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ffiatiifnttj « Shim *tt / fflfssfo/y ^Society 





November 1 2-1 5, 2003 

It is fining that the BNHS has chosen the birth 
anniversary of Dr. Salim Ali to rededicate itself to the 
defence of wild nature and to redouble its effort to 
promote good science, the foundation of our Journal, 
whose 100th Volume ha&just been published. 

The Bombay Natural History Society has a long and 
distinguished history. From the day it was founded in 
1B83 iis members have been documenting and 
protecting the rich diversity of the Indian subcontinent. 

In following pages you will learn more about this rich 
history, extracted by Mr. ValmikThapar from the Journal 
of the BNHS, which represents the best in natural 
history, science and nature conservation. 

From the earliest days. BNHS members have builtthis 
society on an edifice of integrity and credibility. Ours 
has always been an independent voice, sometimes a 
lone voice in the wilderness, Fighting to protect our 
rrreplaceable heritage has often been an uphill task, 
but one that has united some of the finest humans in 
joint purpose. 

Guiding our conservation actions is a core team of 
extremely talented and dedicated scientists, whose 
research capability continues to provide our 
conservation strategy with its keenest edge. With 
science as the bedrock of the Bombay Natural History 
Society today, we are uniquely positioned to guide the 
nation on how to manage its land and water resources, 
without damaging the fragile ecosystems on which all 
life Is dependent, Nurturing and training young 
scientists and biologists will always remain a core 
objective of the BNHS. 

Some time ago in my capacity as the President of the 
BNHS i was privileged to Chair a Central Government 
Committee entrusted with the creation of a National 
Wildlife Action Plan for India. This document has been 
very widely circulated by the Ministry and is going to 
be the basic blue print for conservation action in India 
in the years ahead. 

But the Wildlife Action Plan cannot possibly be 
executed in isolation. Wildlife conservation cannot be 
restricted to national parks and sanctuaries. Areas 
outside the protected area network are often vital 
ecological corridor links and if they are not protecied. 
we risk islanding pockets of biodiversity that will be 
unable to survive in the long run . While wildlife experts 
and protected area managers have been saying this 
for many years, perhaps the time has come for all 
categories of decision makers to accept that land and 
water use policies will have to he re-framed to protect 
ecologically fragile habitats and regulate the use of 
natural resources within sustainable limits. 

I am happy to note that significant steps in this 
direction have started to be taken. Some recent 
developments concerning the implementation of our 
wildlife Laws and policies that are worth mentioning are 
the appointment of a Central Empowered Committee 
by the Supreme Court of India. The CEC has been 
entrusted with the responsibility of assisting the 
Supreme Court in safeguarding our priceless and 
irreplaceable wildlife assets. It has already investigated 
scores of matters. 

A National Forest Commission has also been set up, 
headed by a former Chief Justice of the Supreme 
Court, Justice B.N. Kirpal, whose environmental 
priorities are best reflected in the many sage 
judgements he had delivered. 

The recent changes in the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 
1 972 were supported in an extremely positive and non- 
partisan way by Members of Parliament 01 all political 
parties. These changes have been widely 
acknowledged by experts, officials and even human 
rights groups to be a vast improvement on the older 
legislation. For the first time we have, for instance, 
added a category called Community Conserved 
Reserves, which will encourage a large number of local 
communities to lend their purpose and genius to the 
taskof protecting our wildlife. 

Bombay Natural 1 History Society 

But all is ool smooth sailing. By some estimates 
perhaps over Rs. 50,000 crores annually may be 

extracted, legalfiy or illegally,, from forest lands alone! 
We know that less than Rs. 500 crores is ploughed 
back each year for real protection of this natural 
diversity. Alarmingly, insurrectionist and separatist 
groups have taken advantage of ineffective ar>d 
inadequate government mechanisms, to generate 
funds Irorn lorests and from the trade in wildlife 
contraband to tinancetheir anti-nabonal agenda. 

Clearly we need to take urgent steps to increase the 
financial allocations for the conservation o< ou rlorests 
and wildlife, and rejuvenate our nation's political will to 
make this happen. One erf the most important messages 
thatcan be sent to make this possible is to highlight the 
role o5 forests in providing water. We will be looking 
towards the many scientists and field biologists who 
have travelled from afar to attend this Centenary Journal 
Seminar for helptoachieve this task. 

As you are all aware, this is the 30* anniversary of 
Project Tiger. Indra has reason to be proud ol the fact 
that, despite dire predictions, the future of the tiger is 
reasonably secure within Our borders. Across the world 
heads erf states and governments nave communicated 
theirappreciation, even admiration, for India because 
we have proved that protecting the tiger, a global 
symbol for nature, is an article of faith for us. In return, 
the tiger gives us one of the most precious commodities 
in the wortd - fresh watertrom over 300 large and small 
rivers that originate in tiger habitats. 

The BNHS vision for the next Century is to continue 
with our tradition of using good science to prated, 
conserve and restore wild habitats and the environment 
of our great country. This we believe will eventually 
lead to an improved quality ol human life. 

Nothing can demonstrate this fact better than the 
manner in which Borivli's Sanjay Gandhi National 
Park -which was declared a prolectedarea thanks to 
the efforts of the BNHS and stalwarts such as the late 
Humayun Aoduia'i - supplies millions ol citizens ol 
Mumbai with fresh, clean water. The Society has 
always worked to protect this park in whose dense 
periphery our highly popular Conservation Education 
Centre is located. We will do so in the future as well. 

I call upon all citizens across India to join the BNHS 
and be a part of our scientific and conservation mission. 

President, 6NHS 

Defending Wild 








Conservation of the endangered hispid hare 
and Ball gras&lanei habitats in JakJapara 


The Mure of the Qnge people and 
their forests is intertwined 


Ecological and Social Viability ol the 
Hunan Dam Project 


The role ol me BNHS In Indian conservation 
selected from the Journal ol the BNHS- 


P'olecWng this vital tiger landscape a stltl 


Can we risk our wildlife and water supplies? 


Enforcing 1h* law (Q protect wjf wWlile 


Saving this forest ensures our water security 


EootoQfoaj noority or aoonomlc profltf 

Conservation Department 

Bombay Natural History Society 

Hombill House, S. 3. $mgh Road, Mumbai 400 023. 

E-mail: daptetfbnhs Org. Ted: 91 22 22821811 

Fax: 91 22 22837615 

Mote: The conservation initiatives described on these 
pages have been financed Dy the BNHS 

Cow photo - Hka Pun at> Rlacfc Paimdoe Ft m rK O trxn riwKUVhw 




Conservation Department 3 

Endangered Hispid Hare 


Text and photographs by Gopinathan Maheswaran 

As a seentisi with me Bombay natural History Society I 
have been p-rrvileged to work and travel through some of the 
most exquisite areas on the planet There can be no denying 
my personal love and fascination for nature, but perhaps even 
mors predominant wlthm me is a desire to understand the 

Origin ol species, their survival techniques and the new threats 

posed to them from anthropomorphic pressures. In the days 
ahead I hope to use such knowledge to work with others 
seeking to pra^ct wild nature. This I twfceve is In the national 
Interest It is also clearly in the interests of a planet besieged 

by all manner of woe§ including climate change, species 
decline and pollution <t\ a never before Imagined scale. 

What I would fee to share on those pages with readers is 
my understanding and concern regarding the (ate of 1he Hispid 
hare C#p*vtf*gus r»sptaus, a globally endangered lagomorph 
(IUCN 1996). 11 is been listed as Endangered and included in 
the Schedule I of the Indian WildRte (Protection) Ad, 1972. In 
fad, the Hispid hare is one of only two lagomorph species. 
fated by CITES, the United Stales Endangered Species Act. 

