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Beginning January 27, 1924, and ending September el, 1924. 
Relating to the collecting of natural history specimens for 
the Smithsonian Institution by -- 

David C. Graham 

January 27, 1924. About this time I was on my way to 
Yachow. Secured the white stork. It was in a flock of smaller 
white storks, so that the Chinese called it the king of the 
small storks. 

February 4, 1924. About this time I came down the Ya 
River to Kiating. This river is famous for its fine duck 
hunting. It is the best river for duck hunting in Szechuan. 

February 25, 1924. About this time I was at Chengtu, 
and came down the Min River to Kiating, securing sme interest- 
ing specimens. 

March 6, 1924. Came down the Min River from Kiating 
to Suifu. 

April 14, 1924. Went on a two-hours hunting trip. 
Killed ten birds. Two were new to my collecting. The best 
skinner was busy and could not help. The other skinner did 
poor work, end argued thet better work could not be done. 
I'll try giving all the work to the better skinner for 
awhile and see if the other skinner will weke up and do 
better. First steamer departed. Larger ones should come 
soon. | 

April 15, 1924. As soon asthe larger steamers ar- 
rive it will be safe to forward the shipment of 710 birdskins. 

April 16, 1924. So cold and rainy that the netter 
could not go out to work. 

April 17, 1924. Storm continued, but cleared up a 
little in the afternoon. Mailed two boxes of insects. Re- 
ceipts are numbered 13 and 14. Ome box is No. 159, 1924. 
Rat got in and destroyed a small-sized grebe. Have three 
other specimens. Hope he enjoyed the areenic. 

April 18, 1924. Very hot. 

April 19, 1924. Hot weather. 


April 20, 1924. Two steamers arrived from Chungking, 
showing that after months traffic between Chungking and Suifu 
has opened up. I intend to send off all the specimens that 
can be sent by parcel post as early as possible, lest civil 
war breaks out or brigends again begin operations on the 
river, thus making it impossible to send the specimens. 

April 21, 1924. Mailed 15 boxes, lz of birdskins 
and one of small mammal skins. | 

Went hunting in the afternoon, securing nine small 
birds in bamboo groves just outside the city west of Suifu. 

April 22, 1924. Mailed two more boxes of birdskins. 

Wrote consul. : 

Wrote Customs officiels. 

Wrote Postmaster, Chungking concerning the shipment 
of birdskins. 

, April 23, 1924. Wrote Consul Ogden about the road to 
Songpan, whether infested with brigands or not. Went to the 
post office to see about the specimens mailed. They will be 
sealed and forwarded today. May they travel safely and fast!! 
Iwo big moths hatched out of cocoons. 

April 24, 1924. Secured and skinned a common house 
mouse (secured yesterday, skinned todey). 

April 25, 1924. Wrote to collector Ho-at Chengtu. 
Wrote to a friend at Tsaw' Ting'’ Yunnan to secure a native 
collector of insects. Also wrote to a friend at Ningyuanfu, 
Szechuen,;. Two big moths hatched out. 

April 26, 1924. Another big moth hatched out. 
Collector Chen brought several lepidoptera. 

Packed the twenty-second box of birdskins, marked 
"Birdbox No. 17,80 Birdskins." ) 

April 27, 1924. Another moth hatched out. 

April 28, 1924. Several moths hatched out. Wrote Mr. Kiating about taking specimens to Shanghai. 

April 29, 1924. Tied ropes around the bird boxes. 
Packed insect box No. 161. Preparation for trip south of 
Suifu. Cabbage butterflies hatched out. I had fed the wrms 
only a few days ago. They were in the cocoon stage only a 
few days. 


April 30, 1924. Mailed box No. 161 - insects. Went to 
Li Chuang by boat. Saw some strange ducks, but did not get a 
shot at them Practically all ducks have migrated northward. 
There was a big idol procession et fii Chuang that drew thousands 
of spectators. 

Mey 1, 1924. Trevelled about 18 miles to Gi* Tien' Ba*. 
Got two small birds and a few small insects. Shot at a yellow- 
necked small white heron, a long-distance fly shot, but did not 
get the bird. 
May 2, 1924. Travelled about 12 miles to Muh Jiu Pin: , 
Killed a desirable bird, or rather wounded it. It dropped over 
a cliff. A farmer appeared and tried to catch it. I told him 
not to take it by the tail, but he did, and all the tail 
feathers came out. I turned the bird loose. Another bird was 
shot to pieces and so was useless, but a third was secured in 
fine condition - a yellow one with black feathers. 

May 3, 1924. At this time I found that the coolie 
at home had left out all my ammunition I had told him to put 
in, so had to hire a messenger and send him to Suifu after it. 
Reached Muh Jiu Piu. Killed a pretty yellow bird with black.. 
Killed another bird. A Chinese caught it by the tail and 
pulled all the feathers out, spoiling it. 

Mey 4, 1924. Reached Li Tuan Tsang. 

) Shot one bird yesterday with the shotgun and blew 
it to pieces, so that it was useless. Another was wounded, 
but a Chinese caught it by the tail, and all the teil 
feathers came oute I turned the bird loose in the woods. 

At Li Tuan Tsang. killed a bird with bright blue bill, 
bright blue eyelids, and a brown tail with two long feathers 
and short ones. Body slightly bigger than a sparrow. Wing 
brownish red, head shining black - probably a flycatcher. 
Went on six miles to 1 Nyan Lin Chiao.’ 
Ce, 4 

May 5, 1924. Went to Tong Fo Gin,’ about twelve miles 
south of Nyan Lin Chiao. Killed three heron, white, with 
yellow on necks and backs. One heron white on breast, dark 
blue on back, ete. Total of six birds. Found coolie did 
not put in any arsenic!! One brown bird, probably a fly- 
catcher, secured an unconmon butterfly generally found 
on oak leaves. 

onl. a 

May 6, 1924. Went to Tsenf Lin Shien,” Verychet. 
Killed four birds, only two useful. 

Was invited to hunt leopards, and assured that they 
could be found. As I had only the shotgun and the game- 
getter, which is single fire, it did not seem to me wise to 
tackle leopards. 

May 7, 1924. I expected to go further south to the 
high hills where the aborigines vi and where there should 
be excellent specimens, but the official reported that a 
strong band of robbers was operating in that section, and 
advised me not to go. Killed two birds. Light rain. 

Mery 8, 1924. Killed six birds. Caught a large 
turtle and some insects. The turtle was in a temple pool. 

The officiel confirmed the report that it was un- 
safe to go into the country of the aborigines. 

Mey 9, 1924. Went to Kong Shien. Killed seven 
birds on the way. Got an uncommon butterfly. A cloudy day, 
threatening raine 

May 10, 1924. Got four birds, one rare, two un- 
comnon. All good. Went to Shuin Gien Fu, 40 11 or about 
LS miles. Su 

Mey 11, 1924. Went to Hua Tan Chiao. Secured a 
number of good insects, two birds, one a kingfisher. 

Found ea place in a grove where I saw and caught a 
number of rare insects. Saw one butterfly I never saw be- 
fore, but he escaped. Caught a reddish frog that the 
Chinese say lives on the hills and mountains. Killed 
five new birds. 

A warm day. 

The Chinese everywhere have home-made shotguns and” 
are killing many birds. : 

NV ef nf 

May 12, 1924. Travelled about 17 miles to Nyan Vin 
Chino. Got arene interesting insects, one new beetle, one 
new ant, one new butterfly, one new bird ( new to my collect- 
ing). In all killed six birds. 

Very hot. 

The Skinner is cross because he va to stay up late 
at night so often to get done. 

ey 13, 1924. Travelled across the country to Muh 
Jia’ Piu.”. : 


May 14, 1924. Travelled to Ui Chuang. Got a sparrow 
hawk, colored a little like a plymouth rock chicken. Caught 
several interesting insects. A very hot, dry day. Travelled 
about 20 miles. Hawk had red eyes - or pink. 

May 15, 1924. Arrived at Suifu. Took care of 
specimens - dried insects, etc. 

May 16, 1924. Sent a netter for a month's intensive 
work south of Suifu. Some odd moths hatched out of cocoons. 

May 17, 1924. Mailed box No. 162, insects. A hot 
day. Caught a few insects. | 

Mey 18, 1924. A dry, hot day. Several moths hatched 

Mey 19, 1924. Busy at home. Secured some curious 
bees. Mailed box No. 166. 

May 20, 1924. Busy at home. Mailed box No. 164. 

May 21, 1924. Several moths hatched from cocoons. 

Looked over birds killed on the last trip. Some were 
in good condition. Others were wrapped with the heads next 
to the bodies, so that the feathers did not dry smoothly. 
The rough travel south to Suifu affected some of these. 

May 23, 1924. Mailed box 165. Collecting outfit 
previously used by Mr. Hoy arrived at 6:50. Brought them up 
to the house. Was busy until ten o'clock. Had to coax the 
coolies 6 great deal to get them to carry the loads. 

Was vaccinated for typhoid. 

May 24, 1924. Unloaded the boxes containing the col- 
lecting materials. Nearly everything in good condition. It 
is a fine collecting outfit, but a few things are the worse 
for wear. Guns in good condition. 

Reported that a leopard was killed just outside of 
town after he killed one man and wounded two others. 

May 25, 1924. Feeling "rummy" from typhoid vaccina- 

Ouw®r ogee 
May 26, 1924. Copied a list of collecting Gitte: 

in the Smithsonian account book. 

Wrote consul. 

Wrote Mr. Jones, thanking him for forwarding the 
collecting outfit. 


May 28, 1924. Carpenters busy making insect boxes 
and birdskin boxes. 

May 29, 1924. Busy at odd moments every day, getting 
acquainted with the collecting outfit. 

May 30, 1924. Tried out the twenty-two rifle. 

May 31, 1924. Received a lot of insects from my 
collector Ho at Chengtu. 

