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Full text of "Daniel"

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11 Studies for Youth Group 

Introduction - What is Daniel about? 

"The book of Daniel tells the story of a young Israelite taken from Jerusalem in the days of 
Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon (605 - 562BC). Despite a life-long exile and much opposition he 
remained faithful to his God. Like Joseph before him (Gen 37 - 40), he was gifted with the ability to 
understand dreams and visions; he rose to prominence in a foreign court and was privileged to receive 
insight into the future purposes of God in history." 1 

Daniel deals with many big problems "such as the problems of evil and persecution, of suffering, and of 
being Christians is an alien world. For us who face these issues with differing degrees of harshness, 
Daniel offers guidance and help. 

The book of Daniel helps us to understand much about the person of Jesus and the nature of his work. 
When Jesus talked of the Kingdom of God and called himself the Son of Man he seems to have done so 
with Daniel in the back of his mind. Daniel also helps us to understand Jesus' teaching about the end of 
the world and the teaching found in Hebrews, 1 and 2 Peter and Revelation." 2 

How the studies work 

This picture will always refer to the opening question. The starter's block. This 
question will help to get your brain in gear and your thoughts out of your head. 

This picture is all about observation. To answer these questions all you have to do 
is look at what the passage is actually saying. It is OK to quote the Bible word for 
word when answering these questions. 

This picture is all about interpretation. These questions are going to help you 
think about what the passage means. For these type of questions you are going to 
have to go deeper, you can't just quote the passage here! 



This is where the rubber hits the road. This picture is about application. This is 
where we will think about how the passage is going to change our lives. This is 
what being a Christian is all about; we trust in Jesus and do what he says. We find 
out how Jesus wants us to live from the Bible. 

1 Information taken from New Bible Commentary, IV P, pp. 745. 

2 Information taken from Daniel: Kingdoms in Conflict, Andrew Reid, Aquila Press, pp. 3-4. 
2 | Page 

Contents Page 

V J 

Study One Is God dead??? Page 4 

Study Two Knocked down but not knocked out Page 7 

Study Three The Rock vs. The Statue' Page 10 

Study Four When the heat is on Page 13 

Study Five Nebuchadnezzar vs. God Page 16 

Study Six A freaky hand writing Page 18 

Study Seven Daniel vs. The Lions Page 20 

Study Eight The Son of Man Page 22 

Study Nine The end is in sight Page 25 

Study Ten Daniel prays Page 27 

Study Eleven A vision of the end Page 29 

Appendix 1 How Time Works Page 3 1 

Appendix 2 For the History Buffs! Page 33 

Appendix 3 The Dream Page 36 

Appendix 4 Antiochus Ephiphanes Page 39 

3 | Page 

Study One — Is God Dead??? 

What do you already know about Daniel? 

When you study a book of the Bible it is really important to see 
where it fits in with the big picture, the overall story of the Bible. 
With a partner try and put these significant events in the Bible in the 
correct order. Don't stick them in until you have checked they are 

4 | Page 

2 Kings 23:36 - 25:21 
Daniel 1:1-2 

1. Fill in the following table to show what happened to each of the people in these passages. 


Name of person 

What did they do? 

How did Babylon 

2 Kings 23:36 - 24:2 

Daniel 1:1-2 

2 Kings 24:8—14 

2 Kings 25:1-7 

2. What does each of these verses say about God's involvement? 
2 Kings 24:2 - 

2 Kings 24:3 - 

2 Kings 24:13- 

2Kings 24:20 - 

Daniel 1:2 - 

5 | Page 

3. What does Israel being punished tell us about God? 

4. What do you think the Israelites (like Daniel) would have been thinking about God and his 



5. Why is being disciplined sometimes hard to deal with? 

6. Why is it comforting to know that God disciplines his people? 

7. How should you act when someone disciplines you? 

(Proverbs 3:11-12) 


• Thank God that he is in control of the world 

• Thank God that he disciplines his people 

• Ask God to help us be Godly people 

6 | Page 

Study Two - Knocked down but not knocked out 

Share a situation where you thought something bad was going to happen but it 
turned out OK in the end? 




