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Ince, sbVefisignty and 
prosperous Democratic 


The State of Kampuchea is an independent, united, peaceful, neutral, non-aligned , 
sovereign and democratic State in her territorial integrity. 

The State of Kampuchea is the State of the wokers . peasants and other labourers 
of Kampuchea. 

The official name of the State of Kampuchea is: DEMOCRATIC KAMPUCHEA. 

The National Day is celebrated on April 17th, commemorating the Glorious 
Victory of April 17th, 1975 and the founding of Democratic Kampuchea. 


The National Flag of Democratic Kampuchea has the 
following form and meaning: 

The ground colour is red with a yellow three-tower mo- 
nument in the. centre. 

The red ground colour symbolizes the revolutionary 
movement, the resolute and valiant struggle of the people of 
Kampuchea for national liberation and nationel defence and. 
edification . 

The monument in yellow colour symbolizes the national 
tradition and the people of Kampuchea who defend and edify 
a more and more glorious country. 


The National Armorial Bearings are represented by a 
system of dikes and irrigation canals symbolizing modern agri- 
culture, and factory symbolizing industry, enclosed within 
two garlanded sheaves of paddy, and bearing below the in- 
scription : « DEMOCRATIC KAMPUCHEA)*. 


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<H S 1 l L aiB 

(H 1 so uS ij| rji ina jjw t(ffl w» «in jib mm nj n 

ni train iai: a tni ju u]n 1 mi n ajuj 

1 - Bright red Blood which covers towns 

and plains 
Of Kampuchea, our Motherland, 
Sublime Blood of workers and peasants, 
Sublime Blood of revolutionary men 
and women fighters I 

2 - The Blood changing into unrelenting 

And resolute struggle, 
On April 17th, under the Flag of the 

Revolution , 
Frees from slavery I 

R efrain 

Long live , long live Glorious April 

17th I 
Glorious Victory with greater 
Than the times of Angkor I 

3 - We are uniting to edify 

Splendid and democratic new Kampuchea 

and new society 
With equality and justice. 
Firmly applying the line of 

independence, sovereignty 
And self-reliance. 
Let us resolutely defend 
Our Motherland, our sacred Soil 
And our Glorious Revolution I 


Long live, long live, long live, 
Democratic and prosperous new Kampuchea I 
Let us resolutely raise high 
The red Flag of the Revolution I 
Let us edify our Motherland I 
Let us make her advance with great leaps, 
So that She will be more glorious and 
more marvellous than ever I 

(non versified translation) 



Democratic Kampuchea is situated in the 
South East Asia, roughly between 10 and 15 
degrees of North Latitude and between 102 
and 108 degrees of East Longitude . The area 
is estimated at 181.035 square 
extends over a distance of 540 kilometers from 
North to South and of 570 kilometers from 
West to East. 

It is bordered in the West and North by 
the Kingdom of Thailand .in the North by the 
Lao People's Democratic Republic , in the East 
by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. In the 
South West, it is bordered by 460 kilometers 
of sea coast , including many dozens of islands , 
such as KohKong, KohTang, KohWay.Koh 
Tonsay, ... 

Democratic Kampuchea is an old marine 
gulf filled up by the alluviums of the Mekong 
river and the volcanic rise during the quaternary 
era. This geological formation explains the 
presence of sandy or granito-basaltic soils 
( called red soils ) in the mountainous massifs 
covered with dense forests and in the table- 
lands, of sandy clay soils in the plains and 
very fertile alluvial soils along the banks of 
the Mekong river and lakes. 

The relief of Kampuchea has the form 
of a wash-basin orientated from North-west 
to South-east. It is bound to the South by 
the sea , and to the South-west and West by 
table-lands and ranges of mountains ( ranges 
of Cardamones and ranges of Elephant at the 
medium height of 1 .000 meters with the highest 
peak being that of Aural at 1.813 meters), 
to the North ( ranges of Dangrek at the medium 
height of 700 meters ) ■ to the North-east and 
to the East ( table-lands of Rattanakiri, Haut- 
Chhlong and Mondulkiri ) . The Southeastern 
part is flat and taken up by the valley of the 
Mekong river. 

The center of the wash-basin is taken 
up by the plain of the Mekong river and that 
of the Great Lakes. 

The Mekong river runs across Democratic 
Kampuchea from the North to the South at 
500 kilometers long. It is a majestic river of 
which the width can reach 3 kilometers at 
certain places. It is navigable in all year round 
from the city of Krati6 in a distance of 300 
kilometers. In front of the capital Phnom Penh, 
the Mekong river is divided into two branches : 
the first holds its original name, the second 
is called Bassac . It is also at this place where 
the Mekong river meets the Tonle Sap river 
and joints it to the Great Lakes. The subdivision 
of the Mekong river into two branches and 
its junction with the Tonle Sap river form a 
big X which is called « Chakdomuk » or « Four 
Arms » made up by the high Mekong to the 
North-east, the low Mekong to the South-east, 
the Bassac to the South-west and the Tonle Sap 
river to the North-west.* 

The Great Lakes constitute in the North- 
western part of the country, an immense natural 
water reservoir and overflow of 1 50 kilometers 
long and 35 kilometers wide, covering an 
area of 3.000 square kilometers at a depth of 
2 meters during the low water. But during the 
high water, this area passes beyond 10.000 
square kilometers and the water depth reaches 
14 meters. 

The Tonle Sap, a river of 136 kilometers 
long and 500 meters wide joins the Great Lakes 
to the Mekong river. In rainy-season, at the 
rising of water , the water of the Mekong river 
flows into the Great Lakes. In dry-season, 
at the fall of water, the water of the Great 
Lakes springs backwards into the Mekong river. 
The Tonle Sap offers then this particularity of 
having a current which changes the direction 
twice a year with the rising and the fall of 
the Mekong river. 


Situated in the tropical zone and subject 
to the action of monsoons, Democratic Kam- 
puchea has a hot and humid climate. The 
average temperature of the hottest months is 
30°C , that of the coolest months is 26<>C . The 




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OKg Rau 


— i.5!5a. 

Monument of Angkor Wat 
( First half of the 12 th century ) 

Bas-relief of the Monument of Bantei Srey 
( 967-A.C. ) 

■•' ' :. ■ _ •. '•- 


year is divided into 3 seasons : a rainy season , 
hot and humid, from mid-May to October ; a 
dry and fresh season from November to Fe- 
bruary ( minimum 16°C ) ; a dry and hot season 
from March to mid-May ( maximum 40°C ) 


Democratic Kampuchea is essentially an 
agricultural country. The main culture is rice 
which constitutes the basic food of the po- 
pulation . Among the cereals and oleaginous 
plants there are corn, beans, peanuts, soy- 
bean,... and numerous varieties of potatoes, 
sweet potatoes, manioc. Fruits and vegetables 
are abundant. Tea, coffee and pepper are also 
cultivated. The principal industrial cultures 
are: rubber, coconut, cotton, sugar cane, jute, 
kapok, tabacco, grass cloth, mulberry for 
silk-worms . . . 

