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c fe'Bull* 

MAY 21 

Tuesday, May 7, 1946 

MWC Band Places 
Third; Wins $100 
At Winchester 

The Mary Washington College 
Band won third place in Class A 
in the Grand Feature Parade of 
the Shenandoah Apple Blossom 
Festival Friday, May 3. The an- 
nouncement was made at Parade 
Headquarters, George Washington 
Hotel, Winchester, Va., and Mr. 
Ronald Faulkner, director, re- 
ceived a check for $100 made out 
in the name of our band. 

The two bands which placed 
first and second were Staunton 
Military Academy Cadet Band, 
Staunton, Va., and Greenbrier 
Military School Band, Lewisburg, 
W. Va., respectively. The Augusta 
Military Cadets were first in the 
cadet class. 

The college band, only all-girl 
band in the state, left Mary Wash- 
ington at 9:00 a. m. Friday morn-' 
Ing In two buses. They travelled 
85 miles to Winchester, arriving 
about noon. The parade began at 
2:00 p. m., and each band made a 
four mile march to the judges 
stand and the court of Queen 
Shenandoah, Nancy Anderson. Ora 
Robinson was a Princess from 
Mary Washington. 

There were 23 bands taking part 
in the parade. The bands and floats 
were arranged so that there was 
first a float and then a band, etc. 
Before the parade a squadron of 
71 planes flew over in formation. 
The MWC band left Winchester 
at six and arrived at college late 
that night, tired and triumphant. 

Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia 

Vol. XVIII— No. 20 

?£ & ,PT T 2? B ! Susan Tilson Crowned Queen 

9 For Membership p^** ** *- # 

inchapeiceremony j n Coloriul May Day Celebration 

Nine juniors were tapped in J w 

May Day Dates Back 
To Pagan Antiquity 

Students in women's colleges, 
It seems, are about the only per- 
sons nowdays who celebrate May 
Day and attempt to preserve its 
old festive customs. 

The celebration is very ancient 
in origin, dating back to pagan 
antiquity. The pagans expressed 
their happiness at the arrival of 
spring by offering flowers to the 
goddess Maia, for whom the 
month of May was named. The 
Romans, also in a springtime 
mood, held Floral Games which 
they observed from April 28 to 
May 3. During these days they 
also paid especial homage to the 
goddess Flora in a celebration 
from which we derive the custom 
of crowning one of the commu- 
nity's prettiest girls Queen of the 


In England May-poles, frowned 
upon by the Puritans, were one of 
the features in the celebration of 
May Day. Some of these poles, it 
is said, were high enough to serve 
as masts of sailing vessels of 100 
tons. The May-poles set up in 
small villages were usually of 
birch, while the ones in large 
towns, which were set up per- 
manently, were of harder wood. 
After the Restoration, when Par- 
liament once again permitted the 
construction of May-poles, a 134- 
foot pole was set up by 12 British 
sailors, under the personal super- 
vision of James II, in the Strand 
in London. Since that time May- 
poles have retained their popula- 

Today, however, some trade 

unions, socialistic groups, and 

labor organizations, in addition to 

students, observe May Day, but 

Continued on Page 3 

Alpha Phi Picnic 

Alpha Phi Sigma, honorary 
scholastic fraternity, will have 
a picnic for ita members on Friday, 
May 10. 

juniors were tapped 
chapel Friday in Cap and Gown's 
annual tapping ceremony, which 
admits girls into the society. The 
choice is made on the basis of 
scholarship, leadership ability, per- 
sonality, and contributions to the 

The girls are Lois Anderson, 
Adelaide Brail, Barbara Buckham, 
Marian Butler, Margaret Cricken- 
berger, Nelle Dawes, Sylvia Fran- 
cis, Barbara Hansen, and Irene 

Lois Anderson, of Evanston, 
Illinois, is a member of Y. W. C. 
A., Alpha Phi Sigma, Outing Club, 
and Mary Washington Players. 
During her sophomore year she 
was executive secretary of Y. W. 
C. A., secretary of Campus Chest 
Council, and director of the Caril- 
lon Trio. This year, she is chair- 
man of the Y. W. C. A. Publicity 
Committee, business manager of 
Station WMWC, and director of 
the Holiday Chorus. 

Adelaide (Berry) Brawl, who is 
a native of Freeport, New York, 
is a member of Cotillion Club, 
Modern Portias, Science Club, 
Y. W. C. A., Bullet Staff, Alpha 
Phi Sigma, and Athletic Associa- 
tion. Next year she will be vice- 
president of Student Government. 
She was president of her fresh- 
man class. 

Coming here from oil city, Penn- 
sylvania, Barbara Buckham is a 
member of the Y. W. C. A. Choir, 
Mary Washington Players, Wesley 
Foundation, and is secretary to 
Dr. Quinzel. During her sopho- 
more year, she was president of 
Wesley Foundation and class 
treasurer. This year she has been 
house president of Mary Ball Hall. 
Marian Butler, of Plainville, 
Connecticut, is a member of Alpha 
Phi Sigma, French Club, Canter- 
bury Club, Bullet Staff, and Y. W. 
C. A. This year, she is chairman 
of the college unit of the Ameri- 
can Red Cross and secretary- 
treasurer of Modern Literature 

Margaret Crickenburger, a 
Washingtonian, belongs to Cotil- 
lion Club, Wesley Foundation, 
Y. W. C. A., class basketball 
team, and varsity hockey team. 
Her offices have been, during her 
sophomore year: chairman, Cam- 
pus Social Service Committee of 
Y. W. C. A., treasurer, Campus 
Chest, and summer school presi- 
dent of Y. W. C. A.; junior year: 
vice-president of Y. W. C. A., and 
manager of Tri-Unit Basketball 
Team. Next year she will be presi- 
dent of Y. W. C. A. 

Nelle Dawes, one of the college 
dramatic stars, is here from Wor- 
cester, Massachusetts. She is a 
member of Alpha Psi Omega, 
Mary Washington Players, Y. W. 
C. A., A. A., and is chief an- 
nouncer for station WMWC. This 
year, she has been president of the 
junior class, and a member of the 
Board of Directors for station 
WMWC. She is to be next year's 
Student Government president. 

