb in art. ^1 .) See also exs. voce 

st a. m, 

^jl, and J^. — ^) often begins a sentence ending 

• i . *- • ' a, 

witn an aposiopesis. _ yt meaning ,j\ • gee *) . 

•>»* » a,, •. 

— \J°) ">' >•£ tf*- 5 V : Bee V M syn. with ^Xe. 

^J The tiwrd y : soo a prov. cited voco ^i 
(near the end of the paragraph). And see «J>J. 

0» y [7/"]. Ex. o4« J5«' ill jj [Hodst 
thou been standing, I had stood]. (K, art. q\.) 
Seo Kur, xxxix. 68; &c. 

*y>J and U3J : see <Uxm.. _ IJ£> c~JUi ^ 
means TTA«re/ore <ftii/ not fAou *ucA a t4%? 
and life jiii ^ means Wherefore wilt not 

- ■ * *" « • * * 

1. c-i'i) *iJj c-»U U : see 1 in art. J^e. 

J>* and jy : see J^c and ^J^. 

1. J^' ZTe cieroerf a morsel : (S, K, Msb :) or 
chewed in the jentlest manner : or chewed some- 
thing hard ; (K ;) rolling it about, or turning 
it round, in hx mouth : (TA :) [he (a child) 
mumbled, or bit softly, his finger]: (S, art. 
<Z»ja :) he (a horse) c/tamped, (Msb,) or chewed, 
the bit (Lth in TA, art. JUI .) 

t^l L5J*^'i an ^ *S*JiJ as though from 
Afe^l: see arl. oUI. 

, i» ' « a-. » • »( 

5. JyW CJ»jJU U : seo jy I. 

1. > »'i), inf. n. >>y, He blamed, censured, or 
reprehended, syn. JJlc, (S, M, Msb, K,) a person, 
(S, Msb,) lji» Jtu [for such a thing]. (S.) 

' '* 

4. j>^)\ He did a thing for which lie should be 

blamed. (S in art. ■ n'\. and L and TA in art. 

5. >yj t. 5. jiyjl iJiXJi. (Ham, p. 356.) 

io5*^ A thing for which the doer is blamed. 

2. ^y i. y. '(Jty' ■" became coloured. (M.) 
_ Jt (a palm-tree) Aa<i dates which had become 

coloured. (T .) — jfjS!\ ^ £ [He varied in 

. a /» 
speech]. (Sgl , K, voce hl« t 7.) 

5. o>^ I* Mcame coloured. (MA, KL.) See 1. 

__ It became variegated, or diversified in colour. 
_ And hence, (see J>*3,) It varied in state, or 
condition; it mas, or became, variable therein. 
He assumed various forms, or appearances. — 

U%* 0>*~' ""** a one varie d in disposition. 

^y Colour : (S, Msb, K :) distinctive quality 
or property : (M, K :) *>r(, or species : (£>,£:) 
m<W, disposition, or character. 

<U*t^l ^jy! [Sort*, or species, of viands]. 
(S in art -.L.-) 

Q>Li« Varying, or variable, in dispositions. 
_ Unsteady in disposition. (K.) 

• - « " 
1. AjJlt ^y //« waited for him. (Msb.) — 

***"' t_S^* c£>^ *} j* He went along, not pausing 

nor waiting for any one. (Msb.) See the Kur-an, 

iii. 147 a4-V «*y *'• g. '*&*. (S, Msb, K.) 

__ ^y 7fe twisted a thing ; turned or wreathed 
it round or about : contorted it : wound it : 
curled it: curved it: or 6en< it (K, &c.) And 
//«, or iV, turned him from his course; made him to 
deviate, or swerve. _ aJlc ^y He went round 
it, or round about it. (Bd, in liii. 20.) — ^y 
flj-»l <iJU [//is miitfe At* care, or affair, difficult 
and intricate to him: see <t-JU ^yUl]. (S, K, 
art. ^>3^t.) __ o^-i. ^y, + //« concealed his in- 
formation. (T, TA.) And ^J* 'oJ*\ ^y J He 
concealed his affair from me. (K, TA.) 

4. jf)£l if ^y I He distorted, wrested, or wrung, 
the language. (M, K.) [Hence, perhaps, ^yS 
-i" l£»Wi " t ' lc ' ver ^ * >e correctly thus : see 
i, last sentence.] 

oj — ^ 



5. (jyu J* twisted, or coifed, itself: (KL:) 

3 - * 

t( became twisted, or coiled t one says, oyij 
i&Ljl. (MA.) — y)ijt ^yLj [ffe 
writhed by reason of the pain of beating]. (M, 
A, ^.art.jyo.) 

8- Oyj^i ""d o' ^o se-pents [They twist 
together] : see >>Uc, last sentence. 


8. j^yJI, neuter verb, J* twisted : wound : 

bent. (K, Ac.) __ <ui* t_S>M Il ( an afiair) be- 
came difficult ; or difficult and intricate. (TA.) 

*' 5" • 00$ 

— ij"^»»- ^5** Oyjl Jfy wan< became difficult 
of attainment. (TA.) — <tJ* e$yJI al «> &* 
acted, or behaved, perversely towards him. 

*iy A banner, or standard, syn.^Ju, (M, Mgh, 
5j) of «■ commander, (T,) or o/an army, k« *Aan 
the 2u\ Jt being a strip of cloth, twisted, or wound, 
and tied to a spear-shaft. (Mgh.) See SjU;. 
Respecting the »iy of the Kaabeh, see ^jju. and 

*iy ?i_y-» : see art. ^£y. 

.3 .3 - 

tyjt occurs in poetry for .yiyJI. (TA in art. 

L$y)l Very contentious. (]£.) See an ex. 

t^l : see the latter part of art. *$\ , 

1. t*), aor. c%; , inf. n. AJ : see an ex. in a 
verse cited voce jup. 

«_LJ [The membranous fibres that grow at the 
base of the branches of the palm-tree:] the best 
sort is the ci*) of the cocoa-nut (TA.) See 

p-ljZi !_aJ is used by Ibn-Mu^bil as meaning 

t A she-camel's tail. (TA in arts. ^-> Jw and 

!• "V t>»W U J< u no< suitable to him, does 
not befit him, that he should do such a thing. 




lO, [i.e. JJU with an adjunct alif for tho sake 
of the rhyme,] for jiQ\ : see art. ^Il , near the 

Jy : see Jiy. — j£j> OW Wishes: (T, TA 
in art ^f.) and anxieties. (TA ibid.) _ ^1 
jlill 2%« tAief, or robber : (T in art. ^ :) and 
«Ac wayfarer, or traveller. (Er-Raghib in TA 
in that art.) __ jJdl ^Ll yl nightfarer: see a 
verse cited voce i^jlc. 

AieJ -4 night-journey, or night's journey. __ 
^U ^j» aiyjl i^b; and li£»^ »j^» ^,l£» 

A&JI; and 4i. ; Ug SJ^JI iyi'l U : see above, 
p. 183 a. 

^yy >1 Wine: ^ signifying SytJI. (T in 

2 .. • 

^yy: seejyi. 

yjOispl. of 5*£j. (TA, voce „*J .) 

ib*iU from JJJI is like <Uy«c from >ye)t, 
and ljh\L» from jyiJI, Ac. (TA in art. »jj.) 

• ' ' • • •' 

1. C)y> m '. n. ^ [not ^ as in the CK] 

and oQ, (T, S, M, K,) conir. of ^iL; (S, ?L 
in art. t>-*»> 6n <i T5 ;) It was, or became, soft, 

as opposed to rough or ho*sh ; smooth ; plain ; 

without asperities ; fine to the touch ; delicate ; 

tender; supple; lithe; limber; pliant; pliable; 

flexible ; ductile ; malleable ; soft, or flabby ; 

lax : and he was, or became, soft ; tender ; 

pliant; gentle; bland; or mild. Hence Q*) 
»* • 0. nt. . . 

4-JU. : see ^ . __ *±i*j ^y His bowels became 

relaxed. __ &$ He relented. 

* ' '" ' 

3. jyUlj <S>'^ He soothed, coaxed, or wheedled, 

him with words. (L, art. •»— o.) — ii^ [He 
acted gently towards him ; (M, I£ ;) treated him 
with gentleness, or blandishment ; soothed him ; 
coaxed him ; wheedled him ;] i. q. «tjlj . (S, M, 
Msb, .voce »ljt>.) — ilj'i He was soft, tender, 
gentle, bland, or mild, towards him. (M, 1£.) 

4. a^bu (j'vjl [It relaxed his bowels] ; said of 
medicine. (K in art. Jy.) 

10. o^-* 1 : Bee to contr. ^,'>."J. 

iJ"^ f° r u"i" : 8ee tn0 latter in art &f. 

«-A«*H 0*1 Softness, delicateness, or easiness, 
of life. 


iiJ applied to a palm-tree : see art. ^y ; and 

t. • 
see »_>a-c. 

^ t^ffi Soft, delicate, or easy, life. _ ^ 
v^UJI : see .^U.. _ olio*"}) I ^ ; &c. : see 

' , 

art. w4kg. 

l ^U A lenitive, or laxative, medicine. 

« «• j • * • 3' jt 

>Z0J\ »y: and^j^aJI: and^^: see eb\, 
and art. aJ in the S ; and see an ex. of JJ.^ 
voce i»-iUi. 


j» for the interrogative U immediately following 
a prep.: see U» in the S, K; and ^jJI last 
Bentence. —j> for ^y* : see an ex., from a poet, 

mi \m J I J J c£ * 

voce Vj- — olll >» &c : see aOl ^>»jI . >> for 

v»l : see the latter. 

U when following J^ or ,jl or jjjt or ^1, 
if having the signification of ^JJI, is written 
separately. (El-Hareeree, in De Sacy's Anthol. 

Gram. Ar., p. 67 of the Ar. text.) U added 

to certain adverbial nouns is not merely redun- 
dant, but gives to them a conditional and general 
signification; as in U^jl Wherever; and \+Lm. 
Wherever, and whenever; &c: see Kur, ii. 143, 
145, &c: and see De Sacy's Oram., i. 537 and 
538. _- U While ; as in U»- <Z~»} U : and as 

much as; see Kur, lxiv. 16. _ Uj Because 

* tit* # * * 
^jji—ij 1 y\£=> 1»j Because they did transgress ; 

or /or that they did transgress. (Kur.) — 

t/c*-.9 U jJUl , for »e*. juo. See j«*>. — U is 

also added to a noun to denote the littleness of 

that which is signified by the noun; as in U wjl 

Some little want. (IAth in TA, art. vj'0 — 

U in Ul and Ul (of which latter *$ Ul is an 

st s 

instance) I have mentioned in arts. Ul aud Ul . 

«Jo U U)C : see iJb CJl U [H7i<zr art 

thou?] means what are thy qualities, or attri- 

, , . i . . 
butes? (Har, p. 155.) o^^ 1 Vj ^» ln tne 

-' •'- ' * 

Kur, xxvi. 22, means yk ^-A j^l . (Jel.) See 

- - .- . .- • * *! 

also an ex. voce ^ji. — ^U U signifies j^^i ^1 

iU c~j (IbrD) and may be rendered What 

ailoth thee ? U J^yi /Som« particular thing : 

something. (See *,>l.) Also, Any particular 
thing? (IbrD.) See an ox. cited voce .-Uo. 
__ ^"^j U ijb An excellent youth is such a one. 
(IbrD.) See Kull, p. 336. See also Bd, middle 
p. 42. — U is sometimes pat for>»lj U, l^-olj U, 
and the like; i.e. As long as: see an ex. voce 
£l&>, and JJJI, and J-r*. _ JyUI U JI J&l 

yk U The form inclines somewhat to length; 
agreeably with a rendering voce j»a : see De 
Sacy's Gr., sec. ed., i. 543 and 539 : see also 
U !,_* above: in the Kur xxxviii. 23, U is 
redundant, (Bd,) denoting vagueness and wonder, 
(Ksh, Bd,) or a corroborative of fewness: (Jel:) 
it means somewhat whether great or little in 
degree or importance, as U, the negative par- 
ticle, followed by a pret., often requires the 
latter to be rendered in English by the preter- 
perfect : ex. ^jU^j »U <CjIj U / have not seen 
him for two days. See De Sacy's Anthol. Gram. 
Ar. f p. 253. 


•t ' ••< i, «*. 

,j>U and j33-° an< * 3^* '■ 8ee [SS^° • 


4f U A sobbing ; i.e. an affection lihe what is 

termed Jjl^i, as though it were breath heaved 
from the chest, on an occasion of weeping, and 
of being choked with weeping. (S, K.) 

1. ^tt^U He sustained them ; bore the burden 
of or undertook, their maintenance ; he main- 
tained them. (S, K, arts. ^jL« and 0>-* •) — 

jtjii\ ^>U and » ^U He maintained, or sus- 
tained, the people, or party. (M.) 

2 : see 1. 

4JU of the belly : see ajU-. __ o^^»" °' tue 
• * ^ * * 

hump of a camel : see JjLa«J . 

ii^- *•?• ^y [^ooa*, &c.]; (M;) a dial. var. 
of * <UjJ«t (q>v.)> M •J** **>*: pl. Oi - - (Msb.) 

see art. ^1, where will be found the 

explanations of this word given in the S and K 

in art. ^jU. 

<Uj]^* ji weight, or burden. (Mgh, Mab.) 

See JUle. __ Trouble, molestation, or embar- 
rassment ; as also * ii^-o : pi. of the former 

O0 5 £« ; and of the latter oj-*- (MA.) The 

requisite means of subsistence. (KL.) __ ii^^o 
cUaJI : see <Lilj : it seems to mean the puden- 
dum muliebre considered as the means o/cU*.. 

<L*U [The quiddity, or essence, or substance, 
of a thing ;] <Aa< whereby a thing is what it is. 
(KT.) See also >U..»rw, and j*y>-, and i-jli, 

V > : U : see ,^>«w, voce <L->, in art. «w. 

1. i^U (like «U) /< (a cat) mewed. (TA, voce 
(U, art. l^-».) 

1. jlyJI )C-« 2%fi aViy became advanced, the 
sun being high, (S, K,) before the declining of the 
sun from the meridian. (£.) 

2. A' " ■> i/< (God) marfe Aim to Zive. (Bd in 

xi. 3.) See ^Jli. — \*Z* He gave her a gift 

after divorce. (K.) And \jJL> \»L» He gave 
her (a divorced wife) such a thing. (Msb.) 

5. <v »I«3 and * f't" A and ♦ £~*\ are 8 7 n -i 
signifying ^>i» Olij <o iiil ; (Ham, p. nr;) 
[He benefited, or profited by it; had the benefit, 
use, or enjoyment, of it; he enjoyed it ; accord, 
to the above authority, for a long time; but 
this restriction is not always meant.] You say, 
. 4 -t- T | ;r --r<f -j:--' c ~i-' [7 enjoyed the drinking 

' "" * 

a morning-draught of mine]: and ^Jl »Uu»SV 

<bjV Jlil [the listening to the tongs of a girl]. 


* A99 

(Mo'allakdt, p. 169.) __ «^j He became pro- 
vided with cU<, or utensils and furniture for 
the house, or tent. (TA, voce si^J, q. t.) — . 
£& i.q. Jile. (Bd, J el, xi. 68.) _ «v £Ui 
generally signifies i/e enjoyed it : (MA :) so in 
many cues in the Kur, &c. 

8: see 5. 

10. Ijdu »:,;,<!, and " )Uw, //« benefited or 
profited by such a thing. (Msb.) _ See 5. — 

Enjoyment; a subst. in the sense of 
J&3; (S, Msb, K;) syn. !£. (Jel, xlvi. 26.) 
See an ex., in a verse of Lebeed, voce ieji . _ 
A»JL il </j/i to a divorced wife. (Msb, K.) See 

iu, — 




(TA voce ii*» , in art. Jy .) 


eliu Anything useful or advantageous ; as 
£00<£i : such as the utensils and furniture of a 
house or tent, or liousehold- goods : any utensils, 
or apparatus : chattels : a commodity, and commo- 
dities; (Mgh, &c.;) generally best rendered goods, 
chattels, household-goods or chattels, or utensils 

and furniture. _ cU»JI [signifies \ m.jii\ ;] a 

• - * - - j 
iroman'j pudendum : (TA :) [see « « »> > > »«, in 

art. ~J.} : and] the penis. (Mgh.) __ clia also 

applies to Food, the necessaries of life : soo two 

exs. voce uu» . __ c.U* for a divorced wife, A 

provision of necessaries, such as food and clothing 


and household-utensils or furniture : see o^c , 

and Bd in ii. 242: i. q. L^3. (Bd in ii. 237.) 
— _ ctU i. <y. <v * ■«■ ".! U, and cl ; < , :„ .'jl ; (Jel in 
iv. 79;) generally best rendered Enjoyment, in 
the Kur iv. 79 and ix. 38 and similar cases. Sec 

side, or the middle of the broad side, of the blade, 
of a sword ;] the part in the middle of which is 
the [ridge called] }y*i , (En-Nadr, in L, voce 
}y*,) or the part in which is the [ridge called] 

* w i f » 9 » 9 # * J « 

i t k* <, (K, voce U „.>.,.,) and *U e k&, and j^c : 

(K, voce >yz :) or the rt'rfye [t'tee 7 /] (^jft) rat'n^ 
in *Ae m»aVi7e o/ a sword. JT.) _ v >io The 
hard and outer or apparent part of anything: 
pi. &yU and ijU*. (M.) _ v >^« The middle 
of a bow, and of a spear. (Munjid of Kr.) — 
cjhjAji (jil o-* : seo /■**• — u- - Tllu i> ar< 
between two poles of a C-ef, or tent. ( AZ in TA, 
art. »jj.) __ ,^i. Elevated, and level, or plain, 
ground : (M :) or hard and elevated ground. (S, 
Msb, K.) __ ipijiJt v>i« One o/<Ae /oar bright 
stars in Pegasus, that (a) at the extremity of 

J • - Oft- « - 

the neck: see cjjUI. __ ^j-U i.r/.^jj^. and 

;«•. and ^jl, .4 tradition of Mohammad, or of 
another, namely a companion of Mohammad, 
Sfc. (IbrD.) 

see ijJU. 

Strong; stout; firm; hard. (S, K, 
Msb.) [Well seasoned. Possessing any quality 
in a strong degree.] 

»}%*■ !>^»i, i.q. 
(TA, voce c^..) 

• '• • •- 

OU»3: see ^^eijj. 

Jforc ru>ec<. 

2. <ui», inf. n. o*"+3> He made it, or rendered 
it, strong, stout, firm, or hard. (TA.) _ ^li 
//« seasoned a skin tri<A roo, or inspissated juice 
(Vj). (K.) 

^JiJl ^>i« is TAe erector spina muscle, which 
consists of the sacro-lumbalis and longissimus 
dorti and spinalis dorsi. The s jZ» is The back : 
(M, Msb:) or, as also *.Lii, (M,) or \j&*, (T,) 
two portions of firmly-bound flesh between which 
is the back-bone, [or that confine the back-bone,] 
rendered firm by being tied (0^>***) with, or 
by, ,,i* [or sinews,] (T, M,) or the ^Izu are 
the two sides of the back. (M.) -_ ^JfcJI CsL 
The two portions of flesh and sinew next the 
back-bone, on each side. (§.) __ ££, [The broad 

(a subst., properly speaking, like 
q.v.) and *^li^J The threads, or strings, of tents. 


signifies When ? and when used to denote 
a condition: see ( _>l and ^>-jl. — _ ^U V 
?7na7 toAen ? Aoto /ony ? and also until the time 
when. See Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 382. 

1. JU aor. i, inf. n. J_j^; (S, M, K, &c.;) 
and j£i ; (M, K ;) He stood erect; (S, M, K, 

««•;) ^i^i cW H^»w n«'»». (S, Ac,) a? jL», 

inf. n. iU«, jBTe mutilated him; castrated him; 
namely, a sheep or goat. (TA in art. ^ys^i, 
from a trad.) 


2. Ji» : see a verse of Kutheiyir in art. ijj, 

. . *'\' ' ' Si ' 

conj. 4. _ .Ul^ : see ***". 



0. I JJ^ jlii [7/e affected to be like, or imi- 
tated, such a thing;] i.q. 4/ i^ij. (TA, art. 
*u».) __ «^JI JI«3 and [more commonly] 
C~~)W Be used, or applied, the verse as a pro- 
verb, or proverbially. (MA.) — Se j *u^J. 

6. JjI»j i/e became nearly in a sound, or 
healthy, state; or near to convalescence: (K :) 
or Ae became more like the sound, or healthy, 
than the unsound, or unhealthy, who is suffering 
from a chronic and pervading disease ; (T A ;) 

or so t jJJ JjIsJ. (M.) Said also of a wound : 
(T, S in art. J»o and of a disease; like j£il. 

(TA, art. J£i.) #Q «'. ?. l^^- (M, K in 

art. (J>-.) 

8. »^»t J-^ol He followed his command, 
order, bidding, or injunction; did like as he 
commanded, ordered, &c.; (Mgh ;) he obeyed 
his command, order, &c (Msb.) 

JJU A like ; a similar person or thing ; match ; 

fellow ; an analogue. (K, <fcc.) See jJ and 

voco J-xj. m— A likeness, resemblance, or 

• • • 
semblance; soo <t . a. — An equivalent; a 

requital. _ J^-», used as a denotative of state, 

means i«'ie. Ex. J^l Jio j«» J?* passed 

like the lightning. See an ex. in the Kur li. 23 ; 

and another, from Sakhr-el-Ghef , voce ^j6ji . 

8. aJuU i.q. A^Ui. 

4. 4JU.I .He «et u ajo.- from Ji» "he stood 
erect" __ He set up a butt or mark : see an ex. 

• 99 

voce uoj*. 

J^« i, q. *iuo [as meaning A description, con- 
dition, state, case, &c.]; (S, K* & c m) or oLo^ 
[meaning the sane]: (Msb:) or this is a mis- 
take: (II l>r, AAF, TA:) or it may be a tropical 
signification: (Ml 7 , TA:) for in the language of 
the Arabs it means a description by way of com- 
parison: (AAF, TA:) you say JJL» juj Ji*. 
(j'jli [Tlie description of Zeyd, by way of com- 
parison, or Me cvndition, &c, is that of such a 

one]: it is from JlleJI and jJ^Jt : (Mbr, TA:) 
it is metaphorically applied to a condition, state, 
or case, that is important, strange, or wonderful. 
(Kali, Bd in ii. 16.) The phrase here given is 
more literally, and better, rendered, The simi- 
litude of Zeyd ii the similitude, or is that, of 
such a one ; for a similitude is a description by 
way of comparison. _ You say also, ^i* 4JL1*. 
t JJJ [He made it (an expression or the like) to 
be descriptive, by way of comparison, of such a 
thing]. (TA passim.) [And lj& jii means 
An expression denoting, by way of similitude, 
such a thing.] _. Jl^ll ^i* As indicative of 

resemblance to something. — _ See Jj^. 

« 9 
JUU Quality, made, manner, fashion, and 

form; (Msb;) a model according to which another 
thing is made or proportioned; a pattern, 
(jljJU) by which a thing is measured, propor- 
tioned, or cut out: (T :) an example of a class 


• - •- • 

of words, of a rule, Ac. — JtU <>— ' jrt^ O-* 

p *• ^ * * 

[ W'irAou/ there having been any precedent]. (Msb 
in art. £jJ, Ac.) _ [-4 o«d:] jJUjJI OW The 
daughters of the bed; meaning women. (T in 
art. ^.) 

>» . * • . 

^U j^: see j^.. 

J.JUJ, in the following hemistich of Ibn- 

m w mtw * * 

** jit* * *i 

signi6es \iyA ^-i&. (L, in TA, voce ^y±, 
as signifying a " light, or active," camel.) 

that no trace thereof remained. (Msb.) _ 
▼J^« Je& i >«.**cl,or t j»~e: see,**fi. 

2 : see 1. 

JUU)I J$: see *.bb and iul it. 



1. ^»~4, app. an imitative sequent to j+4. see 

1. »jj r ?% * if w Aand became blistered, or 
vesicated, by much work. (Mgh.) 

1. ^^i t 7/e rami no/ /or what he did (S, 
Mgh, ]£*) nor for what was said to him. (Mgh, 
$.•) The epithet is J^-U. (S, Mgh, K.) 

jj,, - ijic [A jto^e of a journey, or a march 
or journey from one halting-place to another,] 
that is far, or distant, or /o«<7. (ISk in TA, 
voce «k~>W "• hut it is not quito clear in my copy 
of the TA whether it be u**~* or c»^-*v 

4. ,-jq J1 Q..U.,<») 77ic stor* *e< aurorally and 
brought no rain. (S, K* in art (_£>»• .) 

5. ,>^j ^^ $* «S«JU»^3 1 laboured to acquire 
property without price: (Msb:) or, accord, to 
Az, "^U jl-^J means Ac laboured, and exercised 
art or management, in seeking [to acquire] pro- 
j>er/y. (TA.) See also wJuu. 

J» * Drought, or suspension of rain, (S, 1£, 
Msb in art. «->«**■>) an^ dryness of the earth (S, 
Msb ubi supra) depriving it of herbage; (S, 

TA;) and i.q. I)J*- (K.) 

<UU~o : sco art. J^»- ; and see also iUy voce 
»yl, and il»y voce oyl, and ^J. 

J^Li-i o^ S' mr milk upon which much fresh 
is milked : see u°J^- 


8. A^fc ij* ^jO if* persevered m his error. 
(M ? b.)' 

j_5 >* The utmost extent, term, limit, or reach, 

of a thing ; syir. i^U : (S, Msb, ]£ :) an extent, 

€-: ' * 

a distance; a space, an interval; syn. is! — o : 

[meaning a jtpace Mat if, or *Aa* « to 6e, 
traversed] and hence used in the sense before 
explained because extending to a Ajli: (Z, in 
the Faik, quoted in the TA :) a goal (The 
Lexicons passim.) 

&j jlc .4 butcher's knife. (Mgh.) See ,,>«£-> . 


03-"^-° Milk mixed with much water. (TA in 
art. i—a>.) 

iy«-JI (3^*^* [Having diluted marrow]; ap- 
plied to a soft, or flabby, camel. (O, K in art. 

Jj.) — jjlU J4* t-4 furoid /i/"e. (TA in 
art. _^-,.) 

J».l»lo : sec £-Oj- 

A trial, (S, Msb, £,) or trying afflic- 
tion: (S:) pi. O**-*- ( Msb -) 

•' ' ' it * '\ 

i^o^o (not ij^fc-*): see art. v>«»-. 

,ji % V The grj/it o/a Mini; without price. (IF, 
Msb.) — uU» -t AlUi / did it without compen- 
sation. (Msb.) UI^a *) 1^1 IJa 77tw /Aiwa 
i« /or Aim without an equivalent. (El-FariLbee, 

^j^-U : see 1. 

L I 

see art. 

and <U i i« : see <£*A 

1. J^-o, aor. -, inf. n. Jt^^, //c rendered a 
thing deficient, and deprived it o/ t<* blessing, 
or increase: or [Ae annihilated, annulled, or 
obliterated, it ;] Ae did away tcilA it wholly, so 

1. dlaL- « .He effaced, erased, rased, obliterated, 
or cancelled, it; removed, or flu/ atcay toi<A, i<* 
impression or <race. (BL.) — p—O-H '* » "» * 
JjU^J) TVie wind made to j>a« away, or dw- 
;)e«ed, <Ae cto«a«. (TA.) — J^M ^U» <^-- 
Dayhreak dispelled the night. (T A.) — 4»l uJ> 
^yjJtj >»ul^l lie [God removed from him 
diseases and sins ; as though He cancelled them]. 
(Msb in art y»c.) — 5«^-^l *■-»* u 1 -*"^' 
Beneficence effaces, obliterates, or cancel, et'd 
conduct. (TA.) 

,jl jk,«« : see art. J~*. 

V^jjJ. ^Tyi, said of a skilful guide : see 
% . * . 

1. »ju4 : see »-j-«. 

Q. 4. J^l O^JloI 27iC camels became di$~ 
persed. (TA in art. >a-o.) 

-•« ... 

• 4. t^Jk*t Humorem tenuem e pene emmt vir 

propter lusum amatorium vel osculum. (Msb, 

^Jk Humor tenuis qui propter lusum ama- 
torium vel osculum e pene virili effluit ; a dis- 
charge of a thin humour from the ji=>i, occasioned 
by amorous toying or by kissing : [app. the 
prostatic fluid ; a discharge from the prostate 
gland.] (S, Msb, Ac.) 

tl jta* app., Is yui multum passus est seminis 
effluxum ex contactu femina aut osculo. See 
iij»>>. See also i^J^t. 

,jiU 2Ton«y : (K:) or wAito Aoney : (S, M :) 
or fine, or thin, white honey. (AA, TA.) 

j* A spade ; [so in the present day ;] syn. 
*i r ° . ; (M, ^ ;) w»/A wAicA one works in land 
of seed-produce : (M and ?1, voce JW :) or the 
Aandfc thereof: (M, Ijf ;) and in like manner, 
of the £>\jL* [app. here meaning fire-shovel] : 
(M :) [see oJLJ\ the thing with which one 
works in earth, or mud, (Sgh, TA.) 

'i\jiy> An anaesthetic herb : aee sjLt. 



}J+ L aa ""• n -J «• ?• v-e* > m also >»J. 
in TA, art. >J.) 



*-'>• [-4 wooden rake or Aarrow;] i.o. <L/^U. 
(TA, art. £JL».) 

* ' * • * # 

*!l*/J \A * wec < /°°^ ••] •'• q- i^Jl* ; as also 

£l&-. (TAinart.£j.) 

t J* 


. a 

1. c>* and ~ *y,\ It (a valley) abounded with 
herbage. (S, Msb, $.) 

4 : sec 1. 

• m * ** * 

PJ*> ^ ne bird so called : see an ex. voce ijl^. 

2. 4j»» file rolled, or turned over, a beast of 
carriage, in the dust. (K.) __ t^i He smeared, 
seasoned, imbued, or soaked, a mess of J^jjj, with 
grease, or gravy, or dripping ; i. q. fa , and 
jr<*, and jJL. (TA in art. fa .) 

3. 4ftjU [ffc ro/Zcrf >»itA Aim upon the ground, 
or in the dust] ; said of a man after bis wrestling 

with another. (TA in art *-y.) See 3, in that I 61.) See 1 


I 0>* -R roa *> or became smooth, (S, M, g,) 
wi*A a decree o/ hardness. (M, 1£.) Said of a 

camel's foot : see JiLll j^i ^ ^j'J* He 

became accustomed, habituated, or inured, to a 
thing. (K.) 

*. *ij-» He made i< *o/<, or smooth, ,jj. 


• , 

OjU The [*o/*, or cartilagenous] part of the 

nose, beneath, or exclusive of , the bone. (Zj, in 

his " Khalfc el-Insan :" and the like is said in 

the S and Msb, and partially in the £.) 


1. wjU_JI {Jj+3 9-ij)\ and 1 ajj^oj The wind 
draws forth the clouds. (M, TA.) See an ex. in 
a verse cited voce l"$j*. 

3. »ljU, inf. n. »t,C* and *~\y>, i. q. aJjU- ; 
(S, £;•) He disputed with him, or did so obsti- 
nately, S(c: (TA :) it is only in opposing [what 
has been said ; not in commencing a disputation], 

„ a 
6. i£) 1*^)1 The disputing, or contending, to- 
gether. (TA.) You say, >»|>W oCjjU^ U* 
[They two dispute, or contend, together, with 
verses or poetry]. (TA in art. »jky.) 

8. Jji«l He drew a sword from its scabbard. 
(TA, voce ^JUaI ; and voce J£ftt.) 

V** J" ^* rA * ^'"V »/ <Ae **«»» or Aide, 
in the earth, so that its hair may be removed, and 
it may become ready for tanning. (£,* TA in 
art. Jit .) See also Jli. 

Jj* in grapes i see jjj* . __ jji Broth ; 
gravy-soup ; and any decoction. 

• - ••* 

Or-* -*r-" ^ n ""w o/ which the whole has 

passed through the animal at which it is shot. 
(A, art. ij*.) See jjUo, and jjzh*. 

&j+ : see i\Jji. __ J^* in the K is a 

mistake for J^. (TA.) See also a^U, in 

art. ^U, in which <ULp^« is mentioned as the 
n. un. 

C»>»* A Aind o/ *ma// lantern in the roof of 
a chamber, for the admission of air, generally 
octagonal, the sides of wooden lattice-work, and 
the top a cupola ; a sky-light ; any kind of 
window or aperture in a roof. 

8. \JjZ*\ He doubted, aj of it. (ELur, xliii 



in art jj jlc. 

•0 , 

■ .*• J Ot.O - 

1 for aj|~^_| : see 1 

3j* A certain plant : see j^i U. , and 

and j> 

• - 

jije Strong-hearted. (S.) So I have ren- 
dered the fern, (with 5) in explaining l\£ : it 
seems there to mean bold. 

- a - 

*• J>» t« scattered, or dispersed. (ICur, 

xxxiv, 18; and Expos, of the Jelaleyn.) __ 

r i^* 

Lk?>*» ^od tropically, may sometimes be rendered 
t He mangled, rent much, or dissundcred ; but 
more generally, \he, or &, shattered, disorganized, 
or dissipated; or + Ac, or t'/, marred ' or impaired; 

being opposed to j-Lsl, or to iij or »S,', in the 
sense of »_Let, as in an ex. cited voce «5J ; some- 
times several of these renderings will be found 
to be appropriate in a single instance. You say 
**>j* oj* t He mangled, rent, or shattered, or 


''.'-' , 'A' . >•* 

*Uc, and <l.Ij , and »y\, ill scattered, or dis- 
organized or dissipated, or it marred or impaired, 
his intellect, and At* judgment, and his state of 
affairs or circumstances.] _ tfjU J3Tc rent it, or 
tore it, much; or in several, or many, places, 
mangled, or dissundcred, it ; and cu< i< mwcA ; 
&c (TA.) 

0. aX*c <uic J^J f [ IK* intellect became 
shattered, or dissipated, or impaired]. (TA in 
art. jSj.) And »y>\$ ajIj d-JLc J^5 f [ff« 
judgment, and At* *to<e o/ affairs or «>rt«m- 
stances, became shattered, disorganized, dissi- 
pated, marred, or impaired. (A and TA in art. 
£»j .) See £ji, of which ,jj*J is quasi-pass. 
"■■" '3*>»^ + ^Aey became scattered, or dispersed. 
(TA.) __ A-i^c £j^i f Hi* honour, or reputa- 
tion, became mangled, rent, or shattered, or 

• •- 

«3j-» The rending, tearing, or slitting, a gar- 
ment and the like. (JK.) 


&»>« A piece torn off oi * garment (S, Kl*) 

&c. (K.) 

< . 

Jl^o [A she-camel] whose skin almost becomes 

rent in pieces by reason of her swiftness. (O in 

art JU-ic.) 

0>« C/oid* (K, and Ham, p. 564) of any kind: 
(Ham, ibid :) or roAite clouds : (S, sj., and Ham, 
p. 53 :) or cloud.: containing water. (IjC.) 

pjU ^1 Tlu- ant. (TA in art. ^.) 

)}* and ^>» 

■■ *i>*5 The praising, 01 eulogizing [another], 
(K, TA.) You say, <uJU iijli, syn. XjLdi. 
(IAar, TA.) 

0. U^ie Ooj^J T/tou thoughtest, or Aa*< thought, 
thyself superior to us in excellence : and so CJLAM 

6. ijjui i. ? . I^JUUi. (TA.) 

5^* An excellent quality; an excellence. (S, 
Msb, K.) 

1. JvJI 

2. ,U[j 

: see art. J*j. 


4. iL-.l He retained; he withheld. (Msb.) 
_ He maintained : he was tenacious, or nig- 
gardly. __ He, or % &, Ac/a" fast a thing : and 
marred, his lwnour, or reputation. And JJU | arrested it X^l He held, retained, detained, 


restrained, stayed, confined, imprisoned, or with- 
held, him. (SO — fo ^ it-il He held, 
refrained, or abstained, from the thing. (Msb.) 
_ aft" tl ile grasped it, clutched it, laid hold 
upon itj or seized it, (4^1* sj&) *^t-t mit ^ **• 
Aanfl* : (Msb :) or Ae too* it ; or too* i< with 
his hand, (» Juki ,) namely, a rope, &c. : (Mgh :) 
or he held, or clung, to it: (TA:) [as also 
*t * A ,i] Also, <o ji—«l signifies [the same ; 
or] he laid hold upon, or seized, somewhat of his 
body, or what might detain him, as an arm or a 
hand, or a garment, and the like : but < u ...<l may 
signify Ae withheld him, or restrained him, from 
acting according to his own free will. (Mugh, 

art. v •) — a-Ki «**—•! [-ft ^outiJ, or confined, 
his belly (or Aowei)] : said of medicine. (S, O, 
Msb, K ; all in art. Ji*.) _ jUlaNI, in rela- 
tion to J.» i- "■ : see an unusual application of it 
in art. «>U», conj. 4. 

8 : see 4 and 8. — tijsl j Jkm+i He held fast 
by his covenant : see 


6. iL!>U3 He withheld, or restrained, himself: 
(PS:) he was aide, or power fid; as also .AUUj, 

q.v. (KL.) I j£> jii ol JUU3 U He could 

not restrain himself from doing so; Byn.oAJUj U. 

(S.) -_ dL-UJ J< held together JJL>U3 jJJ <»JI 

t Verily he possesses intelligence. (TA.) And 
jJUU? *^ U I TAere i* no flood in Aim. (TA.) 

^jbC—* : see art. i>£-». 

JU_o or JL~« A kind of needles : see jlju*. 


C»Ub»L«s [in the C$, art. »>», written 
C>1£»l1»,] Places, in land, or in tlie ground, to 
which the rain-water flows, and which retain it. 
(TA.) See&uU. 

, said of a horse, white on both fore and 

* a - ' 
hind leg on the same side : see J* m * . 

IlwCl* Compact in the limbs, (TA in art. 
O.*/,) or flesh. (TA in this art.) 


■ * « % * . 

J_< : see J«— •, in art. J~*. 


8. 4j A.' ~«l //c clutched, or griped, him, or 
i/ ; i. a. 4y ▼ J 


10. oiJl JU^Hl [TAe M/y (or 6owe/«) be- 
came bound, or confined]. (TA in art. Ji«.) — 
<S> ■' t " ■' [sometimes] 7/t sought to lay hold 
«;/«« it. (Bd, in ii. 257.) — .i L — &*t : see an 
ex. voce ic^o. 

«U • [Musk : it is obtained from the musk- 
deer, moschus inoschi'eruB ; being found in the 
male animal, in a vesicle near the navel and 
prepuce.] It is masc. and fern. (IAmb, TA 


voce LJ £»i-) 

II— • Tortoise-shell; syn. Jyi : (SO bracelets 
made of tortoise-shell ( J*i), or of ^U [ivory] : 
(S, Msb bracelets and anklets made of horn 
and o/ 7 U: n. un. with ». (K.) 

«£._• Intelligence: (Msb:) or full intelligence, 

(K, TA,) and judgment ; judgment and intel- 

• • j 
ligence to which one has recourse ; as also J> >, 

not ♦.£*-•, as in the S > (TA ;) i.q. jLu5. 

(MghO You say, 3SL. • 4) ^-el -a« Aa* no tntel- 

• - • 1 -»- 

%en«. (Msb.) _ 4, C ,..<> a, ^ ITe Aa* no 

strength. (Msb.) 

2. tjJu »L_* He came to him in the evening 

" * St ** 

with such a thing. (TA, voce *—~e .) 

4. i<— •' He entered upon the >L_o. (Msb.) — 
tj—*! as syn. with jU» : see an ex. voce JauUi, 
in a verse of Jinny an, apd another voce (^—ft- 



\\~~t, Afternoon, counted from noon to sun- 
set: (Ax, IKoot, Mgh, Msb, TA :) or, accord, 
to some, to midnight : (TA :) contr. of «-Lm0 : 
(S, S. Msb, <fcc. and evening, after sunset. 
(Mgh.) — ;l~* 'i <^e?l [-^ com (0 Aim in /A« 
evening]. (IAar, TA, art. >--o.) See s-U-a. 

___ SUw^j ULtf 4. ^ 31 

•« .i , * ,1 

4 t ,»1 : see <U.^~o l. 

see o-L-o. 

lo-o-* a name for the >L« ; and the time 

• » • * 
thereof; and <Ae ;?/ace thereof; like as «^*i is 

a name for the p-U-o ; and the time thereof; and 

the place thereof. (Marg. note in a copy of the 

S, in art. *. -o .) 

• • •* # j 

f> 7 11 ^4 ;»/jce, or tAin^, /o /ay AoW 0/.- see 

R.Q. 2. Js>NI ■- *q*^ TAe cameit oecomc 
dispersed. (T A in art j*« .) 

1. ImL)I Ji^ £Te elongated the handwriting : 
or wai gutcA in >(. (M.) 


2. J, * ,'■ The act of lacerating much: see 
an ex. voce J-»o ■ 

J^»i 4"^» TF»^« , ' fl W, 'A spaces, or ^ap«, and 
wi/A elongated letters; (JK ;) [or gwcA, or 
Aarty, writing; (see Ji-»0] contr * °/ V 12 ^ 

o«-i4vJi. (5 » n art - 1>-*"0 

J'i* Tow; oaAum. 

Silii [the Aarrf*, or Awrii, o/^?o* or Aewp 
and any similar coarse fibres : (see ^^"0 or 
tow ; i.e.] what falls from the combing of 
hair and flax and the like : (8, £ t) or wAa< 
ij long : or no< cleared : (K :) or what remains, 
of flax, after combing, that is, after it has been 
drawn through the * *i,..*, [or A«cAfc,] tcAicA i# 
a *Ain<7 /iite a comfe, whereby the best becomes 
cleared, the broken particles and integuments, 
which constitute tlie 4»lL«, remaining. (Mgh.) 

^.Tnt 2l certain sea-fish. (Si TOce X"*+'- ln 

a. > v - 

the CK, J^-..) 
&SlJ+«: see 4>l~*. 

Jj^'at A man %Af of flesh: (SO » norae 
fcon, lank, light of flesh, slender, or lank in the 

belly. (S.) iiyi^* A damsel tall and 

slender : (S :) slender : or perfect in make, and 
goodly, or beautiful: (Msb:) or goodly, or 
beautiful, in stature. (S.) 

2. Je^oJ . see J*Z*j. 

1. ^i"^l ,>i-» -He pared, or removed the 
superficial part of, the hide. (TA in art.^ol.) 

6. J>iU5 He wiped his hands together : see 

• * j •* * 

^jUi^o : see i^^ . 

fti 0" : see oW > voee t^es' • 

1. ^L« He walked, went, or wen/ along; 
(MA, KL [in '*» primary sense] J5Te nwnt 
any pare u/wn his feet, afoot, or on foot ; he 
footed; whether quickly or slowly : (Mgh, Msb :) 
Ae removed from place to place at pleasure : 
(Er-Raghib :) walked; went along, marched ; 
travelled; trod; paced; stepped. See 5. — 
.JLo also signifies He went on, or continued, in 
his course of action, &c. (Mughnee voce £l, 
in explanation of this verb as used in S ur 
xxxviii. 5.) — l,Ju \It (money) passed; was, 


or became, current. — + // (a calumny) mas, or 
became, current. Seo ^JU.] — aIbuj ^£-0 [i?M 
fteMy became moved, or »» motion ; it discharged 
itself.] (S, K, art. JJU> ; &c.) 

2 : see 4. 

3. »liU .He walked, or wen< on ,/bo/, n/i<A 
Aim : he kept pace rvith him. See an ex. voce 

4. iiii 'TjjJI ^1 (A, K, art. ;.>-».,) [77*e 
medicine moved, or purged, his bowels; made 
hi* belly to discharge itself:] and C^' us" -0 - 
(TA, art. u-jl". Ac.) 

