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QHp lullrt 

Mary Washington College of the Univtriify of Virginia 


Merchent Will Succeed Houston 
As New Director of Admissions 

The appointment of A. R. Mer- 
chent, Associate Professor and 
Chairman of the Department of 
Education at Mary Washington, 
as Director of Admissions was 
announced by College Chancellor, 
Dr. Grellet C. Simpson, follow- 
ing a University of Virginia Board 
of Visitors meeting here last 

Dr! Merchent will succeed 
Michael Houston who has held 
the Admissions position since 
1957 on July 1. Mr. Houston, 
now Assistant to the Chancellor, 
has continued to serve as Direc- 
tor since assuming his present 
post a year ago. 

In other personnel matters, 
Chancellor Simpson announced 
Board approval of seventeen pro- 
motions, the appointment and re- 
appointment of seven departmen- 
tal chairmen, the election of fif- 
teen new faculty members, and 
leaves of absence for six others. 

Dr. Merchent has been a mem- 
ber of the Mary Washington Col- 
lege faculty and staff since 1959. 
He served as Registrar until 
September of last year when he 
assumed full time teaching re- 
sponsibility as Chairman of the 
Department of Education. He will 
continue as Chairman and teach 


A graduate of Emory and Henry 
College, he holds an M. Ed. and 
D. Ed. from the University of 
Virginia. Before coming to Mary 
Washington College, he served 
as Director of Public Relations 
at Longwood College. 

Heading a list of promotions 
approved by the Board was the 
appointment of eight faculty 
members from Associate Pro- 
fessor to Professor. 

These included Samuel O. Bird, 
Professor of Geography and Geo- 
logy; Samuel T. Emory, Profes- 
sor of Geography and Geology; 
Lewis P. Fickett, Jr., Professor 
of Political Science; Roger L. 
Kevin, Professor of Dramatic 
Arts and Speech; William C. 
Pinschmidt, Jr., Professor of 
Biology; Miss Carmen L. Rivera, 
Professor of Modern Foreign 
Languages (Spanish); Robert H. 
Shaw, Professor of Mathematics; 
and Lawrence A. Wishner, Pro- 
fessor of Chemistry. 

Seven faculty members were 
promoted from Assistant Profes- 
sor to Associate Professor, while 
two were elevated from Instruc- 
tor to Assistant Professor. 

Promoted to Associate Profes- 
sor were Mrs. Juliette B. Bless- 


Celebration for May Day will include a combo 
party Friday night in Chandler Circle and the 
Coronation Ceremony of the May Queen, Sally 
Monroe, and her court on Saturday afternoon 
at 2 p.m. in Ball Circle. Following the ceremony, 
drama students will present "The Bald Soprano," 
a one act play by Ionesco, directed by Sherry 
Gulledge. A reception and the Maypole Dance 
will follow. There will also be a presentation by 
the music department and a library exhibit on 
Saturflay afternoon. 

The theme of May Day this year is "Modern 
May"; the chairman of the May Day committee 
is Lynn Ruby. 

1247 MWC students voted last Wednesday in 
the CHOICE '68 National Collegiate Presidential 

Prl The ry ballots have been sent to the Washington 
D. C. office of Sperry Rand's Univac Federal 
Systems Division, and will be processed by a 
UNIVAC 1108 computer. 

National results will be announ ced ne xt week 
and the Mary Washington "suite will be sent 
to the college and announced later this spring. 