June 4, 1924. Collector Chen returned from a 20-day... 
trip to the district south of Suifu. 
P “ . Pahl, Eh al 
) June 5, 1924. Collector Chen departed on another ‘trip. 
west of Suifu, searching for a swe. llow=tei Led day moth or 
butterfly I saw west of Suifu near Shih Chi on the Yangtse 
River, about 80 miles west of Suifu, a very small town. 
Tried out the big high-power rifle. 

June 6, 1924. There's no excuse for my not getting 
some big game with this fine high-power rifle, - ji ust what 
I've wanted all the time to make some of these leopards, etc. 
hunt their holes. 

Prepared two insect boxes for shipping. 

June 7, 1924. Cleaned all the guns, and oiled them. 
Had a boy fish all day, but he caught nothing. 

June 8, 1924. Vaccinated the third time for typhoid. 

June 9, 1924. Looked over medical kit - added the 
few medicines still lacking. Began to pack for the moun- 
tains. Carpenters have been busy about two weeks making boxes 
in which to ship insects and other specimens. 

June 10, 1924. Received telegram, "Washington, D.C. 
Re. David C. Graham, Suifu, Szechuen. Songpan trip Wubi ined 
your letter March eight approved letter follows. Ravenel. 

Today my coolies have been busy reoiling the oil 
sheets for summer use on the collecting trip. 

June 11, 1924. Packed boxes 170 and 171 for mailing. 
Coolies oiled the oilcloths for the summer trip. 

June ay, 1924. Mailed boxes 172, 173, containing 
52 birdskins. 


June 21, 1924. Mailed box 174, insects. 
Busy packing for the trip to Songpan. 

June 22, 1924. Got on the boats. Ready to start for 
Kiating . 

June 23, 1924. Started at daylight. Travelled 24 
miles. Killed several birds, none new. Secured a few in- 
teresting insects. Tried out one of the new shotguns. It 
will take practice before I can use it as well as my old 
Winchester repeater. 

June 24, 1924. An early start - boats turned tail 
on a rea beet and went back about one-half mile. Reached Kan 

Beh Sou. Wounded but did not i a bird that I had not secured 
before. tt was in a demp place where snipe might be expected 

but was not a snipe. 

June 25, 1924. Heavy rain during the night. Boats. 
started late. Reached Ma Lin Tsang, | | 
Several birds, ta Aim | 

June 26, 1924. Reached Chien way. The boat had a 
hard pull over the rapid. 
Light rains all morning. 
dune 27, 1924. Reached Tsu! Ken!' Tan's 
A very hot day. Killed a yellow necked crane that was 
standing on the back of a water buffalo. 

June 28, 1924. A very hot day. Killed bird No. 1 and 
No. 2 on the fly. Both act like swallows, and both are not very 
common. No. 1 stays near the water. No. 2 flies high. I saw 
about a dozen in all of poe kde Ae g high in the air. These 
were near the river. 
“Owe |. i 

June 29, 1924.7" “Started my wife and four children to 
ur bungalow on Mt. -Omei then returned to Kiating, and 
started for Songpan. Spent the night in a dingy room where the 
only light came from dirty glass tiles overhead and where the 
only air squeezed through cracks, the best room I could find. 
Sent two necessary telegrams to Chengtu re the Songpan 


June 30, 1924. Rained most of the day. Travelled about 
26 miles to Tsang Jia’ Keth®, a small village, All the crew were 
very tired, as they are not yet hardened in. Secured six 
birds. Had an armed escort of four men. Tried shooting the 
45 automatic revolver. It shoots fine. Secured some good 


July 1, 1924. Last night up late with specimens 
and cleaning guns. Rained very hard during the night. Roads 
very bad in the morning, but made at least 55 miles. After- 
noon hot. All arrived very tired at Shin' Gin' Shien*. 
Killed another bird. like bird No.-1. Sawa lot of birds 
like bird No. 2 on an island. Wounded one, but did not get 
“4t. Bird No. 30 new to my collecting. Got a good many in- 
sects. Passed a robber district. Got birds 30, Sl, 32. 

July 2, 1924. Travelled about 28 miles to Chengtu. 
Secured two birds that conceal themselves in the rice paddies. 
Made preparations for the trip on to Songpan. Stayed at Geo. 
Got birds 33, 34, 35, 36, 357. Consul Ogden, Mnglish, 
secured escort. Nos. 33, 37, 34 generally seen in rice 
paddies; 33 and 37 are hard to get. 

July 3, 1924. British Consul Ogden sent a special 
paper requiring cooperation of Chinese officials. The escort 
was very slow coming, but when it came, not one of the 
soldiers had a gun or a sword, end there were eight of them’ 
What use were they? At the city getes we were delayed an hour 
by the city police. Travelled eight miles. Secured four 
birds. All our party was still tired because of the rush 
trip from Kiating to Chengtu. Secured some good insects in 
the city of Chengtu, 38-41. Gor F BikDs, - 

July 4, 1924. Today was a day to discourage the 
bravest. Travelled over 28 miles to Kuan Shien, a large 
city where I knew no one. Escort was sent ahead to get a 
lodging place. He did not do so, and we found ourselves on 
the streets helpless. I went to the Magistrate's and found 
he was from Suifu.e. He found a lodging for us, and arranged 
for our journey. Soldiers watching the city gate made 
trouble when we entered the city. My room was vermin ridden 
with poor air. One helper nearly raised a riot by unwise 
words while the loads were on the street and I was seeing the 
Magistrate. I had to dismiss this helper because he is 
always making trouble. 

July 5, 1924. Crossed the Yangtsi Pto or wild goat 
pass to Yin* Shin*® Wan, a small village. We had a hart time HAL 
getting started. The coolies all worshipped the idol Er 
Jars” fui fah, to insure a safe journey. The pass is about 
3000 feet above sea level but very rough. This town is 
about 3200 in altitude. We killed 11 birds and secured a 
number of good insects. We saw a caravan of aborigines 
camping. Killed birds 40-53. This country is getting more 
and more like that around Tatsienfu. 


LanG il 


oo) we 

July 6, 1924. Travelled about 20 miles. Secured 
some fine insects. I forgot it was Sunday, or rather thought 
tomorrow was. Wild boar and a bear were seen across the 
river, and mountain goats or wild goats. Finally we saw the 
wild goats across the river. I raised the sights the first 
time, but overshot. Then I lowered the sights and still 
overshot. The third time Mr. goat came rolling down the 
steep cliff. I had to hire two men to cross the river on 4 
rope bridge, there being 4 single bamboo cable, cross a very 
wild and rough stretch of country to the goat and bring the 
goat to me. This delayed us so that we reached the tavern 
after dark. The goat is gray od weighed 48 pounds. Killed 

birds 54-60. 


July 8, 1924. Travelled nearly 30 miles = a rather 
rough road, semi-arid country. Killed nine birds but the 
tired skimners could not skin them all. Plenty of wasps and 
bees. Secured a small butterfly I'd never seen before. 
Killed three large swift swallows on the wing. 

Birdskins 64-68. 

July 9, 1924. Passed through Mowchow. Coolies were 
determined to stay overnight at Mowchow, but I succeeded in 
getting them to go on. Nearly every carrier smokes opium. Ily 
feet are quite sore. Plenty of wild animals are on the high 
mountains, but along the river where the road runs it is 
semi-arid with very few birds and insects and no mammals. 
Birds No. 69-74. ) 

July 10, 1924. Reached Shih Ta Kuen, probably 22 

‘miles - with some rough roads. We seen to have finished the 
& oi 

semi-arid region. I saw the fist oguk-caravans. They be- 

longed to Shi Fan’ aborigines. Very few birds and insects in 

the semiearid region.we have been travelling through for 
several days. Birds 75-80. 

July 11, 1924. Reached small town Su! Wan 20 1i be- 
yond Tigh? Ghi.. Climbed from the semi-arid region to the 
higher plateau. Vegetation different. Big black ants dis- 
appear, big red ones appear. Saw a wild boar. Escort lost 
my official passport!! Lots of Chinese pheasants and cliff 

pigeons. There were two hard hills to climb. ‘Saw a number of 
insects I never saw before, and secured most of them. Birds 

July 12, 1924. A heavy rain during the night and 
early morning - a late start. Roads very muddy. Saw many 
pheasants. Reports are plenty of big game on the high moun- 

tains - white bear, musk deer, long-haired monkeys, etc. Saw 
ere a number of aborigines called Shi Jane’. They look much like 
\ the Tibetans. Birds No. 83-86. 

July 13, 1924. Travelled 90 li, probably 50 miles 
upstream. A wonderful district for insects, of which we caught 
many. Several butterflies I had not seen before. Secured a 
bird I had not secured before. 

Shot a cliff swallow. Shot a female pheasant on the 
fly and blew its head off, so it was useless. In these higher, 
coal altitudes, lots of insects are found under stones where 
they hide from the cold. This is not the case in the lower 
altitudes of Szechuen. Saw several aborigines. Secured 
birds 87-97. : : 

July 14, 1924. Arrived at Songpan. City is smaller 
than Tatsienl’u and not a foreigner in it. Must have an escort 
when leaving the city any distance. 

Birds 98-104. 

July 15, 1924. A.M. Killed 52 birds before dinner. 
Some of them new. P.M. Killed 12 birds, one snake - three 
birds useless, Met local military official. Took pictures of 
Shu | Bot Loh® Tsis® (Heh Shien) aborigines. Rain in the afternoon. 
is Waded in the water and caught cold. 
Birdskins 105-142. 

July 16, 1924, A. M. Secured 30 birds, also insects. 
. Bought strawberries (wild). P.iM. took care of specimens, took 
Un) Rees Mae’ pictures of aborigines, etc. Write necessary letters. Met 
the Magistrate about hunting trips. Also met Militia officer. 
Caught cold. Official forbade travelling north or west but 
permitted it east. 
Birdskins 145-L71. 

July 17, 1924. Prepared for trip to Whang Long Li; 
Yellow Dragon Temple, a little over 20 miles away eastward. j 
Had dinner in a Chinese home. Took several pictures of 
aborigines. Went out after supper catching night moths. 



