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J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

J.S. Bach 

Cantata No. 68 

Also hat Gott die Weh gehebt 

(COPO.) (Nach Erangelium St Johaniiis,Cap.3, V. 16.) 
(Larghetto J- = bo.) 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 




dass er uns 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

J™ — n J i " ' _ ...;~ 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

wergiaubt, dass Je . sus ihm ge - bo . 

who— so his faith in Him will cher ■ 

"^ ihm . _ . . . ren,dass Je . sus ihm ge . bo 

Htm will cher 

ren,dass Je . sus ihm ge . bo . 

ish, his faith in Him will cher ■ 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

derblei. . - bet 

=yt=TT=rfg^%^ — f^-fg 




».^,r^|M;,^^ | .^r'W^ 

1^. 'r^4^i?i 

n^Oriiar ^Imr ^J^gj-^^-^ 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 


und ist kein Ileid, das 

but free from earth - ly 

keiaLeid,&is del 


und ist kein Leid/das den be. 

but free from earth -ly care and 

- kein Leid, das den be. 

und ist kein_l Leid, dfas den 1 
but free from earth -ly care i 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

triibt, I betriibt, und ist_ kein Leid, das den be.triibt, kein Leid,_ 

strife, and strife, but free— from earth ■ ly care— and strife, from earth 

ibt, betriibt, und ist_ kein Leid, das den be.triibt, 

trubt, betriibt, und ist_ kein Leid, das den be.triibt, 

and strife, but free- from earth ■ ly care- and strife. 


den be. .triibt, und ist_ kein Leid, das den be.triibt, 

and strife, but free-^ from earth ■ ly care- and strife. 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 


und audi sein Je - sus,auc]i sein Je - sus 

. issf - ing, ev ■ er ■ last ■ ing 

aenGott und auch_ sein Je . _ . sus,auRh sein Je - sus 

through Him gain 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

J'JJ p ^ JJ' l J ^ 

liebt, den Gott und ajidi seinJe-sus liebt. 
life, through Him gain ev - er- last - ing life. 

U;J j)[/ ^ l : P ^^ Pir ^ : 

liebt, den Gott und auch 
life, through Him gain e 

last ■ ing life. 

F^ p'T '*pr p JJ ii i r 

liebt, den Gott und auch seinJe. sus liebt. 
life, through Him gain ev - er- last - ing life. 

-h: — : 1 

I" '■ * 1 

1 . i. i \l 

J?L — 1 ^H^^ W—i — 1 

g)'' "' 1 1^^ —^ — *— i 

^L ' — ^" 1 -• i' ;t=l 


ijrmi |— m-li'jTte] '^ 1 r-n.»rT-, ^ rj 




J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

lok_ke, — sing-Jscierze, dein Je _ sns ist da; mein glaubi . g-es Her - ze,fToh. 

■fill — heart hail - ing, — / see Je-sus near; with faith ne - ver fail - ing,and 

lok-ke,.^ — sing'', scher . ze, froh- lok-ke, — sing^ scher - ze, dein Je.s 
foy - fui. heart hail - ing, and Joy ■ ful heart hail ■ ing, I see Je 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

Kla. .g-en,weg Jam . mer,weg- Kla . g-en,ich will_ euchnur sa - g-entmein 
sor ■ ■ row, out, trou ■ ble, out, sor - row, e ■ nought for the mor - row: that 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

t T i> \ n p p ijj IP 

igff' i a.ffl; ;y 

Weg: Jam . mer, weg Kla . gen.Treg' 
Ouf, trou ■ ble, 
1 I 


n ^-^ rjr 



JglmflbT D 

^^ .-.-.,. | r.^. , ,^.^ ^ ^ , , ,----^,-,p-^ 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 


^^ ^ »> r r p p 1^' 1^^ p p ^ J' l 

Her . ze, froh ., sing;scher - ze, froh - lok-ke, — sing^scher.ze, — dein 

fait - ing, and joy ■ fut heart hail ■ Ing, and joy - ful heart hail - ing, — / 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 





i j- i J >n 


' I' i [jc_jj J ^ J ^p 




J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 




I/j- "te 

r^ - r J ^ ^ 


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1 ^ — '! Vi* 

[rm j'^^^fils^ 

i 1 i lJ"7^— 





J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

IchbinmitPe-tronichtver. inessen,wasniichgetrostund freu . - dig:inacht,dass 
LikePe-terl am not pre- sump-l'ous, it makes me glow with joy to know that 

miclimeinJe . . sus nichtver-gessen. Er kamnicht nur,dieWelt zu richten, nein, 

Jesus ne - - ver wm for get me. He came not to the world to judge us; no. 

sr wollte Sund'undSchuld alsMittler z wischenGott und'Mensch fur diesmal sc 
no,.whenpathsof sin we've trod between us and our God, He is theMe-di- 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 

cjiL \ uno 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

^^-ciXj -J^p • r i r p r r^ i »r r ^p r 

Gu - te, das °rlaub' ich, mir ist wohl 

e, this know I; well does this 

Mu - the, das glaub'_ 

this know. 




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LPP 1 1 


1 i-^ p ^ y J) p ^ '^ M 

— weil du—furmichg^enug: g^- 
_ for Thou an all in all to 



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than,genug, genug, 

weil du-fiirmichge-nug ge. than, furmicligenug ge. 

