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J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

IS. Bach 

Cantata No. 15 
Denn du wirst meine Seele nicht in der Holle lassen 

Dennduwirstmeine Seele nicht in der HoLle lassen, 

\ Suf- fer not Thou my soul to re -main in Hell, for - ev-. 

*>- t ^'p i r p pp^''^'^'p ^c;r^pr *' 

denndu wirst meine See.le nicht in der H61 . le lassen 

suffer not Thou my soul to re - main in Hell- for - ev • er. 




J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 




Mein Jesus ware todt. 

My Jesus who was dead, 

I' ^''j)j i < r H^ 

e todt, 
who was dead, 

lein Jesus ware 
my Je-sus whowi 

ii \ 'Sj';^M!s 




J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

wiffkeit; sein . hen ret.tetmich aus Ster . bens . 

His res - w - rec - tion saved my soul from death 's des - 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

noth und hat mirdurch das Grab den Le . 

pair, and through His cross and death the way_ 

.bensweg'jden Le -bens-weg" be . reit. 
. of — life was o - pened. up-, for. 

Wie konnt' es anders sein? Ein 

How could it else-wise be? 

Mensckderkannzwarsterben, Gott a-ber lebet immer.dar; 8tirbternunalseinMensch,sokannder 

-deed, may die Godliv-eth on e - ter-nal - ly. Though as a man He died, the grave and 

jf 1\ }i J) J^ }y)^ V Jl I ^y-jr-^J) J) J) Jn > I J J [ ^> '^^^ 

Sarg: ihnnicht Ter.der.ben, viel . mehrkommtdieVerwe.sung' in Ge . fahr. Er, det mil 

death did He de - fy and o'er cor - rup-tion gained the vie - to - ry. He who as- 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

schon anFleischistg-leichg-e . we. sen, woUt'durchdenietz.ten Feind mirauchnoclialmlicii 

sumed a low - ly mor - tal sta-tion and tri-umphedo- ver death, as - sur ■ ance gave to 

if< J) | J ^p ii pt^ ^ 

keit inmei-neSchwachheit ^in, diemich, die mich ihm ein. ver. lei. bet, 

life, _ de-spite my fee - ble ■ ness, that I may en - ter not death 's por- tal. 

damit main Leib, wie er, nicht in der Erd', nicht in der Erd' verbleibet. 

but, when I die, like Him I may be - come, I may be - i 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 


(Moderato J 


t-ish,. fear and ter ■ ror,crea-tures of the gloom-y nigh t, 

Furchtund Schrecken,wei . cliet,welcliet,FurchmndSchreckenobdersclwarzeiiTodesnacht, 

and^ ter - ror van - ish, va tL-ish- fear and te r ■ ror.crea-tu res of the gloom-y m 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

weichet,Furch.tiuidSchreckeiiob der schwarzenTodesnacht,— 

in-ish^ fear and ter - ror, crea-tures of the gloom-y night, _ 

Sclirecken,weichet.weichet oh der schwarzen To . desnacht: 
the gloom - y night: 

. PuTchftund 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

Christ Himself my soul will wak-en, tum-ing dark-ness in - to 

^ J^ ^ , 

den Tod im Sieg- verschlungen,alser 
is death, in vie - t'ry swal- lowed, where O 

macht, lei sie hat_ zumLichtgemacht 
light, tum-ing dark - ness in - to light. 

durchdasGrabgfedrung-enjUndden Tod iin_Sieg'versch].ung'en,alser durchdasGrab g'edrung'en. 

grave is- now thy vie -t'ry? Death is swal- lowedup in vie - t 'ry, where O grave is now thy vie -t'ry? 

Da Capo. 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

^o« Aria. 

^^•^' Allegro. («1 = i5«.) 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

n ^ J-'»j|Jrr r r 'Wr rr r ' 

Ihi- suchet Je.sum, ihr suchet Je . sum, ilir suchet Je . 

