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1974- 1975 


Lake Worth, Florida, 33460 

iS i-A 

2 - BEACHCOMBER, Special Orientation Issue, 1974-1975 

From The Office 
Of The President 

Welcome Students: 

I am happy to extend a warm welcome to all of our new 
Palm Beach Junior College Students. We are also pleased 
,to have each of our returning students with us again. 
This special issue of the Beachcomber is a valuable contribution to the orientation of 
new students on our campus. I hope you will keep this issue with you as a ready source of 
information and assistance during the first part of the semester. 

I hope you will utilize our instructional facilities to their fullest extent. During the 
coming year, through your class work, you will get to know and counsel with an 
outstanding faculty. Make good use of this opportunity. Our program of activities will 
provide you with many opportunities for personal growth if you participate. I urge you to 
do so. I would like to have the privilege of getting to know many of you personally during 
the coming year. 

Please join me in a firm determination that will be the best and most rewarding school 
year you have ever had. 

Dr. Harold C. Manor 
PBJC President 

PBJC President 
Dr. Harold C. Marior 

They Guide 
JCs Direction 

Governed since July 1, 1968 by the District Board of Trustees 
instead of the County School Board, the college has expanded 
rapidly to a student body of over 7,000. 

Members of the Board of Trustees are appointed by the governor, 
subject to bonding and certification by the secretary of state. 

A list of prospective appointees compiled by the Board is 
forwarded to the governor for consideration. 

Input Into the final selection of Trustees is also received from the 
governor's aides as well as the Governor's Advisory Committee of 
Palm Beach County. 

The direction of PBJC is guided by flie following: 

BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Chairman; Dr. Robert 
L. Smith, Vice-chairman; Mrs. Susann Anstead; Mr. Maynard C. Hamblin; 
Mrs. Frances Hand. 


Dr. Harold C. Manor President 

Cecil Conley. Executive Dean, Glades Center 

Robert A. D'Angio'.".*.'.'.'.'.*.". . . .' Asst. Evening Coordinator, North Centet 
ElizabethV. Davey! !!!!!!!!!!.', •'^^st. Dean or Student Personnel 
Wiley C. Douglass .'.".'..'.'.'.'.'.'.*.'. Director of Library Services 
Fred J. Holling, Jr.' '.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'.'.'. ^^^- Evening Coordinator 

Elisabeth W. Erlin". !!!.!!! ^^*- D^*" of Academic Affairs 

Paul J Glynn ° ' ^^^^ of Student Personnel 

Charles G. Graham '. '. '. ". ■. '. ". ', ". ". '. '. Assistant Registrar 

Paul W. Graliam. "^"^ °' Academic Affairs 

Otis P. Harvey h. ".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.] Coordinator of Evening Classes 
Laurence H. Mayfleld '.'.'.'.['.'.'.'.'. Registrar ^ ^ ^ „ 

Robert C. Moss . Asst. Dean of Student Personnel 

lames W.Tanner '.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. '*^*' Evening Coordinator, Soutli Center 

G T. Tate Dean of Business Affairs 

Dale Washburn ' ." .' .' .* .* .* ." .' .' .' .' .' .' .' . Director of Data Processing 

Mildred M. Whatley Director of Institutional Research 

Don C. Wliitmer . . .".'.".'.'.'.*..'.'.'. ^^'*' Dean of Academic Affairs for 

Vocational-Technical Education 


Art Dr. James Miles 

Basic Studies ; Dr. Mary L. Boswortli 

Biology H. Douglas Sammons 

Business Robert Holzman 

Chemistry Dr. George B. Truchelut 

Communications Watson B. Duncan III 

Data Processing Dale Washburn 

Dental Health Dr. Hal Hutchins 

Engineering Technology Jennings B. Radet 

Health, Physical Education, Recreation 

LawEnforcement, Corrections Lawrence D. Tuttle 

Library Technology Wiley Douglass 

Mathematics Ruth W. Wing 

Music Letha Madge Royce 

Nursing Betty A. Morgan 

Physics, Physical Science Dr. Paul J. Dasher 

Related Health Programs 

Social Science Dr. Samuel S. Bottosto 

Special Orientation Issue, 1974-1975, BEACHCOMBER - 3 



Managing Editor 

Sports Editor 

This special Orientation Issue of the Beachcomber is funded by 
Student Government and published in cooperation with the 
Beachcomber staff under the direction of Dean Robert C. Moss 


Editor's Welcome 

The editorial staff of the Beachcomber would like to welcome all 
new and returning students to life at JC. 

Most students will come to recognize the weekly, award-winning 
"Voice of the PBJC. Student" as a familiar friend on Monday 
morning, something to accompany that cup of "walce-me-up- 
please-so-I-can-pass-that-test" coffee. The Beachcomber is the 
watchdog of Student Government, a careful follower of the 
administration and District Board of Trustees, an adamant 
supporter of the school, but also one of its best critics; in general, an . 
informative publication that lets students and faculty know what is 
going on - or what should be . 

Under the experienced arm of adviser and staff, the Beachcomber 
provides essential experience for those who plan^ careers in the 
fields of journalism, photography, advertising, and business. It is 
also an interesting experience and one of the best activities on 

All those who are interested, both experienced and novice, should 
apply at the paper's offices in the Student Publications building 
next to the cafeteria. All positions are open. 

Honorariums are available for those with major positions to help 
with college expenses. Ad salespersons receive commissions on 
their sales. 

The Beachcomber is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press 
and the Florida Junior College Press Association. 



^^f* Dear Students: 

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, 
welcome back to those who have been 
attending and congratulations for your 
foresight to the new students. 

We, the members of the board, are sincerely interested and dedicated along with the faculty and 
administration in making our Junior College one all of us should be proud. 

As a past student of Palm Beach Junior College, 1 can say without fear of contradiction that you 
will receive an outstanding foundation to your future. I have a great deal of pride in the students of 
Palm Beach Junior College and offer to each of you my personal time and effort to Continue the 
wonderful attitude, academic training and over-all excellence of our college. The trustees are ready 
to listen and act on your suggestions. 

Sincerely, • 
Dr. Edward M. Eissey 
Board of Tmstees 

Dr. Edward M. Eissey 

SG Serves As Vital Campus Force 

Student activities at JC are planned and managed by the 
Executive Board of the Student Government. Comprised of 
four student elected officers in the positions of president, 
vice-president, treasurer, and secretary, the SG Executive 
Board handles use of activity funds in excess of S30,OO0 

SG periodically sponsors dances, concerts, and film nights 
for the student body. Concerts in the past have featured such 
renown groups as the Allman Brothers Band. 

But fun and music are not the only function of Student 
Government; SG serves as the guiding force with which the 
students exercise perogative in government in an organized, 
well-financed public forum. 

Twenty-four students at large are elected to the Student 
Body Senate. The Senate is elected in September in a 
campus-wide general election. Any student maintaining 12 
hours and having a 2.2 grade point average (past academic 
records are referred to for freshmen) may campaign for a 
Senate seat. A 2.0 grade point average must be maintained 
while in office. 

The Senate considers appropriation of SG monies as well as 
the initiation of change for the betterment of the student. 

Instrumental in revising an attendance policy, the SG 
Senate has also helped to assist the progress of women's 
athletics, and is still involved in the creation of a Judicial 

The Executive Cabinet consists of five secretaries who are 
appointed to head Cabinet departments of Elections, 
Organizations, Productions, Publications and Publicity. Pour 
students are also appointed to, serve in each of the five 
Cabinet departments. 

Applications for student government positions are available 
from the offices of SG at the North SAC lounge. 

Students have the right to suggest changes to their elected 
leaders, if they so desire. Student participation is encouraged 
in Student Government as in all activities. 

SG Executive Board 
Urges Participotion 

Dear Fellow students, 

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Palm 
Beach Junior College for the 1974-75 school year. We hope your 
stay at PBJC will be both fruitful and enjoyable. 

Student Government serves as a channel between students and 
administration, to inform administration of student needs and 
desire. The student body Senate is one branch of this channel; the 
Senate can only work and be successful in this function if you, the 
students, are willing to take part. 

In September 1974 elections will be held to fill the positions of the 
Senate. In this election, all 24 seats are open. A 2.2- average is 
needed to file for election and once in the senate, a Senator must 
maintain a 2.0 average. 

During the previous school year the Student Government, 
including members of the Senate, played a major role in acquiring 
money for women's athletics. 

For those who desire to participate in the decision-making 
process that affects all students at PBJC, we urge as many students 
as possible to run in the Senatorial elections. For those students that 
cannot take a direct part in Student Government, we urge you to 
make your voice heard and let the SG officials know what you want 
to see done. 

Again, we hope all students will enjoy their stay at PBJC. 

SG Executive Board 

Message To Vets 

VETERANS OF MILITARY SERVICE have a complete office 
devoted to their benefit in the Administration Building of Palm 
Beach Junior College. The college is approved by the State 
Department of Education and the Veterans Administration for 
training. No matter what law or department under which you are 
planning to attend, if you are a vet you should make application 
through the St. Petersburg Office or the college Registrar's Office to 
obtain your benefits. 

Regardless of the circumstances, always follow closely the forms 
sent to you and handed to you during your school life. If you don't, 
forget about receiving any money. Your subsistence check normally 
arrives about the tenth of each month of school; that is, after the 
first two or three months of initial enrollment. So have some cash on 
hand to tide you through from now until at least three months from 

Newiy-elected Student Government Executive 
OfHcers for the 1974-1975 academic year are 
[clockwise £rom top] President Tory S. Buckley, 
Vice-President Dolor Ginchereau, Secretiuy 
Constance Holmes, and Treasurer David Lang. 


Fees Support JC Activities 

During the 1973-74 school 
year, Student. Activity Fees 
amounting to more than 
$120,000 paid for concerts, club 
activities, dances, publications, 
sports, and a myriad of other 
non-academic school functions. 

The pro-rated charge ranges 
from $3 to $15 depending upon 
the total hours a student is 

Nine campus organizations 
are presently receiving percen- 
tages of the Student Activity 
Fees, of which three are funded 
from the Student governments 
allocation (see graph below). 

Control of the fees are 
handled by a special panel of 
student representatives and 
faculty advisors from organiza- 
tions receiving the funds. 

Budgets are submitted to 
committee members by April 1 
for approval for the following 
fiscal year. 

Eight of the nine organiza- 
tions involved receive a 
percentage of the total activity 
fees. Galleon, JCs yearbook, 
receives its financing from a 
percentage of full-time fees 

The Student Activity Fee 
Committee is comprised of nine 
faculty advisers and 12 student 
representatives, whose job is to 
review budgetary requests, 
determine percentage distribu- 
tions, and make final approval 
on budgets. 

Each organization is repre- 
sented by one faculty advisor 
and one student with the 
exception of Student Govern- 

SG delegates one member 
from the Executive Board, one 
from the Executive Board, one 
from SG at large, and two 

senate electives, along with District Board of Trustee policy 

SG's adviser. 3302.00 only these students are 

allowed to vote. 
Student members are ap- Club and organization advi- 

pointed or elected by the sers may take part in committee 

organization they are to. discussions, make and second 

represent. Under the present motions, but they may not vote. 

Student Activity Fee 


Student Government 











Activity Fee Distributed From Student Government: 










20% 3.0% 40% 

4 - BEACHCOMBER, Special Orientation Issue, 1974-1975 

Special Orientation Issue, 1974-1975, BEACHCOIVIBER - 5 

Honor Societies 


A national arts and sciences honor society whose 
membership requires maintaining 3.0 grade point 
average while being among the upper ten per cent of 
the student body scholastically. 

A national honor society for junior colleges which 
promotes interests in debate, oratory and other forensic 

Organized to promote scholarships, to develop 
character, to cultivate fellowship and to provide 
recognition for junior college students majoring in the 

As the Dental Hygiene Honor Society, its purpose is 
to promote, recognize and honor scholarship, service 
and character among students and graduates of dental 
oral hygiene. 







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College Life: 

Not All Academics 

On occasional breaks from books and classrooms, 
JC studentswith a yento get involved , may be wondering 
whereto go. Here are a few suggestions: 



Founded to promote the advancement of 
religious ideals, the Campus Crusade for 
* Christ offers regular meetings to "spread 
the good news." 


Organized for students of all religions to 
get together and rap about Christ and other 
subjects. Newman Club has off-campus 
facilities open to all students. 



Affiliated with Kivvanis Internationa), 
Circle K promotes services of humanity 
and campus community benefit. 

Collegiate Civitans engage in projects 
which . benefit both campus and 

Primarily based on service to the 
students and faculty, Civinettes is the 
sister organization for Collegiate Civitans. 



For women. Philo offers friendship and sisterhood to every 
member. Furthering the social life of the campus, Philo also assists 
in scholastic affairs and promotes loyalty through varied activities 

For men, Chi Sig offers true brotherhood and loyalty among 
members. Brothers participate in ru.$h and manv sports 

Representing the oldest social club on campus for men, Phi Da Di 
promotes virtues of honesty, courage and loyalty among its 
members. ' ' ° 


A mens social organization promoting brotherhood. 

* "i^ ^f H> m iji I 




The college's award winning newspaper is published 
weekly throughout the school year. Staff members are 


The college yearbook. Under the direction of an adviser, an 
editor and staff are chosen from all interested and qualified 


The PBJC literary magazine is published annually in the 
spring to give talented students an opportunity to see their 
works in print. 

« '% . 

Special Interest 


No license is required to join. 
For qualified student members, 
the club uses a FCC licensed 


Intended to uphold high 
artistic standards on campus, 
the club also furthers individual 
interest through group activity. 


Six to eight cheerleaders are 
selected each year according to 
■ the procedure outlined in their 


Membership is open to all 
students and faculty interested 
in playing or learning how to 
play chess. The chess club is 
also organizer of the chess 
corner in the North SAC 
Lounge, where students can 
play chess. 


The band is open to all 
qualified students who enjoy the 
study and performance of a wide 
range of music selection. 


Providing a varied program of 
choral music, the group is open 
to all students who like to sing. 


Organized to promote the 
welfare of Building Construc- 
tion, Engineering Technology 
and Architecture majors, the 
group also serves as a link to the 
construction industry. 


. The club seeks to promote 
interest in the language, history 
and culture of various countries 
among the student body. 


This association promotes the 
professional, social and educa- 
tional aspects of the dental 
hygiene profession. 


Members attend state and 
national clinics where they meet 
teachers, professionals and 
fellow students in the field of 


Organized for the establish- 
ment of purposeful interaction 
between Afro-American stu- 
dents, administration, faculty 
and fellow students. 


Promotes: Extemporaneous, 
Interpretive and Impromptu 
speaking, as well as. Debate 
and Reader's Theatre. 


- Open to all registered 
Democrats. The organization is 
organized to promote the Ideals 
of the Democratic Party. 


Open to all registered 
Republicans. The organization 
is organized to promote the ' 
ideals of the Republican Party. 


(For string, woodwind, brass 
and percussion, respectively.) 
Ensembles are organized each 
semester and open to all 
qualified instrumentalists. 


Open to all students interest- 
ed in government and politics. 
Various speakers are guests 
throughout the year. 


Formed to assist students in 
learning how to sail. 


Sales and Marketing Club. Its 
purpose is to develop leader- 
ship, scholarship and vocational 



A newly organized club for 
students interested in cycling. 


Golf, Softball, and tennis are 
offered to interested students, 


Baseball, basketball, cross 
country, golf and tennis are 
offered to interested students. 


An on campus radio station 
designed ,to give . students 
experience in the field of radio 
broadcasting which can be 
heard in various locations on 
campus. . 


The PBJC Stage Band 
perform music of the contem- 
porary, popular and jazz idiom. 


SNEA seeks to provide its 
members with opportunities, 
personal growth, professional 
competence and to provide 
experiences which will interest 
capable students in teaching. 

n4 ,--'■, 


Open to all Vets. The club 
provides a congenial atmos- 
phere for students who have a 
common interest. 


All students in the nursing 
department are eligible for. 
membership. SNA promotes a 
professional attitude for mem- 
bers through professional meet- 
ings and social activities. 

Special Orientation Issue, 1974-1975, BEACHCOMBER - 7 

6- BEACHCOMBER, Special Orientation Issue, 1974-1975 


Security Depends On You 


Security Chief Grant Battels: 'Theft has decreased because 
students are making a conscious effort to prevent it." 

Library Offers Services 

Located on the &st floor of 
the Library Learning Resources 
Center, the Career Information 
and Study Center is designed to 
provide assistance with the 
student's individual career 
development. In addition to 
guidance and counseling activi- 
ties, the Center includes a 
centralized repository of career 
information of the standard 
variety - description of career, 
duties and responsibilities, 
salary estimates, job outlook, 
educational and personal quali- 
fications, etc. - A collection of 
up-to-date print and non-pririt 
information about careers inclu- 
ding films, slides, recording and 
video cassettes available. 

A Job Bank is also in use here 
at JC. The Job Bank provides a 
daily computer list of all job 
openings and on-the-job train- 
ing opportunities listed with the 
Florida State Employment 

The second floor of the library 
features general reading mater- 
ia! in the form of periodicals and 
microfilm. There are eight 
typewriters as well as an electric 
calculator available for student 

The third floor holds the 
general book collection along 
with reference materials, more 
typewriters, and individual 
conference and study rooms for 
student use. 

Faced with a campus 
encompassing 114 acres of land 
and 'supporting 25 buildings. 
Campus Security has quite a 

However, their work is 
primarily confined to issuing 
parking and traffic violations 
instead of the more serious 
violations usually faced by 
security officers. 

JC's security force has a 
friendly relationship with the 
students, most officers being 
easily recognized by regular 

Chief Grant Bartels, a veteran 
of law enforpement work, 
credits student responsibility as 
a strong factor in the decrease of 
theft, usually of tape decks and 
books. "Theift has decreased," 
said Bartels, "because the 
students are making a conscious 
effort to prevent it." He cited 
student cooperation in the 
future if the trend is to continue. 

Bartels urged all students to 
comply with the following: 

• Lock your car. 

• Read rules governing conduct 
as outlined in parking and traffic 

'•Obey campus traffic regula- 

An unlocked car is a tempting 
invitation for someone to rip you 

Traffic regulations were 
instituted for a purpose - to 
make parking and driving on 
campus safer. Treat campus 
regulations as you would 
off-campus rules. 

The Road Patrol 

You May Be Inferesfed . . . 

\ % 


College Reading 

In addition to the Reading 
Emphasis sections in basic 
freshman English Communica- 
tions, the College Reading 
Center provides a free program 
for all students who wish to 
improve their reading skills - 

comprehension and speed, 
vocabulary and study techni- 
ques. As a result of diagnostic 
testing, students are placed in a 
progressive program for pur- 
poses of reading and study 
improvement. Mechanical de- 
vices, resource materials and 
instructional guidance are 
provided. A recreational and 
fi:ee reading area, containing 
varied current reading selec- 

Main Campus 

— ^..^ — 


3. Stu^Mlt Onlv 

IS. DauPrMMini 

X Caltwu 

If. Libnry 

4. SKidoil ftiWiealiom 

17. BtHinM BJdt. 

5. SdtnatM^ 

la. Pitis 

L Social Sc<«nc« 

19. Tadxiieal Hd«. 

7. SliHtvnl PtnonMl 

B. Smtrity Olfia 

31. DmiI H«ltji BM). 

91. a<Mk>ton 

ID. OtitJll R««»i«« 

33. Humuiitin 

11. MKhMiol IHlin 

24. Food S<r<iea M|t. 

13.' bvc StudM 

3S. Viaitor Ptrklna 

13. FiMneaOfiio 


3ft. Uw EnfM-MfliMl 

^ ^ 
















tions, is also available. The 
services of the College Reading 
Center are available to any 
student by appointment. 

ID Cards 

should be carried with you at all 
times. It serves as admission to 
all social functions financed by 
the Student Government, all 
local inter-collegiate events and 
numerous other functions and 
activities. Don't lose it. 

Food Service 

A cafeteria and snack bar are 
located in .the. student dining 
area. Food is offered at 
reasonable prices and lunch or 
snacks may be obtained on all 
regular school days. Service is 
cafeteria style, permitting 
individual selections. Govern- 
ment Surplus commodities are 
not available for the Junior 
College, therefore, food prices 
are necessarily higher than in 
the county schools. 

Early Learning 

Pre- school children of JC 
students can be provided for on 
campus at the early learning 
center located at the northeast 
end of the college. 

A fee schedule of five dollars 
per week has been established 
for children of parents who can 
establish very great need, SIO in 
cases of moderate need, $15 for 
limited need, and $18.60 for 
those who can pay the full cost. 

The center is based on the 
Montessori method which, 
"places emphasis on the total 
development of the child." 

Interested students should 
contact either Mrs. Bowser in 
SC-18, or Dr. Samuel Bottosto in 

The Old 

PBJC History Details 
Rapid Expansion Rate 

Palm Beach Junior College, establish- 
ed in 1933, is the oldest Junior College in 
Florida. Conceived by two local 
educators, the Superintendent of Schools, 
Joseph Youngblood and Howell Watkins, 

Principal of Palm Beach High School, 
Palm Beach Junior College first held 
classes in a small three room building 
adjacent to Palm Beach High School. 
The college served as an alternative for 

. . And The New 


high school graduates who could not 
afford to attend state universities and 
who did not have adequate education to 
get good paying jobs in the community. 

PBJC remained at Palm Beach High 
School until 1948, when the enrollment 
reached an all-time high of 175. The 
college then moved to Morrison Field, 
now Palm Beach International Airport, 
taking over the deserted Army barracks. 
For the first - and only - time in its 
history, PBJC offered dormitories and a 
swimming pool, plus a chapel and an 
excess of classroom space to its students. 

The good life was short lived. 1951 
brought about a crisis which many 
thought would be the end of PBJC. 
Enrollment had soared to 415 when the 
Korean conflict forced the armed services 
to reactivate Morrison Field. Not able to 
find suitable grounds for a campus, PBJC 
moved into the town hall of Lake Park. 
There the college remained until 1956, 
when the increasing enrollment forced 
the town Fathers to request that the 
college move to some other location . 

This second crisis was resolved when 
the Palm Beach County Board of 
Commissioners donated to the county 
school board the northwest corner of John 
Prince Park, consisting of 114 acres, as a 
permanent home for PBJC. 

The fall of 1956 found 475 PBJC 
students in their newly constructed 
classrooms on the present campus. Two 
years later. Dr. Harold C. Manor, current 
president, assumed the leadership of 
Palm Beach Junior College. 

For the past 16 years, Dr. Manor has 
witnessed many changes at PBJC. The 
main campus has expanded into almost 
full use, with, continued growth in 
enrollment (now over 7,000 full and 
part-time students), number and variety 
of courses offered, and reputation in the 
academic field. 

Not only has the main campus grown to 
its present state, but also four off campus 
centers have steadily grown. These 
centers are: General Classroom building 
at FAU; Palm Beach Gardens, and 
. Suncoast High Schools; Roosevelt Junior 
High School; and the Glades Center in 
Belle Glade, Fla. 

Ironically, each of these centers are 
larger now than PBJC was at its 

The recent construction on Phase II of 
the Criminal Justice Department is 
evidence of the continuing growth of 
Palm Beach Junior College. If current 
trends of growth continue, PBJC will 
become not only the oldest junior college 
in the state, but also the most advanced 
in academic circles. 

62 Hours Needed 

JG Graduation Requirements 

General requirements for 
graduation from Palm Beach 
Junior College must be met by 
all students, without regard to 
the degree to be granted. Final 
responsibility for meeting the 
requirements for graduation for 
either the Associate in .Arts 
degree or the Associate in 
Science degree rests with the 

1. Students must have 62 
semester hours for graduation. 
Not more than four semester 
hours of music organization 
credit and two semester hours of 
physical education activity 
credit will be allowed, unless 
more than two hours is 
specifically required in the 


2. The last 15 semester hours 
of credit must be earned in 
residence. The student must be 
in attendance during the term in 
which he makes application for 
graduation. In all cases, 
graduation must follow a term in 
which the student is in 

3. A cumulative grade point 
average of not less than 2.0 or 
"C" must be achieved in all 
work attempted by all students. 

4. All regular students will be 
required to complete two 
semester hours in a physical 
education activity. Exceptions to 
this requirement are: adults 
who have reached their 25 

GPA Informafion 

Although the average course 
load for a student at PBJC is 
considered to be 16 semester 
hours, a student who enrolls for 
a minimum of 12 semester- hours 
is classified a full-time student. 

Most students are not allowed 
to carry more than 18 semester 

However, a student whose 
name appears on the Dean's 
List for the previous term and 
who has at least a 3.0 
cumulative average, may enroll 
in a maximum of 21 semester 
hours during a regular term and 

14 semester hours during the 12 
week Spring Term. 

It is recommended that 
students with below 2.0 GPA 
limit their course load to 12 

A student's grade point 
average (GPA) is computed by 
dividing his total number of 
quality points by his total 
number of hoiirs attempted. 

Quality points are assigned as 
follows: A, four points per credit 
hour; B, three points per credit 
hour; C, two points per credit 
hour; D, one point per credit 

birthday, veterans with two 
years of service other than 
reserve, students enrolled in 
evening classes, and students 
enrolled in certain specialized 
programs. Other students may 
be excused from the physical 
education program or a part 
thereof by a. medical certificate. 

5. All graduating students 
must complete a course in 
Health. Not more than three 
credit hours in Health will be 
allowed toward graduation. This 
requirement may be waived by 
satisfactorily passing a health 
examination with at least a 75 

6. Students must make a 
formal application for gradua- 
tion on the form furnished by 
the Registrar and filled out by 
the counselor. 

7. Participation in graduation 
exercises is expected of all 
graduates who are eligible for 
graduation at end of Winter 
Term. The application must be 
presented and the graduation 
fee paid at the time the student 
registers for his final term. 

8. General Education re- 
quirements as specified under 
Associate in Science and 
Association in Arts in the 

9. To obtain full benefit of 
articulation agreements be- 
tween PBJC and Florida state 
university systems, a student 
must fulfill all graduation 

Attendance Policy 

An attendance policy which allows a student to be 
absent from a maximum of 25 per cent of his class 
meetings was instituted by the college in 1972 through the 
cooperation of the Student Government, Faculty Senate, 
and the administration. 

•Students have complete responsibility for registering 
and withdrawing from classes. If a student does not 
withdraw from a class, he will receive the letter grade he 
has earned. The instructor has the option of dropping a 
stifdent after the 25 per cent absence level has been 

The two week withdrawal limitation prior to the start of 
final exams will be enforced, with these exceptions: 

The student may completely withdraw from school right 
up to the start of the final exam week and during the 
course of both Spring I and II, the student may withdraw 
from class up to one week before the final exam. 

It will be the student's responsibility to complete the 
official withdrawal procedures for assured withdrawal. 

A student will receive an automatic "F" if he misses 
more than 25 per cent of his class meetings unless he 
withdraws in accordance with the above stated policies. 

In the case of extreme extenuating circumstances a 
student may, with the approval of the instructor, be 
permitted to remain in the course beyond the 25 per cent 
maximum, thereby receiving the grade earned. 

student Handbooks 


Welcome Wagon Packets 

Monday, August 26 — Friday, August 30; 1 A.M. - 2 P.M. 

Evening Students: Wednesday, August 2S; 6:30 P.M. - 8:30 P.M. 

8 - BEACHCOMBER, Special Orientation Issue, 1974-1975 

Athletics Offer 
Outlet For Talent 

The Palm Beach Junior 
College Athletic department 
offers inter-collegiate athletic 
competition in baseball, basket- 
ball, cross country, golf and 
tennis for those persons 
talented in these areas. 

The college is a member of 
the National Junior College 
Athletic Association and the 
Florida Junior College Confer- 
ence and policies of these 
organizations largely dictate 
rules and regulations for the 
college teams. 

Baseball is coached by Dusty 
Rhodes, an American Legion 
baseball coach and athletic 
director of Conniston Junior 
High. He has seen success in 
both positions and was selected 
to replace Mel Edgerton as head 
baseball coach after Edgerton's 
resignation at the end of last 

Rhodes' philosophy concern- 
ing player selection is to get as 
many local players involved in 
the college program . 

Bob Wright is the PBJC 
basketball coach and has never 

had a losing season in this 

The Pacer basketball squad 
had it's best season last year 
entering the state tournament 
for the first time in the history of 
the college. After being deemed 
as underdogs by the Florida 
press, the scrappy team fought 
its way into the finals of the 
tourney only to lose to Chipola 
by a single point. Chipola 
represented the state in the 
national basketball tournament 
for junior colleges as Hutchin- 
son Kansas and finished second 
in the nation by losing the final 
game by the smae margin of a 
single point. 

Cross country is the newest 
sport at PBJC. The sport is 
enjoying its second season 
under Dick Melear who doubles 
as track coach for Twin Lakes 
High Schooi. 

Melear is one of the most 
respected coaches in the area 
and has coached many success- 
ful teams in both track and cross 

The cross country team holds 

home meets at John Prince Park 
which is located on Congress 
Avenue just south of the 

This is the first year for 
country scholarships at PBJC. 
According to the rules of the 
NJCAA and FJCC the cross 
country program is limited to 
seven grants a year for 
participants in the enduring 

The golf team is coached by 
Ray Daugherity. 

PBJC has the privilege of 
being able to hold their home 
matches on two of the area's 
best courses. 

Harris McGirt is the coach of 
the Pacer tennis team. McGirt is 
returning from a one-year 
sabbatical during which he was 
replaced by Hamid Facquire 
who led the netters to a second 
place finish in the state meet. 

Anyone interested in compet- 
ing in intercollegiate athletics 
should contact the inter-indivi- 
dual coaches or see the athletic 
director. Dr. Howard Reynolds 
in the gymnasium. 

The following services are 
available in the Student 
Personnel Office: Health Coun- 
seling by appointment. First Aid 
treatment - limited medication 
with parental permission, hand- 
icapped parking in various areas 
of the campus, student 
insurance applications and 
claim forms, and in case of 
serious accident or illness, the 
family doctor and/or the parents 
are notified immediately by the 
Student Personnel Office. 

o.e? '.■;:' ^. ','/'«- 

COUNSELORS are available to 
students for personal, vocation- 
al, and educational counseling. 
Numerous tests are at the center 
for students to take in order to 
better understand themselves 
and their capabilities. They are 
available to students through 
referral from faculty members 
or from direct contact with 
guidance personnel located in 
the Guidance Center, AD-1, 

AD-2, AD-5, the Student 
Personnel Office, and the 
Student Activity Center. 

CENTER provides free clinical 
services to students on a 
voluntary basis, Assistance is 
available in the following areas: 
problem sounds, fluency, rate, 
voice quality, speech reading, 
listening skills, and English as a 
second language. Hearing 
evaluations are scheduled on a 
priority basis by appointments. 

College credit may be 
awarded for acceptable scores 
on the College Level Examina- 
tion Program Tests developed 
by the Educational Testing 
Service, Princeton, New Jersey. 

Students presenting official 
transcripts of acceptable scores 
will be awarded credit with a 
ma.ximum of 30 semester hours 
on College Norms. Credits may 
be earned in courses in General 
Education, English, Natural 

Sciences, Mathematics, Hu- 
manities, Social Sciences-His- i 

According to Mr. Donald " 

Cook, of the College Testing ' 

Center, CLEP tests are given i 

every month except August and ' 

September, and take five weeks ' 

on the average to receive the ' 
scores back. 

J'.' ./^'j' - •-.!-' ili l§ il^ 3 

The multi-media system 
learning center is open to Tn 
students. Programmed mater 
.a, tapes, filmstrips, Srt;?^' 
films and other devices covei-i ' 
various levels of mathemaii'l® ' 
are available to fit student^^ ' 
mdividual needs. Many Mi- 
computers are in the learn i'" 
center to aid the student w7!? ' 
computations. ^itti 


TheTidnspoitdtion Authr.' ■ f 

of Palm Beach County ll'*^ ' 

recently put into operation ^"^ ' 

hourly bus schedule (7-25 a ^J^ • 
6:25 p.m.) from Lake 'Wr,t^lT^- " 

PBJC. Route y. For informl^. *** ^ 

call 686-4555. ^""^"latio^ ' 

School Starts With A Bang 

By Jay Kravetz 
Photo Editor 

A bullet in his head and two in his chest, 
Milton Lee Butler disarmed his assailant, 
Shirley Bell, after an August 26 shooting in 
the parking lot of the main campus. 

According to Security Chief Grant 

Bartels, the shooting took place at about 

12:15 p.m., on the first day of classes for 

the fall term. 

According to Bartels, Miss Bell, of 1369 
Uth Street West Palm Beach, had told him 
that she was a student attending classes, 
"1 later foUnd out she was not a student," 
said Bartels. 

Butler, of 1001 Sapodilla Avenue, West 
Palm Beach, is also not a student. John F. 
Kennedy Hospital would not divulge 
Butler's condition. 

Bartels' explained the shooting "Butler 

was waiting for Miss Bell in the parking 
lot. When Miss Bell went to her car, Butler 
approached her, at which point she shot 
him three times with a .22 caliber pistol. 

"He then struggled with her for the gun 
and she fell and cut her face. When Butler 
picked up the gun. Miss Bell ran into the 
Administrative Office, while Butler tried to 
drive away. 

"Butler did get to the college's west 
parking lot at which point he got dizzy and 

was driven to Kennedy Hospital by two 
coeds," Bartel continued. 

"In the meantime a witness ran to the 
Campus Police Room where I was notified 
of the shooting. On my way to the parking 
lot 1 bumped into Miss Bell. She admitted . 
shooting at Butler, but did not know whether 
she had hit him," 

Although Butler would not press 
charges, Miss Bell was charged with 
aggravated assault by the police. 

Vol. XXXVI No,1 


Monday, September 9, 1974 

Lake Worth, Florida, 33460 

7,667 Students 

JC Breaks Record 

By Bruce Moore 

Enrollment at JC has 
reached an all-tinae high, 
according to tentative figures 
released last week by 
Registrar Laurence May- 

The 1973 enrollment of 
7,071, was increased this 
year by seven per cent 
(7,667), five per cent more 
than the projected two per 
cent increase. 

JC's current figures for 
the main campus and the 
three branches are as 

-5961 Main Campus 

-560 Palm Beach Gardens 

-398 Belle Glade 

-500 mixed enrollments 
(students who are enrolled at 
more than one campus.) 

Mayfield attributes the 
unexpected increase to the 
economic situation. "Many 
students could not find jobs 
so they came back to 
school," said Mayfield. 
"The attractiveness of some 
of our technical programs is 
also a big factor." 

This year's registration 
was one of the smoothest 
sign-ups in recent years, 
according to Mayfield. 
"There were some long lines 
a few times - but they didn't 
last for long. 


"Even I have to stand in Une longer at the grocery store 
than some of these kids at JC." 

-Registrar Lawrence Mayfield 


SGA Seeks Student Applicants 

Staff Writer 

AppUcations for students 
wishing to run for the 
position of Student Govern- 
ment Senator are now 
available in the Beachcom- 
ber office through Friday 
September 13. Student 
Government officers are 
visiting most classes this 
week and will also distribute 
applications to interested 

The only requirements for 
a student becoming a senator 
and holding that office are: 

1. Have a 2.2 average 
either from high school or 

2. Maintain a 2.0 average. 

3. Must be taking a 
minimum of 12 hours. 

A brief meeting will be 
held on Friday September 13 

at 3 p.m. in the SAC Lounge 
for candidates. Further 
election details will be 
available at that time. 

Campaigning begins - 
Monday, September 16 and 
continues through Friday, 
September 20. Students may 
vote all day Monday, 
September 23, and Tuesday, 

September 24, and Wednes- 
day, September 25, until 3 

Machines are to be located 
by the Business Adminis- 
tration Building and outside 
the cafeteria . According to 
Dolor Ginchereau, Student 
Government Vice-President, 
results of the elections will 

be announced Wednesday 
afternoon, following the 

Ginchereau encourages 
students who might not have 
time to be a senator to attend 
Senate meetings held every 
Thursday afternoon from 
12:30 to 1:30 in Criminal 
Justice 2. 

"Even I have to stand in 
Hne longer at the grocery 
store than some of these kids 
have to at JC." 

Mayfield noted that trans- 
fer students were amazed 
how fast they registered. 
"At other colleges students 
run all over campus and it ' 
takes days to register." 

Pre-registration for the 
Winter Term begins in early 



By Lynn Kalber 
Feature Editor 

Faculty membership is 
changing since the end of the 
Winter Term. 

Here is a list of new 
arrivals, transfers, resig-. 
nations, leaves of absence, 
and special honors: 

G. Tony Tate (Dean of , 
Business Affairs) and C. 
Errol Hicks (Social Science) 
received their Doctorate 
degrees in Education this 
past summer from FAU. . 

ard Bailey (Bioloey), David 
Bortnick (Mental Health), 
Jean Coffin (Nursing), Bryon 
Debee (Student Personnel;, 

Turn to "FACULTY" page 2 

Justin Storms Cafeteria 

By Brian Crowley 

Staff Writer 

Dr. Neal Justin, candidate for the United States 
Senate, visited the JC campus last Thursday and 
spoke to an estimated 150 students in the cafeteria. 

Justin hand-shook his way from table to table, 
answering questions and passing out campaign 
literature. Casually dressed and smiling, he spoke 
with the students for forty five minutes on a variety 
of issues, including inflation and taxation. 

"An "Independent" Democrat, on leave from 
Florida Atlantic University, Justin has had 
previous governmental experience as a member of 
the Arizona state Legislature. While a member of 
the legislature he was chairman of two 
subcommittees and the spearhead of a movement 
for tax equalization. 

Further coverage of Justin's JC visit is on page 

Dr. G. Tony Tate 


2-BEACHCOMBER Monday, September 9, 1974 

Monday, September 9, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 3 

Leave A Year Early: CLEP ! 



For Governor 


By Bruce Moore 
News Editor 

Testing Director Donald Cook has 
announced that there are no places left for 
the September 19 College Level 
Examination Program (CLEP) exam. 

However, the October 17 CLEP test is 
open for applications filed too late for the 
September test. Also, new applications are 
being accepted. Students interested 
should apply at the Testing Center, AD 5. 
, Through passage of CLEP itests, . 
students may earn a maximum of 27 
semester hours of college credit by 
examination. Students may CLEP any of 
the following general exams: 
. ENGLISH EH 101, EH 102. 

NATURAL SCIENCES (Any two of the 
following( BY 100, PS 101, CY 100. 

MATH: MS 106. 

HUMANITIES: EH 203 and either MC 
110 or AT 110. 

SS 102. 

In addition, students may pick up a 
possible 18 hours by passing subject 
exams. Since all subject exams are not kept* 


Ronald French (Related 
Health Programs), Gloria 
Gary (transferred from 
Glades Center), Banna 
Ghioto (Nursing), Janice 

•on file, the Testing Center must be notified 
at least three weeks in advance of the 
CLEP Exam if a student wishes to take a 
subject exam. 

Testing Director Cook is pleased with the 
CLEP program began last March. Already 
one student, Tom Knippel, who entered JC 
as a freshman in 1973, has "CLEPed" an 

entire year's credits. Knippel is now a 
junior at the University of Florida. 

According to Cook, the only drawback 
thus far in the program is that the test must 
be limited to 50 students each month 
because of the small amount of space in the 
current testing room, SC 26. 

Because of class conflicts with the CLEP 

CLEP Box Score 

The foOowing is a chart showing how students fared 
on General CLEP Exams in the five month period, from 
March through July, 1974. 


























Hayes "(Dental- Health), 
Edward Kopf (Biology), 
Diane Lindsay (Dental THe- 

alth), Evekyn Merkle -{Nurs- 
ing). Jack Rhodes (Baseball 
Coach), Ruith Ruggles (Mu- 

TRANSFERS - Elizabeth 
Erling, Sylvia Meeker (now 
Acting Dept. Chairman of 
Related Health), Howard 
Reynolds (Chairman of 
Physical Education), Delores 
Seemayer (now in Related 
Health Program), Otis Smith 
(to Palm Beach Gardens). 

RESIGNED -Janice Bailey 
(Related Health Services), 
Betty Gibson (Mathematics), 
David Gibson (Engineering 
Technical). Eleanor Hart- 
stone (English;, Archie 
Lugenbeel (Division of - 
Health), Marion Marguson 
: (Nursing), Charlotte Mull- 
ins (Dental Heahh), Robert 
Puddy (Biology). 

Edwin Push (Social Science), 
Florence Adams (Music). 

Cafeteria Manager Jay MacLees 


Faculty Senate Meets 

• Dynamite 

* Steak Subs 

• Hoagies 

* Pizza Pies 


of Italy 




^hone - 9654553 

By Brian Crowley 
Staff Writer 

A recent change in 
attendance policy allows an 
instructor to drop a student 
from a class instead of failing 
him, as proposed by the 
Faculty Senate last summer. 

It states students are 
responsible for withdrawing 
from a class and if they 
ignore this option, the 
instructor can drop him after 
a 25% absence without 
failing him, as the previous 
policy stated. 

The Faculty Senate, which 
proposed the change, con- 
sists of a committee of 
instructors including Dr. 
Harold C. Manor, president, 
who serves as chairman, and 
meets each Thursday in the 


$2.7S per paga 

Send now for latest catalog. En- 
close $2.00 to cover return post- 


57 Spadina Ave., Suite #208 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada 

(4165 366-6549 
Our research service is sold 
for research assistance only. 

Food Services Building. 

These meetings are held to 
discuss, change, or recon- 
sider any policy within its 
jurisdiction, such as student 
activities, faculty affairs, and 
instructional matters, as long 
as these matters are not 
already specified by state 
law or the District Board of 

This Thursday, the Faculty 
Senate will begin its new 
term and new business in 
their attempt to "provide an 
orderly process for improv- 
ing communications and- 
mutual understanding within 
the college organization." 

Exam, which is held the third Thursday of 
each month (except August and 
December), the Auditorium cannot be used 
as a site for the test. However, Cook is 
checking into the possibility of using a 
room in the newly constructed Criminal 
Justice Building, which could seat 75-100 

"Anyone who is going to graduate in 
December should take the CLEP in 
October, if they are interested in taking the 
test before graduation," warns Cook. 

Cook also emphasizes these items of 

All subject exams last 90 minutes. Two 
exams may be taken in the morning and 
two in the afternoon. Any combination of 
general and subject exams may be taken as 
long as time limits are met. 

Scores will be mailed 5 weeks after the 
exam is taken. 

Payment is $15 for one test, or $30 for 
two to five tests taken. 

Breakfast, Lunch AND Dinner 

Cafe Extends Hours 

By Gwen Constock 
Staff Writer 

The cafeteria is extending its hours to be available to the majority 
of the student body. Jay MacLees ,■ manager, hopes the students will 
take advantage of the new schedule. The new schedule is 7 a.m. to 9 
p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fridays. The 
cafeteria is now serving breakfast and offers a snackline of 
hamburgers, hotdogs, french fries, etc., to the night students. 

Problems with the new hours? Yes, as far as students are 
concerned. Jay MacLjees replies, "Not enough students are aware 
that we are available to them in the morning and at night. Breakfast 
seems to be picking up but night service is poor. The break for 
classes is only 15 minutes and it's a long walk from some places on 
campus. Some students are not even aware we serve breakfast. But 
the main cause is too many people just do not know the cafeteria 

MacLees who has been at the Palm Beach Junior College for two 
years and is employed by the Professional Food Service 
Management, Inc., is greatly aware of students's -need to 

"I think the cafeteria is a center point at the college and that's 
good," say MacLees. "There is a SAC Lounge but not many 
students use it. The cafeteria seems to be the place where you meet 
friends, grab a cup of coffee, and sit down and rest your feet. There 
is no other place on campus that I can think of where the students 
can gather." 

The Professional Food Service Management, Inc., has been 
serving PBJC for the last three years. They offer a hot lunch line 
from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and a corner bar. The comer bar is on a 
trial time of 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and serves ice cream, hot dogs, 
pretzels, sandwiches and drinks. MacLees said that there will be 
milk shakes and pizza offered m the very near future. 

The cafeteria manager hopes that students who have any 
suggestions place them in the suggestion box located in the 
cafeteria at the comer bar. 

^^ *"»^'?D^Hlr,*i?^?tl*'^^^*^"^ *'°"" * ^'i'='=ess, MacLees 
replies, "WE'RE HERE AND AVAILABLE. It's up to the students 
to take advantage of the cafeteria." 

Board Grants Pay Boost 

JC's District Board of 
Trustees met throughout the 
summer resulting in a boost 
in employees wages, and a 
pending purchase of land for 
a permanent Glades Center 

Employees of JC were 
given a $600 cost of living 
adjustment for the 1973-74 
fiscal year at the June 
meeting. The trustees voted 

unanimously for the adjust- 
ment after Dr. Harold C. 
Manor, PBJC President, 
made the recommendation. 

Manor cited an unexpected 
fiscal year-end (June 30), 
fund balance that was 
$121,191 higher than earlier 
estimates, as his reason for 
the pay increase. 

Previously, the board had 
granted a $50 per month 

saiaiy increase for the 
1974-75 fiscal year to 
classified employees and a 
four per cent increase to 
teachers and administrators. 
At the July meeting, the 
board was informed by 
Manor that negotiations are 
nearly complete for a 40 acre 
tract in Belle Glade for a 
permanent site for the 
Turn to "BOARD" page 7 

. . . TheRoadToTallohassee 

'Comber Election 

Report J 

For U.S. Senate: 

13 Vie For Nomination 

By Marc Bressler 

In the race for the U.S. Senate 
seat of Sen. Edward Gurney, 
R- Winter Park (who dropped out 
after having been indicted by a 
federal grand jury on charges of 
illegal campaign practices), there 
are thirteen contenders; 11 
Democrats and two Republlicans 
are vying for their respective 
party nominations in the Sept. 10 

The candidates are: 


Cape Canaveral, still another 

a relative unknown and 
newcomer to politics; 

JACK ECKERD.R-Belleaire, for- 
mer chairman of the board of a 
self-built drugstore corporation 
who ran for governor in 1970; 

BILL GUNTER, D-Orlando, 
U.S. Congressman for Florida's 

5th district; 

Public Service Commissioner; 


Frostproof, another newc omer to 
the Senate race; 

see, president of the Florida 

NEAL JUSTIN, D-Boca Raton, 
professor at Florida Atlantic 

cola, still another newcomer to 
the Senate race; 


Miami, Florida legislator; 


former Florida Secretary of State; 

former millionaire of "Dare To Be 
Great" fame; 


former president of the Florida 
Bar Association. 

Ever since the Washington 
Post broke the Watergate story, 
the majority of candidates across 
the country have been campaign- 
ing on either their honesty or 
their prior non-involvement in 

Young, Turner and Justin all 
declare that they are not part of 
the corrupt political machines 
that allegedly exist in all forms of 

"I've been told to give up 
because I lacked a political 
machine, big money, and long 
term political experience. Dr. 
Justin declared. "Look at the 
corrupt mess we've reaped 
because this was the way to 
Washington. 4' 

But the other candidates, 
notably Hawkins, Pettigrew, 
Stone, Gunter, and Home, stand 
on their records of service and 
stress that not all politicians are 
"Watergaters". Hawkins, in fact, 
is a staunch defender of former 
president Richard Nixon, and 
says he vvas misled by those 
around him. 

Financial disclosure laws have 
made some politicians nervous, 
thinking that voters associate 
wealth with special interest 
groups. However, drugstore 
magnate Jack Eckerd feels his 
wealth is an asset. Eckerd 
contends that, because of his 
wealth, he will not be tempted by 
those special interest groups. 

The main issue in the campaign 
is the problem of inflation and 
how to cope with it. All the 
candidates recognize the problem, 

but few agree on just how to 

Young feels that interest rates 
are way too high and that some 
controls are needed. 

Pettigrew favors selective 
controls to break up high profit 
earning monopolies such as oil 
corporations and the auto 

Both Stone and Justin seek 
better balanced government 
spending as one solution to 
halting inflation. 

Higginbottom, who has travel- 
ed and lived in numerous foreign 
countries, is promoting the 
concept of a world court to settle 
international disputes. 

Conservatives Vs. 
Incunfibent Askew 

By Marc Bressler 

"I ran a positive campaign four years ago against an 
incumbent" Gov. Reubin Askew stated recently, "and I'm not 
likely to do anything less when I'm running as incutnbent." 

The 46 year old governor of Florida seems to be doing just 
that. Askew is riding high on his popularity with both the public 
and the press, and so far has ignored the conservative challenge 
by his opponents in the Sept. 10 Democratic primary. 

This is a far cry from 1970 when then Sen. Askew regularly 
criticized former governor Claude Kirk. But polls have shown 
Askew so far ahead of the other candidates that he is just biding 
his time until the November general election when he will clash 
with Republican Jerry Thomas. Thomas, the only Republican 
gubernatorial candidate, will not be on the Sept. 10 ballot as he is 

Hoping to replace Askew as governor are: 

LT. GOV. TOM ADAMS, who has split politically from Askew 
after his 1973 censure by the Florida House, has received the 
largest amount of publicity among the challengers. Adams has 
issued a series of "Dear Reubin" letters to the governor 
criticizing him and his programs. To date, no major revelations 
that could damage Askew's chances for reelection have surfaced. 
His running mate is Burl McCormick, former mayor of Hialeah 

NORMAN BIE, a Clearwater attorney and newcomer to 
politics who is attempting to gain the support of pro-George 
Wallace voters in the state. His running mate is Lake Worth 
realtor Florence Keen. 

BEN HILL GRIFFIN a millionaire citrus grower from 
Frostproof who is a former state senator. Griffin barely made the 
filing deadline for the office. His wife, Ellie, is running for the 
lieutenant governor post, but Griffin plans to abolish the position 
if elected, 

Of the three challengers, only Adams has made any real 
promises. He wants to reduce the state sales tax rate from four 
to three per cent, lower license plate costs, exempt utility 
companies from the corporate income tax, and establish some 
form of legalized gambling in the state. 

Bie has charged that state taxes are too high and want to roll 
back state spending. He is against busing for desegragation 
purposes, another major conflict with Askew. Bie has also 
pledged to. try to repeal the utility company income taxes. 

Griffin has called for the abolishment of the office of lieutenant 
governor and says his wife will serve without pay until that is 
accomplished. He is in favor of reducing the governor's term to 
a single six year period instead of the current two four year 

Adams, Bie, and Griffin have all attacked Askew on the charge 
that he is too liberal, that too many people are on the state 
payroll, and that is his popularily is a creation of the press. 

Askew's 1974 legislative proposals include lowering the 
ceiling on school property taxes from 10 to eight mills, providing 
more money for mass transportation, and requiring all elected 
officials, candidates and appointees to delcare sources of 
income. He endorses the Equal Rights Amendment and favors 

Askew's running state Senator Jim Williams of Ocala. 


4 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, September 9, 1974 

Monday, September 9, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 5 




fflWBl^^^flft Associate Editor 
HP"HBBi Managing Editor 

Bui associated collegiate press 




GREYHOUND. . . NOI But it was the fastest way for JC students to register the last week before the 
primary. A total of 151 students (83 Democrats, 45 Republicans, 23 Independents) signed up. 

Jay Kravetz, Staff Photo 

Guesf Column 

Involvement: An Idea 

Reubin Askew 


The following article is 
written so that it may 
encompass all those who sit 
around on their fat wonder- 
ing why the hell there's 
nothing to do, why the world 
is so down on them, why the 
government is so screwed 
up, why they can't ever get 
ahead or why doesn't 
someone fix something that's 
wrong. I suppose that takes 
care of just about everyone at 
one time or another, 

I think the basic reason 
why I became involved and 
why I urge others to do 
likewise is that my money 
and my life were being 
manipulated by some force 
and I didn't even have a say 
in it. 

So, to all you people 
milling around and out on 
this campus, stop for a 
minute and ponder these 

carefully to the answers your 
mind conjures up, pick up a 
student handbook or ask 
some head muck-e-muck or 
stop in and see someone on 
the executive board, and find 
out what organization on this 
campus best fits you and 
your ideas, then proceed to 
put your thoughts into 
motion and don't let little 
things mess you up. 

1 guess this article would 
not be complete unless I 

staff Photo by Jay Kravetz including myself. 

One Good Term 
Deserves Another 

The choice is clear-cut. Florida has had four years of honest, 
open government in the public interest under the direction of 
Governor Reubin Askew.^ 

Askew's accomplishments shine as an example of responsive 
leadership and he should be returned to office forthwith. 

Askew kept his promises made in 1970 and did far more for the 
people of Florida in the past four years. He was instrumental in 
enacting the following legislation for the benefit of the people. 

Corporate Income Tax 

Oil Spill Law 

Financial Disclosure 

Mass Transportation improvements 

The governor has supported such controversial causes as busing 
and the Equal Rights Amendment, both of which he stood firm on. 
He has also been active in anti-pollution efforts and laws to protect 
the environment. 

Askew has made important strides in such programs as consumer 
protection, law enforcement, health care and senior citizen services, 
workmen's benefits, rehabilitation programs, and housing. 

Askew was also instrumental in the establishment of a statewide 
grand jury to investigate organized crime. 

His selection for lieutenant governor, state Senator Jjm Williams, 
is an able and willing addition to the ticket; Williams, is an able and 
experienced legislator who will be a valuable asset to the citizens of 

The voters should give the Askew- Williams ticket a vote of 
confidence Sept. 10 in the Democratic gubernatorial primary. 

Make SG Ship-Shape 

NEWSFLASH: The Starship PBJC-SGA has suffered a disastrous 
loss to the dreaded enemy GRADUATION. The last lasergram 
received via sub-space frequency reported all hands lost with the 
exceptions of Captain Tory Buckley, First Officer Delor Ginchereau, 
Fleet Secretary Constance Holmes and Finance Officer David Lang. 
The time to act is now! A complete crew is needed 
IMMEDIATELY to reinstate the foundering ship so that Captain 
Buckley may continue on his one year mission: To bring the PBJC 
SGA back to the students in order to better serve each individual 

Help to save this gallant, noble ship. . .ENLIST NOW! Contact 
he recruiting officer in the SGA office of the Student Activity 

A year ago 1 arrived on this 
campus with nothing in mind 
but to get my education and 
make a quick exit into the 
world of dog eat dog, money 
grabbin', penny pinching, 
right and left wingers. It 
took approximately two 
weeks for the smoke to clear 
and let me see the situation, 
as it really was. 

There were far too many 
things on this campus that 
dealt with the students lives, 
policies that planned their 
whole curricuUums, organ- 
izations that had hold of the 
strings that made a student's 
day either good or bad, for 
me not to become involved. I 
had to do what I felt was my 
part in helping to make some 
situation a little easier or 
help someone be a little bit 




What did I come here 

2. Who or what has 
control of: (a) my money) (b) 
the policies that govern me. 

3. Is there something on 
this campus I am missing by 
not extending my scope a 

4. Is there something on 
this campus I would like to 
see changed? 



Where do my interests 

plugged Student Govern- 
ment. There are many 
positions open at this time, 
in the Cabinet, the Judicial 
Board, Senate Clerk. The 
upcoming Senate elections 
have 24 seats to be filled. 
There is also the possibility 
of honorariums for some of 
these positions. 

The one word in this whole 
message that interprets the 
meaning is; 



'Involvement - Have 
Say Hi to 

Super Day! 

After you have listened 

Tory S. Buckley 
SG President 


/^^Ktl^^^^^^ll^^\ News Editor ...... Bruce Moore Paul Hedrick Gwen Comstock 

lw5/(nJ^^^\**W Editorial Assistant .. ...Jan Tuckwood Debbie Thompson Lori Hillebrand 

I I ^^^fvMi \? Feature Editor . Lynn Kaiber Brian Crowley Flick Magetr 

\^\ V ^^'^i M \\*H Copy Editor Sharon Osburn TomKat Jimmy Meal 

X^^^Zt^'^^^J^mll Sports Editor Robin Plitt Robin Witt John Auchterlowia 

%^i^^^^^t^yyjS// Photographic Editor ... .Jay Kravetz Jack DiSalvo , Walt Davis 

^^^i^^z;:^^ Entertainment Editor... Tim Bray Ray Grey Randy Powell 

Mj93r,^ Campus Events Kat Mahlbacher Rebecca Morse James Clea re 

^**!s~sB**^ Consultant Mr. Charles McCreight Amy Strimbu Mike Piliero 

Circulation Manager.... Wayne Soldo Winifred Knighton 

The Beachcomber is published from our editorial office; '"^^ St"t"t P""!^^*^^^ « P«"" Beach 


*'Tr'Bet"h^rtI:r'":'°' me^^^^^^^ of the Associated Collegiate Press and the Florida Junior College Prosa 

Association. -^ . 


NationallKlCKSaioHifcl Advertising Services, Inc. Vl 

3<50 L««fl«»n Ave.. New Yotfc. N. Y. 10017 1 

»<■«- ^ .; — . : ■ — — ■ — " 

5 1 Percent. 


Rape Defense 


Participation Urged 

A Monterey, California woman is on trial for first degree murder. 
She is accused of murdering a 300-pound man who aided a companion 
in her abduction and subsequent rape. 

Inez Garcia claims that two men entered her home and waited to 
meet with Fred Medrano. When Medrano arrived, a fight broke out 
among the three men. Ms. Garcia persuaded the two men to leave and 
accompanied them to the door where upon they seized her and dragged 
her outside the house. They then raped her. 

The prosecution says that there was no rape and that after the fight 
in the house both Medrano and Ms. Garcia set out with guns to find the 
men. They allegedly found them and shot at them. Medrano is 
charged as an accomplice in the murder. 

For the purposes of this column, I am going to assume that Ms. 
Garcia was raped. Apparently Ms. Garcia is qiiite a personage in 
California. Tlie feminists in the San Francisco Bay area have been 
writing about her actions in articles, underground newspapers and 

Although I don't agree with the lengths to which she chose to defend 
herself (murder is never defendable) 1 believe that it is a promising 
indication of women's new attitudes towards rape. I hope that women 
will no longer succumb passively to rape. 

:Incidents such as this will, at the very least, give men a second 
thought before they commit rape. 

FBI statistics suggest that rape is now the most widely committed 
violent crime in the United States. I think it is an understatement to 
suggest that current attitudes and actions by women toward rape are 

In the past, women have been told to passively accept the rapist's 
action to avoid possible murder. I, for one, wouldn't believe a rapist if 
he told me to\,submit quietly or he would murder me. I believe that 
women shouM learn to defend themselves, and fight back. We're 
bound to win sometimes and if we don't, well, rape is still the most 
frequent cause for murder among criminal acts committed against 


Whether or not the 
student body of this school 
reaHzes it, they are repre- 
sented by a fine and capable 
group of Student Govern- 
ment officials. 

But the potential of the 
Student Government is in 
many ways lying dormant. 
The college now, as in the 
past, has primarily concer- 
ned itself with affairs 
associated directly with the 
school. I and many others 
feel that there is an ever 
pressing need for the faculty, 

S.G., and hopefully the 
student body to actively 
participate in and involve 
themselves with affau-s not 
only associated with the 
school, but with community, 
state and possibly natioiial 
affairs as well. The potential 
that lies within the confines 
of this campus are enorm- 
ous. In relation to the 
concerns of this letter, a 
resource such as this is a 
horrible waste to sit and rest 
idle. Where beneficial 
involvement is possible, 
those areas should be 

investigated. Problems, 
valid grievances , and the like 
of some substance should be 
taken up by a concerned 
person, group, committee, 
organization and actions 
should be initiated to correct 
coverups, injustices, wrong- 
doings and the like. It is to 
the benefit of us all that 
practices such as this are 

I am sure that many 

people are aware of what a 

reputation does for a college 

and its students. PBJG's 

Continued on page 7. 


Pasta Problems In Italy 

Marc Bressler 

Letters-to-Editor Policy 


(l)ISlot exceed 250 words. 

(2) Be signed by the author. 

(3) Include the author's 
telephone number. 

(4) Be received in the 
Beachcomber office no 
later than 4 p.m. on 

All letters are subject 
to condensation. 

With all the shortages that 
face us today in this ever 
changing world of ours, we 
can usually prepare our- 
selves for the hardest of 
hardships. Take away our 
gas, our oil, our beer, ■ even 
our toilet paper - and we can 
still be happy. But the 
ordeal of "doing without" 
becomes too much to bear 
when we learn that, mamma 
mia, that there is a shortage 
of pasta in Italy. 

That's right, folks - the 
home of the Pope and 
parmigiana - has let United 
Press International know 
that a severe shortage of 
pasta among residents has 
occurred . Authorities are 
blaming the shortage on - 
you guessed it - the 
consumers. I have to take 

that explanation with a grain 
of salt and a strand of 

Wholesalers report that 
too many housewives are 
stocking up on their favorite 
form of paslar— and thus 
creating a "ravioli rush" to 
area groceries for the 
inexpensive food, emptying 
the shelves. 

Spokesmen for the Italian 
government and certain 
officials in the Italian cabinet 
(how could all those guys fit 
into a little cabinet, I 
wonder?) are saying that 
certain jokes made during 
the monologue of talk show 
host Johnny CarsonoUi 
caused the shortage. The 
show, which has an 
estimated 20 miUion Itahan 

viewers nightly, sent mot- 
hers scrambling to aU-night 
stores to purchase large 
amounts of spaghetti, lasag- 
na noodles, linguine, ravioli, 
and bottles of Elmer's glue. 
The glue shortage has been 
explained as Italian peasants 
misinterpreting the word 
"pasta", confusing it vrith 

What CarsonoUi was 
supposed to have said, was, 
"Even the Pope has been 
having a hard time buying 
pasta - he only likes 
manicotti and zittinni shells 
because they're holy." 

Network spokesmen have 
apologized for the mistake 
and have publicly criticized 
CarsonoUi for "not using his 

Beachcomber Endorses: 

Florida Cabinet Posts 

U.S. Senate 


STATE - Don Pride, a 
veteran reporter who was an 
intregal part of the Askew 
administration before he 
resigned as press secretary 
to run for this state and 
Cabmet post. His honor and 
integrity are above question; 
the same dedication and 
perserverance that went into 
his years as an investigative 
reporter for some of the 
state's top newspapers will 
prevail in the post of 
Secretary of State. 

Gerald Lewis, a Miami 
attorney and former state 
senator. Lewis, a hard-wor- 
king legislator both in the 
state House and Senate, has 
championed many worth- 
while causes and will be a 
welcome replacement for 

Fred Dickinson, Jr., the 
current officerholder. Dic- 
kinson is under investigation 
by a federal grand jury. 

His impressive legislative 
record includes serving 
consumer and taxpayer 
interests, advocating sup- 
porting the government in 
the sunshuae, no-fault divor- 
ce, environmental protect- 
ion, and needed reform. We 
feel he will be a welcome 

Shreve, a Merritt Island 
attorney and former state 
representative. Shreve, who 
is recognized statewide for 
his public concern as a 
lawyer and in the state 
legislature, has proven 
himseff a servant of the 

public. The incumbent, 
Thomas O'Malley, is also 
under investigation by a 
grand jury, and such clouds 
over these offices need to be 
dispelled. Jack Shreve has 
the governmental know-how 
and desire to do just that. 

EDUCATION - Ralph Tur- 
hngton, former state legisla- 
tor and current Commissio- 
ner of Education.. Turlington 
was appointed to this 
position by Gov. Askew 
recently, and is undoubtedly 
the best man to continue on 
in this post. 

Turlington has served 24 
productive years in the 
House and 14 years on the 
Education Committee. His 
experience and his record 
should be enough for him to 
retain that post. 

Republican - Jack Eckerd 

The strongest points that can be made about Jack Eckerd is his 
unquestioned integrity, his approach to government, and his 

Eckerd is running against Public Service Commissioner Paula 
Hawkins in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate. While some 
candidates have been harping on their opponents' wealth, we feel that 
Jack Eckerd' s is an asset. 

Eckerd is a self-made man whose name adorns several hundred 
drugstores across the state. He built his empire, from which he 
recently resigned as chairman of the board, without "special favors". 
Because he is a millionaire several times over, those special interest 
groups do not exert influence on him. 

Jack Eckerd is the best of the field and deserves his party's 



Lending a refreshing voice to today's political scene is Dr. Neal 
Justin, professor at Florida Atlantic University and candidate for the 
Democratic U.S. Senate nomination. 

Justin is no newcomer to government; he was a legislator in Arizona 
in the middle sixties. He wants to be known as a representative of the 
"Middle Americans" and disavows any association with big business or 
special groups. 

Justin would be a welcome replacement for the indictment-plagued 
Ed Gurney and those who confuse wealth and power with talent and 
dedication. He favors a national Sunshine Law, stronger consumer and 
environmental protection, a halt to inflation, and low cost public 
transportation - all immediate concerns of the people. 

While he contends to be a spokesman for the Middle Americans, we 
feel he would make a fine spokesman for ALL Floridians, and help us 
get the government we deserve. 

6 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, September 9, 1974 

Monday, September 9, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 7 








by Flick Mager' 

Featured Futures 

JC Music Created 

Pisces: Stability is indicated; now 
is not the time for changes in 
attitude, friendships or situation. 

Aries: This tends to be a week of 
unfulfilled ambition. Nothing 
seem to be working out the way 
it ought to. Give up what is least 
hopeful, and continue with the 
rest until this cycle changes. 

Taurus: Be warned - this is a 
week for paranoia! If you suspect 
someone's out to get you,,lt could 
very well be for real. 

Gemini: Resolve the conflict 
between the" wish to escape and 
the need to concentrate. Both of 
them together are impc^ible to 
five with; strike a balance. 

Cancel*: You've probably noticed 
good reactions to your personality 
in those around you. Take the 
initiative in promising relation- 

Leo: Unlike Pisces, your cycle 
shows a significant change of 
some sort not only safe but 
desirable. Look over your 
long-held convictions with an eye 
to revision. 

Virgo: While not a truly high 
point, this week begins a rising 
trend in social endeavor, 
especially close friendships. 
The financial aspect is not good. 

Libra: . If you're facing an 
opponent or a frustrating 
situation, don't back down now. A 
solution is pending and it will 
probably come to you unexpect- 

Scorpio; Somebody is trying to 
give you a message; don't ignore 
that straggler in the corner, he or 
she may have something 
important to discuss. 

Sagittarius: You're apt to say 
things you'll later wish you 
hadn't. This is especially true if 
you're new at JC and not yet 
acquainted with anyone. Ask 
questions but give as few answers 
as possible. 

Capricorn: Means of communica- 
tion - telephones and mail - are 
full of surprises. Bills should be 
taken care of right away as your 
financial outlook is poor for the 
rest of September. 

Aquarius: Your foresight is 
clearer than usual, resulting in 
this week's being appropriate for 
making far-ahead plans. 

By Lorl Hillebrand 
Staff Writer 

A newcomer to the PBJC 
campus might wonder when he 
first heard of the Pacesetters. 
But, most anyone should be able 
to set him straight. The 
Pacesetters are a group, a unique 
group, according to Ms. Pat 
Johnson, who is the organizer and 

The Pacesetters is a Vocal - 
Instrumental Show Performing 
group, consisting of usually 20 
members These 20 members are 
divided into 5 instrumentalists, 
playing piano, bass, percussion, 
guitar, and flute, and 15 singers. 

The music they perform ranges 
from the Doobie Brothers to the 
Carpenters, and includes excerpts 
from Superstar, Godspell, and 
more. According to Ms. Johnson 
the Pacesetters sing "Anything 
that is up-to-date." The show 
varies, including pop, rock, folk, 
jazz, and blues. There are some 
solos done by the Pacesetters, but 
the main interest is on the entire 

The Pacesetters are well-known 
in the county, having performed 

at many high schools, and junior 
high schools, and at many civic 
and community organization. 
They have performed for 
organizations such as United 
Way, Cancer Society, Toys for 
Tots, and the Mental Health 
Society. In addition to this, many 
performances have been held at 
condominiums and the Palm 
Beach Mall. 

Ms. Johnson has been the 
director of the Pacesetters for 4 
years. In addition to her work 
with the group she teaches music 
theory, directs the Concert Choir, 
and instructs in voice. She 
explains that she is not a director 
in the true sense of the word, 
because she also sings along witli 
group, instead of standing in 
front, directing. 

Auditions to the Pacesetters 
begin each Spring. Candidates go 
through strict auditions, yet it is 
not necessary to be a music major 
to become a Pacesetter. People 
belonging to the Pacesetters, 
according to Ms. Johnson "are 
prepared for the pop field of 

elect your County Attorney 

^^Movie Review mmimmsmmmim 


I Chinatown 



viimm$siiii^m ^ohn Auchterlowiesssssl 




Sunshine Democratic Club 

Village Mutual 
Unincorporated Communities 



•jjU Go-authored the national award-winning, 
land use plan for the county. 

•^ Played a leading role in drafting and sup- 
porting planning legislation as a member 
of the Area Planning Board. 

■JU. Led the way In placing millions of doll- 
^ ars worth of beach, park and environ- 
mentally endangered lands into public 
ownership and use. 



Sept. 10 


pd. Pol. Adv. 

Jack Nicholson is a small time 
private detective who once was a 
dedicated cop that got all the bum 
raps and walked all the bum beats 
in his precinct, which was none 
other than Chinatown. 

There he learned the facts of 
life the hard way, through 
experience. Now he takes nothing 
and no one for granted but puts 
his interests on upholding the law 
as a private eye, being his own 

This mysterious movie get all 
involved with many, many facts 
just like any other mystery. With 
the scene being in the 1930's, 
some people could get confused, 
and whyv do they call it 

"Chinatown's" purpose is to 
keep the viewer in suspensCi by 
being one step ahead. It tries to 
capture that same type of 
suspense, and nostalgic time 
period as in the movie "The 
Sting". The twist is with the 

Words Left 


By Robin Plitt 

Sometimes! feel like a rolling river, 
Flowing onward all my time- 
To every stone on which I ramble, 
"I will call you a friend of mine. " 

Sometimes I feel like a tiny island, 
I stand alone in a sea of blue, 
I touch the waves that fall around me, 
lam the glass for looking through. 

I am the bard, they call me poet, 
I wear my rags, in dignity. 
I give the world my revelations. 
But pain is what the world gives me. 

coolness and that tough luck tOots 
style of a Humphrey Bogart flick. 

Using these two box office 
successes, the story and the way 
it is displayed from scene to scene 
it may take a while for the effect 
to be reali2ed by the viewer. 

Jack Nicholson is right at home 
in his part and plays it smoothly, 
he's sure to get nominations for 
acting, while Faye Dunaway fills 
her character. Oddly enough the 
movie ends in Chinatown, the 
only scene involving it. 

Meanwhile, the question still is 
popping up, "Why do they call it 

The most sensational movie of 
1974, lets hope we'll see better. 
But it is & good suspense movie 
with some meaning, and it is not 
too bad to take a date to either. 
Life has its ups and downs, its 
truths and mysteries, and what 
the viewer doesn't understand, 
don't ask about. Why? "It's just 




Thousands of Topics 
$2.75 per page 
Send, for your up-to-date 
176-page, mail order catalog 
of 5500 topics. Enclose 
$1.00 to cover "bostage <1-2 
days dijllvery time). 

SUITE #203 


Our materials are sold for 
research purposes only 


By Timothy L. Bray 
Entertaiiunent Writer 

Musical lyrics seem to 
summerize life in a nutshell. 
Lyrics along with the melodies 
provide a growing leisure 
audience hours of enjoyment. 

With or without this in mind, 
tlie Student Government Asso- 
ciation of PBJC is sponsoring a 
Coffee House on September 16. 
Music from folk to modern 
classical will fill the cafeteria from 
1 1 a.m. til 1 p.m. 

Mr. Silvio Estrada, the musical 
chairman for the Coffee House, 
commented that no limitations . 
would be placed on whoever 
would like to participate. 

Mr. Estrada said, "Any 
interested student that would like 
to, either sing or play,, please 
contact Robin Plitt in the 

BEACHCOMBER office. ' ' At this 
time, the arrangements would be 

"The Coffee House is being 
presented by the SGA and 
co-sponsored by the music 
department as a welcome to. new 
and returning studcents here at 
JC," commented Plitt 

"This is something that has not 
been done here at school, and we 
hope that the students apprecia- 
tion will provide an incentive for 
future activities in which we can 
get all of the students at PBJC 

Joining Plitt at the 11 a.m. 
Coffee House will be Classical 
guitarist Joseph Throp, folk 
guitarist Dale Steinmetz and 
other members of the musical 

The Coffee House is free to the 

W^ Record Rev/ew^ssssssssmsasss-s^^ 

f Apostrophe' Zappa| 

fe-x<>:«»:'iW':wx-:«:':-:-x.>^vw^^^^ / 1 rvi m \/ W P 1 1 wk«%->;^S 

F.Z.'s latest. The combination of harmless, humorous, satirical 
Zappa dialog/vocals, and a high quality sound performed by an array 
of musicians with varying musical backgrounds - from rock, to 
classical, to jazz - makes this album quite a unique listening 

It features such personnel as violinist Jean Luc Ponty, now with 
Mahavishnu Orchestra; violinist Don "Sugar Cane" Harris, previously 
playing with John Mayall; drummer Jim Gordon, who recorded with 
Traffic and^eals and Crofts; drummer Ansley Dunbar, veteran Mother 
:presently playing gigs with David Bowie); Jack Bruce :(forraerly with 
Cream;, who plays the dynamic bass line in the title song 
"Apostrophe"; jazz-man George Duke on keyboards; plus many 
long-time devoted mothers. And of course, the ingenious mastermind 
himself, F.Z., who composes and plays a guitar that puts all of those 
popularly labeled "greatest guitar players" to shame (he always has). 

It is a little more commercial than his previous accomplishments - 
but without losing a bit of that incomparable, magical Zappa touch. (In 
fact, this one actually hit the charts!) It's the kind of album that gets 
better and better each time you listen because there is so much depth 
and so many "little things" to hear. You'll notice something new each 
time around. 

It's such an expression of many countless, original musical ideas 
packed nicely onto a single disc that makes it well worth your buy, and 
in fact, one of the hottest bargains on the record shelf. 

Teeny-boppers be forewarned: This record is only good for those 
persons with ears. 

JC student's 

Continued from page 5 
reputation is a good one, but 
the school's betterment 
through effective involve- 
ment in community affairs, 
improvement of internal 
situations and the like could 
really be appreciated by the 
student who is planning to 
use the degree given here for 
a job opportunity, or one who 
is planning a traiisfer to 
another college. Though an 
outlook such as this may not 
interest everyone enrolled at 
PBJC, unless your trust fund 
is being made avdlable to 
you at an early age, or in the 
course of philosophising you 
decide that elbow on knee 
and hand in head is your way 
of life, then the choices for 
making it in this world have 
been shaven close. Shallow 
and materialistic it may 
sound, but the tone is a very 
familiar one to all of us. 
JC is a commuter college 


and there is an extremely 
small percentage of students 
interested in school activi- 
ties. Who can blame them? 
JC offers very little that is 
attractive to students other 
than an education , with the 
exception of those students 
interested or participating in 
athletics, music, drama, 
S.G., etc. It is my opinion 
that student government 
should act as a hub enlisting 
activities beneficial not only 
to the school and its 
reputation, but the commun- 
ity and outside areas as well. 
The potential for a well 
organized and concerned 
student government such as 
ours is enormous. 

Although I feel it is 
impossible to plug the effects 
of apathy on this campus, I 
do feel that interest groups 
organized within this college 

Films To Be 
Seen Friday 

Describdd as "one of the 
most highly charged thrillers 
in years" Fred Zinnemann's 
film of "The Day of the 
Jackal" will be shown at 
PBJC F iday September 13 
at 8 p.m. along with 
"Executive Action". 

Both films will be shown in 
the SAC lounge at the east 
end of the JC campus. They 
are free to any student with 
an I.D. card. 

"Executive Action" stars 
Burt Lancaster, Robert 
Ryan, and Will Geer. It's 
directed by David Miller and ' 
deals with November 22, 
1963. The day that rocked 
history. Was it in fact, a 
conspiracy? "Executive 
Action" tells the truth. It is 
"a sUck mixture of researc- 
hed facts and controversial 
supposition," states Cue 

Dubbed as "the Suspense 
Film of the Year" "The Day 
of the Jackal" traces the' 
efforts to kill Charles de 
Gaulle. After failing in its, 
efforts to kill the French 
leader the French Secret 
Army (O.A.S.) decides to 
hire a professional assassin. . 
The assassin, code name the 
Jackal, demands one-half 
million dollars to pull the job. 
It's a cat and mouse game 
between the assassin and the 
detective illustrating the at- 
tempt at de Gaulle's life. 


By TomKat 

/ walked upon these sun- 
warmed sands 
When they belonged to all. 
When on my face the ocean 's 
And in my ear its call. 

For most, a beach is in the 
past - 

Belonging now to some . . . 
You see, the sea's imprisoned 

by a condominium! 


can serve as a vehicle 
through which much concer- 
ned students (there are a 
few) can participate in 
constructive activities. The 
scope of affairs in which I am 
speaking is very broad and 
diversified. From functions 
as simple as fund raising to 
programs involving technical 
aspects of governmental 
regulation concerning land 

It may all sound very 
boring, but a perceptive 
student should reahze that 
just these two examples have 
interrelated with them a 
wealth of problems ot 
situations which can be dealt 
with. Those can be some 
that a student can do to 
preserve the quaHty of our 

Paul Hedrick 


By Debbie Thompson 

On Friday, September 27, PBJC will present its 
first assembly for the Fall Term, Ray Bolger's 
World, at 8 p.m. in the college auditorium. 

Best known for his role as the scarecrow in the 
"Wizard of Oz," the dancer, comedian and actor is 
also remembered for his weekly television series m 
the mid-50's, his Broadway prominence, and the 
motion picture, "Babes in Toyland." 

Bolger, appearing in his musical-comedy, 
one-man show throughout the United States, is over 
seventy years old and still going strong. He 
attributes his endurance and robust health to 
"working at it". 

Among his awards for the various works include a 
Drama Critics' Award for Best Musical Comedy 
Performance, two New York Newspaper Guild Page 
One Awards, and the Silver Medal from the United 
States Treasury Department during World War Two 
for making the first War Bond Tours. 

Board Establishes 
Salary Increase 

Continued from page 2 
Glades Center. 

As of yet, the board has 
not been officially notified of 
a Glades purchase. 

The land is located west of 
State Road 715, just south of 
the center of Belle Glade. 
The site is bordered on the 
east by State Road 715, and 
extends westward to a point 
where the Florida East Coast 
Railroad right of way touches 
the northwest corner. 

Manor indicated the board 
would need to move in the 
near future into a more 
active phase of planning for 
the Glades Center as well as 
the North Campus. 

The board has also elected 

its officers for the coming 
year. Dr. Edward M. Eissey, 
also the assistant county 
school superintendent for the 
north county area, was 
elected chairman, and Dr. 
Robert L. Smith was named 

Eissey was appointed to 
the board a year ago by 
Governor Reubin Askew, 
and served as vice chairman 
his first year as a trustee. 

The Palm Beach Junior 
College District Board of 
Trustees meets the third 
Wednesday of each month, 
7:30 p.m. in the SAC 
Lounge. The next meeting is 
scheduled for September 18. . 

LLRC Hours Change 

The PBJC Library is now open Monday through Thursday 
from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 

Last winter, because of the energy crisis, the Library clos- 
ed its doors at 8 p.m, 


Everyone Is getting together Via 

Encounter Station 


Monday, September 9, 1974 BEACHCOMBER;^ 

8 - BEACHCOMBER Monday September 9, 1974 

^« Mike's Viewssi 


GOP'S Thomas: Off And Running 


Former State Senator 
To Face Demo Victor 

By Debbie Thompson 
Staff Writer 

While most candidates arc 
directing their energies 
towards distributing hand- 
bills, meeting the public, and 
organizing their campaigns 
for the September 10 
primary election, Jerry 
Thomas is faced with a 
different dilemma. 

Former president of the 
Florida Senate, Thomas, of 
Jupiter, running without 
opposition for the Republi- 
can nomination for governor, 
concedes that the overriding 
disadvantage in running 
unopposed is the lack of 
statevride coverage by the 
news media." 

"There are so many other 
candidates in the other 
parties to- be covered," 
Thomas explains, "that the 
press just doesn't have time 
for you. As a result, you 
suffer a loss of identity and the 
genera] public seldom hears 
your name until after the 
primaries. Then they say, "I 
didn't even know he was 

"But running unopposed 
has its advantages, too, 
Thomas added, "You're not 
worried about an adversary 
lashing out directly at you, 
instead of concentrating on 
the office that he running 
for. As a result, you're not 
subjected to the prospects of 
a bitter primary election; and 
also, you save money and 
time, which enables you to 
direct your energies towards 
organizing your campaign in 
the different counties for 
after the primaries." 

Jerry Thomas, presently 
serving as Chairman of the 
Board for the First National 
Marine Bank in Riviera 
Beach, began his political 
career in 1960 by being 
elected to two consecutive 
terms in the Florida House of 
Representatives, graduating 
to an eight year stint in the 
Senate in 1964. Highlights 
of his political career include 
being the Most Outstanding 
First Term Member of both 
the House and the Senate, 
'Most Valuable Member of 
the Senate in 1970, and 
president of the Florida 
Senate during the 1970-72 
term. He also served as 
director of the Florida 
Securities Commission, 

Thomas has backed legis- 
lation dealing with the three 
year college degree allow- 
ance, setting up a kindergar- 
ten program in Florida, 
student loans, requiring 
college professors to spend 
at least twelve hours in the 
classroom each week, and 
stronger school discipline 
(explaining that "On the 
lower levels, some teachers 
fear for their own safety in 
the classroom.") 

He also strongly opposed 
the Open Bedroom policy, 
which Governor Askew 
quickly approved. 

"What a young person 
does is their own business," 
Thomas stated, "but not in 
the taxpayers dormitories. 
We've got to draw the line 

Thomas, a resident of 
Jupiter, Florida, was born in 

West Palm Beach and 
attended Palm Beach Junior 
College, Florida State Uni- 
versity, and FAU. He served 
aS a midshipman in the Navy 
and a captain in the U.S. 
Marine Corps, and he feels 
that some of his special 
qualifications include his 
experience and graduate 
work in government, his 
Masters degree in Education 
and his successful exper- 
ience in business and 
finance. He noted that, if 
elected, he will be the first 
governor with such an 
extensive degree of business 
and management exper- 

Running in the Democratic 
race for governor, nominees 
include the present Lieute- 

Former Sen. Jerry Thomas 

nant Governor Tom Adams; 
Norman Die, an attorney 
from Clearwater; citrus 
magnate Ben Hill Griffin, 
and the incumbent Governor 
Reubin Askew, on whom 
Thomas blames Florida's 
"excessive" government - 

Pointing out that the crime 
rate in Orange County is 
high than in Cook County, 
Chicago, Thomas said "We 
need to make Florida a safer 
place in which to live." He 
also noted that crime has ' 
increased in some counties 
as much as 70%, and a 
violent crime is committed in 
Florida every 11 minutes. 

"In this state, for 
instance," Thomas went on, 
"it's a capital crime to rape a 

lO-yr. old girl, but if she' 
11, you might as v/ell forg- 
it, that law doesn't apply. 
want that changed." 

Thomas and his wifi 
Jeannie, have five childrei 
one of which attended JC tas 
term. His 19 year old sot 
Kenny, will be substitutitt 
schoolwork for experienf 
when he takes to ih 
campaign trails with lii 
father this fall. 

Skin diving and yardv/ol 
being his favorite pastime- 
Thomas added that lie doe 
two things every mornitif 
read the newspaper and the; 
the Bible. "I used to doi 
the other way around, bull 
decided I'd better leave t!i 
good news for last," h' 

Candidate Visits JC Campus 

Dr. Justin: 'Middle America Has A Voice' 

Dr. NeaUnstln, and Us wife Shiriey, pose for a primary campaign 
photo. Justin, a professor at FAU on sabbatical, is a candidate for 
the U.S. Senate. He visited the PBJC campus Angnst 29 to tallc with 

By Lynn Kalber 
Feature Editor 

"The average American 
feels excluded, knows he's 
being used, and is not going 
to fight back. . .I'm going to 
fight back!" 

Those statements explain 
the reasons behind Dr. Neal 
Justin's quest for a U.S. 
Senate seat in the Sept. 10 

Justin, a professor at 
Florida Atlantic University, 
visited the JC campus 
Thursday, August 29, to talk 
to the students. 

Although registered as an 
"Independent Democrat", 
he claims to be more 
"Independent" than "Dem- 
ocrat", and considers him- 
self a middle American. He 
is determined to get the big 
business out of politics and 
to bring democracy back to 
the U.S. 

The FAU professor be- 
lieves that people have 
become "disillusioned" by 
politicians in the past who 
have, let money waUc all over 
them. In the case of his 
opponents, Justin claims 
that their three biggest 

campaign backers are buil- 
ders and developers, attor- 
neys, and food processors. 
This is mteresting, he added, 
especially when the candi- 
dates' main platforms are for 
environmental control and 
against factory pollution. 

Recently a Miami Herald 
columnist wrote about Jus- 
tin's four biggest opponents 
and didn't mention him 
once. When questioned, the 
columnist replied that he 
only wrote about the people 
he thought were going to 
win, according to Justin. 

He believes that money is 
the root of all his problems 
and ours, too. Justin says 
there is an unwritten law that 
a candidate must have 
1100,000 before being con- 
sidered a major candidate. 
So far, his campaign funds 
amount to $5,000 - $2,500 in 
contributions and $2,500 of 
his own. 

As Justm walked around 
the campus, several students 
approached him with ques- 
tions concerning his plat- 

On the question of 
amnesty he replied, "I 

Come Sofurdayl 

mmffmfi Mike Piliero J 

believe in amnesty only if t! 
individual earns it. I thiiiti 
requirement should I 
participation, from four l 
seven years in a civic servi' 
such as the Peace; Corps i 
Vista." *^ ■ 

He was against the Vf 
Nam war and could unde: 
stand morally how peopl 
dodged the draft ai 

When asked wltiy t 
thought the Consumer Pii 
tection Plan failed I' 

replied that it was because( 
big interests. 

Dr. Justm is in favor of 
balanced budget, more di 
care centers, consumer ar, 
environmental protectior 
closmg tax loopholes at 
less welfare - to name a fet 

He is against the seninril 
system, big interest n^Zt 
in politics, foreign ^Z 
aways, and deficit stje>«7i7n. 

Questioned as^to liS 
qualifications, Dr t ,• 

replied, "I have the digrt 
and the experience u,,, 
also have the best ' ci,,"i f 
cation of all - nobodv n! 

me. I'mnotdollar-ri^h r, 
jeople - rich." "» ' 

"Come Saturday morning, I'm going away with my friend - We'll 
Saturday spend 'til the end of the day . " Do you recognize the lyrics? 
They're from the song "Come Saturday Morning" which is from the 
motion picture "The Sterile Cuckoo". I can't get the melody out of 
my head thtese days. 

If you've had the pleasure of reading the book, seeing the picture 
of at least hearing the song, you might even make sense of this 
column. ' 'Just I and my friend, we'll travel for miles in our Saturday 

"The Sterile Cuckoo", by John Nichols, was published in 1965. It 
quickly became a best seller and in 1969 was made into the movie. 

The story portrays the romantic college experiences of the 
unlikely duo: Pookie Adams, atrusting and emotional girl; and John 
Payne, contrastingly unemotional and square. The experiences take 
place on and around a New England college in the late '50's. Most 
importantly, and herein lies the importance of this article, "The 
Sterile Cuckoo" glorifies the joy of independence most freshmen 
experience in finally leaving home and going away to college. 

This is a community college and most students that are in 
attendance probably live at home. But still, there is a certain 
amount of independence that they will enjoy and more likely cherish 
for many years to come. 

Somehow this ties in with me wanting to dedicate this space today 
to welcoming you to school. I certainly hope that you will be active 
and that you will keep yours eyes and ears ever open to the 
many sight > and sounds that will accoijipany your stay at college. 
Good luck "and we will remember long after Saturday's gone." 

Steve Rimer [left] supervises as Marilyn Whetzel [center] and Cindy Giordano [right] prepare a negative 
for offset printing. Kimer is a grapliic arts teaclier at JC. 

JC Opera Workshop Debuts 

"Figaro" anyone? For all the 
opera buffs at heart, an Opera 
Workshop is offered for JC 
students by the Music Depart- 
ment. The workshop, which will 
be held from 7-10 p.m. on 
Wednesday nights during the Fall 
terra, is the first of its kind at the 
college according to Miss Letha 
Royce, chairman of the depart- 

The course will be devoted to 
the study of operas and operattas, 
including the literary, dramatic 
and musical aspects of the 

selected works," explained D. 
Hugh Albee of the Music 
Department and teacher of the 

"Both scenes and complete 
works will be studied and 
performed in the workshop, and 
students will have the opportunity 
of participating in operatic 
productions at the college and in 
the community," Albee said. 

Some of the coming attractions 
from the workshop include 
Hansel and Gretel - to be 
performed in collaboration with 

Dr. Paul Csonka and the Civic 
Opera at the WPB Auditorium 
next Spring - and Pagliacci and 
Cavalleria; to be performed at 
Century Village. 

The Music Department has 
been offered scholarship money 
of $1000 for students interested in 
majoring in voice at JC and 
Workshop students are qualified 
for the grants, according to 

For more information on the 
Opera Workshop, contact Miss 
Royce or Mr. Albee at 965-8000, 
ext. 258. 

Courage Spurred Lindbergh 

JC students get ready for the Sept. 10 primaries and register to 
vote. The total number of students to register was 151. 

Children Expert To Speak 

Dr. Ira Gordon, Director of the Institute for Development of 
Human Resources will speak at the "Infant Stimulation Workshop" 
on Sept. 14 in the JC Student Lounge. 

The workshop, presented by the Social Science Department and 
TACUS (Teachers Assoc. Children Under Six), is open to the public. 
The minimal fee is S2.00 - lunch will be offered for a $1 charge. 

Dr. Gordon is a nationally known author of two guides describing 
games and experiences used to stimulate mtellectual growth and 
self-esteem in children. The guides - ' 'Baby Learning Through Baby 
Play" and "Child Learning Through Child Play" can be purchased 
through the day Care and Development Council in Washmgton, 


For registration at the seminar, contact Mrs. Kathy Bowser^ 
(965-8000, Ext. 242) before Wednesday, September 11th, for lunch 
reservations, and anytime before the 14th for seminar reservations. 

Charles A. Lindbergh, the 
heroic young man who flew the 
Atlantic by himself back in 1927, 
died August 27 in a small 
Hawaiian cottage overlooking the 

Lindbergh was as far as we 
presently know our first private 
citizen to become a great public 
hero. Others before him were 
military and pofitical figures 
dealing heroically with problems 
and dangers of their times . 

On the 20th of May in 1927 
when he set out to cross the 
Atlantic, no one ordered, asked or 
expected him to accomplish bis 
mission. Lindbergh chose the act 
himself, performed it himself, 
and became a living legend 

Lindbergh's single wing; one 
engine plane, called the "Spirit of 
Saint Louis" got him all the way 
to Paris France. In Paris, 
Lindbergh's arrival was the 
biggest news since the end of 
Worid War I, and thousands of 
Frenchmen crowded Paris' Le 
Bourget Airfield to see if he could 
make it, and when he touched 
down the wheels of his 
monoplane it was a time of 

Lindbergh, a former stunt flier 

and air pilot, became an 
international celebrity. A fame 
that was to last him for the 
remainder of his life, changing 
him' in a frenzied instant from an 
obscure aviator into a historical 

But from that triumph, young 
Lindbergh was dropped into the 
depths of dispair and isolation. 
On March 1, 1932, his young son 
was kidnapped from his crib and 

In more recent times even 
flying to the moon, walking 
around on it, and flying back 
home did not produce the kind of 
emotional hero worship that 
Lindbergh saw in 1927. Perhaps! 
because brave as the astranauts 
were, theirs was a group 
corporate government enterprise, 
and not the accomplishment of a 
single man on his own and alone. 

A couple of years ago in Cape . 
Canaveral when Lindbergh visit- 
ed a rocket launching, it was 
fascinating to observe that the 
astronauts about to fly to the 
moon stood in the utmost respect, 
and even in the awe of a man who 
had flown to Paris. 

And it is interesting to wonder 
what act if any could produce a 

similar public hero today. The 
earth has been explored, the 
mountains have been climbed, 
the seas have been sounded, and 
everyday hundreds of people fly 
where Lindbergh flew. 

Perhaps there are no frontiers 
left for a single person 
performing a single personal feat 
of courage, and the areas that are 
left are in such areas as finding a 
cure for the cancer that overtook 
Lindbergh in the end. 

Flickering Trickle: TV's Black Comedies 

Television, the eternal watch- 
dog of the American Living 
Room, has established itself as 
THE stomping ground for the 
flaunting of any type of 
mass-produced commercialism. 
Any program that can get the 
public (and wallet) interested in a 
sensuous bar of deodorant soap 
must be equally as advantageous 
for any other commodity that 
might come tomind (and does not 
come to mind, like it or not, at 
least once every ten minutes of 
show.) This philosophy has led to 
the current trend of one 
"successful" program leading in 
a whole avalanche of similar 
programs. . 

In the past, we have watched m 
horror as the last lonely moan 
flickered across the living room 
from the eternal dying cowboy. 
Unscathed, we then trembled in 
our socks, marveling at the doctor 
who could save a patient from a 
lifetime of torment in the last ten 

minutes of a show. Then, tiring 
from petty domestic quarrels, our 
hearts turned to 'true life' 
adventures. Criminals and police 
types alike have been glamorized 
to a high gloss simonize shine. 
Yet in a time when criminals and 
police seem to mingle together so 
virtuously, our numbed tastebuds 
yearn for a little color. This has 
come to us by way of comedy 
remakes and (gloriosky, can it be 
true?) new comedy shows. 

In our modern arena, where the 
once trodden-down have brought 
new light to themselves, the new 
comedy writers seem resolute to 
hop on the minority bandwagon. 
We now have women .stars- 
(Imagine that) and an even bigger 
first, the new black comedies. 

In with a fresh wind and a 
totally new concept of television: 
the black oriented show! Ah, 
were it only so. But it seems that 
the new 'Black' shows are just a 
full of white -euphemisniii'. as the 

plush vnth middle class comfort 
and nearly devoid of any contact 
with the fair race. The delivery is 
often forced and unrefreshed with 
the bald spots spiced up with a 
little canned laughter. What we 
end up with is a tasteless blend of 
white ethnic humor mixed with 

that it's-just-like-any-other-com- 
edy-show touch . 

These faults can only be 
corrected with the use of black 
writers or, more importantly, 
writers more interested in the 
black audience than what the 
black audience will buy, 










A.rtist's Penthouse - 1 bedrm, 
bath, kitchen, living room, sun 
room, with French windows, 
sun deck, 20' x 20' carpeted 
with umbrella table, etc. Max. 2 
persons. Includes ALL utilities, 
$195.00 (Boynton) Phone 278- 
8068 evenings. . 

Terrace Apt. - 2 bdrm, 
kitchen, bath, dining room, 14' 
X 22' living room, large yard 
with fruit trees. Max. 4 persons. 
$225.00 plus electric. (Boynton) 
P hone 278-8068 evenings. 

Free room and board in 
exchange for taking child to 
school in morning and helping 
with housekeeping for teacher 
mother. After 4 p.m. Phone 
622-5699. Palm Beach Gardens. 

A cute Suncoast apartment is 
looking for a mature female for 
just half the rent and utilities. 
Kindly call 582-1182 for 
information. Do keep trying as 
present occupant has very busy 
schedule. Call even as late as 11 
p.m. ____ 


For Sale - 1970 Blue Star. 19' 
boat, with 70 hp outboard 
motor. Quick sale, V-hull. 
SIOQO. Phone 626-0829. 

Bass equipment for sale. 
Ampeg V4 Basshead, 2 folded 
horn speakers with SRO's 
Fender Precision Bass. Call Don 
844-1 381. 

For sale 1973 Honda CB 450. 
Roll bars padded sissy bar and 
rack-sport seat, windshield 
helmets. Phone 585-3183. 

Hi-Fi stereo or 
speakers. See' Mr. 



10 -BEACHCOMBER Monday, September 9, 1974 

Monday, September 9, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 11 

Intramural Week Begins Today-, 

Meet Set 

W^ t* 

Jonathan Koontz Photo 
[1 to !•] Frank Smith, Ed Everett, Mike HIggins, Virgillio Ortiz and Dan Edgar are on PBJC's cross country 
crew 1974-75. 

Cross Country Team Impressive 

Mike Higgins, a graduate of Lake 
Worth High and one of the top 
runners in the county. 

Higgins finished second in the 
mile at the Palm Beach County, 
Suncoast Conference East and 
district meets in his senior year. 
He also finished third in the 
county cross country champion- 

"I think he is an outstanding 
prospect," Melear said, "He is 
just 17 years old and has a great 
deal of development left. His 
progress over the last two years 
has been great." 

Two transfer students and a 
local high school standout have 
signed cross country scholarships 
with PBJC coach Dick Melear. 

Transferring from Broward 
Central are Don Edgar and Ed 
Everett who were> the school's 
top two runners, according to 


Everett, who attended Coconut 
Creek High School, is planning to 
study Psychology at JC. 

Edgar, a graduate of Deerfield 
High School, is majoring in Social 
Studies and History, 

The two BCC runners decided 
to accept the grants from Melear 
after their college decided to 
discontinue the sport of cross 

The college decided to put in a 
new swimming pool," said 
Everett. "They want to go all out 
for swimming and they don't even 
have a cross country team. 

"I saw them run last year," 
said Melear, "I think they can 
both do the job real well." 

Melear decided to go after the 
duo when the college stopped 
cross country. 

"I knew the boys would really 
help build our program and I 
offered them the chance to 
continue running," Melear said. 

"I, think we have four excellent 
runners to start our team," 
Melear said. 

Also signing a scholarship was 

The trio join Virgilio Ortiz on 
the PBJC squad which is offering 
scholarships for the first time. 

Badminton Club Holds Meeting 

A badminton club is being 
organized at Palm Beach Junior 
College, with the first meeting 
scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 
11, 7 p.m. in the college gym. _ 

Roy Bell, director of intraraur- 
als, and Hamid Faquire, a PBJC 
staff member, have invited 

interested people from the 
community as well as college 
students to take part in the new 

Faquire, acting tennis coach at 
the college last year, says that 
badminton is really his number 
one sport, even though he 

»Vf " 

Joel Davies Photo 

PBJC's 1973-74 cheerleading squad [above]. 1974-75 tryonts are to 
be held September 9-20 in SAC lounge beginning at 3:30 p.m. Dr. 
Howard Keynolds is sponsor. 3 regular positions plus alternates axe 
expected to be filled. 

attended Florida State University 
on a tennis scholarship. 

While at FSU, Faquire won the 
state badminton championship 
three times, beating the third 
rated U.S. player twice in these 

Before that, he had competed 
in England, Ireland and his native 

The new club will provide an 
opportunity to organize the sport 
in this area, with plans for 
eventually forming a league for 
team play. 

"There is growing interest in 
badminton in this area, ' ' Faquire 
says, "and clubs have already 
been formed in other towns." 

' 'We hope that eventually some 
kind of league can grow up among 
these clubs, and we can be part of 

Bell said that anyone interested 
in badminton will be welcome to 
the club. 

"The badminton club is not 
restricted to PBJC students," he 
said,. "We would like to get the 
community involved in this 

Additional information may 
be obtained from Bell, 965-8000, 
extension 292, or Faquire, 
extension 226. 

Local Standouts [For Football 

Will Run For JC I 

Ken Anderson and Mike Bell, two former Palm Beach County J 
track standouts, have transferred to PBJC to run cross country. h 
Bell is a transfer student from Florida State where he did not! 
compete actively in track or cross country. I 

"Heft FSU after a year because I thought I was paying too muchj 
money to be an undecided major," Bell said. The guidancel 
counselors in Tallahassee suggested that it might be less- 
expensive to go to PBJC since it is closer to home. " 

Bell captained the track and cross country teams as a Senior at i 
Cardinal Newman in West Palm but said he enjoyed track more J 
than cross country. 

"I run track because I enjoy the sport and I run cross country to : 
get in shape for track, ' ' Bell said. 

Bell won the Suncoast Conference West mile and two-mile ; 
championships with times of 4:33 and 10:08 respectively. 

Anderson did not run an 880 yard race until his last year in high i 
school where he won 17 cconsecutive races for Lake Wortli High; 

His undefeated streak ended in the state meet where he fell to J 
third place despite a time of 1:56.8 which was the best time of his 1 

"I used to run a lot when I was little, " said Anderson. 

"I was always running up and down the street near my home." 

"Even though I enjoyed sports, I never thought I would be verj' ; 
good at them ", said Anderson. "Hike football and track best." 

"I decided to be a physical fitness major because I am a sports; 
nut," said Anderson. "I would like to go into the field of coaching 
so I can help young kids learn to participate in athletics. ' ' 

Anderson said he would also like to give professional track a try 
"if I can get into good enough shape." 

"I didn't think I would run after high school," Anderson said. 
"I wasn't doing any running at all in college." 

Anderson had received a scholarship to Albany State, in 
Albany, Georgia, but left after one term "after a financial Iiassle 
with the administration." 

"We are very lucky to have two runners of this caliber on our 
team," said head coach Dick Melear. They were two of the best 
runners in the county and will surely help our team this year. ' ' 

How many times have you 
heard someone brag about his or 
her athletic talents? The 
conversation usually goes some- 
thing like - 

"Hey man - when I was in 
school I was the best passer in the 

If you happen to hear this type 
of phrase, address the speaker 
and direct him to office 4k in the 
gymnasium where he can enlist 
his talents for a flag tag football 

The flag tag football league is 
being sponsored by the Intramur- 
al board with competition lasting 
through the Fall term. 

An organizational meeting for 
the league will be held at 3:30 
p.m. Tuesday Sept. 10 in 
classroom Pe-06 to formulate its 
structure and organization. 

We'd like to stress this point," 
said Roy Bell, director of the 
Intramural program. "All clubs 
and organizations are invited to 
form teams for flag tag football 
and any other team sport we 

"We also want all individuals 
to know that they can come and 
register as independents," Bell 

Bell added that independents 
will be drafted onto teams at the 
organizational meeting and teams 
will be made of those students 
who remain unattached. 

Paul Ratanaprasith, a student at PBJC, demonstrates kicking techniques he will teach In the Intramoral 
Karate class sponsored by the I and R board. 

Zyland Offers "Do It Yourself" Plan 

Because PBJC students have 
such a varied range of schedules, 
the Intramural board will sponsor 
"do it yourself" tournaments to 
enable them to partake of PBJC 
facilities in ' table tennis, 
horseshoes, tennis and several 
other activities. 

"The students pay an activity 
fee and we are trying to provide 
them with a chance to use it," 
said Roy Bell, director of 

' 'After the students sign up for 
an activity, they can contact their 
opponents by phone or through 
the use of the intramural bulletin 
board for their individual or team 
matches," Bell explained. 

"'We will be offering many 
different activities for the Fall and 
Winter tern," Bell continued. 
"Among them we will have a 
volleyball league with teams for 
men, women and mixed play." 

An organizational meeting for 
all who are interested in the 
volleyball league will be held 
Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 7 p.m. in the 

The Intramural Board will also 
offer cross country, a turkey trot, 
bowling, a UFO day, a canoeing 
clinic and trip and several other 
special activities as the need 

"We also have set up a jogging 

course on the campus, where 
students can develop physically 
through. running," said Bell. 

The course is located on the 
southeast corner of the campus, 
beginning at the northeast 
entrance to the gym. 

"Last year we had a student 
run a distance equal to that of a 
found trip to' Jacksonville," said 

Reynolds Adds Six Cagers 

With the signing of Ron Cunningham, a six foot guard ftomMt 

Sterling, Kentucky, the roster of scholarship players on the 1974-7i 

Palm Beach Junior College basketball team has been completed. 

iX Cunningham will join five regulars ftom last year's team and six 

-^ scholarship recipients to form a squad which is "as good, rf not a little 

*"■ better than last year's team," according to Dr. Howard Reynolds, 

athletic director. , . 

A. shooting guard, averaging 28 ponts per game his senior year, 
Cunningham was the top free thrower on the team and also led m 

^^Cunningham will join an old rival from a neighboring high school, 
Mike Gibbs, to give the Pacers two outstanding new guard prospects. 

Returning guards are Donald Bums, a starter last year who proved 
himself in the roughest competition, and Dick Rosche, a frequently 
used substitute who would have started on most teams. 

"With two outstanding prospects battling with two expenenced men 
at quard, we seem to be in real good shape there, said Reynolds 

Last year's starting forwards, Gus P^yf t^°/°^f '"^^"? «f if ' 
both returning, but Hall will be meligible for the Fall term because of 

^BiirBrandon, used last year at guard, forward and center, wUl be 
back, playing wherever coach Bob Wright feels he is most needed 
Brandon started much of last season and was used often when he did 

"°* ^**'*" See BASKETBALL TEAM page 12 

Class Set 
For Karate 

The Intramural and Recrea- 
tional board is offering free karate 
classes for PBJC students. 

The classes are being taught by 
Paul Ratanaprasith, a JC student 
who has a black belt in the art of 
self defense.. 

"There is more to the oriental 
arts than violence," said Roy 
Bell, director of Intramurals. 
"That is what many Americans 
fail to understand. ' ' . 

The classes are to be held on 
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 
afternoons at 3:30 with lessons 
lasting for about one and one-half 

Basic exercises in self defense 
will be taught with an emphasis 
on the fundamentals according to 

Students are not required to 
bring traditional karate uniforms 
to the lessons until after the first 
month at which time serious 
students will be asked to 
purchase the garments. 


Does he or doesn't he??? The 
final outcome of this year's 
Intramural Flag tag football 
league isn't the only thing 
suspended kt mid air. 

I and R Board Needs Members 

Jay Kravetz Phot' 
Ken Anderson [1] and MikeBdl.transfer students, have be©^ ^^^ 
to PBJC's cross conntry contingent. 

Do you know what barnyard golf is? 
See Mr. Bell in gym office 4k 

Mr. Roy Bell, director of 
intramurals announced the avail- 
ability of ten seats on the 
Intramural and Recreational 

The board is composed of five 
male and five female students 
who dictate the organization and 
activities of the intramural 

"There are several paid 
positions on the board," said 
Bell. "Students who are 

interested in working for the ; 
program can receive a supplement 
from the college." 

Bell added that his program is 
an outlet for the students in an 
organizational and physical 

"We also have offerings for 
manages and officials in our 
system of organization," said 

Bell also stressed that the 
intramural program is not a 

restricted group. 

"We want women as well as 
men in the organization." he 
said. "We find positions fisr them 
on the board." 

Anyone interested in the 
organizational leadership of the 
intramural department should see 
Mr. Bell in the gym. 

The intramural offices are 
located on the west wall of the 
gym. The office number is 4k. 

12 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, September 9, 1974 

"I have so much of myself to 
coordinate," - Tiny MltcheU. 





Jonathan Kopntz Photo ■ 

WRAP Problems Shrouded By Smoke 

By Bruce Moore 
News Editor 

Carlos Banks resigned Thursday as manager of JC's 
troubled campus radio station, WRAP. Assistant 
Manager Dave Drummond was promoted to the position 
of manager by Student Government President Tory 

In a letter to Buckley, Banks said liis resignation "was 
thought over for many days and was not an easy decision 
to make." Banks is leaving this year to go away to 
college and must take on a full-time job. 

Drummond, whom Banks recommended, takes over at 
a time when WRAP, advertised as "Nowhere on Your 
Radio Dial," is having trouble even reaching the 


Scheduled to pipe its rock-centered music to the 
cafeteria and SAC Lounge September 3, WRAP, as of 
this writing, is still not on the air. 

The culprit is WRAP'S S162 amplifer, which went up in 
smoke as the WRAP staff was testing equipment during 
the first week of school. To test the equipment Banks put 
a record on, then left the WRAP studio, next to the 
Beachcomber office, and went to the cafeteria for a 

"There was smoke all over in the WRAP studio when 
we came back," Banks recalled. "We unplugged 
everything. Then we went around smelling, trying to 
find out where it came from." 

After discovering the faulty amp, the WRAP manager 
cautiously waited in hopes of finding another solution. 
On September 3, WRAP's scheduled debut, Banks tried 
to revive an old tube amplifyer in the cafeteria. 

"After a half-hour of testing and complaints, I decided 
to close down the station until we get proper 
equipment," commented Banks. 

Obtaining the "proper equipment" has been another 
headache for the WRAP crew. SG told Banks to make 
tlie purchase order through account No. 710, which, it was 
later discovered, was dryed up. 

{Turn to "WRAP," page 2) 



Monday, September 16, 1974 

Lake Worth, Florida, 33460 

7-Footer Joins Pacer Cage Squad Campus Senates Sw/ng /nfo Act/on 

Bob Wright, Palm Beach 
Junior College basketball coach, 
will be coaching the tallest 
player in Pacer history when 
Richard Mitchell, a seven-foot- 
er from Michigan, dresses out 
for practice this fall. 

Mitchell, who prefers to be 
called "Tiny", is from a family 
of large stature. His two sisters 
stand 5-10- and 6-1, his eight 
year old brother is 4-5, his 
father is 6-2 and his mother is 

"My mother played pro ball 
for the Baltimore Redheads in a 
women's basketball league," 
said Mitchell, "but that was 
around 1950 before I was bom. " 
"I always have been big," 
says Mitchell. "When I was 
born, I weighed Impounds and 
seven ounces and I was 23 
inches long." 

Being tall has its disadvant- 
ages, however. 

"I used to let it bother me," 
said MitcheD. "When I was 
younger I used to get in fights. 
Everyone wanted to, take me on 
because I was always the 
biggest guy around." 

Another problem that comes 
along with being tall is mobility. 

"Ordinary things like walking 
through a door, moving around 

in a large crowd, getting in and 
out of cars and even sitting at a 
desk in class are harder because 
I have so much of myself to 
coordinate," he said. 

Mitchell began his basketball 
career at Taylor Elementary in 
Taylor, Michigan, a suburb of 
Detroit where he was born. 

"I was in the third grade and 
playing against kids in the fifth 
and sixth grades," Mitchell 
said, adding that he was five 
feet tall at the time. 

He went on to Taylor Center 
for high school where, he grew 
from a six. foot eight inch 
sophomore to a six foot eleven 
inch 240 pound senior. He 
averaged "22.4 points and 12-14 
rebounds in high school. 

After graduation he attended 
Kalamazoo Community College 
for a year. He averaged 16 
points and 12 rebounds before 
leaving school due to a 
scholarship dispute with the 
basketball coach. . 

Mitchell had been working for 
almost six months before Coach 
Wright learned about him 
through John GreenhUl, who 
had coached Gary Brown and 
Tom Jarvis of last year's Palm 
Beach cage squad. 

"I liked the weather in 
Horida, so I thought I would 
come down here to play ball," 

Mitchell said. 

Mitchell arrived in Lake 
Worth fa time to enroll for the 
Winter term and is currently 
attending classes and working 
for the school maintenance 

Wright feels thatMitchell will 
be a big asset to the team. 
"He's a good shooter and is 
very strong-," the coach said. 
"He will be a candidate for 
center and we will need his 
height for reboundmg . ' ' 

Another quality which wE 
a large factor in Mtd 
success as a basketball pV 
according to Wriglit is his de 
"Tiny plays basketball beci 
he enjoys it," said Wright,' 
just because he is tall." 

Basketball Team "Best Ever 

Continued from page 1 1 

ScSTw??'''"' ^V^T'^ ^""^ ^'^^^'^"'J East Technical Hish 
"Jeaoer'^frorrf '^r^^ rebounds,16 points, and Jeny Blade, a 6^2 
Jve^Wriah. J;- 9^^''^''^"'^ ^^^ ^^J^""' *" Twinsburg, ' Ohio, 
give Wnght additional shooting and rebounding capabUity. 

retuS^""'""^'' ^^"^^^tHillgrad whopIayedlast?ear, will also be 

Ricliar? n2°'' ' ^^ ^"'■'''^o'' ^''"^ S"^^'^ f^^ni Bikhron City. Ky.. and 
fomSrd ar? nT* ' ^^^^^^uncoast High and Palm Beach Atlantic 
^n^ M .M,""""'^ ^^° ^"' ^^ I'att'^g for recognition. 
biSeltW. ■ f '7^"/°°'«r from Taylor, Michigan, by far the 
fS S^io J V\^''^ ^°' '^^ ^^'^''' '' *^ '''gg^^^ question mark. 

and ofSkf ^.f t ^'^'"' ' *''^°"* ^""P ^^^ >^«t^«^5^ °f September, 
and otticial practice sessions October 7 

'in SlJhir "''"I f non-scholarship players to try out for the team 
^on Sorar.hi'n^ ^°^'!J°.' " ''P''' °^ 1^^* y«^^- ^^en several 
the ye Jr P ^^^^^'' ^^'^^'^ '° *^ t^^'" ^^^^ during the first half of 


^KA \^^r THE 

<:^XFULL , 
♦ HOUSE f 














Guest, Controversy, 
In Faculty Senate 

By Brian E. Crowley 
Staff Writer 

The first Faculty Senate meeting of 
the year was opened last Thursday with 
a brief speech by Dr. Edward M. 
Eissey, chairman of the District Board 
of Trustees. Eissey told the Senators 
that the Board of Trustees is taking on a 
new image. 

"I really want to know what it is that 
the Board of Trustees can do to 
cooperate with you in order to make you 
happy and in order to make our 
institution an outstanding institution," 
said Eissey. 

Eissey further pledged that the Board 
of Trustees would "always listen 
attentively, graciously and profession- 
ally to what it is that you (Faculty 
Senators) have to present to us." Dr. 
Eissey is a former Palm Beach Junior 
College student. 

During the next order of business 
student government officers Tory 
Buckley, Dolor Ginchereau, Constance 
Holmes, and David Lang were praised 
and called "the best Student 
Government officials in a long time." 
They were encouraged to continue their 
efforts to surround, themselves with a 
dedicated staff of students and faculty. 

Ten new amendments to the Faculty 
Senate Constitution were accepted by 
the senate but not without controversy. 
The first amendment states that "The 
Chairman and Vice Chairman shall be 
elected by and from the teaching and 
nonteaching certificated faculty for 
two-year staggered terms." Prior to 
that amendment the president of the 
college was always the chairman. 

(Turn to "MANOR," page 2) 

Is this the latest invasion from Mars? If it is, the authorities are liable to do a painstaking 
study of the photo for evidence. Further "evidence" is on page 7. 

Marines Offer Careers, Financial Aid 

By Brian E. Crowley 
Staff Writer 

Financial assistance and career 
opportunities were just /t^o of the 
incentives that Captain P.X Persian! and 
Staff Sergeant R. R. Redman offered Palm 
Beach Junior College Students last week. 
Standing in front of the SAC lounge, 
Persiani and Redman, members of the 
United States Marine Corps Officer 
Selection Team spoke to approximately 15 
siudents about Platoon Leaders Class 

Persiani told the students that PLC is an 
opponunit.v for young men to complete 
college aiul upon graduation receive a 

commission in the USMC as a second 
Lieutenant. After commissioning there is 
training in Basic Officer School followed by 
an Occupational Specialty Education 
Program in either aviation or grouind 

The PLC program is open to either 
freshmen, sophmores, or juniors who are 
able to meet the Marine Corps 
requirements of physical fitness, and can 
maintain a "C" average throughout 

Freshmen and sophomores are required 
to go to a summer camp for two six-week 
periods. Juniors will be required to go to 
one twelve week session if they did.not join 

as freshmen or sophomores. 

Students that need financial assistance 
may receive SlOO per month for each school 
month. The money is not a loan but for 
each S900 that is received an aditional six 
months active duty is required. 
Additionally for each six weeks of summer 
camp the student receives S612. 

Students who enter this program may 
drop out at any time and according to 
Captain Persiani "If you think you are a 
born leader, we can test you," The Officer 
Selection Team will be back again in March 
to give the men and women of JC another 
chance to talk to them. 


For Senate 

Vie For Office 

By Robin Witt 
Staff Writer 

As of Thursday noon, twenty. three 
students had filed applications for the 
student senate. Last year only nineteen 
applications were receiv&d; not even 
enough to fill the twenty three seats 

Tory Buckley, SG president gave his 
views on last years elections and the 
reasons for this year's success. "Last 
year 1 believe the reason for the poor 
turnout was a whole lot of people didn't 
know about SG and it's functions. Also 
people were fed up with government on 
local and national levels. Because of a 
conserted effort by the executive board of 
SG and an increase in the amount of 
publicity given to the elections the 
number of people becom-ing involved in 
SG has grown." 

Members of the executive board visited 
classes last week and informed students 
about SG. "We talked to teachers who in 
turn talked to their students and got them 
interested. For that alone they deserve a 
big thanks," said Tory Buckley, 

As of the last executive board meeting 
Dr. Harold C. Manor, president of JC, 
still held with his directive about the 
discontinued use of the pillars and 
windows.on which to put announcements. 
However, Dolor Ginchereau, negotiated 
with Dr. Manor and was given permission 
to use the pillars for the senate 
campaigns. Restrictions were placed on 
the placement of posters, no tape is to be 
used, string only and no posters are to be 
put on glass surfaces. 

Candidates are reminded that 
campaigning begins today and ends 
Friday September 20. All posters must 
be taken down on this date. 

Monday, September 23, Tuesday, 
September 24, all day, Wednesday 
September 25 until 3 p.m. are the days 
students can vote. The voting machines 
are to be located by the Business 
Administration Building and outside the 

According to Dolor Ginchereau, senate 
president, "The elections are moving 
rapidly. I would like to see a really good 
race and a lot of students voting. 

(Turn to "SG," page 2) 

2-eEACHCOMBER Monday, September 16, 1974 


nday, September 16, 1974 BEACHCOMBER 


Your Queries 'Cleared' 

Jomes Cleare — 

(EDITOR'S NOTE: James Cleare, a newcomer to the Beach- 
comber staff, lias an impressive background in the field of investi- 
gating, and will be offering his services to the student body in 
this new column, entitled "Investigation. " 

If you have a gripe, question, or some information on a problem, 
we urge you to bring a written explanation to the Beachcomber 
office, and investigator James Cleare will do the follow-up. } 

Qwhat has happened to the 1974 JC yearbook, 
should have been distributed by now! 

the Galleon? It 

Interested Student 

A.The Galleon won't make its debut until early December, because 
of the longer span of time (Fail- Winter term) covered by the 
publication, according to Galeon advisor Mr. Odas E. Arant. 

In light of rising pricees Arant feels "the yearbook staff has done 
everything possible in cutting down cost." 

The yearbook and its staff have undergone a few changes, in 
addition to minor problems. This summer, while most students 
fought a monsterous battle with Spring I and II classes, Galleon 
Editor Paul Aho worked alone on the completion of the book. 

The staff has grown from its membership of one, and Arant 
explained, "this year's staff will compile the finest yearbook 
produced at JG in a long time." The 1975 yearbook will cover both 
the fall and winter semesters and should be on the stands by Spring 
II, 1975. 

Most of the paste-up and special effects work is done on $11,000 
worth of equipment, which is to be fully paid for this year. 

Arant says, and I must agree, "the yearbook and staff are one of 
the most fiscally responsible (dollar -saving) groups on campus." In 
this day of the shrinking greenback it is good to know someone cares 
about your student activity dollar. 

This trash-can appears to be the most comfortable place for these 
two students to confer. In the background is the cafeteria, site of 
Monday's Coffee House [more details, page 8]. 

Manor The Prevailing Politicians . . . 

SG Senators 

(Continued from page 1) 

"There are 24 seats open but 
I would like to see more 
students running. Tory Buckley 
had a lot to say about the up and 
coming elections. "The filing 
period seems to be coming 
along great. We now have 23 
applicants and we are expecting 
more. I think the campaigning 
period is going to be exciting, 
thrilling and we're going to have 
a lot of fun. 

Bart Cunningham is a 
fresliman here at JC and is 
running for senator. When 
asked why he is running, Bart 
said "Mainly because I'm 
interested in student govern- 
ment. I have passed experience 
in high school as student body 
president at Lake Worth High. I 
am concerned about different 
problems at JC. Since this is my 
first year here I've been to 
campus a lot and have noticed 
many things that need to be 
improved. Especially the school 
signs out by the roads. I will 
work with and for the student 
body in making PBJC an 
outstanding college. 

Candidates are reminded that 
if elected, the first senate 
meeting is Thursay September 
26, at 12:30 iii Criminal Justice. 
The position of senate clerk is 
open. Interested students 
should see Dolor Ginchereau as 
soon as possible. His office is 
located in the north wing of the 
SAC Lounge. 

Bonks Resigns 

WRAP To Return? 

(Continued from page 1) 

At the SG Executive Board meeting last 
Tuesday, the board shifted $200 ftom WRAP'S 
contingency fiind and transferred the money to 
account No. 710. 

Further complications arose Thursday when it 
was discovered that the company, from which the 
new amp was to come, had burnt down. "If not for 
themixup in accounts, we. would have received the 
amp by the day of the fire," Banks moaned. 

When WRAP finally returns to "nowhere" the 
staff of Manager Dave Drummond will be well 

During the summer, WRAP, a subsidiary of SG, 
gained major consessions when guidelines for the 
station were drawn. 

One long-sought change is that outside records 
may now be brought in for scheduled specials. 
Banks reports that several specials are already 
planned. Last year WRAP could only use records 
bought with SG approval. 

WRAP'S management, under the new 
guidelines, may submit editorials representing the 
station, rather than just individuals, as was the 
case last year. Another change is that the 
management, consisting of the manager and 
assistant manager, has the right to replace and 
remove staff members at their discretion, and not 
the discretion of SG. 

After renegotiating guidelines, and a year's 
budget totaling $1400, WRAP began training 
personnel. Beginning the day of Freshman 
Orientation, two weeks prior to school's start, 
WRAP Program Manager Joan Francis helped an 
estimated 25-30 interested students try the control 
board for the first time. 

Ten disc-jockeys are now fully trained and ready 
to spread music thrcyaghout the student activity 
center and cafeteria. . .as soon as a new amplifyer 

As for the old, blown-up, amp. Banks, who will 
continue in an advisory capacity, says he will not 
touch it. Chides Banks, '.'The old amp may still be 
under warranty"! 

Photo by Jay Kravetz 

Dolor Ginchereau urged 
students to run for SG 
Senate positions during his 
meetings with classes last 


(Continued from page I) 

Dr. Manor stated during tht' 
meeting that "I do not aspire U 
nor would I accept tlf 
nomination of chairman." Wi'l 
the position of chairman soon i; 
be vacant, apparent sides ate 
beginning to shape up on wlv: 
should be, and how to select i 
new chairman. 

Heated debate was side 
stepped by a motion to tabli 
further discussion until \ky 
Board of trustees has a chatiK: 
to act on the amendments. TTie; 
motion was passed but tk; 
indications are that the problcE 
of who the next chairman nm: 
be will be an emotional issue.; 

Health Exam Gives 
Two Hours Credit 

By Robin Kindle 

Two semester hours credit for the required HHlOl health courej 
may be earned in a special health exam to be given Thursday; 
October 3, 2:30 p.m. in room SC 26. \ 

Students must answer 154 out of 200 questions correctly to pas<: 
the test, according to Testing Director Donald Cook, The ter' 
questions are to cover a wide range of areas. 

"This is a very difficult exam," comments Cook, "and only thos-;; 
with a background in health study will have much of a chance t; 
pass it." 

Pemission slips are available at the Testing Center, AD 5, anc; 
should be picked up at least a week before the test is scheduled t;; 
begin. A fee of $22.00 is required. 

In the past, health exams were given for exemption, but thi- 
student did not earn credit. The 1974 health exam is in the samr 
category as the CLEP exams, in that, if passed credit for PIH 10: 
will be given. > 


Students OK Amnesty 


(EDITOR'S NOTE: The Beachcomber, in an effort to inform i 
the student body how THEY are thinking, is initiating this new ; 
column, entitled "Consensus. " 

Beachcomber reporters Glenn Powell and Dan Stewart will 
be asking questions to students and faculty alike each week on 
a variety of current and interesting topics.) 

As a follow-up to the recent JC 'Voter Registration Drive, we 
polled 84 students to find out how 4any are registered, and how 
many actually expected to vote: 

60% students registered to vote. 

40% students not reigstered to vote. 

Of those registered to vote, we came up with these findings- 

44% did not vote. 

26% voted Republican 

30% voted Democratic. 

Switching to national politics, we asked 284 students questions 
centering on the recent pardon of Richard Nixon by President Ford. 

Do you agree with President Fords decision to pardon formeJ 
President Nixon? 

Yes 29% 

No 63% 

Undecided 8% 

Do you feel President Ford should extend amnesty or conditiona! 
amnesty to draft dodgers? 

Yes 70% 

No 16% 

Undecided 14% 

Most students questioned on the amnesty and pardon issues were 
very sure of their decision indicating that these are cut-and- dried 
issues in their minds. 

On the question of amnesty, most people preferred conditional 
amnesty to unconditional amnesty. 

One veteran was in opposition to amnesty. "I saw too many je •■ 
men die in Vietnam," he observed. gooc 

By Bruce Moore 
News Editor 
Sparse gatherings of students and faculty listened as area 
polhicans made final campaign speeches during the recent 
Democratic and Republican days, held September 6 and 9, 
respectively, in the SAC Lounge. 

Sponisored by JC's Political Union, the assemblies, which 
consisted mainly of five-minute "vote-for-me" speeches, drew 18 
Democrats and 11 Republicans, or their representatives. 

Most speeches centered on a theme of the candidate being for the 
people, owing favors to no person or organization. 

Starting with the Democrats, here is a rundown of what each 
candidate stressed in his speech: 


Harry Johnston (State Senate - District 26) was represented by JC 
student Paul Hedrick, who spoke first because he was late for a 
French class: "Johnston has made only two promises in this 
campaign," said Hedrick, "honesty and hard work." 

Michael Small, Johnston's opponent in the District 26 race, was 
represented by his wife, who urged voters to "make your SMALL 
vote count." Mrs. Small admitted that this was her first speech of 
the campaign, but following her presentation, Edwin V. Pugh, 
faculty advisor to the Student Union and master-of-ceremonies, 
remarked, ''you did very well." 

Mallory Home's representative said the senate candidate is the 
only person to be endorsed by every major college student body 
president and every Black college president in the state. Mr. 
Home's speaker concluded, "1 just think he is a real fine man." 

Neil Justin, an FAU professor running for the Senate, has 
appeared at JC twice during the campaign, but was unable to attend 
the Candidate Day. Speaking for Justin, student Robin Plitt 
commented, "Neil's honesty and dedication is well worth your 

Robert McBain, candidate for a seat in the 1974 Delegates 
Conference, held up a bumper-sticker proclaiming "All Streakers 
Are Created Equal." McBaIn urged citizens to join in the fight 
against crime and inflation. 

Don Childers, State Senate-District 28 candidate, challenged one 
of his opponents who wanted some public meetings closed."If I am 
elected," said Childers, "I will never participate in a closed 

Donald Walker, also running for District 28, countered that only 
"salaries and personnel meetings should be closed to the public." 
Many candidates throughout the morning stressed that they had no 
connection with realtors. 

Walker, however, was proud of the fact that he is a realtor. "Not 
all realtors are bad. . .and to say that 1 am one of the realtors that is 
not straight is guilt by association," stressed Walker. 

Gerald Cornelius, candidate for the U.S. House in District 81, 
chastised his opponent, Edward Healy, for not campaigning often 
enough. "If a man is going to represent the people he should at 
least have the courtesy of telling yon what he stands for," said 

Bill Crulckshank . . . 

someone who understands 

Tom Johnson , 

led majority rights 

Bill Medlen . . . 

no party control 

Edward Healty arrived minutes later to the disbelief of Cornelius. 

Healy said he must continue working during the campaign as he 

has three children (one of whom is a JC student) m school to 


John Considine, running for the 82nd District House job, was 
represented by his brother, who criticised the Republican 
incumbent for attending few- legislative sessions. 

Donna Cotton, Considine 's opponent, said the current political 
system is leading to "voter confusion." Ms. Cotton received the 
endorsement of the Palm Beach Post and Times, 

Jackie Winchester's son Jon lauded his mother for the job she 
had done as Supervisor of Elections, a post she hopes to keep 
"Through cutting out unnecessary programs, Jackie Wiiichcstor 
returned $100,000 to the citizens of Palm Beach County," said the 
younger Winchester. 

Grace Blitz, County Commission candidate, was forced to come to 
Florida several years ago when her husband had an ailment. She 
started on the grass-roots level but is now running for a major 

Mrs. Blitz compared herself to Columbus. "Did Columbus have 
experience? No! But he had the training," she said. 

Bill Medlen, an opponent of Mrs. Blitz, said he has helped to save 
hundreds of acres of beach land for the public. Medlen stres.sed that 
he would not be controlled by big party bosses, as are other 
commissioners now serving. 


AI Coogler, running for State Senate District 28, wi»mccl, "If we 
don't plan our growth we will lose our livelihood." Coogler, lii 
response to a question from the audience, said he has spent $10,000 
in his campaign, of which 17,500 is his own money. 

Commenting on President Ford's pardon of Richard Nixon, 
Coogler replied, "1 thought the one thing restored by Watergate 
would be that we are a nation of laws and not men." 

Tom Johnson, a former JC student who graduated in 1950, 
opposed Coogler in the primary. Johnson, the incumbent, i.s proud 
of his leading role in the passage of 18-year-oId majority rights bill 
two years ago. 

Susan Weaver, candidate for the 81st House Distrlst, recalled hor 
days as a JC stadent in Pngh's class where she sat In the sixth seat 
in the ftfst row. Returning to polidcs she stated, "It is about time 
we have women in government," Ms. Weaver pledged to spend 
all her time serving the 81st District. 

Dave Clark, Ms. Weaver's opponent, has a son attending JC. 
The incumbant criticised those who put down the younger 
generation. "I believe that young people are interested in thp 
future," said Clark, a father of five. 

William Cruickshank is campaigning for the District 4 seat on the 
County Commission. Retired at 49-year-oId to devote his life to 
politics, Cruickshank said the commission needs "someone who 
understands what your needs and desires are." 

In concluding the program, Pugh, a Social Science Department 
member, pledged that the Student Union would "make every effort 
to have candidates in the November election here on campus this 


First Race Results and Local Losers 

Susan Weaver ... 

women deserve a place 

By Bruce Moore 
News Editor 

With voter registration and first primary out of 
the way, JC's Political Union is now ready for its 
1974-75 reorganization, according to Mr. Edwin 
Pugh, Union advisor. 

Students interested in becoming a member of 
the Political Union are urged to stop into the room 
marked "VOTE HERE" in the Social Science, 
Building, either Monday or Tuesday at 11 a.m. 

Currently, the Political Union is planning a 
special voter information and "meet the 
candidates" meeting prior to the October 1 run-off 

Program preceeding the November general 
election will be planned with state and national 
figure invited to the campus. After the elections, a 
program to coordinate JC with state and national 
bicentennial eyeuts will be started. .. 

"Any students, of any age of political or 
historical persuasion are invited and urged to sign 
up," comments Pugh. 

Students who are unable to attend either 
Monday's or Tuesday's meeting, should contact 
Mr. Pugh SS lA, or leave their phone number in 
SS 7A or the Beachcomber office, 

Pugh reports that JC's Voter Registration Drive 
ofSeptember 4signed up 15] voters, Democratic 

Party voters accounted for 86 of the total, while the 
Republican party gained 45, and Independents 
added 23. 

At Pugh's request, Supervisor of Elections 
Jackie Winchester sent the Voter Registration Bus 
to the campus, and volunteers from the League of 
Women Voters accepted registrations at the bus 
and in the JC cafeteria. 

Here are the winners and losers in local 
primaries last Tuesday: 

CONGRESS: Rogers won, McBain lost. 

County Commission: Democrats: Medlen won, 
Blitz and DeMarco lost; Republicans: 
Cruickshank won, Warren and Wymbs lost. 

Elections Supervisor: Winchester won, Beasley 

State House, District 79, Democrats: Cambell 
won, Andrews lost. 

State House, District 81, Democrats: Healey 
won, Cornelius lost; Republicans: Clark won 
Weaver lost. 

State House, District 82, Democrats: Considine 
won. Cotton lost. 

State Senate, District 26, Democrats; Johnston 
won, Small lost. 

State Senate, District 28, Democrats; Childers 
and Jordan in a runoff; Republicans: Johnson 
won, Coogler lost. 

Donna Cotton . 

voters confused 


4 ■ BEACHCOMBER Monday, September 16, 1974 



Associate Editor 

Managing Editor 

associated collegiate press 


Computer Chaos 

County Commission Chairman Robert F. Culpepper has taken the 
right step in demanding a complete investigative report on the 
handling of election returns Sept. 10. 

Unofficial election results for 162 of the county's 163 precincts 
were not available until after 1 a.m. Wedneday, Sept. 11, and even 
then, some precincts may have been counted twice. 

"It's not fair to anyone to have those returns coming in so late," 
Culpepper said, "We're going to find out what happened and if 
there's anything the commission can do to prevent this, we'll do it." 

Three men, Tax Assessor David Reid, Tax Collector Warren 
Kramer and Clerk of Courts John Dunkle, are in charge of the 
county's Data Processing department which handled the returns. 
Supervisor of Elections Jackie Winchester, who has also called for 
an investigatioo, said that she "really can't control what they do 
over there." 

This sort of chaos on such an important night should not be 
overlooked by the county commission. Reportedly, one key punch 
error caused the massive slowdown - and it took computer 
programmers three key election hours to locate it. There is no 
excuse for this kind of mishap. 

Explanations and excuses should be scrutinized and reviewed 
careftilly, and a proper course of action should be taken to prevent 
the reoccurence of such a foul-up. 

Air Fare Soaring 

"H God had wanted man to fly, he would have given him wings," 
or money enough to purchase an airline ticket. Air travel prices are 
soaring and, with youth fares now defunct, students are paying 
more money for less travel opportunities. 

Letters to your Congressmen could bring air fares back down to 
earth. The National Student Lobby, a federation of individual 
students and student governments head-quartered in Washington 
D.C., is pushing for the passage of two bills by Congress. These 
bills, which appear to have excellent chances of passage before 
Congress adjourns for the November elections, will insure a 
national air transportation policy that will benefit students. 

One of these bills, S.2651, would overturn a decision made two 
years ago by the Civil Aeronautics Board prohibiting the scheduled 
airlines from offering the so-called "youth fares." This bill would 
also allow the student with a flexible time schedule to travel standby 
at a reduced price, and could save students as a whole an amount 
apporaching 100 million dollars annually. 

Passage of the second bill, S.1739, would provide the student a 
greatly expanded opportunity to travel by group charter, and save in 
many cases more than half of what would be the current costs of 
their travel. 

The first step to reasonable air fares is a letter to Washington. 
Write Representative Paul Rogers (C/0 House of Representatives, 
Washington D.C. 20515) expressing your support for the passage of 
S.265i, and to Senator Lawton Chiles (C/0 U.S. Senate, 
Washington, D.C. 20510) stating complete support for S.1739. 

Nude Bathing 
Is Exposed 

Nobody makes anyone take their clothes off at a public beach - 
why should a person have to keep his clothes ON at a private beach? 
That's the question Air Force Beach's nude sunbathers were asking 
last weekend. 

Their inquiry fell on some shocked and some sympathetic ears. 
But, as one nude bather said, "Nobody's hurting anybody here." 
And it's true. The sunbathers can only be seen through binoculars. 

There has literally been too much ado about nothing (nothing in 

the way of bathing attire, that is) lately. Air Force Beach's bare 

•eachgoers aren't bothering anyone and their biggest problem 

ouldn't be indecent exposure charges but sunburn. 


Monday, September 16, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 5 

'And the race is oh 

Guest Column 

Students Not At Fault 

By Brian Crowley 
Staff Writer 

Students can no longer accept 
being penalized for the 
irresponsibility of some of the 
instructors on this campus. The 
current attendance policy holds 
students responsible for being 
late for class. This cannot 
continue because there are 
instructors who repeatedly 
cause students to be late for 
class. Therefore the policy, with 
regard to tardiness, must be 

The present policy allows that 
students will be considered one 
day absent for every three days 
tardy. Absence from 25V2 
(usually 12) of the total class 
sessions can result in a grade of 

"F". A student could miss 
eleven class sessions followed 
by three tardies, one being 
caused by a long winded 
instructor, and be failed. 
Although such a scenario is 
unlikely, what often does 
happen is that the instructor 
repeatedly holds his class 
overtime, which in turn 
repeatedly causes the student to 
be late. This does not help the 
student maintain a good 
Impression. Only a fool would 
deny that impressions do count 
at grade time. 

There is an instructor in the 
Social Science department who 
frequently holds his classes well 
beyond the class period. As 
recently as two weeks ago, this 
writer witnessed that instructc 

hold his class in session during 
the entire ten minute break 
period. Again last week this 
writer saw him do the same 
thing. Unfortunately, although 
most instructors are not that 
extreme, many do hold their 
classes well beyond the 
allotted time. 

The student government and 
Faculty Senate should immed- 
iately take steps to investigate 
the abuses, take action against 
the violators and remove the 
penalty against the students 
from the rules. , 

The student cannot be held 
responsible for being in class on 
time if some of the instructors 
on the campus refuse to accept 
their responsibility to proniptly 
dismiss their classes. 

State, County Choices Differ 

By Marc Bressler 

Except for giving Gov. Reubin 
Askew over 75 '/j of votes cast. 
Palm Beach County was not at 
all representative of the state 

Voters selected Dick Petti- 
grew over Richard Stone in the 
Democratic U.S. Senate race, 
while state winner Bill Gunter, 
finished a far third. Both 
Gunter and Stone will be in the 
Oct. runoff. 

Republicans, however, did 
choose Jack Eckerd over Paula 
Hawkins, as it was in the state 

Don Pride, democratic candi- 
date for Secretary of State, had 
more than double the votes of 
any of his opponents in Palm 
Beach county, but finished a 

disappointing third statewide. 

At press time, absentee ballots 
that could put Pride into the 
Bruce Smathers -Beverly Dozier 
runoff had not been tallied. 

In the State Comptroller race, 
Gerald Lewis beat out Bud 

Dickinson countywide, but 
finished second in Florida to tile 
incumbent. Both will be in the 
October runoff. 

The county agreed on the 
choices state of Ralph Turlitig. 
ton as Education Commissioner 
and Tom O'Malley as State 

Reader Compliments 


Let me be one of the first to 
congratulate you and your staff 
on a very good first issue. I 
hadn't q„.te expected twelve 
pagesthe first time out; I would 
have considered eight an 

The paper offered variety, 
good writing, in-depth report- 
ing, and general appeal. I <3j(j 
happen to catch some typos . but 
we always expect them. 

Tlie Beachcomber is indeed an 
asset to PBJC. Keep up the 
good work. 

Bill McCuc 


News Editor Bruca Moore 

Editorial Assistant Jan Tuckwood 

Feature Editor Lynn Kalber - 

Copy Editor Sharon Osburn 

Sports' Editor .,«...... Robin Plitt 

Photographic Editor ... Jay Kraveti 
Entertainment Editor . . . Tim Bray 

Campus Events Kat Mahlbaclier 

Consultant Mr. Charles McCreight 

Circulation Manager Wayne Soldo 


Paul Hedrick 
Debbie Thompson 
Brian Crowley 
Robin Witt 
Jack OiSalvo 
Ray Grey 
Rebecca Morse 
Arriy Strimbu 
Winifred Knighton 
Elbert Corbutt 
Ejlen Palmieri 


Cindy Cowen 
Lori HillebrancI 
Flick IMager 
Jimmy Meal 
John Auchterlonio 
Walt Davis *^'^ 

Randy Powa|( 
James Cieare 
Mike Piliero 
Robin Kindle 
Dan Stuart 
Glenn Powell 
Susan J. Kyte 

The Beachcomber is published from our editorial offices in the Student Publications Building at Palm p» 
Junior College, 4200 S. Congress Avenue, Lake Worth, Florida, 33460. Phone 965-8000, Ext. 210. *=*^0«h 

Opinions expressed in the Beachcomber are those of the editors or the writers of the-article and not necessa 
those of Palm Beach Junior College. ^^*a*-Uv 

The Beachcomber is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the Florida Junior College f* 
Association. - , . •'^ss 

^ rr 1 urn I 11 Ill I I I II I 

~3/ Percent — 

Patient Choice 

~~ J.Miciiele Nofter— 

St. Mary's, Bethesda, and Everglades Memorial Hospitals 
recently settled a contract dispute by striking a clause that would 
have barred male nurses from maternity and obstetrics floors. The 
clause discriminated against male nurses. 

Currently, female nurses take care of male patients during varied 
medical treatments and procedures. I see no reason why this should 
not hold ttue for male nurses and female patients. It is encouraging 
to hear that males are requesting such assignments. 1 believe that 
male nurses can be just as sympathetic as female nurses, and of 
course, just as capable. 

The only possible explanation for the mandatory presence of 
female nurses is the fear of molestation of the female patients by the 
male doctor. This is a ridiculous assertion; it assumes that the 
female patient is helpless and the male doctor a lecher. This is not 
conductive to a trusting doctor-patient relationship. 

However, I am in favor of a female presence, particularly in the 
case of childbirth, whether she be the doctor or the nurse. The 
woman must be one who has experienced childbirth. No amount of' 
education or medical textbook terminology can explain how it feels to 
experience childbirth. 

A medical woman is in a much better position to understand the 
patient. She knows what is normal during childbirth and can base 
her reactions on the patient's condition by verbal communication. 

The barring of male nurses from the maternity and obstetrics 
floors is a regression to medevial times when birth was solely a 
woman's concern. Eventually, I hope that there are more female 
doctors and a fairer distribution of the sexes throughout the medical 

Finally, it is advisable to let the patient decide who she wants to 
nurse her. She selects a doctor; she should also be ablt to state a 
preference for a female or male nurse. 

Rush sign-up for "two weeks of parties" began last week outside the cafeteria, 
the signing said quite a few joined up. 

Those who did 

Last Exit 

Peace With Dishonor 

More Bressler 

The combined forces of the 
United States Congress and the 
U.S. Press achieved "peace 
with dishonor" the day former 
President Richard M. Nixon 

Led by such gallant generals 
and military strategists as Dan 
Rather, Lowell Wicker, and Sam 
Ervin, the 672 day long struggle 
came to an end when Nixon 
withdrew his forces from 
Washington forever. 

The Nixon Army, at one time 
believed to be equal to the total 
population of the U.S. minus 
that of Massachusetts, was 
brought to its knees by the 
revolutionary "Media Militia". 
Citing the need for immediate 
"Americanization", General - 
Harry Reasoner said such a 
program would allow Americans 
to turn their attention to such 
minor matters as inflation, 
poverty, and crime in the 

Pat Brown, former governor 

— fMke's View- 

of California and the only living 
person to have defeated Nixon 
in an election, said, "I thought I 
got rid of him in '62." 

Many citizens, sympathetic to 
the former president, said his 
exile to the barren wastelands of 
San Clemente and Key Biscayne 
was too harsh. "Suppose he 
gets thirsty?" asked one citizen. 
"Can you drink the Pacific 
Ocean? Can you drink the 
Atlantic Ocean? No! I think he 
has suffered enough." 

President Ford, who appar- 
ently wants to punish the former 
chief executive as much as 
possible, has burdened the 
Nixon family with an additional 
$850,000 in taxpayer's money. 
"Just think of the time he's in 
for trying to budget all that 
dough for just one year," 
laughed a presidential aide with 
tears in his eyes. 

Kay Graham, leader of the 
Washington Post Liberation 
Army, the team largely 

responsible for Nixon's down- 
fall, said, "It's quite sad. Now 
we von't have Richard Nixon to 
kick around anymore." 

Julie Nixon Eisenhower has 
resigned from her $15,000 a 
year editorship on the Saturday 
Evening Post. She will be 
replaced by President Ford's 
daughter, but the publishers 
have stated the replacement had 
nothing to do with political 
motives. "President Ford's 
young daughter was chosen 
due to her experience and talent 
in the magazine field", a 
spokesman said. However, he 
could not remember her first 

The transition of power from 
Nixon to Ford has gone 
smoothly; Ford is currently 
enjoying a "honeymoon" with 
Congress. Ford also admitted 
seeing Nixon the other day. 

"Yeah, I bumped into him," 
Ford said, "and he said, 'oh, 
pardon me'". 

Custonrier: Extinct Species 

Mike Piliero- 

THAT'S THE WAY TO CAMPAIGN! This yomig JC student sup- 
ports Mailom Home and shows it by wearing a "campaign poster 
blouse". The young lady's help was in vam - Home lost in his race 
for the U.S. Senate. 

Yes, at long last, that elusive link to history's 
"Reign of the Consumer" has been found. 

Our "link" takes the form of a wooden plaque 
containing definative script that details the 
disposition of the term "CUSTOMER" by, it is 
assumed, Americans of the far past. 

The explosive discovery was made by this writer 
while seeking a "means of living" at Manero's 
Restaurant on Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., in West 
Palm Beach. It was attached to the kitchen wall 
just above the employees' time clock and when I 
inquired further, the owner, young John Mahoney, 
explained he found it in an old silversmith's shop 
in Concord, Massachusetts, "h makes all the 
sense in the world to me. I use it as a guide for 
everyone who works here including myself." 

To determine the origin of the relic "link", a 
PBJC etyomologist will have to search way back to 
a time when the term "Customer" was used as the 
"link" describes: 


A Customer - is the most important person in 
any business. 

A Customer - is not dependent on us • we are on 

A customer - is not an interruption of our work, 
he is the purpose of it. 

A Customer - does us a favor when he calls - we 
are not doing him a favor by serving him. 

A Customer • is part of our business - not an 

A Customer - is not a cold statistic - he is a flesh 
and blood human being with feelings and emotions 
like our own. 

A Customer - is not someone to argue or match 
wits with. 

A Customer - is a. person who brings us his 
wants - it is our job to fill those wants. 

A Customer - is deserving of the most courteous 
and attentive treatment we can give him. 

A Customer - is the life blood of this and every 
other business. 


Can you imagine that, a customer is not an 
interruption of work?? Boy, I know of some 
businesses whose employees would suffer a form 
of traumatism if they had to work by these rules. 

Do you know that if presidents, politicians and 
people from all walks of life would abide by these 
mores (not only in respect to customers, but all 
people) the world's media might be an everlasting 
joy to experience. And the world could live 
peacefully forever and ever and ever. 


6 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, September 16. 1974 

Upper right: The mid-noon 
day, the hours of study, and 
a good wholesome lunch 
makes nap time something 
to look forward to, although 
there are those who don't 
tire so easily (bottom right). 

After napping it's time to 
discover the wonderous 
world around you (middle 
right), and yes, as the day 
presses on (lower left), a 
little guidance always 

PBJC is the only 
community college in the 
nation which offers Mon- 
tessori teacher training and 
a Montessorl leaned de- 
monstration class for Early 
childhood majors. 

The center is not directly 
funded in any way by the 
State or Federal Govern- 


Monday, September 16, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 7 

The Littlest JC Student 

For Those Who Don't Know 

By Walter Davis 
Staff Writer 

PBJC is offering a limited 
service to day students with 
children through the facilities of 
the Early Learning Center. 

The center, headed by Ms. 
Kathy Bowser and under the 
supervision of Dr. Samual 
Bottosto of the Social Science 
Department began January 9, 
1973 and presently holds 22 
pre-school children (age 2' - 5) 
which is the maximum allowed 
the center by the Health 
Department. The Center has 25 
applicants on a waiting list. 

One half of the operating 

.,..«,«' >«.'*<w^** 


P" Itlj I'V 

* , ■« 


K:i:n C-o let 

ai d 


Ja ' Kra.etz 

budget is provided through the 
payment of tuition fees. These 
fees are assessed on a sliding 
scale according to the student- 
parent's ability to pay. Any 
extra funds must come through 
donations or fund raising 
projects. Donations from the 
PBJC Veterans Club last year 
provided enough money for 
some scholarships, a play- 
ground storage shed and the 
wiring of the student observat- 
ion booth for sound. 

The children's walkathon 
which was held last winter term 
brought in about $200 which 
was used foi playground 
equipnitul. I ho Montcssoii 
niciliorl ot tejching is bemg 
used in the centci undci the 
supciv'siiin of two fuU-tuno 
tcidieis and two inTcins. Ms 

Bowser says "there are more 
than 100 adult students involved 
in some phase of the Early 
Childhood Educationa pro- 

The center is a model school 
for the training of pre-school 
children. According to Dr. 
Bottosto, "One of the surest 
ways to improve the quality of 
life in America is to invest our 
financial and personal resources 
in the lives of little children, in 
this way releasing their 
potential for self-development^ 
thus producing healthy and 
adequate personalities in a 
-rapidly changing society." 

Wt all should be proud ol the 
Social Scicnt-c Dcpariment and 
che outstanding peiforniancc it 
has produced and back the 
center wholeheaiiedK 

Jazz Ensemble Assembles 

By Becky Morse 
Staff Writer 

Does jazz music interest you? 
If yes is your answer then you 
should know about the Junior 
College Jazz Ensemble. 

Presently there are 20 
members consisting of five 
saxaphones, four trombones, 
five trumpets, one tuba, drums, 
an electric bass, a guitar, 
cowbells, tamborines, and a 

The group, staffed by Mr. Sy 
Prj-weller, rehearses two nights 
a week, Tuesdays and Thurs-" 

Performances are being 

planned at area high schools, 
junior high schools, and 
elementary schools . Occasion- 
ally the ensemble plays in the 
PBJC auditorium and is hoping 
to perform in the SAC lounge 
this year. 

A concert sponsored by 
Carver Middle School is 
scheduled for October 6, at the 
Delray Beach Civic Center. 
Performing will be the Jazz 
Ensemble and the JC concert 
band in order to raise money to 
purchase instruments for the 
school that were stolen in 
previous years. 
AH styles of music including 

Dixie Land, creative rock, jazz 
and music of the big band era 
are performed. 

"There is no sound like the 
sound of this group, it's a full 
sound, an exciting sound!" 
proclaimed Mr. Pryweller. 

The Ensemble unlike the 
concert band and other musical 
organizations, is selective. 
Students who perform with the 
jazz ensemble must not only 
have the ability to read music 
but to interpret it. . - 

There is an excellent 
opportunity open to ensemble 
members to write and arrange 
their own works and hear them 

performed by the ensemble. 

Students interested in joining 
the Jazz Ensemble can see Mr. 
Pryweller in the humanities 
building to set up an audition. 

You need not be « i; 

major to become a part <^"th( 
ensemble, so whether votf 
interest is in perfoj-^i^ J <f. 
merely hstenmg perhaps th' 
jazz ensemble is for yo^i 

Vets Regroup 

By Lynn Kalber 
Feature Editor 

A Veteran's Club is being 
formed under the supervision of 
Mr. Wayne Debee, Veteran's 
Counselor at JC. The initial 
meetings are scheduled for 
September 24 in SS 02 at 10:50 
a.m. and Sept. 27 (Tuesday and 
Friday) in Rm SS 57 at 9:50 a.m. 

This service club plans to be 
active on campus and invites all 
veterans to join. 

Last year the club was 
responsible; for the Miss 
Wishing Well contest, new flags 
for the college, and the 
sponsoring of a war child 
overseas, as well as other 
community projects. 

Also at the meeting of the 
club will be Mr. Fred Ward, 
Veteran's Representative at JC. 
He is • available at JC every 
Tuesday and Friday and is here 
to answer any questions or 
problems veterans might have 

FAU Accepts 
Credit Cards 

By Jan Tuckwood 

Bditaial Assistant 
Cash or charge? Florida 
Atlantic University's students 
will have that choice when they 
register for fall classes. FAlf 
has arranged for Bank Ameri- 
cards to be accepted for the next 
quarter's tuition -and- fees. 

FAU and the First Bank and 
Trust Co. of Boca Raton have 
entered into an agreement to 
charge student costs to the 
individual's Bank Americard. 

Authorization for use of credit 
cards for payment of University 
fees was enacted by the 1974 
Legislature with the stipulation 
no discount or service charge 
could be paid by the 
universities. First Bank, the 
BankAmericard agent in Palm 
Beach County, will assume the 
cost of the.program, waiving the 
normal fee it charges its 
BankAmercard accounts. 

The legislation prohibits the 
use of charge cards for any 
services which are available 
from private businesses, so 
neither food, books or purchases 
or rentals of residence hallspace 
may be charged. 

Arrangements for credit must 
be made by the student with the 
BankAmericard agency in his 
home area prior to his 
enrollment. Attempts to make 
contractual arrangements with 
Master Charge and American 
Express were unsuccessful. 




Thousands of Topics 
$2.75 per page 
Send for your up-to-date, 
176-page, mail order catalog 
of 5500 topics. Enclose 
$1.00 to cover postage (1-2 
days digliverv time). 


SUITE #203 


Our materials are sold for 
research purposes only 

on checks, insurance, or 
education difficulties. He would 
like all veterans to come and talk 
with him at any time convenient 
to them. 

Denise O'Neill, a student 
at PBJC last Spring, spent 
her summer performing 
and studying at Disneyland 
as a participant in Disney's 
unique Fine Arts Work 
Experience Program. See 
page 9 for story. 

Photo by Ray Gray 
On September 11, the American Cancer Society made available to 
PBJC students brochures, pamphlets and other "Ciglatric" help in 
their battle against long cancer. 

Calling All Girls 

By Jay Kravetz 
Photo Editor 

Competition is open in the 
41st annual Orange Bowl 
Festival's Queen and Court 

The winners, to be selected 
' by a panel of Orange Bowl 
Committee judges, will reign 
over the 1974-75 Orange Bowl 
Pageant, the nation's largest 
holiday Festival, December 20 
through January 1. 

Girls between the ages of 18 
and 24, who have never 
married, and who live, work or 
go to school in the Dade, 
Broward, or Palm Beach 
counties, are eligible. 

Entry forms can be received 
by writing the Orange Bowl 
Queen Contest, Post Office Box 
350748, Miami, Florida, 33135 
or calling area 305-642-2220. 

Deadline for entries is 
Thursday, October 24, 1974. 

Semifinals are Saturday, 
November 2. The Queen and 
her court of four princesses will 
be selected on November 9. 

The winner receives a $2,000 
scholarship to the Florida school 
of her choice or SI, 000 in cash. 
The Queen and each of the 
princesses receives the com- 
plete Festival wardrobe, valued 
at more than $1,000 and their 

coronation ball gowns. 

They will also appear before 
millions of national television 
viewers at the New Year's Eve 
King Orange Jamboree Parade 
and the New Year's Night 
Orange Bowl Football Classic. 

Weekly Watch 

Sept. 16-27 All Phi Theta 
Kappa members should pay Fall 
dues. $4.00 BA 131A. 

Sept. 16 Audition for 74-75 
theater season. Prepare 2-3 
minute selection fi'om a play. 
Auditorium 8:14 p.m. 

Sept. 16 Coffee house in 
Cafeteria 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. 

Sept. 17 Christian Science 
Organization weekly meeting 
TE 022 12:30 p.m. 

Sept. 19: 


Sept. 20: 


'Tales From the 

Dr. Manor's 

Sept 23; Deadline for 
Graduation Application. See 
Registrar's office. 

CldssiMWanf Ad$ 

FOR RENT Female Roommate wanted to share mobile home, 
$25 weekly. Swimming pool, clubhouse, tennis courts and air 
conditioned. Phone 968-4443. 

Female roommate needed, upstairs apt. Close to college. 
Call 833-5990 after 6 p.m. Ask for Sylvie, Rent $75 per 


For Sale- 1970 Blue Star, 19' boat, with 70 hp outboard 
motor. Quick sale, V-huyll. $1000 phone 626 0829. 

Bass equipment for sal. Ampeg V4 Basshead, 2 folded 
horn speakers with SROL's Fender Precision Bass. Call Don 

For sale 1973 Honda CB 450. Roll bars padded sissy bar 
and rack-sport seat, windshield helmets. Phone 585-3183. 

16" Catamaran sailboat. Ideal for ocean sailing and reef 
snorkeling. $800 or best offer. 582-1252. 

Hi Fi stereo or HI FI speakers. See Mr. Estrada HU 9. 


For all you former Girl Scouts, including those who won't 
admit it, a Campus Scout organization will begin in the weeks 
to come. Those interested in staying active in Scouting and 
those who would like to join are welcome to attend the 
meeting. Keep your eyes peeled as to when and where. 


Spanish 101 Tutoring S3 hr. Sfee Mike, bottom floor of 
library, Monday or Wednesday, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Mike 
Sholtis, Jr. Phone 746-4912. 

I .A.*.I?N E OF A k XNfp''"8gllTI.QLU E \ l 

"The Full House", owned and operated by Fred Bazinet, a 
former J.C. student and Ms wife, Ruthie, deals to custom clothing 
and assessories, including the latest craze, the "string". 

Models for "The Foil Honse", display some of the boatlqoes ^ 
"one of a kind" creations. - The fashion shop also offers J.C. 
students the opportunity to exhibit their own creations. 

Students On Display 

By Lynn Kalber 
Feature Editor 

A unique boutique, "The Full House", is opening it's doors both 
commercial and otherwise, to the creative students of JC. 

Owned and operated by Fred and Ruthie Bazinet, the shop has 
offered to display creations by local students. 

"The Full House" main feature are the crocheted bikinis {as seen 
in the accompanymg photos), caftans, and "strings" made by 
Ruthie, which have made the boutique famous. A new attraction is 
the "one of a kind" artwork of the Bazinets, a "custom accent" 
found on pants, shirts, and jackets. 

Sequins, rhinestones, studs, and patches are sewn on in original 
designs by Fred (a former JC student) and Ruthie, and specially 
formulated paints are used for the creation of unique pictures. 
"Individuality is the by-word. . ." states Bazinet. 

The boutique also offers silver jewelry imported fi-om Mexico, and 
other distinctive jewelry designs. 

"The Full House" has been the subject of wide press coverage 
firom Miami to New York and the Bazinets also appeared on the T.V. 
show "What My Line?" 

With one of the best advertised boutiques in the nation close to 
campus, the craftsmen of JC now have an opportunity not afforded 
them in the past. 

8 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, September 16, 1974 

Monday, September 16, 1974 BEACHCOMBER ■ 9 

Go-FFee , Tea, .. 

Lunch, Music 

By Timothy L. Bray 
Entertainment Editor 

' 'The answer is blowing in the 
wind." This line is symbolic of 
the many lyrics evolving 
through folk music. 

Carrying the tradition, JC 
Student Government and the 
Music Department are co-spon- 
soring a Coffee House which 
will be in the Cafeteria today 
through the noon hour. 

The JC Cafeteria will be filled 
with music from 11 a.m. to 1 
p.m. It is being coordinated by 
Robin Plitt, and Mr. Silvio 
Estrada serving as the musical 

Today's Coffee House will 
feature artists with many 
original compositions, according 
to Plitt. Greg O'Dell, "who's 
guitar style resembles that of 
David Mason," has two original 
compositions. Frank Smith will 
also be performing with his 
"interesting and unique style". 

"This music will not be the 
purest folk. The music will 
range from classical to moderate 
rock," said Plitt. 

Teaming up for a couple of 
duets will be Randy Presley and 

Linda Cooper. Robin Plitt will 
also be performing. 

Also headlining the cast is 
classical guitarist Joseph Thr- 

Plitt explained musicians 
such as John Denver, Joni 
Mitchell and others have helped 
bring folk music back in focus. 

"Folk music never went out of 
existence because, frankly, folk 
music is the music of the people. 
Its music about life. 

"If there wasn't a reoccurring 
interest in folk music around the 
country, then we would not be 
having this Coffee House." 

The works of the artists 
involved are good original music 
scores, stated Plitt. They will 
also perform songs that have 
made it in the Top 40 "folk 

Plitt told the BEACH- 
COMBER earlier, this Coffee 
House is something which has 
not been tried here at JC. It is 
the hope of the Music 
Department and SG that the 
students will provide an 
incentive to further activities on 

Band In Full Swing 

By lori Hlliebrand 
Staff Writer 

After 10 years of practice, Sy PryweEer, Concert Band Director, 
either has the band well under control or a tremendous amount of 

There are 40 members this semester, although the number is 
known to fluctuate from 25 to 60 members at a time. 

No auditioning's required to join the band, but a beginner need 
not apply. The band, according to Mr. Pryweller, consists of people 
who have played before and can read music. 

Playing a variety of music the bands accomplishments vary from 
symphonic music to Broadway hits. 

According to Pryweller, fitting the positions with the right 
number and type of instruments with the music is the biggest 

"There is always a need for woodwind instruments," said Mr. 
Pryweller, "and this semester we need more trombones." 

Not all members in the Concert Band are music majors. 
Psychology, Interior Design, Architecture, and Education, are also 

"Everyone counts," said Pryweller "Everyone is important 
toward the total sound." 

Activities this semester include the Scholarship Concert at JC on 
November 1 7andconcerts at Qsntaty Village October 5, the Delray 
Beach Civic Center October 6, and the Christmas Concert again at 
JC on December 12. 

?\\ckBT\nq Trickle 

Television Influence Society 

Glenn Powell 

In past decades the media, whatever it might 
consist of, has had more than a little influence on 
the lives of everyone it reaches. 

The radio for example, broaght news to more 
people faster than anything ahead of its time. And 
yet, the radio stilt had much the same effect on a 
person's insight as the printed page only with a 
more realistic and familiar flair. 

Then came the glorious advent of television. 
Now, not only could the average Joe hear the news 
as it was happening, he could see it too! This 
tremendous impact of realism has brought about 
much change on the effect of the media on the 
public and consequently much controversy in 
recent years over what should be allowed on TV 
programming. Because of its overall realism, 
television is a highly believable medium. 

This leads us to the "true life" drama. The plots 
and stories of these dramas, are, of course, 
fictitious and yet, because you can see what's 
happening while it is happening it can all seem 
very real. 

We are bombarded with such a barrage of "true 
life" dramas that it has become liard totell whether 
those movies are part of the news or the news is 
just another movie. 

One particular illustration of this type of news 
parody is a recent episode of the popular police 
drama, "Hawaii Five-O". In this episode a gang 
of misled teenagers (of course teenagers, who 
else?) guided by a maniacal revolutionary are 
ordered to murder key political characters in the 
name of the New Revolution. They give out news 
releases concerning their murders and go to great 
lengths to explain their motives to the press. 

Donning the title "Terrorist Revolutionary 
Government", they kidnap one of the show's stars 
and demand release of two of their companions 

caught and charged with murder in return for the 
police detective. Vi'ell, after communication via 
CB radio and much diligence on the part of the 
Great American Machine, the criminals are finally 
caught and put in their right place. 

This show (like many shows of this type) was 
overtly peppered with insinuations and innuendos 
relating to true facts to make it more realistic. To 
illustrate, at one point in the show when the 
murders become rampant and the terrorists make 
public promise of more to come, the police 
commissioner states, "I've dreaded this ever since 
the Germans released the Palestinian comman- 
dos". What could be more incriminating? 

These innuendos imply that all terrorist groups 
are inspired by Napolean types inflamed with a 
preoccupation to either destroy the American 
government or, in more fantastic arrangements, 
take the entire world! 

The implications involved in this show are 
obvious. It was not that long ago that tlic 
Symbionese Liberation Army was publicly 
declaring guilt of the now hushed up Patty Hearst 
case and had substantial political motives for doing 

I am not saying that this show is a direct link to 
this or any other news fact, h is not. U is fiction. 
These shows do, however, draw on a fact and the 
tendency of the American Public to be influenced 
by what can be seen and heard, especially on 
television. It can make people believe that tlie 
reasons or motives for fictional criminal acts could 
also be the same motives for real criminal acts. 

This is the power of television. Now, next time 
you prop you your tootsies for a few views at the 
tube, consider this. . .is it real because it's 
happening or is it happening because it's real? 

Suspicion, Doubfs, Suspense 

By John Auchterlonie 
Staff Writer 

Take all of the suspicions, 
doubts and "ifs" of conspiracy 
used in the tragic assasinations 
of political figures of the sixties, 
devise a terrifying tale about a 
secret underground organiza- 
tion that recruits assasins for 
that purpose and bring in a hero 
to track down the clues - and one 
has "The Parallax View". 

The hero is Warren Beatty, 
who is remembered from 
"Bonny and Clyde". He plays a 
long hair journahst who has had 
his ups and downs in his 
profession. So> now he does not 
really care about the next guy 
but had a deep journalistic love 
to get the scoop and expose the 
dishonest. No, he merely 
stumbles on a few clues" and 
before he knows it he's hot on a 
trail of suspense and action 
that's too big for him to handle. 

Add some great scene shots 
and good coordination of these 

scenes, some tight directing by 
Alan J. Pakula, and the results 

are an easily followed suspense 

Acting support comes from 

HumeCronyn, William Danials. 
and Paula Prentiss. 

The "Parallax View" must be 
a trend flick following "The 
Sting". Although the time 
periods and the story are 
different, they both are 
suspense movies. "China- 
town" by being in the saine 
time period, went even fuitheir 
with just a little different style. 

All three are suspense movies 
with surprise endings. "Th 
Sting" by far is the best of the 
three while the remaining two 
are of the same caliber and 
significant to see, but th 
"Parallax View" is the mor^ 
entertaining. ^ 

So suspense movie buffs "liv 
it up" and pray they don't mak^ 
them worse and for us noi-mai 
people who like to just get into « 
film every now and then th 
"Parallax View" can do it f^ 
vou, "^'' 

W^^^^Feafured Fufuresmmmmi^mmmsmmmmmmmmmmmfA 

ISigns Shine On Virgo Todayl 


Pisces: Tact is a valuable quality at this time. 

While your opinions are valid, don't go waving 

them under people's noses. Stirring up a dispute 

can prove disastrous. 

Aries: Plans made some time ago begin to come to 

fruition. You can proceed confidently to bring 

about new ventures. 

Taurus: Watch and wait: Let other people betray 

their intentions first. As with last week, someone 

may be working against you. Let that person make 

the first move. 

Gemini; A special request or a confidential 

conversation is hinted at: advantages are seen in 

paying attention to them. 


Words of encouragement are spoken to you by 

someone who knows what he's talking about. A 

probable trip out of town is indicated later this 


Leo; Changes in lifestyle and feelings are seen. 

The opposite sex in particular (or same sex if you 

happen to be gay) responds agreeably to your 

strong, positive image. 

^fsif'ff^immmm Flick Moger sssJ 

Virgo; Temper your enthusiasm with good serise« 
people are less likely than ever to be what they 
seem. Snap judgements are unwise. 
Libra: Creativity is accented, particularly in 
school. Mechanical objects have a negative aspect 
and your car may be giving you trouble or your 
telephone may go out of order. 
Scorpio: Money is a good word this week. If you 
have it, make it work for you. If you don't, 
pretending that you do can work wonders. 
Sagittarins; Giving someone you don't know a 
helping hand can prove profitable. So can noticing 
someone the rest of the world seems to ignore. Get 
organized; a lot of unexpected workloads are going 
to be dumped on your shoulders. 
Capricorn; Intangibles such as friendship and 
talent lean in your favor, but inanimate objects are 
not in your favor. Watch out for doors to be walked 
into and things to be tripped over. 
Aquarins: There is definitely a guiding light 
somewhere in front of you - could be a person 
you've recently become friends with. You know 
instinctively where you're going. 

Record Review- 

King Crimson: Straight From England 

King Crimson is one of the 
bigger and better bands to come 
out of England. They have, 
under the direction of Robert 
Fripp, created some of the most 
beautiful rhythmically advanced 
rock music of our time. 

King Crimson has gone 
through many musical changes 
since its formation in 1968 by 
the founder and only remaining 



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original member, guitarist and 
composer Fripp. Since then, the 
group has personnel changes of 
some sort on every album. 

Fripp 's satest lineup inclu- 
des: William Brufotd, percus- 
sion: David Cross, viola, violin, 
keyboards; Fripp, buitar, 
mellotron, devices; John Wet- 
ton, bass and voice. 

They recently released their 
seventh album, "Starless and 
Bible Black", on the Columbia 

"Night Watch", probably 
side one's best tune, contains all 
the typical elements of Fripp 
wizardry. The vocals on "Night 
Watch" depict the lives of 

'Jimmy Neil- 

characters appearing in Rem- 
brandt's famous painting by the 
same name. The instrumental 
number "Trio" is mellow, 
peacefully creating images of 
, the sun rising out of the sea's 
foggy, hazy horizon in a strange 
far away island paradise. . . 

"Fracture", the final track on 
side two, is the best cut of the 
album. A traditional Fripp 
composifion, the arrangement is 
totally outrageous. Side two 
could tend to be difficult for the 
non-musician to understand. 
However, to most musicians the 
contents will be something to 
rave about. 

Disney Londs Girls 

By Debbie Savarese Thompson 
Staff Writer 

Debra Sperlich and Denise O'Neill, both former JC students, 
were among a select group of college students chosen from 
throughout the U.S. to participate is Disney's innovative Fine Arts 
Work Experience Program this summer. 

Debra, a May honor graduate and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
William Sperlich of North Palm Beach, combined an unusual 
summer job with excellent training in professional entertainment at 
Disney World m Orlando. Denise, a music and drama major, 
participated in the Disneyland program in California. 

Competition for acceptance in the exclusive group is stiff, and 
both Debbie and Denise were chosen from the more than 250 
students from 48 states who submitted video tape auditions to the 
management. The talented young singer-dancers, as members of 
the Park's 20 member "Kids of the Kingdom" musical ensemble, 
perform in the forecourt of Ciftderella's castle four nights a week. 
In addition they march in the 9:00 parade every night. 

From the Tomorrowland Stage, the "Kids", featuring six male 
and six female singers backed by eight musicians, offer guests a 
variety of favorites in a spirited program which has captured the 
hearts of millions of visitors. 

Combined with the 12-week, paid adventure in professional 
entertainment experience, the girls attended lectures and morning 
classes taught by top professional musicians. They also earned 10 
college credits fo taking the program, which ended September 7. 

"Not only does the training provide fresh young talent to 
entertain visitors, but it's a terrific experience for the students 
participating," explained Debra, who plans to attend Florida 
Atlantic University this fall. 

Whether gaining knowledge in a class room or refining their skills 
on the stage, Denise, Debra and other members of Disney's Fine 
Arts summer workshop for '74 have enjoyed a learning experience 
they won't soon forget. 

To see the laughter 

To see the joy of children out for play 

Brings peace unto my heart 

And a hope for a better day . . . 

Walter Davis 

JC Daytime Flick? 

By Timothy L. Bray 

Entertainment Editor 
"Tales From The Crypt" is 
the shocking horror film that 
Student Government has in 
store for Thursday at 11 a.m. in 
the SAC lounge. 

Film Bulletin assures that " it 
should bring out the terror fans 
in drives" Directed by Freddie 
Francis, it stars Su- Ralph 
Richardson, Joan CoUitis, and 

Martin Boddey. 

Richardson stars as the crypt 
keeper, where death lives within 
the vaults. All sorts of bizarre 
glimpses of the future are 
unfolded by a strange crypt 
keeper to a party touring ancient 

The movies will move to 7:30 
p.m. on Friday September 27. 
"Vivi Max!" and "Casino 
Royale." will be shown. 

Debra Sperlich, [left] a May graduate of PBJC, was among 
twenty other students chosen to perform to the "Kids of the 
Kingdom" musical song and dance group in the forecourt of 
Cinderella's Castle at Walt Disney's World this past summer. 


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Photo by Jay Kravetz 

On The Run 

LSD can be hannful to your 

This is not a discussion on 
the influence of dangerous 
drugs. The LSD of whicli I 

speat: is long slow distance, a 
training method for marathon 

Because of the excessive 
distance which an athlete 


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By Robin Plitt 


trains, the long distance runner 
trains on the streets and trails 
of the community. 

This can bring about some 
■ very interesting situations. 

One runner was stopped by 
a policeman while running an 
early morning workout. 

Being the quick-witted soul 
he was, the runner asked "How 
fast was I going?" 

The warden of a Michigan 
prison ran ten miles around the 
walls of his institution every 
morning. One day a stranger 
joined him for a workout. 
. While the two strangers 
huffed and puffed around tlie 
prison wall, the warden had his 
wallet and keys stolen from his 

The stranger promptly 
jogged away . 

Anotiier runner was gliding 
across a field when lie was 
attacked by a turkey,. 

The turkey persucd him for 
two miles. 

There is always the classii:al 
story of the marathoner who 
passed an asylum when one of 
its occupants yelled from an 
, upstairs window, "I may be 
crazy- but I'm not imts." 

There is an old cliche about 
the loneliness of tlie bag 
distance runner. 1 sometimes 
wonder if there is any meaning 
to it. 

The Palm Beach Junior 
College cross country team 
opened its 1974 season last 
weekend (Sat. Sept. 7) with an 
impressive showing at a 
four-team meet at Indian River. 

The Pacers finished in a tie 
for first with the host school by 
scoring 33 points. Brevard 
Community College took third 
with a score of 65 points and 
Florida Bible College of 
Hollywood, trailed with 81 

Don Edgar and Ed Everett, 
two transfer runners from 
Broward CC, led the Pacers by 
placing second and fifth overall. 

Edgar finished the four and a 
half mile course with a time of 
25:48, \' liile Everett ran a time 

of 26:24. 

Mike Higgins, a freshman 
from Lake Worth High, to.ok 
sixth place with a time of 26:30. 

Ken Anderson, a transfer 
from Albany State and a former 
teammate of Higgins, took the 
final scoring position with an 
eleventh place finish of 28:02. 

"I am very' pleased with the 
showing of our team," said 
head coach, Dick Melear. "All 
the boys ran very well today." 

Melear feels that this race 
was an indication of the strength 
of his team. 

"We looked very good 
against Indian River and they 
ran with the same seveii boys 
who placed third in the state 
meet last year," he said. 

Flag-Tag Football 
Practice Begins 

Practice begins today for all 
teams entered in the flag tag 
football league sponsored by the 
intramural department, accord- 
ing to Roy Bell director of the 
recreation program. 

Teams will practice on 
weekdays beginning at 2:00 
p.m. on the football field located 
in the south end of campus. 

"Flag tag football is a 
recreational sport designed to 
give the pleasure, of throwing, 
kicking, and running with a 
football without the fear of 
being tackled," said Bell. 

The flag tag league is still 
taking applications for teams 
who wish to compete. 

Also, individuals who wish to 
take part in the football league 

may either be drafted by one of 
the existing teams or join 
together in a group and form a 
new team. 

The season will last as long as 
there is a demand from the 
students with games being 
played on Monday afternoons^ 

Games which are rained out 
on Mondays, will be played on 
Wednesday afternoons. 

Anyone interested in compet- 
ing in the league is asked to 
leave an application in the 
intramural office which is 
located on the west wall of the 


There are also postions 
available for officials and other 
non-playing personel. Anyone 
interested should also visit Mr. 
Bell in gym office 4K. 

Foreign Student Teaches Korote 

Paul Patanapratsith is the karate instructor for the I and R self # 
defense class. Paul is a native of Thailand. 

Photo by j^y Kvavc" 

PBJC students are being 
offered the chance to gain self 
confidence, poise, peace of 
mind, and the ability to protect 
themselves from attack in the 
new karate classes which are 
being sponsored by the 
intramurals department. 

The classes meet three times 
weekly at 1:30 p.m. in the gym. 
Students will spend an hour 
and a half on Monday, 
Wednesday, and Friday, learn- 
ing the basic techniques of 
karate as taught by Pansak 
"Paul" Ratanaprasith. 

Paul, a native Thai, came 
to PBJC after a brief period of 
time at the University of 
Bancock, where he studies 

After a falling out with the 
school, Paul decided to transfer 
to the United States, where he 
became interested in the field of 
electrical engineering. 

"My foster father was an 
electrical engineer, and 1 
became interested in the field," 
Paul explained. 

Paul lives in Jupher with his 
"foster father", William Wor- 
den, who owns the Ocean 
Towers condominiums in that 

Paul is a certified, third 
degree black belt holder with 10 
years worth of experience to his 

"There are 10 degrees of 
black belt," Paul explained. 
"With each step you improve, 
you gain another degree of 
whichever belt you are working 

According to Paul, there are 
several different belts which one 
may earn depending on the 
proficiency with which fundi- 
mentals of the sport can be 

Paul also explained that there 
are several different forms of 
the martial arts. The difference 
in the forms lies in the enphasis 
of a certain technique. 

' 'Ti boxing is very similar to 
Korean Karate except that in Ti 
Boxing, the emphasis is placed 
more on the use of the feet," 
Paul explained. 

"During the classes, we will 
be doing exercises to limber, 
strenghten and condition the 
body," Paul said. 

"Following the exercises, 
tire dass will spend about a half 
hour in yoga meditation. 

"We don't want to walk out 
onto the street feeling excited 
and mean, so we spend some 
time meditating," Paul expla- 
According to Paul, the 

(Turn to "FOREIGN." page 12) 

Photos by Jay Kravetz 

Paul demonstrates hand techniques with a fellow student. 

If you csak beat 

Billie Jean Kin^ 
you can at least 
join her. 

Nobody beats Billie Jean King. 
Not often, anyway. 

So at least you can join her 
in taking part in The Presidential 
Sports Award program. 

This is an award for you, as well 

as the pros. It is an award to 

get you to play tennis regularly 

(or to take part in any of 

30 other sports) . 
To qualify for The Presidential Sports Award, all you 
have to do is participate regularly and keep track 
of the number of games you play. It's easy and it's 
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patch and pin. 

But the key requirement is regular 
participation-ebecause that's the kind 
that does you the most good. 

So join Billie Jean King in taking 
part in one of the most important 
programs in tennis. If you're 18 years old 
or over, send in for your free logbook 
with complete instructions. Send your 
name, address and zip code to: 

Presidential Sports Award 
Intramural Office 
4/K Gymnasium 


% *!>*«»•*,>• 



12 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, September 16, 1974 


Jerri Winebrenner, right, and 
Cindy Putt are direpting the 
cheerleader tryouts. The re- 
sults of the tryouts will be 
announced this Friday. 


Photos by Jay Kravet? 

„, "; ?», *'tc-'< 

Foreign Studenf Teaches Class 

(Continued from page 11) 

meditation has other benefits 
than the realization and relief of 

"I have been able to see 
myself more clearly through 
meditation," Paul said. 

"I can see myself as I am now 

and as I have been." 

Paul began learning the 
martial arts as a child in his 
native Tiland and has been 
teaching for several years. 

The Orientals hold self 
defense arts as a part of their 
culture and are indoctrinated 
into its uses and purposes as 

they mature, according to Paul. 

According to Roy Bell, 
director of intramurals, this is 
the second year his department 
has presented a free karate class 
to the students. 

"Last year we started a class 
with instructors from the Palm 
Beach Karate Association," 

Badmintoners Hold Meeting 

The PBJC badminton club has 
begun holding their weekly 
meetings Wednesday Sept. 11, 
with a 7:00 meeting in the gym. 

The club directors, Hamid 
Faquire and Roy Bell, gave an 
open invitation to all community 
members who may have been 
interested in the sport or curious 
about it. 

"Badminton is one of the 
fastest games you will ever 
play," said Bell. "It is a very 
good sport for conditioning arid 
developing the body." 

The meeting was attended by 
29 individuals who listened to 
introductory, and explanatory 
remarks from Bell and Faquire 

before getting into some actual 

Badminton is a similar sport 
to tennis with several except- 

Among these are the scoring 
system and the cork which is hit 
by a racquet. 

Bell, who is the director of the 
Intramural program, briefly 
outlined the structure and 
functions of the club. 

"Because their is no women's 
varsity badminton team this 
year, the intramurals depart- 
ment will provide transportation 
to meets with other clubs in the 
state." said Bell. 

"Eventually we would like to 

take a ladder tournament so we 
can see how our players are 
doing against each other," said 

"We have excellent facilities 
here," said Faquire. "If we can 
develop enough interest, we will 
definitely play in some 

Bell also said that the 
intramurals department would 
be giving out awards for several 
categories in the club. Among 
these would be awards for most 
improved male and female, 
most outstanding male and 
female, and awards for those 
members of the club with 
regular attendance. 

Bell said. "This class was very 
popular, so we thought we 
would do it again this year." 

Bell said that he wanted to 
see if there was anyone capable 
of teaching the self defense 
class who was on campus. 

"We put out a call to see if we 
could find an instructor for our 
Karate class who was already on 
campus," Bell said. "That's 
how we found out about Paul." 
Bell added that the students 
should put the class in its proper 

"We don't want students to 
come out for this class who want 
to use it to intimidate their 

friends and enemies. Self 
defense is a defensive art and 
not an agressive one." 

Students who wish to take the 
course need not worry about 
purchasing a gi. The traditional 
uniform for the class will not be 
needed until after the first 
month of classes, according to 

"This is an excellent way for 
the students to take advantage 
of their student activity fee," 
said Bell. "The student pays 15 
dollars for the school to provide 
him with an activity and this 
class is one way of getting some 
of their money back. ' ' 

Volleyball Club To Compete 

The PBJC Jogging Course 
offers students individual 
opportunity for physical 

The Varsity women's volley- 
ball team will not compete this 
year, due to a lack of interest 
and a heavy class load for the 
coach, according to Dr. Howard 
Reynolds, athletic director. 

"I went to the conference 
meeting last June and polled all 
of the coaches to see if they 
were going to have volleyball," 
said Reynolds. 

"I found that none of the 
teams were going to compete on 
a varsity level. However, 
several of the coaches said that 
there would probably be 
competition on a club level in 
the area, said Reynolds. 

PBJC will be one of those 
junior colleges with women's 
volleyball being played on a club 

The PBJC volleyball club 
meets on Tuesday evenings at 
7:00 with competition for both 


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men and women. 

Teams will be formed at these : 
meetings with intra league play ; 
for the women to determine 
representatives for the extra- 
mural club contests. 

Students who are interested 
in playing volleyball should see 
Roy Bell, director of the 
intramural program, in office 
4K of the gym. 


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. story this page 


VOL. XXXVI, No. 3 

Monday, September 23, 1974 

Lake Worth, Florida, 33460 



. . . See page 6 

This Friday JC is presenting 
its flrst assembly for the Fall 
Term, Ray Bolger's World, at 8 
p.m. in the college auditorium. 

Best loiown for his role as the 
scarecrow in the "Wizard of 
Oz," the dancer, comedian and 
actor is appearing in this 
musical-comedy, one-man show 
tliroughout the United States. 

See related story on Page 6. 

Polls Open Today; 
Full Senate Slate 

Chairmanship Change 

Senators Take Sides 

Staff Writer 

Faculty Senate needs a new 
chairman, but despite the 
efforts of some senators, the 
changeover will probably not be 

The problem is a result of an 
amendment to the Senate 
Constitution which states that 
"The Chairman and Vice 
Chairman shall be elected by 
and from the teaching and 
nonteaching certificated faculty 
for two year staggered terms." 

Dr. Manor announced at the 
last Senate meeting his 
intention to step down from the 
chair. During debate, some 
Senators were claiming that the 
vice chairman should automat- 
ically succeed to the chair. 

Others are calling for new 
elections, but whether or not 
this election would be for both 
the chairman and the vice 
chairman or just for one office is 
not clear. 

Part of the reason for the 
present situation is the failure of 
the Senate to have included in 
the wording of the amendment a 

method of implementation. 
Relying on Robert's Rule of 

Order, has been inadequate 
because every faction is able to 

find a section of Robert's to 
support a particular argument. 
A few members of the senate 
state they believe this Thurs- 
day's meeting of the Faculty 
Senate will be the beginning of 
an orderly transition of the 
chair. Indications are, however, 
that heated debate will 

Staff Writer 

A full 24 member student 
governnrent Senate is guaran- 
teed for the first time since 1971 
because of a full slate of 
candidates running in this 
weeks' senate election. 

Many of this years' candi- 
dates are sophomores and they 
are anxious to voice their 
reasons for seeking a senate 

Kathy Josephson believes 
that "being active, maybe we 
can get something going. I'll 
push the things students want." 

Joseph Fitzgerald would "like 
to get something accomplished 
this terra and help student 
voices to be heard." He also 
feels there should be alcohol on 

Jim Scott wants "to help 
students as much as I can. I 
want to be the instrument of the 
students. I'll be available to all 
students as much as possible." 

Dave Upshaw's goal is "to 
attempt to let the student body 
benefit from the money they 
spend in the coin machines 
located across campus and to 
have a voice in the selection of 
their instructors." 

Rob Abrams also is interested 
in the student's money and 
would like "a student opinion 
poll to be taken to find out 

Lawmen Examine Sex Criminals 

Staff Writer 

In an effort to give 
professional law personnel an 
opportunity to meet, discuss 
and analyze the sex criminal, 
the Palm Beach County 
Criminal Justice Institute held a 
special five-day, thirty-hour 
seminar. Investigation of the 
Abnormal Sex Offender, in the 
College Auditorium last week. 

The seminar, which began 
Monday, September 16 and 
lasted through Friday, Septem- 
ber 20 was designed for police. 

criminal investigators, detec- 
tives, court personnel, juvenile 
counselors and others in 
related fields, according to 
Lawrence D. Turtle, chairman of 
the PBJC Law Enforcement 

Under the instruction of 
Walter V. McLaughlin, a former 
FBI Police Training Coordinator 
from Berwyn, Pennsylvania, 
participants reviewed sex crime 
defiritions and descriptions, 
motivating influences, sadism 
and masochism, the voyeur, 
exhibitionist, rapist, child mo- 

lestor and obscene telephone 

Also covered was homosex- 
uality, lust murderers, general 
investigative techniques, inter- 
viewing the sex offender, and 
preventive measures. Included 
were film-strips, lectures, a 
question and answer period and 
an evaluation of principles. The 
program required a $15 
registration fee. 

Mr. McLaughlin has lectured 
for the FBI National Academy 
and numerous police academies 
throughout thp. country. 

•fording to TutHe, , Mr. 
McLaughlin's study is the most 
extensive one available. This is 
the only conference of its kind in 
the country today. 

Dental students bone up for test. 


School Board and 
ran-off candidates are 
being given a chance to 
meet students and 
faculty on Wednesday, 
September 25, 10-11 
a.m., in the SAC 

The event is being 
sponsored by the PBJC 
Political Union and will 
follow the fomiat of 
other know-your-candi- 
date days with short, 
speeches fallowed by a 
question and answer 
period. ■ 

exactly where student interest 
lies and act accordingly in the 
best interest of the students." 

Walt Davis, a freshman , said 
"I feel that the student body 
should know more about what 
goes on in senate and how it 

James Cox intends "to work 
for student discounts from local 
merchants and also for students 

Constance Holmes, SG Sec- 
retary urges "all of the students 
to get to know the candidates 
who are running and to do all 
they can to make sure their 
views get represented. The first 
step to insuring that represen- 
tation is to vote!" 

Voting machines v/ill be 
located by the Business 
Administration building and 
outside the cafeteria Monday 
through Wednesday afternoon 
to give all students an 
opportunity to vote. 



Assistant News Editor 

The Palm Beach Junior 
College chapters of the 
American Federation of Teach- 
ers (AFTG) and the Florida 
Education Association (FEA) 
have merged to form the 72 
member United Faculty (UF) of 

In meetings last week both 
organizations voted unanimou- 
sly to merge. The merger is an 
attempt to obtain enough 
membership to represent the 
facuhy as a collective bargain- 
ing agent. 

Under a new state law 
effective January 1, 1975, the 
college board of trustees may 
name one organization as a 
collective bargaining agent 
when it holds the ihajority 
membership of the faculty. 

As independent organizations 
the FEA and AFT found that 
many teachers were hesitant to 
join, Ibelieving .that neither 
group cbuio succeed. 

The UF will need 26 or 28 
additional faculty members to 
claim majority faculty member- 
ship. No trouble is being 
anticipated in finding the new 

The UF president is Alan 
Maxwell, former president of 
the JC chapter of the FEA. The 
vice president is Glen Marstel- 
ler, former president of the JC 
chapter of the AFT. Both are 
members of the Science 

The future goals of the new 
organization are to improve 
teacher salaries and working 

2 - BEACHCOMBER, Monday, September 23, 1974 

Monday, September 23, 1974, BEACHCOMBER - 3 





Associate Editor 

Managing Editor 

Oil associated coiiegiate press 


In It For The Money 

There is an unwritten law concerning campaigning for public 
office; have plenty of funds or you'll never win an election. 

Ideally, a candidate's credentials should come first; the voter 
should compare all the candidates and vote for the one he feels is 
most qualified. Realistically, however, the vast majority of yoters 
do not know each candidate's platform. Many times the voter pulls 
the lever for the candidate he's heard of - the name that rings a bell. 

Bumper stickers, billboards, brochures, television and radio 
announcements, are the tools necessary to make that bell ring in the 
minds of voters. It cost thousands upon thousands of dollars. The 
astronomical sum is almost always out of reach for the middle-class 
American seeking public office. 

Does a candidate's election depend on his cash or his credentials? 
It's too bad that many times a man or woman may desire a public 
office and be qualified, honest and sincere but lack the one element 
needed to get elected: money. 


Giving a man a second chance: the whole purpose of offender 
rehabilitation. The Florida Board of Regents practically threw that 
purpose out the window when they voted to ban felons from 
attending law school. 

The question of felons in law schools arose after David Morrison 
was admitted to the Florida State University law school even though 
he was sentenced in 1970 to 24 years in prison following convictions 
for armed robbery and attempted robbery. 

Morrison scored high on his law school admissions test. He also 
recorded honors in college grades in a special program sponsored 
by a Tampa correction center where he expects to be paroled soon. 

Education is an unalienable right, vital in giving convicted men 
another chance. In denying felons that education, the Regents are 
making the word "rehabilitation" meaningless. 

Examine Priorities 

The Associated Press recently reported a little story that should 
be of interest to Florida teachers. 

It seems a teacher in Virginia got tired of hearing people say that 
educators are nothing but overpaid babysitters. She sat down and 
made some interesting calculations. 

A child is in school about 35 hours a week for 40 weeks out of the 
year. That makes a total of 1,400 hours per year. Using a 
babysitter's lowest rate of 50 cents per hour, that comes to S700 per 
year for one child. 

But if a teacher has a small class of 25 children, and at the rate of 
S700 per child, the teacher would make $17,500 per year if paid in 
babysitter's wages. 

The Virginia teacher said she would settle for those wages as she 
is only drawing' $8,400 as a second year teacher. 

Most Florida teachers would agree to that amount. 

Last year, the average teacher salary in Florida was 510,000. It 
seems a shame that people who are so instrumental in the formation 
of our society should be deemed unworthy of better pay. 
while they should be rewarded with possibly the highest salaries, 
those salaries go instead to pro football players, and, on a lower 
scale, the unskilled laborers. 

Priorities are not in their proper place, that is for sure. 

"I'd like to apologize to the hookers." 

-Frank Sinatra, after his remark likening 
newspaperwomen to hookers. 


Gueas X 
5VAO0LD '^ 



WRAP Engineer Discounts 
Beachcomber Radio Reporf 


1 believe your article in last 
week's Beachcomber {"WRAP 
Problems Shrouded By Smoke") 
was a gross exaggeration ol 
what actually happened on 
September 2 when the amplifier 
(the WRAP amplifier in the 
cafeteria) blew out. 

After having worked for two 
days on the equipment. I 
decided to test it out. Carlos 
(Banks, former WRAP mana- 

ger) who assured me he was 
lamiliar with the amplifiers 
op.eration. remained at the 
station to run the test while I 
checked the speakers. 

As 1 approached the cafeteria 
lif turned the system on. Far off 
in the patio I heard a distorted 
sound and quickly found out 
that the patio speakers were 
being overdriven and badly 

1 quickly reached for the 

Kooky Karate Kids? 


a little birdie is flying around 
the campus telling folks to 
beware of kooky karate kids who 
intend to instruct others in this 
honorable act. 

Watch out for two things. 
First, much of what is termed 
"karate" is simply an informal 
course in self-defense. It has a 
little acrobatics, holds, and such 
thrown in. Remember karate, 
all styles, consists of kicks, 
punches, blocks and strikes. 
Ask your instructor what type of 
karate you are learning and 
check that name. 

Next, don't believe you can 
become the second Bruce Lee in 

a matter of months. Formal, 
orthodox karate, takes at least a 
year to obtain a yellow belt. 

Don't be fooled; nothing 
comes easily. 

Colin Higgins 

walki'e talkie Carlos had 
borrowed from campus security, 
only to find the batteries were ■ 
dead.! By the time 1 ran back tn 
WRAP, the amplifier had gone 
out. blowing quite a bit of the 
circuit to pieces. 

There v\as absolutely no 
smoke, nor did we have to "sniff ; 
around" to find out what had: 

Had Carlos and the otiiers ; 
been adequately instructed and ; 
had the operating instructions; 
along with the schematics been 
readily available (instead of 
being locked away in Dean 
Davey's office where they were 
useless) the whole problem: 
might have been averted . 

Ed Hammond 
Chief Engineer, WRAP 

Letters-To-Editor Policy 


(1) Not exceed 250 words. 

(2) Be signed by the author 

(3) Include the author's 
telephone number. 

(4) Be received in the 
Beachcomber office no 
later than 4 p.m. on 

All letters are subject 
to condensation. 


News Editor s . ; . Bruce Jjloore 

AssinBirt N?w» Editor Brian E. Crowiey * 

Editor!*) AssUtant ,.>*... Jan Tuckwood 

FeatUTrfEdHofk,,.. . Lynn Ka»b»r 

Asstotant M»ijafthi'9,6dftor . Wayne Soldo 

Copy -Editor ;..... , Sharon Osburn 

Stiorts Editoir , . Robin Witt 

(>hotoaraphic Editor ..... .Jim Collins 

Entertainment Editor Tim Bray 

Oampus Events * . . .Kut WaWliacher 

CQn«uttant , , . Mr. Ctia'fM McCreight 

Pauli^edrick Flick Mager 

Debbie Thompson 
Robiit Witt 
Rebecca Morse 
Amy $trimbu - - 
Winifred KniQhton 
Elbert Cprbutt, 
Cindy' Covien 

Jimmy Neal , , 
Walt Davis 
Randy Pow^M,; 
James'Cleare -* 
Mike Piliero 
Robin Kindie 
Dan Stuart 
Glenrt Pqw«M • ' 
Susan Kyta 
Frank Smith . 
J«V KravetJt 

John Auehtarlon're 
Roderick Beaucliamp 

Tiie Beacheombar ^.pubMiftied froi* pur edftoHat office* In Aa Stud«^ Pubti^^r^.^uiiding at Palm ^r^> 
Junior C6(l«9e, 420d£. CongrMs.Avenue, Lake Worth, Fiorida, 33«^ Phbito 96S-aJ^; Ejct..210, . °««:h 

Opinions sxpree^d M tHeBeaeheomber are tliow of t^a edlt<jhf;or <h«.i|ir(tert oftheartiel^ and rtpt nec«s»A|.i( 
th'otf«f Palm Beach Junior College. - /^ ;.-"■•'-- -- • . / . r««>Tiiy 

Tlw Bqathcomber to a m9iib4r,of tbB Aswclate^l ColJt^feittf Pr* |nd t;>«r iflorida vfonior Colloge PV' 
Awocletion. ' • ' .-' .\fV'.'" l!; -" • -, .«* ' .-. ■ ir ' ■ '.:■■ ,-'', "- ,':•*« 

.. - ■ -' ' "■ •w---'^'*-^-^--' ■ '^ lis — - ■ 

'51 Percent' 

Woman's Work 

•J. Michele Notter- 

During the summer I lived in Melbourne Beach with my pareats. 
I needed to find a job, so I would check the papers daily. There 
weren't many jobs available so when 1 came across an ad for a 
barmaid, I decided to apply. 

Before, when I thought of bar work, my derriere would start 
aching in anticipation of the pinching 1 would receive. My head 
would spin at the thought of the propositions I would get. 

Of course, this was going under the assumption that I was 
attractive enough to receive such attention; I'm not known for 
modesty, obviously. 

1 decided to give the place a try. I called and made an 
appointment and left early to try it out. 

As I drove slowly past it, I noticed two synthetic marble nude 
female statues outside. I thought, "What the hell, they are. either 
there to attract attention or the owner is a rather poor (as opposed to 
rich) art connoisseur." 

My hopes undimmed and my feminist feathers unruffled, I 
entered the nightclub. 

Completely dark inside, it took my eyes a few minutes to adjust. 
"When what to my wondering eyes did appear. . ." was at least 100 
pairs of breasts (and the accompanying female form) winking at me 
from canvases placed throughout the club. 

I decided to be charitable - maybe the owner was a frustrated 
gynecologist, but no. . .1 soon noticed a rather interesting collection 
of copulating statues also placed throughout the bar. 

The effect of the decor was unimaginative and definitely asexual. 
The women's bodies on the paintings were beautiful, but a little 
exaggerated. The mood of the paintings was spoiled by the Betty 
Boop faces on the women. 

My mind dwelled on the statues; my muscles ached and my bones 
cracked at the thought of assuming such positions. 

However, more important, was the complete irony that I Was 
there, the so-called radical libber, to apply for a job. I wondered 
how the owner would react if he saw the feminist symbol on my car. 
The effect was so farcical that I was tempted to burn my 
non-existant bra to compete with his joke on womanhood and sex. 

1 wasn't angry or offended -just quivering inside with repressed 
laughter. I decided to play the joke through. I filled out an 
application while conversing with the owner. 

I explained that I needed money for college to become an 
accountant. He thought my goal admirable; he had wanted his son 
to enter the same field. 

I didn't blink when he told me I'd have to wear black on the job, 
deeply cut at the neckline and hemmed at the ;top of my thighs. (I 
did wonder if he expected me to get silicone injections though.) 

The owner informed mp that he would make his decision on tlje 
following day as to who he would hire. 

I left, expecting a pat on my derriere ■ he had been so fatherly! 

The next day I received a call from the owner asking me to start 
that evening. 1 declined: the pay was just $6 an evening (from 6:30 
p.m. to 3:00 a.m.) plus tips. The honor of working in thf^t 
establishment was not eriough to make up for the pay. 

Moral: Be kind (and generous) to a barmaid tonight, she may 
have no other choice. 

"I don't think she's so damned superior' 

Mike's View 

Musically Speaking At JC 


Last year it was my immense pleasure to attend' 
the classes of professors Hugh D. Albee and Silvio 
Estrada, two highly qualified instructors from our" 
music department. 

To dedicated teachers who are hardly spoken of, 
I would like to devote today's space as pittance for 
the profound example set by these instructors. 

Albee effectively transmits his knowledge of 
music theory and appreciation with a special zeal 
arid humor. 

Invariably the nattily dressed professor would be 
seen hustling up the staircase toward his evening 
class and when reaching and unlocking the 
classroom door, strongly intone his favorite words 
"Mama Mia" (A classmate estimates this to be a 
direct result of an overindulgence in spicy foods.) 
The expression signaled all over the humanities 
building the start of Mr. Albee's class. 

Inside the classroom the work began - but not 
before a warm hello, how are you, to every 

I observed with admiration, the warm manner 
and arduous effort used by Albee to "reach" each 
and every student - those that were anxious to 

learn and those that needed prodding or 
encouragement to want to learn. 

I only wish that he would inject some "Albee 
humor" in his exams. 

Silvio Estrada stands out equally as well for his 
ceaseless efforts in teaching music fundartventais 
and guitar. He impresses me by always having at 
least two or three ways to solve each musical 

Having conducted orchestras all over the world, 
composed music for movies, and experimented in' 
modern forms of music education, Estrada has a 
lot to draw from. He, like Albee, wants every 
student to thoroughly understand what is taught. 

Besides his dedication to teaching music, ■ 
Estrada finds the time to be instrumental in . 
various aid to disadvantaged and migrant workers. ' 

He is a well-rounded person, I also like his ties. 
He won't sell them and they don't make them that 
way anymore. 

"To Albee and Estrada; please continue - your 
message rings loud and clear, and will reverberate 
ever gently on the minds of your students for years 
to come. 

Lost Exit 

Just What Are We Supposed To Think? 

— ■- — Marc Bressler 

h was long after midnight 
when 1 climbed into the front 
seat of the Cadillac limousine in 
the ambulance squad building. 
Even sitting in the dimly lit 
garage, the fiery red paint of the 
sleek rescue vehicle seemed to 
be ablaze when I looked at it, as 
if h spoke of the tragedy and 
suffering it has witnessed. 

The car was no novice in 
handling emergencies, and as 1 
turned the ignition, the mighty 
roar of its 427 cubic inch engine 
reaffirmed my confidence in it. 
My partner on the usually 
tedious night shift, Ted Camlin, 
climbed in alongside me and sat 
in mute silence as we sped out 
the garage door and into the 
oblivion called night. 

Though it was just one of a 
thousand such rescues, there 
was no shaking the feeling that 
this one, a trip to the Jupiter 
Island beach, would be 
somehow different than any 

In a matter of minutes we 
arrived at the origin of the call, a 
barren stretch of sand decorated 
with rusted beer cans, old tires 
and some trees. The latter bent 
away from the ocean, as if in 
fear, crippled by the powerful 
winds of a hurricane years past. 

The moon hid behind the 
clouds, and only the ever-mov- 
ing beams of police flashlights 
and the occasional sweep of a 
lighthouse beam provided any 
illumnination. An officer, 
flashlight pointing, guided us to 
a secluded spot around which 
policemen were gathered. 

Lying in a bed of sand and 
clothes in a scanty frock was the 
body of a frail young girl. In one 
hand, grotesquely stiffened by a 
state of rigor mortis, was a small 
pocket knife. The other hand, 
obscured by a pool of blood, lay 
at her side. Both wrists were 

"Happens all the time," Ted 
grunted as we lifted the bodv 

into the back of the ambulance. 
"Girl gets into a fight with her 
guy, decides it's all over - and 
takes the exit." He noticed the 
somber expression upon my 

"Look, Marc," he said as he 
closed the back doors and we 
got into the front seat, "If every 
doctor took each patient's death 
personally, where would he be? 
in the nuthouse, that's where." 

"How can you be so cold?" I 
asked as we began the long trek 
to the county morgue. "That's 
a young girl there - flesh and 
blood - a whole life snuffed out. 
You don't even care!" 

He leaned back and began to 
strap the body in. "Sure 1 care. 
I'm just as sorry as you are that 
the chick's dead. But I can't let 
it get to me - or I'll be uselss on 
the squad." 

"Why would someone fust 
end it all - so -so quickly?" I 
asked no one particular. "So 
young, so naive. . .there is just 

so much ahead for a girl like 
that. It really gets me down." 

"Maybe you're right," Ted 
admitted. "After 15 years of 
this • seeing wrecks and murder 
cases - one does become a little 
unfeeling." He pondered the 
tltouglTt as we swung _ out from 
the beach road onto the main 

"Wonder what her boyfriend 
will think?" I said. "You know, 
I mean when he comes to 
identifying the body. Suddenly 
that little quarrel or fight they 
had won't seem so little now. I 
can imagine how he'll feel. 

"Think of her family - 
mother, father, and the rest - all 
upset. Life will be pretty hard 
on them now." 

The ambulance cruised down 
the road, the red light perched 
on top silent for a change, as if it 
spoke of the grim fate of the. 

extra passenger. 

"I have to feel sorry for the 
girl," Ted said. He leaned back 

and removed the covers from 
her face to stare at it. 

"Look at her, so pretty with 
all that make-up. Hey, 1 just 
noticed something: all that 
make-up. . ." 

"What is it, Ted?" 

"The girl - the rouge, the lip 
gloss, all so heavily applied. 
The humidity caked it to her 
face in gobs. I hadn't really 
paid any attention to it." He 
took the covers off the body 

"So?" - 

"So it's not a girl - it's a 
guy!" Ted exclaimed. "A guy, 
dressed up as a chick." He 
dropped the covers and sank 
back into his seat, 

"Why?" 1 asked. 

The question is: are we supposed 
to feel sorry for him now?That's 
the difference. 

Back on tHe beach, a wave 
brought in by the changing tide 
engulfed the spot where the 
body had Iain. It pulled back to 
sea the blood, the last 
remaining memory of the trip to 
the beach. 

4 - BEACHCOMBER, Monday, September 23, 1974 

Photos On Display 

Monday, September 23, 1974, BEACHCOMBER - 5 

PBJC Photography Exhibit, located hi the Humanities building until 
September 27, gives students the opportunity for a flrst-hand look at 
professional photographic works. 

Student Loans Offered 
At State Level 


Editorial Assistant 
Florida IMversity students 
should find education loans 
easier to come by here than 
elsewhere because of state aid. 
According to Carol Smith, 
director of financial aid at 
Florida Atlantic University, 
"The difference is the state has 
stepped into the field to aid the 
needy student. Most banks are 
moving out of the Federal 
Insured Student Loan program 
because lending money is 
difficult to find and the banking 
field sees the student loan 
program as a big hassle." 

A money pinch last year 
reduced the number of 
participants in FAU's student 
loan program by about a 
hundred. The figure is expected 
to rise again with the state in the 

Florida's loan program limits 
the aid to $1,500 during an 
academic year. The applicant 
must be a state resident for at 
least one year. This funding 
must be used for education 
costs, although that includes 
housing, food and transporta- 
tion along with tuition and book 

Funds have also been 
appropriated by the state and 
"should be available by 
December of this year for 
student aid which would cover 
those whose family income is 

above the $15,000 level and who 
are not eligible for interest-free 
loans," Miss Smith added. 


Staff Writer 

"Click!" the picture is taken, 
what now - take the film to the 
drugstore and have it de- 
veloped? For many of us this is 
the procedure we follow. 

For Jerry Uelsraann, inter- 
nationally known photographer, 
Donald Waxman and Ralph H. 
Blankenship Jr., former Palm 
Beach Junior College graduates 
and outstanding photographers, 
this is not enough. 

A show of fabulous works by 
these photographers can now be 
seen in the humanities building 
on the ground floor gallery. 

Jerry Uelsmann, famous for 
his photographs resuhing from' 
experimental dark room tech- 
niques, is represented in many 
private and public collections, 
some of which are the Addison 
Gallery, George Eastman - 
House, Metropolitan Museum, 
Museum of Modern Art, 
National Galleries of Canada 
and the Smithsonian. 

Uelsmann has this to say 
about his photographs and dark 
room tecliniques, "It is ray 
conviction that the dark room is 
capable of being in the truest 

sense, a visual research lab; a 
place for discovery, observation 
and meditation." 

Donald Waxman's work has 
been exhibited in group shows 
at the University of Iowa, 
Chicago, Illinois, London Col- 
lege, London, England, Gallery 
1, North Palm Beach and Fort 
Lauderdale Museum of the 

Many of his photographs have 
been featured in magazine 
publications. "Camera", pub- 
lished in Lucerne, Switzerland 
carried his photographs in their 
August 1973 issue and "Ama- 
teur Photographer" of London 
published some of his photo- 
graphs in the August, Septem- 
ber, and October issues of 1973. 
The Palm Beach Post in 
December 1973 also featured 
photos by Donald Waxman. 
Look for works by Donald 
Waxman in future issues of 
"Creative Camera" and "Play- 

Another more recent grad- 
uate of PBJC, Ralph H. 
Blankenship Jr. started his 
college education at JC in the 
fall of 1970. He was an art 
major who worked for one and a 

half years before reorientating j 

his studies to photography and i 
upon graduation in 1973 he 

received an Associate Degree. ■ 

While at PBJC Ralph worked ■' 
as a parttime free lance , 
photographer, and today, al- \ 
though employed at P.E.C, a | 
division of Photo Electronic j 
Corporation, he still does full [ 
time free lancing, such as ; 
portraiture, commercial, roo- ' 
deling portfolios and compos- ■ 
itcs. Ralph specializes in his ; 
sensitive portrayal of women. 

These three excellent photo- 
graphers' works now on exhibit : 
until September 27 can be seen ] 
in the Humanities building ; 
Monday thru Thursday from 8 \ 
a.m. to 10 p.m. and Friday from i 
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The gallery is : 
closed Saturdays, Sundays and ^ 

Mr. James B. Miles, cMrimn . 
of the Art Department, com- 
mented, "The photos ate 
extremely well done; anyone : 
interested in creative photo- . 
graphy would gain a great deal 
from this exliibit." 

Staff Writer 

Would you like to send a . 
special message by phone or 
telegram to a friend or relative 
in any part of the United States 
free of charge? 

The Sunburst Amateur Radio 
Club, a fairly new organization 
of the Palm Beach Junior 
College Campus, is holding a 
demonstration on Thursday, 
October 3rd from 8 a.m. to 2 
p.m. to familiarize students with 
the types of work this radio club 

Sunburst Radio makes fre- 
quent contacts with people al! 
over the world. The station is 
located on the second floor of 
the Technical Building - TE 30, 
Its president is Ed Hammond. 
Hammond will be directing this 
demonstration which will be 
held outside in front of the 
Social Science Building. 

Using his short wave radio 
transmitter and receiver, Ham- 
mond will make contacts several 
thousands of miles away. 

Tune In To Radio 

Club Plans Demonstration 

Ed Hammond, President of the 
Sunburst Amateur Radio Club, 
prepares for demonstrations to 
he aired October 3. 

"Through Sunbrust Radio 
Station, a:nd many others of its 
kind. ; families throughout the 
world, who have little or no 
money - have been able to 
communicate or send messages 
long distances at no cost," 

Hammond said. 

During this "Sunburst" 
demonstration, students will be 
able to send short messages at 
no cost - providing however, 
they are within the country. 

Story In Error 

The 'Comber staff regrets 
that the information regarding 
eligibility for the Orange Bovr'1 
Queen was incorrect. Girls firott ; 
Palm Beach County are NOT! 
eligible. The contest committee i 
reports that next year thoy will 
try to include our county. 

Chessmates Organize 'Still Seek Sponsors 

3192 Congress Avenue, Palm Springs,Fla.,33460 

Today's Hair Cut For Tomorrow's Styles 
Make-Up Red Kin Products 

Ear-Piercing Hair Analysis 


Mr. A's Restaurant 





Offer Expires Nov. 1st 
Lake Worth Rd. One Block West Of Congress 

Staff Writer 

The Chess Club is off to a 
floundering start. At this time 
the club has about seven 
members but Terry Wilkinson, 
president, feels there are many 
more people who are interested 
and do not know about the club. 
The major problem at this 
time is not the lack of members 
but the lack of an advisor for the 
club. In accordance with the 
rules of the college, no club or 
organization may receive any 
■^ funds from the school without 
I having an advisor or sponsor. 
I Without funds to function, the 
I club will either have to find their 
I own ways to raise the funds or 
I else disband. 

I The chess club can be found 
I in the northeastern end of the 
I SAC lounge. This club is not 
I only for the expert chess player, 
I but it is also for anyone who 
I would like to learn the game. 
1 For aU interested people there is 
I a yellow sign-up sheet by the 
"* mailboxes in the back of the 

SAC Lounge. 

At the present time the club is 
only in the organizational stage 
but they have hopes of entering 
tournaments on the state and 
county levels and also even 
sponsoring a tournament for all 
interested PBJC students. 

Terry has a great interest io' 
the game as well as in the club: 
and is really working hard to get; 
this club off the ground. So, are- 
there any interested advisors foi ! 
the club? With the right people; 
and spirit, Terry sees the chance- 
for becoming county or evenj 
state champions! 

AV Avenues Open 

Feature Editor 

A little known area of JC is 
the Audio Visual Center on the 
.first floor of the library building. 
It contains invaluable resources 
for students and has TV filming 
and monitoring rooms, film 
rooms, and a close-circuit 
monitor room. 

Staffed by JC Work Study 
students, under the direction of 
Mr. Milton Thomas, the center 
is open from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 
p.m. Mondays through Thurs- 
days and from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 
p.m. on Fridays. In order to use 
the tapes, machines, and other 
aids, a JC library card must b e 
presented at the take-out desk. 

Palm Beach Junior College's Learning Recourses Center offers 
students a vast variety of both audio visual teaching aids. 

The center contains a printing 
press (for the printing of posters 
and pamphlets;, filmstrip pro- 
jectors, TV monitors, slide 
projectors, and tape cassette 
players. TV shows or films from 
the library can be monitored 
into classrooms for use with 
current lessons. 

The tape library in the AV 
Center houss 600-700 video 
tapes on catalog and contains 
Spanish and French tapes which 
can be checked out overnight. 
For students convenience blank 
cassettes can be brought in and 
taped for personal use. 

the film library is quite 
extensive (664 films) and 
besides the usual science and 
math films, contains police 
instructional films and the film 
of "Future Shock". These can 
be viewed, with the exception of 
certain police films. 

"We cover every area of 
curriculum on campus," reports 
Thomas. So far the nursing and 
dental hygiene schools are the 
two main areas using the lab. 
Thomas hopes more students 
and faculty wili take advantage 
of the services the Audio Visual 
Center offers them. 

? >Ji i 

Sometimes . . . 

The arrowwas straight 

Its course destined 
As in love it unveiled our weaknesses 
and married our souls 

It gave our lives meaning and crushed the indifferences 
And, while beckoning us on its final journey 
our epitaph was drawn 

God had spoken . . . 

Secrefary Retires 

Gross Attends AIBS Conference 


Staff Writer 

Mr. Richard Gross, JC 
biology instructor attended the 
Silver Anniversary meeting of 
the American Institute of 
Biological Sciences (AIBS) at 
Arizona State University in 
June. 1974. 

Over 2,000 biologists atten- 
ded the seminar which included 
exhibits, workshops and over 
100 research reports. 

The week long trip, during 
which Gross took pictures and 
gathered information to bring 
back to JC, also offered a field 
trip that lasted from 6 a.m. until 
! a.m. the next morning. The 
trip covered 400 miles of the 

desert and took the biologists 
through the desert and into the 
mountains, stopping at intervals 
to let them study the terrain. 

Gross was impressed by many 
things. "The heat was like an 
oven, a dry oven." he said and 
concluded, "It was a different 
world." He also felt that the 
desert people were friendlier 
that city people. He was happy 
to see that the homes did not 
have lawns, but had giant rock 
gardens instead. "This is good 
ecologically, it saves so much 
water" he said. 
■ In addition to his visit to 
Arizona, Gross had been 
working on a biology book: 
Biology; An Uncommon Intro- 

duction by Robert McNally. 
Gross was asked to go over the 
manuscript and decide what 
pictures were needed and to 
submit his own. 

"I have had pictures in other 
books, but not as many as this" 
he said, "I was like the photo 

Out of the 75 pictures he, sent 
50 were used. In addition to 
Gross's pictures, Steve Kratka, 
then President of the Science 
Club, submitted 20 pictures, 9 
of which were used in the book. 

Staff Writer 

Betty Nobis marked the end 
of a 16-year career as secretary 
to JC President Dr. Harold C. 
Manor Aug. 30. 

She now plans to become a 
student in music theory, 
spending her retirement learn- 
ing to arrange music. 

Music is not new to her - she 
is a member of the Royal Palm 
Beach Chapter of the Sweet 
Adelines, an international 
barbershop-type singing group 
for women. 

The 35 member group is 
planning to attend an inter- 

Ecology Courses Open 

Florida Atlantic University's Pine Jog Environmental Science 
Center is starting a series of six courses on September 19 at 7:30 
p.m. The courses, starting with "Marine Ecology" w^ill be held in 
their auditorium at 6301 Summit Blvd., West Palm Beach. Each 
course ($8 registration fee per course) will be limited to 80 people 
and registration forms can be obtained by calling 686-6600 or at the 
door on the first night of the course. Field trips are also included in 
the course. 

The series includes "Wilderness Camping", "Plants", "Bird 
Identification and Habits", "Fresh and Salt Water Fishing for 
Beginners" and "The Everglades: Yesterday, Today and 

Pine Jog courses are open to all ages, and for additional 
information call 686-6600. 

Betty Nobis, dedicated secretary to Dr. Manor for the past sixteen 
years, retired from her position on August 30. 

national Sweet Adelines com- 
petition in Price Albert Hall, 
London, in 1977 - a prospect 
Mrs. Nobis finds exciting. 

She says the Sweet Adelines 
keeps a repertoire of old tunes 
such as "I Want A Girl Just Like 
the Girl Who Married Dear Old 
Dad" because our audiences 
like them, but we're also 
learning some of the more 
modern songs." 

She's loved music for as long 
as she can remember. 

"I remember my father and I 
used to sing together when I 
was about four years old," she, 

When Mrs. Nobis was 
six-years-old, her parents heard 
her picking out melodies on the 
piano, so they started her on^ 
piano lessons, which she 
continued for nine years. (Later 
at PBJC, she had lessons from 
Letha Madge Royce, chairman 
of the Music Department). 

She has a son and daughter 
and three grandchildren. 

At the retirement reception 
given for her in the Food 
Services Building, Dr. Manor 
presented her with a plaque 
reading, "To Mrs. Betty Nobis 
in recognition of many years of 
devoted service to Palm Beach 
Junior College." 

Robin Plitt and Terrj- Wilkinson prepare for participation {n fi,. 
newly-formed Chess Club. 

FOR SALE: Harley-Davidson 
Sportster 100 CC XLCH 1974 
Russ Morgan 757 Orchid Rd., 
Royual Palm Beach (no phone) 

HODAKA Super Rat, good 
condition asking S275 phone 
622-6428 after 6 p.m. 

STEREO Outfit Sont Tc 580, 
Pioneer QX800A AMP. Sony 
Cassette Deck TC1345P, Gar- 
rard Turntable Zero 100, 2 
Sansui 70 Speakers and "; Sansui 
35W speakers. Best offer. Call 
Mark 395-8963, Boca Raton; 
Mark A. Sussweir, 1245 S.W. 
5th Ave., Boca Ri.on, Fla. 

2 canvas cots, one with matress. 
Brand new; S2^. Telephone 


SONY Stereo Cassette Deck 
TC-131-SD CR02, Limiter and 
Dolby. Cost $230 will sell for 
$160.00 588-1662 between 2:30 
and 7 p.m. David A. 


1953 2 DOOR Canadian Chevy. 
Four brand new tires, new 
radiator. Excellent condition, 
outside. Call 585-2872 Tues., 
Thurs., Fri., 5-9 other days 
585-5036. Rainie. 