6. ,JU5 »'. q. li : (TA :) [or, properly, and 
accord, to general usage, he [walked with slow 
steps : so I have rendered it voce oUj , &c. : j 
he walked heavily, with an effort. (TK voce 

A ** * * ' ' 

wi^p.) [One says in the present day, c*>. 
' ,"'■! J nrewi forth taking a walk ; and { ji^ J 
He walked; walked about] _ [Hence the say- 
ing,] ij«U3l L«*- <t^» CJJ>»3 [TAc intoxicating in- 
fluence of the cup of wine pervaded him, or] 
«•«/>< t'n Aim. (T A.) See also ^iu . 

6. ty^W TAfy walked, or went on /oo<, one 
towards, or to, another. (TA.) 

10. eljJJV 1. *■«»■■'! [-He used the medicine as 
a laxative or purgative. (IbrD.)] (Az in L, 

art. j**-.) ^ ■» *■«««*!> referring to a plant, 

(5 in art. *-e,) -He drank its water (i.e. infusion 
or <Ae like) for mooing the bowels. (TA ibid.) 

IliLi [7*Aa< #oe* with energy; a good or 
strong goer ;] strong to walk, or go, or yo on 
foot. (TA voce Jt*>j.) 

igi+J\ l\j> Medicine that moves, or purges, the 
bowels. (TA in art. u-^»-) 

j^£lo A she-camel having numerous offspring. 

(S, Mgh.) — Hence, and i£jyo, as ominous of 

good, Camels, and cows, and sAeep or goats 
that are for breeding and gain. (Mgh.) 

( _ J ^o-« A passage, or way, Ay a pface; (TA;) 
[a walking-place : the gangway of a ship ?] 

4. UjJ^> c- »^> ,o1 /SAe (a woman) brought forth, 
or out forth, her child with a single moan, or 
Aarti" breathing [or rouA a n'nyte throe;] like 

*j o~£>j . (IAar, L, art. jJu*.) 

JIm [J kind of kSl] : see i\Lib and 

Sicu .A piece, or A«t, of flesh (T, S, K), &c. : 
(T, K:) or o morsel, or gobbet, of flesh, i.e. 
a ^icw of flesh such as a man puts into his 
mouth: (Khalid Ibn-Jcmbeh, TA:) or as muck 
as is chewed [at once] : (Msb :) and such as 
the heart, and the tongue, of a man : (TA :) 
and a foetus when it has become like a lump of 
flesh: see Kur. xxii. 5; and see J»JL<>-. 

see it 


with the epithets j*U and jU., &.c, and im- 
plies penetration and skill, or proficiency in 
anything;] excelling, or surpassing, in doing, or 
performing, a thing: (KL from the "Destoor":) 


1. ij-a-<> and ^ ^ t "i i.q.jtSXJ [He advanced, 

proceeded, &c.]. (M.) __ .j-a-o He, or »'<, passed; 

passed away ; went ; or went away. (S, M, 

Msb, K.) [/7c went on.]__4J ^^-o*, said of 

• •- »~ - - 

time : sec jm~J. — [»rs-' iV is"*- ■*** a ^' 

vanced, or pressed onward, with a penetrative 

energy or force, or a sharpness and effectiveness) 

m Am jaace.] —.^o^t (_y«a<, and J>»JI, t The 

command, or order, and the saying, was effectual; 

had effect ; was, or became, executed, or per- 

formed; syn. jJu. (Msb, art JJu.) — ^ l> _ y o-o 

j**}\ file acted [oe went on, and did so] with 

penetrative energy, or with sharpness, vigour, 

and effectiveness, in the affair; svn. JjLJ. (S, 

,i '. 

M, K.) See jy**$\ ^ uo^-c, below; an<l ^— «».. — _ 

j-o"^l jJlft ij-fi" He executed, performed, or 

accomplished, the affair; as also *sUx«t: (S :) 
and Ae Aept, or applied himself, constantly, or 
perseveringly , to it. (Msb.) __ (««eJ jJL* C»«.-ffl« 
and " tS^jA I effected, or executed, my sale. 

(K.) ^fiJo It (a sword) cm< ; (M, K ;) 

penetrated ; was sharp. 

4. »Ufiu«t [l^e warfe it (i. c., a contract, sale, 

oath, &C.) to take effect; executed it ; performed 

, .« .tti »i , , ' . . 
it] yf)\ v _ J -o-l : see ju.^1 ^s. ^.o* 

# # .at 

^>««JI iy-cu>t if<? TOflrfe <Ae oa<A to 6e uncon- 
ditional, without exception, absolutely or <&•- 
cisively or irreversibly binding. (TK voce>>ef..) 
Sec>»jx».. __ sjkyC L5 ^k«t t ^'' niac/c ///.< covenant, 
or contract, or the like, to have, or /a/ce, effect ; 

executed or performed it. (L, art. JJu.) __ 
•I- , •{ 
IjIj ijiul He formed, or yace, a decided 

opinion. — i> jJxa\ He signed a writing with his 
name, and so rendered it effective. _ Sec 1. 

5 : see 1. 

jy^l (-J ueU [f Penetrating, sharp, ener- 
getic, or acting with penetrative energy, or 
vigorous, and effective, in the performing of 
affairs : like «. im. i>, q. v. __ ^U is coupled 

[it is also coupled with *jj>»»- and . 

the T, art.jfA.. See also Ja\i, its syn.] 

- * 1 
^olt j+\ t A command, or an order, that is 

effectual; that has effect; that is executed, or 

performed; syn. Jbili. (L, art. JJu.) — ^ji 

^«U t-4 .</ia/7?, spirited, vigorous horse [&c.]; 

contr. of jJL> ; (Lth, TA, voce ^w ;) exerting, 

or having, a penetrative energy, &a: see jot. 

(j-oWl (>«>)l ^y iUi (jl£» That was in the 

<t»ic that is past ; contr. of J,. ■ ,«..«)!. (TA.) 

*La-ot A signature. 

*La*3 One roAo performs affairs with energy 

and perseverance : an intensive epithet : see 

• * * * 

5. JW* 7/e tosteti repeatedly, or smacked 
his lips : see two explanations of this verb voce 

1. <Uj j.^ <JLk«, inf. n. JJm, and 'dJUsU, inf. n. 
< . »■» ' 
Jlix4, ^Te delayed, or deferred, with him, or puf 

A/nt o/f, »n </«• matter of his debt, by promising 

time after lime to pay him. (Msb.) Sec <U»»b 

and djjw. 

3 : see 1. 

(JjJbt* Much giacn to delaying, or deferring, 
with a creditor, or putting him off, in the matter 
of a debt, by promising time after time to pay 
him. (Msb.) 

• J 6 * 

j^he* Iron, or a sword, (Az, TA,) beaten 
into a long stiape: (Az, K :) or anything ex- 
tended, elongated, or lengthened. (S.) 

1. llL» signifies He drew, or pulled, a thing ; 

S, 2. 

as, for instance, a well-rope : for] ju> and ia-o 

and jh* arc all one (Az and TA in art. Ja-e.) Sec 

an ex. from Zuheyr, voce iuUJ. 

5. i»o* ^e st-eleked, in a neuter sense: us 
also lithe"* and ^>»3. 

iUau« [for il^lo* : ] ^£ stretching, through weari- 
ness, #c? (TA, art. ^jb.) 

A camel: (Msb:) a camel, or beast, 
that one rides; a beast that goes with energy and 



rpeed : ($ :) or a she-camel, or he-camel, that it 
used for riding ; (TA ;) [and bo a horu, &c. ;] 
a toddle-camel, or camel that one ridet. (KL.) 
_ 8ee two exs. of a metaphorical meaning voce 



II^Jil* The stretching onetelf by reason of 
fever. (As in TA, voce <£»*•) — See iQ^J. 

%» [generally thus in all cases] is a word, or 
noun, (S, K,) or particle, (K,) denoting con- 
comitance, (S, K,) &c. (K.) It is said to 
denote the commencement of concomitance, 
though this is not invariably the case. (MF 

and TA, voce J.) *a*)\ %* cJ*e means 

j-a«JI jjs-. (Mughnee.) 

i»l : see «i>yi. 

1. ,>uu : see |>JU. 


* r * * * + 

1. Jib* : see J^t. 

4. lyjuwl U : see J»c. 

»*■-• : see ,^9**. 

.^Jl JU^. (T, art. ^»j) or jU-JI (S, M, 
art. i^jy) 7V*e hortes' or as.?e*' />/are «/" rolling 
upon the ground. See ^£jy. 


Jjuo [not y^sw] v4n a/71/e, acute, clever, man : 
• • - 
seo JjcI. 

4. o-"- ' /f« (a horse) went far, (S, Msb, K,) 

in his run. (S, Msb.) __ Hence, ^i ^^ul 

^JLfall Z/e went very far in search : (Mfb :) or 

he went far, or to a great or an extraordinary 

length, therein. (Mgh.) __ i^^JI ^ t>**'> 

(Ham p. 817,) or^l ^J, (MA, K, Har p. 17G,) 

He went far, (K, Ham, Har,) or deep, or beyond 

bounds, (MA,) in, or into, the thing, or affair. 

(Ham, &c.) — sJ**, 0} !>*•' : 9ee 0*& 
t>*«JI 7*Ae drawing of water. 

^j»* ^ narrow, depraved place (See ?U»U».) 

— j^ oQ 2%< ^V. (T in art. ^.) — 
» * * * * 
j t jSm^\ jjJlJI 7*A« rectum. 

iU-o'NjI t. j. ^»ta»^t 5 (AO : seo voce »,«>«» ;) 
tAe guts ; i. e. bowel*, or intestines, into which the 
food passes from the stomach : U*JI is the name 
of all the places of the food ; and in the belly 
are the *»Uftl and the v^*'> t0 which the food 
passes after the stomach, and these are the lower 
•Ijcel ; and all these are called the tmfttti : the 
Clj». are all the >lx*l that wind, or take a 
coiled, or circular, form. (Zj, in his "Khalk el- 

Insan.") __ i\ju>\ : see a tropical signification 

*■* ' 
(water-holes) of this pi. voce *jy^. 


LiU A player with the ball. (O in art. c^o.) 
See cUo, last sentence. 


3. <OiU, inf. n. <U»l»« i/e nW «n<A Asm t'n 
diving : see <u~oU. 

6. S^UJ : see LJ»Uj. 

JJU The Theban palm ; palma Tkebaica of 
Pococke ; the cucifera of Theophrastes. __ Also 
The u )*** or leaves, of the tree thus called: see 
jjoi — See also >-o-=>- 

iU* , for iUU <U>». : see 3 in art. £)i>*o. 


The 6aW, or globe, or iwto (lit. fat, <U^i), 
q/" <A« eye, i. e., the eyeball, which comprises the 
white and the black. (Khalk el-Insdn of Zj ; 
and S, Msb, K.) 

1. Af jSU i.q. acjko., (Msb, &c.,) see o}\£>. 

£* [Artifice ; machination ; stratagem ; fraud; 

fraudulencc ; guile]. 

2. AiSL» He gave him a place: (Jcl, vi. 6:) he 
assigned him a place, and settled, or established, 
him. (Bd, ibid, where see more.) You say also, 

a ' t* * A* 

,Jji« ,-4 <*J ^L» [He assigned, or gave, him a 
place in an abode]. (S in art. hy .) __ <tJ - K ,« 
» .£ jj^, and *aXo), ^Te made him to have 

mastery, or dominion, or ascendancy, or autho- 
rity, and power, over a thing ; (Msb ;) put it 

in his power. __ t^^-" v>< aX*> and <Uo "d-xLol, 
//« empowered him, enabled him, or rendered 
him able, to do the thing: he enabled him to have 

<Ac (Atn^ withi/i his power. Ex. <u jli " i>£«l 
<>j ^yt He enabled his hands to take and 
grasp his knees : from a trad. (Mgh.) 

4. *-rf ,>• 4&«l -ff« made Aim to have a 
thing within hit power, or reach : enabled him 
to do, reach, get, or obtain, a thing. 8ee 2. — 
<*Xol It was within hit power, or reach ; wot 
possible, or practicable, to him. _ « U . C «I Z< 
became easy to him. (Msb.) It (an object of 
the chase) offered him an opportunity to shoot it 
or capture it; or became within hit power, or 
reach. — ^jSL»\ , said to a woman, [meaning 
Empower thou ; i. e. grant thou access ,-] ocean 

in a poem. (S, art. \joj*.) — <£&•! £fAe granted 
him attainment. 

5. && i. q. jju-1 : (Msb, art. ji :) it is very 

often used in this sense, as meaning He, or it, 

settled ; became fixed, or established ; it became 

fixed, or steady, in its place ; when said of a man, 

particularly implying in authority and power: 

a. *'• 'it" *•* }•"* T» 

see ji . — '^ y>« cA^* an "» T 0*-»^\ » -" e 

became possessed of mastery, or dominion, or 

ascendancy, or authority, and power, over a 

thing; he was able to avail himself of it: [A« 

was, or became, within reach of him, or it.] 

*» » a * * 
(Msb.) _ <U« jj£»j He assumed authority over 


10. t>j£L>l : see 5 He, or it, f»<u, or 

became, firm. It seems sometimes to mean It 
(a plant) took firm root. 

!&', (Msb, TA,) with damm, (TA,) Power ; 
(Msb,»TA;) ability; (TA ;) strength. (Msb.) 

liX. i. 9 . J,li5. (Sh, TA.) __ JU J.UJJ 
^jU£i means ^kjlU ^A*. (IAar, TA.) 

^UCe : see tjLa« in art »>". 

jIXd : see 


ili« Greatness, and high rank or standing, 
in the estimation of the Sultan : (Msb :) an 
honourable place in the estimation of a king. 

\jJL^Z* JJktf. He sat in a firm, or settled, 
posture ; as when one sits cross-legged. 

»lx* 77te bird so called, because of its colour 

see ~f*-'- 

1. dl* He put it (namely bread, or flesh- 
meat,) into hot a.ilies, [to bake, or roast]. (K, &a) 
_ ^r>y-\ L )-« He tewed, or tacked, the garment, 
or piece of cloth, [tlightly,] previoutly to the 
[stronger'] sewing termed J&t. (S.) See also 
Jwi. _ <U0U, & <u« wJUU, / wa« averse from 
it ; (T;) loathed it; wat disgusted by it, with it, 
or at it ; (T, S, K ;) [was weary of it;] turned 


away from it with disgust. (T.) See^^L-. __ 

JWj— J»» [May thy disgust pass away, or cease] : 

.# « *t\m a -t 
see 4U3U *UI J-il. 

4. C J L U I & w*JUI : see 4 in art. iU.. __ 
a. i a.* 

J-»l : see an ex. voce Jit. 

*> — (>* 



8. <CLo j£«l /Tie follows his may of religion : 
see 8 in art cjii. 

iU The hollow that is made for baking bread : 

or the hot dust and ashes [in which the bread is 

baked]. (Msb.) Hot ashes: (S, K :) a*Ae*, 

and eartA, in n'AieA ^/?r« is kindled. (TA, art. 

a* st* 
jf*.) — 2d* }•**. Bread baked in hot ashes. (S.) 

[It is generally made in the form of thick round 


4L» 4 religion ; (S, Msb, £ ;) a way of be- 
lief and practice in respect of religion. (T, &c.) 
See 8. 

• > . 

J>JU Conceiving [frequent] disgust. (Msb.) 
_ • a. 
See ^IjJ. 

• * . 

J*5U : see 1. 

• . 

J»X* A man burned by the sun ; as also 

" J>U-o- (TA.) See an ox. in a verse cited 

#» •« *'tf 

voceyB^ol ; and see ««JJ». 

J5A** Flesh-meat covered over in live coals. 
(TA, art voj*.) See J*U. 

• #»* 

J j « U Ah iron */y/e tcitA wAirA one writes on 

tablets. (K.) __ The sfy/e, or bodkin, with which 
collyrium is applied to the eyes. (S, K.) In the 
CK, incorrectly, J>«JU : the former is found in 
MS. copies of the K, as well as in the S, and is 
right accord, to the TK. 

£eli: see J^Cfc. 



1. <uUU He flayed him with a whip : 
«UL>. (TA in art. JJU.) 

& ii&, (8,K,) and i' J&, (S, Msb, K,) 
inf. n. i>Xi5 and J&, [like JU«J and y&S, 

not J^UJ as in the CK,] He behaved in a 
loving, or an affectionate, and a blandishing, or 
coaxing, manner to him. (S, Msb,* K.) See a 
verse cited in art ybj, conj. 5. 

ajfl U [A swiftly-running mare]. See *v lie. 
• •»*__,.■ " 

i5>»» FeAetnen* in journeying, or in his pace; 

»•?•*&• (TA, voce £&.) 

•■" • ^ a - 

« tf i>» A karroK : see JJU . 

1. *£U ZZe possessed it, or owned ir, [and par- 
ticularly] tc&A aoi/ify to Aaee it to himself exclu- 
sively : (M, K :) [and Ae exercised, or had, autho- 
rity over it ; for] ^UU signifies the exercise of 
authority to command and to forbid in respect of 
the generality of a people [Ac.] : (Er-Raghib, 
T A :) or the having possession and command or 
authority : and the having power to exercise 
command or authority. (TA.) «i\JU, as inf. n. of 
*£X+ meaning He possessed it, is more common 
than .JlJU and JUU [ijll JiX» He had the 

ruling, or ordering, of his affair, or case] And 

♦ •»-•* a 

>•*>*' ck»«I ^_jA* «iU« .He Aad the dominion, or 

sovereignty, or ruling power, over the people. 
(Msb.) as See 4. 

2. a£L« jEfe mac/*; him to possess a thing ; 
(S, K ;) as also *a2l*\ . (K-) — He made him 
king ; or made him to have dominion, kingship, 
or rule. (Msb, £.) — »^»\ J»Jj| ^U^ [T^e 
man shall be made to have the ruling, or ordering, 
of his affair, or affairs, or case]. (Sh, T in art. 

■>* I . . . . . 

8. <u>l jJUU : see o«*-- 

4. O^-il * .ilJU and <t£Ul He kneaded well 
the dough. (S, K.) = See 2. 

0. iU«j He took possession of a thing [abso- 
lutely or] by force. (Msb.) 

8. J\*i ^1 iOl»J U He could not restrain 

himself from doing ; (Mgh, Msb ;) syn. ~iXj(Jj U 
[q.v.] (S.) 

«UX«: its pi. JJ">-«I, in common conventional 
language means [or rather includes] Houses 
and lands. (TA.) See its pi. pi. Olib'jui . 

«&U* Dominion; sovereignty; kingship; rule; 
mastership; ownership; possession; right of pos- 
session ; authority; sway. <Ojf A°U God's 

world of spirits ; or invisible world. (TA, art. 

•• j 
Jy-.) — JiU-. (when distinguished from Oj£U) 

The dominion that is apparent; as that of the 


.iU* An an$«/; see .AJU AU TTater. (S.) 

J^U^l JOo TAe Ain^ of kings. See ^*-t. 

^•"ill J^U and * a=»^Lo TAat whereby the thing 
&c. «m6*m<* .• (S, KL :) its j>\£ [q. v.] by whom, 
or Ay which, it is ruled, or ordered : (I£ :) it* 
foundation; syn. «£#1 : (KL:) its support; 
that upon which it rests : (T, TA :) it may be 
rendered the cause, or means, of the subsistence 
of the thing ; &c. 

il^U see h*U. 

* t - Hi. 

JiiU : see vj- — >»^l JUu T'Ae possessor of 

command, or rufc j^£| jUOl 2"A« Gmii 

Master, or Owner; i.e., God ; in contradistinc- 
tion to^iuaJI jOJI^JI the, little master, or owner; 
i. e., the human owner of a slave, Ac. —p. 
Oij»^i\ >iUU : (so in one copy of the S : in 
another, and the MA, and Kzw, CxjLtt Jii'C* : ) 
[The heron: or a species thereof] in Pers.jUeJ^i ; 
(MA ;) a certain bird, long in the neck and legs, 

called in Pers. jl^i #. (Kzw :) see ]i£L 

iUU^jl Hunger. (MF, art.^-fc.) See also v'- 

Olfi>tM pi. of J-^UI pi. of IlL Good*, or 
chattels, of a bride : see ?U«I in art. ^ic. 

• »,» - 

4XU [A/acufty.] ^1 quality firmly rooted in 

the mind. (KT.) 

a j /^ * 
aUI OjiXo fJorf'* worW of corporeal beings. 

(TA, art. J^--) Generally 2"Ae kingdom of 


^Ua-o is also sy«. wt<A J^U-4 ; this is meant 
in the TA where it is said that AfiU in the say- 
ing ,'l£U Q J^jj h£* U [ We have kings of 
bees, but we have not slaves] is pi. of ^ULJI 
from JjJ-o^JI : it is also said in art. yi, in the 
TA, (see 4 in that art) that 4JCJU is syn. with 

•v » » . 

^VUI : see hji,*-. and also ^Jtif, and ^j'' 

•^j| .^i I JlA SXU\ U : see jki. 

5£i<H> A kingdom, or realm. (S.) 

• •» • ^ « 0> 
i)>W* A «Z<i»e ; a bondman ; syn. j^c, (S,) 

or t>s*j- (TA.) In tho present day, specially, 

A white male slave. (TA.) See y^. 

1. «bl ^yU : see ol^l ,^-J in art. tr -J. __ 

% . J J iri J 

Wyj O^JU / w« maife to tive /ono wiVA <ucA a 

one. (Ham, p. 412.) «ii~-»- aJJi" J"V 3fay 

<?od ma Ae <Aee to Aaoe enjoyment of thy friend 
(dy ■ « ■ &> ) and to ZiVe long with him. (S.) See 

4 C. - U I and cJUUI : see 4 in art. li». 

5. yi^uJI v Ju3 i^e Uvedlong. (T.) (J& 

1^5-^ -ate enjoyed a thing. __ «j«^ C-eW : see 
a verse of Ibn-Ahmar cited voce ,J^I in art. 

Ou A mAito . (Msb :) or a longtime. (S, Msb.) 




1. *& o^> (S, M, Msb, K,) aor. -' , (Msb,) 


inf. n. x j0» (8, M, Msb, K) and W -*U ; (K ;) and 
* ijZ+\ ; (Msb j) He conferred, or bestowed, upon 
Aim, a favour, or benefit. (S, M, Msb, K.) You 
ray, \lfit *Jlc ^c, and '^^j , which latter is 
more common, and <v <*-Ac * jjJUl .He conferred, 
or bestowed, a thing upon him as a favour. (Msb.) 

4ie a-, (S, M, Msb, K,) inf. n. ^ (T, Msb) 

or & ; (8, K ;) and *^*l (8, M, Msb, K) and 
t ^1*3 ; (M ;) Be reproached him for a favour, 
or benefit, which he (the former) had conferred, 
or bestowed ; (M ;) he recounted his gifts or 
actions to him. (Msb.) Ex., U^ Cj l^lu * 1 _>iol 
[He reproached her for the dowry he had given 
her]. (K, art. j^».) 8ee Bd, ii. 264. See also 
an ex. in a verse cited voco J^>. 



seo 1. 

^y* [used for U in the sense of What ? as in 
the following of El-Khansa, 

- > j j 

.' wAa< ai&tfA »«»»«• cyr, <Aa< tfj fear* tfry no< ? 
quoted in the TA, art. Ui.] _ k >« : respecting 
its dual ,jU* and ^j^-o , and its pi. o>~° an( l 
Cn~», see 1'Ak., p. 310. _ \jSL> ^J ^y»: sec 
«_> (near the end of the paragraph). 

L >»: — V*** O' 0-» J**' «*ij moans ^^-e 
VJ& J^J5| (Kull, p. 78) [i. c. J^r^rf m worf 
reasonable than he who lies : but, though this 
is tho virtual meaning, the proper explanation, 

accord, to modem usnge, is, that ,jl is here for 

a * 9 

^1 with the adjunct pronoun » ; for in a phrase 

of this kind, an adjunct pronoun is sometimes 

expressed ; so that tho aor. must be marfoon; and 

the literal meaning is, Zeyd is more rrasona blc than 

that he mill lie; which is equivalent to saying, 

Zeyd is too reasonable to lie. It may l>e doubted, 

however, whether a phrase of (hie kind be of 

classical authority. The only other instance 

it- t. #• • i • » * • c *J 

that I have found is j*^ jAy. O 1 t>-° O- 3 *-' }* 

. > • « •(' 

j\ai ,jl ±y, in the TA, voce J I. Accord. 

t j ft '01 

to modern usage, one may say, yj* Jit I C-Jt 

IJc=> JjU3 ibl, -which virtually means 77tou 
art too reasonable to do such a thing ; and here 

we cannot substitute ^JJI lor £fi. Seo ,jl for 
a ■ . t . - . ' - '4-» - » e - ' 

^jt] .iLUj ^U v)^ 1 ^ J^*-' : 8eo L$' 

__ IjmI <u* C «t *l : seo ju>1 : and w«g*> — <u« 
» • . '< • , i » » •»' • 

lja»y ; and \jm~i *-» 0>jlj : see jj»-j — ^>« in 

the souse of ju« : see j* — i£h>»* "-° l£w 
IJk£» : see 1 in art i£>+. — ,>• and ^>t, differ- 

ences between : see v >* _- ^>« often means 
Some. _ Often redundant: see 1 in art. ^^uc. 
_ Of, or among : see two exs. voce ^ji, latter 

part. _- <U* litj j^jio C>«~» Hoseyn and I are 
as one thing) [as though each wore a part of the 
other,] in respect of the love that is due to us, 
&c. (Commencement of a tradition in the Jami' 
es-Sagheer : thus explained in the Expos, of 
El-Munawee.) So Ham, p. 139 ; and De Sacy's 

Gr. i. 492 ,JU ijJI ^j a »>• lil U : see 

art. a. IbrD confirms my rendering of this say- 

ing <U« y-J {^ ^1 sjbj*Z> \\Ue applies 

himself to a thing not of his business to do], 

(TA, art. uift.) U« J-J He is not of our 

dispositions, nor of our way, course, or manner, 
of acting, or Me WAe. (T A, art. (_£■*•) -^ ^yi* ^^-J 
(ELur, ii. 250) He is not of my foUowers : (Bd, 
Jel :) or he is not at one, or in union, with me. 
(Bd. See 1 in art. ^o.) See a similar usage 
of ^>o, voce i^a-c. — SJUNI ^>5lfcA *i* 01 : 
seo v>»l» . ^ 0-« is used in tho sense of ^j in 
the phrase i*«aJI j>$i »>• [In, or on, <Ae day 
of congregation] in tho Kur lxii. 9. (K, Jel.) 
So, too, in <Ky» ^yo In, or on, /j«, meaning, the 
same, day : and <jucL/ ^« Jn, or a/, £», mean- 
ing <Ae same, instant of lime. See also De Sacy's 
Gr., ii. 526. 

aDI ,>• is for dDI o-^'- 

S , i - • - 3 -f 

j-U and L5**)!, from i >« : sec ^1 ; and De 

Sacy's Anthol. Gr. Ar., pp. 374 and 401, and 


2 . «» 

^>o : see Jioj. 

•a .t .. 

i^e, [^4» obligation, j^-l ,JL6 »/^o»« owe, and 

also *l <o him.'] __ ^4. favour, or benefit, con- 
ferred, or bestowed. (M, Msb.) _ Also an 
inf. n. Seo a,JLc ^yo. 

^jy^JI i£r«.l *l*»l "^ / «o«" not do it till 

* '■ . 

the end of time. (S.) — Oy-* ,s fem. and sing. 

and pi. (Fr, S.) 

The first {or main) rope of a well. Seo 




1. )U« jff« prevented, hindered, held back, 
[impeded, withheld, arrested, restrained, kept, 
debarred, precluded, inhibited, forbade, pro- 
hibited, interdicted :] (MA, KL, &c. :) he denied, 

or refused; doubly trans.; (S, K, &c. :) %i* is 

the contr. of fill. (S, Mgh, K.) <uui [He 

protected it, or defended it, or guarded it, (namely 
a place or the like) from, or against, encroach- 
ment, invasion, or attack :] heprotccted, defended, 

.a » ##* * 
or guarded, him. (T in art. <->i-) _ iuiudl uuo 

[^Te refused him the gift]. (TA in art. j>j»~ ■) 

ea #«#« it i.#. 

— — < k _ 5 -iJI <uU« t. y. «Ut <Lej*. [q. v.] (S in art. 

• a ,»._ «-., a.* 

>»>*■•) — >l<~" ( "-- ,, i '"'• n - *cU«, i. 7. ^ct and 

j-li5. (TA.) See 8. — jiHi ^l aiili U (?lur 

vii. 11) : see jjl. 

* »*m 

3. * l _ 5 ^Jl ajuU //« disputed, or contested, with 
him the thing : (Msb :) /je refused him the thing : 
(TK : ) he endeavoured, or contended with him, 
to make him, or to entice him, to abstain from, 
or relinquish, the thing ; (TA;) [he endeavoured 
to turn him away from the thing ; to prevent his 
obtaining it or doing it ; he prevented him from 
obtaining or doing the thing, being also prevented 
by him ; i. e. he reciprocally prevented him, &c. : 
and hence the meaning in the TA ; and then 
that in the Msb :] ^Ajjwc tyuU signifies t. q. 
jf*)jf.\^ : (TK, art. >*-»- :) see the latter. — 
iL-Jt _i& «-^»j [Ae resisted, or withstood, the 
year of dearth]: said of an animal. (K.) 

5. <L«y^ tiV^J' C>-° ^-^ and * ^-^>l ^ became 
strengthened, or fortified, against l/ie thing -by 
his people, or party; syn. (_£yt>. (Msb.) _ 
<Uc >-<-' -He- refrained, forbore, or abstained, 
from it, as b-ing forbidden, or prohibited. 
(K,* TA.) Se< 8. — aj »143 and ** * »iiil 
/«e protected, or defended, himself by it, namely, 
a fortress ; syn. ^ ^. ^ I. (TA.) 

6. UJUj 1.7. l>».laL3 : (K, art. >»-»- :) sec the 

8. siiiel [7< too*, or fcecame, prevented from 

' '•' 
nez'n? ; tV necessarily was not. You say %'■'+■> 

* ■ it * 1 
i)l> jjj»->I IJub 7V*w u prevented from being, or 

,/jU* Kery bountiful or beneficent. Also \111ay not be, or necessarily is not, because of that's 

[Very reproachful for his gifts;] one who gives j being And jj^ jj~ ^, ijS^ y/,^ may 7Wt 

nothing without reproaching for it and making 

account of it: an intensive epithet. (TA.) 

"yliiol Gratuitous; granted as a favour: 

a j j 

opposed to j_5/5»-j. 


> »^-'«> o****** Jy*-**' Oj ; » ; «> 


Je ; "» ■ " : see art Jm^. 

6e.] — lU^ot 7/ie refrained, forbore, abstained, 
or /leW iaeA, (Msb, K,) j-»*i)l ^ycfrom the thing, 

or affair; (Msb ;) as also <U* t «^3 : (TA :) Ae 
cfci so voluntarily, of his own free will or choice ; 

JO. . .. • 

Ae refused : you say, <uc s^ot Ae refrained, &lc, 
from it voluntarily, &c. ; refused it ; or refused to 
«"o t'i. (MF. in art. j-o»-.) See ^jI. _ *iiot 
a-JLc 7/e, or it, opposed him ; resisted him ; with- 
stood him ; repugned him ; was incompliant, or 


unyielding, to him ; see aJLc .* I . *^»t it 

«km, or became, inaccessible, or inapproachable ; 

like" *io; syn. with o-^*-i 1« v -. : ant ^ a ' so i d*ffi~ 
cult of access, as in an instance in art ^J\ (last 
sentence of 4) ; and also .JU ,j*j£. — See 5. 

see iauo. 

U State, and power, of resistance ; lit. « 
»<ate of rai>/^ o/" one'* people or party, so that 
such as desires to do so will not prevail against 
him : [or a state of might in his people or parly, 
&c.; or a state of might, and power of resistance, 
in his people or party :] (Msb :) [resist 'ibility : or 
simply resistance:] inaccessibleness, orunapproach- 
ablcness, of a people; as also t Jju* and t iLo. 

Py*» One wu denies, or refuses to give ; as 
also * »JU and * cdi. (K.) 

• * » ' J * 

£e~*i from *i*, [Unapproachable; inacces- 
sible:] difficult of access; fortified; strong: 
(T£> voce jj^:) [defended, or protected, against 
attack: like o^-f"»- : resistive; resisting attack;'} 
applied to a fortress. (Msb.) jUl* ^^5 [pi. 

of £ef«] An inaccessible, or unapproachable, 
people. (TA.) 

camel, The period by the end of which one knows 
whether she be pregnant or not. (M.) 2u^» of 

a mare, Twenty days. (M, voce 3jA<*.) 

* j - 

<L~» [A decreed event. Fate ; destiny :] The 

rfecree o/ rfea*A : (IB :) or the decreed term [of 
life, or] of a living being : (Er-Righib:) death; 
(S, M, El ;) because it is decreed ; (S, M ;) as 
also v ^4> -. (M, K :) [properly a thing decreed : 
and hence the pi.] bUJI signifies the fates or 

decrees [of God]. (T.) slu also means +4 

man of courage upon his saddle : (TA in art. 
lS**" P' 1 Q^* : see an ex. voce <Ly>.. 

4d el 



i»v* ^ far-extending SjUU [or desert, &c.]. 

(S, K.) See 



^jUl^ijI TVte young she-camel and young 

she-kid: because they resist the year of dearth 

by reason of their youthful vigour, &c. (K.) 

• '" 

*- 7 «.« Resisting; resisting attack; unyielding; 


I An object of wish, or desire: originally, 
a Iking that a man meditates («jjJL>) in his mind; 

from ^i* signifying jj3 : and hence applied to 
a lie; and to what is wished, or desired, and 
what is road, or desired [pi. J^iUI and O^'J- 
(Bd in ii. 73.) Sec <U* and ^^JLi.. 


9 ' - - •- 

•V* *< u~s>, (T in art. j^j,) or **», (L in 
that art.,) It has no goodness and lastingness. 
(T and L in that art.) 


o . ■■ oC 

4. U>J^ ^^t-*' ^ c ( a woman) brought forth, 
or cast forth, her child with a single impulse. 
(IAar, in L, art. a*i.) — jj^l/ Oj^l is syn. 
withy oj^l; (IAar, O, TA in art. J^;) 

and ^ C~£>j, &c. (IAar, L, in art .Ui..) 


3 . . o£ 

1. »tu i/e fti'erf Aim; ;wo«erf Aim. (S, £.) 
You say, ty-»-j 4&I »Uo 6W Merf At'n» 6y /ove 
of her. (T.) And tj&> ^io ifc waj M«d 6y 

such a thing. (T.) — ^U He meditated [a 
thing in his mind]; syn. J ji. (Bd, ii. 73.) See 

O. »U»j 2Ze nirtccf, or desired, it. (K, TA.) 

— li y*JI relates to that which is possible and to 

that which is impossible : whereas ij^pl re- 
lates only to what is possible. (I'Afc, p. 90.) 

10. ^ f +S m l, said of a she- camel : see 8 in art. 



• .* J 

<U-^ A thing mis/ted for by a man : pi. ^*. 
(T.) This word and *ipUl signify the same. 
(M, Mgh, Msb, Kl.) See an ex. in a verse cited 
voce ji. __ 4^Ijl in the case of a covered she- 

4. aA^I He acted gently, softly, or in a 
leisurely maimer, towards, or with, him. (K.) 
He granted him some delay, or respite ; let him 
alone, or left him, for a while. (S. K.) [In both 
senses] i.q. ojyl. (S, art. jjj.) You say AJ^I 

'«*=» J**' (^- Grant thou me some delay that 
I may do such a thing ; give me time to do such 
a thing. See Har p. 164. 

"• <Jyo3 He acted, or behaved, deliberately, or 
leisurely; without haste; (S, Msb, K;) in an 
affair. (S, Msb.) 

Jly-» and * Jv« and *2±r»Gentlencss; a leisurely 
manner of acting or proceeding. (Msb, I£, &c.) 
— %* Act gently, softly, or leisurely. 

Jr» : see J^. 

«"v-» : see Jy» 3&r»j*y\ yj /« ffa o^Tair 

i» a rfe% ; syn. ^uJb. (Msb.) il^-i ^ 

Leisurely; gently; by little and little. 

Jy*** Jyj* A hard penis : see v—U. 

8. <Uy^«l J^e t«erf »7 ybr service and work : 
(K.:) i.q. i'jijl, q.v. : (S, Msb:) He held it 
in mean estimation. (Har, p. 05.) 

t'*' r . • - - • • 

*V« [is syn with J^* and Jjw, and means 

ftwA, labour, or] service ; ministration ; per- 
formance of an office. (S, &c.) Also, The 

clothes worn in service, or in the performance of 
business. (MsL.) 


,>y* Contemptible; abject: (S.K!) weak: 

having little judgment and discrimination. (K.) 

f ft - 

>j^, applied to a ftwonl, Thin edged: see 

• # 1 * 4 , 

an ex. voce «u-i».. — ^» ^JL, T/im exoe- 
mfN*. (Skr in Conn. Hinls. p. 15.) 

V* t Front teeth Qu) that are clean, white, 

and lustrous [having much »U): so in a verse 

of El-Aasha [cited voco J£]. (TA.) 

i>. j 
ur*« Beverage, or wine, («-»ip>) mixed with 

much water. (IAar, in TA, art. J**..) 

?U Water. i_ ^Jjl iU [7%« seminal Jf uid]. 
(K, voce C~i|.) See Kur, Ixxxvi. 6, 7, and 
see 4 in art. Jjj. ^?U Lustre [likened to 
water, and running water,] of the teeth, (IbrD,) 

&a : see jJJb and jji and ^ji. !U The wafer 

of a sword: see jJ^i and (>ij)j: also its /w/re. 
-^ ( l«JI ^~£» *JLw [A ^n'orrf mwc/t diversified 
with wavy marks or streaks in its grain; as 
are the sword.; of Damascus &c] (TA voce 

t»^J0 — *UJI ^^ «'. y- (i^'^l [*/orA* or 
nrauMJ. (L, art. ^05.) Sec u^- — ;UJI v>^' 
is J A kind of bird; pi. »UI «1jW J (Mgh in art. 
^^ :) Ike aquatic bird ; the bird of the water. 
(Msb in art. 5^.) _ w>U^JI iU : sec vW^- — 
A».yi iU : sec ^jio. and JytJL — . >r «ftJJl <U 
Gold-wash for gilding : and <Uai)l iU Silver- 
wash for silveiing: you say, ^JbJJI ,1^ »^t, 
and d-oill JEfc washed it over with gold, and 
silver. __ tU h used as a coll. gen. n., of which 
the n. un. is 3«U ; and therefore is sometimes 
made, as a pi., to have a pi. epithet: ex. !U 
.yjlj*. (See -»•»*)• **U signifies A water; 
or some water. 





Jy« [Stupidity;] foolishness with lack of 
understanding. (S, K.) = A kind of boot : see 

. .ol 

6. ,JyJ lie became abundant in wealth. (TA, 
art. ^j). 

JU Whatever one possesses : (K:) projxrly ; 
wealth :] accord, to Mohammad [the Hanafcc 
Imam), whatever men possess, of dirhems, or 
deendrs, or gold, or silver, or n:A«a<, or barley, 
or Jread, or &eatr«, or garments or pieces of 
cloth, or weapons, or o<Aer things : (Mgh :) 
[property, or rreafrA :] or originally what one 
possesses of gold and silver: then applied to 
anything that one acquires and possesses of 
substantial things: and mostly applied by the 
Arabs to camels, because these constitute most of 
their wealth: (IAth, TA:) and animals. (TA.) — 
JU Camels or sheep or goats. (S.) The JU of the 
people of the desert consists of what are termed 
JUi, (T, Msb,) i.e. Cattle, cotisisting of camels 
or neat or sheep or goats, or all these, or camels 
alone; (Msb in art j^J ;) herds, or flocks, or 

herds and flocks JU A square in arithmetic: 

pi. Jh>*1. See jj».__ JU J»y, for JU^j. 
(L, art. .»**>.) 

J^JU 0/", or relating to, property or wealth. 
>»^* [Pleurisy] ; too jA-ji aml^U*.. 

Is 4' 

,r«hj* Lands wherein is nothing : see *»>^. 

2. ȣi i/e silvered or ^t/aert", (S, K,) or washed 
over with gold or nthwr, (Msb,) a thing (S, Msb, 
K, TA) of brass (TA) or copper or iron. (S, K.) 
___ He [varnished or] embellished falsehood so 
as to give it the appearance of truth. (TA.) He 
falsified information, aJLe to him, in reply to a 

question. (K..) He involved in confusion, or 

doubt ; or practised concealment or disguise; or 
A« concealed or disguised: (S, TA :) and Ar de- 
re/rco", deluded, beguiled, circumvented, or ou<- 
witted. (TA.) — •#« varnished, or embellished 
with a falsa colouring. 

4. »UI //c (a digger) produced, or fetched out, 
iMter, 6// Aw /a&owr or nw/.-; syn. <U)I ^' \ 
(S, $ :) or reached the water: (Msb :) or reached 
much water; as also ^y^l. (AA, in TA, art. 

h-y) ijWjjl »UI 7/f (a man) produced, or 

/*<cAerf ou<, ty At* JaAour, or »oo»A [»'« digging,] 

the water of the well ; syn. liuU JxJI : (S, K. :) 
-He (God) made the water of the well to be 
muck, or abundant. (Msb.) 

ifcU Small-pox : see i*l in art. »ji . 

♦ 5 , * 

iyU .4 mirror ; so called in relation to water, 
becauso of its clearness, and because images are 
seen in it as they are in clear water : the * is a 
radical letter. (T in art. ^\ .) 

l j\, '" ( iH One of the two stars called i*iyJl. 
The other [£] is called *ti\. (El-Kazweenee.) 


*#» » 
3. aJUU jHc inclined towards him reciprocally : 

and ^jU they two inclined each towards the 

other. (TK, art ayk.) See also aa« JU in 1. 

5. See 6 JjVk J*3 He vacillated in the 

- a — 
saying : gee ?-»•£■ 


« ..» JjI«j [.He affected an inclining 
of his body, or a bending, or Ae inclined his body, 
or Aewr, /rom sirfe *o wrfe, »» A«* </a*< ; a meaning 
well known, and still common] ; (S ;) syn. ^j£3 . 

(Har, p. 2G9.) See A^lp. — ^J cJblii 

£!£»• and ♦ cilii signify the same. (TA.) 
— t ^ J h\ ^1 JJU3; and ajlj> ^>fi: i.q. «Jil^J 
[.He affected a deviation, or purposely deviated 
from his course, &c.] (TA in art. o».»..) 

1. ^tU 7/e mixed hair with wool : see <}ji> ; 
and see Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 28. — w£U 
^Si\ i. q. *IJU» [He practised various modes of 
speech]. (TA in art. Jjl».) 

4. aeUt He made it to flow. (Msb.) 
7. cM It flowed. (Msb.) 

«jU Anything »'« a melted slate, fluid, or 
liquid: opposed to Jl*U-. (Msb.) 

Briskness, liveliness, or sprightliness. 
(S.) The pn'ww, or first part, of youth, and of 
the day. (S, K.) The first part of the run of a 
horse : (S :) the first part, and the briskness, 
liveliness, or sprightliness, of a run, and of in- 
toxication : or the main part of anything. (TA.) 
_ And The flotoing of anything poured out. 


1. JU [He, or it, inclined, leant, bent, pro- 
pended, tended, declined, deviated, or deflected.] 

lii JU and t dJuU He. conformed with, and 

assisted, or aided, him. (TA.) — *il JU He 
loved him. (TA.) — 4ift JU He wronged him. 
(TA.) He was, or became, inimical to him. — 
Vulj ^ SjljJI OJU (K, art.^fi,) i.q. C^Ofc 
[It /im;«Yi]. (TA.) 

2. / >*Q - t>^ J** & e ma vered, or vacillated, 
between two things. (S, MA.) See 10. 

