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Full text of "Engineers should make good husbands / John A. Gurklis"

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John A. Gurklls, 




In this paper I have attempted to discuss briefly 
in a light vein aome of the outstanding characteristics 
and qualities of engineers which would make them very de- 
sirable husbands. 



Engineers should make very good husbands. Such B.n 
outright statement might not seem Justified at first j but 
there will "be presented sufficient reasons as to why engineers 
should make good marital mates. 

One of the prime requisites to being a good husband 
Is the wise and careful selection of a wife to whom one would 
like to be good. An engineer is supposed to be a man with 
considerable foresight j therefore, he should make ample plans 
for the future. 

An engineer is well aware of and also highly ap- 
preciative of beauty in all its forms. In the design of 
structures and machinery the engineer seeks curwes, and he 
is a marvel when it comes to Juggling figures. Since he con- 
stantly uses a slide rule, he likes well rounded figures. In 
designing there is a certain aesthetic quality the engineer 
seeks. This also holds true in the selection of a mate. 
In choosing a wife, the engineer will consider the subject 
from all possible angles. He will also consider the strength 
and durability of the product. 

Since engineers are usually well traveled young 
men, they will not be easily detoured or derailed before 
reaching their objective. They have the determination and 
the perslstance necessary for the attainment of their goal. 


After having successfully chosen a wife, one has 
completed the first stage. Now comes the second stage. Think 
of little Junior, who Inevitably creeps Into the picture. 
He will like very much to have as a companion, a father, 
who could help him with his toy electric train or else help 
him build a wagon or scooter. Think of what a convenience 
it can be for a wife to have around the home a man, who can 
fix the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine, or even do a 
little plumbing. 

Chemical engineers might be said to make the best 
type of mates, because they have all had lessons in the 
domestic sciences when they were taking courses in the various 
chemistries i Therefore, they should be well in a position 
to take over and keep the home fires burning when something 
might happen to the wife. 

Engineers usually get around considerably and are 
as a rule good mixers, A little convention of the boys now 
and then in some distant city usually stirs up the anxiety 
and imagination of the wife who was left behind. This anx- 
iety should have a desirable effect, as it will tend to make 
the wife more attentive and more considerate of her husband. 
However, many of the conventions are so arranged that they 
take into consideration the wives and plan their programs 
in such a manner as to provide activities for both the en- 
gineers and their wives. 

Possessing fairly good memories, engineers are 
more apt to be capable of keeping anniversary dates straight 
in their minds. Therefore, they will remember the little 


glft or boquet of roses for their wives on these special 
occasions. These small r erne mbe ranees mean so much to the 
wives and they go a long way in the preservation of marital 

In his dealings with stresses and strains the 
engineer knows fully well that relations csn not be strained 
too far before a snap will come; so that at all times he 
will employ the usual safety fector. And should the time 
ever come when relations might be slightly strained, who 
better than an^engineer would know how to design a suitable 
"Dog House" in which he m^ight comfortably abide until the 
storm had passed. However, due to his creative genius, 
the engineer should be capable of cresting some of the 
most unique and convincing of alibis with which he would 
be able to keep the wife perfectly at ease. 

Thus briefly there has been presented a discussion 
on the potential possibilities of engineers as marital mates. 
On the basis of the reasoning and the derived deductions 
employed in this paper. It can be concluded that engineers 
do make very good husbands. 



No bibliography is necessary as the material presented was 
entirely original.