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Full text of "Report on the boundary between the Potsdam and Pre-Cambrian rocks north of the Adirondacks"

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Cornell University viprary 






H, C, Cushing 


—_— ea sce mniceerciailtiannertenitici 





State Geologist. a Special Assistant. 

[From 16th Annual Report of the State Geologist, 1898. | 




State Geologist. ~ Special Assistant, 


James Hatt, State Geologist. 

Str :—The accompanying report is made in accordance with your instruc- 
tions to map the northern boundary between the Potsdam sandstone and the 
Pre-cambrian crystallines across Franklin county and as far into St. Lawrence 
county as practicable; further, to determine what rocks younger than the 
Potsdam come in on the north and their limits, and, in addition, to make 
observations on the change in the character of the gneisses in going westward. 

Respectfully yours, 

March, 1897. | 

| * LATE T. 

—_ = — ————— 
A — }  Trousy NGUer. 
a Fort Covington: 7 ; 


7 ; Constable j 

. } 
lh . = eee 


. Ragged bake. 

Bet Jackson. 


su x 
Poth Gam... 




By H. P. Cusnine. 

Contents. Introduction, p. 5; Topography, p. 6; Glacial Deposits, p. 7; Se- 
quence of Geologic Events in the Adirondacks, p. 8; .Gneisses, p. 9; Grenville (Oswe- 
gatchie) series, p. 10; Anorthosite intrusion, p.11; Later Gabbros, p. 11; Granite, 
p. 12; Dynamic Metamorphism of the Region, p. 12; Precambrian Dikes, p. 12; 
Palacozoic Rocks, p. 18; Post-Utica uplift, p. 13; Post-Utica Dikes, p. 14; Faults, 
p. 14; Local Geology; Franklin county, p. 16; Bellmont, p. 16; Burke, p. 17; 
Malone, p. 18; Bangor and Brandon, p.19; Dickinson, p. 20; St. Lawrence county, 
p- 21; Hopkinton, p. 21; Parishville, p. 23 ; Pierrepont and Potsdam, p. 24; Calcit- 
erous formation, p. 23; Dikes, p. 27. 


The work of tracing this boundary was begun at the Clinton-Franklin 
line, connecting with the writer’s work of the previous season. Thence the 
boundary was mapped across Franklin county and into St. Lawrence 
to afew miles west of Potsdam. It was not known to me until after my 
return from the field that part of the area traversed in the latter county had 
already been studied and reported upon by Professor Smyth. As the report 
has not, at this writing, been published, what follows must unfortunately be 
written without reference to 1t. 

The country north of the Adirondacks is so heavily covered with drift 
that outcrops of the Palaeozoic rocks are very infrequent and boundary map- 
ping is rendered hazardous on that account. Over much of the distance the 
best that could be done was to map the northerly limit of Pre-cambrian out- 
crops. In Franklin county and as far west as Parishville in St. Lawrence 
county. the mapping was a simple matter. The gneisses are so similar in 



character and in resistance to erosion that the boundary is not especially tor- 
tuous, and though it is quite possible that isolated patches of the Potsdam 
may occur within the gneissic area, as has been found to be the case in Essex 
and Clinton counties, their discovery would require the mapping of a much 
larger area, 

Westward from Parishville, the Pre-cambrian rocks at the boundary con- 
sist of an entirely different series of gneisses with belts of crystalline limestone. 
These rocks resist erosion very unequally, and as a whole are less resistant 
than those along the boundary to the eastward. The change in the topogra- 
phy, which is there strongly marked, is here much less serviceable. Further- 
more these rocks were profoundly and unequally eroded in pre-Potsdam time. 
In the troughs thus formed the Potsdam sandstone was deposited and is yet 
found in them far within the area occupied by the older rocks.* To fix 
accurately the limits of the formations here will require areal mapping over an 
extended territory. 

No rock of younger age than the Calciferous was found in the district. 
examined, the Pleistocene deposits of course excepted. Outcrops occur so 
seldom that it is useless to attempt to show the limits of the formation 
except in the most general way. 

On the map accompanying this report these boundaries are indicated, and 
the various outcrops seen are located. It must be borne in mind that the 
small scale of the map makes the outcrops appear much more numerous than 
is really the case. | 


In a broad sense the topography of the district under consideration is 
simple. The Pre-cambrian rocks come to the boundary in a succession of low 
ridges and knobs which ordinarily do not protrude very greatly above the 
general level, and which are separated by shallow, drift-filled depressions. 
Thence northward the country is heavily mantled with drift, has little relief, 
and slopes away to the north and north-west toward the St. Lawrence valley. 
Only rarely does the underlying rock project above the drift, the small 
streams do not cut through it, and in general the only outcrops to be seen are 
those exposed in the larger streams where they are out of their pre-glacial 
channels. | 

The minor features of relief which characterize districts of morainic drift 
(and much of it here is morainic) are here obliterated over much of the district, 

more especially along the stream valleys, by the deposits of sand laid down 

— oe. 

* By way of illustration see Smyth’s map of the vicinity of Gouverneur. Rep. N. Y. State Geol., 1893, Vol. I, p. 493. 


upon it along the streams or the shores of the higher water levels which 
accompanied and followed after the withdrawal of the ice-sheet from northern 
New York. 

The water-shed between the lake Champlain drainage and that direct 
to the St. Lawrence, passes from north to south through Clinton county 
close to the Franklin county line, till it veers to the south-westward into 
Franklin county just south of Upper Chateaugay lake. On this watershed the 
basal Potsdam reaches an altitude of about 1100’ A. T. Thence westward 
along the boundary it decreases steadily until south of Potsdam city it 
lies at an altitude of from 700’ to 800’ lower. This discrepancy must neces- 
sarily be due to differential uplifting since its deposition. 

The largest streams, like the Racquette, St. Regis, Salmon and Chateaugay 
rivers flow in narrow valleys cut in the drift, and in still narrower rock gorges 
where they are out of their old channels. They are all actively engaged in 
deepening their channels and cutting back the rapids at the head of the gorges. 
The gorge of the Chateaugay is, in impressiveness, second only to the Ausable 
Chasm in the Adirondack region. The more westerly streams have less fall 
and are not cutting so actively. 

