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' yX^A-^A^Zf e^ Ap^u<- 



Ton 'Quild 

The surest way to get just the kind of a home you want is to 
build it yourself, or more properly, to have it built to order. 
Such a home need cost no more than an equally good home 
built for someone else. 

In all probability you have never 
built before, or at most you have 
built only once. Your building ex- 
perience is limited. Ours, which 
has grown and developed through 
years of helping people to plan and 
build their homes, is at your ser- 

This plan book is the first part of 
that building service. The hun- 

dred homes and plans herein will 
help you to decide on the style 
and the sizie of a house you will 
build. Pages three to ten will give 
you many practical suggestions as 
to the construction and the special 
features you will have in your 
home. Page 112 (opposite the back 
cover) will aid you in deciding 
how much you can pay for a home. 

An Invitation 

This book is only the beginning of our building service. 
After selecting the plan best suited to your lot and your 
ideas, come in and talk to us about it. If the plan needs 
reversing or if it needs a few minor alterations we can advise 
you about it. We can offer you still other plans in case you 
do not find herein exactly the house you want. We can esti' 
mate for you the cost of materials for the house of your 
choice, and give you many other valuable suggestions on the 
home building question. This consultation service is free and 
we cordially invite you to use it whenever you need it. 

Duplicate Blueprints on any design . ^ . .- . ^ < .. ^ 
T^riplicate Blueprints on any design ' <• 










A/I Drawings b); a Registered Architect 













The Home 
You Ve Been Dreaming About 

DEEP within the heart of 
every normal man and 
woman is a burning desire 
to own a home; a place in which 
they can express themselves and 
live a sane, well'ordered life. 

Haven't you thrilled at the 
idea of coming home to a place 
where you have complete control? 
Haven't you dreamed of sunlit 
and airy rooms, a cool and breezy 
porch, a kitchen that is a kitchen, 
a big open fireplace, and a garden 
and a work bench? 

Don't you glimpse the future 
and see the children well and 
happy with their playmates and 
pets, growing up where associa' 
tions and memories will be ever 

From a Pdinti'iig bj Hihbird V. B. KUne 

dear to them? Don't you see yourself a real force in the 
community, a property owner, someone who has his roots 
in the soil? 

Who wants to live in a place where the landlord can 
boost the rent and tell you to pay it or get out? Who 
wants to be separated from his little old vine and fig tree 
when the landlord chooses to sell out? 

What do you get out of being a tenant anyway? You 
can borrow money on a home, but whoever heard of a 
bank accepting rent receipts as collateral? And do you 
reahze, Mr. Tenant, that your landlord at this moment is 
banking your hard-earned dollars which might have 
helped you toward a home? 

You say talking about a home is easy — getting one is 
hard. Don't you believe it! Try it for yourself. You have 
some capital saved up, enough perhaps to buy a lot, or 
even more. With your heart set on building that home 
you will find it easy to trim expenses here and there to 
save much faster toward your goal. 

You have started the ball rolling. 

V^hat Kind of a Home? 

The next thing to consider is where will you build? What 
neighborhood? The kind of a lot you buy depends on the 
style of a house you will put there. Consider the size too. 
One house will fit nicely into a narrow lot while another 
needs a wider yard for a setting, and still another is most 
suitable for a corner lot. 

Read the opposite page and 
consider well your favorite style 
of architecture. Then from among 
the hundred home designs in this 
book select a plan or two that 
best suits your family needs. 
Look over the special features in 
the next few pages to see which 
you will build into your home, 
the sun room, the fireplace, what 
kind of floors, and what conven- 
iences and comforts you will add 
for easier housework, and what 
you can best do without for 
economy's sake. 

Now you are ready to talk 
with our Building Service Man 
about materials, costs, and the 
working out of your plans. 

Ho If It Feels to Own a Home 

You finally move into the new home you have built. 
Doesn't it give you a thrill to put your own key in the 
door, step in, look around and say ''This home is mine?'' 
Isn't it a joy to survey the yard where you will plant 
shrubs here, an apple and a plum tree there, an elm over 
yonder, and a border of perennials to bloom year after 

You recall when as a renter you asked the landlord for 
new wall paper, and how he used to say "it was good 
enough for the last tenant," or "I guess we will have to 
make it do." Now you pick out paper to suit your taste. 

When you rented, the landlord couldn't always see the 
necessity of this repair or that improvement. He did 
things grudgingly "when he got around to it." He didn't 
have to hve in the place and you were just staying there. 

Now how gloriously different ! 

* * * 

Home ownership means even more than that. It means 
protection for the family. If anything happens to the 
bread winner the home will hold the family together. 
It means lifelong protection for mother and father. After 
ten or fifteen years of regular saving to pay for the home, 
the saving habit is firmly fixed ; they go right on saving 
and building up their own private fortune. 

How to get all the home you can ajford, and )'et not be bur- 
dened with discouraging debt, is discussed fully on page 112. 



English Half Timbered 

Sein I- Bii iigaloiv 

S/jnti islt 

The ■ 


that Pleases 


Still tire Ty/)f-' 

THE kind of a home you want, the style you like 
best,- — that should be your first consideration. But 
on account of family needs, finances or the best 
available lot, a different style may prove more desirable. 
Let us consider the characteristics of several styles. 

The Colonial with its plain simple dignity and its 
homelike charms is a very economical home. Because of its 
compactness it can go on a fairly small lot. The expensive 
excavations and foundation are reduced to a minimum; 
the roof too, is simple in structure and inexpensive. 
Moreover the reduced radiating surface makes it easy and 
economical to heat. 

Square Type homes are also most economical and prac' 
tical, they cost less to build, and are especially adaptable 
for large families or for Duplex division. Treatment may 
be Spanish, Colonial or typically American. 

American Homes are of various pleasing designs with 
characteristics of French, Mission, English Colonial or 
any other distinct architectural type. 

English Types, with their steep gables and their freer 
and more graceful lines lend themselves to a wide variety 
of designs. In most sections of the country this is the 

most popular type today. These types are more adapt- 
able to various interior arrangements as they need not 
conform so closely to the rectangular floor plan. They cost 
somewhat more per square foot of room area. 

Spanish and Italian Homes are of stucco or solid 
masonry with tile roof. The courtyard, arched doors 
and windows, and columns are typically Spanish. Low 
pitched roofs and horizontal rhythm of design character- 
ize Italian Homes. 

The Bungalow. Those who have lived both in the 
two-story homes and in apartments will appreciate the 
convenience of living on one floor. The bungalow, or 
semi-bungalow with a room or two on second floor, how- 
ever, lends itself to picturesqueness in any style of treat- 
ment, Italian Villa, Spanish Mission, Colonial, English 
Cottage, and various American styles. 

Room for room the bungalow is an expensive house 
to build because of its large excavations and roof area. 
However, home is the place where we spend our money, 
and we should build the best house we can afford. To 
reduce the first cost, some non-essentials can be omitted 
to be added later. A practical way to determine how 
much you can pay for a home is presented on page 112. 

-^*^ 3c/^- 




-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c^ 

Courtesy: Armstrong Cor\ Company, Liiioteum Division 

Shall We Have a Sun Room? 


EFORE determining upon the plan of your house 
it is well to consider the advantages of sun room 
' and sleeping porch. 

The sun room, usually with windows on three sides is, 
of course, the brightest and cheeriest room in the house. 
This room seems to bring some of the open out-of-doors 
into the house all year round, for growing plants thrive 
in the sunshine. 

Here is a place for mother to entertain friends or to do 
her sewing, in the afternoon. A room where the children 
can play and bask in the healthful sunshine. It adds size 
to the living room when entertaining is to be done in the 
evening, — a larger place to dance, or room for more card 

When dad wants to smoke his pipe and read his paper 
in peace, or study his business problems, shut off by 
French doors from the disturbing radio or the racket of 
children's games, here is his refuge. 

If a sleeping porch is built upstairs above the sun porch, 
what better ventilated or more wholesome place for sleep- 
ing can be found? In the morning it can serve as a delight- 
ful sewing and work room for mother, with plenty of 
light even on the darkest days, and with room for sewing 
machine, sewing table and all other necessary equipment. 

Here in the afternoon children can have more freedom 
to play than in a sunroom down stairs. Here Doctor Sun 
can give them daily health treatments. And looking to- 
ward the future when ultra violet glass will surely be 

perfected and the cost reduced to within reach of the 
average man, it can be used to glaze the sleeping porch 
upstairs. Then much more of those vitalizing skin-tanning 
sun rays will come through the glass on every sunny day. 
A number of the plans in this book have sun rooms in' 
corporated into them. Others have open type porches 
that could be built as sun porches. Any of the houses in 
the book can be reversed, if desirable to get the sun room 
in the right position for your lot. 

Stucco, Wood or ^ric\ 

How will you have the exterior of your house finished? 
Brick will cost you more than any other material, but it 
is fireproof, and the insurance rates are lower. It never 
needs paint, depreciation is less, and the final cost after 
one generation is less. Wide wooden siding is more 
beautiful, but it costs more than narrow siding. The 
effect of wide siding can often be secured with wooden 
shingles, at a considerable saving. Painted white on a 
Colonial home they look almost exactly like the familiar 
wide siding. 

Stained shingles offer a wide choice of colors and com- 

Stucco usually costs somewhat more than wood finish 
but is especially suited to some types of houses, the 
Spanish, Italian and half timbered English. 

Do you \now how much you can comfortably pay for a 
home? This subject is discussed on page 112. 


MFMA No. 108-Orchid 

MFMA No. 107— Pastel Green 

MFMA No. 104— Silver Gray 

MFMA No. 101— Early American 

MFMA No. 106 -Royal Blue 

MFMA No. 105— Dove Gray 

MFMA No. 102-Spanish Brown 

MFMANo. 103— Autumn Brown 

V.lusiTation used through the courtesy of 
Maple Flooring Maiiii/dcturer^ Assn. 

The Flooring in Your Home 

Shall it he Oa\, Birch or Maple and of What Grade 

FOR comfort and lasting utiHty, of course, every 
housekeeper wants hardwood floors. They cost more, 
but if economy in building must be the rule, it is 
better to sacrifice somewhere else. Good medium grades of 
oak flooring, maple or birch are reasonable in cost and 
economical to use. Yet for those who can afford more, the 
finer grades are well worth the money; they afford pride 
and pleasure when it comes to entertaining friends, or 
when rolling back the rugs for dancing. 

If you build a Colonial house, the oak plank floor of 
random widths will help to carry out the early Colonial 
atmosphere. The deep rich brown of oaken floors add a 
homelike charm to any type of house. Oak floors will last 
as long as any house and those who prefer oak should by 
all means have it. 

Others are better pleased with maple. Its everlasting 
smoothness makes it the ideal floor for ballrooms. Maple 
will outwear stone. Light in color it can now be stained 
in almost every color imaginable — a rich warm autumn 
brown for the living room, a lighter shade to brighten up 
a dark hallway, a gay blue to harmonize with the children's 
room furnishings, a quiet green for a bed room, or an 
ebony black to tone down the brightness of the sun room, 
and to form strong contrast with the reds of the Navajo 
rugs laid there. In this day of free use of color every- 
where the popularity of stained maple grows rapidly. 
Birch and beech also make excellent flooring. 1 

A cheaper grade of durable, resilient hardwood will do 
nicely for any floor to be permanently covered with 

A Cozy Chimney Corner 

JOHN RUSKIN said that we can live without pictures, 
J but not as well. So with a cozy fireplace, we can live 
without it, but if we can afford one, let's have it. 

It is the center of the children's Christmas, home's 
cheeriest corner. Its warmth is especially walcome in 
cool evenings of spring, fall and even summer. 

^ fl ^. 





Many artistic effects may be had by rtoniuig the stairivay between walk. 
In the plan of the Amsterdam this is the way it worlds out. 



Beauty, Comfort and 

THE STAIRWAY is the largest and most prominent 
piece of built-in furniture in the house. Usually 
placed near the doorway, it should be beautiful in 
design to carry out the idea of good first impressions. It 
should harmonize with the architectural design of the 

Of course, the open stairway with its rail and balus- 
trade is generally the more attractive, but it costs more. 
Who doesn't admire the white Colonial stairway with 
rail and treads finished in dark mahogany; or handsome 
oak balusters, round or square in an English house, or the 
more delicate rail supported on slim metal balusters that 
might go with an Italian design? Or any other open stair- 
way that might fit into American architecture? 

But still, many artistic effects can be had by running 
the stairway between walls; and instead of a balustrade 
at the open top, a solid plastered substitute will save 
some money. 

Arches between rooms offer interesting possibilities. 
Here, again plaster costs a little less than millwork, but 
the choice will be determined more by appropriateness 
than by price. With a graceful wooden arch, however, a 
bookcase, on either side can be nicely incorporated into 
the design, or perhaps a writing desk on one side. 

Built-in Bookcases are usually very satisfactory, for they 
are part of the interior design. Bookcases that go particu- 
larly well in one house may neither fit nor harmonize in 
another. The tasteful choice of a mantlepiece can add 
much to the living room and sometimes an especially 
homelike effect can be obtained by having bookcases fill 
out the space on either side of the brickwork. Or perhaps 
a cozy nook seat at one side and a book case at the other. 

In the dining room a china cabinet built across the 
corner or a recessed buffet are real time saving conven- 
iences appreciated by the busy housewife. Corner cabi- 
nets take up less space, if the dining room is not large. They 
should be more than conveniences, however. With de- 
signs chosen to harmonize with the room itself, they will 
add as much to appearance as any other furniture or 

The hreahfast noo\ has become very popular in recent 
years. In some bungalows there is hardly room for it. 
The nook simplifies the work of getting breakfast. It is 
a light and cheery place to start the day, and often a 
cozy httle corner to welcome a good friend in the after- 
noon with a pot of tea on the stove. 

Other Millivor\ Features 

The recessed telephone noo\ with pocket for telephone 
book and a convenient pad and pencil is appreciated by 
those who like privacy in telephoning. Upstairs there is 
the built in linen 
closet with drawers 
and trays below and 
shelves above; also 
wardrobe cabinets 
built in with taste- 
fully attractive doors 
save space and beau- 
tify the rooms. The 
lady of the house may 
appreciate a built-in 
dressing table with 
adjustable side mir- 
rors and drawers, or 
a wardrobe cabinet 
on either side. 

Red cedar-lined 
closets proof against 
moths will save 
their cost in undam- 
aged clothing in a 
few years. 

Built-in furniture 
makes a house more 
attractive and easier 
to rent or sell when 

This towel cabinet is a great convenience 

in the bathroom when there is sufficient 

space available. 


-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 

Illustration used tlirongh the courtesy of the Domestic Science Division of the McDoiigall Company, Franhfortjiid, 

For Easier Housework 

MOST men, appreciating the shorter working day 
of modern times, want to give their wives 
shorter hours, too. They note the great multi- 
tude of time and work saving conveniences that have been 
introduced into business and industry. In point of dollars 
and cents home making may not be the largest business 
on earth, or the greatest industry, but to home-loving 
men it is the most important. 

The kitchen is perhaps the busiest department of the 
home, and the kitchen cabinet the greatest time saver. 
With the sink at the right height and large enough, with 
a window over it if possible, an electric light above, and a 
comfortable stool to sit on, any woman can accomplish 
much with little effort. 

The old fashioned way of keeping the ironing board 
behind the door where it often falls over is fast passing 
out. The wall cabinet with an ironing board hinged 
into it is the modern way. And there is wall room 
for a convenient broom closet. Some like to have one 
upstairs, too. 