4 Bombay Natural History Society 

and the IUCN Red List (C'TES-Appendix I; U S-ESA- 

Endangered; and lUCN-Endangered criteria Alc*2c, 
B1*2abcde, Ql) 

in 1971 , a live Hispid hare was captured in Bamadt. Assam 
in India, thereby ending The speculation thai the Species had 
gone extinct There have been very lew published records ot 
captures or positive sightings, ol the Hispid hare Since the 
Orig^al type Specimen was deScnoed by Btyth In 1845 Several 

authorities (eg Gee 1 964} teared, the species had gone extinct 
until its joint rediscovery with the sympatnc Pygmy hog [Sus 
sarVarwus) in northern Assam ol India in 1971 (Mallinson 1971 ; 
Tessier-Yandell 1972) 

Subsequently, a BNHS study (in 2000-2001) demonstrated 
conclusively the dependence ol the threatened Hispid hare 
[Caproiagus fttspidus) on native tall grassland habitat ol 
Jatdapara WildWe Sanctuary in northern West Bengal. Jalonpara 
Wildlife Sanctuary (216.51 km-*), an ecologically sensitive 
ecosystem is located in the Hood plains ol Ihe river Torsa and 
o*er small nvers, which have created large tracts of savanna 
grasslands sustaining a small population o1 One-homed 
rhinoceros {Rhinoceros unicornis) and Hispid hares. Recent 
inventory study (funded by the SANCF ol the BNHS) on the 
small mammals (rodents and shrews) of Jaldapara Wildlife 
Sanctuary revealed the occurrence of Belanger's Tree Sftrew 
Tupaia beiangerl, Grey Musk Shrew Suncus murinus, 
Himalayan White -toothed Shrew CrocKfu/a attenuate, Indian 

Bush Rat -Cjolunda atfpu<, House Ra1 R#ttv$ rattus and Fawn- 
coloured Mouse Mus csrvicotor with in the Sanctuary and 
Chances Ol encountering many more species may not be ruled 
Out. Grasses Such as Sscctiarum rrarenga. S arundtnaceum, 

S spontaneum, S. tcrftgislrosnium, imperata cytinatica, 
Ptyragmtrts karka, htetefopogoft contartus, A/undo donax, and 
Jherrwdea Spp are more common wilhin the Sanctuary. 

The habitat that best supports Hispid hare populations Is 
characterized by an intermediate understory cover (between 
25-35%). low tree cover (thus favoring the growth of native 
yasseH.i Bfld --.rge and unfragmerted grnsatendH fflfll CM 0« 
used as feeding grounds. However this habitat type is 
disappearing or being altered dram aJlcaity due to three separate 
activities: overgrazing by domestic cattle, unsustainable lhatcn 
grass cutting, and dry season burning. The resulDng habitat 
loss has led to the ctassiftcaiion of the Hispid hare as oemg h 
danger of extinction. 

In our study, we also investigated Hispid hares in the 
neighbouring Buxa Tiger Reserve. Htspid Hares were reportedly 
present in the Buxa Tiger Reserve in the mid-1980s. At that 
time a small population persisted in spite ot the already 
degraded grasslands caused by overgrazing ol domestic cattle. 
However, despite intensive searches for Hispid hares in the 
tew remaining patches of tall grassland of the Baia Baiaoara 
and Kalkut Rivers of the reserve, we found no evidence of 
Hispid hare, And we must remember that our census In 

A 3W*S sfuify rn 2000-2001 Oemonstratea canetu&vety me dependence C me Inreatenett HSptt note tCae'&agus tvsp&us) on native ra> ff/ss&and 
hahfeJ ot Jaldapara W*HHm Sanctuary «i northern W&H &hT0flt 

Conserwation Department S 


±s- /*, 

AM eociflfi heptd awnaM nwpib" flaw dttwflM M 

Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary yielded a pooulabon estimate of 
only 25-30 Hispid hares, a number of animals highly prone to 
extinction processes. In Jaldapara, construction of roads and 
lire- lines has taken its toll on the grassland fauna, For the 
easy movement of camp etephanis and bullock carts carrying 
grasses tor ramp elephants, non-metal roads have Deen built, 
which in most areas traverse through the 'targe grass patches, 
thereby preventing the movement o' species like Hispid hare 
which always prefer thick ground cover. Absence ot suitable 
corridor? between Jwo grassland patches proved to be e 
deterrent, especially during summer or grassland burning 
season. According to Diana Bell of the University of East 
Ariglia, United Kingdom, there is strong evidence that 
Widespread Cutting and burning of tall grasslands has been 

deleterious to less mobile species end species less toierant 
of disturbances, including Pygmy hog and Hispid hare 

in Jaldapara. the Forest Department has taken up me ibsm 
of planting palatable grass species in more areas as fodder to 
camp elephants. Even though some ot such patches nave 
grown enough and are ready to be harvested, they hardly 
provided any support to Hispid hares both In terms of food 
and shelter The distance between two grass clumps was large, 
and me open, space in Between played a negative rote in terms 
of protection to naies Large open areas may tie barriers or at 
least deterrents to movements o< rabbits, and mis was true 
for Higpid hares m JaWapara Wilrjife Sanctuary. So tne nares 
that want to disperse out may not be able to reach a suitable 
alternative patch especially during the grassland-burning 
season. The PrincipaJ Component Analysis (PC A) result shows 
mat ground cover, short vegetation and tafl vegetation together 
determined the movemenis ot Hispid hares in Jaldapara. Apart 
from these, disturbance also played a rote to some extent, 
clearly depicting the picture ot hare abundance only In the 
place where disturbance In terms of grass cutting and burning 
was less. Therefore, we expected to find higher hare densities 
in the habitats where leering grounds (grasslands) and natural 
undisturbed unoerstory were more abundant than In habitats 
where grass arwiVor protection availability was low in habitats. 
which had been transformed by humans. Natural processes 
of succession resulted in the conversion of a few grasslands 
Into woodlands, which basically reduced the utflzabfe habitat 
of species like Indian One-homed Rhinoceros Rhinoceros 
unicorrvs. Hog deer Axis porctnus, and Hispid haio. 


Each ot the three factors mentioned above are resporcscio for 
the decline of the grasslands preferred by Hispid hares and 
must be addressed In order to ensure survival ot the species, 

• Grazing by domestic cattle in wildlife sanctuaries or 
reserves shouW be reduced or eliminated. 

• Cutting of the native tali grasses by locals tor thatch 

artd todder, is indiscriminate »nd widespread. This 
practice O'ten results in the removal ot whole grass 
dumps, thereby reducing the ground cover. In order to 
reduce the pressure on the grasslands, the number oF 

camp elephants ot the sanctuary be reduced. 

• There should be & change in the pattern of grassland 

burning. Currently, the season tor burning the grasslands, 
coincides with the breeding season ot me Hispid hare, 
and the tires not only destroy habitat, but reduce the 
reproductive potential ot the species. 

• A major difficulty 10 achieving these recommended 

management decisions is the lack of knowledge about 
Hispid hares m the region. An active educational 
campaign should be undertaken to ensure that the staFf 
or the Sanctuary are aware of Hispid hare and its 

Each of these suggested changes in management of 
the grasslands within wildlife sanctuaries and reserves in 
northern West Bengal may have negative economic 
repercussions, Local people have come to rely on the use ot 
these areas lor their livelihoods. However, solutions must be 
found to allow changes to be made to proteci Hispid hares 
and other native wildlife in these areas, while still providing 
local people with a means lo benefits these habitats provide, 


■ Tlx'Hhpidh4rcw»rcdiMm'cTciiafc»ngwirfiilic»yniraitii:P^'gniy 
hug |.?bi ubrttanl in ncif litem A*sini in 1971, 

■ Hvjwl hare Cnprviogto hi/ptJui pr-efcra only ww, rail (more dun 
I S i»» 7 m lalll gnmbntt habitat* in Trrat and Jin/in in India. 

' Wei. i-ill ijrinland hah-uait ut du.appej.rinc or heinc alierrd 
diamaricHlh/ in India due to three tcparjic acrivitic*: ui'crgrjxinu. 
by drtHV-.Ui" Ct-lilr, UrtHBlainrible (hatch grau cutting. *nd dry 

season burning. 

■ Prewni known distribution in India: TcMJ glB»lflnd( in Utlfll 
I'tadeth, csjicciilly the Dudwa Naiiunal Park and ■met. tall 
Eodfandj ifi frtdapifl Wildlife Sanctuary, Tft'cii Bcnjsl. 