Mortar Board Tapping and the announcement : of 
Outstanding Sophomores will be Monday April 27, 
at 7:30 p.m. in George Washington Auditorium 

Requirements for Mortar Board are a B aver- 
age, and outstanding scholarship, leadership and 

"Moriar Board has contributed $100 tc > the . Chan- 
cellor's Fund this year, $25 to ^S, and has 
recently donated $40 to the Martin Luther King 
Scholarship Fund. 

ing, Associate Professor of Mod- 
ern Foreign Languages (French); 
Joseph Bozicevic, Associate 
Professor of Modern Foreign 
Languages (Russian); Grover 
Preston Burns, Associate Pro- 
fessor of Physics; Mrs. Mar- 
garet M. Hofmann, Associate 
Professor of Modern Foreign 
Languages (French); Bernard L. 
Mahoney, Jr., Associate Profes- 
sor of Chemistry; and Paul C. 
Muick, Associate Professor of 

Promoted to Assistant Profes- 
sor were Mrs. Patricia C. 
Pierce, Assistant Professor of 
Mathematics; and Mrs. Mary W. 
Pinschmidt, Assistant Professor 
of Biology. 

Named Chairman of the Bio- 
logy Department was William 
C. Pinschmidt, Jr. He will suc- 
ceed William A. Castle in that 

Other chairmen re-appointed 
included Philip J. Allen, Chair- 
man of the Department of Socio- 
logy; Miss Rachel Benton, Chair- 
man of the Department of Health, 
Physical Education, and Recrea- 
tion; Hobart C. Carter, Chair- 
man of the Department of Mathe- 
matics; E. Boyd Graves, Chair- 
man of the Department of Philo- 
sophy; Miss Pauline G. King, 
Chairman of the Department of 
Art; and George E.Luntz, Chair- 
man of the Department of Music. 
Departmental Chairmen are ap- 
pointed for specific terms. 

Among the new faculty appoint- 
ments were three to the Depart- 
ment of Historv. Tliese included 

See FACULTY, Page 4 


Newly-elected Honor Council President "Tee" 
Johnson accepts bouquet of roses from B. J. 

4 Tee' Johnson Will 
Head Honor Council 

By a 330 vote margin, Miss 
Laura T. Johnson was elected 
Honor Council President for the 
1968-69 session last week. De- 
feating her opponent Mary Ann 
Crandell 869-539, she will be- 
gin her official duties Wednes- 
day, May 1. 

Misses Johnson and Crandell 
had defeated their other two op- 
ponents, Chris Phillips and Mar- 
garet Noll, in the preliminary 
race on Tuesday night. Although 
the number of write-in votes for 
Liz Muirheid was not tabulated, 
Elections Chairman Susi Duffey 
reported that they constitutued 
a fairly small percentage of the 
total votes cast. 

Elected to the Judicial Review 
Board were Seniors Barbara 
Greenlief and Gloria Shelton: Jun- 
ior Lynne Vandervoort,andSoph- 
omore Pam Hudson. 

King Memorial Fund Encourages 
Racial And Economic Diversity 
Among Mary Washington Students 


As a result of concentrated ef- 
fort, the Memorial Scholarship 
Fund now boasts a balance of ap- 
proximately 1,500 dollars in 
money and pledges. Alpha Phi 
Sigma, which awards a one hun- 
dred dollar scholarship to a de- 
serving person each year, voted 
to donate this year's award to the 
Memorial Fund. 

The Committee for the Dr. 
King Memorial Fund has made 
this statement to clarify its pur- 

"Because of apparent misun- 
derstandings, the Committee for 
the Dr. King Memorial Scholar- 
ship Fund feels it wise to restate 
the intended aim of the scholar- 
ship. As originally expressed, the 
scholarship was created to en- 
courage a representative distri- 
bution of all races and economic 
groups in the student body of 

Mary Washington College, and 
this remains the objective of the 
fund. Consistent with the spirit 
of Dr. King's life, we have no 
interest in establishing this 
scholarship on a discriminatory 
basis: to stipulate that the recipi- 
ent be a member of any given 
race would violate the intention 
of this scholarship. The aim of 
this scholarship is to enrich the 
life of a girl who otherwise would 
not have the opportunity to attend 
this college and, at the same time, 
to enrich student life at Mary 
Washington College by encour- 
aging racial and economic di- 
versity within it. 