A package receiver, built near the back door keeps 
muddy feet out of the kitchen; it keeps out those who 

might be light fingered; it keeps the mornings milk from 
freezing in cold weather, and at all 
times safe from a clever dog or cat. It '^' '-"' . ol- 

is well worth considering. ; ^^-| 

For Bathroom, Too 

In the bathroom, beside the hand- 
some mirror-doored medicine closet, 
a towel cabinet enameled to match 
the rest of the bathroom might be 
built into an otherwise unused cor- 
ner. This would be a chest of drawers 
to hold clean towels, wash cloths, 
toilet paper, a shoe shining kit and 
anything else that is used nowhere 
else but in the bathroom. 

Modern millwork and electrical 
appliances have taken most of the 
drudgery out of home making. 

Whatever type of home you build, 
you can select all the appropriate 
millwork from our full line. 



The Roof that Covers You 

WITH the wide choice of materials we carry, 
you can select the kind of a roof that suits both 
your taste and your purse. Whether you want 
a roof of one solid color or 
in variegated colors, you can 
have it in wooden cedar 
shingles, composition, slate 
or asbestos according to what 
you can afford. 

The composition shingles 
cost the least, and their great 
popularity proves them very 
satisfactory. They are called 
jiresafe because sparks from 
the chimney cannot ignite 
them. Fire insurance rates on 
composition shingled homes 
are generally lower than for 
wood shingled homes. 

Cedar shingles cost more 
but generally last much 
longer than composition. 
They give a triple covering 
of shingle everywhere on the 
roof, which means additional 
protection and better insu- 
lation. Some builders are 

partial to the thatched effect to be had with wooden 
shingles. If you and your next-door neighbors use oil 
heaters there is practically no danger from chimney 
sparks. Wooden shingles will continue to be a favorite 

among home owners. They should last thirty years or 
more and the next generation can choose its own shingles. 
A tile roof goes especially well with most Spanish or 
Itahan homes and is suitable 
as well for some English types 
and California Mission 
bungalows. Slate and as- 
bestos shingles now come 
in almost any desired colors. 
Many home builders, 
descended from European or 
Colonial stock, follow the 
example of their ancestors 
and build for permanence. 
They choose roofings that 
are both permanent and fire- 
proof, — slate, tile, or as- 

Roof Lines 

Sometimes it seems desire- 
able to alter the design of a 
house already planned, to 
build it wider for a larger 
living room, or to build the 
walls higher for the sake of 
larger rooms upstairs. To 
change the proportions or the roof lines even in a slight 
degree may spoil the whole design. If something must 
be done, let an architect revise the plan. 

The B. F. Xclson Mfg. Co. 

First Impressions 

Y\7'HEN friends come to call on you their first impres- 
^ V sion is of the delightful new house you have built. 
But as they come up your walk, the entrance takes up 
most of their view. Is it just an ordinary entryway? Or 
does it have an inviting charm about it that seems to 

bid them welcome? 

Does it harmonise 
with the architectural 
design of the house 
itself? An English or 
an Italian door might 
have an arched top, a 
small cross barred win- 
dow, and long hinges 
and other wrought 
iron fittings. 

The Spanish door 
might be set in a deep 
arched recess with a 
wrought iron lantern 

outside to relieve the monotony of solid masonry. The 
Colonial home would have a rectangular door with its 
old fashioned knocker and a bench on either side. An- 
other might have a slender pillared portico, or a wide low 
gable over the entrance, while a home of gabled English 
design might have a steep gabled entrance. Whether one 
has been away from home for a day^s work or a month's 
vacation the inviting entryway adds just that much 
more pleasure to returning home again. 

Both Summer and V^inter 

The color of your house should harmonize with its sur- 
roundings at all seasons of the year. Some white Colonial 
or stucco homes look almost blank in winter time. 
Evergreens around the entrance and placed elsewhere in 
the yard will sometimes add the needed touch. Brick 
trim around doorway and windows relieves the blank- 
ness in stucco homes. A strong color in the roof may 
solve the problem, however heavy green on a bungalow 
roof may be too close to the ground for a good effect. 



-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES =^ 

Easy on the Coal Pile 


An airplane ride over the city after a light snow 
/■A reveals an interesting condition. Most of the 
^ -*- roofs are bare except for a white trimming of 
snow on the eaves. Heat has escaped through the 
roofs to melt the snow, except over the unheated eaves. 
Those houses are wasting heat through walls as well as 
roof. Here and there you will see houses completely snow 
covered, some of which may be vacant and unheated but 
more of which, especially in the newer districts 
probably insulated. 

The two homes shown here were built on exactly the 
same plan, and by the same contractor. The house at the 
left is insulated 
with one of the good 
brands of insulating 
material while the 
other is uninsu- 
lated. The owners 
compared fuel bills 
at the end of the first 
year. The insulated 
house not only cost 
$30 less to heat, but 
because of the insu- 
lation $29 was saved 
by installing a 
smaller heating 

The $30 annua 
fuel savings will pay the cost of the insulation in a very 
few years and then make mortgage payments just that 
much easier to meet. 

Moreover, the insulated home will always be less 
drafty and more comfortable, easier to heat, and with ap- 
preciably less ashes to carry out. It will be a more whole- 
some place for children who frequently play on the floors, 
and there may be a considerable saving in doctor bills 
because of insulation. In summer the house will be cooler 
throughout ; on the hottest nights the bedrooms will be 
cooler and more conducive to restful sleep. The attic, 
under the insulated room will not become like a bake 
oven as so many attics do. 

In figuring on a smaller heating plant because of insu- 
lation, it is well to consider whether you may later add a 
heated sun porch, or a sleeping porch too, or perhaps fit 
up an extra room or two on the top floor, each needing a 
radiator. As children grow older they need more room to 
play, or dad and his friends may want a recreation room 
in attic or basement for cards or perhaps a pool table. 
Mother may want a private retreat high up to catch any 
breeze that blows. 

There are many good makes of heating plants and some 
are so designed that they can be enlarged when new 
rooms are added and radiators needed. 

For ^ueter Homes 

Insulation serves still another purpose. There has been a 
tremendous increase in automobile traffic since the war, 
and other noisy advances in this machine age. 

Wall insulation keeps most of this roar from entering 
the house. 


Insulation can be used also to deaden sounds inside 
the house. 

Used in interior walls, ceilings and floors it will 
silence many noises, — the shaking of the furnace or the 
roar of the oil heater, the sounds from the bathroom, the 
racket from the children's play room, or even music at 

times when others 
want quiet. 

Desirable as it is, 
interior insulation 
is not absolutely 
essential. If you are 
studying ways to 
economi2;e and bring 
down the cost of 
your new house, 
you can save a little 
here, perhaps insu- 
lating only the bath- 
room. Another saving can be made by having 
the insulation laid under the attic floor instead of 
in the roof where it will take much less material 
and work of installation. Then if a children's 
play room is to be fitted up later in the attic, the 
roof can be insulated and the floor will be all 
ready to silence their noisy romping. 

But for the sa\e of economy the house should he 

insulated when it is huilt, as walls cannot be 

readily insulated afterward. 

The insulated house is more comfortable and easier to 

pay for. Our Building Service man can tell you about the 

individual merits of the best kinds of insulation. 

V/eather Stripping Too 

If you smoke, you can easily make an interesting test. On 
a windy day light up and go to the windward side of the 
house where you now live. Blow smoke slowly around the 
windows. If they are not weather stripped you will see 
the smoke blow sharply inward as soon as it comes to 
the edges. Test the sill, and the crack between upper and 
lower sash. 

In the same manner test out the doors. If they happen 
to be on the leaward side and not weather stripped, the 
smoke will be sucked out. The greatest leakages are often 
found at top or bottom. 

Even in winter when storm sash and doors are on, this 
form of heat leakage goes on just the same. 

Weather strips on all doors and windows will also 
save more than their cost in fuel before the house is all 
paid for, and thus make the mortgage burden a little 
easier to lift. 

Weather stripping has still another advantage. It costs 
money to have window curtains laundered, and weather 
strips keep dust from sifting in around the windows and 
soiling them. Besides, with less washing, the life of the 
curtains is lengthened, — a still further saving of money. 

Both insulation and weather strips are easy on the 
coal pile. They will save their cost in a very few years 
and pay dividends forever after. They should be built 
into every new home. 

-^l? 9 c^- 





Good Plans Will Save You Money 


In the Building Operations 

A MAN once tried to save a half'doUar by not buy- 
ing a road map for a long automobile trip. The 
time he lost, the extra gasoline he burned, and 
the price of night's lodging and meals in a small town cost 
him many times the price of the map. 

To build a house without a complete set of working 
plans is the same kind of false economy. A complete set 
of architect's blueprints in duplicate for any house in this 
book costs only $20.00, and in triplicate only $25.00. If 
plans are not complete to start with, extras and changes 
become necessary. Lumber, plumbing and other mate- 
rials may be wasted, to say nothing of many hours of 
workmen's time. But that is not all. Without definite 
plans and specifications at the outset, there is too much 
chance for faulty construction, also a chance for serious 
misunderstanding between the builder of the home and 
his contractor. 

In the Finished House 

The finished house should combine many important ele- 
ments: beauty of design, an attractive interior, economy 
of space, low cost of upkeep, and all possible convenience 
and living comfort. 

Often, of course, one element must sacrifice something 
to another, but an architect has had many years of study 
and training in the art of combining all these features to 
get the best results. 

If the house is not right when finished, it isn't as desir- 
able to live in, and the owner will tire of its general ap- 
pearance when the newness wears off. It may not be 
comfortable, or its poor arrangement may make house- 
keeping unduly hard. A business opportunity may call 
the owner to another city. Ill health in the family may 
call for a different climate. Some other unforseen emer- 
gency may cause the family to move out. If the house is 

not planned right, it may be extremely hard to rent or 
sell, and it will probably bring several hundred dollars 
less than it should, all for the lack of a set of architect's 

Changes Can Be Made 

You may not find just the right house for your lot in this 
book. If the sunroom would be on the north side, or some 
other feature misplaced, the plans can be reversed. If the 
house of your favorite design is finished in stucco and 
you prefer wood siding or brick veneer, that can easily be 

A change in the shape of the house such as making it 
narrower to fit the lot or changing the pitch of the roof 
might spoil the whole design; it should not be attempted. 
A different plan should be selected. 

Some minor alterations can be made by the contractor, 
such as changing a non bearing partition or the position 
of a door, but these should be made on the blueprint 
before building operations begin. 

Beside the hundred plans in this book we have still 
other plans to offer. After selecting your 
plan, we invite you to consult our build- 
ing service department. Being intimately 
acquainted with home building problems 
we can give you many practical and help- 
ful suggestions. We can talk over the 
various materials that you 
will want to know more 
about before you go ahead. 

SIX ROOMS, 36 X 25 FT. 


A BRICK veneer English Colonial House with an 
excellent floor plan and no waste space. No frills 
or other expensive features, yet with every conven- 
ience imaginable and the exterior is one that will out- 
last many of the more "freakish" houses that are now 
being built everywhere; it is patterned after our early 
Colonial style and it is even now very popular indeed. 
Be sure to finish the interior in the same treatment 
— Colonial. There is an opportunity — for the plans 

call for a fireplace in keeping with the exterior, and a 
Colonial stairway in the center hail. 

The outstanding features of the plan itself is the 
well lighted large living room, a convenient vestibule 
with closet, center hallway, lavatory on the first floor, 
an enclosed back porch heated if desired, outside en- 
trance to basement, and an exceptionally large master's 
room with alcove and toilet. Note too the linen closet 
and cedar closet a few steps down on the landing 
between first and second floors. 

--^ 10 J^- 

niny \vm' puji- 

-^-^ 11 c/^- 

-*^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 



nPHE exterior of this home, with its brick veneer 
-■- finish and low sweeping gables, has an atmosphere 
of sturdiness that will wear well. Allowing for a side 
drive, the frontage should be sixty feet. With a rear 
entrance to garage, the house could be built on a fifty 
foot lot. The vestibule entrance has a generous coat 
closet. The living room, with double Hght exposure, 

and a friendly fireplace, lends a homelike atmosphere. 
The sun room is always a place to enjoy a good book, 
music or radio. The kitchen has access from both living 
room and dining room. The dining nook, too, saves the 
housewife many steps. The kitchen is conveniently 
arranged, light and attractive. The three bedrooms 
have ample closet space and cross ventilation. 




— -^ 12 ./^- 





WT^ cannot visualise anything that could be added 
'^^ or deducted from the Washington to improve 
it; this Colonial design is perfect. The dignified en- 
trance, large front door, wide windows with shutters, 
low roof lines, all combine to make a truly American 
Colonial picture. The lot should be 50 feet. 

The first floor has the usual large center hall, 
with a wide stairway, a coat closet and arched 

openings to rooms on either side. The toilet on 
first floor is an added convenience. The second floor has 
a large bath room with separate shower compartment. 
The bed rooms are large, with roomy closets and cross 
ventilation. The small center room at front is useful for 
many purposes. The house must be white; use a green 
shutter and dark green roof, plant blooming shrubbery 
and your picture is complete. 

!0-0"l lS-4' 

SO'i 10' 0';: 




-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES e/^ 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 



THERE is nothing in the design of a frame house 
that can be of better exterior proportions than 
those of this house. The tall massive chimney balanced 
by the gabled entrance and the open side porch give 
this house a charm that holds you day after day. Some 
homes look good on first appearance, but they do not 
wear. The Alden will be in good taste always. 

The interior embodies many practical ideas, hence 
first there is a vestibule, coat closet and toilet on the 
first floor. An open stairway, easy access to the kitchen 

from hall, and a conveniently located side entrance 
are other desirable features. Everyone likes the prac 
ticality of the nook for breakfast and luncheon. The sec 
ond floor has three bed rooms with an extra room for the 
maid or for a sewing room. If an attic stairway is desir' 
ed, we recommend that it take the place of the closet off 
the sewing room. The most appropriate color scheme is 
silvergrey shingles and white trim. Keep your shingles 
a hght straw color, rather than green, as there is 
too much roof exposed for this latter color. 

-.'.Oct.- ■ 1Tf•l,^a■ 

I ivut-ir.- 




fl 15? 'flOOL' ?IA;\- 

^^ 14 

5rj:o.;t?' no op.' u-kA' 



THIS square type brick veneer house is very attrac- 
tive indeed. Consider the possible color scheme 
of a light terra cotta brick, brown shingles and blinds 
of apple green, colorful ironwork, and possibly white 
Bedford stone around the doorway and for window 
sills. Square unbroken walls make for economy in 
both labor and materials in building, consequently the 
builder gets more for his money. There will be plenty 
of room for the davenport, piano, radio, desk, tables 

and comfortable overstuffed chairs and these without 

Large kitchens aren't required nowadays when all 
articles are conveniently arranged in cabinets within 
easy reach, and there is ample cabinet space in this 
one — and a breakfast nook too. The interior is well 
planned, for there is no waste space anywhere. The 
house was planned for a family of large size for there 
arefour bedrooms provided, each with cross ventilation. 


UnA3 ■ fL03^?Lil^ 




O F 

100 HOMES 




THE house shown here has that happy look of pef 
fection, both as to balance and details of construc- 
tion, that is seldom carried out to better effect. The 
brick quoins at the corners, stucco walls, brick en- 
trance, combine to make perfect harmony. The second 
floor, with its low dormer at the front, graceful steel 
sash, shuttered window^ and white shingled exterior 
completes the picture. 

