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J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

J.S. Bach 

Cantata No. 78 

Jesu, der du meine Seele 


(Andante * 

, M ) 

J ( f, 

j^j ^ 




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M V ' ' 



p L AJ- ^ 

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Jt p 

gp. ..4JAt|J_*L g ._/^L_j 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

j (Mel: „Jesu, der du meine Seele".)^ 

Je _ _ su, der du mei _ _ ne_ See 

su, der 
- sus, by Thy cross — 

_ ne_ See 

and- pas 



$*i J i ,JJ 1 J J IJ.|J>JJJ)AJ^Ji | J J J I ^Jj P, der du mei _ ne See _ le hastdurch dei.nen 
Je - sus, by Thy cross and pas ■ sion, by the bit - ter 

jStuM— i 1 I H- m \ r 

Je_su, der dumei . ne See _ le 

Je - sus, by Thy cross and pas - sion, 


hast durch 

by the 

Je . su, der du meme 

Je - sus, by Thy cross and 

See . 


J i a#i w. 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

hast durch dci . nen bit . tern_ Tod 

pa£rc_ Thou_ bore, 

TL hast durch dei _ nt»rT ~" "" bit - tern Tod 

fty r/ie 61V - ter pain Thou bore, 

aj- j> .j j j .^^gr. 

3 JIJ^ A j 


frl Jj J ii |.' r iJ J i J ^ij- ; 








J.S. Bach • Church Cantatas BWV 78 
Jr, C 

m j J J i>^ p 

^J5L J g ijpu J O 

aus des Teu . feL 

fin . . strer Hoh 

^ J L i^ i £ fT f rrH^j rfte 


¥ 'J r «, 


yy ^D/75/3 

i 4 


aus des Teu . fels fin . strer Hoh . _ le 

when the Ev - il one would hold me 

r i.) r ii' .fl i tjT 

L^ii-IL^LL I J- , I (JM ^ I J j j I J J j 

. le, aus des Teu. fels fin _ strer Hoh - le und der schweren 

me, when the Ev - il one would hold me deep in hell to 

r rr r r 



r i ir' rr g elr>i r 

le, aus des Teu . fels fin . strer Hoh - le 

when the Ev - il one would hold me 

und der 

deep in 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

noth,undder schwe . refi Zl_ See _ len - noth 

sore, deep in hell to suf - fer sore, 

? r r in^f r J "" 

_ und der schwe _ ren See . len _ noth 

-deep in hell to suf- fer 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

\ lich her „ aus ge ris . sen, her . aus ge _ ris . sen, 

ly a - way Thou bore^. me, a - way Thou bore 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 


n r < 

undmich Solohes lassen wis-sen,niichSol 

wj'f/r a hav - en safe be 

UP I F I I i S I 1 ( ; r f ^^ 

undmich Solches las_sen -wis _ sen,mich Sol _ 
with a hav - en safe be - fore me, a hav 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

mit-h Solches las . sen 

ife be ■ 

icjjf m '^g 

sen, undmieh Sol . 

ne, with 

ches las - sen 

en safe be - 

■»iHp«rrp m m LdT-U ' " r r ^ 

ches las_sen wis 

safe be - fore 

sen, und mich 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

durch dein an _ _ ge . neh . . mes_~Vfort, durehdein 

Thy word, con - tent - - merit—, sweet, through Thy 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

nelT I " - mes Wort, durch dein an I " . ge 

ment sweet, 

^ Wort, durch dein 

sweet, through Thy word 

ge - neh . mes, dein angeneh _- mes 

con ■ tent ment. Thy word, con-tent - ment 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

Wort 7 durch dein an . ge _ neh . . mes Wojt.- 

sweet, through Thy word, con - tent - - ment sweet: 

-f-f-t ir r I r' F~r r n=g£ 

< i I 

Wortjdurch. dein an . ge neh 

sweet, through Thy word, con - tent 



n j r r i r*r *r i Or i p ^pf 

Wort,durchdt>in an - ge . neh - _ mes Wort: 

sweef, through Thy word con - tent - - ment sweet: 

i ; # i i h'i.,jj 



fej^flZB bps feg p 



-r jpjjj^ 









J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

Hort, Gott, mein Hort,seidochjetzt,o Gott,meinHoit, o Gott, m«unHort,o 

t, Thou art still my sure re - treat, my sure re - treat, my 

j Gott, meinHort! 

^ b ^r r if 

Gott, o Gott.mein Hort! 