"We also wish to express our 
gratitude to all those who have so 
generously contributed to the fund 
and our hope that if you have not 
already made a donation that 
you will be able to in the coming 

See RESPONSE, Page 3 

In the race for Residence Hall 
President, the results were: Ball, 
Betsy Moore; Bushnell. Donna 
Cannon; Custis, Alberta Utz; Jef- 
ferson, Ruth Ann Sichol; Madison, 
Laurie McLearen; Marshall, 
Chris Beck; Mason, Trent Cest- 
ley; Randolph, Pat Carter; Rus- 
sell, Ann Kucinski; Wt 
land, Jeanine Zavrel. 

Student Body 

Will Vote On 


In conjunction with the re-or- 
ganization of the Student Govern- 
ment Association under the new 
constitutuon, the classes will op- 
erate as separate organizations 
co-ordinated by the newly formed 
Class Council. The classes will 
be represented on this council 
by their respective Presidents 
and Vice- Presidents. The 
purpose of the Council will be 
to co-ordinate the activities of 
the four classes enabling them to 
work together in areas of mu- 
tual concern and providing a 
means for cooperative support 
in individual projects. 

The first duty of the Class 
Council is to extablish a con- 
stitution for a basis of opera- 
tion for the classes. The stu- 
dent body will have the oppor- 
tunity to vote on the proposed 
constitution at Hall meetings this 
week. Each Hall President has 
a copy of the constitution and, 
if possible, students are request- 
ed to be familiar with it before 
the meeting. In effect, the con- 
stitution merely verbalizes and 
puts on paper those practices 
which have already been in ef- 
fect in past years. Any ques- 
tions may be directed to Pam 
Tompkins, ext. 502 or any of 
the other Class Presidents. 












Education - - Rah! 

The recent column in the Fredericksburg Free 
Lance Star (which is reprinted in this issue) has 
been the cause of much concern to us. It stimulated 
a re-evaluation of our own journalistic abilities, 
but more important, it forced an examination of 
the purpose of an education and the role of educat- 
educated women in the world against ever-present 
walls of closed- mindedness and misunderstanding. 

We submit that Mr. Goolrick's criticisms of 
our article on the "submissive" Negroes of Fred- 
ericksburg were valid. The article represented 
the analysis and opinion of one reporter, and it 
was an oversight that the story was not labelled 
as such. 

Yet the more disturbing views set forth by Mr. 
Goolrick were his criticisms of our entire college 
experience. His objections to a speaker on LSD, 
a death-of-God theologian, and a harmless NSA 
referendum seem so contrary to the progress for 
which we have been striving, that it is difficult to 
put forth a rational argument. Have we, perhaps, 
been heading in the wrong direction? Mr. Goolrick 
seems to feel that we should revert back to the 
days of the state Normal School, or should close 
our gates to the outside and let the world solve 
its own problems while we sit on the hill conjugat- 
ing Latin verbs and learning how to cook. 

That would certainly be a much easier form of 
education than the type we are struggling through 
now. Visiting lecturers would have to be screened 
by the administration to make sure they repre- 
sented the "right and true" opinions, and the hard- 
est decision a student would ever have to make 
would be whether to join the Methodist Church or 
the Presbyterian Church. This type of education 
would be beneficial because all graduates of the 
college could become stable homemakers and raise 
their chldren in the "good old American tradition." 

For some reason, however, this is not the type 
of training desired by most college women. Per- 
haps girls are smarter these days, or perhaps the 
dirty outside world has somehow seeped in through 
the serpentine walls. Girls want to know about the 
war, urban problems, politics, drugs, and differ- 
ing attitudes towards religion. And more than just 
learning, they want participation. Knowledge with- 
out action is meaningless. 