July 18, 1924. Crossed "Snow Mountain" pass, probably 
at least 14,000 feet high. It was very cold. We saw many 
strange birds. Killed a hawk and other birds. We saw. a lot ‘ 
of strange butterflies. Settled down at Huang Long Si‘for two (4-42 1 | 
weeks of hunting. Everybody tired. Secured 18 birds. Deir 

Nos. 171-190. 

July 19, 1924. Trip to Yellow Dragon Temple.Wonderful 
sights on the way. Killed 37 birds, three mice, all useful. 
Spent part of P.M. taking care of specimens. Prepared for 4 
trip up the high mountain after big game. No. 1928226. 

July 20, 1924. Took a long hard trip to the top of a 
mountain about 14,000 feet high. Was looking for large A, but saw no signs of any. Secured some June bees ana. 
dipthera. It rained hard last night and sprinkled during the . 
day. Killed 14 birds. Last night's moth catch was excellent, the 
best this summer. A cold day with no sunshine. Expect to take 
a trip towards the snow mountain tomorrow, an all-day trip. 
Birdskins No. 227-240. 

July 21, 1924. Fine catch of night moths. A very 
heavy rain during night and morning, making streams rise. 
Spent morning caring for specimens. Killed 19 birds, tw 
large hares. Searched in all directions for signs of large 
mammals, but found none. Birdskins No. 241-259. 

July 22, 1924. Rained all morning. Tramped to the 
head of the canyon of the Yellow Dragon Temple. Could find 
few insects on account of the cold. Secured some good birds. 
Secured 31 birds and one mammal. Rained very hard in the 
afternoon. Could cath no day insects. 

Birdskins 260-290. 

July 23, 1924. Changeable weather. Sun shone between 
showers. Killed nine birds, two of which were useless, and @ 
hare. Climbed a high mountain, then went through a thicket 
through which I had to cut my wey. Practically no signs of 
mammals. This is a poor spot for collecting mammals. 

Birds No. 291-297. 

July 24, 1924. A.M. No rain, but a hard, cold wind. 
We have had not a single day favorable for day insects. In the 
afternoon there came a sudden unexpected shower that wet every- 
body and everything. Got three good pheasents, etc., two 
memmals, smell. 

Birds No. 298-508. 


July 25, 1924. Took a number of pictures of Yellow 
Dragon Gorge, aborigines, etc. Two hard climbs. Secured three 
more pheasants. Pack animals were expected but did not arrive. 
Sending a special messenger tomorrow. We have cleaned out 
most of the birds of this vicinity. 

Birdskins 309—24. Killed one rabbit. 

July 26, 1924. Spent much time caring for specimens 
and preparing to go to Songpan City, thence towards Chengtu. 
Pack animals arrived early. Secured some good insects, 

Birdskins No. 325=327, | 

July 27, 1924. Travelled back to Songpan. Crossed 
two passes. Arrived early but very tired. Met the magis- 
trate, who said that it was unsafe on account of brigands to 
go north or west. We will therefore go south and seek another 
good collecting spot. Killed 20 birds. Received the first 
letters from my wife and children for ten days. Rained on us 
just after noon. Magistrate refused to be responsible for my 
safety if I went west or north,where the best hunting grounds 
are, because of brigands. 

Birdskins 528-348. 

July 28, 1924. Made arremgement for carriers south- 
ward. A. M. 15 birds. P.M. killed a fish duck. Cared for 
specimens, etc. Secured some insects. Felt under the weather. 

Birds 349-364, ; 

July 29, 1924, Feeling better, but one collector is 
sick. Purchased large black pheasant. Its tail feathers 
were partly gone. This pheasant is found north and west of 
Songpan but comes down to Songpan in the winter. Getting 
ready for the trip southward. | 

Bird No. 365. 

July 50, 1924. Travelled 70 li. Helpers were tired, 
so went no farther. Secured a snake and some good insects. 
P.M. climed a high hill after musk deer. Saw their tracks 

ae : Cot. af " : 1n& me Ae tg ' * 
and signs of a bear. Stopped at Shin' Tang*Kuan'. A rain 
storm after dark. Visited Shi Gan home. Birds No. 366 - 373, 

July 51, 1924. Travelled 80 li, Secured one squirrel 
and nine birds. A very hard wind in the afternoon made netting 
insects difficult. Travelled to Tsen* Pif* Tsefig*, a small 
village. There are fewer birds here than at Songhan and 
Huang Long Si, or Yellow Dragon Temple. ne ee 

Birds No. S74 - 382, 


Wie ne 



August 1, 1924. Travelled 70 li, about 20 miles. No 
birds, one “weasel. A fine day for insects. Stayed for the ead 
night at Sat Want. Heard that the Bolotsi aboriginies had awe MG 
attacked Chinese soldiers and defeated them. Guess Songpan 
officiel was right in forbidding us to enter their territory. 
Mammal No. 9. Spent night at Sa Wan'. vt 

August 2, 1924. Reached Shire me Kuan'. Secured some. 
good insects, nine birds, and one small mammel. Occasional showers, 
and a rough road. Arrived tired. The fleas were terrible. Two 
birds were useless. 

Birdskins 383 - 389. Mammal No. 10. 

August 3, 1924. Made a long, hard trip of 9O Li. vo 
Mowchow. it must have been thirty miles, but doing so saves one 
day of travel that we can use in collecting. We will make 
eight stages in seven days. Two birds that the skinmners did 
not finish last night spoiled on account of the heat. We 
reached Mowchow at dark to find all the ims full of people. 
After a long time we found lodging. A very late supper. The 
country on the lewer levels, near the road, is semi-arid land; 
has few insects excepting wasps and bees and, very few birds. 

Birdsiins No. 390 - 392. At dinner ate five Chinese fo 

1 enna 

biscuits, two eggs, and some salt. 

August 4, 1924. Travelled sixty lie A dry, arid dis- 
trict, with few insects and birds. A strong wind made it 
harder to secure insects. The snails below Mowchow are quite 
interesting. Mowchow is a little over 100 miles from Songpan, 
360 li, 400 1i from Chengtu or about 150 miles foreign. I 
have walked every step of the way since leaving Chengtu. 

Bird No, 3936. 

oy August 5, 1924. Travelled to Neichow'. No birds worth 
Weechme™” killing. Met at Meichow' Rev. Thomas Torrence, I. R. G 5. > io 

In his church is a foreign stove in which I was able to dry 
all my insects. He and I start tomorrow morning for Manchuen. ODA CHAS Bhan. 
One helper sick. Took pictures of Chiang aborigines. 
3 UIQ 
August 6, 1924. Reached Nen® Chian' Shier. Fired 
two shots at long range at a mountain goat - did not get him. 
Repacked for a trip on the high mountains. Aborigine king 
. has made arrangements to help me get the goods. Mr. lorrence, 
—2,%, PRG. introduced me to him. Dismissed umnecessary coolies. 
on Bird No. 394. Left some boxes at Nen Chuan. 

August 7, 1924. Sick during the night. In the 
morning felt very weak and tried to vomit. Mr. Torrence 
kindly let me ride his horse 201i. This rested me up. 

Then walked 40 li up a canyon to an aborigine settlement. On 
the way one -earriéer fell off the bridge into the swollen 


stream and was drowned. My rifle, the Smithsonian tents and 
folding chair, and my folding bed were lost. Could find no 
trace of man or things. Allowed to stay in the magistrate's 
yamen, which is really a stone fortress. P. M. rained. 

Birds “o, 395-597. 2 

August 8, 1924. Secured ten birds. Eleven men 
searched the river all day and found the tents and the 
drowned collie's booienta, secured a few good insects. No 
trace of the drowned man or the other things. The lost rifle 
could better be spared from the collecting outfit than any 
other one we have. The loss of the Newton high-power rifle or 
e shotgun would have been serious. I'm still weak but ime 

Birds No, 398 = 407. 

August 9, 1924. The tents have holes in them caused 
by the rocks in the river. The tent bag is lost. The fleas 
are bothersome. Haven't had fruit to eat for several days. 
Climbed a high mountain to survey the country. Saw a black 
bear a long way off. Now have four hunters to help find mammals. 
Nine birds. Secured some good insects. 

Birds No. 408 - 417. 

August 10, 1924. Aborigine hunters tried hard to get 
a deer or a mountain goat but failed. We have decided to cut 
out that expense and secure any mammals we can by our own ef- 
forts and without their aid. Secured eight birds. There are 
many odd, but they are hard to get because of the 
dense thickets. J have not been able to secure fruit to eat. 
Bought some honey that looks like black water but tastes a 
little sweet. Can buy no milk here. Secured a lot of inter- 
esting flies. Not feeling well, but kept at work. Dead man's 
body found. 7 

Birds 418 = 425. 

August 11, 1924. Went upstream to a lamasery. Secured 
25 birds, some of them new. Have decided to move near the 
lamasery and collect a few days. There are more vegetation, 

birds, and insects there. One tree squirrel mammal No. 11-13. -~mawemr 

Two animals that eat bamboo roots. Birds No. 426 - 449. 

August 12, 1924. Moved up the canyon to a more favor- 
able spot for collecting. More woods and shrubbery. Rain in 
the afternoon. Secured fifteen birds, one new variety, and 
one squirrel. Natives say that there are few small mammals 
in this section. Moon out every night, therefore poor suc- 
cess with night moths, 

Birds No. 450 - 464, Mammal No. 14. 



August 13, 1924. Secured 14 birds and three mammals, 
one a black deer, a tree frog and. some insects. Birds here 
are gett cing thinned out. No pheasants or grouse. Seme signs 

f wild mice, so have placed out some traps. Ate supper at 
en aborigine home. Am planning begin moving towards Suifu on 
the 15th. 

Birdskins 465 - 478. 

Mammals No. 15 - 17. 

August 14, 1924. A. M. Rain prevented operations. Sent 
head coolie to the city to engage coolies for the trip home. 
Secured 21 birds, two mammals. Today's collecting was in dense 
underbrush and sometimes on the side of the mountain. Nearly 
slid down once. I've probably misnumbered some of the bird 

Memmals No. 18 - 19. 

