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J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

J.S. Bach 

Cantata No. 42 

Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats 


(Tempo ordinario J = ?? ) 

A^H j-*^J"fr 



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J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

^""^ I I I ij ^^ ■* •♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ •#■ -«~ 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

\lh ^^^' ^-^^^ 

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*y ^ii p f \ \ ~ 

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J J J J 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

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\y ^ji — i>!i — -I r^ 

If v^^^ly^^ 

1^ '?g^ X'^P J J 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

1-^.., i , istp^fp 


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V f . r r 

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J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

{jL Jm^^ffT] i~~) nji] 

11, r-^ BT3nT1J¥Pi 

-wi — J — J — d — d — ffl r r b J r y — 

^ ii^^U:^^^ 

J , J p W — ith^g] r F . d r p . 

r * ^Ttuj- 

r h^ r r e, — i* — i" [ f^-J* [ -f-p^ 


iTn,m^f ;gi| 


»ii F^ .-^ .TO l 




Da Capo 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

Am A -bend a . berdes . s.-l . bi-gen Sabbaths, da die Jiin.^ 
And in the ev'-ning of that ver-y Sab -bath w^en the doors al 

•saiiuii b't. unddi.'Thii . rcnvHrsfhlossen wa . rt'n aus Furrht ^'^J'h.- 

bolt - ed. thedis-d - pies with -in as - sent - bled, through fear of their 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

'^^b T.wei iiudDrt'i versamuilet siiid in Jf. -^il Na 
Where two or three have eath - ered them in Je - sus' mme- to - 




wo ZwHi uiid Drt'i versammli 
^^_^ fr where two or three have gat h -ered 



^^u-Lj I n~P ^ ^ 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

s'iiiil in J.-. su_thpu.r.-m Na . ra.-n, wo Zwei und-Drei v.-r-SHinm . 1- 1 

in Je - susL name- to - geth - er, where two- or^ three havegqth^- ered- 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

y;J P Oil 

Wo Zwfti und 

A .r ^ 'in 'r^^^l 

^' r r 1 fir 



r^ J 

T~i : 1,4 _:_j • T _, ii ' X' __ _ 

Drei ver-samm .let sind in Jv . srU_ thfU . 

3 have guth- ered them in Je - susl_ name — 

rem Na . men, 

vo Zwei und Drei ver-sammlet sind, wo Zwei und 

where- two or three have gath - ered them, where two- or 


jm;j jj- 

f r i)P' p 

Drei ver-samm . let sind in- Je . su theu . 
three have gath - ered them in Je - ««'_ name _ 

^ ,$r^i^j^ 




r r r r 

J J J J ^ 





J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 


Dt'iui was^_ ;ius Lit'h' und Noth -e" _ srliii-ht.was aus Lit-h' iiiitl Nntli f;v 

O- W%o sue - cors need and aids dis - tress, sue - ears need- and aids dis 

-'>r ^ ^f 

^ . j. i' rrj 



V ^ ^ J\r J \^V:ili^^\^^- ^ ^ P J"?^ P Lr Ji 

schieht, das bricht des Iloch.sten Ord . nung: nirht. 
will not— the law of God — trans -gress, 

di'nn was aus Lieb" und 

who sue - cors need- and 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

Notli ir.-.s.-hi.-ht,das rlrirht a.'s Ora.nimirni.'ht.lni.-ht d.'s Hoch . - M.n 

aids— dis- tress- will not— the law — of- God- trans-gress, not the law— 

Mhi.-ht.«.i>aiisLi,.lMi,i.l i;vs,-l,>!,,l..> H<i.-li . st.-n ( )r.L iiu.i-iii.-ht. .i.',.„ 

tress, sue- cars need and aids dis-tress will not- the law — of God — trans-gress, m*o 

was an-, Li.-K uu.i Noth uvsrhi.-ht.iias bricht d>-^ Hiich . sfrn Ordnun:: iiH'lit.hrirht 

sac - cars need and aids- dis- tress - will not — the law — of God trans - 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

HaxiiLlein klein, 
ye Faith -fid- Band, 

olj.fiicich die Feiiude wiLlfhs sein,dif"h 
though foes should seek on ev - 'ry- hand to 

o HSuLUn klein, ohgL-ichdif Ffiu. de ■^il.lfiis M'iii.dich ^Am. . lirh zu ver . 
ye Faith -ful- Band, though foes ^ould seek on ev - 'ry- hand to wak - en fear with- 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

Uch 2U ver.sto . . . . _ . ren, dich ganzlich,ganziich,t^n2 . 
en fear with -in __ you, to wake and fos - ter fii^t- 

und su _ chendei 
and seek to bring — 

und su - chendei . nen Un . t^r 
and seek to bring a ■ bout your— 

J.S. Bach ■ Church Cantatas BWV 42 

gang, dei _ nen Un.ter-gang, da.vondir wird rwhtangstund 

doom, bring— a - bout your doom; there is no need— for fear and 

bang-, angst und bang: eswirdnictt,niclit Ian . . ge wah . 
gloom, fear and gloom: this will not long- be, not long be last 

ingst-und bang: es wird wah 
fear — and gloom: this will not long be last 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

Ih p P P P P P ^^ 

es wild nirht wah . ren, 
this Witt not long be last - ing, 

pr pppir?p 

eswinl nirht langp 
this will not long be 


^^=y = 

r.'ii, eswird nirht lan-ge wjih . rnn 
ing, this will not long be last - ing, 

es wird nirht lan.gv wah . rf n , 
this will not long be last - ing. 

