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BITCOIN Your Way to Wealth and Power 

Tor, Silk Road, BITCOIN Reveal How to Get PRIVATE MONEY and KEEP It 
Copyright © 19 August 2011by Bob Hurt. All Rights Reserved. 

Crummey Money 

Article I Section 10 of the US Constitution provides that "No 
State shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin aTender 
i n Payment of Debts." 

You might not have noticed, but state governments ignore 
that mandate because the US Congress declared the US 
Dollar in theform of Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) legal 
tender in spite of the fact that you cannot redeem them for 
gold or silver coin, and government does not any longer 
circulate gold or si Iver coins nor coi ns containi ng gold or si Iver, except 
numismatically. Why don't people use those numismatic gold and si Iver coins for 
commerce? See this blog entry . There I explain that the courts interpret any dollar as 
merely a dollar. That is, a si Iver eagle dollar equals a federal reserve note dollar 
officially, according to the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeal ruling in Crummy v Klein . 

Why does this matter? Because incessant deficit 

spendi ng by Congress and bloati ng the money 

supply by the Federal Reserve (which injected $16 

trillion into the economy through loans to foreign 

and domestic banks si nee 2007) over the decades 

has diminished the value of F RN s to a fracti on of 

thevalueof a Silver Eagle. TodayaFRN dollar hasa 

valueonly]/42of a Si Iver Eagle's value, if you can 

even find a Si Iver Eagle to buy. Six years ago the FRN had a value]/ 5 of the Si Iver 

Eagle's value. That meanstheFRN dollar has suffered a 950% devaluation because of 

the Congressional spending and the Fed. Government and Bank-authored bailouts have 

destroyed our currency value, and that has destroyed equity in homes and thevalueof 

savings, leaving America and Americans brokeand largely devoid of their "nest eggs." 

You might recall that the US dollar (FRN) has no gold or silver backing. That means you 
cannot redeem it for gold or silver at a Federal Reserve Bank or the US Treasury. You 
can redeem it for "lawful money" in theform of pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and 

BITCOIN Your Way to Wealth and Power 

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tiik im'ikh us i)i-Ain:i(](u ^ 


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half dollars. A penny weighs 2.5 grams, about ]/10 
ounce, so an ounce of pennies will cost you ten 
cents, or you could get ten ounces for a dollar or 10 
pounds for $16.00 (FRN). Scrap copper sel Is for 
$40 per ten pounds. So you can easily double your 
money by buying pennies and sel I i ng them to scrap 
copper buyers. 

Except for one problem. The US Mint doesn't make 
pennies from copper any more. It makes them from 
copper-clad (2.5%) zinc, and scrap zinc goes for 
only $la pound. And it makes a nickel from 25% nickel and the rest copper. So 10 
pounds of pennies only has a scrap value of $10.40, only 65% of the cost of the pennies. 
Nickel at $10 a pound puts the scrap value of US minted nickel coins at $85 for 10 
pounds. Nickels weigh 5 grams, so 907 of them weigh 10 pounds and at a nickel each, 
cost $45. Again, it makes no sense to buy them and sell them as scrap. 

Thus, the U S M i nt conti nual ly adj usts the metal content of our coi ns to make them 
worth I ess than the scrap val ue of the metal they contain. And, we simply cannot beat 
inflation by saving US money, except by buying minted gold and silver.US coins. Unless 
we own shares in a mine, we're fucked financially. Thankyou, Congress. 

I see one bright spot only. You can use the disparity of the FRN dollar value to the Silver 
Eagledollar value to your advantagein only one way that I know of. Do all of your 
sel ling transactions in US minted gold and silver coins and declare the face value of 
those coins on your income tax forms as taxable income. Do all of your buying 
transactions in FRNs, and use their face value on your income tax forms as tax 
deductions. Then go ahead and sign up for welfare and food stamps because you'll 

For more on US money, watch this interview of H arvard- educated law scholar Dr. 
Edwin Vieira. 

Debt and the Money Supply 

The chart that fol lows shows the effect of i nflati ng the money supply with deficit 
spending and low cost gifts or loans by the FED and Congress to bail out the financial 
industry and its insurers. As dollars diminish in value, each dollar injected into the 
economy through debt (spending above income) results in fewer jobs and less 
productivity than previously. This causes a decline in the GDP unless money issuers 
inject proportionately more money into the economy through debt. 