«, my sure re - treat! 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

Aria. Duetto. 

(Con moto J = taoj 

Schrit.ten.o Je _ su, 
• steps, O Je ■ 

o Mei.ster, o Je _ su. o Mei.ster, zu 

O Je - sus, O Mas - ter, for 

lenmit sehwachen.dochem . sLgen Scliritteii, o J»' - su, o Mei.ster, ; 
ten with ea - ger yet fal - ter-ing foot -steps, O Je - sus, O Mas - ter, for 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

>/ l J> J) J MM Ji J> f 

schwa _ chen,doch em . si-gen Schrit - ten, o Je . su, 

ger yet fal - ter-ing foot - steps, O Je - sus, 

Mfi - ster, 
Mas - ter, 


4 n j si 

j, n ,.; n 





--HJJ J J J J J J 

LuJ LhJ 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 
It ^ * « Id « J) J 

r, ppr ph^- p j)j J) p |J r ^r i r ^ 

SchriLten, o Je . su, o MeLster,zu hel.fenzu dir, o Je . su, o Meistor, 

foot - steps, O Je • sus, O Mas-ter, for help un-to Thee; O Je - sus, O Mas-ter, 

Je _ su, o MeLster, zu hel-fenzu dir, 
O Je - sus, O Mas • ter, for help un - to Thee; 

Je . su, 
O Je - sus, 


r pp \ r m pr pp if. p-^J r' !) ir * ^ 

em . si.gen Schrit.ten, o Je _ su, o Mei _ ster, zu hel.fen zu dir, zu 

fal - ter-ing foot - steps, O Je - sus, O Mas - ter, for help un - to Thee, to 

y J Si juiJ J>j>ij jij^^u^f^i 

em . si.pen Schrit.ten, o Je . su, o Mei _ ster, zu hel.fen zu dir, zu dir, 

fal - ter-ing foot - steps, O Je - sus, O Mas - ter, for help un - to Thee, to Thee, 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

zu dir, 

to Thee, 

wir ei _ len mit schwa.chen,doch em _ si. gen 

has - ten with ea - geryet fal - t 

Schrit-ten, o Je . su, o Mei _ ster, zu heLfen zu dir, zu dir! 
foot - steps, O Je - sus, O Mas - ter, for help un - to Thee, to Thee! 

Schrit.ten, o Je - su, o Mei.ster, zu hei, fen zu dir, zu dir! 

foot - steps, O Je ■ sus, O Mas - ter, for help un - to Thee, to Thee! 

i l nryi J r * 

J HI J I i 

f f f f 

1** T 

r r ^^ 

. , 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

su _ chest die Kran -ken und Ir . renden treu _ lich, die Kran 

ful-ly seek- est the ill and the err ■ ing,Thou seek 

ken und 

est the 

Du su _ chest die Kran _ken und 

Thou faith - ful-ly seek - est the 

\ j i j hi ^m 

Ir _ renden treu. lich, du su .chest die Kra 

ill and the err - ing, Thou faith- fill ■ ly 

ken, du su _ chest die 
est, Thou faith -ful-ly 

renden treu. lich, die Kran.kenund Ir . ren.den treu. lich. 

and the err - ing, Thou seek - est the ill and the 

Kranken und Ir . renden treu_lich,die Kran.kenund Ir . ren.den treu . lich. 
seek- est the ill _ and the err- ing, Thou seek- est the ill and the 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

rT&~h^ == ^~ A f — i 

iJ lJ J p^~i 

, rjTJ 1 J Jj j | 

frrf rrrr' 


ho . re, wie wir die Stim . me er _ he _ - - _ ben, urn Hil - fe 

hear us, we pray. Our vote ■ es ex - alt Thee, for sue • cor 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

Hil-fe, um Hil-fe zu bit - ten! 
pray— Thee! 

Hil-fe, um Hil.fe zu bit . ten! 
sue - cor, for sue - cor we pray Thee! 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

t_ ii:i_ „.. f. i:_i. : , J..:„ , m j: ~.„ a„ *i;*~ .... frt-u _ ^T. 

An . tlitz er . freu.lich, es sei unsdeingn'a . di.ges An. tlitz er. 