12 STRING Epiphone guitar, 
SI 00. Dark wood finish. 
848-2261, Pani. Pam Folsom. 


Revolver with western holster 
and 1000 casings. $100. 8 mm 
Mauser customized, refinished 
stock, new nickel plating $65. 
Complete: 55 gallon salt or fresh 
water aquarium set up. 
Includes all equipment, $125. 
276-0903 Delray Beach. Cher or 

VIBRAPHONE $300. Excellent 
condition. 683-0173 

FOR SALE: '67 Rambler VS. 
Heurst shift, engine recently 
overhauled. Needs only a 
muffler S250 or best offer. 
Leaye a message in Beach- 
comber office. 

HELP WANTED Part time: 
Radio Shack (K Mart Shopping 
Center), Part time help wanted 
nights and Saturday. Sales or 
electrical background helpful. 
Apply in person. Bill, 4640 
Forest Hill Blvd., W.P.B. 

WANTED Used 16 foot Boston 
Whaler with trailer and 40-60 hp 
outboard. Good price for good 
boat. Call Mark 732-7896. 

FEMALE to get an apartment 
with. In West Palm Beach. Call 
Barbara 833-2734 after 5:30. 

The Living Ring 


There Isn't any other - this is as it's meant to be - 

In all the world we all are one, 
I am you and you are me. 

Every face my eye has touched, every sound my ear. 
E'en as their's my own has reached, 

The chain has brought the farthest near - 
And we are in eternity. 


Monday, September 23, 1974, BEACHCOMBER - 7 

6 - BEACHCOMBER, Monday, September 23, 1974 

StoEf Writer 

Familiary lyrics of popular songs filled the air in the cafeteria, Monday, September 17. 
Robin Plitt opened the program without a microphone and held the audience's attention until 
a sound system could be found. 

When the show -finally started Randy Presley and Linda Cooper teamed up for the first of 
four duets. 

Solos were also sung by various performers. 

Many of the songs were original compositions although well known songs were also 
represented. » -a 

"I think the program went very well even after a delay due to the sound equipment, said 
Robin Plitt, coordinator of the program. 

"I would like to thank the many people involved in the coffee house, Miss Royce, Miss 
Johnson, Mr. Estrada, Dolor Ginchereau, SGand all the people who helped make the Coffee 
House a success," Plitt said. 

Grease.ieoiher Of Flaibush Fhi 

Staff Writer 

There are two types of 
nostalgia, good and bad. The 
former is remembering special 
events at times in our lives that 
hold some value to us. If these 
occurances are retold well they 
hold many emotional and fond 

Then there is bad nostalgia, 




Thousands of Topics 

$2.75 per page 
Send for your up-to-date, 
176-page, mail ofder catalog 
of 5500 topics. Enclose 
$1.00 to cover postage <1-2 
days dUJivery time). 


SUITE #203 


Our materiab arc sold for 
research purposes only 

lacking a sound plot, over-em- 
phasis on the wrong details, lack 
of characterization and general 
atmosphere. Fond emotions 
and memories do not come fi:om 
these t events, just boredom. 
Here we can include "The Lords 
of Flatbush". 

"Flatbush" is about the 
antics of four over-aged high 
school wise guys overshadowed 
by the fact marriage is breaking 
up their old gang. Emphasis on 
the authenticity of the fads, 
slang and attitude of the four is 
very heavy. This emphasis does 
not let the true character come 

The viewer merely sees four 


at PBJC's North Center 

9:00 a.m. to 12:00 
Applicants must qualify 
for work studies program 

See Mr. Warner or 
Mr. D'Angio 

greasey guys and two girls, 
saying very little, very poorly. 
Tie this- together with low 
quality aiudio and film editing 
and the ' film becomes more 
irritating than boring. 

If you are looking for the same 
type of, humor found in 
"American Graffiti" and - 
''Happy Days", the answer 
won't be here. The script, 
acting and action all fall short of 
their potential and expectations. 
Unless one has a taste for 
watching any type of outdated 
peculiarities of dress and speech 
"The Lords of Flatbush" is 
worth no more than a early bird 
matinee price. 

•Feofured Futures 



Pisces; People are responding to your friendly overtures. A rising 

cycle sees you holding your own in schoolworfc, and an improving 

work situation is highlighted. 

Aries: Blandishments and blarney are effecive, but so is discretion, 

This means that people tend to take you at your word, but don't try 

to strain their credibility. 

Taurus: The low point to which your cycle descended is giving way 

to a steady rise in good fortune. Ambitions are likely to be realized 

in a short time. 

Gemini: Resist the temptation to become infatuated with someone; 

your personal oi^look is good but the long-range view indicates 

disappointment. .Riysical aspect is particulariy good. 

Cancer: You are more easily deceived than usual. Try not to be 

taken in or to give into daydreaming. Find out everything about an 

action before undertaking it. 

Leo: Your financial affairs are promising. This could mean a better 

job or improvement in one you have. Honesty will prove useful. 

Impress people with your frankness. 

Virgo: People v\dio scarcely know are coming to you for help. 0e 

prepared for this - give the best aid you can. You will be repaid with 


Virgo: Things could hardly be better-looking. Your work probably 

has you a bit confused, but that promises to clear up soon. Friends 

are understanding and your social life looks active. 

Scorpio: Make as few commitments as possible; your cycle has 

taken a descending turn. This doesn't mean you're doomed to a 

spate of bad luck, but you should be careful, and take nothing for 


Sagittarius: Fortunate trends of last week give way to less pleasant 

situations. Watch authority figures with suspicion. Hide you stash 

in a safe place. 

Capricorn: A disastrous quarrel or monetary toss is to be expected 

unless you remain cautious and refuse to become involved in sticky 

arguments or suspicious deal. Keep an eye on your associates. 

Aquarius: Last week's fortunate trend continues. Reinstitute an 

old friendship or consider tackling a neglected project. 

Bolger Boogies 


Ray Bolger, internationally 
known actor, dancer, and 
comedian, will appear at JC 
September 27 at 8 p.m. in "RaY 
Bolger's Worid". 

Tickets ae available in the 
lobby of the auditorium and 
from Student Government 
officers in the SAC lounge until 
noon September 26. There is no 
charge for the'tickets for all JC 



Everyone is getting together Via 

Encounter Station 

DON'T BE SHY 848-2450 "^^ °^^'*^*''''°'^ 

Satires Screened 

Entertainment Editor 

Johnathan Winters, in "Viva Max!" and James Bond in "Casino 
Royale", head an all-star cast in two separate movies which are to 
be shown at 7:30 p.m. in the SAC Louqge Friday night. 

"Casino Royale" carries a plot that is just too much for one James 
Bond. So, consequently Niven, Sellers,- Allen, and Cooper are all 

Bond in this superspectacular flick makes love to 43 women, 
shoots 56 men, rides in a flying saucer, and among other 
extravagances takes a naughty peak behind the iron curtain. 

The New York Times feels this movie is "grandly launched, 
riotous and romantic." The song "Look of Love" won an Acadeipy 
Award nomination for Best Song. "It's fun and laughs all the 
way," stated Cue Magazine. 

Also on the billing is "Viva Max!" Peter Ustinov plays the 
Mexican general who recaptures the Alamo, and the worlds most 
powerful army can't get him out. 'Opposing the crazy general is 
Jonathan Winters who plays a National Guard Biigadier General 
and part-time mattress salesman. 

This side-splitting satire which makes the Alamo and its place in 
American History impossible to forget. 

Upcoming on October 11 at 7:30 p.m. is "Z . 

students, faculty, and staff. As 
this is a closed performance, 
leftover tickets will be distri- 
buted to the public. 

Bolger is one of America's 
most versitile performers in all 
media of the entertainment 
world. Although he is best 
known for his role in "The 
Wizard of Oz" as the Strawman, 
he has also performed in movies 
such as "Babes in Toyland", 
Three To Make Ready" and 
"Where's Charley?" 

He has toured the country, 
performing in his one-man show 
in concert halls and night clubs. 
During World War II he 
entertained for U.S. Camp 
Shows and did various War 
Bond Shows, for which he 
received a silver medal from the 
Treasury Department. He was 
seen for many seasons on "The 
Ray Bolger Show". 

Bolger has also been a 
recipient of two Donaldwon 
Awards for best performances, 
the Drama Critic's Award for 
the best Musical Comedy, two 
New York Newspaper Guild 
Page One Awards, and from the 
Notre Dame Club of Chicago, 
the Decency in Entertainment 

He is now living in California 
with his wife, "working at" 
keeping fit. He entertains 
according to Holiday Magazine' 
often with a few special friends - 
such as Fred MacMurray and 
Anne Jeffreys. 






On The Run 



Sports Editor 

The chess club holds practice 
in a small room located on the 
east wall of the north SAC 

The room is an oversized 
alcove with six tables, 12 chairs 
and a small bookcase containing 
back issues of a variety of 
magazines including "Chess 

With nothing better to do on a 
Monday afternoon, the slightly 
built, ambitious youth with the 
wire rimmed glasses was 
playing a game against a novice 
friend and winning quite 

As fate and fortune would 
have it. Wire Rim completed his 
dehumanization process just as 
a tall gentleman with long dark 
hair made his way quietly into 
the room. 

"Nice game," said Long Hair 
in a voice that would have made 
an ant turn up his hearing aid. 

"Do you play chess?" Wire 
Rim answered as he gloated 
over the compliment. 

This question was answered 
with a nod which set the scene 
for a "battle of wits" which 
would last at least fifteen 

The game progressed evenly 
until Long Hair spoke. 

"You know, I just got out of 
the hospital" he said. 

This remark was obviously 
aimed to inspire pity, which it 
did with success. 

Long Hair was ahead by a 

The game continued in a 
smiliar fashion with Losig Hair 
telling tales of disease and 
personar injury which made the 
records at General iospital look 
like the assignmert sheet for a 
ditch digger. 

Time sped by. Long Hair 
swept the board clean almost as 
Finally the game ended and a 

cold feeling of recollection came 
dver Wire Rim. 

"How King have you been 
playing?" he asked. 

"Oh - not very long," was 
long hair's reply. 

"Didn't I play you before? I 
never forget a sound defeat." 

"Yeah, I play<gi-you once," 
,. Finally Long Hair put his 
'nonconimital self aside and 
admitted the truth. 

Wire Rim had just been 
hustled by the tri-county chess 
champ of 1974. 

Cage Clinic 

Bob Wright, basketball coach 
is scheduled to direct a clinic for 
eight to twelve year old boys in 
the gym on September 28. 

Stressing fundamental tech- 
niques including shooting, 
passing, dribbling and defense, 
the clinic is in two sessions, 9:30 
to twelve noon and one to four in 
the afternoon. 


4-6 P.M. 


Monday ,Wednesday, Friday 
1:30- 2:30 P.M. 



7:00 to 9:00 P.M. 

Turnout Pleases Rhodes 

Sports Editor 

Dusty Rhodes, PBJC baseball 
coach, will have no problem 
filling up every position on his 
1975 squad. Fifty two players 
reported for practice last week. 

Rhodes says the large turnout 
at practice has both advantages 
and disadvantages. 

"I've had to split the team 
into two groups," said Rhodes. 
"I work with the infielders while 
the outfielders are in the batting 
cage on one day and reverse the 
process on alternate days." 

Rhodes added that the 
majority of the ball players are 
non-scholarship players. 

"We have 18 scholarship 
players and the rest are all 
walk-ons," said Rhodes. 

"We have a lot of good 
players who just walk out for 
practice," said Rhodes. "Some 
of the walk-ons may be good 
enough to take a job away from 
some of the scholarship 

Rhodes feels the larger 
number of players and the 
increased competition it' brings 

will be an asset to his team. 

"It isn't just a case of 
quantity," he said. "We have a 
lot of good players trying for all 
the positions. This competition 
will keep everybody on their 

"I'd like to cut the squad 
down to 30 guys by the end of 
the Fall. We p'ay our first 
preseason game on January 
10th and I'd like to make the cut 
before then," said Rhodes. 

The baseball team has a fall 
schedule of 20 games so Rhodes 
has a chance to evaluate all his 
players. Dade North, Indian 
River and Broward are three of 
the teams the Pacers will play. 

"I want to see how the buys 
look against good teams," said 
Rhodes. "With a schedule like 
the one we have this fall I will be 
able to tell what kind of people I 
have to work with." 

Rhodes said he is very 
optimistic about his first year as 
head coach. 

"Dade North and Dade South 
won't be where they were last 
year," he said. "Both teams 
lost a lot of players through 


Graduation did not hurt the 
Pacers, according to Rhodes" 
We have more returning players 
than any other team in the 

"Pitching will probably be 
one of our strong points. ' * ' 'We 
have 11 pitchers including 
several veterns from last year 
and some transfers from a 
couple major colleges," said 

There is little weakness in the 
hitting department, he said. 
"We have some good hitters 
trying out and some of our 
better hitters are returning from 
last year's team." 

Rhodes is taking other steps 
to improve the entire athletic 
program at JC. 

"When you do something you 
do it for the college," said 
Rhodes. "You can't support 
one program and not another." 

"1 think we should try and 
support all of our programs from 
baseball to women's softball 
because each one is a vital part 
of the entire college environ- 

Competein ■Today' Invitational 

Golf Team Travels To Cocoa 


A starting field of six golfers 
will attempt to solve the subtle 
challenges of the Rockledge 
Country Club in Cocoa, Fla. in 
the Today Invitational held 
today and Tuesday. 

The team is spearheaded by 
letterman and defending ch- 
ampion Gregg Clatworthy, 
letterman Jim Henry and 
Freshman Joe Van Windle, 
formeriy of Lake Worth High 

Three of the following players 
had to qualify for the team 
Thursday and Friday by playing 
a 36-hole low score playoff. 
These players are JC sophomore 
Mike Sim; Pat Kelly, Forest 
Hills High; Gregg Mclntyre, 
Atlantic; Kevin Wilezeski, 
Connecticut; Keith Dunn, Ger- 
many; Emitt Fitzgerald, Mass.; 
Chick Finder, Suncoast; and 
Frank LaRose of Ohio. 

Golf Coach Ray Daugherty 
thinks that Broward, which won 



Send now for latest catalog. En- 
close $2.00 to cover return post- 


57 Spadina Awe., Sulfa #208 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada 


Our research service is sold 
for research asfistance only. 

the state and national champ- 
ionships last year, and Brevard 
will be the teams to beat. 

the Today Invitational is a 54 
hole tournament. Thirty six 
holes will be played today and 
18 Tuesday. The four lowest 
scoring golfers for each team 
make up the team total. 

"I think this year's team will 
be a lot better than last year's, 
said coach Ray Dauglierty i 

Dauglierty continued, "This 
year the team will practice on 
three courses: West Palm 
Beach Country Club, Miko 
Lakes Country Club and 
Fountains Golf Course." 



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YOU CAM $139 


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w< liHlw BBH 1 ^fgl 

8 - BEACHCOMBER, Monday, September 23, 1974 

McGirt Coaches Jamaican Net Prospect 

Sports Editor 

Harris McGirt, tennis coach, 
has a nucleus of two veterans 
and two promising scholarship 
recipients to work with when his 



Sports Editoif 

The Intramural and Recre- 
ation Department is sponsoring 
a bowling tournament begin- 
ning Wednesday, Oct. 2 from 4 
to 6 p.m. at the Major League 
Lanes in Lake Worth. 

The I and R' board will pay for 
the first six weeks of the 
tournament furtiishing three 
games and bowling shoes at no 
cost to JC students. 

The remaining six weeks of 
the tournament costs the 
students S1.65 per day which is 
far less than area bowling alleys 
normally charge, according to 
Roy Bell, director of the 
intramural program. 

The tournament is played on a 
team basis with men's and 
women's teams of four 
'members competing for the top 
prize as a team. 

Individual awards are offered 
in both catagories. Honors will 
be given for high to'tal, high 
series, high average and high 
single game. 

The tournament will last as 
long as students remain 
interested, said Bell. 
■ Inividuals and teams who 
wish to compete in the bowling 
tournament should fill out the 
application form available in 
this week's Beachcomber and 
bring the form to office 4K in 
the gym. 

Participants are asked to meet 
promptly at 4 p.m. on the first 
day of the meet. 

team holds tryouts in mid 

Gary Ray, a graduate of Lake 
Worth High School, and 
Roberto Rizo, a native of 
Venezuela, return from last 
year's team, when a 19-1 record 
for the best mark in Pacer tennis 
history was compiled. 

Rizo, ranked number one in 
his native Zulia, Venezuela, had 
a record of 23-3 in his 1974 
season which included a victory 
in the state doubles match. 

Gary Ray, an, all Conference 
netter and a member of Lake 
Worth High's Senior Hall of 
Fame in 1973, won 13 matches 
against six losses during his 
freshman year at JC. 

McGirt reaps the benefits of 
Hamid Faquire's recruiting 
talents as he works with 
freshmen Normond Russell and 
John McCarley. 

Faquir, who served as interim 
tennis coach while McGirt took a 
sabbatical leave to work on his 
Doctor's degree at VPI, signed 
the two candidates earlier this 

Russell is a 17-year-old from 
Kingston Jamaica and is ranked 
as the number one junior singles 
player in the Carribbean and the 
number seven overall male 
singles player in the islands. 

"He's good enough to be our 
number one player this year and 
at this point I can see where he 
is better than Clive Rothwell 
was at a similar point in his 
career," said McGirt. 

Rothwell was a native of 
England who played in the 
number one position during his 
two-year stay at JC. 

McGirt explained that Russ- 
ell's good points as a tennis 
player include a consistant serve 
and volley. 

McCarley , the other incoming 
freshman prospect, played the 
number one position for Elkton 
High School in his home town of 
Newark, Del. He was also the 
number four player in the NeW 
England states. 
' I don't know how good we will 
be this year," said McGirt, "but 
we do have very good 

Tennis *oach Hams M.<.iri c....ttr..u.laUs Norni..n.l KussdI. .... im.miing p«»r netter, on his 
successes in Jamaica. 



SG Quesfionnaire 

Alcohol Resolution Returns 


OCT. 2 

Major League Lanes 
4-6 p.m. 

FREE Men, Women 









4 ._. 



News Editor 

In an effort "to find out where 
student interest lies so that we 
can channel our energies in 
those directions," SG's Execu- 
tive Board is undertaking a 
massive survey of JC students. 

SG's newly created Question- 
naire Committee met Friday to 
draft specific questions for the 
survey, which covers such 
diverse topics as beer and wine 
on campus, used book sales, 
and establishment of a VD clinic 

atPBJC. ^ . 

Executive Board Vice Presi- 
dent Dolor Ginchereau expects 
the survey to be distributed to 
classes within" the next four to 
five weeks. 

"Originally my idea was to do 
the survey on the beer and wine 
issue," said Ginchereau. 
"However, the executive d 

has extended the survey to >ju=er 
areas so we know where to 
direct our energies." 

Ginchereau wants to include 
questions concerning alcohol in 
the survey, despite the fact that 
a special referendum was held 
on the same issue last spring. 
The resolution called for ''the 
, possession and consumption, 
but not sales and distribution, of 
alcoholic beverages on campus 
for non-class hours." 

Though 150 out of 194 
students approved the alcohol 
resolution, Ginchereau felt the 
small voter turnout made the 
results "not a valid indication of 
how the student body feels." 

Explaining further, Gincher- 
eau commented that "because 
of the small ratio of last spring's 
vote, I. don't feel I could go to 
the Board of Trustees and 
justify that students at JC want 
beer on campus." 

Questionnaire Committee me- 
mbers have not discussed the 
survey with administration 

officials. However, Ginchereau 
feels that discussions with the 
administration are probably 
going to occur after the results 
are tabulated. 

"Data Processing will be 
assisting us in tabulating the 

results," said Ginchereau. Ttie 
SG vice-president also is urging 
students to submit suggestions 
and questions for possible use in 
the .questionnaire', to the 
executive board mailbox in the 
North SAC Lounge. 

New Library Plan 


Staff Writer 

JC and 98 other colleges, 
junior colleges and universities 
throughout the southeastern 
part of the United States have 
united their libraries by 
computer. This computerized 
library system is known as 
Solinet (Southeastern Library 
Institutional Network). 

The system, an offspring of 
the Ohio College Library Center 
(OCLC), lists the titles of all the 
books that are entered in the 
card catalogs of the 99 member 

Each book is listed only once 
and a computer typed catalog 
card is sent to every college that 
has that particular publication. 
When a new publication is 
received by the college it can be 
processed into the computer's 
memory banks. Then if the book 
is already listed in ihe memory 
bank, the charge that must be 
paid will be only three cents for 
the catalog card. 

If the book is not already 
listed in the computer's memory 
bank, there will be an extra 
charge of nine cents per book 
along with the charge for the 
printed card. 

For Solinet's first three years, 
their computer will be tied into 
the memory banks of the 
OCLC's computer. This not only 
gives Solinet easy access to 
more books but it is also helping 

to build up the memory banks of i 
their own computer. There will i 
be a slight overhead charge for 
this time period but at the end of I 
the three years Solinet will be on ■ 
its own two feet and will not ■ 
have to pay out extra money to I 
the OCLC for the use of its 

The purpose of Solinet is tc ; 
allow for a much more rapi<i -y^gy | 
of cataloging books, supply a; 
reference service to all niembei I 
colleges and also have greater 
accessibility to a larger nutnberi 
of subject materials. Because of! 
this system, the availability of' 
materials to the patron wju }je i 
much more improved. 

According to Mr. VViley C 
Douglass, Director . of *j,e 
Library, "It will be a success."; 
The main reason fof ' jjisl 
optimistic view of Solint. < ; »j ^.j-jj ; 
the system has already KgeJ 
proven successful by the Oqt c ; 
PBJC decided to adopt tlis 
system because as Dougjajsi 
says, "We cannot continu^ ID' 
operate like we did ten -y g^r 
ago." There are 15 ^^\ 
community colleges in fio^sdj! 
that have adopted this syJem' 
and their initiation costs 



covered by the State 
ment of Education, 
College Division. 

The cost of this service -vysubt? 
approximately S8700 for thlisr 
vear but after that ;«- . . •'. . 

Circle K Searches For An Advisor 

Staff Writer 

Circle K has been in search of a faculty advisor since 
la'*- January, according to Jerry Kreucher, president of 
the service club . 

The advisor's duties include responsibility for the 
club's actions, attending all the club's meetings, doing 
paperwork and acting as the club's spokesman. 

"This is a tremendous load to put on teachers," 
comments Kreucher. "They're just too busy. If a 
teacher is going to be an advisor he should be given a 

lighter class load. It used to be set up like that. It's 
partly the administration's fault and partly apathy on 
the part of the teachers," he added. 

Kreucher has placed announcement's in faculty 
bulletins and has talked to all the deans and 
department heads. 

"I've done alll can," he said. "I can't go ask every 
teacher on campus." 

Although all clubs on campus are supposed to have 
two advisors, last year Circle K functioned with only 

"However, she was too busy to be of much help," 

said Kreucher. 

"I'm so used to doing the paperwork that it won't 
make that much difference if we don't find an advisor, 
but I'd like one just to make it legal." 

Apathy isn't a problem only with teachers. Circle K' 
membership is very low and Kreucher would like to 
improve it. 

"Circle K is the only active service club on campus. 
All you need is $10 and a desire to do a little work. ' It's 
the easiest club to get into," notes Kreucher. 

Turn to "Circle," Pg. 2 

Vol. XXXVI, No. 4 


Monday, September 30, '1974 

Lake Worth, Florida, 33460 

Exercise In Fufility 

2% Bother To Vote 

Aufo Accident 
Kills Freshman 

Photo by Jim Collins = 

ABOVE: Secretaiy of ElecM 
linns Mark Graham scratches^ 
the name of a withdrawn = 
candidate. = 

BELOW: The major objec- | 
_ tive of the newly sworn in g 
_ , , oi _l i = SG Senate h to "get the stu-^ 
Glades OJUuenf = dems involved." with tins I 

^ in mind, the Senate met for | 
Willie Rufus Beamon, a %the first time Thursday. | 
student at JC's Glades Center 
campus, was killed instantly in a 
car-train collision near Indian- 
town September 19. 

Beamon, of 78 Davis Street, 
Belle Glade, had been a student 
at the Glades. Center for four 
weeks prior to the collision. 

An employee of radio station 
WSWM in Belle Glade, Beamo.n 
had expressed an interest in law 
and had enrolled in general 
education courses at the college. 

Beamon, is survived by his 
mother, Mrs. Emma G, Horn. 
He was remembered in a silent 
prayer at the Glades campus 


Staff Writer 
Senate elections were held 
last week despite many 

Friday night prior to the week . 
of elections the problems began 
when Marc Graham, secretary 
of elections, called several 
candidates and told them there 
would be no election. Only 24 
people were running for the 
same number of seats. 

Upon finding out about 
Graham's decision, Tory Buck- 
ley, SG president, informed 
there would be elections as 
stated in the. constitution. 

When voting started Monday, 
many poll workers had not been 
the voting continued. Voter 
notified that the elections would 
be held which resulted in a 
shortage of help at the polls. 

Later Monday the voting 
machine on the Business Patio 
was found to be faulty, so it was 
closed. Despite these problems 
turnout was light with only 2% 
of the entire student body 

EDITOR'S NOTE: The Beachcomber ■\vas promised by Dolor 
Ginchereau,, SG vice president, to be given the results of the re- 
cent .senate elections. Ginchereau did not meet his obligations. 

The Beachcomber firmly believes that the student body has 
the right to know tlie results of any student govermnent activ- 
ity as soon as possible. 

The Beachcomber made repeated attempts to obtain the in- 
formation but received absolutely no cooperation from SG. 

Buckley attributed the poor 
turnout to the fact that "People 
don't care enough to take the 
time to vote," 

Only 24 people were running 

for office but the voting 
machines showed 26 names. 
This was due to the fact that two 
of the candidates dropped out at 
the last minute. 

Senators Concur 

Asst. News Editor 

Faculty senators reached 
agreement during the last 
senate meeting on how to select 
a successor to Dr. Harold C. 
Manor as Chairman of the 
Faculty Senate. Debate waS' 
minimal and the opposition was 
soundly defeated. 

John Schmiederer made a 
motion to accept a biology 

HTioio Dy Jim I..UIIIIIS 

ACPRafes Beachcomber 'Excellent' 

year but after that it 
greatly decreased.- 


News Editor 

The Beachcomber has been 
awarded a rating of excellent for 
the 1974 Winter Term in the 
National Critical Service of the 
Associated Collegiate Press. 

Competing against hundreds 
of publications from schools 
throughout the United States, 
the Beachcomber was cited for 

Marks of Distinction in Writing 
and Editing and Editorial 

Providing the "editorial 
leadership" during the Winter 
Term was Editor J. Michele 
Notter. Ms. Notter, who now 
serves as the 'Comber's 
Associate Editor, commented, 
"1 am extremely pleased 

because we were understaffed 
in all areas with too few writers. 

"The award is all due to the 

combined effort of a small 
dedicated group of staff and 

The Beachcomber's entries 
were judged by persons with 
college journalism degrees 

either working in the field or 
with professional experience. 

department proposal for imple- 
mentation of Item 1 of 
Constitutional Revisions. The 
proposal calls for nominations 
for a new chairman and 
vice-chairman with elections to 
be held on separate dates. 

Opposition forces attempted 
to have the vice-chairman 
automatically succeed to the 
chair. This move to have Mrs. 
Maxine Vignau placed in the 
chair received little support. 

An amendment was made to 
Schmiederer's motion allowing 
only for the nomination and 
election of a new chairman. 
This keeps the vice-chairman in 
her position but effectively 
prevents Vignau fi-om becoming 

Nominations for Chairman 
were held and four persons were 
nominated. The nominees were 
Watson Duncan, Kenan Foley, 
Max AUee and Dr, Samuel 

In other business new 
members were selected for the 
Faculty Affairs Committee . The 
new members are Wiley 
Douglass, Allee, Schmiederer 
and JJt. Paul Dasher. 

The election for the new 
chairman will be held, at a still 
undecided time, just prior to the 
next senate meeting. The 
results of that election will be 
announced at that meeting, C 

Seek Aid For Victims 

Donations are being accepted for the hurricane victims of th^ 
Honduras. There is an urgent need for all canned goods, clothing or 
money. Donations may be brought to the Registrars office, SAC 
lounge, or SCS-Bioidgy Message Center. 

2 ■ BEACHCOMBER, Monday, September 30, 1974 

Monday, September 30, 1974, eEACHCOMBER - 3 


Foam Chases 'Skeeters 

James Cleare 

(EDITOR 'S NOTE: James Cleare, a newcomer to the Beach- 
comber staff, has an impressive background in the field of investi- 
gating, and will be offering his services to the student body in 
thisliew column, entitled "Investigation. " 

If you have a gripe, question, or some information on a problem, 
we urge you to bring a written explanation to the Beachcomber 
office, and investigator James Cleare will do the follow-up.) 

Q Two men have recently been spraying a white foamy liquid Into 
the northern end of Lake Osborne, adjotaing JC's campus. What 
ate they up to? 

A - The two men are employed by the Mosquito Control 
Department, under the direction of Mr. John Thuss. 

"We only use chemicals approved by the State Board of Health," 
said Thuss. The chemicals used such as Curon, Diquat and Dowpon 
"are high in their toxic levels and therefore harmless to fish and 
marine life," according to the director. 

The need for chemicals is intense because of a large amount of 
alligator weeds in the northern end of Lake Osborne. The stems of 
the alligator weeds provide an excellent breeding spot for the 

According to Thuss, the alligator weeds "are worse at the 
northern end of Lake Osborne than any other place in the county." 

Now that winter approaches, the mosquito population will be on 
the declin^. Thuss assured me that "mosquitos can't grow too well 
in winter due to lack of nutrients." 

Q - Why are the clocks at this college never telling the right time? 
The clock m Social Science 1 is never working! 

A Tliat clock is probably one of fifty or mca-e malfunctioning units in 
the JC clock system. 

Over 15 years ago the present system of clocks was installed, with 
the master clocks located in the Finance office. 

Malfunctioning is caused by rain seeping into the large manholes, 
located in four niajor areas of activity throughout the school. 

Director of JC's Physical Plant, Mr, Claude Edwards, indicates 
that "whenever we have heavy rains, the four major circuits located 
in the man holes are flooded with water; this causes electrolysis to 
take place, thereby corroding the circuits." 

Edwards also says that terminals which have remained dry have 
corroded because of the awkward position they are placed in by 
being under ground. 

"If clocks are less than 15 minutes off," said Edwards, "they will 
be corrected by signals sent from the master clock; but if they get 
beyond the 15 minute limit, . they have to be reset by going 
underground to one of the manhole terminals." 

Another cause of the poor system, according to Edwards, is the 
Lake Worth Power Company, which provides "inconsistent power 
service which often affects the timing," 

Plans call for a total recabling to the present system in the near 
future, and frankly, its about time! 

Photo by Jlni Collins 

Campus clocks need watch to tell time. 

Board Hopefuls Vie 
For JC Student Vote 

Staff Writer 

School Board Candidates addressed students in 
the SAC Lounge at an assembly sponsored by the 
campus Political Union club Wednesday. 

The furst guest speaker was Dr. Bradley T. 
Coates who began his talk by stating that teacher 
morale is one of the major problems in the Palm 
Beach county school system. He cited the results of 
a recent teacher survey showing 63%of the 

Photo by Jim Collins 
Dr. Bradley T. Coatesi "Teacher morale is one of 
the major problems m the . . . county schools." 

Local Firms Rejected 

teachers feel the Superintendent of Schools and 
the School Board show little concern for them. 

Coates states an incentive type pay program for 
teachers should be instituted based on the teachers 
graduate hours. 

He also feels that the school board should pay 
for any mandatory schooling of teachers in pre- 
paration for classroom teaching. 

Visual and hearing tests should be administered 
from Kindergarten through the third grade says 
Dr. Coates, because reading problems, if resolved 
early, would be taken care of. 

JC teacher Dr. C. Errol Hicks, a member of the 
Palm Beach County's School Board four years, has 
seen the system undergo many changes during 
that time. 

He says "In the past four years the students 
have been subjected to a totally different and 
unique experience in human relations," causing 
an improvement for both the schools and the 
students. There are still a number of problems that 
need to be solved, he states and main problem 
being over-crowding in the schools. 

Hicks feels that everyone should "realize the 
significance of the school system in the 
community." . 

Daniel W. Hendrix was the final speaker. He 
also has been member of the school board for the 
past four years and during that time has organized 
many new programs. 

He feels a greater emphasis should be placed on 
reading in the elementary schools and portable 
classrooms as well as 34% of all other roonis 
should be air conditioned. When Hendrix was 
asked what motivates him, he said care about the 
community and the schools. 

Trustees Select Campus Planner 

News Editor 

Shunting bids of three local 
companies, JC's Board of 
Trustees chose a St. Louis 
architectural firm for the 
planning of the Belle Glade and 
Palm Beach Gardens branch 
campuses at its Sept. 18 

If an agreement including 
both duties and price can be 
reached, Hellmuth, Obata and 
Kassabaum Inc. (HOK) will 
begin overall campus planning. 
The campus site in Belle Glade 
contains 40 acres and the Palm 
Beach Gardens campus has 108 

Circle KGlub 
Seeks Advisor 

Continued From Pg. 1 

Circle K works with disad- 
vantaged youth, retarded child- 
ren and the physically handi- 
capped. They also promote 
fund raising activities for 
charities. The Kiwanis Club of 
Palm Beach sponsors Circle K. 

Currently Circle K is involved 
in restoring the Business Patio 
Fountain, which has not been in 
use since 1969. 

Ecology Course Available Ai JC 

JC is now offering a course called The 
Environment, Society and You, It will be 
instructed by Mr. Bruce Robinson a member of 
the Federated Conservation Council and selected 
speakers from agencies, educational institutions 

and industry. 

Classes are scheduled in the PBJC North 
Center located at Howell L. Watkins Junior High 
School. Interested students should register at 
Watkins in Room El at 6:30 p.m. on October 1. 
The. fee is $10.00. 

HOK was recommended in a 
motion by trustee Ms. Harry 
Anstead, who said the firm has 
"the most experience building 
educational facilities throughout 
the country." Trustees Dr. R. 
L. Smith and M. S. Hand joined 
Ms. Anstead in approving HOK 
by a 3-2 vote. 

Board Chairman Dr. E. M. 
Eissey and Ms. Homer Hand 
dissented, with Eissey explain- 
ing he would prefer to use local 
planning firms "where we 

Seven firms bid for the right 
to negotiate the planning 

JC President Dr. Harold C. 
Manor observed following the 
vote that the college was 
"extremely fortunate that all 
firms came twice to make 
presentations to the Board." 
Manor said he felt any of the 
seven firms would have done a 
good job. 

Should negotiations with 
HOK prove fruitless, the firms 
of Daniel, Mann, Johnson and 
Mendenhail, Los Angeles, and 
Lemon and Megginson, Titus- 
ville, Florida, will be consid- 

September's Board meeting 
also included postponement of a 
motion urging the Board to 
appeal a teacher pension law. 
The law is considered discrim- 
inatory by a majority of the 
Faculty Senate members. 

The pension law, effective 
January 1, 1975, makes it 
mandatory for employers to 
make regular four per cent 
pension contributions for all 
Florida Retirement System 

Speaking before the Board, 
Ms. Maxine Vignau, Faculty 
Senate Vice-chairman, said the 
law is discriminatory to 102 JC 
teachers now under Social 
Security. ' 

Despite Gov. Reubin Askcws 
recommendation be considered 
the bill was passed without any 
Social Security provision. 

Ms. Vignau said local State 
Sen. Russell Sykes had told her 
the bill was rushed through at 
the end of the legislative 
session. Exclusion of Social 
Security members in the bill Was 
just an oversight, he said. 

Following Board Attorney 
Richard Burk's report that 
University of South Floridj^ 
teachers have filed a suit 
challenging the constitutionalj^^ 
of the pension bill, the Bo^^d 
voted to table the Facuitv 
Senate motion. ^ 

In another Board action, \4g 
Anstead cast a lone dissentij, ' 
vote against a supplement^ 
salary of SSOO for the Cr< 

Country coach. 


Testing Of reef ^f. 
Receives Awarci 

Donald W. Cook, director r 
testing, has been selected ong. } 
61 men in the United State^ ? 
receive a National Outstanclj *' 
Exchange Club Preside J^^ 
Award. ^ts 

State Exchange Club P^. 
dent Ed Miller presented a e^-^,h 
medallion to Cook. Cook's ^j !; 
had earlier received three out^ ^ 
four state Exchange Q| 
awards. ^^'^ 

Hammond Doesn't 

WRAP Returns 

I Photo by Jim Collins 

WRAP technician Doug Reich adjusts a testing instrument. 

News Editor 

Following a series of unforseen 
difficulties and bad breaks, campus radio 
station WRAP returned to the cafeteria 
airwaves September 23. 

A new Bogen amplifier, similar to the 
one that blew out earlier in the semester, 
has been installed - successfully - and 
now WRAP is on the air daily, except 
weekends, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

Among the problems causing the 
3-week delay in the debut of the station 
were an old Bogen unit which blew out in 
testing, a foul-up in purchase orders, a 
fire which destroyed the compariy from 
which a new amp was originally ordered 
from, and a communication problem 
between those installing the amps. 

OAA Selects New Leaders 

Staff Writer 

Ovetta Jackson was elected president 
of JC's black service club, the 
Organization of Afro-American Affairs 
(OAA), following the resignation of 
Marion Butler at Wednesday's OAA 

Ms. Butler, elected president Septem- 
ber 18, resigned because she felt the 
"burden of the presidency interfered 
with my job and my activities on 

Also elected to positions for the '74 - 
'75 school year are the following: 
Vice-President, Harriet Kinsey; 
Secretary, Arlene Kimberly; Treasurer, 

Few Use 
Bus Service 

Staff Writer 

Though county bus service is provided 
for students who need transportation to 
JC, Paul J. Glynn, Dean of Student 
Personel, reports that very few students 
are using it. 

The service was established on 
September 16, 1973 after 10 years of 
ncgoiiaiions beiwccii Paini Beach Couniy 
Transit Authority and Glynn. 

The buses run 7:25 a.m. - 6:25 p.m. 
from Lake Worth to JC on Route 6. 
Transportation is available for those who 
live outside Lake Worth. Schedules are 
posted on bulletin boards. 

Student Government worked on 
surveys which showed a definite interest 
in the service, before it was established. 

According to Glynn there is now little 
demand for the buses. 

"If demand was greater we'd get 
better bus service," notes Glynn , "but 
students have a felxible course schedule 
tied in with jobs. This necesshates 
owning a car. I don't know how to beat 

For many years special buses were 
provided for students from the Glades, 
but the service was discontinued. Less 
and less students rode them after the 
Glades Center was established. 

Last year an unsuccessful attempt was 
made to develop an express line for 
evening students. 

"As this area grows more metropoli- 
tan, more buses will be used," says 
Glynn, "but students won't use them 
unless they absolutely have to." 

Sandra Fields; Executive Board mem- 
bers, Arlene Anders, tony Patrick, and 
Kim Baker, 

OAA adviser Ms. Jacqueline Rouse 
explains that both white and black 
students are eligible for OAA 
membership. "I'm not going to rope 
whhes to join the OAA, ' ' said Ms. Rouse. 
"All students that pay activity fees can 
become members." 

As stated in the club's constitution: 
"The purpose of OAA is to promote 
interactions between Afro-American 
students at JC and the administration, 
faculty and other students and to 
develop a better understanding in 
reducing and overcoming the effects of 
racism and discrimination," 

OAA plans to open lines of 
communication with other colleges and 

universities, thus helping members to 
become move aware of blacks and their 
involvement in the world. 

Currently, OAA is conducting a drive 
to aid the research of Sickle Cell Anemia, 
a major disease among blacks today. 

Project funds raised last year will be 
added to this year's Sickle Cell money 
and are to be contributed to the Howard 
University Research Center, where a cure 
for the disease is being sought. 

To raise money for the "Sickle Cell 
cause, OAA plans to sponsor dances after 
basketball games, hold bake sales, and 
prepare and serve dinners. 

At the close of Wednesday's meeting. 
President Jackson expressed her 
personal feelings to members of theOAA 

"Being black can only be beautiful if 
you have something to give within that 
will leave an impression for the best' 
interests of the black race." 

Photo by Jim Collins 
OAA Advisor Ms. Jackqueline Rouse [at right; confers with club's new officers. 

The communication problem was 
brought out in an editorial letter 
published in the Beachcomber last week. 
WRAP'S former Chief Engineer Ed 
Hammond, who has been dismissed, 
challenged former manager Carlos 
Bank's assertion! that "there was smoke 
all over in the WRAP studio" following 
the amplifier blowout. 

"There was absolutely no smoke, nor 
did we have to "sniff around" to find out 
what had happened," stated Hammond 
in his editorial. 

Another bone of contention concerns 
where Banks was during the tesfing of 
the amp, made September 2, a day prior 
to WRAP'S scheduled debut. 

Banks contends that to test the 
equipment he put a record on, then left 
the WRAP studio, next to the 
Beachcomber office, and was in the 
cafeteria when the amp blew. 

Hammond, however, claims that Banks 
was still in the studio adjusting sound 
levels while he (Hammond) was at the 
SAC Patio to listen to the stations' sound 
out-put. , 

Hammond further said that "had 
Carlos and the others been adequately 
instructed and had the operating 
instructions been readily available, the 
whole problem might have been 

Current WRAP Manager Dave 
Drummond, appointed manager by SG 
President Tory Buckley immediately 
following Banks' September 12 resig- 
nation, insists that the amplifier blowout 
was "nobodys' fauU" and that Hammond 
was dismissed for reasons other than the 
amplifier squabble. 

"The amplifier blowout was a 
combination of human error and technical 
things that no one could have realized," 
said Drummond. 

Drummond informed the Beachcomber 
Wednesday that Hammond's dismissal 
followed the installation of the current 

Three WRAP employees, Glenn 
Powell, Dough Reich, and Hammond 
installed the new amp so that Drummond 
could determine which "had the most 
time and interest for the job of WRAP 

"We found that whereas all three were 
equally competent electronically, Reich 
had the most spare time and Powell the 
most interest in broadcast radio. 
Therefore, we have named Reich and 
Powell as WRAP'S co-technicians. 

"I informed Ed (Hammond) that while 
he is competent in ham radio and 
electronics, the other candidates were 
more directly involved with our mode of 
communication," said Drummond 

Now that the new amp has been 
successfully installed, Drummond is 
hoping to increase WRAP'S sound output 
by fusing the old amp and the new Bogen 
model into a parallel circuit. 

Because the old amp must be repaired 
before a parallel circuit can be completed, 
and since WRAP'S warranty on, the 
one-year-old amp is missing, Drummond 
says "I'm for fixing it at a local repair 

"If we can get that done we're 
practically home free." 

Media Offers Prizes 

Media, the college literary magazine, is offering S300 in prize 
money this year for fiction, poetry and art. 

Ail students are eligible to submit material to Media. Advisor 
Walker Graham is accepting fiction and poetry contributions in his 
office. SP-04, while any art work should be submitted to Odas Arant 
in HU-54-B. 

The closing date for receiving material, according to Graham, is 
December 16. 

First prize is worth $75 and second place, $25,. Art prizes are 
arranged by the Art Department. 

The material is judged by an editorial board consisting only of 
students. Those students interested in serving on the board are 
mvited to sign up in Graham's office. Meetings are held in 
Graham's house no more than once a month. 

Media is to be published in April, 1975, and is free to students. 


Nursing students wishing to take the 
PIM-RN Challenge Exams on October 16 
must pay fees in the Finance Off ice and 
sign roster in the Testing Center, AD5, 
as soon as possible. 


4 - BEACHCOMBER, Monday, September 30, 1974 

HI °'' 




Associate Editor . 

Managing Editor 

associated collegiate press 


Incumbents Best 
In School Race 


returned to the board in the Oct. 1 nonpartisan election_ Daniel 
H^ndrix and C. Erro! Hicks, both instructors at JC, have 
SoSrated their abUity to make wise decisions and correct wrong 

Ther:^St^t;e;So'n:the ^^^^^^^^^^^ 
suoerinterident's job from elective to appomtive and basic board 
poS during their tenure is surely enough to deserve a vote of 

^'^Thf s° hool board election is one of great importance; however 
plSng the nonpartisan election on the same date as the runoff 
eSons a bad mistake. Traditionally, avery small percentage of 
reSred voters turn out for runoff elections. The school board 
Se is one that deserves placement on a better date to msure a 
proper outcome. Putting it on the November ballot would be far 

ABC's Discrimination 

facing discriminatory tactics every day - the group of citizens whose 
names start with letters at the end of the alphabet. 

?Le p£ht of these unfortunates begins with their school years 
and continues as society constantly puts them at the end of the line 

At high school graduation, these P's through Z's graduate at the 
bottom of their classes, despite grade averages. 

K they ever have to go to traffic court, they wait two hours for a 
case to come up - John Adams is done with his case m ten minutes 

^eir names appear at the bottom of the ballot if they ever run for 
public office. And statistics indicate that the man whose name is in 
the best ballot position often receives the most votes. 

Victims of his discrimination could demand equal rights with the 
A's, B's, and C's of the worid. But, our alphabetical system ot 
organization gives them little hope of liberation. 

Gas Stations At War 

Gas wars are backl No. the consumer won't be seeing gas prices 
under 25 cents a gallon anymore, but he will be seeing the welcome 
sight of American competition. 

Increased gas supplies are bringing prices down and also 
sparking the nation's scattered price wars. 
In Pittsburgh, one dealer selling gas at 49.9 cents a gallon (some 
. stations in Florida hae gone down to 48.9 and even lower) reported a 
50 percent increase in business since he dropped his prices. His 
• competitors, with prices as much as 6 cents higher a gal'O"' t"^*l 
and failed to dissrupt business by offering SlOO bills for $1 worth ot 
gas among other things. „;.Jt. „f 

At a time when it was feared almost extinct, the spint oi 
competitiveness in the gas busines has returned; hopefully bringing 
lower prices for the consumer. 

Letters-To-Editor Policy 


(1) Not exceed 250 words. 

(2) Be signed by the author. 

(3) Include the author's 
telephone number. 

(4) Be received in the 
Beachcomber Office no 
later than 4 p.m. on 

All letters are subject 
to condensation. 

Monday, September 30, 1974, BEACHCOMBER - 5 

Daniel Hendrix 

Dr. C. Errol Hicks 

Questions Poll Validity 

Due to the esteem held by many for public 
opinion polls, and to the proliferation of these 
polls, perhaps we should look more closely at 
some of the methods used to arrive at the widely 
trumpeted results. 

Paul Harvey, noted conservative and 
commentator, took a poll at one of his recent 
appearances. Of 22 newspeople present, 20 were 
for two against impeachment of tormer 
President Nixon, a solid 10 to one for 
impeachment. The several thousand people in 
the audience were also polled, which resultea m 
almost the same ratio, except reversed; 10 to one 

against impeachment of the former president. 

Our own local morning paper, which works tne 
left side of the street, took a poll of its readers on 
the same question (which Congressman Rogers 
followed with great interest, we are told) and 
their results were a two to one vote tor 

impeachment. .. . ^i. 

We may ask why the great difference m these 
polls, both taken in good faith? The simple 
answer is that the audiences of both are 
psychologically selected. So what, then, is the 
validity of these two polls? 

The simple answer, zero. ^ -, ^ ^^ 

S.J. Putt 

Mike's View 

Election Reforms Needed 


Lord knows "we the people" 
here in good ole U.S. of A. 
dearly need election reform if 
we are to intelligently elect a 
sound crop of representatives 
able to lead us, post haste, to 
the "path of human survival 
from which we have regrettably 

Through election reform, we 
can dig out, once and for awhile, 
the political perennial weeds 
(existing and potential) of our 
nation and then therapeutically 
cast them into the aggravated, 
bounding, polluted seas that 
misrepresentation creates. 
There the weeds might absorb 
the oils and toxics dumped 
therein. Alas, a weed can come 
to the aid of its country. 

A recent Gallop Poll indicates 
67% of those polled favor 
government financing of federal 
election - the banning of private 
donations. I feel this is good, 
except that private donations, 
instead of being banned, should 
be limited. We want to vote for 
a candidate according to his or 
her ability, not their public 
relations extravaganza. 

I favor election reform that 
would make television debates 
mandatory on both state and 
federal levels. 

In structuring televised de- 
bates, dates and times should 
be organized so that the mass 
electorate will have ample 
opportunity to methodically 


view the candidats and decipher ' 
their stands, personalities and 
overall qualifications for office. 
This seems to elementarily 
easy to accomplish. Why the 
delay? We're waltzing on the 
moon these days and dragging 
our feet on earth. 

When we begin to reform our 
election policies along and 
above lines, 1 know we'll be 
taking a major step for mankind 
right here on earth. 

Let us never again elect 
through ignorance those who 
look at public office and think, 
"What can my country do for 
me?" Let's modernize our too 
long held, out-dated electorial 


News Editor 
Editorial AttHtant . 
Sports Editor . 
Feature l-dilor . . 
Copy Editoi 
Photographic Editor 
Entertainment Editor . . 
Assistant IWanagina Editor 
Assistant Nawb Editor 
Campus Events . ■ • 
Consultant . 

Bruce Moore 
Jan Tuckwood 
Robin Plitt 
Lynn Kalbor 
Sharon Osbiirn 
Jim Collins 
Tim Bray 
Wayne Soldo 
■Brian Crowley 
Mr Charles MeCreight 

Debbie Thompson 
Robin Witt 
Frank Smith 
Tom Queranlo 
Joel Tanen 
Rebecca Morse 
Amy Strimbu 
Lor I Hillebrand 
Glenn Powell 
Susan Kyte 
Jay Kravetz 

Cindy Cawen 
Ellen Palmier t 
Elbert Corbutt 
Flick Magor 
Jimmy Nool 
Walt Dnvih 
Rdiidy Povwoil 
Jamas Clearv 
Mike Pilioro 
Robin KincllQ 
Dan StUiirt 
John Auchtprionio 
Roderick Boauihiimp 
Winifred Knuihton 

'"Z.^^^i^XS^^^ are .ho. of the «lito„ or the writer, of the .rt.c.e and not n«ce^,,„ 

*"?Ee"B'j:Ic"^1^lI^'"«V miXr of the Assoc».ed Colleyiat. Pre., end the Florida Junior Co.l«a« 1^,^ 

Photo by Bob Jordan 
The new Crimhial Justice Building contains modern equipment such as this "Pro Lab" 
enlarger. The students use it to make prints of mock crime scenes. 


Asst. News Editor 

A young woman is murdered 
at Palm Beach Junior College. 
It takes place in a kitchen and 50 
men investigate. 

The young woman is a 
mannequin, the scene is the 
criminal investigation room and 
the investigators are students. 

This will all be a part of the 
Palm Beach County Criminal 
Justice Institute, which recently 
opened its new facilities on this 

The new building contains a 
mock courtroom, a photography 
laboratory, crime scenes room, 
and criminal investigation 

The mock courtroom seats 50 
students who will attempt to get 
the feel of a trial. The room has 

a judge's chair, jury box, and 
attorney table. Its goal is to 
instruct the student in what to 
say and how to say it and 
present yourself to a jury. 

Criminal investigation is 
taught with the aid of the crime 
scenes room. These scenes are a 
completely modern bedroom, 
bathroom, and kitchen. With 
the use of mannequins, reaUstic 
crimes can be created and 
giving student the opportunity 
to investigate murders, suicides 
and other criminal acts. 

Crime Laboratory teaches 
students the use of microscopes , 
how to mark and package 
evidence, and in addition, 
instruction in the operation of a 

The new building has modern 
classrooms with closed circuit 
television, administrative off- 

ices, and a conference room. 
The building also has the largest 
classroom on campus with a 
seating capacity of 150 

There are three programs, the 
law enforcement degree pro- 
gram, the correctional degree 
program, and a Security and 
Loss prevention program. 

Four times a year the Basic 
Police Recruit Class is given. 
All police officers in Palm Beach 
County are required to attend 
this class. Upon completion of 
the basic course, police officers 
are then eligible to attend a 
complete line of career police 

The institute offers job 
placement with emphasis on 
keeping as many graduates as 
possible in Palm Beach County. 



mi I >iiil«i 


Any organization wishing to reserve the 
marques for publicity must come to SAC 9 or leave 
a message with Margie IVIares. All organizations 
will be responsible for putting up and taking down 
their own publicity. 

Margie Mares 
Secretary of Publicity 


(In REFERENCE TO Colin Higgins' letter of Sept. 


Mr. Higgins: 

We are very fortunate to have self-acclaimed 
know-it-alls (such as yourself, so that the ignorant 
have the good fortune to receive small deliverances 
of knowledge to keep them from going astray, 

Paul Ratanaprasith 

P,S. What is the yellow belt? 

51 Percent' 



American children are, from birth, shoved into a mold and made 
to fit regardless of their individuality. I am speaking of the way we 
pressure little boys into being ■ agressive unemotional males and 
pressure little girls into passive emotional females. 

It is my contention that boys and girls are not given an equal 
chance from the very start. During the succeeding weeks I will 
present different cultures that have not been influenced by the 
Tradition-bound Judeo-Christian ethic. There is an interesting 
study of first through eighth grade readers that will also illustrate 
my point. 

The first tribe I was interested in were. the mountain-dwelling 
Arapesh of New Guinea. The people live on a jagged infertile 
mountain, and as a result, have formed a cooperative or communal 
society. They can be described as a passive tribe - biolence and 
selfisliness are incomprehensible to their way of life. 

Their sole purpose inlife, other than the creature comforts, is to 
raise their children into fully cooperating adults in the tribe. Both 
parents share equally in this responsibility. The men, as well as the 
women have been described as maternal. 

At the birth of a child, the father brings the mother water to 
drink, tree leaves for the child to sleep on. He also brings a wooden 
pillow, used to protect his elaborate head dress, as he lays next to 
the mother. The people say he is in bed having a baby. 

The people believe that women's heads are stronger, so they have 
the job of carrying firewood up the slopes to the villages. The 
firewood is suspended in a net bag from their foreheads and can 
weigh as much as 70 pounds. 

The task of taking care of the children frequently falls to the men 
while they are fixing a roof or planning the next cerraonial dance. 

The children grow up learning that there is little emotional 
difference between men and women. The men and women are 
equally affectionate, responsive and unagressive. 



Asst. News Editor 
"You cannot teach a technical 
subject by standing up and 
talking - you have to do!" is the 
outlook of the Criminal Justice 
Institute chairman Larry D. 

Tuttle brings to the institute 
an enthusiastic appeal that is 
magnetic "If you are enthusi- 
astic about a subject it will catch 
on. If you don't show 
enthusiasm you're dead be- 
cause who's going to listen?" he 
The goal of the institute is to 

take young men and women 
interested in law enforcement 
and train him/her in the 
systematic approach to justice. 
This means that when a suspect 
enters the systeiu he is either 
guilty and will go through a 
system of rehabilitation or he is 
innocent and is freed some- 
where along the line. 

The importance of the 
institute is probably best 
expressed in the mock court 
room where on the wall is a 
small memorial to a former 
classmate - a Riviera Beach 
patrolman slain while on duty. 

To The Widow 

Staff Member 

To The Widow. . . 

A man stares coldly off in space, 

lines of tears adorn his face, 

He shows no pain, but there's a trace 

of a smile on his blackened lips. 

In his hand there rests a glass, 
half filled, a deadly glass, 
Of devils' juice for quick release, 
he sold his life to buy his peace. 

He wears a suit, the one he'd worn 

so many years before, 

and that demon thing', called a wedding ring, 

is with him on the floor. 

Light, from a window 

falls on him as a shroud 
And a cigarette, by his side, 
emits a spiral cloud. 

A man stares coldly off in space, 
lines of tears adorn his face, 
He shows no pain, but there's a trace 
of a smile on his lips. 

"Anonymity is perverse, and the weapon 
of cowards." 


6 - BEACHCOMBER, Monday, September 30, 1974 

Monday, September 30, 1974, BEACHCOMBER - 7 



Dr. Edward Eissey, Chairman of the | 

Board of Trustees, enjoying hknself 1 

at the reception on Sunday. S 



Phoios By 
Jim Collins 

Dr. and Mrs. Manor head the reception line of land Faculty Reception with several J.C. trustees. 

JC President Dr. Harold C. 
Manor hosts a Trustees and 
Faculty Reception to honor new 
teachers at JC. 

Watson B. Duncan engages in small 


Retired Dean Paul Allison tells trustee Susan-, t come back - yet. 

Music Instructor James Gross iii a pensive mood. 

Joe Payne and Sylvia Meeker enjoy conversaii, U>^^,^ 

IVIr. Pugh urges another potential voter to register. 


Monday, September 30, 1974, BEACHCOMBER - 9 

8 - BEACHCOMBER, Monday, September 30, 1974 

Club Covers Sales And Marketing 

Staff Writer 

Sheryl Grimm is the President 
of JC's Sales and Marketing 
Club. Their purpose is to train 
and give a working knowledge 
to people in the fields of 
retailing, fashion merchandis- 
ing and sales and marketing. 

The club is open to all 
interested students. The 
meeting situation of this 
organization is rather unusual. 
It is a course available and listed 
under the name of Retailing 
Practicum. The class meets 
every Tuesday and Thursday 
between 9:30 and 10:40. All 
interested people can sign up 
for this class next semester. 

Mr. Holzman and Mr. 
Waddell are the club sponsors 
and part of their devotion 
towards the club is shown by 
their attempting to find suitable 
jobs for all club members. 

Tlie Sales and Marketing 
Club's other new officers are: 
Bart Cunningham, Vice Presi- 
dent: Louise Sudduth, Vice 

President of Finance (treasu- 
rer)' Vice President of 
promotion, Marda Johnson 
(Reporter;; Vice President of 
planning (historian;), Phil 
Padgett; Lew Musser, Vice 
President of programming 
(parlimentarian); and Janice 
Forst, Vice President of 
Administration (secretary) 
There is also a total membership 
of fifty-one persons. 

This semester the club has 
numerous activities planned. 
To start with, is their October 30 
Blood Drive and Sheryl wishes 
that as many students as 
possible would turn out and 
make the drive a success. 

Next in line is the Officer 
Training Conference, October 
18-20. Twenty students 
including the officers from JC's 
Sales and Marketing Club will 
go to Orlando for seminars on 
sales and marketing, retailing, 
and fashion merchandising. 
There will also be seminars 
preparing the attendants for 
upcoming competition in the 

above mentioned field. 

On November 2, the club will 
present its fashion show for the 
students and December will see 
the club organizing a canned- 
goods drive for the needy. 

Speakers from different 
community businesses address 
the club members throughout 
the month and the members 
also have the responsibility ot 
decorating the display windows 
in the Business Administrations 
Building each month. 

There are many advantages to 
joining this organization, such 
as a DECA (Distributive 
Education Clubs of America) 
Scholarship Program offered 
through the club, and the 
chance to travel and compete on 
the national level. 

All new members are 
welcome and anyone who joins 
the Sales and Marketing Club 
will receive three credits since 
the club is organized around a 
classroom-type situation. 

Feoiured Futures- 

Gemini Graf if ted 

■ — Flick Mager 

Pisces: Another good week 

commences with a proposition 

you're not likely to reject (or an 

offer you can't refuse). Trust 

more to your impulses and 

hunches than usual. 

Aries: Some objectives are 

going to be reached son, and 

some might not Don't give up 

what is truly significant, but pay 

attention to other points of view. 

Taurus: Remind yourself 

frequently of important dates - 

memory is likely to be somewhat 

clouded this week. An overhead 

conversation can be turned to 

your advantage, but reveling 

that you heard it could spoil 


Gemini: According to your 
plotted cycle, this should be, a 
peak week for you. Succeeding 
weeks will mark a slow 
downward trend. Make plans 
now and follow them through in 
the next three weeks if possible. 

Cancer: Moon-children have a 
distinct tendency to jump to 
conclusions, particularly right 
now. Don't let a snap 
judgement throw you. . .Think it 
through before you decide on 

Leo: Someone you know well is 
about to do something startling. 
Be aware of this and don't 

Virgo: A thoughtles remark or a 
joke could snowball into an 
important engagement. Since 
this week has a positive aspect 
the result is likely to be 

Libra: Music will play an 
important part in this week's 
events. It may be a concert you 
attend, a tune you hum or an 
instrument you play, but it can 
be put to favorable use. 
Scorpio: Risks you take are 
almost certain to turn out 
against vou. Someone you 

thought of as a friend does not 
have your best interests m 
mind. However, the post office 
holds a good surprise for you. 
Sagittarius: This week holds 
promises and threats in every 
direction. It is definitely not the 
time to become involved 
personally. Remain aloof. If 
you're in a position to make 
investments, do it now. 
Capricorn: This will be a very 
trying week, but things appear 
more hopeful in coming months. 
Try to keep away from any 
endeavor which seems unlikely 
to succeed. Be careful, you may 
be accident-prone. 
Aquarius: A new friend or 
attitude is featured. Be 
responsive and receptive to 
unusual situations. 


Beyond man's visions there lies wisdom A wisdom t^ conceive the 
thought of Life's eternal giving. A light which kmdles onb m h 
heart of good men. And only those of good, hearts shaU keep tic 
spirit of wisdom alive for the worlds prejudices amongst its peop c 
shall surely be water to the flame. The ignorance of man to 
understand that we all came from one spint to unite as one sha 
Tnvariably be the destruction of aU for the pages of the past have lef I 
tSscars. The future is our to page and only with love shall they 
turn gently. Be kind to yourself . The rest will come naturally, if you 
let love guide your course. . 



Tuesday, Oct. 1,1 974 

7:00 P.M. Gym 

Men's and Women's Divisions 


2. IIII- 6. — 

3. 7. 

4. 8. 

Independent sign-up for Draft Pick: 


Team Name 


Competition is open for the 
National Poetry Press for 
spring. The deadline for 
manuscripts is November 5th. . 

Students attending junior or 
senior college are eligible. 
There is no limit as to form or 
theme. Shorter works are 
preferred, however, because of 
space limitation. 

Type or pint each poem on a 
separate sheet and state name, 
home address, and college 
address on each sheet. 

Send entries to: Office of the 
Press, National Poetry Press, 
3210 Selby Ave., Los Angeles, 
Calif. 90034. 


$2.7S per paga 

Send now for latest catalog. En- 
close $2.00 to cover return post- 


57 Spadina Ave., Suite #208 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada 

(41G) 366-8549 

Our research service is sold 
for research assistance only. 


Mr. Silvio Estrada, a faculty member at JC and world renowned 
classical guitarist, demonstrates on an electronic device, [Invenled 
by himself and a JC student], flngerUngs for one hundred chords, 

Mr. Estrada will be a guest clinician at the Oct. 12 Florida Collegs 
Music Educators Association [FCMEA] and Southern Musi, 
Educators National Conference [SMENC] Workshop at the 
University of Florida. Students taterested in guitar should lata 
advantage of this presentation. „.,„„,n i . ' 

Other events of the day include our FCMEA-SMENC! 
session and a presentation of a lecture-demonstration on the Blacks 
musical heritage and implications for music teaching byj voniie i. 
Johnson, professor of music at the University of North Caroita,, 

Registration is scheduled from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Oct. 13, 

Science Club 
Plans Trip 

The first official meeting of 
the Science Club began with the 
election of officers. Of those 
nominated, Dan Fried was 
elected President: Jerry Long, 
Vice-President, Thora Wilson, 
Secretary; and Lenette Gnann, 

Thirty-one members have 
joined the club, and according to 
Mr. Gross, co-chairman, that 
number is "unbelievable." In 
years past ' the number of 
members had not gone over 12 
or 15 in the begining, and this 
large number implies a good 
interest in the club, said Gross. 

The primary concern of the 
recent Science Club meeting 
was to discuss the first field trip. 

The club decided to make a 
primitive canoe run, starting 
near the River Bend Trailer Park 
and ending in Jonathan 
Dickenson Park. 

The run is 17 miles of mostly 
virgin territory, opening up into 
the river. 


Reward Offered for return of 
keys which were lost near 
Cashier's Office, possibly in 
phone booth, on Friday, 
September 20. They are on 
leather ring. Four keys with one 
of them broken. Turn into Lost 
and Found Department i SAC 
Building - Davey. 

1969 Olds 442: Automatic, Air, 
Full Power, New Brakes (disk; 
suspension, and tires. Call 

Sixteen foot Catamaran Sailboat 
Wharran design and trailer. 
Best offer, Call 582-1252. 

Porsche 911L 1968 Excellent 
condition. $4,000 Firm. Serious 
Inquiries only. Call Pete 
655-4077 Two to five weekdays. 

1970 OldsmobUe Cutlass 442 

Just had $500.00 worth of 
mechanical work done, includ- 
ing brakes, steering, front end, 
etc. Asking $1,000 Call Dave 
after 6 968-5187. 

WANTED Used 16 foot Boston 
Whaler with trailer and 40-60 hp 
outboard. Good price for good 
boat. Call Mark 732-7896. 

WANTED Inexpensive, but good 
surfboard. Phone weekdays 
9:15 a.m. till 12 noon 582-6912. 

FEMALE to get an apartment 
with. In West Palm Beach. Call 
Barbara 833-2734 after 5:30. 

FOR SALE: Harley-Davidson 
Sportster 100 CC XLCH 1974 
Russ Morgan 757 Orchid Rd., 
Royal Palm Beach (no phone) 

HODAKA Super Rat, good 
condition asking $275 phone 
622-6428 after 5 p.m. 

STEREO Outfit Sont Tc 580, 
Pioneer QX800A AMP, Sony 
Cassette Deck TC1345D, Gar- 
rard Turntable Zero 100, 2 
Sansui 70 Speakers and 2 Sansui 
35W speakers. Best offer. Call 
Mark 395-8963, Boca Raton; 
Mark A. Susswein, 1245 S.W. 
5th Ave., Boca Raton, Fla. 

.2 CANVAS . one with matress. 
Brand new: $25. Telephone 

Open File 

By Louise Feit 
There's a cup being measured - it's not for to drink 

It is fed to the plant at the giant Monk's feet 
I am waiting and watching - he knows I am here 

Whatever he gives it - it tells me what year 
But I can 't really see it ~ it never is clear! 

Back to my burdens - stop wasting the time 
How much could I do if it weren 't for my fear. 

Staff Writer 

How many are undecided or 
indefinite abouit the future? 
How aware are we of 
employment possibilities in 
Palm Beach County? How many 
of our "majors" have dropped, 
switched, or become dissatis- 

Today, in the United States 
there exists a nearly infinite 
number of careers and occu- 
pations students can endeavor. 
Whether pursuing an A. A. or an 
A. A. degree. 

While the guidance depart- 
ment here at JC maintains a 
vast file on vocational and 
occupational subjects, the 
Beachcomber staff realizes that 
most students do not have the 
time to make use of it. 

i.For these students.varied 
vocations will be explored in a 

new column- - with aide and 
suggestions from Donald Cook 
of the Guidance Department. 
These vocational studies will be 
presented in a series of articles 
on various occupational fields. 

Since a statewide survey of 
Junior college freshman indi- 
cated 58% hoped to learn about 
occupational fields available to 
them upon graduation, Cook 
suggestes that JC students be 
made more aware of some of 
these fields. 

Cook also said a student 
unsure of his interest in any 
field, can take the Vocational 
Interest exams. The exam is 
helpful in judging a person's 
interest in the vocation 

In the meantime, students 
wanting more information on 
any occupation, can see the 
Career Information Center in 
the library, on the first floor. 

Europe Still Available To Students 


Imagine yourself whizzing 
down the powdery slopes of 
Switzerland, weaving and wind- 
ing your way between tall 
evergreens. "If only I had the 
money" is the wistful thought of 
many people. Well, money may 
not be as big a problem as you 
think. In spite of the ever 
growing monster called "in- 
flation", a trip to Europe is still 
possible for students at low cost 
air rates. Youth fares sold in 
Mexico and Canada, continued 

FOR SALE: '67 Rambler VS. 
Heurst shift, engine recently 
overhauled. Needs only a 
muffler $250 or best offer. 
Leave a message in Beach- 
comber office. 


Revolver with western bolster 
and 1000 casings. $100. 8 mm 
Mauser customized, refinished 
stock, new nickel plating $65. 
Complete: 55 gallon salt or fresh 
water aquarium set up. 
Includes all equipment, $125. 
276-0903 Delray Beach. Cher or 

VIBRAPHONE $300. Excellent 
condition. 683-0173 

12 STRING Epiphone guitar, 
$100. Dark wood finish. 
848-2261, Pam. Pam Folsom. 

HELP WANTED Part time: 
Radio Shack (K Mart Shopping 
Center). Part time help wanted 
nights and Saturday. Sales or 
electrical background helpful. 
Apply in person. Bill, 4640 
Forest Hill Blvd., W.P.B. 

19S3 2 DOOR Canadian Chevy. 
Four brand new tires, new 
radiator. Excellent condition, 
outside. Call 585-2872 Tues., 
Thurs., Fri., 5-9 other days 
585-5036. Rainie. 

SONY Stereo Cassette Deck 
TC-131-SD CR02, Limiter and 
Dolby. Cost $230 will sell for 
$160.00 588-1662 between 2:30 
and 7 p.m. David A. 

use of school chartered flights 
and inexpensive flights out of 
New York and Nassau all assist 
the "travel minded" student in 
going to Europe. 

For those of you who are ski 
buffs and winter resort visitors, 
lower rates offe inexpensive 
trips to Austria and Switzerland. 
Many of you may wonder how 
European resorts can afford 
this. Because of the general 
decline in American tourism in 
Europe, many of thes resorts 
have lowered their rates 
somewhat, anticipating the 
winter skiers. The steady 
increase of the U.S. dollar as 
opposed to the decline of 
European currencies also light- 
lens the burden of cost to 

Temporary jobs, for those 
students remaining in Europe 
longer than two or three weeks, 
are available. You will find that 
most openings are in hotels, 
restaurants, and ski resorts and 


Take Life as a lead to a great- 
er conspiracy 

Say nothing and you will hear 

Wonder sincerely and your 
questions will be filled with 

"If you swim around in the 

gutter of life 
And experience the worst life 

has to offer. 
Your world takes on a different 


What used to he ordinary and 

Becomes the source of end- 
less satisfaction and content." 

Paraphrased-Clifford Irving 

no experience is required. 
These jobs are given out to any 
student on a non profit basis and 
standard wages are paid. This 
is an excellent opportunity to 
"put a little money back into 
your pocket" by earning back 
the trip costs and by saving on 
the free room and board that 

accompanies each job. 

So while you interested 
students are packing your bags, 
send your name, address, 
educational institution, and one 
dollar (for postage, printing and 
handling), to SOS, Box 5176, 
Santa Barbara, California, 
93108 for more information. 


To Gain Experience in 

by working on the 

BEACHCOMBER Advertising Staff. 

Inquin at SP3 or Call 965-8000 ext. 210 



Everyorid is getting together via 

Encounter Station 

DON'T BE SHY 848'- 2450 '^^ OBLIGATION 

3192_Congress Avenue, Palm Springs,Fla.,33460 


Today's Hair Cut For Tomorrow's Styles 

Make-Up Red Kin Products 

Ear-Piercing ^ Hair Analysis 


Page 10 

Monday, September 30, 1974 

Brustein Window: New Play 

Entertainment Editor 

Greenwich Village in New 
York City is the scene for "The 
Sign in. Sidney Brustein's 
Window" which will be 
presented November 7 - 10 at 
8:14 p.m. in the JC auditorium. 

The play centers around a 
young Greenwich Village intell- 
ectual, Sidney Brustein, his 
wife, Iris Parodus, and their 

Playwright Lorraine Hans- 
berries, who also wrote "A 
Raisin in the Sun*', revolves the 
plot around the battle Sidney 
and friends wage against the 
powers that be when he decides 
to support Wally O'Hara, a 
reformed candidate. 

Brustein's friends include a 
27-year old black artist, Akton 
Scales, and Mrs. Brustein's 

Many hard working hours 
have gone into the production so 
far, with auditions and try-outs. 
"Theatre takes a great deal of 
time," commented Francis 
Leahy, director of the play. 

Three weeks ago, 30 people 
auditioned for the November 
play. According to Leahy, the 
two to three minute auditions 
"gives the student experience 
at this type of thing because 
many are going into this 

It also gave Art Musto, Lois 
Meyer and Leahy, the directors 
of the JC theatre, an 
opportunity . to see tlie new 

The theatre department puts 
on three plays a year, one in 
each term. Usually a variety of 
plays are presented. Last year 
the first production was a 
musical "Mildred Wild" foll- 
owed by a one act opera and a 
one act play. 

Cost Selected 

Staff Writer 

Cast members for the first play produced this season entitled 
"the Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window" were announced 
Wednesday, September 25. 

The play by Lorraine Hansberries has a cast of six male and tliree 
female members. 

Joe Redon will portray a man about 30 years old, editor of a small 
Greenwich Village newspaper, Sidney Brustei. His wife and 
would-be actress Iris Parodous Brustein will be played by Karen 
Moore. Keith Cooper will act as Alton Scales, a 27-year old black 
man, a close friend of the Brusteins'. 

Wally O'Hara, an up and coming politician, is portrayed by 
Daniel Stewart. A Greenwich Village artist named Max is played by 
David Batho. 

Older sister to Iris Brustein, Mavis Parodous Brustine, will be 
played by Dixie Olinger. Neighbor of the Brusteins' and young 
aspiring playwright David Ragin is played by Eugene Lancaster. 
Kitty Albetson will play Iris' and Mavis' baby sister. Mr. Fisher, 
detective, will be portrayed by Gregory Odell. 

Student directors for this production are Ray Smith, Gregory 
Odell, Marie Hansel and Connie Bellman. 

Six weeks of preparation and rehearsal is planned. There will be 
five productions, November 7 through 10, each at 8:14 p.m. in the 
auditorium. A final performance, November 14, will be a benefit for 
the Lake Worth Playhouse to help them purchase a new theatre. 

A Movie This Weekend? 


Staff Writer 
"The Apprenticeship of Duddy 
Cravitze A storyaf ambition tied 
in with heavy ethnic background 
combines many emotions, good 
filming and acting. A good 
"That's Entertainment" This is 

entertaining if you like corny 
cuts from the best of musical 

"Frankenstein" If you are 
looking for garbage, this is what 
to see. Predictable, unsen- 
sational sensationalism, sick 
outlook on sex, very second rate 
script and humor, not worth the. 

price, unaffective 3D ad 
nauseum. Good movie to 
unimpress your friends with. 
"White Dawn" This deals with 
man's inconsideration towards 
his fellow man and his own 
ignorance. Some kill scenes of 
polar bears are bloody. This one 
is worth it's price. 


We're young and we mean business, 

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we can provide you free checking, discounts from local merchants, 

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group-rate travel and more for $3 a month. 

Call us at 655-one-eight-three-five. 


255 Soulh Count/ Road. Palm Beach, Florida 
Member FDIC 

Band Performs ] 
To Replace 
Ripped-Ofi \ 
Instruments j 


Staff Writer 

The JC Concert Band pil 
Jazz Ensemble enjoy lending • 
hand to fellow musicians i> 

When Carl Wesley, ban. 
director of Carver Middle Schoi 
asked them to put on a benef. 
concert to raise money t 
replace the band instrument 
stolen last year, the member 

The Concert Band and Jar 
Ensemble, directed by S' 
Pryweller, will perform Sundaj 
October 6 at 4 p.m. at the Delra 
Beach Civic Center. Proceed, 
will go to the Carver Band. 
Tickets may be obtained s 
Carver Middle School or at t^. 

The band will also b' 
performing October 8 at 8 p. r 
at Century Village. Tls 
concert will feature Hug' 
Albee, tenor, a JC instnictor 
singing the "Flower Song 
from Carmen, among others 
Ruth Ruggles, pianist, also a Jt 
instructor, will present ll 
"Theme from Love Story" ar,; 
other compositions. Th^ 
Concert Band will play lig', 
classics and music frof 
Broadway shows, according i 


Page 11 
Monday, September 30, 1974 





Sports Editor 

There is an old adage that 
says "long distance running is 
mostly mental". The theory can 
be disputed but nonetheless the 
"psycheout" is gaining mo- 

Telling a runner how sickly he 
looks, how thin he is or how pale 
his complexion seems is still one 
of the favorite methods. 

If this procedure is followed 
carefully, the victimized runner 
will fall with a thud at the sound 
of the starting pistol. Later, 
he'll complain of a myriad of 
symptoms ranging from simple 
nausea to appendicitis. 

More medical mayhem occurs 
when the star runner steps onto 
the track supported by a pair of 
crutches, drops them at the 
sound of the gun, and proceeds 
to run a sub-four-minute mile. 

There is also the hungry 
harrier who eats his "well done 
with everything - hold the 
mayo" while his compatriots get 

There is a very strange 
feeling that comes over you 
when you are running along as 
hard as you can and some clown 
runs past you singing a song. 
The classic psyche-out oc- 
curred in a high school cross 
country district race several 
years ago. 

Two members of the host 
team decided to help their own 
cause by making tombstones 
which were engraved with the 
names of the other schools. 

These placards were placed in 
an area of soft white sand about 
200 yards long. 

As the runners rounded a turn 
into the sand they saw the name 
of their school glaring at them 
from the mock gravestone, they 
bit the dust. 

Many of them decided to 
change their athletic pursuits to 
something less strenous - like 


Donations to the PBJC Baseball Foundation are being accepted 
by the First American Bank of Lake Worth and First American Bank 
of North Palm Beach. The funds for sholarships and equipment to 
help enhance the program. The fund is for attracting and keephig 
good baseball players in the area. 

The opening day for the drive was Wednesday. The ganks 
started the foundation by contributing $250 each. 

Harriers Lose 
First Honne Run 

Sports Editor 

The JC cross country team 
placed third behind Miami Dade 
South and Indian River in the 
first annual JC Invitational meet 
Sept. 21. 

The meet was held at John 
Prince Park. 

Mike Higgins was the top 
runner for the Pacers with a fifth 
place finish behind three South 
runners and one from Indian 

Higgins toured the four and 
one-half-mile course in 23 
minutes and 14 seconds. 

Don Edgar was three 
positions behind with an eighth 
place finish of 23:47. 

Ed Everett, his former 
teammate from Broward CC, 
ran to a 10th place finish with a 
time of 24 minutes. ■ 

Ken Anderson finished fourth 
for the Pacers and 13th overall 
with a clocking of 24:29 just two 
positions ahead of Mike Bell, 
who finished up the scoring with 
a 15th place and a time of 24:37. 

Head coach Dick Melear said 
he was pleased with the 
showing of his harriers. 

"I knew Dade South was gong 
to be tough," said Melear. 
"With all of the good people 
that they have they are hard to 
beat. I did think we were 
going to -beat Indian River, 
though," he said. 

The Pacers will travel tc 
Tallahassee Saturday for the 
Florida State University Invitat- 
ional to be held on the same 
course as last year's state meet. 
The main feature of the 
Tallahassee course, located or. 
the FSU golf course, is the 
rolling hilly ground which the 
runners must navigate. 

Last year the JC cross country 
team placed in the state meet. 
Coach Melear hopes his team 
will do much better than that on 
the satne course Saturday. 

' 'This year we have some very 
talented people," said Melear. 
"I'm sure we have the talent to 
beat some people." 

Baseball Teann 
Plays Dade JC 

Sports Editor 

The Pacer baseball team 
opens its 1974 Fall season at 7 
p.m. today at Miami Dade 

. Last year Dade North was one 
of the best teams in the nation 
receiving a fifth place rating in 
overall hitting with a team 
batting average of .335. 

North used their overall 
hitting strength to compile a 
45-15 season record last spring. 
Pat Putman tied for fifth in the 
nation with a total of 11 home 
runs in 58 games. 

North scored a triple play by 
taking first, third and fifth 
places in runs batted in with Ed 
Oliveros scoring 79 RBI's in 60 
games, Putnam with 63 RBI's in 
58 games, and Sam Cook with 
58 RBI's in 587 games. 

Craig Eaton wound up in 
second place in the nation in 
strikeouts with 131 strikeouts in 
138 2/3 innings. 

Dusty Rhodes, first-year 
coach for the Pacers, feels' 
optimistic about his team's 
chances for the upcoming 
season due to the depth and 
experience he feels the team 

will have. 

"We have 12 boys returning 
from last year," said Rhodes. 
"This is more than any other 
team in Division Four." 

Rhodes will have 52 prospects 
to work with during the fall, as 
he attempts to cut the squad to 
25 players before January. 

"We have a lot of good 
players who just walked out for 
practice, " Rhodes said. "Some 
of them may be able to take a 
job away from some of the 
scholarship players." 

According to Rhodes, the 
Miami schools won't be as 
tough as they were last year. 
"Dade North and Dade South 
won't be where they were last 
year," he said. "Both teams 
lost a lot of players through 

Tonight's game is the first of 
a 20-game schedule lasting 
through October. 

This week's schedule contin- 
ues with an intrasquad game on 
Wed. Oct. 2 at 4 p.m. and a 
game against Indian River at 
3:30 p.m. Oct. 4. Both games 
will be played on the Pacers 
home field located on the south 
side of the gym 

Kingston Standout 
Plays For Netters 


Sports Editor 

Norman Russell may be just 
what tennis coach Harris McGirt 
is looking for to lead his net 
squad this year. 

Russell an 18-year-old fresh- 
man from Kingston, Jamaica 
was first exposed to tennis at 
age 11 when he, his brother and 
cousins were playing. 

It was another four years 
before he took to the game 

"When I was younger, I liked 
tennis because of the travel," 
Russell said. "Now I realize 
that it can also bring in a little 

Russell began playing inter- 
nationally, at IS when he 
represented Jamaica in the 
Caribbean circuit. The circuit 
covers Trinidad, Gwana and 

"I didn't do too well," said 
Russell. "I won the 16-year-oId 
and under division in singles 
and I competed with my 
younger brother in the doii- 

Russell explained that tennis 
players in his home country 
qualify for competition in much 
the same way as players from 
the United States where local 
tennis clubs compete in 
international meets. 
Russell is from a family of 

Golfers Place Fourth In TODAY Invitational 


Staff Writer 

The JC golf team finished in a 
tie for fourth place in the Today 
Invitational at the Rockledge 
Country Club. 

The meet was sponsored by 
the Today Newspaper of Cocoa. 

According to golf coach Ray 
Daugherty the team did 
extremely well for their first 
team tournament. 

Defending champion Gregg 
Clatworthy had the best Pacer 
score with a 71-78, for a total of 

Other scores were Mike Sim 
76-76 for a total 152; Jim 
Henry, 79-75 for a total 154 and 
Keith Dunn, 78-77 for a total 

Sam Trehan of Brevard was 
medalist with a three under par 
141. . ^ 

Team results were: Brevard 
"A" 586, Broward 588, Miami 
Dade North 594, Palm Beach 
and Valencia 604, Edison 615, 
Brevard "B" and Miami Dade 
South 616, St. Petersburg 617, 
Indian River 619, Florida Junior 
College 62,0, and Seminole 621. 

Rockledge will also be the 
sight of the Division IV State 
Tournament, May 5, 6, and 7. 

"I think the "other schools 
are not going to improve that 
much, but I do think we will," 
said Daugherty. 

Next meet will be at Polk 
Community College, October 4 
and 5. 

tennis players. His father 
competed in the Junior 
Wimbleton meet and the 
Orange Bowl Tournament at a 
young age, His younger 
brother is also a very good 
player, says Russell. "My 
brother is a better tennis player 
than I am." 

But Russell feels he has more 
- detemroation than his brother. 
"I have the ability to fight 
when I am behind in a game," 
It something brother doesn't do 
as well. 

This determination becomes a 
valuable asset in tennis when a 
combination of heat, potential 
muscle cramps and exhaustion 
attacks a player. 
"Tennis can be almost like a 
•game of chess," he said. 
"When you have two people 
with equal talent and condition- 
ing, the game becomes more of 
a mental struggle. Each player 
tries to outsmart the other by 
using his different strokes." 

"You have certain strokes 

that you can work with," he 

said. ' 'But if you don't use the 

. properly they won't be any 


Although he is most noted for 
his tennis, Russell said he 
enjoys all sports. He also plays 
soccer, table tennis, squash and 
gadminton, and swims. 

"I like American football very 
much," said Russell. "But that 
is only to watch it on TV." 

Another observation ■ Russell 
has made since coming to the 
country is our basic life style, 
which he feels is more hectic 
than in Jamaica. 

"Sometimes I get the feeling 
that nobody want to take the 
time to care about anyone else," 
said Russell. "You are in such a 
rat race and everyone has to 
deal with his problems 

"It is different here," said- 
Russell. "You have so many 
nice peole with so many 

12 - BEACHCOMBER, Monday. September 30, 1974 

Injections Cure 
Bone Condition 

Staff Writer 

A IS pound rooster "El 
Macho" has given researchers 
at Washington University a way 
to combat a bone condition 
thought to bring on Itidney 

"El Macho" produces an 
extremely sensitive antibody 
which can be used to monitor 
and control this bone disease. 
Patients of this infection suffer 
icidney failure and must depend 
on dialysis machines to cleanse 
their blood to survive. 

However, these machines 
often leave a deficiency of 
calcium in patients' blood 
making bones brittle, easily 

Researchers at the University 
found that roosters injected with 
parathyroid hormones from 
cows sometimes develop anti- 
bodies that react to human 
hormones, forming a method to 
measure hormone content in 

Researchers acknowlt dge a 
deficiency of calcium i the 
blood is indicated by an increase 
in the amount of parathyroid 

"Of all the roosters we tested, 
only one. "El Macho" produced 
an antibody that was so 
sensitive that it could be used 
effectively," stated Dr. E. 
Slatopolsky, director of the 
dialysis unit at Barnes Hospital 
in St. Louis. 

Using "El Macho's" anti- 
body, doctors can govern the 

patients' diet or infuse calcium 
directly into the blood during 
use of the dialysis machine, 
restoring the phosphorous 
calcium blance in the blood- 
stream. This arrests the bone 

"Not only was the E! Macho 
antibody at least 100 times more 
sensitive to the parathyroid 
hormone than the other 
animal's bodies - but it turned 
out that this rooster produces it 
in such quantities that there is 
enough to go around for every 
patient on dialysis in the 
world," Sr. Slatopolsky con- 

Smith has many interesting anecdotes to tell, but none quite so extraordinary as the lop secret 
Project X-Ray. 

Smith Reveals Secret Plansi 



Ads ! ! ! 

Bring Ads by 
geachcomber Office| 

Managing Editor 

Richard Michau Smith, a member of the art department, has 
many interesting anecdotes to tell, but none quite so extraordinary 
as the top secret Project X-Ray. 

In 1943 during World War II, when Smith, a Marine Corps pilot, 
and head of a bombardier school in EI Centre, California, was 
suddenly reassigned as executiv officer to the ultra-secret testing 

Smith and nine other men from different branches of the service, 
were assigned to test the highly fantastic idea of an eccentric 
dentist, inventor, with evident government connections. 

The inventor claimed to have taken his plan to the White House 
where he first contacted Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt about his idea. 

Mrs. Roosevelt woke the sleeping president, who after listening 
to the idea, sent the inventor to the Pentagon to initiate tests. 

The diabolical plan was to load bomb-like containers with 
hundreds of bats, each with a timed incendiary capsule clipped to 
their bellies. 

The capsules, filled with napalm, would be set to ignite only after 
the bats had reached the gound and had flown to cool, dark places. 

The inventor reasoned that, when the "bomb" was dropped, a 
series of related Rube Goldbert-type steps would be set into motion 
causing thousands of fires, scattered over a vast range, making it 
impossible for municipal fire department to fight. 

Besides the potential great damage to a city, the fires, of 
unknown orgin, would cause a great deal of anxiety and worried 
speculation among the residents. 

The primary mission of Project X-Ray (now unclassified), as 
Smith explained was to test the ability of the bats to carry live 
incendiary capsules. 

And in order to accomplish this, some bats had to be captured 
first, Smith said. 

The men were sent to Carlsbad Caverns with huge butterfly nets 
to collect the bats, put them in cages, and fly them to EI Centre, 
where the Marines had erected a small building to house them. 

The building recreated the exact cave temperature and 

humidity, so the bats would survive for the testing. _ ; 

"Bats, like bears, tend to hibernate when it's cold, so for a perioJj 

of four to five months a year they're immobile," Smith stated. [ 

"We also learned, as an interesting fact, that during hibernaitosj 

the bat's heart beats only about once a day," he added. ; 

"We had to make sure, therefore, that we didn't capture ihemj 

while they were in hibernation," Smith commented. 

One of the owners wouldn't give up his guano rights, whitM 

meant that some of the men on the project were assigned, ib[ 

addition to their other duties, to shovel the guano (bat manure usedj 

for fertilizer) out of the cave for the rancher. i^ 

The caves were under 24-hour guard due to the top secret nmui 

of the project. Smith said. ,{ 

"After about a week's work on the testing, most of us depioreo! 

the whole idea, and thought it was a ridiculous, rather impracticsr 

scheme that would be difficult if not impossible to carry out. f 

remarked Smith. . r 

"Most of our progress reports did little to encourage continuKj 

testing on the project," the artist said. 5 

Although the military men assigned to the project were sowrit t:; 

secrecy, the inventor - dentist persisted in telling almost ever; 

casual acquaintance about his "batty idea," declared Smith. , 

An admiral with a large entourage of VIP's was sent froc, 

Washington to see how the project was developing after thru 

months. i 

Since the three manufacturers hadn't yet completed work (.' 

portions of the project, the bomb containers and incendiary device!, 

weren't ready, so the pilots in the group had to fly small planes ovf, 

the desert, hand-tossing the bats into the planes slipstream. ! 

"The test wasn't very successful," Smith relates. : 

During another rest the weather turned cool, and the bats we' 

into hibernation, making the occasion a complete fiasco, 

In February of 1944, Project X-Ray was suddenly disbanded «r 
no explanation to the participants. 

Smith later learned that the US Army had worked on tt 
inventor's idea earlier, for two years, before deciding it had ' 

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Impact Seminar Schedulec 

An unusual seminar featuring 
"The Environment, Society and 
You", is to begin Oct. 1 at 
Howell L. Watkins Junior High 
School, Palm Beach Gardens. 

Bruce Robinson, local envir- 
onmental activist, is coordinat- 
ing the seminar, and has 
announced the nine speakers for 




Thousands of Topics 
$2.75 per page 
Send for your up-to-date, 
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of 5500 topics. Enclose 
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Our materials are sold for 
research purposes only 

the first three class meeting. 

The first class, Tuesday, 7 - 
10 p.m. with registration at 6:30 
p.m. will be a discussion of how 
our Florida ecosystem evolved 
and how it works. 

Virginia Langbein, anthropo- 
logist, Maurice Hartman, zoo- 
logist, both of the JC faculty, 
and Dr. Dwight Goforth, of the 
Florida Game and Fresh Water 
Fish Commission will be the 
guest speakers for the first 

The second meeting, Oct. 8 

will concern natural resoiird 
Speakers will be Harold Zur' 
well known Florida develc 
and builder, a spokesman 
the sugar industry, and I' 
Higgins, from the Centra! - 
South Florida Flood Cor' 

The fee for the eight (• 
meetings is SIO. Additi'. 
information may be obli3i' 
from the Palm Beach Jm 
College Gardens Center offu 
telephone 622-3863. 

Intramural Bowling 

Starts Wednesday, Oct. 2 

4-6 P.M. 
Major League Lanes 


Vol. XXXVI, No, 5 


Monday, October 7, 1974 

Lake Worth, Florida, 33460 

Police Angered Over Patch 

Confronted Student 
Felt Threatened 





Asst. News Editor 

The confrontation between 
four off-duty West Palm Beach 
policemen and a student in the 
cafeteria Wednesday was a 
situation "We will do every- 
thing we can to correct," said 
Larry D. Tuttle, chairman of the 
Criminal Justice Institute. 

"Police officers who are 
students do not have any 
authority except as students. 
The officers should have 
notified security if they had a 
complaint," said Tuttle. 

The confrontation took place 
when a student, Robert 
Holland, was in the cafeteria 
wearing a West Palm Beach 
police patch on his knee. He 
was approached by the pfficers 
demanding that he remove his 
patch. The officers did not 
identify themselves as police- 
men but according to Holland, 
they told him the patch was 
stolen and he could be arrested. 
Holland said he received the 
patch from his mother who 
works for the WPB police as a 
matron . 

Tuttle called the incident 
regrettable and regarded it as 
the type of thing that gives 
policemen a bad image, "Chief 
William Barnes (WPB) will be 
notified." said Tuttle. 


Photo by Jim Collins 
Robert Holland points to wfaete the patch was removed. 

SG Slices Budgets 


News Editor 

Student Government's Exec- 
utive Board sliced more than 
$3,000 off the combined club 
budgets at the Oct. 1 meeting. 

Nearly all budget cuts were in 
the area of entertainment, 
dances, picnics, and parties. SG 
President Tory Buckley insists 
that SG is still funding social 
activities, but money is not to be 
allocated for an event unless 
three or more clubs or 
organizations make a combined 

The impact of the Executive 
Board decision was felt mostly 
by Phi Lo Sorority, whose 
annual Arch Ballwas not given 
any funds, though S500 was 
requested for the event. 

In-defending the budget cuts, 
Buckley urged the "greater 
representation of all groups on 
campus" in social events "so 
we're not running around in 
cliques on campus." 

President of Phi Lo, Karen 
Linderson, generally agreed 
with Buckley in theory, but 
stressed that the Arch Ball was 
an event that could "not do that 

much to get the clubs 

Ms. Linderson said the Arch 
Ball, a formal dance held late in 
the Winter Term, is "not the 
type of dance where you just go 
out to meet people. 

"However, we do keep it 
open to the student body. Last 
year, we had as many outsiders 
as people in our dub at the 
dance," she concluded. 

The funds needed for the 
Arch Ball, an annual event at JC 
since the mid-1940's, were the 
only monies requested by the 
Phi-Lo Sorority. 

With the club's original 
requests listed in parentheses, 
here are the budgets as 
approved at the Executive 
Board meeting October 2: 

Circle K ($2,200) - - S2,000 

Phi Da Di ($820) - -$50 

Phi Lo (S575) - -$.00 

Phi Theta Kappa (6,130.60 - 

Sales and Marketing ($1,250) 
- -$1,600. 

Science Club ($1,200) 

Sunburst Amateur Radio Club 
($315 - -$315 

WRAP ($2,000) - -$1,400 
OAA and Chi Sig have not yet 
submitted budget requests. 


Robert Holland, wearing a West Palm Beach police department 
shoulder patch on the knee of his jeans, was confronted by four 
off-duty West Palm Beach policemen Wednesday. According to 
Holland, they made him fear possible arrest if he did not 
immediately remove his patch. 

Witnesses stated that patrolmen Michael Kennedy, Michael 
Pontieri, John Slattery, and Michael Cerbone, all students at the 
Criminal Justice Institute, approached Holland in the cafeteria and 
demanded that he remove his patch. They did not identify 
themselves as police officers. 

"I asked the officers if 1 could give the patch to them later so I 
would not rip my pants trying to remove it. They told me they 
wanted it 'Right now!' because it was stolen property and I could be 
arrested. I felt if I didn't give them the patch they would try to 
remove it themselves or else arrest me," said Holland. 

The officers denied being belligerent and stated the encounter 
was brief and friendly. 

"The guy had a patch on that said 'City of West Palm Beach 
Police.' It doesn't belong on his knee - -he was defacing city 
property. We didn't approach him as police officers and we did not 
threaten arrest," said Pontieri. 

"Unless you are employed by the city of West Palm Beach or it is 
given to you by the city, then it is not your property," he said. 
Holland explained he told the policemen the patch was given to 
him by his mother who is employed by the department as a matron. 
According to Inspector Eaton of the West Palm Beach Police 
Department, "Since his mother works as a matron and gave him the 
patch, then he legally had the patch. From my understanding, the 
officers, thinking the patch was stolen, had the right to do what thev 

During the confrontation, witnesses heard someone tell Holland 
he could be arrested for stealing tlie patch. The officers deny 
making the remark, Slattery said he believed it was a student 
onlooker rather than a policemen. 

Earlier reports stating one of the officers threatened Holland by 
drawing his gun were not substantiated. Witnesses claim at no time 
did anyone attempt to use a weapon. 

"We asked him for the patch unofficially. We are here to be 
educated. It just got out of proportion," said Kennedy. 

Holland, whose mother and brother both work in law 
enforcement, said he was wearing the patch to "just cover a hole. I 
meant nothing disrespectful to the police." 

Pontieri^ explained the officers felt "the patch did not belong on 
his pants." He further stated they simply wanted to recover stolen 
city property. 

"If you possess property that is stolen, said Pontieri, "it is a 


I VP Releases Results 

JC students interested in transfering to Florida Atlantic 
University are urged to take advantage of FAU's second an- 
nual Community College Day, to be held from 8 a.m. to 4 
p.m. Thursday. 

Registration is at FAU's University Center. 

Photo by Theresa Daniels 

This unsupervised election booth ' 

ups. A complete analysis of senate elections is on page 4. 

I was one of many election foul- 

Student Government Vice 
President Dolor Ginchereau has 
given the Beachcomber the 
following results of the Senate 
elections, belt Sept, 23-25: 

Becky Davis led the senators 
with 126 votes of 198 votes cast. 
Voting continued as follows: 
Rob Abrams, 119; James 
Boger, 106; Terry Brisson, 112; 
James Cox, 109; Bart 

Cunningham, 124; Walt 
Qavis, 104; 

Terry Dreher, 106; John 
Farrinelli, 100; Joseph 

Fitzgerald, 106; Elaine Foley, 
113; Glynne Hughes, 116; 
Kathy Josephson, 110; 

■Sue Keen, 115; Bill Kirik, 
107; Donna Miller, 117; Bill 
Penney, 105; Sam Putt, 113; 
Marie Riccobono, 112; Robert 
Roberts, 102; 

Jim Scott, 114; Hillary 
Swengal, 111; Dave Upshaw, 
116; Skip Walker, 107. 

The election results were 
given to the Beachcomber 
Friday, Sept. 27, too late to be 
used in last week's issue. 

2 ■ BEACHCOMBER, Monday, October 7, 1 974 

Monday, October 7, 1974, BEACHCOMBER - 3 



1^1 ass 


Associate Editor 

Managing Editor 

associated collegiate press 


Humans Involved 
In Election Mess 

In a democracy, one of the most prized and important principles 
we hold dear is the right to vote. 

In the college - a community of the higher educated - it is of 
special concern that this principle is respected and preserved. In 
the September JC senatorial election (or fiasco), observers were 
reminded of the mismanaged county primary elections. This 
campus mess-up was not due to a computei problem- the fault lies 
completely in human hands. 

Even though a miniscule portion of the total student enrollment 
bothered to vote (2%), it proved too much for the Secretary of 
Election Marc J. Graham to cope with. 

The Beachcomber dutifully publicized the lackluster carnpaign 
which eventually produced 24 applicants for 24 senatorial positions. 
From that point on, the election was in the hands of Student 

Graham, in his report to the Executive Board Oct. 1, stated that 
he had checked out the two voting machines for mechanical 
difficulties when they arrived on campus Sept. 19. But on Sept. 24, 
the second day of voting, the machine in the Business Patio broke 
down and was closed to further use. No signs were put up to inform 
students who frequent only that area of the campus of the other 
polling place near the cafeteria. 

Graham stated that he "was unaware that the constitution 
required that an election be held each year." We simply cannot 
believe that the Secretary of Elections could be ignorant of 
constitutional rules concerning elections. 

He also took it upon himself to declare the elections unnecessary" 
after confering with several senators" , because only 24 candidates 
participated. Because of this, voting machines were not set up at 
the proper time, another violation of election rules. 

Had Graham asked the advice of the Executive Board or its 
advisor, Mr. Arnold Freedraan, he would have known the proper 
steps to take. Careful supervision and overall guidance of the 
elections by SG vice-president Dolor Ginchereau kept the elections 
from total destruction by improper handling. 

Graham also contends that elections should only be held on two 
days and two nights, and that only one machine is necessary. We 
couldn't disagree more. Inconvenience (for poll workers) is the 
poorest reason for such a change we have ever heard. 

If elections are to continue with any kind of meaning at JC, they 
must be brought up from the playpen level. This must be done to 
insure continued productivity by SG. 

Students deserve a Secrtary of Elections who is able to do the job, 
and do it properly. Perhaps the office should become elective, 
rather than appointive as it is now. 

Whatever the case, the first act of the Senate when it meets 
should be to set up a special committee to investigate this foul-up 
and make needed changes; steps should also be taken to revise the 
election rules. Uncontested elections are truly exercises m futility. 

Clear Mandate Gone 

As_ we stressed last week, the importance of the School Boatd- 
elections held Oct. 2 was such that it should have rated placement 
on either the September or November ballots. Unfortunately, since 
only 16 per cent of the registered voters made it to the polls, the 
results are not truly representative. 

Case in point is the election of Bradley T. Coates over incumbent 
C. Enrol Hicks, Coates won the election by a 285 vote margin, a 
mere 1.3 per cent. Perhaps the result would have been the same if 
more people voted. But this is not the point. 

The point is that in as important an election as this one was, the 
outcome was decided on the votes of a few. Such a choice is the 
child of apathetic voters. 

We do hope that Dr. Coates becomes a influential force on the 
board. We also hope that Dr. Hicks will continue serving the public 
as well as he has in the past thank him for a job well done over these 
past four years. 



(1} Not exceed 250 words. 

(2) Be signed by the author. 

(3) include the author's 
telephone number, 

(4) Be received in the 
Beachcomber Office no 
later than 4 p.m. on 

All letters are subject 
to condensation. 



Advisor Of f ers Side 


Your "editor's note" on page one of today's 
(September 30) issue is inaccurate, misleading 
and libelous. 

Dolor Ginchereau could not give the results of 
the elections for the senators as he did not have 
the final totals at the time promised. 

The student body has the right to know the . 
results: but, if the final tabulations are not 
available by the time the paper goes to press, it 
would be a disservice to give approximate 

As far as the Beachcomber's "repeated 
attempts to obtain the information", your 
reporter was told to contact the Secretary of 

Elections. He called me at my home Friday 
night, but I did not have the information he 
sought. He was told to contact the Secretary of 
Elections by me; but evidentally he expects news 
items to jump out at him, rather than seek 
information from the correct source. 

Your remark that you have received 
"absolutely no cooperation from SG" is 
inaccurate, irresponsible and immature. You 
owe Mr. Ginchereau an apology; and I suggest 
you assign intelligent, energetic students to your 
reportorial tasks. 

Arnold M. Freedman 

Instructor, Social Science 

SG advisor 

Senate Clarifications Noted 


Please accept my congratu- 
lations for your Winter '74 
rating of excellent as well as for 
your efforts to include faculty 

However, in the interest of 
accuracy,' may I call your 
attention to three errors; 

"Senators Concur" - 

I. "effectively prevents 

Vignau from BECOMING chair- 
man" should have been "from 
SUCCEEDING to the chairman- 

2. "four persons were 
nominated" should have been 
"four persons accepted the 
nomination." Mr. Leroy 
Robbins declined the nomina- 
tion as did I. 

"Trustees Select Campus 


Rather than the pension laws 
being discriminatory "to 102 JC 
teachers now under Social 
Security," the law is discrimin- 
atory toward those 102 who are 
NOT on Social Security and who 
may choose to remain on their 
present retuement plans. 

M. Vignau 

Heidfmon Report Criticized 


The complete exoneration of 
Sheriff William Heidtman 
appears to me to be a slap in the 
face of all honest citizens 
everywhere. The investigation 
was glossed over and only a 
partial report was given to the 

The people of the county 
should be given a chance to 
examine the complete record of 
the investigation to determine 
whether or not it (the 

investigation) was handled 

I believe that certain areas 
were treated with kid gloves. 
Too much has been going on 
that hasn't been fully explained. 

One of the majojr goals of the 
citizens of this county should be 
to give Mr. Heidtman some 
opposition when he is up for 
re-election. I . would vote for 
Heidtman if it came between 
him and some unqualified man. 
That shouldn't be the case. 

Admittedly, Heidtman does 
enforce the law. However, the 
way he goes about it and his 
attitude is one that the voters 
should not have to tolerate. His 
insolent behavior towards the 
county commission as well as 
his famous statement, "I don't 
have to tell them (the public) 
what I spend my money on," 
shows that he is better suited to 
be a Claude Kirk crony rather 
than a public official. 

Patrick O'Donogbue 


News Editor Bruce Moore 

Editorial Assistant Jan Tuckwood 

Sports Editor Robin Plitt 

Feature Editor Lynn Kalber 

Copy Editor Sharon Osburn 

Photographic Editor Jim Collins 

Entertainment Editor .... Tim Bray 
Assistant Managing Editor . Wayne Soldo 
Assistant News Editor . . . .Brian Crowley 

Campus Events Kat Mahlbacher 

Consultant Mr. Charles McCreight 

Chief Photographer Steve Fritz 

Sports Photographer ..... .Jay Kravetz 


Robin Witt 
Frank Smith 
Tom Quaranto 
Joel Tanen 
Rebecca Morse 
Amy Strimbu 
Lori iHillebrand 
Glenn Powell 
Susan Kyte 

Cindy Cowen 
Ellen Palmier! 
Flick Mager 
Jimmy Neil 
Walt Davis 
Randy Powell 
James Cleara 
Mike Piliero 
Robin Kindle 

Debbie Thompson 
John Auchterionie 
Roderick Beauchamp 
Winifred Knighton 

The Beachcomber is published from our editorial offices in the Student Publications Building at Palm Beach 
Juntor College, 4200 S. Congress Avenue, Lake Worth, Florida, 33460. Phone 965-8000, Ext. 210. 

Opinions expressed in the Beachcomber are those of the editors or the writers of the article and not necessarily 
those of Palm Beach Junior College. 

The Beachcomber is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the Florida Junior College Press 

^ { •—' I n - - II I ' II 


Gals Aggressive? 

"J. M/che/eNoffer- 

There are two other tribes of New Guinea who have socialized 
their children into entirely different roles. These tribes display 
what we don't usually consider normal behavior for males and 
females, and they also differ from the passive Arapesh that I 
presented in my last column. One tribe, and all its members, is 
extremely aggressive. In the other tribe, the men are passive and 
the women agressive. 

The Mundugumor people were once cannibals. All members of 
the society are raised in the belief that both men and women are 
violent, aggressive, jealous and independant. 

The children are treated as interlopers, more mouths to feed and 
more competition. They are weaned abruptly and get a minimum 
amount of attention paid to all their needs. 

The females have a slightly less stressful life than the males since 
they are allowed to develop slight fi-iendships with other females. 
This is encouraged because one they they will have to live with their 
husband's other wives. Between the men, however, there is only 
suspicion and constant competition for new wives or mote riches. 

The society I found most interesting was the Tchambuli society. 
It is the exact reverse of our society. The men are violent vain and 
erratic. The women are strong, dominant and aggressive. 

Efficient and unadorned, the women do most of the work in the 
village. They cook, plait and mend their fishing gear. Their activity 
has an air of firm cooperation to it. At dawn, they take out canoes to 
fish, when the temperature rises they return to the village to 
perform other chores. 

In contrast, the men sit in their ceremonial houses all day, 
planning the next feast, doing ceremonial tasks, cutting new thatch 
or plaiting masks for the dances. The men curl their hair, and 
concern themselve almost exclusively with the refinements of their 

The children are given plenty of affection until the age of six or 
seven, the boys and girls have been treated exactly the same. 
However, at this time, the girls are introduced to the 
responsibilities of females. The boys do not start any training in the 
male role but are left on the fringes of their society. In the following 
three or four year period the boys feel a sense of neglect and 
purpose. They become typical Tchambuli men, quick to hurt and 
often become hysterical. 

In the three societies I have mentioned, there are a variety of role 
models for men and women. The people of the Arapesh tribe are 
maternal by our standards, they are cooperative unaggressive and 
responsive to the needs of others. 

In contrast, the Mundugumor men and women are ruthless, 
aggressive and put maternal cherishing at a minimum. The 
Tchambuli society has a complete reversal of our culture with the 
women being the dominant impersonal managing partner and the 
men the less responsible and emotionally dependent persons. 

Next week I will present a study of first through eighth grade 
readers, showing what effects they have in socializing our children 
into stereo-typed male/female roles. 

^^s^ Featured Futures^^^'^^'^^^^^'^^'^^'^^^^^^^^^^, 

I Aquarius: Watchful | 

I I 

^kmi;imfmiiimiiiimmimim FlickMoger ®®5si 

Pisces: Stability marks this week. Events- are fixed in a 

harmonious, familiar pattern that should persist for the greater part 

of October. Don't hesitate to call attention to yourself. 

Aries: You'resensitive to subtle messages. An apparent opponent 

is really on your side, and you take happy advantage of his. Keep 

track of promises made in the past. 

Taurus: Personalplans are likely to be cancelled; better ones will 

take their place. Keep an eye on scholastic work. It Could get 

beyond you. 

Gemini: In an argument you will finally prove something you've 

been contending for weeks. Don't let triumph carry you away, 

though; those who disagree with you are not content. 

Cancer: You are prone to accidents or illness during a short period. 

Take particular care of your body. 

Leo: Those you count on for help seem to have a roundabout way of 

getting things done. Foul play is suspected. Stick to your own ideas 

and opinions. 

Virgo: With several crises out of the way, you look about for 

something new. Be sure that it has some relation to the past. 

Experience in dealing with people will be helpful. 

Libra: A formerly passive person shows signs of becoming 

emotionally involved with you. Success depends on how you handle 

the situation. Encounters with peculiar personalities are foreseen. 

Scorpio: A good deal of flack seems to be coming your way. 

Relations with the opposite sex are subject to strain that may not 

show up until later. Be wary of seemingly attractive offers. 

Sagittarious: Everying is changing. Your reactions should be 

flexible. Deep depression (or great elation) will do you harm and 

should not be indulged in. 

Capricorn: Facing facts is essential this week. You may be seeing 

only what you want to see; this is the basis for some personal 

problems. Don't be afraid to recognize your faults. 

Aquarius: You arejed astray by an authority figure or an influential 

contemporary. The results will not appear for a while, but when 

they do, they will involve money, friends and possibly the law. 

Guest Column 

Signs Signal Society's Views 

Managing Editor 

If you ride long enough on 
U. S. 75 you're in for a real treat: 

you arrive in Disney World. 
You are, in fact, catapulted from 
the smooth, shiny four-lane 
Brevard County highway right 
into deserted western Mel- 
bourne which is a narrow, 
bumpy, straight two-lane trail 
that poses as a state highway. 
And to further the fun, a few 
dozen huge trucks are coming at 
you. As I tried to make my way 
along Osceola County's path, 
each and every quarter mile 
brought a whole new fleet of 
smoke belching monsters, all 
bearing down on me at full 
speed arid blowing my bicycle 
into the ditch as they reared by. 

It was in this manner that I 
continued my journey, quiver- 
ing every time I approached a 
fleet of truct monsters and 
occasionally looking over my 

shoulder and pack sack to see 
my companions' hair grow 
white. Then I saw the sign. If I 
had been scared before, I was 
terrified. Posted to a tree at the 
side of the road, neatly printed 
in big black letters on white 
signboard, were the prophetic 

"Oh My God," I yelled, "I 
mean, what kind of highway am 
I on?" I immediately pulled off 
the road into an area very 
common on this highway, a cow 
pasture. I then came to a full 
stop, got off and crawled under 
a nearby bush. I lay there 
peering fearfully out at the road 
for almost three hours before I 
realized that the sign didn't 
necessarily have any connect- 
ions with the highway and 
dangerous traffic. It was merely 
a sign put up anonymously by 
some unidentified group that 
merely scared the HELL out of 

Mike's View« 

Voting Essential 

Mike Piliero- 

There are so many things to do in life - why should one have to 
spend time reading and staying up with the news? 

Politics is coming out of every nook and cranny. Even if we 
weren't tired and frustrated with political ploys, there are many 
other reasons that justify one's inattention to the news. 

Like any combination of making a living, keeping up with our 
studies, our boyfriends, girlfriends, children, lovers, shopping, 
jogging, outings and you name it. 

These are essential activities. They are necessary for our well 
being, and they could well consume all our time. 

But, if we wish to seek our own goals, choose our individual ways, 
and make the world liveable for present and future generations then 
we must, what? In 25 words or less. 

We must tackle the neglected responsibility of concerning 
ourselves with the men, women and social events that shape and' 
control our destiny. 

History has exposed the horrible events that take place when a 
country's citizens become unconcerned or lose hope on issues of the 

Can we afford to be unconcerned or just give up? Is America 
strong enough to get by without our voice? That's funny because 
America has gotten by with vote apathy in the past. But that's 
because we have been lucky. Believe me, purely lucky. 

The Romans, at one time, were lucky, too. . .until the fall. 

Enter And Win 

Staff Writer 

. Students are asked to submit 
plans for an entrance way to the 
city of Lake Worth and win 
prizes according to the Lake 
Worth Chamber of Commerce. 
Applicants are to base their, 

design on the contemporary 
Mediterranean architectural 
theme recently adopted by the 

Deadline for entries is 
October 14. First prize is $100. 
Second place winner will receive 
$50 and third place will net $25. 


I didn't think that was fair. 
Youknow, I suppose it's okay to 
clutter up the side of the 
highway with signs and 
billboards advertising one thing 
or another, as long as it's an 
endorsed product. If it's signed 
by some manufacturing com- 
pany or religious organization, 
at least you know it's an 
advertisement and you know 
who is to blame for it. 

But to just put anonymous 
warning out there on the side of 
the highway, and leave them 
without any kind of signature to 
show whether or not the sign is 
an official statement or just 
another ad, is somewhat 

First of all, the American 
people have a right to know who 
is to blame for the various 
slogans strewn all over. That 
way if they disagree with the 
slogan, they can satisfy their 
beliefs and ease their con- 
science by saying, "Spit Wash 
Deodorant can go straight to 
hell!" or something to that 

Then, if people don't like the 
ad, they can get mad at the 
Spit Wash Deodorant Company, 
whereas, if people put signs up 
that just said: DEODORIZE 
STINKERl, then people would 
most likely just get all insulted 
and have no place to vent their 
wrath. Everyone in the world 
would stink and the chairman of 
the board of Spit Wash would 
kill herself. 

Another reason for discou- 
raging unendorsed signs is 
simply this - equal time. If some 
anonymous religious group can 
put up signs saying: PREPARE 
THY GOD!, then atheists 
should have every right to tack 
up signs saying: WHEN 

Also, if we're going to allow 
people to just go around 
irresponsibly putting up signs 
that shake the hell out of you, 
there's no telling what the result 
might be. Could you imagine 
riding down the highway seeing 
a sign of an anonymous 
Democrat saying: MOSCOW 

And there's always the 
oddball political group saying: 

The Florida State Education 
people would leap into the act 
with billboards stating: IF YOU 

(Tutn to SIGNS, page 6) 



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sexiest little somethings to hit the 
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9:30 to 5:30 

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329 Worth Ave., Palm Beach 

4 - BEACHCOMB ER , Monday, October 7, 1 974 

Monday, October 7, 1974, BEACHCOMBER - 5 

Hicks Loses -HendrixWins 

JC instructor Dr. C. Errol Hicks, District 4 incumb- 
ent candidate for the school board, was defeated by a 
very small margin last Tuesday by Dr. Bradley Coates. 

Hicks said the loss was a disappointment but he still 
is willing to aid the board in any way possible. Losing 
was "a bitter pill to take because of the small voter 
turnout" according to Hicks, but he accepted his defeat 
very open-mindedly. 

"The problem seemed to be the small turnout." 
Hicks felt if more people had voted it would have been 
to his advantage since he had already served on the 
board for the past four years.' 

After the defeat "you think of all the little things," 
said Hicks. "These are the things that could have 
affected the results." His main problem in 
campiagning was financial. 

Hicks is still a member of the school board for six 
more weeks. Even after his term is ended, Hicks stated 
that he would be more than willing to work on an 
advisory committee to the board, or with them in any 
other way possible. For his remaining time as a 
member of the school board, Hicks would like to see the 
board work towards solving the problem of over 
crowded schools. 

The incumbent candidate for District 2 was Daniel 
Hendrix, also a JC instructor. His reelection was by a 
large margin oyer his opponent. 

According to Hendrix, the results prove that "the 
county has come of'age and they are in tune to the 
youth movement, the brotherhood of man and love for 
one another." 

The main factors for his reelection, according to 
Hendrix, were the record of his past four years on the 

school board, that people had faith in him and worked 
hard for him, and also the endorsements of the 
newspapers. Hendrix also felt that the voters "elect 
people who are farsighted enough to work on 
progressive ideas." 

During his next four years on the school board, 
Hendrix would like to work towards having the . 
curriculum made more relevant in that it should meet 
the needs of all students. He would also like to see the 
Palm Beach County School System become one of the 
best in the country. 

A STUDY OF MANY OF THE Palm Beach County 
Schools and their disciplinary habits will be a very 
important part of Mr. Hendrix's next four years on the 
school board. He feels that better rapport should be 
established between the student and the teacher. 

Election Rules Violations; 
Mismanagement At Polls 

News Editor 
Flagrant violations of election 
rules, mismanagement of the 

Photo by Jim Collins 

SG Advisor Arnold 
Freedman claims 
the Beachcomber 
was unfair to SG 
during recent el- 

First National Bank 


Trust Company 

114 North "J" St. 

Lake Worth, Florida 

Phone 582-5641 

Member F.D.I.C. 

polls, broken-down voting 
machines, and charges between 
the Beachcomber and Student 
Government highlighted a 
chaotic week in which 24 
senatorial candidates reached 
their positions unopposed. 

Senate elections were sche- 
dules for Sept. 23, 24 and 15, 
Machines were to be set up at 
the Busines Patio and outside 
the cafeteria. 

On Friday, Sept, 20^ 
Secretary of Elections Mate J. 
Graham learned that two of the 
26 candidates had withdrawn 
from the race. 

According to Graham, "At 
this time I was unaware that the 
constitution required that an 
election be held each year. 
These new developments (the 
withdrawals) caused me to 
decide that an election was 

Graham said he had conferred 
with several senate candidates 
before making the decision. He 
did not discuss this move in 
detail with SG President Tory 
Buckley, the executive board, or 
the SG advisor, Mr. Arnold 

Later in the weekend high 
executive board officers decided 
to go ahead with the election, 
but were unable to contact 
Graham, so that he (Graham) 
could inform poll workers and 
candidates that the election was 
to be held. 

SG Vice-President Dolor 
Ginchereau, in the abserise of 
Graham, supervised the setting 
up of a voting machine near the 
cafeteria late Monday morning. 

Graham explained that 
"when I got to SG executive 
offices, Buckley asked me to set 
up the remaining voting 
machines. I did' this with the 
help of Mr. (Dave) Drummond, 
(manager) of WRAP." 

Election rules state that if 
there is a time change in the 
voting, "notification of said 
change will be made known at 
the polling booths by poster." 


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However, no such posters, were 
used by the S.G.A. election 

During the elections poll 
workers were cajoling students 
into voting. According to 
political expert Mr. Edwin 
Pugh, a Social Science instruc- 
tor and advisor to JC's Political 
Union club, the cajoling was a 
form of "politicing by suppor- 
ters," which is prohibited by SG 
election rules. 

On several occasions thro- 
ughout the three days and 
nights of voting the polls were 
manned by only one student. 
Beachcomber photographs ver- 
ify that in one instance a poll 
worker was in a voting booth 
without anyone else around to 
man the registration table. 

The poll worker, in this 
instance, could have voted for 
certain candidates again and 
again without being discovered. 


Tuesday, the election mach- 
ine in the Business Patio "broke 
down and we were forced to 
close it down," said Graham. 

No signs were posted to 
inform the students that they 
could vote at a booth near the 

Graham's scratching of the 
withdrawn candidates' names, 
as was shown in a Beachcomber 
photograph last week, should 
not have been allowed, 
according to Pugh. 

Throughout the election, 
students could vote without 
showing JC identification cards. 
Though it is an improbability a 
person not enrolled at JC could 
have voted using the name of a 
JC student. 

The only act one had to 
perform before voting was to 
state his name and the poll 
worker would cross the name off 

Social Science instructor Mr. Edwm 

on the master student list. 

The results of the election did 
not appear in the last issue of 
the Beachcomber, though they 
had been finalized at least one 
day prior to press time, which 
was Thursday night September 

In an effort to obtain the 
results, which were promised 
earlier in the election week by 
Ginchereau, the Beachcomber 
contacted Ginchereau, Buckley 
and Freedman Thursday after- 

Earlier Thursday Ginchereau 
was reminded that the results 
were needed that night. 
However, as of 5 p.m. no action 
had been taken by Ginchereau. 

A Beachcomber reporter 
made several unsuccessful 
attempts to contact Graham by 
phone. The SG Secretary 
Constance Holmes, and Freed-, 
man were also contacted. 

At approximately 10 p.m. 
Thursday, Holmes and Ginc- 
hereau arrived at the Beach- 
comber office. 

Again they were asked for the 
results, but the executive board 
officers explained that Graham 
was the only SG officer having 
the total. 

In the September 30 issue of 
the "Beachcomber" an editor's 
note appeared above the SG 

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Today's Hair Cut For Tomorrow's Styles 

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Photo by Jini Collins 
Pugh explained election rules. 

election article ' stating that 
"Ginchereau did not meet his 
obligation" to give over the 
results to the "Beachcomber." 

It should be clarified that 
while Ginchereau stated that he 
would get the results of the 
election, the editor's note stated 
that it was his "obligation." 
The notice should have stated 
only that he agreed to do this. 

Last week, following publi- 
cation of the election article 
"2% Bother to Vote," the 
'Comber received a letter-to- 
the editor from SG Advisor 
Freedman. In response to that 
letter. Beachcomber Editor 
Marc Bressler replied in a 
return letter to Freedman that 
his (Freedman's) letter was "an 
insult and affront to the 
integrity and honesty of my staff 
and editors." 

Tuesday, Freedman asked 
Bressler not to print the letter 
he (Freedman) had written 
because it would serve no 
purpose and would cause a 
breach on the relations between 
the press and S.G. 

However, in a surprise move, 
Freedman discussed these 
matters openly at the regular SG 
Senate meeting Thursday. 

Because Freedman choose to 
air his views publicly, the 
editors felt his letter should be 
used. The letter appears on 
page two of todays issue. 

Another angle to the elections 
that surfaced was that the 
election results received by the 
Beachcomber Friday, Sept. 27 
was the only copy available. 

Had the Beachcomber, in the 
flurry of-a TliurVday press night 
(when the paper is ccrpleted), 
lost the results, officir Student 
Government records may have 
never told of what was surely 
one of the most mismanaged 
elections in SG history. 

Battle Of The Burgers 

News Editor 
The greasiest fight of the 
century took place in the 
Beaclicomber office last week. 
This was a battle that JC 
students had asked for _ over 
several years though they did 
not know which corner to root 

A squadron of burger-mo- 
biles were seen flying south 

above Congress Avenue toward 
the college. Hovering over a 
clear area outside the- Beach- 
comber office, they formed into 
a giant "M" and proceeded to 
land and escort their leader, 
Ronald McDonald, ' into ~ the 

Soon following was Jay 
MacLees, manager of JC's 
cafeteria. Flanked by an 
impressive number of qualified 

Pnoto by Jim Collins, 
MacDonald's Quarter Pounder promises tliick, juicy, burgers 
garnished with tomato, ketchup „mustard and onions. 

Faith Heolers 

Now Organized 

Staff Writer 

The Christian Science Organ- 
ization of JC invites you to a 
"helpful, worthwhile exper- 
ience" each Tuesday in room 
TE 22 in an effort to help in 
understanding the Christian 
Scientists way of life. 

The organization, under the 
guidance of Mrs. Marcia Saile 
and Patrick Archer, meets from 
12:30 to 1:00 weekly and follows ' 
the usual Christian Science 
worship format. Beginning with 
a hymn, Bible readings and 
selections from the Christian 
Science textbook, and prayer, 
the service concludes with 
personal testamonials and 
reference healings. 

According to Archer, Christ- 
ian Scientists have no "special 
pipeline to God." 

He explains that even though 
Christian Scientists can prove 
their healings, it is just a matter 
of destroying fear, which is the 
basis of disease. When fear is 
abolished through the realiza- 
tion of truth, the foundation is 
broken down at which time the 
healing takes place. The main 
doctrine of the Christian Science 
religion, therefore, is man, God, 
and their relationship to one 

"The purpose of the 
organization," Archer conclu- 
ded "is also to benefit the 
campus through prayer. We 
invite everyone to share in our 


FREE: We have five nice 
puppies, two weeks old. We are 
going to keep the last one. Call 
and visit us 967-8059. 

FLAT TOP Gibson Acoostic 
guitar model LGO. Fine 
condition. Call 588-0179. Best 

GOOD DEAL for scuba divers. 
Aqualung 72 cu. in aluminum 
tank and back pack for only S75. 
Call 588-7783. 

10 SPEED bike, "Raleigh" 
Grand Prix. Cost S160 sell for 
$90. Ask for Jerry 588-5720. 

1953 CHEVY 2 door. Four 
brand new tires, new radiator. 
Excellent . condition inside, not 
:_ ■: good outside. 1965 Dodge 
station wagon. Call 585-2872 

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 5 - 
9. Other days 585-5036 Rainie. 


and 2 bedroom apts. Tennis, 
swimming, exercise equipment 
and indoor basketball courts. 
Easy access to PBJC. Fun living 
6022 Forest Hill Blvd. 967-8888. 
Open seven days, come and seel 


Excellent Condition, Never 
raced. Must see , asking $350. 
Phone 395-5094. 


PART TIME office work in 
PBJC (North Center) 9 a.m. - 
12:00, Must qualify under 
student aid program. See Mr. 
Warner or Mr. D'Angio. 

MALE ROOM MATE wanted to 
share nice apartment. Split 
$165 a month rent plus utilities. 
Fully furnished with A/C Call 
588-5720 and ask for Robert 
Simmons or come over. 

-McDonald's vs. Cofefer/a 

helpers, MacLees appeared not 
the least bit shaken by 
McDonald's early show of 

The weigh-in prior to the 
scheduled three-round encoun- 
ter was a standoff, with each 
fighter presenting a solid 
quarter pound of ground beef. 

In Round One, McDonald 
opened lukewarmly, though he 
hit with a solid dried onion and a 
good mix of ketchups and 
mustards to the mid-section of 
the quarter-pound of grill-cook- 
ed beef, 

MacLees, who has been 
sparring in the cafeteria for two 
years, countered in a blaze of 
char-broiled glory, with a series 
of lettuce cuts. 

At the very end of the round 
Ronald, showed his exceptional 
ability to "box," while all 
MacLees could manage was a 
slimsy paper-plate defense. 

Both men totaled 70 for the 

With both fighters pitching in 
30 cents each to a french fried 
Round Two, quality became an 
important factor. However, this 
round was no contest. 

MacLees came frying out of 
the corner thickly, warm and 
fresh. He then slammed Ronald 
through his thin french-fried 
potatoe ropes. McDonald 

Photo by Jim CoKIn 

Despite MacDonald's repeated "promises", the Beachcomber 
concludes cafeteria cuisine surpasses fast-food take outs both 
financially and appetite-wise. 

landed in a sea of French Frying 
Legions, who are widely 
regarded, because of their new 
"ring" policy as the number 
one challengers to the crown. 

Perspiring badly, both war- 
riors welcomed the third and 
final round, featuring contrast- 
ing splashes of Coca-Cola. By 
the end of the round, Ronald 
had racked up a three-ounce 
lead though it cost him three 
extra cents (20 cents for Mac, 17 
cents for Jay). 

While McDonald appeared 

Lentil Soup Delight 

Staff Writer 

Snow, wind, and casserole. 

Winter's traditional supper 
can become Florida's newest 
attraction on any picnic table. 

Ranch Style Lentil Casserole 
is ideal for picnics because it can 
be made in advance and stored 
in the freezer waiting for any 
occasion in the sun. 

Lentils are high in protein and 
low in fat. They store well, 
especially if kept in a tightly 
closed container where they can 
keep for many months.' Then in 
only 30 minutes, they are 
cooked to tenderness. 

The U.S. Department of 
Agriculture's Marketing Service 
advises to watch for these signs 
of good lentils when buying: 

Lentis should have a bright, 
uniform color, generally green- 
ish-brown. Loss of color 
indicates long storage and lack of 
freshrifess. This doesn't affect 
taste, but means longer 

Lentils should be of uniform 
size, to make an even cooking 


Watch for visible defects like 
foreign material and pinholes 
caused by insect damage. The 
indicates low quality. 

To cook, place two cups of 
lentils in a heavy sauce pan and 
add five cups of cold or warn 
water and two teaspoons of salt. 
Bring to boiling point, reduce 
heat, cover tightly and boil 
gently for 30 minutes. Yield; 
about four cups of cooked 

The following recipe ii 
provided by the Palm Beach 
County Home Economics Ex- 
tension Agency. 


4 cups -cooked lentils 

1 pound ground beef 

1 package onion soup mix 

1/2 cup cooking oil 

1 cup catsup • 

1 teaspoon prepared mustard 

1 teaspoon vinegar 

1 cup water 

Brown beef in oil. Stir in 
remaining ingredients and bake 
in a casserole at 400 degrees for 
30 minutes. Serves eight. 

Weekly Watch 

Miss Ana M. Rivera, R,D. 
(Registered Dietician) of the 
Food and Drug Administration 
will speak on the new federal 
regulations on Nutritional Lab- 
eling at Palm Beach Junior 
College Monday, Oct. 7. 

Miss Riviera will make two 
appearances before students in 
the Hotel Motel Management 
program, one at 9:50 a.m. and 
the other at 7 p.m. in the Food 
Service Building at PBJC. 

Miss Rivera is a graduate of 

the Univesity of Puerto Rico, 
where she specialized in 
Nutrition and Dietitics, and has 
been with the Food and Drug 
Administration since 1972. 

A meeting of the Veterans 
Club will be held on Oct; 9th at 
12 :10 in room AD 23. All 
interested Veterans are encou- 
raged to attend. If you have any 
questions, please contact Mr. 
Wayne DeBee on the 1st floor of 
the Administration Building. 

blah, and flat on his feet, 
MacLees relied on good 
carbonation and optional ice to 
make the round close. 

With Round Three given to 
McDonald by a Happy Cup 
margin, the final totals showed 
MacLees winning the fight by a 
two to one margin. 

When the fight's outcome 
became official, McDonald's 
boxing manager Big Mac, and 
Ronald's trainer, the Hamburg- 
lar exchanged some harsh 
words. Mac blamed Hamburg- 
lar for resting the meat 10 
minutes before the first round, 
allowing the beef to become cool 
and ineffective. 

"Well then, next time I'll 
steal some meat from the 
cafeteria," the Hamburglar 

Meanwhile, Jay MacLees was 
seen running back to the 
cafeteria in glee - not so much 
because of the win, but because 
a rare night-time customer was 
ready to order something. 

"Could I have 14 billion large 
hamburgers with everything to 
go?" asked the red-haired 

special test condncted last 
week, the Beachcomber con- 
cluded that a quarter-pound 
hamburger, french fries, and 
small coke purchased in JC's 
cafeteria are cheaper [$1.21 to 
$1.25] and have more overall 
quality than a similar meal 
purchased at McDonalds.] 

Phone 5821045 



6- BEACHCOMBER, Monday, October 7, 1974 

Monday, October 7, 1974, BEACHCOMBER - 7 

Left, The "Ox" idol 
feels honored to have 
been part of "an 
American classic". 
"It's a form of 
immortality. . .it 
contains the philoso- 
phy of life." Bolger 

"I'm a performer and 
I belong to you. My 
world is your world." 
Bolger made this 
statement come true 
when he acted out his 
autobiography in 
"Ray Bolger's World 
on September 27 at 

Bolger's World Brighfens Ours 

In an hiterview with the 'Comber staff, Bolger 
expluned his beliefs and thoughts abont the acting 

Photos By 
Jim Collins 


With a contagious chuckle, Ray Bolger talked of his acting life : 
and reminiscences on Sept. 27 in the JC auditorium. 

"The most wonderful thing in the world is a memory" he stated, ; 
and keeping that in mind, Ray Bolger has given this world a lot of 
wonderful things. . ; 

In his presentation to a standing room only audience, he recited , 
his impressions of "Ray Bolgers' World" an amusing j" 
auto-biographica]-! sketch complete with dancing and singing. | 

Starting as atwo-bit actor in the smallest towns of the U.S. Bolgef |: 
worked his way up to Broadway and then to the movies. He is best s 
remembered for his role as the scarecrow in "The Wizard of Oz". ; 

' 'The Wizard of Oz' ' is an American classic. My mother gave me i 
the books when I was small" remembers Bolger. ; 

He watches the movie every year and feels honored to have 
played a part in a film that will be re-run many years after he is ^ 
gone. "It is profitable for ones' ego to be remembered," Bolget i 
laughed. ! 

In recent years Bolger has been busy performing one-man shows [ 
all over the U.S. and also doing a bit of professional writing. ' 

As an example of this he read a tribute that he wrote for a 
magazine about the late Judy Garland. In simple and toudiitii ; 
terms he spoke of a woman few really knew - a woman full of private ; 
thoughts and emotions she didn't show on stage. 

Bolger is in top physical shape at 70 and can still kick over his } 
head. Demonstrating some soft shoe dancing for the audience, tie : 
stressed his belief that "people my age are not necessarily dead; 
from the feet up." ; 

Although his emphasis is aimed toward activating the oidei- 
generation, Bolger beUeves "There's an optimism for the future. . 
.the young people of today are the important thing." 

At the end of his performance, Bolger drew two standmg ovations 
from the audience. He responded to these by appearing once moK 
on stage and leading the audience in smging his themie song "Once 
In Love With Amy". 

"I'm a performer and I belong to you. My world is your world," 
Bolger concluded. "Ray Bolgers' World" has become a part of out 
world and with no regrets on our part. 

With a dramatic gesture Bolger brings back memories of "April in 
Paris". "It was a fan show to do." he reflected. 

Above-Mr. Musto and a 
dummy "friend" intro- 
duce Ray Bolger to a 
capacity crowd. 

-Left - "The most -wonder- 
ful thing in the worid is 'a 
memory." believes Bolger, 
and he has quite a few. 
Sharing them with others 
has become a part of his 

Organist Teaches 



Ms. Pat Johnson and the 
Pacesetters, JC's vocal show 
group, have the honor of 
performing for the Music 
Educators National Convention 
(MENC) and the Florida College 
Music Education Association 
(FCMEA) in the Oct. II and 12 
workshop at the University of 

The Pacesetters were asked to 
attend by the State President of 
the Student MENC, and will be 
performing for up to 45 minutes. 
The group performed with five 
other groups attending last 
years workshop at the Florida 
Technical Institute in Orlando, 
and were so impressive they 
were asked to return as this 
year's only vocal group to 
perform. Also on the program is 
the University of Miami Brass 

According to Ms. Johnson, 
"It is an interesting thing to 
attend any convention, but it is 
an honor for us to have been 
asked to sing."' 

The workshop combines both 
instructors and students to 
discuss careers in the field of 
music. All members of the 
Pacesetters are members of the 
Student MENC of JC with 
Kathy Koontz as president. 

Talented musician Donna Aivderson also represents the Hammond 
Organ Company at Hale Piano and Organ, Inc., in West Palm Beach 

Photo by Jim Collins 

Entertainment Editor 

_ Trivia; Who is the best 
organist in America? According 
to Donna Anderson "Estlier 
Smith is the best." 

Ms. Anderson is one of the 
busiest, most versatile and 
upcoming organists in the Palm 

A JC Sophomore Ms. 
Anderson is known to the music 
department and her friend as 
"Ronnie" Anderson. 

The attractive brunette is a 
music major, and also sings alto' 
in the Pacesetters. Yet, her 
most cherished reponsibility is 
representing the Hammond 
Organ Company at Hale Piano 
and Organ, Inc. in West Palm 

"Teaching takes most of my 
time," says Ms. Anderson who 
teaches approximately 33 stu- 
dents privately one-half hour a 
week. She has been teaching 
for several years and now 
teaches beginning piano and 
advanced organ. One student 
takes a lesson through the mail. 

Ms. Anderson explained she 
and her sister used to play as a 
duet in Long Island, N.Y. She is 
currently taking lessons on tape 
as preparation to renew that 
duet group in December. 

"It will be our first gig 
together in two years," Ms. 
Anderson said. 

Most students being their 
lessons on piano early. Not 
Donna, who is quite different. 

"I never had a piano lesson in 
my life until I came here (JC)." 


'Busier And Billie' Relives 1940's 

— By John Auchterlonie — 

No one said movies about the 
late forties had to be nostalgic, 
and in "Busier and Billie" 

Creative JC students display their many works of art. ^ 

Movies Showingm\\m\\m\m\\\m\\\m 


"PhaseIV,"2,3, 6,8, lO(PG); ' DOLPHIN 

■ ' Jimi Plays Berkley, ' ' Midnight "Dr. ZhIvago" Call theater for 

movie, Friday and Saturday only times (G) 

CENTURY Cinema " florida 

Dr. Zhivago," 2, 5:15,8:30(0). »Blood On The Sun," 3:10, 
c. . JJ*N^MA70 6:25, 9:40 (r) "The Hammer Of 

"Sheba" 2, 3:50, 5:45, 7:40, God" 1:25. 4:40, 7:55. 

that's about as far as nostalgia 

The time period may be of the 
current era for nostalgia but 
"Buster and Billie" is a high 
school love story of a different 

The atmosphere is the late 
forties and setting in the small 
southern farming community is 
merely used in creating 
innocence and opportunity for 
the stories' characters. 

Buster is Mr, Everything in 
high school and has his pick of 
the girls. Buster and any local 
beautiful hard to get socially 
acceptable girl seem to make 
the perfect couple. But Buster 
feels something is lacking. 

The new girl in town is Billie. 
She is quiet, shy and poor. Her 
home life is tumultous at best. 
She lacks a formal education. 
These problems leave her with a 
grim outlook on life. To 
complicate matters, a gang of 
drunken classmates lias "group 
sex", in the loosest form of the 
word, every now and then with 
her. Apparently this is her only 
way to become accepted. 

"Today We Kill Tomorrow We 
Die," 7:40 Saturday and Sunday 
4:06, 8:14 (GP) "Walking Tall," 
9:17, Saturday and Sunday 2, 
5:40, 9:48 (R). 

"The Lords of Flatbash" 2:15, 
4:15, 6:154, 8:15,- 10:15 (PG). 

"Frankenstein 1:45, 3Z:45, 

Buster meets her one day at 
lunch and gets a date with her. 
He see's her cruel home life and 
empty world but also sees her as 
a real person. 

He's in love, he decided, and 
he proceeds to break his 
engagement with his high 
school sweetheart. . 

Meanwhile, a group of 
classmates are on the warpath. 
The results are fatal to Billie. 
• Buster discovers her past and 
then voices his opinion on all six 
classmates heads. 

The plot of the movie is its 
least interesting factor. The 
filming and acting are all 
smooth and tailored. They 
provide great atmosphere com- 
bined with beautiful scenery of 
Middle America's farm land. 

The movie is filled with many 
conflicts and not all are boy-girl 
relationships. They deal with 
relationships among friends 
also. Most of these scenes 
provide the humor in the movie 
and point to the transitional 
period of life when responsibil- 
ities are handed the young by 

5:45, 7:45, 9:45 (X). 

"Apprenticeship of Daddy 
Kravitz," 2,4:30, 7:15, 9:45 

"The Sting," 2:15, 4:35, 
6:545, 9:15 (PG) 

"What's Up Doc?" 1:30, 
3:05, 4:45, 6:25, 8:10, 9:55 (G((. 

Her first teacher was Diane 
Awe, sister of Lowery Organ 
Company entertainer Dennis 

Philosophically, Anderson 
feels "the more you tell 
someone else, the better you 
understand it yourself." 

Along with teaching, the 
talented entertainer also plays 
concerts presented by Hale's 
throughout the year. 

"Teaching takes most 
of my time, "says 
Donna Anderson 

Primarily, she plays popular 
music, although her repertoire 
includes many Broadway songs 
and show tunes. "It's a theater 
concert style. I like to make a 
production out of every song. 
Have your audience guessing all 
the time." 

Her style tries to "bring the 
orgaii out, not so much as a 
church inistrument. It's an 

To be good, one must 

"The most I ever practiced 
was for seven straight hours, 
Ms. Anderson stressed. I just 
felt like laying." 

What is in the future for 
Donna Anderson?: "I'd like to 
^play in clubs. Travel and play." 

Stage Aid 
Needed For 
New Drama 

Staff Writer 

Technical stage hands are 
being sought by the Drama 
department, according to Fran- 
cis Leahy, director of "The Sign 
in Sidney Brustein's Window." 

Art* Musto, technical director, 
needs help with lighting, props, 
construction, sound, painting, 
costumes, and makeup. 

The setting of the play is a 
typical Greenwich Village a- 
partment in New York City, ' 
which demands a Bohemian 
artistic atmosphere. Mr. Leahy 
requests that any student 
wishing to contirbute props 
should contact him or Mr. 
Musto. Construction of the 
platform and supporting fur- 
nishings is now in progress, 

Mr. Musto asks any 
students interested in the 
technical aspects of the play to 
please contact him in his office 
in the Auditorium. 


(Continued from page 3) 


And the labor unions would 
probably react with: COLLEGE 

Around PBJC there would be 
signs saying: GIVE THE 
KISS! (Though I suppose with 
that sign many people would 
probably just run away and die.) 

The thing we must absolutely 
do is to seek out and destroy all 
anonymous signs. We can start 
with those obnoxious signs 
saying STOP and YIELD. 
Maybe by doing this America 
will show the world that it won't 
stand up for anything it doesn't 

8 - BEACHCOMBER, Monday, October 7, 1974 

Games Rained Out 

Sports Editor 

The baseball team once again 
opens its fall schedule with a 
game against Broward at 3:30 
p.m. on FridaV, Oct. 11. 

Last week the Pacers were to 
open against Miami Dade North 
but Mother -Nature had other 

The opener was cancelled due 
to rain and gusty winds' which 
continued well into the week 
playing havoc with the baseball 

Coach Dusty Rhodes was 
disappointed at the turn of 
events because it delayed his 
plans for almost a full week. 

"I really wanted to have the 

— On The Run 

game at Dade North," said 
Rhodes. "I think it would have 
given me a chance to see a lot of 
these boys in a game situation." 

The bad weather delayed 
Rhodes', plans to make the first 
cut from his list of 52 hopefuls. 

"I wanted to get the ehance to 
se- some of my' players in action 
before I made the cut," Rhodes 

According to' Rhodes there 
are several good prospects 
among his charges and deciding 
which ones to keep on the roster 
will be a difficult task. 

The final cut will ha^^e to wait 
until Rhodes feels he has seen 
enough of his prospects' play to 
make a fair decision. 

Sports Editor 

Nothing equals the 
chilling sense of fear that grips 
the body of a cross country 
runner at the sound of a growl or 
the sight of a large dog. 

This sensation is stini'ilated 
because dogs like to hase 
moving objects and distance 
runners like to run from 

When a runner is confronted 
by a dog, he is faced with the 
choice of running a world record 
in the 440 or standing his 
ground to the dog with the hope 
that he isn't invited to lunch. 

In most cases, the thinclad 
will stop and pretend to pick up 
a rock. The effect of this stunt is 
wearing off - the dogs of the 




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Igtii kv9. S, S. Congf«ss 

Fresh Pizza Dough 
Is Made Daily 



See story page 3 

world are losing their imagin- 

One runner who lived in a 
suburban community solved his 
puppy problems by carrying a 
bag of dog biscuits on his daily 
workouts. He would throw a 
treat to each of the 34 dogs in 
his neighborhood every morning 
on his training jaunts. 

One morning he started his 
running without breakfast and 
his sense of protection was 
outdone by his growing hunger. 
He didn't run for two weeks - 
something to do with a missing 

A bicycle path in John Prince 
Park in Lake Worth is where 
many local runners do their 
distance training. 

This path is also frequented 
by condominium residents who 
have nowhere else to walk their 

These two factors combine to 
give some runners a form of 
paranoia which results in a 
nervous reaction to anything 
that barks. 

This is the explanation for 
many a jogger who is seen 
fleeing in utter terror from the 
"attack" of some little old 
lady's toy poodle. 

<*? . 'i 

Members of the Pacer pitching staff work out during one of the brief dry moments of last week's 

practice. Photo by Jay Kravet.; 

Ka/ber And Erovjn lead Bowlers 


Lynn Kalber and Bill Brown 
rolled the highest individual 
games Wednesday in Intra- 
mural bowling. 

Eight men's and four 
women's teams participated in 
the league which meets at Major 
League Lanes. 

Kalber's top score of 210 was 
followed by Sharon Nelson's 
and Bobbie Knowles' 174, the 
highest individual women's 
games. Brown's 214 was the 
highest individual mens' game 
followed by Steve Audistch, 
200; and Larry Wheeler, 193. 

The individual women's high 
series was Karen Gore's 488, 
Miss Knowles' 448 and Marge 
Imnel's 448. Brown rolled the 
men's high series, a 586, 
followed by Rodney Salzmans 
524 and' Joe Lesko's 520. 

Gore had the women's 
highest average, a 163. Miss 




Thousands of Topics 
$2.75 per page 
Send, for your up-to-date. 
176-page, mail order catalog 
6f 5500 topics. Enclose 
$1.00 to cover postage (1-2 
days disdivery tinne). 


SUITE #203 


Our materials are sold for 
research purposes only 

Nelsons' average was 159, Miss 
Imnels' was 149. The high 
men's averages were Browns 
195, Salzmans 174 and Brian 
Richardo 174. 

The leading womens team 
consists of Miss Imnel, Jan 
Kister, Ingrid Sainio and Jody 
Salzgeber. Their scratch team 
total was 1650. The first place 
mens team, consisting of 
Auditsh, Sam Ferrara, Kim 
Heinicka and Anthony Pilschitz, 
had a scratch team total of 1884. 

The league is • scratri; 
competition and students aril 
being recruited for the net; 
three weeks. The first six weefc 
bowling will be free and, r 
interest continues, the secor: 
six weeks will cost SI. 65 pe' 
person for three games 
including shoes. 

Interested students shout 
contact Mr. Bell in the gym f 
come to the lanes n« 
Wednesday. The league nice 
from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. 

Grid Tean)s Take Field 

Competition in the intramural 
flag tag football league begins 
Monday, Oct. 7 at 3:00 p.m. 

All games are played on the 
football fields located on the 
South edge of campus. 

Popularity for this sport 
seems to have decreased as only 

Anyone interested in formiri 
a team or joining an existitf 
team should see Mr. Roy Be'; 
director of intramurals, in offc 
4K of the gym. [ 

four teams have registered f;: 
the league. i 


To Gain Experience in 

by working on the 

BEACHCOMBER Advertising Staff. 

Inquire at SP3 or Call 965-8000 ext. 210 

Vol. XXXVI, No. 6 


Monday, October 14, 1974 

Lake Worth, Florida, 33460 

Aids Part-Timers 

State Hikes Tuitions 

Photo bv Steve Fritz 

A Campus Security Policeman directs traffic during the 
crowded 8:40 a.m. rush hour. With an ever expanding 
student population, the parking lot has become a " hit 
or miss" proposition. 



F "f t ,j 


Depending on your class load, 
tuition fees may be higher or 
lower beginning with the Fall 
term of 1975. A State 
Department regulation has gone 
into effect that will implement a 
new basis for tuition fees for 
community colleges. Students 
will be charged on a per hour 
basis, with an $11 per credit 
hour fee to be put into effect. 

Matriculation fees will be set 
at the $11 maximum allowed by 

the state in the new regulation 
These fees are to include the 
student activity fees. 

"Everything else has gone 
up, so why shouldn't this 
(tuition)," explained JC Presi- 
dent Dr. Manor. "Students pay 
very little of the total cost of 
what it takes to educate the 

Manor stated that the college 
"cannot operate at anything 
less than $11." per semester 
hour. He further stated that, in 
relation to the budget of last 

Senate Clock Resolution Spurs AAanor 

Staff Writer 

JC President Dr. Harold G. 
Manor stated Thursday he is 
initiating discussions with 
Physical Plant Director Claude 
Edwards in an effort to return 
JC's clock system to proper 
working order. 

Manor's announcement came 
less than an hour after the 
Student -Government Senate 
passed a resolution, 20 - 0, 
supporting the synchronization 

of clocks on campus. 

Senator Dave Upshaw com- 
mented that SG is "asking Dr. 
Manor to insure that all clocks 
that are not properly synchro- 
nized either become synchro- 
nized or be so designated as to 
be incorrect." 

The current clock system has 
been malfunctioning for several 
years, according to Manor. ' 'As 
this campus grew,'.' said Manor, 
"the original planners just 
didn't realize how large the 

Foley, Allee 


Asst. News Editor 

Max Allee and Kenan Foley must face 
a run-off election for the position of 
faculty senate chairman. Mr. Watson B. 
Duncan and Dr. Samuel Bottosto, both 
department chairmen, were unable to 
gel enough votes to win the election. 

The run-off was a The election will be 

school was going to be. 

"There wasn't enough money 
at the time to construct a system 
that eventually would take care 
of the school's ultimate size." 

The administration has at- 
tempted to get JC's clocks in 
proper working order in the 
past. However, repair has been 
difficult because JC is operating 
under three separate clock 

SG Vice-President Dolor 
Ginchereau, who also serves as 
Senate President, commented, 
"I hope the resolution that was 
passed today solves the 
problem. The way the report 
was given today it seems like a 
very complicated matter for 
maintenance to go ahead and 
make these adjustments." 

Manor agreed that "it's just a 
very complex problem. We do 
not have enough manpower to 
go around and repair clocks 
constantly. We are interested 
and we want to do the best job 
with it. 

"I think this is a problem everywhere you have 

wide spread attempts to 
synchronize time systems," 
said Manor. 

Mr. Max Allee 

Dr. Harold C. Manor 

The JC President urged 
students who know of any 
malfunctioning clocks to contact 
Dean of Business Affairs Dr. G. 
Tony Tate, Assistant Dean of 
Student Personnel - Women 
Mrs. Elizabeth Y. Davey, or 

Referring to the senate 
resolution, Manor commented, 
"I'll take it up with Mr.- 
Edwards and we will see what 
we can do." 

J ! 

year, the $11 figure was arrived 

The changes will be noticed 
by students with all size class 
loads. Those who carry 18 
hours, for example, are now- 
paying $129.50. Under the new 
regulation, the cost will rise to 
$198. Part-time students will 
benefit from this change, Night 
students taking a four hour 
credit course are now paying a 
fee of .$72. Under the new 
system, this would be reduced 
to $44, a substantial decrease. 

Manor anticipates a reduction 
in monies available for the 
budget next year, and attributes 
it to part-time students. Having 
more part-time students than 
full-time will cause a loss in 
revenue, but Manor figures that 
unemployment will cause en- 
rollment to increase. 

Manor made it clear that the 
$11 rate was not an effort on the 
part of the college to go after 
more money. 

Asks For 


Staff Writer 
Aristotle Haretos, evening 
instructor of Real Estate 
Principals and Practices, asfts 
students to bring clothing for 
the people of Cypress. 

Children's warm clothing are 
especially in short demand. 

Donations of clothing from all 
students will be appreciated and 
may be left at the Beachcomber 

disappointment to some 
senators who had hoped 
to have the problem of 
who is going to be the 
next chairman resolved. 

Mr. Kenan Foley 

conducted before the 
next senate meeting. 

Some members of the 
faculty believe that 
Duncan and Bottosto 
failed to be elected 
because they are de- 
partment chairmen. 
There is some feeling 
among facuhy members 
that administrators 
should not be a part of 
the senate. 

In other business, the 
Instructor of Distinction 
Award committee ap- 
pealed to the faculty, 
administration and stu- 
dents to submit sugges- 
tions for improvements 
in the procedure for 
selection of the Instruc- 
tor of Distinction. 

Political Union Hosts Polorgy 

Gubernatorial candidate Jerry 
Thomas, along with other leading 
Republican hopefuls for the 
November General Election, is to 
appear in a special Republican Day 
assembly this Friday, October 18, 

Scheduled for the SAC Lounge 
from 10-11 a.m. the Political 
Unions" "polorgy" is also featuring 
these Republican candidates: 
Jack Eckerd (U.S. Senate) 
James Sebasta (Secretary of State) 
E. H. Muntzing (State Compt- 
Jeff Latham (State Treasurer) 
M. R. a.scon (Public Service 

Thonia.'j, a resident of Palm Beach 
County, faces a tough uphill battle 

against incumbant Democratic 
Governor Rubin Askew. According 
to NEWSWEEK magazine, (October 
7, 1974), "He (Askew) is certain to 
win re-election in November despite 
his controversial stand for businp in 
1972." ■ ^ 

Other "polorgies" already plan- 
ned include Democrat Day, 
Wednesday, October 23, the 
"Citizen's Lobby" or Common 
Cause on October 23, and the 
American Party Day to be announced 
at a later date. 

Any student intere.sred in joining 
the Political Union should leave their 
name and class schedule with Mr, 
Edwin Pugh in Social Science 1.4 o,r 
7A before next Monday. 

Jerry Thomas. 

y r ; rjjm-.J:? uruFi p.'.t^gi p:?.. 

K ■:; i-STEEJ— SK-i£r.:a 

Photo by Peter Silva 

. /*uphm fight." I 

2 - BEACHCOMBER, Monday, October 14, 1974 

Monday, October 14, 1974, BEACHCOMBER - 3 

Activity Fee Funds To Be Slashed 

Villian: New Tuitions 


JC President Harold C. 
Manor will go before the District 
Board of Trustees Wednesday, 
Oct. 16, and propose a new 
system concerning activity fees 
in regard to the new tuition 
schedule (see story, page one). 


From left! Joe Fitzger- 1 

aid, Rob AbramSj Dean S 

Glynn, Dr. Manor, and S 

Tory Buckley discuss = 

matters at Wednesday's S 

Student Activity Fee | 

Committee Meeting. = 

Photo by Yearbook Staff S 


Glynn Explains Activity Fee Committee 

Staff Writer 

The Student Activity Fee Committee is responsible for 
determining the amount of money to be allotted to each activity on 
campus. The money is taken from the Student Activity Fee which 
students pay at the beginning of each term. 

"The committee is student controlled," explained Paul J. Glynn, 
Dean of Student Personnel. "It is composed of all the faculty 
advisors that head the individual activities which draw from each 
agency. Student Government supplies additional personnel," he 

Activities which' draw from the fees include athletics. Galleon, 
Beachcomber, Intramural and Recreatiptial BoardAssemblies, and 

Executive Board 

the Student Government Association. 

The committee follows no definite procedure. However, it is 
established that, a representative from each activity comes before 
the board and states the amount of money that organization needs. 
He must explain the plans for the money and justify the 

' The committee evaluates the requests and checks what each 
activity did with the money allotted to them the year before. 

"I'm hoping to see more variety of activities at JC," stated 
Glynn. "I think students want more activities. They are denied 
much in high school. SO has been working for more faculty 
involvement in activities on campus," he added. 

Manor met with the Student 
Activities Fee Committee last 
week and told them of his 
recommendations. The college 
president will recommend that 
up to $1 of the $11 fee charged 
per credit hour go to the activity 
funds, in the Fall of 1975. But 
this will leave the funds much 
below last year. 

He noted that the college 
expects a reduction in the 
monies available for the fund 
due to the new rate. 

"No other school has the 
amount of money we have for 
student activities," Manor 
stated to representatives of the 
board. He noted that financial 
belts may have to be tightened, 
or possible activities cancelled, 
and asked members of the 
committee ' 'to take a second 
look" at what they had planned, 

, Manor said that he felt that, 
in the past, funds may have 
been given carte blanche. 
"Whether there was a need for 
it or not, we may have allocated 
it," said Manor. 

While stressing that there 
was "no reason to change the 
basic way to set budgets", he 
stated that each budget will be 
carefully scrutinized for un- 
necessary items. 


iday prior to the coming 
ting," The motion was 

1 other business, the 
iwing club yearly budgets 
e approved: Chi Sig SO.OO 
anization of Afro-Americans 
A) $400.00 

he November 1 Day Concert, 
uring Dusenbury was dis- 
sed at the meeting. Tony 
iks. Secretary of Product- 
i, agreed to contact the 
mbers of the group, and ask 
m to be present at the next 
icutive Board meeting for 
istions regarding their per- 
mance at the concert. 
:he Board rejected a motion 
idd the movie "200 Motels" 
the winter movie schedule. 
3» movie,! which President 
ckley calls "offbeat" would 
re meant an allocation of S200 
n the SG budget. 

Governor Reufain Askew recently took time from his busy schedule to assist Beachcomber staff mem- 
ber Winnie Knighton, right, with the presentation of a National Business Women's Scholarship to Flo- 
rida recipient Debbie Gardner (center), a junior at Florida Technical University. 

Askew had previously proclaimed May as Scholarship Month for Florida. The governor is interest- 
ed in scholarships as he realizes that in many schools there are not enough grants for all those who 
need and qualify for them. 

'Comber News Brieh: Register For Draff 

^ iv-i. utontniy 

meetings will be arranged. 

President Tory Buckley made 
a motion to accept an addition to 
the Executive Board's List of 
Standing Rules. The new rule 
reads: "Agendas for all 
Executive Board meetings and 
the minutes from the preceed- 
ing meeting will be in the mail 
boxes of all Board members no 
later than 12 noon on the 

Moss Oversees 
Draft Sign-ups 

Eighteen year old men may 
now register with the Selective 
Service on campus. 

Servi'- -. Volunteer Regist- 
rar for the Selective Service 
System at JC is Dean Robert C. 

Moss emphasizes that stu- 

dents are still required to 
register with the Selective 
Service even though the draft is 
not presently in effect. 

Students registering at JC are 
automatically registered with 
the Selective Service and have 
no other obligations. Filling out 
the form on campus is the only 

Volunteer Registrar Moss can 
be contacted at his office in the 
LLRC (Library Learning Re- 

sources Center) on the first floor 
of the library from 8 a.m. to 4 
p.m. Monday through Friday, 

Students Use 

The use of the cafeteria by JC 
students has increased since its 
August 26 extension of hours, to 

9 p.m, nightly, except Fridays 
when closing time is 3 p.nv. 
According to Jay MacLees, 

cafeteria manager. 


students should be aware of the 
cafeteria hours at least by word 
of mouth. 

"There are many students who 
won't ever come to the cafeteria 
because they only h^^^ ^ 
fifteen-minute break and by the 
time they reach here their breal: 
is over." 

_ Photo by Jay Kravetz S 

i Health and Safety classes were treated to a special lecture Wednesday - right from the Sheriff's S 

= helicopter, which landed behind the gym. 3 


She Gathers, Compiles, Analyzes • . . 

Staff Writer 

Unknown to many students, constant- research is 
being done on the number of semester hours registered 
for and the number of students enrolled at JC. 

Mrs. Mildred Wiatley . 
Director of Research, gathers, 
complies, analyzes and distrib- 
utes information that is helpful 
in improving programs offered 
to students. 

Receiving current figures 

'iiom Data processing, Mrs. 

'Whatley then distributes this 

information among different 

department chairman. 

Each chairman receives the statistics for his classes 
only. An overall report is sent to Dr. Manor, Dr. Glynn 
and other people involved with entire college affairs. 

These statistics are analyzed by the department head 

Mrs. Mildred Whatley 

and can be used to forcast future enrollment for their 

One report gives the number of students enrolled at 
all campuses; and also the total semester hours 
registered by dividing the first number into the second, 
this way a department chairman can find the number of 
hours each student is enrolled in. 

A follow-up program is being conducted by 
department heads to assess how well their programs 
have gone in the past. Be evaluating past graduates 
present performance, they can find ways to improve 
present courses. 

The most important reason for this research is "to 
function and operate this campus efficiendy to best 
benefit the students, improve programs offered to 
students and plan for enough materials, buildings and 
faculty members," stated Whatley. 

Welfare And 

JC Do Not 

Mix Well 


News Editor 

Alice, a divorced JC student with two children to 

support is fed up. The problem is that welfare provides 

no extra assistance for students and she has decided to 

do something about it. 

About two weeks ago, Alice placed posters around 
campus which stated: 

"Is trying to better your education almost impossible 
because of the hassles with bill collectors or welfare 

"Are you fed up? 

"Well I am! 

"We need to get together and talk and see if we can 
change things," 

Wednesday night October 2 Alice and three other 
"fed up" students met in the Science Conference 
Room. On one point they agreed unanimously: welfare 
workers "don't care what you are doing to better 
yourself. ' ' 

Alice is not like many welfare mothers who sit around 
waiting for their checks each month. Instead, she is 
interested in bettering herself by obtaining a Basic 
Educatinal Opportunity Grant (BEOG) to further her 

However, despite a statement in writing, from the 
state director of Health, Education and Welfare that 
said the BEOG money was not to be counted as 
incoming funds, Alice's welfare check was reduced 
because of the BEOG grant. 

Alice cannot reveal her real name to the 
Beachcomber. . .she's afraid that if this story is read by 
welfare people her checks will be reduced. 

EDITOR'S NOTE: The next meeting of Alice's 
organization is Tuesday, Oct. 29, 8 p.m. hi the Science 
10-A Conference Room. 

Glades Health Exam 

The HH 101 Health Exam is to be given at the North 
Center (Palm Beach Gardens High School) on October 
24 at 7:00 p.m. Sign up and pay fee at North Center 
Mobile Office or with Mr, Cook (ADS) prior to that date. 

County's VD Rate 
Upsets JC Student 

News Editor 
Palm Beach County's vener- 
eal disease rate is increasing, 
according to Mr. Keith Ring, 
Regional Consultant for VD 
Control in Florida. 

Over 3,000 cases of veneral 
disease have been reported in 
Palm Beach County this year. 
While gonorrhea is increasing 
slightly above last year's pace, 
the county's reported 280 
syphillis cases in 1974 ranks far 
ahead of the early October rate 
ill 1973, a year in which 302 
persons were infected with the 

One JC student actively 
concerned is Paul Friedman. 
He has been a siurgical and 
emergency room technician m 
New York City and Palm Bech 
County for the last two years. 

Friedman, 19, has been in 
hospital work since he was 16, 

and has been concerned about 
the rapid VD increase, which he 
believes has reached pandemic 
proportions . 

"This is of great interest to 
me," commented Friedman, 
"because with the vast amount 
of diseases man has to combat, 
there is no excuse for the 
current VD situation, 

' 'Countless millions of dollars 
are being spend in the 
treatment of VD. Medical men 
know the reasons and have 
found the cure; yet the great 
majority of the people don't take 
advantage of it." 

Friedman has researched 
Veneral Disease statistics and 
found that in 1970 415.5 of every 
100,000 persons in Florida were 
infected with VD. Friedman 
reports the American Ivfedical 
Association estimates in 1975 
VD is to be a communicable 
disease as contagious as the 

,^ . J . , J ^ ^ . , , . ,„ ,, . . ., - Photo by Bob Jordan 

JC students had an opporniiutj to leaui more about the VD problem at a special Lucy Booth., set up at 
the cafeteria Wednesday The booth, was sponsored by Health Services Dhector Miss Helen V. Diedrich. 

dose of the 

common cold. 

"The biggest problem in 
treating VD," said Friedman, 
"is to get the person to go for 
help: Most people under 25 who 
go for medical help give or sell 
one half of his antibiotics to 
people he knows he has inflicted 
with VD. 

"The final result is that 
neither person is cured to do 


Palm Beach County is 
running a close race with big 
cities such as New York and 
Los Angeles in VD cases, notes 

"This is one form of notoriety 
that Palm Bech County can do 
without," said the surgical 

Friedman is transferring to 
the Miami Dade JC Department 
of Mortuary Science in January 
and hopes to continue his 
personal fight against VD, 

"The tragic thing is that VD 
can be cured and the majority of 
the people just don't care," he 

4 -BEACHCOMBER, Monday, October 14, 1974 

Monday, October 14, 1974, BEACHCOMBER - 5 


nc VOICE or thi sruo^in 


Associate Editor 

Managing Editor 

associated collegiate press 


Boca High Project 
Goes Up In Smoke 

Smoke gets in your eyes? It probably does for students who 
attempt to make use of lavatories facilities at county high schools. 
Bathrooms have long since ceased to be effective for their intended 
purpose, since it is virtually neirt to impossible to find a stall in 
dense smoke clouds. 

The majority of high and junior high school students who smoke 
cigarettes and other forms of tobacco do so in secondary school 
bathrooms. Long gone are the days when mischievious student hid 
under the football bleachers to take a few puffs of their Winstons. 

While recognizing the dangers ©f smoking, we feel that it is about 
time that designated smokuig lounges be created at county high 
schools. This question came before the Palm Beach County School 
Board in the form of a pUot project to be studied. The board denied 
the proposal, which was to allow for a student smoking area at Boca 
Raton ffigh School, by a three to three vote. Arthur Bougae, Ted 
Brown and Daniel Hendrix voted against it. C. Errol Hicks, Bernard 
Kimmel and Ann 'McKay voted for it. John Kirby was absent. 

Citing vandalism and hypocrisy, Superintendent Joseph Carroll 
favored the plan which would allow the students to smoke outdoors. 
The program would have been evaluated at the end of the school 

Though there are certain legal questions, a pilot program like the 
one proposed would seem like a proper way for the board to begin 
making changes. This question should be brought up again. 
Smoking is for places other than lavatories. We all know what 
lavatories are for: skipping class. 

Campaign $$pending 

A few weeks ago a Beachcomber editorial stated an unwritten law 
concerning public campaigns; "Have plenty of funds or you'll 
never win an election." After a check of several candidates' 
campaign spending, this was proven true. The biggest spender 
wins almost ever time. 

Dr. C. Errol Hicks, JC instructor and candidate in the October 1 
School Board elections, stated that his opponent's big spending 
worried him. As it turned out, his opponent and final winner. Dr. 
Bradley T. Coates spent six times as much on his campaign as Hicks 
spent on his. 

The other School Board incumbent facing opposition, JC 
instructor DanUe Hendrix, won reelection. But he also spent six 
times as much on his campaign as did his opponent, Mrs. Claire 

In other area elections the victor was almost always the biggest 
spender. Fortunately, all records of campaign spending are easily 
accessible to.the public. They are filed in the Clerk of Courts office 
in the Palm Beach County Courthouse. 

Can a middle-class citizen be elected? Dr. Neal Justin, FAU 
instructor and candidate for the U.S. Senate in the September 27 
primary, campaigned as a "middle American." The bulk of his 
campiagn funds came from his own pocket. He finished way back in 
a field of 11 candidates with a disapointing vote total. 

So, the question is again raised as to the importance of campiagn 
funds. As the November 5 election approaches and candidates step 
up campaigns, let's hope the money factor will not have an 
influential effect. A voter's best advice is still to compare and 



■I ' ' 

(1) Not exceed 250 words. 

(2) Be signed by the author. 

(3) Include the author's 
telephone number. 

(4) Be received in the 
Beachcomber Office no 
later than 4 p.m. on 

All letters are subject 
to condensation. 


WRAP Gets Letters Too ! 


A few days ago, we received 
in our mailbox (which is located 
in the SAC lounge, next to SG 
offices) seven letters, each 
flowing with literary eloquence 
and loaded with unbounded 
criticism towards WRAP and its- 

Judging from the type of 
paper and the wording of the 
letters, we assume they were all 
from the same cafeteria table (or 
else they had all used the same 
thesaurus),, but that does 'not 
change otle important fact. 
There ARE people out there 
who have their differences with 
our programming, style and 
delivery. Hence, this open 

In order to clear the air about 
our situation, let us state some 
facts about our present 
capabilities. First, the volume. 
Frankly, sometimes we goof, 
and program the volujne at a 
level slightly too high for the 
number of people in the 
cafeteria at that moment. But 
mostly, the problem seems to be 
distortion. Distortion is fuzzy, 
unclearly delineated sound, 
which admittedly can be most 

We at WRAP are in the 
process of purchasing and/or 
repairing four additional ampli- 
fiers at this time. And, 
investigation is taking place on 
the replacement of half the 
speakers in the cafeteria ceiling. 
This should go a good way 
toward our producing a crisp, 
clear, audible sound for both 
music and speech. 

Secondly, the music pro- 
gramming. One of the 
aforementioned letters supplied 

a lengthy list of major 
performers with an admonition, 
"Why don't you play more of 
THESE people? Then, maybe 
your station wouldn't - - -that 

Intrigued, we compared the 
supplies list with our own 
playlist, and found that we 
owned and played music by 
about 90%of the groups they 
had submitted. We are also in 
the process of ordering more 
records to update our library, 
and are very open to 

Personally, we feel that this 
year has brought the widest 
spectrum of musical styles and 
tastes to WRAP than it has ever 
had. According to the deejay 
doing the show, music ranging 
from soul to jazz, country, pop 
and progressive has and will 

continue to be played. 

Finally, let us add that while 
your comments are quite 
welcome, we would prefer that 
your criticism be intelligently 
and constructively phrased. We 
have been called every name in 
the book (and a few that we 
haven't been able to find 
anywhere else) , and they have 
long since ceased to stimulate 
and excite us. Be clear, concise, 
and please SUGGEST: don't 
just tear down. 

We believe vye are performing 
a valuable service to the 
students of PBJC, and, with 
your help, we will continue to do 
a better job of it. 

Thank you, 

The Management and 

Staff of WRAP 

David Drummond, Manager 

Joan Francis, Asst Mgr. 

Middle Class Loses 

President Ford proposed Tuesday a five per cent surcharge on 
income taxes. This surcharge will affect the American family whose 
gross income is over $15,000. ■,,„„+ us+ 

It seems to me that the middle class American family will get hit 
the hardest. The reason is the high class American family has tax 
write-offs. This five per cent surcharge will increase their tax 
write-offs having little or no effect. r -i- a 

I think that the majority of middle class American families needs 

all the money it can get. n -j ^ ir„,.^ 

Inflation has grown in tremendous proportions. President Fold 

should decrease financial foreign aid, instead of slashing the throats 

of middleclass Americans. Haven t these Americans suffered 

enough from the act of the Republicans? 

Democrat administrations may have been responsible tor 
bringing war but, they have brought us out of depressions or 
financial ruts. Republican administrations have been responsible 
for Dullina us out of war, and for causing financial chaos. 

I think that the Republicans are going to further their tradition 
and will be unable to correct our financial problems. The question 
should be asked, what can this country do for you as well as what 
you can uo lor your country. ^^^^ ^^^^^ 


News Editor B«;uce Moore 

Editorial Assistant , Jan Tucltwood 

Sports Editor . Robin Plitt 

Feature Editor Lvnn Kalher 

Copy Editor Sharon Osburn 

PhotdgraiDhie Editor . . j . . Jim CoUins 

vEittBftafnmBnt Editor Tim Bray 

Assistant Manning Editor %. WJwna Soldo ., 
>\Mlst8nt IMews Editbr . . ■ .Briari:.Crowley 
Campus Everits ..,..'•■• Kat Mahlbacher 

Consultant ... - ■■ Mr. Cherlles IVIcCreight 

Chief Photographar Stows Friti 

Sports Photographer Jay Kravatz 


Robin Witt 
Frank Smith 
Tom Quaranto 
Joel Tanen 
Rebecca Morse 
Amy Strimbu 
Lori Hillabtand 
Glenn Powell 
Susan Kyte 

Cindy Cowan 
Ellen Palmier! 
Flick Mager 
JimiTty Neil 
Walt Davis 
Randy Povyetl 
James Cleare 
Mike Piliero, 
Robin Kindle 


Debbie Thompson 
John Auchterionie 
Roderick Beauchamp 
WlnWrod Knighton 

Th. Beaeheomher is publi>h«i from ""r- «|itorW.^k« .n *e Stud«^ ai Palm B«ih 

^^^^^SS^m^-^b"; m^llir of the A-ocUted Collag^t. Pr« ^ the F.or.da Junior Cam^.:^ 
Amoation. ■•,- 


51 Percent- 

Texts Biased 


During the last two weeks I have discussed three New Guinea 
tribes and how they shape their children into the roles they consider 
normal for males and females. 

An interesting booklet, "Dick and Jane as Victims", describes all 
the elementary textbooks in three suburban New Jersey towns. 
There were 134 elementary readers analyzed. These were used to 
teach children from the first to eighth grades. The Book.<; were 
published by 11 different publishers and, although the geograpliic 
area they were used in is small, I believe it is safe to assume that the 
stereotypes presented to the children are prevalent throughout 
; readers across the country. 
; Some quotes from the readers are as follows: 
: "Johnny says girls aren't fan. Janey said she wants to be a 
doctor but she knows girls cannot be doctors so she will be a nurse. 
Dick says he will be an engineer. Sally says she will be a mommy. 
Dick says girls are stupid. Janey says she might be ONLY a girl but 
she isn't stupid at all." 

Typical girls in any reader are frilly little things with a smile on 
their faces and a passive attitude toward life. The books are 
portrayed in the readers as having a stern look of concentration; 
they are busy preparing to be men. 
From the 134 books, some startling ratios were found: 
Boy centered stories to girl 5:2 
Adult male main characters to female 3:1 
Male biographies to female 2:1 
Male animal to female 2:1 
Male folk or fantasy stories to female 4:1 
Women in non-biographical stories were portrayin in 25 different 
occupations while men participated in 147 different jobs. 

Among the active mastery themes are creativity, ingenuity, 
bravery, perserverance, achievement, curiosity, sportsmanship, 
autonomy and self-respect. These are usually regarded in this 
society as positive and desuable. Males are given these attributes 
in the stories at a ratio of 4:1. 

Adult women mainly teach cookie bakmg and dirt chasing. It is 
the men - fathers, school masters, older brothers and boys who, 3:1 
encourage others to learn the things they have mastered. The 
highest praise any girl can expect, in the stories, is that she 
performed "like a boy." 

Boys are shown how to grow up and be men, not fathers. Girls 
are shown how to grow up and be mothers. The readers often 
suggest that boys are considered demeaned by association with 
girls. Boys struggle with right and wrong, old women steal the gold 
the boys have found! 

However, the girls do excel in some things - like passivity, 
incompetence and fearfulness. The girls win hands down in 119 
stories to the boys' 19. Girls rehearse domestic roles continuously, 
166 times to the boys' 50. A girl's inborn attitude for drudgery is 
presented in the same spirit as a black person's "natural rhythm." 
Under the category of victimizing and humiliating the opposite 
sex and excessive agression, the girls win again, 67 to 2, as the 
passive victims of this treatment. 

■ Under the category of biographies, there are 119 stories about 88 
men and 27 stories about 17 women. 

An examination of one, on Amelia Earhart, produces the first 
sentence of the story: "Amelia was always different." It is left to 
the reader's imagination and deductive abilities to figure out that 
Amelia is considered a freak and that's why she made it and who 
wants to be thought of as a freak? So I guess I'd better not use her 
as a role model! 

Absent from the readers are fathers and mothers backing their 
children's quest for selfhood. Ignored are one-parent families, 
adopted children, divorced and/or fighting parents. Boys are 
muhi-dimensional, no such example or comparable attempt is made 
for girls. 

Next week I will draw some conclusions from the articles I have 
presented in the last three weeks. 

Windy Pleasures 

Cast your cares to the wind and spend some time with one of the 
oldest pleasure in the world - join the JC Sailmg Club. 

The club is meeting Tuesday, Oct. 15, (tomorrow) at noon in the 
North SAC lounge. 

The club, whose advisor is Dr. James Miles, has approximately 
20 members. "More members are needed to enable the club to get 
a sailboat," stated Joe Fitzgerald a club member. 

"In the past we have had to rent sailboats," he added, "and 
because there is no place near the campus that rents boats, this 
involves extensive traveling." 


flU^ ■ ■ ■ 

Bring Ads by 

Beachcomber Office 


$2.75 per page 

Send now for latest catalog. En- 
close $2.00 to cover return post- 


57 Spadina Ave., Suite #208 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada 

(41 e) 366-6549 

Our research service is sold 
far research assistance only. 

'u^mys 7f 

Amnesty?! Shoot, you can'f let a draft dodger run loose in society! 

■Last Exit 

Dere Are Dese Things 


Dere are dese things, ya 
know, that really get on my 
case. One of da few that gets 
me super ripped is da fact that I 
gotta take dese stupid English 
courses here at JC. Since 1 am, 
how you say, prolific, in that 
subject, there is no reason, no 
how, to have to go through all 
that baloney. 

Dis here English, I be 
learning since way back in 
kindergarten when I first started 
school. All through elementary 
school I was taught never to use 
no "double negatives", or 
employ fancy words that I didn't 
understand, or use what they 
call run-on ' sentences. Or 
sentence fragments. 

I excelled in all of dis stuff. 
You understand what I'm 
talking to you about? My teach 
also taught me that I can't (or 
shouldn't) use a lot of 
contractions. And I don't. I be 
one of the bestest kids in the 
class, not the worstest, in amy 
cents of the word. 

When I gets to high school, I 
got all I needed to know about 
dis simple tudd, ya know, so 1 
only had to take what they 
called, "Basic English". No 
sweat, man. Easy as pie in the 
sky and I was high - no lie. 

I would have dug taking 
something like "Introduction to 
Sex", "Advanced Gum 

Chewing", or "Problems of 
Organic Chemistry with Calcu- 

lus in relation to early man in 
Africa." That's ajoke,ya know. 

Really, I be wondering to 
myslef, I was, "What good is 
college English gonna do to 

Let me examine it as such: 

Is college English gonna 
teach me how to whisper "sweet 
nothings" to my chick? Huh, I 
ask you? She don't understand 
half of what I say no ways, so 
how's she gonna know what 
" antidisestablishmentarianism 
means? She just probably 
thinks it's some new kind of hair 
spray. 1 give her a copy of. 
Beachcomber, and she goes, 
"Where the funnies at? 
Ain'tche got no funnies?" 

Is college English gonna help 
me be a chef? That's what I do, 
by the way. I don't hafta know 
how to spell bernaise sauce to 
make it, ya know. I can tell da 
difference between a steak and 
a meatball. Da steak has da 

bone in it. 

College English ain't gonna 
help me go into my own 
business. Well, maybe, I could 
have a little problem keeping 
business records. It's hard as 
hell to file alphabet blocks, 

Will college English help me 
enjoy life? Not a bit. I know 
how to party; whiskey is dark, 
vodka is clear, and beer has 
foam. I don't need no lessons on 
how to make babies. (Speaking 
of double negatives, I get a lot of 
them when' I asks my chick to 
sleep with me. She says 
somethin' about "missing her 
period", and I jus'say, "Why 
don't you ijse an exclamation 
point?" ' 

So, have I; proved my point? 
Is college English gonna help 
me late in life? No! It's a total 
waste. It's not gonna help me 
no way, no how. So there! I'm 
gonna go get balony! Look that 
up in your Funk and Wagnell^s. 

First National Bank 


Trust Company 

114 North "J" St. 

Lake Worth, Florida 

Phone 582-5641 

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111*1 PMftitolPM 

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H)m Sfirings SbopiNiig Untir 

Presh Pizza Dough 
Is Made Daily 


6 - BEACHCOMBER, Monday, October 14, 1974 

Monday, October 14, 1974, BEACHCOMBER - 7 

Science Club Launches Trip 

Canoers Creep Up The Creek 


Staff Writer 

With paddle and canoe in 
hand, many Science Club 
members felt like a Davy 
Crocket come alive last Saturday 
morning on their first field trip 
of the term. 

Members living south of the 
canoe area met bright and early 
that morning at school to follow 
the. load of Girl Scout canoes to 
the beginning of the run in 
Jupiter, Florida. Arriving about 
9:00 a.m. they met the northern 
members with their Boy Scout 

After a few warnings about small 
alligators and water moccasins 

The J.C. Science Club 
lannched its first trip 
last weekend when they 
went on a canoe trip. 

Two clnb members 
get tangled up hi some 
undergrush as they try 
to maneuver their 

Mr. Richard Gross, 
Science Club advisor, 
watches in perplexion as 
he tries to figure out 
how his club members 
got into their difficult 

A slight problem 
arose as these members 
tried to get their canoe 
off the bank. It was one 
of those days. . . 

en File 



Today printing, publishing, 
and packaging, put together, 
make up the nation's third 
largest industry. 

Yet, without the creative and 
industrial artist and designer, 
this universal industry would be 
reduced to nothing. 

Those eyecatching illustrat- 
ions we see in advertisements, 
displays, TV commercials, 
movie cartoons, design labels 
for containers, and color designs 
for greeting cards, are all 
produced by the commercial and 
graphic artist or illustrator. 

Many JC students who have 
successfully completed their two 
year A.A. degree iif commercial 
and graphic arts have organized 
and/or instituted their own 
employment throughout the 
state of Florida. 

According to Dr. James 
Miles, head of JC's art 
department, a student holding 
the A.A. degree in graphic and 

commercial arts has every bit 
the potential of success in the 
field as a student with further 
educational training - providing 
with the two year degree he 
possesses the key to artistic 
talent - creative ability. 

According to Miles, "The 
artist's success depends on his 
power to conceive ideas and 
project them in graphic form, 
and his ability to get along well 
with others; to relate to 
humanism through visual com- 
munication." This was the 
philosophy or guideime along 
which Miles felt the art student 
should work. 

Today, average salaries for 
the A.A. degree student of art, 
with 3 to 6 years experience, 
according to Dr. Miles, ranges 
from $9,000 to $15,000 annually, 
(approximately S6 per hour) 

Opportunities for advance- 
ment are excellent for those 
with talent and ambition . 
Currently the field is over- 
crowded with poorly trained 

persons whose work is sub- 
standard, thus enhancing 
chances for promotion among 
well qualified workers. 

Employment for the com- 
mercial or graphic artist may be 
found with any organization 
which has a publicity, advertis- 
ing or art department. Other 
opportunities may be found with 
publishers, newspapers, com- 
mercial printers, advertising 
agencies, studios of design and 
commercial arft. public relation 
firms, department stores, textile 
firms, some specialty stores, 
display comp.anies, television 
stations, mail order bourse, 
large radio stations, calendar 
publishers, research foundat- 
ions, motion picture studios, 
and architectural firms. 

For further information, see 
your guidance counselor or Dr. 
James Miles, who is located on 
the top floor in the Humanities 

fioommate Wanted Half of rent 
and utilities: S175 monthly. 
Sportsman's Club Apts. Fully 
A/C carpet full rec. 968-1365. 
Ask for Mike. 

Free Two gorgeious fluffy 
kittens call 964-0831 after 5 p.m. 

For Sale 
open G 

- Olds Ambassador 
Sharp flute $40.00 

For Sale - Gibson Acoostic 
guitar model LGO fine condit- 
ion. Can 588-0179. Best offer. 

For Sale Yashica TL-X w 50/1.7 
lens $115.00 Vivitar 28/2.5 
S70.00 phone 848-1788. 

For Sale ■ 1958 Triumph TR 3 
just inspected. Call Sheri 
276-7652 or see Mr. Kramer in 

from Mr. Richard Gross, the J 
canoers carried their canoes j 
through an over-grown pasture = 
to get to the water. One by one, j 
the canoes slid into the water ; 
and off downstream. i 

Despite a few empty beer ; 
cans and bottles, the surround- f 
ings gave the impression of i 
being an unexplored territory. 
Many types of trees intertwined ; 
above the water, oreating a ; 
feeling of isolation and peace, ; 
although at times civilization 
was not far away. 

Many species of plant life ; 
seen in the lab by biology 
students were recognized in the j 
natural habhat. And there were ' 
a few encounters with creatures 
of the wild, to quoteoiifipersoii, 
"There sure are a lot of i 
spiders". Another student, ; 
veering too quickly to one side, 
realized that the water was "i 
bit too chilly for swimming". 
The first 14 miles was virgin 
territory, and at times, it was a 
tight squeeze to fit the canoes 
through the narrow passage' 
ways. Everyone got the chance 
to get their feet wet wlien 
climbing over fallen trees that 
often prevented smooth ■sailing. 
The beauty of the country was 
apparent. According to Gross, 
"It is the last remaining natural 
wild-type river." Because of 
this, the county is working \a 
buy the surrounding land for 

After the major part of the 
journey was" complete, the real 
adventure lay ahead. The 
calmness of the water opened 
up into the wilder waters of the 
Loxahatchee River. Since the 
wind was strong, there was iiol 
much hope for the inexperien- 
ced. To quit paddling meant the 
possibility of being pushed bad 
many feet. One paddler calje;! 
out, "I can't remember a tiiR: 
when I wasn't paddling." 

When land was reached 
again, the majority had to admiu 
that it was an experience ^^^^} 
wouldn't have wanted to niiss': 

For Sale - '73 Suzuki TS lOO wiih 
helmet, S400 call 365-0111 q^^,: 
6 p.m. Ask for Randy. 

10 Speed bike, "Raleigj," 
Grand Prix. Cost $160 Sell fot' 
$90. Ask for Jerry 588-5720. ' 

1953 Chevy 2 door. Four ^j^^^ 

new tires, new radiatof 

Excellent condition inside, "„-j 
good outside. 

1965 Dodge station Wsg^j^ 

Call 585-2872 Tuesday, fiiy' 
day, Friday 5 - 9 Other dmi 

Wanted - Part Time - office w.j 
in PBJC (North Center) 9 a_^ , 
12:00. Must qualify u^^j'^, 
student aid program. Se^ f^j 
Warner or Mr. D'Angio. 

Mde R(»om Mate wante^ [j 
share nice apartment. ^ ,,, 
$165 a month rent plus wtiJiyP^" 
Fully furnished with A/C. (, ' 
588-5720 and ask for ^ 
Simmons or come over. 

X-Ray Technologists 

Sharon YunuS' 

Under the general term "radiologic technologist" comes three 
distinct subtopics. 

The diagnostic radiologic technologist is the person thatmost of us 
see when we have done potential traumatic injury to our bodies. 
These persons work basically in the radiology or X-ray departments 
of hospitals. They make up the backbone of the R.T.'s. 

The nuclear medicine technologist is a soecialist in working with 
isotopes. This person may be a diagnostic radiologic technologist 
with added training or he may be a holder of a Bachelor or Science 
degree with one additional year of specialized training. His duty is 
to inject patients with radioactive material for images that aid in 

The third category belongs to the radiation therapy technologist. 
These persons are held responsible for the administering of 
potentially lethal amounts of radiation as prescribed by the 
radiologist specializing in therapy. 

Not written into the duties of these persons, but implied, is the 
morale of these cancer-bearing patients. 

Each of these titles requires a minimum of two' years of training, 
passing of the national board exam and, if wishing to specialize, 
additional training and passing of the national specialty board 

The benefits of this profession extend further than the naked eye 
sees at first glance. The field of medicine is constantly expanding 
and with the imminence of a national health plan, more and more 
specialists in the allied health field will be needed. 

The starting pay for an x-ray technologist is from $8,000 tyo 
$10,000 and up, Couple the salary with the constant availability of 
openings and you may agree that this is an area worth looking into. 

Photo by Jim Collins 
Talking about his movie-to-be, Mr. Francis Leahy of the JC drama 

department describes his "dream come true." 

Movie On The Make 


Staff Writer 

Frank Leahy, JC Speech and 
Drama instructor will be 
fulfilling his lifetime ambition 
when be begins production on 
his personal screenplay in Palm 
Beach next summer. 

"The Eighth Daffodil" is a 
heart warming drama written by 
Leahy in collaboration with two 
of his former students, Nick 
Bougis and J. Alton Murphy. 

The mutli-leveled, feature 
length film involves the "lonely, 
desperate struggles" of Honey, 
a young showgirl tormented 
daily by her constant attempts 
to hide her illegitimate, 
five-year old son firom the 
glamorous night club world she 
inliabits and Patrick, with 
whom she becomes passionately 
involved. The movie evolves 
around the theme of two 
separate worlds being torn 
between the revelations of flesh 
and the spirit, 

"This project is something 
I've always wanted to do", 
expressed Leahy, "but couldn't 
have or take the time. I.had the 
idea for the script some time 
ago. Finally, the three of us got 
together and comoleted it last 


Leahy, with over 20 years 
experience, will be directing the 
film. Bougis is in charge of the 
script, and Murphy, completing 
his Masters degree is filmmak- 
ing at the University of Georgia, 
will be the chief cinematogra^ 

The filming takes the 
characters into the backgrounds 
and locations of the glamorous 
Palm Beach island; into the 
squalor of the migrant farms 
and other locations varying from 
North Carolina to New York 

Although he has an optimistic 
outlook, the main obstacle, 
according to Leahy, is trying to 
find interested parties to invest 
in the film, budgeted at 

"We're trying to keep the 
total at the minimum," 
explained Leahy. "$160,000 is 
very low for an independent 
project such as this one. Most 
of us will not be taking salaries, 
and the actors will all be 
unknowns. The financial 
outlook for investing in anything 
right now is not great, but we 
are hopeful, through, and won't 
begin until we have the total 

Photo by Jim Collins 

Mr. Ray Stewart, JC's nursing instructor and a Registered Nurse, talks about the pros and cons of 
being a male nurse. 

Mole R.N. Views Job 

Staff Writer 

Aside from sex, the only 
differences between male and 
female nurses today are their 
uniforms and an approximate 
sixteen cent per hour pay 
differentiation, according to Mr. 
Ray Stewart, J.C, instrtuctor 
and Registered Nurse. 

Responding to questions 
concerning discrimination and 
female opposition, Mr. Stewart 
pointed out that although male 
nurses were not commonplace^ 
m the late 40' s when he began 
his studies, the institution fi-om 
which he received his diploma 
was prepared to meet the 

"I don't think I've really had 
any trouble as far as my choice 
of professions," Stewart noted, 
"I obtained ray degree by way 
of a three-year program at 
Worster City Hopsital in 
Massachusetts, which was 
geared to male nurses. 
Although we were in the 
minority, there were more and 
more men going into the field all 
the time, and the female nurses 
responded very well." 

Mr. Stewart, who began 
teaching at JC at the start of the 
Fall term, has also taught at 
School of Practical Nursing at 
Massachusetts General Hospi- 
tal. He's received both his 
Bachelor of Science and Masters 
degrees in Nursing, and is 
presently a doctoral candidate in 
Health Education at Boston 

amount needed." 

Screen tests will begin late in 
November, and 'the filming is 
scheduled to start in the early 
1975, with the main portion 
being shot in the spring and 
early summer. 

"Later on, there will be 
chances for people who wish to 
be in the movie to sign up," 
Leahy added. "We feel it is 
better to use unknown person- 
alities because the public can 
better identify with them." 

The next step, after the film is 
produced, is to get a prominent 
agent to distribute the material, 

"We're all set to begm", 
concluded Leahy. "Now, if 
there are any rich students at JC 
who wish to invest $25,000." 

Northwestern University in 
Boston and the Shepard Gill 

His active experience include 
private duty nursing, Red Cross 
and ambulance work, and 
industrial supervision. 

Stewart states, "Being a 
doctor is something I've never 
really wanted to do. Despite 
some beliefs, a male nurse is not 
a person that couldn't make it to 
medical school. I always 
enjoyed the nursing profession 
much more. There were two 
reasons for me deciding on my 


career." he stated. "First, my 
orderly in high school when I 
first heard the term "male 
nurse" used, and I thought it 
was a joke. At the time, I 
couldn't really afford medical 
school and I was very weak in 
chemistry. Besides, nursing 
seemed much more fulfilling to 
me. What I really like is the 
parents were shop people and I 
promised niyslef early in fife 
that I would find a job where I 
would always be in demand and 
not have to worry about being 

Continued page 1 1 




Fools like me can either write in day or night 
And through our foolish writ try and answer 
the secret loves longing to be free. I sit to 
meditate about the beauty of love within us all 
and yet I find no answer. Love is like the sea, 
ever changing its current, forceful and calm. 
Love is free so the poet says. But tell me, 
are you? If you are, so you love. 

8 - BEACHCOMBER, Monday, October 14, 1974 

Monday, October 14, 1974, BEACHCOMBER ■ 9 

Talent Coming 

Entertainment Editor 

Singers, dancers, instru- 
mentalists, gymnasts and a 
columnist highlight tlie JC 
Assembly programs for the 
balance of the school year. 

Upcoming on Dec. 2, a team 
of gymnasts return to JC for the 
third time. With favorable 
reaction from the faculty and the 
students the assembly committee 
negotiated a contract for 
another performance. 

Most of the gymnasts are in 
their early twenties -and are 
from various clubs and 
organizations throughout Den- 

"RayBol^r's World" on 
Sept. 2/, was well attended by 
the student body as the 
internationally known dancer, 
comedian and actor showed why 
he has received numerous 
entertainers' awards, 

Letha Madge Royce, chair- 
man of the assembly committee, 
commented, "I sat in the back 
and no one left." 

A unique performance high- 
lights early 1975. "Music 
majors will be particularly 
interested," stated Ms. Royce, 
when the Hellman's Angels 
perform on Jan. 21 in the JC 

Aellow Sound 

Staff Writer 

Focus, the truly classical 
iJutch Rock group, is featuring 
last year's Melody Maker, 
guitarist Jan Akkerman. 

Jan's unique, efficient styleof 
playing is exemplified through- 
out the "Hamburger Concerto" 
LP which was recorded between 
January and March on Atco 
•ds Akkerman also 
ssical on the lute, 
le mandolin), 
ed is the multi-tal- 
and classical 
.aster, Thijs Van 
.-, jjuts to use an array of 
^«uents such as organ, 
iio, harpsichord, electric 
10, flute, alto flute, ARP. 
ithesizer, recorder, mellot- 
>n, vibes, accordian, and 
church organ. He also does the 
vocals, whistling, and hand 

As Emerson and Wakeman 
are incomparable to one another 
because of differences in style 
and approach, so is Thijs Van 
Leer as unique in his field and 
therefore also as incomparable 
to the other greats. 

i^}pearing on the album are new 
bassist Bert Ruiter and new 
drummer Colin Allen, who fit 
perfectly into the new and 
evolving Focus. 

"Hamburger Concerto" is 
definitely great. The music is 
mellow, yet powerful at the 
same time, and a good example 
of why focus has been referred 
to by rock magazine "Rolling 
Stone" as the "Dutch Masters, 
of Music." 


Arriving one day ;earlier, they 
will work with m^ny of the 
musicians from JC.j A student 
or students will appear with the 
Angels on the night of the 
performance. The; Hellman's 
Angels combine jazz and 
baroque to create musical 
excitement, especially with 
student participation. 

One of the most talked about, 
best known columnists in the 
U.S. Jack Anderson, speaks in 
the gym on Feb. 3. Currently, 
Anderson is an interpretive 
journalist working for the 
be the "big card of the year," 
commented Royce. 

Actress Maureen Hurley and 
actor Robert Kya-Hill appear in 
"Between Two Worlds" in the 
auditorium, Feb. 18. ■ Their 
performance is presented by . 
using literature, poetry from 
Shakespear to Nash, "with the 
idea of cementing the relation- 
ship" of human beings in 
today's world. 

Actress Maureen Hurley and Actor Robert Kay-Hill appear in "Between Two Worlds"in the auditorium. 
Feb. 18. Clasping hands with the "idea of cementing the relationship" of human beings in todays world, 

The Robert DeCormier Sing- 
ers round out the programs on 
April 8. The mixed group has a 
vast repertoire of songs with all 
the triihmings of theatrical 

^BILLBOARD, one of the 

Bibles" of show business,, 

reports "they are an entertam- 
ment miracle" which "really 
fractures the people." 

The group has performed 
coast to coast since 1962. Mr. 
DeCormier gained national 
fame through his work with 
Harry Belafonte. Television 

viewers might recall that he was \- 
the choral director of the "Ed i 
Sullivan Show". 

The audience is plunged into ; 
a new concept in concert r 
entertainment as the singer aiitis p 
to recreate cultures of many i 
lands through artistic and j 
musical means. 

OneEighf Three Five 

We're young and we mean business, 

SO if you're between 18 and 35 years-old 

we can provide you free checking, discounts from local merchants, 

$20,000 of individual accidental death insurance, 

group-rate travel and more for $3 a month. 

Call us at 655-one-eight-three-five. 


ff|^ tIl^ f|pH^ lbMBfc |||»'ft |Pip^ B W iCh 
255 Soulh County Road, Palm Beach, Florida 
Member FDIC 

Movie Review- 

Kravitz: If You Ve Ambitious 


"Juggernaut" 1:45, 3:45, 
5:45, 7:45, 9:45. 

plaza ii 
"Fantasia" 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 

"Amazing Grace" 2:50, 6:10, 
9:35. ' 'Five On The Black Hand 
Side 1:15, 4:30, 7:55. 
"Gone With the Wind" Check 
with theatre manager for times. 

"Longest Yard" 2:15 4:40, 7:20, 
9:45 (R) 

"Frankenstein" 1:45, 3:45, 
5:45, 7:45. 9;45 (X) 

"Apprenticeship of Dnddy 
Kravitz" 2:00, 4:30, 7:15, 9:45 

"Gone With the Wind" 2:00, 
8:00 (G) 

"Longest Yard" 1:30,3:35, - 
5:45, 10:10 (R) 

"Butch Cassidy and The 
Sundance Kid" 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 (R) 
Sneak preview at 87 p.m. 
"Harrad Summer" 1:30, 
^:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30. (R) 
"Doctor Zhavago" 2, 5:15, 
S:36 (PG) 

"Return of the Dragon", 
Shanghai Lee" 7, 11145. 

"Vanishing Point" 11 a.m. 
Oct. 17, North SAC Lounge, 

John Auchterlonie- 

If you are ready to see a 
young unknown actor surprise 
moviegoers with an award 
winning performance; then 
prepare yourself for Richard 
Dreyfuss in the "Apprentice- 
ship of Duddy Kravitz." 

You may remember Dreyfuss 
from "American Graffiti". His 
performance was exceptional to 
say the least. Unfortunately It 
brought him only limited 

Duddy Kravitz is entirely a 
different character to Dreyfuss 
than the high school sidekick he 
portrayed in "American Graf- 
fiti." Dreyfuss's expressions 
must go deeper than those of a 
stereotyped superficial charac- 
ter. As Duddy Dreyfuss is 
perfect. He can fill you with 
Duddys same driving ambition. 
It'sl948, Duddy, a Jew, lives 
in the Jewish ghetto of 
Montreal. He is fresh out of 
high school, poor, young and 
sets his ambitions on being "a 
somebody." His righ uncle 
supports his brother through 
medical school but doesn't give 
Duddy a dime. Duddy's father 
is poor, widowed and a beer 
drinking cab driver. Duddy 
feels these facts hold him 
drastically back from achieving 
his goals. He can feel only 
contempt for these people. 
Who, then, can Duddy turn to? 
There is Mr. Farber, a scrap 
iron dealer, who gives Duddy all 

kinds of unorthodox business 
advice. Also Duddy's life long 
idol, Dingleman, who started 
from the streets and scratched 
his way up to a big time 
racketeer . Duddy will listen to 
all of them but when it comes to 
getting the job done he does his 
own kind of thing. 

Duddy is obsessed with 
ambition. He'll do nearly 
anything for a quick buck. He 
will charm anyone who will do 
him a favor until he gets what he 
wants. When Duddy sets his 
sights on a goal he becomes a 
ruthless hard driving fanatic. 
He steps on people like the 
rungs on a latter in his climb to 
success. What he fails to realize 
is that people cannot be used 
like objects. 
The encounters Duddy goes 

through for a quick buck are 
intriguing. Topped off with his 
brainstorm, making movies of 
weddings and bar mitzvasj with 
his first movie 'Happy Bar 
Mitzva Bernie." 

The story is not satirical a 
particular ethnic group nor does 
it criticize any particular 
institution of system. It's 
merely the story of a man with a 
boal and the situations his 
ambitious drives create. It 
illustrates that people should 
not be treated like objects. 

The filming and directing are 
all A-1 and the acting and 
script is even better. The 
supporting actors are cast 
equally as well as Dreyfuss. 
The combination resuUs in a 
well made entertaining film 

Scores And Pieces 

Entert^nment Editor 

Representatives from the music department on Career Day, Oct. 
18, included the Pacesetters, a guitar ensemble and a guitar trio. 

They will share center stage at the West Palm Beach Mall from 7 - 
9 p.m. Ms. Johnson is the coordmator of the Pacesetters and Mr. 
Silvo Estrada is the director of the guitarists. 

According to Ms. Letha Royce, department head, all of the 
musicians are combining their efforts for the Scholarship Concert 
slated for Nov. 17. This concert "helps students with extra fees." 

Under the direction of Sy Pryweller, the Concert Band played a 
very successful concert at Century Village Oct. 8. When this writer 
spoke with him, the class was scheduled. Because of the concert, 
the class was dismissed and I was in the limelight even trying my 
hand at a few bars! 

Future events . . .Stevie Wonder in West Palm? Yes, Nov. 13 the 
talented performer brings the piano, organ and glitter to the West 
Palm Beach Auditorium. "You are the sunshine of my life." 

"The Joy to the World" group better known as the Three Dog 
Night, sings tomorrow with the Earl Scruggs Review. Show starts 
at 8 p.m. at the WPB Auditorium. 

Billed on Wednesday, Oct. 16, is the Miami Philharmonic 
Orchestra at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are priced from $4.50, $7,50. 
Further information is available by calling the auditorium box office 
at 683-6012. 

From left to right; Keith Cooper, Joe Redon and Daniel Stewart 
practice their parts for JC's next production, Lorraine Hansbeny's 
"The Sign In Sidney Brastein's Window." 
Joe Redon [left] and Keith Cooper [right] practice stage blocking. 

Hansberry's Window 

Staff Writer 

Lorraine Hansberry is a well 
known black playwright and 
author of "The Sign in Sidney 
Brustein's Window" which the 
drama department presents on 
Nov. 7, 8, 9, 10 and 14. 

She received the New YHork 
Drama Critics Circle Award for 
her first play produced on 
Broadway entitled, "A Raisin in 
the Sun." 

Her second and last Broad- 
way play before she died of 
cancer, was "The Sign in 
Sidney's Brunsteln's Window" 
which played from Oct. 15, 1964 
until her death on Jan. 12, 1964. 

Lorraine Hansberry was bom 
in Chicago and attended 
Englewood High School in the 
"Windy City" where she 

became interested in drama. 
She furthered her education at 
Chicago's Art Institute and the 
University of Wisconsin, then 
moved to N.Y.C. 

Hansberry was very commit- 
ted to the struggle for civil 
rights and this was part of her 
total committment to life. 

"I care. I care about it all. It 
takes too much energy not to 
care," she said. "The why of 
why we are here is an intrigue 
for adolescents the how is what 
must command the living. 
Which is why I have lately 
become an insurgent again." 

Visit With 

. . .talk show host of 


Friday Night -Oct. 18 7:30 p.m. 

Mr. A's Restaurant 

Lake Worth Road 
One Block West Of Congress 

You'll sail in February, 
with the ship your class- 
room and the world your 
campus , . . combining ac- 
credited studies with fasci- 
nating visits to the fabled 
ports of the Orient, Africa, 
and the Americas. Over 
10,000 students from 450 
colleges have already sailed 
with WCA — join them! Fi- 
nancial aid available. Write 
today for free catalog. 

WCA, Chapman College 
Box 2, Orange, CA 92666 


10 - BEACHCOMBER, Monday, October 14, 1974 

Monday, October 14, 1974, BEACHCOMBER - 11 

Ron Cunningham [left] and Mike Gibbs are two 
of the newcomers on the basketball team for the 

1974-75 season. They were signed by athletic 
director, Howard Reynolds. 

Pacers To Face Ranked Teams 


The Pacers open their 
1974-75 basketball season on 
November 20 at home against 
the Palm Beach Atlantic Junior 
Varisty for the second straight 

With a 21-7 record last year, 
the team hopes to be playing its 
28th game in the finals of the 
state tournament again this 

In addition to having the same 
number of games, the schedule 
after Jan. 9, with a straight run 

of 14 conference games, looks 
very much the same as a year 

There are significant dif- 
ferences, however, primarily 
before Christmas. 

Last year there were 10 
individual games and one 
tournament before Jan. 9, but in 
this year's schedule, there are 
only five individual games and 
three tournaments, 

"It's getting a lot harder to 
find teams who want to play 
us," says Dr. Howard Reynolds, 

On The Run 

Sports Editor 

Rodney Stride was a long distance runner with one short-coming - 
he couldn't see where he was going. 

Stride compiled a record of 37 consecutive second place finishes 
m his cross country career at Hasty Lopings Community Colleae in 
Spnntbrug, Mass. 

"I never won a race because I always had to follow the shadow of 
the runner in front of me," explained Stride. 

Being a nearsighted runner can cause a number of problems. 

"One time I was running a race when the shadow of a tree 
crossed my path," said Stride. "I ran in place for seven minutes 
before I realized what was going on." 

On another occasion Stide had to drop out of a race because the 
sun went behind a cloud. 

"The sun wasn't out anymore so I didn't know which of the 
shadows I was supposed to be following," said Stride. 

Stride was always disagreeing with officials. 

"One time I was thrown out of a meet because I kep running into 
pine trees," said Stride. "The official and 1 just couldn't see eye to 

During another race Stride was disqualified for running on the 
heels of the man in front of him. His explanation for this error was 
that he didn't want to let the runner out of his sight. 

"One time I thought I was running into the finish chute of a meet 
in a suburban area," said Stride. "Then some old lady started 
chasing me with a broom and telling me not to trample on her 

After all these frustrations, Stride was finally given a pair of 
glasses by his sympathetic coach and teammates. 

"When I got the glasses and saw how far I had to run," said 
Stride. "I decided to give up the sport." 

athletic director. 

"Back when teams could pick 
up what they thought would be 
an easy win, we could get all the 
games we wanted," Reynolds 

' 'But now the word is out, and 
the coaches are not beating 
down my door asking to be on 
our schedule." 

This year there will be no 
conference games before the 
Pacers go to Broward North on 
Jan. 9, and this could be an 
advantage since William Hall, 
the high-jumping soft-shooting 
forward may be eligible by that 

Hall will have to sit out the 
Fall term while struggling to 
improve his grades to become 

■ Pacer fans will get only two 
chances to see the team in 
action at home before Christ- 
mas; the opener on Nov. 20 and 
a game on Dec. 14 with 

But immediately after the 
break for the holidays, Jan. 3-4, 
the PBJC Invitational will bring 
Hillsborough, Broward North 
and Camden, N.J., to the home 
court, followed by Atlantic 
College, N.J., on Jan. 6. 

The two out-of-state foes both 
have reputations as basketball 
powers, Reynolds said. 
' One of the seven losses last 
year was to Camden, a "well 
disciplined, well-coached team, 
according to Reynolds, and the 
Pacers will be out to avenge that 

Last year a torrid race for 
division leadership between 
PBJC, Dade South, Broward 
North and Indian River went 
right down to the wire. 

Broward North wound up as 
division winner, with PBJC 
winning two straight overtime 
victories to get a second place 
berty in the state tournament, 
where the Pacers lost by one 

Continued page 12 

Bellas, Ted esco} 
Grid Semi-Pros! 


Alex Bellas and Tony Tedesco, two JC sophomores, have beec n 
playing semi-pro football for the Goldcoast Barracudas of (her 
Florida Semi-pro League. r 

The Barracudas currently hold an undefeated record in fbui] 
contests as they persue their third straight league championship, f 

Bellas is a psychology major with a grade point average of 3,0 as a f 
.junior college student. • 

"Psychology is a fascinating and wide open field," said Bellas, j 
"All of ourtextbooks will be rewritten within the next ten years." ; 

Bellas played guard on the John I. Leonard football team until his I 
senior year when he suffered a torn ligament in his knee. 

"I earned all-conference and all-county awards in my jiinion 
year," said Bellas who also wrestled and threw the shot put laiy 
discus for his high school track team. ; 

"After I was injured, the doctors said I wouldn't play football; 
again," said Bellas, '( 

But love of the sport and weight lifting gave Bellas the inspiratio: i 
and strength to return to his favorite sport. ; 

B ellas said no one involved with the Barracuda organizatla:; 
though he would make the team. After three cuts, which reduccir 
the team from 110 prospects to a 45 man squad, Bellas was stili 
around. j 

"I worked out with Henry Williams, who was with San Diego,'! 
said Bellas. "He taught me a lot about football that I didn't learn ill 
high school." ! 

Williams started for San Diego in the preseason but was cut froEj 
the Chargers after suffering a torn ligament. 

' 'In high school you can usually beat out a man if you dig in or ii; 
you are quicker than he," said Bellas. "In semi-pro football yo;' 
must learn different types of strategy like blocking and using yoir: 

"I'm the smallest guy on the starting lineup," said tln[ 
five-fbot-nine guard who tips the scales at 189 pounds. "I'm evejj 
smaller than the quarterback." 

Tedesco is playing fullback for the Barracudas and has gained -i:- 
yards in limited play. 

A graduate of Forest Hill High School, Tedesco stands five f« 
eleven and weighs 220 pounds. , Tedesco lifts 365 pounds on tfe 
bench press in weight training that enables him to throw the colleg 
discus 170 feet. 

The Barracudas, a West Palm Beach based team, which plays aS; 
of their home games at Cooley Stadium on the Twin Lakes Hig!; 
School campus. 

Student Organizes Club 

Edgar Moves Up 


Don Edgar turned a newspaper article into a cross country 
scholarship. Edgar said, "Last year I ran cross country for Broward 
Community College. We had a pretty good team, but in May some 
of the team members were given trophies for their contribution and 
then told that the cross country program and all scholarships were 

Don wrote some letters to other schools but decided not to go to 
any of them. That's when the newspapers saved the day. 
the Miami Herald called Don up during the summ e'r and said they 
wanted to do a story on him. "They wrote a big story about BCC 
and how they were going to drop cross country to put more money 
into the swimming program. Because they asked for my opinion in 
the article, I gave them a few of my thoughts on the subject. Within 
48 hours the Assistant Athletic Director called my house and said 
that Ed Everett and I could attend the school next year, not compete 
in cross country, and still have our fees paid for us," explained 

Phom 582-1046 

Turn to 

page 12 





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Seek Chess Sponsor 


Some people 
say it takes a computer brain to 
play chess. This may be so, 
because Terry Wilkerson pro- 
grams computers and plays the 
ancient sport. 

Wilkerson began going to JC 
as a dually enrolled student 
from Forest Hill high school, 
and hopes to complete the 
requirements for a certificate in 
computer technology by the end 
of this term. 

Terry is also directing the 
chess club, one of the clubs on 
campus which lacks faculty 

"We have 15 people officially 
playing for the club," said 
Wilkerson, "But there are 
several students who come into 
our room for an occasional 

One of the functions Wilker- 
son is carrying out is the 
establishment of a rating system 
to judge the quality of the 

"Were using the same 
system of ratings that was used 
last year," SAID Wilkerson. 
"The system awards points to 
the winners and takes pomts 
away from the lowers depending 
on how good the individual 
players are." 

The system awards each new 
player a total of 700 points and 
add points if they win, subtracts 
points if they lose and gives the 
lower rated player points if the 
two draw. 

"I'd like to see a lot more 
people out for the chess club," 
said Wilkerson. "The system 
works better if you have more 
people participating in it." 

Wilkerson learned the game 
of chess from his father and was 
playing evenly against him by 
age 15. 

"We started a chess club 
when I was a sophomore at 
Forest Hill," said Wilkerson. 
"We didn't start competing 
until I was a junior." 
In his junior year, Wilkerson 

and teammates won the Palm 
Beach County Championship for 
high schools. 

Another problem faced by the 
chess club is the lack of a faculty 

Joseph Leski, a math teacher, 
was sponsor for the club until 
this year when he dropped the 
post due to the lack of an activity 


"Because we don't have a 
sponsor, said Wilicerson . "we 
can't raise any money to go to 

Wilkerson is the leader in the 
ratings with a total of 765 
points. He is followed by Robin 
Plitt, with 725 and Alex Bellas 
with 718. 

Shiringa Bowls 
Top Girls' Game 


Gwen Scheeringa bowled a 
167 for the highest game in the 
women's competition for the 
second week of the Intramural 
bowling tournament held at 
Major League Lanes in Lake 

Marge Imnel and Lynn 
Kalber tied for second with a 

Munoz Humberto lead the 
men with a 194 game, closely 
followed by steve Audritsh's 
193, and Kent Knox's 182. 

The women's high individual 
series were held by Jody 
Salzgeber, 423 and Gwen 
Scheeringa, 418. Knox took 
first for the men, rolling a 499, 
collowed by Audritsh's 494, and 
Brian Richard's 484. 

Salzgeber had the women's 
highest average, a 141, and 
Scheering, took second with a 
139. The men's averages were 
extremely close, with Knox 166, 
Audistch's 165, and Rodney 
Salzman's 164. 

The leading women's team 
for the day consisted of Imnel, 
Salzgeber, Jan Kister, and 
Ingrid Sanio. Their scratch 
team series was 1506. The 
men's team, "The Best", held 
high team series with 1871. 

The league expanded to eight 
men's teams and five women's 

teams, and is still accepting new 
members. The members voted 
to bowl for twelve consecutive 
weeks and to pay $1.65 one 
week and bo>vl free the 
following week. Anyjuiterested 
students may conie to the Major 
League Lanes Wednesday 
prepared to bowl from 4 to 6 

Male R.N. 

Continued from page 7 

laid off. Secondly, I was a 
direct contact with the pat- 
ients . " Mr. Stewart went on to 
say th^t most of his knowledge 
has been obtained through 
direct ; practice and that he 
began teaching. 

"I Was also amazed at how 
much I didn't know, " he chided. 
"Students today can obtain 
their education in two to three 
year programs, whereas it took 
me seven and one-half years to 
get where I am today." 

"Students' are like sponges", 
Stewart concluded. "Although 
the public is just coming around 
to the idea of male nurses, the 
youth today are smarter and 
more open." 

Mike Sims' Gome Improves 

Alex Bellas, a sophomore psychology m^or, is playing seffllpw 
football for the Goldocast Barracudas. 


Swept along on the momen- 
tum, furnished by triumphs in 
the Today Invitational and the 


Ms. Sarah 
in the Gym 

Meeting OctOct. 23 

Polk Community College Golf 
Invitational, Sam Trahan of 
Brevard was the golfer to beat at 
the Hollywood Lakes Commu- 
nity College Invitational which 
was held October 10 and 11. 

Competing in the Invitational 
from JC were a number of 
highly capable young golfers 
lead by Gregg Clatworthy, Mike 
Sim, Jim Henry, Keith Dunn, 
Pat Kelly and Kevin Wilezeski, 
who is qualifying for the first 

Golf Coach Ray Daugherty 
said he was pleased with the 
Pacers progress so far, this 
season. "I am very satisfied 
with our progress and although 
we finished tied for last place in 
the Polk Invitational we were 

only six points from the second 
place schools." 

The team scores at the Polk 
Community College Invitational 
were Brevard 600, Lake City, 
Manatee, and St. Petersburg 
616, Seminole and Edison 618, 
Polk 619, Palm Beach and 
Valencia 622. 

Mike Sim was the top JC 
scorer and finished in fifth place 
with 151 followed by Clatworthy 
155, Dunn 157, Henry, 160 and 
Kelly 165. 

"This year, its been a case of 
too little and too late in the 
Invitationals," said Daugherty. 

Daugherty continued, "Golf 
is strictly a 'con' game - 
concentration and confidence." 







Student ID Number- 

West Palm Beach 
Deadline: October 21, 1974 




12 - BEACHCOMBER, Monday, October 14,1974 

Runner Transfers 

Continued from page 1 1 

Don was set to attend school, he had his fall schedule, his fees 
paid, and had committed himself to not competing in cross country, 
but cross country coach Dick Melear had other ideas. 

"CoachMelear called me up and said that he could use me up 
here at Palm Beach. He told me that he was trying to put together a 
team that would finish in the top of the State meet," said Don, "so, 
later, I decided to come up here and run." 

Of coach Melear, Edgar comments, "He's a good coach, 
everybody likes him, except at practices, where he's very 
unpopular. He never lets up on us. TTiat's good for us, not friendly 
but good." • 

As if to demonstrate that Don is here to run, he placed 18th in tlie 
Tallahassee Invitational the cross country teams' last meet, Ed 
Everett who also transferred here with Don finished 24th, their 
times for the five-mile race were 27:10 and 27:40 respectively, The 
rest of the team finished with Mike Higgins 27th (27:58) Ken 
Anderson 37th (28:28) Mike Bell 44th (29:15) and Virgilio Ortez 49th 

Cage Agenda Outlined 

point to' Chipola. 

"From what we can tell, the 
same four teams will be strong 
again this year," Reynolds says. 

"But there were no pushovers 
in our division last year, and 
Dade North, Broward Central, 

Continued from page 10 

Edison, or 


could win it all." 

The Pacers have four starters ; 
returning from last year, and ' 
have good prospects to replace 
the fifth. All- American Keith , 
Highsmith, now at Virginia 

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Disabled Students Fight Obstacles 

Staff Writer 

Physically disabled students find obstacles in their 
paths the moment they enter JC, according to Miss 
Helen V. Diedrich, counselor. Financial difficulties have 
been the primary barrier. 

Students conflned to wheelchairs face the greatest 
difficulties. Ramps are needed at some areas on campus, 
and thresholds to rooms are too high. Heavy doors, such 
as those in the Humanities Building, cause additional 

Since no elevators are in the Social Science, 
Humanities, and Technical buildings, disabled students 

cannot attend classes upstairs. Elevators are enormously 
expensive, so the only alternative is to bring the class 

"A physically disabled student cannot easily be in an 
art program at JC," explains Miss Diedrich. "There is 
no way to bring a class downstairs when the equipment is 
built upstairs," 

Miss Diedrich has been working hard at meeting 
federal guidelines which were developed to make 
colleges accessible to disabled students. 

These students cannot use telephone booths at JC, and 
few water fountains are within their reach. According to 

federal guidelines, science laboratories with 24 or more 
stations should have at least one handicapped station. 
Miss Diedrich is also trying to meet federal guideUnes for 
adequate sanitary facilities for disabled students. 

