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J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

J.S. Bach 

Cantata No. 43 

Gott fahret auf mit Jauchzen 


Prima Parte. 

Adagio. (J)=7a.) 

ijp r r r-¥=^ 







-^4 — M—J — 1 

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1 1 Tl L.nnI 1 

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J ' i-M'i 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

I Soprano. 

zen, Qroit fah . . - - ret auf 

zen und der Herr mit hel.lerPo- sau . 

ing, and the Lord with sound of a trum - 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

mi f r I 

Gott fah-ret 

God go - eth 



fy\f- J J r i r J r^r r i r ^ ^ 

_ mit— jauch 

with _ shout 

zen luid der 

ing, and the 

r err r ir f r f ii v iri'tri ifrr rrrrrir J 



f:;l» • rot anf mit. .Taiinli 

mit— Jauch . 

with — shout 

j^ ^bM^bgrr ii' i r | i'r r i r i | | ii nrm'f^ 

*-^ Horr mit >>p1 Iot Pr» nan _ __-.._.. 

Herr mit heLler Po.sau 
Lord with sound of 

*^^m^^-^ ^^^ i J if f r p pi r^[Lr.r i r r r r i 

n«, der Heir mit hel.ler Po.sau . 

pet, the Lord with sound of a trum - 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

j , ^.1 N r rif r rt n if r i 'r JJif JJr J 

- zen undder Herr mit hel.ler Po . sau 

- ing, and the Lord with sound of a trum - 

iie,__ Gott 
pet, God 

i < J J r ir ^^ 

Gott faluret auf mit 

God go - erA Kp with 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

1^^ ^U [i;ir rrr^^-HM^ r r lauuciU'i^crjirirf- 

. ne, Gott fall, ret auf mit Jauch ........ 

pet, God go • eth up with shout 

l^^l I ^'~\^ 

i< M r i rrr^ 

fiih.ret auf mit Jauch . zen, 

go - eth up, with shout ■ ing. 

Gott fah.ret auf mit 

God go - eth up with 

^f ff r rrrr r i f rf rrrr itrff rfrVir rrVrrrr i rrrrr^ 

N Jauch . 


J. J Or r r i' Tr J f^f frr^LT^ ir^iTii 

J^r r I f rrr »r N t^ it J i ^ rrr i r j J p 

Jauch ........... zen,Gott f iih . ret 

. zen, Gott fah.ret auf mit Jauch . . . zen, mit Jauch . 

God go - eth up with shout - 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

mit_ Jauch 

with^ shout 

I f [ «!' \ ( * 

•^ ant m\t. . lunch iati. 

aufmit Jauch. zen, 

up with shout - ing, 

^ ret auf mit 

eth up with _ 

I Et:rr»rr*r i tm to.i tii; ^ \ ^^ti^i\*: 

^, J J ,1. I P7] ^J7J]| ,JJ JJ j ; j^ jl^ •" JTT^I Jj||JJ JJiJJ 

zen, mit Jaach 

OTg, with shout 

J QitfT i r r iOrr*rr»fr»frir*rrr r r»rr i *rr«rrrrs 


fill I ^ T ^ n - 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

(iff r r p\nii i ^£fr.frf i r"rfrrrfi i r i tLt;t£^ i ct£fcrffl 

*' ne. mit hel Jer Po . sau ........... 

ne, mit helJer ro . sau 
pet, with sound of 

i<( i ^ H N J ' . '^ IJ i | J ^ ^ IJJj I \ J J 

. zen and der Herr mit hel . . . lex Po . sau" . . . . 

ing, and the Lord with sound— 

r f i r i Tr n r >r i " i r r ,- r ' - y 

. zen, Gott fah . ret_ auf mit Jauch . 

ing, God go ■ eth — up with shout 

zen and— 

ing, and — 

^^4m-^^ I 111 , Ti II r r I ' i n I I 

^ Jauch - 

und_ der_ Hen mit_ hel . ler Po, 
and the — Lord— with — sound- of a 





rr rr 

'^ r r V r 




i UW^if^in 


J ^ <r r i r r r r uhit j N^f^mir/r'^ P 

"r I r r i H f j ir r rr r i f r O^ r fr' r 

der Herr mit hel . ler Po . sau . 

the Lord with sound- of a trum - 

■ f rfr f riciirt^j i ^ j '' M ' r i J r r 

' ' ' ' ' _- n„ji f^x. _„4 «„< 

Grott fah, ret auf mit 

pet, God go - eth up with 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

_ ^. . . . ne. Lob-sineet, lob- sm . . get Gott, lob. 