Birds No. 479 = 506. Pee 

August 15, 1924. Moved back to Kuan Tsae. One 
skinner sick with chronic diarrhea. Secured two strange rats, 
one young animal, one black deer, nine birds. Worked till 
late at night caring for specimens. Could easily secure other 
mammals if I were to remain longer, but already have made ar- 
rangements to move. 

Birdskins 504 - 515. 

Mammals 20 = 24. 

August 16, 1924. Moved to small town Tong” Kuan' on the 
main road to Chengtu. Received today the letter of instruc- 
tions from Mr. Ravenel concerning this trip. If i had waited 
for that letter I could not have taken this trip this summer. 
Received a cub bear as a present. He is quite small. 

August 17, 1924. Rained practically all day, making 
travel difficult. The road was also rough. Stopped at Yin 
Shin* Nan'.. The cub bear is very active and mischevious. He 
bit my elbow once. Because of the rain we got few insects, 
but got five birds. The sick birdskinner is improving, but 
still weak. When I reached Chengtu I will have walked all 
this trip excepting about five miles when I was sick and was 
given a ride on Mr. Torrence's horse. Five birds, Nos. 514 - 

August 18, 1924. Travelled to Kuanshien. Took pic- 
tures of the rope bridge. Spent the night at the chapel with 
Mr. Hutchinson. A little tired, but feeling well. eined in 
the afternoon. The Davis family and Mrs. Bowles and her 
children arrived after dark. lir. Franck arrived before the 

Three birds, 519 - 521. 


nig a 

August 19, 1924. Travelled 85 li to Kao' Tientsi. A 
very hot day. Lots of mosquitoes. One bird. 522. 

August 20, 1924. Reached Chengtu before dimer, Saw 
Dr. Humphreys and visited Brace, F, R. G. 8. of the Border 
Research Society. Stayed at the home of the British Consul 
Ogden. Engaged boat for down river. Secured escort. Very hot. 

August 21, 1924. Travelled as far as Pin® Shan. Wrote 
several letters. Slept and rested. Another warm day. The 
baby bear is getting quite affectionate. Saw many white errets. 

August 22, 1924. Reached Kiating and moved things from. 
the boat to the chapel. Saw Dr. Crawford and Mr. Clark. 

August 23, 1924. Walked 120 11 to Shin Kai Si. Much 
trouble with coolies. A very hot day. Arrived just before 
dark. This day's welk was thirty-three miles, with a hard 

i A 
climb at the end. 

Two birds, 523 - 524, 

August 24, 1924. Very hot weather. Mr. Clark, who 
came up from Kieting today, fainted after reaching Shin Kai 
Sii = the heat was too much for him. The helpers rested up 
from the trip, to work vigorously Monday and Tuesday. Tens 
of people came over to see the baby bear. Met lots of old 

friends after the church service. I certainly enjoyed being 

with my family again. The Mission has asked me to spend six 
months at Ningyuanfu, a fine collecting spot. 

August 25, 1924. Visited friends, attended a com- 
munity meeting and a committee meeting; family had a picnic 
supper. Picked over the summer's cateh of insects at Shin 
Kei Si. Sent netter to work on the higher altitudes for about 
two weeks. Secured nine birds. Very hot. 

Birdskins No. 525 - 64. 

August 26, 1924. Another hot day ending in a thunder- 
storm at night - a fair catch of nightmoths. Secured fifteen — 
birds (later one, 16 in all). The last four birds were © 
skinned Aug. 27, P.l. and were about spoiled by the hot 

Birds No. 635 - 560. The skinners could not skin 
them all in one day and we were travelling all August 27, with 
no time to skin the birds till night. 

August 27, 1924. Walked 80 1i to Suchi, and took a 
boat 40 li on to Kieting. Spent the night at the home of Rev. 
A. P. Juentin, om author, and a member of the West China 
Border Research Society. Mr. Juentin helped secure as boat. 

Heard that the English Consul was robbed above Z4a.chow, & Ce as 

road over which we passed last year. Cj 


August 28, 1924. Spent the morning getting the things 
into the boat. Many smil delays. Such delays and bothers are 
coming on in China and one of the worst bothers. A thief got 

“into the compound where he probably thought I was, probably 

trying to steal the Smithsonian gums. I had taken the guns 
to the house where I slept. ! 

August 29, 1924. A very hard rainstorm and driving 
wind during the night. Reached Suifu abovt noon. Found many 
duties awaiting me. Cared for insects between other duties. 
Killed a large stork but it was poorly skinned. 

Bird No. 555. 

August 50, 1924. Conducted one marriage and two 
funerals and held interviews, and between acts packed 27 boxes 
of specimens for the Smithsonian Institution. These must still 
be sewed in sackcloth and labelled. | 

August $1, 1924. Conducted enother funeral. Slept 
most of the afternoon. Read some. This is the laziest day I 
have spent since leaving Suifu for Songpan. 

On Sept. Ist I had 47 boxes of specimens filled. 
There are two collectors at work on Mit. Omei, whose collec- 
tions are yet to come in. Collector Ho has been working 
around. Chengtu, Kuanshien, and Behludin for four months and 
none of his specimens have yet arrived. fhe coin ape and the 
entire summer catch is bigger than last summer's catch. 

September 1, 1924. Packed all my specimens that are 
on hand excepting three mammal skins that were not well dried 
and the stork killed Friday. There are about 570 birds for 
the Smithsonian Institution. Rats partly spoiled a bird speci- 
men, so I packed the rest in boxes. 

September 2, 1924. Practically spent all day wrapping 
the 48 boxes of specimens on hand. Spent the evening going 
over the Songpan account. Several letters from the U.S.A. and 
one from the Smithsonian Institution. 

September 3,1924. Wrote several letters, looked 
after painters, labelled specimens of boxes. 

September 4, 1924. Walked to Shin Tsang to conduct a 
wedding, 70 li. Killed six common birds. Hunted for rabbits 
or hares, but found none. Saw Beh Sou Chi where about 100 
houses were swept away by the Yangtse in high water. 


September 5, 1924. Walked 30 li to An Bien before 
breakfast. Three hundred houses were inundated at Nyan Bien 
(An Bien} of which about 170 were swept away. 

Eight birds, 556 - 545. 

September 6, 1924. Spent most of the day labelling 
specimen boxes. Got them practically all labelled. 

Mr. Franck of the Century Magazine arrived - a 
traveler and author, who has been through Yunnan and Szechuen. 
Mailed four boxes of specimens. 

September 7, 1924. Took a walk over the hills with 
Mr, Franck. : 

September 8, 1924. Work around home, lots of Mission 

September 9, 1924, Mailed several boxes of speci- 
mens by parcel post. 

September 10, 1924. Mailed four boxes of specimens. 

September ll, 1924. Filled up two more boxes of 
specimens secured at Mt. Omei. | 
Meiled four boxes of insects by de i post. 

September 12, 1924. Received another * etter offering 
to purchase all kinds of specimens at good prices. 
Mailed one box of specimens, insects, by parcel post. 

September 17, 1924. Sent netter Chen with nets and 

traps to collect and trap for about a month on the Yunnan 
| Border, three days' journey south of Suifu on the high moun- 
Mi qo tains where Chuan Mian. aborigines are found. I may keep him 

working there until it gets too cold. I will go in for a 
short visit later. 

September 18, 1924. Mailed the last of the fifty 

boxes of specimens secured during the summer. Al 

mens are now on their way to the “National Museum, excep 
those caught by the netter Ho - which will reach me later 

and which he secured near Chengtu and Kuanshien. 

September 20, 1924. My wife had a nervous breakdown. 
She will recover slowly. 



September 21, 1924. Word has been received that 
5 as 

Kaeichow troops have come to the Yangtse River at Ho Kiang, 
between Sucheo and Chungking, west of Chunking, to open 

hostilities against Szechuen. They fired on two steamers on' 

the way up. During the next few weeks t shall probably con- 
tinue to congratulate myself, that the Songpan catch has all 
gone down the river and will soon be safely out of China. 


April 17, two box insects (registered) mailed, 98¢ 

ee he ee he Cte a 
April 21, Hunting wi “=e ew eee eee ee ee - O04 
April 22, Three letters - ----#--2++---+-++-+- 215 
April 22, Nine birdskins (skiming)- ------+- + ~ 60 
April 23, Two letters -+-- ---j©--+-+--+-++-+-+-- 24 
April 25, Skinner for skinning a mouse - = ~ = = = = OF 
April 24, Mailing 15 packages- ------+--j---+-+- 46.16 
April 25, Skinner, skinning two mice - ---+-+-- = o 14 

Registered letter Mr. Ravenel- - - -~ --- Ae) 
Unregistered letter Mr. Ravenel - - =~ -— = ell 
April 28, Skinner, one bird «= = = = = === ee wo OF 
, One letter, foreign, Kiating --- --- « O4 
April 29, Ropes for tieing bird boxes -<-=-=-=- = - 
April 30, Mailed box of insects --=-.-«----+-+-- «= lees 
May 3, Paid Lo on travel <«(« =< = - «(Gm ee ww ae 
May 4, Paid Lo on travel - - - == = == == = == 1.2 
Paper and strings- =--=--+<-+#-+-+---- ef 
Boy for climbing tree to get a bird = - - 04 
Arsenic and cotton - ----+--+-+-=+--=<--+-s 1.50 
May 1O-16,Netter, for travel am food - «— = = =| «-€ 1.380 
May 1-16, Netter, for wages - == == —- = #= == -+- 024 
May 17, Skinner, for skinning 49 birdskins - ~ - - 4.10 
One ball twine ----+--+--+--+--+-+2+8+ 020 
Iwo white sheets for night work --- -- 2.60 
One new net - ----- =--- ++ --+-- 1.00 
May 17, lwo letters Consul, Customs Office - - ~ = ¢ LO 
May 18, One letter, Mir. Ravenel - -- - = -=---+- «LO 
Mey 18, Short trip, boat Mong --------+- -- 03 