BITCOIN Your Way to Wealth and Power 

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In other words, borrowed money produces ever fewer jobs than earned money does 
unti I money i njection reaches the point of debt saturation. After that, every dol lar 
i njected i nto the economy causes increased loss of jobs. 

For more on this, see Professor Antal Fekete's article on the Marginal Productivity of 

DimiTiLKhmcj Marginal Product ivjly q.f Dpjat in thn BS Ecpn-pjnT (in Hollars} 

fl PDF 
& Debt 



Foreclosure Defense Scam and Financial Crisis 

You might know that I have focused on mortgage foreclosure defense studies for the 
past three years. As a consequence I have concl uded that most defense attorneys i n that 
i ndustry cheat thei r cl i ents and commit mal practi ce by draggi ng out the forecl osure 
when they should attack the appraisal fraud and other torts and contract breaches 
underlying the mortgage. 

I also learned that the forecl osure pandemic arose as a 
consequence of decades of over-appraisi ng as realtors, 
mortgage brokers, and sellers jacked realty prices ever 
higher, claiming "market" value determines prices. They 
refuse to acknowl edge today that they engage i n pri ce 
gougi ng, even though foreclosure auctions bri ng ]/ 5 to V 6 
of the 2005 house price. Mortgage brokers refuse to admit 
that they routinely falsified family income, elevating it to make prospective unqualified 



BITCOIN Your Way to Wealth and Power 

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home buyers seem fi nanci al ly worthy. As a consequence of these cri mes, predatory 
lending collapsed the realty prices, destroyed homeowner equity, caused massivejob 
loss broadly across America and throughout the Western world, and precipitated 
tri 1 1 i ons of dol I ars i n bai I outs of i nsurance and banki ng corporati ons by Congress and 
the Federal Reserve. 

Worst of all, government encouraged the misdeeds that caused the cri sis. You might 
recall the efforts of Bill Clinton and George W Bush to ensure that everyone gets a 
house. If you don't, read the Financial Crisis I nquiry Commission 's Report . 

The Crucial Importance of Virtual Currency 

So you see that the US Government caused and continues to cause the destruction of the 
value of money and real estate holdings. And that destruction of money forces state 
governments to viol ate the US Constitution's mandate to use gold and si Iver coin as legal 
tender for payi ng debts. Thus lawlessness seems to have become law. 

Pundits claim that the productivity of the American People back the Federal Reserve 
Notes, the universal medium of exchange in the USA. Wikipedia's article, linked above, 
claims the assets of the Federal Reserve back it. In reality, si nee you cannot redeem it 
for minerals equal to it in value, only the world's faith in it gives it the value people 
perceive it as having. When the FED or government puts more into circulation, its value 
goes down. It has the nature of FIAT currency, established by decree of Congress and 
not by its i ntri nsi c val ue. You mi ght say it has no more val ue than the cost of paper, 
printing, and distribution. 

So, naturally, people have lost faith in government as creator and manager of 
money. And people increasingly lose faith in theUS Dollar because Congress and 
the Bureau of Public Debt have borrowed Ameri ca i nto obi i vi on, i nf I ati ng the money 
supply, and deflating the value of the dollar.. How could Monopoly (the game) money 
disappoint the people more than FRNshave? 

Stop and think how the foregoing realities affect your life and prosperity, and your plans 
for future prosperity, col lege for the kids, and your retirement. If money becomes worth 
ever less, how do you benefit from savi ng it i n a bank account? I f your money 
diminishes in value the longer you save it in abankoraratholein your wall, how should 
you i nvest it so you can watch it grow from i nterest or usage earni ngs? I f government 
agents or other thieves can rob your physical mineral wealth from a bank vault or safety 
deposit box, where can you hide it for safekeepi ng? H ow can you become the master 
instead of the slave, financially when you remain hog-tied to a failing currency and the 
i mpossi bi I ity of defendi ng physi cal wealth? 

BITCOIN Your Way to Wealth and Power Page 4 

Why shouldn't the people resort to creati ng and usi ng thei r own currency that has 
nothing backing it but its own scarcity and buying power? And si nee government has 
not yet managed totally to invade cyberspace, why shouldn't the people develop and use 
a virtual currency in cyberspace? Why shouldn't people develop a way to prevent the 
I RS and other government agencies from knowing every financial transaction the people 
make, so as to tax the peopl e i nto i nto the hel I of poverty, dependency, economi c 
micromanagement, and financial slavery to filthy rich ban king families? 

Good questions. 

Answer: People have done precisely that, as I explain in the following paragraphs. 

Private Money - Three Items for Your Radar: 

1 TOR - this universal anonymity service lets you browse 
without others capturi ng your I P address. I nstal lation? Uber- 
einfach. J ust download, unpack to USB or hard drive, run TOR, then 
browse with Firefox portable. Its portability lets you browse without 
detection or traces on any PC. 


• Whv - 

• Where - 

• Who- 

2. Si I k Road - a USE of TOR for drug 
trafficking. Yeah, I know, we don't use drugs. But, 
forewarned =forearmed. Drug traffickers' safe and 
continued use of TOR proves that you Whistleblowersand 
political activists may safely use it. I know you don't want to 
buy illegal drugs. But maybe you want to seethe proof with 
your own eyes, and not merely take my word for it. For 
curiosity's sake and academic reasons only, you may contact 
Silk Road through TOR, free from government's prying eyes 
(you must install and browse through TOR). 

• SeeSilk Road: http://ianxz6zefk72ulzz.onion/ 

• Thereyou will encounter a somewhat new currency symbol: ip. What does it 
mean? It means BITCOIN. 

BITCOIN Your Way to Wealth and Power 

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3. Bl rCOl N - a new virtual (digital) currency that 
operates without government control or issue authority 
(don't worry, control will soon arrive). 

• With enough computer hardware and software you 
can create BITCOI Ns, but normally you get them 
i n trade, and you can actual ly buy drugs form them 
on the SI LK ROAD above. I mention the drugs 
only as an example of use. 

• Bl TCOI N s operate si mi I arl y to QQ Coi ns . Tencent 

rel eased QQ chat software over a decade ago, and i ssued di gital coi ns as awards 
for gamers. Soon people started sel I i ng items on I i ne for QQ coi ns. Tencent 
actually minted the coins and did over $800 million in business with them, 
flouting Far East government efforts to crush the unauthorized virtual currency. 

• Nowmany people have begun to trade BITCOI Ns. Expanding their use might 
frustrate the I RS effort to steal Americans blind. So far, government has no clear 
and easy way to track BITCOI N transactions to people. So if you earn a million 
Bl TCOI N s, how wi 1 1 the I RS know? Who says attorneys and prostitutes can't 
contract with clients for BITCOI NS? 

Get your BITCOI N software: http://www.bitcoin.orci/ 

Read more 

Recent happenings - Google BITCOI N for more blogs 


Whereto buy BITCOI Ns 

Bob Hurt's Highest Recommendation 

RUN, don't walk, to invest in and use BITCOI Ns for your commerce; encourage others 
to do so too. Sure, Bl TCOI N scan fail to provide stable value, but for the immediate 
future they suffer from NO government intrusion, NO banking industry finagling, and 
NO issue authority mismanagement. Furthermore, if you buy and employ enough 
computing power, you can create your own BITCOI NS. Whilethathasan inflationary 
effect, it also faces a limit - the number of BITCOI Ns possibly in circulation. This 
guarantees increasing scarcity and therefore increasing demand as more people find out 
about and start usi ng them. 

BITCOIN Your Way to Wealth and Power Page 6 

Go back and review what has happened with QQ coins and you will seethe power of 
virtual money not managed by government. Then realize that not even a corporation 
controlsthe issue of BITCOINs. Its value will remain driven by scarcity, increased 
demand, and freedom from governmental interference. 

Al so, for the ti me bei ng, use of TOR and other anonymity tool s ( I i ke PGP/ GPG for emai I , 
encryption tools for your drives, tiny, easy-to-hide M icro SD memory chi ps embeddable 
in jewelry and common items I ike ball point pens) all make it easier for you to hide from 
government's prying eyes while you engagein commerce and hide your assets with 
relative secrecy and security. 

Take note that every security tool stimulates greater efforts by hackers and government 
snoops to discover details of your secret, private world. So it wi 1 1 pay you to educate 
and arm yourself with knowledge and tools. Keep finding and using ever better ways to 
increase and retain your privacy, wealth, and power. 

li A 

W ^H 

Bob Hlirt Bloe* Email I 

2460 Persian Drive #70 • Clearwater, FL 33763 


+1 (727) 669-5511 

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