THe GruacraL Deposits. 

Only general attention could be given to the drift deposits, so that the 
hap-hazard observations made would not be commented on, were it not for the 
fact that the deposits are of great interest and are but lttle known. 

Over a wide area north of the Adirondacks the drift proper is submerged 
beneath heavy sand deposits, the conditions being very similar to those pre- 
vailing in Clinton county near lake Champlain. The sands are of course 
mainly along the stream valleys but have considerable width on each side and 
become confluent when the streams are not far apart. Moramic knobs and 
ridges protrude through them here and there and cuts often show the under. 
lying drift. The north and south roads in northern Franklm county and the 
adjacent part of St. Lawrence county are commonly near enough to some 
stream to make the roads excessively sandy, and driving over them 1s a most 
irksome task. The cross roads pass over the divides between the streams and 
are better. | 

These sands are found abundantly at certainly three, and probably four 
distinct levels and the descent from one level to another is sometimes quite 
abrupt, the sand plains rising in terraces, one above another. This is well 
shown just north of Malone, where the sand plain stretching north from the 


city terminates like a huge embankment, dropping nearly 100’ to a similar 
sand plain below. The lower sands certainly represent delta deposits of the 
streams in bodies of standing water. Whether that is true of the uppermost 
is not so certain. What were apparently true beaches were noted at three or 
four points, but no attempt to trace them could be made. These sand-covered 
tracts are very level, and quite bare of vegetation, the sand often drifting 
to a considerable extent. 

Outside of the sand-covered areas the surface drift is largely morainic in 
character. In many places heavy moraines lie in proximity to, or banked up 
against the out-lying gneiss ridges. Surface boulders are numerous over most 
of the district, and their extremely local character 1s worthy of remark and is 
most strikingly shown along the line of contact between the Potsdam sand- 
stone and the Calciferous. 

In passing north from the outermost outcrops of gneiss in Bangor, 
Brandon and Dickinson townships, Franklin county, one descends often into a 
slight depression, then rises on to a morainic ridge with boulders mainly 
of very large and sometimes of gigantic size, composed entirely of gneisses 
precisely similar to those in place to the south. Practically no Potsdam 
boulders are observable. The ridge is not entirely morainic, being composed 
in part of modified drift. It has a variable width, reaching sometimes half a 
mile. To the north of it, with an intervening depression is a much more 
massive moraine whose boulders are of smaller size, and are mainly of Potsdam 
sandstone, while the few gneissic boulders observable are of small size and, 
when compared with the blocks on the other moraine are more worn and give 
the impression of having traveled much further. The facts observed suggest 
that the smaller moraine may have been formed by a local ice movement 
outward from the Adirondack center after the withdrawal of the main ice 
sheet. While they are far from being conclusive they certainly suggest an 
interesting line of inquiry. Such a movement is perhaps @ przore to be 
expected and Prof. C. I. Hitchcock has shown that a similar one took place 
from the White mountains center after the withdrawal of the Laurentide 

SequENcE oF GroLocic Events in tHE ADIRONDACKS.* 
1. The oldest rocks, and also the most widespread of the region, comprise a 
series of gneisses of somewhat variable character and questionable origin. 

Owing to profound metamorphism all trace of original structure is lost, their 

*This summary of the geologic history of the region is intended merely to set forth the writer's present views 
concerning that history, and is of course merely tentative, as work is really but fairly begun. These views, itis thought, 
aro in substantial accord with those held by Profs. Kemp and Smyth, and the history is closely paralleled by that of the 
Canadian area lying to the northward, as set forth by Prof. F. D. Adams. 

PorspAm BounpDaRY. 9 


present structure being predommantly cataclastic, though this structure is 
often masked by a greater or less amount of subsequent re-crystallization. 
They vary from well foliated rocks to those in which all trace of this structure 
has well nigh disappeared. In texture they vary from very finely granular 
rocks to very coarse varieties. They abound in quartz and pegmatite veins. 
According to their mineralogic composition they may be roughly classified 
in three groups. 

(a2) Quite acid gneisses, poorly foliated, commonly of red color, mostly 
poor in content of ferro-magnesian silicates, and with the mineralogy and com- 
position of granites. They consist essentially of microperthitic orthoclase and 
quartz, with magnetite always present, and with an acid plagioclase, microcline, 
hornblende, biotite, apatite, zircon, and rarely garnet as accessory minerals. 
A strongly absorptive green-brown hornblende is the usual dark silicate and 
becomes a prominent constituent in portions of the gneiss. Biotite is an 
exceptional mineral in these gneisses and even when present is always subord1- 
nate to the hornblende, biotite gneisses being of extreme rarity in the rocks of 
this group in the northern Adirondacks at least. 

(4) Gmeisses whose main difference from those just described consists in 
the predominance of microcline among the feldspars. In the field they are 
often undistinguishable from the other gneisses. At other times owing to 
their fineness of grain and their peculiar lilac grey or lilac brown shade on 
fresh fracture, they appear quite distinct. They are so intimately associated 
with, and pass so gradually into the other type that the wisdom of attempting 
to distinguish them is by no means beyond question. ‘They commonly occur 

in proximity to, and may belong with the Grenville series. 

(c) Gneisses composed essentially of orthoclase, acid plagioclase and 
augite, with accessory titanite, hornblende, apatite, magnetite and ilmenite, 
quartz, garnet and biotite, in order of prominence. In composition they grade 
from augite-syenites into gabbroic rocks, or from hornblende-syenites into 
dioritie rocks according to the relative predominance of orthoclase or plagio- 
clase. The more basic varieties, however, are more acid than the normal gabbros 
of the region, their feldspars belonging to the oligoclase-andesine series, seldom 
if ever becoming as basic as labradorite. The augites in these rocks are very 
variable in character, ranging from a light-green, non-pleochroic diopside to 
pleochroic varieties resembling aegerine-augite. The titanite is of a deep 
orange color and is so constant and characteristic as to almost attain the dig- 

nity of an essential constituent. Hornblende varies from complete absence to 

LO Reporr or tre Stare GxEoLoGIst. 

an amount considerably in excess of that of the pyroxene. Much of the 
quartz present exists as inclusions in the feldspar and hornblende. 

