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J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

J.S. Bach 

Cantata No. 16 

Herr Gott, dich loben wir 

.("Vivace J s m.) 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

i — r ii 1 r 

Dich, Gott Va. 

Our Fa - - ther, 

ken,danken dir! Dich, Gott Va . ter in E 

Thee.we thank Thee! Our Fa - ther, God for 

Gott,wir dan .... . ken, danken dir! 

God, we thank Thee, we thank Thee! 

Dich,GottVa . ter in 

Our Fa - ther, God for 

. wig*. keit,dich,GottVa _ ter in_E . . - wig" - keit,in E.wigkeit, in 
<■ - more, our Fa -ther, God for ev - - - er - more, for ev -er- more, for 

Gott Va . ter in E . wigkeit, dich, Gott Va . ter in_E_wigkeit, 

Fa ■ ther, God for ev - er -more, our Fa -ther, God 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

.wig-, keit. dich, Gott Va . ter in E.wie. 

- er - more, our Fa - ther, God for ev - er - 


i f irr»[_^r^rr^ 

in £ . 

for ev ■ 

§ i » i' Jj'j TJu jjj ;j rjaj Ji i jiJWij) j i I 

keit, in £ 

more, for 

▼ig-.keit, in E.wig-keit,dich,GottVa. 

'., for ev- er- more, our Fa - ther. 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

breit, eh. ret die Welt weit 

dore, all the world doth Thee. 

und breit, weit and breit. 

dore,^ Thee a - dore. 

eh. ret die Welt weit und breit, weit und breit, weit und bre 

breit, eh . ret die Welt weit und breit, 

dore, all the world doth Thee a - dore, 

weit und 


breit, weit und breit. 

dore,-. Thee a - dore. 

N . wigkeit, in E 

wig- . keit, eh.Tet die Welt weit und breit, weit und breit. 

re, all the world doth Thee a - dore. Thee a - dore. 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 



jyjuTIp p g pip j/pp p tpiW 1 1 r ,p = 

So stimmen wir bei fro-hen Zeit mit heisser Anda«nt an und 

In warm de - vo - Hon here on New Year's Day with joy we sing to Thee, and 

v«P tt P p M I i I g P g I i l P 1 i P P | p rj 


le.gendir, o Grott, auf neu.e Jahr das er.ste Herzcns.op.fer dar. 

at this hap-py time on Thee our gifts be - stow, our hearts 'first fe ■ al ■ ty to show. 

Was hast du nicht von Ewigikeit fiir Heil an tins g-ethan, und was muss unsre Brust nochjetzt vor 

For hast Thou not, since time be-gan, sal - va-tion wrought for man? and can it be that we may not with- 

Lieb'uiid Treu'! Dein Zi _ on sieht voll.Xomm-ne Ruh.', es fa'llt ihm 

in our hearts per-ceive it? Thy grace has made our trou - bles cease, and brought us 

h r=== t f 

u i "~ 




!■ S 

*3-_ __- 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

m».V >.J C «™. .... J__ rn I 1.-11* Tl._ix j it..* j _!_ !_ o i- 

pi K F ' K »p V I E | E E 1"»p gp p 

Gliick und Se-gen zu; der Tempel schallt von Rsaltern und von Har.fen, und unsre See.le 

and wel-come peace. Thy tern- pies ring with psal- te - ry and cym-bal, and att c 

yt> ni p p I r i g i h ji p fr p p ^ 

wallt, wenn wir nur An.dachts-ffluthin Herz und 0! 

sing, with deep de - vo - Hon filled for Thine un - grudg ■ ing boun ■ ty. Ah! 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

* JV tkrrrrr i P p > 

3 freu 

. en, lasstun8jauchzen,lasstuns freuen, 

• ing, come with shout -ing, glad re - joic-ing. 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

i ' j> i JLLrUjir i jjiinPP iS 

lasstuns jauch 

come with shout 

-zen, lasstuns freu. 

n j. J. n r nn j j p npmi 

lasstuns jauch. 

come with shout - 

. zen, lasst uns freu . 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

- en: Got-tes Gut* 

■ ing, God's good-will 

und Treu*, Got.tes Gut' und 

to you, God's good-will to 


4Jt__ p | Le ^ip 

-p r p~w=f 

.'auchzen,lasstuns freuen: Got-tes Gut' 

shout-ing, glad re ■ joic-in&, God's good-will 

und Treu', Got . tes Gut'_ und 

to you, God's good - will to 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

p 1 1 ( i i ii ■>'£ & I p p H i 

>et al.le, 41. le, al_ . le Mop .pen neu. 