Daniel 1:1-21 





1. List the things that the Babylonians did during and after they attacked Judah (vl-5). 

2. Fill in this table to show what Daniel and his mates agreed to and refused to do. 



3. What do these verses say about God's involvement? 
• v2 

• v9 

• vl7 

7 | Page 

4. What does Daniel and his mates' decision to not defile themselves (v8-14) 
tell us about them? 

Getting a name change (v6-7) and being educated (v4) might not sound like such a big deal, but here it 
shows a cosmic struggle going on: Israel's God verses the Babylonian gods. Daniel and his mates' 
original names all were linked to God's name 'Yahweh'. The new names they were given are linked to 
the Babylonian gods. Learning all the Babylonian literature and language was designed to make you a 
Babylonian. This struggle is also shown in the Babylonian army looting the temple in Jerusalem. They 
were trying to show that they had beaten Yahweh; that their gods were better than Yahweh. 3 

5. What things in the passage show us that God has not been defeated but is still very much in 

6. What do you think was the hardest thing for Daniel and his mates to deal with? 


f \ 


2 Timothy 3:16 & 

Matthew 5:11-12 



v J 

7. In what ways are Christians today similar to Daniel and his mates? 

3 See Appendix 1: This is the beginning of an apocalyptic cycle. Next week we are going to see G od's plan to save his people. 
8 | Page 

Daniel and his mates were happy to go along with some things (name change and education) but they 
made it clear that they were not going to change completely. They were not going to do anything that they 
thought would dishonour God. 

8. What things in your life should you make a stand on like Daniel and his mates? 

9. How would God's control over the world have comforted Daniel and how does it comfort us? 


• Thank God that he is in charge of the world 

• Ask God to help us to stand firm when faced with compromising situations 

• Thank God for Daniel's example and encouragement 

9 | Page 

Study Three - 'The Rock' vs. 'The Statue' 

Share the weirdest dream you have ever had. 

Daniel 2:1-49 

1. What reason did the astrologers give for not being able to tell Big Neb his dream? (vlO-11). 

2. How was Daniel different? (vl7-23). 

3. Fill out this table to show the content of the dream and its interpretation. 




v32 - Head of 
& v36-38 

v32 - Chest 
and arms of 
silver & v39a 

v32 - Belly 
and thigh of 
bronze & 

v33 - Legs of 
iron, feet of 
iron and clay 
& v40-43 

v34-35 - The 
& v44-45 

10 | Page 

4. How does this passage show us God's plan to save his people? 

5. What do you think the 4 Kingdom (v44-45) is referring to? 

(Luke 1:26-33) 

6. Can you think of any other mysteries God has revealed to his people? 

Ephesians 1:3-10 


7. It what ways can we respond to God's saving actions? 



Daniel was told the dream was about a future time (v45b) when God would set up a powerful eternal 
kingdom. The New Testament shows us that this kingdom is brought in when Jesus died and rose again. It 
is talking about the Kingdom of God in heaven. Looking to the future changes the way we live now. 

8. Pretend that Jesus is going to come back at the end of next week. Circle the things on this list that 
are the most important to be doing. 

Reading the Bible 

Downloading Illegal music 

Obeying parents 

Getting angry 


Being selfish 

Doing what our teachers ask 

Holding grudges 

Telling people about Jesus 

Letting leisure activities get more 
important than following Jesus 

Standing firm when our friends 
tease us for following Jesus 

Insulting people 

11 1 Page 

9. What things stop us from following Jesus wholeheartedly? 


• Thank God that he has always had a plan to save his people 

• Ask God to help us to be Godly while we wait for Jesus to come back 

• Ask God to help us avoid the things that stop us following Jesus 

12 | Page 

Study Four - When the heat is on 

If a policeman asks you to steal should you do what they say? Why / why not? 

Daniel 3:1-30 

1. Draw what Big Neb wanted for his people. (Remember to include: a statue, heaps of people bowing 
down, musicians playing, a furnace, 3 blokes not bowing down and Big Neb watching everyone) 

13 | Page 

2. Write a dot point version of what Shaddy, Maddy and Abedneddy say to Big Neb. (vl6-18) 

3. What does Big Neb say Shaddy, Maddy and Abedneddy did? (v28) 

4. What does this passage tell us is the most important priority for God's 
people when they face suffering and persecution? 