May 38, One-half expense of 16-day trip netting 49 

birds ----=----+---+--+ <«----- .L5825 

May 18, skinner, for skinning two birds- - - - - - 0 14 
May 18, Shipping box No. 16ég= ~--+-- --=-- === 093 
May 18, One lb. cotton = --- =e = = 2 == = 1.00 
May 20, Letter to Chungking about collecting bills 005 
May 20, Mea Ted box No. 163 ee Sia ee ee eee 1.56 

May 20, Purchas of fish ------+-+-+-+-+--- 60 






a eS ge = 
“Wes S bealie  d 
Sar 4 

Box 164 --#---=-+-7--- 
Box 165 - - - = 
Carriage fer collecting 

_ = Ul lor e a  YaEED 

outfit to house - 
166 =<8©-—2— ee e- =e eee wwe eee 
Two letters re collecting outfit - - -- 
Box 167 = = - - 
Ch&n on collecting 
Letter, Mr. Ravenel - 
Wire for netting - 
Chan for collecting trip------ -- 
Box 168, insects - 
Box 169, insects 
Box 170, turtle - ------ 
Box 171, Dien, 

=o wm es «a se =: = | | 6t le ae 

ae ma em coe ce ma 


shrimp & hook nails for boxes 

Insect and bird boxes, lumber for new boxes 

Carpenter work, new boxes « - - <<< + = 
New oil sheets ---=-- <--> 
Oil for oil sheets & catties © | 
Check to Ho, collector, at Chengetu -— 
One letter, ome postal card =------~- 
Telegram for films - 
Ten boxes for travel also repair old ones 
Skimmer, one bird-----*--2+--7---- 
Pencils and gifts for use on Songpan trip 
with officials - = - 
Soap as presents for officials (whose aid 
is sought) -=------+-+-+-+---7- 
Telegram Kiating re Songpan trip --- = 
Ropes for boxes, etc. 
Advance on collector Ho's wages to June 

ent = = 



Total to date - -----+--+-+--+-7--- 



Box 172 (25) birdskins -------- = 

Box 173 (27) birdskins - ------- - 
Purchases pheasant skin'=— = -<-\—----= 
Leggings for,@borigine hunter, = - - - - = 





Two letters to Chungking re birdskins, etc. 

Wire for netting ----+--*f - 7-7 -- 
Box 174, insects 

— me Ce = ll -_ ee 2 CH OS 

Carriage of loads onto the boats =--- - 
Netter food S days -- - +--+ +. *- > 
Food of five helpers to Kiating ---- - 
On fourth of the entire cost of 
: Kiating -— = ew ew er Ke eH 

boats to 

=< mt | (a 





_ June 










Gi ta 
*® » 



Food of helpers June 28 -=-+-+--<£-2-= <9 1,00 
Food of helpers Jume 29 2#--+-<+-+-+-+--8 1.00 
Two telegrams vane 29 - eee wee eee 1.71 
(one dollar & 71 cents) 
Food of bacare -—-—8s = meee ree He 1.00 
Escort --<-<«2©-* -=-=2f£-=-25 2©-£- 2-2-7 - Zeal 
For wheelbarrows and sedan chairs for the 
Chinese and me to ride in---e*--- 9. 1.25 
Inn money---- -- see er er ttr rte old 
Wheelbarrow rides «--+--*#-+-+-+-"- 7-7 0 O& 
Escorts --=-+-"8#-=--+--+---+-77--- 6.50 
Servants' food - -«--#-+-+-e*+2-2 7 ---° 1.90 
Two servants' food ---+-+#-+-+ 2<« s+ -- 1.07 
Chairs, wheelbarrow rides, ete.----+-« 2 OO 
Box 175, insects ----+-+-+-+-7" e72+e-°5 
Baskets = -=--|—|©=-|«-+ 2 --=- = 5-8 = =- ° 08 
12 bottles formalin @ $1.50 ------+--- 18,00 
Messengers, etc. -=-=--- "2 "=f -+-+-7-° 2-00 
Carrier Coolies to Chengtu - --=-+=-+-+=- = 55.55 
Kerosene = --=--|--+-=-+-=-- =e - =e = = 5,50 
Coolie carriers ---= == === -=+-2+ = @4,.00 
Wheelbarrow ride for helpers - - = - - = == 1.00 
Food expense, wire, from Kiating ---- - 1314 
Inn money duly 2 -<-----+-+--2-2 = ~13 
Advaneed on food cost cook -----+--=- = 1.00 
Advanced servants travel -------- - e 50 
Teaimoney travel collies -----+---- - e LO 
Advanced cook for rice ------+-+-- = 10.00 
Inn money July 4 ----+-+-e+-+-+-+e-8- - a0 
A ride for a tired helper in the wheelbarrow 08 
Escort money ----+--*--+-+ 7724-77 ° 36 00 
CORLL Oe WOEOR Ge00 mime: me me ie Oe eee 6.00 
Food of collectors --+----+---- = 1.25 
Gave for travel --=--<«-+<*#-+-e--+-<+-8 2200 
Imn money-----*e 2-7 e-em errr 045 
Travel of Loo for trip'te Suifu------ 2200 
Escort -----8\8©2#-+-- === #=-+--- 1.00 
Cartridge belt straps ~--\*-*+--+--+7° O07 
Coolies wages = --=--#=--+-+-+--2e-2--22- £10.00 
Coolies wages = ----+-+-------+-- 7.00 
Carriage and securing with goat - “~—---- 1.20 
Escort -«*\---- 2. - f= = ee = we ee we o 14 
Imm money ------*+-2e 2-227 = - = he 
Escort -*2\=--=<--<+-+- 5+ =s=-f-- = - 2 == 5020 
Collector's food, July 5, 7 = =-=--+-+-- oeul 
Imm money -----+--+-2+ 2+ e-+2 ¢-e pe 3 
Letter, Mr, Ravenel - - - +--+ -+-+- =< == 210 
Collies wiges << - = = 6 = + se em oe 7.00 
Total == -= = -—=- p58.49 


July 8, Colle ctor’s’food = ----+-+-+---+-- $ 1.21 
July 8, Escort ---\--2+<*#-f*f2f 2" 2f277°¢° 1.00 
July 8, Carriers' wages ----- -2#7f 27-770 8.00 
a SMe oo aN gal el el Maes all gl acl cattle ac 029 
July 9, Food of helpers ----+-fe"*7 2*2°"*-° 127 
Escort -=#=---|©--*#- --+---2f f+ --0 2.00 

Inn money ----- 2-7-2 - ttt ete ois 

Carriers of loads wages - === -2-+ === 7.00 

Ride for two helpers -----+-+-+-*+7 7s 047 

Kerosene --=---- 2-2-2727 2-7. ° O4 

vury 10, ° Ten mORey wie eee ae eR ee me e 16 
Carriers of loads = ----s-+-+-+ -=--° 7.00 

Food of helpers ---+-+-+-+-*+--*-7 -*-+° 1.27 

July Ll, Inn money - << -—'- «+ - <= + ee ee ee olf 
Carriers of loads - ----+-+-++--- -- 7.00 

Food of helpers ----+---*+-*-+-+7 "°° Lect 

July 12, Imm money -- <<) + = He a er ee ee 0 16 
Carriers of loads -----+-+-*+#"+- -- 7290 

Servants -----+--+-++-f<2£-f2e#-e-+-+-s 1.28 



RSP ELE 24 AE te 3 AEC A A 

‘Suifu, April 14, one specimen with yellow above the 
tail, new to my collecting, also one very small bird that was 
poorly skinned. The other birds killed were all common. There 
are several kinds of small birds which I will probably not 
send specimens of in the future, since the Smithsonian 
Institution probably has all it wants. _ 

The hawk moth caught about April 12 is not over- 
common in Szechuen. I have put it in a shoeblacking box, tin, 
for safety. : 

May lst, I started on a trip south of Suifu. I gave 
in charge of my coolie the box containing arsenic with in- 
structions to send it along. He did not do so, and I did not 
find this out for several days, until the arsenic ran out. I 
had to purchase Chinese arsenic, which may be of inferior 
quality, and I fear the skins caught on that trip may reach 
the Smithsonian Institution in a damaged condition. 

Suifu, June 2nd, found the nest of an ant that I 
had been unable to find a nest of before, with eges, etc. Did 


not find any winged ants, but found eggs. These ants have a 

bad sting that one does not care to experience a second time. 
They are black ants, and the specimens are in a small bottle. 

nO Soe 

July 1. Saw a lot of birds of the kind numbered 
bird No. 2 on an island. Wounded one, but it fell on the 
plane’and we couldn't get it. 

| July 3. Took my first picture with the 
Smithsonian kodak, It was of four people, one Chinese md 
three aborigines, a Rong, a Chiang, and a Chuan Miao. This 
first picture was a failure. 

I took no coffee, tea, candy (except some chocolate), 
cookies, cake, or the like with me, expecting to "live off 
the land" a good deal. I rode no horse and took no sedan 
chair, planning to cut expanses by footing it as much as 

On this trip I had to practically run a dispensary 
every day to keep the coolies and helpers in condition. 

July 4th - This was certainly a day ending in a 
nightmare, and one not familiar with things Chinese would have 
been up against it. My helper that was constantly making 
trouble with his tongue almost raised a riot by unwise words, 
which might have resulted in roughnecks stealing our guns 
while my men were unprotected on the streets. My visit to the 

| magistrate straightened things out for several days to come. 
A generous present to this official counted not a little in 
settling all these difficult matters. Such is life in West 
China, and such is collecting here, but I am very glad to do 
it - in fact, I like to. on 

I had sent word to the netter, Ho, to meet me at 
Chengtu but he did not do so, so I will have him net around 
Kuan Shien and Beh Luh Din where there are many insects I 
have not yet caught. Firing the coolie who rows so much 
leaves me short two collectors, but I'll aim to make up for 
it by using natives in the interior. 