- ful fa - vor, now grant us Thy grac - ious and mer - ci - ful fa 

lich, es sei unsdeingn'a - di-ges An . tlitz ei - freu . 
, now grant us Thy grac - ious and mer - ci-ful fa 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

lich, es sei unsdein gn'a . di-ges An - tlitz er.freu . lich, es 

vor, now grant us Thy grac - ious and mer - ci ■ ful fa ■ vor, now 

sei uns dein gna . diges An . tlitz er- freu . 
grant us Thy grac - ious and mer - ci - ful fa 

Da Capo 



P^J^ P t JUpp'T^JJ^llir ityn*ftH 

Ach! ich bin ein Kind der Siinden,ach! ich irje weit und breit. DerSiindenAussatz, 
Ah! my fail • ings sore - ly grieve me, yea^rny sins are ver - y great. The curse of A - dam 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

soanmirzu finden, ver_ lasstmich nicht in dieserSterblich-keit. MeinWilletrachtetnurnach 

ir more will leave me, so long as I ex-ist in man's es - tate. My in-clin-a-tionsleadto 

Bbsem. DerGeist zwarspriehhaeh! werwirdmieher.losen? A-ber,FleischundBhtzu 

-tt; though oft my soul cries "Who is there to save me?" Ah me! to re-sist temp- 

zwingen unddasGu.te zu voli . bringen, ist ii.ber al.le meine Kraft. Will ich den 

ta-tion and at-tainthere-by sal- va-tion is far be-yond my fee-ble strength. Though I ad - 

Sehaden nicht venheh-len, so kann ich nicht, wie oft ich feh.le, zahlen. Drum 

mit my ev' - ry fait-ing, I find, a ■ las, the bad in me pre - vail-ing. And 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

nehm'ichnunderSiindeSchmerzundPein undmeinerSorgen Biirde, so mir sonstunertraglich 

so I car - ry to Thy met- cy-seat my heav-y load of sor-row, with all my sins and de - re - 

wiirde, undlicfre siedir,, seuf.zend ein. Recline nicht die that, die 

lic-tions, and lay them pen-i • tent-ly at Thy feet. Do Thou, Lord, for-give them me, nor 

a tempo (/)= «*.) 


(Vivace J) = i«o.) 
S L 

II basso staccato. 


A J>Jffl%. 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

DeiiiBIut, so m«;i . tie Schulddurchstreicht, 

^r-^Thy sac - ri -flee has cleansed the stain, 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

Schulddurchstreieht, maehtmirdasHerze wie _ derleicht, macht mirdasHer . ze 

cleansed the stain, mak ■ ing my heart all pure— a -gain, mak - ing my heart 

wie _ derleicht undsprichtmichfrei,undspricht mich_frei. 

pure a- gain, hap- py and free, hap- py and — free. 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

r^-Hr — - 1 

* rft^gn 


P *p fl ft 1 

Ruftmich der Hoi . len Herr_ 

Should now the fiend- of- hell — 


as - sail me, as - 



J M^S 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

Strei . 

. te, so 

ste - 




r Vr p 

JT3 J55 

m. J 

ft# ftrp* — f — = — 

air — SeLU',dass idi beherzt, bt>herzt,dassich beJieizt^Abeheiztundsieg-haftst' 
will not — fail me, but Will sup-port, sup-port, but will sup-port, will sup-port and sue -cor mi 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

dort d*'mH?iland gab, sind ihm nunmehroSiegeszeichen und konnenmirerneu-teKrafte 
Lord and Sa-viour bore, be- come the to-kens of sal - va-tion, and which the Faithful look for in-spir- 

rei.chen. Wenn ein er _ schreck - ii.ches Ge.richt 

When sounds the dread - ed judg-ment knell, 

Fluch fur dit? Yerdammten spricht: 

that sends the damned to hell, 

Lento. (J^ so.) 

so kehrst du ihn in Se.gen. Mich 

turn Thou it in - to bless ■ ing. Then 


kannkeinSohmensundkeinePeinbe . wegen, weil siemeinHeLlandkennt, unddadeinHerzfur 

nei- ther pain not torment will re - main:- all this my Sa - viour knows, and thus Thy heart with 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

g j) j>Vi-t-+£m p ^ g » p i p*p p^p J Ja 

mich in Lie.bebrennt, 
deep a/- fec-tion glows; 

,k ,P 

lege ich hnwie.deT das meLne vor dir nie . 
Mas -ter, I a- dore Thee and lay my all be - fore 





b r J p 

Andante. (J = 72.) 