Sylvia Francis of Crew, Virginia, 
is a member of the Band, Mu Phi 
Epsilon, Y. W. C. A., and West- 
minster Fellowship. iShe was chor- 
us director of the "Y" Benefit and 
Junior Beauty Contest, and is ac- 
companist for Mrs. Vera Ross. The 
offices she has held this year are 
vice-president of Alpha Phi Sigma 
and chairman of the Church Rela- 
tions Committee of Y. W. C. A. 

Barbara Hansen, a "Fredericks- 
burgian," la the town girl repre- 
sentative on Student Council, a 
member of Home Economics Club, 
Continued On Page « 

Pictured above are Miss Susan Tillson and Miss Nancy Hlte, May 
Queen and Maid of Honor in the recent May Day celebration at 
Mary Washington. 

MWC Jocks Compete 
In Intercollegiate 
Show At Lynchburg 

Mr. C. E. Bailey's Hurdle Hill 
Farm, Lynchburg, Va., on Satur- 
day afternoon, April 27, 1946, was 
the scene of an intercollegiate 
horse show sponsored by the "Or- 
der of Greyfel" Riding Club of 
Randolph-Macon Woman's College. 
Those colleges having entries were 
Randolph-Macon, Southern Semin- 
ary, V. M. I., and Mary Washing- 

Mary Washington went 140 
miles to compete, but the results 
seem to signify that it was worth- 
while. "Zero Hour," "Cricket," 
and "Sunny Shores," those three 
good looking chestnuts who went 
down in the Mary Washington 
van, were outstanding in every 
class they entered. The show fea- 
tured an eight-class program, 
which included' 4 strictly hunter 
classes, a pair class, 2 saddle horse 
classes, and a horsemanship class. 
Mary Washington entered the hun- 
ter classes, the pair class, and the 
horsemanship class, taking rib- 
bons in them all. "Zero Hour" 
with Anne Everett up was the out- 
standing horse of the show, win- 
ning two blues, a red, and a yel- 
low ribbon. That excellent little 
4-year-old "Cricket," ridden by 
Alison Bowen, turned in outstand- 
ing performances also. "Cricket" 
won the blue for green hunters, 
and collected three reds in the 
other classes. "Sunny Shores" 
with Funny Newbill aboard, gave 
his usual steady performance 
throughout to win a red and a 
yellow. Probably the biggest 
thrill of the afternoon came when, 
in the Ladies' Hunter class, "Zero 
Hour," "Cricket," and "Sunny 
Shores" placed first, second, and 
third in that order. 

Continued on Pag* 3 

Cast Laughs At 
Backstage Antics 
Of 'Little Women' 

"Little Women" is now in full 
swing, what with six rehearsals 
a week. The director, Dr. Lucile 
Charles, has turned over all night 
rehearsals to the student director, 
Ruth Meyer, and her assistant, 
Justine Edwards, and those two 
girls are struggling through all 
the agonies of mapping out the 
play. It really is a novelty to tell 
the professors what to do, though, 
and both girls are heartily enjoy- 
ing it. 

Of course, the play has its back- 
stage laughs, both from the cast 
and the directors. Mr. Schnellock 
provided one of the biggest in his 
attempt to keep an umbrella over 
Joyce Corbett's head as she bob- 
bed around the stage. Then, too, 
Nelle Dawes and Betty Caum al- 
ways get the giggles on one of 
Nelle's lines, which goes "Be calm, 
girls!" Since Betty is called B. 
Caum by her friends, they can't 
control their impulse to laugh. 
Posie Brooks and Tedo Savage 
(Amy and Laurie) are a real cute 
couple, and some of their repar- 
tee is quite amusing. Tedo has to 
kiss six of the seven girls in the 
cast, and the seventh keeps mut- 
tering "It isn't fair, it Just isn't 

The other night someone decided 
that the love scene between Pat 
Nussey and Dr. Castle needed 
music, so the organ burst forth 
with "Personality" — and the cast 
went wild with jitterbugging. Dr. 
Stansbury, as Mr. March, exerted 
his fatherly rights and brought 
them under control by the simple 
device of continuing hie lines. 
Continued, on Page 8 

— * Secretary of Commerce, Henry 
A. Wallace, was the guest of 
honor at May Day exercises held 
in George Washington Auditorium 
on Satui-day afternoon at four 
o'clock. Mr. Wallace came to the 
college as the guest of Dr. litis 
and Dr. Combs. Among the 2000 
spectators present were many pa- 
rents and alumnae of the college. 
The program, entitled "The 
Shining Land" was a ballet with 
words and music. Its purpose was 
to portray the American way of 
life and to commemorate the 
struggles and sacrifices recently 
undergone to preserve it. 

The procession of the May Court 
began the program. Susan Tillson, 
May Queen, wore a dress of white 
lace with dropped shoulders and 
a full skirt ending in a long train 
borne by two trainbearers in rose 
petal pink. She carried a scepter 
with white grosgraine ribbon and 
a white rosette at the knob. On 
the stage, a crown of white rose- 
buds was placed on her head by 
her Maid of Honor, Nancy Hits, 
whose dress was made of bur- 
gundy faille. 

The May Queen and Maid of 
Honor were preceded, in the pro- 
cession, by the 24 girls of the 
May Court. The Maids-in-Waiting 
wore dresses of chartreuse, rose 
beige, aqua blue, and camelia red. 
Each dress carried its own color 
in a bouquet of rosebuds placed at 
the waist. The pages were dressed 
in ivory and maroon while the 
flower girls wore buff blue. 

