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Full text of "Diseases Of The Nose Throat And Ear"

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Otitis media, syphilis in, 371

-----------in infants, 370

Otogenic intracranial infection, 363
Otomycosis, 306

—  antibiotics and, 306

—  itching in, 303

—  otitis externa and, 306

Otorrhoea, chronic, in middle ear disease, 381
-------otitis media, 325

—  following mastoidectomy, 348

—  in granulations and polypi, 328

—  recurrence after otitis media, chronic

suppurative, 326
Otosclerosis, (figs. 194-7) 373-7
Otoscope, (Fig. 155) 283
Otoscopic examination of ear, 297
Otoscopy in salpingitis, (Plate X) 309
Ototoxic antibiotics, 392

—  antibodies and tinnitus, 278
Outstanding auricle, (Fig. 163) 294
-------plastic surgery for, 294

Oval window, (Figs. 194, 195, 196) 374

-------injury to, 383

-------in sensorineural deafness, 393

Oxypnil-cell adenoma, 176
Ozaena, 37

Pachydermia of larynx, 162

—  removal of tissue in, 163
Packing the ear, (.Fig. 160) 289-90
Pain in acinic-cell tumour, 141

—  aero-sinusitis, 84

—  after tonsillectomy, 127

—  in ear, causes of, 277, 278

—  extradural abscess, 354

—  from cysts, 86

—  in furunculosis, 304

—  granulations and polypi 328

—  labyrinthitis, 352

—  laryngeal, 149

—  in laryngitis, 158

—  malignant tumour of pharynx, 117

—  middle ear tumour, 381

—  nasal sarcoma, 63

—  orbital cellulitis, 79

—  salpingitis, 309

—  sinus infection, 70
-------tumours, 90

—  ulcers of mouth, 102

Palatal paresis associated with otitis media, 312
Palate, cleft, 96
-------submucous, 96

—  hard, (Fig. 46) 94

—  in mononucteosis, 103

—  peritonsillar abscess, (.Plate VI, 5) 120

—  soft, (.rig. 46> 94

-------in adenoidectomy, 133

-------bifid uvula, 112

-------catarrhal pharyngitis, 107

-------causing hyperrhinophonia, 112

-------in Eustachian catheterization, 289

-------papillomata, 115

-------and tonsillectomy, 124

—  in syphilis, 109, 371

Palatine arches, congenital abnormalities of, 112

-------papillomata of, 115

-------and syphilis, 10£

—  artery, (.Fig. 7) 3,7

—  nerve, (.Fig. 8) 7

—  tonsil, (.Fig. 47) 97

Palatoglossal fold, (Fig. 47) 97

Palatograph of nasopharynx, (Fig. 48) 97

Palatography, 96

Palatopharyngeal fold, (Figs. 46, 47) 94

Panendoscopy, 245

Pantopaque contrast medium, 396

Papilloedema in cerebellar abscess, 362

—  otitic hydrocephalus, 368
Papilloma(ta), 63, 89-90, 204

—  of larynx, (Plate VII, 5) 174

-------multiple, in children, (Figs. 100,101)200-2

----------------removal of, 90, 201

-------removal of, 174

—  of pharynx, 115

Papillomatosis of nose, (Fig. 43) 89-90
Paracentesis in otitis media, acute suppurative

(Fig. 167) 316
Paracusis Willisii, 277

—  in Otosclerosis, 373, 374
Paraesthesia of pharynx, 114
Paragangliomas, 242

—  non-chromaffin, 242

Paralysis of facial nerve (see also Facial paralysis),

-------in keratosis obturans, 298

-----------in temporal bone fracture, 384

-----------tuberculous otitis, 346

—  laryngeal, in children, 200

—  vocal cord in adults, 149, 186-90
Paranasal sinuses, 8-11

-------cysts in, 86-7

-------development of, 53

-------infection in, 65-83

------------associated with nasal polypi, 56-60

------------dental causes, 68, 72

-------injury, 84-5

-------miscellaneous affections, 84-9

-------mucocele in, 85

-------nasopharyngitis, 129

-------orbital cellulitis in, (Fig. 23) 53, 79-80

-------oro-antral fistula in, 85

-------osteomyelitis in, 80

-------ostia, 67, 68, 69

-------polyposis in, 56-60

-------radiography of, (Figs. 28-31) 71, 72

-------sinusitis, acute, 65-8

-----------in children, 53-5

------------chronic, 69-83

-------tumours of, 89-92

Parapharyngeal abscess associated with tonsil-
lectomy, 106

—  tumours, 115

Parasitic cysts resembling parotid swelling, 240
Parasympathetic fibres of nose, 5
Parasympatheticomimetic drugs, effect of, 47
Paratracheal nodes, removal of, 184

-------in subglottic cancer, 184

Paresis, facial, 344-8

—  primary ischaemic, 345

—  of sixth nerve in extradural abscess, 354

—  third nerve, 360
Parosmia, 18

Parotid duct, (Fig. 55) 137

—  gland, (Fig. 55) 137-8
-------inflammation of, 138-9

—  swelling, diagnosis of, 138-141

—  tumours, (Fig. 57) 140
Parotitis, 138

—  acute suppurative, 138-9

—  chronic, recurring, 139
Paroxysmal vertigo, 374