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Full text of "Diseases Of The Nose Throat And Ear"

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1, Normal right tympanic membrane.

2,  Markedly indrawn left drumhead, with prominence of the anterior and posterior malleolar folds,
The handle of the malleus is greatly foreshortened.

3, Left drumhead. Secretory otitis media. Note the hair line at the upper margin of the exudate.

4, Right drumhead. Acute suppurative otitis media. The superficial vessels are seen radiating from the
handle of the malleus.

5, Right drumhead. Acute suppurative otitis media during influenza, with haemorrhagic bullae on the
drum membrane,

6, Right drumhead. Acute suppurative otitis media, with bulging of posterior superior quadrant.

7, From same patient as No. 6, showing appearances during healing process.

8, Right drumhead. Tuberculous otitis media with two perforations of the drumhead.

9, Chronic suppurative otitis media, left ear, with anterior central perforation. Posteriorly the drum-
head shows a chalk patch.

10, Chronic suppurative otitis media, left ear, showing very large central perforation.

11,  Chronic suppurative otitis media, right ear, with granulations covering the posterior superior

12, Chronic suppurative otitis media, right ear, with granulations and cholesteatoma.

13,  Chronic suppurative otitis media, left ear, showing large posterior marginal perforation and

14, Perforation of ShrapnelTs membrane (attic perforation), left ear, with cholesteatoma.

15, Kidney-shaped scar in right drumhead, resulting from former middle ear suppuration.

16,  Results of chronic middle ear suppuration in right ear: Anteriorly there is a chalk patch in the
drumhead, and posteriorly a large perforation, showing tjie entrance to the round window niche.

17, Results of chronic suppuration in right ear. There is a large chalk patch in the drumhead, and a
posterior marginal perforation, revealing the joint between the incus and stapes.

18, Large retracted scar in left drumhead, resulting from former chronic suppuration.

19, Shows the same ear as seen in 18, after inflation. The scar is now bulged outwards towards the

20, Otosckrosis. The normal transparent left drumhead shows a pinkish tinge of the promontory in the
region of the oval window.