The forests in Democratic Kampuchea 
are among the most beautiful forests in the 
Southeast Asia and have the best species of 
trees. The animal life is represented by the 
herds of wild elephants, bovines, different 
kinds of deers, civet-cats, squirrels,... 

Rivers and lakes are very rich in fishes 
and fresh-water crayfishes. Sea coasts are 
also full of fishes. 

The minerals have still been not much 
exploited . 

Geographical survey (continued...) 

There are iron , coal , bauxite, phosphate, kaolin , 
gold, precious stones marble, lime... 


Since always t the people of Kampuchea 
live in the present territory. Since morertffan 
two thousand years they have their political 
and economical entity, their history, their 
traditions, their culture, their civilization, their 
art • 

The marvellous monuments of Angkor 
considered by the whole Humanity as one 
of the master - pieces over the world, give 
the resounding evidence of the brilliant civili- 

zation and the creative spirit of the working 
people of Kampuchea . 

At present, Democratic Kampuchea has 
a total population of 8.000.000 inhabitants 
of workers, peasants and labourers living in a 
society where there is neither rich nor poor , 
neither exploiting class nor exploited class and 
where equality, justice, democracy, harmony, 
happiness prevail in the large national union. 

The people of Democratic Kampuchea 
include Khmers (99 percent) and numerous 
national minorities living all together in the same 
and great family, closely united for defending 
and edifying the country . 

The national and official language is 

Khmer . 

Struggle of the people of Kampuchea against foreign invasion. Bas-relief 35 meters long and 3 meters high in the monument 
of Bayon , Angkor Thorn (end of the 12th century), in The Eastern part of the South wing-wall, external gallery. 


On April 1 7 , 1 975 , after having waged, with determination for 5 years and 
one month ( March 18, 1970 to April 17, 1975 ) , a stubborn and full of sacrifices 
revolutionary war of national and people's liberation against the barbarous and 
devastating war of aggression of the US imperialists and their lackeys of all 
kinds, the people of Kampuchea and their Revolutionary Army have totally and 
definitively liberated themselves from exploitation and oppression of imperialism, 
colonialism, neo-colonialism and all exploiting classes. The whole Nation 
has gained back its soul. The worker- peasant people have gained back their 
dignity and, with their Revolutionary Army, become master of their country and 
the State power, firmly holding in their hands the destiny of the nation, in full 
independence and sovereignty. 

During these past two years, the worker-peasant people and the Revolu- 
tionary Army of Democratic Kampuchea , under the just and clearsighted leadership 
of their Revolutionary Organization , have overcome innumerable obstacles and 
hardships, and they have achieved many exploits. Thanks to their resoluted and 
stubborn struggle, to their determination , to their pure patriotism and to their lofty 
revolutionary spirit, they have consolidated the worker- peasant State power and 
the gains of the Revolution , and they have won successive great victories in all 
fields of the national edification. By firmly abiding by the line of independence, 
sovereignty and self-reliance, they have engaged themselves, everywhere in the 
country, in an impetuous, vast and deep revolutionary mass movement with the 
firm conviction that the way of independence and sovereignty is a way full of 
difficulties and endurances, but that it is the way of honour and dignity. 

In two years, they have given the proof of their entire capabilities in mo- 
bilizing all their physical , moral and intellectual forces and all the natural resources 
to successfully defend and edify with determination and enthusiasm the indepen- 
dent, united, peaceful, neutral, non-aligned, souvereign Democratic Kampuchea 
within her territorial integrity. 


Everywhere in the country, at the countryside, in the factories and in 
the units of the Revolutionary Army, joy, enthusiasm and emulation prevail. 

The trade -union workers, the cooperative peasants, men and women 
fighters and cadres of the Revolutionary Army mobilize all their physical, moral 
and intellectual forces and they put forward their creative spirit and their in- 
genuity, their combativity and their revolutionary heroism in conformity with 
the principle of independence, sovereignty and self-reliance to successfully fulfil 
their revolutionary tasks of national defence and edification . Being masters 
of the destiny of their country, with determination and revolutionary opti- 
mism , they have transformed with their own hands the nature to build up a new 
prosperous and sound society where happiness, equality, justice and genuine 
democracy prevail, with neither rich nor poor, neither exploiting class nor 
exploited class, a society in which all the people live in harmony and in 
large national union and are closely united' together to participate in the 
production work, to defend and to edify the country. 

Ten thousands, twenty thousands, thirty thousands people are working 
in each worksite for building up reservoirs, canals, dikes,... The works are 
rapidly going forward . The rural areas of Democratic Kampuchea are under- 
going deep changes. 

The mobilization of this powerful collective force has been possible thanks 
to the ardent patriotism and to the close union of all worker-peasant people 
and the Revolutionary Army under the leadership of the Revolutionary Orga- 
nization, and also thanks to the existence of trade -unions and cooperatives 

* td 

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of agricultural production 
which have been set up 
all over the country and 
endowed with a lofty com- 
munity spirit. In the diffi- 
cult situation left over by 
the devastating war of 
aggression and when the 
people were short of 
everything, this collective 
force has surmounted all 
difficulties and obstacles 
and won great victories in 
all fields (political, defen- 
ce, economic, cultural, 
social ... ). These victories 
would not be possible 
without many acts of 
abnegation and heroism 
raised up by the revolu- 
tionary mass movement. 


These victories have 
rapidly improved the living 
conditions of the worker- 
peasant people and the 
Revolutionary Army who 
have benefited then all the 
fruits of their efforts. Their 
pride and their attachment 
for the Revolutionary Power 
and the community regime 
of the new society have 
been further strengthened, 
and they are more than 
ever determined to defend 
their Motherland and the 
gains of the Revolution, 
and to redouble their efforts 
in rapidly edifying the new 

With determination and revolutionary optimism, they are transforming with 
own hands the nature to build up a new prosperous and sound society. 


« Taking agriculture as fundamental factor 
and industry as important factor on the basis 
of the principle of independence, sovereignty 
and self -reliance », such could be defined the 
line set up by the Revolutionary Organization 
of Democratic Kampuchea for the edification 
of an independent national economy. 

In Democratic Kampuchea, an agricul- 

tural country, agriculture is the main source 
of capital accumulation in order to progres- 
sively edify light and heavy industries. In the 
present phase of national edification , everything 
including industry is put into the service of 
the development and modernization of the 
agriculture and most particularly on rice-grow- 
ing. For this purpose, the mastery of the 
water is a vital necessity. 

Harnessing the rice-fields in form of checker-board and the systems of irrigation 



New rice -field 


Newly built canal « April 
17 » of 49 kilometers long 
in the North-east region, 
irrigating tens thousands 
of hectares of lands. 

Under the slogan «with water we have 
rice, with rice we have everything)), the coope- 
ratives of agricultural production have mobilized 
their forces in harnessing the rice-fields in form 
of checker- boards and the irrigation systems. 
They have carried out important hydraulic works 
to irrigate now immense areas of lands, in dry 
season as well as in rainy season , and thus to 
make two crops of rice a year in all fertile soils* 

Before Revolution , during the dry and hot 
season (March to mid-May), the rural areas 
were arid. Now, they are covered by many hun- 
dred thousands of hectares of, dry season rice cul- 
ture. The water is gushing forth. And when there 
is water, the scenery is fresh, life is pleasant, 
humour is lively, culture is evergreen. Never the 
countryside has known such radical changes. 