These gneisses are much more distinctly foliated than the other varieties, 
due to the concentration of their dark silicates along the planes of foliation. 
They pass into the others either by insensible gradation or by becoming finely 
interbanded with them. They also seem to grade into the basic gabbros of 
the region; at least these latter present phases practically not to be distin- 
guished from them. The possible relationship between the two forms 1s one of 
the most pressing and puzzling problems here presented for solution. 

The gneiss series is thought to be of igneous origin and in part, at least, 
of Archaean age, in the sense in which that term is used by the U.S. 
Geological Survey. There are, however, certain difficulties in the way of this 

The magnetite deposits of the region are in this series, and, in large part 
at least, in the augite-gneisses, the deposits at Mineville, Essex county, 
according to Kemp, being in such rocks, as are also those of Lyon mountain 
and of Arnold and Palmer hills in Clinton county. 

Il. The Grenville (Oswegatchie) Series. The term “ Oswegatchie 
series” was proposed by Smyth to include the coarsely crystalline limestones 
and associated rocks as exposed in St. Lawrence, Lewis and Jefferson counties.” 
In the writer’s opinion these rocks are so similar to those of the typical 
Grenville series of Logan, and are separated from them by such a compara- 
tively slight geographic distance that that term might with perfect propriety 
be utilized for the New York rocks. | 

This series is very heterogeneous in character. It comprises quartzose 
eneisses and schists, darker colored quartzfeldspar-biotite gneisses, dioritic 
and gabbroic gneisses, and occssional bands of coarsely crystalline limestone. 
Graphite is an abundant mineral. Pyrite is another, aiding by its decomposi- 
tion in the production of the rusty, decomposed aspect which some of the beds 
present in outcrop. Sillimanite and tremolite are frequently present as is also 
garnet. The rocks are cut by later gabbros and granites, and are accompanied 
by belts of gneiss similar to the older gneiss, which seem at times to be inter- 
stratified with the other rocks, but concerning whose real relationships we are 
in doubt. | | | 

For the most part the gneisses of this series differ widely in appearance 
from the older gneisses, and may be distinguished from them in the field 
almost ata glance. <A considerable portion seems to be unquestionably of 

*C. H. Smyth, Jr., Rep. State Geologist, N. Y., 1898. Vol. I, p. 49¢. 

Cusutnec -—— Potspam BounpDaARY. 11 

sedimentary origin, yet has been so profoundly modified that practically all 
trace of clastic structure has disappeared. The larger part of the rocks have 
a very finely granulitic structure, having undergone nearly complete re-crystal- 
lization. The dynamie metamorphism to which they have been subjected has 
given them a foliation in common with the older gneisses, rendering the field 
relations of the two exceedingly obscure. 

From Parishville westward to Potsdam and beyond, the Grenville series 
comes to the Potsdam boundary and may be seen to great advantage. Here, 
on the western side of the Adirondacks, it differs somewhat in character from 
the similar rocks to the eastward, being more widely distributed, less faulted, 
less completely metamorphosed, hence with its original sedimentary character 
less disguised. The distance from the great anorthosite intrusion, which has 
so profoundly affected these rocks on the east, is a probable cause for these 

That the eastern and western representatives are equivalent seems to be 
beyond question. It is, however, quite desirable that. they should be connected 

by tracing them across Franklin county. 

Il. Lhe Anorthosite Intrusion. At some time after the deposition of 
the rocks of the Grenville series, a great batholitic mass of the highly felds- 
pathic variety of gabbro known as anorthosite was intruded into the existing 
rocks. The structure of the gabbro indicates that it solidified at considerable 
depth, hence the rocks with which it is now in contact must have been buried 
beneath other rocks, since wholly removed by erosion. The anorthosite has 
its largest development in Essex county. In Clinton county it 1s exposed 
around Keeseville and on Catamount mountain and Rand’s hill. It occurs in 
the eastern part of Franklin county but its extent is not known. Further 

westward its presence 1s problematical. 

IV. Later Gabbros. Dark colored rocks of the gabbro family, of greater 
basicity than the anorthosites, occur wide-spread in the Adirondack region, 
extending far beyond the limits of the anorthosites. They occur most 
frequently in the form of dikes or sheets of no very great width, though 
larger masses are not uncommon. In part they are certainly later than the 
anorthosites, for they cut them. They may in part represent apophysae from 
them, and basic peripheral portions of the intrusion, though this has not yet 
been demonstrated. The gabbro at Port Henry has been described in detail 
by Kemp,* and some occurrences from the western Adirondacks described by 


*J.¥. Kemp, Bull, G. 8. A., Vol. V., pp. 213-224. 

12 Reporr or True STATE GEOLOGIST. 

Smyth.* Similar gabbros have an extended distribution among the older rocks 
to the south and west. 

The wide mineralogic variations commonly exhibited by these rocks find 
excellent illustration here, the typical gabbros grading into diorites on the one 
hand, and into norites on the other. All are more or less fohated, the horn. 
blendic varieties most markedly so. 

Along with these rocks may well be included the narrow, dike-like bands of 
hornblende-plagioclase gneiss found everywhere cutting the older gneisses of 

the region, and which apparently represent ancient diabase or diorite dikes. 

V. Granite. Granitic rocks are frequent in the Adirondacks. In part 
they represent merely granitic phases of the basal gneisses, but in part they 
are of later date. The writer has frequently found in the northern Adiron- 
dacks, granites which cut across the gneisses, and Smyth has described an 
occurrence from St. Lawrence county with irruptive contact against Grenville 
limestone.+ Evidence of the time relation between the granite and the gabbros 
is not at hand, though Smyth has described a contact where he believes the 
latter to be the younger. { 

The granite is commonly of red color, well jointed, unlike the gneisses, 
and composed essentially of quartz, orthoclase, microcline and oligoclase, ferro- 

magnesian silicates being absent, or at best only sparingly present. 

VI. Dynamic Metamorphism of the Ieegion. After the time of these 
various igneous intrusions the region was subjected to intense dynamic 
metamorphism, whereby secondary structures were produced and the primary 
ones destroyed ; the rocks were all rendered thoroughly crystalline and their 
original relationships masked. That the rocks now exposed at the surface 
were then deeply buried beneath other rocks, since removed by erosion, 1s 
shown by the manner in which the rocks adjusted themselves to the forces 
acting upon them, the adjustments being of the kind that can only oceur under 

heavy load. 