/or Thau art all in all- to me, art all-in all to 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 

chen, willmirder Sa.tanwi . der.spre . 

and tho' the Fiend would be my n 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

P rirrmnrrrMf ^ ^ 

dish. meinHei- _land,an;dasRundder Er . 
ship Thee.tho'all 

Aen mag'g'leicli bre 
should meet dis- 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 

±in P' p rjrp P' p I rj p p-*^ i: ^^~i j- ^ r»p>Ji]= 

cken, so bet'ichdich,meiiLHei.Iand,an, so bet"_ 
ter, still, Sa-viourmine.I wor- shipThee,still,Sa 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

Gu . te, das glaub' ich, mir ist wohl_ 

», this know_ I; well does this^ 

Mu - the,_ das glaub"_ 
this know 

'' J- J l l^JJ^'JJ^j l j-'J^J^-^JJj I j-^J^J J- ^ 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

migenugf, g-e.nug-, well dn_furinichge-img ge. than, furmichgenug' ge. 

r, art all In all, for Thou an all In all^ to me, art all— in all to 

ff: jtj 43 J^, jf^j. 

Coro. (Eyangelium St. Johannia, Cap.3,V.18.) 
(Tempo ordinario J : la.) 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

LSJr '^ 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

"T Lcri; J) r -i 


■er an ihn glaubetiderwirdnichtg-e-rich - 

be - lie - veth w 

fn^— < -T-f^-nury r ^- i^ p p p i p j p 

wer an ihn glau - bet, 
he that be - lie ■ veth. 

derwirdnicht ge . rich . 

tet,wcr an ihn glau . bet, wer an ihn glau - 

tion, he that be ■ lie ■ veth, he that be - lie 

- betjder wird nicht ge - 

J) J) J) 

Wer an ihn, dep wird 

He that be ■ lie ■ veth will es- 



p p I Mr r 

H) n r ^ff rr 

wer an ihn glau . bet, 
he that be - lie ■ veth. 

J) P P 

LfTf/ r 

tet, wer an ihn glau . bet, wer an ihn 

tion, he that be ■ lie ■ veth, he that be- 



p L r 

-iiir''" |J ^lilJJlETj 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

\ J— pa 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 


j>r Jn^J?a 

'j£IUj - 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

tet. "Wer an Urn giaubet, . 

y. He that be - lie - veth will es - cape dam ■ na ■ 

p p kh p p » I -y p p 'P ^ f ^^ 

wer a.berniditglaiibet, der istschongeridi . 

. tet, 

i .berniditglaiibet, 
but all un ■ be - lie ■ vers. 

der istschongeridi . 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

_bet, der wird nicht ge. rich-tet,nicht ge - richtet, 

■ veth will es - cape dam ■ na ■ tion, not be dam-ned. 

-bet, der wild nicht g-e . richt't^ 

- veth, he is not con ■ demned; 

^ ^;. r ^n ^^^^niJ ^p p p 'n p j)3 

tet,wirdniditge. richtet, 
cape dam - 

J I i> J , ^(^^^Ttn^^^fjrgT] ^ J ^ j I 

glaubet, der wird nicht g-e. rich - 
lie - veth will es ■ cape c 

a-bernicht gflau - bet, der istschonge- rich . . - - 

wer a-bernicht glau - bet, 
but all un-be - lie 


. rich 
dam-ned al ■ read 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 


< J i r~7~ P ^^ ^^J>\ 

wei in ihn glaiLj>et, derwird, 

that be - lie - vetH will es - 

i) J J J. ;3J iJ>J'>^pi< l O^ p p ;i cjf ^ 

tet jwird nicht gwichtet, 

■ a.bernicbt glau 
but all un- be ■ lie 


jis^^nii n p ^B p 

tet, denn er nidit an den Na.mendesein.g«. 
y since they have- not- faith in the On- ly be -got -ten 


des ei 

nicht g^ - 

cape dam -na ■ - - - - - - - . . 

' ' Jl ^' > Ji > J .1' I J J I J J J J I J 

der ist schon ge . rich . . ."* 

are dam ■ ned d ■ read ■ ■ - - .... 

bor' - nen_ Sot I . . . nes_ Got . 

God . Al ■ migh .... 

^ I - • ~— M r 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

p r7Jihf&=L . U H f i l li J i 

tetjwep a-bernidit gflau - bet, der ist schon g-e . rich . 

a, but all un ■ be ■ lie ■ vers, are dam-ned al ■ read 

tes, denner glau . bet_ nicht an_ den Namen des 

:e they have- not faith in the On ■ ly be - got ■ ten Son of 

tet, denner glau - bet nicht an den Na . menides 

y since they have _ not faith in the On - ly be ■ 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 6 

*^ fiin.^-fi _ Vinr' nen Snh ^ _ nfis frnf. tpe rlpnn i>r 

ein-ge . bor- nen Soh 
1- Son. of^ God. 

Got - 

z^^-^-y^^iy^^ 1) I i) ji^;;^ 

es, derm er g-lau 
ty, since they have 

Na - men des bornen Sohnes Got. tes, denifer g-lau 

i-ge _ bor'nen Soh _ nes Got _ tes, deim er g-lau-betnicht an den 
On ■ ly be - got ■ ten Son of God Almigh ■ ty, since they have no faith in the 

Na.mendes ein - ge-bor'nen Soh - nes,des ein-ge . bor'nen Sohnes Got. tes. 
On - ly be ■ got ■ ten. Son, the On ■ ly be ■ got-ten Son of God Al - migh ■ ty.