. ne. Lob-singet, lob- sin . . get Grott, lob. 
- pef. Sing prais-es, sing praise— to God, sing 

, Lob. singet, lob. sin . gret Gott, lob. 

- pet. Sing prais-es, sing praise to God, sing 


- ne. Lob.singet, lob. sin . . get Gott, lob. 

- pet. Sing prais-es, sing praise— to God, sing 

Jauchzen und der Herr mit heLlei Po. saune. Lob.singet, lob. sin '. geCl Gott, lob. 
shout-ing, and the Lord with sound of a trum-pet. Sing prais-es, sing praise- to God, sing 

fr<r lerr n r i r i r rr i nr ffrr^ ir m 

singet, lob. sin . . - get Gott, lob. sin.get, lob. sin.get-unserm Ko . ai . 

prais-es, sing praise— to God, sing prais-es, sing prais-es — to our might -y 

=J^J i JJy r i '' ' J I ■i^JlJ J I J /,JJi'r M ^i i 

singet, lob. sin . . .get Gott, loh . sin.get, lob. sin.get-unserm Ko . ni . 

prais-es, sing praise— to God, sing prais-es, sing prais-es — to our might - y 

rr*rir r i r ' r \^f^ ^r »ri.r ^rr r ir ^ 

singet, lob. sin . -get Gott, lob- sin . get, lob. sin.get-unserm K6 . ni . 

prais-es, sing praise to God, sing prais - es, sing prais-es — to our mi^t- y 

r u iiH r"ii i> i r I N' r r i Vr rr \Vm 

^ singet, lob. sin . 

1, sing praise— 

. get— Gott, lob. sin . get,lpb. sin.get unserm Ko. ni . 

to — God, sing prais - es, sing prais-es to our might-y 

rj'jir i jjlj 'J MJ m[ \m 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

rntt, l"b. si!i_ L-'-t un-serm Kii 
praise to God, sing prais ■ es to our might 

- ni _ g-e, Inb-sjn.g'et 
y King sing praise to 

\ Gottjlob.sin.g-et Gott, iob.sin.g-et un - serm Ko. . ni - . ge, lob. 

God, sing praise to God, sing prais -es to our — mi^t - y King, sing 





" r r f 

^ '^ r r ^ r r 

r_ ^^ rr|rii | i ',. 1,^ ^ 




J J ^' ir fff I 1 1 I I I ii T i iif I I f= 

Gott, lob. sin . - . get Gott, lob. sin^et un. serm Ko . . . ni . ge, lob. 

God, sing praise to ^ God, sing prais- es to our might - ■ y— King, sing 

Goltjlob. sin . . . get Gott, lob. sin^et un.serm Ki 

J-J- IJ M ^ 

. sin_get Gott, lob. sin. get unserm Ko . 
praise to God, sing prais - es to our might 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 


i rrrrrrrricrrr ^^ 


singet, lob. sin.g^et, lob . sin . 
prats- es, sing pmis-es, sing prais 

J | |J J J Ir l .1 = 

singetj lob. sin. get, lob. sing%tunserm Ko . . ni . 

get, lob 
es, sing. 

praise to 

r r ' ^ If r * i 

. ge, lob . sin . get 

King, sing praise to 

prais-es, sing pmis-es, sing prais-es to our might- 

f r ' f 1 ^ ^ w i r f r ' ir r i f r ^^ \^ 

singet. lob. sin.get, lob . singet unserm Ko . . ni . . ge,lob.sin . . . get_ 
prais-es, . sing prais ■ es, sing prais-es to our mi^t - y King, sing praise to 

- . singet Gbtt,lbb. singet unserm Ko . . ., lob. sin . . . 

praise to God. sing prais- es to our might - ■ - y King, sing praise 



jj^mi. ^mj - ^ 










r r rrirr \'~ 



^ Gott,Iob-sin-get unserm Ko . I . lii . . ge, lob. i 

God, sing prais-es to our might - - - y King, sing prais ■ 

Gol! lob . sins^pt un-serm Ko . . ni . . ge, lob. sin . 

God, sing prais-es to our might - y King, sing prais - 

■rm K.') . - ni . - g'p. Iwb. sing-ct (jrott,lob- sing-et \ 

y King, sing praise to God, sing prais-es to our 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

. g-etv—lob. sin.g'et, lob. sin.get unserm Ko - . ni . . gel 

;s, sing prais-es, sing prais-es—to our migfit - - y King! 