Variegated colors on the shingles do not particularly 
add to the design, — -these can just as well bfe in one 

The interior rooms have a pleasing arrangement. 
The sun room can be all in one, or divided as shown. 
The stairway, with windows at the landing make a 
pleasing effect in the hall. The second floor has three 
bed rooms, well lighted. The hall is small, but has 
doors to every room. With the proper setting and 
shrubbery planting such a house will be a lasting satis- 
faction to the owner. 



IN England many of these half timbered homes have 
stood for centuries. They have a quiet peaceful air of 
permanency, combined with 
a warm homelike atmosphere 
that is always borne out by 
the big open fireplace in the 
living room. When the lower 
story is of brick or brick 
veneer the warmth and per- 
manency are both accentuated. 
While a deep wide shady lot 
makes an ideal setting, the 
house is very well adapted to 
the narrower city lot. 

The housewife will appreci- 
ate the downstairs toilet where 
a man can clean up after tin- 
kering with his car without 
tracking into the kitchen or 
through the rest of the house. 
She will like the convenient 
breakfast nook with its out- 
look on the garden and be at- 
tracted by the entertainment 
possibilities of the ample din- 
ing room and bright and airy 
hving room. The cedar closet on 

the second floor and the third floor space where a maid's 
room might be finished are other desirable features. 

2.6 0- 




--^ 17 c/>- 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 



' I 'HIS house is well adapted to either a suburban 
-L landscape, or to a large city lot. The bold lines of 
the gabled roof, the chimney and the gabled entrance 
are very suitable. Wide siding gives the desired long 
horizontal lines. Shutters add dignity to the exterior. 
Designs of this type should be followed closely in con' 

struction as a change might be fatal. The first floor has 
four large and convenient rooms, one of them being 
an exceptionally well lighted sun parlor. The second 
floor has three bed rooms, well lighted, and each with 
a closet of good size. Note also the large closet off 
the bathroom, and one for linen off the hall. 


' H A 1. 1 Mr K*f • 

-^^ 18 J^- 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/> 



THE advantage of turning the wide side to the 
front is clearly shown here. The house is really 
not large, but with this front, it appears larger. The 
timbered second story, built out flush with the brick' 
work is very effective. The roof exposure is too prom' 
inent for treatment in solid green or red. Mixed 

shades from straw to 
brown with a few au' 
tumn reds will give good 
contrast. The timber 

work should be brown, the stucco cream and the brick' 
work brown. 

The interior has some very desirable features, — -a 
combination stairway and a first floor toilet. Each of the 
three bed rooms has cross ventilation. The hall has a 
stairway with access to the attic. The home should 

meet the approval of any 
one who desires an exterior 
and interior, well designed, 
at a modest cost. 

--^ 19 ^J^- 




WHAT a truly homelike place this is in all its 
quiet dignity! How well proportioned and 
balanced ! Through the reigns of the Tudor Kings of 
England and Queen Elizabeth this half timbered style 
of architecture was developed to perfection. In build' 

ing your home on this plan, with enduring brick and 

strong sound timbers, you are building for future gen' 

erations and still at moderate cost. 

A beamed ceiling would be appropriate for the 

living room and the red brick fireplace will lend a 
cheery warmth to the room even 
when there is no fire. 

Built in olden style this home 
has all the desired modern com' 
forts and conveniences the house' 
wife appreciates. She will like the 

yioo X 1010" unobtrusive stairway and the 

convenient arrangement upstairs 
where each bedroom has win' 
dows on two sides. The dining 
alcove will save her many steps. 
For the man who loves to tinker 
with his car or work in the gar' 
den the convenient rear lavatory 
will save tracking through the 

The dining room and large 
living room afford plenty of space 
for entertaining guests. 

- -Z90:;— 

-^*^ 20 c/^- 




FOR a family with several children nothing could 
excel the arrangement in this place. The plan in' 
eludes all of the desirable features. The lavatory on 
the first floor is accessible from the rear, saving many 
steps through the house. The breakfast room and 
music room are appreciated by all the family. The 
stairway in the center of the house with its door to 
kitchen and dining room, gives privacy if a maid is kept. 

On the second floor we have three bed rooms of good 
size. Closets and attic provide liberal storage space. 

The siding painted white gives a real home atmos- 
phere that makes the Barrister a credit to any neigh- 

The sun room should preferably face the south or 
west. The lot should be at least fifty feet wide. A 
private hedge at lot Hnes would be appropriate. 


--^ 21 <J^- 





THE English trend is well illustrated and handled 
in this exterior, but the color of the brick should 
be reddish, and the trim, and wide siding in the 
gables, an autumn brown to carry out the idea. There 
is a double advantage in the "Chapel" front entrance 
and vestibule — distinction and protection from the 
weather. Most modern in its architectural beauty, the 
Grimsby has a pronounced individuality, yet its floor 

plan is decidedly practical and efficient. A cheerful 
living room of good size includes a fire place which is 
designed to be "English" in character. A "Children's 
Nook" off the dining room is a feature of this plan, too, 
which will be an excellent place for the young members 
of the family to study. 

A library is provided, whose entrance may be from 
the center hall, as shown in the plan, or the plan may 
be slightly changed when 
building to make the en' 
trance through French doors 
from the living room, depend' 
ing upon what use is to be 
made of this room by the 
owner. And what an ideal 
kitchen — with its row of built 
in cabinets over and around 
the kitchen sink. 

The owner of this house 
too will be proud of the second 
floor arrangement which in' 
eludes three bedrooms, and 
an extra large amount of closet 





BALANCE, proportion and pleasing design character' 
ize this English type brick veneer house. It is of a 
design very popular in the newer sections, and will be 
in good taste for many years to come. Picture it if you can 
in its natural colors and setting, with the dark red brick, 
brown trim and gable with a roof of variegated colors. 

And what a practical and distinctive floor plan we 
have — a living room 13'xl8' in si2;e with its characteristic 
English fireplace. There is a fine large coat closet off the 
vestibule and a toilet on the first floor. We have labelled 
the extra room on the first floor a sun room, but this may 
be a library, a music room, a den or a bed room, as best 
suits your needs. The hallway is convenient to all rooms. 

The second floor has two very large bedrooms, and one 
smaller. A large storage closet is planned which may be 
lined with cedar and a linen closet is also included. 

Here is a design to which a great deal of thought and 
study has been given and we can highly recommend it. 

-"^ 23 '^- 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 

^**^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES <J^ 

SIX ROOMS, 32 X 25 FT. 


' I 'HE quaint old English characteristics of construe 
J- tion are plainly visible in this design; the sloping 
roof lines and peaks are very apparent, and the half 
timbered effect under the gable are reminiscent of the 
Elizabethan period. The house is not large, being 32' 
wide by 25' deep, over all, and should be quite reason- 
ably built. The cost will depend largely on whether 
expensive materials are used; but if simple materials 
are chosen it will make an excellent home at not too 
great a cost. 

The interior plan resembles somewhat the colonial 
design for it has the central hall way, with the hving 
room opening off to the left, the dining room to the 
right, and the enclosed stairway to the back. The 
living room is large being 13' x 24' in size, which affords 
plenty of room for furniture and for entertainment. A 
breakfast nook could be added to the rear with access 
from kitchen. The second floor shows three large 
bedrooms well provided with windows and closets. 





"^HE Colonial house will always remain as an architec- 
tural combination that never will be out of style. The 
secret of its charm is simplicity. The house seems always to 
express the character of the owner, people who dominate in 
hospitality and good cheer. 

The construction of this type of home is such that every 
dollar spent expresses some useful purpose. The center hall, 
vestibule entrance, open stairway, give dignity to the entire 
house. The rear clothes closet could if desired be converted 
into a toilet room. Many variations of this layout are 
possible, but primarily they would be built around this plan. 
The sun parlor at the rear can be left off if it is desired to 
save a little expense. 

The second floor has four large bed rooms, large closets and 
a stairway to attic. As an added feature we have a dust 
porch off the stair landing. This house should always be 
built low on the ground, as shown in this illustration. 

■^^^ 25 c/^- 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 



THE modern bold lines of detail and roof and the 
absence of ornate features make a striking appear- 
ance that will always be in good taste. The exterior is 
very similar to the Woodside; however the house is 
larger and different in layout; The vestibule and hall, 
the coat closet, open stair way and French door to 

living room give a good entrance to the house. The 
living room is exceptionally well planned with its 
inside fireplace, large bay window and side porch. 
The kitchen has direct access to the basement and 
side grade entrance. The second floor has two large, 
well ventilated bed rooms and one smaller bed room. 






--^ 26 c/^- 


THE stucco and timbered house we have shown, with 
its sharp cut lines and well balanced front, is a good 
example of modern American house construction. Its lines 
and exterior appearance are adaptations from the early 
English characteristics; the half timber and stucco finishing 
and the gables are truly representative of an age long since 
passed. The gabled entrance, with chimney on opposite side 
makes a balance that is finished by the pleasing arrangement 
of the windows. This type of house should be placed low 
to the ground. 

The entry into a spacious vestibule with large closet is 
desirable. The reception hall, because of sufficient space, 
may be furnished as an additional music room or den. The 
combination stairway is compact and convenient. The dining 
room is well lighted and large, readily adaptable to modern 
or antique furniture. 

The second floor has three bed rooms, and a sewing room 
useful for many other purposes. Each room has cross venti' 
lation and large closet space. 

The exterior wood trim should be brown, sash white, 
with a mixed colored shingle on roof, generally of a brown 
color. If you have a desire for something of a permanent 
style and character in your home, we can thoroughly recom' 
mend this plan. 

--^-^ 27 c/^ 



^^ THE 


100 HOMES 


■ .^^ w » - 

-^ THE BOOK OF 10 HOMES c/^ 



SOME architectural styles are like fundamental 
truths and natural laws, centuries old, yet always 
finding new and modern expression. The fine old 
half-timbered house of Elizabethan days is still in style. 

If it pleases your eye, build one for yourself. Build it 
with siding of wood or of brick, as you like, but build 
it solid and structurally sound, for the sake of your 
children and great grandchildren. 

Here is a good English plan to 
follow if your family numbers 
three or four. The big well lighted 
living room with its cheery open 
fireplace invites family and friends 
to gather there. The breakfast 
nook overlooking the garden saves 
many steps for the housewife. In 
the afternoon with a pot of tea 
on the stove it makes a cozy place 
for a friendly chat with a neigh' 
bor. She will delight in such a 
home. The back door and the 
vegetable room in the cellar are 
handy to the kitchen. The bed- 
rooms, light and well ventilated, 
have three windows apiece, and 
the master's bedroom, two good 
closets. The square compactness 
of the house makes for easy house- 
work and economy of upkeep. 




THIS square stucco house is very attractive — it 
slightly imitates the Italian. Consider the possible 
color scheme of a subdued red tile roof, with cream 
color stucco, white trimmings, apple green shutters, 
colorful awnings and brick to match 
the tile roof — this will give a beautiful 
color harmony. 

But to recommend this house, the 
floor plan speaks for itself. It is very 
complete, for as is mentioned above, 
there is a sun room off the dining room, 
and a nook for serving breakfast. The 
two arched openings, one between the 
living room and dining room, the other 
between the dining room and sun room, 
both in line give a real air of roominess. 

The plan shows a side grade entry 
to the cellar and kitchen and a rear 
entrance by way of a back porch. To 
make the plan more complete, there is 
an extra room on the second floor which 
can be used either as a sewing room or 
a den. Three bedrooms are included, 
each one with closets of good size. In 

case more storage space is required, a disappearing 
stairway can be installed in the hall, so that some 
things may be kept in the attic. A rear upstairs porch 
will be found very convenient, too. 

-^-^ 28 c/^- 

-^^ 29 c/^- 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c^^^ 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/f^ 




^HIS brick veneer house, with 

its second story finished in frame 

and Dutch cob' 

nial lines, makes 

a sturdy well balanced house, with a substantial char' 
acter that can never be out of style. The exterior com' 
bines brick and shingles in an interesting way. 

A handy coat closet is seen in the vestibule, at the 
right. The large living room ex' 
tends across the front; opposite 
the plastered archway from the 
reception hall you will notice an 
excellent fireplace. The dining 
room just back of the living room 
is exceptionally well lighted, 
with two pairs of windows. 
There is plenty of cupboard space 
in the conveniently planned 
kitchen. Note the side grade 
entry to kitchen and cellar, and 
the porch at the rear. 

The second floor has four 
chambers. Even if all these rooms 
are not used as bed rooms, an ex' 
tra room is often needed for other 
purposes. A den or study for the 
head of the house is quite ad' 

The lot should be 40 feet wide 
if a side drive is desired. 




T^HIS is a very popular type of home, a fine example of the 
J- low sweeping gables as applied to a two story house. The 
entrance is balanced by a sun room at the opposite side, the 
windows in between giving a pleasing effect. The shingled 
exterior is the best material to use where frame walls are desired, 
otherwise brick veneer should be used. 

We have an interior arrangement that will meet with the 
approval of every family. The reception hall can be divided at 
the front door to give a vestibule if desired, without being 
detrimental to the si2;e of the hall. The breakfast room is located 
between the kitchen and dining room; it has ample space for 
furniture and in addition a built'in china cabinet. The second 
floor has three bedrooms, well ventilated and a large bathroom. 
If attic stairs are wanted they would have to enter from bed- 
room at front. 

The Woodstock has the same floor plan, but a different 

-^•^ 31 <J^- 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 



MANY home designs are being chosen for 
their entertainment possibilities especially 
by families having growing sons and daughters. 
The large living room, with its fireplace and its 
unusual tall casement windows make the house 
most inviting. The room will accommodate 
several card tables without crowding. With a 
hardwood floor and a radio it will be a fine place 
for the young folks to dance. 

The reception hallway at the front entrance 
connects directly with living room, kitchen, 
basement, or second floor. The two windows in 
the breakfast room just off the kitchen make 
the nook a cheery place to start the day. 

Upstairs the large moth'free cedar lined closet, 
the large and sunny bed rooms, and the bath 
with its long five-foot tub are the most attractive 

-TlliST n,00il PUK- 

--^ 32 c/^- 




An excellent plan, well planned, practical and one 
-^^ well worth considering. This design takes a little 
wider lot than usual, unless you build on a corner and 
face the house the other w^ay. It is a plain type but the 
sunparlor on the side helps to take away the square 
effect. It is a clean cut home of American style that 
can be built at a reasonable cost. The attractive hood- 
ed entrance with sidelights gives the house a touch 

of curved lines to break the monotony of the straight; 
while window boxes will furnish opportunity for 

The long living room and sunparlor are separated by 
French doors with a cased opening. The kitchen is 
a great step saver. The refrigerator is placed in the 
hallway leading to the basement and the grade en' 
trance. Upstairs are three bedrooms with good closets. 


-^^^ 33 c/^- 










'T^HIS is a popular type of house, somewhat similar in plan to the Ashton and 
-L Hartshorne. The living room is large and has a fireplace arranged opposite 
the opening to the dining room, quite a desirable feature. The sun room will find 
many uses in a home, and may be used as a bed room when necessary. The second 
floor has three large bed rooms and a convenient bath room. 



THIS plan is typical of the modern trend of architecture, the English type of 
gables and roof being the greatest influence.The brick veneer should be a rough 
textured material, browns to reds in color, white mortar joists; the roof a light 
brown, wood trim white and front door grayish green. 

The interior presents a convenient relation of rooms ; the fireplace and open 
stairway are attractive features of the living room. The second floor has three 
well ventilated bed rooms, a bath room and plenty of closet space. 