The scenery of rice-fields in checker-boards, 
networks of irrigation, canals, dikes, and water 
reservoirs coming into view everywhere in the 
countryside shows that, thanks to the cooperatives , 
the peasants have acquired a great mastery of 
the water and have attained a high political con- 
sciousness. It strengthens the confidence of the 
worker-peasant people in the radiant future of 
their motherland and that of their own's. 

(1 ) - (2 ) - Water-gates in the Northwestern region 

(3) -Small hydro-electric power plant for the needs of the 

(4 ) -Water-gate on the Prek Thnot river for irrigating many 

thousands of hectares of lands 


Watergate in Pursat region entirely 
built out of wood . 

The dam of Baray Tuk 

Thta in Siemreap region 
built in the period of 
Angkor, damaged during 
the war, has been rapidly 
repaired and can keep 
water for irrigating the 
rice-fields in both districts 
of Siemreap and Puok . 

The dam on the Prek Thnot river in Kompong 

Speu region { in the West ) damaged during 

the war has been completely repared by the 

cooperative peasants. 

W^ter gate in the clislnU of Ponhea 

Lu ( near Phnom Penh ) regulating 

the water from t ho Tonle Sap river for 

irrigating the rice -fields. 


Before Revolution , the agriculture and espe- 
cially rice-growing was very backward . The poor 
peasants individually exploited small plots of land 
for a rent of about 50 per cent of the crop and 
they were prostrated by the usury at the rate of 
12 per cent a month. As for the landowners and 
the capitalists, everyone seized upon many hun- 
dreds of hectares of land and had agricultural 
machinery. But for everyone, the cultures depended 
mainly on the atmospheric conditions. Furthermore, 
fertilizers and insecticides imported from foreign 
countries were very expensive and were not practi- 
cally used. 

On Mai 20, 1973, in the thick of the war 
of aggression of the US imperialists who had 
mobilized all their air forces in the Pacific and 
South-east Asia against Kampuchea alone, the 
first cooperatives were established. 

During the people's and national liberation 
war, these cooperatives were the solid bases for 
the front and the rear. At the front, they were an 
inexhaustible source of supplies, of men and 
women fighters, of moral and material support. At 
the rear, they had abolished all feudalist and 
capitalist conditions of production, mobilized all 
forces and means of production and solved all the 
problems of supplies, in full independence and 
sovereignty . 

At present , the coo- 
peratives of agricultural pro- 
duction are all over the 
country. They are at the 
same time, the basic units 
of the people's power and 
those of the agricultural 
production . 

In a parallel direction 
with the movement of hy- 
draulic works for mastering 
the water, these coopera- 
tives push forward and 
maintain an impetuous mo- 
vement of making fertili- 
zers and insecticides from 
the resources existing abun- 
dantly everywhere in the 



1* — ~- 

The mostly used fertilizers are natural 
fertilizers made up of fertilizing plants ( such 
as eupaterium, ... ) , manures, compost, mud, 
silt, ... Every year, each cooperative prepares 
tens of thousands of tons of fertilizers in order 
to improve the soils at an average of 10 tons 
per hectare. 






% • 



The insecticides have been prepared from 
3 poisonous plants and are very effective , for 
*y destroy the insects and have fertilizing ef- 
;ts on the cultures. Each cooperative has its 
m workshop for preparing insecticides. 

Moreover, much care is given to the 
ection of seeds. Before harvesting, the best 
rs with the maximum of big grains have been 
lected and kept in stocks. 

Ab ove : Planting out rice by the col- 
lective force of the coope- 
rative peasants. 

Left : New look and new method 
of work in the rice - fields 
organized in the cooperatives 
of agricultural production . 

Right : Spreading natural fertilizer 
in the newly planting out 
rice -fields. Each hactare re- 
ceives 10 tons of natural 

& ■ m . w n 

Finally, the cooperatives of agricultural 
production have always discovered and made 
tools and agricultural machinery more and more 
up-to-date, better suitable to the needs of the 
development of production , and they have pro- 
gressively equipped themselves with motor-pumps , 
planting-machines, threshing-machines, winno- 

Jtfr«»«W> *- * ^m ** A**1 4 *»j f***!m^A. » ».»*W*,^ , 

Besides all these agricultural technics, the 
cooperatives attach a particular importance to the 
organization , the repartition and the use of forces 
and means of production: labours, draught- 
animals, machinery, tools,... 

A great impulsion is then given in all fields 
to the rice-growing production. At present, in 
the countryside, there is no dead season. 

In 1975, the cooperatives have obtained 
a sufficient crop to cover the needs of the na- 
tional consumption. In 1976, the crop was 
better than in 1975. It could feed the whole po- 
pulation and has some surplus for exportation. 
In 1977, two years after liberation, Kampuchea 
has again exported rice. 

All these speedy results have been achie- 
ved in a difficult situation left over by the deva- 
stating war of aggression , when the cooperatives 
of agricultural production were short of every- 

thing and the worker-peasant people had 
nothing else than their empty hands . But the 
just and clearsighted leadership of the Revolu- 
tionary Organization, the collective force of the 
worker-peasant people and the Revolutionary 
Army, their lofty political consciousness, their 
determination of struggle, their community 
consciousness and life, their abnegation and 
endurance in front of all difficulties , and finally 
their creative spirit for the service of their 
Revolution and their Motherland have been 
the determinant factors. 

These results have further strengthened 
the confidence of the worker-peasant people 
and the Revolutionary Army in their capabilities 
to edify the country and in the line of the 
Revolutionary Organization consisting in tran- 
sforming the backward agriculture into a mo- 
dern agriculture abiding by the position of 
being independent , sovereign and self-reliant. 


(1 )- Collecting green fertilizers 
(2) - Chopper- machine for green fertili- 
zers made by cooperative peasants 
(3) -Crushing phosphate fertilizer in a 
cooperative workshop 

(1 ) - Spraying of insecticide 

(2) - Mobilizing all energies to perma- 

nently irrigate rice -fields and 
•land : with windmill and pedal 
bucket -chain 

(3) -...with motor -„pump 

(4) -...with noria 

/ \ 

Collecting the best ears having the maximum of big grains for selection of seeds. Some varieties of paddy have more 

than 660 grains per ear. 


Rural scene of Democratic Kampuchea during the 
harvesting season . 

An excellent harvest, result of the collective force of the worker-peasant 
people and the Revolutionary Army , their lofty political consciousness . 
their determination of struggle, their community consciousness and 
life, their abnegation and their endurance in front of all difficulties. 