After the May Court was seat- 
ed, the narrator began the story 
while accompanying dances repre- 
sented various phases of it. First, 
the coming of Spring, symbolizing 
youth, beauty, and rebirth of the 
world was enacted followed by a 
portrayal of the farmers, doctors, 
teachers, miners, and mechanics 
who helped in the building of 
America. Then the American way 
of life, including baseball, Ihot 
dogs, and jitterbugging, was 
shown as well as the isolated, 
almost scornful attitude taken in 
regard to European problems. Sud- 
denly, the attack on Pearl Harbor 
effected a tremendous change. 
Armies were recruited, troops 
were sent to die on battlefields 
all over the world, and sacrifices 
were made on the home front. 
With the coming of victory and 
the return of prosperity, Ameri- 
cans are admonished to remember 
those who sacrificed their lives 
to keep this "The Shining Land." 
Many months of preparation 
went into the production of The 
Shining Land," which Miss Moore, 
of the Physical Education Depart- 
ment has described as "an equal 
blending of speech, dancing, and 
music." The script was Written 
before Christmas by Mr. Weiss 
and the music was written during 
Christmas holidays by Mr. Hous- 
ton. The orchestra, under the di- 
rection of Mr. Faulkner, recorded 
the music during the winter and 
rehearsals began on April 1st. 

Mrs. Bushnell was the director 
of the May Court. The Maids-in- 
Waiting we're: Ellen Alvey, Sarah 
Armstrong, Marjorie Batty, Lynn 
Bennett, Sue Brown, Betty Caum, 
Mary Frances Cheatham, Sally 
Crowell, Ann Driscoll, Helen Vir- 
ginia Miller Hardy, Anne Hopkins, 
Barbara Ann Hough, Gloria Jolly, 
Martha Mayers, Jean MoCausland, 
Evelyn McGrath, Margaret Moore, 
Meda Overman. Ora Robinson, 
Continued on Pag • \ 


Tuesday, May 7, 1946 



Published every Tuesday during the college year except during holidays 
and examination periods, by the students of Mary Washington College 
of the University of Virginia, Fredericksburg, Virginia. 




Associated Cblle&iate Press National Advertising Service, Inc. 

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Intercollegiate Press 

Office: Library No. 4. P. O. Box: No. 1187, College Station. 

Printers: Colonial Press. Inc. 

Subscription rate: $1.50 a year; ten cents a copy. 


Virginia Pinchbeck Editor-in-Chief 

Joan Goode News Editor 

News Staff: Dorothy Conway, Ann Dulany, Becky Grigg, Una Hayes, 
Ann Jackson, Marjorie Murray, Carolyn Shankwciler. 

Jean Knott Business Manager 

Barbara Thomas Feature Editor 

Feature Writers: Polly Kapteyn, Joan Howard, Joan Rekemeyer, 
Donna Mathews, Mary Field, Sue Cain, Anne Marie Thomas, 
Joan Timber-lake. 

Primm Turner Cartoonist 

Genevieve Downer 1 Photography Editor 

Catherine Fast abend, Barbara Keller Advertising Managers 

Dorothy Adams Circulation Manager 

Circulation Staff: Shirley Barker, Mary Virginia Bailey, Marion But- 
ler, Mary Campbell, Nancy Davis, Anna Fortmann, Virginia 
Funk, Carrol Hansford, Jane Hockenberry, Frances Horn, 
Bobbie Keller, Helen Malloy, Doris Mingon, Aline Williams, 
Betty Withrow. 

Louise Brockenbrough Typist 

Charlotte Baylis Exchange Editor 

Mailing Staff: Anne Berman, Betty Heller, Violet Hundley, Jean 
Hydren, Esther Reese. 

Jane Y eat man , Proof Editor 

Proof Readers: Martha Fischer and Rebecca Walker. 


Tomorrow is Senior Day! It marks the nearing of the 
close of this school year. For the Seniors it marks the end 
of college days and the beginning of a life beyond that. 

This Senior class was the first to enter Mary Washington 
in a world at war; it is the first to leave our college in a 
world at peace. This was a class in a transition period in our 
world and in our school. 

When the class of '46 entered, Mary Washington was a 
college, ranking high among the women's colleges in our 
state. Today it is a part of the. University of Virginia. When 
they came, specialized courses were offered as commerce and 
home economics. Now liberal arts are stressed. Courses, 
teachers, and classes have changed in the past four years, and 
will change still more in the years to come. 

These Seniors have seen Mary Washington grow. They 
have seen the classes grow steadily larger until room space 
is hard to find. They have seen, too, three classes graduate 
before them. Now it is their turn. In June it will be this 
class which will march in caps and gowns and receive col- 
lege diplomas. The Seniors of today will be the alumnae of 
next year. 

The class came in a flood — literally. Within three weeks 
of their arrival, the rains came, and Fredericksburg was 
almost washed down the river. They met this and survived 
to return as Sophomores to give that memorable benefit, 
"Seven Come Eleven." The years passed and then came 
1946, the year of graduation. 

Yes, tomorrow is Senior Day — the day when underclass- 
men will honor the Class of '46 for what they have meant 
to Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia. 

V. E. P. 


In the recent Loyalty night program two things stood out 
above all else the Mary Washington College seal and the 
torch of that seal. 

Though the winds blew and beat upon the seal it did not 
fall for two reasons. It was constructed well, and college 
girls held it up against the blasts. Even so with our college 
— it is built well and founded upon those who have gone 
before us. Too, Mary Washington cannot fall as long as its 
traditions and ideals are upheld by those who walk its halls. 

The night was dark, and cold, but the torch flamed 
brightly giving light and warmth to all it touched. Individual 
candles were lighted, but these went out when attacked by 
a gust of wind. We, as individuals may falter and fail, but 
the flame, the spirit that is our collee will go on. That spirit 
is bigger than one person; it is bigger than all the petty 
trials that beset its students. Yet it is not so much above 
each of us that it does not touch us, touch our lives and 
perhaps make us better because we have attended Mary 

"Pro Deo, Domo, Patria"— For God, Home, and Native 
Land. These words mean something special to every student 
here. Each is striving to do the best, learn the most, and be 
the best she can for God, home, and country. College right 
now is our medium for accomplishing these things. We are 
living while at Mary Washington. 