5. How is God's control over the situation demonstrated? 



6. Circle the things you would be willing to suffer for the sake of Jesus. 

Being teased 

Being called arrogant and closed 
minded for believing in Jesus 

Having head chopped off 

Family kicking you out and 
pretending you don't exist 

Having no friends at school 

Not hanging out with your friends if 
they are doing something that is 
dishonouring to God. 

Being put in prison 

Being set on fire 

Family annoyed at you 

Having your house burned down 

Being sacked from your job 

People thinking you are weird 

14 | Page 

7. What stops you from standing out for Jesus in all situations? 

Following Jesus is not just about waiting for a chance to get tortured, beaten and killed for the sake of 
Jesus. Laying down your life literally is something that Christians all over the world have to do but by 
God's grace that is not a reality in Australia at the moment. We are, however, still called to lay down our 
lives to serve Jesus. Luke 9:23-24 says: 

The he (Jesus) said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself take up his cross 
daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will 
save it. " 

8. In what ways do you need to 'deny yourself to follow Jesus? 

9. What comfort does Daniel (and the rest of the Bible) give us when serving Jesus gets hard? 


• Thank God that ultimately he has saved us through Jesus 

• Ask God for help to change our lives to serve Jesus 

• Ask God to help us stand firm when we suffer as Christians 

15 | Page 

Study Five - Nebuchadnezzar vs. God 

How do you act towards people who are in authority over you? 


Daniel 4:1-36 

V J 

1. Fill out the following table to show the dream and the interpretation. 









2. Fill out the following table to show Big Neb's problem and the solution. 








16 | Page 

3. How do the following passages show Big Neb responding to God's actions? (What does he say 
about God?) 

• vl-3 

• v34-37 

4. Write a sentence a kindergarten kid would understand to explain Big Neb's 

5. Write a sentence a kindergarten kid would understand to explain how Big Neb should have 

6. How can Christian teenagers show that they are living under God's 
ultimate authority? 

7. How does living under God's authority affect the way we follow other people in authority? 

Romans 13:1-2 


• Thank God that he is in charge 

• Ask God to forgive us for the times when we don't follow his authority 

• Ask God to help us follow him and other authorities 

17 | Page 

Study Six - A freaky hand writing 

Share a time when you made the same mistake over and over and over again. 

Daniel 5:1-31 

This chapter marks a change in the story. King Nebuchadnezzar will no longer appear. Now we are going 
to see the very short lived story of his son King Belshazzar. Daniel is an old man now, but is going to be 
brought out of retirement to once more interpret a strange dream. 

1. What did Big Bel do wrong? 

• vl-4 

• v22-23 

2. Write the meaning of the 'writing on the wall' in your own words. (v25-28) 




3. Big Bel should have remembered how God had dealt with his father and 
honoured God appropriately. Instead he chose to ignore what had happened in the 
past and do his own thing. What has God done in our past that should change 
how we act towards God? 

18 | Page 

4. How would you describe Daniel's attitude in this passage? 



5. What does being humble look like? (v22-23) 

6. How do you honour God? 

Colossians 3:1-17 

Put to death ... 

Clothe yourselves ... 


• Thank God for Jesus 

• Ask God to help us remember what Jesus has done for us 

• Ask God to help us change our lives to serve Jesus 

19 | Page 

Study Seven - Daniel vs. The lions 

Try and retell the story of Daniel in the lions den as accurately as possible 
with out looking at the bible first. 

Daniel 6:1-28 

1. Fill out this table listing all the actions of all the characters. 

King Darius 

Corrupt officials 



20 | Page 

2. Way back in chapter 1 we saw a young Daniel continuing to follow God even 
though he was in a foreign land and it looked like God was beaten. Now Daniel is 
up to his 3 rd foreign king and he is still trying to follow God. Living in the world, 
waiting for Jesus to return, is a bit like Daniel living in exile waiting for God to 
save his people. We are in exile waiting for heaven. What do we learn from 

Daniel about how we should live while we wait? 

3. What does Daniel's example teach us to do when someone in authority tells us to do something 
that does not honour God? 

4. How is God's control over the world despite what is happening demonstrated in this passage? 

6. Write down some things you could say to people when they ask you to do something you know 
God would not like you to do? 

7. Daniel's actions lead to Darius praising God. How can our examples lead to our friends praising 
God or becoming Christians? 