This is the premise upon which modern higher 
education is built. It is so commonly accepted and 
understood by students that an attack upon it 
seems almost irrational. If Mr. Goolrick's com- 
ments are representative of his generation, then 
we will have many surprises and frustrations await- 
ing us after graduation. How are we to "promote 
the imperative change," as Jane Bradley has 
urged, and put into practice what we have learned 
in college, with obstacles of status-quoism before 

At a recent City Council meeting, after some 
discussion of the "submissive Negro" article 
and John Goolrick's column, one Councilman stated 
that he had read neither article but further added 
that "I am disturbed about what some of our col- 
leges are doing. I always thought students went to 
college to learn and not to teach the professors 
and I think it's a sad commentary on our sick 
society." Perhaps we are living in a sick society, 
but it seems likely that the sickness lies on the 
other side of the college walls. 

Students do not come to college to teach any- 
body. They come to be exposed to as many different 
aspects of the world as possible so that they might 
make intelligent decisions about them. We have 
recently be exposed to Mr. Goolrick's views, and 
it has been a learning experience for us, though 
after careful consideration, we feel we must reject 
these views. They are stifling to us, and not con- 
ducive to the healthy atmosphere to which we have 
been accustomed. We are growing, living, breath- 
ing freely, and it would take more than one John 
Goolrick to knock the wind out of us. 


Letters To The Editor 

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The name 
of the author of the following 
letter has been withheld upon 
her request, because of the na- 
ture of the letter.) 

Dear Editor: 

In support of your editorial on 
April 15, 1968 in the BULLET, I 
would like to say that there are 
flaws in the present Honor Sys- 
tem and there is definitely a need 
for a total re-examination of it. 

I am a "victim" of mis Honor 
System. I was dismissed from 
Mary Washington for a violation of 
that code. I do not hold a grudge 
against Mary Washington, the 
Honor Council or the Honor Code 
which convicted me. There was 
no other alternative as the code 
is written now. However, IF in- 
tent had been judged in my case, 
perhaps I would still be a stu- 
dent at MWC, but I am not writ- 
ing to argue my case, which is 
now permanently closed. Any re- 
vision of the Honor Code will not 
help me, but it could help you. 

I can only hope that by sharing 
my experience with you, that you 
will realize the immediate need 
for a revision of the Honor Code. 

Until I was accused, I hadn't 
read the Honor Code since I was 
a freshman. I had told all my 
friends how great it was to live 
under a system where you could 
leave your belongings in the open 
and no one took them and pro- 
fessors did not babysit while you 
took exams. I suggest you read 
the Honor Code IF you haven't 
read it since you were a fresh- 
man. I had no idea that the Honor 
Council did not judge intent OR 
character. I thought it was just 
like a regular trial in a court of 
law . . . IT ISN'T. As it stands 
now, the Honor Code does not al- 
low for human error. You can not 
unwittingly or unintentionally 
make a mistake or you will be 
thrown out of school in 24 hours 
with the stigma of the label 
"discharged by the Honor Coun- 

The arbitrary definition of a 
breach of one's word of honor is 
all inclusive and fits an academ- 
ic community. This definition 
should not be altered. 

However, this system is too 
cut and dried. There are count- 
less circumstances that could 
lead to a violation of the Honor 
Code as it is now defined, yet 
the student could still be honor- 

There are many problems in 
trying to prove intent, as Liz 
Vantrease pointed out in her 
editorial. But wouldn't it be bet- 
ter to try and iron out these prob- 
lems than to dismiss a girl who 
has not acted dishonorably and 
have her labeled for life an honor 

After my dismissal from Mary 
Washington, I was faced with the 
problem of re-applying to col- 
leges. Since an honor offender 
cannot just fill out an application 
for admission and send it in and 
expect to be admitted, it was 
necessary that I apply in person 
even before I filled out an appli- 
cation for admission. This in- 
volved speaking to Directors of 
Admission, Directors of Student 
Conduct and even the Presidents 
of Colleges. During these inter- 
views I told the story surrounding 
my dismissal and showed a copy 
of the student handbook contain- 
ing the Honor Code. 