^^^ 34 <^ 

^^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES .^ 

-^ 35 c/f^- 


THE bold lines of the 
roof, entrance and 
chimney gives this house 
a distinctive look that 
will fit in with a group 
of many styles of homes 
and not be lost. 

In the floor layout the 
large living room, with 
its sun room and open 
stairway, forms a pleas' 
ing and livable combina' 
tion. The dining room 
and kitchen are large 
and roomy and the side 
entrance to kitchen and 
basement are an ideal 

The second floor has 
three commodious bed 
rooms, with large closets, 
and each bed room has 
cross ventilation. The 
bath room is large and 
well lighted. This home 
should have a silver gray 
shingle on sides, or a 
very light brown, roof 
of dark brown — avoid 
green; white trim and 
cream colored shades. 




THE square type of home shown in this illustration 
is the most economical house to build, per cubic 
foot of cost. There are no lost corners, the roof lines are 
simple and the entrance is modest. The interior has on 
the ground floor four large rooms, one of which may be 
a library or bed room. The chimney is located so that 
the kitchen stove may be connected to it. The two 
large connected rooms at the front of the house are 
very attractive. The stairway hall is exceptionally 

well placed, giving access to all rooms, as well as to 
exterior and basement. The second floor has four bed 
rooms, large and well ventilated with windows on the 
sides; there is sufficient wall space for various arrange' 
ments of bed room furniture. The central hall is very 
attractive, with its open stairway and access to all 

Such a home will find a useful purpose for a large 
family, where economy is essential. 

:o 3 1 v.y 

L ' 



^ .... En 


--^ 36 c^- 

^^^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES <J^ 




WHEN you drive by this house you will turn 
around and look again, for the low gable with 
sweep over sun room, the porch with high backed 
seats, the clean cut lines are so distinctive. 

The unusual arrangement of living room and sun 
room gives a large commodious living quarters. The 

stairway is so located it may be reached from the rear 
without going through the house. The corner fire'place 
opposite the entrance door makes a pleasing impres- 
sion. The kitchen has plenty of light from two sides. 
The bed rooms are large; the front one will do for 
twin beds. All are well lighted and ventilated. 

•3 ItO JlD'noO?^'?lAjV 

-^^ 37 <^- 



SIX ROOMS 29 X 24 FT. 



Just as it appears from the outside, the 
•^ Colonial home is always one of comfort and 
of beautiful simplicity. This compact style of 
house is economical in every way. It will fit into 
a fifty-foot lot. It is most economical to build, 
and its square design with a low slope to the 
roof makes it easy on thecoalpile. Well insulated 
)t can easily be kept warm and draftless all win- 
ter, and cool throughout the summer's heat. 

The living room, with windows on three 
sides takes up half the room space down- 

The dining room and kitchen have the usual 
conveniences and the three bed rooms each have 
windows on two sides for good ventilation. 

The side porch, which makes a convenient 
landing place from the car, may be screened or 
glared if desirable. 

•f 1 iH-fLyjL-nA;i 

-^^ 38 c/^- 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES e/^ 



HERE we have a little gem, just small enough to be 
built with reasonable cost, and large enough to 
keep the interior divided in well proportioned and 
ample rooms. Study the exterior, the simple regular 
lines, the modest entrance, beautiful windows and 
most of all, a large central chimney. We often do not 

realize how a chimney can "make or break" a house. 
At the peak of the roof it belongs, but many times it is 
not possible to put it there. 

The interior speaks for itself. The living and dining 
room at the front, connected by a short passage is very 
unique. The inside fireplace with chimney giving direct 
connection to kitchen with a separate flue is very good. 

The nook is wel- 
come in any home 
and the open 
stairway with di- 
rect connection 
to basement, rear 
yard and kitchen 
is a salient fea- 
ture. The second 
floor has three 
large bed rooms. 
Keep such a 
house white, 
straw colored 
roof, light brown 
shingles and well 
planted shrub- 
bery; it will be 
a gem in any 

-^'^ 39 <J^- 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 

SIX ROOMS, 24 X 28 FT. 



'HE square house must always be considered one of 
the most economical types to build. The advan' 

tages of heating are easily understood. 

This plan has a large front porch, ves- 

tibule at entrance, with a large living room. The 
kitchen has a rear porch; this could be a breakfast 
nook if desired. An extra room or two may be gained 
on the third floor. The house has the best appear- 
ance with shingles for second 
story of light brown color, a 
cream colored siding and a dark 
brown roof. Avoid a green roof. 

The Portland will make an 
excellent home for the rural 
districts, for the town, or for 
the city. It will always be in 
good demand, and readily sal' 
able in case of necessity. 




-^-^ 40 ^^- 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 



A LARGE family means a great deal of work for the 
home maker and considerable expense. So the 
architect planned this compact house for easy house- 
work, and for economy both in building and upkeep, 
as well as for comfort and ample room. The four bed- 
rooms are handy to bath and linen closet. The arrange- 
ment downstairs, especially in the kitchen, is very 

convenient. The large living room with fireplace has 
room for davenport, bookcases and radio. 

This square type American style of architecture 
will always be good. The house will look well either 
on a large lot or on a small one with a house close 
on either side. Where four bedrooms are required, 
here is a plan we can highly recommend. 

- -t 


-^'^ 41 c/^- 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 

SIX ROOMS, 25 X 27 FT. 



HIS Dutch Colonial is a fine example of what can 
be done with a small house of this type. The sim- 

plicity of the entrance adds dignity to the exterior. 

The large concrete terrace at the front without a rail- 
ing is again in favor of the design. 
This house, with its white paint and 
terraced lawn, will always look up to 
date; it is an economical type to 
build because of its simple, compact, 
rectangular plan. 

The floor plan shows a reception 
hall, with access to the kitchen and 
basement. The large living room has 
a fireplace and arched opening to 
dining room. Wall space has been 
provided for furniture and pictures, 
and several arrangements are pos- 
sible. The housewife will appreciate 
the china and broom closets. The 
second floor is unusual for this type 
of house. The large bed room is well 
adapted to modern twin bed fur- 


-^^^ 42 c/^- 


SIX ROOMS, 32 X 24 FT. 


' I 'HE gabled front on main roof and vestibule, with 
-'■ the dormer window at the valley line of roof, gives 
this house the lines that we call American Colonial. It 
really is an adaptation of the colonial plan. 

The vestibule has a large closet and seat, with 
L gg-fJ- 

hinged top. The central hall gives access to all rooms. 
The kitchen has a broom closet, plenty of windows 
and convenient arrangement of fixtures. The second 
floor has three large bedrooms and ample storage space. 
The elevated lawn gives the house a low appearance 
and adds to the exterior beauty. 

'5uo.-\ 5 < noo t'f lA.v 

-^^ 43 <J^- 


SIX ROOMS. 24 X 24 FT. 


CELDOM do you find a small home of the Dutch 
^ Colonial design that does not seem top heavy or 
out of harmony with the true Hnes for this type of 
house; but this one is really well proportioned for a 

IHl- V.kjV 


house of a dimension of twenty-four by twentyfour 
feet. Though the blue prints call for frame construe 
tion, it could be built of brick veneer for the first story. 
The charm of this type of house is its old and truly 

characteristic design . For 
brick veneer use mortar 
joints and mingled col' 
ors. The side grade door 
makes an entrance to the 
basement from the yard, 
saving many steps 
through the house. 

Interior decorations 
should be in Colonial 
wall papers, stained 
woodwork first floor and 
white enameled on sec- 
ond floor. Avoid all 
rough textures in plaster 
or ornamental plaster 
cornices. The fire place 
laid up with a smooth 
surface brick and a red 
tile hearth is in keeping 

with the charm of this style of architecture. 
A hot air heating plant is quite adaptable 

to the square type of house. 



^^ TH E 



HOMES c/^^ 



-^^ 44 c/^- 

SIX ROOMS, 28 X 22 FT. 


THE low general lines and overhanging eaves of the Dutch 
colonial are carried out in this design. It provides a compact 
plan and is ingenious in the logical placing of rooms in relation to 
each other. We have a center entrance and hall, which is not 
always possible in a relatively small house. The exterior should be 
painted white, the roof sea green or light brown shingles, and 
green blinds. 

The interior has several features not always found in houses 

of this si^e. The ves- 
tibule entrance con- 
tains a clothes closet; 
the living room is well 
hghted and has a fire' 
place; the combina- 
tion stairway leads 
from both kitchen and 
living room. The kit- 
chen has ample cup- 
board space. The sec- 
ond floor has a well 
lighted stairway and 
hall, three bed rooms, 
each with cross ven- 
tilation, and a large 
bath room. Colonial 
period furniture will 
furnish this home 
most attractively. 

-^ 45 c/^ — 

-^ THE BOOK OF 10 HOMES c/^ 



HERE is a small house that surely embodies 
unusual character — small and economical 
to build, but presenting a particularly good 
"front." Its design is accentuated by the pleasing 
roof lines, the silver gray shingles, and a light 
brown roof and white trim. It is just the style 
you see nowadays, yet it is strikingly different. 
With new and modern furniture, colorful drap- 
eries and light window shades, you will surely 
be proud to show it to your friends. 

The center entrance with vestibule leads to 
the living room. There is quite a roomy and 
spacious feeling about this downstairs layout — ■ 
for the dining room, living room and sun room 
are all connected by wide entrance ways. The 
open stairway at the end of the living room gives 
convenient access to the second floor. Here we 
have three bedrooms and a bathroom. 

^^ 46 <J^- 

^^^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES <J^ 




IF we could only show you this attractive Colonial 
semi'bungalow with its appropriate colorings sit- 
uated as it is alongside homes of various designs, you 
would also enthuse over it. Wide siding painted white 
and shutters of a rich green shade make a rich harmony 
of color that is exquisite, 

Seldom do we find a combination of exterior beauty 
and an ideal floor layout that can give us more than 

this plan offers. The colonial roof and dormers, the 
modest entrance, the private side porch, give a dis- 
tinction to this house that is dignified. Such a house 
will live through every style that may come; it has its 
own character that will always stand comparison with 
the newer homes built later in the vicinity. 

And every convenience has been included; it is a 
real gem both in exterior design and interior layout. 

•iJ LL D.'i *! 1 


-^^ 47 c/^- 




SIX ROOMS, 26 X 26 FT, 


THIS dignified house should appeal to the admirer of 
architecturally harmonious houses. A person building a 
home should give very serious consideration to its salability 
or resale value, in case of necessity. The Briargate conforms 
to present day styles or trends in exterior design and interior 
planning, and should be one that could be easily converted 
into cash, should the occasion require. 

The vestibule opens into a large reception hall, from which 
the stairway leads to the second floor. Notice the quite 
unusual arrangement of these stairs. The living room has a 
fireplace, plenty of windows and wall space. The side porch 
is very desirable and serves a useful purpose. The dining 
room is compact; it has a doorway to living room, giving it 
a privacy often desirable. 

The second floor has large bed rooms, well lighted and 

The family living in this well designed house will find 
considerable pride in its ownership. 



FOR those who prefer the modest and retiring type 
of home this English semi'bungalow was designed. 
With three bedrooms upstairs and dining room, break- 
fast nook, large living room and sun room it accommo' 
dates nicely the family of average size. The stairs lead 
directly to the kitchen door to give privacy if a maid 
is kept. 

Unlike the Rowland design, the sun parlor is under 
the main roof making the house more compact and 
easier to heat. The two windows in the breakfast nook 
make it a bright and cheery place to start the day, and 
the fireplace makes the living room cozy for an evening 
at home with friends. A house both attractive and 
comfortable to live in. 


-^^^ 48 <J^- 

-^^ 49 c/^' 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 

SIX ROOMS, 28 X 28 FT. 


FOR a bungalow with the pleasing lines of the 
Colonial type, we have in this house a little gem. 
It has the real look of a home, where folks live who are 
active in their community life and enjoy their suf 
roundings. We have an interesting layout of the 
rooms in this house. The entrance has a vestibule, 

very desirable in the colder climates. The living 
room has a fireplace with an open book shelf. The 
connecting sun room is really the dining room, cheef 
fully lighted with six windows. The bed room and 
toilet on the first floor will be appreciated in many 
households. The kitchen arrangement, with closet and 

■HKjV ■ 

place for ice box, is very convenient. 

The second floor has two bed rooms and a bath 
room, and ample closet and storage space. 

^^^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 



T^HE English Colonial lines are well typified in this 
J- design. The wide shingles, narrow cornices and 
bold entrance are essential in this style of house. The 
exterior colors should be white, with gray trim, brown 
brick chimney and a light brown roof. Draperies should 
be colorful, window shades of ochre color. 

The interior arrangement gives a large living room 
and dining room across the front. The music room can 

be used as a Hbrary or bed room. The hall, with door 
to kitchen is very convenient. The closet at grade 
landing can be a wash room, if the local restrictions 
are not contrary. The second floor has three bed rooms, 
large closets, a roomy bath room and well laid out hall. 
The entire house will be always up to date as it is a 
true example of domestic American architecture, and a 
type which is rapidly increasing in favor. 

'^f-CO/r-FLFO^; PlAA- 


-^^ 51 c^- 


SIX ROOMS, 26 X 26 FT. 6 IN. 


HERE is a design that should interest those that 
want an English type home that is not considered 
freakish. It is pleasing to the eye, and your liking for 
this design will not diminish. There is an artistic 
effect gained with the peaks in the roof and over the 
entrance. The span of four windows gives nice 
balance, and the dormer windows above complete the 

"cottagy" appearance which is very effective. 
There is quite a different arrangement of the stairs 
in this plan. They ascend directly from the outside 
doorway, with a nice balustrade showing from the 
living room. There is a side grade entry, and a coat 
closet in the rear hallway; a fire place is included at 
the end of the commodious living room. The dining 
room is conventional, with plenty 
of light from two pairs of win' 
dows. A breakfast nook might 
be easily added in the rear of 
the kitchen, and plans will be so 
drawn this way if specified. 

One bedroom upstairs is quite 
"roomy" indeed, while the other 
two are smaller. By the addition 
of a disappearing stairway in the 
hallway, an additional amount 
of storage space would be gained. 

•StU)lD ]U01- 
— -^ 52 c/^ 









THE attention of the passerby cannot help but be 
arrested at a glimpse of this home. There is an 
excellent character inits proportions, 
Southern Colonial in atmosphere. 
The architectural lines and style is 
one which we see too little of. If a 
home of real distinction is wanted, 
one which will always be in good 
taste, simple to construct, the West' 
Chester can be very appropriately re- 

The first floor has a typical bunga^ 
low layout, with the exception of a 
music room or library instead of a 
second bedroom. A complete bath- 
room is located downstairs and you 
will find a linen closet, and another 
closet well located. The kitchen is 
not large, but mighty convenient, 
for everything is within easy reach 
with cupboard space and sink along 
the side wall, and a rear grade entry. 

There are two bedrooms upstairs, 
each with windows on two sides. 
Then there is quite a little storage 
space under the roof to the rear. 

Colonial designs like this should 

be painted white, with green shutters and a green 
or brown shingle roof. 







II V • 


• M ' ii^r- 







' S3' ' 






-^^ 53 c^- 

"^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 


SIX ROOMS, 26 X 22 FT. 


THE house shown in this illustration is very com' 
pact, of simple lines, and economical in construc- 
tion. The roof lines, with its wide cornice and gabled 
ends on porch and dormers are in good proportion. The 
combination of shingles and siding tend to keep the 
height down and offset the broad plain surfaces of the 

We have six rooms in this plan which are well 
arranged. The bedroom on the first floor can be used 
as such or it would be desirable for a den or study. The 
kitchen could be made larger by extending this room 
four feet to the rear. The plumbing is located in such 
a way as to reduce the cost of installation, the bath 
room being just over the kitchen. 