"Those with an inability to write need other students 
to take notes for them, or they may bring a tape recorder 
to class with the permission of the instructor," said Miss 
Diedrich. "Arrangements for taking tests should be 
made at the teacher's discretion." 

Some accomodations are made for disabled students at 
JC. Handicapped parking is provided. Schedules are 
arranged by counselors so that the disabled student's 
classes are close together. 

e4 y*w •* 


-See Report Pg. 3 

Monday, October 2i, 1974 

Lake Worth, Florida, 33460 

Trustees Approve SG Fee Plan 

News Editor 

JC Board of Trustees approved a major 
revision to the fee-tuition structure Wednesday. 
Beginning in the Fall Term, 1975, students are to 
pay fees at a rate of $11 per credit hour. 

The Board's ruling eliminates the present fee 
policy, which charges students on a three hour 
graduating scale, with no fees for more than 12 
credit hours. 

Of more interest to students and faculty 
present at Wednesday's board meeting was 
debate over the distribution of student activity 
fees from the monies collected under the new 
fee- tuition structure. 

The board rejected a proposal from JC 
President Dr. Harold C. Manor in. favor of a 
Student Government plan hitroduced by SG 
President Tory Buckley. 

Under the new activity fee plan, one dollar, 
from the Sll per credit hour, is to be put into the 
activity fee fund. 

Monies from the activity fee fund will continue 
to be allocated by the Student Activity Fee 
Committee, which is headed by Dean of Student 
Personnel Paul J. Glynn. 

Additionally, under the Buckley plan, any 
funds from an organization left over at the end of 
a school year are to stay in that organization's 
budget for the next school year. 

Manor's proposal varied from the one 
submitted by SG on two major points: 

1) Manor proposed that the activity-fee rate be 
"not more than" one dollar; thus the JC 
president, in some years, could set a figure less 
than the dollar rate. 

2) Manor wanted all the funds that were left 
over at the end of the school year to revert back to 
the general fund. 

Buckley's proposal was motioned for by Ms. 
Susan Anstead, wh*o felt tfie Manor plan gave the 
president too much of a free hand in determining 
the activity fee level. 

Ms. Susan Anstead.. .supports SG 

Trustees M. C. Hamblin, Dr. R. L. Smith, and 
Ms. Anstead approved the proposal, while board 
chairman Dr. Edward Eissey and Mrs. Homer 
Hand abstained. 

Following the vote, a jubilent Buckley told 
reporters, "A victory was scored for all 

"The question was whether we would have a 
set figure to give to student activities each year or 
whether it was going to fluctuate back and forth 
all the time," said Buckley. 

"What the board did," commented SG's 
president, "was approve the set figure and 
stipulate that leftover funds stay in the budget." 

After the meeting Manor criticised the second 
part of Buckley's recommendation, which dealt 
with leftover organization budgets. The JC 
president stated that since the extra monies could 
not be allocated to the general fund, "the 
students might as well spend it anyway." 

In other actions, the board; 

•Designated official names tor JC and its- 
subsidiaries as follows: Palm Beach Junior 
College North, PBJC South, PBJC Glades, and 
,PBJC Central (main campus). 

•Appointed present Biology Department 
instructor John Schmiederer to Chairman of 
Division of Allied Health, effective January 2, 
1975 - June 30, 1975. 

Galleon Photo 



p'ComberCapsules-| JCDemo'Doy 

Dedication Ceremonies for JC's Criminal Justice Institute are 

scheduled for 3 p.m. Wednesday. 

Phase two of the $675,000 complex has been completed, and 
the ceremonies are to take place in CJ 5 and 6. 

Dr. Harold C. Manor, JC president, Dr. Edward Eissey, 
chairman of the* JC Board of Trustees will take part in a 
brief ceremony. ■■ 

Guests include State Representative Tom Lewis and State 
Senator Phil Lewis who are being recognized for their efforts in 
securing passage of the Adult Offender Act. ^ 

"The Godfather," a staggering triumph hi the life of crime, is 
the feature SG movie on October 25. 

Marlon Brando, in the converted role of the Godfather, is Don 
Vito Corleone a Sicilian-American patriarch who is already one of 
the top men in the Mafia. 

SG is showing "The Godfather" Friday, Oct. 25, at 8 p.m. in 
the North SAC Lounge. Students with I.D.'s are admitted free. 

The HH 101 Health Exam will be given at the north center 
(Palm Beach Gardens High School) on October 24 at 7:00 p.m. 
Sign up and pay fee at North Center Mobile Office or with Mr. 
Cook (ADS) prior to that date. 

Mark Marangella, Admissions Officer of Florida International 
University is here today. Students desiring information about 
FlU may see Marangella from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the 
cafeteria. . . 

Ken Wilson, Mercer University Admissions Officer, will come 
to the Cafeteria Wednesday, October 23, at 12:30 p.m. to answer 
student questions. 

A family education program for children with asthma and their 
parents has been developed by the American Lung Association 
of Southeast Florida. The eight-week course will be held on 
Wednesday evenings beginning October 23, froni 7:00 - 9:00 
p.m. at the Central Branch YMCA, 512 North Olive, West Palm 


Governor Speaks Wednesday 


Asst. News Editor 
Florida Governor Ruben 
Askew and Congressman Paul 
Rogers headline this weeks 
political activities at JC. M^jor 
candidates from the Democratic 
Party are scheduled to be here 
Wednesday at 10:45 a.m. 
American Party candidates are 
expected to speak Thursday at 
9:10 a.m. 

Askew will speak to students 
and the general public as a part" 
of Democratic Party Day 
sponsored by the JC Political 
Union and its advisor Edwin 
Pugh. Askew, and other 
leading Democratic candidates, 
are expected to appear at the 
Sunshine Court located east of 
the Business Administration 

In the event of inclement 
weather . the meeting will be 
transferred to the auditorium, 

American Party Day will be 
headed by Dr. John Grady, of 
Belle Glade, who is running for 

the U.S. Senate. Grady, 
accompanied By two other 
Americap Party candidates, is 
going to conduct the meeting in 
the SCA lounge. 

"Health Care In America" is 
to be the subject of a speech by 
Rogers, at 8 p.m. Thursday. 
Originally scheduled as a class 
in American Social Problems, 
the talk has been opened to the 
general public and moved to the 
Student Activity Center. 

"Paul Rogers is recognized as 
the foremost congressional 
expert on health matters," says 
Dr. Samuel Bottosto, chairman 
of the Social Science Depart- 

"We felt the people of his 
own constituency should have 
an opportunity to hear Rogers 
on health care," Bottosto said. 
"He is one of the most informed 
men in America on this 

Rogers is chairman of the 
House Public Health and 
Environment Subcommittee 

which has jurisdiction over all 
health matters except Medicare 
and Medicade. 

The format for meet-the-can- 
didate sessions gives the 
candidates and opportunity to 
present themselves and their 
platform, after which the 
audience may ask questions. 
The speech by Rogers will 
follow a similar format. 

Gov. Reubin Askew 


2 -BEACHCOMBER Monday. October 21, 1974 

SG Execs Consider 

Monday, October 21, 1974 B'eACHCOMOER - 3 


Staff Writer 

Student Government's Exec- 
utive Board ' considered the 
Sailing Club's request for funds 
to purchase a Sunfish Sailboat 
and discussed plans for the 
upcoming concerts in November 
and January, at the October 15 
Board meeting. 

If the Sailing Qub purchases 
a b«at, it would be possible to 
offer sailing as a credited 
course fay the P.E. Department 
witWn a year, according to 
Howard M. Reynolds, Athletic 

The boat, which has a 10 year 
life expentancy and costs $425 • 
$575, would be maintained by 
the P.E. Department. 

The purchase of a boat would 
eventually save money because 

the rental of boats if very 
expensive. In addition, the 
Sailing Club has had difficulties 
renting boats. 

Several nniversitles and 
junior colleges, inclndktg Miami 
Dade Community College, are 
offering Sailing as a credited 

"Such a course would be a 
tremendous addition to our 
curriculum and would be of 
great student interest," com- 
mented Reynolds. 

A sailing class can not be held 
with only one boat. The 
ultimate goal is 10 boats, a 
trailer, 20 lifejackets and 20 

As a means for aquiring 
boats, a green stamp drive was 
suggested by Roy E. Bell, 
Health and P.E. teacher and 


Torrenfiol Traffic 


Q. I am worried about the traffic problem here at JC. What's the 

A - PBJC, like any other institution which is still in the initial 
stages of development, is experiencing one of the negative aspects 
of growth; traffic problems. For example. Congress Avenue is 
bemg envisioned by some people as a dangerous highway; this 
assumption is not without justification, because a motorcyclist was 
seriously injured along Congress in front of PBJC. 

Entering the campus from Congress is a problem that was tackled 
by traffic engineers of Palm Beach County. Consequently, the 
traffic light at the Congress Avenue entrance to the school is a 
demand traffic light which will allow as many as 14 cars to make left 
turns providedc they are not spaced too far apart. 
^u^^ ^ discussion with Secnri^ Chief Grant Bartels, I learned 
that PBJC has 2,000 paved parking spaces plus additonal space 
provided by the shellrock bedding at the northeast end of the 

Also a recent survey by Bartels' staff shows that "PBJC has on 
theaverage 2,000 cars during day classes; this ranges from a low of 
1700 to a high of 2500." 

During the upcoming weeks I will continue to look into, update 
and comment on this problem which inconviences many students. 1 
would appreciate any suggestions on specific areas that need 

^i!^A °/^ '^'''"ron, I will Investigate and try to explain JC's new 
method of freezing lectures into the heads of students; it is called 
colditional response learning." 

member of the Intramural and 
Recreational Board. 

"A sailing class would greatly 
contribute to water safety in this 
area," said Bell, "With our 
natural facility the boats could 
be used every day," he added. 
The Board is accepting bids, 
hoping for a price break on a 
boat, and is to await the 
outcome of the bidding before 
reaching a decision on whether 
to buy a boat. The Sailing Club 
was allotted $100 for their 
weekend sailing trips. 

Dean Bursey, manager of the 
rock group Dusenberry was 
present at the Board meeting. 
He proposed a $300 "package 
deal" for Dusenberry's perfor- 
mance at the November Day 
Concert and a backup perfor- 
mance at the January Concert. 

Tony Banks, Secretary of 
Productions, favors Stone Harp 
for both concerts. Stone Harp 
has offered to do both concerts 
for $250. In addition, one of the 
group's members is willing to 
do silkscreen advertisements for 
the concerts. Banks stressed 
the fact that advertishig will be 
the biggest problem. 

* 'Dusenberry does original 
songs," argued Bursey, "while 
Stone Harp is a copy band. 
Dusenberry is a budding group 
whose goal is to become a big 
name group," he added. 

The Board has come to no 
definite decision. 

In other business 
Executive Board; 


Approved a club yearly 
budget of $150 for Students for 
International Understanding. 

Passed a motion to purchase a 
magnetic scheduling calendar 
for $219. They plan to have the 
calendar glass encased and 
placed in the cafeteria. 

Passed a motion to send an 
Ad Hoc Committee to the 
Florida Junior College Student 
Government Convention on 
October 24, 25, and 26'. 


Jerry momas tells it like it is. 

The rnan with the straight talk and common sense 
answers (s JERRY THOMAS. Senator Thomas doesn't 
ten you what you want to hear, but what you must hear 
CI T^ Thomas will not hold back any punches on 
th '"'. u Ultra-Liberal Administration in Tallahassee 
tnat s breaking the taxpayer's back. It's a story 
that has not been printed. 

cniU^ ^''^ ^^^ "P with HIGH TAXES ... ' >i 

then you are looking for a change, Jiil 

^Tnith About Askew ^M 

from JERRY THOMAS c tgn 

A Governor you can afford. 

WPEC-Ch. 12 Wed., Oct. 30 7:30-8:00 P.M. 
WPTV-Ch. 5 Sun.; Nov. 3, 6:00-6:30 P.M. 

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W^"3fi tfWM« 

"'"^■WI IW'WIIWiaiMI^^ % 

= ^^ Photo by Jay Kraveli ; 

I Bowling Tourney \ 

I Bowling competition continues at Major League \ 

1 Lanes as JC's intramural bowling tournament heads ; 

I into its fourth week. Students may still get involved In | 

I the 12-week program by appearing at Major League I 

I Lanes Wednesday, prepared to bowl from 4 to 6 p.m. \ 


Rivalry Ends 

Unions Merge 


Asst. News Editor 

The Florida Education Association and the American Federal!- 
of Teachers have merged to form the United Community Coil;: 
Faculty of Florida (UCCFF). Alan Maxwell, a science instructor i 
JC and John McGinnis of Tallahassee Community College we- 
named as co-chairpersons. 

The merger of the two organizations has put to an end their [oti 
rivalry at Florida's 28 community colleges. A reemitment drive lu 
already started to bring all 8,000 faculty members of the stole- 
community coUeges mto the one organization. 

In a joint statement, Maxwell and McGinnis said the UCCFF *> 
formed to coordinate faculty activities; create a political adk' 
program, provide staff assistance and training, and assist in i 
phases of collective bargaining. 

"Our new organization will be able to promote the kinds : 
educationl programs that was the students and taxpayers of ffi- 
state desire and deserve," said Maxwell. 

"Until now," McGinnis added, "faculty members at Floridi'i 
community colleges were separated from campus to campus ssi 
were unable to coordinate programs and activities through a singe 
state organiztion. But with FEA and AFT cooperation, our voice 
will finally be heard." 

The new organization will be affiliated with both the FEA and ll 
AFT; but current members may choose to belong to either or bff.l 

JC Debaters Win 


Staff Writer 

JC s Debate Team came out with winners against some of it:* 
leading colleges, junior colleges and universities from Florida. 
Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama, in the three day novice-debate 
tournament held in Deland on Friday, October 11. 

Students who comprised the teams from JC were: ' James CleaK 
and Diane Cosner; Augustin Hernandez and Bill Lesley Sue Ket: 
and Robert Roberts. 

JC teams defeated Miami Dade North, St. John's CommunllJ 
CoUege, Meridian CoUege, Mississippi, and Mercer Univcrsil.r 
Georgia. They tied University of Florida's "B" team. Tfaf'i 
resolved topic was "what powers of the Presidency should b< 
curtailed." •' 

Many resolved topics made by debaters have later beer 
legislated. Onegoodexampleofthis would be Medicare which wii 
argued widely by debating teams long before it became law. 

Vending Machines 87% Effective 

"People put anything they con 
find into those nnachines. " 

— Vending Company 

Staff Writer 

Despite the popular belief 
that campus vending machines 
are constantly on the blink and 
"out-to-get-you a recent poll 
disclosed that the beVerage, 
cigarette and snack machines 
are effective at least 87% of the 

The survey, conducted by the 
Beachcomber staff in collabor- 
ation with the Journalism 
classes, stretched over a period 
of five days and included 250 
vending machine customers. 

Of the 250 patrons attempting 
to use the machines, only 219 
deliveries were made, and out of 
the thirty-one non-deliveries, 
only fifteen had their money 
returned, three of them 
obtaining only partial refunds. 

Pollsters, questioning the 
customers about attempted 
fclunds, discovered only 22% of 
those losing their money would 
a I tempt to get it back. About 
one-half admitted that they 
didn't knov/ where to seek their 
refunds, however, the informa- 
tion is posted on at least 'one 
machine within each group. 

According to Mr. G. Tony 
Tate, Dean of Business Affairs, 
contracts are awarded by the 

Special Report 

change, exclaiming she had 
"never won anything in my 

One pollster reported an 
unlucky patron who lost his 
money to the candy machine 
after it had successfully made 

Board of Trustees to the 
vending machine company with 
the best bid, with yearly 
renewals. After three years, 
new bids are taken. 

"The Junior College receives 
a monthly commission trom the 
company, usually averaging 
about $300.00", Tate said, 
"which goes directly into the 
revenue account." 

Students seeking refunds can 
obtain them from the Humani- 
ties 55, Social Science 7A, 
Technical Building 13 and (he 
Campus Bookstore. 

Aside from the obvious 
malfunction of non-deliveries, 
some students received extra 
products, had the wrong items 
delivered, and one ecstatic 
woman even received extra 

Vending Spending 


Number of 
people using 


Non Deliveries 

Money Not 
Returned Returned" 

Percentage who will 

to obtain refunds 

Candy and Snacks 


8 7% 

60% 40% 





65% 35% 


Milk - Beverage - Coffee 



50% 50% 










25% 75% 





■50% 50% 


ten deliveries in a row. Kicking 
the machine and retrieving his 
money, he decided to try again. 
This time, he deposited his 
money in a coke machine, which 
had also just made ten 
deliveries in a row, only to lose 
it a second time. 

Also related was the tale of 
the unfortunate female who 
begged approximately twenty 
people for a quarter, only to 
have it devoured by the "killer 
coke machine" at the admin- 
istration building. 

Many people who are 
unconvinced of the results, 
claim their life's savings have 
been consumed by the mach- 
ines, must take into considera- 
tion the results are percentages; 
and while one group of 
machines deliver properly, 
another set is inefScient and 
makes more errors than 

A spokesman for Wometco 
Enterprises, who owns and 
operates the machines, stated 
that the main cause of 
malfunction is "people". 

"People," he pointed oiut, 
"put anything they can find into; 
those machines, including 
foreign coins, slugs, pennies, 
and flip-tops from cans. Also 
being out in the open, the coin 
slots are also susceptible to the 
South Florida sand that is 
constantly being stirred up and 
blown around." 

He added that the machines 
were stocked and checked daily, 
and the entire fleet of 
serviceman are trained, having 
had to ride with both the 
mechanic and the supervisor, 
for a period of six weeks. 

"A vending machine is like a 
car," he concluded. "You've 
got to put the right things into it 
if you expect it to function 
properly. ' ' 

Photo by Bob Jordan S 

S A JC student awaits a product from a vending i 

S machine on campus. If she had not eceived the | 

= item she ordered, the Beachcomber estimates S 

£ her chances of receiving a fuU change refund b 

= would be 50% 1 

= . ' S 


Seminar Exannines Death 

Photo by Steve Fritz 

Somewhere. . .yes, somewhere hi this maze of hitricate and 
carefuUy placed machinery is part of the 13% in change that does 
not return to the pockets of upset JC students. 

The American way of death is to get a-close 
look from students in a nev/ short course offered 
for the first time at JC. 

Dr. Richard E. Yinger is teaching a short 
course, (four Tuesday evenings, 7 - 10 p.m.) on 
Death and Dying. 

"Havhig never experienced death personally, I 
do not consider myself an expert," said Yhiger. 
"However, from reading, thinkhig, and personal 
experiences hopefully I can present a different 
way to view it from the traditional approach in 
American society." 

Yinger, of the Social Science Department, 
received his Doctor of Philosophy degree in 
Sociology and his Master of Science degree in 
Economics from Florida State University. 

Registration is being held in Social Science 52, 
Tuesday, 7 p.m. at the first class meeting. A fee 
of one dollar and a social security number are 

Ah overall goal for the course, according to 
Yinger,. is "to view death as a positive 
experience rather than something to be feared. " 


4- BEACHCOMBER Monday, October 21, 1974 

Monday, October 21, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 5 




Associate Editor 
Managing Editor 

associated collegiate press 


Grants Necessary 
For Improvement 

In years past, JC athletic teams rarely provoked excessive worry 
in opposing teams or their coaches. But now, JC teams have upped 
their records and in some sports, have been ranked among the 
state's best. 

This success is largely due to an upgraded athletic program; a 
program which includes some outstanding athletes on athletic 
scholarships to JC. 

Without these grants-in-aid, many of these athletes would not 
have been attracted to JC. The grants cover tuition, books, and 
sometimes the athletic department will also help an athlete with his 
room and board. 

Of course, better athletes mean better teams. And, unlike many 
scholarships svhich are based on student need, these grants-in-aid 
are given because the student himself is "needed". (Presently, 
only men are receiving athletic grants although women will in the 
near future.) 

Talented students in other fields such as music, drama, 
journalism, art, et cetera, are also needed for continued 
improvement at JC in those department. Could it be possible to also 
provide grants-in-aid for these students? 

Scholarships are available to students in these fields, but they are 
given only through organizations or individuals. Athletic 
grants-in-aid are funded mamly through the Student Activity fee (a 
certain amount of money is budgeted to the coach of each sport who 
may spend it on needed equipment or scholarships). 

It's also part of a coach's job to go and recruit athletes in an effort 
to improve his program. 

Although production of the Beachcomber is also funded through 
the activity fee, the improvement of JC's journalism program could 
be made possible if the newspaper advisor could go and recruit 

>ssible editors and staff members? 
Vouldn't it improve the drama department if speech and drama 
:hers ' could recruit talented students? Or, if some other 
lartment's instructors could recruit outstanding students in their 
ds, offering them scholarships? Most of these students will not 
e part in such activities because of job obligations. 

It's obvious that without athletic grants-in-aid, JC's athletic 
fogram would not boast the athletes participating in it now. 

It's also evident that other department programs here would 
benefit if grants-in-aid help could possibly be given to their students 
as well as athletes. 

Nevs/^ Schools Needed 

I Beach County has to built S233 million worth of new schools 

I pace with growing enrollment over the next 15 years. This 

startling prediction was made by School Supt. Joseph 

who also said that student enrollment will almost double by 

With several county schools overcrowded, and many others on 

double sessions, the need for new school construction is easily seen. 

Carroll is pushing for a real estate transfer tax to finance such 

construction, and has stated that he is in favor of developers setting 

aside land for these proposed schools. 

C rroll is on the right track; bond issues have failed to go over 
with^the public and give us the kind of system we deserve and must 


Kt 'dents should no longer have to sit in small unairconditioned 

. ^^.^ms with forty or more other students. Teachers should not 

cJassr g^ with heavy class loads or schedules. It is this kind of 

•t t^ ns that produce low state test scores. 

situatio j.ggjjjents should take heed over Dr. Carroll's warnings - 

the ?onger we wait, the worse it's going to get. 



.. * ^vreed 250 words. 
(Ij Not exceed 

(2) Be signed oy " 
3 incrude the authors 

(4) Be received in the 
Beachcomber Office no 
later than 4 p.m. on 

All letters are subject 
to condensation. 




Is this how they make a bust? 


Voice Of Administration? 

Dear Editor: 

Your paper claims to be "The 
Voice of the Palm Beach Junior 
College Student," but one look 
at the story "Activity Fees To 
Be Slashed" leads me to 
conclude that you are acting as 
the voice of the college 

In the story, you report that 
JC President Harold C. Manor 
intends to recommend a system 
of collecting student activity 
fees which will result in a 
reduction of funds available for 
student activities. 

That's fme. But do you report 
anything else? No. From the 
lily-white appearance you gave, 
nobody objects to these funds 
being "slashed." If anyone 

objected, you couldn't tell by 
reading your story; its entire 
content was, "Manor said. 
Manor said, Manor said." 

Dr. Manor is not the only one 
who is supposed to have input in 
this matter. The meeting you 
covered was of the STUDENT 
Activity Fee Comihittee, which 
you noted in your story. The 
purpose of this committee is to 
give the students a strong voice 
in the financing of their 
activities. Dr. Manor came into 
the meeting and proposed a 
reduction in activity fees in an 
amount he was to determine. 
Are we to believe there was no 
student opposition? 

If you think that Dr. Harold C. 
Manor is so powerful that his 

word is the only word worth 
printing on student activity fees, 
then you are still laboring under 
the delusion that he "voluntar- 
ily" stepped down as Faculty 
Senate Chairman. 

We students deserve a 
complete, objective appraisal of 
the internal politics of this 
college especially when such 
matters can influence our 
academic lives. We do not want 
institutional public relations. 

Wiring news stories is more 
than just getting quotes out of 
the horse's mouth. You have to- 
walk around to the other end to 
see if it smells. 

Chances are it will. 

Ted Besesparis 

Rapped: 'Comber & WRAP 


The .article last week 
concerning the Synchronization 
of the Campus clocks seemed to 
leave out some important facts: 

i. The Authors of the 
Resolution were Glynne Hughes 
and Rob Abrams. 

2. These two senators put in 
many hours investigating the 
clock situation. 

3. They also had some 
valuable and pertinent infor- 
mation, which they presented at 
the senate meeting, concerning 
the clocks. 

After talking to the apparent 
author of the article, it was 
found that his original article 
had been edited to exclude 
these two concerned senators. 

Senators who expend their 
energies for the common good 
of all students deserve recogni- 
tion and should not be left out 
under any circumstances. 

Tory S. Buckley 

Dear Editor: 

I wish to make the students of 
this campus aware of the fact 
that WRAP does not have 
balanced programming. JC 
students might enjoy other 
types of music. In particular, 
I'm speaking about such 
popular singers as Perry Como, 
Frank Sinatra, Robert Goulet, 
and my personal favorite, Bing 

There are some students who 
enjoy Country music, with 
singers like Mel Tillis, Webb 
Pierce, Dolly Parton, and 
Tammy Wynette. Many JC 
students also like Jazz. I would 
recommend that WRAP'S sta- 
tion manager consider such jazz 
greats as Coleman Hawkins, 
Sidney Bechet, and of course, 
Louis Armstrong. 

In summary, to be fair to all 
JC students, WRAP should play 
all types of music, and being an 
amateur musicologist, I would 
be glad to be an advisor to 
WRAP should they wisely 
decide to expand their pro- 

James Patrick Collins 




N«MS Editor ; ; , 

Etfltorisl Asnttant . . . . :.. 

,siiort^ ^m*^ ■ ,.....,'. 

Fvaturji Editor ; ,: 

Copy Edttor - • . „. . 

Photographic Editor ,■,.,, 
Entertainrneirt Editor . . , . 
Asti$tant Msraming Eciitdr 
Asthmmt N*M- Editor , , . 

Camptii Event* , , . 

Cotwultsnt . - . , . .\ . . ., , 

Chiaf Photographer 

Sportt Photographer 

Jan ;1?ttek«food 
. Lynn Kalbor 
.Sharon Osfaixn 
Tim Bray 
Wayne Sol<to 
-Britin CnMvley ~ 
Kat llHaf^tfaacher 
Mr, CharTetMeCre^hv' 
Steve Frit*' ; 
■Jay Kravetz 

John Auchtarlonle 
Roderlcic Beauchamp 
James Cieare 
Cindy Cowan 
Walt Davis 
Lori Hillabrand . 
Bill Hutch ins 
Robin Kindle 
Winifred Knighton 
Susan Kyte 
Tlick Mager 

Rebecca M«^' 
Jimmy Na^ ' ,' 
Phil Neubauei^ 
Ellen Palntieri 
Mike Pilfero ■.;! 
- Glenn'Poweil 
Randy PoiMlt 
Frank Smith' 
Amy StriniW 
Joet Tanen 
Debbie Thbinpson 

Robin Witt 

The Bwdtoombwr is published from our editoriaf offices in the Student PablicatiORs Buildino at Palm Beach 
Junior College, 4200 S Congress Avenue. Lake Worth, Florida, 33460. Phone fl65-M05 IjS m 

^T^X^^A':,^''^^'^'^ "'' """• *" ^' •-«'« - *» writers^; .;S;,ra'l;d not nec.«ari.y 
f^L^!''^^ '* ' "1'*"'^ "* *'"' '^*^"*'^ (>A\^s<Afi P»w and the Florida Junior College Pra« 



Coniorming Role 

J. Michele Notter- 

In recent articles I have shown that children can be made to 
conform to any role that a culture desires. In any society, this 
jjressure to conform to one role or the other, without consideration 
of an individual's personality, is damaging to both sexes equally. 

In a report given to the Amerian Psychological Association in 
September 1970 by the Association of Women Psychologists, my 
point was stated more professionally. "Psychological oppression in 
the form of sex role socialization clearly conveys to girls from the 
earliest ages that their nature is to be submissive, servile, and 
repressed, and their role is to be servant, admirer, sex object and 
martyr. . .the psychological consequences of goal depression in 
young women, the negative self-image, emotional dependence, 
drugged or alcoholic escape are all too common. 

"In addition, both men and women have come to realize the 
effects on men of their type of sex role stereo-typing the crippling 
pressure to compete, to achieve, to produce, to stifle emotion, 
sensitivity and gentleness, all taking their toll in psychic and 
physical traumas." 

Many suggestions can be made to change current society, but a 
step in the right direction is a re-evaluation of the roles presented to 
children via their readers, elimination of the sole use of the male 
personal pronoun to mean male and female, the additional 
requirement that males and that females be represented in 
curricula, books and other institutional materials in a variety of 
roles. The elimination of criteria requiring or permitting sex 
stereo-typing, sex segregated classes and other differential 
treatment between the sexes. 

The treatment by teachers and counselors of expectation that are 
stereo-typed; as in the tracking practices which tend to encourage 
and place boys in advanced sections of math and science and girls in 
the sections of office practice should be eradicated. 

In this society, we stretch our sons to fill the ideal dominant male 
role and fragment our daughter's personalities to make them fit the 
servile female role. Both processes do violence to the individual. 
Each damaged person depletes the resources of the whole society. 
A culture can be built so that each individual can attain her or his 
full human status with acceptance of passive or agressive males or 

■Mike Piliero 

Mr. White Knight 

The subject in class was 
inflation and what to do about it. 
Walter raised his hand and 
suggested a strong president 
could help solve our present 

A bit puzzled by the 
statement, young Dr. Yinger 
(Social Science teacher) politely 
disagreed, saying a President 
shouldn't hold excessive power. 
However, Walter meant that the 
president should be strong in 
leadership and thus capable of 
solving our problems a la 
Franklin D. Roosevelt, 

Everybody agreed. Inflation 
could be licked in this manner. 
Pondering a little longer on the 
subject, however, I've reached a 
point of, uncertainty over 
whether a U.S-. president should 
or should notbe modeled as the 
romantic "White Knight". 

Is this notion, in fact, 
dangerous? Haven't we learned 
that "White Knights" are 
manufactured and rarely bom? 
If we regard our president with 
an awe relegated the gods, will 
he be, or become, prone to 
avoiding congressional advice al 
a Richard (he's the one) Nixon? 

Public relations departments 
have worked miracles. At great 
public expense, they have taken 
the sneaky and dishonest, and 
made super-heroes out of them. 
That is, until the true colors 

•Mike's View — 


If we, the public, accept this 
"White Knight" theory, we 
have two problems: how to 
unsaddle a reluctant "White 
Knight" when it becomes 
necessary (doing this in time to 
prevent damage) and then, how 
to make the public understand 
that one man rule is too 
dangerous even for a "White 

Congress is feeling its oats for 
the first time in many years. Its 
weight is finally registering in 
the minds of our elected 
representatives now. All this is 
possible through the fall, and 
consequential absence, of the 
"White Knight". 

President Gerald Ford thus 
far hasn't shown any pretense at 
being great. On the contrary, 
he appears to be humble in 
seeking advice and keeping his 
ears tuned to public opinion. 
Ironically, his moves, so far, are 
controversal to the point where 
he is losing his popularity. But, 
I am not ready to condemn. 

The nation's turmoil can be 
solved without a "White 
Knight" this time. We have the 
available brain power to solve 
all problems under the shining 
sun. And we are the power, you 
and me and the democratic 

"Miss, do you tliini< if I wore your 
glasses, I could see you home ?" 

— Mason Williams 

A myriad of phantasmagoria transcending, mere reality is represented in this painting by Heuler. 

■Last Exit 

Foxy Tammi Tries 

Tammi Tunabopper sat ner- 
vously in class, her platform 
shoes crossed underneath her. 
Her long blond hair, bleached to 
ten different shades, cascaded 
over her shoulders, and flirted 
with her cheeks. Eyelashes 
straight out of a nearby 
drugstore, fluttered ever so 
often, in a somewhat sexy 

A single string of hair, this 
one light blond, occasionally fell 
out of place, covering her left 
eye and causing her to blink. 
She would brush it back without 
a thought, like she had done to 
so many suitors. 

Class was a bore to her; there 
were^o mapy other things to do; 
gossip, smoie cigarettes in the . 
bathroom, exchange pleasant- 
ries and barbs with girlfriends, 
and "do her face" again. Oh, 
and maybe, just maybe now, 
catch a glimpse of that new 
transfer student. He's so, 
so-ohhh, unreal, UNREAL! she 

The bell rang, jarring her out 
of her "Gee, I have a crush" 
stupor, and sent her speeding for 

the door. 

She glided across the room, her 
bopper body swaying this way 
and that. She looked like a 
conglomeration of bargain 
basement sales with a dab of 
Pierre of France thrown in. 

She burst into the hall, not 
unlike a bolt of lightning, but 
more a stifled burp. And then, 
ohmigod, ohmigod, there HE 
was! Mr. Wonderful, every- 
thing I always wanted in a MAN 
was standing there, all of him, 
and I'm here too, oh, isn't it just 
like I've . always dreamed it 
would be, she thought. 

The man, dark, tall, and 
handsome, stood, rather tower- 
ed above her, like a God unto his 
worshipper. She began to 
stammer out her best form of 
greeting, attempting to appear 
very suave and sophisticated. 
she blurted out. 

"What are you saying," he 

That voice! That mouth! 
Those lips! My heart! 

"Umaumaumaumauma, " 
she continued, still attempting 
to formulate a "hello" or "hi" 
Dr something. 

He frowned at her, and said, 
"Well, been nice talking to you. 
Have to be going." He walked 
on down the hall to parts 

Her heart still racing, she 
thought, oh, what ever am I to 
do, I know he's the ojie I've 
been waiting for. 

AAarcBressler — 

She danced merrily down the 
hall in a state of total glee, like 
sands through an hourglass, so 
are the days of our lives. 


To Gain Experience in 
by working on the 

BEACHCOMBER Advertising Staff. 

inquire at SP3 or Call 966-8000 «xt. 210 


The next issue of the 
Beachcomber will appear 
or. the stands Nov. 4. On 
Oct. 24-26 the Editor, and 
various other staff mem- 
bers will attend the Annual 
Associate Collegiate Press 
Convention and Workshop 
which will be held in 
Hollywood, Florida. The 
key speaker will be Reg 
Murphy, Editor of the 
Atlanta Constitution. 



You'll sail in February, 
with the ship your class- 
room and the world your 
campus . . . combining ac- 
credited studies with fasci- 
nating visits to the fabled 
ports of the Orient, Africa, 
and the Americas. Over 
10,000 students from 450 
colleges have already sailed 
with WCA — join them! Fi- 
nancial aid available. Write 
today for free catalog. 

WCA, Chapman College 
Box 2, Orange, CA 92666 


6 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, October 21, 1974 

Monday, October 21, 1974 BEACHCOMBER -7 

OAA Donates Cultural Library 


The Black Service Organizat- 
ion of Afro American Affairs 
(OAA) has donated a library on 
Black culture and its contribut- 
ions to our society. 

Adviser Dr. Samuel Bottoso 
stresssed the psychological view 
about blacks and whites. He 
stated, "the culture between 
blacks and whites is generally 
the same." This library 
stresses the cultural way of 

blacks. Many whites have 
suffered under the same 
conditions as blacks, however 
their experiences of life were 
different. Inventions and great 
contributions are part of black 

"The library has a case 
divided into three sections," 
Advisor Miss Jacqueline -Rouse 
pointed out. "In the first 
section there are maps of Africa 
and its free and independent 
countries. The second section is 

Photo by Jim Collins 

The Black Service Organization of Afro American Affairs [O.A.A.] 
has donated a library on blacic culture and its contribution's to our 

the Red, Black and Green flag. 
"The flags colors have 
meaning," Miss Rouse contin- 
ued." The black represents 
Black people, the green means 
land needed for home base or 
'Mother Country' and the red 
stands for the blacks that shed 
their blood and died for freedom 
in this world. Members of OAA 
last year donated their Own 
plaque, whicb sets in the middle 
of the case, 

Miss Rouse stated that the 
flag represents the blacks' 
awareness movement. In our 
society brought about in the 
1920's, Marcus Garvey a native 
of Jamaica, founded the 
Universal Improvement Assoc- 
iation and African Cornmunities 
(Imperial) League. Garvey, a 
leader of the 1900's established 
the flag in the 20' s, she 
emphasized. "The blacks 
weren't aware of this movement 
until the 1960's. 

Students Miss Rouse teaches 
Afro American have many 
opportunities to view the 
library IN Room 83. Dr. 
Brottoso stated "the library is 
available for all interested 
students. Students that -wish to 
check out books may do so with 
Miss Rouse in the Social Science 
building top floor west." 

Anyone with old papers or 
books on black history are asked 
to donate thera to the library. 
For further information, contact 
advisors Ferguson. Bottosto, or 

Career Guidance Offered 

At Library Info Center 


Students undecided in their 
career goals now have help. 
Located on the first floor of the 
PBJC Library is the Career 
Information and Study Center. 


$2.75 per page 

Send now for latest catalog. En- 
close $2.00 to cover return post- 


57 Spadina Awe.. Suite #208 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada 

(416) 366-6549 
Our research service is sold 
for research assistance only. 

Robert Moss, Assistant Dean 
for Student Personnel (Men), is 
the head of the center. He says 
that the center provides 
occupational information to aid 
the student in his decision of 
what career is right for him. 
.. The center also gives the 
students a chance to learn more 
about the particular career that 
he may be interested in. 

The center has available to 
the student body 300 career 
booklets, 400 occupational 
briefs, a publication containing 
850 government occupations 
and 30 major industries and also 
cassettes made by people in 72 
different careers. 

The nature of the work, 
training and educatinsl require- 
ments, salary, chances for 

advancement and locations of 
these careers are some aspects 
of information students may 
receive concerning future em- 
ployment possibilities. 

For students who already 
have their future decided, the 
center will arrange for you to 
meet people already established 
in the particular field of your 

The center is open to all 
students and, with their new 
equipment, it is anticipated that 
more students will take 
advantage of this area of 
student guidance. 

^ « « ^ 





FOR SALE 10 speed Peugeot 
VO-8 excellent condition, must 
sell, near school, good price call 

POLAROID model 230 like new, 
very reasonable call 968-6638. 

Oster Electric Poodle Clipper, 

hardly used, very cheap call 

1969 Ford station wagon, good 
condition, runs great, economi- 
cal call 968-6638. 

1973 Suzuki TS 100 with helmet, 
S400 call 368-0111 after 6 p.m. 
ask for Randy. 

Wet Suit brand new, never worn 
call 848-1180 ask for Neil. 

Buraco Sherpas S 125 CC exc. 

condition, never raced asking 

$250.00 call 395-5094. 

1966 Mustand S75 good 

condition call 683-1884 ask for 


Photo by Jav Kiav:' 


by Walt Davis 

/ think today I shall be a tree 

I'll open my leaves at early morn 

And catch the slowly falling rays that burn 

I 'II stretch my limbs far and wide 

And feast upon the afternoon rain 

But slowly as the evening comes 

/'// limber my limbs with a graceful bow 

And close my leaves and bid the night 

Photo by Wmme Knigh;:" 

Members of administration who greeted visiting students i»illi 
warm welcome at the University Center are, Shirley Finger, [seateJ 
right] Admissions and Marsha Love [right] Assistant Dean, whilf 
University Center staff member, Pat Agatha [standing] discusses 
events of the day. 

Wanted Male, 21 yr. wisnes to 
share apt with same phone 

1972 Kawasaki 100 G5 dirt bike 
and trailer $160 runs good call 

1974 Dodge good times van, 
deluxe paint job and interior call 

Portable typewriter S35 2 year 
old "facit" with carrying case. 
Good condition call 968-5999. 

Yashica TL-X w50/1.7 $115.00 
Vivitar 28/2.5 $65.00 call 

Lost Mans black wallet with the 
initials "CRG" somewhere 
around S.S. & Science building. 
If found please call 842-1376 or 
return to lost and found. 

rent and utilities SlOO monthly 
Sportsman's Club Apts. Fully 
A/C carpet full rec 968-1365. 

6 string guitar, machine heads, 
good finish, resilient tone. 
Leave message for Jim Nelson 
at 967-9700. 

Hodaka, super rat goo:- 
condition, plus Yamaha ^^ 
asking $325 call 622-6037 ask ff- 

TERM PAPERS! Canada's 
largest service. For catalog^ 
send $2 to: Essay Services, 5" 
Spadina Ave,, No. 208, Toronto 
Ontario, Canada. 

72 Honda CB 175 good conditio;' 
8,500 miles $300 or best affei 
call 588-5720. 

ED Two bedroom house el 
utilities, use of washer ani, 
dryer $120 per month, must 
have own car. Delray 276-09W 

18 Month old English SpringR 
Spaniel - male beautife 
disposition $50.00 Must i»v; 
fenced or large yard. Delray ca. 

$120 monthly, plus utilities 
complete Apt,, private dod 
near PBJC suitable for ^^'■ 
occupants call 585-7337. 

FAU's ''Day" Successful 

Photo by Winnie Knighton 

Virginia Kelly demonstrates the acupuncture treatment by 
inserting a needle in her ear. She says varied treatments can 
control drinking, smoking and eating problems. 

Acupuncture Praised 


Virginia Kelly, who has been studying at PBJC part-time since 
1965, has nothing but praise for acupuncture - the needle piercing 
practice of -the ancient Chinese that has become popular in the 
United States. This student had been suffering from back injuries 
sustained in auto accident several years ago, when she saw Merv 
Griffin undergo the needle treatment successfully for headache on 
his talk show. 

After about six months of studying the various aspects of this 
method of therapy, her first treatment was arranged. It 
immediately controlled the pain in her lower lumbar region, 
although major spinal surgery had not accomplished this. Now she 
can relax without complete bed rest. 

Virginia now takes the treatments every two or three weeks from 
Dr. Robert Liem, Lake Worth, who is a native of a small island near 
the Phillipines, where they type of treatment is widely used. It 
actually originated in China about 3,000 years ago. It is. very 
imperative to have a thorough physical examination before starting 
acupuncture, as it could be dangerous with certain illnesses. 

Some treatments are painful and some are not. This depends on 
where the needles are inserted and if there is any infection. An 
extra incentive for some users of the needle is the staple-like 
permanent fixture placed inside the ear that can control such habits 
as drinking, smoking or eating. This student also had staples 
inserted in her ears, and has lost about three pounds each week 
and smoking has been curtailed to a large extent. This treatment 
has also been very successful in the rehabilitation of drug addicts. 
The iniection connects with the acuouncture avenues of the body. 

Each session lasts about 30 minutes, and sometimes thei school 
effects last for weeks. 



Many students from PBJC 
and other surrounding com- 
munity colleges received a 
warm welcome when they 
arrived on Florida Atlantic 
University campus Thursday, 
October 10. This was their day, 
and to prove it, booths were set 
up in University Center and 
many student organizations 
were on hand to give 

There. was free ice cream and 
the FAU Jazz Band played rock 
on the Leviathan outdoor stage. 

Steven Rimer, PBJC Art 
Instructor, took his entire class 
to this affair. Each student was 
invited to visit the division of his 

This school is an upper 
Division and Graduate State 
University located at Boca 
Raton. It is about 22 miles south 
of JC campus. There the new 
concept is emphasized. 
University Center has game and 
recreation areas, meeting 
rooms, headquarters for Stu- 
dent Government, a publication 
center for the student newspa- 
per "Atlantic Sun", and a 
literary magazine. It also 
houses the snack bar, bookstore 
and Rathskeller, where you may 
"tip a few" while watching the 
Dolphins on color television. 

In addition to the Snack Bar 
which is in the University 
Center, full course meals are 
served in the Cafeteria with or 
without a meal plan. Several 
meal plans are available, 
however, for those students who 
need them. 

.The University residence 

halls are air conditioned and 
arranged in suite-like living 
quarters with separate study 
and sleeping rooms. Pets are 
prohibited, but cooking and 
refrigerators are allowed. If you 
don't care to live in a hall with 
visitation privileges, a closed 
section is provided. 

Your health fee, if you are a 
full time student, pays for 
routine outpatient and inpatient 
care, over the counter medicat- 

ions and psychological counsel- 

Students with an A. A. degree 
from Florida community and 
junior colleges are guaranteed 
admission to FAU. Students 
who have this degree must 
complete general education 
requirement, and have a mini- 
mum of 60 semester hours and 
an overall grade point average 
of 2.0 and good standing at last 
institution attended. 

U.S. shuns Metric Conversion 


Feature Editor 

"It's two kilometers from 
here - you can't miss it." an 
Englishman would reply if 
asked for directions. Nowadays 
an American would simply 
shake his head at this, continue 
on his way, and completely miss 
his destination. 

'Kilometers, liters, grams, 
centimeters, decimeters, milli- 
meters, meters, METERS, 
METERS! The world is going to 
meters - literally. 

The U.S. is the last major 
country to still be using the 
miles, yards, and pounds 
measuring system. However, 
experts predict that will soon 

Already more . and more 
.American companies measure 
things in the universal metric 

system and this tends to make 
merchanise repairing tougher 
for U.S. repairmen. 

To keep up with this change, 
the demand for knowledge of 
the metric system is growing. 
People want to learn their liters 
and grams. 

The major argument for the 
adoption of the metric system is 
that all measuring is based on 
tens. This makes transferring 
from one amount to another a lot 
easier on the brain. 

The major argument against 
adopting the metric system is 
that it's going to be hard to 
convert from our former ways. 

We want to keep our nice, 
comfortable measuring system. 
However, once over this bridge, 
the rest of the way will be a lot 
■ liter, I mean lighter. 

So get out your meter sticks, 
throw away your yards and 
pounds, and measure like crazy. 

Remember, one gram is equal 
to .0022846 of a lb., one meter is 
equal to 39.37 inches, one liter 
is equal to 1.0567 qts. . . 

Photo by Winnie Knigliton 

One of the last student organizations to leave the University 
Center was the I.S.A. [International Student Association] which, 
they emphasized, included Americans also. Seated [left to right] 
Vincent Brodka, Niche Reppou and Chris Welch explain the 
organization to Grant Vincent [Standing]. 

Nurse LEGS In Action 

LEGS is a four-letter word. 

Nursing students swore that it was one of the worst programs 

they had ever encountered, until they became more familiar with it. 

LEGS (Learning Experience Guide for Students) began in 

confusion early this term. Instructors and students alike say they 

were hazy as to how the independent study program would work. 

In this program, the student learns at his own pace. Filmstrips, 
tapes, and books are available, and "participation in discussion 
groups are encouraged. 

The LEGS program puts the student directly into the hopsital 
where study of class-to-patient situations may be applied. The 
beginner is also allowed to become accustomed to hospital 
atmosphere and get acquainted with the staff. 

Another advantage of this program is that it allows students with 
previous training as aides or orderlies to go beyond the class to 
more advanced skills. Also the slower student may take more time 
on particular problems, thus accomplishing a better understanding 
of it. 

A poll taken last week reveals that now most participants favor 
LEGS over the regular class They are also more aware of the 
material made available to tliem - particularly the campus lab. 

The poll indicates that 95% of the students consider their 
instructors to be outgoing and helpful; only SVi disagree. 

First National Banic 


Trust Company 

114 North "J" St. 

Lake Worth, Florida 

Phone 582-5641 

Member F.D.I.C. 

Phone 5821045 



4 -A 



BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER... And why not? There's safety 
in numbers, isn't there?So if you're a bright artist, photographer, writer or 
whatever, stop on in the Beachcomber and join us. We need cartoonists and 
photographers. Afterall, we'll take good care of you. 

Monday, October 21, 1974 BEACHCOMBER ■ 9 

8 -BEACHCOMBER Monday, October 21, 1974 

AAovie Review- 

Burt Coaches Cons 

•John Auchterlonie- 

Specific movies have specific 
themes; some are dramas, some 
are comedies and some have 
good dialogue or excitement. 
Whatever the case may be, no 
one said that these were 
essential elements to make a 
good, entertaining movie. All 
that is required is something 
that appeals to the audience. 
With that we have the "Longest 

The story ' takes place in a 
prison, the subject is football 
and Burt Reynolds is the star. 
With his quick one liners this 
combination points towards bold 
humor; some are cliches, some 
are crude, but all are done in 
good taste. 

Burt stars as a former pro 
quarterback who hasn't played 
football in eight years because 
he was caught shaving points. 
He steals his girlfriend's car 
providing us with a quick action 
packed chase scene. Then, as 
he rests ata bar, he adds insult 

to injury by using unnecessary 
roughness on the arresting 

When Burt meets his fellow 
prisoners he observes some 
"real cases," as they observe 
him. Here, he learns that the 
warden (Eddie Albert) is a 
football fanatic. He wants 
Reynolds to coach his semi-pro 
football team comprised of 
prison guards, but Burt ends up 
forming a team from the 

The Internal and external 
conflicts come to a climax when 
Burt's Mean Machine meets the 
guards in a pre-season tune-up 

The "Longest Yard" won't 
overwhelm you from a literary 
standpoint but it will entertain 

The script does not call for 
any in-depth characterization; 
the information about Reynolds 
as, Paul Crew, "Superstar," is 
provided in the first few opening 

scenes. Burt's conflict is that, 
"he's always had his 'stuff' 
together but never could lift it." 
Albert is simply obsessed with 
winning., These conflicts are 
resolved in the climactic football 
game at tlie end of the movie. 

What makes the "Longest 
Yard' ' successful? Proximity 
and tactful low-centered hum^ 
or. Burt Reynolds holds the 
distinction of being the male sex 
symbol from Palm Beach 
County and a former JC 
student, as well. The movie is 
written around him, using his 
classic expressions and satirical 

We can also relate to the 
movie with its location. The 
script calls for the story to be in 
a Florida prison and the chase 
scene to held in Palm Beach. 
Although the script didn't 
change, filming took place in 
Atlanta and Alabama. 

In the prison, Reynolds 
observes the dregs of humanity. 

'Burt Reynolds in his younger days at JC, where he began his acting 

some of these characters are 
extremely funny. Next, we have 
the situation of rounding up a 
football team - comprised of 
inmates and teaching them how 
to play. Now, lets put this all 
together in a football game; 
Burt's classical retorts, a bunch 
of characters running around on 
a football field and slapstick 
comedy performed in some truly 

One Bghnhree Five 

We're young and we mean business, 

so if you're between 1 8 and 35 years old 

we can provide you free cliecking, discounts from local mercliants, 

$20,000 of individual accidental death insurance, 

group-rate travel and more for $3 a month. 

Call us at655-one-eight-three-five. 

First HhHoaal Bank in PahaBeach 

255 Soulh County Road. Palm Beach, Florida 
Member FDIC 

outlandish plays. The setting of 
a prison and a football team 
provides every opportunity for 
humor, while Reynolds alone is 
enough to provide the interest 
or attention to the viewer. 

This movie will make one 
laugh or put one in a good 
mood, it truly plays on the 
senses, for the enjoyment of the 


Staff Writer 

The highly evolved artistic 
music of Weather Report is of a 
very wide range and therefore 
impossible to place into any 
single category. 

The album opens with ten and 
a half liiinutes of very heavy, 
constantly moving, funky rhy- 
thm created by two drummers, 
Ishmael Wilburn and Skip 
Hadden; Afro-Latin percuss- 
ionist Don Um Romao; and the 
rest of the band. This exciting 
song, "Nubian Sundance" 
typifies traditional tight Weat- 
her Report funk. 

The second cut, "American 
Tango", is a slow, mellow, 
beautiful song with the melody 
being established by synthesi- 
zer then backed up and 
improvised on by Wayne 
Shorter on tenor sax. 

"Cucumber Slumber" is the 
album's best selection and 
features the extraordinary 
fantastic double bass work of 
Alphonso Johnson and Miioslav 
Vitous, a jazzy, tasteful electric 
piano solo by Josef Sawinul and 
the wailing sax of Shorter. 

The title number, "Myster- 
ious Traveller", is very 
musically involved and full of 
complicated rhythms and time 
changes. The piano takes the 
"Mysterious" theme of the 
song while the other insttu- 
ments "travel" for about seven 
minutes - and its really a trip. 

"Scarlet Woman", "Black- 
thorn Rose", and "Jungle 
Book" are other numbers on the 

"Mysterious Traveller" is 
definitely an album for the 
up-to-date music listener. 

The music of Weather Report 
is not easy to forecast eitlier. 

New Lights Instolled 

Entertainment Editor 

With the installation of the "Electronic 
Lighting Control System", the theater 
department has the majority of the facilities in 
the auditorium upgraded. 

The new lighting system is being installed and 
assembled by Herb Schmoll, President of Design 
Line, Inc. of Tampa. Schmoll said the three 
phase, 300 ampere system compares to 
controlling about 900 one-hundred watt light 

He went on to say that it has about "the same 
amount of power as used on controlling ten 
houses." The 30 dimmer system is "about as 
up-to-date as any school's in the state." 

The "Electronic Lighting Control System" is 
basically similiar to the equipment at Walt 
Disney World near Orlando. Design Line, Inc, 
has several lighting systems in operation in the 
■'Magic Kingdom", with the most recent 
installed at the Frontier Saloon in the 

"Art (Musto) bought the second dimmer board 

1 ever sold," said Schmoll, refering to the initial 
purchase by the college. 

His company this year has done a healthy 
quarter of a million worth of business. 

This JC purchase is part of a five year plan to 
update the auditorium's technical department. 
When completed, Schmoll said, the entire 
installation of the new equipment would be 
approximately $15,000. 

■ Art Musto, technical director of the theater, 
commented, "before we were running lights on a 
wing and a prayer. This professional system is 
adding a new dimension to the theater program. 

"it gives the students an opportunity to 
operate sophisticated equipment." 

He also stated that the system makes the 
operation much smoother. "The new lighting 
system greatly improves the safety standards of 
the Auditorium.," 

The light board is not ready to be placed in 
operation, but the rest of the lights should be 
functioning the opening night of "The Sign in 
Signey Brustein's Window", Nov. 7, two weeks 
from Thursday. 

From Left: Scott Rattinoni', Francis Leahy and 
Eugene Lancaster concentrate on set design and 

Photo by Stevel 

props for November's production of "The Sign In 
Sidney Brustein's Wtadow." 

Frankly Speaking- 

What Is A Commercial 

Television is full of commer- 
cials, while commercials are full 
of. . .well, whatever it takes to 
fill up a commercial. 

Some of them contain 
psychological phrases intended 
to make one think that he is the 
only one not using a particular 

"You've all heard the 
phrases, "The car they'll all be 
driving" "The movie everyone 
is seeing." "The book, or look, 
everyone's reading or wearing" 
And they work! If I hadn't seen 
the "exorcist", read "Jonathan 
Livingston Seagull", or bought 
a pair of platform shoes, I'd 
really feel left out. (economics 
allow me an excuse for not 

owning a '74 Porsche)! 

These salesmen are really 
clever, as evidenced by the 
great advertising line, "Coca' 
Cola is Coke!" 

One shaving cream company's 
commercial has the best line 
I've heard in a long time on 
television. A shaved face is a 
kissable one, imploring the 
listener to "Turn your face into 
a kisser!" 

Back to the psychological 
aspects, we have the implication 
that to buy any care but a 
Chevrolet is to be un-American, 
why? "Chevrolet makes sense 
for America!" they tell us. The 
rest of the companies don't 
make sense even theough they 
have better ideas. (Actually I 
don't think that Ford makes 

■-Frank Smith — 

much sense for America either, 
but that's getting political.) 

Then, there's the little things 
that bug me about commercials; 
the fact that 7- up can think of 
nothing better to say about it's 
produee than that it's not a cola! 

The way an airline says that 
they'ir'move their tails for me" 
but say nothing about moving 

Or another airline who's 
stewardess says, "Hi, I'm 
Sheryl, fly me!" and says 
nothing about how much I have 
to pay for the privilege. 

Commercials have some 
worth; it's all in theway you look 
at them, but it seems they are 
best when not looked upon at 

Movies — 

Cinema 70 

"Longest Yard" 1:30, 3:30, 
5:45, 7:55, 10:10 R 
••Airport 1975" 2:00, 3:55, 
5:40, 7:55, 10:05 PG 

••Gambler" 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 
7:30. 9:30 (two weeks) R 
Century Theatre 
••That's Entertainment"(held 
over) 1:45, 4:10, 6:35, 9:45 G. 


closed October 21 through 
November !. 

Plaza 2 
"Gambler" 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 
7:30, 9:30 PG 

Mall Cinema 1 
"Longest Yard" 2:15. 4:40, 
7:20, 9:45. R. 

Mall Cfaietna 2 
"Frankenstein" 1:45, 3:45, 
5:45, 7:45, 9:45 X 

Mall Cinema 3 
"Apprenticeship of Duddy 
Kravitz" 2:00, 4:30, 7:15, 9:45 

Mall Cinema 4 

"Gone With The Wind" 2:00 
and 8tOO G. 

grand teather 
"Dusting" and "Thunderbolt 
and Lightfoot" 2:00 and 7:15. 
Florida Theatre 
"Foxy Brown" 2:50, 6:154, 
9:40 R. 

"Truck Turner" 1:20, 4:i25, 
7;45 R. 

DOLPHIN Theatre 
"Fantasia" 7:10, 9:15 G. 
Sat & Sun 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 
7:15, 9:25 G. 

. Photo by Steve Fritz 
From left: Art Musto, technical director, and Herb Schmoll, 
President of Design Line Inc., test out Herb's new lighting system 
which he designed and plans to use in JC's next production. 

Play Set Readied 

Staff Writer 

Many hours and hard work 
are being put into the set 
construction for "The Sign in 
Sidney Brustein's Window" the 
drama department's presenta- 
tion Nov. 7-11, and the 14th. 

The setting for "Window" is 
a typical Greenwich Village 
apartment which consists of a 
Bohemian atmosphere and a 
sort of artistic air. 

According to Mr. Art Musto, 
technical director of the play, 
the first step in construction is 
to analyze, the play and 
determine the requirements for 
the action to take place. Also 

taken into consideration is the 
environment needed to set the 

Furthermore, the budget is 
evaluated to see what funds are 
available to spend on props. All 
money comes from the revenue 
of box office sales. A ground 
plan is then sketched to lay out 
the position of the props. 

The construction began five 
weeks ago with the students 
from stage craft and cast 
members working two nights 
per week and every afternoon. 

After the final production, the 
crew begins the task of tearing 
down the set and storing the 
reuseable material for future 

Future Features 

By Flick Magermm^ 


Pisces; Machines and appliances cause trouble. Your car 

could refuse to start; your waterbed might spring a leak. 

Chemicals^ have a profounder effect than usual. 

Aries: Of prime importance is trying to understand other 

people and giving them the benefit of the doubt. Don't let 

frustrations make you lose your temper - they're not worth the 


Taurus: This week has a gray, drab aspect. Everything you 

try to start fizzles. Money could help - work toward getting 

some. Financial aspect is favorable. 

Gemini: New styles, thoughts, appreciations surround you. 

Closeness is highlighted; the more worth you see in someone, 

the more there is to see. 

Cancer: You seem awkward. The taste of your foot in your 

mouth is becoming familiar. Don't give up - this will pass. 

Watch your step, literally. 

Leo! A delusion of importance and competence could lead 

you into a dangerous effort. Take the practical view if you 

couldn't before, why should you now? Contact someone 

who's on yoiir mind. 

Virgo: The value is not always where you think it should be. 

■A special person is in your picture. Resist a temptation to be 


Libra: If no one seems to understand you, it's probably true - 

they don't. Be as clear and precise as you can during this 

fuzzy, unclear period. 

Scorpio: A trying weekend dissolves into a week of increasing 

activifies. You become involved in parties and fes.tivities. 

People believe what you say - unfortunately for them. 

Sagittarius: Lighten the twilight in your attutude. Darkness 

gets you nowhere. Allow your natural light to show through, 

and unexpected inter- personal results will be seen. 

Capricorn: A threat is made against you. It's not serious, but 

the misunderstanding has got to be cleared up or it will 

rankle, fester and cause trouble later. 

Aquarius: Be trusting and' compassionate. Other people's ' 

positive feelings reflect on you- An unusual personality ::•: 

comes in contact with you. i? 









10- BEACHCOMBER Monday, October 21, 1974 

Monday, October 21, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 1 1 

Ed Everett's Goal: The Nationals 

Photo by Jay Kravetz 

Ed Everett reflects on his chaaces for the national cross country 

—On The Run — — 

Ed Everett knows the trail to 
the National Junior College 
Cross Country Championships 
is a long one, but if anyone can 
cover that long trail quickly, it's 
a distance runner. 

Everett ran for Broward 
Community College last year 
and missed going to the 
nationals by only a few places. 

"I didn't want it badly enough 
last year but this year will be 
different. I practiced hard this 
summer and ran with the Fort 
Lauderdale Roadrunners, a 
track club, and won a few 
races," explained Everett. 

BCC gave up cross country 
after the 1973 season, making 
Everett a runner without a 
team. He heard that JC needed 
runners so he came here to run. 
"I didn't want my future as a 
runner to go down the drain." 

"This season has been a 
disappointment so far, but I 
always come through in the big 
meets." said Everett. 

Evidence of how badly 
Everett wants to succeed is the 
amount of practice he puts in. 
"I try to get 110 miles of 
running a week." says Everett. 

He believes that cross 
country, in the long run, will 
help him have a better track 
season saying, "Cross country 
is my bread and track's my 

Everett's biggest hope is to go 
to the national championship. 

With all those miles behmd 
him, the trail to the Nationals 
must look shorter and shorter all 

In. an attempt to better the 
understanding of the game of 
baseball, this column will 
provide a list of words used in 
the sport along with their 


Umpire! a man who is paid 
to make wrong decisions and 
emphasize them with obscene 
hand gestures. 

him S^rin§s Uieppiag Center 






Fresh Pizza Dough 
Is Made Daily 

the time. 

Everett commented on co:.* 
Dick Melear saying that ) 
admired the man an awful U 
explaining that Melear ofti 
spends extra hours helping i^ 

He also commented on Jol' 
Prince Park, labeling it t 
having one of the best crc* 
country courses in the state. 

'By Robin Plitt — 

Batter: a sticky substance 
used to make pancakes. 

Pitcher: something which is 
filled with beer after the game. 

Shortstop: someone who is 
not tall enough to play any 
other position. 

Strike: a movenient taken by 
the joke suppliers of this 

Fly BaU: a baseball with a 

Foul Ball: a round projectile 
which crashes into a turkey in 

Home Plate: a stationary 
answer to a flying saucer. 

Seventh Inning Stretch: 
baseball's "elastic clause" 

Error: the majority of the 
decisions made by the umpire. 

.Hit; a b^iseball that lands in 
the top 40. 

Extra Innings: prolonged 

Infield fly rule: a device used 
to measure insects which bother 
the pitcher. 

Curve ball: What you receive 
from a girl who doesn't want to 
date you. 

Bullpen: press headquarters. 

Left field: a place from 
which much recent humor has 
been developing. 

Photo by Jay Kravi 

Roberto Rizo is one of two returning members of the tennis team. ■ 
The team opens practice Oct. 22 on the campus tennis courts. Ail 
tennis hopefuls are hivited to try out. i 

Rizo's Maturity Shows J 

Robert Rizo will bebringing international experience to the tennis' 
team this year. • 

Rizo, a native of Zuela, Venezuela, has won several tournaments 
both in America and in his home country. 

One of his most recent victories came in the South Olive' 
Invitational tournament, which he won on the weekend of Oct. 12-' 

Rizo won the meet by defeating Ronald Pick, the 17th rankeJ 

player in Florida, in the semifinals and Will Sherwood in the finals i 

' He's supposed to be one of the best players in the area," said: 

Rizo. i 

A 24-year-old purchasing major, Rizo feels his age and maturihf 
are an asset to his playing and to his ability to be a team leadei.: 

' 'I think 1 am more mature than some of the players on the team ; 
because I am older than they," said Rizo. 

Rizo began his tennis career after high school using the sport a J 
an alternative to soccer. i; 

"Soccer players who are fast tend to get knocked down by the; 
slower players," said Rizo, "I took up tennis because it was just as? 
fast as soccer, but it was safer." i 

Rizo gradually improved his game to the state where he could J 
compete on a high level. He improved until he was able to win tk i^ 

(Turn to RIZO, page 111; 


With Photos 

Eight men's teams and five women's teams are competing in the 
intramural bowling tournament at Major League Lanes in Lake 

Participation ranges from 42 to 49 persons as the meet enters its 
fourth week. 

This past Wednesday, Jody SJzgeber led the women with a high 
game of 189, followed by LuAnn Allen 171, and Ginny Lamano 167. 
Anthony Pilschitz rolled the men's high game, a 202, clxsely 
followed by Richard Gross 200, and Bill Brown 196. 

The women's high series were Salzgeber's 482, LuAnn Allen's 
444, and Sharon Nelson's 435. The top series for the men were 
Brian Richards' 532, Terry Tuer's 520, and Jeff Jenkins 516. 

Salzgeber had the women's highest average, a 150, followed by 
Lynn Kalber's 141, and Sharon Nelson's 139. Richards took the 
men's high average, with a 171, followed by Brown's 170, and Kent 
Knox and Rodney Salzman both rolling a 166 average. 

The team, ' 'The Ups and Downs", consisting of Ingrid Sanio, Jan 
Kisker, Marge Imnel, and Jody Salzgeber are in first place so far 
amongthe women's teams. The men's leading team is called "The 
Best", consisting of Larry Wheeler, Humberto Munoz, Kent Knox, 
and Brian Richards. 

Anyone interested in joining, come to the Major League Lanes 
next Wednesday, at 4:00 p.m. 

Payastra And Brandon 
Are New Cage Leaders 

Sports Editor 

"Bill Brandon vvas appointed 
captain and Gus Payastro was 
appointed co-captain of the 
Pacer basketball team after it's 
first week of practice," 
accoiaing to Coach Bob Wright. 

Brandon started most of last 
year averaging 10 points and 
eight rebounds per game as a 

Poyastro was one of the 
starting forwards on last year's 
team with an average of 12 
points and 10 rebounds per 

"The boys weren't chosen on 
their performances last year," 
said Bob Wright, Pacer cage 
coach. "They were picked on 
their experience and their 

Walker Takes 4th 

Lack of depth and experience hampered the newly formed 
women's golf team in the Falconette Invitational held at the 
Hollywood Lakes Country Club, October 10 and 11. 

Miami Dade North won the meet with a score of 621, followed by 
Rollins, 633; University of Miami, 638; Florida State University, 
722; Palm Beach 733; and Florida International University 750. 

"We finished fifth out of six teams," said Dr. Howard Reynolds. 
"We would have finished better than that, but our number four 
golfer. Donna Marotta, hurt her wrist in an auto accident on October 

"The women's team has two outstanding golfers. One of them 
Colleen Walker," is as good as anyone around" said Reynolds. 

In the 36-hold tournament. Walker shot a 76 and a 79 for a 155 
and finished in fourth place. ■^ 

Walker is an outstanding women golfer and is capable of national 
recognition," said Reynolds. 

The other outstanding golfer is Linda Moore. She finished 15th 
with an 85 the first day and a 79 the second day to finish with a'l64. 

"Those two girls can compete with anyone, Linda will average 
around 80." said Reynolds. 

The number three golfer on the Pacer team is Sara Marsh. She 
shot a 95 the first day and a 93 the second for a 188. 

The number four golfer is Joyce Pruett. Joyce shot a 116 the first 
day and a 110 the next for a 226, 

If, by winter term the girls are able to shoot 80 or below, we 
should be very competitive with the other schools," said Reynolds. 

Reynolds continued, "One main problem right now is that we do 
not have a. women's golf coach. Hopefully, next year we will be able 

to get one'." 

leadership abilities." 

Wright said he preferred to 
pick the team captains instead 
of letting the team vote on the 
issue because the team vote 
tends to result in a popularity 

The team is working on basic 
individual and team fundamen- 
tals in their early practices. 

"We are stressing practice in 
each boy's weakness," said 
Wright. "We want to improve 
each boy's all-around game." 

Wright said the team is also 
working on group fundamentals 
like passing and rebounding. 

"We want to work hard in 
these areas because that is 
where we were weak last year," 
said Wright. 

The squad was shortened by 
one player as forward prospect, 
Jerry Blade, left the team to 
return to his home in Ohio. 

Blade was a teammate of 
Brandon in high school and was 
highly recommended by him. 

"Jerry is a good ballplayers," 
said Brandon. "I think he 
would have been a big help to 
the team." 

Wright and Athletic Director, 
Howard Reynolds share the 
same feelings about Blade but 
sympathize with his reasons for 

"This is the first time Jerry 
has been away from home and 
he got a little homesick," said 




Bring Ads by 
Beachcomber Office 

*r&m£ V/C7WI tfdej twm sfiwis ^ 

Take Your Cues 

Hustlers, show yourselves!!! 

Break the old cue out from the moth balls and chalk up your 
fingertips for the upcoming table pool tournament sponsored by the 
Intramural Department. 

The tournament will be held at Major League Lanes in Lake 

"We have gotten the chance to use the tables at Major League 
Lanes for 50 cents an hour," said Roy Bell, director of intramurals. 
"This is a very good price." 

The Intramural Department will cover the cost of renting the pool 
tables for any number of students who wish to participate in this 

"It is very important to have all tegistration completed by Friday, 
October 25, said Bell. "This way we will have an indication of how 
many tables to rent." 

All men or women interested in this activity should fill out the 
entry form in the Oct. 14 issue of the Beachcomber and brine it to 
office 4K in the gym. 

Deadline for entries will be Friday, Oct. 25. 

12 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, October 21, 1974 

DC HOP is your answer 
itail to make it a campus 
o it steps supple. 
3od iooks around your foot. 



Price range S16-S20 

The intramural flag-tag football league has been cancelled due (a 
lack of interest. 

After trying to get organized for seven weeks, the league folded 
-without even taking the field. 

"The teams that did form never seemed to get together to play," 
said Roy Bell, director of intramurals. 

This is the first year that the flag-tag football has suffered from 
apathy. In the past, the activity has drawn 10 to 12 teams for the 

The league was to compete on Monday afternoons on the field 
which is located south of the gym. 

Escobar Leads 
In Badminton 

Bernardo Escobar remained undefeated after five rounds of the 
Intramural Badminton tournament. 

John McCarley and Robert Braunworth were tied for second place 
with 4 - 1 records. 

Karl Kidd and A. Clemens tied for third place with records of twc 
wins and three losses. 

Ray Kilman and Berry Rogers tied for fourth place after amassing 
1-4 records. 

Dee Clayton and Sue Jackson tied for the lead in the women's 
division with three wins against no defeats. They were followed b> 
Sara Marsh with a 2-1 record, Dawn Pastore with a 1-1 record, and 
Moreen Kelley and Linda More with 0-3 marks. 

AAatmen Wrestle 
To Form Club 

In an attempt to meet the 
needs of the students, the I and 
R board will attempt to form a 
wrestling club. 

'The main requirement for 
membership in the club," said 
Bell "is a sincere interest in 
collegiate style wrestling and a 
willingness to support the 
team's activities." 

An organizational meeting 
will be held Tuesday, Oct. 22 in 

the gym at 2:30 p.m . 

"It is important that enouglii ' 
students in each weight class bt 
present," said Bell. 

Club meeting time will be , 
decided at the organizational ' 

The club is being formed bj 
Vic Benn. 

Anyone interested in joining 
the club should call Benn at 
585-9220, or see Bell in office 
4K in the gym. 

Rizo Returns 
To Net Squad 

Continued from page 10 
championship in his home state. 

Rizo helped lead the Pacers to a tenth place finish in the state 
meet by teaming up with Jeff Thomas to win the number two 

"I feel my game has improved since last year," said Rizo "I am 
better in basic fundamentals and my concentration is much better 
on the court." 

Rizo is optimistic about the team for its upcoming season. 

"We have a lot of talent on this team," said Rizo. "I think we 
should at least go to the state meet again." 
^ "1 have watched Roberto play in several meets this year," said 
Harris McGirt, tennis coach. "I think he is a very good player who 
will be a big help to the team." 

By Brian E. Crowley 
News Editor 

Max Allee has replaced 
Dr. Harold Manor as the 
Faculty Senate Chairman. 
The announcement, made 
during an emotional October 
17 meeting, was oversha- 
dowed by heated debate and 
disregard for parliamentary 

Debate was started when 
Senator Schmiederer read a 
letter from Mr. R. Gross 
requesting removal of secre- 
cy from Instructor of 
Distinction evaluations and 
the revelation of total scores, 


] ' 


including the scores for last 

Mr. Barton, chairman of 
the IDA committee, respond- 
ed by saying, "The Commit- 
tee considers it a breach of 
faith to reveal department 
scores or peer evaluation, 
since individaul overall 
scores could compromise 
these scores. It is also a 
breach to reveal the overall 

Mrs. Vignau, vice-chair- 
man of the senate, yielded 
the floor to Mr. Gross, who is 
not a senator. According to 
the senate parliamentarian 

Watson B. Duncan, this was 
in violation of parliamentary 
procedure. No senator ob- 
jected however and Gross 
took the floor. 

"It's very poor logic to 
assume that I know my total 
score. I would then know my 
individual score and I fail to 
see how this could compro- 
mise those scores. For my 
own personal reasons I would 
like to have my total scores." 
stated Gross. 

Mr. Washburn motioned 
that the total scores be given 
to Gross. Barton amended 
the motion asking the scores 


jks^tj y^j 

! '■ ! 

be given to each individual 
faculty member. 

A vote was taken on the 
amended motion, and in 
violation of the senate 
constitution, the item was 
passed on the first readipg. 

Senate Constitution states 
that a vote is not taken until 
after the second reading at a 
subsequent meeting. In- 
formed sources say that an 
objection to the IDA motion 
will be raised at the next 
senate meeting. 

Dr. Manor announced 
Allee as the new Faculty 

Senate Chairman and turned 
the gavel over to Allee. At 
that moment a more than 10 
year reign by Dr. Manor 
came to an end. 

The changeover culminat- 
ed a debate which began this 
year over who should be the 
new chairman. During de- 
bate some senators were 
claiming that the vice-chair- 
man should automatically 
secceed to the chair. This 
idea, however r e c.e i v e d 
little support and paved the 
way to the election which 
Allee won. 


Vol. XXXVI, No. 8 

iVlonday, November 4, 1974 

Lake Worth, Florida, 33460 


SG President Tory S. Buckey said he will veto 
a bill giving SG senators special privileges un- 
less an evaluation committee is set up. Page 2. 


The Beachcomber endorses Reubin Askew for 
Governor in the Nov. 5 election, Page 4. 

A "Job Bank" will be available for JC students 
early next term. Page 9. 

m!^,if^:v&sri:ri:s»^tm.xiima.^sra:rast& soA'^xsiamMaeiMjaasssj^^ 

Students pictured above were among the first 50 donors for 
Wednesday's blood drive. 

The Sales & Management Club, sponsors of the drive, collected 
83 pints of blood. Further details, page 3. 

Photo by Steve Fritz 

2- BEACHCOMBER Monday, November 4, 1974 

Monday, November 4, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 3 



The Student Government 
Senate debated Thursday for 
well over an hour on a Bill of 
Appropriations which if 
passed would give SG 
senators special privileges 
(honorariums) over other JC 

The debate centered 
around which articles of the 

bill should be voted on or 
sent to various committees 
for research. Senate bill 
(74-001) introduced by Sen- 
ator James Boger, has been 
sent back to the Finance 
Committee and the Resolu- 
tions Committee twice in the 
past two weeks. 

According to Article I of 
the bill, Senators would 
receive special parking 

Allee Serves Students 

By Brian E. Crowley 
News Editor 

Max Allee, a young, 
energetic social science 
instructor, believes that the 
ultimate purpose of the 
faculty senate is to serve the 
students. "That's what the 
hell it's all about," says the 
new faculty senate chairman. 

Allee wants the faculty 
senate to work very closely 
with student government 
and with the student body as 
a whole. 

Allee sees his job as 
chairman realistically. "I 
think some people felt 
inhibited with Dr. Manor as 
chairman and wouldn't 
speak; now we should be 
more open," added Allee, 
"there are some people, 
however, who couldn't care 
less about the senate." 

spaces, special automobile 
decals, a special name tag, 
and each Senator would get 
$50 per semester. 

"I will tell you right now, 
that without a committee set 
up to determine who on their 
own persorival merits is 
eligible for this honorarium 
and special privileges, I 
promise you I will veto it." 
said SG President Tory 

"There is no evaluation 
committee set up, and I do 
not believe that Senators 
who follow just the guide- 
lines of the Constitution a;re 

eligible for honorariums, 
because they'll come in her 
and just sit here and do 
nothing. You have to have 
some motivation for them," 
added Buckley. 

Each part of the bill was 
voted on separately and 

Buckley stated after the 
meeting that he wasn't sure 
whether he would veto the 
bill or not. Even if he does 
veto the law, the Senate has 
the right to override his veto 
by a two-thirds vote of all 

Last week. Senator Dave 
Upshaw was elected Presi- 
dent Pro Temporary, Senator 
Sam Putt withdrew from the 
election saying he didn't ! 
"have enough time" to hold 
another position. 

The SG Senate also passed; 
a resolution pertaining to 
road signs which stated tki ; 
certain signs on Congresi; 
Avenue and Lake Worth 
Road have been destroyed bt, 
the JC sprinkler system 
The resolution asked that iLe' 
signs be made 


Executive Board Debate Angry 

Max Allee 

A member of the United 
Faculty, Allee is not sure 
what role the senate will play 
in the upcoming salary 
negotiations. "This is all 
new," says Allee. 

Asked if the number of 
successive terms of senators 
should be limited, Allee 
wasn't sure but stated, "I 
think it would be a good idea 
to rotate. Some senators who . 
are there too long may get 
some kind of feeling of 

By Robin Kindle 

Student Government's Ex- 
ecutive Board discussed a 
variety of topics at the 
October 22 and 29 meetings. 

The Executive Board 
discussed tentative plans for 
converting the north SAC 
lounge into a game room. 
They hope to purchase pool 
tables, pin ball machines, air 
hockey games, and possibly 
ping pong tables if space 

The Board considered 
using profits to hire two 
supervisors to be present in 

the game room at all times. 
The remaining profits would 
go into a scholarship fund. 

President Tory Buckley is 
negotiating with Florida 
Music Company, which 
would provide the machines. 
He hopes to have a report 
ready within a couple of 

The Board approved the 
Questionnarie Committee's 
report and the questionnaire 
which was drafted. The 
Questionnaire Committee 
was established by the 
Executive Board to deter- 
mine where student govern- 



We're young and we mean business, 

so if you're between 1 8 and 35 years old 

can provide you free checking, discounts from iocal. merchants, 

$20,000 of individual accidental death insurance, 

group-rate travel and more for $3 a month. 

Call us at 655-one-eight-three-five. 


255 Soum Coynly Road, Palm Beach. Florida 
Member FDIC 

ment should direct M 
energies this year and iu 
future years by produdnjs 
and distributing -a question- J 
naire. On November 4 ibel 
questionnaire will be distri4 
buted in the Teacher'ii 
message center, Students J 
are to fill out the " 
questionnaire in class. A' 
supplemental sheet, m' 
which students can make; 
comments, will be added tcj 
the questionnaire. 

Results will be collectd!; 
from the Teacher's message! 
center on November 8 and ; 
sent to Data Processing foijv 

Tony Banks, Secretary of; 
Production, objected to thb 
year's Winter Movie Sched'f 
ule. The Executive Board i 
wants only eight movie ' 
nights in order to allow cluiii 
to have more nights for theii 

Banks argued that movie- 
have been SGA's bigge^i 
success. According to Banks, 
movies have been drawinj 
97.5 people on the average 
this semester. He also 
believes that some movies os 
the present list will be 
failures and should te 
omitted while others should 
be shown as double featurei. 

"$16,500 was spent fo 
entertainment last yeai. 
This year about $12,000 i; 
being spent," noted Bank;. 
"Students are getting rippd 
off. They want iromediite 
returns for their investmen:: 
of $15.00. There is no better 
way than movies an;i 

Dolor Ginchereau, Vice 
President of SGA, argueJ 
that SGA's sole function is 
not entertainment. Activiliei 
other than movies are bein? 

"I don't believe we are 
cheating the student body £! 
all," he stated. ^ 

A motion was passe- 
stipulating that Banks wt 
produce a revised Wintei 
Movie Schedule at the neil 
Board meeting. ' 

A motion was passed, u 
transfer $225 from Other 
Services Account to tuf 
Contingency Fund in orderU 
purchase the magnetK 
scheduling calendar. '''^ 
calendar will depict all schoffi 
activities and events. 

JC Studies Death 

Blood donors are carefully questioned prior to giving blood to avoid spread of disease. 

Photo by Steve Frrtz 

Sales Management Gets Blood 

By Robin Witt 

Wednesday, Oct. 30, the Sales 
Management Club sponsored a blood drive. 
103 people volunteered, 83 were able to give 
and 83 pints were collected. 

Although the goal was 100 pints 
Mrs. Chapman, a medical technologist for 
the Palm Beach Blood Bank siad the drive 
"was excellent, the cooperation of the 
students was wonderful. Everything turned 
out beautifully." 

Mrs. Chapman also stated that a request 
for 12 platelets (clotting factor in blood) 
was fulfilled 

A' pint of blood given to the blood bank 
entitles the donor and his/her immediate 
family to as much blood as is needed for a 

year at no cost to them. The only cost 
would be that of the transfusing process. 
It takes approximately 30 to 40 minutes 
for the entire process to be completed, 
which included the taking of your 
temperature, a medical history, a blood test 
and the actual giving of the blood. 

People on the average have 9 to 10 pints of 
blood and the loss of one is of no 

The fluids of the blood are. replaced within 
24 hours and the iron content is replaced in 3 
to 4 weeks. Blood can be given every 56days 
(2 months) and as often as 5 times a year. 

"I'd like to remind the students that if 
they didn't give they can give in April, at the 
school, or they can come to the Blood Bank. 

By Debbie Thompson 
Asst. News Editor 

You've just been told 
you're going to die. What is 
your initial reaction? Fear? 
Shock? Cold shivers up your 

According to Dr. Richard 
E. Yinger, instructor for the 
new course, Death aild 
Dying, "Death should" be a 
joyous, fascinating happen- 
ing; consequently it's a 
concept which is made out to 
be the most feared experi- 
ence in our society today." 

At that meeting, Yinger 
discussed the attitudes and 
thoughts on death and dying 
in American society.He 
considered the basic issue of 
life and death and gave an 
overview of what was to be 
covered in the weeks to 

"I started my fascination 
with death," Yinger explain- 
ed, "while I was an 
undergraduate. I began to 
realize that life is a joke and 
that the contemplation of 
death is an integral, 
necessary component in the 
contemplation of life." 

Despite attempted sup- 
pression, Yinger' s class was 
finally granted and he 
himself did not expect such 
an enthusiastic turnout. 

In teaching the course, 
Yinger hopes to convey the 
framework of death as 
being positive and beautiful, 
while seeking the nature 
and purpose of human 
"People all too often tend to 

associate death and dying 
with black shrouds, goblins, 
and Halloween," Yinger' 
continued! "What we are 
trying to distinguish is that 
you cannot destroy life, only 
transform it." 

He cited the fact that when 
a body dies, it doesn't 
disapppear, it simply 
changes from solid to hquids 
and gasses. 

"The only way to remove 
something from this planet is 
to send it out of the 
atmosphere," , he said", 
"otherwise, it just changes 
forms and is recycled back 
into the soil." 

In future meetings, which 
will be held every Tuesday 
night at 7 p.m. until Nov. 12, 
professionals from thie com- 
muntiy will speak, discus- 
sing the practical realities of 
death such as legal, financial 
procedural and the liturgy 
and religious approaches. 

In the final session, 
participants, will exchange 
views in order to develop the 
ability to discuss death and 

A summary of materials 
covered, suggestions for 
further readings and 
possible future seminars in 
related areas will be 
discussed in the final 

Yinger is a Doctor of 
Philosophy with a degree in 
Sociology and an M.S. in 
Economics from Florida 
State University. He also has 
a B.S. in Social Sciences 
from Millerville State Col- 
lege of Pennsylvania. 

Beachcomber, Media Win ACP Awards 

By Bruce Moore 
Associate Editor 

Awards presented to the 
Beachcomber and Media, 
JC's literary magazine, 
highlighted the 50th annual 
American Collegiate Press 
convention held October 
24-26 in Hollywood's Diplo- 
rnat Hotel. 

Competing in Division 
"B" of the Florida Junior 
College Press Association's 

twelfth annual newspaper 
and magazine contests, the 
'Comber received eight 
awards, while Media placed 
in seven contests. 

Students of the vnnter 
term Beachcomber staff 
were awarded two first 
prizes, three second prizes, 
and three third prizes. 

Both first place prizes 
were awarded in the photo 
department, with Debbie 

Huhn's Best News Photo of a 
gas crises collage, and Joel 
Davies' iconception of a 
wheelchair discuss thrower 
in the Best Sports Photo 

Second place efforts came 
in Best Editorial ("Environ- 
mentality," by winter term 
Associate Editor Marc Bres- 
sler). Best Editorial Cartoon 
("Gubernatorial 500," by 
Dave Walsh), and Best 

Manor Says JC Needs One 

Future JC expansion into 
•Campuses at Palm Beach 
Gardens and Belle Glade 
"depends to a large extent on 
"^bter approval of Amend- 
*>ient One in Tuesday's 
^lection, according to JC 
^resident Dr. Harold C. 

At a recent news confer- 
ence. Manor indicated that 
^lie present main campus has 
*^een built largely through a 
"^tate bonding program, 
^hich the passage of 
"'^VjTiendment One will contm- 
^e, that has been approved 
^y voters twice before, in 
1963, and 1969. 

Under the program, the 
^tate issues bonds for school 
Construction at area voca- 
*• tional-technical centers, 
"^ornmunity colleges and 
Universities, and allows 

these bond funds to be used 
additionally for construction 
and renovation of elementary 
and secondary school build- 

"The amendment calls for 
no new taxes," said Manor, 
"and we know of no 
opposition to it." 

"Our only fear is that 
voters will not understand 
what the amendment is, and 
that it is virtually the only 
source of revenue for 
construction at the college." 

Bond funds, from which 
the state bonding program 
would allocate grants, come 
from the gross receipts tax. 
The gross receipts tax is a 
IVz percent tax paid by 
utilities and municipalities 
on the gross amount of their 

All Central Campus build- 
ings, with the exception of 
the Criminal Justice Building 
Institute and the Library 
Learning Resources Center, 
have been largely funded 
with money from the state 
bonding program, stated 

"It would be possible for 
the state legislature to 
appropriate money for junior 
college construction directly 
from the general revenue of 
the state," Manor said, "but 
experience has shown that 
legislatures are reluctant to 
do this." 

Manor concluded that, 
"As a consequence, it is very 
important if the junior 
college system is going to 
serve the interest of our 
students, that Amendment 
One be approved Tuesay." 

General Column ("Sexism In 
Class," by winter term 
Editor J. Michele Notter). 

In commenting on Ms. 
Notter 's column, the judge 
'said, "It would seem to be 
difficult to write a regular 
column based on one theme - 
the woman's movement. Ms. 
Notter blows a fresh breeze 
onto the subject. She makes 
you care." 

Former 'Comber Sports 
Editor Robin PHtt copped 
two third place awards, for 
Best Sports Reporting ("Pa- 
cers Finish Number Two"), 
and Best Sports Column (an 
"On The Run" satire on 

Winter Term Business 
Manager Jimmy Griffis won 
third place in the Best 
Advertising Layout category 
for an ad concerning Joel's 

Also competing in Division 
"B," Media staffers were 
awarded three first prizes, 
two seconds, and two thirds. 

First places were awarded 
for Best Cover (Paul Aho), 
Best Poem (Barbara Throck- 
morton), and Best Non-Fic- 
tion (Lauren Thatcher). 

Two second prizes were 
for Best Illustration (Nancy 
Craig), and Best Photogra- 
phy (Joel Davies). 

The two third place awards 
were for Best Fiction (Alan 
Lee), and the staff's 
typography and layout. 

Media Advisor Mr, Walk- 
er Graham announces that 
Media is again offering $300 
in prizes for the 1974-1975 
issue, which is to appear 
next April. Contributions 
should be given to Graham in 
the Student Publications 
Building, room four. 

This bumper crunch could have been avoided but campus 
accidents still continue to climb. pnoto By Jay Kravetz 

4- BEACHCOMBER Monday, November 4, 1974 

Monday, November 4, 1974 BEACHCOMBER • 5 





Associate Editor 

Managing Editor 

ssociated collegiate press 


Askew Worfhy 
Of Reelection 

Reubin G'Donovan Askew has proven himself one of the 
finest governors Florida has ever had in Tallahassee. 
Florida has had four years of honest, open government in 
the public interest -- at a time when governmental officials 
are being indicted right and left for their wrongdoings. 

"Reubin Hood" has stolen from the rich (corporate 
profits tax) and given to the poor (revenue surpluses have 
permitted new school construction). 

His antagonist, Jerry Thomas, the Banker of 
Nothinghum, has criticized the governor for being ultra- 
liberal and expanding state government too much. 

Askew is for (and Thomas is against) 18 year old 
rights, open-dorm policies at state universities, and school 
busing. Askew is for tlie Equal Rights Amendment; 
Thomas has yet to decide publicly. 

Thomas has accused Askew of mismanagement of the 
state's finances. One look at current banking conditions 
under conservatives such as Thomas (who is chairman of a 
bank-holding company) causes us to wonder if a 
Thomas-run government would be anything less than 
linancial chaos. 

Askew's selection for Ueutenant governor, state Senator 
Jim WUliams, wiU be an asset to the governor, and a 
welcome replacement for now-Lt. Gov. Tom Adams. 

Reubin Aikew has earned and deserves the public's 
vote on Nov. 5. 

'Comber Editors Change 

The Beachcomber Editorial Board announces the 

appointment of Bruce Moore as Associate Editor for the 

Fall term. Moore is replacing J. Michele Notter, who will 

remain as regular contributor vrith her column, "51%". 

In other changes, Tim Bray was named Sports Editor, 

Brian Crowley was appointed News Editor, and Frank 

Smith and John Auchterlonie were named Entertainment 

Editors. Debbie Thompson has been named Assistant 

News Editor. 


They Say It All ! Vote Nov. 5. 

Member Defends Stoneharp; 
Wants To Set Story Straight 


I am writing this letter 
pertaining to an article in 
your Oct, 21 issue which 
contained misleading infor- 
mation about our rock group 
"Stoneharp" as stated by 
Dean Bursey (Manager of 
another band, "Dusen- 

At the last board meeting, 
Bursey stated that "Stone- 
harp," was a "copy" band 
whereas his group played 
only original songs and was a 
so-called "budding" group. 
He also said his group's goal 
was to become a "big name" 

I admire his optimism and 
arrogance but would like to 
set the record straight. 

First, "Stoneharp" uses 
its own material as well as 
other artists' songs. I never 

heard that the formula for a 
successful band was to 
play strictly original crea- 

Secondly, "Stoneharp" 
agreed to play both concerts 
for $200,. not $260. 

"Dusenberry" is just as 
much a "copy" band as any 

other. I'm positive theyc 
not write the song "Talc:' 
Care of Business" as wei. 
many others. 

We, as fellow musicij: 

would have appreciated it 

they would've remaiu' 

honest on this matter, '. 

David Casif 

( RBVBrberatiom ) 
Rename Cafeteria? 

Consider this a one person drive to re-name l' 

cafeteria "Cacophony Center". 

I'd strategically position my soapbox and petition bi!' 
would be to no avail. ; 

Couldn't there be a room where old fogies, studo:, 
with hangovers, or those who have to study could eat c| 
quiet, relaxed, at digestion-inducing atmosphere?. > 

Charmion Mo" 

Non-Cooperafion Child of ZPO 


Do you favor Zero Population Growth? 
Probably. People who seek higher education 
are likely to be more socially cooperative and 
more responsive to ideas for improving the 
quality of hfe than those who do not. 

Here lies danger. Should you decide to 
limh your family to mere replacement level, 
those not so cooperative will gradually 
inundate the remnants of persons who 

practice ZPG. And, should catastrophe iic;, 
befall the human race, governments will stili 
find it imperative to control population b ' 
edict. i 

In this fashion the race will lose a larg;' 
proportion of its most cooperative member.' - 
and, in the far future, hurt its chances fo' 
ultimate survival. 



Rallies Gould Make Difference 


A pamphlet on a. doorknob 
a brochure under a 
windshield wiper can hardly 
take the place of meeting a 
candidate face to . face. The 
recent JC Repubhcan, Dem- 
ocratic and American Party 
Days gave voters a chance to 
do just this. 

With almost all major 
candidates represented, stu- 
dents and the public got a 
good chance to do their 
political homework. 

The JC Political Union, led 
by Edwin Pugh, Social 
Science instructor, also 
provided voters with a rare 
opportunity to hear the 
issues and compare candi- 
dates-a process necessary 
for responsible voting. 

Many times, candidates 
and their campaign workers 
actually outnumber the 
voters coming to these 

Although the number of 
students participating in 
the Party Day raUies was 
small compared to JC's total 
enrollment, voter interest 
was shown. Perhaps a voter 
or two will also be persuaded 
to go to the polls because of 
actual contact with the 

Secretary of State Dorothy 
Glissen predicts a 70% voter 
turnout in tomorrow's elec- 
tion. This would be a big 
improvement over the 20% 
voter turnout in the Oct. 1 
run-offs. These meet-the- 

candidates rallies coj 
make a difference. 

Beach Bond Bingo . . . 

Voters To Decide On Acquisition 

Passage by voters Tuesday 
of Bond Elections-Position 8 
would add 2.5 miles of beach 
and allow for the develop- 
ment of three exisiting parks 
and addhional park acquisi- 
tion in Palm Beach County. 
The Beachcomber lUrges 
passage of this measure. 

Proposed by the Palm 
Beach County Commission, 
the bond issue would cost 
county tax payers $50 million 
over a 30 year period. County 
planners estimate the tax 
increastper person at about 
$4 to $5 annually. 

Calling it a "now or never 
situation" the Palm Beach 
County Planning Depart- 
ment has been campaigning 
intensively for the bond's 

In a special release to the 
Beachcomber the county 
planners note that, "It is 
because of the current 
inflationary period that the 

public has the opportunity to 
acquire additional beach 

"Developers are ready 
and willing to sell their 
property because develop- 
ment is almost impossible. 
This economic fact places the 
county in an extremely good 
bargaining position provid- 
ing the bond issue passes 

According to the planners, 
recommended expenditures 
of the $50 milhon is to be as 

80% " Acquisition 

10% "Development 

10% - Maintenance and 

Improvements and acqui- 
sitions are to be made in 
parks such as Morakami, 
Boca Raton, Okeechobee, 
Fahokee and also the 
Loxahatchee River area. 

At present the county 
owns 7.25 miles of beaches. 

Edwin Pugh 


All Deserve Passage 

The Beachcomber recommends that a "yes" vote be 
given to all seven amendments on the Nov. 5 ballot. 

AMENDMENT 1 - This amendment proposes to extend 
the state's authority to issue bonds for construction of 
learning institutions including community colleges, and 
universities (see related story, page 3). The amendment 
would also cover elementary and secondary schools if 

These bonds are backed by a gross receipts tax paid by 
utilities, which doesn't mean a higher tax or a new tax for 
the public. ' 

If the amendment passes, students will have better 

AMENDMEIST 2 - Too many voters will take this 
amendment to be an increase in gasoline tax, which it 
isn't. The measure provides for an extension of the tax 
from the year 2009 in which it expires to the proposed 
2025. It also extends the purposes nf the bonds for to cover 
mass transit as well as road construction, 

AMENDMEIVT 3 - This amendment is rather simple, 
changing the name of the office of "Tax Assessor" to 
"Property Appraiser", It is simply a measure to clarify 
the role of the present Tax Assessor office, which doesn't 
levy taxes at all. That is up to the school board and county 
commission. We feel the clarification should be made, 

AMENDMENT 4 - Under the provisions of this 
amendment, the Game and Fresh Water Commission 
would become subject to the budgetary control of the 
legislature. It is presently independent of any such 

Since there is no reason for the commission to be 
independent and not subject to regulation like other state 
agencies, we urge passage of this amendment. 

AMENDMENT 5 - We recommend voting for this 
amendment, which gives the Judicial Qualifications Board 
a broader power base to in its quest to keep the judiciary in 
proper form. 

AMENDMENT 6 - This amendment would _ grant 
municipalities the authority to join with private utilities in 
the construction and operation of power plants. Without 
such authority, the cost is sometimes too much for these 
municipalities to bear. The consumer should benefit from 
a "Yes" vote. 

AMENDMENT 7 ■ This aniendment provides that "no 
person be denied any right iDCcause of "a physical 
handicap." Thousands of disabled Floridians are striving 
to improve themselves through education, work, family 
participation, and other important aspects of life. While 
this amendment will not solve all their problems, it will 
open a few more doors, and should be passed. 

With the addition of 2.5 
miles of beach the county 
will still be below the State of 
Florida beach requirement 
standards. According to the 
state, with a projected 
population of 516,400 for 
1975, the county should have 
12.4 miles of beach. 

By 1980, if present 
population growth continues, 
the county would need 17 
miles of beaches, and by 
1990 the estimate is that 25 
miles of beaches are needed. 

The County Planning 
Department feels that addi- 
tional efforts must be 

directed at alternate means 
of achieving puWic access 
along the Atlantic beachfront 
so that the county can come 
closer to the 12.4 miles of 
beaches needed by 1975. 

Should the bond issue 
pass, the county would still 
be 2.65 miles short of the 
12.4 mile goal. 

In requesting additional 
beach-acquiring efforts, the 
planners have recommended 
certain criteria to be followed 
in the purchase of additional 

a.) Beach parcels should 
be adjacent to current 

pubhc beaches or be large 

enough to permit develop- 
ment, maintenance and 
operation as significant 
public beaches in their 
own right. 

b) Access by the mainland 
population should be 
reasonably available. 
Priority should be given 
to acquisition near the 
ends of east/west arterial 

c)The beach itself should 
be useful and safe 

d)Access tp already exisit- 
ing public beach lands 
should be retained. 

I I 


Comber Election Report 



As we endorsed Gerald 
Lewis in the Democratic 
primary, we also give himour 
support in the November 5 
general election. 

Lewis, a former state 
senator and Miami lawyer, 
will be a valuable addition to 
the state cabinet, and a 
welcome successor to Fred 

He has pledged to seek 
reforms in the state" banking 
system, includingthe dispen- 
sing of bank charters. 

His opponent, William 
Muntzing, was an assistant 
to Claude Kirk for three 

years. '. 

Sebesta Winchester 

Five years of experience as 
Hillsborough County's su- 
pervisor of elections makes 
Republican James Sebesta 
the best choice for Secretary 
of State. 

His opponent. Democrat 
Bruce Smathers, has no 
elections experience-a vital 
point since the secretary of 
state is Florida's chief 
elections officer. 

Sebesta started the first 
fulitime mobile registration 
unit in Florida and initiated a 
variety of voter reforms. 

His outstanding public 
service record indicates hs is 
much better qualified than 
his opponent for this 
important cabinet post. 

It should be without 
hesitancy that voters pull the 
lever to return Jackie 
Winchester to her position of 
Supervisor of Elections. 

Mrs, Winchester has 
proven herself by reducing 
her budget, returning effi- 
ciency to the elections 
department, and providing 
new incentives for voter 
registration. Her opponent's 
lack of experience and his 
behef that the data proces- 
sing arm of the election 
return system : is properly 
managed is a plus for Mrs. 

A vote for Jackie Win- 
chester will be a vote for 
continuing election supervi- 
sion in the proper manner. 

Photo hy wmnic Knighton 

Evening Instructor, Aristotle Haretos, was overwhelmed 
with response from FBJC students who donated warm 
clothes for Cyprfol refugees. Their desperate need now is 
for blankets for thousands who are sleeping on the bare 
ground. Blankets may be left at Beachcomber. 








i 96B-0314 1 

3731 S. WHTARY TRL. 


LocatMl In Mw 

Auto Tag Building. 




News Editor , 

Editorial Assistant : 

Sports Editor 

Feature Editor ' 

Photographic Editor , . . 
Entertainment Co-Editors. 

Assistant Mahaging Editor 
Assistant News Editor . . . 
Chief Photographer . , '. ■ 

Brian CroMley 

Jan Tuckwood 

Tim Bray 
.Lynn Kalber 

Jim Collins 
. Frank Smith and 

John Auchterlonie 
. Wayne Soldo 

• Debbie Thompson '' 

• Steve Fritz ' ' 
.Mr. Charles McCreight 

RoderieK Beaiichqmp' 
llamas Clears ■'. 

Cindy Cowan 
Walt Pavis 
Lori Hillebi'and ^ 
Robin Kindle 
Vyinifred Knighton 
Susan Kyte ;r ' 

Flick Mefler 

Rebaecs Motae>' 
•Jirfiifiy Meit 
Phii'NeMbau^r ' 
Ellen Palmier! ' 
VJke Pili^ro 
Qiei;n Powell 
'-idit TaHpn . ; 
■Rob1rtWit;t '■ 

The Beacheamtier h published from our editorial offiMa in t)ie Studant Pu6|icatiDns Building at'Palin Bl*h, 
Juniqr Colieg«, 4200'S. ConBrass Avenue, Lake Worth,' Fiorifia, 334.60. Phona 965-aoaO. Ext. 210. . '' •! ■ > '/ 

Opinions axprasaad In the Beachcomber are those of the editorstOf the wrhers of the erticle'anelinoi'naeesgjir'ity' 
thoseof Palm Baacji 'Junior Collega. .' > ^'.' ' ■'. V 

The Baachcombet is ti member of the Associated Collagtata Press and the Florida Jdn^.Collif^ fmi' 
Association. >f/"'' "•/ ' - •■■ . 

6-BEACHCOMBER Monday, November 4, 1974 

Monday, November 4, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 7 

i r 


ive to corninenci you arici rairn Beoch 

ouritv for showinci more enfhuslosm 
aboyt the ebcfion thoo I've seen in other 
parts of the stQte." 

"Ricliard Stone 

Ralph Turlington 

At left: Republican Secretary of State candidate 
James Sebasta talks with Political Union Advisor Mr. 
Edwin Piigh in the Beachcomber offices. Sebasta is 
currently Hillsborough County's supervisor of 

At right: Candidate for State Treasurer and 
Insurance Conunissioner Thomas O'Malley, Democrat, 
explains his legal problems to an interested voter. 
O'Malley has been indicted on several charges and is 
facing possible impeachment procedures by the state 



By Brian E. Crowley 
News Editor 

Major party candidates 
recently armed JC students 
with first hand information to 
take to the polls. Republican, 
Democratic and American 
Party office seekers cam- 
paigned on campus before 
hundreds of students and 

Governor Reubin Askew 
and gubernatorial candidate 
Jerry Thomas headlined a 
series of "know your 
candidate" days, sponsored 
by the JC Political Union and 
advisor Edwin Pugh, begin- 
ning Oct. 18 with Republican 

Thomas, speaking out- 
doors in JC's Sunshine 
Court, told a large Republi- 
can Day audience, "If 

electeJ, firs t 
in the our 

"It of 
Florida ch a 
budget flider 
Askei^,- art 
additij: two 
years,'' f 

Thoc JC 
student { ijis 
in Sou'jstter 
comniu' the 
people '[^ 
. Jack Scan 
Senate,>v is 
the tiiijvith 

"We the 

inflation; its a complex 
problem," addedEckerd. 

Carl M. Kuttler told his 
mostly student audience, "I 
believe in the community 
college system," said Re- 
publican candidate for Com- 
missioner of Education, 
"with its open door policy, 
which gives students a 
chance to prove them- 

Bruce Robinson, a student 
at JC is a write-in candidate 
for State Senate, District 28. 
Robinson, a supporter of the 
Equal Rights Amendment, 
asked the students to 
support his write-in candi- 

Democrats had their day in 
the Sunshine Court October 
23. Governor Reubin Askew 
and U.S. Senate candidate 
Richard Stone challenged 
their audience to become 
"involved" during the up- 
coming November 5 election. 
Askew spoke of Florida's 
42 million dollar deficit 
when he came into office and 
how the state now has a 
reserve of 102 milUon. 


stone sees need for excess profits tax. 

At left: Republican 
Gubernatorial candi- 
date Jerry Thomas, a 
graduate of JC, hopes 
to become the "first 
governor from South 
Florida in the history 
of the state." 

He asked the students to 
become involved, talk to 
friends, and discuss the 
issues. "Exercise your vote 
regardless of what your 
vote might be," said the 

Richard Stone accused his 
opponent of "wooing" big 
businesses for their support. 
"I believe to discourageprice 
gouging, we need an excess 
profits tax and we need it 
now," said Stone. 

"I have to commend you 
and Palm Beach County for 
showing more enthusiasm 
about the election," added 
Stone, "than I've seen in 
other parts of the State." 

At podium with Pugh, Eckerd fields questions from crowd. 

At right: hicumbent 
Governor Reubm As- 
kew asked students to 
become involved, talk 
to friends, and dis- 
cuss the issues. The 
governor is pictured 
with Palm Beach 
County Democratic 
Chairman Harry 

Republican Carl Kuttler 

Ralph Turlington, the 
incumbent Commissioner of 
Education, called maintain- 
ing a balanced educational 
program one of his main 

"I want Florida to have the 
best educational system in 
the United States," said 

Thomas O'Malley, run- 
ning for State Treasurer and 
Insurance Commissioner 
said he had accomplished the 
things he had promised the 
voters of Florida four years 
ago, including no-fault 

Dr. John Grady was the 
sole representative of the 
American Party during their 
day October 24. Grady, a 
candidate for the United 
States Senate, spoke to about 
150 students in the SAC 

Grady called "economic 
instability" the biggest 
problem in this country. "In 
some parts of this country 
there's a depression and in 
others a recession," added 
Grady, "Maybe together, 
you and I can stop America's 
retreat from greatness." 

Edwin Pugh, faculty 
advisor to the Political 
Union, considered the know- 
your-candidate days a big 
success. "I feel the students 
are mature enough to look 
people over and make their 
own opinions." 

a jlj .f. T;rmr3',,,rmn Z-tiM p«:?.f-4.ya.,...Tx-&7;.; aM»iiCT.,jrigga?igCTr«S'ai 

JC s Robinson Runs 

JC Student Bruce Robinson is running as 
a write-in candidate for State Senate, 
District 28. Pictured at lower left, Robinson 
is a supporter of the Equal ffights 

At lower right: Though it is undectable by 
this photo, the American flag was flying at 
its traditional spot, to the speaker's right, at 
the recent political rallies. 


8 ■ BEACHCOMBER Monday, November 4, 1974 

londay, November, 4, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 9 


Field Trip Declared 'Outrageous ! colleges And careers shown 

Science Ciub campers take a break and relax as they 
begin their weekend. 

Prices "Pop" Up 

What is a movie without 
popcorn? The crunchy ker- 
nels are as much a part of 
show "biz" as the films 
themselves. But, woe to 
movie-goers! Popcorn is 
following the lead of beef, 
gas, sugar, toilet paper, etc.; 
there will soon be a shortage 
of it. 

This upcoming scarcity is a 
result of the poorest com 
harvest in several years. 
Cost of producing the corn 
has almost doubled, which 
inevitably means a price 

If that isn't enough, one 

must also consider that 
prices of ingredients needed 
to make popcorn have also 

... -i'v-^^v; . 
Popcorn should be enjoyed 
now since it is still plentiful 
enough to maintain current 
prices. It will continue to be 
sold at the movies in the 
future months, however 
supply will probably be 
limited. About the price? 
Well, that will be the hardest 
part of it to swallow! 

Scholarship Concert 

The concert choir, band, and orchestra will be 
performing November 17 at 4 p.m. in the Auditorium 
for the annual Scholarship Concert. 

This is the only concert for which a fee is charge. The 
fee is $1.60 for students and $2 for adults. Allthe funds 
from the concert go into scholarships for music students 
to further their education. 

Well-known works such as Bach's chorale "Now 
Thank we all Our God" accompanied by the organ and 
piano, and "Aria in G" done in an up tempo jazz 
arrangement also by Bach are planned. "0 Clap Your 
Hands by R. Vaughnn Williams is another of the 
many selections on the program. 







YOU CAM $<139 






All tH SFAfilliTTI 

MITIWl p.«n 5Hn.U 
ihiiiiMtiMdb S4 9» 

UrtUir tM" bh ▼ ■ "T 

Again the caravan of 
Science Club members left 
from JC ready for another 
field trip. Twenty-six mem- 
bers left Friday afternoon, 
headed for Ocala National 
Forest to camp in the Juniper 
Springs Campground. 

According to Mr. Richard 
Gross, co-moderator, every- 
thing was very well organiz- 
ed. The campsite was 
reserved, and the tents were 
pitched before nightfall. 
Seven male students with the 
intention of "roughing it" 
occupied one tent with all the 
comforts of home, including 
cots, a stove, and a heater. 

Rising bright and early 
Saturday morning, the camp- 
ers rented canoes and 
paddled down the Juniper 
Springs Run. Everyone 
commented on the beauty of 
the run, and as Gross put it, 
"the water was crystal clear 
from beginning to end, 
reminding us of scenes from 
the movie. The Yearling' 
when we saw a few deer." 
Other wildlife they encount- 
ered included large turtles," 
and because of the clear 
water, many fish. In many 
sports the bubbling of the 
springs in the stream was 

From an ecological point of 
view, the canoers saw areas 

where the tornadoes had hit 
last summer. "It created an 
erie feeling to see the giant 
hardwoods turned over." 
said Gross. "But the new 
growth could be seen, even 
though it had only been a few 

At the end of the run, 
many canoers were treated 
to the surprise of an old 
Science Club tradition. 
Standing nonchalantly on a 
small bridge above the 
water. Gross and a few 

others appeared quite harrri' 
less until they jumped off 
onto the rest of the canoers, 
turning them into the waler. 
That night, surrounding 
the campfire, the campers 
were treated to off- beat 
country-western music prO' 
vided by Claude Steelman or 
guitar. Also helping with the 
singing was Mr. Kopf, who 
according to club president, 
Dan Fried, knew every soup 
they sang. When asked for a 
description of the trip, Dan 
rephed, "Outrageous." 

Froternity In Action 

Phi Da Di, a campus fraternity, has chosen it's 
officers and is looking for new members. 

This year's officers are: President - Steve Marttinen, 
Vice Presidnet - Jeff Driggers, Treasurer - Junn 
iMartorell, Secretary - Jerry Kreucher, Sergeanl-at- 
Arms - Greg Nash. 

The fraternity meets Sunday evenings at 7 p.m. in 
the SAC lounge. Presently, plans are being made for the 
Sweetheart Ball, but they need more funds from 
Student Government, according to Jeff Driggers, Phi 

"All newcomers are welcome; the pledges are going 
to be easy this year," stated Jeff. He feels the present 
small membership is due to lack of communication 
among students about fraternities. 

The members of the club feel that the organization 
will become stronger with an increase in membership. 

Classified Ads 

Term papers! Canada's 
largest service. For catalog 
send $2 to: Essay Services, • 
57 Spadina Ave., #208, 
Tornoto, Ontario, Canada. 

New Triplex Units, 132 

Walker Ave., Greenacres. 2 
Bdrm, 1 Bath, WW Carpet, 
Central A/C-Heat, Applian- 
ces; Water and garbage 
pickup included. $235.00 
mo. Call 965-3397 for an 

Part time help wanted. We 

will work out day and time 
around your schedule. Me- 
chanically inclined person 
can help with Cars, Boats, 

Phont 1^-1046 

Motorcycle, Helicopter, Er- 
rands, Etc. Call 659-3030. 

Free Puppy - must find home 
for medium size 7 month old 
mutt. All shots. Call 

Ride Needed - To Gainesville 
Friday, November 8th will 
share expenses Call 588-3982 
after 4 p.m. 

Roommate wanted: To share 
2 bedroom apartment. 2 
miles from school. Walk to 
beach. $60 a month which 
includes utilities. Male Call 
588-3982 after 4 p.m. 

For sale 1974 Suzuki GT 550. 
With faring and center roll 
bar; Exc. Condition, $1295. 
Call 622-4863 - ask for Rob. 

For Sale Fender Telecaster- 
like new $225 Call 967-8876 
Ask for Jim 



First Haiioiial Bank 
l^ust Company 

114 North "J" St. 

Lake Worth, Florida 
Phone 582-5641 
Member F.D.t.C. 

For Sale 16 ft. Catamaran 
• Sailboat Wharran designed, 
ideal for sailing. Coll 

For sale: 2 bedroom, . 
unfurnished apartmeni, 
modern conveniences, $200 a ; 
; month. Call 892-6068 after 5 ; 

For sale 1973 Nova PS, PB 
air. $1900 Call 588-2178. , 

.For sale New push but ion ' 
AM radio with speaker from ! 
Ford $20 Call 626-1536. | 

For Sale E 78-14 AlmoM \ 
new condition, $12.00 Call ' 
Mike Walter 622-6150 after 8 ' 
p.m. any night. 

For Sale Porshe 911L 1968, 
Excellent, $4000 Firm, 
serious inquiries only. Pete 
655-4077, 2-5 weekdays. 

Boonunate wanted: Needed 
immediately, $60 mo. includ- 
ing utilities, pets allowed, 
See Melanie Bellringer, 1157 
Emory Drive. W.P.B. 2 
Blocks s. of Summh Blvd. 3 
blocks N. of Forest Hill. 



Ssrxl novw for iaten catalos. Er*- 
close $2.00 to cover rrturn pojt. 



S7 Smdina Ave., Suit* #aOB 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada 

(416) 366-«648 
Our fffseareh $ervk» itto/d 

for mseareh asrittanc* only. 

Palm Beach County stu- 
dents were given the unique 
opportunity to go shopping 
for the college or career of 
their choice recently at the 
Palm Beach Mall. 

Sixty-three senior colleges 
from nine southeastern 
states entered exhibits at the 
annual College and Career 
Days, formerly a one-day 
affair held at PBJC. 

The County wide effort, 
sponsored by the Palm 
County Counselor's Associa- 
tion this year, emphasized 
smaller schools and black 
colleges, according to Mr, 
Paul Glynn, coordinator of 
the event an Dean of Student 
Personnel at JC, 

"Many students tend to 
seek smaller schools, where 
there is more interaction and 
a better student-teacher 
ratio" Glynn stated. "This is 
an excellent opportunity for 
students to get information 
which could lead to a better 
choice of career or college." 

The Palm Beach Junior 
CoUeg Exhibit, split between 
the college transfer and the 
occupational programs offer- 
ed at the college illustrated 
the dual nature of the event. 

Representing the "career 
side" was the North 
Technical Education Center, 
six representatives of busi- 
ness and professional groups 
for direct career information, 
and at least two exhibits 
from the armed forces, 
including a helicopter based 
in the center of the midway. 

"Students who do not 
already have definite college 
or career plans, and that 
means most high school 
students, cannot afford to 
miss this chance of finding 
the right direction," Glynn 
stated prior to the event. 

Although the turnout was 

not as enthusiastic as 

anticipated, a teacher's 

planning day did seem to 

boost attendance. 

Glynn remarked that his 

only regret was the lack of 
advertisement and promo- 
tion beforehand. 

According to Glynn, col- 
lege and career planning 
should begin early in high 
school at least by the junior 

In previous years, the 
entire Junior Class was 
transported to PBJC for the 
one day event. 

"Double sessions, plus a 
lack of transportation made 
the former idea impossible" 
Glynn stated, "the Associa- 
tion then voted to open it up 
to a three day event and 
allow any student or parent 
to come on a voluntary basis. 

Open File 

Job Bank Opens 

Cindy Cowen 

PBJC will have on campus by 
early next term a Job Bank, 
which will include an 
updated daily list of jobs 
available throughout the 
state. This "up-to-the-min- 
ute" directory will be 
stationed in the Job 
Placement Office, located in 
the Career Information and 
Study Center on the first 
floor of the library. This 
information will be available 
to all students. 

New Weekend Hours 
— —On Trial Runs 






As a new service to its 
students and the community, 
Indian River community 
College has set up weekend 
library hours .The new hours 
are from 9 a.m. -1 p.m. on 
Saturdays and from 1 p.m. -5 
p.m. on Sundays. 

The idea to establish these 
hours was suggested by the 
Administration of the col- 
lege. This was thought to be 
a unique and useful 
community service that 
would be of interest to all.So 
far, the new service has not 
sparked much interest from 

the student body, not the 
surrounding community. The 
library staff is not overly 
enthusiastic about the idea 
either. They feel that it is a 
waste of their time to open 
the library for only four our 
five people to use. 

The Hbrary is now closed 
on Fridays so that the library 
staff is still only working a 
forty hour week. Besides 
the newhours that must be 
worked on weekends, each 
member of the staff is 
required to work at least one 
night a week. 

According to Miss Gwendo- 
lyn Ferguson, the coordina- 
tor, "The Job Placement 
Office presently has a file of 
50-75 available jobs from the 
individual employers and the 
Florida State Employment 
Service (FSES). All PBJC 
students, former students 
and graduates are ehgible to 
use this information without 
charge, and we are now 
sending letters to graduates 
and former students inform- 
ing them of this service. 

Miss IFergusom added, 
"The college departments 
also offer job placement 
help, but we're here to aid 
those who need additional 
guidance." Miss Ferguson 
explained that the new Job 
Bank will be established in 
cooperation with FSES, and 
the list of employment 
possibilities will be on 
microfiche - plastic cards 
similar (o micro film, which 
students can run through a 
viewer to learn of available 

The FSES will train a 
college representative in the 
use of the equipment and 
assign an interviewing num- 




District26 STATE SENATOR Oemocraf 


This bill gave 1 8-y ear-olds 
the right to vote 



is your "Control Growih" Candidate 

Pd. Pol. Adv. -Paid For By Harry Johnston Campaign Fund 

Monday, November 4, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 1 1 

Season's Premier 

David [Gene Lancaster,! eft] 
toasts Sidney [David Batho, 
below ]svliile delivering ano- 
ther intellectual jibe. 

Window To Open 

"The Sign In SidneyrBriistein's Window" will be 
presented by Palm Beach Junior College Dramatic 
Department on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and 
Sunday, Nov. 7,8,9, and 10 with a benefit performance 
scheduled Thursday, Nov. 14, -for the Lake Worth 

The story behind the play is almost as gripping and 
poignant as the story within theplay, according to 
Frank Leahy, faculty director of this season's first 
production. , 

'Sign's playwright, Lorriane Hansberry, won the New 
York Drama Critics Award for Best Play of the year for 
1958-1959 for her "A Raisin In the Sun". She was the 
youngest American playwright, the. fifth woman and 
the only black writer ever to receive this honor. 

Although her first play "Raisin" was a smashing 
success, the opening of her second play was met with 
mixed reviews. Unless a large financial backing was found 
for the play, it would close. 

"The Sign In Sidney Brustein's Window" seemed 
doomed to failure. 

Sadly, they broke the news to Lorraine, a woman who 
knew she was seriously ill, but didn't know she was 
suffering from cancer, and the playwright was concerned, 
wondering what would happen should her illness keep her 
from writing for a long time. 

Situations, ho waver, changed. 

Frank and Eleanor Wright, who had lent the production 
$2,500 with the stipulation that the production recieved 
good reviews, called to say that despite the odds,they still 
wanted their money to be used for the show. 

Thus it was that the show was kept open by people who 
had seen the show and thought the show was too good to 
close, and did something about it. Among those who 
devoted their time and money were, Shelley Winters, 
Viveca lindfors, Steve Allen, and Richard Rodgers plus a 
host of others, famous and not-so-famous. 


Movie Review 


Above: Mavis [Dixie OlingerJ 
discovers Sidney [Joe Redon] 
in a drunken stupor 

Galieon Photos 

A Clash Of Wants And Needs 

"I wish to live, because 
life has within it that which is 
good, that which is beautiful, 
and that which is love. 
Therefore, since I have 
known all of these things, I 
have found them to be 
reason enough, and... I wish 
to live." Lorraine Hansberry 
wrote that before her death 
on January 12th, 1965. 

This love of life that 
Hansberry expressed is 
evident throughout the play, 
"The Sign in Sidney 
Brustein's Window." 

The play will be presented 
by the JC dramatic depart- 
ment on the nights of Nov. 

Drama Stories By Frank Smith, Entertainment Co-Editor 


Monday, November 4, 1 974 

7th -11. 

While learning her work 
the players have grown to 
"know" Lorraine Hansber- 

Karen Moore, who por- 
trays Sidney Brusteins' wife. 
Iris, says of Hansberry, 
"She's the most amazing 
writer who ever lived... to 
create nine completely dif- 
ferent people ! . . .to have each 
one of them so justified in 
their different stand!!! 
' Ms. Moore says, "The 
play is so beautiful. It makes 
you realize there is so much 
to live, to keep on going. 
find exactly what living is 
for! It's breathing, walking, 
talking, being..." 

"People have got to come 
and see this play." She says, 
saying that if it were 
possible, she would like to 
pull everybody inside the 
auditorium tg see it, so 
strong is her belief in the 
good effect the play would 
have on them, 

"Keith Cooper, who plays 

Sign Supported By Famous Figures 

"The Sign in Sidney Brustem's Window", a play of 
depth and symbolism, inspired these comments from its 

''I like the character, I'm reaUy int him. The character 

believes in a lot of things I do," commented Keith Cooper 

who IS playmg Alton Scales, neighbor of the Brusteins. 

Alton has very strong feeliiigs on civil rights and so do I. 

1 guess that s partly why I like him." 

Although Keith enjoys derious drama, he prefers 

In high school, Keith played Donald in the well-known 
comedy, "You Can't Take It With You." 

"Window" deals with today's problems: racism, 
interracial marriage,^ drugs, politics and civil rights," 
states Keith. "I don't want to tell everything about the 
play. I want people to come see it rather than read about 

The lead part of Sidney Brustein is played by Joe 
Redon. Surprisingly, Joe has no previous acting 
experience. This will be his first time on stage. 

"Sidney is very close to the person I am. He just wants 
to succeed in something, he'll try anything once. That's 
why I'm doing 'Window', I have an interest," expressed 


Joe is very modest about his apparent talent and he 
considers himslef a studnet among many actors. 

"I don't feel I'm the actor that the others are," he said. 
He has hopes of doing other plays in the future but does 
not plan to make the theatre a career. 

Portraying Sidney's wife, Iris Brustein, is experienced 
actress Karen Moore. Karen has acted in four previous 
plays at JC. 

"Of all the shows I've been in, I've had to work the 
hardest on building this character," commented Karen. 

As experienced as she is, Karen stillfinds it difficuh to 
stop being herself and become Iris because she feels she 
and Iris are very close in character. Karen describes Iris as 

^^ Obviously enthused with the play, Karen stated that 
"Window" is "the most powerful, truthful and honest 
play I've ever read" 

Her deep feehngs for the playwright were clear when 
she said, "Lorraine Hansberry is beautiful. There are 
actually no words to describe her. Beautiful... yet, even 
that is an injustice to her." 

Karen expressed the feelings of the entire cast and 
students involved in the play when she said, "People have 
to see the show... it says so much!" 

Alton Scales says of the play, 
"It's funny, heart-warming, 
sad, loving, and about 

The artists seem to be 
completely involved willi 
understanding their charac- 
ters. The play, because of its 
content, demands this. It is 
about a group of people who 
are of different philosophical 
ideals, different ways of life, 
and how these differences 
interact, inter-relate. There 
is a clash of values, there is a 
clash of wants and needs. 
The play points out how 
every one is different 

and how seldom these 
differences are actually 
understood or even noticed . 

The play states that people 
are self-centered and usually 
concern themselves only 
with their own lives. 
Working on this basic theme 
Hansberry developes a very 
fine play with characters that 
really live. 

The characters are: Sidney 
Brustein ( Joe Redon) and 
Iris husband and wife. 
Sidney is a perpetual 
intellectual, and a failure^, 
who buys a paper business. 
Iris is getting tired of 
Sidney's failures, tired of her 
failings as an actress, and 
tired of their marriage. 

Mavis Parodus and Gloria 
Parodus are Iris Brustein's 
sisters. Mavis (Dixie Olin- 
ger) is a straight, middle 
class, snoop of a lady and 
Gloria (Kitty Albertson) is a 
very successful prostitute. 

Alton Scales (Keith Moo- 
re) David Begin (Gene 
Lancaster) and Wally Ohara 
(Danny Stewart) are other 
charades. Alton is an 
"involved" Black who used 
to be Communists. Davitl is 
a homosexual playwrite, and 
Wally is running for town 
council. Max, who works 
with Sidney on the paper, 
(Played by David Batho) and 
the detective (Gregory Bdell) 
complete the cast. 

rCracker" Crumbled 


John Auchterlonie 

Animal crackers were raearit to be eaten, 
not watched. But when the Marx brothers 
are doing the eating, then it's time to relax. 

"Animal Crackers" is a re-released, 
original '30's production starringthe Marx 
Brothers. Don't forget, this movie is a 
re-release. That means it's in black and 
white, scratched and spliced; not to mention 
that the admission price is the same as that 
of contemporary films. 
Neverthheless, Groucho Marx is one of my 
favorites, with his zany, quick and witty 
nonsense-type humor. By the way, the 
brothers are featured as individual 
characters, not as a quartet. 

HarjDO and Zeppo are marginal as actors. 
But, Harpo does display his musical talents 
extremely well on the harp. I believe Freud 
himself could not understand Harpo. 
Meanwhile, Zeppo's job is to throw in 
straight lines wherever he can. 

The plot of the movie is simple and as 
organized as the Marx style of humor. It 
centers around the arrival of the infamous 
Captain Spaulding (Groucho) from his safari 
in Africa , and the unveiling of a priceless 
painting to a weahhy group of people, who 
are guests at a rich widow's estate. Through 
a young painter's ambition and two 

mischievous dousins, the paintiiig is 
switched before its unveiling, and lost in the 

The movie's humor comes from the antics 
of the Marx Brothers, not the script. 

Groucho is the best with his "African 
Hunter" routine. Harpo and Zeppo enter 
the movie as musicians for the affair but, 
naturally, they play off key. 

The humor deals more with actions than 
words. The entire movie is compiled of 
short, comical sketches. These routines are 
worked around the plot in such forms as 
. playing a card game, playing a musical 
instrument, taking a letter and even trying 
to solve a mystery. 

The quality of the film leaves something 
to be desired. But the black and white film, 
the acting and the set will all be forgiven 
with the realization that this film was made 

Why "Animal Crackers" was picked to be 
re-released I'll never know. The Marx's 
have done better; "A Night at the Opera" is 
by far a better representation of the Marx 

But then, like 3-D and other movie 
oddities, Groucho only goes around once in a 
blue moon. 

Recording Giants 

There is no group like Gentle Giant and there never has 
been. They are to be commended for being so original in 
their approach to rock music and in blending it very tastefully 
with their deep classical roots. 

There is no album like "The Power and the Glory". It is to 
be recognized as a marvelous musical accomplishment, 
possibly even a bit ahead of our time. 

The music is of a very high caliber and refrains from the 
use of any boring, overused, typical rock cliches found in 
much of today's popular music. Everything is totally 
original. Every little riff, every melody, every theme, and 
even in the improvisation, the typical repetitious licks are 

The highlight of the album is the unique vocal 
arrangements found on most songs. No screams or 
yeah-yeahs, but rather, serious philosophical expressions 
and mystical announcements proclaiming freedom and the 
power and the glory in these hard, troubled times. 

It offers a very refreshing straightforward message to 
listeners as well as eight tracks of very exciting music. The 
music will stand out in your mind above many other familiar 
contemporary songs. 

Gentle Giant is very big in England but hasn't received 
toomuch recognition in the States yet. However, you will be 
hearing a lot more about them in the future as they become 
more widely discovered. 

"Hail To": Derek Shulman, vocals and all saxes; Ray 
Shulman, bass, vocals, violin; Kerry Minnear, keyboards, 
cello, vocals; Gary Green, all guitars; and John Weathers, 
drums, percussion and vocals. 

Gentle Giant really must be heard to be believed. It surely 
will enlighten the multitudes of young, sophisticated 
progressive rock listeners around these days. 

"The Power and the Glory" is easily one of the year's 
hottest albums and can be found on the Capital label with the 
Giant King of Spades on the cover. 

Seminar Explores Afro Music 

Oveta Jckson sensitively handles the vocal rendition 
of an Aro- American spiritual in a seminar of historical 
black songs. 

Gaireon Photo 

Afro-American music was 
the topic of an October 30 
seminar held in the Human- 
ities building and lead by 
Ms, Pat Johnson, music 

The seminar was high- 
lighted by numerous spirit- 
uals and Gospel songs, The 
first of these was "I Want 
Jesus to Walk With Me" 
sung by Perry Stokos, 
accompanied on the piano by 
Victor Gent student at FAU. 
This was followed by Ms. 
Johnson singing the same 
song yet differently to 
illustrate her feelings that a 
person doing the song must 

interpret it the way they feel 
it. Summing up she said, 
"Intrepretation is the pur- 
pose to spirituals." A second 
spiritual "Waterboy" was 
sung by Kim Gent and 
accompanied by Mr. Estrada 
Ms. Johnson stated, "The 
reason people take so well to 
spirituals, especially those 

sung by Blacks, is the fact 
that they are harmonized. By 
this I mean the feeling, not 
the written form. " 

Overta Johnson sung her 
interpretations of two spirit- 
uals, "I Gotta Lie Down 
Where Shall I Lie" and "Go 
Down In the Lonesome 

p-Frankly Speaking— — 

NewMedlum In Sight 

Frank Smith — 


Puzzles Solved For Aquarius i 



PISCES: Govern your fm- 
ances with a keen eye - this is 
a week for small mistakes 
that make trouble in the 
future. A startling suggest- 
ion masks an ulterior motive. • 
ARIES: A confrontation 
arrives. It will do you good to 
get your conflicts out in the 
open. With a little effort on 
both sides, they can be 
profitably resolved. 
TAURUS: Be more aware of 
the logical side of things. 
Take time to solve compli- 
cated personal puzzles. Give 
each action careful thought 
or a friendship will suffer. 
GEMDNI: Those you admire 
seem to be disappointing 
you. Be bold and question 
everyone about his motives 
and methods. Show your 
friends you have faith in 
CANCER: New and unfami- 

■ liar things, peculiar work and 
school situatioiis confuse 
you. Adaptation is the best 
solution; aggression will get 
you nowhere for the next few 

LEO: You are needed by 
more people than you think. 
The truth about your future 
will become clear. Selfdoubts 
aren't necessary. Self-confi- 
dence and independence are. 
VIRGO: Publicity could bring 
benefits later. Don't be 
afraid to get into the public 
eye; in fact, make an effort to 
do so. 

UBRA: A possession that 
has eluded you is almost in 
your hands. Don't put 
pressure on a close friend - 
he or she is under a strain 
and will blow up in your face. 
SCORPIO: You get into an 
argument , or an unpleasant 
situation on the road. 

Someone you helped in the 
past could be of help. 

compelled to act without 
thinking, to give in to 
impulses and trust intuition. 
Resist the temptation; your 
intuition is cloudy this week. 
See every side of every 

CAPRICORN: You are both- 
ered by disconnected mem- 
ories, like music heard from 
far away or very long ago. 
Let the past teach you. 
Remember past triumphs. 
They oveshadow present 

AQUARIUS: A complicated 
personal puzzle becomes 
clear as you look it over; Stay 
on the side of emotion. 
Seeing things from another's 
viewpoint is a trick that will 
serv eyou well. 

The future could hold a new media for the 
entertainment field, television tapes. There is, already on 
the market, a unit which you can attach to your television 
set and use to tape television programs. 

As of yet, it is expensive, but eventually the unit will 
probablly be well within the price range of your typical 
television fanatic. 

There is, unfortunately, a problem with this pratctice. 
People wouldn't mind watching their favorite movie'two or 
three times, but hardly anyone would care to watch the 
same movie day after day, hundreds of times. 

Sometime in the future there will be an increasing 
demand for scenes that people wouldn'j mind watching 
again and again. A new breed of artist will emerge, the 

The scenewriter will try to do visually what the 
songwriters of today do vocally; Songwriters wn-ite songs 
that we often can enjoy many times daily. The scene 
writers will try to create visual impression^ that we can 
watch over and over. 

Television programs will probably , change to 
accommodate this new creative medium. There may be 
programs specifically conceived to show off optical 

Major networks may start a ''Top 40" list x>f "scenes" 
that people are buying. Television might begitt presenting 
visual experiences ifluch like radio presents auditory 

It may be awhile before artists finally understnd what 
optical stimuli people will enjoy seeing over and over, but 
eventually, this new media, this new means ojF expressioii 
just might present us with "harmonies" of inovement, 
symphonies of light, and a veritable "fantasia'' of musical 
and visual experience. 

Baseball Nine 
Stung By North 

By Timolliy L. Bray 
Sports Editor 

With the conclusion of the 
fall schedule last Wednesday 
night, the next task for JC 
head baseball coach Dusty 
Rhodes is to reduce his 
roster to 22 players. 

Coach Rhodes feels this is 
a monumental task since any 
one of the remaining 30 
members are capable of 
playing. His iinal decision is 
to come this week. 

Between now and Christ- 
mas vacatioHj Rhodes said, 
he is going to stress 
fundamentals in the informal 
practices. The Pacers com- 
mitted four errors in one 
inning against Miami-Dade 

Against the Falcons, on 
Wed. Oct, 31, the Pacers had 
the ball game in hand 
leading 2-1 going into the 
bottom of the seventh. Then, 
as Rhodes commented, "We 
took too much of a seventh 
inning stretch.". 

Pacer pitchers allowed six 
runs on six walks, and the 
defense committed 2 errors. 
The Falcons did not hit a ball 
out of the infield during the 

Rhodes pulled some of his 
starters in the inning. "I had 
to see some of the other guys 
play under pressure.". 

The Pacers' runs came in 
the third, fifth, and seventh, 
with Sam Testa collecting 3 

In the third, Glenn Rogers 
led off with a base hit. 
Rhodes then sent Rogers on 
a hit and run. Skip Walker 
responded with a hit to right 
field sending Rogers to third. 
Tests then scored Rogers. 

The same sequence happ- 
ened in the fifth with Rogers 
and Waker getting on base 
and Testa scoring Rogers 
with an RBI hit. 

In the top of the seventh, 
Walker took a base on balls, 
stole second, went to third on 
Testa's base hit, and scored 
on a passed ball. Testa 
ended the scoring for the 
Pacers on a base hit by Jerry 

"Miami-Dade North," 
commented Rhodes, "is a 
great team with great 
facilities. Falcon coaches feel 
that we're better than South 
and Downtown. " 


7 to 9 p.m. 
In the Gym 

Due to the pro draft in 
January, many pro scouts 
were in attendance looking 
over many of the players. 

The Pacers finished with a 
7-5 record during the fall 

Rhodes believes JC base- 
ball is "taking a change for 
the better. I've pushed the 
guys pretty hard. They've 
been playing ball since 
September. They need a 
break and I need a break." 


"We took too much of a 
seventh inning stretch," 
commented Coach Dusty 


Walker, Jones Individual Best 

Monday, November 4, 1974 ^ 



A chiptshot by Keith Dunn heads directl} 
for the cup on the fifth huAe at WPB Goimtry 

Club. Photo by Steve Fritz 5 

Intramural Bowlers Roll 
To Fairlanes Tournament 


JC's intramural bowling 
team will compete in a 
tournament with seven 
schools at 8:30 a.m., Friday, 
Nov. 15 at Fairlanes Bowling 

Today, 10 women and 10 
men with the highest 
averages in the league vie for 
the eight spots on the 
All-Star JC Club. 

Any eligible bowler is 
excused from classes on 
Friday Nov. 15 to participate 
in the tournament. 

Sharon Nelson and Kent 
Knox bowled the highest 
individual games in intram- 
ural bowling last Wednesday 

Nelson's top score of 200 
was followed by Amy 
Strimbu's 184, and Jody 
Salzgeber's 167. Knox's 
sizzling games of 223 and 

203 were closely followed by 
Brian Richard's 202 and 200. 
Joe Lesko was still not far 

Nelson also led the 
women's high series with a 
503. . She was followed by 
Salzegber's 457, and Strim- 
bu's 448. 

"Ups and Downs" rolled 
the women's high scratch 
team series, and high scratch 
team game. This team 
Consists of Ingrid Sainio, Jan 
Kisker, Margie Imnel, and 
Jody Salzgeber. 

The mens high team 
series, 1861, and team game, 
647, were taken by the "8 
Balls". Tony Pischitz, Kim 
Heinicka, Sam Ferra, and 
Steve Auditsch make up this 
weeks champions. 

by Timothy L. Bray 
Sports Editor 

Head Baseball Coach Dusty Rhodes released the final 
individual fall stats on Thursday, Oct. 31 . 

Skip Walker, batting second in the order during the fall, 
lead the club with a .406 average. All-state center fielder 
Sam Testa was close behind with an even .400 Testa lead the 
club with 18 RBI. 

Lead off man Glenn Rogers scored 14 runs while hatting 
.350. Designated hitter Rich Sorise batted .381 and collected 
16 base hits. Also hitting ,381 was Tom McCoullgh. 

The pitching staffs stats were also impressive. Terry 
Dreher led the club with 20 strike-outs, and Ed Boyle had the 
lowest earned run average, 1.39. Each pitcher on the staff ^ 
threw at least 10 innings. 

Rod Jones lead the pitches in overall performance. In 10 
innings, Jones allowed 2 runs on six hits. He gave up two 
earned runs. He allowed four men to reach base on walks, 
struck out twelve, and had an ERA of 1 .80. 

Golfers In Gatorland 

Improving Linda Moore 
and steady Colleen Walker 
lead the womens golf team in 
the Lady Gator Invitational 
Tournament today and 
tomorrow in Gainesville. 

In last weeks match, 
Miami-Dade North defeated 
the swingers WA-^A at their 
home course, Hollywood 

Linda Moore finished with 
the low score of 82, followed 
by Colleen Walker, 83, Sara 
Marsh, 95, and Donna 
MooTotta, 114. 

Playing Nasseau round, 

Walker took the only point 
for JC. She won the firs!, 
nine, lost the second, and 
tied her opponent in overall 
score. The balance of the 
team lost all three points. 

Dr. Howard Reynolds, 
womens golf coach, com- 
mented, "I am pleased mil 
Linda's improvement, hut 
Colleen did not play as she is 

. He hopes with sorae 
improvement, the team will 
have a good opportunity ic 
win before the year is over. 



4 to 6 p.m. 

Major League Lanes 


Vol. XXXVI No. 9 

Monday, November '11, 1974 

Lake Worth, Florida, 33460.. 

SG Wants Change 

Staff Writer 

Dolor Ginchereau, Vice Pre- 
sident of SG, said Thursday 
during the Senate meeting that 
he is extending the membership 
of the Constitutional Amend- 
ments Committee for the 
purpose of rewriting the Student 
Body Constitution. 

"I believe it can be done and I 
believe that we can come up 
with a much better document," 
said Ginchereau. 

Ginchereau wants to make the 
constitution clearer in the 
powers of all branches of 
government and to make the 
Senate . as effective as the 
executive board. Senators, on 
occasion have had to waste time 
during Senate meetings because 
of the misinterpretation of the 

Ginchereau would like the 
Constitutional Amendments 
Committee to research a 
complete method of impeach- 

S ABOVE: "I believe it can be done and I believe that we 
S can come up with a much better document." 
£ Ginchereau. 

§ RIGHT: "We're not looking for a copy, but we're 
S looking for ideas to set our wheels going." Abrams. 


OAA, 50's Funded 

Staff Writer 

Student Government's Executive Board allotted $300 to O.A.A. 
for the Odura festival and tentatively appropriated $1,000 to Phi Lo 
for a 50's dance, at the November 5 meeting. 

The Odum is an annua! Afro-American cultural event which has 
become a tradition at JC, according to Oveta Jackson, President of 

Skits, poems, food, an art exhibit, music presentations, and a 
display of African, attire are included in the event. Awards are given 
and guest speakers are invited. 

The Odum is scheduled for December 6 and is open to all 

O.A.A. originally requested $500 for the Odum, much of which 
would have been spent for a live band for entertainment. The 
Executive Board was against granting funds for the band and 
suggested^iomitting it. Miss Jackson agreed to discuss this with 
members of O.A.A. The Executive Board allotted $300 for the 

Becky Davis, Vice-President of Phi Lo, requested funds for a 50's 
dance that the sorority hopes to hdd at JC. Phi Lo contacted others 
clubs on campus to. see if any were interested in helping with the 
dance. There was a favorable response. 

Miss Davis feels "there would be a fantastic turnout, in view of 
the present 50's craze." 

The dance would feature a live band playing 50's music, with 
students wearing fashions from the 50's. Teachers would be 

Tory Buckley, President of SGA agreed to negotiate with the 

Miss Davis was willing to call a meeting with representatives of 
clubs that are mterested in helping with the dance, and report the 
results at the next Board meeting. 

A motion was passed to tentatively appropriate 51,000 to Phi Lo 
with final approval at the next meeting. 

President Buckley reported on his October 30 meeting with Dr. 
Manor. According to Buckley, Dr. Manor is opposed to a 
mandatory Student Activity hour because approximately 70% of the 
day students work and must have their classes finished in the 
morning. The activity hour would be cutting out a block of their 
time. Dr. Manor recommended an optional student activity hour. 

Approval of the Winter Movie Schedule was delayed until the 
Executive Board can study the prices. 

Edifor's Notebook 

REGISTRATION for the Winter Term began November 4 and 

continues until November 15, Copies of the Winter Schedule can be 

obtained from your faculty advisor. 

BASIC STUDIES DEPARTMENT is offering special courses in 

Freshman communications for students needing help in reading or 

writing. See Dr. Bosworth, Ad IIB for details. 

LEARN TO TYPE. Personal typing is being offered for the Winter 

Term. Basic techniques are being taught. 

LUCY BOOTH in front of the cafeteria will feature the ' 'Right to Life 

League." See story for details. 

CHRISTMAS PARTY for migrant children will be held Saturday 

December 14. Volunteers are needed so contact Mr. Estrada. 

Lucy Booth Opens 

Asst. News Editor 

The Palm Beach County 
"Right to Life League" is 
having a representative at our 
Lucy Booth on November 12, 
from noon until two o'clock. 

The "Right to Life League" is 
a volunteer, non-profit organi- 
zation which offers personal 
help to pregnant women with 
maternal, economic and coun- 
seling problems. 

"The main function of the 
Right to Life League is to offer 
other alternatives for pregnancy 
besides abortion." stated a 

spokesman for the Palm Beach 
County Maternal and Infant 
care Clinic. 

The league contends that 
legalized abortion is unjustified 
and that by writing to 
governmental representatives 
and casting your vote against it, 
thousands of lives could be 

Volunteers for the organiza- 
tions give lectures and show 
movies to assorted clubs and 
organizations throughout the 

The Right to Life crisis line 
number is 842-4621. 

ment, the feasibility of the 
Senate to approve appropria- 
tions of SG's budget, and to 
make the constitution "as clear 
as possible" in each branch of 
government so that SG 
members don't have to 
constantly interpet the meaning 
of the constitution. 

Rob Abrams, Chairperson of 
the Constitutional Amendments 
Committee said "there is no 
way of putting a definite time" 
on the issue. 

Abrams plans to get copies of 
all the Florida college consti- 
tutions that he can get. He said 
it would take a month or longer 
to contact outside sources and 
get the constitutions. 

"We're not looking for a 
mockery or a copy, but we're 
looking for ideas to set our 
wheels going," said Abrams. 

He said the committee may 
change only a few words or not 
use anything that is in the 
student body constitution. 
, There will be approximately ten 
members working on the 
committee, which will meet 
every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. 
in the North SAC Lounge. After 
the project of rewriting the 
constitution is well under way, 
the committee may meet twice a 

SG President, Tory Buckley, 
threatened to veto a bill last week 
which would give Senators 
(honorariums) special privileges 
over other JC students. 

"I strongly urge each and 
every one of you to get together 
and get something a little more 
revised and more professional 
than what it reads now," said 

The SG President did not veto 
the bill, therefore It became law. 

The Senate passed a 
resolution introduced by Sena- 
tor James Cox, in favor of 
having an "Arts and Crafts" 
shop on the JC campus, The 
shop will allow JC students and 
the public to buy and sell 
homemade arts and crafts. 

Two vacant Senate seats have ' 
been filled by J. Michele Notter 
and Marvin Drake. Dan 
Buckley will be sworn in next 

Margie Riccobono, Chair- 
person of the appointments 
committee, interviewed the 
Senators to be on Wednesday 
and said they all met the 

Senators must have no less 
than a 2.2 grade average and 
must carry 12 credit hours per 

Referring to the project of 
rewriting the constitution, 
Senator Abrams said it will be 
"after Christmas time before 
the committee as a whole can 
actually sit down and throw a 
constitution together. 

Newly organized Student 
Nurses' Association mem- 
bers had the "crummy" job 
of raising money during 
their balce sale. Shown 
here members [from left to 
right] Jeannie Woods, 
Cheryl Dyett, Jane Doyle 
and Linda Tuttle serve their 
goodies to student custom- 
ers Gerry Foster and Buz 

photo by Winnie Knighton 

2 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, November 11, 1974 

Monday, November 11, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 3 



1W yCMCi or the STUOCNtS 

Editor- In-Chief 
Associate Editor 

Managing Editor 

associated cotiegiat^ press 



The Student Government Senate has taken it upon themselves, in 
their first official bill of the year, to award honorariums and special 
privileges for each member of the Senate. 

The Senate, obviously thinking themselves worthy of it, first 
wanted to grant senators honorariums and the cost of tuition and 
books for the period of their incumbancy. With just one resolution 
concerning a desire to fix the faulty clock situation at JC behind 
them, Senate Resolution No. 74-002 by Senator James Boger was 
proposing the expenditure of hundreds of dollars to students for 
their title alone. Perhaps the possibility of a senator not showing up 
at all, just collecting his free ride, kept this farce from going 

Now the first bill of the year pops up, giving senators a $50 
honorarium, a name tag, . a car decal, and special parking spots. 
The bill reasons that the " Senate is pledpig its time and effort to the 
betterment of all persons" at JC in making its argument. 

We think their argument, saying that the privileges and a small 
honorarium would be an incentive for a full slate of candidates each 
year, is not a valid one. Senators serve the students because they 
want to, not because of a token sum of money. We do not feel that 
honorarium is wrong; however, careful supervision over who gets 
the money should be established before any checks are written. 

"Beaches and parks - NOW" voters declared last Tuesday, 
saying yes to the $50 million beach and park bond issue. 
' This affirmative decision is a victory for the county's citizens. For 
an estimated $7 to $20 a year, the public will be buying access to 
seven additional miles of beaches, a priceless purchase if utilized. 
Parks will also be bought and developed. 

No one can predict exactly what a taxpayer's yearly bill will be to 
pay off the S50 million, an issue debated by the bond's opponents. 
Because of varying interest rates, population and years of financmg, 
only general cost estimates can be made. 

But, the current economic slump makes now a good time to buy. 
And, voters have given the county permission to do it. 

Commissioner Bob Culpepper and others got the reward they 
sought after trekking 45 miles along the county's coast. 

They also got an extra bonus - interest aroused concerning the 
bond probably helped bring voters to the polls. 


WRAP" If Up \ 


WRAP, the campus "radio station" beset with program and 
technical problems, should leave the air. 

Since the beginning of the school year, WRAP has promised 
cafeteria listemers a consistent offering of quality music at 
reasonable tones. 

Unfortunately, despite installation of new amplifiers and sound 
equipment, WRAP has consistently overpowered students with 
loud, blaring music played at an indigestion-inducing treble level. 

Our complaint is shared by others. The Beachcomber has 
received mkny letters in reference to the situation. In fact, on one 
afternoon over a dozen students (and the cafeteria manager) came 
through Beachcomber offices to complain to WRAP, which is located 
next to the 'Comber. 

Student Government, controller of WRAP operations, should 
investigate the WRAP situation. A possible solution to the problem 
could be to limit the airwaves to the SAC Lounge. 

Instead of remaining a "clique" for the amusement of a "chosen 
few", WRAP should return to the genuine service of the student 
body. ' 


(1) Not exceed 250 words. 

(2} Be signed by the author. 
(3) Include the author's 
tfilfiphone number. 

(4) Be received in the 
Beachcomber Office no 
later than 4 p.m. on 

All letters are subject 
to condensation. 

A Well-Deserved Rest 

Rmerberafiom J 

Itmitittutmmmmmmimmiii I mil i nrim li^ 

Beachcomber Errors Again? 


In your headline article of November 4, "AUee 
Replaces Manor in Senate"; 

1. Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 establish a 
progression of speakers, thus leading the reader 
to assume that the parliamentarian objected in 
the meeting; he did not. Additionally, Mr. Gross 
did not "take" the floor; he was granted the right 
to speak by Dr. Manor who said, "Well, all 

2. Paragraph 7 is correct; however, it would 
have been proper here to mention that the 
parliamentarian agreed after the vote that 
procedural violations notwithstanding, once a 
body has cast its vote without objection, the vote 

3. We think that both your introduction and 
conclusion, by their word choices ("emotional", 
"heated debate", and "claiming") establish a 
tone which slants opinion for the reader who was 
not present. Our memory of the meeting is 
that discussion by all parties was both smooth 
and restrained. 

Concerning the " claiining , " we had hoped that 
this issue which has been resolved 
(unconstitutionally, we think) would be allowed 
to die. Since you have resurrected the issue, we 
would be pleased if you would clarify the minority 
opinion of the Senate, which was based on a bit 
more than "claiming" that Mrs. Vignau should 
succeed to the Chairmanship. 

At issue we think was whether the Senate 
Constitution should be interpreted literally; 
Article 4, Section 3; "In all matters of 
procedures not specified herein, ROBERT'S 
applied." (underlining is ours) 

As you may remember, Mrs. Vignau was 
sufficiently interested in testing the validity of 
the minority opinion to request that faculty at 
large receive unedited copies of the pertinent 
passages in ROBERT'S and/or to request an 

Love Letter No, 2 


The article the appeared on page one of the 
November 4 issue of the Beachcomber was 
misleading and erroneous. Not only was I quoted 
erroneously, but the sequential description of the 
debate was misleading. 

From the writer's description one might 
conclude that the faculty senate parliamentarian 
stated, during the debate, that ray speaking 
before the body was a violation of parliamentary 

EDITORS NOTE: Faculty Senate meetings 
are always tape recorded by the reporter. 
There were no factual errors in the !Stor% 
The error in Mr. Gross' quote with regard 
to the word "If was the fault of the 
printer. ____ 

interpretation from the Board of Trustees' ; 
lawyer, Mr. Burk. The motion was defeated (sei 
Senate minutes of 9/12/74, page 3). 

We make errors in the Senate ; with good will 
and time the errors will be reduced, we think, s 
Please be tolerant with us, and as accurate ad ; 
objective as possible. 

Max Allee ; 
M. Vigms [ 

'Comber Stafi 

MfiWfsBflitar, ,.,.,„,.,, + , 
E4l«iria( AR$fsfia«tt ^ ,..,--. . 
feature: £«Jrtw ,.,,+,.. + ,, 

, Lfat* Kalbsf 

:Sj»or<* &t(toH ,,,^^.,.., ^,. ,T(iH Bray 
-Capy E<««)r ,,<♦,-.<►,., ^ * > ,Sf»Bro« ?3tt*f »h 

ftS^fstetM N#*irt, eilitOdf *,,<►, v&fibbte TMnspsaft 
tS:$$fW»at09«ph«t.u,, ,.,,,, Steve PfiK < 

NBHbssWjA ftKtSMe »0*tefrjW»ePia«o: A*? 

Turn to "Gross" page 3 

{(ress Av«mj*, Utw VStothi, fW\i» ^466.' 

i3s(ti<»^ ^f^^mpm^ fe:T«iHtet« 9ttl» »T^' 
iStes «ft<twM fiscesssfity «b*$« of PsfWBft** 

__ «fe*W ea8«{|i#t« |»f6« m4 P)o«^ 4»ai<j* C«tt" 

■5 / Percent 


-J. Michele Noffer— 


Administration - a well-paying field of endeavor not open to 

Agression - destructive behavior which accomplishes one's own 
desired ends at the expense of others. 

Anger - a human emotion whose needed expression has been 
denied the "feminine" woman. Subverted anger in women may 
appear as migraine headaches, nagging, screaming, child beating 
^nd other self-defeating distortions. 

Anonymous - a woman (Virginia Woolf) 

Aspasia - the woman who wrote Pericles' speeches. 

Califia - legendary black Amazon woman .from whom California 
was named. ' ■- 

Catt, Carrie Chapman - the early leader of the Women's 
Sufferage movement who was one of the first women to be a 
superintendant of schools. Born 1859. In 1920 she reorganized the 
National Women's Sufferage Association into the League of Women 
Voters . 

Construction - a well-paying field of human endeavor not open to 

-ess- an archaic suffix which denotes female. 

Fairy Tales - harmful, cross-cultural educative stories told to 
unsuspecting children that show women as passive, opportunistic or 

Family of Man - a mis-statement of the biological fact. 

Feminist - a woman who defines herself. 

Girl - a denigrative epitaph for women used by those who 
foolishly think they are being complimentary. 

It - third person neuter pronoun now aceptable to use when sex of 
referent is not known. Examples: the baby was happy with it's 
rattle; the applicant signed it's name. 

Lility - the first woman; made from the same dust and at the same 
time- as Adam and therefore created his equal. 

Ms. - a form of address being adopted by women who want to be 
recognized as individuals, rather than be identified by their 
relationship with a man. 

Sacajawea - young Indian woman who led the Lewis and Clark 
Expedition to the Pacific; opened the Northwest Territory with a 
baby strapped to her back. 

S/he - replacement term for the third person singular generic 

Space Exploration - a well-paying field of human endeavor not 
open to women. 

Volunteerism - the deeply-rooted American tradition which 
encourages non-paid community services as the most acceptable 
activity for women away from home. 

Woolf, Virginia - the British writer whose "Room of One's Own" 
was a place where an integral self could remain detached and 
whole. It could be, metaphorically, a prison. 


They Listened! 
They Voted! 

Lost Exit 

photo by JJm Collins 

Gutsy Gainesville Really Dull 

^arc Bress ler — 

I visited Gainesville last 
weekend, and was all excited 
about spending a few nights in 
those wild University of Florida 

Gross Claims Misquote 

Continued from pg. 2 

The parliamentarian was not 
heard from during the meeting, 
and I was recognized by the 
chair. No senators objected and 
I was allowed to speak. There 
has been ample precedent for 
this in the past operation of the 
Faculty Senate. 

The quote attributed to me in 
paragraph 1, column 3 should 
read as follows: 

'-'It is very poor logic to 
assume that IF I know my total 
score, I would then know my 

individual scores and I fail to see 
how this could compromise 
those scores. For my own 
personal reasons I would like to 
have my total SCORE." 

In reference to the statement 
that a vote taken on the first 
reading is in violation of the 
seante constitution, I refer the 
writer to the faculty senate 
constitution Part Al, page 28. 
This states there shall be two 
readings in reference to 
legislative action. 


Inflation Attacks 

Staff Writer 

Prices for CLEP exammations are changing following the Nov. 14 
testing date. 

This will be the last offering of the exams at their current price 
which is one general examination for fifteen dollars, two or more for 
thirty dollars. Subject examinations are fifteen dollars each. 

Beginning in January, which is the next time the test will be 
offered at JC, the price for general exams will rise to twenty dollars 
for one, thirty dollars for two and forty dollars for three to five. The 
price of the subject exams will remain at fifteen dollars. 

Students wishing to take the CLEP tests to be offered Nov. 14 
should sign up as soon as possible in the testing center at JC, room 

Results of the CLEP tests given Sept. 19, 1974 show that only 
22% passed the general Humanities exam, 31% passed the Social 
Science exam, 42% passed the English exam, while students did 
better on Mathetmatics, which 52% passed, and the Natural 
Science examination which was passed by 65% 

Results of the Oct. 3 Health Exemption Exam are also in with 
fourteen students passing of twenty three who took the test. The 
next Health Exemption Exam will not be given until next semester. 

Many times a vote has been 
taken on the first reading when 
the matter involves internal 
action concerning the classifica- 
tion of the duties and 
responsibilities of a senate 
committee. This is exactly what 
happened. The chair was in 
order in calling for a vote after 
having identified the matter as 
one involving an internal 

Richard H. Gross 
Biology Department 

dorms. After all, several 
politicians and members of the 
state Board of Regents, had said 
that the "open bedroom policy" 
in effect at state universities and 
colleges have turned these 
once-placid sleeping quarters 
into "tax-payer's whore 
houses." I couldn't wait (I'm a 

The idea of finally getting 
something in return for my sales 
tax, gasoline tax, utilities tax, 
and all the other little taxes 
seemed to me as possibly a 
dream come true. I ventured a 
guess that my time allowed 
inside these dens of perversion 
would be based on the amount 
of taxes paid by myself (a 
property owner) during the last 
fiscal year. 

Upon arriving in Gainesville, 
to my dismay, all my friends 
have accomodations off-cam- 

"But what about, you know, I 
mean, those rumors, where are 
the chicks that I pay for every 
week out of my paycheck?" I 
asked of an old buddy. 

"What on earth are you 
talking about," queried my 

friend, I went on to tell him of 
my visions of sugar plums that I 
thought danced down dormitory 
halls every hour and on the half 
hour. He began to guffaw, 
drawing attention throughout 
those in the room towards us. 

"Marc, you don't under- 
stand," he said. "What these 
stupid politicians don't realize is 
that their "Let's shack up, 
courtesy of the state" theory 
just doesn't hold water." 

"Busch and nonsense," 1 

"No really. Men here behave 
like eunuchs, women like nuns. 
We all take an oath of celibacy 
upon enrolling; it's standard 
procedure for entering fresh- 

So, 1 thought, these politici- 
ans who are attempting to 
capitalize on this are ignorant of 
the situation. I also decided 
immediately not to go to 
Gainesville, but rather to one of 
those upper-division schools 
that are written up in Esquire 
every year. 

Ah, well. Back to JC and 
Tammi Tunabopper. 

-Mike's View 

The People Have Spoken 

-Mike Piliera 

Our officials have been chosen, the people 
have spoken; promises, we hope, will not be 

Politically torn and scarred. Bill Medlen and 
good ole Lake Lytal, both Democrats, have been 
elected to form our County Commission. William 
Cruickshank, Medlen's opponent, was defeated 
in part for his scathing campaign tactics - 
Watergate unlearned. 

Governor Reuben Askew won both another 
term and national consideration for the 1976 
presidential Democratic nomination. Loosing 
challenger Jerry Thomas, foisting on sour 

grapes, was asked if he intends to run for office 
again. He replied "I'm a one-time guy. I made 
my race." That's the spirit. 

Stone defeated Eckerd by the seat of his pants. 
If the fire and frimstone candidate from the 
Glades wasn't running, 1 believe Eckerd would 
have won by the seat of his pants. Under the 
Watergate circumstances, Eckerd did suprisinglyr 
well for a Republican and I predict that in his life' 
race for office he will win. 

President Ford, take notice: We the people 
want decisive, penetrative, and reform for our 
economy. And, we want men and women with 
integrity to do just that. 

4 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, November 11, 1974 

Monday, November 1 1, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 5 

Alcoholic Rotes Rise 




Douglas Yeoman is an 
alcoholic. Doug begins each day 
by downing a can of his favorite 
beer to ward off the unpleasant 
after-effects of "the night 
before". Invariably, before 
lunch he will have finished a 
six-pack of Millers, followed by 
a Hienekens at lunch. By 
dinnertime, Doug will be on his 
third six-pack of Millers and is 
already to go for the big night 
out on the town. 

He is well-known at the local 
tavern, where he has been a 
steady customer since age 17. 
On an average night, $15 will 
pass between him and the 
barmaid, usually for screwdriv- 
ers or tequila sunrises. He 
frequently leaves in an alcoholic 
stupor, barely surviving the 
short drive home. 

Doug is easy to picture; a 
pot-bellied, blue-coUar worker 
whose wife and kids have long 
since given up nagging him 
about his drinking, right? 
Wrong. Douglas Yeoman is 21, 
a college student touted by his 
professors as full of potential 
and talent and destined to go a 
long way. 

He does not worry about his 
drinking problem - he accepts it 
as part of his daily routine, and 
even looks forward to "getting 
blown away" with his buddies. 
But unless he realizes the 
dangers involved, he's not 
going anywhere but down. 


Potpourri" Of Fashions Shown 

Asst. News Editor 

As some people see it, 
potpourri is a conglomoration of 
creative, exciting elements; 
which is exactly what the 
PBJC Sales and Marketing Club 
had in mind when "Potpourri" 
provided the theme for their 7th 
Annual Fashion Show. Nov. 7. 

Over 150 people, curious as to 
what the young collegiate set is 
wearing these days, took 
advantage of the free admission 
and attended the event. 

The show was designed as an 
in-training program for students 
interested in business and 
related fields, according to 
Ruthanna Widdows, club advi- 

"The purpose of the Fad 
Fashion Show" she explained, 
"was to give the students an 
unrestricted, entirely self-made 
opportunity for a seminar 

Twenty-eight of the club's 52 
members produced the program 
Lighting, refreshments, stage, 




Mm S^nsgs Sfefl#|Nflf CsRftr 



YOU CAM $139 



Fresh Pizza Dough 
Is Made Daily 

outfits and commentary were 
entirely under the students 
direction. Also offering their 
help were advisors Mr. Robert 
Holzman and Mr. Robert 

"Potpourri" displayed the 
newest fashions being shown 
this season, including tennis 
wear, the western look, resort 
and evening wear, and the "Big 
Sweater Look". 

Stores contributing outfits 
included City Hall, Burdine's 
Rage to Riches, Fountains, 
Brownie's Men's Shoppe, and 
Outer Limits. 

Fashion Coordinator Louise 
Sudduth, a former fashion 
model for Sak's Fifth Avenue, 
served as project manager and 
commentator, while other club 
members served as models for 
the hour-long program. 

Doug is one of thousands ot 
college students who can be 
considered "problem drinkers" 
or alcoholics. 

According to a recent 
nationwide survey by HEW, the 
college age group of 18-24 has 
the largest proportion of 
persons who have some 
drinking-connected problems. 

Recent studies have found 
that alochol, as a drug, has 
replaced marijuana as the 
favorite among college students 
and even those younger. Easy 
availability (even those who are 
below the legal age may acquire 
booze with relatively little 
hassle), lessened parental 
pressure (parents, of course, 
prefer liquor over pot), and 
greater social acceptance are 
some of the reasons for this 

The cost is also a factor. A JC 
freshman noted that while he 
could obtain small amounts of 
pot, THC, and mescaline, for a 
few dollars (or even psilocybin 
mushrooms for free), the 
worries and criminal risk in 
getting caught were just not 
worth it. 

Beer and pop wines are the 
favorites in the 18-24 age group, 
both of which are available in 
convenience stores that almost 
never close. According to the 
HEW survey, some college 
students may have convinced 
themselves that there isn't 
high enough content 

to worry about. 

The fact is that a can of beet ' 
contains as much alcohol as the ^ 
average cocktail.. Some college • 
students (men, in particular) } 
think nothing of downing a 1 
six-pack of beer. However, i 
most would think twice before 
mixing six drinks in a ro«. | 
unless the primary purpose in i 
doing so was to get totailj ; 
plastered. [ 

Ignorance surrounding the 
subject of alcohol is shown in ' 
survey results that indicate thai ' 
only 61% of the public can be 
considered even fairly know- 
ledgeable about the physiologi 
cal effects of alcohol. And 
what's more, teetotalers ami 
light drinkers appeared to be 
better infoirmed on the dangers , 
of alcohol than their heavier 
drinking counterparts. 

People like Doluglas Yeoman 
are ignorant of the situation thai 
confronts them; either a 
reduction in the amount ol ■ 
frequency of alcohol consumer ' 
or total abstinence is necessar; ■ 
to help them. Students that use ; 
alcohol to cope with social ot [ 
academic pressures may vet)' i 
well become alcoholics, i: 

Alcoholism is a disease; j 
Douglas Yeoman has almost | 
succumbed to it. Have you? f 


FOR SALE: 6 pc Apollo drum 
set, $200.00 excellent condition, 
phone 176-0576 after 3 p.m. ask 
for Jane. 


Sponsored by freshman nursing 
class for ALL nursing and 
pre-nursing students. Subject: 
Student Nurses Association 
membership and activities. 
Tuesday, Nov. 12 from 7:30 to 
9:00 p.m. at SAC Lounge. 


READING study skills, compre- 
hension and vocabulary growth? 
If so, register for Reading 
Improvement II EH 116-190 
Tuesday night 7-10 p.m. 
winter term for 3 credits. No 
pre-requisite needed for even- 





ing course. See Mrs. Darcc.. 
Basic studies, ADllE k 
additional information. 


share 2 bedroom Apt. $11^ ' 
month, includes pool, sauni 
tennis, indoor gym, ac- 
exercise room. El PomarTri" 
Apts. Call 967-4434. 

FOR SALE: 1966 Pont- 
Lemans Convertible, Po\»t 
Brakes, Power Steering, A 
Conditioning $400 Call 833-3J1 
Ask for Ken. 

FOR SALE: 1969 Ford IT.. 
Wagon, economical, g«- 
shape, reasonable, ^^ 

FOR SALE: Oster Fooi' 
Clippers, all attachments chej: 
Call 968-6638. 

FREE: Two Siamese/Petsi.; 
Cats. Sealpoint, one and a hs^ 
years old. Neutered Ji:- 
declawed. Very friendly. Cs. 
Derri after 5 p.m. 659-0659, , 

IIITO liSlllitl 







1 9iS-S314 

3731 S. MILITAHY Tfll- 


LocatMt in NW 

Auto Tag BulWln» 


Rogers Concerned Over Health 


Staff Writer 
Congressman Paul Rogers 
appeared here recently to 
discuss health care in America. 
A leading legislator in health, 
Rogers emphasized the dire 
need to implement the educat- 
ion of preventive medicine in 
our grade schools and schools of 
higher learning. 

Currently, Congress is work- 
ing on a three-part State 
Development Planning Health 

The first part is "planning" 
where local non-profit groups 
from all over Florida will form 
suggestions on how to improve 
health program. These groups 
will then meet to combine all 
constructive ideas. 

The second part of the plan is 
"Regional Medical Develop- 

The third part is the "Hill 
Burton" legislation which is a 
hospital facilities bill aiding 
hospital's bedding and the 
modernization of care for 
out-patients and emergenices. 

Some of the points discussed: 
-Spurred by a question. 

Rogers said that nutrition 
should be taught in medical 

Reform is necessary con- 
cerning medical school where as 
many as 10,000 qualified 
students are refused admission 
yearly. That, contrasted with 
the fact that one-half of today's 
new doctors are foreign medical 
grads, makes one start to 
wonder about the influence of 
the AMA . 

In New Orleans, the wings of 
one hospital are closed due to a 
shorgage of nurses. 

Another problem facing 
America is the poor distribution 
of doctors and their specialties. 
The rural and ghetto areas of 
this country are short on 
doctors. There are too many 
surgeons and not enough 
general practioners. The 
National Health Service Corpor- 
ation is a step in this direction. . 
Its plan is to train doctors, 
offering one year of school for 
one year of service in a rural 
area with salary. However, the 
corporation only receives about 
half its wanted students. 

A national health plan will 

come soon, 

Study is actively 

In response to a question 
concerning the FDA, Rogers 
said he is opposed to the view 
that vitamins, packaged' with 
more than ISO'/z of the 
individual daily requirements, 
must be sold over the counter. 

At this point, questions began 
surfacing from the audience. 
One gentleman pleased with 
Rogers as to why food additives 
cannot be thoroughly tested 
before being put on the market. 
This would elirninate or reduce 
the discoveries that pop up 
later, warning the public of their 
potential danger. 

Rogers felt that this should be 
looked into and that the 
responsibility should lie in the 
hands of the manufacturers 
when it comes to pretesting of a 

Drs. Bottosto and Yinger of 
the Social Science department 
felt the evening was a success; a 
clear display of bringing the 
government to the people. 

Wishing Well Contest Opens 

Featare Editor 

The girl watchers of JC will 
have a chance to show their 
good taste as the annual Miss 
Wishing Well contest gets 

Each contestant is to have her 
picture in front of a voting jar. 
The winner will be determined 
by the amount of money 
contributed. The proceeds from 
the contest will be donated to 
the Center for Early Learning. 

Any club or organization on 
the campus is invited to submit 
their entry for the Queen of the 

Well. Any group of ten or more 
interested students is also 


invited to submit an entry. 

Each girl entered must be a 
student at JC and must be 
photographed in a bathing suit. 
Appointments for picture taking 
will be arranged after the 
application is entered. Photos 
are being supplied by the 
Humanaities Department. 

Names and student numbers 
of the group must also be 
included in the application. 
Deadline for the applications is 
3:00 p.m. November 25. Voting 
takes place Dec. 2-6. 


The sea is God The grains of sand are 
His people And so he separates the good 
from She evil Every morning when the 
tide rushes in He takes the good to 
drift forever in His vast and free Heaven 
while leaving the evil in a Hell to be 
scorched by the morning sun And so I 
say to you my bretheren, heed goodness 
not evil, for when the morning tide 
rises you may suffer the consequences. 

pliQto by Jim Collins 

By Walt Davis 

SNA Coffee Planned 

Evening Reporter 

That busy group of girls you noticed "cooking" up things on 
campus recently was the newly organized Student Nurses' 
Association. They held a successful bake sale in front of 
Beachcoihber office last week and had everyone eating out of their 
hands. ' 

Their next big event will be a coffee tomorrow night, Tuesday at 
7:30 p.m. in SAC Lounge. All students registered in the nursing 
program are invited to attend and leanr more about the 

Faculty Advisor, Mrs. Merkle, will be on hand to assist the newly 
elected officers make everyone welcome. Kay Henrion is chairman 
of the group; her co-chairman is Al Aganowski. Other officers 
include Jeannie Woods, secretary; Cheryl Dyett, treasurer and 
Callie Johnson, projects chairman. 

Regular meeting will be lield every Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. in 
SAC Lounge. 

Many projects are being planned for the ensuing year to boost 
their treasury. Members who need financial assistance as well as 
plan social activities and maintain themselves. 

There are approximately 500 students registered in all phases of 
the nursing program. This includes a few male participants, but 
primarily the fairer sex. Presently eight representatives are on the 
executive board. Four members are from conventional classes and 
the same number from LEGS. This gives equal emphasis to both 

'Alice' Seeks Equalities For Welfare Students 

Associate Editor 

Remember Alice? 

Alice is the fed-up, divorced 
JC student who supports her 
two children through welfare. 
She's the one who cannot reveal 
her true identity to the 
Beachcomber because she is 
fearful welfare people might 
reduce her checks. 

Remember Alice? It seemed 
that no one did when Alice held 
her second organizational meet- 
ing Tuesday, October 29. The 
only persons in attendance were 
two close friends. 

Now Alice is resigned to 
fighting as a one-man army in 
hisr efforts to correct the welfare 
system, which she feels 
encourages persons NOT to 
better themselves. 

This student is not like many 
welfare mothers who sit around 
waiting for their checks each 
month. Instead, Alice is 
interested in bettering herself 
by obtaining a Basic Educatio- 
nal Opportunity Grant (BEOG) 
to further her goal of becoming 
a veterinarian. 

However, despite a statement 

in writing from the state director 
of Health, Education and 
Welfare that said the BEOG 
money was not to be counted as 
incoming funds, Alice's welfare 
check is reduced because of the 
BEOG grant. 

BEOG hassles are only one 
aspect of Alice's problem. For 
example, she is always 
concerned about coming up with 
more funds since welfare only 
pays 68% of her electric, rent, 
and phone bills. 

Another hassle is the time 
consumed in constantly verify- 
ing her spending - Alice often 
must visit the welfare people 4 
times a month. ' 'They ought to 
make allowances for students," 
she says. 

Food is a constant problem. 
The county's food stamp 
program (her welfare comes 
from the state) is based on 1968 
prices, according to Alice. The 
price of milk has shot up more 
than a dollar per ^on since 
1968, and is still rising. . 
.Alice's food stamps aren't. 

Food stamps do not allow for 
personal hygiene items. 
Hygiene is certainly a must for 

Alice, since she is working 
part-time as a veterinarian's 
aide. While she is at work and 
school her two children are 
becoming cluttered, rumpled, 
and dirtied at a local day-care 

Through all these problems, 
Alice is just seeking a quiet, 
private, and full life for herself 
and two children. She contends 
that "you never have a private 
life while you're on welfare. 

"They (welfare workers) tell 
you 'of course you have sex.* 
Then before you can say 
anything, they tell you to go to 
the Abortion clinic!" 

At the first meeting to 
organize some support for the 
students-on-welfare cause, one 
woman contended that welfare 
workers "had the nerve to 
accuse me of encouraging my 16 
year old daughter to become 
pregnant so I could get more 
money coming in." 

While laughing at the welfare 
worker's accusation, the wo- 
man, almost in disgust, thou^t 
aloud, "I would think they 
would give you a little more for 
trying to improve yourself." 

Unfortunately, the woman 
and others with the same strong 
sentiments who were at the first 
meeting could not join Alice at 
the second organizational meet- 

Alice had hoped to set up 
some type of organization to 
help those welfare recipients 
that go to school - an 
organization that could collect- 
ively go to school officials and 
local politicians for help. 

Not totally distraught by the 
poor October 29 turnout, Alice 
still intends to fight for her 

"I don't want to live in a 


$2.7S par i 

castle," Alice commented 
recently. "I just want to 
support my kids." 

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6- BEACHCOMBER Monday, November 11, 1974 

Monday, November 1 1, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 7 


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the name to remember is 




Price range S16-S20 

Record Review 

On "Thrust" 

^ Jimmy Neil — ' 

Herbie Hancock, long time composer and jazz man, and expert 
manipulator of many sundry layers of keyboards has recently 
released his newest album on Columbia Records entitled "Thrust", 

As composer and keyboard man with Miles Davis from 1953 to 
1968, Hancock long ago made his mark in the jazz community and 
afterwards began putting out solo albums. 

' Today Hancock heads the most sought-after jazz combo in the 
U.S. His previous LP, "Head Hunters", has sold more copies than 
any other album by a jazz performer. 

Lately, he has been getting more into funky material influenced 
by such commercial black performers as Marvin Gaye, Sly Stone, 
and Stevie Wonder and combining it with his past years with Miles 
Davis. The result is a jazz-rock being one of the most exuberant, 
rich and versatile brands of music to come along since the heyday of 
the Stones and the Beatles. 

Side two's "Butterfly" reflects most vividly the great Davis 

Appearing om "Thrust", Paul Jackson on electric bass, Mike Clark 
on drums, Bill Summers on percussion, Bennie Maupin on all saxes, 
flutes, and clarinets, and of course H.H. on electric piano, ciarinel, 
raellotron, and various synthesizers. 

Maupin recently released his solo LP,a Flower In The Lotus". 

"Thrust" is a perfect and prime example of the countless, infinite 
possibilities held by jazz and unleashed by Hancock who boasts a 
proficient style of playing all his own. You will surely hear a group 
ever-flowing with plenty of color and balance. 

The album is full of rich improvisations which are the backbone of 
the music. Each instrumentalist's ability to create a melody and 
then take off and dismember it to varying degrees of force and 
fluctuation without losing any feeling, produces a very deep 
dimension to each piece. In fact, in all the funkiness a certain 
tranquil quality is often felt. 

Feeling and dimension these two terms best describe what 
"Thrust's" music is all about. 

Hancock's "Thrust" is an electronic jazz extravaganza that 
should apeal to the black soul crowd, jazz buffs, and to most rocleti 
as well. 

Calendar Capsule 

TOES. NOV. 12th PBJC's Jazz 
Ensemble plays at Lake Worth 
High School also Coffee being 
given by Student Nurses' Assn. 
for all pre-nursing or nursing 
students in the SAC lounge from 
7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Refreshments 
will be served. 

WED. NOV. 13th Student 
-Recital in HU 4 at 1:20. 

THURS. NOV. 14th The 

"Pacesetters" will perform at 
Lakeside Village Auditorium 
and JC students are welcome to 
go and see them perform. The 
Lakeside Social Directors will 
ask for a $2.00 donation. The 
first Non-annual Frisbee Day 
festivities will be held on the 
SAC patio from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 

SAT. NOV. 16th Herb Alpert 
and the Tijuana Brass will be at 
the West Palm Beach Auditor- 
ium at 8:30 with tickets costing 
4, 5, and 7 dollars. 

SUN. NOV. 17th Scholarship 
Concert at 4:00 p.m. in the 
PBJC auditorium, tickets cost- 
ing $2.00. 

BOARD are available to 4K, 

Gym. I&R Board is a student 
group interested in planning, 
organizing, and administering 
the student intramural program. 
See Mr. Bell in 4K, Gym. 

INTERESTED in trying out for 
the Woman's Varsity Softball 
Team, please see Miss Knowles 
(Gym 4M) before you pre-regis- 
ter for Winter Term. 

calender of events is a new 
addition to the Beachcomber, 
Through this calender, v,i 
would like to try and keep 
students informed of happcS' 
ings around our community. 




By Becky Morse 
Staff Writer 

Phi Ro Pi is attempting to 
raise funds for new seats in the 
auditorium. "We're sick and 
tired of all the hard chairs, so 
we've decided to start our oftT 
fund to raise money for ni« 
padded ones," stated President 
Karen Moore. 

The organization's goal is to 
raise $20,000 based on the 
estimate of $40 per seat. Be 
auditorium holds 500 seats. This 
estimate does not include labor 
and installation. 

Phi Ro Pi Vice-Presiden! 
Gene Lancaster says the cluii ^ 
will try to raise the money oa 
their own because they fee! thej 
have already received generous 
amounts of money from Student , 
Government for such things as ^ 
the new stage lighting. Money 
is being raised through 
advertising and a show is 
planned, later, in connection 
with the Music Department, 

Faculty Shows Off 

Staff Writer 

The music department presents a program 
each Wednesday in the humanities building of 
musical variety and entertainment. 

The program of November 6, opened with two 
pieces by Brahms entitled Botschaft, and 
Geheimnis sung by Mr. D. Hugh Albee with 
accompanment on the piano by Miss Ruth 

Mr. Albee and miss Ruggles are music 
instructors here at JC. Both displayed their 
outstanding musical talent which was enjoyed by 
students as well as their special guests, the Lake 
Worth Sorosis. 

Miss Ruggles performed works such as Etude 

Tableau in C Major and E flat minor by the 
German composer Rachmaniov. 

Pourquoi me reveiller by Massenet, Trade 
Winds and Sea Fever by Keel followed the 
Rachmaninov pieces. 

Then Miss Ruggles did a brillant performance 
of the later two parts of a suite by Debussy called 
LaSoiree dans Grenade, and Jardins sous la 

Three song poems written by Emily Dickinson 
and put to music by Persichetti were sung by Mr. 
Albee and accompanied by Miss Ruggles on the 
piano ending the musical entertainment part of 
the program. 

Refreshments were served after the recital. 

Miss Ruth Ruggles displays her outstandtog musical talent at 

the faculty Recital Nov. 6. photo by steve Fritz 

British To Rock Out At FAU 

On Thursday, November 
14th, Florida Atlantic University 
in Boca Raton will present, in 
concert, two of England's most 
exciting rock groups, CLIMAX 
SANCE. Tickets will be $3.00 in 
advance and S4.00 at the door 
and they will be on sale at the 
Palm Beach Junior College 

appeared in the South Florida 

Renaissance is one of the British rock groups to perform at 
FAU Nov. 14. 

'Frankly Speaking 

Free Entertainment At AV Center 

'Frank Smith- 

There is a lot of entertainment 
here at PBJC. Some of it costs a 
lot, but then some of it is free. 
"Free?" someone asks. 
"Free." I answered, "It's a 
good deal if you can find it." 
". . And you found it?" that 
same persons asks. "Yes," I 
answered adding, "I found it 
very pleasing. It can be found 
by anyone down on the first 
floor of the library." 

"You mean the Audio-Visual 
Room?" someone else asked 

"Yeah. A lot of people think 
that all they have down there is 
instructional tapes, but a lot of 
times people forget that they 
often can have fun learning." I 
pointed out. 

"Name one tape down there 
that would be fun to watch." I 
was challenged. 

■ "I'll name a few. Anyone 
interested in the sciences would 
probably enjoy watching "The 
Nearest Star" which is all about 
the sun, or "Exploring The 
Planets", or even 'The Solar 

They might examine the 
future through Alvin Toffler's 
film 'Future Shock' or learn of 
the ocean through a film called 
'The Challenge of the Oceans." 

"Furthermore," I continued 
"People who have an interest in 
music can enjoy a flick called, 

'Discovering Electronic Music' 
or one called, 'Music of Japan', 
or 'American Music From Jazz 
to Pop." 

"How about us writers? Do 
you have anything for us literary 
freaks?," the first someone 
questions me. 

"They have a film on 'Spoon 
River Anthology' by Edgar Lee 

Masters, and a film on 'Robert 
Frost.' Do you thinkthat would 
entertain you?" I asked him. 

"It probably would!" He 
exclaimed, surprised. . ."and 
you say it's free?" 

"Absolutely!" I declared, but 
he had already left, presumedly 
seeking firee entertainment. 

Carlin Displays Wit 


Anyone who can comment on 
the humorous side of life better 
than Mark Twain or Will Rogers 
is George Carlin. He has been 
described as the "Will Rogers 
of the Atomic Age." 

Carlin is best known from his 
albums, "Class Clown" and 
"AM/FM". In these two 
recordings are the combination 
of his fast talking and creative 

This Friday evening's pro- 
gram started with a warnjup 
group called Travis Shoo|^ and 
the Club Wow. Their show 
consisted of two dudes who 
played the guitar and sang 
corny songs. One of their 
selections consisted of a song 
dedicated to minerals, simply 
because they felt that "there 
was one field the current 'rock' 

scene had not touched upon." 
Carlin's performance was 
totally opposite to those seen on 
TV. He was extremely informal. 
His show consisted of material 
picked at random about God, 
Catholicism phrases and words 
we take for granted or never use 
and drugs. 

The show was very funny and 
Carlin simply amazed everyone 
with the continuous flow of his 
new and witty material. As if 
this were not enough, Carlin 
displayed another talent. He 
played a mean honky-tonk 


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MMnber F.O.I.C. 

area on several occasions and 
was received very well at all of 
their concerts. 

The group features Colin 
Cooper's inventive saxophone 
playing which he modifies with 
electronic effects, and Pete 
Haycock's tastefully flashy 

Their most recent album 
"Sense of Direction" has been 
among the fifty top-selling 
albums for over a month. 

If any contemporary music 
group could be said to create 
beautiful music, it is RENAIS- 
SANCE. The band's focal 
points are keyboard man John 
Tout, bassist John Camp, and 
the remarkable voice of Annie 
Haslam. The Michael Durford - 

Betty Thatcher writing team 
consistently produces strong 
material, and the production is 
such that RENAISSANCE 
seems able to summon the gist 
of a thousand years experience 
at the snap of their fingers. 

Despite the delicacy of their 
material, RENAISSANCE plays 
at rock concert volume and can 
hold their own on virtually any 
program - in fact, RENAIS- 
SANCE is scheduled to tour 
with JOHNNY WINTER soon. 

The package of RENAISSANCE 
one that can't help but please 
anyone who is into contempo- 
rary music at all. 

Along with Renaissance the CUM W HI I I s » \NI) will 
display virtuosity. 


NOV. 21 


8 -BEACHCOMBER Monday, November 11, 1974 

Optimism Soars 

Sports Editor 

Size and speed are the key words to this year's JC basketball 
squad, according to head coach Bob Wright. 

The head mentor is beginning his fourth season at the reigns of 
JC s roundball team, which finished second in the state last season. 

"We're bigger than any other team we've had here," "We're 
equal witli experience and inexperience." 
Wright said his club has speed as well as bench strength. 

"The team seems to be working harder," he says. "We're not as 
far back as last year because of our experience." 

He cited Donald Burns, Bill brandon, Dick Rousche and Guy 
Poyastro as key people in the Pacers' state competition hopes. 

With three out of the five starters 
back from last year's 22-7 club, 
Wright feels he has an even better 
team this year. The squad misses 
the presence of Keith Highsmith 
who was selected as a junior college 

Speaking of Division IV this year, 
Wright says it will be a toss up 
between six schools. 


Monday, November 4, 1974 ^ 

Coach Bob Wright 

"Competition will be strong in the conference," he says. 
"(Miami Dade) South, (Miami Dade) North, IRCC, Broward 
Central, (Broward) North, and PBJC are all strong. 

"It's a much stronger league all the way across the board." 

Before coming to JC, Wright coached in Kentucky. His high 
school coaching days shewed a 300 plus win record against slightly 
over 70 defeats. 
'Since coming to JC, his teams have won 63 and lost 25. 

A scrimmage game was played with Schmidt Pharmacy 
Thursday night at Wells Recreation Center to benefit a local charity 
organization. Schmidt Pharmacy is one of the best amateur teams 
in Palm Beach County. 

photo by Steve Fritz 

Dougherty Stresses Pocers ' Potential 

Staff Writer 

This year's Pacer golf team is 
one of the best ever, according 
to golf coach Ray Daugherty. 

"The team average is 305.7 

up to this point, while last year 
at this time it was 311." he says. 

In the first tournament of the 
year at Brevard, the Pacers 
finished in a tie for fourth. 

Bowling Teams 

Mens No. 1 Average 170.5 

Brian Richards 
Craig Sargent 
Kent Knox 
Bill Brown 

Mens No. 2 Average 158 WomensNo.2 Average 132 

Women No. 1 Average 144 

Sharon Nelson 
Jody Slazgeber 
Amy Strimbu 
Donna Marotta 

John Grant 
Tony Pilschiltz 
Allen O'Brien 
Kim Heiniska 

Margie Immel 
Ingiid Saimio 
Lynn Kalber 
Mary Armstrong 

The Pacers tied for last place 
in the second tournament, the 
Polk Invitation, but were only 
six shots out of second place. 

In their third start of the 
season at Hollywood Lakes, JC 
finished fifth behind defending 
national champion Broward, 
Dade North, Brevard and 

The Pacers finished fourth in 
their last tournament at 
Valencia in Orlando, finishing 
only six shots behind Broward. 
They beat Brevard and Dade 

Mike Sim has been playing 
the most consistent golf of the 
team's members. He has 
finished twelfth, fifth, third and 
sixth respectively in the last four 

Sim's 75 average is followed 
closely by Gregg Clatworthy's 
77, Jim Henry's 78 and Keith 
Dunn's 79. 

Other team members who 
have qualified for one or more 
tournaments are Emmett Fitz- 
gerals, Pat Kelly, Chuck Pinder 
and Kevin Willyewski. 

Last Thursday and Friday the 
team traveled to Fort Myers to 
play in the Edison Community 
Collegfe Invitational at the Cape 
Coral Golf and Raquet Club. 
The results of the invitational 
were not available at press time. 

"We seem to be improving 
after every round," Daughtery 
adds, "our last four-man total in 
competition was 296, our lowest 
of the year by five shots." 

If the team keeps improving 
the Pacers could be a strong 
contender when Broward puts 
its title on the line in the state 
tournament next May. 


Sports Editor I 

PBJC finished a disappoir; f 
ing eighth out of eleven tearis ', 
competing in the Florida Junici | 
College State Cross Couiitnl 
Meet on Nov. 2 in Gainesvi!>; [ 


Yet, Coach Dick Melear^ 
commented to a local newspi i 
per, "I had hoped to put it £'J 
together in Gainesville, but vt 
did gain two notches from on i 
finish last year so at least vej 
improved." ; 

Miami Dade South domiiialt.- 
the meet, totaling 34 points - 
Finishing a close second '.^i 
Florida JC of Jacksonville. 

Kevin Collins, of Flcrida JC 
paced the field over ihi 
grueling, hilly five-mile Santi 
Fe Community College courir 

The highest place finisher J- 
the Pacers was Mike Higgirs 
28th, a freshman from Lai: 

Don Edgar, Ken Anderso- 
and Ed Everett took 33rd, '12ni 
and 46th places respectively. 

Thinking more towards ! 
fourth place finish, Mdtd'i 
stated, "We've beaten mostc 
those schools at one time e\ 
another during the season, i 

"This is the first meet tf'' 
year that we've been out ■•; 
contention for the top sports' 

Dade-South and Florida Jl 
will represent Florida in "\ 
National meet in Oregon ner' 
week. ■ 

Lake City JC captured tl:r. 
place, followed by Indian Ri'.tr" 
Miami Dade-North, Pensacfls- 
Santa Fe of Gainesville, PD.'C 
Seminole, Brevard, Floriii 
College. I 

Coach Peter Webb of Indi^, 
River Community Collegt' 
echoed Mel ears remarks, '■• 
was a grueling race. Nonc^^ 
the teams had a good day *"-! 
the exception of Dade-Soutl 
Everyone's times were vi 

Rocketmen Win Scrimmage 








photo by Jim Coiima 

Bon Dicus sets for a slam. 


Sports Editor 

Sweeping the doubles matches, and taking five 
nut of seven singles matches, the JC Tennis team 
iiefeated Broward Central 4-3 last Thursday 

The first scrimmage of- the year on the JC 
-■ourts found Roberto Rizo, playing in the No. 1 
position, defeated Mark Watford 6-0, 7-5. 

"Roberto played an outstanding match. He 
was in complete control," commented teammater 
(lary Ray after his match. 

Gary Ray playing in the No. 3 position, - 
Miffered his first defeat at PBJC< Richard 
Hanauer captured a 7-6, 4-6, 6-3 victory. 


Special Rates With Liberal 
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Rates As Low As $176."'' A Year 
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3920 South Congress- Lake Worth, Florida 33460 
Phone (305) 968-6868 

Faculty Senate Votes Repeal 

News Editor 

Faculty senators overwhel- 
tningly voted in favor of a Math 
Department resolution repeal- 
ing an' unconstitutional decision 
to reveal Instructor of Distinct- 
ion scores. 

The resolution stated in part, 
"Faculty senators are elected to 
represent the views of their 
departments but had no 

opportunity to consult their 
departments and in as much 
that the vote on this matter was 
taken on the first reading in 
direct violation of the senate 
constitution, the Math Depart- 
ment does on record that this 
vote should be declared null and 

In opposition to the resolut- 
ion. Dr. Samuel Bottoato 
compared' the faculty senate 

with the U.S. Congress by 
saying, "We have been to many 
wars without any declaration of 
war by congress. Don't tell me 
we have to be slaves to a certain 
body of rules and regulaticMis by a 
fellow named Roberts (Roberts 
Rules of Order). I can show you 
where he says himself that it is 
the consent of the group." 

"I don't think that we need to 

declare the previous decision 
null and void," added Bottosto. 
The Math Department was 
asked to clarify their position, 
and they replied, "Our feeling 
was that it (IDA motion) should 
have been open to discussion; 
let the departments advise their 
people then come back to vote." 

The Math Department re- 
solution was the result of a vote 

Students were given the opportunity to farther 
understand the fight against abortion when the 
Palm Beach County Right to Life League visited 
the Lucy booth on November 12. 

The Right to Life League Is a. volunteer, 
non-profit organization geared to publicize the 
value of human life. They serve the needs of the 
women who elect to continue her pregnancy; 
while trying to alleviate counseling, medical, and 
economic problems. They also operate a crisis 
Life Line [842-4621], which offers emergency 
services to those in need. 

While at JC, the organization distributed 

pamplets to the students. They feel the more ^ 
Informed one is on the issue, the better equipped § 
she will be to make a decision ™ 

Some students, however, feel that the cafeteria g 
is a poor place to present their case. Requesting S 
the booth be moved, they cited the presentation S 
as being "untactful" and "unappetizing". S 

Volunteers for the program are jtrained hi a 5 
special course given by Dr. Alsofrom, Volunteer a 
Trainfaig Center Director. s 

The Right to Life League also gives a variety of S 
talks and presentations to various organizations g 
throughout the county 

taken at the previous senate 
meeting concerning a motion to 
reveal to the individual faculty 
member his IDA score. That 
motion was passed following a 
lengthy debate, with only one 
reading in the senate. The vote 
was in violation of the 
constitution which requires that 
a vote not be taken until after a 
second reading at a subsequent 

Mr'. Gross, a former member 
of the senate, objected to the 
Math Department proposal. 
"There were many instances-, 
where a second reading was not 
necessary. This was nothing 
more than a move to clarify the 
duties and responsibilities of the 
committee," Gross told the 

Mr. Schmiederer reminded 
the senate that they were there 
to represent the entire faculty, 
"We didn't do that; we didn't 
do what they elected us to do on 

The issue of revealing the 
IDA scores is now back before 
the senate and at their next 
meeting a second reading will 
take place. 

In other business, straws 
were drawn to determine the 
length of office of the current 
chairman and vice-chairman. 
Mrs. Vignau won the draw and 
will serve in office for two years 
as vice-chairman, and Max 
AUee is to be chairman for one 

Kenan Foley was elected to 
the Faculty Affairs Committee. 
He is replacing Allee who is no 
longer eligible to serve on the 

Action on a new sick leave 
_ program was sent to committee 
S for further study. 

/-On The Insider 


Too Few Resolutions 

Senators Told Wasting Time 

Staff Writer 

The Student Government 
Senate was accused Thursday of 
wasting time and doing an 
inadequate job for the student 

"You waste a lot of time," 
said Dan Hendrix, Ex-Offlcio 
Senate member. 

He told senators to "get out 
of Mr bashfulness" and talk 
with students to see what they 
want done. 

Hendrix got involved in the 
SG Senate because he feels JC 

has a good SG and he is tired of 
seeing "lousy" senates. He 
said too many i senators expect to 
reach the top in politics without 
working to get there. Hendrix 
suggested senators "do their 

SG Vice President Dolor 
Ginchereau, -informed senators • 
that in the piast few days some 
people have been complaining 
about only a few items 
appearing on the Senate 
Agenda each week. 

"I am not responsible for that 
you are!" said Ginchereau. He 

said he is only responsible for 

putting "old business" on the 


Ginchereau would likeJo see 

Turn to 'Wasting," pg. 3 

The Feminist movement 
and chivalry have somehow 
become inexplicably tied. . 
•see "51%", pg. 3. 

Aim, focus, clickl A 
conservation photo contest 
begins this week. . .see pg. 

"The Sign In Signey 
Brustein's Window" lacks 
action. . .see pg. 5. 

Pacers open '74-75 basket- 
ball season Wednesday. 
Complete team preview, 
.see pg. 7. 


Wanted: One Book Drop 

Staff Writer 

Student Government's Executive Board 
appropriated $100 for a downstairs book drop and 
discussed extending the library's , hours during 
the week of exams, at the November 12 meeting. 

A book drop would be a great convenience for 
students, according to SG Vice-President Dolor 

"Students can drop books off oh the way to 
class or the parking lot without having to go 
upstairs," he noted. 

The east side of the Business Administration 
Building is the planned site of this operation. 

A motion was passed to appropriate $100 for 
materials, while the Administration absorbs the 
remaining cost. Construction will be done by 


Mr. Daniel Hendrix, a member of the SG 
Advisory Committee, said that the Administra- 
tion should take care of funds for the book drop, 
and it should not come from SG's budget. 

Executive Board members diiscussed the 
feasibility of extending the library's hours on 
school nights and Saturday and Sunday during 
exam week. 

Mr. Arnold Freedman, Chairman of the 
Advisory Committee, commented that the 
library's hours should be extended year round. 

Cost of personnel is a problem. It was 
suggested that volunteer students could work in 
the library during the extra hours, along with 
limited personnel. 

No definite decision has been reached to date. 
Turn to "Library," pg. 3 

photo by Jim Collins 
Enrollment will be approximately the same for the winter- 
term as it was for the fall term. Accordhig to Registrar, 
Laurence Mayfield, there will not be much difiference except 
the possibility of a slight decrease. 

2859 students had registered as of Wednesday November 
13. Mayfield comments that many of the day students are not 
sure whether or not they are retumhig for the whiter term. 
M*ayfield believes this is one of the best and smoothest 
registrations, as there were no long lines. [Ha, Ha, Has]. 
Many of the 2859 registered students have not yet pidd their 
fees. Mayfield notes that if these fees a^ not paid by 
December 27 their schedule will be cancelled. 

2 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, November 18, 1974 

Monday, November 18, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 3 



Associafe Editor 

Managing Editor 

associated collegiate press 



Registration A-OK 

Both pre-registration and registration at JC usually brings a wave 
of criticism and complaints that flood the registrar's office. 
However, the pre-registration for the winter term went speedily and 
fairly well. Compliments must go to Registrar Lawrence Mayfield 
for a job well done. 

Scheduling classes was a breeze; howevet, several students 
complained of conflicts that should have been avoided. For 
example, the Public Speaking course needed for graduation of 
Journalizm A.A. students is in direct conflict with Journalism 201, 
an advanced laboratory class. 

Though errors are hard to avoid, it seems that for a college this 
size, major ones can be thwarted. Once again, Congrats go to the 
Registrar's office and staff for a job well done. 


'Comber staff 

■^tewT"-' ,..^,..,,,,^ tyttflKsfeft 


I + V ^ + » + » 


HiV»jBi*;-pwt S?a*i«*ef .' i. fi&fhtie N*tter; W** Pit(*ft; Amy 

Lucy's Booth 
Aborts Appetite 

The entrance to the JC cafeteria became 
reminicseni of the goriest scenes in "The 
E.\orcist" when a Lucy Booth debuted under the 
guidance of the "Right to Life" League. 

Stomachs turned and appetites disappeared 
when students ^ were conlVonted with eight 
full-color photographs of babies and aborted 
fetuses. The league, which has taken a very 
strong stand against abortion, is entitled to its 
opinion, but the- cheap shock value methods 
utilized in getting their point across are just that 
cheap. Granted, playing on people's emotions 
and .sympathy is an way to achieve support, 
but the approach taken was simply in very poor 

A complaint made by students was sufficient to 
change the booth's location away from the 
cafeteria entrance, but the conduct of the persons 
operating the booth continued. A "Lucy Booth" 
is theoretically a place where interested students 
can gel questions answered; booth operators 
continually violated this by standing directly in 
the hallway, stopping people who weren't 
interested, and getting into arguments while 
attempting to further their cause. 

Standards should be set to prevent the 
misconduct of invited guests and groups on 
campus. Also, material and preseniaiinn 
approaches should be previewed in order to 
establish the proper areas in which these booths 
should be set up. Bloody. aborted feiuscs, with 
arms aii>i legs sticking out, do not belong at 
cntr.inces m food establishments. 


thanks to all the 
ake tickets at the 
Sign in Sidney 

, Barb Buckley, 
f Driggers, Sandy 
r, Elaine Foley, 
e, Margie Mares, 
ano, Carol Story, 
ind Robin Witt, 
brams and Tory 

Dedrich and Mrs, 

Dan Buckley 
House Manager 


udent, teacher, 
linistrator, friend, 

r, then surely you 

end with what is 

..apijcning around you. Perhaps you have an 

exuberant and/or inquiring attitude toward life 

and human relationships. 

As we hear the hearbeat of self-awareness 
getting stronger and see, everyday, hands 
stretching out to touch life and grasp its fuller 
nieaning, it is encouraging and exciting to find 
out that it's going on in a really big way right 
here on campus. 

We want an improvement of this life: better 
communication between parents, teachers, 
friends and -elected politicans; we want love and 
peace;-and end to wars; an ecologically balanced 
.environment; etc. The search for involvement is 

In a small corner of our campus we are talking 
about educational improvements and the 
beginning of Ijfe - children. The Center of Early 

Learning is one place where dreams are born and 
the courage to bring about revolutionary changes 
is nurtured. 

Early Childhood Development (EN-110) is 
where it begins, and the instructress, Kathy 
Bowser, is one very alive individual. Life from 
birth, its educational aspects, and the making of 
individual men and women is discussed here. 
One doesn't feel alone thinking that changes 
ARE coming. 

Marscha Dampson 

APartial Picture 


Once again the Beachcomber has resorted to 
the abhorrent policy of providing the students of 
PBJC with only a partial picture of newsworthy 
events on campus. The most recent example of 
this is the editorial appearing in the November 
11, 1974, issue entitled "Honorable?". 

The entire editorial is erroneous; from the 
misleading introduction that, "The Student 
Government Senate has taken it upon 
themselves. . .to award honorariums and special 
privileges for each member of the Senate," to the 
ludicrous implication that no type of ". . 
.supervision over who gets the money, , ." has 
been established. 

The students of PBJC should have been told 
that all members of the Executive Board now 
receive honorariums. And that members of the 
Beachcomber staff receiving about $1000.00 PER 
TERM of "special privileges", not to mention 
students in Athletics. The point is that the 
Student Government Senators simply want equal 
spoils for equal toils. 

The argument, as presented in the editorial 
concerning why the Senators feel the 
honorariums are warranted is a blatant lie. The 
Senators feel the honorariums wilt enhance the 
continuity of the Senate, and therefore provide 
more beneficial legislation. 

There is one sentence in this editorial which is 

"Senators serve the students because they 
want to, not because of a token sum of monev." 

( l^BVBrbBrafiom ) 

\iXiMmmimmiiiii— I iiin ii ii m i m n ummmt^tmimt^mmie 

Why does the Beachcomber fail to serve the 
students by not reporting all the facts regarding 
Senatorial honorariums';" Could it be that greed 
overshadowed those who are so "Honorable?" 

Dave Upshaw 
SG Senator 


It seems that no one can be completely happy 
with the campus radio, WRAP. 1 have read at 
least two derogatory articles concerning the 
station in the Beachcomber. 1 am amazed at the 
plasticity of the complaints. 

Obviously, all the people can't be pleased all 
the time. But instead of trying to put down 
something that was.started for the students, why 
not look at the good aspects of it? 

The music is of good variety and ai a noise 
level that is not as loud as suggested in the 
previously mentioned articles. When asking 
friends who study and socialize in the cafeteria, 1 
have found few complaints about the station. 

So instead of complaining, why not "get Jt 
together" and enjoy the station. After all, isn't 
that the purpose of it? 

Candacc Parkman 


The 9W#h6owl»«f « }WW («heK} fettw Wr eett*' 

im « H^ &$«ih Junior Cia8*t|«^ 4208$- Hm' 
■SPSt AiMsmMi, Utca ¥!ft»rt(*, Fiwfrfa 33456. 


The Newman Club is 
currently planning it's 
annual Christmas party for 
migrant children and vol- 
unteers are needed. The 
party will take place 
December 14, 1974 at the 
Newman Center from 1:00 
to 5 p.m. Activities will 
include a rock band, 
games, pony rides, and a 
visit from Santa 

Canned goods, toys, 
clothing, candy and money 
are needed the most. 
Boxes for these items have 
been placed in the 
Beachcomber office, the 
Humanities building, and 
various other locations. 

A meeting will be held 
for volunteers on Friday, 
Novembier 22 at the 
Newman Center. 

SG Wasting Time 

•5 1 Percent 


Continued from pg. 1 
a change in election reform so 
that foul-ups which occured in 
this year's election do not 
happen next year. He would 
also like an activity hour for 
clubs and release time set up for 
SGA and other club advisers. 

Senator Sam Putt said the 
senate has not been self 

"We want to make it a 
self-sustaining body," com- 
mentedPutt. "I will assure you 
that there is a program on foot 
that will affect every student 

Putt's ambition is for all JC 
graduates to leave the campus 
knowning they have friends 
here. He also wants all 
government officials and teach- 
ers fo wear name tags, so 
students can recognize them. 

"I would like to see the 

Feminist Chivalry 

— '. — J. Michele Natter- 

Fee Meeting Due 

Quick! Think of the Middle 
Ages! Castles, crusades. King 
Arthur, Guinevere, knights, 
ladies. , .and chivalry. 

The feminist movement and 
chivalry have somehow become 
inexplicably tied. Chivalry is 
linked with love and respect; 
therefore, by losing chivalry,' a 
wom£in loses love and respect. 
Amazing! Who would have 
thought the "Battle of the 
Doors" could cause so much 

Why should the threat of loss 
of vestige chivalry be so great? 
Because the concept of love that 
supportis it is a unique and 
fundamental creation of thou- 

Important things happened to 
this concept during the Middle 
Ages, among them was the 
codification of attitudes toward 

Ladies were put on a 
pedestal, virtuous, beautiful 
and gracious (sounds more like 
a goddess,than a flesh and blood 

Unfortunately, this definition 
was applied only to the female 
aristocracy. What about the 
other 95!4% of the female 

Perhaps it is best put into 
words by the monk of 
IVIontandum (1180 - 1213): 

"And I hold that woman to be 
a bore 

Who is both poor and 
disdainful. . . 

And I am bored, by Saint Aon 
By a broad woman with a 
narrow cleft.,'.' 

Obviously" (here are, two 
definitions of wonien presented 
here. Perhups the comments by 
John Benton on courtly love 
clarify the necessity of chivalry. 
"Whateftects did the canons 
of courtesy iiavo on the status of 
vvonien.' Courtesy was created 
lor men for their own 
-.aii.^raction and it emphasized a 
"Oman's role as an object. 


$2.76 par pafi 

Sand now for latsct eattlog. En- 
dose $2.00 to cover return po*t- 


S7 Soadina Av*., Suite #308 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada 

(41S) 3M-fl646 
Our mtareh t»rvk0 it toU 
for nstafch tttittanc* only. 

sexual or otherwise. 

Since they did not encourage 
a genuine respect for women as 
individuals, the conventions of 
medieval chivalry did not 
advance women toward legal or 
social emancipation." 

To continue this train of 
thought, chivalry denotes res- 
pect, respect leads to love, to be 
loved one must be feminine. 

Love is having a door open for 
you. I wonder who said, "I'd 
rather have equal pay and be 
able to employ a doorman?" 

It could be that rising cries of 
fetninism pose a serious threat; 
the placebo of love and chivalry 
are being trotted out again, 
brushed up and polished. 

Certainly morally uplifting, 
love was just one of many 
sentiments expressed about 
women during the Middle Ages. 
It was not universal, it appiied 
only to noble wonien. It made 
no positive changes for the 
reality of live of medieval 

Today ihis concept has been 
selei'ted from our past; it is 
univeis;i!ly tnuted. its benefit to 
uoniankind extrollcd. 

This cuncept of love offers 
women a false sense of power, it 
restricts the ways which men 
must deal with women to a 
narrow dimension of human 
capacity and it permits men to 
discoiiiit the competency of 
women in men's iibscncc. 


Associate Editor 

Having received Board of 
Trustee approval of his activity 
fee plan at' the October 16 
board meeting, SG President 
Tory Buckley feels that a 
meeting of thie Student Activity 
Fee Committee could come 
early in the 'Winter Term. 

One reason for the earlier 
meeting is that the committee 
must project how many students 
will be in attendance for the 
1975-76 school year. Since 
organization budgets must be 
turned in to various JC 
departments in early spring, a 
percentage allocation could not 
be used, accoi^ing to Buckley. 
"The only thing you can do is 
project the amount of enroll- 
ment or credit hours taken," 
comments Buckley. "What you 
have to base it on is the year 
before and the year before 
that." • 

Another reason for an early 
winter meeting is dissention 
over the second part of the 
Buckley plan in vvhich all monies 
left over at the end of the school 
year will revert back to the 
organization's budget. 

JC President Dr. Harold C. 
Maiioi had wanted the monies 
to revert back to the general 
fund, and following defeat of his 
proposal said, "the students 
might as well spend it anyway." 

SG President Buckley is 
concerned about contentions 
from Manor and others that the 
niuiiey niight be allocated 

Shkiy G-r^VQ" 







According to Buckley, "The 
committee will definitely look at 
the budgets of all organizations 
probably a little more closely so 
we can avoid any kind, of 
contentions over not spending 
money wisely." 

The Student Activity Fee 
Committee is composed of 
advisors and student represen- 
tatives from athletics. Student 
Government, the Beachcomber, 
Media, Galleon, Assemblies 
Committee, and also two SG 
senators and one member of the 
SG Executive Board. 

resolutions committee swamped 
with resolutions," said Senator 
Dave Upshaw. "I would like to 
see this floor soking from the 
debate on any good issue." 

As far as revising the student 
body constitution, Senator Rob 
Abrams, chairperson of the 
Constitutional Amendments 
Committee, said "We still 
operate under the present 
constitution and we are still 
bound to this constitution." 

The constitution does not 
specifically state impeachment 
proceedings. Ginchereau said 
the Constitutional Amendments 
Committee would work on that 
problem. The committee will 
look at other college constitut- 
ions and come up with a 
complete method for impeach- 
ment of SG officials. 

The senate passed a Constit- 
utional Amendment, 17 - 1, 
which allows the Seante to pass 
an amendment by two-thirds 
vote of all Senators voting and 
present at senate meetings. 
The amendment, written by Bill 
Penney and Rob Abrams, is 
being sent to the College 
Activity Committee for appro- 
val. If the coiiimittee approves 
the amendment, it will then 
have to be ratified by the 
student body in an election. 

Dan Buckley was sworn in as 
a senator Thursday. He took the 
oath of office and is now an 
official senator. 

After eight Senate sessions, 
three resolutions, one Bill of 
Appropriations, and several 
Constitutional Amendments left 
over from last year have been 

Library Extended 

Continued from pg. 1 

A motion was passed to appropriate $250 for two durable 5' by 10' 
bulletin boards to be placed outside the cafeteria. 

Also purchased- recently was a magnetic calendar board. SG 
Secretary Constance Holmes said the bulletin boards are also 
needed because they show more detail than the calendar board. 

The Executive Board passed a motion to underwrite tickets for 
two upcoming concerts at the West Palm Beach Auditorium. JC 
students are entitled to pay half price to see James Brown on 
November 22 and Kris Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge on 
November 23. 

Final approval of $1,000 for the 50's dance was delayed until the 
November 19 meeting. 




hkn S|irings Shsfpinf Ctnter 

Ifitft Av«. S S. Cengms 

tm i ii M»i iii n ii « » .~. iiiii m«. iiii Siiirm i «^il 

Fresh Pizza Dough 
Is Made Daily 

4 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, November 18, 1974 

Monday, November 18, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 5 

Richard Ferrara, right, Direc- 
tor of Community Activities at 
Palm Beach Gardens Center is 
explaining CPR [Coronary 
Pulmonary Resuscitation] to 
evening studenti Eleanor 
Birdsall [left]. It is a very 
practical course for citizens 
who live in condominiums as 
she does. This course for 
teaches treatment which 
conveys venous blood from 
right verticle of the heart to 
the longs. 

f— Open File" 

photo by Winnit Kni^f-on 

Gardens Cenfer Not Inactive 

Evening Reporter 

It is an interesting surprise to note all the 
activity revolving in our North Center. Many of 
the classes are strictly academic and comparable 
to the main campus. On the other hand, you will 
find proportionately more community activities at 
the Palm Beach center. 

Aroma from cooking classes welcomes you as 
you approach the main corridor. You might hear 
the beating of drums or a choral offering from 
a'far. All of this is housed in Palm Beach Gardens 
High School except the main office which is an 
elaborate mobile home west of the building. A 
portion of the school is in barracks, which adjoin 
main structure. 

Evening students may here fulfill JC 

requirements for comprehensive subjects such as 
Freshman Communications, Principles of 
Biology, Healthful Living, General Math and 
many others from term to term, 

Robert D'Angio is evening coordinator of this 
"jumping" place and keeps everything well 
organized. Also involved in this very busy 
organization is Richard Ferrara, director of 
community activities. Many offerings of the 
latter classification are non-credit but serve other 
useful purposes in the community, such as first 
aid, art, decoupage, handicrafts, and anything 
that is in great demand. 

For students living in that end of the city, the 
Gardens is really a great convenience. 

Shutter Bug Contest Starting 

Feature Editor 

Aim, focus, click! The 
camera shutters of JC will be in 
action for the next few weeks as 
the JC Science Club and the 
Beachcomber sponsor their 
photo contest. 

Judged by Dr. Miles (Art 
Dept.), Mr. Slattery (Art Dept.;, 
and Mr. Hartman (Biology 
Dept.) the photos should be 
centered around ecology and 
conservation (i.e. wildlife and 
pollution). The 8 X 10 prints 
(mounted or unmounted) will be 
judged Wednesday; December 
4, after the 12 noon deadline. 

f f I lU MES 








LeettMi IflNwr 
Auto tag MMIflA 



The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place 
winners of each category, color 
and black and white, will receive 
prizes of $15, $10 and $5 
respectively. Honorable men- 
tions will also be awarded. 

The photos will be returned if 
the judges are notified as such 
in advance. The Science Club 
and 'Comber will take all 
possible measure to prevent any 
damage to the pictures but 
won't be responsible for any 
damage or loss. 

The judges decisions will be 
final and they possess all rights 
hot to award prizes if they don't 
think the entries warrant it. 

The winning prints will be 
published in the December 9 
issue of the Beachcomber and 

will be displayed in the 'Comber 
window by December 11. 

Sociology Studies 

Cindy Cowen. 

Are you an "idea" person? Does your imagination at times carry 
you a little out of reality? Are you a sociable person and one wlio 
gets off on understanding what makes a person tick? To sum it up, 
if mankind and the study of human behavior 'intrigues you, you may 
inevitably some day wish to make the sociological study of your 

Public relations is a field so many of us use ourselves 
(nonprofessionally) every day just in dealing with fellow mates and 
adults - bot those we like and dislike. Public relations personnel arc 
dealing with ideas and people all the time. A good public relations 
man is creative, able to mix well socially and able to converse on a 
variety of subjects. He should also be outgoing and able to evaluate 
people and situations, and above all, he must have good judgement 
and leadership qualities to inspire and teach his fellow workers and 

Public relations workers are responsible for developing and 
maintaining public opinion favorable to the organizations |uang 
their services. They have become valued as advisers on policy in 
the organizations where they work. A good Public Relations 
program takes into consideration the likes, dislikes, needs, and 
interests of the public in attempting to win their approval of a client, 
product, or service represented 'by the public relations man. 

Employment can be found in such places as: schools, hospitals, 
information services, trade and professional organizatioris, 
legislative lobbying, commercial and industrial firms, advertising 
agencies, and many more. Most trainees in public relations work 
receive starting salaries of about $6,000 ot $8,000 and after several 
years experience can be earning as much as $25,000 and on up , 
Public relations in the state of Florida is certainly vastly iniportant 
for the obvious reason that so many of our population originates 
from all over the country, and in addition - we all are aware of the 
rapid expansion and growth of this state in industry, technology, 

Though public relations is a relatively new field, courses are 
offered at PBJC and other junior colleges throughout the U.S. as a 
major, public relations courses should fall under journalism, 
business, or liberal arts. 

The courses would include subjects concerning: psychology, 
political science, history, sociology, anthropology, public speaking, 
and in some cases, marketing, business, and advertising. 

In conclusion: the "complete" public relations man must 
continue to be a perennial student in the art- and science of public 
opinion and communication as they apply in public relations. 

Gallery Exhibit Opens 

Macrame, scuplture, mosaic, 
drawings, prints, and jewelry all 
the work of one woman, will be 
displayed in the Humanities art 
show this week and next. The 

Frisbee Tlirow Fizzles Out 

Staff Writer 

The first non-annual Frisbee Day took place this past 
Thursday in front of the SAC lounge. The event sponsored by 
the Student Government was not a success according to SG 
President, Tory Buckley, although at one point from about 
10:30 till 1 1:00 ten people were out throwing the frisbee in the 
iback of the lounge. Throughout the day small, numbers could 
be seen throwing the frisbee in front of the lounge. Many 
decided not to throw the frisbee when they saw that others 
were not participating. 

very gifted Josephine Gray, JC j 
art instructor, put her talent to 
work while on her sabbatical ; 
during the Winter Term of 1973. ; 

The art show, in i\\f 
ground-floor gallery of tlte' 
Humanities building, is a visual 
sabbatical report of Mrs. Gray's 
study at the University ol; 
Oklahoma. ; 

Included in her works are , 
three-dimensional paintings, i 
made of polyurethane, and \ 
ceramics, weaving, and screen ; 
prints. i 

The Humanities galleiy will ; 
be open Monday through Friday 
between 8 a.m. tb^ ip.m. (to 10 
p.m. Thursdays) '^tid is closed 
on Saturday and Sunday. 



With a difference 
It doesn't take much 
to be posh 

2170 lOth Ave. Nortti 
Lake Worth, Fla. 

WANTED Lead guitarist to form 
-rock band. Call Alan 582-2427. 

FOR SALE Vivitar 28/2.5 
screw-mount lens. $65 Call 

"BRAND X" custom pidnting: 

car, bike, van or helmet. Call 
686-2987, as for Rick. 

FOR SALE 1970 Toyota Corona, 

good condition, good mileage. 
Gall Sam 833-7695 eves. 

FOR SALE 1972 Yamaha MX, 

trailer, boots, helmet, leathers, 
and extras $600.00 or best offer. 
Call 965-2818 ask for Tom. 

FOR SALE 1972 Ford Pinto, 3 

door, $1,500 or make offer. Call 
Dave after 6 p.m. 588-0112. 

FOR SALE 1973 Yamaha 175 
Enduro, like new, only 500 
miles. $595. Call 626-2284. 

FOR SALE Good deal for Scuba 
Divers. Aqualung Aluminum 
Tank 72 cu. in. and backpack for 
S75 Call 588-7783 in Lake Worth 

FREE: Two Siamese/ Persian '. 
Cats. Sealpoint, one and a half ^ 
years old. Neutered and \ 
declawed. Very friendly. Call ■ 
Derri after 5 p.m. 659-0659. ' 

FOR SALE 16 foot Catamaran. ! 

Waharran design, with trailer. 
Call 582-1252. . 

FOR SALE 14 ft. Starcrafi, ; 
ski-boat, with trailer. $150 or s 
best offer. Call 626-0829. ; 



'Comber Play Review 

Ploy Foils To Move 

Entertainment Co-Editor 

"The Sign In Sidney 
Brustein's Window" was a play 
of much action. The action, 
however did not take place 
physically but rather verbally. 