One Director of Admissions at 
a small Eastern college listened 
to my story intently and then read 
the code. He then stated that he 
was completely in favor of Honor 
systems IF THEY WORK, and as 

soon as they don't, they are by 
far more harm than good. He 
hadn't ever seen an Honor sys- 
tem comparable to MWC's and 
could see how a student could be 
"had" under the present sys- 
tem. A Director of Student Con- 
duct found it hard to believe that 
a system could be so arbitrary 
and not take into account the stu- 
dent's intent to commit the viola- 
tion. Finally, the President of an 
Eastern college said after study- 
ing the handbook for awhile, that 
the system was completely an- 
tiquated and that he'd never seen 
a code like it. 

All of the schools mentioned 
above operate with an honor code 
governing their student's be- 
havior. They were all willing to 
admit me providing I met their 
academic standards. I am now en- 
rolled as a student in a large Mid- 
Western University which ranks 
tenth in the country in my major 
field. I was lucky - 1 didn't lose 
any credit, and by going to a 
five week summer session I'll 
be caught up with my class. 

Some other girls may not be 
so lucky . . . they shouldn't have 
to rely on luck, because they 
shouldn't be dismissed by such 
an arbitrary system as MWC's 
which doesn't take into account 
intent . . . something that must 
be considered in every court of 
law in our land. 

Indeed, your system is an- 
tiquated. Perhaps it was suf- 
ficient in the days of Thomas 
Jefferson, but this is now 1968 
and since it is ineffectual in 
judging true honor, it ought to be 
revised immediately before 
another girl falls victim to the 

Dear Editor: 

Although the Negroes of Fred- 
ericksburg may not consider 
themselves to be, in Lois Jasu- 
ta's words, "unbearably de- 
prived," this does not necess- 
arily mean that unbearable con- 
ditions do not exist. 

At this time, I would like to 
bring to your attention the sit- 
uation which I, personally, ;ind 
to be the most intolerable. I am 
referring to the treatment of the 
mentally retarded teenagers at 
Walker Grant High School. In 
this particular class, in which 
over two thirds of the students are 
Negro, shaming appears to be the 
major item stressed by the- 
teachers. Consider these few ex- 

1. When some of the Negro 
children, struggling alone 
through arithmetic books which 
were obviously too abstract for 
them to understand, pushed the 
books aside, one of the teachers 
(a white woman, as are all of 
the other teachers in the special 
education department) sharply 
informed them that "they were 
not to damage the books which 
she had paid good tax money 
for." As this teacher herself 
informed me later, she was tell- 
ing these children that she re- 
sented the fact that the town, 
rather than their parents, had 
purchased the books. 

2. When one of the Negro 
children pronounced the word 

"child as "chile, " he was ri- 
diculed and laughed at by the 
teacher in front of all of the 
other members of the class. 

3. On the blackboard one day 
appeared the words, "Dese is 
my hands and dese is my feet, 
and dis ist what I lerntin skool." 
This sentence, written with large, 
neat print, could hardly have been 
ignored by the children in the 

4. When word games are played 
in the class, the teacher in charge 
very rarely praises or rewards 
the children in any way for cor- 
rect word usage. On the other 
hand, children using the wrong 
words are required to either 
stand up or to write their names 
on the board in order that their 
failures may be emphasized. 

These are only a few examples 
of what apears to be an overall 
disgraceful program. Surely, the 
children should not be forced to 
accept it. Certainly, they should 
not be deprived of pride in them 
selves and freedom to explore the 
world without being punished for 
every unknowing error that they 
make. There is not doubt in my 
mind but that these children could 
learn more, and learn it more 
happily, under more rewarding 
circumstances. They need better 
schooling than they are getting, 
and it is certainly a long overdue 
right of theirs to get it. 