'^tco^u 'noop^-n^A/" 







SIX ROOMS, 30 X 25 FT. 


THIS charming house has that pleasing well de- 
signed appearance everyone admires but which is 
so seldom realized in small home planning. The central 
gable, with its dignified doorway are the features of 
this place. The side porch and chimney make an added 

The plan calls for six rooms, well arranged with 
relation to each other. The living room is especially 

large and has a fireplace, open stairway and French 
doors leading to side porch. The kitchen has a recessed 
nook for breakfast bench and table. 

The second floor includes three bed rooms thatyhave 
large closets, and storage space. The bath room has a 
recessed tub. Exterior treatment of silver gray shingles, 
brown roof and a terraced lawn make a pleasing color 

--^ 54 e/^- 

-^ 55 c^- 



-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 

It J 

SIX ROOMS, 22 X 26 FT. 



'HIS house is about as small a building as can be 
made to give six rooms. We have given the ex' 

terior a balance in keeping with the size of the house, 
modest in appearance, still in harmony with the idea 
of a small house. 

The interior has been 
planned to give the ut' 
most available space to 
each respective room 
and to save steps in the 
daily housework. The 
basement has an exterior 
door, as well as direct 
access to the kitchen. 
The bedrooms on second 
floor have ample pre 
vision for windows and 
closets. This plan makes 
the best house in the 
book considering the low 






SIX ROOMS, 28 X 24 FT. 


JUST a plain, simple, comfortable home, and not at all 
pretentious. A harmonious color combination will 
best bring out its homelike atmosphere, a cream color, 
for instance, with green blinds, and a roof of autumn 
brown. The small outside dimensions of this house 
give plenty of space for ornamental trees, shrubbery, 
garden space and lawn. Yes, and a garage, too. 

The large living room with light on three sides will 
serve as a sun room as well; the side windows could 

be larger. The big open fireplace is included in this 
design, for it is a source of good cheer not only in 
winter, but also in spring and fall when the furnace 
fire burns low, and even in the cool damp rainy eve 
nings of summer. The small but convenient kitchen 
makes room for a larger dining room, and good facilities 
for entertaining. Upstairs, each of the bedrooms have 
cross ventilation. Their doors are convenient to the 
bath, and to the linen closet as well. This is an excel' 
lent home for those who are fond of plain simplicity. 



-^^ 57 c/f^ 

^-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 

SIX ROOMS, 24 X 24 FT. 


n^HE long sloping roof line, with dormer windows 
-L and chimney, are the marked characteristics of this 
house. We have a simple hooded entrance to balance 
the house, the entire effect being very pleasing. Plain 
siding painted white is just right for this house. 

Of course the si?e of the house does not permit 
large rooms; however the division of space has been 
very well done, each room being large enough for the 

purpose intended. The entrance has a vestibule and 
closet. The living room has a fireplace and an open 
stairway at opposite end. The wall space allows for 
ample furniture distribution. 

The kitchen has the sink underneath the window, 
with cabinets on either side, and a broom closet in 
the hall. The basement has direct access to either in- 
side or outside of the house through the side door. 





'11 YUMA- -^ 

'^IC OJlD'TUa^ 

--^ 58 c/^- 

^^^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES <J^ 

FIVE ROOMS, 28 X 26 FT. 


THIS modest home is actually 20'x26'; the side 
entrance and porch make it very attractive. Note 
the unique entrance and stairway, with kitchen ac- 
cess to grade door and basement; note also the dining 
and living rooms with four windows each and French 

doors between. The second floor has two bed rooms 
and a bath room. The exterior should never be painted 
anything but white, the blinds, sash trim and shingles 
may be brown. The flower box will add to the ap- 

<5tC3.U'fL0 0L'fU.V 

-^-^ 59 c/^- 




SIX ROOMS, 30 X 29 FT. 


' I 'HOUGH we show only one floor plan here, 
•^ we want to call attention to the second floor for 
our blueprints call for two large bedrooms upstairs. 
If your lot faces such that it would be more desir' 
able to have the plan reversed, the blueprints can 
be reversed for the contractor to accomplish this. 
This is surely a popular little bungalow, requir- 
ing a fortyfoot lot. The living room, nearly square, 
with its four windows is of a real satisfactory size, 
made very comfortable and homelike by the fire 
place in the front. Whether in the daytime with 
the windows — colorful drapes at either side — ad' 
mitting a flood of light and sunshine, or at night 
in the glow of the lamplight and with a fire on the 
hearth, the living room is always certain to be a 
delightful place to spend one's time. 

The kitchen is one of the best arranged, with 
everything within easy reach by taking only a few 
steps. The breakfast nook is larger than usual and 
has cupboard space at the left. Notice too the coat 
closet off the vestibule, the broom closet, the linen 
closet, and the closet off the first floor bedroom. 


"LJERE is a cottage packed full of conveniences. 
•^ J- You may outgrow it eventually and move 
into a larger house, but you will be comfortable 
as long as you Hve in it. It is another one of our 
designs that may be completed later just as well 
as not, for the two bedrooms on the second floor 
may be finished when circumstances demand. 

As a whole, the proportions are good, the 
balance perfect. The three windows at the left 
are balanced by the two at the right and the 
peaked roof and doorway; it is the handsome 
Colonial doorway too that distinguishes the 
exterior. Wide siding is particularly appropriate 
to this small bungalow — it is delightfully at' 
tractive and inexpensive to build. It should be 
painted white, of course, with a dark green roof. 

Keep flowers in the flower box during the 
summer. Plant some shrubbery in front and you 
will be proud of your investment in this house. 

a!Vl.H(i « U' 

• Two Bid Chms 


-^^^ 60 <J^' 

--"^ 61 <J^- 


^^^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES <J^ 




T^HIS bungalow has a charm of its own, the distinc 
J- tive elevation giving character to the house. Small 
places of this type can be economically built and still 
retain a fine appearance. 

The vestibule entrance is large and roomy and is 
made very attractive by an open stairway which leads 
to the second floor. The living room with its three 
wide windows and fireplace is large enough to be fur' 
nished in comfort; a piano and 
davenport may both be in' 
eluded if desired. Book cases 
may be added on either side of 
the fireplace, without crowd' 

The kitchen is at the center 
of the house, with a conven' 
ient stairway leading to the 
grade door and basement. 

The first tloor bed room is 
at the rear, with a bath room 
conveniently placed. It truly is 
an ideal floor plan. 

The iron railing is a feature 
that should not be omitted. 
The house may be built on a 
30 foot lot. The service side' 
walk to the street should be 
separate from main walk. If a 
driveway is made, place it on 
grade door side. 




THE Ferndale is very practicable, 
with its bed room and bath room on 
the first floor; it will fit the requirements 
of many householders. The stairway lo' 
cation is unique; it leads upstairs con- 
veniently from the rear hallway, and it 
leads therefrom to the basement and 
grade door at the rear. There is direct 
access from the kitchen either up or 

The upper floor has two large bed 
rooms, a sewing room, plenty of storage 
space and if desired, a toilet. 

The exterior is finished for the lower 
floor with brick of a hght color. Even 
the more expensive bricks are relatively 
cheap in the end, considering their 
durabihty. For actual resistance to 
weather and fire, nothing has been de' 
vised to surpass it. Centuries of ex' 
posure serve only to enhance its beauty. 
That is why we have included a brick 
semi'bungalow for your consideration. 
The front porch is concrete; with its 
stone steps and iron railing, it makes a 
very dignified exterior. 

^£COA5'nOO^' HA.V 

--^ 62 c/^- 

-^^ 63 c/^- 



''^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES <J^ 


• fUSt 'UflOt 


THE sweeping and curved gables of 
this design over the windows and 
doorway make this home an outstand' 
ing one. In some locaHties this home 
would be quite a departure in design, 
while in others it has been built with 
variations over and over again. You will 
not find many like this in plan books. It 
probably should be classed as English in 
design, which we consider quite a little 
gem. In building a brick veneer, you 
will find that while it may cost a little 
more; however, your banker will loan 
more because it is a better investment. 
It will be less expensive to maintain 
for it requires no paint, except enough 
to keep the trim from decay. 

The floor plan is outstanding, one 
of the many features being the alcove 
off the living room, to be used as a den, 
a music room, or a library. A physician 
or minister often requires a room where 
a little privacy may be had upon occa' 
sions. The bathroom is downstairs, 
near the one bedroom on the first floor. 
Upstairs we have toilet facilities pro' 
vided, two bedrooms and some storage 
space. Truly, an excellent home both 
inside and out. 

-«^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES <J^ 




'HIS house is suitable to build on a narrow city lot, 
although the bay window in the dining room might 

I ^ZiM^ 

•Fl IL5T n00iL?Uil 

have to be eliminated on a 30 foot lot. The entrance 
through a sun room, with a bright decoration, wicker 

furniture and colorful 
window hangings, will 
give a warm welcome to 
your guest. The living 
room connected with the 
sun room, all across the 
front of the house, makes 
a charm that we usually 
find only in large homes. 
The kitchen, with 
its breakfast bench and 
table, a toilet on the 
first floor, a down stairs 
bed room are added fea- 
tures. The second floor 
has two large bed rooms 
and a bath room. For 
the size of the house, it 
is an ideal layout and 
convenient for family 



--^, 64 <^- 

-^^ 65 c/^- 

^^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 

SIX ROOMS, 32 X 26 FT. 


SOMEONE has said "Four Rooms now and Six 
Rooms later." This is a good way to start off, 
saving the expenditure of finishing the upstairs rooms, 
and the consequent interest charges until the necessity 
demands. This house is complete on the first floor, and 
the downstairs bedroom will be most convenient even 
after the second story is finished.. 

This floor plan has been most popular, and many 
semi-bungalows are built using this plan as a basis. 
The Cretin is one variation; the Ben Avon another. 
Because they are so popular, you are reasonably sure 
of a ready market in case a quick sale should perhaps 
become necessary. In this plan the two upstairs bed' 
rooms are of good size; there are two big closets each 
with a window and quite a little storage space. 

* U . Uii on I K L ' Xotice that we have added to the plan two small windows in the living 

room, and two wiridows upstairs which were not on the original house. 

-^ 66 c^' 




SOMETIMES a single detail will hft a small home 
out of the commonplace. This may be said of this 
design, the Cretin. The good proportions of the house 
as a whole, the finely spaced windows are all important 
considerations, but it is really the handsome Colonial 
entrance that distinguishes this exterior. 

The floor plan and size of this home is very nearly 
the same as that of the Devonshire— except the 

Cretin includes a sewing room whereas the Devon' 
shire does not. But because of the popularity of this 
plan, we have felt that both designs should be in- 
cluded. Consider them both, and build the one that 
suits your requirements best. Study this floor plan 
carefully and you will find much to recommend it for 
a home of only moderate cost. It is a home that will 
be found very practical indeed for the average family. 

--^ 67 c^ 




rhe AFTON 

THE plan demon' 
strates an excel' 
lent example of what 
can be done with a 
small house, both as 
to exterior and inter- 
ior. The hooded en' 
trance, balanced by 
the modest porch is 
very pleasing. 

The large living 

room has a fire place 

and plenty of wall 

space. The dining 

room and sun room, 

with doors in line 

with living room, 

makes the whole io' 

terior look quite 

''roomy." The sun 

room can readily be 

used as a bed room. 

There is a toilet on the first floor. The side entrance gives 

access to both floors without going through the house. The 

second floor has three bed rooms and a bath room. The entire 

plan is well laid out and will make a particularly attractive 

home for a small investment. 

-^^ 68 c/^ 




THE Ben Avon is our front cover design. You 
cannot help admiring its pleasing Hnes, good pro' 
portions, inviting appearance. The deep recessed en- 
trance is attractive and, at the same time, gives weather 
protection. With gray shingles, light brown shutters, 
white sash, straw-colored shades and brown roof, 
the color scheme is perfect. Evergreens and shrubbery 
add to the exterior. The first floor has a bedroom and 



The i3bJN rlU V A nook. 34 x 28 ft. 

toilet, large livingroom and a rear hall that gives access 
to all parts of the house. The second floor has two ad- 
ditional bedrooms, a bath room and storage space. 

H: * * 

The "Ben Hova" is exactly the same design, ex- 
cept that the width is 34' instead of 31'; this makes 
the kitchen, dining room, living room and the three 
bed rooms just 18" wider. This plan is reversed. 

5ico;i E -nHL-H^A- 

-^ 69 <=/^- 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 

SIX ROOMS, 24 X 38 FT. 


"L-TERE is an unusual bit of good American bungalow 
^ J- designing; we think that this plan is one of the 
''gems" of the book. Again, with this one it is possible 
for a young couple to build the first floor complete and 
finish and furnish the second floor later — for you must 
note that our blueprints call for two bedrooms on 
the second floor. 

What makes this plan so popular is the living room 
extending clear across the front, the size being 13x23. 
This is unusual in a house of this type. If you want a 
good place to entertain your friends, you will be well 
satisfied. If you have quite a little furniture, this is 
surely just the plan for you. 

There are four rooms, including a bedroom down' 
stairs, with bathroom too. This is sufficient for a start, 
but finish up the two bedrooms upstairs when you 
build if you can, for they will always be useful. 

^^^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 




A PLAIN and dignified design— always popular. 
You will find this in more or less varied forms 
everywhere. But this one is featured by the brick 
veneer to the second story, which with the uniquely 
designed doorway give it somewhat of an English 

The house is well fitted for the couple who are just 
starting their housekeeping, for there is one bedroom 
on the first floor, and the plans call for two more on 
the second — which may be finished off later if the 
mortgage payments and interest seem to be a little 
heavy at first. The plan itself is surely most conven- 
iently arranged — center hallway, a compact kitchen 
with lots of cabinet space, and breakfast nook. And a 
broom closet and linen closet are provided off the 
center hall. There is a vestibule and coat closet, and 
don't miss seeing the china cabinet off the dining room. 
A corner cabinet or buffet may also be included in the 
dining room to give additional storage space. 

.- THIS flA.ii KAi 

TV.': &£D mmi n 
stccfio Hoof- ' 


'^'^ 71 ^^- 


-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 


SIX ROOMS, 24 X 32 FT. 


VERY often a small com' 
pact house is desirable 
— one which offers many of 
the conveniences of a larger 
home but with a small capital 
investment. The Trewald 
gives a home of good char' 
acter, an interior of modern 
design, and a moderate initial 

Note that the two main 
rooms face the front, giving 
the best part of the house 
for living quarters. 

Our blue prints show two 
large bed roomsonthe second 
floor; however, the second 
floor can be finished at a later 
date if desired. The arrange' 
ment of the stairway and 
center hall makes easy access 
from all parts of the house. 
The color scheme for the 
exterior best suited for this 
type is silver gray shingles, or white siding with a roof of light brown shin' 
gles. The blinds should be a dark green. Evergreen shrubs and correctly 
planted perennials will add to the appearance; landscaping will be quite 
desirable and will make the property more saleable in case of necessity. 

^-^^ 72 c/^ ■ 

tlUL/lt^TLHSl* hkA' 




THE semi-bungalow is always a popu- 
lar favorite. It is compact, comfort 
able, home-like and economical to build 
and to heat. The Winthrop has a large, 
hght living room with 
a cheerful fireplace. 
The dining room, kit' 
chen, and breakfast 
nook are convenient- 
ly arranged and well 
lighted. The plumb- 
ing on both floors is 
in line, which means 
economy. The kit- 
chen has a side door 
at grade, and a small 
rear porch. 