■ I Wihly eKi wrol i mwl from Bunliper Reserve. Vt'iir ben^al.-fthere 
it wji kiuc* id have occurred in midlWlV 

■ The estimated porwiirion l.2O0O-2uni ) oil I lipid hut in |aldapm 
ft'ildJireSam-NUtrv i. 23 ill individuals- a number of aniimla hijdJy 
pcoiK to mtinctiwi«! ai Endangered and IncJuded in rhe Schedule I of ch* Indun 
VFildlcfc UWecriori) An. 1972, 

Th< Hiipid lure a one of only cwv« Ii£i>mi-rph ipecxs Inrtit hy 
Q i i.s. ihrt:riitpdSr«wEndjijipjncd5p«m.Vi,iiidclK-]l'CN 
Red I in 

6 Bombay Natural History Society 

Little Andaman Interdependence 

The forests of Little Andaman were saved from the axe thanks to the Onge. 
Now the forests are helping the Onges to survive. by Panka/ Sekhsaria 

The is a pristine troptcal rainforest thai harbours a huge 
dlversrty of biological weafth. it's a patch that's hardly been 
surveyed, leave alone documented for its wealth and riches. It 
has beaches on which endangered sea turtles have been nesting 
lor aeons and has creeks and mangroves that are Infested with 
the finest specimens of salt-water cracooftes. The forests here 
are homelo innumerable species of plants and animals. rtc*udlng 
endemics Hte Andaman Day Gecko- Pt&tsumfi anoamenese. 
Andaman Serpent Eagle Spriomts etgini, Andaman Teal AnaS 

g&benfrons and Andaman Wild Pig Sus sc/efs- andamowws. 
The latter two being, in tad, on threatened lists of the 
IUCN It ts clearly a biological hot Spot and importantly, also the 

home of a remarfcable, bu1 very vulnerable and threatened 
human community. 

This Is the 720 Sq. Km Island of Little Andaman, 
one of largest In the Andaman & Nieobar group tocaied in the 
Say of Bengal. The chunk of forest mentioned is the 
Onge Tribal Reserve of Little Andaman and the people In 
question are the Onge. a small community of negrito 
origin for whom me inbal reserve was created in 1957. 
Had 11 not been for the fact thai the forests had been 
'kept aside' for the Onge, they would almost certainly have 
been logged to death by now. 

This as a pnstmo troptcal rainibresf that harbours a huge orversrty at aioiogicat weaflft. it's a patch trial's hAitfty b&et) surveyed". 
leave akme documented for its weafth and riches. Destroying it is akm to burning a library without documenting its conranrs. 

Total A$N geographic area: 

8. 2 '-9 sq. km. 

The Andaman group: 

6.408 gq. km. 

The rteobar group: 
The foiesi ana: 

1,841 sq km. 
7,170.69 sq km 

Total Islands: 


Inhabited islands: 

38 (24 fci r« Andaman group 
and 12 in tie Mcobar group.) 

Touil vMagat: 


Indigenous people: 

Sentinetese. Jarawa, Onge, 
Great Andamanosa. 

Nicobarese, Shompen 

The 520 Sq. kms. Onge Reserve- however does much more 
than just protecting Ihe lands of and For the Onge. It performs a 
tfftical role for bodlvcrsrty conservation, one lhal is as important 
as the protected area network in Ihe Islands 

Here are some important statistics The tola) land surface In 
Ihe Andaman Islands is a Woe man* than 6000 SQ. Km. Thero 

are- over a 100 protected areas that have been created here 

untie* the Wfcflfc (Protection) Ad of 1 972- The aro fais protected 
is about a 1000 sq kms, 50% of which are 1he marine protected 
areas Of the Mahatma Gandhi and Ram Jhansi National Parks. 
The total Forest area, therefore protected under the WLPA 
amounts 10 about 500 Sq km, roughly Ihe sue of the Onge 

Reserve. The largest of these protected areas is the 133 sq. 
km., interview island. 

It b extremely signrtcant to add here that ihe tribal reserve on 
Little Andaman is not ihe onry targe landmass protected *i this 
manner. There is an even larger, more than 700 sq. km Jarawa 
Trfial Reserve spread over the two main islands of South and 
Middle Andaman. Like the Onge Reserve, the forests ofl the 
Jarawa Reserve looara extremely rich and! have been protected 
by the Jar a was from any extractive and destructive outside 

In the conflict ridden conservation landscape or the country, 
here is an example where the needs of biological and 





Fkwerlng Plants 















Land MoRusc 









Dip iota 


















environmental conservation and those of human communities 
come with a neat overlao. The Onges have lived in harmony 
with their forests and natural resources tor a tew 1000 years it 
>s an example that we could also leam from, an example that 
we should seek to emulate. However, if one looks at the history 
of these Islands over the last four decades or so. one gets a 
complelery different picture. 

The case of Little Andaman and the Onge is oxtremely 
iBustratrvB. In 1998 a study by Kalpavnksh. that was funded by 
the Conservation Wing of the BNHS revealed shocking evidence 
of Ihe violation ol the forests, and the tribal reserve or the Onge. 
The Onge Tnbal Reserve had been created In 1957. when the 
entire island ol Little Andaman was reserved under Ihe Andaman 
and NHocbar Protection of Aboriginal Tribes RegiAabon (ANPATR), 
1 956. The forests were protected and SO wens the Onge. In the 
70s, however, two den otifcat ions %vere effected Nearly 200 sq, 








Melius ca 






km. ol the forests were- taken out of the tribal reserve and handed 
over for large scale clearing for settlements and conversion of 
forests into agricultural lands and plantations ol exotics like red 
Oil palm and A huge timber ertracbon operation. The Onge, their 

flghn uid H ih need of the latest*, far Hie* own wrvrwai too, 
were completely "gnored. 

The consequences are visible for all to see. Large chunks 
of the forests are gone, many turtle nesting beaches have been 
completely mined away, large scale erosion from deforested 
areas has. smothered the ad)c*ilng coral reefs, the crocodiles 
have been hunted and so have the Andaman Wild Pigs. 



























The de notification of the tribal reserve and the destruction 
ol the forests have not just impacted the wild wealth of the 
Islands, it has severely impacted Ihe Onge themselves, an 

ancient people who are slowly but surely, be*tg pushed to the 
brink of ejdtnction. 

It is now Clear that the protection of the human community 
here is as vital tor the survival of the- torest, as Ihe protection of 
the forest is lor thesurvrvai of the Onge Unicssthls 15 understood 
and acted upon there rs Sttle chance-, either for the Ongo, or for 
the forests ol Little Andaman and other important Islands In the 
Andaman. A small beginning has indeed been made. In a 
significant order passed by the Supreme Court of the country 

S Bombay Natural History Society 

The protection of Ihm Ongu Intofe i$ ox vital for Ute SuMral 0/ PW KVeST 35 ITU- (MGMCttWI W BM fOtMt & tor the StWiVatGf 0)6 0ft(». 

in May 2002, commercial exploitation ot forests Irom the 
Andaman Islands was slopped tor the nrst time afier a century 
of operations. The issue of encroachments of forest and tribal 
lands is being deafi with, the court has askod for measures to 
restrict and eve ntualy slop 1he large scale imnngraton of people 
from mainland India to Ihe elands, sand mining is being phased 

out and the threat from exotics to the forests is also being 

This, however, is only a beginning. Significant progress Can 
only be achieved when Ihe lands and forests Of Che OngO and 
Jarawa are protected at all costs, even restored to them where 
they were taken away There has to be an enpfccit recognition Of 
their Inbal way of life, a respect For then Iradlbons; their knowledge 

and an acknowledgement thai they are our most important 

partners In the conservation of an unique natural hentage: The 
forests of the Andaman islands 


In 1999, the Soc»ety for Andaman and Nicobar Ecology 
45ANE), along with Kalpavriksh end the BNHS filed an 
intervention in the Godavarman (Forest) case in the Supreme 
Court in the matter of the forests and indigenous people ol the 


Andaman Trunk Road 

Water transport 


Better patromg Baiter CoordnaJlon 

Sand rAning 

Stone Oust and limber (for local use) 


Nwj ot lwrt*m plan based on 

carrying capacity 

M igrants 

Declare islands as an Inner Line 

Area and Islanders 1 cards 


Make it rnpre efficient 


Complete eradication 

Andaman & Nicobar Islands. After ctetailed deflorations which 
included] the appcwitment of the Shekhar Singh Commission to 
make recommendations in the matter, the Supreme Court 
passed landmark orders related to these islands in 20Q2. These 

Stoppage Of all commercial timber extraction Operations 

from the natural torests in the islands 

A Dan on transport of limber from the Islands to any part of 
Ihe country 

Shutting down of the Andaman Trunk Road m rhnsp pn-ts 
where rt runs through or along the forests of the Jarawa 
Tribal Reserve 

Declaration ot the islands as an Inner Line Area to oeal 
with ihe serious proolom of continued Immigration of settlers 
Irom mainland India to the elands 

Closing down of the Andaman & Ntcobar Forest Plantation 
and Oevetopment Corporation 

Phasing out the existing monoculture plantations of red oil 
palm, rubber and teak 

Removal of encroachments: and 

Phasing out of ihe sand mrtngope rations from the beaches. 
of the islands; promotion of appropriate materials and 
technologies for construction and regulation of tourism 
dovdopmom In ihe islands. 