J Treu' blei 
you com 

_____ i --",_■ ri Kront und seg . 

/T^ JBT3 J7* j r ' *"*"" er fmmm 


AW4* "H J 

l '£LD U r IJ J' i p JJ 3 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

r — I P _jg p l t j I p "eg p Jy fnf M 

ach, so g-laubt, dass un _ ser Stand e _ wig, e . wig- g-liickjich 

fl B r fr r fr i p g i 1 i i> i» = 

Lasst uns jauch - zen, lasst uns jauch . zen, lasst uns 

Come with shout - 

■ ing, come with shout - ing glad 

-p— p-f r.rr r rrr r i m < t ^^ 

Lasst uns jauch ..... zen, 

Come with shout ■ 



t flUffl j \i UB(3 ffi 



J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

glaubt, kront und seg*. net sei . ne Hand, ach, so glaubt,dass nn . ser 

bless • ings show - er from His hand, foy to us at His_ 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

H . pP 

a^JT^I'f. rrf pf 1 


* <■ 

f 1 r r f 'r M^ 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

freu - . _ en. 

$-J¥',TJJ J JJ4p^ 

^ jauchzen, lasst uns freuen. 
s/zouf - /«#, glad re - joic - ing. 

• r [ , i , \ [,(r mm > ! * ) I* 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

with shout 

9i f r r tirr Lr i ff P n^rr rr rr rr g 

^ lasst tins laurh zen. lasst 11ns frfiii 

lasst uns jauch. 

lasst uns_ freu . 


lasst uns jauch . . . zen, lasst uns 

. zen, lasst uns 

ing, glad^ re - 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

*^ fpeii pn lasst. una ianrh _ z«n. lasst uns freu _ 

freu . . - en, lasst uns iauch 

- ing, come with shout 

zen. lasst uns freu. 

ing, glad_ re - joic 

^rjiil fip j. cf f -rfjn^ i f [i p p c_rir ^ 

^ iauch. . .zen. lasst uns freu. . .en, lasst uns jauch. 

jauch . 

.zen. lasst uns freu 

- ing, glad_ re - joic 

.en, lasst uns jauch. 

■ ing, come with shout 


guP'MgPg g 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

r fr P fHfrrfr [t^^f^ 

Treu' hlei . - bet al . le, al.le, al.le, al . leMorg-en neu. 

eth ev - 'ry, ev ■ 'ry, ev ■ 'ry, ev - 'ry m 

p f | ) J' Lf C^4LLF , ) p p p ^ 

^ freuen: Got . tes Giit'_ und_ Tieu'bleibetal. le Morgan neu. 
pic- ing, God's good -will to you com-eth ev - 'ry morn a - new. 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 



Ach Hort, be.sciratz'auchfernerhindeinwerthesWbrt, beschiitze Kirch' und 

Ach Hort, be.scMtz'auchfernerhindeinwerthesWort, beschiitze Kirch' und 

Ah, Sav - iour mine, pro - tect Thy word from Sa-tan's fell de - sign, pro-tect Thy church and 

<■ t i 1 



Schule, so wird dein Reich Yer.mehrt and Satans ar.g-e List ge.stort; er. 

peo-ple. So may Thy king ■ dom come, and so at last Thy will be done.- Grant 


i PU 

t i r U 


hal.te nur den Frieden nnd die be.lieb.te Ruh', so istunsschon g-e.nug- beschieden und 

us, be-lov - ed Mas-ter, that we in peace re - main, 'til, far re - moved from war's dis - as - ter, pro- 

uns fallt lauter WohLsein zu — Ach Gott! du wirst das Land noch ferner wassern, du 

sper - i - ty we may re - gain Oh, Lord, en- rich our lands with fer -tile show- ers, for 

ij g m Di 1 I- 

"r >J J 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

trirst es stets rerbessern, du wirst es selbstmit deiner Hand mid deinem Segeubauen. 

in Thymight-y pow-ers we place our trust, and at Thy hands we hope for grace un-bound-ed. 

Wohl uns, wennwirdir fat and fur. mein Je.sus undmein Heil, vertrauen. 

Bless us, — for we re ■ ly on Thee, O Lord, let not us 2>e_ con-found-ed. 






r * r J 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

\*t i~^K ^~ir~- 

4 t ^ 

— * r r t r * — ■ 

\*r\\'\ f J— 

LL " _f 

i6 A Tenore. 

Ge.lieb . ter_ Je . su, du,_du al _ 

Be - lov - ed_ Je - sus, Thou a 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

i * p m g i 


g-e. lieb . ter 

Je . su, du,_ du_ al . lein sollst meLner See.len Reich . 