The color scheme 
should be white trim 
with brown shingles 
and green roof — -all 
modest colors. Ever- 
greens and perennials 
well placed will make 
a very attractive 
home at a cost well within the means of 
the family with a very moderate income. 


-^^^ 73 c^- 


SIX ROOMS, 24 X 32 FT. 


nPHE all stucco house in many localities meets with 
-*• favor. Stucco finish seems to be ever increasing in 

I. 2iu;_ 

popularity. The simple lines of this roof, the dignified 
porch, the steel sash all combine to give this house a 
pleasing appearance. It must be 
true that good things come in 
small packages, for in "The Bar' 
celona," there is included every 
convenience that the average 
home builder is asking for today. 
Note the si2;e of the living room, 
and the fireplace, on either side 
of which is room for low built- 
in bookcases if desired. 

The layout gives a bed room 
and toilet on the first floor, a 
great convenience where stair' 
ways are hard to mount. The 
second floor has two large bed 
rooms and a bath room, and ad' 
ditional storage space which al' 
ways is handy. 

PLAN 1^ 


s5tt0^1.«-fU0l' ?l.A/.' 

-^'^74 ct^- 

««^, THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES J^ 

FrSTE ROOMS, 24 X 32 FT. 


THERE is no question but that the financing of a 
home is the factor that decides the home building 
question for thousands of peo' 
pie. It is surprising to find 
how many people are willing 
to mortgage their future for 
the sake of owning a home. 

With no attempt to add ex- 
pense to the lines or external 
appearance, this plan gives the 
maximum living quarters on a 
small investment. When econ- 
omy is paramount, the Ash- 
land should be seriously con- 

The living and dining room, 
facing front, make spacious 
and pleasant rooms for the 
family. The side door entrance 
gives access to the other rooms 
without going through the 
house. The arrangement of the 
stairs and bath room allows 
for the economy of a half base- 

Homes of this kind should 
avoid strong color on the ex- 

terior. All white siding or light brown shingles 
white trimming would be appropriate. 


•no OL- 


^*^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES <J^ 



SIX ROOMS, 28 X 36 FT. 


ALIGHT green roof, white siding, olive colored shutters, 
the fine porch railings painted black, and white win' 
dow shades would impart real beauty and a dignified refine' 
ment to this cottage. Darker colors and a cream siding would 
give it a welcoming warmth. A vine trellis on either side 
of the porch in place of the shrubbery would add a different 
sort of charm. This house being four feet wider than the 
Enderlin, takes a slightly wider lot, but not being quite as 
deep it leaves more backyard space for a fenced in children's 
playground if traffic is heavy and the children are young. 

The living room has a fireplace and sufficient wall space 
for furniture. The front room adjoining can be used either 
for a library or music room. The wall space will accommodate 
a grand piano or an upright, or it could be lined with book' 
cases. Whether used as a music room or a study retreat, this 
room would be improved by sound deadening insulation in 
walls and ceiling. The absence of a porch roof makes living 
room and library lighter. 

The second floor, large enough for three rooms, could be 
finished off as one large room if so desired. 

The basement of a bungalow, of course, is large enough 
for a laundry and drying room, or even possibly a card room. 
Here the basement has an extra outside entrance at the rear. 

--^ 76 c/^- 


FIVE ROOMS, 24 X 40 FT. 


HERE is another home in truly American style, a semi-bungalow 
with a friendly front porch and a charm that will grow even 
more homelike as shrubbery and perhaps an ornamental tree or so 
grow up. The side steps of the porch give an effect of privacy to 
both porch and front door. 

This cottage is ideal for a bride and groom or for a young couple 
just getting established in life. The modern young wife will 
appreciate the convenience of living on one floor, for with house 
work thus reduced to a minimum she will have more time for 
other interesting activities. 

The small family can easily expand to the second floor as chil' 
dren need more room. Or if desired, a second floor room can be 
finished off for a sewing room or study, or a guest room or two. 
Piping could be installed when the house is built, for a second 
floor bathroom to be finished off later. 

The kitchen location is unique. Its easy access to all other rooms 
in the house make a very convenient place for the broom closet, 
and the storage of dust cloths, cleaning fluids and vacuum cleaner. 

The bedrooms each have cross ventilation and plenty of win' 
dows. They are nicely cut off from the rest of the house to insure 

The house only 24 feet wide goes nicely on a narrow city lot. 



-^^ 77 c/^- 






SIX ROOMS, 30 X 40 FT. 


THIS bungalow offers accommodations for the family of large 
or medium size. With three bedrooms at the rear, the 
medium sized family can enjoy the great convenience and the 
easy housework of living on one floor. The rooms above provide 
storage space; as children grow up and need more space for play 
room, study, or work shop, the attic above can be partitioned 
off into three attractive, comfortable rooms. 

The large family can build this house with three rooms and a 
bath upstairs and six rooms below. Another suite upstairs may 
be fitted up for a separate part of the family. 

This house will have plenty of room on a forty foot lot, al' 
though it calls for a fairly deep lot. Its large size makes steam 
or hot water heat preferable. 

Until recent years practically all of our good home archi" 
tectural styles have been borrowed from Europe — except for 
the Colonial styles which were all developed here. The Glencoe, 
however, is proof that we have developed a new and truly 
American style. The front porch, the outdoor living room is a 
purely American institution. The low sweeping roof lines and 
the pleasing design give this house an air of dignity, comfort 
and friendliness, a desirable combination for any home. 

The whole house is planned for convenience, easy house- 
work, privacy and permanence. 

-^ 78 ci^- 





THE plain simplicity of this bungalow sug' 
gests the French Cottage type of architec- 
ture. Such a cottage placed among the usual 
more ornate bungalows would form a pleasing 
contrast with its neighbors Or set off by itself 
among trees and shrubbery it presents an invit' 
ing homelike appearance. 

The living room fireplace and the breakfast 
nook make it as cozy inside as it looks from the 
street. The breakfast nook convenience, the 
linen closet handy to bath and bedrooms, the 
wall cabinets in the kitchen save many steps 
and give the housewife plenty of time for other 

The folding stairway to the attic is out of 
the way except when in use, and the full-size 
basement provides space for a recreation room 
if desired later. 


--^ 79 c/^- 


^^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES ^/^ 


FIVE ROOMS, 24 X 36 FT. 


HERE is a charming bungalow with a Colon' 
ial entrance and window blinds that give 
it an inviting and homelike touch. The good 
si^ed living room with its cheerful fireplace makes 
a delightful place to entertain friends. The kit- 
chen stove with its chimney connection makes 
it practical for the country where coal or wood 
is burned. A stairway is provided for upstairs 

The width of twentyfour feet makes the 
bungalow fit nicely into a narrow city lot. A 
garage opening on the alley will leave a nice 
backyard garden space. 

u Y .!i .'I- 

-"^ 80 =/$*■- 


-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES e/^ 



IT is especial attention to straight lines that places 
this bungalow so far out of the ordinary. This 
accounts for the reasonable cost for which it may 
be built. 

The sun parlor will be a real delight to the house 
wife to "fix up," for there is an opportunity here 
for the use of colorful hangings and floor covering, 
and brightly painted wicker furniture. 

The living room and dining room may be con- 
sidered together for their wide cased opening makes 
practically one large room of the two. The large 
twin window in the dining room gives an ample 
supply of hght and air. 

The kitchen is a splendid work room; the kitchen 
cabinets are located over the sink — on either side. 
The closets are ample, and the bathroom conven- 

--^ 81 c/^- 




FIVE ROOMS, 24 X 38 FT. 



THERE are many who long for a brick exterior. 
There are many cities where brick is very popular, 
and there are other cities where none but fireproof 
materials are permitted — which practically means 
nothing but brick. The Raymond is characteristic of 
the small brick bungalow, and will surely satisfy the 
pride of those who want something small but very 
good in a bungalow of brick. It is an excellent example 
of what may be done with brick for the small home 
builder. It is a house that will "wear well," of good 
lines, and distinctive for all of its simplicity. Orna' 
mentation — there is almost none, yet each unit, gables, 
porch, windows is so well designed and so well com- 
bined, that the whole is pleasing; more so perhaps than 
many a more elaborate structure. 

The plan shows five rooms, though there is more 
room on the second floor. In this, the two bedrooms 
are at the rear. 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES ./^ 

FIVE ROOMS, 24 X 38 FT. 


HERE is a design for the home owner who desires 
good substantial construction, good arrangement 
and a pleasing elevation without building a cumber' 
some home. Due to the many tones and colors of brick 
on the market, the builder will have a lot of satisfaction 
and pleasure in making his choice. 

Our floor plans call for rooms on the first floor only, 
but there is sufficient room for two bedrooms and 
toilet upstairs. The stairway leads up from the front 
vestibule. There is a unique arrangement for a coat 
closet off the living room, and near the vestibule. 
Otherwise, the plan is similar to the usual bungalow 
layout, which is one of the best, with the two bed 
rooms with bath between well isolated from the rest of 
the house. 

Downstairs, the living room is of a si2;e larger than 
usual in a bungalow of this size, though the front bed- 
room is about as small as is permitted in most cities. 
The kitchen is of good si^e too, and has more than the 
usual storage space. 


--^ 82 c/^- 

-^-^ 83 c/^- 



FIVE ROOMS, 26 X 36 FT. 




VXT'HAT particularly recommends this bunga- 
^ ▼ low is the extra two feet in width which 
makes it possible to have the rooms slightly larger 
than some of the bungalows illustrated on the 
following pages. And another feature is the front 
porch, which may or may not be screened. It will 
take a lot wider than 30 feet. 

Otherwise, it is the conventional bungalow plan, 
with living room, dining room and kitchen in line, 
on one side and the two bedrooms with bath be' 
tween, on the other side. Its simplicity of construe 
tion will coiiimend this well planned bungalow to 
prospective builders and to building contractors 
and realtors. Living accommodations will surely be 
satisfactory to most small families. 


HERE is a home of pronounced artistic merit that 
is a beautiful example of Colonial bungalow de- 
signing. Wide siding has been used, but silver grey 
shingles laid five inches to the weather would be equally 
as appropriate. It is delightfully attractive in architec 
tural hnes, but it calls for nothing difficult in construc- 
tion that would increase the cost. 

You will naturally expect an equally good interior 
arrangement in this home, and looking at the floor 
plans, you will not be disappointed. The plan is some- 
what different from the regular 24x36 bungalow. One 
bedroom is in front with the other in the rear. There 
is a fair si^ed living room with light on two sides, and 
wall space well planned for furniture. The coat closet 
is off the living room, and you must not fail to see the 
, china closet off the dining room, and the convenient 
broom closet and linen closet in the hall. Both bed 
jL^ooms have cross ventilation and closets. 

.fLoo^ ha 

--^ 84 <^^ — 

--^ 85 c/^- 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 

FIVE ROOMS, 25 X 41 FT. 6 IN. 


THIS little stucco bungalow is a charming one — 
with an air of distinction, for it will stand out in 
a block full of bungalows. It is somewhat English in 
character, though of course considerably American' 
ized. The efforts of our architect to design something 
that would be unusual, and still practical and attrac 
tive, we believe have been successful. 

The living room is roomy, and from the exterior, 
looks somewhat like a sun parlor. Indeed, since it 
has three windows in front and two on the side it is 
well lighted and airy. The vestibuled entrance is also 
a feature which deserves special mention. The en' 
trance may be directly into the living room if you 
prefer. Five rooms are included, well arranged with 
respect to one another, all of which except the living 
room open into the hall. 

If you wish something different, and still intensely 
practical, you will not be disappointed if you build 
this. And it will be a worthy object on which you 
may spend a little time on shrubbery and flower 


-"^ 86 J^- 

FIVE ROOMS, 24 X 36 FT. 



THIS is a conventional floor plan layout — one 
which has been built over and over again 
because it has so many advantages. The living 
room, dining room and kitchen are in line; the 
two bedrooms with bath between are on the 
other side, and there is storage space above with 
a stairway leading to it. Furthermore, the size 
is the well known "24x36," so popular because 
it provides five rooms of good size, all modern 
conveniences all on one floor, all rooms full 
height, and because of the rectangular form, it is 
economical to construct. 

There are no frills in this design — it is all 
"house", and the owner will take considerable 
pride in showing it to his friends as an example 
of what can be done for a minimum expenditure. 
True, there are a number of bungalows every- 
where like this one, but it only proves their 

--^ 87 c/^- 

^'^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES ./^ 



FIVE ROOMS, 24 X 36 FT. 



THE simple lines and coz,y like appearance are 
the chief characteristics of this little bunga' 
low. It is built low, but this merely enhances its 
looks and makes it all the more desirable to own. 
Combine this with the fact that it can be most 
economically built, and we doubt if you can 
find anything better in a small unassuming place 
that will make a greater impression. The floor 
plans follow the usual bungalow practice which 
can hardly be improved upon and which afford 
very comfortable living quarters. There are five 
rooms which include two bedrooms. One dis' 
dinctive feature, however, is the alcove which 
has much to recommend it — it may be used as a 
den or study room, music room or library. 

FIVE ROOMS, 25 X 37 FT. 


ENHANCING in its quaintness, this house is 
sure to fall into immediate popularity be' 
cause it is well planned, very attractive and 
"cozy looking." It accentuates that thought 
"this is home." and clearly expresses the feeling 
of comfort that is so desired in a home. 

The not unusual floor plan is practical and 
offers two bedrooms downstairs. There is an 
abundance of wardrobe and linen space, with 
additional space for storage upstairs. If desired 
the cased opening between the living room and 
dining room may be changed to include book' 
cases, or a colonnade effect with china storage 
space, or two corner cabinets may be added in 
the dining room to give just that added touch of 

A feature of the living room is the extra 
amount of window space on the front wall, and 
two additional windows on the side wall, so 
there will be an abundance of light. This bunga- 
low has the advantage of just a little more ground 
area than the ordinary one of 24' x 36', and there 
fore the rooms are just slightly larger. 

--^ 88 c/^- 





O F 


HOMES c/^ 



IX'. f J Iff 

■n It X- 

10-0' 1 11 -(i)* 

n H L 


FIVE ROOMS, 24 X 34 FT. 


A HOME need not be large or expensive to be attractive. In 
fact almost any family in earnest about owning a home can 
build one of good architectural style and yet within their means. 

A good safe rule in financing a home is to set the upper limit 
at two and a half times your annual income. If you have a family, 
two year's income may be all you can easily pay; if a large family, 
even less. For those whose incomes are small, the modest frame 
bungalow is usually just about right. The Earle with its high roof 
and plenty of second floor space makes a comfortable home; yet 
it will go easily on a thirty foot lot, — an economy where land is 

The front porch adds a homelike atmosphere to the place. Brown 
shingles on the upper story, white siding below with chocolate 
trimmings make a good color combination. Shrubbery set around 
the porch will offset the appearance of height. 

The family requiring only two bedrooms can live all on one 
floor at a considerable saving in housework. Then, as is the case 
of many of our bungalows, additional bed rooms may be finished 
off later on the second floor. The rooms are of fair size with 
good closets for the bedrooms. The chimney in the kitchen 
corner can accommodate a wood or coal stove, which makes 
the plan suitable wherever there is no gas. The interior can 
be made just as attractive as the outside. 

-^^^ 90 c/^- 


-^ THE BOOK OF 10 HOMES e/^ 


FIVE ROOMS, 24 X 34 FT. 