So often students think of school as just a preparation for 
life. It is more than that; it is life! And life that can be 
lived to the fullest. We, as college girls, have opportunities 
now that will never be ours again— opportunities to learn, 
opportunities for friendship, and for service. 

Make the most of every day, fill it to the brim, and take 

The Students Speak 

Dear Editor 

This is a letter on "school 
spirit". Please feel free to sigh 
or groan if you like. You see — 
I'm tired of hearing people talk 
about it too. They say we have a 
lack of school spirit here at Mary 
Washington. By "they" I mean 
most everyone connected with the 
school and the students them- 
selves. Your last Bullet even car- 
ried a request for a letter on this 
so-called "lack of school spirit." 
Nearly everyone seems to have 
talked about it at one time or an- 
other, and I'm wondering if it 
hasn't gotten to be just a habit — 
the talking about it, I mean. 

You hear these people talking 
about school spirit as though it 
were something you could buy or 
make — as though it were some- 
thing tangible you could put your 
finger on. 

Mary Washington doesn't par- 
ticipate in interscholastic sports. 
Therefore we are deprived of 
"rooting" and cheering at an ex- 
citing game, the widespread con- 
ception of a means of showing 
spirit. But is this all there is to 
school spirit? I like to think that 
it is not! 

But, I'm here to say that school 
spirit cannot be * engendered by a 
lot of high-sounding cheers, nor 

Susan Tillson Crowned 
Queen In Colorful 
May Day Celebration 

Continued From Page 1 

Dorothy Towles Rowe, Katheryn 
Theresa Ryan, Virginia Belle 
Soper, Harriet Tyler, and Bette 

Trainbearers were Jane Robin- 
son and Betty Goodloe. Flower 
girls were Joanna Webber and 
Josephine Wilson. Pages were Ann 
Gregg and Judith Stone. 

Janet Ryder was the narrator. 
There was also a voice chorus of 
12 girls. The dancers were mem- 
bers of the newly organize Con- 
cert Dance Club. The M. W. C. 
Cavalry took the part of men 
in uniform. 

Costumes were designed by Miss 
Moore and were made by Mrs. T. 
W. Childress of Fredericksburg. 
Tickets and seating arrangements 
were under the direction of Miss 
Leonard, of the Physical Educa- 
tion Department. Members of .A. 
A. Council served as ushers. Copy- 
ists were Betty Bane and Betty 

can it be blocked by an over- 
supply of rules. It's something 
that must be built up through the 
years. It's not something tangible, 
but it's a feeling— a feeling of love 
for a place, because it has brought 
to you friendship, knowledge, 
beauty — because it has taught you 
to live in harmony with others, 
because it's yours — and something 
that's yours seems so much dearer 
than if it belonged to another. 

This is a plea for us to dis- 
continue this talk about "lack of 
school .spirit," for us to stop talk- 
ing about mailing more school 
spirit, for us to stop judging it. 
School spirit is a feeling, a high 
feeling! Couldn't we just leave it 
on that level? 


Funny Newbill. 

Cast Laughs At 
Backstage Antics 
Of 'Little Women' 

Continued From Page 1 

Alice Ross, the crabby Aunt 
March of the play, has difficulty 
in managing her cane, which tem- 
porarily is a curtain rod, and you 
never saw such an amazed expres- 
sion on a girl's face as when it 
slipped, leaving Alice in a bent 
position six inches from the floor! 

Becky Grigg is so wrapped up 
in her role of Hannah, that she 
now talks in a broad Irish brogue. 
And wait until you see the beauti- 
ful turkey she carries around 
stage! Hmmm! 

Kindly old Mr. Lawrence, play- 
ed by Dr. Tanner, enjoys his first 
scene so much, that there is never 
a meeting but he doesn't request 
its performance. When you see it, 
I'm sure you'll agree with the 
directors who say "It's wonder- 

And there you have it — back- 
stage glimpses of "Little Women" 
as it is nearing the final week of 
dress rehearsal. Student Director 
Ruth Meyer says, "It is going to 
be a marvellous production, full 
of laughs, tears, and love. 

It's an excellent cast which, is 
sure to make the immortal char- 
acters of Louisa May Alcoa's 
book live for the audience." And 
Justine adds, "Wait until you see 
our Laurie and Professor Bhaer. 
In fact, wait until you see the 
whole cast!" 

We're waiting, "Little Women!" 

away with you some of the spirit of Mary Washington — the 
spirit that cannot die. — V. E. p. 


By Primm Turner 

I Ml _j5l 

cp— I 

"Though the cause of evil prosper, 
Yet its truth alone is strong; 
Though her portion be the scaf- 
" fold, 

And upon the throne be wrong, 
Yet the scaffold sways the future, 
And, behind the dim unknown, 
Standcth God within the shadow, 
Keeping watch above his own. 

* * * 

Last week was "Leadership 
Training Week" for the members 
of new "Y" cabinet, and these 
meetings were held every day at 
5 P. M. in the "Y" room. The topic 
on Monday was "Preparation and 
Execution of Committee Work," 
by Maragret Crickenberger; Tues- 
day, "How to Get Along With 
People," by Dr. E. K. Dodd; Wed- 
nesday, "Leadership," by Mr. Emil 
Schneilock; Thursday, "Parlia- 
mentary Procedure," by Dr. Eliza- 
beth Baker; Friday, "Responsible 
Living," by Miss Lillie Turman. 
These talks were enjoyed by all, 
and much helpful information was 
gained by new cabinet for their 
work next year. 

* » * 

Miss Betsy Kyle was elected 
chairman of the Church Relations 
Committe. Congratulations and 
welcome to new cabinet! 
K At the first meeting of new 
cabinet, old cabinet lead them a 
merry chase following notes 
through desk drawers, under 
lamps, behind curtains, in ivy 
vases, and in books, but new cab- 
inet found it. We certainly did en- 
joy those Walnettos. Three guesses 
who fixed that up. P. S. The first 
two don't count. 