- i&m '^Lhk 


Corn has widespreadly grown in Democra- 
tic Kampuchea . It is the second cereal grown in 
the country. Its output has reached 4 tons per 

The industrial cultures include in the first 
place, the hevea-culture for which the fertility of 
red soils and the climatic conditions are very fa- 
vorable. The war of aggression of the US imperia- 
lists has destroyed it many thousands of hectares. 
But since liberation, the trade-union workers have 
brought these areas into exploitation and at present, 
the rubber- planting area is 40.000 hectares and has 
increased from year to year. The average output 
in latex is one of the highest in the world. 

The sugar palm-trees or «thnot» ( boressus 
flebelliformis ) are very widespread and very typical 
of the rural area in Kafmpuchea . One sugar palm- 
tree produces yearly about 400 liters of juice 
extract from inflorescences. This quantity of 
juice can be transformed into 26 kilograms of 
very flavoured sugar. The pulp of the fruit con- 
stitutes an excellent dessert and the root is used 
for medicine. The trunk of the tree can be used 
for making water-mains and joist. The leaves can 
be used as dividing walls, roofs or bags. The 
petioles can be transformed into cords. 

The culture of cotton is in full strides and 
it produces two crops a year with a yearly output 
of 5 to 7 tons per hectare. It supplies many 
textile factories. 

The culture of jute has been developed 
and supplies the factory of making rice-bags. 

Among the other industrial cultures there 
are coconut, sugar cane, tobacco, kapok, mul- 
berry for silk-worms, grass-cloth, ... 

(1) -Hevea 

(2) - Coconut 

(3) - Cotton 




(1 ) - Corn 

(2) - Sugar palm - tree 

(3) - Sugar cane 

(4) - Kapok 
(ft) - Jute 
(6) - Tobacco 


Democratic Kampuchea has plenty of fruits and vege- 
tables. The favorable climate and the fertile soils especially 
the alluvial soils along the rivers, the black soils and 
the red soils of volcanic origin are very well suitable to the 
cultures of fruit-trees and vegetables. 

Under the slogan «grow, grow, grow everywhere and 
not to leave out any inch of land», the peasants of the coo- 
peratives of agricultural production . the workers of the trade- 
unions, the units of the Revolutionary Army, the different 
organisms and services grow fruit-trees and vegetables. This 
movement extends all over the country. They grow in the 
fields, in the villages, alongside the roads, on the banks 
of the rivers, ponds and reservoirs, on the dikes, around 
the habitations, the factories and the working places, in 
the rural areas as in the cities where the slightest lots of 
land and the old empty areas have been transformed into 
gardens of fruit-trees and vegetables. 

Among the fruits, there are mangos, bananas, man- 
goustans, durions, jack-fruits, ramboutans, longans, letchis, 
papayas, sapodillas, water-melons, citrus fruits, pineapples, 
grape-fruits,... Among the vegetables, there are manioc, 
soybeans, sweet potatoes, beans, gourds, turnips, cucumbers, 
tomatoes, green peppers, lettuces, onions, aubergines, 
cabbages, spinachs, avocado-pears, ... 

Kampuchea is therefore evergreen because she is co- 
vered not only by paddy and industrial, oleaginous and cereal 
plants but also by fruit-trees and vegetables. The develop- 
ment of the culture of fruit-trees and vegetables has rapidly 
improved the living conditions of the population, and at 
the same time, transformed the scenery at the countryside 
and in the cities. 

(1 ) - Bananas 

(2) - Oranges 

(3) - Ananas 

(1 ) - Ramboutans 

(2) - Papayas 

(3) - Durions 

(4) - Water-melons 

(5) - Mangoustans 

(6) - Longans 

J * *v 


(1 ) - Abundant crop of vegetables in 

a cooperative 

(2) - Cucumbers 

(3) - Cabbages 

(4) - Long beans 


ij» ^ v\« 


(1 ) - Manioc 

(2) - Indian potatoes 

(3) - (4) -Gourds 


Since liberation, the breeding of oxen, 
buffalos, horses and elephants for transport and 
agricultural production works, as well as the 
raising of pigs, poultry, fishes, turtles, frogs 
and eels for consumption are in full strides. 

Oxen and buffalos are close « comrades- 
in-labour »of the peasants. At the present stage 
of national edification, the cooperatives of agri - 
cultural production, adhering to the position of 
independence, sovereignty and self-reliance, rely 
on the forces of oxen and buffalos in the agri- 
cultural works. They attach a particular impor- 
tance to the development of these forces. The 
animals have been bred with affection in well- 
covered and clean cattle-sheds. 

(1 ) - Breeding of oxen 
(2) -Bath for buffalos 
(3) - Close «comrades in labour»of the peasants 


(1 ) - raising of pigs 

(2) -raising of chickens for consumption 

(3) - ducks and eggs 

(4) - preparing foods for animals 

The breeding of horses and elephants is 
widespread for they help a lot in transports and 
heavy jobs. In the mountainous regions for exam- 
ple, elephants are very appreciated for they can 
travel long distances up hill and down dale, 
through streams, marshlands and forests. 

The raising of pigs and poultry has con- 
siderably been developed for it has been under- 
taken everywhere by the cooperatives of agricul- 
tural production, the trade unions, the units of 
the Revolutionary Army, the differents organisms 
and services. For this purpose, production centers 
have then been established. 

The animal husbandry is everywhere in 
full strides and becomes progressively to be in- 
dustrial. It brings about an important contribution 
to the improvement of living conditions of the 




The Tonle Sap river, the Mekong river, the 
Bassac river, the innumerable streams, lakes, ponds, 
and even the paddy-fields constitute as much ichthyo- 
logical reservations. The Great Lakes of Tonle Sap are 
well-known for being the richest place in fishes in the 
World. This wealth comes essentially from the parti- 
cular conditions of the regime of water which brings 
during the high water the area of the Great Lakes from 
3.000 square kilometers up to more than 10.000 square 
kilometers, decupling its volume of water and transfor- 
ming the surrounding flooded forests into an immense 
reservoir of plankton and favorable breeding places. 
In an area of 10.000 square kilometers, the Great Lakes 
produce each year about 10 tons of fishes per square' 

There are about 200 kinds of fishes in the fresh 
water of Kampuchea. Besides, there are large quanti- 
ties of shrimps and big crayfishes (30to40 centimeters 
long excluding their claws ). 

The fishing season starts with the fall of water. 
The period of « miraculous fishings » is in December, 
January and February at 7 days each time before the 
full moon. 

Before the Revolution, the fishing places were 
divided into individual fishing lots belonging to the 
capitalists. At present, all the fishing products have 
become the collective properties of the people. 

A miraculous fishing in the Great Lakes 

A fresh water fish weighing HO kg 
Fishing in the sea 


With fishes, the cooperatives make salt 
dry fishes, smoked fishes, fish pastes called 
«Prahoc» and Phaak», fish sauce called 
«Tuk Trei». The wastes of fishes are used as 
manures for the cultures of vegetables or are 
transformed into fish powder for animal food . 