VIL. Precambrian Dikes. At some period subsequent to the meta- 
morphism of the region, all the rocks so far described were fissured, and 
through the fissures thus formed fused rock made its way toward the surface. 
Along some of these fissures faulting took place. ‘That earth movements pro- 
duced results of this character leads to the belief that the rocks were under 

*C. H. Smyth, Jr., Bull. G. S. A., Vol. VI, pp. 268-274. Also, Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. XLVIII, pp. 54-65 and Vol. L, 
pp. 273-281. 

+C. H. Smyth, Jr. Bull. G.S. A., Vol. VI, p. 266. 

+C. H. Smyth, Jr. Bull. G.S. A., Vol. VI, p. 270. 

CuspHina — Porspam Bounpany. 13 

less load than at the time of their great metamorphism, and thus a long inter- 
vening erosion period is suggested. 

The erupted rock may or may not have reached the surface. So far as 
known it 1s found at the present day solely in dikes. These are exceedingly 
abundant in the eastern Adirondacks. Though presenting considerable varia- 
tion they may all be classed as diabases, and mostly as olivine diabases. 

Accompanying these dikes, and having, so far as observed, the same area 
distribution though far less abundant, are other dikes, ordinarily of red color, 
of a much more acid rock. The writer has heretofore classed these with 
the trachytes (bostonites), but they present constant differences when com- 
pared with the lake Champlain bostonites, and evidence is accumulating that 
they are distinct in age. They are quite numerous in Clinton county and in 
the eastern part of Franklin, and have not been seen cutting any but the Pre- 
cambrian rocks. While they may be nothing but representatives of the post- 
Utica trachytes the writer is disposed provisionally to regard them as 
distinct, and of Pre-cambrian age. They have the same general east and west 
trend as the diabases, and neither has as yet been observed cutting the other. 

VITt. Palaeozoic Locks. After this period of dike formation, erosion con- 
tinued in progress for a considerable length of time. Then ensued a depres. 
sion carrying all the peripheral portion of the Adirondack region below sea 
level, where it remained during the deposition of the Potsdam sandstone and 
the lower Silurian limestones, which were laid down on the deeply denuded but 
uneven floor of the older rocks. | 
‘The Potsdam sandstone north of the Adirondacks is of very considerable, 
though unknown thickness. It is at least as much as 500’ however, and 
probably considerably more. From the lack of fossils except in the upper por- 
tion it 1s an extremely difficult formation to subdivide. The extreme basal 
portion 1s a conglomerate, often very coarse, and also carries layers of coarse, 
feldspathic and hematitic, easily rotting sandstone. Otherwise it is a quite 
pure quartz sandstone, though occasionally some layers are dolomitic. The 
basal one-fourth is prevailingly of red color, while the remainder is white, 
yellow or brown. It grades into the Calciferous dolomites above through 
passage beds, 30° to 50° thick, of alternating layers of sandstone and grey 
dolomite. In its upper portion it carries an upper Cambrian fauna. 

IX. Post- Utica Uplift. After the close of the lower Silurian the sub- 
merged district was raised anew above sea level and was then affected by the 
earth movements which caused the Green mountain uplift. But whereas the 
rocks of Vermont were folded, faulted and metamorphosed by their action, the 


effect produced in New York was much less pronounced and mainly effective 
in the production of faults, the rocks being only slightly folded and not 
metamorphosed at all. The faults, however, are very numerous and often of 
considerable magnitude. The present topography is largely due to their 
presence and they have no doubt frequently served as lines of readjustment 

since they were originally formed. 

X. Post-Utica Dikes. During or subsequent to the time of the 
dynamic movements just referred to, igneous rocks made their way toward the 
surface through fissures. They are now found mainly as dikes and, as 
shown by Kemp, are of two widely different types, both very basic rocks 
(camptonites, monchiquites, fourchites) and quite acid rocks (trachvtes) 
occurring. The basicity of the one type and the acidity of the other seem 
somewhat more pronounced than in the case of the supposed Pre-cambrian 
basic and acid dikes. As far as New York state is concerned, these dikes 
seem confined to the vicinity of lake Champlain, not ranging westward as do 

the earlier dikes. 

The true boundary, if its minutiae could be mapped on a large scale, 
would necessarily be exceedingly irregular. The Potsdam was laid down on 
an uneven floor, especially so when the Grenville series formed that floor, and 
where it has been pared away by erosion down to its very base this irregu- 
larity of floor must make a highly tortuous contact line. These minor details 
are for the most part obscured by the drift covering. An interesting illustra- 
tion is furnished by exposures two miles south of Nicholville, St. Lawrence 
county, which will be described in their appropriate place.* 

While some of the contacts are clearly those of deposition others are 
unquestionably due to faulting. The much-faulted structure of the eastern 
Adirondacks has been emphasized in previous reports by Professor Kemp and the 
writer. In the district under consideration here, the evidence is less pro- 
nounced, but that faults are present, and that numerously, is clear. The well 
known outcrops of Potsdam sandstone along the Racquette river south of 
Potsdam lie along the west side of a fault. The outlier of gneiss at Burke 
village, Franklin county, seems brought up by a pair of faults. Two miles 
northeast of Whippleville, Malone township, are Potsdam exposures whose 
attitude is due to faulting. 


*The areal results of the work are delineated, so far as may be, on the accompanying map. As outcrops of the 
Potsdam sandstone are very infrequent much of the boundary as there shown can only be regarded as a reasonable 
approximation, it being marked at the limits reached by the Pre-cambrian outcrops, with such aid as the topography 
furnishes. Westward from Parishville its true position is quite uncertain, the conditions being much more complicated 
than those prevailing to the eastward. 

Cusuine — Potspam Bounpbary. 15 

While the great scarcity of exposures of the Calciferous dolomites renders 
hazardous any attempt to delineate the Potsdam-Calciferous boundary and to 
generalize concerning structural relations, the prolongation of the north- 
easterly strike invariably shown in outcrop would not connect the different 
exposures, there is but little indication of folding, and a series of north-south 

faults throwing to the east would furnish a satisfactory explanation of the 
existing conditions. 