Unfortunately, however, though more than a year has passed, 
some of the key orders continue to remain unimptemertfed by 
Ihe Island Administration. These include the closure of Ihe 
Andaman Trunk Road and the declaration of Ihe tslands as an 
Inner Line Area. The local admin istra1»on is sadly losing 
an historic opportunrty to ensure ttw long term sun/w^l of the 
forests of Ihe Indigenous peoples of these island? 

Conservation Department 9 

Ecological and Social Viability of the 

Human Dam Project in Vidharba 

by Depak Apte 

The proposed Human (pronounced hooman) Dam is a major 
irrigation project slated for construction across tbe Human 
River in ihe vVeinganga-Godavari basin, near the Sirkada 

Village in Ihe SindewaN Tahs"l of Maharashtra Stale. The 

Human is a tributary of the Andhan River which ultimately 

joins Ihe Wainganga. 

The Imgallon Department o1 Maharashtra had prepared a 

project proposal lor this dam lor which it reserved 
administrative approval as tar back as 1983. The proposed 
project seeks to divert 132 MM 5 01 wat«f to MSEB's 
Chandrapur Thermal Power Station, out 0* its- dependable- 
yield 01 438.29 MM 3 . Subsequently, it was decided to divert 
this water to the Andhari river project by way of a proposed 

Right Bank Canal (RBC) Of the Human Project. The project 
also Involves diversion of 2906-26 hectares Ol lorest land 
and therefore needs both lorest and environmental clearances 
hum the Ministry of Environment and Foresis <MoEF) 

The Forest Advisory Committee ot the MoEF suggested 
i- i '*._: '}••-• subrnafgeTlCS by ~'.-.-'- 'irn F n i -.- -•■, -■ [■-- 1 .-■- 
the total lorest areasubmerged.The praject authorities agreed 
to a reduction ot one metre, which would bnng down the 
lores! submergence Irom 2906.26 ha to 1536.35 ha. On this 
basis, the MoEF gave the site clearance to the Irrigation 
Department to enable it to conduct the required surveys and 

The Conservation Department of BNHS was concerned that 
the- area m question would-be damaged and that the ecological 
impact on the tiger would be too great. It therefore conducted 
independent ecological and social impact studies ol the 
Human Project, from which the following issues emerged: 

1. Submergence of the narrowest wildlife corridor; The 

15 villages under lull submergence lie in and around 
the narrowest corridor connecting the Chandrapur and 
Brahmapun Forest Divisions. The area adjoining the 
Submerge nee zone on the west bank isa reserved forest, 
which lairs in Chandrapur Division, This area is 
contiguous with the Tadoba- Andhari Project Tiger to the 
west and the boundary ol the proposed reservoir would 
be a mere 3 2 km from the tiger reserve. 



Water Availability: Each village m (he area has a 

functioning village pond, locally called a 'Bowdf . These 
are perennial wator bodies. Thus the issue of water 
scarcity seems 10 have b&en exaggerated. 

Existing pressures orvTadoba-Arvd hart Tiger fteserve 
(TATR); At present there are several villages around 
TATR. The impact of livestock from' these villages is 
dearly visible In Kolsa Flange where more than 3,000 
cattle graze. This livestock competes hot only for grass, 
bul also for limited water, especially in summer. The 
submergence area 01 Human Dam is 4.25 km from 

TfatotmiBollhdobaandBnhmpuriiiiiipQn&GwriirMHjs. l&oayFw aw connected Dy a tfrm*Bnan«*f'»Woaf torsar. IT aprecWalVMSrhS rh9r>otr 
Q&ie passage jrur ffw Human Oam tested H this is atewefl me tuum ot me i/ger. psur attf tosoctMtmS nmga imurw tviCtoe jeabcf 

10 Bombay Natural History Society 



Tadoba N.P. boundary and 3 2 km 
from TATR. In many villages, large 
I (acts ol land are to be submerged 
and this can only serve to exert 
additional pressure on TATR tor 
fuel wood and grass. 

Legal aspects and violations 

Construction ol the colony and 

Bub-bund: As pari of the Human 
Project, a housing colony was 
partially constructed at 
Mawargaon in Che early 1 980 'sand 
work on a sub-bund for the project 
was also completed pnor to 1985. 
How was this work undertaken in 
1he absence of Central 
Government clearances-? 

Total submergence area 
Revenue land 
Private land 

Forest land 

Villages under 1 full submergence 

Villages under- partial submergence 

Populated affected 

flight bank canai (RBCJ 
Left bank canal (LBC) 
Project cost 
Total felling of trees 
Catchment area 

Forest type 

Proximity of protected areas 

61 73 ha 

528 ha 

4109 ha 





84.10 km. 

50.70 km. 

Rs. 423 Crore 

1 .50,791 

1 ,03,300 ha Out ol which 37% is 

forest area. 

Southern Tropical Dry Mixed 

Deciduous forest 

Tadoba National Pa/k is 4.25 km 

and Andhan Sanctuary Is 3.2 km 

from submergence area 

Public hearing; The public 

hearing for Hie Human protect was 
reportedly held on November 26, 1399 at the Collector's 
office. However, since the EIA report was only prepared 
in December 200V one wonrjers on what basis the 
public hearing was conducted (two years before the EIA 
report was prepared). As per the Environment Protection 
Act (EPAJ, the EIA must be prepared prior to the public 
hearing. This renders the hesnng invalid. 

5. Full utilization and maintenance of existing village 

ponds, lift irrigation projects and minor irrigation 
projects: The BNHS survey team visited several 
existing irngation projects in both the submergence 
and downstream areas of (he propel, from traditional 

village tanks and ponds to minor irngation and Itft 
irrigation projects. Additionally, many of the minor 
irrigation projects already constructed are still not fully 
utilized This suggests that a combination ol minor 
irrigation and lift irngation projects can fulfil the needs 
ol the command area. Many ol these projects have 
cropped up after the Human project was mooted and 
this brings Into question the need for the Human Dam 

in the first place. 


Analysis and review of benefits and costs due to the dam 
as proposed in the Environment Impact Analysis Report 
for the Human Dam 

The EIA report produced by the project authorities has 
several serious shortcomings and flaws. 

* The report omits to mention the proximity ol ihe 
proposed project to the Tadoba-Andhan Tiger Reserve 
and thus Ignores Its impact on the tiger and its habitat. 

a The National WrtJirte Acbon Plan and the letter issued 

by MoEF in 2002 state that areas within 10 km. ol 

PAs and wildlife corridors should be declared eco- 

sensitrve under the EPA. The construction of a large 
dam would violate this official government policy, 

• No studies were conducted on the impact ol the dam 
on riverine flora and fauna, 

• The EIA Report says that no rare and 

endangered species of flora and fauna are found in 
Ihe area. This Is patently Incorrect and is contradicted 
in the report itself, which acknowledges that the 
project site is home to tiger Paniftem wans, leopard 
Pantfr&ra partus, gaur 3os gaurus, chrral An-is ajtfs 
and other species, which a professional, detailed 
study will reveal. 


It jS the considered opinion of the BNHS that the Human 
Dam Project must no! be allowed to proceed In its present 
form, on account of the adverse environmental impact it 
would have on the region's forests, wildlife and biodiversity. 
We recognize, however, that the genuine requirement ol 
the local population must be met sustainabty and In a manner 
that is socially gust. Towards- this end we have proposed the 
following alternative development options for the proposed 
catchment, submergence and command areas ol the Human 
Project, which may eliminate the need for such a destructive 
project by delivering comparable benefits to the local 
populace at a fracuon ol trie planned! cost or the Human 
Dam. without the attendant ecological damage. 