10. 4)1*^,1, and aL JUi-t, (S,K.) JETein- 

dined him, and Am ArarJ. (K.) — — <J\ t ? .,il 
2Z"e attracted him to himself; or sought to make 
him incline. (MA.) — Jl » " ,A is a quasi-pass, 
of t '£U. (K.» TA.) 

J^o as used by the Arabs, [A mile :] The dis- 
tance to which the eye reaches along land : accord, 
to the ancient astrouomers, three thousand cubits : 
accord to the moderns, four thousand cubits : but 
tho difference is merely verbal ; for they agree 
that its extent is ninety-six thousand digits; 
[about 5166 English feet ;] each digit being the 
measure of six barley-corns, each placed with its 
belly next to another ; but the ancients say that 
the cubit is thirty-two digits ; which makes the 
mile three thousand cubits. (Msb, which see 

* * ' *i *i 'i' 

for more.) Ste also ^..L U o _ J~» i.q. J^«X«, 

[A style]. (K.) 

J^i Inclination; leaning; bent; propensity; 

j4« A natural wryness. (S.) 

0*^t* (?) of a * u ^--« oi a weU : 8ee *i l *?• 

JCi [». q. Ji^o, Inclining much], (A, art. 

ju».) See JLw. 

ALo\ Swaying on horseback : seo an ex. of its 

pi. J*« in a verse cited voco JaAI. — *V*« ***) • 

see i\jMi . 

^jj^l 5)U1 The inclining of the sound of I, 

when quiescent, after fet-hah, towards the sound 

°f t_S » $0 t,wt tHe f et '^ an > witfi lnal '' com P oses 
a sound the stme as that of the long " c" in tlte 
English word " there." This is accordant with 
present usaj^c ; and I have not found any learned 

Arab who asserts otherwise. See also ^0, and 

• a - , • i ' 

»-U-tt., and .. 


1. *£ i»U, aor. ;, (inf. n. irti, TA,) .He 
became distant, or far removed, from him, or 

it. ($.) — <£>Li, aor. -, inf. n. «L>U lie mas 

• I. 
slow, or tardy. (TA.) _ Also, inf. n. «£>U and 
• u . 
w>U«, He walked, or Kent, syn. 15*-, (K,) at a 

slow pace. (TA.) 

4. «ulil, inf. n. «i>Ul, Zfc removed him, or it, 
far off; put him, or it, at a distance. (TA.) 

*f>* •• - 

.liU* j^ [so accord, to a marginal note in the 

L, in tho handwriting of SM] A slow pace, or 
going, or journeying. (TA.) 

Jjili Calamity; incubus; nightmare: see 

1. U& .ffe disliked, disapproved, or /mtet/. 
(IAar, art. obi.) 



1. <v j,$U [He, or it, removed him; put or 
placed him at a distance, away, or far away.] 
(S, art. *-jle.) — j_jU He shrank from a thing : 
see an ex. in a verse cited voce Jj. 

10. k~.. t fle rfrcic forth, elicited, extracted, 
extorted : see 4 in art. *-j»- See also Bd, and 
J el, iv. 85. It may sometimes be rendered He 

1. »*j It (water) welled, or issued forth. _ 
ja^Xs. £j : sec j^Xa Li. 

. ,0* 

4. juil .He (God) wjadr, or caused, water to 
i.MMc. (Msb.) 

it«i The tree so-called : see an ex. of its n. 

un. in a verse cited voce *jja_j and ^ao. __ 

jlJ : see h<fcji » and O^!./-' alK ' "*-*■*• — — ■ O^*^ 

The <roo shafts of a cart : so called because 

they were commonly made of wood of the tree 

11 1 *' * fi ' 

called juJ : see ojj . 

*?** *■"" • 

4. »U|: see »UI in art. 


10. ^LiJ : i.q. »Li_,t q. v. in art. ly. 

(jy .4 rr«ncA <fojr round a tent, (S, K,) or a 
barrier [raised] around it, (T, IB, TA,) to 
prevent the rain-water from entering it, (S,) or 
keep off a torrent. (K.) 

4. *-<y ^i 4jo*Jl ff< mode <Ae sfrin^r 0/ At* 
6010 to vibrate, that it might twang. (K.) 

*JI, irregularly formed from the augmented 
verb «*il : see an ex. in a couplet cited voce 



ifc>jJaJl rj* ^JJ and jJUil denote nearness and 
shortness in a way (TA, art. J ■■» _p), like 

■jUjj «... 11 .0. 

1 * • 

Jk»j, properly the fruit of the } j~> or lote-tree, 

is also applied to Tho free called jjw itself: 
see >»ji. The fruit so called is a drupe, resem- 
bling the crab. — — It seems to be also applied to 
A drupe absolutely, or a drupe like that of the 

jj-. : see its dim., » aL-j voce J.Cil : see also 
• - * 

- • r * * ** 

t**-y l a PP- tie-**] & bad sort of dales, also 
called Jis-i*.. (TA in art. Jk***..) __ See J*i. 


j!j Arrows : (M :) or .4rfl0tan arrows : (T, 

S, Mgh, Msb, K :) for the sing, they say ^. 


••' ^» 
J^j Sharpness, acutencss, or sagacity ; syn. 

»« • •- - - 

Jl^J : and generosity, or nobility; syn. ajUwj. 

(K.) Jj Excellence; (T, M ;) syn. IJl^J ; 

and also *'l£>i. (M.) [Ex.], 

(MF, art. j~..) 

" ' > * 

i**ji of a grape-vine, A <U^j when it has 
grown large. (ISh in TA, art. %+j.) 

1. <d«JU He did not know it ; or know, or 
have knowledge, of it ; was not cognizant of it ; 

or did not understand it. (K.) j*~P <ui His 

attention became roused to the thing, or affair, 
after he had forgotten it. ( AZ, S.) % C-^-S £ : 

-»- 1 o I , t •* ^ « » . f'. 

SCO <0 w-yjt U . ^oy*A C a - J ! sro jHfJ* M- — 

aJ J^e wa.<, or became, eminent, celebrated, or 
well known. (S, K,» TA.) 

2. s,-<iJI tJ Aft Ay«i Be ?H«rfe Atwt acquainted 
with the thing ; infortned him of it ; gave Aim 

notice of it ; notified it to him. (S.) — Ay-J 


j^P J [/fe -roused his attention to the thing, or 

affair]. (TA in art. ii*J.) — \*i * [//c roused 

him from heedlessness or inadvertence : he roused 

his attention. (TA.) 

• 3 ... .a— 

5. »^ill jjAc 4*J J/e became acquainted with 

the thing ; became informed of it ; had notice of 
it. (S.) — yt^i a~J t [His attention became 
roused, or he had his attention roused, to the 
thing, or affair]. ( Msb and TA in art. HJu.) _ 
*»ij J He bicame vigilant, wary, or cautious. 

(Msb, TA.) ._ <t~J and * 4-0I j JF/c became 
roused from heedlessness or inadvertence ; hit 
attention became roused; or he had his attention 
roused. (TA .) 

8 : see 5. 



luJ Eminent, celebrated, or well known ; (S, 
£,• TA ;) contr. of J-U. (S, TA.) 

6. dUJLJ : see 



I : see 

LT 3 ' 

• * * * 

a ^l fr ^4 word used to give notice, to a 
person addressed, of something about to be said 
to him. (TA, voce li.) See also U termed <wi. I 
It may generally be rendered Now. 

1. i-jj^JI y^* \J It (a sword) recoiled, or 
reverted, [or glanced off", or away,] /row tAe 
(Aim; struck with it, without penetrating, or with- 
out effect ; (TA ;) returned from it without cut- 
ting ; (Msb ;) took no effect upon it ; (S ;) syn. 

Jfe. (K.) C It (the edge of a sword) 

would not cut; was blunt. (TA.) — Q* U 
^-Jl It (the sight) recoiled, or reverted, from 
the thing; was repelled by it; (S,'K,*TA;) 
syn. ^WJ (TA) and J£>. (K.) — Je. CJ 

».JLm It (nature) recoiled, flinched, shrank, 
or was averse, from the thing, or shunned it, 
and would not accept it. (Msb.) __ i>* <ui»- Ui 

J*\jii\ t His side did not rest, or was restless, or 
uneasy, upon the bed: (]£, TA :) it shrank from 
it. _LJli(n saddle) mas unfirm, or unsteady ; 
not firm, or steady, in its place. (TA.) 

a , #.. 

-J : see a verso voce j^y 

ip;i, A thing like the ijJu>, q.v., made of 
palm-leaves, upon which flour or meal is sifted. 
(I'Abbad, O, $.) 

c.yj The gums of trees ; correctly T-jr^- 

aJ \ : "'' and oli-JLi lj /tye or shame on him or 
it / See ji}. 

w«, originally ^>i^o or (J-^-o : see j± 

1. «u» «jkJ it (a discourse, S, K ; and ex- 
hortation, S, Msb, £| and medicine, S, Msb; 
and fodder, Msb) entered into him, and pro- 
duced an effect upon him : (S, K :) or showed 
its effect [upon him], (Msb.) — 2/ (medi- 
cine) benefited him; as also * a»JI and "*»J. 
(TA.) [And It (eating) had an agreeable, 
a wholesome, or a beneficial, effect upon him: 
so I have rendered it voce j_y^.] — r^> said 
of food and of beverage, inf. n. ty?J, It was 
[wholesome, or] suitable, or it agreed. (So accord, 
to an ex pi. of the inf. n. in the KL.) 

2: ) 

> see 1. 
4: j 

8. r~ sS l -He sought after herbage (S, Mgh, 
K) in its place : (S, K :) or went to seek after 
herbage in its place. (Msb.) And Iji; £»-2l 
[He sought after herbage in a district,or country]. 
(K in art. «iU»-.) 





■art* < * «*»j 

1. JjLi //c cleansed an intestine : see ^u«. 

\ y \ A lean, or emaciated, woman. (IAar, 
TA, art. J,^.) 

J.2J The </u*<, or earth, of the foundations 
q/'rt Aoi/se. (TA, art. *->>••) 

JJ aj^ il 27«a earth that is around a well, that 
is seen from afar. (S, art. ytf.) 

»>j tor *»j 

\jJJ> The see/mi/7 after herbage (S, Mgh, K) 
in its place ; (S, K. ;) the grow? to seek after 
herbage in its place. (Msb.) 

L»»J Effused blood : see 2 in art. u»*»- 

-, '1 pi. 4».Ue A desert : sec i>jV' 

la '-*! A place where herbage is sought : sec 

with which the wood, or branch, is cut off from 
the tree, and cast down, or away. (TA.) 

• <— * i 

J^>— > : see il»*J». 

'l I< (rain, &c.) /e/t o/£ (K.) 

[A star. Also, An asterism, or con- 
stellation: hcing applied autonomastically to] 
the Pleiades. (S.) — j>)+J [like J^] signifies 
also The sprouts from the roofs [of a tree, or 
shrub], before the %^> } [meaning either spring 
or autumn], the heads of which one sees like 
large needles, cleaving the ground. (TA.) 
See »->*■-£• _ ^^a-i also signifies J The *i»i* 
wAcm a payment falls due. (Msb.) [Hence, 
app., an ex cited voce ^».] — And hence, 
(Msb,) I An instalment; syn. SJuii^. (Mgh, 

Msb.) See ilso J>ft ^^(J and A»a~> A Aind 

«/ plant, triticum repens or <%*' grass : see 

^,a>.;.a The beam of a balance; (MA;) the 
transverse piece of iron, in which is tlie tongue, 
of a balance. (S, K.) See Ci'JeJ' *>•*• 

1. UJ A/r«»i rfe/eet'< ; (Msb, TA;) wn*t«m>e 
per anum emisit : (TA :) he voided his ordure ; 

or broke wind. — UJ, inf. n. *U»J> -#<* »•>«* 
fftticA, or swift, and outstripped. (S.) See an 
ex. of tho inf. n., voco J^fi. — UJ //c became 
safe, or secure ; he escaped. (Msb, &c) 

2 : see 4. 

jl,Lj of a door, i. q. J<s/> [a Persian word, 
A bolt, or bar.] (IAar in L, art. ^Jj.) 

4. «la»Jl and ' oU»- 


1. lj-»- A-t Oy»> and 



//c saved i him ; rescued 
him ; preserved him. (K.) 

10. i-fcJill //e washed, or roi/w«" WJtf « stone 
or a 2>«'cce o/ dry clay, the place [of exit] of 
his excremmt. (Msb.) = £*-^i: see 8 in 
I art. j*~i. 

\Lj> and :Ui A shower of rain See 

L>i>iL and 1. .^-» A we// o/ which the 

water is distant [from the month]. (O, TA, 

' ■'- \ 
voco ~JJ*-) 

*i^ij An elevated piere of land. (Msb.) 
^j : see ^^13. — ^H' d& ■ ^e art, 

,<^Li /Secret discourse between two persons or 
parties. (T A.) — A secret between two persons 
or parties; as also * t ^j-l. (K*, TA.) — A />cr- 

j'-^j alad» A fride wound with a spear or the 
like. (TA.) See an ex. in averse cited voce 

^j j^»-i en* A widc c y c; p 1, ^^ ^** t- 

(TA.) See a verse in art. cji (conj. 4). 

jLlc A reaping-hook. (Mgh ; and S, K, 
voce j r- - ) ^ *«* B < 00 ' Acd » or serrated, 
edge : (A, art. >- ; and K.^art. >il :) and is 
sometimes plain. (^, voce J^~, , and M and 

L, voce £w0 See ^J2~* and ai>ji [A 

reavino-hook : or a pruning-hook : sometimes sig- 

niflg the latter :j « -» I^MvU - F-»,, *«*™j -ere*, or «h. 

teetA, wiiA which seed-produce is cut: or one ' secrets one with another. (TA.) 


[A cause, or means, of safety : of the 
, originally \y+ U ; similar to 

'-I ' '• 

measure iJbui 
"i, &c.]. (S.) 

'•"- ... , >»-- * .. 

a dial. var. of ZtyaJt : see *£>j,>. 



j*-j : see an ex. in a verso cited voce 

■U : sec 0«feU. 

4 wortar; syn. O^J 1 *- (K.) 

5 : see 10. 

... * * " • * 
10. \J£» ^ 

10 in art. -_iw. 

-wi and ~ <t...,a».o 


J Slender, slim, thin, spare, lean, or %A< 

■> * • , - . 

1« * »■■■*■ J»-i -Hi* oorfy became lean, or 

emaciated. (S.) 

*Wj «. q. i^uji ; or iilji ; and ,>!.». as in 
tho saying i&Lj U [What is thy religion?]. 

1. ^o^j, said of a horse, seems to be best 
rendered lie breathed pant inglg, or hard, with a 
sound from the chest. See 1 in art. t . 1 

• • - 

jk^-j signifies A sound (dye) from the chest 

of tho horse. (TA.) 

1. >$*~> U_> He went towards, or in the 

direction of, him or it. (Msb, TA.) Also, 

He pursued his (another's) course, doing as he 

did; or purposed his purjiose. __ See <u6ji t^j*. 

and »^jLi Ijki ; and see tjuai. _ t\LJ, inf. n. 

• • * 

jm*i, signifies [also] He purposed it, or intended 

it. (MA.) — ^«J| jd^ O^J, and *i^Jl, 

7 stripped off the shin of the camel. (Msb, 

voce -Li-). See 4. 

2- ^»-» //« pa* a thing aside, or away, or 
apart; (Msb ;) removed it /row t'fc jj/arc, (Msb, 

Kl, TA,) pfocerf it a< a distance. (TA.) .ffc 

made a person <o /urn away, or withdraw, or 

fYftr*, from (^>e) an affair t [ \zi\ Zjt t, '\ 

He put aside, or away, or Ae warded off', or 
removed, from him the thing. See 4. 
. •« 

wpoM him, or if, with his body, hand, &c. :] i. q. 

J^el ; as also ▼ UJ. (I Aar, TA. ) ^U ,«^J I 

»>-JW O^ L-ffe attacked such a one with the 
tcAip], and ouJV [wf/A the sword] : and hence 
<_A-i»3U t Ae accosted him with harsh, or rough, 
behaviour ; syn. *JLe JJI. (Har, p. 508.) 

thing with his whole hand]. (M, voce^^uS [q. v.]). 
— 0*7^" ^*»- (_s^ C . <w . i | I applied thc knife 
to, or />«< if across, his throat, or fauces ; syn. 
<Ci>c : and in like manner you say, 4JU .^i 
AJ^iij [but whether by this be meant .m i or 
U-3 is doubtful. (TA.) See 1. 

0, ^a-iJ //c, or it, removed; withdrew; went, 
or moved, away, or a^/rfe ,• (Msb;) or retired to 
a dUlance. (TA.) — l JL^> (TA, art. j*5,) sig- 
nifies C^J, U-jl^, Jl£j \ uJSj, i.e. UKJ 
5l»Jt jy.^JUBI. (IbrD.) 

« '- ? i t, rn 11 > , , , , rcm,crC(l O «**** or a region, district, quarter, 

8. ij»~jI V< /etf, hhe a man's hand when he nr ,,.„„, . M . . ,, Y 

"^^ ' I or ''" c < • or a ;mr/ o/ « p/«cc, an apartment ; 

strikes with it upon his other hand ; (h. TA. in « D „ f" : . .. 

, , . ' ^ ' ' l.see^s^, "> art. jyk Also ^l limit, bound, or 

art. -.jj :) and, in prostration, Ae fell with his u j . , 

. J* , , ^ boundary: sec two tropical exs. of its pi. (,J*i) 

forehead to the ground, and rested upon his ,» v £^' 

forehead, not upon thc palms of his hands : V0Ce >* I T' and anot ^ cl " '» I* verse voce JjLj : 

mentioned by Sh, from 'Abd-Es-Samad Ibn- j or a remote side; syn. LjJU ^U. : (Kz, in 

Hassan, on the authority of some of the Arabs: 'TA:) a tract of land. (KL.) See J»\ and 

afar off]. (K, voce JaCii.) See Jo£U and 

s- ,- . • - 

*s»0 «.y. s-iUw q.v., ^4 ««fp; a lateral, or 

an out oard, or adjacent, part or portion. (K, 
Ac.) — .4 m apartment of a house. (Mgh, voce 
>s»..) And the pi., -_£;, TVjc oti/er partt or 
regions of an animal. The sing, may often be 
rendered A part, or portion, of a place. _ 
*-».L> is of thc measure <Ueli in the sense of the 
measure aJ^ai*, [meaning S^^-u, a part, or <A« 
/iAr, or a /wj'h*, towards which one goes, or 
rftnrfl himself; a point of direction;] because 
one goes, or directs himself, towards it: (Msb:) 
best rendered as above ; adding, or part, region, 
district, quarter, or tract, considered with re- 
spect to its collocation or juxtaposition or direc- 
tion, or considered as belonging to a whole: a 
vicinage, or neighbourhood : and a part of a 
country, a region, district, quarter, or tract, 
absolutely; a district; a province: often best 

so says Az. (L and TA iu that art.) 


**»-lJ j^jic Beside, aside, or apart ; 

y*J> The like of a thing: syn. ji,. (TA.) like ^JU- ^ and o>Jb ^e. ; and so l^U 

Quantity, &c. ; syn. jUA*. (TA.) — A divi- and ^»-U ^ &c: you sayj^u aIo-IS ^i ,^J^. 
*io?i, &c; syn. jyJi. (TA.) — »^j : see 1^5. I //« *a< aside, or apart, from them: and -» W 

— aJ^JI ^swj 4fcow< <Arcc. •£/& yH ^i j^)\ IJuk £>* a-ly, cxpl. voce Jii. And ^i 

• «* 

OU.L, Jm a6o«< «/.»•« Aowr*. ^Ij ^ Jaji \J£> A-..U /« r/ te direction of such a thing : see 

**y£* and a* , n)£9 ^13 ^ and ^t^L> ,«» ; LfP 1 ^-^ jjic >* He is keeping to his 

«**& signify the same. (Msb in art. yj>yz.) own side, following his own course : see Zj^.. 
See thc last of these, voco «ji_j^c. __ As. j£\ \ 

* * * 

cU~i The spinal cord, or spinal marroir; 

(S, KL, &c.;) ?cA(7< extends from the <l«U through 
(^5?) ,/ "' vertebra: to the end of the v^i, /i'Ac « 
con/ of marrow. (Zj in his "Khalk el-Iusan.") 
See also J^JLi and cU~JI. 

' - oe ■» - » l 

fji-JI : see «Ja.I. 

l)y*J, i. e. Jjji ^ ji [or IljiJiL] : scc art. 

• • . 

see jvJ. 

»~j A skin for holding liquids : (K! :) or for 

clarified butter : (S, Msb, K :) as also * 


- s i , 
5s».UJI j^jkZ |A hardy man. (TA, art. 


t>a»~)l OlJ. Respecting what is said of the 
woman thus named, and of Cȣi., in tho S, 
see ijii. 

r^c Going, or being, away from (^s-) a 
place, person, or thing. — ^JL^* [A place to 
which to turn away, or back, from a thing; 

%. y t ^l [fle leant, bore, or prW, | or to n,/,^ ^g „ M0M , j waWWlwl> or ^-^ 

oU~i ^1 6oc<.' (I Aar, K, TA :) or a boot 
much patched. (Az, TA.) 



see 8. 

jl He cleared il [or sifted it]; as also 

3030 J*"* ~ Z? 

**UJ and l lllJi : (%. [see '4 '*'■]•) or he took j panion. (S, Msb, K.) And hence, Any con- 

the beit of it (S, Msb) to the utmost : (S :) or 

he chose the best of it for himself. (TA.) 

S • - * •" 

'J, ■ A cultivator of palm-trees : see JJ**. 

• - » 

vivial companion; a boon-companion. 


J : He boasted of such a thing: see 

slij Pride; self magnification ; haughtiness. 
(S, Msb, $.) 


8. jUfc^l ^>ft ^JUJ Tic sought to learn the 

news privily : sec d*j>»»J and 

. a ' ' 

j »< • » 

^jt^ ..Uj Piercing spurs: see a verse of 
El- Kumey t cited voce 5jU, in art. j^c. 

1. *JJ>i [//a separated and loosened cotton iy 
tnmiM of a bow and a hind of wooden mallet, by 
striking the string of the bom with the mallet : 

see -wJU- ; and oj* - ] *• ica ' c " tlon w,tn t,ie 
OjJu, (S, Msb,* $,) also railed ♦ iij^, i.e., Am 
wooden implement with which he strikes the bow- 
string, that it [the cotton] might become fine. 

«_j.x^» and a*jm»o : 

♦ -• 

and ^«[i», 

neo 1 ; and boo 

>ojj_« Repentance: an inf. n. of >j-> ; see an 

ex. in a verse of El-]£attal El-Kilabee, cited 

voce i^t. 

1. (_£jJ 7/ was, or became, moist, or moistened. 
(S, K.) _ !^i iu ^V U, (M,) or ^S.jS U 
Lkjh>\ l^jL aU, (T,) [^i thing, or a //«% <Aa/ 7 
dislike,] did not betide me or befall me [from 
him]. (T, M.) And aLj& l^i JU Jk& *9 
[.4 thing that thou dislikcst] shall not befall thee 
[from me]. (M.) "jL> i' ^ji^* C-j'jj U [i»/y 
hand did not evil to him] : and *^-> Cooi U 
aAj>j [7 di</ not a thing that thou dislihest], 
(T.) See also art. JSj.£, first par., last sentence 
but two. _ %^-t \J J-i-i ^ «CJlw [1 asked him, 
and he did not to me, or for me, anything]. 
(TA, in art y-'.) — *3ULo ^j-3 U i. q. ^cui U 
, q. v. (S, art. uai.) See also art. y^s. 



lj jJ, originally, ifa>n : (Msb : [but generally 

it scorns to signify dew, absolutely ; or day-dew.] 

See a tropical usage in a verse of El-Kumeyt 

cited voco «L»j . — — ^ jj Bounty ; liberality : 

(S, M :) a gift. (T.) — ,jJS Moisture (S, $) 

of the earth ; as also * »jl jj . (S.) — ^jjJ is 

* - 
generally thus written : not I jJ . 

S . t.. 

\£±> An assembly: see averse cited voce <j»>±>. 

Jjlju and SjjJ Moisture. (Msb.) See (^jJ. 
l^jL* : see II jlj. 

«. «a 

5. JjuJ 77c bound a jU«o [or JjjU* i.e. 
napkin or /At /JAc] u/wn Aw head. (KL.) And 
J,iju^ ♦ Jj t " 7/<r fround a ^JjJ^ic »/»» his head. 

Q.Q. 2. &S\n Jj^5 //« »«<?«/ a «Ua3lj [<»• 
* * * • 
*J*ij] «* « JiJ*^- (TA in art luj from a 

trad.) — See 5. 

• -• • • * • 4 * 

JjyU app., Hard steel (^^JUa j=>i , not penis 
rigens). (1£.) See^»J. 

1. Jjb U jJle >jki 2ft grieved for what he 
had done ; regretted it ; repented of it : or At 
disliked it. (Msb.) 

jfiJj A companion in drinking; a cup-corn- 

2 : see 5. 

3. <uie i^ili \_ITe made proclamation of him] 
(S, A, Msb) vS&'fi (A) or ^JM lit (S) or 
LjJLo jLe <OW (Msb) [that he had become bank- 
rupt, or insolvent]. _ [<«j j^jU Zft proclaimed 
it ; made proclamation of it : a very common 
signification, but one which I have not found in 
any Lex.] — You say also ^Ul ^y ^^^, mcan- 
ing^jiU and>»jju aiul^^JLcJ. (Smart. ^S1, See 

*iji].) a^ji ^cu o 1 ^i^ : (^ ur yii - 41 

see ijl as a contraction of £>l. __ <otp oljb : 
see u*j*^' *3V*5. ^— »'i^ -His called him ; called 
to him ; summoned him, or hailed him : (S, Msb:) 
or, (T, M,) and <v (^iU, (M,) Ac called out to 
him (T, M) with the loudest voice. (T.) 

5. {JJ^ [quasi-pass. of T ^jj, 7< wax moistened, 
by dew, or /At like ; or] i. y. ^jJ [i/ rortt, or 6t- 
came, moist] ; said of a place [&c] : and i. q. 
J&- (TA.) 

•IjlJ signifies simply The railing tlte voice; 
not implying the expression of meaning by speech. 
(Er-Raghib, TA.) __ .IjJ sjy*. A particle of 
calling, or hailing, or invocation; as b._.4 
vocative particle. — — The vocative form of speech. 
_ Also, agreeably with many other instances, 
like JiJla. in the sense of JyU~«, an inf. n. used 
in the sense of a pass. part, n., meaning A person 
or thing called ; the object of a vocative particle, 
syn. with "^iU*. 

ijb ^ 6ta*/ o/ carriage whose white. 
ness inclines to yellowness [like the narcissus]. 
(T A, art. ^ji .) 

i»le-yj A species of dates. (S, in art >-j •) 

1. aAaI ^1 cji, (S, K,) aor. -, (S,) inf. n. 
cl>j (S, K) and cjji and ic£; (K;) and'^jU ; 
(IjL ;) He yearned towards or for, longed for, or 

<&«>•«/, his family. (S,» K,* TA, PS) Ssji 

*JI inf. n. ftlp, / yearned towards, longed 
ybr, or desired, him or t7 ; syn. Ciii t . (Ham, 
p. 429.) See an ox. voce ,>uLA.. _. Hence, c>> 
4il l«> // (deiire) invited me to it. (Har,p. 600.) 
__ aJI pji .ff« inclined to it. (liar, p. 234.) 
_ ^^ J>i ^)1 c£ [ //t inclined to a noble 
radical, or ancestral, or ltcreditary quality ; 

„ - # J 

and in like manner, ^,-11] : and *»!/*• ^,'J ^P 
and l^ftp [A« inclined to his radical, or «wc«- 
/ra/, or hereditary, qualities] : and ^ yi«-cj-» 
dil^*l [Am radical, or ancestral, or Itereditary, 
qualities inclined him]. (L, in TA.) — c>J 
7/ inclined by likeness. (Msb.) — ^M £>i 
du/l (S, Msb, 5,) iJjl ^ (S.) and ♦0 £>i, 
(K,) He resembled his father: (Msb, K,:) or 
inclined to his father in likeness ; syn. w-*i : 
(S :) or At took after his father ; had a natural 
likeness to him. — . o 9 ji signifies Yearning; and 
natural inclining. = cjj and * cjiM TTt pulled, 
plucked, or aVtw, om/, or up, or off; removed 
from his or Us place ; displaced. (S, Msb.KL) 

<yy cji. (Mgh, in art. £U-,) and aixi, 

(Mgh and Mi,b in that art.,) He pulled off hit 
garment, and his sandal. See, however, M^ 


— ijii (M ? b, TA,) aor. -, (TA,) inf. n. Vji 
(Msl), TA,) He mas at the point [or in the agony'] 
of death; meaning, of having his soul drawn 
forth: (Msb:) he gave up his spirit; as also 
*£jU, inf. n. gji. (TA.) — ^i\ ^J> £jj 
He drew the bow ; (S, Msb, K ;) i. e., its string ; 
or he drew, or pulled, the string of the bow with 
the arroiv. (TA.) = iUu^ Sjjti d *>^ i , re- 
lating to a horse : see .yujl. 

'9 * l . . - 

3. J-j»Jt AtjO He contended with him in pull- 
»ny the rope; syn. »U ojil»-. Hence, ^J acjU 
IJ^» J He contended, disputed, or litigated, with 
him, respecting such a thing. (Mgh.) _- acjli 
j>"$£)\ I He disputed with him in, or respecting, 
words. (TA.) _ Ulyk ^1 ,j-j»j j^UcjU, inf. n. 
pip, My soul strove with me to incline me to 
love her. (TA.) See 1. 

6. A» fr » *J I UfcjUi We discoursed together ; one 

Kith another. (TA, art.^oA.) ^o-yi j^cjLj 

^y~j (K, art >?-j,) TVy recited ,:crscs, or poetry, 
of tlte metre termed ja.j one Kith another ; as 
also «jJ»UJ. (TK, art. j*.j) — ejU3 77/e con. 
tending in altercation, disputing, or litigating, 
one toiVA another: (K :) or l^ftjW they disagreed, 
one with another ; held different ways or opinions. 
(M 9 b.) 

8. See 1. _ **•»- <u« sj-^l He wrested from 
Aim Ai* ry/i/, or <fne. _ 4JL>.xa. epjl : see 


cp Baldness on each side of the forehead : 
•-U. ; and^,**. 

•Up ji baldness in tlie side of the forehead. 


flP j^ C- 4 dee P we'd *'•<?• jj^f • (A, voce 

cp 18 pi. of cjU ; as is also cp. (TA.) 
See an ex. in a verse cited w)U. 

• a. 

etp Dragging much, or forcibly : see l£ur, 

lxx. 16. — - c|p J^*JI (see Frey tag's Arab. Prov., 
ii. 168) is probably similar to d-Lo J>/*lt, and 
means Tlie radical, or ancestral, or hereditary, 
quality is wont to return to its usual possessor : 
or it may mean, is wont to draw. 

ilil: see -.JU-l. 

gp— JP 

1. op He entirely exhausted (S, Msb, K) a 
well, (Msb,) or the water of a well. (S, K.) 

• *•* * * . 

<-fjji+ Exhausted: see an ex. voce )oj&. 

Jjp Lightness, and unsteadiness, or lightwitted- 
ness, (S, Msb, K,)onrtn occasion of anger ; (K ;) 
?'.<y. i+mfjmi ; lightness in any work, or action: 
hastiness, with foolishness or ignorance : (JK, 
TA :) hastiness, or sharpness, of temper ; irasci- 
bility ; passionatencss : a meaning deduced from 
various examples, and confirmed by present 

jjij— i Light, and unsteady, or lightwitted. 
(Msb.) See also Jjp : and see jjji ft. 

• - - j. • ' 

iip and *,3jp A refractory she-camel; hard 
to be managed. (Msb.) 

Jjp : see 3ip. 

**"»'}" o-° ti.P' 

pctuous than the lion]. (S, voce a&w.) 

jkw'iJt ^< Jpl S^JUI [TVje lioness is more im- 



jZi e}i+ [The bottom of a well; the place from 
which the water is drawn], (TA, art. T -t.) 

l)Jj The ;>e»« (^»'j, S, K, i.e. v-ii, TA) 
of the ^i> (S, K) and of the J } ' s : (K : [in the 
CK, i)j>JI^ is erroneously put for Jj^J'j :) 
accord, to the assertion of the Arabs, (S,) it 
(S, K,) the former, (S,) as also the Ciih^t 

(Msb voco Oji^* - )) nas two penes (0^*P) > 
(S, K,TA;) and the female ha9 £)\JLJji, i.e. 
[two wombs] uW»-j- (TA.) 

1- O^W Jp (Kull) and o^' Jji (Msb 
in art. J»., &c.) ^fc alighted, descended and 
stopped or sojourned or a&orfe or lodged or 
settled, in the place; syn. a^ J*l. (Kull.) See 
J».. _ 5UJI ^>J jp [T/ic milk of the ewe 
descended into her udder; i.e. she secreted milk]. 
(S, K, voce oi^oi.) _ lji> J^li Jp It took, 
or occupied, the place, or became in the position 
or condition, of such a thing : see a verse cited 
voce q\, near the end of the paragraph; and 
another voce ym— ; and seo <U>U. __ siJp, 

Ufityi, for ^il^lt (ji: see s£4*" C-i*.i in 
art. J*.a. 

3. «OjU He alighted with him, each to oppose 
the other, in war, or battle ; inf. n. Ajjui and 
Jlp. (Msb.) __ <OjU He alighted with him. 


4. vi.|jjl Her (a camel's) m»7A descended [into 

her udder] : opposed to OwaJlil. (TA, art. 
^oAS.) — ^1 cJpi [i.e. ll)l] Site (a camel) 
excerned the first milk, or bicstings, into her 

udder; i.q. C~L-vl. (TA in art. Jfr.) S/ie 

excerned milk [either into, or from, the udder]. 
_ cj^aJI i >o ^>JJI «uUt cJpl [or e-j-oM ^J 
27ic she-camel excerned the milk from [or into] 

Mc Mrfi/pr. (TA, art. f,J.) *Jpl //c /orfyed 1 

him ; made him his guest ; or gave him refuge or 
asylum; syn. »tj1 ; (S and K in art. i&'j) and 
AJubl and 

(Mgh in art. «_i~b:) [and /i« 
lodged and entertained him;] namely, a guest. 
(Msb.) I.q. yjZc »i^jf. (Fr in T in art. (jj.) 
__ IJ^ ^^* «Jpl ^fe made him to resign, or re- 

. . * * a. el 

linquish, such a thing. __ (t^^- ^ CJp> [app. 
/ imposed my want upon thee], (S in art.^.) 
And^,jp=> ^JU Aii.U. Jlpl. (TA.) 

6. JjU» ^Tc descended gradually, by little 

'* * 

antf /i'«/c . _ jk*.t j-JI JjU3 //« humbled himself, 

1 * 

condescended, to one. __ UJUL»)I &£■ Jjl-iJ -//' 
abdicated the kingdom. — » Ji ^>c Jj^ jH* 
desisted from a thing. __ Vj^ ^' e y alighted 
and ate by turns with different people ; i. //. 

10. djj_u_/1 77c h(«7/b Aim, or caused him, or 
if, <o descend. (Msb.) __ <ulj j^t <t)j«Uwl [He 
sought to make him resign, or relinquish, hit 
opinion]. (Bd, «ii. 11.) 

Jp .FWf or rtUiotis at a halt: sec ^>£w, in two 

Jp Food prepared for the guest. (Msb.) See 


•Up ±jo)\ : seo ^l 

JiP A guest. (S, Mgh, Msb, # K.) See also 

JjU [Alighting, &c.,] has for pi. Jjjp and 

J|p. (TA.) 

*' * * * 3 if * 

iljli A defluxion: pi. Jjly. See J-». __ Sljlj 

jl severe calamity or affliction, (S, Msb, K,) i//«f 

6e/ato wen. (S, Mfb.) 

* ». 
Jp< A place of alighting or descending and 

stopping or sojourning or abiding or lodging or 

settling: (Mgh:) a /><W q/" settlement: an 

abode; a dwelling; a place 'where travellers 

alight in the desert; syn. J^S.: a [house, or 

mansion, such as is called] /) : (S, K :) or 

accord, to the »lyi», /mi than a jlj, anrf mnr« 

than a C~j [or c/iamfter], consisting of at least 



two chambers (£&/) or three. (Mgh.) See 

*Jj»U A space which one traverses in journey- 
•• • * 
ing. (TA, art ;. j~-i.) _ iiji-t, used unrestrictedly, 

Station, standing, footing, or grade ; honourable 
station or ranh ; a place of preferment. _ A 

predicament in which one stands. — <*)f*+t i«_Ub 

..I . . ' ' ' 

jj>»-l <Lo-^> ^1 won/ equivalent, or similar, to 

another word. __ [You say] !Jk£» SJjie^ J«*«-i 
// (a word) m imco" in Me manner of such 
[another word] ; generally with respect to 
government, not necessarily with respect to 
meaning. (The lexicons passim.) »_ ^« Jj^l 
^>eJt)l ,>* ^yJI £JpU LjjJIj ^jJI Who is, in 

respect to religion and the world, as light to the 

• •# »•« • » » 

Jlp"» LJ*->"* : 8Ce O ^" *• 


2. aDI »p lie declared God to be far removed, 
or free, from every impurity or imperfection, 
or from everything derogatory from his glory ; 
hke 4jw-_ and a^jJ. ___ <uil <u J-Lj is 77ie </<■- 
daring God to be far removed, or free, [from 
every imperfection or impurity, or from every- 
thing derogatory from his glory; i.e.,] from 
evil [of every hind] ; or from the having any- 
thing like unto Him by participation of his 
essence or otherwise, and from defects that may 
not be imputed to Him. (TA.) 

5. jljki'ill ,j* tjXi He shunned, avoided, or 
kept or removed himself far from, unclean 
things; (S,* Mgh, Msb;) preserved himself there- 
from. (Mgh.) — . »p3, used absolutely, nnd said 
of a man, means He shunned, avoided, or kept, or 
removed himself far from, unclean things ; kept 
aloof from, Ac. ; or from things occasioning 
blame. (TA.) __ «p3 is best rendered, when 
not used absolutely , He removed himself, or kept, 
far, or aloof : ami with ^yt following it, it may 
be rendered he shunned, or avoided. _ ^e. »p3 
J)Jt [He purified, or cleansed, himself from 
urine: a meaning assigned in the TA, art. «p, 
by an evident mistranscription, to tplwl], (Msh 
in art. \jf : and a trad.) _ Also, lie diverted, 
or ren-vuted, himself; or took an airing; in the 
country, or in a garden. __ »J_0 meaning lie 
went forth to the gardens (S, Msb, K) and [green 
fields, or] green plants, and meadows, (K,) is a 
mistake, (S, Msb, K,) accord, to some ; but IKt 
holds it to be not so. (Msb ) 

JJUJI •>> [in copies of the K JiJUJI] and 

. '*». . * " ,« . i • ■" ' i ** ' » 
▼ <u*p and » 4AjU [and ' Ayjp and ,^JUI »p 

(see i-iU»)] Who abstains from that which is 
indecorous, &c. (K, TA.) 


i » > 

. ^ see i>XaJI »p. 

• _jj » * • , 

<up : see JtJUJI ep. _ «ujj A pious man ; 

or one rcAo abstains from unlawful things. 




1. (^"SM i^* |p //e (a solid-hoofed, or 
cloven-hoofed, animal, and a wild beast,) leaped 
the female; (S, &c. ;) and so jp alone, ellipti- 
cally. _ djj r >,,. f> . Op, said of a camel : see 

1. Lr J, aor. j^^mo, 7/e went at a gentle pace. 

R.Q. 1. ?~tjH C«..,:...» The wind blew coldly : 
see R.Q. 1 in art. ,j.w. 

i_U_J ^»jj ,4 co/</ rcino* : see V- 1 , j .>. 

8 : see 1. 

>- » ~.o A vessel (.icj) in tp/u'ca Jatej [anrf 
^rain] arc s/ia/«n to remove the dust, fyc. (TA 
in art. ^jaiJ.) 

1. il—j J/c worshipped: used transitively. 
See an ex. in a verse of El-Aashit, in the S, art. 
See 5. 



, applied to a wind: see ia^, art. 

s > 


«-J j4 plaited thong, serving for the nose- 
rein of a camel, Sfr. ; and sometimes woven 
wide, {for a fore-girth,] placed on the breast of a 

camel. (KL, TA.) Sec also iauJ. 
t* « 
<ut-. i A kind of broad plaited fore-girth for a 

camel: pi. « — » ami « — i and cLJI : (S:) or 
* — 1 and a_J and c ? — > and cl_j| arc pis. of 

• • a* • 

*-j, [a coll. gen. n.,] of which ajuJ is the n. 

un. (K.) See jlSj}\ JJte, in art. ^lic 

a i . h 
J^iaJI cL-il + The furrows of the road, made 

by the beasts with their legs [or feet] in its 

surface. (TA, voce Jfjit.) 

4. .il—il [app. He washed and purified a 
garment]. (TA voce w>li».l.) 

5. Aml3 lie derated himself to religious exer- 
cises ; applied himself to devotion ; (S, Msb, £;) 
as also *iLJ (S, K) and *iLj: (K:) or the last, 
he became a JJL.U. (S.) 

riC...'i : Sec ii*ic. 

•^.a^JI «iLwU« The religious rites and ceremonies 
of the pilgrimage: or the places where those 
rites and ceremonies are performed. (Msb.) 


8. J—iJl said of camels fur: sec^rt^ac. 

y— A) y — > is a form of imprecation against a 
man, like UCj U*j. (M, in art. J— t.) 

• » • 

J— J Progeny, whether of man or beast. (The 

Lexicons passim.) 

5. liw^»— .3 ZZif sought, or endeavoured to get, 
or attain, a t'ting, with labour arid perseverance : 
i.q. tiSLj. [IbrD.) — ^Li\ ^Jljj He sought, 
searched, or hiquired, for, or after, the news, or 
tidings ; (Ma, KL ;) [as though endeavouring to 
scent it ;] so 'hat he elicited it. (TA. ) 

Jk^JaJt ,J^- je-J, denoting nearness anil short- 
hms o/ Mc w ff»/, see ,^j and ^'^ »" , ». 

i4« instrument for pricking bread: sec 


J ■ J -, 

1. ^y I *a_J, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) aor. : , (TA,) 

inf. n. JLi j (Msb, TA ;) and t isilsi, (T A,) 
The wind carried it away ; (TA ;) t. q. *3ji 
[q. v.] ; (Mgh ;) namely, dust (Mgh, Msb.) 

i A soul; syn. ^^j with sukoon: and 
• *> 
i souls ; syn. (j-^ii. (Msb.) __ A man. (K.) 

^ot— i A gentle wind; a gentle gale ; a breeze. 
__ The commencement of any wind before 
it becomes strong: (AHn, M :) or a pleasant 
wind : (S :) or the breath of the wind : (Msb :) 
or the breath of the wind when weak ; as also 
%— i : or a m'ndfrom which comes a weak breath: 
pi. of both >Uil (M.) — ^yf-lll 'jjfy i One 
who chills people : see JJu. >jte** Odour 
scent, sweet or disagreeable : see *» iU, 



jr~ > — yat 


j*-~» The sole (o^) of the *-»*• : or, to a 
camel, the same as the -it—, to the horse; 
(Msb ;) [L e., the toe, or nail, or edge of the 
fore part of the foot, of a camel : see jib :] the 
extremity of the »_i». q/" the camel and ostrich 
and elephant, and o/" Me jofoi /ioo/": or eac/< o/ 
the two nail* (^j\^ib) of the camel, that are 
upon [each of] his fore-feet : or it is, !o a she- 

1 w j 

camel, like the jib to a mail : (M :) or the o»». 
of the camel, (S, K.,) and of the ostrich. (As, S.) 
■*• [Also, + The toe of a human being : sec a 
Terse cited Toce iju*., art. jJ^.] 

and ,,-J 

1 : see 6. 