• Thank God that he is in control no matter what happens 

• Ask God for help to honour him in all situations 

• Ask God that our example might lead others to becoming Christians 

5. What things could authorities ask you to do that dishonours God? 

21 1 Page 

Study Eight - The Son of Man 

How do you feel / react when a promise comes true? 

Daniel 7:1-28 

1. Draw each of the beasts and write the interpretation in your own words. 










22 | Page 

2. Fill out the following table to describe the actions of the other characters in this chapter. 

Ancient of Days 

Son of Man 

Saints of the Most 

Fourth Beast / 


v9-10, v22 


vl8, v21, v27 

v8, vll, vl9, 
v21, v23, v25-26 

3. Write a sentence that explains the big picture of what is going on here. 

Mark 8:31 -9:1 & 
Acts 7:54-56 

4. Who is the Son of Man and how does he fulfil the role given him in 
Daniel chapter 7? (Daniel 7: 13-14 & Luke 1:26-33) 

23 | Page 

5. Why do you think God chose to tell Daniel about Jesus in the future rather than how he was 
going to be saved from Babylon and Persia in his lifetime? 

6. How does knowing that Christians are going to be part of an everlasting, all 
powerful kingdom help us to stand firm when we face suffering or hardships 
because of our faith? 

7. Daniel 7:14 shows that the Son of Man (Jesus) has been given authority and sovereign power. What, 
then, should our attitude to Jesus' teaching be? 

8. Circle the things below that are good ways of following the authority of the Son of Man. 

Reading the Bible and praying 


Obeying the law 

Teasing and bullying 

Obeying parents 


Being generous with our money 
and time 


Helping other Christians to be 

Doing something with a 

boyfriend or girlfriend that you 
wouldn't want your mum to 

Telling our friends about Jesus 

Deliberately ignoring what God 

know about 


• Thank God that he came through on his promises to save his people 

• Ask God to help us live under the authority of Jesus 

• Pray that our non Christian friends would start to follow Jesus 

24 | Page 

Study Nine - The end is in sight 

Why does knowing the holidays are coming soon make school that much more 

Daniel 8:1-27 

1. Fill out the table showing the dream and the interpretation. 


8:3-4 & 



8:5-8 & 
8:21-22 4 

8:9-12 & 
8:23-25 5 

2. What future hope is foretold in this passage? (Daniel 8:13-14, 26) 

4 See Appendix 3 for information about Alexander the G reat and how he is involved in the Daniel narrative. 

5 See Appendix 4 for information about the potential historical figure behind these visions 
25 | Page 

e3. By now you might be feeling like Daniel is repeating himself a bit. What ideas / 
actions / events are repeated in this chapter that we have been seeing in Daniel 
so far? 

4. Daniel was appalled by the vision. It made him sick for several days. We have an advantage over 
Daniel because we are looking back on history while Daniel is looking forward. We also have an 
advantage because we know all about Jesus. Daniel would have known that God was going to save his 
people with a new covenant (Daniel would have been reading Jeremiah in his quiet times) but he 
wouldn't have seen exactly how it was going to all work out. How does knowing about Jesus stop us 
from being freaked out by all the bad things that have happened to God's people and might happen 
to us? 



5. Rate on a scale of 1 to 10 how much you trust that God is in control? 

(1 = don't trust God is in control at all, 10 = believe God is completely in control) 

6. What things help you to trust God and what things stop you from trusting God. 

Help you to trust God 

Stop you from trusting God 


• Thank God that he is in control 

• Ask God to help us to trust him no matter what is going on 

26 | Page 

Study Ten - Daniel prays 




List some really important things to pray for 

Daniel 9:1-3; 
Jeremiah 25:8-11 & 29:10-14 

1. How does Daniel respond to God's promise of Salvation? 

( \ 
Daniel 9:4-19 

V J 

2. Fill out the following table to show the contents of Daniel's prayer 

What Daniel says about God 

What Daniel confesses 

What Daniel asks God for 

27 | Page 

Daniel 9:20-27 

3. What good news for the future is prophesied here? 

^ 4. What are some words that you could use to describe Daniel's character and 
attitude towards God in this chapter? 

5. In what ways are the words in Jeremiah and Daniel's prayer answered in this passage? 

(Who is the ultimate anointed one?) 