' y? f if-- ii \ ff f I ' \ i y=r-r^ 

Ko . . ni . . ge, lob . singet Gott,lob- sin-g-et unserm Ko 

might ■ - y King, sing praise to God, sing prais-es^ 



ni - - ge, lob . singetGott,lob.sin.get unserm Ko . 

y King, sing praise to God, sing prais-es to our might - 



^11 T p J)[^p p p I J) jip ^;, p p » fi ^ 

Es willderHoch-ste sich ein Siegsgeprang'be.rei.ten, da die Ge. 

Here see the Vic • tor in tri - urn -pkal march re - tum-ing, fresh from the 

fangnisse er selbstge.fangen fuhit.'Werjaacbztihiazu? Wer ist's.der die Po.sau.iie 

1-kindffe comes. Who shouts His praise with bUr- ing bu - gles,beat-ing 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

riihrt ? 


Wer ^e . het ihm 
W%o march - es with 


Sei . te? 
ban - ners? 





Got . 





■^ r r ff ^p p P J) Fr^jrJ^.rr'JM''P ^p ^ p p p 

Heer, das sei.nes Namens Ehr', Heil,Preis,Reich,Kraftimd MacKt mit lau.ter Stimme 
God, which glo - ry in His pow'r. His king - dom and His might, with loud ex - ult - ing 

siu.get und ihm nan e. wig-.lich eiu Hal,le . lu . ja brin. get? 

voic-es they one and all u - nite, in might- y hal - le - lu - jas? 


Vivace. («n =144.) 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

\i» nm 




« r « - « — 

" s s 

J* <* — — 

\\ If If 

« ■ 

Ja tau.send-mal Tau.send be. gleLten den 

A thou- sand- ten - thou -sand ride af-ter—His — 

Wa-gen,dem Ko.nig der Kon'.ge lob- sin-gend zu_ sagen, 
char -iot,- the— King of all kings, and re • joice in— His— glo-ry, 


T ~ 








J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

ja tausendmal Tau-send be . glei . 

a thousand-ten - thou- sand ride af 

^' jiC;:r i ppp-iji c ;p 1^ ^-^ 1 ''^ if^ ^ p 

TLovLge lob. singend zu sa.geii,lob . sin . 

kings, and re - joice in His glo - ry,- re - joice-. 

. gend zu 


.FTO i rrwi i iiPg 










j''|i -lip I ,'- i ,)irif | f ii rl/r i f ffl i i i ;, J, j, 

sa.gentdass Er . 

g/o - ry: the earth _ 

. de und Him ... mel sich un . ter ihm 

and the_ heav - - - ensnare un - der His 

I' J?ii^ 










gijIiiCT Il^ Ii r l[ltJ 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

^H:_Ljji | J1^ ji I p J3j]| i i p PP I -^'J] J 3lj . I 

schmieg-t, . 

und, was er be. zwTmgen,nungfaiizlich er . liegft.. 

for all He. has _ van-quished,and all Him o - bey.- 

J'i£rf.f^ i p[;%rr^r i J]^i]i^^ 

Ja tau-sendmalTau-sendbe- gleLten den Wa. gen,dem Ko.nig- der 

A thousand-ten- thou -sand ride, af - ter_His_ char-iot,_the^ Kingof^ all- 

lob . s intend zu sa.gen: dass und Himmel sLch un.tei ihm 

and- re - joice in His glo-ry: — the- earth and the heav-ens are un - der-His 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

5chmieg:t und,was jsr be. zwung"en,nun g^nzlich er. lieg-t. 

sway, for all He^has^ van-quished,and all Him^o - bey. 




r: Mr/JaJj^ 


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g? ^ ^ K— iy--K ,1, :-,,.'>'.. iy-,..,-.€_^-'- 1 ^ — *^ ^ \ r y r 

Ja tau-sendmal Taiusend be. grlei.ten den Wa. gfen, dem K6.iiig-der 

^ thousand-ten- thou -sand ride af - ter- His cha - riot, the King of all 

'tfe-^ j ■? 

-7111 II 

JJH J ^ 

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^J J) 

Jr =H 

. ^ f rj 

Ron', ge lob.sin.g-end2u sa.gen: 

and re - foice in^ His glo - ry: 

"^i.TigErp CT 








J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

dass Er . de und Him.mel sich un . ter ihrn scluniegt and, was er be . 

the earth and the^ heav • ens are un - der^ His sway; for all He— has - 



r— ^^ 








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Yr-i' — ' 

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J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

Recitativo. (Ev.St.Marci,Cap.l6, V.IO.) 