6. »U.U3 Me pretended that he had forgotten 
it: (S, KL,»TA) and (TA) he forgot it; 
(MA, KL,« TA ;) liko * 'cLJ : (TA :) [or] he 
constrained himself to dismiss it from hit mind. 
(MA.) __ yj*$2 It (a word or the like) mas 
forgotten by degrees. (Occurring often in the 
larger Lexicons.) 

U-JI [vulg. I — Jl Jj^c, app. Tlw. sciatic vein ;] 

the portion, in the thigh, of the rein (Jjc) which, 

in the bach, is called the ,^3}, and which extends 

to the shank, where it is called the ^ilo : (TAth, 

TA, voce jyf I :) or the ^Lo and I— J I J^e are 

• ' 
two branches of one J^e [or vein]: (Ibn-Scena, 

vol. i. book iii. p. 008: [where the opening of 
each of these to let Mood is mentioned :]) [in a 
solid-hoofed animal,] L-Jt is a vein (J^c) pro- 
ceeding from the hip, or haunch, lying within 
each thigh, then passing by the hoch, so as to 
reach the hoof: tvlten the breast is fat, each of 
its thighs becomes cleft by two large portions of 
flesh, and the Lj runs between them, and is 
apparent. (S.) [In the present day it seems to 
be applied by some to the sciatic nerve: and 

l— Jl Jy&, as also l—JI alone, often signifies 

• • * - 

sciatica, or hip gout : see \j*A> and also mjub. 

- C- 

* r i'» *' • , *'•' 

tor i t . i.» : see a verso cited voce 

o*~ ' 

5 : see 10. 

10. LJji\ Jil£,l t [He snuffed the -wind] : 
(TA, art. j*~* :) he snuffed, scented, or smelt, 

the wind; as also t {^jjiS, (Msb.) Sec 10 in 


*' •' 

iilii What is tahen [or ladled out], while hot, 

from a coohing-pot. (TA.) 

1. wu He, or it, purified. (L.) 
jueli ua~j\ Intensely white. 

4. <ti~su\ He did justice to him: (MA:) he 
acted equitably with him : (Msb :) he gave him, 
or obtained for him, his right, or due, from (t>e) 
another; sec jjktl. _ oLaJl The giving what 
is right, or due : (M :) or the granting, or render- 
ing, justice. (KL, PS.) 4-oJUi ,^yei djLaJI 

[He exacted justice for him from his wronger]. 
(T voco^.) 

1. «UI JLLi, aor. -, (Mgb, Msb,) inf. n. 
ii-i, (Msb,) He took [or absorbed] the water 

from the ground, (Mgb, Msb,) or from a pool, 
(Mgh,) with a piece of rag or some other thing 
(Mgh, M«b) of a similar kind. (Msb.) 

• - *- 

2. Ciw She (a camel) [yielded frothy milk ;] 

hadWii. (S in art ytj. [See 2 in that art.]) 

4. «l*JI i^ij'iJl wilJI [/< caused the earth to 
imbibe the mater], said of the *y*~t. (£ voce 

8. <U« o^ul 7/e exacted, or obtained, his 
right, or rf«p, /ro/n /«/« (M,K) completely, so 
that each of them became on a par with the 

otlier; (K;) [i.e. with equity] JLaJbl 7< 

became halved: (Msb:) [of'teu said of the day- 
time (jVJI)]. 

«-i-aJI ^gU £~J>, and ouaJI ^JLc yJUl, 7< 
(wine) was boiled until half of it had gone, or 
evaporated. (TA, voce *jl£.) 

•- <- - •- • 

l^^ Oirf <Juai ,jlCo [A place half-way, 
midway, or equidistant, between two ^/ucm]. 

(Mughnee in art. Jl^-..) t»io3 A middle-aged 

woman or man : (S, K :) ^or forty-five years old .. 
or fif'V y cars old. (K.) Dim. 

arrow, (S, Mgh, K,) and of a spear, (S, ?,) and 

of a sword, (S, Mgh, Msb, K.) and of a knife, 

(S, Msb,) and the like. (M§b.) _ J^aJ The spun 

thread of the spindle: (K :) see jmm. 

• * ** • #•# 

J*oU <u*J ^4 t!«7-y w/tt'(< beard. (See iUixll 

'••• --•* »>• j»». 

wj>«JI> art o>.) — Jy^ 0"^» i>« •->**/ \* 

" ~ - i ' * * 

,J^lj : see J^ and ^jyi in two places. 

• -•- * . ., %, , 

io-ai or io-aj in ukmj see -u« 

5 - O"^ (^4 (j-** 3 : see ^jJJ. 

a . 

^j-oi ^4 certain plant : (S, TA :) Golins says, 
a sjweics of thistle ; but this scums to be incon- 

sistcnt with the description of it : sec &»~ij . — 
1 . t , 
j_j-ai jj^i. Gelded, castrated. The second word 

is an imitative sequent. 

<U-»U properly, in the language of the [classi- 
cal] Arabs, The place where the hair grows in 
the fore part of the head : and hence, the hair 
of that part ; the hair over the forehead ; ( Az, 
TA';) [and this is tho general meaning;) i.q. 
4-oS and ijb. (Msb, art. ,>»».) The forelock 

of a horse. — &yj ^^ i-eli: sec (^jju and 

• >• 


.4 woman's muffler : see jt»».. 

?•'*.,. . * " ••' ' •-- 

^V", dim. of ouaj : see o*^*- voce ^^U.. 

ii-u (pL oLflu) ^i drying-towel ; napkin. 

Expressed juice, (Mgh, Msb,) or wine, 
or beverage, (K,) eooM/ unftt A«//" o/" t'/ has 
gone [by evapoi-ation], (Mgh, Msb, K.) 

* . ,i 

ou>U« iVo< wholly ripe: [half-ripe:] applied 

to tne date. (TA, voce j—j.) 

a •>.-•« 

t>>JJI oUaJI [Half-bricks, or] c«< bricks, 

whereof the one is placed, in building, beside the 
whole brick, for the purpose of ornamentation. 
(Msb in art. *->»•.) 

• •• 
w )-ai The iron head or i/arfe (Mgh, ]£) of an 

JJaJ A tree of which yelloio cups (^-IjJI) an 
xade. (T, in TA, voce »->-*•) See ^j— >jlj. 


1. <i-UaJ 7/e ovrcame him, or surpassed him, 
in shooting. (S, Mfb, 1£.) 

» * , - 
3. 4JU9U /7c nud, competed, or contended for 

superiority, with him in shooting. (§, Msb, !£•) 
__ aJLsU , lui. 11. JUui : see <c^. __ <ut J-iL> 
I He defended him, pleaded in defence of him, 
or repelled from him ; (]£, TA ;) spoke in his 
defence, excusing him ; (S, TA ;) defended him, 
&c, as above ; (S ;) contended, or pleaded, in 
his defence ; (TA ;) defended him ; and con- 
tended in his defence. (Msb.) 

1. J-aJI Lai He outstripped the other horses : 
see ijfJi. 

« • 

>Ai A lean, 01 emaciated, camel : fern, with 

S. (§, Msb, ^.) jL, yci [Lean, or emaciated 


by journeying] ■ applied to a beast. (TA, in 

5. ££J3, (KL,) orj>ia\ J> ^Li, (S,K,) 
He went deeply, or far, in speech; (KL;) syn. 
^»ju : (S, K :) was exorbitant, or extravagant, 
therein : (K :) or *Lj3 signifies he spoke with 
the extremity of hi* fauces; [or with a guttural 
voice;'] from «JaJI signifying the upper jlc in 
the mouth. (IAth.) 

l3 .* t it >1 o 

a-jlLJI oj^aJI and iotkJI Dental letters: 

CO O. 

• ft 

• * s 



*J»j and " xiu and ui and sJaJ A certain 
thing (Munjid of Kr, Mgh, Msb, K) that is 
spread [upon the ground to serve as a table for 
food, and for play at chess or the like, and to 
receive the head of a person when it is cut off], 
(Munjid, K,) made of leather ; (Munjid, Mgh, 
Msb, K ;) a piece of leather that is spread upon 
the ground for any of the purposes above men- 
tioned. _ The anterior part of the palate ; sec 


• a . 

ctiaj A man mho makes 


(T, in TA, art. La..) 

and who binds 

Earrings : see a verse citod in art. 

I - • > 

iUJki Sperma of a man (S, Msb, K) and of a 

woman. (Msb.) 

* *' 
OLtU A hind of sweetmeat ; (Msb ;) i. q. 

J*£. (?,Msb.) 

1. tf m i trans, by means of w> : see Ham, 
p. 75. _ <u fJWi means he pronounced it, or 
articulated it. _,>1»J, said of a bird or any 
animal : sec Bd, xxvii. 16. 

3. aAJpU, inf. n. AibU», Z7/e tallied, or rfi.s- 
coursed, with him ; syn. *^i\£», (TA,) followed 
by v before the subject of talk, &c. (TA in art. 

6. libUJ 7Vy two talked, or discoursed, each 

with the other ; like *^U3. (TA.) 

j # » •* • 
10. <»k> T, < l Zf« desired him to speak; (TA;) 

[Wfterr^atea* Aim ;] A« s/wAs to Aim unft7, or so 

that, he spoke. (Msb.) 

jUaj The Jar (ipi^U) of a door. (TA, art. 
>J.) «U>»JI J 1 ^ r/ "» -B* °/ 0rion •" 8ee 

«» - «- » 

A3UaJ A. <j°cAe< of price, or weight : see iiUaj . 

• • 
JU»U _ 4JU»U jLLt Singing birds. __ Jil»U 

an epithet applied to A decnar. —. Jl^b j«»»- .1 

rational root, in arithmetic; opposed to jju*. 

^ol. (Mgh, art. jjktk..) — JislJ ^^...a. .4 

rational animal. 

•s- - 

cUibb Rationality. 

• «' 

J»lu* Speech: (S:) Diction; or expression of 

ideas, or meanings, by voice and words. (K, TA.) 

/. <?. <LoU».; (Msb ;) «4 Awa* of girdle, 
zone, or waixt-bclt, which is fastened round the 
waist with a buckle or clasp ; worn by men and 
by women ; and when worn by wealthy women 
generally adorned with jewels, tyc, and having 
also two plates of silver or gold, also generally 

jewelled, which clasp together. See ^ejj^t . 

ifeiaUo Eloquent : (S, K :) or able in speech ; 
an able speaker. (TA in art. »y.) 

« Jf JO. I, ft • .ft 

Lj Jjh.pll 4«XaJI : sec <L»Xa> . 

f ft ft. 4.0. 

JJa-j : see JJ»~w. 

3 n u; : see AfJsu. 

t * * * ' .0 



8. 5jU_oJI cJaiil : see c<J»&1, in art. by. 

ILki Distance, or far extent; syn. joy. (TA.) 
See J5li, in art. J^i. 

iUk>U A female weaver : pi. J*ly.^ (TA in art. 

10- JW c>f >==-> J1 oUebUwl : see ^a-Owl. 

1. ^»j [He pierced :] he pierced and knotted 
a cord or rope : and he (a ^l^i-) pierced and 
plaited [the leaves of] the J-i-e. (M.) __ 
^^kj -Hi strung beads. (Msb.) 

8. * +m2 il 7/c transfixed, or transpierced, him; 

(M ;) i. y. illll. (S, M, K.) ^^Lj| /< (an 

affair [and language, ice.]) wa. jr became, 


rightly [or regularly] ordered, arranged, or 
disposed. (Msb.) 

^lii Tf 7 Aa< are strung, of pearls and beads, &c. 
(M.) _ J&JI : see iij^Jt. 

>»UaJ [A standard of a thing, by which to regu- 
late or adjust it. Sec voce jUft.] <_ J The cause, 
or means, of the subsistence, of anything; or its 
foundation, or support; syn. il*^»» : (M, F[ :*) 
a tropical meaning. (TA) _ t A wa#, course, 
mode, or manner, of acting or conduct or <Ae 

/iAe ; custom, or /<ai/'i!. (M, K.) _ «^s*^ u-^ 1 
>>UxJ f «H** affair has not a right tendency. (T.) 

.« . ft ft* .ft. 

And >UiJ ^k^^ Lrr J t 7%«'r affair has not a 

■right way, or method, of procedure, nor con- 

s. . 1 
nexion, or coherence, ( J JLa i U.) (M, TA,) nor right 

tendency. (TA.) And ju>.1 « >UiJ ,-1* Jlj U 
f He ceased not to follow one custom, or manner 
of conduct. (M,TA.) And £ >»UiJ ^ i-oiU^I 
+ [Storjcc having no foundation, or no ri//A< ten- 
rfenry or lenour]. (M and K in art. jJaw.) 

jt\iij and "^crt* 1 ' A. composer of many verses, 
or of much poetry. (TA.) 

4 - 1 1. 

^^glii: see ,,UiJ. 


1. laju, at r. -, inf. n. lxaj and fcyu (S, Msb, 
K,) an.l &xi, (ISd, K,) 7t (the vj, ?, or ^i, 
Msb, K,) became erect, (S, Msb, K), by reason 
of carnal appetite ; (Msb ;) as also V&sul. (M, 

4. liuxJt, (Msb, K,) inf. n. iliJl, (S, Msb,) 
He (a man, Msb, K,) became affected with car- 
nal appetite : (S, Msb, K :) and in like manner 
•SJimi), said of a woman. (Msb, K. # ) — Hi* 
penis became extended. (M, in art. J_jj.) — 
C-JaaJt She (a boast) opened and contracted, 
alternately, her vulva; (S, K;) and so twjajuit. 

(AO, K.) — . See also 1. = aJsuuI 7/e caused it 
to become erect : (S :) or put il in motion : (Msb :) 

namely bis wy, (S,) or ^&i. (Msb.) 
8 : see 4. 

.fcuu ^»- A . vulva excited by carnal appetite. 

L$s-(j That excites erection of the penis. (K.) 
ljj_tUJI «_>;-ii [app. a mistranscription for 4j^-i 
Ji^cUl] Medicine which lias that effect : men- 
tioned by Z and Ibn-'Abbad. (TA.) 

1. &&JI Jt ^yj Jju Be hallooed them on to 
fight, etc. : see 10 in art. ys.. 


Jt-cU One who drives away the beasts, and 
cries out after them. (TA in art Jcj.) 

ili*U : see iliilc. 



gee 4. 

*• >-i»Ji c-JjuI and " <Ubu J affixed a sole 
to the bottom of the vJCi. [i. e. boot] : and hence, 
*#UJI C«Jl»JI and * LiUi. (Msb.) See^j-j. 

8. tftjlJi «iXii ? l : see JJ». 

J«i [A .?(inJa/ ; a sole :] the Mirt^ fty which 
the foot is preserved, or protected, from the 
ground} (K ;) syn. flJLa. : and also appliod to 
a i-o^-U [or *Aoe]. (M§b.) JFAa* u now ca/W 
•Ly-13. (lAth, TA.) It often signifies only a 
«ofe : so in the S, K, Msb, fee., in art. Juaa. &c. 
m»m The leathern shoe, or sandal, of a camel ; 
tc/tt'cA u attached by thongs, or straps, called 
w2lj* (pi. of Saw;-,) to <Ae iejui. or plaited 
thong which surrounds the pastern : see iawjl* 

■nd Jj.**.. — Jju of a sword The iron, (Kr, 
§i £,) <> r silver, (S,) fAi'n/J [or s/toe] at the lower 
end of the scabbard. (Kr, S, K.) See Slili, 
and 2 in art. c .e>i. — Jjii meaning A ijt*, or 
hard rugged tract of land, &c. : sec AL.j. __ 
Juu t 4 ">«/t'. See 

J*5— ^*» 

upon him a thing as a favour. See p'r- l. — 
A^fc^xil He kneaded it well, thoroughly, or 
*ound/y. (TA, voce «£.) — j£j| ^| JESt 
bruised or powdered finely : see ,>5j. _ ^-«JI 
a » » ■ ; -* ' -ffe cooked it well; syn. d^LLb S^-'. 
(IbrD.) The verb is often used in this sense. 
-_ Ujft iLi ai\^K>\ : see i^oi^l. 

«»• ^-*-iJ #« enjoyed, or fed, an easy, a 
pleasant, a soft, or a delicate, life, with ample- 
ness of the means of subsistence ; a life of ease 
and plenty. (K.) — j£j It (a tree) became 
flourishing and fresh, (TK, art. ^jy, &c.,) 
luxuriant, succulent, sappy, soft, tender, and 
supple. See ^jj. —J.&3 i.q. i£^. (Msb.*) 

3 contr. of J-j^, (?,) [like **L«J and 
» ^yo* and ▼ a»ju and t^^ : ] p ]. ^ t- (S.) 
See io.aJ. 

a * 

,jJUj One roAo to//e.t rare of the sandals or 

#Aoe* [at the door of a bath or mosque"]. (TA 
in art. yy.) 

J*0 Wearing, or /jawy on the feet, sandals. 

j Even so; yes; yea. (Msb, &c.) See 
• - » • - * 

J*.l and J«^. 

< ' * # 

^sj Pasturing JL [or catt/e]; mostly applied 

to camels, and near, and */<ee/, and ,70a**: or 
applied to a// these, and to camels when alone, 
but neat and sheep or goats when alono are not 
thus termed ; (Msb ;) therefore, cattle, con- 
sisting of camels or neat or sheep or goats, or 
all these, or camels alone. 


t '*' 1 ♦ !"*.* • * , " 
C5«*» and T i[^x, and ***}, ea*? and plenty,] 

enjoyment; (M ? b ; ) [wrf/art-; well being; weal:] 
* lt *' a "d * i>**i are the conrr. 0/ ,jj^ and 
iCC: (TA, art ^i/:) »Tji, JJ^ t|tU>,» the 
Kur [xi. 13,] is like health after sickness; and 
richness, or competence, after want (Bd.) _ 
i»*j A blessing ; (S ;) a cause of happiness. 
(K.) A favour: a benefit; and the like. (S.) 
— l+ai Wealth, or property. (K.) The first 
explanations given to it above are assigned in 
the K, not to this word, but to ♦ j ^ : h'- and 
" \j+*j. — i«*j with the article seems gene- 
rally to signify Wealth: and without the article, 
A benefit, benefaction, favour, boon, or blessing. 

i»*i The act of rejoicing by a thing : and the 
state of rejoicing in a thing. (KL.) 

,^4*3 contr. of ^,# ; (S, TA in art. ^l ;) 
<— •» ~.t. 
and iU*i co?i<r. 0/ jUI/. (TA in that art.) 

See ~ 

2l«ju : see <i«ju. 

I. avlefi ^,ju His life was, or became, plentiful 
and easy : (Msb :) was, vr became, good, or 

pleasant. (Mgh.) Seo o^c ^_._". , a or. ^, 

is like J^», aor. ^, and J-oi., aor i. See the 
latter. — ulCi J«5| , and U-U, JU : see ^jS 

and --Li ^, inf. n. iUyL' ; (S, Msb ;) and 

■*? i (? j) "^ "W*» or becaiM, soft, or tender, 
(S, Msb,) to r7*e/eer. (Msb.) 

2. <4-lj, (S, Msb, K,) and * i^ilJ, (S, K.) 
^e (God, S, Msb,) made Aim to e/yoy, or lead, a 
plentiful, and a pleasant or an easy, and a soft, 
or delicate, state, or life; a state, or life, of 

ease and plenty. (S, Msb, K.) l.' Q jj He 

nourished well him, or it ; pampered him. 

3: see 2. 

*• Jtj^f ^* >»A»I He conferred, or bestowed, 

•*ij J*yJ'^»»» Excellent, or wo*/ excellent, or 
excellent above all, is the man, Zeyd; or [rcry 
or] superlatively good, &c. (Msb.) See JJL. 

*«6«/. o/^^aJ (Msl), K) in the sense of 
*tA (K,) or ^i: (Msl,:) or i. „. __ ^ . 
(S : in F's smaller copy, ^**J3, an evident mis- 
take :) i.e. plrntifulness, and pleasantness or 
easiness, and softness or delicacy, of life : ease 

and plenty i£ A living in [or rather 

enjoyment of a life of] softness, daintiness, 
or delicacy, and ease, comfort, or affluence: 
(KL:) i.q. t^^j. (Msb;) a„d &£ : (Jel 
in xliv. 20:) it is' fami ^1 j and * iJL is 
from Jufy. (Ksh, cited in Kull, p. 304.) 
See iU; : and see Sip. _ ydji j^j ry/^ 
flourishing freshness, softness, tenderness, or 
blooming loveliness or graces, of youth. See 
v*j*.] — i»«J Softness; tenderness; bloom; 
or flourishing freshness (IbrD ;) of a branch ; 
and of youth, or youthfulness. (M, art. jd* ; &c.) 

***j and *^^J and » fi+Aj A benefit; 
benefaction; favour; boon; or good: (S, Msb:) 
a blessing; [bounty; gratuity;] or m>,W God 
bestows upon one: and so tj^ ■ (S :) fcpviee of 
God :] and *^»J and t aJL^ with fet ; hj r an d 

Enjoyment; [delight; pleasure;] as also 
, q. v.: (Msb:) p/enty and ease. (K.) See 

i«laj The blackness of night. (S in art. JouL>.) 


see an ex. voce 

<UUi 7%e ostrich : it 

• JO. 

\" j»tjm~* and 

sometimes denotes tlio female. S 
i!^>-. — ^ayioUi cJli : sec jjU», Jlj, Jli, and 
a verse voce LI. __ <LLJI ^\ Tlie shanh-bone : 
and a certain vein in the leg: and the mid din, 
or beaten track, of the road: and the brisk, 
lively, or sprightly, horse: and the drawer of 
water (^JLJI) mho is at the head of the well. 
(T in art. ^.) — iiUi and ^li«Li of a well- 

see (jjayj ^aSLill Nine stars [of Sagittarius], 

behind ii^Jt, four in the MiUiy Way, [fi, y, 8, 
and €,] called Vjjiyi^LJI, as though drinldng ; 
and four uUhout the Milky Way, [fc a, t, and <*.,] 
called *iw»)l ^laJt, a« though returning from 
drinking ; and the ninth, [X,] [not mentioned by 
some,] high between them : each of the two fours 
forming the corners of a quadrilateral Jigure. 
The twentieth Mansion of the Moon. (El- 

• - •». 

jtM ,J^e. [A plentiful and easy life. See 

] A pleasant life. (Mgh.) [A soft, 
or delicate, life.] — ^C Soft, or tender : ap. 
plied to a plant or tree : (Mgh :) [smooth ; sleek. 

And 1. q. j^XU,.] 

J*u, applied to a horse, white on the forelegs 1 



tUI, pi. pi. tAj£\ see a verse cited voco 



1. t\JL> He announced his death ; see a verso 
cited voce i)l^yl». 

iiLJu : see l/J-£, and jjO. 

iilAJl Certain portion* o/Jlesh by the uvula. 
(O iu art. J>A*.) 

oUiu Portions of dry mucus : see iiel-. 

JLAJ and JL»-i, of a crow, signify the 
same. (Lh in O, art. J>*.) 

J*i [in the CKL JAi] A hide vitiated, or 
rendered unsound, (S, £,) in the tanning. (K.) 

iLij ^j\ The son of a female slave. (T in 
art. ^.) 

1. ^Ai, aor. r and £, 7/e spoke in a low, 
gentle, or soft, voice or <o»r : (S, Mfb :) [he 
»poke in an undertone :] he used such a voice in 
singing : (K :) or he modulated his voice, or 
made melody, in singing. (TI£.) Seo \^j».- 


BOO ^>-i. 

see i^*/*** 

use or benefit, or was useful or beneficial, to him. 
__ <Uo djuu : see an ex. voce j». __ U»XJ £*-i> 
and \J£> tj*e, It (a medicine) u good, beneficial, 
or profitable, as a remedy, for, or against, such 
a thing, meaning 'such a disease or the like. 

2. *xii, inf. n. %*»£, He caused *A» to 
to him. (TA.) 



i**j Gentle-toned speech ; syn. > »'}UJl ^-y^. : 

(Msb :) and sweetness of voice, or melody, in 

recitation [and in Kinging]. (S, Msb.) _ [Also, 

* « - 
A musical sound, or note :] a melody : seo JjJ» : 
* ' ' - 
sweet sound: pi. ol*iu. (KL.) 

A+ iX ..» : see voce A««l» 

3. »liu lie interchanged speech with Aim, 
each of them addressing the other with a word 

*,9 • »* * •* - 

or saying: (TA :) igju *JI C«e *l signifies 7 
addressed to him a word or saying : and 2UU*)1 
signifies *\ tt » f .\y t i\. (•»£.) 

1. *«AJ 

if profited him ; availed him ; teas of 

8. *U iiit JZe benefited or profited by it: 
made use of it ; had the use of it ; enjoyed it ; 
like <u 5U0J. See 10. 

10. iiJLjL.1 //* sought, or demanded, his 
profiting him, or /><?*';i£ useful to him. (IAar, 
TA.) — And *AU>»I sometimes occurs m the 
sense of * *iuJI. (TA..) 

«i3 contr. of ^e : (TA :) or a thing whereof 
one makes use for the attainment of good: (B :) 
or good: or a means of attaining one's desire. 

ajta~o [.4 cause, or means, of advantage, 
profit, utility; or benefit: and simply, advan- 
tage; profit, or profitableness; utility, use, 

9& m * 

usefulness ; or benefit :] contr. of i } A«. (S, art. 

1. Jj-JI cJUJ The market became brisk, its 

* , . * * * 

(700^/.* selling much; syn. C~el». (K.) _ ^«j 

7< rea*, or became, saleable ; easy, or ready, of 

sale; or in much demand: sec its syn. «-lj. _ 

• -,- ' »• , 

wJui /* (a commodity, i*JU,) MM »'« »*«™ 

demand : and s/tc (a woman) tea* demanded in 

marriage by many. (Msb.) — ^\ } ^i\ C»*»>, 

inf. n. Jii, 7V dirhems passed away, came to 

an end, or became spent or exhausted; syn. 

OjjU. (Msb.) 

3. ^>iU J/is played the hypocrite in religion : 
(K, TA :) he pretended, to the Muslims, that he 
held the religion of El-Islam, concealing in his 
heart another religion than El-Islam. (Msb.) 
And d"^j Ji\j He acted with such a one kypo- 
critically. (TK in art. ,JA}. [But I have not 

found this elsewhere.]) And a .a. H ^ ijiv 
[He acted the hypocrite in respect of love]. 

(Har, p. 505.) See o^- 

4. Jiiil He expended money : and he (God or 
a man) dispensed gifts. 

5. jjJ-t 11 ■*- Ltlj [TAe slaughtered camel 
became dealt out, or dispensed]. (S, If in art. 

ia^i.) ^>»l3 : see Har, p. 472 Ji-J It (a 

wound) cracked in its sides, and made, in the 

flesh, what resembled t JUil, i.e. Ao/c» t'n </w 


ground, or subterranean excavations or habita- 

9. * 
tions, pi. of Jii. (TA in art.^^-j.) 

• ^ # ■ « * 9 ,9t 

fj « •■ ; see w>-> — jUil The hole* of rats 
or mice. (S, TA in art. ^,/U. :) see 1 in that 
art. : holes in the ground; or subterranean 
excavations or habitations ; pi. of i }ii. (TA 
in art. ^i.) Sec 5. s= Also, Fresh olive-oil: 
see Jli in art. Jy : also mentioned in art. Jii 
in the TA. 

i What one expends, of money and the 
like, (K, TA,) upon himself and upon his 
family or household. (TA.) 

Jmuj The part of a pair of drawers, or trousers, 
which is turned down at the top, and tewed, and 
through which the waistband, or string, passes. 
bee <Uu. 


2. aUJ, inf. n. J-iJ, He gave him spoil, 
(3, Msb,* K,) and a free and disinterested gift. 
(Msb, K.) And it is doubly trans. : sec 2 in 

yjkt Trifolium mclilotus indica of Linn. : and 
medicago intrrtexta of Linn. (Delile, nos. 700, 

730.) — jii : se 

jjiu : see s— J. 

iiiC : the pi , Jilyl, is explained in the TA, 
art jj^, by J^'^j [Accessions, or additions]. — 
What accedes to, or exceeds, the original. (T.) 
A voluntary gift, by way of alms, or as a good 
ww/r: (T:) a gift: (K.:) or a gift j^> ,j* : 
(M:) a deed beyond what is incumbent, or 
obligatory. (M, K.) — aJLiU Supererogatory 
prayer. (S, Msb.) Sec £>laJ. 

1. alii i/c <//'orc away, expelled, or banished, 
him, or it. (T, iu TT.) 

3. IJkA i5»W '•** ***• precludes the co-existence 
of this therewith ; is inconsistent, or incompatible, 
with this. 

6. UiU5 TViey ^roo were incompatible. 

8. \J£i\ It was negative : contr. of C~j and 
and ^-»j. (IbrD.) .^ .^i ^>« ,_^il He 
denied a thing; meaning an accusation or the 

like : syn. «— eu3. 

4jU» Refuse; i.e. n'Aa/ owe rejects, of a thing, 
because of its badness: (S:) or r</i/*e Kttfa tn 
quantity: (T :) or the remains, and bad portion, 


of a thing : (M, K :) or, accord, to JAar, what 
is bad of wheat or food. (M.) 

I •, •* 

jji-U J** A »er6 rendered negative by its 

being preceded by U or the like ; contr. of 
C- f • and v-fcj-). — ^s*-* J>y& A denied 
sentence; contr. of C~JU and sr-a-j-o ; virtually 

the same as i_iU j>~^s a denying, or negative, 


L jtii ami " juUlwt J< (water) remained, or 
stagnated, or collected, in a hollow, or cavity : 
(Mgh:) or remained long, and became altered: 
(Msb :) or the former [and latter] collected in a 
mLu : (S :) or the latter [and former] became 

yellow and altered. (K.) *Ju and v«Jul 

[//« macerated, steeped, or soaked, a medicine, 
in tcafer,] //e /e/i »< in water until its colour 
became changed. (Msb.) 

* \ 

10: J 

HCC 1. 

*eii An infusion; meaning, a beverage made 
by steeping something in water: (Msb:) and a 

*SU j^a Poison that takes effect ; (S, K ;) 
that hills: (TA:) that remains fixed, (Abu-n- 
Nasr, K, TA,) and collects. (Abu-Nasr, TA.) 

5tiil More, or. most, thirst-quenchtng : see 
*-• j * 

an ex. under iUJI, in art. i>»-; and another 

voce wiiy. 

Acyul The hollow, or depression, of j*jjj, 
(S, A, K,) «'w u?//ic/< Me gravy collects. (A, K.*) 

•U %k~a, ami jU " »«.:. », /l ;</(/cr roAere 
water remains and collects ; where it collects and 
stagnates ; or where it remains long, and becomes 
altered. See *i->. 

>»jj| «i~» Untwisted old thread which a 
woman spins a second time, and puts into the 
stone coohing-pots, because s/ie has nothing but 
these [in which to de/>osit it]. (S<;h, K, TA. 
[From the K it would seem to be aJLu alone: 
and in the CK, >>ljJI is erroneously put for 
>»I^JI : Golius found it written vot^JI; and has 
wrongly explained it in his Appendix.]) _ 
aJLu jo* Poison made into a confection. (S, K, 

• m Sm m J • .•- 

XJkiSmmA \ See *i~o. 

JU- .4 *pcct'e* o/ ejj [or cowry]; (S, K*;) 

pi. i_*SL»: (TA in art. c,>j: and thus in the 

M in art. J*o : in the T in that art. ou*L« : 

f » < • j 

see JUj.) See J^. 


1. <Uii ITe related it, told it, or mentioned it, 
from another ; he transmitted it ; he transcribed 
it. See 1 in art. ^S... liji. «UI Jii [//« 
related to him a tradition], (Msb.) __ <tlij 
.Hie transferred it; shifted it; translated it; 
conveyed it. lie discerned it, or /00A an^ w»en- 
tioned it, namely a word or phrase or significa- 
tion, from ((>») such a one ; he quoted it ; i. e. 
* * •* * • * » j«« « 

fo~\ w>U& ^^* <yU£» ^t *JUL> Ae transferred 

it to his book from another book. 

mi .*■- M •> 

5. JiJli Jiuj [and J-i-3 alone] He ate J*i. 
(MA.) _ Hcnco, w . ».x». )ly Jib 7/e amused 
himself with talk; like as one amuses himself 
with the eating of fruit after a meal : seo 

8. JjujI He shifted, removed, or passed, from 

ono place, or time (as in an instance in the K 

- , »« 
voce £>-<0> or state, to another. 

>lji*>)l Jii T/ie shifting of the feet from place 

to place Ji-JI Ri i. q. ajjj«3l il/ The ^ that 

renders a verb trans. ; as in «u ^-*i. (Mughnee 
in art. u) _ JJLJU iUI or JJLJLI ilyjl means 
ie*l^l ^'l aliiyi ^« jiiU, i.e. The 5 that 
is added for the transference of a word from the 
category of epithets to that of substantives ; as 

9* m *' . 

in 4a~U-, accord, to some, and spij. 


Jii Dried and o/Aer fruits (such as rm<«, 

almonds, raisins, dried figs, dried dates, &c), 
[and comfits :] the y"ri«* [Ma/ M an accompani- 
ment] of wine; (MA in explanation of Jii 
[which is more common than Jii] ;) fruit that 
is eaten with wine. (KL in explanation of 


Jii Stone* re&A <ree«. (AZ and IKtt in TA, 
* , . 

voce j-w-.) 

iiili i. y. ii^i (JK, Msb) >JI J*-U- i>>. 

A thing upon which bricks are carried 
from place to place. (O, voce \m> fit.) 

iiiJA : A wound in the head, by which bone 
is removed : see 

JL « ; t II [Discerned knowledge; opposed to 
Jj » - ■»]• under this term are comprised the 
sciences of ChjJI J>>ol (ako called j»*jlJDI ^oi*). 


woAaJI, and <uU3l: all the other sciences are 

* mm 

comprised under the term JyU^Jt ; (IbrD ;) i. c. 
intellectual, or perceived by the intellect; and 

• ''*•* m » m 

^U i\ [An eel] i.q. [Pers.] ^U jU [and 
^JLSjI]. (En-Nadr, in TA, voce i-o*-) 

1. a^U j,ij He exacted vengeance upon him, 
punis/ied him : see an ex. voce j^j^I in art. 
jju. See 8. 

8. <ti* C » « *■ * ■ ' ! / took, or executed, vengeance 
on him, or inflicted penal retribution on him, for 
that which he had done: (JK :) or I punished 
him; (S, Msb, K ;) as also 4U tjJB, (Msb, 
K,) and 4ie, (TA,) aor. ;; (Msb, K;) and 

'ii. (K.) See lUi. 

[and *>»LiiJl] Vengeance; or jjenni 
retribution. (JK.) 

1. <uu IZe recovered, but not completely, his 
health and strength: (TA:) or he became con- 
valescent; or sound, or healthy; at the close of 
his disease : (S :) or sound, or healthy, but was 
yet weak. (K.) See £$jj. 


<LkliJ [ Convalescence ;] the slight degree of 

health that immediately succeeds sickness. (TA, 
art. '\jj.) 

t Sm 

2. »Ui He cleansed it ; cleared it ; picked it ; 
purified it ; removing from it what was bad. 
(Msb, &c.) 

10. iJUmmA He took extraordinary pains, or 
the utmost pains, in cleansing his body. (Mgh.) 
You say also, J^Jl ,>• j^Ji\ < J^->\ (K, art. 
j^,) [He tooh extraordinary pains in cleansing 
the jibi from urine: or] he cleansed the j£»±s 

1. '». m 

entirely from urine ; syn. <UlyU.,»l . (TA in that 

mm m <.».• 

art.) — v SL SmmA : sec voce t^i-l. 

i-ii The pith of canes, or reeds : see j>*J. — 
Somewhat of fat in a camel. (TA in art. ^»xb.) 

i ' t. . 1 

__ And Marrow; i.q. ±-c. (TA voco »jly-o.) 

JU\ Olij, or UJI, The l&L [or iCU.]; to 
which the fingers (O^) °f virgins are likened : 



(T in art. J^ :) a certain small reptile, that 
dwells in sand, resembling a fish, smooth, and 
having a mixture of whiteness and redness ; called 
also UUI i»li. (TA.) See i&L and JJJLi. 
_— lii or .yu jl« extended gibbous piece of 
sand. (S,» Msb,* K.) 

ijlju T/ie extract, or re/use, of a thing : see 


Ju«, laid of a sheep, Becoming a little fat : 
i , • »« 

see >.L>. _ A new, syn. JL^- (TA, art. 

c ii — .1 

ajUj The inflicting injury upon an enemy : 
(MA, KL:) slaying and wounding among the 
enemy : (S, JC :) or making much slaughter, 
(MA,) or a great, or vehement, slaughter or 
wounding, (Msb,) [i. e the making havock,] 
among the enemy: (MA, Msb:) the inflicting 
a routing and overthrow among the enemy. 
(ISk, TA.) 

•»JLi and ■»-■■ .1-' Indigo-pigment . 
art. jy . 

860 ,wyj 

A woman who trims the split palm- 
stalks in mat-making : see y«kS and iJsU-. 

4. jxil : see oxu and <ui. 
i»— • : see jX~o. 

ixvli, so written for 2x& or i*£< in the O and 
K, voce 1$^-, q. v., [The liead of a plant.] 



f-y^i °f a child, before it becomes hard. (L, 
TA.) See also lyC. 

. * *f ' a ' 

2. vpl Jh>j [He mended a garment] i.q. 

*%. (TA in art. UU.) 

• I" 

o. Jn»J A formication or stinging, as of the 

torpedo fish: see " Abdollatiphi Hist. Aeg. 
Comp.," p. 82. 

OW>U J»»J -Rea* ant*; see \Jjp>\, in art £•>. 

«iUi A kind of medlar-tree, Mespilus aronia. 
_ •- ■» 
See «yjj. 

1. ^ J£fc [uttered calumny : or] excited dis- 
cord, or distension, and made known discourse 
in a mischievous manner ; or embellished speech 

with falsehood. (M, K.) You say, <tj _^i and 

ApU, inf. n. j^> and <i « a »> and jn+J, or this last 

is pi. of *•*»->, (M,) meaning, He calumniated 

him ; or misrepresented him. __ wojaJI V # e 

1. .^t 0-» J^, aor. --, inf. ... J& ; and ; '" arfe ** 0,<m > *'«*W or < oW > conversation, in 
.-,- ',#'-« T r i rt malicious or mischievous manner, so as to 

\JS>i. aor. '-; nnd T JJ.wl ; He abstained from , \ ,. , ,. ., ... , rn , 

^ ' occasion discord, dissension, or the like. (TA, 
or refused to do, the thing, from disdain and rH ^j . and Msb.*) 

pridr. (Msb.) 

0. IJj£» % -o^o-j t_ii-J [He waited, Ac.,] i. y. 
«i-*U. (TA in art.^i-o, from the " Nawitilir.") 

10. <u« uUw-l (KL/ MA) He disdained, or 
scorned, it; was ashamed of it. (KL, MA.) Seel. 

*i£j : soe ajjuc, and JJi) 


1. JJu, aor. JJUj, sec 1 in art. J-ai. 

J£JI signifies AJljii J.Cj ^jJI. (A, art. 

i^ae.) — See JJO. 

JJu and » ^Jxi : see Jjy. 

J)lxi Any punishment serving to give warning 
to others than the sufferer: (M, K, TA :) or 
that restrains the offender from repeating the 
offence. (lid, ii. 6.) 

l^i The odour of the mouth. (S, TA.) 

1. JjO, aor. : , inf. n. !tG, lie (an enemy) 
was defeated, and overcome. (TA, art. US.) 

K. Q. 1. ^->r> lie variegated a thing : he 
decorated or embellished it. (S, K.) 

~*i The sound of the bow-string. (Kr.) __ 
ti-o->oJ Malicious and mischievous misrepresen- 
tation ; calumny ; slander ; (S, K ;) the embel- 
lishment of speech with falsehood. (Kr.) 

j^\-i> The sutures of the' skull; as rcsom- 

... ,. ... *%' 

bling lines of writing ; see ,jUr. 

yoUJ now commonly applied to Wild thyme, 
thymus serpyllum : see ^jl^li. 

* "" ' * '•* 

<uU The artery in the head : see ^1. 

^y^o A garment, or piece of cloth, figured 

with marks resembling writing, or otherwise. 
•a* j 


I Having no eyebrows. (TA in art. 



icl^i The upper part of the head : and also 
the part that is in a state of commotion, of the 

I (thus generally written, Msb) The head 
[ot end] of a finger; (S, Msb ;) i.e. (Msb) the 
joint (J-euU) (Az, Msb) in which is the nail : 
(Az, Msb, K :) [i. e. the ungual phalanx, with, 
or without, t lie flesh upon it: (see y>»jJ :)] or 
a joint, or an articulation, (ijie) of the fingers. 

»• \j+>t aor. ; , inf. n. tl^j, /< increased; (M, 
K> Mgh, TA;) multiplied ; became plentiful, or 
abundant; (Msb, TA ;) said of a thing, (Msb,) 
of cattle, or wealth, (S, Mgh, TA,) &c. (TA.) 

— c^'j'i" ">^oJ ^'Ae /««rf throve, or yielded 


..i .it 

4. ^--aJI ^yoJI ^Ae quarry died out of sight 

of tho sportsman : see -^el. 

8. *Jl ^yo^il Zle asserted his [own] relation- 
ship [of son] to him ; (S, Msb, K ;) like ij£«r. 
(S and Msb in art. j>e.) 

ij^U, of a grape-vino, The shoot upon which 
arc the bunches of grapes : (M, K :) or the eye, 
or bud, that breaks open so as to disclose its 
leaves and its berries: (M :) or it* branches: 
pl.>£. (T.) 

R. Q. 1. du <Uyj lie cried out to him, or at 
him, namely, a benst of proy, in order that he 
might forbear, refrain, or abstain. (TA.) 

JiblyJI The channels of the tears of a horse. 
(M in art. ^->.) 

1. ^tj-JI diyj JETe consumed the beverage. 

(IjL.) _ ^V^ 1 ^^V [W* ' an w ^ rff ^ or eroded 
it], namely, a hide. (M and It, voco JjiJUU.) 
See JAUU. 


8. «ull j>j\a~c ^Xyijl [ZTe violated the sacred 
ordinances of God,] he did that which God had 
forbidden him to do. (ijar, p. 18 ; where see 
more.) __ dl»jm. ji^\ He violated [his honour, 
&c.]. (MA.) 

• f. 

■&}**• Affected with a constant, or chronic, 

pervading disease ; or emaciated by disease, so as 
to be at the point of death. (S, 1£.) See »LytU. 

Jyi A fir t drinking : see JJU. 

• .*' 
Jy^« A watering-place ; i.e., a spring to which 

camels come to water. (S, Msb.) 

1. j*f He had an inordinate desire or appetite 
(8, Msb, £) for food. (S, £.) 

A chiding of camels. (TA.) 

• - 

■^V i*ijb A road wlterein is [heard] a 
chiding of camels: (T A:) see ^C. 

1. «-i* »lyj V/e forbade him it. __ , ■ - 7 "^ 
,jt«3 ^jj : seo art. ^jyw, in two places. 

6 : see 8. 

8 - •*• csr^!* and V 1 * 3 ' &* refrained, 
abstained, or desisted, from it, as forbidden ; 
left, relinquished, or forsook it. (S, Msb.) See 
an ex. of the latter voce jl^. _ <u)l v «^ : - i, -R 
ultimately reached, or extended, and sometimes 
i< *o pertained, to him, or t'< .• in the latter sense 
said of authority and the like : and simply, it 

reached to him, or it ^Li\ <tJ| { J r il\ , and 

' (,5*&, The information, or news, reached him. 
(?•) — frfy j^J \jr-'\ He came at last, or 

ultimately, to a place. So I have rendered it 

... -«» - » 

in explaining ( _ r o»l ^r^l It (a thing, or 

an affair,) attained the utmost possible point, or 

degree. (Msb.) It (fruit, and the like) attained 

its utmost state of growth. __ jj^JI 2* u ended: 

a word put to mark the end of a quotation. 