This morning I broke the best glasses I brought 
along with me. I left them on the table. Probably a rat 
knocked them off onto the ground, and I stepped on them when 
I got up this morning. 

My feet got sore today, but there are no blisters, 
so they will be all right ‘tomorrow. 

I left safely put away at home in Suifu most of the 
traps, the newest double-barrelled shotgun, fully half the 
collecting outfit, and most of the ammunition. This was l, 
to save expenses on this trip everywhere possible. 2, So that 

my: a 

even if the whole outfit I have with me were lost, I vould be 
able to go right on collecting. I also left the automatic 22 
rifle at home, bringing another higher power small rifle of 
my own instead. Note. This was later lost. 

We start every day at daybresk and sometimes are 
up until eleven o'clock or later at night taking care of 
specimens. This means that we generally get too little sleep 
while travelling. 

July 7. The mountain goat killed yesterday kept 
us up till very late, so all were very tired today. In addi- 
tion, we had a long hard journey over rough roads. The 
country was semi-arid with few specimens. The fine spirit of 
my Chinese helpers is a great comfort. They work hard, do 
anything, and do not complain. Two of them are our family 
table boy and our coolie, the skinner, and the third is the 
netter Chen*. Number four is an aborigine, a Chuan Miaa, whom 
I am putting through school. He is a fine hunter and he and 
I are the hunters. I also have a net alone and net insects 
and catch any reptiles, etc. that I can, 

This Songpan trip is a hard trip. I may not see a 
foreigner until I reach Chengtu again. 

| July 8. Because the cablegram from the Smithsonian 
Insti tution reached me so lete, the time for this trip is too 
short and I must make every day count. I have not lost a day 
of travel, even on Sundays, act I.left Suifu. For that 
reason all of us are tired but do not intend to stop. fhis 
territory is so interesting that there should be a much longer 
time for the trip, but we will do everything we can. I think 
we will secure specimens not found in other parts of Szechuen. 

This is probably the lonesomest collecting trip I 
shall take, for I shall probably not see amother foreigner 
until I reach Chengtu. 

. uly 10, Small birds 75 - 78 were noisy but hid 
in low underbrush. 

We are just passing out of the oe region with 
few birds and few insects to the interesting higher region, 
with birds, insects, and all kinds of va 

Lots of fleas. 

I walk all the time while collecting. 

1. to save expenses. 

&2.- Because I can be on the alert and collect 
specimens better. 

5. It hardens me for the hard climb coming later. 

ay AST 

From Chengtu to Songpan is a rich district for 
collecting. Ome wishes he had years in which to do it. White 
bear and all kinds of animals are reported. 

This road is very safe this year so it is well that 
this trip was taken. The trip might be impossible next year, 
and for some time afterwards. However, two foreigners were 
murdered last year by robbers, and the officials were punished 
so that the officials were unwilling for a foreigner to go 
where there is any danger. The Songpan magistrate forbade 
trevelling westward or northward but permitted travelling one 
day eastward where collecting should be very good. 

The city of Songpan has very little vegetation except- 
ing wheat fields, so it would not be profitable to stay here 
long and collect, especially since the officials do not want 
us to go far away from the city. Next year it might be im- 
possible to come at all. | 

The local official is anxious for me to clear out 
of this district. If anything happens he will be held re- 
sponsible. This is bound to. shorten my stay at Songpan. 

Some of the Chinese at Songpan use prayer fiegs on... 
eens ‘poueee like the Lamaists of Tibetama ‘the nat ab toring 

“an Soe 
BN OA ith Ban? Yd 


I saw a irene baby boy whom the parents wished to 
protect from evil influences, eapectally demons that cause 
disease and death, on whose back the parents had a brass 
mirror, @ brass corn charm, and a small bag in whi ch some 
parts of the Buddhist classics were placed. 

July 17. The local lye ts tried to get me to 
make my stay in this district quite short. It was with some 
difficulty that deo et a longer time in which to collect aN 
Huang Long Si‘ = Jhope to find ways of delaying long enough to 
ret a ben wnebLe emount of collecting done. The official 
will not let me leave the main road along the river for the 
higher elevations where mammals and different kinds of birds 
may be found. 

July 18. At Huang Long Si I saw a number of strange 
birds. There are plemty of trees and there should be plenty 
of game. The officiel would not let me come here without an 
escort of six soldiers. 

July 18. Bad luck - I received two pounds of gun- 
powder from the arsenal at Chengtu for this trip, but it is 
false powder and will not explode. This will leave us short 


of ammunition for small birds. 

July, 235. We have searched in every direction and 
find that this Such a poor place for large birds and for mammals 
that we are eoing to spend a couple of days at the city of 
Songpan, then move towards Chengtu where we believe conditions 
to be much more favorable for large birds and mammals. We have 
e good catch of a eht moths and of small birds. If we could go 
west or north of Songpan, we would find plenty of large birds 
end mammals, but the Heh Shui Bolotsis aborigines are such 
brigands that the officials will not permit us to travel in 
those directions. We have not only enquired here, but have 
actually gone in every direction before being convinced that 
this is a poor place for mammals and large birds. 

We have found only two kinds of grouse or pheasant 
here, besides the omnipresent Chinese pheas sant. It is black, 
or at least dark, and lives in the dense woods, and is very 
wild. We secured one good specimen, and killed a second. The 
latter fell from the top of a tall fir tree on a steep, muddy 
ineline. It rolled a long way down the mountain, and when we 
found it, there were not enough feathers left on its body to 
make it of any use as a specimen. The above notes refer to 

he district about the Yellow Dragon Temple, about 24 miles 
northeast of Songpan, with an elevation of about 12,000 feet, 
probably.the lowest elevation is about 12,000 feet, the highest 
being on the nearby mountain peaks where there is perpetual 



July 26. This Yellow Dragon Gorge is wonderful from i 
the points of view of scenic beauty, geology, and the study of nave 
_cnao -oxeo anthropology. Two tribes of aborigines come here on pilgrimages 
es to worship end I have secured some pictures for Dr. Hrdlicka. 
The weter of the creek comes down from the snow mountain carry- 
ing a mineral gubstance that is being deposited all along the 
gorge, so that the creek is not carving a deeper route, but 
actually rapidly building its bed up higher and higher. Leaves, 
twigs, and logs are being rapidly covered up. The mineral 
substance when deposited becomes a bright yellow stone, so 
that the bed of the stream is a bright yellow color. fhe 
water flows slowest at the edge of the stream and there deposits 
oo mineral, so that it tends to build banks to the strean, In 
eny places the stream is from five to thirty feet above the 
Sica ite ground or rock, and the lower gelevations are 
gsenerally old beds of the stream that have been deserted. 
Probably, the stream builds itself higher and higher above 
the neighboring soil or rocks until, in some fresbhet, it 
breaks over its banks and seeks the lower level, which is for 
a time the stream bed, and which is gradually built up by the 

fORO Caen. 
July 18, 

mineral deposit until, 
that it has left, 
some with 


July 135, 
July 14, 

July 13, 
July 14, 

July 15, 
July 16, 
duly 17, 

“oO tf & 

July 20, 
July 23, 
July 23, 
July 235, 

July 26, 

July 26, 
July 26, 

UULY) 27, 

July 28, 

July 28, 


Ll am sending 

leaf or twig imprints. see pace 265), 
oS a 

Total cost of coolies Chengto to Songpan 


Carriers = <--<----+-«#--+-- 
Carriers. == = we in ee ee le fe eo 
Inn money ------ #©-+-2 --+-+-- 
Helpers = - = =—- = = = = = w= em me wm = 
Imn Money ----+--+ =2© © © = =@©= w= = = 

Helpers - == =| == =2©= 82+ - =| = =©=-=- 
Telegram =-<-=---+--+-+-+-+-+-2+-e+-e--e4- 
traw sandals -=-—\©--=|=-<|© =| =< += =«+--s. 
Escort -\©=2©<|©= © +--+ +--+ = +e == = 

Helpers 4 w kK oO 

Tsang 3. We e\ = = = © we ew ewe we ee oe 
eetesastcon Ro ad 

Pack animals 10. 2------ 

Equipment < 

Honey for nd hs MOCKS bee ee ae 
' ia nimel skin tome me ee mS ae ae ee 

TN Or a ak ke ce ae nee ee, ee 

Law Tsang advance oe 
Lew Li a 00 cost. 


Cook on acct. - --+--+-+-+<++-+- == == 

Gave escort bid le ih os oa ae al a 
CRVG OB COLE He ee i ee a” es ee ie 
GOVO CBCOVE le be ee ie se mw ow la 
Tsang ---=|=-2= = ee ee ee eee ow 
Tsang =< = 
TOR COLE ee fr eee ee Ne et ee i 
Li - = = «= 
[sang --- = -e- == ee ew ee eee 
Boxes for specimens ~ « -«- = - #«-=-=- =< - 
Pack animals - - = « = « 
Escort -<«-j<se#=weesoes aun nm on = «= 

Se a ee 

aida saaes ee ca ge RE gk UM Ss ta 
Li wages «= -- =< «= = ~ ee ee ew ee 

Letters mailed (bsns)' --------.- 

*Advanced to carriers - ---=--+-+-+-+-+-- 
Purchased pheasant - ----++8-+----- 
Chen for inn money - ------+-+--- 
on acct. = == == ee em ee ow 


in turn, it is higher than the last bed 
samples of the yellow stone, 

$166, 00 




; ae t 
% frag &, 

July 29, 

: Advanced Law:Chang -- -----+---+=<-= $ 2,00 

July 30, Cock food for servants ---------- 2200 

Gave escort =----- =e" -2£2f-e-- e758 1.00 

Cook food = = - = 2- -- =e eee eee eal 

Snake,guide, etc. --------+--- = « LO 

July 31, Gawe escort ~]=-=—= - eer ke eee ee oe00 

Sendals 250 cash -=--+--+-+=2#-+-+- +--+ «80 

August 1, Gve escort ----+-- 7-2-2 te 1.00. 
August 1, Gv, coolies +» -<<-<- «+ <= ='+ ¢o- - 200 4 
August 1, (July 30, 1.27; July 31, 1.00;Helpers son- Binl 4 