Local Geology. 


In the extreme north-western portion of ENenburgh township, Clin- 
ton county, 1s a low ridge of gneiss whose edge reaches further north 
than any other exposure of the New York Pre-cambrian rocks, the small out- 
hier at Burke excepted. It is flanked on the north and west by most excellent 
exposures of basal Potsdam, consisting mainly of massive arkose conglomer- 
ates, which reach over the border into Franklin county. Thence westward 
the level drops sharply into the Chateaugay valley, which is heavily drift- 
filled on its eastern side, so that no rock shows, and the boundary here is 
uncertain. Like so many of the Adirondack valleys, the river here seems to 
occupy a fault line. On the west the river hugs the side of a ponderous 
ridge of gneiss which extends northward to the town line. Somewhat more than 
a mile further down stream commences the series of excellent Potsdam exposures 
which culminate in the “Chasm” at Chateaugay village. Still further down 
stream the overlying Calciferous shows near the mouth of Marble river. The 
section here has been measured and described by Mr. Walcott.* It shows 
the upper 250’ of the Potsdam, but gives no notion of the entire thickness of 
the section along this line. | 

Passing westward through Belmont the gneisses come up to the boundary 
in a series of low ridges separated by shallow depressions filled with drift. 
The gneisses consist here of the red, poorly foliated, microperthitic variety, 
wlternating with dark grey plagioclase-pyroxene gneisses, in which the feldspar 
is oligoclase or andesine and the pyroxene the aegerine-augite variety. The 
former predominate toward the east and the latter to the west, but the two 
occur interbanded in every section. There are also the usual dike-like bands 
of gabbroic and dioritic gneiss. With the exception of the exposures in the 
Chateaugay river but one outcrop of Potsdam sandstone was seen in the town- 
ship in the vicinity of the gneisses. The exposure occurs in a depression 
between two ridges of gneiss, and shows several layers of coarse, somewhat 
pebbly rock, which is very quartzose and of light-brown color. Numerous 
loose blocks occur wide-spread in the vicinity, some of which are of very 

* Bull. U.S. G.S. No. 81, p. 343. 

CusuinG — PotspamM BounDARY. 17 

coarse conglomerate, though these also do not agree in color and composition 
with the basal Potsdam as it usually appears. These loose blocks are mani- 

festly not far removed from their parent ledge. 


In Burke township is a small and interesting Pre-cambrian outlier, 
at a distance of over five miles from the main boundary. The rock is 
well exposed in the Trout river at Mackenzie’s mill, half-a-mile north of Burke 
post-ofiice, and thence may be traced westward for one-third of a mile, the out- 
crops covering a wedge-shaped area with the apex at the mill, and the base to 
the west. Both to the east and the west the rock passes beneath heavy drift, 
concealing its extent in those directions, but Potsdam sandstone crops out near 
at hand to the north and south. In the former direction and only 100 yards 
down stream is a twenty-foot cliff of hard, yellowish sandstone, here abruptly 
cut off. A half-mile to the south, at the village, similar sandstone appears in 
the stream, dipping in the other direction. The accompanying section shows 
the observed relations. The sandstone has the lithologic characters which 
mark the middle and upper portions of the formation, and the writer sees no 
way of accounting for the structural relations here exhibited except on the 
assumption that the gneiss is brought up by a pair of faults. 

The exposures here show a red, well-jointed, acid granitic rock composed 
of quartz and microcline or microperthitic orthoclase and a little magnetite. 
At the mill two large dikes constitute half the exposure. The southerly one 
is of syenite porphyry and is 27’ wide with the south wall not showing. 
Thirteen yards north of it is a 15’ dike of a diabasie rock which differs some- 
what from the normal diabases of the region and is very coarse grained. A 
few rods to the westward, in the woods, are two other dikes, both of normal 
diabase, one of which is noteworthy in that it contains numerous inclusions 
of the wall rock scattered through it, commonly of small size. Such 

inclusions are not a common feature in the Adirondack diabases. 

Iietre 1. Section north of Burke village 

The occurrence of this Pre-cambrian outlier, probably brought up by 
faulting, suggests interesting possibilities in the way of other occurrences of 
hike nature, now concealed beneath the drift. 


18 Report oF tHE STratTe GEOLOGIST. 


In this township the boundary pursues a_ west-south-west course 
nearly to the western line of the town, when it bears away to the north along 
the edge of Cornish hill, a massive ridge of gneiss which extends well up into 
Bangor. As in Belmont, low ridges and spurs of gneiss protrude through the 
drift along the boundary, separated from one another by shallow, drift-filled 

The gneisses are of the same general character as in Belmont. The two 
extreme varieties are, on the one hand, red, acid gneisses, composed of quartz 
and microperthitic orthoclase with magnetite and varying amounts of dark 
green-brown hornblende, and on the other, grey, more basic gneisses, made up of 
plagioclase, orthoclase, aegerine-augite and titanite, with or without hornblende 
and quartz. Sometimes one or the other of these attains considerable thick- 
ness, but ordinarily the two are interbanded, the bands not exceeding a few 
inches in thickness, and the one rock grading into the other. The resulting 
rock is therefore well banded, but neither in structure nor composition does it 
give any hint of a sedimentary origin. The customary dike-like bands of 
hornblendic gneiss occur in all exposures of any extent. 

An interesting garnetiferous gneiss was found in the township outcropping 
near the road one-half mile east of District School No. 6. It is a nearly black 
gneiss and occurs interbanded with a reddish pyroxene gneiss of intermediate 
composition. Garnets, which are so deeply colored as to be almost. black, 
make up nearly half the rock. In thin section they become transparent in 
deep yellowish-brown tones. The resemblance to colophonite is strong. A 
careful qualitive test made by Prof. E. W. Morley shows the presence of 
titanium in small amount, and the color is probably due to it. In addition to 
the garnet the rock is mostly made up of microperthite, but holds also a little 
aegerine-augite, oligoclase and quartz. 