(^jyJI v»fi»j -He riid Ma* which he was for- 
bidden to do. (TA in art. p*j.) 

S«- . I,, 

y^ is anomalous, (TA,) like yiq. 

ii^j The utmost possible point, or degree: 
(Msb :) nnd the ultimate point, or element, to 
which a thing can be reduced or resolved: its 
utmost point or particular : as also * ■" i t . See 
u«i. — . t U_JI ^ji ijlyj [Extreme in bounty, or 
munificence). (O and K, voce J-l * i ) 

u^i-b jXfk\i [A person sufficing thee is our 

brother] : the ._> is added to denote emphatic 

praise. (Fr in TA, art. «_>.) See also Har, 

p. 28, and, more particularly, p. 91. 

*■ »j 
'y *f * * s A place to which a person or thing 

comes at last; a journey's end ; a goal ; a des- 
tination, or place or state to which a ])erson or 
thing is appointed to come ; an end ; an ultimate 
object: see an ex. in a verse near the end of 

art. v See SJyi ^y^JI %J— (Kur liii. 14) 

The lote-tree of the ultimate point of access, in 
t/ie Seventh Heaven : see jjw. 

^j+-yM * T >\)ii\ [The Noachian crow;] an appel- 
lation applied in Egypt to the cjj (or rook). (TA, 
art. ijj .) 

iieyl\ The crop of a bird : see iij^JI. 

... * _ ** Zi t* At 

dJe\y The same as itljj. See Ab-U-j. 

o. fy^t Ba| d of a branch of a tree : see c^yj. 

— ■ ■ pj«i5 /■! became of various sorts, or species. 

*s-\yi A child's swing, of rope. 

&ee <t*-Wj. 


n/crty and exactness; and the exceeding of what 
is usual in a thing : or the choosing what is 
excellent, or 6e*<, to be done, and doing ad- 
mirably: or the doing firmly, solidly, soundly, 
or thoroughly, and skilfully: or] the exceeding 
what is usual in a thing, and making it good, 
or beautiful, and firm, solid, sound, or /r« 
from defect or imperfection. (Ham, p. (525) 
See jSu. 

1. JU, aor. J\Z, has for inf. ns. JU and 
jUandibu. (TA.) See 6. 

»», ».. . 
3. l^i aJjU Re gave him a thing ; presented, 

or offered, it to him; gave him it with his hand; 

handed it to him; syn. «0>U ; (T;) he gave 

him a thing with his extended hand. (T, K.) 


j^--i • ur l^ UjU Jy^, : gee Jytw. 

High; lofty; applied to a mountain, 
and a building. (T.) You say also yji^.t y 
[High nobility]. (K. in art. J»jc.) 

2. Jy [He broke, or trained, a camel]. (TA, 
voce >,■»<!«.) 


» ^ 

5. *»tU j rt ,«U. ^ J^, and J^i, He was 
nice and luxurious (*JOj iy+J) in his diet and 
his apparel. (JK, J£.) Better explained voce 
«>u. — JyO : see ^15 and i>^J, and AiJ. 

! . » »• 

(^J quasi-mf. n. of JUL 

*SU : see t^oyM, and ^e«j, and ^. iili 

.T^lJI : see aul, oU^I pi. of JL'l pi. of 

* - * 

i»U : see a verse citod voce 

6. yo^JI <U JjL5 [IT* reached, and drank 
of, the water of t/ie drinking trough] : said of 
a camel. (S, art. Jiy.) — l£, t j± ^y» Jjti 
He took from his hand a thing ; took it with his 
hand from Am (another's) hand; syn. ♦li UJ. 
( T> ) — [l£- Jj& He reached a thing ; took it 
with his hand ; handed it to himself;] he took a 
thing with the extended hand ; (TK ;) or simply 
he took a thing; took it with his hand, took hold 
of it; syn. »ji.t: ($ :) best rendered, he took, 
or reached, or reached and took, a thing, abso- 
lutely, or with the hand, or with the extended 
hand; and in like manner, with the mouth, as 
in an instance voce Jy, &c; he helped himself to 
it (i. e. food) u£l)L« aJJUJ He reached, or 


and see 

j a subst. from J^'i (IJ, S, K) as syn. 
with JjU (S) [and therefore signifying Daintiness, 
nicety, exquisiteness, refinement, or scrupulous 

hit him, with the sword. 

1*1*1*1- * If' * * * * ' * * » 

t^jL-., and oU»l._ JjU^JI ^-^i yk and 

* - * j j*, 
JjUJ^JI Jy^ Tapp. He is one from whom it 

is easy to take, or receive, gifts, «j-c.]. (TA.) 
— C^t" Vj 1 ^ : see 6 in art J^J. _ li y' t 
»3>--! W [^e carped a/ At;n fy *ayi'ny, or 
toxea* or charged him with, that which would 
gi-ieve him]. _ *^J J^j L^, aJ^UJ [£« 
carppd at him by saying, or taxed or charged 
kirn with, what was not in him]. (TA, voce 
■^ Ui !-) — ***~-fi *^ He carped at him with 

his tongue: (IbrD :) as also * iiC (TA, art. 

** * 
**r«**») — ^-i> J^-w /< (a noun, &c.) applied 

to a thing. — J^U5 It comprehended, or com- 
prised : post-clnssical in this sense, but commonly 
used. (MF, TA.) — '*% y iju He taxed or 
charged him with, or accused him of a thing 
disliked, or hated. See also art. J^i ; see an 
explanaiion of 4^liel, and see _;,!&. 

• - c .. 

JU : see Jiy. 



jly- and * J5U (S, g) ""J f J»> (*) A ^ : 
(S, g :) and a benefit, or favour, obtained from 
a man. (TA.) See two exs. of the first voce 

• » I * # * 

JjA. : and an ex. of the second voce i^*. — 
Jly it also used as au inf. n. See an ex., 

from El-Aasha,. voce lj ~ t i. 

• . ■ •« 

J5U : sec Jly. 

JtyU Tho web-beam of a loom ; • the team 
on which the web is rolled, (S, Msb, in art. Jy, 
uutl S, g, voce **»,) at it is woven. (Msb.) 

1. iiJ-j c>«U f J.y. d>»*. [//" /«7, or foot, 
became benumbed, or torpid]. (TA in art. j—t-) 
__ ^iU + It (a woman's anklet) ceased to sound, 
by leason of the fulness of tho log : like as 0110 
siiyn {in the contr. case], txi .^ 1. (TA in art. 
kJL.) —j>u lias for its inf. ns. j>y and >>U*. 

(Msb.) vpl >'u *•?• «**i [q- v l ( A » art - 

jjj.) JyJI C~iU i. f, Ojij [q. v.] (Th, in 

TA, art. jJj.) _>U J Hie %; as opposed to 
Ac «i( awrf Ae rtoorf. Seo ^u. _ <c».lo. ^ >U 
Be cnred not /or the object of his want, neglected 
it. (Msb.) 

2. J»ji and *>»UI t J< benumbed, or lorpified: 
■ee aJU.j c~»U. 

3. J>*>U jl*£ -» *i»«U [I slept with him in one 
» • \ • *■*» 

under-ijarment]. (S, art. yii.) 

4 : see 2. 

10. *e)t>L^tfl //(-• trusted to him, and became 
quiet, or easy, in mind ; relied upon Aim. (S, 


««y» ^ St^l t. ? . ^^-oJI >y\. [which 
seo]. (A, art jJj.) 

^JU { Lying ; as opposed to sitting and stand- 
ing. (Mgh.) 

>yl [More, or most, prone to sleep]. (A, art. 

^tli Time of sleep. (Jel, xxxix. 43.) See 
also 1. 

£>5 j The dimple in the chin of a young child : 
(M, K :) see X£L, and &f, and iy/>, and 2 
in ui t.^~o. 


L ** #U (Msb) and ^ 1 i} (g, Mgh, Msb, g) 

Jy — £** 

He rendered famous (S, Mgh, Msb, g*) and 
magnified; (Msb;) and rendered notorious; 
(Mgh;) it, (S, Msb,) namely a person's name, 
(S,) or a thing, (Msb,) or him. (Mgh.) 

2: see 1. 

1. «ly and ' i\y±\ He intended it, purposed 
it, designed it, aimed at it, proposed it to himself 
as the object of his aim. 

8. \S£» g-4^ •Sjli^t \j£\ (S, Msb) The 
people, or party, repaired, or betook themselves, 
to, or towards, a place of alighting or abode, 
in such a place. • (Msb.) See 1. — \£yj\ It 
(a peoplo, or company of men,) removed from 
country to country, or town to town. (TA.) 

j_£y Date-stones : they are often used as food 
for camels ; (seo ijjy J^l ;) and for this pur- 
pose are bruised, and sometimes mixed with 
barley, and then moistened : see i— ~-j. — o\y 
What is cut off in the circumcision of a girl. 

*■* ' mi 

(Lh, in TA, voco »>*-£.) The name shows 
that this is the prepuce of the clitoris, the end 
of which resembles the end of a date-stone. 
But seo y%. — ^>ill What remains of the 
place of circumcision of a. girl after that opera- 
lion; i. c. tho j&*: (M :) or the place of circum- 
cision of a girl, which is what remains of Iter 
jJL when tlie uJLLo has been cut off. (T.) — ^£y 
Pieces of gold, each of the weight of five dirhems. 
(TA in art. *,-*.) — \Jjl The tract, or region 
towards which one goes (S) injourncying, whether 
near or distant ; (S ;) the place that is the object 
of a journey : (El-Kalee, TA:) [a traveller's 
destination:] the course, or direction, that one 
pursues (l£, TA) in journeying and in acting or 
conduct : (TA :) sec an ex. voco \jye (third 
sentence), and jit. It is of the fern, gender. 
(S.) Seo an ox. in some verses cited voce ^t/. 

1 , s - 

.J and .J : sec art. l^*. 

ifi An intention, an intent, a purpose, a 
design, an aim ; a determination of the mind, 
or heart : (Msb, TA :) this is the general 
meaning: (Msb:) the direction that one tabes 
(S, Msb, K) in a journey, (S, £,) near or dii- 
tant, (S,) and in an action : (I£ :) the thing that 
one intends, or purpose*, or aims at : an affair: 
(Msb :) the place to whu:h one purposes journey, 
iitg : (S in art. Jj :) see an ex. from a rsijiz in 
art. Jj, first paragraph: the thing, or place, that 
one proposes to himself as the object of his aim, 
in an action, or a journey : or the thing, or 


place, that is the objeot of an action or journey : 
see iJ» and iXii. — — -ii *J t. q. «-^i» and 

£^&, &c (0, art £j~i>.) — I'** *ti: see 
j t n,', where the S of the latter word has been 
accidentally omitted. It also often (or gene- 
rally) means A distant, or remote, thing, or 
place, that is the-object of an action or journey : 

» J - I * * #•# #f 

w.^1 IJ* v >* y±+ Ul J. q. %jj^», q. v. (TA 
in art £»j-) 

1. ^>j^)l >W «^> and 4U«£ ^-U-JI : sec 



1. <Cm» JU ife defamed him. (L, art. «_J .) 

<uo)6 £*» Jli i/e defamed him. (T, K, TA.) 

__ <U« JU ^fe harmed, hurt, or injured him, 
namely, an enemy. (Mgh.) — aJl_Ju aIU is 
coupled in the Msb, art. u^ji, with ol^l ; and 
seems plainly to signify <s>loi, which, in this 
case, is the same as »lil. And '«J_jUj has u 

similar meanihg. JU He obtained, or attained. 

(S, K.) e^j* ^* JU 7/c attained [or ot/ai«e</j 

<Af o/y'ec< o/ /*»'* a/'m, or desire, from his enemy. 
(Msb.) — — a!U, aor. jUi, /< reached him ; came 
to him ; syn. *JI J^j. (M, nrt. Jei.) Sec also 

Bd, xxii. 38 J*i3 ,jl iu JU, aor. J-ii ; 

and iU » JUI : see ^yil. __ *JU, first, pers. <LJu, 

inf. n. jli, .He obtained it; he attained it; 
namely, the object of his wish, &c. (S, K, 
Msb, &c.) 

4 : sec 1. 

6- Cj^i^i C* and 0*^J^i signify the sama 

jj Obtainment; &c. : see 1. 

AiUI The act of giving ; (PS iu art. Jej ;) 
tho giving a gift. (KL.) It seems properly to 
belong to art. Jy. 

jli (T, M, K) and ♦ JiU (M, K) What one 
obtains, or acquires, (T, M, K,) of the bounty of 
another ; like Jly. (T.) 

See art. 


• : the vowel of this pron. is sometimes, in a 
case ofpuuBe, transferred to tbo preceding letter : 
and this is always done in modern Arabic. 

• subjoined in «Uk, and the like: see J^\. 

— The U, termed a^Is, is said by some to be 
used as an inceptive, without any moaning but 
inception. (See Ii) See <u~J KM* in art. *J : 
and see an ex. voce 13. When followed by a 
pronoun, as ^Jk, 4c, it is best rendered Lo. 

— • of pausation : see remarks on a verse cited 

• » . i . . 

voce v>«^" — V£> > n V ^"■•i an< J many phrases 

syn. therewith, is app. for *I-l/. See IU.. 
« Jk and ,U : see art. lyk. 

Q- Q- 3. A 8 ..Al ; (K ;) and C<A ■-;*! , aor. 
££j ; inf. n. £&! ; (TA ;) He, (K.) and she, 

(TA,) walked with an elegant and a proud and 
self conceited gait, with an affected inclining of 
the body from side lo side. (K, TA.) 

s*»« »a.- 

i-,-*, of the measure Je«i, (S,) .4 6oy, or 

young man : and <\ ± , -> > a y/ >•/, or damsel : both 

in the dial, of Himyer. (L.) Also, the former, 

A soft boy, or young man : (K :) or the former 
and latter, respectively, a soft, thin-shinned, and 
plump, boy or young man, (£,) and girl or damsel : 
(?» K:) or a plump and goodly young man, and 
woman: (L :) or the latter, a tall and great 
woman : (JK :) [and hence, app., applied as an 
epithet, in the sense of long and large, to a 
woman's train, in the following verse, quoted bv 

» a » .» „ », ,, fi _ 

(M, K.)_ Also, the former, A stupid, and flabby, 
or flaccid, man. (K.) _ Also, a man in whom 
is no good. (K.) — Also, A great valley. (K.) 
— And i large river. (K.) 

£*-*>, applied to a young camel: a young 
camel brought forth in the end of the breeding, 
time. (K, voce *}j, q.v.) See *£. 

1- C***», inf. n. J^i : see J*e. 

* "* » a - 

8- J*i»>1 : see 5 in art. ^*»-. __ I. q. ^ j^'~ 


i **"* • ft 

,_jf?s* A Christian monk : see J^l. 

*i •* * 
w^r* **• pto,« of gestation : see a verse cited 

TOW Ji|S« ,t. 

L itjll £, (JK,TA.) aor. j£.(TA,) 77* 
a*Ae* became mixed with dust, and extinguished : 
( JK, TA :) and ^J| &. (M, art. juy.) 

a-a : see «>i. 


!>}» Dial ririaa, or spreading, in the sky like 
smoke. (JK.) 

^»W* ?%« too/m <Aa* ars Men in the rays of the 
sun : (TA :) see an ex. voce f\JU. 

1. Jfc» He rent open. (K, S.) — £L <0)l .4* 

God dishonour Aim : see 

6. j^3 -«« «fcK (1001 Vighte, ii. 321.) 

**.L* tThe fettuijf of a star. (Sgh in TA, 
art. l*p .) See ip. __. A %/** sfee/; in t As ,/u*«( 
part o/ </«; ni^Af. (S.) 

• * »<- 

J^yk, of a ship or boat, is smaller than the 

j£\ . (O, TA, voce irfUu.) — See De Sacy, 
Ghrest. Arab., ii. 350. 

• '# . 

J>»~* ^ fornicatress, or an adulteress : pi. 

JSlii. (JK.) 

1. <uXc ^o^Jk 2Z« came «/)«« Aim suddenly, or 
at unawares, (Mgh, Msb, K,) or came in to Aim 
without permission, (K,) or without asking per- 
mission: (Mgh :) Ae invaded, assaulted, assailed, 
attacked, attempted, or ventured upon, Aim or it : 
he pounced upon him or it. 

or, accord, to Kx, M)*, The third of 

the five divisions of the night. (TA.) See »>!*., 

• *•« * » 

and jyix; . __ As applied to camels, see ^>\t 

and »jbj. 

• <> »t 

(L.) [71S« tcinrf dragged over it a train of 
dusky colour, and abounding with dust, like as 
the bride drags her long and large train.] __ 
AJ»o, the latter, A damsel suckling, or *Aa* suckles. 

.A»U» One who rends frequently tents and the 
like : see L>C. 

•jli», for SjUli see } yi. 

1- j+W 0+*3 J& Ji Jl ^J [He 
married among the sons of such a one, and 
made their children to be base-born, or ignoble]. 
(TA in art. J«y.) 

*i»~* [Meanness of race, in a horse]. (K, voce 

t>«a>Jh «9/i« whose father is free, or an Arab, 
and whose mother is a slave. (S, K.) — A 
horse [half-blooded] got by a stallion of generous 
race out of a mare not of such race: (S:) or got 


by an Arabian stallion out of a mare not of 
Arabian birth : (Msb :) or not of generous birth ; 
a jade. (K.) 

^•-U A girl not arrived at puberty, or a 

beast not yet fit to be covered t see an ex. voce 

a ■ 

1. oU_* He censured, dispraised, revilid, or 
satirized him, (S, Msb, K,) in verse. (Msb, K.) 
__ \LZ, <u« ^>y>-*> U : see 1 in art. j»~»-. 

3. oUj-U, inf. ii., He contended with 
him in satirizing. See 4 in art.^»»i. 

»»»-el, Di*prai*e, is like *^«-<l, co?tf/\ o/ 



# - • » • ' • 

AjUjdk Food and aVi'nA ; sec JaJai. 


• , . - •- • * 

10. i_*j t ; •' //« became a ^JjM, or Autt. 
(Har, p. 05.) See i*rJj. 

v_j juk y< Ai</A or /o/Vy building : see Jm. 

1. J-x* //e uttered a cry : see jjkA, in two 

5. Jjsj /' Amb^ down; [it dangled;] said of 
a branch of a tree, (S, TA,) and of fruit ; it 
hung loosely ; said of the former. (TA.) 

J-v*l «sAs [.4 earners lip] flaccid, or /><•«- 

rf/wW (K,'TA.) 

L >jJk 7/e //wffli aWn, or pulled down, a 
building; (Msb ;) pulled it to pieces; demolished 
it; destroyed it : (K:) [the last two explanations 
are the most correct, as is shown by the phrase] 

JtJA y*£- O-* ,l "^' »>»*' [-"' ' 00 * '° P''e«« '«« 

building witluut demjlishing, or destroying] : (S, 
A, Msb, K,* in art. ^ ji :) Ae ruined [a build- 
ing, Ac.]; reduced [it] to rwi/j. (Ham, p. 31. J 

6. ,jUx.»J! C~ot»i [T^e traV/f /«// to ruin 
by degrees]. (Sin ait. $£>■) 

7. j*j-y>\ It became thrown down, pulled down, 

pulled to pieces, demolished, or destroyed : and 

it fell in ruins, or to pieces ; or became a ruin. 

>»jjk p> Zy *Jl£. ,>• iiUJI >Jv f l [The 

wall fell in ruins, or to piece*, /row i<* place, 

without Iteing pv.'led to pieces], (Lth, in TA, 

art. w^.) 

,t . ,i. . *z *a ♦- 

v^M ^J^bj >jJI >»jJI : see>j. 

JljJk Earth that is dug from a pit or well: see 

•- « 

,j*.j At ajjjk An illusory truce : see ^U»^. 

1. »lj>* //e directed him , or guided him, to the 
way ; (K, # TA ;) directed him aright ; or caused 
him to take, or follow, a right way or course or 
direction. (K, TA.) See 8. — J-j/*JI c?^-* 
Z/e new/ [or conducted] the bride (MA, KL) to 
her husband, (MA,) or to the house of her hus- 
band ; (KL;) i. q. ££}, (K in art *J>j,) and so 

» Uljdkt. (Msb in that art.) — {J>>>ri meaning 

■•* . • i ' *'*■' 

^£>fi : see an ex. hi a verse cited Toce %**>. 

4: see 1. 

6. 0>l^ They (two parties who had been at 
war) made a truce, each nnth the other. (T, 
art. jui.) 

8. i<J^*t He became rightly directed ; fol- 
lowed a right direction ;■ (K ;) went aright; as 

also ♦jJjJk. (S.) He guided himself. 

He went a right way ; went aright. — *) 
***■ J 1 ^S^i H e c annt>t 9° aright ; or hnon-s 
no< <Ae «>rt »/ <Aa< Ae would pursue ; or knows not 
in what direction to go: sometimes suid of a 
drunken man. _ 4>e^ i<J^yi ? means He does 
not, or cannot, find the way to accomplish, or 
perform, his affair. — iS^\ He found, (MA,) 
or tooA (KL,) the right way or road. (MA, 

kl.) v <j<£i *i **?>> b y which ««*" *«*'* 

is expl. in the S and O, means »U-JJ iJJ^ri ^ 
lyL), by which the same phrase is expl. in the 
JK : or it may be well rendered A calamity in 
relation to which one knows not the right course 
to pursue. __ ^jkial also signifies He continued 
to be rightly directed, or to follow a right direc- 
tion : and A« sought to be rightly directed, or to 
follow a right direction. (TA.) — ^5-**! an " 
jjjjd, for^jkikl ; like jjkcl and j Jet, for jjJtl. 

l^ji* A way, course, method, mode, or manner, 
of acting, or conduct, or proceeding, or <Ae M* ; 
(Msb, K ;) as also * Sjja and * ijJk : (K :) or 
to the second and third : and the first is pi. [or 
coll. gen. n.] of the last : (S :) and a good way, 
&c. : and calm, or placid, deportment ; or calm- 
ness, or placidity, of deportment : (TA:) see also 
J>. __ ijj* [Conduct, mode of life; manners]. 
an See ^ JJk. 


^jjs jjie y» J3e is following, or Ae foUowt, a 
right direction. _ ^J^l ^ ^ur-in. (Bd, 
Jel in lxxii. 13, &c.) 

t. • ».< « • * » 

ij juk and aj jj. : see ^j jj». 

ijjuk I ii. un. of ^ ja] A present ; i. o. a thing 
sent to another in token of courtesy or honour ; 
(Msb ;) such as is termed O^fb and vJtkJ. 
(JK.) — * i5Jt* and {jJ* [coll. gen. ns.] What 
one brings as an offering to Mekheh, (K,) or to 
the Kaabch, (Beyd, v. 2,) or to the JIaram, 
(S, Mgli.) consisting of camels (Lth, S, Mgh, 
Msb) or other beasts, (Lth,) namely A/»e or 
sheep or goats, (Mgh,) to be sacrificed, (TA,) 
and of goods or commodities : (Lth:) n. un. with 

S. (S, &c.) Also, Camels, absolutely. (TA.) 

___ i^jl* also One who is entitled to respect, or 
honour, or protection : so in a verse cited voce 
«ult. (ISk in T in art. 1^.) 

>U : see an ex. of its pi. \J>*y* moaning 
iS r ecA* of horses, voco J13. — iuiU The fore 
part of the neck of a horse. (K in art. >JlL..) 

lijiJj J*iJ ^tvpl Jy>U jl.\ [H$ took 

the handle of the mill, and began to turn 
it]. (K, art. >fc.) 

J^JI i^a,. <,;&,> ,>• (_Jjukl JWore expert, Ice. : 

see art. k>^c>. 

j^>^JI, meaning TAe directed by God to the 
truth, is a proper name, and the name of him 
of whoso coming at the end of time the happy 
tidings have been announced. (TA.) [It is 
always so pronounced by tbo Arabs in the 
present day : not ^j^oJt .] 


art. fj.) 

jjt He ejected his excrement. (TA, 


1. t_£JJk He talked nonsense; he raved, or 
tallied irrationally, foolishly, or deliriously ; 
(JK, K;) by reason of disease or some other 
cause. (K.) — <4 ^JJk He talked irrationally, 
&.c, with him. (TA.) __ And He mentioned 
him, or it, in his irrational, &c, talk. (TA.) 

3. -»;C c 1 i_£^lyj •>>* [//e m( talking irra- 
tionally, &c, with his companions]. (TA.) _ 
£})j\£ jgr**-i [I heard them talking together 
irrationally, &c.J (TA.) 

iL* w*!^-" I [Beverage causing delirious, or 
irrational, talk.] (TA.) 

1. ^i, inf. n. j*, He drove sheep or goats : 


(IAar, in S, K, voce jj :) or he called them. 
(Too, in TA, ibid.) 

• - • 

JU..j*> pl- J*^l>*i A. tall, long-bodied, or 

bulky, she-camel: (TA :) see ^>lifcjA. 

■ee ~_1jl . 


iv*b* 4 certain thorny or prickly tree, (S, 
K, TA,) ///« thorn* or jrricklcs of which are 
like the JXLL, (TA,) «nrf it* fruit is like the 
J^ : n. un. with S. (K, TA.) See ^ki. 


iikiijM A piece of rag with which water h dried 
up from, the ground. (TA, urt. wi». .) — Sco 


jU»r* .4 /rt^v/c long-bodied man. (Az, in TA, 

TOCO *Ji>» .) 

1. >±J>o*- j_y>* Jyk [Puur water ti/wn r/iy 
idmio; i.e.,] yairt Mi'/ic a«^cr. (T.) See also 
Froytag's Arali. Prov., ii. 875 ; also the same, 

li. 8/7. — JeXJI ijjj ^ Ut Jjjk : soo iy j . 

4. •jtyfeJI ,>» iUc J>*l, *.</. ijg\, q.v. (IAar, 
in TA, art. *-£•) See 4 in art. J^j . __ diljjh 
and ii\'j*,\ and **JJ*, aor. : , inf. n. Jji, 7/e 
poured it out, or forth: see 4 in art. J^ j . 
— yW Jjl >•&* l**^. ( in theK, erroneously, 
_ ( »CJl*,) Alight ye in of the night: (TA:) 


or disburden yourselves ( >c Ci* jy>Jt) : or relieve, 
or rest, yourselves ; which seems to be generally 
meant l>y ^^Cc '>**>». 

ii\jh and lilfM 77i« seminal fluid of a man : 
lee ii\j\ , in art. Jjj . 

Q.Q. 1. Jjjh He walked quickly: (Msb :) [he 
went a hind of trotting pace between a walk and 
a run ; see J*j ;) *Jj>k is no* so quick as », > 

[anamife]; (Msb;) and is between ^jJU [a wart] 
and jjie [a run] : (S, Msb, £ :) it is a A<W 
o/ jj* : (S :) or quicker than JUt : or a quick 
walk. (K.) 

1. >>i 2fe became extremely aged ; (K ;) old 

and infirm ; (Msb ;) decrepit; or a weaA old man. 

• , 
>»>* The mind : see 6 in art. J j . 

uiMV 1 >" : see^. 

The dJLo^jjb, (K,) i.c.«UUujA,(TA,) or iiLoi^, 
(so in the CK, and in my MS. copy of the K,) 
with kesr, (K,) and the j quiescent, and with kesr 
to the ^ , (TA,) is A certain worm, (K,) accord, to 
IAar ; said by others to be (TA) what is called 
the 4>jm> [which is very variously described]. 
(IC.TA.) Seejii-i. 

{jj& A granary : see j-i. 


jjjA A strong boy or young man : and a weak 

* 5 * * * ' * ' 

old man: as also jjJa> : pl. SjjIjA. (Abu-t-Teiyib, 

in TA, art. j>-.) 



?' -^Jr'l I* ( ftn army) was routid, discomfited, 

defeated, or put to flight. (K, ic.) See J*C, 

. ' * # 

in art. yjo~*-\ and jUJI, in art.j^».; from both 

of which it is distinguished. 

*«>* The [purring, or] *o««rt" o/ </i« throat 

of a cat. (TA.) The pit between the two 

collar-bones. (TA, art. «r»«P0 [The /»'< 

above a horse's eye.] (K, voce v*)0 See also 
*»*-», and AJJLi : and see »i*, where it seems 
to mean a stricture : it genorally and properly 
signifies a depression, or <f<«< .• or a pit, or small 
hollow, resembling a dint : see also ^-e- . 

» 3 * >», 

jO^aJI >»<t>*-* Depressed of breast, i. e., appa- 
rently, illiberal, niggardly: sec , 


7/c crushed it. 




2. n e ■ *■» !, inf. n. jb~~J, He broke it [much, or 
so crushed it] ; (TA ;) namely, a dry thing, and 
anything hollow, such as the head, and the like. 
(TA in art. rf-jLi.) 

0. jai^t It (a plant, or herbage,) bccame^JLh, 

i. c. dry, and broken in pieces. 

^o~-* A plant that is dry, and breaks, or is 

broken, in pieces. (Sj MrIj, K.) 


<Lt^U A wound in the head which breaks the 


bone : see <U»w. 

^gijjai: se 0> £». 

L J>» is co»<r. ofj^f.. (S, Mgh, K.) You 
8av » Jj*. »<> r - - » >nf. n. Jja ; (S, Msb, £ ;) 
and JjA, aor. - , (^,) inf. n. as above; (TA ;) 
and t JjU ; (]$L ;) lie jested, or jolted; (Msb j) 
or was not serious, or in earnest; (TA ;) A^yJo^ji 
in his speech ; (Msb, TA ;) and j^l ^i in the 
affair. (TA.) 

2. jj\* He jested, or joked. (£.) Seel. 

JI>A Leanness, meagrcness, emaciation : cantr. 

of fatness. (S.K:.) 

«•' # ^ 

yjfj», pl. of Jj>ik Zeaw, meagre, emaciated. 

(£, voce 4-i*..) 

« >»' 

Jjjy* : see two exs. in a verse cited voce 

1. <*o o A ana rt t <u»l : see a»^j. __ a) ^-nft 

• * . f m 

<0U v >« : see^p-a*.. 

5 : see 7. 

7. ^»ivl it (a thing) melted, or dissolved, after 
being congealed. (JK.) _ o^JI ■•■' l ^' i and 
■ Ca^A^J , TAe fruit broke ; or became broken, 
or crushed; syn. C^-Ju t J ; (TA ;) and became 
mellow, so as to be easy of digestion. See also 

«^ ^-ar 1 '. «aid of food, (MA), It was, or 

became, digestible, or eo*y o/* digestion. (MA, 
KL.)__ > »U» v Jl of the jjy [app. Depression'], 
(tj. in art JU^, [There coupled with J^j.]) 
See also ^}Lo. 

8 : see 1 &fil j>* >lijl ^iull (£ voce 

i) //e cropped the tops of the shrubs : see 


jrkh Contraction of the tidet, (S, K\) and 
lankneu of the belly, and smallness of the flank : 
< K :) in a hone it U a fault. (S.) 
• « < t * * 

>j^U ilny medicine [or ofAer <Ain$r (see 
>^W)] <A«< i« a digestive of food; as alio 
t!.Ji; (&j) i.y. Ji,!^. (S.) 

10. Jy^»l : see a verse cited at the close of 
the first paragraph of art. £ m ~h . — See also a 
verse cited voce Lit. — Se 

1. Jjiji /< (water) poured i see its inf. n. voce 

Certain small ftsh, which are dried : see 

ji may be originally ^i* or ^,1* or J* 

(Akh, in S\ voce Jf :) see Jj J» followed 

by ^J\ : see the latter. _ ji ^ : see ^j*-. 
_ *iU : see <uo*> and jjt, latter part, and "J^i, 


and ^1. 

iU : see ib. 

J^M TAe new moon; or Me moon wAen t< 
i* termed J*^Uk : it may be explained as mean- 
ing, generally, the moon when near the tun, or 
moon a little after or before the change. _ See 

j r ZJ\ j[~ - ■ Thefifst night of the lunar month. 

1. U*, said of the heart, 7/ fluttered, or po/- 
pitated ; and, as Z says, root flurried by reason 
of grief, or of beating. (TA.) See 1, in art. ^i. 

Syuk A »/«/>, &i/>*e, fault, or /a// into wrong- 
doing ; pi. o«yi. (TA.) 


!,••- • -j !.' !- 

jyuk A /«»v/r, long-bodied man. (Az, in TA, 


voce <4i>* ) 

iii^l TArce *maW «tor* [X, # 1, and ^ 2, o/ 
Orion,] forming the point* of a triangle, in the 
head ofi\j' 9 M f J\ The 6th Mansion of the Moon. 
(lil-Karweonoo.) [This is accord, to those who 
make lyj vo signify the "auroral setting:" 
accord, to those who make it to signify the 
"auroral rising," these stars compose iii^l, 
q. v.; and i**yJI seems to consist of o 1 and o 2 
o/ Orion.] 

1. A* : see jX- 

• , I - 

.UU : see jJU. 

JUuk : see i>\£i. 


••a ••' 

i_>yjk >>^j : see 


i . « 


4. IJJb^i J** UUI : see £L.. 

1. ilia, inf. n. ji^l Ac., (S, K, &c.,) He, or 
*V, peris/ted, came to nought, came to an end, 
passed away, was not, was no more, or became 
non-existent or annihilated: (KL, PS in ex- 
planation of J^Jk, &c. :) or/e// ; or became in a 
had, or corrupt, state ; became corrupted, vitiated, 
marred, or spoiled : or went away, no one knew 
whither: (Mgh in explanation of J*iU :) Ae rfied. 

(K.) JUyl cXUk i£»* land Itud its herbage 

diied up by drought : see wij»- 

4. j&il Jfe destroyed, made an end of, or 
caused to perish or come to an etui, made away, 
did away with, or brought to nought, him, or it ; 
took away his life. 

6. lȣ iUl^i [app. JJe perished gradually by 
reason of grief] (A, art. ^-y- : see 1 in that 
art) — **& iU^ He was vehemently eager for 
it. (TA.) — **i iJUV He strove, laboured, 
toiled, or exerted himself, in it, namely in 
running; as also *iUU»l. (TA.) He strove, 
laboured, toiled, or exerted himself, and 
hastened, in it, namely an affair; as also 
t s£ JULyJ-l. (TA.) — C-iJ'l-iJ <» id of a 
she-camel, Lq. dJLi* [SA« vehemently desired 
the stallion], (AA, TA in art. Ji*.) 

8: see 6. 

10. iUy—l properly signifies Zfe scught, or 


and see an ex. voce •/£/-. — ' J^» ^ oU^iwI 
//« (a man) distressed, troubled, or fatigued, 
himself in, or respecting, such a thing. (TA.) 
See also 6. 

i£Uk The drying up of the plants, or herbage. 
(AHn.TA.) Seei^U. 

J*^Jk [Perdition; destruction; a state of 
perdition or destruction ; a lost stale ;] death. 

(K.) J^L» and * &U are syn. (S, Msb, £.) 

__ olCi^l ^y jliijl He stuck fast in cases of 
perdition : sec art jX(y 

dUU Dead; or dying. (Bd, Jel in xii. 85 ) 
__ Xl)U sometimes means Subject to perish ; as 
in the Kur, xxviii. last verse. 

dU^t: see Jyi. 

^U^e Death : see a verse cited voce y^*. 

dS±^c A cause of perdition, or of death. (TA 
in art. . J*~i.) — I A place of perdition or 
death : ami a desert : (KL :) or a [desert, or 
such as is termed'] SjlU ; (S, K, TA ;) because 
persons perish therein ; (Z, TA ;) or because 
it urges [or leads] to perdition. (TA.) See 

1Jl=» l J1 J Uy .,.,0 yk i.q. w- e o ^ .'0 [q. v.J. 
(TA, art. ■Z>y», from the A.) — ijjJl j U ^...* A 
road that destroys him who seeks water, by 
reason of its far extent. (O.) 

J^JUfc i. q. JliS, Come. (S, K, kc.) — It is 
intrans.; as in LlJI^JL* Come to its. And traiw. 
also; as in j£s i\ j^it ^m Cause your witnesses 

A* • 

to come ; bring your witnesses. (Msb.) —jjj* 


\j»f At thine ease : see 1 in art. j»-. 

1. jyjk He purposed, or intended, a thing. 
3* ** * w« ■ 

J* denotes more than Ojl, and less than >>>£. 

(Kull, p. 382.) — i'il£i ^ K^» *) ■■ see art. 
ij&a. — *,€-JW >•* [■^i* meditated, proposed to 
himself, purposed, or intended, to do the thing;] 
he desired to do the thing, (S, Msb,) without 
doing it ; (Msb ;) Ae endeavoured to do the 
<At'n#. (S.) — ^^^ He intended the affair, 
or purjjosed it ; or Ae desired it. (Mgh.) — 
4_iJ , ^i <v ^a [aor. ij He intended it, meant it, 
desired it, or determined upon it, in his mind. 
(TA.) St-* also a verse cited voce ^j. — ^ 
f tlLjl^ [/f* wa* afcow/, or ready, to weep; like 
*"j^>l >£t, and »tCJL» L^3 q.v.]. (A, art. J++, Ac.) 

courted, destruction; like i>CLl: see C**iu« : — J»^*l>W>k [* threatened to fall], said of a 




wall. (8, in art. ^ykj, &c.) __ a«a and * *♦*! 
J( disquieted him ; (Msb ;) canted him care, or 
anxiety. __ ^Jay *>M a*^ ^ [Nothing causes him 
care, or anxiety, but hit belly]. (S in art. 

4. .-*_*! 7/ rendered him anxious; (MA;) 
disquieted him, and grieved him. (Mgh.) See 

7. ^^it : see a Terse cited in art. w>, p. 144. 

•(» a.* 

8. >»^W ^r^i #« «>«* grieved, and disquieted, 

by the affair, or ca*e; (TA:) you say a) ^*>t 
oj-«l> Ae n>a* grieved for him by his affair, or 
ttiM. (S.) [//c «•«», or became, anxious, dis- 
quieted, or grieved, by it.] _ Tie minded, or 
attended to, the affair : (MA :) undertook, or 
superintended, or managed, the affair. (Msb.) 
See ^y*, in art. ,j^. _ *J ^^kl /fo carerf for, 
minded, or regarded, him, or i/. (Ijhir, p. 94.) 
__lji> JJ^'Jill i.y. llicl. (TA in art. ,^-c.) 

V* for Ua for Ul before an oath : sec the 

^» and "i»* Purpose, or intention; syn. 

^>i>l J*Jl- and iij>il Jy. (Msb.) See Har, 

a - 
p. 346, and a verse cited voce c^U». — Also the 

'latter, Strong determination or resolution. (Msb.) 

yah An object, or a thing intended or meant 

or desired or determined upon, in the mind. 
(K,* TA.) See an ex. voco^*. and >v w: you 

say, tj^> a«a 7/w o/yVf is such a thing. ^t> 

[Anxiety ; or disquietude, or trouble, of mind ; 
solicitude ; care : or grief, or sorrow :] dint res*, 
or disquietude, affecting the heart or mind, by 
reason of some harm, or annoyance, that is 
expected to happen ; differing from ^, which 
signifies " distress, or disquietude, affecting the 
heart or mind, by reason of what has happened :" 
or both, as some say, signify the same [namely 
distress, or disquietude, of mind]: the difference 
is asserted by 'Iyad and others. (TA in art. 

jti:) d^ixj <l»a [His object of care, or of 

anxiety, is his belly], (K iu art. &i*J.) And 
Aiin "n) I 4) ^ *i) [ //« Am no object of care, or 
«/" anxiety, but his belly], (TA in that art.) __ 
A+tt U -iC* means i>lic U ^C* : and iU* also 
signifies Jl^ljl. (J K.) See also Frey tag's Arab. 
Prov. ii. 880. 


^* A decrepit, old, and weah, or extremely 
aged, man. (S, Msb, £.) 

• -- • j 

<U* : see i»*. 

• a 

1«* A <A»n^ that one meditates, purposes, or 

intends to do; or f/taf one desires to do; or 
endeavours to do; a purpose; an intention; 

or an object of desire, or of endeavour; as also 
t ij*. (JK, K.) __ i^fc [Ambition ; particularly 
of a high kind;] a faculty firmly rooted in the 
soul, seeking high things, and fleeing from base 

things. (Ibn-Kemiil, in TA.) See Ju. w ^, and 

8 - » s ' . 

^o-A. _ i»A [Mind ; purpose ; aspiration ; 

desire; ambition; enterprise; emprise.] — 

•# - pa 

*ULc ie> i/iyA purpose; ambition. 

>»U* An aspiring king: (S, K:) a magnani- 
mous, i. e. courageous and liberal, chief. (K.) 

• -• - •«• j 

^oly** A jfiU o/rd o/ rA« crow *wa : see jj-e. 

•# # A ., 

<UU, pi. >>lyk, ^Jny venomous creeping thing or 

reptile or <Ae ZiAe, *Aa< maybe hilled; such as 
the scorpion, and the serpent : and I a /owe : 
(Mgh :) what has deadly venom ; as the scorpion : 
(Az, Msb:) and sometimes, what is noxious: 
(Msb :) any reptile or the like, from the louse to 
the serpent; (A Hat, Msb:) but its application 
to the louse is tropical : (Msb :) any venomous 
or noxious reptile or the like ; such as the scorpion, 
and the serpent : the like of serpents and scor- 

piont; because they creep (^v->, i.e. .-jjO). 
(JK.) ' ! 


juf* A difficult, an arduous, a distressing, or 
' < ••< 

an afflictive affair, or business: syn. jjjJii y»\ : 

• a * t * * *l 

(S :) and Ol»y« signifies >\j-Z> jyt\, (JK,) affairs 

of difficulty: and, of importance. 

j*r* *Ji [ a PP- Dissolving hail-stones]. (Mugli- 
nee and K, in explanations of i).) See a verse 
iu explanation of ^ used redundantly, p. 144. 


4. aj^ljl J»*1 He sent [or /«/)] M« cattle to 
pasture [by themselves,] without a pa % tor, by 
nJ^Af ana* Ay <fay. (Msb.) _ <U«aI 7T« /<»// iV, 
/«< tV a /one, or neglected it, intentionally or /ror/i 
forgetting: (Msb:) or he left it, or let it alone, 

expl. by 4-iS J^j ^ ^i. ; (§, O, K «>' 
Ac /r/i it, or neglected it, and did not make use 
of it. (K.) — 1& JU*1 (S, K, in art. g~) 
He left his slave without work, or occupation : 
(PS :) A< left him to himself, uncontrolled. 

7. f**)\ ^ >iX« r )t He exerted himself, strove, 

or laboured, in the affair, (S, Mfb,) onrf |xr- 
sisted, or persevered, in it. (S, Msb, K.) — — 
JJ»UI ^ «■* * o y. "' * i/c obstinately persevered in 
vain or false affairs. 

4jC* Applied to the eye or eyes, Flowing 
abundantly with tears: see a verse cited voce 

Having no government. (TA, art. on 
' • » • j « • < 

the particle <_».) — J.<^,< fail A tcord /An< 

* i" 

Aa« no grammatical government ; contr. of J-«U. 



S - 

»jl«a A trance : so rendered voce »j3j. 

J4-/^ A ou/Ay she-camel. (IAar, TA, voce 

8. i£l«I*l The intermingling, or interpene- 
trating. (KL.)__And the proceeding slowly. 
(KL.) See o^. 

1. ji*, aor. i , inf. n. O"^** ; and * j£\ ; 
It (water) overflowed, and poured forth. (Mgh.) 

— u J>*a \-,iii u>* J*** ; bo in a copy of 

the K, voce i»^->^ : in other copies of the K, 
* * • t $ » • j 
J-»a-j or J-»o-j : if the first be correct, the 

meaning is probably Camels left without rein 

and without burden; and this is agreeable with 

the context. 