Paper, etc. ------- -«------- 06 

Imm money @ day8-<-<-* <-<§ = © © =.= 20 

Helpers food, 1 day = -= -=-- +--+ == = 1.00 

August 2, Escort - -.— «= © <4 6 - = <ir eo Se 1.00 

Imm money ----- ssf, 7 2 3-7 ert » 14 


Carried forward rok: 

Aupast 2, Lew Chang = “(eae ee Soe Be eee eS 1.40 

Eleven carriers -----s*-* "+--+ 7° 4.00 

Helpers -<---- =" 2f- -- errr 1.00 

August 3, Im money -<---- -- fe oer eee aD 

Helpers -----+-+*e2-+e2-+ 22777 -° 1,00 

Eleven cerriers ----*=-£=-+-2+2*+ -*-+-- 6.00 

Escort 1.00, --«--+--=--+- +2 "+ -- TeSl 

August 4,°Imn money = -=-<- =<" -.5 5 = =.- -- oL7 

f') tape f <} 


, ; yA é 
5 ¥} if Soe 
i ; ) 8 pa at sana OP, i 
é Bs ‘a a } baiand 

hand 7992 cash 

y Prat Ade j a 
J Me ada | Mee, 8 

Cook has on 

Carrier coolies - ---|© = =|=-=#= «8s —=<-|-=-« 4,00 

August 10,Food for servants - ------+--e-*%--- 
Four hunters -«--*8 =«8#«-2#-8 «<== -« 
August 11,O0ne hunter - - = = 



a © Of 


Helpers = -*#---*f fe 72-737 "77 oe ee | 
th. O Gete CHERE ee ee eee ee ae cee 1.00 
August 5, Carrier coolies = -----e+-+"=--+-+e-- 2200 
1 EL TROY mee ie te tee eee eae ee eee o 14 
Helpers = --<--+-+-f- ef" © © ec -*- & 1.00 
Carrier coolies =---+-+--+-+-e-+<-4#e---- 5-00 
August 6, Carrier coolies ---<+=-+= =«==-- = 17.40 »jwe 
jae Gay. Chang ---- +--+ ee ee eee 11,00 
at Servants’food = ---=--- --+----+--- 1.00 
Straw sandals ~- <= -|-=| © #«-==|=-< = oot 
Bear --©= ==. e= © ee eee ee ee ee 1.00 
| $55.87 
August 7, Aborigine messenger -----| --+=--+-* 1.00 
August 8, Codlies to date -\<©-+-+==-s+ === © - 560 
Escort to date ----+--.5+-+e#-+-+-++ +e Lec7 Gav. Chang (owe -him 20¢) ---+------ 2200 
Recovery of tents (11 men) ------- = 2.00 
August 9, Six hunters «= <-=<s<«<-s<-= -2e 77> 5-200 



August 12, Fuel, water, etc. = ------+----2- $  .65 
Servants for food ----<#-*+=-+--+-+--- Lei’ 

Moving expenses --=-*f=<£=--*+"+-+77-°% «66 

August 15, Food.for servants -=+-==------> 4.00 

| Four hunters <«-<«--\-+<#<.*-*f--*-*-7r7- c= 5200 

) «© August 14, Gav.:Ghang bag ---------- eo 1.00 
August 15, Futteo* wee eee ee eee ee eee 190 

£” 68 Coolies (8.00) wo ey, Neat olf act sug, et tae an al ata 6.00 

ot Tan he ee i em ee eee ome 64 
Hunters = -* -8\<©=--|--s+28=- =< 1.50 

August 16, Carriers to Soh Chien --=--+-+--<--== |. 4,00 

Escort --\---|-- 8 == s©=<#|=8# 8 --+ = == 40 

Food of helpers -=«-<---+-#*#-+e-e+"<--°- 1.00 

Tsang No. 2,still owe 8.04 to Soh Chian - 200 

Lae August 17, Gay. Bai owe 1.00 to Soh Chian---- = 1.00 

Escort = 8©@©—=—= @= ee == ee eee eee 1.03 
Coolies -<-\8s «|= se #5 2-5 =| =< + 4.00 
Food of helpers ----+-*+-"+-e*8e"87 2+" 1.00 
Inn money ------- 2-7-7 2%-+-° Pa 
Credit 10¢ 

August 18, Coolies = --<+---*- = +s e777 => 5.00 
Food for helpers -=--+---*-*--"+---°s 4500 
Imn money ------f**2-f 7777 7-7 14 
Straw sandals - --\$=9=*e©--2# --s#-+-*-8 Ld 
Escort ----+-+--<£-+ s=-=-22+-+-+-- 4,00 

August 19, Escort =< «——_ <<<‘ Ss =- =e > = = 44.00 
Food of helpers ----+--e*#-"*-*--+-- 9s 1.00 
Imn money -------sf - 7 et 7 7 ee aA, 

| Carriage of bear - ---2---*-*-e+-- 1-60 
August 20, Paid Fu' teo & coolies = --+--+-+--- 24.70 

Paid coolie Tsang ----+-<«-*--"-*#-*-+--s 4,00 
Paid coolie Bai = == =-<«-8e -+--+-+-+-+-. 4.20 
Ride for sick helper=- ----\*#-e*-- = 1,00 
Advance on boat = —=-<£_8# == 2f-+ s+ == De OO 
Food of helpers ~-=----*#-+e-"-"-"--+- 1.00 
Advance on food of helpers = -«--+=+---s- 1.00 
August 21, Baggage to boat =-- = ---+=<+=-* ese -- 7 1.627 
Escort on 20th e = == = e= e= = w= we ew eK 1.00 
Escort on 2@lst -----2---2+*+ "+=: 1.40 
Breakfast of helpers ----+-© #«--+=-. 0435 

August 22, Escort --p-<- << s+" -2f c= - - - = 2e00 

ma, @ 


August 22,Cook food account 10068 cash - -~---- - Go  Be9e 
Cook borrowed 5.00) 
Coolie borrowed2.00) to be repaid 
Chen 2.00) 
Jang 2.50) 

August 22,Coolie agi eo Kiating ----*----<-+ =< «80 
Coolie carriers to Mt. Omel = = --<+--« Bec 
Food of Tia vene ae ee a 092 
August 2b,Advanced collectors + «=== = =< =< = Sir 4.14 
Aurust 26 Advanced collectors + © <= & + + <= & = O06 
August 27, Advanced carriers =-<+-<8«--<--|-2s *#-#--- 1.50 
Advanced boast =--|-<+=--+*+-+<e#-- #7 1.00 
August 23,Advanced carriers © «= = + + hoe eee = 1.18 
Advanced boat --#=-+--+-2\-|---=-2f+ #«-“-s De 26 

AU al Us 

28-29, Food of helpers -----*+-<8-7r -7--7--* 240 
August 29,Boat =-------e-8--=-=e=--- e + ee 8.10 
Aucust 29,Garriage to house =< == =-— = - = - = <= > e3O 

Box 176, insects 

Box 177, insects 

Box 178, insects 

Box 179, insects 

Box 180, insects 

Box 181, insects 

Box 182, insects 

Box 183, insects ue 

3 26.18 
Box 184 
Box 185 
Box 186 
Box 137. 
Box 188 
Box 189 
Box 190 
Box 191 
Box 192 
Box 195° 
Box 194 
Box 195 
Box 196 
Box 197 
Box 198 
Box 199 
Box 200 
Box 201, bones 
Box 202, Rocks 
August 31,Box, big, 205 skins 



sept. Ss 

Inn money Chengtu Sak Sle te hm 5: ps 2 M2 UR US as a ea 

Songpan account 




fish frogs 

<P Ve AP cage, 

risn frogs 
snails, etc. 
i rr Ss manale 
pi rogs 8 hh whe whe AD 

skins, bones, 
one bird 
Birds (No. 1) 
fifty birds 
(40) birds: 
(25) birds 
70. Birds 
43 birds 
© birds 
85° birde 
5 birds 
12 mammals 

Mm RM OO OJ 1 Pw 

3 mammals, worms, etc. 

Skinners for summer work of skinning - 
collector Zang for summer's work - - - 
Advanced for netter Ho for work about Chengtu 34.00 
Summer wages of netter, Chen - = = = = = -- 

ends here. 



re © 

CD so 8 Le 



sre. KC s 





Sept. 3, Letter, Mr. Ravenel - --+--+---+----$ 444 
Sept. 3, Other letters ----+=---2£ e777 -? pee 
Sept. 4, , One box specimens — = = = fie = = = = = & 98 
Sept. 5, Three boxes of specimens --------=- 6.94 
Sept. 6, ‘Four boxes specimens - -- © --*+-+--- 5292 
Hunting trip, carrier =-<---+--7*-=-- 04 
nw £9HOreG Loss on Exchange (out 200.w gold) -=--- 4,07 
Ce Sept. 10, Two boxes miiled ---------- =---= 1.96 
Sept. ll, Four boxes mailed --<-- <8 -\# += == = «= 3092 
Paid skinner moth catcher who worked at 

Shin Kai Si summer wages - ---- -<-- 2-00 

Sept. 12, Mailing two boxes birdskins in June from 
Chungking, see bill-----+-+-+-+-+--- 5.04 
Six films for Songpan trip --- --+----s. 8.45 
Packing materials ----+-+-<+-=-=*--#-- 1.60 
Four packages to U.S.A. -------- == 5292 
Total --+--+-+-- $9.50 

Netter Chen expenses, food, & 3 days © 

Omei Shen = === e@= eee een nw = SO 
Netter Chen wages (overlooked) for May 16- 

July 1, 1924 ---#--+-+ <2 -+-+2+ 2-22 -- 6.00 

Sept. 12, } leiled package =--=--|-+-* s+ -- +--+ = = o- 98 
ea Sh nue 8 birds one bat - ---<----=--+- eld 
INT ol oso. eri Spotting boxes of baggage containing 
ape birdskins Suifu to Shanghai by Lovegren - 16.40 
Sept. 15, Four boxes specimens - ----+-+-*+-+-- = 4.426 

ll boxes specimens to CHUAR MIME oe ie 
110 lbs. BirdsMJ US ------5- >= =) (1.65 

Letters re specimens = -©-=-=--+-+--"-- 18 

Sept. 16, Four boxes specimens mailed =~ ----+-- = 4.94 
Kleven bird boxes to steamer - ----<- ~O7 

Sept. 18, Ten boxes specimens, U. S.A. ---=- = = 12.356 
: One box to Yunnan for collecting Ste ee 40 
gf GOs Advance netter Chen collecting inf..- - - - 6.00 
i Four boxes mammal skins to Smithsonian Inst. __ 14.96 

Total =--|- = #= =| = % $ 96.73 

Leaves, twigs, and logs are rapidly becoming covered 
up with the deposit which becomes yellow stone. 