The cooperatives make by themselves 
different fishing tools, such as screens, drag- 
nets, sweep-nets, bow- nets, and even boats 
and equipments for conserving and transporting 
fishes. Besides, they attach great importance 
to the protection and development of fishes, 
to the safeguard of flooded forests surrounding 

the Great Lakes which are favorable to fish breeding 
and reproduction in the high water season. 
Furthermore, the cooperatives develop fish breeding 
in the water reservoirs and irrigation canals they 
have built. 


Many kinds of fishes, lobsters, shrimps, 
prawns, crabs and other crustaceas as well as 
different shell-fishes (oysters, clams,...) lie hid- 
den within the seacoasts of Kampuchea. 

Being well- sheltered by many islands, the 
seacoasts of Kampuchea constitute the refuges of 
predilection for the shoals of migrating fishes. 
The fishing in the sea is carried out all year long. 

With rice, fish is one of the main com- 
ponents of food of the people of Kampuchea. 
But in spite of a very important consumption, 
the production is greatly in surplus, allowing the 
exportation of large quantities of fresh water 
fishes and sea fihses, fresh or dry. 

(1 ) - Preparing fish sauce called «Tuk Trer » 

(2) - Smoking fresh water fishes 

(3) - Drying salt fresh water fishes 


Before the arrival of the colonialists, cottage indus- 
try in Kampuchea had been very developed, especially in 
cartwright and ploughwright, forge, textile, pottery. But the 
colonialists and imperialists together with the traitors and 
exploiting classes had oppressed and even assassinated the 
craftsmen aiming at reducing to nothing the local production 
and to replace it by the importations of foreign products. 

During the revolutionary people's and national libe- 
ration war, the cottage industry has taken strength again. 
Adhering to the position of independence, sovereignty and 
self-reliance, the people of Kampuchea and their Revolu- 
tionary Army have made everything they needed from local 
raw materials: traditional and modern weapons, agricultural 
tools, boats, carts, material, medicine, food products,... 

Since liberation , the cottage industry is an important 
sector of production. Its fundamental role is to satisfy 
the immediate and long-dated needs of the development 
of rice-growing and current life. 

At present, in the cooperatives of agricultural pro- 
duction, foundries, manufacturing workshops of tools and 
equipments in iron, manufacturing workshops of equipments 
in wood produce a great quantity of axes, long knives, 
scythes, hoes, sickles, hammers, ploughs, harrows, carts, 
bucket chains,... and are able to satisfy in time the needs 
of the cooperatives. Besides, workshops of mechanical 



construction, spinning and weaving, factories of fish- 
sauce and soy-sauce, factories of foods for animals, paddy 
husking-machines, factories of soap, pottery and jars, 
brick-works, tile-works,... are in full strides and actively 
contribute to solve all the current problems of material life. 

All these workshops are not limited to gather the 
traditional know-how and experiences. They have proceeded 
to many improvements and creations. Thus, the forges, 
which had from the beginning only one blowing-fan, are 
transformed into foundries. The workshops of the cottage 
industry have also recuperated old gasoline engines to 
make them suitable for motor- pumps after having converted 
them into fuel oil engines orgasogene engines for economi- 
cal reasons. The workshops of cartwright and ploughwright, 
which before made only simple bucket-chains, have now 
produced big hydraulic wheels suitable to many rammers 
in wood for husking the paddy. The cottage industry 
workshops make also winnoving-machines and threshing- 
machines in wood, paddy husking-machines, automatic 
choppers of green fertilizers, power-looms or semi-auto- 
matic looms in wood. 

The cottage industry workshops have often included 
repairing workshops. They have been progressively grown 
up. With the accumulation of experiences and knowled- 
ges, the workmen have better mastered the technics and 
transformed the workshops into manufactories or small 


(1 ) - Five wooden automatic winnowing machines 
operating with a 4 HP engine. They can win- 
now 20 tons of paddy a day 

(2) - Making oxen -carts in a cooperative 

(3) - A manufacturing workshop of equipments in 

wood producing bucket-chains 

(4) - Products of a manufacturing workshop of tools 

and equipments in iron 
( 5 ) - Products in silk of weaving workshop 
(6) - A spinning and weaving workshop 


Just after seizing the political power, the working 
class has taken over the technical power . A new ge- 
neration of men and women workers is born , consi- 
sting of young men and women fighters of the Revo- 
lutionary Army issued from the peasants of poor and 
inferior middle strata . They are endowed with the 
profound love for the people, the Motherland and the 
Revolution , and with a lofty spirit of collectivity. They 
are armed with the revolutionary position of independence, 
sovereignty and self-reliance , the position tempered 
during the 5 years of the people's and national libera- 
tion war . At the present stage of the Revolution, they 
place their abnegation, their stubbornness, their enthu- 
siasm, and their creative spirit for the service of national 
defence and edification . 

While the cooperatives of agricultural production 
mobilize all their efforts to solve the problem of water 
and to modernize and develop agriculture, the trade- 
unions concentrate their forces in repairing the damaged 
factories, rebuilding the factories destroyed by the war 
and increasing the industrial production . This production 
is put into the service of agricultural development and 
modernization and of the improvement of the living 
conditions of the worker-peasant people, that is for the 
strengthening of national independence and sovereignty. 

(1 ) - Moulding 

(2) - New foundry under construction 


n the neo-colonial regime before liberation, 
the factories were equipped with imported outfits 
and machinery, relied on the foreigner for spare 
parts and raw materials. The machine-tools were 
rarely operated by the nationals. Now, the new 
generation of men and women workers of Demo- 
cratic Kampuchea has entirely taken over the func- 
tioning of all the factories which have henceforth 
supplied with local made spare parts and acces- 
sories and with raw materials produced in the 

At the same time, under the slogan « Do the 
utmost to rapidly increase the production in quantity 
and quality while spending less», the trade-unions 
have built new factories , restored and improved 
the existing equipments and adopted new methods 
of production which increase the output while 
reducing the cost. 

( 1 ) - New generation of workers in a 
machines tools workshop 

(2) - Local made spare parts 

(3) - Woman worker determined to take 

in fiands the technical power 


In order to help agriculture to be developed and 
modernized and in order to improve the living con- 
ditions of the people in adhering to the principles of 
independence, sovereignty and self-reliance in confor- 
mity with the economic policy of the Revolutionary 
Organization , the trade-unions have multiplied , enlarged 
and modernized the foundries , and they have created , 
improved and produced equipments for hydraulic works, 
motor-pumps of all kinds, agricultural machinery such 
as paddy planting- machines, motor - cultivators , see- 
ders , harvesters , threshing - machines , husking - ma- 
chines, winnowing- machines, grinding - machines of 
natural fertilizers , . . . For all these products , the 
workers have worked in close cooperation with the 
peasants. The agricultural machinery produced by the 
factories meets perfectly with the needs specified by the 
cooperatives of agricultural production whicl> often 
produce them in their own workshops. 