6. Circle the things that show a person is humbly following God and treating 

him with the proper respect (fearing God)? 



Working hard at Godliness Not caring about my sin Asking God for guidance in life 

Saying that you follow Jesus but 
not making any changes to your 

Living God's way even if it is 
hard and brings suffering 

Acting as if God has nothing to 
do with real life 

Confessing sin to God 

Using words like God, Jesus and 
Christ as swear words 

Looking forward to the day when 
Jesus comes back and Christians 
go to heaven 

Trying to make deals with God 
(if you... then I'll...) 

Praying and reading the Bible 

Thinking that going to Youth 
Group makes God love you more 
than other people 

7. Why is prayer such an important part of living under God's authority and responding to what he 
has done for us? 


• Choose some things from Daniel's prayer to pray 

28 | Page 

Study Eleven - A vision of the end 

Pretend one of your friends has asked you what the book of Daniel is all about. 
What would you say to them? 



These three chapters are a record of what Daniel saw while he was standing near 
the Tigris River (modern day Iraq) (10:4-5 & 12:5-6). In this case Daniel is not 
given a dream as we've seen many other times. He's given a 'revelation' or vision. 
Other people are with him but they run away in terror (10:7). As we read these 
chapters you'll notice that the vision is different from what we have seen so far in Daniel. There's no 
mention of beasts coming out of the sea, no bears, goats or horns. But there are kings and rulers who are 
all playing a part in the overall plans of God - which is what we've come to expect. 

1. What does vl and vl4 say about Daniel's vision 

Daniel 10:1-11:1 

2. What effect does the vision have on Daniel? (v2-3, 8, 16) 

The vision presents the ongoing rivalry between two kings and the surrounding 
struggle. Historians have pointed out that the various elements in this vision match 
the tumultuous times in the period following the break up of the Greek empire in 
the 2 nd Century BC. Following the death of Alexander, the empire was divided 
between four of his generals (11:4) 6 . At this point, the land of Israel finds itself at the centre of two of 
these new Greek kingdoms: The Ptolemies (south-Egypt) and the Seleucids (North-old empires of Persia 
and Babylon). There are many battles and much political manoeuvring in their quest for supremacy. From 
the Seleucids in the north emerges the power hungry and deceptive King Antiochus IV or Antiochus 
Ephiphanes 7 who will brutally attempt to put a stop to the Jewish religion in Israel. Jewish freedom 
fighters resist Antiochus and much blood is shed in this period. 

6 See Appendix 3 

7 See Appendix 4 
29 | Page 

Daniel 11:2 - 45 

3. From verses 29-33 what can God's people expect during this struggle? 

4. From verses 11:19-20, 27, 31-35 what is the 'light at the end of the tunnel'? 

Daniel 12:1-4 & 

5. What does Daniel see happening in the future? 

6. How does this fit with what we have been learning in Daniel so far? 

7. What is Daniel told to do? 




1 Peter 1:3-16 





8. What does this passage say about the purpose of suffering? 

9. How does this passage tell us to live in light of the above? 


• Thank God for the good effect suffering has 

• Ask God to help us to be Godly when we suffer 

• Pray that Jesus would come back soon 

30 | Page 

Appendix One — How Time Works 


Normal time has a beginning and an ending and it runs in a straight line. This means we can study the 
past and look forward to the future. 


In Apocalyptic Literature (Revelation and some parts of Daniel, Isaiah, Zechariah and Mark) time works 
a little bit differently it works in a cycle with either the same event being described in different ways or a 
series of events that are very similar happening over and over again. 

Anew jWi iW t^Hh 

31 1 Page 

Some things to remember when reading and trying to understand apocalyptic literature: 

• It is always written when someone becomes an enemy of God, God's people, God's king or 
the Temple 

• It is written to encourage the people who are suffering and help them to keep trusting God and 
his ability to save his people either now or in the future. 

• There is a repeating pattern: 1. Something or someone opposes God 

2. God shows the way salvation will come (now or future) 

3. God does what he says he will do. 

• This means that we can sometimes work out what the weird visions and dreams are referring 
to in history (sometimes the bible even tells us what will happen). There is always a bigger 
picture going on. God is working to save his people. Ultimately this happens when Jesus 
comes back and we spend an eternity with him in Heaven. That's why apocalyptic literature 
was written when God's people were suffering, to remind them that God is a saving God. 