Ye seek for Je ■ sus, ye seek for Je - sus, ye seek for Je - 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

U J. i)j J 1 

iJ-i)^jj ^ 







^i^r r r 

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II Jr r 



Ent.set.zeteuchnicht, entset-zeteuchnicht, ent.set 
Af-fright-ed be not, affright - ed be not, af ■ fright - 

zeteuchnicht, ent . setzeteuchnicht,ent^setzet, ent.setzet, ent.setzeteuchnicht! 
ed be not, af- fright-ed be not. af-fright-ed, affright-ed, affright-ed be not! 

T T 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 


Allegro, ma non presto, (J = ire.) 

freu.e — dich, See . le. du bist nun g-e.trost, dein,derliat dich vom 

joice, thee,_my spir - it, and be — of _ good cheer. Thy Sav - iour has taught thee- to 

nT3j J 



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r rr m 

kr- rrrrr 

? Jrr j^ 

If iJ' «' 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 
16 ^ A 

za . get— die Hol-le, der Sa.tan er-liegt, 

Hell is de-feat ■ ed and Sa - tan laid low. 

LhrmichbekriegtjTrotzsprecKicheucIi al . len,die ilirmichbekriegt,dieiliriiuchbekrleg't. 

soul a- ver-throw, they dare- not! they can - not my soul o -ver-throw,my soul o - ver-throw. 

I I rrn \\ \^ 

\?7^i^ — h 


1 »^' * f '■I "Tit 

r rr rrrrr 

^ J rr J r 

Fine della prima parte. 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

Seconda Parte. 

N? 6. (Terzetto.) 

(Allegro J : »e.) 
Alto Solo. 

du hoi - lischerHundjWobleftetdein Rasen, du hoi - liscLer 

thou mon - grel of Mell, have done with thy rag-ing thou mon - grel of 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

ScMang-e^ertre.te]idasHauptund dei . ne_sieg- . pran-g^n.den Schlil-fe ent.laubt? 
- pled thy ve -ne-mous head? And who- in the dust- thy proud lau - rels has 

und dei . ne sieg- . pran.g'en.den Schla-fe ent.laubt? 
And who in the dust, thy^ proud lau - rels has tread? 

21 (Tempo I.) 

^U^ ^ J) JL^I ;, J,_|^ J ^ ^ffp-f- ^ J) i' p t^ 

Sag'jHolle, sag';H6lle, wer, wer hat dich der Kraf te beraubt? 

Say.dra-gon, say,dra-gon, say, say, where has thy po - ten - cy fled? 


Say, dra-gon. 

HoLle, wer, wer hat dich derKrafte beraubt? 

dra-gon, say, say, where has thy po - ten- cy fled? 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 
24 ^ Basso Solo, 

y ^^ P P r ^ 

Lor . - beer undFahn', 

di - - zened and fair. 




6e - 

P-S^ ^ 

g? P 

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J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

Nat.ter, ver.neu'.re den Stich, 

vip - er, thy sting may re 

ein Je.desver . su.che dasBe.ste vor 

with each of you striv ■ ing all e ■ vil to 

ein Je.des, eiA Je.des ver . su.che das Be.ste vot 

with each of you striv -ing, with each of you striv ■ ing all e - vil to 


sich,em Je.des ver . su.clie das Beste vor sick! 

do, with each of you striv ■ ing all e ■ vil to do. 

sichjcin Je.desver . su.chedas Beste vor sich! Seid,, 

do, with each of you striv - ing all e ■ vil to do. Rage on then, ye dev - ils. 

i ist dock ver . gebens, ver - gebens, ver . gebensjwas ihrhier ge . 
your hopes will be fu-tile, be fu ■ tile, be fu- tile, and naught willy cm 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

sucht,was ihr hier ge . sucht,was ihrMer g-esucht. 
gain, and naught will you gain, and naught will you gain. 

suchtjWas ihr hier |fe-sucht,was ihrMer g^esucht. 

gain, and naught will you gain, and naught will you gain. 

Der L6 -we voa Ju . da, 

The Li - on of Ju - dah, 

der Lo-we von Ju-da tritt prach . tig'hervor, 

the Li - on of Ju -dah is march - ing be -fore. 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

- tig',ppa,cli . 


i ^tF(ffffFFfJf(]Q 





J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

ihn hinder t kein Rie.gel noch hoi . ii-schesTlio;r, noch hoi . ILsches Thor. 

o for- tress can check Him, 

noch hoi . . li.schesThor,noch hoi . 