I, Existing village tanks and ponds should be de-silted to 
increase their storage capacity 

ii. Farmers should be prowled economic assistance and 
technical Know how to reduce distribution and 

evaporation losses. 

III. Existing irtt and minor imgaton projects should be utilized 
to their fuflest capacity. 

Iv. Dredging and cte'Silting operations, and catchment area 
treatment should be undertaken to prevent siltahon of 
existing reservoirs 

V. A district-wide drive should be undertaken to identify 
Sites lor small check dams and water conservation 
Structures. Such measures will provide employment, 
even as they enhance the water table and the water 
and food security ol the region, 

Conservation Department 11 




Based un Journal extracts 
selected by Valmik Thapar 

TBic FmnwleK 


• Dr, D Ml mil ll< 

• Hi I hk»U- -Dr.!htt«..Vr|-- 

- Ilr. R, ft Ub., 

■ <HM>Mm - br mm PMdnpMB 

■ Mr .It Aaltorwa 

■ in- a a. m. in ■■!.*■ 


I s u. 


ihfant *aiirt;i. 


"in tit*! iln SiicicU ir 
1886 And wiwiti 

haeklwiierM almou 
wu Jcciifck. 

In April IKMI. H KPMpWMAnitr Iii Ihr 

: 1'i'MiirKiH und Hated 

"" -- - tfwgmvriimenrsfuHilii I'.- 
a vn-w 1V1 ,\\UihIi\lung if Cfose St-aium lirrtng which 
nil tiuhgrimns btrj.t ami hirrmhr.n witd animal* 
sfuwfd fitt praucfxtf ~ 




Ceil f XV. Wall 
lotted die Ni.ach 

in ISW. Pwtfvccrtd 


rata talk wscirch on 


L'riJuni Serpen K Mid 

Lain In nurd la undertake 

field wort fiw 


12 Bombay Natural History Society 

1 ' 

^ki * * 

W. S. Millard 

^L - ^ 

Joined ihc Socio!} in 

1906 and launched the 

much needed mammal 

survev of India, liurma 

& Ccvlon between 

191 1-191-1 


Mill. ii il played m 1 1 in ;m UmI'Ii role in 
■nitiuiinj* amendments to the proposed 
Indian Game Act of 19(18. 

The BNIIS mm got herons and kingfishers 
protected since the demand on their 
feathers was enormous. 


Another BNHS member P. T. L. Dodsitorth added 
hLs voice to the issue of illegal trade. In 1910, he 
campaigned for the government of British India tu: 

• prohibit the export of plumage from one 

Indian port to another. 
■ to prohibit the possession in India of birds 

skin and feathers. 

He fought these battles because June 1907 hud 
seen the catalouging for auction of 20.000 
kingfishers in London. 

Mammal Survey of India, Burma and Ceylon 

E. C. Stuart Baker 

I -'ntned ornithologist 

of the day. his 

superbly illustrated 

papers were published 

as "The Game Birds 

of India" in 1921. 

Conservation Department 13 


"The Indian Ducks and 

their Allies" 


Lt CoL R. S. P. Bales 

Pioneered wildlife 
and bird pholograph\ 
in India alter joining 
the Society in 1921. 

I firf 

feflk' Education Proerammes 

A young Salim Ali 
I intcracling with blind 
f^^r scluxtl txn.s in the Prince 
r*l ofWalcs Museum. 

WW! *-* 

JM| A fen vears lata lie 


Ak vk^LhM ''—^ 

L^^l. was surveying the 
1 mammals of 1 lyderahad 
State for the BNHS 


S. H. Prater 

Deeply committed 

to the Society between 

1923- 1948. 


In 1933, Prater said: 

" — there is need/or a real organisation whose 
sole concern will be the protection of wild 

animals — " 

"Our efforts to protect wildlife have failed 
because of die liaphazard methods we employ, 
die lack of any commuted policy and the lack of 
any protective agency to carry that policy into 
effect " 

14 Bombay Natural History Society 

The Golden Jubilee of the BNHS (1933) 

Between 1875 and 1925. as many as 80,000 tiger* 
were killed in India alone 


A. A. Dunbar Brumlrr, an extraordinary 
conscr\ationist wrote in 1933: 

"the molar car tins is perhaps the biggest factor 
of all in the disappearance of game — " 

"every car that moves by day or night has one or 
more guns in it 

"the destruction is terrible " 



In 1934. Champion wrote in the panes of Ihe JBNHS: 

"Frankly, die position is appalling. The vast increase in 
gun licences which has taken place in recent years, 
combined with the greatly improved means of transport, 
has caused a drain on the wildlife if the districts such as 
can end only in the abnost complete destruction of any 
kind of wild creature considered to be wortli 
powdered and shot " 


R C. Morris was a great fighter for the southern 
forests and in 1935 stated: 

" — / consider that clnlal. bhickbuck and chinkara 
have certainly decreased to a dangerous extent and 
will be extinct in South India in not many years — " 

He fought hard for the creation of national parks 
and special staff to go with it. 

Conservation Department 15 

In 1935, Salim Ali completed a survey of wildlife 
or Hyderabad state and said: 

" — at //«■ back of all this senseless slaughter and 
law breaking which has brouglit about ihe present 
sorry plight is the apatliy of public opinion inwards 
the need for the preservation of our fauna " 

india'n animals 

H ■ H «■»!■ M> twin 


SII Prater's book in 

1948 on Indian 

Mammals remains a 

landmark publication 

in the field of natural 

history till date 

tv» m —t vru iMTO*' <0C*» 


Lt. CoL R. W. Burton 

spearheaded the battle (o ' 

save independent India's 

wilderness 1948. 

World War [I was over 


Burton was a great post independence campaigner 
for a separate wildlife department and staff. 
He stated: 

"The years are passing. This great natumal asset is 
wasting away It is the duty of every government to 

protect it for posterity The urge sliould come jrom die 

highest levels. " 

"II tthout a wildlife department as suggested herein the 
surxival of much of the wonderful wildlife i if India is 
inconceivable and a great national asset will disappear 

nevrr In he renamed as tlie majority of the unique 
species will become extinct 

Dr. Salim Ali on a field trip in the 
Great Rann of Kutch < 195(1) 




Humavun Ahdulali 

^r afl 

Honorary Secrclan of 

the Society from 
1950 lo 1962 and served 

on the Executive 

Committee till he died 

on 3* June, 2001. 

Through Abdulali. 

HNHS created the 
Bombay Wild Animals 
and Birds Act in 1951. 

16 Bombay Natural History Society 

E. P. Gee angling on the rner Munas * 

Spearheaded conservation strategies in 1950s and earlv 60s 

In Gee's words (1952): 

the gradual extermination of wildlife m huiia hasimw 
reacheda stage when His of /he utmost importance that 
the exact status of wildlife sanctuaries slioidd be 
reviewed and — " 

He also fought for a separate department for 
"ildlifc and for a special staff. 

"officers in charge of sanctuaries or national parks 
should he specially selected for these appointments. " 

ih,n- is no point in passing resofutiorts and making 
laws if they can not he enforced " 

In 19fio, Juan Spillet was enlaced by BNHS to 
survey India's wildlife. 

He travelled 13.500 miles across India's 
forests with 300 miles on foot and 21 days on 
the hack of an elephant. 

He felt there were two vital problems - too 
many people and too much grazing livestock! 

In the same year Indira Gandhi came to 
poH er. 





Dr. s.iliin Ali 



By 1990. the Gandhis had gone. India's wildlife 
nightmare had begun. It still continues... 

But it would have been worse without the 
sacrifice of our forest staff. 

... and the intervention of the Supreme Court. 

Good science, coupled with sharp interventions 
from conservationists are needed to defend our 
« ilderness. This strategy must define the 
BNHS mission in the decades ahead. 

Conservation Department 17 


by Kishor Rithe 

I am a BNHS member and I believe that the Society has a 
sacred task ahead of it. While the rest of the world continues 
with business as usual, it is we who must be the keepers of 
Eden. It is left to us to defend India's vanishing wilds and to 
protect the myriad species, including the recently re-discovered 
Forest Spotted Owlet (Athene blewito), that seem to be headed 
firmly towards extinction. 