There was a lot to be heard by 
those people willing to listen but 
little to see for those people 
expecting visual action. The 
little physical action that was 
there was expressionistic act- 
ions often used by conversat- 
ionalists, such as hand motions 
facial expressions, and pacing 
back and forth. 

Unfortunately, all that the 
play consisted of was conver- 

Granted, what conversation 
was there was interesting, 
presenting many interesting 

phrases, and much witticism. 

Iris Brustein, portrayed very 
well with close character 
identification by Karen Moore, 
made a memorable statement 
when she spoke of going to an 
audition. Iris was a bad actress 
but in her own eyes she was 
good. She made the statement, 
"No matter how hard you try, 
you can never do it (the scene) 
as good as you did the night 
before, in front of the mirror." 
This statement is very interest- 
ing in that it points out how Iris, 
when looking at herself through 
the mirrors eyes (or her own 
eyes) considers herself a good 
actress, but when she looks at 
herself through the eyes of the 
producer at the audition, she 
sees herself as he does, a bad 

Gloria Parodus is an unhappy 
hooker in the play. She is 
puzzled by how people often 
believe they have to do things 
they really don't want to. This 
is interesting because she is a 
prostitute though she doesn't 
want to be. "The things people 
think they have to do. ." she 
. states. 

Gloria was portrayed rather 
effectively by Kitty Albertson. 

All through the play the 
characters made intellectual 
comments which directly refle- 
cted their positions in life. 

The play was very intellectu- 
ally orientated. Those who do 
not feel like examining every 
line for its hidden meanings 
would find it relatively point- 
less. Not much happened! The 
characters go together and 

The remaining characters all 
had their moments of witticism. 

Sidney Brustein was played 
by Joe Redon who did a good job 
.for his' first appearance on 
stage, Alton Scales was 
characterized well by Keith 
:Cooper. Mavis Parodus was a 
very nice character that was 

IVlax, the artist, played by David Batho, hurls a comment 
across stage. Opinions were the main expressions which 
filled the play. ...,,„„, 

^ photo by Jim Collins 

P- Frankly Speaking ' ■" ■ 

A Play On Movies 

Frank Smith' 

Deadltae for Classified Ads IH 
p.m. every Wednesday. 


It seems to me that movies, 
riowadays are beginning to 
present the strangest people as 
their heroes. Think for a 
moment, about the heroes of 
such movies as, "Clockwork 
Orange", "Groove Ttibe", 
"Magnum Force", "Franken- 
stein," "The Mechanic," and of 
the strange: happenings in the 
movie "The Last House on the 


Someone,- somewhere, said 
this before, "They don't make 
movies like they used to 

Violence is a science and love 
is just a game, they're not the 
same. The characters are killers 
or thieves at their best, 
Hollywood finds they have more 
color than the rest. It used to 
be, you could see your hero save 
the day, but now we cheer, just 
to see our hero get away. 

Simple stories don't exist, all 
of them persist in winding down 
the beaten path towards a novel 


Men are more than friends 
they are lovers oftentimes, and 
every heroine . is apt to be 
attacked when she reclines. 
When the plot is getfing dull. 

and the lines are getting stale, 
they interject a murder, or two, 
it never fails. 

In movies, there are life's 
degenerations, psychotic com- 
plications religious implications, 
all of them explored, but were 
often better off when they're 

They just don't make them 
like they used to anymore. I 
started out poetic, but I will turn 
prophetic, tosay that if they let it 
go much farther I will probably 
-go quite mad. (Not that I'm 
not mad now, after remember- 
ing all those terribly stupid 
movies, I mean. . .) 

Sidney [Joe Redon] consoles his 
the play, "The Sign In Sydney 

represented with sweetness by 
Dixie Olinger. 

David Regin was brought to 
life by Gene Lancaster who 
seems to have mastered the 
"method" with a good degree 
of proficiency. 

wife. Iris [Karen Moore] In 
Brustein's Window," 

photo by Jim Collins 

Gregory Odell was a good 
"technical type" detective. 

Mac, the artist, stole the 
show. His part was the closest 
thing the playhad to offer in the 
way of physical action. He was 
portrayed by David Batho. 

—Movie Review 

''Odessa" Different 




In the current wa've of 
nostalgia and disaster movies, 
we have a change of pace: ' 'The 
Odessa File." 

This former number one best 
seller brings us the story of a 
personal manhunt for a Nazi 
executioner who is living under 
an alias somewhere in Ger- 

The intrigue of the movie 
involves Jon Voight, the film's 
star, finding a book telling about 
a secret underground organiza- 
tion of Nazi members. These 
men live under aliases so they 
won't be prosecuted for war 
crimes they committed during. 
Hitler's mass executions. 

As Voight tries to track one of 
these men down, he learns that 
someone is trying to stop him. 

After an attempt on his life, 
he is kidnapped by an 
underground Israeli group. He 
is persuaded to disguise himself 
as a former Secret Service (SS) 
member and infiltrate Odessa, 
exposing the members and 

convicting the ones who were 
responsible for carrying out 
Hitler's war atrocities • 

Voight does this surprisingly 
fast and to top it off he pinpoints 
the man he's after in a matter of 
days. Then comes the climactic 
moment when Voight meets him 
eye to eye. They both exchange 
philosophies and the ending is 
surprising but not shocking. 

The action seems to be taken 
out of spy movies and there are 
at least three humorous parts in 
the whole film. 

What the film has going for it 
is intrigue and exceptional 
settings. Although the story 
and action sound over-used, the 
.stoiy is interesting and realistic. 

The filming is beautiful, 
making full use of Germany's 

many new and old settings 
combined with modern camera 
angles and techniques. 

This is Voight's best 
performance since "Midnight 
Cowboy." Would you believe 
he speaks broken English 
throughout the movie? 

With the prices of films 
nowadays, it becomes harder 
and harder to occasionally see 
movies. "The Odessa File", 
like any other, has its own 
appeal to its own audience in it's 
own way. 


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6 -BEACHCOMBER Monday, November 18, 1974 

Monday, November 18, 1974 BEACHCOMBER -7 

Seminar Sways 

Staff Writer 

Jazz and Blues music was the 
topic of the November 13 music 
seminar sponsored weekly by 
the JC music depanment. 

A seven member ensemble 
consisting ol Mr. Bill Prince 
from Florida Atlantic University 
playing the trumpet and 
fluegelhom. Mr. Jim Gross of JC 
on the baritone saxophone, alto 
saxophone and the clarinet. Mr. 
Sy Pryweller of JC on the 
drums, Mr. Tom Webb free- 
lance musician playing the 
trombone Mr. Wally Cirillo 
professional musician on the 
pinao. Mr. Walter Ellefson 
professional musician on the 
bass guitar, and Mr. Ron 
Davidson professional and 
part-time JC instructor playing 
the tenor saxophone. 

The group opened with a 
blues song, just blues as it was 

explained by Mr. Prince wno 
arranged and spoke for the 
group. Mr. Prince pointed out 
just what makes blues blues and 
said that a musician must be 
trained to play in a blues 

The audience which filled the 
large HU 4 room was further 
entertained listening to some 
well known songs like One 
O'clock Jump. Struttin' With 
Some Barbecue, a combination 
of Whispering and Groovin 
High, Poopsie, and the theme 
from the Last Tango in Paris. 

Mr. Prince explained that the 
seven ensemble members could 
perform a jazz or blues 
arrangement spontaneously be- 
cause of their musical back- 
ground. So without pre-plann- 
ing the ensemble harmonized 
and united to end the 
educational and entertaining 

A liiw of brass Instruments punctuate a nambei- was the main 
during the jazz seminar. An explanation of blues 

photo by Jim 

attraction of (he show. 


Nov. 20th Palm Beach Auditorium presents Lynn Anderson, 
Conway Twitty at 8 o'clock tickets will cost $6.00, $5.30 and $5.00. 

Nov. 22nd JAMES BROWN at the West Palm Beach Auditorium 
tickets cost $6.50, (S5.50; reserved). SGA films "WALKING 
TALL" and •'PLAY MISTY FOR ME" will be presented at 7:30 
p.m. There will be a camping trip to Myakka River State Park on the 
22nd, 2Jrd, and 24th. Meet in room SC 8 on Nov. 20th at 1:20 for 

appear at West Palm Beach auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Tickets will 
cost S6.50, $5.50. and $4.50 (reserved seating). 

-Future Features •■ — 

Busy Week For Taurus 

— — Flick Moger- 

PISCESi You come to a better 
understanding of where you're 
•going, what you must do. 
Friends are helpful. You learn a 
new skill. 

ARIES: A revision of long-held 
views is in order. Someone you 
had always thought of as 
straight turns out to be more 
liberal than he or she appears. 
Conflict with family is foreseen. 
TAURUS: This is a lively week, 
full of action. Indecision and 
uncertainty fade away. A 
confidential conversation could 

result in a bit of useful' 

GEMINI: Use agressive tactics ■ 
to get what you want. Stand up 
and you'll be noticed, speak out 
and you'll be heard. Don't 
crouch in a corner or hide 
behind someone else. 
CANCER: You tend to be 
temperamental and to demand 
your own way. Be wary of an 
authority- with the same idea. 
Give a little now and you will 
gain much in the future. 
LEO: Patience in the daytime 


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we can provide you free ciiecking, discounts from local merchants, 

$20,000 of individual accidenta! death insurance, 

group-rate travel and more for $3 a month. 

Call us at 655-one-eight-three-five. 


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Member FDIC 

pays off in the evening. A 
trying assignment will work c: 
well. Watch out for people vMii 
sun in their eyes. 

VIRGO: Information you gf 
could be taken the wrong wa* 
You want two things at onR 
Decide between them. Wk* 
will bring the most profit in i* 
long run? 

LIBRA: Avoid crowds l^ 
week. Touchy person 
situations are best left alons , 
Take paths of lowest risk. ' 
SCORPIO: Money, or a s\mh 
benefit, comes from the soun\ 
■you'd least expect. Pf 
difficulties and complieati' 
are finally cleared up and tosic. 

SAGITTARIUS: Clumsiness li. 
problem this week. Rememl-- 
■ that other people can ot 
, respond to what they see in y ^ 
- not to what you wish they'd s^ , 
• Get responsibiitics out of i' 
; way now - otherwise they « , 
overwhelm you. 

inspiration come to yov i' 
:week, and you become ir- 
creative and inventive. 1 
think of new ways aroL 
difficulties. Your advice is lo' 
respected; give it freely. 

AQUARIUS: You won't i 
something for nothing, aithoi. 
you'd like to try. Let \ 
practical nature be your guit 
Search out the less obu> 
meanings of what people \vj\ 

Clubs Plan 

50's Dance 

The campus clubs liavegni'^ 
together and have come up"'" 
the idea of having a 50's daiiu , 
They are combining hard wvti 
originality, and fun into «!"■' 
they believe will be a IM 
supcess. ■ 

The dance will be held Friiii' 
December 13. The band will 1' 
putting on a four hour stsJ 
containing SO'.s songs and ^U^ 
music as well as sor 
contemporary selections. 

The cooperation reieiu 
from various clubs J"" 
organizations' and the indi' 
expressed from the Mini 
body has been outstanditi! 
Both students ai.d t':i^>'l'' '' 
encouraged to lutcn'i. 

The dress for the oi.i..i'>. " 
50's attire. 

Pacers Entertain 
Sallfish In Debut 


Sports Writer 

With the desire to return to 
liie state tournament embedded 
in *iitnr brains, the Pacer 
basketball team opens the 
season Wednesday night 
against Palm Bc.ich Atlantic's 
.(V team. 

Tip-ofl IS slated for 7:30 p.m. 
with ihu doors opening at p.m. 
rickets are $1 for adults and JC 
students with ID get in free. 

The home opener against the 
Sailfish is the only contest on 
ihe JC hardwood until Dec. 14. 
The F^acers travel to Seminole 
Saturday night and play in two 
lournaments over the Thanks- 
giving break. 

Beginning his fourth year at 
the helm. Bob Wright comes off 
his most successful year (22-7) 
with a dub of depth, speed and 

"I probably won't know until 
Tuesday night who I'll start," 
commented Wright. 

Battling for the two forward 
positions are Miguel (Gus) 
Poyastro, a 6'6" sophomore 
from Akron, Ohio; Bill Brandon, 
co-captain, a 6'3" sophomore 
from Twinshurg, Ohio; and 
Victor,.a b'5" freshman 
from Cleveland, Ohio. 

Poyastro was selected to the 
All F.ICC State Tournament 
team last year. Brandon started 
about 3/4 of last year's season 
and has a .soft touch and 
good quickness according to the 

In the middle will be either 
Richard "Tiny" Mitchell, a 7' 
sophomore from Taylor, Michi- 

gan: or Richard Nelson, a 6'4" 
sophomore jumping-jack from 
Riviera Beach. 

The best race is at guard. 
Four men are to see plenty of 
action. Donald Burns, a 6'3" 
hometown .sophomore, is said to 
have the quickest hands in 
town. Cunningham, a 6' 
lieshman from mount Sterling, 
Kv., is possibly the best shooter 
on the club. Mike Gibbs, a 
5' 10" freshman, also from 
Mount Sterling, is another 
prospect to replace Ail-Ameri- 
can Keith Highsmith, Letter- 
man Dick Rousche, a 6'3" 
sophomore from Cincinnati, is 
an excellent clutch player, 

"A starting position on our 
ball club is not that important 

Fowl Event 

because we substitute. We play 
everybody," said Wright. 

Balance has been a JC 
trademark as evidenced by six 
players in double figures last 
sea.son. Four of those six have 
returned along with several top 
recruits. This gives the Pacers a 
formidable nucleus to build 

Wright commented that 
Coach George Perides' Sailfish 
have a well-disciplined club. 
"We had a tough time beating 
them last year." 

Saturday the Pacers travel to 
Sanford to tangle with Semi- 
nole. "Joe Sterling always does 
a good job," Wright commen- 
ted. "They've been in the state 
tournaments every year." 

Karen Anderson is one of eight Pacer cheerleaders for the 
1974-75 basketball season. 

Gobbler Chase Set By l&R 

Staff Writer 

The annual Turkey Trot is to 
he run at 11:00 a.m. on 
Thursday. Nov. 21, on the 
jogging course. It is open to 
everybody and all participants 
will be excused from class at 
1 1:(){) to compete. 

The Turkey Trot which has 
liccii a traditional event around 
riianksgiving lor the past five 
years, is changing its ibrm this 

The format which used to 
consist of running the jogging 
course, with the winners being 
decided by who was the fastest, 
has been changed to give 
everybody a chance. 

At every quarter-mile pole the 
contestants must answer three 
questions dealing with sports 
activities. For each question 
answered contestants will be 
given a symbol, and they must 
have nine symbols when they 
ero,ss the finish line since there 

will be three quarter-mile poles 
on the mile long course. 

Coach Roy Bell, Intramural 
director, hopes to increase on 
the previous high of thirty-six 
contestants participating. 

The Turkey Trot which has 
usually been divided into four 
divisions, a men's and women's 
student and a men's and 
women's faculty, will just be an 
open competition this year. 

Carl Kidd and Joy Farnsworth 
were last years winners in the 


i Burns Recalls 

I Tourney Trail 



^ Associate Editor 

g "The biggest surprise of the 
,§ tournament was that Palm 
§ Beach got to the finals. . .and 
§ heart and desire is how they got 
§ there," commented i he referee 
§ after the JC basketball teams 
§ tnial game of lasi season. 
§ One of the imporian 
§ elements of 
§ desire" wai 
§ Dniiatd Burns 


of that 'heart and 

IS Pacers nuard 


§ Burns well remeniberv the 
S State Junior College final of last 
^ season, a heart-breaking 81 78 
§ loss lo eventual national 
S riiiiiier-up Chipola. . and he' 
§ intends to improve on the 
§ squad's final position this 
^ .season. 

§ The 0-3 sophomtn-e relates 
s liow other coaches w!io had 
fe teams in the state final "said 
§ iliL-rc uas no way PBJC could 
§ will it. . and Coach (Bob) Wright 
§ laughed at them because it was 
s just that funny." 
^ With three regulars, includ- 
§ iti!^ Burns, and one part-time 
§ i-ciiular returning for Wednes- 

day's opening game against the 
Palm Beach Atlantic J V's in the 
JC Gymnasium, optimism is 
running high for a big season, 
including a trip to the national 
.IC finals. 

After listening to Burns, one 
might conclude that the Pacers 
have already made it. 
According to the West Palm 
Beach native. "This year it was 
hard to .schedule opponents 
because peopple were scared to 
play us." 

Along with Burns and 
returning starters Gus Poyastro, 
William Hall, and Bill -Brandon 
other reasons that opponents 
were reluctant to schedule JC 
might be newcomers Richard 
"Tiny" Mitchell and Mike 

Gibbs. a 5-10 guard from Mt. 
Sterling, Kentucky, is expected 
to replace graduated AU-Ameri-' 
can Keith Highsmith as Burns 
running mate at guard, 

Burns would often be on the 
finishing end of. fast breaks 
engineered by Highsmith, but is 
looking forward to his new 

6'3" Pacer guard Donald Bums shows his agility Jn a recent 

partner, "WhileQbbsis not as 
quick." says Burns, "he is a 
better passer than Highsmith. 
and both can shoot and handle 
^the ball well." 

Many of Gibbs' passes may 
be directed at the Pacers' 7 - 
center Mitchell, a transfer 
student from Taylor. Michigan. 
Likewise. Burns is high on him. 

JC Coach Wright commented 
following the Chipola loss that 
"We weren't getting enough 
rebounds." and Burns feels that 
the presence of "Tiny" in the 
middle should eliminate the 

Last season. Burns was the 

leader of a' tough defensive 
press that often embarrassed 
opponents. The Pacers, 
described by. Burns as a 
"running team," should con- 
tinue the same style of -plav in 

"We recruit players to fit this 
mold." comments Burns, .who 
forsees continued upgrading of 
the JC athletic program, | 
"Every year this school is going | 
to improve - not just f 
basketfaali-wise, but also in | 
baseball and tennis." exclaims S 
Burns. | 

"From here on out people are § 
gonnii hear a lot about PBJC"[ 1 

student division while Hamid 
Faquir and Frances Ledbetter 
took the faculty division, 

"We hope that the new style 
will prevent or allow the quick 
minded to overcome the 
handicap of not being quick 
runners," commented Bell. 

The intramural director went 
on to say this would make it like 
"chasing a mythical turkey." 

The top three places receive 
turkeys, the following three 
receive chickens and the final 
three receive hens. 

Gators Top 


Sports Writer 

JC's women's golf squad took 
8th out of 13 schools in the Lady 
Gator Invitational in Gainesville 
Nov. 11. 

The top individual effort for 
the Pacers was Colleen Walker, 
with a 77-85-162. Linda Moore 
was lO^-iifitrokes behind with 

Sara IVlarse posted a 
'59-92-191, and Donna Morretta 
a 93-102-195. 

The ■ University of Florida 
capture^.'.the team title with a 
630 iiMiing out Miami Dade- 

JC finished with a 720 team 
score defeating Auburn. Val- 
dosta State, and Western 

University of Miami pTa'ce'd 
3rd with 636 strokes while 
University of Albania and 
University of South Florida tied 
with 681 Tor 4th. 
' Individual honors were deci- 
ded in sudden death, • Sara 
Struthers, of Florida Internat- 
ional, defeated Brenda Regal of 
Dade-Noilh on the fifth e.xtra 

This was the last tourney of 
the fall term for the ladv 


'MtHIIIH IIIIIIIIUIM inillHIIIIIIIllllMIHIIIIHlHIHIII IIIIIIUIIIIIIIIHU ""••nHlini«IIMIIIIBI«M(inilllllllllll|||||in,llllllll|lllinilllHI|||||||||i|||IHIU,„|„,„„„„„„„„„ I 

s swinijers. 

8 -BEACHCOMBER Monday, November 18, 1974 

Roll On 


Staff Writer 

Jody Salzgeber and Craig 
Sargent led the intramural 
bowlers last week with their 
individual high series of 515 and 

Not far behind Salzgeber 
were Sharon Nelson with a 492 
and Amy Strimbu with- a 485. 
Allen O'Brien rolled a 493 
followed by Glen Marsteller's 

Strimbu took the women's 
high game, rolling a 190, 
followed closely by Salzgeber's 
188 and Nelson's 183. 

The men's high games were 
Sargent's 212, Jon Grant's 210, 
Joe Lesko's 198 and Kent 
Knox's 198. 

The "Riblets" took the 
women's high team game, 571. 
This team consists of Nelson, 
Karen Gore, Patti Dickinson and 
Johanna Arcia. 

The women's high team 
series was 1612, rolled by the 
"Ups and Downs". This team 
consists of Salzgeber, Jan 
Kisker, Ingrid Sanio and Margie 

The men's high team game 
and series were both won by 
Brian Richards. Their top game 
was 687 and their series was 


Members of the 
74-75 Basketball 
team include (l-r) 
Donald Burns, 
Ronald Cunning- 
ham, Perry Miin- 
nings, Mike Gibbs 
David Miller, Did 
Rusche, and An- 
gelo Ortisi. 

Bill Sinipkins, 
Richard Nelson, 
Miguel Poyasiro, 
Richard Mitche)', 
William Hall, Vii.- 
tor Dubose,' and 
Bill Biandon 


photo by Steve Fritz 

* Six Common Mistakes Of Amateurs [ 

Timothy L.Braym 

Around the clay courts, 
familiar expressions are heard 
such as "She's got the 
backhand of Billie Jean," or 
"His serve is as hard as Jimmy 
Connors'." Even, "His mouth 
is worse than lUe Nastase's." 

But for us twice a week tennis 
advocates, no real comparison 
can be drawn. They're pro's 
and let's face it, we're duffers. 
Consequently, we should not 
lay as if we're pro's. 

Recently Converse circulated 

pamphlet explaining the six 
lost common mistakes of a 
fvice a week tennis player. 

The first mistake is taking the 

Actually, few players warm 
p sufficiently. Hitting a few 
alls against the backboard is 
ot enough. Jumping jacks, 
'oodchoppers or any other 
alisthenics loosen up all of the 
ght muscles. 

Secondly, too many players' 
irst service is "faster than a 
peeding bullet." Then, when 
hat fails to get in, they play 
latty cake. The object of the 

game is to beat your opponent, 
not yourself. 

As is common to the baseball 
pitcher, the smart players will 
keep their opponent off balance 
and confused with steady placed 

The third common mistake, 
according to the pamphlet, is 

"... firsi 
ioking the 

playing for the big shots. Let 
your opponent thank God after 
pushing one down the line, 
hitting the outside part of the 

Sooner or later, your 
oppojient will beat himself. 

Common mistake number 
four involves the "Killer 
Complex." Most twice a 
weekers hit the overhead 
smash, try to hit the ball twice 
the speed of sound, and usually 
watch it sail over the fence. 
Re-emphasized is that the 
steady shots are the best shots. 

Mistake number five is 
playing doubles is not the same 
as playing singles. The key to 
playing doubles is strategy and 
control of the net. The best way 
in which to learn more about 
doubles is to read books about 
the subject and consult a pro. 

The final mistake, as outlined, 
is thinking that you're number 
one and no one can tell you how 
to play tennis. No player in the 
country outgrows the advice of 
an experienced coach or a pro. 

The six most common 
mistakes were put together by 
the United States Professional 
Tennis Association. 

It's my dream to play like 
Pancho Gonzales, even though 


according to the USPTA iCs;: 
lost cause. But, 1 can ah\i| 
dream. t 


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Pi% ,^r?, 

Mr. Lenn Boozer, (Ai^ 
Director ot the Physical Itisft 
of America] gave diemon8ttaii| 
speeches to all gym classes fc 
week. He explained a i«( 
exercise device widely use(f| 
the U.S. and spoke of Ihe d 
tor healthy physical exetctej 




l&R Annual Turkey Trot 

November 2 1,1974 
Thursday- 11:00 A.M. 

Startrng line in front of gym. All entrants 
must sign up ahead of time. 


ID Number — 

Entry Number-^ — - — 

SG Looks ForStudent Gripes 

Staff Writer 

Student Government's Senate agreed Thursday to 
set up a Grievance Committee which would allow any 
JC student an opportunity to present gripes or give 
suggestions on what SG can do for the student body. 

Senator Sam Putt came up with the idea and said "I 
feci that a Grievance Committee where students can 
come if they have a grievance, would be, for the Senate, 
a window from the students to the Senate" 

Putt feels that Senators should be outgoing and not 
afraid to talk to people. 

SG President Tory S, Buckley, concurred, saying SG 
is "to serve" the .students. "I think we have all failed 
in that mission," Buckley said. The President said SG 
has an "open door" policy for all JC students. 

Referring to the Grievance Committee, Buckley said 
"You're not going to get the people to come to you. 

Three or four people do not represent the student 
body," added Buckley. 

Senator Dave Upshaw introduced a resolution stating 
that SG has not been representing the student body and 
that is an impeachable offense Therefore, the entire 
SG should be impeached. 

Upshaw feels SG has not been representing the 
students as well as it should. 

"I feel each one of us has let down the student 
body," said Upshaw. Ginchereau told Senators to get 

"What we need is for the Senate to get down to 
business, stop this internal bickering, and lets get on to 
work," Ginchereau stated. 

Ginchereau wants Senators to introduce resolutions 
that are meaningful for the student body. 
"If we fail to do that, the student body will lose faith 

in SG," roared Ginchereau. 

Ginchereau ended by saying "I will continue to 
push. I might make enemies along the way but that's 
the situation. Shape up or ship out." 

After debate ended on the impeachment resolution, 
Upshaw withdrew it saying it would be Impossible to 
impeach the entire SG, because there is no Judicial 
Board and it would be "ludicrous" to think of such a 

The Senate introduced a resolution that if passed 
would end the JC Attendance Policy. The policy states 
no student be allowed to miss over 25 percent of any 
class without receiving an "F" grade. The resolution 
was sent to the Resolutions Committee for research and 
will be read next week along with six other resolutions 
that were not read Thursday. 

Senators will not receive a $50 honorarium this term 
because SG doesn't have enough money in its budget. 


Monday, November 25, 1974 

Lake Worth, Florida 33460 

Investigation Asked 

Space Men Visit 


BULGING student files will no longer be kept 
secret from students and parents. 

photo by Jim Collins 


News Editor 
Students may no longer be 
denied the right to see thek 
confidential files. A new law 
entitled "The Family Rights and 
Privacy Act of 1974", which 
went into effect last Tuesday, 
gives students for the first time 
(he right to see their own files, 
including confidential docu- 
ments previously available only 
to school officials. 

According to Registrar Lau- 
rence Mayfield, JC already has 
an open files policy. "Because 
of our open admissions policy 
we do not depend on letters of 
recommendation," stated May- 

Universities must now decide 
whether they can still rely upon 
letters of recommendation as a 
prime source of information in 
admissions process if the letters 
are no longer confidential. 

The law also gives parents of 
elementary and secondary 
school students the same right 
with regards to their children's 

Harvard University officials 
admitted removing confidential 
information from school records 
to avoid releasing documents to 

Twi) Beachcomber reporters 
asked Mayfield to sec their files 
and the reports wer-' immedia- 
teiv turned over to them. The 

files contained only High School 
and College transcripts in 
addition to applications for 

"""On The Inside"^ 

STUDENTS give opinions 
on JC &wimming pool 

see pg. 3. 
MALE contestants ' in the 
Miss Wishing Well contest. 

sec Pg. 4 
itasma shoiv is TONIGHT. . 

see pg. 5. 
CARL KIDD trots off with 
tutliey ,, 

see pg. 7. 


Asst, News Editor 

What are the facts behind the 

Flying Saucer reports? Is an 

alien intelligence involved? If 

so, what is their motivation? 

In a paper presented to the 
Pennsylvania Sociological Soc- 
iety meeting, in Philadelphia on 
November 2, ' Dr. Richard 
Yinger, one of JC's Social 
Science teachers, suggested 
that the term "Exosociology" 
be used to suggest the 
investigation of extraterrestral 
life and its possible implications 
on our planet. 

"At the present," Dr. Yinger 
told his colleagues, "biologists 
and astromoners are the 
primary characters involved in 
speculations about extrater- 
restrial life. Surely, this is a 
field of study far more Suited to 
the sociological enterprise." 

In developing his ideas. Dr. 
Yinger pointed to a growing 
belief in many different 
scientific fields that extrater- 

restrial life is not only possible, 
but probable. 

"If we are timid, we may well 
find ourselves in the embarras- 
sing situation of scrambling to 
do some studies after the fact of 
extraterrestrial life has been 

Yinger's hypothesis includes 
the visiting life preparing Earth 
for its contact by launching a 
massive public relations cam- 
paign. By using The Reader's 
Digest, TV Guide and the 
National Geographic as im- 
plements they will attempt to 
portray life from other planets 
as being intelligent and 
benevolent rather than the 
monsters of older science 

"The really strange thing 
about it is that this is exactly 
what is happening on Earth," 
Dr. Yinger pointed out. "Every 
medium of mass communicat- 
ions is being used to present the 
concept of extraterrestrial life as 
a valid and real possibility." 

Dr. Yinger investigated 
briefly the question why the 
concept of a technologically 
superior civilization has histor- 
ically been so frightening, 
asking, "Does it have anything 
to do with the cultural guilt we 

Turn to "SPACE MEN" pg. 7 

Dr. Richard Yinger 

SG Loses Letter, Chess Match 


The opening of the game 
room at JC will become a reality 
on December 2. 

Students will be required to 
pay for the games and the 
money collected will be used for 
two separate funds. 

Included in the game room 
will be: 2 pool tables, an air 
hockey game, a TV tennis game, 
a bowling puck game, a 
basketball game, pinp pong 
tables, and a jukebox. 

Staff Writer 

The misplacement of a letter 
from an International Chess 
Grand Master by SG has ruined 
a one time opportunity for the 
Chess Club. 

In a letter sent to the Dean of 
Academic Affairs, Grand Mas- ■ 
ter Samuel Reshevsky stated he 
would be making a transcon- 
tinental chess tour this fall and 
winter, and would be in the 
Palm Beach area from October 
22 til! November 12. He 
requested that any interested 
JC students reply at once to set 
a date on which he could visit 
the school. 

Reshevsky 's exhibition con- 
sists of a "simultaneous" 
(where Reshevsky plays many 
people at once) and a brief 
lecture. His charge is $8.00 per 
board for students, plus $2.00 
Ibr spectators. 

The letter, mailed on October 
15, was received at the school on 
(ictober 18. It required a week 
H) get from Dean Glynn's office 
o SG, where it was initiated and 

then forgotten until the Chess 
Club got it on November 12 - the 
last day of Reshevsky's Palm 
Beach stay. 

The delay caused Chess Club 
members to miss a rare 
opportunity to learn from one of 
the world's top chess players. 
Chess Club president Terry 
Wilkinson expressed his dis- 

"A Grand Master like 
Reshevsky comes along once in 
a lifetime. I know seven or eight 
members who would have liked 
to play him, and probably more- 
would have come if we had 
advertised in the Daily 

SG secretary Constance 
Holmes explained that all 
incoming SG mail is placed in 
one folder on Tory Buckley's 
desk. Officers read their mail, 
initial it, and decide where it is 
to be sent. Reshevsky's letter' 
had been slated to go to the 
Chess Club, but it sat in the 
folder instead until it was 

"This is not a justification, 
but a reason" Holmes said. 

"We (SG) are glad the 
problem was brought to our 
attention," she continued. "It's 
a definite problem, and needs to 
be taken care of. From now on, 
every Friday the folders will be 
reviewed, and any action will be 
taken at that time." 


[New Hours 

I Recent requests from 

I day and night students for I 

I greater avaiialiilHy of the | 

I Resources Center has | 

I resulted in the lengthening f 

I of library hours, from one a 

I to five on Sundays for an I 

I experimental period of four | 

I weeks. § 

i In addidon to being open f 

I on Sundays from November § 

I 24 to December 15, the | 

I library will also be open a 

I until nine nightly dudng I 

I the week of final exams. § 

2 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, November 25, 1974 


Why Not Read A Book At Half Time? 

Never on Sunday. . .for 
eleven years it. has been that 
way with JC's library. But 
yesterday and for the next three 

weeks students will be able to 
use library materials on Sunday 
SG leaders made a reasonable 




Associate Editor 

Managing Editor 

associated collegiate prass 

request when they asked for 
these Sunday hours. If students 
utilize this library time, funds 
used to pay for the extra 
electricity and wages for two 
student assistants (one librar- 
ian, unpaid for these Sunday 
hours, will also be working) will 
be well spent. 

Music Overpowers 

Apparently our call was unheeded. 

As if bloody fetuses outside the cafeteria are not enough, 
students are still being overpowered by the campus "radio 
station," WRAP. 

Two weeks ago we suggested that WRAP, beset with program 
and technical problems, should leave the air. We now repeat that 

Our campus jocks are still overpowering students with loud, 
blaring music played at an indigestion-inducing treble level. 

Over a week ago, Dean John Webb of the Journalism Department 
at the University of EHorida complained that the music was so loud 
that he could not communicate with students he was interviewing. 

Webb and his colleagues are trying to help students and probably 
do not enjoy talking with musical accompaniment. Certainly no one 
involved enjoys straining their ears to hear helpful information. 

Even with that point aside, why must the harmonic grinding of 

1 is controller of WRAP 
Is its new $219 magnetic 
le the WRAP shut-down 

es Of Democracy 

le face 
wer of 
to use 

gd, he 
vay of 
aires a 
(led as 

Glynne Hughes 

lyi.i prejuaice toward democracy 
comes from our fear of losing the 
frtedvrn we hold so dear. " 

Such is the case of nations. A nation is 
compcsed of individuals who are schooled 
. through the media of the family, society, the 
comminications system and the government to 
the trend of thinking that is most common to 
those vithin its borders. 

We of A-nerica are no different. We have our 
mental valis also. We think of democracy as the 
extreme in fair government. We believe free is the backbone of democracy, and we 
hold freedom to be God's legacy to all men. 

In this respecu we are prejudiced to our 
convictions, but our prejudice toward democracy 
has come about as a result of our fear of losing 

the freedom we hold so dear. 

We of America have capitalized on the 
complete power which the human mind can 
command. We have used the media of education 
and judgement without omitting the vital power 
of reasoning. 

We have seen the different doctrines of the 
past take forrrk We are not interested in learning 
the foundation of these doctrines. We have 
closed our minds and ears but not our eyes. 

Before us lay the annals of history with all its 
natural cycles. We have observed empires rising 
to great heights only to fall beneath the fury of 
the sword. We have watched Fascism become a 
reality; we have seen such men as Hitler rise like 
great eagles only to fall victim to man's basic fear 
of enslavement. 

Yes, we have watched these doctrines 
crumble, draining the blood of the innocent 
masses, and from it all we have created an 
instinctive prejudiced Democracy. 

It is a prejudice because we Americans are cold 
to any more fanatical beliefs. ' We believe 
democracy to be truth and most will fight to 
uphold that truth. 

But let us think ahead. If we believe in this 
"prejudice of democracy, " if we will not listen to 
those who preach communism and other beliefs, 
then we must live up to the principals of 
democracy or else we are only fooling ourselves. 

We have allowed certain petty and biased 
opinions to supersede our main thought. In other 
words, we cannot be prejudiced about democracy 
and still be biased about races and religions 
because both are opposite philosophies. 

The future of democracy depends upon the 
truth of democracy. 

Students who use the library 
on Sundays will be receiving a 
rare bonus. Of 28 JC's in 
Florida, only three libraries 
have weekend hours. 

Indian River Junior College is 
one of those schools. The 
library there is open both 
Saturday and Sunday, but 
student response has not been 
encouraging for this program. 
Two weeks ago, five people 
came to the library on Saturday - 
only two of which were 
students. On Sunday only three 
people used library facilities 

Eleven years ago, JC's library 
was also open on the weekend. 

But that was stopped because 
there wasn't enough response. 
SG leaders thought the four 
Sundays before final exams 
would be a good time to try 
again. And, without trying, 
there is no way to tell whether it 
will be worthwhile for a longer 
period of time. 

The library works on a 
budget. If money is spent to 
keep the library open on Sunday 
that means there will be less 
money to buy books, for instance 

But the Sunday hours provide 
a good chance for weekend 
study before the finals; it could 
be beneficial. 

Mall Chauvinist? 

The JC Chess Club has lost a once-in-a-lifetime 
opportunity and they have no one to blame but the 
Student Government. SG officials forgot about a 
letter from chess Grandmaster Samuel Reshevsky, 
delivering it to the Chess Club too late to do any good. 

We all make mistakes, so we won't harp on such 
petty things as irresponsibility or just pure 
foolishness. But this situation is just representative of 
things all around us today. Pity the poor 
Beachcomber. We receive the Palm Beach Times 
each day - but a day late. Who needs stale news? 

All of this derives from the "So-who-cares" 
attitude that too many people are taking. Everyone 
seems out for themselves and ignorance of your 
neighbor seems to be the "in" thing. Until it affects 

i) ii m i w i >y ii w i > i i(iw 

jtwi ii i iii iiii iii Ill M i mi i i I I l l I ii i) ii mw i | i m i m»i( i 

r Mm0rk^mfton 

^»-^''iiiiiiniiiiimiiii - 

Albums Appreciated 


The WRAP staff would like to extend their 
appreciation to James Cox for donating 30 albums and 
25 45's to the station. Thank you very much. 

The WRAP Staff 


'Comber Sfaff 

.-*<>< + * + <*»>. 

t*i « > I ^ I IMM II |IHI III* I 

f^0ita&Mor* *...,, ....;.,.,^ J»H»e«.l', Cffllin* 

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i * . < 

, Staff iVfltsr*; l»im<!!ta,ttsMii Jaroft* Cl«w*, ii^ady C***«tt,' Wsrt £>*«(»; 
t-ori HitkbrBtwl; B81 Htt«*ilrB; ft*W» «<«*(« WS-wkb Kftigtetouj 
8<watt Kyte*' f fi*J<: Mas«t^; ^i Wshlfaachsf ,< «#fe«*a **Msa;J!*- 

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tftdtwd? tb»*rfjto>tiH ^htt-Wfitaf* of tbft«)*tt- 
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riwBw((6hi!«mbetis**tt«mfew»fth«AB»<»< . 

*8« P*««A*w(Jtffet'(ft», 

Monday, November 25, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 3 


I — 5 ? Percent 

JC Commissions 

J. Micheie Noiter — 

Do you have' a gripe? Are you being discriminated against? Do 
you want to be a doctor but are being discouraged because you are a 
female? Do you want to study nursing but you are a male? The 
newly formed Commission on the Status of Women of PBJC may be 
able to help you. 

There are two such commissions at JC. One is made up of faculty 
with Trinette Robinson as chairwoman and Barbara Matthews as 
the impetus behind the formation of the commission. She is 
currently on sabbatical. 

Dean Glynn has taken the time to form the second cominission he 
hopes the two can be joined in their effort at a later date. 

This commission is made up of Dr. Richard Yinger (a sociology 
instructor), Maria Pico, Constance Holmes and Judy Gillette, all 
three of whom are students. 

The latter of the two commissions has met and established some 
goals. They plan to study the hierarchy of staff positions at JC in 
respect to the sex of the individual holding the job. They also want 
to evaluate the pay scales relative to the positions and job titles. 

Vocational counseling of students is an immediate concern of this 
commission and is one of the top priorities. 

Finally, the commission has set aside Friday, between the hours 
of 12:00 and 1:00, to hear grievances of students in the cafeteria. 
They hope to investigate each complaint and take corrective steps 
where possible. 

. Ms. Pico feels optimistic. "Whether or not most of us are willing 
to admit it, sexism is a major obstacle for women in education today. 
•As a feminist I feel optimistic that a Commission on the Status of 
Women is finally forming at PBJC. We want to delve into the 
problems we face as women on this campus and seek some real 

Ms. Gillette, upon my inquiry, stated that the essential reason 
she is working on the commission is that she "enjoys her femininity 
but not at the expense of her humanity. 

"In today's world there are two kinds of people, women and 
humans," she said. "As Simone de Beauvoir puts it, 'When 
women act like hiiman beings they are accused of acting like men.'" 

When questioned on why she was involved with the commission, 
Ms. Holmes replied, "I consider the greatest tragedy of trying to 
bring about change in anything is that people don't believe that 
change is needed!" 

"I wanted-to be a part of the commission because I believe it is 
vitally necessary on this campus, as well as in the community, that 
an awareness be brought to the injustices inflicted upon women. 

"I ara also hoping that my work on thfe commission will help to 
make me more sensitive to the injustices that exist, and, therefore, 
better enable me to encourage more women to take a firmer stand 
on their right to pursue any field of endeavor they choose and be 
justly treated." 

Yinger is excited about the establishment of the commission and 
feels that there are many possibilities for change and more equal 
treatment of women and men on an individual basis. 

"Anytime you challenge the status quo, you are making a change 
for more just, fair treatment which allows the full potential of an 
individual to grow," he said. 

He would like to see the commission re-evaluate some of the 
school priorities with recommended changes and, in particular, 
create a day care center at JC in the hopes of drawing more women 
into academic fields. 

. [EDITOK'S NOTE; According to a report of the United Nations 
there-are no longer more women than men in the world. Though 
there are now 1.998 billion men and 1.988 billion womea making up 
the world's population, Ms. Notter has decided to continne to title 
her column "51 Percent."] 


Editor's Notebook"™"""! 



I STUDENTS wishing to withdraw from a class with a grade of 

I "W" must do so no later than December 2. 

I LIBRARY HOURS will be extended to include Sunday, 

i beginning November 24 through December 15. The 2nd and 

i 3rd floors will be open from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. 

S FAU ADMISSIONS OFFICER, Mr. Bill McCray will be on 

i Campus November 25 and 26 in the cafeteria from 9:00 a.m. 

§ until 2:00 p.m. to answer student questions about FAU. 

I SALES and MARKETING CLUB is collecting canned food for 

S the needy. Pick-up points are located in the cafeteria, 

i Registrars office, and the ground floor of the Library. 

i ENGLISH as a Second Language will be offered at both level I | 

I and level II during Winter Term. Both courses will be g 

S each worth three sei.iester hours. | 

I CO RRECTION ! ! ! On t he front page of the November 1 8 issue | 

i of the Beachcomber, the caption dealing with registration | 

i erroneously included the words, "Ha Ha Ha." The 'Comber | 

■§ regrets this error. The 'Comber believes that this year's a 

g registration was the best ever. f 

§ ' I 


Pool Power 

"I think JC shonld have a 
swimming pool because others 
have them. Swimming is a 
common sport." 

;♦— JeffWilbcrson 

"The idea of a swimming 
pool on campus is good. Not 
only would it add to the 
physical education program, it 
could be used by the entire 
student body iji social 
functions." Becky Davis a 

"I think it would help most 
of the Physical Education 
courses that use a pool such as 
lifesaving, instead of going to 
the Lake Worth Racquet 
club." -*—— Bill Kirik 

"1 feel it would be a definite 
asset to both the sport and the 
school." Dan Lentz » 

photos by Steve Fritz 

Basic Studies Offers Englisin 

The Basic Studies Depart- 
ment is offering a special course 
during the Winter Term for 
foreign students and native 
alike who need assistance with 
their English. 

"English as a Second 
Language" Laboratory will be 
offered as three Credit course 
during the day and ' night 
sessions, according to Mr. 
William Wilson, instructor for 

t^e course. 

"Many students think they 
are saving time by jumping 
right into a Freshman Comm- 
unication's Course" Wilson 
explained. "But many of them 
find it impossible to pass the 

As an alternative, Wilson 
suggests that students with 
communication problems should 
sign up for either EH 113, or the 

second level EH 223. A test on 
English proficiency will deter- 
mine how much assistance the 
student needs. 

The class has been taught 
successfully for three years, 
Wilson added. ' 'It is impossible 
for these students to come here 
and compete with native-born 
Americans" Wilson concluded 
"there's a whole new set of 

•Last Exit 

Seven Little Women 


My colleagues and myself, 
after a period of great 
discussion on the pros and cons 
of the situation, have decided 
that we will form a "Right To 
Wife League." 

The purpose of such an 
organization, which I am quite 
sure will ^ the topic of 
conversation at cocktail parties 
ad infinitum, is to establish the 
rights of the individual adult 
male to have as many wives as 
he deems necessary. The idea 
itself, modestly speaking, is not 
only one of greatness, but is 
totally fascinating. 

We can break marriage down 
into seven vital areas that 
women, in their own littly way, 
can fill very nicely; companion- 
ship, sex, children, maid, nurse, 
cook, and mother. 

We, the charter members of 
the league, believe that if, for 
example, a man only desires one 
wife to take care of these 
important needs and wants, 
then the fool should have her. 

And, of course, he should have 
any female he desires; the 
female's choice in the matter is 
simply irrelevant. 

Now if a man cares for the 
company of, say, seven different 
wives, we are all for4t He could 
have each wife be competent in 
their own areas, and sometimes, 
for the sake of variation, switch 
them around at his discretion. 
When he cares for sex, he need 
not wopg' about the inconven- 
ience of the wife who is raising 
his children or the problem of a 
pregnant spouse whose sole 
responsibility is to bear 

When the man has to attend a 
party, he can bring along "the 
little woman" who is the best at 
being perfect at his side. When 
the party is over, they can 
return to a spotless house, 
cleaned by the maid-wife, and 
enjoy a late evening snack 
meticulously prepared by the 


We urge all supporters of this 
idea to join our cause, without 
reservations and without fear of 
reprisal^, because of their belief 
of man's unalienable right to 

Who knows, perhaps the old 
joke will change to ' 'That was no 
ladies, that was my wives." 


Extensive fire damage was 
averted when Comber staff 
writer Joel Tanen discovered a 
blaze in a JC men's room, 

Tanen notified Brian E. 
Crowley, 'Comber news editor, 
who put out the blaze with a fire 


" Gifts and Accessories " 

With a difference 
It doesn't take much 
to be posh 

2i:/o lOth Ave, North 
Lake Worth, Fla. 

Don't Know Where To Turn? 

..for a place to study, or do leseaich 

The Library lias extended tlieir Sunday hours 1-5 p.m. 

Nov. 24 - Dec. 1,8, 15 

4 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, November 25, 1974 

Monday, November 25, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 5 

Moles M 

JOE REDON - "Men's Ub wiU Mow Women's Lib 
whether the women want it or not. 

Feature Editor 

For the first time in the 
history of JC, the "Miss 
Wishing Well" contest (spon- 
sored by the Vets Club) will 
have male contestants. In past 
years the purpose of the contest 
has been to choose a pretty face 
and to raise money for the Early 
Childhood Center on campus. 

This year the purpose is still 
to raise money for the Center, 
but as for choosing a pretty face, 
well. . . 

Since the question "Is this 
Men's Lib?" is raised by the 
entries, the contestants ans- 
wered that question (and others) 

On the remark "Why enter?" 
- all remarked that if the' money 
was going to such a good cause , 
"Why not?" 

Joe Redon, sponsored by the 
Chi Sig Club, commented "both 
kinds of liberation are terrific, 
but you can't have one without 
the other. Men's Lib will follow 

Women's Lib whether 
women want it or not." 

Glynne Hughes, sponsored by 
an individual group, remarked 
that he agrees on most aspects 
of Women's Lib, but feels that 
men should "wear the pants." 
About Men's Lib - "If it feels 
good, do it." Hughes also 
stated "It's about time male 
bodies were judged by women." 

Tory Buckley, sponsored by 
Philo, thinks that the stricter 
aspects of Women's Lib ai-e 
ridiculous, but believes in equal 
rights for both sexes. He 
approves of Men's Lib and 
doesn't think there are any 
classified roles for either sex. 

Marc Bressler, sponsored by 
the Beachcomber, says he is a 
sentimentalist when it comes to 
Women's Lib. "There are 
certain traits and characteristic 
points of both sexes which 
should not be abandoned," 
stated Bressler. 

the All of these daring dudes 

hope to win the contest, and will 
be required to pose for pictures 
along with the female contest- 

The name of the contest, as a 
result of these entries, will have 
to be changed. Some 

suggestions by the contestants 
have been the "Wishing Well" 
contest and the "Mr. and Miss 
Wishing Well" contest - with 
two winners, one of either sex. 

Despite the sudden interest in 
male bodies on campus, the girl 
watchers note that activity on 
their end hasn't stopped. "We 
hope the female contestants 
won't back out because of 
competition," commented Jack 
DiSalvo, Vet's Cliib president. 

students are asked to keep the 
purpose of the contest - to raise 
money for the Childhood Center 
on campus - in mind when 

MARC BRESSLER ■ "There are 
certain traits and characteristic 
points oi both sexes which should 
not be abandoned." 

photos by Jim Collins 

'TORY BUCKLEY - ". . .the stricter aspects of 
Women's Lib are ridicuions. . .there aren't any 
classified roles for either sex." 

Men's Lib - "If it feels good, do 

Smith Wins Snowbird Award 

ret bowl awarded 
lal poetry/prose 
stival". The JC 
'ded a silver bowl 
tor Frank Leahy's 
photo by Tom Craig 


ymiJP 'Wanted: Dishwasher 
to vo.'k between 8-11 evenings, 
apply in person. Li'l Bit of Italy. 
2nd Ave. and Congress Ave. 

Female, rent is 553.33. College 
View Apts. Apt. 3. Call 
967-8804 or 96£-')919 and ask for 
Karon or Cindy. 4137 Congress 

FOR SALE: 1972 Ossa J 75, 5 
speed, S195.00 Call Bruce 

•FOR SALE: 12" Zenith 
portable TV. Black and white 
S75 or best offer. Call 622-2836 
ask for Steve or 622-9147 after 5 

FOR SALE: Craig 8 track tape 
player, must sell, best offer. 
Call 622-2836 or 622-9147 after 5 
p.m. ask for Steve. 


35 cents per page. Call 
848-8352 or 968-9710 ask for 

A Snowbird is a Snowbird is a 
Snowbird. . .so the saying 
almost goes, but recently at the 
fourth annual "Snowbird" 
Festival at Florida Technologi- 
cal University, JC student Ray 
Smith proved to be more of a 
"Snowbird" than others. 

Ray entered a prose/poetry 
combination in the interpreter 
contest. It was a childish poem 
about war with a shocking prose 
account of the Nazi death camp 
atrocities. He won the top 
individual prose/poetry inter- 
preter award for which he 
received a silver bowl. 

"Snowbird" Festival itself 
consists of presentations in Oral 
and Group Interpretations by 
different schools. 

The JC readers theatre group 
presented JC drama instructor 
Frank Leahy's "Fortratis" to an 
attentive audience. The group 
interpretation was a blending of 
Lorraine Hansberry, the black 
author with her play and recent 
JC production "The Sign In 
Signey Brustein's Window". 
This interpretation earned the 

RIDE WANTED: North to 
Connecticut or vicinity (N.JH., 
N.Y. or Mass.) on or about Dec. 
20. Will share driving and 
expenses. Call 588-3982 after 4 

FOR SALE: 1973 Mach I, 
automatic, power steering, 
radio, power brakes, air 
conditioning, mint condition. 
Call 588-5581. 

JC group a silver bowl awarded 
for the "audience favorite." 

Certificates were also presen- 
ted to the following JC students 
for the fields mentioned: Bert 
Lancaster; for reaching the 

finals in the individual interpre- 
ter contest and for excellence in 
group interpretation; and Ar- 
lene Grocia, Karen Moore, and 
Keith Cooper for excellence in 
group interpretation. 

Plan Chessmates Match 


The Chess Club held its first meeting and discussed plans for a 
tournament to be held with FAU. Mr. Washburn, the advisor to the 
Chess Club, and the seventeen active members are opening this 
tournament to the PBJC student body. 

Four PBJC students will comprise the team who will play in the 
FAU vs PBJC tournament. There will be two alternates added to 
this team also. A tournament will be held among the PBJC students 
who wish to compete against the FAU team. The end of the PBJC 
competition will show the six top members of the club who will then 
go on to meet the FAU team. The PBJC trial competition will be 
held in the SAC lounge and sign-ups start as soon as possible, 

There is no entry fee set for the PBJC tournament as yet. If the 
club decides to offer trophies then a slight fee will be required. 

The number of the entrants in the PBJC tournament will decide 
the date of the PBJC vs. FAU Tournament. " The more the entnes 
then the more games that must be played to decide the final team 

The tournament with FAU is just a small sampling of things to 
come for the Chess Club. The team also plans to enter a state 
college chess tournament. The date for this is unknown to Terry 
Wilkinson, President of the Chess Club, but he stated that it would 
be sometime during our winter term. , 

With the help of Mr. Washburn, the Chess Club is programming 
the PBJC computers to play chess. The computer will be able to 
defeat most competitors and will also modify its program. In 
common laymen language it means that the computer will learn 
from its mistakes and correct them. 

Wilkinson stated that a rumor was circulating that you had to be 
intellectual to play chess. He claims that it is not true and anyone 
can learn to play chess. He and a number of other members from 
the chess club are willing to teach any person who has an interest m 
learning the games, 


Fontosma Tonight 

Entertainment Co-Editor 

The Pacesetters, a vibrant 
group of twenty JC performers, 
will present their "Annual Fall 
Fantazma Show" tonight at 8:00 
p.m. The show is open to 
students, free of charge, and 
promises to be an excellent one. 

The musical selection is 
slated to include many types, 
from Carl Strommans' "All 
About the Blues" to pop 
music's "Save the Country," 
"Never My Love", and 
"Everyday People." Other 
numbers planned include John 
Denver's "Take Me Home, 
Country Roads", and instru- 
mental renditions of "Love 
Theme" as popularized by 
Barry White, and "Evil Ways". 

A special treat will be offered, 
a Chinese love song performed 
by Kwok Fai Wong, "Endless 

In this, their fourth year since 
being formed by Pat Johnson, 
the Pacesetters have been busy. 
Earlier this year they attended 
the National Convention of the 
Music Educators, where they 
listened to many leaders in all 
fields of music including Stan 
Kenton, composer/conductor 
Carmen Dragon, and a host of 

The Pacesetters were 
also guest performers at the 
University of Florida in 
Gainesville for the FMEA- 
SMENC Career Conference, the 
only group from Florida at the 
conference. They also received, 

during this time, a write-up in 
"High Fidelity Magazine." 

Denise O'Neill, a vocalist in 
the group, said that the 
Pacesetters were one of the 
more unique groups at both of 
the conventions. In the usual ■ 
group of school supported 
choirs, orchestras, and bands, 
they had to' be, being a 
professional type music ensem- 

One of the important factors 
that go into making a good 
musical company, such as this, 
is the rapport between it's 
members. Are the Pace- 
setters close? . "Like a 
family," says O'Neill. 

The format of the show will be . 
a shifting of the ' Pacesetter 
personnel into different sized 


s Miss Pat Johnson, direct- | 

s ing the Concert Choir, s 

i pauses to announce the title | 

= of the next number as the g 

i choir anticipates the next s 

s song. § 

£ photos by Jim Collins| 

Philo 50's 
Dance Set 


Philo is presently in the 
process of planning a '50's 
dance for Friday, Dec. 13, from 
8:00 - 12:00 p.m. in the SAC 

Music and entertainment will 
be provided by "Southern 
Comfort", a '50's style band. ■ 

Admission is free to both 
students and faculty. ' 'We want 
to stress that all faculty 
members are welcome; it might 
help promote student-faculty 
relations," stated SG president 
Tory Buckley. 

A dance contest and a best 
dressed contest are being 
planned. One of the many 
doorprizes will be a horse. 

"Through the help and 
support of various organizations 
such as Cicle K, Chi Sig, Phi Da 
Di, Phi Theta Kappa, Student 
Senate, OAA and the baseball 
team, we hope to have a very 
successful dance," commented 
Becky Davis, Phil p'-p-.-ident. 

[Editors note:] On. Nov. 14th a benefit performance of "The 
Sign In Signey Brustefai's Wuidow" raised $1000 for the Lake 
Worth Playhouse. Mr. Watson B. Duncan ID holds the check 
prior to giving it to a representative of that group, a noble 
gesture by the Dramatic Department deservhig recognition. 

Talent On Tap 

auditorium at 8:00. Students admitted free. 

Nov. 29th "Gem and Mineral Show" at WPB auditorium at 10 
a.m. - 10p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 10 a.m. - 5:15 Sunday. 

DEC. 2nd - The DANISH GYM TEAM in the JC auditorium ticket 
and time of performance can be obtained through this number 
965-8000. SGA COFFEE HOtJSE will be presented in the cafeteria 
from ll:OO..a.m. to 1:00 p.m. All interested performers should 
contact Robin Plitt who can be reached by dialing 965-4619. The 
show is free. Civic Music presents Alicia DeLarrocha at 8:30 at 
WPB auditorium. Information for this presentation must be 
obtained from the auditorium. 

DEC 4th - Guitar Concert will be held in the JC auditorium 
beginning at 8:00 p.m. students will be admitted free. 

DEC. 6th at WPB auditorium, the "Elixir of Love" will be 
featured at 8:15 with tickets costing $25.00, S15.00, $10.00, $5.00 
and $3.00. There will be a SG imovie:, "BILLY JACK'^^resented 
in the SAC lounge. 

Dec. 8th. "The Elixer of Love" will have a matinee showing at 
2:30 p.m. in the WPB auditorium with tickets costing S15.00, 
$10.00, $7.50, S5.00, $3,00. 

Several members of the PACESETTERS practice in 
preparation for their FALL FANTASMA. SHOW. 

groups with solo numbers, 
duets, small groups, and entire 

The Pacesetters music- 
ians include Debbie Jolly on 
piano, Howard Cerce on bass 
guitar, Fermen Fresno on 
electric lead guitar, Sharon 
Kruk pisiying drums, and Tom 
Gushing who doubles on piano, 

congas, and bass. 

The remaining members of 
the Pacesetters are vocal- 
ists Pat Johnson, Debi Gregory, 
Lewis Cutlip, Perry Stokes, 
Richard Lane, Betsy Pryor, 
Peggy Porter, Ed Esposito, 
Becky Ruper, Oveta Jackson, 
Denny Schaeber, Tony March- 
ese, Kwok Fai Wong, Ronny 
Anderson, and Denise O'Neill. 

Concert Flawless 

Entertainment Co-Editor 

The Eighth Annual Scholarship Concert, featuring the Concert 
Orchestra, the Concert Choir, and the Concert Band was held at 
3:30 p.m. November 17th in the JC auditorium. 

To begin the show, the Concert Orchestra, under the direction of 
James Gross, demonstrated fine control while performing the 
"Lancaster Overture" by P. Whear and " SijJte'For Strings" by A. 
Frackenpohl. The orchestra really got in tune when they performed 
"Tales From the Vienna Woods" by Johann Strauss. 

Performing second was the Concert Choir. Dressed in matching 
blue and white attire and directed by Pat Johnson, the choir did an 
exceptional job. 

In one selection, "Waters Ripple and Flow," Oveta Jackson and 
Kimm Gent were the featured soloists, the fbrmer. a fine, clear 
soprano and the latter, a strong baritone, 

"Wade in the Water" was one of the few recognizable songs the 
choir performed. In the midst, of this selection,. Lorraine Home 
pleased this listener with her strong effective tonality. "Ain't That 
Good News" was a Ijglit' lively song with a lilting melody which 
would please me to hear it again. 

Completing the program was the Concert Band which was 
directed by Sy Pryweller. The band maintained the high standards 
of the evening. They performed the "March Collegiate", 
"Chester", a piece by William Schuman and "Suite of Old 
American Dances" an arrangement by Robert Russell Bennett. 

The donations given for the concert were to be used to provide 
scholarships to worthy students. 

^Frankly Speaking 

Man's Morbid Desire 

Frank Smith' 

Curious, how entertainment 
is getting more morbid. 

I noticed this when I was 
younger and my brother took me 
to car races, after the cars would 
crash, how thrilled everyone 
seemed to be at watching a near 

At other times I'venoticed my 
friends excited curiosity as they 
follow speeding ambulances, 
possibly, to view a traffic 
accident of astounding propor- 
tions. (Usually, sad to say, it 
turns out to be merely a car 
crumpled around a telephone 

The recent daredevil revelry 
of Evel Knivai and his jet cycle 
pointed out to me, not the 
bravery of man, but man's 
desire to see death. 

Think about all the times 
when the only interest you had 
in circus high -wire acts, and 
tight rope walkers was the 
chance they may fall. 

Someday, I'm sure, television 
will have a show along the 
parallel of "You Are There" 
which will present live coverage 
of potential scenes of death. 
The really "great" programs 
will be those fortunate enough 
to get live coverage of actual 
wars. These shows will have a 
definite following which they 
probably would never lose, 
killing has been with man so 
long, death must interest him. 

Why do people watch football 
games, to see good clean fun, or 
good clean violence. How often 
have you heard the phrases, 
uttered in gleeful appreciation, 
"He really slaughtered thatt 
guy." and "We killed those 
guys, didn't we?" 

Death, it seems, is a question 
mark to many and it appears 
that people have decided that 
although they may never know 
the answer at least they can look 
for examples. 

6- BEACHCOMBER Monday, November 25, 1974 

Pre-AAarital Divorce 

Monday, November 25, 1974 BEACHCOMBER -7 


Richard and Christine were 
once very much in love. Now 
they have decided to go their 
separate ways, dividing their 
belonging up amiably with 
Christine talcing their two-year 
old child, Todd. 

They are going through the 
process of "divorce". There is 
one little difference, however, 
that sets this separation apart 
from countless others. Richard 
and Christine were never 

Four years ago, the couple 
decided to move in together, 
married in every sense of the 
word. Only the traditional 
ceremony and license in some 
county clerk's office were 
missing. Boyfriend-girlfriend 
for several years, they found 
that the "tilldeath do us part" 
concept didn't make it with 
them. In part, they attributed it 
to their rebellion against 
authority; both sets of parents 
disapproved of the set-up, 

r Featured Futures 

They experieiiced the up and 
downs that ■ normal marriages 
have. Their problems ranged 
from finances to sex, from food 
to salaries. But Richard and 
Christine somehow weren't 
compatible and tension contin- 
ued to build until the point of 
almost daily fighting over minor 

They had a child in hopes of 
brinang ■ them tiack together. 
Instead, living together during 
the pregnancy and first few 
months of Todd's life becamf 
hell. In the end, -both secretly 
resented the child. 

When they finally decided to 
call it quits, it was easy: no 
papers to file, no lawyers to 
hire, no need to sue the other 
spouse to prove them guilty of 

Richard and Christine went 
their separate ways. Their four 
year "experiment" was a 
failure - or was it? They both 
learned something from the 
experience, but they are still un 

Pisces Stay Cool 

.Flick Mager 

PISCES: Don't jump to naive 
conclusions. Situations are 
much more favorable than they 
appear. Let things come to you, 
instead of chasing after them. 

ARIES; People around you 
could be getting the feeling 
you're not what you seem to be. 
Now is not the time for put-ons. 
This week has a good 
employment aspect. 

TAURUS: Someone is likely to 
be unexpectedly candid. 
Control your impulse to kick him 
in the teeth. What he's saying 
could be valuable feedback. 

you're seeing things more 
clearly. Maturity will help you 
deal with the disappointment 
without hurting anyone. 

CANCER: Attempts will be 
made to change your mind for 
you.Resist them. Be yourself. If 
someone doesn't like it, spit in 
his eye. 

LEO: Your insight is sharper 
than usual. It's a good time to 
check over your own accumula- 
ting problems, and perhaps 
consider another person's. 
Pressure lessens this week, but 
will rebuild later this month. 

GEMINI: Expect some "raiGO: You can talk your way 
lisiHusionment in the personal out of anything. Don't be afraid 
apartment. All it means is that to commit yourself. Take a step 

> ♦ * ♦ ) M l M ) M » M ♦ »♦> ♦ M M ♦ M n M M » ♦ ♦ M 4 ♦ 



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sure whether it was for better or 

Divorce need not be genuine 
in order to be felt. 

you've 'been thinking of, but 
haven't had the courage to carry 

LIBRA: Librans are honorable 
people - you'll be an ideal 
person toconfidein. Others may 
sense this. You have numerous 
offers of good will. 

SCOBPIO: You discover why 
somethings haven't been going 

r Record Review ■ 

well, and what to do about 
them. You should become more 
confident about the direction 
your life is taking you. 

SAGITTARIUS: Stay in tune 
with your body. It has a 
tendency to resent lack of sleep 
and other abuses. Properly 
attended to, it should behave. 
CAPRICORN: Handle a 

possible enemy with extreme 
care. Someone you unknow- 
ingly offended could be very 

AQUARIUS: Projects to be 
started are featured this week, 
You must channel your energies 
into many directions. Don't be 
put off by a slow start. 

When Eagle Flies' - Lacking 

'When The Eagle Flies' 
expresses the traditional, mel- 
low, slowdown-rock of Traffic 
with the laid back sounds that 
all rock and roll fans will dig on 
when the infamous hard rock 
headache strikes again. 

Parts of the album are good 
but it also contains some long, 
drawn out weak musical 
phrases. , 

Most songs are based too 
much around the same ideas 
and consequently sound too 
much alike. The only real 
strong parts at all are in the 

Jimmy Nieh 

tunes "Dream Gerrad" and 
"Graveyard People." 

The rest of the selections are 
quite banal, one-dimensional, 
and lack excitement. There 
aren't any real high points in 
these songs, but rather remain, 
pretty much, on the same level 
through beginning to end. 

It is not very interesting in 
many places except in "Dream 
Gerrerd," where there is" 
actually a bit of depth and 
certainly a good dose of feeling. 
The synthesizer in "Graveyard 
People" is used very tastefully 

ShH^ GrovQ- 





by keyboard man and Traffic- 
cop Steve Winwood. 

The way in which ail the 
instruments blend in together is 
very good. Occasionally fiinfe) 
bass lines appear to set ihe 
pace. Traffic is definitely ven 
together and tight on this 
album, as they always have 
been in the past. 

"When The Eagle Flies" is 
recorded very well and produces 
a clean, crisp quality studio 

Winwood and the gang seen) 
to have fallen into a musical rut 
since the John Barleycorn days 
and, probably, this is the way 
they want it, for they have been 
very successful commercially 
with the famous established 
style they now hold onto. 





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K/cfcf Claims Fowl 

Carl Kidd finished first in the 
['Turkey Trot" Thursday on the 
jobbing course; but the turkey 
was the real winner. 

There were a total of nine 
paper feathers to be collected 
over the course, but six was the 
highest number obtained by any 
of the contestants. 

It was cold and windy on 
Thursday when 17 people took 
off after the turkey. Everyone 
found the first clue but only two 
people picked up feathers at the 
second. Only one feather was 

Staff Writer 

taken from the fifth clue area 
and the contestants missed the 
eighth clue feathers entirely. 

Coach Roy Bell intramural 
director explained the situation, 
"They found the feathers that 
were on the course itself, but 
missed the ones off the course. 
The format required the people 
to think out the clues, but too 
many just followed the leader." 

Two girls walked the course 
and finished last, but one more 
feather for either of them would 
have won it. 

The first three places received 
turkeys, the second three hens, 
and the third three picked up 
two chickens apiece. 

Dave Lang finished second to 
Kidd, followed by John Hewitt, 
•Mickey Nolen, Keith Jones, 
Crys Josephsen, Donna Clark, 
Bob Waddell and Ken Hamil- 

Hamid Faquir, last years staff 
and faculty winner, summed up 
the event when he said, "It was 
fun out there and it gave 
everybody a break." 

Intramural director Roy Bell instructs a contestant 
during the sixth annual running of the "Turkey Trot". 

photo by Steve Fritz 

Golfers Fire Best Of Year 

This official makes an emphatic call against 
tihe Pacers. 

photo tjy Steve Frftz 


The Pacer Golf Team had 
their best score and best finish 
of the year, when they fired a 
36-hold team total of 602, to 
finish third in the Indian River . 

The 602 score beaf their 
previous low by two shots, but it 
was actually better than that 
since it was fired on the par 73 
Safari Pines Golf Course, while 
all of the other tournaments 
were played on par 72 courses:- 
Broward, the defending 
national champion, won the 
tournament with a 586 total. 
Brevard was a close second with 
588, followed by Palm Beach 
602, Indian River 611, Dade- 
North 611, Edison 6.20, 
Dade-South 621, and Santa Fe 

Don Beattie of Broward was 
the low medalist with a 
70-68-138. The Pacers' Gregg 
Clatworthy tied for third with 
a73-72-145, and Mike Sim tied 

Title IX Discourages Bias 


Perhaps the biggest inno- 
vation to hit men's and women's 
sports since the invention of the 
whiistle is Title IX of the 1972 
Education Act. 

Title IX forbids discrimination 
under any education program or 
activity which is receiving 
federal funds. This would make 
it illegal for any school receiving 
federal assistance to deny equal 
opportunities in athletics to 
women. And women are 
making the most of the title in 
colleges and universities all over 
the U.S. 

One aggressive sports pro- 
gram in the country is at the 
University of Pittsburgh. 
Volleyball Coach Mary Kromer 
feels that facilities aren't the 
most important aspect in the 
program, I'Women are just 
begging for the opportunities to 


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Our research service is told 
for research atsJstance only. 

be competitive." She adds that 
they work just as hard as men, 
putting them through a 
two-hour-a-day, six-day-a-week 

Penn State is another school 
trying for a winning tradition, 
Delia Durant, who heads the 
women's athletic program, says 
that she is searching for "the 
excellence of women in sports. 
..the team champion, the 

With Title IX, proposed 
regulations are still being 
revised. According to Gwen 
Gregory, the main author of the 
title, they will be looking at the 
totality and the individual 
aspects; ■ This means the 
facilities, training, uniforms, 
travel expenses and more. 

The title cannot control what 

sports the schools offer, 
however, but can only make 
sure there is no discrimination. 

"Sports Illustrated," in 
handling the situation, sees one 
problem. With women 

competing on men's ground, 
they open themselves up to 
being shouldered out of their 
own programs. Men who are 
not talented enough for the 
men's teams will be moving into 
the women's. This idea has led 
to rules passed in Minnesota, 
allowing women to try to men's 
teams, but not men on the 

A Minnesota educator re- 
marked that he knows no case in 
history where equality has been 
cheap, and this is to be no 
exception. The present athletic 
system must be enlared in terms 
Turn to WOMEN," pj 

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for sixth with a 75-73-148. 

Scores of other team 
members are: Emmett 

Fitzgerald 75-78-153, Pat Kelly 
79-78-157, Jim Henry 80-77-157, 

and Chuck Pinder 80-82-162. 

The Indian River Tournament 
was the last of the fall term, 
with competition starting again 
in February. 

Space Men Visit 

Continued from pg. 1 

feel for what the Europeans did 
to the native Americans and 
Africans?" We justified taking 
the land because we had the 
superior technology. Why then 
would we not justify the 
conquest of Earth by a 
technologically superior space 

"We can't and it scares us." 
"As sociologists" Dr. Yinger 

told those attending the 
discussion of his paper, "we 
certainly have a Legitimate right 
to investigate and develop a 
field of Exosociology." 

According to Yinger, re- 
actions to the paper ranged from 
the large number who expres- 
sed a keen interest to two 
members who questioned his 
sanity in bringing up such a 

Bowlers Second In Tourney 

Broward North won the JC 
extra-mural Bowling Tourna- 
ment Nov. IS at Faidanes 
Bowling Alley in Palm Springs. 
Broward chalked up 13 points, 
inching the host Pacers by one. 
Biroward Central finished third, 
and Miami-Dade South fourth 
overall. _ 

Kent Knox took individual 
honors in both the high average 
and high series. Mark Murphy 
of Broward North won the game 
high trophy with a 233. 

The JC men placed first in 
their division and the women 

The Pacers also took a first in 
the coed event. 

In this week's intramural 
bowling. Donna Marotta's 463 
and Brian Richards's 537 series' 
took the top spots. 

Marotta's series was followed 

by Ingrid Sainio's 446 and 

•Sharon Nelson's 428. Bill 

Brown's 528 came in second and 
Knox took third with 501 pins. 

The women's high game was 
also recorded by Marolta, 
rolling a 169 closely followed by 
Nelson's 167 and Sainio's 162. 
Brown chalked a high game of 
196, with Joe Lesko's 189 and 
Richards' 188 taking third and 
fourth respectively. 

"The Ups and Downs" took 
the women's high series and 
high team game, 1622 and 567. 
"The Streakers" posted high 
team game for the men with 645 
pins and "The Best" grabbed 
the high team series with 1854 

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Trust Company 

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8 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, November 25, 1974 

Pacers Win First 'Exhibiton' 

Nelson Sinks Key Basket 

Facers forward Gus Poyastro [SI] charges against the 
Swlflsh's WiUie Fedd [21] with "Ttay" Mitchell [55] 
and Kinoa Stevenson [15] preparing for the action . 

photo by Steve Fritz 

''Gus" Opfimistic 


Associate Editor 

Meigus niade the big play 
Wednesday. Meigus hit a 
15-foot jumper with 16 seconds 
left in the game to beat the 
Sajlfish of Palm Beach Atlantic 
in the Pacers season tipoff. 

Maguil; Meigus, and now 
Gus Poy^astro has been the man. 
As his name has shortened, his 
achievements have been mount 

After averaging 14 points and 
a school record 17 rebounds a 
game for a poor Firestone High 
School team ill Akron, Ohio, 
Gus wanted more than personal 
achievements. He wanted to 
play for a winner. 

According to Gus, winning in 
Florida is a little better than 
winning in Montana; so he 
chose JC over Dawson College. 
• "I can just imagine myself out 
in Marlboro Country," he says. 

Rizo Loses/ 
Season Ends 


Sports Editor 

With the Florida Atlantic 
University scrimage and the 
match against the Delray 
Raquet Club last Sat. the Pacers 
tennis team concluded its fall 
practice schedule. 

In Boca Raton last Wed., 
Coach Harris ' McGirt|s slam- 
mers lost to FAU4-3. 

Roberto Rizo lost to David 
Highland 7-6, 4-6, 6-4. Norm 
Russel defeated Kim Magolis 
6-4, 6-2. Gary Ray, playing No. 
3, won a tough match over John 
Preston 3-6, 6-3, 6-3. Ron Dicus 
also defeated his FAU opponent 
7-6, 6-2. 

No doubles matches were 
played due to the time of the 

The only injury of the fall 
among the players was when 
Bachrach broke a bone in his 

After a call from high school 
team-mate and former Pacers 
star John Van Auker, Poyastro, 
a strapping 6' 6" forward, came 
to Florida, "played well, and 
Coach Wright signed me up." 

So in August, 1973, Gus 
Poyastro arrived in the friendly 
confines of JC's basketball 
house at 4888 Prince Drive, just 
across from John Prince Park. 

"It was like a ghetto in the 
middle of a nice neighborhood. 
We had seven guys living in a 
three-bedroom house, and there 
were bad' maintenance prob- 


"People talk about players' 
bad grades. . .that house leads 
to bad grades. It is virtually 
impossible to study." 

For whatever the reason, 
inhabitants <of that: house and 
others managed to slide the 
Pacers to second place in the 
state last season. 

However, as most any Pacer 
will tell you; that wasn't 
enough. Now living in his own 
apartment, Gus confides, "My 
grades now are no real problem 
■ this gives me more time to. 
concentrate on basketball." 

Following the three-pont loss 
to Chipola in the state final last 
season, Poyastro made a short 
speech in the locker room. Said 
Poyastro at the time, "We- 
almost had it. Everyone tried as 
hard as they could, and we have 
nothing to be ashamed of. 

"TOth a lot of freshmen coming 
back, we're going to win the 
.state and go to the nationals and 
win there," he concluded last 

Now with improved re- 
bounding, depth at the guard 
position, and an apartment- - 
relaxed Gus Poyastro, the. 
Pacers are armed and ready to 
make an assault on the national 

And then Poyastro would like 
to go to the University of 
Florida, or Stetson University . . 
.anywhere but Montana. "That 
happens to be the end of the 

Editors Notes Mary Mount 
College could not generate 
enough enthusiasm and will not 
field a team. The Dec. 14 
Pacers home game has now 
been cancelled. The next home 
game is the Palm Beach 
Invitational Tournament, Jan. 

Staff Writer ^ 

"It will take a little while until 
the team really starts to click," 
commented JC forward Gus 
Poyastro. But forty minutes of 
basketball was all the Pacers 
needed to chalk up win No. 1 of 
the 74-75 season, Nov. 20 over a 
stubborn Palm Beach Atlantic 
club, 81-78. 

With a mixture of under- 
classmen and varsity starters, 
George Perides' Sailfish threw 
up a stout defense that battered 
the Pacers through most of the 

Former Twin Lakes High 
School star, Donald Burns, 
canned a lay-up with just over a 
minute gone in the first half to 
start the Pacers scoring. 

The Sailfish jumped to a 15-7 
lead, due mostly to the Pacers' 
turnovers and sloppy play. 

With 8 minutes to go in the 
first half, Richard Nelson sank a 
jumper which gave the Pacers 
the lead which they never 

With"Tiny"Mitchell's tip in, 
the half time score showed the 
Pacers with a 36-31 lead. 

During the half time 
intermission, the Karate classes 
demonstrated the streneous 
techniques known only to the 

Sailfish forward Jerry Trout- 
man collected on 5 out of 6 field 
goals in the first half and scored 

the first four times he had the 
ball in the second half to pull 
PBA back within three points. 
Turnovers and unnecessary 
fouls hurt both teams through- 
out the game. JC lost the ball 25 
times due to errors, compared to 
Sailfish's 27. 

Nelson, who grabbed 15 
rebounds, powered in a key 
basket in the closing seconds 
which seemed to give the Pacers 

Poyastro sealed the Pacers' 
victory when he sank a 15-foot 

I — Sporisiife 

jumper with 16 seconds left in 
the game. 

Jhe freely substitution JC 
club placed five men in double 
figures with Burns, Bill 
Brandon., and Nelson leadinj 
the scoring attack with 14 each 

Coach Wright seemed sails- 
fied with his team's perfor- 
mance after the game, but not 
pleased with the overall play, 

"We played sloppy, but 
that's to be expected in (he 
opening game." 

Miscues Deter 

.Timothy L.Broy- 

Between turnovers the Pacers showed signs of a championship 
ball club last Wednesday night when they trimmed the Sailfish, 

Bob Wright, Pacers' coach, felt we couldn't lose, and the dub 
didn't. Sometimes he has nerves of steel, v 

George Perides, the Palm Beach Atlantic coach, looked at tk 
game as a scrimmage because he couldn't afford to play a "real" 
ball game with a junior college. 

He played his younger ball players, though freshman Jerty 
Troutman, who scored 26, is his standout performer. 

Perides said, "We both did the same things wrong." 

This was evident by the number of turnovers. The Facets 
finished with 25 and the Sailfish 27. 

In analyzing the stats, the Pacers used about W/i of their total 
offense and scored .97 of a point each time they came down the 

JC collected on half of their field goals, 34 of 68. The Sailfish hit 
30 of 62 for 48.4% 

Whenever the club threw good passes and had assists the offense 
was clicking. Other times as Dick Rousche pointed out after the 
contest, "Our timing. was off." 

"Brandon's a ball player," commented Coach Perides of the 6'3" 
guard from Twinsburg, Ohio. Also drawing praise was Gus 
Poyastro, a 6'6" forward from Akron, Ohio. 

Doctor Howard Reynolds, JC athletic director, said of the Sailfisl 
attitude towards the game, "Anytime you lose, it's a practici 

Women Strive For Equality 

Continued from pg. 7 , 

of funds, facilities, and 
personnel in order to achiedve 

Ray Graves, athletic director 
and former head football coach 
at University of Florida doesn't 
think Additional funds could be 
raised. He has another 
alternative; major cutbacks in 
men's scholarships, which are 
now a big expense for most 

Wisconsin Athletic Director 
Elroy Hirsch is willing, "It 
doesn't bother me that all that 
money is being taken from the 
men. If everybody does it, then 
it wouldn't hurt anyone." 

JC cross-country runner 
Robin Plitt believes that sports 
are forms of leisure and women 
have as much right to indulge in 
them as men. "If a woman 
qualifies for a man's team she 
should he encouraged to 

JC bowler Lynn Kalber says, 
"All sports should be co-ed. 
Anyone should be able to play in 
any sport they want to." 

Dan DeStout, JC baseball 

player, has another view, "Girls 
should play a lot of sports, but 
they shouldn't mfai with guys. 

Guys don't want to hit girls, mi 
it takes their minds off the 




Monday, Decennber 9, 1974 

Lake Worth, Florida 33460 

Vets Berieiits 
To Increase 22% 

Students, stop, stare, and vote for their choice in the MR/MISS Wishing Weil contest, 
■sponsored by the JC vets club. 

Contestants Show Best 

Outside the Finance Office on a patriotic background of red, white, and bine are the 
not-so-patriotic contestants of the "Wishing Well Contest". 

Despite the 4-day late start in the contest, the money began flowing in fast when the display was 
put up last Thursday. 

The booth will be open for voting nntfl Wednesday, December 11. The voting wlU be open for 
the night students daring breaks between classes. 

After Wednesday's deadlhie, the jits wifl be counted by the Vet's Clnh advisor, Mr. Wayne 
Debee. The winner will be announced either Thursday, Dec. 12, or Friday, Dec. 13. Debee 
reported that the trophies might be given during the 50's dance on Dec. 13. 
^ The voting chart is as follows: a penny - one vote, a quarter - 30 votes, and a doUar - 125 votes 
[inflation, reported Debee]. Nickels and dimes wlU not be tamed away, however, the chart is just a 
brief sketch. 

The contestants and thek sponsors, in numerical order, [male and female] are;, 1] Glynne 
Hughes, sponsored by an individual group; 2] Anna Marie Fredell, Speech Pathology and 
Aodiology, 3] Tory Buckley, Phiio; 4] Cynthia Campbell, OAA] 5] Sandi Pooley, Vet's Club; 6] 
Frank Smith, Journalism; 7] Constance Holmes, Student Government; 8] Lin Mello, Sales and 
Marketing Club; 9]; Marc Bressler, Beachcomber. 

EDITORS NOTE: Pictures of the male contestants were shown in last weeks issue of the 
Beachcomber. Photographs of all the contestants not shown then, can be found tliroughout this 
issue. Money donated to this contest goes to the Early Childhood Development Center. 


Editor's Notebook 


I CHRISTMAS CONCERT sponsored by the Music = 

I Department will be held Tuesday, December 10, at 9:10 | 

I a.m. for students and at 8:00 p.m. for the general | 

I public. I 

I FINAL EXAMS are scheduled for December 16 | 

B through 20. CAFETERIA will be closed evenings due | 

a to a lack of business. Evening hours will continue at the = 

I start of the Winter term. MEDIA the college literary 5 

5 magazine needs writers to compete for the S300 pri2e § 

a money. The deadline is December 16. -5 

I SECURITY ADMINISTRATION is being offered as | 

B an evening course, starting Thursday, January 9 from | 

i 7-10 p.m. Registration for the course will be January 2, 5 

i 3 and 6. | 

I REGISTRATION for any evening classes will be held | 

I from now until January 6 from 2 to 9 p.m. Monday | 

I through Thursday, at the JC North Mobile Office | 

I located at 4245 Holly Drive, Palm Beach Gardens- For | 

I further information call 622-3863. DEADLINE to make | 

i application for day classes in the Winter term is today i 

I at 3:00. | 

I FALL '74 GRADS may pick up their announcements | 

I at the graduation display desk in the registrar's office. | 

I BRIARCLIFF College will have a representative here | 

I to talk to interested students tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. in | 

a the cafeteria. a 

I APPLICATIONS for students to act as supervisors in = 

i the new Game Room are being accepted by Student | 

i Government. The pay is $1.90 an hour. 1 

a BOOKSTORE will be buying back books on |- 

I December 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20. "It is the policy of the | 

i Bookstore to buy back only those textbooks which can s 

I be resold to students. | 

■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii ■iiiimiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiff 

Xmas Music 

Co-Entertainment Editor 

As an early Yuletide gift the 
music department will present 
their annual Christmas Concert 
in the auditorium Tuesday, Dec. 
10 at 9:10 a.m. There will be no 
classes at that time. 

The program is to feature the 
Concert Band, Concert Choir, 
JC's Jazz Ensemble, and the 

The Concert Choir, composed 
of 38 members, is scheduled to 
sing "O' Magnum Mysterium", 
"Lute Book Lullaby", "Lullaby 
on Christmas Eve", featuring 
a solo by Oveta Jackson and 
"Mary Had A Baby", with a 
solo by Karen Bunner, 

The Concert Band will 
perform, "Chorale for the 
Leonard Bernstein Mass", 
"Christmas Carol", and "All- 
eluis Landemns Te". 

Pacesetters (see additional 
story page 6) are slated to do 
"Sing Hosanna", "Christmas 
Is. .", "Christmas Song" and 

News Editor 
Congress overrode President 
Ford's veto and enacted into law 
a 22.7 percent increase in GI 
educational benefits. The law 
which is retroactive to Septem- 
ber, affects every Vietnam era 

New Hours 
For Study 

Through the efforts of 
Constance Holmes and Dolor 
Ginchereau the library is open 
for the final four Sundays of the 
fall term. 

Many of the night students 
complained that they didn't 
have access to the library as it 
closed at 8:30 p.m. Ms. Holmes 
and Ginchereau met with Dr. 
Manor and Dean Tate to rectify 
the situation. 

Through a compromise the 
library was opened an extra half 
an hour on the week nights and 
on the final four Sundays of the 
term from 1:00 p^m. until 5:00 
p.m. The library will also be 
opened the first three days of 
the week of finals, December 
16, 17 and 18. This has never 
geen cone before. 

Unofficially ten students used 
the library the first Sunday it 
was opened. The second 
Sunday between 28-32 students 
used the facilities. 

veteran presently attending 
Palm Beach Junior College. 

Veterans Administration off- 
icials said the back payments 
would probably be in the hands 
of the veterans now in school in 
about 15 days. The first regular 
check with the increase willgo 
out January 1, they said. 

The bill increases monthly 
payments for full time institut- 
ional training from $220 to $270 
for a single veteran, from $261 
to $321 for a veteran with one 
dependent and from $298 to 
$336 with two dependents. The 
rate for each dependent over 
two is raised from $18 to $22. 

The Bijl allows Reservists and 
National Guardsman to get 
credit for education benefits for 
their six months initial active 
duty for training if they later 
serve on active duty for 12 
months or more. 

The benefits increase the 
entitlement to 45 months from 
the present 36 months, and sets 
up a special loan program that 
will enable veterans to borrow 
money from the Treasury if they 
are unable to obtain it from 
other federal programs. 

Ford had called the bill 
inflationary, claiming it would 
increase his budget by $502 
million and require a request for 
a supplemental appropriation 

The House vote was 394-10 
and the Senate's 90-1. 

Classes were cancelled, so students and faculty could attend a 
performance by the Danish Gym Team which was scheduled 
to take place last Monday, December 2 from 12:10 to I.-IO 

As the gym began to fill with customers someone noticed ttiai 
an element of the performance was missing. . .the gymnasts! 
The show must go on. . . .any volunteers? 

2 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, December 9, 1974 


Associate Editor 

Managing Editor 

associated collegfdte press 


' ". ' ■ "— ■ " ■ *"' 


Just when it seems like nothing is free anymore. . .SG decides to 
sponsor a second coffee house. With free coffee and entertainment 
offered, it was a good idea. But, like good ideas have a way of 
doing, it fizzled. 

If you heard about that coffee house, scheduled for Dec. 2, and IF 
you decided to go listen to the music and see the new game room, 
you were disappointed. There was no coffee house after all. 
Without notice to students, it was cancelled. 

Why was it cancelled? Because some people thought the coffee 
house would conflict with the performance of the Danish Gym 
Team. The Danish Gym Team, another good idea that fizzled (due 
in no way to SG), was scheduled to appear at 12:10 Dec. 2. Even if 
the gym team had performed, which it didn't, there would have still 
been an hour beforehand for the coffee house. 

SG has a so-called "open door" policy. The fact that many JC 
students couldn't care less if its door is opened or closed hampers 
SG. But, in this case, SG is just adding coal to the apathetic fire 
when something is scheduled and .then cancelled without notice. 

The cancellation of the coffee house is not a big issue in itself and 
will probably have no drastic affect on anyone. But the point is that 
the students should have known. They should know about the game 
room. Though its bad points seem to be harped upon, students 
should know about SG's positive attempts. 

Students have the right to know even when an attempt, like the 
coffee house, fails. The beachcomber recognizes this right to know 
and the newspaper is the place students look to read about SG 
business. Yet, when a Beachcomber reporter attempted to question 
an SG leader about the coffee house, he was, though not in so many 
words, told to get lost. 

Why doesn't the sun shine at JC? Without more of the promised 
government "in the sunshine" from SG, we're going to be asking 
that question. 

But, everybody's got a right to try, try again and SG will. 
Another coffee house is planned for early January. With a little 
luck, the more information to students, this one will work. 

Sugar Snatching 

That woman with the big handbag may look like a harmless little 
old lady. But she may be one of the many sugar thieves invading the 
nation's restaurants. 

Since sugar prices went sky high, restaurant managers have been 
noticing the rapid disappearance of sugar packets. Some peopleeven 
pour sugar out of bowls and onto napkins to steal it. 

Some of the sugar-snatching tactics used by restaurant customers 
are clever, some could be called surprising (though not much is 
surprising these days). 

Be reminded that m^ny restaurant managers pay high wholesale 
prices for sugar; prices higher than those the consumer pays in a 
grocery store. Managers are asking that everyone have a little 
courtesy and more conscience about this. But, perhaps courtesy is 
an even more valuable commodity than the sugar. 

Thanks News Bureau 

Watch television and yon hear bad news. Read the newspaper. . 
•more bad news. It's tnie, bad news is everywhere. But, when a 
group of people goes ont of its way to help another group, that also 
merits news coverage. 

Hie Beachcomljer would like to express many thanlcs to Mr. 
Jonathan Koontz and Ms News Bureau staff. Their extra efforts 
have been a great help to Beachcomber editors and a valuable 
service to many. Particnlariy, thanks News Bureau for the help on 
Thursday, Dec. 5. 

Coffee House Flops 

Monday, December 9, 1974 BEACHCOMBER --3 

Staff Writer 

The coffee house that was 
planned for last Monday in the 
JC cafe was cancelled because 
of the Danish Gymnastic Team 
which was to perform during the 
coffee house hours. 

"I personally cancelled it," 
said SG Parliamentarian Tony 

Banks. He said another coffee 
house is planned for early 

SG President Tory S. Buckley 
said he knew nothing about the 
coffee house. "I don't know 
anything about it. Come to the 
Executive Board meeting Tues- 
day morning," remarked Buck- 
Turn (o "Coffee House" pg 4 


AAontessori Method Praised 

Did you see the little children 
on the campus today, over at the 
Center for Early Learning? 
Under their directress, Ms. 
Kathy Bowser, these young 
children have "freedom"' to 
develop their emotional, intel- 
lectual and spiritual capacities 
to the fullest. 

This "freedom" I am 
speaking of is the basic premise 
of the Montessori Method. That 
"freedom" to develop is 
achieved through the develop- 
ment of order and self-disci- 

To a child, our world with all 
its sights and sounds, first 
appears to be chaotic. By 
learning through his senses, a 
child masters himself and his 

In a Montessori classroom 
you will find a prepared 
environment with certain order 
which enables a child to develop 
at his own capacity in a 
non-competitive atmosphere. 
Self-motivation of the child is 
the only impulse that moves the 
child toward learning. The 
teachers prepare the environ- 
ment, direct the activity, act as a 
leader and offer stimulation and 
guidance. But it is the child who 
learns through the motivation of 
the work itself. 

The experience of frequent 
success in a Montessori 

environment helps the child' 
acquire a positive self-image, 
much needed for success in life. 
The Center for Early Learning 
has an observation room where 

you can see the children leatti, 
with the guidance of the student 
interns and teachers. 

Norma L. Barletta 

Moturity Questioned 


In order to be effective,, both the'SG and the Beachcomber 
must maintain an air of sophistication and maturity so that the 
students, faculty and administration can see that they are 
responsible, viable forces on campus. 

But, with their entrance in the Miss Wishing Well contest, 
SG's president, the 'Comber's editor-in-chief and the 
'Comber's managing editor (who also acts as an SG senator), 
have created a credibility gap which may affect their 
interactions with the other forces on campus. 

This leads this student to ask: "Can SG and the 
Beachcomber be taken seriously?" 

James Patrick Collins 

Letters-To-The Editor Policy 


(1) Not exceed 250 words. 

(2) Be signed by the author. 

(3) Include the author's 
telephone number. 

(4) Be received in the 
Beachcomber Office no 
later than 4 p.m. on 

All letters are subject 
to condensation. 



fitm. edrtor, < , , Sfw'ft 15:, C«>wl*/ 


6d*torttS A$)S»^t , < ,J;sn-T4<«*iV*a(«f 

*. 1^ aearfjcamfaer « published from ow 9>mam\ o*f«w io th? Stadeot PufoticatiohS 
4Swf*ll«'^^'2*'*"'^*'^^''^*'*^^ 6M,af««jAv^., Lsk^mr*, P\^n<!»^m> 

mf^ and tiot rwKsasswity th«»»J;>f «»slt^ a«i^«h Jtetor Cotlsg*, 

SG Needs Judge 

Staff Writer 

Student Government's Executive Board is finding it difficult to establish a Judicial Board this year. 

According to SG's Constitution, it is the Executive Board's duty to establish the Judicial Board, with 
SG's President making the appointments. 

President Tory Buckley has been talking to students and asking Social Science faculty members to 
tell their students about the Judicial Board. He also plans to put a notice in the daily bulletin. There 
has been no student response. 

The Judicial Department is one of the three branches of Student government, and according to SG 
Secretary Constance Holmes, Student Government cannot-cairy out the SG Constitution without it. 

The Judicial Board must be composed of seven justices; a Chief Justice and six Associate Justices. 
Any student who is not a member of either the Executive or Legislative Departments may become a 

According to the Constitution, the Judicial Board's duties and powers are: "1) To review and 
interpret the Constitution, 2) To decide if and when one department is interfering with, or infringing 
upon the duties and powers of another, 3) to try all cases of impeachment against an elected officer of 
the Student Body." 

Evaluation Asked 

The SG Senate Thursday 
passed two of Senator Dave 
Upshaw's resolutions that are to 
better the student body. 

The items included instructor 
evaluation and less expensive 

"The teacher in the Social 
Science department is the worst 
teacher I have ever had from 
kindergarten up to college," 
said Upshaw. 

He said the instructor knows 
who he is and will remains at JC 
until he resigns. Upshaw 
doesn't like the present 
evaluation system. 

"The present evaluation 
system is not categorically 
enforced," Upshaw demanded. 

The resolution asked that a 
petition be sent to Dr. Manor, 
the Board of Trustees, and the 
Faculty Senate to institute a 
"well defined" instructor eval- 
uation system. 

"If a teacher does not meet 
the requirements, he should be 
fired," says Upshaw. 

Senator Upshaw's other 
resolution asked for the 
purchase of less expensive 
textbooks. He argued that 
"gold lettered" and elaborated 
bookcovers are not necessary. 
He offered paperback books 
instead of hardbacks. 

During the meeting a motion 
was carried to have the SG Vice 
Presdient Dolor Ginchereau go 

EXEC Board Meets 

'. 'ill:: ■■. -'^ -...irlQ.-a'lo ': ■. . ■,■..■.■ 

Student Government's Executive Board discussed a variety of 
topics at their December 3 meeting. 

SG President Tory Buckley gave a progress report on the 
establishment of a Judicial Board. It is the President's 
responsibility to appoint seven student members to the Judicial 
Board. Buckley has been talking to students but has gotten no 

In other business, the Executive Board: 
Approved the proposed $2,700 Winter movie schedule. 

Passed a motion to underwrite tickets for the December 14 Johnny 
Winter concert. Students may purchase tickets half-price at the 

Transferred S75 from SG Account 645 into the Radio Club Account 
645 for the purchase of an antenna. 

Approved a motion to purchase supplies costing $31.65. 
Passed a motion to purchase two 50' speaker wires, at $14.20 each, 
for the SAC Lounge. 

before the Executive Board and 

• ask that a $50 honorarium be 

given to the Senate Clerk Karen 

Ovlasuk and certain Senators. 

A bill of appropriations was 
passed one month ago that gives 
Senators the honorarium priv- 
elege. No Senator has received 
money at this time. 

Ginchereau said Miss Ovla- 
suk deserves the money. "I've 
come in on weekends and s&en 
Karen working on Senate 
business," he said. 

Senators want to get their 
money before the termends. SG 
Treasurer David Lang said 
"First a committee will have to 
be set up to determine which 
Senators deserve honorariums, 
then the Executive Branch will 

issue checks." 

Lang said checks can be sent 
out within a week. The money 
will be taken from the SG "other 
services account" which now 
holds $6,300. 

The Senate also passed road 
sign resolutions. Senators Jim 
Scott and Glynne Hughes 
introduced a resolution that will 
tell students where to go in case 
of an emergency. 

"The students don't know 
where to go in case of an 
emergency," said Scott. 

Senators Dan Buckley and 
Rob Abrams resolution call for 
directional signs to be placed in 
the community directing people 
to the JC Auditorium. 

Abrams said "Signs can be 
placed in the median on 
Congress." Several other 


Frank Smith sponsored by journalism. 

resolution were sent to the 
resolutions committee for re- 

Last week the Resolutions 
Committee recommended the 
present attendance policy not be 
abolished. They said the 
students are showing a 
"marked decline" in abiding 
with the attendance policy 
compared with the past policy 
that allowed no more than three 
per cent of a class be missed. 

"Any more than 25 percent 

Chess Game 

Palm Beach Colunty's Chess 
Championship begins Sat, Dec. 
14, with players vying for the 
coveted Commissioners Cup. 

The cup is a permanent 
trophy with all the winners 
engraved on the base. 

The two day tourney will be 
staged in the north room of the 
Sac Lounge at JC. 

Anyone with a Palm Beach 
County mailing address is 
eligible to enter. Entry fee is 
$8. at the door, 16 pre-regist- 
ration with USCF and FCA 
membership, existing or acqu- 
ired. , 

Registration begins at 8:30 
a.m. Sat. and the first, second, 
and third rounds will be the 
same day at 9:00 a.m., 2:30 
p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Fourth and 
fifth rounds are to be layed Sun. 
at 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. 

JMiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii niiniiiiiiniiiniiuitiiniiniiiiini(iuiituiuHii iiiiimiiuiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiHiu iiiiui 

Admissions Counselor, Bill 
McCray, of Florida Adantic 
University was on campus 
recently in an effort to get 
students to attend the school 
when they graduate JC. 

A table was set up in the 
cafeteria with pamphlets, 
handbooks, and other assored 
material about the school. The 
response of tlie students was 
very good as many students 
showed interest by taking 
pamphlets and handbooks of 
the school while others talked 
to McCray about the different 
courses of study offered at the 

Many of the popular courses 
offered at the university are 
business, criminal justice, 
education, and the sciences 
comments McCray. 


absenteeism negates the prob- 
ability of learning taking 
place," said Senator Upshaw, 
Senator Marie Riccobono de- 
fended the abolishing of the 
present policy. 

"The students I talked to are 
in favor of it," she said. 
Riccobono says the classes 
where students^learn the least 
are the ones that are strictly 
enforced by the attendance 

"Twenty Five percent is very 
liberal," said Senator James 
Cox. ' 'You have to go to classes 
if you want the education," he 
said. . 

Upshaw said he could not let 
the resolution be passed 

There- have not been any 
developments on the revising of 
the JC Constitution according to 
the Chairman of the Constitu- 
tional amendments committee 
Rob Abrams. 




1975 Can Be A 



Join A 

Wonts You 

I r i 

4- BEACHCOMBER Monday, December 9, 1974 

'Special To The Beachcomber 

Pledges Participate In Hell Week 


*' I . 

Chi Sig Pledges get a mouth Ml of initiation during "Hell Weeli". Compolsoiy attire was 
ripped pants, and torn shirts, topped off by ears of com, raw eggs, and dead mullet. 



f-'-Speech Demo's 

I Whip Inflation Now \ 


Evening Reporter 

Have you been wondering, 
when you see so many students 
paclcing paraphenalia ■ in the 
classrooms, whether they are 
gomg to a garage sale, auction 
or have just "flipped?" 

It's none of the above - just 
demonstration time in the 
Speech 101 classes. 

One gets the impression that 
assignments are on WIN [WIilp 
Inflation Now) President Ford's 
economic program which is now 
going Into Its eighth weelc. 

However, this is not true. 
Most students have taken it 
upon themselves to display 
projects geared at conserving 
high cost commodities. 

A good example is the 
sugarless cake that was mixed 

"by Dorothy Sheely, an evening 
student. Her husband, Carl, is 
enrolled in the same class, is not 
only her official taster but also 
transports her equipment for 
her. She brought no ".precious 
sweetner" only pudding mix 
and orange juice are used in her 
Harvey Wallbanger delicacy. 

Simply mix together one 
package each of yellow calce 
mix, and vanilla pudding, 
one>half cnp of cooiting oil, four 
eggs, 1/4 cup each of vodica and 
Galliano liqueur and 3/4 sup of 
orange juice. After beatfaig for 
fomr minutes, pour the batter 
into a well greased and floured 
pan and balce at 350 degrees for 
45-50 minuts. 

Dorothy assures the "tee- 
totalers" that they could eat this 
pastry with a clear conscience 

because the alcoholic spirits 
evaporate during cooking and 
only the flavor remains. 

Esther Warren, another WIN 
conscious student, is growing a 
bean sprout garden to cut down 
on cost and calories. 

This "show and tell" feature 
on the speech course also 
revealed the skills of putting up 
a tent, watchmaking, decou- 
page, woodcraft, embroidery, 
graphics, taxidermy, purse- 
making, archery and foot 

Students who have combined 
this phase of learning with 
practicality have come up with 
interesting concoctions to offset 
commercial gimmicks, proving 
that they will do whatever is 
necessary to "Whip Inflation 

Every year, campus social 
clubs hold their annual "rush 
parties" and pledging sessions, 
and many of you have probably 
wondered what really goes on 
during "Hell Week". . 

The following is an actual 
account of the week's activities, 
as seen through a pledge's eyes. 

Scott Guske 
Chi Sig Pledge 

, Thanksgiving week was "the 
most unusual week of my life. It 

On Monday morning my 
alarm clock rang at 5:00 a.m. 
Reluctantly, I rose to my 
dreadful fate. I then dressed up 
in my pledging suit, which 
consisted of a shredded white 
tuxedo, a torn pleated shirt,, 
ripped pants, painted white 
shoes, an ear of com, one raw 
egg, and a one pound mullet 
around my neck. 

From there I met my two 
other pledge brothers at the JC 
football field at 6:00 a.m. While 
we were there, a few of the 
fraternity brothers made us do 
various exercises, wuch as 
push-ups, sit-ups, toe touches, 
pushing our eggs with our 
ndese, soramersaulting the 
length of the football field, and 

From there we had to enter 
the cafeteria with pur fish 
around our necks, and oureggs 
smashed in our hair, and ask 

every girl we saw where 
"Freddie the Fly" was. That 
was just Monday. 

Tuesday at 6:00 a.m. when 1 
arrived at school, my pledge 
brothers weren't there. To my 
dismay, I found them sleeping. 
While they were dressing, a 
plan had to be devised io 
explain whey we were not at 
school by 6:00. We walked into 
the Lake Worth Police Depart- 
ment with our suits on, and our 
dead fish around our necks. We 
then explained our predicament 
and persuaded the sergeant (o 
call the commander of the 
Fraternity and ask him to pick 
us up at the station. 

We told him that we were 
stopped for speeding and didn't 
have a driver's license, so the 
officer took us to the station. It 
worked, and the day proceeded 
in the same fashion as Monday 

Pledging meant so much to us 
that we gave up our time, our 
grades, our money, and out 
home lives. On top of that, we 
went through many trying 
ordeals, always trying not to 
displease about twenty-five 
brothers. Even so, the glimpse 
of brothehood which we, the 
pledges, witnessed and the 
great amount of brotherhood 
that we expressed towards each 
other was enough for us to say 
that it was 


Monday, December 9, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 5 

Classified Ads 

Walker Ave., Greenacres, 2 
Bedroom., 1 bath, WW carpet, 
Central A/C Heat, Appliances; 
Water and garbags pickup 
included. $225 per mo. Call 
965-3397 for appointment. 

WANTED: roommate (s) 1 or 
2 roommates - large 2 bedroom 
apt. close to PBJC; walking 
distance to Lake Worth Beach 
$60 mo. (includes utilities) Call 
588-3982 after 4 p.m. ask for 

ir ■» ." fS?-*' ^ 

TERM PAPERS] Canada's 
largest service. For catalogue 
send S2 to Essay Services, 57 
Spadlna, 208 Toronto, Ontario, 

FOR SALE: Men's 26 in 
Raleigh 10 speed, good 
condition. Extras $75. Call 
588-5720, ask for Jerry. 

RIDE WANTED:^ North to 
Connecticut or vicinity (N.J., 
N.Y. or Mass.) will share 
expenses and driving. Decem- 
ber 20 or after. Gall 588.9382 

ask for Dan after 4 p.m. 

FOR SALE: Irish setter - 
champion pups, AKC and 
Pedigrees - large selection, 
priced to go for Christmas Call 

Dorothy Sheely, evening student, shows how to make "no 
sugar' ' Harvey Wallbanger cake in Speech 101 class. Here she 
adds a little vodka to give it that "something extra". Her 
husband Carl is also taking the same course. 

Comber Questions Study Habits 

As the tena nears its end, many find themselves bidalghig hi 
study. While avoiding the unpleasantly seems the easiest 
method, some, like this pensive student at left, prefer to take a 
serious look at the situation. 

Featvre Editor 

It's that time .of year again, 
and like h or not, itiany of our 
spare moments in the days to 
come will be occupied by that 
time-consuming, unpopular 
pastime - studying. 

As a public service to the 
campus, the Beachcomber has 
conducted a poll to disclose 
where, when, and how people 
prepare themselves for that 
ail-too-familiar sport, in hopes 
that our readers could put to 
good use some of the useful 
hints we've aquired. 

Of the 50 students quest- 
ioned, five stated that they 
studied "just like everyone else: 
"Read your notes, review the 
assignments, and PRAY!' 

"Their favorite places to 
indulge include the library, a 
quiet room or the cafeteria. (1?) 
An overwhelming majority, 
(382) reluctantly admitted that 
they do study, but only after an 
honest attempt at procrastinat- 

Some of their methods are: 

1. Turn on the television-^ 
hopefully you'll fall asleep. 

2. Study with a friend-you 
never kiiow what you'll learn. 

3. Gouge yourself on 
midnight snacks-maybe you'll 
acquire indigestion, thus having 
a legitimate excuse for cuttmg 
the class. 

Other suggestions included 
"turning your radio on, " "go sit 
on the John and make yourself 
comfortable," "buying an 
'EXAM Cram' at the book- 
store" and "drink a lot of 

"Not too much, though", this 
one pro relayed, "once 1 drank 
so much of the stuff my hands 
were shaking all the next day." 

The remaining two-percent 
said they refused to study; 
under any conditions. Obviou- 
sly, these foolish scholars will 
be humming "I'll See You in 
September" all the way to the 
Registrar's office. 

We hope the alwve sugges- 
tions prove useful, but whatever 
tactics your method consists of, 
Good Luck! 

Coffee House 

Continued from pg 2 

ley. ■ 

"so Vice President Dolor 

Ginchereau made the <:an«l' 

lation announcement two weeb 

ago Tuesday during a special 

Senate meeting. 

"Due to the assembly it ^^ 
been postponed until January?, 
said Ginchereau. 

Robin Plitt who suggested the 
idea qf a coffee house said, "it 
would tie a place where students 
can get involved in school 
activities or try out their musical 

"I'm a concerned student," 
said Plitt. Plitt is tired of seeinj 
students "just going to classes 
and then going home." 



Cynthis Campbell, (left), and Sandi 
Pooley, (right), sponsored by the 
Organization of Afro Americans and 
the Veteran's Club, respectively, are 
only two of the beauties entered in 
the annual Miss Wishing Well 



Nostalgia Craze Offers Release 


It was the time of bobby sox, saddle shoes, greasers, 
leather jackets, drive-in restaurants and jitterbugging. 
it was a time of awareness for the U.S. ■ in government, 
and in individuals. It was - the nifty fifties. 

Now, it is the time of bobby sox, "Rock Around the 
Clock", saddle shoes, and an occasional greaser. It is 
once again a time of awareness for the U.S. - in 
government and in individuals. It is nostalgia. 

Why nostalgia? People want to live back in the 
"good 'ol days". Back in the fifties they sure didn't 
think it was the "good 'ol days"! What magical 
atmosphere surrounds the world of yesterday? 

Many psychologists explain that this is an attempt to 
be fi-ee of the present world and its stress. This is also 

the way movie-makers in Hollywood explain the trend. 

Since "The Last Picture Show" in 1971, with a 
flashback of life in the fifties, movie studios have been 
making millions of "memory movies". 

"Forget about the generation gap. Try nostalgia! If 
yon have a teenager pinned down in the past like a 
butterfly under glass, you've got the upper hand," 

So the youth magazbie SEVENTEEN quotes 
Hollywood producers. For them the idealized past has 
become a source of instant success. 

To prove their pohit, last year the movie "American 
Graffiti" broke box office records. Immediately, 
Wolfman Jack's and sock hops began appearing all 
over the country. Ninety percent of all high schools and 
most colleges sponsored sock hops or 50's dances. The 

producers had struck it rich. 

In the past year more classic cars have b een seen on 
the road than ever before. The clothes trend is going 
back to pedal pushers and granny gowns. Even mens 
hair has gone back to the long, natural styles of 

And now inflation is bringuig us back to the 30's 
depressioiv/ Were does nostalgia end? 

EDITOR'S NOTE JC's Phi Ro Phi club is now 
sponsoring 50's dance instruction sessions These are in 
preparation for the Philo SO's dance to be held at JC on 
December 13. The classes be^ today, Dec. 9 at ZsSO in the aoditoilum . 

Student Figiits Fires In Spare Time 

Staff Writer 

Many of us are not fortunate 
enough to have ourchildhood 
dreams come true but for Jim 
Scott his vision of riding a bright 
red fire engine has become a, 

Jim Scott, sophomore student 
seantor is a volunteer fireman 
for Greenacres City. 

For Jim his dream began as a 
young child who admiringly 
looked upon the big red fire 
engines and dreamed someday 
of riding on one. Well, about 16 
months ago the dream began to 
be within reach when his sister 
and brother-in-law urged him to 
become a volunteer for 

"The greatest thing I like is 
helping others," Jim sincerely 


Jim lives a very active life. 
Aside from being a full time 
student, a senator, and a 
volunteer fireman his is also a 
part-time bag boy for Winn- 
Dixie. . 

"I can't stress enough how 
much I enjoy helping others. 
It's a good feeling knowing you 
can help someone in trouble." 

Jim has his CPR license to aid 
a person having a heart attack. 
He would like to take a course in 
first aid training and become a 
certified EMT (Emergency 
Medical Technician). 

Jim is a history major and 
plans to- follow it up as a history 
teacher, but thoroughly enjoys 
his work as a volunteer fireman. 

'Imagine getting a call at 2:30 
a.m. while in a dead sleeip, to 
answer the call of a brush fire. 

that turns out to only be a pig 
roast. This and many other 
experiences are just a part of 
Jim's active life. 

It's amazing. Just as in all 
places of work there are 
agreements and disagreements 
but when that alarm sounds 
we're all working together to 
put our a fire and save the lives 
of the people involved. It's just 
wanting to help others." 

Art Students 
Exhibit Works 

The Art Department is 
holding a progress exhibit in the 
ground floor gallery of the 
Humanities Building. The 
exhibit contains commercialart, 
photography, ceramics, and arts 
and JC students. 

The gallery is open to the 
public. The exhibit began on 
Dec 6 and will run through the 
remainder of the term. 

Misplace somethhig lately? You can claim your beiongbigs at 
the Lost and Found, located in Dean Daye Davey's o£Bce in 
the north end of the SAC Lounge. 

" Gifts aiid Accessories " 

With a difference 
It doesn't take much 
to he posh 

21^0IOth Ave. North 
Lake Worth, Fla. 

Miss Gwendolyn Ferguson, 
counselor of Job placement, is 
opttmlsi^ about employment 
for JC students. Her office on 
first flow of library building is 
openfrom 8 to 4 p.m. wad 
Job ttsdngs are left with 
evening counselors at main 
campus and aorth center. 

photo by //Innie Knighton 

First Natfonalianic 
Trust Company 

114 North "J" St 
LakeWor^, Florida 
Phone 582-5641 
AAember F.D.i.C. 

niofM S82-IMS 



Monday December 9, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 7 

6 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, December 9, 1974 



Comber Preview 

A Step Back 

Staff Writer 

Have you had the urge to dance the jitterbug? Well now's your 
chance. On December 13, from 7:30p.m. to 1:00 a.m. PBJC campus 
clubs are sponsoring a '50's Sock Hop Dance in the gym. 

^ Admission is free and refreshments are to be served throughout 
the evening. There is to be Chicken served from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. 
with Musical entertainment provided by Southern Comfort lasting 
from. 8:30 to 12:30 p.m, with three intermissions. 

During two of these breaks of 20 minutes each the Drama Dept. 
will entertain the audience. 

Door prizes are to be awarded during the third intermission, the 
prizes consist of a horse and a ten speed bicycle. 

Throughout the evening, Phi Rho Phi will be operating a fortune 
telling booth, a laughing booth and a kissing booth, with all 
proceeds going towards new auditorium seating. 

A picture taking booth is also planned. 

Now's your chance to demonstrate your talents and dance in the 
'50's style to your hearts content in the dance contest. 

Phi Rho Phi is going to hold dance clinics at 2:30 p.m. beginning 
Monday Dec. 7 for all the students who are interested in learning or 
polishing up on their dance steps. JLoofc for posters concerning the 
dance clinics on bulletin boards. 

Dress of the '50's is optional but a prize for the best dressed will 
be awarded. 

Ian Mello is hoping to win the "Miss Wishing Well" title, she 
is sponsored by the Sales and Marketing Club. 

Danish Roll In Late 

Entertainment Co-Editor 

Contrary to popular belief, the Danish Gym Team 
scheduled for a 12:10 performance on Dec. 2 in the JC 
gymnasium did show for a performance, only later that 

As the minutes grew longer last Monday for the hundreds 
of students waiting In the gym it soon became apparent, by 
the empty gymnasium floor, there would be no performance. 
Students dispersed after a timely wait and either relaxed from 
the cold in the cafeteria or went to class. 

Later that afternoon the Danish Gym Team's caravan rolled 

up to the gym expecting to give a performance. The manager 

had unfortunately misintepreted the contract's time. The 

team had been on the road performing for the last 30 days and 

most of these performances were at night. The manager said 

he assumed this performance would be like the rest, at night. 

Activities Chairman Miss L. Royce said it was simply a 

misunderstanding of performance time. The manager of the 

team was very appologetic, though, and said he hopes they 

will be invited back. 

Southern Comfort is slated to play for the "SO's Dance" on December 13, from 8:30 to 12:30, 

— Frankly Speaking — — . 

Anything Stolen Is Wrong 

— — By Frank Snnith — 

With sounds cascading echo- 
style in a waterfall of musical 
action, the JC Jazz Ensemble 
played to an attentive audience 
of over 300, Wednesday, Dec. 4. 

Opening with "Norwegian 

Staff Head 

Mr. Watson B. Duncan III, 
head of the JC English 
department, achieved national 
and widespread notoriety for his 
part in a television show 
recently. Duncan said the show, 
presented on November 25 was 
a Burt Reynolds special titled 
"Let Me Go Home Again" and 
was produced through Merv 
Griffin Productions. 

The show presented a 
different side of Burt Reynolds; 
not hos "glamour king" or the 
"superstar" side, but rather the 
human one. 

Duncan was featured in an 
interview with Merv Griffin, and 
was given credit for his 
discovery of "Burt", as he 
fondly calls him. 

"I was director of the plays at 
that time, in 1956, and we were 
doing a play called 'Outward 
Bound'", explained Duncan. "I 
saw Burt in my literature 
class," and thought that he 
would be perfect for the leadms 

Duncan then related how he 
told Reynolds he wanted to stay 
after class and do a "reading" 
for him. Reynolds read the part 
and was given the leading role, 
that of a young alcoholic. 

"Burt, you're going to be an 
actor." Duncan had said back 
then. It is a phrase remembered 
by both of them now. 

In the film also was footage 
from a tribute to Duncans 25 
years of teaching at JC, which 
was attended by Reyholds along 
with Mone Markham. 

"Burt is a marvelous person, 
a wonderful human being . . .a 
very sensitive human being." 
says Mr. Duncan. 

He is also, obviously, a man' 
appreciative of his first drama 
coach, the man who started it 
all, Watson B. Duncan III. 

Wood" and power blasts of 
steel and brass, the band played 
right-on, but. . . •.■■■.<•.;■:■ 

The remainder of scheduled 
performers were the Guitar 
Ensemble! and other solo 
guitarists! The large sound of 
the Jazz Ensemble diminished 
the solo artists performances. 

It is my experience that 
intricate guitar playing requires 
an attentive ear to be 
appreciated, while band music 
does not. After the audience sat 
back and allowed the bands 
music to wash oyer them, ..they; 
were not going to put forth the 

r-Record Review — 

effort required of listening to a 
single suitar's inter-weaving 
tones; it'Was too hard. Too bad, 
because there was some 
exceptional guitar playing 
featured in the show. 

The Jazz Ensemble stole the 
show. In a way, it was sad. 
How bravely the quiet-voiced 
soloists strained, to combat the 
silence which challenged their 

It was as if one personality, 
loud and garrulous , held the 
audience from the quiet and 
poetic; f figure who silently 
slipped away. 

Wakeman Awakens 

Jimmy Niel- 

"Journey to The Centre Of The Earth" was recorded live in 
concert at the Royal Festival Hall in London on Friday, Jaiiuary 18, 
1974 with The London Symphony Orchestra and The English 
Chamber Choir conducted by David Measham. The production was 
narrated by David Hemmings. 

Rick Wakemans' band, Journey, consist of Gary 
Pickford.-Hopkins and Ashley Holt doing vocals and occasional 
percussion, Mike Egan on giiitar, Roger Newell on bass, Barney 
James on Drums, and silver-caped composer Wakeman on his 
mound of keyboards. 

"Journey To The Centre Of The Earth", put together in four 
movements, is the story of three men who travel from Hamburg to 
Iceland where they descend into the crater of an extinct volcano and 
travel through a succession of caverns, caves, forests, and an ocean 
to the center of the Earth. 

During the course of their venture the explorers become trapped 
in rock galleries, encounter a five-day storm, cautiously make their 
way through a giant mushroom forest, and witness a tenifying 
■battle between two sea monsters. Eventually they are expelled 
back on the surface of the Earth by way of a volcano in the Far East. 
Jules Verne's Science Fition fantasy 'Journey To The Centre Of 
The Earth' provided the inspiration for Wakeman 's work. 

As a whole, it is a strong and, well put together piece of music. 
The way in which the musical themes are presented and later 
re-appear in varying forms throughout the piece is very interesting. 

Wakeman's synthesizer licks tend to be too repetitious and stick 
to simpler major and minor keys, biit his mdividual style and magic 
touch make it sound real fine. Rick Wakeman could be called, 
"keyboard master of the major scale." 

The narration of the journey is really_waht makes the album even 
more unique. As the music^sets the moods, David Hemmings reads 
each part of the story. 

Of the movements, side two's 'the Battle' is the best and most 
exciting selection. The narrator describes the frightening 
appearance of two sea monsters and tells of their upcoming fight, 
then the music takes off and leaves it to your imagination. 

While listening you tend to forget that it is a live performance. 
The original live tape was masterfully mixed with a 16-track mixer 
by Wakeman himself. 

Vocal Fireworks Fly 

Where were you when the 
Pacesetters performed? On 
November 25 the Pacesetters, 
JC's professional-type: perform- 
ing troupe presented a free show 
in the auditorium. The concert 
was poorly attended by JC 
students but the older populous 
of our area showed the wisdom 
of age, filling the 500 seats 
available with contented liste- 

The show was divided into 
two parts and lasted over an 
hour and a half. It was divided 
also, into different sized 
performing groups with solos, 
duets, and full company 

A couple of number's the 
entire company performed 
were, "Everyday People," and 
"Save The Country." 

Pacesetter Lewis Cutlip 
performed a solo number, 
"Measure the Valleys". Mr. 
Cutlip has a fine voice and 
delivered the song very well. 

With all those good songs, it's 
a shame more students weren't 

r—Featured Futures • 

Pat Johnson presented a show 
which contained something you 
rarely hear anymore; songs with 
lyrics, that have feeling, and 
which move the listener. 

This listener was surprised, 
on hearing Paul William's 
"Isn't That What Friends are 
For," and pleased to hear 
"Hurry Sundown", a wonder- 
fully written song. Pat Johnson 
sang beautifully in her rendition 
of "Hurry Sundown," and was 
joined by Debi Gregory for some 
fine harmonizing in the Paul 
Williams' tune. It pleased 
everyone there. 

Pacesetter Tony Marchese 
gets an "a" for his expressive 
and exuberant performance in 
leading the song "Mississippi 
Line." This was a group song 
that closed the first half of the 
program. The choreography of 
that song and the closing song 
"The Rock Island Line" 
presented the viewers with a 
visual and vocal fireworks 

"I Haven't Got Time For the 
Pain," said Denise O'Neill in 

Virgo: Stay Home 

Flick Mager— 

PISCES: A restless, uneasy 
feeling could interrupt your 
studies. Everything is happen- 
ing quickly. Keep your head 
and pretend you're in control. 

ARIES: There's nothing like 
being caught in a quarrel 
between two close friends, but it 
could happen to you if you allow 
yourself to be drawn in. Stay 

TAURUS: Someone who had it 
in for you is weakening. Let him 
know you're willing 'to be 
friends. A member of the 
opposite sex is trying hard to 
catch your eye. 

GEMINI; Gamesmanship • 
improves. You see new ways of 
doing things, ways not thought 
of by others. Make an alliance 
with an older person. 

CANCER: You're being looked 
up to as an advisor by people 
you wish would go somplace and 
melt. There's no way out of it, 
you've got to help them. But 
attend to your own affairs first. 

LEO: Things have been going 
well • and your head may be 
swelling. Avoid the temptation 
to discard people who "are of no 
use to you." They may be more 
important than you thought. 

VIRGO: You can influence 
other people's thinking. Use 
this to your advantage, but 
don't indulge in backbiting. Try 
to limit travel this weekend. 

LIBRA: Money will give you 
more problems than usual. The 
green stuff is slipping through 


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Our research service is sold 
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your, fingers. Be generous with 
affection, not with cash. 

SCORPIO; Your thinking is 
logical, evaluate your personal 
and scholastic situations. Are 
they doing you as much good as 
they should? Decide how much 
effort you should put into either 

SAGITTARIUS: A tendency to 
criticize should be checked, if 
not choked. People will respond 
violently to your irritation. 
Ignore- those who try to make 
yoii nervous. 

CAPRICORN: Theres no point 
in offending people who have 
done you no harm. They may 
decide to afterward. A sudden 
surprise can turn out well or 
badly for you, depending on 
how you react. 

AQUARIUS: People are 
envious of your recent improve- 
ments in sex appeal and 
popularity. You find yourself 
with a lot of new friends who 
may not be friends at all. 

the song of that name, during 
her solo performance. Miss 
O'Neill has a fme voice and 
good expression. 

To complete the program 
there was a guitar duet, (Becky 
Ruper and Sharon Kriik), a 
Chinese love song, pleasingly 
performed by Kowk Fai Wong 
and another solo by Lewis 
Cutlip. called "I Talk To the 

During the whole show the 
singers were supplied with a 
musical back-up by Pacesetters' 
Debbie Jolly on piano, Howard 
Cerce on bass guitar, Fermen 
Fresno on electric lead guitar, 
Sharon Kruk on drums, and 
Tom Gushing who doubled on 
piano, conga and bass. The 
band also provided an instrum.- 
mental interlude, performing 
"Evil Ways", and "Love 

The remaining Pacesetters 
who did not perform individual 
solos but, performed well to 
make up the large part of the 
show, included Perry Stokes, 
Richard Lane, Betsy Pryor, 
Peggy Porter, Ed Esposito, 
Oveta Jackson, Denny Schae- 
ber, and Ronny Anderson. 

The concert was the best, I 
guess, anyone will ever see for 
free. With the professional 
level of performance presented 
it was surprising that so few 
students attended. There shall 
be more shows by the 
Pacesetters and this listener will 
be there, listening. Where will 
you be? 

Anna Marie Fredell, contestant in the Miss Wishing Well 
contest, is sponsored by Speech, Pathology, and Andiology. 

JC Students Glim pse Greatness 

Outstanding, interesting, and 
educational, best describes the 
Music departments seminar 
which featured classical guitar- 
ist Charles Stein on Wednesday, 
November 4. 

Total silence reigned as Mr. 
Stein began playing his first 
number. Prelude No. 1 by 

Stein at age 22 is a graduate 
of the Royal Conservatory of 
London and has been playing the 
guitar since he was eight years 

Continuing in the classical 
style Stein captivated the 
audience with Granados' Dance 

No. 5. 

His next number was the "E 
Major-Suite by Bach. This was 
followed by an interchange of 
ideas about classical technique. 
Stein spoke of his training in 
posture and relaxation to relieve 
tension while playing. 

The audience was again 
absorbed by the display of talent 
by Stein as he performed 
"Leyenda" by Issac Albehi. 

Variations on Mozart's Magic 
Flute by Fernando Sor was next 

on the program. After the 
applause died down Stein began 
his final number by F, 
Moreno-Torroba, the first 
movement of Sonatina. 

The audience overcome by 
the outstanding performance 
gave a deserving sta:nding 
ovatioii to Stine, at the end of 
the program 

Stein while on tour here' will 
be performing at Century 
Village in West Palm Beach-and 
Lake Park. 







Has Come To Pasquales 

Grand Opening 

December 15 

Instant Lunch 


• Salad 
•Garlic Bread 

Phone 967-6055/965-9802 
Palm Springs Shopping Center 
10th Ave. & South Congress 


11:30 '1:30 

Fresh Pizza Dough 
is Made Daily 

8- BEACHCOMBER Monday, December 9, 1974 

Constance Holmes sponsored by SG. 

Trofters Upset JC 

\ 11 

Leadership Lax 

While watching the Pacers in action, the evidence shows this is 
not the same club which was runner-up in the state tournament one 
season ago. 

Perhaps the calibre of 22 superstars like Keith Highsmith is 
missing, but one is for certain, the Pacers need leadership. 

JC Coach Robert Wright commented after the game Wednesday 
Dec. 4 his freshman guards played "incredibly" but "it takes a 
while to get things squared away." 

The club is looking towardthe point guard, one of two freshman, 
Mike Gibbs or Ron Cunningham, to set the offense. 

On Wed. Dec. 4, the Pacers- were defeated in the last nine 
seconds by Broward North 86-85 in an emotional contest. Yet, an 
opportunity to score and win was present. 

Each player and Coach Wright know now that a time out would 
have enabled the ball to be inbounded at the time line. 

Wright said, "I'd tell them to give it to Burns and let him shoot." 
But, the time ran out on the clock. 

Many of the players feel that William Hall, who has been out of 
actionbecause of eligibility will now help the club. Donald Burns 
commented, "He'll help us a whole lot." 

Receiving two technical fouls in one ball game is not something 
new to the Pacers. Captain Bill Brandon said, "Last year we had 
beaucouptechnicalsicalled on us." 

To have a winning combination, one or several of the 
experienced players must take the initiative. The responsibility rest 
not only on Captain Brandon but the rest of the club as well. 

Wright echoed his thoughts. As of now, "We don't have 

The talent is present. The leadership must come forward. 

Sports Editor 

Scoring with just eight 
seconds on the clock, Broward 
North handed JC its third defeat 
of the season Wed. Dec. 4, at 
Miami-Dade South's Activities 

Ike Miras canned a lay-up to 
give the trotters an 86-85 
victory and third place in the 
annual Division IV Tip-off 
Tournament before a sparse 

The Pacers' were up by nine 
points mid-way through the 
second half. A sldrmish. 
erupted at the Trotter free 
throw line with 7:37 to go and 
the damage was felt by North as 
the Pacers caught fire hitting 
three straight field goals. 

However, with victory seem- 
ingly in their grasp. North 
applied pressure to the Pacers 
guards and whittled away at the 

Outscored, 8-3 in the final 
minute. Coach Wright's cagers 
had an opportunity for a final 
shot with nine second. 

Mims' bucket evidently 
stunned the JC players' and no 
one called time out. 

Time ran out as Mike Gibbs 
desperately tried toget the ball 

Uiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiaiiii ■■ 


Staff Writer 

Jody Salzgeber and Tom 
Pilschitz lead this week's 
intramural bowlers rolling their 
high games of 212 and 225 

Salzgeber's 212 was followed 
by Sharon Nelson's 179 and 
Donna Marotta's 175. 

Bill Brown came in second 
shooting a 202, with Chuck 
Mahea's 193 good enough for 

Nelson also took the women's 
high series with a 506. 

The men's high series were 
rolled by Joe Leski, 559, Tony 
Pischitz, 547, and Mahea's 540. 

The high team game for the 
women was 580, by the "Motza 
Balls", with Mary Armstron.g 
Gwen Scheering, Marj Wiley 
and Ginny Lamano. 

The men's high team game 
726, was rolled by the "8 Balls" 
consisting of Sam Fertara, Kim 
Keinicks, Tony Pilschitz, and 
Allen O'Brien. 

Statisticaly, Sharon Nelson 
154 and Brian Richards 177 lead 
all bowlers in individual 

Pacer Victor Dubose 

to a teammate down court. 

The balanced scoring attack 
was led by Victor Dubose with 16, 
followed by Ron "Tutti" 
Cunningham's 14. 

Labeling his performance a 
"bad game" Donald Burns 
collected only 13 points., Gus 
Poyastro and Bill Brandon 
chipped in 12 each. 

The Pacers finished the night 
shooting 46%from the field. 
Wright commented, "If we 

would only hit those free 
throws.". JC only hit 15 of 28 
from the charity line for 54% 

"It was an emotional ball 
game," said Wright - "and 
Poyastro got the results of it (the 

Referring to the last nine 
seconds, "All the kids wanted to 
do was get the ball down the 

Wright feels that this club 
needs the game experience to 
win. The Pacers are now 4-3 on 
the season, with the Jan 3 Palm 
Beach Invitational Tournament 
the next slated action for the 




Gus Poyastro 6-0-12 Bill 
Brandon 6-0-12 Victor Dubose 
6-4-16, Richard Nelson 3-1-7, 
Richard Mitchell 1-11-3, Don 
Burns 6-1-13, Mike Gibbs 2-4-8 
Ron Cunningham 5-4-14. 
Broward North 

Alphonso Sutton 0-2-2, Lem 
Johnson 10-1-21, Ike Mims 
10-5-25, Arthur Kitchen 1-0-2. 
lonzo Lambert 3-8-14, Andte 
Jones 5-2-12, Brister Wimbs 
3-0-6, Ivery Williams 0-4-4. 
PBJC 39 - 46 - 85. 
BROWARD NORTH 39 - 47 - 86 









Education Series 

1 M^mu^iic 

Course Outlines 


MMtMHit f 

By TIMOTHY L. BRAY averages . 

Pool Tournament 

Rick Miller 



Allex Bellas 


Paul Friedman 

Champioti ji 

Constance Holmes 



Bob Lincoln 



Wed. 4 p.m. 
Major Ueague Lanes 

]n third place 

Rick M 




Cliffs Notes 

Books to help you keep up. Books 
to help you catch up. Books to help 
you get your head together on 
most any subject. Try us. 

Cliffs Keynote 



John's Sundry Shop 

6G8 Lake Ave. Lake Worth 


Staff Writer 

After 4 hours of debate the SG 
Senate decided to go along with 
the Executive Board Evaluation 
Committee's decision awarding 
1 2 of 24 Senators honorariums. 

Debate centered around who 
should get the $50 honorarium. 
Senators passed a Bill of 
Appropriations late in October. 
Article II of the bill asked that 
an evaluation committee be set 
up by the Executive Board to 
determine which Senators 
deserve the honorarium. 





The committee, which consis- 
ted of Executive Board 
members and Cabinet mem- 
bers, had only the power to deny 
an honorarium to a senator by a 
two-thirds vote. Under this 
system, 11 senators' honorar- 
iums were voted down. 

The Senate did not accept the 
committee's report at that time, 
and David Upshaw moved that 
changes be made in the bill so 
that all wenators would receive 
the honorarium . Referring to 
the bill (74-001), Senator 

Upshaw said, "It was written in 
all good faith and I think that all 
Senators should get honorar- 

Debate continued, somewhat 
heatedly, as for what course to 
take. The majority of the 
senators indicated that honorar- 
iums should be awarded, but 
the proper way" to award them 
was not agreed upon. 

SG President Tory Buckley ' 
said that before any decision 
was made on his part 

concerning approval or vetoingi 
the measure, he wanted to know 
if his decision ' 'would bias any 
person in here (the senate) 
concerning the Executive Board 

Senators continued debate on 
the measmre. Only senators 
Glynne Hughes and Bart 
Cunningham offered negative 
debate, both concurring that no 
honorariums should be given. 
Senator James Boger warned 
the Senate, "If I don't get one, 

y u 


I'm not gonna be here next' 

As 4:30 p.m. arrived, too 
many senators had left for a 
quorum to be present, and the 
meeting had to be ended by 
Vice- President Ginchereau. 
The Senate will not reconvene 
until January 9, 1975. 

Related Stories 
Pages 2 And 4 



Monday, December 16, 1974 

Lake Worth, Florida 33460 



Monday, December 16, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 3 

2 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, December 16. 1974 

SG Answers, Asked Questions 

:' i < J ' 

VP Wants Change 

News Editor 
Editor's NOTE: Dolor Ginchereau is an energetic 
and deeply concerned student. He truly cares 
about the future of Student Government and 
Palm Beach Junior College. In an effort to help 
keep the students informed Ginchereau 
consented to an informal interview. As SG 
vice-president and Senate President, he has 
proven to be a "natural resource" of talent and 

BEACHCOMBER: What has Student 

Government accomplished this year? 
Ginchereau: "When talking about SG I'd like to 
break it up into the Senate and the Executive 
Board, and I'd like to take you way back to 
August when the EB was invited to the faculty 
assembly on August 12. 

In that meeting, I outlined in a four minute 
speech, what I felt are the major goals of SG. 
These goals were to establish a rapport between 
SG and the Administration and I really think that, 
at least in this term, we've begun making great 
strides toward that because anything we've gone 
to them (administration) about we've been able 
to talk freely and the administration has been 
willing to talk to us. That is the first thing ^that 
SG has accomplished. 

Secondly we, the EB on behalf of Constance 
Holmes and myself, with the cooperation of the 
administration did reach a compromise, a plan 
we felt was workable to have the library open the 
last four Sundays of the Fall Term. 

Our third major accomplishment is in the area 
of the cabinet, last year I cannot recall SG having 
as many as three or four in (cabinet members) at 
one time as we do. 

Also we're finally getting our judicial board 
into operation and hopefully by the time the next 
term starts we'll be ready to go with that. 

So those are, I think, the major 
accomplishments and now that we have gotten 
the Questionaire Survey results we'll be setting 
up the used book sale over in SAC 11 beginning 
today. Ifthis works as I hope it will, that wOl be 
another major accomplishment of SG. 

Now when you speak of the senate, they have 
not really, aimed in the direction I thought I would 
like to have seen them aim this year and I'm 
hoping that in the Winter Term things will begin 
to develop. I think the last few resolutions 
introduced could be substance for some 
groundwork for things for the student body in the 

Overall SG has begun to do something. On the 
surface it may not seem so, but I think if you 
really examine what our goals were and what 
we've tried to do, SG has begun to move. 

Continued pg 3 

Board Gets Bucks 

Dolor Ginchereau spoke for forty-five minutes with Comber reporter 
about Student Government. 

Students Respond 

Staff Writer 

Results of the Student Gpvernmer.! 
Questionaire. were released last Wednesday. 

1,993 students responded to the questionaiie, 
which was distributed in four departments. 

The results were tabulated as follows: 

1. Would you favor the re-instatement of ih 
activity hour to be scheduled around noon? \\ 
Approve 64% B) Disapprove 13% C) Ni 
opinion 22% D) No response 1%. 

SG plans to suggest a resolution that the aciivn, 
hour be re-instated 

2. Are you presently participating in ih 
Intramural program? A) Yes 6% B) No 9i'i 

C) No response 3'/2. 

3. If yes, do you consider Intramural programt 
be A)outstanding 3% B) Good 7% C Fair 4'. 

D) Poor 2% E No opinion 38% F) No Response 
46 '/2 

4. If no, indicate the reason why. A) Time 29'! 
B) Not interested 17% C Sport I like is noi 
offered 5% D) Health Restriction 1% £) 
Personality conflict with coach 0% F) ki 
conflict 20%, G) Other 16% H) No responsi 

12 '/2 

5. Would you favor more activities that wouii 
involve students and teachers together? A) Yes 
64% B) No 11% C) No Opinion 24% D) Ns 
response 1% 

The Executive Cabinet will look into this. 

6. Would you participate in such activities as t 
A) Participator 4OV2 B) Spectator 39% C) NoSit 
all 19% D) No response 2%, 

Continued pj J 

Miss Wishing Weil Is Mister 
First Man Ever To Win Contest 


sponsored by the 

Beachcomber, has 

won the Wishing 

Well contest. 


During a special Executive 
Board meeting Thursday, Dec- 
ember 12, SG President^Iory S. 
Buckley asked for a S500 
honorarium for his work this 

"The president definitely has 
done enough for the student 
body to get $500," he declarea. 

The consensus of the 
committee was that the price 
was too high. 

"I think $450 is the minimum 
he should receive," said 
Senator James Soger. 

A motion was made to set the 
figure at S375. A vote was taken 
and affirmed him that figure." 

"I think I am worth many 

many many times more," 
commented the President. 

SG Treasurer David Lang 
asked for $300 but only got 

"If I weren't in SG I would be 
making money working, " he 
said. SG Vice President Dolor 
Ginchereau was awarded $250 
but would only accept $189.50. 

"There is no way I'm taking 
$250, it's too high," said 

SG Secretary Constance 
Holmes refused to take any 
money. "I don't tiiink we 
should receive any award," 
stated Holmes. 


For the first time in tit* 
history of the contest a man L^ 
been selected as tile winner Ej 
the Wishing Well contest, 

Marc Bressler, editor-in- ct^ 
of the Beachcomber v.". 
declared the winner Wedti'j 
day, December 11, over a muij, 
slate of male and femi'i 
candidates. I 

This year was the fust lis, 
that men had entered i^ 
previously all-girl contest. Fc;| 
men had entered the corKi 
which included Glynne Hugte 
Frank Smith, Tory Buellf 
Anna Marie Fredell, Cyott- 
Campbell, Sandi Pooley, Ck 
stance Holmes, and Lin Me' 

Voting took place in froiti| 
the Finance Office, and studec. 
could vote by placing mone)£| 
.containers specified for i£f 
candidate. Money donated '.. 
this contest goes tp the Ei* ' 
Childhood Development Centej 


2 1 5 Foil Graduates 

Editor's Notebook 

1 BOOKSTORE will porcliase Used books December 16 § 

g through December 19, from 8:00 until 12i00 p.m. and 1 

I 1:00 to 3t00 p.m. | 

i INSTRUCTORS who will not be teaching during the Whiter | 

§ Term have been asked to return all keys to the Property S 

i Records Coodlnator located at the rear of the bookstore. S 

i COMMISSION on the Status of Women will meet regulariy on | 

S Friday at 12 noon In the cafeteria. g 

i LIBRARY wiU be open Sunday, December 15 from 1 p.m. | 

i until 5 p.m. This is the second and third floors only. | 

I HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all of you from the News Staff of the | 

S Beachcomber. g 


Staff Writer 

" Evening student, James (Jim) 
Stevenson, one of the 215 JC 
December graduates, comple- 
ted his two year requirements in 
a year and a half. He works full 
time at Lionel Playwotid and 
attends classes four nights a 

Jim has been accepted by 
FAU to start in January. His 
major is Social Psychology. He 
will have to give up his daytime 
job, but hopes to get into a 
routine early that will permit 
him to work. 

According to Registrar May- 
field, many of the 215 graduates 
will participate in the Commen- 
cement on May 7. Present' 

Candidates, as well as_tlipse in 
the spring, will receive ten 
mvit^tions to the exercises. 
Those who prefer to receive 
their diploma early may pick 
them up frqm Mr. Mayfield or it 
will be mailed upon request. 

There are presently 4474 
students registered for the 
winter term, and Evening 
Co-ordinator Otis Harvey feels 
sure this figure will increase 
considerably after evening 
registration Dec. 16 and 17 and 
January 6 thru 9. This usually 
offsets the number graduating. 

Several of the group finishing 
this term have been referred to 
jobs through Job Placement 
Center, however Miss Gwendo- 
lyn Ferguson, counselor, re- 

grets that she does not get a'*j. 
feedback on the results of tl^i 
interviews. "This informati'^ 
is always requested but seldi^^ 
received," she sighed. Itw^-I 
take extra personnel to folloff ^ 
and the school does not feelE^^ 
essential, but it would be m«': 
have this record. j 

Many students enter (j 
service, and many go on tooU-^ 
institutions for further studjj 

One industrious young Is-j 
Marie Collado, who also U^ 
been attending four nights^ 
week, plans to keep her iH 
the Loan Dept. of Fi-| 
American Bank of Lake lAj'. 
and attend classes occasiont^ j 
She also will receive .j 
Associate Degree December. 

Ecology Threat 

The natural environment of Palm Beach Gardens has become a topic 
of concern by members of the science department. 

AsIc Grievance Committee To Help 

Continued from pg 2 
COMBER: What efforts have 
been made by the Executive 
Board to get to know the 

Ginchereau: First of all we 
began by wearing name tags to 
let the students know who we 
are. If they want to stop us in 
the halls or anyplace where we 
are, they certainly should and I 
hope they would. We've also 
gone to classes, Constance and I 
specifically, \yith the library 
question and talked to students 
about it. Also the Grievance 
Committee in the Senate might 
be able to help lis in this area by 
setting up and allowing the 
student body to come to them 
and say what is on theirminds. 
COMBER: Why has the EB 
failed to set up a Judicial Board? 
Ginchereau; I wouldn't say 
we really failed, I understand 
Tory (Buckley, SG president), 
who would give up the 
appointees, really talked to 
students and tried to get 
student's interested, and it just 
didn't seem to be going over. 
He talked to Larry Tuttle, 
Criminal Justice Director and 
the students in his (Tuttle's) 
classes just didn't seem to be 
interested, Perhaps I should 
have taken the ball when it 
wasn't getting done but I really 
felt it was the president's (Tory 
Buckley) responsibility to come 
to the EB and say these are my 
people I would like you to 
approve. Then we'll go to the 
senate and have them approve. 
COMBER: What do you thmk 
of the ability of the present 

Ginchereau : I think they have 
capabilities of doing something 
if they are really interested in 
the Student Body. I think we 
have some people within the 
senate that are interested in the 
student body and want to do 
something. This is why I am 
really hoping "and I'm going to 
be pushing and I may have to do 
re-organization in the senate to 
get the senate's energies 
together and push forward. The 
senate has the ability to do 
something and I don't think they 
are a mediocre body like some 
people do. 

COMBER: Should the present 
form of SG be dissolved ? 

Ginchereau: I think we 
certainly ought to investigate. 
the possibility of restructuring 
5G. The word dissolved bothers 
nie. It sounds like you want to 
do away with SG entirely and 

have nothmg to replace it. 
COMBER: What are the goals 
for SG during the Winter Terra? 

Ginchereau: I would like to 
see election reform to keep the 
foul-ups that happen in 
September from happening 
again. 1 would like to see action 
on the activity hour because the 
student body has expressed a 
desire for one. 

The senate should have 
regular meetings with people 
within the administration. 

Senators should learn how the 
budget is written for next term. 
They don't seem to understand 
the procedures the treasurer has 
to go through to get money. 

Finally I hope we have' more 
resolutions concerning the 
Student Body this year. 

Questionaire Results- 

Continued from pg 2' 

7. If you are interested in participating in any JC 
extra-curricular activities, indicate your 
preference as to the day. A) Monday 5% B) 
Tuesday 7% C) Wednesday 7% D) Thursday 
7% E) Friday 6'/2 F) Saturday 6% G) Sunday 
3% H) No preference 32% 1) Does not apply 
24% J) No response 3%. 

8 If you are interested in participating in any JC 
extra-curricular activities, indicate your 
preference as to time. A) Before noon 9% B) 
Noon 8% C After noon 25% D) Night 14% E) 
No preference 18% F) Does not . apply 23% G) 
No response SVi. 

9. Would you be in favor of having a swimming 
pool on campus? A) Approve 89% B) No 
Opinion IIV2 C) Disapprove 5% D] No 
response 1%. 

SG plans to submit a resolution to the Board of 
Trustees and ask them to consider the purchase 
of a pool in the near future. 

10. Do you favor more SG sponsored day time 
coffee houses? A) Approve 83% B) No opinion 
13% C) Disapprove 4 Vi D) No response 1%. 

11. Are you willing to pay the student 
entertainers out of your activity fee? A) Approve 
65% B) No opinion 3% C) Disapprove 21% D) 
No response 1% 

12) Would you favor the establishment of a game 
room located in the SAC lounge? A) Approve 
79% B) No opinion 9% C) Disapprove 11% D) 
No response IVs 

13 Do you feel students should be allowed to 
bring beer and wine on campus for social 
functions? A) Approve 61% B) No opinion 9% 
C) Disapprove 20% D) No response 1%. 

14) Would you like to have a section of the 
cafeteria designated "For Smokers Only"? A)' 
Approve 56% B) No opinion 9% C) Disapprove 
20% D) No response 1%. 

15) Would you like to have a iCrisis. Line Training 
Workshop taught here? A) Approve 78% B) No 
opinion 19% C) Disapprove BVa 

D No response 1% Action will be dkected 
through the Related Health Department. 
16. If you are interested in having the workshop 
offered here, how would you like to have the book 

fee paid for? A) SG pay the entire amount 12% 
B)SG pay one half and the student pay the other 
half 36% C) Have the student pay the entire 
amount 23% D) No opinion 19% E Does not 
apply 8% F) No response 2%. 
17 Would you favor the establishment of a 
Veneral Disease Treatment Clinic 'at JC? A) 
Approve 84% B) No opinion 9 '/i C) Disapprove 
6V1 D) No response 1%. 

18. If you had venereal disease would you use 
the JC clinic?: A) Yes 46% B) No 16% C) Not 
sure 35% D) No response 3% 

19. If you have children would you use a free 
babysitting serivce if it were available -on 
campus? A) Yes 52% B) No opinion 7% C) No 
4% D) Does not apply 35% E No response 3%. 

20. Would you favor a used book sale service 
organized by SG? A) Approve 92% B) No 
opinion 4% C) Disapprove 1% D) No response 
1% A used book sale will be in effect starting 
today through December 20, and beginning again 
January 7-17. Clubs will coordinate it. 

21. Would you favor electing one Student Body 
Senator from the majors in each department, 
with the remaining seats filled by students 
elected at large? A) Approve 65% B) No 
opinion 25% C) Disapprove 6% D) No response 
2% This matter will go to the Constitutional 
Revision Committee. 

22. Would you favor the establishment of a 
Student-Faculty Senate? A) Approve 68% B) 
No opinion 25y2C) Disapprove 6% D) No 
response IVi If approved by both the Faculty 
Senate and Senate, action will be, taken. 

23. Would you be in favor of extending the Winter 
Semester two days longer in May to allow for two 
additional holidays during the Winter Semester? 
A) Approve 70% B) No opmion 9% C) 
Disapprove 19% D) No response 2% 

24. If you prefer additional holidays, when would 
you like to have them? A) Coincide with the 
Easter break 22% B) Have two three day 
weekends 39% C) Have one four-day weekend 
6% D) No preference 15?o E) Does not apply 
15% F) No response 3% 
SG will try to get two three-day weekends. 


Staff Writer 

Plans for a new JC campus in 
Palm Beach Gardens' will be 
drawn soon. To date no 
planning firm has been engaged 
but a choice will be made in the 
near future. 

The site of the proposed 
project lies south of PGA 
Boulevard, next to the new 
county court complex. 

Mr. Richard Gross of the 
Biology Dept. was asked for his 
evaluation of the ecological 
value of the land. He 
accompanied a Beachcomber 
reporter on a tour of the 
proposed site. 

After viewing the area first 
hand, Gross reported that the 
overall habitat of the area 
consisted of typical pine 
flatwoods with associated cy- 
press. From the vegetation 
present he concluded that the 
land had not been overly 
disturbed. Natural vegetation is 
dominant in the area with only a 
few exotic forms. 

When the main campus in 
Lake Worth was constructed, 
good ecological planning was 
unheard of. Bulldozers stripped 
the native vegetation and the 
land was drained and filled. 

Today we have almost no 
native vegetation on our main 
campus. It has been replaced 

by exotic types such as the 
Melaleuca, which pose an 
ecological threat to existing 
native plant communities. 

Botany classes must travel 
miles on field trips to view 
native vegetaition in its natural 
state. Using proper conser- 
vation principles it is possible to 
create a showplace campus in 
Palm Beach Gardens. 

Be preserving some of the 
vegetation already found there 
and removing the exotics which 
currently inhabit the area, 
money could actually be saved. 
Native vegetation requires no 
watering or pruning or 
maintenance of any kind. Exotic 
plants would not have to be 

Science classes could utilize 
preserved areas as outdoor 

Space utilization is essential 
when planning any large 
complex such as a college 
campus. Of necessity there 
must be areas razed for parking 
lots, buildings, and athletic 
areas, but these could utilize 
existingfeaturesoftheland. As 
an example, on the property are 
several large areas consisting 
i4Jmost entirely of exotic 
melaleuca trees and very few. 
native plants. These areas 
would lend themselves well to 
parking lots or tennis courts. 
Large expanses of saw palmetto 
could be similarly used. 
Buildings should be built up, 
instead of out, in an effort to 
further reduce the decimation of 
the natural flora. 

New Game Room located in the 
North SAC lounge. 

New Game At JC 

JC has recently opened a 
gameroom in the North SAC 
Lounge. In the room are 2 pool 
tables, 2 TV tennis machines, 2 
pinball machines, and 1 air 
hockey game. A jukebox is on 
the way and two ping-pong 
tables might be taken from the 
school gym for the room. 

The American Music Com- 
pany rented the games to the 
school. The company is to 
receive 40% of the profits and 
the remaining 60% is used to 
pay for supervisors. 

Student ID's or Library cards" 
must be shown to the supervisor 
before pool cues and air hockey 
disks can be checked out. 

Approximately 40 to 50 
people are using the gameroom 
daily. The hours are 8:00 a.m. 
to 4:00 p.m. 

JC had a gameroom a. few 
years ago but it failed because 
the equipment was being stolen 
or broken. The supervisor is 
supposed to keep an eye on the 

SG says "It looks like a big 

success." " 

Awg mil' - j^uPa >iM<i«iiS 

' ;i&*(}l3 Moo- 

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B ;b aj!i JO spadsB asaq; jo paqqo j aaB sajBui ' uiiq o; Suip jodd y 

,,-uaraoAV luooj 
jC^mb ua5|B; itii^nba ajB sai;pBdBO ;uaiajjip jo jaquinu jasssj y, , 
iSuiuiBi; apj-xas o; yCipDijpads anp uaui ui paqsiuiuiip -(ipsq ajE 
([oiqM sai;pBdBa UBiunq jo jaquinu b ajB aiaq; puB '/Cfinj dopAap 
'o; aoroqo aq; uaAiS aju sn jo auou ;Bq; sjaaj an "saioj pazji^pos 
jiaq; a;BniBA3-aj 'pjnoqs puB 'ajB uaui ;Eq; sjaaj jauia;s'"-iO[ 

„-Xja;ajduio3 uoi;Euu;oopui 
aq; auopun jo padBOsa sAsq sn jo jCue ;Bq; Ap'^w AjaA ;oii si ;i puB 
ujoq ajSM aA\ itBp aq; uiojj XoBuiajdns ajBiu ui Suiuibj; qSnojoq; 
auoSjapun jjb aAsq a^ ■s;siuiAnBqo jje aj« 3m sb 'ai;qns 
JO apnjo jaq;!a 's;spBj jjb sjb aj^,, 'sa;B;s an •uoi;Baaqi7 
s.uauiOAV UI ajoj s,uaui jo sis/(jbub ub si ja;;aj aqx .."idujaqx 
IpoipBg _ui sanssj,, o; aa^aj b a;ojAv aq £/,6l 'XjBnuBf uj 

•uisixas q;iM luiq s;uojjuoo XjqBiJBAui ajdoad 
q;tM jjjoAV asoqAV s;sij;B!qoXsd jBDipBj b si ajj -uisixas uaao 
siq ;suibSb Suijg9nj;s si oqM 'ubui b si jauia;s apnBj^ ..-jjuiq; 
o; uoissiuijad paau uauio^ 'jaaj o; uoissiiujad paau ll^j^^I,, 

I — ^ja^0M9|9q3!|/\|-f. 


v^u9DJ8d T g -J 

•o,inai3SiKM sii aiiq 5Bqj stqaj 
,pi(5.ioAaid 311' SinqoiBJas put! 
liiuiq pjo dn SuiSSip Ap.iaui 
51 }u3Uiu.i3A0§ aq) JO 8op 
4pjnM., '"lo '3Uii; Jtjqj jijuq 

giji jo aaioA sMl,, auiooaq 
ipans pfnoA\ jaqiuooqoBag 
3i|} 'jjcaq s;i o; asojo 
5p[oq A'puaJBddB ;i qoiqAv ,.a\ou3( 
01 m§w s,;uapn;s„ aq; puB 

amqsuns ^^^m ;u3iuujaA09,, 
10 ssimiA oqJ 3sn pjnoM jadBd 
snduiBDJno jo jjb;s aq; jj 

•ssauaiqcd jBuoi;BU.ia;ui 
,0 pE ajaui B UBq; ;noqB 
3Zi|8U0}!P3 o; ;uB:iJodui! ajoui 
guiqiou puij UB3 uoi;BO!iqnd 
sndiuEO Jno iBq; SuisnuiB ;soui 
ji pmj I '£)S -"o JaqiuoDqoBag 
3ij} jaqjiau jo jaquiaui b sy 

•5[B3Jq SuiAiSs3(UBqx 
aijl papaoajd qoiqAV 5jaaA\ 
jjoqs aq; o; anp ajqissoduii 
.([jBDiSiCqd uaaq sABq pjnoM 
asnoq sajjoa aq; jo uopBjjaouBO 
aq} JO Apin^'' ^■^^J aJBMB jjaM 
gas gs PU^ jaqiuooqoBag aqx 

•/CsapnoD JO ;oB siq; joj 
)uud ui pas!;sEqD ajaM a,iA ;aA 
'4qui3SSB siq; Joj uoi;i;3duioo 

9 - aaaWOOHOVaa fr£6l. 'ei JaqmeDaa 'Aepuoifli 

oAjcsia ijaBf 

jiioX 5im;ql 'dnojg aq; 
JO Jicqoq UQ ■uoijmaa.iddi; .mo 
pu3}X3 3A\ 'zjag MJA! 'noA ox 

•dnojS aq; 
JO saiaads ajBuiaj aqi A'qBpadsa 
'IIB Kq pBq SEA\ auit; pipuajds y 
•aiaq; ajdoad aq; q;iA\ siioi;DBa.i 
snouBA paSuBqoxa puB pajSuiui 
jBjauaS UI puB '?;qp^J ^^'i 
JO .mo; piiB.i§ E ;o8 s;uapn;s aq; 
aouBuiJOjjad aq; q;iA\ Suojy 

'ajjiAssuiBr) UIOJJ suoipnpojjj 
snqooEa aJaM sjsuijojjad aqx 


jiioX ui [jij JJB noX '.ajaq uaAiS 
aq o; pjOA\ on si ajaqx,, ''^^I'^ 
aq; ;b aouaipnB aq; pjo; z;aa 

■iyq sy -ABAv jinipiAipiu ua\o 
s,3U0 UI sausDS aq; sjajd.iaiui 
auo iBq; m 'ifBjd ibisJ3Ao.iiuod 
XjaA B si II •suopBunsap 
Jiaq; qoBSJ p[noA\ A'EpStuos Aaql 
;Bq; adoq aqj q;iA\ 'pEOj s.ajij 
SuipABj; aidoad XBpAjOAa aasAV 
sja;oBJBqD s.XEjd aqx '..lopoQ 
JOJ SuijiByV^,, SEAv XBjd aqi jo 
ai;i; aq; iXqjpEj aq; ;e sajBuiui 
aq; JO ;ijauaq aq; Joj paonp 
-ojd SBA\ 3DiiBUj.ioj.iad aqx 

■XEid ;;a3iDag 
januiBS B puaw^ o; puasjaaM 
;sBj . s8!;!l!0Bj iBuoi;DajJ03 
apBio aipg aq; o; z;ag 
;uaou!A jossajojj paiuBduio 
-ODB s;uapn;s orgj jBJaADs 


yo!)iP3iddv puap] S|y3pn)s 

ou jajjo o; 3jn;s?S a;iiod 
E aq pjnoM ;i ;q§noq; a/^ 

■pouad aoii; auiBS aq; 
Suunp uijojjad o; aautuiuioa 
X;iAi;3E X;in3Bj aq; Xq pajnpaqas 
SBM q3iqA\ uiBax uiXq qsiUEQ 
aq; o; X}iiB;idsoq jo aanjsaS 
B SB 2 'oaQ JOJ painpaqos sba\ 

qoiqM asnoq aajjoa «|q; jaouBo 
o; OS puB (jo:paJip lUBjSojd 
SB) aui Xq uodn paajSB sba\ jj 

•sjsang apis;no 
o; auioojaM b Suuajjo Ajuado 
JOJ uoi;bziubSjo ub puB ;uapn;s 
B uiuapuoD o; X;iun:uoddo ue 
ua:ijE; SBq jaquiooqoBag aqx 



•JSH-Bj aq; SuisooqD ui aDioqo isdojd 
aq; apBui aq Jjuiq; a^ ^aidoad aq; jo uapajAj 
'isjg o; jawaj aq; ;uas aABq nBiug ppoqs oqA\ '05 
•sJ3noissimuio3 s,X;unoo aq; ajojaq pus ApBd aq; 
aiojsq auioa X;uno3 qoBag uipd jo aidoad aqx 


3Vfi sjojaq auioD OCI sguiq; jo ;oi b 'saX 'iBq; 

PB} aq; puE siq; japisuoa ijim uajpaj;Aj XijnjadoH 

■oijqnd aq; aAjas o; ;nq auoXuE ssoq 0; ;ou 

SI uoissiuiuioa X;unoD aq; jo asodjnd uibui aqx 

,,-ssoq sjq 'aiu aAoqE jpsuiiq 
}iid,, pBq llBuig uoi;oB siq; ui ;Bq; piBS uaipap^j 


sagJBqa auios o; asuodsaj ui sb« Jawai aqX 

•;i paAiaoaj (uapajAi) 
aq sjojaq Bipaui aq; o; jawai b SuisBapj joj hbuis 
pszioiqjo aq uaqM guojM sba\ uapap"^ ;ng 

■XijJBd aq; 

ajojaq aiuoo op sguiq; jo ;oi b .;;qSiJ s.uaipajAi 

^.■X;jBd aq; ajojaq auioo ;Bq; sSuiq; jo 
;oi B aJB ajaq;, , ;Bq; suiB;niBm aq ;nq ';e jooiuaa 
B SI uajpaj^ aouis iBnsnun siuaas siqx •;obj;uod 
sjiBuis Mauaj 0; ;ou ajoA ijim aq ;Eq; pa;BDipu! 
SBq 'uaipajAi Jjig 'jauoissiuiuioo qyij aqx 

■XjBuiiJd apBJDOiuaa aq; ui a;Buas 
a;B;s aq; JOj Xjinjsssaonsun ubj ijbuis qpuiS 
daaij o; ;uba\ 'jb;Xx ajjex puB jaddadjn^ :iJaqoa 
UBuiJiEqa 'sjauoissiuiuioo 3i;EJD0iuaQ oa^x 


•pBi;uoo s.iiBius [aBqoijAl XaujOuy 

X;uno[) Mouaj o; ;ubm ;ou op (aaABa^v^ ..P^a.. 
"AV "H PiJ^ uosuqof Maqog) SJauoissiuiuioD 
UBDijqndaH om; aq; 'qgnoua XjjBoidXx 'qof 
siq daa3{ 0; SI Xaujow X;unoD aq; ;ou jo jaqjaqM 
a;oA ijiAv sjauoissiiuuiop X;unoD 'XBpsanx 

•guiq;XjaAa jsouijB ubbui o; siuaas uoi;sanb 
;Bq; o; jaAAsuB aq; ';uauiujaAog X;uno3 qoBag 
uipj uj ^UBOijqndaa e jo ;Baoouiaci b noX ajy 

Aopseni b(\q uoispeQ 
I qof esoT oi ||Dujs 

I uaui JO spuiiu am ui s>iJn| |!A9 ibijwv sMOu>i oqM 


,.v^5 ^' t>'' 




Aepjioq siLj} Buunp sBuipii snoAof 86a( 

-|03 jorunf ijoesa uj|Bd i^ jjbjs pue 

uoiiGJisiuiuupB 'AiitioBj, 's;uepn;s aqi 

saqsiM J8qujooL|OBaa atp |o jj^eis aqx 

■lusioijijo aAijDnjjsuoo 01 ssauaAUisuas 
jpq; JO amos asoj puB 'ooj ;Bq} azijEaj pjnoqs Ajuno^ muej'^ 
;b sauo aq; aijij sjEpijjo jooqas uaqA\ aiuoo SBq auiii aqx 

•jadsdsA^au sndiuBo aq; sb qons sdoqsijjo.'v^ 
poqas JO sanpiA aq; pus 'ssajd aajj b jo aouBWoduii aq; 
azipaj XjBpipnC aq; JO sjaqiuaiu isJiaq; ajjij suoi}Bn;is pawoddns 
aAsq s^noa aq; ui sasBD ;sax 'dojp ja;;Bui aq; laj ;ou pjnoqs 
uisqBUjnof ui pa;saja;ut ajB oqA\ s;uapn;s Xiunoo uiwejaj 

(•jadBdsMau ;uapn;s b jo uijoj aqj ui XijBnsn) ;aj;no 
XuB apiAOjd 0; ajnjiEj jo diqsjosuao ;oajip jaqjia Xq ;uapn;s aqj 
JO aotoA' 3q; ssajddns spoqas XjBpuooas Xubui ianbiun 40a si JBqi 
auo si X;uno3 ui^bj^ ;b sijBAajd iBq; a;Biuii.-D aAiptj;saj aqx 

■qSiH A";uno3 
uiWEp\[ ;e pawiuijad aq ;ou \\iia. 'noi;Bj;siuiuxpE aq; ;e pa;oaJip 
XjjBpadsa 'uisidi;ijd pus ,,'jboi}ijd X(auiaj;xa aq ueo,, jadBdsAvau 
B ;Bq; uiibjd sjBiayjo looqos "saoioA .s;uapn;s josuao o; ;jojja ue 
ui paiuap uaaq aABq jadsdsMau jooqas paonpojd ssBp uisiibujuoI 
B a;nqij;sip o; s;sanba3 'pafqns aq; uo A^3IA ;uajajjip b pjoq 01 
luaas jooqag qgjH X;uno3 ui;jbj^ ;b sio;Ei;siniuipB Xi;uaJBddy 

•lusijBUjnof jooqos qSiH 
o;ui Xjinbui jo uoissiuituo^ aq; jo iuodag aqx .,• jooqos aq; jo 
aouaijadxa iBuoi;BDnpa aq; uo spajja apis aAi;Egau jo uoi;dnJsip 
JO H0i;E3ipu! ou q;iM 'snoiuido puB SBapi jo juatujaj Xq;iBaq 
B SI ajaq; ';sixa saop ssajd ;uapn;s snojoSiA 'aaij b ajaq^w,, 

|D4!/VSSeJcJ 33J-F 

(X aSBd 'Xjo;s pa;Bjaj aas) 'SjapBJg ;sji 
a^Iij PB 'Aiaj B JOJ ;daaxa puE - jauiijd apBjg ;sjij b a^ui ptai Xaqx 
■uoipE ui juauiujoAog ;uapn;s jnoX 'sjjjoj ;t aABq noX aaaq; 05 

•jaq a^jq saSoojDg ajoui 
aABq pjnoqs sbuix -agoojas b aq ;snm XiB;aiDas aqX ■;uasaJ5 
SBUi;sijqo jo ;iJids aq; ui aAaijaq ;ou saop XjB;ajDas aq; sdsqjaj 
^;uasajd sbuix ub ;ubm ;ou saop XjB;ajoas aqx -juasajd 
jaq o; ou Xbs XJB;aioas aas -qSnouajiBdi ■;og daaA ;sei aq; ;BqA\ 
s;uBAi Xjuo daaA Aououj ;ag daaA aq; asS ailOMieo adoa aq; sj 
^ajoui ;uEAV uBuiXauppM aq; pia 'oo; ;nasajd aniu ;a§ UEUiXauojAi 
aas •;siuii;do UB SI an •;uapisaJd aq; sXbs .,'jaS3iqaqpjnoD 
;i, , ■;ua'said giq ;ag ;uapisaJd aas '^'^^^ pJ^og aApnasxg aas 

■snBj3 b;ubs ui aAaijaq Xaqx '^^Q s^™X M s;nasaJd 
qaq; ;ag o; guiog oje Xaqx -UBuiXauojAj puB ;uapisaid aq; 
;nq auo on -uo g'uioS si ;BqA\ sMousf auo on -aABai a;Buas aaS 

■oq 'oq 'oh -sbuix 
joj sguiijoojs iiaq; ui jbod ;ag ppoqs a;Bnas sjuiq; sJo;Euas omx 
•s;uauiaaiSB ou 's;uasaid ou 'Xauoui o^' 'uaddBq Smqjou aas 

•s;uasajd ;ubm Xaqx '"o aajS^ naa a;Buas aq; 
guiq; auo si ajaqx -pasudjns si auo o^ -aajSB ;,ubd a;Euas 

•jjjns *Jo;Euas '^jjns ■;uasajd 
E s;a8 aq ssajun jjBq XBjd ;.noM jo;Buas auQ -n^q SM* J° a^'S 
aq; uo aajSB UBo jaq;pN •a;Buas aq; saop os -jjEq XBjd o; s;ueaa 
;uapisajd[ -pjoos 'zajj 'ppos -a^^nas pjoos ;uapisaJd os a^S 

•s;uasaid umo jiaq; ;noqB Xjjom puB ';jodaj 
sjouSi ajEuas aas 'M sAo-iddB a;Euas ;ai pac 'suinuBJOUoq joj 
luau; a;Bi sjoswpB XqnoEj ;aj o; appap pJBog aAi;nDax3 aas 
^ ' -qgnHj 

'a;Buas 'qgnBq iSuippq noX ojb oqAv Xbs 'aawiuiuioa ;b qgnsj 
a;Enas aas '^^^ ^°i ^'^^^^ °" ^^^ 'sjo;Buas \i qsiund aaHiuiuioa 
aas -Xauoui ;a8 sXoq pBq ou os 'jo;Buas q3Ba a;BnjEAa o; 
aawiuiuioo dn s;as a;Euas 'ui saAig uBUiXauojM -uibSb jjsb a;Buas 
aas -jaquiauiaj Xjuappns a;Buas aaS -uua; jo pua sauioo ajaji 

-;agjoj ajEuas aas ,/uiJa; 
;xau ii!;;iBM,, 'Xbs a;Euas JBan -qgnop ou 'Xjjos 'sjo;Buas ajwil 
sqa; uBuiXauoj^ • ja;Bi ;ou 'mou ';uasajd joj ijsb ajBuas aas 'IIej 
puE- • -duinf puB 'di5is 'unj a;Buas aas ■pa;33p a;Buas aas 

guiwao o; jaiuiid[ jjasjno^ ujEa^ XsBg„ ubu bia si 
;i liiBjdxa ueo aM Xbm Xjuo aqx -suinuEJOUoq jo uoi;sanb aq; uo 
^jaaM ;sEd siq; pjBog aApnoaxg puB a;Buas aq; q;oqjosD!;uE aq; 
aqij3sap o; Xba\ Xjuo aq; s^;Bqx -Xpaajg aq o; uoseos aq; six, 



^ssBJci ^40|69||OD pafopossD 

jo}ip=t 6mBeuejAl 

S3H6nH 3NI\JAn9 
jojipg aiBjoossv 



aaissaaa oavw 

siNaanis 3h; jo soioa am 


PIQI '91. jaqiiiaoaa 'ABpuoyy JdaaiAlOOHOVda - 1' 

6 - BEACHCOMBER Wlonday, December 16, 1974 

Many Observe 
Jewish Holiday 

Staff Writer 

The birth of Christ, better 
known as Christmas to most 
people, is celebrated annually 
on December 25. Yet another 
holiday is celebrated by the 
people of the Jewish faith. 

"Hanukkah", as the Jewish 
holiday is known, is being 
celebrated from sunset Decem- 
ber 9 tili sundown on December 
18. On the Hebrew calendar, 
Hanukkah is observed on the 
25th day of the month of Kislev. 

Hanukah means the Feast of 
Rededication. The history of the 
holiday began when Alexander' 
the Great, who conquered 
Palestine, at his death left his 
province to one of his generals. . 
The Syrian King Antiochus 
ruled over the Jews and ordered 
them to put up statues of Greek 
gods in the temple of 

A few of the Jews cooperated 
until this point, but no one 
agreed to worship the Greek 
gods and forfeit the observance 
of their Sabbath. So, the Syrian 
King and his soldiers destroyed 
the temple of Jerusalem and 
tried to force the Jewish people 
to eat swine flesh, a forbidden 
food of their beliefs. 

Many faithful Jews were the 
first to fight for the worship 
rights of individuals and 
religious groups. 

The Jewish people led by an 
old Jewish priest started the 

rebellion against the Syrians 
and after three years the Jewish 
people conquered and drove the 
Syrians from the land and the 
temple. The temple was 
cleaned and rebuilt, statues of 
the Greek gods were broken and 
the holy temple was rededicated 
to God. So came the name - The 
Feast of Rededication. 

Usually, gifts are given only 
to children, unlike the celebra- 
tion of Christmas. The children . 
receive very inexpensive gifts 
the first seven nights and the 
eighth night a surprise gift is 

Hanukkah also means the 
Feast of Lights. When the 
temple was ready for rededi- 
cation the priests found only one 
little container of oil. They used 
this to light the great menorah 
(a popular symbol of Judaism 
that holds nine candles and 
originated from the Eternal 
Light which bums constantly in 
all synagogues.) Afraid it would 
not burn long they sent 
messengers to swiftly bring- 
more oil. However, the lights 
burned eight days until the 
messengers arrived. That is 
why Hanukkah is celebrated 
eight days and a candle is lit 
every day for eight days and 
afterwards blessings are re- 

Have a Merry Christmas, 
Happy New Year, and HAPPY 

Chris f mas -AHolidoy For GiVing 

Creative Presents Cherished 

"I want," 'Tdlike," "I wish 
I'd get," are all common 
phrases heard around Christ- 

Christmas has traditionally 
become a time of the giving and 
receiving of gifts, ever since the 
magi brought the gold, 
frankincense and myrrh to the 
Christ Child. 

However, sometimes this 
poses a problem of what to buy 
for whom. In a very 

materialistic world there are 
very few presents that stand out 
as just the right one. 

On answer is a home-crafter 
present. Receiving a gift that is 
hand made with a lot of time and 
care goes beyond the gift itself. 
It shows a deep care for the 
person for whom the gift is 
intended. Such a gift is likely to 
stand out for it's individually 
made and therefore cherished. 
Such gifts can far outweight 

numerous material things that 
cost a lot of money but aren't 
exactly what you want to give. 

Creative presents, whether a 
craft or such talented works as 
poetry, stories and_^ songs, 
exhibit talent and care. 

The giving of Christmas gifts 
shouldn't be thought of as a 
joy rather than a chore, if we 
were to return to the old fashion 
ways of handmade gifts, each 
present would be a joy an 
individual expression of love. 

After all, why is it that 
parents cherish their children's 
"Works of art" and handmade 
cards? It's because they are 
hand made. If you looked 
through attics and old chests, 
you're more likely to find the 
handmade works of a child than 
materialistic gifts. Handmade 
gifts are made with care, 
patience and love. 
All these characteristics are 

Gift Seekers Create Havoc 

conveyed through gifts of a 
handmade nature, and what 
better gifts can we give at 
Christmas and all year but the 
gifts of care, patience, and love? 


Editorial Assistant 

There has been a mass 
invasion on shopping centers! 
Everywhere there are gift-buy- 
ing, shoplift-trying, childpuU- 
ing, package-toting SHOP- 

Since no one can escapt the 
major onslaught; the best one 
can do is -escape alive. 

The first danger is stampede. 
Go to a shopping mall and you 
become one of thousands of 
people converging on merchan- 
dise. A shopper can only make 
it if he manages to get into the 
right lane of traffic. 

The next danger comes from 
the big crowds; bumping. No, 
not the dance. Doing this kind 
of bump provokes a dirty look 
from the ' 'bumpee' ' . Of course, 
they think the "bumper" is 
trying to pickpocket them. 

Although bumping into 
^someone is almost always 
accidental, pickpockets and 

purse thiefs probably have 
banner days during the holiday 
season. Shoplifters do, too, and 
It's literally a crime the way they 
operate. Keep a close eye on 
that lady who uses an open 
suitcase for a purse. 
. A lot of husbands end up 
sitting on benches while their 
wives browse. But, a man 
shopping is unique. 

"She's about your size," "A 
little bigger here, smaller 
there". . .many men never think 
to ask about sizes. 

And, though the common cold 
seems to be epidemic this time 
of the year, multiple "sniffs" 
can be heard from perfume 

Shopping at Christmastime is 
hectic, but it's part of the 
season, Yes, it is beginning to 
look a lot like Christmas. But, 
don't take the time to see how 
much. . .there are only eight 
more shopping days until Dec. 
25. ■ 

Monday, December 16, 1974 BEACHCOlVlBER -7 

Letters To Santa 


Dear Santa: .Relieved Vn 

^ ^^dvtu and trusted you. 
you. loved you, anu 
Lt everyone makes fun 


„ you have some spar 

could y-l/^XXi let me 

^^''m, !„Salaughtedat-it 
IwillstopW^B know. 
'^"'*""'?outSful follower^ 

PS Don't cop out on tne this 
time. Fat Man! 

8 rBEACHCOMBER Monday, Oecember 1^974 #^ ^^ ^ 

4/^ 4 .•»(* 


^u "^ 

(?'"•- t 


f * 



Feature Editor 

While December 25 is 
traditionally noted as America's 
greatest religions holiday of the 
year, the majority of PBJG's 
seventy fore'ign-ezchMige stn- 
dents have something else in 
mind when the term "Happy 
Holidays" is used. 

Altfaongh most Christians 
celebrate Ciuistmas for the 

same reason only in ii different 
manner, the Middle East, Aaia^ 
and the Eastern coantries 
worship in quite a different 

Religions practices are sect- 
divided, aod^ cannot be 
classified into specific coantries^. 
The main religions consist of 
Hinduism, Buddhism, and the 
Moslem, or Islamic i>eUef. 


Hinduism, the traditional religion of India, 
began about 2500 B.C., and has about 408 
mliion foUowers. Hindu's believe In a 
supreme and absolute power called Brahman, 
and feel that a man's soul most be reborn 
again and agidn nntll It becpmes pure enough 
to be united with him. In that state, men wiU 
take part in perfection. 

Patel Yogesh, a foreign exchange student 
from India, explains their greatest religious 
festival as being the ceibration of "the 
people's salvation &om the evil King Rama." 

"We call this celebration 'Diwaly, which 
lasts for two days and is held in the first or 
second week of November. Everyone cleans 
theb homes, dresses In their best clothes, and 
visits theh- neighbors," Yogesh explains. 

Buildings are lit up with candles, the 
townspeople celebrate with food and drink, 
and presents are exchanged. 

"This is also our New Year", he added, 
"Eveiyone wishes each other "Sahnnbatak" 
or Happy New Year. During the day we also 
go to the temple, then at night firecrackers are 
set off." 

GOGESH PATEL, a native of 
India, cites "Diwaiy" as his 
greatest religions holiday. 

Another important religion, which developed 
from Hindblsm-, is the belief founded by Gautama 
Buddha around 400 B.C. 

Buddhism, represented by over 165 million 
worshipers, encompasses ' the countries of 
Burma, Cambodia, Ceylong, Laos, Thailand, and 
Vietnam. Another form, the Mahayana 
Buddhism, includes China, Korea, Mongolia' and 
the. rest df Southeast Aisa. 

"Buddha means "fully enlightened", or 
"awakened one". The Buddhists, goal in life is 
Nirvana, a state of complete peace and love. 

Suksirislip Amorurut and Thavonpnsit 
Banhan, foreign exchange students from 
Thailand, explafai tiiehr Christmas holiday in this 

"Christmas In Thailand Is not the greatest 
event of the year sfaice almost "^70% of the 
population are Buddhists; nevertheless, 
Christians in Thailand do celebrate Joyfully bi 
many churches." 

Monday, December 16, 1974 BEACHCOMBER -9 

' & - '1, '& \; ■■ ■ ^' ' 3-^ 

» n ■Si. *: *" '^4 ,■ ■ i CS^.,..- 





On Christmas eve, the Christians have their 
party either at home or church. Following these 
parties, which usually end up at midnight, the 
church member visit each others home, and on 
the mondng of December 25 they go to worship. 

For most of the people of Thailand, though, the 
greatest religious holiday is April 13, the day of 
the New Year. The Boddlsts bum candles, sing 
and dance, have parties, go to the temple in the 

On April 13, 14 and IS, flie people gatiier to 
tiirow water on each other . as a btrissing. 
Traditionally, the water is thrown on the older 
people, but the yonths often sway from the rules 
and throw the water on each other" stated 
Jesada Tankigthanongsuk, JC exchange student 
and native Thai. 

"In the northern part of Thailand, the people 
place something old, such as an article of 
clothing, in a river and let It wash away, 
symbolizing tiiefr bad luck gotag away" he 


Moslems are peole who 
practice the religion Islam, 
preached by Mohammed In 
600 A.D. The term Moslem 
comes (torn an Arabic word 
meaning "one who submits to 

The over 465 followers of tiie 
Islamic belief come from the 
Middle East, Nortii Africa, 
Southeast Asia and Pakistan, 
Malaysia and Indonesia. 

Moslems celebrate many 
events, the most important 
being the mourning of the 
death of Husaln, a grandson of 
Mohammed In 661 A.D. 

They also observe the 
Ramadan, or fasting. During 
the ninth mouth of the Moslem 
year, they may not eat or drink 
from dawn to sunset. 
Travelers, the sick, nursing 
mothers, and soldiers on the 
march are exempt, but must 
make up the days missed. 

Moslems joyfully ' celebrate 
the end of the fast in the 
three-day celebration of the 
Littie Bairam, or Festival of 
the reiJdng. 






^ O 

"■' s J 

a !» 



% 4 6, % ' 

* * 

■ * 

NOTE: Whatever your 
nationality, whatever your 
iellgion, and whatever your 
beliefs the Beachcomber 
hopes that yon ali e^|oy 

I -■-'/ 




1^^ -(^ Y 

r^, «■■ 





■■ &>""(5 

'n & 

K ' 








10 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, December 16, 1974 

Theres No Need 

To Get Ripped Off 


Sell Your B6oks! 

Any of the Books that you no Ioniser need 

And Will Be Used in the winter term you may leave on 

consignment in SAC 2 in the North SAC Lounge. 

When the book gets sold j 

you get allot the money received. 

No middle costs!!! 



DEC. 16 - 20 


8 A.M. -2 P.M. 



Has Come 
To Pasquales 

Instant Lunch 

m Salad 
®Gar//c Bread 

Phone 967-6055/965-9802 
Palm Springs Shopping Center 
10th AvB. & South Congress 


11:30- 1:30 

Fre|h Pizza Dough 
Is^Made Daily 

Fashionable shoes dUccessories 

Exclusive Designer Shoes 
ifrom Around Itlie World 

Tel. (305) 3914)022 
64SS N. Federal Hwy. 
Boca JRaton, Fla. 33432 

Platforms - Wedges - Spikes 

Belts - Scarves - Handbags : 


' With This AD 


At Your 


Florida Atlantic University 


2101 45fh Street 
West Palm Beach, Florida 

Phone: 848<'1429 

Regular Registration 

Jan. 2 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. 
Jan. 3 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m. 

All eligible students 

Late Registration 

Jan. 6-9 8:30 a.m. -7:00p.m. 

Jan. 10 8:30 a.m. ■4:00 p.m. $25.00 late fee 


Undergraduate Programs In Business, 
Elementary Education And Accounting, 
,*! IVIaster's Program In Business 

Winter Quarter Courses - West Palm Beach Center 

Crse. No. Cred. Days 





















371 9205 

310 9220 

301 9230 

304 9226 

410 9222 

440 9234 

487 9238 

660 9210 

626 9214 

630 9216 

306 9305 

498 9306 

400 9218 

301 9300 

430 9275 

405 9308 

303 9270 

305- 9272 

396 9261 

470 9268 

480 9259 

670 9260 

632 925Q 

620 9246 

601 9264 

604 9255 






























8: 00-9 :50pm 
7: 00-9 :50pm 
7: 00-9 :50pm 

9:00-1 1:50am 




7: 00-9 :20pm 

7: 00-9 :20pm 

7: 00-9 :20pm 

7: 00-8: 50pm 


8: 00-1 0:20pm 


6: 00-9: 50pm 

5: 30-9 :20pm 










Inter. Acct. Theory )| 
Finar^cial Managennent " 
Mgmt. Planning & Control 
Quan. Meth. in Adm. 
Financial Problems 
Personnel Adm: 

Business Policy 
Adv. Fed. Taxation 
Analysis of Firm 
Business Policy 
File Org. Meth. 
IBM Job Control Language 
Grim. Justice & The Commun. 
Econ.Prin.& Policies . 
Interpretation of Fiction 
Psy.of Motiv. of People 
Ctr. of Discovery II 
Ctr. of Discovery IV 
Career Seminar - Elem. 
Reading: Elem. School 
Science: Elem. School 
Developmental Reading 
Elem. School Adm. 
Improv. Instr. Colleges 
Aging Consid. & Progs. 

Monday, December 16, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 11 


Cantel — An English foursome that draws together the musical abilities and B 

creative tafents of Peter Baidem{keyboards)/AndyUtinierfguitar);D€«ffi^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^^^^^"^ 
Ferguson (bass), and Andy Ward (drums). They are ' i^^^^l f " 

incredibly cohesiveand electrically ingenious, as they deliver ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^i^^W 
high energy sounds with soothing and aesthetically ^ ■ yr-MmSM^^ 
.■■pleasing^dexterity,^ ;:■:;;;, ■,. 

Cton't miss Gamelperform live but if you do 
liK»k for a "Mrage^ their latest album . 

;■ rChess/Jantts; Reco»d$,:l(S33::^:■r:- 
, ■ Broadway, N«\y;;V«k,;N^:Yi:;l<30% 

"Also a va aaljie::i6n^. «r : Masir" • ^ 'S :■ . is^J^ 



<:^ jif ' 









11/30 OpttolTheater 

Passaic, KJr 
*12/i BIooaiington,Ifl, 
1 2/4 Si. Paid Ovie Center, 

Minneapolis, Minn. 


12/S Milwaukee Audiioriiim, 
Milwaukee, Wise. 

la/a Wcsternim. Univ., 
Macomb, 111. 

12/6 Dane County Coliseum, '♦12/IO Brown Coanty Arena, 

Madison, Wise, ^ Green Bay, Wise. 

*12/7 Oak Brook Fonim, 12/13 Public Arena 

Oak Brook JII. Cleveland, Ohio 

IZ/U Century Thoalcr 

Buffalo, N.Y. 
12/15 Gram! Rapids, Mich, 
12/18 Municipal Aud. 

Atlanta, Ga, 
12/iP Muni^.-j.afAwd, 

BirinJngliam, Ala, 

12/20 Coliseirin 

Jackson vlfk, Fla, 
12/21 Colisetmn , 

Lakeland, I'la, 
12/22 ,<\ud«lojriutn 

W. FaJtn Beach, Fia, 

12 - BEACHCOMBER Monday. December 16. 1974 


Show Lifts Spirit 

Monday, December 16, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 13 

Entertainment Co-Editor 

It promised to be just another 

■concert with a "Christmas" 

itype color this reviewer was to 

Jcover. The Annual Christmas 

S Concert was presented by the 

Humanities Deoartment on Dec. 
10 at '9:10 

Being close to final exam 
time, the reviewer was not in 
the Christmas mood Brotherly 
love, peace on earth, jingle 
bells, Santa, "White Christ- 

S Mr. Irving Gross, Concert Orchestra director, sat in with the Jazz 
~ Ensemble at the Christmas concert Wednesday. 

mas" and nativity scenes didn't 
alter his thoughts at all. "Bah! 
Humbug!" he said. 

Prepared for syrupy senti- 
ment, the Christmas concert 
surprised him. 

Jovial "Santa's" visited the 
concert and danced up the aisle 
to the tune of the "Maple Leaf 
Rag" tossing candy in the air. 
Piously moving the Concert 
Chorus performed its' vocal 
balancing act, between beauty 
and a better thing. 

Sharp, clear, and emotive 
were solos by Oveta Jackson 
and Karen Bunner. The 
Concert Ban got it together for 
some exceptional music. 

The two Santas, besides 
dancing in the aisle, performed 
in some clever skits. In the skits 
Dixie Ollinger was a very funny 
little girl who visited Santa, 
Karen Bunner played a bigger 
girl who's visit Santa seemed to 
enjoy, and Betsy Fryer played 
an even bigger girl on who's lap 

an improvising Santa sat. 

The Concert Choir was 
directed by Pat Johnson, who 
also directed the Pacesetters. 
Directing the Concert Band 



fRecord Review 

Zappa Is The Main Mother 

Frank Zappa owns twenty 
assorted guitars, hates the 
establishment, cites weakneisses 
in the system, doesn't trust 
anyone, wears his hair long and 
shaggy and heads the legendary 
Mothers Of Invention rock 

The lyrics to his songs are 
mostly clever satires about 
people, places, and life as it is 
seen through the eyes of Frank 
Zappa. And, as he will openly 
admit, he is a very good guitar 
player. Would you buy an 
album from this man? 

The double LP' 'Roxy and 
Elswhere' is a collection of real 

strong live rock energy captured 
from the Mothers U.S. tour 
during the winter and apring of 
this year. Unlike most live 
albums by other rock artists, the 
whole set consists entirely of 
new songs. 

Much of 'Roxy's' material 
holds much commercial poten- 
tial but will probably go 
unnoticed as compared to lesser 
vvorks by popular bands who get 
that way strictly by maintaining 
a friendly, favorable reputation 
with the media. Frank Zappa 
and the broadcast media are 
longtime enemies, so don't 

Jimmy Neil 

expect to hear any of this album 
or any other Mothers work given 
fair air play on your local radio. 

Songs like 'Penguin In 
Bondage' and 'More Trouble 
Every Day' are based primarily 
on the blues scale, in straight 
four/four time for the most part, 
and include rock out guitar solos 
by the master composer Zappa. 

His fingers moye up and 
down the fingerboard faster and 
more efficient than any other 
rock guitarist. His scale 
patterns and runs boggle the 
mind. His selection of notes is 

highly creative making for a 

'■^Frank/ySpea/c/nQ "l"l«IHIItll«lll«ll»«l"ilBIIUIIIIMWIME very original, skillful and 

' ' ^ S comolex stvle. 

The Mind Instrument 

By Frank Smifhi 

S Electronic music threatens to take over the music industry, but 1 

e a more human musical process promises to keep man's hand in § 

g creativity. = 

More and more people hear electronic music everyday and S 

they will hear more of it. This type of music is very efficient to S 

produce because it eliminates the middle man, the performer. It S 

goes directly, during it's conception, onto electronic tape. Put 1 

the tape on a maphine, turn it on,, and there is the music 5 

reproduced exactly as conceived. = 

With they type of music, the sound of any mstrument can be S 

reproduced and the music produced can be speeded up to create S 

melody lines which could never be obtained from human 5 

performances. 5 

_ Unfortunately, it is this lack of human traces which deters 5 

S "mechanical" music. Humans like to hear humans. S 

S The few advantages, faster tone succession, endless variety of E 

S sound forms, and an inhuman degree of efficiency, become S 

5 disadvantages when we are looking for emotive effects, it is hard S. 

S 10 affect humans with inhuman sounds. S 

S Someday man will use music to serve as an extension of his s 

s miiid. Music will have more human feeling in the future because g 

s it v.ill come directly from the mind. S 

S There are, already, machines that can measure the activities of S 

§ the hraiti. If a machine is created which corresponds sounds with = 

§ brain activities (high activity-high notes, low activity-low notes) 5 

§ then, by controlling his thoughts a "performer" could control 5 

S the sound produced. = 

= The electro-encephalograph, a machine to measure brain = 

s waves, combined with a sound machine may be the next major = 

£ instrument of music. The virtuoso will be the man who controls S 

g his mind most effectively. = 

mmuauimininniHnmHnwimnmiimmmmmmmmmmimminmmm iiiiii 

Side two's 'Village of The 
Sun' is a vocal piece about a 
place where he used to live 
where they used to raise 

Immediately following are 
two Instrumental s linked to-' 
gether called 'Echidna's Arf' 
and 'Don't You Ever Wash That 
Thing?' which are the Record 
Review album's best selections. 
They include a hazzy trombone, 
solo by Bruce Fowler, a jazzy 
electric piano solo by George 
Duke, a double drum solo by 
Ralph Humphrey and Chester 
Thompson, and a varying, very 
different use of percussion 
implements by Ruth Under- 

Doing lead vocals and 
performing on tenor sax and 
tlute is the amazing and funny 
Napolean Murphy Brock. 

Bassist Tom Fowler is 
responsible for the very funky 
pulsating bass work throughout 
the album. 

The new live Mothers LP is a 
fantastic contribution to the ever 
-evolving world of modern rock 
and will make an excellent 
Christmas gift for that very 
special someone in your life - or 
just yourself. 

Guitar classicist Charles Stein was one of the many performers 
presented during the past few week's seminars. 

Music Majors Meet 

Staff Writer 

An excellent show or talent was displayed by music majors in 
the last music seminar of the term which was held Wednesday 
December 11. 

Music majors are required to perform in a seminar specializing 
on a chosen instrument or doing a vocal. 

Accompanied by Sharon Nelson on the piano Merja Poutianen 
sang Beau Soir by Debussy to begin the program. 

The seminar took an upbeat as Mike Poupard performed on 
the snare drum, "Etude for Snare FDrum" by Tuthill. Which 
was followed by a beautiful exhibition on the guitar by Tomothy 
Doherty, who played a Spanish ballet "Romanz in E Minor". 

Patti Dickenson then held the audiences . attention while she 
performed on the cello. 

Schuman's "Intermezzo" was dynamically played on the 
piano by Nell Bell. 

Betsy Pryor did na excellent rendition of ' 'Down by the Sally 
Garden" and was accompanied by Sharon Nelson on the piano. 

Daniel Stewart sang two numbers, "Die Forelle" by Schubert 
and "This World" by Bernstein, accompanied by Miss Ruth 
Ruggles, on piano. 

Linda Cooper displayed an outstanding talent as she sang 
"Tortorella" by Pietiaguia to the accompaniments of Miss 

Captivation of the audience was Craig Evans' desire, which he 
accomplished with his rendition of the Third Movement of 
Beethoven's "Pathetique Sonata" on the piano. 

Miss Ruggles again accompanied on piano as Edward Esposito 
sang two pieces "Widmung" by Schuman and "O Mistress 
Mine" by Quilter. 

Schubert's "Ave Maria" was done by Thomas Sye and 
accompanied by Angela Moffet on the piano. 

"Sonatina" by Hartley, was nicely performed by Nick Patsis 
on the trumpet with Miss Ruggles accompaning. Katheryn 
Koontz played the flute in "Poem" by Griffes and Denise O'Neil 
played the violin for Mozart's G Major Concerto" accompanied 
by Miss Ruggles to finish the program. 

Mr. Sy Pryweller, director for the Concert Band and Jazz | 
Ensemble, demonstrates his rhythmic expertise at the drums. | 

and the Jazz Ensemble was SyS 
Pryweller. i 

The whole show roused theS 
viewers spirits. "Merry g 
Christmas" he said. i 



Here, while checking his hand 
during a card game, Santa 
demonstrates to photographer 
his imitation of the Godfather. 


Comber Exclusive'- 

Northern Star Cited 


Final Examination 

Well, folks, it's final exam 
week, already. It's time to start 
reading that book, which was 
due last September because 
they don't make Cliff Notes for 
it, or begin construction on the 
semester project that counts as 
75% of the course grade. 

If you're contemplating sui- 
cide, better do it now. Here is a 
sample of the final exam that you 
could be getting! 

question carefully. Answer all 
questions Time limit: 4 hours. 
HISTORY: Describe the 
History of the Papacy, from its 
origins to the present, concen- 
trating especially, but not 
exclusively, on its social, 
political, economic, religious, 
and philosophical impact on 
Europe, Asia, America and 
Africa. Be brief, concise, 

MEDICINE: You have been 
provided with a razor blade, a 
piece of gauze and a bottle of 
scotch. Remove your appendix. 
Do not suture until your work 
has been inspected. You have 
fifteen minutes. If you have no 
appendix, either kidney may be 
substituted. Extra Credit for 
both kidneys. 

riot-crazed Aborigines are 
storming the classroom. Calm 
them. You may iise any ancient 
language except Latin or Greek. 
Only universally recognized 
hand gestures are permitted. 

MUSIC; Write a piano 
concerto. Orchestrate and 
perform it with flute and drum. 
You will find a piano under your 

PSYCHOLOGY: Based, on 
your knowledge of their works, 
evaluate the emotional stability, 
degree of adjustment, and 
repressed frustrations of the 
following: Alexander of 
Aphrodisias, Ramses II, Gre- 
gory of Nices, Hammurabi. 
Support your evaluation with 
quotes from each man's work, 
making appropriate references. 
It is not necessary to translate. 
SOCIOLOGY: Estimate the 
sociological problems which 
might accompany the end of the 
world. Construct and experi- 
ment to test -your theory. 

assembled parts of a high-pow- 
ered rifle have been placed in a 

box on your desk. You will also 
find an instruction manual, 
printed in Swahili. In ten 
minutes a hungry Bengal tiger 
will be admitted to the room . 
Take whatever action you feel 
appropriate. Be prepared to 
justify your decision. 

is a red telephone on the desk 
beside you.' Start World War 
HI. Report at length on its 
socio-political effects, if any. 

PHILOSOPHY: Sketch the 
development of human thought. 

Estimate its significance. 
Compare with the development 
of any other kind of thought. 

ECONOMICS: Develop a 
realistic plan for refinancing the 
national debt. ''Trace the 
possible effects of your plan in 
the following areas: Cubism, 
the Vitamin E Controversy, the 
Wave Theory of Light. Outline 
a method for preventing these 
effects. Criticize this method 
from all points of view. Point 
out the deficiencies. 

HUMANITIES: The painting 
you are about to see is by a) 
Piccasso, b) Rembrandt, c) 
Michaelangelo d) none of the 
above; it's a forgery. 

Describe in detail. Be objective 
and specific. 

EXTRA CREDIT: Define the 
Universe. Give three examples. 

By Ace Famous 
Persctfiality Interviewer 

Late last Thursday night as 
the Beachcomber staff worked 
diligently on producing that 
week's paper. 

Suddenly, there was a 
rusding of wind, the pitter 
patter of little hoofs atop the 
office and a radiant red glow 
about the JC grounds. 

I knew at once it must be 
Santa Claus or this was one of 
the things that 30 cups of coffee 
in one day will do to you. But 
Santa Claus on Dec. 6? 

Believe it or not, the door to 
the office flung open and in 
walked a couple of elves and this 
big guy with a beard and a red 
suit. Simple deduction told me 
that this must be Santa Claus or 
I had had one too many 
Christmas spirits. 

The following is a word for 
word interview that I managed 
to obtain from Santa when no 
one else was in the office. It is a 
pity they missed Santa. 
'Comber: Well, Santa, what 
news do you bring from the 
North Pole? 

Santa: Well, I have some good 
news and some bad news. First 
the bad news. The industrial 
countries of the world are in an 
economic recession. 
'Comber: Well, Santa, what's 
the good news? 
Santa: Christmas is coming! 
'Comber: Ho Ho Ho. What 
brings you here this time of 

Santa; My reindeer and sleigh 
of course. Actually, you know, 
with all this hustle and bustle I 

Classified Ads 

FOR SALE: Irish setter - 
champion pups, AKC and 
Pedigrees - large selection, 
priced to go for Christmas Call 

WANTED: roommate (s) 1 or 
2 roommates - large 2 bedroom 
apt. close to PBJC; walking 
distance to Lake Worth Beach 
$60 mo. (includes utilities) Call 
588-3982 after 4 p.m. ask for 

FOR SALE: Yahama 100, good 
condition, best offer over S250. 
Call 964-2245. 

FOR SALE: Thoroughbred 
quarterhorse, gelding. Good 
pleasure hutner; has been 
shown successfully. Phone 

Walker Ave., Greenacres. 2 
Bdrm., 1 bath, WW Carpet, 
Central A/C Heat, Appliances; 
water and garbage pickup 
included S225/mo. Call 

965-3397 for an appointment. 

TERM PAPERS! Canada's 
largest service. For catalogue 
send S2 to: Essay Service, 57 
Spadina Ave., 208, Toronto, 
Ontario, Canada. 

center page page. Call Sherry 
968-9710, evenings. 

FOR SALE: 1973 Ford Truck 
with camper Call 272-1898 after 


Happy Holidays To The 

Printers of 
the Beachcomber. 

From The 
Beachcomber Staff 

Wishing ail my many friends 

A Very Happy & Healthy New Year, 
and an Extra Special 
"Very Merry Christmas" 
from your real friend 

t Mike Dan 

f Miami, Florida 

thought I would just beat the 
Christmas rush. 

'Comber: Tell us Mr. Claus, 
what is it like flying from rooftop 
to rooftop delivering toys all 
over the world. Could you 
describe that sensation? 
Santa: Well, I'd say it's a 
natural high. Little Christmas 
iiumor there. Ho, Ho. 
'Comber: Ho, Ho try again. 
Santa; Well, you could kind of 
say that Christmas is my bag. 

'Comber: Yes, I guess you 

could, Santa. Those jokes Just 

sleigh me. What Is the one 

thing that you try never to forget 

when packing? 

Santa: Mistletoe. I never make 

a trip without it. At my age, a 

little artificial stimulus never 

hurt anyone. When you're 

immortal, you just kind of hit a 

peak after 20 or 30 centuries. 

Ah, but it's just a fad. Say, have 

you ever had a mistletoe 


'Comber: Mistletoe cocktail? 

Santa: Yes. One drink and 

you'll pucker up to anything 

organic for a week? Old 

Rudolph got into three of those 

last Christmas. 

'Comber: So that explains his 

red nose. 

Santa: No, he was born with 

that. But, every time we flew 

over a zoo he wanted to go down 

and fill a giraffe's neck with 


'Comber: Santa, back to you. 

Has the energy crisis affected 

you and If so, what have you 

done to fight it? 

Santa: Yes, it has. I've cut my 

reindeer down from eight to six 

and if you've noticed, Rudolph's 

nose is even dimmer.. But, I 

may have a tough time 
delivering toys in America this 
year. My reindeer don't seem 
to meet the E.P.A. pollution 

control standards for 1974. 

'Comber; I find It amazing that 

someone actually lives at the 
North Pole. 

Santa: Oh, come on now, you 
don't actually believe that. 
Everyone knows that no one can 
live at the North Pole. 
'Comber: But, Mr. Claus, if you 
don't live at the North Pole, 
where do you make all those 

Santa: Make all those toys I 
You've got to be kidding. I 
thought everyone knew I was a 
middle man for Mattel. 
'Comber; Well, Santa, just to 
keep your Image up, how cold 
does it get at the North Pole? 
Santa: Let me put it this way. It 
was so cold this morning that 
when I got up I accidently 
bumped into an end table and 
my underwear shattered. 
Pardon me, but I must be going. 

You see, I've left my sleigh 
double parked and the campus 
police are depositing citations 
all over it. That's right 
Rudolph, eat them., 
'Comber: Well, Santa, It 
certainly has been a pleasure 
talking to you. I only wish 
someone else could have been 
here to see you. Yon certainly 
are interesting and showed me 
an entirely different side of you. 
Santa: Oh really? Which side, 
my left or my right? Well, it 
was a pleasure for me also. 
Merry Christmas to all - that's it 
Rudolph, go for the book and 
pencil, I'll go for the gun. 
'Comber: Ho,Ho,Ho, Merry 

.^ HUf— • of 4 

aiotse one please: A] Santa offering a candycane to littie girl 
not pictured. B] Santa making a humorous holiday hand 
gesture with a peppermint stick. C] A Scandinavian 
mountain person working on his first day as a maintenance 
engineer critiquing various pieces of litter at a two week litter 
specimen seminar. 

■U - BEACHCOMBER Monday, December 16, 1974 


Staff Writer 

"Beatlemania. . .affects all 
social classes and all levels of 
intelligence. There has been 
adulation before. . .but no one 
has taken the national fancy as 
have the Beatles," reported 
Frederick Lewis in the New York 

These words conclude the 
astonishing effect the Beatles 
have had on society. 

As a group, the Beatles sold 
well over 30 million records in 
the United States, surpassing all 
previous fightes. Besides being 

considered the biggest act in the 
history of show business, the 
Beatles becanrie the. first 
recording artists to have a 
record become a milion seller 
before its release! 

Performing under the gui- 
dance of their late manager 
Brian Epstein, the Beatles 
signed a recording contract that 
vtfas to be followed by the 
release of their first single, 
"Love Me Do," in 1962. Selling 
100,000 copies, make it the last 
time a Beatle single sold less 
than a half -million. 

"She Loves You," released in 



Vintage Beatles ■ Ringo Starr, George Harrison, John Lennon and Paul McCartney [left to right, 
flanking Ed Sullivan] as they appeared in their first American television appearance in 1964. 

1963,, became their first 
"English" million seller. It was 
followed by the single, "Please 

Paul, John, Ringo and George back in '64. 

Please Me" and two albums 
entitled, "With the Beatles," 
and "Introducing the Beatles." 

They then released their first 
million seller in the U.S., 
"Want to Hold Your Hand." 

The Beatles first release on 
the Capitol label, "Meet the 
Beatles," was a huge success, 
making it one of the largest 
selling albums of all time. 

There was no stopping them, 
at this point. They were bound 
to reach all heights of success. 

As years passed, they 
produced one million sellers 
after another. The "consisten- 
cy" in the song writing of 
Lennon and McCartney was 
probably the most influential 
agent in the Beatles' success as 
a group. Today .McCartney and 
Lennon hold the distinction of 
being the most successful song 
writers in the world. 

When the Beatles toured the 
United States. In 1964 and 1965, 

they proved that they were as 
exciting in the flesh as on vinyl. 
In their first television appea- 
rance on the Ed Sullivan Show 
in 1964 the Beatles were a huge 

From that time, "Beatles" 
became a household word. Fan 
clubs sprang up across the 
civilized world while Beatle 
Buttons, Wigs, Tea Shirts, 
Nightgowns, Magazines, and 
believe it or not, even Beatle 
Nut Ice Cream were being sold 
in large quantities. 

The big question at that time 
was "how long would this sheer 
mania continue?" Most 
thought that it was just a fad 
that would die out in due time. . 
little did they know! 

To this very day Beatle music 
is just as popular as it was when 
it was released. 

Education Series 







Course Outtines ftMEWCM mrm 

Featured Futures 

Pisces Eager For Final Exam 

PISCES: Your week may seem 
like the passage of a shooting 
star-short and brilliant. Even 
exams shouldn't faze you. 
Social scene is active. 

ARIES: It would be nice to say 
that you'll breeze through your 
finals, but astrology is not that 
precise; However, determined 
effort does pay off this week, 
particularly in the personal 

TAURUS: You may think a 
romance is doing well, but 
you're being undercut by 
someone else. Don't give that 
person anything to put you 
down about. Keep your cool 
and time will straighten things 


Cliffs Notes 

Cliffs Keynote 

Books to help you keep up. Books 
to help you catch up. Books to help 
you get your head together on 
most any subject. Try us. 

John's Sundry Shop 

608 Lake Ave. Lake Worth 

First National Bank 


Trust Company 

114 North "J" St. 
Lake Worth, Florida 
Phone 582-5641 

Member F.D.I.C. 

GEMINI: No one suspects your 
ulterior motives, but you have 
them. You can get by with 
sneaky untruths this'week, but 
your credibility is weakened in 
weeks to come. 

CANCER; You appreciate the 
good things you have and gain 
insights on how to get more. 
Certain bad experiences assume 
more importance to you than 
they should. You're worth 
more than you think. 

LEO: Music, friends, good 
times, parties-everything that 
comes with Christmas comes to 
you. You make a firiendship 
destined to last a long time. 
Your sign has a tendency to gain 
weight, so don't overdo the 
"merry making" part. 

VIRGO: Hunt up some 
mistletoe and get under it. Let 
your best talents come out. 
Show people you're special. 
Don't allow yourself to be 
shoved into a comer. 



Send now for latest catalog. En- 
close $2.00 to cover return pott- 


57 SpMJina Ave.. Suits #208 
Toronto, Ontario, Cartad.< 

(416) 368-«648 
Oiir retearch tefvice It told 
for niaarch »ttlttanc« only. 

..^ Flick MogerfJ 

LIBRA: A startling surprise 
awaits you in the home of an old 
friend. Good financial aspect. 
Were you a Scrooge in a former 

SCORPIO: You are prey to 
thoughtful, introspective 
moods. People can't under- 
stand this, and try to cheer you 
up! Be receptive to Christmas 

SAGITARIUS: Unrest and a 
great deal of mental effort are 
unpleasant but inevitable this 
week. Good relations with 
family pay off. Don't pressure a 
busy acquaintance. 

CAPRICORN: Christmas will 
be a time of relaxation and 
recreationfor you, but could also 
bring some health problems. 

AQUARIUS: You're painfully 
sandwiched between Christmas 
and finals. The key to survival is 
organization, a foreign word to 
most Aquarians. 


" Gifts and Accessories " 

With a difference 
It doesn't take much 
to be posh 

217^0 lOth Ave, North 
Lake Worth', Fla. 


Monday, Decennber 

16, 1974 BEACHCOMBER - 15 

Beachcomber Spohs / ^°prewew 

Sports Editor 

With Christmas break three 
days away, an inner desire 
among the JC baseball players 
will be fulfilled. That desire is 
to get back to full scale practice. 

The Pacers open just three 
days after the Winter Term 
begins with the Ft. Lauderdale 
Baseball School. The Friday, 
Jan. to game at 7:30 p.m. is to 
be played at the Texas Rangers 
facilities in Pompano. 

The first eleven games are 
exhibition with the baseball 
school, yet the Pacers will go all 
out. according to Head Coach 
Dusty Rhodes. 

The players are on a running 
program now to get in shape. 
The personnel who will be in 
town over Christmas break are 
practicing everyday at 10 a.m. ■ 

Many battles will be staged 
for starting positions, yet 
Rhodes says he will use 

Mike Rowe, 6' 1" freshman 
from West Palm Beach and' 
Jerry Walter, 6' 3" sophomore 
from Manitowic, Wise, two 
power hitters, will battle for first 

Second base is wrapped up by 
Glenn Rogers, a 5'8" hometown 
freshman. Bob Benda, also 
5' 8" has a good jump on 
shortshop. He is a native of 
North Palm Beach. 

Dave Lang, a 5' 11" 
sophomore from Waukegan, III. 
who batted .290 last year, will 
get a run for his money on third. 
His competition is Tom 
McCoilugh who "came in and 
made it on his own" according 
to Rhodes. McCoullgh lead the 
club this fall in total hits. 

The outfield is centered 
around powerful Sam Testa. 
Testa, a six footer from Lake 
Worth had eight RBI's in two 
games against Dade-North this 
fall. Flanking Testa, left field, 
is Bob Morrisey, a 5' 11" 
sophomore from Howard Beach, 
N.Y. In right field is Skip 
Walker, a six footer from Palm 
Reach Qardens. 

Also seeing plenty of action 
will be John Inglis, a S'll" 
speedster from WPB. He has a 
chance to break Tommy Clark's 
stolen base record of 25. 

The Florida State Jr. College 
League uses the designated 
hitter, and Rich Sorise will fill 

the 197S Pacers Baseball team [from I to r] first row, Glenn Kogers [IS], Mark Rusinko [36], Bill Kirk ]38], John Ingles [2S], 
Bob Morrisey [20], Dan Destout [21]., and Bob Benda [16]. The second row includes Terry Dreher [27], Kenny Rogers [23], Ed 
Boyle [263, Dave Lang [18], Skip Walker [24], Rich Sorise [33] and Sam Testa [32]. The top row Includes Ed Fisher [29], Ross 
Baumgarten [30], Tom McCuUough [17], Hod Jones [31], Jerry Walter [35], Andy McGaffigan [28], Julian Rodrignes [19], Mike 
Rowe [34] and head coach Dusty Rhodes [22]. 

that position for the Pacers. 

Rhodes' biggest headache 
will be the catching position. 
Bill Kirik, Dan. Destout and 
Mark Rusinko all have a shot at 
the starting post. "I got three 
catchers and I couldn't even^tell 
you who its going to be," 
explained Rhodes. . Of the 22 
players, seven are pitchers. 
Terry Deher, Ed Boyle, Ed 
Fisher, Ross Bauymgarten, Rod 
Jones, Andy McGaffin, and 
Julian Rodriquiez will handle 

the throwing chores this season. 
"They are all starters, and all 

Rhodes went on to say, "This 
year we have speed. We're 
going to run. They :our. 
opponents; are going to have to 
make up their minds because 
they're going to have to throw 
us out. I don't believe in 
defensive baseball. If that 
catcher is going to be an 
All-American, he's going to 
have to do it every time." 

Sports Li fe^ 

Sluggers No. 1? 

•T/mofhyl. Broy 

Escape To Snow Ski 


Looking for a get-away 
vacation over this Christmas 

The Student Ski Association, 
famous for the half price ski lift 
ticket its 44,000 members 
receive at 150 major ski area 
nationwide, recently announced 
their 1974-75 winter schedule. 

SSA Carnivals will be at major 
ski resorts in the East. Midwest, 
and Rocky Mountains. 

At last January's "Great 
Escape" week long carnival in 
Aspen, Colorado over 700 
college students from every 
state in the country attended. 

V -r,. 

^'v 1- 





This season's Aspen trip is 
firom Jan. 4 to 11, and Jan. 5 to 
13. Cost for lifts at four areas in 
Aspen lodging at the Holiday 
Inn orequilvant.and admission 
to all activities is only $125.35. 
There are low tour-based airline 
fares available on regularly 
scheduled flights from most 
cities to Denver, on Jan. 6 with 
connecting bus transportation to 

More information or a $6.00 
membership may be obtained 
by writing the Student Ski 
Association, 233 N. Pleasant 
St., Amhearst, Ma. O1002 or 
2438 N. Qark St., Chicago, 111 

Phone S82-K)46 

"Man for man, I don't see anyone who can handle us. It's a 
matter of us doing the job." 

Those are the optimistic words of the Pacers' young, energetic 
new head baseball coach. Dusty Rhodes. 

Rhodes,* beginning his first season at the helm, will guide 22 
ball players in 48 games this season. 

: There is also a 
strong possibility of 
picking up a couple of 
games when Rhodes 
travels to the NCAA. 
Coaches Convention 
!jan. 2-5 in Washing- 
ton, D.C. Northern 
colleges travel to 
Florida to tune up 
during spring break, 
and Rhodes hopes to 
line up a few of them 
while in the nation's 

These are exhibition games for the Pacers, but Rhodes will 
pull all of the strings. "I'm planning to use everybody I got, ant 
we'll go all out." 

Rhodes said of Fred Ferrai's school, "When we play them, 
they'll have the younger guys from the major and minor leagues 
that are getting ready for spring training. 

"Last year they beat Dade-North, who were second in the 
nation a couple of time. North had 11 or 12 players go on to four 
year schools and a couple signed." 

Looking toward the season, "Dade-North, South, Downtown, 
and Browardwill be our competition." 

Baseball coach Dns^ Rhodes. 



Car Stereos & Custom Installations^ 


We carry a complete line of Audio equipment:- 
Sansui, JVC, Marantz, Kenwood, Garrard, Dual , 
Jensen, Avid, Sony, Shure, Empire, Pickering & 

Complete selection of L.P.'s & Tapes at the best 
prices in Palm Beach County 

136U.S. Hwy.1 
N. Palm Beach, Fia. 


V ,*1, 

16 Beachcomber Monday, December 16, 1974 




JC To host 


Sports Editor 
'^ Two local colleges, PBJC and Palm Beach Atlantic College are 
/combining their efforts to put on the area's biggest basketball 
show of the year." 

On Jan. 3-4 the 1975 Palm Beach Basketball Festival will be in 
the JC gym. 

This two-in-one tournament features four of the nations top 
rated junior college teams and four senior college teams. 

Indian River, replacing the previously announced 
Hitlsborough College, Broward North, Camden (N.J.) and host 
PBJC headline the junior college division while Kings College 
(N.Y.) Bethel College (Ind.) Judson (111.) and Palm Beach 
Atlantic are featured in the senior college division. 

One junior college and one senior college semi-final game will 
be played on Fri afternoon, Jan. 3. The same holds true on Fri 
"ight with host schools playing. JC will play Camden at 7 p.m. 
bile Palm Beach Atlantic will host Judson in the night-cap. 

Sat. Jan. 4 the championship game in the college division is at 

p.m. with the senior college finals immediately following. 

Consolation games will be on Sat. afternoon beginning at 1 


Tickets will be sold at the gate. Patron tickets are $5 sold in 

"It's going to be a really good tournament, commented JC 
Athletic director Howard Reynolds. "We're sixth rated in the 
state, Broward North is No. 1, and Indian River Is tenth." 

All proceeds are to go to help the Athletic Scholarship Funds 

the two local schools. 

Palm Beach Basketball Festival 

Friday,. Jan. 3 Saturday, Jan. 4 


Junior College Division 

Indian River 

3:00 p.m. 

Fri. Jan. 3 

Broward IMorth 

3rd Place 

1:00 p.m. 

Sat. Jan. 4 

Camden N.J. 

7:00 p.m. 
Sat. Jan. 4 

7:00 p.m. 

Fri. Jan. 3 

Palm Beach J.C. 


Women Plan 
For Ninth 

.-T .1 a 


..' r \ 

^_^^. v.. 



.- ■'-■'> . 

t* <■ 


With one letter winner returning, 
the womens tennis tem begins its 
ninth season with full scale practice on 
the JC courts Jaii. 7, at 2 p.m. 

Robin Langridge, who was top 
seeded on last year's 7-3 club, along 
>vith the other prospects have played 
in the intramural program this fall. 

Coach Sarah M. Quisenberry said, 

1 really have not seen them play, I've 

lUst seen the scorers. Last year our 

■>trong point was strength." 

The team is open to any JC student. 
Quisenberry commented, "Last year 
we had two players who just came out 
their sophomore year." 

Highlighting this season the Pacer 
will be hosting the Florida 
Commission on Intercollegiate Athle- 
tics for Women's (FCIAW) State 
Junior College Tennis Tournament on 
March 20-22. 


Representing the Intramural 
and Recreational Board during 
the Fall and Winter Terms are 
Kathy Wilk (upper left) and 
Dawn Pastore (below). 




'^ 1 

Bowlers Cap 
Fall Season 

Staff Writer 

Trophies were awarded and 
weeks of intramural bowling 
were capped by a party held at 
Corky's Pizza Wednesday. 

Brian Richards and Sharon 
Nelson received trophies for 
high averages - Richards' was 
177, Nelson's was 154. 

Receiving trophies for high 
series were Bill Brown and 
Richards, high men's series, 
586, and Donna Marotta, high 
women's series, 525. 

Jody Salzgeber got a trophy 
for high women's game, 212,- 
as did Kim Heinicka for the 
men 227. 

The teams in first place 
were "The Ups and Downs," 
consisting of Salzgeber, Jan 
Kisker, Margie Immel and 
Ingrid Sainio. The men's 
leading team was "The Best", 
with Kent Knox, Richards, 


Huniberto Munoz and Larry 
Wheeler. ; 

The bowlers chipped in and 
bought Coach Bell a plaque 
-saying "Thanks" for helping 
lo get the intramural bowling 
into full swing for the fall 

Special to 'Comber 

"There is something in intramurals for everyone." 

This is the phrase which one hears coach Roy Bell state 
repeatedly in description of his program. 

There is also someone in intramurals from everywhere. 

Take Kathy Wilk and Dawn Pastore, two different girls with 
two different backgrounds, both members of the Intramural and 
Recreation Board which governs the activities. 

"1 like to work around sports," said Wilk, who helped 
organize the I&R Bowling Tournament this fall. 

Wilk, a freshman , took times and handled the statistics for the 
track team at her alma mater. Twin Lakes High in West Palm 

The work on the I and R Board is a volunteer job for Wilk, who 
will qualify for a paid position at the beginning of the winter 
term. ' 

"We do lot of clerical work," said Wilk. "We have to keep 
track of all the students who are participating in all of the sports 
offered by the intramural program." 

According to Wilk, this includes a running total of 
participations to accurately decide how many people are active in 
which of the varied programs. 