But two localities were found in Malone where the Potsdam was exposed 
near the boundary. The first is along the Adirondack railroad about two 
miles south of Malone, where 15’ of red, thin-bedded, feldspathic sandstone are 
exposed at the south end of a cut within 100 yards of massive exposures of 
red, microperthitic gneiss banded with pyroxene gneiss. The dip is in the 
normal direction and is not high, 10° to N. 85° W.; the character of the 
rock indicates the basal portion of the formation and there is no sign of 

The second locality is a mile and a half distant and one mile east of School 
No. 6. Here ina field south of the road, lying in an embayment between 

CusuHina — Potspam Bounpary. 19 

two gneissic ridges and with gneiss within a quarter-mile on each side, is a 
knoll of hard, well indurated, red and white banded sandstone which has been 
somewhat quarried. The location of the exposure, the 25° dip and the fact 
that the horizon in the Potsdam is somewhat above that of the previous ex- 
posure, indicate that the presence of the sandstone here is owing to dislocation. 

The higher portion of the formation is well shown in the river at Malone 
and thence northward, it being quarried considerably about a mile north of 
the city. Beyond, occasional outcrops are found along the river for a distance 
of several miles before the Calciferous is reached near Westville. For about 
half of this distance the inter-stratification of grey dolomite with the white 
sandstone indicates the presence of the passage beds to the Calciferous, which 
apparently occupy the centre of a shallow synclinal trough, as the north- 
westerly dip beyond is replaced for some distance by one to the south-east. 
The wide extent of surface underlaid by the Potsdam here is thus explained. 
In the passage beds at this place are iron-grey sandy dolomites presenting a pecu- 
liar appearance, and such are found to characterize this horizon throughout 
northern New York. On the fresh fracture, glittering cleavage faces 
are shown a half inch or more in length and dotted in a psuedo-peecilitic 
fashion by numerous rounded quartz grains, giving a peculiar satiny lustre. 
The thin section furnished the explanation. The rock 1s a fine mosaic of 
dolonute crystals im which are streaks numerously set with somewhat 
rounded grains of quartz. In the quartzose bands are frequent areas 
in which the cement enclosing the grains has the same extinction throughout. 
In these cases the matrix is found to be of calcite instead of dolomite. In the 
sandy streaks then, rather coarsely crystalline secondary calcite has been 
deposited around and including the quartz grains, its good cleavage manifesting 
itself when the rock is broken. 

Bangor and Brandon. 

The only Pre-cambrian rocks exposed in Bangor are the gneisses of Cornish 
hill which extend northward four miles beyond the average line of the bound- 
ary. Following the west side of the ridge the boundary passes into northern 
Brandon, then swerves to the westward and continues in that direction across 
the township into Dickinson. | 

The gneisses exposed are quite homogeneous and consist mainly of micro- 
perthitic gneiss in the eastern, and microcline gneiss in the western half of the 
township, the two having the same color and appearance and grading into one 

another. Hornblende is present in variable amount in all the exposures, and 


the rock is well foliated. The more strongly acid gneisses are well jointed, the 
ordinary gneiss lacking this structure; the former may represent the later 
eranites, decisive evidence on this point not having been found. ‘The pyroxene 
gneisses, which are such a feature in Malone and Belmont, are mainly lacking 
here, though they are present to some extent. Considerable gabbro-diorite 
gneiss occurs together with the usual dikes of hornblende gneiss. Near the 
west line of the township are widespread exposures of acid granitoid gneisses, 
which alternate with masses of gabbro-diorite gneiss of considerable thickness. 
The two blend into each other along their contacts. 

The Potsdam sandstone makes but meagre showing in these townships, 
the drift being very heavy. In the stream at South Bangor there are shght ex- 
posures of a buff, hard, coarse sandstone. There is an old quarry on the 
Bangor-Brandon line from which a slight amount of stone has been taken, the 
rock here being white and not well indurated. One mile to the south-west the 
red, hematitic arkose of the basal portion of the formation is poorly exposed 
by the roadside only a few yards away from the gneisses. This was the only 
outerop lying close to the boundary observed in the township. 


In this township the boundary trends to the south-west. In the 
north-eastern corner the gneisses are well exposed at the end of a low 
ridge with Potsdam sandstone close at hand to the north. The entire western 
flank of the ridge is, however, so thoroughly drift-covered that no exposures 
are to be found until those opened by the Deer river are reached, so that 
the boundary here is uncertain though the topography indicates a position 
approximately as shown on the map. <A\t Dickinson Centre and thence west- 
ward to the county line and beyond, outcrops of gneiss are plentiful with, in 
one case, the Potsdam in place only a few yards away. | 

The gneisses in the north-eastern part of the township are for the most 
part red, acid gneisses of microcline or microperthite and quartz, often coarse and 
full of quartz and pegmatite veins, as is usual 1m these gneisses. With these 
are narrow, sharply defined basic bands of hornblende gneiss which constitute 
but an insignificant proportion of the whole. 

Around Dickinson Centre and for a mile and a half eastward, the rock is 
largely gabbro-diorite gneiss. This grades on the one hand into hornblende 
gneiss (diorite gneiss) and on the other into a red orthoclase gneiss which 
carries the same aegerine-augite and deep orange titanite which are found in 

the gabbro-dioriie. This in turn gradually shades into the ordinary red 

Cusnine — Potspam Bounpary. 91 

granitoid gneiss of the region. These relations are well shown one-half mile 
north-west, and again the same distance south of the Centre. At the latter 
locality a hornblende gneiss at the base of the section grades upward into 
gabbro-diorite and this in turn into red orthoclase-quartz gneiss. <A 
considerable biotite content characterizes some of the gneisses here and is 
worthy of note as it is not an important mineral in most of the basal gneisses. 

The gradual passage of one kind of gneiss into another in this region is 
not thought to possess the significance which would attach to it in an 
unmetamorphosed district. It is so general, and the rocks concerned are often 
so diverse that it would seem to have been produced during the metamorphism 
of the region and therefore to be secondary, instead of representing an original 
structure due to community of origin. North-west of Dickinson Centre quite 
massive gabbro-diorite is seen passing over into red orthoclase gneiss, not 
however by a gradual change but by the most minute kind of interbanding of 
the black and red gneisses, both of which here have a composition inter. 
mediate between that of the two extreme varieties. 