,jjt> and ,jjJk A thing : and a pent* ; nnd the 
vulva of a woman : (KL :) or the former is 
pi. [or coll. gen. n. J of " <Ua , which signifies a 
small, or little, rtinj : (MA :) or this last sig- 

w * 

nifies a thing, (KL,) as does O-* : (Ki KL:) 

[but the former meaning I have found to be very 

common, and I think it the more approvable. 

♦ Sjjk may be rendered something, somewhat ;] 

it denotes anything. (TA.) 

• - . • , 

£jk : see t>*. 

jfiM A light, or an active, ass. (IAar, in TA, 
voce j^A*i-) 

4jUyll J/n'o R>Atre «/<ir«, [y amf f of Gemini,] 
between which is the space of the length of a 
whip, in the Milky Way ; one of which is called 

jji\, tlie other ,j Cjjl The 6th Mansion of the 

Moon. (El-Kasweenee ) — . Or The three start 
[X, <j> 1, and <f> 2,] in the face of Orion. (Idem, 
descr. of Orion.) [The former accord, to those 
who make *y to signify the "auroral setting:" 
the latter accord, to those who make it to signify 
the " auroral rising :" accord, to those who make 
it to have the first of these two significations, 
the three stars in tho face of Orion compose 
i*sJi, q. v.] See ^W-iJI, in art. ^j^. 



Q. Q. 1. j^k He concealed, or kept secret, a 
story; syn.^l. (A, art.^^..) 

**>*e*> originally ic^c^A : see ^l£. 


J>^ ZVrriMc. (TA.) 

2. >e'j» He slept. (TA, voce >U.) 

• * » 

*-ol* Tito A«arf : (8, K :) or the part between 

the two edges of the head : or the middle, and 

Mfl</i ;>«r/, <)/' r/ie /jcarf, [see 0>S &n ^ i^-*"" ' ' n 

several place*,] of anything: (TA:) or the tt/»/w 

jwrr «/" r/i« head, in which are the <L^U and the 

it" » 

4-aJ, which mean the fore part of the hair of 

the forehead ; in it is the J^-A-o , which is 

the Jji of the head, between the two sides, 

extending to the tjt\}. (AZ, TA.) See alio 

two explanations voco * »». ««. . __ <LoU The 

•«j i #« 
crowti, or top, of the head. See tjjm «i, and 

-- -t • . 

:1 . _v»U meaning Headmen, or c/»e/i : see 

i. e., regard it lightly ; and do not grieve for it]. 
(TA, art u^i*..) 

4. AiUI, and <v ♦ oV^*' • an< * *rf * 6iC'» <H* 

AeM Aim in %/**, or /itffc, or mean, estimation, 

or in contempt; despised him; made light of him 
• >' -t 

or it. (S, K, Ac.) __ oJUl 2Ze lowered, or abased, 

him ; debased him ; rendered him abject, vile, 
mean, paltry, contemptible, despicable, or igno- 

io : j 

see 4. 

i^Jk and » t^e* Easy : (S, Msb, K :) and the 
latter of light estimation, paltry, despicable. 
(£,* TA.) 

JJ L Ut* ^jJU at their ease. 

t >a*: see i >Jk. 

# « • f • «« > « • i 

0>*' ln the sense of ^-* : see j^»l. See 

also an ex. voce «/~aj ; and another voce j*^. 

• i »*#«*•«_, 
aJLaI _JLs oV° ^Tt*V [-^ camel held in mean 

estimation by his owner], (TA, art. %*>■) 



a verse cited in art. ^ oU , — >\yll Ol-J 7Vt« 

- II 
marrow of the brain. (TA.) _ >»ly)l >»l (]£ in 
ta it .'* il 11 

art. *-o) a pp. 1.7. ^»UJI >»l and >UjJI jt\ : see^sl 

• * # - . 

and i-Ui. __ i-oU ,4 >i oro/ ; a certain night-bird, 

(S, K,) c/tat frequents the burial-places, of small 

she, (TA,) «. 9. jjJLi : (S, $ :) or i. q. iiy : 

(TA :) pi. [or coll. gen. n.] >U. (S.) See j># ; 

aud see also »»-l. 

1. JjU, inf. n. ^lyk and ^yk (Msb, K) and 
«££•, (K,) He, or t(, wa», or became, low, base, 
vile, abject, mean, paltry, contemptible, despic- 
able, ignominious, inglorious, and weak ; syn. Jj, 
(Msb, K.) and JkL, (Msb,) and ^iii. (TA.) 
— *«J* u 1 * ['' u '"* of light estimation to him]. 
It (a thing) was [easy and] light to him. (TA.) 
_ ^U also, He, or it, mas, or became, gentle, 
and easy. (Msb.) 

2. *li* *i>* •#« (God) ma<f« iV fa^y and light 
to him. (?,« TA.) — JJ ^^J Slj 'jfo J* 
[ Ma he thou the case, or affair, light, or easy ; 

1. *t ^jyh He made it to fall down : see an 
in a verse of Ru-beh, cited voce eWj> '" 
art. juj. — _ See 4. __ xijl Oyk //w eor« heard 
a confused, or humming, or singing, sound. 

(K.) __ <ul Oyk is used to express wonder ; 

# * ^ • I # '"r* * # # * 

like as when one says, «■« ■•' U 4JUI aJUU). 

(IB, in TA, art.>l.) 

• a -»» 

4. tjfi t^y 1 -" ij" ^5^' *«• extended, or 

stretched forth, his arm, or hand, to the thing 
to take it ; it being near : if it be distant, you 
shv, AJy^j}*, without I. (Msb.) And ^jJ! ^ykl 
4&e* He reached his sword; took it with his 
hand, or with his extended hand ; or took hold 
of it. (Msb.) And #^yiJW C-^ykl [in my copy 
of the Msb, erroneously, • v «^Jt ^t] / made a 
sign with the thing. (As, S.) 

0. »^J : see <Ul, in art. »jl. 

7. i^^v- 1 ! : see i£}>ul , in art. ^p. 

• # * * ». 

»U and »U : see «l , in art. «jl . 

l^^yll Love, And attachment : then, inclination 

of the soul, or mt'ntf, to a Mtn^ : then, blameable 

j . . ..1 
inclination; as when one says, olyk »-5t [i7e 

•1 • #j 
followed his evil inclination] ; and JaI ^>« ^* 

av*l 8 ■> 

»tyk^)t [seo below]. (Msb.) See also ^«» . 
__ (^>a Also signifies Beloved [or an object 


o//ore]. (K, Ham, p. 546.) [Being originally 
an inf. n., it may be used alike as sing, and 
pi. See an ex. in a verse cited in the first 
paragraph of art i ^j : and see an ex. voce 

JXw. _— i^^yJI The inclination of the soul to 
that in which the animal appetites take delight, 
without any lawful invitation thereto; (KT;) 
[natural desire :] love, and desire; generally, 
such as is not praiseworthy : (Mgh :) I render 

it, love, or desirous love. __ [Its pi.] HyH also 
signifies Opinions declining, or swerving, from 
the right way, or from the U~uth. (Bd, ii. 114.) 

[Hence,] tlyt^l J*l [The people of erroneous 
opinions]. (T, in art. **w ; Ac.) 

• a* 

S^fc A deep hollow in tlte ground : (S, JK, M, 

Msb, 5 :) or hollow, or cavity, in the ground ; 
a pit : (Msb :) or a descent in the gj-ound: (K :) 
or a deep hollow, cavity, or pit ; as also t »\^y* : 
or a low, or depressed, place in the ground. 

(TA.) f j— lj 5^a ^1 jlLl -W«/'e '/'ow M« 

affair, or c<we, [Mni/brm, or] o//« uniform thing. 
(Fr in TA, in art. -X.) 

tiyk A vacancy; a vacuity; a vacant, or an 
empty, space. (Mgh.)_.A vacant, or an empty, 
thing. (Mah.) 

* - 3 ' 

l^ys and ijty* : see 4, (last .sentence), in art. 

t^jU, said to be thus, with fet-h to the j, 
originally OSS^f IA mortar ;] the thing in which 
one pounds, or bruises : pi. CH^** • (Mf h.) 

Ju^U An abyss ; a depth, or deep place, of 
which the bottom cannot be reached. (JK, TA.) 

it£*fi\ \Jj^A [The cavity of the well]. (K, 
voce *{jl.) — Seo »t^-«. 

St^a : seo iy* . — The spare between two 
mountains; (S, Msb;) and the like; as also 
f i^^r* : (S :) a pit, or hollow, dug, or excavated. 

C« «'•?• iji^J- ( MF » art - ->JLJ-> 

5. oL^j (S, K,) said of a man, (S,) is from 
w«cv)t [the hot south-west wind], like ^ji-j 

*3 ■ J • # 

from iUDI. (S, K.) See an ox. voce JyUo*. 
ouyll : respecting the wind thus callod, see 

oty^ ^ji [4 very thirsty wind]. (TA, voce 



' Ai^i A female ostrich. (A, art. j+j.) 

7. JVI /< (sand,' Ac.) poured dotvn. (S, K.) 

— JV^l» J'^-" >J^i C r/l * nal1 f el1 in rnin *> 
or to pieces, or became a ruin, and broke, or 
crumbled down]. (K in art. kA*J.) So 
rendered voce ^ULil , art. yj*t?. 

J^k inf. n. of JU: see IV J^» and 

* JjU Sand that will not remain steady in its 
place, but falls down. (JK.) 

.JjU »nd i^>e* ! wrongly mentioned in art. 
•■> - 
Jyh. See SjU. 



2. *««*: ■ee> >e *. 

>V^i : see an ex. in a verse of Lebeod, voce 
• • t 

« .i ' ' 

>»U» : see >^Jk . 

J** — u* 

^,^/k [The 6«ny bewildered, or distracted, by 
amorous desire ;] the pursuing a heedless, or an 
inconsiderate course, or <70«»<7 a< random, heed- 
lessly, or without consideration, or certain aim, 
by reason of amorous desire : and >»l «■» 3 the 
[&ein^ *o, or] doing so, much. (TA.) You 
say, of ;love [or amorous desire], " *•«*, mi. n. 
^jsjyi. (TA.) — -4» affection like insanity 
arising from amorous desire: (JK:) bewilder- 
ment, or distraction, by amorous desire. (KL.) 

,jCi* A man to»/n<7 intensely, or rery /ja.»- 
sionately or fondly: (TA :) and so applied to 
a heart : see vj-it. — oCs* A <A*' r *ty camel : 
fom. ^j^dk : pl.^e*. (Jel, M. 55.) 

jtffut : see voce w-». 

1. a] !j\M, aor. ^^-i , -He treated him with 
gentleness, or blandishment ; syn. »1jb. (Aboo- 
Is-hafc, in TA, art. o* 5 but onl 7 the im P> 
jj J>Jk, is there mentioned, said to be with 

kesr.) See "yt, near the end, p. 2031 , and the 

* * ' 

distinction there made between ^M and ^A. 


dUk and <u* and a**: see <ut and *>l and 

IJ^ Oly-i Far, or far from being believed 
or from the truth, is such a thing ; as also Ol^A 
I j£) : or the latter means remoteness, or remote- 
ness from being believed or from the truth, is to 
be attributed to such a thing : C*ly«* followed 
by J means jjm, (Jel, in xxiii. 38,) or ^«j 
^jjjl or £1*1)1: (Bd, ibid:) or jJ^I: (Bd, 
ibid, TA :) and without ^J after it, it denotes 
the pronouncing [a thing] remote. (TA.) See 
Ol^'l. — wA^i denotes one's deeming a thing 
remote, or improbable, and despairing of it ; and 

means Uu*. jlju* [F<ery/ar, &c], or a,*^l U» 

' ' ' * 

[IToro far, &c] ; implying more than j-«-j» 

though we render it by this word. (Kull, 

p. 382.) 

^ji ^1\ and O*-*-* t>^ rAe /oro » fy**^ 
mean, contemptible, man. (T in art. ^j^O 


3 : you say, jo^cj j^j jLi, using 3 as a con- 
junction ; rather than <>•«} : and I J^j j <!»>-», 
using j as [a prep.] denoting concomitance; 
rather thau *&• (I'AJp, p. 101.)_islj .Jit U j 
and y^.j)\ *r~U*3 Ul U : see>l : and see another 
ex. in a Terse cited toco^JUL. In the £ur, 
, ii. 121 some read J t ■ , ,\\ ; and others 
J e" * \y In Ij^jj »iU U, the j denotes con- 
comitance; What hast thou in common, or to 
do, with Zeyd? or it is for j^ iU U ^ in 

^»i*i : see 1U- gX» J*W j'>» [7^ 

3 denoting unrestricted conjunction, not neces- 
sarily implying simtiltaneousness nor relative 
orderj. (PA*, p. 254.) 

Ij generally means A/a« / see t£». tj, and the 

last Terse toco yJ ii. iljjj lj Ala*, Zeydl — 

*'/*> 'Jj »nd »li^ Ifj ii/a*, stench! meaning A/as, 
"'/<«< an abominable thing ! Seo > j ; and «,>!. 

1. The verso of Lcbeed, 

Ki j'x ^ c^-juLji yj — ; • 

Jo^ J-L11 fit ^ulii i\\\ 

means SA« carries off from the gazelle entering 
hi* covert, he not being frightened by her, the 
branch of the trunk of the tree above him, when 
the shade contracts, or decreases, or goes away, 
at midday: he in describing his swift she- 

* ** * 

10. j*yUt[ He hasted in the darkness ; as also 

j|fc*l. (S.arL^I.) 

L J I) : see Jl, in art. jy, in two places. 
Jjl Firtt, and former ; preceding all others, 

and preceding another. Sec art. j/l. j>-J» JjIjI 

The ^r*< par/5, or beginnings, of the chapters 

of the Kar-dn »}jL}\ Jjiy ^ ,U. He 

came among the first comers of the people. 
(Msb.) — And JJl^l The people of former 

age*; as also OjJj^I JJl UU *^i) means 

/ met Aim [i» a former year,] before this year f 
though by several years. ('Alee El-Sari, in his 
Expos, of the £, from Seor; cited in the margin 
of a copy of the $ ; art. Jjl.) See Jfc. 

8. See art Uj. 

>0j The 6«a^ mutually near ; mutually agree- 
ing. (T, Toce juyi.) 

uU«jJI, 7%c Aej-i so called: see art. >U. 

1. (^Ij as syn. with j*j ; imperative si, with 
the • of silence added ; fem. corroborated form 
of the imperative ,jl ; of which last, see a curious 
ex. m the end of article uUNI >-»>»., in the 

*f • a ' » » 
1. «I. U . 3 1 Oj^j [The palm-tree was fecundated:} 

i.q. Z>jt\, i.e. C^JUI. (Aboo-'Amr I bn- El- Ala, 

in L, art. jyl.) See art. j~>\. 

l-kr-J* buSfi 9- *J* l**-»y, q.v. (TA, 
art. s— ej •) 

#* j#« •* • * •» * J* 

»>*>** ix ~- J '■ 1- by^- (Aboo-Amr Ibn-EI- 
Ala, I.e.) 

tjivj A whiteness on the nail* : see jg^Jj. 

1. J«<3 He (a hnrse) ran veliemently : see an 
ex. in a verse cited voce jt\>, in art. >§ja. 


Jjj Violent rain, consisting of large drops ; as 

also * Jjlj ; (KL ; ) a Aeavy rain. 

t't m. . 

iXj : sco iJL.1. 

!••• •--* 

iWj : see AJbl. 

Jly An «)i/ r«!</<. (Msb.) 

aJUjj : see aJ^I . 

• - •». 

J^lj: see J^j. 

i^lj The extremity [in which is the glenoid 
cavity] of the scapula : and tho portion of flesh 
[or muscle] of tho scapula. (lAar, T.) Sec 
ii-ij* , and also ojub ; and more particularly 


»>»*.. i», 1 t.i . 

1. a) o^yjj U, and wvfj : see 4) c-y->l U. 

»tt .1. ttt . , 

*• i>j"^l «p>0 and u°f)\ ^tij '• see c-Sy . 

4. ^jiyi *9tU: see Jt 

sp^ The vein (J^* [meaning the frenum]) 
that is in the inner side (vjJ»W) °f tne glans of 
the penis. (S, K, and Zj, in his " Khal^ el- 

s *•« •!> 

j)yy« : see voce jb. 

C^jJI [7%s aorta : or nAc aorto detcendens :] 
a certain vein [or artery] adhering to the inner 

Supplement. J 

tide of the backbone all along, which supplies 
all the [other] veins [or arteries] with blood, and 
irrigates the flesh, being the river of the body: or 
a certain thick white vein resembling a cane: 
[this last is the description given by Zj in his 
"KhalJj: eI-Insan:"J or [the aorta ascendens;] 
the J»lg) of the heart : or a certain white vein 
within the back of the neck : it is said to draw 
up [its supply] from tfie heart, and in it is the 

blood Also, the v-L»> q. v. : pi. &3jj and 

£*>)• (M :) i.q. viil £C. (Bd, and Jel, lxix. 
45.) See j$. 


• t 

3. >ol ^jAc »IjIj, inf. n. »lfl^« and *Uj, i.q. 
4*}U»; a dial. var. of the verb with . [i.e. »uT, 
q.v., and of »Uilj also]. (TA.) Sco 3 in art. jj*. 

S . 

*• (jjjl : see Oj . 

m ' * ' * 

stallion : sec 

A mare desirous of the 
in art { Ji\. 

^IjZJI i. ? . ^1 ££•!. (TA, in art Jul.) 

1. J-Jj -ft »•«*, or became, firm, stable, fast, 
or strong ; (M 9 b ;) i. q. JfiL\ (S, Mgh, K) [or 
^ V fc Uj , q.v.]. _ <o Jjj //c trusted, or co/i- 
jMerf, in him, (S, Mgh, Msb, K.) 

*■ **Jjl *" »We j/ /rw, rtaft/e, /art, or 
rtrony. (Msb.) — // e bound, or <»ea*, W«, or 
it, firmly, fast, or strongly, in a bond. (S, K, 
TJf.) Soe ojii. 

0. SomJI OiJy [The knot became firm, or 
/art]. (A, in art. ^j,I.) 

10. a~o J_»>^l [ Z7e secured himself against 
him, by a bond or the like, or absolutely :] he 
took, or received, a bond (ii^) from him. (S, 
&) — ^tjlu &£ UL£^,t i^3>! [JFnVe ye it, 
(namely, the debt,)ybr the creditor's self -securing, 
and for preventing contention]. (Jel, ii. 282.) 
See jiiiL\ . — yLM ^ Jjjgjj #« ffoM</ Me 
«W firmly. (MA.) _ ^ ^ jj£, . 8ee 

£^cl yJUl v>« JJ>i< : see •Jt»2«l. _ 

*4 JUj^— I 1T« confided in him. 

*tf Trusty; trustworthy; honest: applied as 
an epithet alike to a man and a woman, and 

to two or more men or women : pi. c,UJ. 
(Msb.) __ ^liJ ^ J n him is my trust, or confi- 
dence. (TA.) _ aJU JU ^. c3 / a« „ < 
confident, or *wre, o/ ft, Occurring in the S, 
art. ^^-o, &c. See an ex. voce ^i (last sen- 
tence). _ 4i3^.'l : see Ii tfJLig j£J| . Bee 

•A*. I, and see my explanation of ^lio-t. 

.^l ^ ii-j^JI TAe ao% the thing firmly ; 
and taking the sure method, or way; expl. by 
iiL-V &5Mj ^] • (TA.) — iLSjA bond, 
security, or writing of obligation for the payment 
of a debt or the like : pi. jstfj. Ex., JSlf^ll 1^, 
(Bd, ii. 282,) The mode of writing bonds. _ A 
pledge. __ ai^j ». q. i+j), q. v . 

iJ->^ >**i" ^>1 -He »e< about the affair in 
the surest, or firmest, manner. (TA.) 

,>jy» and ▼ J 1 -^ ^ compact ; a contract ; 
a covenant; an agreement; a league; a treaty; 
an engagement ; a bond; an obligation; a pro- 
mise. (S, K, &c.) 

JUj* : see JJ^ ; and Jel, &c, in ii. 60 
aud 87. 


*i Oyy In whom [and in which] trust, or 
confidence, is placed. (Mgh.) 

jy-JI iijyo A she-camel rendered firm, strong, 
or compact, in make. (S.) 


*' »' 

i^, i?roAe» stones. (TA, art x^w.) See 

£* (S, art -^i; and ?) and ^ (Msb, 
K) and 'tja (Msb, art. .^1) and T\ (S, art. .1) and 
6>J- (?, art. >*.) _ li& Jm ii ^1>' 
[ZTe wa.» pained for him, or &4 lamented for him, 
on account of such a thing] ; he pitied him for 
such a thing. (S, Msb, K.) «_ A^ajj iljS 
[Se lamented for the affliction, 'or calamity]. 
(K, art. £^i.) _ Ij.i, ^ 4,', ^p jy c 

lamented, complained, or expressed pain, or 
grief, to him, on account of such a thing. 

£*.j A disease, or malady, (S, Msb, $, TA,) 
of any kind, (Msb,) causing pain. (TA.) __ 
J-oli»JI «lj Pain o/ Me joints ; i.e. arthritis : 

see u-yiJ- 

*«^» 77»e j«J, or beverage, made from barley: 

SCO jj«». 

»* • ^ 

iUa-^JI TVtc aniw : see a verse cited voce ajJI. 

<U^-^ The ball, or elevated part, of the check. 
(S, Msb, £.) 

" . . "• * m * i 

»>w, 1. e. Itv?-.} <S»Ji*'l : see arts. 
«-ijLw, and a^a-, conj. 2. 


0-«j -4» irfo/: see ^^ and k >ie and ^le.. 


see *Oj . 



3 - "V*-^, 'nf. n. i^-l^, lie faced him ; con- 
fronted him ; encountered him ; met him face to 
face (S, K:, Msb.) He confronted him, accosted 
him, or encountered him, with speech, or words, 
or with his face. (Lth, JK, TA.) 

4. Aa-j! He repelled, or rejected, an askor, or a 
beggar. (T.) — Sec ty*.. 

• .t 


*-l> ^J ife Aaa" a pain in his head: see 

j. , u 

» *»*-J l -He, or it, pained him; or m<«e^ 
Ai« paw, or acAtn^. (K, MA, TA.) 

- «... 
0. 2«-y» He expressed, or manifested, pain, 

affliction, distress, grief, or «orrow ; [com- 
plained; moaned; or] uttered lamentation, or 
complaint; (PSj) syn. ^t*. (S, art. ^i) and 

5- <»»-y jH« tended, repaired, or oefooA Atot- 
<e^; to, or towards, him, or it, cither in a direct 
course, or indirectly. (IJ, in M and L, art. 

- \ jS — -•»-•« 
• x * a '-; — *"-^! >«• u+***\ A stupid man, who docs 

not accomplish his affair well. (JK.) 

8. >^ii l^i^S (S, K, art. iyr , and M, K, 
art. j!/ ; <&c.) He did not apply himself rightly 
to anything ; he knew not the right course to 
pursue; like jiyj^,). See also *Lyj U J^L] • 
and see >V and cy<h c. _ V ^I J aJ a.»j| t '. y. . j* . 
(S, TA.) See ^~-, in two places. -_ j| *Li\ 
*»~aJI He became convalescent. 

*».^ — OS uf*-j 0*»iwl / resigned, or resign, 
myself to God: i.e., I became, or become, a 


Muslim : am*} i« here used for tho whole because 
it is the most noble part: (J el, ii. 106:) 
or yjj\± my course. (TA.) — *«>.j J» ^» 
In every respect ; considered from every point 

of view \J£> £>& O 1 **■*» The \j> r °P er 

or reasonable) way is that it should be thus : or 

the valid and obvious [may]. (Msb.) See 

■> • • • • » 

JLtjJ. ^ *-*■} A course, a purpose, or an 

object, which one is pursuing j a direction in 
which one is going or looking, &c ; as also 
t iym.. __ The tcay of a thing. (TA.) — ^-e 1 
ajLj iU"}& TVicre i* no truth, or correctness, 
in thy saying. (TA.) — aIj Brightness [of 
intellect]. (L, voce j£».) — fill *».y (Kur, 
Ixxvi. 9) For the sahe of God; or to obtain Hie 
countenance or favour of God. (Kull, p. 378.) See 

i)T OlJ ,«* in ait. ji C>-i O^ 1 ^Jfc 0^»y 

Were it so, it were reasonable. — -J *»j ^, said 
of a phrase, &c, There is no reasonable may of 
accounting for it. _ «*.^)v wr-*J same as ^-^ 

<u*-jV ? JVo' o/ respectable, or esteemed, or high, 

* * * 

authority : (said of a word or phrase, Ac. :) or 

it is not the projMtr way. — alll <u»-) 'UwJ /< 'wn 
ff desire of God's recompense : (Kur, ii. 274 ; 
and Expos, of the Jelaleyn :) or countenance, 
moaning favour. There are several similar 
phrases in the Kur, where <u*.j is explained in 
the same sense of v'P '" tue Expos, of the 

Jolalcyn «y->j O* *■■■»» [//« withheld him, 

or restrained him, from his course, purpose, or 
object]. (S, art. cJI.) — **->j ^>* "^yljl *Jj*> 
He turned the thing away, or back, from its 
course, *ii-» o*. (TA.) — <S^-j r-^*- (?» ^j 
L, art. jj-« ; and L voce p A»A*l ;) [for ~-j*- 
*£.'} oCj, 2'Ae Aair of his face grew forth]. 
_ ^ijJI olf} The beginning of time, (K,) and 
jy 'of day. (TA.) — ^Lj ^ .l'«j, (S, K, 
art. uoi,) and «y->3 ^^ie *V <itjtmi (Msb, 

art. uei :) see ^oS, in two places. ^^•'^1 C«*Jl 

" • j * .- if' **' 

*v*-J k>*i **i nn d *'-*•?■ : se0 t_5 " — **■•* 

Tho d/-(/i! of speech. (K, Kull, p. 378.) — 
4^Jj (Jle i»-^ [•S* wr «i* at random, heed- 
lessly, headlong, or in a heedless, or headlong, 

* * + * " * " - 

course, or manner ; and so «V**.9 (jA« s-**i] : 
see «-ilj v-^j in art - s*"!)* ■»■ "v^J lt* *•*** 
»l£ A^» [-H* went away at random whither he 
trou/rf], (TA in art. >»>-.) — ^yU <wk« cJj 
lyy*-^ and w-JL^I : see 1 in art. Jj. — lj*U»l 
»U-yi ^U». ^jJI >r-5 , >» J, Make ye petition, 
for the things that ye want, to persons of good 
rank or station. (El-Hasan El-Muaddib, in 
TA, art. , r '* ) — <<-»-} t Consideration and 
j-^orrf. See 3 in ait. 3-I *»} und ▼ i^. 

The place towards which one goes : (Munjid of 
Kr:) or the place, region, quarter, part, or 

point, towards which a person, or thing, goes, 

* *' 

tends, or it directed : so I have rendered » iy». : 

see »_«-« 3, and - j>-< : T <H-^ signihes 
any ;>/ac« towards which one looks or ^o« ; as 
also ▼ 1^-4-i : (Har, p. 373 :) the place, or 
point, of the tendency or direction or bearing of 
anything: whence 1J^ * *W «'» <^ e direction 
of such a thing : and » i,» I towards one 
quarter. — Hence, JmQ ■ M "— »j 77'^ 


wU. 3 

-*" .'''*f 

5. oi*>y quasi-pass, of *i»~»l : see 

• - • > 

I : see art. 
ii*.^ and i»».j, said to be the originals of 

AAaw and <Ua»3 : see i U a.. * . 

pot'n/, or />/ace, fo icA/cA <A< way, or «W, 

«, , Hit' 

leads: see <uUj. And in like manner, y>\ 4»-^ 

and **^*» r/je cn</, or r«uA, of an affair, to 

wAtcA i< /rar/*, or <enrfi. _— tju^lj l^jk.^ I^*j 

[They shot in one direction], (M voce Ji^j-) 

#"■*•* - '. 

__ ~ ; - 11 da-j The first, or beginning, of the 

^jm. (TA voco Jkijj, q. v.) __ *»-^ A chief 

of a people or party. (K.) — ^y^'fi t>° 'j" : 

see jy . — ao-j 1. 17. <uu>l» [meaning The mode, 

or mariner, of a thing]. (KL.) _. ^jil 1— » 

'•*•'' . . r 

Ayawj U / know not what is its meaning. __ 
l^».j J^-l [npp. ZTa degraded her; took away 
her grade : and hence Ae <ooA /jer maidenhead : 
see ijtjifc— > w-yx^jj. 

Ay». : seo A*.^ throughout. — 1 J^> iy*. i>« 
J» respect of, or tci/A reference to, such a thing : 
and 6y reason, or o» account, or because, of 

such a thing. — C~JI C>ly-JI 2%e six relative 
points or directions or locations ; namely, above, 
below, before, behind, right, and left. 

ji.^ (S, Msb, K) and Ji.] (Msb, K) Slime, 
mire, or (Aw miut^ (S, Msb, K,) in which beast 
of carriage stick. (K.) 

1. wUe-w^ She was incompliant to the male 
see an ox. voco 1 


see <L»I . 

4yk.^ : see i»j. 

^1 way, mode, or manner, 

of acting, &c. 

^0-5 TFortAy of regard. 

Afk^l A/ore, and w»o*f, worthy of regard.\ 

d^-jJ : see w«l^. — *-»-y3l «. q. ■Hp^' 

Ar'yt A place towards which one tends, 
repairs, or betakes himself. 

1. .Wj and T,j-wy [said of a man, or of 
a horse or the like, or of a camel] His foot, or 
hoof, or O-V** wa *> 0T became, attenuated, and 
chafed, or abraded: (TA:) or he (a horse) 
experienced a pain in his hoof. (S.) 

a , , • j 

r-*-^-« : transp. for *-*r-y. 


4. *JI jj*-^! i7e (God) revealed to him ; or 
spake, or wiarfe known, to him by revelation _ 
Also, 2/e suggested to him ; or pul tn(o At« 
mind. (Mughnee voce ^1.) 

8 . 

^j J/arfy; (K ;) fMt'cA; (S, Mgh, Mfb, K ; 

applied in this sense to death. (S, Mgh, Msb.) 

«U.jJt (l».yi [Make thou] haste; or Aafte to 
Ac y?rsr, or before, or beforehand : haste ; -Ac. 
(S, TA.) 

»jk* i5-»-jl 15* Jf« 'Ac shortest period: see 
an ex. in tho first paragraph of art. 

1. 4«aL», He beat it (namely ^eh-., IDrd, K, 
and in like manner Jj>w, IDrd) with his hand, 
and moistened it in a C u A-t [or 6a*m], (TA,) 
until it became viscous, or cohesive, (K, TA,) 
anrf became [fit for] food; (TA ;) as also 

t iiij (K) and » iii.^. (TA.) 
2: see 1. 

4 : see 1. 

5 : see 10. 

> , , * <» 


10. ■*"»■*■ 3 " r "'* ^ c / y ""^ *' (f»od) 'o Ae un- 
. » * St * . 
wholesome; as also " sV t Aj ?: (JK, KO ^* 

/07/na* »'< (a land) to be insalubrious : (TA :) Ae 

found it (a country or town) to disagree with 


its inhdbitanU. (S, Msb.) 

"i " • * 

■Ml* fil : sec 5 in art. yj*.. 

• » . 
.^»kj ^ heavy person (1£) [i.e., </«//]. 

• » * 

^*.^ .4 tainted condition of the air, engender- 
ing pestilential diseases. (T A.) 

^»»*.^ Unwholesome food : (Mgh :) unsuitable 
food.' (£.) 

3. »U.I) : see »UJ. 

6. »U.y £T< sought it, aimed at it, or pwr- 
po«i ft : (S, Mgh, Msb, K :) and he sought it, 
&c, exclusively of, or in preference to, any 
other thing. (Mgh.) 

1- £>j. (?, K,) inf. n. £j 3 and U>, (TA,) 
Be (a man, S.) or it, (a thing, TA,) became 
still, quiet, or at rest ; (S, K, TA ;) as also 
" cjJI , (K, TA,) [quasi-] inf. n. it jJ and icjj. 
(TA) You say to a man, t ejJI and ♦ oy 
meaning JDe thou grace, staid, steady, sedate, or 
calm. (TA.) Sec also 1; and art. jjj. __ cjj 

» * *• •*■*>■> » 

and ci_j, inf. n. icbj, //e ma*, or became, in 
a state of ease, and ampleness of the means or 
circumstances of life. (Msb.) _ cj : see an 
ex. voce ^/jl : it may be rendered, in different 
cases, Leave thou, or let alone, or say nothing 
o/; see «Uy. — I jife ^ ««»*** ^** "** «fan« and 
cease from such a thing: and exempt thou me, 
or excuse me,from such a thing. __ I jib jJUc cj 
Dismiss thou from thee such a thing. See 'sL 

ili JX^, •$ U ^t iU^S U ei : see art. 

• •--•» 3 *- 

*r*0- — OJj U tj : see ^j-., in art (,£)-». _ 

£.>} used as a pret. : see an ex. voce iAJlJ, in 
art Jjj. 

2 - *«>}» (MA,) inf. n. £^, (P§,) #« Jarfe 
farewell to him. (MA, PS.) 

3. Aeilj, inf. n. ietfy, and subst clS«, He 
made peace or reconciled himself, tvith him : 
(Msb:) [the inf! n.] **j£i is syn. with ii, lUJ 
because it is aj=>jU« [a mutual leaving, or leaving 
unmolested]. (Mgh.) — i*Sl^ is also syn. 
with J)j3 ; as also * &' ): (TA :) so that «**£ 
signifies He left hi/If: bat more correctly, he 
left him, being left by him; like '*£*&, and 
♦•^U. ; and this is the primary meaning. 

8 : Mai 

8. Lcjly TViey iroo made peace, or became 
reconciled, each with the other. (KL.) 

7: see 1. 

8. c jJI : see 1 : M acted, or proceeded, with 
moderation, without haste or hurry, in his pace 
or journeying. (M in art. *£|tL) 

10. *n)U AC^y^,! //e intrusted him with pro- 
perty ; intrusted to him property; gave property 
to him in trust, or as a deposit. (Msb.) And 
**iJj Ac^i»l He asked him to keep, preserve, 
guard, or take care of, a deposit. (K.) 

A6,> Ease ; repose ; freedom from trouble or 
inconvenience, and toil or fatigue ; tranquillity ; 
syn. JaiL (S. Mgh, K, TA) and lL.\] (Mgh, 
Msb, TA) and 0>£~ ; (TA ;) and ampleness of 
circumstances (**-) in life : (K :) or «Uj is 
syn. with a*-ij and Oi*—\ but ^akL signifies 
" ampleness of the circumstances " (<uu>) of life, 
and " plentifulness and pleasantness " thereof : 
[see an ex. of both, voco uakL]. (El-Mar- 
zookoo and MF, art. ^jakA..) = See 1 and 3. 

is.}$ A cowry ; Cypraa : see an ex. cited 

T0C6 jf*. 
t« # 

«Ujjj A thing committed to the trust and care 
of a person ; a trust ; a deposit. (Mgh, Msb.) 
See 10. 

£lj 5 {Gravity, steadiness .•] i.q. i^L,, [like 

* • * •' • " 

T £J*>*»] M alsojlSj. (S, L, in art. o^--) 

And Valediction. (S, Msb.) 



p>~o and Afij^ J. garment, or ptectf of cloth, 
used as a repository for clothes. (TA.) 

*>>>* ! see cli^, and see a verse cited voce 
^^~> ii depository : see a verse cited voce 



OUii-* = see J>Xk«. 

1. Je*«JI ^i^ J5fe ^ra»« the blood wit to the 
heir, or next of kin, of the slain person. (Msb.) 

8. »blj inf. n. Sljl^«, He took [from him] 
the J&. (TA.) See 3 in art ^j*. 


J4 t-J^-J 1 ■** dettroyed him; (T ;) ft r«- 

w»o»«£/ /«m, or fooA Aim away : (M, ^ :) said 
of death [&c.]. (T, M, £.) See an ex. in art. 
>ly, conj. 8, and another voco J*)jl. __ ^Ji^\ : 
see a verso cited voco iJl3. __ *5l ^ij| ^ijl 
U»>o : see i^j. 

i»i Bloodwit; a fine for bloodshed, i.e., 
homicide ; consisting of a hundred camels. __ 
"T* 1 ^!^ C»L|i [Fine* /or wo«n<i(]. (S, M, 
TA, &c, in art. ££.) 

a - 

»J^ SmaU Je-i, q. v. ; (S, Msb, K ;) -Aoo'i, 
or offsets, cut off from palm-trees and planted : 
(Mgh :) young palm-trees. (TA.) 

jlj [^ valley; a water. course, or torrent-bed .• 
and sometimes a rirer;] a -ywc« intervening, 
(M, Msb, B[,) i. o. any «ucA -pace, (M, Msb,) 
between mountains or hills; (M, Msb, £ ;) 
through which a torrent runs forth [occasionally 
or constantly] : (Msb :) for which reason it is 

thus called. (M, Mgh, TA.) 4^ J^. 

x. q. a*^ ^yU cl; in one of the senses explained 
in art. ^ j i. e., t iTe superseded him, &c. 

f» »« 

■SU** J pi- ijy. in the accus. case, by poctfc 

licence, Q^ly : see a verso cited voce 


Ji.5 iiain, (S, ^, TA,) whether »io/en< or 
gentle: (TA :) or eio&w* rain. (MP in art. 

•- - .* . » 

»>»J5 : see 10 in art. \ji. 

JiyU : occurring in the TA, art. ^-^S ; from 
«3->y> meaning Violent rain. (MF.) 

•i)}y Urease, or gravy : i. e. the oily matter 
that is produced from flesh-meat ; (TA;) or the 
dripping that exudes from flesh-meat and from 
fat. (Mgh, Msb.) 

A | S ' *tM • - 

*• >•»■*•• >»i}l : see an ex. voce jr* 3. 

-*b [app. ^5] The viihsity of a tripe. 
(TA, art. v>>) 


1. £u Piery; or pwi/* /ear; syn. yj'jh: 
(£ :) and abstinence from unlawful things. 
( 1 a.; — gj* £ J3 ^ : 8e e ^,. 

1. wJ, 3 , and its inf. n. ULyj : see oj, in two 

J^ iSi/ver, whether coined or not: (AO, 


TA :) or coined dirkemt ; (S, K ;) coined silver. 
(Mgh.) 8ee ^ec. 


- . ( 

Jljjl, pl. of Jjj, meaning w>ijl»-I : Bee 

*&)} Ash-colour. (Msb.) See ij+-i. 

iiy and ii^jj : see J;lj. 

Jjlj j^i< TVee* having leaves: (Msb:) [or 

leafy trees; trees having many leaves; for] 

AJ.I^ jjapi. (TA) and ♦ <tfp and ♦ &jp (S, 

]£, TA) signify a tree having many leaves. 

(S, S, TA.) And J^£jl i5j<i 2^ t^ tree 
having leafy coverings or shades], (It in art. 


Jjy» applied »° a camel, Tf'Ai'ic inclining to 
hlach ; i. e. »>/* o rfiafy white hue : or rather, 
simply, duskish; or dusky; (S, £ ;) or o/ o 
re/our Me <Aa< of ashes. (T, Mgh, Msb.) See 
j^i.1 and Jll£ki.. _ Jj}\ Ashes. (£.) See an 
ex. a verse cited voce JLc, last sentence. 

Jj3 W'*a< m aoot-e f/i« /%/* ; [tho haunch ; 
or A»>; and often signifying only the hipbone; 
and the hip as meaning the joint of the thigh?} 
(S, $, *c.) 

ilj^i of a camel's saddle : see 8 in art. Jie. 

• 3 * *** 

Jjj : see v~» : ,nere are two B P ec ' es : JjJ 

^^4)1 </<« Jjj of the river; the monitor of the 
Nile; lacerta Nilotica: (see Forskal, Descr. 
Animalium, p. 13:) and yiy^l Jjj the Jjj 
of the land; the land monitor ; lacerta scincus : 
vulg. pronounced Ojl9- 

"•« - - „ t j § A 

1. 4iit ^», a l He became enraged: see ot>l. 
4. <t^j! moaning a**|l jf/e angered htm : see 


>j^, a coll. gen. n., Swellings, or tumours: 
n. un. with ». The n. un. occurs in the TA, 
art. j.**., &c. 


cn — £-.> 

%.) , K] ; and ^j), aor. jjfo ; and ♦^j^l ; It 
(a juj) produced its fire. (Msb.) _ jXj *^i)3 
^iCj , or O^j : see art. juj , and see jJj and 
>j , and'^lj Otoi ^ ^ • •» V&- 

2. jjji 'Ji '^jLi \£$ [lie pretended, or made 
believe, a thing, instead of a thing which lie 
meant : as is shown by the explanation of a 
trad, in the TAJ. (S, art. u^r 6 5 8ave tnat tlie 
inf. n. is there mentioned instead of the prct.) 

__ U£s '^s. \J'fi, inf. n. Aijy, He alluded to 
such a thing equivocally, or ambiguously: equi- 
vocated respecting it : he meant such a thing and 
pretended another. (M, K.) ±> } p\ is also called 
Jl^l and 4-n-pl ami J~-i-3t : (Kull, p. 113:) 
and signifies The using a word, an expression, 
or a phrase, which has an obvious meaning, and 
intending thereby another meaning, to which it 
applies, but which is contrary to the obvious one. 
(Msb.) Sec J±\y** See 4. 

3. »ljlj He hid it, concealed it, or covered it. 
(S, Msb, K, &c.) 

4. jjjjl and *^jj and ^J**-"! He made his 
juj to produce fire. (S, ]£.) — See 1. 

10 : see 4. 

i^jj Purulent matter in the interior of the 
body: or [an abscess; or] a severe ulcer that 
discharges purulent matter and blood. (M, K, 
TA.) ({\L£j C a : see ^\L3. 

*' i i . \ 

&ij : see a->j , in art. ^lj . 

li£> 5ljj Behind me is such a thing, as 
though it were a burden upon my back. — O-f 
**JS *& I"' ™ behind a thing covering, or con- 
cealing. (TA.) — 0^'» »bi O? CS& Suc,i a 
one is an aider of such a one : or a follower. 
(Ham, ]). 200.) iUljj ,>• *»\ God is seek- 
ing after thee, and watching, or lying in wait, 
for thee. (Ham, p. 2'OG.) See also an ex. in the 
first paragraph of art. ^i. 

i\j£\ The Book of the Law revealed to Moses. 
(Bd, iii. 2 ; &.c.) 


Ujii\ i.q. J^ji\ oyi. (TA in art. J-l.) 


hue, as its name ^jojj indicates]; (TA, art. yjotf ;) 
and i. q. ^e'^S >>C : (JK, M, T£ :) or ^e^l »U, 
is a name of the large cj$ ; (A and Msb, both 
in art. ^oft ;) or is of the large cjj. (S and £, 


1. ,jj^ It (a thing) was heavy: (Msb:) or 
outweighed, or preponderated ; syn. fr}- (TA.) 

3. IjJk oj'>! '•** ^" M M equiponderant to 
this. (S.) ' 

8. <Oj.Jil 7/i; /oo/f it, or received it, by weight. 
(S,* Mgh, Msb, K.*) Sec an ex. voce Xm ;■». 

^jjJl A certain star in the left fore leg of 
Cmttaurus. (Kzw.) Sec jli»-. 

J . . 

^jjj, rcl. n. of iJj. (S, art. jlCj, q.v., voce 


^jl^: see •-•■'j : heavy: (Msb :) or of full 
weight: (KL :) pl. ^Jj: see Jlj. You say, 
^yl^ ^t,ji (S) A /«//, or complete, dirhein: (so 
in n copy of the S :) [a dirhem of full weight:] 
a heavy dirhein. (l'S.) 

^Ij^ A weiglier. (TA, in art. Ja— 5.) 