Wilk is studying for an A.S. degree in Recreational ' 
Leadership, but has one other main ambition for a career. 

"I would like to be a stewardess," said Wilk. "After I get my 
degree here at JC, I would like to try to attend one of the training 
schools around the country." 

According to Wilk, the air training schools like their entrants 
to get at least two years of college before registering for classes. 

"Flying was something I always wanted to do," said Wilk. 

Pastore was. almost a victim of her environment. 

"When I was younger, all of the people in my neighborhood 

lat were my own age were boys," she said. "Because I was 
Iways around boys, I became very mterested in sports at an 
early age." 

After leaving her birthplace hi Hartford. Conn., Pastore moved 
to Lake Wor^h, where she attended John I. Leonard High School. 

At .Leonard, she was named the Most Valuable Womati 
Athlete after her senior year. 

Pastorfcservejd as president of the Girls' Athletic Associatiop 
and took an active part m all the women's sports. 

She also played irf-the annual GAA "powderpuff basketball 
game" where he; team won in both her junior and senior years. ' 

Pastore is majoring in Physical Education, with hopes of 
eventually becoming a teacher.; 

"1 like sports and I like hei^^g people. I think I could teach 
children something I know well - physical education." 

Pastore is the student director of the intramural program, and 
is m charge of all the somen's activities for I and R. 


^O j 


Monday, January 20, 1975 

f |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!] 

On the left Dr. Harold 
Manor makes a point during 
an emergency faculty meet- 

On the right somber faculty 
members are being told that 
for the first time in the history 
of JC there will be limited 
enrollment because of eco- 
nomic pressures, 


Lake Worth, Florida 33460 

JCCops Enrollment 


General enrollment into Palm 
Beach Junior College will be 
limited for the first time in JC's 
history. Economic pressures 
are forchig the administration to 
cap enrollment for Spring I and 
Spring II semesters. 

A recent cutback of $169,217 
of ■ state funds coupled with 
soaring enrollments in the 
current winter term were cited 
, as two of the main reasons for 
the cutback by JC president Dr. 
Harold Manor during an 
emergency faculty meeting held 
Wednesday, Jan. 15. 

Dr. Manor told the faculty 
less than 12,000 student 
semester hours will remain to be 
funded by the state this year 
because of the enrollment 
funding cap. 

Last year over 12,000 
semester hours were enrolled in 
Spring I. If the same thing 

happens this year, and it is 
expected, then there would be 
no money left for Spring II.' 

"We will be forced to divide 
our remaining funding between 
the two terms, and to cut off 
enrollment when we reach the 
limit," Dr. Manor told his grim 

He said students already 
enrolled would be given 
priority, and that if spaces 
remained for new students they 
would probably be served on a 
date of application basis. 

"Any enrollment cap ultimat- 
ely limits the economic potential 
of Florida," said Manor. 

In addition to limiting 
enrollment. Dr. Manor is 
recommending a four day week 
during the two spring terms and 
a budget review to reduce 
spending by $120,000. He 
added that non-credit work- 
shops, for which the college 
incurs no extra instructional 

PSI Has No Class 
Teacher Is Student 

By Muffy McClung . 

Staff Writer 

Courses of Personalized System of instruction (^P.S.T ) are 
. . 111^ ;.cld ..1 the library at JC. 

P.S.I, can be characterized as having no conventional 
classroom. There is no set class time and .the student is 
independent. The student may use the library facilities. He 
is expected to organize his own time. A proctor and class 
book are there for his use. 

This system of study was introduced a decade ugo when 
two professors. Dr. Fred Keller i^i Dr. Gil Sherman, were 
invited by the government of '• ■ ■ : i' ■reate ii'^w n.etii>'ds of 

Mr. Rpnjamin Robeiis, who heads P.S.I, at JC says, "This 
sy.Mcm .ii personali/ed iMStnicti< ' Is studi.nis a variety 
of pro.yranis winch are frequi .> u available by more 
traditioinil methods."' 

Although there are no legal rcouirements Hv "ir iment in 
P.S.I, -lasses in the traditional way, these col.. st > aio listed 
on class print-out sheets. An option on enrolling at any time 
for P.S.I, is given. Students enrolling later can get an add slip 
from the registrar. Althougii the student may enroll at his 
convenience, he is evpected to complete this u nrk by the end 
of a 16 week semester. 

There are two advantages for the student in P.S.I. The 
system is a self-paced one. Exams are given indivi dually 


L- to 



C\.. ' ,ltw_> I.. I 

M. .Roberts. 

Another .idvantage of P.S 1. is a silf-paced program, the 
! tudent has the option to complete ii in two to Ih Weeks. 
Although the technology and enterprise classi. . are not 
transferrable, the student can gain ci-dit needed for 
gradual ni in a relativLi> short amount of ;itne. 

There are seven courses iffered with personalized 
instruction at JC: History of Technology, Introduction to 
Research Material, Creative salesmanship, and Enterprise in 
South Eastern Florida. 

P.S.I, is growing in popularity. Its metho'^s of study aro 
now applied in schools thiuughout Canada, I nited States, 
Puerto Rico, Mexico and Brazil. Mr. Roberts states, "this 
system of education is gaining accepiance nationally. Manv 
insiituti-'is are offering self-study pn jrams " 

Mr. B'Miamin Roberts and IS^r. Robert olznian who have 

,>i ,ii I. .i on a book for P.S.I, insti^i^ction, gi\ t free tinii. > 

N' I.,- .rirollcu in this program. 

cost, can be continued. 

"We hope these measures 
will take care of the immediate 
-financial emergency," Dr. 
Manor said. "We are all 
concerned as we look forward to 
the task of preparing a budget 
for next year." 

Enrollment Record Set 

Associate Editor 

• An all-time Winter term 
record 7,410 students are now 
enrolled at JC, according to 
figures released by Registrar 
Laurence Mayfield. 

Though the current enroll- 
ment is less than the Fall term 
student population of 7,448, 
Mayfield indicated that the drop 
was less than the normal ten per 
cent decrease between major 

JC's 3,795 day students 
outnumber the 3,615 evening 
students, a reversal of the Fall 
term when there were more 
night enrolees. 

"With the economic situation 
as it is," commented Mayfield, 
"more students are coming as 
full-time day students. Before, 
when they had jobs, they 
worked during the day and came 
to school at night." 

Here is the current break- 
down of students at JC's main 

Lucy Stops Smoking 

Air pollution and the 
respiratory diseases it causes 
were the topics presented by the 
American Lung Association in 
the Lucy Booth Jan. 15th. 

David Baker and Sandra 
Kessler, program administra- 
tors for the Lung Association, 
presided over the booth which is 
occupied by various charitable 
groups during the college year. 
They offered information and 
referral services for people 
concerned about the effects of 
air pollution. 

Students who visited the 
booth were interested in 


smoking, according to Kessler. 
Kessler said- about 35 students 
inquired about smoking and 
how to quit. 

Smoking, how to quit, and the 
rights of non-smokers were the 
subjects of a booth sponsored 
last year by the ALA, acording 
to Kessler. 

Because of the high level of 
campus interest about smoking, 
Kessler proposed setting up a 
free class discussion on the 
subject and the rights of 
non-smokers. The class would 
be mediated once a week by a 
JC professor. 

and satelite campuses: 

Palm Beach Gardens. .... 602 

Belle Glade. 418 

FAU (Henderson School). .355 

Mixed Enrollments 356 

Main Campus 5,679 

Mayfield felt registration 
went smoother than the Fall 
term, primarily because of the 
time factor. "For the Winter 
term we started registration the 
first week in November. 
Therefore, the process is 
scattered out over a longer 
period of time," said Mayfield. 

Emphasizing that drop/add 
was lower than ever before, 
Mayfield indicated that "most 
of our classes are filled to 

Classes most in demand 
included English 101, tennis, 
self-defense, and chemistry. 

"By and large, I think 
everyone got about what they 
wanted," said Mayfield. 

No definite dates have been 
set, but Mayfield expects 
pre-scheduling for Spring I and 
the Fall term to begin at the end 
of March. 


Free Golleoh 

Have you gotten your '74 
Galleon yet? If not, stop by the 
cafeteria anytime between 
10:0i0-2:00 and pick up your free 

According to Odas Arant, 
Galleon's advisor, plenty of 
yearbooks are still left. Some 
are being held in reserve to mail 
to last year's graduates. 

The '74 Galleon is late 
because of difficulties with last 
year's staff. Most of them quit 
when summer came, and only 
two students finished the 

ON THE LEFT Constance | 
Holmes SG secretarj; is § 
supervising the Used Book | 
Sale. SG representatives | 
called the book sale a = 
tremendous success and are | 
looking forward to continuing | 
this student service In the = 
future. = 




2- BEACHCOMBER Monday, January 20, 1975 

StudentsTo Vote On Amendments 

By Joel Tanen 
Staff Writer 

The SG Senate Thursday agreed to hold the Special 
Elections on Feb. 7th and 8th instead of Jan. 29th and 30th. 

The student body is asked to vote on Constitutional 
Amendments and three yes or no questions. 

The questions are as follows: "Should athletics receive 
one-third of your activity fee as presently is being done? 
Should the SGA be abolished in its present form and be set up 
as a student committee? Do you want a yearbook?" 

Secretary of Elections Mark Graham said only one voting 
machine will be used in the elections and under his^ 
supervision. . 

The average number of votes for past elections sjjiEiEean the 
140 range. SG plans to put posters around the campus and 
publicize the elections in a newsletter to be printed "as often 
as -possible;" 

A resolution setting up a "Standing Rules" committee was 
passed after short debate. 

The resolution written by Senator Sam Putt gives the 
committee power to receive all legislation before being 
introduced on the Senate floor. By majority vote, the 
committee can pigeonhole or send a bill to the floor. 

Putt defended his resolution by saying the Senate can 
accomplish "a minimum of twice as much work as we do 

Opposition came from Senator Robert Roberts. 

"How will you be able to set up an agenda?," asked 

"If we pass this thing we're just making another committee 
when in fact we already have committees established now to 

do what this committee is going to do," he argued. 

The Senate passed, a resolution written by Senator Rob 
Abrams asking that "Roberts Rules of Order, Revised 
Newly", in paperback, replace "Parliamentary Law At a 
Glance" for all SG officials. 

Under the Constitution, SG is bound to "Roberts Rules of 

"We're saving money. It doesn't have any discrepancies," 
said Abrams. 

Senator Sue Keen was elected as the first female President 
Pro Tem in JC history. 

SG officials were surprised that Keen defeated three male 
opponents. Her leadership ability was not questioned. 

The Grievance Committee set up last term meets every 
Thursday in the cafeteria, 11-12:00 noon. Students are 
welcome to present their gripes to the committee. 

Chairperson Rob Abrams, of the Constitutional 
Amendments Revision Committee, said he is making 

"We've been getting lots of constitutions everyday. We 
meet every Monday night to set the world on fire," Abrams 

SG President Tory S. Buckley asked the Senate to get 
"feedback" about the Galleon yearbook. 

Senators received name tags last week. Nine Senate seats 
are presently vacant. SG has received 11 applications for 
those seats. 

Referring to the Special Elections, Vice President Dolor 
Ginchereau "urges" all students to vote. 

Monday, January 20, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 3 

# • 



Registration is easy, if yon know the "Ins and Oats. 

WIRK, SG Combine 

An enthusiastic artist and member of the Star Trek 
Onb peers over two pre-Mstoric impressions. BiU 
Celllch Is one of 74 members in the West Palm Beach 
Chapter of Star Trek fans. The dab promotes interest 
in science fiction and Star Trek films. Wednesday 
night's premier was "Bloopers", humorous, cats firom 
the series. 

Beachcomber Staff 
Changes Are Made 

so officials can now be heard 
on WIRK radio every Sunday 
morning at 7:15. 

Through the efforts of 
Secretary Constance Holmes, 
WIRK has given 15 minutes of 
public service time to JC's SG. 

"We're pleased to have this 
time," said Holmes. The show 
is informative and all students 
are invited to talk about campus 
activities along with SG 
President Tory S. Buckley, Vice 
President Dolor Ginchereau, 
and Holmes. 

Senator Rob Abrams said, 
"the Government has to 

approve these people, now if 
they don't like them personall) 
they can't go on." 

The show is taped on Frida) 
at WIRK. Holmes said people 
have been listening to tiie shw 
but can't be sure if the majoiil) 
of the student body will k 

The Beachcomber announces 
the appointment of Brian E. 
Crowley as Editor-Iri-Chief for 
the Winter Term. Crowley 
replaces Pall term Editor Marc 
Bressler, who has dropped out 
of school. 

A JZQ9lialism major and News 
Editor during the Fall term, 
Crowley's motto for the 
Beachcomber staff is that 
"We're all amateurs striving for 

The 'Comber is striving to 
"serve the students and to put 
out a quality paper," according 
to the 24-year-old veteran. 

"We also intend to go 
in-depth into the problems of 
our campus and community," 
said Crowley. 

Returning to the same 
positions in the Winter term are 
Associate Editor Bruce Moore, 
Editorial Assistant Jan Tuck- 

wood, and Sports Editor I'im 
Bray. J. Michele Notter also 
returns with her column, "51 

Along with Crowley, Moore, 
Tuckwood and Bray, the fifth 
member of the Editorial Board 
is Frank Smith, editor of a new 
section entitled "Venture," 

A combination of the former 
Feature and Entertainment 
sections. Venture is to move into 
more ambitious writing, "We 
will be going into artistic 
impressions and investigative 
reporting, with the idea being to 
bring out and reveal what are 
the beautiful things around us," 
commented Smith. 

Bob Hatfield, a member of 
JC's Sales and Marketing Club, 
has been appointed Business 
Manager, and Tom Hixon is 
now serving as staff artist for 
the 'Comber. 




give to the 


of Dimes 




Phi Theta Kappa (Nationi 
Honor Society) recently had one 
of its many bake sales in front d 
the 'Comber office. 

Money earned from the sait 
of cookies, brownies, anl 
doughnuts goes toward their 
conventiofi cost. They m 
looking forward to attending tbe 
national convention in Philadel- 
phia this year. 

President of JC's Honor 
Society Karen Ovlasuk said thei 
don't hold regular meetings 
because its "hard to get a time' 
when all the members can 

Ovlasuk took office in Mareii 
of '74. She said elections m 
held every March. . 

Some of the society's 
.functions are: tutoring free ob 
campus but for money ofl 
campus, carry daily bulletuii 
around campus and -usher fa 

Ovlasuk said there are no 
'plans for the next bake sale. 

Mayf jeld Comments 

By Bruce Moore 
Associate Editor 

Registrar Laurence Mayfield 
does not anticipate a cut in the 
Activity Fee Committee budget, 
and blames a state ruling for the 
reason cumulative averages 
were not included in recently 
mailed grade reports for the Fall 

At the November meeting of 
JC's Board of Trustees, the 
present fee policy was elimina- 
ted. Presently, students are 

charged on a three hour 
graduating scale, with a S129 
limit for 12 or more hours. 

Under the new set-up, which 
begins in Fall term, 1975, 
students are to pay fees at a rate 
of $11 per credit hour, with one 
dollar going to the Activity Fee 

Mayfield feels that the 
committee "may wind up with a 
•few more dollars" in the next 

Get Into FAU 


Associate Editor 

Procedures for admission to Florida Atlantic University 
may now be completed at the JC campus through the 
cooperative efforts of the Student Personnel Department and 
FAU's Admissions personnel. 

Each Friday, FAU Admissions staff member Bill McCray is 
available from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Guidance Center, 
AD-l . JC students have the opportunity to make apointments 
with McCray to discuss and complete admission procedures. 
According to Marian C. McNeely, guidance counselor, 
"FAU and JC personnel alike, feel this is another major 
service designed to meet the needs of present and former JC 

In a recent interview with the Beachcomber, FAU's 

McCray outlined the current relationship between JC and 

FAU, the nation's first successful upper division university. 

Now 10 years old, FAU is specifically designed for the 

junior college graduate or transfer student. 

"The atmosphere is more condusive to learning than most 
universities," comments McCray. "Everyone is at a point 
where they know where they are going - what they want to 

When FAU hosted a junior college day in the fall, few JC 
students were in attendance. But with FAU's main campus 
just 13 miles away, McCray hopes underclassmen will take an 
afternoon off to experience the convenience of the Boca Raton 

FAU's student population of 6000 includes 888 JC 
graduates. "There is not a measurable grade difference," 
explains McCray, "between JC graduates and students who 
transfer from four-year universities." 

Also on the plus side is that once you arrive at FAU, you are 
probably going to remain and graduate. McCray points out 
that FAU's success rate is "much greater compared to the 
high atti-ition rate at Junior Colleges." 

The JC-FAU relationship extends beyond simple 
admissions procedures. JC's south campus is located at 
Henderson School on the FAU campus, with students using 
FAU's fVacilities and JC's instructors. 

In return, FAU offers local students business and 
educational courses at the Palm Beach Center on 45th Street 
in West Palm Beach. Another extension of FAU is located in 
Belle Glade. 

Cooperation filters through both main campuses with 
upper-division courses being offered at JC, with the reverse 
in effect at FAU. Most of the co-sponsored courses are in the 
science and engineering fields. 

McCray takes the feeling of cooperation to heart when he 
visits JC. Sincerely interested in the minority aspects of 
education, McCray is "trying to establish good 
communications between black organizations here ( JC's 
Organization of Afro- American Affairs jand the Black Student 
Union at FAU. 

In his role as an admissions staff member, McCray says he 
visits all 29 of the state's junior colleges at least twice a year, 
with the majority of the time being spent at JC, Miami-Dade, 
Broward, Indian River, and Edison. 

McCray urges students to complete FAU applications 
before the end of March to avoid any kind of "tentative" 
admission. Unlike the University of Florida, which now 
screens some junior college associate of arts degree 
graduates, FAU automatically accepts any JC graduate. 

Associate of Science degree grads must complete General 
Education requirements before admission. Transfer students 
are accepted with 60 semester hours and a 2.0 average. 

Deans and teachers from all of FAU's academic areas are to 
appear during "FAU Week," tentatively scheduled for Feb. 
10-13 on the JC campus. 

Scholarship Given 

JC graduate, Michael Helton, 
West Palm Beach, recently 
received a University of Florida 
Honors Scholarship for Junior 
College Transfers. 

Helton's scholarship was 
announced in a communication 
received by Dr. Harold C. 
Manor, FBJC president, from I. 
Douglas Turner, director of the 
university's office for Student 
Financial Affairs. 

"Each year the University of 
Florida is able to recognize a 
select number of students who 
have demonstrated outstanding 
academic and leadership ability, 
and Helton's performance has 
placed him in this group, ' ' 
Turner said. 

Helton will receive up to $450 
for the academic year 1974-75, 
the director added. 

school year. Currently, the 
committee, which allocates 
funds for various student 
activities, must project the 
1975-76 enrollment since budget 
requests for the organizations 
are due before the end of the 
Winter term. 

Under the present system, 
any student taking 18 hours only 
must pay as much as a 12 hour 
student. Under the new 
program., an 18 hours student 
must pay Sll for each hour 

"1 would anticipate that 
students would be more sincere 
in choice of classes,"- said 

On another controversial 
subject closely related to the 
Registrar's office, Mayfield 
attributed a state ruling as the 
reason cumulative averages 
were not included in recent 
grade reports. 

"The transcript form sent by 
the state did not include address 
space," explained Mayfield. 

In previous semesters the 
Registrar's staff could easily 
mail transcripts by using 
"window" envelopes. How- 
ever, since the transcript itself 
no longer includes space for an 
address, this is impossible. 

"We're not going to mail 
transcripts out anymore, unless 
we come back here and spend 
extta time and money to put on 
address labels," Mayfield 
commented. Due to the school's 
current economic condition, 
Mayfield doubted that the 
additional funds could be found. 

All 27 junior colleges in 
Florida are using the state's 
transcript form. According to 
Mayfield, "I don't know of any 
other junior colleges that were 
mailing transcripts." 

Despite the mailing changes, 
students may still obtain an 
official transcript at the 
Registrar's Office. The first two 
copies are free, with a one dollar 
fee for each transcript request 

Editor's Notebook 

ALIENS living in the United States are required by law 

to submit an ALIEN ADDRESS REPORT' form during 

January. Forms are available in the Foreign Student 

Advisor's Office located in the SAC lounge. 

FAU ADMISSIONS officer Bill McCray will be on 

campus in the Guidance Center every Friday from 9:00 

to 3:00. Admissions precedures may be completed at 

that time for entrance into FAU. 

HELLMAN'S ANGELS will perform in the auditorium 

Jan. 21 :that is tomorrow) at 8:00 p.m. The ttio is 

headed by harpist Daphne Hfellman. 

PHI THETA KAPPA dues for the Winter Term of $4.00 

are due NOW. 

BADMINTON organizational meeting will be held on 

Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 7:00 p.m. 

KARATE LESSONS will be given FREE every Monday, 

Wednesday, and Friday at 1:30 p.m. for beginners, 

intermediates, and advanced. 

DEADLINE is Jan. 31 for submitting material to 

MEDIA. The magazine especially needs short fiction 

and prose. CASH AWARDS 

BASKETBALL is starting TOMORROW in the gym at 

1:30 see Mr. Bell. 


Bureau for their cooperation in helping the 


OAA Honors 
King's Birthday 

By Robin Kindle 
Staff Writer 

O.A.A. paid tribute to Dr. 
Martin Luther King at a special 
assembly on his 46th birthday 
last Wednesday. 

A. Thomas White, from the 
Division of Community Servi- 
ces, spoke during the assembly. 

White said that the black man 
is still concerned about 
freedom, but he is steadily 
moving toward this ideal. 

To illustrate the fact that 
"things are changin'g," he said 
that Mississippi, once known for 
its racial predjudice, has the 
largest number of black political 

leaders of any state. 

He spoke of Martin Luther 
King as a "servant of the 
people" and a "prophet of 

Bill Brandon gave King's 
inspirational speech ' -I Have A 
Dream". In it King talked of his 
vision of a future with justice, 
righteousness, peace and bro- 
therhood among men no matter 
what their skin color. 

Other member of O.A.A. 
gave stirring speeches about 
King and several musical 
selections were performed. 

A film entitled "New Mood" 
was shown. 

PredictionsFromThe Stars 

PISCES! People seem to be 
carying on without you. You 
feel left out. Don't shout and try 
to get their attention - stay 
quiet. The spotlight will return 
to you. 

ARIES: You got along well with 
others this week. Accept 
invitations and opportunities to 
meet people. Direct your 
conversation toward other 
people instead of yourself. 

TAURUS: Now is not the time 
to try decpetions. People see 
through you and react with 
hostility. Say what you mean, 
not what you'd like people to 

TAURUS: Now is not the time 
to try deceptions. People see 
through you and react with 
hostility. Say what you mean, 
not what you'd like people to 

GEMINI: Your physical 
appearance improves. So does 
people's opinions of you. 
People in charge think you have 

potential and they are right. 
Take advantage of opportuni- 

CANCER: Cooperation with 
- family and friends is of help. Be 
amiable to everyone, regardless 
of how you acted before. It will 
pay off. 

LEO: A person who seems 
sympathetic actually doesn't 
have your best interessts in 
mind. Don't blurt out 
confidences to one who appear 
eager to listen to them. 
VERGO: Your practical skills 
and talents are highlighted. It's 
a good time to try to learn a new 
skill. You can concentrate more 
efficiently and retain what 
you've learned. 

LIBRA: A great revival of old 
ambitions takes hold of you. 
You are suddenly anxious to 
meet goals you abandoned some 
time ago. Prospects of success 
are good. 

SCORPIO: You're prone to loss 
this week ■ of personal 
possessions or &iendsfaips. 
Guard yourself from theft. 
SAGITTARIUS: Tlie memory of 
a stupid thing you did some time 
ago returns to haunt you. The 
only remedy is to do something 
smart to counteract it. Don't let 
thoughtless remarks make 
you anxious. 
CAPRICORN: Money keeps 

sliding through your fingers 
your efforts to economize seem 
fruitless. Don't give up things 
will improve, possibly spectac- 

AQUARIUS: An unexpected 
encounter pays off with a new 
friendship, and possibly the 
unfolding of a new phase in your 
life. Open-mindedness is 

IHist Company 

114 North "J" St. 

Lake Worth, Florida 

Phone 582-5641 

Member F.D.I.C. 


4 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, January 20, 1975 




^JBk Associate Editor 


associated collegiate press 


Yes, Amnesty 

Pompous County Commissiners have decided that they "do 
not seek" to participate in this country's amnesty program. 
The wisdom of this decision is' shortsighted and as ridiculous 
as not wanting to participate in the prison system. 

Disagreement with President Ford's amnesty program is 
totally, irrelevantto the case of Albert Garguilo, who was fired 
after only four days on the job, solely because he is a draft 
evader. The important point to remember is that the program 
was designed to help heal the wounds of the Vietnam war. 

Many people do not agree with the methods of this 
program, but we should not penalize those seeking amnesty 
by denying them access to the bridge that has been built to 
bring them back into society. 

Gargiulo was trying to follow the guidelines his government 
established, he did not create the rules. The question is not, 
does the penalty fit the crime, but does the man have the right 
to serve the sentence he has been given. 

The "nation has sought peace in Vietnam, the Middle East, 
and throughout the world; we must also being to seek peace 
with ourselves here at home. Those seeking amnesty should 
be given the opportunities that have been prescribed by the 
Federal Government. Palm Beach County cannot keep the 
Vietnam war aiiye because the only casualties now, can be 

Need New Sf or f 

When an organization wants to communicate with its 
audience, members go to the people, A good way to start the 
new year would be this same action by SG. 

Senators can only represent the students if they know how 
the students feel. Individual senators have asked students to 
give them their ideas. But more suggestions and grievances 
would probably be voiced if students could easily converse 
with senators. 

We suggest that SG follow the example set by Lucy Booth 
organizers. Their booths have been set up in areas where 
students seem to conjugate and their messages seem to get 
across to many students. 

SG could set up at least two booths in two 
student-populated areas. These centers should be staffed by 
senators each day from 9:30 to 2:30. This way senators would 
be readily available to hear from and talk to students. 

Evening hours would also be established for the booths. 
Evening students also contribute to the activity fund. 

Booths like these would allow students to find out who their 
elected representatives are. They would provide a way for 
senators to earn their $50 honorariums and prompt interest in 

It's a new year, a new term and a new chance for better 
communication between SG and JC students. These booths 
could also provide that communication. 

Venture Out 

Venture out into the creative, the imaginative and the 
interesting. The JC student will find all three and more in the 
Beachcomber's new section entitled Venture. 

Venture Editor Frank Smith hopes to "provide avenues of 
expressions", through the section. It will feature artistic 
impressions and investigative reporting, among other things. 

Venture, created from the merger of the 'Comber's 
Feature and Entertainment sections, is intended to "affect 
the reader and not merely inform him," according to Frank. 

Creative writers interested in doing in-depth stories are 
welcome to join the staff. Our Venture is your venture into 
what we hope will be a rewarding experience. 


(1) Not exceed 250 words. 

(2) Be signed by the author. 

(3) Include the author's 
telephone number. 

(4) Be received in the 
Beachcomber Office no 
later than 4 p.m. on 

All letters are subject 
to condensation. 

Thanks JCFromPP 


On behalf of Planned 
Parenthood of the Palm Beach 
area, 1 want to express our 
appreciation to Palm Beach 
Junior College and in particular 
to Miss Helen Diedrich, 
nurse-counselor, for inviting our 
organization to be responsible 
for the Lucy Booth and to 
present what Planned Parent- 
hood believes in and works 
through in its local area 

We are also very pleased that 
in the student work programs 

sponsored through various 
departments within JC, we will 
be working closely with some of 
the student body. 

There is such a tremendous 
need in our world today for 
improvement upon the quality 
of life as over against the 
quantity, which in some areas 
has already reached and even 
gone beyond the limits. 

The Lucy Booth and the work 
of Miss Diedrich are both 
greatly appreciated. 

John D.Riley 

Agrees Wiih Gross 


In regard to the article which 
appeared in the Dec. 16 issue of 
the Beachcomber concerning 
th'ecological preservation of the 
north campus, I wish to say I am 
heartily in accord with Mr. 
Richard Gross of the Biology 

Several y^ars ago, but not 
before the recent ecological 
awakening, I suggested to Dr. 
Manor that the main campus be 
preserved as much as possible 
in its native state. By that time 
not very much had been left of 
natural conditions except the 
areas along the margins of the 
adjacent bodies of water. 

The request also contained a 
plea for the establishment of an 
environmental impact commit- 
tee to review future alterations 
in the immediate environment. 

The only response to this was 
a reply stating that much money 
had been spent to landscape the 
campus and it would not be 
permitted to return to its former 
"jungle" state. No action 
wnatsoever was taken regarding 
the environmental impact com- 

While I fully realize that final 
authority for any action rests 
with the president, I also realize 
no one is omniscient. A group 
of persons who are profession- 
ally trained or who have had 
some nature experience could 

certainly furnish counsel for 
administrative decisions. 

While at the time it was my 
idea that the committee be 
largely made up of Biology staff 
members because of their 
training, I have subsequently 
come to realize that there are a 
number of students on the 
campus who have had consider- 
able outdoor experience and 
whose opinions would be 

It is my suggestion to SG that 
they consider this matter. I am 
certain that the Biology staff 
here is only too willing to 
support any efforts which will 
save as much of natural 
environment as possible on any 
of our campuses. 

C. A. Gathman 



The morning behavior of 
some JC students seems quite 
ironic, if not foolish and 

These students wake up with 
reluctance to the ' annoying 
sound of an alarm-clock or 
radio. With great unconcern, 
they wait until the last possible 
moment to arise from their 
beds, trying to catch one more 
bit of wanted and needed sleep. 
Then, with the same 
disconcern and carelessness, 
they take as much time as 
possible to pet scattered books 
See "LETTER" pg 9 



We are students at JC who 
have just had the misfortune of 
completing a MS 110 course. 
The Math department decided 
to have a little experiment. 
Without advance warning to 
students making our their 
schedules last August, they 
instigated a no-lecture, study- 
out-of-a-workbook type course 
with the instructor closel;, 
resembling a babysitter. This, 
of course, is not a comment on 
the instructor's ability, just one 
on the job he or she was allowed 
to do. 

Granted, there are some 
students who can, and prefer to 
work at their own pace but we 
feel the large majority of 
students would learn more with 
lectures accompanying their 
studies. The Math Learning 
Center already has a program 
set up whereby you can work at 
your own pace and test when 
you are ready. At the very least, 
the students should have been 
given a choice. 

We feel that this arbitrary 
action taken by the Math 
department was extremely 
unfair to the student. For most 
of us, this was a required 
course, and a stepping stone to 
the MS 111 course. We were 
also scheduled a special time for 
our final exam and were warned 
against not attending. This 
interfered with our working 

The whole terra barkened 
back to high school study hall 
days. What is to stop other 
departments from instituting 
the same kind of program? A 
depressing thought for these 
college students. 

J. Michele Nottet 

Matthew Sherman 

Joseph L. Mahan 

L, G. Davis 

Linda Lybarger 

Neiws Editor . .~, Cartoonist . . . Toin Hlx;on 

Venturs Editor . . . Frank Smith Photo Dept. . .Muffy McCluncf' 

Spoirts Editor Tim Bray Steve Fritz 

Business AAanager . . .Bob Hatfield . Debbie Hubn 

Editorial Assistant . . Jan Tuckwood Winnie Kni(!hton 

Consultant Charles McCreight Sam Putt 

STAFF WRITERS— John Auchtrrlonie, Tom Bowling, Regma Bryant, 
Pete Clausen, James Claare, Raoul Garcia, Lori Hillebrqnd, Bill Huteh- 
ins,, Robin Kindle, Winnie Knighton, Susan Kyte, Flick.Mager, Muffy 
McClung, Becky Morse, Phil Neubauer, Gene Palmer, Amy Stnmbu, 
Joel Tanen, Debbie Thompson 

The Beachcomber is published from our editorial offfcps in the 
Studeht Publipation!, Building at Palm Beach Junior College, 4200 
S Congress Ave., Lake Worth, Florida 33460 

Telephone 965 8000, extension 210 

Opinions expressed in the Beachcomber are those of the editors or 
the writers of the articles and not necessarily those of P<ilm Bsacii 
Junior College. 

The Beachcomber is a member of the Associated College Press 
and Florida Junior College Press AssociatioOi; 


Monday. January 20, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - Gr 

[ — 51 Percent' 

Sex Part EEOC 

Michele Notter 

Discrimination in employment runs rampant "from ^ the 
largest to the smallest business," according to Theordore A. 
Bukowski, district director of the U.S. Equal Employment 
Opportunity Commission. 

He reports that his district which includes Florida and the 
Canal Zone, alone handles approximately 1,600 violation 
cases yearly. He sayd his agency usually finds cause in about 
fifty per cent of the cases. The complaints are generally 
equally divided between race and sex discrimination. 

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 insures 
anti-discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, 
national origin or sex. Hand in hand with the formation of the 
Act W3s the establishment of the Equal Employment 
Opportunities Commission. 

The commission's job was to set up guidehnes for voluntary 
compliance with this Act. It serves as a reporting agency, 
receiving forms from every company with employees over 100 
and outlining the number of minorities utilized in each of nine 
job categories, from officers and managers through laborers. 

Affirmative action plans have worked relatively well where 
Negroes, Orientals, Spanish-speaking Americans and 
American Indians are concerned. Women, however, haven't 
fairSd as well in the quota system. They still remained in the 
clerical and laborer categories as opposed to the maiiagerial 
jobs that were opened up to the other minorities. 

In 1973 Revised Order No. 4 was put out by the Department 
of Labor. It states, among other things, that all government 
contractors and subcontractors hire without regard to sex, 
that employers who recruit must do so without regard to the 
sex of an individual, and that there will be no distinction 
based upon sex in employment and both sexes should have 
equal acess to all training programs and affirmative action 

This order has definitely made some difference in hiring 
practices. Unfortunately, as stated by Mr. Bukowski, there 
are still too many complaints of discrimination, and an untold 
number of discriminatory practices going unreported. 

If any student feels that she or he has been biasly treated, 
get in touch with the Equal Employment Opportunity 
Commission and the commission will investigate the validity 
of your complaint. The only way to stop these practices, is to 
report them. 

A Karate class practices before interested spectators. 

King Remembered 

By Regina Bryant 

On Jan. 15, 1975, the members 
of OAA sponsored a very 
profocative and inspirational 
program as a tribute to the 46th 
birthday of Dr. Martin Luther 

If you were there you would 
have enjoyed several selections 
taken from the annuals of Negro 
spirituals, sung by a ' few 

Songs such as "Previous 
Lord", "Every time I Feel The 
Spirit", "How Shall I Rise," 
were also sung by individual 
OAA members. The lyrics of 
these spirituals really set the 
harmony for the occasions from 
the beginning to the end as the 
entire audience joined in with 
hand-clapping and feet-patting. 

OAA invited Mr. A. Thomas 
White, who is affiliated with the 
Division of Community Servi- 
ces. White has served the 
public in many capacities. He 
has been a drug abuse 
counselor, a consultant to three 











STUDENTS participated in the special tribute to Dr. 
Martin Luther King sponsored by the OAA. 

Federal projects, who years as a 
teacher in Palm Beach County, 
along with many more services. 

■ When we think of Dr. King 
we consider him a prophet of 
peace, a servant of people. Not 
only was Dr. King interested in 
the advancement of black 
people but he sought brother- 
hood of all colors, nationalities 
and creed. He said that racial 
crisis is a world crisis. 

In 1958 King urged Ameri- 
cans not to be satisfied until 
justice rolled like a river and 
righteousness like a mighty 
stream. Then again in 1967, 
reality showed school segregat- 
ion still a problem and equal 
employment as a distant dream. 


Today we must ask ourselves, 
"what is our future direction?" 
Statistics show Mississippi as 
having the largest number of 
black political personnel. 
However, total integration in 
Boston is not a reality. Where 
are we headed? 

As members of a great 
society, American must realize 
that no man is an island, each 
man's grief is grief to every 
man. We need each other. 
Each man is a brother. 

It is necessary to realize that 
there are many enemies 
treading on the boundaries of 
our country who would love to 
see America divided because of 
its resources. Do what you can 
while you can because you are 
not here forever. King spoke 

while he could speak, marched 
while he could march. What can 
you do? 

As a result of the many trials 
and tribulations King encoun- 
tered during his crusade, he 
knew that one day mankind 
would take his very life. 
Nevertheless, he never deserted 
his cause. 

Yet, in the heart of King 
dwelled a love so strong that he 
. said, "If someone says 
something about me, let it be 
that 1 tried to help someone." 
In other words, says that he 
believed in non-violence as a 
measure to the settlement of 
injustice not violence which 
destroys life. 

The philosophies of King 
teach us to be passive when it 
comes to drawing a physical 
sword but rather carry a 
spiritual sword of love even 
though we must express our 
protest through noncooperation 
or boycotts to awaken a sense of 
moral shame in the opponent. 
As White pointed out in his 
speech to OAA, poorness does 
not have a color. It is a common 
factor that can capture any 
human. The hope of a better 
tomorrow lies in the hands of 
our young Americans. They are 
the ones who must carry on 
those ideals of peace that men 
like King lived and died for. 

Americans must, through the 
power of understanding and the 
willingness of heart, apply first 
aid to those negative principles 
which have stagnated our 
growth as an American 

And with total unity of spirit, 
we must drive toward a better 
day. Let freedom ring from 
every hillside as we bring into 
reality the collective dream and 
vision of many forefathers of 

Beachcomber's Advertising Departitient knows how to grab your attention. 






6 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, January 20, 1975 





Prospects And Perspectives 

By Frank Smith 
Venture Editor 

With an eye towards creative, 
moving, and effective exper- 
iences "VENTURE" begins. 

Included in this section will be 
graphics, artwork, and photo- 
graphs which we feel are 
emotive, along with articles of 
interest, poetry, humor, and 

The center of interest for this 
section will be people, their 

endeavors, inter-reactions, 
fellings, works, and express- 

It is, for me, an exciting 

Freedom of expression, free 
speech, a free press, are all 
rights guaranteed to us by the 
constitution. This section will 
flow with the freedom of the 

Speaking, feelmg, seeing, 
enjoying, enduring, these are 

human traits. Living, loving, 
wanting, learning, and sharing, 
are all human enterprises. All 
are human ventures. 

Man ventures to act, and to 
understand, thus this section's 
title. It's ambitions to stirve to 
make a brainchild grow, but I 
am convinced that growth in 
understanding is a sublime 

"VENTURE" is here to 
reveal life and revel in living. 

Whaf Abouf Food Stamps 

Staff Writer 

Spiraling inflation and rising food costs 
have led us all to tightening our belts, but now 
that we are down to the last notch, let's take a 
realistic look at the situation. 

Many of you, including married couples, 
singles, and roommates, are saying to 
yourself, "There's got to be a better way." 
Well, according to Mrs. G. W. James, Region 
Administrator for the Florida Food Stamp 
Program, there is. 

The program, she explains, "was created 
by the United States Department of 
Agriculture (USDA) in 1964, and has since 
then spread across the United States and 
Puerto Rico, aiding over 8,000 families in 
Palm Beach County alone." 

Under the direction of the Division of 
Famikly Services, the USDA and the state 
legislatures share the expense of the program. 

At first, the thought of applying for food 
stamps seems appalling and offensive to most 
people, however, it's not as awkward as you'd 

The reactions I received upon visiting the 
Family Services branch office in West Palm 
Beach were not what I had expected. The 
receptionist did not look at me condemningly 
but was pleasant when I inquired about the 
food stamp program. 

Some of the first questions people ask are 
"Who is eligible?" "How much are they 
worth?", and "Where do I apply?" 

According to Mrs. James, a friendly, and 
personable administrator who seems tryly 
interested and concerned about the program, 
the applicant must live in the county where 
applying, have cooking facilities, not exceed 
the income or resource standards, and meet 
the work registration requirement. 

"The value of the stamps depends on the 
household size," she went on, "and their cost 
depends on the household's net income." 

"The monthly net income is cash from any 
source, and resources are such things as 
savings accounts, U.S. Savings Bonds, 
cash-on-hand, and property. The maximum 
allowance is $1500, or $3000 when there is a 
household of two or more persons, and one 
members if over 60 years of age." 

Applications can be obtained at the food 
stamp offices at 310 Okeechobee Road, Delray 
Beach, or Belle Glade. All applicants are 
carefully screened and interviewed by 
appointment and usually receive an 
immediate decision, provided they bring the 
needed information. 

"When applying for food stamps," Mrs. 
James remarked, "make sure to bring current 
verification of expenses such as rent, utilities 
bills, insurance, medical expenses, child care 
and alimony payments." 

"Also,*; she elaborated, "we must have 
proof of income, including check stubs, bank 
statements, Social Security, pensions and VA 

Standards for participation in the Food. 
Stamp Program are the same for everyone 
without regard to race, color, religious creed, 
national origin or political beliefs. 

Out of the 1101 applications reviewed in 
November, only 54 were rejected. 

Countywide, 8,235 households are receivmg 
aid from the program. 

For example, a person with an adjusted 
income (gross income after deductions) of 
$194 would be eligible for up to $46 m food 
stamps. If his income exceeds the specified 
amount, maJdng hime eligible for only $36 
worth of stamps, he must pay the difference 
before the stamps are issued to him. 

Illustrated by Frank Smith 

to another person, buy illegal , items with . 
them, or ask- grocers to accept food stamps as 
payment for old grocery bills." 

When asked about the problem of robbery 
and fraudulent use of the stamps, she said the 
problem as being hard to evaluate, but noted 
the stamps are transported in armored trucks, 
and occasionally a grocer selling illegal items 
to stamp-holders is reported. 

In 1973, 12.3 million food stamps were 
printed by the Treasure Department in 
denominations of fifty-cent, one, two and five 
dollars, good as cash in over 180,000 food 
stores. ^ 

Because they are as good as money, food 
stamps are widely sought for a variety of 
criminal activities by recipients, government 
employees, and supermarkets. 

In 1970, at the height of its problems, 
$876,000 in stamps were stolen through 
burglary or armed robbery. Since that time, 
though, officials have tightened their 
procedures for handling stamps. They are 
now kept in locked safes and federal 
regulations also require strict accounting 
procedures and independent reviews to make 
misuse more difficult. 

Mrs. James asks that those coming to 
collect their stamps should not all rush in at 
the beginning of each month, "by the 15th 
there is little, if any wait at all." 

Adthough admitting the value of the stamps 
are not in keeping with the rising food costs, 
Mrs. James has cited the Food Stamp 
program as a helpful success. 

"I think it will be around for quite some 
.time," she concluded. 

"The USDA has estimated that it costs at 
least. $46 to provide a nutritional diet for one 
person for one month," Mrs. James 
explained. "Under this system, you know the 
person is getting the food he needs, because if 
only $35 in food stamps were released how 
would we know if he was spending the 
additional ten dollars on nutritional food?" 

She pointed out the stamps can only be used 
for edible commodities, therefore, you cannot 
purchase alcholoic beverages, dog food, or 
cleaning supplies with them. 

"This way, we can make sure the people 
with lower incomes have more buying 
power." Mrs. James stated. "People 
receiving stamps must never sell or give them 


Monday, January 20, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 7 

Modern Math 
Con Be Fun 

A large group of Palm Beach 
Junior College students have 
discovered that studying math 
isn't as difficult as they once 

At the Math Learning Center 
at PBJC, students are offered a 
combination of up-to-the-minute 
math learning equipment, 
self-instructional programmed 
material, and individualized 
attention, and have discovered 
that math can be fun. 

Jim Miller West Palm Beach 
sophomore who took Math 101 
expresses his opinion of the 

"The instructors really care 
how well their students do, and 

they take the time to talk over 
problems and try to help," he 

"And if a student plans to go 
on to an upper level college or 
university, the instructors' 
counseling is very helpful," he 

The Math Learning Center, 
established at PBJC in the 
Winter Term of 1969, has 
already served 4,000 students, 
according to Richard Travis, 
assistant chairman, Math De- 
partment, who directs the 

"We cover, a broad spectrum 
from the simplest arithmetic 
through Trigonometry," Travis 

MATH LEARNING CENTER • Palm Beach Junior College students are shown takhig a test in the 
PBJC Math Learning Center where stadents ace offered a combination of ap-to-thermlnnte math 
learning equipment, self-instructional programmed material and individoalijied attention, and 
have found math can be fmi. 

With the aid of overhead 
projectors,, film strips, tape 
recorders, movie projectors, 
electronic calculators and mini- 
computers, 286 students took a 
wide range of courses during 
the Fall Term. 

Of these, 40 transferred from 
conventional math courses to 

the Learning Center and 150 
additional students -volunteers 
not taking courses for credit - 
used the facilities in one way or 
another, Travis pointed out. 

The Math Learning Center is 
open from 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m . 
Monday through Friday and 
from 6:30 - 10 p.m. Monday 

through Thursday, evening. 

The success of the 
Learning Center is due in great 
part to its flexibility in meeting 
the needs of individual 
students, and the effort and 
interest of the instructors 

Are Your Doodles Revealing? 

By John Auchterlonie 
Staff Writer 

Examine your notebook 
carefully. Full of drawings, and 
meaningless scribble, right? 
Now really look at them. Are 
they pictures, or characters, 
circles, or boxes, colored or 
blank, or are they patterned or 
repetitive? Now, if you haven't 
guessed what I'm leading up to, 
doodles are forms of unconsc- 
ious expression. 


Dr. Werner Wolff, professor 
of Psychology at Bard College, 
defines doodles as "diagrams of 
the unconscious" graphic ex- 
pressions that symbolize certain 
association governing the 
thoughts of doodlers. 

Nevertheless, whether you 
believe doodling has a psycho- 
logical meaning or not, chances 
are we all have doodled at one 
time or the other. Heaven 
knows, as one fellow student 
told me, "after that last class I 
never knew that I was so 
artistically inclined." 

Not being an excessive 
doodler myself, I never realized 
how many people doodle until I 
made the grim mistake of 
staring at everyone's notebook 
and the papers of students 
writing in class, while the 
teacher was lecturing. Gasp, 1 
was amazed to see a large 
percent of people doodling. 

. There are many different 
categories for doodling. The 
most prevalent that I have 
observed are elaborate designs 

and patterns. Generally the 
equal use of angular and curved 
shapes indicate a balanced 
personality; coordinated black 
and white areas are evidence of 
administrative ability; Essen- 
tially curved designs reveal an 
outgoing warm imaginative and 
a degree of artistic ability. 

1 noticed the Venture page 
editor Frank Smith madly 
doodles fantastic designs and 
figures in his spare time and 
generally fits these traits. 

Patterns are classified by the 
consistency and type of doodle. 
Gracefully drawn circles show 
neatness, correctiveness , pre- 
cision and balance. The most 
convincing doodle I have seen 
yet is the one from our editorial 
assistant Jan Tuckwood who 


draws circles, lines and 
triangles in. a neat totempole- 
like margin down the side of her 
notebook as shown in the 
division of this page. 

.# 5t 

Boxes can suggest practical- 
ity, circles tend to show a warm, 
gentle, affectionate doodler. 
The types of circles vary from 
slanted to scribbled and suggest 
direction and serve as a degree 
ranging from extroverted to 
introverted feelings, depending 
on the harshness of the lines. To 
me, circles all over my notebook 
usually indicate when my pen 
has run out of ink during an 
English composition. The heavy 
' marks indicate a frustrated 
attempt to get my pen working 
again during an English final 

Generally we tend to doodle 
our own sex. This is accounted 
for an unconscious self-portrait 
of ourselves as we feel at the 
time. Faces and figures 
generally express our attitude 
towards ourselves and the 
opposite sex. Parts of the body 
show a creative tendency, most 
frequent of these are eyes and 

Trees, houses and ships are 
the most psychologically reveal- 
ing of doodles depending on 
whether you draw little windows 
on your house, a big tree or a 
luxury liner as opposed to a 
sailboat. Personally, I used to 
get into medium size bushy' 
trees, log cabins and the Nina, 
Pinta"and Santa Maria. On 
occasions, though, I did dta.v/ 
the Titanic. Simply because I 
only had to draw half a ship. 

Now here comes interesting 
aspect of doodling. The 
Beachcomber is holding a 
doodles contest with the best 
doodle being featured every 
week. A winning doodle will be 
selected each month and from 
those, "doodle of the winter 
term" will be chosen. The prize 
for the winning doodler will be a 

"T" shirt proclaiming his or her 
appropriate title or a five dollar 
art scholarship to the school of 
your choice. 

To bring in a doodle just 
sneak up on an unsuspecting 
doodler and get that doodle. 
The doodle finder will be the 
one who receives the award. 
Name of doodler is not 
necessary but would be 
appreciated. The best way to 
find a doodler is in those good 
old one-and-a-half hour lecture 
class. Simply look for someone 
writing when no^'one else is 
taking notes. Or if you just 
happen to notice a drawing on 

someone's notebook. All 
submitted material will be 

Simply dr6p by the Beach- 
comber office and give your 
name and doodle to any member 
of the paper. Anyone is eligible. 

Happy Doodling. 


IN '75? 

wouldn't you rather come with us? 

Last year over 200,000 students sumraered in Europe, And the 
travelwise flew on charters because it costs about HALFi 
This ye&r a 3 - 6 week ticket to London is $512. ; 2 - 3 
weeker $5'57. And its $76?, for over six weeks from New 
York. (That's what .the airlines say now. Last year there 
were two unforcast increases.') 

Hot only do you fly with us at half, but you can just about 
have your choice of dates for 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, g, 10 week dur- 
ation during the summer. And all you have to do to qualify 
Is reserve your seat now by sending $100. r'aposit, pluj $10. 
registration fee. Under recently new U. S. Government reg- 
ulations we must submit all flight participants naraen and 
full payment sixty days before each flight. If you take the 
June 21 - August 19 flight to London for example, depoalt re- 
serves your seat and April 15 you send the $199. balance. 
Just one price for all flight.-? whether you pick a weekend 
departure ($15. extra on the regular fare airliiifc:i;) or peak 
season surcharge date. 

So send for our complete schedule, or to ba sure of your re- 
servation now, mail your deposit for one of our 3 Lo 5 weekly 
departures from June through September, ,Juat specify the week 
you want to trave] and for how long. You will rficeive your 
exact date confirmation and receipt by return mail. All our 
flights are via fully certificated, U. S. Governmont :;tandarii 
jet and all first class service. From London therfi ate many 
student flights to all parts of the Continent, froquf.-nt de- 
partures and many at 2/3 off the regular fare. 

Republic Air Systems Intehnationau 


SQO - 223 - 5339 

Charter flying is 
the biggest bargain 
in air travel today 

8 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, January 20, 1975 

Playing to a sizable 
audience was the impetus 
which drew numerous perfor- 
mers to the Coffeehouse held 
in the campus cafeteria. 
Musicians, poets, and singers 
performed between 9:40 a.m. 
and 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 
Jan. 14. The Coffeehouse was 
a success and will be repeated 
this Tuesday, Jan. 21, from 
111:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 



Golden Man Is Gone 



Staff Writer 

Anticipating the return of the 
iiLMi James Bond, fans may 
t been a bit disappointed in 
latest: "The Man with the 
den Gun." 
here is not much new in this 

IJund film. As with the rest - 
.111(1 this is the ninth - fantasy is 
iiietched past the point of 
I-. li iMliiy. One example is an 
■ utumobiie which can be 
converted into an airplane 
within two or three minutes in 
the depths of a rickety garage. 

Get Away TV 

pe, that's what television 

ant escape! Anyone can 

m a television and let 

If slide into the activities 

,nin it. The viewer can 

instantly be in the prescence of 

some pretty amazing and 

entertaining people. 

Reality's got you down? 

Don't worry hurry over to the 
set, forget it for awhile, smile in 
that beautiful escape into Archie 
Bunker's world. 

Characters on the screen do 
our living for us, and they lead 
much more interesting lives 
than many of us do. Characters 
created by a staff of writers 
usually say more clever things 
than normal people. By taking a 
week to plan a characters 
actions for a half-hour show 
these writers must create an 
interesting place to go, so many 

Some people cry over 
television shows, though know- 
ing what their shwoing is 
unreal, they feel it anyway. 

It's real, an un-real world 
rules many people's lives! It's 

The world of reality closes in 
on us and demands to be dealt 
with, but what do we do? Run, 
but where can we run? To the 
television. Television, which 

"Spans the Globe" according to 
NBC's ABC's Wide World of 
Sports, allows us passage to the . 
farthest reaches of humanity 
within it's abstract escapists 

I wonder if television's 
picture of the world will change 
the way we look at our world. 
TV demonstrates to many 
people the proper way to act in 
specific situations. If your wife 
disagrees with you, call her a 

J3h! Excuse me. . .My 
favorite shows coming on, ' 

Another illustration of the Bond 
incredibility is also a car, again 
taking flight, crossing a river by 
doing a simple triple-spin quite 
elegantly to the other side. 

"The Man with the Golden 
Gun" has lost the finesse that 
Bond films once contained. In 
I he past, Bond could be craftv 
and mischievous without be- 
coming silly. And perhaps this 
is due to the loss of the real 
Bond himself, Sean Connery. 
Connery took with him all forms 
fo conviction and suave, leaving 
ihc new Bond, Roger Mnore, 
with a few faults. 

In the film. Bond is pursuing 
an assassin, Scaramanga, who 
gets paid 'S] million for the use 
of his gun. The scene is Asia, 
.which is one asset to the movie 
because of its beauty. The plot 
holds all of the same procedures 
-IS any Bond film; the fights, the 
murders, and the women. " For 
with all his changes. Bond 
hasn't lost the desire for a 
beautiful female. 

Perhaps it is time for James 
Bond to retire. It appears that 
he has past his prime and 
should iMw join the other who 
:ire a part of atuiquitv. 

• :• • % 

Skkin &r«tf4 





Monday, January 20, 1975 BEACHCOMBER ■ 9 

Student Housing -- 
A Necessity? 

Staff Writer 

Are dormitories practical for JC? Is there a need for 
dormitories? Can the funds be obtained and is the land 

The practicality of dorms on'our campus could be debated 
forever. With each term the practicality seems more obvious 
and most definite as the school grows in size, The practicality 
depends not only on the student but also the school. 

Financially, could dormitories be furnished to fit the 
studnets needs as living quarters condusive to comfort and 
good study habits at cheaper rates than area apartments? 
Would student prefer the dormitories over their own 
apartments? What restriction enter in? Would there be 
curfew and rooming and activity restrictions? These are just a 
few of the possible limitations of dorm living. Would the 
students accept or reject such regulations? 

At some colleges meals are furnished as part of the 
dormitory fee, but could this by possible and would the 
students want to eat at designated times? Another possibility 
would be small kitchenettes within each room to be used for 
the preparation of personal meals, yet the cost of supplying 
each room with the facilities could be outrageous. 

The first practical problem that arises froni the school's 
point of view might be whether or not the dormitories would 
be financially worthwhile; or would maintenance and lack of 
interest cause financial loss? 

The question of demand is another factor. Does JC have 
enough students who are presently living in apartments to 
make the construction of a dormitory reasonable? This is a 
vague possibility since JC is realtively a community college 
with the majority of students commuting daily. Perhaps 
though, if JC had living quarters it might appeal to more 
students who strayed away because they were afraid housing 
would be either hard to find or too expensive. 

The land is available but funds for construction would be 
hard to get, especially with the recent budget cuts. 

Perhaps building rental apartments would be another route 
to providing college living quarters. That is building 
apartment on campus, and renting them to college students 
just as independant apartment owners would do. The 
students would be free of additional restrictions others thaii 
those between landlord and tenant. This would eliminate the 
normal dormitory curbs which many students so fiercly object 
to and also would be advantageous to the students to be 
located right on campus. 

Although the outlook presently for college housing is dim, 
serious consideration should be taken if the college is to 
satisfy the needs of its students. ^ 

Hellman^s Angels, a traveling musical group conslsthig of a harp, bass and gnttar, is 
scheduled to perform In the college anditoriunt January 21 at 8 p.m. 

Hellman's Angels 
Bring Out Best 

PBJC music major may be 
playing with a professional 
group, Hellman's Angels, when 
they appear at a JC assembly in 
the college auditorium, Tuesday 
January 21 at 8 p.m. 

"The group will arrive here a 
day before the assembly to 
audition students who wish to 
try out," stated Miss Lertha 
Madge Royce, chairman of the 
Music Department and the 
Assembly Committee. 

"If Hellman's Angels find the 
instrument and the talent 
they're looking for, one of our 
music majors may be hired to 
play with them for the 
assembly," the chairman ex- 

The musicians have been 
playing concerts of jazz. 

Baroque, and country music all 
over the world for the past seven 

A basic trio of harp, bass and 
guitar, they are occasionally 
expanded with pedal steel 
guitar and drums. 

An unwilling debutante, now 
married to architect and jazz 
buff Hsio-Wen Shih, Miss 
Hellman has three children. 

Lyn Christie, an M.D. who 
devoted more time to music 
after winning a grant for the 
Westchester Symphony, plays 
bass, and participates in all the 
major music festivals that 
feature jazz. 

Mike Gari, who plays the 
guitar, backed Betty Middle for 
several seasons and is consi- 
dered to be one of the country's 

finest young musicians. 

An occasional angel is 
guitarist Alan de Mause, who 
played the Merv Griffin Show 
and in the production, "Proin- 
ises. Promises." 
and supplies together and get 
reafiy for another day of school. 

Letter , 

Continued from pg 4 

After zig-zagging through 
early morning traffic jams, they, 
if lucky, arrive at JC. Their cars 
need tune-ups and new tires but 
these students have just one 
thing in mind. They have to get 
to class on time and once more 
attempt to catch up on that 
wanted and much needed sleep 
from the morning hangovers. 
Ricardo Aparicio 

Teaching With A Floir - A Student Stimulus 

\ Venture Editor 

Tfie teachers make the 
course! A well known fact. But 
what is it that a teacher does 
that makes him such a good 
techer? An answer may be 
found by examining what the 
different educators try to do 
within the limits of their subject 
to interest the students. 

Mr. Watson B. Duncan III, 
considered by maiiy an excellent 
teacher, demonstrates this idea. 
One point is that he impresses 
on his own students is that his 
course delves on "The best 
thoughts of the best minds in 
the world." 

Mr. Duncan teaches Enlgish 
Literature and believes within 
his course content there is a 

poem or a literary work thai will 
specifically fit each pf his 
students. This work that will fit 
the individual, will become 
"his" or "hers" because of the 
personal effect it has on them. 
Certainly if each student is 
moved by something in the 
course, they will praise the 
teacher for bringing it to their 
Mr. Edwin V. Pugh is a Social 
Science teacher on our campus 
who has been complimented by 
many of the students he has 
had, for his teaching methods. 

What is it he does that 
contributes to his success? 

"I try to let the students work 
through their majors," says Mr. 
Pugh. " Almost every field of 
study has a historical precedent. 

Looking at history through the 
students majors, keeps them 
interested and involved." 

Music students are encourag- 
ed to do papers relating music to 
historical periods or events. 
Literary students can do reports 
centering around history's 
involvement with the writings of 
the time. 

Mr. Pugh also believes that 
well known names in history are 
more than merely names and 
tries to put these "names" 
across as people. This makes 
them more real and helps the 
students identify with them. 

It begins to become apparent 
that the better classes are those 
that are presented with, a 
consideration of the students 


In the Basic Studies courses it 
is of primary importance that 
each individual student be 
allowed to work at his own level. 

Foreign students, taking 
English as a second language all 
have a different level of 
competency in English usage. 

Mrs. Helen B. Darcey of the 
basic studies department, 
(another teacher, singled out as 
"excellent") believes that the 
most important thing about her 

classes is the individual 
consideration that it demands. 
She also believes that the 
reading skills her students ate 
learning will effect them 
throughout their lives and tries 
to impress their belief upon 

The consistent factor common 
within each of these courses, 
and common to each of these 
teachers is that the learning is 
made to occur in such a way that 
it personally affects a students. 


Classified Ads 


FOR SALE: Fender Strat. '74 
model, brand new, S250. Call 
Ric 585-6233. 

RIDE NEEDED: Due to recent 
accident I need a ride to school 
from Singer Island area for 7:30 
classes on Wed. and Fri. ■ Will 
pay for gas. If you can help 
please call Marion, 842-0524. 
female roommater needed; one 
bedroom apartment in the 
College View Apts. directly 
across Congress Ave. from 
school. Rent is $53.33 plus 
utilities. Call or come by 

anytime between 6 and 9 p.m. 
any night except Tues. Ask for 
Cindy or Karen 968-6912, Apt. 


Stenotype machine and books 
for complete home study, from 
S315. Call Pat 588-7165. 
FOR SALE: '72 Camaro, fully 
equipped. Excellent condition, 
$2495. Call 368-0111. 
ional autobody work, total 
satisfacation guaranteed. Rust, 
dent, lacquer and acrylic paint 
specialist. First class work. 

Fiberglass, sheet metal. Free 
estimates and pick-up. 
Reasonable rates. 842-0575. 
FOR SALE; 65 Dodge station 
wagon. Heat, A/C, power 
steering, power brakes; -Clean, 
good condition. Must drive to 
appreciate. Call Rainie, 

TERM PAPERS: Canada's 
largest service. For catalogue, 
send S2 to; Essay Services, 57 
Spadina Ave., 208 Toronto, 
Ontario, Canada. Campus 
rgpcpsertatives required. 
WisBse write. 

Car Stereos & Custom Installations. 


We carry a complete line of Audio equipnient:-* 
Sansul, JVC, Marantz, Kenwood, Garrard, Dual , 
Jensen, Avid, Sony, Shure, Empire, Pickering & 

Complete selection of L.P/s & Tapes at tiie best 
prices In Palm Beach County 

136 U.S. Hwy. 1 
N. Palm Beach. Fla. 

10 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, January 20, 1975 



JC 84-82 

Burns Sizzles 
In Overtime 

Sports Editor 

Sparked by the sizzling shots 
of Don Burns, who was benched 
during regulation for not 
shooting enough, the Pacers 
dropped Broward Central 84-82 
in overtime Wednesday night. 

Burns took control of the 
Pacers' offense in the five 
minute overtime, scoring all five 
field goals. The only other 
scoring was by defensive 
stand-out Gus Foyastro, who 
canned two free throws to put 
the Pacers ahead. 

The Seahorses forced the 
Pacers into the overtime by 
out-scoring them 26-13 in the 
last nine minutes of the game. 
Pacers coach Bob Wright 
commented, "Their play wasn't 
as strong as our mis-play." 

A sea-saw first half, was 
climaxed by a final second 
double-pump lunging shot from 

"It was not as important of a 
win for US, said Wright, as a loss 
for them. It cuts their 


p Sports Life 

A. D. Chides Refs 

Timothy L. Bray 

Two of the most unsportsman-like basketball games took 
place in the JC gym earlier this month. The most recent was 
Jan. 6, against Atlantic, N.J. Community College. 

"The game got completely out of hand. It was all uncalled 

Those were the angered words of Dr. Howard Reynolds, 
PBJC athletic director, after the sloppily played game. 

The Buccaneers, on a five game losing streak, created an 
official's nightmare. Both clubs were physically battling 
under the boards the entire night. After approximately 16 
minutes of abuse, the fire ignited. 

Richard Nelson or Victor Dubose of PBJC, threw a punch at 
Atlantic CC players while retreating down court. Naturally as . 
in FJCC games I have seen, both benches cleared. 

Adding the kindle was the Buccaneers' scorekeeper, 
running out from the official scorers' table with his chair in 
hand, ready to let it fly. Consequently, for some unknown 
reason, Dubose was tossed out of the ballgame. 

Reflecting back on the incident and the entire season, 
Reynolds said, "I don't like the way it is headed down here. 
The game progressing as it is will explode in another two 

"FJCC basketball has no finese, it's all muscle." 

Reynolds proposed a partial solution to the problem to Andy 
Andrews, Athletic Director at Broward North. 

"Andrews, who is in charge of the officials, must insist that 
those officials keep the coaches on the bench." 

Pacers coach Bob Wright commented, "If it is a decision 
call by the official, I would voice my opinion and sit down, 

"If the officials interpret the rules incorrectly, then it is my 
duty to protest." 

Reynolds retorted, "Though the officials are not good, I do 
feel they are fair." 

An attitude change is needed among the coaches also. "It 
is a reflection of the coaching. If the coach, when he's 15 
points ahead, (carries on like that naturally the kids will do 
the same," said Reynolds. 

Either the FJCC officials keep the game under control or 
another Ohio State-Minnesota melee will soon erupt. 

20 feet by Mike Gibbs to put the 
Pacers ahead at half, 36-32. 

JC erupted for 15 points in 
their first ten possessions in the 
second half. Aggressive play by 
Mike Gibbs and Victor Dubose 
led to easy buckets by Ron 
Cunningham and William Hall 
to up the Pacers' lead to 59-48 
with 9:58 to go in the game. 

A Vic Thomas jumper cut the 
lead to 59-54, and Charlie 
.Burrows put the Seahorses 
ahead, 60-59, seconds later. 

The Pacers were now in a 
battle, and as Wright said later, 
"We had to win." 

Sam Fields of Broward 
Central canned a jumper to knot 
the score at 72-72 with 32 
seconds left. JC's Gibbs missed 
the initial free throw of a 
one-and-one after which the 
Seahorses, appearing disorgan- 
ized could not get off a clean 
shot in the final seconds. 

Burns' shooting then led the 
Pacers to their ninth victory in 13 
encounters, and a 2-1 Division 
IV record pending the outcome 
of the Sat., Jan. 18 game 
against Miami-Dade South. 

Hall led the Pacers with 19 
points with Poyastro cashing in 
15 and Burns, 12. Thomas led 
Broward Central with 19. 

"It was not as important of a 
win for us, said Wright, "as a 
loss for them. It cuts their 

Palm Beach Junior College 

Poyastro 6~3~15; 
Hall 8--3~19 
Dubose 1-5-7 
Nelson 2-1-5 
Gibbs 4-0-12 

Broward| Central 

Burrows 9-3-17 
Colzie 4-0-8 
Turner 7-5-19 
Bosier 0-3-3 
Field 2-9-13 
Norris 1-0-2 

j4'*-- ^nA* 


" . . .their play wasn't as 
strong as our mis-play." 

-Coach Wright 


Today 2:30 

Gym & Every M-W-F 

Jan. 21, 1975 
1:30 Gym 


Open to all Students 


1:30 -3:00 M-W-F 

Monday, January 20, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 11 


staff WRiter 

Tryouts were held for the 
women's varsity tennis team 
Jan. 7 - Jan. 10. Ten girls tried 
out for the team, according to 
coach Sarah Quisenberry. 

In the first week, an 
elimination tournament was 
held to establish positions on 
the ladder. 

"We've got a good chance at 
first, ' ' commented Quisenberry, 
in regard to the team.'s 
possibilities of winning the state 
junior college championship. 

Last year the team finished 
third in the state behind 
Marymount and Broward -Cen- 
tral and had an overall record of 
7-3 for the year. This year 
Marymount has been promoted 
to a senior division college 
which means they won't be 
competing in the same 
tournament as JC. 

Another reason for Quisen- 
berry's optimism is the return of 
Cindy Kitchell as well as last 
years No. 1 player, Robin 

Other members of the team 
include Marina Polman Tvin, 
Janet Fabiani, Hillary Cove, 
Jackie Cairn, Penny Perini, Paul 

Another plus for the team is 
that they will host this years, 
state junior college tennis 
tournament March 20-22. 

The teams first match is Jan. 
28 on the JC courts against 
Miami Dade North at 2 p.m. 


Pacer Raqaettes challenge 
Miami-Dade North Tuesday, 
January 28 at 2 p.m. on the JC 


Coaches Predict Eight 

Associate Editor 

Three coaches - Bob Stinnett of 
Broward North, Chip Boes of 
Miami-Dade Downtown, and JC'sBob 
Wright - each gave the same answer 
when asked recently which teams 
should be favored to win Florida's 
Division IV basketball race: all eight 
of the divisions' teams. 

Additionally, rather than just state 
that all eight teams were tough, each 
coach listed the names of each team. 
In essence,' to get a true indication of 
JC's Division IV chances we might 
have to wait until the final game of the 

In fact, that's exactly , what 
happened last year as the Pacers 
outlasted two teams in a playoff for 
second place and a spot in the state 
playoffs, where JC was runner-up to 
state champ and eventual national 
second place team, Chipola. 

Stinnett's Broward North Trotters 
(20-6 last season) lost in the first round 
of the state tourney to Chipola, but 
with three starters returning, they 
must be considered a leading prospect 
to return as a state-tourney contender. 

"We had three fireshmen and two 
sophomores who had never been to a 
state tournament of any kind, so we 
were a little nervous last year," 
comments the youngish Stinnett, now 
in his third year as Trotter coach. 

Predictably, Stinnett sees a 
two-three-or four-way tie for first 
place in Division IV. "Our division 
gets tougher every year," explains 
Stinnett. "It's really hard to say what 
the key to winning will be, you're 
going to need a little luck and stay 
away from bad breaks. 

"Another key is keeping kids 
eligible so they don't flunk out - and 
injuries - you can't have injuries." 

JC Athletic Director Dr. Howard 
Reynolds can certainly sympathize 
with Stinnett's comments on grades. 
The Pacers were without center 
William Hall until January, and 
received a scare when high scormg 

guard Donald Burns was nearly 
declared ineligible for the final half of 
the season. 

As of this writing, JC and Broward 
North, both recognized as power- 
houses in the division, had each 
recorded a home win against the 
other. Ironically, while the Pacers 
blew Broward out of JC's gym, the 
Trotter's one-point win in the division 
opener was the one that counts in the 

Coaches make no bones about what 
the goal of every Florida junior college 
is: a trip to Hutchinson, Kansas, for 
the national junior college tourna- 

"Of course all of our kids feel we 
can do it. . .bet we still have to go out 
and prove it," explains Stinnett. 

As he looks forward to a mid-season 
final regular game with the Pacers, 
Stinnett is impressed with Burns, Bill 
Brandon, Gus Poyastro, and Victor 
Dubose of JC. But he admits, "You 
can't lose a player like (graduated 
ail-American Keigh) Highsmith and 
not be hurt." 

Pacers Coach Bob Wright missed 
Highsmith early in the season, as 
freshmen guards Mike Gibbs and Ron 
Cunninghair slowly gave momentum 
to the Pacer offense. The loss of 
Highsmith, as Wright continually 
mentioned,, was seen most in the 
category of leadership. 

However, as of this writing, a 
general team confidence was growing 
due to more forceful rebounding and a 
stronger bench, which allows for more 
substitution and rested. players. 

The Pacers' strongest effort to 
dal;e, . in a recent encounter with Dade 
Downtown, was against a team 
labeled by its coach as "much 
stronger than last year," 

The coach in question, Dade 
Downtown's Chip Boes, expressed 
different ideas on what might be the 
key to winning the division. "A team 
can't lose any games at home," 
relates Boes, "and must play at least 
.500 on the road. 

Turn to "Tough", pg. 12- 

h^cOiri Hopeful 

Staff Writer 

As ol January 25, the JC men's tennis team will begin their 1975 
season. \nd Coach Harris McGirt feels "quite good" about it. 

FLclmg that fall practice had been very advantagious, McGirt 
sdid "There was a lot of team emphasis, even though it is an 
nidnidudl sport." He anticipates a competitive season, with Miami 
Dade Noith and South, and Edison Community College being 
|icil!,ips the toughtest. 

Ml {Jut has no challoenge matches, the ladder is picked prior to 
each match. "We will have a lot of competition, all up and down the 
hue ihis year," he says. "We are extremely pleased to have nine 
£?ood phuers out for the team." 

Of ilie nine there are only two returning players because of 
i^iaduaiion. Roberto Rizo, a Venezuelan player, was No. 4 plus 
Ml SiatL for last year's team. Also returning is Gary Ray, No. 6 last 
vcai vith a 13-2 record. 

.Siaitine this year is Norman Russell, from Kingston, Jamaica; 
Ron Dicus, West Palm Beach; John McCarley, Newark, Del; Mickey 
Nolcn, lupiter; Gary McBride, West Palm Beach; Mike Bachrach, 
Wcsi Palm Beach and Charles Wadlington, Lake Worth. 

Although last year's team was undefeated, McGirt doesn't expect 
to be asjjn, nor does he really want to be. He believes that a team 
docs not have to be undefeated to be ranked at the top. 

During his ten years at JC, though, he has had 114 wins and 39 
losses But, more important to McGirt is that in those ten years, 83 
l)eic(.ni of his boys have gone on to higher institutions. Because of 
this he sa/s, "I am a teacher first and a coach second." 

Pacer Nine Chalks 
Up First Win Of Season 


Sports Editor 

"You feel so much better when you 
win," commented a joyous Dusty 
Rhodes after his Pacer nine 
hand-cuffed the Ft. Lauderdale 
Baseball school on just two hits, 
enroute to a 7-3 victory Thursday 

Thursday's game was a complete 
turn around by the Pacers' pitchuig 
staff. OnFriday, Jan. 10 in Pompano 
Beach, they allowed 11 runs on 11 hits 
by the same Philadelphia Phillies 
funded school. 

The four and five hitters, Jerry 
Walters and Tom McCollough 
respectively, went 3 for 4 to lead the 
14 hit attack Thuyrsday. 

JC's nine jumped on the Phillies' 
pitching staff early in the first inning 
as Glenn Rogers led off with a walk 

and went to third on Skip Walker's hit 
and run. Walters cracked a 2-run 
single up the middle to put the Pacers 
ahead to stay. 

That inning saw JC pick up four 
runs on four hits. They also picked up 
one run in each of the second, third 
and sixth innings. 

Eddie Fisher, who came in and 
relieved Ed Boyle in the fourth, picked 
up the victory. The Facers now are 1-1 
on the year pending results of Friday 
night's game again with the Ft. 
Lauderdale Baseball School. 
- "I know we can hit, all I'm worried 
about is if our pitching holds up," 
commented Rhodes. 

This afternoon, Jan. 20, Fred 
Ferrai's Phillies will make their 
second appearance on the JC field. 
The first pitch will be thrown at 3 p.m. 


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lOth and Congress 
Palm Springs Shopping Center 

Instant Lunch 

All you con eat of salad, 

Spoghettr, Garlic Bread 
and Pizza 

Hours: 11:30 to 1 : 30 Monday thru Saturday 


12 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, January 20, 1975 

Golf, Classroom 

Sim Talented 

By Pete Clausen 
Staff Writer 

"Golf is only a game," says 
Mike Sim as he misses a putt on 
the 18th green and doses a 
match. "But, it's nice to win." 

Mike wins his share of golf 
matches. He was the No. 1 man 
on the JC golf team with a 75 
average during the fall term. 
His smooth swing and consis- 
tent play could help the team to . 
a state championship in May. 

Mike is not only brilliant on 
the golf course but in the 
classroom as well. He carries a 
3.5 average and won a scholastic 
scholarship from the Exchange 
Club at Forest Hill High School. 
He will receive a 3goIf 
scholarship for the upcoming 
winter term. 

Mike started playing golf 
when he was seven years old but 
did not really get inierested in it 
until he played on the Conniston 
Junior High team in the ninth' 

He then played on the Forest 
Hill High' team for three years 
and received the most valuable 

player award in his senior year. 
He also added to his competitive 
experience by playing in, and 
winning, various junior golf 

Aside from hitting the ball 
long and straight, there is 
another reason that Mike scores 
so well on the golf course. 

"He is the best putter out 
here," explains Pat Kelly, 
another team member. 

"I make my share," adds 
Mike, "There's no use hitting a 
putt if you're not trying to sink 

Sim is majoring in Math, but 
he may change to Business 
when he transfers at the end of 
the winter terra. He hopes to 
transfer somewhere in Florida 
so he can play golf all year. 

So if the putts drop and the 
other team members play well, 
Mike could very well be adding 
state and national junior college 
team trophies to his collection. 
Then, NCAA competition, and 
maybe even the pro tour. 

Mike Sim who combines 
his talents in the 
classroom as well as the 
golf course is slated to 
lead the Pacers in '75. 

I&R Offers NewSporfs 
Free For All Sfudents 

Sports Editor 

Free and open for partici- 
pation by all JC students, the 
intramural program swings into 
high gear during the Winter 

Under the guidance of Paul 
Ratanapraslth, the karate class 
is taking ail students this term. 
The class meets on Monday, 
Wednesday and Friday from 
1:30 - 3:00 p.m. in the gym. 

Beginners should start im- 
mediately, according to the I & 
R Board, since the class was . 
initially started Jan. 15. 

Table tennis enthusiasts have 
the opportonity to compete in a 
tournament beginning this 
afternoon, Jan. 20 at 1:30. 

"The championship is a 
ladder and round-robin tourna- 
ment," commented Kathv Wilk 
of the I & R Board. Competition 
is Monday, Wednesday and 
Friday from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. in 
the JC gym. Entry forms can be 
picked up in PE 4K. 

A new face but certainly not 
oat of season is the one-on-one 
basketball toomament. Mr. 
Melvin Edgerton is the facnity 
representative of the tourney 
which begins Jan. 21 in the JC 
gym. It will run Tuesday and 
Thursday from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. 
■ until a champion is crowned. 

The round-robin single elim- 
ination tournament is 21 points 
and based on the participant's 
won- loss record. 

Co-ed bowling returns once 
again to the Major League 
Lanes beginningWednesdayJan. 
22 at 3:30 p.m. 

Wilk commented that the 
bowling is once a week for 12 

weeks with the bowlers paying 
every other week. Two man and 
two women are to compose one 

"Sign up is at the bowling 
alley and the organization will 
be there also. The teams should 
be ready to play." 

Participation in intramural 
bowling will qualify an 
individual for extramural bowl- 
ing against respective schools 
from JFCC Division IV. 

Students again have the 
opportunlfy to qualify for the 
Presidential Sports Award after 
completing 125 miles on the 
jogging coarse with no more 
than 2 1/2 miles in any one day. 

Beginning Feb. 10, the I & R 
Board has set up a putting 
contest of 36 holes. This may be 
completed "anytime the green 
is not used by a class" 
according to IMr. Roy Bell, 
Intramural director. 

Featuring free play, the 
badminton club is to meet on 
Tuesday nights from 7 - 9 p.m. 
in the gym. The club is open to 
the faculty, staff and all 
students. . 

"If a tournament is held, not 
everybody is expected to 
enter," statedBell, "Only those 
who want to may enter." 

Archery is to be handled 
"slightly differently from other 
activities because of the safety 
factor." Feb. 3 - 14, from noon 
till 4 p.m. doubles, mixed 
doubles, team and individual 
competition will take place on 
the archery range. 

Volleyball is to return after 
basketball season with the pool 
tournament back also, in 

Special added attractions are 
planned, such as a Frisbee 
Week during the week of Feb. 
17. Also daring Easter season, 
a "Rabbit Run" is in store. 

Over 650 students participa- 
ted in the respective programs 
during the Fall term. 

Representing the 1 & 
RBoard, Wilk commented she. 
hoped more students would 
become actively involved with 
the board and the entire 
intramural program. 

Basketball Sfonding 

Division IV 








Miami-Dade North 




Broward Central 




Broward North 




Palm Beach 




Indian River 




Miami-Dade South 






Compefifion Tough 

"Maybe even a nine-win 
season (which lasts 14 games) 
might get you in." 

While Boes' Downtownersr, 
8-18 last year, appear struggl- 
ing. Pacer Coach Bob Wright 
feels his team is "as good as 
anybody" in a division 
"stronger than it has ever 

Ranked ninth in the state 
Okaloosa-Walton is first, 
Wright does not' like the 
underdog role. "I'd rather be 

ranked number one," contests 

The division's top two teams 
head to the eight-team Florida 
junior college tournament in late 
February and Dade's Boes 
summed up the sentiments of 
most of the coaches. 

"With 'the competition as 
tough as it is," said Boes, "it 
should make the teams that 
represent our division very 
strong in consideration for state 
rankings and the state title." 


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Sausage & Peppers Italian Steak & Cheese Meat Ball 

Combination Ham Turkey Roast Beef 





200 U.S. 1 

North Palm Beach, Fla. PHONE 844-3833 ; 


Phone 844-3833 

Satellite Planning Continues 


Staff Writer 

JC Satellite Centers located at Belle Glade, Palm 
Beach Gardens and Florida Atlantic University have 
been growing rapidly and are filled to capacity and 

FAU Center is at present in best condition because 
their students are permitted use of Henderson School 
facilities that suffice for a while. 

For a long time JC's Board of Trustees has been 
making necessary preparations for permanent quarters 
for the two other plants. JC's North Center is using 
facilities at Palm Beach Gardens High School, which is 
literally overcrowded. 

Land has been purchased for apermanent North 
Center site that faces PGA Boulevard west of AlA and 
extends south to Money Road. According to Fred 
Holling, assistant evening coordinator, this is only the 

first step toward the final goal. - 

The land for the Belle Glade Center was recently 
secured through a swap of state-owned property for a 
40-acre tract located in- the southwest center of Belle 

The Glades Center, which is located about 40 miles 
west of the main campus, was opened in August, 1972, 
offering day and evening classes. At present there are 
six locations for the 55 credit courses being taught. 

Dr. Cecil Conley has been executive dean there since 
inception and has. always been optimistic about its 
future. He state, "It will be good to get all the classes 

After securing the two sites, the board laboriously 
compiled volumes for data for use by planners 
Hellmuth,. Obata and Kasfabaura, Inc., an 
engineering corporation in St. Louis, Missouri. 

They are earning the $60,000 paid them for months of 


work now in progress in designing the two campuses, 
and are scheduled to submit complete plans in about six 

HOK's specifications are based on many things 
including enrollment; they then put forth building 
space projections, and their phase of the work will be 
completed. After the planning, architects are hired and 
finally contracts are let for the final phase of the 
operation. Planning is the most important and time 
consuming of the entire process. 

Master development plans will include educational) 
plant capacity, peak load, utilization, parking, 
pedestrian time and distance, phasing in terms of 
projected growth, building space stages of completion, 
administrative services, student services, instructional 
spaces, mass assemblage, traffic analysis and many 
sub-plans under each of these. 

Turn to "Plans" page 3 


Monday, January 27, 1975 

Lake Worth, Florida, 33460 





UF Curtails Enrollment 




Staff Writer 

Florida commiinity college 
graduates are no longer 
guaranteed admission into their 
chosen program at the Univer- 
sity of ' Florida because of 
enrollment limits beginning 
next fall. 

Presidents of Florida's nine 
state universities approved the 
basics of enrollment limits last 
November. UF was the only 
state university with an 
enrollment near the limit which 
was proposed. 

The Board of Regents will 
discuss limiting enrollment at 
all state universities in the next 
few months. 

The deans of UF's colleges 
will regulate upper division 

programs by limiting the 
number of community college 
transfer students admitted 
while university college grad- 
uates will be allowed to continue 
in the program of their choice. 

All community college grad- 
uates are guaranteed admission 
to a state university through an 
articulation agreement between 
community colleges and state 

Since transfer students could 
be admitted to similar programs 
at other universities, UF deans 
decided they could be turned 
away from capped UF colleges 
without violating the agree- 

Paul J. Glynn, JC's Dean of 
Student Personnel, advises the 
JC student to be "the best 

academic performer". 

He emphasized that students; 
should know what college th^y , 
plan to attend and the courses 
that college requires for their 
specific major. It is also very 
important that students decide 
what their m^or will be. 

"As far as we're concerned, 
transfer students should have 
the same status as lower 
division university students," 
Glynn said. "For every JC 
student thajt's turned down, 
we'll ask why.'' 

Glynn doesn't believe a 
university will turn down a 
transfer student completely, but 
he may have difficulty getting 
into the program of his choice. 



1-95 Adds Access 

Staff Writer 

Within a very short while students 
will be fortunate enough to have a 
new highway to commute to and 
from classes at JC. 

According to 1-95 Project Engineer 
Jim Bitontl, in charge of the Forest 
Hill Office, Department of Transpor- 
tation, the Belvedere exit will be 
open the last of February and other 
exits will near completion during the 
next eighteen months. This will 
enable students to spend much less 
time in traveling. 

Near to the campus will be a 
bridge ovei Lake Worth Road which 

will be 23 feet long. This is designed 
to relieve some of present traffic 
congestion near us. 

When the final phase of the work 
is done, exits will be located at Tenth 
Avenue North, Forest Hill Boule- 
vard, Southern Boulevard, Okee- 
chobee Boulevard, Belvedere Road 
and to the south at Sixth St. and 
Lantana Road. 

In the picture above is shown a 
house that once bordered Forest Hill 
and has given way to the 
construction as seen below. 

Graduating students living in the 
area will be able to commute to FAU 
or Miami University via 1-95 within 
eighteen months. 


Staff Writer 

An Air Force representative, 
M.Sgt. Leonard Beaty was on 
campus Monday, Jan. 20, to talk 
about the opportunities offered 
in the Air Force. 

"A good response' was shown 
by the students as many took 
pamphlets from the table set up 
in front of the cafeteria, while 
others inquired about the 
different careers the Air Force 
has to offer," comments Beaty. 

In a slumping economy, thercT 
is job security in the Air Force 
and just about every career that 
is offered in civilian life is 
offered in the Air Force. 

A college education" can be 

obtained while serving in the 

Turn to "AIR" pg 3' 

Receive Caps 


Staff Writer 

With a deep sense of achievement, the 
students of Dental Health Services ireceived their 
caps in the 1975 ceremony Sunday, January 19, 
held in the JC Auditorium. 

With long-stemmed roses, symbolizing the 
perfection, beauty, purity, and love that they 
strive for hi the dental service, 37 girls fi;om the 
Dental Hygiene class and 32 from Dental 
Assisting marched into the auditorium. 

After a speech on the history of the 13-year-old 
program, Mrs. Lee Weisenborn discussed thie 
significance of the ceremony, explaining that 
they had reached the "climax of the initial 
neophyte stage" and have shown that they are 
willing to accept the responsibilities of their 

As the two groups finished, they recited their 
oaths. The hygiene students swore to "render 
health service to those who seek my 
ministrations", while the dental assisting firls 
promised to be enthusiastic, generous, 
respectful, and to "walk on the sunny side of the 

Dr. James O'Bannon then spoke to the 
students, reminding them that they most work 
toward something beyond success; they must 
strive for excellence through their work. 

The ceremony was important to the girls, for 
many relatives came firom allparts of Florida to 
watch. As one girl put it as she stood to walk to 
the front, "We probably won't shake like this 
again until we go to take our State Boards." 

Ori The Inside 

Johnston j^tJC ^ y- - • ^ . *,,p^gq3' 
V«fite«! Vlevass Ct»CQ8 V- ^ < * .pa8e4^ 
Paews Batter Lawdtertfete.. ^ .passs 7 ' 

2 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, January 27, 1975 

Warn °^^ 



~ Associate Editor 

dssocioted coitegidte press 

Let Them Smoke 

High school students from Boca Raton are requesting that a, 
pilot program be started in their school which would set up an 
area on school grounds for the students to smoke 

When first approached with this idea, officials ruled 
against the proposal. One of the reasons the opponents cited 
is a Florida statute that forbids the sale of cigarettes to 

it is safe to assume that the law forbidding sale of tobacco 
products to minors is, as a rule, ignoed by society as are a 
myriad of other unenforceable laws. 

It is meaningless to forbid high school students permission 
to smoke on campus because they are doing it anyway and 
enjoying it more. Approving the request for a student 
smoking area will bring the students out of the restrooms, 
alleys and locker rooms and into the open. 

Too much time is wasted by deans and instructors trying to 
enforce babble gum regulations. There are more than 
enough problems on the high school campuses [drugs, race 
etc.] to keep school officials busy. 

Of course, giving the students their own smoking area is 
also going to take away the fun of some teachers who enjoy 
going to the bathroom just to find smokers, but it is time for 
our human resources to be directed at the more pressing 
problems of education. 

Faculty Venture 

In an attempt to introduce another side of the instructors of 
JC, the Beachcomber has launched a series of Faculty Guest 
Columns. A different faculty member is approached each 
week and asked to write a 300 to 500 word column on a subject 
of their choice. 

The Comber would like to encourage students to send In 
suggestions for faculty members to appear in the guest 
column section. 

Our first column is written by Mrs. Sallie Taylor, a highly 
respected instructor of both Logic and English. Claiming to 
be a much better editor than writer, she nevertheless 
accepted our request to lead off our new series. 

The 'Comber sincerely hopes our readers will come to look 
forward to the new Faculty Guest Column. Next week's 
column will be written by Dr. Bottosto. 

■Guest Faculty Column- 

Thank You Missing 

This is the first in a series of Guest Faculty 
Columns. Sallie Taylor is an English and Logic 
instructor, who Js highly respected by the JC 

During the Depression of the '30's, a young 
man at work one day talked on the phone to the 
head of the stock room. He finished the 
conversation with ' 'thank you" and hung up. His 
supervisor, who was standing nearby, upbraided 
him sharply for using his work time to say "thank 

Shortly afterwards, the young ma'h quit his job 
at a time when jobs were scarce and said 
privately to his family and friends that he would 
not work for a company that forbade common 
courtesy between and among people. 

Today, in many ofQces and businesses, 
courtesy, if not discouraged, is not fostered. The 
officers on our Palm Beach Junior College 
campus are no exception. 

There are offices, not all thank heavens, where 
students are handled very cavalierly. Students 
receive the abrupt "no", the shrugged shoulder, 
the elevated eyebrows treatment. And they 
complain about the treatment. They complain in 
significant numbers, numbers so significant that 
we all should pause to ponder a( that students are 
human beings who for that reason alone deserve 
to be treated^ well and b( that students are 
taxpaying,' tuition'' customers, who influence 
PBJC's image fHtlje community. 

It is time for all of us to examine our manners 
for what is termed just ordinary common 
courtesy. Excellent manners would not only set 

the example of courtesy but would reduce human 

All of us ' - instructors, secretaries and 
administrators - should take the time to say 
"please," "thank you," "I'm sorry," "I'm 
glad," "Please let me see your print out," 
"thank you for coming In to take care of the btll," 
"I'm sorry that the section is closed," "I'm glad 
that we could make the change for you." 

And we should smile honestly when we talk to 
students. Even the enforced regulation is easier 
for the student to take if the person in charge is 
pleasant and concerned. 

Now I know that, even when undeviating 
courtesy is the goal, all of us will be abrupt at 
times. We get harried, hurried, and hamstrung. 
I was, I regret to say, abrupt to three students 
recently. They approached me at a time when I 
was overdue leaving the campus getting to an 
appointment elsewehere. I was in a hurry. And 
the grievous part is that there is never any way to 
counteract the effect of one discourteous 

And because there is no way to counteract the 
less than good treatment that we should accord 
one another, all of us should scrutinize our ideas 
of courtesy and our attitudes about people that 
lead, or not, to a warm and pleasant manner. 
Especially should the front-line people who first 
communicate with prospective and entering 
students be courteous. 

We can and should lubricate this learning 

(Next week: Dr. Samuel Bottosto) 

OT Forming Is Slow Deparfmenf Nof To Blame 



The occupational therapy (OT) students of JC are in the 
process of forming a service club on campus. However, the 
procedure in becoming a club has been very slow. 

The OT supporters presented their constitution and 
necessary forms to the Student Activity Corhmittee on Nov. 7, 
1974, and at present, they have only beeni^proved by the 
Student Committee and still must go to the Faculty Senate. 

After two and a half months, very little action has been 
taken. Also, the dab has not Iiad any support from the 
Beachcomlwr, even though tlie newspaper was infonned 
alMut the club in Novemlter. 

Occupational therapy is a health related program, offered 
on an AS and AA basis at JC. "Occupational therapy is the 
art and science of dkecting man's response to selected 
activity to promote and maintain health, to prevent disability, 
to evaluate behavior and to treat or train patients with 
physical or psychosocial dysfunction." (American 
Occupational Therapy Association, 1968.) 

OT relates to the patient's everyday life and provides the 
link between hospitalization and return to the community. 

The main purpose of the OT club is to provide community 
services to health care facilities. The membership is open to 
any registered student at JC. The Fall semester officers are: 
Mary Kavanaugh, presidnt; Chris Willey, vice president; 
Vicki PoUyea, secretary-treasurer; and Jan Majerick, 

The next meeting of the club will be Wednesday, Jan. 27, 
at 2:30 p.m. in the Student Activity Center (SAC). The main 
business is the election of Winter semester officers. All 
interested students are welcome to attend. 

Mary Kavanaugh 


This is in response to a letter 
from J. Michele Nottet, 
Matthew Sherman, Joseph L. 
Mahan, L. G. Davis and Linda 
Lybarger regarding their ex- 
perience in an MS 110 class this 
past semester. 

It is true that the Mathema- 
tics Department was condacting 
an experiment, using several 
different texts and several 
different teacliing approaches. 
However, none of these 
approaches was designed to be 
a no-lecture, 8tudy-out>of-a- 
worifbook type course, with the 
instructor available only to 
answer questions. 

The particular class in which 
these' students were enrolled 
was not even intended to be 
experimental. They were 
scheduled to be using the 
standard MS 110 text book with 
traditional lectures, the work- 
book to be used only as 
■supplemental material. How- 
ever the instructor took it upon 
himself to initiate the no-lec-' 
ture, jielf-study method, against 

the better judgment of some 
others in the department who 
felt that thie workbook was not 
designed to be used in this 

The only part of the 
experiment that this class was to 
be involved in was the 
departmental examination. The 
time for the exam was 
scheduled through the Dean of. 
Instruction, by the Registrar, as 
is the entire exam schedule. 
Students are expected to take all 
of their exams at the scheduled 
times. Special arrangements 
were made for students to 
whom it was a severe handicap 
to attend at the scheduled hour. 

I feel it necessary to defend 
the department against the 
criticisms made by these 
students, since the methods 
used were not instituted by the 
department, but by the 
individual instructor. The 
experimental methods used in 
other sections comprised an 
attempt t6 identify .the best 
materials and the best methods 
of getting information to 

students to adequately prepare 
them for MS HI. 

In defense of the histructoi 
Involved, I would like to say that 
some students did like the 
individual approach because 
they could go faster and not wait 
for the rest of the class, or In 
some cases, they could spend 
more time on certain topics. 
However, any system of 
hidlvidualized tastruction puts 
more responsibility on the 
student to complete the 
required work in the allotted 
time, and some students are not 
mature enough to handle this 

I would suggest that, in the 
future, students who are 
unhappy with a particular 
course discuss the problem first 
with the instructor involved, 
then with the chairperson of the 
department involved, before 
indicting an entire department 
or the whole school for one 
pers6n's actions. 

Mrs. Ruth W.King, 

Chairperson, Mathematics 




■51 Percent- 

Raise Consciousness 

J. Michele Notter- 

Do you think part of your problems stem from being a 
woman rather than your personality? Do you want to make 
close friends? Are you prone to analyzing society? Well, 
consciousness-raising groups are being formed in this area. 

Consciousness-raising (C.R.) is the root of the women's 
movement, and has been in use since 1968. It is the process 
of moving from a limited view of our situation to a broader 
one. The group analyzes their experience as women and what 
the male-supremist culture we live in has done to our thinking 
and concept of "woman". C.R. re-evaluates the definition of 
"woman", casting out stereotyped sex roles and destructive 
behavior through group support. 

C. R. is a small, 5-15 women, leaderless group which meets 
for regular discussion. A topic for each session is chosen; 
dating, how you were treated as a child because you were 
female, your mother, your father, schooling, politics, religion, 
self-hate, etc. After each individual has given her testimony, 
each contributes a common theme she has noticed and 
possible connections are explored. The final step is discussion 
of possible action which would remedy the situatio 

This method of searching out experiences, as women, 
creates an almost instant bond of sisterhood even in very 
diverse groups. It quickly settles the talk down to a level of 
intimate sharing in which each member can experience 
acceptance and empathy. Idology and rhetoric are bypassed. 
Instead of fractionalism and argument, a sense of 
appreciation for the commanality within diversity is reched. 

Based on a new understanding that most of our 
unhappiness as women arises &om our social and political 
status, personal solutions come to be seen as inadequate. 
Self-blaming and helplessness are minimized and a readiness 
for changing our behavior occurs. From the small group 
comes encouragement to take a new stand, even when It 
involves unpleastness. 

If you are interested in becoming a part of a C.R. group, 
please contact Lee Shield at 588-1549. She is forming groups 
right now. Lee is also willing for form male C.R. groups for 
those who wish to analyze the sex-role sterotyping and 
brainwashing that men have received by growing up in our 


From page one 

Coordinate planning with city, county and 
state roads and traffic engineering authorities 
will be necessary to establish criteria for 
transportation facilities. More consideration 
will be given to the handicapped students than 
was shown In planning of main campus. 

Under site development study, it is still not 
known how much of the natural environment 
will be preserved. Requirements for field 
areas, games and sport facilities will have to 
be determined. 

When master plans are submitted to Board 
of Trustees, an estimate of cost will be given. 
Although there are already some monies on 
hand for this purpose, nothing can be used 
from the general funds. It is anticipated that 
funds will be available to start construction in 
about six months. 

Additional funding is being sought by the 
state in attempting to sell higher education 
bonds. When bond sales are completed, our 
share of the proceeds will be $1,800,000. This 
will be totally separated from general funds 
for use on these projects. 

In Study 

" Knowledge grows, lean "'.'i' 
stands solidly against euire/ii\ 
of wonder 
and question, 
and wisdom 
shields against 
folly and stray 
endeavors. "' 

Monday, January 27. 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 3 

i'Editor's Notebook"! 

JACK ANDERSON ''Washington- 
Merry-Go-Round," has been rescheduled 
for Friday, Feb. 14 at 1:20 p.m. in the 
GYM. Classes will be cancelled. 
HEALTH WAIVER EXAM will be given 
Feb. 27 in Science 26. Pay fees in the 
Cashier's Office and then sign up in the 
Testing Center. 

DENTAL HYGIENE Aptitude Test will be 
given Sat. Feb. 8, at 8:00 a.m. in the 
Criminal Justice Institute. 
STUDENTS from north and south end of 
the county needing or offering rides, to or 
from campus, should sign up with Dean 
Davey in the North SAC lounge. 
students wanting tickets may purchase 
them from the bookstore. Cost is $3.00 
per ticket. 

WOMEN interested in softball will have 
their first meeting TOMORROW at 2 
p.m. in gym classroom five. 
FRIDAY is the deadline for submission of 
articles to MEDIA. 

PALM BEACH POST Advertising 
Manager will speak to the Sales and 
Marketing Club TOMORROW AT .9;10 
in BA 115. EVERYONE is invited. 
WRITERS are encouraged to join the 
staff of the Beachcomber, where your 
greatest reward will be experience. 
CLUNG for your efforts in putting out the 


Every Senator Collects $50 


News Editor 

The SG Senate passed a bill 
Thursday giving a $50 honorar- 
ium to all senators who did not 
receive one last term. 

Unless SG President Tory S. 
Buckley vetos the bill it will 
immediately go into effect. 

Buckley has one week before 
presenting this decision to the 

The dates of the SG Special 
Elections have been changed to 
February 6th and 7th instead of 
the 8th and 9th. When the 
Senate changed the dates two 
weeks ago Thursday, they 
overlooked the fact that the 8th 
and 9th are a Friday and 

Secretary of Productions Tony 
Banks asked the Executive 
Board Tuesday to reconsider his 
$6,000 proposal to put on a 
musical concert. 

The Executive Board refused 
to proposal because it was too 
much money, The board did 

accept a $2,500 proposal. 

The concert could fall through 
if Banks can't get the date set. 
The two bands lined up for the 
concert are Judd and PFM. 

No contracts have been 
signed for the concert. 

"Things are still up in the 
air,'-' said SG Vice Pcesident 
Dolor Ginchereau. 

According to Chairman James 
Boger of the Appointments 
Committee, five people have 
been approved to hold office as 
senators. They wIU be sworn in 
at the next senate meeting. ' 

President Buckley has re- 
commended the following peo- 
ple for the Judicial Board; 

James Cleare - Chief Justice, 
Ray Sapyta, Brian Straub, 
Hilliary Swengel, Wayne Soldo, 
Ed Kiddle, and Larry Gore. 

These recommendations must 
be voted on by both the 
Executive Board and the senate. 

The senate passed a reolution 
of "inquiry on the legality of 
having beer and wine on a 
community college campus at 
social fiinctions, after class 

A recent SG questionnaire 
showed the m^orlty of JC 
students want beer and wine on 

The reolution, introduced by 
Senator Rob Abrams, passed 
without debate. 

Johnston Tours JC 


News Editor 

State Senator Harry Johnston 
(D., Fla.) visited JC Thursday 
accompanied by his close friend 
Dean Paul Glynn. 

Johnston said he was touring 

Nsws Editor 3ae\ Tanen Cartoonist — Tom l^ixson 

Venture Editor Frank Smitti Pliato Dept. . .Muffy MeCliing 

Sports Editor Tim Bray Steve Fritz 

Business iVIanager . . .Bob Hatfisid , Oebbss Hutin 

Editorial Assistant.. Jan Tudtwood Winnie Knighton 

Consultant Chartes McCraigKt Sam Putt 

STAFF WRtTERS-JohnAuchterlonie, Tom Bowling, Regina Bryant. 
Pete Clausen, James Cleare, Raoul Garcia, Lorl HiUabnndi, Bill l-lutch- 
ins, Robin Kindle/Winnie Knighton, Susan Kyte, Flick Magar, Muffy 
McClung, Becky Morse, Phil Neubauar, Gene Palmer, Amy Strimbu, 
pebble Thompson'. 

The Beachcomber is published from our editorial offices in the 
Student Publications Building at Palm Beach Junior College, 4200 
S. Congress Ave., Lake Worth, Florida 33460. 

Telephone 965-8000, extension 210. 

Opinions expressed in the Beachcomber are those of the editors or 
the writers of the articles and not necessarily those of Palm Beach 
Junior College. , . . - ^^ „ d 

The Beachcomber is a member of the Associated College Kress 
and Florida Junior College Press Association. 

the campus and would send 
Tallahassee the feedback. 

"One of your biggest 
problems this year is the 
austerity program that the state 
legislature is having to put on," 
said Johnston. 

He said every time he goes to 
Tallahassee the deficit figure 
goes up. 

* 'It used to be $120,000,000. I 
was In Tallahassee Monday and 
they came up Svith a figure of 
$230,000,000," he said. 

Senator Johnston represents 
six counties in Florida and can't 
visit every state-funded organ- 

Johnston plans to visit Edison 
Jr. College on the west coast, 
Indian River Jr. College m St. 
Lucie County and several 
prisons throughout the state. 

Air Force 

Air Force, as they pay 75% of 
[he fees aild have teachers from 
nearby colleges come on the 
base to teach those interested in 
d college education. For 
mstance, while Beaty was 
stationed at Patrick Air Force 
Base, teachers from nearby 
Rollins College in Orlando were 
brought on the base. 

Ph«)M 5ti2'lt»46 








4 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, January 27, 1975 


Circus Picture 

Staff Wriler/Photogiapher 

Clowns! Clowns 1 Clowns I 
The merriest, happiest, funniest 
characters in a circus. Ringling 
Brothers and Bamum & Bailey 
brings the best boisterous 
bums, tramps, white-face, 
grotesque, and classic clowns to 
town. The old saying, '"Just 
downing around", holds true 
for these people in life. 
Clowning is a natural part of 
their character. 

Vince Manzo, a classic, 
white-face clown, has been with 
Ringling for three years. His 
image as a clown is one of a 
samll, innocent boy. Although 
his true age is 21, he generates 
this image with such ability that 
it is easy to se it's a part of his 

Vince claims, "You have to 
keep your mind open. . .to 
what's happening around you. I 
can't create a character, it will 
come as I perform." 

When asked why he -joined 
the circus, Vince ventured 
quickly, "It was either this or 
being sold to gypsies!" 

Unlike most clowns, Vince 
was motivated by the desire to 
perform. "I wanted to be a 
performer. I may go on and do 
something else as a performer, 
but the circus if the nicest place 

to be in. It's fiin and the money 
is good. It's all fantasy. I have 
the flreedom to do what I want as 
a clown." 

The circus is a fast paced life 
siyle. Good health, bountifol 
energy and great stamina are 
essential. "Yoa have to learn 
how to pace yourself so you 
don't water a lot of energy. Like 
I should be sitting down right 
now Instead of walking 
around," says Vince in-between 

Another white-face clown, 
Anthony Cicchino (Chino), says, 
"I always wanted to be a 
clown." He wight eight years 
old when he saw his first circus 
and it was love at first sight. 

Mark Buthman, also a classic 
white-face, replys to the 
question of why he wanted to be 
a clown. ' 'It \vas an ambition, a 
dream, something - to follow 

The only way to become a 
clown for Ringling is to graduate 
from their specialized Clown 
College in Venice, Florida. On 
the average, 1500 persons apply 
and 50 are chosen to attend. 
Our of that 50, maybe 20 will 

Clowns are not the only 
characters that make a circus 
what it is. Christo Stefanov, a 
teeterboard artist, acrobat, and 

gymnist for the Boitchanovi 
Tetterboard Troupe has a four 
year contract to complete with 
Ringling. Christo has been in 
circus life for 23 years. This is 
his second time in the United 

'"Maybe I'll go back to 
Bulgaria," he says. The circus 
is work. It's all veddy busy." 

Christo's English may not 
have been "veddy" good but 
his body language was par 
excellance. His muscles were as 
big as a curcul elephant and as 
hard as the feats they 

Ringling's show girls are 
among the most beautiful and 
talented from all over the- globe 
Gina Schleicher, a show girl for 
Ringling, got her start in a 
school in California. 

"I do neck spins, aerial ballet. 
. .1 ride elephants and horses, 
and I dance," she explained. 

The youth of the circus if 
represented by Barry Lappy, a 
daredevil bicyclist with a proper 
English accent. Barry caught 
me off guard by tugging on my 
sleeve and asking shyly. 
"What's your name?" The 
circus only magnifies his 
charming personality. 

How can one mention 
Ringling Brothers and Bamum 
& Bailey Circus without 
equating it to Gonther Gebel- 
Williams? He is incomparably j 
"Lord of the Ring," as The New 
York Times dubbed him.' 
Charisma is his middle name. 
Joan Tramontano, Director of 
Public Relations for RingUng, 
states, "Gunther is really 
bivolved with his animals. He's 
impossible to get to because he 
spends most of his thne with 

Gunther amazes audiences 
with his astounding display of 
animal mastery, as he cou- 
rageously puts a cageful of 
fierce tigers through an 
astounding array of tricks. No 
One of the highlights of this 
tiger presentation is a giant 
swing holding Gunther and two 
of his cats, swaying back and 
forth in the cage, high above the 
arena floor. 

Gunther is signed up for a 5 
year contract with Ringling. 
Let's hope he signs up for 
another 5 years! 

• • • •• • • ••X^l*** • • • • • • 

The Circus Rouses Patriotism 

Staff Writer 

Perhaps it is the greatest 
show on earth, for, the 
Bicentennial Edition of the 
Ringlmg Bros, and Bamum & 
Bailey Circus did delight 
"Children of ALL ages." 

You could see it Monday 
night at the final show. If you 
watched their faces or saw them 
laugh, you realized that they 
were holding their breath with 

The circus is as American as 
the Fourth of July. It is 
remembered long past other 
forms of entertaimnent. In one 
circus performance there is a 
combination of comedy, precis- 
Ion, daring and an abundance of 
color. The entertainers come 
from afl over the world. It has 
survived through war and 
deprssidn, and still captures the 
Interest of iniliions. 

The Bicentennial Edition took 
over a year of developing to 
reach its present form. It is the 
first entertainment enterprise to 
celebrate the event. 

The costumes of the special 
edition deserve special atten- 
tion. Over a year's work from 
100 seamstresses and tailors put 
together the hundreds of outfits 
seen for only a few rninutes in 
the show. Millions of red, 
white, and blue sequins are 
used for one elephant blanket, 
along with hundreds of hand 

sewn mirrors. Wide hoop- 
skirts, ruffled shirts and jeweled 
hats set the mood of the Early 
American period. 

Afte a wild call from Paul 
Reveer, ' 'The Circus is coming! , 
The Circus is coming!" the 
Greatest Show began. The 
master of the animals, Gunther 
Gebel--Williams, commanded 
his tigers 4-n an exciting 
performance, making them 
seem more like kittens. 

Among other spectacular 
sights, there were dancing 
horses, bike-riding chimps and 
performing poodles. The art of 
split-second dexterity was 
demonstrated by the Sofia 
Troupe from Bulgaria with 
mid-air somersaults and tight- 
rope gymnastics-minus the net - 
by the Ternos. 

But the majority of the show 
was a salute to the 200th 
anniversary of the United 
States. The parades, the music 
and the acts all revolved around 
this salute. Children in the 
audience were invited to march 
in the parade, and rode in large 
carts around the "big top" 

"Hooray for the USA!" was 
the theme of the last 
performance, as the whole 
Ringling Bros, family gathered 
and . performed. Gnnther 
Gebel-Williams roused the 
elephants to a "standing" 
ovation, while the animals and 
other members paraded, spec- 

tacularly arrayed. 

For many at the moment, it 
was the Greatest Show on 
Earth, and a show that will be 
remembered long past the 1976 
Bicentennial celebration. 

Monday, January 27. 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 5 

JC Sfudents Volunteer Aid 
To Habilifafion Center 

Staff Writer 

On our campus there are 
students' who are volunteering 
their time and themselves to 
helping others. 

Fulfillment - that's a big word 
that stretches far beyond it's 
eleven letters. Life many times 
if defines as the search for 
fulfillment of one's self. 

We strive to satisfy this 
search through knowledge and 
relationships with others and 
often become exhausted in the 

hunt but we go on searching. 

Yet there are some people 
who, without the help of others, 
stumble in thefa- search because 
of disabilities of many Idngss 
physical, mental, emotional as 
well as behavioral disorders that 
can hinder their attempts for 

There is a special kind of 
fulfillment that can be derived 
through helping others and the 
first step has been taken. 

The opportunity for you to 
help is there, the place is the 
Palm Beach Habilitation Center 
on Congress across from JlC. 
Students are needed to do 
volunteer work with the center's 
clients and help them to obtain 
knowledge and learn how to 
handle relationships with 
others. As a volunteer, the 
specific type of work will be 
decided upon by a counselor and 

will depend upon where help is 
most needed. 

In general, volunteers work 
beside a client doing the same 
work, hopefully giving the client 
incentive to work faster, ignore 
distractions and raise his 
production levels. Volunteers 
work with clients, not to look 
over them, but to set an 
example. They encourage the 
Clients in their work and 
relationships with those with 
whome they work. 

As part of Mrs. Eleanor 
Salisbury's General Psychology 
class her students have the 
option to participate in the 
volunteer program. But the 
program is not limited to only 
Mrs, Salisbury's students. 
Anyone interested ay contact 
Betty Dwyer, administrative 
assistant, at 965-8500, ext. 48, 
or other personnel at the center. 

The center also has two 
satellite centers, the Palm 
Beach Habilitation Center at 
Boca Raton and the Glades 
Habilitation Center. 

Some clients live at the Palm 
Beach Center in the forty 
available beds in the dormitory 

Other living quarters are 
available in the four residential 
houses in the area which have 
house parents and provides an 
atmosphere close to that of 
normal home life. 

Still other clients come in 

Featured Futures 

Cancer's Problem Resolved 

■By Flick Mage r- 

On Mo 

The economic squeeze has 
pressure on millions of pocSi 
Entertainment costs have also rises 
sugar prices so that finding somei 
do these days without going on weK 
getting difficult. 

For two people in Palm Beach 
who want to do something enterli 
and still keep the cost to five dolte 
under, the following list will be hf^ 

1] Mte flying. 

2] antique shows - S1.50 ai 

3] Greater Palm Beach 
concerts - students rates, Sl.OO. 

4]' beaches - for beachcombing, 
games, sand castles, picnicing, wd 
surfing, swimming, or whatever 
imagination allows. 

5] roller skating - $1.00 

6] ice skating - same as roller stc 
' 7] concerts at the PB auditoriiun- 


;tts J^, 

"3S I 


PISCES: An event you planned 
is going to turn out very 
differently from what you 
expected. Make the best of 
circumstances. Be unflappable. 
ASIES! Old attitudes cling like 
a snake's outgrown skin. Don't 
necessarily cast them away, but 
allow them to be modified. 
Other's points of view are valid. 
TAUKUSt Practicality and 
organization are high points this 

week. You catch up with work 
you've been putting off. A 
buseful tip comes from a 
conversation with someone 
older than yourself. 
GEMINI: The radical views and 
actions of someone you love 
could pull your world down 
around your ears. Decide now if 
your attachment is worth more 
to you than your situation. 
CANCER: Light is shed on a 

Dating Eosiep 

|t - Jonathan Dickinson (North 
"') John Prince {Lake Worth) 
iyer (Boca Raton) Dreyer 
Park (West Palm) Athletic 
?st Palm) 

include horseback riding 

and night) at Johnathan 

^nature trails, campgrounds, 

beaches and boating 

■^ ^, 


Sj-m^ ^rd 

^*^ketball games admission is 

^levies on Friday or Saturday 

g - any kind;' sailing, fishing, 
®, canoeing. 

,^ath Florida Fair - this month 
^_ch Coutny. 

^ - in Boca Raton, January 

16] : go-kart rachig' (West Palm) 

17] bicycle ridmg - especially through 
scenic parts of Palm each. 

18] bowUng. 

m art exhibits. 

20] car shows. 

21] at homes games - chess, cards. 

22] Buigo. 

23] playgrounds it IS fun to swing 

These are 23 varieties of pasttimes that 
hopefully will not leave your pockets 
empty or your thirst for fun unquenched. 
Howver, if the impossible does arise, 
there are a million and one things you can 
think of to do. 

All that's required Is a little 
imagination. For instance, get a pack of 
typing paper, go to the nearest football 
stadium, climb to the top, and throw off 
paper airplanes. Or buy an album on sale 
and give a concert in your living room. 
Millions of things to do. . . 

problem that's frustrated you 
for some time. An apparently 
attractive offer conceals a 
dubious motive. 
LEO: A righteous attitude is' not 
appreciated. Be tolerant of 
apparent faults in others, work 
around them instead of 
knocking your head against 

VIRGO; Watch your temper. 
There's a strong chance you'll 
become annoyed with the wrong 
person. If so, hopsital bills may 
be in your ftiture, 

LIBRA; Alone you are creative 
and productive but you do not 
work well with others this week. 
You are apt to leave an 
unaccustomed activity behind. 
SCORPIO: Odd people are 
seeking your company, the 
reason is the open, tolerant 
attitude you tend to express this 
week. New and profitable 
friendships are foreseen. 
SAGITTARIUS: It seems hard 
to settle down to anything 
constructive. Reassess your 
priorities. What is really most 
important to your future? Be 
prepared to sacrifice for a 
delayed reward. 
CAPRICORN: You're worth 
more than you think; this week 
you can'prove it. You have the 
potential for very impressive 
AQUARIUS: You have 

differences of opinion with 
someone, and the fur could fly. 
You're prone to nervousness. 
Don't let this prompt you to 
speak, or act hastily. This 
week's actions have long-range 

daily by city buses, the center's 
passenger bus and two station 

PBHC was opened in 1959 as 
a division of the Palm Beach 
County Association for Retarded 
Children. Then, with commu- 
nity help, the center moved in 
1960 to its present location. 

Since 1967, when the Center 
separated from the Palm Beach 
County Association for Retarded 
Children, it has become a 
non-profit, charitable organi- 

Its purpose is to create 
habilitative services to handi- 
capped adults sixteen years of 
age and older. 

The programs at the 
habilitation center are may. 
Some are work evaluation, 
personal adjustment training, 
■behavior modification, counsel- 
ing, academic training, social 
survival skills, group therapy, 
social and recreational pro- 

grams and occupational skill 

Job Placement and follow-up, 
in which clients work at jobs in 
the community, and the 
Extended Employment, which 
provides clients with employ- 
ment withing the center through 
work contracts with industries, 
gives clients the needed feeling . 
of accomplishment and exper- 
ience in working and relating to 

Dr. Samuel Bottosto, head of 
the Social Science department, 
Mrs. Salisbury, Mr. and Mrs. 
Benedict who head PBHC, 
along with their employees and 
many other people have been 
instrumental in establishing this 
opportunity for JC students to 
learn, to help, to be fulfilled and 
to help fulfill the lives of 
PBHC's clients. 

The path has been paved, the 
opportunity is there, the choice 
is yours. 

Doodle Contest 

Venturing on into the Combers doodle contest, the winner 
this week is Constance Holmes, student government 
secretary. Her doodle tends to show creativity, poise, a 
balanced personality, administrative ability and she is neither 
pushy or shy. 

Constance's doodle will now be considered for "doodler of 
the year." Due to the response of last week's article on 
doodling, here are the official rules for the Beachcomber 
doodles contest: 

1 ) Doodles are to be turned m at the Beachcomber office. 

2 ) Name of doodler is not necessary but will be 

3) Doodle may be turned in by doodler or a doodle finder. 
The one who will receive the award will be the one who brings 
in the doodle. 

4 ) Anyone is elgible. 

5) Doodles must be fairly abstract, and may not be a 
cartoon character but may be an original creation. Doodles 
consist of mostly designs. No drawings please. 

6) Winner will receive a "T" shirt proclaiming "Doodler of 
the Winter Term - Palm Beach Junior College," or a five 
dollar art scholarship. 


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6 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, January 27, 1975 

Streaking Saluted 


When a student, in nothing 
but his birthday suit, whizzed 
across the Florida State 
University campus last January, 
he thought he had discovered 
something new, streaking. 

I feel it is my duty as an 
investigative reporter to pay 
tribute to this fad and its fellow 
fops (people who participated in 
fads) in its first anniversary. 

The troth of the matter is, 
streaking has been aronnd for 
many centuries. It all started as 
far back as 287 B.C. when 
Archimedes discovered the 
speclflcIawofgravHy. "When he 
noticed the water level in his 
bathtub rose when he sat in it, 
he then ran through the street of 
Sicily proclaiming his discovery. 

Next came Lady Godiva in the 
year of 1062 when she protested 
against taxes imposed by her 
husband, the Earl of Mercia. 
She merely rode through the 
street of Coventry, England, in 
her altogether on a horse. Her 
actions proved quite effective; 
the Earl was so embarrassed 
that he lowered the tax. 

Streaking became dormant 
for some time after, simply 
because of lack of exposure 
(pardon me) Any public acts of 
nudity were shunned by the 
media unless the pictures were 
of pretty girls. 

The late sixties brought about 
another form of nudity when it 
became customary for some 
exhibitionist to dance around 
nude at a rock concert. This was 

originated at Woodstock. But 
we cannot classify this as 
streaking, merely as nude 
dancing. Heavens knows, West 
Palm Beach has been subjected 
to many forms of outright naked 
activity not classified as 
streaking and there will 
undoubtedly be more. 

Soon Burt Reynolds was 
doing his shy Cosmopolitan 
pose, there were magazines 
with nude pin-ups of European 
males and Jackie Onassis with 
nothing on but her snn^plasses, 
photographed tiirongh a tele- 
photo lens. 

Unfortunately, these people 
did not follow the proper 
codifications of streaking. They 
were sneakerless, maskless, 
scarfless and hatless. They 
didn't run for the pleasure of a 

All until the month of 
January, 1974. Since then, 
streaking has come and gone 
and with it every record 
conceivable has been set. 
People claim the youngest 
streak, highest streak, longest 
streak, first streak, fastest, most 
en mass and the list continues. 
I would like to recognize these 
people for their outstanding 
effortts of baring the facts of 
human nature and having just 
plain old raw courage. 

But one record remains 
unwritten in the annals of 
streaking, the first streaker of 
1975. Happy Anniversary to 

Is Boredom The Culprit? 

Only a few members in the relative age bracket of this 
campus have lashed out against streaking, which is about the 
same amount as those who have struck. So why did streaking 
become extinct? Or for that matter, why did it even start? 

Noted experts have been quoted on various opinions of 
streaking. Some say it is healthy exercise, the desire to 
become' a kid again, just good clean fun or people just 
shedding their problems. 

Streaking must be a comination of all these considerations 
with one standing ut as on underlying motive. 

Most authorities began to settle on the theory that 
streaking is a form of escaping from the pressures of society, 
or studies as in the case of college students. But what did the 
students of 1974 have over the students of 1975? So far we 
are fadless. 

Maybe we just got bored of the whole thing. Or maybe we 
just aren't frustrated enough. If you've seen one streaker 
you've seen them all. With the way things are going today I 
wouldn't bet my bottom dollar we haven't seen the tail end of 
this situation yet. 

) — Frankly Speaking 

Blind Dates 

Frank Smith 




The path is narrow its . 
Course full of sorrow 
Yesterday's dreams scattered 
by the morning breeze A 
lovers touch I once held close 
and now the path grows 
Narrower, soon to sever, as 
Yesterday's dreams become 
Tomorrow's wasteland • 

By Walt Davis 

Blind dates, I suppose, will always be the same. Always 
there will be a bit of trepidation on the part of both parties 

It seems that these dates have gained a reputation for 
failure, and yet they still occur. The following conversation is 
of that phenomena. 

Malcolm: Hey man, you're gonna like the date I got ya 'cause 
I know you like tall girls. 
David: No, I hate tall girls. 

Malcolm: Well, for a girl she's pretty tall, but actually she's 
shorter than you. 
David: That's good. 
Malcolm: Also, she's studying Physics. 
David: I hate smart girls. 

Malcolm: Well, she's failing Physics, of course, I wouldn't set 
you up witn someone you wouldn't like. 
David: Then you got me a date with a sports-minded girl, 
didn't you? I know you did 'cause you know how much I like 

Malcolm: Sports? Oh! Yeahl She looks like she might have 
played football. 

David: Football!! She's not fat is she? You know how I can't 
stand chubby girls!! 

Malcolm: She played quarterback, how many fat 
quarterbacks have you seen? Take my word for it, she's well 

David: I hope she's not too well built, I don't want all the 
guys starin' at her all night. 

Malcolm: She's well built for a quarterback, I mean, 
David: Does she dook? 
Malcolm: Do you like a girl that cooks? 
David: Do I ever! 
Malcolm: Does she ever! 
And so, another poor unsuspecting couple is coupled. 

Inilafion Dirge 

Chuck was the man who stole my heart, 

Spun me around and left me spinning like 

A rigged-up roulette wheel; I lost and he 

Did all the winning 

Found him one day with a lady I had always 

Called my friend, in flagrant delictating - 

My shots rang out; Chuck met his end. 

We live, in times of rampant prices and 

Economic aggravation. Chuck was fated 

To Become one more victim of inflation. 

I chopped him into little pieces. Found a 

Butcher who by luck needed to restock his 

Meat-trays. -He paid me plenty for ground 

Chuck So be wary, friends and lovers, 

Of jolting them that calls you honey. 'When 

prices rise to certain 

Prices rise to certain levels. Love takes second 

Place to money ByFLICKMAGER 


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Jinx Broken 

"W»«(«"i">i"ii«>IH>IPP»~H— i"«PlII»IIi 

Sports Editor 

Though for the last two years, 
Pompano Beach Municipal 
Stadium has been a jinx to the 
JC bseball team, the Pacers 
clobbered Ft. Lauderdale 14-7 in 
Pompano, Wednesday. 

Head coach Dusty Rhodes 
praised the hitting of Rich 
Sorise, who had four RBI's, and 
Glen Rogers, who walked six 
times and scored five runs. 

JC's defense only committed 
one error during the nine-inning 
contest. "We've got to get in 
better shape, but overall I'm 
satisfied with the team's 
progress," commented Rhodes. 
The Phillies won the National 
Baseball Conference (NBC). 
Championship last season, and 
are funded by the Philadlephia 
Phillies major league organi- 

The Pacers scored one run in 
the first, three in the second, 
one in the third. 

In the fifth, Dave Lang led off 
with a base hit to left followed 
by Dan De Stout's hit up the 
middle. Lang was unsuccessful 
in his attempt to go to third, as 
he was thrown out from right 

Rogers walked, then advan- 
ced to second on a passed ball. 
Sam Testa lashed a shot to left, 
scoring DeStout and Rogers. 
Testa came home on a double by 

"The pitching, which was one 
of our raiajor concerns at the 
beginning of the year, seems to 
be coming aronnd," com- 
mented Rhodes, "The mental 

l&R Start 

Staff Writer 

Intramurals got underway 
Monday, Jan. 20 with the 
beginning of table tennis. The 
first meeting was an organiza- 
tional meeting and some 
practice games were played that 
did not count, according to Roy 
Bell, head of the intramurals 
program at JC, 

Tuesday, Jan. 21, one-on-one 
basketbaU began with 21 people 
participating. By far not a 
record turnout, bat a lot of good 
talent, commented Bell. 

A 21 point elimination is 
being held Tuesday and 
Thursday from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. 
Ln the gym. 

mistakes have been cut down 
and the pitchers are throwing 
with much better control." 

JC also scored runs in the 
seventh and the ninth. 

Julian Rodrigues picked up 
the win for the Pacers as he 
relieved Ed Boyle in the third. 
Ross Baumgarten put out the 
fire in the sixth and saved the 

Ft. Lauderdale will make 
another appearance on Feb. 1 at 
3:30 p.m. on the Pacers' field. 
Palm Beach is now 3 - 2 on the 
year pending ihe results of 
Friday night's double header at 
Pompano with the Phillies. 

Tom McColIough slides 
into second during a recent 
JC game with Ft. Lauder- 
dale Baseball School, [top] 

Skip Walker nearly beats 
out an infield .hit. [left] 

"Turkeys" Bowling 



Staff Writer 

Fifteen teams, each consist- 
ing of two men and two women, 
began 12 weeks of intramural 
bowling Wednesday. 

Bill Brown and Juliann 
Catanzaro rolled the day's 
highest games with 224 and 204 
respectively. Other high games 
were scored by John O'Brien, 
201; Craig ^argent, 192; Margie 
Immel, 185; and Sharon 
Nelson, 172, 

Catanzaro also bowled the, 
women's high series, 523, and 
had the women's high average 
for the first week, 174. 

Other high series' were, for 

the women, Nelson's 481 and 
Amy Strimbu's474. And for the 
men, Brian Richards' 544. 
David Guthrie's 537 and 
Brown's 531. 

The high team game [802] 
was snatched by "The Teain 
Number Eight", consisting of 
Jody Salzgeber, Ingrid Sanio, 
Alan Carson and Homberto 

the team, "The Turkeys", 
rolled the high series of 2288. 
This team consist of Brown, 
Patti Dickison, O'Brien and 

There are still team openings 
to be filled. Interested students 
should come to Major League 
Lanes Wednesday at 4 p.m. 

Florida Top Ten 


Okaloosa- Walton [7] 6. Miami-Dade North [3] 


Pensacola [7] 7. Pahn Beach [0] 


Broward North [S] 8. hidian River [0] 


Lake Ci^y [1] 9. CWpoIa [0] 


Brevard [1] 10. Polk [0] 

National Top Ten 

1. San Jachito College [Pasadena] 

2. Hutchinson CJC [Hutchinson, Kansas] 

3. Westchester CC [Valhalla, N.Y. 

4. Vincennes UJC [Vincennes,' Ind.) 

5. Lake Land College (Mattoon, DI.J 

6. Western Texas JC [Snyder, Tex.] 

7. Comberland College :Lebanon, Tenn.] 

8. Mascathie CC [Muscatine, Iowa] 

9. Calhoun State JC [Decatur, Ala.] 

10. T,ake City CC [Lake City, Fla.] 





Work Thursday 


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8 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, January 27, 1975 

Pioneers 99-84 

Defeat JC 

Sports Editor 

"Indian River Community 
College's defense caused our 
turnovers," said Bob Wright, 
JC head coach, after the 99 - 84 
setback to the Pioneers 
Wednesday night in Ft. Pierce. 

The loss dropped the Pacers 
to 3 - 2 in division play pending 
the results of Saturday night's 
contest at Mimai-Dade North. 

Mike Leathersvood's Pioneers 
shot a blistering 65% from the 
field as Darryl Turner, a 6' 2" 
guard from Alexandria, Va., hit 
25 points at this leisure. 

JC was outplayed, and they 
simply "beat our tails," 
commented Wright. 

With only 45 seconds gone, 
Gerald Preston opened the 
contest with a jumper wii'i only 

45 seconds gone, am the 
Pioneers never relinquished the 

The inability for the Pacers to 
control the ball and nunierous 
turnovers padded Indian River's 
lead. The half-time score 
showed Palm Beach down by 11; 

46 - 35. 

Jim Flack, a 6' 6" freshman 
sub from Long Island, N.Y. 

scored a total of 17 points in the 
second half for Indian River. 

Exemplifying the disaster, 
Don Burns of JC only 
contributed 6 points. He 
averages 14.0 per game. 

Leatherwood commented ' ' 
the keys to the ballgame were 
our zone defense and our ability 
to rebound with them." 

William Hall led JC with 12 
rebounds and 18 points. Ron 
Cunningham popped in 14 with 
Gus Poyastro adding 12. 

Poyastro, averaging 13.1 
rebounds peir game, was held to 
a five rebounds by the Pioneers. 

Summing up the game 
Wright explained, "They toolc 
the ball ont or oar hands like 
they owned us. ' We didn't 
fight back." Pioneer coach 

Leatherwood added, "TUs was 
onr best ball game in a month." 

"We were keyed up because 
we had to win and we simply 
outplayed them." 

Next action for the Pacers is 
Wednesday night against div- 
ision leader Edison Community 
College of Ft. Myers in JC's 
gum. Palm Beach is now 10-5 
overall and 3-2 in conference 


Poyastro 6-0-12 HaU 7-4-18 
Dubose 0-3-3 Nelson 2-0-4 
Gibbs 4-3-11 Brandon 4-2-10 
Ciumlngham 5-4-14 Bums 2-2-6 
Miller 2-2-6 Rusche 0-0-0 


Turner 1 1-3-25 
F. Jones 6-0-12 
Pierre 3-3-9 

ScoOin 2-0-4 

Howard 1-1-3 

'E.Jones 5-0-10 

Preston 6-0-12 

Flack 8-1-17 

Baker 2-3-7 

Totals: PBJC 35-49-84 IRCC 46-53-99 
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Charles "Wadlington executes a forehand shot with ease. 

Sports Life 

Defense Lacking 

Wherever the game of 
basketball is played, the 
philosophy is the same. 

In order to win a basketball 
game, two elements are 
necessary. One is to put the ball 
in the hoop, and the other is to 
hold your opposition to the least 
amount of points physically 

Yet, the Pacers seem to score, 
but not play defense. A prime 
example is the Indian River 
game last Wednesday when the 
Pacers scored 84 points; 
enought to win most games, 
except when, the opposition 
scores 99. 

There is no excuse for a team 
with the talent of Palm Beach to 
let a baUclnb physically destroy 
them and blow them off the 

On the season the Pacers are 
ranked third in the state with 
total offense, 90.0 per game, but 
twentieth of defense. 

Referring to the IRCC game, 
Pacers coach Bob Wright said, 
"I think we're still thinking in 
the past. We still don't have 
any get up and hustle. They 
beat us to death." 

One point is for certain, JC 

Timothy L. Bray- 
must improve on their 4-4 road 
game record if they are to make 
another appearance at the state 
tournament at Stetson Univer- 
sity in Deland next month. 

Top Star 
On Team 


Staff Writer 

Charles Wadlington, high 
ranking Lake Worth tennis 
player, has decided to play 
tennis at JC this season. 

Transferring from Murray 
State University, where he 
finished last year with a 16-9 
record, he will be In competition 
for the JC No. 1 spot. Originaty 
from Lake Worth, Wadlington 
returned here "because of the 

Says Harris McGirt, men's 
tennis coach, "We are very 
pleased to welcome Charles to 
the team. We believe he will be 
able to help us to another good 
tennis year at the college." 

Wadlington represented Lake 
Worth High School in the 1973 
Florida Doubles Championship 
as part of the No. 1 doubles 
team with Chappie Brown. He 
was ranked No. 10 in the state in 
his junior year, and his team 
finished No. 5 during his senior 

Wadlington anticipates a 
good season with the team. 
"Everybody is good, and 
everybody I know fights." He 
said, "If everybody puts out in 
the matches we will go 
undefeated - and win state." 

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Is Bookstore A Rip-Off? 

See story page 3 

VOL. XXXVI No. 16 


Monday, February 3, 1975 

Lake Worth, Florida, 33460 

' r 




Amendments At Stake 
In Voting Thursday 


Second Time Around 


Staff Writer 

Constitutional amendments 
and three yes or no questions 
will be brought before the 
student body in an SG special 
election to be held Thursday and 

Amendments to be voted on 
were introduced last year, but 
according to SG Vice President 
Dolor Ginchereau, the former 
vice president Nicki Phillips, did 
not go through the correct 
procedures for their adoption. 

The first amendment states 
that students _ may not "con- 
currently hold office in two or 
more separate branches of 
Student Government". 

Ginqhereau believes this 

amendment Is necessary so that 
students will have more time to 
dedicate to one of the branches, 
and thus do a better job. 

Laws, appropriations and 
regulations will be passed by 
the majority of the Senate 
present and voting, instead of 
the entire majority as it is at 
present. This is provided for in 
the second amendment. 

Another amendment states 
that ' 'any Senator or Executive 
Board member removed from 
office for failure to attend 
meetings shall not be barred 
from becoming a candidate in 
following student body elect- 

At present, only Senators and 
not Executive Board members 

Anderson To Speak 


Staff Writer 
Jack Anderson will speak at the first of three, 
assemblies scheduled for the remainder of the 

Columnist Jack Anderson 


Renowned Washington columnist Anderson got 
his start as aide tothe late Drew Pearson and then 
carried on the column after his death. 

Classes will be released for this assembly on 
Feb. 14, from 1:20 - 2:20 PM in the JC gym. 

The next assembly, entitled "Between Two 
Worlds," will feature actress Maureen Hurley and 
actor Robert Kya-Hill in a program of music and 

Miss Hurley has appeared on stage in both 
London and Broadway as well as on television. 

Mr. Kya-Hill, who has played a variety of 
Shakespearean roles on stage, has also appealed 
in films and television and has composed an 
oratorio and film score. 

The assembly will be on Feb. 18, beginning at 
10:50 and going until 12:20 in the JC auditorium. 

Then on April 8, from 12:30 - 2:00 PM in the JC 
auditorium, the Robert DeCormier Singers will 
appear on stage. The mixed group of about 20 
singers are expected to draw from their vast 
repertory of songs from many nations. 

On The Inside 

Manor Views JC pg, 5 

Venture Explores Mystics . . pg. 6 
JC Athletic Question . . . . pg. 10 

Winnie Knighton Photo 

Pamela Wood 

Perfect In 55 


Staff Writer 
Although there were 27 
students on the Dean's List for 
the Fall term with perfect marks 
(4.0), Pamela (Pam) Wood was 
alone in having this 4.0 average 
for 55 hours of work'. Her major 
is English; she likes tennis and 
is a local resident living with her 
parents in Palm Springs. 

Turn to "She," page 2 

Budget Presentaf Ions Expected Tuesday 



JC's Activity Fee Committee met 
Tuesday, Jan. 28, with emphasis on the 
expenditures of the organizations on 

Activity representatives presented 
written accounts of what their 
organizations had spent by the time of 
the meeting on Tuesday. 

Oral budget presentations, Which 
include miscellaneous information on 
the organizations, begin at the Feb, 11 

Student Government President Tory 
S. Buckley proposed, in the form of a 

motion, that lots be drawn as to 
determine the position of which the oral 
presentations would be given. The 
motion was passed and lots were drawn 
with the music organizations first, the 
Beachcomber second, assemblies third, 
athletics fourth, Student Government 
fifth, Galleon sixth, Media seventh, 
Forensics eighth, and the I & R Board 

After the draw, Walker "Graham, 
adviser of Media, agreed to change his 
seventh position with Music. 

Il was then proposed, in a form of a 
motion, that speeches not exceed a 
maximum of 30 minutes. The motion 
was passed by a vote of 11-0. 

DebiJie Huhn Photo | 

Representatives Express Views 

are included in this section. 

Ginchereau believes that the 
next amendment would be 
"good for the school". It would 
chainge the campaign time for 
elections from one week to two 
weeks. With more time, 
candidates could speak, cam- 
paigns would be more competi- 
tive and students could get mOre 
involved and make a better 
choice, Ginchereau explained. 

A two-thirds vote for 
impeachment is provided for in 
another amendment. Gincher- 
eau said this amendment sets 
guidelines for impeachment. 

The 'last amendment reads: 
"Amendments to the Constitu- 
tion: Proposed by a two-thirds 
vote of the;Student Body Senate 
present and voting and ratified 
by two-thirds of the student 
body voting". 

At present the words 
"present and voting" are not 
included in this section of the 
Constitution; instead an amen- 
dment is adopted by two-thirds 
of the entire senate and student 
body instead of only those 

Amendments are written by 
the Coiistitutional Amendments 
Committee. They are intro- 
duced to the Senate and debated 
on. If the Senate vote is 
affirmative the amendment 
goes to the Student Activity 
Committee. If they feel it 
should be adopted it is then 
taken tp Student Government 
and elections are held. .. 

According to Ginchfereau, 
these elections are being held 
now instead of April to avoid a 
long, complicated ballot, and so 
that SG might get started on the 
amendments now. 

Also included on the ballots 
will be three yes or no 
questions, as follows: "Should 
athletics receive one-third of the 
activity fee as presently is being 
done? Should SGA be abolished 
in its present form and be set up 
as a student committee? Do'you 
want a yearbook?" 

Odas Arant, advisor to the 
Galleon, said the question 
pertaining to the yearbook is 
"immaterial to me, I'm not 
alarmed by it. 

"If students want a yearbook 
they should come over and work 
on it," he said. 

The Galleon has been having 
difficulties getting enough staff 
members. Arant' said he'll 
accept anyone who wants to 
work on the staff, provided 
he's had high school experience 
or has an active interest which 
could help. 

Arant thinks it iinfair that the 
Galleon was singled out. 

"If they vote on one activity, 
why not vote on all of them? ' ' he 

■ A voting machine will be 
outside the cafeteria on Feb. 6 
and 7. Current elections 
secretary ' Marc Graham was 
Unavailable for comment. 


2 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, February 3, 1975 

CLEP: Advance, But Pay For It 


Staff Writer 
i Now is the best time for 
■people on campus to take the 
College-Level Examination Pro- 
igram (CLEP). 

CLEP is a national program of 
credit-by-examination, spon- 
sored by the College Entrance 
Examination Board that offers 
student the opportunity to 
obtain recognition for college- 
level achievement. Intensive 
reading, on-the-job experience, 
adult school or correspondence 
courses, television or taped 
courses-any of these may have 
prepared you to earn college 

No matter where or how you 
set an education, you can take- 
CLEP tests. If the results are 
acceptable to your college, you 
will receive credit. 

Many colleges encourage 
students to take CLEP tests for 

Plague WRAP 


News Editor 

JC's campus radio station, 
WRAP, has been off the air for 
several .weeks due to technical 

Joan Francis, assistant man- 
ager, sai^' Tuesday that WRAP 
could be back on the air in two 
or three weeks. She said the 
control board is being redesig- 
ned by two technicians. 

Too much power has been 
running through the amplifiers, 
and as a« result two amps have 
been blown-up in the last ^ear. 

The technicians, Doug Reich 
and Glenn Powell, are working 
to alleviate that problem and to 
assure WRAP a smoother- 
broadcasting system. 

The control hoard also needs 
a "limiter" device that controls 
the volume between WRAP'S 
two turntables. When a cut 
(recprd) first comes on, the 
limiter will smooth out the 
jbount! so it won't sound like a 
bonib is exploding. ', 

The control b«>ard needs other 
parts that most be ordered 
through Radio Shack or 
La&jfette Electronics. . Foor 
parts have arrived, but two of 
them were the wrong ones. The 
limlter has not been ordered as 
of yet. 

WRAP could presently 
broadcast, but because of past 
complaints about the high level 
and distorted sound, they ^re 
reluctant to do so. 

"We had no way of knowing 
how loud we were, playing," 
commented Francis. 

WRAP hopes to be on the air 
soon and receive a good 
reputation. They Will only 
broadcast in the north end'of the 
JC cafeteria, allowing those 
students insisting on studying in 
the cafe' to do so in the south 

"That's not the place to 
study," said WRAP disc jockey 
Jim Walker. 

According to WRAP Manager 

Dave Drnmniond, JC President 

Dr. Harold C. Manor and Dean 

Elizabeth Davey gave WRAP 

permission to move their station 

from SP-1 to SAC Lonnge-8 

where Circle K presently 


credit in subjects they already 
have mastered. People of all 
ages interested in pursuing a 
college education have reduced 
the cost of time and money by 
successfully completing SLEP 

The services of the program 
are also available to people 
asked to take the tests by an 
employer, a professional licens- 
ing . or certifying agency, or 
other groups that recognize 
college eqoivelency on the basis 
of satisfacotry CLEP scores. 
You may take the tests solely for 
your own information. 

CLEP is divided in two areas 

of examination,, general and 
subject. The general exams are 
one hour objective tests that 
measure achievement in the 
liberal arts, english composi- 
tion, humanities, math, natural- 
sciences, social sciences and' 
history. Subject exams narrow 
down to specific college courses 
such as: Freshman English, 
Microbiology and Western 

Inflation has hit CLEP exams 
and the fees have gone up a 
comparative $5.00. One test is 
$20.00, two tests are $30.00, 
and three to five tests are 
$40.00. An enthasiastic student 

can ran up an $80.00 biU with 
nine tests. 

J.C.'s testing director, Don- 
ald W. Cook, relays, "I would 
like the students to have a little 
more realistic ideas of their 

Florida universities and 
colleges won't award credit to 
person's getting a score lower 
than the 50th percentile, on any 
one CLEP exam. Mr. Cook 
implies that usually when a 
student has ranked in the 350th 
percentile or above on his 12th 

grade placement test, he has a 
good chance of passing the 
CLEP." In individual subjects 
(English, math) a 75th percen- 
tile or above in the FTGT shows 
a good chance for passing the 
SLEP in that subject. 

February 13th and March 
13th are the two best times to 
take CLEP. Testing usually 
starts in the spring, allowing 
teim to receive test results and 
academic -advising. 

The testing center at JC is 
located in the Administration 
Building, room five. 










SG's Gameroom: No Comparison Between Before And After 

Debbie Huhn Photo 

Gameroom A "Very Good Success" 


Staff Writer 

SG's game room, in the SAC Lounge, 
is now equipped with two pool tables, a . 
T.V., three pui ball machines, computer 
ping pong, air hockey and a juke box. 
Fees for usage are minimal; a quarter a 

Contrasting with the game room set 
op two years ago^ SG Vice President 
Dolor Glncherean comments "by 

observation, it's coming along. . .the 
students seem to be using it. It looks ^ 
be a very good success." 

B'ecause of delinquent damage to the 
previous game room, six supervisors 
have been hired to keep an eye on 

The equipment is rented from Florida 
Music Company, which receives forty 
percent of any money made in the game 

room, SG gets sixty percent of that 
quarter you drop in the pin ball 

Karen Ovlasuk, senate secretary, 
observes thai so far, "We're about 
breaking even." Supervisors must be 
paid first. Ovlasuk implied that any 
profits may go into junior college 
scholarship funds. At, this time, ij: is 
still speculation. 

Senate Gets Something ForNothing 


News Editor 

The Student Government 
Senate overrode President Tory 
S. Buckley's veto on a bill 
concerning special senate app- 
ropriations, Thursday. 

The bill passed by the senate 
last week would give a $50 
honorarium to all senators not 
receiving it after the Fall term. 
The senate 'figured if one gets 
paid, all get paid. 

It was clear Buckley dis- 
agreed, for one week after 
passing the bill, he vetoed it. 

"I don't believe in giving 
somebody something for noth- 
ing," said . 

Last term the senate set up an 
"evaluation committee" to 
determine which senators de- 
serve an honorarium. The 

committee did what they were 
caUed on to do and voted on 
each senator separately. 

With three negative votes 
against a senator being 
necessary to take away an 
honorarium, ten of twenty-four 
senators did not get the money. 
Senator Rob Abrams, however, 
received over $120 dollars. 

The Senate was not pleased 
with the committee decision and. 
reacted by passing the "special 
senate appropriation" bill last 

Now that Buckley's veto has 
been overridden, those ten 
senators will get paid. 

"I'll pass it on to Dave Lang 
(SG Treasurer) .to get out the 
checks," said Vice President 
Dolor Ginchereau. 

When asked if the evaluation 
committee should be abolished. 

Buckley said, "It's up to the 

She Attains 4.0 Average 

Continued from page I 

She stated that she was 
surprised at this honor since she' 
was not particularly striving for 

Altogether there were 404 
full-time students on this list 
who averaged 3.0 or better 
.during the term. 

Broken dowij. geographically,' 
there was one from each of the 
following towns: Stuart; Jensen 
Beach;. Palm Beach; Loxahat- 
chee;.Deerfield Beach; Planta-' 
tioiij and Greenacres city. Hobe 
^ Sound claims three; Clewiston, 
two; Lantana, eight; Pahokee, 

three; Ft. Lauderdale, four; 
Jupiter, 10; Boynton Beach, 14; 
Miami, 10; Belle Glade, 12; and 
Lake Park, 33. 

Twenty of these outstanding 
students were from North Palm 
Beach; 98 fronl Lake Worth; 
Delray Beach, 28; Boca Raton, 
13; and West Palm Beach, 118. 

Other in-state cities repre- 
sented are Orlando, Gainesville, 
St. Petersburg and Avon Park. 
Out of state students making 3.0 
or better averages hail ' from 
Jamaica, N.Y.; Syracuse, N.Y.; 
and Stoughton, Mass. 




i i 


Blame Used Books 

Publishers Inflate Prices 


Staff Writer 
Do you feel ripped-off by the 
campus bookstore? Many 
students do, and have started a 
Student Government used 
bookstore which operates in a 
rent-free college location with 
unpaid help. 

At SG, students can deliver 
their used books and hope to get 
about 75% of their new cost if 
and when their books are sold. 
Alternately, the campus 
bookstore buys back textbooks 
for cash, giving 50% of the new 
purchase price, selling them for 
75'/3 of the new price. If the 
book is not sold, they take the 
loss, not asking for funds from 
the Student Acitivity Fund to 
make up deficits. 

An in-depth investigation of 
book sales reveals that the 
campus bookstore is not a 
captive gold mine operated by a 
money-hungry college, as is 
frequently supposed. 

In fact, current text books 
may be purchased from any 
bookstore that chooses to stock 

Few of these stores, however, 
opt for' handling these texts for 
the very human reason that they 
cannot compete with the low 
prices charged by our campus 

Bookstores in general, receive 
20% or less off. the publisher's 
list price, that is, the price at 
which our bookstore sells books 
to us. As any business m^'or 
knows, this mark-up will seldom 
cover the operating costs of a 
small business, no matter how 
careftiUy run. 

To further compound the 
situation, our campus bookstore 
pays five percent of its gross 
receipts to the college general 
fund, where it is charged 

against the cost of utilities, rent 
and maintenance services. 

The remainder of the gross 
profit goes for labor, book 
transportation, (publishers 
don't pay this) and incidental 

In addition, many govern- 


ment publications are sold at 
cost to students, with the 
bookstore absorbing transpor- 
tation and handling costs. 

Then where do .these 
exorgitant prices come from? 

Assume that three years ago a 
publisher issued a Math 101 
textbook. It was well received 
and sold 20,000 copies. 

The second, j^ear, in spite of 
massive sales efforts, the 
textbook sold only 15,000 

This year, although few of the 
original buyers switched to 
other textbooks, only 6,000 

copies are sold. 

Feedback from instructors 
assures the publisher that this 
text is still popular, instructors 
and students are well satisfied, 
and that a thriving used-book 
market for this text has 

This market, however, is well 
supplied by students who don't 
need the book after finishing 
Math 101, 

The anxious publisher, sales 
falling, profit dwindling, print- 
ing presses idle, is in a 
quandary. What can be done tp ' 
hypo sales and pay his mounting 

Aha, red-blooded American 
ingenuity finally solves the 
problem! Bring out a new, 
improved, sleek, fluorescent, 
tangerine, space-age Math 101 
text, with built-in toothpick 
holder [Pat. Fend.] that makes 
the old, tired Math 101 text 
suddenly obsolete and also out 
of print. 

Naturally these improve- 
ments are costly, so up goes the 

Sales on the Math 101 text 
(again boom, bills get paid, 
printers whistle while they 
work, and everybody's happy! 

Aren't you? 

J C's Bookstore Makes No Profits 

Debbie Huhn Photo 

JCGrads Rate High 

Staff Writer 

HovV do JC students compare 
to students enrolled in univer- 

Mrs. Mildred Whatley, dir- 
ector of institutional research at 
JC, says studients at JC are "as 
well prepared as other students 
or even more prepared" in some 

Mr. Robert Moss, dean of 
men, feels that students 
attending JC "are a couple of 
years older and that is a factor in 
the maturity." 

It was also stated by Dean 
Moss that the academic 
coonseling received is more 
systematic and unified. This 
imlfication Is achieved through 

the use of the Academic 
Counselor's Advisory Manual. 

Cooperation between the 
junior and upper division 
colleges has led to the 
establishment of a junior college 
liason officer on upper division 
college campuses. As Dean 
Moss says, this makes it easier 
for the student to get through 
the snarls of "red tape'-' which 
they sometimes get entangled 

If you are a person who must 
be convinced by statistics or 
numbers, here are the statistics. 

Students attending JC that 
transfer prior to receiving 90" 
quarter hours may expect, on 
the average, a grade point' 
average (6PA) of 2.53. This 


GPA Comparisons 

The foHowing chart shows some comparisons of grade 
point averages (GPA) attained in Florida universities by 
PBJC transfers in comparison to all other junior college 
transfers combined. Included here are the departments 
which include the highest number of PBJC students: 


Palm Beach Junior College . 

Other Junior Colleges 

I^o. Transfers 

Transfers GPA 

No. Transfei's 

Transfers GPA 











Social Science 










Fin© Arts 





GPA is equivalent to those at 
other junior colleges which 
transfer students into the state 
university system (SUS). 

Students that remain at JC for 
90 quarter hours or more will, 
on the average, receive a GPA 
of 2.44, which is .14 lower than 
the GPA of the other junior 
colleges which transfer students 
into the SUS. 

It should be noted (as the 
chart will show) that JC 
students, when they have 
transferred to an upper division 
college, more often than not, 
will be slightly abovathe norm. 

Dean Moss attributed the 
above normal adhievements of 
JC students to the college 
program where they "gain a 
better understanding of what 
they wmt to do after two years 
of much variety and general 
education reqnbements." 

Dean Moss also feels that 
students attending JC will be 
better prepared for the 
."transfer shock" that some 
students encounter when going 
from a lower to upper division 

Monday, February .3, 197.5 BEACHCOMBER - 3 

jimuiuiuuuumim EditOP's NoteBook ra'"""""™"" 


Saturday, Feb. 8 at 8:00 a.m. in Criiniiral Justice Building. 

FREE LABORATORY WORK in reading, speech and English 

as a second language. For information cdntact Dr. Bosworth 

in AD IIB. 

BARRY COLLEGE Admissions officer will be in the cafeteria 

TODAY from 8:30 to 1:00 p.m.' Barry College is a four year 

liberal arts institution located in Miami. 

■TOMORROW Florida International University Admissions 

Officer will be in the cafeteria from 9:00 to 1:00. 

^OMEN'S GOLF is open to those "wishing to participate in 

inter-collegiate golf for women. 


Feb. 14. Meet o.n Archery Range at 1:30. 

DRAMA FESTIVAL' Is scheduled for Feb. 20-22, in the 

auditorium. A panel of judges will select the best three plays. 

EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT debate will be held in the 

SAC lounge at 10;00 a.m. next Monday. The, debate is open 

to .the public. 

BOOK DRIVE sponsored by the Sales and Marketing club of 

JC will hegin Feb. 26, the goal is 100 pints. 

GERIATRIC NURSING as a course, will be offered starting 

Feb. 19, the course is for licensed nursing personnel. 


JOEL, who have gone all out to help bring the Beachcomber 

to the students. 


Political Union Backs Galleon 

Last Tuesday, January 28, at 11:00 a.m. sharp, a new era 
started for the JC Political Union. Social Science Instructor 
Edwin Pugh, advosir for the group, called club members 
together for the purpose of getting organized for the 

Senator Cart Hensley, made a motion "that the. Political 
Union endorses a yes vote on the isue of whether or not to 
continue the Galleon [Yearbook]. We further emphasise that 
the Galleon should be improved by including individual 
student pictures [with names] and club group pictures."$ 

It was announced that State Senator Tom Lewis, (R., Fla.; 
will be the guest of Political Union on Tuesday, February 18, 
at 11:00 a.m. in SS06. This will be primarily a question and 
answer session and all students are invited. to. participate. 

Lang Explains SG Budget 

According to SG Treasurer Dave Lang's latest report 
effective January 26, the SG budget has expended $30,718.88 
dollars of their $37,131.61 dollar budget for 1974-75. That 
leaves $6,412.73 dollars in the budget to carry SG through the 
remainder of the winter term- 
When a^ed if SG could afford Secretary of Productions 
Tony Banks proposed $2,S00.00 dollar rock concert, Lang said 
"No, in my opinion, with up-coming events this would reaUy 
cut down our budget to a small figure." 

The treasurer said money was well spent during the fall 

"We spent a little too much, I believe, but not unwisely.'-' 

Stop by our slore and meet 



LAKE PARK, FLA. 33408 




4- BEACHCOMBER Monday, February 3, 1975 




Editor- 1 n-Ghlef 

Associate Editor" 

associated coliegidte pre^ss 

Sheriff Prevents 
Release Success 

If Sheriff William Heditman had his way, he might decide to lock 
up prisoner rehabilitation and throw away the key. 
■ That sounds a little drastic, but Heidtman has put a lid on the 
county's prisoner work-release program. By that action he's also 
put a lid on rehabilitation. It's a good idea that a subcommittee of 
area legislators has been named to look into this matter. 

Many disputes have arisen over the work-release program. 

Public Safety Director Richard Lopez has accused the sheriff of 
killing the program (Heidtman can veto any inmate application to 
the program - he's denied all applications since November). 

Frank Messersmith, the sheriff's administrative assistant, has 
retaliated, saying that Heidtman "has nothing against 
work-release" and hasn't approved applications because of lack of 
worthy applicants. 

Whatever the arguments, prisoner rehabilitation has suffered. 
The county's work-release program is virtually inoperative now, and 
that*s too bad. 

Work-release is not dangerous - none of 115 prisoners has 
committed a crime while in the program. It's a good program and it 
makes sense. Only stockade prisoners convicted of a misdemeanor 
can participate. They are given the chance to support their families 
by working regular jobs by day; they return to the stockade at night 
and on weekends. The program also benefits taxpayers because 
these jnmates contribute to the expense of their imprisonment. 

Since Heidtman can determine who goes on work-release, he has 
definitely done a lot to hinder the program. 

The power to veto any inmate application should not belong to the 
sheriff. A proposed bill presented to the legislative delegation 
concerns this. The bill separates law enforcement from corrections 
by transferring this power to the sentencing judge and the state 
Ptobation and Parole Commission. 

The legislative delegation can do this area and the work-release 
program a service if its subcommittee can find some answers to this 
problem and the disputes surrounding it. 

News Editor fc^l Tanen Cartoonist Tom Hixson 

Venture Editor Frank Smith Photo Dept. . .IV!uffy McClung 

Sports Editor Tim Bray Steve Fritz 

Business IVIanager . . .Bob Hatfield Debbie l-luhn 

Editorial Assistant . .Jan Tuckwood Winnie Knighton 

Consultant diaries McCreight Sam Putt 

STAFF WRITERS— John Auchterlonie, Tom Bowling, Regina Bryant, 
Pete Clausen, James Cleare, Raoul Garcia, Lori l^lltebrand, Bill Hutch- 
ins, Robin Kindle, Winnie Knighton, Susan Kyte, Flick iVIager, Muffy 
McClung, Becky Morse, Phil Neubauer, Gene Palmer, Amy Strimbu, 
Debbie Thompson. 

The Beachcomber is published from our editorial offices in the 
Student Publications Building at Palm Beach Junior College, 4200 
S. Congress Ave., Lake Worth, Florida 33460. 
Telephone 965-8000, extension 210. 

Opinions expressed In the Beachcomber are those of the editors or 
the writers of the articles and not necessarily those of Palm Beach 
Junior College. 

The Beachcomber is a member of the Associated College Press 
and Florida Junior College Press Association. 


Ballot Misleads 

"I'll ground and burn the Beachcomber!" 
shouted Tory Buckley, SG President, during an 
interview with Buckley, Dolor Ginchereau, and 
Constance Holmes of the Executive Board. 

What had the president so excited was his 
inability to justify satisfactorily to the 
Beachcomber why the question "Should 
Athletics receive approximately 1/3 (one third) of 
the Student Activity Fee as it presently does?" is 
on the upcoming straw ballot. 

It is unfair to single out one organization for 
scrutiny when there might be inquiries made 
about other activities on campus. Other 
questions should be included on the ballot such 
as, "Does the Beachcomber deserve to receive 
8% of your activity fee," and "Does Student 
Government deserve to receive 25% of your 
activity fee?" 

The Beachcomber does not question the right 
of student government to present issues to the 
student body. It is the one-sided, unexplained, 
loaded quetion we strongly object too. SG has 
failed to explain that this question was put on the 
ballot for the private use of Tory Buckley. 

Students should be told that the results of the 
upcoming election will be presented to the 
Activity Fees Committee which is currently in 
session for the purpose of allocating monies for 
student organizations during the 75-76 school 

The committee is meeting not just to review. 
the budgets of the Athletic Department, but also 
the Beachcomber, Student Government and 
other organizations. 

To misuse the trust of the student body is an 
intolerable offense; students being given the 
opportunity to judge one organization must be 
given the same opportunity to judge all other 

Buckley's outburst has helped to prove that his 
immature leadership is a threat to all 
organizations on this campus. Unfortunately he 
has chosen the Athletic Department for his 
personal vendetta and judging by his caution to 
the Beachcomber in the same interview "Just 
you don't make any mistakes," we can guess 
who's next on his list. 

We urge the SG Senate to keep a closer watch 
on the activity of the SG president because what 
he does is a reflection on the entire student body 
of JC. 

jj^tiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiii iiuiniiiiiiiiiHuimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiii iiini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimimiuiiiiii: 

Guesf Fpcu/fy Co/umn 

JC should Get Priority 

EDITOR'S NOTE: Dr. Samuel 
Bottosto is the Chairman of the 
Social Science Department. A 
vigorous supporter of education 
he eagerly met the challenge of 
writing this week's column. 


Chairman Social Science 


America's most important 

continuing task is to maintain a 

climate of freedom in which the 

individual can flouish. 

This is the acid test of a 
successful democratic govern- 
ment. Since the United States is 
the most complex political 
structure ever to seek to manage 
its affairs by the democratic 
process - and because the 
position the United States holds 
in the world is so influential - 
the success of this democratic 
experiment is vital not only to 
the United States but also to the 
whole world. 

Further, the political necessity 
for the fullest, m. it competent 
and most continuous education 
should be obvious. When any 
citizen, for whatever reason, is 
deprived of this development, if 
is a denial of one of his 
unalienable rights. 

Contrary to popular belief, 
the passion of most Americans 
is not politics, • baseball or 
football. It is education, which 
is now our biggest industry. 
Once considered the privilege of 
only the wealthy, the ^volution 
of the American ideal of free 
public education for all has been 
closely bound to the develop- 
ment of the nation itself. Our 
educational history reflects the 
American conviction that an 
educated population is essential 
to an effective democracy, to 

freedom and to economic 

Probably pever before in 
history has there been a period 
when greater emphasis was 
focused on education. How- 
ever, much discussion, debate 
and spending proceed without 
basic knowledge of what is 

There is perhaps nothing that 
has happened in education in 
the past half century that can 
surpass the recent flowering of 
the uniquely American junior - 
community college. 

Education today has a new 
dimension to help students find 
their way into career programs 
in which they can succeed. 
Junior/community colleges are 
that new dimension, and there 
are some 960 now in America, 
28 located in Florida. I like to 
call these junior colleges the 
colleges of the people, by the 
people and for the people. 
Truly, they are the colleges of 

Florida's oldest public junior 
college is our own Palm Beach 
Junior College, which came into 
existence in 1933. Its low cost to 
students, proximity to those it is 
designed to serve, flexible 
administrative arirangements, 
strong counseling- services and 
varied education programs suit 
the needs of the times. 

At a time when the nation's 
public institutions of higher 
education are experiencing 
soaring enrollments, pervaisve 
economic dislocations and other 
pressures are forcing state 
boards of education to make 
decisions that would limit 
college enrollments and keep 
the cost of funding school 
programs in line with declining 

state revenues. 

This action can only bring 
further economic reverses to our 
nation, and will lead to the 
creation of an attitude of 
defeatism or failure in terms of 
implementing the American 
ideal of equal opportunity for 

Education, has always been 
considered the chief means of 
social and economic betterment, 
fostering in a free society the 
widest and fullest development 
of its human resources. 

It seems to me that the State 
of Florida, through its governor 
and Cabinet Board of Educa- 
tion, should examine its 
priorities and make those 
recommendations which recog- 
nize the vital role played by 
public education in the 
development of a state's 
economis potential and in the 
improvement of the quality of 
living of its people. 

No less a decision should be 
expected of leadership at the 
highest levels of state govern- 
ment at this critical time! 

Monday, February 3, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 5 

= ■< 





Manor Speaks On Issues 


Associate Editor 
The president of Palm Beach 
Junior College - the man who 
has held that position since 
1958-recently offered an inter- 
esting opinion on what he likes 
best about this college. 

"The " mixture of the mature 
student and the younger student 
is very helpful to both," said Dr. 
Harold C. Manor, as he lifted a 
slight smile. "It's a wholesome 
kind of thing." 

Seated close to this reporter, 
rather than behind the majestic, 
larger- than- Student-' Govern 
ment-size desk containing a 
mountain of papers, JC's 
President Manor recently opin- 
ionized on a variety of subjects 
of interest to the JC community. 
During an hour-long inter- 
view. Manor: 

*said he would not favor a 
combination faculty-student se- 

*praised this year's Student 
Government as one of the best 
in recent years, primarily 
because "they have acted on the 
needs of the students." 

*coramented that he could not 
accept beer and wine on campus 
under any circumstances, sugg- 
esting that, when necessary, 
students "find appropriate 
places off campus." 

*discounted rumors that he 
was forced out as chairman of 
the Faculty Senate. The 
president said he would have 
taken the issue to the Board of 
Trustees if he wanted to remain. 
*termed the Pacers' chances 
as "excellent" to win the state 
basketball championship.' 

Manor, who retires in three 
years, hopes JC can "continue 
to keep up with the needs of the 
people of Palm Beach County." 
According to Manor, the 
development of JC's satellite 
campuses is the key to serving 
their needs. 

Herewith are Manor's res- 
ponses to other Beachcomber 

'COMBER: What do yu feel has 
been your most important 
accomplishment since you 
became JC's president? 
MANOR! The broadening of 
the program to include a wide 
variety of specialized opportun- 
ities has been the biggest 
accomplishment. Also, we have 

expanded the services of the 
college throughout the county. I 
feel I've played a part in all this, 
but I don't think one individual 
can take the credit for 
doing all these things. 
'COIMBER: Has this college 
turned out the way you 
envisioned it when you assumed 
the JC presidency? 
MANOR; When I took over as 
president I had no doubt that JC 
would grow - and it has grown. 
I'm very pleased that as it grew 
it remained a good institution 
academically. I think JC is 
respected throughout the- coun- 
try for its academic program, its 
faculty and for the quality of 
academic work that it does. 
'COMBER: Do you plan to take 
any action to preserve as much 
as possible of the natural 
environment of JC's branch 
campuses presently being 

MANOR; The planners will 
have this in mind. We own very 
small amounts of acreage, and 
our utilization of th'at acreage 
has to be *ery high, There will 
be as many as 5,500 full-time 
equivalent students on the 
North (Palm Beach Gardens) 
campus. This means every 
available acre which does not 
have a building on it will be in 
parking space or just a little bit a 
lawn. We are all ecology 
minded, but we have a job to do 
with a limited amount of ground 
surface to do it on. If in the 
development of these centers 
we can do both, I think that's 
fine. But our main task is going 
to be to provide the facilities 
that are needed. 
'COlMBER; You have now 
warned teachers of the 
possibility of limited enroD- 
ments for the spring terms, and 
in a similar action the University 
of Florida will no longer 
"automatically" admit a stu- 
dent with an A. A. degree. Do 
these actions go against the 
state's philosophy of its colleges 
being "open?" 

MANOR: Oh yes, they certainly 
do. I'm unalterably opposed to 
limitations on enrollments. I 
believe it is in the best interests 
of the state to provide training 
and education for the people at 
all levels. As an example of this 
principle, in the 1940's the 
United States Chamber of 
Commerce was opposed to the 
idaof veterans receiving money 
to go to college. Later they 

changed their opinion and found 
that World War II veterans who 
used the G.I, Bill returned more 
to the government in income 
taxes, than was ever spent on 
the G.l. Bill, by virture of 
increasing their earning power. 
In the same sense, the potential 
of Florida is going to be 
enhanced by whatever we can 
do in education. Florida 
furnishes parks, beaches and 
bike paths for people who come 
to Florida. However, there are 
people who would rather take 
some sort of an intellectual 
experiepce than go to the beach 
or ride down a bicycle path. 
'C0JVIB4;R: Do you feel it is 
necessary for teachers to be 
organized in a union t« secure 
benefits and salary increases? 
MANOR: No, I don't. I think 
we have operated here over a 
period of years in the framework 
of cpllegiality. Consistently we 
have had one of the highest 
salary schedules in the state and 
an excellent program of fringe, 
benefits. I see no reason why we 
would operate any better 
interposing other groups in 
between the lines of communi- 


'COMBER: There is the 
complaint that many teachers 
are becoming apathetic. . .for 
example, the Circle K club has 
not been able to obtain a faculty 
advisor for over a year. Is there 
any appreciable " teacher 
apathy" on campus? 
MANOR: Teachers, rather than 
being apathetic, are much more 
aware as to the value of their 
time. At one time it was 
generally understood that all 
teachers took part in extra-curr- 
icular activities. But now, we 
have far more teachers than we 
do extra-curricular activities. 
We're facing a time where those 
people who are somewhat 
interested are disenchanted 
with some experiences that 
they've had with student 
groups. They're also very much 
aware that not everybody does 
this, so ' 'why should I"? That's 
not apathy - it's just a different 
set of circumstances. It 
represents just a little in the way 
many people approach society. 
And I don't know that it's a 
matter of apathy. 
'COMBER. Conversely, Dr. 
Manor, does it concern you 
when only two percent of the 
student body votes in an 
election for Student Govern- 

MANOR; Yes, surely. 
'COMBER: Do you attribute 
this also to changes in society? 
MANOR: I think it represents 
some change. I believe our 
student body ranges a little 
wider in interests and age than 
it did at one time. Also, since 
we are more of a metropolitan 
type of college, the students do 
not necessarily center all their 
interests on campus. Many 
students have valid, very close, 
very active and effective 
relationships with people and 
groups and organizations off 
campus. So I don't feel that 
everyone feels their world 
revolves around issues taking 
place on campus outside of 
class. The indication on the part 
of these people is not apathy, 
it's just an indication that this 
phase of student life on campus 
is not very vital to them. 
'COMBER With budget cuts 
upcoming, how much are 
student activities liable to 

MANOR: Well, the board went 
•ahead and approved a one dollar 
activity fee. When we get down 
to a pinch, there are some 
things that the students might 
voluntarily not do, if it meant 
curtailment of something else 
that they felt is more important 
here. However, that is neither 
here nor there right now since 
students will continue to 
manage those funds as long as 


Dr. Manor Shares 
a laugli with board 
chairman Ed Eissey, 
at riglit. 

the board maintains this policy. 
Under the policy, we have no 
idea . as to what amount of 
money will be collected. It was 
our estimate that we might not 
collect as much money from 
fees, and also the Student 
Government might not collect as 
much money by virtue of the 
new fee arrangement. 
'COMBER Do you think 
grants-in-aids ■ will ever bie 
offered to involved students 
other than athletes? 
MANOR: All grants, even 
athletic, should come from 
people interested in the 
community. I find it very 
difficult to subscribe to the .' 
philosophy of the college talcing 
from one student to give to 
another. I don't feel the college 
should give any grants. 
'COMBER: Are you also 
opposed to honorariums? 
MANOR: Many of the thing? 
students are doing for honorar- 
iums are part of a learning 
experience. If, in reality, the 
student really needs the money 
there should be a program 
whereby scholarships can be 
given. I'm not sure everyone 
who receives an honorarium is 
working for the opportunity - it 
may be they're working for the 
honorarium. Ithinktheideaof the 
honorarium is that it should be 
considered more of a scholar- 
ship grant, rather than a gifti 
However, I don't believe that 
any of these funds for 
honorariums ought to come 
from one student to give to 



114 North "J" St. 

Lake Worth, Flonda 

Phone 582-5641 

Memb«r F.D.i.C. 

6 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, February 3, 1975 

Monday, February 3, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 7 

Looking IntoTjAAystic 


Staff Writer 

Horoscopes, handwriting analysis and 
Chinese fortune cookies have for years 
been heralded as popular methods for 
forecasting the future. But, undoubtedly 
more questions have been raised about 
palmistry than any other fate prediction 

Most often, the inquiries raised 
include, "What is palmistry?" "How are 
palms read?" and "Are the practitioners 
really legitimate?" 

Steve Fritz Photo 

Festoonery Lives in £.ertain Kinds 


Staff Writer 

Acronyms are the latest form of nuttiness. Acronyms are the 
letters that stand for the long, inflated name of an organization or 
cause - -NATO, UNICEF and NAACP are examples. 

But acronyms have' gone beyond their functional purpose of 
shortening official names to take up less space. They now must give 
a clue to the "personalities" of the group or cause they represent. 
Thus we have NOW, the impatient acronym of the National 
Organization for Women. They is CHOW, the Cooking Haters of 
the World, and SEX, for Sensual Expression to Excesses. And, of 
course, there's WIN (Whip Inflation Now, which some wit turned 
upside down to become NIM, or Nation of Indigent Malcontents. 
■ Suspicion has arisen that groups are now being fdrmed simply so 
that their names will fit the catchy little acronyms somebody 
thought up at the Women's Auxiliary meeting. 

There will be JEANS, for Juvenile Eccentrics and Nature 
Kentucky). There wiU be GRUMP (Grouch Reactionaries Utter 
Mournful Predictions) and its "rival organization DRUMP, which 
stands for Don't Remind Us of Moral Principles. Many people 
belong to DRUMP without even knowing it. It sure is an action 
People will, give speeches for SOAPBOX (Stamp Out All 

Politicians By Oratory Xplosion), and be attracted to the melodious 
CLANK of the Chain and lock Association of North Kansas, Those 
with vampiristic inclinations can join BLOOD, the Bela Xugosi 
Offertory Organizational Drive. 

Members will carry signs, have televised demonstrations and 
make bombastic speeches, all for the sake of an inspirting acronym. 
Who could deny TRUTH (Take Revenge on Unscrupulous Tadpole 
Hunters), or wish to obstruct JUSTICE (Join Up to Stop Traitorous 
Interference with the Chinese Embassy or resist PRIDE (Prime 
Rate Increases Defy Explanation)? 

The problem is that it's difficult to fit words to the letters of an 
acronym. One should here contemplate the plight of the ladies' 
glass garden-making group who chose TERRARIUM as they 
acronym. The best they could come up with was Tangible Evidence 
that Roses Rot in A Rainy Indoor Urn, Murphy, and now they're 
stuck with damp urns full of tangibly rotting roses, Murphy. 

Things are even now getting out of hand. Lately I ran across a 
proposition for the formation of FRANK SMITH, an organization 
dedicated to the care and welfare of our Venture Editor. This . 
acronym stands for Freaked-out Runner And Nonsensical Knave; 
Suggests Many Insane Things. COLLEGE is rumored to stand for- 
Collection Of Layoffs Looking for Education- Getting Exasperated. 
As for BEACHCOMBER - nobody dares suggest what that might 

'Madame Ann?" 1 asked 

"Yes," she said, "come la; 

I looked around the he; 
room for her crystal ball. Fini 
turned my attention back to iti 

"Sit down," she said, poiii 
of her velvet couches 

"What?" I asked myself,"! 
ball, no secret drawing rooDK? 
going on here?" 

"Was you here before?" sli 
Replying this was, my first 

exactly my dream come true, M .After informing me that deep in my 
I was greeted at the doorb.r; m 1 was not really happy, that I have 

woman who was dressed, m sver been able to save money, and that 

long, flowing robes. ;| ji? husband made quite a bit of it, though 

"Hello," she said, the 'oll^ fienever seen much of it, she asked me 

accent clearly evident in hm '^w long I had been married. 

Don't ask which country. 1 ^ >sis months," I said. She seemed 

you so long?" 2 gprised. 

Long? I had just called J : i see there was some other man in 

mmutes before from a nearbypt arlife that you had bad luck with," she 

"No," I said. 

"Well, I mean, not marriage, but 
^fcrhapsa boyfriend. No? a friend then?" 

"No," I said. I would not give in. By 
[Sis time she was getting pretty 
.ffigiavated with me. 
I Raising her voice so loud that I almost 
hII off the couch, she concluded, "But 
liseway or another, 1 see a lot of people 
te trying to interfere in your life, a lot of 
pple are jealous of you and this 

continued. "Let me see yoiu? Easiness with your husband. Do you 

In an effort to answer these questions, 
as a public service to the campus, the 
Venture: editor decidedd that I should 
uncover the truth behind this mysterious 
business. And the best way to do that, of 
course, would be to visit a few palmists 

Brave as I might be, this is not what I 
had in mind when I said I wanted to be an 

investigative reporter. 

Since there are numerous palmists in 
the area, I thought the fairest way to 
choose the lucky ones would be to check 
the Classified Ads. Scanning the 
"personals" section, I came upon two 
options. Madame Ann on Lake Worth 
Road or Madam Rose on Southern 
Boulevard. For an interesting, 
cross-section, I decided to take them 

I telephoned the latter and attained an 
appointment for 4:00 that afternoon. . 
Madame Ann said I could come 
immediately, if I wished. This wasn't 

Taking a quick glance at myss N 
said, "Maketwo good wislies. 
one and keep one to yourself. 

Two wishes? This I was m 
for. Trying to think of sometliBii 
could only come up witli one 

"Happiness and success^ 
husband," I said. 

"God be with you. Goods 
life, good health," she murmuif| 
made crosses in my palm 
fingers. . She said this 
emphasis, I expected a joli 
heavens. I felt nothing 

"1 see in your hand you area 
You were born to be happy 
born to be satisfied, you were te 
lucky days." 

"What lucky days? 

"Wait a minute," she said.E 
me to silence myself. ' ' But se 
another you haven't seen ts. 
days the way you want to. 
lucky days in the future are 
Wednesdays and Saturdays. 

"I see," she went on, "thui 
long life, that going to live to!!e| 
woman. You been a very goo(i(| 
you life. You always wante! 
everybody right, you always RJ 
treat everybody good. Rich pd 
people, you treat them just ii 

"Right?" she nodded, both 
answering the question for e; 

;9w that?" 

Seeing that i wasn't convinced, she 
aed again. "I know that something 
Hies you. I know that something 
'thers you. Do you know that I read 
alms because! am gifted, and that I can 
:ay for you? I know that everything is 

g to be allright and I know you are 
mg to come back and see me. O.K.? 

Not knowing what else to say, I nodded 


'Now, she continued, "are you willing 

give me a few dollars to my candles so 

4 1 can pray for you?" 
told her I didn't think I could spare 

iv more than the $5.00 fee, but she 

know, but 1 want you to try. It is 

ilBnant that I pray for you. 
continued to explain that I wouldn't 
fe getting paid until Friday, .so I didn't 
'iskit would be economically feasible to 
iiii^ii up any more dough. 

Money is not going to worry you," 
ssaid. "I know you will thank me. 

sv, how mucb will you donate? Ten 


After about five minutes of fruitful 
fens, she finally realized I was a miser 
Biigave up. 

Do you have change?" I asked. 

"For what?" 

A twenty. 

"But I see that one week, nftlooking at me disgustedly, she gave 
three weeks past you have i!Olt*flie change. She. then ushered me out 
happy." After telling her hvod# door, all the while repeating to come 
disagree, she. retaliated. '*and see her, and not to forget to tell 

"Yes,, but what I mean is 12.^ friends about her. 

Well, friends, I'm telling you. 
Having gained no insight to this 
'jstioii of palmistry, I decided not to 
worry, i?^ faith yet. At .4:00 I could ^give 
'iJist number two the opportunity to 

life, you have always had sous 
your life to worry about, rigEI: 
Deciding not to argue i.^^ 

conceded that I 
didn't everyone? 

— bring salvation to the profession. 

So far, I had not been told anything 
that I didn't already know. In fact, she 
didn't even tell me anything that I did 
know. While striving to remain objective, 
I tried to decide if the adventure had 
really been worth the money, I 
approached rny next encounter with 
trepidation, anticipation and a guilty 
conscience. Perhaps there really was 
something to the palm reading 
enterprise. I decided to take heart and 
get as much as I could out of this next 

Unfortunately, Madame' Rose did not 
raise me from the gallows of skepticism. 

In fact, I was even more disenchanted 
than when 1 started. Not only did she 
seem bored and uninterested, but she 
asked me for the money before she even 
looked at my palm. It cost me eight 
dollars to find out that I was destined to 
live until I was 73, would have three 
children and receive a letter of good news 
in two weeks. Letter, letter, whose got 
the letter? 

Concerning my problems, she offered a 
simple, if not artless solution. "Do not 
worry," was all she said. 

I did, however, find out from her that 
palmistry was an occult science, and 
different lines in the hand denote 
character and one's future fate. She 
didn't seem too excited about divulging 
the secrets of her trade. 

"I am gifted," she said, "although 
many people who are not try to read 
palms anyway." 

She added that no one, not even 
herself, could read their own palm. 

"It was not meant to be," she warned. 

When I asked her if she was very 
this time of the year, she said she had hei 
regular customers, and agreed that an 
occasional curious weirdo like" me would 
come to visit every once in a while. 
.Sensing she was becoming bored with 
such trivial conversation, I decided to 

Resolving that the only fair way to 
conclude my investigation would be 
including a modern method of 
forecasting, I paid a visit to one of those 
combination weight-fortune machines. 
Jtjst to see how its prediction correlated 
with the events of the day, I deposited a 

penny and hoped for the best. 

"Be wary of cunning individuals," it 
read;. "This is not one of your more 
prgapeM«HS days as far as finances are 

Truer words were never spoken. 

FUiiy lvll..L[Ul Ij h^llUL 

Snake Swallower 

Frankly Speaking ---------------------«--- 

Playing Games 

"" ' " '■ Frank Smith' 


Venture Editor 

What's a ploy? Running out 
of gas. A ploy is a maneuver to 
maneuver yourself closer to 

Whar are other ploys? 

Taking an easily frightened 
girl to see "The Exorcist". 

Turning your air conditioning 
on with your knee while, driving 
to view the submarine races. 

Taking out the seat belt on the 
passenger side of your car so 
that you have to share one. 

Inviting your girl to a 
midnight come-as-you-are party 
and neglectmg to call anyone 

Buying a corsage for a 
strapless gown. 

As you can see, a ploy is 
useful in developing inter-per- 
sonal relationships; it also helps 
in making out. To further 
explain this phenomena, more 

A psychological ploy is to say 
"Please do^'t tickle me." 

A more common type ploy? 
Demonstrate how a boa 
constrictor subdues his prey. 

While these are ploys that 
boys employ, girls do it, too. 

A lot of female ploys are 
designed to show off anatomical 
highlights: dropping pencils, 
forgetting bras, things like that. 
I've heard that a fad is to cut 
holes in one's clothing to show 
off interesting tattoos. 

A patented female ploy is to 
retie, a tie, or, pretend to 
"drown" around the life 

Getting back to boy ploys; a 
good strategem is to tell your 
girl that you're going to take up 
dress making, and then produce 
a tape measure. 

You could accidentally pur- 
chase tickets to "I Am Curious 
Yellow", if you are curious, but 
yellow, and think that it would 

But seriously, ploys can be 
annoying, so I'm going to "Hey! 
Susie, you want to see my new 

Muffy McClung Photo 


8 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, February 3.J975 

r-'Comber Interview 

Daredevils With Tradition ; 
Spinning Life Of Skill 

I plan to get more girls into the drome . . . 

Muffy McClung Ptioto 

For twenty-eight years, some 
times as much as twelve times a 
day, Sonny Pelican puts his life 
on the line as he rides -his 
motorcycle. "What's so 
dangerous about riding a 
motorcycle?" you ask. But on 
the 90 degree wall of a 12-fpot 
high wooden cylinder^ Did you 
know that Sonny is the only 
owner of a Suzuki with 3100 
miles on it, sideways? 

At age 11 Sonny was the 
youngest person to tide the Wall 
of Death and now at 42 he is the 
world's oldest practicing "Mot- 

ordromist.". I was curious to 
find the "how and why" story 
behind the wall of death. Here I 
talk to Sonny Pelican, owner of 
the Wall of Death Motordrom, 
and daredevil. 

Beachcomber: Tell Me 
Sonny, How did you start riding 
the Wail of Death? 

Sonny: My mother and father 
were raotordromists. It was a 
family tradition. I did trapeze 
work until I was drafter. When I 
entered the service I weighed 
124 pounds, when discharged I 
weighed 210. My extra weight 
prevented performing on the 
rapeze, so I started motodrora- 

g again. 

Beachcomber: Approximat- 

K how dangerous is your 


Sonny: We average about 
one fall per week. The 
motorcycles travel at approxi- 
mately 40 m.p.h. When you 
fall, the bike will always hit you 
twice, once when you fall 


Do you see doodles on notebooks that are 

interesting? Grab 'em! Take em! Get those 

doodles! And get into the Beachcombers doodle 

contest. Awards for the best doodle turned in will 

be a doodle 'T" shirt or a five dollar art 

scholarship to the an school of your choice. Tfiis 

doodle is something 1 found on a memo pad of a 

young woman named Muffy MeClung. She is a 

siaff writer and photographer for . the 

Beachcomber. That makes her ineligible for the 

contest, thererore 1 thought that 1 would enliven 

Ehc contest wiih a creaim shape to get it into high 

gear. Naturally this doodle suggests a person with 

anistic ability, outgoing warm, tastful and creative. 

She must be highly original and at least a 

nonconformist. I've seen a lot of doodles around 

but ue need more in the office so lets get doodling. 

Vou could be the winner.. 

straight off the wall and once 
when it spins around the 
motordrom, this is the most 
dangerous time of the fall. 

Most common lightweight 
motorcycles can be used on the 
wall with slight modifications to 
the bike, usually in the way of 
tires. We used to use go-carts, 
they're .easier to ride but are 
extremely dangerous in an 
accident. The steering wheel is 
apt to poke a hole in you. The 
bikes we use here are Suzuki, 
Indian and Kawasaki. I do all of 
my stunt riding on the Indian 

because . of its low center of 

Beachcomber: Are there any 
tricks to keep you from falUng? 

Sonny: Definitely not. You 
simply have to combine skill, 
ability and coordination. You 
have to be in good physical and 
■ mental shape. One mistake and 
you can endanger your life as 
well as the lives of others. This 
drom is the smallest of its kind. 
When I started there were 72 of 
them, now there are 12. The 
bigger they are the easier they 
are to ride. The smaller the 
drom the less chance you have 
of recovering from a mistake. 
Most accidents are caused by 
the spectators rather than by 
rider or mechanical failure. 
People drop cokes, purses or 
whatever by accident for one 
reason or the other into the 
drom during a performance. 
Once this happens there is little 
chance for the rider to recover 
from hitting a wet spot or an 

object and the result is an 
accident. We warn them, but. . 

Beachcomber: What's your 
stand, being a daredevil, on 
what people would commonly 
stereotype a motordromest. 

Sonny: Sure there are a few 
people who will say I'm crazy. 
I've been in this profession for 
28 years because I love it. All 
five of my brothers have rode. 
They, along with my mother and 
father, retired from this 
business safely. I couldn't bear 
to see my motordrom stored 
away in a farn. Once a friend of 
mine and myself went up and 
down the midway, asking 
people of all different ethnic 
backgrounds, as far as we could 
tell, if they had seen the 
motorcycle show, if not, why? 
My associate came back a few 
days later with an 18 page 
report with some really funny 
answers to our questions. Some 
people said the whole show was 
a put on that we had glue on the 
tiers of the motorcycles. Some 
said there were ropes going 
firom a pole in the middle of the 
drom to the rider, a surprising 
amount said the bikes ran on 
tracks of some sort and one guy 
said that the whole thing was 
done with mirrors. How can I 
ride on a wall with a motorcycle 
under intense vibration and "g" 
forces and not have control of 
my faculties} It would be 
suicide. There are no tricks 
what soever. If one of us makes 
a mistake, then he pays for it. 

Beachcomber; How many 
people are there hi your act and 
what does it consist of? 

Sonny: First Ron Howser, a 
local boy from Lake Worth, goes 
on the wall just for a warmup for 
the crowd and a test for the 
track. He's just learned to ride 
this week and can do a very little 
but he has been a real natural 
and will continue on with us in 
the show. 

Next comes Wanda McGraw 
Gibson, a real enthusiastic 
newcomer to the profession. 
When she turned 18 and wanted 
to learn how to ride in the drom. 
We cleared it with her parents 
first and she really caught on 
fast. First she learned how to 
ride a go-kart when we used 
them, then she moved up to 
motorcycles. Now "Wandadoes 
dips and dives and can go 
double with me on t^e wall. 

Wanda's husband Mark 
comes out and does dips and 

WANDA MCGRAW GIBSON is a motorcycle daredevilist. As she 
spins her wheels around a cylindral tank with 90 degree walls an 
amazed audience peers into "The Wall of Death." 

dives also. Sometimes we 
alternate who comes out first or 
goes double. Then I come out 
and do my stunts. 

I try to put on a different show 
using different machines or 
whatever every year. I'm really 
glad Wanda has shown interest 
and come along the way she 
had. I plan to get more girls into 
the drom and am willing to 
teach any girl over 18 to ride on 
the wall. 

Beachcomber: What are your 
future plans in motordroming? 
Sonny:? I need to- get more 
girls, that's what my plans are 
for a new show. I'm also going 
to build a new drom. The one I 
have is 25 years old. Building a 
drom isn't easy, you know. 
They have to be built a special 
way, it's an old family secret 
you know. The wood you use 
must be No. 1 Fern and that's 
not easy to come by at lumber 
yards, especially with today's 

Beachcomber: Have you ever 
been in any movies? 

Sonny:; Three. The biggest 
one was called "Carnival". 
Most people get me confused 
with my brother though, who 
played in "Roustabout" with 

Beachcomber: In closing, 
what do you think of Evil 

Sonny: I like him no matter 
what. He is a true performer 
and I have met him before. He 
is totally committed and I do 
think that he will jump the 
Snake River Canyon again but 
this time for free, for the public. 
I'm sorry that I did not have 
time to speak to the other three 
performers, but time was the 

Sonny and his crew are a very 
fulfilled group of dedicated 
professionals. They are 
easygoing and extremely inter- 
esting to talk to. Believe me, if 
you think you're not getting 
your money's worth at the fair 
on a show or ride, the Wall of 
Death daredevils will give you a 
20 minute show that's more 
than your 75 cents worth! 



South America-South Pacific 

CALL (305) 756-6099 

541 IM.E. 55tli St., 

Miami, Fla. 33137 



Car Stereos & Custom instalfations 


We cany a compiate line of Audio equipment- 
Saraui, JVC, Marantz/ Kenwood, Garrard, Ouai , 
Jensen, Avid, Sony, Shura, Empire, Pickering & 

Complete selection of L.P.'s & Tapes at the bb,t 
prices in Palm Beadi County 

136 U.S. Hwy. 1 
N. Palm Beach, Fia. 

Monday, February 3, 1975 BEACHCOMBER -9 








JC Water Sports Need Expanding 


Staff Writer 

Physical fitness is synonymous 
with good health and can be 
achieved through eating the 
proper foods and exercise. 

We all have been taught good 
nutrition in our schools and at 
home. Good nutrition is 
generally agreed upon and 
followed by most American 

However, exercise comes 
through many forms of 
recreation, all beneficial both 
physically and mentally. 

Here at JC there exists a large 
variety of recreational programs 
through the P.E. Department 
but it still could be greatly 
expanded, especially in the area 
ofwater related sports. But first 
we need water, a safe, clean 
supply of water which is 
adequate for instructional pur- 


Mr. Roy Bell, instructor of 
existing water related recreation 
at JC, feels an olymic pool on 
campus would be a very definite 
recreational value to students. 
With an adequate number of 
stations many different classes 
could be taught at the same 

Aside from the usual levels of 
swimming there are many, 
many other activities to be 
taught in a pool: scuba diving, 
springboard diving, water polo, 
water ballet, water basketball, 
innertube basketball, skish 
(bait-casting) and underwater 

The pool would be available 
for recreation between classes 
and for parties. A pool would 
provide students trained as life 
guards to work at the pool and 
the maintenance could be taken 

—Featured Futures ------—— 

Taurus Distracted 

Flick Mager — 

PISCES: Money becomes one 
of your major worries. You even 
get nervous when a friend is 
extravagant . You could lose a 
significant sum - fortunately, 
this trend reverses itself in 
weeks to come. 

ARIES: Someone youre 
attracted to reveals his or her 
true attitude toward you. It 
could be a startling revelation. 
Remember past experience and 
act accordingly. 

TAURUS: Stick with the 
course of action your experience 
has proved to be the right one. 
A distracting new situation is 
less attractive than it looks. 
Your old course is, for once, the 

GEMINI: An authority figure 
who had your respect begins to 
lose it. Get all the facts before 
you completely revise your 
opinion. Someone could be 
telling you tall stories. 

CANCER: You tend to take a 
superior attitude toward some- 
one you view as inferior. Watch 
out - he or she could take 
offense! Tolerance is the key 
word this week. 

LEO: A puzzling personal 
quandary, especially an unex- 
pected snub, is explained when 
new facts come to light. A loss 
and two gains, one having to do 

with a short trip, are featured. 

VIRGO: This week has a truly 
positive aspect. People' you 
don't know ask you to 
participate in activities. Join in 
and learn new things. Be 
willing to back a 'legitimate 

LIBRA: Your health could 
give you problems, particularly 
in the area of diet. Be watchful 
for beginnings of illnesses. You 
will be invited to make a trade. 

SCORPIO: What you say 
counts this week. You influence 
opinions, dominate conversat- 
ions and are very persuasive. 

SAGITTARIUS: Be a skeptic 
- don't take things at face value. 
No one seems to want to be 
straight-forward with you. Be 
as devious as they are. You are 
presented with an opportunity 
involving money. 

CAPRICORN: You win an 
argument; people's respect for 
you increases. You make a new 
friend who could help you attain 
some of your goals. 

AQUARIUS: Don't be torn in 
too many different directions at 
once. Sit down and demand to 
have things explained to you 
before you undertake them. 
Refuse to allow youself to be 
conned into doing something 
you hate. 

Classified Ads 

LOST: Gold ring with Linde 
Star sapphire and diamond 
chips in Men's Room in Gym. 
Reward Offered 842-1019. 

NEED A CAR? 60 Chevrolet, 
New Retreads, Nov. Inspection, 
Engine Runs Good, S125 Call 
586-5595, after 7 p.m. 

For SALE 19 in diagonal 
Sylvania Portable, B&W, TV 
Excellent Condition, Call .844- 
9645 after 6 p.m. 

65 Chevelle, brand new 
brakes, tires, tune-up and paint 
Excellent in and out call 

FOR SALE: 74 Kawasaki 175 
cc Enduro, Low Miles, Excellent 
shape. Phone Boca 368-0111. 

sate. Frame finished in black 

Naugahide. All accessories 
included. Call 844-9645 after 6 

FREE: 2 Loving playful 
"calico tiger" kittens. Phone 
976-5879 from 6 p.m. 

Nomad Good Condition Dimen- 
sions 12 3/4 X 19 3/8 X 13 1/4. 
Will Sacrifice S70.00 Call after 
7:30 ask for Doug, 844-0923. 

FOR SALE: 71 Trailer 12 X 
64, three bedrooms IVi Bath, 10 
X 10 storage shed, furnished 
S3750.000 Location on Okeecho- 
bee Blvd., Call 689-3280 after 9 

FOR SALE: 1970 Blue Chevy. 
Air, 8 track tape player Asking 
S500 Call 968-5486. 

care' of by students also. 

The idea of a pool is not new 
to JC. A pool was in the 
planning when JC first came to 
its present location. 

Our neighboring college, 
Indian River Community Col- 
lege (which has a smaller 
enrollment , is building its 
second pool. 

Pools are expensive and Bell 
estimates that a good teaching 
pool would cost the college 
$400,000, But as Mr. Hartman, 
instructor of Biology and 
ecology states, "If you save one 
life, the pool would be worth' it. 

You can't measure life in dollars 
and cents." 

In this area, especially where 
water is so accessible, it is 
surprising the number of people 
who cannot swim. A pool on 
campus for swimming instruct- 
ion may just teach one student 
to swim and save his life. 

At present, beginning swim- 
ming intermediate swimming 
and senior lifesaving are part of 
the physical education curricu- 
lum, But students must travel 
to the Lake Worth Racquet Club 

Pool and pay a fee of $17 to the 
school which is in turn paid to 
the club as a temporary 
membership fee for those 
students enrolled. 

If JC had a poo!, a competitive 
swimming and diving team 
would have an area to practice 
and compete - another recreat- 
ional benefit. 

As exercise is essential to 
good health, any water sport is 
an invigorating exercise of great 
physical and mental proport- 

Donut Shop Typical Muldaur 


Staff Writer 

When Maria Muldaur sang 
about a "Midnight at the 
Oasis" she secured herself 
firmly into the music world. 

"Of all the pop/rock/folk 
heroines of recent years, Maria 
is the most fascinating." says 
Nat Hentoff, Cosmopolitan 
reporter. As a very involved fan 
from Maria's hometown, Hent- 
off describes her as "liquidly 
sensuous, with a temperament 
of quicksilver," 

Maria is perhaps the most 
diversified female vocalist 
today. She sings rock, and 
blues, and jazz, and folk with a 
swinging beat which can be 
gentle, suggestive, and highly 
sensitive, then turn around and 
smack you right in the face. She 
doesn't like ."high-wattage, low 
mentality" music, that she says 
is like a "wierd sideshow". 

Born about 30 years ago, 
Maria grew up in Greenwich 
Village, where she was 
surrounded with music. Sunday 
afternoons were spent in 
Washington Square Park, lis- 
tening to the blues, mandolin 
players, folk singers and 
bluegrass. Bob Dylan was doing 
apprentice work in Gerde's Folk 

After absorbing all this, she 
married singer Geoff Muldaur 
and joined his band. Six years 

later the marriage broke up and 
Maria was out on her own. She 
soon released her first album, 
"Maria Muldaur." The album 
sold over a million dollars worth 
of copies. 

Her second is now out, 
"Waitress is a Donut shop", 
and is typically Maria. 
Listening from cut to cut, she 
bounces from happy to sad, 
light to dark. 

Maria is now working on 
improving her musical know- 
ledge since she realizes how 
unstable fame is. She is 
determined not to be caught "in 
an image". As she told 
interviewers, "I want to test 
whether this success comes 
from people's impression of me 
as a foxy chick or whether the 
music can reach people, no 
matter what I look like." 


Formerly Pasquole's Pizza 

1 Oth and Congress 
Palm Springs Shopping Center 

Insfant Lunch 

All you can eat of salad, 

Spaghetti, Garlic Bread 

and Pizza 

Hours: 11:30 to 1:30 Monday thru Saturday 

■l ^ ■ 

10- BEACHCOMBER IWonday, February's, 1975 

i T ' 

Athletic Question Spurs Debate 

To Decide 


Sports Editor 

On Febcuaiy 6 and 7, JC 
students are being asked to cast 
a straw ballot by the Student 
Government. One question 
deals with the amount of money 
appropriated by the Activity Fee 
cemWtttoe to athletics. 

Students are asked to vote 
whether or not they approve of 
athletics receiving approximat- 
ely one-third of the student 
activity fee as it presently does. 

Also, SG is inquiring, by the 
poll, whether or not the students 
favor increasing or decreasing 
the proportions of the athletic 
departments percent of the 
activity fee. 

This action by the SG is only a 
questionnaire . . Dolor Gincher- 
eau, "vice president of SG, 
stated, "This is a straw ballot on 
what the student body is 

"It's food for thought," he 

"The results of the ballot will 
be presented to the Executive 
3oard (of SG)," said Tory S. 

jckley, president of SG, "then 

1 to the Activity Fee 


When asl{ed by the Beach- 

mber if he feels that athletics 
getting too much or not 

Archers To 
Take Aim 


Staff Writer 
chery Tnira-HHir-als will 
1 Feb. 3 and continue 
gh Feb. 14, with team, 
jle, and singles competit- 
.on. It is a co-ed sport, and 
meets at 1:30 on the archery 
range. Equipment is supplied. 
The golf putting tournament 
will begin Feb. 10 on the putting 
green behind- the gym. 
Contestants can putt any time 
during that day. 

One-on-one basketball ended 
the elimination toutnament 
January 30. There will be a 
single elimination tournament 
February 4, all students are 
encouraged to participate. The 
results of the first week are: 

See Page 12 

Students voted in the 1965-66 
school year to give $5.00 of 
the $15.00 activity fee to 
athletics. This week 

students voice theu opinion 
as to the continuation of that 

enough of the studeftt activity 
fee, Buckley said, "No comment 
at the moment." 

Dr. Howard Reynolds, JC 
athletic director, commented, 
"the total amount of money 
available next year will be 
considerably: less." 

Next year the student pays 
$11.00 per semester hour and no 
activity fee is charged. 
Reynolds continued, "$1.00 of 
that $11.00 goes toward the 
activity fee." 

The structure is the only 

Percentage wise, the best the 
athletic department could get 
from the student activity fee is 
33 . percent, according to 
Reynolds. "This year we are 
Retting 34 or 35 percent. 

Reynolds said that approxi- 
mately $145,000 was appropria- 
ted to the Activity Fee 
Committee for the 1974-75 
school year. Speculating the 
cutbacks, Reynolds believes 
that figure could drop to 
$115,000 for the 1975-76 school 

JC Basketball Coach Bob 
Wright posed the question, 
"How else are you going to get 
your money?" 

Reynolds echoes, /'Certainly 
not from gate receipts." JC 
collected $1200 last year from 
tickets to basketball games. 

"Asking and getting comm- 
unity scholarships Is two 
different things." 

]Dr. Harold C. Manor, 
president of PBJG, commented, 
"Athletics is not an inexpensive 
activity to carry on. I think more 
scholarships from the comrhu- 
nity are possible." 

Manor doesn't think that 
there are any other ways 
athletics can be funded, other 
than throu#i admissions. 

The students tacked on the 
*c 00 additional money in the 
1965-66 school year to support 
an .athletic program. ■ 

Dave Lang is involved in both 
athletics and SG. "I'm going to 
do everything in my power to 
„et the students out to vote. 
Then •we'il just have to wait and 
see," said Lang. 

"There Is »** doubt about It, 
*he athlete's are gohig to try and 
fi students to vote for them. 
® *q will endorse athletics." 

Sports Life 

Fund Cuts Hurt Program 

- Timothy L. Bray 

The question of how athletics 
is funded comes up every year, 
and it seems to cause more 
headaches than it's worth. 

Dr. Reynolds even commen- 
ted recently . that it takes too 
much time and paper work for 
the benefits. After all, he has to 
run a program. 

Yet with the economic 
conditions of our country, 
everything intruding athletics is 
to be cut drastically. 
Speculating only, athletics at JC 
could be cut as much as S14,000. 

SG Treasurer and baseball 
player Dave Lang commented, 
"Tory (Buckley) can't see why 
the students should pay for the 
athlete's scholarships." 

Even though Bob Wright, JC 
basketball coach, is pro athletic, 
he has the best answer. "How 
else are you going to get your 

From the baseball diamond, 
Dusty Rhodes commented, "A 
lot of kids come to college to 
learn a trade. It's not unfair at 
all. Activities are here for the 

After all. Dusty, this just 
happens, to be the athlete's 
particular trade. 

Other junior colleges in this 
state have appropriated up to 60 

percent of their activity fee 
towards athletics. 

Echoing my thoughts, Wright 
said "Athletics has given more 
exposure than any other event 
or activity to this campus. More 
people in the community know 
about the athletic department 
than any other event." 

Dr. Manor, the Board of 
Trustees and the entire 
administration must have felt 
that the athletic program is 
important or they would never 
have had it in the first place. 

Wright concluded bluntly, 
"This program must go first 
class or forget it." 

Men Top Field 


Staff Writer 

The men's tennis team came 
out on top last weekend in theu- 
first tournament, held at Florida 
Atlantic University. 

Competing in the match was 
the host, FAUi Miami Dade 
North; Edison; and JC. Playing 
the elimination tonmament, the 
Facers won with 14 1/2 pomts; 
Miami Dade North second, with 
14; FAU thurd, with 5; and 
Edison finished last, with 2 . 

The four teams divided into 
three clases, and JC placed in 
every class of the singles 
matches. Charles Wadlington 
won first place by defeating his 
teammate, Roberto Rizo, who 
then took second place. 

In class B, Norman Russel) 
came in second, with Gary Ray 
as consolation winner. D 

John McCarly was second 
place winner in Class C, while 
Ron Dicus was consolation 

In doubles, again in three 
classes, Wadlington and Rizo 
were consolation winners in 
Class A. Russell and Ray took 
second place in Class B, and 
McCarly and Pete Pulitzer won 
their match in Class C, 

"It was a very good 
tournament," said Coach Harris 
McGirt, "with very good 
competition." He felt the 
tourney had done some good in 
"indicating some strengths and 
weaknesses" of the team. 




February 10 

at 1:30 

See Miss Bfanton 
ITR Office -Gym 

JC Loses Two 


Staff Writer 
"We should have won the first game, and there were no excuses 
for losing the second game," Dusty Rhodes replied after his 
Pacers baseball team lost a donbleheader to the Fort Lauderdale 
Baseball School, 5-2, 6-4, January 24, ta Pompano. 

In the first game. Fort Lauderdale scored three runs in the 
second inning and jumped to a 3-0 lead. The key hit in the inning 
was an RBI double by Darryl Jones, who is reportedly going to 
play Triple A baseball in the spring. 

The Phillies added another run in the third frame to extend their 
lead to 4-0. . 

The Pacers finally managed a couple runs across the plate In the 
last inning. Dave Lang led the spurt with a single. With two outs, 
Glenn Rogers came through witii a base hit. John Inglts then 
ripped a run-scoring single to left. Sam Testa, a fine pro prospect, 
singled in the Pacers' final run. 

Once again, the Pacers showed a balanced hitting attack, as 
nine players collected hits. 

Ray Nygard was the winning pitcher for the Phillies, as he 
gained his third straight victory over the JC team. 

The Pacers got their bats banging in a hurry in the second game 
as they erupted for three runs in the first inning. 

Tom McColIough started the rally by reachhig base by an error 
of the shortstop. Mike Rowe then sent a two-ont single to right, 
which scored a run. Norman Holzapfel followed with an RBI 
single. A base knock by Kenny Rogers accounted for the Pacers' 
third run. 

Fort Lauderdale was able to whittle away at JC's lead until the 
Phils finally went ahead to stay. Fort Lauderdale scored a run in 
the second, two in the third, two in the fourth and one in the fifth, 
to take a 6-3 lead. 

The Pacers managed to score a run in the sixth inning when 
Testa doubled home Ken Rogers. 

JC collected ten hits off the Phillies' pitching staff. Rogers led 
the barrage with three hits. Testa and Rowe each added two hits. 
Next action will be this afternoon Feb. 3, on the JC diamond, at 
3:30 p.m. 

Softball Returns 


Staff Writer 

The first meeting of the 
women's softball team was 
held Tuesday, January28, with 
25 people attending. 

All positions are open on the 
team, and more students are 
encouraged to try out. Practices 
are held Monday through 
Thursday from 2:30 to 4:30. All 
games are doubleheaders. 

There are eight returning 

members from last year's team, 
including Denise Winnett, Dede 
Clayton, Dawn Pastore, Monica 
Chumney, Joyce Tindall, Sue 
Jackson and Sue Pennington. 

Last year the team was first in 
the state, and Ms. Bobbie 
Knowles, coach, expects to 
repeat again this season. She 
says that the toughest competit- 
ion is probably Dade South, 
which finished second in the 
state last year. 

Basketball Standings-n 







Okaloosa - Walton 


Broward North 

Lake City 
Miami-Dade North 

Indian River. 

Palm Beach 


Broward North. 












Division IV 

Indian River S-2 
Palm Beach 4-3 
Broward Centra] 4-3 
Miami-Dade South 4-3 
Edison 4-3 
Broward North 3-4 
Miami-Dade North 3-4 
Miami Dade Downtown 


Pacers Host Tourney 


Staff Writer 

The Pacer golf team will 
compete in their first tourna- 
ment of the winter term this 
Thursday and Friday, when they 
play in the Valencia Community 
College Invitational at Orlando. 

The tournament will be held 
gj, two separate courses; 
Orange Tree on Thursday and 

Alhambra on Friday. 

The same type of format will 
be used on April 10-11, as the 
Pacers host their own tourna- 
ment on both the Fountains and 
West Palm Beach C. C. courses. 

The entire golf team returns 
for the winter term, and with 
that experience behind them, 
we can expect high finishes in 
the upcoming tournaments. 

Monday, February 3, 1975 BEACHCOMBER -11 

Steve Fritz Photo 

Wade Rogers & Sons Construction Co. erected the new dugouts at the JC field during this past week. 
Rogers, whose son Glemi plays second base for the Pacers, Is donating his time and materials. 
The four inches of concrete used for the base of the dugout was donated by BiU Adlemey Concrete. 


RANGE 1:30 P.M. 

Bare Bow Tourney 

50 - 40 - 30 YARDS 

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12 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, February 3, 1975 

Pacers Win 88-83 

Buccaneers Upset 

Steve Fritz Photo 

Pacer's forward Gus Poyastro [51] third leading rebounder in the 
state, mlsjttdges ball as Wiliiam HaU [33] looks on. 


Sports Editor 

Bob Wright's Pacers 
basketball team held off a 
late rally by Edison Com- 
munity College Wednesday 
night to claim an 88-83 

It was the eleventh victory 
in 17 starts this year and tied 
the Pacers for second place 
in Division IV, pending the 
results of Saturday night's 
contest against Broward 

JC combined an improved 
defense and excellent scor- 
ing by Ron Cunningham, 
Gus Poyastro, and Don 
Burns to knock off the 
division leaders. 

With the Pacer guards 
providing the scoring, JC 
rocketed to a 12-0 lead early 
in the first half. Finally 
Edison's Greg Brinson drop- 
ped in a "cheap" jumper and 
the Buccaneers were on the 

Mid-way through the half, 
the Pacers, up by as many as 
18 points, were plagued by 
fouls and turnovers and 
Edison spurted to close the 
gap to 12 points at the 
half-time intermission. 

Edison made their final 
move of the night with 8:42 
left in the ballgame. A 
technical foul called on 
Buccaneers Adams ignited 
the fire which saw them reel 

Rackettes Even On Season 


Staff Writers 

The women's tennis team 
was defeated Thursday Jan. 
30, by Broward Central, 9-0. 

Coach Sarah Quisenbeny 
had thonght they might have 
won, since the JC team was 
stronger this year, but it 
turned out "They were 
stronger this year too." 

The Broward Central team 
was ranked No. 2 in the state 
last year and had three 
returning players this sea- 

The team edged Miami- 
Dade North, 5-4, in their first 
match of the season 

' Tuesday, Jan. 28 at the JC 

The team was a little 
nervous, bat played well for 
their fltast match, according 
to Coach Qulsenberry. She 
went on to say, "They 
[Miami-Dade North] are a 
Utile stronger this year." 

Rosie Secada, Dade North, 
defeated JC's Robin Lang- 
ridge, 6-1, 2-6, 6-3, in the 
No. 1 spot. JC's Cindy 
Kitchen edged Dade North's 
Noreen Brady, 6-4, 6-2. 
Marina Polman Tuin out- 
played Mindy Ossenhein, 
.6-0, 5-7, 6-2. Janet 
Fabianai stormed past Sharon 
Lazzaro, 6-0, 6-0; Hillary 
Cove of JC was beaten by Pat 
Feign, 6-1, 6-2; Paula 
Giannini was beaten by Rose 
Brown. 6-0, 6-0. 

In doubles competition, 
Landgridge and Kitchell 
defeated Secada and Lazzar- 
ro. Feigin and Myra 
Niedenthal were outpointed 

by Cove a:nd Giannini, 3-6, 
6-4, 6-3. 

The team will play the 
College of Boca Raton at 
home Tuesday. 

As Marymount College, 
they defeated JC last year, 
and Coach Qulsenberry says 
they should remain strong 
because of their senior 
college status. But they will 
not be competing in the 
junior college division In 
state this year for that 
reason. There will be 
another match Thursday 
against Indian River Com- 
munity College at home. 

Bowlers In Groove 


Staff Writer 
Jim Dunkle and Jody Salzgeber led all bowlers Wednesday, as 
they bowled high games and high series (men's and women's) for 
the second week of intramural bowling, 
Dunkle's high game was a 221 and his high series was a 596. 
Salzgeber rolled two high games, a 187 and a 185, and the high 
series of 545. 

Other high games were David Green's 219, Joe Lesko's 217 and 
.4n7y Strimbti's i77. 

Lesko and Bob Cage rolled high series' for the men, 569 and 543 
respectively, Other high women's series were Strimbu's 473 and 
Sharon Nelson's 445. 

The "Hell-Raisers" took both high team series (2409) and high 
team game (854). 

Cage had the highest men's average for the past week, a 178. 
Salzgeber led the women with a 160 average.- 


Courses Beginning At 

$12.00 Monthly 

Please call for appointment 


off 12 straight points. 

The entire game was 
played right on the line with 
1:50 seconds to go in the 
game as the Buccaneers 
inched within two points ol 
the Pacers, 83- 


However, Poyastro exten- 
ded his 6'6" frame to tip in a 
key bucket, and Cunningham 
scored two free throws when 
he was intentionally fouled 
on a fly pattern to give the 
Pacers the must win. 

Edison averaged 90.6 
points per game on the 
season and 77.6 defensively. 
Bill Brandon said, "We 
held them to 29 points in the 
first half." 

Wright echoed, "They can 
shoot though - 66 percent in 
the second half." 

Cunningham led all scor- 
ers with 20, followed by 
Poyastro's 17andBurtis' 16. 
Poyastro and William Hall 
each had 9 rebounds, 

"We're now taking one 
game at a time, not thinking 
about the state tourna- 
ments," said Wright. 

"Hall's responsibility was 
to hold (Len) Sanders to 10 
points and 10 rebounds, and 
he did just that. 

"When we played the way 

we were supposed to play, 
we were in charge of the 

According to Wright, the 
only reason he seemed 
subdued on the bench was 
not his fault at all. 

"We had the same two 
officials at Miami-Dade 
North last Saturday. 
Sometimes you have to scout 
(he officials more than the 

The next action for the JC 
basketball team is Wednes- 
day night at Miami-Dade 


MlUerO-O-O GIbbs 0-0-0 
Cunningham 9-2-20 Bums 
6-4-16 Hall 4-0-8 

DuboseO-0-0 Brandon 4-1-9 
Rousche 1-2-4 Poyastro 
8-1-17 Nelson 3-2-8 Mitchell 

Turner 4-0-8 Glasper 6-6-18 
Coy 3-0-6 Smith 4-4-12 
Adams 1-0-2 Sanders 4-2-10 
Richardson 4-2-10 Brinson 
4-3-11 Waggoner 2-0-4 

PBJC 37- - -14 - - -88 
EDISON 3- - -17- - -83 

Hot Pizza 





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Monday, February 10, 1975 

Lake Worth, Florida, 33460, 

Lack Of Communication 

Buckley Had A Choice . . . 


Staff Writer 

Student Giivernment special elections 
were postponed last week because no 
voting machines arrived Thursday 

It was the third time dates were 
clianged for the election, featuring 
constitutional amendments and three 
yes or no questions. SG now plans to 
hold the elections February 17, 18 and 

SG Vice President Dolor Ginchereau 
explained the problem at the Senate 
meeting last Thursday. 

"Something beyond oui- control went 
wrong," he explained. "We assumed 
Jackie Winchester [County Supervisor 
of Elections] had all the necessary 
information, meaning the ballot and 
letter requesting the voting machines. 
We learned this morning this was not 

Secretary of Elections Mark Graham 
was supposed to see that Winchester 

Destroys SG Election 

received this information. 

Ginchereau said he was going to 
"take the election into my hands" and 
contact Winchester immediately. 

"I extend apologies to the student 
body," lie said. "We're hoping to have 
the elections next week." 

Supervisor of Elections Winchester 
said she did not receive a written 
request for the voting machines, but 
that someone from JC made an oral 
request about a month ago. He was told 
he must make a written request with the 
information to be put on the ballot 

"We never heard anything more," 
she said. 

Secretary of Elections Mark Graham 
said he mailed the request for the 
machines "sometime last month". 

"Either it didn't get there or some 
clerical error was made," he suggested. 

When asked if he had a copy of the 
letter, he said he did not. 

"It didn't occur to me at the time," 
he said. "It didn't seem that serious. 

There was no real hurry in this straw 
ballot election," Graham added. 

Graham has neglected to check his 
SG mailbox which has become 
overloaded with papers. 

SG President Tory Buckley said he" 

"instructed the Secretary of Elections to 

make a written request to the 

Supervisor of Elections," and was told 

it was taken care of. 

When asked If it was customary to 
have a copy of such a letter he said, 
"Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. 
I didn't think it was pertinent to have it 
in my hand. I took his work for it." 

SG officers discovered around 9:00 
Thursday morning that the machines 
were not coming. Posters which had 
been put up the night before 
announcing the election were taken 

Although a printed ballot could have 
been used, Buckley decided not to 
because "it's much easier to do it by 
machine and its safer," Buckley said. 

Army Secretary Promotes AHEAD 

. . . and it wasn't paper 
ballots -as in 1972 



Secretary of the Army Howard (Bo) 
Callaway, spoke to a group of high 
school and college administrators, 
February 3, in the JC Food Services 

Callaway was here to promote Project 
AHEAD (Army Help for Education and 
Development). The program is 
designed to permit an army recruit to 
enroll in a college of his choice at the 
same time he enlists in the Army, 

"Project AHEAD will help the Army 
to have a ready, well-disciplined, 
trained service, through the cooperation 
of a number of quality colleges in each 
community," Callaway said. 

The army pays 75 per cent of the fees 
for courses taken in the service. Project 
AHEAD 'was developed 18 months ago 
and has 800 colleges participating 
throughout the country. JC is the first 
college in southeast Florida to 
participate in the new program. 

"This program will give high school 
graduates an opportunity to continue 
their education and gain maturity while 
getting paid for their army job," 
Callaway added, "We're aiming this 
program at the top of the high school 
class, the valedictorian, and the top 
students, the quality market." 

"A high school senior can sign up 
now with delayed entry into the army, 
and come in after graduation," 
continued Callaway. "The soldier. is 
more likely to know what he wants to do 
with his life after his enlistment is up, 
and will be a far more valuable citizen 
tor the rest of his life." 

On The Inside 

'Pi Clubs In Crisis , 

f^ Venture Clears The Smoke 

'^i Females Capture Two . . . 

• page 

f:: There will be no 'Comber February 




Secretary of the Army Howard "Bo" Callaway (right) is shown talking with 
Martin Gold, Suncoast High School principal (left) and JC's Dean Paul Glynn. 

JC Students Join Uncle Sam 


Staff Writer 

Seven JC students have 
answered "Uncle Sam's" plea 
for enlistees in the volunteer 
Army. Something new with this 
branch of the service is Project 
Ahead which offers students an 
opportunity to continue their 
college education while serving 

No matter where (hey are 
sent, the student-soldiers are 
provided with academic coun- 
seling and may transfer 
approved course work to the 
"home college". JC was the 
first such school in Southeastern 
Florida to have students sign up 
for this project. 

1 he t\\o women and five men 

enlistees from here are 
Margaret A. Milligan, 18; Joan 
Hubacek, 22; James Shore, 18; 
Michael Mourer, 18; Norman 
Wright, 21; Simmuel Small. 19; 
and Fant Walker, 20. 

The group was accompanied 
by Capt. William Porter, area 
commander for recruiting, and 
SFC Joe J. Bladin, army 
recruiter, both from the West 
Palm Beach office. 

Those participating in this 
arrangement will receive 75-100 
percent of the tuition for 
courses, and when he or she 
gets out of the service, they will 
be eligible for the G.l. I^an, 
according to Capt. Porter. 

Miss Milligan iias signed up 
fill .Army .Seciirit> and plans to 

sta\' in at least three years. She 
has completed one semester at 
JC and another at Florida West 
Coast College. She is majoring 
in theater art. 

Ex-Senator Terry Brisson 

Maxwell: Maintain 
Normal Enrollment 



Students may be denied enrollnient for the first time in JC's 
history. The state has ordered a budget cut of $169,000 and £)]• 
Harold C. Manor, president of JC, has proposed limited enrollment 
for the Spring I and Spring II terms. 

" At a time like this , with high unemployment, to limit enrollment 
at the college is the worst possible strategy. We should maintain 
normal enrollment and encourage additional enrollment," states 
Alan Maxwell a member of the United Faculty of PBJC. 