Und der Herr, nach . dem er mit ih . nen ge . re. det 

Then the Lord, when He in this wise un - to them had 

-^ #1*, ao- 

hat-te, ward er auf.g-e.ho-ben g'en Himmel und sitzet zurrechten Hand Got, tes. 

spo-ken, was re-ceiv- ed up in- to heav-en, and sat on the n^t hand of God. 


Andante. (J=72. 


''• ■ tn ' fjLj ! ■ r»^ JT i n I, jg ^ 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

Mein Je - . sus hatnunmehrdasHeilandswerkvoll.en . . detundnimmtdieWieder. 
The task — the Fa-therplanned.theSonhasnow com ■ plet - ■ ed, and soon at God's right 

fe;- -^LMV^ag 



v r ^ 1 


J« yl 






f ^ f j'^ p ■'' p."p" P l yp^gi^ ^p"p r i'^''^ 

kehr zu dem,der ihn ge . sen.det, und nimmt dieWieder . kehr zu dem,der 

hand, will He a -gain be seat - ed, and- soon at God's right hand, will He a ■ 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

en . detundninuntdieWieder . kehr_ zu demyderUm ge _ sen.det^ und_ 
plet - ed.and soon at ^God's right hand, wttl He a - gain be seat - ed, and 

nimmt die Wie.der . keLi zu dem, der ihn g'e . sen . .det. 

soon at God's right hand, will He— a - gain, be— seat - - ed. 

ErsSiiiesst der 
From earth He would a • 




— from earth he would a - 



mfii^f Ljj:^ 




J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

nehmt ihnwie.der auf, iir Hinimel, 5ff . net eucli-_ und nehmt ilm yrie.Ii _ 

take Him back to - day, yeheav-ens, o - pen ye, and take Him back to- 

uf, ihr Him. . mel, off.aet euchundnduntihnwie.der auf ! 

day, ye heav - ■ ens, o - pen-ye, and take Him back to - day! 

i/tf R-i-g^ifT]-j^ 

_ f^rg .j*_J7p_ 



^"^ ^ \ 


1'"'^ ^^.ri hnr^ 


Fine della prima parte. 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

„ .. ,. ,) , Seconda Parte. 


EskoflimtderHeMenHeld, des SatansFiirstund 
Be -hold our He- ro comes. He puts to flight death's 

Schrecken, der selbstdenTodge . failt, ge. tilgtderSunden Flek.ken, zer. 

ter- rors, the dev - il's might be - numbs, and can -eels all our er - rors, de - 

Ihr Kraf . . te.eilf her.bei und holt _ 

Ye strong ones.hasteye here, to glo 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

y^» ^7 V \T ,»p p p p p l [_j ;;r*rrC r^ 

lein, der g'anz al . lein die Kel.ter hat ge . tre . 

lone, and He a - lone the wine-press here hath tread - 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

^^^ M^r n , ii , p H Ftrif , 

ne zu er- ret . ten 

ones to de - liv ■ er 

durch ei.nen Kauf, Ver . 

and pay the debt they owe, the 

lor', ne zu_ er . ret . ten _. durch einen theuren Kauf . 

lost ones to^ de - liv - er and pay the debt they owe. 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

Ai ..... . ..Mrn 


n^tJl PfT r 


Thio .... ne, mii.het euchund setzt iLmKran-ze auf, Ult 

crown Him Lord of all in God's great judg - ment hall, so, mii-het euch und setzt ihm Kran - - ze auf,. 

crown Him Lord of all in God's great judg - ■ ment hall, ^ 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

Ihr Thro. . ne, mu.het euch und setzt ihm Kran. ze auf, und 

^&> crown Him Lord qL all in God's great judg - merit hall, -^ in 

setzt ihm Kranze_ auf, ihr Thro . 

God's great fudg - ment hall, so crown _ 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

irnrr^imf ^ 

tlU'lL-UJ [jI/ S 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

, Alto. 

Der Va.ter hat ihm ja ein e . . wig- Reich be . stimmet: nun ist dieStunde 

The Fa-ther gives to Him an ev - - er - last ■ ing king - dom; now is His ho - ur 

nah', da er niramet fur tau-send ITn. ge . mach. Ich ste. he hier am 

nigh, when af - ter count-less hard-ships He will be crowned on high / stand be - side the 


(Allegro moderato J=7z.) 