Thou, Thou a - lone more pre - cious f ar than 

sein, ge . lieb. ter Je . su, du, du_ al . lein sollst meiner 

be - lov - ed Je - sus, Thou, Thou a - lone^^^ more pre -cious 

& ul ri'c jy -| ^— * J»p p ir r i circ^ 

du, du al . lein, g-e . lieb.ter 

Thou, Thou a - lone, be - lov - ed 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

frr.iT rj'fl'p I r tr^rifrrrr^F n- 

Je . su, du, du_ al . lein_ 

Thou, Thou, a - lone_ 

sollstmei.ner See . . len Reichthum 
e pre - cious far than _ all I 

Ge.lieb _ ter_, 

Be - lov ■ ed Je - sus, 

Jm a ^= 

^10 LJ JJ 

fl -^ 

^V J 

* ^hJ " 

^ V r 1 r r r H 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

lieb-ter, ge - liebter Je . su, du, du al _ lein sollst mei 

lov - ed, be - lov - ed Je - sus, Thou, Th ou a - lone— more pre - cious 

See. . lenReichthomsein, du al . iein, gelieb .ter Je _ su, du al_ 

than all— 1 own, Thou a - lone, be -lov - ed Je - sus.Thou a 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

, If J 



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J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 
711 . sr\ 

iv i j m j> \r rrr 1 1 m r r rr ' i h 

Wir vol. leu dich_ 

Thy love, a - bove^. 

v«r al.len Schatzen in un . ser 

all earth - ly meas-ure, with thank -fill 






12^-^ [±1±1J *LL± 

wir tjoI _ len dich vor al . . len Schatzen in_ un . 

thy love,, a - bo ve all earth - - ly meas-ure, with thank -fill 

'agCP^/l^ 'W 

. es — Her. ze set.zen,_ wir wol.len dich_ 

ing heart i. I treas-ure, thy love, a - bove 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

fr Mpp P I I U' fll rP' PC g P 

< j 

Sch'atzen in an . ser treu ... es_Her . ze set _ zen, 

e, with thank -fill, lov - - - ing heart I treas - lire, 

ja, ja, wenn das Le. bens. band zer . reisst, 
Yea, and when __ the thread oj "__ life is snapp'd, 

ja, wenn das 

and when _ /Ae_ 

Fi. 'tu\§ £ji&j£9jiiif\ 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

r w^ cr ip crflfl-tfi-ir j pt/gfli 

gott.yer.g'nug'-ter Geist noch mit den Lip.pen sehnlich ein: 6e.lieb.ter 

tent - «*_ wi//_ re - foice, and_ joy - fill- sing- with- ea - ger voice: Be - lov - ed_ 

Dal Segno. 

Choral. (Mel:„Helft mir<iott's Giite preisen'O 

All' solch' dein' Giit' wir prei 
die du uns thust be . wei 

sen, Va . ter in's Him.mels Thron,) 

sen durch Je. sum, dei. nen Sohn, j 

Our Fa ■ ther throned a - hove, 

we of ■ fer Thee our love. 

J ' I J J J J I, J I J I J =^p 

All' solch' dein' Giit' wir prei 
die du uns thust be . wei 

ore. x — „ 

i r r J r i f i 

Va _ ter in's Him.mels Thron, J 

sen durch Je _ sum, dei . nen Sohn, I 

us, Our Fa ■ ther throned a - bove, 

us, we of - fer Thee our love. 


ir /r r 


solch' dein' Giit' wir 
du uns thust be . 

sen, Va . ter ins Him.mels Thron,) 

sen durch Je.sum, dei . nen Sohn, I 

us, Our Fa - ther throned a - bove, 

us, we of - fer Thee our_ love. 

All' solch' dein' Giit' wir prei . sen, Va . ter in's Him.mels Thron, J 

die du uns thust be . wei . sen durch Je . sum, dei . nen Sohn, 

For— all the. good Thou gave us, Our Fa - ther throned a - bove, 

who^ sent Thy_ Son to save us, we of - fer^. Thee our love. 








J. A i A A 4 A „J 




J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 16 

trr r * m I i i ? f 

und bit . ten fer . ner dich, gieb 

pray Thee, Fa - ther dear, from 

uns ein friedlich Jah - 

'ry per - 


b rpjuj JiJi,j i f i g j i J f t /Jiuj^ ^ 

und_ bit - ten_ fer . ner_ dich, gieb 

pray Thee, _ Fa - ther dear, frorr, 

uns ein fried. lich Jah. _ . re, vor 

il guard us, with 

J"j| f [rcjr i r r i r r r ejiO f r i 

und_ bit . ten_ fer . ner dich, gieb 

We pray Thee,- Fa ■ ther dear, from 

9-£ i 1 r I r m r i rr r f i 'HL' ^* 

uns ein fried . lich Jah . . re, vor 

ev - 'ry per - il guard__ us, with 

und bit . ten fer . ner dich, gieb 

pray Thee, Fa - ther dear, from 

uns ein friedlich Jah . . re, vor_ 

ev - 'ry__ per - il guard us, with- 

S al . 


- ed 


be . 

wah . 

. re und 

us through - 

1 /?S I 



mil - dig 

com - ing 


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