Maxwell is deeply concerned about the effects of the budget cut 
and questions the validity of JC's fiscal "emergency". Claiming 
that $169,000 represents only 2% of the total budget, "It Is peanuts, 
we started out with a budget of $7 million and we have never spent 
100% of our budget in the past" said Majtwell. 

Turn to "Lunit " pg. 3 

Who Is At Large? 


Staff Writer 

At the weekly meeting of the Student Activity Fee Committee last 
I uesday. a clarification of status of one student introduced as 
'niember-at-large", former SG senator Terry Brisson, was 
requested before any voting on distribution of funds for ensuing 
\car can be accomplished. Brisson was appointed by Student 
tiovcrnnient president Tory S. Buckley. 

By specification of the District Board of Trustees, two Senators, 
and a member of SG's Executive Board are already afforded votes 
on this Board. AH other activities are limited to one vote each. 

Each activity will be judged on certain criteria as established at a 

Turn to "Fee" pg. S 

,2 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, February 10, 1975 

Clubs At JC On Decline 


Staff Writer 

Clubs at JC are in a crisis because few students and 
faculty members want to become involved. Why is this 
happening and what is causing it? Answers to these 
questions differ. 

There was a time at JC when clubs and activities 
thrived and students had a choice of 42 different clubs. 
There was something for everyone, from square 
dancing clubs to sport car clubs. 

Activities included water skiing, college picnics, 
dances, softball and basketball games between clubs, 
and faculty tug of wars. 

Paul J. Glynn, Dean of Student-Personnel, beUeves 
there has been a gradual decline in dabs within the 
past five or six years. He cites lack of faculty 
involvement and lack of student interest as prime 

"This is not an individual problem," Glynn said. 
"It's a nationwide problem of higher education." 

He sees this decline in groups outside of schools, 
including church groups and Kiwanis clubs. He said 
that educators and psychologists throughout the 
country are trying to find out why. 

"People are less inclined to go to. groups than 
before," he commented. "This is. too bad because 
thejgjs so much to gain in a group. People have an 
opportunity to explore their interests further. 

"I think the problem in school clubs goes way back to 
the student uprisings of the 60's," Glynn said. "One 
element was not happy and they turned off many 
professional people. 

"This SG has done more toward solving this problem 
than>those of the past few years," Glynn commented. 
"They've tried to get the facnl^ involved by sending 
letters to them abont becoming advisors. There has 
been a fair response," he added. 

Glynn is optimistic about the future and believes 
activities are going to come back because students will 
want them back. 

President of Circle K, Jerry Kreucher, cited student 
apathy, lack of faculty advisors, and lack of good 
publicity as reasons for the decline of clubs. 

"The Administration should take a more positive 
attitude," Kreucher said. "Clubs don't have enough 

liberties and must go through a lot of hassles to get 
things done." 

Kreucher said an activity period scheduled in the 
middle of the day would help club membership, since 
many students live far away and don't want to drive all 
the way back at night. 

Lack of student interest and lack of publicity are the 
two biggest problems, according to Chi Sig President 
Daniel Lentz. 

' 'Clubs don't work hard enough to get members," he 

SG Execs Approve Judges 


Staff Writer 

Eficers of Student Government now meet each 

>day at 12:05 PM in the north SAC. 

t the February. 2 meeting Tory S. Buckley, SG 

ident, reported on the FJCSGA (Florida Junior 

ege Student Government Association) Presidents' 

iting held in Gainesville during weekend of January 

i. Primary purpose of this session was to discuss 

projects that individual districts have undertaken and to 

and to make plans for the spring convention. 

Indicia] board appointees were unanimously approved 

as follows: James Cleare, Chief Justice, Larry Gore, Ed 

Riddle, Kay Sapyta, Brian Stranb, Wayne Saldo, and 

-y Swengel. This names were then sent to the 

itments Committee of the Senate for interviewing, 

hich a report wiU'be sent back to the Senate. This 

then votes to accept or reject. 

President Buckley announced that JC's campus radio 
station, WRAP is working hard to get back on the air, 
and SG has been requested to finance the purchase of 
four new speakers for the cafeteria. It has been 
determined that present equipment in that area is too 
badly worn to regulate properly. Action will be taken on 
this matter after more information is secured from 

Aproposal to purchase two turntables and covers for the 

SG sound system was tabled pending further discussion 

with Dean Tate. This equipment would cost $155.85 and 

would complete the sound system needed during movie 

intermissions and other social activities. 

Approval of $2,500 for Winter Frolics Concert 
scheduled for February 16 was reconsidered and by 
special action it was withdrawn. Buckley added he was 
discuss this event further with JC President Dr. Harold 
C. Manor, and if Manor approves, will then ask the 
Board for further aition. 

said. "If there isn't .interest within a club there won't 
be interest without it. 

"People are lazy and not willing to work for 
something," he explained. "I think dope had a lot to 
do with it. It breeds disinterest." 

Lentz believes that clubs should work together for 
change and suggested an Inter-Club Committee. 

Lt. Commander of Chi Sig, Jim Miller, said people do 
not want to get involved, clubs don't have the support 
of the school, there's trouble with advertisement, and 
there are too many rules and regulations. 

Walker Graham, Advisor to the college literary 
magazine, Media, believes many clubs will eventuafly 
disappear. He spoke of apathy and indifference, and 
added that many students must work, leaving little time 
for activities. 

The Science Club is not having problmes with 
membership - in fact it is steadily mcreasing. 

The club is "interesting and enjoyable for the 
members," according to advisor Richard H. Gross. 

He said that years ago there were not as many 
vocational programs at JC and clubs correlated with 
academic interests. The Science Club still does. 

SG Vice Preesldent Dolor Ginchereau said he is 
anxious to see the activity hour reinstated. He also 
suggested a "release time of some kind" for advisors , 
so they can devote more time to clubs. 

"Unless something is done, clubs at JC will die," 
Ginchereau said. 

Ginchereau Sorry 
For Election Goof 

Student Government Vice President Dolor 
Ginchereau apologized^ the student body and senate 
Thursday about ttie toul-up on the special elections. 

"I'm sorry it happened. I had no control over it, and 
I'm going to do my best to correct it," he said. 

SG President Tory S. Buckley vetoed a bill of 
appropriations concerning JC tennis courts. 

Buckley feels a committee should be established to 
implement the bill and will take a lot of work to do so. 

The bill 74-003 would give absolute priority of court 
use to JC students showing an I.D. card. Non-students 
would pay SI. 00 per hour or 50 cents if accompanied by 
a student. 

Referring to the election, Ginchereau added, "It's in 
my hand now and I want that known." 

Cafe Prices Reasonable 


Staff Writer 
In this day of skyrocketing food 
prices, the JC cafeteria prices are 
still reasonable. 

According to Jay MacLees, 

cafeteria manager 17 items on the 

menu have remained the same price, 

while one of the items has dropped 

three cents and three other items 

have dropped five cents since the 

1972-73 school year. Many items 

have been added since that time. It 

used to take two pages to list the 

items on the menu and now it takes 

almost four, notes MacLees, 

The snack bar is open bom 7 to 9 
p.m. Monday through Thursday for 
the night students. Ninety-five 
percent of the night business comes 
from the Criminal Justice Depart- 

The snack bar is not open during 
the day because, according to 

MacLees, two lines are sufficient for 
the business the cafeteria handles. 
However, in the morning around 9 
AM the line does get long as many 
people come in for coffee. The 
opening of the snack bar would not 
help alleviate this problem as there 
are no facilities at the snack bar to 
serve coffee. When the situation 
gets too bad, not only is the case 
register used but also a lady at the 
end of the line with a cash box to take 

MacLees comments that when It 
comes to cleanliness, two women 
and a young man are stationed on 
the floor to pick up trays and clean 
tables and then at noon a man comes 
in to mop and do other assorted 
cleaning duties. 

In regard to the theft problem, 
MacLees says, "trays aren't much of 
a problem but we just can't keep 

Abrams Clarifies 

Student Government Senator Rob Abrams who has 
been working on the revision of the SG constitutuion 
since the 1974 fall term said Thursday he is making 

• Abrams has received constitutions from Hawaii to 
Harvard but said the substance of some of them was 
"king of mediocre". He said some of the 30 
constitutions received were not as "exciting and 
involved" as he expected. 

During the fall term Abrams said the JC constitution 
needed more defined articles of impeachment, and 
feels he now has valuable information concerning that. 

The SG executive board may set up an ad hoc 
committee in lieu of the Constitutional Revisions 

Return To Chaos 

One might wonder why precautions were not taken 
for the election after last semester's fiasco. SG officers 
could not give satisfactory answers. 

Gross violations of election rules highlighted the fall 

Graham postponed the Fall elections because of 
. some candidates' withdrawals, only to find that this 
was unconstitutional: 

Other violations included; 

■"Students were cajoled into voting. 

"■Students could vote without using ID cards. 

*No posters were used to notify a time change in 

Booths were manned by oidy one student on several 
occasions, and in one mstance a poll worker was mside 
a booth without anyone around the registration table. 
' Vice President Ginchereau has taken on the entire 
responsibility of the present elections, although this 
responsibility should rest -with the Secretary of 

Monday, February 10, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 3 



Parking decals are the 
biggest problem JC Cam- 
pus Police have been forced 
to contend with in the last 
few montlis, according to 
Campus Security. Chief 
Grant Bartels [pictured at 

"Our communication 
seems to be lacking hi the 
area of decals," Bartels 
comments. "The stickers 
readily identify a car to 
police, and generally helps 
us to do our overall job on 

Bartels said, automobOe 
break-ins here have been 
almost unheard of lately. 
He asked for student 
cooperation concemtag 
parking on the recently 
shell-rocked portion of the 
north parking lot. 
Numerous tickets have 
been given to cars^^tMcking 
..driveways in thai area. 


Editor's Notebook 


I JOE WALSH CONCERT tomorrow at the WPB 

i auditorium. Tickets may be purchased at the bookstore, 

i Sales end noon TODAY. 

I JACK ANDERSON will be HERE FRIDAY from 1:20 - 2:20 

= in the gym. Classes will be cancelled for the event. 

I WATSON B. DUNCAN HI has begun a -series of book 

I review lectures at the First National Bank of Palm Beach. 

I Proceeds from the series go to the Watson B. Duncan III 

I scholarship at JC. 

I DEATH AND DYING a four week course, is being offered 

S starting Thursday, Registration will take place in the 

g Humanities building. Room HU 53. A $1.00 fee is 

I charged. 

I CORRECTION!!! The Beachcomber incorrectly reported 

I that Rob Abrams received a $138 honorarium for his work 

I on the senate. He did not, he received the money for work 

i he performed on the Executive Board. 

I SPECIAL -THANKS! ! ! to BOB HATFIELD who has put in 

i long hours to help raise the standards of our Advertising 

I Department. 


Sewage Holts Activities 


Staff Writer 

Would sailing classes at JC 
interest you? How about water 
skiing, canoeing, or scuba 
classes? According to Dr. 
Reynolds of the Athletic 
Department, all these types of 
courses could possibly be 
offered if swimming in Lake 
Osborne was not a health 

Reynolds stated that one time 

water skiing classes were 
offered at the college until the 
Palm Beach County Health 
Department ruled Lake Os- 
borne's water unfit for human 

Officials at the Health 
Department stated that they 
could not encourage swimming 
in any of South Florida's 
"lakes". They explained that 
what most south Floridians call 
lakes are often man-made 

Limits Cramp JC 

portions of drainage systems, as 
in the case of Lake Osborne . 

Cdliform bacteria levels, 
which are used as an indicator of 
fecal contamination, soar in 
Lake Osborne following every 
hard rain. Health Department 
biologists say drainage canals 
carry agricultural runoffs such 
as dairy farm wastes into Lake 
Osborne after they are swelled 
by rain. 

Housing developments, they 
said, surrounding the lake and 
Uning the canals which drain 
tato it, are also to blame for 
polluting the water. Fertilizers 
and pesticides are washed into 
the water from area lawns. 

Health Department, officials 
said they did not anticipate Lake 
Osborne being declared safe for 
switnming anytime in the near 

Dr. Reynolds said the 
physical education department 
"would like to reinstate courses 
involving local water activities, " 
but added that "JC could not 
use Lake Osborne until it was 
declared safe for body contact". 

;::::¥g¥?ft Tliougli it may appear as a serene nature spot, Lake Osborne's 
waters are polluted too much so as to alio Recreational activi- 


Jay Kravetz Photo 

Marfa 'sll 

■ < 

Continued From Pg. 1 

Limited enrollment could also 
result in a 5-10% reduction in 
the estimated earnings of some 
instructors. "I'm concerned. 
The students, faculty, and 
townspeople ought to know that 
tlie school could stay open," 
said Maxwell, .who has offered 
two proposals to keep the school 

The first proposal is for 
instructors to accept a deferred 

Report Status 


Staff Writer 

Ail foreign students are 
required to file an Alien 
Address Report form with the 
U.S. Immigration and Natural- 
ization Service. 

If you have not done so, the 
form can be picked up at Dean 
Elizabeth Davles' office, SAC 
Lounge, or the post office. 

There are presently 60 
students on student visias and 
practically all of them filled out 
the form. 

payment on their salary. This 
would mean that instructors 
would receive a personal note 
(lOU), and they would receive 
their money at a later date with 
accrued interest. 

The second proposal, Max- 
well's favorite, is for teachers to 
work as independent contractors 
being paid a percentage of the 
tuition from the number, of 
students they can attract to theur 
classes. Maxwell believes this 
method would show students 4i 
desire on the part of the 
instructor to prove that he Is a 
good instructor. Maxwell says 
many members of the faculty 
support his idea. 

If cuts are going to be 
necessary. Maxwell wants them 
to be college wide - -not just 
instructors but also administra- 
tors. Many of these 
administrators would have 
vacation time coming to them 
and would not suffer much loss, 
believes Maxwell. ' 

What the biology instructor 
really wants, however, is for the 
L'ollegc to run "full blast" until 
I lie school runs out of money, 
ilien close the campus and wake 
up the legislators to the 
ovoblems of education. 

New Profs 
Invade JC 

Faculty membership has 
changed around since the end of 
the Fall term. 

Here are the special honors, 
new arrivals, transfers, and 
leaves of absence. 

Special Honors - Mrs. Carol 
S. Butler received a Doctorate of 
Education in December of 1974. 

New Arrivals - Burt H. Miller 

Transfers - John Schmiederer 
was reclassified from Biology to 
Division Chairman of Allied 

Leaves of Absence - Judy 
Campbell of nursing. Glen 
Marsteller is on Sabbatical 
(Biology) and Dr. Donald 
Butterworth is back (Music). 



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4- BEACHCOMBER Monday, February 10, 1975 





Associate Editor* 

ssoci#eld colie^icffe prjrss 

Who Goofed 
and Lost Booth? 

Campaigning to get out the voters was in full swing. The 
Beachcomber, members of the SG Senate, and particularly 
Dolor Ginchereau worked hard to inform the students about 
the ballot and encourage them to vote. But when students 
went to the poll, there was no poll. Somebody goofed. 

Secretary of Elections, Marc Graham, says he notified the 
Paim Beach County Supervisor of Elections about the need for 
an election booth. The Beachcomber contacted the County 
Supervisor and we were told that no correspondence had been 

Last Fall Marc Graham was responsible for another election 
disaster. His inability to conduct an election is 
overwhelmingly^bvious. His "I don't care" attitude that he 
expressed tcfhe Beachcomber is frightening coming from a 
government official. 

Tory S. Buckley appointed Graham and must also share the 
blame. The Beachcomber recommends that Marc Graham be 
removed from his position as Secretary of Elections. Buckley 
should make an effort to apologize to the student body for the 
election foul-ups, and make a greater effort to appoint people 
willing to do the job to his cabinet. 

Education Key 
State Stability 

Education is the key to social progress and welfare. It is the 
key that opens the doors of economic stability, racial 
harmony, electoral responsibility and social awareness-. 
Unfortunately, the fiscal officials of this state have decided to 
change the locks. 

by .-cutting the budgets of education they have jeopardized 
the welfare of the most important hidustry of this state, and 
it's not tourists. 

Monies given to education are an investment into {he future 
of this state that will yield the highest of dividends, an 
enlightened and informed electorate. 

To deprive schools and colleges of the necessary funding, 
deprives the students of a quality education. Overcrowded 
classrooms, overworked mstructors and a shortage of 
educational equipment can only result in poorly trained 

Education should have the highest priority in this and every 
state. The attitude that schools must depend on the state is 
outdated, by now legislators must realize that between the 
state and the school system there is an interdependency. 

When the welfare of education falters, so does the welfare 
of the state. Monies invested in education are more than 
reinvested by the higher paid, intelligent graduate. 

Legislators must change their priorities, education miist 
keep the keys that have so successfully opened the doors of 
social awareness. There is still much mote work that must be' 

Reform Needed 

JC students have a common need - an effective Student 
Government. Perhaps a Common Cause could help meet that 

A Common Cause Commission, that is; a group fashioned 
after the national citizens' organization. 

The national Common Cause group fights political 
corruption, holds senators and representatives accountable 
between elections and strives for congressional reforem. 

A similar commission could be formed here. Members of 
this group would study the functions of SG. What gets 
accomplished at senate meetings? Are senators really 
attempting to fill the needs of students? Questions like these 
could be looked into and answered by this group. ' 

Such a Common Cause organization should not threaten 
SG, but strengthen it. By challenging present SG methods 
and giving suggestion for improvement, this group would 
help prompt a more effective SG. 



Buckley Denies Despotic Behavior 

Student Government. Some- 
times I wonder if I'm even ■& 
member of SG, much less its 
president. This careful 

self-examination usually dev- 
elops when I pick up the campus 
weekly and read of my alleged 
despotic behavior. 

Everyone is entitled to his 
own opinion, regardless of the 
validity.. I happen to have my 



The Beachcomber has finally 
earned enough recognition to be 
placed upon the dunghill of 
ftivolous scandal sheets. The 
amazing tyros who are at the 
helm of the Beachcomber are 
attaining success at brainwash- 
ing the student body with a 
one-sided, biased approach of 
reporting the news. These 
novices have learned their 
propoganda techniques well. 

I realize that this group of 
fledglings are only testing their 
wings, but caution and 
discretion is recommended, lest 
they fall. 

I attach very little importance 
to the opinions of journalists. 
They only gain influence by the 
facts they make known and the 
turn they give to them. Thus, 
they sometimes manage to 
mislead public opinion about a 
man or measure. 

Everything which is a 
question of opinion is perfectly 
free. But when a paper prints 
distortions, untruths, sham and 
reverts to muckraking and 
mudslinging, the paper degen- 
erates into a scandal sheet of 
libellous gossip. 

Leo the Lion 

James E. Cox, Jr. 

SG Senator 

• . . Still More 


The Beachcomber has reac- 
hed a new low. In your editorial 
"Ballopt Misleads", your dis- 
tortion of conversation, unre- 
searched leads aiid contradic- 
tory logic is apparent and 
abhorrent even to the unseaso- 
ned reader. 

True, you did say something 
about the upcoming straw poll.; 
you mentioned the questions, 
but failed to print the complete 
questions. You also adamantly 
reported that you feel it "unfair 
to single out one organization 
for scrutiny when there might 
be inquiries made about other 

own opinion and, apparently, so 
does the Beachcomber editor. 

Nonetheless, SG is in the 
midst of a number of projects 
which are consuming a majority 
of our time. Concentration is 
being spent on an equitable 
disbursement of the Student 
Activity Fee and securing 
adequate representation before 
the District Board of Trustees. 

Our work is intended to make 
college life more equitable and 
pleasant. These projects 
directly affect all the students. I 
believe that SG, which is the 
sole legal reprsentative of the 
students, accurately reflects the 
will and needs of the student 


As in the past, SG will, 
continue to offer a variety of 
activities including movies, 
coffee houses,, underwriting 
community entertainment and 
other special events. 

SG is a viable and 
instrumental voice in defenduig 
the student point of view. We 
are, however, only as strong as 
those who support us. SG is, 
above all, alive and well on 
campus. ., .and working its 
damnedest to serve the student 

Tory Buckley 
SG President 

^^•51 Percen/'**^=*^^=^^^^®^*^*=**^*'*'^^ 

I Women's 'Herstory' 

§lismmm«!im,immmm I Michelle Nolfel* 

*In 1869, the first national owmen's labor organization held 
its first convention. The organization was the Daughters of 
St. Crispin, a group of women shoe operators. 
*In 1881, the U.S. Government passed a regulation that 
■ forbade women from working in Federal jobs. 

*In 1994, in San Francisco, residents formed the first Equal 

Rights Policy and nominated a woman, Belva Lockwood, as a 

candidate for President of the United States. Needless to say, 

Ms. Lockwood didn't make it. 

*In 1886, the Statue of Liberty was dedicated. Liberty, it 

turns out, is a woman. 

*In 1887, Pennsylvania passed a law allowing women to buy a 

sewing machine without their fathers' or husbands signature. 

*In 1908, New York City passed the Sullivan Ordinance which 

forbade women from smoking cigarettes ih a public place 

under penalty of fine, imprisonment or both. 

*In 1911, California gave women the right to vote. 

*In 1920, the Secretary of State declared the Nineteenth 

Amendment law. Women were allowed to vote. 

*In 1920, the Women's Bureau of the U.S. Department of 

Labor was organized. 

*The Natinal League of Women Voters was organized in 1920 

by Carrie Chapman Catt. 

*ln 1932, Hattie W. Caraway became the first woman to be 

elected to the United States Senate. 

*In 1933, Frances Perkins became the first woman cabinet 

member when she was appointed Secretary of Labor. 

""'Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote. The 

relative positions to be assumed by men and women in the 

working out of our civilization were assigned long ago by a 

higher intelligence than ours." 

*In 1934, Florence E. Allen became the first woman to be 

sworn in as an associate justice of a Federal Circuit Court of 

Appeals. For many years, this remamed the liighest judicial 

position ever held by an American woman. 

activities on campus." Well, 
aren't you doing exactly the 
same thing with Mr, Buckley? 
In the last half of your 
editorial, you stray astoundingly 
from the subject (the ballot;, to 
firing insults and generally 
presenting yourself as a very 
biased and shallow individual. 

These remarks are uncalled for 
and in very bad taste. 
Justifying my conclusion from 
your column, I can only say that 
your unprofessionalism reflects 
directly upon your personal 

James Boger 
SG Senator 

Monday, February 10, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 5 







Board Meetings Are Fiery 


Staff Writer 
Several important topics of 
discussion arose during the 
meetings of JC's Board of 
Trustees in November, Decem- 
ber and January. Among them 
were sferious accusations made 
by the former superintendent of 
grounds and landscaping. 

Fees Considered 

Continued From Pg. 1 

reo.-nt meeting. Among points to be considered are: cost of 
program, students' interest, constructive service to student body, 
activities presented by the organiztion, purpose of activity, values 
relating to philosophy, learning processes, on and off campus public 
relations, scope of service, reflection on JC comparison to last 
year's expenditures) and other details to be included in individual 

Each delegate will have up to thirty minutes for "pleading" his 
cause. This limit may be waived if necessary. Discussion and 
members' questions will be Included In the allotted sessions. 

Each organization has a member and a faculty sponsor. It is 
optional as to which will be their spokesman. 

Monies in this fund are derived by assessing every day and night 
student that register for credit courses at JC. It is controlled by 
District Board of Trustees and broken down into various groups as 
this controlling body decides. 

At the November meeting, 
biology instructor Alan Maxwell 
explained that JC lab instructors 
are required to teach more 
hours than other instructors and 
proposed an equilization of 
teaching loads. 

Trustees agreed to analyze 
the situation should the Faculty 
Senate file a report. 

Also in Novermber, the 
trustees approved a revision of a 
policy involving Temporary 
Duty Elsewhere. 

According to JC President Dr. 
Harold C. Manor, "In the past, 
teachers applying for profess- 
ional leave would have to wait 
while thier requests were 
transferred through Temporary 
Duty Elsewhere." 

Under the new arrangement 
teachers may now apply for 
professional leave directly 
through Temporary Duty Else- 
where because it now "directly 
benefits the college or some 
phase of the college program.'" 

The next month's meeting in 
December brought angry critic- 

ERA Debate Today In SAC 


Associate Editor 
Judging by the names of the 
two- participants - Mrs. Elsie 
Liviton, and Mrs. Frank Mehler, 
today's Political Union debate 
on Florida's ratification of the 
proposed 27th Amendment 
should be explosive. 

Arguing in the affirmative is 
Mrs. Liviton of the Palm Beach 
County League of Women 
Voters, while Mrs. Mehler, of 
the County Coalition to Deifeat 
E.R.A. [the Equal Rights 
Amenement; will react negati- 

Scheduled firom 11 a.m. to 
noon, the debate's setup 
includes an opening 10 minute 
period for each speaker, 
followed by a 20 minute student 

question period, in which both 
speakers participate. 

Members of Mr. John 
Connelly's JC Debate Team are 
to time the event. Political 
Union advisor Mr. Edwin- Pugh 
serves as master-of-c^monies 
in this first of fouf Political 
Union events in the week. 

The Unionf ' meets at its 
regular meeting time Tuesday, 
11 a.m. to noon, Socieal Science 
55, to discuss the E.R.A. debate 
and plan questions for the Jack 
Anderson assembly Friday. 

Later that night, the club 
plans to listen In as the Flagler 
Museum presents "19th Cen- 
tniy Contrast: Miami and Palm 
Beach." Beginning at eight, 
the program features Dr. 
Thehna Peters, president-elect 
of the Florida Historical Society. 

Then on Friday, the majority 
of JC's student body is expected 
to be on hand to p^eet famed 
Washington Posttolumhist Jack 
Anderson, fwMn 1:20 to 2:20 
p.m. in JC's gymnasium. 

ism from two attorneys and a 
terminated employee. 

Superintendent of Grounds 
and Landscaping Lloyd Gard- 
ner, whose termination Decem- 
ber 2 was verified by the board, 
was stopped from addressing 
the Iroard when board attorney 
Richard Burke stated that it was 
his opinion that Gardner was 
violating board policy. 
' Board rules require that 
persons bringing "derogatory" 
charges against anyone must 
bring the charges in writing, 
supported by affidavits, a week 
prior to the meeting. 

Deca Tries 
Out Talent 

Students from nine Palm 
Beach County high schools 
participated in the Distributive 
Education Clubs of America 
(DECA) contest Tuesday and 
Friday in the JC Business 

The contest involved: Adver- 
tising, Display, Job Interview, 
Free Enteprise, Public Speak- 
ing, Sales Demonstration, Food 
Marketing Series, Merchandis- 
ing Math, Automodve-Petrol- 
eum and Student of the Year. 

Winners of the contests 
compete for the state title, and 
state winners compete for the 
National title. 

Gardner's attorney, Joseph' 
Vassallo, and Peter Panrose, an 
attorney in the audience, both 
took the stand successively to 
argue in defense of Gardner, 
but were each ruled out of order 
by Burk. 

The trustees later voted to 
hire the firm of Hellmuth, 
Obata, and Kassabaum to 
develop master plans for the 
Glades Campus and the North 
(Palm Beach Gardens) Campus. 

In January, Gardner returned 
before the board to protest 
"falsification of a time card" oh 
Nov. 20, 1974. 

Gardner also asked a series of 
questions, some of which 
seemed to alledge other 
"criminal improprieties" in the 
operation of the physical plant. 

JC President Manor was 
directed by Board Chairman Dr. 
Edward Eissey to conduct a 
thorough and complete investi- 
^tion and to Teport back to the 

Canoe Trip A Success 

Begin Circle K. Week 


Guest Writer 

Monday, February 10, marks 
the first day of Ckcle K Week 
which lasts until Saturday, Feb. 
15. This week has been set 
aside as a time when concerned 
college students might join with 
the involved student leaders of 
JC's Circle K Qub. 

Currently there ite more than 
10,500CircleK aS*o members in 
over 650 clobs m US and 
Canadian e^leges and universi- 
ties. These clubs are all 
members of Circle K Internat- 

The objective of Circle K 
International is to provide 
college men and women with a 
means of helping others and 
becoming personally involved in 

the search for solutions to 
community and campus prob- 

Circle K wants change, not 
through violence, but instead, 
change fostertfd by personal 
kvolvement in a concerted 
commud^MGiid campus effort to 
alleviate today's social and 
ecological problems. 
Any interested students are 
invited to attend the meetings 
every Thursday seven p.m. in 
the North Sac Lounge. Any and 
all ideas for projects are to be 
considered and welcome. 

"CHALLENGE To Action" is 
Circle K International's theme 
for 1975 and the club here at JC 
offers a challenge to every 

Staff Writer 

Science club members re- 
cently received a taste of 
"primitive camping" as they 
visited Rock Spring in Central 

It was the first trip of the winter 
term and the students, 
accompanied by instructors 
Richard Gross and Edward 
Kopf, canoed down a spring-fed 
river and observed many varied 
forms of wildlife. 

The river flowed through a 
lush area"dominated by de- 
ciduous hardwoods," reported 
Gross. Spotted alojig the river 
were the endangered Limpkin, a 
rare bird which fpeds amost 
exclusively on the large Florida 
apple snail, and the very 
uncommon Pileated Woodpec- 

Using no campers of 
"WInnebagos," the 28 club 


Senate | 

Box Score i 

members slept onl)' in tents as 
they camped in a wooded 
secdon of the conii^ park. 

The eight-mile canoe trip took 
about for-and-a-half hours to 
complete and according to 
Gross "it was one of the best 
runs we've ever been on," 

Several rare plants were 
viewed at .Rock Springs such as 
the hand-palm fern arid an 
example of the native bird's 
nest fern. 

Tiioiw 5824046 



705 LUCf HNE AVE. 








At the February 6 Senate;-:; 
r^imeeting in CJ-8 [12:30 p.m.],|| 
|^;there were 16 of 18 Senators;::;: 
ij^present. Senators Sam Putt and;^;*; 

ji^Robert Roberts were hot 








News Editor ,,,,,,..... Jiel Tanen 

Venture Editor Frank Smith 

Sports Editor .Tim Bray 

Business Manager ..•• Bob Hatfield 

Editoiial Assistant ,.,.,..,,... Jaii Tuckwood 
Consultant ................. Charles McCteight 

Cartoonist -...ti<> Tom Hixson 

Photo Dept ..,.,,,.,......, .Muffy McClung 

Steve Frit2 
Debbie Huhn 
Sam Putt 
Jay Kravetz 

STAFF WRITERS - imes Ash, tohn Auchterlonie, Tom Bowling, Pete Clausen, hmes Cleare, Raoul Garcia, 
Lori HiUebrand, Bill Hutchins, Km Jones, Robin Mndfe, Winnie Knighton, FUck Mager, Muffy McClung, 
Becky Morse, Philip Neubauer, Sam Putt, Amv Strimbu, Debbie Thompson, Bill Ziegier 
The Beachcomber is published from our editorial offices in tlie Student Publications Building at Palm Beach 
Junior College, 4200 S Congress Ave , take Worth, Florida 33460 
Telephone 965-8000JEX tension 210 
Opinionsexpressed in the Beachcomber are those of tlie editors oi the writers of the articles and are not nec- 

S essarily those of Palm Beach Junior College 


The Beachcomber is a member of the Associated College Press and Florida Junior College Press Association 




- Slop by our store and meet 






6- BEACHCOMBER Monday, February 10, 1975 

Monday, February 10, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 7 


Midnight moon, gliding 
'cross the sky, there's only 
yon and I in the darkness. 
Midniglit moon, you're 
very sad to see, you show 
loneliness to me, lunines- 
ccnt, midnight moon. 
Morning sunshine will 
walie mc up again, my 
favorite daytime friend 
lives when the darkness 
goes, 'morning^ sunshine 
hurry up and get here soon, 
I'm seeing too much 
sadness by the light of the 

FiaaM Smitli 
Venture Editor 

JC Students are ci 
gaining valuable in-Si 
experience as Teachers' 
the Community Mental 
Center (CMHC) located ^ 
4Sth St., West Palm Be 

The Center, the te^ 
many concerned citizen^ 
founded by Mrs. 
Rubinger. She begaa 
Corner Gift Shop in the 
Beach Towers Hotel to 
money for the CMHC. ^ 
eleven years, this still geai 
income for the 

In order to obtain a 
under the Mental Health 
Act when it came to re 
on a national level, 

four years of the CMHC's 
Srities. Palm Beach County 

aents have around-the-clock 

£il nursing and psychiatric 

cE in a licensed hospital 

g- All records on patients 

It confidential, it is illegal to 

. Efjse them to anyone. 

•Yi Visiters and photographers 

KBot allowed here. 

5ut-patient care offers psy- 

iatric, psychological and 

aial work services including 

&idual, group and family 

""I>opjrapy for all emotional 

lems. There is also partial 

spitalization for sever emot- 

5l illnesses which require 

ISJie than an out-patient vish 

do not necessitate full 


ffy McClung Photo 

aces are available with 
pfessionals to help people in 
trises. The goal is to make 

monies had to be raised^ ^^^ admission.' 
foundmg organization. B ? 24-hour- a-day emergency 
lune several other come -^j^- __<=■' 

leaders in the county had; 
Mrs. Rubinger and a Jocaf 
of directors had been fis 
headed by current chains 
JC's District Board of Tris 
Dr. Edward Eissey. 

Another requiremei 
secure the grant which k 
about "the miracle on iSi 
was to plan and prepare; \ 
application .outlining ^1 \ 
needed to fight and treatl \ 
illness. ? 

More than 28,000 out 
visits were received durfi 

services easily available and 
accessible, and if possible, to 
keep the person in his home and 
the family constellation intact. 
Through these "reaching 
out" team programs, CMHC 
attempts to get to the problem 
in its early stages, so that length 
of treatment can be short and 

Services are. afforded to 
community groups, agencies 
and schools to assist them with 
solving mental health problems 
and, more importantly, pre- 
venting them from occurring. 
Recovering patients are also 
assisted in regaining employ- 
ment and social integration. 

A new projected eight-story 
building is being planned for the 
45th Street location, though it 
will not materialize for at least 
two years. 

VVInnie Knighton Photo 

TMs Commonlty Mental 
Health Center located at 
1041 45th St. West Pahn 
Beach ofQcially opened is 
September, 1970. 

This Satelite Parent-Child 
Study center is temporarily 
located at 1011 S. Flagler, 
West Palm Beach until new 
buUdhig is completed at 
mMn center. 

Marijuana Experience Studi 


Staff Writer 

At a time when demands for 
reduced penalties and legali- 
zation of marijuana are pitted 
against new evidence linking 
the drug to both mental and 
physical disorders, the obvious 
question becomes even more 
complex; "What's worse - 
marijuana or the laws that bust 
you for it?" 

In 1972, former President 
Richard Nixon was quoted as 
saying, "I am against legalizing 
marijuana. Even if the 
commission recommends it, I 
will not follow that recommen- 

The Presidential Commission 

on Marijuana and Drug Abuse 
did exactly that. In their first 
report, made public in 1972, the 
team unanimously recommen- 
ded a "discouragement policy" 
toward the drug. Better luiown 
as the Shafer Report, the 
committee stated, "We feel that 
the private use of marijuana in 
one's own home should not have 
the stigma of crimminaliza- 

The report also noted that 
marijuana had demonstrated no 
harm in their experiments, 
aside for emotional instability 
and psyc/iologicaJ dependence 
in heavy users. 

"Any psycoactive drug is 
potentially harmful to the 

individual depending on the 
potency, frequency and de- 
pendence," reported Raymond 
P. Shafer, chairman of the 
committee. "Marijuana is no 
exception. Our studies supplied 
no support to the belief that it 
leads to violence while under its 
influence. In fact, marijuana 
may have an inhibiting effect on 
aggressive impulses." 

We did find, however, that it 
causes users to proceed to 
higher drugs, including heroin. 
Anyone who uses marijuana or a 
similar drug is more likely to 
experiment with stronger 

Shafer concluded "The com- 
mittee recommends that long 
term scientific research be 
made. We do not think our 
findings are complete and final - 
they are just the basis." 

Indeed, the committee was 
right. On May 9,. 1974 the 
Senate Subcommittee in Inter- 
nal Security embarked, on a 
series of hearings on the 
marijuana-hashish epidemic- 
hearing which would lead to 
terrifying revelations about the 
so-called "evil-week". 

For the purpose of these 
hearinigs, the subcommittee 
brought together more than a 
score of top-ranking medical 
researchers and scientists from 
six countries, and according to 
former senator Edward Gurney, 
chairman of the committee, 
"the most distinguished panel 
of experts on cannabis. . .ever 
assembled at a single gather- 

"On the basis of the attention 
our hearings have already 
received," Gurney noted, "I 
believe that these hearings have 
succeeded in completely shat- 
tering the widespread belief 
that the scientific community 
looks iipon marijuana as a 
relatively harmless drug." 

"As I have pointed out," 
Gurney stated, "the epidemic 
spread of marijuana and hashish 
use has been made possible, 

and even encouraged, by 
widespread publicity given to 
the statemtns of scientists and 
lay spokesmen advocating a 
more tolerant attitude toward 
marijuana, and by the near 
blackout of scientific writings 
pointing to serious adverse 

Collectively, their testimony 
pointed to the following 
findings: First, that marijuana 
reduces DNA synthesis thus 
impeding the process of cellular 
reproduction; second, that, 
smoked even in small amounts, 
it results in broken and 
malformed chromosomes, which 
opens up the possibility of 
abnormal births or ■ genetic 

Third, that chronic marijuana 
smoking results in a severe 
reduction in male hormone 
levels and sperm fount; fourth, 
that a marijuana alone, or 
combined with cigarette smoke, 
damages lung tissues far more 
rapidly than cigarette smoke 

Reports show there is 
evidence .of irreversible brain 
damage after several years of 
chronic exposure; and that even 
single exposures to large doses 
can lead to psychotic episodes, 
while chronic use leads to 
paranoid symptoms and serious 
and persistant deterioration in 
mental functioning. 

Marijuana is a complex toxic 
substance, whose principal 
psychoactive component is 
THC -tetrahydro cannabinol. 
This substance is intensely 
soluble in fat, which gives it the 
ability to penetrate into all parts 
of the body, including the brain, 
ovary, testes, and the fetus. 
This characteristic means that it 
tends to persist in the human 
body for long periods of time 
after exposure, and accumulates 
with repeated exposures. 

One of the principal areas of 
accumulation is the human 
brain. This has been 

established with radioactively 

tagged. THC. 

The report went on to say that 
relating to its toxicity and 
accumulation tendencies, regu- 
lar marijuana use for a year or 
two may result in irreversible 
brain damage. In clincial 
observation, brilliant young 
people who went on prolonged 
marijuana binges were not able 
to recapture the same level of 
mental competence they had 
displayed before coming chronic 

In a study of 51 marijuana 
smokers who averaged three 
'joints' a week for four years, 

the production of the immune 
cella-the T-lymthocytes in the 
blood was 41 percent less than 
in nonsmokers. 

A spokesman for the Masters 
and Johnson Research Founda- 
tion reported thaf'in a group of 
20 males aged 18 to 28 who used 
marijuana at least four times a 
week for a minimum of six 

months, the principal male sex 
hormone, testosterone, was 
found to be approximately 44 
percent lower than for the 
control group of men that had 
never used the drug." 


^d that the 


sterone level 


Q the amount 

of DSi 

ri. Several 


taittent im- 


eried, disap- 


ib use of 




y. Paton of 


r noted that 


jj Eoramlly is 

a dis 

; life, is now 


•h- increasing 


prg young 




it to do about 

the 5 

' marijuana 

rem Sit 

rfdebate, but 


3jt increasing 


•jiash" adds 



liosfs Of Aircraft Transportafion 
Clored To Costs Of Automobiles 

Starting with 
the idea of flyjDi 
private plane ii^ 

The following I 
located at Pales 

"Flying is HI , 
traffic, you fiyi;| 
get there soocrf 

fevers' first flight, people laughed at 
{yansportation, but today with many 
)2 energy crisis, transportation by 
ied more seriously. 

as provided by Tilford Flymg Service 

iijional Airport. 

im driving, there is no stop and go 

;s which consumes less fuel and you 

;bt Instructor for Tilford, Frank W. 

Milian Jr. cont«i . , „ 

Private nknes Ec'oiles m the fact that then: prices are 
also risino e,cl? (ytimated the price of purchasmg a 
private Xrli^ fe Sl3-9«0 ^^d 5200,000. 

However \^^ f^ P"''^^^ P'^"^ -^ ^^"l^f ''^f 
TiiB ' rf kase '* tie-down, m which the plane 

is secur^dt?! ^^ ^* '^^ ^'^""^ ^"■" ^ ^^^ °^ ^^^1° 

3>zu monthly. iP^.^jge garage) located at the abport 

weather, a hasf' 

' " "'% Liv siuu montniy. 

can be rented ) -'j^ |,tain a license, which is a little 

Before flyiflgj g ^^.^ jj^^^,^, 

""iMoTrt I' s»»^rses needed to acquire a pilots 

I utoro oHet>^ , ^vhich deals with air science and 

license. First t^l t- flving, followed by the Pre-solo 

the actual ps f^l R^ '» - *= 


course with ten hours dual :whh an instructor; flymg tune. 

The final course has five more hours of dual flight and ten hours 
of solo flying time. Instructors are paid S7.00 an hour for on the 
ground instruction and S24.00 an hour for flying. For a total of 25 
hours dual flying time at 524.00 an hour comes to S600.00, ground 
instruction is a total of three hours at S7.00 an hour comes to S21 
making the total cost S62I.00 with the added cost of books which are 
approximately S15.00 would give a total minunum cost of S636.00 to 
obtain a pilots license and meet FAA (Federal Aviation Association) 
requirements. Some people would need more flying rime and 
ground instruction to master fljing this would cause a raise in the 

price. . 

If you're not in the financial position to purchase your own plane 
you can rent a plane, you pay 517.00 an hour for the time the plane 

is in the air. ^ n: j 

The most common type of private planes are Cessna, Piper, and 
Beechcraft all which come in smgle and multi-engme styles. 

These planes hold on the average four hours of fuel 
approximately 21 miles per gallon at S.65 per gallon. 

Milian said people are not flying as much for the sport of it during 
the energy crisis but people still are using private planes for 
practical means of transportation. 

Flying does get you to your destination faster than an automobile 
but is it cheaper? 

A Crisis Line 

Who's solving problems nowadays? One 24-hour service 
offered by the county is called Crisis line. The organization is 
a referral group for people who need answsers to confusing 
social problems and invite troubled individuals to call them. 

Crisis Line is a non-profit, volunteer, 24-hour, no obligation 
referral group. The volunteer work 4 hours each and are 
trained in a sixteen session program for recognition and 
referral of social problems to local clincis and services in the 
county. , Neurosis, drug addiction, phychosis, veneral 
disease, divorce, and suicide are all prime topics of 

Bill Brooks, Executive Director of Crisis Lme, says that 
volunteers are trained for active listening, they are instructed 
not to give advice and the solution is to let the caller explain 
his or her problem until they can make a realistic decision. 

Sign up for a training program for volunteer will be at the 
Crisis Line Volunteer Trainuig Center at 909 Fem Street on 
March 10. The program will run for 8 weeks and meet everj- 
Monday and Wednesday evening. 

Crisis Line receives 3,500 phone calls a month, most of 
them between 4 p.m. and 2 a.m. each day. 

Crisis Line is county-wide and can be reached in Boca 
Raton at 426-2244, Belle Glade at 996-3008, and at West 
Palm, Reiviera, and Palm Beach at 832-4111. 

Another program affiliated with Crisis Line is the Sunshine 
Service, which calls you. This service calls mostly elderly 
people by request of the person's relatives or the person. 
This service provides companionship, and serves as a check 
on the person who is often unattended and isolated. This 
service may be reached by contacting the Crisis Lme office. 

The program, was started in 1971 by clmtcal psychologist 
Dr. Robert K. Alsofrom for people of any age with a problem 
to have a confidential source of reference. 

Divided Virgo 
Tempts Fates 

PISCES Impulses drag you one 
way, than another, inspiration 
hits you at least once every five 
minutes. Channel this energy 
into a useful effort and it will 
serve you well. 

ARIES: Take the chances you 
must; trust hunches. Your own 
abilities can be counted on. 
Seek the advice of experienced 

TAURUS: The element of 
surprise can work in your favor. 
Spring your ideas and put them 
into action before people can 

GEMINI:Those who- disparage 
you are really envious. You 
know more, are more informed 
than tye. Don't wony about 
other people's opinions; attend 
to your own. 

CAJ^CERs A member of the 
opposite sex causes trouble for 
you. Depending on how you 
react, the results could be 
disastrous or a lot of fun. A 
sense of humor is your best ally. 
IEOj Taking on more responsi- 
bility seems impossible at first, 
but at second glance you see it's 
very profitable. Don't hesitate 
to offer your services; you'll 
make a good impression. 
Vhrgoj. Dividing your loyalty 

can cause trouble. Stay with 
one cause. A temporary 
agreemem is made, but it will 
fall through-probably just as 

LIBRA: Your perceptive 
intuition and sharp wit are 
especially helpful this week. 
Problems arise, but you see a 
way around them. People can't 
foo! you easily. 

SCORPIO Someone you helped 
is ready lo return the favor. 
Word gets around that yosj're a 
good person to know. Be wiiimg 
to defem a friend who is 
suddenlv unpopular. 
SAGITTARIUSs Major eftoos 
and long-term plans are 
featured. You wiii be included 
in a private conversation. Keep 
quiet and so as much 'feteaingr" 
as possible. 

CAPRICORN: Examine your 
motives before taking aaion. 
Are they more shallovt- than they 
seem? Trying to impress others 
will gel you nowhere. Be 
yourself; it's more comfanable, 
AQUARIUS: A tendency to be 
impatiems and hard to please 
exaspirates your friends. A 
change in outlook or even 
surroundings would be benefic- 

8 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, February 10, 1975 

Bars Breed Body Language 


Staff Writer 

Deodorized, sanitized, gro- 
omed and manicured, Ms. 
With-it, chic, chick strolls into 
Big Daddy's Lounge where she 
is assured to be "never alone" 
or rather, never left alone. 

Body language goes hand in 
hand with bars like The Wild 
Side, Peter Dinkles, O'Haia's 
and The Brick Balloon, where 
you practically suffocate for lack 
of air.D 

Non-verbal communication 
can be convenient, humorous, 
and fun. It's fun to see how 

people will react in "tight" 

How does a girl squeeze 
between ten men glued to the 
bar in order to wet her whistle? 
I have found "the dive" method 
to be a ludicrous success 
without suggesting a ploy. With 
arms stretched out in front, a 
girl can dive for a rare glimpse 
of the padded bar's edge. 
When she gets her drink, she 
can either wait for a space to 
clear and zip out, or drink it at 
the bar while being jossled by 
jokers, or stretch up and tip-toe 
sideways like a crab with drink 

You're Addicted 

Staff Writer 

Bet you a year's supply of whatever* that you're addicted. 

Drug addicts have been in the media so much that people groan at 
the very mention of them. They think of the Mad Junkie, eyes 
bulging, mutilated arms, constricted with rubber tubing. 

Or they remember what they've heard about the within-the-law 
addicts - the devotees of before-dinner martinis, a.m. coffee and 
aspirin. Suddenly fat old Uncle Carl with his breakfast beer became 
an addict - and in the family, yet. 

The current trend is to include nearly every habit and pleasure 
under the heading "addiction." Addiction can be loosely defined as 
dependence on anything not essential to life that relieves anxiety by 
its use and causes discomfort when it isn't there. 

And by that definition, we are all addicts. 

For instance, there is the Rock Nut, to which group this writer 
belongs. A true rock addict wakes to his radio alarm tuned to )iis 
favorite progressive FM station and drives to school or work 
listening to the same. At home he's itchy and uneasy until the 
stereo warms up. He scratches up extra money so he can attend the 
local weekend concert. 

Certain kinds of food, often with no observable value as 
nourishment, grab hold of some people and won't let them go. One 
girl clomps sullenly into the drug store and belligerently orders an 
ice-cream sundae. Within minutes of eating that sundae she is all 
smiles and ready to face the rest of the day. An overloaded, smelly 
pizza gives the same kind of lift to other people. 

Perhaps the most insidious, widespread addiction is that of 
women to makeup. It starts so innocently. An older sister or 
mother persuades the unsuspecting 13-year-old to try "just a little 
mascara". She does, and decides it makes her look better, thus 
lifting her spirits. By the time she's fifteen she's hooked on hard 
stuff - blusher, lipstick, foundation, green and blue eyeshadow. 
Outside the house she feels unprotected and uncomfortable without 
her makeup, even though she probably looks better without it. This 
habit becomes increasingly severe with age. 

What helps you through the day? Are you wretched without your 
daily dose of Debussy? Do you feel lost in the morningtintil y oifflnd 
your faded jeans? Face it,--<friendl - you're an addict. 




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Sausage & Peppers 
Oombinatiah Ham 
Ham & Siwits 

Italian Steak & Cheese 

Ham & Provolone 

Hot Pizza 


Meat Sail 

Roaft BMf 
Ham & American 



200 U.S. 1 

North Palm Beach, Fla. PHONE 844-3833 


Phone 844-3a33 


in hand, or dive back out and 
into her drink. I prefer diving 
in, " chugging my drink, and 
diving out. 

Of course, people go to bars 
for the very good reason of body 
contact. A liberal frame of mind 
while diving for a drink at The 
Brick Balloon is a must. No 
matter how much manuevering 
a girl does, sooner or later she'll 
brush up against someone 

The odd thing about close 
contact in a public pub is that 
most people tend to ignore what 
you're doing. I've gotten away 
with three hot foots at 
O'Harra's, In case you're 
uninformed a hot foot is the 
subtle joke of lighting a match 



under an unsuspecting pod. 

The covenient uses of body 
language are naturally those 
movements employed to pick up 
intriguing types of people. 
Before using your own non-ver- 
bal expressions, try testing 
these tips for the types around 

The girl using body language 
in the corner with her hands 
clasped behind her head is 
saying silently, "I'm avail- 

For the liberal girl who picks 
up on guys, do your prowling 
openly, don't dive for drinks, 
and talk to the dude with 
thumbs in his pockets. 

Never pick up "the bored 
spectator". That's the guy or 
girl who slouches over his or her 
drink, and peers out at everyone 
with shifty eyes. Also beware of 
"the inebriated meditator" who 
contemplates the jokes on the 
napkins and holds his chin in 
hand. He's too far gone to 
boogie even if he is cute. 

Approach anyone who holds 
their cigarette with the palm up. 
That's a good sign that he or 
she is a willing suspect. 

Hard to get subjects of bar 
breeds are those who hold their 
hands in their lap or on the bar. 
These people have things well 
under control and in fact are 
experiencing inner tranquility. 
They won't be responsive at 
first, but it's a challenge for the 
more venturous viper. 

A sure catch is the person 
with hands held in back. These 

soft sould cannot defent 
themselves from amorous tigers 
and tigresses. 

Patient men will appreciate 
the girl who stands with hands 
on hips. Ms. Libbers will not, 
however, enjoy the company of 
a man who does the same. 
These strong willed people are 
authoritive in nature, and very 
self assured. 

When things get hectic and 
hot foots are not appreciated, 
use your own body language for 
carousing in bars. If you're 
female, cross your legs towards 
that fascinating man next to 
you. Even if those gorgeous 
limbs are encased in jeans he'll 
pick up the hint and buy you a 
drink. If such subtle expression 
eludes you, there are plenty of 
alternatives, not to be confused 
with a Frank Smith ploy. Fidget 
with your empty glass, eat the 
ice cubes and lick the rim. After 
this noticeable behavior pick up 
a cigarette and "hunt" for your 

The best communicating 
device I have found is to forget 
social forays, find my voice and 
ask one of severaj questions. If 
he's a well dressed older man, 
smile and enquire, "Will you 
buy me a drink?" To the tight 
wads, the ones clenching their 
empty fists, ask, "May I buy 
you a drink? ' ' My favorite fad is 
to question, "Can you do the 
bump?" which of course is the 
body language of boogie that 
needs no explanation. 



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10 • BEACHCOMBER Mondayy February 10, 1975 

.^I^>.:M£^ l<i^ 

Netfers Grab Two 


Staff Writer 

The women's tennis team 
defeated Indian River Thursday, 
with a score of 5-4. 

According to Coach Sarah 
Quisenberry, "The singles were 
good, we had a lot of close 

Robin Langridge was de- 
feated 6-2,6-2, 6-1. Cindy 
Kitchell won 4-6, 7-6, 6-3; while 
Marina Polman Tuin lost 6-1, 
6-1. Janet Fabiani won 6-4, 6-4; 
and Susan Atherly alos won 7-5, 
6-4, 6-1. Hillary Cove took a 
6-2, 6-3 decision from Frann 

In doubles competition, 
Landgridge and Kitchell were 
defeated 7-5, 4-6, 6-2. Polman 
Tuin and Fabiani were also 

defeated 7-5,. 4-6, 7-6. Atherley 
and Cove won 7-6, 1-6, 6-3. 

College of Boca Raton 
women's tennis coach feels that 
his team was "looking good" 
this season. Although his team 
was beaten by the Pacers 6-3, 
Tuesday afternoon. 

Robin Landridge was defea- 
ted 6-2, 6-0 in singles 
competition; and Cindy Kitchell 
was also defeated, 6-2, 6-1. But 
in a comeback, Marina Pulman 
Tuin won 6-3, 6-1; while Janet 
Fabiani defeated her opponent 
6-3, 6-2, Hillary Cove also won 
her match, 6-1, 6-4. Paula 
Giannini won through a forfeit. 

In doubles competition, 
Landridge and Kitchell lost 6-2, 
6-2; and Pulman Tuin and 
Fabiani won 6-2, 5-1. The 

match was called because of 
rain. Cove and Giannini also 
won by forfeit. 

Although it had been 
previously thought that the 
College of Boca Raton would not 
be in the competition at the 
state meet this year, according 
to Coach Quirk the school is not 
officiallyt a four-year college 
yet, and unless "something 
unforseen happens" they will 
be competing! 

Hillary Cove [left] and Janet 
Fabiani [tight] challenge 
their opposition on the JC 
courts last Tuesday against 
the College of Boca Raton. 

Fletcher Takes One-On-One 

Rocky Fletcher captured the 
one-on-one basketball title 
Thursday afternoon. The 
activity was supervised by Mr. 
Melvin Edgerton. 

The single elimination tour- 
nament attracted seven pa;rtici- 
pants in the last day's 

Cleo Rhamina was defeated in 
the quarter-finals by Fletcher 
and lost in the third place game 
to John Echols. Tom 

McCollough captured the se- 
cond place defeating Echols, 
only to lose to Fletcher in the 
title match. 

A three-opn-three tourna- 
ment is slated for Feb. 18 until 
completion, according to Mr. 
Roy Bell, intramural director. 

Mr. Edgerton will again 
supervise this tourney with Ed 
Richards, a volunteer I & R 
Board member, assisting. 

"To sign up for the 
three-on -three tourney, see Mr, 
Edgerton in the gym," said 
Bell. Entrees are being taken 
all this week. 

Brandon Leads By Example 


Associate Editor 
In 1973 Bill Brandon was a 
senior basketball player for 
Chamberlain High School in 
Twinsberg, Ohio. His team 
compiled a 20-2 record but lost 
in the district finals of the state 

In 1974 Bill Brandon decided 
he would "get to play more at a 
junior college than a four-year 
university," so he became a 
freshman basketball player for 
Palm Beach Junior College in 
Lake Worth, Florida. 

His team compiled a 22-7 
record but lost in the state 
championship game by three 

The 6'3" guard-forward is 
captain of the 1975 Pacers and is 
again on a team in contention 
for state laurels. But with about 
a month remaining before the 
state tournament, Brandon 
admits, "We haven't put it 
together yet. 

"We've been living on last 
year's reputation," says the 
poised Pacer leader. "We're 
not as hungry as last year. This 
year, since we're looked upon as 
the top dog, we sometimes get 
the notion we don't have to play 
as hard." 

Earlier in the season some 
observers felt the loss of 
graduated Ail-American Keith 
Highsmith's leadership was a 
factor in some of the Paeers' 

"I can't make the players 
play," laments Brandon. "At 
the college level everybody has 
to decide for themselves." 

Brandon believes his role is to 
set an example by "being in the 
eyes of the players what they're 
supposed to-be - to show people 
I'm giving 110 percent in 

Giving his 100-plus percent, 
Brandon has averaged in double 
figures, while providing a 
steadying influence near the 
end of contests in which the 
Pacers have blown big leads - a 
recurring situation Brandon 
thinks could be avoided. 

JC's defense must become 
more aggressive, especially in 
controlling the big IS-point 
leads the Pacer offense had 
proven it can attain, according 
to Brandon. "We haven't been 
sure enough of ourselves to 
gamble and help out one 
another," he savs. 

Two other factors hindering 
JC's climb in the Division IV 
standings have been away 
games and referees. 

His team, having lost - three 
out of four away games in 
league play, to this . point, 
Brandon comments, "Home 
advantages are more psychol- 
ogical than anything, else since 
most teams draw small crowds. 

"People have just become 
accustomed to belieiving that 
when you play at home you're 
supposed to win." 

And on referees, the 
presenters of frequent Pacer 
technicals, big Bill contends 
that the referees do not have 
enough control of the game. 
Brandon has concluded they are 
"very inconsistent." 

' 'They let one player talk back 
and will call a 'T' on another for 
doing the same thing. Half the 
times I've been called for a 
technical I was just asking the 
ref who a foul was on." 

Recently JC Athletic Director 
Dr. Howard Reynolds suggested 
that coaches show more 
restraint when complaining on 
decision to combat a related 
Continued page 12 

Sophomore captain Bill Brandon came to Florida from Ohio 
for more playing time. He collected 22 points last Wednesday 
in Miami. 

Monday, February 10, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 11 


Rich Sorise, who belted his first home-nm of the season last 
week, nearly picks off a philly. 

P SpOrfS L/feW::::::x::™:W^^^ 

JExpos Start Spring Spirit 

Spring starts summer in 
South Florida when it comes to 

Tuesday, February 4, John 
McPhail, president of the 
Montreal Expos, squeezed open 
the grapefruit season at the 
West Palm Beach Expos press 
conference at Manero's Restau- 

Fred Whitacre, president of 
the West Palm Beach club, 
introduced the Expos manager 
Gordon MacKenzie, and they 
unveiled the Florida State 
Champtionship Pennant of 

MacKenzie said, "We had a 
good club last year. We're 
going to win it again this year." 

"We will have a lot of good 

green kids," commented the 
manager of the only Expos Class 
A team, "because a lot of them 
(last years players) are moving 

Overall, spring training 
provides Floridians to see top 
pros tuning up for the major 
league season. Plus, the Pacers 
start the regular season 
February 21, against Broward 
Central, in Ft. Lauderdale. 

The Atlanta Braves being 
work-out on February 21. Their 
first homegame is March 8 
against the Los Angeles 
Dodgers at 1:30 at West Palm 
Beach Municipal Stadium. 

Other training camps on the 
Gold Coast include the Texas 
Ranger, Pompano Beach; the 

Busy Week For l&R 

A busy week is in store for 
students who wish to participate 
in intramural activities. 

Ed Richards, a volunteer 
member of the I & R Board, will 
supervise the archery tourna- 
ment beginning today, Feb. 10 
from 1:30 till 3:30 on the range 
beside the new girls ' Softball 

Although only 10 people have 
practiced this week, Mr. Roy 
Belt, intramural director, stre- 
ssed, "Anybody can still enter. 
We have room for 40 students 
and no practice is requned." 

The first 50-yard shoot starts 
today at li3D p.m. "All the 
student needs to do is check out 

the equipment, his score sheet 
and eight ends, which is a total 
of 48 arrows," continued Bell. 

Awards are given to the 50, 
40, and 30 yard winners, plus an 
overall winner. 

Miss Betty Jean Blanton is 
coordhiating this year's putting 
championship. The contest is 
putting only and to get a tee 
time, students are asked to see 
Miss Blanton in her office in the 
east end of the gym. 

A player must go 36 holes to 
qualify and the championship 
round will be 18 holes. 

"The putting contest will be 
followed up with a pitch and 
putt contest," said Bell. 





Tuesday & Thursday 

I & R Board 


^4:»H:4<*H«^»i<9ic%^^si«H«»i«^4(ii(>i<H<*>N»ie!Ki(e9fe 4(»i«»i«'^ 

New York Yankees, Ft. 
Lauderdale; the Los Angeles 
Dodgers, Vero Beach; and the 
Baltimore O's, Miami. 
Cliff Notes: JC's Basketball 
team is ranked fourth on offense 
in the state and 23 on defense. 
Guy Poyastro, averaging, 12.8 
rebounds a game, is ranked fifth 
in the state. Guard Ron 
Cunningham tallies fourth in the 
state free throw department. In 
16 games he is averaging 84.7 
percent from the chariety line. 
Coach Harris McGbrt's tennis 
team honored an invitation to See 
some professional advice from 
Fred Flemming at the Mead 
Racquet Club in Lake Worth this 
past week. Flemming is one of 
the top pro instructors in the 

The Beachcomber Sports will 
begin a series of interviews next 
week with professional athletes 
involved in baseball. 

Sorise Hits No. I 
As Pacers Lose 


Sports Editor 

Rich Sorise may have hit the first homerun of the season for the 
Pacers last Monday afternoon, but he would rather have had the 

The Ft. Lauderdale Baseball School went two up on the exhibition 
season with JC as they took advantage of six unearned runs for a 
12-5 win. 

JC jumped to a 3-0 lead early in the first inning as Glenn Rogers 
had a solid basehit to centerfield, and went to third as Sam Testa 
reached first on an error. Then, Sorise hit Gary Kleker's first pitch 
over the leftfleld fence. 

After tight-roping a double down the leftfldd line in the third. 
Testa scored on a passed ball. The Pacers also picked up another 
run in the fifth. 

Howver, the big inning for the Phillies was the sixth. Fred 
Ferrai's club picked up six unearned runs on just three hits. 

Mike Papa, the Phillies' rightfielder, added two insurance runs in 
the seventh as he pulled a Ross Baumgarten fasti all over the 
leftfield fence. 

Julian Rodreguez started for the Pacers on the mov id and was 
relieved by Baumgarden in the sixth inning. 

Phil Neurone commented that Rodriguez' slider "is his best 

The Ft. Lauderdale Basebnall School was originated in 1967 and 
is the only baseball school of its kind in Florida, 

"Basically, we get ballplayers ftom all over the country for one or 
more weeks to get inspired for a scholarship or play pro ball," said 
Ferrai, the school's manager and founder. 

"We're affiliated with the Phillies because I'm a scout." 

When asked about the Pacers' chances in the division, Neurone 
said, "They're a good hitting ballclub, and they've got an excellent 

Ferrai has been most impressed with the Pacers' nucleus. 
"Dusty Rhodes has done a real fine job. They'll hold their own." 

The Phillies invade the main campus diamond today, Feb. 10, at 
3:00 p.m. for an exhibition game. 

Tourney Slated For Chess 

The week long JC Chess 
Tournament begins February 
17. the tournament is open to 
anyone who knows how to push 
a pawn," says Robin Plitt. 

Sign-ups for the event can be 
made in the chess room located 
in the north end of the SAC 

lounge and play is at anytime 
that is conveneient. 

The event is a round robin 
tournament with the top four 
finishers used to determine the 
JC chess team. Terry Wilkinson 
is working on scheduling 

12 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, February 10, 1975 

Pacers Stars 
Bury 'Cudas 



Sports Editor 
MIAMI - Don Burns, scoring a 
season high 27 points, and Bill 
Brandon, adding 22, combined 
to help JC annihilate Miami- 
Dade Downtown, 103-77, Wed- 
nesday night. 

The Pacers shot a blistering 
56.5 percent from the field while 
pulling down 43 rebounds. 

"We needed to bush them as 
much as we could," said Bob 
Wright, JC head coach. 

The Pacers took the opening 
tip on a pass from Burns to 
Brandon. The big 6'3" captain 
scored on a power move and the 
Pacers were never denied. 

The Barracuda's were down 
by five and six points 
throughout the first half. Burns 
hit a 25 foot jumper at the 
buzzer to give the Pacers a 50-39 
half time lead. 

Brandon and Burns collected 
successive buckets as JC 
extended their lead to 10 points 
midway through the .second 

Due to the aggressive 
defense, Mike Gibbs, William 
Hall, and Burns picked up their 
fourth foul in the later part of 
the game. 

Chip Boes' club then started 
taking the ball to the hoop and 
chipped away at the Pacers 


Barracuda guard Glenn Mon- 
roe hit a field goal with 9 left to 
pull them within four points, 

But, the Pacers answered 
with a lunging assist by Burns 
on a Brandon bucket. 

Victor Dubose checked in with 
Burns at the 1:26 mark- and hit 
two field goals for a 92-75. 

"When we called time out 
with about 11/2 minutes left 
and put Burns one-on-one, the 
ball game was over," stated an 
overjoyed Wright in the locker 
room after the win. 

Three other players scored in 
double digits behind Burns and 
Brandon. Richard Nelson sank 
17, with Gibbs acrobatically 
hitting for 11. Victor Dubose hit 
five quick goals as a substitute. 

"We hit eight free throws in 
the last minute," said Wright. 
The Pacers were 15 for 19 for 
the night from the charity line. 

Palm Beach's record is 14-6 
overall, and 6-3 in conference 
play pending the results of last 
Saturday night's contest at John 
F. Kennedy Health Center on 
the Dade-South campus, 

Brandon summed up the 
entire \yeek by saying, "What 
did I tell you, this was the 

Palm Beacli Junior College 
Burns 10-7-27, Brandon 10-2-22, Cimningham 10-0-2 
Hall 1-2-4, Poyastro 3-2-8, Nelson 8-M7, Dubose 5-0-10 
Mitchell 1-0-2, Gibbs 54-11 , Rousche 0-0-0. 

Miami-Dade Downtown 
Oliva 4-0-8, Gauthier 6-3-15, Roberts 5-9-14, Russel 0-1-1 

Scandrick 8-S-24, Spivey 0-3-3, Payton 1-0-2. 

Classified Ads 



Term Papers: Canada's largest 
service. For catalogue send $2 
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tives required. Please write. 
1972 Yamaha 250 MX, Trailer, 
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For Sale: 71' Trailer for sale 12' 
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storage shed 10' x 10', 
furnished $3750.00 Location 
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Enduro, Low miles, Excellent 

shape, Phone Boca, 368-0111. 
For Sale: Adorable Poowho 
puppies. Mother Silver 
Miniature Poodle, Father 
Roaming Romeo - Wormed, $5. 
3 males, 2 females, Phone 

For Sales Parts for a Pontiac. 
Crane Cam, Mags, Valve Cover 
4-Speed, 428 Engine and a large 
assortment of other parts 
available Call 832-0848. 
For Sale: 4 Crome slots 14" fits 
GM cars; also 2 blue bucket 
seats, both reasonable. Call Bill 
at 965-5611. 

^ < '" ' """- ■ - ' > <= 




Best of 8 Ends 

Equipment Provided 

1:30 p.m. Today 
I & R Board 





Alonzo Lambert of 
Broward Nortli skys 
high over Pacer's 
Gus Poyastro during 
the 77-76 JC Victory 

Steve Fnlz Photo 


I'm Giving 110% -Brandon 

Continued from page 10 

league-wide problem; the con- 
sistent outbreak of fights. 

Brandon is soft-spoken, but 
will express his opinion when 

questioned on an issue, and in 
this case he disagrees with 
Reynolds. "Coaches are the 
only ones that should say 

Coach Seeks Golfers 


Staff Writer 

The JC women's golf team is having trouble getting off the first 
tee. Five girls were on the team during the fall term but two of them 
quit to play Softball this terra, according to Howard Reynolds, JC 
athletic director. 

If JC is unable to have a complete team, then the girls will play as 
individuals representing JC. The girls really want to play and 
therefore should have the opportunity, comments Reynolds. 

The girls include Colleen Walker, from nearby John I Leonard 
High School, whom Reynclds rates as an extremely, good golfer. 
Linda Moore, from Atlantic High School in Delray, is also a fine 
golfer according to Reynolds. The third member is Sarah Marsh, 
also from Atlantic, whom Reynolds says has a lot of potential. The 
first match is the University of Miami Invitational scheduled for 
Februaiy 24 and 25. 

anything to a ref. 'They should 
protect us." argues Brandon. 

The "technical" situation was 
discussed in the Pacers' 
locker-room before the Wed- 
nesday, January 29, home game 
with Edison Community Coll- 

JC Coach Bob Wright knew 
that the referees that particular 
night were quick when it came 
to calling technicals, so he 
cautioned the team to remain on 
the bench and practice silence. 
After the 88-83 victory, in 
which no Pacer technicals were 
called, Brandon was removing 
his red and blue striped 
tknee-high socks, which are worn 
because he couldn't find any 
other color in that length. 

Turning to Coach Wright, 
Brandon boasted, "1 sure kept 
my boys. quiet tonight. Coach"! 

"You sure did, Bill," said 
Wright with a grin. 


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10th and Congress 
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Instant Lunch 

All you can eat of salad, 

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ond Pizza 

Hours. 1 1 :30 to 1 :30 Monday thru Saturday 




i i 

Rogers: Improve Health 


News Editor 
Congressman Paul Rogers 
(Dem.-West Palm Beach) was 
guest speaker on the Confer- 
ence on Aging Seminar held 
Tuesday in the JC Food Services 


Rogers, who has served 11 
terms in Congress and five 
years as chairman of the House 
Public Health and Environment 
Snb-coniinittee, spoke with 
enthusiasm on "Scope of Health 
Care Legislation for the Aged." 

Congressman Rogers feels 
hospital personnel should work 
as a team. 

He said nursing will have to 
take greater responsibility in 
heahh care delivery. 

"There is a shortage of 
manpower, and all our studies 
have indicated that." 

Rogers stressed the possibil- 

ity of nutrition being taught in 
medical school, and said no 
doctor he ever visited asked 
questions concerning nutritional 
food value. 

He said nursing homes are. 
most expensive in health care. 

"We've got to have greater 
emphasis on home care rather 
than the old approach we used 
of putting them [aged] in 

He feels the quality of nursing 
homes needs to be upgraded 
throughout the nation. 

"We need help, desperately, 
for health in this nation," he 

"We need help desperately," says Rogers. 


Monday, February 17, 1975 

Lake Worth, Florida, 33460 

Committee Grills Publications 

Jay Kravetz Photo 

JC Welcomes 
Lib Gabbers 

An Equal Rights Amendment 
(ERA) debate was held in the 
SAC Lounge last Moiiday. 

Mrs. Elsie Leviton, former 
President of the League of 
Women Voters took the 
affirmative. In the negative was 
Mrs. Frank Mehler, chairman of 
the Citizens Coalition shown in 
the above picture. 

The topic concerned the 
Florida Legislature's ratification 
of the proposed 27th Amend- 

^%%'AV.*ir.V.*. •.--.> *!.!.T.:."o%T.>%;.;.;.!.>.«..."-...-»-'ii# 

I No 'Comber | 
I Next Week I 



BELOW - Pro tennis 
instructor Fred Flem- 
mi 13 helps JC's temiis 
team . . . .see pg. 7 

Staff Writer 

Presentations began Tuesday at the Activity Fee Committee 
meeting, as Advisor Walker Graham of the "Media" and student 
Frank Smith outlined their needs for the ensuing year.Examples of 
students' works which had been published in previous editions were 
read, and a question-answer session followed. 

Graham noted that Media is the only outlet for literary minded 
students to have original material printed and bound into 
permanent book form, 

SG Vice President Dolor Ginchereau, Assemblies representative, 
asked if student response had increased since budget was raised 
about two years ago. Graham stated figures that reflected an 
increase of 100% in number of articles submitted for evaluation. 
This prompted the question of how offerings are selected for 
publication since space is limited in the Media. 

After it was explained that an editorial board decides important 
matter of screening, SG Senator Rob Abraras, asked who serves on 
such a board, Volunteers are used in choosing articles for 
publication and all material is numbered to encourage fairness, 
according to Graham. 

This literary magazine has won top awards in eight categories in 
competition wrth other colleges in its class. Media does not 
anticipate a need for increasing percentage of fees unless 
enrollment drops, which automatically decreases amount of monies 
available under this system. A larger book or added color however, 
would increase cost of production. They distributed 3,000 copies last 
year at approximate overhead of 60c each. 

Next group questioned by the committee was the Beachcomber. 
Advisor Charles McCreight and Editor Brian E. Crowley, were hi 
accord on issnes presented. It is their consensus that the printed 
page reaches more of the student popnlus than any other channel. 

Crowley mentioned three primary areas covered in the 'Comber 
as: publication, public relations and service to student body. He also 
stressed that over the years the paper has captured over twenty 
state and national awards for its superiority. 

When questioned about advertising McCreight answered, "Our 
ad policy was sstftW sksd under the former structure of District 

Board ot Trustees and when this body was reorganized h notified 
any affected parties of policy changes. The 'Comber has never 
received any such notice from the board. 

"A large percentage of the ad money is used to increase number 
of printed pages and give honorariums to students on the staff," he 
said. Student ads are discounted but receive same consideration as 

Turn to Publications page 3 

"Our literary magazine has 
won top awards in eight 
categories. The Media is 
the only outlet for students 
to have creative material 
printed and bound into 
permanent book form." 
-Media Adviser 
Walker Graham 

Mid-Term Mailing Ceases 

Staff Writer 

Mid-term grade slips for each 
class are to be distributed to JC 
students according to a new- 
grade reporting procedure 
passed by the Faculty Senate on 
January 23. 

By handing out grade cards, 
instead of mailing them, 5750 in 
postage will be saved. 

Registrar Lawrence H. May- 
field said this procedure applies 
only to mid-term grades, and he 
"assumes final grades will be 
mailed as usual. 

Counselors Here: 

Staff Writer 

Florida Atlantic University (FAU) had representatives stationed 
in JC's cafeteria every day last week to counsel students interested 
in continuing their education at this upper division state college. 

The three persons on the scene everj day were: ShWey Finger 
and Bill McCray, admission counselors and Bob Cannon, Financial 
consultant for FAU. 

Turn to JC. FAU page 3 

"There's nothing new cr 
different in this procedure," he 
said. "It's a cvminwn pranict- in 
some colleges." 

The Facuhv Senate originally 
discussed posting grades by 
Social Security number, but this 
idea was rejected because of an 
inadequate number of buileiis 
boards and the possibisity that 
dissatisfied students might tear 
down the grades. 

Each grade slip will have the 
students natne, scffiia! stvuniy 
iiunsber and the studens's grade 

Two or three moniitis ha»e 
been made its the Facaity Senate 
to eliminate mid-term grades 
entittiy. according to Maytlcld. 
Tliese nunians have always 

"It's good psychology for 
students to know boi* they're 
doing," Mayfield said. 

Turn to Mid-Tenn page 3 



2- BEACHCOMBER Monday, February 17, 1975 




Associate Editor 

4$spclicifed coliegiote pre$$ 

Guest Faculty Column 

Students Made New Systems 

Director of Data Processing 

All students at JC are familiar 
ivitii tlie On-Line Registration 
System, but very few know tfiat 
the entire system was designed 
and programmed by former JC 

It has been a tremendous 
accomplishment for these young 
men and women to have 

designed such a complete and 
sophisticated system. At the 
present time colleges from 
various parts of the United 
States are contacting our school 
about using the registration 
system, and our young people 
are being recognized as 
autliorities in this area. 

The computerized registra- 
tion system that they have 


Is Unisex World 
Goal Of ERA? 

Women can never be lilce men! That rather obvious 
understatement is the backbone of the Anti-Equal Rights 
Amendment movement in this state. 

It'sall becoming very boring. The "Anti" threaten us with a 
unisex world in which alf distinctions between men and women will 
be outlawed. Both sexes will be forced to share the same 
bathrooms, clothes and foxholes. Families will be destroyed by 
working mothers and homosexual weddings will be the new "big 
business" of the future. 

Scare tactics like these are heard every day and unfortunately all 
they do is cloud the real issues of the Equal Rights Amendments. 
No constitutional amendment has ever been passed without 
controversy. Alt have required Judicial interpretation. 

ERA can only be strengthened by judicial interpretation. The idea 
that the judiciary would permit joint bathroom facilities is 

Reasonable study of the ERA demonstrates benefits that may be 
realized by both men and women; (such as widowers being 
permitted to collect tfieir wives social security benefits which they 
cannot do now). 

ERA is long overdue. Women in this state should be given the 
same opportunities as men in all aspects of life. Florida legislators 
have already missed the opportunity to be a leader in the growth of 
this amendment, but it is not to late to hitch a ride. 

"Cvxiito^^^'^ ^"^"^^ 


designed incorporates many of 
the latest concepts used in the 
computer field. The system has 
been designed so that the IBM 
computer can perform' several 
taslis simultaneously. While 
students are being scheduled, 
the college business department 
is using video terminals to 
process daily financial transac- 
tions. Student programs and 
other operations can be 
performed at the same time 

Not only have our former 
students made a contribution tc 
the computer fitld, they have 
provided suggestions as to how 
oiir courses should be taught, 
which over the years have been 
incorporated into the curricu- 
lum. Essentially the students' 
suggestions have made the 
laboratory experience simulate, 
as much as possible, actual job 
experience. Because the Data 
Processing students have such 
experience, some of the 
advanced students are hired as 
student assistants in our 
programming area. 

One of the more important 
satisfactions of teaching is to 
see the success which your 
students obtain as they proceed 
in their careers. Students may 
not always appreciate the 
methods their teacher may 
employ in order to get the 
necessary results required to 
achieve success, but after they 
enter into the business 
community, they readily under- 
stand why our curriculum 
emphasizes real job experience. 
I consider my department's 
success to be equally attributed 
to rny co-workers as well as my 

Clubs Upswinging 

5 1 Percent 


The time of being an 
individual is slowly becoming 
■'not in," Clubs of social nature 
are on the upswing, contrary to 
a recent article on Feb. 10 
entitled "Clubs At JC On 

There are clubs being formed 
ntnv w hich are relevant, such as 
the new Hospitality Club in the 
Hotel and Restaurant Manage- 
ment Program. This club has 
m er 30 charter members. 

Chi Sig fraternity has 10 
pledges in this wmter term. This 
is seven more than the past five 

The key word in our opinion is 
"relevance." If students do not 
want to panicipate or show up at 
baseball games today, why 
should we continue to fund 

Just for the heck of it, 

Debating ERA 

J. Michele NoHer- 

imagine today that students 
might prefer to parachute from 
an airplane or maybe some old 
interest like water skiing, which 
has declined, may be rekindled. 

We see activities being 
crammed down students' 
throats. It's like taxation 
without representation. Clubs 
and sports which are no longer 
relevant continue to justify their 
existence because they have 
always been here. Examples are 
the baseball team, sailing club, 
SG, concerts, etc. They use 
inflation as an excuse to ask for 
additional funding and thus 
waste valuable student funds, 

SG has the responsibility of 
flndmg out what is a waste of 
money, what students want, 
how many activities are no 
longer relevant and then fight 
for the students through proper 

Board of Trustees. 

This, I believe, is a concern of 
many students. Once SG and 
clubs are relevant many more 
students will participate. 

Self-interested survival has 
become the norm of student 
activities when requesting 
funding. If clubs, organizations 
and SG fee! they are responsive 
to student needs they have a 
role to fulfill. 

In the past clubs competed for 
SG representation. They felt a 
part of the overall picture of 
extra-curricular activities. It is 
only because of traditions and 
antiquated attitudes, bogged 
down in old fashioned bureau- 
cracy that JC clubs might be 
'mistakenly tagged "on the 

Daniel L. Lentz, Commander 
Chi Sig 

channels right up through the 



I'lioui ncpl 


••«••»••• •«••• 

,.,MiiFl"y Mctlunu 
Steve Fritr 
Debbie Huhn 
S-tm l'u« 
ii\ Kravci? 
Wimiiii i^nigjiton 

VentBrcEdJt^i ..„...„..;, frank Smith 

Sports Euitor „Tini Bray 

Business Managef *.„„,»„.» BobHaUidcI 

Ktlitofial Assistant .....iis Tuckwood 

Consultant Chattw McCrei^t 

STAH-' WRITERS - imes ,4.*, John Auchterlome. Tom,, I'.tc ( bus.,,, .hme. Cleare. Raoui G«rc,». 

Lo„ H.llebnnd. Bill Hutchins. Km Jones. Robin landlc. «„,„,e K„;hton. f l,ck M.y.r, Mutf^ McClung, 

Becky .Morse. Plufip Nei.faauer,-S™ Putt. Amy Strimhu. Oel.bic T],omp^„„. K,ii /i^t^j 

The Beachcombor h published from our editorial omcc, in tb. St.Mont PubbcjUon.: Buildi.,. at I'.bn Hoacl. 
g Ainioi College. 4200 S Congress ,\ve , Lake Worth. Mondi 3 1460 
^ Telephone 965-80C)0£ v tension 2 1 

I Opmi„nsevpre,.cd in the Beachcomber ate those of Jh- edKors„r tl,.- h,.,„, „f „„ ..r.icles .mJ aro n.,L nee 
m ^'Siarily those of Palm Beach AjniorCoiieue ' 


The Equal Rights Amendment will soon reappear before 
the Florida Legislature. In conjunction with this, Edwin Pugh, 
a social science instructor, brought this issue before JC 

Elsie Leviton, the representative from the League of 
Women Voters, stated that we are wasting 51 per cent of our 
nation's human resources by allowing discriminatory laws 
and practices to continue. One-third of the female work force 
are heads of families who are earning far less than their male 

Zinna Mailer, the representative for the Citizens Coalition 
to Defeat ERA, stated that ERA is undefined, dangerous and 
unnecessary. Ms. Mailer felt that the ERA would force 
women to contribute 50 per cent of a household's income, lift 
the ban on homosexual marriages and destroy the practice of 
separate toilet and shower facilities. 

The ERA reads, "Equality of rights under the law shall not 
be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on 
account of sex." 

According to the National Association of Women Lawyers, 
"ERA is necessary because women have never been accorded 
legal status as persons or guaranteed equal protection of the 
law under the fifth and fourteenth amendments." 

And, according to the Senate Judiciary Committee, "... 
sex discrimination is still more the nde than the exception. 
Much [discrimination] is attributable to governmental action 
both in maintaining archaic discriminatory laws and in 
perpetuating discriminatory practices in employment, 
education and other areas . . . that a majority of our 
population should be subjected to the indignities and 
limitations of second class citizenship is a fundamental affront 
to personal human liberty." 

The ERA will invalidate all discriminatory laws that pertain 
to men and women. It will not affect any social relationships 
between adults. It will not make drafting of women automatic; 
Congress already has the power to draft women. The ERA, in 
itself, cannot be said to affect anything absolutely, other than 
sexist laws. Test cases will decide what other impact ERA 
might have. 

Thirty-three states have passed ERA, five more are 
needed. Susan B. Anthony wrote this amendment 
approximately 75 years ago. At the time she remarked, "Men 
- their rights and nothing more; women - their rights and 
nothing less." 

We will pass this amendment eventually. 



; : 

^* I 






. . . to JC Board of Trustees 
member Mrs. Susan Anstead 
on the birth of a baby girl 
Friday, February 14. 

and JC's maintenance 
crew fought back val- 


Continued from page 1 

He also believes that 
mid-term grades force teachers 
to give quizzes or something to 
"evaluate student's efforts." 

Mayfield reminds students 
that mid-term grades are 
progress reports and not 

Grade cards will be distribut- 
ed on March 4. 

Answer Back 

Con tinued from page 1 

outside sponsors who pay more. 
Organizations are assured space 
in this manner. 

Instructor Roy Bell, head of 
Intramural Board, uses the ad 
service of the 'Comber 
extensively. He had this to say 
about paying for student ads: 
"First of all, the use of 
advertising provides training. I 
believe that paying for ads is 
comparable to paying admission 
to basketball games. 

"It also gives organizations 
an opportunity to control what is 
printed and likewise gives 
newspaper power to control 
unfavorable ads. This is a very 
good method of communication 
with students, and I definitely 
do not feel it is misuse of the 
student activity fee. We should 
not be forced to rely wholly on 
the news, as it would soon 
became no more than a bulletin 

Both evening and day 
students are writers and 
photographers for the student 
paper. It is a learning process 
for them and comes under 
classification of workshop. This 
means that the school is 
reimbursed for some of the 
overhead expenses incurred by 
this activity. 

Student Government Presi- 
dent Tory S. Buckley, proposed 
a motion to continue evaluation 
of the 'Comber when it 
reconvenes at 1:30 p.m. 
tomorrow. This motion being 
carried brought the session to a 

Blood Drive 

Monday. February 17, 1975 BEACHCOMBER ■ 3 

riuiiuiuiHHiiiuia Eciltor's Notebook 

i MUSIC FOR BRASS AND ORGAN, the annual conceriby the | 

I JC Music Department will be presented February 24, | 

I EVERYONE is invited. | 


* FEBRUARY 24! " 


i week before noon Thursday. g 

= i 

= BEOG applications are now available in the Financial Aid | 

I Office. 3 

= GRADUATES! February 17 is the DEADLINE for application | 

I for graduation. Pick up your GRAD cards from' your | 

I Department Head. I 

I FREE PPD (Tuberculin) skin testing in the Health Clinic, | 

E Tuesday. i 

I GODSPELL! ! ! Tickets now on sale in the Bookstore. S2.50 for | 

5 students. 5 

I I.E.E.E. will meet TOMORROW at 1:30 to discuss plans | 

s concerning Engineers Week. S 


I TOMORROW at 12:30 in room TE 24. EVERYONE is invited | 

I to attend. S 

Jay Kravetz photo ihmniunimniniminiinmiinnnRininntiniimnniiMrmninuiHiniinnimiHiuiuinniiiis 

Prep Drama-Orgy Erupts Thursday 

A Drama Festival, featuring 
one act plays presented by six 
local high schools, will be held 
in JC's auditorium Thursday. It 
is being sponsored by the PBJC 
Players (Phi Rho Pi) and the 
English Department. 

The festival will last from 10 
a.m. -5 p.m. with a play 
presented each hour. Each play 
will be followed by an oral 
critique by Dr. Thurman 
Stanback, acting chairman of 
the theatre department at 
Florida Atlantic University. 

Dr. Stanback, Mr. Watson B, 
Duncan III, Mr. Frank Leahy, 
Mr. Arthur Masto and Ms. 
Sunny Meyer (coordinating 
director of the festival) will 
judge the plays and select three 


Continued from page 1 

Heads of Humanities, Art, 
Music, Communication. English 
Theatre, History, Physics, 
Science, Engineering, Electrical 
Engineering, Mechanical En- 
gineering, Education, Founda- 
tions, Curriculum and Instruc- 
tion, Social Science, Business 
and Public Relations, Student 
Services and Accounting De- 
partments were present inter- 
mittently to give information on 
their respective programs. 

This tastitution of higher 
learning is located in Boca 
Raton about forty miles south of 
JC. In the past all students 
receiving Associate of Arts 
degrees here were guaranteed 

Ms. Finger stated her opinion 
that all students submitting 
applications before February 28 
would be accepted. Others may 
apply up to March 26, however, 
with no guarantee of admission. 

as the best. These three plays 
will be presented to the public 
free of charge on Friday and 
Saturday, Feb. 21 and 22, at 8 

The PBJC Players will also 
present two student-directed 
plays during the festival, "Duet 
in Masque" and "The Zoo 
Story. ' ' 

Student director of "Duet" is 
Shannon Rollins, assisted by 
Debra Bucher. Cast members 
are Bibi Beaujois, Keith Cooper, 
Kim Nelson and Dan Buckley. 

"The Zoo Story" stars David 
Bathoand JohnTowell, directed 
by Glenn Powell. 

There is no admission charge 
for the festival performances, 
open to students, faculty and 

Ms. Meyer cautions that no 
one will be admitted to the 
auditorium on Thursday during 
the competition after the curtain 
has gone up for each play. 

Thursday's schedule of plays 

10 a.m., Rosarian High 

School presents "Aria da Capo" 

11 a.m., Forest Hill High 
School presents "Hello Out 

12 noon, Glades Central High 
School presents "The Boor" 

2 p.m.. North Shore High 

School presents "Please, No 

3 p.m.. Twin Lakes High 
School presents "The Murder of 

4 p.m., Suncoast High School 
presents ' 'The Sandbox' ' 

Jay Kravetz photo 
'Comber columnist J. Michelle Notter attended last week's 
ERA debate. Her reactions appear on page two. 

Execs Study Grad Gratuities 

Staff Writer 

"Itry to meet the needs of the 
student as determined by their 
financial statement," explained 
the Chairperson of the Scholar- 
ship Committee, Mr. Leon 
Warner, at the Feb. 11 meeting 
of SG Executive Board. 

The Scholarship Committee, 
consisting of appointed faculty, 
decides which appHcants re- 
ceive awards and scholarships. 

SG President Tory S. Buckley 

questioned Mr. Warner on the 
possibUity of students servtag 
on the committee. Warner 
pointed out that some students 
might object to a co-student 
studying their financial state- 

The Executive Board unani- 
mously approved service sch- 
olarships of S300 each, to be 
awarded to four graduating 
sophomores for their outstand- 
ing service to the school. 
Applicants for this award do not 

submit a financial statement. 

A discussion was held 
concerning the sale of 8-track 
tapes at a discount to students. 
Representing the Science Club, 
Jim Walker expressed interest 
in the experiment as a 
fund-raising project. 

WRAP manager Dave Drum- 
mond was present to request 
new speakers for the cafeteria. 

March 3 Is Scholarship Deadline 

^^^^^H For Graduating Sophomores 

It's that time again. Another 
Blood Drive is to be held 
Wednesday, February 26, in 
Room AV 9. A goal of 100 pints 
has been set by the Sales and 
Marketing Club. According to 
Janice Frost, chairman, 84 pints 
were donated when this group 
sponsored the project on 
October 31. 

It is hoped that many nearby 
ffesidents of the community will 
be informed of the need for 
donors and will respond. It is 
not restricted to JC, 

Graduating sophomores can now apply for 
scholarships in the Financial Aid Office 
(AD-02). The Scholarship deadline is March 3 
and the majority of scholarships available 
require a 3.0 GPA. Also, need is a controlling 
factor. These are the available scholarships: 

1. Calvin W. Campbell Memorial Scholarship 

2. FAU Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship 

3. Junior Woman's Club of North Palm Beach 

4. Halsey «& Griffith Scholarship 

5. American Legion of Lake Worth Post 47 

6. FAU Business Scholarship 

7. Palm Beach County Medical Society 

8. Gee & Jenson Consulting Engineers 

9. Palm Beach County Scholarship Foundation 

10. Mather/ Cummins Scholarship 

11. Palm Beach Medical Society Auxiliary 

12. Ethan Allen Georgetown Interior Design 

13. Rorida State Presidential Scholarship 

14. Student Government Association Service 

15. Palm Beach Chapter Florida Engineering 
Society and Ladies Auxiliary 

16. Lake Worth Art League 

17. Donald M. Paterson 

18. Kiwanis Club of Southside West Palm 


114 North "J" St. 
Lake Worth, Florida 
Phone 582-5641 

Member F.D.I.C. 

4 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, February 17, 1975 

Photo Interest De 

Monday, February 17, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 5 

Staff Writer 

We are living in the most 
picture-conscious age the world has 
ever known I 

The photography profession is barely 
a century old, yet pictures are by far the 
most powerful force in the world of 
communications today. Many wonder 
why making pictures has suddenly 
become "the" thing to do. 

"There is a growing interest in the 
arts in general," explains Mr. Patrick 
Slatery, JC's young, energetic Art 
instructor. "Young people today are not 

concerned with just "making it;" they 
want to be both happy with themselves 
and successful at the same time." 

" Also, ' ' he added, "more parents are 
letting their kids make up their own 

According to Slatery, there are two 
types of students, written and visually 
orientated ones. 

"Some people are more comfortable 
with words while others use their visual 
facilities and their designing talents to 
do what they like best," he said. 

Two of his top students, Brian 
O'Connor and Dave Alexander, fee] that 
texture contrasts, "mood shots" and 




tract iM 

for^ |aelement. 

factors of 
Olographs. As 

Is another 



should i 
learn t<ii 

produce a. 
prints, 1^1 

Althci aid Design are not 
requtr^ bsj' noted that 


beautil) r 

agraphy majors 
Slid Design I to 
ieehnical design, 
ifter he is able to 
weli exposed 
le on mechanics, 
the basics," 

iiisiastn and a 
laie photography 

of America's 

oBce stated, "A 

(fne is one to 

open. He sees 

places • things 

Bi||amuii5tances he 

't occasion to 

is the great 

is like the witch 

out a camera 

iie changes . . . 

the camera 

of his subject, 

expeiw aera 

A contrast of texture helps the viewer feel softness against 
roughness in this photo by Dave Alexander. 

Frankly Speaking 

Science Fiction Lives 

— Frank Snnith 

. "Do you think that science fiction is very interesting?" David 

"Interesting!?!" Malcolm exclaimed, "certainly it's 
interesting!" Jules Verne captured the minds and imaginations of 
millions of readers with books like, "20,000 Leagues Under The 
Sea," "Around The World In 80 Days" and others in which he 
made accurate predictions of the future. 
"Like what," queried David. 

"He predicted guided missiles, TV telephones, motion pictures 
submarines and helicopters!" Malcolm stated emphatically. 
Is that all?" David questioned snidely. 

"Not really." Answered Malcolm just as snidely, "He also 
predicted prefabricated mass housing, synthetic materials, air 
pollution, and climate control. He did this predicting way back in 
the late 1800's!!" " 

"Wow," exclaimed David. 

"Looking deeper into predictions, H.G. Wells was another 
technological prophet, " said Malcolm . 
"Oh yeah?" encouraged David. 

Certainly. Here, let me read from this book . . ." started 

"What book?" interrupted David. 

" . . 'The World Set Free"' continued Malcolm, "Wells writes, 
'Nothing would have been more obvious to the people of the early 
twentieth century than the rapidity with which war was becoming 
impossible. And as certainly they did not see it. They did not see it 
until the atomic bombs burst in their fumbling hands."' 

"Golly, that nice writing," said David. "What was that written, 
"No, it was written in 1914!" said Malcolm. 
"1914!? That's before atomic bombs were invented! 
Interesting," stated David. 

"I thought you'd think so." suggested Malcolm. "Why this 
sudden interest in science fiction anyway?" asked Malcolm. 
"They're starting a club," said David. 
"What club?" asked Malcolm. 

"A club John Ellis is trying to start, it's gonna have people get 
together, writers, artists to examine and create science fiction 
scenes, it will be a workshop and club combined and may even put 
out a magazine ..." 

"Who's John Ellis?" asked Malcohn. 

"He's a writer, he's published a novel, and writes for magazines, 
he's really good and he's trying to start this club . . ." babbled 

"What's his phone number, do you know?" asked Malcolm. 
"Um . . . 832-9852," said David. "Why?" 
"Well, I've got this idea for a science fiction prediction," said 
"What's that?" asked David. 

■•It's an invention in the field of personal entertainment. It's 
presented to the viewer through his sense of touch. The viewer 
places his hand on a box, while inside the box a baU of heat is 
dancing madly about. The viewers hand can perceive the movement 
through the boxes' walls. The motion is the focus of attention; 
rhythm and motion variances will be the alternating factor. More 
balls will add polyrhythms and interesting motion relationships, 
finished Malcolm. 

challenging, exciting and un- 

Controllers have a large 
variety of duties and responsi- 
bilities; one of the many is 
ground control. The ground 
controllers approve the take-offs 
and landings as well as taxiing 
positions. This may appear to be 
trivial but if the ground 

Talent On Tap 

Geometric forms dominate this thematic photo by Brian O'Conner, 
taken at the downtown campus of Miami Dade Junior College. 


Staff Writer 

Feb. 18 - The Greater Palm Beach Symphony appears in concert 
at 8:30 p.m. at the West Palm Beach Auditorium, All seats 
reserved; tickets are S2 and $3.50. Classes will not be held from 
10:50-12:20 as actress Maureen Hurley and actor Hervert Kya-hill 
present their program of music and drama "Between Two Worlds," 
in the PBJC auditorium. 

Feb. 20,21,22 - The Lake Worth Vagabonds present Noel 
Coward's "Hay Fever," at the Lake Worth High School 
Auditorium. The production will start at 7:56 p.m. on the 20th and 
2Ist, and at 3:01 p.m. on the 22nd. Tickets cost S1.50 for adults. 

Feb. 21 - Friday night, SGA will sponsor two movies, "Julius 
Caesar" and "Henry the Eighth." The movies will be shown in the 
SAC lounge. Consult the bulletin boards or check with SG for the 

Feb. 21, 22 - JC's Drama Festival is at 8:00 p.m. in the PBJC 
Auditorium. Award-winning one-act plays performed by local high 
schools and Palm Beach Junior College will be featured. Admission 
is free to the public. 

Feb. 22 - The Palm Beach Junior College Band appears in a 
mini-concert at the new Lake Worth Bandshell from 1:30-2:00 p.m. 

Feb. 23 - The PBJC Orchestra will appear at Cresthaven Villas 
from 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. Admission is free. 

Feb. 24 - Brass Choir combined with the soaring music of the 
organ is presented at the annual concert at the United Methodist 
Church at the corner of Florida and Hibiscus, West Palm Beach. 
Admission is free, and the program begins at 8 p.m. 

Wrestling will be featured at the West Palm Beach Auditorium at 
8:30 p.m. Tickets cost S5, S4, and S2.50. 

Feb. 25 - West Palm Beach Auditorium presents a travel show. 
Information may be obtained at the Auditorium . 

Feb. 26 - Appearing at the West Palm Beach Auditorium will be 
the Miami Philharmonic Orchestra. The program beings at 8:30 
p.m. and tickets cost $5, $8, and $12. 

Aien Depend On Tower Control For Safety 

controllers do not keep planes in 
proper sequence this can cause 
delays, confusion and accidents. 
Still other controllers are busy 
with aircraft in the general 
vicinity keeping them at a safe 
altitude and on a correct path as 
not to interfere with other 
aircraft. Within this job all 
controllers must be aware of 
conditions such as sky condi- 
tion, visibility, wind, tempera- 
ture and altimeter reading to . 
inform pilots of such conditions 
which might interfere with the 

All of the tower controllers 
help aid in unusual situations 
such as search and rescue 
operations, helping disoriented . 
pilots, talking down a person 
who is forced to fly an aircraft 
due to an emergency as well as 
keeping a check on overdue 

Air Traffic Controllers are 
constantly busy and their jobs 
are very hectic ones. A medical 
report has shown that air traffic 
controllers have a very high 
ulcer rate caused by the extreme 
tension. Essential decisions are 
being made every minute, 
decisions that could mean the 
loss of many lives if they prove 
to be incorrect. 1 he knowledge 
of this alone is a heavy burden 
upon controllers. 

Supervisor Ray Schulze 
speaks of the individuals own 
responsibilities, "Each position 
is demanding in its own self 
because of the importance of the 
job and the accompaning 


The basic beginning pay rate 
is approximately $10,000 a year 
and can reach to $23,000 a year 
or more in an upper level job in 
a busier airport. Controller Ed 
Gray remarked "Career ad- 
vancements are just unlimited 
to anyone who has the desire to 
move on and up." 

Palm Beach International 
Airport Tower is a government 
organization run under FAA 
(Federal Aviation Association) 
standards, therefore, controllers 
retire with government pen- 

sions. As in any job, experience 
is of great aid. This experience 
is usually obtained in the 
military, however experience is 
not a requirement and is waived 
with two years of college and a 
civil service qualification exam. 
Further training required of 
applicants with and without 
experience. Oklahoma City is a 
training center which provides 
radar and non-radar training. 

Non-radar training is essenti- 
al because of the many airport 
facilities which do not have 
radar and the possibility of 

radar failure. Then applicants 
go on to a tower for on the job 
control tower training. 

I witnessed while in the tower 
the cooperation of the control- 
lers with the Coast Guard in 
rescue operations for an aircraft 
reported to have caught on fire 
and crashed in the waters o£f 
Stuart and within the hour the 
sole passenger the pilot was 
rescued. Situations like this are 
just part of the duties of a 

Just watching the various 
aircraft and listening to 
communications between con- 
trollers and pilots is an 
experience in itself. Controllers 
have a language all their own 
and decipering it is an art. 

Amid the murmurings and 
tension all the controllers 
manage to keep this from 
exposing itself in disputes with 
others in the tower. 

Controller Ed Gray when 
asked if his job was a challenge 
to him he replied with 
enthusiasm, "I think it's the 
best job in the world." 


The tower Is Impressive from 
without and from within. The 
view outside is geometric, the 
view from inside is 360 
degrees of vantage point 
vision. This important facility 
houses important workers. 


Muffy McClung photo S' 



I Combination Ham, Cheese, 

I Salami, Onions, Lettuce and 

i Tomato $1.10 

; Meatball ......1.35 

j Sausage...... 1.35 

Steak&Onions 1.45 


J Lasagna.... $1.95 

I Spaghettis ...1.75 

k Meatballs 

1 On Above Items, Tossed Salad And 

] Bread Served 

1 1954 S. Congr6ss-2 blocks South of Forest Hill j 

I in the Shores Shopping Center 967-4651 1 

6 - BEACHCOMBER Monday. February 17, 1975 

Cancer: Successful Challenges Met 


PISCES: Dependence on others, 
financial and especially emo- 
tional, can choke you. Try to 
break free and reJy on yourself 
What others can do for you, you 
have a chance to improve on for 

ARIES: Conversation with a 
younger person brings sudden 
insight. You see a new way of 
doing things. Your views on 

many subjects could change 
enough to cause comment. 
TAURUS: Being afraid to 
commit yourself can lead to a 
loss of opportunities that you 
may regret later on. Don't 
hesitate to state your feelings 
and be honest about your 

GEMINI: You find yourself 
being relegated to a corner, out 

i.,. «.i. < n |.r""'^""" ^^ ■^'"'^'•* '^■•'■"^ '*■'•''• '■'■'> 



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of the spotlight. Don't let it 
happen. Now is a good time to 
step out and express yourself, 
regardless of what other people 

CANCER: Challenges come 
your way and you meet them 
with success. Projects can be 
started, friendships initiated 
and arguments won. You could 
suffer a financial setback, 

LEO; Reasoning and analysis 
are featured this week; your 
emotions and hunches can 
mislead you. Work things out 
before taking action on them. 
Consider the consequences of 
what you're about to say. 
VIRGO: Unattractive exteriors 
hide good prospects; you can 
see through the disguises if you 
try. Far-sighted decisions can 
be made and mean good fortune 
for you. 

LIBRA: Radical moves occur to 
you, but you'd better get 
someone else's viewpoint before 
making them. Your own is a bit 

SCORPIO: Someone is trying to 
con you. Avoid being taken in by 
a big smile and bigger 
promises. Require answers and 
explanations; be subtle. 
SAGITTARIUS; People seem to 
betray you. Appointments are 
made and not kept, good 
relationships end without ex- 
planation. Try to avoid anxiety; 
answers will begin to arrive 
later in the week. 
CAPRICORN: This week you 
notice an improvement in 
people's attitudes toward you. 
Your friendly overtures meet 
with success. Your opinions are 
listened to. Respond positively. 

AQUARIUS: A combined effort 
with someone else enables you 
to complete a major project. 
Stay alert - absent-mindedness 
can ruin a promising plan. 




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Our research service is sold 
for research assistance only. 

CamDus Reps, required. Please write. 

Monday, February 17, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 7 


Dubious Calls ZonkJC 

Staff Writer 

A questionable backcourt violation gave Miami-Dade 
South the adrenalin and momentum to squeak past 
Palm Beach in Miami last Wednesday night, 92-90. 

JC Coach Bob Wright, down by two at the time, 
exclaimed, "We put the big D on them and were 

With 27 seconds showing on the clock, the Jaguars 
put the ball in play. JC trapped Isaac Coats near the ten 
second line when one official called a backcourt 

At the outset, Dade-South Head Coach Stan Evans, 
protested. Eighteen seconds remained on the 
scoreboard clock, and after a large conference with the 
timer the officials reversed their decision. 

After the defeat, Dr. Howard Reynolds, JC athletic 
director, pointed out, "The timer has no prerogative to 
call a ten second, five second, or a three second 

"They [the officials] actually gave them twenty 

til 1 MM ' 

Tennis Pro Aids 

Staff Writer 

The men's tennis team got a little help from a pro last Thursday, 
when they went to Mead Raquette Club to see head pro Fred 

Coach Harris McGirt, member of the club, asked Fleming for the 
time, and considers him "one of the foremost teaching pros in the 
nation." McGirt felt that it would be an asset for the team to learn 
another strategy instead of knowing only one, "especially from 
someone as reknown as Fleming." 

The team first received a one-hour lecture from Fleming on the 
psychology of the game, and tournament play. They then worked on 
drills he set up, such as forehand and serving drills, for 40 minutes. 

Then Fleming video-taped them in action on the court, and there 
was a period of critical analysis of their play on the tapes. 

"It was very much a success," said McGirt. "We enjoyed 
ourselves." He felt that it was good to be in the atmosphere of the 
club, to give the team "a little different slant on things." 

McGirt felt appreciative toward Reming, saying that one lesson 
with him was usually $20 or $30 an hour. He noted Fleming as being 
"a tremendous asset to the community." 

I&R Opens Badminton 
In Pocers 's Gynn 

seconds to get the ball across the line," commented 

JC jumped to a 10-4 lead but the Jaguars went ahead 
for the first time on a Dave Rollins jumper with the 
J5i38 left in the first half. 

The lead changed hands six times in 13 minutes. 
Palm Beach held on to a 48-47 half time lead with a 
short jumper by Poyastro. 

The Pacers came out red hot in the second half, 
building an eleven point lead with approximately six 
minutes to go in the game. 

Yet, the Jaguars outscored JC 23-10 down the 

This was "typical of all the ballgames this year," 
commented Reynolds. "We build a lead and cannot 
retain it. 

"We played well enough to win," said Wright, "as 
the scorebook shows." The Pacers hit five more field 
goals, and grabbed 28 more rebounds than 

The Pacers had five men in double figures. Bill 
Brandon cashed in 20; Don Burns, 16; Mike Gibbs, 14; 
and Gus Poyastro and Victor Dubose with 12 each. 

Coats, Webster and Tatum were all over 20 for 

Reflecting on the inability to play team ball, Wright 
said, "They're a bunch of individuals and they'll be 
individuals till the day they die." 

The Pacers have won one away game in the division, 
out-classing Miami-Dade Downtown. 
Continuing to discuss the last 18 second, Wright 
commented dejectedly, "They [officials] are supposed 
tn be honest and everything ... 

"Everytime we touch somebody we get called for a 

"What are you going to do?" 

The Pacers make their final regular season 
appearance at home tonight, Feb. 17, against 
Miami-Dade North. Tip-off is 7:30 p.m. with students 
admitted free with I. D. 


••' *-•*. < 

;;r- :^^ 


Head pro Fred Fleming assists in a proper arm extension at 
Mead Raquette Club. 

Pacers Skid 
At Valencia 

Staff Writer 

"We can only improve," said 
a dejected Pat Kelly, after the 
Pacer golf team shot a first 
round 313 that left them in sixth 
place in the Valencia Invitation- 
al Golf Tournament at Orlando. 

Unfortunately, the team shot 
the same 313 total the second 
round and finished seventh out 
of twelve teams. 

The first round was played 
over the tight Orange Tree C.C. 
course. Mike Sim, the number 
one player for the Pacers, tied 
for the first round lead with a 

Sim started the second round 
with a seven on the par five 1st 
hole, then got back into the lead 
, before hitting out-of-bounds and 
taking a seven on the par four 
13th. He then three putted on 
seventeen and ended up with a 
76 for a 148 total. 

Sim finished in a four way tie 
for second and lost to a birdie on 
the first hole for the second 
place trophy. 

Gregg Clatworthy shot 76-82- 
158, Emmett Fitzgerald 80-80- 
160, Pete Clausen 85-75-160, 
and Pat Kelly 86-86-172. 


Staff Writer 

. On Tuesday nights between 7 
- 9 p.m. badminton is played in 
the gym. Why is this so peculiar 
you may ask? No, it is not a 
night class. It is an open activity 
in which all are invited to 
participate. Informal competi- 
tion is set up and many of the 
faculty members bring their 
families, comments Roy Bell., 
[&R director. 

"There are no tournaments 
set up but there is the possibility 
of setting up an elimination 
tournament aside from the 
regular competition," notes 

Ed Richards, volunteer I&R 
board member checks out the 
equipment, nets, shuttlecocks-, 
rackets, etc. and the partici- 
pants set up the equipment and 
take it down when they are 

There were approximately 
nineteen participants last Tues- 

Badminton is an activity 
which should be played indoors. 
It is a good fitness activity which 
does not bore one to death, 
comments Bell. 





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8- BEACHCOMBER Monday, February 17, 1975 

^ffs^mssi^mmS ports L/fe»S5S3i»s:sss:s©5%^^ 

I One Side Of Williams | 

California Angels skipper 
Dick Williams poses to baseball 
fans as a very controversial 

Yet there is another side to 
the man who won the World 
Series twice as the pilot of the 
Oakland A's. 

Williams is a determined and 
dedicated professional manager 
trying to get the maximum 
amount of talent from his 

A Riviera Beach resident in 
the off season, Williams 
recently took part in a baseball 

clinic at MacArthur Field 
sponsored by the MacArthur 
Field Baseball Association. 

Williams' baseball philosophy 
goes back to the Dodgers, one of 
two teams that dominated 
baseball in the 1950's. 

"Baseball is the finest 
professional sport," commented 
Williams. "If you're trying to 
win something, such as the 
series, you got to bear down all 
the way." 

After the Boston Red Sox 
fired him in 1969, Charlie 
Finley, president and general 

Pacers Nine 
Debut Fri 


Staff Writer 

Dusty Rhodes, coach of the 
Pacers' baseball team, is 
anxious for the start of the 1975 
Junior College baseball season. 
"I want to win every game 
and win the National Cham- 
pionship. This would be 
achieving something that no one 
has ever accomplished before," 
replied an optimistic Rhodes. 
"If we come in second place, we 
might as well finish last. We 
have the talent to win in all," 
slated Rhodes. 

.The Pacers play nearly a 50 
game schedule with colleges as 
far as New York coming to play 
them. On April 10, Rhodes' 
team plays one of the finest 
teams in the entire country, the 
University of Miami. 

JC is one of seven teams 
which represent the Division IV 
conference. The six other teams 
in the division are Miami-Dade 
North, Miami-Dade South, 
Miami-Dade Downtown, Bro- 
ward, Indian River and Edison. 

"Dade North and Dade South 
are the teams to beat in our 
division," said Rhodes. "Dade 
North has won the division more 
than anyone else, so if I had to 
narrow it down to one team I 
guess it would be them," he 

"But don't be mistaken, man 
for man we , have more , good 
hitters than anyone else and I 
really believe we're going to 
take the division," replied the 
confident coach. 

The Facers are going to play 
each game very offensive 
minded. "For the first five or six 
inwings, we're going to run as 
much as possible and score as 
many runs as possible," Rhodes 
commented. "Indian River and 

Edison have a couple of good 
catchers, but other than that, I 
don't see any reason why we 
won't be able to steal a lot of 
. bases," he said. 

"Pitching is probably our 
main concern. It was progress- 
ing pretty well until last week's 
game against Fort Lauderdale," 
said Rhodes. (Pacers lost, 12-5) 

Rhodes explained that he 
probably won't use any set 3 or 
4 man starting rotation. 

"We have seven pitchers and 
ail of them will be used to start 
and relieve," he stated. 

The Pacers' opening Division 
IV game is slated for -February 
21 , at Broward. 

manager of the Oakland A's, 
brought the hard-nosed mana- 
ger to the West Coast. Within 
two years the A's went from 
fourth to first place in the 
American League West and won 
the World Series defeating the 
much favored Cincinnati Reds. 

"In pro ball, you're supposed 
(0 go by the book. I have been in 
baseball 23 years and I have 
never seen that book. 

"You must manage by your 
own convictions. To improve 
your ballclub, stressing funda- 
mentals is essential. ' ' 

Referring to the American 
League Western Division, 
Williams envisions a good battle 
for the flag. 

"Since Catfish (Jim Hunter) 
switched to the East, we'll 
(Angels) be contenders." He 
also implied that the A's would 
not dominate the division as in 
the past four years. 

Sporting a mustache and a 
floral print shirt, Williams 
continued, "Last year (Charles 
0.) Finley and I had our little 
difficulties." Williams resigned 
as manager, but Finley legally 
blocked him in his bid to 
manage the New York Yankees. 
Naturally, the Yanks needed a 
manager at the beginning of the 
season, not six months later, so 
they gave up Williams' contract 
and hired Bill Virdon. 

Williams, in the long run, sat 
out of baseball for the six 
months, then signed a three and 
one half year, 5350,000 contract 
with the troubled California 

Dick Williams, manager of the California Angels, won the 
World Series twice as the pilot of the Oakland A's. He is a 
winter resident of Riviera Beach. 

Late last year, Jim Hunter 
was traded by the Oakland A's 
to New York for approximately 
3.7 million dollars. Williams 
coached "Catfish" for four 

"You've heard of the coimtry ■ 
folks going to the city. Well, the 
city slickers went to the country. 

' 'The owners should not have 
given him that much money." 

JC Women Smashed On Court 

Staff Writer 

The women's tennis team 
suffered another loss to 
Broward Central Thursday, with 
a final score of 9-0. 

In singles competition, Robin 
Langridge started off slowly, 
but caught up slightly in the 
first set, losing however 6-4, 
6-3. Cindy Kitchel! was defeated 
6-1, 6-1. Marina Polraan Tuiri 
had the edge in the first set, 7-5, 
but lost the remainder 4-6, 3-6. 
Janet Fabiani was outmaneu- 
vered 6-1, 6-0, while Susan 
Atherley was also defeated 6-2, 
6-3. Hillary Cove lost her match 

The team had played Broward 
Central earlier in the season, 
and also lost 9-0. According to 
Coach Sarah Quisenberry, 
"Although we did have some 
closer matches last time, they 
arejust plain good." 

The team didn't do much 

better in doubles competition. 
Langridge and Kitchell lost 6-4, 
3-6, 6-2. Polman Tuin and 
Fabiani lost 8-5, and Atherley 
and Cove were defeated 6-4, 
4-6, 6-3. 

In Tuesday's match, the team 
defeated Miami Dade South 6-3. 

Langridge came out behind 
with a score of 6-4, 6-2, which 
Kitchell had a little advantage, 
but still lost 4-6, 6-4, 6-4. 

Polman Tuin tromped on her 
opponent, 6-2, 6-2. Fabiani lost 
3-6, 4-6 but Atherley came back 
with a score of 6-4, 6-0. Cove 
also won 6-3, 7-6. 

In doubles, Langridge and 
Kitchell won 6-4, 6-3, Polman 
Tuin and Fabiani won 6-2, 6-4. 
Atherley and Cove also defeated 
their opponents, 6-2, 6-1. 

Even though Branch Richey, 
the founder of modern baseball 
in Williams' mind, invented the 
farm system, Williams feels that 
it will fizzle out sooner or later. 

"There is a move towards 
college baseball. How soon, I 
don't know. My son is getting 
good instruction from Eddie 
Stankey at South Alabama. 
Eventually baseball is going to 
come to this." 

Williams manages in the 
American League which used 
the Designated Hitter. 

"The DH rule has its good 
points and bad points. The DH 
will keep the Tommy Davis*, the 
Al Kaline's, the Tony Oliva's, 
the Frank Robinson's around a 
little longer." 

Phorw 582I0«5 | 

Classified Ads 

TERM PAPERS: Canada's 
largest service. For catalogue 
send S2 to: Essay Services, 57 
Spadina Ave., #208, Toronto. 
Ontario. Canada. Campus 
representatives required. 
Please Write, 

NEEDED; Waitresses, 6 day a 
week, S18 shift, 10:30 a.m. to 
3:30 p.m., meals included. 
Contact Ms. O'Brian, 793-3613, 
Bayan Golf Club. 
FOR SALE: '71 trailer, 
12'x64', 3 bedroom, V/i bath, 
lO'xlO', storage shed, furnish- 
ed. S3750. Location Okeechobee 
Blvd. Call Ray Grant 689-3280 
after 9 p.m. 

FOR SALE: '71 Yamaha 250 
Dirt Bike hooker expansion 
chamber, special gears. Good 
mechanical condition, $300. Call 
David at 737-2501. 

WANTED: Large bean bag 
chair. Call 965-3088 ask for 

FOR SALE: 14x7 chrome slotted 
wheels will fit Valiant or Gold 
Duster (4"x5 bolt pattern). Call 
Anthony, 732-3297. 

NEED A RIDE: Going toward 
N.Y. share expenses - Get in 
touch with me at Topper House. 
Apt. 216, Amy. 








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Trustees Turn Bock United Faculty 

Associate Editor 

JC's Board of Trustees, dealing with issues of vital 
importance to both students and faculty, placed a cap 
on enrollments for the first time in JC history at the 
Feb. 19 meeting. 

A large group of faculty were present at the meeting, 
which saw the board take no action on a request from 
the United Facnlfy of Palm Beach Junior College that it 

become the sole bargaining agent for a imit to 
represent non-administrative {acuity. 

In other action, the board: 

♦approved a list of laboratory fees to be charged for 
117 classes beginning in the Fall term. 

"■ instructed board attorney Richard Burk to 
investigate the possibility of permitting the president of 
the Student Government Association to become a 
member of the board. In a presentation to the board, 


SG President Tory S. Buckley gave examples of states 
where the student members is now a requirement. 

♦reluctantly agreed to follow a Faculty Senate vote 
eliminating the Instructor of Distinction Award. Board 
chairman Dr. Edward Eissey said, "I am dissappolnted 
that we don't give hirther recognition to the fine faculty 
of JC." Faculty Senate Chahman Max AHee said 
faculty could not agree on methods and criteria tor 

Turn to TRUSTEES pg. 2 


Monday, March 3, 1975 

Lake Worth, Florida. 33460 

JC's First ''Cap" 

1,500 Can Expect 
Spring Rejection 

Staff Writer 
The Sales and Marketing Club sponsored a 
blood drive Wednesday, Feb. 26 in room 

Nurses from Palm Beach Blood Bank Inc., 
did the needle work while members of the club 
assisted by providing cookies and oragne juice 

for the donors. 

Opening its doors at 8 a.m. the drive started 
slowly but picked up in the afternoon. By 4 
p.m. closing time, 57 students and' faculty 
members had donated, falling short of the 100 
pint goal. However, 20 prospective donors 
were turned away with colds or recent 

Cancel Disf'inction 



The District Board of Trustees 
approved the discontmuance of 
the Instructor of Distinction 
Award (ida) at the Feb. 19 

The IDA was given each year 
on the basis of student, teacher 
and department chairmen 

A special committee tallied up 
each instructor's score, and the 

Dimes Walk 


Saturday was a busy day for 
an estimated 6,000 who were 
scheduled to participate in the 
1975 March of Dimes Super 

Tricia Reinus is the Palm 
Beach Teen Action Advisor 
and SG Senator Bart Cunning- 
ham is the JC representative. 
Among others, the class of 
Occupational Therapists parti- 
cipated as a group. 

This activity brought in 
896,000 by 3972 walkers in one 
day last year, but final figures 
for this year's results are not 
complete at this tune. 

highest scorer won the award. 
According to Social Science 
Department Chairman Dr. 
Samuel Bottosto, the IDA has 
been at JC for at least 15 years, 
although it has been called by 
other names. 

"The procedure used was 
fraught with controversy," he 
explained, "and the award 
created ill win and professional 

Bottosto said he hated to see 
the demise of IDA. He 
suggested that student groups 
on campus could honor notable 
teachers with awards. 

"I think it's fcmd of sad, " said 
Math Department Chairman 
Mrs. Ruth Wing, "but I see 
nothing else to do under the 

At the Jan. 23 Department 
Chairman meeting, changes in 
the form for evaluation of the 
teaching faculty by department 
chairmen were discussed. 

"The form is not adequate 
and hard to fill out," said Mrs. 
Wing. "I have no idea whether 
we will get the new form worked 
out for this year or not." 

Dr. Bottosto said the present 
form is ' 'too brief and doesn't 
get at the essentials.',' 


An enrollment cap of 14,000 
credit hours was approved at the 
Feb, 19 District Board of 
Trustees meeting. 

This cap not only affects the 
number of students admitted 
but also has caused a cutback in 
the number of courses offered in 
the .spring' terms, 

A state ordered badget 
rollback of $169,000 and other 
financial difficulties inade this 
cap necessary. According to JC 
President Dr. Harold C. Manor, 
$50,00 to $60,000 wiU be saved 
in the first spring term. 

Only 16 per cent of a 
student's education comes firom 
his fees, while most of the 
remainder must come from the 

Junior colleges are funded on 
the basis of their projected 
FTE's (Full Time Equivalent) 
for a coming year. All semester 
hours taken at the junior college 
ate figured up and divided by 30 
(average load per student per 
year) to obtain the FTE. 

If a junior college goes over 
their projected FTE they must 
pay the balance themselves. 

The attendance for winter 

Debbie Huhn Photo 

Campbell Favors Lottery 


State Representative Gene Campbell (D-Ha) answered questions 
for teachers taking the FAU "Seminar in the Social Sciences" 
course held at JC in CJ-2 Tuesday, Feb. 19. 

Teachers asked questions concerning the college enrollment cap. 
CampbeD said he had no specific answer to the problem, however, 
saggesting that when funds come from TaQaluisBee (hey be 
allocated properly. 

Rationalizing, he said the state legislature lost 240 million dollars 
in the last five months. 

"If we lost 240 million dollars in income in five months, I see us 
losing five or six hundred million dollars next year , ' ' said Campbell. 

He said Florida has been relying on tourism and doubts many 
tourists will come down next ye;ar. 

He asked teachers to support him so his suggested state lottery 
and off track betting amendment can get to a referendum. 
Campbell does not believe in gambling and said he only gambled 

His amendment would outlaw pari-mutual betting, including 
horse and greyhound racing and Jai Alai. He doesn't want it to 
pass; it's just to point out that a lottery would not be the first 
permitted gambling in the state. 

The referendum needs a three-fiifths vote of both houses to pass. 

terms usually goes down 
approximately 10 per cent from 
fall attendance, but this year's 
did not. In addition, more 
students are coming to school 
than usual. This means that in 
order to stay within this year's 
projected FTE guidelines, 
springterm's enrollment will be 

"We don't want to take extra 
students and jeopardize what 
we do with them when we get 
them," Manor said. 

He added that he does not 
think the state should set a cap 
on funds.' 

"But then, their income isn't 
as good as it was, so it's hard to 
condemn them if there are not 
enough funds," he said. 

Manor .attributed much of the 
problem to the current recess- 

"People are coming to school 
because they can't get jobs," he 

Dean of Academic Affaurs Dr. 
Paul W. Graham worked with 
department chairmen to decide 
what courses would be offered 
this spring. 

According to Social Science 
Department Chairman Dr. 
Samuel Bottosto, courses offer- 
ed in social science this spring 
will be "essentially general 
education courses." 

Fourteen social science cour- 
ses will be offered this spring in 
comparison to 25 offered last 

Math Department Chairman 
Mrs. Ruth Wing said the math 
department has cut course 
offerings for this spring to 50 
per cent of last year's, she added 
that some departments have 
had to cut back even more. 

Students will be accepted to 
Spring terms according to the 
following priority admissions 
system: 1. Currently enrolled 
students who expect to 
graduate. 2. Currently enrolled 
residents of Florida and 
currently enrolled veterans and 
students with college grants. 

Students will be accepted to 
spring terms according to the 
following priority admissions 

1, Currently enrolled students 
Turn to SPRING ue. 12 

2- BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 3, 1975 


Page Two Editorial: Dime Walkers Deserve Praise 

In the time it takes to read 
this editorial, a baby has been 
born in this country with a birth 

By giving the time it takes to 
walk 20 miles, thousands of 
Super Walk '75 participants 
helped save many of those 
babies. They joined the March 
of Dimes in a life-saving project 
and deserve a hand. 

Trudging 20 miles, enduring 
hot son and painful blisters, 
surely is not the most enjoyable 
way to spend a Saturday. But 
these people walked "for those 

who can't" and put comfort 

Super Walk '75 had not taken 
place at press time, but it was 
estimated that walkers would 
raise more than the $90,000 
raised in last year's walk. 

Much of this money will be 
spent for genetic counseling 
services, vitally needed for 
prevention of burth defects. 
Abeady the March of Dimes has 
set up the Palm Beach County 
Genetic Counseling Center with 
funds received &om a walkat- 


It's too late to persuade more 
students to walk for this cause, 
but everyone can thank those 
who did. The money they raised 

Lack Of Time 

will help the March of Dimes 
fight birth defects, the number 
one child health problem in the 
United States. About 700 
American babies a day, 250,000 

a year, are born with some type, 
of defect. 

Super Walk '75 participants 
literally saved lives by their 
efforts Saturday. 

Heavy Load Boger Resigns 




Freddie Harell and Jacqueline Rouse get a laugli after a 

HorellSpeoks Before 
Glades Relish Feast 


I Associate Editor 

I JC social science instructor 

I Ms. Jacquelirie Rouse was the 

I featured speaker at the Black 

g Culture program, held at the 

i Glades Center, Feb. 13. 

I Speaking on "Blacks and 

|Unity," Ms. Rouse gave 

I examples of blacks who have 

I played m^jor roles in American 

|history, such as George 

|Washington Carver, Malcome 

|X, Martin Lather King and 

|Beiyamin Banner, an abolitio- 


I The program also included "a 

|down to earth, way down home. 

soul meal," according to| 
Freddie Harrell, director of| 
student activities at the Glades. 5 

"We could have fed the entire| 
campus," said Harrell of the| 
pot-luck affair that featured | 
such protein-stimalants as ham| 
hocks, neck bones of the cow ,5 
BBQ ribs, rabbit and chitlings.| 

There are approximately! 
30-50 daytime black students onS 
the Glades campus, and many| 
were in attendance. According| 
to Harrell, the special programs 
is the first step in the formations 
of some type . of black| 
organization on the Glade^ 
Campus. I 


Staff Writer 

Student Government President' Tory 
Buckley read Senator James Rogers' 
resignation Thursday during a senate 

Boger, a member of SG for three and one half 
semester, chairman and member of several 
committees, carries 22 hours yielding a 60 
class hour week, a 7 hour a night job, and 
doesn't feel he can handle it anymore. 

He said his GPA is slipping into an 
undesireable range and by resigning he will 
have no bad feelings toward anyone. 

"I'm not going to sacrifice myself 
personally for the student body," he said. 
"It's one thing or the other, I'm a student 
first," he added. 

Buckley asked the senate not to accept 
Bogers' resignation because he feels Boger is 
an asset to SG. 

"The more we can influence him to stay 
here the better off this senate and Student 
Government is going to be," said Buckley. 

Senator Boger is a representative on the 
Student Activity Fee Committee, but if his 
resignation becomes final Buckley recom- 
mends Senator J. Michele Notter to replace 

Vice President Dolor Ginchereau rejected 
the resignation until he gets a chance to talk to 


Senator Bart Cunningham has been doing 
research on student ID cards and had a 
representative from Polaroid Camera give a 
demonstration on a machine that takes a 
picture, puts it on a card, then lamenates it. 
The machine can be rented for $40 a month or 
purchased for S1990. 

There is a possibility the machine may be 
purchased if the card size fits the card punch 
in the JC library. 

The IDCards would cost 67 cents each to 
make and may cost students $1. A decision 
has not been made on purchasing the card 

Near the end of the meeting Senator Rob 
Abrams told the Senate that committees have 
to get better organized and wants senators to 
relate more with each other. He asked 
senators to talk to students, write down their 
comments and report back to senators. 

Abrams said most of all, the press needs to 
be more cooperative with SG. He feels the 
Beachcomber has not been representing the 
campus and should "get down to work and 
promote activities." 

Senator Abrams also urged the senate to 
become involved with the state-wide 
convention, FJCSGA. He said seantors could 
talk to other college SGA members and see 
what problems they encounter. 

Announce Media Winners 

ntiuHiiniuuiiHuiiimiHiiHMUiHittmiiiiwnHiHiiinHiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiuiiiiiiniHi 111 

Board Of Trustees 


Winners have been announ- 
ced for prose and poetry awards 
given by Media, the student 
literary magazine. 

First prizes will be $75 and 
second $25, according to Media 
advisor Walker Graham. 

About 160 entries were 
submitted and Graham esti- 
mates that fifty pet cent of the 

works will appear in the 

"Entries," said Graham, 

"appeared to be of a much 

higher caliber than last year." 

Winners in the prose division 
were: First prize, Richard 
McMonagle's Prologue; Second 
price, Jackson Houser's A 
Problem in Demographics. 

In the poetvy division; First 
prize, Linda Ryans' Ballad of M. 
Pue SuiL'i Second prize, Tami 
Smith's poem Wings. 

Art winners will be announ- 
ced later. 

The magazine, available in 
April, is paid for by student 
activity fees. 

Continued ttom page 1 

voting and die awacd had created a cootiniud 

Tovk no action on a reqost by Joe Vassalo, 
■n attoniey representing Uoyd Gardner, to 
reinstate Gardner to his former position as 
Grounds Superintendent, or to clarify the 
reasons for his dismissal. 

Undoubtedly the most emotional disucssion 
of the meeting concerned the Unity Faculty 
(UF) motion for recognition. 

In failing to take action, Eissey saM the 
board was confused over the. role io be 
played by the Florida Education Association 
and the American Federation of teachers. 

The trustees also contended that faculty 
members not wishing to join a union should 
have an opportunity to cast a secret ballot; so 
while taking no action, they urged an election 
be held. 

"It's a delaying tactic," growled UF 
member Glen Martsteller, foIIowUig the 
meeting. The JC biology hsstmctor said he 
expects an election to foe held within the next 
six weekends. 

Marsteller reiterated that the provisions of 
the collective bargaining law had been 
carefully followed, so that the board could 
verify the majority position without 
identification of individuals and without the 
necesssity of an election. 

Buckley Requests 
Seat On Board 

Speakers Come Upon Request 

Staff Writer 

Comprehensive oral presentations are 
being presented every week at the Activity 
Fee Committee meetings for purpose of 
informing members of needs of the various 
activities. To date reports have been 
completed by Media, Comber and last week. 

Assemblies advisor Madge Royce was not 
present and SG Vice President Dolor 
Ginchereau gave a breakdown of the. group's 
plans. . 

This activity contributes to the culture of the 
student body by bringing in outstanding 
personalities in various areas to supplement 
classroom subjects. Every department on 

campus is contacted to submit suggestions for 
this purpose. In the past, according to 
Ginchereau, response has been very good to 
these requests and speakers have been invited 

One problem to be solved is policy of 
admitting outside residents who monopolize 
the discussion period, thus depriving students 
of utilizing the limited time allowed by guest 
celebrities. Several suggestions were made 
on how this could be accomplished without 
completely restricting community attendance. 

Location and time schedules- of these 
gatherings seem to play an inportant role in 
attendance. Friday was cited as the most 
unsatisfactory time and the guy as the best 


Staff Writer 

SG President Tory Buckley 
appeared Feb. 19 before the 
PB JC District Board of Trustees 
to request the board to study the 
feasibility of placing SG 
presidents on the board. 

"I'm often finstrated in my 
capacity as Student Government 
president, especially when the 
red tape and boxeaucracy of this 
college Inhibits and often 
prohibits my obligation to my 
constitaents - the over 7,000 
students correntiy enrolled," 
began Buckley. 

"When I receive the board's 
agendas and background mat- 
erial past the dbadllne date to 
get on the agenda, it really 
doesn't give me and the rest of 
Student Government an oppor- 
tunity to express the students' 
point of view." 

Expressing his concern over 
the lack of student input in the 
board's decisions, Buckley 
informed the board of numerous 
states which have provided, 
either by excutive- order or 
legislation, formal student input 
into college and university 
administrative and policy decis- 
ions. Buckley pomted out that 

"ample precedent has been set 
nationwide" to investigate the 
feasibility of the proposal. 

Board chairperson Dr. Ed- 
ward Eissey told Buckley that 
the SG president was always 
welcome to speak on issues 
which are on the board's 
agendas and directly affect the 

Separate f^'*^ 
Grades Today 

Midterm grade cards for each 
class will be distributed to JC 
students tomorrow for the first 

The plan, introduced by the 
Faculty Senate, will save $750 in 
postage in addition to data 
processing costs. 

Each grade card will have the 
student's name, social securify 
number, name of class and the 
student's grade circled. 

Registrat Lawrency H. May- 
field reminds students that 
midterm grades are progress 
reports and not official. 


Vofers Favor Galleon, 
Split Over Athletics 


Associate Editor 

Students favor the continu- 
ation of Galleon, the college 
yearbook, favor Student Gov- 
ernment in its present form and 
are somewhat divided concern- 
ing the proportion Athletics 
receives from the Student 
Activity Fe^, according to 
figures released exclusively by 
SG following thft recent special 

Approximately five per cent, 
305 students, voted hi the 
elections, which were held 
during day and night classes 
Feb. 17, 18 and 19. 

In addition to straw ballot 
questions, four amendments to 
the SG Constitution were 
ratified by the necessary 
two-thirds of students voting, 
while two amendments were 
narrowly defeated. 

Postponed twice, once be- 
cause of a misinterpretation of 
dates, and for a second time 
when there was a "breakdown 
in communications" between 
SG and County Supervisor of 
Elections, Jackie Winchester, 
over delivery of voting mach- 
ines, the elections this time 
appeared to go on without a 
However, two questionable 

Mental Health 
Visits JC 

Michele Kelly, therapist at 
Children's Mental Health Cen- 
ter, Flagler Avenue, will 
represent her group in a mental 
health session to be presented 
in instructor Roy Bell's evening 
HHlOl class tomorrow evening. 

This guest panelist is well 
qualified through traming and 
degree from the University of 
Florida. She has been employed 
at the New York State Mental 
Institution and also New Jersey 
State Mental Hospital prior to 
her present position. 

Group E of the evening health 
class entertained Miss Kelly at a 
dinner at Manero's Restaurant 
last Tuesday evening during a 
preplanning session with her for 
their program. Those attending 
were Ulian Belote, Bob Day, 
Jim Brand, Jonnie Lee and 
Winnie Knighton. 

decisions, one by the Beach- 
comber and the other by SG may 
have had some effect on the 

The Beachcomber, in an 
issue appearing the day 
elections began, failed to place 
any mention or notice of the 
elections in the newspaper. 

STUDENT Government 

placed a piece of masking tape 
over the total voting calculator 
during the afternoon of the final 
voting day and refused, after 
the election ended, this reporter 
from witnessing the tallying of ■ 

Commenting on the 'Com- 
ber's actions, SG President Tory 
S. Buckley said, "I believe that 
the Beachcomber was irrespon- 
sible hi its neglect to publicize a 
campus-wide election which has 
obviously stirred a lot of 
excitement. Yes, somebody 
blew it." 

According to Brian E. 
Crowley, editor-in-chief of the 
Beachcomber,, his decision was 
"not to publicize" the election 
because of his uncertainty that it 
would be held. 

"Past experience had shown 
that SG would caU an election, 
publicize it, and then fail to have 
it," said Crowley. 

The editor added, "However, 
in retrospect, I do feel that it 
was an error in judgement on 
the part of the editor." 

SG Vice-President Dolor 
Ginchereau had announced, at 
an SG Senate meeting on the 
day of the 'Comber deadline, 
that the election would be held 
on time. 

Concerning the tape over the 
voting counter, ' Buckley com- 
mented, "I believe that the 
actual number of people voting 
is as much a part of the election 
results as the specific results 


"An oversight allowed the 
public counter to be uncovered 
on the first two days of die 
election. Once the mistake was 
realized, steps were taken to 
correct it," he concluded. 

Concerning the tallying, 
Buckley, in a written statement 
released through Secretary of 
Publications Steve Getz, said 
the results were released 
immediately following the tally 
and the machine was "openfor 
public inspection." 

In previous elections, repor- 
ters were free to witness 

By a 173-113 margin, 

Muffy McClung Photo 

Columnist Jack Anderson spoke to JC students Friday. 
"Gerald Ford would make a very fme neighbor ^le said. 

students favored continuation of ■ 
the Galleon. Marilyn Cabezas, 
representative of the Galleon on 
the Student Activity Fee 
Committee, believes the vote 
reflets the people who would 
like to see a yearbook on 

Ms. Cabezas said the 
question should have been 
worded similarly to the final 
ballot question, "Do you favor 
SG in its present form?" She 
also would have favored 
sub-questions concerning stu- - 
dent photos, written copy on 
organizations, color photogra- 
phy and the willingness of 
students to participate in the 

According to Galleon advisor 
Odas Arant, "All activities 
should have been on the ballot. 
I don't think one group of 
students should single any one 
out. This is a prejudiced way of 
Uihdting - the way they [SG] 
tiiemselves think - not the way 
everybody thinks." 

However, Arant also noted 
that it was SG's "prerogative" 
to include the question. 

On the Athletics question, 
151 students voted "no" and 
142 favored Athletics receiving 
"approximately one third of the 
Student ActivUy Fee as it 
presently does." 

On a follow-up question, 110 
favored increasing the propor- 
tion while 137 said the 
proportion should be decreased. 
According to Buckley, the 46 
voters abstaining on the second 
Athletics question should be 
acknowledged as favoring the 
proportion to remain the same. 
According to JC atheltic 
Director Dr. Howard Reynolds, 
"the whole thing was a farce. 
The intent of the elections was 
good, but the way it was 
handled was ridicidous." 

Reynolds echoed Arant' s 
opinion that all activities should 
have been included and had 
reservations as to the exact 
wording of the questions. 

Additionally, he said 305 
voters was not enough to give a 
true indication to how the 
student boyd feels. 

"Everyone knows you're not 
going to get enough people out 
to vote to truly represent the 
student body," commented 

Reynolds is already preparing 
to defend Athletics in the 
Activity Fee Committee. 
Begingning with statement to 
the effect that otiier colleges 
allocate 50-60 percent of activity 
fees to Athletics (JC allocates 33 
percent], Reynolds intends to 
substantiate that "more people 
are active in Athletics than any 
other activity on campus.'! 

In response to Reynolds' 
criticism of the elections, SG 
President Buckley said "the 
straw ballot questions were 
intended to serve as an 
unofficial sampling of student 

The final straw ballot 
question, "Do you favor SG in 
its present form?" drew a 
response of 163-yes, 114-no. 

"I believe we will proceed 
with the Ad Hoc Committee on 
Student Government Reform 
and keep researching other 
methods of representing stu- 
dents, " commented Buckley. 
■I hope to find a beter form to 

Monday, March 3, 1975 BEACHCOIVIBER - 3 

i MID TERM IS HERE as of March 4, there is just eight weeks 
;i to go. LAST DAY to withdraw from a class with a "W" is 

;j April 16. , . . ^ ^ 

■•HEALTH KNOWLEDGE EXAM will be administered at 

ii PBJC-North. , r .,u 

\ TODAY at 7 p.m. Students may sign up and pay tees at tne 

:i JC-North Mobile office or in the Testing Center here. 

i: LUCY BOOTH will feature information on drug abuse on 

:•: March 12 in front of the cafeteria. 

?: TERY WILKINSON deserves special congratulations tor 

I winning 2nd place in the Math Olympiad at the University of 

i West Florida. George Sethan and Tom Sattler also deserve 

I special thanks for their participation. 


••: REPRESENTATIVE on campus March 7, in the cafeteria. 


S Thursday at 2:00 p.m. _ . ^■ 

:•■ PBJC WILL have a movie night March 14 with an introduction 

:•: by Watson B. Duncan III. The n)ovie will be "Henry V" and 


^.. 'Julius Ceasar". 

Of the six constitional 
amendments, four were ratified 
by the students: 

1) Article 4, Section 1: "No 
student may concurrentiy hold 
office in two of more separate 
branches of SG." The 
amendment passed, 216-56. 

2] To Read: "All elections 
must include a two week 
campaign period beginning at 
the close of the filing period and 
ending with the final closing of 
the polls." The amendment, 
which extends campaigning one 
week, passed, 211-49. 

3] To Bead: "Enact by a 
two thkds vote, [of the Senate] 
impeachment proceedings 
against any officer of the 
Student Body." The amend- 
ment passed, 228-37. 

4] Amendments to the 
Constitution: "Proposed by a 
two thirds vote of the Student 
Body Senate present and voting 
and ratified by two thirds of the 
Student Body voting." By a 
224-31 vote, it passed. The 
original law does not include the 
word "present." 

An amendment that would 
have allowed statutes to be 
enacted by the majority of the 
Senate present at a meeting 
failed, 197-60, because it did not 
receive a two-thirds voter 

Also failing was an amend- 
ment that would have allowed 
SG Senators and Executive 
Board members who have been 
removed from office to be 
eligible in following elections. 
Receiving a majority of the vote, 
168-91, the amendment did not 
garner the necessary two-thirds, 
Concerning the upcoming SG 
Executive Board elections to be 
held near the end of the Winter 
term, Buckley feels the 
extended two-week campaign- 
ing period "will allow more 

students to become aware of the 
election and informed of the 
candidates and/or issues." 

Marc Graham, center of the 
recent controversy over the 
second delay in the elections, 
has been dismissed from his 
secretary of elections post. 

Replacing Graham is Theresa 
A. LePore, a sophomore 
Pre-Law and Political Science 
major who is employed by the 
Palm Beach Cpunty Secreatry of 

According to Ms. LePore, the 
recent election foul-ups "really 
hurt the students, more than SG 

Science Club 
Raises Funds 
For Programs 


With only $250;0O left in the 
Science Club budget, members 
voted Wednesday, Feb. 12 on 
ways of raising more money. 

Richard Gross, an advisor of 
the club, suggested that if the 
members were interested he 
would supply the paint and pay 
the club $50.00 to paint the 
exterior of his house. Gross 
estimated tiiat with about 10 
people the job could be 
completed in 2-3 hours as it was 
last year when members painted 
a similar house. 

Other fund-raising topics 
discussed include the possible 
sale of eight track tapes, a bake 
sale, and a car wash. 

SG Vice President Dolor 
Ginchereau, volunteered to look 
into the possibility of selling the 
tapes and report back to the 

Car St8r»os & Custom Instaiiatiom 


W« carry a comptota lina of Audio equipment;— 
Sansui, JVC, Mararttr, Kenwood, Garrard. Dual . 
Jamen, Avid, Sony, Shura, Empire. PIclcering 81 


represent the students In, 
there is one. 


Complete selection ot L.P.'i & Tape* at the bert 
prices in Palm Beach County 

136 U.S. Hwy. 1 
N. Ntm Beadi. Fla. 

4 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 3, 1975 

-. -s ^ ^, : 


W6 VOtCt CX tM£ ^TU!^<tS 


Associate Editor 

associated cofiegidte press 


Faculty Senate 
Must Investigate 

Occasionally the Beachcomber "goofs" and fails to publish 
a campus event. Remembering that we are all amateurs 
striving for professionalism, the 'Comber tries each week to "■ 
learn from past experiences. Our goal is to give the campus 
the best possible coverage. 

Giving everyone the. best possible coverage is not an easy 
task. It requires the cooperation of everyone involved. When 
an organization thwarts our attempts, it is discouraging. 
When the Student Government does, it is frightening. 

During the recent election, SG officials placed masking 
tape over the "PUBLIC" counter on the election booth. The 
tape was placed there on the last day of the voting. Why? SG 
would not give a staisfactory answer. 

On the evening the election ended, the Beachcomber sent a 
reporter to observe the counting of the ballots. SG closed the 
door and denied the reporter access. Why was the count 
taken in secret, especially when the results concerned student 
monies? Why was no disinterested third party allowed to 
witness the count? Is this a violation of the "Government in 
the Sunshine LaW', money is involved. 

The Beachcomber tried to get questions about these 
matters answered but first we were required to submit our 
questions in writing (the editor later held an uncooperative 
verbal interview). 

It is frightening to us that SG would try to thwart 
Beachcomber attempts to keep readers informed of SG 

As a result, we must call upon the Faculty Senate to 
investigatge the conduct of the SG election. The Senate 
should determine whether or not the election was legally or 
ethically violated and take proper steps to insure that future 
elections are conducted in the best student interest. 

Bullet Ban Needs 
Studenf Support 

Outlaw handguns and criminals will take over the streets. 
The nation's shorelines will be endangered by foreign 
aggressors taking advantage of our weakened defenses. Ban 
the handgun and the lives of all freedom loving Americans 
will be jeopardy. 

Scare tactics like these are used frequently by state and 
national pro-gun lobfaiests (particular the National Ritie 
Association). They have repeatedly thwarted the attempts ito 
regulate the sale of handguns despite figures that show 
handguns kill thousands of American every year. 

Now, Susan Sullivan, a housewife in Winnetka, 111. is trying 
a new approach. Instead of banning the gun, she proposes to 
ban the bullet. Mrs. Sullivan maintains that bullets are 
obviously dangerous objects that should be controlled by tlje 
Federal Hazardous Substances Act. 

She has asked the consumer Product Safety Commission in 
Washington, B.C. to restrict the sale of bullets to military, 
police security guards and licenses pistol clubs. 

It's a fantastic idea that should receive everyone's support. 
Handguns have killed and maimed too many Americans. As 
Mrs. Sullivan said, how can they talk about bicycles and 
medicine cabinets and pins being dangerous and not bullets? 

The loudest sound a gun should make is the click of its 
empty chamber. How many crimes of passion would not have 
happened if that had been the sound they heard. 

Perhaps no one has said it better than the Sullivan 
campaign slogan, "We need bullets like we need a hole in the 



{1) Not exceed 250 words. 
i2) Be signed by the author. 
(3) include tiie author's 
telc|>hone number. 

',{4) Be received in the 
vBeachcomber Office no 
^;^n4 p.m. on 

All Tfttt«rs are sul^ect 
to coflilenMtion. 

Guest Faculty Column 

An HonestGrossism 

Biology Instifuctoc 

At the end of my tests I like to include a 
quotation or two that I think students might 
find interesting. To capture their attention I 
entitle this section of the test ' '-'GROSSISM" 
These poems, one-liners and famous quotes 
are designed to stimulate thoughts that might 
not have evolved simply from the test itself. I 
like to leave the student with something I 
found to be amusing, provocative, or timely. 
Here are a few typical Grossisms: 

' 'Not till we are lost to do we begin to 

find ourselves" Thoreau 

"Lonely East winds cried 

Past the condominiums. . . 

Searching for the trees. ' ' Regina E. Jolly 

"It is the top ofthe ninth inning. Man, always 

a threat at the plate, has been hitting nature 

hard. It is important to remember, however, 

that nature bats last." Paul Ehrlich. 

"A person can make the same mistakes for 

years, and call it experience. " Author 


' 'Truth never did his master shame" Chaucer 

"If you visit an American city, 

You will find it very prety. 

Just two things of which you must beware: 

Don't drink the water and don't breath 


The quotes are selected to correlate with the 

topics of the course, or are simply "words of 

wisdom". I have a large body of material to 

select from and never have had trouble 

finding appropriate material. The only 

problem I was having was trying to select a 

"Grossism" for my final exams. I felt it 

should be something personal to leave with 
the students, many of which I would be seeing 
for the last time. It should be advise that 
would be useful no matter what occupation the 
student would be entering. It should be 

Below is the final Grossism: 

"Above all else, guard your honor. It is one 
ofthe possessions you have; a quality which 
transcends the everyday average existence 
common to most humans. Honor cannot be 
stolen, broken,' killed, or borrowed. It is 
controlled by one person - you. Property can 
be taken, pride broken, character maligned, 
spirit warped, body harmed; but honor can 
only be lost consciously by the possessor." 

I hope that all of my students and anyone 
else that reads this quote agrees with the 
principles and wouldapply them in their lives. 

I hope that I never read about one of my 
students involved in a Watergate. 

I hope I never hear one of my students 
categorically accepting the fact that certain 
abuses in government are a "necessary evil". 

I hope I never number among my friends 
and colleagues people who misrepresent 
issues, twist facts, and pervert truth in an 
effort to accomplish goals that they 

naturally think are the only appropriate 
ones. I am reminded of the following quote 
from Don Quixote, pt. V: "Truth may be 
stretched; but not broken, and always gets 
above falsehood, as oil does above water." 

If we are to be truly human let us guard 
those things that separate us from the 
"creatures ofthe fields. ' ' Let us be honorable 
in all endeavors. 

Student Offers SG Assistance 


This letter is in regard to the 
recent "goof" in the Student 
Government election It appears 
to me that the current secretary 
of elections. Marc Graham, is 
not accurately fulfilling his 
duties as secretary, or "super- 
visor' ' , of PBJC's elections. As 
you well know, this was not the 
first time that this has 
happened. (Please regard this 

as my personal opinion and it 
does not reflect in any way upon 
Mrs. Jackie Winchester or her 

I am currently employed as a 
deptuy registrar at the Palm 
Beach County Supervisor of 
Electipns office as well as being 
a full-time student at PBJC. 
Being that 1 have held this 
position for the past three and 
one-half years, I feel that I do 

have a knowledge of elections 
and election procedures. I 
would be more than willing to 
offer my services, assistance 
and knowledge to the Student 
Government as well as to the 
students of PBJC. 

Thank you and please do not 
hesitate to let me know if I can 
be of service. My home phone 
number is 832-9966; my office 
phone is 655-5200, ext. 221. 

Theresa A. LePore 



Vcniure hditi>r frank. Smith 

V»rt* WKor ,i,n, b„j • 

Businest Uanaeer .' RubH^tficia 

bditorial iVsoKtani •....••*« 'luckftiKul 

C1on»uItant riiariii* Mu-Cwjglit 

» Sr VM \« KI 1 1 R.S btnva \*, Uphbic lliompfon. lom Bowling. Pelc ( Iduscn. hmci t Icanr, Raoul Carcic 

» nillllur.hin^ Kim Vmcs. Rohm Kimlle.Winni. kintJitoii. I lut \l»!:.-i Muflv MiUiiii.!, 

» II ik. M.T^i'. l'liilinN'uh.i.iiT, Siml'uti .Miij Sinmhii Rill /icaicr .kitnaiicii 

j^ I h. Boai he i.nilirr i-. pubnihwl iinm our i-.litorial iitlicuv in ilu Siiiilrnt Puhliuiions Itiiiltlins .it I'llm Ri-.->.'h 

^ »iiiiiir(.'ill.i;i\-l2l«ii fmijircM, \%u , Uke Worth. H.iriJ.i 1J460 

g Ic-I- iih.iiii 'JhS 800(11 ii|i.nM(in 2li) 

I <)l.iiiii.iiso\pn.^w.l in ihi- HoaoliLimbor aio tli.i'.. .,f tin >.r iIil- wntirs i.t llie .irliiK, iml jr n..| ne. 

jj^ f^sjrilv ihiist III I'llni Bt,iih tiiiior { uIIi'iil' 

^ I lu- BeailKLinlHT h i memhtr «if iliv \ { hIUhjc Fn s^ ami 1 lorid i I olliw Pkss \^^.Kiaunn 

•Mt ae^aa?xa>? «L ^.i.^^ — ^i*^ubli<.«m>.. _^_._. " 

Cntooiiiiii .•••• •ii*m,»,rTomHh.m'*' f 

Photo Dept M«Hj:Mrtauii- J 

Sieve f-tttz «t 

Debbie liuhn ./'i 
S«iii Puff ^ 

Jiy K(a\ft7 ■;. f 
Winnte Kiii^ion j| 






Monday, March 3, 1975 BEACHCOMBER -5 




Who Is Supreme On Court? 


Staff Writer 

Do you believe in signs? Here 
is what Chief of Security. Grant 
J. B artels says about this one: 
"PBJC students not in class do 
not have prioi-ity of tennis court 

This means that if youwant to 
play tennis at PBJC on a 
weekend or school holiday, even 
though you pay a Student 
Activity fee, you have ho more 
right to do so than a non-student- 
who pays nothing. 

Recently, a biU was introda- 
ced in the S.G. Senate to give 
students priority in use' of the 
teanis courts, and to make a 

SIU Sponsors 
"Le Petit" Cafe 


Staff Writer 

Foreign exchange students 
from Students for International 
Understanding (SIU) sponsored 
a "Le Petit Cafe" activity hour 
Wednesday in the North SAC 
■ Lounge, 

JC students from 16 countries 
participated in the program 
displaying hand made clothes, 
arts and crafts and singing 
native songs. 

Dean Elizabeth Davey, in 
charge of all foreign exchange 
students, was Master of 
Ceremonies, introducing SIU 
ofiHcials. They are as follows: 
Marina Polman Tuln, president, 
from HoUaws; Bambi Mac- 
Cloud, vice president from New 
York; Marianne Budi, secretary, 
Drom Indonesia; and Jesada 
Tanhigthanongsuk, treastu-er, 
from Thailand. 

The majority of SIU members 
present were dressed in their 
native clothes. The picture at 
right is Salame Suk Kit NG 
making last minute preparatin 
before guest arrive to see her 

Energy Action 
Takes Hold 


Staff Writer 

Various JC Departments are 
attempting to minimize un- 
necessary electrical expendi- 

Director of the physical plant, 
Claude Edwards, reported 
employees of his department 
are "doing all we can" in an 
effort to conserve energy on 
campus. He explained that the 
central plant which operates 
campus air-conditioning is 
being shut down on weekends. 
This action should save JC as 
much as $500 a weekend in 
electrical expenses, estimated 

Tennis lights, formerly all 
incandescent bulbs, have been 
changed over to quartz light 
bulbs which are more efficient 
hi energy use. 

Security turns off any lights 

charge of at least one dollar an 
hour for each court used by 
non-students and non-employ- 
■ ees. 

This bill, with the blessings of 
Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Tate, 
sailed through the Student 
Senate with no dissenting \otes, 

■ N^wsAmilysis 

a notably rare occurrence. 

The bill was immediately 
vetoed by the Executive 
Department for reasons not 
clearly explained, but including 
such statements as "impracti- 

Debbie Huhn Photo 

Hosts Pugh 

Mr. Edwin Pugh, ofthe social 
science department, will 
present a speech on Benjamin 
Franklin, March 4, at 11 a.m. 
in the Sac Lounge. 

Phi Theta Kappa organized 
the event, keeping to this 
year's national honors theme, 
Benjamin FranMih and Tho- 
mas Jefferson. With the 

bicentennial close at hand, all 
interested students are en- 
couraged to attend. 

Pugh's speech is the first 
effort contributed to the 

Phi Theta Kappa President 
Karen Ovlasuk recently re- 
signed because she doesn't 
have time to do the job 
properly. The open position 
has not been filled. 

which are not necessary for 
safety and security, indicated 
Security Chief Grant Bartels. 

"Formerly, a man on patrol 
would turn on the lights for 
evening tennis classes regul- 
arly, beginning at 7:00 p.m.," 
Baretels noted. 

Now however, the tennis 
instructors turn on the lights 
when they arrive and when they 
leave the coiuts turn them off, 
eliminating any waste of 

cal," "bad public relations", 
"can't be implemented", etc. 

After a moderate amount of 
debate, with the ; Executive 
Department using its influence, 
the senate voted Ui recommit 
this biU. 

How can so many senators 
switch their votes so quickly? 

The reason may lie, at least 
partially, in a little known fact. 

S.G. senators receive $50 per 
semester, but the Executive 
Board has the power to deny 
this money Xo any senator whose 
record it considers unsatisfac- 

In spite of this "Sword of 
Damocles" over their heads, a 

Basic Studies 

(^ B. J. e. STUDENTS 



few brave senators, among 
them senators Ronald Bukley, 
Paul Sapp and Carl Hensley, 
voted against recommitting the 

The most telling , argument 
advanced against this bill is that 
since the college is publicly 

owned, the public should have 
free use of the tennis courts. 

A student remarked, upon 
hearing this statement, "If the 
recreational facilities of this 
school are freejo the public, and 
we have to pay to use them, we 
should get our money back." 

Corrects English Deficiencies 

Are reading and writing 
difficulties holdmg you back 
from better grades? Are you 
having trouble comprehending 
material because you lack some 
of the basics? Or do you just 
wish you could communicate 
easier and more effectively? 

Perhaps you should look into 
the Basic Studies Department. 
Comprised of eight teachers, 
the department attempts to help 
students having particular 
trouble in some aspect of 
reading, writing, or speaking. 

Courses are similar to the 
comparable regular English 
courses, except emphasis is 
placed on either reading, 

writing, or both. They are 
designed to review skills of 
commnnication. Class size is 
limited to twenty students, for 
more individual help and 

Also offered are courses for 
non-native speakers of English. 
Based on a test given by Mr. 
William Wilson of that 
department, a recommendation 
is made as tp what level of 
Freshman Communication the 
student should begin. 

If the results show insufficient 
knowledge of English, then the 
student is advised to take EH 
113. This course deals with 
English as a second language 

which the student only receives 
institutional credit for. 

Roundjng out the department 
is a speech class and phonics for 
the elementary teacher. 

Through individual work with 
a teacher present for questions, 
the student can improve his 
skills in reading, writing, 
listening and speaking. 

- James Ash 

Budget Problems 
Plague Edwards 

Staff Writer 

Physical Plant Director Cla- 
ude Edwards said Feb. 12 he 
had adequate funds now but 
doesn't know "how we're going 
to budget next year". 

He estimated this year's 
budget at around $600,000 but 
could not give an accurate 

"We're very close to being 
out of money, but I don't forsee 
any problems," he said during 
an interview. 

Edwards said he is more 
optimistic now about the budget 
than he was a few weeks ago, 
but wished the Florida Legisla- 
ture would supply more money 
for maintainence. 

"To have more money than is 
absolutely necessary to do a Job, 
I kind of wonder if a person 
doesn't get a little free with it," 
Edwards commented. 

He said the electric bill 
including fuel adjustment for 
PBJC cost nearly $200,000 a 
year. That money comes &om 
his budget. Edwards has been 
working at JC seven years, and 
would like to see a swimitning 
pool on campus but wonders 
where the money will come 
&om. He said there are many 
places at JC tliat need addltlonai 
walkways, such as the area 
betHreen the Auditorium and the 
Hnmanitles Building, where 
students constantly waUc across 
the grass. Many of the existiBg 
walkways are "temporary" and 
were built according to the 
master plan. 

Edwards plans to fertilize 
only once this year instead of 
twice as he has in the past 

because of soaring prices. 

There are 22 custodians 
working for Edwards and he 
says that is adequate personnel 
to do the job. He said he has 
plenty of applicants, but not too 
many people like to work the 
third shift which starts at 10:00 

Edwards is not surprised at 
the trash left by students ui the 
parking lots because he says it 
exists in every society. 




For A Good Part-Time Job!! 

• Good Pay • New Opportunities 

• Career Training • Regular Promotions 

• Men and Women Eligible 
















6 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 3, 1975 

ThePicfure Changes 

Monday, March 3, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 7 



Staff Writer 

Katherine McCleary was qhastised and locked 
in her basement in 1917 when she was discovered 
smoking a cigarette. Imagine- the reaction had 
she strolled up to one of the better-looking men of 
the day, given him the eye and remarked, "I like 
your bod!" 

Yes, the times are changing. Gone are the 
days when admiration of the male species labeled 
one as crude and unladylike. Girl Watchers are 
doing a double-take, somewhat surprised to find 
their gaze returned. 

Women the world oyer are finally admitting to 
their oldest and favorite pastime-Man Watching^ 
Some of them have even gone as far as forming 
an organization ' 'devoted to the study of the male 

"Bottoms are tops; slim, trim ones are what 
people notice," reports Suzy Mallery, president 
of Man Watchers, Inc. "It's about time men 
became sex symbols too." 

Although associated with the Women's 
Liberation Movement, local supporters know 
little if anything at all about the San Diego based 
group. The group claims nearly 1,000 card 
carrying members. Participants bestow cards to 
men they feel are "Well worth watching." 

A survey of club members showed worhen 
prefer long but neatly trimmed hair on their 

mates. Chest and facial hair are preferred, states 
Ms. Mallery, who considers herself the 
"World's Foremost Authority" on Man 

"The buttocks are noticed most," she 
revealed, "but the chest, hands and posture are 
also admired." 

The group's status is equally split among 
married and single members, with the 
middle-aged members most enthusiastic about 
the club's philosophy. 

1975 has been proclaimed as International 
Women's Year, and Man Watchers, Inc, 10 Most 
Beautiful men of 1974 include Burt Reynolds, 
Alan Alda, Jack Nicholson, John Newcombe, 
Cleavon Little, Robert Redford, Larry Csonka, Al 
Pacino, Casey Tibbs and Bobby Riggs. Grounds 
jor selection ranged from "killer smile and cobra 
eyes" to "traditionally handsome in the classic 

Rule No. 1 of the organization is not to Jeer, 
gawk or stare. Also, Man Watching should be 
done without the recipient noticmg. 

Some, however, feel this is sneaky and 
deceitful and prefer to make themselves known. 
The medium between the two is the average 
female who simply prefers to gaze upon the finei- 
things in life. 

So men, when you're checking out the chicks at 
the beach, don't be surprised to find it's you 
putting on the show. Yes, the times they are 


^3Ei"?-* '*4*'? 

XXCC4*iy*t-oo* 3 





r -'M- 

featured FufureSmm^mmmmssm^ 

jAr/es incfec/s/ve j 

%iimsmssmmmmmmim& By Fl'ick Mager^ 

PISCES: People who have 
opposed you for a long time will 
be taken off guard if you decide 
to join rather than fight. You 
could win your case just by 
surprising them. 
ARIES! Indecision besets you. 
Every problem has two 
solutions, both seeming equally 
practical. Take a new approach 
rather than relying on past 
experience. . 

TAURUS: You help someone 
with a problem that had him 
stumped. He won't forgef the 
favor. Neither will anyone who 
knows about it - you may receive 
other requests for aid. 

GEMINI: You meet entertain- 
ing people and have a good time 
generally. There is a respite 
from emotional pressure and 
work demands. 

CANCER: A member of the 
opposite sex makes a very direct 
statement to you. The 

impression you give in return is 
important. Resond positively, 
LEO: Be cautious about starting 
something new - small efforts 
you make now can mushroom. 
People hang their hats on what 
you may consider casual 

VIRGO: Your talents are 
recognized and sought after. 
However, you're suffering from 
a lazy streak that becomes even 
more troublesome next week. 
Fight it. 

LIBRA: Don't back down from 
an opponent or you'll lost your 
advantage for good. Stick to 
your opinions. Keep on the way 
you've been going. 
SCORPIO: Apparently simple 
situations have complicated 
facets you didn't notice at first. 
Be aware that nothing is static, 
and few things can be counted 

uncovers a tendency toward 
wishful thinking. You need to 
see that 4tt all your need will 
turn brass to gold. Face facts 
and fight self-deception. 
CAPRICORN: This is a week for 
the unexpected. A surprise 
comes by phone or in the mail. 
Avoid committing yourself to 
someone's service. 
AQUARIUS: The aggravation 
and annoyance that have been 
building for some time come to a 
head this week. It seems like 
the last straw, but an upswing in 
fortune is coming. Keep your 
cool and wait it out. 

i M 

^f 4*', 


* ^ 

Foxfire Festival AAorch 9 

Pioneers, Join The Festivities ! 

One Very Scary Mountain 

Staff Writer 

Proceeding a recent visit to the magical, mystical, amazing world 
of Wait Disney 1 spoke with ffiends, all who emphasized the 
importancew of seeing the new attraction RCA'S Space Mountaui. 
With this in mind I wentoff, accompanied by a relative visiting from 
New Hampshire. 

Space Mountain appropriately named, reches far into space the 
top of the structure can be seen from any where in the Magic 

We were prepared for a long wait but evidently advertising had 
drawn an unusually large crowd. Walt Disney tour guides infomred 
us the wait would be approximately an hour or hour and a half. 

While waiting we passed the time reading the numerous warning 
signs scattered around the surrounding premises. The sign stated 
any person with a heart condition, or motion sickness, or any 
physical limitations should no go on this trip. Further warning 
stated that pregnant women and young children should also avoid 
this attraction. 

As my companion and I neared the building a verbal warning was 
issued that any items not a part of our body should be secured. 

At last we got inside the building after waiting approximately one 



l^^:^|-?SK. ;■;■:;■■■: % { 


Staff Writer 

Are all you Florida Crackers ready for some 
old-fashioned fun? Then put on your best ye-haw 
grin, straw hat, dungarees, and Red Ball, 
high-top sneakers, pack a picnic lunch, bring a 
blanket and head for Foxfire Festival which has 
nothing to do with foxes or fires, but rather 
pioneer togetherness. 

This all-day, pioneer packed, rip-roaring event 
of frontier freebies, ' bees that quilt [quilting 
bees?], tomahawk and Bowie loiife throwing, 
musket making, equestrian skills and 
moonshining gives everyone a chance to kick up 
their heels and smile. 

Holly Carter Stern, a former New York Fashion 
model, is serving as coordinator for the festival. 
"The primary focus of the event," explains 
Holly, "will be on that period in our nation's 
history when the great majoriety of families, 
living often days away from the nearest 
settlement or trading post, were themselves 

required to produce virtually everything tho 
used." ' . 

Musical entertainment for the event, which is 
open to ithe public at no charge, will be provided 
by the celebrated "Pacesetters", a 20-membt;t 
company of PBJC students who've performed 
throughout the country. 

More than 100 local groups and individuals wil 
be participating in Foxfire. Anyone skilled m 
pioneer-era arts or crafts is invited to participa i 
and will, at no charge, be provided with a displ i 
area. Individuals or groups should contact Ho. 
Stern at 793-1000 or 622-6237. There will bL 
contests with valuable prizes awitrded |i 
winning homemade breads, cakes, and topic i- 

The Foxfire Festival held all di. 
Sunday, March 9, on Royal Palm Bea I 
Boulevard, adacent to the golf and tennis cluiv 
WEST OF West Palm Beach. 

Get back to the simpler times and revisit the 
past of an American Heritage! 

Do you know who you are? 
You do? Well, prove it! 

Recently in the SAC game 
room, riffling through my wallet 
to locate my student ID, I 
discovered that I carry with me 
no fewer than eleven pieces of 
, official identification. These 
include essentials like ray 
driver's license, school library 
card and Social Security, as well 
as such exotic items as a Mickey 
Mouse Grand Prix Racer card 
from Disney World, a Beach- 
comber press car and a plastic 
square somebody gave me, 
bearing the plaintive affirma- 

I Am a Human Being. Do Not 
Spindle, Fold, or Mutilate. 

Really. Well, I suppose it 
could be useful sometime. If 
I'm approached by some 
evil-looking dude with spindl- 
ing, folding and mutilation in 
his bloodshot eyes, all I have to. 
do is whip out that card and he 
will, of course, immediately 
back off. 

Nobody could argue with the 
practical purpose of BD cards. 
Until every person knows every 
other person, proof will always 
be required that someone is 
whom he claims to be. 

But why the overabundance 
of cards and certificates 
assuring everyone that Harold 
Schmuck is a member of this 
club and that, can pass through 
this top-secret entrance and eat ■ 
at that select dining spot? Can 
it be that all those pieces of 
cardboard have come to weigh 
more than the person carrying 
them? They're seriously 
reassuring the world - and 
maybe their owner - that he 
really is a person, just as my 
Human Being certificate does 
I facptinuslv 





There may come a time when 
people's identities will be 
embodied in little wallet-sized 
oblongs of paper. Harold, the 
student, arrives at his apart- 
ment tired from a day of school 
and work. He's met at the door 
with the gruff demand( "Hand 
over your ID,"' 

"But it's only me," he 
protests ungrammatically. 

"Hand over your card with 
the number on it, Mac . You 
could be anybody." Harold's 
roommate of two years 
examines the card suspiciously, 
yells back into the apartment. 
"It's olfay, he's got Harold's 
card. Come on in, old buddy." 

It's even conceivable that 
anyone could take over 
another's identity by making off 
with his ID card. Suppose that 
he or she presents himself at 
Harold's door and is duly 
admitted. "Why Harold, how 
you've changed," exclaims his 
roommate. "You used to be tall 
and blond. Now you're short 
and brunette - and where'd you 
get that figure? 

"Let me check you card. 
Let's see 135 - 54- 0348. Yeah, 
it's Harold all right." 

The possessor of Harold's ID 
would proceed to take over 
Harold's job, home, paramour, 
and whatever else he owns, 
while Harold wanders the 
streets, identifiless,' weakly 

"But Pm Harold Schmuch! I 
work here. You know mel" 
"Oh yeah?" comes the konic 
response. "Prove it!" And he 

Course Set 

JC will offer an eight-week 
course in Lawn and Golf Green 
Management on Thursday 
evenings from 7-10 p.m. 
starting March 6. 

Joseph R. Konwinski, a 
graduate of Northern Michigan 
University, who has had 28 
years of experience in Florida 
turfgrass management, will 
teach the course. 

Free Instruction! 



^battle will be fought as part of the 
floneer '*Fosflre" get together. 


Rental Darkrooms 
B&W $5 Hour Color $7 Hour 
$15 Registration Fee 

212 US Highway One 
Lake Park .842-1951 

( Please Call For Reservation ) 

and a quarter hours in the midday sun. Inside, we walked for a 
ways on a ramp surrouned by RCA exhibits before reaching the 
typical maze line to wait for our "rocket sled". 

Afte our ride the term sled seemed very inappropriate because of 
its usual association with a vehicle which one can control and a trip 
which one etyoys. 

While making our way slowly to the position of importance, the 
long awaited, much anticipated "trip", we watched above our 
heads a scene similar to that in plantariums a dark sky with stars, 
comets and metorites which appeared to barely miss the illuminated 
"rocket sleds" which were on roller coaster tracks far above our 

Finally we were seated in our "rocket sled" the sled consists of 
two seating areas one in front of the other, each seat holding two 
passengers. A gentleman sat in the first seat by himself and there 
was no way I was going to sit in the other seat by myself having 
observed the resemblence of Space Mountain to a roller coaster, 
(my motto is fear nothing but fear itself and roller coasters), so I was 
joined by my friend. Again we were surrounded by exhibits of 
RCA's plans for the future which shortly after I wasn't so sure I had 
one. Then a type of flashing blue light appeared and we had 

Having convinced myself that it would be over soon I refrained 
from my desire to scream, then our "rocket sled" having reached 
the peaic of Space Mountain headed straight down, so much for my 
composure the seat belt which upon loading had so carelessly been 
strapped around ray waist would have held another passenger 
which I became aware of on the trip down, it was only my death grip 
on the vehicle that kept me from "walking" in space. I hoped that 
once reaching the bottom the trip would be over yet again I found 
myself high up in Space Mountain and after a few 
law-of-giavity-defying turns we plunged once again straight down 
this time 1 was a little more prepared having and even firmer grip on 
the loose seat belt yet this did not make the dive downward any less 
shocking to my system, yet at last the "trip" was over. 

In this room in which we were unloaded were many benches filled 
with persons who reminded me of people in a hospital emergency 

My visitor and I stumbled out of our "rocket sled" under the 
direction of a RCA employee instructing us to "hurry, hurry, 

Finding no empty seats we stepped onto a ramp which resembled 
a conveyor belt and it was a good thing because I do not think I 
could have walked a step further this "conveyor belt" moved my 
cousin and I on to more exhibits of RCA's plans for the future, I 
labeled this a recovery room because if any one in line for the Space 
Mountain had seen the way we looked afier journeying in Space 
Mountain I tend to think the lines would have been heading the 
other way. 

It was not until after my death defying experience I realized the 
full implication of the warning signs and what was meant by. 
physical limitations. 

Anyone who isn't faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful 
than a locomotive or able to leap tall building in a single bound 
shouldn't venture uito the Space Mountain. 

Perhaps Space Mountain would be a fitting qualification test for 
NASA astronauts but otherwise I could not find any use for it myself 
except perhaps as RCA's answer to overpopulation. 

However, if roller coasters are inviting to you or you have a death 
wish similar to Evel Knieveles or perhaps are feeling super human 
the Space Mountain may be for you, as for me I'll stick with the 
jungle cruise and its animated lions. 



Lou s 


Open 10 a.m. 7 Days A Weeks 

"Lou's Special" 

Sausage & Pe|>p«rs 
I Combihatidit Ham 





200 U.S. 1 

North Palm Boach, Fla. PHt NE 844-3833 


Phone 844-3833 

Italian Staak & Chaese 


Ham 8i Provotona 

Meat Ball 

Ham & American 

8 - BEACHCOMBER Monday. March 3, 1975 

Inspecting Your Car 


News Editor 
Introdnction: Did you know 
that you lived in one of the 
roughtest vehicle inspection 
states in the country? 

If you've been through 
inspection lately you may have 
already sensed this. Neverthe- 
less while recently inspecting a 
car for fellow staff writer, 
Debbie Thompson, I was given 
the chance to examine the 
procedures of vehicle inspec- 

The circumstances . were 
perfect, i was equipped with a 
1971 Volkswagen that had 
gradually nickled and dimed 
itself to inoperability. The 
insurance was in one person's 
name, the title in another's and 
Debbie's husband was the 
auto's proud owner. 

The car had already failed 
inspection once and was now 
overdue for reinspection. Figur- 
ing that I would definitely run 
into some type of extreme 
difficulty and expose the 
inspection system for what it 
was, I headed for the first 
inspection station 1 could find. 

The car had failed at 
Lantana's station and since the 
ticket was overdue I would' be 
fined $1.00 plus the $3.00 
inspection fee. But, I would be 
able to be reinspected at any 

The station on Belvedere 
Road was the lucky location. 
There I spoke to Supervisor 
Norman Williams. He has been 
in the vehicle inspection 
nrogram since it started in Palm 
Bech County seven years ago. 

Before the inspection: After I 
picked the so-called "test 
vehicle" up from a repair shop, 
1 cruised down Okeechobee 
Blvd. completely forgetful of 
Debbie's last words, "Be 

careful now, the brakes are bad. 
You have to kinda catch them." 
At that moment a rather 
elderly gentleman, driving an 
aged car of some unknown make 
with an out-of-state license 
plate,. was changing lanes right 
next to me, only into my lane. 

"I'll beep the horn," thought 
I. After a futile number of tries 
I suddenly realized that along 
with four broken fingers the 
horn did not work. The 
footbrake was now mashed all 
the way to the floorboard, but 
the car was not even showing 
signs of slowing downl Aggg! 
This is no way to have my first 
accident. Fortunately, the old 
dude saw me in time just before 
I passed out because of lack of 
oxygen from holding my breath. 

At the Station: When you 
first drive up to the station there 
is a booth you are required to 
stop at. There you are asked to 
show the insurance card that the 
car is under. Vehicle 

registration is not mandatory 
but it helps. 

Then you proceed to the 
waiting . area of an assigned 
inspection bay. There I was 
directed up onto the metal 
platform inside the bay where 1 
was greeted and the directional 
signals, headlights, exhaust, 
horn and windshield wipers 
were checked. Eventually I 
knew that I would have to test 
the brakes here also. 

The windshield wipers failed 
and, by some stroke of luck, the 
horn worked but the brakes 
proved to be a different story. It 
did not matter how many times 
the inspector was willing to let 
me try to pass the test; the only 
way I could stop was to pull the 
emergency hand brake, which 
didn't even register a 15 for the 
front brakes on the brake scale. 

I "was directed to move up to 
the front of the garage where I 
had to pay the $4.00 and another 
inspector checked out the front 
end of the car. 

Talking to supervisor Will- 
iams I found that vehicle 
inspection is required by the 
state but is a service of the 

The stations are open from 
8:30 to 5:30 every day except 
Saturday and Sunday. Most 
stations service nearly seven 

thousands autos of any type or 
make each month; most in the 
latter parts of the month. They 
check approximately 100 cars a 
day. Forty percent of the cars 
monthly are rejects. 

Williams stated that cars that 
fail, and have to come back, 
hinder the rapidity of the 
station, and that means longer 

Williams says he carries a 
personal policy, "Pass it if you 
can. I try to look for the good 
things tc pass on a car." 

According to Williams most 
Northerners are amazed at the 
rigidity of our system. 

Since the insurance card I 
showed Williams was not rnine I 
asked him if a false insurance 
card would make a difference 
and what could happen to me. 
Nothing would happen as long 
as the insurance is registered to 
that of the person who's paying. 
The insurance is checked in 
Tallahassee and if it's a forgery 
or expiration is detectd the 
owner is notified. 

What would happen if I were 

I Getting Away From /f A//| 

w;sft«a5fs?ssss?s5Sft?wsa!>asfss^^ Frank Sm /fh*^si 

I am contemplating suicide. 

A moth flickers a little too 
closely to the flames and with a 
puff of smoke dies. 

Did yon ever think about 
snjcide? Tliiiik abont it, not 
personally, bat rather in a 
genera] way. Situations build 
themselves into probleins, and 
problems build themselves into 
mountains bom the ledges of 

wliich thousands plummet every 

I am contemplating suicide. 

Suicide can be many things, a 
release for some, an answer to 
their problem, escape from 
hopelessness. Often a grand- 
oise gesture displaying the 
person's attitude toward life, it 
can also be the sad decision of 
someone who decides death is 

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In A Part Or Full Time Position? Good Earnings, 
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luting Products With A-1 Rated Company. 

Call GEORGE H.RAUPP 967-0715 

all that's left. 

If one cannot imagine a 
reason for life, why not die? I 
am contemplting suicide. 

Some suicides may be merely 
for curiosity's sake. One minute 
somebody is wondering, "What 
is there to death?" and the next 
minute he knows. 

There are, say psychologists, 
four different kinds of attemp- 
_ ted suicide: those who seriously 
want to die and succeed in their 
attempt, those who don't really 
want to die and so fail to kill 
themselves, those who want to 
die but are unsuccessful, and 
finally those who don't really 
expect to die but much to their 
surprise, do so. 

I am contemplating suicide. 
Suicide might be Just a 
murderer who can't find a 

The reason I am speaking of 
the phenomena is because the 
.evidence of self-murder is 
increasing. As it increases in 
the future there will be more 
and more need to understand 
suicide. I do not fully 
understand it, which is why I 
contemplate about it. 

Because of the fact that it will 
increase to epidemic propor- 
tions in future years, I urge you 
to think about it, not personally, 
but ta a sort of general way. 

Supervisor Norm Williams, "Pass it if you can." 

to pass inspection but then be 
involved in an accident 
immediately afterward because 
of a faulty inspection ' item. 
Nothing, the state is legally not 
liable. We are a checking 
service not a guarantee. 

Williams pointed out that to 
make inspection easier on 
everyone, people should check 
their car before coming in, do 
not wait until the last day of the 
month to get inspected and (if 
your car fails; keep the pink 
receipt in the car until you 
return within the 30 day time 

Meanwhile: Now I was free. 
Yes, biakelessi wiperless and 
without my beeper. I was 
promptly awarded my pink slip, 
paid my $4.00 and turned loose 
onto the public highway for 30 
days thereafter. ^ 

Ever so cautiously, I drove 
that Volkswagen to Debbie's 
house and parked it ever so 
gently. Then I hopped into" my 
car and streaked off into the 
sunset. Promptly at the first 
stop sign I received Excedrin 

headache 23 and one third. 
Maybe it was the one third that 
hurt so much. Never, and I 
repeat, never roar off into the 
sunset in a car with good brakes 
after you've spent the day 
driving a car without brakes. 





For Complete Movie 


ICall Day Or Night 588-64371 


is your^ 


selection of 
in sizes 3-13 

Palm Beach Mall {Next to J.C. Penney's) 
, - West Palm Beach 

Monday, March 3, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 9 



Palm Beoch Jr. College 








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Here's the super-casual compact with today's "in" look-orange- 
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LaurisTV 3866 Melaleuca Lane Lake Worth 

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10 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 3, 1975 



A.D. Ponders Problem 
Of Transportation 

Is theirs a 


Staff Writer 

Inflation. The problem is 
getting worse every day and JC 
hasn't become immune to the 
situation. The Athletic 

Department is having its share 
of the problem, yet they have an 
idea they believe will save them 

"One of our biggest prob- 
lems," says JC Athletic Director 
Dr. Howard Reynolds, "is 
transportadon. The cost goes 
up every year." With the 
inflation problem and the fund 
cutting, the department will be 
hurt a great deal, he says. 

fComber Views Golf Tourney 





Staff Writer 

On Wednesday, Feb. 26, I 
went to L'auderhill to watch 
President Gerald Ford, Joe 
DiMaggio, Evel Kneivel and 
others try their hands at playing 
golf. The event was the 
Pro-Celebrity portion of the 
5260,000 Jackie Gleason Inver- 
rary Classic. 

I arrived at approximately 
12S45 and, after fighting 
through the large throng 
assembled at the first tee, I 
made an attempt to watch the 
most popalar group of the day 
tee oft. The fivesome consisted 
of Ford; comedian Bob Hope; 
the great one himself, Jackie 
Gleason; pro Jack Nicklaus and 
Elliot Kahn of Great Neck, New 
York, who paid $10,000 to play 
in this prestigious group. 

It was extremely hard to see 
the President tee off because 
there were thousands of secret 
service men, photographers and 
other assorted people standing 
in my way. 

I didn't feel like fighting the 
large crowd that was following 
the President so I decided to 
find a green where there 
weren't too many people and 
watch the players come up. 


Lake Worth, Florida 

Wione 582-5641 

Member F.D.I.C. 

After looking for approximately 
fifteen minutes I saw that the 
fifteenth green had the best 
vantage point. There was only 
about forty people around the 
green and I saw a pretty good 
spot to sit. 

J had been there only a few 
minutes when I spotted Arnold 
Palmer playing the hole with 
Miami Dolphin head coach Don 
Shula. Pahner hit a nice shot 
into the green but it trickled 
about five feet over the back and 
he had to chip it. Wouldn't you 
know, he would chip it in for his 

It wasn't much later that Evel 
Kneivel was teeing off on the 
eleventh, which runs parallel to 
the fifteenth. Before he teed off 
Kneivel asked a man in the 
gallery to bet $100 that he could 
hit the ball past two that were 
already hit by members of the 
group. These were about 250 . 
yards down the fairway. After 
the man declined to bet, the 
renowned daredevil promptly 
knocked it past the two balls. 

After watching Kneivel, 1 
went back to the fifteenth and 
watched baseball great Joe 
DiMaggio play. 

Then, at the eleventh, 
comedian Flip Wilson teed off. 
He was quite a crowd pleaser 
with his many witticisms. 

After watching two more 
groups tee off, I saw a large 
group gathered at the tenth 
green and I knew it had to be the 
President and his' group. So, I 
decided to stay and watch the 


Staff Writer 

Four bowlers rolled games 
over 200 iri the sixth week of 
intramural bowling. 

Jon Grant's 234 wasthe high 
individual game, followed by 
David Green's 233, Bob Cage's 
224 and Les Guthrie's 224. The 
women's high, game was 189, 
rolled by Sharon Nelson. Amy 

Continued page 1 1 

President tee off since I had a 
good spot to see him. 

He hit a real nice drive of 
about 240 yards down the right 
side of the fairway. 

About this time Knievel was 
coming up the fifteenth and so I 
went over to see him again. He 
was somewhat disturbed over 
some construction noise in the 
background and yelled for the 
men to "shut up". 

According to Leonard Tho- 
mpson, the pro of the fivesome, 
Knievel had been doing that 
type of thing all day. Thompson 
went on to say "He's been 
trying to jump the crowd all 
day." With that although there 
were still many groups on the 
course my tired feet and I went 
toward the shuttle bus, to the 
parking lot and then back home. 

At the present time, the 
department is required to use 
commercial methods to obtain 
transportation. And by law they 
are thus required to receive bids 
for the prices they will be 
charged. But this year, only 
Clem Guider has offered a bid 
on rental cars, and Turfway was 
the only bidder for busses. And 
realizing this, they can continue 
- to raise prices without compti- 
tition, "It is cheaper to walk in 
off the street to rent a station 
wagon," says Reynolds, "but 
by law we must use bids." 

In 1971 it cost $9 a day, 8 
cents a mile, with a discount. 
Today it costs $17 a day, 15 
cents a mile, with no dlscoimt 
given. Now, a .golfer tennis 
team is able to fit fairly 
comfortably into one wagon, but 
a baseball or basketball team, 
along with cheerleaders, re- 
quires at least three cars. 
Which is a total of $141, not 
including gas. 

• Since this price has risen so 
much, teams have turned to 
busses, because they are 
somewhat cheaper. But 
Reynolds has anticipated trans- 
portation costs to be a minimum 
of $10,000. 

. Which leads right to the 
solution. Considering that it 
would cost approximately S5000 
for the school to purchase a van, 
wouldn't it help eliminate 
transportation costs? According 
to Reynolds, it would. "The 
only way to help the financial 
problems is to purdiase , a van, " 
Reynolds says. He says it is an 
obvious way to cut costs, and we 

iiniiiii MM)iiiji|i||iiniiii I Mmn 

Steve Fritz Photo 

Marina Polman Tnw, JC women's tennis teams No. 3 ranked 
player, completes a challenghig backhand ta a recent tennis match. 

need to "be more realistic." 

But seeing the other side, Dr. 
Harold Manor, president of JC, 
says, "I don't thmk it is more 
economical. Owning vans Is 
expensive." Dr. Manor was 
referring to hoashtg the vans 
and then maintaining them, 
saying that when yon rent them, 
someone else pays for their 
insurance, their maintenance, 
and theb housing. 

Reynolds, however has noti- 
ced that many other schools 
have them, "It seems to me 
that every college in the state 
has its own vehicles, all the 
others are doing it, it must be 
cheaper to do this." 

Again Dr. Manor disagrees, 
saying that those schools had 
been given the vans. " If they 
were donated by some athletic 
supportive group, he then feels 
that It would be more 
economical. Or if the athletic 
department would bay the vaas 
themselves, not the school. 

Reynolds hopes that if his 
request is fulfilled, he would be 
able to purchase two vans this 
year and the following year, 
another. He realizes that the 
vans would not always be 
enough to fit every need, but 
they would alleviate a lot of the 
expense. But with Dr. Manor's 
belief that they would not be 
economical, the chances took 

5-4 Margin 


Staff Writer 

The women's tennis team 
pushed their record to 6-3 with a 
5-4 victory over Broward North, 
Feb. 25. 

In singles action, JC's No. 1 
player, Robin Langridge, de- 
feated Debi Morris of Broward 
North 6-2, 5-7, 6-4; Cindy 
Kitchell (JC) outplayed Debi 
Van Eepoel (BN) 6-2, 0-6, 6-3; 
Marina Polman Tuin (JC) 
stormed past Kathy Gawne (BN) 
6^0, 6-0; Mary Licht (BN) beat 
Janet Fabiani (JC) 6-3, 7-5 Sally 
Seliner (BN) downed Susan 
Atherley (JC) 6-1, 6-4; Hillary 
Cove (JC) outpointed Pat Riley 
6-1. 6-0. 

In doubles, Morris and Van 
Eepoel (BN) beat Langridge and 
Kitchell (JC) 6-0, 6-2; Polman 
Tuin and Fabiani (JC) outplayed 
Gawne and Licht (BN) 6-1, 6-4; 
Seliner and McCafferty (:BN( 
downed Atherley and Cove (JC) 
3-6, 6-0. 6-2. 

"They [Broward North] were 
about as tough as we 
expected," says Coach Sarah 
Quisenberry in regard to the 
closeness of the match. 

Quisenberry -went on to say 
that the team's record is abouf 
what she expected at this point 
in the season. 

Tuesday, March 4, the gWs 
travel to Miami-Dadg South at 2 

Monday. March 3, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 11 

Select Two All-Conference 

Sports Editor 

Pacers sophomore basketball 
players Gus PoyastrO and Don 
Burns were selected by the 
Division IV coaches this past 
week for all-conference honors. 

Burns and Poyastro also 
represented Palm Beach in the 
North-South all-star game 
Saturday night March. 1 at the 
Florida Junior College State 
Tournament at Deland. 

"I think this is a good 
opportunity for our boys," said 
JC Athletic Director Howard 
Reynolds. "They are both 
sophomores and several college 
coaches saw them play in the 

The Pacers did not quite make 
it down the road to the state 
tourney. Feb. 19, they lost in 
overtime at Edison Community 
College in Fort Myers, 106-103. 

Poyastro missed a 10-foot 
jumper and Vic Dubose missed 
asn uncontested tip-in which 
should have won the ball game 
for the Pacers. 

The Edison game was 
reminiscent of the total season, 
said head soach Bob Wright. 
"Turnovers at key points, and 
other occnrrances showed that 
the time ran out before we could 
do anything. 

"Overall, at times the boys 
were exceptional, and at other 
times, not so exception." 

Wright continued that the 

club never came together at any 
point in the season. "Nobody 
on the floor took charge when 
the leadership was needed." 

Ron Cunningham, the Pacers 
freshman guard, had some food 
for though regarding next 
season. "Vic (Dubose) is 
supposed to bring a 6' 9" guy 
down from Cleveland. We'Jl be 
young and tough next year. We 
won't be living on last- year's 

Commenting on next season, 
Wright said, "We'll recruit for 
speed and size at the forwards. 
We're going to look at local 
talent. There will not be more 
than two more out-of-state 
players recruited, and they'll be 
big people." 

Don Bums. 

Gns Poyastro. 

'Comber Sports Editor Tim Bray gets first class instructions from 
volunteer I & R Board Member Ed Richards. 

Steve Fritz Photo 


l&R Post Filled By Richards 

Sports Editor 

Time slowly passes by and 
our friendly volunteer I & R 
Board member tries desperately 
to string a bow in the archery 
equipment room. Finally after 
IS minutes of strain, Ed 
Richards says "I finally figured 
it out, by a miracle!" 

"I'm an expert at this, you're 

Richards, a 20 year-old 
graduate of Miami Springs High 
School, is the only male member 
of the Intramural and Recrea- 
tional Board. 

"I volunteered because it is a 
necessity that a man be on the 
board. It is not appropriate for 
the girls, of which there are 
three, to handle all the load." 

The six foot bushy bearded 
Health-Education major said, • 
"P.E. goes hand in hand with 
studying. As Aristotle said, 
healthy body creates a healthy 

Personally, I do better in class 
because I exercise. I feel 

As to high school and college 
gym classes, Richards feels tbatt 
with the availability of the 

Pocers Lose Two 

i ( 

On strong point in pre-seas<Mi 
play is now causing the Pacer 
head baseball coach Dusty 
Rhodes headaches. 

We are jost not dohig the job 
with the bat. That is what is 
hartlng iis right now," said the 
young blonde-headed coach 
after Tuesday's 4-2 loss to the 
Fort Lauderdale Baseball Sch- 

The Pacers have scored five 
runs in the last 27 innings 
pending results of the action 
which took place Friday and 
Saturday against Indian River. 

"Our pitching is hoidfaig up 
real well, Ross [Baomgarten] 
and Terry Dreher both threw 
well enough to win last 
weekend. But if yon don't score 
nms, you don't win. It's as 
simple as that," Rhodes said. 

Rhodes feels one problem is 
the pacers need to run more. 
Kenny Robers, Bob Benda, 

Glenn Rogers and John Ingles 
are. all to see more action. 

JC is 0-2 in conference play 
with the 4-3 and 8-0 losses to 
Broward Central. But, Miami 
Dade-North defeated Miami 
Dade-South twice and IRCC and 
Edison split, so the standings 
are closely knitted after two 

The Pacers travel to Edison 
for a double header tomorrow 
(March 4) at 12:30 p.m. in Fort 

facilides, the programs should 
be used as a learning 
experience. Recreational games 
is just for "personal enjoy- 

Since being a native Miam- 
ian, one might feel his choice 
would be a Miami-Dade school. 

"Dade is very crowded, it's 
not hard to find an instmctor 
outside of class here. I favor 
small colleges." 

I'm into the. Health and 
nutrition aspects. I must set an 
example. P.E. Is part of 

"Drugs and smoking are 
O.K. bi moderation for 'some bat 
on a day to day basis, no." 

"Sure I have goals in life. 
They include personal satisfac- 
tion and teaching other people 
that satisfaction." 

Richards' experiences came 
bom the Boy Scouts He has 
participated in the sconts 
summer camps, and has visited 
Philmont Scout Ranch twice. 

"If I had the opportunity, I'd 
put gymnastics back into the 
intramural program. Especially if 
there is an interest." 

Summing up, Richards stat- 
ed, "Any sport requires 
dedication if you want to be 

■Division IV All-Conference 


Lem Johnson .•••«•**•••••••••*• Broward North 

Isaac Coates •••••(•••••••oMiamiDade-South 

Ben Stuart .................. Miami D ade-North 

Len Sanders Edison 

AlexTumer Broward Central 

Gus Poyastro *......*».«...4i...«PaI.m Beach 

Daryl Turner «**«•<•.•••**•••*•.. Indian River 

Donald Bums •••• .■.«. •.«,., Palm Beach 

IkeMlms .>.....»......«.».... Broward North 

Fred Jones....%. •>•••>..•••• •.••Indian River 

JC Men Take First 

Palm Beach took advantage of 
a weak JBroward North tennis 
team and posted its first 
conference victory lat Wednes- 
day night, 7-0. 

Broward North was comple- 
tely out-piayed as they did not 
win a set from the. Pacers. 

Charles Wadlington, playing 
No. 1 man, commandingly 
handed Rick Wagner a 6-0, 6-0 
loss. Roberto Rizo beat Jim 
Cotterfleld by the same margin. 

Norman Russell, the Pacers 
No. 3 man, defeated Randy 
Cloyd 6-2, 6-1. Newcomer Pete 
Pulitzer had no trouble with 


Continued from page 10 

Strimbu and Jody Salzgeber 
rolled games of 170 and 169 

High series' for the men were 
Green's 595, Guthrie's 584 and 
Kent Knox' 572. Nelson had the 
women's high series, 476, 
followed by Stimbu's 475 and 
Salzgeber's 452. 

"KKK & B" took the high 
team series, 2379. This team 
consist of Kathy Wilk, Knox, 
Brian Richards and Karen 
Ny Strom. 

The "Pin Smokers", Bob 
Anderson, Jan Tuckwood and 
Guthrie, rolled the high team 
game, 809; 

The leading team is the 
"Wash Outs", with 20 wins and 
only four losses. This team is 
made up of Joe Leski, Mary 
Powell, Alicia Markwood and 
Glen Marsteller. 

Keith Rodman 6-0, 6-1, and Ron 
Dicus beat Jim Tierney 6-0, 6-4. 

"The biggest asset I have this 
year," commented head coach 
Harris McGirt," is depth. I 
have five guys that can beat any 
other five guys on any given 

"I am optimistic that we'll 
have a winning season." 

Tuesday, March 4, the 'men 
will travel to Miami Dade 
Downtown, who have just 
incorporated men's tennis into 
their athletic department. 

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12 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 3, 1975 

^^m& Sports Life mmm^^si^fm^^ffm 


Jimmy Connors has been 
accused of being a cocky kid 
from Illinois trying to make ends 
meet in the big leagues of 
tennis. Yet, the fact remains, 
Jimmy Connors is proving to the 
world he's No. 1. 

Connors, with girlfriend Chris 
Evert in the stands, recently no 
less than "ripped up" the field 
at Boca West to capture the 
$25,000 Boca West International 
Tennis Tournament. 

I felt Connors' strong point 
was not Ms serve. Don't get me 
wrong, Connors consistently 
serves strong and deep to the 
comers. Bat, after that, initial 
thrust of his Wilson T3000 is the 
strong part of his game. 
Sometimes it seems as if the 
tennis baJI had eyes for the open 

The Illinois native commen- 
ted, "The younger players of 
IPA (International Players 
Association) are the future of 
tennis. I'd like to see it open 

Referring to his style of play, 
Connors says, "They say tennis 
is a gentlemen's sport. That's 
not t3nae. My attitude, and 
tilings I do on the court, that's 

Classified Ads 

Term Papers, Canada's largest 
service. For catalogue send $2 
to: Essay Services, 57 Spadina 
Ave., 208, Toronto. Ontario, 
Canada. Campus representa- 
tives required. Please write. 
Sales Representative for PBJC. 
Unlimited opportunity, top. 
position, male or female. 
Fastest growing singles club in 
America. Send name, phone 
number, background to: SCA 
Corp. P.O. Box 2552 WPB 

Papa John fights stomach 
deflation - win with "Instant 
Horse for sale. Excellent hunter 

pleasure horse. Well mannered 
and in perfect health works good 
in show ring. Phone 582-2994. 
Used sewing machine. More 
info call 965-5220 after 7 p.m. 
Defeat burger fatigue - eat Papa 
John's pizza. 

1968 Norton (chopper), BlOcc. . 
Runs Good, $700 or best offer. 

1969 Ford Mustang engine, 
Boss 429 Cu. in. call 626-0432. 
•71 BMW 750cc 13,000 mi. runs 
good. Call 967-2899 ask for Jim 
after 5. 

Papa John's pizza World's 
finest; Florida's finest; Palm, 
Beach County's finest; Palm 
Spring's finest! 

(^Timothy L BrayS 

the way I feel the game should 
be played." 

Connors feels it is his nature 
to "have a hamburger with a 
friend rather than a steak with 
somebody else." 

"Goals? I don't have any 
goals. I play the best I can. 

"I can hit a forehand and a 
backhand till I'm 80 years old. 
There is more to life than 
playing tennis. I don't know if I 
want to play tennis tflll'mSS," 
continued the Wimbledon 

Accompanying Connors to 
Boca West was Chris Evert, the 
No. 1 female tennis player in the 

In talking with Evert, I get the 
impression she feels the 
Virginia Slims tour is not going 
to be dominated by one 
superstar this year, mainly 

"I still need to improve my 
game," says Chris. "I've been 
trying a lot of different things. I 
am losing a couple more 
matches, hut it is worth it." 

Referring to the Vh^ginia 
Slims Tour, Evert says, 
"Margaret [Court] and Martina 
[Navratilova] are now playing 
the best tennis." 

The Fort Lauderdale resident 
commented, "Martina is 18 
years old and tough." 
Navratilova has defeated Evert 
twice this season in final 

This was the first public 
appearance of "Jimmy and 


Jimmy Connors, who recently signed to play John Newcombe in a* 
wtaner take all match at Ceasers Palace in April, recently won the 
Boca West International Tournament. 

Chris" since they called off their 
engagement last year. Evert 
said, "Jimmy's got the 

engagement ring in a safe. 
safe. We're going to do 
little different this time." 

it a 

1,500 Can Expect 
Spring Rejection 

Continued from page 1 
who expect to graduate. 

2. Currently enrolled residents 
of Florida and currently enrolled 
veterans and students with 
college grants. 

3. Currently enrolled out-of- 
state students. 

4. Currently enrolled foreign 

5. Reactivated students-Florida 

6. New students-Palm Beach 
County residents. 

7. New students-Florida 

8. New students-out-of-state, 

9. New students-foreign. 


$2.75 per page 

Send now for latest catalog. En- 
close $2.00 to cover return post- 


57 Spadina Ave.. Suite #208 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada 

(416) 366-6549 

Our research service is so/d 
for research assistance only. 

Camous Reps, required. Please write, 

Spring Scheduling Begins March 1 7 

Staff Writer 

Interest is mounting among 
students concerning actions of 
the committee that decides the 
fate of dollars that are assessed 
for student affairs. 

Presentations have been 
completed by Media, the 
Beachcomber, and Assemblies. 

Activities representative Dol- 
or Ginchereau is interested in 
students' suggestions for out- 
standing speakers they would 
prefer to visit JC. 

Two requests for rulings by 
the District Board of Trustees 
for matters in question will be 
forthcoming next week, accord- 
ing to moderator, Dean Paul 

Rulings are needed on the 
number of representatives 
Student Government is allowed 
on the committee. They now 
have four attending while other 
groups only have one vote each. 
Another clarification being 
considered by the board is the 
legality of the 'Comber to have 
commercial ads in the school 

At last Tuesday's meeting. 
Dr. Howard Reynolds, athletic 
director, explained how a 
portion of the student's money 
is spent for the purpose of 
paying professional athletes to 
attend JC. He also stressed that 
about 25 students per day 
engage actively in other phases 

of the program. Presently 
$49,000 is budgeted from 
student funds for male athletics 
and they have 42 on 
scholarships. $8, 100 is given to 
women's activities. 

Long registration lines, as seen in past years, are predicted 
for next Monday as JC students straggle not to be left out of 
Spring I classes. 

Trustees Initiate Lab Fees 

Staff Writer 

In an effort to gain revenue, 
JC's Board of Trustees 
approved a list of Laboratory 
fees to be charged at the 
beginning of the 1975 Fall term. 
The Board expects to get 
$36,000 from the fees if the 
enrollment stays the same. 

Ranghig from $2 to $15, 117 
JC classes will join 19 other 
junior colleges presently charg- 

ing lab fees. Students enrolled 
in Fla. state funded colleges pay 
approximately 18 per cent of the 
total cost of education. 

Dean Paul Glynn said the 
"package plan" of $129.50 for 
18 to 19 semester hours tuition 
will no longer be used. He said 
students may pay up to S190. 

Without the plan $30 would 
be lost for each class dropped. 
Glynn urges students to talk 
with instructors and carefully 


I Senate Drops Honorariums | 


I Staff Writer | 

According to a bill introduced by Senator Rob Abrams, and 

passed by the senate Thursday, senators no longer will 

receive honorariums or special privileges. 
The bill asks the original honorarium bill passed in the fall 

term to be recinded. It has been determined that senators 

shouldn't get money for working on SG. 

"They (honorariums) are a rip-off especially for night 

students who don't benefit from the Student Activity Fee," 

said Senator Carl Hensley. 


choose courses. 

Dean G. Tony Tate said JC 
has always had lab fees 
"indirectly" as part of tuition. 
He couldn't think of any other 
sources of revenue off hand. 

The Center For Early 
Learning and Early Childhood 
Programs is affected by lab 
fees. Parents now may pay SIC, 
$15, $20 on a sliding scale 
according to ability to pay. 

Early Learning Center Direc- 
tor Mrs. Cathleen Bowser said 
40 children are on the waiting 
list and doesn't predict parents 
loosing interest because of 
higher prices. 

Turn to "Lab Fees" pg 2 

On The Inside 

Venture oa patrol pg. 5 

Pacers- Falcons Friday., .pg.6- 

Mayfield Sees 
Enforced Limit 

Associate Editor 

JC Registrar Laurence May- 
field announced Thursday the 
revised schedule for Spring 
term registration and because of 
a new 14,000 semester load limit 
on classes, the schedule is more 
complex than ever before. 

Registration is to be comple- 
ted one semester at a time: 
Spring I [March 17-21], Spring 
II [June 2-5]. Registration for 
Fall term is to be held April 7-18 
as previously scheduled. 

JC's Board of Trustees 
agreed at the February trustee 
meeting to a nine-step priority 
list for ■ students wishing to 
register. Students at each step 
are to be given an opportunity to 
enroll in available classes before 
the registration proceeds to the 
next step. 

Registration for Spring I 
begins Monday, March 17 when 
grads with completed forms 
signed by the department head 
or advisor may register during 
the day. 

March 18 and 19 are 
scheduling days for currently 
enrolled residents, veterans and 
those in college grant programs. 

Currently enrolled and cur- 
rent out-of-state students regis- 
ter March 20, and March 21 is 
the day for currently enrolled 
local and currently enrolled 
foreign students. 

"I don't think we are going to 
get past the second priority," 
comments Registrar Mayfield. 
He adds that while May 9 is 
scheduled as the day for new 
student registration, "We've 
been discouraging anyone 
making new student applica- 
tions for Spring I or II." 

Information on available 
classes can be obtained from 
faculty, advisors and depart- 
ment heads. According to 
Mayfield, "the vast majority of 
the 14,000 student hours are 
located in the Spring I 

Anticipating one of the 
"hardest registrations we've 
ever had," Mayfield estimates a 
student enrollment of approxi- 
mately 3,500 compared to the 
4,966 that registered for spring 
terms in 1974. 

WRAP Returns With New Studio 


WRAP Assistant Manager Joan Francis enjoys privacy and 
comfort of new studio. 

Associate Editor 

JC's long troubled campus radio station, 
WRAP, returned to the air March 3 after an 
absence of more than two months. 

The long layoff was necessitated by 
wrap's decision to move the program studio 
from the Student Publications Building to an 
inner office in North SAC, adjacent to the new 
SG gameroom. 

Explaining the move, WRAP Manager 
Dave Dnunmond comments., "We feel we 
need two rooms - a room of considerable size 
for the news department, planning, and 
scheduling; and a room or studio where the 
disc jockey can be practically by himself when 
doing a show." 

By switching the functions of two rooms 
where WRAP already was located, 
Drummond feels the station has solved the 
problem of floor space. 

WRAP presently broadcasts in the north 
end of the cafeteria near the snack line, in the 
SAC Lounge (Monday-Wednesday-Friday), 
and to the SAC Patio. 

' 'We want to go on AM or FM frequency," 
relates Dnunmond. "We could legally go on 

the air and broadcast over a mile-wide radius. 
People in parking lots and offices could turn 
the station on - also there could be speakers at 
the Business and Humanities patios locked 
info the frequency." 

Drummond encourages all interested 
students to apply for positions as disc jockeys 
and news staff. Concerning the formation of 
the news staff, the WRAP manager adds, 
"We don't want to be just background 

WRAP'S "troubles" have ineluded 
blown-up amplifiers, manager resignations, 
Student Government efforts to control album 
selection, many student complaints over 
quality and quantity of sound, mix-ups oyer 
purchase orders for new equipment and 
frequent halts and delays to the broadcast, 

Drummond feels the days of WRAP'S 
"troubles" are over. 

"If we can develop a steady flow of student 
response to the station, I think we will really 
make it this year," says Drummond. 

"As for next year's WRAP staff, what 
we've left them Is very solid - 1 don't think it 
will go up in puffs of smoke." 

2 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 10, 1975 




Associate Editor . 

associated collegiote press 

Court An Irony 

Every semester when students go to the finance office to pay their 
fees, included in the price tag is a sum of money (usually around 
$15.00) for "activity fees". Theoretically, payment of this fee 
entitles students to unlimited access to student functions and 

Unfortunately, students are not getting what they pay for. 
According to signs posted on the JC tennis courts "students have 
priority" in the use of the courts. In practice this is not true. 
Evenings and weekends, "John Q. Public" completely dominates 
the tennis area. 

The argument for this is that as taxpayers they have every right to 
unobstructed use of our tennis courts. An attempt to charge 
non-students $1.00 was unanimously passed by the senate and then 
vetoed by the SG Executive Board. 

As taxpayers, "Mr. Public" has as much right to free use of the 
tennis courts as he has to free use of the turnpike, toll bridges and 
downtown parking. 

The ultimate irony, as noted in an article last week, is that the 
students must pay for what the public gets for free. Student 
Government has the chance to correct this obvious injustice and we 
urge them to take prompt action to amend this situation. 

SG Deserves Credit 

Student Government has made many errors in the past, and 
when they have the Beachcomber has reported them. One of 
their major errors was the passage of a poorly written 
"Honorarium Bill" last Fall. 

Editorially the Beachcomber strongly opposed the Senate 
Honorarium structure. However, the Senate now deserves to 
be congratulated. Realizing that they had an unworkable 
situation, SG at their last meeting rescinded the Honorarium 

The Beachcomber would like to encourage both the Student 
Government Senate and Executive Board to continue this 
type of refreshingly constructive self-examination. 

He C/or/f/es Tennis Bill 


Regarding the article written 
by Sam Putt concerning the 
tennis courts, it seems a few 
clarifications are in order. 

First, Mr. Putt fails to 
mention that he was a senator at 
the time the tennis bill went 
through the senate. He, in fact, 
introduced the bill. This should 
explain why he was upset over 
the recommitting of "his" bill. 

It seems Mr. Putt didn't try 
very hard to get an explanation 
as to why the bill was vetoed. 

SG President Tory Buckley 
pointed out that the bill was 
very loose, with no time being 
set for playing hours. Further, 
the bill states "PBJC students 
are to have absolute priority of 
court use upon showing current 
PBJC student I.D. card." 

How, Mr. Putt, could this be 
implemented when the tennis 

team wanted to practice (they 
have absolute priority)? It is 
obvious Mr. Putt didn't 
research this bill to the proper 
extent. Like other good ideas 
introduced to the senate, it died 
because of inadequate research. 

Mr. Putt claims the senators 
are afraid to defy the Executive 
Board for fear we wlH not get 
our honorariums. This is totally 
absurd, in fact there is a move 
afoot to abolish senate honorar- 

I feel Mr. Putt will become a 
very well respected writer on 
your staff. He has the typical 
"Beachcomber" flair for writing 
totally one-sided stories dero- 
gatory to SG. 

The truth never hurts, so how 
about writing some truthful 

Bill Penney 
SG Senator 




Bullet Smoke Screen 


This letter is in response to 
your editorial that supports the 
recently-proposed bullet ban. 

Please don't insult your 
readers' intelligence with state- 
ments that form a smokescreen 
and cloud the real issue in a 
controversy. Lack of valid 
communication is one of the 
most blatant problems in our 

society today and the commer- 
cial mass media's economic 
structure can't allow its 
reporters much headway in 
solving this problem. 

However, if you do plan on 
making journalism a career, our 
present situation indicates that 
you will have to approach your 
responsibilities to the public 

Support Amazing 


In response to the Feb. 17 
editorial on ERA, I am 
continually amazed at the 
distortions of those supporting 

It should be clear that the 
issue is not "homosexuality". 
It is merely that in legalizing 
"homosexuality", we officially 
change our society to a 
heterosexual-homosexual socie- 
ty. Common sense then follows 
to acknowledge that this "new" 
society is to be advocated in all 
of our educational, cultural, 
social,, business and govern- 
mental institutions. 

The issue is not one-sex 
toilets. It is merely that ERA 
has not been defined, as the 
editorial acknowledges. Frank- 
ly, it should insult one's 
intelligence to be asked to buy a 
"pig-in-a-poke". Unlike the 
editor, the average citizen does 
not imbue five men on the 
Supreme Court with omnipotent 
powers of good judgement. I 

News Editor ........i.»,.;^^^i,n Auehlerionie 

Venture Editor ,,,,,,, Frank Smitn 

Sports Editor ,..,.,,, ........Tim Bray 

Business Manager ....».,...,. BobHatflcld 

Editorial Assistant .i.a...,.,.,,!an Tuckwood 
Consultant »,.,,. Charles McCreight 

Cartoonist •.......*..•...... .Tom HJxsoii .' 

Photo Depj Muffy McClung 

Steve Fritz ■ 
Debbie Huhn 
Sam Van 

iy Kravetz 
Winnie Knighton 

STAFF WRITKRS - Ames Ash, Debbie Tliompsoii , Tom Bowling, Pete Clau.sen, itnes Cleare, Raoul Gaicia. 

Lori HiUebrand,BiUnutcliins, Kim Jones, Robin Kindle. Winnie Knigliton, Flick Magei, Muffy McClung, 

Becky IMorse, Philip Neubaucr, Sam Putt, Amy SttimbU; Joel Tanen 

The Beaciicomber is published from our editorial offices in tlie Student Publications Building at Palm Beach 
Junior College, 4200 S Congress Ave , take Worth, Florida 33460 

Telephone 965-8000Ex tension 210 

Opinionsexpressed in the Beachcomber are those of the editors or the writer.s of the articles and ata 
essarjly those of Palm Beach Jinior College 
The Beaciicomber is a member of the Associated College Press and Florida Ainior College Press Association 

would suggest a cursory review 
of judicial findings. 

Perhaps if the "reasonable 
study of ERA" noted in the 
editorial, had been applied to 
the 5th and the 14th 
Amendments, it would have 
been apparent that unjust 
discrimination can be better 
handled, with less delay. We 
are already assured that women 
are given the same opportunity 
as men in all aspects of life, as 
the editorial notes, but ERA 
seeks to include those aspects 
that involve biological, physio- 
logical and psychological differ- 
ences between men and women. 

ERA is really very simple - it 
is unnecessary to guarantee 
"equal pay and equal opportu- 
nity" - it has not been defined - 
it will affect non- .governmental 
action, and it will take away 
states rights. 

Furthermore, interpretations 
of ERA by various state 
supreme courts under state 
ERA'S really leave little doubt 
that the wording of the 
amendment requires an "abso- 
lute ban". Any one of these 
reasons should be enough to ask 
Congress to come up with a 
better job; 

Zena R. Mehlen 

with a perspective and an acute 
awareness that will far surpass 
the majority of that being 
exhibited by the media today. 
Our entire nation is grossly 
neglecting the real issues and 
we are communicating about 
"brush fires". It's about time 
we all started to wake up. 

I personally don't own a gun 
and belong to no organization, 
gun club or otherwise. But the 
way things are going, I can 
foresee the day when I'll buy a 
gun for self protection. 

If you're afraid I'll blow my 
foot off, then urge an annual 
safety course for gun owners. If 
you're afraid I'll commit a crime 
of passion, then promote family 
church attendance. But if you 
are as concerned about the 
.growing crime problem as I am, 
then we better get out act 
together if we are going to 
improve the situation. It's 
going to take a Herculean job of 
communication and education. 

If you would like further 
elaboration than space here 
permits, I'll be more than glad 
to point you in the right 
direction. But in the meantime, 
please don't infringe upon my 
right to own a gun for self 
protection, if and when 1 deem it 
necessary, unless you are 
willing to expend an unlimited 
amount of energy toward 
slowing down the rapidly 
growing crime rate. 

James M. Roth 

Lab Fees — — 

Continued from pg 1 

Parents presently pay $5 a 
week to keep their children 
enrolled in the program. 
Bowser said JC offers the same 
program as Montssori schools 
which charge $70 to $80 per 
week. She said. JC is 
comparitively cheaper. 



(1) Not exceed 250 words. 

(2) Be signed by the author. 

(3) Include the author's 
telephone number. 

(4) Be received In the 
Beachcomber Office no 
later than 4 p.m. on 

All letters are subject 
to condensation. 

Action Urged 

Change Wanted 

News Editor 

Some people know him as 
Captain, some as Sir, and most 
as Carl, but to the students at 
JC he is known as Senator. 

Some of Carl Hehsley's 
tiackground includes being 
Captain in the U.S. Army 
Reserve, chairman of the county 
Democratic Executive Commit- 
tee and two years in JC's 
Computer Science Department. 
Carl is 27 years old and has been 
married eight years. 

Beachcomber; What motiva- 
ted you to get involved in SG? 

Hensleyt I thought it was 
lime someone who has been an 
evening student like I have for a 
couple of years should represent 
the evening students. During 
the recent elections I was able to 
persuade SG officials to open 
the voting machines three 
instead of the proposed two 
days and to move them to the 
vending machine area of the BA 
building. The result? 

Approximately one third of the 
total votes cast were those of 
evening students. 

Beachcomber: What do you 
think about the tape over the 
Public counter on the voting 

Hensley: 1 was quite 
depressed to learn of this matter 
and am strictly opposed to this 
type of election supervision. 

Beachcomber: What is your 
opinion on honorariums and the 
student activity fee? 

Hensley; I feel that anyone 
affiliated with SG should not 
receive a dime. SG should be a 
voluntary organization for the 
students. I feel the entire 
problem lies in the evaluation of 
the honorariums. The answer 
lies in restoring the power back 
to the senate for a better 
representation of the student 
activity fee. Right now, the 
executive branch of SG has too 
much control over SG expendi- 

As for the activity fee in 

•51 Percent 

Sexism Abolished 

J. AAicheleNotter. 

COLUMNIST'S NOTE: The following column was written by 
Maria Pico. She is a member of the Commission on the Status 
of Women which has become newly active on the PBJC 

Two PBJC commissions acting with one purpose have 
been established in order to research and to aid in the 
elimination of sexism on campus. 

The Faculty Senate has established a "Commission on the 
Status of Women" with Trinette Robinson as chairperson, 
and a group of students have fvormulated an "Ad Hoc 
Committee" with Dr. Richard Yinger as advisory. 

On Feb. 17, the two groups met in an effort to determine 
the purpose and establish the goals of the commissions. Our 
niain purpose will be to search out and destroy discrimination 
on the basis of sex. 

We are now investigating the Athletics Department 
because the college has been neglectant in the responsibility 
of offering equal opportunity to women as well as men. 

We question why women are not granted athletic 
scholarships when thirty six are currently being offered to 
men? Also they are receiving $47,400 this year from the 
student activity fee, of which only $8,100 was appropriated for 
women's athletics. The number of intramurals for women 
was dropped this year with badminton and volleyball no 

longer offered. j -. in ■ <:i; 

The commission meets regularly on Mondays at Z:M in as 

57 and asks that anyone having any complaints contact them. 

"I know that the night student 
gets "ripped-ofT', F. Carl 
Hensley, SG Senator 

general, as a former night 
student I know that the night 
student gets "ripped-off" 
activity wise. How can the night 
student go to a basketball game 
if he's in class? How can he 
. attend an activity scheduled in 
theday when he's working? Did 
you know that the SAC Lounge 
is locked up at night? A night 
student can't even play a game 
of pinball. 

Beachcomber: How about 
your opinion on student use of 
the tennis courts. 

Hensley: 1 feel the students 
should have definite priority. 
After all, we pay for the 
privilege to use them through 
our activity fee. Also, the golf 
putting and driving range is 
closed to students over the 
weekend. 1 am trying to 
propose legislation to have the 
golfing range and tennis courts 
open on the weekends for 
students, allowing certain times 

Monday, March 10, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 3 


I Editor's Notebook f 



I SPRING TERM I, 74/75, March 17-21, Last day to pay fees | 

i March 27. i 

i SPRING TERM 0, 74/75, June 2-5, Last day to pay fees June = 

i 12. i 

I FALL TERM 75/76, April 7-18, last day to pay fees July 7. | 

i July 14-17, last day to pay fees July 31. | 

I THURSDAY representatives from the ARMY ROTC program | 

I at the University of Miami will be on campus to discuss 5 

I various aspects of their program with interested students. | 

i You can find them in the cafeteria. | 

I NEWMAN CLUB meets every Thursday at 12:30. | 

I INTRAMURAL BOARD OPENING: Students interested in | 

I the "behind the scenes" of Intramurals can volunteer to fill | 

i several openings on the Intramural and Recreation Board. 5 

i THURSDAY is the day for CLEP testing. It will start at 8:00, = 

i is Science 26, GOOD LUCK!!! = 

1 HENRY V and JULIUS CAESAR will be introduced by their = 

I old friend WATSON B. DUNCAN DI at the movie night in the | 

I SACioungeat8p.,FRIDAY. Your Activity Fees pay for it so | 

1 why not take advantage, | 

I EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK has space available for any f 

i organization that wishes to notify the student body about its | 

I acitivites. Any short notices (40 words or less) will be printed | 

I as space permits. Just drop them off at the Beachcomber i 

i offices, I 


S an opportunity to join the hardworking staff of the | 

I BEACHCOMBER Your greatest reward is experience. | 


5 Must type 40 wpm and have excellent grammar. S2.00 per | 



for students and certain times 
for Joe Public. 