\i -"lif ' \ 

«-il — ? pr f 

'-/' ^„ rvrn 

i f ^^u^ 


^ — nf^..=i=- 

r r r r r r =f=' 

= ~ \ \ ^ 

' * rJsJ — '^ — ^ 

'[i,yTj — =L=d — ' 



J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

'[^fPF^ \ %^(m m5m] 

_i— T^ 

Ichse . . .he schon_ ira Geiat, icli se . .he schon_im 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

ich se . - heschonim Geistjkli se . . . . . teschorjiri 

Geist,wieer rurRechten Gottesauf seine Feinde schmeisst, 
bright, at God's right hand I see Je-sus stand, His foes tc 

wie er zur Rech-teii 
at God 's righ t hand I 

^f:r'V)i^^\iJ>U ' * I ' ^J)iiW^r %pi 

Gottesauf seine Fein-de schmeisst, 

? Je ■ susstand,Hisfc 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

hel . . fen — sei . . nen Kneeh . . ten 

His faith- - ful sen 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

zu heLfen semen KnechteuausJam. 

and save His faith-fid serv - ants from 

mer>Nothiuul Schmat^^ 

and mis - er - y. 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

iff f^rf^ 




— ^PJ 






rc>^' ' ' ' J 







J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 






" r r r r r 




Erwillmir ne.ben sich dieWohnung'zu-be . reiten, damit ich e . 

Be -side Him there will He pre-pare for me my dwell-ing, where I may live— 

wiglichihraste. he an der Seiten, be. freit von Web und Ach. 

with Him in joy alt joy ex - cell-ing, from pain— and woe— set free.— 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

Ich ste. he hiei am Weg- und ruf Lhm dank .bar nachl 

- side the way and praise him thank ■ ful - ly, 






Choral. (Mel :„Ermuiit*re dich,mein schwacher Geist") 
„ Soprano. 

. 4 DuLe-bens.fuist,_ Chiist,der du bist auf . ffe. nom . meii | 

I 4 DuLe-bens.fuist,_ Chiist,der du bist auf. ge. nom . meii j 
fgenHimmel, da deinVa-ter ist und die Ge. main' der From .men: j 

(LordJe-sus Otrist, — Thou Prince of Love, past now Thy 
XThou hast re - turned to God a - bove, and those of 

, (Du Le.bens.furst, Herx Je. su CJhristjder du bist auf . fe.nom- men | 

jg'enHimmel, da deiaVa.ter ist und die Ge. mein' der Prom, men:) 

^ fLord Je ■ sus Christ, Thou Prince of Love, past now Thy res - w - 

•{Thou hast re -turned to God a ■ bove, and those of His e - 

*ff«VJg- _ — , -., — , 1 1 — , rt]S 

•^ .f,r r irpr I f ^ ^ \ ' 

■ :r r. ir pr , 

, (ZieKuns dir nacn,_ so lau-fen wir, gieb uns des Glau.bens Flii . .gel!] 
■(Hilfjdasswir flie . . henweitvon tier auf I.sra . e _ lis Hfi . gel!) 

, (Draw us to Thee,^ 
" \ that we may soar — 

md draw Thou near, give us an ea - gle's pin • ions,\ 
a- way from here to heav-en's high do- min • ions!) 

d draw Thou near, give us an ea - gfe's pin • ions, { 
- way from here to heav-en's hi^ do- min - ionsff 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 43 

wie soil ich dei . nen gro . ssen Sieg, den du durcli ei . 

For thy stu - pen • dous vie -to ry o - ver a might - 

nen scliweren 

y en - e - 

J J. J M^J i .J.JiJ I ^ uj r f i rTf ' r r. f - 

MeinGottlwann fahr' ich doch_ da . .tin, wo.selbstich 
O Lord, when may I come to Thee where I may 

P MeinGott.'wann fahr' ich doch da . . hin, wo.«eIbst ich e . 

O Lord, when may I come to Thee where I may ev - 

wig' frohlich 

er joy - ful 

. wig: frohlich 
joy -ful 

Al» J J J 1 




1 J J J 









'1^ r f r 1 


1 \ r 


M — ' 

4 — 1 — 1 — 

i; MP r I r r '^.^V T.P ^lr ''. ^ 

Krieg- er . wor.ben hast, recht prei-sen und dir g'nug" Ehr' er.wei . 
my which Thou hast gained, in splen-dor, our heart- y praise we t 

Krieg- er . wor.ben hast, recht preLsen und- dir gnug- Ehr' er.wei. 

my which Thou hast gained, in splen-dor, our heart - y praise we ? 


f . r I r r I [' f I f f f I f J' J i J Jj I ?■ 

>in?wann werd' ich ror dir ste.hen, dein An^ge-sicht zu se . . hen 

bin?wann werd' ich ror dir ste.hen, dein Anrge.sicht zu se . 

be? When shall I stand be - fore Thee to wor - ship and a - dore 