■n Heirs door, n 

■n Hell's door. 

. ILschesThor. 
m Hell's door. 

N? 7. Duetto. 

(Commodo J = laa.J 

- i . J I a 






J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 







Ikr klag-et mit Seuf - zen, ihr wei . net, ich jauch . ze, ich 

The oth-ers are moan - ing and weep - ing, I'm laugh - ing and 


- F^py- 




Seuf - zen, ihr wei . 
ing and weep - 

. net ob ei-ner.leiFall, 
ing, the cause is the same, 

ich jauch . ze, ich 

I'm laugh - ing, I'm 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

Seuf . zen, ihr wei . net ob eLnerleiFall; 

ing and weep - ing, the cause is the si 

mir hatsolchVerderbenvielFreude g-cbracht,so kunftig- To J, 

e will help them or fight on their be-half , so, hence-forth at 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

Teufel und Sunde ver _ lacht;_ 

death and the dev-il I laugh, ..^ 





■X i^ ■ i 

so kiinftig Tod, Teu.fel und 

so, hence-forth at death and the 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

Da Capo. 

N9 8. Sonata. 





1 J. 1 1 






■ f ^ 1 

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1 i*^^^^ J 


1 *T 

1 r r r J " 

Allegro.(J = 8o.) 


^ ^nA 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

ivo Q Recitativo. 
^- ^- Tenore. 


(Allegro commodo J = 1*4.) 

V Basso. 

Mein Je . su, 

My Je 

mein Je - su,mem Port, die 

my Help - er, my Port, Thy 

g.J I J 



=i=^ = 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

kiinf-tig-, mein Hei . land, mein Bei.standund Hort, mein Bei . stand und 
my__ Sav ■ iour^ will — gov - em our land, will 

kiinf-fig', mein Hei ^ land, mein Bei-staud and Hort, mein Bei.standund 
. my Sav - iour will gov - 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

Soprano. A 

Dir scheuk'ich.mioh eigen.ver. til.g-e_ die Siind', die sich nochin_ Geistern,die 
/ yield to Thee whol-ly, blot out Thou my ^ sin, do Thou to^my^ spir-it do 

Dir schenk'ich mich eig'en,Ter.til.^e_ die Siind', die dchnochin Grei . 

/ yield to Thee whol-ly, blot out Thou my^ sin, do Thou to my spir - 

ster^, in Geistemund Herzenbe.find',dir schenk'ich mich ei.gen,\eT . til. g:e_ die 

my spir- it and hearten- ter in, I yield to^ Thee_ whol-ly, blot out Thou my 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

fri=^~-iHf- — Uf r 'r r r I f p r i^ ^ 

lie sich nocji in Gei . . stern, in GeisternundHerzen be . find' re . 

Siind', die sich nocJi in Gei 

sin, do Thou 

. stern, in GeisternundHerzen t 

my spir - it and heart ei 

Siind', die sich noc>i in_ Gei.stern,die sich nochin_ GeisternundHerzen be .find', re. 

m, do Thou to my_ spir - it, do Thou to my^ spir - it and heart < 

r M ■ I * * J 1 1 r r I r I tm^^ 

g-ier' die Be.g-ier.den, 
trol my temp- , 

gier'die Be.g-ier.den, 
trol my temp - ta - tions. 

rF r r ir ^ ' 

g'ier' die Be. g-ier. den, 
trol my temp ■ ta - tions. 