* * * 

Nope, they weren't being ini- 
tiated, but old cabinet members 
weren't wearing their skirts and 
sweaters backwards for nothing. 
That was their ticket to the 
"Backward Party" given them by 
Freshmen Commission at the 
cabin last Sunday night. Even 
though it was supper, the break- 
fast of pancakes and sausage 
tasted mighty good. 

* * * 

The "Youth Council" held a 
meeting on April 30, and Frances 
Adair and Jane Edmunds were 
representatives for "Y" cabinet. 
This council is a Fredericksburg 
organization to promote recrea- 
tion for youth. The possibility of 
Hi-Y and Trd-Y clubs being start- 
ed in town was discussed. Anyone 
having experience with such clubs 
please get in touch with Jane 

* * • 

The Sunday evening devotional 
service was held in Monroe audi- 
torium at 5 P. M. The topic was 
"Follow Thou Me in Courageous 
Living" by Marion Withers. A 
solo was sung by Miss Margaret 
Ruth Harrell. 



Juniors Attention! 

All money for the Junior- 
Senior Ring Dance must be 
paid to Wilson Barker by 
Tuesday, May 7. The dues for 
the dance are $3.00. 
The Junior-Senior Dance will be 
held Saturday, May 11. There will 
be a tea dance in the afternoon 
from 3:30-5:30. Johnny Satter- 
field's Orchestra is playing for 
both dances. 

The last figure practice for all 
Juniors will be Thursday, May 9, 
at 12:30 in the Hall of Mirrors. 

There will be a meeting of all 
those attending the dance May 9 
in Monroe Auditorium at 7:00 P.M. 

Dr. Herman Reichenbach, pro- 
fessor of music here at Mary 
Washington is ill in Richmond. 
The Bullet staff speaks for itself 
and the student body in wishing 
Dr. Reichenbach a swift return 
to health and to his classes. 

■ M 





Tuesday, May 7, 1946 



Jerry Borgett and Robert 
N. Blazey will be married in 
the Fredericksburg Pr^byterian 
Church on June 3 immediately 
after commencement • exercises. 
Colleen Hall, roommate of the 
bride-to-be will be her only at- 
tendant. Mr. Blazey is a graduate 
of Cornell University and served 
as a lieutenant in the 8th Air 
Force over Europe. He is now 
employed by the International 
Harvester Co., Buffalo, N. Y. 

' * * * \ 

Announcement has^ been made 
of the engagement of Anne Jones 
and Bascom Wilson of Orleans, 
Ind. Anne will be graduated in 

* * * ■ 

Virginia Pinchbeck became en- 
gaged to Benjamin Covington, a 
former Navy pharmacist mate, 
over the Easter holidays. Both 
are of Richmond. 

* * * 

Mary Phillips, a former Mary 
Washington student, was a guest 
on campus recently. 

The engagement of Dorothea 
Lonas and Jack H. Dick has been 
announced. A graduate of Auburn 
University, Mr. Dick was recent- 
ly discharged from the service 
after serving with the field artil- 
lery. Dorothea will be graduated 
in June and married in early fall. 

* * * 

Peggy Elsasser, Marianne Frid- 
dejl, and Lois Saunier were guests 
at VMI Easters last week end. 

* » * 

Rosalind Marshall and Kenneth 
Slater became engaged over the 
Easter holidays. Slater is a sar- 
geant in the Army Air Corps. 

* » * 

An autumn wedding is being 
planned by Rosemary Sheehan 
and Midshipman Robert Enright, 
who became engaged Easter. Both 
will be June graduates; Rosemary 
of MWC and Enright of the U.S. 
Naval Academy. 

* * * 

Pat Hollingsworth, who was 
graduated from MWC at the end 
of fall quarter, was a recent guest 
on campus. 

* * * 

The engagement of Nancy Hitel 
and Jesse Tucker has been an- 
nounced. A veteran of 12 months 
overseas with the infantry, Mr. 
Tucker is now attending the 
University of Richmond. 
* * * 

Madeline Neil, Betty Kinsworthy 
and Louise Pope, all former MWC 
students, spent Mayday weekend 

on the hill. 

* * * 

Betty Ann Hendrie and Bernard 
Leigh Powell will be married in 


* * * 

Evelyn White, Peggy Hoffamn, 
Ann Bradley and Nancy Douglas 
attended Easters at the Univer- 
sity of Virginia last weekend. 

* * * 

Maxine Gold has become en- 
gaged to Fred Cohen of New York 


* * * 

The marriage of Colleen Hall 
and Charles W. Massey Will take 
place during the coming summer. 
Colleen will be graduated in June. 
Her fiance served with the Flying 
Tigers in China during the war. 

Shirley Hannah Has 
Senior Recital 

Miss Shirley Hannah, mezza- 
soprano, gave her Senior Recital 
on Sunday, April 28, in Monroe 

"The musical program included 
"He Shall Feed His Flock" from 
Handel's "Messiah," "Conntfis-tu 
le Pays' 1 from "Mignon" by Tho- 
mas, "Nocturne" by Pearl Curran, 
Schubert's "Whither?", "O Mother 
Dearest," a Russian folk song by 
Schindler. and "Night Wish" by 
Gifford Nash. Miss Hannah closed 
with "The Crown of the Year" by 
Easthope Martin. 

Miss Elizabeth Krebbs assisted 
at the violin-cello and Miss Sylvia 
Francis accompanied on the piano. 

WMWO— 600 

Tuesday, May 7 

2:00- Musical Masterpieces 

4:30-4:45 May Day 
4:45-4:50 We the Peep Hole 
4:50-5:00 Top Tunes of MWC 

Wednesday, May 8 
2:00- Musical Masterpieces 

4:30-4:45 Nations of the World 
4:45-4:50 We the Peep Hole 
4:50-5:00 Name the Personality 

Thursday, May 9 
2:00- Musical Masterpieces 

4:30-4:45 MWC Dance Band 
4:45-4:50 We the Peep Hole 
4:50-5:00 Guess the Tune 

Friday, May 10 
2:00- Musical Masterpieces 

4:45-4:50 We the Peep Hole 
4:50-5:00 Top Tunes of MWC 

Monday, May 13 
2:00- Musical Masterpieces 

4:30-4:45 King Time 
4:45-4:50 We the Peep Hole 
4:50-5:00 Hit Tune Parade 

MWC Jocks Compete 
In Intercollegiate 
Show At Lynchburg 

Continued From Page 1 

Randolph-Macon won the Hunter 
Hack class, and their excellent 
rider, Phyllis Frazier, took first 
place in the Horsemanship class. 