Dear Editor: 

A broad background of general 
griping lies behind this letter, 
but I was finally prompted to 
action by the proverbial ' 'straw." 
How is it that DuPont glistens 
with a perpetual sheen of wax 
and polish, all to be trod upon 
by dirty shoes day after day, 
yet ACL pool and locker room 
are consistently covered with a 
fine layer of dirt and grime? 
Aesthetically - as well as health- 
wise - the condition is not very 
appealing to bare bodies. After 
sliding through the dirt, it is 
true, we are allowed to rinse 
ourselves in the pool. Is that the 
reason the chlorine is always 
so blinding? 

The pool is not the only area 
so unjustly neglected though - 
all of Monroe gym is in as bad 
or worse conditions. Sure, the 
new gym will be better taken 
care of - but why have the pres- 
ent facilities (as the cobwebs 
will attest to) been so long ne- 

Chris Lunt 

Dear Editor: 

Hothouse or igloo? 

It is rather ironic that re- 
serve books may be used in 
another part of the library 
only when the reserve room is 
too cold for a student. 

Are not excessive heat and 
stuffiness just as unconducive 
to studying as cold conditions? 

Sincerely yours, 
Helaine Patterson 

Established 1927 

Liz Vantrease 

Susan Wagner Managing Editor 

To Fund 
Is Good 

from Page 1 
Although there are many prob- 
lems to be worked out, the ex- 
cellent student response, accord- 
ing to Miss Finnegan, has helped 
a great deal. It is hoped that the 
fund will gradually become a con- 
tinuing scholarship. The students 
have canvassed the dorms for 
money and pledges, while both the 
students and interested faculty 
have been sitting at the table in 
the foyer of ACL to collect any 

Those on the faculty whose in- 
terest centers on the admissions 
aspect of this idea, together with 
Miss Clark, are working with 
the administration and the ad- 
missions office in order to find 
ways to increase the already 
growing effort on the part of the 
administration to search for eli- 
gible students in predominantly 
Negro high schools. A sincere 
effort to start a summer tutoring 
program on campus is in the 
works. This would be a coopera- 
tive project between the faculty 
and the students to help high 
school students become more 
aware of the existence of higher 
education, its demand, and its 
rewards. Once this program gets 
off the drawing board it will, 
hopefully, become a full time 

C olumn C hallenges 

The Necessity Of 

A 'Higher' Education 


Devils vs. Goats in the Traditional Tug-of- War 
at the Spring Picnic. 

Terrapin Club to Present Show 

The Terrapin Club will present 
their annual spring show, entitled 
Spring Potpourri," on May 1, 

i < 

2, 3, and 4. The unique feature 
of this year's show is that the 
club has not limited itself to 
one theme. As a result "Pot- 
pourri" provides a wide variety 
of aquat'" entertainment. Titles 
such as "The Good, the Bad and 
the Ugly," "Duodescence," 
"Love is Blue," and "Keystone 
Kappers" will give you a taste 
of "Potpourri." If you would like 
to see the show, performances 
will be given nightly on the above 
dates from 7:00 to 8:00 and a 
matinee will be given on May 
4 from 4:00 to 5:00. Admfssion 
is 50?. 

(NOTE: The following article is 
reprinted from The Free Lance- 
Star, Sat., April 20.) 


"While resentment and often 
open arrogrance characterize 
many Northern ghetto Negroes, 
the colored of Fredericksburg 
seem timid and subservient . . . 
the Negro here seems to patient- 
ly accept his socially imposed 
position of inferiority." 

This incredibly all knowing 
statement was written by a stu- 
dent at Mary Washington College 
and is part of a so-called "news 
story" In the latest issue of the 
college newspaper, THE 

College newspapers, at least 
the ones I've seen, aren't no- 
torious for good journalism, but 
in all candor I must say from 
reading issues of the MWC paper 
of late that it is probably the 
worst example of the species 
I've seen. 

If most of the students who 
write - and I use the word ad- 
visedly - for it have had any 
classes in the art of journalism 
or even faculty tutoring the pro- 
duct doesn't show it. 