(1 ) - Automatic threshing -machines 

(2) - Combine -harvesters 

(3) - Semi-automatic threshing-machines 

(1 ) - Factory of making crepe-rubber 

(2) - Hose-pipes for moto-pumps 

(3) - Sandals and tyres for bicycles 
( 4 ) - Factory of making jute bags 

( 5 ) - Manufactures of clothes 

( 6 ) - Factory of making tyres 

( 7 ) - Textile factory 

(8) - Factory of making sewing threads 

( 9 ) - Factory of making blankets 

Salt- pans 

Household requisites 

Besides the production of agricultural tools and ma - 
chinery, the trade -unions have developed the factories of 
making crepes - rubber and goods from rubber (tyres for 
cars, bicycles and moto-bicycles, sandals, hose-pipes for 
moto- pumps , ... ) They have also increased the production 
of jute bags, bran oil, looms, material, clothes, blankets con- 
struction materials (cement, bricks, tiles, ...) the production 
of salt, household requisites (ustensils, pottery, earthen- 
wares,... ). All these factories use the local raw materials: 
rubber latex, cotton Jute, rice, limestone, clay,... 

The trade-unions have given proof of their great 
combativity and their fruitful ingenuity. While serving the 
modernization of agriculture, they have progressively deve- 
loped and strengthened foundations of the heavy industry. 
Thanks to their firm revolutionary consciousness, to their 
high spirit of responsibility, to their ardent patriotism and to 
their lofty sense of national honour, the trade-unions have 
closely linked the practical work to the theoretical studies, drawn 
in collectivity the lessons from their experiences, and have 
rapidly mastered the technique and science. Under the correct 
leadership of the Revolutionary Organization, they have sco- 
red great successes and consolidated their confidence in their 
own forces to edify an independent, strong and prosperous 
national industry. Within the space of two years, they have 
brought about an active and important contribution to the 
deep transformations which are taking place in the whole 
country, to the consolidation of the national defence and 
the gains of the Revolution, to the rapid development of 
national edification and to the firm conviction of the worker- 
peasant people and their Revolutionary Army in the brilliant 
and prosperous future of Democratic Kampuchea. 


Cement factory 

Communication Lines and Transports 

By the end of 1975, all communication 
lines have been re-opened to the traffic. Parti- 
cularly, the railroads of which the bridges had 
been destroyed and the rails removed in hun- 
dreds of kilometers during the war have since 
November 1975 been repaired. Since then, the 
railway traffic has been resumed on the whole 
network which connects the Northwestern regions 
( Battambang, Pursat, Kompong Chhnang ) to the 
seaport of Kompong Som, via the capital 
Phnom Penh, for about 700 kilometers. The roads 
badly damaged and cut off at numerous places 
and of which almost all the bridges had been 
destroyed, have also brought' into service again. 
Hundreds of enemy's ships sunk during the war 
have been removed from the waterways. The 
international airport of Pochentong and the seaport 
of Kompong Som have been re-opened to normal 

In order to respond to the consecutive 
increasing needs of transport for the development 
of production in all fields, all the traditional and 
modern means of transport are mobilized. In the 
forestry and mountainous regions, the transport 
by elephant is very appropriate. In rural areas, 
the oxen-or buffalos-carts are mostly used, for 
they are better suitable, But the mostly used 
means of transport are ships, barges and boats, 

for the waterways are many and most economic. 
The railways and roads are used where the water- 
ways are not available. 

Furthermore, applying with determination 
the principles of independence, sovereignty and 
self-reliance, the trade-unions build ships and 
barges in wood with a capacity from 200 to 500 
tons, and they have built ships entirely in steel 
with a capacity of 500 tons. Likewise, they build 
many waggons and tank-waggons to increase the 
capacity of the railway transport: 

Finally, the transport of electric power by 
cable has also been developed with the construc- 
tion of hydro-electric dams. 

With the development of agricultural and 
industrial production, the exchanges between the 
cooperatives of agricultural production, between 
the factories, between the cooperatives and the 
factories have been intensified. In the same 
way, the activities in connection with the 
international trade have further been developed. 
The improvement of communication lines, the 
building of new roads and new traditional and 
modern means of transport are then very important 
tasks, to which all the trade-unions of communi- 
cation lines and transports settle down day and 
night with ardour and diligence. 


A newly -built ship entirely in steel with a 
capacity of 500 tons. 

(1) -Transport by elephant in moun- 
tainous regions 

(2) - Traditional oxen -carts 

(3) - Transport by horse - carts in rubber 


Construction of tank -waggons 


Transporting agricultural equipments to the 
cooperatives by railways 

Seaport of Kompong Som 





Ml- 70 to 80% of the railroad and highway's bridges were destroyed during 

the war. They have then progressively been repaired. Here is a railroad s 

bridge under reparation. 
( 2 ) - Transport by trucks is important for rapidly dispatching goods to or from 

the cooperatives 
(3). High voltage lines have been developed to meet the need's of industry 

and the improvement of the living conditions of the people 


The policy on education, litterature and culture 
is to proceed in close connection with practical work, 
production, love for Motherland, national defence and 
edification. The studies have then been essentially 
carried out in the factories and agricultural cooperatives. 

Before liberation, pupils and students were cut 
off from practice, from the real conditions of their 
country, and they did not know how to do anything 
concretely. They knew nothing about the natural scien- 
ces of their country. They only relied on foreign techni- 
cians and materials, on foreign methods and norms. 
They could not then fulfil the tasks of national cons- 
truction for the good of the people, for the improvement 
of the living conditions of the people. 

The entrance of a school 

A classroom 

At the library 


( 1 ) - Political education 

(2) - Chasing away birds from eating the 


(3) - Taking care of the animals 

(4) - Growing vegetables 

( 5 ) - Collecting green fertilizers 

In the present system of education, the children study 
basic cultures, from 2 to 3 hours a day in the classroom with 
■ new kind of handbooks. But most particularly, in the remai- 
ning hours, they participate in the factories of making agricul- 
tural tools and spare parts, of repairing machinery and engines 
of different vehicles (cars, motocycles, tractors,...). In the 
cooperatives of agricultural production, they participate in all 
works : growing rice and vegetables, collecting and making 
natural fertilizers and insecticides, building dams, canals, 
reservoirs and different systems of irrigation, breeding oxen, 
and buffalos, raising pigs and poultry,... They perfectly know 
the early rice, intermediary rice, late rice, the duration of their 
vegetative cycle. They know when, where and how to carry 
out the sowing and the planting out. They can tell the diffe- 
rent between low paddy-fields and high paddy-fields. They 
know how to master oxen and buffalos, being master of the 
nature in which they live. Briefly, they perfectly know the 
natural sciences of their country and are fond of production 
works, oxen, buffalos, fields and rice-fields, rice and other 
cultures, systems of irrigation, canals and other hydraulic 
achievements. They love their villages and their Motherland. 
They love and respect the people with whom they live closely. 
They are well-disciplined and masters of themselves, skilful 
and very alive, neither fearful nor presumptuous or insolent. 
This close liaison between theory and concrete practice 
in the specific conditions of their Motherland has made the 
children rapidly progress in all fields : political, ideological, 
organizational, cultural , technical and scientific. Being aware of 
its brilliant future, the new revolutionary generation is happy, 
enthusiastic and proud to earnestly fulfil their tasks for the 
service of the Motherland, the People and the Revolution. 