Southern Seminary was out- 
standing in the saddle classes. 

Mary Washington girls who 
went down to the show and were 
guests at Randolph-Macon College, 
had a splendid time, and found 
their hostesses most hospitable 
and also wonderful sports. 

May Day Dates Back 

To Pagan Antiquity 

Continued From Page 1 

these organizations do not attempt 
to preserve the old May Day cus- 
toms. The reason why workers 
chose May Day for public celebra- 
tion is that the International So- 
cialist Congress of 1889 selected 
May 1 as an international holiday, 
which is regularly observed in 

The custom of observing May 
Day with beautiful festivals in 
women's colleges began early in 
the present century, and its cele- 
bration has become a tradition 
here at Mary Washington. There 
are a few pictures and comments 
in the Battlefields of past years 
which give some idea of what 
those old May Day celebrations 
were like. In the piotures that date 
back to the days before the build- 
ing of the outdoor theater, the 
May Queens were holding court on 
the quadrangle. In the 1922 Battle- 
field, a girl writes in an article 
entitled "Athletics," "All of us who 
have taken part in athletics are 
looking forward eargerly to the 
time when we may be seated 
around the May Queen and re- 
ceive the numerals and mono- 
grams which are to be awarded 
for special merit." 

Another comment, from the 1934 
issue, proves that the weather was 
as tempermental 12 years ago as 
it is today. It rained all day right 
up until the time of the ceremony, 
and then the sun appeared. By 
1934 this kind of weather behavior 
seems to have been a well estab- 
lished May Day tradition. It is 
said that during some of the early 
festivals the audience and parti- 
cipants spent a great deal of time 
chasing dogs out of the court. The 
dogs seemed to think that the 
ceremony was staged for their 
especial pleasure. 

Radio Waves 

WMWC is back to 4:30 again. 
We have our regular time now 
over WFVA and also over WMWC. 
This later hour means that more 
students can listen because of 
fewer classes at that time. Each 
afternoon, Monday through Fri- 
day, the radio class presents fif- 
teen minutes of variety entertain- 
ment for Mary Washington listen- 

* * * 

In a recent survey of our cam- 
pus made by the Intercollegiate 
Broadcasting System it was found 
that the principal reason college 
girls here listen to the campus 
station is that they might hear 
and recognize schoolmates voices. 
Why don't you try it sometime? 
It's fun to listen to a whole pro- 
gram and know that it is written, 
produced, announced, and controll- 
ed by students at MWC. Try to de- 
tect familiar voices as you listen 
to your favorite fifteen minutes 
over either WFVA or WMWC. 

* * * 

If you have difficulty getting 
the college station, drop us a card. 
Just address it Station WMWC, 
College Station, Fredericksburg, 
V'a. Let us know if the reception 
isn't clear or any particular thing 
you like or dislike about the sta- 
tion. If you do have trouble pick- 
ing up WMWC at 600, try 550. 
The system has been changed a 
little in order to give you better 
reception, and you may hear the 
broadcast better at 550 now. 

* * n 

Thursday the MWC Dance Band 
is being featured over the college 
station. So for the best in dance 
music from our own group, tune 
in to WMWC. 

* * * 

Friday, May 3, and Friday, May 
10, the regular Mary Washington 
broadcast will not be on WFVA 
because of the baseball games be- 
ing played on those two days. 
However, WMWC will still be on 
the air with "Musical Master- 
pieces," 'We the Peep Hole," and 
"Top Tunes of MWC." 

* * • 

Have you been hearing our Wed- 
nesday personality broadcasts? If 
you haven't, you've been missing 
a grand chance to win a record. 
Each week the pertinent facts 
about some campus personality 
are revealed, interspersed with 
popular melodies. The person who 
guesses this character and sends 
MWC a postcard showing the 
name receives a record. . . .There's 
a record given away each week. 
Listen in and perhaps you will be 
the lucky winner one Wednesday. 

* * * 

The J & J Appliance Company 
lends us records every week for 
the regular broadcast of "Top 
Tunes of MWC." These top tunes 
are picked from those requested 
in the box outside the "C" Shoppe. 
Remember to write your favorite 
song on a slip of paper and put it 
in the box. How else can the sta- 
tion get the most up-to-the-minute 
favorite tunes of our campus? 


Latin Tournament 
Held On Campus 

- Students from Spotsylvania and 
Fredericksburg high schools took 
a competetive exam in the 1946 
Virginia Latin tournament here at 
Mary Washington College on 
Saturday, April 27. Dr. Tanner, 
who is chairman of the Classical 
Association of Virginia, gave the 
three-hour exam. After taking the 
exam, which was held in the E. 
Lee Trinkle Library education 
room, the students were given 

a special dinner in the dining hall 
and were taken on a tour of the 

A girl was reading about birth 
and death statistics. 

'Suddenly she turned to a male 
on her right and said, , "Dp., you 
know that every time I. breathe 
a man dies?" 

"Very interesting," he returned, 
"Why don't you try Sen-Sen?" 

— Cornell Widow. 



WINNER OF 10 World's 
Fair Grand Prizes, 
28 Gold Medals 
and more honors for 
accuracy than any 
other timepiece. 




Phone 523—1006 Caroline St. 