Normally, I make some feeble 
attempts at humor in this space 
with only a passing reference 
now and then to the halls of ivy. 
But, old-fashioned as it may 
sound, reading the BULLET here 
of late has given me a certain 
nauseous feeling in the pit of 
my stomach. 

I can't help but think if things 

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are that bad at what most people 
have always considered a pretty 
rational women's institution, then 
they must be infinitely worse at 
many other colleges and univer- 
sities across our land which 
have never been particularly not- 
ed for their rationality. 

I am not saying that students 
at a liberal arts college shouldn't 
be exposed to all varieties of 
thought and opinion. They certain - 
ly should for that is within tne 
framework of the American tra- 
dition. But as one in the busi- 
ness of trying to relate the 
thoughts and opinions of others 
through the printed word, I like 
to keep in mind the two cardinal 
principles of good journalism: 
(1) be factual and (2) be objec- 

See GOOLRICK'S, Page 4 


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Faculty Promotions Named, New Members Appointed 

* . xi- m ^ th„ fo^niH/ nf the Hootpp frnm the University of rently working on a h 

were also appointed to the De- 
from Page 1 partment of Modern Foreign 
Roger J. Bourdon, Key Sun Ryang, Languages. Named as an Asso- 

Named to the faculty of the degree from the University of 
Department of English were Miss Virginia; a Roman Civilization 

and Richard H. Warner, all as 
Assistant Professors. 

Dr. Bourdon is a graduate of 
Loyola University of Los An- 
geles and holds an M. A. degree 
from the University of Califor- 
nia at Los Angeles and a Ph. D. 
degree from the University of 
Los Angeles. 

A native of Korea, Mr. Ryang 
holds a B. A. degree from Trinity 
University in Texas; an M. A. 
degree from Columbia; and is 

ciate Professor was Galo Rene 
Perez who is currently serving 
as a Visiting Lecturer here. A 
native of Ecuador, Dr. Perez 
holds M. A. and Ph. D. degrees 
from the Central University of 

Alexander Nakoi was appointed 
an Assistant Professor of Modern 
Foreign Languages (German), 
while Miss Joanna M. Looney 
was appointed as an Instructor 
in Modern Foreign Languages 

completing work on his doctorate (Spanish). A native of Budapest, 

at Columbia University. Mr. 
Warner holds an A. B. degree 
from Dartmouth College; anM.A. 
from New York University; and 
is completing work on his doc- 
torate at New York University. 
Three new faculty members 

Hungary, Dr. Nakoi holds B. A., 
M. A., and Ph. D. degrees from 
the University of Vienna in Aus- 
tria. Miss Looney holds an A. B. 
degree from Wesleyan College 
and an M. A. from Duke Univer- 

Susan J. Hanna as an Assistant 
Professor and Miss Roberta A. 
Rankin as an Instructor. Miss 
Hanna has a B. A. degree from 
Ohio State University; an M. A. 
degree from the University of 
Michigan and is completing work 
on her doctorate at the Univer- 
sity of Michigan. Miss Rankin 
holds B. A. and M. A. degrees 
from the University of Florida. 

Other new appointments in- 
cluded Miss Lucile Cox as As- 
sistant Professor of Classics; 
Burton Cooper as Assistant Pro- 
fessor of Religion; and Miss 
Judith A. Crissman as Assis- 
tant Professor of Chemistry. 

A past President of the Classi- 
cal Association of Virginia, Miss 
Cox holds an A. B. degree from 
Sweet Briar College; an M. A. 

Goolrick's Editorial Admonishes 'Bullet 9 
Staff For Distortion of News Articles 

from Page 3 
The unfortunate thing is that 
many of the students writing 
what are passed off as news 
stories in The Bullet apparent- 
ly think they are supposed to 
write editorials, injecting their 
own opinions on any subject into 
the story. 

The naive young lady who calls nothingness." 

is just fine and an editorial 
which almost goes to the point 
of defending the use of marijuana. 