. j: r P r I 1^^-+^ 

re -gier'die Be.g-ier.denund hal . tesie 

- trol my temp- ta ■ tions and keep Thou me 

re -gier'die Be.gier.denund hal . tesie 

' my temp ■ ta ■ tions and keep Thou me 

rh r r ir Jr i ^ S 

re -gier'die Be.gier.denund hal.te sie 

con - trol my temp - ta - tions and keep Thou me 

\ \r i^r 1 1 \ LLf J J I 

re . gier' dieBe.gier.denund hal.te sie, 

trol my temp ■ ta ■ tions and keep Thou me. 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 


' ' r I r ^ r I r^^ 

und well du g-^ . biisset durch 

the suf-fer-ing which for me 


J .M J J J li J J IJ. ^^J I j JNiiJ J NiiJ J i 

rein,und well du g-e . biisset durch schmeipzli-clie Pein, und well du g-e . biissetdurch 

pure, the suf - fer ■ ing which for me Thou didst en ■ dure, the suf-fer-ing which for me 

rein, und well du ge . biissetdurch schmerzlLche Pein, 

pure, the suf - fer -ing which for me Thou didst en - dure. 

schmerz-liche Pein. 

Thou didst en- dure. 

so dek-ke_ die Schulden,so dek-ke_ die 

has made my -for - give-ness, has made my- for - 

-J ||J J i ,,i J I J . i ||jjj i j J J N ^^qF^=^4 f=^ a 

sclimerzli che Pein, so dekke die Schulden,so^^ die Schulden, so dek-ke_ die 

Thou didst en - dure, has made my— for ■ give-ness, has made my- for - give - ness, has made my— for 

dekJs.e_die Schulden, so dek.ke_die Schulden dein 

has made my- for - give - ness, has made my— for - give-ness and 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

I Schuljlen dein] 

J I J M -=^-H-i-^i-r^ ^ 

Schuljlen dein Grab.mal und Stein; 

fu - ture, and fit - ture se - cure, 

. gier' die Be . 
trol my temp - 

-J i J IJ-..;^.:^ 

Schul.den dein Grab.mal und Stein; 

fu - ture, and fu ■ ture se - cure. 

re - gfier' die Be 

trol my temp - 

Grab.mal, dein Grab.mal und Stein: 

fu - ture, and fu - ture 

re . g'ier' die Be . 

con - trol my temp ■ 

gier. den Und hal . te sie rein, und well du ge . bii.ssetdurch 
ta - tions and keep Thou me pure, the suf - fer ■ ing which for me Thou didst e. 

Sfier.den und hal . te sie rein, und weil du gfe . bii.ssetdurch schmerz-li--che 

; and keep Thou me pure, the suf - fer - ing which for me Thou didst a 

gier. den und hal.te sie rein, und weil du ge . bii.ssetdurch 

1 and keep Thou me pure, the suf - fer - ing which for me Thou didst e 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

Pein, so dekJtc_ die_ Schulden, so dek.ke_ dia. Schulden, so dek.ke_ die_ 

dure has made my^ for - give - ness, has made my^_ for - give - ness, has made my_ for - 

-j-Jt I M -J- I J /J rj I J ^^ 

Pein, so^ dicL Schulden dein Grab . . mal, dein 

fittre, has made my_ for - give -ness and fu 

Pein, so dekJce_ die_ Schulden dein Grab . . mal, so 

dure, has made my^ for - give - ness and fu - ■ ture, has made my for - 

Pein, so dek-ke_ die_ Schulden, so dek.ke_ die_ Schulden deii^ 
dure, has made my for - give - ness, has made my^ for - give ■ ness and 

SchuLden dein Grabmal und Stein. 
grVe - ness and fu 

Grabmal, dein Grab.mal und Stein. 

fu - ture, and fu 

^ Grabmal, dein Grab.mal und Stein. 
fu - ture, and fu - ture i 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

Choral. (Mel:,^enn mein Stundlein vorhanden ist".) 
8J 8/ . Adagio. (J . ee.) 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

Tod's . furcht kann sie ver . trei . ben; 
them I rest con - fld 

-J i-^ i J FIP 


'' To'd's - furcht kann sie ver . trei . ben; 
in them I rest con - fld 

denn wo du 

for where Thou 

=l.J J JJ 

denn wo du 

for where Thou 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 15 


rumfahr'ichhinmit Reu - den, fahr'ich tin mit 

drumfahr'ich hin. 
/ de-pan. 

I de-part re - foic 

ing, I de - part 

drumfahr'ich hin-. 

so I de-part 

drumfahr'ich hin.drumfahr'ich hin 

/ de - part, so I de-part 

-J tlll tll l\