■swirihiicht Ian . -^t. r-s wird uii'ht Ian , gi;.nifht lan.gte wjih . ren,es wird nicht 
is Witt not long, no this will not long, no not long be last - hte, this will not 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 


. ^ ^F F fr n 1 

I P P , P 


- — -k-tn 

^ 1M' y p p ['' y ' 


ein Bchon Ex.ein_pel 

can learn a good-ly 

se . hen an 

les - son from 


was zu Jt- . 
whidi at Je - 


1 4 « 1! r. 1- 



1-^ w *' 


ru . sa 

P 1' P P ' 

. lem ge.sche.hen; 
km thus hap - pened; 

H — = 


1 ^ p p P r' r 1^ 

da die Jiin . ger sich ver . 
the dis - ci ■ pies be - ing 



as - 


— te 

':% =^ 

1 — ^ — 

hat. ten in f in-stern Schat.ten aus Furcht rer de.nen Ju.den, so trat mein 
sem-hled,in black -est dark - ness, for fear of per-se - cu -tion, they saw the 

Heiland mitten ein zumZeugniss, dass er seLjierKir-che Sdiutzwill sein. Drum 
Sav-iow stand-ing there to show them, that He for His chip'ch would ev - er care. So 

lasst die wii _ then, lasstdie Fein _ de wii .then! 

let the foes be rag - ing. 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 


(Allefrro modcrnto J=s» ) 


nr^ ,r^ 

, m T r^ 



p^f^/^l^r^^CT ^^ 


. ,t^; J~^ ' n~^ i ^J. ^^ 





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",,(1 .f-JJ lUiJ^JjJ IJ 

-J'T^-fi^ R=n F=f^-^ 

i,^¥ ^rl/^V^rJ r f- Jfi 

rrrr?^Mr ^f^ 

L f r r r .-^^ 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

Jc _ sus ist ein Schild der Sei.nen, 

Je - sus will— pro - tect His peo - pie. 




''"'""^^rrJ^ijjI^iaj'lJ ^ ^^ 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

-"'II" LJJ^ LJ^S 


If r ^'r ^MLFJPp 


Ih . nen irniss die Son . ne 
Be the sun that shines up- 








schei . nen 
on^ them. 

mitder gold . nen U . . ber _ schrift: 

light- ing gold - en words^ that^ 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

->■¥ n ^ i r^^ r n I ^^ i"i i^-^^r^ 

ist ein_ 

Witt pro 

Schild dtr Sei - nfn.wvnii sit- die — Ver . fol 

. His peo - pie, guard them from— op - pres 

i^ ''^ P ^'L Jj iiiiJ 

■zlf/^' rlrTO 

■h J--SJ^ 

, /¥! ' ni 

^ L-l" J ^JJ J I ^,;JJ Ll^. I ^ ^ ^^ 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 


\^FV\[7^ V r^ P r^ ^ j"^ 


^>-««"r r 


J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 


Choral (Eigene Melodie ) 


i r r c;^ 


Yer _ leii'uns Frie.jden j;^ _ di^ . lich,HfrrGott,zu unsern Zei . tpn,e8 
Alto ~ ^ 

i I j J J lj;J> J Wu JI^J ^^ 4_ | J';jjJJ 


cy grant us peace, Lord God, for life's 

du - ra-tion;we've 

I J J J_^J,JIJ Q J p i i' r r' r ^ ^ 

Ter - leiliuns Frie-dpn pnii . din^ . liph,Herr Gott,zu 

Zei . ten,p 

bV.r rTr JjJi r in^J r rir rurrrrr n^r^rr 

*^ ist ja dochkein Andrer mcht,der fur uii8kbnn-te_ strei . trn,demi du,unsT Gott al . 

^h^ I ".^ I I II I O ,-1 1 I I n I I i-.^ , ^' , I I I ,^ I I 

,;jj J iJtJ„J JiJiJ J JJ,J I ;^ iJiJJ JJJ 


? to /je/p us ^outdst Thou cease to 

^ ist ja dochkein And'rer mrhtjdfr fiir uns konn.te_ strei _ tpn,denn du,ims'rGott al . 

none to help us shouldst Thou cease to strive for our sal 

tion. Thou art our sole i 

J.S. Bach - Church Cantatas BWV 42 

|' f"i' iTi • I I h I , i r r I f ^?rr Ji:. 

*^ lei nf.Gieh uii-s»-rnFurjiten unddtr Ob.rig:_kpit Fried' und gut_Re . sijmt-nt.das: 

J ^J [?' M J J J^^ 

tec ■ tor. As- sure usthrou^the ml - ers of our land; peace and good gov-e 

lei ^ m'.Crieb un.sern Fiir-sten undder Ob. rijr_ keit Fried' und gut Re. gi . ment,dass 

.H^n^i^PPir rr rfrnrTrr^'Qiir i? J u 


tec - tor. As - sure us through the rul - ers- of- our 

land; peace and good gov- 


*' wir uii-ter ih - nen ein ge . ru.higund stUJes Le.benfiihren mo -gen in aLler Gotf.