Beachcomber: In closing, 
what is your opinion on student 
I.D. cards? 

Hensley: I think they are a 

great idea if the student pays for 
them once and keeps them for 
his duration at- the college. 
They could be used as valid 
identification, as student dis- 
counts at the auditorium and as 
library cards at the JC library. 

Small Speech Turnout 

Staff Writer 

Political Union Advisor Edwin 
Pugh made a speech on 
Benjamin Franklin Tuesday to 
an audience of six in the North 
SAC Lounge. 

He attributed the txumout to 
the lack of publicity, however he 
didn't blame any one organiza- 

As he spoke, a slide show was 
being shown to explain dates in 
history Pugh was citing. 

The speech was presented as 
a favor to Phi Theta Kappa 

whose Bicentennial theme is 
Benjamin Franklin and Thomas 
Jefferson. , 

"I predict no one will do an 
expose' on Franklin," he said. 
"The .challenge to the writer 
would be - How do you improve 
on the author?" he added. 

Political Union advisor Edwui 


Unity Urged At State SG Meeting 

Staff Writer 

Establishment of a strong 
lobbv to promote the interests of 
!he state's 26 member junior 
colleges was a prime topic of 
discussion at the Florida Junior 
P iigoe Student (government 
Association (FJCSGA) District 
February 22 meetmg. 

The lobby would be listed 
nn^er "Higher Education," 
"wording to SG Senator Rob 
Abraffis, who represented JC 



Staff Writer 

pp JC has the largest number 

f ai-adustes qualifying at Uie 

„a of this whiter term «« 

%s history. 

The present figure stands at 

fi03 • This does not break them 

i«wn geographically, but most 

fj^ from Lake Worth, West 

PalrH Beach and surrounding 


along with four senators. Other 
senators representing JC at the 
meeting, which was held on 
Miami Dade College's South 
Campus, were Ron Bukely, Paul 
Sapp, James Boger, and Bill 

Senate Drops 

Continued From Pg 1 

President Pro Temp Sue Keen 
will chair the senate Thursday 
replacing Vice President Dolor 
Ginchereau speaking in Orlando 
for a speech tournament 

The senate agreed to 
purchase Roberts Rules of 
Order Newly Revised. They may 
be handed out to senators within 
a wccki 

An Arts and Crafts Shop will 
open soon in the JC Bookstore. 
Three people were sworn in the 
senate. They are: Kimberly 
Jones, Jerry Broz, and Randy 
Simler. Of the original 24 
senators elected in the fall term, 
11 remain. 

"The main goal," said 
Abranis, "is to unify the junior 
colleges in the state. We are 
holding a state convention in 
Miami March 13-15." 

Stressing communication be- 
tween state junior colleges, 
Afarams commented, "Some 
colleges are stagnant for ideas - 
and that's what FJCSGA 
provides. We really need 
outside involvement and Qcsga 
gives it to us." 

PBJC's Student Government 
is working to establish some 
kind of legal aid on campus and 
to get a student voice on the 
college's board of trustees. 
Both projects are also being 
promoted by FJCSGA state- 



J, in soft 

|. JantzeO:' 

OOPS! We goofed. In the 
Guest Faculty Column of last 
week, "An Honest Grossism," 
the word "NATURALLY" was 
incorrectly put where the term 
have been. We regret this 

S Cover-up $12.00 
Bikini $18.00 
ft S-M-L 

•^ I 

+^4 Palm Beach Mall (Next to J.C, Penney's) 

. *\ West Palm Beach 




4 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 10, 1975 


It's Sculpture 

Staff Writer 

George Jenkings, creator of the one-man show of works 
presently on exhibit in the humanities building, says he 
incorporates "space, movement and the time element" in all 
of his sculptures. 

Using stainless steel, marble and a variety of other 
'natural' materials, Jenkings has produced a variety of 
pieces, including "Space Mirror II," a kinetic outdoor 
sculpture that "turns with the wind" and "Nova", a 
permanent artifact of JC which can be seen at the east end of 
the humanities building. 

"Nova is a non-representative, unique, and original form of 
sculpture," Jenkins explained. "It incorporates space, the 
Integral part of creating dimension." 

Jenkings works sell for thousands of dollars, and although 
the materials he uses are not scarce, they are becoming 
harder to obtain. 

According to the silver-haired, bearded sculptor, stainless 
steel is hard to get, and the price of marbel is skyrocketing. 

"The Southeastern United States has some excellent 
regions where marbles such as Tennessee Pink and Georgia 
Redarein abundance. The materials are a lot less expensive if 
you go after them yourself, ' ' he stated, explaining that he and 
his wife have made several trip to the quarries. 

When asked how a dull piece of stone could be transformed 
into an elaborate work of art, Jenkings noted, "I try to teach 
my students to visualize form in the rough material whether it 
be wood or marble." 

Various blades are used to cut the rocks, Jenkings 
explained. Pointers chisel out the basic flgure, and then the 
bush hammer is used to obtain a resemblance of the flnished 
form. After the piece is roughly filed, rasps are used to obtain 
the smooth fmish. The steel comes from the mills in its 
form and must be skillfully sanded to obtain its mirror-like 

After five years as the head of the Art Department at Palm 
Beach Day School, Jenkings was invited to become the 
sculpture instructor at the Norton Gallery and School of Art. 
He has taught for seven years and is presently critiquing 
workshops for the school. His work can be seen in the 
Permanent Collection of Norton Gallery and the Society of 
The Four Arts Sculpture Competition at the NewYorkCultural 

Jenkings exhibit can be viewed today through March 28 in 
the college gallery, which is open to the public from 8 a.m. to 
10 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
Fridays. ...•: 

Monday, March 10, 1975 BEACHCOMBER ■ 5 

Loing At A Modern Day Dragnet 



The niiilio 
year in ao 
mention ofs 
possibly fat; 
prevented bvljtne 
Florida Higlrt 

In order 
prevalent m s!ut 
state troop«i | a 
quota", 1 m ■Jtid- 
niglit shift 1 l™ 
Kelly ofTroaNc-n 

North MiliUf 

The fifbt v< _'id 
over was fotj ^' !'c 
right of v\a¥,i .'u'd 
not have his; mo 
K'elly issua "cii 
warning, tha 
have gnen 
because m 
vehicle had 



He could have made the 
gentleman leave his car but he 
did not. This first event made 
me begin to see the job from the 
inside looking out. 

The observant eyes of Kelly 
next took note of an Impala 
making an illegal U-tum. As we 
folIc»wed to pull the car over, two 
very bald rear tires were 
revealed. After beeping the 
honi and turning on the siren 
twice accompanied by the blue 
strobe light, Kelly convinced the 
woman to pull her vehicle off the 
road. The car had no inspection 
sticker. He gave her one ticket 
for the expired inspection 
slicker and a correction card for 
the tires. 

The following event is an 
exainpleof pure generosity on 
the park of Kelly. In what could 
have , added up to close to 

$150.00 for having a dirt bike on 
the road, having no drivers 
license, and numerous other 

of the first questions we are 
asked is 'Do you have a quota?' 
No we don't. We go on a 

violations, a lucky yound man 
only received a written warning. 
Speaking about the most 
frequently asked questions of 
state troopers, Kelly said, "One 

contact rate, the number of 
contacts you make per mile. A 
contact could be stopping to 
help a motorist that is disabled. 

f Featured Futures 

Libra Personal Life Is Deranged 

— Flick Mager 

PISCES: You find yourself 
involved with the last person 
you would expect. Be prepared 
to reorder your accustomed 
ways of thought. Large changes 
are due in your lifestyle. 
ARIES: Humor could get you 
out of tight personal binds. . 
People who are laughing aren't 

- Frankly Speaking 

so quick to condemn. You can 
get others to see your point of 

TAURUS: Some people attempt 
to put you on the spot. Refuse 
to be made to look like a fool. 
Deny everything. A good line of 
BS is your best weapon. 
GEMINI: Someone is concer- 

For Bored Students 

-Frank Smith 

There are tricks to survival in 
any environment. If people can 
exist at the North Pole or in the 
Sahara Desert you can survive a 
boring class. Youjusthave tobe 

The most prevalent form of 
surviving boring classes is by 
not attending them. This 
method is frowned upon by the 
faculty; not the entire faculty, 
usually just the faculty who's 
classes you are missing. 

(You have to understand that 
teachers are human too, and you 
can give them great feelings of 
inadequacy by skipping their 
classes.) Of course, avoiding 
boredom in this way could be 
hazardous to your grade point 

No, that is not the answer. 
What you need is a survival kit 
made expressly for bored 
students. If ever a kit like this is 
made it should contain: 

A hard bound volume of 
cross-word puzzles the size of 
the student's text. 

A pen who's end is a 
peppermint stick, (or some 
other flavor) 
Dark glasses and a hidden- 

neck brace for sleeping without 
lowering one's head. 

For Mora! support, a pair of 
glasses with lenses which 
distort a person's figure (your 
instructor's) like the circus' hall 
of mirrors. 

For excitement, put a copy of 
"Playboy" or "Playgirl" in a 
person's desk before class and 
see if they explain it, hide it or 
get caught with it. (For more 
excitement, do the same thing 
with a raccoon in a brown bag). 

To keep a worried look on 
your face [so that your instructor 
believes you to be concentrat- 
ing. . .] ask yourself if you've 
left your car window open. If 
you don't have a car, wonder .if 
your girlfriend is out riding with 
someone who does. [If your 
girlfriend is in the same class, 
wonder if she's thinking of 
riding with. .] 

In case you need more moral 
support, glance over at the 
students who are feverishly 
copying quotes from the teacher 
which read like your textbook 
from which they came. 

These are just a few things. I 
know you'll think of new things. 

ned about you and your welfare 
and will contact you soon. Be 
open to suggestions of change. 
A positive attitude gains you the 
advantage of situations. 
CANCER: You're tempted to 
give something up for the sake 
of an intriguing venture. Is it 
worth it? Timidity is useless, 
but so is throwing away a 
valuable thing, 

LEO: Things are going on that 
you don't even know about. 
Secrets are told to everyone but 
you, Nosiness won't help - Put 
on a mysterious air and let 

people wonder aobut YOU. 
VIRGO: A seemingly endless 
series of small obstacles blocks 
your path. You'll need all yoiir 
cleverness to get around them, 
but when you do you'll find it's 
been worth the effort. 
LIBRA: Finances worry you this 
week. Cash appears to have 
wings. Your personal life is 
temporarily deranged. Don't 
cringe, just start looking for 
something better while things 
straighteri themselves out. 

Shapes Of Things To Come 

Chris Cheney waits to play at 
coffee-house, An SG produceil 

a»»n miiuiiiiniiiiiininimiuuuuiiiiinuiiiii nnu tuiii ii iiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiuiinii miiuiiiaiiiiii ij 

Staff 'Writer 

The Gospel Mellowphonics, a local singing 
ensemble, will present two concerts at FAU 
March 16 as part of a special fund-raising 
campaign called "Operation Poland." 

The singers recently received an invitation 
from the Polish government to participate in a 
summer musical tour of Poland as "Ambassadors 
for Friendship." The government has offered to 
pay all the expenses except on half of the air fare 
and miscellaneous items. Therefore, the 
Mellowphonics need to raise about $6,300. 

"The purpose of the 'Friendship Ambassa- 
dors' program is to help the world learn about 
America through young people using the 
universal langauage of music," says Victor Gent, 
director of the Mellowphonics. "We feel that 
through our music we will reflect pride upon 
ourselves and our community." 

Other action around the county includes: 
March 12: Thomas Jefferson, bv Fawn M. 
Brodie. will be the topic of the " Adventure in 
Learning, 1975 book review lecture presented 
March 12 by Watson B. Duncan, III, chairman of 
the Palm Beach Junior College Communications 
Department. The biography, a study on 

Jefferson's inner life, will be reviewed at the 
First National Bank in Palm Beach at 3:30 p.m. 
The lecture series benefits JC's scholarship 

March 14: Student Government presents the 
movies "Henry V" and "Julius Caesar" The 
movies will be shown in the SAC building, 
beginning at 8:00 p.m. with an introduction by 
Watson B. Dunca, III. 

March 24: The civic opera, "Hansel and 
Gretel", will be performed at the West Palm 
Beach Auditorium at 8;30 p.m. Ticket prices are 
$7.50, $10.00 and S25.00. The matinee will be 
held at 2:30 on March 16. Tickets for the matinee 
performance are $3.00, $7.50, and $10.00. 
March 18: Coffee House from 10 a.m. to2 p.min 
the cafeteria. 

March 13: The JC Pacesetters, a group of 
approximately 20 singers and instrumentalists 
under the direction of Mrs. Pat Johnson, will 
make two spring appearances in the community 
this week. Folk, rock and pop music are included 
in their lively performance at 1:00 p.m. at St. 
Ann's School in West Palm Beach. The 
Pacesetters appear in concert at the Golden 
Lakes Condominium in West Palm Beach, March 
15 at 8:00 p.m. 

It could be 
stopping someone for a light 
out. . .a headlight out, a tail 
light out. It could be to give a 
written warning, or a traffic 
citation. Or it could be 
investigating an accident. All 
these things are considered a 
contact. You can't patrol mile 
after mile after mile and not see 

A trooper is forced to make 
many decisions. While on 
Belvedere Koaa in pursuit of a 
car that had been clocked at 50 
mph in a 35 mph zone, Kelly 
noticed a jeep severely cut off 
another vehicle. The decision 
was to pull over the jeep, which 
was closer and would probably 
endanger more lives. The 
popular belief that troopers can 
be "talked" out of tickets by 
mentioning a relative or friend 
in the law enforcement 
profession is a falsehood. This 
woman just happened to 
mention that her husband was a 
deputy sheriff, but the result 
was the same, a ticket for 
improper change of- lane or 

Next, a small accident 
brought us to die Palm Beach 
Kennel Club parking lot. There 
were no injuries and under SlOG 
damage done to each car. 
Because of this a short accident 
form was filled out and no 
warnings or dckets were given 
due to uncontrollable circum- 

During the evening hours, a 
very serious time for accidents, 
Kelly gave a written warning for 
improper stopping in the 
median. The vehicle to which 
he gave the warning might 
easily have been involved in a 
serious accident if another 
vehicle failed to see the car. 

The following event of the day 
sent chills down my spine. We 
were traveling on 1-95 when 
Kelly saw a car traveling in and 
out of traffic. He signaled the 
car to pull over, which it did 
very abruptly. Kelly approac- 
hed the car with a light and 
asked for the gentleman's 
driver's licenise, which he 
presented. Kelly returned to 
the car and stated he felt as if he 
knew the driver of the car. A 
license check provided nothing 
to calm Kelly's apparent 
uneasiness, the reason for my 
nervousness. Trooper Kelly 
gave the gentleman a ticket for 
failure to stay in a singular lane 
and we continued on. 

A Toyota was traveling on 
Military Trail with its bright 
lights blinding other traffic. 
Kelly pulled the car over, 
informed the driver about her 
lights, and the car went on. 

The final incident of the day 
found us again on 'Belvedere. 
The vascat unit clocked a truck 
at 49 mph in a 3S mph zone. In 
pursuit it became apparent that 
the driver was drunk. Kelly 
pulled the vehicle over on 
Congress and had the gentle- 
man get out of his vehicle and 
asked him for his license which 
the driver could not produce. 

Kelly told him he was under 
arrest for DWI (driving while 
intoxicated) and proceeded to 
read him his rights. He 
informed him of his right to 
take or refuse a breathalizer test 
to determine the alcohol content 
of his blood. Kelly then called 
for a wrecker. After the wrecker 
arrived, the gentleman was 
taken to the Highway Patrol 
Station for the breath test which 
he had consented to. Another 
trooper at the station repeated 
the drivers rights and began the 
test. The results of the test 
showed the alcoholic content of 
his blood was two and one half 
times the legal limit. 

It was now midnight, time for 
Trooper Kelly to go home. But 
his job was not over, he now had 
to take the man down to the 
county jail. Before leaving the 
station both Kelly and the other 
trooper unsuccessfully attemp- 
ted to get the gentleman to call 
someone to post bail so he 
wouldn't spend the night in jail. 

Just before entermg the jaD 
the gentleman turned to me and 
said he knew Kelly was only 
doing his job, that Kelly was a 
"nice guy." 

I cannot convey the things I 
came to realize while seeing the 
job of a state trooper from the 
inside looking out. 

tasma Production Pocks The Paramount 


IDoodles, Doodles, Doodles 

't *i Editor 

'sioBs concert 



I News Editor 

I After two weeks of evaluation an in-depth 
I study amongst the many doodles in my drawer 
I (I don't have a desk yet) this week's winner is 
I very difficult to determine. The rules state 
s that the person turning in the doodle is 
I eligible for the title. This week's doodle, 
I however, had no one's name on it. 
I Through careful detective work I found the 
I name of the person who had entered this entry 
I [it -Has written on the envelope which 
I contained the doodle in the first place]. 
The doodle was created by Brent Brooks, an 

art major, it was turned in by way of a sealed, 
labeled, and dated envelope, (That's efficient 
doodle submission) by Mona Nichols. 

Mona says that Brent's notebook is filled 
with drawing of the same type. Whether 
Brent was trying to draw texture or just 
playing around is debatable because the 
reverse side of this doodle contained art notes, 
the true doodle test. 

This doodle shows amibiton, aggressive- 
ness, and a logical, original mind. Further 
analysis shows the doodle to show that Brent 
is able to see relationships of objects, facts, 
and is generally a meticulus, careful person. 




s ki: 

S -i 

i ^1 

Hill miiiiiniiHiiiiiiiiiuiiiimiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiuinniniiiiuiinuiiiiiiiiiiniiirMiiiiiiiiiiinn<tt<<'iiiiiMiiniitii<iiMiiiiiiiii" 



vds and a 

seat 100 

oter and partner of 
ons says he is too. 
*nenced promotor of 
'-fs in most northern 
■tiany top rock names 
>ai his concerts. 

.^TOough promotional 

nil 5^ 

wants to promote 


place than inside the 
=r in Palm Beach. 
ill name groups such 

:'«r way 
% York 

up. -such as 
Dolls and 

Buddy Miles. Dealing with percentages 
and appearance prices at a reasonable 
price, ticket sales can be $3.50 general 
admission and $4.50 at the gate. 

The result is an economical concert in 
a funky hall. Spirit has already played 
at the Paramount with a backup group 
from Miami called Faustes to two 
performances in one night. 

Hayward plans to have concerts 

similar to this one in two week intervals. 

His biggest concern is getting enough 

audience response to keep the concerts 

going on a bi-weekly basis. 

Besides running concerts at the 
Paramount, Hayward is also Ihiing up 
acts for the Auditorium. His latest 
contract in the making is with Cheech 
and Chong for March 28. 

6 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 10, 1975 

Roll On 



Ingrid Sainio "likes the 
competition" of intramural 
bowling and beat all of hers 
Wednesday. She rolled the high 
women's game of 177. David 
Green's 234 was high for the 

Jody Salzgeber, who holds 
the highest women's average, 
scored a 466 for the women's 
high series. Green had the 
men's high series. Bob 

Cage's 524, Les Guthrie's 512, 
Nelson's 459 and LuAnn Allen's 
450 were also high series.' - 

"Team No. 16" consisting of 
Green, Charlene Miserendino, 
Vince Betz and Kim Washiew- 
ski, had the high team series, 
2308 including handicap. 

The "Wash Outs" are 
presently leading the two 
girl-two guy intramural teams. 

"You're with friends, you 
have a good time and you have 
competition," Bob Anderson 

Now bowlers also have an 
incentive for higher scores. The 
I & R Board awarded prizes to 
12 bowlers last week and will for 
three more weeks of the 
program [the weeks that 
participants pay]. 

These prizes go to the top 
three men who bowl over 200 
and the top three women over 
150 in the first game, the top 
two men and women over those 
scores in the second game and 
the top man and woman over 
those scores in the third game. 
Each bowler is only eligible for 
one prize a week. 

Glen Marsteller, participating in Intramural Bowling at 
Major League Lanes, rolls a strike down the alley. 

Eight Return For 
Softball Chomps 

With eight returning lettermen who had a batting average of .301 
or higher, Coach Bobbie Knowles is very optimistic about tliis years 
Softball season which gets under way Thursday against Florida 
Bible College at 1 p.m. on the Pacers home field in Boynton Beach. 

"We play at Pence Park in Boynton because our field is not quite 
ready, h's located on Fifth Ave. South," commented Knowles. 

The experienced eight helped JC to win the JFCC Women's 
Softball State Champtionship last year, at the city complex in St. 

Knowles, in her third consecutive year as head mentor, said, 
"Dade-South and North are always tough," in respect to the 
contenders on JC's schedule. "Dade-South has a tremendous 
program for women and naturally they will attract the top athletes." 

"La^t year our strong point was oiar hitting. We had a team 
batting average of over .300. At this point, this year, our defense is 
our strong point," continued Knowles. 

Joyce Tinall, who plays right field, has the highest batting 
average last year, .410. Dede Clayton, also an outfielder, led the 
club in home runs and had a batting average of .396. 

Denise Winnett, who sCored the 34 runs to lead the club, is at first 
base. Etta Bivens tallied 29 Runs Batted In (RBI's) in last years 
memorial year, is returning to short-stop. 

Also returning as sophomores are second-basemen Sue 
Pennington, third-basemen Dawn Pastore, center-fielder Monice 
Chummings and utility man Sue Jackson. 

Timothy L. Bray 

Pocers Vs. Falcons Friday 

Sports Editor 

Division leading Miami Dade 
North invades the main campus 
diamond of JC Friday, March 
14, tor a 3:30 contest. 

Demie Mamieri's club, which 
is 6-0 in conference play, 
tangles with the Pacers, who 
sport a 3-3 league mark. JC 
head coach Dusty Rhodes says 
of the Falcons, They are a good, 
solid club. Mainieri's buUt a 

program for many years. They 
do everything pr¥tty tough. 

"If we go out and get 
aggressive like we were in the 
fall, we'll stay in with them," 
continued Rhodes. 

In the most recent conference 
action, the Pacers split a 
, doubleheader to Edison in Fort 
Meyers, losing 4-3 in 10 innings 
and winning 7-6 in 11 innings. 
Rhodes firmly believes that they 
were the "worst team we have 

played as of yet.' 

JC has had problems scoring 
runs in key situation throughout 
the year. In the first game, 
Palm Beach had a chance to 
score on a squeeze play in the 
ninth inning. But, a runner yrns 
thrown out at third base. 

Rhodes pointed out that 
errors also contributed to the 
first loss, especially in key 
points in the game. With two 
outs in the tenth, and Edison 
runners on first and second, 
Sam Testa lost a routine pop fly 
in the sun. Consequently a run 
scored, ending the ballgame. 

Seven errors contributed to 
the near loss in the second 
game, but the Pacers held on to 
win in 11 innings, 7-6. 

"I don't Want to make 
excuses, but we can't back up 
our pitching." said Rhodes. 

Ross Baumgarten threw 10 
innings of good solid baseball in 
the first game. He lost out to 
Eddie Pierce who went the 

distance for Edison. Julian 
Rodriguez pitched nine innings 
of the second game. 

Losing three out of four on the 
road, Rhodes said, "Mentally, 
we don't get up for these 
games. Every outfielder had an 
error, ' ' 

Perhaps it was an adjustment 
to the ball park or the side-show 
of faking three busses to get the 
team over to Fort Myers and 
return them to West Palm 
Beach. But Rhodes says, "A 
good ball club doesn't make 

Glenn Rogers, who is leading 
the team in most department, 
had four hits; a triple, double, 
and two singles. Dave Lang 
collected three hits and Bob 
Morrisey had two in the first 

The Pacers hosted the 
University of Buffalo on 
Saturday and Sunday, March 8 - 
9. Rhodes commented 

optimistically beforehand, "I 
think things will turn around." 

Raquettes Take Two 

Staff Writer 

The women's tennis team 
extended their record to 8-3 with 
a 6-3 victory over Miami 
Dade-South on Tuesday, March 
3. On Thursday, March 5, the 
team defeated the College of 
Boca Raton by a score of 6-3. 

In Tuesday's match Robin 
Langridge of JC lost to Gwen 
Oransky of Miami Dade-South, 
6-3, 4-6, 6-4; 'JC's No. 2 player, 
Cindy Kitchell was outplayed by 
Dade-South's Kathy Watkins, 
7-5, 6-4, JC's Marina Polman 
Tuin defeated Dade-South's 
Honi Sharpe, 6-3, 6-1; Janet 
Fabiani of JC breezed by Holly 
Hardy of Dade-South, 6-1, 6-3; 
Susan Atherley put away 
Shelley Smith, 6-0, 6-2; JC's 
Hillary Cove outpointed Ana 
Inocenci, 6-2, 6-4. 

In doubles Oransky and 
Hardy beat Langridge and 
Kitchell, 6-2, 6-3; Polman Tuin 
and Fabiani outpointed Watkins 
and Shapiro, 4-6, 7-5, 6-4; 
Atherley and Cove got by 
Inocenci 6-4 6-0 

In Thursday's match Lang- 
ridge lost Boca Raton's Helma 
Huisman, 6-4, 6-4; Kitchell was 
beaten by Sabita Maharaj, 6-2, 
6-3; Polman Tula defeated 
Mary Cruse of Boca Raton, 6-4, 
6-0; Fabianai stormed past 
Connie Lineburgh, 6-0, 6-1; 
Atherley cruised by Boca's 
Crista Del Negro, 6-0, 6-1; Cove 
got by EUy Pilney, 6-1, 6-3. 

In doubles Langridge and 
Cove were beaten byHuisman 
and Maharaj, 6-3, 6-3; Polman 
Tuin and Fabianai outscored 
Cruse and Del Negro, 6-3, 6-0; 
Atherely and Cove outplayed 
Lineburgh and Pilney, 6-3, 6-2. 

Monday. March 10. 1975 BEACHCOMBER -7 





Golfers Take 
Second Place 

Staff Writer 

The Pacer golf team brought home the second place trophy firom a 
strong field of thirteen teams at the Indian River C.C. Invitational in 
Lake Placid. 

Brevard won the tournament, their second win in a row, with a 
607 total but Palm Beach was only four shots back at 611. 
Defending national champion Broward finished a distant sixth at 

Brevard's Sam Trehan was the medalist with 69-73-142. Mike 
Sim of the Pacers received the third place trophy for his 73-74-147 
effort. The Pacers' Jim Henry received nine golf balls for his share 
of sixth pl«;e on rounds of 75-77-152. Pat Kelly won three golf balls 
for an 11th place tie at 154 with rounds of 78-76. 

Oiher Pacer scores included: Gregg Clatworthy, 80-78-158; Brad 
Milam, 81-86-167; and Frank LaRose 86-89-175. 

Coach Ray Daugherty explained that even though this is the 
team's best finish of the year, it is not their best score. 

*'TWs is only our average score," he explains. "I'm sure it wUI 
not hold up in the state tournament, and only the top two teams in 
the state go to the nationals." 

Coach Daugherty is preparing a rigid practice schedule for the 
golfers and adds, "we have as good a chance to win state as anyone 

JC's five top golfers will compete in the Palmetto Invitational, 
March 13-14, in Miami. 

Mike Sim blasts his way to 
third place in the Indian Riv- 
er Invitational at Lake Placid 

Sports Life 

No Two Umps Are Identical 

Timothy L. Bray — L 

'YOU'RE OUT, as soon as the catcher gets here 

Foafured Futures 

Continued From Pg4 
SCORPIO: Don't tell everything 
you know; keep something up 
your sleeve. One you tell 
secrets to might uninentionally 
spill the beans. 

SAGITTAEIUS: Stay cool - 
don 'tbetooeagerto please . Let 
other people show their hands 
first. Base your decision on 
careful evaluations. Be ready to 
oive up what has become too 

heavy to carry. 

CAPRICORN: People may 
seem to be putting you on the 
spot, but their intentions are 
good. Be patient and answer 
questions fully. Time is on your 

AQUARIUS: More is going for 
you than you ever imagined, 
and even better things are to 
come. Now is the time to realize 
ambitions and make connect- 

Remember the last time you 
went to a baseball game to rile 
and harass the umpires? 

Some parents go to every 
degree to see their 11-year-old 
sons play Little League and get 
the best and most breaks. 

According to the fans, the 
"umps," glasses and all, can't 
make a call or even find home 

How do the umpires solve the 

Ask for professional advice. 
The MacArthur Athletic Assoc- 
iation umpires recently did and 
received a great deal of 

National League umpire John 
Kibler and American League 
umpire Jerry Neudecker drop- 
ped by a recent BasebaO Clinic 
at the MiUtary Trail-Gun Club 
Road complex. 

Among other reasons, 1 had 
' never actually interviewed a 
major league umpire, so I 
high-tailed myself out to the 
complex for an exclusive 

John Kibler has worked in the 
National League for ten years, 
including the 1971 World 
Series, an AU-Star game and the 

Kibler will tune up in the 
Grapefruit League in Arizona 

this spring as he has moved 
from his residence in West Palm 
Beach to California. 

"They expect you to report to 
spring training ready to go," 
commented Kibler. 

The only schooling a major - 
league umpire receives during 
the season is what Kibler refers 
to as the "rule book at night and 
a game every day." 

The only difference between 
the umpiring of the two leagues 
is where the umpires work 
behind the plate and on the base 

' 'The American League works 
over the catcher's head. We 
[National] work beiiind the 
catcher's shoulder depending if 
the batter is right or left 
handed. This allows as to get a 
better look at the outside 
comer," said the veteran from 
upstate New York. 

"I work behind the plate* 
where I feel comfortable," 
commented Neudecker. "There 
are not two umpires that are 

"I might take more than 
somebody else," Neudecker 
said about the harassment from 
mangers. "You're dealing with 
human beings and personali- 

Neudecker continued, "I 
don't need as much work behind 
the plate in spring training. The 

timing on the bases requires 
the work." 

The eleven year veteran of the 
National League said he is to 
work approximately 23 days of 
spring training and then begin 
the 162 game season in April. 

"Over-all it's easier to umpire 
in the major leagues. Naturally, 
the good players aren't going to 
make errors." 

John Kibler and Jerry 
Neudecker enlightened me with 
plenty of information on how to 
call a man safe or out but, I will 
not always agree. 

Aces Wrap Up 


Charles Wadlington (JC) def. 
Mark Watford (BC) 6-0, 6-2; 
Roberto Rizo (JKC) def. Blair 
Hamel (BC) 6-1, 6-1; Norman 
Russell (JC) def. Richard 
Hanauer (BC) 7-6, 6-1; Dave 
Raylor (BC) def. Pete Pulitzer 
(JC) 7-5, 4-6, 6-2; Joe leracitano 
(BC) def. Gary Ray (JC) 6-3, 6-2. 

Wadlington and Pulitzer (JC) 
def. Watford-Taylor (BC) 6-3, 
6-3; Russell and Rizo (JC) def. 
Hamel and Hanauer (BC) 6-2, 

lassif led Adi 

TERM PAPERS, Canada's 
largest service. For catalogue 
send $2 to: Essay Services, 57 
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or female. Fastest growing 
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Will share all expenses. Call 

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DEFEAT BURGER fatigue - eat 

Papa John's Pizza. 


810 cc. Runs Good, $700 or best 

offer. Boss 429 Cu. inc. Call 


Intramurals Organizational Meeting 

Concerning Pool Tournament 

Will Be Held Wednesday, March 12, 

In The 
Student Activity Lounge At 1 :30 P.M. 

All Interested Persons Please Attend ! 

8 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 10, 1975 

! f ** ****** * ***** ** *** * * * »* i ' * *** * ^» »* * i Mf »»****** * *»***0*****4 I 

' 1 
' . 

I I 
I < 

I 1 
I ,■ 



If your club or activity Is having an event, bring the 
informaUon to the BEACHCOMBER offices. Info will be 
printed as space permits. 

w » g y»» » »»*»»<#»»»»»» # ^i »j . » » » » j »»»#»###»»# » #»^ ^»» »» 4 >^^^»»» i»^i 

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Monday, March 17, 1975 

Lake Worth, Florida 33460 

Faculty Probes SG 

To Investigate 


In an unprecedented move, 
the Faculty Senate at last 
Thursday's meeting appointed 
an Ad Hoc Committee to 
investigate Student Govetn- 
nient. At the same time the 
Committees on Committees was 
instructed to investigate poss- 
ible irregularities in the 
structure of the Student Activity 

In response to a Beachcomber 
editorial, a motion was made at 

"We had to adjust our offerings '^ 

to stay within the budget '" ^:|; 

-PaulW Graham I 


Decision Creates Rage 



Staff Writer 

A proposed chemistry curriculum change 
has many students up in arms, according to 
pre-med student Kay Stoutenbaugh. 

Inorganic chemistry is the series of courses 
to be involved in the change. Presently the 
program consists of CY 101, CY 102, and CY 

At the next meeting of the curriculum 
committee, a proposal is expected to be made 
10 change inorganic chemistry to a two 
semester system, CY 101 and CY 102. 

"The material now covered in one will then 
have to be covered in two," said Chemistry' 
Department Head Dr. George Truchelut. 

Many students will suffer a hardship if the 
Turn to "Budget Cut", pg. 3 

Hotel Shuts Down 

•••: Staff Writer 

& The Hotel & Motel Food 
::::Managemeni Department will 
S-iiot be in existence during 
;;:;spring terms at JC this year as a 
^Jresuli of the drastic cutback in 
:5<course offerings. 
•i^ ■■ Because the state reduced 
rjjour money we had to adjust our 
;j;olTerings to stay within the 
iJ: budget," Dean of Academic 
JSAffairs Dr. Paul W. Graham 

explained. "We offered what 
we could afford to and meet the 
needs of the most students." 

Attendance for Spring terms 
is much smaller than fall and 
winter, and course offerings in 
spring terms are always greatly 

"They will just be reduced 
more this year than in the 
pact," Graham said. 

He emphasized that the Hotel 
Turn to "Hotel", pg. 3 

Students ponder exclusion. 

the March 6, 1975 Faculty 
Affairs Committee meeting to 
"investigate the Student Gov- 
ernment Association. The 
investigation to include, but not 
be limited to, elections and 

The proposal was referred to 
the Student Activities Commit- 
tee with instructions for the 
committee to report its findings 
directly to the Faculty Senate no 
later than April 10. 

During the week following the 
March 6, meeting, it was 
discovered that a student 
government senator was chair- 
man of the Student Activities 
Committee. Questions were 
raised as to the propriety of a 
student chairing a faculty 

At the Faculty Senate 
meeting, senators were infor- 
med of another discrepancy; 
only one of two students had 
been appointed to the commit- 
tee and possibly in violatiori of 
proper procedure. 

Unanimously the senate voted 
10 investigate the structure of 
the Student Activity Committee. 
A motion was then made to take 
the investigation of Student 
Government away from the 
Student Activhy Committee and 
appoint an Ad Hoc committee to 
the task. 

The investigation into Student 
Government was prompted by 
investigative reporting by the 
Beachcomber and discoveries of 
possible mishandling of SG 
finances, elections and honor- ^ 
ariums. The reporting resulted 
in last week's Beachcomber 
editorial requesting an investi- 
gation by the Faculty Senate. 

Budget Funds 
In Question 

Associate Editor 

JC's Student Government is 
in financial trouble. This 
conclusion follows a Beachcom- 
ber study of the SG Budget. 
which shows only S6, 412.73 
remaining from an original sum 
of S37, 131.61. 

The current budget figures 
are from SG Treasurer Dave 
Lang's last report, dated 
January 26, 1975. Lang, in a 
recent 'Comber interview, 
claims he must submit budget 
reports only by order of the 
Executive Board of SG. 

Unexplained are several 
instances concerning question- 
able use of the budget. 




One case concerns Phi Theta 
Kappa, which was budgeted 
$700 in,, the' 1973-1974 school 
year. This year it was SG's 
policy to cut any social activity 
funds from club budgets, 
meaning that most club budgets 
would probably fall. 

This year, Phi Theta Kappa is 
getting $3,250 as opposed to the 
S700 received the previous year. 

The next instance concerns 
the more than S213 that has 
been expended for the Tele- 
phone and Telegraph Account. 

No records have been kept by 
SG concerning these calls. 
According to Buckley, use of the 
telephone must be approved by 
an executive board member. 
Yet Buckley is unable to verify 
who made what call, where or 

The SG president said he 
could not produce any definitive 
records to account for the S213 
SG phone bill. 

In a related matter, it is 
interesting to note that SG has 

Turn to "No Phone", pg. 2 

Registration Begins 
Oraductes Are First 

spring I registration begins this week as JC institutes the First 
cnrtilliueni cap in the school's history. 

A nine-step priority list is in effect, with those who e.xpect to 
iJi-iidiiatc ill either spring term registering Monday, 
~ Tuesday and Wednesday are scheduling days for currently 
enrolled residents, veterans and those in college grant programs. 

CiHicnilv enrolled residents and current out-of-siaters register 
[hiii-sday. uhile Friday is the priority day for currently enrolled 
lotcifciii suuicnts. 

.lC"'-Kci»isirar Laurence Mayfield does not. expect registration to 
hisi l-Jcyuiul Wednesday because of the enrollment cap. "1 don't 
liiink v\ c arc going to get past the second priority," M emphasizes. 

-I"lie enrollment caps offal 14,000 student semester hours, though 
,hc registrar says most of the hours are located in the Spring 1 

t,clief1iile. .... 

Kct^isi ration for Spring 11 is June 2-5. Fall term scheduling is lo 

|,c held April 7 - 18. , , ■ H r 

liiloniuuiun on available spring classes can be obtained horn 
(•.■•iiliv advisors and department heads. 

See JC's Spring Band Concert March 20, 8 p.m., in JC Audiforium. 

2 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 17, 1975 


Facilities No. I 

"Data" Now A Career I / 


Staff Writer 

Have you ever considered a 
career in data processing? Do 
you know what jobs are 
available in the computer field? 
Are you aware that PBJC has 
some of the best computet 
equipment in the entire 

If you answered no to the 
above, don't feel you are 
neglectfully ill-informed. The 
fault lies not with the student, 
but with present educational 
policies. However, before going 
into that aspect, you should 
know a little about the 

With constantly changing 
curriculum due to new innovat- 
ions, the department offers 
courses which relate to the real 
world. Graduates have a good 
chance of getting a job and 
opportunities will increase as 
the field continues to grow and 

The department's facilities 
aretheenvy of the state. Where 
as most colleges are fortunate to 
have even one computer for lab 
work, PBJC has three. 

Students in the area have a 
unique opportunity in southern 

Florida in regards to computer 
training. PBJC and Florida 
Atlantic have cooperated to set 
up a four year degree program. 
Depending on your goals, a 
student can train for Jobs 
ranging from operator or 
programmer to systems and 

In this technological age, the 
computer's importance has 
increased rapidly, and will , 
continue to at an ever increasing 
. rate. 

Within twenty years the 
computer will revolutionize 
teaching and education. People 
in the business world come in 
contact with computer systems 
every day. Why then don't the 
majority of students right here 
on campus hardly even know the 
department exists? 

In a recent interview with Mr. 
Washburn, chairman of the 
department, I received signi- 
ficant enlightment on the 
problem. He cited an "archaic 
educational system" as the core 
of the problem. 'Vocational 
courses are still considered 
"specialized" and not general 
education. Therefore, if a 
student feels he may be 
interested in the computer field. 

"JC has one of the top ranked computer systems in the 
nation," says Computer Science chairman Dale Washburn 
Ipictured ri^t] Vocational courses are still considered 
"specialized" and not general education. Concepts of 
general education should be broadened. Students in this area 
have a unique opportunity in regards to computer training. 

he must risk valuable credit 
hours by taking a course that 
could not be used towards other 

When asked how the problem 
could be solved, Mr. Washburn 
advocated that the "concepts of 
general education should be 

broadened." By making a 
computer course an optional 
general education requirement, 
a student will not be penalized if 
he/she takes the course and 
elects not to pursue that field. 
It seems obvious that a 
change in policy is needed. 

Students must be given the 
opportunity to investigate a 
wide range of areas. It's time to 
re-evaluate the system, taking 
into account new technological 
trends, and putting general 
education into a proper 

No Phone Records In SG Budget 

s Empty halls and empty water = 
I fountains were the signs ^ of JC i 
I Wednesday when classes were 5 
i dismissed for lack of water | 
I supply on campus. i 

Continued from pg. 1 

not spent one dime on written 
correspondence though there is 
SlOO in the Freight and Postage 
Account. Written correspon- 
dence is considerably more 
economical than phone calls, 
but it does require pre-plann- 

Another significant SG ex- 
penditure, the $56.89 spent as 
Petty Cash, also goes unrepor- 
ted. According to Lang, there 
are no records telling where the 
money went to, even though it 
was all given out in sums of less 
than $10. 

The only recorded Petty Cash 
Voucher is the S7.50 alloted for 
connector wire. What happened 
to the rest of the money? 
Neither Lang nor Buckley have 

Finally, honorariums of such 
amounts as S375, S250, and 
S189 have been allocated from 
the SG Budget to executive 

board members. The four 
members of the executive board 
vote on each others honorarium 

There is no ceiling on the 
amount an executive board 
member may receive, though, 
through tradition, the highest 
any executive in previous years 
had received was $189.50, the 
cost of books and tuition. 

In the Fall term Buckley 
asked for SSOO, saying he was 
"worth many, many, many 
times morer" However, the SG 
president only received $375, or 
the sum of the S15 Activity Fee 
paid by 25 students. 

Any changes to the SG 
Budget will probably have to be 
implemented without the use of 
an accurate set of records. 

More specifically, the files of 
the SG treasurer appear to be in 
general disarray. When 
questioned on a specific money 
allocation. Treasurer Lang 

madly leafs through his files for 
the answer. 

While the files are kept by 
account number, within each 
account there appears to be no 
organization. As. an example, 
$109 turned up (for coffee and 


i Go Dry Up I "^ ^^'^^ Proposed 

I Tlie cancellation of classess 

I last Wednesday at JC was thes 

I result of a break in the water! 

I service to the school. | 

The break was the result of as 

car hitting a fire hydrant at| 

Sixth avenue South, according! 

10 an employee in the city's! 

■ water department. I 

The water was off for twos 

hours. Campus security! 

guards evacuated the campusf 

with little trouble. Classes| 

were able to resume that| 

I night. 

News Editor 

Do you think the current ID 
cards for JC students are a 
farce? Currently, two senators, 
Bart Cunningham and Bill 
Penney are researching the ID 
card situation. 

They have pooled many 
opinions from students and 
faculty alike on changing the ID 
cards. So far the answers have 
been positive but they are 
concerned for more student 

Here are the current facts: 
Present ID cards are a farce as 
far as valid identification is 
concerned. Names can be 
written in and they will not pass 
or hold up at the auditorium or 
in the wash. They cost the 
administration about S200 a 

Meanwhile, the library says it 
cost them $800 at 10 cents a 
piece for their cards. That 
makes two cards you have to 

keep in your wallet although 

either one may be used to check 

out a book. 

The plan is: To buy a print 

Turn To "ID" pg 5 

SG Treasurer David Lang 

tea) in a file and had not been 
recorded by Lang. 

No one in Student Govern- 
ment has made sure these files 
are specifically itemized, not 
only by account, but by specific 
item . 

Past years appear even 
worse. The 1973-74 file is in 
utter chaos, with items 
randomly thrown in from the 
previous three years. Again, no 
one in SG has had these files 
updated, scrapped, or screened. 

The misrepresentation and 
niisreporting of the SG Budget 
reaches its apex when one looks 
at the final item on the budget: 
"Note: Club allocations 

While SG is responsible for 
club budgets, the official SG 

budget does not list the 
expenditures from clubs. 
According to. Lang, clubs have 
thus far only spent about 
one-third of their allotted 

Can we expect a mad rush by 
clubs to use up the remaining 
funds? For that matter, just 
how much of the funds remain? 

Maybe it doesn't matter. It's 
only $10,315 of the money 
dished out by the students each 

There are many other areas of 
financial waste and ineptness 
and the following are just a few: 

* Printing. . .only $147.95 left 
from an original $600. 

*Educational and Office 
Supplies. . .$82.20 remains from 

*Other Materials and Supp- 
lies. . .SG is $16.41 in the hole 
after an original allocation of 

*Scholarships and Waivers. . 
.the original $500 is still on 
hand, but $1,200 is needed to- 
pay four $300 SG service 

*Furniture and Equipment. . 
.only $18.61 remains from an 
original' $3,895.20. 

*No money remains in the 
S3S0 Buildings and Fixed 
Equipment budget. 

SG Budget Breakdown 


Student Government receives $37,131.88 or 
approximately 25% of the Student Activity Fee. 
As of the last SG Budget Report on January 26, 
SG had spent $30,718.88. 

Of monies spent so far, here is a breakdown: 

1) PARTTIME $38.74 - used for Security 
Guards at movies. ' 

2) STUDENT ASSISTANCE $162.45 - for 
gameroom supervisors. 

3) TRAVEL $624.45 - for food, hotel, 
registration, and travel reimbursements at SG 

4) TELEPHONE $213.15 - calls for 
entertainment, conventions. 

■ 5) Printing $452.05 - 'Comber orientation 
issue, SG posters. -^ 

6) REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE $51.15 - for 

North SAC television. 

7) RENTALS $6,540.33 - 26 SG movies. 
Coffeehouse microphones. 

8) OTHER SERVICES $6,334.51 - various 
underwritings, $2,187.76 on honorariums. 

■$417.80 - petty cash (unrecorded) and office 


$1,273.78 - Coffeehouses, materials for dances, 
unrecorded petty cash, and office supplies. 

11) OTHER EXPENSES $58.88. 

12) FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT $3,876,59 
portable sound systems, magnetic calendar 

$350 - library book-drop. 

14) CLUBS $10,315.00 for various JC clubs. 

Monday, March 17, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 3 



JC Students Musf Make Choice 

Art Or 

Staff Writer 

includes some 

BudgetCut Shaves 
Cliemisfry Classes 

Do you like music or art? You have to take 
an appreciation course in one of them. Unlike 
some junior colleges you have a choice here. 
A state articulation agreement specifies 
^vhat general education courses students must 

The agreement has been revised several 

'imes by junior college academic deans and 

representatives of universities, and now 

courses which were once 


An example of one of the modifications in 
the new agreement is that "D's" in junior 
colleges were not transferrable to uper 
division of universities while they were 
transferable for lower division university 
students. Through the new agreement, 
"D's" are now transferrable for junior college 
students as well. 

Assistant Dean of Students Robert C. Moss 
said the agreement "sets guidelines, assures 
a certain common preparation in all student's 
backgrounds, and tries to keep things under 
control so student won't take only courses in 
their major subject area." 

Many students wonder why they must take 
courses which have nothing to do with their 
major subject and they feel they willnot need 
later in life. 

According to Moss, "It is an educator's 
responsibility to provide students with a 


Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiii. £^ jtor's Notebook"""""""""""""^ 

ADVISING AND REGISTRATION for Spring I, '74-'75, is 
loday through Friday. Last day to pay fees is March 27. 
FAU SCAT TEST will be given Tuesday, April 15, at 3:00-4:30 
in SCI 26. ThereisNGlfEE. Graduates wishing to transfer to 
any Florida university need to take this test. Sign up in the 
Testing Center. 

PH! THETA KAPPA members must have winter term DUES 
paid by Friday, March 28. Those who don't will be 
DROPPED from the local and national organization. 
ORGANIZATIONS wishing to announce activities to students 
can lake advantage of EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK. Any short 
notices (40 words or less) will be printed as space permits. 
Bring them by the Beachcomber office. 
CORRECTION! Last Week in the 'Comber feature article on 
SENATOR F. CARL HENSLEY, we incorrectly stated that he 
was the chairman of the Palm Beach County Democratic 
Executive Committee. Mr. Hensely is a publically elected 
representative to the D.E.C. but is not the chairman. He is, 
however, chairman of the Senate Resolutions Committee and 
chairman of the Commission on Education at his church. 
Carl informs us that the chairman of the county D.E.D. is the 


general education and at least a smattering in 
most subject areas." 

Humanities is one of the subjects covered in 
the agreement. 

Some junior colleges offer one course which 
covers music, art, and literature; while the 
PBJC student must take literature and has a 
choice between art or music appreciation. 

When asked if JC might offer a course 
which covers both art and music. Moss said 
"there would be a terrible problem deciding 
what part of each coiirse to cut in order to 
make room for the other. 

"Our way gives students an option they 
otherwise would not have," he continued. "It 
gives the student an opportunity to build on 
his particular interest. 

"Once again it goes back to the old questioii 
'what should be in the general education 
package?','* he explained. "That question 
has never really been answered." 
a ePoa P BO B aoe a eeaaaoi 

Continued from pg. 1 
change occurs, according to 
Stoutenbaugh. Students who 
are presently involved in the 
three course program would 
have to have special transition 
"parallel" courses to avoid a 
gap in their chemistry program, 
she said. 

Some students support the 
suggested change because it 
will allow them to fulfill the 
inorganic chemistry require- 
ments in only two semesters. 
This takes less time and will cost 
less money, now that tuition 
costs are determined by the 
number of credit hours. 

Truchelut explained the 
chemistry department's view 
was that the present system 
should be retained. He said that 
because of recently . announced 
fund cut-backs, it may be 
difficult to offer transition 
courses to satisfy the needs of 
students already taking part in 
the three semester program. 

Another problem arises when 
labs are considered. Under the 
existing system, 101 has no lab 
but 102 and 103 have 
corresponding labs. Presum- 

SG Voting 

The following dates have 
been set aside for the election of 
executive officers to the Student 
Government: Mon., April 14 
through Thurs., April 17 
between the hours of 8:30 a.m. 
and 3 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. 
through 9 p.m. 

The following dates have 
been set aside as the Filing 
Period: March 21, 24, 25, 26 and 
27, with the deadline being at 1 
p.m. on March 27. Applications 
for candidates may be picked up 
ai (he Executive Board Office 
located in North SAC between 
12 and 3:30 p.m. daily and at 
Dean Glynn's office and Dean 
Davev's office in SAC 6, 
between ilie hours of 8:30 a.m. 
mid 3 p.m. 

ably 101 and 102 would both 
have labs under the new plan. 
Truchelut said no clear-cut 
conclusions could be drawn 
from the drop-out figures. He 
said that the figures of his 
department point to a. lower 
drop-out rate in the 3-semester 
program but, he says, "other 
departments tell us their figures 
don't bear this out." 

Hofe/-Mofe/ Courses Dwindle 

Continued from page 1 
and Motel Management De- 
partment has not been closed 
out; simply no courses will be 
offered in it this spring. 

Department chairmen elimin- 
ated those classes which had 
less than 20 students in them 

last spring. 

■Two. courses in Hotel and 
Motel Management were offe- 
red last spring, with seven 
enrolled in one and eleven in the 
other. As a result, these classes 
were eliminated for this spring. 
No Hotel & Motel Management 
courses have ever been offered 
in spring II. 

"The Hotel & Motel 
Management Department was 
not picked out as a target," 
explained Business Department 
Chairman Mr. Robert C. 
Holzman. "Those courses were 
cut along with all classes with 
under 20 enrolled last spring." 

According to Holzman, cour- 
ses in the business department 
have been cut from 40 of last 
spring to 15 for this spring. 

Students who plan to 

graduate after spring term andj 
who find a required course for 
their major eliminated,- may 
waive that requirement. 
Holzman recommends substi- 
tuting "an elective which would 
help when they transfer." 

» of P.BJ.C. S 

§ UNITE!!! S 

76 will be a dynamic 

It's your chance to be 
part of it now. 


Jim Cox Senator S.G. 


Arnold The Pig Pledges 

Staff Writer 

"Squeal, Squeal," said Arnold the pig who recently visited 
JC for the first time. 

Arnold is a real pig with reddish brown hair and is pledging 
as a Chi Sig Fraternity member. Arnold belongs to SG 
Senator Walt Davis who said-Arriold is the Chi Sig mascot 

In order to become a "brother" of Chi Sig you must be 
invited. According to Chi Sig Commander (President) Danny 
(Shorty) Lentz, the club is doing great with 32 members of the 
brotherhood. He attributes the success to his updating of 
pledge requirements ia the Chi Sig constitution. 

Chi Sig has planned a social function for April 12. It is their 
First Annual Luau and tickets go on sale March 17. Lentz said 
live entertainment is coming down from Las Vegas. 

Chi Sig has been at JC for 15 years and according to Lentz 
is ilie only fraiernhy left on campus. The club built the 
wishing well at JC and does many public services. Some of 
ihem are: food drives for the local drug rehabilitation center, 
a sand box for the child Day Care Center, and helping- 

Muscular Dystrophy children. 

Broihers of Chi Sig are proud 
name lags around campus. 

ind can be seen wearing 

Shaklee Organic Products 

6.5 ph Factor 




George H. Raupp 
3949 IVIelaleuca Lane 

Natural Cold 




In Apart Or Full Turn Poi Ition? Gciod Earhlntpj 
yiwrd Bonus nan. No Bk»s, No Riik. 1^^^ 
luting ProductaWJtfi A-1 RatKl Company^ 

GaH George H.Raiip^ 


4 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 17, 1975 



Editor- tn-Chief 

Associate Editor 

associated collegiate press 























(1) Not exceed 250 words. 

(2) Be signed by the author. 

(3) Include the author's 
telephone number. 

(4) Be received in the 
Beachcomber Office no 
later than 4 p.m. on 

All letters are subject 
to condensation. 


Strolling across campus on 
a beautiful Spring day, hand in 
hand with his girlfriend "Joe 
Student" is the happiest man 
on campus. 

The feeling of tranquility is 
overwhelming and in a mad, 
passionate moment he grabs 
his girl friend and SPLASHt!! 
It's the old water sprinkler in 
the eye trick. 

For some unknown reason 
JC students and faculty are 
forced every day to play 
"dodge the sprinkler" 
All right already, you wint 
You've proved you can get us 
wet any time you want to. 

So why not turn the 
sprinkler on at night? It will 
save water [less evaporation], 
and stop us from getting our 
feet wet. 

■51 Percent- 

Pink Booklet Turns Ms. Blue 

J. MicheleNotter 

GIRLS! Would you rather marry an 
insurance salesman or an executive? To find 
ihe answer, take the "Strong Vocational 
Interest Test for Women". . .in a pink 
booklet, of course. 

I decided to take a series of vocational 
interests tests that are available to students at 
the Testing Center, ADS. I felt sure that the 
results would be biased toward typically 
female occupations but hoped that I would 
gain some unknown insight into my interests. 

Three tests make up the vocational interest 
tests. The first is the "Occupational Interest 
Inventory". It tries to identify major interest 
areas, regardless of sex. 

The second is the "Kuder Occupational 
Interest Survey." This test compares a 
person with other individuals, but divides the 
results up into male and female categories. 

The third is the "Strong Vocational Interest 
Test"(SVIT)and compares a person of one 
gender with other individuals of the same 

I finally received the results of my test and 
got the results of the same series from a friend 
of mine, Cindy Taylor. 

Cindy is fairly strong in math and science 
while I am not. However, the results of her 
tests, along with mine, suggested typically 
female occupations. 

For Cindy: Dietician, Home Economics 
Teacher and Home Demo Agent. 

For me: YWCA Staff Member, English 
.Teacher, Social Worker and Medic. Cindy and 
I also showed interest in the following 
occupations; Librarian, Dean of Women, and 
Occupational Therapist. 

There were a few recommendations which 
were not normally female dominated fields 

such as an Army Officer ana a Lawyer. It was 
surprising to me that Cindy and I scored in the 
same major interest areas considering our 
various interests and strong points. 

The tests were disappointing because of the 
stereotyping involved. The Kuder and 
Occupational Interest tests were a lot fairer 
than the SVIT test. The questions in the latter 
were particularly outrageous. 

Although I didn't have the opportunity, I 
sincerely doubt that the male's test booklet 
contained the questions, "Would you rather 
be a husband or have a career?" "Would you 
rather be a househusband or a housekeeper 
for a wealthy family?" Both questions were 
in the women's booklet. 

One of the most interesting results of the 
tests were the motivation scores. A person 
can score from to 99; 50 through 99 is 
equated with a professional occupation as 
opposed to a technical one. 

Cindy scored a 90 and I scored a 98. With a 
motivation score like that, Cindy should have 
had physician at the top of her list of 
recommended occupations and I should have 
liad architecture at the top of mine. 

Donald W. Cook, who counseled me on the 
results of my test, was sympathetic to my 
complaints and took them into consideration 
when counseling me. He said that the only 
test that hadn't been updated was the SVIT 
test. All three tests, from my viewpoint, could 
have used an analysis of the inherent sexism 
in their questions and job recommendations. 

The tests are productive to a degree, but 
females, as well as males, should be aware of 
their limitations when considering their 

Cancelled Zeppelin Concert 
Hassles Ticket Holders 

First, it looked good. Then it 
looked bad. And for awhile it 
looked like Led Zeppelin concert 
licket-liolders would have to kiss 
ihcir ten-dollar bills good-by. 

Now\ months after the concert 
was canceled, it looks like those' 
bills will be refunded. At least 
that's what concert promoters 
have announced. 

No one. especially ticket-hol- 
ders, would be willing to bet 
much on their word. But, 

Connecticut Concerts promoters 
say thing's will work out this 
lime. And after March 19, 
ticket refunds are supposed to 
be available at outlets where the 
tickets were purchased. 

Tickets purchased by mail will 
also be refunded. 

When an anticipated rock 
concert is cancelled, it is 
unfonunaie, Biit it's irrespon- 
sible business practice, at the 

very least, to let red tape hold 
up ticket refunds. That's what 
happened here. 

Finding any merit in incidents 
like this is difficult. But, if 
anything, they should make 
concert fans wary of promoters 
and promises. 

People will pay a price to hear 
groups like Led Zeppelin. 
Promoter hassles shouldn't add 
to the cost of such entertain- 

Monday, March 17, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 5 



JC Finoncial Aid Office 

Yes, You Con Receive Aid 


Staff Writer 

As most of us know, getting 
an education doesn't come 
cheaply. JC offers many 
alternatives in the financial aid 
and scholarship area. 

There are usually require- 
ments to be met before being 
able to cash in on a scholarship. 
You must have 1) , financial 

need, and 2) a decent grade 
point average (GPA). These 
days most of us meet the first 
requirement easily. The second 
requirement usually means a 
2.0 GPA or better. Not so easy, 

The first place to apply would 
be at the Financial Aid Office in 
AD-2. Mr. Leon Warner, the 
director, said that he "would 

Social Science 
Hosts Meeting 

Student Activity Center was 
buzzing with activity last Friday 
when the Ninth Annual 
Conference of the Southeast 
Florida Social Science Associat- 
ion was held there. The session 
ran from 9:30 a.m. until 3:30 

Dr. Samuel Bottosto 


JC President Harold C. 
Manor gave a welcoming 
address "A Global View of 
Rcology" was the topic 
prc-^sented by Scott Herrick, 
Field Director of American 
Friends Service Committee. 

At 10:30 fia-. Samuel Bottosto, 
chairman of the Social Science 
dept. and Dr. Kichard Yinger, 
Social Science Instructor mo- 
derated the first panel discuss- 
ion on the "Role of the Social 
Sciences in Ecology," from the 

Biologist's Perspective. Parti- 
cipating in the discussion was 
Bob Berg of Pine Jog 
Environmental Science Center. 
His subject was "Ecology in 
Palm Beach County". JC 
Biology Department Head 
Marty Hartman also presented 
"A General Systems View". 

Another panel on same 
subject involved Alan Craig of 
the Florida Atlantic University 
Geography Department and 
James Nicholas, from FAU's 
Department of Economies. 
Moderators for this session 
were Michael Schwartz, Dean, 
College of Social Science, FAU 
and Maurice Anderson, Depar- 
tment of Sociology, Palm Beach 
Atlantic College. 

Afternoon program opened 
with keynote address by Colonel 
Clinton Effinger, Palm Beach 
County Planning Commission. 
A thirty minute discussion and 
reaction period followed. 

The final order of the day was , 
a business session of the 
Association. William B. 
Munson, current president, 
conducted this annual reporting 
and future planning phase of the 


like people who need aid to 
come in." He emphasized the 
fact that, "All aid that we give is 
based only on need." There is a 
form in his office that must be 
filled out by July 1 for you to be 
considered for aid. The only 
other requirement is that the 
applicant be a full time student 
with a minimum of 2.0 GPA with 
no failing grades. 

Mr. Warner stresses getting 
the application in early. "Any 
money provided would be the 
difference between the amount 
the applicant is able to pay and 
the cost to go to school." 

Loans, scholarships, and 
participation in the Federal 
workstudy program are obtain- 
able through the Financial Aid 
Office. The work-study 
program is available to any full 
time student who demonstrates 
need, whh an average of 40 - 50 
students working on campus at 
$2 an hour. They work in such 
areas as the Registrar's office, 
library, maintenance, data 

processing, audio-visual', as lab 
assistants, and in the phys. ed. 

According to Mr. Warner, "If 
you haven't attended college 
before April of 1973 you are 
eligible for the Basic Educational 
Opportunity Grants (BEOG) 
program. These are based on 
need, not grades." The 
maximum is $1,200, amount 
being based on educational 
costs minus family contribution. 

Mr. Leon Warner 

He added that another 
possible source for a nursing 
students scholarship would be 
through Sister Josephine Wat- 
ers at St. Mary's Hospital. The 
state of Florida also has about 
400 nursing scholarships awar- 
ded on the basis of a competitive 
Turn To "SCHOLARSHIP" Pg 12 

More Questions Ahead 

Committee Views SG 

Staff Writer 

Last Tuesday's meeting of the 
Student Activity Committee 
meeting centered around needs 
of Student Government. 

Some of the points most 

widely discussed were handling 
of telephone expenses, mileage 
for trips, petty cash, equipment, 
honorariums, clubs, social 
functions and scholarships. 

It was pointed out that this 
group received $37,000 last year 
and has spent most of the 
amount budgeted. 

At the meeting tomorrow, 
explanations will continue on 
Student Government Publica- 
tions and other questions that 
arise from the floor. 

Student Government is re- 
presented by four delegates, 
which constituted one-half of 
attendance at last week's 
session. Other groups who have 
only one vote have asked the 
District Board of Trustees to 
re-examine this situation. Also 
referred to the Board was legal 
ruling on the Beachcomber 
selling ads in the school 

Dean Robert Moss will 
officiate - as moderator in 
absence of Dean Paul Glynn at 
tomorrow's function of this 

i '=W. , 

Versatile Frank Smith is looking forward to another 
Coffee-house, scheduled for Tnesday, 10 a.m. in the 
cafeteria. Of more immediate interest Is Venture and 
"Frankly Speaking," one tnm away. 

IDs Could Aid SG Response 

From Pg 2 
machine that will make 
laminated type cards like a 
driver's license that may be 
used as a library card, student 
identification, valid ID any- 
where and a duplicate picture to 
be put in the student file to 
substitute for the one you 
already have to produce at 

The price of the machine is 
SI, 990. The price of the film is 
54,000 for 8,000 pictures or 

roughly 56-67 cents per card. 

The problem arises as to 
where the money is going to 
come from. Cunningham and 
Penney - are opposed to any 
increase to be passed on to the 
student. But if it were, it would 
be about 75 - SI. 00 for the card 
which would last the student for 
two semesters. 

At this moment a clearer 
definition of prices and duration 
dates are being researched. 

What Cunningham and Penney 
are concerned with is student 
opinion and cost to the student. 

They are currently scheduled 
for an appointment with Dr. 
Manor about opinions and 

Next week the 'Comber will 
report in-depth on this issue. 
Students having opinions on this 
subject should write or contact 
any SG senator, Bart Cunning- 
ham or Bill Penney. 

Phob^Dept ,* ,..«««,**♦«% ^^Chutg 

Sieve hph " 

Debbie HirtsA I 

hy Krtvete i 

New* rrftt,H: »..*.,<..^ tobtt Aueliferfotsr 

Vettturt* r<1>t<>r *»«««r^.....* IjattKSmith 

t'dttotfif A^vf^rinr *«^*«.ft.«**,jEiu Tui.k.»ootl 

ConsuUfiiif •*.•<*. .««*»***»Cti»<i«<Mc(rei^i 

STAfi WRUFRS J»me* \*.I>ebb»Iljo«p«eii^T<»mKowJ«ni{.P6tBClaJ»». fcn^sClMr*, RftftttlGgKia, 

{ on HinebfWd, Bi» Horchms, Kini Awm, R')»>m »ndle, Wmaie Khight.*, I'hck Mager, Mutfy Mcaw£v 

Bc^|t\ M')n.e PljiitpNetihautr, S)tniP«tt,AKirStn«bOn*»e!TwieH . -i, _ 

Tb* «vaeni,^>mfter is t»ublKlJC<l from oui e<bton»J oJftcCT m if«*.S«iident Pa!)tK«tioM Buihitag At p^lw 8««fe 

jynit>i- < OUt « 4 Ji"*' S t'onjgfPHS A\c , r iVs Worth. Hnnd* }'J4bO 
T^lttlil opi ^f* Rf300£<t«woa 2U) 
t^nJnionsfcvprcised m ttii. BestcJu'imbei Jre fhf)M.of tl»o»liror>or tlic v.«««"i* tfte irftdw tad Me notnw 

PS-itntj tt otrjol t>3tm Beacii .luuorLolUjiC 

I ho J«t-,L->cumb,.'f IS i nitmhti of the Asi'H.'! utd ( (illt.>sp Pr-v^ jn<t Vlond* JintotCuHeg* I'rwa 


First National Bank 


Trust Company 

114 North "J" St. 
Lake Worth, Florida 
Phone 582-5641 
Member F.D.I.C. 





If your club or activity is having an event, brine the 
information to the BEACHCOMBER offices. Info will be 
printed as space permits. 

w tf tni ini iA< vw ini in< ini WW ini WW wv WM lAi lAi irw WW ini ini WW V 

6 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 17, 1975 

Monday, March 17, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 7 

New PhonShow Glow Of Life 

This is the fantastic world of KirJi; 
photography, the scientific discovery t 
captures living auras on film. Your ai 
(Can't you see that shining halo about > 
head?) is scientifically referred to" 
' 'electrophysiological processes ' ' , 

Scientists are still raging over the quest 
of whether Kirlian photos show the au, 
psychic energy, or just the electricity by wftg 
the photo is made. 

The photos shown here, made by Mr. S 
Putt a professional student at J. C, were d 
. by placing finger pads down on a copper p 
covered with photographic paper, Sr 
charges of electricity from a glass electrw. 
run thru the plate picking up the energy ai^ 
from the finger and making it visual. 

The first photo was made when Mr. 
was in a relaxed state of normalcy. The s_ 
globule below the finger pad is common to 
state of consciousness when listening 
music. It is a globule of energy sepata 
from the aura flares surrounding the 6n] 
pad. The flares emitted are fatter and b 
defined than in the second photo which 

Liectly aftei- Mr. Putt pinched his arm 
- In the second photo of Putt's finger 
hubKk pack of long, frayed flares. The 
ji'f-.e finger pad seems to have shrunk 
wHnding area is darker. Mr. Putt's 
rd is silently screaming in pain. 
■t photography was discovered more 
'.lears ago by a Russian husband &wife 
lemyon and Valentina Kirlian. It has 
-.entJy been recognized in the United 
ss a sceptical method of scientific 
.■•in finding new facts on acupuncture, 
-•Jre, nutrition, medicine, criminology, 
«se. The list keeps grwing as well as 

.1 scientists experimented they found 

■^Tlian photo of a human body resulted 

-^i correfation to acupuncture. Eight 

-i flares on the Kirlian photo lined up 

[''.!!)! the 800 acupuncture points that 

pese have claimed for centuries to be 

i:'»)ih internal body energy flow. 

[i; healers, mental patients animals and 

•3 controlled experimentation give the 

!of life new insight. 

Take A Quick Look Before He's Gone 

'Frankly Speaking' 

Do You Think You Don't Do 

It seems strange to me that 
great doers are seldom great 
thinkers^ and that great thinkers 
are seldom great doers. Think 
about it. Napolean, George 
Washington, Columbus, and 
Alexander Graham Bell, were 
all great doers, but did they ever 
'anything?* Did they ever 
on a bit of wisdom for us? 

No. (Unless you consider, 
"Come here Watson, I need 
you." A heavy statement.) 

Further into this vein of 
thought, -think of Tolkien, 
Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Einstein, 
heavy thinkers all, but what did 
they ever do but fill up 
blackboards and novels? (I 
figure, since I haven't done 

Frank Smith 



anything worthwhile, in a while, 
I must be thinking profoundly. 
Regardless ofwhat people say.) 

Perhaps the great thinkers 
were too busy thinking to go out 
and do anything spectacular. I 
imagine someone at sometime 
said to Shakespeare, "Hey Bill, 
let's go down to the common's. 
They're gonna overthrow the 
king ! " 

Shakespeare did not have 
time to pursue such heroics but 
he did speak, in reflection, 
"Uneasy lies the head that 
wears a crown" (Later he put 
the line into "King Henry The 

Or in another case, Einstein 
didn't really set out to end world 
War II, he wasn't a doer, but he 
mumbled something about E 
equalling MC 2 which eventu- 
ally did the job. 

On the other hand it's kind of 

fortunate that there are doers 
AND thinkers. If Columbus 
merely thought about going 
around the world, where would 
we be? 

It's also fortunate that 
Alexander Bell. . .wait a 
minute, my phone's ringing. . 
.wrong number, where was I? 
Uh. . .wait a minute, phone's 
ringing. . . wrong number, now 
where was I,? Qh yes, 
Alexander. . .Hold it a minute! 
phone's ringing. . . 

The View From FoMiclerdale 

•Featured Futures 

Gemini Can Trust People 

CANCER: Don't confine 
yourself to one automatic, 
conditioned response to chall- 
enges. Branch out and 
experiment. You'll soon find 
better ways of getting things 

LEO: This week holds conflicts 
(hat can grow into uproars if you 
don't control your tendency to 
sarcasm. At the cost of losing 
your argument, control your 

VIRGO; Don't take the best for 
granted. The rug could be 
pulled out from under your feet. 
Make an equal return to those 
who help you. 

IIBRA: An agreement among 
several people could go against 
you. You need to prove your 
self-reliance! Be prepared for a 
verbal kick in the teeth. 

PISCES Sudden insight comes 
to you, and you realize why a 
person you know well has been 
acting strangely. Put your new 
understanding to work. You'll 
soon find out how. 
ARIES: Get your sympathy into 
shape. You're about to hear a 
"true .confession." What you 
learn can benefit you in your own 
private life. 

TAURUS; Good news arrives in 
a message. You experience 
setbacks with machines and 
apparently well-laid plans. 
You're frustrated at first, but 
things straighten out by the end 
of the week. 

GEMINI: What seemed to be 
real trouble turns out to be a 
false alarm. People are more 
trustworthy than you thought. 
You could pick up some cash. 

•Flick Mager 

SCORPIO: Your tendency is to 
be intolerant of other opinions. 
Remember that there are at 
least two valid sides to any 
disagreement. Strive to see the 
other view, 

SAGITTARIUS: Originality, 
creativity and shrewdness pay 
off. Following the crowd leads 
you up a blind alley. Be ready 
with fast answers to loaded 

CAPRICORN: Your powers of 
communication improve. You 
become more able to work with 
other people. Venture to air 
your long-withheld ideas. 

AOUARIUS:Patience finally pr- 
oves its worth. You knewwhat 
you wanted and you're about to 
gel it. Ride the wave - it won't 
break for a while yet. 

Staff Writer 

That strange: phenomena that occurs 
in South Florida every year is nearly 
upon us. Soon they will be coming - 
they'll come .in swarms, they'll come in 
droves, invading our fair cities and 
having no mercy on our beaches. 

"Who are these beasts?" you ask 
yourselves, too terrified to question 

Once easily recognizable by their 
alma mater sweat shirts, off-beat 
bathing suits and all over ghostly 
appearances, the "Northern Animal" 
(also known as "College-Student-On- 
Spnng-Break") had a new image, 
blending in unusually well with the 
melting-pot typicalness of the Fort 
Lauderdale Strip. 

In fact, fear of the group has 
diminished, and closer observation of 
the species reveals a richer, deeper and 
darker tan than that of many native 

It is doubtful one could hide his envy 
toward the mass of toasted torsos 
casually sauntering down the already 
crowded sidewalks, oblivious of time 

SsSEsf' '"' "°^^ ^^ ^"- 
Yes, they come from all over the 

country, sometimes the worid, for two 

primary reasons: Fun and Sun. 
One youth seemed to capsulize the 

emotions of all, shrieking, "1 love it I 

love it, I love it!" 
Their feelings, however, may not 

coincide with those of the Ft 

Lauderdale Police Force. 

"Whenever you get this many ^.=red at street corners, says the 
together," reported one pat^Pis trying to adhere to its policy of 
"There's bound to be problems,m visibility and low profile." 
And 'get together' is exactly W^^ problem," he reported, 

ptrcrowding and unlawful sleeping 
beach, in cars and against 

they've done. Commonly publid 
"Where The Boys Are," the s( ' 
now be accurately described as ' 
the "PEOPLE Are," all of them! 

Some flew, others hitchhiked 
vast majority drove, finditt 
gasoline situation less drastic ll 
year. Nevertheless; they must b: 
had the same thing in mind ^ 
packed their winter woolies 
hightailed for the South. 

Out-of-state license plates att* 
every type of vehicle, ranging fra 
Cadillac station wagon to a '75 J 
van, line the beach, making w 
driving and even existing 

Although authorities expect i 
larger congregation next ws' 
overwhelming number have 
migrated south. 

Police attribute this to two t 
Colder yveather in northern Roii 
the fact that most of the major 
have coinciding spring breaks, 
of the usual eight week period 
Although- most of South 
depends on tourism for survival, 
authorities are seeking answer " 
life and death question, "Wi 

worse, southern bankruptcy ^ Uuderdale a has-been, evidence 

northern invasion?" 

. in 

[« far we've been very fortunate, 
vi. h seems like we've got a pretty 
group this year." 

p tourist , a medicine major from 
ij'ey reported, "I was arrested for 
^Bg when I fell asleep in a building 
%hi. They released me on $150 
md now I'm broke. I wish I had 
■Mo Jamaica." 

added many student go to 

. 5ia Of Ft- Myers on their spring 

^■i. where they can sleep on the 

without fear of being towed 

Kough shoplifting has increased, 
>^etors along the strip are not 
'f'aining . 

^s kids are spending terrific 
-nts of money," one shopkeeper 
""ed, "not only at refireshment 

-i and sundry shops, but also in 
'= of the better boutiques, both 
;";the beach and in town." 
;'•')," he grinned, "the northern 
Non doesn't bother us at all!" 

!ough some people have tagged 

^ .J ^f.jved them wrong. 

Citing reduced violence sm| i, ^^ ^^^ elements prevail, 

trouble-ridden Vitenam Era, patfi :,^ college students will do their 
Michael Smith, along with thej %j^^g^^e Ft. Lauderdale the much 
the many patrolmen lining (he stti -.j^^ "Gold Coast". 

An exciting discovery was that of the 
"phantom leaf. After removing several 
millimeters from a fresh leaf, a Kirlian photo 
will show the entire leaf as before, though 
fainter in the portion where.the leaf is actually 

Faith healers working with amputees can 
bring back the ghost of the limb missing seen 
only in Kirlian photos. 

Criminals may find that sailding their 
fingerprints off won't keep them out of 
trouble. A Kiriian photo of the sanded finger 
will show the original swiris of the fingerprint. 

Mental patients admitted to institutions and 
photographed by the Kirlian method will show 
a very faint aura before treatment and a much 
brighter one after several months of 

Diseases in crops can be detected in its 
earliest stages with Kirlian methods. 

A small plant's aura will glow twice as 
bright when another plant is cut or damaged 
next to it. 

Asked to concentrate on healing, faith 
healers can produce a magnificent 
luminescent glow of large proportions. 

But users and alcoholics have bigger, more 
glowing, auras. 

Effects of music, food, action and patterns 
of thought can also change your aura. 

Kirlian catches color, too. Red generally 

shows pain, intense feeling, and release of 

energy. Blue speaks of serenhy, trances, and 

a low release of energy. 

. Anyone interested in getting up their own 

Kirlian photography equipment should read 
"Handbook of PSI Discoveries" by Sheila 
Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder. A complete 
list of materials needed is given and how to set 
up your Kirlian darkroom for 60 dollars and 
less. It could open your eyes to the secrets of 
the universe. 

You Can Continue To Learn To Read 

Staff Writer 

Reading is a problem for some people and there are many resons. 
Reading in some form is a necessity, not only in school but life in 

The facts of illiteracy are shocking. Right to Read, a program 
aimed in abolishing illiteracy, accumulated these facts in 1974. 
Approximately twenty-six million Americans, children and adults, 
are illiterate. The Right to Read program considers reading "the 
single most important skill for coping with life in a technical 
. society." 

Would you believe that even at college level reading is a 
problem? It is. That's why there is a special center for reading on 
campus. Many students who scored below the 25th percentile on 
the twelfth grade placement test in reading are required to take the 
reading course as a prerequisite to English. Some students 
voluntarily come in to improve their skills. 

Students who enter the program take a standardized test to 
evaluate their existing reading skills. As disturbing as it may be, 
some students score below the seventh grade reading level. 

In an article entitled "Teen-aged Nonreader; Is There a Solution 
to the Problerh?" which appeared in the September 1974 issue of 
Education Digest, the author R. B. Shumnan wrote, "Reading 
disabilities consitute one of the most perplexing and far-reaching 
problems in secondary education today." 

Mrs. Witherspoon, an instructor in the reading program on 
campus, stated that the two most common problems students have 
in reading are comprehension- and vocabulary. 

Reading Program Head Dr. Bosworth said that there are a large 
variety of reasons for student reading disabilhies. 

Though many reasons exist, it is apparent that the American 
school system is playing a large part. How could an effective school 
system send large numbers of students through the twelfth grade 

Mrs. Witherspoon 

Dr. Bosworth 

and hand them a diploma when some can't even read past a seventh 
grade level? Isn t it time attention was given to this area of neglect 
in our school system? * 

JC's doing something about it and that's a beginning. 

7 ? 7 7 

■ ■ ■ i ^ ■ 

Where Can You Get A Real A Hoagie 

And A Drink For Under A Dollar 
(And Still Get Change) 

Smalf Large] 
Italian Subs (Pressed Ham, Provolone & Salami) $.70 .85 j 

I New Mini Pizza (6 Different Variations) ....." .45* 


I Located a minute from college, near the Town Theatre 

and Publix in the Town&Country Shopping Center " 

Lake Worth Road 
^Open lOa.m.-to-IOp.m. 7 days a vyeek Call 588-22881 

8 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 17. 1975 

Monday, March 17, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 9 

VD On The Rise 

You'll lose your hair, lose your mind, itll cripple you and 
make you blind, you'U die long before your time if you don't 
watch out. Watch out! 

Staff Writer 

Eight out of 12 people, ranging 
from tlie age of 12 to 24 years old 
have, or have had that well-known 
affliction called venereal disease. 
Which is not to say that you have it, 
but you might. 

Venereal disease is a topic that 
hardly anyone wants to talk about, 
but this disease can lead to sterility, 
blindness, crippling, insanity and 
even death. It is now very 
wide-spread and it is time we started 
talking about it. 

This disease, spreads from person 
to person as a result of intimate 
bodily contact. There are several 
different kinds each with its own 
symptoms and complications. 

There must be bodily contact, 
intimate or sexual in nature, for the 
spread of this disease. The old 
notion that it can be obtained by 
shaking hands, off doorknobs, or 
drinking glasses is not true. 

Once you've had the disease you 
are not immune to it. 

The incidence of venereal disease 
is on the increase. Every year it 
kills, cripples, and seriously 
endangers the physical and mental 
well-being of millions of people. It 
strikes at the rate of four victims a 

The two big VD diseases are 
gonorrhea and syphilis. Gonorrhea 
signs appear within three to five 
days after exposure to an infected 

person. In men, the infected parts 
iich, and pain is experienced during 
urination. Women are seldom aware 
of the infection in the early stages 
because of the physical make-up of 
their body and they usually are not 
aware of it until the later stages. 

The first signs of syphilis occur as 
a sore (called a chancre) which 
appears two ,to six weeks affer 
exposure to the infected person. This 
sore is painless and will disappear 
without treatment. This does not 
mean yoti are cured, it means you 
are infected somewhere beneath the 

The second stage of this disease 
begins about six months after the 
chancre. The symptoms are 
baldness, sore throat, rashes on the 
body,' fever and headaches. Even 
these will disappear without 
treatment. The next time you will be 
aware of the disease it will bring 
symptoms such as a crippling of the 
nervous system, syphilitic insanity, 
heart disease and death. 

These diseases can only be 
diagnosed properly by a physician, 
he is also the only one who can treat 
the disease for you. YOU CANNOT 

there's a cheaper way. The free 
venereal disease clinic in our county 
is located at .826 Evernia Street, 
West Palm Beach. Their phone 
number is 832-8561. You probably 
don't need to call them right now, 
but you might. 

Jackson Seeks Scholarship 

To Floridians, "O.J." stands 
for orange juice. 

To UCLA and Buffalo Bills 
fans, it's O.J. Simpson. 

But to the students and 
faculty at Palm Beach Junior 
College, "O.J.." is Oveta 
Jackson, the slender, attractive 
president of OAA (Organization 
for Alfro-American Affairs), 
vice president of the Concert 
Choir and member of the PBJC 

"I was brought up in a 
mtisical environment; my mot- 
her plays the piano and sings, 
and my cousin is a concert 
pianist," says Oveta, the 
daughter of the Robert Lee 
Jacksons of Boynton Beach. 

The singer studied piano for 
eight years. 

Runner-up in the Miss Palm 
Beach County Pageant last year, 
Oveta received the talent award 
for her rendition of "Love Is 
Where You Find It," and won a 
S400 scholarship. 

"My main reason for entering 
again this year is for the 
scholarship money offered," 
she explains. 

"No one who enters loses, 
even if the only thing gained is 
experience," she adds. 

The OAA officer has been 
active in the club's activities, 
taking part in the programs of 
both the Odum - an African 
festival presented last fall - and 
the Martin Luther King 
Commemoration in January. 

The singer is one of five PBJC 
students chosen for the 

All-State Junior College Chorus 
this year. 

Oveta will graduate from 
PBJC in Spring I, and plans to 
go on to Howard University, 
Washington, D.C. where she 
will major in voice and will later 
work toward a Master's Degree 
in Vocal Performance. 

She will be following in the 
footsteps of her instructor, Mrs. 
Pat Johnson, who also attended 

"Mrs. Johnson is a great 
mujsician and a beautiful 
person," the student declares. 

' 'I've learned so much in such 
a comparatively short time, 
performing with the Paceset- 
ters, with Mrs. Johnson not only 
directing, but singing with us," 
Oveta continues. 

Oveta Jackson is a silky-smooth 
stylist moving up. 

Concert Review 

Dolly Parton 
Steals Show 

Special Guest Writer 

When the Country Shindig Family Show came to 
the West Palm Beach Auditorium, the show was 

With artists such as Tgm T. Hall, Billy "Crash" 
Craddock and Hank Williams, Jr., it couldn't have 
been anything but good. 

But it was Dolly Parton who lifted the show from 
the level of good to great. 

Dolly opened her segment of the show singing 
"Joshua", after her brother. Randy Parton headed 
"The Traveling Family Band" in several numbers. 

As she stood on stage, cameras came alive, and 
many people rushed forward to snap close-up shots 
of her. After "Joshua", she went into an array of 
exceptionally beautiful songs, including "The Coast 
of Many Colors," "My Tennessee Mountain 
Home," a medley of other female vocalist's hits, 
"Jolene," "I Will Always Love You," and her most 
recent single, "The Bargain Store." 

One of the highlights of her show was when she 
sang "Me And Little Andy," another of her many 
compositions. Her accompaniment for this number 
was one guitar, which she played herself. The 
song's impact was tremendous. It is unrecorded as 
of yet, but she plans to record it in the future. It 
should be released as a single So that it can receive 
ihe recognition it deserves. 

In talking with Dolly backstage, 1 learned that she 
spends approximately one third of each year on the 
road. This alone tells someihing of the dedication 
thai she shows .to her fans. 

She is known as the female sex symbol fo country 
music. This appears to be an advantage. It, 

however, could easily prove distracting with those 
male listeners who might become more concerned 
with her outward appearance than with the talent 
she has to offer. 

Dolly told me that she doen't look at herself as a 
sex symbol and doesn't promote that image, 
although she does try to look as good as she can. 
Her desire is for people to know her from ' 'the inside 
out, not from the outside in." 

"It makes me feel good if people, you know, pay 
me compliments. Then, I feel like all that primping 
wasn't in vain," she added with a laugh that range 
with warmth and freindliness. 

Dolly has won an impressive list of awards. She 
and Portor Wagoner won the CMA award for "Duet 
of theVear" a total of three years in a row. She has 
also won awards for some of the songs she has 
written, and has been named "female vocalist of the 
year" by various magazines, such as "Billboard" 
and "Cashbox". 

After asking her what she thought of a career in 
acting, I found that she has been offered parts in 
movies, but that she doesn't feel she has talent in 
thai area. On the other hand, she says that she has 
given thought to someday doing a comedy, or 
writing the story of her life and maybe playing that 

As for being country, she had this to say, "I'm 
really proud to be country. I'm proud to say that 1 
am, because 1 'm a country person. 1 would like 
my music to be accepted by all people and just let it 
be Dolly Parton music. But, if anybody asks me my 
title, 1 would always say country" 

1 left her, feeling as though I had just had a visit 
with an old friend. 

Gefting Out Of Hand 

Staff Writer 
Be prepared to abandon your 
arc to the pigeons. Safety 
regulations, like everything else 
itiday, are getting out of hand. 
Ralph Nader and his followers 
spent years condemning the 
Corvair as "unsafe at any 
speed" and instituting laws that 
now require all cars to have 
devices that scream, threaten, 
and shout obscenities when you 
forget to fasten your safety belts 
Of take the key out of the 

The Naderites are crusading 
jgain. In the news not long ago 
appeared an article concerning a 
new safety gadget that may 
soon be required on all cars. 

It's based on the sound 
reasoning that intoxicated 

drivers cause a large percentage 
of highway accidents. A small 
electronic device with a 
luimbered keyboard connects to 
ilic car's ignition. Before a 
driver can start his car he must 
punch out a combination of 
numbers on the device. 
Supposedly, a person too drunk 
or stoned to drive can't 
remember the combination and 
wouldn't have the coodination to 
punch it correctly if he did. 

Assume that this device 
becomes standard equipment on 
all vehicles. Thousands of 
frustrated drunks will be 
prevented from driving. Yet the 
accident rate will probably 
continue to rise. 

It will only be a matter of time 
before the Naderites go after 

Classified Ads 

TERM PAPERS, Canada's 
largest service- . For catalogue 
icnd $2 to: Essay Services, 57 
Spadina Ave., Suite 208 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 
Campus representatives requir- 
ed. Please write. 
PAPA JOHN nights stomach 
deflation - win with "Instant 

WANTED: Scuba Diving 
Equipment, Fins, snorkel, vest, 

weight belt, and tank it you have 
any of these items: Call 
586-2174 ask for Jerry. 
PAPA JOHN'S pizza World's 
finest: Florida's finest; Palm 
Beach County's finest; Palm 
Spring's finest. 

FOR SALE: Hope Surfboard 6' 
x 10" for $95.00. Call 965-8053. 
Eat Papa John's Pizza. 

> ^ <ii» iiii> 1^ ^ i<i> It' ifr f^ o 


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inoihcr cause of accidents: sex. 
Admitiedly, the greatest a- 
moum of this takes place after 
ilic car is parked and therefore 
poses no threat to traffic. Still, 
nobody knows how often 
, collisions have occurred as the 
result of a driver taking his eyes 
off the road once too often to 
kiss his girlfriend. 

Naderite lobbyists, perceiving 
at once the seriousness of the 
problem, will persuade Con- 
gress to pass a law forbidding 
men and women to ride in the 
same front seat together. In 
cases where this would not be 
feasible, a Plexiglas barrier 
would be required between 
driver and passenger. 

Yet, despite the absence of 
drunk or overly amorous driver, 
the aiccident toll still soars. 
Obviously some solution must 
be found before American 
exterminates itself on the 

Gallant Naderites, working 
feverishly day and night on the 
problem, come up with a 
siariline conclusion: the prime 
cause of car accidents is people! 
In every recorded accident at 
least one human being was 

Within weeks legislation will 
prohibit all people from driving 
curs. Anyone caught surreptit- 
iously starting a car will receive 
a stiff fine. Anyone actually 
driving an automobile must be 
sentenced to prison. 

Immediately the accident toll 
will drop to almost nothing, 
Garages can be converted into 
extra bedrooms, and cars will 
appear in backyards every- 
where, filled with flowers and 
.surrounded by rock gardens. 

The nation will sigh with 
relief - until the new laws come 
out requiring safety belts, 
hitching-post alarms, and roll 
bars for (he family horse-and— 


Car Stereos & Custom insteliatiom^ 


We carry a oompiate lirte of Audio aquipmant— 
Saimit, JVC, Marsntz, Kenwood, Garrard, Dud , 
Jensen, Avid, Sony, 9iure, Empire, Pickering & 


Complete seiaction of L.P/s & Tapes at the best 
prices in Palm Baadi County 

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N. Palm Beach, Fla. 







Bar-B-Q Beef Plate ....-...".. • *..... $1.80 

Bar-B-Q Pork Plate ,..*..f. •* 1.80 

Smoked Mackerel ..<>.. 1.75 

Bar-B-Q Ribs... ..^.......« »..„ 2.95 

Salad Bar-Choice of Fries or Au Gratin Potatoes— Pit Baked Beans 

Bar-B-Q Beef or Pork Sandwich •••• $1.25 

With Salad Bar, ....1.65 

Ben's V2 Pound Charburger ••.......o.r. .*....»•.. ....>.«.. .1.85 

Salad Bar. Fries or Au Gratin 

Salad Bar Only ,1.25 


Pork or Beef Sandwich..-....*..... -1.15 

Order Of of Beans or Slaw ...............40 

3400 South Congress 
Phone 967-3400 

10 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 17, 1975 


Pacers Smash Rivals 

Staff Writer 

The men's tennis team aced Miami Dade South 
Tuesday at home, with a score of 7-0. 

Charels Wadlington, playing Da|de South's No. 
1 man Milt Eichner, won 6-2, 6-0.' It looked as if 
he might have more of a fight after he lost the 
first game by scoring only once, but he then won 
the next three games. It was a neck and neck 
race in the fifth fame, with each opponent edging 
toward .the finish, leaving Eichner the winner. 

However, Wadlington never let him get ahead 
in the reminader of the match, gaining three 
games to give him the first set, and then winning 
six consecutive games to take the second set. 

Roberto Rizo also won his match, although a 
spectator commented that Ri^o "seemed afraid 
of the net", playingbackin the court the majority 
of the time, and "also seemed to be down 
mentally," Rizo finished 6-2, 6-4. 

Gary Ray, playing in place of Norman Russell 
who arrived late, outplayed his opponent Arnie 
Mansur with a score of 6-1, 6-3. Pete Pulitzer 
had a little more work to do in beating Jorge 
Isaac, 7-S, 6-1. 

John McCarley defeated George Simmon in a 
tie-breaker, scoring 6-1, 7-6, 5-4. Simmon 
commented that they "didn't get going until the 
middle of the second set; he crunched me in the 

first set. 

Wadlington and Rizo were the champions of 
their doubles competition with a score of 6-1, 6-2. 
Pulitzer and McCarley also won, 6-2, 6-1. 

The team also smashed Indian River 
Community College Thursday, 7-0. 

Wadlington overpowered Robert Dunn, 6-3, 
6-2, and Rizo defeated Robin Roberts with the 
same score. This win leaves Rizo undefeated so 
far, with a 7-0 record. 

Ray also won with the score of 6-3, 6-2, and 
Pulitzer broke trend, winning 7-5, 6-1. McCarley 
had a tougher race, but outplayed Ray DeCuba 
3-6, 6-3, 6-2; 

Wadlington and Rizo won in doubles action, 
6-7, 6-2, 6-0. Pulitzer and McCarley defeated 
Moore and Cunningham 6-4, 6-2. 

According to Coach McGirty the keys to the 
victory were "balance, scoring, and depth" in 
the game. The team's overall record if S-2, but 
5-0 in the division. 

The team lost to Florida International 
University Friday, 8-1, and gave Yale a close 
match Sunday, but lost 4-5. 

The team is matched against Miami Dade 
North Tuesday, and McGirt feels that it will be 
"the toughest match of the season", Dade North 
being "very strong". 

Roberto Rizo Keeps his eye on the ball while winning a set 
against Miami Dade South. Photo by Fritz 

Undefeated Rizo Leads JC 

Lorj H(//ebrand — 

After talking to Roberto Rizo, 
I realize that there is something 
more to him than being a great 
tennis player. Behind Roberto 
the tennis player, I found a 
Roberto who is warm, and 
humbly sensitive about what I 
have to say about him. 

When asked about his 

personal goals for the season, it 
was with hesitancy that he 
revealed them to me. Roberto 
wants the men's tennis team to 
win the state championship, 
"once and for all" and he wants 
to win the state championship at 
the No. 2 position. Yet his 
motives are purely team-orien- 

Softball Champs 
Take First Win 

Florida Bible College of 
Hollywood was outmanned last 
Thursday at Pence park in 
Boynton Beach by the defending 
state Softball champs, Palm 
Beach, 38-1. 

"I didn't expect much 
because it's their first year," 
said Pacers Coach Bobbie 

Dede Clayton capped the 
sixth inning with a grand slam 
homer and drove in at least five 
runs during the game. 

Earlyn Praett went S for 6, 
and Dawn Pastore hit four 

"we averaged 12 runs per 
game last year. This will give 

them confidence so they know 
where they stand, but they have 
a long way to go," said 

The Pacers accepted an 
invitation to the University of 
South Florida Invitational April 
12. Knowles commented that 
only two JC's in the state. 
Manatee and Palm Beach, were 
asked to participate in the 
eight-team, single elimination 

Other teams asked are Flagler 
College, University of Florida, 
Tampa University, Jacksonville 
State, and Florida Tech. 
PALM BEACH 38-30-1 

Runners Take To Track 

A number of JC cross-country 
runners are to compete March 
28-29 in the Florida Relays at 

Among the top runners 
entered are Frank Shorter, and 
possibly Bowling Green State 
University's Dave Wottle who 

won gold medals in the 1972 
Olympics in Munich, Germany. 

Kenny Anderson, Mike Hig- 
gins, Frank Smith and Don 
Edgar will try their luck among 
the top athletes from Floridai 
Junior College. 

tated, saying that in past years 
"there have been a lot of second 
and third places" won by JC, 
and he feels the team can take 
first place this year. 

Rizo says that there is no 
strategy involved in his playing 
the No. 2 spot, "Coach thinks I 
should play because I have a 
chance to win at No. 2." He 
mentioned that there are no 
challenge matches between the 
team members, that it is Coach 
McGirt 's priority to choose who 
will play what position, yet they 
do not use a system where in 
tougher matches the top players 
would be seeded in lower 
positions to insure ^ win, saying 
"maybe the other coach would 
think that way too." 

Rizo's basic strategy in a 
match consists of trying to keep 
the ball in play, and then 
placing the ball, "I do not hit 
hard, I try to keep the ball in 
play and let the other guy make 
the errors." His goal is 
"consistency," and putting his 
opponent on the defense. 

Roberto was recently elected 
captain of the team, and is 
happy with their improvement. 
He does feel, however, that 
there needs to be "more team 
thinking, we need to think as a 

Just prior to the Florida 
International University match, 
Roberto was tied with Charles 
Wadlington for the team's Tiger 
Award, and award given to the 
member of the team with the 
least amount of losses at the end 
of the season. Because of the 
FlU match, he is now leading, 
Of course, the winner won't be 
known until June. 

Aiihough Roberto has been 
offered a scholarship at FAU, 
his plans after finishing JC 
consist of "going home" to 
Venezuela, South America, 
where he may work as a lennis 

Gary Ray looks anguished as he returns a backhand in 
Tuesday's match, against Dade South - Photo by Fritz 





Rescheduled For Tuesday, Mar March 18 


At 1:30 P.M. 


Monday. March 17, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 11 

Bo\A/lers Invited To 
Division Tourney 

Staff Writer 

.Sixteen JCbowlers will travel to Miami March 21 , to participate in 
ihe JFCC Division IV Junior College Bowling Tournameni. 

The extramural tourney will be held at Palm Spring Lanes in 

Miami-Dade North is the host school and Miami-Dade 
Downtown, Miami-Dade South, Broward North, Broward Central, 
Edison and Indian River have also been invited to participate. 

The eight men and women with the highest averages in 
iiiiramural bowling will be asked to represent JC. 

They will bowl as two four-man and two four-woman teams in 
morning competition. In the afternoon, they will be combined as 
coed teams. 

JC was runner-up school in last year's tournament and also took 
Rrst place in the coed division. The other schools "were too strong 
for us In the men's and women's competition," Intramoral Director 
Roy Bell said. 

Hosting responsibility for each year's spring tourney is rotated 
among district schools. 



Major League Lanes is the site 
of intramural bowling every 
Wednesday afternoon at 4 
p.m. The top eight men and 
women bowlers are to compete 
in Miami March 21 for 
Divisional Honors. 




Sports Life 

Pros SayTraining Needed 

Timothy L. Broy- 

By talking with managers, 
players, other sprots writers, 
and fans of baseball in South 
Florida, I have deducted spring 
(raining is essential. 

The prirhary goal of a major 
league manager is to comply a 
winning combination in which 
tie can rely on the balance of the 

Atlanta Braves manager 
Clyde King, who after taking 
over the Braves last season 
rompiled a 38-25 record, said, 
"We use spring training games 
10 look over some of the younger 
players. Then with about ten 
games left we'll start playing 
the players we expect to use on 
opening day." 

Nicknamed the "Comet", the 
former National League pitcher 
and now starting his first full 

season at the Braves helm went 
on to say, "We're going to win 
period," and that his team did 
later that day, 2-1 over the 
Texas Rangers in the last of the 
Major League players have 

many mixed emotions about the 
Grapefruit season. 

Los Angels Dodgers left 
fielder Bill Buckner, who had 
the club's longest hitting streak 
17 games, last season, com- 
mented, "Spring training does- 
n't prove too much, especially 
this year. The starters that are 

going to play, are going to 
play!" Buckner lead r the 
National League champs at the 
plate finishing with a .314 

Cincinnati Red utility infiel- 
der Darrel Chaney says his 
"goal is to get in shape." 
Chaney, who's value to the Reds 
is with his glove, commented, 
"It's tough to adjust between 
third, second and short, 
especially when you don't play 
everyday. ' ' 

Texas Ranger pitcher Bill 
Hands, acquired from the 
Minnesota Twins in September, 

pei^onally feels that spribag 
training is Just to "get In shape 
and woric on timing. He also 
emphasized a club must work on 
a great positive mental attitude, 
which he feels (he Rangers have 

Ms. Bobbie Knowles, Physical Education and 
Softball coach at JC, was elected chairman of 
Girls and Women's Sports of the iSouthem 
District of the American Association of 
Health, Physical Education and Recreation. 

"/ come to camp at 194 
and by August I'm at 
210 '•' 


"It seems to me that the 
newcomers, college kids and 
rookies, don't know the 
fundamentals of the game," 
said Cesar Geronimo, the 
Cincinnati Reds developing 
centerfielder. "That is what 
Sparky (Anderson, Cincinnati 
manager) has us working on the 

There is one Reds player, 

although he comes into camp in 
shape, will b« ont-of-shiqpe 
before August rolls aroaiid. BiU 
Plummber has the frnstrating 
job of playing behind Johnny 

"I come in camp at 194 and by 
August, after I've sat all season, 
I'm at 210. It happensevery 
year. I don't particularly like to 
play behind Bench, but there's 
nothing I can do," said 

Other than the teams, 
sweating and working hard, 
Florida also prospers during the. 
spring training months. Loyal 
fans come from the cold, rainy, 
down-right terrible weather in 
the North to the 80 degree 
temperatures and the warm 

Some owners reportedly want 
to cut the Grapefruit season in 
half. But to the residence of 
Florida, they would rather eat 
their's whole. 

PAGES 10 & 12 

j^novs/les Acts As Go-Betv/een 





l^fiss Bobbie Knowles, physi- 

education instructor and 

suftb^" coach at JC, is 
J, yjiijiaii-elect of Girl's and 
\y „icn*s Sports of the Southern 
jj-^jjici of the American 

iation of Health, Physical 
md Recreation - 


g„o\vies, elected at the 

^,al Southern District - 

iirtpER Convention in San 

A -oiiiO' Texas, Feb. 20-23, will 

Ij" pi;|jonsibIe for the program 

'^ ^jcl's and Women's Sports 
f" (lie 1976 convention in 
\Tohi!''' Ala. 

keep the instructors up-to-date 
on the latest teaching methods. 

The "National Alliance" 
tbrmerly was referred to as the 
Division of Girl's and Women 
Spons. but at the convention 
last year in Anaheim. Califor- 
nia, the members changed their 
name. "The function is the 
same, we just changed our 
name," said Knowles. 

The Southern District of 
.A.AHPER includes the southern 

states from Texas and Okal- 
homa to Virginia. 

The eight-year veteran facuhy 
member teaches Health, golf 
and tennis, along with her 
duties' as women's Softball 

She has attended Florida 
Suuihern, and received her 
masters from West Virginia 

Timothy L. Bray 





Hall Selects Landers 


Open lOo.m. 7 Days A Weeks 


SaucsgaA fappmt 
Combination Ham 


Ham ftAmwinn 


Florida State graduate 

gci, "The biggest part of my 
!""'. tjeing a liason between the 
'"''.' ,al and the state." 
"^"'e A AH PER is not a 
j-jioiy body. "They set up 
'^'^g^.^jcls and make recoin- 


"'C'^. "National Alliance" sets 

'''^jyiidards of participation 

•^P ^j-au-s up rule books. The 

said Knowles, 

also conducts 
clinics and classes to 

William Hall, Palm Beach's 
6'b" sophomore center, signed 
a letter of intent with Landers 
College in Greenwood S,C. last 
week. Hall became the first 
Pacer to sign a scholarship. 

Landers College is a member 
of the N.MA and Finis Horn is 
the coach, 

Tlie Beachcomber also lear- 
ned that 7' back-up center 
Richard Mitchell was offered a 

full scholarship to Auburn 
L'niversiiy of the SEC. (South- 
eastern Conference.) 

Guy Poyastro has narrowed 
his clioices down to three 
schools, Mercer College is 
interested in. Poyastro and Pacer 
guard Donald Burns. Indepen- 
dent Southern Mississippi and 
the Mid-American Conference's 
Kent State are also high on the 
agile 6'5" All-Conference for- 

Itaikan SKaak & Ch«ees 

Hmh & ProwoloiM 

Hot Ptzia 



200 U.S. 1 
H North l>aimBaMh,Fla.PH<JNE844-3tt33 


I Phone 844-3433 



12- BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 17, 1975 

■^ -V^-W^sw-CA 

Women Score Again 

Hillarj Co\e swings into action in a recent womens tennis 
match. Photo by Fritz 

Staff Writer 

Tlie tension could be felt 
hanging over the JC tennis 
courts Tliursday as the women's 
tennis team squeaked out a 5-4 
victofv over Broward North. 

It all bailed down to the No. 2 
doubles match, with Marina 
Polman Tuin and Janei Fabiani 
splitting the first two sets 5-7, 
b-0 with Kathy Gawne and Mary 
Licht of Broward North. In the 
third set the score was tied 6-6. 
Then Fabiani and Polman Tuin 
won the final point of the 
liebreaker. thus winning the 
set. match, and ihe team's 

Z In singles action Robin 
Langridge (JC) stormed past 
Debi Morris (BN). 6-0, 6-1: 
Cindy Kitchell (JC) lost to Deb 
Van Eepoel (BN) 6-1. 6-3; 
Marina Polman Tuin (JC). 
pushed her record to 10-2 with a 
6-2. -f-6. 6-2 victory over Kaih\ 
Gawner (BN); Janet Fabiani 
(JC) defeated Mary Licht (BN) 
6-3, 6-3; Susan Atherely was 
beaten by Sally Sellner 6-4, 6-2; 
Hillary Cove (JC) was downed 
by Leslie Gern (BN) 6-1, 7-5. 

In other doubles action. 

Landridge and Kitchell outpoin- 
icd Morris and Van Eepoel 6-2, 
6-0: Athcrly and Cove lost to 
Sellner and Gern 7-6, 6-1. 

This is the second match JC 
has taken by a 5-4 margin from 
Broward North this season. It's 
interesting to note that the girls 
who uon their matches against 
Broward North last time lost, 
this lime and vice versa with the 

exception of the Polman Tuin 
and Fabiani doubles match. 

On Tuesday, March 11, the 
team was the winning end of a 
6-.^ decision with Edison. 

In commenting on the 
sircngths and weaknesses of the 
team. Coach Sarah Ouisenbeiry 
says, "Our strength is our 
ground strokes and our 
weakness is our net play." 

Bowlers Complete 

Staff Writer 

iniramu'ral Bowling is stDl 
going strong, finishing its 
eighth week this past Wednes- 
day. The winners of the new I & 
R program of prizes for high 
scores this week were Jody 
Salzgeber, Sharon Nelson, Jan. 
Kisker, Mary Armstrong, Amy 


^Sports Calendar: 

Be Another Robin Hood 


»Mon. March 17 Newark College of Engineering 

KTues. March 18 at Miami Dade-Downtown [2] 

SThurs. March 20 St Mary of Brooklyn 

.^;Fri. March 21 Miami Dade-South 

^Sat. March 22 Miami Dade-South 

3 p.m. JC Field I 
Miami ^1 
3 p.m. JC Field Jl 
3 p.m. JC Field li-l' 
3 p.m. JC Field I 

I Mon. 
i Tues. 

March 17 
March 18 

»Tues. March 18 
fcWed. March 19 

Sg Thurs. March 20 
:§; Sat. March 22 




at Miami Dade-North 

at Miami Dade-North 

Broward Central I2| 
"Season Opener" 
Barry College 

2 p.m. JC Courts;-:: 
Miami '$. 

Miami i§ 
JC Courts '$i 

1 p.m. Pencei^; 
Park, Boyntoni:;; 


Staff Writer 

Remember Maid Marian 
holding hands with Robin 
Hood? He was an archery 
e.xpert and students participating 
in JC intramurals can be too. 

In JC's tournament, a student 
gets eight arrows from 30, 40 
and 50 yards out. He shoots a 
total of 32 arrows for a 
maximum score of 288 per 
round. There are nine rounds 
for each man. 

Some essential equipment is 
needed and is available from the 
intramural department. 

Bows vary in weight by the 
number of pounds of effort that 
is necessary to pull the 

bowstring back. If when you pull 
the string back the arrow is 
almost at its end and the bow 
feels right, it is the correct 
weight for you. The bowstrings 
are usually made of fine thread 
dacron and vary in length, 
strength and stretch. . They 
usually have a marked nocking 
point for accepting the nock of 
the arrow. 

Arrows must be of _ the same 
stiffness and resiliency of the 
shaft. Target arrows vary from 
24 to 28 inches in length. Most 
arrows now have plastic 

To shoot an arrow, stand at a 
right angle with the target. 
Pull the string back all the way 
until it is almost to your face and 
judge your distance by aiming 
higher than the target and let 

Now that you're prepared, 
imagine yourself back in the 
I6tli century when archery was 
being phased out of warfare and 
more and more contests began 
to spring up. Go out to the 
range and take advantage of a 
sport that is free (paid for by 
your activity fee). 


Continued From pg 5 
exam given each October. 
Apply to Scholarship and Loan 
Section, Dept. of Education, 

Other ouisidc areas of aid 
include the G.i, Bill, which can 
be applied for in the Registrar's 
iiffice, and Social Security 
benefits to children up to age 22 
whose parent on whom they 
were dependent dies or starts 
receiving Social Security retire- 
ment or " disability benefits. 
Also, if you are between the 
ages of 18 and 26 and arc a 
dependent of a deceased or 
disabled veteran, you may be 
eligible for an educational 
allowance under the War 
Orjjhaiis Educaii(mal Assistance 
Act. Applicaiion.may be made 
ill the Registrar's office. If all 
else fails ' you may want to go it 
under ROTC. Apply to your 
ncarcM friendly Air Force, 
Arniv,, Navy, or Marine Corps 

Sirimbu, Ingrid Sarinio, and 
David Green. These bowlers 
received a PBJC "T-Shirt" from 
the bookstore for their scores. 
The high women's series 
were rolled by Jody Salzgeber, 
S41; Sharon Nelson, 522, and 
Jan Kisker, 468. The high 
men's series were taken by 
David Green, 561; Craig 
Sargent, 532; and Brian 

Richards, 530. 

The high women's games 
were bowled by Jody Salzgeber, 
214; Sharon Nelson, 205; and 
Jan Kisker. 180, The. high 
men's games were taken by 
David Green, 236; Brian 
Richards, 199; and Craig 
Sargent, 186. 

The high team series was 
bowled by the "Hell Raisers'', 
2338 consisting of Jody 
Salzgeber, Alan Carson, Ingrid 
Sarinio, and Humberto Munoz, 

High averages are still being 
held by Jodv Salzgeber, 165, 
and Bob Cage, 179. 

Sail either In September 
or February, with the ship 
as your classroom and the 
world your campus . . . com- 
bine accredited study with 
fascinating visits to the fa- 
bled ports of the Caribbean, 
Africa, the Mediterranean, 
and the Americas. Over 10,- 
000 undergraduates from 
450 colleges have already 
sailed with WCA — join 
them! Financial aid avail- 
able. Write today for free 
WCA, Chapman College 
Box 2, Orange, CA 92666 

In its present form the Student Government 
Association of Palm Beach Junior College should be 
abolished. Within the framework of the SGA 
constitution, misrepresentation, mishandling and 
abuse of power have been able to thrive. 

SGA does not adequately meet the needs of this 
student body. The senate is a powerless unit which has 
reduced itself to a meaningless debating society. The 
Judiciary, watchdog of student government, was not 
even appointed until late February and has not yet 
convened this school year. Therefore, no one has been 
able to discharge the crucial judicial responsibility of 
deciding "if and when one department is interfering 
with, or infringing upon the duties and powers of 
another (SO constitution)." 

Without a strong senate, the effect of having no 
judiciary has left JC with an unchecked one-branch 
government. , .the Executive Board. 


Unfortunately, most of the students and faculty 
couldn't care less about student government as has 
been demonstrated by the low voter turn-out. . But the 
fact retnains that this year SG was handed, ft-orn 
student-paid money, $37,000, 

Out of the 61 people that are supposed to be in SG, 

only four, the Executive Board members control the 
entire $37,000 (the board does give the senate a $1,500 
"special request fund,") The four Executive Board 
members can do almost anything they want with this 
money. The senate and judiciary have absolutely no 
power to allocate theSe monies. 

Investigations have revealed that the handling of SG 
finances has been questionable. But this is only one of 
many reasons why the present SG structure _cannot 
work. Here are some others; 

* Of the original 24 senators elected in the fall term, 
only 10 remain in office. The other 14 are now all 
appointees, thus defeating the entire idea of elected 

Turn To "Here's How," Pfl. 4 

VOL. XXXV! No. 22 

Monday, JVlarcii 24, "JO? 

Lalte Worth, Florida 33460 

Where does it aU end? For some JC students, the four-hour registration extravaganza ended In 
lustration. . .not to mention a day of missed classes. 

^Looming Center Limits Space 


Staff Writer 

Although there are presently 
51 children on a waiting list to 
attend the Center for Early 
Learning in the fall, Ms. 
Kathleen Bowser, director of 
the center, estimated that there 
would be only six openings. 

"Many children who are 
presently enrolled at the center 
will continue there in the fall," 
explained Ms. Bowser. Unable 
to take more than 22 children 
because of classroom space 
regulations, many parent-stu- 
dents at JC will not be able to 
utilize the Montessori learning 

Biidget cuts "have hit us like 
everyone else," said Ms. 
Bowser as she showed this 
reporter the trampled condition 
of the center's lawns. 

The children have a small 
amount of paved space on which 
. to use their wheeled tricycle and 
related toys, she explained. 
Upon reaching the edge of this 
patio they ride out across the 
grass in their play area. This 
has eroded the grass consider- 
ably leaving exposed soil in 

Recently, Chi-Sig, a JC 
fraternity, lined the sandbox 
with plastic and put in dean 
vrfiite sand for the youngsters to 

play in. 

Her dream being a much 
larger, expanded facility, Ms, 
Bowser stated that at least one 
furid-raising activity had been 
surprisingly successful. A 
children's "walkathon" staged 
last year brought in about $200 
for the center. A sc -d 
"walkathon" is being ■ d 

for the near future. 

Funds received thr 
activities are directed lowards 
matching the one-half of their 
funds they receive from tuition 
fees . 

Next \Neek 

Courses Remain 


Associate Editor 

Spring I Pre-registration continued through Friday despite 
predicitions that the over 8,000 student semester hours available 
wopld be gobbled up by Wednesday. 

Following a priority list, registration was open to grads Monday, 
cufrently enrolled residents, veterans, and those on college grants 
Tuesday, out-of-state current students Thursday, and Friday for 
foreign students. 

According to Assistant Registrar Charles G. Graham, most 
genera! education courses were filled to capacity Tuesday 

Tuesday was also the day for the longest registration lines, which 
often stretched to the east end of the Social Science Building. 

In response to complaints that students were cutting into lines, 
Graham said the registration staff was too overloaded to monitor the 
situation. Graham suggested that Student Government or some 
other organization control the lines at the next registration. 

However, Graham was generally pleased with student response. 
"Under the circumstances," said Graham, "they were 

Some courses, especially those in the Physical Education 
Department, were waived, though the student would have to take a 
course for the similar amount of credit. Graham noted that a larger 
amount of students were able to switch over to other required 
courses when sections closed. 

As of the close of registration Wednesday, 7,121 semester hours 
had been scheduled by 1663 students. Thus far, only 392 students 
have paid fees, which are due Thursday, March 27. If not paid, a 
student's classes are cancelled. 

Regular Spring I Registration is to go on as scheduled May 6-9 
with the same priority list in effect. Graham expects several general 
education courses to be open as the result of students not paying 


I Can JC be a four-year school? Hensley thinks so Page 3 


An open letter from Florida's Senate Education Committee 
Chairman Page 4 


Let's play ' 'The Registration Game" 


I Rod Jones hurls JC's flrst-evec no-hitter 

I ,_. 



ABCVEs Chi Sig members Hick Meyers [foreground] and Mike 

Bo Iton ' 'dig in" while in process of filling the Early Learning Cen ter 
I sandbox. 

I RI GHT: Frolicking youngsters enjoy the san and eiicttement of the 
] plsny yard a' the Center for Early Learning. 

2 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 24, 1975 

Meet SG's newest senator, Alex Bellas. 

SG Senate Urges 
Pool Construction 

Staff Writer 

The Student Government 
Senate Thursday passed a 
resolution, to petition JC 
students for construction of a 
swimming pool. 

The resolution introduced by 
President Pro Temp Sue Keen 
states JC students are being 
deprived of academic and 
athletic resources because JC 
has no swimming facilities. 

Keen says the petition is only 
to get student opinion and use 
their support to present to the 
board of trustees. She said the 
pool was discussed three years 
ago but nothing was done about 

"Funds are not available and 
it's not feasable at this time" to 
build a pool, commented 
Senator James Cox. 

Alex Bellas and John 
McPhilomy were sworn in the 
senate Thursday. Bellas 
immediately used his senatorial 
power saying JC students 
presently use the pool at the 
Lake Wonh Raquet Club and 
feels money can be spent for 
better things. He said JC needs 

SG Support 

Food Aid 

Staff Writer 

Peter Fahy discussed the 
matter of the South County 
Emergency Food Program last 
Tuesday at the S.G. executive 
board meeting. 

This organiztion is coinposed 
of people who are working for 
the county, state welfare, and 
other related agencies. Their 
main objective is to distribute 
food stamps and clothing to the 
south county workers who are 
eligible for food stamps but 
aren't receiving any. 

Fahy explained the reason for 
many of these people not 
receiving their share is due to 
governmental red tape. This 
organization is not only for 
migrant workers but for all 
people who are in this situation. 
SG has offered their support 
in helping to publicize and 
organize drop off points for food 
stuff. But Fahy still is in 
desperate need of clubs and 
organizations who will help him 
support his cause both finan- 
cially and time wise. 

a few vehicles for athletics and 
debating teams. According to 
Bellas, JC has to rent a vehicle 
every time an organization goes 

Referring to the swimming 
pool. Physical Plant Director 
Claude Edwards said mainten- 
ance doesn't have enough 
money to build a pool. 




To Aid JC 


Staff Writer 

Chris Wagner, student in 
Early Childhood Education, 
has a S500 pledge by an 
anonymous donor on the 
Walkathon she is coordinating 
again this year, according to 
Kathleen Bowser, director of 
the center. 

This group of three to five 
year olds will start at the JC 
tennis courts at 10:30 a.m. 
■Friday, April 4. They will 
receive a minimum of SO cents 
for each lap around the courts. 

Proceeds will go for 
scholarships and equipment 
for the Montessori-oriented 

Anyone wishing to donate 
by sponsoring a child may call 
965-8000, ext. 242. 

At The Senate 

At the Much 20 meeting in 
CJ-7, 12:30, 3 of 23 Setukton 
were absent. They ares Kathy 
Dee, Kim Jones and Rnssetl 

$12 Per Credit Hour 

Sports Editor 

By unanimous decisions, the PBJC District 
Board of Trustees authorized an increase of fees 
and set up Student Admission Priorities for the 
Fall term 1975, Wednesday night. 

Because of the action taken, JC students are to 
pay $12.00 per credit hour as a resident, and 
S27.00 as a non-resident of the State of Florida. 

Dr. Harold C. Manor, president of JC 
commented pertaining to the 1975-76 budget, "If 
the legislature appropriates at least as much as 
we received this year prior to the reduction; if the 
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) assigned is no more 
than 5200; and if the salaries required to staff the 
secions now being scheduled by department are 
in the amounts that we have projected, we 
believe that we can prepare a very conservative 
budget for the 1975-76 year." 

He also stated that it did not appear that it will 
be necessary to terminate any faculty or freeze 

Because of the cap of students, the Board 
passed priorities for admission to PBJC. 

*Students currently enrolled at PBJC who 
expect to graduate. 

♦Residents of Florida currently enrolled at 
PBJC, veterans currently enrolled at PBJC and 
students "with college grants. 

♦Out-of-state students currently enrolled at 

♦Foreign students currently enrolled at PBJC 
who have a CPA of 2.0 and are eligible for a new 
1-20 form. 

*(a) Reactivated students - Palm Beach 

(b) Reactivated students - Florida residents, 

*New students-Florida residents, Palm Beach 
County, will be accepted in order of receipt of 

*New students-Florida residents, out-of-coun- 

*New students, transfer and reactivated 
students, out-of-state. High school graduates 


must be in the top half of their graduating class. 
Transfer students must have a 2.0 average on all 
work attempted. 

*(a) New students-foreign. Must have a total 
score on the TOEFL of 500 and be in the top half 
of their graduating class. 

(b) Transfer students-foreign. Must have a 2.0 
average on all work attempted on a minimum of 
12 semester hours or more, and score a total of 
500 on the TOEFL. 

In other action the Board appointed Chairman 
pr. Edward Eissey, Dr. Harold C, Manor, and 
Attorney Richard B. Burk to study the United 
Faculty request of a consensus election, upon 
receiving communications from the Public 
Employees Relations Commission (PERC). 

They will meet and recommend to the Board 
"what is in the best interest of the college." 

Then the Board will meet in special session to 
hear recommendations for consideration from the 
three appointed board members. 

Vice-President Mrs. Tinetted Robinson stated 
the case for the United Faculty. They are 
demanding to be "recognized as the exclusive 
bargaining agent at PBJC." 

Attorney Burke also stated that Tory Buckley, 
president of SG who requested a seat on the 
Board, the governor appoints the District Board 
of Trustee's with the Approval of the State 

The Board accepted retirements of JC 
Registrar Laurence H. Mayfield, and Leon B. 
Warner effective June 30, 1975. 

Mayfield has been with PBJC since 1958, first 
serving as a guidance counselor and psychology 
instructor. He became Evening Registrar in 1959 
and was appointed Registrar in 1968. 

He is a native of Mulvane, Kansas and earned 
his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Kansas State 

Leon B. Warner, 67, Director of Financial Aid, 
also retiring as of June 30, 1975, Warner, who 
received his B.A. from Union College, 
Schenectedy, New York, has been a faculty 
member for 12 years. 




New Home 
For Crofts 

Staff Writer 

An Arts and Crafts Shop, 
where PBJC students can buy or 
sell goods, opened in the JC 
Bookstore one week ago 

The bookstore has reserved 
iwo glass cases for small 
delicate items and the entire top 
shelf tor bulky goods. 

.SG Senator James Cox 
introduced a resolution last term 
to create the shop. The Senate 
passpd the bill and Cox pushed 
for implementation. 

JC President Dr. Harold C. 
Manor and Dean G. Tony Tate 
gave SG their approval last 

In order to sell homemade 
items in the shop, students must 
follow certain guidelines. 

Some of them are: The 
selling price is to be established 
by. the student on the 
application form. The bookstore 
will add 10 per cent handling 

This glass case is soon to house creations and artifacts from 
creative JC students. 

charge and state sales tax to all 
sales. At present, two items 
shall be limited for sale on a two 
week period. The bookstore 
may dispose of any item left 
over a period of three weeks. 
Only PBJC students are eligible 
to sell goods. 

Applications for sales can be 
picked up in the bookstore. 
Mrs. Ruth Brofft, bookstore 
manager, thinks "it's wonder- 
ful" that students now have a 
chance to sell their art work. 

She says "it will be 

Senator Cox said other 
colleges biave such shops and 
feels it gives "exposure" to 
young artists. He .said "it's 
ecoaomical" for students wjjo 
can't afford buying jewelry and 
other delicate items bom high 
class stores. 

The bookstore is ready for 
their shelves and glass cases to 
be filled. All that is missing, are 
the goods. 

Executive Board Filing Ends Friday 

Applications for the SG Executive Board are being accepted 
now until March 27. . 

To qualify you must have a 2.2 GPA, have 12 semester 
hours on record and carry at least 12 hours. 

"I'm not endorsing anybody," said Vice President Dolor 
Ginchereau. "We could have two candidates for President 
and Vice President - 1 definitely feel more than one candidate 
will run," he added. 

Executive Board elections are set for April 14-17. The 
runoff, if needed, is set for April 21 and swearing in to take 
place April 24. There should be two voting machmes and 
voting time is: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for day students. 6:30 

p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for night students. 

An assembly for candidates to speak to the student body is 
planned for early April. 

English Department (Chairman,, Watson B. Duncan in, is 
to give a 15 minute presentation followed by a 3 to 5 minute 
speech by each candidate. The audience will then have a 
chance to ask questions. 

Ginchereau plans to get classes cancelled as was done last 

Applications can be picked up in the Executive Board 
office, Dean Elizabeth Davie's office, or Dean Paul Glynn's 


Monday, March 24, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 3 

j> I zrer Korean Nour ' l f^ jl BHl I I F^ 

Trustees Raise Fees Senators Ponder ID 








Staff Writer 

For the past few months Student Government 
Senators Bart Cunningham and Bill Penney have 
been researching the feasibility of PBJC 
endorsing a new student ID card system. 

At the February 27, SG senate meeting, 
Cunningham had a representative from Polaroid 
Camera demonstrate a machine that takes a 
student's picture, duplicates it, then laminates it 
on a card along with the student's criteria. 

If purchased, the machine will cost $1990 and 
the film for 8000 students pictures including the 
duplicate (total 1600 pictures) to be kept on file 
will cost S4,000. The price per card is 
approximately 67 cents and should sell for one 

The two senators want SG to purchase the 
machine and film. According to Penney the 

machine would pay for itself during the first term 
of use. If leased, a $40 charge per month on a 
yearly basis are the conditions of contract. 

Cunningham plans to send the future profits to 
the JC administration. 

"I feel our main job was to introduce this thing 
and not to research it from top to bottom," said 

With the picture ID's, Security could quickly 
identify students from non-students. The card 
size fit the embrossing machines in the JC library 
and would be used as library cards as well as for 
identification. The card serves as admission to 
assemblies and eliminates students from 
borrowing JC ID's to pass as a JC student. 

Penney doesn't want the administration to over 
charge and cheat the student body, but feels SG 
shouldn't be a watchdog either. 

"Why should we set the guidelines" asked 

Cunningham and Penney plan to talk with JC 
President Dr. Harold C. Manor and present a 
complete outline. If Manor buys the deal and SG 
purchases the machine and film, ID card 
operations will begin in the 1975 fall term. 

Social Science Hosts Meeting 




Staff Writers 

The ninth annual conference 
of the Southeastern Florida 
Social Science Association was 
held in the SAC Lounge at 9:30 
on Friday, March 14. The title 
of the conference was "The Role 
of the Social Sciences in 

According to Dr. Richard 
Yinger, program chairman and 
organizer from PBJC's social 
science department, "The goals 
of this conference are to show 
the importance of the Social 
Sciences in the study of ecology 
and to encourage the social 
scientist to take an active role in 

The first speaker was Mr. 
Marty Hartman, from the 

biology department of PBJC, 
discussing "A Global View of 
Ecology." Mr. Hartman 
discussed overpopulation and 
depletion of resources that man 
is not replacing. 

The second speaker was Mr. 
Bob Bergen, from the Pine Jog 
Environmental Science Center, 
who spoke about ecology locally. 
He suggested that, "Maybe we 
should suspend population 
growth in South Florida until we 
can determine what our capacity 

Scott Herrick, field director of 
the American Friends Service 
Committee gave a speech on the 
universal view of ecology, "Is 
there intelligent life on earth?" 
Survival he feels is a race 
between awareness and catas- 
trophy. The oceans have less 
than 20 years before they start 
to decline in oxygen production, 
a source of two-thirds of the 

Laurence H. Mayfield [left] 
long time registrar at JC and 
Leon B. Warner [right] of the 
Financial Aid Dept. have both 
announced retirements for the 

Dr. Yinger, Social Science 

world's supply. He is 

desperately trying to raise the 
awareness of the public. The 
public, he feels, is trying to 
hang onto old systems and ideas 
when a new and changing world 
is evolving. 

Samuel Bottosto, chairman of 
the Social Science Department, 
spoke of humans as "cultural 
creatures" and that we need to 
introduce cutlure more freely 
with less pressure on the youth 
of America. 

Senator's 4-Year College Plan 

Staff Writer 

Is PBJC to become a four year university? If 
SG senator Carl Hensley has his way, this idea 
may become a reality. 
, ■ : Acicording to Hensley, "It is my own idea in 
response to the education cutbacks. Students are 
forced into community colleges and it is expected 
that many graduating seniors and possibly many 
JC transferees won't be accepted (by upper level 

"PBJC includes Martin, Okeechobee, P.B. 
County, and surrounding areas. West Palm 
Beach is accepted as being the population center 
and should be the educational center also." He 
pointed out that the educational opportunities of 
a four year state supported university are scarce. 
The closest is the USF in Tampa-. The "University 
of Miami is private while FIU and FAU are upper 
divisional only. 

Hensley remarked, "A degree from a large 
state supported school puts more credibility to 
your degree than one from a small school such as 

FAU. „ J 

Hensley, in researching the subject, talked to 
Dr. Manor and Dean Tate: He reported that they 
are opposed to it. Dr. Manor thought that the 
upper divisional universities serve many 
surrounding areas and continues the lower 
divisional programs. It is Hensley's feeling that, 
"FAU is designed to serve Broward and Palm 
Beach County, but Boca Raton is in the southern 
tip of the county and is inconvenient to commute 

Another point that Dr. Manor brought out 
against the state supported four year college 
locally is that we already have an extension of 
FAU at 45th St. in West Palm and in Stuart. 
Hensley feels that, "This is a start in the right 
direction. Since it is a new program, many 
classes are unavailable." Also, the televised 
teaching used for many classes on 45th Street is 
not as effective and beneficial for students as 
with an instructor. 

Dr. Manor was also concerned with the idea 
that it would cost too many tax dollars • to 
establish another four year university. 

Hensley counters "It would be a good 
investment to meet the educational needs of the 
community. Our county has a large expected 
population growth." ; - 

Where would the additional land come from to 
build the dorms and other facilities? Hensley 
feels that we could encourage the county to 
donate John Prince Park which surrounds JC on 
two sides, "John Prince Park is closed at night, 
therefore the county is not getting full use of the 
park anyway. 

"We don't have a four year college in this 
county. The county school board operates under ' 
an 8 mil cap (a mil is a tax term - one mil is worth 
approximately S2.5 million). This is unfair to the 
residents of PBC, the richest county in Florida 
tax wise. We are supporting education in the less 
affluent counties. We are not getting a fair 
return on our money on the university level either 
because we don't have a four year state 
supported university any closer than Tampa." 



Editor's Notebook 


SPECIAL ASSEMBLY PROGRAM! April 8; 12:30-2:00 p.m. 
at the JC Auditorium, the "ROBERT DECORMIER 

SINGERS" will present a program. This group is comprised 

of about 20 singers, with a vast repertory of SONGS FROM 

MANY NATIONS. Everyone is invited to attend this last 

assembly program of the current school year. CLASSES 


REMINDER to all students who have pre-registered for 


THURSDAY, MARCH 27. All schedules not paid for by 

March 27 will be CANCELLED. 

A FREE SKI SHOW will be held Easter Sunday, 3:00 p.m., at 

LAKE IDA in Delray . The show, sponsored by the Gold Coast 

Ski Club, will feature WORLD AND NATIONAL 

CHAMPIONS. Skiers will perform para-sailing, barefooting, 

jumping and will build a pyramid on skis. 

"HOLIDAY ON ICE" tickets can be purchased at the 

bookstore. $2.50 per student with ID for April 5 and 6 shows 

at the West Palm Beach Auditorium. 

REPRESENTATIVES from the U.S. Marine Corps will be on 

campus Monday and Tuesday, March 24-25. Interested 

persons may talk with them on the SAC Patio from 9:30-2:00 


CIRCLE K CLUB meets everyTHURSDAY at 7:00 p.m. in the 

north end of the SAC Lounge. Meetings continue throughout 

the summer, according to Jerry Kreucher, president. 


at 12:30 in Tech 24. 

A March 1; 'COMBER ARTICLE concerning the EARLY 

LEARNING CENTER lab and tuition fees was erroneous. 

Parents now pay $5, $10, $15 to $18.60 per week tuition, 

I according to ability to pay. Five dollars is not a set rate as 

I implied by the article. Tuition for the '75-'76 year will be $10, 

I $15, or $20 per week. Lab fees are a set $10 for next year. 

I They do not range from $10 to $20 as stated in the article. 

§ Other Montessori schools charge $70 to $80 per month, not 

I per week as was stated in the article, for half day service. 

I THERE WILL BE NO 'COMBER next week due to the Easter 

s holiday. 

s HAPPY EASTER to all students, faculty administration and 

S staff- from the BEACHCOMBER. 

iiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiini iiiiiiiinniiniiiiiMiiiiiHiiniiiiiiiniiiniiniinniiiuiiniHiiiHniinniii 



Budgets Due 
On Friday 

It was announced at last 
Tuesday's meeting of the 
Student Activity Fee Committee 
that all budget estimates must 
be submitted to Dean Tate by 
Friday, Mar. 21. These could be 
based on percentages or money 
from last year's figures. 
Amendments would be in order 
if changes are desired after all 
hearings were completed by this 

Student Governments pre- 
sentation was concluded during 
this session. Of primary 
concern was an added expense 
by Student Government of a 
newsletter they have recently 
started publishing and distri- 
buting to students. 

Also the selection of an editor 
for this publication, responsibil- 
ity for libel, distribution 
methods, and quality were 
compared to the college 




The second annual Foreign 
Student Banquet was held in 
the southwest section of JC's 
cafeteria at 6:30 last Thursday 

The United Association of 
Palm Beach County, Zonta 
Clubs International, and North 
Palm Beach Jr. Women's Club 
sponsored the occasion, the 
purpose of which was to 
promote brotherhood. 

Rev. George H. Howager, 
President of United Nations 
Association of Palm Beach 
county emceed the program. 

Dinner was first on the 
agenda, followed by talent 
presentations by seven JC 
foreign exchange students. 

One member of the UN 
Association, H,G. Polansky 
thought the banquet went over 


of Palm Beach County, Inc. ^3i-/W 

4 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 24, 1975 

Monday, March 24, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 5 



Associate Editor 

assocftf^etf cpf legidte pfoBs 

Con't From Pg. "One" 

. . .And Here's How 

*Of the 20 undersecretaries in the Executive Cabinet, none have 
been appointed as called for in the constitution. Therefore, the 
advisory department, with the exception of five cabinet officers, is 

♦Mishandling of SG elections has become routine. During the 
last election the possibility exists that the Florida "Sunshine Law" 
was violated. This and other matters are under^investigation by the 
Faculty Senate. 

*The present constitution and election laws are a joke. They are 
poorly written and riddled with loopholes, vagueness and 

*SG has isolated itself from the student. The constitution calls for 
student body assemblies conducted fay SG; none have been called. 
Invitations to write open letters to the students, in the 
Beachcomber, have been ignored. The SG newsletter, although 
encouraging, is not enough. 

The inability of SG to function as the governing body of JC is 
obvious. However, it is no longer useful to simply criticize SG. It is 
time to change it. 

The current system of student government should be abolished. 
One alternative to it could be to establish^ Faculty Senate Standing 

This committee would be composed of 12 students, elected by the 
student body each fall. The 12 students would elect their own 
chairman.- Within the committee, subcommittees would be 
established to handle various governing affairs and to report to the 

The Faculty Senate, by a two-thirds vote, could veto committee 
action. In turn the committee, by two-thirds vote, could appeal a 
senate ruling to the District Board of Trustees, whose decision 
would be final. 

The Faculty Senate would be required to review all committee 
action, particulary the disbursement of monies. One major 
advantage of this system is that it would encourage students and 
faculty to work together. 

Student Government, some of whose members have expressed a 

lesire to change to some type of committee system, must 

mmediately cancel the upcoming election. 

Dr. Harold C. Manor, JC president, should immediately appoint 

n Ad Hoc committee composed of students and faculty to explore 

he plan. The Ad Hoc committee should be instructed to report its 

findings and methods of implementation to Dr. Manor and to the 

students, no later than April 18, 1975. Then immediate action must 

be taken to enforce the new plan by the '75 fall term. 

h is important to point out that the new structure proposed is only 
a framework. But certain elements must be an integral part of any 
new plan. 

Any new structure must be small, the present 61 people Fs too 
many. Provisions must be made for reviews by professional people. 
Student monies must be safeguarded. Above all, it must work for 
the benefit of all students. 

Money Goes Funny 

Last year 14 people from Phi Theta Kappa went to a convention. 
At that time the Executive Board of SG granted them $700.00 to 
meet convention expenses. 

This year 32 people have signed up to go to the National Phi Theta 
Kappa convention to be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Not all 
of these people are expected to go (at the last convention meeting 
only 18 showed up). 

Phi Theta Kappa claims an enrollment of over 200, however only 
30 are considered active (at the Benjamin Franklin speech they 
sponsored, only 6 members went). 

Because of this overwhelming interest in Phi Theta Kappa, the 
SG Executive Board granted the 32 members $3,0(X).00 for 
convention expenses. 

In review, last year 14 people went to convention and received 
$700.00. This year 32 people are wg&ed up to tta Jwd thev lw»e 
received $3, «»a. ...' '" 'V^ .. 

BJ^«nb«|f d Pis Tbeta ICa^a. " v- "■ ~ '- • • ,^ 


On the front page of the March 3, issue of the Beachcomber, we 
erroneously printed an outdated picture of the District Board of 

The Beachcomber regrets this error and apologizes for any 
inconvenience or embarassment that may have been caused. 

Can you see the registrar's office, yet?" 

Open Letter 

Senator Needs Students 

To: Students, Florida Commu- 


From: Senator D. Robert 

Graham, Chairman, Senate 

Education Committee. 

It is no secret that the State of 
Florida faces a difficult fiscal 
year. Hard decision must be 
made about budget priorities 
and policy changes in light of a 
drastic revenue shortfall. The 
facts are essentially these: 

*The total operating budgets 
for state government for the 
current academic year were 
predicated on an assumed state 

Lang Protests 


The article of March 17, 
entitled "Budget • Funds in 
Question", is fallacious and 
erroneous. You have charged 
not only myself but the 
professional staff of this college. 

Your retraction of these 
statements and insinuations, 
replaced by accurate accounts of 
the entire story, is a necessity. 
Furthermore, if you wish to 
insult the integrity of members 
of SG and employees of the 
Board of Trustees please do so 
with hard core facts and not 
personally conceived inuendos. 
David L. Lang 
SG Treasurer 

Pair Gets Pat 


J would like to take this 
opportunity to commend Rob 
Abrams and Bob Tuttle for their 
awareness and quick action on 
the curriculum committee. 

They were successful in 
passing a motion to table the 
change in the current chemistry 
program for the coming year. 
It's great to see our SG in 

Kay Stontenhargh 

general revenue of $2,325 
billion, an increase of $250 
million over the 1974 academic 

*The Division of Community 
Colleges was appropriated $146 
million of this total. Since the 
fall of 1974, the projected state 
revenue has fallen far behind 
and revenue collections will be 
in the $2. to S2.1 billion range. 
*To accommodate this short- 
fall the total state surplus of 
$105 million has been commit- 
ted, certain building projects 
deleted, and state agencies 
subjected to a 3.3% reduction in 
anticipated expenditures. For 
the state community colleges 
this has resulted in a reduction 
for this academic year of 
approximately $5 million. 

*The projections of revenue 
for the 1975 academic year- are 
unstable, but are unlikely to be 
substantially greater than this 

To avoid unconscious serious 
damage to programs, it is 
important that state budget 
policy makers have the best 
possible information and m- 
sight. Stringent times present 
an opportunity for major reform 
in budgetary and program 
priorities and for improvements 
in the efficiency of governmen- 
tal services. 

The 3.3% reduction applied 
across the board is an abdication 
of policy responsibility and 
strikes at the important and 
marginal, the efficient and 
inefficient, with equal force. 
This is a time to make inroads 
against inefficiency, waste, and 
unnecessary programs. In some 
areas, we need a 100% cutback, 
not a 3.3% cut; and, in other 
areas, such as student financial 
aid, significant increases are 

In setting higher education 
budget policies, the state has 
not adequately consulted with 
and solicited the opinions of the 
primary consumers of the 

service, namely, the students. 
The policy-makers for higher 
education institutions can rio 
longer be indifferent to your 
views. The best thinking of all 
citizens is particularly important 
at this time. 

Therefore, I am requesting 
and urging that you send me 
any ideas and suggestions for 
budget deletions or reductions, 
shifts of emphasis, or realloca- 
" tion of responsibilities, which 
will have a minimum effect upon 
program quality. 

In the next few weeks the 
Senate Education and Ways and 
Means Committees will finish 
preliminary budget hearings 
and enter a second phase of 
detailed review prior to final 
budget decisions. I would like 
to hear from you - individually, 
or by groups - as soon as 

Your letters should cite 
specific examples, names, 
program titles, where possible 
account numbers, and other 
sources for follow up of more 
detailed information. If we are 
going to proceed along these 
lines, we will need facts, and not 
just idle rumors or fanciful 
bitching. Since these letters 
and communications will consti- 
tute public records, should you 
feel compelled not to reveal your 
identity, be sure and provide 
specific information and data on 
your ideas, with references. 
Address your ideas to: Senator 
D. Robert Graham, Chairman, 
Senate Education Committee, 
14420 Northwest 60th Avenue, 
Miami Lakes, Florida 33014. 

I promise you that all of the 
suggestions and proposals I 
receive from you will be 
acknowledged, duly considered, 
and wherever possible, imple- 
mented by incorporation within 
the legislative appropriations 
bill or separate legislation. 

I urge you to participate in 
this process. Thank you for your 

fttme fnU * 

• * .'.V 

tipmifinwicpFrtWil ir, Ibt^ SctLhcontbrr are thfi h: rtf tin* i-diwn m itic wjijers ol ihe ai M\t\ 40(1 m«. hoi net 
ruinrv (hi V iil Taltn Bcarh Aiiiinr i ulkgc 
1 htf Mtni.h.-oin'ijr !■> i mi rotii i »f itit Vvx n.tdt 'ill«^cfi.<\v And I lonua kinuu ( iilk-Si l"n^ \w.,*ti.>B 

stalks millicMis, 



^late c^^ 

ions of men, women and children are starving! You can save many 

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ovation. Won't you skip or cut down on one meal a week and send the money saved to CARE? 

5ur "empty plate" will fill many empty plates overseas and send seeds, tools and equipment 
; help hungry people grow more food. Please fill out the pledge coupon and 

furn it with your initial gift today. 

CAN DO MORE THAN YOU THINK \ The ''Empty Plate" Pledge: g 

#! year CARE provided $5.85 I "To save starving families abroad I will skip Or reduce one meal a week for the | 

■th of aid for every dollar | jest of this year. I will send the money saved to CARE for the emergency ex- | 

^^^^ ■ ■ I pansion of its programs to feed those families and help them grovy more food." 

M . ^ ■.■ t _i * o-rn I each month n 

I I Will send CARE at least $ . ] each quarter □ 

gives nutritious food to 270 

"^provides poor farmers two days 
of training in techniques of 
growing more food. 

delivers 375 pounds of food in 
some areas. 

'equips a family with tools, 
seeds, fertilizer and equipment 
to grow more food. 

j If I save more, I will send more. My first contribution is enclosed. 

I Here is my total "Empty Plate" contribution so you can rush more aid immediately, 









Make your tax-deductible check out to CAHK World Hunger Fund' We will 
send you regular reminder envelopes for your convenience. Thank you. Mail check to: 

[AttE SOUTHEASTERN REGIONAL OFFICE/2581 Piedmont Road, N.E., Room 23-A, Atlanta, Georgia30324 

I V 'i^h HB flBHB W mM W HH Hh^ IHi ' HH VOT WK HB ^^B ^Hi Hn BH BIB HB nBI W II^H ^^B i^M ^^^ W^H ^^K ^^B_ ^^H W. ■■ BHK BH B^B MB HRP SH BIB SBI BBB BIB mB IBB HBI BSi BBi B 


4 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 24, 1975 

Monday, March 24, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 5 


■ l|| | P -OSS 


Associate Editor 

a$so€i«^etf c0f tegiote p^^s 

Con't From Pg. "One" 

. . . And Here's How 

*0f the 20 undersecretaries in the Executive Cabinet, none have 
been appointed as called for in the constitution. Therefore, the 
advisory department, with the exception of five cabinet officers, is 

♦Mishandling of SG elections has become routine. During the 
last election the possibility exists that the Florida "Sunshine Law" 
was violated. This and other matters are under^investigation by the 
Faculty Senate. 

*The present constitution and election laws are a joke. They are 
poorly written and riddled with loopholes, vagueness and 

*SG has isolated itself from the student. The constitution calls for 
student body assemblies conducted by SG; none have been called. 
Invitations to write open letters to the students, in the 
Beachcomber, have been ignored. The SG newsletter, although 
encouraging, is not enough. 

The inability of SG to function as the governing body of JC is 
obvious. However, it is no longer useful to simply criticize SG. It is 
time to change it. 

The current system of student government should be abolished. 
One alternative to it could be to establish^ Faculty Senate Standing 

This committee would be composed of 12 students, elected by the 
student body each fall. The 12 students would elect their own 
chairman.^ Within the committee, subcommittees would be 
established to handle various governing affairs and to report to the 

The Faculty Senate, by a two-thirds vote, could veto committee 
action. In turn the committee, by two-thirds vote, 'could appeal a 
senate ruling to the District Board of Trustees, whose decision 
would be final. 

The Faculty Senate would be required to review all committee 
action, particulary the disbursement of monies. One major 
advantage of this system is that it would encourage students and 
faculty to work together. 

Student Government, some of whose members have expressed a 
desire to change to some type of committee system, must 
immediately cancel the upcoming election. 

Dr. Harold C. Manor, JC president, should immediately appoint 
an Ad Hoc committee composed of students and faculty to explore 
the plan. The Ad Hoc committee should be instructed to report its 
findings and methods of implementation to Dr. Manor and to the 
students, no later than April 18, 1975. Then immediate action must 
be taken to enforce the new plan by the '75 fall term. 

It is important to point out that the new structure proposed is only 
a framework. But certain elements must be an integral part of any 
new plan. 

. Any new structure must be small, the present 61 people fs too 
many. Provisions must be made for reviews by professional people. 
Student monies must be safeguarded. Above all, it must work for 
the benefit of all students. 

Money Goes Funny 

Last year 14 people from Phi Theta Kappa went to a convention. 
At that time the Executive Board of SG granted them $700.00 to 
meet convention expenses. 

This year 32 people have signed up to go to the National Phi Theta 
Kappa convention to be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Not all 
of these people are expected to go (at the last convention meeting 
only 18 showed up). 

Phi Theta Kappa claims an enrollment of over 200, however only 
30 are considered active (at the Benjamin Franklin speech they 
sponsored, only 6 members went). 

Because of this overwhelming interest in Phi Theta Kappa, the 
SG Executive Board granted the 32 members $3,000.00 for 
convention expenses. 

In review, last year 14 people went to convention and received 
$700.00. This year 32 pe^e are tuaed up to g,a mi4 tk«y Wye 
receive S3.00a. -. . .-V' *^ T^?^..- , 

nti^mbetii ctf 4Phi Theia fUf^a. "'-'■ . '," 


On the front page of the March 3, issue of the Beachcomber, we 
erroneously printed an outdated picture of the District Board of 

The Beachcomber regrets this error and apologizes for any 
inconvenience or embarassment that may have been caused. 

Open Letter 

Senator Needs Students 

To: Students, Florida Commu- 
nity colleges 

From: Senator D. Robert 
Graham, Chairman, Senate 
Education Committee. 

It is no secret that the State of 
Florida faces a difficult fiscal 
year. Hard decision must be 
made about budget priorities 
and policy changes in light of a 
drastic revenue shortfall. The 
facts are essentially these: 

*The total operating budgets 
for state government for the 
current academic year were 
predicated on an assumed state 

Lang Protests 


The article of March 17, 
entitled "Budget .Funds in 
Question", is fallacious and 
erroneous. You have charged 
not only myself but the 
professional staff of this college. 

Your retraction of these 
statements and insinuations, 
replaced by accurate accounts of 
the entire story, is a necessity. 
Furthermore, if you wish to 
insult the integrity of members 
of SG and employees of the 
Board of Trustees please do so 
with hard core facts and not 
personally conceived inuendos. 
David L. Lang 
SG Treasurer 



.1 would like to take this 
opportunity to commend Rob 
Abrams and Bob Tnttle for their 
awareness and quick action on 
the curriculum committee. 

They were successful in 
passing a motion to table the 
change in the current chemistry 
program for the coming year. 
It's great to see our SG m 

Kay Stouteiibnrgh 

general revenue of $2,325 
billion, an increase of $250 
million over the 1974 academic 

*The Division of Community 
Colleges was appropriated $146 
million of this total. Since the 
fall of 1974, the projected state 
revenue has fallen far behind 
and revenue collections will be 
in the $2. to $2.1 billion range. 

*To accommodate this short- 
fall the total state surplus of 
$105 million has been commit- 
ted, certain building projects 
deleted, and state agencies 
subjected to a 3.3% reduction in 
anticipated expenditures. For 
the state community colleges 
this has resulted in a reduction 
for this academic year of 
approximately S5 million. 

*The projections of revenue 
for the 1975 academic year- are 
unstable, but are unlikely to be 
substantially greater than this 

To avoid unconscious serious 
damage to programs, it is 
important that state budget 
policy makers have the best 
possible information and in- 
sight. Stringent times present 
an opportunity for major reform 
in budgetary and program 
priorities and for improvements 
in the efficiency of governmen- 
tal services. 

The 3.3% reduction applied 
across the board is an abdication 
of policy responsibility and 
strikes at the important and 
marginal, the efficient and 
inefficient, with equal force. 
This is a time to make inroads 
against inefficiency, waste, and 
unnecessary programs. In some 
areas, we need a 100% cutback, 
not a 3.3% cut; and, in other 
areas, such as student financial 
aid, significant increases are 

In setting higher education 
budget policies, the state has 
not adequately consulted with 
and solicited the opinions of the 
primary consumers of the 

service, namely, the students. 
The policy-makers for higher 
education institutions can rio 
longer be indifferent to your 
views. The best thinking of all 
citizens is particularly important 
at this time. 

Therefore, I am requesting 
and urging that you send me 
any ideas and suggestions for 
budget deletions or reductions, 
shifts of emphasis, or realloca- 
" tion of responsibilities, which 
will have a minimum effect upon 
program quality. 

In the next few weeks the 
Senate Education and Ways and 
Means Committees will finish 
preliminary budget hearings 
and enter a second phase of 
detailed review prior to final 
budget decisions. I would like 
to hear from you - individually, 
or by groups - as soon as 

Your letters should cite 
specific examples, names, 
program titles, where possible 
account numbers, and other 
sources for follow up of more 
detailed information. If we are 
going to proceed along these 
lines, we will need facts, and not 
just idle rumors or fanciful 
bitching. Since these letters 
and communications will consti- 
tute public records, should you 
feel compelled not to reveal your 
identity, be sure and provide 
specific information and data on 
your ideas, with references. 
Address your ideas to: Senator 
D. Robert Graham, Chairman, 
Senate Education Committee, 
14420 Northwest 60th Avenue. 
Miami Lakes, Florida 33014. 

I promise you that all of the 
suggestions and proposals I 
receive from you will be 
acknowledged, duly considered, 
and wherever possible, imple- 
mented by incorporation within 
the legislative appropriations 
bill or separate legislation. 

I urge you to participate in 
this process. Thank you for your 

fj|ltlil0BBt **•«*•«••«•• 


t)piiii'in!>€«|>n''V«it 111 tne Sctrlamnbcr Ari* thriu: itf tlif 4i)ii(nt or tlir viitn^ ot ih< iriictn tai in luu net 
cvuriiy in< w iif J>3lm Bejrl) Imi >i ('ciUiige 
Ihe ttcRLii'innhGi i<tA n'lKiK'i L>t the Vwi-'iiied (filkge fir^^ Jii<i' I loniia Jfciiiuir ( uUtjit. I'rck^ \<«i;iitti(ii) 

stalks iiiillioii& 



'^lATE O^ 

ions of men, women and children are starving! You can save many -^O^ 
hs through CARE - the non-sectarian, non-governmental link between r 

frerous Americans and poverty-stricken people abroad. CARE's expen- 

fited staff people are in 36 countries including many of the famme areas. T.^.'^ ^^^^ „f 

\ ding 20 million persons daily. But without your help they cannot cope *»^« "^°"»/^"8 ^^^^^^ *»* 
Jtion Won't you skip or cut down on one meal a week and send the money saved to CARE? 
' T'er^piylVtl^' will fm many empty plates overseas and send seeds, tools and equipment 
; blp hungry people grow more food. Please fill out the pledge coupon and 

• tarn it with your initial gift today. 

I The "Empty Plate" Pledge: , , ♦u ! 

I "To save starving families abroad I will skip or reduce one meal a week for the | 

rest of this year. I will send the money saved to CARE for the emergency ex- | 

: . . .r i_ £__ J *u^^-. *„~,iUr.r, o«ri lioln thpm arniv more tood. I 


filyear CARE provided $5.85 
:ilh of aid for every dollar 
■■3ted ... 

'gives nutritious food to 270 

iprovides poor farmers two days 

o( training in techniques of 

growing more food, 
^delivers 375 pounds of food in 

some areas, 
^eouips a family with tools. 

seeds fertilizer and equipment 

to grow nnore food. 

pansion of its programs to feed those families and help them S'^^^^™"^^^^*^ g 
I will send CARE at least $. ____^^ _ each quarter D 

I If I save more, I will send roote. My first contribution is enclosed 

I Here is my total "Empty Plate" contribution so you can rush more aid immediately, 

■ $. 

I Name. 




vjiiy, - ■ ■ ■ — ' — - , »-<■ J 

Make your tax-deductibie check out to CARE World Hunger Fund. We ^yill 

^_ send you regular reminder envelopes for your convenience. Thank you. Mail check to: 

lill "K <^OUTHEASTERN REGIONAL OFFICE / 2581 Piedmont Road, N.E., Room 23-A, Atlanta, Georgia 30324 

^^t* ^^ ^w ^^^^^ _^ ^^ ^MB i^H ^^m ^^m ^Mi MM MM mm mgg, ■■■ HH MB' MB W ^B (BHw hH RHB BH BHi BV IHB mm OT hm ^^m ^^m ^w - 














I J 



6 - BEACHCOMBER Monday. March 24. 1975 

Monday, March 24, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 7 

.^ Jlffi THOMPSON 
, iaffWrlter 

Tempers S^ i*sre cut and gum machine sales 
increased, bofc e'&g myself, traumatic exoeriences 
were the eveii| an registration lines for Spring I began 
to form as eta 

It all beganij 1^'Srry morning. The sun was shining, 
the birds wet^ il was right with the world. Or so I 
thought, littte^ jsithin one hour after waking, I would 
be put through^ at greuling and ghastly experiences of 
my life. 

Thinking I'd 

LAaT'* »*. ,t^»*f .^ssr" 

B'ild have known it was impossible) I 

-jyrgagasyirpF.: ;;' i;:i,r;K-7qiim;g;^yT.~irx:':::i;''j::» T:.i3gg-Egim^ 

■o:CTaffre;:ra jiCTr-g5g:j-yra ;iB,>H)Bg3g^^ ^ 

Staff Writer 

Wash your hair but don't see 
"Shampoo", an "effervescent" 
flick that is overrated with tones 
of pornography. 

Warren Beatty, a single 
swinger and Hollywood hair- 
dresser, does more undressing 
than hairdressing. 

GoldieHawn does a mediocre 
job of acting as the traditional 
dumb blond. The only good 
thing to be said about Hawn is 

her superb facial expressions. 

Julie Christie puts a dampter 
on the whole movie, and her 
sexual excursions with Beatty in 
public go over like a lead kite. 

The humor is there, but the 
viewer is dragged painfully 
through bad acting, a nothing 
plot based on Beatty's attempt 
to open his own salon, slow 
paced action, and a dialogue 
that funs something like, 
^Tour're great, Baby", and 
"Yeah, George is great." 

"Shampoo however, wasn't. 

Director/Producer Bob Fos- 
se's latest movie "Lenny", with 
Dustin Hoffman portraying 
night club comedian Lenny 
Bruce, is a suberb statement on 
the hypocracy of the '50's 
pornography laws. 

The movie projects the 
comedian as an innovator, 
martyr and crusador rejecting 
the stagnant social morals of his 

Bruce's "shticks" run the 

For Complete Movie 
?Call Day Or Night 

What's it like to pay only a dollar to see a movie? 1 had to know. 
Being a venturous soul I sauntered down to lake Worth Road with 
but a buck (o my name. Unbelievably I paid the man at the Window 
and walked inside. It felt good, nice, almost too much so. There 
seemed to be an air of anticipation in the crowd that followed me 
inside. Something was about to happen, we felt It as the curtains 
opened, we waited In the dark through the feature fUm. Then it did 
Frank Smith. 

gambit from sexual roles to the 
suppression of blacks. Lenny 
"speaks the truth", or "a 
truth" and brings, people 
together with laughter. 

During Lenny's lifetime he 
unsuccessfully tried to prove 
that the suppression of "filthy" 
words brings about hypocritical 
dissention of their use, 

Hoffman makes his audience 
know Lenny and gives a truly 
powerful performance. Valerie 
Perrine, who plays Lenny's 
stripper wife, portrays her part 
equally well. 

This dramatic representation 
on the life of Lenny Bruce is one 
of the best movies to hit the 
silver screen this year. It is 
worth the money and long lines. 
The Stepford Wives, a gothic 
thriller, shows Women's Liber- 
ation taking a turn in the 
opposite direction. Stepford, a 
Connecticut suburb, appears to 
newcomer Katherine Ross as a 
normal town. She soon learns 
otherwise, as the women of the 
town suddenly change their 
style of life and submit to 
becoming somewhat less than 
slaves to their husbands. An 
anti-femininity plot -is discove- 
red by two wives and from these 
the thrill mounts. Katherine 
Ross, Paula Prentiss and Patrick 
O'Neal star in this chilling tale. 
Alice Doesn't Live Here 
Anymore begins with a portrait 
of a nice lady with a not so nice 
husband. The husband dies and 
Alice, the wife, moves away, 
Alice becomes a one-time 
professional singer trying for a 
second time. Heading for 
California, where she believes 
she wants to go she gets 
sidetracked by jobs -and lovers. 
The movie is a comedy (I say 
that because it's funny). The 
conversations between Alice 
and her son are inspired 
humerous conceptions. 

Alice does well in the songs / 
she sings. i 

Kris Kristofferson plays a[_ 
man she meets halfway through', 
the plot. It's a good one. | 
Freebie and The Bean.i 
quick, comfedic, and entertain- i 
ing rates as a good, fun movie to 
watch. It is the story of the 
relationship between two police 
officers who are the guests of 
friends. The story holds a lot of 
chase scenes and your interest 

left my home j| fflns of being the first in line. I was 
quite surprise^ Spup of people with the same idea as 
myself congre| ie"r of the Registrar's Office. Closer 
observation revj •! longer line than I had anticipated. 
Wow I There \ sidred of them, I was really getting 
disenchanted, j s After a four hour back-breaking hike 
past three deai sgs canals, and the vending machines 
outside the fii^ i5iially rounded the corner near basic 
studies and m teds of mine, Debi Beiter and John 

As Ben Joha i "True happiness consists not in the 
multitude of fi| ItL-worth and choice." In this case, I 
choose to mifcAueir worth. Being one of the most 
decent, honesffl people I know, I cut in line. 

After fightMtefigcd citizens and an old lady with an 
umbrella, 1 m»|pif3rtable and prepared myself for the 
long wait ah 

After five minutes of unbearable standmg, 1 could take it no 
loncer Patience, my friend said, patience. How could I be patient 
with the 90 degree sun melting my head? Tempted to venture to my 
car and get my bathing suit, and lounge chair. I was quickly 
subdued when John told me to shut up or he would throw me to the 
end of the line, which .by this time had reached North Carolina. 

Two hours had elapsed. Already 1 had missed my first hour class 
and was very upset, of course, The growling of our stomachs, was 
keeping each other awake and we were definitely getting on on 

^^ut'that knTfe down," Itold John as he held a butcher blade to 
mv throat. 1 have an idea." 

My master plan, simply stated, was to take shifts to the cafeteria 
as a means for survival. First I would go have breakfast, then Debi. 
then John. When the rotation was completed, 1 would have lunch, 

then Debi. then John. ,':,.. u u^^a. *»,» 

Just then as visions of sugarplums dancedthrough our heads the 
line started to move. Not much, mind you, maybe only a foot or two. 
but it did move. I wasn't sure whether registration had begun, a 
few students passed away, or the line had just been squished 
together. 1 neither knew nor cared, just so we were movmg. To 
pass more time I choose to observe those around me. 

"Have you ever noticed what a bunch of weirdos there are m this 
world?" I asked myself. "Sometimes I wonder if we re the only 

^^]ndeed!this is a strange world. The lady wrestlers in front of me 
were having their hair bobbed, two med students were performing a 
heart transplant, and Bob Hope was coming to entertain the troops. 
People were cutting in line right and left. An old woman got violent 

and tlixeatened to call security. However, no fatalities occured. 

Time passes. I almost passed out. Finally, I spotted it - an empty 
bench. Exhausted and weary, 1 limped to relaxation. I was almost 
there, only two steps left, when a flim-flammmg bamboozler, (can 
vou think of a better word to describe him?) dodged in front ot me 
and made himself comfortable. Oh well, you can t win them al . 

• 'Was this really worht it?" 1 asked myself. Decidmg not to wart 
for an answer, I began reading posters on the bjillet»n board ^_ 

"Travel, excitement, money!" one read, Join the U.S. Army. 

There it was, the answer I had been searchmg for. My 
long-awaited ambition, my dream-come-true! Anything was better 
than standing in line. My enlistment plans were quicfcly dismissed 
when Debi and John reminded me that was as far as I could go on 


f. , ! 

,i> IJ 





[.IC L" 

- ?l 



t. %:. 



my test scores. . , 

When we finally made it into the air-conditioned portion of our 
journey, the drastic change in temperature caused me to catch 
pneumonia and go into a coma. After regaining my consciousness 
and finding out the chemistry classes had been filled, 1 was grateful 
for not choosing that field of endeavor. As you have probably 
noticed. I can't seem tofind a major worthy of my talents. Perhaps 1 
shall go into dancing. After all. I had been doing the registra ion 
line shuffle for the past four hours. One step forward, six back, a 
jab here, a jab there, swing your partner so you can get m tront ot 

™fter the seemingly thousands who had registered before us, we 
were quite surprised to get the classes we chose. As one student 

^"' After all the hassle I went through to get this class, You'd better 
belive I'm not going to drop it now." 

..j!::3i !iiisa!iSMnii_ 

Jlm Cleare, David Batho, and 
Keith Cooper stand with their 
mentor, Mr. Watson BJ 
Duncan QI after retamingl 
from Orlando's CDmpetltion| 
with some top prices. 





705 i.UCE.R!vtE;:<i\i;E.; 








Staff Writer 

Keith Cooper and Jim Cleare 
won 1st place state forensics 
awards in the State Jr. College 
Forensic Championship com- 
pethion held in Oriando, March 

"Mine was unique, it's never 
been done before, I brought a 
change into competition," 
expressed Keith. His final entry 
was a combination of poems by 
Gwendolyn Brooks and Leroi 
Jones expressing the black 
man's viewpoint, 

Keith took his first place in 
oral interpretation of literature. 
Another trophy winner in oral 
interpretation for JC was David 
Batho who placed third. 

Jim Qeare ironically won his 
first place trophy for his entry in 
impromptu speaking which he 
entered as a substitute. 

He was also entered in two 
other events - Extemporaneous 
Speaking and Debate. 

"We all worked hard, about 
two weeks working diligently. 
''"'- feeling that you work for 


something and you 
dedicated to it is areat' 




Kim Nelson was top finalist in 

entertaining. Competing in 

rhetorical analysis. Dolor Gin- 

chereau also made it to the _ 

finals. I 

In a festival event (non-com- | 

petition), the Reader's Theatre | 

group consisting of Bibi | 

Bourgeois, Dan Buckley, Keith | 

Cooper. Kim Nelson and | 

narrator Shannon Rollins per- | 

forming "Duet in Masque" | 

received a certificate of superior | 

rating. | 

Forensics club sponsor Mr. | 

John Connolly who aceompan- J 

ied the students commented I 

that the championship as a \ 

"triumph". I 

Making it to the finals is a j 

tedious process. Each entrant j 

first must compete in three i 

rounds. Judges score the 

rounds and finalists are then 

chosen by their average of their 

scores and judges comments. 

After making the finals the 
students compete again in front 
of judges to determine the 

So, to make the finals in itself 
a "triumph". 







WED. & FRI. 3:30 PM 

Thursday 8:00 pm 

SAT. & SUN. 3:00 PM' 

cost: $1,00 

Science Museum a Planetarium 
1141 W. Lakewood Road . 
West Palm Beach, Fla. 33405 


8 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 24. 1975 

GeWng Out Of Hand 

Khaki CrazeCreates Cynicism 

f I 

i I 

Staff Writer 

Ever wonder what will get 
recycled next? 

You probably thought manu- 
facturers and advertisers were 
left holding the faded blue 
duffel bag when the denim craze 
came apart at the seams, but no 
chance. The people who brought 
you recycled blue jeans made 
into everything from patchwork 
jackets and handbags to faded 
roilet seats, radios and car 
seatcovers, have come up with a 
new gimmick:- old khaki. 


zinc's" latest issue features 
olive-drab khaki (as used in 
army fatigues) made into 
raincoats jackets and assorted 
other cute items. Although 
olive drab is a color to make the 
livliest complexion look raiide- 

wed the magazine predicts it 
will be "the color" in years to 
come, as denim blue used to be. 
Just as people scrambled to 
buy up worn-out, scungey jeans, 
they will now race to attics and 
Army-Navy stores to acquire 
every existing scrap of well- 
worn khaki. 

But eventually this phase, 
too, will die out, mostly because 
the khaki will be used up. There 
are very few things left to seize 
upon and recycle. 

Paper bags are a possibility, 
of course, but they wouldn't 
hold up too well in a drenching 
rain. Worn out carpet has the 
necessary scruffiness, but 
could not be- comfortable as 
halter tops or tailored suits. 

No, the best bet for the next 
recycled madness is old 
underwear. What could ■ be 

more ecologically virtuous than 
reuing these untapped re- 

The possibilities are endless. 
The more faded, stained, and 
motheaten the underwear, the 
better. Long Johns can be cut 
down into tank tops and 
revealing bikinis. Old padded 
bras make great knee warmers. 
Other items can be torn apart 
and patched into great-looking 
pants, upholstery and bed- 

"Once the trend beings there'll 
be no stopping it. Better Homes 
and Gardens will run pictures of 
entire family rooms redecorated 
in - tattle-tale gray. Other 
publications will rave about the 
"mystique" of rotten cotton and 
give how-to's on underwear 
conversion. The NATIONAL 
ENQUIRER will run furtive 

These two talented guitarists 
were among the many student 
musicians who entliusiastlcally 
entertained fellow students 
and faculty members at 
Tuesday's coffee house. 

photos of Jacqueline Onassis 
wearing an elegant three-piece 
ensemble of hand-patched and 
embroidered BVD's, Fruit of the 
Loom .undershirts, corsets and 

Sooner or later the supply of 
undergarments is bound to give 
out, though, and- then the 
trend-setters will really be 
stuck. Maybe someone could 
work up a neat little deal with 
fig leaves. 

f Frankly Speaking 

Man Will Change 

Frank Smith 

Natural selection is an 
interesting topic so I naturally 
selected it for discussion. 
Natural selection states that 
desirable traits will contribute to 
a specie's continuance. This is a 
theory of evolution. 

What I know of the 
regeneration of desirable traits 
makes me form certain 
conclusions. There will always 
be women as beautiful as Sophia 
Loren Reproduction in those 
cases are highly desirable. 

People have often thought to 
try and influence genetic 
offspring by attemtping to breed 
with exceptional people. In one 
case, a beautiful lady proposed 
marriage to a great writer 
anticipating a child of her looks 
and his intelligence. The writer 
wrote his refusal saying he was 
afraid the child may happen to 
have his looks and her .brains. 

Evolutionists have tried to 
predict the future development 
of man arid a popular concept is 
that future man will possess a 
six fingered hand. (Be one heck 

of a pianist!) 

It used to be environment 
controlled what members of the 
human species would survive to 
reproduce. It's true today, in a 
strange way. 

Future man will have quicker 
reflexes. People with slower 
reflexes will die in auto 

Future man will be more wary 
and cautious, modern techno- 
logy holds many traps for the 
foolish. One of these traps is 
called war. 

The people of the future will 
have a greater resistance to 
poisons. Pollution will week out 
the weaker individuals. 

Since technology allows 
people to live with weaker teeth 
through dentistry, and allows 
them to live with weaker eyes 
with .glasses, and provides with 
hearing devices hearing deffic- 
iencies, dental, optical and 
auditory ailments will become 
more numerous. 

The future holds, more 
emphasis on idle, thought than 
action so more people should 
read my column. 

DAVID'S Famous 

RESTAURANT (formerly Famous Restaurant) 
201 NORTH Dixie HWY. UKE WORTH 582-3958 


9:0Cltil ??? 


Monday 4^ Tuesday The Exciting Sounds 



Banqu*! facititi** avoilabU for targ* ft tmoll groupi 


Monday, March 24, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 9 


No-Hitter Thrown 
By JCs Rod Jones 

Sports Editor 

Rod Jones, a 6' 4" native of 
Lexington Ky., threw the first 
no-hitter in the history of PBJC 
Thursday, with a 4-0 win over 
St. Francis. College of Brooklyn, 

Head Coach Dusty Rhodes 
commented, "He threw a hell of 
a ball game. Rod didn't get 
behind on any body and only 

Pacers Kenny'Rogers. legs ont 
an infield grounder at the JC 
field. (Left). Lead-off hitter 
Glenn Rogers shows his 
versatility in the field catchhig 
a pop-up i^ainst Dade-North 
[Right]. Photos by Fritz. 

/ -* 

two guys got on base, and they 
were by errors." 

Jones says he has the left side 
of the infield to thank for 
salvaging his nine hitless 
innings with 10 put-outs. Bob 
Benda, the Pacers 5' 8"- 
shortstop, dove to catch a line 
shot in the fifth to save the game 
for Jones. Benda and Dave 
Lang, the Pacers third-baseman 
each had five put-outs. 

JC picked up a run in the sixth 
as Glenn Rogers hit a single up 
the middle and eventually 
scored on a passed ball. 

In the eighth, Rogers again 
got on base with a walk. He 
stole second and went to third 
on an overthrow by the St. 
Francis catcher. Same Testa 
ripped a single to score Rogers. 

After St. Francis issued a 
walk to Mike Rowe, Skip Walker 
hit a tightrope double down the 
left field and drove in Testa and 
Rowe to cap the Pacers scoring. 

JC needs four' wins to better 
the 8-5 mark, which is their best 
conference record. They also 
need only six more wins to 

Pacers' Success 
Keyed By Rogers 

'Philip Neubauer 


One of the dominating factors 
to the success of the JC baseball 
team in the early part of the 
1975 season has been the play of 
freshman second baseman 
Glenn Rogers, 

Glenn is a fine fielder, 
lead-off batter, and has a 
batting average of .333. He 
attended Forest Hill High 
School in West Palm Beach, 
where he played baseball for 
three years. Glenn does not 
have a major but does say, "My 
major is baseball." 

Beachcombers Do you think 
goals are necessary in baseball? 

Bogerss Yes, I thmk you have 
to set goals. It's one of my main 

"My major is baseball 
My dream is to go into 
pro baU '" 

-Glenn Rogers 

Beacbcoiaber: What are your 
gpals for this season and for 
»our career? 

' ' toko t»4t*e"il*C« 

ifjefe is; a Taeka^flalslcrt^; "I don't 
rare" attitude' among some of 
ihc p'ayers. 

gogersi Yes, there was with 

some people towards others but 

everything is settled after 

beatii^g Buffalo four games. 

peacheombers Does the 

lead-off man necessarily have to 
be a team leader? 

Rogers: If the lead-off man 
gets on it helps to inspire the 

Beachcomber: Who has the 
best team in the division and 
what does it take to beat them? 

Rogers: Miami-Dade North. 
It takes team desire, hustle, and 
batting to beat them. 

Beachcomber: What do you 
attribute to Dade North and 
Dade South 's success year after 

Rogers: They have a lot of 
money, good facilities, and they 
have about five coaches while 
we only have one. 

Beachcomber: What do ys«i 
feel are the strengths and 
weaknesses in the Pacer attack? 

Rogers: Hitting is our 
strongest. Defense is our 
weakest. When we put that 
together we'll have the best 
team in the state.' 

j-Vvf^.-*'-,-;-: V-- '\-:%M^Mi^^ -.1'. ■/ v:»4 . .*?^'-. ■ 

? * I' s; 

_ j^ _,afet« 

^^%»&^ and 

, ^'' "' . ^ 

■ ; "j^ij "bifli. 

pUamii^, inOri«nu«U«i*5r have 

a few activities this spring. 

Mr. Roy Bell hopes that they 
will be able to have two bowling 
clinics at Major League Lanes . 
He comments that there will be 
no instruction, that ihey used 

" ■ ■ 4bfc »e§s*o*!i'w««Jil be SeiA jfe 
the late afieroowti, »r«UE£d JfOS 
or 4:W. bec»usij the tajies are 
used in the daytime by the 
bowling leagues. The dinics 
wpuld be on alternate weeks. 

He also hopes to have tennis, 
golf and archery clinics where 
there will be no competition. 

r Al*6g wM t^e litivitfes," 
there lies the poisfljility of a JC 
SwimriMlg Day. The place has 
not yet been decided. 

None of these activities, 
however, have been decided 
upon as yet, since there is a 
manpower problem with only 
two teachers to assist. 

better, last year's overall 

Rhodes attributes the early 
success with a balanced, 
experienced club. 

"The key word in 1975 is 
experience. All our players this 
year, whether returning from 
last year or freshman, have had 
good baseball experience and 
lots of it. 

"We have the best ball club 
we have ever had," continued 
Rhodes, "We looked tough at 
Downtown (Miami Dade)." 

The Pacers sweeped a double 
header last Tuesday, March 11, 
in Miami, 3-2, 3-1. Before 
Tuesday JC had never beat , 

Referring to the 15-6, 1-0 
losses to Miami-Dade North, 
Sam Testa, who is leading the 
club in stolen bases (9), said, 
"The pitchers just took the 
apple Friday. Saturday, it was 
just a freak play. A ball hit up 
the middle that hit the bag. If 
the ball had not hit the bag, they 
would never have scored." 

"We're one of the few teams 
■ that can beat them." 

Commenting on Tuesday's 
games, Testa says, "everyone's 
relaxing after playing the No. 1 
team in the nation (Miami-Dade 

In the Buffalo University 
series, Dave Lang broke a five 
year record. Lang hit .safely 
eight consecutive times/ splitt- 
ing the record set by Richard 
Dwyer in 1970. 

Eddie Fisher pushed his 
record to 2-0 with the 12-0 
shutout of Newark College of 
Engineering Wednesday, Mar. 
12. Fisher had pitched in 13Vj 
innings this spring and has not 
allowed an earned run. 

Rhodes commented, "All we 
can do is go out and play the 
best ball possible." 


Golfers Take 
Fifth Position 

Staff Writer 

Mike Sim played his usual 
consistent game and tied for 4th 
in the Palmettolnvitational Golf 
Tournament in Miami, on 
rounds of 77-74-151. 

The rest of the Pacer team 
had their problems as high 
winds swept over the tough 
Pal«i«ttG Citnitry Ojife coarse. 

Emmett fifrger^di • bad '^" 

■ wUc?*w«1cU#4-S^*fei' Ji*n. 
Heary mm-iiif. I%« K^y .. 
80-87.1^7, juai «3)W<3»tww- -^ 

thy 115-84-169. 

The teams' 636 total, Wghest 
in two years, left JC in Sth place 
behind Dade-North €05, Bro- 
ward 607. Dade-South 610, and 
Lake City 623. 

• Kevin Powers of Broward won 
the Invitational honors with a 


[ ' 

! I 

i J 

10 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, March 24, 1975 


VsHm Beach's Tennis teams 
are iead by Charles Wadling- 
ton and Robin langridge, 
respectively. Wadlington 
matches up with Roberto Rizo 
for doubles competition, while 
Langridge and Cindy Kitchell 
team for the women. 

■Sports Life 

Perez Hopes For 
A Good Year 

'Timothy L. Bray 

In 1974 Marty Perez hit .260 
for the Atlanta Braves. But his 
value to the Manager Clyde 
King is not primarily his bat. 

Perez lead the National 
League second baseman with 
the best fielding percentage, a 
phenomenal .985. He helped 
the Braves go from the NL's 
second worst team defensively 
in 1973 to the second best in 

"I hope to have a good year," 
said Perez modestly. "A good 

year tor tne leam ana myself 
The 28 year old second 
baseman is a very good speaker 
as well as player. "Iwant to hit 
.260 or better but nobody's 
perfect in the field, 

"Not having Henry Aaron 
here," said Perez, "is going to 
have a bearing on us. We're 
going to miss his kidding 
around, and his batting and 
fielding. He was a superstar. 
"He's at the point where he's 
living on it. He would not have 


SjDorts Calendar 


SMon. March 24 
§Tues. March 25 
iFrl. March 28 
fSat. March 29 


Kingsborough Community College 
Ursinus College [2] 
Broward Community College 
Broward Community College 



f Tues. March 25 Miami Dade Dpwntown-Moore Park 
3 Wed. March 26 Miami-Dade North-Fence Park 

1 p.m. S 
1 p.m. I 
3)30 p.m.| 
1 p.m. 1 

2 p.m. 

3 p.m. 

I Toes. March 25 
] Wed. March 26 
iTlJurs. March 27 
IFrl. March 28 

Broward North 
Wheeling College 
Miami-Dade bowntwon 
Taft University 

2:30 p.m. PB Courts | 
2:00 p.m,. PB Courts f 
2:30 p.m. PB Courts | 
2:00 p.m. PB Courts I 




had another .300 season here 
(Braves;. He'll hit .300 as a DH 
Designated Hitter;).. He still 
has those eyes and wrists." 

Walter Alston calls Perez one 
of the best second basemen in 
the majors. In 1973, he had 74 
RBI's, and in 1974, 34. "I don't 
like to hit against the Dodgers or 
the Cardinals. But, I hit .310 
and .380 respectively against 
those clubs. I guess I bear down 
a little harder. 

"Spring training is too long. 
Three weeks too long. Three or 
four weeks is enough," 
continued the 5' 10" infielder. 

As for the season, "we have a 
lot of rainouts in Atlanta, and 
last year we had 2 or 3 games on 
Dur days off. That adds to a long 

Perez feels the season should- 
be cut to 150 games if they are 
to make any changes. 
Cuffnotes. . . . Texas skipper 
Billy Martiii says, "we just 
don't have an attitude. We're 
positively going to win it." 
(American League West. .'; 
.Pacers DH's Tom McCollough 
and Mike Rowe are leading the 
hitting attack with a .375 
average. Eleven players are 
over .300. . .ABC-TV network 
will be the major outlet for the 
traditional grand old game in 
1976. They're believed to be 
paying over $50,000,000 for four 
years of Monday riight Baseball. 

Edison's Bucs 6-1 

Stafif Writer 

The men's tennis team once again improved their record 
Wednesday, as they overpowered Edison with a final score of 6-1. 

Charles Wadlington defeated Claude Petersen, although he 
mentioned in the match that "this isn't my day." 

Petersen won the toss, chose to serve, and outplayed Wadlington 
in the first game v/ith the same strategically placed shot. 

Wadlington came back in the second game and then won the next 
two. Petersen, however, defeated him in the fifth, without losing a 
point. After that it was one-for-one, and after the tenth game, 
Wadlington had the set 6-4. 

In the second set, Petersen won the first game, and Wadlington 
aced him in the second. Petersen overpowered him in the third 
game, but it turned out to be his last win, leaving Wadlington to win 
the next consecutive five. Thek final score was 6-4, 6-2. 

Roberto Rizo outpointed Steve Schaetael, 6-2, 6-3, and a spectator 
commented that he seemed to be playing a more aggressive game. 

Norman Russell also defeated Chris Beecroft, 6-2, 6-2, and John 
McCarley played the only losing game, after giving Doug Childers 
some competition, with the score of 7-5, 5-7, 7-6. 

Pete Pulitzer defeated Mark Horowitz 6-2, 6-1. 

In doubles play, Wadlington and Rizo lost the first set, 4-6, but 
returned with a win, 6-2, 6-4. Russell and Pulitzer won 6-2, 6-1. 

This win gives the men's team a 6-3 record, leaving them 6-1 in 
the conference. 

They were defeated, howverf, in the match against Miami Dade 
North,. 3-4. 

Wadlington won 6-4, 6-4, while Rizo also won 6-1, 6-3, making 
them the only singles winners. Ray was defeated 6-1, 6-2; Russell 
was overpowered 6-3, 7-6; and Pulitzer lost 7-5, 6-2. 

Wadlington and Rizo also won in doubles competition, 5-4, 7-6. • 
Russell and Pulitzer lost 6-1, 6-3, but Ray and McCarley won 3-6,. 
6-4, 6-1. 

It's Free 


it's Free 

Tropical Treats 

Located a minute from college, near the Town Theatre 
and Publix in the Town&Country Shopping Center/ 
Lake Worth Road 
.Open lOa.m.-to-IOp.m. 7 days a week Call 588-2288 


Stafif Writer 

Intramural bowling competi- 
tors finished the 9th week of 
bowling last Wednesday, with 
only 3 more weeks to go. The 
high individual women's games 
were rolled by Jody Salzgeber, 
188; Bonnie Cage, 175; and 
Karen Gore's 167. The high 
men's games were taken by Jon 
Grant, 217; Brian Richards, 201, 
and Bob Cage, 200. 

The high women's individual 
series were bowled by Jody 
Salzgeber, 528; Karen Gore, 457 
; and Bonnie Cage, 454. The 
men's top individual series were 
lolled by Jon Grant, 599; Bob 
Cage, 528 and Kent Knox, 511. 

Team No. 2 took both high 
series, 2327, and high team 
game, 838. This team consists 
of Jeff Jenkins, Bill Atkins, 
Margie Immet, and Cindy 

The I & R Board urges the 
students who bowl to come to 
Major League Lanes at 4 p.m. 
on Wednesday afternoons. 
Positions are still available for 
this weekly recreation. 

Sand shots seemed to the Pacers speciality as our 
photographer Steve Fritz captures Jim Henry in the bunker at 
the West Palm Beach Country Club. 

Monday, March 24, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 11 

Women Win 

Staff Writer 

The women's tennis team was on the winning end of a 6-3 
decision over Edison on Monday, March 17. 

The team also chalked up a win with yet another close 5-4 victory 
over Miami - Dade North Tuesday, March 18, to bring their recrod 
to 12-3. 

JC hosted the Women's State Junior Colliege Tennis Tournament 
which began Thursday, March 20 through, Saturday, March 22. 

In hosting the tournament for the first time JC had four players 
seeded in the tourney. Seeded players include Marina Polman 
Tuin, third in No. 3 singles who drew a bye in the first round and 
beat Honie Shapiro of Miami-Dade South 6-1, 6-1; Hillary Cove, 
second, in No. 6 singles beat Sharon Lozzaro of Miami Dade North 
in the second round 6-1, 6-2. 

In doubles Polman Tuin and Janet Fabianai are ranked second, 
No. 2; Susan Athede'y - Cove, third No. 3. 

After the first day favorite Broward Central lead the tourney with 
12 points with JC in second with 7 points and Indian River in third 
with 6 points. 

Shaklee Organ ic Products 

6.5 ph factor Natural Cold 
Cosmetics Processes 

Cleaners Vitamins 

Toiletries *^ood Supplements 

George H. Raupp 
3949 Melaleuca Lane 


Polman Tuin: Dutch Treat 


In A Pirt Or Full Tin** Position? Good Eamingi, 
Libaral Bonui Plan, No Bon, No Risk, Non- Pol- 
luting Producti With A-1 Ratad Company. 

Staff Writer 

The JC Women's Tennis 
Team currently has a record of 
S2-3 and one of the reasons for 
this achievement is the play of 
the No. 3 player, Marina 
Polman Tuin. 

Polman Tuin who is a foreign 
exchange student from Holland 
has the best individual record 
\vith a 12-2 mark and was 
seeded third in the No. 3 singles 
in the recent FJCC Womens 
Tennis Tournament on the Palm 
Beach courts. 

She is majoring in foreign 
Ltnguages at JC and physical 
tiierap) in Holland. Siie is 19 
vears old and has been playing 
tennis for eight years. 

In regard to winning Polman 
Tuin says, "I would rather win 
for the team than myself." She 
went on to say that she had no 

real strategy and would just 
return the serve with no 

She now is able to hit the ball 
cross court and is working on 

Polman Tuin states, "I like 
playing singles when I'm 
winning but I like playing 
doubles. Janet (Fabiani) and I 
play really well together. 

"The gTrls in Holland are 
stronger than the girls are 
here." The difference in tennis 
in Holland and tennis here is 
"they don't have scholarships 
and teams in schools there and 
they do here." comments 
Polman Tuin. 

Inquiring about the lifestyle 
in Holland Polman Tuin assured 
me there are windmills and 
tulips but the people don't walk 
around in wooden shoes and 

there isn't a little boy with his 
finger in the dike. 

Call George H. Raupp 

967 0713 



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FOR SALE: 70 Impala Chevy 
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Lunch Specials 

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i a 




\ '1 

i ! 1 

VOL. XXXVI No. 23 


Monday, April 7, 1975 

Lake Worth, Florida 33460 

Photo by Putt. 

Cindy Kitchell shows her 
serving ability during the 
Florida State Womans Tennis 
championships that JC hosted 
March 20. 

"Tight AAoney" Plagues 
JC Basketball House 

Staff Writer 

JC's out-of-state basketball 
players are provided with a 
place to live as part of a 
scholarship program begun four 
years ago. They call this place 
'the basketball house.' 

Flayers have complained 
about the condition of the 
house, where six are now living. 
They say they've been plagued 
by plumbing problems, a broken 
stove which they fixed them- 
selves, a broken air conditioner, 
a broken heater and locks that 
can easily be picked. Plumbing 
problems forced them to use the 
restroom at John Prince Park for 
several weeks. 

"I'm sure other teams have 
better facilities," commented 
JC Pacer Richard Nelson. 

According to Athletic Director 
Dr. Howard Reynolds, a few 
teams do have better facilities. 
For example, Indian River 
Community College recently 
bought two motels for their 
out-of-state athletes and are 
negotiating for a third. He said 
PBJC doesn't have the money 
for that. 

"The situation is getting 
tougher and tougher," he said. 
"Money is getting tighter. We 
try to find the best place with 
the money we have and make 
life as tolerable for them as we 

Money was not the only 
problem in finding a place 
according to Reynolds. 

"Many landlords didn't want 
to rent to them," he said. "They 


The Basketball house from the front. As rundown looking as it's 
rundown facilities. Players say that even though they try to 
maintain the house, the constant nickel and diming has decreased 
the players morale. 

just don't want to rent to young 

Basketball Coach Bob Wright 
said he visits the house often, 

has worked on the plumbing 
himself, and cleaned and 
painted the house. 

"We do the best we can for 
them," he said. "We take what 

finances we have and go as far 
as we can. " 

LePore Opens Three Polling Booths 

**»»« — - a- "iw WP 

Staff Writer 

Student Government Executive Board ' elections are 
April 14-17, and three voting machines will be open today and 
night students. 

In past elections only two machines have been available to 
voters. The three machines are to be located outside the 
administration building, cafe, and the business patio. 

SG supervisor of elections, Theresa LaFore expects up to 1200 
students at the polls. The average number of votes in past SG 
elections is 300. Election times are 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and 
6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 

Running for office are: Pres., Jim Cox, Kim Jones, Randy 
Simler; V.Pres., Ron Bukley, Sue Keen; Sec, Lynn Kalber; 
Treas., Tom McCulIough, and Paul Sapp. An assembly to hear 
their speeches is planned for April 11 at 9:50 a.m. in the JC 

During the last SG election a Beachcomber reporter was not 
allowed to witness the machine counts. SG is not underHa. state 
law which says anyone can witness the counts. 

"It's up to the individual school or organization to make up 
their own law," said LePore. 

According to LePore, P.B. County Supervisor of Elections 
Jackie Winchester suggested that a member of the press 
witness the counts to eliminate accusations about foul play. 

LePore got in touch with all PBJC clubs and organizations 
trying to get poll workers. 

"I hate to say it, but I haven't had any response from any of 
them so far, " she commented. 

Reynolds explained that a 

certain amount of money is 
allocated to each sport and the 

coach spends it according to his 
discretion, deciding how much 

should go to scholarships, 
equipment and trips. 

The basketball scholarship 
program provides $25 a week, 
$12.50 , in meal tickets and 

$12.50 in cash, for most of the 
out-of-state players. Some have 
complained that this is not 
enough money, and it isn't 
possible to eat three square 
meals a day on that amount. 

Continued On Pg 3 

> * ^, »^> K» * # q^ f * I^^Ip^ ^ 

Students stand to spell vote prior a past election. Students interested in being a poll worker can 
"apply in the Student Government Executive Board office. 

2 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 7, 197B 

Monday, April 7, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 3 



JililMilllfc TililMltit 


Associate Editor' 

q$$€^l«ite«i collegici te |»r#s$ 


i ) 

Senate Support 
By Board Urged 

ive satiricly 
lent Activity 
lember, has 

;kering from 
r issues are 

staple with 
It the lion's 
, Dean Paul 
g firm and 

the current 
the District 

Timittee to a 
I of students 
ty members 

e increased, 
lich the new 
id continuity 
e sometimes 

culty senate 
ationship of 


hour you take 
fee. Student 
f this activity 

5r 26 movies, 
ig capacity is 
le attendance 
t Activity Fee 
expense and 

)00 of student 
r Ginchereau 
;s, (whatever 

It of the over 

t,^xu,.iig a combined 

. «.uuy-.tudent senate, 68% approved, 25% had "o opinion and 
;hile only 6% disapproved. NOW is the for change! 

51 Percent- 

Athletes Taking Over 


Has anyone been watching 
the Athletic Department? Last 
year (1973-74) two athletes ran 
and were elected for president 
and vice-president of Student 
Government. Last year Athletics 
was urged, by the Student 
Senate, to take the women's 
athletic programs under their 
department and budget money 
for their activities, which they 
eventually did. 

This year (1975-76) an 
Athletic Committee offered a 
resolution to the Faculty Senate 
to restructure the Student 
Activity Fee Committee (SAFC). 
The Faculty Senate passed the 
resolution. If approved by the 
Board of Trustees, the new 
SAFC will be comprised of three 

faculty members appointed by 
the Faculty Senate, four 
students: one apiece from 
Communications, Humanities, 
Student Government and Ath- 
letics. A permanent chairperson 
will be appointed by Dr. Manor 
and all will have equal voting 

On March 26, the Athletic 
Department announced that it 
would offer eight scholarships to 
women's sports. Each scholar- 
ship will pay tuition for one 
term. Foiir will go to tennis and 
four to Softball. (The women's 
Softball team came in first in the , 
state last year). Currently, the 
men's scholarships are on a two 
or four term basis, paying more 
than tuition. 



Migrants Kno 


On behalf of 72 migrant 
children and their families, I 
would like to thank all you 
wonderful, kind and generous 
people who helped to make the 
Easter egg hunt a memorable 

Each child received an Easter 
basket and several families 
received a box of canned goods. 
For two families, the box of food 
meant that they would eat that 

We would also like to thank 
McDonald's of Lake Worth for 
providing free of charge the 
organe cooler plus six gallons of 


w Who Cores 

syrup and Burger Chef for their 
generous discount. 

A "May Day" festival is 
being planned for the migrant 
children to be held on May 24th. 
We need volunteers, canned 
goods, refreshments plus used 

Please drop off any donations 
to Mr. Estrada at HU-9 orieave 
them at the Newman Club. 

Thanks again to all of you who 
helped. The migrant children 
know that somebody out there 
does care. 

Silvio Estrada 
Music Department 

Edlforial Negates Student Rights 

Dear Editor, 

I would like to respond to the 
Beachcomber editorial, "Now Is 
The Time For Change." The 
editorial stated that Student 
Government is not doing an 
effective job in the state it is 
now in. 

While this may or may not be 
true, 1 firmly reject the 
suggestion offered by the 
Beachcomber that a Faculty 
Senate Standing Committee be 

In essence, the 12 students 
and chairperson who make up 
the student committee would be 
directly under the thumb of the 
Faculty Senate in all matters. 

How long has it taken college 
students to gain their rights in 
the educational system? We still 
don't have enough say-so in our 
curriculum or on the Board of 
Trustees. We are not children 
who need to be lead by 
"professional people." 

1 wonder why the Beach- 
comber would endorse such a 
policy. Is SG, and the Student 
Activity Fee Committee (SAFC) 

asking too many questions 
about the other organizations on 

The Beachcomber suggestion 
comes at a time when the 
Faculty Senate has just voted to 
restructure the SAFC. If this 
resolution (which was offered by 
the Athletic Department) is 
approved by the Board of 
Trustees, the SAFC will be 
comprised of 4 faculty members 
and 4 students. 

The only conclusion that I can 
reach about these two actions, 
both of which if approved, take 
power away from the students 
(who are represented by SG and 
SAFC) and put it into the hands 
of Dr. Manor and the Faculty 
Senate is that SG and SAFC 
have been asking too many 
questions about Beachcomber 
and Athletic organization and 
funding. The instructors involv- 
ed in these programs would gain 
the perpetuation of their 
programs through the additional 
power of the Faculty Senate. 

Michele Notter 

Student Government has just 
held the filing for their 
Executive Board. Two athletes 
filed, one for vice-president, 
who was disqualified, and Tom 
McCuUough for treasurer. 

All of these actions follow in 
the wake of SG and private 
actions directed at a possible 
re-evaluation of the athletic 
Department's programs and 

The resolution on the Student 
Activity. Fee Committee was 
offered after Student Govern- 
ment sponsored a straw ballot. 
One question on the ballot asked 
whether Athletics should re- 
ceive approximately one-third of 
the Student Activity Fee as it 
presently does. In favor: 142; 
opposed: 151. 

Also, students were asked if 
they favor an increase (110 did) 
or a decrease (137 did). 
Obviously, the persons res- 
ponding were divided. 

And then, there were the two 
athletes who filed for SG 
positions who would, if elected, 
help to appoint the individuals 
to the current Student Activity 
Fee Committee. This committee 
allocates all the funds to the 
various organizations on cam- 
pus including Athletics. 

Immediately before the Ath- 
letic Department annouonced 
the women's scholarships, two 
incidences occurred. 

The first occurred on the 
evening of March 19 when a 
Florida Flasher was placed in 
the middle of the baseball field 
and a sign was placed on home 
plate saying "Sisters unite, Join 
the fight for equal rights, No 
student funds for discrimina- 
tion, Castrate the sexist dogs in 
the Administration." 

The second incident was the 
writing of a resolution to SG by 
Kimberly Jones, stating in 
essence that the Athletic 
Department was in possible 
violation, because they did not 
offer comparable benefits (to 
women) in the Athletic 
Department, of Title IX of the 
Educational Amendments of 
1972. If found in violation, this 
would terminate all federal 
funds to PBJC. 

It seems that the Athletic 
Department is trying to appease 
critics by token scholarships to 

It is also trying to insure the 
perpetuation of the depart- 
ment's funding by restructuring 
the Student Activity Fee 
Committee away from SG to 
faculty members. Currently the 
SAFC is made up solely of 

It would also appear that 
athletes are trying to become 
active in SG, possibly as a 
controiing factor. 

NewsKdftor ,;.;....; John Auchtertonic Cartoonist TomHixson 

Venture Editor ,. t'Yank Smith Photo DcpJ .■; Muffy .McClung ■ 

Sporfs Editor ..Tim Bray . Steve Fritz. 

Busi,... it BobHatt-ield Debbie Huhn 

,,..., ... . Sanj PuU _ 

hditorial Assistant ............jarvTuckwood jt,y Kravetz 

Consultant ...............^.Charlus McCreight Winnie Knighton 

STAFr<' WRITERS - lames Ash, Debbie Thompson, Tom Bowling, Pete Claufsen, Ames Cleare, Raoul Garcia. 

Lori HiUebrand, Bill Hutcliins, Kim Jones,- Robin Kindle, Winnie Knigliton, Mick Mager, Muffy McClung," 

Becky Morse, Philip Neubauer, Sam Puft, Amy $tninb^4 Joet Tanen ' 

The Beachcomber is publislied from our editorial offices in flie Student Publications Building at Palm Beach . ■ 
Ainior College, 4200 S Congress Ave, Lake Worth, Florida 33460 ' ^ 

Telephone 965-8000; ■ lenMon 210 

Opinions pte-ssed in the Beachpombter are those Of the editors or the writers of the articles and are not nee- 
essarily those of Palm Peacli Jkinior College ' ^ ■,••.<. , .\ . t. 

The Beachcomber i^.g-me^l^MUM''^xMM '^'sf^^iki^m<k^T^'^4»-^^^r^'^'0''^'>M^ *''■«■"' Associatiott 

Circle K Busy With Projects 

Staff Writer 

Jerry Kreucher, president of 
Circle K, is enthusiastic about 
things they are involved in this 
semester. Dr. Carol Butler, 
Biology instructor, is their 

Senaie Scorns 

At Thursday's SG Senate 

One resolution passed (74029) 
asks the administration to 
enforce Title IX of the 1972 
Educational Amendments and 
end discriminatory use of 
student funds within the athletic 

The res. says 42 athletic 
scholarships authorized by the 
Board of Trustees were for 
males only. Title IX prohibits 
discrimination on the basis of 
sex. The bill passed 11-3. 

The second resolution (74030) 
calls upon the bookstore to 
remain open to 10:00 p.m. 
instead of 8:00 p.m. This res. 
got unanimous consent. 

The last resolution (74-0288) 
calls for a SGA FACULTY AND 
GAME. The bill passed easily. 
Joel Tanen 

adviser and other officers are: 
Floyd Hoeffer, vice president; 
and Bev Stump, secretary-trea- 

Soon you will see the school 
fountain bubbling with real 
water thanks to efforts of this 
energetic group. After the 
regular cleaning and painting, 
this artistic monument was 
given life by installing a pump 
and water. This project is 
nearing completion. 

Six or more members will 
attend the three day sixteenth 
Annual State Convention to be 
held at the Sheraton Hotel in 
Clearwater April 11, 12 and 13. 

This busy group will also 
sponsor a dance review for 
parents and general public for 
the y.M.C.A. This will be held 

in the JC Auditorium May 27th 
and 28th. A small admission is 
charged to help defray expens- 


j Edifors Notebook 

I MAKE YOUR MARK on a book, pocket calculator, anything 

S leather, metal or plastic. Identify your belongings with the 

£ electric engraver you can find in Dean Glynn's office. 

I UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA Admissions Representafiv- 

§ es will be m the cafeteria Thursday, April 10. Students interested 

= m transferring to South Florida (Tampa) may talk with them fi-om 

= 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 

I UNIVERSITY OF WEST FLORIDA invites prospective students 

S to visit Its Pensacola campus April 11 and 12. Students can meet 

5 with faculty and familiarize themselves with academic programs 

I then. 

I EVENING STUDENTS: FAU Admissions Officer is on campus 
I ea^h Tuesday evening firom 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Registrar's 
I office. He is on campus every Friday to serve DAY STCT)ENTS 
£ from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Guidance Center (AD-1). 
I Advance appointments are encouraged. 

I Music Department, is April 9, 8 p.m., in the auditorium. The 
I 50-voice choir will give a program of classics, folk-blues and 
I Negro spirituals. Some presentations will be augmented by 
I instrumentalists. There is no admission charge and the concert is 
S open to the public. 

I EXOSOCIOLOGY SEMINARconducted by Dr. Richard Yinger 
= will be held Monday, April 14 at 7:30 p.m. in SS 57. The free 
I seminar is open to the public and Yinger says "the theory that 
I people from other planets may have had some influence on earth 
S life" will be discussed. 

I "LUCY BOOTH" will have a Palm Beach County Health 
= Department representative April 9, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in front of 
I the cafeteria. 

I A LAW AND ORDER panel sponsored by Dr. Yinger's \ 

I Amencan Social Problems class. Thursday, April 10 at 7:30 in i 

I the auditorium speakers on the panel will be David Bludworth, I 

I Richard Lopez, William "Boon" Darden and Edward Rogers. i 

I CORRECTION! Last issue the editorial "Money Goes Funny" | 

I reminded you that the Executive Board meihbers are also in Phi ■ 

I Theta Kappa. At the time of the allocation, however, only one : 

I was in Phi Theta Kappa. The others didn't join until after thev i 

a gave PTK the $3,000. ^ f 


Slater, Womans First AtJC 



Sports Editor 

Taking advantage of the Ifegality of recruiting 
women athletes, Palm Beach recently signed 
Athlantic High School's premier softball player, 
JoAnn Slater. 

Having played all of the infield positions. Slater 
lead the Eagles to the Suncoast Conference 
Championship defeating John I. Leonard two out 
of three games this past season. 

She hopes to enroll in the Dental Hygiene school 
at JC, but in the meantime she is taking courses in 
the college's dual enrollment program. 

"I always played around with a bat and a whiffle 
ball when Iwas little," commented JoAnn, "My 
first organized experience came in the seventh 
grade in Delray. ' ' 

Her high school coach Sharon Whittelsey, a 

former JC student recommended her und Reynolds 
followed up on the talented female, who's batting 
average was .564. 

Upon receiving one of the half scholarships Jo 
Ann said, "This gives more of an opportunity for 
everyone else. Instead of picking the select couple, 
everyone gets a chance . " 

"Giving out scholarships to women has been 
always legal," said Athletic Director Dr. Howard 
Reynolds, "but now the Association of 
Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW) says 
its legal to recruit women." 

As of now, Palm Beach has not received any 
funds for women's scholarships, so Reynolds has 
taken from each of the four men's sports in order to 
provide for the three women's intercollegiate 
teams - softball, golf and tennis. 

Continued On Pg 6 

Senate Supports Seat Money 

Staff Writer 

The Student Government 
Senate and the Women For 
Office Workers (WOWS) both 
support recent proposals to 
cushion JC auditorium seats. 

WOWS were the first to 
contribute to a fund to get the 
seats padded. 

At the March 27 Senate 
meeting, a motion was made 
and seconded to support the 

Phi Rho Phi, the honorary 
speech fraternity, has a goal to 
cushion the 500 seats. JC 
Clerk-typist Marian Gladding 

and switchboard operator Mary 
Powell donated a $110 check 
towards the project. 

"We are pleased to donate to 
the auditorium seat fund, and 
hope others will follow suit, so 
that before long, there will be 
enough money collected to 
replace all the seats," com- 
mented Powell. 

SG President Tory Buckley 
wants people to get off their 
"appethetic ass" and get 
something done at JC. He said 
it's hard to sit on auditorium 
seats for more than ten minutes. 

Hash seat costs approximately 
$40 each to cover. 



Page Four 


Phone 582-1045 

Tight Money 

Continued From Pg 1 

According to Reynolds, the amount each player will receive is 
stated in his contract, so he knows before he signs it what he is 
getting. The money was not meant to cover all their meals, he 

JC's present "basketball house" has been used for three years. 
The lease will soon be up and no definite plans for next year has 
been made. 

"With enrollment caps we will have more difficulty getting 
out-of-state kids in school," Reynolds explained. "We're not sure 
what will happen next year. It's a tough situation. ' ' 



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114 North "J" St. 

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MrailMr F.D.I.C. 


For A Good Part-Time Job!! 

• Good Pay • New Opportunities 

• Career Training • Regular Promotions 

• Men and Women Eligible 






RM. 106, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60646 ' 










4 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 7, 1975 

Monday, April 7, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 5 

» t 

Dollar Dilemma Solved 

Here And Gone 


Staff Writer 

Frustration is the name of the 
game. Frustration to the 
wholesale industry spokesman 
who feels he's not responsible 
for rising food prices and need 
not apologize for the fact that 
his company's almost up to the 
profit level that is the average 
for American businesses. Frus- 
tration for the retail food-store 





Tomatoes - 1 lb. 


Pot Pie 


TV Dinner 


Potatoes - 5 bis. 


Budweiser Shorts - Six Pak 1.59 

Hot Dogs -1 lb. 


Eggs - 1 dozeh 


Milk - One gallon 


Margarine - 1 lb. 


Com Flakes- 12 oz. 


Canned Vegetables 


Powdered Milk 


Tuna Fish 


Ground Beef- lib. 



manager who says it's not his 
fault repricing has become a 
commonplace. But frustration, 
most of all, to the confused, 
scrimping shopper who is 
waiting for the prices to come 

Retail prices of all foods have 
climbed more than 15% since 
last year, even though farm 
prices dropped 7%. The 
wholesale industry attributes 


































this to the rising cost of 
transportation, labor, energy, 
and equipment. . .However , 
Albert Rees of the Stability' 
Council says "everyone will 
claim he's not responsible and 
each will have a convincing 
story to tell." 

Instead of trying to pinpoint 
the blame or complaining, why 
not do something about it? 

The first and most valuable 
tip is "Comparative Shopping," 
Look for food sales in the 
Thursday newspaper, decide 
what you want to buy before you 
go to the store, and look for 
"specials" not in the food ads. 
Compare prices for different 
brands and grades of foods. 
Remember, that many food 
chain stores sell their own 
brands of economy canned 
foods, etc., at comparable 
quality and a much lower cost 
than nationally advertised 
brands. Unfortunately, food 
shopping in West Palm Beach is 
slightly more expensive than in 
most Florida cities, therefore, 
only makes matters worse. Wise 
shopping is a must. 

You may have been wonder- 
ing, though, which retail store 
in this a'ea offers the best 
values. iPublix, Winn-Dixie, or 
Pantry Pride? 

In aii effort to answer this 
question, identical shopping 
lists were taken containing the 
most commonly-bought goods 
were into these three major 
supermarkets. The price check- 
ing was all done on the same 

day, April 2, and although most 
of the brands were the same, 
each store had their own 
individual specials for that 
particular day. 

Pantry Pride fared the best, 
although each store had their 
share of values. As you can note 
by the chart, no one store was 
surprisingly cheaper or more 
expensive than the other. 

-Frankly Speaking 

We Are Alike 

It happened one day in an 
instant, like the click of an inner 
switch. One minute he was who 
he was , then he changed. 

It was like a flame that had 
come to life, "They're all just 
like me!" he declared to 

He smiled at the passers-by, 
who smiled back. It pleased him 
to please: them with his smile. 
"Happiness in others brings 
happiness to me, and the 
opposite is also true, maybe." 
Satisfied with his analogue, he 
said again, "They're just like 

It seems that people con- 



'-'^/''o// Hour ^I'tx"^^ 

"- — Frank Smith- 

stantly refer to the world from 
their own perspective, not 
realizing that others peer at the 
world through different ones. 

Continuing on, the young 
man came to the shore. Down on 
the beach was a stranger 
standing alone, until, of course, 
he was standing along side her. 
"I have the desire to ... " he 

"I have the desire ..." she 
began at the same time, and 
then they both stopped. 
Communication is strange in 
that the more you know of the 
person you're speaking to, the 
less words you have to use. 

An observer to their meeting 
stepped towards them and 
began to ask, "Are you two . . 

"Married? , . . no." they 
answered, "We're just ..." 

"Qose?" he suggested. 

' * Yes ' ' they answered. 

All three of them smiled as if 
to say that love is grand, and 
that they understand. 

But the girl understood that 
their meeting meant there was 
love in herself for the one she 

It seems that people con- 
stantly refer to the world from 
their own perspectives, not 
realizing that others peer 
through different ones. "They'- 
re just like me." is the thought. 

Concerning repricing, it is 
Publix's policy to wait until the 
item is sold out before 
introducing it on the shelves at a 
higher price, while Pantry Pride 
declined comment. Each store 
agreed that prices were set by 
state controls and their main 
offices, with their busiest 
shopping days being Fridays 
and Saturdays. 

As noted by the chart, no one 
store was drastically cheaper or 
more expensive than the other. 
Therefore, there's only one 
thing you can do. Plan your 
meals, prepare more of them at 
home, economize and PRAY! 

No, frustration will get you 

Reviews And Previews 

The Facts On 

The DeCormier Singers are 
an electrifying group, singing a 
program selected from the vast 
song repertory of many nations. 
Each performance is filled with 
excitement of theatrical enter- 
tainment. They will appear in 
our P.B.J.C. Auditorium Tues- 
day, April 8 at 12:30. 

The group made their debut 
in 1962 in New York City. As a 
result of their resounding 
success, the group has made a 
coast-tO'Coast tour of the United 
States and Canada each year 
since their debut. 

This organization of talented 
performers bears the stamp of 
the theatrical know-how and the 

Staff Writer 

In today's society people have 
become weight conscious to an 
extreme. People spend thou- 
sands, perhaps millions, of 
dollars each year to lose fat -' 
often euphemistically labeled 
"chubby" and "pleasingly 

The most disturbing thing to 
me is listening to anyone who is 
a size 5-13 talk about how fat 
they are. If a size 5-13 is fat, 
where does that leave me? 

Fat is . . . dropping weight 
scale from your vocabulary. 

Fat is . . . sitting in a tub and 
blocking the flow pf water. 

Fat is . . . bemg unable to 
cross your legs without being 

Fat is . . . being told you look 
best in blacks, browns and navy 
blues because they hide the 

Fat is . 
Fat is . 
Fat is . 

. embarrassing, 
. a problem. 

Yet society does not help by 
stereo-typing all fat people as 
over-eaters with an ice cream 
soda in one hand, cake in the 
other and a bowl of candy in 
front of them speedily disap- 
pearing. There are many other 
reasons people become fat. 

Often times fat can restrict a 
person's activity because of the 
overwhelming feelings of self 
consciousness. Fat people many 
times choose not to get involved 
for fear of embarrassment and 
ridicule by other people who do 
not understand their feelings of 
anxiety. This can cause a fat 
person to avoid all social 
activities. Feelings of self-con- 
sciousness need to be overcome. 

lalize their 

intel^)»ple with 
a be!W:tice. 

:':«ons and 



S k people 

loae, ah, 

, though 


liair color, 


I individual 
of all 

^i is - fat 


Seentelr Unscented 

squeezing through 
walking sideways 

Fat is . . 
a turnstile. 
. Fat is . 
down a bus aisle. 

Fat is . . . dreaming of 
yourself in high-waisted pants. 

Fat is . . . throwing away your 
tie and buckle on shoes. 

Fat is . . . looking pregnant 
twelve months out of the year. 

Fat is . . . getting nearly stuck 
in a movie theatre seat. 

Fat is . . . converting your 
younger sister's stingray bike 
into an exercise bike. 


Staff Writer 

Isr of people habitually trot 

Deodorant commercials ought to scat( 

The first twinge of fear should havsj 
come with the Lifebuoy ad, featurioi 
levitating Lifebuoy users sneering at 
earthbound victim of BO. fvlaybe that's 
what's been wrong with the parties^ 
you've'beento. Everybody else showen 
with Lifebuoy and you just used soap 

Then there's the ad where the bald (4\ 
daddy bounces out of the shower an( 
prances round his wife proclaiming, " 
SMELL clean! Whoof!" The message if 

that you can't just be clean, you've gotto^ .'rjous herbs or the first day 
smell clean -assuming, by the way, that *|j if yoy smell like a person 


iSQJff before the day is out. 
arly detestible commercial 
cute cheerleader confiding 
e that when she raises her 
eer she doesn't want any 
surprises' ". She doesn't 
-d of surprises she means. 

Featured Futures- 

Is-dety. It 

ou can 

a compulsively 
is a true social 
as human by the 
smell like mint. 

Scorpio Finds AFhemlps 



PISCES Rsces intuition is dependable - 
trust your hunches. Don't let a 
tendency to gloom overshadow your 
week. Be quick to seize a half-seen 

ARIES You get in an accident, but all 
that's Uable to injury is your dignity. 
Respond humorously to unfriendly 

TAURUS The week is full of memorable 
happenings and definite statements. 
People seem to have more energy. You 
accomplish numerous things you'd been 
putting off. 

GEIWINI Everyone has a price and 
someone is trying to find yours. Stall for 
time. You become interested in a new 
activity of job. 

CANCER You have an opportUBi!: 
inake yourselfknown. You'll be asi 
perform a special favor. Coolness f 
you care for bothers you. 

LEO It's your turn to start thing 
take the initiative when you knoH.-i 
you're about. What you begin, 
good intentions, will blossom. 

VIRGO You discover disheart* 
information about your job. Insti 
kicking the dog, see what you can^ 

you solve your worries, 
f^'nid to accept help. You'll 
|:£e to repay it. 

US Observe, but don't draw 
ijust yet. Sneak around the 

!ad get inside information. 

tManket types. 

you're in trouble. You will be ostracized 
at parties, eyed suspiciously at work, 
snubbed by the opposite sex and told off 
by people who are Surer than you. 

If the trend continues, you could even 
be arrested. 

1 visualize a not-very-futuristic system 
in which body odor has become a felony. ' 

Under this system, you, the 
law-abiding citizen, (pardon me if I've 
misjudged anyone) take your morning 
shower with a soap Absolutely 
Guaranteed to Kill Odor. You gargle 
vigorously with mouthwash that takes the 
enamel off your teeth, spray yourself with 
the leading aerosol and struggle into 
plastic-lined clothes. 

You step into the street through a door 
equipped with an alarm tuned to the 
slightest trace of human scent. 

P.A. speakers in the street crackle 
ominously. "Citizens are warned to stay 
in their homes. Public offender is loose. 
Tliis person is unsprayed and presumed 
dangerous." Sirens wail. A young, man 
dashes past, pursued by the Right Guard 
Squad in gas masks. They bring him 
down, douse him with their tanks of Right 
Guard, beat him up and haul him away. 

alter the situation. Don't let 
acquaintances get you down. 

c*| 3 up by asking embarrassing . er . . . odor. 

LIBRA This week your judgment « 
trusted and your ideas are valii 
your own way. If someone objects, 
as he can stick it in his ear. ;, _ 

SCORPIO You'll gain an unexp«|-- 

'IH Be wary of an attempeted Next day your next-door neighbor 
Several people try to flatter sheepishly explains his son's absence. 
at could turn into a disaster. "Well ... you know ... got busted for . '. 

Fifty years ago, few people considered 
• * using a deodorant. Moufhwashp<5 hrno+i, 
.SAn arrogant P^^^°" '^rn^^^^*^^"-^' f^'"^"'- hygeine spra^^^^^^ 
3g to annoy you. You find .^^^ shampoos, body coEes' 
.ing strarigely around a new l^^. ^^^^ ^^ ^P^ ^;^^ e'ach dS to feei 
e. secure? 

musical good taste of its 
founder, Robert DeCormier, 

Under his direction the 
Singers present a new concept 
in concert entertainment. Their 

aim is to recreate the cultures of 
many lands through all artistic 
means. Variety is the keynote of 
programs with songs from 
England, Scotland, Ireland, 
Norway, Russia, Poland, French 
Canada, Africa and the West 

The concerts of the DeCorm- 
ier Singers have been hailed as 
a unique experience. 

Although the show was billed 
as The Guitar Ensemble's show, 
it was Robin Plitt and Mrs. Pat 
Johnson who entered the 
spotlights eye and came out 
with the ovations of the crowd. 

Mrs. Pat Johnson, accom- 
panied by lleana Lavastide 
performed in the show held 
April 2 in the J.C. auditorium. 
She did a work by that brilliant 
Brazilian composer Hector 
Villa-Lobos. Mrs. Johnson's 
voice carried the number into an 
impressive vocal display. 

Robin Plitt, composer/song 
writer, stole the show from a 
group of talented guitarists. 
Performing as a duet with Shelly 
Gladey. Plitt presented three 
songs "Behind Your Eyes," 
"Back To You," and "Daffodil. 
The "Daffodil" song has been 
chosen by Mr. Frank Leahy to 
be used in his feature length 
Lmovie, "The Eighth Daffodil." 


t :., 

r% * 



Poll Watchers are needed for the 

upcoming SG election. The Beachcomber 

encourages interested students to 

contact Theresa LePore SG Secretary 

of Elections for details. 

"Songs can be a very 
effective means of communica- 
tion," says Robin. I am inclined 
to agree. 

Performing pieces written by 
Bach, Debbie Steele and Joe 
Throup opened the show. 

Ray Farese and Susan Foster 
worked together on an impress- 
ive number. The close of the 
show brought on the guitar 
ensemble. Consisting of Debbie 
Steele, Dale Steinmetz, Robert 
Diddle, Thomas Biggs and Ken 
Massalone, the ensemble was 
directed by JC student Bob 
Zimmerman. Their pieces 
showed a good flow of sound 
and controlled style.: — ; Frank 

Under the direction of Mrs. 
Patricia AdiUns Johnson, Wed- 
nesday, April 9 at 8 p.m. in the 
PBJC Auditorium, the Palm 
Beach Junior College Music 
Department will present its 
annual Spring Choir Concert, 

"We have a 50-voice choir, 
and plan to have two violinists, a 
viola player, two flutists, a bass 
and cello for some of . the 
presentations," Mrs. Johnson 

The concert, open to the 
public, with no charge for 
admission, will have a varied 

Included will be "God Is Our 
Refuge" by Roman, and 
"Evensong" ("Abendlied zu 
Gott") by Heydn, to be sung in 

"Dixit Dominus," will be 
sungbythe:following students, 
members of the All-State Choir: 
Karen Bunner, Oveta Jackson, 
Billie Jo Drosakis, Carol 
Hebach, Ronnie Anderson, 
Betsy^Pryor, Bob Sheffey, Mike 
Eberle, Ed Esposito, and Perry 

"Dream Fantasy" from 
Hansel and Gretel will have 
solists Oveta Jackson, Karen 
Bunner and Carol Hebach; Ed 
Esposito will be soloist for the 
Russian folk song, "Yonder, 
Yonder," and Lorraine Home 
will sing the solo part in "Hold 
That Misery Down." 

Sl^dKleeiOrgatiit P roiduc^ 

• 6.5 ph factor 
® Cosmetics 

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3949 Melaleuca Lane 



In a Part or Full Time Position? 
Good Earnings, Liberal Bonus 
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Polluting Products With A-1 
Rated Company. 