EVEN without a tile roof, the low roof lines and the plain 
white walls suggest Italian style. Decorations over the 
door and front windows and the brick work on the chminey 
give an air of gay vivacity which would be shown better in 
colors. This cheerful note is unmarred by heavy dormers, 
cornices or other heavy features. 

The interior can be made fully as attractive as the exterior. 
The fireplace lends a friendly warmth to start with, and the 
home maker's personal tastes will determine the rest. Nicely 
decorated, the home is ideal for entertainment. The living 
room IS large and its nearness to dining room and kitchen 
make the serving of refreshments easy. The bathroom walls, 
however, should be well insulated to deaden the sound. 

Here again we have a small step-saving kitchen, the de- 
light of the modern housewife. She will appreciate its easy 
access to the side door and the basement room where her 
vegetables and preserves are stored. 

Privacy for bedrooms is obtained by their rear position 
with no rear entrance. In fact all the interior arrangements 
co-ordinate to give a compact, comfortable home, as con- 
venient as it is attractive. 

The Beissel is an economical home to build, and its good 
architectural lines, and its home-like charm make it an easy 
house to sell if the "ship comes in" and a larger house is 





FIVE ROOMS, 24 X 34 FT. 


Home's not merely four square walls 

Tho with pictures hung and gilded 
Home is where affection calls 

Where its shrine the heart has builded. 

THE humble cabin was dear to him as the home of his child- 
hood," and home is "a place of affection, peace, and rest, a 
congenial abiding place." 

These quotations were taken from Webster's dictionary to show 
the real meaning of home as distinguished from house which is a 
mere dwelling place, whether dear to the heart or not. Year after 
year the home of your own becomes more dear to the hearts of all 
who live there. It becomes home in the truest sense of the word. 

If home is a place of peace and rest, it should be secure. The burden 
of debt should not be too heavy. Nor should the payments be so 
large as to threaten loss of the home, when ordinary misfortunes 
befall. The Antwerp then, is an ideal low cost bungalow for the 
family with a modest income. It has five rooms on the first floor, 
including two bedrooms, and space for three additional rooms on 
the floor above. It will fit a narrow lot, — another real economy 
where city lots are high in price. 

This bungalow should avoid curved lines and heavy cornices. 
Finished in soft colors, and landscaped with shrubbery, it can be 
made very attractive. :3d ■ 




MANY folks living in an apartment would 
find a little bungalow like this much 
better living, and certainly more private. Be- 
cause of its small size, it should be very econom- 
ically built, and it will be large enough for the 
young couple for several years. Like the Living' 
stone design, the dining nook replaces the dining 
room, thereby leaving suflScient space for two 
bedrooms. The living room is of good size, and 
there is a side grade entry. The second floor 
would have space for additional rooms if requir- 

The exterior suggests the English type bunga- 
low because of the peak and graceful slope over 
the doorway. The design comes under the classi- 
fication of the cottage type and can be made 
very attractive and homelike, without a great 
deal of expense. 

' imnm 

-^'^ 93 e/^" 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES o/^ 



nut- PLAJl- 

FIVE ROOMS, 22 X 40 FT. 


THE excellent plan of this five room bungalow has many unusual 
features. Truly an American design, its white pillars, window 
shutters, and wide shingle siding suggest the Colonial. So good are 
the proportions and architectural lines that it may be built of brick 
or finished in stucco or wood siding with equally good effect. The 
builder can choose exterior materials to harmonize with the neighbor' 
ing homes and to please himself. 

The large living room across the front with its big 
open fireplace and five windows make the interior as 
attractive and homehke as the exterior. There is plenty 
of room for comfortable chairs, and a davenport might 
well be placed before the fireplace. The family socially 
inclined will appreciate the ample space for card tables. 
Moreover, a full length basement in this forty foot 
house offers ample space for a recreation room, a work' 
shop, or a drying room for clothes. 

The other rooms are modest in size and well Hghted 
by windows. The kitchen has easy access to the grade 
rear entrance and to the basement rooms. 

Green shingles should be avoided on the roof; the 
one-story house does not carry this color successfully 
so close to the ground. A light brown or mingled 
colors are most appropriate. The general design of this 
house calls for something of a lawn on the porch side, 
hence a corner lot or a forty or fifty foot lot is highly 

-«^ 94 Jf*-- 

FIVE ROOMS, 22 X 40 FT. 


As you pass by on the highway you will look twice at this trim 
-^^- little house. What gives it that peculiar charm? The trellises 
and window box? The little decorative figures on the eaves and 
below the front windows? Or the inviting porch and entryway? 
Those features all help, of course, but back of it all are the pleasing 
proportions of the house itself and simplicity of design. 

This house might well be finished in stucco, in which case the 
porch column and outer porch walls should be built of stone. A 
brick veneer finish would give a different sort of charm, forming a 
nice contrast between the green shrubbery and the white trellis 
work, and in winter a contrast with the snow. Since the keynote 
of the design is simplicity and the roof has no decorative projec' 
tions, plain asphalt or cedar shingles would be most appropriate. 

The rear grade door is a handy entrance to both kitchen and 
basement. A rear porch might be built, although it seems hardly 

As dormers, projections and odd shapes are expensive to build, 
the simple Bryden is most economical. The builder of the Bryden 
can clear off the mortgage in fewer years and have more time to 
save for his children's education and his own independence, en' 
joying meanwhile the pride of owning such a home. 


-^-^ 95 c/^- 




FIVE ROOMS, 22 X 38 FT. 


THIS bungalow is just about right for the family of two children 
or less. Four bedrooms are possible here, two on each floor. The 
couple whose children have grown up and struck out for themselves 
will have spare rooms when the children come back home for a visit. 
One room may be used as a den or sewing room overlooking the 
garden in the backyard. 

The young couple with one or two children will find this home 
ideal. If the children are very young, they can sleep in one room. The 
upstairs rooms can be left unfinished for a few years, at a saving of 
interest. A bedroom and a play room on the second floor can be made 
very comfortable. 

Note some of the interior features. The chimney gomg up through 
the kitchen makes possible a coal or wood burning kitchen range. 
Sound deadening insulation is usually desired in bathroom walls. It 
may be omitted here, or if installed, it will be doubly effective because 
the bathroom is completely isolated from the dining and living rooms. 
The fairly large living room, the vestibule, and the coat closet are 
also desirable. 

This bungalow, being simple in shape and roof lines is inexpensive 
to build, easy to heat, and economical to keep in repair. It will go on 
a narrow city lot. It should be finished in stucco with perhaps a 
pebble dash. Shrubbery around the foundation will offset the appear- 
ance of height, and will greatly add to the value of the property. 

FIVE ROOMS, 22 X 36 FT. 


UNLIKE the Westbrook the Dayton will slip nicely in between 
two other bungalows. A thirty foot lot gives it plenty of room; 
in fact its very compactness and substantial appearance call tor a 
small lot Two adjacent bungalows on thirty foot lots could have a 
common driveway between them, and perhaps a two car garage. 

The style of the Dayton is modern American. Heavy markings in 
the stucco finish should be avoided, as they are characteristic of 
Spanish and ItaHan styles. A pebble dash will relieve the plainness. 
The clipped gables give an air of snugness, the wide overhanging 
eaves and the inviting charm of the front entryway make a most 
attractive bungalow. 

For a color scheme we suggest warm ochre walls, gray trim and a 

brown roof. „ r i 

This house for a small lot makes a cozy bungalow for a small lami y 
with a small income. Two rooms on the upper floor must necessarily 
be rather small. The absence of dormers and other irregular projec- 
tions however, make the house very economical to build. 

The position of bedrooms and bath on one side of the house secures 
■nnvacy The small modern kitchen saves steps and is most convenient. 
The location of the chimney makes possible a wood or coal stove in 
the kitchen. The Hving room is the largest room in the house, as it 
should be, with ample wall space for bookcases and other turniture. 

For comfort, convenience, easy housework, and low cost of both 
building and upkeep, this bungalow is ideal. 


— -^ 96 c/^- 

— ^-^ 97 -^- 



K T^ii 



' '/ 1 T t H t K ' 

^iHi \ 


f <|-(iv ll-[-'f 



' I 'HE demands of the family with a very Hmited 
J- capital may be taken care of in this very attractive 
little home. It will be found admirable for the modest 
builder, for it is a neat and compact building and 
contains nothing that will create undue expense, ex' 
cept perhaps the front screened porch. It is a co2;y 
little place, a favorite type among builders of small 
homes and is ideal for a young couple.' 

It contains a living room, two bedrooms and kitchen. 
The dining nook, like the Lancaster design, is used in 
lieu of the dining room to save space. 

The kitchen is surely just as convenient as any, 
though small. There are good closets and most con' 
veniences are provided that help to make a comfort' 
able home. The screened porch is a feature that will 
appeal to many. 



rhe DUVAL 

SMALL, compact, simple in design and with a simple hip 
roof, this bungalow is most economical to build; yet it does 
have one extravagance, a front porch. Many home builders prefer 
to economise elsewhere than to give up that great American 
institution often called "the out-door living room." The brick 
columns on the porch corners give a touch of color and add much 
to the attractiveness of the exterior. 

The rooms are conveniently arranged with easy access to one 
another. In the kitchen we have a chimney and a recess for the 
stove. The platform next the rear entrance is an ideal position for 
the refrigerator; the ice chamber can be filled from the outside. 
At grade level the rear entrance communicates directly with the 
basement. Note how fully the space around the bathroom is 

There is room in the basement for heating plant, coal bin, 
laundry and a workshop or recreation room. The latter room 
nicely finished and floored with wood can be just as comfortable 
and attractive as any room in the house. 

This house will fit a small city lot. Its homelike appearance, low 
cost of construction and other features explain its popularity. 

1 i 

■rLD -v. 

if, <.\\-G 


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~ M 1 




!0 O' .'( ^t 0' 

% 0't!t-(b" 

D 1) Y .M • 

-^*^ 98 <^^- 


r " 


-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 

FOUR ROOMS, 24 X 28 FT. 


HERE is a low cost bungalow for the narrow city lot. 
Like others of this general si2;e, it will go nicely on a 
short lot. Or, with a lot of usual length it leaves ample 
room for flower and vegetable growing. Where this type of 
building is desired, the Kingwood will make a very good 

The front porch is a most desirable feature. Vines trellised 
all the way up the sides will give it summer shade and a 
measure of privacy. Shrubbery or vines are needed to dress 
up the front. 

The dining room which can be used as a bedroom makes 
the plan flexible to suit varying conditions. Two additional 
rooms may be added on the second floor, and of course the 
basement will accommodate both laundry and workshop. 
The house has plenty of closets and a broom cabinet handy 
to both stairs and kitchen. 

Simplicity of design is the keynote of this modest cottage, 
and its coziness is at once apparent. 



THOUSANDS of people— yes millions of 
people live in three room apartments. If they 
only knew of the joys of living in their own 
homes, they would never go back to an apart' 
ment, for in your own home, you do at least have 
privacy. The investment in a home of this type 
isn't very great and interest charges and amortiz;' 
ation of the loan wouldn't be a burden. 

As is usual in three-room bungalows, the 
living room is often used as the dining room; but 
in the Martin there is sufficient room so that 
many meals can very comfortably be served in 
a corner of the kitchen. There can be included 
just as many modern conveniences as will be 
found in more pretentious homes — and if so 
furnished can never be called a "cheap" place, 
and will surely prove admirable for a young 
couple with modest means. 




-^'^ 100 c/^- 

-^^ 101 c/f^- 

-*^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 



' I 'HIS plan of a small house has followed our 
-L apartment house layouts by including a kitchen' 
ette and diner; it stands out as an example of what 
can be done for very little cash outlay, still provid- 
ing comfortable living accommodations. With the 
plumbing concentrated, the cost is reduced consid- 
erably. This house would not require a basement. 
We would recommend a solid masonry foundation, 
as it will keep house warmer and avoid free2;ing. 

This design is the smallest in our book of plans; 
but, it is large enough for a couple to live in very 
comfortably. A well kept lawn and shrubbery cor- 
rectly planted will go a long way toward making the 
Montrose look as well as many bungalows of larger 

-^^^ 102 e/^- 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c^ 



A HOME with one part set 
aside for the use of another 
family gives the owner an income 
and thus reduces his living ex- 
penses. The two family flat has 
long been used for this purpose; 
it is only recently that the "in- 
come bungalow" has appeared. 
The Ansonia is a good example 
of this latter type. The exterior 
has pleasing lines, the wide siding 
painted white with gray green 
shutters adds to the appearance. 
The entrance is through a ves- 
tibule in common for both fam- 
ilies. The living room and dining 
room are large and roomy, with 
good si^ed windows. The bed 
rooms, with bath in between 
make an ideal arrangement. The 
chimney is carried up through 
the kitchen. At the rear is a 
stairway leading to the upper 
apartment. Each family has a rear 
porch. The basement has a door 
at grade level. 

: ^*^ 103 c/^- 





THE income bungalow is becoming very popular, 
as rent from the upper floor carries a good part of 
the financial burden. Two parts of the same family will 
find both privacy and economy in this kind of a home. 
The bungalow style exterior gives no suggestion of a 
two apartment home. Both families use the same front 
and side entries. 

The bedrooms and bath in the rear are well lighted 
and easily ventilated. The kitchen, centrally located is 
handy to the entire floor, and has easy access to side 
door and basement. The small illustration of the 
Westby shows a similar house, floor plan reversed and 
with a different exterior. Either house is a safe invest' 
ment and a salable proposition, particularly in cities 
where lots are expensive. 






WHEN you look at this illustration you 
cannot but help Hking this exterior, for 
it appeals to you at once. It has that something 
of distinction in design, unexplainable by the 
layman. The details of English style have been 
used to good advantage. The timbered walls 
and stucco finish are well in keeping with the 

The interior has five rooms on each floor, the 
arrangement of which are clearly followed on 
the plan. The front entrance shows separate 
doorways; if desired, one door could be used, 
providing a partition be carried on first floor 
across end of living room. This would give a 
mutual vestibule, with hall on first floor leading 
to the kitchen. The door from kitchen, direct to 
front part of house is a convenient feature of 
this plan. 


-^ 104 ^^- 

-^*^ 105 c/^- 

' I 


^•^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES <J^ 





WE have selected this plan of a two family building for its dignity 
and refinement. Frame construction for such a large building must 
be dealt with carefully. Note the pleasing Colonial lines of the front 
elevation, the nice balance preserved by the front porch on one side, 
and the chimney on the other. 

This house should be painted white. A green roof will be most ap- 
propriate; the red brick chimneys and the touch of red brick at the porch 
corner will give just enough color to set off the whole ensemble. No other 
colors or trimmings will be effective. Evergreen shrubbery, however, is 
most desirable to maintain color balance in winter. 

The interior has three bedrooms, which are as well separated from the 
rest of the house as if they were on another floor. Young children can 
retire early and be undisturbed by radio music or entertainment going 
on in the front rooms. The large dining and living rooms, the comfortable 
fireplace and the sun room make an ideal home for entertaining. The 
kitchen is convenient for the serving of refreshments. A vestibule gives 
privacy, and a coat closet, convenience. 

This Colonial duplex, with its beautiful exterior and a well arranged,, 
modern interior will be most attractive to tenants. It will assure a con- 
tinuous income and be always a good investment. 

POil[RPY ^ 

TEN ROOMS, 25 X 44 FT. 