1009 Princess Anne 

Cleo E. Pappas, Manager 

Young's Bakery 

Bread, Cakes and Pies 

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Compliments of 

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Joseph H. Ulman 

Feminine Fashions 



822 Caroline St., Fredericksburg 


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Free booklet: "WARDROBE TRICKS". Write Judy Bond, Inc., Dept. B. 1375 B'way, H.Y. 18 


We are showing a new line of Easter 
cards— just the kind that will be the 
nicest way to tell someone "Fm 
thinking of you this Easter-time." 


Spring Shoes 
Arriving Daily 


911 Caroline St. 






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Elkins Flower 

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24 Hour Taxi Service 
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Tuesday, May 7, 1946 




The Hoof Prints Club held it's 
April meeting not long ago and 
entertained election of officers 
and plans for the Spring Horse 
Show. The new officers are: Pres- 
ident — Francis Newbill, Vice Pres- 
ident — Anne Everett, Secretary — 
Virginia Schier, and Treasurer — 
Susan Hoggard. Congrat's girls — 
with a team like that the Club 
is sure of getting a lot of plowing 
done next year. 

Things are beginning to hum 
around "Ye Olde Barne Yarde" in 
anticipation of the coming Horse 
Show. Mr. Walther is bearing 
down on the classes in an attempt 
to get the riders in their best 
form. Committees have been ap- 
pointed and are getting to work 
at their various tasks. The amount 
of work behind a horse show al- 
most parallels the fun had on the 
day of the event. Anne Everett 
heads the Prize and Trophy Com- 
mittee and will be dashing about 
campus and town like a spring 
filly hunting up donators for tro- 
phys. Marilee Hicks and Susu 
Hoggard are in charge of pro- 
grams and will be tearing their 
manes out drawing the programs 
up and getting them printed. Pat 
Richards is already formulating 
great plans for publicity and Mabs 
Royar is going to wish that she 
had taken a course in diplomacy 
by the time she finishes bargain- 
ing with the Coke man in an at- 
tempt to get enough Cokes for 
the Hoof Prints party after the 

If you are planning to ride in 
the show Mickey Carpenter will 
be happy to receive the dollar en- 
tree fee any time. But, if you 
don't want to go trucking all the 
way over to Westmoreland — 'the 
following girls are in charge of 
collecting entree fes in the desig- 
nated dorms: Willard — Shirley 
Conn, Virginia— Mimi Murray, Tri- 
Unit- Ruth Snell, Westmoreland — 
Nancy Walke. The Collectors for 
B. Lewis and Cornell have not as 
yet been appointed. 

Anne Goodloe is in charge of 
tickets, Alison Bowen and Toni 
Campbell are doing the typing, 
and Jean Bell and Harriet San- 
ford are responsible for the judges 
score cards. Other Committees 
who can take it easy until show 
time and then won't have time to 
think whether they are on the 
right lead or not are: Numbers — 
Nancy Jones and Lorraine Goedde, 
Parking — Mimi- Murray and Ginny 
Schier, Presentation of trophies — 
Bev Payne, and the Ring Master — 
Imogen Murden. 

In case you're wondering when 
this great event is taking place 
it will be during the afternoon of 
Saturday, May 18th. Now that 
the new busses are running your 
transportation problems to and 
from Oak Hill Stables are solved. 

Randolph-Macon Woman's Col- 
lege sponsored an Intercollegiate 
Horse Show Saturday the 27th of 
April. It was held at Hurdle Hill 
Farm just outside of Lynchburg 
and the judges for the show were 
Althea Smith Mosely and Lloyd 
Howard. Mr. Walther took three of 
our top Mary Washington jocks 
down and they did right well for 
themselves and Mary Washington 
College. Anne Everette rode Big 
Zero Hour, Funny Newbill rode 
Sunny Shores and Alison Bowen 
was mounted on Cricket. They 
took the following places in the 
classes they entered: 

Class I — Hunter Hack: Perfor- 
mance, manners, and hunting 
soundness only to be judged. To 

.. be shown at a walk, trot, canter 
/ and over two three foot jumps. 
/ 2nd. place — Alison Bowen. 

3rd. place — Anne Everett. 

Class m — Working Hunters: To 
be shown at a fair hunting pace 
over eight jumps. Performance, 
manners, and hunting soundness 
only to be judged. 
- 1st. place — Anne Everett. 

Class V — Green Hunters: To be 
•^^ shown over four jumps at three 
"~*^feet. Conditions same as Class I. 

1st. place — Alison Bowen. 

Class VI— Pair Class: Open to 
any type of horse. To be shown 
at a walk, trot, canter. To be 
judged in similarity, manners, and 
way of going as a pair. 

2nd. place — Alison Bowen and 
Anne Everett. 

Class VII — Ladies' Hunters: To 
be ridden by a lady over four 
jumps not to exceed three feet. 
Conditions same as Class I. 

1st. place — Anne Everett. 

2nd. place — Alison Bowen. 
3rd. place — Francis Newbill. 

Class VIII — Horsemanship: Open 
to students only. Horses to be 
shown at a walk, trot, canter, and 
hunter over two three foot jumps. 
To be judged on position and con- 

2nd. place — Francis Newbill. 

Several Mary Washington girls 
went down as spectators and said 
that besides enjoying the show 
thoroughly, they thought the 
sportsmanship and friendliness of 
participants and spectators was 



The Craig Healing Springs Resort 
needs waitresses for this summer. 
No experience is necessary. If 
you are interested, write for de- 
tails to 

J. P. OULD, Jr., Mg'r. 

1924 Rivermont Ave., 
Lynchburg, Va. 



Sport Highlights 


All girls who like to swim are 
urged to try out for Terrapin Club 
this Thursday, May 9, or Thurs- 
day, May 16, at the pool from four 
to six. 

Contestants will be judged on 
form and not speed in swimming. 
The three required strokes are 
breast stroke, front crawl, and 
back crawl. If you want to be a 
member, you must be able to swim 
once a week from five to six 
o'clock with the other members. 

If you have time and like to 
swim, Terrapin Club wants you 
to be a member. 