^j * gffTr i J-^ft ^ p i eGCrrirr * 

cI»t. Dies, mein_ Herz, mitLeid ver . men . . get, 

Thee^ This, my heart, with grief com ■ min - ■ gled, 

a tempo 

so di'in_theares Blut be.spren - get, so am Kreuz ver.gos . sen 

by Thy^. prec-ious blood be-sprin - Med on the cross _ poured out— for 

geb' ich dir,_ Herr Je . su Christ. 

give T now, O Lord, to Thee. 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 


(Moderato J = 72.) 


-f- g-ft - ^Q 




wirst mein G»* . wis . smi_ 

O Lord, ap - pease my — 

stil . l*-n,so 
core - science, which 

^p L.g'T-^f p £ 


^r f^T* 



J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

6til . lfn, so wi . der mich urn Ra 

con - science, which grie-vous-ly has trou 

che,um Ra.che 

bled, has trou - bled 

schreit, ja»dei . ne Treiue wirdser-fiil _ len, veil mir deiiiVVbrt die 

by Thy ft - del-i - ty— up- hold me, and let Thy word my 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

m i rff r £frt 

"> „ p rs r ""f 

c — ft ffffflff 


Hoff . 

. nungbeut,weil mir_ dein_ Wort die Hoff . 

- /orf Z>e, ««rf Zef Thy word my com 


^ PTLx-j 

|; j— pa 

mwjj j r 





-w^ — * ItJtfJ*^---— ■ 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

Christen an dich glau . ben,wennChristen andieh glau . ben,wirdsiekeinFeindin 

Thy di-vine di - rec • tion, by Thy di - vine di - rec - tion from en - e ■ mies for 

m l f tJt p f ^rf f 

Han _ den ran . be 

Thy pro - tec - tio 



■ r 




''(L. r r r ri 



J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

Chri _ sten an dieh glau 

Thy di - vine di ■ rec 

ben,wird siekoinFeind in E -wigkeit aus 

tion from en- e - mies for - ev • er free se 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

Choral. (Mel: „Jesu, der du meine Seele") 
Soprano. ^ i f?\ 

Herr,, Mlf mir Schwa-chen, lass mich ja ver . za.gen niohtl 
Lord, I trust Thee, I a - dore Thee, help my weak - ness , my de - spair; 

Herr, ich, hilf mir Schwa.chen, lass mich ja. 
Lord, I trust Thee, 1 a - dore Thee, help my 

za.gen nieht! 

Herr, ich, hilf mir Schwachen, lass mich ja ver . za.gen nieht! 

Lord, I trust Thee, I a - dore Thee, help my weak - ness, my de- spair; 

gn t.r r * r r im r m il u -&rrt-rh 

Herr, ich, hilf mir Sehwa_chen, lass mich ja — ver . za.gennieht! 
Lord, I trust Thee, I a - dore Thee, help my weak - ness, my de - spair; 

1 \p ,l> J J J 1 =1 

• — i j j 

P Wi A A 

j? 1 - , 



w^t-v u r tt r CJf 

t r w 

i ( J r : i r i J J ir r J 



Du, du kannst mich 

Thou canst strength 

star . ker ma . chen, wenn mich Simd' und Tod an. 

e, when mis - deeds my faith im ■ 



j ' i a i- 1 i i i' j i j j .jjJj j j 

Du, du kannst mich 

Thou canst strength 

star, ker ma . chen, wenn mich Siind 1 und Tod an. 

when mis - deeds my faith 

cjf r r i r rr tj $ u j j' ^ jj i j r it i 

Du, du kannst mich 

Thou canst strength - • 

star.ker ma. chen, wenn mich Siind'und Tod an. ficht. 

me, when mis - deeds my faith im - pair. 

^r r ir I r 7 I r r !ir -^ r pp ¥^ 

Du,_ du_kannst mich 

raou canst strength- 

star _ ker ma . chen, wenn mich Siind'und Tod 

when mis - deeds my faith 


tr J r J , 



r r I 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 78 

Dei.ner Gii.te will ich trau . eh bis ich_frohJich wer _ de schau . e 

On Thy lov - ing grace re - ly - ing, God Al - migh- iy glo - ri ■ fy ■ 

Dei.ner Gii.te 

On Thy lov - ing 

will ich 

trau . en bis ich froh-lich 

ly ■ ing, God Al - migh ■ ty 

wer . de sehau.en 

glo - ri ■ fy - ing; 

n f try r i r J J r i r J J irir r r m 

P Dei . ner Gii _ te will ich trau . en bis ich froh . lich wer - de schau . en 

On Thy lov ■ ing grace re - ly - ing, God Al - migh - ty glo - ri - fy ■ ing; 



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