THE duplex costs less to build, less to heat and less to keep in good 
repair than two separate houses of the same accommodations. Hence 
the great popularity of the duplex. The owner frequently lives in one 
part and receives a good income from the other. Except for front porch 
and terrace the second floor plan is the same as the first. 

The interior arrangement is modern in every respect. The central 
location of the kitchen is most convenient. The bedrooms at the rear 
are well segregated from the living quarters; all have cross ventilation. 
The busy housewife will appreciate the dust porch. The large living 
room with its entertainment possibilities will appeal especially to those 
who are socially inclined. 

Well balanced architectural design, and rugged brick walls with green 
shutters and white slab trimmings give the Gratiot an air of distinction. 
These features should be matched by such refinements as high quality 
flooring and millwork, tasteful decoration, a kitchen cabinet, plenty of 
baseboard plugs, and other modern conveniences. With no bedroom for 
a maid, the housework should be reduced to a minimum. 

To attract and hold tenants the house must have a thoroughly modern 
interior as well as a pleasing exterior. 

-^"^ 106 c/^- 

--^ 107 c/^- 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 


^*^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 

A Work Bench in No. 5 

EVERY man likes to have a work bench where he can make 
small household and car repairs; Garage 5, fourteen feet 
wide, has room enough. It has also more room for storage of lawn 
and garden tools and car accessories. Oil cans under the bench 
and a tool cabinet on the wall above would be out of the way. 
Even a sink might be placed in the corner. Half the space above 
the car could be floored for winter storage of screens, lawn 
mower, garden hose, etc. 

For additional suggestions, ask for a copy of our "Book of 
Garages" containing plans and illustrations of 39 modern and 
up-to-date garages. 

laaxzoa TVfo cad rDAnDGADAQc no. 22 

For a 

Colonial House 

THE garage pictured here has 
wide clapboarding and a light 
brown roof to match the Colonial 
house. The siding is nailed directly to 
the studding and the interior is lined 
with insulating board which adds 
rigidity and strength to the building. 
The return cornice above the doors 
and at the rear gable gives a finished 
appearance as in garage. 

For additional suggestions, ask to 
see a copy of our "Book of Garages," 
containing plans and illustrations of 
39 modern and up-to-date garages. 

-^^ 108 c^- 

Photographic Illustration of Garage No. 22 above 

-^^ 109 c/^ 


No. 36 
A frame garage 12x18 finished 
with wide siding. Very suitable 
for a Colonial House. For a 
two car garage like this see 
Garage No. 37 on page 12 of 
our "Book of Garages." 

No. 33 
Size 20'x20' similar to our De- 
sign No. 12 in our "Book of 
Garages, "but finished in stucco 
instead of frame. 

No. 38 

A frame garage 12x18 finished with shingles. Similar to No. 2 

in our "Book of Garages", but shingles instead of siding. 

Entrance door on left. 

No. 31— Sixe 20x20 

This garage has stucco paneled walls, with solid brick corners. The 

doors are overhead style; other patterns could be used if desired. 

No. 39— Size 12x20 
A stucco garage with composition shingled roof. 

We shall be glad to show you a copy of our "Book of 
Garages." It illustrates 39 garages in frame, brick, 
■ stucco and hollow tile. If you are building a garage, 
there will be many helpful ideas in it for you. 


-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES <^ 

To Beautify the Grounds 

You build a home that better 
suits your taste, your purse, and 
your family needs than any house 
you could buy. You move in. You begin 
to see possibilities for beautifying the 

After all, you realise the house occu' 
pies only about half or a third of the 
ground area, and the rest is the setting 
for the house. The place looks rather 
bare, nothing but a lawn and a tree or 
two. Yet there's plenty of space for 
growing things, some shrubbery next 
the house, vines, roses, a window box, 
an ornamental tree, --Space, too, for 
growing boys and girls. 

Over the garden path you'll have a 
vine covered pergola or will it be a 
trellised rose arch? Around the tree a 
seat where the busy gardener can rest 
and survey her work. As for clothes 
posts, since you must have them, they 
might as well be of beautiful design that 
will add rather than detract from the 
back yard appearance. 

A lawn settee will prove a delightful 
place to sit in summer time, and plain 
simple porch furniture suggests a soci- 
able summer afternoon with iced lemon- 
ade or tea in tinkling glasses and trellis- 
ed porch vines all a-bloom. 

The l^leighhorly Fence 

"How can a gardener and lover of 
flowers hope to get anywhere with a 
bulldog named Spike next door?" 
queried a man of gentle artistic nature. 

A Place for Climbing Roses 


llllUIIIIIMt lillllllllllll II 11111 

"i ^111 lllliyi!!!!!! ii ""1 

An Inviting Rear Entrance 

A Fence for Backyard Privacy 

To which his neighbor a fond dad countered, "Well, how can a boy 
grow up in the right and normal way without a dog?" 
They answered both questions, each with a fence surrounding his yard. 
Not just a plain ordinary utility fence that would keep their backyards 
apart, but a thing of beauty that brought the two men together in friend- 

For the gardener it kept out all the dogs of the neighborhood, and it 
formed a white contrast with his vari-colored blooms. In the other yard 
it kept boy, dog and young friends at play safely fenced from trattic. 
* * * * 

The owned home is the greatest of all mediums for self expression. 
Man and wife are free to add improvements, to decorate the interior, 
and to beautify the grounds according to their own desires and tastes. 
As years roll by their home becomes an ever more complete expression 
of themselves, and their home ties grow deeper and stronger. We will 
be glad to offer further suggestions for lawn and garden miUwork. 

-^ 111 c/^ ~ 

-^ THE BOOK OF 100 HOMES c/^ 

Without sacrificing anything in the way of sound construction or architectural beauty you 

may he able to save one or tivo thousand dollars in the cost of your home by omitting the 

least necessary features. 

How Much to Pay for a Home 

rent. They could then afford to 
pay not more than $75 per 
month toward home ownership. 
Roughly two- thirds of this sum, or 
$50 per month, should be allowed 
for mortgage payments; that 
would allow for a $5000 loan. 

The remaining third, or $25 
per month should be regularly 
banked to meet insurance, taxes, 
special assessments, repairs, 
painting (once in every four or 
five years) and other items of 

Those who pledge too much of 
their income must often sacrifice 
many things that make life worth 
while, vacations, a car, a radio, 
music lessons or higher education 
for the children. Some must be 
sacrificed, of course, for the 
greater satisfaction of home own- 
ership. Moreover every family 
will meet with some misfortunes 
and emergencies. 

Build a home if you can. Mil- 
lions are doing it, but follow 
these simple rules and build safely within your means. 
The above rules for figuring the cost are very general. 
Our building service department will help you arrive at 
the right price to pay for your house. 

Where to Economize 

Let us first see where not to economize. Build a house that 
is big enough, one that has all the bedrooms your family 
will need. Build the style of a home you want and add the 
features you desire most. 

Architects plans and working drawings will save you 
more than they cost and so will insulation. Employ a good 
reliable contractor even if he charges a little higher than 
one of doubtful reputation. Also avoid cheap, shoddy 
materials; demand good sound building materials through' 

Observing these rules you figure the cost of the house 
you want to build, with many desirable features. Then if 
necessary you may be able to save $500, $1000 or even 
more by eliminating the least necessary features. 

If you had planned on a bungalow perhaps a two-story 
house of the same accommodations will do. It will cost 
much less to build. The sun porch or the fireplace might be 
omitted to be added later. Non bearing partitions might 
be omitted from the basement. The attic room might be 
left unfinished until later. 

Shingle or narrow siding might take the place of wide 
siding, brick or stucco. Plainer grades of hardwood floors 
will be just as serviceable as the more beautiful finer 
grades. The roofing need not be the everlasting asbestos, 
slate or tile; let the next generation reshingle. Our build- 
ing service man can suggest still other economies. 

MILLIONS of American families are enjoying all 
the benefits of home ownership while easily 
paying off the mortgage. Thousands are doomed 
to lose their homes and savings for building too expensive- 
ly, while other thousands go on grinding out joyless lives 
trying to pay off mortgages that are far too heavy. On 
the other hand we shall never know how many millions 
are missing all the joys of home ownership, not realising 
they could afford to build. 

Good authorities on home financing recommend that a 
man pay between 1 % and 23^ times the amount of his 
annual income for house and lot. That is, the $1800 man 
should pay between $3000 and $4500 for his home, 
whereas the $3000 man can afford between $5000 and 
$7500. The man of large family needs more of his income 
for clothing, food, etc., and should stay near the lower 
limits, whereas the man with only a wife to support 
might well pay the upper limit. 

It is usually advisable to pay down at least one-fifth of 
the total cost of house and lot. As the lot itself should be 
worth about one-fifth of the total cost, one can afford to 
build about as soon as his lot is paid for. The larger the 
down payment, the better. 

Another V/ay to Figure 

The usual way to pay off the mortgage loans is to pay off 
about 1% of the original loan per month for that purpose. 
On a debt of $4000, the family should set aside at least 
$40 per month for principal and interest until the loans 
are cleared. If the mortgages amount to $6500, the family 
should save at least $65 per month to amortize them. 

Suppose a family has proved its ability to save $20 per 
month, winter and summer, while paying ^55 per month 

-^-^ I12c./V^- 

INDEX (Alphabetically) 



Adair 26 

Afton 68 

Alden 14 

Amsterdam 45 

Ansonia 103 

Antwerp 92 

Asbury 65 

Ashland 75 

Ashton 34 

Barcelona 74 

Harrington 27 

Barrister 21 

Bartlett 88 

Bayport 60 

Beissel 91 

Bellaire 34 

Ben Avon 69 

BenHova ,... 69 

Bevedy l... 58 

Birkenhead 19 




Bloomington 33 

Briargate 48 

Bonnyrigg 30 

Brock 42 

Bryden 95 

Cambridge 71 

Canton 52 

Clifton 81 

Concord 105 

Cretin 67 

Cudworth. U 

Dayton 97 

Devonshire &S 

Downington 55 

Duval 99 

Earle 90 

Edgerton 70 

Edgewood 51 

Elsbury 59 

Enderlin 77 



Fargo 87 

Ferndale 63 

Glencoe 78 

Gratiot 107 

Grimsby 22 

Haarlem 16 

Hadley 57 

Halladay 18 

Hartshorne 35 

Hennepin 61 

Hingham 43 

Hopkins 79 

Kenilworth 47 

Kent 24 

Kingwood 100 

Kirkham 37 

Lancaster 93 

Leland 49 

Livingstone 98 

Lynn 80 

Marshall 83 




Martin 101 

Midvale 62 

Monticello 36 

Montrose 102 

Moorecraft 84 

Newcastle 96 

North wood 20 

Norwich 23 

Oxford 12 

Plymouth 25 

Pomeroy 106 

Portland 40 

Raymond 82 

Revere 39 

Roblyn 56 

Rosita 29 

Rowland 46 

Salem 50 

Shirley 32 

South wood 17 



Southworth 15 

Stiles 86 

Sunrise 64 

Trewald 72 

Tyler 89 

Van Dyke 44 

Verona 54 

Washburn 85 

Washington 13 

Wendell 38 

Westbrook 94 

Westby 104 

Westchester 53 

Westlawn 104 

Wickliffe 28 

Winona 41 

Winthrop 73 

Woodside 31 

Woodstock ,. 31 

Wynne 76 

INDEX (By Classification and Width) 


(Additional rooms on second floor may be included in those marked *) 



30 X 40. . . .30. . . *Glencoe 78 

30 X 34. . . .30. . . .Hopkins 79 

30 X 26 30. . . ^Lancaster. ....... 93 

28x36....29...*Wynne 76 

26 X 36 26 Moorecraft 84 

25 X 41'6". .25. . .*Stile8 86 

25x37....25...*Tyler 89 

24x40....24...*EnderUn 77 

24 X 38. . . .24. . . *Marshall 83 



24 X 38. . . .24. . . *Raymond 82 

24x36 24 Bartlett.. ....... 88 

24x36. ...24.... Clifton 81 

24x36.... 24.... Fargo 87 

24x36....24...*Lynn 80 

24 X 36. . . .24. . . .Washburn 85 

24x34.... 24.... Beissel '. . 91 

24 X 34 24. . .*Antwerp 92 

24x34....24...*Earle 90 
























.Kingwood 100 

.Westbrook 94 

. Bryden 95 

. Newcastle 96 

.Dayton 97 

.Duval 99 

. Livingstone 98 

. Martin 101 

.Montrose 102 


(One or more bedrooms on first floor. Second story may be finished oiSF later if desired.) 

32 X 26 . . . 

34'6''x 28. 
30 X 26. . , 



.34 BenHova 69 

.32. . . .Cretin 67 

. 32 . . . . Devonshire 66 

.31 Ben Avon 69 

.30 Bayport 60 

.30 Cambridge 71 

.38 Birkenhead 19 

.37 Rowland 46 

.36 Washington 13 

.36 Cudworth 11 

.36. . . .Southworth 15 

.41 Kenilworth 47 

.35. . . .Plymouth 25 

.39.... Alden 14 

.35.... Halladay 18 

.32.... Kent 24 

.32 Norwich 23 

.32.... Shirley 32 

.32 Hingham 43 

.31.... Bellaire 34 

.30 Hartshorne 35 

.42.... Oxford 12 

30 X 29 30 Hennepin 61 

28x24.... 28.... Salem 50 

25 X 40 25 Sunrise 64 

25 X 28. . . .25. . . .Winthrop 73 

24 X 40. .. .24 Ferndale 63 

24 X 38 24 Edgerton 70 

24 X 36. . . .25'6". .Asbury 65 


30 X 26 30. . . .Grimsby. 22 

30 X 25. . . .38'6". .Haarlem. 16 

30 X 25 37 Downington 55 

30 X 24 30 Edgewood 51 

30x24.... 30 Leland 49 

29 X 26 29 Northwood 20 

29x24....39....WendeU 38 

40 X 29 40 Barrister 21 

28 X 26. .. .28 Barrington 27 

28 X 26. .. .28 Monticello 36 

28 X 25 35 Revere 39 

28x24.... 28.... Hadley 57 

28 X 22 28 Amsterdam 45 

27 X 28. . . .33. . . .Woodside 31 

27x28.... 33.... Woodstock 31 

26 X 30 26 Southwood 17 

26x28.... 26.... Winona 41 

24 X 36. . . .24. . . .Midvale 62 

24x34.... 30 Afton 68 

24 X 33 24 Westchester 53 

24 X 32. . . .24 Ashland 75 

24 X 32 24 Barcelona 74 

24 X 32. . . .24. . . .Trewald 72 

26x27.... 31.... Adair 26 

26 X 26'6". .26 Canton 52 

26 X 26 36 Briargate 48 

26 X 26. . . .35'6". .Kirkham 37 

26x26 26.... Rosita 29 

26 X 25 28'6''. .Ashton 34 

26x22.... 26.... Roblyn 56 

26x22.... 26.... Verona 54 

25 X 30 25 ... . Bonnyrigg 30 

25x27.... 25.... Brock 42 

24 X 28 24 Portland 40 

24 X 26. . . .24. . . .Wickliffe 28 

24 X 24 32. . . .Bloomington 33 

24x24 24 Beverly 58 

24 X 24 24 Van Dyke 44 

28x26.... 28.... Elsbury 59 


.26.... Ansonia 103 | 24 x 38. . . .24. . . .Westby 104 I 24 x 38. .. .24. .. .Westlawn 104 


.27.... Pomeroy 106 | 25 x 46. .. .25. .. .Concord 105 1 25 x 44. .. .25. .. .Gratiot 107 