One mile west from the Centre on Macomber’s farm, is aledge of Potsdam 
sandstone outcropping one-fourth mile south of the road. It is red in 
color and thin bedded, but hard and firm and has been quarried 
somewhat for local use. It has the usual moderate dip to the north. 
west. ‘lo the south it shows cut off edges, a marshy tract intervenes, then at 
a distance of 75 yards appears a massive wall of red, acid, microcline-quartz 
gneiss. This kind of topography prevails where the gneiss and the sand 
stone are found near together and may perhaps be accounted for by the easily 
erodable character cf most of the basal Potsdam. — 

tuast and west of Dickinson Centre along the Deer river are heavy sand 
deposits which cover considerable territory. They are on nearly the same 
level as the upper sand at Malone, but probably represent deposits along 
stream made by the river during its flooded condition following the retreat 

of the ice sheet, while local glaciers may have still lingered in the Adirondacks. 

Hopkinton. | 
The boundary pursues a nearly east and west course across this 
township. It presents certain differences in character when compared with 
the boundary in Franklin county, owing to the fact that the gneisses here strike 
east and west so that the ridges run parallel to the boundary instead of coming 
up to it, while depressions are less freyuent and cut across the strike. Out- 


crops of Potsdam sandstone are more numerous close to the boundary in this 
township than in any other part of the district examined. 

The gneisses along the boundary in Hopkinton are quite homogeneous 
and quite similar to those already described, their main distinction being the 
not infrequent occurrence of considerable biotite, this being especially true of 
those in the western half of the town.* In the eastern half they are mainly 
well foliated orthoclase or microcline gneisses with the usual variations in 
structure and texture and in the amount of quartz present, containing also 
varying amounts of plagioclase and hornblende and sometimes biotite. The 
usual bands of diorite gneiss occur plentifully. In an exposure on the Meacham 
farm, two miles south of Nicholville, 1s a dike-like band only 18 inches wide 
cutting the gneiss, and this furnishes the best and least metamorphosed speci- 
mens of the basic, ophitic gabbro which the writer has yet seen in the 
Adirondack region. 

The Potsdam, as exposed in the township, possesses considerable interest. 
Near the roadside at the Meacham farm and near the gabbro just discussed 
are the outcrops mentioned on a previous page, + a low knoll of very coarse, 
rotten, acid gneiss crossing the road, followed to the south at a distance of 15 
yards by exposures of a coarse, feldspathic conglomerate which disintegrates 
with great readiness. The conglomerate is composed of debris from the 
eneiss and occupies a depression in its surface, as gneisses appear again in 
force a short distance further south. 

One mile to the eastward, on a lane running south from the main road, 
is an old quarry opening in a single ledge which protrudes through the drift. 
The rock is a well laminated, coarse sandstone, in white and buff or brown 
colors, and has the abnormal dip of 18° to 8. 20° . It seems to represent an 
horizon well above the base of the formation and its attitude suggests disloca- 
tion. It lies, however, in a wide depression with no other outcrops near 
at hand. 

One and one-half miles west of the Meacham farm exposures and less than 
two miles south of Hopkinton village, a ledge of red, feldspathic sandstone, con- 
taining also much magnetite sand, is well exposed by the roadside and for some 
distance to the westward, with the normal low dip to the north-west. Only 
ten yards south of it and parallel with it on the west, is a ridge of very coarse 
acid gneiss. There is no evidence of faulting between the two. One mile to 
the northward is Budd’s quarry where a firm, red stone, often prettily banded 

* As Professor Smyth is engaged in a detailed study of the Pre-cambrian rocks of St. Lawrence county, they will be but 

briefly referred to here. 
t+ Page 14. 

CusuHine — Porspam Bounpary. 23 

with white 1s opened and has a considerable local use. White sandstone 
is exposed by the river at Nicholville, and near Fort Jackson much quarrying 
is done in white and buff sandstone. Westward from this line of outcrops no 

Potsdam was seen in the township. 


In this township the boundary at first bears to ‘the north to enclose 
the massive but low ridge of gneiss lying to the northward of Parish- 
ville village. The exposures are excellent and show a well foliated gneiss of 
intermediate composition, for the most part with a considerable bi-silicate 
content which is usually hornblende. This is sometimes replaced by a 
pleochroic augite. Biotite is also a prominent ingredient and a little muscovite 
shows in some of the shdes. The predominant feldspar 1s plagioclase, either 
oligoclase or andesine, but orthoclase, microcline and quartz are present in 
considerable amounts. 

Just to the westward of Parishville village, the Grenville series comes to, 
and forms the boundary. Rocks which unquestionably belong to that series 
are separated by ridges of gneiss of uncertain relationship, but these excepted, 
the Grenville series remains at the boundary as far as the work was carried. 
The unequal resistance to erosion presented by the various members of this 
series, coupled with the fact that the general altitude of the country 1s much 
below that to the eastward so that erosion does not go forward so rapidly, 
combine to render the boundary very uncertain, both because of the exceed- 
ingly erratic distribution of the Potsdam and because it rarely shows in 
outcrop. | : 

‘hese rocks will be described by Professor Smyth. It may be said in gen- 
eral that the gneisses in this’ series differ from the older gneisses in being for 
the most part much more finely and evenly granular and in having, in many of 
the beds, abundant biotite as the only ferro-magnesian mineral. 

The Potsdam was found exposed in but two localities in the township, 
both along the brook which empties into the river one mile west of Parishville. 
The best exposures are about a mile up the brook and consist of coarse sand- 
stone of medium induration, striped in white and flesh color, or white and buff. 
The other outcrop is further north where the road from Parishville to 
Parishville Centre crosses the brook, and the exposure is but meagre. These 
rocks lie in a trough ereded in beds of very quartzose gneiss which oppose but 
feeble resistance to degradation. Sufficient data were not obtainable to admit 

of determining whether the Potsdam owes its present position to faulting or 


to original deposition. It is quite possible that it reaches further south than 
is indicated on the map. 

To the southward, in Colton, crystalline limestone outcrops In association 
with the gneisses which here appear. One mile south of the main Potsdam 
exposure, the brook shows an excellent section of the quartzose gneisses on 
each bank, along with some curious rocks of very uncertain origin, and in any 
event profoundly changed from their original condition. The exposure 1s 

mentioned here as it is of great interest, yet is an easy one to miss. 