(1 ) - Training at the machines-tools 

(2) - Learning how to repair the 


(3) - Participating in making agricul- 

tural equipments 

Social and Medical Development 

Before liberation , the poor peasants had lived in misery. 
They lived in the old huts having holes and opening to the 
wind and rain, and in the unhealthy environment. They were 
short of everything to eat their fill, to clothe and to take 
care of themselves. 

In the present new society, the worker-peasant people 
have no more worried about these above problems . Every- 
thing is taken in charge by the State and the collectivity. The 
worker- peasant people have been assured to have sufficient and 
different kinds of food. It is not yet abundant, indeed, but 
the quality and quantity have unceasingly increased with the 
progress achieved in the economical development. Clothes 
are supplied by the cooperatives and trade-unions. It is not 
indeed luxury but the quality is always getting better. Besides, 
the cooperatives have built for each family new houses , well- 
arranged, clean, in conformity with all hygienic rules and 
surrounded by different cultures. These houses are built out 
of wood with their roofs in tiles. Since their ancestors, it is 
the first time that the poor peasants live in such confortable 
houses. Each cooperative, each district, each region has 
established its annual programme on housings for the popu- 
lation. Furthermore, the cooperatives of agricultural produc- 
tion of which some have more than one thousand families, 
have their schools, their common building for meals and 

meetings, their different workshops of 
cottage industry, their paddy grain - 
storages, their cattle-sheds, their 
animal husbandry centers, etc... The 
satisfaction of social , economical and 
cultural needs of the inhabitants has 
then been assured and improved as 
in proportion to the successes won 
in the tasks of national defence and 

Above : Happy and proud to participate in the edification of 
the new and prosperous Kampuchea with full con- 
fidence in their brilliant future 

Left : Newly -built housings in a cooperative of ,-. . 
tural production 

(1 ) - The cooperative doctors getting ready for regular medi- 
cal visit 

(2) - Medical care given at the worksite 

(3) - Learning from olds -aged peasant on traditional medicine 

(4) - Regular medical visit at home 

(5) - Making of traditional medicine 

(6) - For the eradication of malaria 

(7) - Fabrication of serum 
(8 ) - Vaccination 

(9) - Surgical operation in a distiict hospital 

10) - Traditional medicine produced by the cooperatives 

A~. \ \ fCl^*S»&S 

1 . i£fe*a*dfc. . i 


In the medical field , each cooperative , each district . 
each region has its own dispensary and hospital. Every- 
where, doctors are permanently with the workers and 
peasants for giving them cares in the villages as at the 
worksites of the agricultural and hydraulic works. Being 
sons and daughters of the poor workers and peasants or 
peasants of middle inferior strata, these doctors are who- 
leheartedly devoted to the Revolution, the Motherland and 
the People whose health is their main concern . To 
fight against malaria which had caused grave disturbances 
in the works for national defence and edification , a three 
year plan has been elaborated for putting an end to this 
disaster. In only one year, this plan has already been 
achieved to 70%. The case of malaria has considerably 
been reduced. Besides, a particular importance is given to 
the preventive medicine and to the hygienic measures. 
The vaccinations against the contagious diseases ( cholera 
smallpox .... ) are generalized and periodic . The hygienic 
measures have been carried out permanently . All muddy 
places have been eliminated . The cattle - sheds and the 
animal husbandry centers are built far from housings 
and kept constantly clean. 

1 t~4 



As for medicine, each cooperative, each district, 
each region has its own center of making traditional 
and modern medicine, from the raw materials in the 
country. Pharmaceutical researches have also been car- 
ried out in these centers to use to the maximum the 
abundant pharmaceutical resources of the country and 
also to develop the preparation of extracts for the 
composition of modern medicine. The effectiveness of 
traditional medicine is very satisfactory and increased 
with experiences , when that of modern medicine meets 
with the international norms. The doctors have im- 
proved and developed their knowledges by studying 
in practice and making use of this practice in the con- 
crete conditions of the country. They have then rapidly 
mastered the various medical specialities such as sur- 
gery, gynecology, ophthalmology, pneumology, gastro- 
enterology, ... The young medical students have been 
trained in conformity with this method and rapidly follow 
the line laid out by their revolutionary elders . 

Having unceasingly improved their social, econo- 
mical, material, and sanitary conditions, the worker - 
peasant people have full possibility to mobilize all their 
physical, moral and intellectual forces for defending and 
rapidly edifying a sound and prosperous new society. 

(1 ) - Pediatry 

(2) - Surgical operation in Phnom Penh's hospital 

(3) - Testing of medicine for effectiveness 

(4) - Verification of medicine after preparation 

(5) - (6) - Fabrication of medicine in ampoules 
(7 ) - Making of tablets 

(8) - Fabrication of vaccins 

(9) - Testing of medicine on rabbit for effectiveness 


Democratic Kampuchea, born after the great 
victory of April 17th, 1975, resolutely follows 
the policy of non-alignment. This is a strategical 
and non-occasional position, for it corresponds 
to the profound aspirations of our people. We 
have firmly abided by this position since 1955, 
and this position was constantly prevailing during 
the whole war for national and people's libera- 
tion against the barbarous war of aggression of 
the US imperialists and their lackeys (1970- 
1975). After our victory, we have repeatedly 
proclaimed this position . Our Constitution has 
made it clear as follows: 

« Democratic Kampuchea resolutely 
remains in the great family of non- 
aligned countries ». 

For centuries, we had been victim of inter- 
ventions, interferences and aggressions. During 
this period, we had lost a lot of our territories 
and our country was meanly reduced to slavery. 
Our national dignity was despised and our people 
had lived in the worst misery. We had almost 
completely lost our national soul. Now, our 
country and our people are liberated. Therefore, 
our people have recovered their national dignity 
together with their soul. They are endowed with 
ardent and pure patriotism . They have no feelings 
of contempt or hostility for the others. They have 
no intention of expansion, annexation or aggres- 
sion with regard to any country. Our Constitution 
stipulates as follows: 

<c Democratic Kampuchea is endowed with 
goodwill and firmly determined to maintain close 
and friendly relations with all countries having 
common borders with her, and with all countries 
throughout the world, near or far, on the strict 
basis of mutual respect of sovereignty and terri- 
torial integrity ». 

« Democratic Kampuchea abides by a policy 
of independence, peace, neutrality and non-align- 
ment. No foreign country whatever is allowed to 
establish military bases on her territory. She 
stands resolutely against all foreign interference 
in her internal affairs and fights resolutely against 
all subversive and aggressive acts from outside. ..» 

« Democratic Kampuchea never interferes in 
any case in the internal affairs of other countries. 
She scrupulously abides by the principles that 
every country is sovereign and has the right to 
dispose and decide by itself its internal affairs 
without foreign interference ». 