I have watched tigers {Panthera tigris) in Melghat and have 
trekked through the rocky margins of the Pench River in the 
tiger reserve of the same name. I have ranged as far as Kanha 
and Bandhavgarh and I know that the entire belt is alive with 
wildlife and that a little effort now will result in a magical 
regeneration of wild species small and large. 

With a group of student many years ago I participated in 
long pad yatras (walking campaigns) through the Satpura 
mountain ranges, seeking public support for one of the oldest 
mountain chains in the world that run parallel to the Vindyas in 
Central India. The time has come for us to relaunch such 
initiatives so that the people who live here are made aware of 
the immense wealth they may lose if they allow others to plunder 
their heritage. 

By profession I am a teacher, but my life is now devoted to 
protecting nature. In the course of my travels I have had to fight 
miners, road builders and sundry contractors, with greater 
frequency than I have had to deal with poachers and wildlife 
traders. To my mind, the former are the more difficult to counter. 

I am unashamedly in love with the tiger. And it will come as 
no surprise to readers to know that the Satpura mountain chain 
has been categorized TCU-1 (Tiger Conservation Unit One) area 
by the Wildlife Conservation Society and WWF-lndia. When 
tigers have vanished from most of India, I believe, the deep 
ravines, hidden valleys and extensive forests of the Satpuras 
will continue to support tigresses and their cubs. I look at my 
battle to protect this wilderness as one with the global effort to 
save the tiger and all the species that share and comprise its 
secret world. 

The slopes and valleys of the Satpuras are home to probably 
the largest remaining contiguous tiger habitat in the world. Since 
1999. Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), the Nature 
Conservation Society, Amravati and the US Fish & Wildlife 
Services have jointly worked to assess the status and contiguity 
of tiger habitat in the Satpura region. In the process we have 
constantly had to engage in major conservation battles to save 
this unique landscape. 

The Satpuras are defined as part of the Central Indian 
Highlands in the Deccan Biogeographic zone of India. This large 

and continuous tiger belt includes 13 existing PAs covering an 
approximate area of 6,500 sq. km. Tigers, of course, range far 
outside the boundaries of national parks and sanctuaries and 
reports suggest they currently occupy 10,000 sq. km. of forest 
lands in the Satpuras. Protecting and regenerating this tiger 
haven is vital to the battle to save the species. 

Satpuras: India's wild gene bank 

The Satpuras support a variety of life forms. Champion and 
Seth (1968) identified the two predominant forest 
types occurring here as the South Indian Moist Deciduous 
Forests of the northern Satpuras and the Southern Teak Dry 
Deciduous Forest. Globally important populations of some of 
Asia's rarest animals and birds including the Forest Spotted 
Owlet Athene blewitti. Green Munia Amandava tormosa. 
Tiger Panthera tigris. Rusty Spotted Cat Felis rubiginosa. Caracal 
Felis caracal and Barasingha Cervus duvauceli are to be 
found here. 

The northern Satpuras harbour an endangered arboreal 
mammal, the Indian Giant Squirrel Ratufa indica centralis. Other 
mammals include Common Giant Flying Squirrel Petaurista 
petaurista. Palm civet Paradoxurus hermaphroditus, Ratel 
Mellivora capensis. Indian Porcupine Hystrix indica and Otter 
Lutra persipicillata. 

The Satpuras feed 50 rivers. 

Danger in paradise: Prime threats include dams, mines and 
hydel projects, logging, Forest Development Corporation of 
Maharashtra (FDCM) monoculture plantations, poaching for 
wildlife derivatives, the trend towards the denotification of PAs, 
encroachments on forest land for agriculture, illegal grazing and 
fires. These varied forces seem to be conspiring to split the 
Satpura tiger habitat into small compartments, which would 
inevitably lead to fragmentation and eventually, local extinction. 


Chikaldhara Pumped Storage Project: This proposed project 
on the boundary of the Melghat Tiger Reserve threatens to drown 
over 1 00 ha. of tiger habitat. The area is prime deciduous forest 
and is frequented by both tigers and leopards. 

The Upper Tapi Stage II Project: A second dam is also 
being proposed in Melghat - the Upper Tapi Stage II Project, 
which threatens to drown another 244 ha. of tiger reserve 
area and an additional 1,673 ha. of forest land in Maharashtra, 
including a part of the denotified portion of the Melghat Sanctuary. 

The Bawanthadl Dam (Rajiv Sagar Interstate Irrigation 
Project): The location of the dam, the resultant reservoir and 

18 Bombay Natural History Society 

- **££§£ . *2S£HP*~. Jkxv * kim ' wm garaMB 

The Bawantnai Dam threatens to disrupt the fragile corridors between Pench. Kanna and Nagzira in the Satpura ttger landscape 

some of its canals are in the corridors connecting Pench to the 
Nagzira Sanctuary. Tiger habitat continuity between the Pench 
Tiger Reserve in the Satpura range (both in Maharashtra and 
Madhya Pradesh) with the Kanha Tiger Reserve in the Maycat 
range is through this forest belt in the northwest Balaghat forest. 
These corridors will be almost totally destroyed by this project, 
which envisages the construction of a 348 m. high dam and 
over 100 km. of canals. An estimated 2,350 ha. of forest land 
will be lost in both states and 1 1 villages will be displaced. 


The denotification of around 500 of the 
Melghat Wildlife Sanctuary in 1994 has drastically 
reduced the level of protection afforded to this area, 
with repercussions on the sanctuary itself. Even though 
the area remains under Project Tiger, it is accorded 
much less priority. Consequent to the denotification, 
several activities like dam construction and logging have 
been proposed. 

Narmadu Rl 

■ The Narmada and Tapi Rivers originate in the Satpuras 

■ Main tributaries of Narmada: Tawa, Denwa, Nagdwah, 
Malm, Koti, Sonbhadra and Bori. 

■ PAs in the catchments of these tributaries: Bon Sanctuary, 
Satpura National Park and Pachmarhi Sanctuary. 

■ The Tapi Basin extends over an area of 65, 1 45 km', which 
is nearly 2.0% of total geographical area of the country. 

■ The Tapi is a rich source of alluvium and produces good 
agricultural soil. 

■ Main tributaries ot Tapi: Puma. Girna. Panjhra. Vaghur, 
Bori and Aner, Sipna. Khapra, Gadga, Khandu and Dolar. 


From the past seizures it seems that illegal trade 
in medicinal plants such as Musali Cblorophytum 
tuberosum and Curculigo orchioides, Ashwagandha 
Rauvolfia serpentina and others are on the rise. Among 
wildlife derivatives, bones and skins of tiger and leopard. 
deer antlers and bear bile are in demand and pose a 
constant threat. 

What lies ahead? 

For the long-term conservation of the Satpura landscape area, 
we need to look at protected areas and the regions 
surrounding them separately. 

In PAs we need - 

■ To create inviolate areas by implementing "Voluntary 

■ To have effective wildlife conservation, protection and 
management practices. 

■ To implement wildlife conservation through specialised 
wildlife wing by allocating it proper manpower, sufficient 
resources and enough funds. 

■ To declare new sanctuaries and national parks. 
Outside PAs we need - 

■ To declare selected areas as Ecologically Fragile under 
the Environment Protection Act. 

And to identify still other areas for protection under the 
Community Conserved Areas category — Sec. 36A of the 
Wildlife (Protection) Act 2002. In the latter case, communities 
could participate in conservation and in turn win benefits 
including forest resources for bona fide use, as they used to 
in days gone by. 

Conservation Department 19 

Protecting the 

Corbett National Park 

(with help from the Central Empowered Committee) 


I was asked by the BNHS to travel to the Corbett Tiger Reserve 
(CTR), to observe and then report on a long standing problem 
concerning illegal encroachments on forest land. I have been 
involved in the protection and legal defence of our forests 
for over two decades now, but almost nothing prepared me 
for what I discovered In the backyard of India's first ever 
Tiger Reserve. 