Pierrepont and Potsdam. 

The boundary so far as traced in these towns 1s shown on the map 
accompanying this report. More detailed areal work would probably 
necessitate considerable changes as the relationships here are complicated, 
and the drift very heavy. The rocks of the Grenville series are well shown 
and possess great interest. 

The Potsdam sandstone in the vicinity of Potsdam shows features of 
importance, and the accompanying map (Figure 2) has been prepared to show 
in detail the conditions along the river south of the city. Both east and west 
of the city the Grenville gneisses reach as far, or nearly as far, north as the 
city itself. They are even found in the city itself. But the river valley 1s so 
heavily encumbered with sand deposits and other drift that the limits reached 
by these rocks are completely hidden. Along the river, however, outcrops ot 
Potsdam sandstone are found for a distance of six miles south of Potsdam, 
and probably extend still further in the same direction. The structure 
is sufficiently well shown to prove that it owes its position and attréude to 
faulting. | 

Northward from Potsdam, the upper beds of the sandstone are shown along 
the river, with the customary low north-westerly dips, followed by the passage 
beds, and, just below Norwood, by the Calciferous. These are all with the 
same dip, and manifestly in a continuous and undisturbed section. At Pots- 
dain, as shown by N. TH. Winchell, gneisses of the Grenville series outcrop in 
the river and in the city itself.* The heavy drift covering east and west 
prevents tracing this rock to any connection with Grenville exposures in those 
directions, but it seems most probable to the writer that it is brought up here 
by afault. The absence of allthe lower portion of the Potsdam formation in 
the exposures to the northward, and the high dips and disturbed character of 

* Geol. Surv. Minn. 21st Am. Rep. pp. 103-104. 
These outcrops were not seen by the writer, but a letter just received from Professor Winchell verifies the statements 
made in his report. The presence of this gneiss is the cause of the rapids in the river at Potsdam. 

Cusning —- PorspAm BounpbDaARY. 95 

the exposures of the same formation to the southward harmonize with this 
At Clarkson’s quarry, three miles south of Potsdam, the rock 1s a firm 

red sandstone which is so cross-bedded and jointed that it 1s not easy to 
make out the true dip, which is, however, somewhat to the south of west. 

Crarkson's que 

Merritt quarr 


SS Sh 
Be BAS \ 
K 50° ” $0 
N 20° WwW. Vv Yo °F 

FigurE 2. Map of a portion of Potsdam and Pierrepont Townships. 
The lithologic character of the rock suggests an horizon low in the for- 
mation. A short distance further south, at Merritt and Tappan’s quarry, 
the flesh-colored stone is banded with white and the structure is synclinal, 

as shown by N. H. Winchell.* Nearly a mile further south are excellent 

* Loc. cit. p. 101. 


exposures at Hanawa Falls, where the rock is prevailingly red and massive, 
the dip to the south-west has been resumed, and the horizon seems 
much the same as at Clarkson’s.* Still another mile to the south is Elliott’s 
quarry where the rock is light colored, being merely tinged with red. The 
dip is still to the south-west though here it is quite low. 

One-fourth mile further south are most interesting exposures on both 
sides of the stream, at the site of an old mill. The west bank is formed of 
Potsdam sandstone, here of white color and with a south-west dip. It must 
lie higher than the rock at Elhott’s quarry, and apparently is at a higher 
horizon than any other seen south of Potsdam. The east bank of the stream, 
which is here only a few rods wide, is composed of rotten pyritiferous, quartz- 
ose gneisses, much stained by hematite in their upper portion, which belong 
to the Grenville series. The river just here is clearly occupying a fault line, 
to the presence of which the disturbed character of the Potsdam is due. 
Drillings for hematite ore not far east of the river, show apparent Potsdam 
conglomerate overlying the Grenville rocks, so that the throw of the fault is 
probably not excessively great. 

To the west of Potsdam is a great development of kame and drumlin- 
like drift hills. he boundary indicated on the map merely connects the most 
northerly Pre-cambrian outcrops seen, and in the absence of Potsdam outcrops 
to the northward, must be regarded with considerable suspicion. The only 
exposure seen was a meagre one at West Potsdam. 

The Calciferous Formation. 

No attempt to make a section of the Calciferous was undertaken. With 
one exception all the outcrops seen were in close proximity to the Pots. 
dam and merely represent the basal portion of the formation. The rock 
exposed is a hard, iron-grey, often sandy dolomite, occasicnally with nodules 
of coarsely crystalline calcite, and quite like the layers of dolomite in the 
passage beds. | 

In the Racquette river north of Norwood near the Norfolk-Potsdam 
line, the rock exposed differs somewhat from the foregoing, being a quite 
pure blue dolomite. One layer in particular is quite fossiliferous though the 
fossils are not easily obtained in good condition. Quite a variety of forms are 
present here, including species of Asaphus, Orthoceras, Nautilus, Pleurotomarta 
and a httle Murchisonia which is identical with the species occurring in 
the Ophileta beds at Beekmantown, Clinton county The locality is at the 

* Ibid. p. 104. 

Cusuine — Potrspam Bounpary. 27 

bridge over the river on the town line. It seems further south than the one 
mentioned by Winchell and from which his party obtained fossils.* The horizon 
can not be far above the base of the formation, if undisturbed. 


In following the boundary across Franklin county, eleven dikes were noted 
cutting the Pre-cambrian rocks. These were all in the eastern half of the 
county. In St. Lawrence not a single one was seen in the belt examined, and 
Professor Smyth’s work shows them to be rare in most of that county. In the 
eastern Adirondacks they are exceedingly abundant and the same is true 
further westward at the Thousand Islands as described by Smyth, who has 
demonstrated them to be there of Pre-cambrian age.+ 

Of the eleven dikes, ten were of diabase and one of syenite porphyry. 
Nearly all the diabases contain olivine. One of them is noteworthy in that it 
contains frequent large phenocrysts of a light green, almost non-pleochroic 
orthorhombic pyroxene, probably enstatite, a mineral not of common occurence 
in diabase. | 

A more detailed description of the dikes will be printed elsewhere. 

* Minn. Geol. Surv., 2ist Ann. Rep., p. 109. 
i Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., Vol. XV, p. “«L. 


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