• It is interesting to see the historical details (sometimes we can't work it out, in Daniel we will 
see lots of historical details) but we need to be careful not to get bogged down. We need to 
focus on the bigger picture. People will always oppose God, God's people will always be 
persecuted and God will always save. He will save once and for all when Jesus returns 
bringing an end to the presence of sin for eternity. 

32 | Page 


Appendix Two — For the History Buffs! 


Events before Daniel 
chapter 1 


Assyrian Empire 

Approximately 1200BC — 600BC 

• By the 9th century BC controlled most of the Middle East, from Egypt to the Persian Gulf 

• The Assyrians regarded warfare as their most important activity, and considered it a divinely- 
inspired goal to impose their gods upon conquered territories 

• The Assyrian strategy for conquest used psychological warfare. They would first send 
representatives of the king to try and persuade a city to surrender. If this failed, the Assyrian army 
would then surround the city and shout at the defenders, trying to convince them that resistance 
was useless 

• Destroyed the northern kingdom Israel. (2 Kings 17:1-6) 

8 Information about Assyria found at: http :/ / a ncie nthisto ry .a b o m/ cs/ eqypt/ a/ a ssyria i ntro .htm , 
http :/ / w w w .a ma ze i nq a m/ se ve n- w o nd e rs/ a ssy ria . html a nd G oogle Image Search 
33 | Page 

www. keyway. ca 

• Ancient Babylon was located between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, about 60 miles southwest 
of Baghdad, Iraq. 

• The most famous innovation of ancient Babylonian culture was astronomy, which began as a 
study of astrology. They created stellar catalogues and a nearly perfect calendar 

• They were able to predict eclipses, which they believed announced dangerous and evil times. 
Eclipses were predicted through two mathematical systems they developed. These systems are the 
scientific basis of the mathematical and astronomic legacy of ancient Babylonia. 

9 Information about Babylon found at: http :/ / w w w .a Ha b o uthisto a ncient-ba by lon.htm a nd G oogle Image Search 
34 | Page 

Leading up to Daniel chapter 1 


• Assyria is getting weaker 

• Prince Nebuchadnezzar takes control of Babylonian Army 

• Fights Egypt who were allied to Assyria at Carchemish (Jeremiah 46:13-24, Habakkuk 1:5-11) 

• Assyria ceases to be the dominate power in the region now that they have no allies 

• Nebuchadnezzar's father dies , he returns home and he becomes king 


• Jeremiah and Habakkuk continue to prophecy God using Babylon to punish Israel 

• Nebuchadnezzar returns and conquers Egypt and Judah, as he returns home he takes with him 
some hostages and some gold from the temple. Daniel is one of these men (2 Kings 24:1-20, 
Daniel 1:1-2) 


• Nebuchadnezzar is beaten by Egypt 

• Judah rebels and stops paying tribute (2 Kings 25:1) 

• Nebuchadnezzar returns, retakes lost territory, kills all the noble families, steals everything out of 
the temple, destroys Jerusalem and carries off the Israelites into exile (2 Kings 25:1-21) 

10 Remaining Timeline information found in Daniel: Kingdoms in Conflict, Andrew Reid, Published by Aquila Press 
35 | Page 

Appendix Three - The Dream 

Some people think this dream is predicting the rise and fall of empires after Babylon. It is clear from the 
dream that Babylon is the head and there are clues elsewhere in the book that the rest of the parts of the 
statue are kingdoms that rose to power after that. The rock is referring to Jesus dying and rising again 
bringing in God's eternal kingdom. God has saved his people, just like he said he would. 



TITcdo- Persia 
Jfl»C-Wi IK- 


Vita: J^..h 

Kingdom 1 - Babylon (2:36-38) n 
Kingdom 2 - Medo-Persia (5:30-31) 
Kingdom 3 - Greece (8:19-22) 

o Alexander the Great conquered more territory than any empire before him. After his death 
his kingdom was broken up into four separate kingdoms ruled by his four generals. 
Kingdom 4 - Rome (7:7) 12 
The Rock 

o Jesus - His death and resurrection bringing in the eternal Kingdom of God. God has saved 
his people 

11 See Appendix 2 

12 For information about how Rome enters the story of G od's work in the world, read the New Testament 
36 | Page 



Phrydia _ , 

Alexander the Great was born in 356 B.C 

At the age of 20, Alexander assembled forces in Greek Cities in Corinth and then invaded the 
Persian Empire 

Alexander was determined to conquer the world. He continued through what is now Afghanistan 
to the Indus River Valley and reach Punjab in 326BC. 