The BNHS has always been at the forefront of the battle to 
protect wild India, as can be seen from the extracts published 
elsewhere in this booklet, that were selected by Valmik Thapar 
from the pages of the Journal ot the BNHS. It seemed 
particularly fitting therefore that, as recently as May 2003, 
the Society was co-opted by the Centrally Empowered 
Committee (CEC) as a "Special Invitee" to assist the CEC 
with regard to the escalating problem of encroachments within 
the Corbett National Park (CNP). 

In my capacity as the Honorary Treasurer of the BNHS, I 
was requested to assist the CEC in its investigations. I visited 
the site between June 16-18, 2003, and submitted a detailed 
report to the CEC in the first week of July 2003. 

The salient recommendations listed below in this report will 
provide a better idea of the scope of my recommendations. 
This is the manner in which we will need to sweep through 
our sanctuaries and national parks and force "peace" to prevail 
in our troubled wild havens. Apart from fulfilling their existing 
responsibilities, this I believe, is the task to which BNHS 
members, scientists and staff should dedicate themselves 
in the years ahead. 


1 . The existence of the encroachers as well as the Imgation 
Colonies is definitely creating a serious problem for 
wildlife and wildlife habitats within the CNP/CTR. It is 
therefore necessary to ensure that all the encroachers 
and encroachments are removed immediately i.e. within 
one month. 

2. Since the continued existence ot the Irrigation Colonies 
within the CNP/CTR is also creating serious problems 
for wildlife and wildlife habitats, I also recommend that 
these colonies should be shifted out of the CNP/CTR in 
an urgent and time bound manner. The fact that this 

22 Bombay Natural History Society 

area is now part of a notified National Park would mean 
that the provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, 
as well as the recent orders of the Honorable Supreme 
Court of India pertaining to the protection of national 
parks and sanctuanes are now applicable to this area 
as well, and need to be enforced. 

3. Until such time as the colonies are removed, the excess 
land available with the irrigation department should be 
immediately handed over to the forest department. This 
exercise may be carried out by a Committee comprising 
of the Irrigation Department. Revenue Department and 
Forest Department, as well as a member of the CEC. 

4. The Irrigation Department may be asked to set up a 
check post at the gates of Ihe colony so as to ensure 
that only bona fide residents and visitors are allowed 
inside the colonies. 

5. The District Magistrate and the Superintendent of Police 
may be asked to take personal responsibility for ensuring 
that there is no law and order problem created by the 

6. No public meetings or functions should be permitted by 
the district authonties if they are to be held on Reserved 
Forest lands. 

7. No loudspeakers should be permitted within the 
Reserved Forest areas. 

8. All illegal or unauthorized water, electricity and telephone 
connections should be disconnected by the concerned 
departments. The Superintending Engineers may be made 
personally responsible for ensuring that this is complied 

9. A Company of Police Armed Constabulary (PAC) may 
be deployed at the site under the control of the Director, 
Project Tiger to facilitate the removal of encroachments. 

10. The Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) may be requested 
to dispose of the cases under the encroachers in a 
time bound manner. This could be done by clubbing the 
cases together or by any other means within the legal 

11. Alternatively, a special officer could be appointed for 
the limited purpose of hearing 

these cases on a day to day basis. 

12. All domestic livestock shall be 
removed forthwith from the 
Reserved Forest areas by the 
Irrigation Department with the help 
of the police. 

13. All non-operational staff must be 
shifted out of the Reserved Forest 
area within three months. 

14. All operational staff whose 
presence is essential shall be 
relocaled 10 the Irrigation Colony 
outside the CNP within 6 months. 

15. All wire fencing, boundary walls, 
houses and structures constructed 
within the CNP area should be 

demolished by the Irrigation Department after they are 
vacated, and the debris and other material shall be 
removed and disposed off on non-forest land. All wells 
and pits shall be filled up. unless required by the Forest 

16. All ornamental gardens, garden furniture, wire fencing, 
boundary walls, etc. that are creating obstacles for 
wildlife around the Saddle dam and Main Dam areas 
should also be removed by Ihe Irrigation Department 
within three months. 

17. The site should be rendered safe and habitable for 
wildlife, and funds should be provided by the Irrigation 
Department as committed in letter no. 903 (i)13-1 1 dated 
August 22, 1966 from the Conservator of Forests, 
Western Circle, U.R, to the Sahayak Sachiv. Van (Kha) 
Vibhag, U.P. The amount of Rs.1.25 crores that was 
supposed to be given in 1966 to the Forest Department 
should be immediately transferred along with the overdue 
interest to a separate bank account that shall be opened 
by the Director Project Tiger in any nationalized bank. 
These funds could be used exclusively for the protection 
and conservation activities of the CNP, and would be 
subjected to the normal account and audit procedures 
of the State Government. 

18. In case the Irrigation Department wishes to continue 
lis activities within the ecologically sensitive and fragile 
environs of Ihe CNP after six months, they could be 
asked to deposit a sum of Rs.1.27 crores per hectare 
per year (or part thereof) with the Director CNP, for the 
land retained by (hem within the CNP. 

From what we understand the BNHS report has been accepted 
in toto by the CEC. And subsequent to the submission of 
this report, the Irrigation and Forest Departments have already 
carried out demolitions for the removal of encroachers within 
the CNP 

This kind of action is sure to send signals to other would be 
encroachers and will hopefully help to slaunch the rot that 
had been allowed to seep into the arena of forest protection 
over the years. 

A copy of the BNHS site visit report can be downloaded 
from the BNHS website 

Conservation Department 23 

I have been to Tungareshwar often and it 
seems impossible to believe that the thick 
glades, flowing waters and vibrant wildlife 
can co-exist within a stone's throw from a 
bustling highway and human disturbance. 
But nature is alive here. No sooner do you 
enter its confines that birdsong fills your 
ears and botanists could ask for few better 
examples of a moist evergreen forest. 

When I trekked to the highest point (570m) 
I saw the canopy stretch northward towards 
the Tansa valley and I prayed that better 
sense would prevail and that the fragile 
corridors connecting Tungareshwar with 
Tansa would be restored, rather than 

Studded with deciduous patches that only 
add to the biodiversity value, Tungareshwar 
harbours perennial water sources and this 
is why wildlife densities are likely to be high, 
provided we are able to offer the area the 
peace and seclusion it needs. 

Records in the BNHS suggest that the 
forest hosts over than 600 species of 
plants, over 250 species of birds, 150 
species of butterflies, over 36 species of 
herpetofauna and many more yet to be 
documented. The area is also important for 
owl moths from the genus Olhreis (seven 
species). It is also the largest breeding site 
for the atlas moth Attacus alias around 
Mumbal. The leopard Panthera pardus is the 
predominant predator and thrives on spotted 
deer Axis axis, barking deer Muntiacus 
muntjak and sambar Cervus unicolor. It was 
as recently as May 2003 that a tiger 


4- ' » 

24 Bombay Natural History Society 

Panthera tigris was reported from 

Besides its immensely high 
biodiversity potential, this magical 
forest also acts as vital catchment 
area, which helps to recharge 
thousands of freshwater wells in 
the Vasai Taluka. The water 
security of this entire region 
depends on this forest and its 
natural surrounds. 


Over last few years, the systematic 
and illegal expansion of roads and 
illegal diversion of natural streams has 
threatened this biodiversity rich area. 
A cart tract (from Sativali to 
Tungareshwar Mandir) as shown in 
forest topographical sheets has now 
been illegally converted into a 20m 
wide road that provides vehicle access 
to all and sundry. This road further 
continues to Sadanand Baba's ashram 
and needs to be further investigated 
lor violation of the Forest 
(Conservation) Act 1980. 

The course of three natural streams 
has been diverted by blasting the 
streambed to remove large rocks and 
to provide uninterrupted access to 
vehicles throughout the year. This is 
banned in Reserved Forest Areas. 
Another road from Parol to Sadanand 
Baba's ashram, once a pristine 
forested tract, has now been converted 
into a 10m wide road and is another 
blatant example of a FC Act violation. 
When we undertook a walking survey, 
we estimated that thousands of trees 
must have been hacked to expand the 
road along its 15 km length from 
Sativali to the ashram and another 
seven kms from Parol to ashram. The 
two-storied ashram building and its 
attendant infrastructures need to be 
investigated for its legal status. 