Call George H. Raupp 

6 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 7, 1975 


Pacers Finish Second 

JC Girls Ace Field 

Staff Writer 

"I played steady," says 
Marina Polman Tuin of her 
recent first place finish in the 
No. 3 Singles in the Woman's 
State Junior College Tennis 
Tournament held on the JC 
courts, March 20-22. 

Polman Tuin was one of three 
JC girls to make it to the finals. 
The other two were the No. 1 
player, Robin Langridge, who 
was unseeded and Hillary Cove, 
who was seeded second in the 
No. 6 singles. 

Polman Tuin had little trouble 
reaching the finals. After 
drawing a bye in the first round 
she beat Honie Shapiro of 
Miami Dade-South 6-1, 6-1 in 

the second round. In the 
semi-finals Polman Tuin took 
less than an hour to defeat 
Broward Central's Debbie 
Deluccia whom she regarded as 
her toughest opponent, 6-1, 6-1. 
In the finals Polman Tuin 
disposed of Indian River's 
Sharon Karst 6-1, 6-0. 

Maria regards her service and 
forehand to be the strong points 
of her game. 

Commenting on the question 
of being nervious, Polman Tuin 
says, "I wasn't. I expected to 
lose, so I just stayed free." 

Langridge also had little 
trouble reaching the finals. 
After drawing a bye in the first 
round, she defeated Edison's 
Karen Stratten, 7-6, 6-2 in the 
second round. In the semi-finals 

Hillary Cove (left) and Janet Fiabiani (right) help pace JC to 
second place in the recent FJCC womens tennis championship. 
Photo by Putt. 

Ideas Stimulated 
At l&R Seminars 

Editorial Assistant 

Ideas which may be imple- 
mented in JC's intramural 
program were introduced at the 
National Intramural Associa- 
tion's 26th Annual Convention. 

The convention, held in New 
Orleans . two weeks ago, was 
attended by JC's Intramural 
Director Roy Bell, Mr. Melvin 
Edgerton, Assistant Intramural 
Director Kathy Wilk, and 1 & S. 
Board members Amy Strimbu 
and Ed Richards. 

All five thought the conven- 
tion was beneficial. They 
attended seminars and heard 
about new programs initiated by 
other schools. 

"One of the schools did a 
take-off on the Super Stars (an 
event where individuals com- 
pete in numerous sports) and 
we're thinking about something 
like that," Edgerton said. 

Another program described 
was a mock rodeo. "The only 
animals used were a calf and a 
goat, " Richards explained. 

Also introduced were a 
weight-lifting event and an arm 
wrestling tournament. 

"I think variations like these 
in the program could help our 
school," Richards added. "I 
feel different programs from the 
norm would create more student 
interest and offer an opportunity 
for students to participate in 
things they otherwise might not 
have a chance to." 

Edgerton said a lot of schools 
are using films to promote their 
programs and mentioned the 
possibility of an intramural 
promoting commercial at JC. 
The commercial could be shown 
before SG movies, for example, 
to advertise intramurals. 

"We learned a lot about new 
twists in intramurals," Strimbu 
said. She added that she and 
Wilk attended a seminar on the 
role of women in intramurals 
which was "very interestinE." 

"We got the feel of what's 
going on on other campuses, 
what's working in other schools 
and their problems , " he said. 

Langridge defeated Debi Mortis 
of Broward North 6-2, 6-3 
and in the finals Langridge was 
on the losing end of a 6-1, 6-3 
decision to St. Petersburg's 

Throughout the match, the 
referee called an abundant 
amount of foot faults on both 
players. In regard to the foot 
faults, Langrdige said, "They 
tore me up. My serve was 
tentative and I double faulted." 

Langridge continued, "My 
strength is my backhand. I 
prefer a backhand and also 
enjoy playing the net. " 

Cove, who drew a bye in the 
first round and defeated Sharon 
Lazzaro of Miami-Dade North 
6-1, 6-2 in the second and in the 
semi-finals, Cove defeated Pam 
Cox 7-6, 6-4; in the finals Cove 
lost to Broward Central's Ketty 
Molina, the number one seed in 
the No. 6 singles. 

Cove fels her key to getting to 
the finals was "being consistent 
and keeping the ball in play. " 

She had a season record of 
14-2 plans to play for the team 
next year if she gets into the 
Dental Hygiene program. 

The No. 2 doubles team of 
Polman Tuin and Janet Fabiani 
was the only team from a JC to 
reach the finals. After a close 
victory in the second round of 
0-6, 6-2, 7-6 over Kathy Watkins 
and Shapiro, they cruised into 
the finals with a 6-0, 6-1 victory 
over Kathy and Laurie Beem of 
St. Petersburg. In the finals 
Polman Tuin and Fabiani lost to 
the No. 1 seeds Karen Sieferd 
and Deluccia 6-2, 6-1 of Broward 

In the overall team standings, 
Broward Central placed first in 
the tourney with 29 points, 
followed by JC with 17V2 points 
and Broward North in third. 

Langridge comments, 
"Second isn't bad." 




Page Seven 


First Woman Signed 

Continued From Pg 3 

"We have taken money from the existing programs to bring the 
women's programs up to the level of the men's. We don't want to 
do anything to the expenses of the mens program. We have 
worked hard to bring them to where they are today," continued 

According to Reynolds' plan, the women are to be given one full 
scholarship from each of the men's programs. The baseball team 
now have 17; basketball, 11; and 5 each for golf and tennis. 

JoAnn is joining a winning tradition at JC, despite the resources 
for funds. Currently, the Pacers hold a 10-2 record with both losses 
handed down from Miami Dade-South. 

The most recent split with Dade-South was April 2, a 4-2 win in 
the opener and a 6-5 loss in the night-cap. Dede Clayton lead the 
girls with a double and 2 RBI's. 

The girls played at the Dade-South Invitational over the 
weekend, and were seeded third behind Flagler College and 

Coach Bobbie Knowles commented that Dade-South has had 
consistent good defense. "This doubleheader shows me we got 
it," continued Knowles, "it's just a matter of putting it all 
together. " 



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iS'de^'outh^"^^'' ^'^^^'^' *° ""^"^^ 3 P"t «ut at second during a recent game with Miami 

Sports Life 

Sports Editor 

"I'm pulling out all of the 
stops, we've got to put on a 
charge," said Pacer baseball 
coach Dusty Rhodes as he paced 
in front of his club at a recent 
team meeting. 

Palm Beach has the seventh 
best record in the state, 24-8, 
and are ranked No. 10 in the 
weekly coaches poll. But, in the 
conference, JC must continue to 
win to have a mathematical 
chance for the state tournament. 

Quality NotQuantity Deemed Essential 

Florida is heaven, or perhaps a haven, for northern colleges to 
get in shape for their upcoming seasons during spring break. But, 
being too much of a good sport is not going to produce quality 

Recently, Palm Beach's baseball team played 15 games in 10 
days, three in one day! Granted the exposure to different teams is 
good for the ball club, but it is not necessary, nor is it right to be a 
guinea pig for experimentation. Semi-miraculistically, Coach 
Dusty Rhodes' diamond nine won 12 out of 15. 

Athletic Director Dr. Howard Reynolds said, "I gave Dusty 
permission to play three games in one day because he had crossed 
his wires. Two teams were scheduled to play us at the same time. 

"Physically they are capable of playing that many games," 
conlinued JC's athletic director, "But mentally they can't 
perform. Remember, they are going to school, also." 

Arguing that the experience is necessary, utility-infielder Jerry 
Wallers commented, "I think it's everyone on this team's goal to 
flay pro ball." 

"Yeh, this is what we're down here for," added ace southpaw 
Koss Baumgarten. 

Win In Golf Tourney 

Timothy L. Bray 

Even the major league clubs do not schedule more than nine 
games per week during the peak of their season. 

While speaking with Dr. Reynolds, he told me that a meeting 
has been scheduled after the season with Rhodes. One of the top 
priorities is better organization of the schedule; and one 
recommendation will be not more than one doubleheader per 

A key example of allthe week's games catching up with the 
Pacers, is the 6-3 loss to Broward Central, Saturday, March 29. 
(Incidentally, BC went on to defeat the defending national 
champs, Miami Dade-North, 11-7 Wednesday night.) 

A couple of mental errors could have gotten JC out of an inning 
before the damage was completed. Scott Harvey blasted a 
three-run homer in the fourth off Pacer pitcher Eddie Fisher. BC 
also got msurance in the sixth ftom Rod Spooner's two-run double. 

"There is no excuse to not getting up for a converence game," 
said Walters. "All physical things should be wiped out." 

An old cliche is the only appropriate phrase to explain these past 
few weeks: "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him 

Whh a 9-7 conference record, 
JC is third behind front running 
Miami Dade-North and Miami 

In the most recent action, 
JC handed Indian River 
Community College two defeats 
Tuesday, 5-1 and 6-3. Lead by 
the hitting- of Rich Sorise and 
Bob Bends, the Pacers bats 
racked IRCC for 22 hits. 

Sorise, who recently has been 
in a slight slump, finally showed 
signs of last year's form. He had 
five RBI's while Bob Benda 
collected five hits. 

"When one guy gets down 
the others come around and 
start hitting. 

"Many times we've had the 
door open, but we did a little 
choke job on it," explained 

Basically, he summed up the 
challenge in one sentence. "We 
have to go out and win them 

Nef Results 

P.B.J.C. 7 

Miami Dade North 

C. Wadlington d. Gabriel 
Monroy 6-1, 6-4; Roberto Rizo 
d. Arnie Mansur6-1, 6-1; Norm 
Russ'el d. Hugo 6-4, 6-3; Gary 
Ray d. George Isaac 6-2, 5-7, 
7-6; Pete Pulitzer d. George 
Simmons 6-4, 6-3. Doubles: 
Wadlington-Rizo d. Monroy- 
Hugo 6-3, 7-5; Russel-Pulitzer 
d. Mansur-Isaac 6-4, 6-3. Palm 
Beach 14-3 over-all: 10-1 

Staff Writer 

"A win here could be very 
important," explains Golf 
Coach Ray Daugherty. "It 
■lould really build the team's 
Miifidence for the Division IV 
Murnament next week and the 
state tournament in May." 

The win Coach Daugherty is 
ft;ferring to would be at the 
Pacer Community College 
''nvitational this Thursday and 
i^riday over the Fountains and 
iVest Palm Beach Country Club 
bourses . 

The two courses are about as 
ilifferent as you can get, but the 
Pacers vvill have the home 
wurse advantage. This should 
t<:a big factor at the West Palm 
Seach Country Club where the 
iteens are hard and the shots 
">iusi be played short so that 
iticy will run on. The course is 
fairly short but has plenty of 
i *»ods and palmetto bushes. 

going after the individual title, 
• but with the hopes that his good 
scores will lead the team to its 
first victory. 

' 'If I can 't play these courses, 
I can't play any," admits Sim, 
"and that goes for the rest of 
the team as well." 

The home course advantage 
should play a big role with the 
other teams having to adjust to 
the different courses. It is 
always hard to make adjust- 
ments on golf courses you are 
unfamiliar with. It could even be 
difficult for players who know 
the courses. 

Members of this years Mens Tennis team are (from left to right kneeling) Micky Nolen, 
Pulitzer, Charles Wadlington, and Roberto Rizo. (Standing) Coach Harris McGirt, Gary 
Joyn McCarley, and Norman Russell. 


Classified Ads 


The Fountains course is just 
' '^e opposite. It is a long golf 
course with plenty of water 
'flics and a lot of bunkers. The 
fairways are wide and there are 
■ot very many trees, but if a bad 
-% does not go in the water it 
*tli probably be out-of-bounds. 

Ail of Division IV will be 
playing in the tournament along 
lith one outside, team. That 
•;eans defending state and 
•ational champion Broward will 
^tthc team to beat. , 

We've beaten them before, 
^ds Mike Sim the Pacer's 
'Jniber one player.. He will be 

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8 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 7, 1975 




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Elections On Through Thursday 

Campaign posters are up for the Student 
Uovernnient Executive Board Elections as candidates 
wait for the results to be given out on Friday. 

Tliree voting machines are being used throughout 
ilie election. They are located outside the 
administration building, Cafe', and the business patio. 
Only two machines have been used in past elections. 

Ihe candidates are: President; James Cox, Kimberly 
Jones, Randy Smiler, Vice Pres., Ron Bukley, Sue 
Keen; Secretary, Lynn Kalber; Treasurer., Tom 
McCullough, and Paul Sapp. 

Qualifications for candidacy include having at least a 
2.2 Grade Point Average, carry no less than 12 hours, 
and must have 12 credit hours on record. All the 
candidates meet the requirements. 

SG doesn't plan on having major foul-ups as in past 
elections. Supervisor of Elections Theresa LePore is 
planning on a successful election. Whereas the 
average number of voters has been 300, LePore expects 
up to 1200 JC students going to the poles. 

Voting times are: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and 6:30 
p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The votes will be counted Friday 
morning. If needed, a runoff is planned for April 21. 

SG President Tory S. Buckley said a decision has not 
been reached concerning the press being allowed to 
witness the counts. The votes will be counted in the N. 
SAC Lounge. Anyone can enter the lounge but not go 
near the machines. Three advisors will witness the 

VOL. XXXVI No. 24 


Monday, April 14, 1975 

Lake Worth, Florida 33460 

4 Days Left 

Registration Policy : 
First Come-First Serve 

Associate Editor 

"Courses could get in short 
supply," commented JC Reg- 
istrar Laurence Mayfield Thurs- 
day, concerning Fall term 
pre-scheduling, which began 
April 7 and concludes at noon, 
Friday, April 18. 

As of noon, Thursday, April 
10, Mayfield estimated that 
1700 students had pre-reg- 
Biered, with only 18 sections 
being closed to that point. 

Mayfield predicts, however, 
that close to 4000 students will 
pre-register by the end of this 
seek. In contra«it to recent 
spring term pre-registrations, 
no long lines have appeared and 
students thus far have been able 
to register without unnecessary 

The computer has broken 
down once during the current 
registration, though it was out 
of service only 30 minutes. 
Generally, however, the regis- 
trar is pleased with the work of 
the often maligned device, and 
compliments the very capable 
work of Jeff Hunter and Paul 
Bunnell, students in JC's 
Computer Science Department. 

Registration next fall for new 
students should be open to all 
Florida residents, according to 
Mayfield. A recently passed JC 
Board of Trustee policy requires 
new out-of-state students to be 
in the top half of thejr 
graduating class. 

Incoming foreign students 
must have at least a 400 score on 
the Test of English Language 

Chh-chating students in line to register. 

Recently completed Spring 1 
pre-registration results indicate 
that 1,668, or close to 90 per 
cent of the students who 
registered paid fees, while 192 
schedules were cancelled for 
students* failure to register. 

Regular Spring 1 registration 
is scheduled May 6 and is to be 
held on a first-come, first-serve 
basis. Approximately 80 
reactivated students have been 
accepted and are to register at 
that time. Regular studentS'are 
eligible, but no longer have 

Students registering May 6 
may be able to latch on to some 
General Education courses 
because of the 192 cancelled 
schedules. An average of three 
positions . are open in "most 
General Education Sections. 

Turn to "Registration" Pg 3 

Jeanne Fleenor enjoys Arch Ball 

Food, AAusic, Brew 

'I don't get Anthropology, huh?" 



.'tlojtaay - If Attrsday, iaM «,ittC to ^M p^ft* ai»S 6^ |>,ttit. to 9i06; 


Staff Writer 

A faarebeque and festival 
featuring the rock group 
Phoenix will be presented by 
Chi Sig and student government 
on Sunday, April 20. 

Music will be blue grass and 
tender grass. Chi Sig Pledge 
Master Greg Wile, who is in 
charge of the production, 
explained that this kind of music 
is the type we've heard Jim 


NEWS. . .Migrant farm worker from California comes to JC see page 3 

EDITORIAL. . . Meet the 'Comber choices In this weeks' Execatlve Board Electfons. .... .see page 5 

VENTURE . . . .Blue Grass, Fender Grass April 20; Jazz Ensemble April 16 see page 7 

SPORTS . . . .Pacers 9 seek revenge Tuesday at Dade-North,. see page 9 

Croce, Bob Dylan, and Cat 
Stevens perform. 

"It is of a rural background 
and has a lot of feeling," he 

Phoenix is scheduled to 
entertain for one hour. 
Additional entertainment will be 
provided by Swamp Fox, John 
Westbrook and Dan Pillen, Don 

Dunaway, Charlie Robertson, 
Nathan Blodgett, and the Casey 
Jones Band. Wile said they 
perform original material. 

Plenty of barbequed pork, 
corn, baked beans arid an 

Turn To "Chi Sis" Pg 3 

Arch Ball 

Staff Writer 

The Arch Ball, Phi Lo's 
traditional formal dance, will be 
held Saturday April 19. 

The dance is free for JC 
students and open to the 

This year, SG is funding $600 
for the dance. The money will 
go toward renting the American 
Legion Hall for the dance, 
decorations, food and the rock 
band, Triad. 

Refreshments will include 
sandwiches, hor d'oeuvres, and 

Students should wear formal 
attire - a coat and tie for the 
guys and long dresses for the 


They call this dance the Arch 
Ball because of a tradition in 
which Phi Lo members and their 
escorts walked through a 
decorated arch as the president 
announced their names. 

This year's Arch Ball will be 
held at the American Legion 
Hall on J Street in Lake Worth, 
from 9:00 to 1:00. 

"This dance is for the 
students, since they pay for it 
through the activity fee," said 
Phi Lo President Jeanne 
Fleenor. "Everyone should 

2- BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 14, 1975 


Dr. Conley Named O.A.E. | Editors Notebook 

Dr. Cecil Conley, Executive 
Dean of Palm Beach Junior 
College - Glades since May of 
1972, has been named an 
Outstanding American Educator 
for 1975. 

"Due in great measure to the 
fine efforts of Dr. Conley, PBJC 
- Glades has taken its place 
among the other important 
community institutions in the 
hearts and feelings of the people 
in Belle Glade," Dr. Manor 

"He has done a superb job in 
developing the Center; by 
building a strong staff, he has 
gained the respect of the 
student body and the commun- 
ity," Manor added. 

Nominations for this program 
are made by officials of colleges 
and universities, including 
presidents, deans and depart- 
ment chairmen. 

Dr. Conley, a Kentuckian, 
graduated from the University 

Dr. Cecil Conley, happy to 
have been nominated. 



Watson B. Duncan III 

Five state finalists will give award winning presentations at 11 
a.m. Wednesday April 16th in the JC auditorium. 

Watson B. Duncan, English dept. head (pictured ) will introduce 
the speakers. They are Jim Cleare, Keith Cooper, Kim Nelson, 
David Batho and Dolor Ginchereau. 

John Connoly, forensics and debate coordinator, commented, 
"Any form of speaking that a person can do in a contest we do it. 
Competition is the name of the game, the students won't believe the 
range that is involved in forensics." Connoly has tried to increase 
the interest of forensics to the student by offering demonstrations 
such as these. Next fail he will also be teaching a three credit 
Tuesday and Thursday class in debate. 

The demonstration will last roughly one hour, and everyone is 

John Anchterionie 

Walt Davis holds poster in one 
hand and a smelly fish in the 
other as he goes through Chi Sig 

Y.D. Newly 
Active At J. C. 

The Young Democrats club 
met to elect officers and to draw 
up a constitution Tuesday in the 
North SAC Lounge. 

Elected officers are: Randy 
Simler, president; James Cox, 
vice-president; Ron Bukley, 
secretary and treasurer. ; 

The Young Democrats are 
presently working to get John 
Prince Park open at night, they 
support ERA and are trying to 
make PBJC an area for voters to 
go to the polls. 

Lynn Glass, candidate for 
president of Young Democrats 
of Palm Beach County will be at 
the April 15 meeting to discuss 
her ideas for getting people 
interested in Y.D. 

Anyone from ages 16-35 are 
invited' to join the club. 

Meetings are scheduled every 
[Tuesday, at 10:45 in SS 23. 

John Aachterlonie 

of Kentucky, with a B.S. in 
Agriculture, and later earned 
his M.S. in Agriculture from 
that same university. 

He received his Ph.D. in 
Biochemistry and Animal In- 
dustry from North Carolina 
State University. 

After serving in the army for 
two years, Conley did research 
in animal nutrition, forages, 
vitamins and sex hormones at 
Clemson University for seven 

The educator was chairman of 
the Science Division and 
professor of Chemistry at 
Livingston University, Livings- 
ton, Alabama and chairman of 
the Division of Science and 

Mathematics, and taught 
Science at Pembroke State 
University, Pembroke, Alabama 
before coming to Palm Beach 
Junior College as a Chemistry 
instructor in 1970. 

|FAC SCAT TEST will be given Tuesday, April 15, at 3:00 - 4:30 in! 
|SC26. There is no fee. Sign up in the Testing Center if you wish to i 
I take the test. Graduates wishing to transfer to ANY Florida I 
i university need to take this test. | 

IaNNUAL spring CONCERT, presented by JC's Music! 
SDepartment, will be Monday, April 21 at 8:15 p.m. in the! 
5 auditorium. The concert is open to the public, with no charge fori 
1 admission. g 

I GOODS are needed to help migrants. Please bring these goods tog 
I the box in the Humanities Building. | 

|CIRCLE K meets every Thursday night, 7:00 p.m. in the North SACl 
iLounge. Meetings will continue through the summer. | 

I JAZZ ENSEMBLE, free, Wednesday April 16, 8:00 p.m. FAU Jazz i 
I Band, Atlantic High Concert Band, Okeraos High school band, from I 
|Okemos, Michigan and JC's Jazz Ensemble. Playing Rock, Pop andf 
SJazz, everyone's invited. | 

|SIU The Students for International Understanding (SIU) and PBJc| 
I students from Thailand are sponsoring an evening of entertainment I 
sin the SAC Lounge. | 

I All JC students are invited to the event April 14 at 2:30 p.m. to| 
|celebrate the Thai New Year. | 

I Thai boxing is planned along with a tradition Thai wedding. = 
iPHI THETA KAPPA is hosting a pot-luck dinner April 20, 6:30 p.m. = 
i Sign up at PTK office BA 121. | 

fCORRECTION In the last issue SG Senator F. Carl Hensley was | 
Squoted as saying, "We don't have a four-year college in thisf 
Ecounty." The quote should have read, "We don't have af 
istate-supported four-year college in this county. | 


Food Drops Placed For Migrants 

Peter Fahy, director of the South County 
Emergency Food Program (SCEFP) has announced 
that food drop boxes will be placed in designated 
locations for needy migrant families, 

SCEFP is composed of people who are working 
for the county, state welfare, and other related 
agencies. Their main objective is to distribute food 
stamps and clothing to the south county workers 
who are eligible for food stamps but aren't 

receiving any. 

Their objective is to provide needy families with 
enough food to temporarily sustain them until they 
can be directed by a local government agency. 

Drop off points are: Mr. Estradas' office HU 4 
for the Newman club, Mr. Gross and Mr. Koph, 
offices sen A, SCI IB, for the Science club, Mr. 
Hendrix, office BA 131 (ZPhi Theta Kappa), SAC 
Lounge for SG and the Beachcomber office. 

Special concert performance Thurs. afternoon, AptO 17th, 12:45 
p.m. PBJC Auditorium. 

Featuring! The comedy and songs of Art Musto and Company and 
the big band sounds of the College Jazz Band. 

Shaklee Organic Products 

• 6.5 ph factor 

• Cosmetics 

• Cleaners 

• Toiletries 

• Natural Cold 

• Vitamins 

• Food Supplements 

3949 Melaleuca Lane 


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Good Earnings, Liberal Bonus 
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Polluting Products With A-1 
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Call George H. Raupp 



Freshly made Pizza, 
dough & topping 

Instant Lunch (Buffet) 
Pizza, spaghetti, $1,69 
salad & garlic bread 
All you can eat. 

Palm Springs Shopping Center 
10th Ave. & Congress, 
Palm Springs 967-6055 

Mon. thru Sat. 
11:30 -1:30 

Monday, April 14, 197B BEACHCOMBER - 3 

Technocrats Future Bright 


Staff Writer 

The engineering department 
one for which no general 
education courses are required. 
Mr. Jennings Rader, depart- 
tnent chairman, recognizes this 
and therefore is able to gear the 
courses to the student who 
wants to be there. 

The options for the engineer- 
ing technology major are many. 
There is the AA college parallel 
program, the 2 year AS degree, 
or one of the certificate 

The AA program for general 
engineering is heavy in science, 
math, and drawing with the 

general education require 

ments. The building construct- 
ion major is parallel to the 
University of Florida's building 
construction program. There is 
also an A. A. degree for 
industrial arts teachers. 

According to Mr. Rader, 
"The A.S. program is becoming 
more popular, because it is 
highly specialized. The student 
can go out and get a good 
paying job without a 4 year 
education. However, the A.S. 
degree is not a closed door. You 
can go on to get a 4 year 
education with the last 2 years 
stressing the match, science, 
and managerial studies," 

The A. A. program trains one 
to be a technician and is 
designed to be completed here 
at JC. There are many A.S. 
degrees, including aerospace 
technology, building construct- 
ion management, fire science, 
air conditioning and refrigerat- 
ion, and land surveying. 
Building construction manage- 
ment is a new program that is in , 
its first year at JC, It's aimed at 

the small subcontractor who 
wants to improve in his trade 
and who can come to the classes 
that are all held at night. The 
program covers taxes, small 
business management, and 
construction law, 

A new program not even in 
the catalog is that of bldg. 
inspection. The professional 
building inspectors asked for 
this program to help upgrade 
their personel and keep them 
abreast of the new laws and 
regulations that are coming out, 
due to the bldg. boom. 

There are also certificate 
programs in air conditioning 
and refrigeration, drafting, and 
surveying aids. In addition, the 
engineering technology depart- 
ment runs numerous non-credit 
workshops that are done on 

Speaking of the future of 
engineering and the engineer- 
ing technologies, Mr. Rader 

Future technocrat hard at work. 

Hosts Kappa 

Staff Writer 

Phi Theta Kappa left April 24 
to attend their 57th National 
Convention in Philadelphia. The 
theme for the Bicentennial 
Convention was "Ben Franklin 
and Thomas Jefferson: Apostle 
in 76." 

The reason for selecting 
Philadelphia as the city for the 
Bieentennial Convention was 
desig;ned to allow delegates who 
vvere running for 75-76 
campaign offices ample time to 
make individual and group visits 
lo the many historical shrines 
such as Philadelphia Museum of 
j^rt, Franklin Institute, Aca- 
demy of Natural Sciences, 
Independence Hall, and others. 

The convention started off 
^pril 3rd with an innvocation of 
fjation^il Representatives and a 
guest appearance of Benjamin 
pranklin himself. Friday the 
group listened to many thought 
provoking speeches from the 
delegates ninning for 75-765 
o^ces. That evening various 
awards were given out by 
p.T-KL. President Rod Risley. 
gaturday ended the long 
^-eekend with the election of 
gvv officers and a dance held 
„^ Valley Forge Academy. 

f^egisf ration... 

(I^ontinued From Pg 1 

jA.lthough JC stopped accept- 
•ne "^^ student applications 
knowing the Florida Legisla- 

f-e's January announcement of 

ioending cuts, 35-40 new 

fudents had been accepted to 

hat point and are to schedule 

}^r Spring 1 classes May 9. 

* .-A lot of these new students 

•ll be very unhappy with 
^Lat's available," explains 
f^yyfield. "But that's all we 


Migrant Farmers AtJ.C. 


News Editor 

Diana Lyons, Florida Boycott 
Director for Cesar Chavez' 
United F-arm Workers of 
America, was on campus today 
trying to interest PBJC student 
in working full time with the 
Farm Workers Union this 

Ms. Lyons, a migrant farm 
worker from California, has 
been in Florida since early 1972, 
organizing farm workers in the 
state and consumer support for 
the UFW's boycotts of grapes, 
lettuce and Gallo wines. 

She and her husband, also a 
former migrant worker, and the 
Union's State Director, are 
trying to recruit a full time staff 
of 50 to 100 people from the 
colleges and universities in 
Florida, and offer the students 
the same "strikers wages" as 
Cesar Chavez and all of the 
UFW organizers are paid - S5.00 
a week spending money, room 
and board, plus the satisfaction 

of organizing solutions to the 
myriad of problems faced by the 
farm workers who feed us all, 

Fred Ross, a former associate 
of Saul Alibsky, and the man 
who taught Cesar Chavez to 
organize, will be in Florida in 
late May and early June to train 
the summer volunteers, accord- 
ing to Ms. Lyons. She hopes to 
interview and meet with all 
interested students on campus 
on Wednesday, April 16, 
between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. in 
Conference Room 4 of the 
Criminal Justice Building, and 
have the training sessions 
planned by then. 

The student staff would be 
working in field offices among 
farm workers, and in the cities 
organizing consumers to sup- 
port the farm workers efforts to 
better their own lot by giving up 
non VFW grape, lettuce and 
Gallo wines (including Boones 
Farm, Spanada, Madria Madria 
Sangria, and all wines bottled in 
Modesto, California). All 
interested persons are asked to 
see Ms. Lyons on April 16, ' 
between 9 and 2,. in CJ4. 

Diana Lyons encourages farm workers. 

Engineering Dept. Chairman Jennings Rader 

commented, "The future in the 
field is one of enormous 
opportunity for 'technocrats'. 
Somebody has to keep society 
progressing. There are periodic 

slumps but job opportunities in 
these areas are the best avilable 
anywhere. ' ' 

Mr. Rader pointed out a 
problem that engineers have. 

"Engineers divorce themselves 
from politics. Technology got us 
into the environmental mess 
we're into today and is the only 
thing that can get us out. 
Engineers should take a more 
realistic view of society and its 

The equipment in^ JC's 
engineering technology depart- 
ment is top-notch. There is 

$250,000 worth of equipment 
with "there is not much more 
we could ask for in our 

Mr. Rader stressed that "our 
doors are wide open to female 
students because there is a 
large demand for women in 
engineering and engineering 
related fields. If anyone wants 
information ■, please come over 
and ask about our programs or 
call ext. 225, There are many 
good paying jobs in this 
occupational area." 

Chi Sig, SG Host Rock 

Continued From Pg 1 

estimated 48 kegs of beer will be 
available, free, between 2:00 
and 5:00 p.m. 

It all happens from 1:00 to 
11:00 p.m. at 6th Ave, South 
and Congress Ave. in Lake 
Worth. The acts are scheduled 
to end 10:00 p.m. 

Profits will go to the Link 
Foundation, PBC Habilitation 
Center, Muscular Dystrophy, 
and PBJC Child Day Care 
Center. Chi Sig is involved in 
service projects for these 

SG is underwriting tickets, 
and JC students may purchase 

them for $2.00 at the bookstore. 
For those who do not attend JC, 
tickets are $4.00 in advance and 
$5.00 at the gate. Tickets may 
be purchased at Jeans Etc, 
Country Cousins Haircutters, all 
Fountain's Stores, Interim 3 
(Boca Raton) and The Leather 
Shop (Delray). 

Chi Sig and SG are presenting 
a Coffee House free for JC 
students, on April 18 from 10:00 
a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the 
cafeteria. Entertainment will be 
provided by John Westbrook 
and Dan Pillen, Don Dunaway, 
Chariie Robertson, and Nathan 

Marquees Cost $h246 

The Student Government 
Executive Board voted Tuesday 
unanimously to purchase metal 
pmquees to be displayed at the 
north and south entrance of the 
PBJC main campus. 

These marquees '=''^* SI. 246 
and shouia oe nmshed and on 
display by the middle of spring. 

The SO Senate met Thursday 
but had nothing on the agenda 
except a V.P. report. 

SG V.P. Dolor Ginchereau 
said he will give an extensive, 
report on all SG resolutions that' 
have been passed and imple- 
mented this term, 

Chi Sig Fraternity is donating 
$150 to pay for audio equipment 
used to monitor students 
enrolled in the Early Learning 

Ginchereau commented about 
the barren agenda after the 15 
minute meeting. 

"Nothing came in man. All 

the old business was taken cate 
of last week," said Ginchereau. 


PhoiM €82I0W 



4 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 14, 1975 



Associate Editor 

associated collegiate press 

Askew Threatens 
Open-Door Education 

Governor Askew has endangered the survival of the "open- 
door" policy of Palm Beach Junior College. Next year you or 
someone you know may be denied admission to JC or any other 
community college in this state. 

In 1970-71 the amount appropriated by the legislature to cover the 
cost of educating one full-time equivalent (FTE) student was $904. 
In 1974-75 the figure was raised to $1,050 per student. 

This year, in order to help the colleges fight inflation. Askew has 
recommended a budget cutback reducing the figure to $955 per 

It would seem obvious to the most casual observer that with 
inflation averaging 8% per year and enrollments skyrocketing 
cutbacks in funding are not needed. You don't fix a broken leg by 

Apparently education is not very high on the priority list of the 
governor. It should be. Education is the backbone of an 
enlightened electorate, as such it must be protected. 

Every student, teacher, administrator and concerned citizen 
should immediately write the legislators and remind them that 
education must be at the top of the list of priorities. 

In addition, faculty and student senates should take all possible 
actions to protect the community college system. 

Strong and immediate response is imperative to the survival of 
the "open door" policy so that you, or your children will be able to 
enjoy the benefits of education in the future. 

ERA Support 
Long Overdue 

We've said it before and now, as the Equal Rights Amendment 
faces the Florida Legislature, it's time to say it again. The ERA is 
long overdue and should be passed in this state. 

By the time this editorial is read, the House will have voted on the 
ERA. If passed, Florida may be added to the list of states (34) which 
support the ERA. If passed, only three more states need to ratify 
the ERA to make it part of the U.S. Constitution. 

The House vote is the culmination of years of lobbying for and 
against the ERA. Endless debate, even a threatened citrus strike if 
Florida fails to pass ERA have proceeded it. 

How the vote went was not known at press time. Hopefully, 
Florida has joined the states supporting ERA. If not, perhaps the 
vote on it will go to the public, as has been proposed. 

At any rate, as we've said before, the ERA is long overdue. 



(1) Not exceed 250 words. 
12) Be signed by the author. 
(3) Include the author's 
telephone number. 

(4) Be received in the 
Beachcomber Office no 
later than 4 p.m. on 

All letters are subject 
to condensation. 

Honest Student 
Is Mystery 


On Wednesday, April 2nd an honest male student turned in to the 
registrar's office a red and white billfold he had found on the 
parking lot near the library. A young lady in the registrar's office 
called me, verified identification and returned my billfold. 

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to this student who 
did not wait to identify himself. I would also like to meet and speak 
with him personally. 

Ms. M.M. Brown, Librarian 

Reference Room 

3rd floor- L.L.R.C. 



II iiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiMii iiimiii 

Philo Claims 'Comber Biased 


It has come to my attention 
ihai ill the past two years 1 have 
auended PBJC that the 
Beachcomber is very biased on 
its opinions of fraternities and 
sororities and also does not even 

aiienipi to publish articles 
concerning ilieiii. Even when 
they themselves asked to have 
tlicni pui ill. 

Just recently, Chi Sig has 
been mentioned . but only 

This Years 'Comber 
Among The Best 


I would like to convey my 
appreciation to two of your 
Beachcomber staff writers; 
namely Jim Ash and Muffy 
McClung, both of whom did an 
outstanding job on articles 
written concerning our depart- 

1 found both articles to be 
especially well-written accurate 
and newsworthy. They are to be 

complimented on their skill in 

During their interviews, I was 
very impressed with their 
mannerisms and the way they 
conducted themselves in gat- 
hering the information. 

I consider this year's 

Beachcomber among the finest 

ever produced at this college. 

Dale W. Washburn 

Director of Data Processing 

Registration Lost 
Equal Rights 


We would like to take this opportunity to respond to the article of 
March 24. 

By unanimous decision, we, the new foreign students, seem to 
have the best solutions. There are even more reasons to be judging 
your statements. 

The first thing 1 do when 1 got a book on the Constitution of the 
United States is go to the index to see whether it has the work 
"equal". But it is not there. 

It is evident that equal rights have not yet been applied to this 
campus on the day of registration. 

Paul Watts 

because it sent a letter to the 
editor replying to the article on 
the decreasing membership in 
social clubs. 

1 have refrained from 
expressing my opinion until now 
but 1 can no longer leave this 
school without expressing the 
"other" side. 

Not once has the sorority been 
asked its opinion on the 
decreasing membership or lack 
of interest. Not once has the 
sorority been asked if it's 
sponsoring anything or asked 
about its pledging. 

To me, you have been giving 
a very one-sided view which is 
not fair, but the Beachcomber 
appears one-sided on a lot of its 

To give a few examples: 

About rush - both years we 
were talked to and had pictures 
laken but to my knowledge no 
articles were written.- 

Philo sponsored Arch Ball last 
year as it does most every year. 
About four or ' five lines were 
written, but nothing we asked 

The article written this term 
on decreasing membership of 
social clubs - only Chi Sig's 
opinion was asked 

1 gave an article on Arch Ball 
fur this year to be printed, h 
was not . Did it ever occur to you 
that lack of publicity may be one . 
of our problems? If people knew 
what we were doing, maybe 
they would become interested. 

1 would appreciate it if the 
Beachcomber would look into 
both sides of the situation 
before expressing its views. 

Turn To "Letter" Pg ! 1 


.Tom Hit son 

CSrtoonist .... 

•Photo ncp/ ., M«ffy ^'.^CJxnS 

■ ^ ■, . Steve.t'n(f, •■, 
■ • ' , , " ' Debbie Huh«- 

. ■ , -Sam'Puit'. - ; ■ 

Winnift Khijlifop . 

News tditot »•••»•»••«..*••* Jolin Auchterlonie' 
Venture Editnr .;,».,.,.,».V I'Vank Smith 
Sports lii^itoi- ,.,..;...;... .I.Tim Bray 

,Bi(sines.<i Manager .••••••...•!>« Bui) Hiitficjd 

Kdttorial Aisistant .♦..,, •.♦.♦'..Jaii.Tuckwood 
Consul taiH .,.,,,,,,...,-,,.. .Chados McCreight- . 
, STAhr WRITERS- Jkimtir Ash;' Debbie Thompson;- Pke Clausen, , ' , 

, LoriHillcbrand,BlllHittchinS, Robin Kindle, Winhie KhlgUton, Flick Mflger, . . - 

Becky Morse, Philip NeubaueTj Jbell Tanen ';',,. , - •. . '>. 

The Beachcomber is published from out editorial offices iii'thc Student Publicati.OBS Building at Palm Beach , 
J(inior College, 4200 S Congress Ave, take Worth, F,foriila 33460 ■ , . - 

Telephone 965-S000.;'{ension-21O , • ^ -/ ; ^ ' • ■' 

pinions pressed in the Beachcomber are those of the edjtojr.s or the writers of the articles and are not nec- 
essarily those of Palm Beach Junior College ''■'-''.' 

The Beachcomber is a member of the Associated Cptlege and Hlorjda- Junior College Pres,"." A.'.spdatioa 



Monday, April 14, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 5 

[ Beachcomber Endorsements J 


^ I it voa wetK tnvolxfed ia "><>\ 
<j4^&d bofii Aaieor tf «t some tini*^ 
'during this j'tjjj' you waml"«*d 
'fever w '*i* SAC Ltvange 0<»ine 
l^lfety/jt, yi*\i vvere Mkfrii; 
aavamjigft of actrvitie* funilcil 
.aa^ fiponsor^d hy SG. 

,^ -Did >o« go to a concen or 
social evfiet « the West Valm 
Beseh AuOkotiumt Cban(-f!> 
4^6, it you c^, you teceivtd a 

■ |)^-ptice ticktt onderwtitteB by 

in)etlii<)ned services aad mOT^,- 
SOMjItW 6ovemme»t corttwfe 
hsna^j^ttrtb of a!l montesy<nt (^tt - 
a^i^^eh rerw for tfe« Aeti^, 

-v^t make: tbeit sttmHirw^te^ 
pest the f^Blng bot»tb& arnJ aita 
tfie^s.'ftftt«frt<i- As « Fall term 
'Consber htt^lma IsusientBd, 
/may t>e two to five pef cetttof {he 
*snj<ient«re going to "BoUwr To 

Voif 'Should Kithcr No doubt, 
as wc have tried to rflustrate, 
y>Ht J-iavi' lakeu advantage of SG 
activities and opportunHicjy. ajid 
there cettaJnly h NO U0U81 
tbai vou ,shcllc(J out a MzabJe 
cbifiik ol your AcDvuy Fee 
moit^y to St«dent Ooverimicin. 

SO isafi "blithered" y<Hi. sol 
ROW I'v i;tne to "botfier" them. ; 

-No Secretary- 

Unfortunately only one per 
son is running for the office of 
Secretary. Even more unfor- 
tunate is the fact that the only 
person who filed, Lynn Kalber, 
is unqualified. 

A former Beachcomber "fea- 
ture" editor, and later member 
of the business section, she 
proved incapable of leadership 
and unable to make firm 
decisions. Her performance 
record demonstrated an inabil- 
ity to start a project and see it 
through to the end. 

For these reasons, students 
gre urged NOT to vote for a 
secretary candidate. This would 
force a new election in the fall, 
vvhen people more qualified to 
do the job, could compete for 
(jie office. No vote is the best 
v'Ote for secretary. 


President: Gox Is Experienced 

Endorsements are never easy, particularly when more than one h 
candidate is qualified. SG president endorsements a're no || 
exception. The Editorial Board of the Beachcomber believes that ^ 
both James Cox and Kimberly Jones would malce good SG ^ 
presidents. However by one vote ofthe board the Beachcomber has ^ 
decided to endorse James Cox. S 

The most impressive item of Cox's platform is his desire to give |j 
the SG senate power to allocate student monies. Throughout the |^ 
year, the Beachcomber has vigorously opposed the' present financial '^, 
system of SGA. Jones also indicated a desire to increase senate '^ 
participation but only by allowing them to approve expenditure of K 
over SI ,000. ^ 

Jones* proposal would not effectively remove the present financial 
problems of SGA, Most expenditures would be in amounts of less ^ 
than $1,000 and the senate must have the right to enforce student fe 
opinion on these smaller allocations. After all this has been the root » 
of most of SGA's governmental problems. S 

Cox favors a combined student-faculty senate which would be a "^^ 
tremendous step in the duection of more competent student 
government. It would improve iramensly the working relationships 
of students and faculty. 

It is a tough choice but the Beachcomber encourages students to § 
exercise their rights and vote for James Cox for president. ^ 

Veep: Bukley Listens 

'^ "SGA should represent the student body more closely," Ron 

:l Bukley says. This conviction, coupled with many recommendations 

S^to improve SG, makes Bukley the Beachcomber choice for SG 

1^ vice-president. 

fi, Bukley is presently serving as an SG senator. He intends to make 

?|the Senate a more viable body and encourage student participation 

:^ in SG and other activities if he should become a member of the 

5| Executive Board. 

'^ He also believes there "should be a better means of hearing and 

^1 responding to the needs of the students" and intends to work on 

gjthis problem. 

'^i After discussions with Bukley, we have found him to have firm 

i ideas, views we feel are beneficial to the students and leadership 

i qualities. His opponent Sue Keen, an SG senator, also'has many 

I qualifications but we feel Bukley will be a stronger vice-president. 

■fHe has ideas and the determination to implement them. 

I As an SG senator, Ron Bukley has worked for the student. As SG 

;^ vice-president, he will have a better chance to do that job. 

SG Candidate Survey 

Jim Kimberly 
Cox Jones 

1. Should the SG president be an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees? 

2. Has the Administration adequately responded to the needs of the students? 

3. Would you favor a combined student-faculty senate? 

4. Do you favor giving the power to aUocate monies to the Senate, with the Exc- ^^^ 
cutive Board having veto power? 
5 Would you favor reinstatement of the noon activity hour? 

6. Should reporters be allowed to witness election result tabulations? 

7. Are you in favor of the present Executive Board policy of the press submiting 
questions in advance? 

Treasurer: Sopp Worthy^ 


The Beachcomber endorses Paul Sapp for the position of SG' 
; treasurer. 

Though there is no meaningful choice in this election, since Sapp 
.tj'' is running unopposed, he seems to have the interest needed in this 
key position. 

Sapp indicates that he will make official reports whenever 
necessary and will spend as many hours as are needed at his job. 

He cites problems in communication between SG arid the student 
and also feels there is a conflict between the school newspaper and 
SG. These are two things he intends to work on when he becomes 
an Executive Board member. 

Money is something especially endeared in this time of cutbacks. 
Needless to say, the office of treasurer is a very importapt one. It 
requires a dedicated person. 

Sapp faces no competition in this race but he will have his work 
cut out for him if elected treasurer. We think he can handle it. 




Wa carry a comptata iim of Audio aquipment:- 
Samui, JVC, Marantz/ Kenwood, Garrard, Dual , 
Jamen, AvW, Sony. Shura, Empim. Pickering & 


Complete telection of L.P.'t 8t Tapes at the best 
prices in Palm Beach County 

N. Palm Beach. Fla. 

6 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 14, 1975 

AAusical Puppets Perform 

If you can carry a tune and 
'/lay a middling game of 
ririg-around-the-rosy, you be- 
long with the DeCormier 

They blasted into the PBJC 
auditorium on April 8th with all 
the vitality and laughter of a 
wake. The Singer, six men and 
seven women, have strong, 
musical voices but their 
performance lacks style and 

Their program of varied 
international and American folk 
songs could have created 
ever-changing moods in the 
audience. Instead, every song 
sounded like the last, in 
monotonous Muzak-like succ- 
ession. Even the Negro 
spirituals were without depth 
^ and flavor. "Sixteen Tons" and 
"Camptown Races" delivered 

th a blend of sweet, ladylike 

)ranos and deliberate, unen- 

isiastic tenor and bass were 

II. silly. 

The Singers are not dancers. 

i besi that can be said is that 

y kept moving, but then so 
ues the checkout line at 
^'inn-Dixie. Sometimes they 
luffled back and forth, in and 
it: usually they simply joined 

|..ands and skipped in a circle, 
occasionally bumping into each 

Their expressions alternated 
between grim determination 
and forced gaiety, as though 
someone had ordered them to 
get out there and enjoy 
themselves or die. Once in a 
while they'd forget themselves 
and crack a smile. "We really 
feel silly up here," they seemed 
to be saying. Usually they 
looked pained, and worried. 
Maybe they were being shipped 
back to Russia the next 

Flick Mager' 

Kagtime is cheerful, lovely 
old-time music. Not to the 
Decormier Singers. Their reser- 
ved, dispirited, absent-pminded 
rendition of Scott Joplin's 
"Goin' Around" (ring-around 
the-rosey again; slowed down 
the time and left only the rags. 
"Pineapple Rag" was a 
pineapple drag. 

The solos were better. Each 
Singer by himself or herself has 
a fine voice. On Singer was a 
touching Unrequited Lover as 

she sang "Go Way from My 

It's a shame that the Singers, 
who can create considerable 
volume and pleasing harmony 
with their voices, should have 
trapped themsleves in a stage 
performance as self-conscious 
and uninspired as a junior high 
school concert. 

The Decormier Singers have 
produced several albums. 
Perhaps "they should stick with 
recording and leave the stage 
severely alone. 


Monday, April 14, 1975 BEACHCOMBER ■ 7 

Fender Grass 

Music Fvival Planned 

Phoenix strums up thousands of 
notes per minute giving 
listeners a tnie Blue Grass 
sound. Full of imagination, 
Phoenix always attracts a 


Venture Editor 

Bring a blanket to spread on the ground. Bring a smile to spread 
around, The Bluegrass, Fender Grass Festival is coming. 

Phoenix, the popular three man band will be appearing, along 
with "Swamp Fox" plus John Westbrook and Dan Piller, Don 
Dunaway, Charlie Robertson, Nathan Boldgett, the Casey Jones 
Band and Harmony Grits. 

There will be a lot of beer, (48 kegs). 

There will also be a lot of food, with a barbecue extending from 2 
p.m. to 5 p.m. The musical festivities however, will extend from 1 
p.m. to 11 p,m. 

A coffeehouse is to be held in the cafeteria April 18th to provide 
students with a glimpse of talent slated for the April 20th Festival. 

Everybody knows Phoenix is good, and that they should be the 
highlight of the evening for most. 

I, however, plan to be listening intently to John Westbook. 

Westbrook is a song writer/performer of great promise whose lyrics 

have pleased the many crowds to which he played. The former 

poet-laureatte of Florida Atlantic University performs with Dan 

Performers are coming from all over to play at the Festival. Don 

Dunaway, from Atlanta, is another singer/song-writer who is on the 

agenda. Having written songs of the Civil War with touching 

accuracy, Dunaway is a performer to look for. 

When you go to the festival, hsten for "The Buzzard". You'll 
hear that song come from Charlie Robertson. An honest to goodness 
real person who just happens to play guitar and sing excpetionally 
well. ,, 

Robertson, lam gold, "is a legend in mars." With "Swamp Fox 
and "Harmony Grits" providing some witty bluegrass, foot 
stompin' music, the festival should be lively with a lot of hand 
clapping, eating, drinking and crowd milling. 

Student Government is underwriting 400 tickets to this concert. 
Tickets can be purchased for 2 dollars at the bookstore. 

Tickets will cost $5 at the gate. For food, beer, and all these 
performers, it could very well be a bargain. 

People Exceptlona 

On Being Tall 


In a rare expressive moment, a caJypse number is led by 
a DeCk>nniei- Singer. 

Tall people have more problems than most of us can 
imagine. Do you realize that if a tall person wants to buy a 
jump rope, he has to buy two so he can tie them together? 
A tall prson has to pratically be a contortionist in order to 
get a drink from a water fountain. If you're tall, and 
accustomed to getting drunk, you'd better make sure you 
don't forget low doorways. 

Short people can't always relate to the tall person. I 
once fell in love with a boy who was 6'6". Unknown to 
him, 1 cound out everything I could about him. The fact 
that I was 14 inches shorter than him didn't deter me. 
With my courage up, and my heart on my sleeve, I went to 
introduce myself. 

Longingly, my eyes looked up to see the face of his 
majestic person. His eyes met mine and our gaze locked. I 
trembled as he smiled, and then his lips parted and he said 
" Hi. " Nearly put me thru the floor, his breath was so bad . 
To make matters worse, I had a kink in my neck for a 
whole week. |. 

In elementary school tall kids were treated unfairly 
Whenever the class went anywhere, all the kids had to line 
up in size order. The short kids always got to everything 
before their taller classmates. Remeber the cliche, "Pick 
on someone your own size!" Well the tall kid never had a 
chance. The shorter kid could incite and antagonize the 
taller kid, but if the tall student retaliated, he was called a 

Bicycles are not made large enough for tall people, 
They get hunched over reaching the handlebars and suffer 
bruised knees. 

Compact cars are quite uncomfortable for tall people. 
Curvature of the spine is a prerequisite. Leg cramps and 
neck cramps are common casualities. 

Because many clothing manufacturers design clothing 
with the average person in mind, some tall people have to 
spend a large amount of money to have their clothing 
custom made. 

Tall people should not feel inferior just because they 
have a few more inches than most people. After all, tall 
people are very important. If it weren't for them this 
article would never have been written. By the way, how's 
the weather up there? 

all And Short Examined 

John Westbrook and partner Dan Piller lay down tracks of poetry. 
Catch their words and works at the Festival. 

On Being Short 

rFraij taking ™ 


Frank Smith, 

Step tiitci|;;,^g(iy pats the top of your head 
then yoii'tes >),_ jf nobody sticks his nose in 
yourbellvbi frj^jg^ exceptionally tall either. 
You're 3\ec 


I'm avei 
average, a! 

1 worry ^ 
of the fitt^ 

And hIj. 


isn't the a* 
it's all 


about beicj 
members d 
to be seve^:; 

but whs|l 
.their gett^^ 
year! Soorti 
be so bad 

Romans we 
of c-outse 

1 do find? 
wete aversj 

S'.been sort of average. Being 
'tnow, is a heavy burden. 
itesrd the statement, "Survival 
'a? so much that I began daily 

Sjjjient, "A good little man can 
%ss does that leave us average 

S| about exceptional people, it 
Vs going to inherit the earth, 

$ One thing, however, is good 
^itmaiJy outi've the more gifted 
J|,e average person should live 
la Mozart didn't make it that 

Worried ... is the fact that. . 
-is are bigger and bigger every 
■fage anymore! Maybe it won't 
Vffee! that I'll be intimidated by 
al! those gi ,^. ground. 
There'sn . "^ j^ jj^g year 56 B.C. a lot of 
bv a big buy. His name was 
¥ tall- He was also Emperor, 

iq that most of our presidents 
e present one. . . 

Have you ever walked into a clothing store and tried on a 
pair of jeans only to discover that if you had a 10 inch 
platform on they'd look just right? If this has happened to 
you, you're not alone. Not only are you not alone, you're 
also not very tall. 

Grocery stores discriminate against the short person. 
They always put your favorite munchy on the top shelf, 
and no matter how much you stretch, you just can't reach 
it. With much embarrasment, you ask the stockboy to get 
it down for you. He snickers and asks you if you forgot 
your box. 

Short people are restricted in certain employment areas. 
An aspiring model may be beautiful, voloptuous, and 
sexy, yet still be told to hang it up. When was the last time 
you saw a 4'10" model. 

Dating can be a hassle for the short guy. He finally gets 
up the courage to call that girl he has a crush on. Romance 
begins to bloom. She's speechless as he tells her that he's 
a Pre-Med major, Phi Theta Cappa, super athlete who's on 
the Tennis, Wrestling, and Baseball teams. She's 
impressed when she learns he drives a 1975 Porsche. And 
then she asks the million dollar question, "How tall are 
you?" The climax quickly drops as he mumbles, "Five 
feet." Thinking she didn't hear right she asks, "Five foot 
what?" No response. 

Cars are fashioned for the normal person. 1 have a friend 
who has to sit on three cushions just to see out the window, 
and that's not to mention the problem she has reaching the 
gas pedal. 

Restaurants can be a source of embarrassment for short 
people. Consider a nice quiet booth for two, with 
comfortable cushioned seats. Great for the normal person, 
but once the short person sits down he finds his chin 
resting on the table, and sadly discovers that he is looking 
at his date through his water glass. 

Short people should take notice of a very old 
complimentary saying* "It is better to be sweet small and 
than tall and cast a shadow. 

Coming Attractions 

The PBJC Jazz Ensemble will play 
April 16th in the Anditorium at 8:00 p.m. 
The show promises to be an exceptional 
one, at the usual bairgain cost of nothing 
(actually your activity, fees entitle you to 
these programs and it REALLY costs you 
when you don't go) The last show to be 
presented by the music department was a 
program put on by the Concert Chobr, 
directed by Mrs. Pat Johnson. The Choir 

was in super form and was truly 
enjoyable. (The Jazz Ensemble] will be 
accompanied by a ventriloquist show 
provided, by Mr. Art Musto. Be there, 1 
will - Frank Smith. 

JC students missed a fine show 
provided by the Concert Choir. Most of 
them did, 1 should say, I didn't. I was 
sitting in the 7th row applauding happily 
throughout the presentation. 

8 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 14, 1975 

Summer Job Market Weakening 

Employment Prospective Pessimistic 

Staff Writer 

As the end of the term nears, 
many students are making plans 
as to how they will spend then- 
summer months. A few will 
attend the Spring sessions, 
some will vacation, and still 
others will see how long they 
can get away with doing 
nothing. The vast majority, 
however, will look upon this 
time with frustration and defeat 
as they unsuccessfully pursue 
some form of summer employ- 

Almost 40,000 students bet- 
ween the ages of 14 and 21 will 
be available for work in Palm 
Beach County in June. 
Although not all of them will be 
looking for work, the ones who 
are will have to compete with 
recession, cut budgets, and 
unemployed adults. 

Last month, President Ford 
asked Congress for $412 to fund 
a youth employment program 
this summer. The special 
appropriation would be used to 
finance 760,000 nine-week 
summer jobs for "economically 
disadvantaged persons" bet- 
ween the ages of 14 and 21. 
Those lucky enough to be hired 
by one of the 403 "prime 
sponsors" mainly city, county 
and state agencies - will work up 
to 26 hours a week at the new 
minimum wage of "$2.10 an 

r Featured Futures 

In Palm Beach County, the 
Community Action Council will 

have almost $600,000 in federal 
funds to hire 750 youths with a 
great economic need if the 
County Commission approves a 
proposal from the Manpower 
Advisory Council. Even then, 
jobs will have to be created 
within the municipalities since 
this and other plans are still 

According to Robert M. 
Douglas, manager of the West 
Palm Beach branch office of the 
Florida State Employment 
Service, "The summer outlook 
will not be as good a^ it has in 
the past, but then, the entire 
labor market picture is not as 
good as before." 

"There seems to be some 
improvement in the situation, 
however. The number of job 
openings we've had since last 
winter seems to be increasing, 
•but who knows how long this 
will last?" 

Douglas noted that after 
Easter when the tourists go 
home, there are never enough 
jobs to go around, "even in the 
best of economic conditions." 

He also pointed out that the 
major job source this summer 
will probably be fill-in positions 
for vacationing secretaries, 

Libra In Tune 

•Flick Mager- 

PISCES: Someone is likely to be unexpectedly candid. Control your 
impulse to kick him in the teeth. What he's saying could be 
valuable feedback. 

ASIES: Expect some disillusionment in the personal department. 
All it means is that you're seeing things more clearly. Maturity will 
help you deal with the disappointment without hurting anyone.' 
TAURUS: Attempts will be made to change your mind for you. 
Resist them. Be .yourself. If someone doesn't like it, spit in his eye. 
GEMINI: You insight is sharper than usual. It's a good time to 
check over your own accumulating problems, and perhaps consider 
another person. Pressure lessens this week, but wUl rebuild later 
this month. 

CANCER: You can talk your way out of anythmg. Don't be afraid ot 
commit yourself. Take a step you've been thinking of, but haven't 
had the courage to carry thgouh. 

LEO: Leos are honorable people - you'll be an ideal person to 
confide m. Other may sense this. You have numerous offers of 
good will. 

VIRGO: You discover why some things haven't been going well, 

and what to do about them. You should become more confident 

a^uf the direction your life is taking you. 

LIBRA: Stay m tune with your body. It has a tendency to resent 

lack ot sleep and other abuses. Properly attended to, it should 


SCORPIO: Handle a possible enemy with extreme care. Someone 
you unknowingly offended could be very vindictive. 
SAGITTARTOS: Projects to be started are featured this week, 
rou must channel your energies into many directions. Don't be put 
oit by a slow start. 

CAPRICORN: Don't jump to naive conclusions. Situations are 
much more favorable than they appear. Let things come to you, 
instead of chasing after them. 

^^^^f*?^^' People around you could be getting the feeling you 're 
not what you seem to be. Now is not the time for put-ons. This 
week has a good employment aspect. 

Free Instruction 

Rental Darkrooms 

$4 hr. introductory offer 
No Registration Fee 

212 US Highway One 

Lake Park 842-1951 

^fr ijii 1^ iijfc fl^iifl^ iij^<j^ 

reception i.sts and typists. But 
these too, require a skill. 

Employers, likewise, are not 
very encouraging. Once a prime 
source for summertime, full- 
time or part-time work, the 
larger retail department stores 
around town all seem to be 
adhereing to the same policy. 

"Although we usually expect 
business to increase around 
Mother's Day and the beginning 
of May, we'll only be hiring a 
limited amount of additional 
help," reports William Thomas, 
personnel manager for Penny's 
in the Palm Beach Mall. 

"This area is very low in its 
turnover rate. After tourist 
season is over and the need for 
additional help is reduced, most 
retail stores just give their 
present help addition hours. 

New people need to be 
trained and orientated before 
they begin work; whereas 
present employees are already 
familiar with their jobs and 
usually welcome the extra 

One alternative to unemploy- 
ment is JC's Job Bank, an 
up-to-the minute job placement 
service located on the first floor 
of the library in the Career 
Information and Study Center. 

This new electronic equip- 
ment available to present and 
former JC students, includes a 
list of available jobs in Broward, 

St. Lucie and Palm Beach 

According to Miss Gwendolyn 
Ferguson, Firector of Place- 
ment, the Florida State 
Employment Service (FSES) 
sends her updated list of 
available jobs on a plastic micro 
fiche card every day. The card 
is inserted in the Micro-Fiche 
Readers, whereby students can 
scan the list of job openings. 

"Most of the FSES jobs 
offered are for full-time 
positions, however, and most 
students are seeking part-time 
employment," Miss Ferguson 

After conducting interviews 
with interested job seekers to 
determine what wort of position 
he wants. Miss Ferguson makes 
sure he is qualified and also 
asks for a preference in case his 
first choice has already been 

"The available positions are 
grouped into four occupational 
titles," she explained. "The 
iirst is professional, technical 
and managerial. The second, or 
clerical and sales group includes 
typists, secretaries, stock clerks 
and cashiers." 

"The next division is service 
occupations such as maids, 
waitresses, lifeguards, hair- 
dressers, aids and other service 
orientated jobs; and the last 
group includes skills and 

manual occupations. Jobs 
under this category includes 
farm workers, laborers and 

The micro fiche also lists job 
descriptions, hours, qualifica- 
tions, pay, and fringe benefits. 

"Because the new equipment 
has been at JC for a relatively 
short time, not too many 
students have heard about this 
service and consequently, few 
ha:ve taken advantage of it," 
Miss Ferguson said. 

Besides positions offered 
through FSES, the office also 
receives job offers directly fi'om 

"Not as many local employers 
call the JC Placement Office 
since the economic situation has 
tightened," Miss Ferguson 
said, "but we do get several 
calls each week, mostly offering 
part-time employment. 

"We're hopeful that more 
people will make use of our Job 
Placement service when they 
discover what we have to offer, ' ' 
she concluded. 

Whatever alternative you 
decide to choose, early planning 
is a must, unless you plan to be 
one of the thousands of jobless 
youths contributing to the 
crowds atbeachesand parks this 
summer. But then, what's so 
bad about that? 




Lunch specials 


S«HKlwicii with Sdsd Bar .. 1.45 


Pork or Reei %Qr\6v/ich \, iq 

Order of Beans or Slaw 40 

Open 7 Days - Lunch & Dinner 

3400 South Congress 
Phone 967-3400 

Monday. April 14, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 9 

At Dade Nor th Tu esday 

Pitchers Find Control 

Ross Baunigarten looks puzzled after throwing a pitch against 
Dade-South. Photo by Putt. 

Sports Editor 

"Our defense has moved 
from 19 to 4 in the state stats' ' 
explained JC Head Baseball 
coach Dusty Rhodes, "and in 
turn the pitchers have a lot more 

That confidence, Rhodes 
explained, has boosted the 
Pacers to a 26-8 record, second 
best in the State of Florida. 
Ironically, the club is not ranked 
among the top 10, which is 
headed by Tuesday night's 
opponent Miami-Dade-North. 

Headlining the pitching 
department is the 0.92 ERA of 
freshman Julian Rodriguez and 
the 1.20 ERA of Illinois native 
Ross Baunigarten, 

Rodriguez summerizes the 
difference between fall and 
winter in one word, control. "I 
threw a lot of batting practice in 
January, and now my curve is 
breaking and the fastball is 
humming," said the lanky 

Baunigarten commented, 
"I'm throwing more curves. In 
the fall, I got in the havit of 
throwing fastballs and that's 
when I get hit. I've got better 
confidence in my curve in key 

"The trick against a good 
team, like Dade-North, is keep 
mixing up the pitches," 
continued Baumgarten. 

Catcher Danny DeStout says, 
"Julian is using his head. He's 
come around with his control 
and curve ball. Sometimes he 
relies on his fastball to 
overpower people, so that's 
when I start flashing the 

Baumgarten feels DeStout is 
on the same wave length with 

him on which pitch to throw. "I 
don't shake his signs off more 
than five times per game, ' ' says 
the southpaw. 

JC travels to Miami Dade- 
North tomorrow night for a 7:30 
p.m. contest. Baumgarten and 
Rodiiguez are scheduled to 
pitch the key two game series. 

The Pacers can finish no less 
than gourth in Division IV. But, 
as Coach Rhodes re-iterates 
frequently, "we just have to go 
out and win them all." 

All of the players feel they 
have more confidence now than 
back in January and Rodriguez 
summerized, "If you say you're 
going to win, you'd be surprised 
how many times you're going to 

JC Signs Lake Worth Star 

Sports Editor 

Thomas Taylor, the Palm 
Beach Post's All- Area Player of 
the Year, has signed a 
scholarship to play basketball 
lor JC. 

Also signing Wednesday was 
Jerry McAdoo, a 6' guard who 
played for Lake Worth High 
School in the 1973-74 school 

"Taylor is my idea of the type 
of player I'd like to have on my 
ball club," explained Forest Hill 
coach Warcecer Jakes recently 
to the Post's Chuck Otterson. 

' ■ He looked like a man 
playing a boy's game," 
commented Boca Raton coach 
Doug Reid. 

Taylor averaged 207 points 
per game and 15.0 rebounds. 
and led Lake Worth to a 20-8 
record this season. 

These are the first Lake 
Worth players to be given 
scholarships in many years, and 
will set the trend for the JC 
athletic department. That trend 
is to go after the local players 

Taylor chose JC because the 
quality of education and 
basketball. One of his assets is 
determination on and off the 
court, emphasized Pacer coach 
Bob Wright. 

The "distant cousin" of Bob 
McAdoo, who plays - for the 
NBA's Buffalo Braves, is "Little 
Mac." Wright describes 
"Mac", as a "take charge 


Wright continued, "Don't 
underestimate him, because he 
can leap." 

McAdoo, added, "Yeh, I'm 6' 
and can dunk the basketball." 

Of both players Wright feels. 

"They know what basketball is 
all about. They have come up 
through a good system, and this 
is what we are looking for. 
Thomas can do the job with his 
jumping ability and his speed. 
Both are good students. With 
the guys we got back, they'll fit 
right in the program." 

The athletic department has a 
lotted six more scholarships to 
the basketball program. Wright 
is recruiting in the area as well 
as in Kentucky, Michigan, 
Virginia and South Carolina. 

Dan DeStout, the Pacers first string catcher, sets to throw to first 
base. Photo by Fritz. 









Mark Rusinko 





Bill Kirik 





Tom McCullough 61 




Bob Benda 





Norm Holzafle 





Dave Lang 





John Itiglis 





Kenny Rogers 






Michael Rowe 






Sam Testa 






Skip Walker 





Richard Sorise 





0an DeStout 





Bob Morrisey 





Jerry Walters 





Tom Boiling 











Riiss Baumgarten 5 





Ed Boyle 






Terry Dreher 






Ed Fischer 






Rod Jones 






Andy McGaffigan 3 




Julian Rodgriguf 

3Z 5 





=^ 4 ". ,— -H Jl Jt. II Ig' 




Student Government 


For Your Candidate 

Intramural Board 

^ ■ Jg--- w < 8. ... .- . w .. . n it- 


Monday, April 14, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 11 

10 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 14, 1975 

Golfers Gunning 
In JC Tourney 

Staff Writer 

Only four shots out of the lead 
the JC golf team was still in 
fourth place after Thursday's 
first round in the Pacer 
Invitational Golf Tournament at 
the West Palm Beach Country 

The teams' 309 total is four 
shots behind Broward's 305, 
and two shots out of a second 
place tie between Miami 
Dade-North and Dade-South at 

In Finale 

Staff Writer 

Intramural bowlers turned in 
their final scores Wednesday as 
they ended 12 weeks of 

The "Washouts" took the 
high team game with handicap; 
866, and the high team series 
with handicap, 2343. Alicia 
Markwood, Mary Powell, Roy 
Bell and Joe Lesko make up this 

High individual games were 
rolled by Jody Salzgeber, 188; 
Bonnie Cage, 185; Sahron 
Nelson, 183; David Green, 211; 
Tom Solder, 200; and Conrad 
Leon, 199. 

High individual series' were 
taken by Bonnie Cage, 473; 
Nelson, 460; Salzgeber, 444; 
Green 535; Jon Grant, 534; and 
BUI Brown, 526. 

Bowlers will celebrate their 
high scores with a banquet- 
awards ceremony, hosted by the 
I& R Board, at Sportsman's Inn 
next Wednesday. 

Four players from Division IV 
are tied for individual honors at 
,74. Mike Sim and Emmett 
Fitzgerals of JC are one shot 
back at 75. 

Coach Ray Daugherty com- 
mented, "The greens have 
never held at West Palm Most 
shots are lost around the small 
greens," As the scores showed, 
today was no excpetion. 
■ In their last tournament, the 
Florida International University 
Jr. College Invitational, the 
team finished in fourth place out 
of nine teams. Miami 

Dade-North captured the team 
title followed by Dade-South, 
Edison, Henry Pod, Oakland A, 
Indian River, Macomb, and 
Oakland B. ' 

Emmett Fitzgerald was low 
for the Pacers with a 
79-81-77-237, Gregg Clatworthy 
82-80-85-247, Pat Kelly 80-84- 
83-247, Mike Sim 87-85-82-254, 
Jim Henry 81-87-94-262, and 
. Brad Milam 93-95-91-279. 

Thursday and Friday the team 
travels to Ft. Lauderdale to 
participate in the Division IV 
tournament at the challenging 
Bonaventure Country Club 


Jim Henry blasts out 
of the sand at the 
West Palm Beach Co- 
untry Club, the site 
of the Pacer Invitati- 
onal Golf Tourney. 
Photo by Fritz. 




JC Chances Hurt By Loss 

Staff Writer 

The Men's Tennis Team 
hampered their chances of 
becoming No. 1 in the State 
Thursday, after their Thurs- 
day's loss to Miami Dade-North, 
6-1. The match was important 

Hof Baltimore To 
Win '75 Pennant 

Sports Editor 

ovSStrrpStyt' ' ^ "°^'" *'^^ '°' *^^ ^°"*^°---' 
With the start of the season; Major League Pefiant hopefuls get a 

theS^ifn^ "ft^^ ^^ "^^P^^ "P to be a race between 
S&nSl^^^t^'T^"*^^^^"'^"* the O'swill carry. 
£Soffhi«lT^h^^'^^'*'°°8^''t^^«-"P^t>aseba]l fr^ 
the lead-off hitter to the nmth man in the order Yet the Yanki 


^S" Hunter. ""'"^'" Brinks Truck" Jim 

S^CAk^^rS*S?«^*^,'^f *' "^"^t ^^^ to battle for the 
wiv^ ™^ ^^^- ^"'y '^^rt^'s Range's wUl <=ome a 
ZlL.J^l^%' *° "^P*"^ the flag in the WEST, Jeff 
Sme f t V? S'^°^' ^"^ ^'^ the Rangers the fire power 
deSve Iv nf n^^^nP'°° °^^^ ^'s. The A's wUI miss 
•htfof Ca£ H°f ^'?'^' *^° "tired, and of course the 

S BoTh 7™ h ""'""P" '^^""^^ s^ccessfuu/defend their 197^ 
Ob ainffnnS . i'^^^f ^' ^^""^ attacks and if the Reds can 
fed Machin?.'*'^"- ''°'^"' *^'^ '^""Id be the year for the "Big 

.Jno^i?^"'^^ u'°'^ "'^f AeBAlHMOBE O'S have done this 
asTpeMeam^ ^'"^°"^^'''™'="- Earl Weaver .is commanding 

because the win or loss would 
have an influence on their 
seeding in the state tournament, 
held in May. 

One of the key matches of the 
day was between Charles 
Wadlington and Jim Hinson. 
Wadlington lost, however, 6-4 
6-7, 0-6. The first set started 
close, both players alternating 
winds, but Wadlington pulled 
ahead, winning 6-4. The second 
set, also close, ended with a 
tie-breaker. The final set ended 
6-0 for him, while one spectator 

Kelly Captures 
First With 69 

Staff Writer 

"I played my best ever," said 
Pat Kelly after his recent victory 
in the championship flight of the 
Vic Bass Memorial Golf 
Tournament, Sunday, April 6. 

Kelly, a freshman on the JC 
golf team shot a sizzling 3 under 
par total of 69 on the par 782 
West Palm Beach County Qub 
course. Kelly outscored his 
nearest competitor by three 
strokes. Kelly commented, "I 
wanted to do my best, and 
whatever happened, happen- 

The proceeds from the 
tournament are to benefit JC 
and Florida Atlantic University. 

Bass was a golf pro at Lake 
Worth Country Club and a golf 
equipment representative until 
his death m 1972. 

It was estimated that over 
$3,000 was collected for the 
scholarship funds of the two 

commented that he may have 
ruined his game with his 

Roberto Rizo,was apprehen- 
sive about his match with P. 
Secada, stating that he "hadn't 
played in three days." Being 
undefeated, he too was in 
position for No. 1 in the No. 2 
singles, but lost 2-6, 7-6, 6-1. 

Norman Russell was defeated 
6-1, 6-2 by G. Jarmello, while 
Gary Ray also lost M. 
Dimingues 6-1, 6-2. Pete 
Pulitzer pushed through three 
sets, but was beaten 3-6, 6-4, 

Wadlington and Rizo mana- 
ged the only win of the day in 
Doubles competition, 7-6, 6-2. 
Russell and Pulitzer lost 6-4, 

The team smashed Indian 
River Community College, 7-0, 
Tuesday, giving the team a 13-1 

Wadlington overpowered 
Dunn,. 6-3, 6-1, while Russell 
played the No. 2 position, 
winning 6-3, 7-5. Ray won 6-2, 
6-3, and McCarley outscored 
6-2, ,6-3. Pulitzer smashed 

Cunningham 6-1, 6-0, and Nolen 
won 5-7, 7-6, 6-0. 

In doubles, Russell and 
Pulitzer won 6-4, 6-4. Ray and 
McCarley also won 6-3, 6-4. 


q-.OO +.'ii ^?'', 

/-^'^'^io./ Hour '\'''.y^^ 


"^Sports Life' ^ ■ 'v 

Defending Champs 
Weaker On Links 

. Timothy L. Bray-^ 

Intramwal Director Roy Bell supervises the popnlai self-defense 

Cavalcade Planned 

' 'Over-all the state team-wise 
is weaker this year than in 
many, many years," said the 
defending state. and NationalJr. 
College tournament coach Bud 
Marsee of Broward Community 

' 'There is no team in the state 
with strong depth. Last year we 
had eight players who could , 
shoot par golf an any given 
day," continued Marsee. "This 
year I have two returnees. We 
played well in the spring, but 
my fifth and sixth men lost 
interest and Kevin Powers, who 
finished 14 in the national is 
playing too inconsistent." 

"The state and division 
tourney are wide open," 
explained Marsee. 

He is blessed with the 
defending state and national 
individual medalist Mike Don- 
ald who is returning for his 
fourth term. "Mike has played 
real well, actually this is the 
worst he's played all spring (41 
after nine holes.) He hasn't won 
a golf tournament but he's 
playing consistently," com- 
mented his coach. 

Lntramurals are winding down 
in preparation of final exams, 
but plans are underway to crank 
up for Spring I. 

Students enrolled in Spring I 
are invited to participate in the 
Intramural Cavlacade of Sports. 

Registration for tennis in 
Spring I will be May 19-21. 
The Intramural Tennis Work- 
shop is an outlet for students 
who could not register because 
of the cap on classes. Although 
no credit will be given for the I 
& R tennis workshop, Mr. 
Melvin Edgerton is to be 
available for personal instruct- 

Registration for bowling 
intramurals will be held on 
Monday, May 19th at Major 
League Lanes for an 8 week 
instructional bowling clinic and 
tournament. The time of the 
bowling clinic will be from 4 to 6 
p.m. Monday afternoons. 

Other clinical activities will be 
announced as a part of the 
Spring Calvacade of Sports . For 
further information on activites 
or for activity requests call Ext. 
292 or stop by the Intramural 
Office, Office 4K gymnasium. 

All activities sponsored in the 
Calvacade of Sports will be free. 




SG election. 

Poll Watchers needed for 
contact Theresa LePore SG Secretary 
of Elections for details. 

Broward is hosting the 
Division IV tournament at the 
Bonaventure Country Club, 
which is their home course. 

Marsee says it will take 
balanced scoring to whip the 
challenging course which has 
water on 14 of 18 holes. 

The Ft. Lauderdale college 
has had its success with local 
players who are fundamentally 
sound. "1 look for a golfer when 
I'm recruiting who has the 
technique and a good attitude. 
Once they have the fundamen- 
tals down the ones who separate 
themselves have the good 

Heler Captures 
Board Tourney 

Dave Heier took first place in 
the recent Intramural Pool 
Tournament. The tournament 
which began Thursday, April 3 
and .finished Tuesday ...April 8 
was held in the game room of 
the SAC lounge. Bruce Bedford 
took second place in the event 
while Gary Thompson took 

"More people signed tip than 
showed up," comments I & R 
Board Representative, Ed 
Richards as 25 people signed up 
but only 6 actually participated. 

Sports Calendar 

Tues. April 15 
Wed. April 16 
Fri. April 18 
Sat. April 19 

Mon. April 14 
Thurs. April 17-19 


at Miami Dade-North 7:30 p.m. 

at Miami Dade-North 7:30 p.m. 

Miami Dade-Downtown 3:30 p.m. 

Miami Dade-Downtown 1p.m. 


Miami Dade-Downtown 1 P.M. Pence Park 

FJCC State Tourney 




Thurs. Fri Apr. 17-18 



Div. IV Tournament 

at Edison 
at Broward 

RESENTATIVE: Needed to sell 
Brand Name Stereo Compon- 
ents to Students at lowest 
prices. Hi Commission, NO 
Investment required. Serious 
hiquiries ONLY! FAD COM- 
PONENTS, INC. 20 Passaic 
Ave. Fairfield, New Jersey 
070O6. Jerry Diamond 


FOR SALE: 1974 Honda ST 90, 
like new Call 833-7870 before 10 
am. and after 4:30 p.m. 
FOR SALE: '64 Cadillac Sedan 
DeVille S15O.00 or best offer, 
Call 833-3413. 

FOR SALE: '69 Opel Kadett L 
with extra Engme, Transmiss- 
ion, and many other extras, 
$300 or best offer, Call 

FOR SALE: Color TV 25" 
Console, excellent condition. ■ 
Must sell before April 24th. 
Cheap. Best offer will buy it. 
Call 582-1053 ask for Jerry. 

WANTED: People mt crested in 
using the book. Value Clarifica- 
tion by Sid Simon, to find out 
more about ourselves. Call 
582-4974, (mornings between 
6:00 - 7:30 preferred) and ask 
for Martin. Thank you. 

G 2 RAMBLER station wagon. 

Runs good 



tune up. Asking 
Dave at 968-5187. 

Call BUI 

new tires, 
$1600 Call 

EXTRA DRIVER: wanted on 
trip to NYC after winter term; 
share costs. Returning for 
Spring term. Call eves 7 - 9 
p.m. 965-7254. 

ed to share a two-bedroom 
apartment. Opening from May 
1st on. Rent $87.50 Call 

NEEDED HOME: for 5 cute, 
loveable kittens. Call 965-2899. 

Diamond Tail Excellent Condit- 
only ridden a couple of 




$75.00 Call after 7:30 
Ask for Dolub. 844-0923. 

Letter To The Editor 

Continued From Pg 4 

Phllo does exist and has done 
more than people know. I would 
hope to see, before I graduate 
this term, more acknowlege- 
inent of Philo and its activities. 
That's the least that could be 
done after almost two years of 
apparent non-existence. 

Also, instead of constantly 
seeking attacks on clubs, 
Student Government, athletics, 
etc.. why not write articles on 
what they are trying to do to 
help the student body and its 


social life. This would 
something worth reading. 

Jeanne FIe«nor 
EDITOR'S NOTE: Currently, 
according to Philo president 
Jeanne Fleenor, there are only 
10 active members in the club. 
This obviously demonstrates a 
lack of student interest in Philo. 
However, we did do a story 
about them for the last issue, 
but because of a lack of space 
we were unable to use it until 
this week. 



Register Now 

At Palm Beach Atlantic College 

Summer Session 1 
May 1- June 17 

Summer Session 2 
June 23 -August 8 

Contact Registrar 

Palm Beach Atlantic College 
1101 South Olive Ave. W.P.B. Fla. 833-8^2 




12 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 14, 1975 


$2.75 per page 

Send now for latest catalog. En- 
close $2.00 to cover return post- 

Our research service is sold 
for research assistance only. 

Campus Represenfafives 

required. Please write. 


Box 1218, 

Niagara Falls, N.Y. 
U.S.A. 14302 

(416) 366-6549 

AAonday - Tuesday 


en writing for catalog, if present address is temporary, pj 
include permanent address for future mailings. 


Jones, Simler Face Run Off 

Associate Editor 

Randy Simler and Kim Jones face a 
run-off election for SG president this week 
as the result of neither capturing the 
majority of the votes cast in last week's 
Executive Board Elections. 

Running in a three-way race which 
included James Cox, Simler collected 216 
votes, Jones 185 and Cox 90 votes from the 
508 votes cast in the election. 

Ron Bukely narrowly edged Sue Keen, 
239-212, to win the SG vice-president post. 
Lynn Kalber (362) and Paul Sapp (408) 
captured the SG secretary and treasurer 
posts, respectively. 

According to SG Secretary of Elections 
Theresa LaPore, the run-off election for 
president is to be held Monday and 
Tuesday this week. 

LaPore plans to place voting machines 
Turn To 'Election' Pg 5 

Randy Simler 

VOL. XXXVl No. 25 

Kim Jones 


Monday. April 21, 1975 

Lake Worth, Florida 33460 

Thai Style 

Judy Satanaptasith gazes upon her newly fooond mate after the Thai ceremonies. Hie Incky man Is Fanl 
Ratanaprasith, foreign student from Thailand. They have been married for one month. Photi? by Putt 

Groduailon Formalites Coming 

Staff Writer 

Commencement exercises 
will be held in the West Palm 
Beach Auditorium at 8:00 p.m., 
Wednesday, May 7. Music will 
be provided by JC's College 
Band and Choir. Faculty and 
graduates will wear academic 
robes foj: the processional. Dr. 
Glen wood Creech, president of 
Florida Atlantic University, is 
the guest speaker. 

Proper dress for commence- 
ment will be white dress shirt, 
dark tie, dark shoes and 
trousers for the men. Women 
are asked to wear dark shoes 

(navy or black) with heels, dress 
with no high or jewelry-type 
neckline which will show above 
collar; no earrings, necklaces or 
bracelets. Hair should be styled 
simply enough to allow cap to be 
worn on the forehead. 

Graduates may pick up their 
announcements about April 21 
to be mailed to friends and 
relatives either before or after 
commencement exercises. Caps 
and gowns may be picked up at 
the Bookstore during exam 
week - April 28 through May 2, 

Rehearsal will be held at 
West Palm Beach Auditorium at 

10:00 a.m. on 

day of 

ram Celebration 

Editorial Assistant 

Two JC students were married in the SAC Lounge April 14. They 
spoke no vows, instead they kneh before their guests who blessed 
them by sprinkling water on their hands. 

This traditional Thai ceremony united Paul Ratanaprasith and 
Judy Newton in marriage. It was part of a New Year celebration 
program presented by Thai students at JC. They are celebrating 
Thailand's water festival year, Songkran. 

Before the ceremony, Jesada Tankigthanongsuk described the 
Thai wedding. The bride and groom kneel, he said, as each of their 
honorable guests drips water from a shell over the couple's hands to 
give a blessing. The water from their hands flows into baskets of 
flowers. ■ 

JC President Dr. Harold Manor led the line of faculty members, 
students and finally the bride's family. The couple were married 
when the line passed; in Thailand they would also go to a Budhist 
temple the next day to be blessed by the monks. 

"The wedding was held to show Thai culture because the Thai 
wedding is very different from the American," Marianne Budi, a 
program coordinator said. 

Paul, a pre-med major and three-time karate champion in his 
native Thailand, and law enforcement student Judy, were alsp 
married in an American ceremony. 

"We're very happy^ we think it (the Thai ceremony) was 
beautiful," the bride's mother, Mrs. Charles Newton, said; 

Afterwards, guests were invited to sample Thai food. The lunch 
included papaya salad, curry, larp (a ground beef dish served with 
rice), boiled eggs and coconut cake and candy. 

Thai songs, Thai dancing and Thai boxing were also part of the 
Songkran program, intended to acquaint JC students with the Thai 

The procession, lead by Dr. Manor, poured water over the hands of the newlyweds who knelt before 
baskelsof flowers. PhotobyPutt 

Pretty JC coed, Joanna Aiken, of Lake Worth, Is the New Miss ■: 
Palm Beach County. Joanna Aiken is no stranger to beauty titles, j 
She has previously won four titles in 1974: Miss South Florida Fair, i; 
Holiday Queen (a baton twirling title]. Miss Christmas in Dixie, and : 
Homecoming Queen at Lake Worth High School, :■ 

Joanna won the bathing suit competition, twurled sabers, and also ;i 
performed with lighted batons for her talent presentation. Those \ 
attending the Pageant found Joanna exceptionally poised and with i 
that elusive" ability to project the warmth of her personality and'| 
smile from the stage to the audience. Recently, Joanna is concerned ;: 
with the Miss Florida Pageant coming up in Orlando in June. 

On The Inside 

NEWS: Mayfield, Warner, 
Buckley discuss upcoming 
retirements . . . see pgs. 2, 3, 5. 
VENTURE: Thompson ferments 
"The Almighty Beer" ... see 
page 6, 

SPORTS: Pacers nearly capture 
invitational . '. . see page 9. 


2 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 21, 1975 

Oklahoma -Bound 
Mayfield Retires 

Associate Editor 

Commencement for graduat- 
ing students is one of Registrar 
Laurence Mayfield's favorite 
days. "It always means success 
for a lot of students," says 

Laughing, he adds, "Also, it 
means we're near the end of the 
year for this office." 

When the registrar's office 
closes this year, Mayfield's 
career, which includes 17 years 
of service to JC, also closes. 

Retiring June 30, Mayfield 
has served JC since 1958 as a 
guidance counselor, psychology 
instructor, evening registrar 
and since 1968 as registrar. 

Under Mayfield's direction 
the registrar's office has grown 
as the school has grown. Calling 
it a "team effort all the way," 
Mayfield recalls that while it 
once took a student two weeks to 
register, "now they do it 
between classes." 

The 62-year-old Kansas State 
University graduate credits .the 
"on-line system" for the 
improved registration, but 
admits that his job has meant 
much more. 

"My most difficult task is to 
call students and tell them they 
can't graduate," comments 

Most of the registrar's 
memories, however, are pleas- 
and ones. "Over the years I've 
tried to help students in any way 
1 can. I've bought them shoes 
and clothes, found them friends 
and helped them get loans," 
says Mayfield. 

In turn, the students have 
given something back - which to 
Mayfield means they've im- 
proved themselves. "Under the 
current law most are adults, 
meaning they are responsible 
for their actions." he explains. 

Laurence H. Mayfield 

"They want to be treated like 
adults and they act that way." 

"Students are better prepar- 
ed now than anytime in the last 
30 years. They know what they 
want to do and how to do it. ' ' 

Mayfield, who admits that 
coming to JC in 1958 after 
working in Kansas junior 
colleges was "one of the turning 
points in my life." feels that he 
came to JC "during the real 
growth period of the junior 

With recent enrollment cuts 
Mayfield is not discouraged and 
calls it a "temporary thing." He 
adds, "I just can't picture a 
state as fine as Florida not 
supporting education as in the 

No Play In Spring 

Staff Writer 

pZ'lT:fe7rTcZ:lr^ P-^--S -y plays during 
pring terms. ^^^ auditorium will be closed during 


dZ'^SIT aT -""V''' ''''' "^ '''-^ t° -t somewhere," 

Sr ha'd^hfrrn". M "' ^'■- ^'"' ^- ^'^^^^ explained. "We'U 
never had the financial situation we have now." 

Claud^EdvvarH. T"'^' '° *" '^'"^ ^°"'d "°t be estimated, but Mr. 
amount. ■ "^ -"^'"t^nance said it would be a "considerable 

shairfZn"he'iud£nttf-",°' ''' ^--^ Department, 
condhioning during Soon" "°V°"'^'"^f °" electricity and air 
rehearsals. Piavf re rehi.' *""' ^^'° '^"""^ performance and 
Sundays. rehearsed at night and on Saturdays and 

can'I'i,"ainhl" ^''?/ '^' '^''''' ^^"^^"t," Leahy said. "They 
one of the nZ "' > T *^ '^^'''°°^ because performance is 
le rn ■ '""'"'' ''''^'"'"8 ^^eas. They need the stage to 




Ms Kathleen Bowser, director of the Center for Early Childhood Learning, was all smiles as she 
reported the success of the recent Walkathon by children Crom her center. 

It is estimated that around $1,100 have been pledged for use in puirchasing additional equipment. 

Another attainment that will soon be realized, acording to Ms. Bowser, is practice units in the public 
schools. There are very limited facilities in the College Center, and this would help expand. Photo by 
Julia Jones. 

Monday, April 21, 1975, BEACHCOMBER -3 


Now it is time for Mayfield to 
think of the future, which 
includes retirement to a 
three-acre plot near the 
University of Oklahoma in 
Norman, Oklahoma. 

Presently residents of Atlant- 
is, Mayfield and wife, Esther, 
plan to continue gardening and 
improve their antique collection 
once in Oklahoma. 

With the University of 
Oklahoma close by Mayfield 
says, "If I get lonesome for the 
registrar's office, I'll go down to 
the campus and see if there is 
anything an old man can do. " 

However, Mayfield pledges 
he'll "be back at JC from time 
to time to check on the students 
and faculty, who have been very 
kind to me." 

"I'll be recruiting JC students 
even in Oklahoma," comments 
the retiring registrar. "If I can 
find a seven-foot basketball 
player or a good pitcher, I'll 
point him in the direction of 


Time: Monday ■ Tuesday 

8t 6:30 pm.- 9:00 p.m. 

Place: Cafeteria, Admin- 

P Phone 5824045 I 

Charles G. Grahaih, assistant 
registrar, has already been 
selected as of April 17th to be 
next years registrar. Photo by 

Student Wins 

Sheryl Grimm won the "Student of the Year" 
award at the DECA conference held in Oriando April 
6-9. She also brought back a first place in 
Management Decision Making - Fashion Merchand- 

Sheryl, who received a first place for her Individual 
Merchandising Improvement Project at the national 
DECA Convention last year, and has received eight 
other state and national awards, expressed surprise in 
receiving her "Student of the Year" award. 

Also pictured is Bart Cunningham who was elected 
Vice President of the Florida Junor Collegiate DECA. 

It's the Finest! 
It's the Finest! 



Freshly made Pizza, 
dough & topping 

Instant Lunch (Buffet), 
Pizza, spaghetti, $1 .69 ' 
Siilad & garlic bread 
All you can cat. 

Palm Springs Shopping Center 

10th Ave. & Congress, 

Palm Springs 967-6055 \ 

Mon.thru Sat. 
H:30 -1;:!0 

"You get a great deal of satisfaction knowing 
you've been able to help someone get an 
education." Photo by Putt 

Ad Hoc Investigates 
Committee Reports 

The "Ad Hoc" committee investigating SG has reported their 
findings and recommendations. The following are excerpts from 
their reports 

Honoraria: There is nothing in the constitution or the by-laws of 
the S.G.A. which prohibits the payment of honoraria to student 
government personnel. In fact, tradition has been to pay these 
people honoraria. 

Control over honoraria is maintained by the S.G.A. advisors and 
the finance office. The honoraria paid this past Fall term were 
approved by the advisors and by the finance office. 

Recommendation: It is unrealistic to believe that the electees will 
foster and maintain a viable organization without some 
compensation. Therefore, "honoraria" should be a budgeted item 
of S.G.A. to be awarded according to a merit scale of participation 
and achievement. 

Elections: Three charges were investigated: 1) the elections were 
not held at the originally scheduled time; 2) that the "public" 
counter on the machine was covered with masking tape; 3) that the 
press was denied access to the room where the vote tabulating was 
carried out. The investigation showed that the S.G.A. secretary of 
election (who was immediately relieved of his duties and replaced 
by another secretary) forgot or neglected to obtain a voting machine 
from the County. 

It was not resolved as to whether the "public" counter meant that 
it was a counter of voters open to public view or whether it was 
merely a counter of voters. An opinion from Ms. Winchester, 
commissioner of elections for P.B. County stated that this counter 
need not be open to public view. And third, the room in which the 
votes were tabulated was small, necessitating a restricted 
admittance. However, there was a window to the room through 
%vhich interested spectators cvould view the tabulation. 

Recommendations: In future an assistant secretary of elections be 
apppointed who, together with secretary will assume the duty of 
providing sufficient machines for all elections. 

That nothing be covered or;hidden on the voting machines; that 
nothing be done in or near the polling place or places that would 
cast the least shadow of doubt with respect to ,the honesty of the" 
elections; that the tabulation of the "votes be done in an area targe 
enough to accommodate at least six persons other than those who 
are tabulating, but only those who are appointed as tabulators will 
have access to the machines; that at least one faculty advisor be 
present during the tabulations as a witness; that at least one 
disinterested party be appointed as a tabulator. 

Warner To Leave In June, 
"Career Very Rewarding" 

Staff Writer 

Leon B. Warner, Director of Financial Aid at JC, 
will retire June 30, 1975 after 12 years here. 

Warner has worked in education for 39 years and 
has been in guidance for 25 years. He helped 
organize the Monroe County Guidance Counselor's 
Association and served as its president. 

He also taught history and was Director of 
Guidance for the Centralized School System, 
Fairport, New York and later became an acting 

After one year here as a guidance counselor he 
became the Director of Financial Aid. 

Warner's job includes administering all financial 
assistance to students through basic grants, loans 
and scholarships, and trying to evaluate students 
needs through financial statements. 

Financial assistance at JC has improved since 
Warner has been here. According to Warner, over 
half a million dollars in aid have been administered 
this year, compared to 'about S20,000 when he 
began the job. Last year 1,388 JC students were 
assisted and this year the number will be greater. 

Warner has added many state and federal aid 
programs. The Federal Basic Opportunity Grant 

has more than doubled. State student assistance 
grants, work-study program, federal loan 
programs, and federal grants have been added. 

Warner has the same staff as when he started, 
his secretary, who has been "overworked." 

His career began as a teacher. Because he was 
interested in student problems, he became a senior 
advisor. He "went into guidance to help 

"You get a great deal of satisfaction knowing 
you've been able to help someone get an 
education. It can also be very frustrating," he 
added. "We can't help everyone because of 
inadequate facilities and funds." 

He said he would like to see "additional 
personnel in the financial aid office and more 
computerization of financial aid services." 

Warner's career has brought him many happy 
memories. One example is a successful local coach 
who was provided with financial aid through 
Warner's efforts. 

"He probably would not have succeeded without 
the assistance," Warner said. 

Contented, Warner says his career has been 
"very rewarding." 

3MIIIIIII iiii iiiiiiiniiiiiu iiitiiinii nil iiMii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiii| 

I Editor's Notebook 

5 "• 

i TONIGHT JC's Music Department will present its annual i 
I SPRING CONCERT at 8:15 in the auditorium. The Concert; 
I Orchestra, directed by James Gross, is featured. The concert is | 
I open to the public, there is no admission charge. ; 

I COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER for JC will be Dr. Glenwood L. j 
I Creech, president of Florida Atlantic University. Commencement is i 
I May 7, 8 p.m., in the West Palm Beach Auditorium. i 

I TOURNAMENT, hosted by JC, will be May 5 from 8 a.m. to 7:301 

I DON'T FORGET! Last day to pay fees for Fall schedule '7S-'76[ 
I will be July 7. ; 


Coed Found 
I Shot In Home 

Penny Kirchen, 21 year old 
coed at JC, of 444 Los Altos 
Road, Palm Springs, was found 
shot to death in her home on 
April 15. 

Miss Kirchen was found on 
the bedrom floor by an off duty 
sheriff's deputy who lives near 
the woman's house. He was 
apparently concerned when she 
did not leave for school at the 
usual time. 

Authorities say the death 
appears to be suicide but added, 
the possibility of foul play has 
not been ruled out. Neighbors 
claim that there was a loud 
argument prior to the girl's 
body being found at her house. 

Authorities say that Miss 
Kirchen lived alone at home 
during the time of her death but 
indicated that at one time she 
had shared the house with 
another woman. Miss Kirchen 
has been living at the house for 
two years since her parents 
were divorced. 

Miss Kirchen was taken to 
Dorsey Funeral Home at 3225 S. 
Congress Ave. in Lake Worth. 
Police say an autopsy has been 

iv Asking for action on the •:■: 
:i|: current educational crisis, ai:j: 
■iiiistudent writfts. to Ijis Florida :•:: 
iiiilegislator.. The Florida Associai- :•:■ 
Sfion of Commitnity Colleges hadii;: 
is booths to help letter \vriters~set ■:■: 
lijiup last week. Mr. Edwin :;■; 
iSPugh and Dr. Samuel Bottosto i;:: 
ijijof the Social Science department |v 
ij-staffed the booths and urged all •.".•: 
iSconcerned to write to state v; 
jxrepresentatives and senators. '•$, 

Cor Stsraos & Custom installations 


Instructor Rewarded' 

We carry a complett tine of Audio aquipment:— 
Sansui, JVC, Marantz, Kenwood, Garrard, Dual , 
Jensen, Avid, Sony, 9liure, Empire, Pickering & 

Dan W. Hendrix, sponsor of Delta Omicrbn Chapter of Phi Theta 
Kappa here at JC, received a special award at the P.T.K. National 
Convention held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. April 3-5. 

This award is entitled "Hall of Hoiior" distinguishes Hendrix as 
one of the outstanding sponsors in P.T.K. throughout the country. 

The Delta Omicron Chapter of P.T.K. has also been designated 
the official J C registration station by County Supervisor of Elections 
Mrs. Jackie Winchester. This means that any student 18 years of 
age or above who is not a registered voter may stop by BA-131 and 
apply for voter's registration. 

Complete selection of L.P.'s & Tapm at the best 
prices in Palm Beach County 

t3«U.S.Hwy. 1< 
N. Palm Beach. Fla. 

4 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 21. 1975 

Monday, April 21, 1975 BE ACHCOMBER - 5 

i i 



bl ass 


Associate Editor 

associdted collegiate press 

9 • • 

Kim Jones 

Every student should vote for KIMBERLY JONES for SG 
president in the upcoming run-off election. Although she was not 
our first choice during the primary election, frankly, after the 
election speeches, some members of the Editorial Board had second, 

The most serious area of disagreement the Comber has with the 
Jones platform is her proposal to allow senate approval of 
expenditures ofSl.OOO. The figure should be lower. 

On the plus side, Jones is a hard worker and thorough researcher 
(as she proved with the Title IX controversy). She has indicated a 
strong desire to work for the students of JC, and we believe her. 

Most important of all is that she wants to get involved in campus 
activities. This campus desperately needs an SG president who can 
revitalize campus life and demonstrate the leadership we have long 
been lacking. 

Election Run Well 

Last weeks primary election of SG officers was one of the best 
conducted elections in recent SG history. The credit must go to 
Secretary of Elections Theresa LePore, who put in many long hours 
making the election work. 

With the exception of too few poll workers (students just wouldn't 
help) the balloting went off without a hitch. 

There was no masking tape covering the public counters and the 
press was permitted to witness the tabulations. The counting was 
done quickly and accurately with the results submitted to the press 
within minutes. 

The entire election was a model of cooperation, dedication and 
ability not often found in elections of this tyipe. 

Congratulations Theresa LePore for an outstanding job. The 
Bechcomber looks forward to working with you in the future. 

AmendmentsToo Late 

in a highly commendable effort, SG has proposed six full pages of 
constitutional amendments. Many of these proposed a,mendments 
are long overdue and if passed could add immeasureably to a strong 
and vital Student Government. 

However, there 3s one major problem, the senate has only one 
session left. It is impossible to adequately study and debate six full 
pages of amendments in one brief session. Even if the first and 
second reading of the proposals are'waived,the senate still could not 
give sufficient time to exploring all the ramifications that any new 
amendment to the constitution is liable to contain. 

In spite of this, there is a move afoot to ramrod these 
amendments through the senate for immediate passage. This would 
be a grave injustice to the student body. 

Enough tinie must be allowed to present the new items to the 
student body so that it might have the opportunity to peruse the 
amendments and give input to the senate. 

It would be futile for the senate to approve these amendments 
now. They must be approved by the Student Activity Committee 
and a student referendum. There is simply not enough time left this 
semester to accomplish all this. 

Again, SG should be commended for this tremendous step 
forward, but don't ruin' it.- Table these amendments uhtil the Fall 
term When there wilf'be eUoiigh* time" for grope'r procedure and 
de-bate to take effect. .' ' ' * -'-■".- 



(1) Not exceed 250 words. 

(2) Be signed by the author. 

(3) Include the author's 
i,.ireph one number. 

(4) Be received In the 
Beachcomber Office no 
later than 4 p.m. on 

All letters are subject 
to condensation. 


Wrap ''Offensive" 


I was sitting in the cafeteria 
last week when one of the 
WRAP disc jockeys chose to 
announce some facts about 
breast cancer. 

He proceeded to enlighten his 
audience by saying that the 
majority of cases of breast 
cancer are discovered by women 
themselves. He then made some 
very snide remarks, implying 

that these women had been 
fondling their own breasts at the 
time of the discovery. The 
laughter of another male could 
be heard in the background. 

As a woman, I found this 
broadcast extremely offensive, 
derogatory and downgrading. 

Because of the serious nature 
of breast cancer, doctors have 
encouraged women to make 
self-examinations, Contrary to 

Kalber Responds 

Editor and Beachcoiriber Edit- 
orial Board: 

Unfortunately the Beach- 
comber has once again 
overstepped its limits. This is in 
response to the article "No 
Secretary' ' in the issue of April 

I have never seen a story so 
cruelly written and so utterly 
deceiving. The article hit low 
and was intended for one 
purpose - to hurt. It seemed a 
totally personal opinion, and 
from what I've been told by 
various members of the 
'Comber's editorial board, the- 
motion to write this was not 
favored (even though the motion, 


must have been carried in order 
for the article to appear.). 

To write false material is bad 
in the first place, but to use a 
student "voice" for personal 
revenge is even worse. 

In response to the material in 
the article - it was entirely false 
and anyone who is so interested 
can Ibok at any records of mine. 
I have nothing to hide and my 
conscience is clear. I only hope 
it is the same for the writer of 
the article. 

Fortunately, I don't think this 

article was tekn seriously. I am 

sure your readers have the 

sense to be on guard about an 

Turn To 'Kalber' Pg 5 

JCA Bmeaucracy 



■ Through my experiences at 
Palm Beach Junioj, Cqillege,' I 
have found that PBJlfc ernpT6ys 

people who listen but do' Hot act 

' ''--'^ ■ '■ .. i ': yii.y. '■. [ i. 

upon the grievances of students. 
There : is no ombudsman to 
intervene on behalf of the 
students with the bureaucracy. 

Counselors are really tools for 
administrators, despite the 
professional ideology of couns- 
eling. Who can a student 
complain to if his teacher is 
incompetent, lazy or racist? 

A stiident must accommodate 
himself to the situation or rebel,' 
silently, by dropping out of 
school or by turning in poor 

work, or overtly, by setting fire 
to trash cans and triggering fire 
alarms, for the system has no 

Due process is not available to 
the students of PBJC. When 
students accuse teachers of 
violations they may as well talk 
to themselves for no one other 
than a powerless Student 

Government official will attempt 
to help. The administration and 

■ the selected .faculty ..form, a 
united. front to maintain control, 

, and thepjresident, even when he 

■suspects the teacher is^wrong, is 
■more itkely to take the side of 

: the teacher than ,that of the 
student. He feels obliged to 
maintain teacher morale. 

Turn To 'Students' Pg 5 

the feelings of those "boys" 
from WRAP, breast cancer is no 
laughing matter. 

It is not only a physical 
trauma but a psychological one 
as well. Why? Because men 
have always considered a 
woman's lareasts as very 
important parts of her anatomy 
and because of this, women feel 
inadequate after breast surgery. 

WRAP disc jockeys should 
think about what they're saying 
before they make such insulting 
remarks, The opinion of one 
idiot probably does not fairly 
represent theopinions of all the 
WRAP staff, but if this is an 
example of the kind of trash 
WRAP is going to broadcast, 
they have no busines on the air. 
Chris Cheney 



As secretary of elections for 
Palm Beach Junior College, 1 
would like to personally thank 
all of those who took the time 
out to help me work the voting 
machines during the last 
Student Government Election. 
' Even though I raninto a few 
problems as far as poll workers, 
the election itself ran pretty 
smoothly. I would also like to 

-take this. time to thank four 
friends, of mine - three of whom I 
work with and do not even 
attend PBJC - who came out and 
worked the machines one 
evening when 1 was really 

. hurting for workers! They are; 

Nancy Schmidt, Gwen Wimbs, 

Bilie Jo Drosakis and Ralph 


Turn To 'LaPore' Pg 5 

Walkathon Donors Thanked 


1 would like to thank all students, staff and faculty who supported 
our second annual Children's Walkathon. We also appreciate the 
publicity provided by the Beachcomber. 

All pledges are not yet .in but we estimate that they will total 
between $260 and $300. Added to a $500 gift from an anonymous 
donor, we will have the beginning of a building fund. 

This is open for donations. If you would like to make a donation or 
know someone who would like to, please contact us at the Center for 
Early Learning, Science 18B. The sooner we are able to expand our 
facilities the sooner we will be able to serve more of your children. 

Kathleen L. Bowser 
Director, Center for Early Learning 

Buckley Leaves 




Presidential Aspirations Lie Ahead 

Associate Editor 

Tory Buckley wants to be 
president. Don't be alarmed. 
The soon-to-be-retiring Student 
Government president isn't 
starting a late write-in cam- 

But he still wants to be 
president; that is. President of 
the United States. 

"It's not a dream to me," 
said Buckley as he was ending 
an interview with the 'Comber 
concerning his year as SG 
president. "It's at the top where 
you can affect changes that 
really need to be made in areas 
like ecology and big business. 

"1 feel within myself enough 
ideas to make the country a 
much better place," pledged 

However, in his present job, 
lias he made JC a better place? 
Tory Buckley thinks so. 
According to Buckley his major 
accomplishment was halting an 
Administration proposal that 

Theresa LaPore, SG secretary 
of elections 
Photo by J. Jones 


Charles R. McCreight, journ- 
alism instructor and advisor to 
the Beachcomber, was honored 
by the 'Comber Editorial Board 
April 17. 

Brian E. Crowley, editor-in- 
chief, presented McCreight a 
plaque on behalf of the board. It 
>?vas inscribed "for the time and 
advice you gave us whenever we 
needed it." 

McCreight has been the 
advisor to the 'Comber for 
almost 13 years. During this 
time he has never dictated to 
nor censored the Beachcomber. 
In areas of questions, he points 
out the alternatives available. 

According to Crowley, "he is 
always there when you need 
him. 1 know of no other 
instructor on this campus that 
puts in as many hours with 
students as he does." 

would have stipulated no set 
amount for student activity fees 
in the tuition structure. 

Other major achievements 
during the year included, 
underwriting of concerts, the 
purchase of marquees to keep 
students informed and a 
revitalization of the SG 

In some areas, however, the 
SG executive was less than 
satisfied and he made . com- 
ments concerning the Adminis- 
tration, teachers and the 

In reference to a recent 
statement he made at an 
election assembly about stu- 
dents keeping "out from under 
the thumls of the Administra- 
tion," Buckley added, "If we 
don't get involved it will " hap- 

SG's president supports 
legislation currently in the state 
legislature that would keep 
teachers from getting a tenure 
contract until their fifth year, 

with an evaluation every two or 
thee years afterward. 

"If these people aren't any 
good, by gosh, let's get rid of 
them," said Buckley, who feels 
that JC's instructor evaluation 
by students should be given 
more clout. 

Perhaps most upsetting to 
Buckley during his term of office 
were Beachcomber stories 
which were "subjective and not 

"The 'Comber treated SG 
very unfairly," said Buckley. 
Complaining that stories "took 
a stance against SG from the 
start," the SG officer urged the 
newspaper to get "both sides of 
the story" in future efforts. 

Buckley also charged Beach- 
comber Editor-in-Chief Brian E. 
Crowley of "alienating more' 
people than making friends," 
and complained about the 
"sarcastic tone" in Crowley's 
voice during conversations 
between the two student 

Election Results 

Continued From Pg 1 

near the cafeteria and outside the Administration Build 
-ing. Times for the voting on Monday and Tuesday are 8:30 
a.m. - 3:00 p.m. and 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. 

In contrast to past elections, votes were counted in full view of 
press and public in the North SAC Lounge following the end of the 
election Thursday night. 

SG officials LePore, Tory Buckley, Dolor Ginchereau, Steve Getz, 
and advisors Ann Steckler and Daniel Hendrix each filled out tally 
sheets, which went into SG files immediately following 
announcement of the results by Getz, SG secretary of publications. 

Following the election defeated presidential candidate James Cox 
said he would "endorse Simler for president. 

LaPore Thanks Students 

Continued From Pg 4 

I would also like to thank those students who bothered to get off of 
their apathetic asses and vote. To those who didn't, 1 feel sorry for 
them because it's their money also that's going to be used by 


Now that that's over with, 1 wish to extend my thanks to the social 
and service clubs of PBJC for NOTHING. Wheii 1 first started ;is 
supervisor, I was under the impression that the clubs would at least 
give some help during election time as far as poll workers go. 
However, the only cooperation 1 received was from Circle-K, 
Chi-Sig and Philo and 1 really appreciated it. 

All I can say is that 1 have enjoyed being supervisor of elections 
for SGA and JC and I sincerely . hope that the next supervisor 
receives more help and cooperation than 1 did! Xheresa LePore 

Former Supervisor of Elections, PBJC 

Kalber Rebuttai 

Continued From Pg 4 
article of this type. 

I am surprised at the 
Beachcomber's attitude toward 
SG and hope that next year will , 
find them on better terms. 

In case this letter gets 
"misplaced," and does not 
appear in the last issue, I am 
running dittos of it off and will 
distribute them to the adminis- 
tration, faculty and students. 

Lynn Kalber 

EDITOR'S NOTE: The Beach- 
comber does not tolerate 
presented in the last paragraph 
of the Kalber letter. However, it 
does demonstrate why the 
Comber could not endorse her 
for SG Secretary. 

None of the members made 
any statement to Kalber like the 
one she claims above. 

Cirhiofisl !,..•••»« *••» •»» «• •Tom Hj\son 

Photo Ocpi.; «,..,..M«»'y; 

Sieve l-tm. 
Debbie Iluhn 
Sam Pint 
Winnie Knighton 

News Editor ,..«..■..•••**•* John AavhicHonie 
Venture KtliJ'T ....,.....*.. i-rankSmitit 

Si>ort.>i Etlifor ,,;,*.. iTim 8my 

Bustnos> Manager .«.****•**«• Bul> Halfiolil 
Kditorial Assistant ..».,......»-«'iTucl.\vcod 

Consultant .....Charles McCreight 

S TMT WRiriiRS - JbmcsAsli. Debbie Tliomp.son, , Pete Cla«.«:n, 

l.oriHiHehmnd.BilUlulcliins. Robin Kindk, Winnie Knighton, Mick Mager. 

Ueckv Morse. Philip Neubsuerv Jqp' '''*"*" • „ , n i 

The Boachcombur is puhlished from our cUiloriat ofr.ce.s in ,he Student Pi.Wicatum.s Bmldmg af Patm Beach 

Amior Coliege. 4200 S Cimpip AvB . take Wort!,. Horida 33460 ' 
TcJeplionc 965-8000. tension 2 1 

(Jpiiiioi&i pressed in the Beachcomber ate of the editors .ir the writers of tlie articles iinil aru not nec- 
evsiiriiv liiiwo ofl'.ilm Beach .Vniiur College 
' The'lScpchcomber is a member of the A.s.s(.<:iate<t College fres.s anU 1-loriJa .Mnior College Press Assocwtiou 

Pictured here as an usher at last years' graduation, Tory Buckley 
(riglit) graduates for real in 1975. 

Overall, the job of SG president. 

Planning to graduate from 
Florida Atlantic University with 
an International Business De- 
gree before going onto law 
school, Buckley wants to 
continue "being a part of the 
things that control my life." 

And he urges others to do the 
same. "People have to take a 
part, open their minds and 
realize what's going on around 

president has been "more than 
a full time job" and Buckley 
estimated that in any given 
week the load was never below 
40 hours. 

When April 24 rolls around a 
nev/SG president is to be sworn 
in and Buckley will have no 
regrets "except that 1 won't 
have another year to give. There 
are enough things to be done on 
this campus alone that it would 
lake many years," said the SG 

Students Powerless 

Continued From Pg 4 
In short, the official structure of PBJC is primarily an 
authoritarian bureaucracy that shapes students according to 
regulations. Most students learn to cope with the system. But while 
they do so, they may not be learning practices that are consistent 
with democratic principles and ideals. 

Perhaps the administration might undertake a critical self-study 
to learn if it is truly accomplishing its purposes and is fully meeting 
the needs of its clients here at PBJC. It could turn to its student 
clients and to the community it serves for advice, rather than act on 
guard. A teacher must always be a student, than a teacher. 

Glynne Hughes 
Wayne R. Soldo 

Trustees HearSG Argument 

Among the lengthy agenda at 
last Wednesdays April 16th 
board of trustees meeting 
discussion lead from land 
donations to the Glades campus, 
a presentation on discrimination 
of womans athletics and the call 
of chairman of the board, Dr. 
Edward Eissey's resignation by 
board member Mrs. Harry L. 

SG, led by president Tory 
Buckley and vice president 
Dolor Ginchereau, made a 
strong presentation on discrim- 
ination against womans athlet- 
ics. The board referred the 
matter to its student activity 

Finally, at the end of the 
meeting Mrs. Anstead called for 
Dr. Eissey's resignment on the 
grounds of a conflict of interests 
to a Vice president position that 
he is rumored to be seeking 
Eissey replied a resignment 
would be so for any member of 
the board if an application had 
been submitted from them. "At 

this time." he continued, "no 
application has been submitted 
and there may not be one." 



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i I 

1 ,s 


r. f ■ 

* -4 

6 ■ BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 21, 1Si75 


Monday, April 21, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 7 

Venture Editor 
Providing perhaps the best 

show to hit the JC Auditorium 
this year, the JC Jazzband 
played to a crowd of over 500 
spectators. They were preceded 
by an excellent high school 
band, the Okemos H.S. Jazz 
Band from Okemos, Michigan. 
After the wild applause for the 
Okemos aces died down, there 
was a silence expectant of some 
brilliant playing. The JC Jazz 
Band was. inspired by the 

Fills Auditorium In Concerf 

precedent setj ■'>:! 
and filled tie 8 

The bandiS i* 
Pryweller, ql '«• 
wegianWofflK '^ 
up-tempo faj{ s-'e 
standard. .46jp^ 
they leaped 
effective atranj 

The graal 
evening wasp i3 
number enfl 
Over" wliichf i- 
plusihedlrets :;5 

Band and the FAU Band in solo 

But, I asked myself, where 
was Art Musto? The Beach- 
comber had stated that Mr. 
Musto would provide a 
ventriloquist act and the 
Beachcomber does not lie. I 

Everyone filed out of the 
auditorium, they turned the 
Sights off, but still 1 waited. 
"Mr. Musto ..." I called out. 
No answer. 

Waiting in the silence of the 

Frankiy Speaking 


Work, Work 


^ #^ 



Frank Smith 

It is my work to work with 
words. I enjoy endeavors to be 
clever. Once in awhile I even 
amuse myself. 

I was quite amused one day 
when Stan the landlord, ran to 
my floor to yell at me. 

He ran up the stairs to run me 

In another incident 1 heard 
that a girl was particularly well 
built so, naturally, I looked her 
up to look her over! 

And once I heard of an 
inspired General who decided to 
lead a revolution, in other 
words, he took over the take 

Continuing in this vein . . . 

A major named Magers was 
receiving a report on some small 
cave digging problems. 

The reporting lieutenant said, 
"Nothing major, M^'or Magers, 
just soine minor miner detail 

See how fun words can be? 

An optometrist could be 
called your contact for contacts. 

A machine that sells its 
product for a nickel should be 
called a mechanical make-a- 

When the bakery lost its top 
chef you would bet the baker 
met his maker. 

Arid if someone wrote a book 
on the thoughts of Sophia Loren 
it would be full of Sophia 

I enjoy employing word play. 

A boyfriend forgets to bring a 
flower for his date but he 
doesn't care. He lackadaisically 
lacks a daisy. 

Two FBI agents jump out of 
an airplane, it's a pair of 
snooper paratroopers. 

I could get political, talk about 
inflation, and say I wonder 
whether we can affprd Ford. 

Or I could tell the actual 
magical tragical story of the 
gory musician who made the 
maid disappear. . .or do a 
commerical. Mothers! Does 
your baby mess up your floors? 
What you need Is infantile! 

But I better stop now. 


JC's Jazz Band combined wkht 

9 provide a fine ensemble display, 


empty auditorium 1 started 
humming "Norwegian Wood", 
good melody. Wondering if Mr. 
Musto would ever get here 1 was 
tempted to give it all up and go 
home, but the paper said . . . 

I started whistling the 
"Maple Leaf Rag" wishmg that 
the Band had played the tune, 
my favorite, earlier. 

With nothing else to do 1 
started thinking about the 
shows which were destined to 
come to the auditorium in the 

Phi Ro Pi headed by Eugene 
Lancaster, and KarenMoore are 
planning a musical-variety type 
show to play at the auditorium 
May 8th and 9th. Musical 
numbers to be presented 
include the "Money" song from 
the play "Cabaret", "Magic To 
Do" from "Pippin" and "If 1 
Were A Rich Man" from 
"Fiddler On The Roof." The 
songs and production numbers 
will be used to separate five 
scenerios of varying colors, 
drama, comedy, pathos, written 
by Neil Simon. The Show is 
going to be free to students and 
should be a good one. Lancaster 
and Moore are noted for their 
successful endeavors. 

But even before that show the 
Pacesetters are scheduled to 
play at the auditorium Wednes- 
day, April 23 at 8 p.m. The 
Pacesetters are the show that 
you don't want to miss. Always 
exciting, providing variations on 
the theme of beauty, the 
Pacesetters are my personal 
favorite group at this school. 

The auditorium suddenly took 
on an eery feeling . . . 

The Pacesetter, dynamic singers 

something was about to happen. 
Pow, enter the Fezwick 
Moonfish! Who? the Feswick 
Moonfish, 15 players dedicated 
to presenting a sharp and viable 
show to the Civic Center in 
Boynton Beach, Saturday, May 
3 at 6 p.m. The show is shaping 
up well and several of the 
plajens have come to the 
auditorium at this late hour to 
practice, practice, practice. 
Headed by David Batho and 
Glenn Powell, the Moonfish 
slide through the entrance 
number with shadowy grace . . . 

"Mr. Musto ..." no answer. 

The players leave. The 
auditorium is an interesting 
place. To think that Monday, 
April 21 at 8:15 p.m. Mr. Gross 
will lead the Concert Orchestra 
through their annual Spring 
concert. Featuring Classical and 
Semi-classical selections the 
concert will include works by 
composers by Gluck, and Haydn 
plus selections from Oliver by 
Bart. It will be a free concert. 

It is dark and cold now. The 

with professional polish are to entertain in the auditorium April 23 at 

large room is filled with the 
faintest of eehos from "The 
Suncatcher.s" that the Jazz 
Band had performed earlier. 

The sun came up and warmed 
the auditorium seat and 1 woke 
up (1 had fallen asleep while 

It wa.s around 9:30 a.m. and 1 
was still waiting. 

At 11:00 a.m. 1 was still there. 

At 12:00 a.m. things started 
to happen, people were rushing 
here and there to get the stage 
ready for something. Then, at 
12:30 p.m. the JC Jazz Band 
was back again! Playing 
Norwegian Wood just as 1 
remembered it with its 
cascading flowing movement, I 
rubbed the sleep from my eyes 
and the band was playing The 

The Beer Sti Told 

Dregs From Kegs Will WJe Your Legs 

Suncatcher again, much to my 
pleasure. Filled with tempo 
changes, subtle variations and 
forcefully rendered by a 
formidable set of five trumpets. 

And Finally, Mr. Art Musto, 
ventriloquist. I sat up in my 

There he was talking and yet 
not talking. Singing all three 
parts of a trio's song. Mr. Musto 
is a pretty good singer, he's a 
better comic, and an even belter 
ventriloquist. 1 was impressed. 
For having waited so long to see 
him perform it had to be a 
fantastic performance to im- 
press me at that point. 

The whole show was recorded 
by (he AV center so future 
students can see what they 

Ail that was needed now was' 
to hear "Maple Leaf Bag" and 
true to excellent form, the Jazz 
band came through, they played 
the "Rag" and there were 
maple leave notes flying all over 
the auditorium. 

It I c I'l be 11 I tidod II 

ill >.|1I1 ' W IS I > LI 


Staff Writer 

It is bottled, bootlegged and bought. It's kegged, canned and 
craved. But never before has any beverage been worshipped, loved 
or held ill higher esteem than 'The Almighty Beer. ' 

Americans, it seems, are the best at this. While malt beverages 
have been consumed in a normal fashion throughout Europe and 
Asia for centuries, beer drinkers in the United States have let it 
become one of the most influential aspects of our society. 

Wherever man is found, so is beer. It is consumed for 
refreshment purposes, for party purposeis, and a drink at a main 
meal. One of President Ford's Secret Service men was even recently 
spotted loading 40 cases of Coors beer aboard an Air Force cargo 
plane "by standing order of the White House." When will all this 
madness end?! 

While it is only recently beer has hit the all-time popularity it is 
enjoying today, it had its beginning as long as seven thousand years 
ago. Ale was the Egyptian's great national beverage, and according 
to their mythology, the gods Osiris and Isis invented brewing. 

Beer-making in the Middle Ages was art, with almost every 
monastry having its own brewhouse. Greeks learned brewing from 
Egyptians and malt beverages have been produced continuously in 
Europe ever since. 

This was only the beginning of the ludicrous love affair which was 
destined to last for centuries. 

During the early explorations of America, beer was taken in the 
place of water because water stagnated too easily . 

How convenient. Also, it was on the floor of a Baltimore brewery 
that the flag was sewn which flew over Fort McHenry and inspired 
the writing of the "Star Spangled Banner." Now all of you beer 
drinkers can not only get drunk, but also feel a bit patriotic every 
time you open a can of brew. 

The United States is the largest beer producer in the world. The 
'Big Four' includes Anheuser-Busch, Schlitz, Pabst and Coors. 
Anheuser-Busch is credited with over 20 per cent of the total U.S. 
and two per cent of the total world production. However, even with 
such impressive statistics, though, America is ranked only tenth in 
consumption. . ' • 

If this is so, why then do those who DO indulge in the practice do 
so with such ridiculous feverilshness? And what is it about this 
popular beverage that turns good men bad and makes babbling 
idiotsoutof Saturday night partiers, Sunday morning churchgoers 

anil Ml 
it for 






ies cannot answer that question. Some use 
iers as a refreshment. Some like the taste, 
idal drinkers'. The vast majority, however, 
Jthat beer is one of the single most influential 
iknown to our American society. 
i, though, that beer is a form of alchohol. 
ay the benefits, they also inherit the adverse 
Jon to any alcoholic beverage. While 
snot proven beer to be addicting, take away 
(OTi man and see what happens to you! And 
research has proven beer to be quite 

:;*el beer is the healthiest beverage one can 
b thetn the alcoholic content of this drink, 
feishes energy, and the carbohydrates, give 
ix they claim, the proteins help assimilate, 
tp stimulate appetities. 
I^Kise will tell you that beer, by no stretch of 
itjieU-S. Government's minimum dally adult 
and iron. Other unfavorable side effects 
'beer-belly' and 'beer drinker's breath', 
>es upon the rights of those who do not 

Evci f,j,3n this, beer is an excellent example of the 
sliifil«^c33i society. 

"Beer cans are a symbol of waste and 


mg sny highway in the United States and 


Bull Aplenty is Hnaly beginning to run dry. Shock 
waves^^i, jVmerica last summer when another 
^jd. The American people could withstand 
shoil* ^es of fuel and even a lack of toilet paper; 
bul lei ^(isere nxigbt not be enough beer to go around 
andss ^jjetic and forgotten part of the population 
sudda 5Jjj,coOScious and want immediate action to 

Jjw-n. until a substitute is found, or until the 

~ com'es to their senses, 'The Almighty Beer' 

ridiculously influential beverage America has 

VVhile we're waiting though, could you 

coniE ! 

8 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 21, 1975 

I * 

/ f 

I I 



t I; 

' i 




Good-Bye, Henry 

Staff Writer 

There was only enough air to sustain a human life for a few minutes, but Henry knew it would be plenty 
and Chuck didn't even seem concerned. 

Chuck was going on a trip but he didn't know it. Even then Henry was working out the final 
arrangements for the trip. 

Chuck would be going to live with Henry's parents in Los Angeles. But he was not even taking a 

The mailman would be coming soon so Henry had to hurry. He went to his desk and took out eight 
air-mai! stamps. Next he went to the kitchen and picked out a small tupperware and then went into his 
room where Chuck was sleeping. 

"Chuck," he said, "it's about time to go." Chuck did nbt seem enthused and he did not reply. Just 
then the mailman knocked on the door. It was he who would be making the final arrangements for the 

Henry and Chuck went into the kitchen and then came out. Henry handed the mailman the tupperware 
and the stamps. "Take good care of Chuck, " he said. 

The mailman left and Henry knew that he would not see his pet caterpiller again until summer 

Where Has Gone The Novel Twisf? 

Staff Writer 

If you feel you've lost your 
mind, it's a good time to write a 

Novels used to make actual 
sense. Their plots tied up loose 
ends. Their characters were 
either good or bad. Good people 
were rewarded, bad ones 

In today's novel, however, 
you must have certain things. 
There is at least one 
madly-energetic sex scene, the 
more imaginative the better. 
The characters are a piebald 
assortment of ethnic groups. 
Migrant workers and Vietnam- 
ese orphans should be included 
if possible - they're timely. 

Main characters should fall 
roughly into one of the following 

1. An evangelist who, 
disgusted with God's failure to 
call down lightnings at his 
request, is trying to Find 
Himself on Madison Avenue. 

2. A once-dedicated business- 
man who, disillusioned with his 
company's materialism, tosses 
away his briefcase and goes on a 
Quest to Find Himself. 

3. A misunderstood girl driven 
out of her home by un-cool 
parents, trying to Find Herself 
in every bed in the nation. 

4. A Puritanically-repressed 
husband who leaves his 
social-climber wife to find a 
'New 'Identity in the wilds of 
the Pactific Northwest. 

5. A lonely college dropout who 
roams about spreading youthful 
insight and VD. He Finds 
Himself with a girl he meets.- 
she finds herself, too -- in 

In addition, the modern novel 
has its complement of unfaithful 
husbands, cynical 14-year-old 
chicks Out 'On Their Own, 
traumatic, wrenching self-dis- 
coveries, and lots of remarks 
about society's evils. Senior 
citizens are popular inclusions, 

The novel I plan to write is 
bound to make money. It will 
star a one-time Jewish business- 
man out to Find Himself on the 
way to the Pacific Northwest. 
His tattered clothes and 
anti-society remarks attract a 
misunderstood Chinese college 
girl who is Finding Herself 
BETWEEN BEDS. She joins 
him on his quest. Meanwhile, a 
repressed Black husband leaves 
his wife to clamber socially 
while he heads toward the 
Pacific. A lonely but insightful 
half-Indian dropout heading 




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North intercepts the business- 
man, husband, and girl 
somewhere in Nevada. After 
the' obligatory mad sex scene, 
which ends tragically in a 
hu;nan tangle, destroying the 
repressed husband., the 
survivors straggle toward New 
York City. 

They pick up a 14-year-old 
wisecracking chick and an 82- 
year old former buggy-whip 

r- Featured Futures 

repairman. After numerous 

Wrenching Self-Discoveries', 

they all wind up before the 

evangelist-cum-advertiser, who 

in a fit of holy wrath calls down 

lightnings on their heads. For 

once, his prayers are answered. 

The travelers are killed, the 

building burned down, secret 

documents stolen, sharks 

invade public bathing areas... 

There! Now that should be a 
Turn To 'Novel Twisf Pg 9 

Pisces Proposifioned 

Pisces: Another good week 
commences with a proposition 
you're not likely to reject (or an 
offer you can't refuse). Trust 
more to your impulses and 
hunches than usual. 
Aries! Some objectives are 
going to be reached soon, and 
some never are. Don't give up 
what is truly significant, but pay 
attention to other points of view. 
Taurus: Remind yourself 

Class "Types" 

Staff Writer 

Stereotyping of individuals 
into groups normally is a 
practice which I despise but for 
the fun of it, with all seriousness 
aside, 1 have listed some 
common "types". 

Built-in-alarm student - 
wakes up automatically at the 
end of class. 

Sleeping stare student - 
sleeps with eyes open fixed on 

Rip Van Winkle student - 
slept all through high school and 
may never wake up. 

Weak-hearted student - 
always absent on the day of 

Future secretary student - 
attempt to impress instructor by 
taking dictation . 

Study hall student - sits in 
class studying for the test - in 
his next class. 

Friendly student - goes to 
class solely to socialize with 

Kisser or con -artist - bends 
over backwards to please 
instructors, including laughing 
at bad jokes, and frequent office 
visits for "talks". 

Then there are students like 
me, the nature lover student - 
ptefers looking out the windows 
at birds, trees, anything but the 

Which one are you? 

— Flick Mager— 

frequently of important dates -- 
memory is likely to be somewhat 
clouded this week. An 
overheard conversation can be 
turned to your advantage, but 
revealing that you heard it could 
spoil everything. 
Gemini: According to your 
plotted cycle, this should be a 
peak week for you. Make plans 
now and follow them through in 
the next three weeks if possible. 
Cancer: Moon-children have a 
distinct tendency to jump to 
conclusions, particularly right 
now. Don't let a snap judgment 
throw you. Think h through 
before you decide on action. 
Leo: Someone you know well is 

bout to do something startling. 
Be aware of this and don't 

Virgo! A thoughtless remark or 
joke could snowball into an 
important engagement. Since 
this week has a positive aspect, 
the result is likely to be 

Libra: Music will pay an 
important part in this week's 
events. It may be a concert you ■ 
attend, a tune you hum or an 
instrument you play, but it can 
be put to favorable use. 
Scorpio: Risks you take are 
almost certain to turn out 
against you. Someone you 
thought of as a friend does not 
have your best interests in 
mind. However, the post office 
holds a good surprise for you. 
Sagittarius: This week holds 
promises and threats in every 
direction. It is definitely not 
the time to become involved 
personally. Remain aloof. If 
you're in a position to make 
investments, do it now. 
Capricbm: This will be a very 
trying week, but things appear 
more hopeful in coming months. 

Try to keep away from any 
endeavor which seems unlikely 
to succeed. Be careful, you may 
be accident-prone. 
Aquarius: A new friend or 
attitude is featured. Be . 
responsive ahd receptive to 
unusual situations, i. 

Monday, April 21, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 9 

The first Pacer Invitational won by Miami Dade-North was played on tlie West Palm Beach and Fonntalni 
golf courses. 

JC Linksn^en Finish Second 

Staff Writer 

The Pacer golf team slipped 
from a first round 309 to a 
second round 312 but it was still 
good enough for a second place 
finish in the Pacer Junior 
College Invitational, April 

10-11. ; 

Broward, the first round 
leader at 305, couldnot break 
320 atthe Fountains C.C. course 
as stiff winds and fast greens 
caused the second round scores 

Miami Dade-North was the 
only team to break 310 in the 

second round and along with 
their first round 307, it was good 
enough for the first place 

Pipp Patton of Dade-North 
took the low medalist honors 
with a score of 77-73-150. Pat 
Kelly was low for the Pacers as 
he finished in a tie for third off 
rounds of 79-74-153, 

Other Pacer scores included 
Gregg Clatworthy 81-75-156, 
Frank LaRose 79-78-157, Em- 
mett Fitzgerald 75-84-159, Jim 

Henry 80-80-160. Mike Sim 
75-86-161. Pete Clausen 82-83t 
165 and Brad Milam 82-86-168. 
Miami Dade-North is leading 

the Division IV tournament with 
a 305 total. Edison is dose 
behind with 308, followed by 
Broward's 310 and Palm 
Beach's 312 after the first day's 
competition at the Bonaveiiture 
Country Club course in Ft. 

Kevin Power of Broward and 
Kit Gipson of Edison are tieid for 
the individual medalist after the 
first day, 

JC Pat Kelly finished the day 

with a 76 and Jim Henry 

followed with a 78, Mike Sim 
and Gregg Clatworthy had 79's 
and Emhlett Fitzgerald finished 
at 81. 

High winds caused scores to 
soar fn the recent Pacer 
Invitational. Pipp Patton [bot- 
tom right] of Miami Dade-North 
took medalist honors while JC's 
Pat Kelly Onished hi a tie for 
third. ::;: 

Novel Twist 

Continued From Pg 8 
best-seller. It's even got, loose 
ends, will Madison Avenue ever 
be the same? What will happen 
to the Vietnamese orpjians? 
What if buggy whips come back 
in style and there's no oneto 
repair them? 

Maybe I could write a 


3rj - 


Registration IMay 19th 





10 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 21, 1975 






Sports Life 

Elite Include Expos 

Timothy i. Bray' 

Only four minor league 
baseball teams operated in the 
black during the 1974 season. 
One of those distinguished four 
is the West Palm Beach Expos, 
owned by Fred Whitacre. 

Whitacre believes that "It's 
marginal. I'm not making any 
money, but I'm happy," Only 
last Wednesday night Whitacre 
was reassured that baseball can 
thrive in West Palm as 6400 plus 
people saw the Expos rout Ft. 

Lauderdale in their home-open- 

Whitacre explains that the 
Montreal farm system attracts 
the fans to the park. "It's hard 
to promise people another 
pennant but it's easy to promise 
them another good team, 
because of the Montreal farm 

"I was surprised to see how 
many line shots we hit last night 
(Wednesday). We are supposed 

JC Netfers Ace 
Edison's Bucs 7-0 

Staff Writer 

The men's tennis team will 

close the season today, with 

their match against Broward 

Community College in Cocoa 


Tuesday the team smashed 
Edison. 7i-0, an improvement 
over their last match. Charles 
Wadlington overrode Peterson, 
6-1, 6-3, while Rizo gained 
another win, defeating Schaetel! 
6-1, 6-2. Norman Russell won 
the first set with ease, 6-0, 
although he had a tougher time 
in the second, but winning 7-6. 
Gary Ray, the only man to play 
three sets, defeated Childers 
3-6, 6-2, 6-1. Pete Pulitzer 
outplayed Horowitz 6-4, 6-2. 

In the doubles matches, 
Wadlington and Rizo overpow- 
ered Peterson and Beecroft 6-2, 
6-1. Russell and Ray won . 
Schaetell and Horowtiz 6-3, 6-4. 
After the match with Miami 
Dade-North, the team hindered 
their chances in the Florida 
State Tournament because of 
the loss. Cocah Harris McGirt 
feels that in the State 
Tournament the team "will be 
in the top five, if not, the top 
three." Miami Dade-North had 
beaten them twice, and 
remained undefeated. They are 
now No. 1 in the state. 

The team is ranked in the 
official statistics as fifth in the 
state. Charles Wadlington is 
ranked No. 2 in the No. 1 singles 
position, with a 7-0 record, as of 
April 11. Roberto Rizo is also 
ranked No. 2 in the No. 2 singles 
position, with a 7-0 record, as of 
that date. Norman Russell 
placed sixth in the No. 3 sport, 
with a 4-1 record. John 
McCarley ranked nineth in the 

No. 4 singles spot, while Pete 
Pulitzer placed ninth in the No. 
5 position, with a 5-2 record. 

In the doubles rankings, as of 
April 11, Wadlington and Rizo 
won the first place, with a 
record of 7-0. Russell and 
Pulitzer were ranked N. 10, in 
the No. 2. 

The Florida State Junior 
College Tournament will be held 
May 1-3, in Ocala, Florida. The . 
National Junior College Tourn- 
ament, also in Ocala, is 
scheduled for June 3-7. 

to have speed and defense and 
we hit the ball out of the park. 
That's only to our advantage." 

West Palm Beach is the only 
Class A team representing the 
Montreal Expos this year. This 
emans that a prospect of the 
Expos will play in Wst Palm 
Beach. Whitacre says, "Two 
- keys to this club are hustle and 
Gordie (Gordon MacKenzie - 
field manager). Gordie makes 
sure they play hard. This 
reflects the Expos training camp 
which is Hke no other camp in 
baseball. It's a boot camp." 

Fred Whitacre is known for 
being a great promotional man. 
This year, with the co-operation 
of local merchants, the Expos 
have 68 "nights" ranging from 
Booster Button Night to 
Condominium Night to WHAT 
Radio Night. 

"The difficuhy of a promotion 
depends upon the merchant to 
push it. Use their advertising 
moneys. Sometimes the night 
doesn't come off and it is 
usually the fault of the dealer." 

The Expos are on a nine game 
road trip. West Palm Bcachis to 
start a 7 day homestand on April 
29 with the Miami "Baby O's." 
Following the O's are Ft. 
Lauderdale on May 2-3, and 
Lakeland on May 4-S. 

Bowling Wrap-Up 

The I & R Board sponsored a banquet at Sportsman's Inn 
Wednesday for all of the people who participated in intramural 
bowling for the winter term. 

Among the trophies given were: 

1st Place 


1 . Alicia Markwood 

2. Glen Marsteller 

3. Mary Powell 
4. Joe Lesko 

High Individual 
Series - Scratch 

Jody Salzgeber 
David Green 

2nd Place 



2. Brian Richards 

3. Karen Nystrom 

4. Kent Knox 

High Individual 
Scratch Game 

1, Jody Salzgeber 

2. Kent Knox 

Stinky Bowler Award 

For Frequent 
Low Games 

2. Wayne Soldo 

Champion Award 

1 . LuAnn Allen 

2. Jon Grant 

3rd Place 

"Channel Kats" 

1. Conrad Leon 

2. Bonnie Cage 

3. Bob Cage 

High Individual 


1 . Jody Salzgeber 

2. Bob Cage 

Beer Drinking 

1 . Les Gutlirie 

2. Bob Anderson 

Classified Ads 

TERM PAPERS: "North America's largest service. For Catalogue send S2 to: Essay Service P.O. Box 
1218, Niagara Fails, New York, 14302. Also campus representative required. Please write or phone. 
416-366-6549. ■ 

FOR SALE: 4 chrome slot sheels. 14" with tires, fits GM cars, also Homes/Sidewinder surfboard, 7'6". 
Call Billy at 96S-S611 

COLLEGE CAMPUS REPRESENTATION; Needed to sell Brand Name STereo Components to students 
at lowest prices. Hi commission, no investment required ONLY! FAD COMMPONENTS, INC. 20 Passaic 
Ave., Fairfield. New Jersey 07006. Jerry Diamond 201-227-6814. 

FOR SALE: 67 Ford SW air, radio, good condition, S200. Call 626-0432. 

FOR SALE: Learjet 8-track tape deck with AM-FM radio. Like new, $75 car unit. Also Panasonic 8-track 

tape player and recorder, S75; home unit, Call Glenn Newhart at 965-3088. 

FOR SALE: 1970 Plymouth Satellite Station Wagon. Small V-8 power steering. Air conditioning, radio. 

Only 30,000 miles. Four excellent goodyear radials. Clean inside, rusting body, Fix yourself, or drive 

anywhere as is. Everything works well. V. Bzt, 585-0182 or BA 309. 

WANTED: Elecui;: Metronome, to buy. Call 626-428o7 and asks for Joel or come by the Beachcomber 


FOR SALE: 1974 Fiat stationwagen, a/c, good mileage, low miles. Call 585-0312 before 5 p.m.. or 
582-1722 after 5 p.m. Good buy at 52,495. 

"Two keys to this club are hustle and Gordie." - Fred Whitacre. 


The JC 

all-Sports Banquet is April 24, 6 
p.m. at the Sweden House in 
North Palm Beach. For more 
information contact Dr. Howard 

. . . Coach Bobbie Knowles' 
Softball team defended its 1974 
FJCC State Softball Title over 
the weekend but the results 
were unavailable at press time. 

Gallagher Speaks 

Sports Offers More 

Staff Writer 

"1 can't think of anything I'd rather do," says Jim Gallagher 
referring to his job. Jim Gallagher is the sports director for WPEC 
Channel 12 in West Palm Beach. Gallagher was recently on campus 
to speak to JC's Advanced Reporting Class. 

Gallagher answered questions ranging from his job to Howard 
Cosell. He commented that since he was into sports that hehad the 
opportunity to do sports broadcasting and that started liim on his 
way. Gallagher noted that there were only two things they ask for 
when he applied for a job, "a resume and a tape." He says, 
"Broadcasting football games on television is easier than the radio 
because you have to tell more of what is going on . " 

In regard to "Humble Howard", Gallagher notes, "Cosell 
opened things up in broadcasting. He's one of the first to be 
critical and hang in there. ' ' 

Gallagher feels to many teams make the playoffs in American 
Basketball Association and the National Hockey League. A total of 
38 teams participate in the play-offs. Gallagher proposes the 
leagues limit their playoffs to a best of 3 series. 

iflB u Bki 



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North Palm Beach, Fia. PH^ ME 844-3833 



Phone 844-3833 

Monday, April 21, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 11 

Mistakes Plague JC 
In Dade-North Loss 

Sports Editor 

"You just don't make mistakes against our 
ballclub," said Miami Dade-North baseball coach 
Demie Maineri after his club, capitalizing on JC 
errors, exploded to a 14-3 victory Wednesday 

JC jumped to a 2-0 lead scoring a single run in 
each of the first 2 innings, before the roof caved in. 

Tom McCullough scored Glenn Rogers in the 
first. Bob Benda collected an RBI in the second off 
winning pitcher Bill Nelson, scoring Skip Walker. 

In the bottom of the fourth, ETade-North errupted 
like turning on a light switch. Julian Rodriquez, 
racked by 7 runs, was relieved by Eddie Fisher, 
who allowed 2 more runs. Over-all, Dade-North 
collected 9 runs, 6 hits and the Pacers committed 1 
costly error. 

Forest Hill grad Dave Adiemy led the assault 
with a double and Andy Hill connected for a triple. 
Pacer coach Dusty Rhodes felt after the 3-0 loss 

to the Falcons on Tuesday night that his club could 
defeat them on Wednesday night. 

"Someday I'm going to beat them and it will be 
in the near future. 

"It seems like we make more mental mistakes 
against Dade-North than against every other team 
we've played," said the disappointed coach. JC 
committed 5 errors in the 2 game series. 

Tuesday night Ross Baumgarten impressed the 
crowd striking out 12, but losing the game 3-0. The 
Falcons picked up single runs in the second, fifth 
and seventh with RBI's generated predominately 
from the bottom of the order. 

JC threatened in the second when Skip Walker 
reached third base on a passed ball and John Inglis 
walked. But they were left stranded when the 
Falcon's Kevin Neroni struck out Dave Lang. 

The Pacers record dropped to 11-9 in conference 
and 27-10 overall. The club travels to Miami 
Dade-South to conclude the season Saturday to 
play the Jaguars in a 12 noon double-header. 

Pacers left-fielder Bob Morrisey takes a level cut in a recent game at 


Sports Calendar I 

April 26, Sat. at Miami Dade-South 

May 1-3 

May 5-7 

12 noon | 


FJCC State Tournament | 


FJCC State Tournament i 


April 24. Thursday, All-Sports Banquet 6 p.m. Sweden House j 

North Palm Beach i 

iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii iiiiHiiiiiHii niiHiiiiiiiiimiHiiimiiHiiii iiniiimuiiiiiiff 

Stop by our store and meet 

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You can from campus right into town in Sleeker. With wood-grained 
platforms, it comes in two tones of brown -natural or dark. So 
versatile, Sleeker can carry you any direction your springtime 
takes you. Made by Personality ... a real plus. 

Ask for 

Tim Ifti4| &f*9«i 

LAKE PARK, FLA. 33408 




12 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 21, 1975 


$2.75 per page 

Send how for latest catalog. En- 
close $2.00 to cover return post- 

Our research service is sold 
for research assistance only. 

Campus Representatives 
required. Please write. 


Box 1218, 
Niagara Falls, N.Y. 
U.S.A. 14302 


When wnf'ing for cafaiog, if present address Is temporary, please 
include permanent address for future mailings. 


For the students and faculty 
of JC the 74/ 75 school year has 
been a memorable one. In this 
Special Edition, the Beach- 
comber has attempted to 
capture some of the highlights 
of the year and present them in 
such a way that it will enhance 
your memory and enjoyment. 

Special Edition is divided into 
three sections. The first covers 
many of the interesting news 
events that have taken place 

this year.The second is a review 
of past Venture stories and 
musical and artistic happenings 
on the campus. The last 
segment captures athletics and 
intramurals at their best and 

Overall it has been a 
satisfying year for the Beach- 
comber. Our Venture and Sports 
sections have continued to grow 
and improve. The News 
department has constantly 

worked to keep up with the 
news. Mistakes? There have 
been some, but from them we 
think we have learned . 
Editorially, the Beachcomber 


has fought for change and in 
many ways has won. For the 
first time the Faculty Senate 
investigated Student Govern- 
ment . and ■ made specific 
recommendations for improve- 

ment. Financially, SG has taken 
steps to protect the handling of 
monies. SG elections started out 
as a comedy of errors and have 
progressed to nearly perfectly 
conducted elections. Significant 
changes, in battles led by the- 
Beachcomber, have been made. 

Winter term SG senators 
should be congratulated. Many 
of the new seantdrs worked hard 
to make the student government 
once again belong to the 

students. The Beachcomber 
islooking forward to working 
with them in the future. 

The editors and staff of the 
'Comber would like to extend 
thanks to all the students and 
faculty of JC for helping us 
throughout the year. VVe would 
like to give particular thanks to 
Charles R. McCreight, 'Comber 
advisor, who has given us 
countless hours of time and 
deeply appreciated advice. 

B2 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 21, 1975 


iiiiiiiiiniii iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nil Ill timniiiiiii i iiiiiiiiii imiiiiiiiu 

Election Violations Erupt | 


brokeji-down machines, 
identifications followed. 

Saying that "there was no real hurry in 
this straw ballot election," Graham did not 
even make sure polling booths arrived on 
campus and a special Winter term election, 
featuring constitutional amendments, was 

Wrap Smokes 

Is WRAP Assistant 
Manager Joan Franc- 
is (left) laughing or 
crying? She's pro- 
bably doing both, 
because WRAP's am- 
plifier went up in 
smoke the first week 
of school, though in 
the Winter term they 
came back in the new 
North SAC Lounge 

there were 27 
students on the 
Dean's List for 
the Fall term 
with perfect 
marks of 4.0, 
pretty Pam 
Wood (right) 
was alone in 
having this 4.0 
average for 55 
hours of work. 

Exec's Spend 

SG's Executive Board had spent over $30,000 of a $37,000 
budget by the end of January on such items as the new 
gameroom (above left). | 

Executive Board accomplishments included a library 
bookdrop, a used-book sale, and an in-depth questionaire. 

Their hard work did not go without reward. Pictured above 
from left, Constance Holmes received nothing, Dolor 
Gincherereau got S189.50, Tory Buckley had a record S375, 
and Dave Lang received S250 for work in the Fall term. 

Registration Ebbs - 

tion fees were raised, classes were cut and when it 
lime to register for Spring I classes, enormous lines 
m lull bloom as captured by 'Comber staff artist Tom 
in in cartoon at right. 

explaining the reason for the state ruhrig increasing 
, JC President Dr. Harold C. Manor explained, 
verything else has gone up, so why shouldn't this." 

Monday, April 21, 1975 BEACHCOIVIBER - B3 

After 10 year reign, Manor 
was replaced by Mr. Max 
Allee (below) as Faculty 
Senate chairman. 

JC President Manor (leift) .told a glum faculty (above) in January that for 
the first time in the history of JC there would be limited enroUment because 
of economic pressures. 

ili ;j"- V'i, ;*,v 

','V'% .* ' ''^ '.'i .i; 

'Comber Advisor Mr. Charles Mc 
Creight stood in awe as Jack Anderson, 
syndicated Washington Post columnist, 
visited JC February 14. 

I SO and the | 

I 'Comber enjoyed a | 
I relationship of good | 
I vrill, harmony and = 
i trust. = 


JC's Trustees designated new branch campuses and bargained with faculty 

Though a new law meant students could look at records, JC already had an openfile pohcy 

'Comber supported proponents of the | 

Beach Bond issue (left) and Governor | 

Askew (with Harry Anstead above) | 

. , came to JC during the Political Union's | 

^^ Polorgv. i 

>iiiiii>iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)iiiiiiii'i«iiiii>iti>i"<""""" '"" 

If JC-grad Burt Reynolds came back he'd find Duncan (center) the same and would face tough 
Wishing Well competition from SG's Tory Budcley, at left. 

A 'Comber .investigation found vending 
machines 87 percent effective. 

B4 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 21, 1975 


Clubs were active at JC throughout the year in a variety of 
ways. Though membership in most clubs was at an all-time 
low, those students who cared made their time and hard work 

On pages four and five of this special edition are highlights 
of club activities in the 1974-1975 school year. 


The O.A.A., Black Service Organization of Afro American 
Affairs donated a library on Black culture and its 
contributions to society. The library is located in room 83. 
Other activities of the year included a special assembly to 
honor Dr. Martin Luther King. 

Science Club Launches Trips 

The Science Club started the year with a primitive canoe 
run starting near River Bend Trailer Park and ending in 
Jonathan Dickinson Park. Mr. Gross also conducted field 
trips and nature hikes. 




Besides sales and Market- 
ing, the Sales and Marketing 
Club held a fashion show, 
canned good drive and blo.od 
drives. Here doners give 
blood in an effort to reach the 
100 pint goal. 

Miss Wishing Well Is Mister 
First Man Ever To Win Contest 

Newman Club Helpful 

Sponsoring parties and food drops for migrant children 
were main concerns with the Newman Center this year. Also 
an Easter egg hunt and various other activities highlighted 
the clubs projects. 

For the first time in the 
history of the contest a man 
has been selected as the 
winner of the Wishmg Well 

Marc Bressler, editor-in- 
chief of the Beachcomber 
was declared the winner 
Wednesday, December 11, 
over a mixed slate of male 

and female candidates. 

This year was the first 
time that men had entered 
the previously all-girl contest 
Four men had entered the 
contest which 'included 
Glynne Hughes, Frank 
Smith, Tory Buckley, Anna 
Marie Fredell, Cynthia 
Campbell, Sandi Pooley, 
Constance Holmes, and Lin 

Voting took place in front 
of the Finance Office, and 
students could vote by 
placing money in containers 
specified for each candidate. 
Money donated to this 
contest goes to the Early 
Childhood Development 

Monday, April 21, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - B5 


Foreign students brought 
many new customs and faces 
to JC. Some participated in 
sports, service clubs, honor 
societies and even got 
married. The students held a 
banquet at the end of the 
winter term which was 
followed by the marriage of 
Judy Newton and Fansak 
Ratanapasith, Thailand style 
at the end of the Winter term 
held in honor of the start of 
the new year in Thailand. 

Early Learning Center Expands 

Although the Early Learning Center had to turn back many 
JC parents,,the reason being lack of space, they did expand 
a play area for the children donated by the Chi-Sig fraternity. 
Also a childrens walkathon was held to raise .money. The 
center uses the. Montissori method of teaching which 
emphasizes training olthe senses and guidance rather than 
rigid control of the childs activity so as to encourage 


The acting organization on 
campus helped out in speach 
tournaments, readers theat- 
er and pushed to . get new 
seats in the auditorium. With 
donations from SG and other 
organizations FRP may see 
its goal. Also members were 
involved in the fall term play, 
The Sign in Sidney Brunstins 

Political Union 

The political union this year was active in many areas of 
social concern bringing in speakers to lecture to students. In 
the elections in the fall term, Jerry Thomas, gubernatorial 
candidate, James Sebesta and many other candidates were 
invited to a Folorgy. Also speakers from ERA were featured 
in the SAC lounge. 


The Dental Hygiene Sor- 
ority received their, caps in 
the nearly packed jC 
auditorium in January. With 
long stemmed roses,, sym- 
bolizing the perfection, 
beauty, purity, and love that 
they .strive for in the dental 
service, 37 girls from the 
dental hygiene class and, 32 
from dental assisting march- 
ed into the auditorium. 



Among donations to the 
Early Learning Center, 
helping, out with school 
dances, food drives. Muscu- 
lar Dystrophy,, children and 
planning social affairs, 
pledges also learn brother- 
hood and friendship. 

Phi-Lo, the womans s.oror- 
ity, planned a 50's dance .in 
the fall term along with 
various other clubs on 
campus. They also held their 
traditional Ajch Ball. They 
call this dance the Arch Ball 
because of a tradition in 
which Phi Lo members and 
their escorts walked through 
decorated arch as the 
president announced their 

Circle K Dedicates 

One of Circle K's accompHshments this year was to install 
a pump on their fountain which was dedicated to the school 



Phi Theta Kappa spons.or- 
ed bake sales, free tutoring 
on campus, induction cere- 
monies and ushered for 
plays. They wound up their 
year with a trip to the PTK 
convention in Philadelphia. 

B6 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 21. 1975 

WINDOW" provided deep meanings and clever 
dialogues for it's characters portrayed by a 
talented acting troupe headed by Mr. Frank 

Monday, April 21, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - B7 


David Batho 

VENTUIJ array of subjects, but 
of M»2re the musical and 
entertaind- our campus. In this 
somewhis' but representational 
photograpi' ihe years happenings, 
VENTUR!|nie a bit of sentiment to 
those whdi'^J events occur. 

There vi:netits of beauty on this 
campus tlv' '"terweaving words of 
"The Sigihitein's Window", The 
blending [oncert Choir'a. Spring 
program, Aar's enthusiastic joyful 
singing, i|i "Rags" and Miss Ruth 
Ruggles'i ferformEinces, 

Other I lere Robin Plitt's Guitar 
Ensemble ', along, .with Mrs, Pat 
Johnson's ;"" rendition. 

"VENT "iiion designed to reach 
into the ■^ving. Musical groups, 
perforraei '".is section more than 
half-waji feir love of life through 
their inusi 

Other .e wandered into the 
cafeteriaj: -j., and the Humanities 
building! .:, which is, very often, a 
nice thiag 

Enjoy.i f-.otos, the memories and 
the supge i-will give that all of your 
time on i -3 fillet! with merely fun 
and music 

Music Groups Form 
Fine Entertainment 

The JC music department had ja very successful year. The 
Concert Choir recently ended their Spring Program on a high 
note with a near flawless showing of blended tonality. The 
Concert Choir was headed by Mrs. Pat Johnson. 

The Jazz Band was. a hot group of musicians who 
lerformed on several occasions with excellent taste and 
virtuosity. The Jazz Band was. directed by Mr. Sy Pryweller. 

Another pleasing part of this years performing groups was 
he Concert Orchestra. Under the direction of Mr. Gross, the 
'^"Sestra managed many fine moments of movement during 

er groups who's work was. exceptional were the 
rt Band, the always lively Pacesetters and the Guitar 

d for individual outstanding performances are: Denise 
1, Oveta Jackson, Tony Marchese, of the Pacesetters, 
Farese of the Jazz Band and Karen Bunner of the 
rt Choir. 


Through the Fall and Winter 
terms various "Coffeehouses" 
were held in the school's 
cafeteria. The Coffeehouse 
performers were a dedicated 
group of good artists, willing to 
play for the reward of applause. 

Among contributing artists 
were: Robin Plitt, Tim 
Dougherty, Kimberly Jones 
and the Casey Jones . Band, 
Dave Farese, Dale Steinmetz, 
and Louanne Moseley. There 
were many more just as good 
which made the shows just that 
much better. 

The Coffeehouses were 
organized by Student Govern- 

Seminars Swing 

Very often, on Wednesdays, the Music 
Department had a seminar for it's students. 
Very often it was this reporters pleasure to 
attend and report upon the happenings there. 

The seminars were instructional .while 
often entertaining. They provided a place for 
beginning musicians to first perform for their 
peers. They provided for a place for the 
facuhy mthin the Humanities department to 
play pieces of music to demonstrate proper 
presentation, showmanship, and stage 

An added dimension to the usual scope of 
Music training, the seminars were done in a 
controlled manner and were an instructional 

B8 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 21, 1975 

Nothing Ventured . . 
Nothing Gained 

This "Venture". section started out as a 
supposedly inspiring and moving entity. 
What it . became . however, was merely 
informative and light writing. Which is 
good, perhaps. There, seems, to be a trend 
at the present time for writing that can 
carry the reader away. There seems to he 
new techniques venturing into the 
reporting field. If one can entertain and 
inform, why shouldn't he. 

In this section we have delved upon such 
varied topics as Marijuana use^suicide, old 
age, endeavors, community 
reports, consumer reports, humor, 
venereal diseases, and science. 

We've delved in doodles. 

We've discussed the _rides . at 
DisneyWorld, discussed the prices of food 
and talked to different kinds of people. 

There has been stories on inter-personal 
understanding such as the. problems of 
dating (baiting ploys) teacher student 
relationships and others. 

Hopefully VENTURE has provided a 
moments entertainment or an instant of 
insight for a number of students. If this 
section has made _you laugh, think, 
appreciate, smile, or if it has turned you on 
to a subject or idea then it has been a good 



Monday, April 21, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - B9 

Members of the 1974-75 Pacers Basketball team include {standing from 1 to r) Bil 
Simpkins, Richard Nelson, Gus Poyastro, Richard Mitchell, William Hall, Victor Dubose, and 
Bill Brandon. (Kneeling 1 to r) Donald Burns, Ronald Cunningham, Ferry Munnmgs, Mike 
Gibbs, David Miller, Dick Rusche, and Angelo Oritisi. 

JC's Gus Poyastro gets ready 
to hand ball to Dick Rusche 
during a key game with Miami 
^■^^ Dade-South this season. 

Bill Brandon manuvers with ball in the Miami Dade game. 

Afhletes Prosper 
In 1974-75 Season 


JC's athletic depaqrtment is concluding its finest and most 
prosperous year. Dr. Howard Reynolds, athletic director, h9.s 
guided the department's clubs to winning seasons, despite 
the cutbacks initiated at the beginning of winter term. 

Despite some poor team finishes, the infant JC 
cross-country^ team improved steadily through-out the 
season. Don Edgar and Ed Everett, two transfer runners, 
lead the Pacers which included top performances in the Pacer 
Invitational and the IRC CInvite. 

In 1974, JC's basketball teaift compiled a record of 22-7 
and in 1975 everyone feh this was the year for the Pacers to 
capture the state basketball championship. 

Looking at reality, the ingredients were prevelent but a fist 
full of leadership was lacking, according to Coach Bob 
Wright. Two-thirds of JC's eight losses which were less than 
5 points apiece. The Pacers were out-played in the final 10 
minutes of each game. - 

"Turnovers at key points, and other occurrences showed 
that the time ran out before we could do anything. Over-all at 
times the boys were exceptional, and at other times not so 
exceptional," said Wright. Continued Page 10 

The "Turkey Trot" in November was just one of 
the many successful activities of thel&R Board. 
Other Intramural activities included bowling, one- 
on-one basketball, putting and pool- 

Kathy Wilk, Dawn Pastore, Amy Strimbu and Ed 
Richards co-ordinated the activities during the year 
with faculty director Roy Bell. 


BIO - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 21, 1975 

Monday, April 21, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 811 




Girls Finish Second 

Continued from Page 9 

Playing consistently through-out the season, Coach Sarah 
Quisenberry's Womens Tennis team comm.anding!y 
captured second place in the FJCC. Tennis Championship at 
the JC courts March 20-22. They, finished the season with a 
14-3 with Marina Polman Tuin finishing with a record 13-2 

"I think this team will be a lot better than last, year's," 
said golf coac h Ray_Daugherty at the beginning of fail term. 
Over-all his prediction has come true , as Mike Sim 
consistently has shot 75, with Pat Kelly ciming on strong at 
the end of the year. 

With the addition of Roberto Rilzo and Norm. Russell, the 
Facers tennis team has carded another successful campaign 
at 13-3 as of April 14. "The biggest asset I have this- year is 
depth ," s aid Coach Harris McGirt . Continued Page 1 1 

The first JC cross-country 
team, although finishing 
poorly, teamwise. Coach 
Dick Melear's harriers show 

JC Golf team, right,, led by 
.Mike Sim, left, finished, 
second in the Pacer 
Invitational. ' 

Pacer pitcher Ross Baumgarten, second 
baseman Gl.enn Rogers, and. designated 
hitter_ Mike Rowe are caught by 
Beachcomber photographers, illustrating 
top form. Photos by Putt & Fritz 


. Jim Henry, left, blasts out 

of the sand, while Henry and 

•Jim Dtinn, right, watch a' 

putt of Gregg Clatworthy 

drop during the season. 

Nine Best 
In History 

Continued from Page 10 

Charles WadHngton trans- 
fered to JC . to play No, 1 
singles with Roberto Rizo, 
losing only once, playing No. 
2. Gary Ray and Norm 
Russell rounded out the top 
four positions. 

Coach Dusty Rhodes' 
baseball nine is the winn- 
ingest! club in JC history. 
Two factors has made the 
Pacers more confident on the 
field this year. Rod Jones' 
threw the first no-hitter in JC 
history. Illustrating the 
second factor is the left side 
of the infield as the Pacers 
went from 19 to 3 in team 

Hitting has always been 
the Pacers trademark, as 
Sam Testa and Mike Rowe 
combined to hit four 

Highlighting the 1975 
Softball season is a major 
break through in womens 
athletics. Under a new ruling 
athletic departments through 
out the nation can legally 
recruit women. 

Continued Page 12 



The 1975 Pacer Base- 
- J! team (1 to r) bottom 

i.;v Glenn Rogers (15), 
!irk Rusinko (36), Bill 
Jk(38), JohnInglis(25), 
•.,i) jvlorrisey (20), Dan 
^Stout (21), and Bob 
=ntia (16). Middle row, 
=rrv Dreher (27), Kenny 
■,ers (23), Ed Boyle 
.5), Dave Lang (18), Skip 
^I'ker (24), Rich Sorise 
-i] and Sam Testa (32). 
■p'row, Ed Fisher (29), 
Baumgarten (30), 
McCullough (17), 
-,| Jones (31), Jerry 
jjjfjj-? (35), Aiidy Mc- 
-.ftjgan (28), Julian 
■jji.ue.^ (19), Mike 
-.'■t/ (34), and Head 
,^'j,h Dusty Rhodes (22). 

W"*^ ' H^^ 

MwHH ia^ . ,®w^*;-^ ^ mm wsi^K^ 






B12 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, April 21, 1975 

Robin Langridge (left) and 
Charles Wadlington (right) 
are the number one players 
for this year's JC tennis 

Members of this year's men's tennis team consists of (kneeling 1-r) Mickey Nolen, Pete 
Pulitzer, Charles Wadlington, and Roberto Rizo (standing l-r) Coach Harris McGirt, G^ry 
Ray, John McCarley, and Norman Russell. 

Sports Life 

Connors Devastafing 

Jimmy Connors has been 
accused of being a cocky kid 
from Illinois trying to make 

ends meel in the big leagues 
of tennis. Yet, the fact 
remains, Jimmv Connor.s is 

'I can hit a forehand and 
backhand until I'm 80 years old. 
There is more to life than 

playing tennis. 
Photo by Huhn 


1 by Timothy L. Bray« 

proving to the world he's No. 

The Illinois native com- 
mented, "The younger 
players of IPA (International 
Players Association) are the 
future of tennis. I'd like to 
see it open tennis." 

Referring to his style of 
play, Connors says, "They 
say tennis is a gentlemen's,, 
sport. That's not true. My 
attitude, and things I do on 
the court, that's the way I 
feel the game should be 

Connors feels it is his 
nature 'to "have a hamburger 
with a friend rather than a 
steak with somebody else." 

"Goals? I don't have any 
goals. I play the best I can." 

"I can hit a forehand and a 
backhand till I'm 80 years 
old. There is more to life 
than playilng tennis. I don't 
know if I want to play tennis 
till I'm 35," continued the 
Wimbledon champ. 

In talking with Chris 
Evert, I get the impression 



Monday, June 9, 1975 

Lake Worth, Florida 33460 

Programs Evolving 

Continued from Page 11 

JC wasted little time 
signing premier softball star, 
. JoAnn Slater of Atlantic 
High School. , , 

Slater will join a winning 
tradition at JC with Denise 
Winnett is the captain for the 
second year in a row. The 
club is traveling to the 

Florida State Softball tourn- \ 
ament, optomistic of bring- 
ing its second title back to i 
West Palm Beach. 

Coach Bobbie Knowles 
feels that this club lias the 
potential and "it is just a 
matter of putting it all 



^f ^nm t 

■«?■ "w^ 

miiiuMinniyllliiMliiiiiiiiil] j^. 
Roberto RIzo above teamed with Chailes Wadlington tn the 
doubles competition as JC finished higher tlian expected in the 
national tournament last week. Details on page 4. 


J C Board Inks 
Ax-Free Budget 

PBJC trustees passed a 
$7,580,707 budget at the May 
meeting, Wednesday, May 21, 
and hired Edward Eissey, 
former board chairman, as the 
new vice-president of JC North. 


Janet one of the top playerson JC'a tennis team 
who captured second place in the Florida St&te Junior College 
tennis championships played on the JC courts in_Mardi, 
Fabiani teamed with Marina Pohnan Tuin to reach the finals oi 
No. 2 doubles. 

she feels the Virginia Slims 
tour is not going to be 
dominated by one superstar 
this year, mainly herself. 

' 'I still need to improve my 
game," says. Chris. "I am 
losing a couple more 
matches, but it is worth it.". 

Referring to the Virginia 
Slims Tour, Evert says, 

"Margaret (Court) ad 
Martina (Navratilova) m 
now playing the besf 

tennis." , i u 

The Fort Lauderdal? 
resident commented, "Maf 
tina is 18 years, old fM 
tough." Navratibj^a m 
defeated .Evert twice, ttal 
season in final competiUon 

JEissey Heads JC North 

Both actions met with some 
objections, but both passed 

The United Faculty, the union 
now seeking recognition at the 
college, raised a number of 
questions about the budget 
through a spokesman, LeRoy 
Robbins, an instructor in 
business administration. 

The majority of the points 
raised by Robbins sought to 
show the budget as top-heavy 
with administrative personnel, a 
claim generally rebutted by Dr. 
Harold C, Manor, JC president. 

In presenting the budget to 
the board. Dr. Manor said the 
college was "fortunate" to be 
able to make a budget which did 
not contemplate terminating 
anyone and would allow earned 
annual increases. 

Dr. Robert Smith, vice-chair- 
man, presiding at the meeting 
in the absence of Eissey, who 
has resigned as chairman of the 
board, spoke strongly for 
Turn to "TATE" pg. 3 

Involvemenf's The Key 

SG Plans For Fall 


News Editor 

Student Government's re- 
cently initiated 1975-1976 Exec- 
utive Board has announced the 
formation of the Leadership and 
Service Committee in an effort 
to fill SG's 61 positions when the 
Fall term begins. 

SG President Randy Simler 
said the purpose of the 
committee is to find students 
interested in SG work and then 
channel them to the proper SG 
appointment committees. 

SG Vice-President Ron Buk- 
elv is chairman of the 

To Nome 

At least 20 applications have 
been received by Governor 
Reubin Askew's office for the 
three vacant positions on JC's 
District Board of Trustees. 

In an interview with the 
Beachcomber Thursday, Ms. 
Jane Love, Appointments Sec- 
retary to Governor Askew, said 
the governor would not make a 
decision on his appointments 
until at least Thursday, June 12. 

"Two or three applications 
have come in even today (June 
S)," said Ms. Love, indicating 
that the field could possibly 
exceed 25 applicants by the time 
Askew makes his choices. 

Positions to be filled include 
those of Maynard C. Hamblin 
and Susan Anstead, whose 
terms expired May 31. The 
trustees replacing Hamblin and 
Anstead are to serve four-year 
terms to May 31, 1979. 

Dr. Edward Eissey, who has 
served as chairman of the board 
for the 1974-1975 session, 
stepped down from his post in 
order to be considered as 
vice-president of JC's North 
Campus, a position he accepted 
at May's trustee meeting. 

Eissey's replacement on the 
board is to serve a two-year 
term ending May 31 , 1977. 

Trustees Mrs. Homer Hand 
and Dr. Robert Smith are to 
conclude their terms in office 
May 31, 1977 and May 31, 1978 


Spring Regisfration Slows 

Evening Registrar Charles Graham announced 
Thursday the latest enrollment figures for JC's 
Spring 11 term. According to Graham, 750 
students have enrolled for classes Spring II, with 
450 and 300 attending day and evening classes, 

The current Spring II totals are not final due to 
a planned re-opening of registration for one day, 
June 24. 

Because of an enrollment cap, which was 
necessitated due to a state budget cut, the 1975 

totals do not ihatch up to those of 1974 when 1813 
students, 794-day and 1019-night, enrolled. 

Regarding Fall term registration Graham 
explains that the 2750 who have registered thus 
far is "about normal" for a Fall term. 

However, Graham, who replaces retiring 
Lawrence Mayfield as JC's registrar June 30, 
notes a sharp rise in new student applications, 
1886, over a year ago when only 850 had applied. 


committee, which thus far only 
includes SG Secretary Lynn 
Kalber. According to Bukely, 
the committee is to expand to 
five persons near the end of the 
summer terms. 

Letters from the Leadership 
and' Service Committee have 
been sent to all JC department 
heads asking them to refer 
students capable and interested 
in various areas of SG 

Bukely 's committee is also 
planning presentations for the 
annual freshman orientation in 
August. Bukely anticipates 
problems in filling SG's 20 
Undersecretaries, which have b 
een ' ' historically understaffed , ' ' 
but is hopeful of seeing 30-35 
students run for the 24 vacant 
SG Senate positions in the fall. 

Whh three executive board 
meetings completed and an- 
other scheduled for Thursday, 
June 17, 12-noon, in SG's 
offices, Simler said his main 
emphasis has been to build 
toward a cohesive and fully- 
staffed student government. 

SG's president plans to 
conduct orientations for all SG 
personnel in the fall'. Explained 
will be the purpose of SG as well 
as long and short term projects. 

In actions undertaken by the 
new board, $192 was taken from 
the executive board budget and 

See Final 

Spring I 


Nexf Week 

added to the $858 remaining in 
the SG Senate Special Request 
Fund in order to pay $50 
honorariums to 21 senators for 
work in the Winter term . 

According to Simler, "Very 
early next fall we're going to 
submit guidelines for senate 
honorariums." Though the 
guidelines have not as yet been 
established in a proposal the SG 
executive anticipates the foll- 
owing areas to be included: 
♦attendance at meetings 
♦participation in meetings 
♦work outside the senate 
♦committee participation 

'You're never 
going to please 
everybody. The 
Senate will know 
what's expected 
of them . . . 

-Randy Simler 

In drawing up a proposal to be , 
submitted to the senate Simler 
admits "you're never going to 
do anything to please every- 
body. The senate will know 
what's expected of them and 
this may also stimulate 

In other SG news Dean Robert 
Moss has been appointed by the 
Student Personnel Office to 
serve as the official SG advisor 
for the 1975-1976 school year. 
SG is also seeking other faculty 
members to serve as consul- 

SG's Gameroom^ located in 
the North SAC Lounge, 
re-opens June 18 on a daily 
basis from 11:30-1 :00 p.m. 

2 • BEACHCOMBER Monday, June 9, 1975 

!: . 

A%ia«^^ Editor 

mmm mompmH 

Vrnmm e^to* 

^om Editor 

?rtt2, F««* lyfe^er 
ryWSTi Cot{e«n ChsmeJI 
COKStltTAMf : CShartes WcCml^% 

^$i^taM t@ll$iiil# pMi 


Congrats To SG 

Involvement. That key work "involvement" was at the root of 
what plagued JC's Student Government Association during the 
past year. 

Involvement in SG was a problem as 20 undersecretaries were 
never appointed, a judicial board did not become formulated 
until well into the Winter term and the SG Senate sufferred from 
constant turnover. 

What resulted was a one-branch, executive board-dominated 
student government which often went unchecked. 

With the initiation just a month ago of new executive board 
members Randy Simler, Ron Bukely, Lynn Kalber and Paul 
Sapp, a new word has been added to the SG vocabulary; 

Formation of the Leadership and Service Committee, an ad hoc 
group formed by President Simler, should go a long way toward 
securing a more viable and active student government. 

Through the committee's efforts SG can become an 
organization of more vitality and diversity. Simler's plans to 
conduct personal interviews and hold an orientation with all SG 
personnel in the fall is also encouraging. 

The Beachcomber welcomes the new executive board with 
anticipation of the coming school year being a time when all 
students work together in the betterment of our college. 

JC Activity Dormant 

Spring, traditionally a time of new life, comes to JC a little 
differently. There are considerably fewer students enrolled in 
Spring I than were enrolled in the Winter term, giving this term 
a toned down atmosphere rather than one of excitement. 

'iTie halls and cafeteria are emptier, Student Government is not 
active and the Beachcomber is not a familiar sight on Monday 
mornings. The latter was true, that is, until this week. 

In the continuing effort to keep you informed, we present this 
newspaper. It is a mini-Comber in a sense, only four pages long. 
It is also somewhat of a testing ground for new ideas. 
■ You may notice some changes from the usual Beachcomber 
format in this issue and the issue next week. Some changes may 
be permanent, some will not be. All are results of our hope to 
constantly improve the newspaper- 

With this in mind, we give you this Spring I issue of the 
Beachcomber. While things are not typical for JC in the spring, 
there are new ideas presented here. 

Dental Hygienists Highest Ever 

Results of the National Board 
Dental Hj'giene Examination 
received at PBJC's Dental 
Health Services Department 
showed graduates had the 
highest grade average in the 
history of JC. 

All 37 members of the Dental 
Hygiene Class of 1975 passed 

the exams with an average of 
88,92 per cent, according to Dr. 
Michael Hakucha, assistant 

Fifteen of the graduates 
received grades of over 90 and 
two, Gail Donnelly, Palm Beach 
Gardens and Hoilis Tripp 
Burggraf. had grades of 98 per 


.«* ftA<i^«s -«' z'/^^^ ^^ <^f «ditaif|«j ^m^n in «N»- 


AbA /%cA At Al(__ rhia^ 

Monday, June 9, 1975 BtAUMUUiviiJtM - j 


"Say. big fella, what do they do for excitement on this campus during Spring I? 

csm^nm conMngs 

Migrant Party Advanced To June 

A lack of funds has caused the 
May Festival for Migrant 
Children, originally scheduled 
for Saturday (May 24), to be 
held on June 14 from 10 a.m. to 
4 p.m. at the JC Newman 


There will be no admission 
charge for the concert, but 
donations of money for the 
Migrant Children's Party and 
canned goods to be distributed 

to migrant families will be 
gratefully accepted, 

"We're hopeful that people 
will rally behind this fund-rais- 
ing effort," Mr. Silvio Estrada 

North Registration For Fail 

A second registration will be 
held at.PBJC - North July 14 - 
Aug. 15 from 2-9 p.m. Monday 
through Thursday and from 9 
a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday. 

If you haven't already 
registered for the Fall term at 
PBJC-North Campus (registra- 
tion was from June 2-5) then a 

second registration will be held 
at PBJC-North (Palm Beach 
Gardens High School) July 
14-Aug. 15 from 2-9 p.m. 
Monday through Thursday and 
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday. 

For the convenience of those 
living near Suncoast High 

School, registration will also be 
held at the high school Aug. 4-7 
from 6-9 p.m. 

For information on registra- 
tion and courses offered at 
PBJC-North, call the mobile 
office at 622-3863 between 2-9 

FAU SCAT Test Sign-Up 

The FAU SCAT test will be 
given Thursday, June 12, at 
l:00-3';30 in Sci. 26. No fee. 
Sign up in the Testing Center if 
you wish to take the test. 
Graduates wishing to transfer to 
other Florida universities may 

need to take this test. 

Health Waiver Exam - Due to 
the lack of A/C rooms during 
the summer we will not offer a 
group administration of the 
Health Test. All students 
wishing to take this test should 

make appointments with Mr. 
Cook's office and it will be on 
demand. Cost $22.00. 

Game Room in SAC is now 
open, from 9:00 - 1;00 p.m.. 
Spring I and II. 

The Icy Facts Of Winter Dean's List 

The Dean's List for the 
Winter term just completed at 
JC shows a total of 390 full-time 
students who averaged 3.0 (B) 
or better during the term . 

Of that number 37 had perfect 
marks, (4.0) with nine having a 

cumulative average of 4.0 after 
attending more than one term at 

The nine with perfect 
cumulative average are: Becky 
A. Beatty, Tequesta; Donald W. 
Durrance, Jupiter; Martha 

Drake, West Palm Beach; 
Judith W. Pittard, Lake Clarke 
Shores; Michael P, Cohen and 
Penelope Lopez, Lake Worth; 
Sandra K. Koudelik and 
Marjorie J. Wiley, Lantana; 
Jean M. Buckner, Boca Raton. 

Graduation Redundancy 

This year's grads at JC have 
broken a record. The 519 
graduates of JC in the Winter 
terra are the largest single term 
graduation class in the history of 

Who Snatched 
JC's Top 

Dilip Ranjitha Abayasekara, 
JC student from Lake Worth 
won the top scholarship- the 
52,000 Calvin W, Campbell 
Memorial Award - at graduation 
May 7. 

His scholarship, presented by 
the First Federal Savings and 
Loan Association of the Palm 
Beaches, was one of thirty-six 
awards given by area people, 
firms and organizations to 
graduating sophomores of JC, 
according to Leon Warner, 
directorof financial aid. 

the college. 
Last year. 493 graduated in 

the same term, the previous 
record holder. 

Just One of the many migrant children who participate in the 
parties sponsored by the Newman Club. The next to be held on 
June 14iErom 16 a.rii. to 4 p.m. at the Newman Center. 




But Not 
On A Nice 
Sunny Afternoon 

H f f H «i mft' ti a w wjw> * * fw* 

», u ^i, j ,f mm^ < m >4 v t*M mMWw*Mm i^^ 

ByDeblDie Tliompson 
Venture Editor 

Noah built his ark, shepherds gathered their 
flocks and the Morton Salt girl made ready her 
umbrella, but Palm Beach County residents still 
find themselves unprepared as summer shQwers 
continue to take them by surprise. 

People have rnixed emotions on rain. Some say 
it's all washed up. Others believe it's the 
Hfeblood of our existence. True, precipitation 
does offer valuable nutrition to the plants on 
which we live, ~but rnost admit the daily 
droppings do little more than give a temporary 
green tint to South Florida's glamorous 
sandspur-sawgrass landscaping. 

For four months, a drought was threatening as 
area lakes and canals dried up like prunes. Then 
suddenly, May Day bloomed and so did the 

Although several tornadoes, funnel clouds and 
a three to four inch downpour were reported in 
the coastal areas of Palm Beach County last 
week, the precipitation count at the airport for 
that outburst totaled a measlv 23-hundreths of an 

inch. Normal rainfall for this time of year is 18.18 
inches, but the . official weather station has 
reported only 10 inches so far this year. 

Some people like rain. They play in it. They 
stand under a roof gutter and give themselves a 
rainwater-roofcrud beauty treatment shampoo. 
And they swear the unpredictable showers do not 
interfere with their daily pains. As they say, 
"Just listen to the weather reports. You'll know 
wlTatto-expect-. " i 

Others can't help feeling a bit skeptical, 
however, as they water -ski through the puddles 
of Lake Worth on a 10-speed, all the while 
hearing on their portable radio, "Thirty percent 
chance of rain today, a bee-utiful day for the 

There's only one way to win. When in doubt, 
heed the advice of the great book Babylonian 
Talmud: Berachoth: "If it rains in the morning, 
Ass-driver, mil up ihy sack and retire to sleep." 

Tate Becomes Veep 

Photographer's concept of a crowd caught in a spring shower. Hunter Photo 

From pg. 1 

Eissey's appointment and also 
for that of Jesse E. Ferguson 
Sr., who was promoted to 
Assistant Registrar. 

Among other personnel 
changes were a number of title 


.Dr. George T. Tate is now 
Vice-President, Business A- 

.Paul J. Glynn is now 
Vice-President, Student Affairs. 

.Dr. Paul W. Graham is 
Vice-President, Academic A- 

.Dr. Cecil Conley is Vice- 
President , PBJC Glades . 

The board accepted a number 
of recommendations from its 
Student Activity Committee as 
presented by Mrs. Anstead. 

One effect of the motions 
regarding athletics was to 

modernize the amount of the 42 
scholarships formerly granted to 
men and to add 24 new 
scholarships for women, 

Athletic recommendations al- 
so officially named intercolle- 
giate teams at the college for the 
first time. They are: basketball 
and baseball for men, Softball 
and volleyball for women, tennis 
and golf for both men and 
women and co-ed cross country. 

Dr. Samuel S. Bottosto, 
chairman of the Social Science 
Department, and Mrs. Kathleen 
Bowser, Director of the Early 
Learning Center, presented a 
progress report on the center. 

Mrs. Bowser said that JC is 
the only community college in 
the nation offering Montessori 
certification, and said she had 
22 applications on hand from all 
airound the nation for a course 
she recommended for Spring D, i 


To Lun 

By Flick 

s your rubber plant been giving you the 

yeball recently? 

TSi years ago nobody would admit to growing 

;'>ij<:eplants but elderly ladies and an occasional 

cii-thumb nature nut. The liveliest thing you 

e likely to see in somebody's house was a 

plastic bouquet on the TV set. 

Today the average home is overgrown with 
wooden tubs full of shrubs, a terrarium or two, 
nd hanging baskets with ivy or purple passion 
spftting picturesquely over their sides. Every 
store, from 5th-A venue gift shops to the lowliest 
discount hous^offers plantish paraphernalia". 

e, have made it in society. The 

'as a hand-hewn living room 

lush foliage, busily filling the 

and the soul with peace. By this 

't^^^p plant mania ia so widespread it has 

i-wu^&^Korts of crazy offshoots. 

ThWR^t-of-the-Month Club, advertised in 

lational magazines, offers by mail a different 

nt arrangement every month. 

s invites some intriguing variations. Certain 

s not generally smiled on by the government 

hi go through the mail disguised as 

Plints-of-the-Month, growing in a desk-top pen 

set or a Colonial Spinning Wlieel planter. Poison 

ivy could be substituted for English ivy and sent 

to one's unfaithful lover. 

Then there are people who talk to their plants. 

Now that it's chic to admit it, suddenly everyofte 
claims to talk or play Beethoven to his plants. 
This can be dangerous. 

One conservative lady, having filled her house 
with Targe gushes and shrubs in pots, proceeded 
to air her, political views to her greenery. 
Unfortunately the plants resented her remarks 
(they were former radical Green Panthers and 
she advocated rose-bush supremacy) and they 
attacked her. A philodendron grabbed her leg 
and pulled her down; a Venus fly-trap trapped 
her fly; a hairy fern tiickled her feet, and a Boston 
fern in a hanging basket nearly strangled her. 
She barely escaped alive. 

Terrariums deserve to be eyed with suspicion. 
They start out innocently enough, but when left 
to their own devices tend to become wild, filled to 
the top with a writhing rain-forest of tangled 
plants which sometimes bear no resemblance to 
the ones you thought you'd planted. It is 
hazardous to put your hand into one of these 
terrariums. You may never see it again. 

On the whole, houseplants can be cheerful to 
have around, especially if, like most people, 
you've been rather short of green lately. But if 
you plan to follow current trands and treat them 
as members of the family, don't say you weren't 
warned. Your potted palms may start demanding 
equal rights. 

4 - BEACHCOMBER Monday, June 9, 1975 

BBachcombet* / SportS 

• - ■ I 

Area Stars Sign 
JC Scholarships 

By Philip Neobaner 
Sports Editor 

The Board of Trustees recently approved a 65 per cent 
^ increase in athletic scholarship money for the 1975-76 school 

The board authorized $39,166 for the scholarship fund based 
on 42 grants-in-aid for men and a possibility of 24 for women. 
This is an increase from $23,828 during the 1974-75 season which 
included 42 scholarships for men and none for women. 

With the scholarship boost Athletic Director Dr. Howard 
Reynolds took little time in signing three women to the women's 
tennis team. 

Reynolds signed two women from last year's team, Susan 
Atherley and Marina Polman Tuin, both from Atlantis. 

The third signer was Vicki B eggs, Glenn Ridge, who recently 
received the female scholar-athlete award at Cardinal Newman's 
annual sports dinner. 

"We're trying to build a quality women's program at JC and 
the signing of three tennis players the caliber of Susan, Marina 
and Vikki will put us on the right road. ' ' comments Reynolds. 

Vikki could probably play on our men's team if she wanted to 
because she's good enough." added Reynolds. 

In regard to the scholarships, Polman Tuin commented, "I 
think it's a good thing to have women's scholarships because we 
practice as hard as the men do. " 

"Ifeel that if we do the same work we should be treated the 
same," noted Atherley. 

This year, the women will be starting practice in the fall term. 
In the past the women haven't started practice until later in the 

In men's tennis, Jim Harris of Forest Hill High School in West 
Palm Beach, will be playing for JC next year. 

Harris was signed in the effort to offset the loss of his No. 1 , 2, 
and 5 player from this year's 17-4 team, thu-d best in the state. 

Harris, who played No. 1 for Forest Hill, has a sound all-round 
game which took him to the conference championship and the 
finals in the district championship this year. 

JC baseball coach Dusty Rhodes is continuing signing top area 
prospects. Recently signed was Harold Steadman and Donald 
Shields from Lake Worth High School. 

"We lost our outfield to graduation this year, and these two 
will go a long way toward replacing some good players," 
commented Rhodes. 

Also signed was Forest Hill High School's Bob Charron and 
Nick Maniotis. 

Charron, a pitcher, had 125 strike-outs in 83 innings for Forest 
Hill this past season. 

Maniotis is a fine all round ball player and one of the leading 
hitters for the team. 

Another signee was Eric Keller from Lake Worth High School. 
Keller, who played third base, had the top batting average for 
the Trojans this season with .292. Keller was awarded the Dick 
Brown Memorial Scholarship as the most dedicated player at 
Lake Worth High. 

Athletic Director Dr. Howard Reynolds recently signed the first three women tennis players 
in the history of JC. Pictured from left are: Susan Atherlet, Vikki Beggs, Reynolds and Mar- 
ina Polman Tuin. 

If) Nationanest 

Neti^rs Exhibit Ability 

By Philip Nenbaner 
Sports Editor 

The JC men's tennis team 
surprised a lot of people as they 
finished in a four-way tie for 
second place in the second day 
of the National Junior College 
Tennis Championships in Ocala. 

With two singles players and 
a doubles teain reaching the 
round of 16, the Pacers were in a 
four- way tie with Central J.C, 
Seminole, Fla. JC and Miami- 
Dade North with each having 16 

Charleis Wadlington, 
the Pacers' number one 
player contributed to 
the team's high finish 
in the National Junior 
College Tennis Tourn- 
ament in Ocala. Wad - 
lington helped lead 
JCtoa 17-4 record 
and third place in the 
state tournament. 

- Photo ByPritz 

points each. Odessa Tex. JC led 
the tournament with 19 points. 

In singles action, JC's No. 1 
player Charles Wadlington, 
drew a bye in the first round and 
downed David Haynes of 
Gainesville, Ga., 6-1, 6-1 in the 
second round. Wadlington then 
went on to defeat Sergio Flore of 
Navarro JC 7-6, 6-3 but then 
was beaten by Seminole JC's 
Alan Copeland 6-7, 6-0, 3-6. 

Roberto Rizo, the No, 2 player 
for JC, registered a 6-0, 6-0 win 
over Southeast's Steve Skour in 
the first round and then 
defeated James Wood of 
Navarro JC, 6-1, 6-1 in the 
second round. Rizo was then 
beaten by Perfecto Aleina of 
Odessa Tex. JC, 0-6, 7-6, 3-6. 

JC's No. 3 player Norman 
Russell beat Bill Markovits of 
Orange County CC, 6-3, 6-2 and 
scored a 6-1, 6-1 victory over 
Paul Pajak, Hudson Valley, 

Pete Pulitzer of JC defeated 
Doug Youngberg, Maplewood 
CC, 6-1, 6-0, but was then 
stopped by Stan Aranda, the 
No, 1 ranked singles player in 
Florida from Seminole JC. 

In No. 1 doubles action the 
doubles team of Wadlington- 
Rizo, seeded No. 3 in the 
tournament, got a first round 
bye and a second round default 
win over Southeastern. The 
Wadlington-Rizo doubles team 
then downed Hilliard-Kunick of 
Milwaukee Area (Wis.) Comm- 
unity College 6-0, 6-1 and then 
stopped Navarro-Donke of 
Henry Ford CC 7-5, 6-2. 

Russell and Pulitzer lost to 
the No. 6 seeded doubles team 
of Rogers and Villafon from 
Seminole, Okla. JC, 6-0. 

Dr. Howard Reynolds, athlet- 
ic director, accompianied the 
team to Ocala while Coach 
Harris McGirt is in Virginia 
doing graduate work. 

. |j| MI W " **" " N, 


Lesko Leads Keglers 

By Pete Clausen 

With only one day remaining in the Spring I recreation 
bowling, both the men's and women's divisions have been 
narrowed down to wo possible winners, 

Joe Lesko leads the men's division with a 154 average through 
six games, with Dick Gross, who has a 150 average, being the 
only other bowler with a shot to catch him. 

The situation is almost identical in the women's division, 
Judy Salzgeber leads with a 155 average but Susan Gross is close 
behind with a 151 average, 

A sidebar for you ladies is that Susan's 151 average is one pin 
higher than her husband Dick's 150. 

There are 14 people participating in the bowling, which is part 
of the intramural department's free recreation program open to 

There is a tennis program starting from 12:00 to 1:30 Monday 
through Thursday and gym equipment such as basketballs, 
horseshoes, ping pong paddles, paddle tennis equipment, etc, 
can also be checked out at that time. 

The intramural activities and gym equipment are herefor you 
and can provide a lot of fun and enjoyment in your spare time. 

Governor Remains Silent 
On Trustee Appointments 

Governor Askew had not, as of Thursday, 
chosen any persons to fill the three positions now 
Vacant on JC's Board of Trustees, 

Positions to be filled include those of Maynard 
C. Hamblin and Susan Anstead, whose terms 
expired May 31, The trustees replacing Hamblin 
and Anstead are to serve four-year terms to May 
31, 1979. 

The third vacant seat was left open by the 
retirement of board chairman Dr. Edward Eissey, 

who stepped down from his post in order to be 
considered as vice-president of JC's North 
Campus, a position he accepted at May's trustee 

Eissey's replacement on the board is to serve a 
two-year term ending May 31 , 1977. 

According to a spokesperson for the Governor, 
he "will be reviewing those appointments" 
sometime this week. 

Gov. Reubin Askew 

eachcomb er 


VOL. 36, No.>^ ,^'1 

Monday, June 16, 1975 

Lake Worth, Florida 33460 

''The Board of Trustees has to osk, 
'how much do fhey (SC) really represent 
the students?'" 

-Dean Robert Moss 

JL Hosts 


Palm Beach Junior College is 
to host the Florida State Board 
of Dentistry Examinations for 
the eighth and last time as 560 
applicants for dental licensure 
and 286 dental hygienist 
applicants arrive on campus the 
last week in June. 

According to Mrs. Charlotte 
L, Mullens, acting director, 
Florida State Board of Dentist- 
ry, Jacksonville, the exams will 
be moved to the new School of 
Dentistry at the University of 
Florida, Gainesville next year, 

"The new facilities will have 
240 dental chairs, compared to 
the 32 available at PBJC, which 
will make it possible to complete 
the practical portion of the 
examinations in a great deal less 
time," Mrs. Mullens pointed 

Dental Hygienists will be 
registered Sunday, June 22, and 
will take practical exams from 
7:30 a.m. June 23 until 5 p.m. 
June 24, in the PBJC Dental 
Health Services Building, Mrs. 
Mullens said. 

Dentists will register at 7 
p,m, June 23 and take their 
written examinations June 24 in 
the PBJC Auditorium. 

"The Florida State Board of 
Dentistry is grateful to Palm 
Beach Junior College for all the 
help they've given us and the 
entire dental profession in 
Florida for a good many years," 
Mrs. Mullens said. 

Turn to TEST, pg. 3 

New SG Advisor Moss 
Set To Cut Red T 





News Editor 

"Students have developed 
the idea that simply because 
they want something they're 
going to get it," said a relaxed 
Robert Moss as he pondered his 
recent appointment as advisor 
to Student Government. 

Moss, whose life is complica- 
ted enough as JC's Dean of 
Students-Men, was appointed 
to the advisory post a month ago 
by Vice-President of Student 
Affahs Paul J. Glynn and now 
works out of an office adjacent 
to the North SAC Lounge . 

For several years Ms. Marian 
McNeely served as SG advisor 
until last year when three JC 
instructors were appointed as 

Now Moss finds himself 
replacing all three, though he is 
not sure why he got h. "Since 1 
was not directly involved with it 
(SG), I'm not really sure," said 
Moss. Glynn, who authorized 

the change, was out of town and 
could not be reached for 

Dean Moss sees his new role 
being that of an "ombudsman" 
between SG and members of the 
faculty, administration, and 
Board of Trustees. 

"Advisor means ADVISOR," 
he reiterated. "SG officers are 
elected and must perform the 

• • 

duties. I'm here to provide 
assistance and be an all-purpose 
go-between who helps to cut red 
tape where it's difficult to cut.". 
SG's advisor admitted that 
the first weeks on the job have 
been difficult since he as well as 
the new executive board was 
unfamiliar with some of SG's 

Turn to MOSS, P9. 3 

JC Improves Health 
Disabled Access 

Mention of a grant application to the State of 
j^lorida to make Palm Beach Junior College 
^^mpus buildings more accessible to disabled 
students was included in a 1974-75 Health 
|ervices Report to the PBJC administration. 

"In an effort to eliminate barriers for disabled 

students, the application calls for elevators in all 

Strapns buildings, pressurized entrance doors, 

^od level thresholds," Miss Helen Diedrich, 

director of Health Services, explains. 

"As yet. we have not received rejection or 
cceptance of the grant application," the director 


Another grant application, submitted to 

initiate a seminar for instructors and counselors 
to increase their knowledge and understanding of 
problems of the disabled, was rejected but will be 
reworked for next year, according to Miss 

Thirty-eight "Handicapped Parking" spaces 
were assigned to disabled PBJC students in the 
past year, and a special telephone at wheelchair 
height was installed outside the Finance Office. 

The arrival, in July 1974, of a new college 
nurse, Mrs, Mary Cannon, LPN, and an increase 
by 400, of visits to the Health Clinic - from 1522 to 
1922 during the past year was also reported by 
Miss Diedrich. 


2- BEACHCOMBER. Monday, June 16, 1975 

Monday, June 16, 1975 BEACHCOMBER - 3 


• Editor-inrChief 

Associate Editoi' 

Newra Editor 

Venture Editor 

Spom Editor 

Pett'Clausen, Flick 

Mager, Frank Smith 
TYPIST: Colleen Chennell 

Muffy McClung, Steve 


Charles McCreight 

associated collegiate press 

It's Playboy 
Vs. Parents 

That favorite of the JC student--the Playboy magazine-is 
smut. It's the land of thing parents, banded together in 
anti-pomography groups, have made the news fighting. 

Actually, Playboy magazines, with covers "exposed" to all 
eyes in convenience stores, are just one thing anti-smut groups 
are battling. Major attacks have been made on adult bookstores 
and these citizens have appeared en masse before the county 
commission and city councils to voice their beliefs. 

And their voices have been heard; they've generated concern 
among area adult bookstore owners. Last week, Riviera Beach 
councilmen voted not to renew the license of one bookstore and 
refused to grant one to another. These decisions came at a time 
of strong pressure from this group and could have resulted from 

Some headway has been made and this is surely not the last 
we'll hear from this group (a big anti-pornography movement 
■ comes around about once a year). But, brown paper wrappers 
now conceal many of those Playboys in question, and the ranting 
and raving has gone too far. More importantly, this group is 
toying with something dangerous: censorship. 

Certainly, one can't argue with parents who want to protect 
their children from the evils of Playboy. But, when protection 
gets to the point of censorship, it's another story. Adult 
bookstores, no matter what type material they sell, would be 
censored if told they could not sell it . 

This group says "the people are up in arms" against smut. 
But, who defines what pornography is? Who mterprets the 
freedoms of the first amendment? Even the Supreme Court could 
not do a sufficient job when these questions were brought to it. 

And, who are the people "up in arms" against porn? The 
group is guUty of hasty generalization; there is no evidence that a 
majority of county citizens are disturbed about this situation . 

Most people don't patronize adult bookstores, most don't 
enjoy pornography. Therefore, most probably are not up in arms 
about a situation that doesn't directly affect them. Some are 
probably amused at the fuss made by this anti-smut movement. 

Whatever the general feeling, the group has to re-examine its 
auns- protection or censorsliip? 

Dropping Unfair 

You've never attended your Spring I class. And now, at the 
end of the term, you filially get around to getting your drop 

It's a convenient process but students who've done this forget 
something very important-they deprived another student the 
opportunity to attend a class. 

It's too late to warn against this, now we can just criticize 
students who registered for a class and never attended it. 
Especially m Spring I, where every class seat was in demand, 
this practive symbolized waste and, worse, it's unfair. 

The Beachcomber is published from our editorial offices 
in the Student Publications Building at Palm Beach Junior 
College, 4200 S. Congress Ave., Lake Worth, Florida. 

Telephone 965-8000, Extension 210 

Opinions expressed in the Beachcomber are those of the 
editors or writers and are not necessarily those of Palm 
Beach Junior College. 

the r« I- ^ * ,.- . , ^ 

nj-TNo.v.' WIS t- S,j uje «-:■' 


"When you've finished boking at the pictures, you're just beginning 
to get your money's worth." 


Application For BSD Due July 3 1 

The University of West Florida is requesting 
assistance in dispensing information concerning 
the availability of the Black Student Union 
Scholarship for 1975-76 academic year. The Black 
Student Union Scholarship Application deadline 
is July 31, 1975. 

1. The BSU Scholarship is S720 per academic 
year ($240 per quarter). 

2. Any award covers an academic year and is 
renewable provided the recipient continues to 

3. Funds are disbursed quarterly. 

4. Students must submit a UWF General 
Financial Aid Application and demonstrate need 
through an approved financial statement. 

5. Three letters of recommendation are 

6. The students must also be a Black from the 

Brochures describing the BSU Scholarship are 
available in the Financial Aids Office - AD-2. 

BEOG Grants Still Open 

Students who are depending on the BEOG 
money to prevent cancellation of their fall term 
sciiedule on July 7th, must bring their BEOG 
SER and their class schedule to the financial aids 
office (AD-2) before July 7th. 

The payment schedule for the fall term BEOG 
Grants is not finalized as of now, but is expected 

to closely parallel last year's. Student eligibility 
for the coming academic year has been extended 
to three-quarter and half-time students. This is 
one reason why there has been a delay in 
determining the payment schedule. 

Students who have not applied for a BEOG 
Grant may still do so. 

Pugh Outlines Bicent' Festivities 

JC applied May 15 for official recognition from 
the Bicentennial Administration. 

In announcing the move at a special news 
conference in the office of JC President Dr. 
Harold C. Manor, the college also began what 
should be an exciting year of Bicentennial 
activities on the campus. 

Social Science instructor Edwin Pugh detailed 
some plans to the Beachcomber last week 
including the following: 

♦dedication of a historic marker on January 9, 
1976 commemorating JC's 25 years at the 
present Lake Worth location. 

•registration drives and presidential candidate 

♦special days to be held on campus in the 
memory of Thomas Paine, Robert E. Lee, 
Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Nathan 

Hale and Christopher Columbus. 

♦Bicentennial Youth Debates, supported by 
the National Endowment for the Humanities. 

♦historic displays and a logo contest sponsored 
by the Art Department. 

♦emphasis on research into historic inns and 
hotels by JC's Hotel-Motel Management section 
and the displaying of historic documents, films 
and other materials by the Social Science 

*a special "Yesterday-Today" column in the 
Beachomber detailing the events happening on 
the same dates 200 years ago. 

"Palm Beach Junior College recognizes the 
importance of the Bicentennial Year ahead," said 
JC President Manor. "We are pleased to have as 
able an historian as Edwin Pugh coordinating the 


V5 Ed ''Unique" 

News Editor 

The Galleon is gone. 

That's the latest word from yearbook advisor 
>-^is .^rant, who indicated to the Beachcomber 
Jit rteek a series of major changes, including a 
:j(ne change, are in store for JC's college 

According to Arant, the 1974-1975 edition of 
^.e yearbook, yet unnamed, should be ready for 
fiimbution late in the Spring II semester. 

The yearbook staff intends to drop such 
•raditional items as teacher pictures, 
iepartmental highlights and academic news. 

"We vt'ill stick to student involved things 
'liher than just their education," commented 
'jam. The advisor also noted that individual 
i'udent pictures, previously planned for the 
;titbook, are not to be included due to the few 
r.udents that took advantage of the opportunity. 

less than 50 student pictures were taken 
fating the winter terra and Arant lamented, "I 
!3i in the yearbook office several days but there 
iis just no demand for student pictures. 

"A good percentage of students wouldn't let 
iiStake their pictures at all," he said concerning 
Galleon efforts to snap photos of JC students in 
Lie cafeteria. 

Change that led to the demise of the Galleon 
began in mid-February when Student 
feemnient conducted a straw ballot which 
isked students various questions, including one 
solving the continuation of the Galleon. 

By a 173-113 margin, students favored 
B.ntinuation of the Galleon though a yearbook 
representative on the Student Activity Fee 
Committee, Marilyn Gabezas, indicated at the 

time that changes in the structure still might be 

By approving changes previously mentioned in 
the makeup of the yearbook the Fee Committee 
was able to slice the 1975-1976 yearbook budget 
from 13 to six percent of the student budget. 

With work still continuing on the current 
yearbook the staff decided to go ahead and 
incorporate next year's proposed changes into 
this year's yearbook. 

These rapid changes in plans let to the 
dropping of the "Galleon" title. "We haven't 
gotten a consensus on a new name yet," laughed 
Arant, who added that the changes being 
planned are not unusual. 

"Hundreds of colleges have done about the 
same thing. The traditional yearbook is a thing of 
the past at most schools." 

Another reason for beginning the changes a 
year ahead of time if the saving of approximately 
half of the current budget, money which is to be 
used for the purchase of a computerized 
typesetting machine. 

Cost of a typesetting machine is about $15,000 
and with the money saved this year along with 
Galleon funds accumulated over past years Arant 
feels the equipment could be bought "within one 
to two year. 

"Depending on how interested Student 
Government is we could even get it sooner," the 
advisor explained. 

Arant also mentioned the possibility of other 
publications on campus, including the 
Beachcomber and Media, JC's literary magazine, 
also benefiting from use of the typesetter. 

JC Budget Snags 
in Legislature 

JC's '75-'76 budget, approved in May, was snagged by the 
Conference Committee of the Legislature which recommended to 
the Governor that no salary increases or annual increments be 
paid to JC teachers. 

Inthier recommendation of community college appropriations, 
jjie committee stated: 

"provided, however, that no employee shall receive a merit 
[jjcrease or any other salai^ adjustment except in the case of a 
promotion; provided, that the department of administration may 
jppfove salary adjustments upon request of the department of 
education under emergency circumstances." 

^t the present moment the District Board of Trustees will have 
no other alternative but to modify its budget in accordance with 
legislative mandate. 

lite administrators of community colleges from, all over 
pjoiida have responded vehemently. 

Some teacher organizations have discussed the possibility of a 
court suit to determine the legality of the provision. There has 
gjjo been some discussion regarding a possible gubernatorial 


'fjowever, it was clear that the legislative intent was to show 
.^^ community college personnel next year should be 

jjnbursed at the same level as this past year. 

m general , however, the intent was that there will be no salary 
. ^easesof any kind. 

Test At JG 
For Final Time 

profir page 1 
^gfcd by JC's Testing Center, the Health Waiver Exam is 
■ -lah'® **-• students on a daily basis. 

er^sted students should contact the Testing Center, 
tv'^lsion 251, from 7:30-4:00p.m,, Monday through Friday. 
'"" -ding to a spokesperson for the center, the test lasts 

,^*^^vimately two hours and includes approximately 200 

^^i^*' ^1d a student pass the exam two hours of credit are gained 
; ^h, |01, Perspectives of Healthful Living. 

SG Advisor Robert Moss 

Opt in) ism 


From page 1 

Moss said the awards are "not designed to 
compensate, just to be a token of appreciation." 

The SG advisor intends to strongly- urge the 
jBxecutives of SG to "clearly identify before the 
twA the conditions jmd dollar -^amounts" for 
various honorariums. 

"We must establish in the beginning what 
amounts should be and what you have to do to get 
it," said Moss, who disagreed with the system 
whereby honorariums are voted on at the end of a 
semester. _ „ 

"Even if done in the best of faith you leave 
yourself open to criticism," he added. 

Summing up the problems of the past year 
when communications between-SG and the press 
were tangled, the advisor called the situation 
"kid stuff" and blamed an "I can do it better 
than you can" attitude. 

However,' Moss is "optimistic" concerning the 
coming school year and proclaimed, "If all of the 
students had as much interest as the current 
executive board, we'd have a much better 
Student Government.". 

Moss also is not optimistic concerning SG's 
chances of filling the organizations' 61 positions. 
"We'll get about the same interest as in the 
past," he said. 

"It has nothing to do with the intent of the 
executive board. It's a problem with government 
in general. Until something affects them directly, 
people won 't get involved. ' ' 

On honorariums, an issue that often led to 
dissention within SG's ranks in the past year. 

Monday, June IB, la/o utMUMuuiviDcn -o 

4 - BEACHCOMBER, Monday, June 16, 1975 



( 1 

Getting Out Of Hand 



Looking Back Is On Right Track 

Do you yeam for the days of 
your grandfather? Are you 
stricken with Bicentennial 
fever? Does watching the 
Waltons fill you with desire for 
the good old days before you 

were bom'O 

Almost everybody seems to 
be afflicted with a weird disease 
known as Nostalgia. Its 
symptoms include an itch to own 
anything old, outworn, or 

rumored to have been slept in 
by George Washington. Victims 
of more advanced cases have 
written thousands of articles 
concerning the purity and 
decency of Revolutionary War 


days, the Victorian period, the 
1930's. The worst cases of this 
disease appear to exist in the 
government, where they're 
jockeying for a rerun of the 
Great Depression. 

■ Every town has its comple- 
ment of antique shops and 
secondhand stores, and, they are 
all doing good business. Still, if 
all the spinning wheels, 
brass-rail bedsteads and chine 
commodes for sale are of 
genuinely colonial make, the 
original colonists would have 
had to have spent every spare 
minute producing them. They 
wouldn't have had time for a 

Every department store is 
filled with imitation-oak, eag- 
le-encrested towels, dinner 
plates, wastebaskets and show- 
er curtains. Patchwork quilt 
toilet seats and Victorian-style 
waterbeds are hot items. 

(Not to mention the popularity 
of the Waltons, a family whose 
total income of about thirty 
cents a week does not prevent 
them from having brotherliness, 
a large house, plenty of food and 

a horde of good old-fashioned 


Come to think of it, those 
people collecting old coal 
stoves, oil lamps and buggy 
whips may be on the right track. 
They must know something 
about the energy situation that 
other people haven't found out. 

It won't be long oeiore the 
modern home will not be 
complete without cleverly old- 
style inconveniences. The kit- 
chen will contain a hand-hewn 
oak refrigerator and rugged 
split-rail dishwasher. A gaso- 
line-powered horse-and buggy 
will occupy the garage. Clothes 
will be scrubbed on an 
automatic washboard (the 
deluxe model features a plastic 
washerwoman). The family will 
watch silent movies on a 
padded, horsehair-stuffed, tas- 
seled TV set in a living room lit 
dimly by electric lamps 
guaranteed to flicker and give 
off black smoke. Time will be 
kept by an electronic digital 
sundial. And the bathroom will 
be an exact replica of an 
outhouse, complete with half- 
moon and a Sears and Roebuef! 

Climate Control Chaotic 

There you sit, trying not to 
move. That glacial feeling has 
overcome you once more, 
leaving you motionless on your 
treacherous perch. Too frozen 
atid lightened to budge, lest its 
cruel, gripping components 
penetrate your spine, you 
wonder how much longer you 
can stand the agony. Only 
twenty minutes left. 

You eye the hourglass 
suspiciously - is it in need of 
repair or is time really standing 
still? But alas, the hands have 
reached their designated station 
and you are Free, Free, Freel 

How did you ever get caught 
in such a precarious situation? 
Were you attacked by Eskimos, 
given the third degree, or 
kidnapped by the Good Humor 
man and held captive in his 
Icecream-mobile? Unfortunate- 
ly, neither. It's the startling 
realization of Sprin I classes. 

For those of you who think 
summer sessions are not that 

"Books! 'tis a dull and 
endless strife.. .come forth 
Into the life of things, let 
Nature be your teacher." - 
William Wordsworth 1798 

The concept sounds delici- 
ously inviting at first - only six 
weeks for a whole semester's 
worth of credit - but the horrors 
become evident all too soon. 

in the windowless classrooms of 
the BA building. 

Things start to look up a bit on 
Tuesday as the SS Aircontrol 
pulls into a Caribbean port. 

For those of you who think 
summer sessions aren't oil 

that bad YOU'RE WRONG I 

A personal survey revealed 
two major factors which 
contribute to antipathy: climate 
and seating. 

A week of summer school is 
comparable to a global tour. 
JC's air conditioning system is 
turned off on weekends and as a 
result, Monday mornmg stu- 
dents find themselves in 
Tanzania being pressure cooked 

whose balmy breezes entice the 
travelers to close their eyes and 
dream of better things. 
Wednesdays express excursion 
rounds the_ tip of Greenland, 
depositing frost in your 
literature book, and by 
Thursday the North Pole has 
frozen your flip-flops and the 
concrete ink in your pen no 
longer writes first time, every 


Inevitably, the last day of the 
week is spent at a beach in your 
home port unthawing from your 
chilling experience. TGIF! 

Perhaps this is a bit of an 
exaggeration. According to 
Edward Cassidy of the Physical 
Plant, "We can't satisfy 

According to Cassidy, "The 
air conditioning system is run 24 
hours a day, except on 
weekends. As a result, it takes 
awhile to cool off the entire 
campus on Monday mornings." 

Thermostatic control, he 
added, is determined by the 
outside temperature, with 74 
degrees being normal. 

"But then, there is no set 
temperature that we go by, so 
while one person complains of 

the cold, someone else says he's 
sweating to death . " 

The second horror of summer 
sessions is seating. What does 
American Seating have against 
students anyway? After sitting 
in the same place for two hours, 
it sometimes takes you awhile to 
unwind and be able to move 
again. It seems just as easy to 
buy a comfortable chair than it 
does to purchase a punishing 
perch. Either it's piercing your 
spine, grinding your knees on 
the desktop, or contorting yont 
body into an unrecognizable 
jumble. But then, this isn't a 
luxury condominium, it it? 

Whether you be sweltering, 
shivering, or convalescing from 
a back injury, there is one 
consolation - JC uses squeez- 
ably-soft Charmin bathroom 

Venture Editor 

Work Wanted - I can tile or fix 
your bath. Good painter too. 
Call Tony at 964-0574 or 

lyjobile Home For Sale: 1973 
Concord, 12 X 60 Ft. Two 
jjgdrooms, central air condition- 
jna- In nice park close to PBJC. 
Q^d price. Phone 968-5999. 


■.^fjji^jyg^jjpflfcj^ '.< . 

6 - BEACHCOMBER, Monday, June 16, 1975 

JC Netmen Capture 
Second Spot In Notion 

Staff writer 

Captain Roberto Rizo led JC's 
men's tennis team to a second 
place victory in the National 
Junior College Toomament that 
was completed Friday, June 6. 
The toomament was held on the 
campus of Central Florida 
Junior College, Ocala. 

The Pacers were the 
mnners-up with 19 pohits, 
lostag to Odessa, Tex. Junior 

' 'Our men played very well 
and if things had continued 
as they did the first day, when 
we won 10 of 11 matches, 
we could have brought back 
the top spot "• 

- Reynolds 

College who won with 26 pohits. 

On Thursday, June 5, Rizo 
was smashed by Perfecto 
Aleina, of Odessa, in singles 
competition, 0-6, which elimin- 
ated him from farther singles 

Wadlington, however, de- 
feated Sergio Flor of Navarro 
Junior College, 7-6, 6>3. He 
conthraed on, but lost to Alan 
Copehmd of Seminole Junior 
CoUege, 6-7, 6-0, 3-6. . 

In Wednesday's singles play, 
Rizo defeated Jtm Ellis of Bock 
County Junior College, 7-5, 6-2, 
and Cari Pesonen of Schreiner 
Junior CoUege. 

Wadlhigton clobbered Dan 
Mason of North Henlker Junior 
CoUege, 6-1, 6-0, and Peter 
Ecldiardt with the same score. 
Eclduurdt is &om Hudson Valley 
Cammuaify College. 

Norman Russell lost to Mike 
Van Zutphen of Mesa Commun- 
ity CoUege, Arizona, which 
orevented him bom any more 

Lesko Takes 
l&R Bowling 

Joe Leslco overtook Dick 
Gross in final day's action of the 
men's Intramural bowling to 
capture top honors. Leski 
finished with a total of 1878 for 
12 games while Gross had 1859 
pins after 12 games. In third 
place was Craig Sargent with 
1573 over nine games. In fourth 
jplace was Marty Hartman with 
1235 after sis games. 

In women's bowling Lisa 
Markwood took top honors with 
1632 pins after 12 games with 
Jody Salzgeber in second with 
1391 after nine games. In third 
place was Susan Gross with 
1387 bowling nine games. In 
fourth place with 1009 pins was 
Charlene Miserendino. 

Nine women bowled in the 
competition which took place 
between 4-6 at Major League 
Lanes. Others are Beverly 
Hartman; Gwen Scheetinga, 
Debbie Bister, Ingrid Sarino, 
Helen Darcy. 

No awards were given in the 
Spring I competition. All are 
invited back for the Fall. ' 

singles competition. 

Wadlington and Rizo defeat- 
ed Hillard and Kimick of 
Milwaukee Area Community 
College in doubles play, 6-0, 6-1, 
and also beat Navarro and 
Domke of Henry Ford Com- 
munity CoUege, 7-5, 6-2. 

RnsseU and Pulitzer lost to 
Seminole Community CoUege, 
Oklahoma, 0-6, 3-6, which 
eUminated them &om further 
doubles competition. 

The team wlU lose Rizo, 
Wadlington, and Ray this year 
and Hamid Faqoire, interim 
coach one year ago, is expected 
to be named head coach. 

This was the first time in the 
history of men's tennis at JC the 
pacers brought back a second 
place from the national 

"We took third place one 
year, but second is the best 
we've ever done," said Dr. 
Howard Reynolds, chafaman of 
the JC Physical Education 
Department, as weU as athletic 
director at the coUege. 

"Our men played very weU, 
and if thhigs had continued as 
they did the first day, when we 
won 10 out of 11 matches, we 
could have brought back the top 
spot, ' ' Reynolds continued. 

Signing $pree Spurts 

Sports Editor 

Tom Pappalardo, who just completed an undefeated season 
with Cardinal Newman High School, was signed Tuesday, June 
9, to the JC men's tennis team. 

Dr. Howard Reynolds, chairman of the Physical Education 
Department and athletic director at JC expressed great 
satisfaction that Pappalardo will be playing for the Pacers. 
"Tom has been the number one young tennis player in the area 
for the past two years, ' ' said Reynolds. 

"At this point, it looks as if we'll be stronger than ever 
before," comments Reynolds. 

In baseball, JC baseball coach, Dusty Rhodes signed his final 
player Monday, June 9, as pitcher Harry Cook of Lake Worth 
High School signed to play with JC next season. 

Cook was on the Palm Beach Post All Area Baseball team and 
was punter for the aU state football team. 

This past season at Lake Worth High, Cook won 12 games and 
lost two. 

He gave up five earned runs in 92 inninigs, and 75 strikeouts 
and an ERA of 0.43. 

'.'This makes the fourth player from the Lake Worth team 
we'vesigned for next year's team," Rhodes said. 

The others are Donald V. Shields, who played left field and 
thir base, Harold Steadman, outfielder, and Eric Keller who 
played third base. 

"We're gettuig the top choices now," says Rhodes. "-'We 

"We've started this season with eight good players and we'll 
be starting next season with eight good players, too," Rhodes 


Charles Wadlington (left) and Roberto Rizo (right) were 
two of the main reasons for the JC men's tennis teams high 
finish in the national tournament. 

USFInks Women Athletes 

Two members of the JC 
Softball Team have won a year's 
full scholarships to the 
University of South Horida, 
according to Bobbie Knowles, 
JC coach. 

They are Denise Winnett, 
first baseman with a .375 
batting average and Deidra 
Clayton left fielder, who has a 
.329 average. 

"Denise and DeDe are the 
two best sophomores on the 
team," Miss Knowles said. 

"I'm glad to see women's 
athletics beginning to take its 
rightful place," she added. 

"As to our situation at JC, I'm 
looking forward to the action by 
the Board of Trustees Student 
Activity Committee. 


Harold Steadman and 
Don Shields are just two of 
four Lake Worth High 
graduates to sign with JC 
for the 1975-76 season. 
Others are Eric KeUer and 
Harry Cook. Pictured from 
left to right are Lake Worth 
coach Jack Marcum, - 
Steadman, Shields, and JC 
baseball coach,Dusty Rho- 