When Alexander died his empire was divided into four areas ruled by his generals. They fought 
each other grappling for power (Daniel ch 10 and 11) 
Eventually three main kingdoms emerged: 

o 'Macedonia and Greece' ruled by Antigonus - Antigonid Dynasty. 

o 'Modern Israel, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan' ruled by Seleucid - Seleucid Dynasty. 

o 'Egypt' ruled by Ptolemy - Ptolemid Dynasty. 


Hill r3 1 

13 Information about G reece from: http :// csl q reecehella si/ a/ qreecehellenist.htm , 

http :/ / www.a ncientq si People/ Alexa nder/ , http :// www.historyforkids.orq/ learn/ greeks/ history/ hellenistic.htm a nd 

G oogle image search. 

37 | Page 

• Darius is introduced in Daniel 5:31. Very little is known about him. He ruled until 486BC 

• The most famous Persian king is King Cyrus the Great (559BC - 530 BC). Cyrus freed the Jews in 
exile (Ezra and Nehemiah). 

• The greatest Persian god of antiquity was Ahura-Mazda, the god of light and wisdom. 

• The god of fire, Atar, was very important. He sent the sacrifices to the gods, which enabled them 
to combat the forces of evil and darkness. The god Rapithwin was considered to be like the 
warmth of the sun which is reborn each spring. 

14 Information found at: http :// exhibits/ exhibit.php?exbqrp = -999&exbid = 47&exbpq = 8 , 
http :/ / historel.tripod .com/ orient/ 08perse.htm a nd Google Image Search 
38 | Page 

Appendix Four - Antiochus Ephiphanes 

\ J 

As we have looked through Daniel we have seen many historical events being spoken about. We have 
also remembered to look at the big picture of God saving his people and we have seen how encouraging 
that is when we face suffering as a Christian. In Daniel 7:8, 20-22, 24-27 and 8:9-12 and maybe in 9:27 
and 1 1:31-32 the actions of a man called King Antiochus IV or Antiochus Ephiphanes are foretold. The 
following quotes are from: Daniel: Kingdoms in Conflict, by Andrew Reid, published by Aquila Press. 
They give a brief overview of where Antiochus fits in. 

The small horn, however, probably has reference to a particular Seleucid king, Antiochus IV, otherwise 
known as Antiochus Ephiphanes. It was this king who won notoriety as the most vicious and out of 
control ruler since the exile under Nebuchadnezzar. 

It was also Antiochus Ephiphanes who forced his way onto his throne and who tried to change the set 
times and the laws (7:25). This reference to set times, while possibly referring to his attempts to replace 
the 365 day solar calendar with a 360 day Lunar calendar, is more probably referring to his defiance of 
the proper course of history (cf the similar usage in 2:21 where God changes times and seasons; he sets 
up kings and deposes them). Similarly, the reference to laws, in 7:25 could be talking about Jewish laws, 
but is perhaps better understood as a reference to God's decree of judgement on him. In this case, the 
dream tells us that although Antiochus assumed the position of God and tried to change and control 
history, his attempts were in vain. 

Although he had been given authority to rule (that is, although he has eyes like the eyes of a man), 
Antiochus lifted himself up before God and spoke boastfully against him, seemingly taking control of 
history and his own destiny into his own hands.' (page 123) 

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'Although not named the small horn was obviously Antiochus IV ... Antiochus is as arrogant as his 
predecessors and in some respects excelled them. 

• He banned the temple sacrifices and a broad range of Jewish religious practices 

• He stole things from the temple 

• He destroyed copies of the Torah and banned circumcision and the public recital of the law 
(page 149) 

'Antiochus believed himself to be the earthly manifestation of the Greek god Zeus and it was to this god 
that he dedicated the Jerusalem temple when he took it over in 167BC. (page 151) 

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