(2) News of a talk by so-called 
rabbi who denies the existence 
of any moral God and contends 
"no power, human or divine, 
can ultimately withstand the dis- 
solving onslaughts of omnipotent 

Virginia and the college adminis- 
tration thinks this institution 
should be run, then so be it. 
My only point concerns the dis- 
tortion of news articles in the 
college paper. But as a strictly 
personal point I am beginning 
to think it is almost a shame 
that a "higher" education is 
a necessity in this day and age. 

Certificate from the American 
Academy in Rome; and a Greek 
Civilization Certificate from the 
American School of Classical 
Studies in Athens. 

Mr. Cooper holds a B. A. 
degree from Columbia College 
in New York and is completing 
work on his Th. D. degree at 
Union Theological Seminary. 

Miss Crissman holds a B. A. 
degree from Thiel College and 
is a doctoral candidate at the 
University of North Carolina. 

Other appointees included Miss 
Renee V. Singh as a Lecturer 
in Geography; Peter V. Snyder 
as an Assistant Professor of 
Philosophy; Thomas S. Turgeon 
as an Assistant Professor of 
Dramatic Arts and Speech; and 
Bennett E. Koffman as Assis- 
tant Professor of Economics. 

A native of India, Miss Singh 
will be a participant in the United 
States-India Women's College 
Exchange Program. She holds a 
B. S. degree from Lucknow Uni- 
versity; an M. A. in Geography 
from Allahabad University; an 
M. A. in Education from George 
Peabody College; and is cur- 

rently working on a M.Sc. in 
Geography at McGill University. 

Mr. Snyder holds B. A. and 
M. A. degrees from Bowling 
Green University and is finish- 
ing a doctoral degree in a four- 
college cooperative program 
which includes Amherst, Mt. 
Holyoke, Smith and the Univer- 
sity of Massachusetts. Mr. Tur- 
geon received a B. A . degree from 
Amherst College and is complet- 
ing work on a D. F. A. at the 
Yale University School of Drama. 

Mr. Koffman holds a B. A. de- 
gree from Northwestern Univer- 
sity, an M. A. from the Univer- 
sity of Wisconsin, and is current- 
ly completing work on his doc- 
torate at U. Va. _____ 

Goolrick's Pharmacy 




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Fredericksburg Negroes "timid 
and subservient" presents no 
real evidence to back up such a 
sweeping statement other than 
to say since there has been no 
racial violence in the city then 
it must follow that local Negroes 
are all Uncle Tom's. Someone 
could use her article in a text- 
book on journalism as a horri- 
ble example. 

I could go back to other recent 
issues of this publication and re- 
cite similar instances of campus 
kids whose stories reflect what 
one assumes is an ego with 
themselves which leads them to 
believe they are somehow 
ominiscent and just because they 
think something is true and right, 
then it must follow that it is 
true and right. 

Why, I ask, should a college 
newspaper be any different from 
any other newspaper where we 
find personal opinions in edi- 
torials, columns and letters 
where they belong and left out of 
news articles where they do not 

Elsewhere in most recent issue 
of Thi Bullet and in past copies 
we see things that leave us per- 
sonally a bit disturbed, such 

things as: 
(1) A visiting lecturer who tells 

the young ladies the use of LSD 

(3) A lady teacher from India 
who tells the students all about 
white racism in America but 
fails to mention the system of 
near-slavery in her own nation 
where people are divided into 
castes and marriages are still 
arranged between families. 

(4) News that a group called 
the United States National Stu- 
dent Association is conducting a 
nationwide college referendum 
on what it should do, among other 
things to provide moral and fi- 
nancial help to such organiza- 
tions as S. N. C. C. led byStoke- 
ley Carmichael and H. Rap Brown 
and how it can get certain mind 
altering drugs made legal and 
available to just about anyone 
who wants them. The story on 
the coming referendum states 
only the point of view of the 
USNSA with no dissenting views 

If this is the way the State of 


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