Because of the abundance of this yellow stone, the 
natives believe that a yellow dragon god lives in this gorge. 
Chinese and aborigines unite in worship. There are some very 
interesting things for one who is interested in the religious 
side of anthropology. 

wo Gu 

One reason that the officials of Songpan do not want 
anyone collecting mammals or insects is that they are devout 
Buddhists and believe in the transmigration of souls. It is 
about as bad to them to kill an animal, bird, or insect as it 
would be to kil a human being. However, it is really danger- 
ous on account of the aborigine brigands to go north or west 
of Songpan, where, by the way, is the best hunting. 

Ants. There are two small varieties that I have 
noticed that go up to about 14,000 feet. There is a large 
red ant found in Szechuen between the altitudes of 6,000 and 
11,000 ft. The most common large black ant of Szechuen 
(central) is found below the level of 6,000 feet but not 
above. Question, do these two ants fight each other so that 
they can not live in the same territory, or do they simply 
seek different levels? 

Insects above 7,500 feet often are found under 
stones but not often in the lower levels in Szechuen. Evi- 
dently they find under the stones some protection from the 

I did not find the wild small reddish turtle dove 
that I found at Tatsienln. , Ud 

The escorts are a great problem. Without them the 
officials will not be responsible for your safety. If you 
pay them too little, they'll report to the magistrate. Some- 
times they report that you have not paid what you should when 
you have, to get the official to give them more money, but it 
hurts your reputation. 

There is more roughing it on this trip for me than 
on any previous trip. I have walked every step since leaving 
Chengtu. I probably will not see another foreigner until I 
return to Chengtu. I have not eaten cake since leaving Chengtu 
and the only cookies I have had were some “PAank Chinese 
cookies bought on the street. I eat bread only about one 
meal a day - can't get any here that is less tough than 
leather (it is unleavened). It takes me till late at night 
sometimes to take care of the specimens caught during the 

My Chinese helpers have worked mighty hard on this 
trip. It is hard on the skinners to walk 20 to 50 miles, then 
spend part of the night skinning birds. The netter often does 
not get enough sleep because of catching moths. All these 
helpers walk all the time unless they are sick. The loyalty 
of these Chinese helpers and the willingness to work hard will 
mean much in making this trip a success if it proves a suc- 
cess. All these helpers I have trained myself. 

cnn, Ya 

I saw at Tieh Chi, altitude about 8,000 feet, the 
large kingfisher of which I have sent samples from central 
Szechuen. I did not get a shot at it. 

In the region of Songpan and Mowchow, and between, 
all the rock is lava - no limestone or sandstone - excepting 
the yellow stone deposited by the water in Yellow Dragon 

Ants.- Above Mowchow at a level of about 6,000 
feet I saw both the large red ant and the large black ant 
on the same ground. They did not seem to be at war. This 
makes it seem probable to me that they do not fight, but 
simply and naturally seek different levels, the large black 
ant from about 6,000 feet altitude down, and the red ant from 
about 6,000 feet alt. to about 11,000 feet. 


Aug. 5. It is a piece of good fortune I met Rev. 
Thomas Torrence, F. R. G. S. He knows this region, and will 
put me in touch with a king of the aborigines who is a great 
hunter. I mst give this king a present to get his good will. 

Aug. 7. I was sick this morning and still feel 
weak. | 

The drowning of the coolie carrier was unavoidable. 
The stream was swift and swollen. The bridge was three logs 
tied together with pieces of wire. Probably, these were 
rotten and gave way when the carrier tried to cross. I heard 
his cry for help, saw him floating rapidly down the swollen 
mountain stream. This was just above the village. We ran 
below the village and tried to head him off, but the only 
thing we found was a piece of the framework he used for carry- 
ing things on his back. This makes a sad ending for the day. 
No trace has been found of our things. These mountain streams 
can only be appreciated after one has seen themymemm. Many of 
them are roaring torrents, especially in high water. The 
coolie had parents, wife, and children. I had healed his feet 
of bad stone bruises and we liked each other. 

The Wasi aborigines have been brought to this terri- 
tority by the Chinese from towards Tibet and placed or sand- 
wiched in the midst of the Chiang aborigines to balance the 
power of the Chiangs and make them more easily governed. They 
have absorbed more of the social and religious customs of the 
Chinese than the Chiang, who have refused to absorb or be 
absorbed, and resemble the Chinese more closely. 

a ti 

Aug. 8. The accident yesterday was entirely unavoid- 
able on our part. The blame is entirely on the part of those 
who look after that bridge for not replacing rotten thongs. 

The piece of skull and the jawbone secured above 
Nen Chuan are probably of two individuals. Mr. Torrence, 
F. R. G S. thinks they are of the Sui Dynasty, at least 
1,000 years old. He thinks they were mummified. The skin 
and flesh did not rot but dried on the bodies. Ir. Torrence 
sent a specimen of a hand to the British Museum. This is a 
very dry spot, and either they were mumnified or else they 
dried up instead of rotting. The coffins, well preserved, 
are of wood. There is no mark or inscription of any kind to 
indicate the age of the specimens. The bodies were intact 
when just discovered several years ago, but the natives have 
broken them to pieces with stones. I would like to know what 
Dr. Hrdlicka finds about these bones. Are they Mongolian, 
Aryan, or aboriginal in type? 

Mammals. I do not consider my summer's catch of 
mammals an outstanding success. Near Songpan we were not 
allowed to go where mammals were plentiful. Where we went, 
a great festival which included hunting, had driven the large 
mammals awey, and nearly cleaned out the pheasants. Near 
Nen Chuan there are large mammals, including a white and 4 
black bear, and a long-haired monkey or ape, but every native 
is a hunter and the animals are exceedingly wild. I used to 
trap when a ae but there are special things to learn about 
trapping in West China, and I am beginning to learn some of 
them. It might pay for me to train a native trapper and 
hire him-throughout the year, taking him with me on these 
trips, for trapping takes time, and one of my problems is 
to get as much as possible done in a comparatively short 
time. If allowed to use money a little liberally I can hire 
native hunters and considerably increase my catch of pa tee 

Auge 15. I was just getting into the swing of 
securing mammals when I left for Suifu. A month spent here 
in winter time ought to give excellent results. 

Wilson, the great naturalist who spent eleven years 
in West China, had with him part of the time a naturalist who 
spent his whole time trapping mammals. People who knew him 
say that he had a great deal of trouble and lost lots of traps. 
The Chinese would continually steal his traps. He was con- 
stantly provoked by this sort of thing. Some of us who live 


in China are sometimes inclined to think that "Honest John 
Chinaman" is a literary fiction, more legendary than real. 

Aug. 28. It will be some relief of mind when I get 
to Suifu with my collecting outfit and specimens. Brigands, 
petty thieves, mold, rust, breakage by carriers, and wreckage 
of boats are some of the possible sources of loss. Last 
night a thief broke into a foreign compound in Kiating, 
probably hoping that he might secure the Smithsonian guns, 
whieh I had taken to the house where I spent the night. 

After losing my folding cot when the coolie was 
drowned near Nen Chuan, I spread my blankets on flat boards. 
It would not do to use Chinese beds, on account of the fleas, 
bedbugs and lice. 

It is about as much work caring for the specimens, 
labelling them, packing them, etc. as it is to collect the 
Specimens. Under caring for the specimens I would include 
drying, wrapping, Ub. 

It was a wise thing to take the Songpan trip. It 
might be several years.before that road is again as free from 
brigands as it is this year, end before the trip is again 
possible because there is*no civil wer in Szechuen. Now that 
the Mission has asked me to go to Ningyuenfu next spring, it 
is certain that I could not go to pene pen next year, although 
I could go to Moupins probably. ‘The Washen trip could be 
taken practically any year so that it may well be postponed 
until the other important trips are all taken. Washan is so 

near lit. Omei that there is apt to be quite:a close resemblance 

in the species found at Washan and those at Mt. Omei. Places 
more widely separated are more apt to produce a different 
variety of specimens. 

sept. 18th. Already the warclouds are gathering 

over China, and there are rumors that the thunders of war 
will soon be heard in Szechuen. If there had been similer 
conditions during the summer I could not have gone to 
Songpan. I have hurried up the packing and shipping of 
specimens, and today the last box of specimens has gone off 
by parcel post. Here's hoping thet they all get safely out 
of China before the Yengtse River becomes closed to steamer 
traffic and that none of the fifty boxes of specimens are lost 

r injured. 


Sept. 21. Kueicheo troops have appeared at Ho K 


between Suifu and Chungking, and have fired on the steamer 
Steamer traffic may close at any time. 

HO KIANG, between LUCHEO and Chungking. 

‘Z Oy = a f " Erery 4 
fer suggestions as to how to make the 

TT" ees 
Please o Y 


the curators. 

~ 4 
ry more useful to 

I shall appreciate information at any time about 
specimens that have been sent in, especially any that have 
proven of special interest. 


(Signed) David C. Graham. 