The Conservation Department of the 
BNHS has organized several tnps to this 
forest and has spearheaded a sustained 
campaign against these illegalities in the 
Tungareshwar Reserved Forest. We 
have also lobbied persistently with the 
forest and administration authorities 
of the Maharashtra Government. 
Representations made to the Ministry of 
Environment and Forests at the Centre, 
the State Forest Department and 
the Central Empowered Committee on 
this issue look like they might just 
yield results. 

-■*r - 

Marine National Park, 
Gulf of Kutchh: 

A conservation challenge 

Gulf of Kutchh is an ecological miracle. A complex coral 
reel ecosystem, coupled with extensive mangroves, 
dominates the landscape of the shallow waters of the Marine 
National Park, the first in India to be dedicated to the protection 
of our threatened marine flora and fauna. 

Today the entire coastline is threatened by a combination 
of mangrove destruction, oil spills, toxic waste and 
reclamation. Yet. somehow, the region continues to support 
marine life. Nature Is not quite as helpless as we 
might imagine. 

I remember early days of my shell expeditions in 1980's 
to these coastal areas. The coral reefs of Narara, Pirotan, 
Poshitra and Beyt Dwarka always fascinated me. Their vibrant 
colours, shapes and myriad forms were attractive no doubt, 
but even more absorbing was the question of their ancient 
origins, the purpose of their shapes and sizes. I will never 
forget the stunning threat-display of an octopus that I chanced 
upon in the shallows, and its subsequent ability to change 
colours, to merge with the background. Wading further out 
from the tide line, I saw elegant crests of brain coral, 
magnificent architecture of moon and plate corals and shoals 
of reef fish swimming among them. I was mesmerised and 
in me was bom a determination to understand this ecosystem 
better and protect it as best I could. 

My subsequent expeditions were equally rewarding. 
I saw cowries (Cypraea sp.), wentle traps (Epitonium sp.) 
and rock shells (Murex sp.) and then returned to spend 

hours studying their origins, the way they found food and 
how they avoided the dangers always lurking in the shape 
and form of predators. 

Wading through cold, ankle deep water in winter was a 
simple pleasure that was not merely pleasurable, but 
rewarding to boot. It was always easy to see large sand 
anemones in their various hues of green, brown and blue. 
Pirotan at sunset was intoxicating. Sitting on the beach and 
staring out across the sands, I was treated to a veritable 
orchestra of colours and calls. The deep purple of Reef Herons 
(Egretta gularis), the majestic pink of Flamingoes 
(Phoenicopterus ruber), elegant Avocets (Recurvirostra 
avosetta) and ever-busy Little Stints (Calidhs minuta) were 
my constant companions. Come evening and many more 
water birds including ducks would pick their favourite roosts. 
And nothing seemed capable of tiring the terns and gulls 
that seemed to dominate the seashore. When I got tired of 
watching Grey Herons (Ardea cinerea) and the teeming flocks 
of waders, I would peer through my binoculars and sometimes 
be blessed by the sight of dolphins that hunted fish and 
octopus just offshore. 

Mangroves of the Gulf of Kutchh are the only mangroves 
that exists in the Gujarat state. These magical plants in turn 
support huge breeding colonies of painted storks (Mycteria 
leucocephala), herons, egrets, ibises, spoonbills (Platalea 
leucorodia), darters (Anhinga melanogaster) and little 
cormorants (Phalacrocorax niger). 

26 Bombay Natural History Society 

This marine ecosystem represents an economic asset 
that our planners and developers have, sadly, not recognized. 
Corals, sandbars, mangroves and dunes are the best 
defences against the wrath ot the oceans. These land-sea 
frontiers are the breeding grounds of perhaps over 70 per 
cent of all marine creatures, upon which our own food security 
is dependent. Yet we find short term profiteers have been 
allowed to rip these natural wonders apart. Little wonder 
Gujarat now suffers the constant threat of cyclone damage, 
sea erosion and falling fish catch. 

Today my work with the BNHS. as its Conservation Officer, 
provides me with an opportunity to share my fascination and 
love for the marine world with children and adults alike and ft 
also permits me to join hands with those who are witling to 
fight to protect this irreplaceable hentage. 


The Gulf of Kutchh is an arm of the Arabian Sea, separating 
the Saurashtra Peninsula from the Great and Little Rann of 
Kutchh. At its seaward (western) end it is 58 km wide, Irom 
which point it tapers gradually eastwards, extending for nearly 
170 km with maximum depth of 60 mts and an average depth 
of about 20 mts. Most of the beaches are sandy and muddy, 
or have large sandstone expanses. 

The Marine Sanctuary and National Park are situated, on 
the southern shore ot the Gulf of Kutchh. They were 
established in 1980 and 1982 respectively under the 
provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act. 1972. The 
Sanctuary extended over an area of 270 sq. km., from Okha 
to Jodhya. The core area of 110 sq. km. was subsequently 
notified as a Marine Park, comprising areas of 7,000 ha off 
Okha in the west and 4,000 ha off Jamnagar to the east. 

In 1982, this protected area was enlarged to over 400 sq. 
km. There are between 30 and 40 islands on the Jamnagar 
coast in the Marine National Park, all surrounded by reefs. 
The best-known islands are, of course, Pirotan. all of six sq. 
km. (16 km. north of Bedi Port) and Karubhar. 


In the past three decades, rampant extraction of corals 
and sand by the cement industry has left deep scars on this 
fragile ecosystem and has caused substantial destruction 
leading to increased turbidity. I believe this is the main reason 
for the sharp decline in marine life. At places like Narara and 
Pirotan the damage is probably beyond repair. As if this were 
not enough, a series of refinenes have been inflicted on us 
by the Indian Oil Corporation. ESSAR, Reliance and. we now 
understand, few more may be joining the fray. Operational 
ports such as New Port, Ruchi. Bedi. Kandla. Mundra and 
Navlakhi were built without appropnate environment impact 
studies. Naval ports including Valsura and Kargil and the 
proposed Poshitra add to the woes of the beleaguered marine 
life. Several chemical and salt industries dump effluents into 
once pure waters. And to add to this mayhem, is the 
anthropogenic pressure from as many as 3,000 mechanized 
fishing crafts. The biodiversity of Gulf of Kutch is under 
fullscale assault. 

The supposedly benign salt industry has actually stripped 
the coastline of its mangroves and is a key reason for human 
deaths that now take place when cyclones strike. 

Sand anemones, pearl oysters (Pinctada vulgaris), sacred 
chanks (Xancus pyrum) and brain corals have vanished from 
Narara, perhaps the worst hit of all the regions. On a recent 
visit, all I saw was dead coral debris. The sea is waiting for 
Homo sapiens to pass. I thought to myself, before it reclaimed 
what was nghtfully its own. 


While children continue to be taught about nature, manne 
ecosystems and the impact of ecological disharmony, 
influential people continue to abuse their power to tear and 
rip at the innards of Gujarat's marine wonderland. Several 
actions initiated by the Gujarat Forest Department are serving 
to delay, or thwart the damage and this includes mangrove 
plantations, educational camps, and restricted tourist access 
to few islands, so that word of mouth support spreads. Clearly, 
however, this is inadequate. 

The BNHS is in touch with potential partners and 
supporters to protect this western seaboard and its associated 
coral, mud and mangrove habitats. 

Apart from imparting nature education to all sectors of 
society from children to industrialists, we have honed in on 
five priorities: 

1 . A moratorium on further reclamation and/or destruction 
of coastal ecosystems. 

2. Tight control over mechanized fishing in the Gulf of 


3. An effective disaster mitigation plan particularly for oil 
refineries and chemical industries, with appropriate fund 
allocation made over to ecological restoration projects. 

4. Better surveillance and enforcement infrastructure for 
forest department and coordinated action with the Coast 
Guard and Indian Navy. 

5. Control over illegal sand mining. 

Deepak Apte. Conservation Officer. BNHS 



Speckes Diversity 



Corals (Hard & soft) 











400 + 



Sea snakes 






Conservation Department 27 

" — at the back of all this senseless slaughter and 
law breaking which has brought about the present 
sorry plight is the apathy of public opinion towards 
the need for the preservation of our fauna." 

Dr. Sdlim Ali 

BNHS Centenary Journal Seminar 

Mumbai, November 12 - 15, 2003 



Merrill Lynch 

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