,j|j^w« A weighing - instrument ; (TA ;) a 

balance ; a pair of scales. — The weight of a 
• -• 

thing. (K, &c.) Sec JUi«. 

3. oljlj, inf. n. Sljt^-o : see »ljl. Sec also 3 
in art. Iji. 

jjjt^M &>1J1JI A raWc/y o/ rhyming prose: 


.a — »' * • » 

^JM iUy : see >-j. 


1. \Ja, aor- cJ^» inf - ■■ <Sil [ and c5i3 and 

Jib : see l^- 


4. >jJ^ iixbJt >^j^' : seecXejI. 

iij^ A c«rtet» repttVa (i--»^); (S;) <>f> u*V 
[a /ward of the species called gecko, of a leprous 


IjjJIj A middle-sized tent of goats' hair : see 

1. ctljl i^jNI i-«j [27ic vawe/ Tia* sufficient 
in its capacity or dimensions, or sufficiently 
capacious, or /nr^e, ybr </«e goods] ; and ,jl£*)l 
J»^*31 [the place for the company of men]. (Msb.) 
; Jg-» ^jiai ^1 ibufj Jt « nor in thy power, or 
proper for thee, (MA,) or allowable for thee, 
(Mgh, Msb,) to do such a thing. (MA, Mgh, 

Msb.) AJjj *«A* f->i > aor. ^>>^ ; and " **->y, 

and * <tAwj ; i/e (God) made Am means of sub- 
sistence ample and abundant. (Msb.) 


, a. 

2. *~>j He made wide, broad, spacious, roomy, 
or ample. — ^.V% »>1 ^ a) «-jj 77e made room, 
or ample space, for him in the sitting-place. (S, 
art. <M«i.) — [And so] L / . ,l ^.» l | ^ " \y*~,y 
They made room, or ample space, [one for 
another,'] in the sitting-place. (S, art. -~- ».) _ 

duke. *-i} , for aJjj <uXc *-j, 77e (God) ampli- 
fied, enlarged, or mai/e ample or plentiful, his 
means of subsistence ; contr. of Ji~o. — Sec 1, 
and 4. 

• A t * > 6t 

4. «,«ill <uu<)l [77e mo<fe, or rendered, the 
thing ample, or ./ree from straitness, to him ;] 
he made the thing sufficient for him ; sy n. aX*o- 
**— j : (TA :) [Ae #ai - e Aim sufficiently of the 
f At'n^; or largely thereof] — i^».j L*-jl ^y-UI 
Cod, mafc </«_»/ mercy sufficient for us ; syn. 

U*15 VbU-1. (TA.) ijil iiljl [//e made, 

or rendered, his state, or com;, or affair, ample, 
or free from straitness, to him]. (S, nrt. \J*ji.) 
See <tiyj. __ Jj>-jJ0 Ijji-.j) 7'Aey made room, or 
ample sjxire, for the man, in a place of standing 
or of sitting. (MnI>, voce *-^».) — <uU *wjl, 
(S, £.) and ♦ ilj, (K,) He (God) enriched him ; 
or rendered him free from want. (S, ]£.) ^ 
See 1. 

5. >-y [He oecame, or made himself, ample, 
or abundant, in his circumstances ; or in A<< 
mean* o/ subsistence ; for 4 ,* .c ^i f~>y >] *'• ?• 
i»j3. (S, in art. 4*, .) _ £*£ He took a wide, 
an ample, or a large, range, j*\ ^i, in an 
affair. __ »U—JI ^ J-^ t [He took a wide, or 
an ample range, or wa* profuse, in bounty, 

or munificence]. (S, K, in art. Jj*-.) 7/ 

expanded itself, spread out, diluted, widened. 
_ 77e expatiated. One says, jljM ,_,* ;*w>>, 
and l^i A-yO <U.L> a). (TA, voce -, top.) _ 
77e strode, in walking. — oyLUal ,<.*»- Aj 'j"-^ 
tJ^ ,ji* TViey extended Us (a word's) significa- 
tion, or amplified in respect of it, or rather, <ooA 
an extended range in using it, so that they applied 

it to such a thing. (The lexicons, &c, passim.) 

.i.. .a.. 

— g-y : see^i-3. 

8. »— Jt 7< (a man's state, or condition, &c.) 
became free from straitness, or unstraitened. __ 
« t , * t c »_il [//i» means, or circumstances, of life 
became ample, or plentiful], (Msb, art.^^ju.) _ 
ji— 51 7* widened, became wide, dilated, or ex- 

panded. — <i*kv * — I it TZu 6eZ/y became wide, or 

•« - »l 
distended. _ ^^) *— Jt 77e >va* capable of 

doing a thing. An instance occurs in the TA, 

voce *+Jk*\. — ^Jt cLJI i. a. (yyW [7/Ae in- 
terior of the well]. (K, art. -—>»-.) See also 5, 

in art. jJU. 2-?!/" ^^ J^-" A"^' ^' e ''°' fc ' 

was wide to the pitcher: see J_/»-. cLJt 

Extension of the signification of a word or phrase: 
an amplification. (The lexicons, &c, passim.) 

ajui Width ; breadth ; extent, or space, from 

• ' •» i' * 

*we <o aide. See Jjjl«». _ jjtjjJI ix_ Am.ple- 

ness of the means, or circumstances, of life ; an 
unstraitened, or a plentiful, slate of life. _ 
**-> [Ample scope for action, $c. : and a state 
in which is ample scope for action, $'c: sec 
\j-»j, and ^t^e:] richness, or n.eult hi nets, or 
competence : and capacity, or power, or ability : 
(S, K:) and plentiful/test and [consequently] 

easiness of life. (TA.) jj-cJI i*-/ 1.7. i*- 

a "t" '»' • • 

JUaJt. (Har, p. 104.) _ 4ju> 4i* jlJ : see 

4».^j. __ ajuJI .-6 js»-i 7/ m allowable abso- 
lutely, in other cases than those of poetical 
necessity. (IbrD.) 

t # . 

cLw) A horse tcide in j<fp .■ (§, EL :) or 

i.q.M^L. (?.) 

• ' • , • f c 

ft-*}, pi. p'-'S ! sec (_»ojjI in art. t/ojt. 

«-<lj ^£~& A life ample in its means or «>- 
cumslances; unstraitened, or plentiful. _ »-/lj 
Having power, or ability: (Bd, iv. 129:) or 
rather, having ample power or ability; power- 
ful. See Ham, p. 609 L,lj ,J& : see i^lj. 

— £-;l} J» 1 4 large, or liberal, disposition : 
sce «-^W» — JU*»JI »-il_j t Large, or liberal, in 
disposition. _ jj^l «-<l^: see^^.i-*- — ^-»'i 
i£p»Jt (S voce y^v-/, applied to a horse,) Wide- 
stepping [in running], (So ex pi. in the PS.) 

»-jl Ifi'dcr, or widest : sec 3 in art. 

0. . • i * , 

**** £-*>« Amply, or abundantly, provided 
with the means of subsistence. 

• * Sj 

£— i« Width; extent; ampleness of space, 

and 0/ quantity : properly a ptore 0/ »«'d/A, or 


Sec A...ii and 

••• «» 

^wj ^1 camel's load: seejjj. 

•« -» 

iit-j ^1 moo of driven cattle : see aa-w and 



see 5. 


0. »UJI ^31 ^J^ W J-y [77e sought ta get at, 
or obtain, the water by meant of the bucket]. 
(If in art. ^j.) — |J^ a^I &'j He sought 
<o bring himself near to him, or to approach to 
him, to gain access to him, or to advance himself 
in his favour, by such a thing: (Msb, &c. :) so 
too *J^j (8, £;) and ♦ JJ-j, aor. J_J. 

AV*j A means of access to a thing ; (I Ath ;) 
a means of becoming near to a thing: (I Ath, 
Msb :) these are the primary significations : 
(IAth :) a means of becoming near to, or inti- 
mate with, or of ingratiating oneself with, 
another : (S :) honourable rank or station with 
a king: degree: affinity: (£ :) a tie, or «»»- 
nexj'on ; (TA :) it may bo rendorod a means of 
access, nearness, intimacy, ingratiating oi.eself 
attachment, or connexion : and also, of attain- 
ment, or accomplishment. 

*« *->y*\ yr-i [He marked, or put a mark 
on, the garment, &.C.] ; saiil of a trader, or 
dealer. (JK in art^J — »^W *•"£ ["• 
branded him, or stigmatized him, with satire], 
(TA.) See a hemistich cited voce ^Ci. _ 
a^-j 77e marked it [iu any manner]. (Msb.) 
— J^V **"9 J ^* stigmatized him, or ««* a 
marA b/wh Ai/n whereby he should be known, by 
something said. (TA in art. 4Uc.) _ ^- » , r j 
V^l [7 ^pui a superscription, or fi</e, <o /A« 
600A, or wriViny.] (TA in art. y*.) _«^j, 
inf. n. iiC^ (S, Msb, K) and X.' it (S, \$,) He 
(a man, S) ww beautiful in face : (S, Msb :) 
or bore the impress, or stamp, of beauty. (K.) 

5. >--iJI a^J c-^p f.o. Ai„>l3; (Sj) [7 
discovered, or perceived, in him good, or goodness, 
by right opinion formed from its outward signs ;] 
originally, 7 Anew to rea/ existence in him by Us 
outward sign. (MP.) Sce also Har, pp. 30, 
46, 76. -_ ;,*£ He examined delibciately 
in order to know the real state or character of 
a thing by the external sign thereof. (L'd, xv. 
15) — 77e perceived a thing by forming a 
correct opinion from its outward signs. (TK.) 

io-i A brand, or mark or figure made with a 
hot iron, upon an animal. (£.) And »". q. 
io^U [A mark, sign, badge, token, symptom, 
Sec.]. (Msb.) And The o 1 ^* [or title] of a 

book or writing. (TA in art. ^1*.) Seo also 

-' j 

a ^-w ana .<<,-< in art. jty~t* 

* . * * • ■ 

<U->j [now applied to TFoad] : 1. y. ^l^ 

tci<A wAtcA one tinges or dye* [Me hands, $e.] : 

(S :) a certain plant, with the leaves of which 



jf3 — J*3 


one tinges or dyes [the hands, Sfc] ; and said to 
be the > »JLUc : (Msb :) the leaves of the J«J [or 
indigo-plant'] : or a plant [of another species 
(TA)] with the leaves of which one tinges or dyes 
[the hattds, <fc] ($.) 

_»«*jj| : on the rain thus called, see ly. 

jt—y* [A peiiodical festival: a fair:] i.q. 
.*««. (Msb, art iyt.) _ lUJl^y. The fair, 
and place of meeting, of the pilgrims. (Mgh.) 

jr~t* A brand, or mark made with a hot iron. 
(TA, voce jlJk*..) — [Originally] A branding, 
or cauterizing, instrument [or iron] ; (S, K ;) a 
marking instrument. (Mgh.) — An impress, 
or a c/iaracter, of beauty. (S, r£.) See an ex. 
in a verse cited voco ^31. 


3. -'j : see <u~-l, throughout. 

4. ^j-j', originally i£>»l : see i^y—l 

■ # * « • «*• 

6. ty*tyi : see its syn. I^-,U. 

J*twj [thus without 5] : see j^-o- 

!*<£} A ball of spun thread. (AA, TA in 
art. J»_ ,.) 

8. (Jwl : sco >,■■%. ;fc.J- 

g« , •- * • j 

isLtitj i see ii ;«i ;».. 

8. Oj£i o» ib>i i< w«U won 6« ; (S, Msb, 
¥ , TA :) or it is near to being. (Msb, TA.) 

O^'i an anomalous inf. n. r or perhaps a 
■iaiple subat : see 1 in art L£. 

\&1 Q«"-%» <> r qxedily. (IB, TA.) See 
an ex. in a verso cited voce JjU. 

Ail : applied to water : see an ex. voce 
n^ .'■ ; and another in a verse cited voce Jiy ; 
and another voco *~^lj. 

j ^ ^ A she-camel ro/«wc mt7A lasts throughout 
the year. (IAar., in TA, art. j£i.) 



4. *J ^ijl, said of hoariness, It became 
abundant, or spread : see 5 in art. ^->. 

8. jjjpW C^iSt [-S/tfl tattooed herself with 
smoke-black], (T, art. jyi.) 

^4 Tattoo : sco v_i_l and «.j«. 


• - _ * * * _ 

ie-ilj .4 female tattooei'. See *».j , latter 

part of the paragraph. 

[Tattooed] •• see a verse cited voce 

»• - 


1. j— irj, inf. n. -ij, i?« variegated, or 
figured, a piece of cloth, or a garment j (Mgh, 

Msb,* ]£ ;) and embellished it. (]£.) ^j 

OliJUl Jl Mt (S, K,) or oUuljl 'JL, (Msb,) 
7/e calumniated, or misrepresented, liim to the 
Sultan. (S, Msb, £.) 

iui .Any colour differing from the main 
colour of a horse, Ac. ; a colour differing from 
the rest, (S,) or from that which generally 
pervades a thing. _ *~_i <LLw ^ It is of one 
generally pervading colour, in which is no other 
colour. _ £~i [also] A murk, sign, symptom, 
or token, by which a thing is known; syn. <U>c ; 
(Msb;) and *M— i which sec. 

..£5, originally an inf. n., A A»W o/ t»«r»c- 
gated, or figured, cloth, or garment. (Mgh, 
Msb.*) _ .yij The variegation, figured work, 
or figuring, of a garment ; making it parly- 
coloured. — _ i«^j sometimes signifies A natural 

diversity of colours : sec <*X<j. »— ^yij of a 

• • 
sword : see jiji. 

^£*ew : see what next follows. 

iC)£ij rcl. n. of *~i>, the rad. ^ being restored ; 

4 s - a , 

(S in the present art ;) and so t lS»^> 'i^e i^j-vt 
[of 5 jlc]. (S in art. •»*>) 

<o iyty» J|j» [4 saying misrepresented]. 
(TA in art C-5, in an explanation of OyX* Jy.) 
__ i*^>« is uset ' D y Aboo-Dhu-eyb to signify 
A musical reed-pipe. (TA, art. vy.) 

1. oUjj flie attained to the proper age for 
service, (rj.) Soo an ex. in the K, voce 

4. ^_«-oj! and * ijL»y^t i/«; (a boy) became 
of full stature, and fit for service. (Mgh.) 

8. ^o^W ou=ul [/f^ reas, or became, cha- 
racterized, or Ac characterized himself, by know- 
ledge, or *«'«««]. (Msb in art J*l.) 

10 : see 4. 

A quality; an attribute; a property; 
or a . description, as meaning the aggregate of 
the qualities or attributes or proj>erties of a 
thing ; or the state, condition, or case, of a 

thing. So explained voce <JLl«o, and voce 

!' ' * • •- ' 

«D«e. Sec its syn. JU.. __ ajus in grammar, 

• •* 

The same as »ioii, An epithet. (£.) A word 

denoting an attribute (^y**) and a substance 
(^>li). Under this term are comprised the 
Jcli ^o-l, the JjjuL* j^\ % the rt y : U iio, and 
the J^f-aJUJI J-«_»l. (I'Ak, sect. iJL-aJI 

JftUll^wl/ i^l«Jt.) — A^lLe iLo [A simple 
epithet] ; an epithet resembling an J*U ^-»l. __ 
iJU. ii*a _■!„ epithet in which the substantive 
character predominates. _ iij, as a goneral 
term for an attributive word, is also applied by Lth 
and other old writers to An adverbial n. of place 
or time, and to a preposition. It is so applied in the 
L and TA, art. J-^, &c. It was applied to 
the former by Fr, (T, voco >_>>£,) and to the 
latter also. (L, TA, ubi supra.) 

<Uuol^oJI *-j : see 3 in art. l> jj- 

* * * * •> ' * » 

1. aUj, and Ae 1 ! J^jj, .He, or »V, arrived at, 

came to, reached, attained, him, or it ; (S, %., 
<tc. ;) as also aJI * J-o>i. (M.) __ <«^».J J»^^ 
2fa made dote his ties of relationship by 
behaving with goodness and affection, Sic, to 
kindred: sce^,»»jJI iLo. __ aJLoj and ♦ *Lo 1^ 
lie had, or Ar/rf, close, or loving, communion, 
commerce, or intercourse, with him. (Msb, K.) 
_ <u«oj, inf. n. J»oj and 4JL0 ; and *jJLoU, 
inf. n. i_i_«!^_x and Jt—^o* ; are said 
with relation to love, whether chaste or un- 
chaste. (M, K.) __ And *L». J-ij, inf. n. J-^« 
and <U-o ; and <U^». tJ^Ij: [/Te wia<f« c/o*c At* 
bond of love, by affectionate conduct], (M.) __ 
aJLoj He gave him property. (TA.) And 
S>5V/ *Lej [He gave him a gift]. (£ in art. 
<_>.»••.) — J^*J -H* connected, or conjoined, a 
word with a following word, not pausing after 
the former; he made no interruption. 

2. aX«j, inf. n. J^oy, xTe joined, or con- 
nected, much: he made a string to Aooe many 
joinings. (TA: the latter from an explanation 
of the pass. part, n.) _ aJ! aLo'^ He made it 
to reacA tt, or Aim : syn. 4JI <>\j\, and «AJlft 


•£l; like £il t iLiJ I [q.v.]. (TA.) See an 
ex. yoce Jii. 

S. See 1. yttoll J-^'j) '"f- n - iJLel^-o and 

JLej, l/« continued the fasting uninterruptedly. 

(TA.) JU>lj: seejilj. SI^JI J^lj #c AeM 

communion, or commerce, of love with the 
woman. _ "%^>^i Contr. of IxtU. (K in 
art. £±=3.) 

4. dJLojl 7/c made, or caused, him, or if, to 
rcacA ; Ac caused to come, brought, conveyed, or 


delivered, him, or it ; (S,* M, K,*;) <t,JI to him, 

. I* z * * *t' 

or it ; as also T <»X^. (M.) See tl>l. 


5. <U)I J-oy -«c applied himself with gentle- 
ness, or courtesy, to obtain access, or nearness, 
to him. (S.) See 1. 

8. <u J-kil /i communicated with it. (Modern 

f * •• 

J-©5 Union [of companions or friends or 

lovers] ; contr. of Jty (T, S, voce ^j) or of 

• - »j • • .. 

i»/» (Msb, il)id.)or o/ J-o» (Bd in vi. 94) or o/ 

• ..» », - « - 

0\>"-*- (?.) ua^j J-a^l ^ 7« 'Ac ease 

of connexion with a following word and in the 
case of a pause. 

J«e) and " J»sj -4 limb : see j*»j and j^ni ; 
and see also Har, p. 34G. Between overy 
£j%ai [or rather between every J-ai and the 
J-»» next to it] is a J-ej. (O, K, in art. J-oi.) 

• » f • 

J-ej : see J-oj. 

j^-ji\ <U-o t T%e [maAi«*7 close one's ties of 
relationship by] behaving with kindness, or 
goodness and affection and gentleness, and con- 
siderateness, or regard for their circumstances, 
to kindred, or relations, even though remote, or 
evil-doers: and _^*-jJI *J»5 signifies the contr. 
(IAth, TA.) __ iLo ^4 gift for which no com- 
pensation is to be made ; a free gift; a gratuity ; 
like a.» and lijuo. (Marg. note in a copy of 
the KT.) __ aJuj The con»tea;ion of a verb 
with the objective complement, whether imme- 
diate or by means of a preposition. ___ iLo The 

' ' ' 
complement of a Jyoyc [or conjunct], (I have 

, . *t 

thus rendered it voce Jl,) whether the latter be 

a particle or a noun. (I'Ak, poet. Jye^Jt.) 

— [The term &Lo is also applied in tho Msb, 

• ■".', i, t it. 

art. Oi'» t0 <*-> m the phrasj <U Oji 1 - ] Often 

applied to the connective prep, by which a verb 
or act. part. n. is transitive, together with the 
noun or pronoun governed by it; as to aJ in 
*J Oi' : and that prep, alone is called iLaJI *JjL. 
Also, to a prep, by which a pass, verb or part. 

n. is connected with its subject, together with 

J - ** * i T 

that subject; as <U in riJ ^jil. In this case it 

is an inf. n. in the sense of a pass, part n., 

namely, of ^yoy>. (IbrD.) — [3X& A con- 

* " 
nective word or phrase : as jSL>> is said to be in 

the phrase IaI^j jJJ ^i: see art. j>-=>. In this 
case it is an inf. n. used in the sense of an act. 
part, n.] It is used in this sense especially 
with reference to cases in the Kur-an. (MF, 
art. jj£» .) 

dX&} : see iiXc : A means of connexion, or 
attachment : see i*Jji- 

i)*oy» A joint, or place of juncture. 

J^c^o, in grammar, [yl <wyKnr<]. This is 

of two kinds ; ijj^ Oy°y* an( ^ l** - ' \)y°y- 

The former term [or conjunct particle] is applied 

• /••• -i »*■*<•« »- 

to the infinitive particles ■>', jji, ijfe, y, and 

Lo. The latter term [or conjunct noun] (I have 

•t • 

thus rendered it voce Jl, and voco <Vjl, and 

s * 

voco ^t) is applied to the conjunctive nouns 

j^JJI, and its fem. \J^\, and ,^«, and U, and 

^i in the dial, of T e 'y'> and to Jl, which last 
some incorrectly hold to be a conjunct particle, 
and others assert to be a determinative particle 
and not a conjunct, and to li after the interroga- 
tive U or £y>. (I'Ak, sect. J><o^«JI.) 

J«oio JUi^-l An exception in which the thing 
excepted is united in kind to that from which 
the exception is made ; contr. of * Ka.o. 

2. eUsj and " tlo^l He enjoined him ; charged 
him ; bade him ; ordered him : (K, &c. :) he 
commanded him, IJk£j, to do such a thing. 

4. wJJJl^ aJ (.-ejl He bequeathed to him 
the third of the property. (MA.) _ ^ojl He 
made his will. __ See 2. 

6. \yo\£ They enjoined, charged, bade, ordered, 
or commanded, one another. See an ex. voce \y£-Qi. 

^j-oj yl person commissioned ; a commissioned 
agetil : (K :) an executor appointed by a mill. 

4-«o^ ^ln injunction, a charge, bidding, order, 
or command: (K:) an admonition, with an 
endeavour to persuade : and a command : its 
place may be supplied by any word in which 


is the meaning of ja\, (Msb.) _ And A will, 
or testament. (K,» TA.) 

1. AJLij He put it, or laid it, (KL,* PS,) in, 
or on, a place : (PS :) he put it, or threw it, 


a*oirn from his hand : (TA :) contr. oj Aatj : 

(Mgh :) syn. aW : (K,* TA, in art. W :), but 

it has a more general sense than this last. (Er- 

Raghib, Kull.) — . sui^ £T< pu< rfown a thing: 

contr. of «jj. (K, voce s--aJ.) — Oukcj She 

brought forth. — <0 iuoj 7/c appointed to him, 

or for him, a sign, or token, &c. : seo Mf b in art. 

^Jlc i-ic 1U0) 7/c imposed upon him a tine, 

or tax, &c. _ s-ij He remitted a tax or the like; 

did not exact it. (Mgh, Mfb, in art. u-_j^-.) — 

Vj-°"J' '>** i J t [2ft«y ^auc over, or relinquished, 

* » * - 
war;~] they made peace; opposed to Uyu>j. (Ham, 

pp. 179 and 180.) *U iij, (S,) or iii, (K,) 

He lowered his grade, rank, condition, (S, K,) or 

estimation. (K.) _ *3jIj»-3 ^ x-6^ /fe /oaY, 

or suffered loss or diminution, in his traffic ; 

(S, Mgh, Msb, K ;) did not gain in it ; (Mgh ;) 

as also T «-ojt. (Mgh.) _ juoj He forged (a 

word :) he forged (poetry, , ,- Lc in the name 

oQ. (Mz, 8th c^i.) ,^ij tijj i-i^ 

iie applied or assigned or ap]rroprimted a word, 

or phrase, to denote, or signify, a thing. (Kull, 

371, &c.) See also .Ijl. __ t/JLi\ *-Xc C-»-i> 3 

app. signifies / moi/e rAe ^/tuy accoi-ding to his, 

or i/*, measure. See OjjJ. 

• •' -' «.»j 

C 6 ^ k -''^' U? : seo ■v**' 

of - •» • 

4. See 1. — *t*£»}ji\ a-ijl ^1 ^* i.q. ^j** 
. - it ' 

^- i J l CH 1 - (T, in L, art. ^-65.) 

6. £->i ! y //e n-a«, or became, lowly, humble, 
submissive, or til a stale of abasement : (Msb:) 
or he lowered, humbled, or abased, himself. 

(S, K) — O^-" w^V ?7'«y 'wo /airf oe^, 
wagers, or stakes, each with the other; gyn. 
U»tp. (TA, art. O-*j0 — t>j^l w-iil^5 
t 77je /anrZ iwj /oicer Man that which was next 
lo it. (TA.) 

if ' 0< C - , 5 

8. *il%,l wUx-sul : see R. Q. 2 in art. «^. 

£&}, as 0110 of the ten predicaments, or 
categories, Collocation, or posture. _ Also The 
constitution of a thing; its conformation; its 
TOfl/t«. And i. q. ^jj, meaning A mode, or 
manner, &c. 

4JU? perhaps an inf. n. of Cx«?j, meaning 
"she brought forth:" see 1, third seutence, 
in art. \ji. 

£t-f3 Low, ignoble, vile, or mean; of no 
rank, or estimation. (Msb.) 

j • - ,* 

\£j~> P~°y* >* ■"« w 'Ac depository of my 

lit if », *i . . 

secret, or secrets. __ «jyi ajujj^ Same a* -' fc > 

suipt. — f'b y .* The proper application, or 



meaning, of a word. (Bel, iv. 48 and v. 45.) 
Bee 1 in art. <J>»-. And The cote in which a 
word it to be used: see S, art. on the particle 
<->. — And The proper place of a thing. — 
Ground ; as when one savs, "a ground for, 
or of, belief, trust, accusation," &c. And 
The proper object of an action, &c. : as in the 
phrase >Jj£»NU ^oy* o^* ^" t-/ ' a one it a 
projnr object of honouring. 

• *». 

pyoy A certain pace of a beast ; contr. of 

• *•* • « »* 

f-y 1 )*- (S in art. *ij.) — pyby» as an inf. n., 

signifying a certain manner of going of a boast : 

««e ^e-*-»JI £■*> — £>-^j-*. in l°g'c, t A 

tubjert, a* opposed to a predicate : and t a sub- 

ttanre, a* opposed to an accident : in each sense, 

• * • < 
cotrr. o/ Jh>«fc .«■ — t The tubject of a book 

o. the like. __ See c>~ao. _ it^xo ot^-ol 
•• » > . t 

is-yby* : see art i-^-s- 

• * # * # 

i«<ily<> [when used as a conv. term in 

lexicology] i.q. --*}Ua«o1 [when so used]. (Mz, 
1st £y.) 

&jLoI^ 13>' [\A low hill]. (S in art. ^U..) 

UUs) j 

4. AJLJI uusjl //e mm/e Me she-camel to go 
the pace termed v^tfc ; like l^itfjl. (Khaleefch 
El -Hoscynce, in TA, art. »>»*}.) 

i>-oj .4 girth (ijlU/) wwfe, toowh o/ thongs 
or hair, or o/t/y of skin; (M, $L ») *at't/ to be 
adapted for the J*.j amf Me »-i>* ; the O^V 
being peculiarly for the s T «i3 : (M :) or it it for 
the eOy*>, like the t^Uaj /i;r (Ac y^ri and the 
jjJ^oj for the ^)*>-j and the j\jm- for the ~.j~, ; 
and both [but to what this refers is doubtful] 
are like the *~ ">, except that they are of thongs 
woven one upon another, doubly or more. (S.) 

•»« hi *. > > . 

J UA« 4 •'. 9. <U3 i. e. *jy*y.«. (TA in art 

1. i^»j : see ts*U> in art. w* jl». 


2. y.*$\ ^* *-Ai ^>J»} 2fe disposed and 
tubjected hit mind, or himself, to do the thing ; 

syn. VU&j -OjOJ Ujyi (Mfb.) <uOi ^j 

* i " *' 

. j^JI j^jl*, aud a), £T« induced, or pertuaded, 

himself to do the thing ; syn. a-JU 
in TA.) See also 5 and 10. 

4 : see 10. 

. (ISd, 

0. »^JI (jJ* *-iJ CwJ»^3, and <t3, ffe under- 
took the thing, and submitted to it; syn. CJU*J 
^ «l-)i^ (ISd, in TA) [see also 2 and 10] his 
mind, or he, became disposed and subjected to do 
the thing; syn. Ojky^j. (K. [in the CK, for 
Uo r ^> V^^j ,8 P ut l*J*«J \r*>yi]-) 

' ' ' '* 

10. ^JejiJ 7/c look for himself as a home, or 

settled place of abode, (S, Msb, K,) a country ; 
(S, Msb;) as also *J>i»jl (S, M ? b, %.) and 
tc4>j(S, K:)or*J>tyi'. (Msb.) 

^^j The pfoce o/" aiorfe or residence (S, 
Mgh, K) of a man : (S, Mgh :) a man's settled 
place of abode ; his place of constant residence ; 
his dwelling; his liome. (Msb) 

2. J^«Jl AfXe. oUaj Ife appointed him the 
work. (Msb.) — fr'>-)l jartX* J&j [He 
assessed them their rates of the •-!>*.]. (Mgh 
in art Ja— 5. ) 

• « 

«~«^bj, in every quadruped, What is above the 

A-> [or pastern], to the joint of the JL» : in the 

fore-leg of a horse, what is beneath the knee, to 

the ija- ; and in the hind-leg, what is between 

the >y. » , f » [or hock] and the <L&. : accord, to 

IAar, in a camel,/ro/» Me i-.j [or pastern], to 

the knee in the fore-leg, and in tho hind-leg 

to the «r>>ir-* [or hock]: (M, TT:) [the 

shank, fore and hind], __ Sec * . s , and 
• « • » ■»• j 

S « * » j fc, and ij^j. — In a horse, IFAnr eorre- 

sponds to the elj£> in an oar or a Mee^ or ^oa< ; 
or the tlender part of the leg. (r>, voce f\j&.) 
(The wi-feyi J-o>« is 7%e joint between which 
and the hoof it the tlender part called the 
£-y. (£, art. >--j.) Tlie j(Ze«</er part of 
the tlji and JjC i»i a Aor*e, camel, ij-c. (S, }£..) 
That which is broad, in tho hind-log, is pre- 
ferred ; and that which is gibbous in the fore- 
leg. (S.) [In art. <L*., the place where the JL. 

and sJulij meet is mentioned.] The arm ( tlji) 
of a camel, [&c.,] is above the vJLii). (K, voce 
c'ji-) The <*e^j evidently signifies what anato- 
mists call the metacarpus (in the fore-leg) and the 
metatarsus (in the hind-leg) : sec iAj and «- Jtsm . 
In general it seems to signify the tlender part 
of tlie shank, next tlie pastern: and this, accord. 
to the. explanation of Jjj^...« in the M and K, 
is the meaning assigned to it in the S and K. 


Seo also clji.] — The bone of the jC (L, art. 

p-j.) — outyt J-o^i Thefetbch.joint. (S, ?:, 

voce *-y.) 

• - # 

•Ujlij A a'at/y allowance, or portion, of food, 

or the like. (S, K.) ._ iLbj also An appointed 

part-payment, or instalment, due at a particular 

pei-iod. (Mgh, Msb, in art.^,^.) ^ li^l 

it ' 

ufj"i" r'lr*- [An assessed rate of the land-lax], 
' *• • . 

S, voce )>-Js.) 

^: seejyi>. 

f^ 5 


1. ykjJI a— 1 5 1. y. djua. and a£sj.c and c^^ 
&c. (IAar, TA, in art. «iU»..) 


JU} : see Jl>c. 

iJfCj : sec i>j^6. 

• # * .. 

J*^ il mountain-goat : (K, Ac. :) soe jLi; 

• •« «a >J ..- 

also ^Jl ; and <L>jjl and j^i. 

J^cj as meaning Noble persons : and strong 
men : see two exs. voce 


1. »Uj He kept it in mind, and considered it. 
(Msb.) _ i-i^JI ^^ //e Aey>/, or retained, 
the narration in his mind, or memory ; or knew 
it, or learned it, by heart ; and studied it until 
he knew it. (Msb.) — ^j, aor. -, lie heeded; 
paid attention to. 

4. w- .' Ji I I .-Ujl 7f e rnac/e Aim ^0 retain the 
narration in his memory ; or to Anoie tf, or learn 
it, by heart. (TA, in art. w»&>j .) 

»Lej A [6n^, or wallet, or] receptacle, -for 
travelling-provisions, and for goods or utensils, 
Sfc. : (S, MA :) a vessel (?) ^JUJI ilij [The 

* * ' 4 

pericardium]. (TA, voce jl>i.) — <U --■ *'; 
i^»J j_j* Li f J' '^ "W-'rf **'"* t/w< »»<»* in wy^ 

Aear<. (Er-Itaghib,TA, in art. 3 )CA and ^Ci.) 

jTcjll ,_i^. [77i« adverbial particle ,J,]. (IB, 
in T A, art. k^.) 


J*5— & 


4 \ y ^xky , for l^i cJit^l : sec a verse cited 
V*cc ^i. 

Jxl^ : sec u£jt> and 1 >^-'> am * ^** 


^j, said of food : see jgib 

2. ,j»y)l c^-'J ■"• 7'"' " \j*te$ [ or *^i«] 
beneath the [liand-] hi/7/. (M, in art. J*5.) 

<. .•< • *»i 

4. i^ai^l : see (.i-iy. 

(^olij : see 2, ami JIaj. 

# i»t . # 

1. o^»l ,>ij 77/'s affair, or rase, w/i.t r»V////, 

agreeable with what teas wished, or desired. (A, 

2. s^ol ,>>5 [77c accomodated, adapted, or rf/jf- 
posed, his affair to its object ; directed it to a rig/it 
»'.««(• .] prospered it. (iK.)_^^ aiij //« dis- 
posed him, or adapted him, to a thing ; ha disposed 

> it -* J.£. 

him, or made him Jit, for a thing. — aJJ\ ojl>* (tod 
accommodated him, adapted him, or disposal 
him, or duelled him, to the right course ; syn. 
«)ju : (Msb:) (iod made him to take, or 
fallow, n right way, course, or direction, [in an 
lillilir] : or directed him by inspiration to that 
which was good, or to prosperity. (TA.) _ 
jt«> — U 4JLi} [77c accommodated, adapted, dis- 
posed, or directed him, to that which was right]. 
(K, nrt. ju».) _ v >^Jt ij+j ^Jjj He effected 

an agreement, a harmony, a reconciliation, an 
accommodation, or an adjustment, between the 

two things. (MA.) And ^oji'l k ^ t _i c-i-ij [7 
effected an agreement , a harmony, Sec, between 
the people, or party ; made peace between them]. 
(Msb, in art. -*J~o ; &c.) 

3. *Ai\) 77c, or it, was conformable, or did 
conformably, to him, or it; was as he, or it, 
was, or dill as lie, or it, did: coincided with 
him, or it : it suited him, or it : it matched it ; 
tallied with it. _ jj»\ ^Jte <uul^ i.q. <uU f Jij\ 

-Oic, He agreed with him, or was of one mind 
or opinion with him, upon, or respecting, a thing, 
or an affair. (TA.) — [*A*lj is best rendered 
He agreed, consented, accorded, or was of one 
wind or opinion, with him : and he complied 
v. ith AIM, or it (see <tcjU») : and he coincided j 
Kith him, suited him, or it ; it matched it, &c.] 

— tr^JJI wjIJuOI JJil^ [TYic punishment agreed, 
or corresponded with the sin, crime, or offence]. 
(TA.) __ Ji-sl_j It teas suitable, or convenient. 
__ Sec ili=>li-o in nrt. jCi, conj. 3. __ aa>I^ 
He encountered him ; syn. with <uoLa, q.v. 

4. tj*\ ti-»jl He found his affair, or case, 
agreeable with his wish, or desire. (TA.) 

8. JUujI It happened ; .chanced. Soused in 
tlio K, art. w~a) , and in many other works. _ 

o . . . i . . . .2 

y*\ jJLft ajuj Jkiit : see 3. 

• o - 

ifeiy .4 certain legal document : a pleading. 

JUJI Casual. 


0- - - * 

1. -v<JL> i-Jj and J^JO [ //c fulfil led, per- 
formed, kept, or was faithful to, the compact, 

1 . 
or covenant, and the promise] : act. part. ». ^ij ; 

pi. JUJjt. (MhI>.) __ !L»^ signifies Tlie being 

faithful to an engagement, or promise : see 1, 

last sentence, in art. ,-C) . «t ; _j 7/o paid it: 

j * l a l i. o - a - 9 0' 

see au ex. (x,i\ ^jl ^1 ^>^j ^) voce wy. 

2. aa»- »Uj and * als^l and T »UI_j and ♦ aliy 
and * olsjlwl //r paid, or rendered, to him fully, 

or completely, his right, or f/we. (K. [In tlic 

> e- . i . . 

CK., olijl is erroneously put for oUlj.]) 

3. *i ^jjl^ 7/c brought it : sue a verse cited 
in art. «v^_. __ Sec 2. 

4. aJU j_j»3l //« looked upon it, looked upon 
it from above, looked down upon it ; got a view 
of tt ; or *««• it; syn. aJ*. wij-l, (S, Msl>, K, 
TA,) and £Ai>l ; and <ui ^jl [likewise] signifies 
dtjM. (TA.) See 2. 

5. <UJI »l*y> CrwZ took his soul, (S, r>,) [either 
at dcatli, or in sleep. See the lyur-iin, vi. 00] : 
or caused him to die. (MhI>.) __ See 2 and 10. 

10. olj^wl and » oli^J 7/c [cxarte//,] <ooA, or 
received, it fully, or wholly. (Mgh.) Sec an 
ex. voce ,_,!*. «— See 2. _ ^^ill [//c cow- 
pleted] so many years of his age. (A, O, in TA, 
voce ji».\ .) 

& - .. ». i . 

J>5 : see ^j j^nJI J> s [A fulftller, 

performer, or keeper, of the compact, or covenant. 

(TA, voce Jl .) 

1. j^^l ^ij 77ie rA%, or fl/TIi//-, [,/l//, 6e/e//,] 
happened; took place; came to pass; became 
[executed, performed, or] realized; syn. jr\r~ 

(TA.) _ ^ «ij /7e lighted, jr enmc, «/>o« a 
thing or place ; and he became in a place. — 
yjA^\ oL~JI ^j» lj*ij [77ifly lap :sd into the years 
of scantiness of herbage']. (K In art. <Uw, q.v.) 
__ <u)l »5^ /< chanced, or happened, to come to 
him, or iV : and, said of a thing borne by water, 
i< drifted to it, namely, a place. _ a«A* *ij /< 
yifl, lay, or closed, upon it, or against it. __ 
j^b «3j 7/c originated the thing, or «>««f, «/?</ 

made it to befall. (TA.) ii^ 7/c /eW ?»/« a 

snare, or the like : he became insnared. _ 
S'iLi t^jl jj* «_3j i. 7. Ij^J jLo [7/e was, or 
became, meaning Ac found himself, came to be, 
or chanced to be, in a desert, or waterless, land] ; 
(Msb:) and i^jj ,»* [i» « meadow, or garden]: 
(T, S, in art. ^JJt :) [or he lighted upon, &<•. ; 
from the lighting of a bird]. _ juu followed by 
(> ^U, often signifies 7r (a garment, &c., or a 
portion thereof,) lies against or upon a certain 
part of the body, &e. — ^^yj «3j and ^yj '^i^l 

He wade much slaughter among them: (Msb:) 
or Ac fought them vehemently : (K :) or Air yW/ 
w/)on them in fight : (PS:) both mean the same: 
(S :) he made an onslaught upon them : «i«l 

ri * « ^ r 

j jkaJb /«> made an assault, or « sudden assault, 
' ' . •• %. 

upon the enemy. (MA.) _ <u» «i^, inf. 11. *jtJ_j, 

He spohe evil of him, behind his bach, or in his 
absence, or otherwise, saying of Aim what would 
grieve him if he heard it; (S ;) slandered him. _ 
He reviled, rili/icd, or vita perilled, him ; ekan/cd 
him with a rice, fault, or the like ; defamed him ; 
or detracted from his reputation. (Msb.) _„ 
<ti|U£» ,j-o USy* «3), [and *;».U. ^, (see K, 
art. jii,)] It supplied, or sufficed for, his 
need; syn. JU* (J itl. (Msb.) Uiv* ijj signifies 
/< */oo</ IN .«!««(/, or in some stead : see ^-ii, in 

the 1<L ; and see Bd, and Jel, ix. 00: and Ui^i 

■'..*. «■•«*••«»•»" 

Ut** » «»* ff**B< */««</. U5j* ^ juL ^ [7t" 

</«/ «o< x/i/nrf triV/i /ii'/» in any stead]. (S, K, 

voce hJ „1 , end of art. kAt.) [You say] 

1 « - ' '? 1" ' ' I*-*' '•• ' ' 

l.j-jl U>». Ua^o _ro-}ll «.-« *ij zy t( s // (/// y 

.«/««/ nv'(!/i /h'm [i'/i ^oorf stead, or (if the expres- 
sion be allowable) in evil stead] ; syn. tfjjj »£3« 
(TA.) __ Aa.UJI ^ U3^« oj [/< supplied, or 
sufficed for, what was needed]. (Bd, ix. G0.)__ 
i)^ OotJj , and i£i «-U^ : see luJ . __ 
I j£» ,_,U ^aj J< (a word) <y>/>Zi<» Co xuc/i a thing. 
2. yUJpl ^i £' 3> (MA, TA,) inf. n. ^ip, 
(KL, TA,) [as commonly used in the present 
day,] He signed the writing [for tlte purpose of 
giving effect to it, cither beneath, or by endorsing 
it]: (MA, KL:) [but as generally used in 
earlier, though post-classical, times,] he annexed 
to the writing, after it had been finished, for the 


Nul /tin or the administrator of affairs, to whom 
it had been submitted, something [for the purpose 
of giving effect thereto] ; as, for instance, when 
a complaint is submitted to the Sultan or to the 
administrator, and one writes beneath the writing 
or on the bn r h t/iereof, " Let the affair, or case, 
of this person be looked into, and let his right, 
or due, be fully exacted for this person ;" or, 
accord, to Az, he wrote, upon tlie writing, a con- 
cise abstract, omitting redundances, of the objects 
of want [petitioned for therein] : from *-»y 
J&U.W j^lo jjjJI [" the gall's, or sore's, marking 
the back of the camel"] ; as though the £y» 
upon the writing marked, upon the cose respect- 
ing which the writing was written, that which 
confirmed it, and rendered its execution obliga- 
tory : (TA :) **}•? also signifies such a writing 
itself (_A% \J. '^H^> ?, K, TA;) and its 
pi. in oU*»>3 : (TA:) it is said to be an Islamic 
term ; not old Arabic. (TA.) [Also lie made 
an entry of a note or postil or the like, or entries 
of notes, .<•<:., in the writing, or booh : sec an ex. 
voce iJuuo — *i 1&} He blamed him; reproved 
him angrily, or severely. (TA.) — Sec 4. 

3. ^»*$\ iS\'j t B* threw himself [or plunged] 
into the affair : he fell into the affair : he fell 
into the affair, subjecting himself to difficulty. 
(MA.) And \ Ho fell to the thing; such as 
tintinjr, and drinking, and the like : see 3 in 
art. ^JUJ, for an instance of this, as well as a 

similar, meaning. — jy»^ £*'*> '"'• n - ***'>♦ 
and t^}, npp> He wat near ta l '°'"g> or expe- 
riencing, tin- affairs, or events; syn. UUIj. (TA.) 
__i^i, «il^ also means He experienced the occur- 
rence of a thing; he met with a thing; i.e.,some- 
thing occurred. _tw £»\y same as j^yi ^ £»j 
He fell into a thing. (Kur, xviii.51, and Expos, 
of the Jcliiloyii.) — V* 5 '.? He compressed her. 