* * * 


Both the doubles and the singles 
tennis, ping pong, and badminton 
match lists may be found in the 
gym on the bulletin board. It is 
necessary that you find out your 
partner and opponent, and play 
your rounds. As soon as you have 
finished these rounds, turn the 
results in. There are other activi- 
ties starting in the near future, 
and tennis must be on the records. 



Sign up for archery on the bul- 
letin board in Monroe basement if 
you can shoot an arrow. The Tele- 
graphic Tournament will begin 
around the 11th, so don't forget to 
be out there. 

Only students are eligible, so 
get behind it and let's go all 
out for "cupid" practice. 
Dear Editor, 



The ones who have gone to the 
practices for softball will be able, 
to find an announcement of your 
games on the Monroe gym bul- 
letin board. Anyone who hasn't 
practiced, but would like to play 
see Betty Phillips. Those of you 
who haven't practised can not be 
given A. A. points, but we assure 
you that you will have a lot of 

In-Between Class 
Plans Soph. Day 

Tuesday, May 14, has been set 
aside as the date for Sophomore 
Day — the day in which the class of 
1948 of Mary Washington College 
will introduce a new program for 
the purpose of fostering increased 
class cooperation, fellowship, and 
recognition. The theme for the 
day is "Know Your Sophomore 
Class Better." 

Designed primarily for the bene- 
fit of the Sophomores, the day will 
consist of a rally and will be 
climaxed by an informal party 
for the class. 

Miss Sarah Armstrong, presi- 
dent of the Sophomore Class, has 
stated that the Sophomores will 
wear their class colors of green 
and white that day. 

The informal party will be held 
in the Big Gym from 7:30 to 8:30 
p. m. A program of Sophomore 
talent will be presented. Each 
Sophomore, in order to know at 
least one member of her class 
better, will take a classmate to 
the party. Names of half the group 
will be drawn by the other half in 
order to select a partner with 
whom to attend the party. 

The committee chairmen for 
the party have been announced. 
They are as follows: 

Food: Betty Jane Yowell, Chair- 
man, Mildred Reed, Co-Chairman- 
Entertainment: Jane Griswold] 
Chairman, Neal Ayala, Co-Chair- 
man ; Publicity: Barbara Thomas, 
Chairman, Alice Cassriel, Co- 
Chafrman; Decorations: Becky 
Friscoe, Chairman, Vicky Dale, 
Co-Chairman; Favors: Betty Bul- 
lis, Chairman, Ethel Chrisman, 
Co-Chairman; Display Committee: 
Martha Warriner, Chairman, Pat 
Travis, Co-Chairman. 

Mrs. Robert Pyle, wife of Dr. 
Robert Pyle, sponsor of the Sopho- 
more Class, will preside at the 

punch bowl. 

The class is expected to parti- 
cipate to its best abliity and turn 
out en masse in class colors. The 
"in between" class will strive for 
a new spirit of inclusiveness which 
has heretofore been difficult to 
establish in a class of several 
hundred members. 

Cap & Gown Taps 
Nine For Membership 
In Chapel Ceremony 

Continued From Page 1 

and Alpha Phi Sigma. 

Irene Taylor, from Fairfax, Vir- 
ginia, belongs to Alpha Phi Sigma, 
Alpha Tau Pi, Mu Phi Epsilon, 
the Symphony and Dance Orches- 
tras, and Y. W. C. A. Choir. She 
is accompanist for the College 
Glee Club, color guard for the 
Band, and was 1946 song leader 
for the Tri-Unit. This year she 
has been treasurer of Mu Phi 
Epsilon, and next year will be 
house president of Betty Lewis 

She: You remind me of Don 

He -j But he is dead, you know. 
She: Yes, I know. — El Burro. 


Compliments of 



908 Caroline St. 

Classified Ads 

Ads: 3c a Line 

No ad less than two 
lines — all ads must be 
turned in by Thursday 
of the week preceding 
Bullet publication. 

LOST — An umbrella, white with 
blue flowers, name on it, prob- 
ably at Dining Hall. Finder 
please return to Willard 324 or 
Mrs. Bushnell's office. 

The election for new officers 
in the Science Club was held April 
15 in Chandler Hall. 

The 1946-47 officers are as fol- 
lows: Barbara Spencer, president; 
Bets Wilson, vice-president; Mari- 
lou Sullivan, secretary; Harriet 
Davis, treasurer j and Nancy Daw- 
ley, reporter. 


by Miss S*v«nt««n 

Bosic to a reed-slim you... Power 
Miracle, the waist-whittling 
wonder mesh that controls -with 
a caress... abbreviates bulges. 
Bi-directional stretch makes it 
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curve-convincing I In panties 
ond girdles. At better stores— *& 







City Bakery, Inc. 


Bread, Rolls, and 
Pastries of All Kinds 

416-418 William St. 
Phone 1250 


Princess Anne 

Princess Anne St. 

When you are in town 
visit the 


'where the prices are always 

Superior Dairy 


Phone 716 
Fredericksburg, Va. 




Monday-Tuesday, May 6-7 

Judy Garland - John Hodiak in 


Wednesday-Thursday, May 8-9 

Claudette Colbert - Don Ameche 


Friday-Saturday, May 10-11 
Constance Bennett - Gracie 

Fields in 

Sunday, May 12-Bargain Day- 

2 Shows for the Price of 

One Admission 

Allan Jones in 



— Feature No. 2 — 

Lon Chaney in 


Continuous from 3 P. M. 

Monday- Tuesday, May 13-14 

Ruth Hussey - John Carroll In 


Monday-Tuesday, May 6-7 
Humphrey Bogart - Ann 

Sheridan in 

Also News 

Wednesday-Thursday, May 8-9 

(Bargain Days — 2 Shows for 

the Price of One Admission) 

John Loder - Nancy Kelly in 



— Feature No. 2 — 

William Gargan - Brenda 

Marshall in 

Friday-Saturday, May 10-11 

Bill Elliott in 

Also News 

Monday-Tuesday, May 13 - 14 

Pat O'Brien - Ruth Warrick in 


LIMltlTIMtTIHtTtTTTtTtTTI TTTrfr ^l^li^m, 