Our country is small, with a small popula- 
tion and remains still poor. But our people, like 
all other peoples, cherish independence and peace. 
Like other peoples too, they have to resolutely 
defend their national independence and their ter- 
ritorial' integrity. Our people, like other peoples, 
need to be master of their own destiny, and in 
any case, they do not want any foreigner to do 
it at their place. Therefore, like other peoples, 
our people have to defend the principles of equa- 
lity, mutual respect of independence, sovereignty, 
territorial integrity and mutual interests. We have 
always respected and defended these principles, 
for these are the aspirations of our people. We 
all, small, medium-size and weak countries the 
world over, are extremely attached to these 
principles and are safeguarding and defending 
them resolutely. That is our profound conviction. 

It is for this reason that Democratic Kampu- 
chea remains in the great non-aligned family. The 
great non-aligned family is ours. The place of 
Democratic Kampuchea is in the great non-aligned 
family which we are sincerely attached to. We 
are determined to carry out our activities within 
this great family to defend and consolidate the 
sacred principles of non-alignment, and that, by 
all our forces and in accordance with the possi - 
bilities of our country which is just out from 
the war. 

At the same time, Democratic Kampuchea 
does her utmost to jointly unite with and support 
t he revolutionary movements of the peoples in the 
world and with the movements of struggle of the 
brotherly peoples in the Third World for inde- 
pendence, freedom, democracy, friendship and 
social progress. We will do everything to bring 
them support and we consider this as a revolu- 
tionary noble duty. Our country is small, our 
people remains still poor and we are just out 
from the war. Nevertheless, we try our best to 


express our solidarity with and bring them our 
support, particularly in the political and moral 
lelds. Our determination is unshakable to remain, 
n all circumstances, by the side of the brotherly 
peoples of the Third World against imperialism, 
;olonialism and against any act of interference 
and aggression from outside. 

We are firmly confident that the sacrifices 
consented by our people in their struggle for 
national and people's liberation against the war 
of aggression of the US imperialist constitue a 
modest contribution to the struggle of the peoples 
of the world against imperialism and colonialism. 
They modestly contribute at the same time to 
the strengthening of the non-alignment principles. 

The Heads of State, the Heads of Government and the Representatives of the Heads of State of the Non-aligned 
Countries at the opening of the Colombo Conference (August 16, 1976) . 

Our people are convinced that their present 
efforts to win success in the pursuit of the Re- 
volution in their country , in the rehabilitation of 
economy and in the national edification based on 
the principles of independence, sovereignty and 
self-reliance, will be another modest contribution 
o the revolutionary movements of the peoples in 

the world, to the movements of struggle of the 
brotherly peoples in the Third World, and to the 
consolidation of the cause of our great non - 
aligned family. Our slogan is the following: it is 
only by striving to carry out well our revolution 
by ourselves that we could well contribute to the 
revolution in the world and to the struggle of 
the peoples of the Third World . 

( Excerpt from the speech of the President of the Presidium of the State of Democratic Kampuchea at the 5th Summit 
■ Conference of Non-Aligned Countries. —Colombo-Sri Lanka-16-19 August 1976) 


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Swimming across the river to attack the enemy. 

The Revolutionary Army of Kampuchea was 
founded on January 17th, 1968, starting from 
the underground guards created in 1961 after the 
Revolutionary Organization had defined in 1960 
the strategic and tactical lines of the national 
democratic revolution. These underground guards 
had been organized into guerilla units which had 
progressively been transformed into regional and 
regular forces. Consisting of young poor workers 
and peasants, the Revolutionary Army has consen- 
ted tremendous sacrifices and, day and night, 
in dry season as in rainy season, enduring all 
kinds of hardships and privations, shorting of 
everything, food, medicine, clothes, ammunitions. 
It valiantly fought during the guerilla war, the 
front war, the civil war and the revolutionary 
people's and national liberation war against the 
war of aggression of the US imperialists and their 
lackeys until the glorious historic victory of 
April 17th, 1975. 

It is not then an army trained from any 
military Academy, but it is the product of the re- 
volutionary movement itself. It has started from 
scratch with almost empty hands. But educated 
and led by the Revolutionary Organization of 
Kampuchea, it has assimilated and mastered in 
the flames of combats, the line, strategies and 
tactics of the people's war. It is an army born, 
grown up and tempered in the blazing flames of 
the revolutionary war. Its power is in its lofty 
ideological, political, and organizational level, 
and in the correct revolutionary line of the 
Revolutionary Organization of Kampuchea, line 
of independence, sovereignty and self-reliance. 
Those are the determinant factors of the victory 
won by the Revolutionary Army of Kampuchea 
against the war of aggression of the US im- 
perialists, in spite of having no ship, no plane, 
no tank, and only some cannons captured from 
the enemy. 


The Revolutionary Army of Kampuchea is not and 
will never bean aggressive army. But in case of aggres- 
sion against Democratic Kampuchea by any country 
whatever, it will resolutely fight closely united with the 
worker-peasant people as many years as needed to de- 
fend the independence, sovereignty and territorial integri- 
ty of the country. 

After liberation, gun in one hand and hoe in the 
other, men and women fighters, and cadres of the Revolu- 
tionary Army have valiantly defended the country and the 
gains of the Revolution and actively participated in the 
works of national edification . In close collaboration with 
the trade-unions and the cooperatives of agricultural 
production, the Revolutionary Army's units always awa- 
keningly hold their revolutionary vigilance and are deter- 
mined to wipe out the enemy of all kinds to resolutely 
oppose against all acts of aggression, subversion, and 
interference in the internal affairs of the country. They 
have successfully prevented the enemy of all kinds from 
infiltrating inside the ground and maritime frontiers and 
undermining the Revolution from outside and inside. In 
parallel with their activities of national defence, the Revo- 
lutionary Army actively participates in developing many 
fallow lands in the continent and in all the islands of 
Democratic Kampuchea. It takes an active part in all national 
construction works. It lives, works with the worker- 
peasant people, shares their weal and woe. It forms 
with the worker- peasant people a one and the same body, 
the same flesh and the same blood. 

(1 ) - (2) - Units of the Revolutionary Army 

(3) -Women fighters during the war 

(4) -Women fighters growing rice 

(5) -A unit of the Revolutionary Army developing fallow lands in an 
island for different cultures to solve their living self-reliantly 

uCir Tr 

Entirely devoted to the Revolutionary Organization, to 
the Nation and to the worker-peasant people, the Revolutio- 
nary Army continues to strengthen itself in all fields, ideological, 
political, organizational, and material. It now fulfils all the 
required conditions of a genuine army of three arms: land, 
naval , air . It is a genuinely revolutionary army who have valiantly 
assured the defence of the ground and maritime frontiers, of 
the air space and the entire national territory, always ready 
to resolutely wipe out rationally and scrupulously the enemy 
of all kinds, being always master of the situation and carrying 
out, with a lofty sense of responsibility, the military, foreign and 
internal policy of the Revolutionary Organization of Kampuchea. 

(1)-and (2) -Taking an active part 
in all national construction works 

(3) -Always with a lofty revolutionary 

(4) -Determined to resolutely safeguard 
the gains of the gains of the Re- 
volution and defend the indepen- 
dence . sovereignty and territorial 
integrity of the Motherland .