(MA.) jmri f*'S [H* engaged with them in 

fight, or conflict], (S.) 



«5j — JSj [S'CPPiJtintirT. 

5. *il^5 and **«5^£ll He expected it ; looked Bd, vi. 27 and 30. — <u/j ,^1* tCJJj .1 made 

him acquainted with, or made him to knon), his 
crime, sin, fault, or the like ; (S, K :) and so 

mmm j. "9m mS% m mm 

xJs. " aaJjI, q.v. (Mgh.) __ *-i-ij, aor. r, 

for its coming to pass, or being. (S, K.) 
10 : see 5. 

4. yV^I iJjl , inf. n. cUL.1 , (with which 
t •jijj is syn., as is shown in the TA,) He made 
the thing, or affair, to happen, to take place, to 
come to pass, or to become executed or performed 
or realized. _ **»jl He caused him to fall into 

a snare, or the like ; he ensnared him £»jl 

L^ : sec 1 tp>»v«* ?Jy He caused evil to 

' ' *■ 

befall them ; occasioned them evil. __ Ay *»jl 
[He punished him]. (A, art. ;.»*.) — See 1. 
_ aAj ^j iiijl He put into his heart, or 

mind. — j>\ii\ £># £*J'» ( L » art - t^A) or 

]h\ J£*i £*>' ( TA < in tlmt art -) ''• 1- ^j 1, ( L » 

TA, in that art.) _ ity He made a verb tran- 

%>5 : see 8, in art. j J^-. 

a*S 3 An jonslaught ; a shock in battle: (S :) 
or such as is repeatedly made. (K.) 

Ax-ij The nsisp of wool, &c., with which one 

i '* 
tars a mangy camel : see S-Vj- 

yj| ^ cl») [app., 0«e ro/io is wont to make 
others fall into evil, or miscAie/*]. (K, voce 
,^oljyU, q. v., in art. ^jojy) 

%3\j Actually occurring. — An event ; a fact ; 
a case *»1y""t ^ In fact ; in reality. 

* ■' j 

cUut , in music, -A cadence. 

^j| ii^i .4m ooca.s»'on (lit., n place) of falling 

i'«<o f j';j. I 1 **** >*J ! see £»J > ln llircc P» a ces : 

lit., It fell in a place of falling, or where it 
should fall : sometimes app. meaning it had an 
effect.] — It is said of a half of a date given 

, * . .m • • * J * # Sk*» m m 

as alms, \<£» fJ^I ^5^ t^>* *■* O^n^i ^ 

ii&'l til o^J' ^ LK^i ^ [»I>P-. STtore 
appears not, of it, any effect upon tlie hungry, 
&c.]. (O, in art. «3j , in explanation of a trad, 
montioned thore and in tbo Msb.) Sec »-»j 
<u3l^o, voce Jiic. 

• j . 

»3ye iln efficient. 

•a. > • f »« 

».»^o Tried, experienced : sec -*->y>. 

1. ,_i»j He tva.i, or became, still, or stationary ; 
(Msb;) [Ac f/oo<i s*i//;] he continued standing: 
(K.-) and [simply] he stood ; contr. of Lr i».. 

(TA.) SjIjJI Ji-Sj, inf- n. uuij, IZe tnarfc 

/Ac 6ca«t <o ic, or become, still, or motionless. 
(Msb.) — aJi* wii} -Efe stopped, or jiauxed, 
upon coming to him, or t'< ; Ae stopped, or 
paused, at it ; or where he, or if, teas. __ 
, _*, ip <JL5^ He paused at, and paid atten- 
tion .to, a thing. __ 4-ift JLi 9 7/e compre- 
hended it, namely, a meaning: lie understood 
it. (TA. [Or, correctly, «-iJ^, for it is there 
altered.]) — He met with it ; namely, a word 
or the like, in reading : often occurring in 
this sense. — *-A* >-ii j He saw it : and he was 
introduced into it, and knew what was in it. 
(TA.) He was made to k?iow it surely. See 

inf. n. Jyj, He withstood, resisted: governing 

* ** '* m, J ' mtt . *' 5' 

by ,j# . __ ajL5_j and * aaj^I and * **J^ [He 
bequeathed it, or jraw it, unalienably :] the first 
of these is the most chaste : the last is dis- 
approved and rare. (TA, art. tar ^».) See 

mSt . 3 

2. yf$\ ^jks. 4iJ^ [He made him to pause, or 
wait, at the thing, or affair], (K, TA, in art. 
Jay.) See the quasi-pass. <JL»y ; and sec <Uay. 
__ 4iij, inf. 11. yjjy 7/c taught him the places 
of pausing, in reading. (Mgh.) And hence, He 
m«(fc Aim <o Anoro a thing. (Mgh.) — _ <Uu3^ 

• a ^ . . * St J*5* 

t -UI [J*, meaning oljj AJ^fi, i/e maa« Aim 

acquainted with the thing ; informed him of it ; 

gave him notice of it ; though often occurring, 

for aJL* oXJj , seems to be post-classical. It 

is used in this sense, or as meaning lie (God) 

revealed to him the thing, in many places iu the 

Mz, 1st cy : as, for ex., in the following in- 

*• ^* . ** . *«* il. -* .a. 

stance, cited from IF, *Vi U ^& j,±\\ aJUI wii^ 

aljl A^Ltj ^t [God taught, or revealed to, Adam 

m * .5- 

irAo< He pleased to teach him] ^jjl»J1 w«*j, 

(JK,) inf. n. w*-»y», (K,) He explained the tra. 

1.1'. « •- 

dition ; syn. Ai«j. (JK, K.*) _ <Ju>y, as a 

a • - a - 

legal torm : sec U « Ji ,-1* \joJ- — See 1. 

3. ot-*t) ITe i/oor/ with another in a com- 

petition ; was a partner in a match, ice.; see 


t m . . 3 

4: see 1. — »,«£ ,,1* 4i»jt He. acquainted 

tm m * _ J mwm . 

hint with a thing. — <ui j ^JLc Aiki^l : sec <Ua3j, 
which is the expression commonly known. 

5. , -i)l ^J* iJtiy t //e jtanscd, or waited, 
at tlie thing; syn. vi«Iu (IDrd, K, TA.) 
(Acconl. to some copies of the K, C : tj .] You 

ml . 1 , , > »5.- . 

say, j^>^l IjJk ^JLc w-*»>> J / paused, or waited, 
at this thing, or affair. (TA.) And (^jie uuy 
d^"^£> ji^. I[7/« paused, or waited, at the 
re/>/// <o Ai* speech], (TA.) And hence, w»>y 
et",".)i jJl* 7jT« limited, or restricted, himself 
to what had been heard [from the Arabs, 
with respect to a construction, &c] ; did not 
transgress it, or overstep it. Sec oL*^U. ... 
4e» i_ji»$J t //c paused upon it ; he hesitated, 
or deliberated, respecting it. Of very frequent 

1 + *£ * * 

occurrence. — ^»^\ ^jt. Uiiyi t He held, re- 
frained, or abstained, from the thing, or affair. 
(Msb.) tjib ^J* JiSy /< (for instance, an 


opinion or a judgment, and the truth of an 
evidence or a demonstration, and the result of 
«n inquiry or investigation) rested, was founded 
or grounded, depended, or was dependent, upon 
such a thing. You say, of knowledge, J&&. 
W* ^y* *iyam. Its origination rests upon such 
a thing ; as, for instance, speculation. 

«-i»5 An entailed, or unalienable, legacy or 

gift ; a mortmain. See *Ji } \. —. Olijiu oy^Jt 

Thi: halting of tho pilgrims at Mount 'Arafat. 

- - * _• . 

flatcd : sec Av< 

<-*».j — , iJj 

a . 

The horse's belly was in- 

>=» «*■» (j** *-»y>« Drought to the verge of 
infidelity: see jk*.. 

**,.t .$ 

'•** ^5* >-A»>i» Ul [-? aw pausing, or hesitating, 
respecting this ;] I do not form, or give, a decided 
opinion (Uj ^^1 •}) respecting this. (TA.) 


• A M- JS. 

1. tyA\ 4&I «Uj GW preserved him from 
eril. (Msb.) Sec a vorso cited voce ££>. __ 
,»>*•»-• J^ oI»l JL5j God preserve thee from 
all fear: see jjJmm*. — J, or I», and jy, 
arc imperatives [meaning lie thou cautious']. 

(JK ) — jXstXii ^jU J : see iJUi »ii j and 

" oliil hotli signify 7/ie mat cautious of it ; syn. 
•J.W- (£.) 

5. «l»^3 (and, accord, to a usage in tho K, 
art - ir»-> ftl *o *^« (^»y) 77e guarded against it ; 
woe cautious of it; syn. 4U j£L\ and «LUJ^3. 
(?, K,*art. j[/s*.) _ Atyjj Aijj: see 4 in art. 

8. ^1 .He preserved, or guarded, himself 
exceedingly, or extraordinarily : (Ksh, Bd in 
ii. 1 :) Ae put a thing between him and another 
to preserve him, or guard him. (Ham, p. 359.) 
— In tho conventional language of tho law 
He preserved, or guarded, himself exceedingly, 
or extraordinarily, (Ksh, Bd, ubi supra,) from 
tin, of commission or of omission, (Ksh,) [or] 
from what would harm him in the world to 
come. (Bd, who describes three degrees.) It may 
often be rendered He was pious ; or careful of his 
religious duties. _ J.U.J J^U Ja\ [He guarded 
hintst If against them in an extraordinary degree, 
and was cautious, or wary]. (JK, TA, in art. 

^yi*..) See 1 { ji i , for ^jEj : see art. ^jj -. 

and see a vorse of Khufaf Ibn-Nudbeh, 

(quoted in the S, in art. Jj,) cited voce *$\. 

-I' r --' . . • "»•* 

— in tor ^ : see a verse cited voce »-jjU< . 

^Sj Cautious, guarding himself from sin, #c. : 

i . 
sec ^jZS. 

•a . 

4*»j Property by means of which one preserves 

himself: pi. oOj. (TA.). Sec a verse cited 

voce J-m~». 

ijtfj Excess of preserving or guarding. (Ksh, 
Bd in ii. 1.) _ A preservative. 

Jlj A saddle that docs not gall (lie back. (S, K.) 

•-. » «a . 

*e*bj used as an inf. n., like i«3li : see Har, 

p. 136. __ ifS\^ as meaning one preterm?; soo 

an ex. voce a«S^. 

•a i < i 

ieijl An ounce: sec Jly, in two places. 

Jjj »iU and JjL>) { jd : see art. jXa. 

*& ^ ^=»'j and 4±il^ «. 7 . ^JitJ and 
S-^!>* : Attending assiduously to such a thing; 
intent upon it. (Lh, in TA, art. ^Aiy) 

i*£»S pi. of £.*=>'}, like as 
Base ; see a verse cited voce ^ 

is of 


*• <-* £ »J 8 a'd of water from the eyes : see 
a verso cited voce^wj. One of its inf. ns. is 
0^»J- (K, voce Ji»..) 

*•>*-" (^c WJ *^^ [^ wa * made to drip upon 
bread]; said of fat melting and dripping. (TA 
in art. J++.) __ Jiisj and t JUbjl ■ see J& » 
and >_il>t. 

4 : see 2. 

«_«£»j : sec an ex. in a verse cited voce 
>-*-^>j , inf. n. of 1 : see ^j. 



L «ilj Jl ^, i„f. n . ^ and Jj^ He 
fc/i Atm to Am opinion, or judgment. (TA.) 
And *Ji Jl iofej, aor. j£, inf. n. j^j, 
[/ left him to himself;] I did not manage his 
affair, nor aid him. (Msb.) And ,j'l ,Ab» 
'•*= iea»e f/«ou me to manage such a thing. 


(TA.) A^i yjj JJs&j [J fe yj ; ( ,- m <0 /tjt 

religion, not interfering with him therein]. 
(S, Msb, K, voce a££j.) 

*• S\jr~i *^3 He appointed him, or intrusted 
htm, us his commissioned agent, factor, or deputy, 

with the management, or disposal, of a thing 

0>*^ oJi=j 7 associated a J-is>j [or /ac/or, 
&c] »ci7/j such a one. (T in art ,_».) 

5. 4-i; J-i^j, AIld .g^ f Jj5l, 7/« re/»W 
upon him; (S, Msb;). and confided in him: 
(Msb :) he submitted himself to him. (K.) __ 
J*yv J£>>> jffe became responsible to him for 

the management of the affair. (TA.) j!»p 

<S« «t) He became responsible to him for it. (TAJ 

— **' L5! J** 3 ^» occame J-£>j fij an affair. 

— f**' «^ , *i t-^>» He became administrator 
of one's property. 

6. <A£=>\y> He deserted him, or it : i. q. ts£sjj ; 
see two uxs. voce jju*. 

8 : see 5 Jii. ; g uset l ns an inf „ of j^, 

J^>i and tii^ and tliij An impotent 
man, (S, K,) 7wAo commits his affair to another. (S.) 

^y-l ... 

J-±=j ^1 witness; syn. jk^. (J c l, ii. OR. 
and iv. 16*9.) — ^. commissioned agent; a 
factor; a deputy. 

4Jl£»j, for 4Jl£>yt jlS, A factory: pi. JJl&y 

«. • » 

i^i=j certainly means, sometimes, A bird's 
nest, wherever it be: see an ex. in the first 
paragraph of art. ^jkA. 

•^°ji A tie: see an ex. voce c— I, in art. C 
— The ft>, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) which is a cord, 
(Msb,) of the head (S, Msb) of the i^3, (S, 
Mgh, Msb, K,) ,>. (K.) 

R. Q. 1. OJy.j She (a woman) wailed, or 
rawed Aer voice with tceeping. (Har, p. 395.) 

3. ^Ij /Te acred perfidiously, or practised 
fraud: sec (jJlj. 


Jj} Treachery : see ,^Jj. 

trJj — (jljj 


2. y «& [*•?• f< «#] : (*» a,-t - V* : ) i/6 ' 
>Wr Aim /o 6e desirous, or /om</, o/ i<. See 
> ,«• 

<V »lj*l. 

4. U& Ajjji He, or t'f, rendered him eagerly 
de*irous of such a thirty ; or fond of it. (MA.) 
_ a, £*,( I. q. *i il>t (K.) — * fjy //« 
fcttiNtf attached to it, or /«H*d of it ; [wax 
derated, or addicted, to it ; mas eagerly desirous 
of it ;] he adhered, clung, or clave, to it ; or 
loved it; (M«b;) '•'/• ** csA 1 - (90 Sc0 
this lust, and a^ .A^l- 

«Jj .Lyjnj •■ soo Jy*. 

l& Eager desire [t'^f for a thing] ; syn. 
Je'jm. : (Har, p. 007:) fondness [for it] ; attach- 
met [to it]: (L, Msb, TA :) t. q. >l>. (S, K, 
in art. >»>M 

mother. (TA.) And a.11 a) 3 is app. syn. w 
aJJ All, q.v. 

aJj Distraction in love : sec *,-».. 

aJIj [/fcre/i of the beloved :] i. 7. J£»tf. (T A, 
art. w 'j-t.) And Distracted. 


or affairs; he made a successive connexion, or 
no interruption. (K.) And »•% lie mad' it 
consecutive, successive, or uninterrupted, in it* 
progressions, or gradations, or fAe lihe; syu. 
a^U [whuh see]. (Msb.) — W'j, (MA,) 
inf. n. \<)\'^, (S, KL, TA,) He befriended him, 
or was friendly to him. (S, MA, KL, TA.) See 


1. Zip, (S, Msb, K,) and aJU ^3, (Msh.K,) 

inf. u. L<b ( S ' M ? b » &) illld &&> ff»5 or the 
former is a simple subst., (TA,) and signifies 
the office, and authority, (K,) He held command 
or authority orrr it ; had charge of it ; presided 
over it, or superintended it, (namely a thing, 
S, Msb, K, and a country, province, town, or 
the like, S, Msb,) as a prefect, commander, 
governor, lord, prince, lung, administrator, or 
manager; (K, TA ;) i. q. »»&3. (Msb.) __ 
\ jja Jjj He performed the act or office of doing 
such a thing ; he did such a thing himself. 

4. ^jl He gave : and he made near. (KL.) 
__ (Jj^JM »*^3 1 He did to him, or conferred upon 
him, a benefit, or favour ; syn. aJI »Ij— I ; n* 
though he made it clcacc to him, being next to 
him : or he put him in ]>osscssion of it. (TA.) 
You say aiso, *5i »"^l [He brought upon him 
abasement, or ignominy], (S, K, in art. <* & . „ *.,) 
and oVbj JJJI- (Msb in that art., voce 

: 8C0 «i* 

•eJ^Biid ii^ofthc £>i> 

ij,* J/flrM, IN oblong shapes, with blach 
and white : (8 :) or, with other colvurs. (As, S.) 

* •{ ' 
Sue also »♦**. 

1. *J^ lit (a dog) fa/J/wtf. (S, Msb, K.) 
See un ex. voce 

* > ' - 

,,# , * * * 
,_AJ^)I 7Vjc common cyclamen : see ^^c jyi^- 

• 1 - ' - * 

w»^, for Ol»! : see **)!. 

iij^ .1 rrp«*< prepared on the occasion of a 
n-edding: (T, G, M, Mjfli, Msb. K:) or, o» any 
occasion. (M, M-;h, K.) 


1. a]« /Til renxon departed, or Ar became 
bereft of his reason or »«<c//fiff, »'« consequence of 
grief; (K ;) or of joy, or Jfr»^{ (Msb;) or 
of intense grief; (S, Mgh ;) or of the loss of 
'the beloved : (TA :) or he grieved, or sorrowed : 
(K:) and /«e became confounded, or perplexed, 
and unable to see his right course, (S, K, TA,) 
by reason of intense griej r : (S, TA :) and Ae 
feared. (K.) See also All, in two places. — 
Ci\ J)» '*>') He ( ftn infa,lt ) y earned f or A " 

2. Jli He caused to turn away, or bark, 
(Kur-an, eh. ii. v. 13<i.) — He caused to turn 
towards, with ace. (Idem, ch. ii. v. 139.) — 
He turned away, or departed. (TA.) — *>^ ^5 
7/c /«r«ef/ away from, avoided, shunned, and 
left, him or it. (Msb.) _ ^jLi\ ^ [.The 
tvar declined]. (A, K, in art. >-.) — W> Ji 
He went bach, or retreated, feeing. (S.) — 
^^ a£)j 7 j»/«w«i /»'»' 6«/«'«^ me > and hctl>oh 
myself to defending him. (TA ill art. up-) — 
More commonly I turned my bach upon Mm, or 
it : see Har, p. 504. — ^Xl J"h\ ^ The 
night [declined, i. c] retreated to depart; syn. 
^JL (T in art. jjy) — iUil^l ji'l J 5 ?%« 
«/« of the people, or ;/«rty, rfwW, or became 
reduced to a bad state ; syn. yj*l. (M in art. 
^i.) __[&=> J* and J'i alone, both of 
frequent occurrence in the lexicons, &c, He 
became in a declining slate by reason of age.] 
}j said of a man is syn. with yi ; as also £-i. 
(S in art. #}.) See also two exs., p. 75, col. 3. 
i^lai, like 'i<i\f, proi>orly signifies Retro- 
gression; and hence, like this Knglish word, 

tropically, declension £11 i"Jj //« "e< /'«>« 

o»er the thing; appointed him superintendent of 
,7 ; or «e* Aim /o do it ; as also oU » »^l 

»^* Ji aml w* •"& i see >**' allJ scc threc 

phrases voce «^«0. 

5. .JJJ 7/r turned himself, ^\ towards. 
(Jcl, ii. 130.) 7/e turned away (Idem, xix. 50; 
and S, Msb)-A-t/w» him, or 1'/. (S.) — ^JjJ 
//r turned the back to another : *co a verse in 
art. J-*, conj. 1. — 1^*1 ^jJ i« '«"* «/""» 

Aiz/.w//" on r;^«ir »^> ^iJ ^'' '«"* K/ w " 

himself, or undertook, the main part thereof; syu. 

A«kki J^J. (Jel, xxiv. ii.) — »^: seo 

> ■ i« 

3. o^'lj J< 70a* next, or adjacent, to it. Said 

of one place or tract with respect to another 

Ju He made a consecution, or succession, of 
one to the other ; (S, K ;) C£ between them 
two ; (S ;) or J^h\ O* between the two things 

10. aJLc ^1^-1 //« mastered, or gained the 
mastery over, him or it ; (Msb ;) he got it in his 
A»»f/, possession, or power. (TA.) — w. l ^ V ,..! 
'a!J1 It aJl* [7'Ae argument, allegation, or /;/eff, 
overcame him], (L in art. C*yJ.) 

,1^ The manager of a thing, or of the affairs 
of another: (Msb:) the guardian, or manager 
of the affairs, and maintaincr, of an orphan : 
the guardian of a woman, wAo ajfianccs her, 
and independently of whom marriage cannot be 
contracted by her. (TA.) The executor of a 
deceased person : (Bd, xvii. 35 :) the heir of a 
deceased person. (Ild, Jel, ibid.) The heir 
[or next-of-kin] of a slain person, (Bd, Jel, 
xvii. 35.) mho has the management of the affairs 
after the death of that person. (Bd, ibid.) And 
the slayer's next-of-kin, who is answerable for 

him. jC* ji and J.'^ K^S : see art ■*»*• 

AtlT Jjlj may be rendered The friend of 

God: or ^Jp has the meaning of an act. part, n., 
i.e. the constant obeyer [of God] : or that of a pass, 
part, n., i.e. [the favourite of God;] the object 
of the constant beneficence arid favours of God. 

(TA.) See jj* J^l yjp *"> signifies 

both '<L:°1 and Zm.U. (IbrD.) — Jjj pi 
jtjy ^ taint, 3cc. — [j\ The rain after the 
jjj£ (TA in art. y*.) 




V^l Relationship : so in the phrase I^j 

[jjtiween them two it relationship]. (JM.) — 

.... J - x . 

Also used for 0} w>U— ol : see a verso cited voce 

^c. _ Wj The right to the inheritance of the 

property left by an emancipated slave. 

isi} : see ^. 

Jlj A prefect, governor, rukr, hing, regent, 
judge, magistrate, &c. See 2jy**. 

.»( f »» 

IJJ^ .JjI jj'iU o«f« a owe is wore, or BMW, 
rarftM ft) s«rA a thing; has a better, or the | ^ : or it is an ancient Egyptian word in origin. 
best, right, or title, or claim, to it ; is more, or 
most, deserving, or worthy, of it ; is more, or 
most, competent to it; it more, or most, fit for it; 

Art &' t 

syn. <u JM. (Msb.) But sec Ji»-1. See also 

* ' 3 I 

nil ox. voce Jjlj from the Kur, viii., last verse, 


6. ijily -He was, or became, languid, remits, 
weak, feeble, or faint, (T, S, M, MA, Msb, K,*) 
in actions, and affairs, (T,) in respect of an 
object of his want, (S,) or in an affair. (MA, 

Msb.) j£)\ ^ J»l>3 He fagged, or was 

remiss, in the affair ; (Msb ;) i. q. j*ai. (S.) 

5U« A woman languid, or gentle, or //caw in 
deportment, &c. : see IUI. 

Hie* A port : see an ex. in a verse cited voce 
t is masc. ; its • being a substitute for 



Mr*) originally jwj : sec^J 

mid xxxiii. 6 {^-^ ^j' More worthy, or 

deserring, of a thing. More fit, apt, or proper, 

,0 i * 

for a thing. ^J)^) Jij^i^ A fortiori: see 

iJy» A lord, or chief; syn. j~->. (TA in the 
addenda.) __ The son of a paternal uncle: 
(S, Msb :) or a relation, (K,) such as a son of 
a paternal uncle (IAar, K) and the like, (K,) 
[i. e.] and such as a son of a sister. (IAar, 
TA.) _ And A frccdman ; (S, Msb, K ;) so 
called because he is in the condition of the 
son of a paternal uncle ; being one [wider the 
patronage of his emancipator, i.e.,] whom the 
emancipator is bound to aid, and whose property 
he inherits if he dies having no [natural or other 
legal) heir. (TA.) And (K) a slave : (M, K :) 
fem. with S. (M.) 

Ul^«, vulg. J\y» (not CJtj^p) A hind of short 
poem, generally of five lines, of which all but 
the penultimate end with the same rhyme: see 
note 5 to ch. xxvi. of my " 1001 Nights." 

2. ,_«) and " j4)mI : see Uj . 

10: see 2. 

jt\y Lands wherein is nothing. (A'Obeyd, 
TA, in art. JX/.) The pi., when indeterminate, 
is thus, not ^y»\y». See averse in art. \£j& , 
conj. 12. [This is a correction of art. j>y», to 
which this word, and also the verb, belong : for 
there is no such root as ,**}•} 


1. a*i ^ji^ He entered upon a thing languidly ; 
and *ia He passed from it: see ^n. 

<_ijb«t Lo Sn- Take what is easily attainable ; 
what offers itself without difficulty. (AA, in 
TA, voce w>jJJt.) 

6. lysUa.1 QJUty : see s*^i-e. 

JiAyi The lasso. 
art. ^JU. 

JjbjJI S"i>Ju» : see S^Hi-o, 


<Uaj J^l aZJU / me< him the frst thing : see 

l. ytl»Ji i^ >?j» (?> M s h > M ? ,, > ?») ao '*- 

^o*^» , inf. n. ^o*j, (S, Msb,) 7/e committed an 
error, or a mistake, in the reckoning, or col- 
dilation; (S, Mgb, Msb, K;) as also <u» *vr*3' : 
(Mgh, Msb:) and committed an inadvertence 
therein. (S.) [And in like manner, *!)* ^ j';j 
Aw sayiwjr.] It is said in a trad, of 'Alee, 

IJa JiUJI l»il *U»a j I ^jijjkliJI Jl» or U^Aj 
accord, to different readings [The two witnesses 
said, We have committed a mistake, or mis- 
conception : the thief is only this], (Mgh.) __ 

«^iJt wy»A^, (Mgh, Msb,*) aor. ^1 , inf. n. 
/•*> (Mgh,) [/ thought of the thing;] the thing 
occurred in my mind. (Mgh, Msb.*) And o**j 
*!Jm U?' C9. $>) or ^1)1 Jl, (Msb,) aor. as 
above, (S, Msb, ]£,) and so the inf. n., (S, Msb,) 
I thought of the thing, (S, Msb, K,) while 
desiring to think of another thing. (S, Msb.) 

4. <t*Aji //« rnrnie Aim to think [or imagine 
a thing]; as also ♦ <t«*_). (S, K.) U^ A«*>1 
//e jnarfc Aim ro <At'«A, or suspect, such a thing. 

(MA.) _ Sec 8 ^jl : see ^3 "^xr*^ 1 

also signifies He doubted respecting it. (Mgh.) 

5. ja*}i is properly rendered He presumed, 
surmised, fancied, or supposed a thing : and 
1n»*)J , 1//10/1 presumption, surmise, or supposition ; 
and suppositively : see ^oAj ; and Jl^ anil 
JU.. V>y He thought; (S, K ;) he ima- 
gined a thing: (TA:) he doubted: sec an ex., 
in a verse of 'Antarali, cited voce j>i^>- 

8. iji^ 4^31 (Msb, K) and <v i^l (AZ, K) 
'i. ,.t~ 
and ^'d^Ajl (K) He made him an object of 

imputation, or suspected him, of such a thing ; 
he imputed to him such a thing. (Msb, K, TA.) 
Sec art. J^. — I J^ 4*y3t> as also \jSJ <Wyjl , 
and IJ^ *<i»Jbjl, He suspected him of such a 
thing; i. c, of a thing that was attributed to 
him. (Murg. note in K.) [This is the sig- 
nification commonly obtaining. Sec an ex. 
in the TA, voce w>Ul— i . — Also, the second, 
lie accused him of such a thing.'] 

^0*3 A thought, or an idea, occurring in the 
mind: (Mgh, Msb,* K :*) pi. JL0$ : (Msb:) or 
of the two extremes [or different opinions or 
ideas] between which one wavers, that which is 
outweighed [in probability], (K.) An [indecisive] 
opinion or idea outweighed in probability [or 
formed from evidence outweighed in probability; 
a presumption ; a surmise ; a fancy ; a supposi- 

lion] : opposed to ,jJ», q.v. (Kull, p. 370.) 

Also Doubt, or suspicion: but for this I have 

found no authority ; though it is well known, 
and plainly indicated in the Msb, in art. J^*- ; 
voce J^-, fj.v. in this Lex. _ Also The object 
of a thought, or of an idea, occurring in the mind. 
(Mgh.) And The mind itself, or intellect ; syn. 
Jit. (MF, TA.) In modern Arabic it signi- 
fies An imagination, a fancy, a chimera, and a 



1. (jjkj He was, or became, weak, or infirm, 
in an affair, and in operation, and in body ; 
(Msb :) and so said of a bone : (Bd, and Jcl in 
xix. 3 :) and he tras, or became, languid, languid 
and faint, or lax in the joints ; (TA, Bd in iii. 
140;) enervated, unnerved, or broken in energy; 
(Bd, ubi supra;) cowardly. (TA, Jel in iii. 140.) 
__ See also 4. 

2 : see 4. 



U>*5 — Jo 


4. <Ukjl //e, or it, weakened him : [rendered 
him languid, languid and faint, or lax in the 
joints ; enervated him, unnerved him, or broke 
his energy; rendered him cowardly: (see J>»^ :)] 
(B, Msb, $:) and ♦iifcj, (S, Mgli, Msb, £,) but 
the former is the better, (Msb,) and » «u*j . 

(S, ¥0 

J>Aj Tlic period about midnight ; (S, K ;) or 
the te fl/Ver on hour, or a x/wrt period, (ieC,) 
o/* ?//<• «/(//»< : (JK, Tfc, TA :) or when the night 
m departing. (S.) See ^ I. 

* *• • * 

fc*V' kAr 6 *** cephalic vein : see J^U. 

joukj /.y. 5Uj, q. v. ; and sec oUI. 

ijjfcy H'ea/r, languid, unable to rise: sec ■ — Ulj : see an ex. voce <U*i ; and Sl-4 «1, i 



1. ^kj It was, -or became, much slit, or rent. 

(Msb.) — // mi, or became, lax, flaccid, or 

flabby: (Msb :) or weak; said of a rope, (Mgh,) 

or other thing : or it fill. (Msb.) See »1j. _ 

-Aj It iron, or became, uncompact, unsound, or 

weak. __ »^l j-fcj [flu affair, or rase, was, or 
became, in a weak, or an unsound, state"]. (TA, 
nrt. ,jau, &<:.) 


art. tjlj in two places. 

•I_j /,«r ; weak; frail; wanting in strength, 
compactness, firmness, or toughness ; unsubstan- 
tial ; unsound. See an ex. in the S, voce 

ibj^Jl, wlicrc it is applied to love, or affection. 


4Jb^ and dJ ^ty and a) Jj 5 T^oe /o Aim / [See 
- '* * , 

4Uj0J- Perdition he/all him ! Punishment befall 

aim / (Kull, p. 377.) See voce ^-j^, and voce 
■ •* « t - 

HJ , and ^j, 

lyjj [an imperative verbal noun, which may 

be rendered On.'] a word of incitement. (S, K.) 

One also says to a man, and to a horse, alyjj \j 

[Ho! On!]. (A'Obeyd in TA in art aA) Sec 

<iA __ «iVy-;j : sec JXyj\ in art. aA I have not 

found this anywhere but in that art. in the K, 

and doubt its correctness. 



4. &^L*\ [He made him fatherless], (TA in 
art.^l.) See an ex. in art.^1, conj. 2. 

LuJ k> jij She brought him forth feet foremost. 
(M.) In Frcsnel's three copies of tlio Aghanee, 
(see his " Seconde lettrc sur 1' II istoiro des Arabcs 
avant l'lslamisme," Journal Asiutique, 3rd Series, 
no. 1G,) erroneously written L~>. 

0. 0. >'" * '»' '£ 

j,Xj\ uid^S [for^l and^SU]; see^l. 

j+ The arm, from the shoulder-joint to the 
extremities of the fingers. (Msb.) _ [The fore- 

leg of a horse, &c.] __ I'-o-^ ju : see u*^'> 
in two places, near the end of the para- 
graph. — j-j A sleeve : see It. Q. 1 in art. 
«_>J. _ iF<»yU1 Ju : sec J*-j, in two places. _ 

»f » , • < %0 00 * »t 

ju_i^l JI>J> for ^j-S<\ : see *-iU-». _ al-k-tl 

ju (_>*, as occurring in the Kur, ix., 29, lie 


gave it in acknowledgement of the superiority of 
the receiver ; that the power (ju) of the latter 
was superior to that of the giver: or, because 
of favour received; or, from subjection and 
abasement: (M :) or, from compulsion: (A 
'Obeyd, T :) or, obediently : or, walking with 
it; not riding, nor sending it: or, in ready 
money. (TA.) — J& CsM \J* >-' He 
became a Muslim by the advice and persuasion 
of such a one. (Marg. note in a copy of the 
J ami' ee-Sagheer, on a trad, commencing ^y» 

'.ml I * 0* - - » 

^JUI.) — Ijj »J*z oj*.!: see art S*i>\. __ 

** ' S*l T ' 

jy ^J^c ^>Aj / owe »«cA a one a benefit. _ 
•j4 l> jie ^y Aw agency, or meant. See the cor- 

responding expression in Hebrew, in Ps. lxiii. 11, 
Jer. xviii. 21, and Ezek. xxxv. 5, in the phrase 
" to pour out (the blood of) a person by means 

of the sword." iS^^J\ ^1 J&J^W V& "^ 

(Kur, ii. 191): see u (used redundantly) — *^ 
•jkjJI judJt, and j,i.„0,i\ jkj, I will not come to him, 
or rfo fl, ever ; I will never do it. (IAar, in L, 
voce ju— <■) See jut and tju».. _ ^jj ^ic 

• * » • * • • *■ ■> * Urn 

/>«J1« j-aJI : sec j««-. __ ju^ lju <u*j : see 

% 1**0 . 

jt*.\j. — You say, also, j-j Iju «C*jI.>, the two 

nouns being only thus used, as a denotative of 
state, I contracted a sale with him Jbr ready 

* S * A 

money; i.q. J L&JJ Ij J^ a . n- V JU. (Mgh.) _ 

lji» o^i O' <»fi t or »J> •** ?] i^JS! ' 8 like kJ* 
lj\& ^yu ^1 JM. (Aboo-Salil El-Harawee, 

* J ** - * r » 

TA in art. ,>*.) — *J*^» «*i is** ,,y ' : see 

• I •- - -SI '• - . 

,j3l k>i J-! L^i Jj 1 an< ^ k>i"*rf *•* : 8ee art - 

jj. _- «ju C^»3 Lnder his authority. __ ju 


t Generosity. (A, voce j«i ) 

3 .- 

^>~e A gazelle n-fwse fore-leg is caught in a 

* 1 m, 

snare : see Jja-j-o. 

d »*0 * i 

^jtjj^JI jVJI : see ^^isl^JI jL^JI, in art. 


0*5jV Saffron. (Sgh, in TA, art ^«i.) , 
See o^j». 

3 — , * "» . •- 

^«^< and ij^i' -4 sign-stone : see >»jl . 


I ... 3 0*t '»» 

J>i and («^>il, applied to a spear: see ^ji'jl, 

in art. ^jlj 

4. t«wl U //wo unlucky! a vulgarism : tee 

4 in art >»li. 

^ = 

d U,: 

> see 


»ilj and f i*ib A boy grown up, (Msb, TA,) 
grown tall; (Ham, p. 354 et sc(p, Har, p. 189;) 

nsalsoteliu ami tu>, (Ham, ibid.) See nil 

t*0 * i*** 

Uk. ; and -^iLi and » -» *»*. 

ex. voce 5 

■ * # -. 

ixjUoJt jj^ [TVtc offspring of fornication, or 

1. AiiJ, (S, Msb, K,) and ^ ^>iJ ; (Msb j) 
and *£&, (S, K,) and */ t^jjyl ; (K ;) and 
* <uiLJ ; end " o.« ; : ..,.l, (S, Msb, K,) and " ^f»-^~>< 
*4 ; (K ;) all signify the same ; (S ;) He knen 
it; he was, or became, certain, or s«r«, or /«e 

made sure, of it ; syn. a , Xc ; (Mjb, K ;) 
intuitively, and inferentially ; (Msb;) [sec 1 in 
art. ^JL» ;] and aJu^j. (K.) 

^j-Ju is of the measure Jjii in the sense of 
... - 

the measure J*U, signifying Sure, or certain, 


and manifest. (Msb.) _ And knowledge, or 

certainty; [see ^fa;] instinctive and inferen- 

. > u • •- 

tiaf. (Msb.) _ v > t i-II\ i >«ft: see v > e c (latter 

* ».. 4 . , . i. • . __ k > t *Jt o*-" ! ""1 k>e*s" <J** : 8CC A^ • > 

where, the two words are said to have the same 

meaning: and Bd and Jel in lvi. 05; in the 

- 4- 

lattcr of which, y^^\ m 0**e" J»- •> expressly 
said to be an epithet : see also Hum, p. 335. 


2. ^^^j: sec — »l. And ,^cuj*JI ^^> and 
w..JI : sec Mgh in art. >ol. 

.s-. • - .2.. 

5- ^>f eJ s sec »>-«-o and art. >»l. _ 

ieloj i. 7. Ijuai juai. (TA iii art. j>\.) 

•u^slt <LojjA)I : sco a^j-i-JI. 

>»t*j : sco >1«j»-. 

j^C The »i"/r o/'/Ar JjI [or mountain goat : 
not J, I]. (M,TT.) 

1. 0*i, (T.Hi K,) and ^, (M, K.) 77r 
was prosperous ; fortunate; lucky, (T, M, K.) 

3. i >«W ! 8ec 3 in art. j»li in two places. 

4. <U».»I //« wirtr/c iV to incline towards the 

right : see an ex. voce (j-> (near the end of the 

. - •« .(• 1 

paragraph). — ,j^1 : see >»U.I ill two places. 

__ ^Jbl C— «j! : see O^jI. 

5. ^^ Zfe w«* placed on his right side in 
///r jfww, (TA, voce ,jt**0 — ** lh^ i. £• 
•V j£J [q. v.]. (S.) — 4j|Jv >^' O^j ie - 

SLf i)j^i, (T,) app. "One is fortunate in, or 
derives a blessing from, his counsel. __ He 
augured good by it, or from it ; or looked for 

good fortune, or a blessing, from it ; syn. Jij^i 

±j : (Mgh, Mfb, &c :) opposed to <sj ju'Cj, in 

the K, art. j^b\ and in Bd, xvii. 14; and well 

known. — «UJU»V O"** 5 f^ e augured good from 

the word], (Hur, p. 488,) and j^L. (Msb. in 

art. jli.) 

6. ,_>-«Ui : see >>LiJ. __ tj^oLj : see 3 111 
art. jw. 

• •> 

^j^j Prosperity ; good fortune ; good luck ; 

t • 1 
auspiciousness ; (T, S, M, K ;) contr. of j>yii, 

(M,) and of ^-fc-i. (L, art. jut-.) 


: its pi. seems to bo O-*!- See V- 

^>»*JI T/ic location that is on the rig/it 

ij**i also, The tout*. See *•}-. — 0*+> nlso 
signifies vl covenant (Bd, and Jel in lxviii. 3D) 
confirmed by an oath. (Bd, ibid.) 4JJI Cxrfi 
The oath by attestation of God: sec aJUI ^1 , 

At* t •» *'"*''rr 

and aJJI jiyt. 1-^j C->»A»- [/ Smvmt, or tow 

sworn, an oath]. (T, S, M, voce j_>~ol, which 
sec. Yon say, JjuI "^ <Uh l > i «i (as in some 

copies of the S [moaning, aJJt ^>-^j ^^iU-J): or 

A-« ' • 

aJUI ^>*«j (as in other copies [meaning, £>?*> 

4 J *X)I]). See a similar form of oath voce 
jt\j^. yj^ai^) A»JU9 U-^j : sec 4+c-j . 

,jCJ A garment of Yemen : see a verse voce 

2. S.t. I. t 

Lo^J for U-o'Ci : sec *!*'. 

o l see 

j^jiloj and oy'-w : sce (.jfV- 

• • - 

^.eb : see _/-jb . 

C^tA [The right, as opposed lolhclcft; seeKnr, 

' . »t 
xix.53, xx. 82, and xxviii. 30;] ™«rr. o/"j— j1 ; 
«-»•- . J ■ - •- 

and [in like manner] " a :». « is co;t<» - . 0/ »j.~;<. 

' »•* »f»i _ 

(S.) — v >*e', <w»/r. f)/y»U>l, as signifying The 

W</A<, opposed to the /r/K : and us signifying 

, .1 it •' 

Lucky, or auspicious : pi. ^^bl. See >olil . _ 

• j j£ .• t 
It is also nsed in the sense of ^>o-! : see>»U(( 

Also Mure, and »«o.«/, lucky, or auspicious, or 

happy : see 8 in art. Ji. 

• '•* • 1 . • • 

,j^j1, used only in swearing, is a sing, noun, 

not a particle, nor pi. of,J««j: and is derived 

• ** 

from jJ-»j. (Mughncc.) 

• '* f • ■ i * ii 

(j^lj^l : see an ex. of this word, voce jj\j. 

• *#• « * - #i 

4~»~o The r/V/A/ trj»(7 of an army. Sec < >»jI. 

* *•* 

^y^e* Fortunate ; happy; (T, M, MA, KL;) 

t/es/. (T.) See an ex. voce *Jw^«. 

^>o-j The having [or rece»rtn_<7] a blessing. 

^^j .4 /(«jr, whether night or day; (Msb;) 

time absolutely, whether night or not, little or 

not: this is the proper signification; (Kull, 

p. 390:) and day, meaning the period from the 

rising of the sun to its setting ; (Lib, TA ;) tin! 

time when the sun is aborr the earth : this is tin; 

common conventional acceptation : (Kull, ubi 

supra :) and the period from the second [or true] 

dawn to sunset : (Msb, Kull:) this is the legal 

acceptation : (Kull :) and a civil day ; the period 

of the revolution of the greatest firmament . (Kull.) 

t • 
_Also, An accident, or emit; syn. 0>^ an 'l 

&S&. Ex., Ue J> >ij >fW' o? ^ £$ 2* 

Excellent is the brother, such a one, in the. case 
of the accident, when it befalls us. (T.) _ 

t - - . * . , * , * t* 

Sec jlyJ. __ j>yj j>yj U,JIj lie comes to us day 
after day, i.e., every day : (Sliarh csh-Shudhoor:) 
and jtyi jtyj. (Iii a verse cited by IJ. in Mz, 
sect, on the iJLJio. and jla^c.) _ >o^j .1 day- 
journey, or day's journey. __ A day, us in our 
phrase " he won the day ;" meaning contest , fight , 
or battle : I render it a day [of conflict]. _ 
_>jJt_M >oLjI 7V(P [days, (agreeably with nil 
English, as well as Arabian, usage,) meaning] 

conflicts (OUj) of the Arabs. 'flSk.T.) 

<C»^j ^jj\ He who thinks [only of the present 
day,] not of the morrow. (Er-Riighih, in TA, 
art. ^J.) — <^JL=Jt >^j : sec ^JLi. — >»b^l oh 
and >ob"i)l v j^ Vo-» : see SjJj, in two places. 

«i ». 

i^-ojj A day's wages. 

%. . , 1 » t . *■■ - » •••* 

iajL-e from >^JI is like ib'iU from J-^^ 

and SJJkli-a from ^-J', <fcc. (TA, III art. £j>.) 

See At_jL_o . 


p ^ * # — ' # # B * 

2. rt;...»- JO w e -j [/ wrote a beautiful \j\. 

(TA, in art. ^.) 

Ekb or the Supplement.