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Full text of "Cantorion sheet music collection (part 2)"

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Placide Cappeau (1808-1877) 

Andante maestoso 

Minuit Chretiens 

Cantique de Noel 
Voix et Piano 

Adolphe Adam (1803-1856) 

nel - le Ou rhom-me Dieu des - cen-dit jus -qua nous. 

Pour ef - fa - cer la tache o-ri - gi-nel - le Et de son 

Domaine public - Public Domain 

sail - le d'es - pe ran - ce A cet - te nuit qui lui donne un sau-veur_ 

Sheet music from • Free to download, with the freedom to distribute, modify and perform. 
Typeset using by Gerard Greco. Reference: Mutopia-2005/12/09-640 

This sheet music has been placed in the pubhc domain by the typesetter, for details see: