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Full text of "Enhancing the safety of our toys : lead paint, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and toy safety standards : hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, special hearings, June 18, 2007, Washington, DC [i.e. Chicago, IL], September 12, 2007, Washington, DC"

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sr n f o:\iiiiTTJiK OfniB 






Pnnted be <li« ue of thr CoanillKE db ApprDprmUini 


Availabl? vm Ibc WGrld WhI" VhEh: li lipj'.'^rrwigpaDFiKi^.^ j^Dngic^ Im] 


Rm- bdc h, Ibc 4ipo^iiiku rf ItaiKoUi L L [li-rnnrx l^nmnii ITis 
kmoH. bidiin j|M|iF Hikc iiD Hit IIM] I El r-liAh IT ■[■ < H r <ll] I- ll» 

hi I ■»■ i«r-n*i UbI hiv mcr, HiJ^iiin, iriiLHii-utui 


rOILEBIC EitD. Acn ViniiiB, Oimi 

DANIEL K iriDL'yi: ECiiJ 


TOM HAPKin Idwi 

IL1I1UB- .•,. MIKL'LHKE >hrnki.l 

lll!BP HUlll. ^iFniLii^ 

I'AITV ML'BB-V, aiJiiHilD> 


diuim: FEiN^T>:in, dbiiru 

BICH-rn J DL'BFirj IDihiIi 
TIU JO}I^'BDn, Finish DiliU 
riABt ]. I.^MIIINL, ImiLimu 
JACK li:i!D Bbiir l-lmd 
I^Ar4K B. ]^LT>:MLEIIi Ni- Jcji 
BEN Z:>:LADn, N^tnib 

IHAD COI'HB-X UiiuiDpfl 

Till 'vTt.ll'.F! ^l,->. 

^BIE:\ HPI9'III E^iiiir III n^ 

11 ii: ■ iiiiiiENici Ni- riciE 

I'HBnTOFHLr <l I9in]l Uiiidl 

uiiT}] Mimnri ELI. Kr>iuk.- 

IICELlin I' ^HELEV ^lil»a 
JL1IPLBEIX1 ricw HimpHliin 
].-BBt I'BAHJ IklD 
1.1M llBdD'MLII'H. Hi^iiH 
n'A'iNE AIJ_^D, CitaiuU 
l.-riAB -LIXANDEB. naniFit 

diAju r- Ki-rrrn Uliill i'^""!" 


i]i'Hiin-i i^uiiLin, innni^ rrimoTTd'j 

I'AITV ML'BB-V, WiJiii_i[> 

iiABt ]. i-^Fi ni]>:L', lauLimu 

HTANK B ].-l~r>:MLEIi: "<- JcTii- 

EEN XNLFLUn, littnib 

HaEEITC Btf D, I'cii Vimik ii, w/Hai^ 

lAM llBdD'M^II'H. Hi^iiK 

rHBiRTUFiiir ? i>in]i UmDun 

riCELlID i: HEELED Alil»a 


THAIi CDChBAP. UiiBuipiI Ki <JbiDj 

Uhtv D vn iti < UiiH.-jQy 
Kai riTE NhTin ■ ' ff rjjEiriJyJ 

-i^firrrnrirt-iii^L'* Sl^jjhtJ 



ScnuzB?" I gE S^DQlGr P K bail) J Diirbia I 

Picpuml SUiHMD^Dlof Cgii^ci^bdb Bufcby L. Emh 5 

SmuBcni gELIh] ^^IgnD. AllDnify CrEnrml SUiU of IlLiBiai 5 

PirpDml SuiKbeti I If 

ScncfBcni oF Him. Nnncy A. NdhI, Ailing ClminiiiiD CDDiimiEr PndLfl 

Sa&i> Cdid miiinH] I& 

CoD-um 17 Puidu I 5afrly Com mliinnil PsilhI Gf Ach mvmETi I IT 

Pn^-inil Siiih^iD?D< Hif NnBcy A. ?i4nd lU 

UwDf ID Cnh- .._._ .. i2 

CPSDEwnllALiifcinily M 

Inpoikd FicdiiEli .._._ . . S4 

Bnn on la^ 55 

SalLQnaiH 5& 

VdLiitiCii> EctdLIs 57 

Mmnein Caw 5U 

CPSCi OiiDumi 5U 

SHlLtin I& h ^ RfffarlLTia 5U 

CPST RctQllAiiifcinily _.. _.._.._.._.._. 5U 

Sgdiii.K Cian ^lalu□l Ibr Raolli . . 3U 

i,niti.jEi^i&iLKii _._. _..._.._.._. au 

CPSC FmEi ai 

METnamniliini aE UBdetiundiBg Wilh Chiui Si 

CPSCiCLVil Pcnnliki _... 32 

SuiEf Bcni GESImnn] llei]r> 34 

ScQEfBeni dF t[yn]B Omafai], M J) , M F H , FA AF_ dh IrDnir of Ibe Amcr- 

LTUD AdHtay gE P^dinUi' 1 35 

Ftepnnd SuiKBETi I 37 

Smcf Bmi GEMniuy A Co\vIei, B(« liiI\v Diiri mr Kidi Id DaagEi 3ll 

PirpDml SchKbeti I 41 

Scnn'Bcn I 'lE Cditl? ficilkly, PmnSenI, Toy iHtuiuy A^VHiiiiHB, Ini' .... 45 

Frepnud PioWBcn I 47 

TkE SiiH«"- oF lh< Con VDiui Palely SUmdoid SyiUm 47 

Toyi awe TeiUJ br SaPtly 4B 

TkETaySatik SCmdnid ii BiUimiiliminly Su(f iiliil m Ficle: iLng C bildira 4K 

CPSCa VlIdI F(incm> iti 

WEDNE3l>lt SlFJEI^IBER |5, ^07 

BknrBCD I gE S^milGr P K bsiilJ Dubia 57 

BkncHCD L gE SLjanlGr Sam Biimikich <l2 

Picpaid SioWBEn [ ^7 

SmKBcn I gE SranlGr Murk Pijor IIS 

Frepnnri HmWBEn I tit 

SmlGBon I gE SGDalGr B ill [JgIuid Tl 

Ftcpnnri SmHBEn [ Tl 

ScnH'Boni gE SLjanlGr Amy Klobulmi . ... 12 

Ftcpnnri SioWBEn I .... T4 

ScnlGBEni oF Hgb. Ndi][> A. Nnnl, Ailing CliDiniiiri, CmiimiiEr Pndifl 

Sa&i> Com miiinH] 15 

Tkomm H. blGoic. C Dm mliiimiEi , Con lumer Pndii: I ^Isly CGBm iiikib . . 15 

CDDiimiEr Puidui Safely Com mliiiui] UoitniiiDUDa T7 

Pirpmcd SiBb:m«Dlul Iigd [Jam'} fi Noid 77 


iBllLDlivri WKb Ibr Ch IBE1E Qg jEi]]iD?D< 16 

Pmnl? Sh or^ QD Lib liners lallLiiUvn ... . . Iti 

iHim^il ^uriMllnH? ^mil Eabr'EnieBl . . . Iti 

Satlu'DT, M Ldurab^liro] . . . . IJU 

Suil?Bf n I gE TkuDD 1 H ^om IJD 

Leal IB C krili?B'i FndLrli Ql 

Pi?p^mil ^Uih^meDl uf ThoniDi H. MoDic Ii2 

PruuiriM , EcvouiiKi. Hciduk?^ 1^ 

l»pi>ji PirdiiEi Snfcii as 

5uiliiuT> hhI DiIil^i ^I'tdrauDUH IJ4 

L'n lud SlDiL^i-C hiDQ .^|j[E'''iiicn I IJTp 

Ch iHtcn' 1 Jc^eIiy 1* 

Chiklicn'i bleuL ^'^rli> lecaU^— Feti-imiy :J , ^LUQ mH>.|[,bEi Id, ^dT ... QT 

CDDiimiEr Piodu I Satly Com mliinnil LnhiLiiiUn) QT 

1*1*1 PQini as 

EnlCflirmtai Qf 

ChDngf ^ IG ibc Con iimier PukIii'I ?t]le<y CamiDii^uD iSUilule^ Bti 

Cddiuiiil? Puidu I Sntly Com mliinnil PkdIL FircEii . ._ . Ul 

L'miL'd SU]<Ei-C hinn .^)j[r«iiiEn I S2 

ChiHtcn 1 Jc^Eliy . S3 

iBlEiBniKiDal TidIg 04 

CGDiimiEr Puidu I Satly Com mlinDiil AcliDB 1 US 

&nFlii[e»rni . Sfi 

CinlGmi and Bontr Pigkcikib .... . S7 

5m»B<ni Gf Jcin SiGirh, dminmiD □ad Cliirf EiHiUikr Office, Tnyi ^^ 

U I, THGrpGiiKi'd LVii>'ne Ne^JfriEy ... SS 

Pirpnnd !<caLGBcn I lOU 

BknrBciir gE Pobcn A Bclu'n. C kniiBDB and ChteT QiKiiUvr OiUnr, MdI»L, 

IwoffQiDled , B I St-ijuiidi Cnlibmin ICU 

Ftepnid SuilGBEn [ ICM 

Smleami uT 5tii\.y QiEfnbEig, ?«ni[<i FiefIikI Sntly Cdiuui], CDniumcji 

Un en , ^\a^ll IBB"*- CC . IK 

FrepLinri SmWBEn I .. . . IOT 

Sui»B<n I HhT Curler KEilh ley FmideBl, Toy 1 BdiiHiy AiwkbIub, Nci' Voit 

CLly,^■o^YDl^. IW 

Firpniel SuileBEn I 110 

ScaleBcni dFS Jce BbnliD. Picitlf ni hhI Chief Bte'iiiin Dmizer Amencna 

NdIidddI Sumdnidi InilLluK. Wii^bingU>n, DC Ilfi 

FrepLinri PmlGBcn I IIB 

Addlii^DJil Cgb m LLhc QiEiiEiDi ... I3U 

C^bCKiuiii ^ubmiKL'd <D Siun MnHy ',. rjGid I3U 

OuMUDDi ^ubmiKcd ty ScDD^Di nrhnid J Ehirbin I3U 

Biiki-nakMi _. _ . ISB 

US-Cfclna.'.nn.'cnienl .. l9tf 

FubLnalinn dF Riiall Pnlei ._..._.._. ..._.._ 141 

FennllLei 141 

SslLonaiH 141 

Al'[04IDU]bLlll> 14^ 

LenBifc> EernLI Picteii I4i 

C/if lUDD 1 ^ubmiiUd iDTbGBD^ K Ifoiwc 144 

C^uei^HH] 1 Submii^ed ty SenDUii Rrhnr] J Ehubin I4tf 




SuEf DhiriiTTEi: on FifJiacinL Seivic'efi 

nun G}!>Er ^1. GovFiNiiEF^T, 
Cdiimittef on Api'Boi'ii^riDrjB, 

Chicago, IL 

The aubcDinmitLcc met at dSU a m in roam ^5^5, Ccinnonisl 
Caiutrnam Ei'crctt MiJCinlrj DirkBcn U.3 CourlliDiiac, Hon Rich- 
Brd J. DurbiJi Idiainnank prraiding. 

E^tcacnt Scnalot Durhin. 

Also present Cini gi'eosman Rush 


ScnaHor DuiPi^. Wclconie lo [he field hearing of the Financial 
Scrvicea Suhcorntnitlrc on Ap ptopi iationa. 

This Financial Service and General Government Su be om mi lice la 
a new creation, and it has aome 'iA diffeicnt Fedeial agencies 
undei ila mriadic Don , including the Conaumei Product Safclj Com- 
miaaian iCFSC^ which is die lead agencj Icday an a very impm- 
lan t consumer aafel^ laaue. 

I want Xd thank oui fiiendE in nhe Fedeial courdiouae heie for 
allowing lu Eo use these bcauniful chamberB, and id's mj under- 
Elanding that diey're gmn^ inEo a [rial as Eiion as iic li niEh , sd well 
ti'y tj cleat out and let them gecdaivn Xa buamcaE 

I alED wanted la acknowledge [hac m}/ calleague, CongccsEman 
Babb> Rush, will be here in luat a moment I wanted to alait on 
time Fm not buic which clcek to follow here hecauEe I nodce that 
thej^e kind of giving >ou different Elarcin g timea but Fm gamg to 
uae thiE one I want tj thank Bobbj Rush loc co-chaiiing ihia heal- 
ing thia morning and oui witneaaea in parncular for being here, At- 
toinej Gcneial Lisa Madigan wha will lead ofi Acting Chaitman 
of [he Conaumei E^tcdiicc Safely Ckimmiaaian, Nancy Nard, who la 
alEO heie 

Nancy, [hank >ou very much, and aiu oulaidc experla who came 
here an vcrv Ehort natice 1 wane ta thank all thcae whoSe pailici- 
patcd I called Eodaj'E heaiingE becauae I hai'e concern e about con- 
sumer picduct &afely and the abililj of our agencies at the Federal 
and Slate le^el Xa reapond I waE alaimed la read about the mag- 
nedc Xiyfa that well diEcuaa [oda> causing [he death of children in 


dcfficna of fSHCH of li fc- ihiralcmn e injuries, and yet, for a varied 

of rcaaona, conaumciB were not warned, and inaTi> of [hcac prad- 
uclH fliayedon dieahelf fai Idhect than they oltDiild ha^c 

Oui cxpceuEC n> [hiB l^pc of ibbuc ii'as Ln^endj hci gh Eenol bj die 
pccfncd recall in Macch and Apiil of [his leac In the pec feed i:aac 
there's an intereatinE paiallcl. The cam bin a nan of ii'cak icEulaQjiy 
BysEemE, an LmdcEfunded Frdccal a^enc^, tainted picduclB maijc in 
thiE isBC by icrespanBihle Chinese manufactureEB led <□ the Eich- 
neaa and death of manj houEchold pclB and a masBivc recall of pec 
Ibcdall acrces America 

In caily Maf I was Ecmindcd of the leEsonB learned from die pcD 
fncd reiz^l when I read a Chicago Ttihunc Ecriea on [he reiHll of 
Ha^nctix toy picduclH In thia iccall, die ConBumer Pinduct Safelj 
CbrnmLaaiDn worked la lecall the I'crj popular childicn'a [oj 
HasncHx hue was conftonted widi a fiim which rcfuBed to coopct- 
atc Juac like the pet feed recall, die prcducc being leealled was 
pinduced by a ChineEC manulacnurer Ndii', hccc's a EtaHiEdi: which 
bears remcmhciins aa we go thiough thia healing 

At the CbnBumcr Picduct Safely Cbmin Laa tan , neaily [wo-thirda 
of die ptcduclH diat they deal widi are impDrca, and cwc-thirda of 
thiHcaic from cmccountij China 

Dd die math Hali of die work oi the CanBumcr Picduct Safety 
CammLaaian deala with picducls that arc made in China Over die 
paEt week, we havcaeen aimilai parallel ElorieB emci^ing 

AnodicE populac childrcn'E toy One and one-hall million unis af 
Thom^ die Tiain cara thac contain lead paint aUo made in China 
Butject pj recall. The neiiB le pait oi a larger pictutc iicSc ob- 
Bcrved in leccnC montha Chineae tcothpaEtc adultciated with 
diethylcne glycol, a common ingredient m andfre^ie, but ccilainlj 
not a comman ingredient in tcothpaEtc Recalled Shoddily pio- 
duced magnetic Edjb and wcoden Oain cam ccated in lead paint. 

In the caac af Magnedx, the loy, the plaatic caEings thaC cncap- 
BulaCed the powerful rare eardi magncla wci c not properlj made 
in the iiiBt place When the piecea broke, aE thcj can tinj litdc 
magncca fell out. The CPSC and the firm Ecac Ait Induaniea ic- 
ccived icpoilfi of iheac magnela falling ouC and a poEaiblc healdi 
liak aaacciated with awallowing them 

When mote [han one of these magnela waa ingested, we know 
how manj childtcn arc pione to putting tc^E in ihcii moudis and 
picking up linic piecea and awallowing diem, these magnela, when 
the) were awallowed, attached in their int^mnea causing aeiioua 
injui y in many caaea, m aomc cases even death Mote than a dozen 
Bciioua aurgcriea aaaceiated with thia ciak wcic icpoi ted One fam- 
il) na^icall) Icat thcic child, a ^O-manth-old boj named Kenneth 
Sweet, who awalloii'cd these dn> litdc magnela thac almcst Imk 
like cand> , and died a Uagic deadi. 

Un foi tunacely, theae injunea and deatha could ha^c been pio- 
vented hy a acties of atepa that never occuired. They nciTr cc- 
cuired becauae the cvaaivc natutc of the iincoopctativc firm and 
the limHadona on the authnri^ of the Pedccal agencj, ConEumer 
Pinduct Safely Commisaion, to piotect conaumera That'a the lea- 
Bon we're hcic todaj for thia hearing. 

I hope well let the cupel ts tell us how we can make the laws bet- 
ter in Amciica, how we can proteec conaumeia, children and fami- 

licB even more Fiom the mornent ihia rial: wao perceived, [he Con- 
Bumcr Pindiict Safely Cbmni laaiari and the companj in queadon 
here should hsiT acini quickly lo icmo^c theac products from fllotc 
sheli'es and alerC consumers of the riak. 

Un fo] tunaEely, it didn't happen I want Eo know ii'hj it didn'c 
happen I want to know what we can do to he better prepaied m 
the lutute 

Theic ate thtec areas Fll then fccus an m Kday'a hcHTiJiE with 
Cangresaman Rush 

Firat, timing The CPSC fiiflC learned of the health nak sup- 
pcaedlj bj these magnela on Haj Ifl 2005, when a S-year-ald child 
undei wen C m ceatinaj Bur^ety fur BwallohvinE maEnela 

However, itwasn'c until Maich 31, yiXKi that the rirat recall wa? 
annaunjwd, and it wasn't until May 2007, 2 >eaifl aitet the fiiat 
child was operated on that a full, eleai recall was eaiahliahed by 
Rqgc Art/Hega Stands and the CbnBumcr Product Safety Commis- 
sion Why'^ Why did iC take bd lang^ Cbuld the CPSC ha^e isBued 
the suhpccna sconcr'^ Could the firm ha^e been held reaponBible 
eailier^ WhatieEulamry authoiiDea did CPSC lack [hat could have 
e!ipedi[ed this case? [t's clear what penalUcB a company laces 
When ID delajs it isn't cleat what penalties are goinE [o he faced 
if there's a delay. Should these pcnal[ieB be increased^ It's my 
thouEht thac com pan ies that unnecessarily delaj lepottins and en- 
dan gei human heal[h should faccsetiouB penalties We tan in[o eM- 
acdy iJie aame set of cii cumBtances when it came to pec food 

A Canadian company importing this pet foid found that the ani- 
mals weien'teaDnE i[, weie senjnE sick and d>in» and waited oiTr 
S weeks [o lepoi't it. Meanwhile milhortB of cans ol this prcducC 
were spread aciccB the Uni[ed States and Nor[h Ameiica What 
was the penally for the company? Veij little, li an> Somnd, Tm 
concerned b> a snin^ of media tepoilH thaC dclaiJ lai Chinese 
standard? as a source of iisk foe American families 

In [he Magnetir case and Thomas [he Tiain engines, toothpaste 
sitiia[ion, inesponsiblc man ufac turns in China aie putting lami- 
lies at iisk It is sad to reporc that [he "Made in China" label has 
bemme a warning label to manj families access America toda» I 
want [o know what we can du to establish good in [erna[ional 
standard? thiough testung organizatioits like ASTM In [erna[ional 
OE thiough memorandum of undecstandi n^ to establish clcai guide- 
lines and pnorides, penalties and systems foi mfocmatnon ex- 

Thud why should oiu' regulator) agcncj, Consutner PrcducC 
Safety Commission, not ha^e [he authoiity iC needs to deal with 
uncoopeia[ii'e Firms? I want to know what changes in authoriw or 
funding will be neccBsaij to »ive this a^encj the tcols iC nee<fa to 
piotei:t us Theie are many quesdons cleaily that need [o be asked 
and answered 

When Congiessman Rush airives, well alloii' him [o make an 
opening statement at that t:imc I ceriainly understand his situa- 
tnon Ojms ta fighc tiafilc and get in heic iknow hell be here ^ei'y 
shortly, but rd like at this point to call as our first witness the At- 
toinej General of [he State of Ulinois, Lisa Madigan. I wanC to 
thank het for being here She has, of coutsc, m [he tatnc that she^ 
been rn office, hecn a leader on eonsumec prcducES safety'. She's 

here [(day la talk about cffmla that aic being made at the Slate 
level. Tin hopiiiE — Cbn gresaman Euah i& hcic Let me give him a 
chance U> open Jusd Etaried. JuEt Hnbhcd my opening siaEemcnC 

Ml RiviH I i^ant m thank you, SenaOir Diubin, ioi iccDEtiizinE 
me and ioi inviting me [o parcicLpaw in nhiB Senate iield heanoE' 
Aa chairman of the Snbcommi [tec on Commerce, Tiade and Ccrn- 
Bumcr Ptocection, I\e held two hcaiingE on children's BaTe^ and 
the Conaumet Frcduct Saiclj CommiaBion, includmE one thac ad- 
dicBsed the MaEncCm case 

Mj aiil>CD[nmi [tee't ] uriadicnion is multi^cctcd and iToverB a 
brDM area, but there is nothing more impcitlanC dian out miBaian 
to Icok out fot our childtcn If uic Federal Government cannot de- 
liver on thia basic lespansi hililj Co help parents keep [hcii childicn 
aii'ay From haiardouB pi cducla , then wc'ic not doin g our job 

The Tribune's aidclcE on Hasnctix arc disturbing to saj the 
least, and they depict the worst nighcmarcorany parent come true 
Twcniy-month-ola child, Kenny Si^cct, Jr , Biialloi^cd numerous 

E3werful dn> magneEs that fell ouC of a popular tc^ kit called 
[agnctiii Inaidc the tcddlcr'a aComach these magncla stuck to- 
gcdier and cut a hole [hrough his bowels. Unbcknoii'nst to hiE pai- 
cntfl, these dn> ma^nclE i^cre in the carpcc only Co he found and 
swallowed b> young Kenny Kenny died on Thankagi^m^ Day 
2005 He dicii from what was the eqiiii'alcnt to a »unBhoc wound 
to the stomach This child's death was tragic What is ci'cn more 
tia^c iE the pcsEibility that Kcnnj^ death wae prevcDlablc 

According to the Pribunc article both [he company that manufec- 
turca Magnemt, Rcec Art, and die Consumer Product Safety Com- 
mission were notified at Ehcse Iddgc magnclB and [he pcssibJe dan- 
gers the> pcae to youn^ childicn, hut neither acted in Dmc and in 
a manner Co pici'ent Kcnnj's death 

In my hearing on thi& subject matter, we tiied to discoi'er why 
iC took the Chicago Tnhunc to do a thorough inveangadi'c sCorj on 
Hagnctm Co finally get this product off the sheli'es The sPay made 
deal that tc^B wcic still in some stores as it went to press, and 
Buhsequent Minons of the Chicago Tiibunc reported chat the piod- 
uct was Etill on bPmc sheli'es. 

I wane to know whj it wa&n't [he Gcee Art company oi CPSC 
thac was taking the neceasarj Btcps to protect oui children. I don't 
beliciT we should engage in a blame game and I don't beliciT we 
should initiate aconEumer product, 'Svitch hunl^ [ fullj appreciate 
efforlH of the Consumer Prcdiict Safelj Commission, and Fm not 
attiibuting incompetence, nor negligence to the Acting Chairman 
Nanij Nord The Commission did Us best si^en the reaourcea that 
they had However, I do think that we should determine how the 
system broke down, and, more impoi tandy , hoii' Dj li\ the pioblem. 
Fiom this Senate field hearing as well as from hearings we ha^e 
held in mj House subcommittee m the Di&trict of Columbia, hopc- 
fullj we will come awaj with an idea of what Btcps Congress 
should take to ensure that Eomething like this doean't happen to 
our childicn again, and I'm not naive to think that we can protect 
all children from all the dangers that lurk in the world, but I do 
know that the regulatory regime we hai'c in place under the CFSC 
can he improved I ccilainlj Icok forward to working with my 
friend, mj foimei colleague ScnaDa Durbin and other membcra of 

this flubcornmilCcc lo inaJ[c ihc ncccasarj rcfotnifl to the ConBumcr 
PinducI Safclj CommiflBion ao that the number of ptcvciiEHblc fu- 
ture dcadtB arc mininiiscd Tvc already aaid publicK that one of 
TTij prLnrideB as chaiiman is n> wnEe 3 relorin bill thaC o^cihaula 
the CSPC'b undctlyiTi^ enabling Elatutc Kenny Sweet should he 
ali^e loiay 

Again, Senator Durhin J wane lo thank you foi eibi^'dusIj invit- 
ing me lo paiticipate in uie&e heaiingt. 

[The BlalcmentfallowB:! 


1 »□■! <D lliDnk my liKiid For mrflBbLUR mi: and br ibllIib)^ mr m pniu'ipiiK 
m ibi-. ScniKC IkIiI kiiniiR Si CbsirniLiD 'il iKi: ^utiomiD ilH]? im Cnmnicice TiikIe 
□nd CuniimuT PiaiErum] dF the Hguv Ijkuigy und Coiiibciec Corn iiiii<e< I hnL? 
hell) Inn b^nimgi on [bllili?D^i iii&i> und lb? CGB^UBcr Fndiif* ^atiy Codibi-^ 
■HH], iHliaJi^r c^' lli^l ndliEiiEil IbE MngnElL^ cuk. My ^ukornailU? i jundic- 
luMi 11 ■iilu-bcftEil □nil CDim n tnail awra Bui ibriE ii wilbimff muie LmpGrCml 
Iban our idlukib Ig kiok dui Ibi our ibildirn IE <bE tzitn]] DivEinmfB* (□■■[>! de- 
liJEi GB ■bi'. bniic lEipDTi utilily id hElp panzBli Inzcf ibEir cklldnza ^iny Ei[<ni 
□iQidnblE knr^udi ibEn »e □!? iig< diri^ uiir [ob. 

The Cbn^iBn Tribune □■ti'I?^ od ^ln^eiii ^ic diilLiibln^f — Ig id> Ihe Iehi: — und 
lbe> depici Ibe nnnl Bl^lniiiiE il nay puna* cumc liiic S ^44f-mGBib gU (bill, 
Ktnny SdteI, Jr ^'VIlll]^Ed nuiucmui, po^Eiful <!□> mn^Elk ibn* IeII ihul gI n 
populoi my kii (□lied Klii|jui'<i' laiidu ik: oddlei'-. ^lomiKh, Iheie m^gkeli ^luh 
iG^lber and cul n HgIg ikiGiJirh bii bmi'li U DbeknG^n il Ig bii p^icnli, ikEiE Imy 
nmgkeli hai bkiided in ^iik Ihe 4^ipe<, Gsly Ig ke Emad und i^nlloived ky Ihe 
^oung Uddkr Ki'db> S^Eel, Ji., d\cd im Tknn limiviii^ Day, ^IJlH He d>?d oTubal 
fai equivnleai h> a gua iHgi "cund Id Ihe iIgdiihIi 

Thi^ ckibll denik ii Iniipi Wbal li elcd idgie lin^ it •be poiiikdlly ikai Kea- 
n^i ikalb tat pn^EDcablc ^^CDiding Id Ibe Tiibiine arlicti tmb ikc CDrnpany 
Ibal ■□□ufiKluiEi Kl^gui^u', Edie Art amd Ihe Cdhiuidit Ficdur* ^aFcly Cgdhdii- 
aon •/-cic i]DlLl»?d dE Ihe Iddie mngueli und <be punlblc dnngi'rk Ihey fG>?d Ig 
^oimg cbiUici] Bui neilher ado] la iirnc und ■□ □ maakcr Ig piELeal Keaay^ 
den lb 

In my kcnnng gd ikli lub^l malKr. •/-r Ined id dlnzDirr ^by il loil: ikeCkKii)fi 
TribuBE Id dG ^ IhGiDU^, ii]^ilvE iIdi} gb M^igkEli' Ig fuiDlly ^1 Ibli prndiHi 
dEF Ibe ibelivt The ilGiy dukLg (Icnr Ihnl Ibe mi ■«■? iIlII m tome ilGiei □] lI 
■TMil h> pie^i — and ^ubieqiiciil oIlIidhi oF Ibo inbuke icpajicd Ihnl ikE pndiirt 
vai lUll GB ilGie ihelLG^ I ^nai 4d kkm 'vb> li ^nin I Ine Pgv Ai< iGiupaay or 
Ibe CPPC Ihnl tai UilinD ike ■I'CEi'ai} ilepi Id piGieci out ( h ikLiun 

I Aim'i ibink ^e ikDuld I'DjnbrE m a bkinie (Ihbi^ 3iid I dun i keliELi' ^e ikDuld 
miiDle □ ci'n Mimii pinduil ^iick huai' I Fully 3pf cdih iki ijlt^rl- ihT iku Cim- 
lumer PndLi:! Snlbly CGBiDLiina. and ] □■ qi'l nilub uIlfid liii>iid pcHwce Gr neg- 
iDgcncE U ikEir iidIEut Id Acuojr CkauBDa, N^ncy ^lOid iLe CGBminKia did tn-: 
bEil II Diull dD gii^A Ibe lEiDuim ibEy bair: HGiT:Ler, I do ibial: »e ihould diiL^i- 
nilne bn-/- Ihe ly^Uni biDlE do^-n and idgie impocuiJiIlL bw Ig EIi Ibe piDblcB 
FniB ibi^ ?diale l»?l] keanng D^ ■vll ai ibe biuniiH. ^-: hniv hebl m ay HGUie 
^ublG■lD Ll»c, bGfefLill> wa! iviI] igdie atay »iib dji uka gI Wbai. ilepi i-Dogm^ 
iboubl cabe Ig' Ibal wmdhiag llbe Ibli ductal kuppcn n^ln 

I □■ nDi uiLic ID Ibinli ikai »e (□■ puiiccl all cklldna liiiiu aP Ihe dnngen ikal 
lurl: IB Ibe idhd. Bui I dD Iidg^ Ibai Ibe lEgubloi} nz^ae •/-c bavE iei. up uader 
Ibe CE'?C can be ImpiDJEd 

r kat. brvaiil «> niLrkiac^lb my Irkod, ScnaiDT Duikm, and IbE Diber mi'Bbcr^ 
dE Ibli mbiGBni Ll»c Id mat-: Ihe oirie^EU^ ieFdibi □< Ibe CDniumer Puidui Sut!- 
ly Croji rTii--ii:^ id Ih^l Ike ■DHbETol p ieit.* Inkle, Eulun' deiilhi air ■umiio] I've 
□][C3d, publi:], -□>] ikHl ODE of my prDniici u-. ibairmua i-. id wtIIeh icfarni bill 
Ibal GVEibuiJ^ Ibe CFSC'i iDdErlyioj;, eaablLng icaiuiE tiL^nny Sure! ikould ml] 
bE alivE Ifdny 

Again I w/aai lo ikaab ScnniDi Durbia br amcHHiily lavmog me Id Ibii beanag, 
□nd ^]ik ibai, ] yield bnb Ibe babn[Eoriu> lime 

SenaHor Dupniii Ttiank you. Con gie&sman Rush. LeC me jnat put 
a personal note in here My siandsDn Alex lovcfl this [qj He naa 
a huge plaBtic fonlainer filled wilii Magnedx piece? and spend? 

hauia quietly plajin^ I didn't i^izr until the Tnbunc Ecrirt came 
out that he was dealing wilii a dcadlj prcducc Luchilj, he's old 
enough Dj know a linlc beHcr, but in tetma ofBinallcr children, 20- 
month-old children, that tinj little maanel Icoka juac like a piece 
□foody, and it's natuial foi kiib m picK nhfEC up and he in danger 
bBauac cf [he ainiatiDn thac Bobby RuEh is describing 

I ii'ant na thank a^in Lisa Madigan loc coming heic As due at- 
toinej 5cncial at liiia pamC 1 incite you ta gi^c jour tcatimany , and 
we'll ask a few quesmona aftciward 


Ma MfOiOAa. Well, let me alarC bj thanking yDU, Senator Duc- 
bin and Constca&man Rush, far giving me the oppottunity to tcatify 
Pixlay on an laauc nhat la of vilsl impoclsncc ta paicnia and caic- 
givcra acrnaa the coiintty, and that k piatcctmg our childtcn liom 
dangciDua and deadlj toja Aa atlotnej general, I aervc as the 
Slatc'E chief con&umet adi'ocate In that role we do a lot of work 
to protect children from dan gciaua prcdiicla 

Ovet [he paat Jew jeaiB m> omce, along with same wonderful 
children's advocacy ot ganizationB, capcciallj Kids In Danger and 
ila executive director Nancj Cowlea, have worked pj paEE the 
toughest laws in [he countty concerning leiHlb oi dangerous chil- 
dicn^ pioducls. As a icault ol these collaborative efiotiB, we now 
have the Illinois Childicn's Product Safclj AcC 

It la a law that icquirca manufacturets and lelaileia to peat no- 
tices of pioduct leealU m their atocca as well as on nhcic webaiEcsL 
The law alao lequitca that manufacnirera and retaileiE alerc by 
mail or e-mail any consumeEB who hai'e already puichEaed recall 
lEems niinoia was the firat SlaEe in the countrj Pj enact such com- 
pichenEii'e child aafci^ nodficadon mcaBucea, and we icmain one 
of rail) a handful of Slatca thaC icquirea [hia kind of notificadon 
for the piotccHon of om children, but our SlaHe-level enorla are 
hindered, and diej'ic often undcimmed by lax laws and lengilij 
piocedmes that alow action at the Federal level For State efforia 
to he effective in informing pacenla and wrakmg with them Pj pio- 
tect childi en , we need an aggicBBii'e and pioacnve Federal parlnerL 

Un foi tunacely , the CbnBumcr PioducI Safe^ CommiaBion la un- 
derfunded, understaffed, and seemingly uninterested 

They are too often unable to protect oui children fiom injuries 
and death. Phis waa ccilainlj the case when it came to lecalling 
the HagnetiM and Magnetix building aeCa 

For dicoe people who haven't Been them, Magnetir are Tinker 
Tc^s. Thei're the Lincoln Logs of [he ? lat ccn turj The obvious and 
crucial diffeiencc la [hat amall, powerful magnela ate uaed to keep 
the building blocka to^ethei to conBtruct ahapea and figuiea These 
magneia, as noted, crtten lall ouC onpj the plajicom flcot where 
they can he picked up and esaily awallowed bj children with lifc- 
[hreatenmg and even hfe-ending consequencea 

1 helieve that we hai'e r>r Quinlan with ua tcda>, who will likelj 
give >ou a detailed medical explanadon of how [heae raic earth 
magneia work, but what [ want to talk about briefly la how the 
d^hdly defect in the ^Cagnedx pjy illuBtiatea the deadly llawa in 

the Federal BysEem, H^wb ihst Iravc onr children inadequsCely pro 

tcctol lioin dangerouE pinducls. 

The tiTTieliTie of the CFSC'b r^poitBe ta repealed problemB with 
tcya camaining these eiubI], pDU'cihil nisgncia, and with MagneUx 
in paiticulai, showa the agency's inability to leacc quickl> and ef- 

Ab eail> as 2000, an d-jcai'-old child was locced Ed undcigo intca- 
□nal aurgciv altcc he swallowed magncln diat fell out of a ^t Iced 
meal toy. The CPSC in^catigaled and dc<:u[nentcd his case In late 
ymK CPSC investigated and dceumenCed anollici case ini'olvLng in- 
testinal Hauina alter a child swallowed small, powerful magnelSL 

In 20O5, [he Ecae Art Company launched the Ha^netix prcduct 
maikcting iC as safe for children diiec and over Noc long after 
this, m earif 2004, a North CaioUna grandmother [old CPSC that 
small ma;nel£ were falling ant of the UagnctiH tc^ and cnuld be 
Bwallowed bj a young child. A Calotado mochci made a similar ic- 
poTt to CPSC m February 20415, and during diat Eamc time pcricd 
three concerned consumers scnC pieces of these driecti^c lays to 
CPSC. Then m Ma> yOUi, Sharon Grigsby, an Indiana pieschool 
teacher, reported that Hagnetix almcat killed a 5-jeai-old child 
who 3 wall oil' ed magncla fiom the tc^ and survived onlj alter emer- 
gency &m gery. Even after this repoil CPSC did nothing lo alerC 
pareniB to [he dangci poted by Magncmi, and be wc have all gone 
o^ci painfull! , o" Thanksgiving Day '.iU05, Kenny Sweet died after 
swallowing magnets from Magnetix. 

Finally, m December ^IXki, 2 >ears after ihc produce was 
launched and complainia to CP3C began, a CPSC inveBtiga[or rec- 
ommended a recall When i[ finall) decided [o respond onlj after 
a dc^aBta[ing tiaged>, the Federal agency charged with protecting 
our children from dangerous produclE spent another uniea&onablc 
and quite franklv unimaginable 4 montha to finally iesuc die recall 
During this pcricd, while CPSC negotiated [he tent of the recall 
fom more children required hca p ital ti catmcnl for mjmies caused 
by Hajnclin Then anodicr >ear passed with more children suf- 
fering injuries because di^ swallowed the magnelE iiom this toy 
until the CPSC m April '20l)7 finally issued an expanded recall no- 
nce for [hiB prcducC 

After [he initial CPSC lecall on Maich 31, SUDS, and after die 
second expanded lecall in April ^007, [ sent mj sisff out to check 
BlQiea thioughout the S[a[e eo ensuic that the iei?all was being 
piopcily implemented 

To protect unsitspec[in g parenlE and caretakers fiom [his poten- 
tially lalal [oj, wc wantai to make sure that the picduct wea off 
Blaic Bhclves and [he leiTall no[ice was pcated Unfortuna[clj , wc 
found a scries of problems wi[h the Magnctm reiHll 01 the flO 
BDaea that wc checked throughout the Slate, 15 snil had the [oj 
cm [hen shelves Five of [hcacs[ores had both failed to pcaC the no- 
tice as well as remoi'e the tc^ liom their shelves. Pen stores had 
pcated die recall notice buC hadn't icmo^cd the toys from their 
sheli'es, and wc found 17 storea where the item had been removed 
from the shcl^ea, but [hey had failed to ptat the recall notice so 
thaCparcniB who already owned the [oj could see iC 

When wc talked la iclailcrs, we learned that man> of [hem were 
ccmfuaed by the recall no[ice, and they couldn't tell ^^kch of the 

Ha^nctix [Qva iJicy wwcrcauLrcd to remove fioTn dicir shclvfa Wc 
inroiTTicd CFSC ol tclailcra iKinccrn& on Hay 24, and wc iindci- 
Eland that CFSC knows [hcic 3ic pcoblcmE wmh [he ia:al] and is 
cuircntlj laking Elcps Eo piavidc bcHtcr in foi mation to rctailciE. 

However, die reaullB ol oui check raise obviDua questiona If ic- 
Isileia can't iLndccBland the recall, how can nhey implement it and 
actually rctnave [he danE^rous ptcduct ftoni theii ahelveB? And if 
idailera [hcee who are dealin; and Belling Coja, can'c undeialand 
the recall, how are parenlH and caicEivcrB suppcecd to decipher i e- 
cbII notices^ 

Clearly, CPSC k Bau^ghtt^ to eflcctively comm unicate cccalls to 
pareniB and other caccgivcra, and thi& problem has anather aapecC 
Id iE our undccElandin^ [hat CPSC haE noD lEEUcd cccalla in Span- 
ish. That failure creates an unneceEsaiy and inexcuEable atsiaclc 
in the efloit to procecc children iiom dan gerouE ptcducca CPSC 
muEt do 3 bettei job to com mun [catc iia lecallE. DunnE Qui atcuc 
compliance checks, we also diEcoi'ered anonher E^pinE hole in 
CPSC'e apprcfich [o protecdnE children from unsafe picduclE As 
wc viEited a[orea la check for reiHlled MflE''cti';. *^ quickly found 
knockoff UaEnetix toys a[ Eeveral dollar s[ores These knockolla arc 
the same [oys The only difference is that they are manulactuied 
by a dilTcien [ manu^tucei ,sd it stands Id leason that these same 
small, poii'ctful maanela m v[r[i[ally identical tc^s may pcoc the 
same tJtieala [o childi en 

We sent a number of theac layE to CPSC on May ?4, and wc 
aaked them la consider leiHllmE these prcducca aE well. Unfortu- 
na[ely, wc receii'ed [he same leaponae liiat conaumciE hear cveiy 
d^ nom the aEencj 

CPSC dcean't [eaCpicduclH unni an incident la lepotted Waiting 
for an incident In other wocdE, waitinE la leain that a child has 
suffered an injurj or died fiom the exact picduct at issue before 
conduc[inE picduct safety [es[inE la absDlu[ely unconscionable 
Thcfle kncckoff MaEncn* EelB aica[ill on Elaic s helves , not because 

thej are conanucted differcndj or have passed Ealcty teEla, buC 

jy a diflcr 
are^ealth and life- [h rcatcnin e problenia cauEed by these maEnc[a 

Bimplj because they were made by a diflcrcnt company. If there 

and toys, it dce&n't mattei who manulaclurcs them 

They poee unacceptable riaka and should not be allowed in our 

homea or in childrcn'E hands until they ha^e withslaid thoiouEh 
teatinE Every aspect ol CPSC's response ta the danEerous [oy 
Magnetix is a horiiblc demonanialnQn that our present system is 
not workina The en[ire prcccBE [q protect our children from dan- 
Eerous prcducia is nothinE short of a diEas[er Wc can and wc must 
do bettei As an initial mattei, meat childrcn'E prcducls arc noc 
subject to anj kind of mandalaiy scandardE be(orc they are sold. 
Meet are not required to be teated or cei tified at all While some 
volunlajy standards dociiac, thcj arc created by commi[[cea domi- 
na[ed b) [□) indusny rcpreacnIadi'eE with linle inpu[ Irom chil- 
dicn and consumei advocates 

As a result, there la no independent saicij rei'ieii' of children's 
pioducla before the) are sold. In response la the injuries and 
deaths that the HaEnetix building sc[s nai^e caused, [ urac jou to 
paES new lawE that mandate [cs[inE before children's products arc 
allowed on s[Dre shelves, and ul[imately in oiu' homes and dajcarc 

cmtcrB where Ico many children have altcady been huti ot killed 

Our iTrj own Con etch Bii'otnan, Jan Sfhakoi^flki propneed 3 bill, 
HB laia, that ii'ould ciealc the InfanC and Tcddler Durable Prnd- 
uet Safely Act. Phacact i^Duld inquire CFSC Co promulgate Hhnoia 
Balei^ Elandarda far durable picduclB intended Far inlants and tod- 

It ii'ould prevent prnducts that can harm childccn fiam getting 
to the marlEet bj requiring independent EesHing before prcducEs 
enter the stream of commerce I know that Nancy Coii'lea of Kid? 
In Dangei will apeak furnher about the need foe [his lesialanion, 
and there aic other iBsuea with CPSC that muat he addressed, and 
I ur^e joii to lake compiehenBive acdon that covers these as wcIL 

We know that once a prcducD ib on nhe market the CPSC is de- 
pendent upon the industry to Belf-report an> pioblema, and, as 
mcac people in [hiB rcom piobahlj recognize, an> system that is 
based on Eelf-icpoi dn g will be inherenlJy Hawed and, as ib the 
case with Magnedx, recall notices aic bo watered down and catt- 
fiuing thaC meet lelailera, much less paicnia and caicgiverB, often 
cannoC understand which pioduclE aic subject to nhe recall 

CPSC muaC ha^e more power Dj invesniate pcsBible pioblema 
with prcducEs instead ol waiting to hear about them Irom the in- 
dustry. CPSC also Bhould hai'e the clear power Co isBue strong re- 
calk that adequately and qirichly conv^ the dangeis ol products. 
Thej should noc haiT Dj waBte precious time ne^onacing everj 
word of a lecall notice with a manuiaccurer while dangerouB piod- 
uclH aie allowed pjlingei on store sheKcB and enter our homes 

Addi nonallf , CPSC decs not hai'e adequate slaff Dj teat oi invea- 
Ugate the number of complainlH it receives each year, and the prcc- 
esB involved when they do conduct in-drpth invest] gadons lakes far 
tco long. Clearly, thej need more Bla/f and more resouices The 
lives ofour children depend on [hiB agency being able Ib fulfill ila 
mandate. We cannot cuC coi nei s or balance night budgets by taking 
liakB with childicn^ safety. 

I cerlainl) hope [hat the suffering ol the families hurc by 
Ma^elux and other dangerous childi en s prcducia will spui acnon 
which diamadcally changes this law and sjstem, and 1 Icok lor- 
waid Id helping you in anj waj [hat I can. Thank jou ^eij much 
for thia oppoitunilj Id testifj tod^. 

[The slatement follows: I 

FHEP.MI 131 SXMI 'J>7iT OF Ll^L H^DK-'N 

TliDBk yiii. S?uiHir Dm bin □ad EEpicKnlDlivr Ru^b, br giving me ibe Dnpor- 
lually m Ic^illy lEdD> oa □□ ii^iic qi mIhI itti farOiTii'E m pnnzDli amii cniEgiim 
□[[Dii Ihe CDunliy — pntecuiijt dui ihildirn Iidb dnii^iniii and diiKllv Kiyi 

Ai ^llEiiiiey Q«'kuml, I □■ Ibc SCil? i (htuT [oamiDcr □dvKDU In ikni mb I 
■roll IG |ii[<l»:l chiUicii Iieiiii dniigriiiii^ pmdui^ 

Di?r lb? fati. In yrai\. niy dUte niid ni any itdiciiH'd (liikLiEn'i adLiHii[> oibuii- 
iDliuDi — eipmaMy Kid^ In DaajrEi amd ll^ BIietiiIive DiiB:lGr [J^ncy Co\vIei — iidi? 
DTnln'd ID fan uif uoigben ^a•//■^ la Ih? cgiibIi} loocEmiag rkdIIi dE dDng?iQiii 
chiUitn -. piiidui^. 

A' □ it'.uLl oElh^if] (oltiboralLiT! dEirti, ^e ^UB^ baiv ibE IUitigIi ChiUicnl Pi«l- 
irl ?tilLiy f.11 — J loiv ikm nquin]^ man ubcuinti Dad [rCiibn Id pnil nolicci if 
puidui it(DlLi in Ibcir iU<iei aod oa Ibeir 'VftiiiEi TkE tiiviil^ lEquin" maautic- 
llI[c^^ nad nzinLlcr-. <d aicwl ty niiiil Grf'Bar amy dLnimncn »ho bnw: □licnly pnr- 
cha^fd nxDllfd ilf m^. irioGli ^n^ ibE ilm iiii4e Ig Ennci luk com p ichEn iiv? ihild 
uilriy DGuficalifia mm^uri ^ad •/-■e [Emain awi oTonl, □ haHlEuL af lUilfi Ibal 
irqniin Ihn bisd oT oali ilea lion Ibr ikE piDKiiHB aEDurtbrdirk. 


Bui our ^mK tjEl dbrli □!? klud^ral imd uEUzb iiBi3cmiiii«d by ikc tu \n-/-i amd 
lEngiky puKeluiEi ikm lion ailn-n ni Ib/i Fi'diMiiL le\c]. Fdi Gur ^inh: clbrli id be 
rilnUv? ID mbiBiB^ pnicnli niid n'Grhiiii^ wilb lb?B <d piDlai chiUitii, t/c nerd 
□n n^iiMiivc Hud piDiKlLiv IfhJ^iil ifivciiiiD^Bl pailnf r 

U □brlLiiisn'Ly. ike Cgd^uiiiim PhhIlkL ?tilL'<y CiMn miiiiDii ■■ UHtrEundeil , imder- 
^l□ll''d .ind nxmlnRly ubidUkmUiI , Ibui lb«} awr hid olHcn unnbt Ig prolal gut 
chiUitii li^m. injuy and diMnb 

Tbi^ vai [enaLii]> Ibr naic nhea il mnic m [sziiriBg Qe UngBElit nrngneUr 
bmbliB^ icli 

E'en IbGV foipLf ivkD Iidied I ^rrm Ihf m. Unflnriii hit Ibc lialcr U^yi ^nd the 
LIikdIii ligi HhT ikc ^I i< 4GB4iir> 

The Gkvkju-. und (kjcdI dilli'n'H? li ikni ^■□11, pG^Erlul mngiiL^li mt uiEd Ig 
Ijep Ibc kuildinR klr^l:-. hiri'iIici id cdii iliul ihii|i?i □ml l^jiii?^ Tb?>? bh^?!^ 
gE|?d blL mil I'nlG Lbi: pluynioni Uddt ^hcii: ibcy (□■ be pKlJ'd up □ml mjaLlmwl 
by [kiblicB — ^Lb III" LbiuiLGDln^ and clgb III" ^HlinR (on vqiii:n(ei 

Dr. K^j^n (fiiiniDD iviU lih.'ly irivE ^m n deUiiled ■nlii^l g' plun^limi 

I w/aai IG Uilli bnclly iitHil bAy/- ibc 4l'iid]> detdi In Mn^pclii lUu^iml? Ihr 
dmdly iln^i id ikc liilcisl ^yiicni — leajin^ Din ibrdnzD in^drqualGly piDlalol 
InuD daD^ciDiii priFlii'li 

Tbe iirneliiie if Ibc CFSC^i leipoiiiE Ig irpe^lel pmblrm^ ^i4h iDyi iGBUilnuig 
lb? ^[iiEill. pm?rFul ■□jni^i^ iiiel m Zkla^elii Ig>i — □ad •/-ilh IbG ^iqjiu'Ii' pndiKl 
m p^iiHiibir — ^kniv-. Ibe □i^ek^i luibilily lo ifdc* qiiirkly and ell"4iiiv]y 

fi curly ai HIJUU, 3n ^y^oi old "kibl vni bired Ig undcijp inH'^iiDal im^iy 
□Iter he I'Kilh^i'd Bii^ei^ Ibsl fell out uTn fail End meal U<y The CFSC mi?^ 
Ii^led □nd dHumeaicd ibi' i^ie In laie dJCCI CFSC lajcili^le] □□d dntiiBenled 
□□Dlber [laie lavDlvmg laleilimil Iihiibei □ficr □child iivalki^Ed □ ^Biir, p'>\VErFul 

In ^mKl, ikc Rgk Art CDmpiiTiy laiiD(b«] ihe ^□giieiii picdul — rnaikelmg li ai 
lafi bribrdiED J nod ditt 

Ngi lung aEler ikit la mrly 2lKl4 □ Xonh C^iolin^ gnmdmoikcr iDid CPSC Ibnl 
UD3II DiEiaiicli ^Eic Billing Dul gI KI^BoeUi — □nd ould be iviilln^Ed by □ loimg 
"hiU A CckimdD nia4hci ni^de □ UBibr le^Gn <d CPPC in Fcbnsii} 'VlQ Ana 
duiiDg Ibnl lame lime periiF], ^ iGHemd iGD^imiEi i lenl piszei dE iksie debliir 
lG> 1 Id CFSC . 

Then in May VliiS, SbsiDn Qii^iby, □■ Indcin^ piEukiiDi iciKbor lefGired Ibnl 
lilogneiD almGii lill"d □ ^yenrold [bfd ^bo ivaiki^Ed □ ■□^ei Iideii ihs Ig> amd 
miviiTd Dniy □ficr ^aeiiKxy ^ii[gcr> 

QvEn aficr lk■^ nf-xi and ihe Dlber lEpmlel [oanenii □kGiU M^DkelLi, ike CFSC 
did noiklo^ ID Ellon pniEDi^ Ig ike danRcn pDied ky <hi^ "hiUicn i picdiirl — ^Ib 
dcDdlyoon -^quonooi 

On Tb^nkigiLing dii> in ^SJtib tienny S^i.'el Jr. died □Flur ^"nrDninH □ niEi^el 
InuD Mognelii. 

Fiaall>, ID DeieBber ^UCQ i^d >EDr' [ifiiT Ibe prxliKl nni InuHbed nad Ibo 
"Dm plain 11 Ig CP9C l«^a, a CP9C lavEiligalGr iciGBmcHlTd □ nx^ll 

Bui e^ED vkcn ii BnafL deolel Id ici^ghI — Dnl> alicr □ d"VD^Uiil[i2 inigtd>' — 
Ihe Icdcisi o^noy 4b3i|j«l ^iih pmaccliag gut ibildiea fiam daopEiDiii piDdui^ 
IgdI: aoGihci un lEu^aablc aod fninklk im imngin^ble, -■ nunilhi limlil ^Inirk Si, 
^^UlSt IG ilmill> i-.-i»" ikc RK^II 

DuiiD^ lb■^ pound ivklie ike CPSC nea^liaUd Ibe ml oE ike lEcall. i mGie ibil- 
dicn nK|iiind liG-.piUil limlmea^ br lajunci (□uied by ^□Riieiii 

^□Huhei ,E3r ik^ ps^^LiI — ivilb rnHhi? ohikliEn lultnnR iniunci b«aiiic ikey 
iiKilh^Ed ike Bii^oi^ fpim ikik Ma^elLi pndiKl — iinlil Ihe CPSC in ^pnl ^IJ7 
Baall> Iiiiid] am cpaodel UTall nGike Inr ikl* pndiKl 

AEier Ibe idIIidI CFSC iccall aa Mairh ^1. ^OW, nod aEier Ihe leccnd, ei pawled 
lEcall IB April ^LUT, I lenl my lUilTciil 4d obtok iIgiei IhniiigbGiil ike lOile la em- 
luiE Ih^l uie icmll vai b"i[ip p[Dpeil> imp t men Id 

Td pmlfcl UDiuipEcliag p^ieali and oaieialien Iigb Ibii palenikilly EiUil icy vie 
van led Ig ■□h: iinE ikai Ibe pndii:! •/-at oiT iIgie ^keljEi □nd Ibal Ibe lei^ll oc- 
licc •/-a- po-led 

U at^rliiDJilely »e round a vyiie- oEpniklcmi ivilb IbcM^gneUi lei^ll 

or Ibe IS4> HHhiti IT [kcchzd IbiDigbmil ihe 'die- 1^ lUf hod Mo^eiii on iheir 
iheliT^ 5 uTlhoie ^icm knl failed Ig loih pD^I ikc noire □nd icmGVE ibc ii.Tall"d 
lG>i liDDi ikeir iheliTi in iicte^ b^d pG-icd ikc ■((□Il noliic km bmln'i lemDird 
Ibe icyi TniB Ibeir ^behvi. ohI dt: fauad IT iinte^ ^beie Ibe ilem kad brcn le- 
mo-oi EimD ike ihelie^ kul ihcy bal fallal Ig pu^i Ibe nx^ll noiKe u ikai pniEnli 
wkc nlicody G^ned Ihe Igj iguII kc ii. 


Wben ■« Cillfd (c lEOutn, ^e IcDmol •bai. niDiiy oTllifiii ■«!? [GBfii^«d ty Ihr 
lEcnll iuHh? □nil igiiUti'I If U ^hub ^nijiifui vyi iKy nmtd Ig [rmoiT Ei[<ni ilair 

Wc iBbmu'il CFSC dF itUilIci'^ inrurmi aa blny ^, Vllti7, and or: iinilfi iIuhI 
Ibal ibe n^ncv CPSC Iiiig^i Ihen ^uc pnblciDi ^ik IbE lEcall and ii lunEnlLy 
OiljBg lUpi <D piDvxIe bEll?r lalbfiiiiiiKiB o ieuilIitl 

Th? [?^LiLli oE Giir ibaki mlu GtvKiiii qiv iikidi — IE lECiibn lam'i imilEr^iiiiid 
lb? [p:dIL, haw tan Ihty ■mpknii.^l i< niid □ciiinLK icidgve Ihf iIdb^[Eilii piDdiHi 
InuD lb?ii ^LeIvei^ ^ hi if ■cculIlt' naa'l undriCiiiD ibE iccnll km Die p^ucnli hhI 

CHIE^VEI 1 llippDIEll <D diriLphci ll^ 

Cleanly. CFSC li umajlLiiB m dfe liirly igiiiid udlthk ni^li !□ lElDilcri, pnicni^ 
□nil (□^'Dl^E^^ 

^□d Inii piobtm hat analbrT ignifLriiDi □if«4: — CFSC tlnri hdI iiiur iccnlli id 

ThD< biLuic citam □■ im n<(?iiDiy amd mcii'iiiiiblE obilale m iLe rilbi'l m pm- 
l«l chilliEn liEiiii 4biiiptiiiiii picducli. 

CPSI^ mu'i do □ fc<iur n^b ehh igiiiid UDLEHh: ll- iltqU^ 

DiiiiDg Gur iloiE lUBplinBC? chnk, »e liIio diicHhLGiEd aiiG<bci ^pmg hole ■□ 
CPSCl □ppnoik h> piclralLnq (hilliEn fioiii tiaut ■■DdiKli /ii •/-r lluieiI iIoi?^ 
lo ihrak ki ibc ^lngncili loy. rvi quiclily (iiibiI 'hHrL off nmgiifUi lo>^ □< hi/'ml 
dolbr iloiE^ TbE imlf diltiEiKE ii IIidI ibEU ■Dgnelk kmlduig ieIi hie iddiSi: by 
ililtiEn I in an ubciiinti 

ll iCmili lo [E^ioii Ibnl Oieie tame ^mnll. ponrrEul iDiigkEl> — purr of vulimry 
idcBlnnl myi — miiy fue Ac ^mnc (hicai^ lo (hikliEii 

'Ac HB< diEiE iMixt oiFU^ lo CPPC on May ^J, ^UUT hhI aitrd IbcB Ic coa- 
udr iiTjIlLnR ibcic pndirli 

U at^rlLin-iU'ly ke ncL^ivEd Ihc sud? lEiponiE Ibal con mine n hciir cieijtLiv Ei[<in 
IbEBVHy — CP!"^ diiciii • <L^^I pndiKl' unlil ^n lunSciil i^ lEprolL'd 

WbHibb Ihr □■ LnculTK — in olbif ibdnli, ^Diiin^ lu liMim ihui a ibild hn^ iiiF 
trol BB ■■Juiy or dkd En^m Iho cidc* pmdui m iii\ici — l^'lni? lOHliKlLng pndiKl 
ialr<y lining li uhchhii h loniibk 

TliDV Imoil. oET iDii)jiic<H bmUiB^ ieIi mt lUf on iIdie ihf Iiv^ bdI bernLii? <kEy 
□IE (onilnrlwl illErciciilly oi knjE panEd alEly (eiIi, biU dimply bEcaui? Ibe> utie 
mode by a dilbiEnl company 

irihcir j\i- b^jllh itnd lit-ikiuLlealDg piDblem^ isuifd by <bf k ihildirn i mag- 
neiK kuildinn -^i. il d(^ n i m^liLf^bo ■□■iifiKluiEi i ikEm 

The] puK UBLKCL^pUikb: n^l-. □■!) ihnulil noi be □Ib^Ed m our hrmm oi m iliil- 
diciil li^mli uniil Ihoy kavE »llh^l(od IbonjLfrh lo-lmg. 

QvEi} nipeEl of Ibo CPSC ' iiMpiian: ihh Ibc dnBgEn poL«] ky Klngiioui ii 3 kor 
iiblc draon ilmUH dinl'mr picKiil lyiloB is noi WAnHnfi. 

The EnlLIC piCCEII lo piDlOZl OUI (hllllEII flDIII |IdB^[EiLI1 prxllKll ll BDlllLIIg 

ihoi'l dFq diail^ We cud □ml muil iln keiui. 

Ai ^n miUal miller moil ibildiEn i prndiHii die noi ^iik|e[l lo any kind of ■!■■- 
dii4Dr> iUihLiiiI-. beFrot <hey iin: Kill 

Moil iin: kol nquiii'd ihi k" Io-.iimI oriKrUEIi'd nl □]! 

^Vkllc vime iihliiBiniy lUHbiiil^ eiiiI, <bEy hie (lEDiEd b> (oniBKlec diBiBJiid 
by lo> iBiliiiUy icpiEKDiniljEi vilh IiiiIe Inpiii liEim ibildiED i amd (oniiiiiicr ndin- 

Aid ieiuIi. ikEiE ii no liidf pf iidf ni latiy ievick oi cklldira^i picducli krEiiE 
Ibc} HIE will. 

In [EipDnic m lb? ibJiidui hhI dcaik Ibal 4hE KIhriicii' builliBg hz^i hni? 
enured I iii|7' yo\i lo piiM iiciv blv^ Lhsl mniidalE ii.--.<in|r buHm ibildiED i pndiHli 
air nroivod Hhii ^lo^:'l\Ei ami. ullimnlfly ib dui h'lmEi diiiI day cur: 4?Dur^ 
vkeic IOC mniiL iihiUii^ kii\E bi'di kun hit killed 

Dm CongiEii^hmsii , Jdii 5: hnlun iky hn^ piiMioial □ bill. HE. IbblQ Ihnl ^coild 
ricaic <he "liilbn* niid Tcddtr Diimbt rmdu i Sal?i> Arl ' Tbnl A<l ■mild ibiiiiie 
lb? CFSC lo p[Eiiiiiit|iiiE maiidiiloi} ^nlEly lUimlaidi br diimblr prxliKli mlcHbd 
Ibi Inbnli niid lodllcr^. 1 1 ^oiikl piELOB* prxliKli IIidI naa baim rhiUici] lioiii fi- 
ling Ic <bE mnrkEl ky lEqiilnag indEpEndeni Ifilmg I«E]ie priFliKli ?bui Ibo 
^llE□■ DFiommoiTE 

I hiio^ ikm MnHy Co^lei. ikc BjiitiiIiit Dliccut dE Kidi In Ikii]g?r fiU ipcuh 
Fiuihti jbnul Ibe niid bi Ihi' leH■^lul»□ 

ThciE nw: oihci ■■iiiei ivLib ike CI'SC ikm mu^l be oddn.'dH'd — and I luge fn\i 
lo lakE izom p lEliEn 111? □[!»]■ ikui (oivr-. Ibe-i:iii •/-t\i. 

V^E kno^ Ibal omK □ piodui i^ un ikE mnikcL Iho CFSC i^ dcfEBdcBl upon Ihr 
mdiiiU^ Id ulf lEforl any pniblcBi &nr>[<ne m Ibii iDcm ima^iiei Ibal ^ny lyi- 
lem koied oa lel^iEfoning wnP k« iBbEiEnlly Haird. 


And ai ■□ Ib/i ^iiRiu'411 tutc, iiTall iiGU:fi □■? ta malrwol lioiva □nil iaaf\ii\nB 
Ibal moil iclDiLci 1. mLrib h:" pun^nLi ^mil [oicgiiTMi uTun cnDkol undei iiuhI 
vkKh pndiKL- awi i\ibfy:\. Lg ibu ncnlL 

CP5C ihould kuvc boie ponir Ig miT.'iu^U pbiibl? picbkmi ^]<h p^>]Lrl^ — 
imtEDd gIivhiIibq Lg bGai lioiii 'be iHlu^iiy CFIiC aim 'bhiild hDi/] ibcilcnr poovr 
IG Liiiie ^Ugu lunll^ IbaL nkiiLiiiloly 3Tid iiuiclily (OD\cy ibu dmiRtr gE pndLi:li 

Thry ibould nGi ka\c Ic wit-U' pr^iiKJi iiftil^ ii^iiutiin^ i^/'ry ^'oiil hhT n mull 
TIDIKE1 ^ik iDDiiiib: lLI[E^^ ivkllc dDB)f:[ou> piLdiirii □■? aUty/-td :•> Irigtr dji ^lG[E 

AddiuHiiLI>, Ihe CFSC duei tigi Iidlc dIsiliiu ^mFF Ig Ifil or lavriLignl? Ih? 
Tuimkrr of [om plauili lI icicLm rack ^car, niid ibE pnccii inraLiwI 'vbea Ibcf Ai 
CDndiiil iD-dEpIn lavnlignlLon i Uilei ^i hid bag 

CEoirly, Ihry kCEil mDic ^UiiFniid idgi? lEiDiniii'i. Th? Ii jei uTgiit chiUicii d^f^Hl 
DB Ikli BETiKy bEiu nklE Ic fiilillL i4i mniubile tV'c ihiitigi (uI cdihei'^ Gr bnliiH? 
□^1 ki^^H ty mliiii^ii^lii ivLlb chiUitii'-. vt'iy 

Wc kopc Ah Ibi: 'iiflCnBR gE Ibi: dmilt-. burr ty ManElii and Giksr dniigciGiii 
cklUicB I pnidui^. »ilL if\ii iKlion Ih^l dram nil cully ihanpEi ikli Ibn^d lyiKB 

ThfiE Hie Ibriai iHdI ^e (□■ iId m lapiDir <bi^ lyilfm □■!) ninkE Gur konifi 
labr ifl dlh cklldi?B. I bofc >oli w/iP loh: Ihf v luf i — amd I IhI: farwuid Id ■ojt- 
iiiE IG h?Lp ■□ any vny ikni I tan 

T hnak >dd 

ScnaHor Duipe^. Thank >du. Let mc sec if I undciEtand the Qli- 
jiaJB mnBUTTirr picduclB Ealcl^ law Childccn't PrcducD SaTrl:) AcC 
la the lotnial ndc Once a reisll Dccura if a iclailer in [llinQ[& con- 
□nuca to ha^c iJiat p induct an thcahcll, dicy ate Hubjcct Id a fmc^ 

Mb M^DiQA^. CoTECct It'E nmaciimLna] ataHutc Ii'e acivil Blat- 
uEc, and wc have as die atloincy general's cinicF rnrcirccnicnt au- 
than^ ii'hich la ii'hj "•c acnd our people out Dj check die aKire 

We can make aure dial, one, die Buy la ofi the EhelR tii'o, the re- 
call UDticcB are pee ted, three, U> the cxIenC [hey have the mfoi ma- 
Don that the>'ic sending oul nonficadDna to conBumera who have 
alicady pm chased these. 

If there la a failure m do an-j of thcae [hinga, dicn we do have 
the abilil^ to lile a cause of action accking a clvlI pcnal^ which is 
a manelai y fine 

Senanor Dur Bir4 . And die matimum pcnalC) ie how much^ 

Ma Maiiiii^n It la 35UO foi each da> iJiat the violation con- 

Senator Di^imN And what la the tri'^ci fnr the DlinoJE law'^ Is 
iCa Ibrmal iccaLI o( the Consumct PtcducL S^lety CommisBion^ 

Ma Maiih:an That'a ii'hat we use, but ask Nancj Cbii'les She 
probablj knows in depth how iicS c core Hue [ed this. 

Senator Dejpuin So if dicic'E a delay at the Federal level as they 
negociale with the company, gadier inlocmation , all of diat pecicd 
of dme which could be a cuic la the dangci cannot be counted 
againat die iclsiler for obvioua ceaEon 

Ma M^Dic^^. Conect. 

SenaCor Dupijin The relailci has no notice that dicre'E aome- 
thing dsngecous unleaa an actual iTUElomec makes a complaint, and 
BD In^ wait on die Federal agencj to move forward, and tJiaC^ 
whenUieir reaponEibih^ begiuE. 

Ma Madiga^. EHacd) CouEumec Pccduct Safely CommiaEion is 
the lead agenc) in oui counEcy t^hen it comea Dn lecalla, and the 
dela>B that the> lake, the>'ic deadly delaja, beiTause if id takes 
them 4 mondis, if it lakes them 2 years la get around la iBBUing 
a recall nonce, diat amount of time dioee DiyE ate still on the 
ahelvcE, ai'c bqII available foi puichaBe, they end up in qui homcE, 


Bnd dicn dicic's nothing Ehat ODr Ibw i?3n do to Eaj to diem that 

they can'lha^c it 

Now, die Dril> diflcrencc in our laiia we hai'c a ^cij, vet^, aafc 
Etandard when it CDinra to lead in children's pinducls. Again, we 
would apply aOict I [ability Blandard, but that'a not what we're diB- 
cuEBing hcie Uidaj ufiI^bb jou wsnC Eo lalk about Thomas the T^nk 
engine more. 

SenaHor Dl'ibi>4. Fm reaming mure about diat iJiis marriing How 
man) mm^B have >ou impcsol line& on reEailci's in Illinois loi lail- 
uie Dj [emaiT product^ 

Ms M^iiEiiAN Ad nhiE paint wc haven't used die Blatutc to im- 
pcse a fine 

Wc have used it Id go ouC and n> make sure that ila ici:all nonces 
arc posted and that Kys ate being icmoved We have >ct to find 
an instance where the relailecE are willfully keeping these QjyB on 
die shcKcE o[ are intenDonally not abiditi' hy the tecall thac's 
been put out ihcic ^'hat we found speci fically in ihiE circumstance 
IB that they simply didn't undetsland which lays wetc to he lo- 
moved and which leys weren't hecauBe the reiHll noDcc didn't coitf 
all the HagnctiM It only loalled some of them. There were 
changcB made in teims oflabelmg Still vcvy confusing for paicnla 
boause now I think vou might ha^c one of the prcducis widi you 
thaC we intci iTepled , but notices are just on the cardbcaid box on 
the oulfiidc 

Once diat cardhcaid la icmo^cd, which you will tcmove, there's 
anochci — the larger one. Once that cai d boat d is i emoted the case 
that icmains — you can lake that catdboard off if jou want We 
made ^t impossible loi jou Eo do thai, but once you do diat — kids 
are much better aC this than ScnaDas. 

Once you do thai, >du11 sec diat the case that the Magnedx 
comes in, [here's no labeling on that at all, so that gela diiown m 
the garbage can A paicnC then has nothing to relj on. Let's ^e 
IE Siii-> ear-old kids can't lead 'TTiis toy should not be ingested" 
Ic's not l^pical that they know thac wocd, and not all ^ year olds 
can lead aB we are aware 

SenaHor Dubbin I can just tell jou with my glassea [ can barely 

Ms Madii.^^ This IS another pomC So in addition la paicnis 
who would like to and don'c jeC need reading glasses, although for 
some of UB that's not the case, certainly the grandpaien la , *hcn 
they're out purchasing Coys, li they're not actually tringing their 
leading glasses la read die warnings, they may inad^ ei ten [ly 

Senator Duinin. So you tead die Tiibune sciies, as we did, and 
learned thac despite cvcijthing diat c<:cuired and all the dan- 
gerous warnings and all of the bad health consequences the picd- 
uct was sdll on the shelf Man) dmes without any warning wtialso- 

Did >ou lake action against dicec celsilers when you sent out 
your ini'esd gacora^ 

Ms H^iHii^ii Well, what we did was make sure they were com- 
plying, so of the 17 scores that wc found that were not in compli- 
ance, wc worked with them to take thcec Kys oif the shelves We'd 
make sure we had the actual recall notices had been pceted, these 


jiDticfa BB ii'cll, 3sid wc have sent invfati gaCoia out thiB wrck 
arauTid the Thotnaa the Tank cnEJTie Ic^b. 

Scnaoir Di iiii^ Thank >ou 

Con»i CBBman Euah. 

Ml nuiii Ma HadiEan, I'm [nlctcBtcd Ynu mi'hl have mvcrai 
thb hcfarc, but plraoc rxplsin to inc 

The Stale, iic« it have a fomparahlc coinmiBEiim n> the CPSC 
judsmcnt, bo die cnlbrccnicnt oi conaumct pi cduct ptotcction lawa 
ICE Is Bolcly inlh your department, > out agency? 

Ma Maokjas IlrcBlH with ua aa well aa the Department irf Pub- 
lic Health, parnicularly t^hen it eomeE to lead bcm^ found not juat 
ID Otya. We've dealt with lead m bina o^ei the paaC few mantha 
CerlHinly we lind lead in jewelrj, children 'a jewelij , again made in 
China We had an incident a number □T^eai'a a^ with lead being 
bund m whaC we would refei <□ aE dicee candy. Baaically, a Mexi- 
can Epice af aome aorC [hat ie anietly UEcd aE fand>, aa we often 
work in conjuncnan with the IllinoiE Depai tment of Public Health 
when it cornea Dj enforcing Eafety of [hnee prcducla 

Mr Euan. Sd Ulinoia doet nat ha^ea cammiaaion 

Ma Madii:^n No, iic do not have a compaiable agencj [□ die 
Consumer Prcduct Saicq, Commiaaion which iE why we are reliant 
at the Slate level, and I believe [llinoia la probably different than 
luoBL SlaEea 

We'ic reliancon CPSC Id do their joba aE are parents and people 
throu^houC our coiintiy If they are not lasuing iccalU, that infor- 
mation iE veij, veiy rarel> ever soing Id seCout. 

Now, you will hear from Nancy Cowlea from KidE In Danger 
Thej Bometimea are waj ahead of the cuiit when it comea to find- 
ing out thaD there are pioblema widi ceitain prcducia thai pcee a 
hcaldi or life riak tochildien, andao thej often timea iBBue mfoima- 
□onal materiala to parenlH m paiticulai, but, really, it'a [he CPSC 

Mr JtuBH So ira your contendon [hat other Sla[e&, no other 
Slatea have a comparable aec[Qr government deal with prcdiicD 
Bafei^, la that what > ou 're sajing'' 

Ma M^iHii^N Well, m [erma of testing [he abilil^ la laaue recall 
notices, I'm not aware The Qnl> Slate chat would have [he re- 
sources, and diey're uaiially way ahead of the cuive, mi'ht be Cali- 
fornia. Fm aureaomebcdy on mj aiaff would be happf to check 

Mr RfaH. Do >oii think nhat IllmoiE needE tha[ kind of agency? 

Ma Maiihi.ih We would very much like la be able to rely on the 
CPSC [Q do the testing becauEe thia iEn'cjuat an isaue that impacia 
people in the Slate of QlinoiE. It impacls consumers acrcsa our 
couna>,ao I [hmk ic'a reaaonable diat ic'a at a Federal level 

Mr EdHEi I just kind of, >ou know, Tm not CTjmg to lake the 
leaponai hi Illy from the CPSC. Fm not Djing la delete that I'm CTj- 
mg la give ic more responsibility and more reaouicea la deal with 
this responsibility, but I think thia lasue la of a magnitude thac I 
belieiT there should be more aggressive S[a[e action acrcsE the 
beard foi the children of Ulinoia because we're reallj concerned 
abouC the aafely of our children in terma of conaumer product aafc- 
ly and the llcai, theahaolute llcai of these cheap, unsafe lays into 
our Na[ion Jt^ inciimbcnC upon the Slate government la step up 
to die plate also. 


Ma M^nidA^. And, Congressman, wc do when lE EomeB Co lead, 
BD il^ Bomcdiins that wc can easily foiiiard to you, but in ccrms 
of some af die durability things that nerd la be done foi testing 
oilier ^pea of prnducls, nheic's nobcd> in the Stale that Fm at^are 
of that dcta thaC If Tm wrong, Tm buic Bamehcdy inll be happy 
to tell me oi elarif^ that. 

Mi Ruiec Can ynu explain how yout office works wilh die CPSC 
to deal mill maCtera Eucn as this, how to get dieae tilings, producla 

How dees youi olfife oi a there any inCeracdim at all with 

Ms M^PKJ^r. There haB been some inCeracdon particularly 
around the magnela found m HasncUx. As I mentioned, we did 
leach out U> them in Ma> after the second tecall was issued so we 
could alert them lo problems that we were hearing from lelailers 
in addidon Co asking chem if the) had this iei:all nodce in Spanish 
because obviously man) of the stores tliat we went to weic fre- 
quented maini) 1^ Spanish speaking paienia 

In addidon, as [ mendoned, ii'hen we went to a lot of dieae sEores 
and we found these knockoff tc^s, leally, the same e\acl magnet^ 
being used, Bimpl) a different manufattniret , we reqi»CB led that 
they enpand [heir recall and were disappointed ta heat that the) 
looked to see if lhe> had an. incident lepoits, but unless ih^ had 
an incident report Uie) ii'ouldnot be issuing a recall on iheae other 
tc^s wilh [he same magnela 

Ml Rush. You mentioned tc^s thaC are being impor[ed fiom 
China and die qualil^ and Eafe^ of these imported picduelB Is 
there anjthing dial could be done at the Slate level [q deal with 
this, and ie this onl) a matter that die Federal Gloi'ernmenC can 
I egulate? 

Ms Madiii^n Well, I ihmh obviDUBly the 3la[c is happy Id lake 
anj leaponsi bilit^ that it can m teims of making sure that we are 
piotecDng children and making pareniB aware and making other 
carelakera awate of these pioblems Agam, iic Icok at CPSC as 
being a free agenc) 

Again iic'te happ> to havcpartners here in IllmoiB, ii'onderful 
childrens acts organization IRUA, [he Ulinois Retail Merchanla 
Associatnon haB been vety helpful to ub ii'hen it comea to recall no- 
tncea and mIoimaUon on i[, but we would love icif )qu in Congress 
would be able to pass some stronger measures Give CPSC not just 
the reaponsibili^ but the reaourcea that the) need to cairj duC 
then manda[e Dn prD[ec[all of us from dangerous products 

Mr Rush That's one of my chief main objectnvea as chairman of 
the subcommittee, jurisdiction over CPSC, but I would like to reC 
some of >our suggesdons in [etms of how )ou think the CPSC 
could better serve you and serve the cidzens of this Slate, how it 
might be able ta complement what ^u'le doing a lot bet:tei, where 
the ii'eaknesses in the Federal legiElat:iQn exist and some suggea- 
tnons for how we can strengthen and correct thcoe ii'eaknesses be- 
cause Tm vei) inteiested m nying to now get additnonal resomccs, 
but also ta strengthen the legisladve authority of the CPSC It's an 
agenc) that has suffered from a lot of anacks ei'en from — the exeo- 
uEivc branch actually wanted to eliminate this agenc) 

So lie W3nt [o bnnE it out of the clcocC and hiins it into die 
world of hcaunful American people ao iJiac the Amciican people 
will make Eurc nhat it functioiu foi [hcin, and 1 would iTcrlainly en- 
couca^e VDU, if jou will, n> just help ua and nhankjou 

Ma M^ii[ Con Eteaainaii , thank you itfj much We i^auld he 
more than happ> a> aivc joli aii> aaaialance you need m tctma of 
BugE^fldona, and wc'lj make auic that >ou have chat [nfannacion 
A^in, [hank you bolii of joii foi bringing [hiB mattci lo moic pub- 
lic attention 

FIcaBC do what you can to giiT CFSC the teeth that it really 
needs to piotcct our children i think we need no hcCter reminder 
than the tta^ic deadi oi Kcnnj Sweet 

Senator Dlbpck AtKuncj General Madigan, thank you for Head- 
^ing Eday We ap pteciatc jour teatimony. 

Ma M^DiciA^. Thank you 

Senator Di-ims Thanks a lot I'd now like IocgII up N^ncy Nord 
the Acting Chairman of the Consumer PioducI ^alct^' Comniisaion 
rd like lo invite you U> make > our Full statement for the lecord and 
juat open up and aummarizc CongiesEman Buah and I will have 
a few follow-up queadona 





Ma Noii> Ttiank jou ^eiy much, Chaiiman Duibm and Chaic- 

man Ruah. I'm delighted to be heic l\e alao aaked diat my itoI- 

league, Mr Gib MuUan, our Director of Compliance and Field Op- 
eiationa join me at the lahle here. 

Me Rii^h Spell hia name, pleaBC 

Ma NoiD. ¥cB, Uullan, M-U-L-L-E-N Fust name ib John Gib 

Mr. Euan G-l-B-B' 

Mb. Noin G-l-B M-U-L-L-E-N Tm aoiij M-U-L-L-A-N 

Senator Di'iiiih Piccced 

Ma Nopii And I'd alao like to lecognize anothci colleague who 
la here in die audience, Mr Eric Aulc Eric la the director of die 
Eaatem Bianch of our Field Invesd gationa Diviaion Eric is resi- 
dent heic in Chicago, and I miiht add that we have moic CPSC 
personnel in die Chicago aiea dian we ha>e m anj other pai t of 
the countrj with die exception of out headquarlere in Bcthesda, 

1 know diat the CPSC baa been in the nciia lately, particularly 
here in the Chicago atea^and diat il^B partially why you're holding 
this hearing Dsday Hi. Chairman, aa Im aure >ou i^ill agree, pub- 
lic aervicc la truly a wonderful thing, and I can Icll jou thacaerv- 
ing on the Cbmmiaaion foi the paac £ jeais haB been one of the 
meat impoilant and rewarding experiences of my life, but with 
public aervicc comea public acrutmj, and I diink Preaidcn t L incoln 
got It quite right when be obaetved that, "You tiul> cannot pleaae 
all of die people all of die dme" From our cnHiH aomc sa> that 


wc arc Too aeS'^h^i''^. ^^i^ olJicra saj that wc arc not asEit™!"^ 

But, Ml Chflirniaii, ihc CFSC docs a nctncndoufl job foi die 
Amci'ican people ¥ea wc are conalanlly BCTivinE lo impto^c, but 
for an a^encj with 400 employees, a h ud^eC of ] ust o^ ei B60 million 
a jeai and ehai'ed widi cnautm' the aafe^ of more than 15J)00 
types oi con&umet prcducca anceB the Untied Slates, we deliver 
□ cmcndoua value Co the citizens of this country 

Since ila inception m 1975, ihe CPSC haB worked nreleasly to in- 
vestigaEe tens of nhonaanda of pccduet- related injuiiea, to recall 
thoiiEandB of dangciona pccducia, Eo issue dozens of mandaloi') 
pioduct Ealel^ Elandarda and to wacn, educaEe and inform liEerallj 
hundieds of millions of Americans about every kind of prcduct safe- 
ly issue thaC you can imagine, and we have picdueed results 

COnSUUEl PIODl<eT I^FETV I ONNlH1lD^''i ■l»'l»BD OK ^r H IKVKM K^ T 

Since 1975 dieic haa been nearly a one-thud lediLcnon in the 
1 ate of product-i elated injuries and deaths asscciated with the use 
of con&umet products, and in specific picduct caCesotiea our leaulls 
ha^c been veij, very significant Just to ?ivc you tiio examples An 
S9 percent reduction in ciib-tclated deaths, and an S'i percenc re- 
duction in [he poiBoning deaths ofehildicn liom drugs and house- 
hold chemicalE. 

These succcsBes aic die direct result of die efforls of the CPSC, 
and thej aie quantifiable, but whac is by far ouc biggest measure 
of success are the millions of deaths and injuciea that do noD hap- 
pen because of the work of die CPSC This agenc> has been and 
conanues Dj be at the forefront of emerging product safcQ issues 
For example, with lespect to [he health hazard to childicn pio- 
Bcnted b) lead, we have addiessed this issue in a numbci of dif- 
ferent contcxlfi including tuobl iecentl> propcsmg to ban lead m 
children's leweli y 

As anoCtici example, for many years there's been on [he bcoks a 
mattress llammability standard aimed at leducing fires caused bj 
careless smoking In £ weeks, Mr Chairman, our first evci major 
lule will go iniB effecE mandamng that mattresses also be resislsnD 
to open flame ignition such se from candles and li'hteis Wc esti- 
mate that when this is full) implemcnCed id will save cicsc Eo SUO 
lives ajear 1 could go on, Mr Chairman, but the point is this Wc 
are careful We collect dala We analyze issues We Icok for pat- 
terns of producHclated injurj 

While [his >eai we m vestigated one-th ird moic incidents than we 
did lO years ago, we do not investigate evcij isolated incident We 
base oui decisions on ^cls m die law, and when die facts in the 
law wariant, we act I mcncioned that we hai'e approMmaldy 400 
staff nationwide, >eC despite our small size by any objeslive alHod- 
ard wc aic more effective tcday than we have been in die hisDay 
of the agency Is it all pci feet aC the CPSC^ Of course it isn't 

BuC as a Commissioner for 2 years and as Acting Chairman for 
nearly 1 >ear, I can tell >ou chat 1 work every day to find better 
and moic efficient ways of doing things, and since assuming the 
I'ole as Acting Chairman I have initiated a numbci of refoims aC 
the agency that 1 believe nav e and will continue to bimg significant 
mvar<t to consumers including cfforlH Co increase recall effective- 


TicBa, [o improve oui infornialiiin Icchnolojy fITi, in frafltructuic, to 
da:rfasr i ni'cslii^sliQn rcaponac HimrB and help cnsuic that [hdcg- 
ulalorj prcfCBB piccccdB wuh purpcoc, diiccUon and cTficicncy 

In addiUDn, Mr. Chan man, jou and I havcapokcn about die pnG- 
Biblc ic^iBion& loDur EO-ctninE acanHcB dial I bcUciT will help ic- 
niQvc aamc of die unnctesaaiy legal hurdles through which we 
muEt jump na do our jobE while still pioEecting the intcieBt of the 
public Since Full> Ewn-third? arauc picduct ceizallB 3ic na<\ of im- 
pottcd praduclB, >DU also knaw that we are beioE eMUcmelj 
piDacnve on the intci national frnnt having ne^nialed l2 sgrec- 
inenlH <\^th foreisn sovetntncnlH , and far the fiiat tune we are diB- 
cuBBing concicte Btcp& with [he ChincBC so^einment to icduce the 
numbei of defective prcducla Mr Chairman, I believe [hat the 
work of the CPSC ovci the years dcaervcB the tcapcct and recogni- 
tion [hat iC gct£ in man) quartets 

1 Icok foiiiard to condniiing la explore wi[h ^ou the way& in 
which we will con[inuc [o improve how we do buainrsB and how lie 
Bci'vc the Amciican public, and toward iJiat end I am happy to an- 
BH'er an> queBtions you maj have. 

[The Blatcment followa:! 

Pll>J'.■ll>J>ST.^^lJE^TaFPJ/^'c^ A Xdid 

(Tcof iDiirn mg ^r ChDirniiin 

I nin pknicd lo □pfcni !«(]■? yuu luby m 3Q4ir (□pnrily at CknLiBDn oTibf Sem- 
□If A pp iLf rmuDi] 1 SubizmD miiuE na FIostii'dI S^rvKEi ^nil QcnciiiL CtditmdbetiI 
□nil m diHuii •i\< mi^mas amd mlviiKk nF ikE US CDniunier PukLlkI ?t]le<y 

CdIIIB I I^LElD ICFSC I Hll ^kH I DID pn'VBll> AcilO^ C knLllDDI] 

Wc ^l lh« CPSC HIE pioLiI Ic KTV? y<i\iT ohiikiietiIi ib IHixiit hhI IbiQu^uul 
ATnenrn hhI I nam Ifl] >qli •bai. i ka\c hejei tcbi? kixL ikc privilrn: lo •/-a\k wilb 
□ niGi? i3rdLELih.ll in^Li|i of pnitiuHLiLi IbLin ihoic Hi 'lur .i/vynny Wf uuly l3d naie 
□loiU CHhn inm^n dblI •/-■e •//uit. Wani eitm% dny lo ^■'un <}iii< ih< publi' i^ piDlaKd 
InuD imuil: puiduii □ulI ^aponrnd ivilb lb? knG^lid^ Ihty LicEd m ikLlte Ihr 
ii'li IbLil ik^ II Ibclr BiLiiiLici »ilL tc ■□jiiml ky uiin^ cgb^ubei pndLKli ^fur 
□11, or:, DLH [bfLliPD. EnnTy amii EimLl^ mc igd^libei i ai 'v-:l\. We, mo, Hdlt h irit 
rd LiLid pEiHHiLiL idUici* Id Ibi: fzltc Ilivhm^ gEiIi? CP?C 

Ai y<i\i inii*: ikE US CoaiuiD^r FicdiiEl ^Isly Coliiidiiieid |CFSC> ii qb ihIe- 
pETiLlcnl, kipLirlLiLiD Kdcml (DmBi^iion ?iCiblLihL:Ll ky Cl^udi?^! amii thmj^yl wilb 
pmlazlmg ikE pLiklK Iidb un im wnLiklE lilki uT Idjiu^ ama dsilb ^MrtkiUd wilb 
mut? ikaD I&4I0U i> pEi oTdLii ililhet picducli ULutr Ih? nijrLuy k juiiilIi'Iil)!] 

Siwie in iLKEpliC'Ti in I^T^, CFSC^i ^qiI. bsi lzdh Inkuhil iiib^caDiEilly Ig IHe d?- 
Lzlinr IB ikE lalci aTlIed^}! LiLid idjui} nbled lo Ih? hie nT Lzon iinn^T pndLKli W? 
EilLTn^H] ikai HhvomlL, iiijuiy Land dLii<}i li .-o: i •/-■••b Ihr uv ol picdiiEli hhIet 
our iLiriiLli'lHhii boM dtrllnEd by □pp[OMLnLih:]y on?-lbLid iliilk lb£ ^jCHy kqpa li^ 
■roll Thcie ndLrlnni^ ilkIiuIi: A 4S pEircBl hiIuikid in lzoii iiini?nEliil''d [cmiI''b- 
iLnl flic d«ilbi, LIB at pEn?D< iLnJiiKnia Lii (nb-nLilfd dLJLilb^ □ 74 pEn^a* ndiir- 
litm in pndiirl-ictilfd f'bc InculiL^n i a -IT pEicf'B^ ieiIiieoh \m lzoii iiuD^'ritlaH'd 
LZLirbon mokDinlE Llcnik^- LiLid 3ii SV^ pEireal hiIuikid in poi^naiLijr ilcnilii oTibLl- 
lIicii Hum. di-Ligi amii bou-ckiJd LzIiEm ■'L1L^ 

Tb?iE LiiE □biulLiU' nduiDD- L\'}ion ibE Lii[i?.iie m US. popiilniuD it (on^iLl- 
en'il, lb? nilE oE Ih?^ LiLid iniiny oOiei CLil?^iEi of piDduci-irlnUd ■□jiitki Ibnl 
■V tia-/c miRElfd, LlEclLnel eitb liidie ^iik'Ciii iLufy 

Wkllc •/-e aic pioLKl of IhckE LiLid ibf li^|ei]L'> i niLiny oikcr LHbLmm^Dli awtr the 
yeaii. ibEit ii lUf mub •/-■uik lo tE LlihiiE E\d Liion: Isli noliifiKQllv loapki pi«l- 

LTll, lllf iboiE UlLlillllg LianOLIILIKtml', HI HVLI LII □■ IIIipn'4<\l?DH'll ^Liipc lJ ilii- 

poi-li, ^iGEEially fioLii CkiLi3, (On iin LF" hi pnvLK 'ht DRELuy •/-\'S\ ncv ibiilkLi^i 
THe CrSC niLiiJiliiiD- li iocuL Li-ilu'niVKlo iinlE hiT juii omm W), bai am diiiilii] 
bml^i 'lE ju'i OVCI SbU millioLi dblI b-l^ |Lii]-dic<>jB ovei I'i JJLU lyp?- oF pr>]LKli, 
^Ib kuiiLliul- oE no^ pindLi:l- CDiEJin^ Ibo LiiLirk^lp Uno MrlLially Eiriy ^v-j-t. Lim- 
ili'd n-dim^i LiLid eittcIiduiiiij puidui-. bnjLinli nqLiin] ikLii Ibi: HDLZHy 40li<ib- 
LiilLy ica^i?ii pinnlici lih ilkiedh: eDkiciicki XELcrlb?!?!!, rve ai LMLZom pli^b 
our mii^EiDi ^nd I l^liEnquile t/tiP 
The CPSC kni Ih lEf L'Eii Iml ID LiiHB^ 


— Tg kL?diI^ lML^Ill]R and ^'mciiniii' f ndiil luunidi ikni 4r?iil? .in iiBn'aioniibt 

^^k "I iBjuiy ama Lg □l3dm^ <lii'^^ k.t.^id- b, d" r'cli'pin|r ■UBiLiL'iiy -ulLiy 

iinHbid^ hhI b> idILlikib^ and ciiBiiibiiLLiig Lg du^cns iJconnCD-Li- iuhLiiiI^ 

Eiciy ,!□!: 

— Tg iGiidLi: I picdiic* itidIIi □nd (c ihltii^k niid mpDnd l£i picdiiEl-irliitEd im- 

cidETili □ad 

— Tg □leiT DTid eduDi? con lurneri nkiLil •[Edin'4-i?bl«] la&cy liiia?! 

Wc cnn} oul ibciE Ibrnz id^ib id LUHDity □dBiBl-Uruii^ Jiid i.*limii]i! <bE Cgb- 

iiini?r PhhIli:! ^Ibly ^4 1 <bE Fotml KuznidoLi- Sub luiMt'-. Ad, ibu FiuiniD^bt 

FnbiKi A(l, lb< FgIioii FieitbIvi] Pnlaujinp Ac*, und ikE PL^Inir:n]<i'i E^rEly Ai:! 

B^fm di.'di nkinR EiH b hhTiIigi? IhiEf ■□■" ■i^^lgiii Gf Ihf CFSC I "uub lih: Lg 

piDLnSi: n'mc iB^Lgk* ii]l£i ikE piDmi ky vkrh "« puiiiie CEitiiln picdifi nlriy 

Pionliiar'an taul !}ala CilSithm 

\i ikE [ompDriiDn GEour icidliiixi »iIIi Ibc ikcci nimib?! hhI koge GE^Dnmmcr 
pnidui^ in iLe Uaihil SUilei ■mild indH^lf ky □ei'eiiIi> dt: piuniUr?. liiiKi iknl 
■TM? p^iniiiDiin I yEileidny nmy iigI I« kj U<niGnci», hhI m ne*^ ftoini lacilEnl 
pnlleim EmeigE, ikEy ■□> di^pbH« earlkr pmriliEi I Empbaibf <bE ^oid 'yat- 
awni briDiiiE ikii 4GiK?pl li inHuinL ehh imdEi iinHling "ba*^ it condiici our □cUvi- 
liEi Hi III? CPSC tVE As nai nG^ bun, and Ininkly, deitt hnvr hud Ih? icwiin?^ 
IG Fully iBi'G-inaii: nnil CMimiiii: cvim> hhde hhT lb? hundiEd^ oF ikDUUHli DTDnniiil 
piodui mcKLcni-. gE^KeIi ^v- bLTiimc □nun:. 

Inilmil. Ibc ay^asiy kuki ll'i ihbiI-. Gr pniiciBi nmoag pmdui incKl^D^^ o qdiki- 
pDiE dhI [?'pDnd IG ^BfiDiiig knr^idi Tg do GikEr^i^E n^iikl ill'pEi k nm rmilc 
lEiDiniii^i IB □ ikDuiDHl iliii'EliDD 1 □! DDCE, dismal I [ally [eliriiij; ttii gi^mqII eULt- 
liLTkEii fat Ibf Am^ncaD public. 

Inlfgrnl l£i 4Hir kI? Diifn^liDn □ad icipoaK lo pndirl mcKlen i pnlKiBi li ikE inl- 
IecUib □■d □■nlyiM gF piadiici lacidEnl iDbmi^liDn and d^Ui. Tde CE'?C li □ d^m- 
drim iip:D[> Tg □dsgiEiKly imd^nUind □ pi[dii[4 bsi^rl Diid i\\ea lo ici^ghI Ig 
il »illiiD ibE bimndi GEniii i^mmbid^ -.UiiiiIo^, ivl^ buiI buvo DHid ui FniB^lxhn 

Out oFlbo pniDuiy ►Hhli ivl^ ii^^ <n ciilkfi ibi^ int^im^lu'n i-. 'lur ivilEly □i(laim?d 
□□d iililnL'd >, Ji»ii£l mLriiniDi: lDjiir> EJunr'ilbiiKO ^,ilciii, Gr Nlil^Ci lyilGm Tbi^ 
lyiKB ■onilGn lUU boipimL CB^iRCHy rumi n^lionvilE and iDplmEi □ny pmd- 
irl-iclnloL uijiinci Ib^l mdljKLiiili ieggi'I Ficon didic Ih^n SDIJOlU luck icfGir^ 
iciKivEd □nnmlLy, or: dEiT.4]p ^UiililiciiL ciiimnl?^ dT piodu c-irlDH'd ibJiidci. Ill i^ 
impDiUiBl IG imdonUind Ikni ibEiE □■? p icducl-icl^iEd , bill dgI im?^^rily pmdu:- 
caii^^d iBjiinci^ 

CP9^ □Im colLali injiiiy dnCi Eidid □ DimibEr uf olbf r wiiitei. incliiling iknHigb 
company and (oh'iiidet icpnn' lo 4Hir nvbu^E, »'»^(pn4^v- □nd \\a Din CDniiimiH' 
boilinE, diiiIkdI ^'iibixt and CHitGkEr lEpGrli, [nuDKDiiD^ mcdiu 'iiKkii, uhI 
IbiDLfib vanillic I'lb^r ehedb^ ^I □■ufiirliiici t hhI iruiilEri mc □l^ nzqiiurd ky Fcd- 
^[□l !□» IG [?porl at ibE CF9C vkED Ibcy biriGBE □'V3ic oFdcIni^ in ikEir pnidui^ 
Ibsl (oiild i^iiiE Gr Ib^l h^ir (□uisd Idjiii^ ^□ny of ikEiE icmht^ oie eia[iil[i?d 
□nd inmU^icd ky agency lUill 4 iilm inD<iB|r ib la-lcplb inmu^uiB^." wkKh □■? 
in Imn ulilufd lo mpport ir^bi<Dr>, (ompLuiEK? Iiccnllj □nd^Gi pukbi rdiKn^KiB eF 

CGllerlivr Ly Ibii inlbiB^Imn pi[<vidEi ikc bmir dnin ntrEiiuiy b 'be\f guHE U4ir 
■randnidi, CGBpli^BCE. EiEid public inbrBnmB and cdiiculion miviii?! 

Slaadardm Ael<\^<I\iw 

Wlik iqaid o nz^biEHiiy luiiiio], i< m\iil bE fir-.i uodriKKid Ibsl la <kE ITalloi 

Satai. Ihf IE II □ »d>''-ctbli 'liL'd iyil?B gE niluaiiiiy — l<i ivbal wn: pidsr m call 
ccoiicniiii — pi[duc< -.aFEly -.luodjidi Uodec Ibo ,pi»±incc nT ■c'pEi'lfd gioiipi like 
IbG .^m^nisn N^lmiiEil ^iuhLiiiIi Inililiil?. A!fE?l laiEiBainaul, and UndEi^nHM^ 
LaboiuHHt?'., ^bo idrh lo bnn^ all iCil.EbGldEn. lodiidinff igd^iieuei'^ □nd 4gb- 
lum^r DdjctaKi, iniG lb? pi«?^i limally ikouiaadi uT iirb lumdnrli ka\v been 
»rill?a and □■? <DDiin lumly kcina irjiie] CE'?C iIdITgvei ibe Iml /ear p^iri'i- 
pnUd ia □ubeicoii coaKDiui lUioaudi □cUviIk^ ioduding Ibow coimng ■□^ei^ 
ID (oyi 

ThfiE Eiiili □ lining p[rlcii:ncE in ouc iUkuIc- Sur doKicni'i^ lo Mick 4GDi?a^ii^ 
lUiDdacdi oiTT <bE pnuD ulRalu'n 'lE [niind.iio[y < 1^ -diiiEU'd icjiulalioDk, »b?D n 
coDuniui iinHbid □dcguahly jddn.-?-. Ibi: pniduc* .aFoly mk al iiiim: kt a 
UD3II a^|EDC>, lb II con1cn1lI^ -candcl^]^ piKEii □lloivi Ibo CF^iC lo l^vdu^ ill ic- 
louirci hhI KbiEU niiKb ^imket niKb <n □licii lb? lapEly oE [□□■> moic piodui^ 
iind?c Gur Jimvln IKID Ih^n ^[oild olb^civiie k? po'^ibk mlb our limiloi itkiiiicei 

Hg^civt, id □ny tme ivb?!? □ idhiDun} lUmdnrl HiiI^ ihh iidf(|iiD(El> □ddmi □ 
piodui knraid or ^brc? ikEir ii □ lofk ai lub^uiDiDl iGBplinH? »ilb dd Ddrqinlr 


lUmdnnl , ibe Cumminitm may puiBiilmilf mniidalEiiy piEdii'l H]t4y [?giilalLEin i 
!■ brl, •/-■e (Liin'Bll> Ii3n imaL^r^Dy 1^ iIIFIei«]I mlcm^ikiiigi, mDic Ih^m □! any 
iLiber iLinc in dui n^iick i biilGiy. 

Ai I niEiiliDne] ^nilKr, lb? ORkiic, L^ biMB|j 4liall?ii;r°' ^y " ^ii^ ''f ■mpciri'd 
piodui^ Tcdny, ditt ball hhT our n^nlkd •■«LlkIi ^ri? iDDiiiilb: luird ■□ Chian 
□kikc Thi^ giEi^n^ nmnkr nl unpiiinil pii^L>:li, iikIiiiIiii^ Ibn'/i IHdI do mm mEEl 
lElemnI BUHliiLGiy □>il I'aluDciirv ^lUBiLLid. hni iliiiLn<^ CP!f ^ HMDUirci hhI 
chnrEnpd ui h> mhI ne^ vnyi Lg 'njrii ii^ i.*iui? Ib/i talcty hhT piodui^ ib Ib/i 


Tq DldiiMi ibe Liiiiei •irirDKil by ibgdiUiI •ndiirli, Ihr CPSC kni i]EBiHial«d 
ineBoiiiHbi oE iindEi lUiHing »ilb □ biiidIiei DTbicLpB igiibUki Thf'v ^iRic^Bcnli 
gEiiEiiiIlk (□■[ bi clue I'm] 111! u I KID on picdul wt'iy liiiiei ^dlilHhUDlLy Inil 
nioalh, I ^rai Ig Chiui nlfing ^ik □ leoni fniB ikE CE^C <d diHuii »ilh £■■□?>? 
gIIkiiiLi lb? BEEd IG ImpiciVE lb? uFf ly gF cdii iiini?r pndiicli iBporUd Iiiib Ibnl 


Vfc pinfGHzd ID Ibc ChiHMC □ ninnkcr oE ^kumoei <!]□< Ib?> iiil^l uiuItCiI.e, 
bolli ii]ili^«i]ilei]lly Dnd ■□ ((cpGmuoa »illi Gur ngEiKy. lo □ddmi pndiKl mlely 
ii^DH In bur key pndiirl □n'm iw>i, ?b(liii^ pndiirli, liiE^[<it:^. niid l^rhHri 
l< li my kopc thai. lh?K diKULUom »ilL trod Id Cmqiblr ^nd id oi mi able i^'uLli 
W? baiv dl v> Hhn||iBb«d lb? 'soiid IJ5-Siikj Piiidiici Siil?i> Suiiibk, Ig be held ikii 
SGBicBber in L\ □ikin^tlon ihiigdiidlh: iki- iBpL<iuiB< •/-aik 

□ ii< Ihe-? uic b> iiG ■(□□1 Ihe 'laly ihiii|j- ikni »e ^ic doiajr I'l oddicii imfGired 
piDdu i-iElnied dfely piDblcBi PnrflBDii]|j ike igdUdudui and lumfn'iiDi Incimi? 
m ike BiiBber gE impiiiTcd CDnMimer pndii:l- enl?ni]|{ lb? AmenriiD ni^i telplnre, 
lb? CPPC eimbli^kL'd ike OITko i'F I n Urnsliii^Dl Pmirrjiii^ ^md I n l?iBDL?rn meiiUil 
AlEiir^ IG piGMde a (ompicb^B.m and ((■iidiBiiid olllin lo ?b^iii? Rieiilor rnf-iiT 
KHODplDiii'e ivilh n.Tu^nnL'd ^■eiiiDi] luFL^Ly iiiiiidDidi 

AddiUuaiiLI>, ■« iiBdeiTali? bolli iDulme niid Cu^hd iiiiivilbiiii'e and miiipliiiij 
af picfIitIi Hi U5 pul^l of ?niiy, ^cnkia^ ■□ conjuiu Iidd ivilb Ih? Bihehii gE Cui- 
iGBi Dad Bolder Fiolaii^D Tke CPSC ii delenninnL m iTial.e 4?rUiiB Ibal inifGrEi 
iTieel ike mm? hgh olcly lUiBdiiidL IIidI pndiirli ma Diitic lined ib Aniencn m\iil 


Wkelli?E ■□■iifiiFliiied domcilKiilly or rn^GiTi'd Tigb nvrrieD^. gh? □ i'Diiiiini?r 
pmdui II buHl Lg be iii]icii-(iBubl> imriiiilniii. Ihe CPSCl primniy □iraiie <e ic- 
moir i< liom ibe lUtam hiI roni Beiii? ii ibimigb n pnxLirl itidII 

In limnl yrai KlUS. Ih? CF9^ ^mnouruel -It4 lEcnll^ gI d?l?i'liiT picdifli, te^ 
lEienLmp ii/r IVU milLnhi] mdlvxLiiiil prxLiKli Tbii wu- 3n jill-Lini'' iti'iid number 
oE miiir^ Hit Ih? CY^iC amd de■o□-Ln]lo^ Gur Boie t'lUcioni ibBil I'ltimi' uio HhT 
□inilnble ^:^lll^?^ L^lny Lhsn ii< iiny pouil \m HKir hi^loi'v LiiIduir oElineno"^ 
gninEd Ibiou^ n number HhT infirm alion iLfknology, ai ■t:IL m a numkcr gI -.inlfi- 
naa\ mmm^meiil and diudhcj Lionel idorm^ nr inily hie doing moie ivilb l?ii 

Vnklle ibe a^nny kni ihc □iiiboiii> Ig lEquuc □ ■□■dnlGiy pndiKl iecdIL dia? 
IG Ibe lenqiby and i'oill> naluiE of ike lUilulGnlyJiiEcUd le^l pncitdiBRi Ibnl 
■V mii'i iin it'iUike ■□ older lo iiiiir luk □ [Emr, <be ■ailli> ii ibii< ike gvei- 
»kelniiB|| miji:ni> oE ike ii'calli »e gvei lee Die idluDiaiy nn lb? pnil gE ike iethII- 
ing EIrm> iitjII- pimide Ih? qiiiib?'i and mG'i elbliir^ •/-a</ oE gHling 
piului. Hhll ^ii'ie ^hoLl'?-. and hkiI 'iEi'in-.umei-. kjnd^ '. iimplLinci' •\i\Sl ni^fiual?^ 
lb? dentil- oFiMHb lecall ^iik <be iiikjLT* fiim, s!'c\ -.igniliisii i onhjingeil inroTBD- 
lion belDTen ibe rirm and ikeCFSC. 

T[dii>, ^|<B[oiimiiiel> bnlF oFonr ieidILi Uih: adinnmge of gut innnvuiin "Fail 
Tmrl:' [b:d|1 pinffnim Uader Ihii punniiB ike 'ub^i liiTn □^|lce^ m ibiidI? □ ic- 
miLl or olher roiiriiin niua ^iibia il) duyi nlier keing iGDUKled by <be CP?C, 
pneinllk In eKhnniR' Hit LkI. 'iI u HitbdI findia|r ky Lbe Dihniy Lbjl u mb^iaaikil 
pmdui icoDid osi-L- Tbi. pii^jnim bn. biT-a o'iiem?ly -li:ci^^iIuI hi |Kiiin^ iiniiit 
pmdui^ olT lb? muilj.^ ■□ □ bi:ier liae fmm? Ihnl dimply ikhiLL h>I otbeiiviiE ke 
poiiible IFiEKirEing <o lili)^lion ivie lb? OGrm. 

PtsbSit li'tOrmali'n and Edtieal\iwi 

CPSC i lb lid impoiUinl miiiKia li Ig inlbim and cdu^l? ike pubLn ^boul pmdiHi 
bmnidi EetuLI^ and Gibei rnfGiuinl utiy lalnrmniKia mc diiKminnUd uiimigb 
□IL lih^■^ oF ■«Lia m »□!■ ibe public gI kpmfic pndnrl bicuidi aod □dM-«' 4Gn- 
iiim?r- on mGi? pcBeraL priFlirl uk liinei ^riia> oFniir ukiy mimpaigni □■? di- 
lEcted lowaid (hiUiEn 

Foi EEample, Id^I yr^i ibr CP?C inndncied Bukbi ouiicarb camHiDni dd ball 
m vbml Hivly nnd on ike bnzaid^ of inEUiiabl: fooli Th? ^ClLtl S^ile S^maiag 


CoiDpii^ tdf □liili'il lailninblc mkJ^ ai am nncwtnnit hnznnl Tkii frari 5tiie Swim- 
ni rig Cnni pmgn liitiiv-. ia ibe aci. •bat j iliii^niTii^ dEDili ii □ iilml dcnik ikm diy^i 
TiDi iiiiially iBMiLi« II chilli Ihimbing in LI14: ^iiici 11 4iilliii|j bi hflp. Tbli cnmpai^ 
^mpbniizci IIidI iiiii1iI|i1c bani?n □ml comUiBl mpciviiKiB hie irquiiral »h?D ibil- 
dicii ait noil rntoii In 24IO& ikE CFSC nl w coailuH'd an iBbrmiiiKiB and Ediirnii^D 
KimipiiigD on Inr daagETL dE UIcviikib diiiI Einniliiic ilpoim Id miK n'KiiEiieii if 
Ibii riik 

AddiUHiill>, ikc a/^niy mninOiiB^ <hnM: 'l/'kM<c^ Ihnl Riiv [gb^iibei 1 niid oiken 
□Kf 11 IG nil miiDim if picduci iakrif infinn ji»d TKu-^] ulci mc »iv^ 4 p iC4fiv , 
wib'iu«illi4mv. Hud our nmTMl 'h'buiE, iv^ivii<h int'iLip^v, 'vbrh 1- purl if a v^ii 
iWrnifrBal iBihfiiiiiinD and oliKDlHhii [nmpnigD bii^ uur^uy \i .tdviK (on umir-. 
DHHiL D BimibiM dF ATV -.nlcLy ii^\iei Viiili Lg ^ 1^ ^ ovb-iio- b-iiv ijhivb rtpidlv 
DJET ike pnil Iciv ^vnn Iidiii ^DUiHIU m l^yT Lg gvci 'JJJ BirnB Id^< >^r. 

In an oilbi'l Id omniiiBKDU ivilb hnid Ig lEnb populnii^ni ike CFSZ^ miiiaLGd 
IbG Xc^turliHHid iltilbiL NGiidrl. IMSMI 'vbrh 11 □ j^[4ii 'hiIummK pn^ism 
Ibal pll)vtlc^ Limply lilLiiMnir mbrniiimB Id 5JIIIAI oiRnnuiKKiBi and itiiIi\'kIiij1^ 
vko m iiim ihniE dui utiv BoiniirE »ilb banl-in-miRkl iGniumer^. AmHhiiri ih<ke 
gmupi □■? ^2i fnan llllnGii, iiicli»]ia|j \iwr depnnBenli diikl cait nenlGn, diiiI t\im- 
i[i Imm □iGiiBil Ihe imii: Tho: ulCly mei^opi □■? DFlen diiETud iG^Did ibil- 
iliciil miely. lub m Ihr pDil?r Ibnl ^e pndiKn dbiI diiliibiil«] IbiDugh Ih? N5N 
■nin lag dF in-liGme iliQ^iiiag huzanli. 

CPSI^ 1 Duiioirh eHbrli ihIiiiIc mnkiiig imr ^alcLy latximiiKin nvnilable la Spno- 
11k, amii in &ni. CFSC moialnini Spniiiib lnaguig? Imki Dn our iiT:biilf tV'e □■? 
□Im a: III? la u^iag up Hiipnat: ^hiip^ Id niir Neigh bDrkotd ^Ibly Mel^Dit nod 
icDibing GUI IhiDi^k Spmii^b lan^pm^ Bolia oulleli iifh ai TrlcmuHl] nod 

In 'iW)6 ikE iiiTEOcy e'nifili'd i<i fly^ oa iDpm ii:laied <d pndiKli ikal pici^ni 
iihiUicii'' knriiid' ky ^ocraling ^7 iig?Hy □•pniiin(?k Ga If leviimii □miiail lh< 
nDunliy. TGpic^ innlintd ATV latik, p<«l □in^ii mgi, EumiluiE nod letvi^ion 
lipDV?n una helmei olely. Alu la 'iXKi »? puividn □ImDil •m million vtziy 
□i?n- tiE< -.kiM:li nod Gibci publKDOoai iknHigb our Wrb ilie Tbe ^Enler-iknn- 
^ipirihil uici^jK la bill Dn CFSC'i Ll'cb p ublrnlkia^ ieFI?4i^ IbG mcicaied •in: Gf 
Ibe Inicracl iinnc gut Dirtnll tVEb hili innitawl fiDin 1^ 7 ■ilbmi m ^DUG lu ^tiS 
mTliDn la 'JJjlM 

Thi^ mcicaw imilcrriDm Ihe crilical im pDrCiiii'E of CP?C i labrmniKin Tcck- 
nDli:g> InEiniiiu: liu? nod i>ilenii. In ndilliKin Id dui dnln lyiicBi, lub ai Ihe 
MBlS ^yilf m ikm I d?v:i]bed enrlier CF9^ 1 IT •ad\i Dlki^ 11 1 10 ei lead gut publin 
ouiiairh »eI1 bi^^iiail ^hcic ll nDuld n un, 11 ev^a m lillle ni Iije >eiii'^ °iP- "-^ 
IbG nuBben nad <yp?^ amii ^/lawuci di iGniuBci pnxlirli [oaliaue Id gm^ m n lime 
if limilel icmmci Eir 4he t/ttcwai guvcmmcal, miiia4enDii[e oiid maderabnliDii of 
CPSC'l rr lalnmruiui? 11 bdii: impmrani iknn ejEi 

Magiiln Tl>yn 

Thi^ Tnofnin^i heDrmg mr^ndn hIki mclidf 1 Ihe ^ukjeel Gf loya nan On a I ng imnll 
mngkeli, n picducl hnzani IHdI ike CFSC 1^ iig^[EiiiJEl> ^Diving Ig nddm^ In 
Eh I iGiby ai CFSC hmdgiEiilei 1 la Mniykind, IhE ngeHy m nonduiuni; n long- 
phmoGd iDmpirbea ilvE bniB lo GiplniE iiml dcvclDp iiciv iinilfgK^ lu mliKf mag- 
nriir (Dy mpalna biuDidi 

EiCilki^iaR ^ei'ioni na behnviDial bcinhn mcilcnl dam, mugiiel leibkokiiry hhI 
medirnl i^-lk'i aKcndeci ivill be upduled on jDluaUiiy iinHbid^ ^Dit iind inler- 
nDlnHiiil L^IBuKi TbG biiim ^l] Ibca addi?^^ dcMgii nod HKhnical I'luoi thr mag- 
nrik iDy^ und dliriiii ^iralegm 10 indED^e ainirnGii oFlhii karmd in Ihe medKnl 
KDm mioiKy amii ike publK in geneinl 

I Dm pleaded id lalk □loiil Ibii imporUml iiib}?4i ivilh ihe CoamillGe Ibii mnm- 
mg ^Ibin IbG (onilmini^ ikai w/c hnvr pn'viaiiily dliem^ed ikal mc iwiiiml by 
5e4 liDU 61 b I dF Ibc Con Lumer Fnxlirl Safri> Adni ~eI] m ihf tul ibal Ihe CFSC 
rimcnily hat niilje, ifim amii ongoing inLe^ilgiiiKin^ hhT iHidenIi ^ilh lEgaid Id 
Tnngkelic myi I ivill note, bG»EiT:r. Ihnl IbG n^nny hoi nlicoly InilBilEd ieltidI 
mafor [echIIl gE loyi iDniamiag unull mugiieli 


E''iaall>, F^r Cbsirman ] ■ihiild III? Id miic IhG nine oF muihoiiriiliDn oE IbG 
CFSC and 11^ RDLemmg iCiluH'^ puriK ulnily Ihe Coniumer Pmdui Sulely Ad 
rCPSA ». A 1 >cii tmorv IbG hiil ume iheCPSA -/-at updaiiil b> Cg^^eii wai lylU 
Wbile I icalire ikai /•yu ibair our icl?VDal appiDpnnUia^ luboBin llice, amii ikal 
Ibe ?«nalG Commene Commliiec bui miiml jun idirlmii over om gDirmmg ^(ai- 
ule^ ] Iboughi ll ^Duld ke belpful 10 hphllahl Ig >dii umi: oF Ihf nimi ivkt:h I 
h^EiiE TiDimiil iKlenii^n by Congm^ geneinlly 


ALlbGu^h ibe Corn miiiiro]' i ^Uiiuidi} ^ulbGrily li kuciuLI^ luDkici]! Ig deal ivLLb 
lb? VDK nrnjufily uT ta&iy pmfclcnii ^ilbia dui jundicoua, I fc^Lici? ll li m Ih? 
bEil iBtEiEili dTiid^libei 1 <D lnhk <D pDi iiblu ■(dcincalLcn oE Ibf'H' imluUi Id 
lb? bug rtiB, ?niLii]Bp Ibal lbcCF9^ (ildiIdli?^ h> iDDiaUiLn ntqisile iCiIlioj^ hhI 
lEiDLHiK UuLi nDl gd|i^ »i]L li?Lp DJilnM^ ciiuB^ piului ^nlEly iiukzi tui nl w vill 
f Dsbl? Hi Id (oniriLir <d ^mlf ipnU □ad uiiiIei iUihI tnteiging pndLfl oilsly hnz- 

A lliDu^lFul mudiDiir^liDn (oubl ilicnqOiEn <}ie inRZHy^ nbilily Id dEal ^Ib 
UMnc gE III? iDGii mmg CDniimi^r pndij:! mki, piobh.'Bi and cmGiRin^ boinrli 
For EiDinpIc, I bslkvE ikni ?«:liDn QftJ of ibE CE'SA i?rm □ mcTiil purpoK In cm- 
CDUin^Bp lir^^ i'> i^p^n uabinniblr mbiBiKKiB Id Ih? CGBniLiiKiB ty in-lLlluiij 
Iniil dm* Mrh mrrTBDlma viU iidI k? imbiLily Gr p lEin nluiELy dlirkivd ttoai'^'cr, 
lb? !i1h-dD> iiHHH? iu]iiiii:m?B< ihh f|lvc ilrai iIfe Gp pDilun Lly Ig h^iuie ib? KCHmry 
dE lb? in Ibim^liroi lo bE iclcnio] Ig ibE public mohl bE ibDiUnol in HTH^IIiDn 
□f tlir IB iiDBumcDui uiiiii? GEiDGdrni cdid muiiH^lirai i 

1 TiDubl alio iHfgnl ibnl Cnnijirii dib^iJei nmcndliig Serlnni 1^ DflbE CDniiini?r 
PndiKl SdI''i> All <D mab? li imla^iJ 6ii □n^iwE bnG^iagly lo wll n pndirl ikni 
hat kcm rKDilcd Tkli lyu olpiDviuon km bEcn nliif icd kri? in ILIIiigIi hhI gii'i^ 
□I IbE [J^liDnDl H:^»iiy ImHK SDti> ^dmialilinlKiB. br EuimplE, hhI idull k" 
□ iheTuI IccI Inr IbE CDniBMiLOD lo bnvr in Ibn^c miE ibiIdh?^ m ^bKh iiKb ^11- 
Ful ml?' GEiccnlk'd pmduii hcut 

We □■? dliFuiiliig mlcniDlLy »h?ikEr nllilimiiil □ulboailici dh: neelfd lo dEDl 
^Ib impDcli amii w/c lonk (ir^iiid Id dmuiiiii? Ihn iiik)e[i »ilb dui iiiiikDrii?ci 
Ydu ikoiild nLiD b< n^ui? Ibni gut nulbDiiiiTi diDcr undEi Ibc vuddui dcIi ■« nd- 
mriLilEi , iDmeuBEi IcodiBR Ig ddlEting mulli HniBDn ijhikib ki»?ED ikE mrbui 
ilDliil?^ ihDubl al w k? CDnuitie] 

^c Cbnrm^i], lb? ouliCmdrnj; ^Dik af IbE CP5C mrr lb? yam bai EDni?d lb? 
a^wiy lb? iiMpcci and iiTHicnilu'n ibm il deiewvct — Innn ib? la^laicd ikdu'in?!, 
liDiD aiii-K^icy fiiDup-. amd Iwnm ikf rl^eihI publi] — Ig iH(Gnipliili ill miMhia cITec- 
liirly hhI drir>?Bil> Cuaiimiec mlciv ii ii?v?c □ CDinplclfd mil. bill hKdv^ nn gb- 
gmng pintcii of icKnirb, iumdnidi dfVElopBEni eD&i[C4MD?Dl amii piikbi ?dii- 
cniKiD. TkE CFSC iIdIE ii iDbaUd, hmduukTiJ □nd □kmliil?ly 4GiiiiDill?d ihh vbnl 
lb?> do, hhI I am pl^aiEd niid piDud lo iewvc Ib? AiD?n[iin pcDpIc ^ilb ib?m. 

TliDBk >Dii n^iB Ibr yDui ■□i«?ii ■□ ikE ^dcI. dF Ihe Cdbiiuiiei Finduci 3alily 
CDniBMiiDD I LfiI: Ibiiraid Ig □n inrniig joiit qiEiliDn i 

MACMinX I 'lie 

ScnaEor Dl.lllil^ Thank >du, vcrj much, MBdam Chair, and Ice 
TTic ]UBt make biuc [ undcialand ioi the temrd [he tiniclinc on 
Ha^ncnx between [he fu&l nodFiration [q the ConBunier FrcdiicC 
Safety CommiaBion of die po[ential daiijet, the coniitniation of die 
injiuy DC dradi and die ac[ual recall ol [he product, can jou give 
me the dates on each of thcae, pleaBe'^ 

Ua Ni>iiD. Uc Chainnan, aa I have diacuaaed with yau and also 
with Chaicman Rmh, i^c are [onElrai ned b> bouli oui Elatii[e and 
the lact that iic have an ongoinE inveflagation from Betting into 
specifiia af this par[ii7iilar incident I can [ell joil the dates of the 
lecall, but, as you aie aware, we have hodi &latuto[y and proGecii- 
toEial res[iamla on wha[ we can diBciiES m an apen teEsion I WDuld 
be moie than happy [o Bicdown with bath of you and talk with you 
abauCthia in clnaoi session 

Se[ia[ar Di'hpi>. I understand pending litigadon in a couiUnom 
Fid b lawyer, but diiee three da[es that I'm Iccking foi appear to 
hcmaOcrs of public recocd 

The first time that the ConBumet Frnduct Safely Commi&sion 
was no[ired that there was a pmblem of any kind widi magnets 
^Img out of diese products and being ingested was when? 

Ma Ndhd. Sit, there is no public record exception to section &b) 
of die Consumet Pioduct Safely Act That is a alatu[e that la veiy 
cl^ir on what I can aay publicly Again, I would be moic than 


happy Co SI E down and tslb widi both of yan m clcsol BfBBiim sI>duE 
nil IE pBTniculBT EituaniDri 

Sctiaoir Dl'lhl^ Okay. Far the rccotd an incident icpott — when 
Ma^ncUK fimt came out as a prnduct ii'as in April 2004 Fo\ the 
I'ozDrd, and I think wc can conlicm th^a, at least in May 20(J5 one 
vicdm Eii'allak^ed these magnets linm this prcduccand going in fur 
Butgcij That'& May 5005. December yUOa Kenneth Sii«c died; ?0- 
month-old child died ingcEUnE these maEneia Now, we'iT ^anc 
from Apiil 2005 to December 2005 to thcdeadi of [his child When 
waB the first recall oi iJiu product ioaued bj the Consumei Picduct 
Safely Comni iBsian'^ 

Mb. Noin Thctccall .^aE Match 51,2006 

ScDHlor Dl'hpi>. 20<Jb Sd id t^as baEicall> 2 years from the Hist 
Hot Line inciden C i epoi ted beloce the [ei:all,and it appeacE nahave 
been same 5 or fa months frnm the death ol a child bcTote [he first 
i'ei:all was issued 

Ms NoHD. Mr Chaitman, I am not going la sit here and violate 
the BlatuCc, eb — 

SenaHor Di iilin Fm nat aBking you Eo. 

Ms Noii> What I would Euggcat to joir is if we cauld Epeak in 
general terms here 

SenaOir Duhbik I don't diink diere's anything general about a 
child dying, and yau know the date he died I am H/ing to Figure 
out how long iC [oak from the date of the death oi this child Co the 
i'ei:all of the ptcducC That is a mattei of public record, thcae two 
^IB 1 am not disclcaing anj Bccret conFidcnnal infarmacion, nor 
aaking jou to Do joii dispute choGC cwadatea^ 

Ms Noin TKcce^all .^aE Match 51,2006 

Senator D^■HBE^■. Gocd And you will concede [he date of deadi 
□f Kduienh Sii'ccD IB not at lEEue hece 

Ms. No 11^ I havenoEcaBon to think nhaCit is. 

Senator Dupuih So my quesdon la jou is whj would it lake that 
long from [he death of a child ingesting these magnets unnl the re- 
call is Bene out on the pioducl^ 


Ms NoHn Sii, lie do not, as you well know, hai'c the authority 
to unilateially issue acecall 

In Older to do that, the auchois of the slatute did not give ub the 
authority to jus C say 'TTiis prcducC will be recalled" Thej had due 
piocess in mind presumably Thej have a hcaiing process that you 
have to go i:hrough,so that lakes a great deal of time. 

In order to piotect consumers, in order to try la get prcduct out 
of the hands ol conBumers and off Btoie shelves as quickly as we 
can, we do things voluncanLj We Oy to negotiate v ol unlarj recalls 
That IS a much quicker way oi picceeding than if we were to go 
through thcpiccess that is spelled out in oui Blatute 

Senator Di^ihiN What is the notmal timeline for an unccopera- 
□ve Firm? If you believe there's a dangerous ptcduct the Consumer 
Pioduct Safety CommisBion has been given nodcc of serious injui y 
or death iiom a pioduct and the firm reiuses to ccaperate, what is 
the usual and customary due prcceas timeline that leads to recall 
undei those cii cumslancea? 


Ma NoiD The Daisy caac would be the beat one far joii to Icok 
at In ihac inalancc wc Blarccd — ot ic'a my undciBEHndiri e tJiac die 
CommiaaiDri slatlai the pinccedins in yOOL We actded it in 2004 
widiout a I eial] 

Scualor Di'iiliu So in diat case ^ >eara 

Mb. Noii> rtiaD'a right, eii 

SenaHor Duiilin Of Bo-fsllcd due pccceEE 

Ma Noii> TtiaD'a right.Bii 

SenaOir DfHPcr. Phat's ccElainly ju&tice delated by anj perepei:- 
Uve fiom childien oi in this csae Ecttmsaick anddjing 

Ma Ni>iiD. And bb I indicated, m diat inalance, there waa no re- 

SenaHor DuBPir In the case of Magnelux tc^B.did this fiim, iJiia 
ChineBe manulactutins — I think later the companj i^aa acquired 
by anodiei company, two companies involved in the picduction of 
this lay Were cney coopeiadi'e with the Consunier Frcducc Safcty 
Commiaaion in die recall? 

Ma No HO Sii, we hai'e an open m vcatigation ongoing here. We 
may lake legal acdon Again, I would welcome [he chance U> biC 
down i^ith both of jou ^entlenien prii'atelj and go nhrough all thia 

Senanor Di'Pni'j 1 understand that jou have a pending caae, and 
there arc thing& diat you can't saj, and J don't want to put jou on 
the Bpot an) moi c [han \a ncce&aarj to make a record that makea 
Bcnae Id die average pei&on 

We are dealing in our next panel with some people who have had 
pcrHonal tra^edicB becauae ol thia laaue, ao il Tm probing you for 
aa much mfoimaUon aE pcesible, it's becauae the) want to know 
and we wanC to know I iJiink the public haa a ri^ht to know abouC 
what IB going on here 

Mb Noid I agree, air. 


Senator Dlipuin Well, lei me get down to anochei baaic here. I 
wane no make Bure that dieae facta are clear in iJie rccoid. Two- 
thirda of all the producla [lial)ou investigate are imporlH, cancel? 

Ma Noii> Two-thirda of our rccalla aieoi iorcign prcducla 

Senator Duibin And Dwo-nhiid? of these imporun] prcduclB are 
frDm China 

Ma Noii> Thac'a correct 

Senator Dubbin There waE a Buggeanion made eailier oi aCleaaC 
a queanon raiaed earlier aa to whethci the CPSC haa the capacilj 
to teat picducm coming into [he UniEed SlaEea. From your EeaHi- 
mony, 400 employees, 3&J million biid;e[. It would aeem m me to 
he biyond )ou to teat every product that comea inm [his countij 

Ma Noii^ We don't ceac ever) prcducc, no 

Senator Di'iili> So the next queadon ib aic there oi^aniaadona 
thac [eat produclB? Undeiwritcra LaboraConea, well-known m thia 
legion of [he counny, that teat producta aa to their safely? Are 
there aimilai organizalnonB when it comea la something aa l^ic aa 
a tc^, m temadonally recognised oi^aniiadona foi the aafcty of a 
pioduct like a tcj^ 

Ma Noii> Yea, air, I believe [heic aie, but, you know, you're 
going □> hai'e a repreaentaUve from the To) InduaO^ ABBOciadon, 


Bntf [hat ii'Duli] be a gixxf qufadcui Ib put to hiin, buC liierr ccr- 
Isinly arc testing lalnraEonrs that Irat tc^ b , of course 

Scnaoir Di-hp[>. Ib it fair m aay that ihc CanBurncr Ptcduct 
Safety ConimiaEiDn doea noC invfadgaUr a picduct until nhc Com- 
jTuaaLDri rcccivca notice of a piablcni, an injury ot 

Ma No 11^ No 

SeuaHor DurniN Imntinuin^l Canccin^ 

Ma Notn No Wc ha^c a whale alaff of people wTiolcoft at dieae 
laaucfl Thej icspaiid to incidcrit icpoila ceilairilj, but iic also on 
our own imdativc go out and do in veati ^tiona and aequice piod- 
uelH [Q teat, of course . 

SenaOir Dupuin So you will initiate the [nitad ganari even if you 
don't have 

Ma Noii> Oh , yes , of couiBC 

SenaOir Di'ihiH Icontinuinsl The icpoit' 

Ma No 11^ AbsoluEely 

Senator Di'heii>. On whac baBia do jou inahe [hat investigation? 

Mb. Noii> On a number of difietcnC bases. Fitat of all, iic, the 
agcnc), haa Cbinni laa lan-ap proved prioiitiea, and [hc&c prioiitiea 
direct where we spend our reaourcea, buC ii'ithin these prianty 
areas wc will go nut, and we will investigate pinduclB Id aec if we 
find viola[iDna of ci[hcr mandaloi') alsndaids ai laaueE that indi- 
cate to ua thcicneedB [obca recall or regulatory acdon 

We alao have BDme[hing that we [nformally icfer to aa a pin- 
gram, and at the beginning of each year the mmphancc folliB will 
pu[ [o^ethci a plan that thev bring ta the Commission which we 
approve [hat will have a whole series of acdviCiea Dn go out and m- 
vesQ ga[e those kin da cirprcducla 

B/if on LEAD 

Scna[or Di^rniN You aaid that you wciejusC a few weeks aii-ay 
from or cicae to propcamg a ban on lead m toya^ 

Ma Noii^ No I aaid that we have proposed a ban of lead in chil- 
dren 'a jciiclry 

Sena[or Diiihin Jewelrj 

Ma NoBD. It'a now an ongoing rulemaking, but the proposal out 

chil " 

there la to viituallj ban lead in children's jcwelrj ,> r 

Sena[or Di.iibi« Is [here a reaaon why >ou haven't aoughc a 
Bimilar ban for lead in children's pjys? 

Ma No in Right now iJiere is a ban on lead paint on childicn^ 

Sena[or DuiBin. And so this recall ol Thomas the Tram prcducC 
waa It laaued voluntarily? 

Ma Noii> Ves^iDwas. 

Sena[or DfHEii>. So the agreement by the company, rfie Chinese 
companj [hat made thia toy to recall the product. 

Ma No 11^ Ves. 

Sena[or Dlfilin la that correc[? 

Ma Noii> Ves. 

Sena[or DupniN Can you tell me how Long that tcok from )oiir 
fiia [ nonficadon that this toy had lead paint on it undl the recall^ 


Ma Noii> It <\3a niHs parHiiTiilarl) lon^ pciicd of nmc, but I aia 
BdvLEfd that I'm ^oing la cun inla bibl a^in if I ^ inEo dclsila 

ScnaHor Dubbin S[h). Why don't )qu explain that bo anybod) 
whoifl ii'OJidcrLng u'hcdici >ou'rc avoLding [hcqucBdon 

Ma Nimn. Section 6(bJ of thcU S Conaumci Frcducl: SafcCj Act 
i^uiECE that beloic t^c dJEclnGC na nhc public infDrmadon tliaC 
bringE ouC a man ulaclurcr'a name and pinduct, wc lake all mcana 
nccrsaarv m aaaucc it'a accuialc and lair and that wc give die com- 
pany atlcaat 3l? da)a U> loak at die propcoed diaclceuic and came 
back to na canccrnin^ iJie accuracj and die bimcaa of die dJEcla- 

SenaHor Duinin. 3a Tm noC ^ing to dwell an diiB odiei than to 
Baj aa a lawyer Tm noublcd by ii'hat jou juat aaid Hrre we ha^e 
a tcj with lead painc on it coming in Itoni China diat la a dan^r 
to children which haE been ii'idely cecognired foi decades, a ccrni- 
panj which acknowledgcE thac the lead paint \a a danger and a 
companj that vol un Ian Ty [ecalla their picduct from [he market bc- 
cauEC oi [hiB dan^ec 

And yan aaj it nia> prejudice diat compan) for jou Eo Eell ub a 
□mcframe af ii'hen [hia deciaion waa madc^ 

Ma Norn ThcalatuCe la very, vctj pteciBe, air 

SenaOir Di'inis Ic'a I'cij.^eij bad Ico 

And clfarl} diia iE our job to change it. 

Ma Noii> Yea. 

SenaHor Drjiibi^ And if you cannoC tiiovide [hac baBic infoima- 
tion in the circumaiancea I juat deacribcd, then la it any ii'onder 
that encerpiiBin! reporKiB from the Chicago Tribune and people 
acrcsB America think that this ayalcm ib o^mpleEely in chaca and 
IB not prcilecliing conaumeia actceB the countrj^ 

Ma Nimn. Sir, the slaCute la cheie It'a been there foi a number 
□f yesra, and if it needa to be changed, dien yan aie in a pcennan 
m do lliat, Bir. 

SenaHor Di'iiii^ Cerlainl> hope we can. 

Cou^i CBEnian Enah. 

Ma Nimii. But ait, if 1 might juat add a note here Bccauae of 
6lhl lie have been very conatiaincd in what we can saj, and I am 
incrcdihlj noubled by the perception that you just arnciilatcd and 
the pei'cepdon diat the public might ha^e [hat ii'e aie not doin^ 
our loba 1 diinh it'E juEt incredibly unlair Id the 40U folks at die 
CP^ who work ao vei> hard to prolei:t [he public in ii'aja diat aie 
hatd [o count, but we feci I'eij conaciamed belieiT me. 

I would be veiy happy to sit heieand cell jou [hedctaila of thcoe 
piocecdmre^ but I do feci that 1 muEt follow thealatu[e. 

ScDHlor D[ipniN Of coui'ae >ou muEt^ and ic'a our reaponEibility 
!□ make Bure [hcee Ela[uteB are fair and lealiamc Jn [hiB caae the) 
cleail^ are noC If a child dies and >ou cannot e^en acknoii'ledge 
thaC in yout anau'et Id a quefl[ion in tetma of the time to recall, 
Bomediing^ wrong in[h the law or the a^enc^, and it haa to 
change, and if it comea to laii', it'E our job If it comes [q theadmin- 
latiadon of [he agenc) cmrend> aE Acting Chaiiman, i['a > our job. 

Mb Morn AbaDlu[ely, Eir. 


Mi RuflH. Hb Nard 

Mb Ndid VfE, Bii 

Ml RuBH Vtc hsi'c had a numhcr of CQnvciaatiQn&. You've [caci- 
ficd before die auhconiniittec, and I'm each time I come away ftom 
the leBdmony with really quUca dilemma J realize, and J EO^ngl) 
acknowledge iliac the 40U emplc^eea there at CFSC aicdam^ quite 
well under the cxJEtiTiJ ciicumalanceB and undci ihe lim itanon the 
limitatiDn in tcimB ol the lawB that ^o^cin the CPSC and alBO in 
tetma of the capacity reaource-ii'iae, but Fm al&ci — it seemE to me 
that, and maybe jou could help me here, boHuae it aeema to me 
thaD there iE a rdiance or over reliance on [he ao-callcd ^oluntaij 
ayaEem of iei:all thaC plaja out in demanBtiaCin g oi at leaat impl>- 
mg that [here la acme kind of ccoy rclatmnBhip betii'ccn manufc- 
turera and the CFSC Can you explain m detail the ^oluncaiy re- 
call auiharity and mei:haniam and how it apcialeE la thia hearing? 

Ma NoiD Siuc Under the Conaiimci Pinduct Saieij Act. if we 
led [hat there la an umafc picduct out there and ii'c believe a re- 
call IE warianted, bsBually what we ne^ Iq da iE alsrt an admmia- 
tialii'e prc<:eeding which would be a voEe oi the Cnnuniaaion, which 
I might juEt aE a fnotnole mdicaEe to jou we fould not ha^e lodaj 
becauEe we haiv no quorum, but we alart with a vote of the Com- 
miaaian We then aaai^n the caae to an admi niatranve law judge. 
The admi niEtialiii'e law judge haE a trial, makea a finding, mak^ 
a recommcnibliDn la the CommiEaian The company then can ap- 
peal to ihc Commiaaion a finding if they don't like it If we aCiek 
with our deciBion , then they can go to court 

Ab 1 indicated, thia dccan't happen vej> often It laat happened 

We ended up Blarting this prccesB, and we Eetlled it in ?0U4, 
and, aa I indicated, we Ecttled iC without a recall. Bccauae of that 
pioceaa, we chccee to da thm^ in a much mare atreamlined way 
Our new la if we can get [he companj to agree to do a recall, we 
get [he prcduct out ol the handa oi the conEumera and off atore 
ahelvea a whole loC more quickly than the proceaa I juEt deacribed, 
and indeed , Bir , what we have done in recent >eara ib ini ciate aome- 
thing thaD iE even a faatci pioceaa It'E called a faEt tiack recall 
pioceaa I think weaic thconlj Government agency that haa aome- 
thing like thia whciebj once we BlarC talking with a company, if 
they agree diat there iE an laaue hcie we get thac recall accom- 
pliahed within 2U dayE. Thac la entiaordinanry ^cfor the Govern- 
ment to operate aE I aEaume that jou would concede, ao about one- 
half of our recalla arc these faal tiack i ccalla where we ^eC the jab 
done withm ^0 daya of the pioblem walking m the dcor 

Mr RuBH How many recalla have actually — I mean can you aaj 
thaD thia la aa a leaulc of faaC Hack we have recalled how many 

Ma No ID Oh how manv producla'' Well, we've had 

Mr RuAH And chia la all m the voluntary ayaEem^ 

Ma NoHD. Oh, >eB Yea We had laat >car 1 think 470 recalla. 
About one-half of [hem were !aBt Hack, ao I can't tell jou how 
man) itcma that involves. I mean milliona and million, but 

Mi EiBiH. Okay. And under MflE^cn*; 

Ms Novo Uh-huh 

Mi Rish IconDnuingl. Thia ii'a& not 

Ma No ID No 

Mi Rish. 'ni[& had n> he linsaled 

Ma No ID Well.tiD PhiB "•aa uldmatelj a volunlarj recall. They 
did agiec to do it, but, again, ti the a>inpan> do^s not agicc that 
there a a problem or thej da not agicc ii'ith thciemedj that iicaie 
piDpcQiTi!, then ii'c need n> negotiate widi them, whieh la whaC 
happened — wdl, ii'hich l& what happens often ii'hcn it's a nan^t 
nack recall. You'ic lnokin e pciplcxed 

Mi Rlwh Well, Tm atill at a point where Tin Ect°ng mare and 
mare inlB this quantity becanae you aay that >ou laud the laac 
nack piDceaa, but then with Haeneax it didn'cie&ulcin the ^0-daj 

Ma Nopii About one-half of our lecalls are when the companv 
agrees that theie^ a pioblem and that iheic needa pj be a recall 
That [hen prctecda undei the fast Ciack prcceaE which lahea ap- 
piDximatelj '20 dajE at the oulfiidc The Dthei one-haU of oui le- 
calla are much moie contcnnaua They are anil volunlaiy recalla 
because at the end ol the daj the company agi cea to do the lecall, 
but It K volunlaiy in the sense that we negotiate with [hem, we 
discuss what the scope of nhc recall should be we discuss what the 
icmed> should be We have to make sure that the remedy is in 
place so ihaE the cuanomei s can get something back. 

Mi RtHEi What's the cuiien C alatua oi the Thomaa tcj, Thomaa 
the Ti ain'^ 

Ms Motb It was announced last week, and it's ongoing 

Mr RiHH.The CFSC, you don't hai-e a quorum? 

Ma Norn No, an 

Mi RiBiH. Thacmeana whal^ 

Ma Noip That meana we cannot vote on legulanons It means 
we cannoD laaue aubpoenas It means we cannot aiait an involun- 
larj recall amon'othei things 

Mi RiBiH And *hy don't you hai'e a quorum^ 

Ma Noii^ Because [hcies a ^acanc^ on the Commission The 
Cbmmiaaion is a three-peison Cbmrniaaion , and under our statute 
when theie is a I'acancj on the Commiaaion we can opeiatc with 
that vacancy for 6 monnhs, and at the end of 6 months we are 
deemed by staHutc not to hai'e a quoium That ^month period ex- 
pired m [he middle of Januaiy , bd since January we have not had 
a quorum , sii 

Mi RuaH. How long have you been without a Commissioner? 

Ms NoiD Since the middle olJuly 

Mr. RuaH OP 

Ms.Notb Of^U6. 


Mr RuiH Conaumei gioups hai'e chai gcd that in following the 
inlcrpreliii'e guide issued last July on secUon l¥b) to icpoit imme- 


dialclj anj ptcducC dcfcclH has in ^ct WHictai down ihat rcquiic- 
TTicnl Do you ajicc with that? 

Ma NoBD. Oil, no, bit. 1 don't agi'K st all In faul, I diink it's 
juat the canUary. 

Mi Rluih Would joLi aplain what IB I5lbj' 

Ma Ndhd. Sure Swlion 15'bt of the Conflumei Product Safety 
AcDiB the provLSLDn that aa>B diat a company nmsCnotif) the Com- 
jniaaiDn if thej ate aware that cither thej ate BclUnE a ptcducC 
that diKBn't comply with a mandatoty &landard oi, mote aiEtiifl- 
canlJy, if a piodiict haa a defei:t thaCfould pcoaiblj pte&etit a Buh- 
Blsntial picduet hazard Thia language, defc:la thaC cauld pie&cnC 
a prcducD BaTel^ hazard, ia tiot ivry pteiziac EtaHuloiy language Fur 
example, NHPSA haa a Eimilar piDviEion, buC nhc language iJieie 
la much mote piccisc se to what the trL^gci ia, aa. in an> event, 
we tiecd Id have mterptcnive tcgulationa to help dcsciibc what la 
meant by thac statu loi v language We have laaucd [hnee 

We have hcaid com p Lain Ib ovet [he peal's that ihetc k eqII alack 
□f prccBion aa eo what tii^ciB thaC legal reapoitBihilily, and the 
rcgnlatiDnE that were iBBuea laat Bumtner weie an aOempt to give 
more preciaion Id waa not an aUtempt to make id nartower Id waa 
i?all> an attempDlo gi^e it tnare pie^iEion, and^ indml, air, I would 
Buggeat [o you ihaDoneof the thinga chat we did in that teguladan 
that I think la icall>, really significant that haa been vety much 
o^eilcokcd k iot the flraC nme we leci^nizc ofiiciallj that lailuie 
to ciHnpl> with a valunlar^ atandaid indcol could triggei a require- 
ment IQ report undet aecEian I5lb) of the acE, and ^aD I nhink la 
Bomething diat la fcty, verj Eigniflcant hecauae it really alarla to 

SIve a lot moic teeth Co volunlaij Blandard? So 1 aug^eat Id you 
laC what we did laat autnmei waa ai^irifanE. It EO'engEhened the 
act and waa vcvy uaeful. 

Ml Euan. Retuining Id thearea 

Ma No in And, Eii, if I might juaC add ime moic fmtnole to my 
anawet Since we lEaiicd [hat icgulation, we have been getting 
more icpoils iindei aectian I5lb) than we gat beiote, aa if anyone 
la Baying that Eomehow iHb) waa wateicd down bj the re^uladon, 
liiey are J uat dead- on wiong We are getUng mote reporlH now 


Ml RuBH In pievioua t^[imDn> bj theaOomey general, ahe in- 
dicated thaD in ordei to CTigger a recall CPSC had to have an inci- 
dent tepoit, and I aaw you ^timacc Dcea CPSC need an incident 

Ma Noin We can initiate recall diacua&iona We cerlainlj don't 
need an incident to Blart a iciall 

Mt RuiK So I wanted to claiilj that ^b), jou'i'e mentioned 
6|hl and you don't have unilateial authorily undci 6|hl to conduct 

Mb. Norn No 

Mi Euan Should >ou have unilateral authon^ under tifb) in the 
case of etnergenciea? 

Ma Ndhd. Well, air, we\e got author ilj undet the act to go iniD 
court and seek an imminent hazard but what that dcea ib then 
puah the action into a courOtKim, and, again, what we hai'e found 
la when we do that, it eIowb the prc<:eaB down. 


Mi Ri?>i. Well, should )Dir have unilaEcral aulJiaii^' Co jniaatr 
a recall Buch— 1 mean jou mcnnDriai NETTSA, that NHTSA hag 
unilateral audio[it> undci the emergency condLdona U> [nitiaCe re- 
call Should [he CPSC have the same audiotily^ 

Ma Noii> Tm noCaii'are [hacNHrSA has ihataudioiity, hue rd 
like IB IcdIc at the alatnEory pcoviaiana nhaL NHTSA operates nndci 
and come bach Eo yan 


Senator D^JllB[^■ Thank jou. JuaC a few wiap-up qucationa. At- 
toinej Cieneral Uadigan aaid that cecalla are nat lEsued m Span- 
lah" IE [hat correct? 

Ma Noib ^'eiaaue our prcBa rcleaoea absoluEely m Spanish 

Senator Duisr^. In [erma of [nfarmanon given ta idailera, far 
example, do^ou knaii' if [hat's 

Ma Ndhd. Wc do not laaue — we dan'c ifiaue lecall pcateia The 
manufactuici decs that 

SenaHor Dupijin Do jolt require of them thaC the) puC them in 
languagea olhci ihan 

Ma Noii> ^'cdo noCrequiic nhat pcsteca be in Spani&h. 

SenaOir Dl'irin Why? 

Ma Nori> We negotiate that on a caae-bj-eaac baaia, so we 
could, [ mean in appiopiiate aituatjona. 

Senator DuHPir Can yau think of a reason wh> yau wouldn'l? 

Ma No lb I think we have done that, sir 

Senator D up bin Can >ou think of a leasan why jou wouldn't re- 
quire them to lEBue the recall in Spanish'^ 

Ma Nopii [f there wouldn't be Spanish speahecB in the area I 

Senator Dlpuin It would aecm to me if saicty ie the gcal, pro- 
tecting the public 13 [he gcal, thac we would concede the obvious, 
and that is thac there aic manj con&umerB m Ameiica foi whom 
Spanish is the fiiEt language, ed fm hoping that fiDm this point 
thac )ou will [hmh Bciiousl) about always requiiing it. I can't 
think of a leaEon why you wouldn't 

Ma NoiD Well cerlainly lake that to Washington 

Senator Dub sir Now, in tcimE of the knockoff producQ which 
look even moic dangcious than the Magnetic prcducia, now thac 
we have ealablished — and I won't ask you to get into our 6ibl ptob- 
lema again — that thiE is a daugerouE produce that needed to be ic- 
called becauEC of these tiny magnela, and kncckoffE haiT been pio- 
duced with difietcn t names ftom difieten t compan les with the same 
tiny magnclB, ie there a teason whj these knockoff pioduclB have 
not also Deen recalled? 

Ma Nimii. Yes. Thcec were sent to us at the end of May. We re- 
sponded to the attome) general within a couple of dajs acnially of 
getting that and thej'tc being tested light now ta see if indeed 
they hai'e the same problems If they don't hai'e the Eame piob- 
lemE then the) Ehouldn'c be recalled. If lhe> do have the same 
pioblema, then we will take catcof it 

Senator Duinir^. How long will that prcceas lake? 


Ma Nomi They're bcinE [c^lrd nghcnoii' T can't tell jou off die 
top of my head. 

Scualor Di iili^ la it a mattei of wfcIlb oi momliB? 

Mb. Noin WcckE 

SenaOir Duiiiih Lee me aak you about adverse ciTnt lepottinE' 
The tnakcra of dniga and of dictaiy flupplemcnlH hai'c a legal lo- 

SiiLretncrit to repnrC Co the Food and Dtug Admin la nation (FDA) if 
icre la a bad teaull: peiBan e^Q Bick or a perarai diea Are there 
an- Eimilar reqitiicmenls for manu^ctnrecB of gncda and prcducla 

lor the CPSC 

Ma Noii> Yea Section 15lbi of the U.S Conaumei' PtcduCT: Safc- 

aAcC has a i^ioiting requiremcn c In fact, franklj, air, 1 think 
aC 151b) probably piolatcB the FDA tequiremcnt 
SenaHor Durnir^. Anddcra iCmiunc dmelv reporHine? 
Mb Moid Yak. 


SenaHor Duihin And what la iJie biluic or what la thr penally 
Ibr feiluic [o icpoi t on a nmely baaiB^ 

Ma Noii^ Again.itizDuld go up mH d!J5 million. 

SenaOir Dlipuin And how often, if ever, have you impcoed that 
kind of a line foi lailuie lo Hiinel'r cepoita product? 

Ma NoHC. We impose fincB a^ the time Right now we can't col- 
lect linea bceauBe of the lack of a quocum, but up undl that cc- 
cui'red we had collected I think 34,!(4 5 million loi thia fi&cal >ear 

Senator Di^iBir. What la the oidinaij fine? What ib the range 
of youi ordinaij fine fot failute to dmelj tepott a dangerouB prod- 

Ma NoiD Oh, you know, I hate Ho Bay Eomediing la lypical be- 
CHDBC cvety caae ib diflcrent, h ut i c rangea fiom 

ScDHlor Di'i iLi V Hundreda of dollact^ 

Ma Noin No From 3l01lj)l)0 all the way up Dj ll 5 million, 
and, air, )ou ahould undetaland that weha^e waja no getabo^e the 
3l.fl million PethapB I Bhouldn'cadmic that to you, but we do 

M HMaP .^n n UM OF U^DEI^TAnDlNa WirH CHin.^ 

ScDHlor Di'iiLiN. ¥oii mentioned that jou were entering into a 
manorandum of undcraiandin g with [he Chinese 

Ma Noii> We enteied inpj it in EKJOS. 

SenaHor Duvhin And what haa been the reault? 

Ma Noun Undec the memoiandum oi undcralsndin g the agency 
agreed Dd do a couple of thi n ga with the Chmeae. 

Fiiat of all we aet up (our different working gioupa [q Icok aC 
firewoik&, lighteia, elecnical picducls, and pjya. These working 
groups ha^e met aporadically Bince 2005 We had a pictlj intcnae 
BCBEion in Ma) in Ec]ing, a meedng of tbe foui wocking gcoupa 
The ChincBC are coming back to WaBhingOm m Scptembet aC 
which point I am hopeful [hat we will hai'e agiecmenia in each of 
those four aieaB that will get into how the two agenciea operate, 
exchange information and coopeiale wmh leapect to problems we 

SenaHor Duibi>4. After the con lam i nation of pet feed, thcre^ a 
HuniJar effott underway with the Chineac. 


Fending thai kind of agreement the FDA ie now inapcctinE every 
Bhipmcnc of food cxpoHM by China la [he Umlcd SlaWs to dctci- 
ininc whcEhci id's adul[cral?d, conlamiTiaEcd or poiEDnouE. Basal 
on die in foi mation >ou'vc sivcn ua ihaC onc-hal f of yam i^ark dcala 
widi ChincBC producla, can >ou lake in an> cMia clfbrcaE an a^cn- 
cy □> pnC that kind of EuivFillancc an Chine&c imparls unnl yonVc 
BaliBBnl diaCthc) dnn'c pcec a dan ger U> Amccican consumccE^ 

Mb Nori> Wc'rcdoin? acouplcoTcliingB.Bit 

Firat of al], wc aic wnrkiiiE vcij cInEcly widi Customs and Bol- 
der Piotcction Wc arc in die ptcccBE ol cnlcrmE mlo BomcthinE 
called [hcii ACE EjBtcm, auHmiatai commcicial cn^ iton men [, 
which iic'tc nc°oHatinE with them ri^ht now, and that ib basicallj 
a computci izcd EjsHm whcrcbj wc will be ^cninE inrormaHan on 
the cargo CDnlaincm, baBically nhc incaming product diat's caming 
mm the Unilfd Slates bo thac wc can bcc what'E mming in as it 
IS leaving China before it hi la die hnrder 

SenaOir DuiniH Oka> Thank >ou va-j much. 

Mi El"!k Mi ChaLrman, you hn on an aiea I leallj need to 

Ms Ndhd. Sii, you've hiCim Bomelhin' thacicallj lequiiea a lot 
more convciEadon I mean we don'c have the aulhoiiij — we don't 
ha^e die leaourcea to do what yau have jubC deseiibed die FDA is 
going to do. We don't have iC Wc would need much more appio- 
priaQons in oidei to do that. 

I PBc'l civil PEHflLTIFS 

Ml Ri'HH In [he area of resource, Chan man Nord, whaCaie the 
fines IB companies'' Wheie do these Hnea wind up? Do they go back 
In die General Treasury ^ 

Ms. Noii> Yes, [hej »o back la [heGeneial Tieasuiy. 

Mi Hush They 50 back to die General Treasuiy. Lasc week I 
had a hearing in the HouEe You would not [esnly. Usually lesm^ 
there, but at the hearing I piopceed an inciease oi the fines that 
you could impcoc liom SI.A million Eo iUl million, and accoiding 
to >Dur wiittcn teatimony jon ii'eie not in ^-di of nhat increase in 
fines Can }oie give me youi leasoning for being oppcoed to an in- 
crease in fincs^ 

Ms Ndpd. FiiaC of all, let me just clarify, sir Ae Chairman of 
the ageni^', especiall) since the CommiEsion has not ^oted on an 
agencj pcaidon, I did not express oppcaition foi 01 Buppoit for anj 
of the bills that >ou hai'e in front of you I ii'as basicallj dying to 
tell > on how thf^ ii'ould impact the agency. 

Mi Rush, ^ell, do you support or individual — aa a CommiE- 
Bionei' are you in fevor of the incrcaBe^ 

Ms NoBD. 1 think it is ieall> inappropiiatc foi me as Chaiiman 
or a Commissionei eo peiBonally individiiall) suppoit or oppcee leg- 
islation That'E I think die picEogatii'c of the CommiBsion 1 can tell 
you, howe^ci , whac the concerns that we have aie You know, 
we've diBCUBEM nhis aC the slaff lei'el, and diere ai e some concerns. 
The odier thing, eii, I think >ou 

Mi Rush Well, what aie die concerns'^ 

Ms No an The concern is diaC if jou incicase die penalties [en- 
fold, which IE what >ou're talking abouc in youi legislation, bsfli- 
cally we ieeuc penal niet for failuie Hoieport. 


Mr. Ru^K Well, wcaic jncrraaing die ban, not die cap Icvd, die 

Ma Ndbd. What I am cnnccrned abouE, air is diat iic aic ginn^ 
Id br juBt overwhelmed by reporla of tbinga [hat are not pi obJcma, 
and Uiia is EDinelliiTig that haE happened la ub, so id's tiiH an un- 
founded tar, sir If a cainpanj Kas a 3!^ inillicin liabilii^ foi lailuce 
to reparc, under that provision chat I deacrihcd la jou, which la 
vcrj, verj impteciBe, then we are cojicetned thai [he company maj 
juat lepcut e^ ei y[hiii g , bo iic aic Eoing Dj get the wheat, we're 
EoiJi! to Eel [he chaff, we're e™iS "> ^ct d'c^ytil^^e, and that could 
pcaB]b]> D^eiwhelm our compliance people, and that is a comrecri 
that we are very, I'cij sceidiu about 

That has happened la ub The first time wc decided to go afEer 
a majoi retailer the rcaponBC was, "Okay You want to see il all? 
Heic It IB," and we just eo^^ lot of infbrmanon diat was not vei'v 
useful. Section I5ibl ie I'eally an impoi'lant tcol For ue, eo we don t 
want U> Ece it overwhelmed with information nhat we ha^e to 50 
through thaciB rcallj not relei'ant 

The cidiei thing, bii, that I'm concerned about iE there are some 
issues with our pcnalnea piavisions They need to be mcmiKircd, 
they need to be chauEcd, and 1 would hope that as we talk about 
changing the penallj cap amount, we could alEO expand the con- 
versation tj E^ if™ some of the other thinES thac 1 think act as 
more oi an impediment Id enforcement of [he ace than pei hapE the 
penalty dcea 

For example, we hai'c criminal provisions, they're diffeient fiom 
Bistute to Blatute Undei one of our Blatutca, one of our major Blat- 
uCes, basicallj we have m give a warning belore we can bring ac- 
□on under [hat provision, eo Tm saying you've gnt to catch Uiem 
doinE it once tell them not to do it aEam and dicn catch them the 
second time. Sir, that's crazj That Ehouldn'c be die result 

So Eomenhmg like [hat could be cuied as you'ie IcokinE at thiSL 
It would be nice to slart talking about Eome asset foifcituie piovi- 
BionE. E*luB the penalty provisions in the slatuCe are wriHen m a 
somewhat cdd way, and it's unclear rcallj hoii' much Hcxibililj we 
ha^e under section £0 of the accdealiuE with those Clearly, we can 
impoEC penalties, so penaldca is a complicated lopic, and Id really 
Eivc us the tcols we want, jou'rc Eoifg to have Id do more than jusc 
mcicase nhe cap, sir 

Mr Bush Thank >ou, Mr Chairman. 

Senator Di'iiiih Thank >ou, wvy much Congi'eBsman Eush 

Thank >ou, Chairman, lor jour testimony. Appieciate it. The 
third panel Eodaj conEisIs at Sharon Henrj, who is the molhei of 
this boy: Carter Kcithlj, who ie the president of the Toy Industij 
AsscciaDon , Nancy Cowlca She's from Oak Park, Tlinois — she^ the 
cuecuti^e dirccEor oi Kids In Danger, and Kyran tjuinlan with the 
Amei ican A^sdcmj of Pcdiati ics 

The Federal muilhouse has been kind enough Id let ue use this 
courtroom Judge Zagel told me in advance diat [here would be a 
□ lal following thiE hcaimg, bo we are going to do our beat Co clear 
thccourtioom m time foi them to begin, and so we would ask ihcae 
on the panel Hiac thank you (or attending 

If you would Eubmit your wnOcn testimony in ila entire^ for the 
record, and dien ii'c will ask you to limit your icmarkE to about 


5 imnutrs if you can, and tlicri Can grcsaman RmTi and I ml] do 
our bcsD to ask jou EDinc qur&UonE and ny m wrap up as close Eo 

11:311 3E pcEBiblc Mfl Hcnrj, if jou ii'ould be kind enough to nficn 
up the ICBtimany, Fd appreciate it very nmch. 


Ma He;.ii\ Hi Fm here Kday as 3 mother to Icll the frishlcniuE 
BCny of ii'hat happened to my UnJc boj Dcran 

Fm also here aE 3 concerned conaumci m cnaure that thia trag- 
edy docB not happen Co an>one clae. Hy son Dcian ii'aa i'eT> ercitcd 
when he got the bo* of Hagncnr buildms bleaks fot Chriaanaa 
2U05 Like an> diJice bay, he was eager iDsiait building with dicac 
colorful Dbjccra 

Duiing the time wc allowed him to play with the toy we never 
suspected [hat the lay pcsed a hazard We did not knaii' that iJicac 
piec^ could be Bwallowed. We did not know thachundicds of other 
children had swallowed ihcm and [hat the company eqII had noD 
warned paicnla and conaumcrE, made the product Eafci oi taken 
the lay ofi the maikct Unbeknownst to ue, Dcion plajcd with 
[hesc attractive tnagnela He began to sii'allow ihem Appaicndy 
the magnets stayed in his sEomach and began clinging to each 

Sm tnondis later in June £006 when Dcion complained thac his 
stomach hurC we didn't know what was wiong The vomiting and 
the pain were intense, so we look him to the docKir X-rays ic- 
vealcd the pieacnce of [he magnets, diat pails had perforated 
Deron'E boweU, and he needed emergency surgcrj rhcdoccora laid 
us that if 24 houis had passed Dcion ii'ould nave died 1 will live 
with these ii'oidE for the rcEC of m> life If I hadn't taken acnon 
and did what I did, mj son would not be here tcda> Deron ic- 
quired 75 Edtchea in his bond, and docEorB Eaj thac he may suffer 
from bowel obsnuctnon and abdominal pain foi nhc rest of hiE life 
becauEC of the many sutures He must eat iiequently because his 
bowels do noc allow him Co iclam any focd OlherE have not been 
so foitunace la stnll have [heir children here berausc of this toy. 
Some children like Deron suivived but with permanent mtesdnal 

;ioblems We wait Co sec ii'hat long-term eifecia this incident will 
avc on my Eon 
FarcnCs ii'ould not biij a tc^ that dicy kncii' was potendally le- 
thal for then unsuspecting child I wen c to Cliffoid laii' offices lasc 
year and decided la file alawsuit to make others aii'are of diis cx- 
□'cmely hazardouE toj I wanC Mega Brands Compan> to iindci- 
stand what they did to mj litdc bey and la oiu lamil> I am vciy 
forninate to have Eccn Dcion off to schcol tcday. These littJc objects 
arc not handy. They are not even toys They arc vcij dangerous 
objeclH masquerading aE tc^s ThiE companj, this lay is compcaed 
of parlE that have an cutrcmelj EOong magnetic force No paicnc 
would ciTr Euspcct [hat the magnet properties of thia game could 
literally teai holea in a child's inteslnnal Oact. 

The company did not [ske proper precautnons, partieularl} when 
the lives of Email childicn aic involi'ed, simpl> to make a proiiC 
Manufacturers muse design and EesC children's lays with auolute 
salel^ in mind As conEumers we must make euic thac other simi- 
lai [o)s and pieces are noc allowed to be put back on the markeC 


Ifnij prcBcncchci? laiay makca jua C one more parent aware of die 

dangcia of ihiB Ic^ and aai'ta juHl one more cnild, iC le woilii iC 
Thank you 

SenaHor Duieifj Thank von foi' youi leEtimony PhoEo of jour 
BonL HandBomc }Dun g man. Hdu' old is he now? 

Mb. Heuhy Hc'b seven. 

Senanor Di'ihin Off loschcci [Dda>^ 

Mfl HbiMiY Summer Hchcol, yea 

SenaOir Dl'hpe>. Thank joii. Mr Qumlan from the American 
Academj nf FcdiatricB 


Dr ^uiHLA'; Gcod mammg Mj name la Dt E^ian tjuinlan, 
and I appreciate the appoHunily U> pi'e&cnC leEtimony an behalf af 
the Amcnuan Academy of PedianicB lAAPj. I'm a clinical aaacxiatc 
m Ecneial pcdiali ica at the Univciaity of Chicago, and I'm the med- 
ical du'ecCor of [he Injuij Free Ccalinan Foi Kidq at ihc Univcraily 
of Chicago Tm alao a member of the American Acadcmj of Fediat- 
iica Commi [lee on Injury, Violence and Taya 

The AAP commcnoE the a Libcommittce and >ou both. Chairman 
Durbm and Con^'eEEman Ruah, lor holding diia hearin; calling at- 
tention Id die hazard oi rare eardi magneia in lava The intiiiduc- 
□on of ihcac ao-called larc earth magnela in childrcn'E loya have 
given iiBC to a ne»^ hazard foi childicn Simplj alatcd, theac arc 
nol your paicnc'a magnclB Rare earth magncia arc approHima[ely 
lU dmca Etrongcr than ciTn the BHangci fcirouE maincls. As a ic- 
Bull, thejVc able [o cmci t a poii'crful acHacdi'e field even through 
human tiaaue. A child may ingcat a ainglc magnet Hn[hou[ auf- 
^ing advcrac conacqucnccE , but if more dian one magnet iE Ewal- 
Iciwed the icEulia can be diEaanoua Ma^ncls can canneizt to each 
o[hcr lUEidc die body through scctionE of [he bowel leading Id po- 
tentially fatal perfaratiimB , infectiDn and BepBiB 

In December 20<J6 die Ccn[eiB for Diacaae Cnntiol and PrciTn- 
tion publiahed a report diat documen [ed onedeadi and l9 caBea ic- 
quinng gaEOuintcatinal eui geiy alter ingestion of dicae BmalL paiv- 
crful magnela In Apnl '2007 die Conaumei Product Safely Com- 
miaaian no[ed [hat it waa aware of one death, one aapiiadon and 
27 intcatinal injunes The injuries cauacd by diesc magnclE are ea- 
pcciallj perniciDUB becaiiBC thc>'ie not immediately evident. Chil- 
dicn present la the docror'a D^lce ar hcepilal wilh abdominal pain, 
vamicing or diarrhea, and [hesc cammon Ejmptama may not be aa- 
cribed to the conect cauae quickly, leading [o lurthcr wlcrioiadon 
of [hcchild'a condition. Theae magncia can bcao Email that parenla 
may nat even lealize that thc> have fellcn auC of a tc^ or been 
Bii'allowcd hy the child 

Togelhei theEC fac[cir in the reauk in a unique and acriouE health 
hazaid for childicn roja conrainmg amall magncia conUnuc [o 
piahfeiatc on atorc ahel^ea A quick Euivej rc^cala aevcral vari- 
enet of magnetic building ecIe, dollB with magneln embedded in 
them, numerouE foimE ol jeiicliy and more Theae tc^B are noD lim- 
ited taany paidculai age group , dcvelopmenlal le^ el or geographic 
area. The AAP haa been acdicly engagoi in cffoHa by ASTH Intei'- 
naDonal [□ develop a volunlaiy Elandard far magnets used in layaL 


TKc AAP ii'BB not BatJErifd wilii die propdord slandBrd and ccg- 
lalcrcd coticceti with die ASPM icEatdins ihc piopceal's piDviBiona 
on safety labels, the aizc and BticnEth of [he maEnela U> which 
thnGC alsndaiii? would applj and laaueE auciDundiriE [he iact thac 
older childtcn as well be joun^ childtcn have been documeji[cd to 
inECSD thes? Tna^ncia The AAP did nat block adoption ol the Blsnd- 
ard in ordcc to alloii' some atandarda to iskc cffei:t as soan aa pce- 

We are however pressing ASTM to Etrengdicn these ptoviBiona to 
ouurc thaCchildten'fl saicij La a top pnarily 

In addi[iDn to qui woik with ASTH, AAP ie cn^aEed m dialogue 
widi [he CPSC about how beat n> edueaie Ikmihea about die lon- 
Ecra of magrielH in tc^s and remove unsafe prcducca from fl[orc 
Bheli'ea AAP La par[icLpaL3n e in Lidaj's alaff Icam at CPSC head- 
quailcra Ln Washinfton which waE deaigned to EolicLt in p Lit toward 
pcaBible bdIuOdhh Inat could be Lised to prolccc children from scri- 
OLia niaEne[ ing^Uon mjunc? The American Academj of Pcdiati ica 
haa a number of apecific recommendatiiHiB an how n> addrcas the 
emcrgms hazard dI maEuedc [oja 

FLiat, recalla muaC be Lmprai'ed. Current law and procedLirc? 
often I'e&ulcin iei:allE [hat aic confua Ln g to parents and the general 
public A& a reault ol theac cnnfuEing iei:allE, unaafc Dyya remain 
m childien'fl hnmea and are able m condnLic lo cauae aevete prc- 
vcnlable mjuiiea The AAP Lirgee Cou'teBB [o aamme die Con- 
Bumcr Picduct Safety Comm iaaLan^ autharLty to laaue cleat, com- 
pelling eflectivc recalls that are caailj undera[ood bj pacenla and 

Second, famil) and healthcarcprov Ldera muat Ik educated about 
the hazatds of amall magncla. The AAP recognLsed ea[l> [he haz- 
ards of Email magnelfi m toya in pai t due [o our Strang woiking 
1 elaticinBhi p with [he CPSC. biach month our newa magazine, AAF 
NciiB publishea aelecled CPSC tecall notices 

In Januarj £007, AAP News publiBhed a major arisclc on die 
hazaid of amall magnets m loya. PediatrLC etperlB diacuEEcd thLa 
laaue with mcmbeia oi the media and pai cnt-orien ird pubhcationa 
Nci'eriJicleaB , Lt waB dLfficult iot lJiib LaaLic to penctra[e the publLC 
conaciouaneBE. Pbe parenlE I Ece are almn&t alwaja unawace of the 
dangei from these tc^B EiTn Lf diey ha^e noticai magnelB fallm^ 
out of the taya, it never cccma to them that thej can pose a health 
hazaid. We muaDdomarc to aaaLaC parents in acceaamg VLlal health 
mfbcmaHon on prcduct rccalla and the steps they can lake Lia pio- 
tcet [heit chLldicn ham dicae en Lsrely prevenlablc Lnjuiiea 

Thud, CPSC must be strengthened Aa an agency the CPSC h^ 
never been given the tcols Lt needa to IuIFlII iIh miasion Since ila 
crea[iDn the a^encj has been toLidnely LindeErundcd and Lindei- 
mLncd b> SLiccea&ivc Congresaea and adminis naliona CPSC staff 
haa gone from a high oi sTH m 19^0 to just 4lH> mdaj even sa die 
consumer maiketplace has butgconed WLdi new prcducia The 
Pi-esident requested a bLii^t of Sft^ y milhan ioi CPSC in fLacal 
year SOOd which would reqLiirc the agcncj lo cuC an addi[u>nal iH 

The CPSC has been WLthout a voisng quorLim of Commissioncra 
since Januacy ^0U7 as wc haiv heard, meaning it cannot make 
manj re^ularaij cnfarcemcnt and odiei actiona. The PresidenC'a re- 


cent nomiTicc [o chaii ihc CotnmiB&ion withdrew from conaidcraCiori 
Bf[cr 3 pirblic ouEciy regarding hia qualifLcationE An appropcistcl) 
qualilia] chaii miut be nmuLnst^ and appravcd in a Um^ fash- 

Id concluEJon, I apprcciai? this appoitunit}' n> piracat Iradmotty 
QD behalf oi the American Acadciny af PcdianicB The aisdcm) ap- 
plsiub the Euhcominilitee'B efforla na bring attendrai Id this impcu- 
lan tissue. The AAF will conlinue ii'oiking to ediicate pediaCncians 
and lamilies abouc these maEnela and to prevent anj more need- 
IcBS incidenis due to magnet in EesUon. 

In addition^ we Icok foi ward to working with CanEresB to 
BUengthen CPSC and ensure it has all the D»ls necessary Eo pin- 
tec t eh ildicn and families from dangeious products Yd be pleased 
to anawei an> questions 

SenaHor Duiilin Thanh >i>u 

[The Elatement fallowa:! 

PiEP h lEii Stn nwiJT IF K\y !■: Qii'Ji.' fi 

Omid niarkrig. I oppieiinK Ihii opfarEiiBli> Ig •ett\ly UySay belbn: Ih? ^ppiopm- 
litmi Sul^iLiiiB Kle^] DTI FiBniuiiiL S^r-na and Qewiwni Qgmmtid^b* □! ikik kiiniig 
IG diuiii^ ■n^eii' \nft. iKc ui&i> dE con i inner pndiirli, ^md puifaail^ id impioi? 
Ibe ilnlulfiiy □ii<b[<iii> il ibE Cgbiubci Pndii:! Sati> Cgbttilukib ICFSC ■ Uy 
nnnie i^ Kynm OinBbii, MD, MFH, F^AP, and I did piDixL o lEpicKnl ikE AmEr- 
KDn Arodcm, or F^ukjei I'API □ iiGB-pmEl HntiiaiBiiL Dipcm^Qlion oE &0,lHIlD 
primaiy cuic |4.iliili}: un - pL'di.iLric m^iEuL mi ipn biIiiI i. imd piilcili}: ^iii^d] 
ipEcollili dcdvuhil EHh ikE knillK. -.^rEiy and iTr-kcing oE latuiL cIiilJii.^, nki- 
IcicGBii, iind ^himg lKLuLl^ I urn .1 Bomtr 'il <Iie 'inEiKDB Aci>]<niv ill l^^mlii'i^ 
CodibkU^ ub Injury, LnkiK? □■[) Poi^hn FiiMT.*iHhii I Dm □ iIidvuI ii-.-o:i[iu in 
QcnEinl Palininc^ □< ike Uniirru^y DfCbiEoao and Klalical DiiKlGr of lb? Ibjui} 
FieefGalimB bi Kid^ ^1 Ihe L'nivEru4y oFCkKDRL 

Magiiil\t Tayn Par □ Ha^vinl ta Citi^rrr 

The iBlicdiicUiB of 10- en lied 'miE EDnk~ mnRiieii ■□ cliiklienl oyi bai ^ven iiv 
IG □ me*/ impiry haiani br ckildm Siaply 'Uhil. ibeie air nol ^■>iir pDi?B4i' 
mogkeli Bawe aii-lh miigiieii ^ie up piDi imnl^ly Igb ilmei iiiDogEi ibam even the 
ili[<ngei4 tniiE Bngnf 1^. Sin miill, lbe> aia able D eierl □ po^Erful eiiuikIiit 
liel] EivB IknHigb buoiiiD Imiie 

A [brd may logcil a iingi? Biiirnoi tvi||igu4 MiDLtinH □dvcr'i: CHhii iccDencci. If 
mot? iknD erne Biignei ii irkulb^LiI , lioiVL^/'r, ike k.iJI- cam kr ai-zailiciii 
Mngnei^ (□■ iibbec^ Io mik Hhlbor ib^iJe Ihe b(dy ikimi^b Kl'll^a]^ iJ ibe bmvel, 
IcDdiiig <u pmoniLilly bUil fi:rlbiiiiKiD^ laKxIiDn □□[) Kpm !■ l>«Emk?r Stflb. Ihe 
Cf Dier-. br ^l1el1^^ Cunlnil □□[) Pn'vmiuD ICHC 1 publLihEd □ icpDi* ikni dotii- 
mealfd qeig dcDik amd K navii leiiiiirinD QLilicoBteilinEil 'uiRiiy nlier i[isili[<n ef 
Ib^H] im^ll poDuEul mminEli ' '" ^pril 2i)0T ike Cgd^ubei Puidui S^ilely Com- 
mliiKiB koln Ibnl i< -/-ai ^ivuie dF erne dmib gh: aipiraliDii amd 2t inH'-iin^ mjii- 
<-iei ' ' ]i LI BDlnbt Ibal lb? ^igc of (billicn iin«l<a i' bigbcr Iban lyywiaPy ie?D 
^Ib IbiE:^ k-idy mgi'-.^hiB — lb? mean a/p rJ ^iHlx iid chiDicn li G^ >«ir^ □■[) QU 
peirGBl QiE !! jcnr- I'l Hillor 

Tbc iBJuiii.-. cuii.^ b, thit msRkeli aii: eipiriinlly pEiBKioiii bwniLi: ikey awe 
noi iminuliEiie], i-.ySfrai. Cbildicn pni^ni Ji lb? dalGn dUko Gr bHh:.pLU]] »iln ^b- 
dDniLnD] fsim. inBKiBir, hii diunhtD TkEic lympiomi niEiy nol kr mcntid id lb? 
CEJirii 4^iiiE qiiHblv tudiB|r iw TiinkEr ddoimnlirn gE ikc ckibll iGndLliDn Tbev 
mngkeli naa k? e'lr:[nc]> Mniill, amiiiBir ikal piin^li may ddI be ^tviiie Ibsl ikey 
liDiT Eilba Dill ol u 4Dy •t ie-m iiviilb^ril b> n rhikl T(f|El'ieE, IbeiE bcior^ ic^iill 
in n unigDeanil HtiDUk hmlik kar^ud Fdi ibudirn 

T(y [DnCiiaia^ 'Ball mo^ci^ CLailmiio Io pmlileraU' gd Ibc iint? iboli?^. fi 
quvk -iiEK> [c^l.'□l^ -ovcral vanelie^ DFindHkcin kuLldinD 1El^, AiPt ivilb bd^^i^ 
f mk^dled la ikem amneniiik Fdtbi oEp^Eliy, amd nunc TkeK Uy^ mc aol Jimlied 

' IfaiiliDiDiE II lul Ibiuiei bim UijbeI lintibiin □ CbiUnB — Uailcl FIIiIif. 

ruin' II ^ CI LI- lie: U.Q IThJM ICQ-llKHt 

■•Cnm-inn' I'nidiEi SiKi- eniiiiDL.iHD nail mlbn, ^IIidieiu Mkj:BEiK lluibiHT I'l ■ 
Ei^idcd.'AfTiLI? aHp7, hipTHF-oi.CpKpib pit ittprkimUT'LiTliil hisl 


IG DTiy pDJlKLiliir a/^ F4'''*'F d^vclopaf □cnL l?vrl, im i^igmpliic □!«■. Motnnrr, 
Tnany U^^ dciD^fil tir iilder (hikLiEn □■? □]« □a^iiiVt Ig llieir }iiLiBpr ilblingi 
□I bumc. 

Slrmg Va^nelt rir Tint U^if 5e /bjuJa^rD j1ppi]|prra/rJ>i 

The AAF hai bi'cn iKlLi/'ly ^ii||ii|r^ '" eDatU by ASTM iDUrBniKiDal m dejElof 
□ raluDuiiy ^umdnid fir inii|rJi<i- uiid ■□ iDyi Tbc AAF ^di iidI dlLiltrd w/iA lb? 
pippo'cil 'candDid dbiI nui-h^iul (oncciii^ »ilb A^AI irpudiag ibu •lopooJi tn- 
viiHhJi^ I'n ^tiL bik'L', lb: tn-: Jiid ^L[c^Jlb oE Lbc ■ogacH D ^kKn Llii: lUiHBud 
■mill npiily iiiid iiMic^ ^unoundmij Llii: Sic< ibm gI^e «kildirD d^ 'vi^II ai ^oimg 
chiUicii hDvr br?D dii umi.^ led lo lo^il ibcK ningimi The AAF iltl noi tlixk Ibe 
□dof IKIB dI <be iiumLiiiI iii Gidf r <d nlki^ »Be iinHbiil Ig CiIj: i^liLrii di u4d ai 
pDiiible Vfc □!?. bG»nT:r. piti'lnq A?E^1 Ig lUcBgiben lbe»: piDiUHDi (c ?b^iii? 
Ibal chiUiciil Hitly 1^ ibe •up pmhnly 

Id ^iIliKii lo uui ^Toit iviik A?EM, AAF ii EngDRtil \m dmk^c w/i'h ibe CP5C 
□loii< kL<^ bl^^l lo fdiinfc bn\i\yii dIoiU the dniipi i hiI dij^cL- ib uhL- dbiI icnioLT 
un mic •^>]lIl^ fvim ^lo[r ^}loll'G- ^^F ii kiiIh Ltuiin^ in iHidity- ^Lall tnnini nl 
lb« CF9^ buLdl]lLt^lo^^, ^vhKb vs\ duii^i'd <i' idIkk mpui iHi^^inl po^Mtll^ ^hlii- 
liDTii Ibnl (□■ i/i u-id iHi puKLT* cklldnzB hom 'ctiou- mdRBL^ iii|jf-.inD injurKi 
A Biiiiilef oTiicp^ □!<: iiiri^^su^ Id lapiDir CPSC'i □brii> Id polKe lb« mnrkcLplivr 
Ed AmpnHii ^r^^Kl■^ of ikcu iDyi, tanr of i."hiib wawd irqum iboiiBti id the 
a^pwiyi utiiIei lyiB^ iUi<iilf 

Picaiin AJiin^ 3r Impnucil 

To daic. Ibe CFSC kai iiiiiti nl Imil 6 mofa iiTall^ midlviiig <Dyi wilb iniiill 
ninqkcli iDCilriD ^ppiDiiiiiii(E]> 62 niillimi iibii^. In kibe i^ici, Ibev iccnlli pn- 
diiHil piml 4GDlLi-iDn nmoiig pniEnli ]□ Mnnk ^IJUS. CE'?C ibidIIoI 'iO iiiIUed 
liln^eiD kuildLiiD ifzi^ diK lo diE bnzaid poHzd by iniall mn^Eli coniLnq bxiw Eicod 
lb? plailic bmUiB^ •lecei ConiuTTi^n »?[? iD^iiu:l?d lo iHuib ike tm Ig lb? 
TTi an ubciimT brii 'ttfi i?pln?BEnl priFlirl lULUible Eir ycunq [klldi?B undEi III? 
afF dE6~ Tb? hgike hIid iIdUmI, hoDTM^T, 'Tbe icptuzciDODi pinqmni ilcei h>I ib- 

In April ^DU?, Ibe CFS^ ?ipuiid«l lb? KlngiiGU' nriiill Lg (gjet nil i?i^ 'ei(?pl 
IboH] uld mice ^^inb HI ^l>IHi~ hhI IboH] iknl con □ p^uUtubir cniiiKiiiai} 
lnb?! I< M imi'lEiii bo^ Ibal Ink?! miKle iboie ui^ dmniDliiiilly lafct ll dI^u leeni^ 
UTirmwiiiikle Ig □iiimi? ikm nil iiBiafe picdiici^ knd been icnioiEd InuD ^lG[^ 
ih^lL?^ n^ dF ^nnb Si CoDiimier^ i^r? iBiuuicd Ig lElum xti ihh Ibe mnDuEic- 
Lurcr ii' iu^Im: □ (omijiiihbh' ^i ' A^in, il i- unchdir koiv or nby n [umparabl? 
uL iTink< k" iilbr Fni ib'iliLi' n ibjin lb? on? beiiiLj iL^Lirn<d 

SimibirlL IB Nii/'abii AliJli ib? .i,|eii[l rccnlb'd 'i 4 milliDn 'Fory F«Ij:I?' ptiy 
lel- biTiu-^ Lb? nay rsitiiirlb 1114111EL- ib <}ie ^El^ n/jrc pnhUE lo lblliii|r ouL CrSC 
ciicd ITU report- hhi Lbi: mtiiiI] nrngmi 1 (omin^ gu< 'iE Ibo-c nrinllj] l(^ mi'liKliiig 
Ibr?? lEpoili Hil icivmi miiinci <d [kllilr?B ^hu i»dIIl<iit.iI mHiic iknD on? mii^El 
□nil ^iiltnd mlfiliiiDl p?ribiiiiKiD^ ikm irquiiul lu^i} Hih'i/'viM , LbnL rEcnll Dim 
■iDleJ, Folly Fakfi idii|jii?<k piny leli lunciilly oa ilorr ib?lm nr? bdI niclDitd 
m ikii ir4Dll~ 1 1 1^ imclTar »by ike udkiII vci ia»i oE ibeie loyi dtmc (oniidcmi 

The upikol dT ikcK (ddEuiiiib iccalli 1^ Ibal mnDl" Lg>i rcmmn id chiUitn'i 
bomei hhI hie nble lu CHhnliiiiie cnn^rig KL?rE •rciTMilDblo lIlJll^c^ Th? ff,V iii|j?i 
Congm^ Id einniiiiE ike Codluiiiei FioIikL Siiei> CG■mL^^>J■ > nuikonly Lg iiiik 
ct^zir, (Diiif?lliBg, ellE'lLH iriDlIk ikai hie eaiily undei iilo] by pnitali a»A dib- 

Faifwhet atJ HiaUh Cat FnnlJria MMtl Bi Ednraird Abaal JJir Hmai^t i^" SirtaB 

The AAF r?4Dgiiizeii early Ih? hironli dF ibdII mngiieli ■□ Ig>i, m pni'L due Ig 
our iliDng ^orkiag lElaliDDihip •/-ilh Ibe CFSC Bub moiilh <bE AAF pukliib?^ 1?- 
lecUd CfSC lEcnll iia'H?k minlviTi^ (Dyi (biklmi 1 •mlii'li, amd (billiEii 1 (iDlhmg 
m Gur iiEV^ nmpiiikc, ^^F ^--/-i Id J^niiar> Vlltl', AAF Xeh^ piikli^b?d □ iTimor 
□nKle GD Ibe kor^id^ hhT udhII Bn^ei^ id loy^. FediDlra eipeili dmuiked ikii 
\ii\n: iviLb iDODil^'r^ Gf ibo blhIui iind pDr?Bl-ori?Died publn^LiDn ^ N?^^'Lb?lo^^, iL 
fai diElKuli Kit Lbli i:^!*" Ig poD?<i3L? ike publK 4G■HlDlI1^?-.^ 

Tbe pnicnLk I ehizuiiii l?r daily ^ic iiIbo'I nhvayi UDSwaiE uf Lb? dnairEi Eiditi 
lb?H' 4Dy^ EvrD LFlb?y hnv? noiKfil mspai'l^ LtUin^oul oE Ibe iDy 11 kCL?r hciit' 
Ig IbeB Ihnl Ihey (oiild ^gh] □ kiiilLb bojurd Wo niii'i do niGr? Lg mini pnrEDi^ 
m □i:4?iiiiig mIdI kEnllb iBbrmiiii^D dq picdu* lEenri. bcallb kor^udi, hhI Ihr 
il?pi lh?y dn Otic Id piDlsl lb?K cklldrtD Eii^m ikcic enLiitly yrrjEnCible liijii- 


CPSC Uaat Bi Slrr/ii/Kiiieil 

At an ngcncf, Ibc CPPC bai n?VEi bcEii ^jeti ikE looli lI kccdi Ic EulliLI ii^ mii- 
■HH] Sluce 11^ 4IEDUH, lb? aoi^cy }!□-. b^zD [cuiliicly iiHkrEiindfd hhI UHlrnn liial 
by inav^iii? Cinffiniei anii ^dmiDi^liiKyiB': 

— CFSC imir kn- ir^iu' liiiB a biflk oFilTH in 1^1^ <d juil -|l}l> Udii>,i:iTB a- Ihe 
[GBiiiBcr ■Dibtiplici^ bJ^ buiDLi'ncd mlh ntw mmiucti 

— Tb? Fii:miI''>< iu]l>'"<liI n biiiijf* L^r^'iJ^ ■ilLnu] brCFSC in HhiiI >B]rffllH, 
■ibick idiil] [tqmiE ibE nifimf Ic (ui qd ndiliiKiDal IV fzaptirrc- Tbi^ bidirEl 
II \iu<illUiiemi. l£i eveti □IIc'IV ibE of^wiy <d ohIihiie ciima* f rifirjm-. bli:}! Iei^ 
EipDnil K1 ?irmi. A I K1 bimiliii^, diE CE'?C kixlK* wai l^V ■ilbun If Ih? 
tDdgEl knd Ifpi piHE ivilh iDilniKiD. lI ^ould bEalXl^ mlllEiD Ii:iId>, idgie 
IIidh ilnukb: ii' I'qllc^l^ □llrt.iiion 

— Tluj •.'PH.' liD. biT-D TvilbiKJl LI vihiiBg quntiB dF igiiiid i i^nii^n time Judiioi} 
dJiJT mi'DDLnH il idjihoI u]I.e iiilid, lE^pilnlGiy, eh Inn Em eh I niid Dlhcr iKli[<ni 
Tbf] Pi?iii3ei]I' 1 lETCnl hhdli]?^ id ibsir <h< limn] li ma 'VLlbdiL^iv fnm (on'iil- 
EjniEiD nEl^r □ pukbi milri^ n^nliBp ^" qiEililimlira] i ^b □ppi^piulcLy 
GLialiilEil ih^rniLiii bE nDinriDle] hhI □ppiE'iT'il in □ limcly faihim 

— lb? milbGrily Gf Ibc iipM][> l£i i^^iv mniuBildy nrLiri □nD puiviil'' Eul] inbrBii- 
IHH] <D [oaiiiBf n ■ml tE ^ii?Bglb«kHL 


The AnieniiaD fiadcmy if F^dIiki igbidchIi 3011. Mr. CknLiBDn, Ibr biillmg 
Ibii hoirinH udii> l£i (□IL mien inn o Ihe bsiDidi dF hue mnb miqjiieli id myi 
TkE AAP »i]L CDnlLiiLi? ^crlilii^ lo oIlkdie pcdialncLUB 1 and &l■l]L<^ □kau< Ihei? 
HdjuhIi niid Ig picivnl any mnn: ■EEdln-. imRtdiEi duE lo ma^El iii|n'-.i>in In aii- 
iliUiB. »? kiok biiviiid IG DTnliLng ^ik Tonfiiti-. I'l ^llc^H■hE^ Iho CYSC iiiid ?■- 

miE II llDI ^1 IHe KKjIi BECEmil} IG piD'L'Cl I bllllnD DQll OIB iIlOI Ii^IR dnilljI'IGLI^ 

piDdui^ ] □ppiETinlG Ibi^ GppGrlLiDLly lo le.ii^. hhI I nill bE pkmia] Lo ^nio^r 
any qiiEilnnii >qli miiy ban. 

SenaiBT Di'riLirn Nancj Cowlca is hcaLl of the Kiifa In Danger 
pimcct, and iic'd like you to aLibtnil yaui iiTLttcn iffaljinonj and he 
liLnd enough U> try to Eummaiize Ln 5 minuter aa wcfan ask a lew 
quea inDnE 


Mb Co*LFFi Yea, I LKrOLnly wlII Ab you mendoned, Tm exccu- 

□ve director L>f Kids In Danger which la 3 nanpioFn oisanLsadon 
that ii'oiks on ehLldrcn'a preducc Baieij Wc were founded in iSSfl 
by two Uni^ciBity of Chicago proleasoia after the death oi thoLr son 
Danny m a poorlj dcEigned, inadequatelj tested and feebly tecalled 
poTlable CTih Out miBBion La to ptomolc die development of aafcr 
children's pmducU, n> adi'ocate foi childccn and la edLicsEe die 
public about chLldren'a ptcdLict safety. We're doing aW we tan to 
piDtect childicn and welcome this oppartunicj lo apeak to you 
abauC this iE&ue 

When we fLrat learned af [he clcath of Kenny Sweet in December 
2005, I hai'e lo Baj [hat aa a mathet of three and &afclj ci(per[, 
I ihoLi^ht I had heacd ofevecy pce&ible waj that a child cauld ciie 
from adan'eroiia product, yet ihia paiticulat siueaomeand Bpecilic 
dangci of magnela was not one that I was awaicni, but aB [he Chi- 
cago Tribune Betiea publLahed in May revealed both the companj 
and the CPSC had heard of potential Lnjunea ny the time Kennj 
died, and they fOLild have taken eailier acdon la prevent his death 
and scoces ol athec Lnjunes 

Ab scon as KLd? learned ol Kcnuj^ death iic brought it lo the 
attendon of [he ASTM CbmmLtlecDn Toy SaieQ Why CPSC or the 
tc^ indus[[y didn't taiBC the iB&ue ii'hen [hey first learned of iC la 
that group \b a myatciy TIils spiing ASTM publiahed a Elandard 


I'/z ycara after Kenny's death and almeacS jcais afln ific Indiana 
childcaic ptovidei cafled Ds "•atn the CPSC. 

Un foi tunacely, ihia la quiek m ihc i^arld of slandard Bcttiti' The 
new fliandaid la Bimply valunlaiy, includea a [cguiremcnC ihat loya 
widi Eivallowablc iDaEiicl& have a k^acning labeJ ahant the dangers 
of ma; nclE , and lliat Inya be tested to make Eurc that iJie magncla 
don't lal] aa they did ii'illi Magnetic in nhc cecal] 

However, the alandaid la nol required ta make waininga on toya 
widi largec magnetic mmponenlB and sdJ] allaiiE taya widi lose, 
Bii'allowable magnets Eo be Eold. Read [he atocies af die ehildicn 
who auivived as >du heard here from Mb Henrj, and youll sec 
what a dei'aalatin; injuij these litde magnela cause MiHt of the 
children injuied were well aho^c die age limit on the lay. These 
that weren t uaually »oc [hcit magnclH ii'hen thej brake looee rtom 
the toy, not from lack of flupcrviflian When CPSC tcok action it 
was Ico litde Ko late The> leiallcd some oi the Magnenix aeca buC 
left ones on the aKire shelves even though the> had no picof there 
waB any difference between these tn^a itema, hul appaiendj they 
could do nothing more, and that recall slocd foi I year while chif- 
dien continued Ds get hurt from chceeald MagneCix, die Buppcsedly 
new and im proved Hagncti \ , odiet Magnctm taya andjeweJij 

Ab the Tribune article put it, thi& iBn'c juBt the Btoty of dtis one 
family'& gnef or diis one ptcducC I^b cmhlemalic of how diia Fed- 
eral agency is unable la carry out Ha mandate 

First of all, Icok at the lact diat eai ly icpoilB of the dangers were 
ovcilcoked oi ignored from CPSC and die manufacturers As the 
injuiies piled up, no effarC <\as made la reach nut la [he public to 
highlighc this emerging riBk 

Second, ii'hen a recall ii'as announced, the resulting release and 
replacement program wsb so confusing id's amaiin; that any pai- 
ent DKik advanlsge af it. CPSC must hai'e the power Eo draft iJieir 
own presB releases about dangcrauB prcducia indiDuC the red pen 
of [he manufacturer scralrhm; out their every attempt to get the 
d^gei acrcsB 

Thiid, I would like m commend die dedicated engineciing slaff 
and caieci Blalf at CPSC Thej worked hard hodi widi die ASTM 
Camminec and with others la connnue la push the danger of this 
Ic was the CPSC staff along with consumer represcn CaCiv^ in the 
AAP who kept pushing the group for Btrangcr and sUonger regiila- 

And finally, not enough is done in this case or many odicrs la 
make sure the prcductH are off the shelves. Ab we heard here in 
niinaiB, we have [he work of our atlaine> general to continue to get 
them off, but diat Bimplj should not be her job Thac should be 
done nananallj If a manufacturer — they know haw to reach ub to 
Bcll m these picductH They should know how Co get them off the 
sheli'es and out of am homeB aftci thc>'i'e proved Co be dan'ccous 

So I have siimc sug^esnanB, our wish list far children'^ prcducc 
Bafei^ Pirst la manu^tuicis, simply test yiiui products Make 
Burc [hey meet all volunlary mandatory standards hefoie the}''re 
Bold, and test for likely hazaids nat jeC addressed by a slandard 
If you can't guarantee the safelj of prcductH >ou may hai'e manu- 
lactured DiTrseas , dien bring your laclaiies back hereto the United 
Slates. The Thomas the TWik engine recall that you mennaned. 


while It was rnsdc in Chins, the compan) ii'ho mal:?a it ib baaed 
light hcic in Oak Btcok, IlliTioi&. 

The Technon Laboratoty that jou alao asked about hai'e more 
Bisff QvecEeaB than the;, have here in die United Stales There is 
Bimply no excuse for a ptcduct thal^B sold in Amcrieanat Co he teat- 
ed to the same scandal ds no mattci where il^s made ConBidet how 
the picdiiet ib actuallj going ed be iiBed, noC yiiui ideal eic- 
cumslaneea E\pect yout deaignera and engineer Co think abauc 
Bafei^ aB [hey develop a pindiict, not Eimply as an aflcrnhoughc 
Fot CFSC wc would ask diat jou advocate far your agencj in [da- 
tives Request the money needed la piotect conBumcrs, especially 

When the BlatuCes under which you apcraCe piDhibit you fiom 
naming specific companiea , dan'c m isa the opparninicj la warn pai- 
enl£ abauc the general hazard of the ptcducC Take jout abligadons 
undci die Frcoiom oi Inioimation Act scr[DUBl> Simply not ic- 
Eponding n> requesla foi infarmadon oi Icsing the lilc ib Eimpl> noC 
acceptable [n^ eati gativc joumaliBlB , consumci adi'ocatea and even 
law>ci's can be youi allies in ^nung the message aut about pccducC 
Baielj, and ioi CongieaB wc would aak that you giiT CFSC ihe 
funding I C need? la keep oui children safe. 

Wc need moic dedicated Blalf mcmbeiB la puc&ue [he Elandard 
Bctling, inveadgaEe changes and enforce coirective actiona Remove 
the cap on civil penaluea SenouB ^loladons of safe^ law deEcrve 
Bciioiia Tinea Remove aecdon 6lbl Don'l censure public safely. I 
can now ^ec moic mioimation on safely concerns about a baby 
Btraller and ather producla from nhe cuanomci commenia on Ama-, and I wnuJd i eiTommend all parenis 50 there when they're 
considering buying a product than I can from due Federal saWly 

SenaHor Di'VhiN If I CDuld ash you la please wrap up 

Ms Cqivleb Sutc We wcic funded bj grici'ing parenm who bc- 
lici'ed thaC the company who made the di^dly crib and the CPSC 
failed la protect theit son from death I cannot tell >ou how it add? 
to ihciE grief Co know that almoGt lO >eaifl later moic lamihes are 
put through similar tragedies because of the inaccm ate teaponse by 
man ufactui cifl, relailcis and [cgulacorB Wc thank you ioi holding 
this healing and look locward lasomcactjon on [his issue 

SenaHor Di'vilin Thanh >du 

[The slatcment followa:! 

PlEPhlEDSlhn^BXIlt ^'h^Ct A C^UEER 

Crcol Tnofarip Sroalor Durbia, P?|iiimimi CiIli? Rmk. ComiD 1 i^cii^r Nan) hhI 

Same] mcnibcn Thnal: y^\i bi iKii opponiii] i<y h> pi?>:B< dui yif/ft on Ihc ibil- 
icnl piodui cilbly kyiHMD amii w/aft id k?iui •idumi (hiklicn 
Kidi !■ Ih]i])jrr 11 n iiGBpniill Di^ncnlifiD dfdn^nd Ig piQcailn^ [blldnD ty Im- 

ErDvioE ibildiTD 1 piodui ulf i> Wc on? fiHiadeil id IVWi by Lmilii Qibje] niid 
mi Kcymr. □Iter lli< d'lalb DTlbcii ion Diibb> tLEyai ib □ pncily ilcigiird, in^il- 
e:|iiDlEl> Kilfd □ad Hf b]> nrnri'il poiuitic (lib 4l>iii mliiim] 11 Ig pumiDn' Ibr dc- 

nkiihiiiEiil or-..iriM ibildicn ^ Br^liKl^ ndMi^iih Inr (kiLdn* nnd nlnriU' ibe jr^iiGn]] 
public. cifiLri LnlJL puicni-. AJid tAiiiiw-jw nl-iu* ibiidccn ^ f ndiKi ^ut-i, 
SlnruiTiH hcic m ILIiikjii, ^i: buy: nurkid iviik ^iuil^i Id LmplcmLBi lli^ ChiUitnl 

PndiKl Safely vkkli pnklbiu ikc die or ]eaic gI lErnlleil 11 daD^icaii ibih 
diciil biefIlkIi Gr ibcir uk m Ik? D^el ihilikDi? CuinMilly hzved ^Uihm hnvr -.ub 
□ Iqiv. Wg fwuvnt': cduislienD] ■□4im£iI^ do (hilliEn i pioliKl ofcly Ic (biltkni? 
piDLnSen b?allb i^in: p miEi inanl 1, huchIi and i^urDiLcn <d alci-l ihEin lo IbG 
inlncilEld 1I dnmipii Bkibr chiUici] W? •/-■uik ivilb engikeciiii^ ^nuranii nl UDiiTr- 


lUiei ihLliIih( [JGirk^c^nTn lo ■fkii'dv IKc l.nD^l?dgc of iDti> and ^Uiiukiidi 

Lli3L h>iDGnL<ivi dL^^:^<^1 ivill kiinir L'l iKiIiIi^d i piodui^. LVr ^ie doiu nil ^e cud 
IG puKH* chilliL^ ^nd •//•!i<cini\: iki- HipporLually Ig ipcnli id >di nboLiI ■d'v nv l<- 
Ikz^e ibE Cgb^eii □■!) Ihr US Coniimi^r Ficdiii^ S^lsly ConiBi^iiDn igliU bslur 
pnhUi'l DUI ibildiED 

t[]D ili-'i Imm^ oF <bE ibalb dE Kf □□> Sire* in Daf ml^r dF ^LXn K^bb^ hud 
dird on Tbnn biqiviii^ Dii> Iieiiii mnaiiEli niuKliLiig Ig mck Gikur □nil npning 
Ibmu^ bii Inlc^uiiG^ (imilug n klrtEoHC und [eIeh^ltir Ig'ibi ibIo kl^ nbduaDLnDl 
cnvily — kc Id 2U BDnlb^ 441 Th^ blii^ci-. knd bllen udbdIhoL gu< oFd Mh^cIls 
CDH iliuuH Hi. m bii 44]f r ilblrig^ plD>Ed ivLlb il niid iiGiib] unwED m IbG (nriif i 
iDiir Kcnaf (iiihI ikcm 

Aid iDGikET Gf ikitG and □ mfEly cipETl, I <biM^k< ] hod kenid Einy pu^ibb 
■ny ikcic ^n^ Ibi ^ ibild Lg diE ItEon □ danqciGiii piodu: — biU iibIiI K?BBy dKd 
I kixL iiGVEr hmid uTlbf jei} ipedfic niid okicidid? dnnpEr uT i^DllG^og nm^pEli 

Bui ^1 ikE CbiriBD TiibiinG lEii"^ pubLi' \m hJay h^ehIimI. boLb IbG numnany 
□nil Ihf CFSZ kHTbeniil uT IIig fGunLuil LnjiiriEi bv <}ie Lim^ K^bb> dii!!). They 
CDuld havr uil.f □ mrliEi ofIidi] |£i pirvEni biiwalb ^md v:Gm DTGibci injuTKi 

fi uxiD ^1 KID leamrd dF Kedd> i dmib •/-c bnughl lI Ig ikE iiiUi]li[<n gF Ibe 
A?E^1 CoiDTnlitcE on Toy BtilEly. <bE idluDcaiy iCindiiid KlImgpnHip bi Idv^. Why 
CPSC Di ihe lG> iHlu^iiy ilili]'l julie Ibe liiuc ivbGa ihEV laa. IsiiiiEd co li ii a 
<^yl^ery WE mLiEd ihE \ii\ie nl ikE F^kiimiy ■e^ilo^, Ibe fan MuRkEli' iecqU ^n^ 
ibr CBil of Klnnb and A!fEM kjniB ^-oiliinir I'n lb? Iiiiic \m Juni: riEl?r □ usli Dmiip 
fai □pfGimid Tbii ipnnp A^M pubLi.kiMl a 'lonilDr], a ^iir iind d kuLi nfiEr 
titnnyi italb Dnd ^IboiI iivii jloi^ liIii.7 na Indana (bikL caic pio\xU'r I3ll?d Id 
■mi] Ihe CPSC And ihi^ ii guicIi id 4hc ndrld gI lUmdaidi "giUb^ 

The Bcv ilDHlaiil ii inluDcaiy l< itipIivI^- q iu|iiLidD?D4 Ibal iDyi ^Ib 
iiviilh^DklE BiiirnGi^ b" labeled wiik □ vamiHB abGui Ibe diin^i i oE Buirnei^ amd 
Ibnl nil luyi ^iik idii)jiig<i b" <e^led m □iiuie Ihal ihe muRBCIi do nGi BiIIhkiI din- 
ing ti^E ai imi lb« caiE »i<h Klngneiih: Dnd Folly Fukel dolLi Hg^eivt. Ibe lUiad- 
□la doEi DG* [0|iiiie Ibe muRBLi ^Dming dd iGyi ^iik bii^r compGoeaii and iilll 
□ILov iG>i •/-ilh luAK ■•//aPuwsbi': mu^el* lo bs ^U Id in> npiai^a no lov Ibal 
CDiilaiai ^mall mnirnei-. ucciM-.ibl" Gr nGi. ihnuld be lold wuhnul ikc ^uiBin^ br 
paiED*^. ^hI CFSC -.bGiill iveigk ibc dDURi* hhT -.mull caiidy -b^pcd mj^el- aiid 
CDnuitr n ban of p^i-lniikir ^b^pEi Dad inci baird om Ibe bijp numbEr of rid- 

PLead Ibe ^lo[)l:1 gI Ibe (hillicii t/bn iiii-viiTd Dnd yDilll ke ivbiil □ devll^lallI]g 
injury Ibe-c Ii4lle Biiirnei. ciiu-.e. Mg^i gE Ihe nkiblicB injued ■ nbivE Ibe a^ 
limii on ikE ley Tboke ihui mieu'l iiiiiall> ?dI ike mngkEli vkEn lbc> bii^kc Iiuie 
Innn ihE <Dy — bdI liEini lad. gI mpiTvi^iDn In BkI, Ibe mieal CPPC wrtail uf idgie 
MusneiD kIi dceuDeni^ ai bail l,GI>U lepGi-li DEmngBEli CDining inae — nompDird 
^lE ODE doilh and W mjiiriEi — liirklly poiEnli die lupEiM^lna Ineii [klldiea. Bui 
■upEiMinn nnD^i bE ikE only Iihe oT dEiEniE kelnrea Gur ckildieB Dnd debliir 

'AkEn CP9C Eluilk look ui^n. il ■*mi mo IliO Im ble Tbej "iHolbd" Hnr 
hlngneiD leu. km lerl Ibe gd« gb ike ^Uot ^bdjEi — evEn lhoi4|h <hey bod hd pmf 
Ibal IbeiE mat nay diETEiEnnE bei^een Ibe onek in bomci and ibc enei on ikcKci 
!■ Eh I Ibi: m anuoiKiiitr iieiT:r uied ike w/uid itcall — Ibey eufed il a leplneBenl 
piDgniB and laid 'lE yiu bDiigk* Il For n ibild undei age D fll fai ■□rkeUd bi ^ 
□nd upl nnd ovie UHGmthrtiib Ie •/-■••b ba\imff i< In yoiii bnmc, 3011 4giiI] iduii] li 
Fdi auGihei pndirl" — nDlbing 10 giLe ike paienl gt^g <n ikE ^lle n lenie eFiii^n^y 
□biiil jr^Kin^ ihe piDdiKl oui ef ber honiE. 

Bui CFSC appuiEnily CGukL do noikin^ idgie nnd Ihul OTdilf- kn<«d irciill ■••••i br 
□ yrai. » b lie ( n ildiEn cl^Iuiii^] lo go hiiri fiom ihkL M41110I1S bi^ Mni^eii', niber 
magkelic loy^ uhI mogneiK |eiiT:l[y. ThE [?:iir wii- unn'iuBied ihii Mnnb 31) 'SIM 
Tkui br, JGDalban MilReil liEini CPBC piibli-b(d liii imiin ieiIib jl liijunei Eii'm 
Mimnei ln^^iKiD in C b ikliEn— U dlIkL Scaler 1IDIKJ-.3JIA ib AIM\\R ^eeI.I> oF Ibe 
CEC. And ID NojEinbei , Q Bonik^ alHer Ibe inilial itidII und aliDGii a yrai ufiEr 
KEiiiiy 1 denlh, mngBEli iveie mEnlifmoL by IbE CFSC br Ibe fir-.i vm< m □ ^neml 
labiy ^Dming — hdi icblrd <d h ipeeiBc prxLiKl Too long in oui opiima — Ibeir 
vai nn mliHibn im CF9^ annGUHing Ihe g?keml hnzaiil^ ol ikeie ilicoig 
mngkeli nbea lI <vai lii i4 kiou^l lo Ibeli aiienlion — km UhI. dF ^UiETihr Eundiag 
or ^ir l.epl II on <he kml: burner imlil □ cklld bud d>?d uhI diEeni moic i^mc \m- 

Tbe ^iDr> of KenB>'i denlh nnd mjiuiei Fnhm Biynei^ ib loyi m hoiTifn lilD 
mra<^ puieaii id Ijwp aP Vyi wnA ^imag mogaeli □»□> fiom nkiblm under ili 
□□d EiDin □!! [krdiTB ^ho huvE □ ii.^ded[> Id mGiUh ob^li In oildLliDn bi 
^lugneiD. CFSC kai lEcallrd -I -I millun] Fofy FcehK dolli uEleril Injiiriri lEqiunBc 
migeiy and ITU lEpoi-li dFIddie mogkEli, -IUJXHII Mugnebkiili io>i, jlII,IIlOll mogkelii 


piailci hhI nliDG^i 'fiWC Ig^hIidlii? Vyi krmiiiE dE ikc hmmdi Ibi: mngkcli pDU 
lJe'vcIi} ivilb mu^cLi can □]« pnu □ irai mil Ig niiy hr? chiU 

Ai PnincD CiillahDi] hhT ikE Tntim? pul il, Ibli ii tiili jiiil Ihf ilfiiy GEonf BibiI^i 
gncFDC ikE ImiDidi il one •yff oTu^f, km '?iiiblf mail' if kon n »^I.EnB] fel^ml 
a^wiy. IB li^ iii}iipi[ nnil ilixlle nppnticb <d ic)jiihimB. bi\i <d pnUcl [klldi?B.~ 

Finl □■ b^li|jbUil ID ibE Cliicii^ TribiikE □iri'l?. mrly icfarli of dnii^n Einni 
Itir mn^^Lk on? avrclocki'il or iijoatral by CPSC and Lb? mnDuEiriiiicr. So oFLea 

I bcni li^m. pIlItlll^ •bai. ibEy [?piLCI □ picbkiii id IIie CPSC and □■? iu'vei igbUhIoI 
□^iD. Ai lb? ■□juiKt pilni up. na ^RdcI ^n^ mnl? id lEab oul o Ihr publi' Ig 
higbLiglil ikli Em?q|in|r ^i^k Aaaiii, d^ ^^mconc wko i^^hI^ h?c dnyi ImiBliig nbojl 
ana liying Ig pn'rL^nl ckiblki--! uijuruM Eicod □iir-i'iy picducii hhI loyi. I vni iib- 
□■Hiic if III LI '.ptcifii ii^h ci\ i^uIIli'i inp gc labnliiip bh^^ik f\tiici IE I'ni iidI 
□nnicaf Ll, I tan hiilue yii ikm p^uciili li^mc Ig lup? cviie lh?Li ibildiED □icc^ed 
Ieii aw/air gE iI CPPC nrrdi m Vitc m iiiiiii<silf m piGKCl IIie publir rnm liiiz- 
□idDU^ pnidui^ nunc >?nDLiil> hhI Cgii^imi ii«eil^ m givr IbGB Ih^ FundiBg hhI 
ilnlTLng ikEy Tifol Ig iId □ bElH:r)Db 

SEcmilly. ^hETi n ibihIL w/ai nniiGiiBcal lb? iciiJiri^ ii:kii-? itml np bH'-iiiEii I 
pingniB ^n^ id ^GDEuiiiig llinl lI is nmnrLnH niiy pniEiil loik iiiImidii«||^ hiI ii l^r- 
EDi^ (Guld (eII Ibnl ikE picdirl lb«} knd m IIigli kroD? ^u-. iig diltnai ihiii Ihe 
Dii?^ iilU Dii Lbc iIieK?^ Gf iqbe lann — ■Dhin^ lh?iii uniuic sIhkiI Lbc niwd ehh ic- 
iLun ib^ir pndii:! TkE piEii ieIcbk nh&iHDUd ikE iml hicml ikc Ig>i pGvrd, 
BOH 4GB4nidH city ■?iiii^k hhI dDwapbyd III? dnagrc NdI bEcniin' CPPC iHiTilal 
il llinl ^ny, bui i^i^iiie ?0:liDn Slki dT lb? CGDiimiEr Ficdiicl Satiy Acl cical?^ 
□ uliinUiB ivkEi? lb? ciBpiiB> bui ikE uppEi h^mil CPSC m\iil knjE ikE pDivr Id 
draFl ibEiroivn pmi ieIch^?^ nbDiil ibrngkimi i pndiKli ^iibDiil <bE ibI p?D oTiIie 
nun lib CI HI? r icrab'hiBg duI lb?ic aiwy nlii^nipL Ig gkl Ih? diiii|pM Kini^. 

Thiid and ibi^ ik □ i4i«igik gETFSl Lb? iiEdKnIfd ?B|riiiL'cn>|r und laivyr ilnIT 
■TOli?d hmd iHh iJEnliFv lb? ikapr Dm) •cc-cni in FdiidsIidii Io Lb? ^ST^ mb- 
KDiD miiiEC II. dmli D -ICDng loliiBlBiy lOuidnnl IL tat CPPC ^luET sIiibij klIH tim- 
iiiiTi?r ccpnMEiiUiliv'c- TvkD, □Ilkm^B ko^ily DuLaiiBbEnd gb ib< \ini ijioup, b?pl 

SuihiBir IO ciEiil? n iIcdh^i iinHhiil. CPSC ii?Edi mcioiiEil Fimiliii^ Ig tf:v IHei? 
EdKiiUi] pnhlEiiLoiiali niid mcicn*? ikEir nmki — dv idukl lb?B bE nklE Ig tlfDilly 
iTiut? bsinidi pnDi id Idjiii^ mlber Iban 'KnUag imLil ^mcDn? gcli kiin. 

E''iBall>' — no* EiiGiigh ^n^ Aime Ig ninkE miic Ibc ii.Tall?d pndirli dtm? dIT lb? 
■hrliv^ BivB nfiEr IHe Tnkun? i ?ipDiE iIie ncurcil iiEm-. nzBnrio] oa iIieIl?! 
Ii?[? in IILiBDi^ TkE iriiiGii AiiDinEy G^ii?ml. DiBL'd wiLb Ih^ lllmDii ChiUiciil 
Pndinl ?tilE<y Ac4 ^nd b?r uwm CDmBiiniEDi L'l kc^p 4bilili?D ^ah Iid-. LolEn n 
iliDng n\e m niGDLLGniiri i^Ciibci bt\<: ib IIIiiidii. CFST nzjllv ikmild bE Loljnjr iH? 
IeihI gb Ihii and mnliiiig ■□■iifiKlum i Inh: Ih? 'ii^-. beeiieiI Io nDck •y":wy ic- 
□lire ^nd ?VEi} igd^ubei pDiiibls Th?y kno^ Hg^ Ig mKh u 'vb?B lb?> w/amA. Ig 
ieII Ibeie prxLiKli, lbc> caa ui? IbGH] nme mclbi^li id ibxh ui id icukve Ihe dna- 
gEiGHi [□'□rEil pndiirli 

So yiu. ail., oiE EhiUiciil pccdiirli mf My nniivr Id pncrau it "t^e nam'i k? 
iiiiE~ Mg-.! pIlIl.^l^ bLjIu^iT' ilini ibLldcEii ^ pudiKli amd loyi □■? ie'4eiI br nfcly 
bElun: iliEV an: -'41 uad if ikEK' ■- ii ccfuir Ih? (DmKmiEi »ilL Bnh: CL?[y ?IEirl 
Ig ir^Lik Inem — iviqd^ dh bDlh (dudii Heu: ik one iviih liii lo lapiGVE iihiUicii'i 
pmdui mlEly 


Tril yniir pmdui^ bEToic <kEy die nbl Z^lab? miie ili?y dieeI □■[ VDlunCii^ amd 
niiindiiU<i} lOmdnidi bEloiE lliry □n' kiU □□[) li^il be liH?ly hnr^iil^ kol ^vl aii- 
[lii:i>?d by □ ^Enndnid 

If yiu EQD L jpEUQDicE ikc lotiy HhT piulii: Il >Dii knjE [nuDiiEiciiiiiMl Divr'?ai, 
lb?B brin^ imir UHlGtiEi bnb lo Iho L'biL?!! ^CiI?i IiIdie ikuD 'HI y^sii i dIiet kod 
pnini w/ai DDBiiEd id ikE Uaiicd SIdiei lh?ei: li bd Enuk? be pndiKl: mcnDi Ibr 
EhiUiEii <D bEioiLo] IB kiid Jii'i bii iv??!:. ThGEDEi^ Ibcl^Bk Euide iDy^.n iCipl" 
Ibi ■illxhm HhTchildeEn »eie n-Talk]!! bEE[iii>? of lend pniDl Tkii i^ iiuKEEpinklE 

Toh: kiiBDii bciDi i lhLg ilzi'ihbI CoDiidEr bo^ Ihe pmdui li arlmlLy j^i»ff Id 
he uiEd, noi ,die Htal ilkubiUibc?^ Biperl ^oiir itiigiieri □□[) ciigineeei Id iklab 
□biiil i[ibi> Di ilioy dE^cbop □ pecFlirl, boI hi qd ^FLoelhGiiirh L •//btn ikE pndiKl 

II aliDGil eEiid> Fdi iIio m.iikEl KID idukl bE kappy ihi -lAd HnirTEDcb Euily ^tilbly 
PiG^UEii br UEideeijeiidiiaii: i.^giii?eei lo uk ai n ii.^n'ib?r edui k br pindiicl d?- 

□? Gf?B ^boul pndiHl boiDidi anA. inHi GunbLy [kin I diimlii luidEiili iEfGti?d 
by (Dninmeri Hcidove immlE peiiFlirli qiiKl.l> liihiD ihi: i4dii: iIieKei, ^prnd moiiEy 
Ig lEliiE^E ii.Tall?d pndiKli eDI'4iIveI> und linl: e[iieEiiI1> qL oLber pmdLicI IIoel Ig 
make ihie boie prniKli don'i knjE ibr mmE hnzoiil. 


CteI iI dH cbc ^li«I^M When 3011 hie laEiniieil if a wxail, nial.e Min: ciriy udIL 
if Ibc pukLlkI 11 idDGVcd amii lElnrkcd <d ibe mm] u Eh 1 111? r Ficduli U]h:i] i^lTlhe 
ih?liv^ bill ieli ■□ ikE biKk iDcnii gIkb iDLilnlcBly End up bud. on iLe ihEKn 

P1L1I DDliiKi ildLibe urn) in iU<ici. If 1 yoiii cmUimeri kBDiv IHdI ib^y cub gEl up 
la di](E iati> laEimi alL£in Iidb y<i\i. 

CgbUhi ^1 m^my (ODiimiEr^ ai poi^lbl?. IE }iiii knjE [onOici iD&imiiilicn , \iie ll 
IG IeI ^Kjr (ll^lolll1.^^^ kno^ ibEy miiy knjE □ dnB^iDui pndii:! 

PL^quin: ^■>iir m^m uHh lunri m ^^UB^ prmi dT pic-mnrkf 1 If ilmg. Emy ihipa^ni 
iLEibildicD ^ pndiiE^i yen nriciic ^boulj baiv ^mi: (erlili'iimB ibnl i< ^n^ If il?d 
lu nil ith.'^Diil fDLiiidiiloiy anil veLiiiiLiir> ■cnndiirli mill DddLliDDDl 4?rlLlKDlK>D Ibnl 
lb? pDiDiur mbiiniuf'. uicd nr: IckL fiu:. 

RffaiT icliiTBi Id ikE m aDLibcliiicr and CP5C CFSC uFIcd ualy lEnnii 1I d/ifjtli 
□Ret ikE pnxLiKl bai IrFl lli« lUiir ihrLiTi, If □ irLinblE HUTf dF lalanniilLfin in. 
im mfe p ndiirli IeCISC. 


Ad\Qtal? br ycLH n^iKy and ycoii idli^»d EEqiiEil Ibi: idilii?> n«?4l?d m ihIe- 
quaKlk piDlsl igb^iibci 1, f^psmllk (bikLiEn, Iiiib dnBgrniLii piEdirli CfSC bai 
a inial\cr biidni m oicriEe niGi? Ibnn Hfflb picdiirl lypri IIidd IbE FDA km bi 


WkED Ihf imiuKi lhuIt ivkKh }(]u Hifmlo pinbikil idu Him f\ibiii\\\ng inlnrBii- 
li[<n DkaiU n humid niid n^uninD -pdi'n (ompsniEi, nun I mii^ ikE DpfarEiiBii> Id 
ivnii] pnicnl^ nkau^ 4hE ljv 111.13I ImiDid 

Tnh: >eur obliR'jlLon- undoi Ibr Fiudmn oE laEimiiilLDn Acl lEiniiily. SiiDp]> ddI 
iiMpmiiliii^ or 'uiLng" ikc Ule 11 h>I ^m^pmblE. Ibltiidhiih joiiruili^i^, CDniumfr 
□dvccnUi □□!) nvn bi^jvn tan be yD\i\ nlliEi in filing Ih? Tn-nrw— out nboul 
piodui mlEly — im Die luH Ibr En«iiiy 

FiMi-/- a^ guidElin?! amii [szEm mEndnlna^ gd □]■ pmdiKli Dmi'l late IkEin oi 
a ihailinj^, ai in 'my ^ ya\ lU li ni unnrt ai aa n\na^ S yrar oldr Tkcy □■? 
IbGi? Foi inrEly ■EII1I'^^ 

If 3011 bniv n pioblcB »ilb n pndiKl IIidI yi\i tclLEir: (ould bE immt lEpoi* ll 
bDlh IG Ibc mnDiifarlLiicr ^nd ibe Con lumer PndLi: I S^fEly CGBminKiB. 

Cb«li nil ibe picdiicli yiu. hie ^iik yiiir ibildiED ni cprngm and if(n up br 
f mail ntrli nboul iri^li — fllber limii ikE CPSC it Bonikly Innn Kid^ In Ehingrr 

TeI] yD\ii IJKiidi and bmry ^loul Ibc DE^d Ig ibal. nil pinduci^ EipECEilly kniid 
mc 4l]»'^^, Ibi icidIIi Find mnm] LnrDimDlmn nboui bGi^in^ iKlIiIied dIc nl 
»Th-»J(id ilnDon^cT-DiB 

(rivr CPSC lb£ Eundiag il DErdi Id Imzp Gur EbiUicn lafr Wc DEfd mGir dtdi- 
EDKd ^miF membra Ig pDru:i|<iil? In iT>]uBuiiy ^umdnid lEiuiig,^h: irifiwii 
oE dandier-, mid i.*lbnc nunrt Iliv iirlmn 1 

R^BOiT! <bE cup Dn civiL pc■□Lllc^ Fiiig^ ^boDld k< DiifipEcud and tainFul — ddI 
iDmcibiBR II CHhmpDB> nam •/--n:-: ibid ki biid^iEl Sethd^ jHmliDDi dF id&i> ^a•//■^ dr- 

Pl?boiv KciKiB l^lbl — doll'* [CBiur pub Ik ial?i> IfCFSC da?^D^i knu lb? Eimdiag 
or niDiubilE Id uih: DcmB ipniD^i EDmpDnm. htb igd^diiiei'^ wilb lb? laEiniiiiiuD 
lbG> bnvr u '/ctan pnUc^ ddi •yrm (billicn No oikEr tdf ml tately atpwiy ii mb- 
]«! IG Ibii piDviiKiB, ^Jiik nG Db>?rviiblc iig^uvc cIEkI l^ ikE ding mduiliy, hdIg 
EDmpnnm di GikEr lEgublfd (Dlllpa^lE^ I (□□ ^|eI boic InbimiiliDn oa wtiy uim- 
EETBi nbDDl n bnbL -IidIIt m lb? (diIgbei D]Bm?B<i □! ^■□zonrDin ikna I con 
Innn ddi titml -dILiv Diji'Hy CDngi?ii ibDuld ^bangc ikli b> dcBymg miDu^iiir- 
eii vciD GDnir DVLT -albly alEni. 

A ill CrSC 6i\ nnniEil lEpDiliag dd icidIL clbiimEii, PDIA miLKZii Fulfil I men I, 
iDLTii^iuDi gI dmib und niGi? HdU ikEm urcGunUikle ll 11 impihi^lbl? id IihI 
Dui IE □ pndii:! [?:i]IL 1^ i^IEkIiit:. Wb?B irqiKiiina lb 11 ■□brmnliDn I ba\t bEcn 
IgU EVEr>lbing rnm 'ikni HIe 11 iiii~ m limply l«in^ i^ond, gvcd ibniflk lup- 
pDiEd]> mi'nlbly ii^iini dh: litd »ilb ibE n,|EDE, Con^iid' can n-b fir ibii ijitq^ 
malion — .imflv milnni^ 11 public ^iLI knvc u poiiiivo cFIlti im lb? iccnLI iriuni cdie 

Suppurl pi^'dinir I'jii-.lDiiiia ihh nqum pn-muckol l^-iin^ 'lE dumbl" ckildnal 

Emdui-. CP^ bn-. no □iiibDi]i> lo miil.E lompjnu:' bcdil iki^r piiidii:l: anr mt 
eRhi: ibEy 3IC nhkL ITT (billicn t/'iwi uijund niid -.l^ Dilhd bilim' daiiiji'iGU-. picd- 
irli iriiillEd Juil bill yia\ igiiU k< icmovEd EiDm lb? mnckEl pkirc L/Hilin^ kacb 
S ^vaci, o-ci I^LV ibildcEn ^cce injumi ky pmdui^ l«Eii? ib?y could k" nrisllid 
rmg ■□■uBiFliiiEi ■ Id Itil ikEir picducli kfbcr lbe> di? »I] nad kaviog □ 


cejUIeiiiiid teal Iieiiii CPPC •bai. nawrmtt ^Duld Iccl. br ^quIiI aicaily impiDir lb? 
iat<y gIgu ibildicD Sib ply pul, ii li ^m moii p^iEnIi Dlimny bfl>?vr m te Ihe 

SiffGWI piAilln^ li.ijiitili[<n m lEqiJiE picdul iE|jiiliiimB cniil^ Inrdumbk ibih 
dicnl piDdui^ PEihup^ Ihf y Hie h>I nil icIurnaL, pcihnpi □ piodui ii iig lonRcr 
^Ib Lli iLii^uiL uwmer tui Ull^ inlnrBn^KiB igiiU iUII ^□ii1> lapnivc lb? LilclLhiKHl 
Ibal □ pnicnl ivill lenrn dFq dimj^icm priFliKl telbn' ibuir cklld li ■□jiiml. 

tLidk In [k]i]R?r ^di Ibundol by grEvrngpnicDli wbi bclK'Vd] ikm Ibi: cnrnpnny 
vbo iDDdi: <hE ilEDdLy (iib B>d lac Crac utd Ig pii^L£(l ibiir ii'n fnia diiid] I 
cnD^i iclL }(iii km il nlli !□ Ibeif gnef D hnDiv Ibm nlmu-i Lu >c3r-. biui. idgi? 
biBilici mt pul IhiLugh lUDilni imRnlKi fco:Diiic oE 4hE in 3131.111131? icipmiK by 
ni on lib CI III? n, nzUnlen otieI lEqubloi 1 Thnal: >di be bGUiair iki: b/ianuff □ml it 
CUD QDly bGf? Ibal wilb icneDT'il publir miiliBy □ddilicnn] liiiidiEijr and ilnlE [md 
□ iciici^il [GBinilEiiciil 10 labiy CFSC an I? dfeliiv :■ pnnccunj; (hillicii Eicod 

ScnaEor Dubbin Canrr Kcidily h^id of the Tc^ IndmUy Ahoo 


Ml KiiiTiii.Y Thank jou \cty niiich for Ei^'n? "& [he up par mm w 
to provide com mcrilH about [he impoi lani flLib]ccc of consumer piod- 
uct gaiety in gcnccBl and about die salci^ of tc^ prcducla m par- 

I'm Cartel Keithly, the pr^ident of [he Toy Industry A Baocia [ion 
iTlAi of about ] LiBl a little mare dian I jear ago The Tnj InduBtij 
AaaociatLnn la a not-lor- profit tiade asEcciation with more [han 504 
mcmbera, and qui members account for about H5 percent of U S. 
demFolic lay sales. Because our market con&isla of one of [he meet 
vulnerable aeEmenca of qui population, our children, our number 
one priorilj and the number one prioiilj of our members is to as- 
Eure that our prnducls are Bale 

Oui induHtij has lead the world m developing tc^ safety stand- 
ards We ai e proud of our rccoid of accomplishment and the ic- 
spcct that lie hai'e cai ncd From the saie[j auchoi ities Decades aro, 
undei [he auspices of the National Bureau of Standai ds, [he TIA 
led die deielopment of a salei^ slandaid for eoje, and m 1^9^ the 
standard was republished as an ASTM consensus standaid Con- 
sensus standards such as a slandaid for lays are developed under 
the auspices af slandaids develapment argan i3a[ians , and the de- 
velopment of such standards ini'oli'es participation bj consumers, 
CPSC, indusOy experia, retailers, safely c cms u I Ian Is , teaUng labs 
and academics 

They are developed m an open and Hansparent prcceas and arc 
more quickly implemented ihan rulemaking which can lake >cara. 
Bringing airin[er^[ed pai'tiea pjgether to develop safe^ standards 
has made America the leader m safely standards araund the world 

The s>slcm is enpedi [lous , nenible, and eifecnie. It avoids the 
slow, bureauciadc prceeBEca of go^einmenla and allows foi con- 
slant ici'iew and ici'ision [o accommodate changes in prcducta and 
technology. Ic enables industij and safelj organizations to icacc 
quickl) to emeiging and unforeseen issues, and as a consequence 
of the merits and success of this sjstem. Congress wisely empha- 
sized a picfcrence foi reliance upon what it [crmed I'oluntary safe- 
ly slani^ids m the Consumer Product Safely Ace 

The sys[cm deaerres the continued support of Congress Our toy 
standard is undei constant review, and a rei'ised version of the eoj 


Bafc^ sCandaid was published just lasC mDnth The rcviaiDriB ccm- 
Isin impoilant new pco^iEioriE n> addceas magnclE individually ai 
BE iTomponcnlB in toys. Prcducia eontainin: iriasnela as lncec parla 
arc required Co ini~lude lahelinE. aafcty JabclinE, flnd Iojb con- 
laining maEncHi be cnmponcnlB may not libcialc maEnclB dutins 
uae oi abuse The ASTM work »roup developed aalandaid foi mag- 
ncl m [ojfl in record Cimc AaTM approved the alandard be pub- 
lished and directed that die work group continiic n> evaluate poten- 
tial haiardE and ccline the Elandaxd if neoied ovec die next yesr 

In addition, CPSC is iJiis vctj ia- eonducdng a forum at the 
headquaiteEE la indicate to the indusniy and nthecE about die 

In addition to the design speciHcadons pceacnbed by lay saTely 
BlandardE, manulketuEci b muBt Bubmit liieir tc^E foe Ealel^ testing 
to leducc ar eliminate potcnnal hazacdE during uarmal UEe or 
abuBC The cesls meludc requiremen la addiesBed mechanical , elec- 
□ ical, [hci mal , chemical hazard Thanks eo nhe lay safe^ Elandard 
and teatm^ proceaB, lays are cxtraoidinatilj Eafc In spite of die ic- 
maikablc ptcceaE in impro^in^ die salclj of children in America 
o^ci the past >e3r, childicn unlorninatcl^ tcday EdII face Eignifi- 
cant riEkE, but these cisks are mcQtl> unrelated !□ DnyB. Tiagicallj, 
often avoidable injutiea lake [he lii'es of more than 1 out of e^cij 
IU.OHJO children m die United States annuallj Ic includes childicn 
who die m motor vehicle accidenla or dioii'n in bathlubE. I have 
piavided jou dala on thepiimaij causes of childten'E deaths 

CPSC'b annual reparc indicalet that of 15 commonly UEed houEe- 
hold picducia, Hojs had among the lowest numbci oi incidences of 
injuiy and death Icis Etill hearchi caki 05 ii'hen accidenls with toys 
cccur, but we tcact quickly and vigarouBly when an> pattern of 
hazaid emerges relating la nays Un loi tunaEely, attcnuion continue 
to focus on the Bmall iiEkE asBcciated with tc^E while Eome I'eij big 
iiBkB icmain unaddtesBed The net result is that we often waste 
Bcacce resDuices in areas of minimal ciEk Euch aB lays ac nhc ex- 
pense of allccatmg them efricientl> to make children'B lives nuly 

An enotmouE number and vanetj afconEumet ptcduclH are Bold 
in iJie United Slaies, and ihousandE af neii' to> pioducls alone are 
creaEed for Eale in Amecica. 

An> goi'emmenlal sjBtem oTstanibrdE 1^ CcEling foe Buch a vasC 
numbei of conBumer prcducia could never cope with the sheer I'ol- 
umc That iE why oui s>Etcm of conEenBus Blandarifa has ii'ocked 
BO succesBfully The CPSC docs a veiy cfiective jab with a mcdest 
budget We commend the Cbmmissian and ilE h atdiiotkin g Etaif for 
then succesBful work on behalf of the American public, and we bc- 
lieiT there are ways die Commission can become even more cflec- 
tiveand efficient 

Toward diat end Td like to olfcr the follawins tecammendations: 
FiiEt, we suppoi t dynamic neii' paitneiEhips between Etakeholders 
and the CommisEion to promote Eafet> and Eafe conEumec piacdces. 
SeiTond, wesupporDihe Commission's involvement in private Eland- 
ardE activities as aulhoiized in the current Elalute Third, iheie is 
a need foi better guidance and education from [he CommiEsion on 
the im piemen ladon of section 15 picduct hazaid icpoidng pioi'i- 
BionE. The current law implemenlung regulations \a EdII vague and 


Bmbi guouB , and it is difficulc for manufacCuTFrB , raprciaFly amall 

buaincBBCB, to dctciminc when rcparciriE coirccti^c actum ate no:- 
casaij Fourth, in the global emnornj wc note the irnparcancc of 
the agencj'fl [nictriational cnragcmcnt to cnautc ^icatci import 
with (inca <\^th BaTrl:) siandacdE 

And, finally, wc bchciT the CPSC decs not lack authoiilj la im- 
plcmcnc ilB con jrcaa [anal mandalFE. Hoi^cvcr, it icquitcB ei'^si^" 
icHoutccs to im piemen 1 1 [a auppoi t. Thank you fot pto^iditiE me the 
opportunilj [Q testify. The Commiaaion La an impotlant agency , and 
we fully aupparC is misEion Jt can and should ha^c the funding 
and resources it ncrda 

[The BlatementfDllow&:| 

Ph>^' ii>j> St'ti <tt-'T OF C an h Keitbi ey 

CknirBUB Diirtii], Ibnak fuu. br the Dnprnnmily l£i tnjHlF cdidiiiciiIi nboLiI Ih? 
impDiUiBl Mib^l of iiD^UBEi pndLH L dlcly ib ijf iieisl niid aboiiL ikE talcty ifluy 
pnidui^ in pDnKulnr I □■ Cnm? KcLlhlcy. Fi^'idunl oE Lbi: Tg> liidLi:iiy Ai^miD- 
litm ITIAl. IIA 1^ n noL- loi-Bioil* linl? ^iil<dIidi] ivLlb mLac Ibnii rUU B^rnkTi 
Diir ni?Bber^ dkoudi lor Hl< fiLJirEiil af US dmD^iii' u) lati Wbile ibEic hie n 
Ieiv jei} \awgi: l<? ■□■iifiKluiL^i i. Dur 15 f^r'Eiil of Gur mcnibEr^ die [umpnBKi 
^Ib imdrr ^ milliDn id atici 

BaDuic Giir ■nrkEi comlili of Diif of <bE moil julkEmbb Kgniciili gEgiit f^fit 
IniKiD. Dill [brili?D. DLH mmibf I on? piiinly. hhI ibc niimbEi on? pmnly oTimr 
incBbET^ li IG niiiiic IIidI our pndiKli Die ^nlc Tcqcllifr ivilb ibc U.S ^T<inii- 
incBl, nHGirnciil ^Umdan] ddiiipmEHI iiUDBimlLJon i , indf'pciid^rK In, ^dbly o- 
pEil^ 3iiil oikr-. IK^ lo] iJiduKrv lii^ kd ikE Tviirb in ikE acvi:}iiBBEn I iJAkiiiDlLy 
iccuRDUd] EHiy -uiFeK MDjiiLiiil ^ Uc bni/' lllrl^^n^] kEHMly \m chia dEivtipmEn I ic- 
lEDrib dyBimiK uil^i> l^ilmg qisillly niiuiiiiuf K^iing, riik □■nlv'^ii ^nii kiu: □■- 
IbiopoiJidi}: iliiJic GlEhiUicii Pordriadei TTi bm idil.fd liictiily Fdi ir^ nfr- 
ly niiil 'M^ \iw pii'ii] nroin ninr] of iH(r<in pli-.bBEn I iind Din nLiliun i]i if - ^iik 'he 
Nii<»ib.lI S^ifi'iy ChhiiiiciL I >rsr I. MmtiB jL Duiimiu rJ ^lomliiiil i HiBUY Am^nc^n Vn- 
liDnsl SiuFKLinl-. ]d-iiIii<eI^N^II. ASTM IbieiiiiiojbiiL and Ibc JBiEinniKiBaL SUmil- 
□idi D[(^n IJHIKIB IISOl Thh kelp n^^ur: lli^z Eilbi'livc ib phzBEn cali£<ii of vy micly 
lUmdnid 1. •/-e pnhvidE lampn'beB il^^ and iKEiiraK in IbimDlimi on vy tab'y 21 
bDun n liny, Ihicigk □ ^po:iiiL hied im gut irkiitE '"/-■*:<nf-ainw^cau<iinei!ftir- 
f DiL latly-llEiyiatly 

TIE BirCCEJ ^ OF 11 E Ca»^EN3U^ Sfecr/51\'infBIi •ri'TEH 

III l4?&, undET Ihr □iiip>'ri dEMBS, TTi lei ikE i3Eivbipin?B4 dFd vdlunOir, nfr- 
ly lOnidnid bi U^i Id ifH5 Ih? iinHbiil vni ieviveI and piibliib«] ok qd ASTM 
CDniEiiiiii lUiiukiid 

Cgb^eiiiiii lUiBdaiil^. mclixLiBk <1ie ilandnrl bi vnt, hie dfjElopcd imdEi 111? 
□uiBiTEi oFiDiErBiiinnal lUHbiid' d?jEV>pBf ni mpnBD^IiDn ^ iiirk ii- ^^T^f Idiet- 
nDlHhnnI Tbi: drs/'bp miBi il ^ub ^Uiiukiidi rivcJvEi ikc pDriEipiilii:^ 'il tim- 
iiiin?n, (OD:uiiiEr iii^bdsIidh i, CPSC, iiiiliiiU> ecfiwii miiilEn 'ufEly cgb^iJi- 
anti. Haling btnmlGnEi and muJEmiE ru liliiipni In lb£ ASE^f ^miuDidi piDC- 
eii, [oaKniiii oEnl] pnrliclpDBli ^md ASHiI Ii irquiml pn[<i h> Eimrlin?B< ^STM 
lUmdnidi anr 4l:vck>|iiMl id am ofca bhI ImnipiiiEDipiiKEki, »iib □ bnlniuE of pai- 
liclpDBli CLal1En1lI^ 'Eundnidi, nrk bi ikE ASTKI iGy SUiHbiiil Die moic qiiHlily 
□Ebi?VEii ibuD nilEiDiikiB^, vkr n isri Oiic Kv^ml ^mn 

Thr ly^HMD if briiiaiiig □■[ oFlbr iiil?i?ihd p^iru?^ and lub^l ma i (et ei peril lo- 
gEllirr In pi[<LiilE p^HiiH« ^nd dliszliDi] \m ib? dEivkipmciil oE utiy lOmdnidi hm 
madE Amenm ikc leader \m latly lUiBdnid^ nmund liu] ^'oild The ^yiUm li eife- 
diUiu^. ItiiklE hhI dhliiv. ]i nmli Ib/i ibw, Haul binmumUi piixci^n "Tgi^ 
f[i]in«'B< Il ^Ih^i br eduiOiiiI icmek ^ind lEJiiion Lg □nomiDHliile [knDjTEi id 
pmdui^ and leckBDlogy. nnd Ennbti induili} and publir tafiiy GignDUDlmi] i l£i 
lEiHi qunblL In emEiuini; and uafm-VB vilely imuei 

Aid (od-^iefkc i'F iiii^ mcriii und -.u(c-^ iiT iki* i>i»iii, Congi?^! viieI, eid- 
phn^ufd 3 p iL^EitJiCL Fni itliijici: upi'n i'gIufii.ii} ubiy ^laadnidi m ibE Cim- 
luniGr FndiKl Subi, Ati Sti'yim Vfkl hhT Lb? Acl pn<VKLEi 'ThE '. HlInlll■-^HUl -.bjill 
ie]> upon iihluBiuiy 4ub-.iibei pndiKL ^ILiv -landnrli raikET ikuD •lomiJ^ii: □ 
EDmuniGr priFlirl albly lUmdaid pitHnkinR icguiiciDGBii dEuntiil ib mb-^MiDD 
far nbcHMir [GBplinBix wiik iirh vciliniCir, iiaDdnid^ ndul] cIudiudie or ade- 
i]UiiE]> mlivf lh« nik dE Ikjiii} nhiEiKd und II ii lih'ly ikm ikEic •/-iP If lub- 


lUmlinL [um pi Em IK 'vilh iiiEh idunCii} iCuiiliiiil i." Thf I'DI]1C^1II^ iinHbiil lyiUm 

Ai omc af llic In igc^i iumdiiid ih'V'clDpiD^Di DiBmcalicm i" ikc idrld. m awr 
pimid (c hnvr Aai'^l n^ ibc putli^luT uE lb? <Dy o^Ely ^umdnid Th? (uinzB* iIiihI- 
□id, AST^ FK^UT Cgd^uiiiei Sat'i> Sperifmiii^D ia Toy Sat i>, ii iiader (on iOitiI 
lEvif ^, and a wevnrd ^nd updnHzd vmna oTlhe h>y mlely ^Uiiukiid -/-ai putliilial 
□I III? br^DDing of bil idgbiIi The iciiiEd SCmdnril cuiiUiidi imporCml new puivi- 
umii (D nlliEii [erEam lyp?^ ol boiDidoui nia^L^ls individiially \t hi □ 4UBpLai<ni 
m 4Dy^ IT cmFl uli milliard fur iliildirn liihiD !! <n I! ,tDr-. 'ii qir FiLdiirii tia- 
□ibIii^ lub mmii^l'^ at kov? parli ^if k? irqiiind Ig ini'luil: olcly Infc^LiBg od 
lb«lr piKkii|jiii|^ jnd m iirticmD^ Tbc tibclinq itnll iGBinri ni n miDiniiiB, ikE IbV 
loiving h-^l or I'qiiiviileDi ikni (Icnrly [om iiiiiiit.Dlei lo pnirai^ 

'WAPNir^O: Tbii piEdivl cdiiCiib^ !□! imall mn^rbij S^nLlmol nmgBEli cud 
■In]!: UigEllifr □cmii inK^ilii?^ i^uiiBg kfidiii mlecUiB^ niid itiilb. Srd: ibid?- 
dinl? iiiciIkdI □<!? dikid if mn^ell iJ hie i^nlLo^cd it ibIiiiIe] ' 

TliE ^Cindiiid qLid iidili?^M" Ih? pdIcdieiI br kLkiie of nm^puli dunnc ichkib- 
□bLy InicdiciiklE uv or □ku'"'' dT Ig>i UiidEr ikE nf/- icnndnid, loyi ihoulii noi llb- 
?[ii<E niDDii?<i dunajr ii^ nr^buK 

A^fT'l (omBond^ ike Eilbin oE ikc ^fn^f i^ W'oik Qniiip in drvciopin/t a iUibiI- 
□id ill mn^EL- in luy* in lETDid Iib? Tb? ASTM SiibiGBTn Llin: od Toyi □ppiC'iTd 
lb? lUmdnril m p ublLihEd , ivLlh Ih? idiciiL •bai. ikE Sul^oma Kle^^^ bl^ipkeli ^oit. 
Qimip nduU (ODiriif lo Eidimic ikc pol?Bual boiDidi ^nil ikc idndnid, icTltiiiiij 
il, if H'EdEd. Dur ike iic[< >tar. Id sddlLiDn CF5C li <bii jei> dii> coniliiEiliig □ 
Ibiimi ^1 <bE ngTHy litadqiui'loi i ib BELb?-dii, ^D Id ediHDl? ridiiili) on Ibe iieiv 
mngkel ilnHliiid. 

III uddllion <o ike deiiDTi ]f?4 iItiiIkib^ pirKiibel by Ihr loy iiilei> ^iniidDidi, 
ni an ubciiiicn mm* lubBil Ihen loy pndiKl' lor l?'iln|j lo iBlire or fliBianie po- 
l?Bual knr^udi duiiDs iidiiddI uie or icH'^iBibly tm-^'iiib le nbuie comlliuDi ThfK 
iBcliKlf, km HIT H>l limiied lo, (eilmg nMiuinBcnii nddm^Lnp idkIidiikdI elec- 
Im^l, IbeiBDl hhI nkeniiiiiil knrnidi For rmiiipt mimjr ■Ti\olvn ^Liniibled iix- 
□nilabiiK (eili, le^ilng br □Kriiikle ihnrp pmali ^nd nipi imnll parti, pinjee- 
lilei. kenvy meUil^ ib pniBl and Dlb?r inrDre laalmg^ UnaniDbllily, loiiclly, hhI 
Ejeii iiDi^e Icit:I [ciIihIlodi 

^Qny ID3TI ullii Lu^E^, i:if?4iiiry buyer okei, ban lb?lr i-z-n Ln-houK Uilmg tib- 
omUiii?^ vif bi 'iic^U'd ?h>ii|jb <u cd^uie ikm prxliKli meet iinndDidi rr<i m&iy 
Tkoie ^ilhoui -sILiy &hlIIiki on iiii: •in: inilepeiiilen I L?'iiii^ blniralonei Mudii- 
bHliii?ri pndiriBjr 1^?^ ojei'^eni Ifil lb?B knEiiE ^lllppiIlR iind <lien lumpl: pm- 
diiclHn bii Q|p]B OH? ikcy □mkr im Ibe Ualml Slmei. ilafar irCiitri ilnplnDl? 
Ik» pnxeiion pndirl oidrri 


IB l] MEN 

III ipiie eF icnmrljiblc pripiti^ ■□ mpnijiii^ lb? tablf oE nhillicii m AiTicncn 
Djer In? pnil 4?B<iii>, ckHdna hySny ^Ull fiK? ^iRBlfn^nl riiki. buL <boi? Tuki □■? 
iTi4ully iiBi?lDlEd lo loy^ Tmcirnlly, oFLfD-DidLdnble Lnjiiri?i <□!:? lb? Iivi:i hiI moni 
Ibnii 1 oui oTeirry lUiUU (hiLliEn m lb? llDlL?d Sll1<e^ □■■imlly Tbii iHliidei im- 
bmtt ikni ilie b?lDiE Ibeir linl brlbdny ■□ itio<l<i \Ehiil^ iKHHtaii and iiiiid> »ho 
ilioivD IB kilhluki Heic nie lb? dnUi lebKiiip lo pnnmi} ca\iie- oElhe ileDlh oFibil- 
dicii iiDDiially ■□ lb? Umlfd Smiei 

■Mn d *Ai|nBrilai4MitBi|' 












EaWilED mtlUt. mnHiil laai FW CHILDI^EN LHKR Ki Ki-Cankrml 
■Mn d *Ai|nBrilai4MitBi| 

lUd m 

'buD ■■■oil iTilDl ri'i Isll IDi rnt1riE:ii. bil ^k-HT. mi llHlir roipiii II ur. Iiic rnbmil 
riti^riD ul hE IE! lEiE (tiilEli tiipKI bibi k.kd mill aiil Oi binirllEl'il ■inHtCtilTii ■□■ nl 

ctii bb mbi nri hci iiu rciiL 

CP9^'i □□■iinL icfOiT ridii^lri Ibal if lifKEn c4nDni4n]]> uicil kDuicliold pndirli, 
lG>i kixL □■□02 Ibf Imv^i DiiBber if \ncwSeniei dF ■djiuki □nil dsiLbi ^llliGif;li 
lluzn] ^it riil.1 aiiiiFiialal ^iik inmc K]>i, llie> □■? ilmrly VEr> udiiII by irmi pariion 
^Ib G<hEi prxLiKli The miiiiL mw uT ( h ikLicn' i 4baik^ irliitEil <d iDyi ^quIi] k] 
□loiU Ibf <□■< D^ ikc mH] Gf luiiLiJc InrchikLiEn undEi lU, vkKh n ?iliEm?ly mic' 
Of oiiTH] □nuSunIi 'illl hciit. ^nd »c icikI gurkly mill vi^niiiily 'vb«'B imy pn:- 
Hrn r,F Ill-Tin tI^ «iiieij^- ictilmR Ig gut piodui^ 

U Dbrliiiml^Ly. niGdin QKCiiLiDn CDnLiniKi h> Ibtiii ua Ihe imnll riiki nmFiinwd 

^Ib Icyi ivklle kibl^ vei} big mki icmam uuiddmH'd Id □ ■vdil wkEic pnixp- 
lion li imlily, ^Ii^ie mum IbrBDuna gEIgd driLG^ MMceplicn, hhI ^Hcie h:'v icni} 
□ml uiKrrCiiB boiDidi ici^lh ^xL^ipiEnd □(liiDiKiD. il i^ no omiilcr Ibnl polky 
ninlif n □nd poiciili bcli coiilf il br imdEr^miidiiiB Dad niiinii|jiiig rhiUiciil iiiki 

mil, iikH n^ nyi. □! Ilie f ipcBK oT^llKnIiBp lb?B Eirir>?B4]> Id ninlif rkiblml 
livEi ■oiiiimbly eiIei. 

cpsCb ^ti\ l tvncriDfi 

CPSC'i ■iiiiDn 11 o pnil«i fhilliEii hhI l□■ille^ 4q|1lTl^l □> UBicaioiuililr nib 
dE mjuiy hhI 4balb Iidiii niGn] •bam ilUW <>'p^i oE (on -uiiii.? •^>]lKl^ riiini ii ^de 
iT-nj- 4if prxLiKl knr^udi Tkeir ^[<ik hIIieiiim ron lumif pr>iiKl kmsid- <}iiihiiRb 

□ Haniew/uit. of mniublfiiy pndiir^ uili:i> lUiBdiiiili ^hciE npiiiDprDlo GBiniKt'incn L 
IB lb? idLunoii} or timiemi'ii iimutud- kiUd^ pmti'n [om p IdIidii uE (od:iiiiil7 id- 
juy dnOi, Liiimiur gE witly aii»]?LiBEi iBlofiiiiiiKiD and Ediirnii^D picamnii Ig 
piDtvlLL^Iy mod rijiiri?!, una piodui iciiilLi amd ighetUve □ciiuai •/-hta kcc- 

In 0JIII&, CfSC (Gmplrlol -IT I pmdui leinlli iDvdLiiig ii«a[l> iV^ niillimi pndifl 
unili •bat Gllber viGlDud mniidiilon lUmdnidi 11 piE-iiDhMl d poh^linl mk gE id- 
juy l£i ikE public and n^polmud civil pEimliEi gi iippioiiiiiiifc]> SZ^ iiiiIIkid. ]□ 
□ddilicoi, lb« CPPC OBplkmcc icnlT bni CGB4iBiiEd m nzEliiE 11-. P^cailcr PGpGrlmg 
^IcdEl UD pIciDGBUd in 'JUIQ hhI uiEd ky Iw/d hhT ikE nalion 1 lnqiv^l muLlEn Thii 
piDvidui addiirninl iGBptiiBl daca Ibi ci^uhikid by ikc 1U1IE, ^hHh -.uppk'Bcii li 
in on lib c I III? I nad (on-uniLr icpDi-|iB|j 

fa CBLTBOU- numbr ^md i:uki> gE ccoiiiim^r picducli hie dL^M^wl, mnDiiEii!- 
luiEd, LmpGiUd mid wkl m Ihe Unilwl Scaler TbGiioindi dFiieiv my picducii nlione 
□m (UMind bi ale in Ihe L'iii4Ed SUiiei, iimKy hnlE dF ^hub awi lold m Juil IbG 
lull gunrler of Ihe ya< ^■> |^\^M-BBeDuil lyihMD uT lUmdnidi or kiUa^ br lub 

□ Luil mmibei gEigbiubci picdiicli could heitt cof? ^Ib Ihe ikeEi \oliiBe Tbnl 
11 fky our plumllilic iviIgb oI omciiiiii ^Landnidi bsi ^C'lki'd 10 'UKeiiTiilly Ig 
pimnoh: pio-pL^ni> □■d 40d-iiiiiei eiIliBkIil^ ivbilc imiinB)^ Hitiiv m Amenis 
Cddiuiiil? picduci iGBpaDiei hIid iccG|(niJE Ihe luIuc rS ic-poniible cujibiIlit ^id- 
litm IG □ddlE-^ pnlhirBi gEibJihih GrmLiuic Ihnl ninv ladEuic .1 piDblcm ^iik ibeir 
pinduii Tbii nkrlimi ofcihiiiIi Ibi idgiI of <bE puidui miiilli ccoiducUd :■ 4g- 
GpeinUiB w/ilb <bE CDm miiiiDn 

The CPSC diei n iriy elhliLC |i>b ^iik n ictilLirly mcdcil budgel Vfc bebc^E 
Ibal diEirkiilutI nqiieilGlS<i:!.£iUlHHJ Fdi fi'ciil >EDr AJUU ibiHil] be sniDhd. We 
CLOD mend Ihe Cgbidliikid and 111 hnid-'i'GrkiBri ^I^D' dr Ibeir lucieiiciil iKirk od 
behnlEGl Ihe Amoman pub Ik, nod •/-< kiiliELe Ihal 4hciE mc ^nyi Ibc CoiiiBmiciD 
CUD kHGmE ejED mmt nBI'4il\c nad cITichBi TDWiiid Ihnl end ] ^Duld liks Ig dUit 
Ibe blloMng lEcum niEndiiiKiDi 

Colli/banllur lirfarmaliv/i and Edueil\iwi Programw 

W\TiI, ■« luppDi-l dyaniiiK beiv pnrliienh ipi bHivecn lUiliehGblEii nad Ibe Com- 
mliiKiB 10 |ii[<niG(E albly and eiIe igdiuiiici piiKlicEi. Coniimier laEimiiilLon hhI 
edirniKiB dcEi iig4 lubiUiiile Inr Ihe eihwIiuI lc^pl'nMkl]Lly dE ■□■ufirliiiEi 1 Ig 
niDvide ihIe pindiHii km lI cub kelp wilb n IrniRi p^icEnCiRe of ociidEDl^ duE Ici 
iBpiDpETor liicifGB ilbl? coadu I ur Eicl. dF mpi^rvi'KD uTBinriii. TkE CciniBimGn 


II fully niUbDiiral l£i cabnrk im luk piDgiiiBi, tul EncDuiii^cni^Bl □ad □ddiliDTiDl 
Fimdiap limii Cnni^mi ^kmld be piDvxIfd ■ 

Cmlrnzinl lnL-a/iTmc/il ^n Cc'iwe"i\it Snfclj Sla^^a^•i^ and Aill^ilrci 
Secoail. ^E ^uppDil iliE CoBTnliuml iDvdi^iiiEn I id pnYnH] lUmdnnl i mlviik' 

□ 1 aiiib>rii<d \m Ibe cutipbI lUilulf Thf v: icnndDidi □■? ibe biilvarl. dF dui □□- 
li[<nD] And cm iDKruiiuiuil albly ^>ilfiii. hhI ikc Corn miiiiDii pkiy^ an lapor- 
Cml mie \m fiawHimg igbidcbIi mill picpoinLi ' ElG»nT:r. ^e krlieiv Ib^i Cduibii- 
aon nerdi o bcl»r ■□■n^ □ml lupcrvi^? i<i ibUibdL pnxcii. pnrliriiliii ]y lOdT 
lapul o iCuiiIdiiIi oipnuDiKiB^ Ig EnmiE im npforliiBlly bi piiblii (DiriBEnl □□d 
IG pn^EDi piopDuLi ^hHb lock KcbaKnl nif n< it Dlb^nviv? cqdiigI bE Jiiilil»?d ai 
IbdEinL lUmdnnl I. Tkli ii ivliy n? ^iipparl ibe Cditiiiiiiiidii' i ^UiKd ^imlG^ ^nil 
IG impiGVE ibe qimlily uT CPSC'i ihCi nolbilifiD IbiDiigb ^SJtJf ky lapniMBg <1ie ac- 
niuacy (GDiiilency □ml (ompkKBEii il lbc^S^^a. 

Cmlrnfinl Et/O'lM la Enga//! aiiil Eil\iiale HT/iall IHnmilac'UTt 

Thiid, IbeiE ii □ hec] bi bEll?r sunbmnE □ml alimnii^D Inmi Ihr Conmiliiimi aa 
lb? im p IciDf Duiii^D qF <1ie Serlvii l5 SiikiCinli^l FnxLirl Horrid PEpDiliBg pinvi- 
umii. j] QDii&iciiiicri ^Ib dEpOiliir piodui^ Ibnl cduIiI (ichie ^iikiOm Iml pndii:! 
b^iDiili QIC nbliRtd \ii lEport <d Ihr CmTiBi]ii[<ii amd IF beeiIeiI, Ig CikE iGnEclivr 
□ciKiD iHliiliBjr nc^lli Hd^ejet. ike \n-/- □nd ini plEin^BUBp nfpilnlioDi hie vngir 
□□d □■blgucm ]l Ik dlDkuU bi □iddiiEu' liners. ?ipe(uil]y unnll bu^lnE'^Ei, Ig de- 
lennlii? ^f □ lEpGilmg □nd comdii? nrlirai i^ h.Ti'd^ai^ ^VC ^upfGir the Coiiibii- 
aon'i rDbrti m (Innly ^nkmcc on lEPGrliiiB □■d pcn^]i> cob puUilvii ky iiiiiaii^r 
gE guHtlinEi, »bi[k mi? iiib|ei'< m piur piibli'DmB, (Grnaeni amd wiMtt/ fwiur Ig 

□ dof IKIB.' 

A Slraiig Roll iir Selling anil Enfafng Sa/elf Slallda^•l^ m a Globai Etaiciy 

FGiirIb ■□ n flbka] a'lxhmy di: m'U' <}ic iiti pi'iiDBC? HiTlbc SRVxy . iniirn^Lu'n^] 
co^ia^mi.*! lo EDiiiic j^LiKi? iBpi'ii (GmflLtnc »i<}i Li^ -sILiy .IHBd^iiil. i^hI 
b^jBDnuniriB gI lUmd^iidi ihh pioiDiilc df-iir 'ipporliiDiLici fir AmLiujD bu^iriLiv?^ 
□nd ikc climinDiHUi iJ miB-iiinll Lmd" bDirxT-. CFST b^i CBli^rd riiHi Mgbuiud- 
dunii oE L'iidEr-.iiindLiig 1^1 DU J iviLb □ nLiiiiki''r oE Frocgn ^vcmniGBii Ic pmiidi: br 

□ ^Enui e'l'hDB^ oE lalbfiiiDiKiD lE^idmir con iimiEr pndii: I mlnv '^c iidI? by 
lb? end oT^UUH, CFS^ ^'pcrii Ig bsi? MOL'i ~ilh IT ^GiiaUifi Tlifv sUviU:^ 
□I? bETDnnnR im'n'.iMBgLv ibgdiUib* ■□ beLpiop <d cmuic igdiiiIedi bsi^id-bnvd, 
h^jBDniJEd irkib^l -slely -L□^dl1^]^ 

Enaliig l/rgnialarf Framniorl/ .- Effczlii.1, Bui Vorr Jb'i^irrii at l^rci/d 

F\ma\iy, ■« bElKVE lli^l IIie ciiilmg □uiboiKy gmBlcd <d ibE C did mliimii iiader 
lb? CDnimncr PiodiiEi ?t]l«y Aii niid irbiUd Acli, iG^lber »iib fiiiirig lapl?- 
mealiBg irgulniKiD^ ait tunwiient br ibr CFSC Ig eimite ill bi^^lgii Id □■ filbi!- 
ILLT iD^i]n?r Thr CfSC doei nol bicl: Ibe nK|LiMiic □uiboi]4y lo impleiDCDi fully ii^ 
CDHDiciiiDii^l ni3iidiiU 'Ig pi[<l»:l lb? piibliE jaainil imim via able ntti oEibJlh} □'- 
ucDlol t/ilh coniuiDfr piEdirli Hgtieitt iI m|LiLnM ^]?aii.'r ituhiin?-. lo lapl?- 
nicBl iLrh □ulbGnly. PKcnily Ih? Coniimifr FEdEiniuD dT America fiHucd Ibsl ibi^ 
M lb? BDil imfGrCml ofIiei] ikni CDi]g[?ii (□■ UikE ^VC qtirc ikni rimdln^ i^ hee- 
?iH]iy Ig miLiiE ^l□I^LI]g kjEl^ ni? man] diked and bikomuii} ?qLiipB?Di li li?pl up 
Ig d^u 

Tb^ak yiu. fur pinvidinD id? ibE GppGrlLiDily Ig (eiIiI> Tbr ComniliuH i^ □□ Im- 
pEiUiBl agency □■d •//•: fiilly mpMHi ili idiiikid. 1 1 cud □nd ibGull, b^v? Ibi: limdiiiD 
□nd lEiDLnrci il keedi Ig ?ElEi'livELy rimclHn □nd "ie kat. biYinid Id ndiking mlE 
lb? CgbidiIIgc Id ibi^ ?iid 

' C i^W hsH bncM LBcnxmnf I7 rffzcbiqc xb uiu^ v kcim nic omiH xod vid>xiic l T^e cnH l^ha 
Df^wwn^LjF.pniT unL < aJixacc^f hlf u Ihzar "a^Iml*: Uma r^iLj]lrJ an m npii jimwlh tnin 
lAT—n •ml- IB IVlT n 'Idl iKtiiEcicl u Ic xIhoiI tf' miEbin -liilf h; IIf: cad alike n,i, 
Pind un ixFr^" inFar^d lun 3f aocicH iiBflt Av^ikbk di ^pAMii^ABd *bhcr ^i^nmncA la xiUalnii 
aulitich ■EliriLiH lucli X- iIfi .U e ■) Kd f lud d lap: I- "Ei-ajl: nlkbDialirc eSiflf — iik l^]MA 
a nj pt^lr inbred ixm rJi^xi»a lAiLuiLhCH^ilh -^'C]Oh xod nivFLrirK bavr r^iiJlrJ im iazwrMA- 
laflt EjTnzirrr ca^mvnn Ixm aIiglji Htt ii nj ^ rli*n rTt*ii*3 i4r LaxAidF- diiailci pre pAvrdoc if- 
hftxa rdHXKnrixLEd wilIl r^cnalnnxlTrliirt^ pfDbrivr iHliJa^ hxfei^ nr: Fiapiir^ jniunpr^vro- 
lun Jb*l dra^Miafl riikHaod b^^L m iclual rxtn proHTimi 

-'C flC ba I w*rkni viaih FixLrhbUcii id dEvrLbp rJTrciLvc canic aiu^ HlanLkvd f DunptiiBH Mjr- 
p*»x laiair^ ID lirrE a ma mA^r TDhiaiai^ iLanJaidhai oianlxuTr Fixoda rdn (t^Ffl^ ^hilhIciI in 
camptiii^ Aod Jr'ELapiafl Ijj VDltimxi^ r^ti." iiani^rdF wkik iFKUiBfi fn mxadalDi-r Fixod- 
arli fniH iTHh ihriink dHKU 

a>idEixl IciiiiEi Val 7L Ni Hi ^w- In'm-Jjlil xod pripmd iBiEipitiiFE mk tcd- 


ScnaCor Dupbin Mi KcilJily, yoai [faciinonj Tvc read over Icada 
one U> believe that cxIcriBivc teatiTig lahe& place before [ojb are put 
on sheli'es in Amcriisn idail eEtabliEhnienlB 

Ml Keeteiev Yea, sir. 

SeEiaoir Di-iEirr. So jou'rc sajinE liiat [he Djy& that we're dia- 
cuBBiTig thia mnming ii'cic Izalzd through ihc proceaa thac yE>u've 

Ml Keltiiev Yea, sir. 

SenaHor Di'HEirr. And so can von explain to me ha<\ a Thomas 
the Tank train eoiild have lead paint on it and be sold in die 
UniEed Slater when we have known lor decades thaclead ingested 
hy Ezhildien la a Elanger'' 

Me Keiitiiev No, an Ican't explain it, and iCahoiild ni>t happen, 
and there needa U> be mnEiatent canalanC monilming and enforce- 
ment of compliance af these BlaniiardB 

SenaHor Di'HEiEr. What ahauC [hese any rsie eailh magnela 
whiEzh turned out la be ao dangcri>na far Mb Henrj'a Eon and Far 
Kenneth Sweet and bo inan> nthera^ Are you telling ub that joiir 
induBtT) le&ted uliisc magnets ahead of time and cnviaioned the 
pcsBibility that they would be inaested and still included them in 
pinduclB Bold in the United Scacea" 

Mr Keiitiei.v Sii , I donY believe anjbcdy enviBioned the pEiGEi- 
bihty [hat thej would be ingealcd,and when the induElrj learned, 
and, psi Uculsi ly, the company learned that nhia problem and haz- 
ard, diat'B when the mduBtrj moved quickly 

SenaHor DurniN So let mcsBlijoiL \tai\ quickly yau moved Since 
we learned that in April £0tl4 we had the firaC report oi danger to 
children; and it waan't until Maf £006 that there waa a iccall, do 
yauconBidei [haCa quick reapmiBe bj jour induany? 

Mr Keiichi.y Well, Bir, nhe alaniiard preparation practice here or 
ByaEem was set m motion in Februarj I believe of 2006, and abi>uC 
I4 montha later the standard was laaued. 

SenaOir Dupijih And how man> of theae tc^B were sold m that 
l4-month peiicdof dme while joii were woiking up Co arecallP 

Mr Keethi.^ I dEHi't know, bii I could Qy and Eletermme that 
for you 

ScnaHor De;pbin Dojon underEtand that sb the> were being BiJd 
with theae dangeioua magneia you were endangering the life of 
children with these toya^ 

Mr Kfitklv. Well, &ii, I think that— I don't know that we were 
endangering the livea of children I think that aii\y the induady 
cares and the induBtrj needa to and has conaiatently worked ti> 
waid tc^ aafe^ 

Senator Dupijin I don't undciatand thaC If you weie arguing 
thac theae tc^H were not eniiangering the lii'ea of children, [hen 
you're defying all the evidence we ha^e chat theae magneia, and 
thiE la a biand neii' vcrBion of the toy which iE a liEdeaafer I might 
aEid, buC in itn original veraion these dn> lit:tle magnets could pop 
out. Lee me a&k jou. I don't know if >i>u're a parent or whether you 
ha^eamall chiliuen 

Mr Keeteiev lam^yet 

Senanor Dubbed. Do you conaider it an unreaaonable likelihccd 
that a child seeing a tiny liUlJe magnet would awalli>w il? 


Mi KEcrHLV Well, a small child ya, air That's why thor iDys 
BTC JiDt sold forsmBl] childicn at bII 

Scnanor Di'rniN So what age group 31 c [hey sold far? 

Me Keiieilv Above there 

SenaOir Dlpuin Above three So yiiu'ie aayiiis diat childien 
above three would not awalloii' these thin^ 

Mi Keeiiiev. Well, Bit, I dan'l: know if that's the ri^ht Blandard 
01 nE>t Thealsndsid is being eondniially analyzed 

Senator Duhbe" Thalia ii'hj ii'hen jou testifj about this exten- 
sive [eating and all the diFerent things that are done on the toys, 
and then I aak youaome baaie queEdona about lead pai nt and awal- 
lowing magnelH, I'm afraid iI^b not 3 confldenee builEler that >our 
testing la really piotectm^ me Now, let me ash >ou about Chma 
If one-hair of the picducia being mveati^ated by the Cbnaumer 
Pioduct Safely CommiaBion come from China, do joii paj apecial 
attendrai m yom induatiy la loya that aie foming in from China? 
Have you been foieii'amed that there are Bome pioblema^ 

Mi Keetki.v We ilo indeed, and, in ^t, everj year loi the paat 
11 >eara and coming up a»ain next month we ha^e heated toj aafc- 
ty Blandaid aeminara foe Chinese manufacturing operstionE^and 
we have invited and made pioi'ision ioi participation b> the CPSC 
in thooe aeminai'a 

Senator DunniN How would you deEciibe the level of cooperation 
and compliance b> Chinese manu^tuiei& with what jou conaider 
to be normal aaTelj alandaidB for tc^& Bold in America^ 

Mi Kuitiily I believe it'a gotten veij scod, bii Hialakea are 
made From time to time, but, aa was testified earliei, most of the 
Bafelj teating laboratonea that aic headquaitei ed here m the 
United Siatea haiT a huge staff m China to make Euie that theie 
la compliance 

Senator Dupi^iii Yi>u Baid miBlakea were made. la iJiis one of the 
m IS takes? 

Mi Krithe y I don't know, sir Mistakes were made appaientlj 
in the lead and paint ai luadiBi , but Fm not auie diat — that picduct 
waB mcst likel) made before the alandaid was esoUiahed, before 
It was learned what the hazard waa 

Senator Di'iniv Congressman Rush 

Mi Rurh Hs. Cijwles, we onlj hai'ea fcii' momenlH J juat want 
to aak you in jour testimony you mentioned the weak-kneed re- 

Ma Co^'i.FS. The oiigmal Hagnetix iei:all,a[id I ajain ha^e been 
woiking on this issue aince MM, waa leallj one of the weakest le- 
calla I had e^ei seen It baBicall> did not require that the prcducia 
be laken off the shelves, and bo while there was no indication i>n 
the packaging, what the diffeience was was the one >ou bought ibi 
March 29 versus the one that was sdll on the ahelf on March 31, 
there waa no appaient iliffeience One waa ao-called leialled and 
the other waant, and yet if you went to the webaite of the com- 

5an> the> ilon't even call it a recall. They basically aaid, "If vim 
ought this and you're uncomfbilable with it in jour house, Kel 
free to letuin it for a leplacement item " The> nevei mentioned the 
safely hazaid. They really did not ^et acrcss to paienis the veij 
severe injuiy Ms. Heniy heiecan attest to. 


ThiB IE 3 hocriric injurj ma yaun^ child, and that danger did not 

come acrcas iiam the iccall apecifically hecause of the ncEotiating 
thaD CPSC has [□ do Ed a^ anjuhing about a pccduct even when 
I [.'a isuao] a drsEh. 

Ml RurtH. So are ynu aaying then [hat there are diffcicnC types 
of LwallB^ 

Ma Co^'1.11. Bosiise each one la negotiaEed winli 3 company and 
whoever iheii lawjei la, and [he lariguagc, you reCa wide variety 
¥qu get companies that comply Triej ii'ant the dangci& Co he 
knimn They peat it on then wehsiCe. Thej do a ei'psc job Oi you 
Eet aomeone like [his or the ATV. There i^aa a recall last week of 
children's ATV [hat [he CPSC aaya la honcndously dangetoua, and 
yet hecauBe the>'ie foieign they said they can't da an j thine about 
It, BD [here's not e^ en a leiall 

We should not be ao dependent on [he saod giaces of the cmnpa- 
nies ii'ho make the daneerouB prnducls to begin with The CrSC 
needs to have the power odaiC 

Mr RuaH And [hen like notjcet for a iei:all. Can >ou explain 
from your perspective 

Ma Co*LEB The only lequircment [hat CPSC has ib diaC the 
company puCout in[h them a preaa release th a c announces [he le- 
call Again, they ma> negotia[e more with dillerent companies Tve 
been suiprLsed to leam over the paac Jew jeais that in fact relail- 
ers aren t even notified neceaaaiily ahout a lecall Sometimes I\e 
had people from Amazon tell me diey learn oi the recall the same 
way i do. Thej open the web page m the moiniuE and look to sec 
whac was recalled the night hefoie That's simply wiong There has 
to be moie done than simpl> a piess release if it's not a big news 
day, no one's going [o hear it abouC 9o iic think [hat more neofa 
to be done 

Again, these mamilacluiers know how [o reach us la sell ua a 
pioduct They need [o use same technique to reach lu when a prod- 
uct proves dangerous 

Mr RuiK Mr Keithly, how can youi asscciadon addiess and 
help strengthen [he recall mechanisms thac w e depend on '^ 

Mr Keithi.^ We can be doing this heic (n fact, we helped pub- 
licise informa[ion about the neii' — I beliei'e [heie's new Illinois Law, 
and we helped publicize information ahout chat [o the relailers We 
work hard Id try and get [he mlormation ouC We want our chil- 

Mr El"!k But whaCabout the negodaDon? How do>ou as an in- 
duaOy or an aaacciation, do you [hink that you ha^e a right to ne- 
gotiate the notice of recall, the press releaaes from the Consumer 
Pioduct Saielj Commission? 

Mr Keiteiev Well, sir, '^egona[ion" sounds as li it's crying [o le- 
lieve a company of liabilin when in face J think what is going on 
IB Id ^isure that safely information geia ouc there wi[houC simplj 
condemning a companj foi a product simpl> on the basis oi an ac- 
cusation ia[hei than pioven 

Mr Rush If it's not acciisa[ion , what would a recall he based on 

Mr KuiTiiiY Well, itcerlamly would he based on pioven hazard 

Mr Rl'sh. Proven hazard And so >ou think that > our agency or 
your associa[ion and your membeiahip should ha^e [he authorilj 


and the nghcand ihc paii'ci lo ncgoDflte notice of tccalla, prcoB rc- 
Icaaca ihat go out lo the American public 

Ml Keithlv Nd Nd Wc don't cre^e^ in ncEotiaticina. 

Me Blvh Iconlnnui n^ |. And iitBiBt on it 

Ml Keiieiiv Wc don'lcn^aE^ in ncEi>tiation&. 

Ml EiTaii. Don't >ou inai&lon il? 

Mi Keith lv. Do iic insiatan die rL^ht to ncgoDflnan^ 

Mi Rl'ik Dnn't you insist on mllaboianion and agiccmcnt in the 
issuance of press leleasca and on noUcca of iccall that the CPSC 

Mi Krithi.v Well, sir, we want ia be sure nhat juEdcc k done 
in all icspccla 

Mi E[j'!h[ You don't ihink thac the CFSG La accounlable la the 
Ameiican public much moic sa iJian iJie membeis of >oui assccia- 

Mi KEriEiLV. Well, sii, I dan'c know if thej'ie marc accounlable 
than membcia of oui asscciaOon 

Mi Rush Don't they ha^e the leeal auchoiity — don't the Amei- 
ican people depend an the CPSC [q piocect ic m the iinal analyaiH? 

Mi KsirHLV. Yea, and 1 think they depend on oui companies to 
piDtect than too, and thej can depend on our companica 

SenaHor Dl'hp[>. Congicasman Ruah, thank jou for >oui paidci- 
paUon in this hcaiing, >our IcaderEhip m Washingtan ii'oihin^ an 
the Drganizanan , n'oikin^ on the corporation &ide, and I thank this 
panel for joinm! ub tcday 

I'm Borry wc don't have moi'e time. He Henrj , thank you I wish 
Deion [he beat and hope everydiiuE tuma out just fine foi him 
after ii'hat he'a been [hrough Ms Cowlea, thank you aa well Dr 
^uinlan, and I would juat like to say we now live in a global econ- 
omj There are pioducis coming m from all ovei [he world. The 
Amei'ican ironaumeis mislakenly asaume thaCif it's on the shelf ic'a 
Ba/e Th^- think their Government La then watchdog, their Govern- 
ment IB Kiing to proCecC them If youSe iLaCencd to the tcadmony 
tcday, the convoluted long-teim proccBS thac jou have to 50 
throush pj lake a dangeious toj that le killing children like this 
Uttle LBj off LJie sheli'ea, >ciu undereland Goveinment's not doing 
lis job 

Now, pait of that has to do with Con^eaE. Republican Congreaa 
are ciawlm^ wilIi apecial Lnteieat gioupa thac aie Ojin^ Dj make 
Buie that they protei:t the people [hat make the pioduclE 

The halls of Congreas aie not ciawlm^ with lepieaen taHvea of 
consumers and familLet acrcaa Ameiica who want Id make sure 
thaC thaC Chi iEtmaE coy dccan't tui n ouC to be a Oagedy for a child 
Uke Deron Heniy, and that le cxacdj whj we end up WLlh lawa 
thac are so weak and convoluted thai when a irompany is making 
a dangeious toy, ihej can drag out the piocess ioi ? jeaiE forcing 
the Consumer Produce Salclj Commission to negotiate eveij word 
of the pieaa lelease that gc^a out Eo wain the public ThalfE the le- 
aliCj of what we face Icday This agency has been doii'nsLied be- 
cauEe thej don't want more cops on the beat in [he induHtrj Thej 
don't want more people watching, and, aa a leault. teiiible things 
cfcur whethei Lt'E peC fcod 01 [oothpaEte or Thomas the Tank nama 
01 magneUc tc^E, un foi tunaEely, conaumeiE had bettei beware 


Many CimcB thcj'rc in a pcaition ii'hcrc thc>'ic biiyins [hingH they 
afiaumc arc Bale, and the Go^ ctnrncnt is not doinE ila job. 

That BlsrlB m[h ua Wc have to change die laii'B in Cott^zi^i, ap- 
proprialcllH money to get it done We ha^e la demand of evctyanc 
who sell to die public that thr> be responEiblc whcEher their com- 
pany IB m [he United Sister m in China nr in any Dthcr place. Wc 
fell doii'n The BjBtcni fell apai't when it came la this toy 

I ii'ant to salulc PatTLCia Callahan who wcote nhe Beiica that 
called my ancninDn n> this tc^ in the Chicago Tribune and urge 
thoBC mvnlved in [he media n> help ub do our job Shine die light 
□n di^ie abuses and put the [CBponsLbilil^ ii'here it belong — elect- 
ed MembeiB ol Con^eat, Pceaidenls, admi niBtrainDnB and people 
who acrvc an theae commiBaiana CongteaBman Rush, would you 
like la make aclcsing Elalcmenl? 

Me Bluii Mi. Chan man, I concuc with your clcem^ ala[emenc 
He Henij, Fd also Eharc my concern and m> iicll wiEhea to you 
and la Deion J apologize J think that the American GoveinmcnC 
has ^iled >ou[ child and millionE of othec children acECEB this Na- 

I intend la ii'oik I'cij, very hard with my colleague Senatot Dui- 
bm to make aure chat iic BlJcnglJien iJiia agency and Elicngilien 
Ila abilnj to ptotect America^ children 1 in[cnd peiaonall> to do 
all iJiat 1 can in Con^ceaE [o make Eurc that iic aOengnhen the 
CFSC bj giving iC moic leBoutcca, b> giving it more authon[j and 
more powet 

1 believe that, again, that the tojB that oui Lnnocent childien 
play with, that thcoe tc^E ahould have the uOnoGt acrutmj before 
thoGC DyjB end up in our homes, bo I concur ii'ith the comments of 
Senator Dutbm I juBt ii'ant you [o know that 1 am committed We 
will Ica^c no Etonc un[umed Itfa a tia^edj, and ic'a ahamcful thac 
the CFSC aE we Eit nghc now dcea noc hai'c a quorum to conduce 
the American public's buaineBE. Phac's totally, to[ally uncalled for 
and unarceplable thaC iic can't ci'cn get a third Commisaionet m 
place la conduct the aflaiiE ol this worth while and impoclsnt agen- 

We intend [q make sure that CFSC no longer ib a bit pla)CF in 
Government, that it becomes not a minoc league plajer but the 
major league plajei in the aflaira of [he Uvea of oui cidzens and 
the safety oi our children. Thank jou very much, and thank jou, 
Hr. Chanman You'i'c c*:hibited line leadership heic, and I cer- 
tainly am proud and honored la be a pait of [hiB 

Sena[or Duinir^. Thanka, Congressman RuEh 

The record mil remain open for quealuinE to be asked of the wit- 


Sena[or Duinir^ I hope that joull help us coopeiaic by making 
a CDDiplcte record 


ThiB meeting EubEcquendy ElandE lecessed. 

I Whereupon, at II 41 am , Mondaj, June IS, the subcommittee 
was receaEcd, to reconiTne subject to the call of [he Chair.] 




SuEf DhiriiTTEi: on FifJiacinL Seivic'efi 

nun G}!M:r ^1. Go V F I N ■! Er4 T, 
Cdmiittef on Api'iioi'ii^rio>4a, 

lVa>ih'/tSlof\. DC 

The flubcommi ncc metal 11 ani in icorn SD— lil^, Dirhscri Sen- 
ate Office BuildiRE. Hon Richard J. Durhin {chaiimani ptcBidinE 
E^icacnf ScnatoiH Durhin and Blown back 
Also present SenaCorB Bill Nelacm, Frjot.and Klohuchat 


SenaHor D up bin CiiKd morning I want n> liiank all of diu wit- 
ncaaea lor bein; here Wc will have CbnBumcr Pinduct Safrlj Com- 
miaaian {CFSCf Acting Chairnian Nancj Notd, who haE been huaily 
involied in ncjodadonfl with Chinese offLCLala^ will be leBtifritiE 

Toda> well be hraiin^ from diree panels Firata panel olmj col- 
Icaguea from the Commerce Comminec, and I welcome my col- 
league from AikansaB, Senator Mark Pivor, as well as Senator Bill 
NelBon I believe Senator Klohuchai will be here Bhottly I believe 
thej^e all — Scnatot Pijor chairs, and thej'ie all memhets of the 
SubccHDmi [lee on Consumei AHaira, which has the authanzmg ]u- 
risdicliciii D^ei the issues that we will discuES tcday. 

After their [esCimonj, these members and other mcmbeis ftom 
Commerce are welcome Co join us at the dais here to ask questions 
This is m the nanure of a jamD hearing, and I hope it will serve 
our needs luleam alat mare abauC this impoclanCiEsue 

We have quite a few impoi'lant wi Oiesses hefoie the panel Eday, 
includin' Consume! E^tcducC Safety Commissioneia, and oulHide 
wiOicBses from the toy mdustrj.Toj Industry Afisocianon, fiom the 
consumer groups and testing organizadons 

We have a lot to covet in a limited amount of time 1 will Oj to 
make mj opening remarks bi ief and Co the point, and hope m> col- 
leagues will do the same 

Mj intetcat m this issue was spaiked when I tcad a Chicago 
Tiibune front-page series just a lew weeks ago It waB written bj 
Patricia Callahan She talked abouC a toy called Ma^etix I knew 
all about nhis toy because I had bought it Ibr m> grandson. He has 
this hu^e bo* of Magnetm Luckily, he's old enough not to he in 



danger. But wc learned in ihaCBcrica, ihaCthe tiny linlctarc caidi 
jTiaEficIs that Icok like little pieces of candy, when bu' all owed or in- 
haled bj tcddlcra or children — ti more nhan one i& inhaled or swal- 
lowed — can lead to seiioiia com plicalnona , requiimg tui'^ry, and ac 
least in one tiagic cbec, i eanl dn g in deanh. 

That teiiea and Dther publications have dccumcnted a real need 
for improvement m diu saTe^ ElandardB m Amenna Our toy saTela 
sysEem i& nat as EOune as it shanld be I can tell >ou thaC Fvc gone 
home — and Tm sure Scna[or Brownback can say [he same — and 
had lamihes with Kddlers came up m me and say, '^'hat is safe 
to huj far ChristmaH^ Far the holidays''" It'a a legitimate qLieadon, 
widi all of [he headlinea about lead painC and magnets, and Iccse 
parla of K^& thaC i^an cause serioua problems 

Fvc mUcduced die Gonsumei Safclj Modcmiiation Act ICSMA), 
and Bhaied ic with mj friend. Senator E^ryor, hccausc he has the 
lesponsihility for wilting the reauthQnza[ion of the ConBumer 
Pioduct Sare[) CommiBBion. I had a field hearing in Chicago, and 
continue with our effort [Dda> 

The Cionsumcr Ftcducc Salclj CommLssion is an agency which, 
manj people m^ not hai'e noted until thi& recent conCTovcrBy^ is 
one [haD fliea beloii' the radar meet of nhc nme But it has an im- 
portant responEibilil^ for the safely of picducla that aie sold in 
Ameiica — nocjust imporlH — huCall producla sold in America 

Tr^ically, the Ckmamncr Pioduct Salcl^ Commission has been 
neglected and underlVuided for years Since iia inception in 1973, 
ila scafling has decreased bj almcet bO percent, going fiom a high 
of 978 full-time employees in IHSO, [o a cunenC loii' of 401 This 
has cccurrcd at a Dme when the volume of producla — just imports, 
not just [hose made in Amei'ica, hut imporla — has increased dra- 

In iy74, the Uni[ed Slates imported aiU4 billion ii'orth of prod- 
ucla In ^IXKi, [hat number ii'as SlS mllion — a 15- Ibid increase in 
that 32 year period of [ime. 

Lci mc Bhow a chaiC here — ihc chart i^ilh ihc biir ji jphiv — iliac 
Ehok^ (he incresEC in I'aluc af U.S iiripDrca The red dais ihaCyou 
□olc hcicarr ihc numbci cif people *-orl[inE at ihc CniiBuiiicr Find- 
ucE Safety CaminLasLDn Ae die valume of ii'oi'k hah increaficd, die 
numbci of people [caponfliblc for the aafcCy of ihc pinduclfi has dc- 

The bcid^eD of lliU CkunnnaaioD U abouC Iiti2 irnllion, iC poBsea 
[hroii'h [hia Bubctmmi cOrc We're E^'fE "> iiciea^c iC, and «'c'cc 
Eoing [o make a dedicated eflbrC In make the ConBumer Prcducc 
Safely Com miBaion a bctlci Coininbsion, winh moie ihb pei:loia, 
marc technical capability, and a hcttci OncV record in lemiB of pro- 
tecnn^ Aiaerman cciiiEiimerB 

In die pa^C? jeaiH, agency aniJTIcvela haiT been leduccd 15 pei- 
cenC The Held division resp'in^iblc foi' ini cs Ci-ations and compli- 
ance — S5 employecB This dccjin i 1j:IL die whole aLory, but a couple 
ofpieCurcH mighc 

The CcinBiimer ProducL Safely Commiasian ha& CHie peioon ic- 
Bponaible for my safely, lis lab la BtaTfed b> ^U tcchnieians and en- 
gineers, hauBcd in a liJ&fb missile Blation. The endre o^mplioncc 
BlsTf h^ 146 inspecEoEB^ 4 lesB dian aC the beginnia^ of the year. 
This Commission is significantly underBtaffed. 


What you arc loakin' at here ib an employee at the ConBumcr 
Product SsTfI) CominiaBicin , 4'hr> \a crapoiiaLblc foe helping m IcsE 
□zys Whaiypu sec ib ilic flcicnU fic i mpacC Irtt on i^hclJicr On-a will 
break up ihr line on the wal[, 4 feci, 5''i [nchca at ihe higher 
level, ? feel ll'.'i inchea at ihe loivci level — Inya are dropped Id bcc 
what EiappenB lo ihem Thai ib die Beiennlic teal dF chc Icya bj the 
CcHiBLinLer Pruducc Salcl^' CmuiaiBsiiHi 


The next pholD Yd hV.e at ahoiv >dli IodIib a loL like iny work 
bench in uij baacmcriC in Sptin'llcld This n die [oj ^afcij tcttin' 
Isb ac [he Cooauincr Produci Soicqi CoinmiBEion. PhU i& mCtlly in- 
adeqiuLEc 1[ is not up n> [he Cuk of building any kind af izanridmcc 
among AmciiiTan ciniaiunci& nhat wr aic real^ ivaUzhin^ duC Ich 

When American familicB 50 men a sIdtc, they expect whalcvcr^ 
on the flhclf u aafe And ycl. if we don'l have cniniEh people, if wc 
don't have enough reaouina, if iic don't have enough technology, 
we are noLmrcling niu 1 eapimsibili 1^ And ihat is poTLO^ th\a hrai- 
ing that wc will diumaa 

Of CQiuBe, at poElB of en ny. cncTmQU& qnantideB of products aie 
coming in — noD jiut toy^^ but all sonn of diflcrrnt pinducls This 
ConEumcr PrcducE SaTrlj CommiEsion has juTudicdon W3> beyond 
[cy&, when >au consider all of the possible diin^s that thcj conld 
be Icoking at, you cm imagine nhc -oLumr thac thrj have ta deal 

In the area of southern California, ai'ound Long Beach, ii'g my 
undeistandin g thai thej hate six mspectoEE on call — six — who aic 
BenLfioin time m time to diffecen d places to look at impoila. 

We half to change this ComniiBsiiBi and the work that iC dees 
SenatoE Pr}or is goin^ m he leading thac efforc on tcau th urizaaon . 
We ha^e to reduce the amounl of dmc that a company haB to re- 
Bpond m informadon — ftom 3U da^-s co I& or even ahortcr We need 
to increaee the maximum line, bo thac the CommisBiun con iBBur 
Buch a line to a firm that violates the law, and it haB to he a Fine 
that caOrhes nhe attention of mul H-m illion dolliu companj^. Wr 
need to expand to make it a en me to Bell recalled prcduciB 


TKc iBBt thing I want lo mcndon here i& iinpoElB And I had a 
meeting lhi& motmnE i^illi some i cpreBerilali^ ca of the Chmcac 
Go^cinmenl who, [ believe, are in [he audience here, if Tin not 
miacaken The> ii'eie muted in, I hope thej made ic through the 
queue aulaide. But, among [hnee 1 met widi Eday wa& [he vice 
miniatei in charge of A^SI^, which la the Chmeae agency respon- 
sible foi inBpectms praduclB — both feed and non-fccd ptcduclH — 
Mr. Wei Chaunzhon^, and Fm anny if I miBpronounced that We 
had a lengthy meedng He, incidenlall> , laid me that his agencj 
haa aiOpCKJ emplojeea SOjiOU are a&aigned to enpoila. The> have 
IJiOtI lahotaloiiea So, it la hard for me to pi each to them abauC 
dedicating mare reBamcea ta making sure that [he picduclB thaC 
they export ate aafc, when you aee whaC we are dealing with here 
in theUni[ed Sla[e&. 

BuC I can tell jou, thaC whaC we know now gi^ea me concern. Mr 
Chaunzhong lold me that there ib zero tolerance for lead m picd- 
uem erpotted Fiom China Having said that, we know there's lead 
pamt on toya Well hai'e tefl[imonj a little la[er From Mattel and 
from Poja "R" U&, and well hear fiiathand about some of the hi[Ier 
eMpeiiencea thej've had with lead paint on tcya exported From 

We alBO knoii' thaCone in Hit sampled ardclea of childi en 'a jew- 
elry [eated pcaitive foi e'iceBsii'e lead levels. Meet of thcae were 
Chinese impoi la. 

Olhec conlamina[ed picducln liom China ha^e included, thia 
year, pet food — which I know veij well haa caused concern among 
milhona of Ameiican lamiliea aa innc<:ent animala, doga and cats, 
died fiom eonlaminated Iced — D»thpaa[e conlaming anti-liee?e, 
seafood [ei:allB , man} , many more 

Now that Vvc met wi[h ihia delegation rtom China, I think we 
need la follow through We need to make it cleat la thcae in China 
who ate m the export buBineBS, Ameiica will ne^ei compromiBe the 
health and safety of oui consumera and out lamihes Oui stand- 
ards of health and salel^ have to be followed. 

We'ic going [o make ceilain [hat we moiT fotward with the Toj 
InduBtT) Associa[ion and olJiecB represented todaj, to tcy to deal 
with this seaaon'a problems Ab we face a holidaj seaaon where 
tc^B ate a major ptcduc[, families are concerned, companies ate re- 
sponding — It la unLikcIv lha[ Government will be able to do much 
In rcamre confidence But we will leam a bitter lesson from the hol- 
uby B^3son of ^UU7, and I hope we'll apply that lesson la paaaing 
new authoriza[iDn m ^OUfl ioi this Commission, putting moic ic- 
SDurcet in this Commission, and lestoimg iJie confidence of ^mi- 
llet acrcss America 

Let me turn it over Id nty ranking membra', 3cnalor Brownback 
of Kansas. 

STArEhis>4T or acn^roi SAhi mow n sack 

Sena[or Bhowhhack Thank you I'eij much, Mr Chairman. I ap- 
pieciate >ou holding this heating, and appieciate these that are 
here to testify J Icok forwaid to a gcod exchange and a gccd dia- 

Cansumer Product Recalls of Imported Goads 


Dlib liMn Mflu mb 4«i Cii^ ^TM LriBl riH OlH' 

I inHi'i rcco^ci — o[ I *-on'L dsi'tr, aiiiJiri — iln: qjnie aiiLiaLiLfl, hut 
I do tianir to puE up aa inidal chare. iHnifiii&c J ihiiih ii di:^^ show 
Bomc of (he pioblcnifl diai iictc dcaliiiE winh ihal we've heard 
BnccdoEalLy abaut — whether lE'a ihe lay pruhlema, m Eoalhpa&te iir 
pet 4cHid. BuE. just Icok □[ this chare, rm canBuiacr pindiiet recalls 
that we'iT had fiam CDUnmcs. And jou can sec the big duc, fliid 
i[ IB Chum Far and awaj, [he mceE uuinbcr of cousumei' prolucE 
lecalU lhacive\e had Trom December ^Oa m Aueq&L 2007. 

[TnfoitmiaEely , a& aoine alheiB haiv nlteady tioled, "Hade in 
China" has now become a warning labcJ And we're secin> ihis in 
[he chaila, and we're secina this in nhc pioduclB, and ilb pit On 
BOtp And we'ce not ^oing Id JeC this contmce m mke place 

The American consumer U the aiaet discerning can&umer in ihc 
world, and I believe (hat p>ca (he imminent and potential harm 
On American consumera , and the real harm by [heae prcducla their 
purchasing power will act as a pouTrFul dc(crren( and disciplimag 
meehaniEm foi nheEe pmdui^lB 

A[ ihe same Ume, the regulatory agencies mnsD aggi'eosively do 
thai part Given ihe fihccr volume oF defecUvc prcdncca coming 
From one main source, more rhan 70 percent of the defeccivc proif 
uclH ihat we're seeLng CDUiLng Trom China, we have a big icgulatoiy 
challenge A& nhc chart shohed, eIiib u a Hoiiblmg and dmigeiaus 

I a^vee wiih you, Mr Chairman, ihe Consumer Product Safclj 
Commission could and Ehould provide additional o-erEight and m- 
Bpections and the independent teateia — Ukc an Underwiitera Lab- 
oraUnj for Tojb, I beliciT, se one of [he paneliBlB is goina ui Bug- 
ge&t, would giie conBurocrs more conlidence I climh ihaLS a gccid 
But, 1 lirmly believe that ihc problem* i^c'rc now Beeing ^ilh 


Chinfbc-madr toys and other conBajncT producia la jDst a ^ympmni 
of a niLLcbi larfci' problem that hiuse be dcalE winli in n b-^ifD juid 
vigarouB ^ay 

1 think lis fair to say thai an open and naDEpamil B^'strin n^ 
gavnnmcji t, like dutb, ib IrsE likely to prodncc dcTecUvc products, 

and iC IB inoTF likclj u> catch thoec iJiat arr. Ab one cxpcrC puE iC 
to jnc iJir dmiociadc cminlnrs arc better ac producing BaTe piDd- 
uclB than nDn-dcmociaHic cmeB And anc of ihc uia^^B □ non-dFmr> 
cisUi: counU^, like China, ib nsiirping the "•af m h^hich buEinrsB 
IB bcinf condncUrd around [he globe, u dkTough manipulanon of iia 
pinduction flyfl[cm,and parociilarlj of iIh cuircncy 

Mow, 1 realize [bat finance ib a convoluted copic. but id iJna caee, 
I think i['fl quilc BLmpIc Ever since ^e ■Yan[cd [be Cbineae Ciov- 
c[nnien[ PNTR back in yiXKJ, die Chinese CJo^ernnient haa imple- 
mented capiiii] contiulB lo manipulate iib cuneucy, aa a matter of 
Biste Dolicy 

With an increnBiEigly and alarmingly higher nmnber cfconBumcr 
gooda being made in China, aa much as tiO pei'cent of the items in 
rclsil chains like Wal-Mart and Tai'gcL, a ciLirency dial u under- 
valued by 4U percent relative co the dollai is a sy BtemaCic , syBtemie 
dangei to the U S econnmy, if noc to the inlcrnadonai financial 
Bystem. By unfairly keeping die yen iindeiralued, die Chinee Gov- 
ernment Raq boosted China's exporla, and haB unfairly Bucked for- 
eign dii'ect investment in export production facihUeB, much of 
which comes from the U 9 firma. 

This chare that Tm putting up now showB how Al 'i trilliiHi have 
rushed inlo China over the past decade, through foreign direct in- 
vestment and trade. Every year, we buj moi'e gcods than we acU, 


and cvrry >?aT moTc Ainrncsn invrfi Uncnt dallBTS arc sUch^ into 
China rhU ie hod i 
cui irncj — 1& held ac 

Crcnda im dial charl 

China rhU ie hoc aurptiBin' Riven that [he cuir?ni:> — Chcnrac 
cuiirncj — K held ac ihr&c aidftiTially low IcitU. Vou can acr ihrac 

Ml ChaLrmaii, I i^anlcd to Bhow anDlhct chare that le ctUcjiicIj 
iTDnbling, 3h »rLI,aiid 1 ihinh il's part of thr ovciall symplDm hrr?. 
Aa hundrcda of billiiinE of U.S. do[lara Flo* co China cvcjj jcai, 
China, in turn, scnda EnpporL Lo had acmrE around [he wmld— like 
lian. Sudan, Burma, Zimhahiic, and North Korea. As wc tnow, 
[heocarr dicia [oiEhi pa which mmmi d a:l£ af genocide and prcmD[c 

4UrKliUn|jKiJ I 


< flDlltflCd Li Ira4 iVml 0E 
[ilfiui III i^luJiHild'li 

li|-^-i' .l- iilf Sni 

II'' ' *li-nilil"-li''U nrri-iiirinrt mi"*to 

I jiiJniiim 

- -I" kirah- 

flilfwl illbk 

■ villlJ TllI frr IrnllllllCTIILLIIr- 

■ r, I,.,,-, Ill iiTinbil IJiiD Lhinilii 


- 11 Ainuimnln 
hniiiii ""il r'nii" ''■Tfl^^ 

p Irrn- Jill |iiT|iniinl|iill^]-l ^ll 

■ AlninriLi|i|lrillr"il*'Kfl 

■ llrlliiyri-~ mil i^mill Pm" I IJ Ml 

- I ' 


fI 4k* HI ujin 

■ ? tt^ ifigioEi Azujiid fill < rwMB InwJu 'V - Hi 
* mnln -- - 

UcflC diacontcrd n E la chai die Con "rraiflLDrii]] RcBCiarch Scrvinc 
(CRSi haa caa^inned [h a C China's salca of wrapoiu , Buial L siniR and 
uiuiiiliimfl 0> Iran, haiv ended up in chc CDnFliclB [nvolvinj U 3 
Ibrcrs in AF^haniHlaD , an d in Icaq 

The chacrman and 1 are Imlh canccmed ahoiil hvhai's IhJejue 
place, pai dcularlj , in 3udan, and die E^nnfide in Daifur, and 
Btmngly promDdng divesdtuic campaignE Pur dinBe CDLUiUiea and 
[hooc campanifb invesCinE in 3ndan, the lead af ^hich u China 
Aad. I ihink we have m point one thaC nhat [b caking plare, aa a 
part of thiB overall symptom and problcniE 

Do wc Faill> ivanC lo aCind idly by aE die Chinese GovemmenD 
manipulates ica cunency, to ^i^e ilBelf an unlair ccDnamic advan- 
tage, Eo suck in chiE foi'eign capital, eo support other bad cegimes 
around the wmld, and Bell defective producla Eo die United Slads? 
I dan'c [hink so. Da we ceall> wani o> keep die flcod^atea open, as 
unaafe Chinese pinduclfi. made under coeici^e lahoi conditiona, 
euLer eIiie counEcy? I dcin't think eo And, do hc really wanL U 3 
consumer and direi:i invcatment dollaib going Eo siipporE Chinese 
salea of ^'eapons to danseiDua diclaLoi'shi pE around the ^kibe? 
Some of thcBC weapoiiB *ere facin» on the baulefield Inday? Idon'c 
think we hant Eo continue Osec that taking place. 

I think we need □> do moi'e en consumei safety ptodurlB here, I 
think hvc must require it of Chinese prcducia, but I don't dunk we 
can slop there. There arc clearly other things that are happening, 
and thai have been happening ftir some time While I support this 
hearing, and Tin delighted to ecc it caking place, 1 hope ^c don'c 


]iiaE fcc\ia on one EiairDW ibbuc^ but go at the bioadcr isbuc? of what 
la bcins done b> ilic Ch incBC Gai'crnmcji I. 

Me Ctiairman, il^a time Id end iJic status qua, liic buain^BB a? 
usual rcladonship wiEh Chins Wr must ai:t U> apply [T 3 
counlcrvcilin 5 laws Id non-mflikct cconomica, and la malic ex- 
change rate manipulation acdonahlr under Euch lat^s. 

Some will crj nut chat we can't aflbrd to cake Euch acDona as 
these, thej maj Bay that such actionE will hurc American con- 
Bumers b> increasinE prices 

I say we can't affocd noD to lake such actions. Ameiican con- 
Bumera have alicadj been hurt, in the worst way Their lives and 
then childien^ lii'es have been puCat iisk by unBaie ptcductH pin- 
duccd m Chinese manufacturing pIsnEs that are bo suspeizt thac 
they keep American mspectoiB out. 

American consumciE nave been hit over the head wilh a ^ by 4. 
We can't allow nhiB Co continue to lake place 

I Icok fnruaid la [he commenls by mj colleagues, and b> these 
involiTd in [he indus[[y, and 1 Icok forwaid to us addrcsBins this 
pioblem, consume! Balcl^ pioblem, and underlrin^ problemE, as 

Sena[ar Duihin Thanh you, 3enaljjr. 

[The BlalementfollowE:! 

Fp ep.mi>]> STJ^'n>Jl ^T of Siti iiur S.' ^i Bbov ^b ick 

OatrS iDDrnmR Thnal: ^u Chnlim^u] Durbla Ibi (DlLiBg Ihn lieanB)^ 111 □□ irn- 
piMUiB* and limply Liiiie 

I ^QLilil likE lo Dil: ikni my Idhrct ^Clll:lllEl] I be bdiSc n purl oE Ib/i raTiiil. So, 

I fpi nDl gi IbioLi^ ibc ism-: liToublinp ^l□ll^<K1 •S\\ii Ibi: C b^nnjD liolplull, w- 
VKWtd Ht \ii ikis mHifainj^ Wbiil I •/-Al my i'. ikii kbuilly. iSuILtiivi: uhI dDji|f hilii 
piodui^ bEinp niiide \m Ckiaa amd 'dliJ <d .^m^Ticiin CDniumifk hat limply gn Ig 
ilDp I hope •bai. •/-■e will nn\ •/-an 6ii h-ijiibiliDn Inr ikm ehh knppcn ll'i iLiDpl> unDC- 

ibe .^m^nciiTi cnaiuiDfr li Ibe idg^i dirifrnmij [unimD^T id Ib^z ^ctU and ] l<- 
^y•^■c •bat bi\«i ike iidiiiIii?b4 ^mil pDHzBisil harm ehh AnntiruD o•1u^l?^^ bL lli?v 
pioduii 4hEir pinrkjMBLj poou* will iir^ m □ fGW/aiiJ dcUricnl □ml diiciplinuig 
nm ban I IB br lb^^«' pindiHi-. la sbnrl iknK WbD iibubuc •/-lib 'boilly mnDufac- 
iLiniiD pmrlin]! ^ill iig4 k] m ku-mei^ BLih lnn|^i 

A I ike inme Ume, lb? iq^iitildy hrvh l^^ id ml □|Q|id^ii«'ly do lh?lr purl 

Civcn ike ikeci inlnrne dT ddci ihv pndii:li (omin^ TiorTi l^o fdulii lOLnre — idgi? 
Ibnii TiJ pcneai Eidid Chian — •/-r bnu: □ by n'jtiilLiiHiry ibjilkr^r: Ai ibii chnn 
ihoivi Ibi: l'll^l ■BJuiiy of deb iIve ^Dniurner gudt ioiiil^ Eicod Ckiim ]l li n jei} 
liDublin^ jnd dim^niHB •rime 

I □^L'o w/iA yan. Ue CkBirmnD. lb? Comimi^r Pmdui ?tiliHy Coniniliuua imild 
□ml ^Dulil pmMile oddiliDiiDl oicni^bl niid laipediDni diiiI Ibnl iii4l''p?ii4l''D< Ifii- 
<ri — lili? an UHler^nKr i lalomlonci br l£iyi — ■will gin iodiuiiiimi mDic tia- 

Bli< ] Uniily Idicn IIid* lb? pnibk'Bi nr hie no" leeiag ^Jiik Chume-Bnl? •uyi 

II juii □ i>]DplGB ifn mink Inigrr picbba Ibnl m\iil b< itnll ^ik ib □ i^ili dbiI 
II w/ay 

Ibiak ll 1 bir lo iny ibm on open Dml Unnipnn'D* lyilf m of ^T<L?nimEii I lib? 
auri II til llli?ly <d pmdiH? d?fr(liL? pnxlirli hhI li niGi? Iile]> Ig iDlrh lbG% 
Ibal awr. f,i Giie ?ipiM-l pii< ii Ig mc, denioiiiiu: coimlim mt keitei dI piDdumg 
tat pi[diic4i ikaD iiGD-df motmlic gii?i 

And ime uT ibe <vafi in ^hKh a □Dn-denioiiiiu' CDunliy like Chiui ii uinrpuig 
lb? w/ay ID ^Kb buiin?— n bcmg amdiMilal nii'iind llio gbbE i- Ibioi^ mnjiiBuln- 
litm Gi 111 ciuiTEuy. I n^DO ikaE finDBce it a cihiiru^iD^ nad iodm'Iui'^ I'lpir fir 
mm*, km IB ikii 4Die, ii'k very UH^b. Ever iibc? <•/•: f|i^nl?d ibo CLih:^E ^ittd- 
meal FNTR kaci: m ^SltUt ikc C kini-i: iriiviBBen i bui impl?[iii.^lfd capiUil oiilmli 
IG miiDipiilal? Ill currncy di ii iDDll?r nr-iuii: pGlicy 

Wiik Dn iH[niii[i^> hhI □laimmRly biRkcr DUBter gE CDiiiimiGr Rnodi being 
mode in CkiDO — m muck ai d> f?n?ni dF ikc ilemi ib icUiiI iIidibi like tVnhMiirl 
□nd Tnigel — □ lunency IhU ii undcii^iied by 4V pcneai irlnlije Id Ibe dollnr \i 


□ iyil?Bii 4kiTiBEr !□ ikE L'S. KcmGiiiy if v>l ci llu] iD^CTBniriDal ^y'U'■ 
By UTiBiiily li«?pLiiD Ihe Viihd iiiii3i'riiilL>''d llu: l.'S\imt:ii: Riii't'rn mi^i kj- bco-hd 
Cnmii^i ?ipDr<i nHrkiiL uabiily iLi:l.<d Fnii:!^ dinxi iDvi:MmL^i m <ipiui-|i ndiiE- 
liDTi BkiIlIici, nuKli oF^hick dLmci fium US. Irmi 

Thi^ ^hDiT iliG^i boiv Jl^ IiiLIkjd Hdiv niihfd lam CbriD ovw Ihr pmi iIo'ihIf 
Ibniu^ Fdic:^ din^i lajEilnieBl ^mil linl'' Bi^ziy yi^\ , CbriD biyi mon: gmdi 
IbnTi rvi ■cLI ikcm □ml c^rry year niGi? Amcii'iiB LTim4iD«'D< difnn hit iiirhMl ltiIg 
Chiim. TliLi ii mul iiirpnirig f v?n IbaL lb? Cbm^iE cmrciKy li kekL □< on □irlFi- 
CDlly ki^ t jeI. 

Mr CbDirniiin I »□■< <d ikoiv □nDlb^r churl Ibnl ii ^"licnii.'ly <in4jbLiB|j 

Ai bundled^ oE billion i hhT US. 4l]^□^^ Hoiv ihi Cbinn I'^'ciy yi", Cbiiiii. ri Imn, 
lETidi iiippDj* IG bod acini i llli? Iiub. SuLin, I^iitbd. ZLmbab^c, and N'lrlb Kaim 
/ii t/r liiiG^, ikcK an] e)*: miGnh ip^ ^Kb CDnmiii acti dFjteiioi ulu and pmnioic ui- 
icriirn. bl4u< diinniixiTlii^ i% Ibnl lb? CiLiij(jci^Eiial RcKQirk SeiMcc ka^ [nnliimal 
Ibnl CbiTiDl 'oIh if ^tnpom UDnll dib^ duiI ■uniliDiii lo Imn bnir ended up 
ID <bE [4nlli[4i Lnmlvmjr L'^S Fnim ui A^bDiii.ctii Dad Imq. 

Da <•:•! icnlly 111111 ihh ^umd idly ky □- Ibi: Ckinii: ip^vctbbedi ■□■■pulnici li^ 
cimciuy U j^iv iIieIIdii imbir ^oiigb k □dvDBlii|p: \m iLe ^'orld! 

Do •/-c idill> w/ami. 10 Inzep the ll:>idgiiUi if-:a ai iintal': CbmEU pnxLirli ■□d" 
undf r CEKirin labor CHiadllLoni f'Dur Ini^ 4giibIi>^ And do ■« imll> ^udi U.S tim- 
■iini?r Dad diirii LmmmeDi dollnn jpiHE Ki luppoil Ckincdc oilei 1I arapoDi Ig 
dnBsnoii dKlnloi ibipi niQUHi lb? gkik?' 

^r Cbnlrni^n, i< ii Vme lo End ikE ^laiu quo, 'buiikei^ at uiiEir nzblmnibip 
^Ib CbmD Ll'e mu-i url lo DpFly US. cgiibIoiisiIuih \if/-i 4o non-m^ilel Eronomiri 
□nd 10 ■□h:«"[bLiBj^ mii: ■□■■pulnmD iiE<»iBibk' uadLi incb tni 

Smn? ivlII ciy gli< ikui <•/•: cnBkol niFoid Lo UiIj: iij:b iKlioni Tbe> »ill =iy Ibal 
inrb KlioDi »nI bun ^■^[Him CGB^iiBon ky Lnciuning piKEi 

I ^oy ikm »c cudiihi* nilbid n™ lo Lake luck nrlvni .^m^riain coDium^Ti bnvr 
□l[?iid> been biiTE ■□ ibE ■nm toy Tbcii IIjei hhI ibEir 4b ildiEn 1 ll\d bnvc b?CD 
pul HI n'h b> iiBint prxLiKli pruirEd in Ckinea: laiiDLiticiiiriiig pInDli Ibnl □■? 
10 iiiifi''4i ikui ikcy IjKp .^mencin iB^f«:lGrL oul 

AniEiKDB (on -Liiiii.^r-. bn\ri beta bll u\<:r lb« bmd onik a ETFii-by-1lmr. We (dddoI 
□lloiv Ll IG conlLniK 

ScnaHor Dub fin SchsIbi Msik Pj>di af ArkanasB is chairman of 
the Commcicc Suhconiniitlrc on Con&umcr AHaira Welcome ?cn- 
aOa Piyor, and picaac ^tfc ua jour open in e alatcmcnC 

arATRMCriT dp qEr^ATai hlAlK ppvdb 

SenaOir Fpvoi Thank you, Mr Chairman, and thank bolii of 
you fur having ihia vcrj imporlanc hcanng on conaumct products 
safcLj — specifically on aiy Baicl> rhcrc'& nccn an unprecedented 
numhci of lbj reralla this year Oi course, wc know the ElaliEtics, 
all [he tcy recalls aic ftom China, and fiam our alandpoinC, that 
highlights a largci problem, and that is, the Conaumci PrcducC 
Safely CommisBion is not equipped U> handle iJie challcnsca thaC 
iC faces Uida) m the American marketplace The Consumet rtcducC 
Safclj CommiaBion, back in die iy7[!a, had iMO cmplayees, Uidaj 
ichas leas than one-hall [hat. 

In the meantime, wc sec lO,(J0U new pi cducls diat hai'e come an 
the U S marketplace since the 197(Jb, and we've also seen major 
chan^cB in the global mackelplace We aee a Federal agencj that 
has been withering on the ^ine — [hey have amallcr biLd^[s, they 
ha^c less slafl, the}' have inadequa[e laba And [hiE morning, Sen- 
aPa Inaujc and I inticduced IcgiBlation to DiTrhaiil and revamp 
the Cbnaumer Produce Salcty CommiaBion This ib much broader 
than tc^B — It ieall> co^cis the entiieacope of the CPSC, bucfor the 
bcneiiC of today's hearing, I would like [o mention four aieas thaC 
we addreaa in the propcsed leEialamon 

One la resouices Senator Durbin mentioned that a Jew momcnis 
ago — onr bill would move ihiB agencj from the 40L employeeB that 


It Tiaq [(day, up to 500 cmplojcca by 20 15 — nowhere clcee to the 
900 Lt once had, hue naiieChcleBfl , iic acknowledge that we're in a 
difficult bud^eC BituaHori, and we've lalkcd ta CFSG and ochcia, 
and we think that that will get uh on the waj to where we need 
to be 

Also we include monc} in dicre for upgr^ing the tenUng ^ih- 
ties and upgr^in; out pi>rt iriEpazEion i:ap3hil itiea — liiat'E been a 
I ?al problem that the GFsG has juaC noC h?cn able to h?cp up with 

Seomd thing J want m highUiht, la [he bill would — the ptopcaed 
bill would ban all lead in [ojb And, I think evcij parent, eiTrj pe- 
diaUician m Amecica would agree that we should juat ban lead in 
all children's to.B. 

Thud diin^ I wanted to mention ib die bill includes an inde- 
pendent, thitd-patty Baielj ccttificadon SenaQji Bill NelBon and 
Senator Duibin hai'e been working ^ecy hacd on that language and 
ti'ying to make buec that that maket senee, and that parents and 

Brandpaccnla have assurance that all the edjb the> buy here in the 
niEed Stales meet U.S safely slandaidB 

And the foutth thing I wanted Co say about the legisladon that 
we lilcd [odaj, is it puis — it snifcns [he penaltica, it pula teeth in 
the ciu rent Icgi&laDon, in the current law , that the cui rent law jusC 
dcesn't have in it, in oidci to get the attention oi the wiongdcei — 
capceiallj thcae who are icpcat offendeia, and thcae who ate jusC 
unsctup ulous , and don'ccare about the aaiclj of out people in this 
CDunOj So, we're putting that in chcic bo they undcialand that 
there will be significant pain when the> violate U S conBumer safe- 
ly law 

[^st thing [ wanted i:osa> before I luin i Covet la mj colleagues 
here IS I need to publicl> thank Scnatot Dutbin for his elforls cai- 
lier thiB year, before there was all of [he media sci uti ny and all the 
attendon on loy&, but earlier this year to work ^eiy hard to get an 
additional &H million for the CbnBumer Product Salel^' ConiniiEEion , 
JUSC to Btjjp the bleeding in [he interim while we have dme to fn 
thi& agencj So, Senator Dutbin thank you for doing thaC 

Senator Di'iniH Thank >ou. Chairman Piyor 

[The &latement followB:| 

PiEP.'ii HI St' n-uiJiT OF Snrinw M if h Phvdp 

Dizo'T nam ma ^i diDinnnn Sei]DlE<i Bia^n bo: k, TncmbEi'^ if ibe <«]bdlI»c I 
□ID ncLlel IG tc brwr ikli mofaLiig <d IdIIi ^tniil □■ Iiilk iknl ii i«[y irnfaiuiiii 
IG mr □nil Ih? iiiiLIkid^ of Abeixdb pnirni^ ^irm^i ikE coimliy — prxLiKl mlely niid 
mot? ^pETiilcally 4Dy mle<y 

In lETCnl Bonik^ m hnv? ifyn an lid|i ieti'iIim] Hd auBber uF ln\ imaPt. ina^ng 
InuD Bnrbic dolLi lo muHkil builiJinjr idi IQ imiQ^ ^iik knd paLnl Thi^ ■□^ilit 
piD]LlErai»D HhT dunRkHHj 1 cklldnzB'* picduli on US. lElDiL^n' ^kelvEi bigbLf(bli 
piDblem^ ikai I ba\t brcn CDni'ErH'il •/-lib fa kibe Iud? — Ibe f ilH^i[> dF dui tim- 
■mn^T picdiiEl ui&i> lUiBdaiil^. Ib? nv^iuTEi n? iilliiDle u IboiE ngciuiei cknipd 
^Ib pnzvrniln^ dnB^iDui picdum InuD ^lilii^ od ikElvn ^nd mlc CGB^iiBn i 
liQiiiEi, hhI our nkilily id pi?VEnl diiB^iDLii lapinUil pndiirli Iidiii pEmimlLnq gut 

ll 11 wi tawi' Ibsl I b£l>?v? »? tan ^nil ihouU bE doLnq idgie id piDlai pniEiili 
□Dil (billiL^ Ir^m. dinifl^n\ii pmdui' T}i? prinisi} im^^'^'"^'' "P^'^J [baiRi'd 
^Ib ikii impiLiUiDl CiiF. Iba Cgb'ubci l^ndiil Solely foB m liiub (CFSIjL Ibimi^b 
■t:]L-id(ed liCiimL, hm kcm bmn'iiunir Kir injny ,t:ir' by an limilEqiiiile ku^n, lUill 
lEiliiimB^. and ky □icnni' ihIh □dd n^tilLDni Id ofiIei o f'B^m? Ibnl ib/i piiid- 
irli Dii ci\ii tbC\\a □ir ale br AmEiKLiB tl^lLlK^ I I^jIieit: »c niiiii h>I only ^pca:- 
ly iHimic ibr Ci^ni ■i^iiC'ii' i imiiirEi, bill nr in ml nl w mrrbDiil ike Com m liumil 


lEipmi lib iIlIici And auibinly h> irilecl ikE ^Ii4 4?D<iir> ■□rlHlpbiK. ^hrir mimy 
pnidui^ ci'm^ Eii'm ovimh^s 

Thi^ 1^ □ pmbluiD <}!□< LKc CiiniBille? hn^ irti^nni. Bbilici Ibli yi'^r ] oltiel 
□□ DID? lid men I <D ibe hnil—r iq ■ikii'iiv the inounei nvmlnblc Ig tne CfSC Tkii 
CoiiiBille«' lEspondfd by pmiiilri^ qd IQ ■ilbua iiuiedic ic lb? Cnani Iiikjb'i ftnai 
yrai ^IJIM biidi(?i. I n^uli] lilnz lo iknab <}i< (oniBKlf^. nkiBir ^iik SizDiilGr Dm bin, 
vbo hn^ ^"H k"* a ilicngiGD^imiL^i jdiin^U' (jr ikuir FLor^i^l I uppnriiiKE yiiir 
lEndribip hhI ■□■igbi an ibi^ liiiiT hhI ] lull (jr^unl ihh o^jrliiiiH iviib >di id ?■- 
luiE dm* ibEK LiCil [EwuniM miilH il Ihniiiak <1ie ?«a3le □ml iniG bi» 

Ai Ihf Ckmimnii gI ibe Com men? CDmmiiiEe CoiiMmi^r ^lEun ^ul^omm ille? I 
□Im □pBiQ'ial? ikc rip 111 □ml iilm^ yuu. hnjE dDeihI Tim n CFSC laiiilbGniiimB bill 
I buve mi'Drparale] Kii'ni] oE Ibevr ideal ib<d my g^h icaiiikDiir^liDii bill ^hHb 

I will □lllll?!! lh[<l<l> 

it I knjE sad mcioiiEd [euiiuki ait □□ imporCml fioic of Ibe tiQJic wbeii il 
i'i>m«'^ iHh priFliKl Hik^v — km II ii iidI ikc diiI> one. Ll'i4li lliiil \m mimi. Ihii ■omiBg 
I □ml SuQiKL^ Cnimmi^ic^ Cb^irm^n Iiigii>e iBUnduol Ic^^bliroi 4d VPifntc □ (Gm- 
pichEnuvE GVEihniJ il ikc ConimTiiT Piadiici ^tikiy CGBmii^na. I plus <d dtoIi 
wilb TTi> Iriemli □□ bolb twSei of Ibc □i^lr Ifiivaiil quuli comniliiec ikIidh •/-ith ibr 
li^pei dF knviu Ibe bill OLiiiliibl? bi ailitm b> Ibe Eiill 5?uiie ky ike emi Hif Sep- 
leaber fii Cb^inniiD oElbe EiiibcHhm mliiec, Ibli ii my Biimbci oae •nDrii> 

AllbGifrh m> bill w/iP pinMd" 3 cHim p lEhfTi iiiv GVEihniJ oE Lb? CrST I idull llli? 
IG biKilL □ll]lE^^ bur purl- ofay bill boiL ieIc^dhI Id oiir mt^zuiKi kcit 4[diiy 

J^'iurc" — Tb? ri'!^ ■- in kikki^ di^Ucd^ 111 kiilp?< kns hkh 'iRTillHimlly 
1la^b(d ^1 iki Mime ilmi: cuiiii HrrcK □ml dnn^iciihiii iBpiini Iid>e ko^zB lb^]ii|r mliii 
oiir 4GiiB4r> Tbi: ngrzHy ii mpmiuklE Eir Hii'Gr 11 UW t'\m^imi\ picdnrii, In ixldi- 
lion 4d GBCigmg IfrhiiDliigi?!, iiick n^ Qnxhlteh nobfo Sih? ki iHGpma id Ibe 
TDi, CPSC imlEli^i ^bniDh Eiom gjei VUU EiiU iimi: cmployeei iFTBl'il id nuiiiHi 
41)1 Pi?iiileiil Buih km iccoBmeBiled ruiihci kirlgel 4 mi. We i^nnoi eipecl ikii 
GJErkiinlcnEd □pacy lo pi?VEDi llml^l^<ll^ ihi>i 3111I pmdui^ fwnm ^ndma up cm 
iloiE ^keljEi m 111 iiinEnI iGHiiLiDn Thi nliircM iki', my bill □iilborciM 11)11:1 miV 
lu iim Ibc HEEI hzv^d 3^'iie', □> incnMi-^ oE r>H pcnGD4 avee ciinEni Icir.'l- Thii 
iseiTHd Aimliii^ "dull lEiloiE CP^^ L.i .1 kail 'lUJ FTP. 1 by ^^Ul!!. bceT up C FSC 
pmeHK HI gut pGili dFchIi} and nllDn ikem Lg iifd^ic IbGr aaiKiu^ied icilmg 

!lr/f\ot'iig iiad {"Kn th\ld<r<tt pradnela — CoDgm^ ibGull miilif il i-ira\ IIidI lend 
m ihildiETi i pndirli Ii imncEpUiblE la [p:cnl Drxki, n? b^i? irea Ibe lEFiir Gf 
buodiEdi dF IbGuiandi gE (billiEn 1 pndiKli m ^hHb kill wui (onCiiaed la Ibe 
pniTii GD ikeiE pr>]iKli li II na iiaaniMiai} ii'li Ibi ui lu mil? ^iik ilic Iiitm Gf 
DUE ckildica My li'giilaliDD pinpaie^ ua 'niiJiRki bun gti Imd m iia> ckildn.'a'i picd- 
irli — EicoD luack bom Ig Ig>i A kii^lGE [obr BlmD or motr dmnblc Big Biid 1^ 
UBply ODl nnnk ikc mk. 

TFiriil parif crrliliealMiii ff thiSdmi'w pntdattt — Il ■■ viIdI ikm Congmi nod 
Amermaa iGBpaaiei ieiIgie ibE publir^i (□□Eldemx la Ibe pfx-it ikey ^ie pui- 
rhn^mg. We i3ti mnlic lUilei m ^HZiGBpliihiog ikli by leqmriDa le^ilop b> ^T<inii- 
meal-cenlFied <biid pnrliEi Ibsl (hilliEn ' p^:^lrl^ hi? ^u: hh in clod pi mn re wiLb 
DmEETimciil iiond^rii '^iib Ibc bobdayi fail uppiiij(liia|j, pjiEni' knvE n ngbi lo 
KTio^ ihE loy^ iiodr lliGii Ckmlmai Iicei »iII hj talc fir Lbeii ibildiED My k^iiibi- 
liDn Diiuld lequin' mnaufarlmET' of (bikliEn 1 pr>]iKli Lg imiic a igfIiIk^Io Lbal 
Ibclr pindiici^ CHtabam Ig CGa^uBGE piodiici iiilei> iiand^idi □ml lEguiic iciiioj; Gf 
Ibm picducli 10 en line ikcir eon Imuol CGBpli^acc. 

Pe/iaiPa far Hipral OI/iii/lii and L'riwcnipiiioiit imparirn — CoagiEii miiii leod 
□ iinhnij -11JT13I II' □CHIT-, pbiiim^ iki^ publn Hi mt. Wlira il ^mnc id mbiy, 
m lUiiifiE jni lioc^ E^i rHiLiLii'n' .binikl iii'i bi' j1 p^n Gf Ibe izdiI oT dDiari bii-inoii 
^[y lill •//]!{ iHimic iiivil Elaci up Lg Vll!^4>,4l<JlJ fir viofaliro] ^iik □ tup dViIIUij mil- 
Ina liDiu □ 4 linen I tvEl or^,LK>l> ptr vnl^uua ivilb a 11 JfJJi milium nam Cnminnl 
vul^Uii I ^Diibl b" ^iik|e[l Id lip 10 S ye^n m ]ail I n(mimg 4 ivil aod iriniliol t?a- 
□liKi II a oaeimiy ilep Id euDiimRe (ompaTiiei Id luIue roniumer mle<y □doit 
Ibelr kGUDm lioe 

TliGii^ ikeie □IE biiE laiegiiil aipeeli Gf my bill. G<bci piDviuoai dE <be k^ibi- 
liDn [ompriie na eipnaiiLe meckaaiim br ieiIdho^ [oammer iGafidcni'E ri Ibe 
Amenraa ■□Hhipbce nod eaiuring Ibeir nod ihcir famil> 1 ia&i> TbiDiflk □ 
miJii-pniag uppnock DFpmvidrig lueaiijci Ig iGmpuaiei Ig piDic[4 Ibo piiblK, ?a- 
h^nclng pcmilli^i ivken Ibey do hdI lUtamlin ia|j picduri lakLy ml:-, imd pme- 
duici, □nd iillim^lely enimioir ibul only ml? pndiKli arc cnionoir ilic Bnrliei- 
plnre, »e (□a m4Dic Ibe CFSC id □ iihbuii nod pnacilvE Coiubii-.iod far (GnMmi4:r 

[I 11 □i> kopE lbal Ibe iGBmillec □nd Ibe 9«imle can a<l i^ifily Ig pan ikli im- 
pDiUial KgiilDUoa, nod I ■mill n^li □Il of ike membn ■ of Ibe fimiBillee Hm ikeir 


■uppiirt ID 4hii trndcawta. i •/•aai lo iKonb Ibc nif mkrri dE lb? ^ulriMn 11114I1'? bi riv- 
mg LKl^ imf-iiUinL i^^du ^ui iiftil^ limI I Irol. brwnnl Id ■idil.iiig ^LK ^hu ji t/c 
moiE lorrvaiil roi IKli i^ilv . I ikunl: ,'oli lor youi laiilEi'^kl|i □ml nr ikc oppmuniiy 
m leali^ ikii iDGrDLiig. 

SenaOir Duthi^. Bcnalai Bill NcIbdh of Florida has been — we've 
been warking mgrliici, not juaC on toys, but childtcn'a ptcduclB — 
I thank yan iDijoiriLng us ScnaEor Nclam 

ScnaHor Niiio^ Thank you Mi Chan man 

Wc fliipparl whal Senator Fryor la doioE 11 ^i'& flubcomtnitlce. 
Hopcfullj, we can prcduce thia out of our full Commctcc Com- 
miOccand get it maun e- 

SenaHor Duibin, [hcic is no e\euae that the CPSC has a laboca- 
toiy that Imka like that And a large part of what Senator Pcyor 
has iuEtoulIin^ will address that 

Hith icgaid Ki tojB — It's vcrj inCereannE what China juat an- 
nounecd >CB[erdaj China Eigned an aErccment to ptohibit the use 
of lead paint an Dsys e'lpotlcd to the United Slalea Well, what 
about all of ihc Oija CMpoitcd elBcii'hcEC? Let mc ahow jou aome 
of these KijB 

That'& saod that they're &ajinE that dicy'iT aEreed Dn prohibit 
the use of lead paint in tcys, but (hat's not the only problem with 
the tcys And eetlainlj it's not [he aolution a> the pioblem of lead 
pain t elaewhei c m die warld 

I went to one of qui childicn'a hcspLlaU, and I aaked [hem about 
theac Qjya They have a 'Tjau^h and Learn" bunny that has a ncee 
that camea off Phac ncac la juac about that bi^ Gu^a what hap- 
pens when a ehild swallows aomothinE that biE? And the dccljjra 
were telling me about die operaUons chat the> had Dj conduct to 
eMtraet dicec componenls of Iqjb 

The HaEnctm buildmE aet — the iactora cold me about what 
magnelB maidc a child'a di»esti^e syatem ean do Then, of eoorae, 
youve sotThomaa the Train A^ain, ic'a die lead paint 

I think SenatoE Klobuchar is ^ine tj Ehow jou an example of 
what happens when it ^ets into a ehild's mouth And we know the 
effeelH of the lead pamt. And then >ou have [hesc Barbie accea- 
Boiiea.aEain with lead paint 

ThiB juBt Ehouldn'c be happcninE in Amcriis And why is our 
CF8C IcnunE it happen' If [he Chinese Government la not so\n^ 
to police It, and if the Chineae induaCiy lanY EoitiE to police it. [hen 
thcre'a an eaa> way for ub to in&i&t — Binec HO pcicent of all of our 
tc^B aold in Amciica are coming fiom China — thcic'a an easy way 
to do It And [hat ib e° to an independent third pacty that aela 
safely Blandarifa, auch aa Underwiiteta Laboratory, or the Amer- 
ican Na[iona] Standard? Institute, aomethin e like tiiat, that is rec- 
OEni3cd and ^et them [q do theaafcly ccrdficaUan. 

Thank jou, Mr. Chairman. 

[The Blatcmenl followail 

Ppij'PiEiar'TFiEFNr opSrNiroiMii M>aED" 

Mi Cknlim^ii, Mcmbci 1 if Ihe iuI^oiiib Kle^]. iknnb yiu. Ibi mvilLiig me bewr 
loiby IG ipi'Dk w/ilb y^\i aliW tlliwii Ig impiCiVG ike oilEly of im poi-Ud lo]-.. 

Ai ya\i HIE □!■ ^waiE, onr ikc jm^i In Bonik^ ibe nf/-i bai biM:n filLd •/--itb nt 
niemiii lEpDi-li uT luiailc ImpoiTed h>>i niid cdii luni^r piDdiH 1^ 


FiiiiD ckildnzB^' ^Ticliy (ODcauiiBg lm>' ItjeI^ dE kill m myi ivilh dcUHbabb 
TTlilHh'l^ iKjL tA" laitt: liiiiiL uil^-LLnD] nb^iiu: Lien i, ibii 4giibIi> bni li(Enill> bi'^n 
Flonoiil by d -^q oFdnngkumi pirdiiEli 

Oirr lu luniBei I nni nbl? m hk ube dTOie imporli oTikii linl- bDnil. 

In July, ] viuUd •/-■••b a Hum oTf'BEigrHy ryim dotUo^ m nini|iii -/-hi bmi <idi:- 
«] ibildiTD ^Ib mlfiliTiD] DbiUuiHD^ due <d Biu^n^U Ibnl bail dcCirkEil Ei[<ni 

In mm? (hh]^ ibc ilixU<i i nuuil Ibnl Ibf ihIe'Iitid] Gb ill 1114 ih i »ime w kv^it 
IbsL Ibf] (bikLicn hud Ig imd^iRih -.uidi^ le icidqje lb? obiUuina^ 

InLiiuv? imjEi} lilic ikli I'. Kary ie<i bdiL nliilli — kj yen con piDkibly gbIj imiig- 
laE ^bnl li iililc bi a 4 ai ^^cnr okL Id ba\c Id ^ ihiDU^ ^naclbina life ikii 

In Aiigiiil, I □■«! viiiKd ^ik □ biDily in JdcIikibviIIe wwi IcT* i^d dF ikeir cbi\- 
dici] ID n IDDID ^ik a iliv:o bull 'uy Tbe diHG ball lay blf r DirtbGahd i^igkl Iiie, 
□ml cmliH'd f nGiigli i^rkiD mukoiide m kill bolb cklldnza. Tiki 3*miip [bfiliPD □■? 
dmd Fiom pluyinjj •/-lib a ie?iiiIii^> ■□iuhihhii my 

Tbe^e iHidEnL- ju-i ihoiiLliiI K liDpfi''Biii^r — "'"' '''^ ilme <d fiiiDlly aHj; ihIidd 
IG piDled our ktli hDm <Diir vyi 

['m i^nrr,! iFTK— I by ibE e^ily mvliDii EiDm <br Cgb^iib^ PukIii:! Sati> CDmmii- 
umi and Ihe Ig> mduiliy h> •bn pioblf m. 

I lliml. mr>[<ii? mon ir^bei ikni »r muil movr quiclily <d iciIdie (onliitHe 
Ibnl IB pDilol iGB^iiBci piEFlirli — Diid in pnrliriitii (cyi — hie lat 

Tb'- Kill giHMOH mon \i bn-/- t/r mo-t Ig ^iildiEii IIim piDbkm 

Oil MGBiLiy w/c [B:?im] a pD]ir> icfGrl fnm ikE AdmlDiilmiKiD^i Imparl ?titly 
WGrkiB|j Gieup 

On Tiu-dn,, Ibe CDDiiimGr Ficdiiil Sntly CGBminna dIu naiuHirnxd □ MEmo- 
mnduiii HhTUnilEi lUiHiinR ^iik ibE CbikEK uditmbb^di gb my iiiIgi> 

I appniinU Ibe ■nfh IbaL ivui piU lam koik Gf lbe>? trndeawtoi 

ElG»dT:r. I ibial: iig» ii lb? ime m bdh bfjond pGlny ^cnh.'BeDi^ and ^ipliD- 
liDniil iriti]- — jnd pDi-. r^ koi^lDoua Id iLgb dDDR?iGD^ picdiicli l^bn] ibEy ^1 
IG ih: LniLul SUU'-. and inlG ihc kandi Dfcbirlicn 

TbD*-. ~by I b^i-G iniinliKdl 3 1>P3, <bE C b ildnn' i Fndiili !<3lLly ^4 1 uT^UOT 

Tbi-. l:u]-<li^<K]> "'luU nguiic dII loyi and GikEr pndiKli iB<i^nd(a fur ibildira 
5 ^viin HI) n^ IT undEi ehi be HM<Ed by □ iHlef^HlrBl, Ibiid-purly ^□ui> id gb^iii? 
Ibiil lbe> mfeinl] □ppln^bt U S. igd'uhiei pr^diir^i ciFEly ^candnidi 

PiodiiEi^ ikni fati Kiunjt nnull icieiiT! a ccruilEsH' gE CDm plEinizE Ibn* Ibfy be? i 
utiy ilDmlaidi. 

Piiidiicii Ibnl Eiil ^Duld nGl, and ^jDuld be piobikilol EiDm Eilbn impDrmiim or 
ink ID ibE UaiKd Smm. 

Il'i DHE ikmg Ibi CEfGneri m lUilf ikni Ihry awr iGBplying ^ik dui iiiti> i^i- 

Unkni ^E neai id do mon \i ^Klimry imly Ibal lbe> air izomplyiag. 

Thi^ lepiilniKiD fiU dD jui ikm. 

E'lirlbErniGn' •/-r n?e] Lg ea^uir Ibnl Ibe C«iiim?r Fnxlirl ?tile<y CGnimii^iiD 
hni ikE luHiing^nd ngulaHny Uuli id Kienilly nG^ ibn'nii mibildim i inlEly 

TbDil »by lain dIig piDid Ig ke nn Gryimil CD- ifGBHir Gf SemiU<i Durbla i Icrii- 
IniKiD, S iHl. vkKh fpi ir-Dulboiize and lEiavi^nilf Ibe Cnniiimer Fndii:! 
Solely CGBm iiikib. 

TDren Di^iker. Ibe»: I^d piEizci oE U^ilnikia will bElp Id man? rani iiimer igo- 
liikiuG ID ibildiED 1 ^^yi ^iDd VbEi igb^ubei pndirli 

I Iccl. biimid Id ^Dikiim ^ik my CDllsigiiei ib Ibr iGBiag ^jetIii m ndviiHe 
Ikeir ilemi ai innn ui pDnlhlc. 

ScnaCor Dubbiii Scnsloi Klobuchsi oi Minnraola Thank yan for 
yam intci^Bt in cIiib laaitc, and youi l?al][ni>ri> [Qda> 


SenaOir Klobl'ch^i Wdl, [hank you vcij much, 5cnalai Dut- 
biTi, and thank >ou far yanz "•aik in helping m build the CFSC and 
wotkinE Dj ptovidc marc icBDUtcts. I don't ihink one guy m an of- 
fiize like that Ehould be ehai ged wilii ensuring the safe^ of !122 bil- 
lion woidi of taya Wcelea[l> need change 

And I also am pioud to be on die Commerce CommiHec with mj 
two colleagues who are ii'oi km^ so hard on iIiie issue 

This issue hit home lo ua m Minnesola, ii'hen a litlJe 4->car-o]d 
boy named Jamclle Breton died when he Bwallowed a linJe heait- 


Ehspol clisiin And thiE charm was ^vcn to hiin for Fire with a 
pail ai IcmiiB ahocs — he didn't buj it, his muni didn'l huj it And 
he didn't die iiom &w allowing it, he didn't die liDin choking on lE, 
he dial when [he lead leat^ into hia blncdEtrcam It laially 
poiaoncd him, iC Icok a numhct oi da>B And when the Minncaola 
Depsitment of Healnh tested nhat chaim, id "•aa US pcicent lead 
Ic came from China, and hia bleed le^cl conlained thtec tunea the 
amount of l?ad diat heallh afficialE conEidci dangerous. Th'a was 
pici'cnlable Thia little boj should never have had that charm in 
the firaC place 

Ab ihe parent of a 1^ jeat old, hkc cvcijonc else, Fm alatmed 
abauC the [cpotis [hat have been coming out about mja And you 
look at th^a Thomas [he TVain lay Bct, with — aver 1 million pic 
of thiE toj cecalled This haE gat to Elop 

M> daugh[e[ la 1^, aa I Eaid, and Tvc ^ot la [ell you, ahe 
Eoi t ol cmban Eoaed by my intcirat in ihia iesuc. Me Chaicman, bc- 
cauEC ahe didn't care abDU[ Sponge Bob, oi Thomaa the Train aeC 
Ic waa Boi t of embatiaaain g But, when she heard [hat the Barbiea 
were ici?allcd, Ehe came mla the kitchen, and Eaid, "^Mam, this la 
icall> gctlinE Bcrioua " 

And ihiB la gctmng aeriDUB, and it'a dme loc ua [o lake acdon 
Theae [oja Ehouldn'c be on our Bhotea, thej ahouldn't be in our 

Fvc inUcdueed two piei:e& of le5iala[iDn thaC have been mcoi- 
potatcd into the bill thac Scnalai Piyor releicnced The litat la Id 
effectivelj ban lead in children's toya We Icokcd aCii'hat ii'as goin^ 
on with the Cnnsumcr Prnduct Sare[j CommiaBion Right now 
whaD happcna iE the) have a volunlaEy guidelinea alsniQid, and 
then after [hat, if it dnean'c meet [haC alandaid, thej ha^c to go 
through a numbci of teata There are propoGalB out there fbt tulc- 
making. But we decided, Mt Chauman, it would be caBiet ju&t to 
ban lead, allowing trace le^cla of lead at a level ihat'E actually 
lower than what the CFSC UEeE The amoun C of lead allowed would 
galau'ei, to U£ pcicent foi jewcliy, which ie impoilant in eaHca like 
we've Eccn ii'ith the little boj m Minncapaha 

For 30 >eara, wc'it been awate oi the dangeia pneed [o childicn 
by lead paint It's [ime la change our current Eyaiem oi voluncaty 
guidelmea, uae [he iotccaf law, and have an acCTial, Federal stand- 

The Qlhec piece of le!iala[iDn that I mlicduced which la alaa in- 
corpurated mla [hia bill will make it eaaici far parenls [o identi^ 
Lccalled toya Now, imagine, lijou're a paten C, you've goCa [oj box, 
and jou'rc njing la figmc out, when jou heat [hat Thomaa the 
Tiam Ect haa been tecalled — which onc^ la thia the cabooGc' la thia 
[he bor car^ Or you've got a Barbie, and jou'rc Ojin^ la tell the 
difference between Barbiea — il^a nearly impcaaiblc 

So, our Icgialadon cequirea [hat batch numbci b or idcnti ficadona 
be on these toya, bo ii'hen ihecc ib a tecall, ilfB caEici ioi patcnla 
to tell what nhat lecall is. Id alEO requiicE nhat i[ be on the pack- 
aging, becauBe ii'hilc largec reisilci'a arc able to put [hingE into 
then computer Eyatema anda[op thcaale right when itoccuiB — and 
we've worked <\^th the reiailcia on [his — Bomc of the amallci opei- 
ationE oi online Ecrvicea wouldn't be able to do thaC So, [hac'a the 
o[hcr piece of die biD. 


FlubIJ^, the IcgLsladon makfE it illcral to sell a crizallal Eo), lah- 
iRE acnan a^ainac ihcac bad accorfl i^no arc out there WcSc seen 
tco TTiany hcadlincB, wc'it had Ico many dcacha, for one UnJc bnj 
in MmncapoliB, and for the MhciB diat could be prciTnted We 
ha^c IQ Btap iuBt bemconing [he recalls, and ii'c have n> act now. 

Thank jou fbr yam leaderahip. 

SenaHor Di'ini^ Thanh >ou, Scnaloi Klobuchar 

[The alalcment fallowB:! 

PlEP h lED STh Htf E^^I OF SEX.'TDP A dt KioiLicair 

Ocol mGrnmg Fini, I idull like Id Ibanl. yiii. ChnLimDi] DurbiD 6ii holilln^ ibi^ 
hniiiii^ IiiId> amd Aaak yuu. Il>r^l] if Ib/i flKd Dnrh y<yu hnvr been iIdib^ Ig pidraL 
ATnenriiD cdh imn^Ti I □!« Ibanl. Ibi^ SulrDin mivE? Inr lIi ^ciik <d piDvxL? idgi? 
lEiDLnrc <D Ihf Cgb^iibci FiefIitI S^Ely Cnnini i'.uoi] Io da ili^t Dnf gm ikIihd 
m □!! dUte ibaijp] ivilh eh lining ibE ^albly gI iZi bilbm ^Eilh of «>>■ fiiil iid I 
gang lit idil. 

I wmH alio like In ^irkaD'vlfdpt ibE idrh dE my Com men? CGmm lIHk 4nLli.iiLrii?i 
I Bfpkul CknLTBDB FiyiFi clEirIt Ig |iir<LLilE Ihe Cgdiuiiici Firduc* Sul"!, Com- 
mliBDB Hill thr moll \i ■I'i'di <d cniiiii: ibal li (□□ •[D|ie[l> puiUc* igb^iibci i. amd 

I ■■ pbi^d Di biv yiin^ ^]<h ?<nulGr NcLidji m CDipna wring l^giiblim] Ibnl 
kQ4dd rrqnirc thud parly <l^mii]|j oEckililn'D -, pndiKli 

Thi^ iiiiic km hil homE m dui ^ihie ri □ jei} Imgic vny lait yai, r[<iii->EDr- 
nld JnmeLI Biciivd il>?d nEur i^nllfi^iig □ bear! ^knjmL ilinrB kc iiteiveiI 6ii lien 
^Ib n fail af ihi:«i Hg dull]'* dk Eicm ^^nroving ue Ig> br dull]'* iIk hi □ ic^iiLl 
oEchokiB^ ia ll He dKd bKnuv ibc chnnii iiiii DiapDiEd nLnio^l Enliicly dFIcdI — 
EiKJiiirb i/Jad 4d BiLally poLU'n him ]□ BkI ikc (liiirB 4GBUiLn«L m mink Lmil iknl 
iG'ii tilGr [evedIj] iSwii lb? cknim »□! niBcly-ari? pcicEDi lead Hii klroJ Imd 
IelcI ^n^ IbicE lLm?i kighci Ibsn Wbai. hoilik oHkluLi imiiKLGr dDii)jC[DLii Tbsl 
chnrm — Ih^l Iter cknrni — rvai mode in ChiBU U'IidI ii moil Ungi: □boiil ibi' lilik 
buyi dmib ii •bai. lI »□! picicDinblc He nGJCi iboubl bun b^ DDif 11 <d ikc luy 
hr fai pbying ^Jiik in Ihr ilnl plocE 

Aid paiEiil nfa i'i >^rGkl, I nm ulaimoL by iecciiI icporti ibG^nag □ ^igBiiliDnl 
mciFDiE ID Ibc DiiBbcr gE loyi mnDufaciiiicd m Chiui Inimd id tie udioIe Tit 
moalbi, nf/-i dF iccnll^d myi — lilf lb?i^ TbGmai Ibc ]^k Bngm^i I hnvc i^'il 
heie — km dcminDUd Gur beadlin^i fi 1 a mom Dnd □ bfmci piii'«:Liiar ] Hbd ii 
IgUiLI> miDKEpUiblr IIidI luyi CDnCiiBing n kkoivii Ig'ib die (ODilDULng 10 mnlii' 
Ibcir -/-ay ibic ckrilna^i hnHli Thi^ iliGublii'l knppcn id Ibii day and ii« Or m 
in> <ii?lvE->^jr-Gkl 4kiLgklei oiid vkEii kci binnlf Bnrbm w/nt [bidIIcd — "Mgb, 

Ibll il lEJKlU^" 

II 1^ licai Ibal ■« m\iil aHj! ihiud iu icmoiv Oieie Igik iGyi fi^m our ibGi?i 
□□d liEim Dili iiDiEi Pnicni^ bun Ih? n^bi id ecf^i •bai. iDy^ die lE-.ied and piob- 
lEmi thimd kobic IbGy iciiFh a Ig> Ioi 

Td nliiciv ikis lfij\, ] liDV? iB<nidu?d I^d bl^fei oT I Egiila I ldd ikE fa-i. mnlf ^ 

II muT <D idEnlily lECDlltMl prxliKl^ ^md illEgnl Ig 'dl lb?B Tbe >?4ghI »iII ^inT- 
iLL^Iy ban t^ liDin (biklicn 1 piLdiir*^ 

fiif \irsi%\aiiim plDLldc^ ibai. Ic3d m any ibildr^D 1 pndirl iknll bE lirnUd iti a 

"kailllEII llDlDldDDI IDbllDH?." Al BirKIB^ oT iDyi DIE IfUlg pufl'd llllB llGIE 

■hrlLG^ bi trar gI lead CGBiDBiBQii^D 11^ vmc Ig Bah: 11 ciy^Uil cl^ai Ib^l lend 
bai BD pLiEC ID (bikliEn 1 bt^IikIi Thr bill ^Diild ^ei □ 4?LliDg br n Ihhg Ieit:Ii 
oEk'jd uhI ^mpHl»'c^^ ibi CVSC v ki»?r Ibii (EdingivcD FDilber IbiDiigk nili!-mDk- 
mg Dk HtEncc and iLTkiii'lm^ Dlb^ Tbii ll'Dl^lallD^ ivdl hK (liiir 'UDdaidk br 
man D&i[iiii?n, Dud ^p<^ lluj ^nfiiEErnGBl pn<c-^ tir lb« CPPC 

Fa\ lliiny yEnn, •/•!<-: k^^D aiviiii' gE Ibcdangin pDiel Ig ibildiED by Icsd paml 
l< il lim« 10 [bangE ddi luriEnl ly^Um gE ir^lDDlDiy ^idelmEi dhI \iie ikE bne 
dE la^ Id deI lb? tad oul dE lb? kaDdi nad BDDlb^ Gf Gur chilliEn LediI bai nD 
ploFE ID (hilliEnl picdinli. 

The olbrr legiklninD I Iidje inuiKlirEd ^Duld mnkE Ll emiei Ibi pDi?B<i Ig tdra- 
lifv a ■Ecnlli'd I'l, jiln'jdi in Ib^ir liomc CgiibIIei^ pitn^ni- kiM^ sppiDiKkLiI me <n 
□ ir bD^ iki^ ciiidd pii.^ibly tJEnliFL 11 Igih iDy, and j- ■ Mimi I cm icU ^hii Ll 11 
bnid Id UjII gbl Bsitic fnim anGiker. S 'implc icimp iidlcd lo ihi piKkb^iiig dhI 
lb? 4Dy iliDlf »ill male \i m'y tir paItlll^ lo pub up lb? lyy and malrh lb? ilampi, 
lEcogDUE, and nzmLiic ikai ddeiFc luy EiDm lbi.ic cbild"* hnHk 

Tn? li'giilalLDn ^U alH> ■□!« li ilt^l Ig wII a lErallcd loy uiliing arlva ngninil 
IbGK bad arlDi 1 ddi lb?iE ivIig die kaDningly Imviag leiDllol pi^inli Dn ■b?ir 
■hrliTi DC pbcing ikEm Ibi olEoalin? 


We've i^D Uc Tnany hEDilliiiEi Ihn lUDTncr <d u< nniLiiid □nd llimk Ihn pntlEiD 
II gunn m Kil\v ii^di Wc 4^ii]'< juii ilI □iiiiiBd If moaBing Ibf iethU^ — ii ii lim? 

ScnaHor Duiilifj SchsIde Piyor, what do jou think is a c^LaHic 
□mclsblc on >Diir rcauthoiizsluin bill in die Commcrfr Com- 

SenaOir Pivop Well, we're solhe to ny to move it aa quLckly as 
wc can because wc wanted m ed ahead and ^ct it FLied before we 
iea]]> circulaEed it with cn-BponsorB , and la have it working. JuaC 
ye&teiday I alai ted to talk ahaut it to Scnatoc Sununu about EDme 
of the BpccificH, and wc'ic piaviding [hac la his ofliee todaj, and 
nying to Blait that picceES. 

So [he goal is Eo move aa quickly aa poBaiblc — we'd lo^e to ^t 
broad-baaed, bipactiaan co-apoitEoi'a on lE. ao I wauld love for mem- 
bei'B of thia Bubcaminince na consider eo-Bponaocing diat when the 
nmc la right 

SenaHor Durnir^. Thanh you 

SenaHor Nelaon, of courue our bill lelatea, not onlj to toys, buC 
all children'& ptcduclH, geaicd foi kids undei the age of 5, they're 
goins Ki hai'c to go nhrough aomc Boit of independent testing And 
I can cell >ou, I knoi^ jou'vc had a chance to apeak to Bome toy 
companies and relailecE — nhcy get it. They undersland something 
haa to be done. And third-parl^, certilied labocaloiieB ii'ould be a 
gocd ii'ay to moiT [csources in, quicklj 3o, I'm hoping chat wc can 
move along these linea. 

And, please tell Abigail that we're going to do our beet to mahe 
Barbie Eafe 

Scnalor Kuiuitii^i. Vcjj gcoi, Senator, thank you 

ScDHlor Di EM'- Thanh >ou^ Senaloia, lappieciate it. 

And jou're all welcome m |oin us, if you ha^e time, here And 
we're going la proceed — Senator Brown back , do jou have an> ques- 
tions of [he SenaCora^ 

Thank JOU all for being heic Eoday. 

While [he next panel cornea fotward icpreacnting die Consumer 
Pioduct Safety Commission, these ate oi coutse, what this hearing 
IS all about — aE mnccuoua and amall aa [hey appeal, the Magneln': 
tc^B and others that we've been discussing here tcday — as I aaid, 
I can iei:all giving these to my gcandson, and plajing with [hem 
ovei aholida> season. 

This little mny magnet EhaC I have here k really one diat Tve 
seen — as liny as thia la, you can imagine a Eoddlei awallowing ^t, 
and swallowing two of [heEC can be vcrj dangerous, if not lethal. 
And [hey are mcotpoiated in these tc^s, and can pop out and 

I'd like pj thank the Acting Chairman of the ConBumei FrcducC 
Safelj Commi&aion, Nancy Noid, and Commiasionei Thoma& Mcore 
for joining us It was mj underaiandin g — coirect me if I'm wiong — 
bu[ Ml Moore has to lea^e for a dental appom [men [, and would 
like to speak lit&t^ So, is that right? 

Mi Mooie IconQnumgl. I do ha^e to leave foi an appoinlmcnt 
with mj oral sui geon 

Sena[or Duhslk Well, Fll let jou and H&. Notd decide the order 
of speaking, but invite jou at this poinc 




Mb Ndid. Thanh you M> collra^uc is such 3 conauinmBtc gen- 
tleman, and I have Ed IcJ] yoa that I cnjay nui woihing iclation- 
Ehip, BO [hank jou eo much, CommiB&ioncr 

Mr. Uddbe: Ptiank lou. thank >ou 

Mb. Nori> Ftti vcrj pleaEo] ta be here to lalk about toy safety 
And hecauBC >ou can't tcalb talk about toy safety williDuC lalkin^ 
about the whole quesnon of imports, what I ii'ould like to do ib — 
in my oral remarks to jou — ^'ivc jou a reporcol the EeiTond United 
Stales-China Safe^ Summit nhat ii'as conduct^ here in Wash- 
in Eton o^ci the pasc£ da>B. [ ha^c erpanded on [he whole sub]ecc 
of [oj safety in uic mitten commcnlB that I ha^c Bubini[[ed to you, 
thaCii'ill be made pait of dicceizoii], I trust. 

And I am pleased Ib report that [hiB summiD haE marked a Eig- 
nilinanD step for^'acd in advancing consumer product BaTen} t^ith 
icgatd [Q tc^B and other prcdiiccs imported from China 

J'l'c juBt felt a pcet-siimmic meeting i^ith the Canadian delega- 
tion [o be here with you this morning Dj gi^c >ou this repor[ And 
Fm going Dj be ictutning to our Bcth^da ofFieea this altecnoin for 
continued con vciaa [ions widi other foicign delegations. 

Fm especiallj pleased to lepoi t to >ou ihac the CFSC has come 
to an agreement with our ODunlerpait agcncj in the Chinese Gov- 
ernment — the General Adm inis d alion of Qualily Supervision, In- 
Bpeiztion and Quarantine iAQSIQ> — la take immedialE sIcpB to stop 
the use of lead pain t in the man ufacturc of tojB 

Furthci moi c, AQS1Q has alBO agreed ta increase their inspee- 
Uons of picduclB destined foi export to the United Siales, and to 
aEsiBt the CPSG in tracing hazardous products to the manufac- 
turer , distri hutor, and e'lpottei in China. 

Addi tionallj , the summit ha& launched new work planB for our 
fom ongoing product woikin^ ^loups fircii'oikB, hghtera, and clee- 
tiical products, in addition la tc^B These aic significant achicvc- 
menlH, and thcEe agiccmeniB Bignal that the Chinese GaiTrnment 
IS Bciious about working with the CPSC to keep dangcious piod- 
uclB Qutol American home&. 

We arc pleased bj these agiccmenlB, and appreciate China's ic- 
Bponsiveneas to our proposals. But, wc will of course lake heed of 
the advice of out 40th President, and that is, 'Trust, but vci'ilj " 

CPSC'b (ormal relationship with iia Chinese countciparlH be^an 
ovci 3 >ears a^o, when lew in Waahington were talking about the 
Bafei^ ol imports The relationship that was initiated then, is pay- 
ing dividends now While we have much, much, much more work 
to do bctiveen oui two nations, we have made great progress this 
week in the area of conBumcr ptcduct safelj And 1 Icok (otward 
to our continuing work with the Chinese toachiciT concicte, meaB- 
urablc results 

Fd also like to note that die Tc^ Industry Association has, this 
past week, announced a new initialii'e Ib enforce toj safely stand- 
ards The to) induBtf) was one of the first groups that 1 reached 
out to when I was named a Comm iss loner , ]us t ? >ears ago We've 


h^ many diBCUBBiima since ihcn, anil I have comnirniS^ [hem an 
thit initiad^c 

Ml Chairman, I hclicvc that iic have la Icok at, what I would 
call, Drranic changes to the CPSC if wc are Co connnue Co lacHc 
the challeri Ef6 oi ihc £ lat ccntuty That invoK ca engagm!, not onlj 
China but oui oEhci trading paiQiera, as ii'cll, m this global econ- 
omj And in an effort Dj do uiat, we ha^c Eign^ mcmnranda of un- 
dci&landm^ with lO ollici naUona in addiaon Id China, as w^ as 
theEuiopcan Union 

Organic change alsD involves making use of slaEe-of-the-ai t tech- 
nology As joii know, Vvc iwucated additional manej in out bud^cc 
icqncat loc up^ading our IT in fraEti ucluic, and I thank jou ^cij 
much foi [hcec additional fnnds, and moic I can assure >Dn thac 
they will be put [q gncd use 

Organic change alEO in^ol^ca changes to due statute As you 
knaii', CammissiancE Mcorc and I hai'e submitted piopceals to the 
Congress m this tcgatd, and I'm delighted to heat that Senator 
Pijor has na<\ inUcducai his legialanan I am looking vcrj much 
forward Id the oppottunilj to sit down ii'illi Senator Fryor and the 
odicr membeiB at the Commeice Committee Co lalk about the 
changcB [hat need to be made to out statutes. 

I appreciated hearing youi report of jour convereation ii'ith Vice 
Mmistcr Wei this moining, and 1 want m nhank >ou foi empha- 
sizing [he imporlanC safely messages that ii'e discussed ii'ith him 
these jiast? dajs He — duiing our con^ ei sanons — asked that 1 help 
otganiie a delegadon ttip Dj China Id Icok ac the toy manufac- 
turing legion in China, and I cold him I would do so So, with [hat, 

I will be folloi^ing up with yom staff Co Oy Id catij out that ic- 
quesC that he made to me 

I ii'ant [Q thank >ou foe giving me nhe opportunity Id updaEe the 
subcommittee diis morning [ know chat vour time is I'eij limited, 
so I iiill keep my opening temaiks to these, and I will look ioi- 
waid, I'erj much, to answetin' jour questions, sii 

Senator Di vilin Thank >ou I'erj much, Chaitman 

[The slatcmentfollo^^s:! 


(rcol mcflnim/i, Mr. CknirBUB. I igiiie Icbir Ibf Cdid miiu'f' l£di]> id diuiii^ lli^z 
impDi-UiBl iiiLf "f (OD'umcr pndiirl iiiti> amd i|ie(ifi[ull> iccnlli dE chiUidil 
pnidui^ Ih? ConiiuDfT Pmdui ^tilLiy Cnm m ImkibI »ork Ig Impnivc ibc iiil?i> if 
impDi-lol lEy^ and imiHirtnDi p[Dpu1□l^ lo modrnnL^ lh< qniicy- iU]<iin"k 

A% yiu. kno^, <h? L.S Cuniiinicr PukLlkI ?t]t<y Corn mi^^inn lCP9^| ii a ibdIL, 
iiidcpndul]! and bipnruluB 4j?Hy «iiibllih«L by Cnaijirii and ibaigel mill pn- 
lalLTig Ibc publii liihiD imidmanbl? iiilii uT miimci mid dmih niuxialal mlb 
motr than Ij.IIOO lyt?-' hhT chi* lUDcr picdiiEli imdEr Ih? agynny i jiinidi'liDi] Siu? 
ill liKf plion IB IV'i, CPPC 1 »[i[k hm conlntuKd lub iU]i]liiiLI> Ic ibc itilike ■□ 
lb? mUi of LTijuy and diiiik nlniEd <d lb? \iv? dFiid^ubei pndiirli 

Wklle ^E DIE piroid oE ikc SR^Hy-. BDiiy kIi leiTBEn li [oniimi^r pndul mlely 

II ncivr u I'lBtt'Ed Out. bu< nl^ib,' dji on^'iai^ pnccii iiFiEiEDicb lUiHkiiil^ de- 
nkjBiiiL^l cnf^m^ni^B* jind publK Lilui^lu'n hliif miwi mzhwibaKnily CDiDplEt 
pmduii i-^pDBdin^ itUlI aU:i •y-ii lb? Ibiciiil^I und □■ iiBpnK?d?nhd luigE of 
impDi-li, cpiTDlly biiB Cklim, an: n Ieiv iI Ibi: mtyn dymam wit <hD< hie con ImiiiiiiLy 
chnllcnpin^ ikE CoBBlinMEi i ^nd iIie tnti^ionD] ^Clll□l lb? a/^w:y. 

In lETEnl >?Dr^ nkau^ l^&ibirli gE^II US pndirl lErnri hie oTiBpmtEd pmd- 
irli, amii Ibi: InigE ■□^niy af Iboie pndiKli □■? ni an ubcuiml m Cklns A ^OT 
■lixLy ibG^sl lliDl the vuLia? gEUS ini parti fmm all tiiimtiiei nfcntuineT piodui^ 


undrr CPSC'i juimLn ikjd -/-ai Ibl-I bifKiB id Vl)\fl Of Ihii amDunl Ihf vnLii? if 
1)5 impoiT^ oT (iLDiLiiiicr pndiirli msiiiib: lLii?d \m Chiui ■ni 4^HS tilliDii, icfln- 

SriiiBg ^piiiiiBiiu]> JU p^iTEiil gI^II (iin lumcr •ndu'li iBporlEd ib(c lb? UdIIoI 
mw^. FniTn I^^T IbiDii^ 'ffllH. the ihnicoTnll ITS impurli DFcoaiimirr piDdiHi^ 
InuD ChiBii mcioiiEd ty ^IboiI Vf) perif di. 

I viLill ]lI.< In [cporl Ig ^u \m miic iIeCiiI loiby gd <kc laliDlivn Ibal IbcCFSC 
}!□■ iiBdennlieD m !«?■< yoii i id nLJitii ikE giEiivili id impDrli amii m nbU' Ig 
3011 •/-hat a:lL£in' nc iin: pbiaaiD^ br lb? EuIlii? 

E''inl, ] ^UD plrnHzd ihh itpnn lo cbc coBnillieE Ibal ikli ■TEkl bD^plnaiii'd U5- 
Slhg CGDiuDicr Pmdui SalCi> SiiniBK bus mail.i'd a m^iIklib* -.<Et Einvnnl Id aii- 
voTidB^ pndiKl tahty ^Ib lEpanl ii> 4Dy-. □nil giIiei imfGrl- Fhib TiiiBa 

In □ ODpemlm eIEht Id cb^ui? <hE nifciy Hif ibildicD ^ l'l>^ ih: I'PSC vGiicnbiy 
□miDiincEii HD □RiE^'BEnl ^iik lis puidui ^afEly 40UD<E^p^l1^ Id iku TkiDea: gi^ 
?[iiniGBl □IdiciI qi imppinD ibE \i-t gI Lmil kiibI ib Ihc DinDutiriiiii: Dfloyi QDd od- 
dici^ing DibGr picdu* iiiKi> iiiuei Cbinn i Qcneial ^doiiDiiliiKKiB DrQiiDlli> Sii- 
pEiviiKiB, Ib^kIieiti and ^imniDliDE lAQSlC/t hn* agi?«d l£i cal«' loiBeliiiic mbD 
IG clinirialf UE uv of Imd pmnl on CniDEic DiuDii&icliiml ^^yi cipGrlfd 10 Ih? 
UniUd Siam. LeihI tainl gb iGki nlil ib lb? UBiicd SCil?^ km k^GB baDDid tiwie 

Id DililllifiD Id ibE kii] pnlDi hijieedicdI, Ih? Iit> □grBiiei □nnGiiBi?d ni^rl. pInB^ 
Ibi cmpeiiKKiB ID bur pndiir^ (□lEgmtTi Toyi, Fimnrki, Ciaiii?i(E Liirhl^iT, iiBd 
ElEc^mil F^>]lrl^ Tku IVHut Ptini piDvxlE □ nxidBDp 6yi kilnlGml eml^l <d idi- 
pnnr Ihe ^nfEly if Oieic pndiiEli, ^hicb icpi?i?B< udic oE ibE didiI IraiiiEnl hnz- 
□idi iiDdErCPSC I irgulninty juiikIicikib. 

Thi^ 11 on rn^GrOinl ^ipBal InuD ikE ChiDfiG ^T<iTrDBEnl •bai. ii 11 lErnu^ aboul 
■roliLng »]ib Ihe CPPC Id ticif doBi^iDiii pmdui^ gikoT^b^hdd hDin?^. tVE ivill 
bE liukiBR br ■mDiDsFul cxhpi^riilLon hib Ib? RiDUDd — ibn* in?aDi bdI juil ^ik Ih? 
ChiDEic g]Vd]iDi?B<, tiK nliD » ilH iBdumy nl bDlh f ndiuTikE ^iipplL cknin 

TliE SuDiDiil nlio nMiiliiil in hb iiDiE?BEnl by AC/S]^ id idiiedi' •S\i-\w \iitf^iwiai 
dE4dd:iidiei puiduii du^liBiil Ibi Ibc Uniud Smici ddiI Ig D^ml CfSC ib ImiiDg 
b□J□[llDlI^ piDdiKli IG ikE DiiiDiiBi: luirr, di^UibulDi nDd ?ipimcr in CliiDii.Tb? i^ii 
□pD(iEi w/iV nrvy:-/- ibe pbDi' eilniivcn?^! vilbiD ode fan 10 iiIedIiI> pu^iblr 
□icni br UD p idiibeh i. 

Tb? SuDiDiLl 1^ n pari dE CPSC'l bur purl □ribD pInD gb CklD?» rn^Grli Thr 
m^de dF ChiBEiE iBpDili cuddW be ntqiEilf ly adili?^i«] by aaf dd? ■?Dii'ily bul 
imkET iBiiiiim □ in ullL-piGDjrEiI nppicDib 10 <b? piDblmi. TbcCFSC^i pbn oFmi^D 
lD[ll»]<^ dinkflUE iiBd Lniluiihvi •/-ith Ib? CklDG-^z j^\ErBBeDi: nnrliinij ^]<h IbE 
privaii: mlor idcIikIidij CIiibuh: m aDiibc4iiicr' diiEci], iDdEni?*! inrvcilbiBi? iiBd 
?Db[i'i:Di?D< KliLLliEi QI ikE luideri QDd ivilbin Ib? DiiirkfipbH? and DiGdrnnii- 
liDn dFoiit gDiTTDLng iialuUi 

HiilDiH^ly. CfSC bai hdi □[UveI> CDrngrd ib d WnmlimiDl a:lLV■llc^ HDOT'vrr, 
IB ^IJI [BiiigBiring ibE [UDliBiiDui nBil iigDibBBl ueiBiic ID ikE Dumbci dF Idi- 
pDilol [4niiiiDi?r pmdui' ?bIciid^ Ib? ^DiErkoB ■Dilel*bc? Iiddi CkiDa, Diy picd- 
«EiiDi tiriiini? Ih? dm ChnrmnD dE ike CFSC Id Unn] <d Ibal 4diibU> Thai linl 
ilf p ivm ikc jr?n?iii br n biBnl icbliDnihip beloT'ED <b? CFSC hdiI ikE Qeneml 
AiIdi ID iiUnliDn oE Dinili4y SifiFvnu^n , iDipeclnB aDd QtianiBliBC f^QSIOI gut 
izDun l?rpDrE ii^|edi'> id ChiBn nDd lI ieiuIifiI id Oie u^iDg gI h ^lEmGmDDimi Gf 
L'ndET'UiDdiDq IFIDU I tclorcD dui •.ivi BaibDi lnier ikm .tnr. Sibc? k^cDmlDa Aci- 
iBgCb^unnaD id JiJy '.3JlH> I Iiiivc VK^Ed ibE laik nT kuildiDg u^gb <}iii< biiBDalLon 
□ I GBCulni> hbrbi^kl prkinliei. 

Id 'Sim, nl ikefLii^ U J^ -Sino FiDdui I SaFily Sum bk, Ib? C P^C i^^ri hb ^iiud 
FbD Dn CDDiuDiEr Ficdiic* Sabiy wiik ^QSIQ Th? Arlnni FIdb nulliDci ^psifir 4g- 
DpnnuvE ^i[<KiBi lo b? ial.?D ky CFSC iiBd ^^5l(f 10 lapiDir <bE mRKy hhT dib- 
lumcr pndiHl: ImiDinf UrhDH^ □i^liCiDce, □ mabaniiB id piDJKl? Ibr 'ugEnl 
IZDD iiilUimB~ nbeB D?4?imr>, iBlhfDiiiibD ?ickaDi|Ei, ubiI ike (iediiub hiI WGrliiDg 
Qimipi <D mlili?^! Iiiia?! in bur pnDi]i> qiloi — liicDwIi ll^l?ri, ebilncil pi«F 
irli nDd iGyi 

Th? iail.1 DFib? V^ oHiiDg Qioup 1 die Ig itvrlDp iuiil?j()ci Id □ddirii iiibi> pm^ 
leDi^ lo k? nble ihh lEipoBil giiklJ> m uigcBl picdul Hibly iiiia?i, Id ei^boDgc ib- 
FDiiDDlHhD nn ibsngei 10 silsly ^laDdnidi ddiI ioei(hDBp liiboiiilDr> iiBd iDipaiuD 
pel v>ddeI id ODiik Albert icipETlivE biillliei A I ike k?^BBiDg dF Ibi^ yi'nr ^e h^b- 
lilyzd nBil izDDi DiiiDHiil?d Id dui Cbinei? imiD l?rpiirE^ ipccilH puiklEDii nDd piu- 
pDied KliDni lo DiSdmi Ibrs pioblfDi^ ^ilb ic^psl Ig ?iiFh oFlb? Ibui piEdirl cai- 
-1 rDnml by ikE WoikiBg QiDupi Id May dJCIT I Imvelai Id Chian ^Jilb □ 


dEleRiIiDTi Gf lnp CPPC uIUcdIi br la-pEi ton diHuiinnii dE ikE Liiiiei tdmlifLol by 

Thi^ ^[<i k 4 uLni InDlel ib Ibii ^eeI.1 Senniil Bkddd] [JS.-Sih> Cdh iiini?r PndLKl 
S^lEly SiimBK OD »hick ] lEpiLrUd nl Ibc bc'RinDLiiq dT my Kiilmony hhI I ^im 
IcckiBg br^niil ehh our iiDUDiml idrh »ilb IhE Ckln^H] d^ it iBphzBcni IbGV? 
□giEf mciili 

^luHbei pnuiniii n'if'Bilk lapk'BEnu'd ii hoIlIkdIioi] |£i CbiiiEic ^iT'n'niiiiEn I ilfl- 
cial^ and imc laidLird Ckm^H! numuBi. luiEr if n CDnmni^r pndiirl Ibnl -/-ai ic- 
cnLlcd ID ibc Unilwl SinhM. TkE n^iuy kiiiI^ l?<lei i Id 4hE Cbm^K ^T<i?niiiiEiit 
□ml Ibe Cklii?>? mmmb: luirr, ■□ loik Bnaliik hhI blnndDrin, knclly Eiplnlnmq 
lh« lETnLI □ml ^hIdiib^ □ uupy uT ikc CPST fwns irkatc aamouncin^ ikE lei^lL 1 
bElEJE li II (iiiK^I Ib^l Ibe ChiiiEiE guEiBmeai be iiDlLl»?d FDiB^lLy af Ibe iccnll 
□ml. ^heit kkinvD Ibe uleiilily DFDTiy Cliiiieie m^mdb: liiirr ^haie prxLiKl ii the 
mb^l oFn utzly diikid 

PriVlIE IFCrOBi'd^ NL'F^4 ILIlEi] llilllin'T^ 

The iHiiBd IFimg nfmirphiB m oddirii CliiiieK imporli L^ Ig •/-■^Ik wiik Ihe pn- 
LBlE ^mr urliMliq Ckune ■DBofa'liiiEi i. Due if th-: Coiiimii-.»D ^ fii i' ■□Llm- 
IriTi in m^miliBg la FkE (fruTith <b ibm>i1i •/-at ••• t:\iibliiS\ tht OITifE I'F Inh^r- 
n^lHiiiiil PuiriiQB^ hhI In U'lpiiL^rn mi^Ui] ^IEl■^^ lo -.iippoil □ CHim p itlicn -ivc elbrt 
IG eB^ui? Ibnl impoiUd on iiim^r pndij: I- Eimiplyzd iviik ndSBD^ AmLiuun ^Ie- 
ly iCmdnnli Tbr ■i^^iE'TI oTCFSC'i I n lemsliDn^l Fngmm^ ODke li ehh Ecciilln^le 
llu' n^cDEy 1 viil. ^iik Dlber (Diininei icRudLng ^nFEly lUiadaiil^ ttvElDprneai □□d 
b^jBDTi iiDiHB, m nrP ai iD^po:liDn amd tiibic\:m-:m' kIiilIiei 

A mafa rm^baiu oTikli pmirmm it ^'ickiaij ^vilb t)ii:i^ m^n ii&h iiii?n Id riOili- 
llib puKLiKl uiti> iftVmi \ii LIB iiiUjnsI p^ir oE <LEir mim iiHh nirmp pi«e^i We 
b^L^ (iiihI <}iii< mimy oirru^^ ■□■iilK liiici i, pniTi'iilai ]> IbGH] hom Ibe devEl- 
DGiBg idilil. HIE EiikET igiiGniDl dT eii^iio^ VDluDUiiy and ■□■dalGiy 'CindDidi ur 
UBply iboDK H>l lo dEi:^ and m^niiBHiim' ikEir piDdiKli Id Ibn^/i iLandnidi 

Ai pni'l of Dill piDD Id DJilnM^ Ibii piDbkm. in 'JjJU5 ibE CfSC pukliibid Ibe 
H^Bilkml: Ibi ^□□uHk liirini^ !^Ie CGB^iiaei FicducU imderionng Giir meimm 
Ibal alEly m\iil bi d<-i|jn^ and buiLl liiIg iGB^iiaei pnidiHii m (DnGnm^iiEE vilb 
utziv ivileBi pl^BDEd, EiUibLiikiil mill Imf Lomi^lcd m ikE dLiccoua il oieeuIivc 
m an^)jeBEn I Tbe H^mlk'>jl: p ii:iEn li □ I'lmpn'kuji iim: ^>^U'^ll1lK □•piiuib Ig iiidb- 
iiBHiiiniig lat piEdirli □□□ bai b-xn piibliihEd in M^Bd^iiiB dhI diiliikuhd id 

In ^lK5 CFSC bcilluiled ikE linB^blvn dFiIie idEn IiIk^iih □□d iFDpE piDinna^ 
Ibal ^iiBm^rire <be lEquiieBEii li oTnE^Ky XiCI U5 m^ndanny □ml I'GliiDcaiy tim- 
■umer pmdiHi wt'ly lUindaidi mlG IiTdhoiid Ig milil ChinEiE m^nulb: llI[E^^ in 
imderiUiBiling •/-bat U.S pirduci ^aFEly -cjtndDrli nquLic »bt'n niiinutiEiiiiin^ vnr- 
IDII1 piodiiEi^. CPPC d^h^rBikiMl nbi:]i -Ul^dl1^]^ wiiild 1^' liuB.blcd pnanrily by 
□nnlyzln^ •/-bat impintcd Cklnei^ piLducii ^tii: nx^bd ib ikE bii^il numl^rs HH 
ieIeciib^ <bE iGriEipmiilii^i US ■□ndaoty Gr idlunuii} lUiHbiil^ Fdt ImnibliDn 
TkE imn^lDiKiD gE Ihe iih.^IiIi'dikib mill KDpe piGvi^uDi gF U.S piodui miely 
lUmdaidi BifiIiUi4ei CbinEU maaiibciiiicri iiHlriLandiBg dE Wbai ii lEquiied Gf 
IbeB ^hEn ikEy ■□niifiKliiir pndiirli Ibi Ibe U5 m^rle* Tbe UhdiIeiikib^ Dflbe 
tdeBlifimiiKiD □ml ii^GpEi piDvi^iDni dF ibE Xiw^ lOmdnidi oie avnilablc al 
lUindaid ifGiral Dig. a 'vckiiu DpEinied □ml BEiincainEd ky ANSI 

Tbe CFSC bni ai^i EDndnEii^l iiidii^li>- ipLTilii 'qFeIv -eminuM mid lElail nEid 
mdor UniBiDjr lEimn^r^ in Cbuin SL^Ii kj- (Dndii£l<d □ BiimbEi iJnilboi "ihty 
Imlaing ofIiviIiei id Cklns dmilimj w/iiW iDy lulEly, elEcliK^l picdiiE* ui&i>, Elic- 
■toIi^ iati> hhI □ ^iipplkr ^iiE:i, hmm^r Fdi weat\ieTi 

F\ma\iy, •/*: aie iind<rUil.i[i^ CHiBi/TumB^ w/ilb ipeiilk indiiiiiy i(iDiip i 4d Emmir- 
atp (Eilingmid (EililrnmB piGgianii. Fdt Eiomple, AtJSl □nd Dikur luiHbid^ im- 
duili} □nd lEiail gnyupi ^ic iGB^HEno^ Ibe dnT:lDf mEnl dE leiilngand ccrUEIailiDn 
pmranBi We kavE nlio diked thIIi Ike iDy indmliy ^jhub ii pkmiiing id mGJE Ibi- 
■niD w/ilb itb □ pn^fmin 


The Ibiid piDnj^HhTGur pluD Gf □c<kib brChinEiE lapDiii li iBciE^ied ^iirvEilbiHe 
□nd oaEniTEmeB* -icIimikm AlLbHKi|^b Ib^ Com ■ i-.-.ion vat ^iiboiil □ qiiDiinn ll>r 
DVET ^11 BDnlbi ibE ^FEKy kak bEEn □c<i\e ib ibE Ehnllenn" wTimfGrled 

SiDdui^ H>l Dnl> dliEElK ivilb Ibe Cbino-e gihi/Tn menl, bill nlio Iioie id ike ITailed 
lale^. In liiml yiii VlllMi, Ibe CI'SC □nnniincEd qd □ll-liae iroid niimkei dF ic- 
Enll^ of [IeIeeIive piodui^ Tbeie ieehII^ npiEiEnlel □ •/-ute mnge of EDniumer pi«l- 
irli hhI piodiiEi knr^idi Dirr luiD-lliiidi dF Ibeie lEiiall^ i."eic uT im^Grled piod- 
irli, primiuily EiDm CIihd. 


CP5C 1 CriTnpliani'c ^l□^' ■rntri? ■□ (onjimcUoa t/ilh L'S. Cmloni^ iiTid BdhSct 
PnUcoua fCBri iiiidcKiih.'d hoik niuiini: und Lai|^ -.urMillnnio jUid iiiniliii|j 
oE prxLiKli HI U3. fwii oE L^liy CPSC ic[i.*ll> Hzjrnii uriHip Jiinq in iho AuLo- 
nrnlol ComBcnLil clDviniDiiiETi I |ACB>. ^CB ii Ibr nev US CBF piDtn^ing lyi- 
!?■ iknl □Llll'v^ CFST <u ^fiuiK lb? EHkieiil (ilIIhikid hhI aiial>M^ oFiEoidi of 
mcoBiBg (nn-umLr picdiirii lo ii3i.*li^ likely 'hipBeDi' of jntilii? picdiirli fc^Eiir 
lli«> 4DTi k" iBlKiduc^ IB<D ib< Kiuiin ul CHhiD mL^iK OiiT mrly ^ipciKiKe ivLlb 
uiiBg lb? AC El kyiiL^iD ihiIkdiei •bat ii ^ill piDvxIe ui vilb bclierdnin Hi □■ 4'iirl>?r 
pDiBl in Ih? piDi?^i w ikm our pniT mipHiKiB □cUviu"^ cud te piErlv Ly Cu^ml 
□ad ikm mDic clb ILH. 

CP5C obLLDLiily □IH'iiipli 4d ictp dnagEiDiii pnxLii'li Iiiib cnl^niig luId ikciGiiB- 
Iiy m Ihe linl ibiihh? Ib^Evcr. ■□ lEc i'^edi ^ dcbiljE przFlirl doci cnler Ihf 
iIiEDB oE CDiD mEn? CFSC km bsm uiking ilniogEi BE^iiinM <d f DKUJEly lEinoir 
iiirh bihfIlkIi fnm Ihe ni ni kElpliKE Fdi ciomplE, □fii?^ pndiKl but ierm icdIIoI, 
CPSC km ilcppcd up Ihe numkr uT ifiall. vciificiiiKiD ibihmiudi dF 4hE nMnlliiig 
linn^ lo CB^im] Ihe pndirl li bui>^ icninvaL fium Ihe ■□rkeiplne. CP?C bai dIvi 
□dof led II nfv piiHirE dT v>Ii^bj( nmyir lElDiln i of nil CPSC rkdILi, ai •/•cil ai 
icailLnely CDnduuiig idil^tbl^ KDirhei tir wkk oEieinltd pndiKli 

CPSC iIdIT II dI^a •//uiiinfi »ilh idikhii donii:iUi hhI inlernDlnniiil n^nKiniKiD^ 
□nd ^miubiidi finnip^ <o D^^iur ikm n iinmg me^aig? li bEiag delivcisd Id Cbrieie 
in on lib c 1111? n amd eipmUn 

The fDuiIli pionir nToiir pkin dF arlmi] br CliiiiEic impon^ ii ike Bi^lniiizaii^D 
oEoiir ^pLemuig ^Lalulei Ig bEller al\••B^ \ii lo odditis ihe biigc InFliL' rS imporli 
Coamc' ^11- Fur-i^hiid ^hEn ii [mfud ibE Coniumcr Pnidiici Sati/f Ac*, Ihe 
CPSC'' [jiv'oiii iBi^ .<iiiu<E LI' hen Ihe b.^*^ rail w/iil^tn in I9TI, Cangmi w^agnnrd 
Ibal iku n^ncy 4'iuU noi mHiH' \I3 \n-/- m fDicgn [minlnui i^uiiil EiicigD niaa- 
uEh linen, iq our lUilule^ boU EiT-iycne m Ihe pmduf i iIicdb orcHtBrnitce m Ihe 
L'mud SCile* leiponuklE amii fi'i:nl\nPy \iabie. Id ki}?l] Ihe Adicjeeib lEiipaiTcr ai 
■vlL [1^ ikE doBeilir ■einLlcn und dLilnkuion, die hEld leipDniikle ivkEn rve (□■□El 
lEDib □□ ovenrai [□□□iiEirliiiEr. 

Hg^civt. •/-bai. Congmi loiiU h>I bieiec '14 yraii age -/-ai Ibe Elotd of eifair^ 
Ibal ■will tE eBUnop Ihe L'mud SUiUi in Ibe 'iin CeB<iir> Tkni ii one iui^d 
Ibal 1 keliEve ii m \m Ibe bEil inleieii dF (Dmumcr pndiKl latly id moderDue 
CPSC'i ilniiilei □nd Ig lUcaglbea Ibe ogEncyi h^nd :■ pnUrliBg ikE Amencna 
piihlf . 

Ai ycoi Ijiiiv, Ur. ChniiiD^i], ikE CFSC •/-at bil imiilbDiired m l4W. Clearly, 
Ike dfnamKi oFihe [□□rl.eip bwe banibsngi'd dma^uinlly ^incE Ih^l lime. In Ibal 
lEBiid, I ^Diild I1I.E 10 mbniii Inr ibE iiTDid a copy hhTii ^[<rkiiD papei IbnL dc- 
uribEi piGHivEl [Eviiioni IG CFSC^i iialiiii:i Ihal I Idicn ivill kro lln w^wiy le- 
ipond IG Ibe ^lil CEnliuy cbnllciig?^ dF fpoMng impmr^. eniEigiBg ksDnd^ □■d 
moitni ieOuI IshnGlii^ Fdi c^mplE, i< ^oiild oddie^i GbviDiii gipj in dui iIdi- 
ule^ by makiBg i< iiati^liiL Id ieII □ iBinrEd pndiirl id CDinBEiiie. 

Mr CbniiiD^i], ibe CF9^ 1^ de4Ei]Dii]Ed m maki? lenam ikai lapDiUd CDniumer 
nindui^ mcEl Ihe tame biirh ilDadnid^ ikal or: nK|iiiii: if pmdui^ m on iibciuml 
IB ^■eiiin While ibE CFSC klilGncally kni been □ [ebiiivEl> im^lL o^ncy I l<- 
lirvr ibni iviib Ihe pnper Ucl^ it caa dibIibiie 10 □ccompliik Giir mi'.^iDi] of m^k- 
1^ fciUiiD ibni Ihe picdu^i Amenoin IbBiliei brmg inm Iheir kDinei and pby- 
gnmadi war mlbiind ^himd. 

I tnk bi^Did Id DBi^cnB^ yiiir gbeiUmii nnd ^Diking •/-ith Ihe CDiDBiilee db 
lEieH] LmpGrCml \ii\iei. 

ScnaHor Duibifj. CmniTi i^iduce Moorr. 


Mf Muoie Mr Chairman, ranking mrmbcr, and incmbrrB of 
the Buhcomtnitlrc 

Scnanor Di'puin ^'auld yan pull the microphonr clincr b> you 
there, pIcaHC^ 

Ml MoDHE Thcicitifl 

I ii'snt [a thank you far providing mc with [his opportunil^ to 
pieacnC Eesnimon) [a3a> on die iiriparlant iB&ura Eucraunding the 
itnpro^ cmcnt of conaumci ptcduct saiclij in out counay. Aa Fvc 
said beloic, I'm ^adfied by the vciy cirar EignalE given bj halJi die 

House Bnd the Senate aulhoiizccE and appi DpiialDrs, that they un- 
dcEEland die very diniciilt poGition that [he ConaiiincE E^cducC 
Safely Cmnni LESLDri lindE iiacll in 

For die fii&t tune &inee I came to die ComniiBaion over 15 years 
a^a. I haiT the Benae that [here's a tealizanari of die need for both 
a autsianda] and auEtained incceaEe in our funding level, bb well 
BE the need foi impprlant chan ^ee in nui slatute. 

The k^ to an CTecdiT re^ulalnrj and enfotcemenC )>ady la auffi- 
cient Leaouicet Ed cany out iia reaponBibilitiea and miEEion The 
CPSC IS 3 a Isfl- intensive oi ganizadon. I've always expreaaed 
thab — at the heart of CPSC'b operation la ila acafi, without quea- 
□on, OLEF ^eateat and imxt imparEant aaaet. Oi'er the laaC lew 
years, because we have achieved nui bud e"-i ^m "^ ataff leduc- 
dona ihruugh non-tai^Hed meana.auch aa anniniDn, early oula and 
bu^oucfl, we ve Icat aome vcvj key acafierB The experience we have 
IcaC will cake yeare [oiecai'er 

Ttie reault is thaC the CkHnmiaaion is at a CEcaBraads Anj addi- 
tional reducniDna in alafl or reaourcea will uldmatelj place the 
Cbmm laa [an m a position where iC will no longer he an effective 
Farce in consumer prolecniDn 

The licBt aEep thaCmuaDbe taken la la rcjcccdic adnnniaUaEnm^ 
alaffin^ and budget pcopcaal for Tiacal year ^4)08 FarHunatelj, Con- 
Ereaa — bolii die Houae and the fcnate, have done just thaC I aup- 
poit an incremenEal appicach to incrcaamg our budget and slalF 
Since we lequite a jeatly incrcaae of about 3 to 4 percent to keep 
cui'rent with increaaca m aalaij and other operating ccels, jearly 
iDcr^ueB in die range af lU to 15 percen t would — in mj minji — pio- 
vide die CommiaEion with a gccd growth patcem. 

Thia giawth pattern wauld alsa alloii' the CommiEEion to do a 
yearly aaacaament of wheie die ai eas of neeiis meat exiat 

Thia flummet has been die aummet af Qjy lecalla There have 
been aeveial, highl> publicized recalls of childien^ producla made 
in China foi impartaHian and sale, by wel l-ea labha ned , and lang- 
□ uBted domeaHc Dd> manufactureta Thua iar, in 2007, CPSC haa 
iei?alled a lecard numbei of hazardouE unpolled prcducia From 
China, including ed^e and children's jeu'elry. The salely uoiic haao 
ciated widi ihia incEcaae in imporlE has cieated new challenge for 
our Commiasion. We would like Co hai'e additional leBoutceB Dj in- 
creaae sui veillance and enforcement activities at the potis, and in 
the mat ke [place And we are working with iniereated can greaaianal 
membeia Dj mcdetnize our gaiTming alatuCea, to give ua moie le- 
verage through the regulaCorj proceaa, and our enforcement activi- 


Aa lar aa the lead in childien^ produclE issue — I wish that the 
Cammissian had the authoritj to find it unacceptable for an> — 
anj — amounc of lead, oi anj olhec comc substance, to be in a 
child's, oi he in childten's prciductB. However, our slaCute tequires 
us to aasess die acceasibil ity of the lead, and this is a kej measure 
undei the Federal Hazardous Subatancet Ace 

The Commiaaion did lasue a guideline dc<:umen[, back in Janu- 
arj l99fl, which went so fet as to urge manuiacHurers to eliminate 
lead in consumec products In ceaponse Eo diat guidance, in AugusC 

l^9S, [he Td) UsnufBrtuicja of America pledged Id ckiminalc lead 
from ihcii pinduclB 

Yd, here wc arc, ncaily lO yeats later, facmE the Eamc ptoh- 
lentB. ¥.vcn beToEC Ecvcral leiKnD highly publicized recalls nhiE aum- 
TTier, McmbcEB of bouli the House and the ScnaEe had indicated an 
intci'eEt in rcinvi goianin g die irommiaaion thiough the reaunhoi iza- 
tion picceBB 

I have BtiDngly supparled increasing our Bisff, and facilities ic- 
Eource&,and vaiious changes Id our ElatuEes qvce the >eais I have 
Eubniined m bonh [he HouEcand nhc Senate propceala fQC conEidci- 
ation duting duB pinceBS of looking at reaiilhorizaCion of the Com- 
missian Acmng Chairman Nocd has also put locth hci propoGals, 
manj oi which I agiec with Some of ii'hich — m one form or an- 
other — I have advccaCed for yeara Thus, for the first time in a long 
time, thctc'fl bipartiEan Euppoit for the CommiaBion to make major 
changes to the Ckimm iss lan'a siatutes. 

Again, [ am gratified by the attention that CongieaE iE pa>mg to 
the CommiftEion, and Tm hapclii] that we sec significanC leaults 
from aU of our cfforlB I know that the American public will be 
[hanhrul. Thank yDU, and 111 be happ> ta li> ta rcEpond to qiie&- 

SenaEor Di'rniN Thanh >ou, CammiBBioner HDOie 

Mi Modbb Thank )ou. 

rnie alatcmcnl fnlkiWE:! 


Hr CliDlrniDTi, Pniikiiip McBbET. and McmbET' af the Subomni IIke, Ibiml. >iili 
Hm phivkIltih me •/-■••b iKIi op poi-liin ily 4d piEiEnl Ki4iBony l(di]> im Ihe Lmfardnl 
ii^DH lUJiEiLiiidLiip 4he Lin p [E<iTMD?Di dF CDn iiini?r pndiir^ vkiy beic ib Ihe UdIIoI 
Siam. All kii\E wkL bcloiE, I □■ ffralilKd by Ihe vei} (loir ii|jDali ijifB by bolli 
Ib^ Hduk iind ibc SiL'shk AulbGmiM i hhI AppiopiEilon iknl Ihey undei iIdbiI Ihe 
ITMY dilTLriill poiilvi] ikm ibe CGB^iiaei Pinluci Salsly CGBniLiiKiB fCPSCl DhI^ 
ilielf IB. Fdi ibe ilni lime tiwic i trnnc In Ihe ComBi^iiDn, imr Iiit:]ve >Eiir^ 114:1, 
I liDiT Ibc ieaie Ibnl Ibeie 11 □ loilbDliDn uT ibe kced bi kiib n mbiuniki] amii 
imUiiiu'd IBCIBI1E ■□ Din fundiiiR lui/'l at 'veil m ibe kEEd bi loil ^md LmpurCinl 
chnBgei Ig gut iOiIuh'^ ^hub (ouli] J^ve m wi-/- aiilbuniiei ^md ileDitr diieiiuD 
m nrli leLmg our m li twia. 

In M^icb qF <bii yeni , id □ ^jtlIkii imleaenl Ig Ibc Seaule CGmmillee db Cuni- 
niene StKiKe and Tran iportiKKiB. I ipoke ^bmil Ibc problem 1 □iKHiiKEd ivilh Diiy 
pEirepiHD oE Dui mcdETB, wpbliliraKd markclpliKe dF odny elhliLely ngutiliiiB 
ilielrbi pnxLiKl iDti> Sib ply ^inKd. coBpcliliDii amd \oi\imviwy ofIidii 1 4n oduyi 
builne'iEiii.^ Ai wii. alnnyi iidTiiK id ihIehuiiiI ibe publK idUmciI ConifeilinD 
dui wii. Dad ivdl nn* meviCibly laic ibe ie<ib if a ni^iy lo pnxLire ibc ut^i 
pmdui. Tbc i6\c af ibe CP?C m mday'i (DDiuniEr pndiKl ■□rkeiphme icmniD^ 
compelling, lubimniDl Dud lElevnni." 

Vfc wyn III bei? Icii ibuD m' moDibi lnicr bfizEiu}? if Ihe dui^ib^ [iliinii aboul 
pDiiibl> unwl" (GDkUEiicr pndiirli, i[<nie picdiiri'd ri veiIii4kib HhTdniciil, long- 
lUmdlas [EgiikiliDn 1, ibeapK [□□■iiEu'liiiEd m Fdiei?" EicIIiU?^ awl mut/ Ikodmg 
Gur [ii[irl.eip liHe and pniVKliB)^ a nil: dF Iihtb iu ib/i}? CHhniiimen WbD pinrbnic 
IbeB We w/aaA. <d iJlu*^ WbD \i m blnniE amd vbni ^icp^ •/rtun no^ mbe m oddm^ 
Ibii piciblem 

The ^bml ^md eniy hd^^ei Ig Ibe linl qii?^iKiB 1^ Ihnl •/-■e aie nil Ig bbme — Ihe 
□dBialilnKHHi, <be CoiigiE^i, Ihe icgulniDi 1. ibe ■□■nfirliiiEi 1. irn^Grten and ic- 
□ibri, awl anyone elK WbD may bnvE beea dciIve Gr lurliLe pnrticlpDBli in ciia- 
bling Ihe pi>lir> d^iiiKiB^ awl pnoiiii?! Ibnl h^ir Ird 111 Ig Ihii pDml Tbe only 
bkiTnetii Gkci awe Ihe im 1111 pec 1 log (Dniumeri •/-hi imnLlirigly plocE ibeir 4gd- 
lidcEue m □ ^yi4Eni deiigned 10 piDieii <bcni Ei[<ni ibe imicnKiuible mk of bziim 
ln>m Ihe pmdui^ ibnl llie> lind ib ibeir m^i telplDCE 

The lEEDiid qiiEiiuD di.« iidI hnir at ibnwi GrEDi> an □murr 



Thr Iwy m □■ eDkiIje lEgublni} and ^BEmEineBl bcdy ii tiiHwiient iruiLurEi !□ 
nany oui 111 lEipmiiibilLliEi and niLiiKiB. Tb? CF5C ii n ilnIT mlf diiit gidudlii}- 
lion I ka\diL'Kiy^ f ipi?^ie] IHdI □< IbE hrart of C E'?C i of^mliDn ii ill iVifV, wilK- 
Dui qiKilion GiirDmin"ki ^mil bdiI iBportnBl micl 

Di?r III? lull IeV ^T'nn, bccnuK nc ban ^ikK'Vfi] hhiit biidRV i r^mnd lulE ic- 
diicuHi IhiDLffk noD-Laiu^hd niEiini Mrh di mlniKiD £arl/-u4jli amii bu>-ULll^, ni] 
liDiT bil nmE iviy Ie^ -.ciiTEi i IVc did xil Tvnni ••• hoLC id do □ iratiJilLDn ui Fro*? 
fEIF) m □nuBpliui ibE lulE iuIlxLlod: lihI bjivin^ □ BimibEi il older ompb^tEi, 
■V IeII lI -/-ai likely t/c idull bnw: enGUfb CBphhE?^ ^nlLiag <d uiln] oIliidcii^ gE 
iBCCBlivEi l£i be able o nmd □ RIF "hub vni ib mc* ibE lau 

Dirr liiDf DC bof? m bf ntlE <d liniii i?pln?BEnli bill lb? ?ipEneiK< Ibnl ni] 
liDiT IdiI 'vlII mkE }Qii 1 m rKd-tr. MoitHhiir, ibe bcl: oE iidrLr>?B< icKiim^i hn^ 
lEiTM^Iy llmlH'd Dill □tillly \i dih MKCi-i-iion pbiBBinir 3iid lEividy limlH'd dui □til- 
iiy IG liDi? dEplh HhT pEi ^DiinoL kbind HKjr koy po-Kniii^ In jddi<»iB. d^ikdliu iv- 
iDLHixi hhI lUiiE [FdiirlHhiii bni/' kud -ube hi^Iivd impiu* ia dlh n^ii^^i ^EiLily 
IG niUnrl bigb bjEl qLEillficd landHblGi bi our EiilLmL ytkuhlti at nrLI m gut 
□billi} <D icIniD iDincGlGLir dkb h>p Ieit.'I f mpLoyEEi 

Thr lEiidl li lliDl III? Cgbidliikid ii ni □ [iGinctHii Ad> iHlliuihiiiiL icduina^ 
IB ilnlEm miHinfi ^U ulliniDl^Ly pbH? ike CEin miiiiDii ib n pGMUUB »b?[E lI Kill 
iiD Imigrr be an eltclLir: bux in [OBiunifr piDieiiKiD. Tb? lint iiep ikm muii k< 
mkEn M <D icp:L ike ndni In liIiqiud i lUilHiig and biidgEl piDpoiaL Inr dual >FDr 
^LUa. FGrluDiilGly. Cdhriui, bolli lb? Hguh] mid <bE ?«n3l£ Iiiiit: Aimc JliiI Ibal 
Tkii Conmci' bai leiil eIeqi i^uLi Ibnl i< HBdcjiinndi Ibnl lb? Cgdiidliidd ii?ed^ 
mot? luiidLiig <D iBcimiE iii imlE Dnd id bE nklc Ig di »Dik on iiilciDDkiii^i niid 
Giker piGinli <biil baiv been ikElvEd ur iki^sl Aiw/n ke:DiiK gI brk oE icKiimfi 
ll LI innnl ibm "e hnvr □ pcnod gE lUikillly, Ig niGvr n-/-ay Tigb nbal bai been 
a pDll?m dF ir>nBg Id tee bli*^ w/c tun iddiiii^ ivilb lei' Dnd m leaiD □ pncEii Gf 
dEl?rniriLiig ^IidI miwi »? ii?ed id boL? in GidEi Id ?d^liie ikm »c do Giirpb iddi? 
eEHt lively 

Hg^cht. I miiil pDinl duI IIidI Ii ■will bdI ^ervE <bE Coniniliumi Gr Ih? piikbi 
DvIL ID juil ridiH na iBQiely ikiG^ nz^LinEi al Ihe CDin miiiiDn in mfGD>? Ig lb? 

Eublic nbiB iLniDimdiiig umE biRlily publicimL [b:iiILi. II bui lakED ya< i br lb? 
GniBi^^LDD m g?l Id lIi picKnl pG^iinhii limI iI •/-iP lake ^cnn Id (dhccI I ^iippGrl 
□□ LiiEicB?Dial appmrh lo LnEicaiiiig dui biiiR?! and idlT. Siu? rvi lEqiJir n 
^vnrly iBciraiE dFuddlii iki?e id Ibui f?n?ni ihh l«p iiuiEnl ^ik ri(ii'ii>?^ m ta\n- 
<-iei lEiili and olb?r GKroliBciG^i^. wiily iikied^« ib lb? laa^ nl lO <d lij gei- 
EEnI ^Dubl, in ay iDLiid, piDJKlr lb? CnnnnliMOB ^ik □ Rord giGWIb paliera. Ibi^ 
giGWIb pnlleii] nnul] uLid hFdiv ikc Cnm m I'Mihii ii' dii u ^iirlv Div?-.'iiiEi]L oE^b?!? 
lb? anni uTBEedi iddiI eiMi hi Ibo C'ibdilmkib iboiElliai: ulh'mnH ibo Coiiiidmidd 
Ig □ddmi ii^ ii??dk ib ikE ligbi ul Lbe (uiitnl [HtBiimier pr^liKl ^□l?i> piableiDk 

rupumpniKTi M>-En 

Agnri IB Jilnirb gI ibi^ y^ai. I mbniiEd Ibe 5?djiI? CDiniiiille? "n CGiiiiD?[rE, 
Science iiBd TinD'porUilHhi] nkGii^ my oncera^ "i<b Ib? ^Diving BiimbEi i hhT piH- 
ukly bnnnliil ImfGiTLd CHhiiiiiiD?r prxliuli (Dmmg iniG Dur (DUDiiy Ib Ib? FuIuie, 
Ib? pmkleiTi^ niiiHiaL?!! ivilb irKiLiiiinD nLimk?ri Gf pn^iibly dnB^iDui inifGrl?!! 
pmdui^ vill pi?>?Bi ike Cgbitiiiikib viik mnt? DBd niHit? di a 4ball?B^ Ibiifdi- 
iBg DLiBben gI us. EDiDpDi]>?^ HIE eilh?r impDiliBg ElBi'b?d picduli or iGBpmiEii I 
pnrl^ mod? m DLb?r (Duninci di cimkliibing ibeir g^h puiduii^D pInDli oulud" 
dE ibE UbIIgiI E^ehI?^ Ib mDil 431E1, dDBo:lL£ (ompiiniei ait UH^mg Id bnvE Ibe 
tamt degiE? gEchhuIidI gvei ibEK pridiKl^ ni ikey ■Diikl bnvE ifikeir pndiKli on? 
beiBi; ID J3c In lbii4GiiBU> Tbi- iBubiiily 10 knjEiGB^UiDi bnndi-ni] ^iif?rv]iiDn con 
lEiiui In pmdLHii ?Dienng ikii cuimliy Lbnl dD hdI ni?el U.S mleiy iLandnidi ' 

Tbi^ ^LiBiD?r bai brcn Ib? ^LiBiD?r gE ike iDy leialli TbciE hnir ke?B ^evEmi 
bigbly pLiblLrir?d ieeqII^ gE Ebiblicnl pmdui^ mol? m Ckiaa fur impGrlaliDn iiBd 
Bit by ■ivil ciUiklikb?d DBd iDng iniii?d dDirmU: iDy mnButirlLiiEi'^. Tbui br id 
^Ml?, CFSZ hai [(''□lied a icDiid Dimibei of boinidoLik iDiporiEd picdiicli Eidid 
ChiDn lucIlfIiiil^ Lgj i and ibildron 1 f^w/ciwy. Tb? vt'iL 1-.-IF'. DiKHLnud "lib ibi^ 

iBciEaiE in imp'irl- ki\E (hiiiimI no" [builEiin'-, Hht i'ui romBii-iLOD Tkc Cgdiidm 
UDD LI (um^llv kxiliD^ ^1 Fbayi lo nlliEii ike do\Eliif ing liiimm 'uinhiuidin^ rn- 
pDiUd picdiiEi -olely. \\e dh: iDi'GliT.'d ib lODie oiiimik'^ luk ni dLtlrfliu' .uid idi- 
linUvEi »ilb tmi^ i^vETBiDEDi-. and ibe pmal? Kclor, iBciiiliBjr dihiD?-ii' jnd Inr- 
?igD ■□□iifiK luioi I We nniil] lilc Id ka\t □ddLliDnni nminEi Ig idiiedk ihtveiI- 
Iudo? QDd eiithnoDiED I kIillIiei at ikE bDiden nDd Id ib? ■□rlnipln? iiBd iv? hie 
■roliLiig •/-ith ii]l?[Eil?d CGBgiEiiHBal iD?Bberi m iDGitmiiE Gur ^>iT'mii]g ^mi- 


iil?L IG giJE Hi nunc ImmgE ikmiigh Ih? lEgiiblfiiy pi«:?]i amd •d\ii curDK^BEnl 

ElG»nT:r. I Ibial: Ibnl ii ii \dy impoiUiBl •bai. in nbnKvci »c dih (o lira lively — 
IbiDua}! clBhiTi ^1 Ib^z ^dm in iiIiiii»d Icit:] CoaijiEii and lb? Cgbidiiikib — l£i aii- 
dicii unporl pindiHi miely »e mu'i hzhI □ ilenr iiBEgiJvixaL BfiH]^ Ig iiiiidliEic- 
lun^ri, unpornri amii icinilur-. »ho biinj; □■!) oltr br tale ■□ ikii (ouDiiy piDdiHii 
vkKh pitKnl n mbiuiDiial pndirl h^unid ai Ibal dc iiu4 izHhinply ^ik nVS picd- 
irl ukiy ^l□Jlda[ll Tkni mcnaiqv ^kould be Ibal, 'idu ^if k? bcU ni'DLin mbl"." 
TkE ri'mBi-.-11'n mu-.< hnvc lb? -.uIUcicdi icmmci, ike D]«K|Li]le □ulhGniy □nil the 
mlf iudI villLngkcii iud«LivEr Ihnl m? ki 

iT'TviDU irnomui uonuro tun 

D? qE lb? hylily pubLniial icidILi knvc lavcKed cbllili?D^i prxLiKli that tim- 
aum le^ GrlcDl imiUiiDing piiiBl T"yi DTGibEi nilnL^i idUhiIi'iI nr uic by ibildirD 
Ibal kail "Idd imiUiiDing pmnl' Die bnaiml knr^idiHJi pndLHli ii n a pnibLblml 
□CI IG iBlicduce ai itliirr br ■□indii: lL£in lam inlGnLale CHtamme □ bnniiGd hnz- 
□idnLii mbiUiiu? faf pcma "ho viDlam ikli Inivcoubl k? mb^l Ig bolli cnminD] 
□ml (ivil miicuHi. Fnor io^DT, ^e hud been □v?ni^B)j Ibm ici^lli □ yrar Ibi ibil- 
diciil prxLiKli »]<h 'kud (on [.iiiiinir pDiD4 " Tbli jrar rti hnve nlniidy hod iS 
Tkii icgiibliDii bnDDLnR ibildicn ^ pinduili ikni bniv 'IediI (oduliiiv pmnT bai 
bEcn Dii <bE kouti For ^U ^^Min und <hcic Ii nbiLJuuK iid ekuie br n vdIduh Gf 
lbL^ ic^lniKiD. VkjIdidi i ibGiill be kekL '□nGiiBinklc Ig ike ■□iuduiii eilGBl br 
lb?r BDii-OB plkmce. 

Ai br^i ibildiea i pndiKli tub ai jenrli} Gr vinyl bnk^k bibi oaUnDLUR □rci'^ 
ukle lEDd ] •/-lib thai. Ibc Com mii^iDii lod In? nuikurily Ig lind il uimrc^piiiblc thr 
any □idolidihiI lend loi nay nlher Idik iiibiian(e| <d be in □ (hildien i pndirl Hg^- 
?jcr. our iialuie miLiim ui Ig atitii Ibe □rc?iiLbrii> dF •b\: lead lihI Ibii li IHg 
\,ey niEDiiii? imder Ine Federal HinDidGUi SukiUmcei Ad IFIB^ ^THg Comm i i'i^d 
did iiibc □ guHtLiBC diitiiBEni bnh m Jnnuai^ gE IWIJ ^liick ^rai kj tir m Ic 
Lugf mnBiilJrlLiici'i 'lo ^LiBiame kind ib iGD^UBei pr^liKli ' In leipoiiic lo Ibnl 
DUKliiBiie. ID Au^il dF l^fta, ikeTGy M on ubciunTi oi Am^rx^ pI'KUH'd ihh elim mill? 
lend liDB lh?Lr picdiiKi. Ve< keic •/-c awe nearly len ^van blei , £r:i>|j Ih? tame 

We knG^ iknl eifGiuir (c tud cud eleinlr bL«d kiid Icivli and ikm iiick ripo- 
luiE CDuld bring aboul de^rlopm^BinL picbkmi \m childitn I ani iib-'>lLiiel> (eiUila 
Ibnl pDi?B<i iKjukl imiEe Ibnl \! •/-■e (Guld i?qLiLic lh< ?liiDinii<K]B hhT kud id ihd- 
dicnl priKLii'li, ^e inDuld I undci iUihI ibnl i[<in? memb^n GlCHtagicii awi laier- 
filGd ID •b\i Liiiie and I bnfi ikai iknifrh lh?Li elbrli ivciim iKldiiMi iki- piiikb:m 
□nd pel Ll rrnLiT'd ib bvui oE ihriiDiigbly piHiTliBij mir ckildna IJihin hbditci lary 
^iMmin] iHh Lmd (ODiainiu pndiKli 

leilmg HhTpriFlLKli gd id? omrkcl id delGrmlD? iGBplinH? ULlh olely iinDihidi 
\i dIki □□ iDipofuini nan if dui r?ipGDiibLllii?i I (□■! lelL ia\i hiw 4nHjbLiBR Ih? 
pHlur? Gf Gur lG> Ifiling Eirlli^y m In? Nr^ Vork Tibci nnirl? -/-ai m m? We liDvr 
DEen IryiBg in GkOiiB FDndi Ig iDGd:miic nur tib iih? beRm' I uniM'd ^1 '. fSC id 
ly^Q, ^d ^e ban newtyr irtcwwd amy iigDilKDiil EuDdinc br ilim Di^iL 'i\-: hni'? 
bEEn w/DiUnj! ivilb CiSA gb □ ■cdeiBirslLJon pInD 'mcE at ifan iV^it Tb? I jb Mnid- 
EmcQikD FcaiibLlliy Sliily (omf L'-U'd jiinily iviik CiSA in !3JU.1, Fr<iB(d ilie kmii 
Ibi □ capiinL pi[;p4i iiikDiiKEd Ig OM \i by G5' as pan uF lb?ir liv:^! yi^ni dJuT 
hiiH—r HG^EL?r Diber aainDal prbnlici pi?4LiidEd lb? pmtm lic<in beiDjr Eundtd 
Tkeic [enauily hm been □ kvel dF Iru^iisliDn □i^mmU'd 'vlId ikc pi«?ii We Hdv? 
bEEn lbi<?d lo a(cep< a baBd-iud □panxick <d liiiDg Ih? bik »hen ^ai •/-c lenlLy 
n??d \i n mapi iD(^mi'Lii>iD (iLinBiUD?Dl 

I liDve ■«]?■ Dlb?r ii^iiBir l□b^ -lkIi m IIidw al ITadf rwrilf n LabDiDiofiei, ^hxb 
airi mub niGi? voplii-.iKDiL'd , ^pmniii Dad up-l^dnie ikaa our bb. Ciiven IHdI •/-c 
□I? ibc lederal a^^D, deu^DiLiI lo piDltcl i'4niiiiiD?n Tigb pndiKl bsinrdi dhI 
Ibal DUI bikomuii} Ifilmg pkiyi □ icy icJc in Dialing liDjard ibierBiaaibDi I 
Ibinl. <be iiaie gEoht lab ibGiiLI 40D4?m eivrjone Hon^vcr, 'vli?Deicr I 00 (c gut 
lab I lUD (DniOmlLy □iddiqI □■ lb? inra'Btiiiy oF dui tib 'laEF id GvemumLiig ipn? 
□nd r?mirre IIdiIhiIloiiii We olien Cill iiboul lb? ngcncy mskio^ do ivilb ^hai li 
hui und DG»h?rc 4311 <Iili< be -len mi'it -inliD|rl> 'bam at ibe bb. I ^[oild lik? la 
ie? a luiL lavc-lDicji I Dijdo in upinnding HKjr Ink -> ikai ^e naa do Diiiat l<^lLI]g 
IB Dili •yrm btilli, rjiber ikjD b-iiin^ <d ciiiiIiihI ike rvilk dui niid w Ihul l?ili 
dDii'l ilDcb up bEcauk? iln tirl. iiT jdEqiuiie ipucc 11 Hhlhrr iimdiik?^ ^hiik prrjEnI 
ui liGDi 4bing iim ulCincaui l?iiiD^Hhii VDnoui pndLi:li 

We awi lunenlLy botlDg □< diltienl leal ?iiaie~ uLuliDni ^ik QS^ lliul ^Duld 
gin \ii a bell?r pkyixnl plaai. Hg^civt. ikeie Kiluikai may di Diay dW nlki^ u 
Ig EimdiDii al Ibe lODie capakilily •/-c Diui?Dlly kaje OBd Ibey ■null nol itipIivI- uny 


m ad? m LID 4 ma uT «K|LiipBEn i ll tai ctVmaIni lacl: m ^1X12, ikni cbc tail Ig iniLy 
moitniLi? Dill lnt, il iv ^Eit h> -lny od Ih? cujitdi iilf, ■mjkL be lomi'^h^ir 
□miiBil UU ■illiH Thi^ ^culil i-^ |iDi]ii mir ispntililici plui giw ui □?» rqiupmcii I 
□nil n pk>iii^l pliiDl ibnl ll tHb cnrigy cITrKB^ imd □■ cln(lii« ui? gE ipiKe A 
maitni biillly ^culil aim pui u^ m n bclL?r pihili»D Lg dciil ^iik CBfiging Kck- 
nokok'L iirli n' BLiniiiiTliJiolruy li n dilUciJL rm u' lo cm lODh^iD plan wi-/- m 
omil] iiMcii pnlcnml pr>]ii£l-i?bilfd n^mola buHtbuy knr^uds whin w/c ilmglc Id 
piovuSc <hc biiui lub i^pubililici <d iDf«i gut ciuirB* kEEdj. 

QjEn tcEii? ifmnl lEc^ni b4jbly publiriral iecqU^ niEiDbfi i Gf bolli the HGUie 
□nil Ihr ScniiU HdiI liidiciilal ^n luIgi?!! in iniiviBDralLiig ibE Cgiiiid iiii^D IbiDiigb 
lb« nnulliGnjiiiKiD piixci^. I hnjE lUongly luppDiUd ridm^ing Gur lUilTDBd b- 
ciLiUh nzKiimri ana inrnLi^ (hungry id Gur iCilLiKi OLcr ibc ya\ i. I knjE mb- 
nillKil lo hoik Ih? Hduie □nil lb?^«niilf pnipDH]!^ bi (on ^idrniliDn dunBc 'bn 
piDt?^' gI LoLlnagal mnilbGnjnIkiB oTOie Cdiiiid i i^eid Acuog ChDlmmn Moid km 
□liQ puL ll'iili S\i-\ f [opovl-, tRaafTWhub I saire w/iA, tumc oEivkKli I In on^ lorni 
or □■iih'Ti I h.tiL ibdMOhd (ir ^iin Thui, wi IbG fii i< Iiidg in ii liii]|j umi:, Lbi'n' 
1^ ki-psiumn ^iipiuin Hhii Ih? CG■lDl^^Kl■ <d make m^jor (Hdhiji'-. ehi Ino Commii- 
aon'i ^mluUi ^b? gE iku ^lll^^^l(d clinajp:' (I'ulil kelp ikc Com ■ i-.-.iDn i Enllin.- 
mcBl EDnn^ w/iib i?^f«:l m ibc lyp? ul picbkmi »c Hdi? bccD Kcing »i<h IHe ^ab- 
ly of UD porlfd pndiv li 

Amiln I ^UD amLllird ky Ih? qIhmiIidi] Ibnl Congidi i^ paying Id ikE Cdiiibii^iod 
□□D] nm kopniJ Ibnl nr hc ifrnili'iiBl lEiiilli friiB dIL DlGiir«lbrli I knoai ihal 
lb« AmEJKHB publi] »ilL l« ikuabEul 

ur^iTEn STArcFi-i: >i irj A agieemeht 

Senator DuiPi^. And if jou do ha^c Co leave caily fot >ou[ den- 
ial appointment, it's undcraKiod. I thank jou very much far jour 
bcinE here mdav 

Chaiiman Noid, I ii'ani m rellcct, for a momciiC, on the asicc- 
ment > caleidaj ii'ilh the Chinese When I met with MimaCer Wci, 
he mid me diat China had a zero- Pile ran cc policy noii', *hcn it 
came lo lead painC We, in the United ScaCefl have banned all but 
the ti meat amounla of lead paint lor over 3(J jcaiB — bo, what'& new? 
Thia ajiccment thac jou saj haa been i cached leaTfiimE ii'hat has 
been the law in die Un [led Slatca foi 50 >earfl, and what la alieadj 
the policy in China. Are jou Baying diat die Chinese have now 
adopted a new and di (ferent alandard ivhen it cornea Dn lead pain I? 

Ma NuHU. I think, eii , that thac'a a queamon jou would really 
need Co put pj die Chinese, 1 

SenaHor DuBsir But you enteied into die agreement with diem. 

Mb Noid. Yea. And die Chinese ha^e committed to lake imme- 
diate acdon to eliminate all lead paint used in Edjb exporHed lo the 
UniEed Slates ^'hy it la there la a vcr^ legilnmale quealnon lo puC 
to the Chinese, and Ho put Ho die loy induBti) that ib going to be 
following diis panel And I ii'ould hope thaC you would put it to 
them, and I would be very, veij interested m knowing their anawer 
to iC 

Senator Dupuin You don't know whether thia a^cemenC icp- 
leaenia a change in the lead slandaids for prcducia exported liom 

Ms Noid. What I know, air, i& that we ha^e banned lead paint 
in diia counU'y foi 30 jeaiB. And as I hai'e laid jou before, and as 
I told Senator Klobuchar vcrj recendy — we will not tolerate it, and 
we will enforce the law. And why it la showing up in Qjya manulac- 
tured in China is a veij, itfj serious and lejidmate question, and 
I hope JOU put it to the manufacnirers And I'd like to know iheir 
answer Ed it. 

C H ll.DP I!r4 ^i JEWELHV 

ScnaHor Duvhin I think wcsll would 

When it iznm^B Id children's jcwclrj, i^c know that iic ha^c a hc- 
lioua problem here, and die Conaumci PrcducD Safe^ CommiEaion 
has acknowledge that, mill Eigmlicant cccalla at 150 milliDri 
piccca archildtcTi'flicwelr. in £004. 

Ms No 11^ VeE. 

Senaoir Di'ihiv Recent a [ones indicate that wc arc still iccciv- 
ing lead jcii' city from China. WhacBlcpB has die Con&umer FrcducC 
Safely Cominission Isken n> slop thcEC BhipmcnlB, to inspect these 
shipmcnia, and la pioEect AmcFican familiea from cxpiniuc Eo iJiia 
lead-based childten 'a jewelrj coming from China? 

Ms Noii> [autlined anumbec af steps diat [he Commission haa 
laken in a teccnt leHcr to jou. 

The Commission scatted ila acnviCj m 5004, of course, well be- 
fore I ii'as there, and — aic>ou leaving^ 

Mi Modhe Yea Tve got to go. 

Ms Noin Can I come wilh you'' 

SenaHor Durnir^ Ydu'ic lacing yauc own dentist heic 

Ms No 11^ It'a a sad day when jou'dcadiec go U> [hcdentisC 

Senanor Di'rniN Is it safc^ 

Ms NoHEi The CommisEion inidated acdvil^ in 2004 dealing 
widi lead jewcliy, and again, I detailed [his m a teccnc letter to 
you The Cammiasian was vcij concerned about thi&. The> did a 
lathci non-Ecicnti fic survey ol what was out there, and as I re- 
potted m m> Ictlet tnjou, they found significant numbcia of piec^ 
ofjewcliy iJiat had lead m iC When I say Eignificant, sii, Fm mean- 
ing moGt of It. Un foitunacely, because thac survey was done m a 
lalhci unscicntilic wa>, Fm not goin^ to — in [his senjng — get into 
the nitmbci's, but baEically meet ol it was lead ieu'cliy. Because af 
tha[, the a^enc^ ini[ia[ed an enforcement policy which we put ouC 
there that said that if iic sec lead at above the 06 par[fl per mil- 
lion SEandacd, we will consider that a dc ^to substantial pccducD 
hazaid, warranting a recall. And that has been [he policj in place 
since 2005 

In OcQjbci £006, wc did anolhec nonscicnti fic Burvcj of the mat- 
kelplacc Fianklj, we were pIcaEcd that wc onl> saw £0 perccn[, 
buC obviously 20 percent is a whole loC higher number than it 
should be 

Sena[or Di^ihiH Ic wa& '20 

Mb. Ndbd IcondnuingI It had gone fiom victuall) all, la 20 pei'- 

Senator Duisin. Dcca ^0 pcicent icpre&cnt millions ol piece? 

Ms. Noin Yea. 

Scnalor Dupijin jconnnuingj Ch ildrcn's jcii'elry, sull coming into 
thcUni[ed Sta[ea wi[h lead? 

Ms Noiu AbsoluEely, absolutel) 

Sena[or Dupi^in So, what ac[ions arc you taking now to slop 
thcHC prcduclH from Teaching theahcKca of American a[orea'' 

Ms Noii> We have ini[iated tulcmaking which would basically 
juBt ban [he impoi ladon of jeweir) wilJi lead m it. 


In nrdcr lo lake action, wc nroi a legal basis on t^hicli Iq do lE 
The cnfotccmcnl policj waa a saod [ool But if wc arc EDina U> be 
able to lake effective eniotccment paliciea, iic need lo hai'e uie un- 
derlying tegulanan in place, and liiat'E whac iicVe dam 5 

SenaOir Di^irih When did jou initiate the rulemaking^ 

Ma Nop 11 I b?i:amc acting Chairman in July ^U06, and thia naa 
one of [he very firat diinga 1 initialed. 

SenaOir Di'irih Andao 

Ma Nop 11 And we got the ANFR laBued — juat before wc Icot our 
quotum in January yiJu7 

SenaHor Dubbiii And so, aa a irault of that rulemaking, how 
manj of dirac dangcroua lead jewelij products has the CPSC ic- 
called and removed from the &helvea^ 

Ma NoH[> Sii, [ would have to get back with you — 1 juat 

Senator Duibih. Any? Havc>ou lecalledanj? 

Ma Nop 11 Tm &uic wc have, but Tm going to Kavc Id come back 
to you with dicse dclaila 

SenaHor Di ini^ If >ou would, please. 

Ma No 11^ I ]ua c don'c have them off the [op of my head. 

[The iniotmation follow&:l 

C iiLLiBn^ ^ U I III Ji'uij.BY nil LixE^nximrt S, fflid TO DCIDB EP ID.^UUT 

Thr L' S. Con iiuDfT Pndii: L Solely Cnmni liumi •€ F5C | □■■Duni'Ed n new eti lbit«- 
TncBl kIi[> Ic ndLMf] Ib/i |iol?B4ial benLlb iiiki fiDiii Imil m ibildicD 1 ■^cnl le^ 
?li> DTI FfftniDiya, rnXKi 

B^ina.* ikm dniE and ChlGbfi lU, dJUT ibe CP^C hn^ □■□DuncEd ^T iKnri of 
chiUicnl nicUil ]i.'^eIi> lavcilvLiiq IT£V2,ITU imili oIie^eLi} pndLKli 
ThiEE of lbe»: ietuLI^ dvi? □cdLuambLE bi o-ci 12 priTEiil dF ibe luilli itidIIe] 
— IIJSIiumbu Df^ralmg Campany 

CbildiTD 1 Bfuil ke[liln«'^ □ml ripper pulli 
tiJ]IX>JJDI> unili 
No'cnibEi ^,21HJ5 
— 1^1 Al.^ Qiiiai Imd\iiiw>ci 
CbildiTD 1 Wiaieleii 
-IJIlXrjJDU unili 

— 1^] Hlnckfc^in Si buQ 1 Company 

Mf ml 4 baiB 1 
■2iiU»UW unili 
Mnnli d,3JIB 


SenaHor DuiPin. You've seen thi& phoEO, ilfa piobabl) ^miliac to 

Ma Noii> ltBU[el> is, sir. 

SenaHor DupniN And, could you explain to me, when mott Amer- 
icana feel diaC dieiE Government la [here la help them out, protect 
them from dangerous prcduclB — could you explain m me what 
we're Icoking at here, and what this rellecia in terms of die loy 
aale^ inapection capacii^ of the ConEumcr Prcduct Safely Commia- 

Ma NoBD. Yea, but I diink acnually that phoO lepieEcnla a big- 
ger question 

The Consumer Prcduct Safe^ CommiaBion's lahoralorj in Gai- 
thcraburg, Maryland ib a l950E-era Nike misaile lesting site It la 

an incicdibly incfiicicnl facililj. We've pit a nuinbei of diffcicnt 
buildiTi j^ Bomc of ilicin — I hate to admit — da not even meet cede 

The CPSC^ IflboiaOHj must be mcdeinized. And iic've been 
tslking to tbe CongresB foi anumbec of jeaiB about tbat 

ThiB siniatjon cannot conlnnue, eii And, we 3ie — as 1 diacnaaed 
widi our au[lioiizei& in Maich — we are Hying vctj haid tj work 
through siHne issues witb die CienersI Secviizes Admi niEti anon 
IGSAJ, in ordcF to mcdemize our ^ilitica, and I am Frankly, noD 
happy with die pro^eaE [hat is being made 1 was I'er^, ^ei) 
pl^scd that die staff of both the Ap pcopi iatioua Comminee and 
the Commerce CbmmiOec ii'eie able to 50 out Co oui lahotaDJi'j 
about ^ weeks ago, tjsee fii'suhand, die situation there. 

However, having Eaid all that, generally — with respecc Dj toy 
testing, that la a piece of oui toy teatins lacilit^ We do a number 
of teEla out thecc Thecc has been quiEe a bit of picas plav about 
our lonely toy [ester, single tc^ teatci — I think you showed a pic- 
ture of him 

He basically spends his nmc doin^ small paila [esnng, dcop tcat- 
ing Jf there are odici issues dealing with cojs, iot example — lead 
testing o[ elccuical testing — diere are ohvioirsly other people m the 
laboi atorj that do all that But, Bob's our small parts guj 

SenaHor Di'ihiN Thanh >du 

Senator Btownback 


SenaHor Blown back Thank jdu. Mi. Chairman 

Chairman Nord, 1 want to make suic I understand — you're sav- 
ing serious aclnons will lake place if the Chinese do not compi} 
with the lead paint rule that you'ic puHting in place, is that col- 

Ms NoiD. No, what I said was that we reached agi'ecment that 
the ChincBe would lake immediate steps la eliminate the use of 
lead paint, and at our summiD over these last '2 days, the Chinese 
went throurh and listed a number of acnons that diey intend to 
lake, and I'd be happ) to 

SenaHor Bi on n ii.ii' k. What I want to undeistand fiom you is 
that if lead continues to show up m [oj picducls, what will jour 
Commission do' 

Ms NuPD. Well I think that we have to address not cinl> thia 
issue, but the whole question of unsafe impoilE with res pee [ to toys 
in — as I said earlier — in an organic waj ¥011 can'c look ac one kind 
of activilj and Ba>, "That's going la soli'e die problem/' heeause 
this IS a problem that needs Ho be solved on a number of different 
levels. Tve oudined 

Senator Biow^e.^i k Chairman, I want Eo hear >ou sa), ^hese 
product are not going to enter oui stores." If that's whac>oii con- 
tinue la find. 

Ms NoHO Well, I'm happj to say that That, sir, almcst gees 
wi thout sayin g. We ha^e been tiving to enforce diis lead paint ban, 
and that's whj you have seen these leoalls EfQweiTr, m order to 
more cfieccii'ely address the question of unsafe impoils, what we 
want [Q do is make suic that the prcduct is manulactured safel) 
in die fiiBt place And that requires, first of all, the Chinese CJov- 
cmment getting togethei widi us, and backing diis And Tm hope- 


ful that our activitirs ovci' ihc Isat S days requital in that, ai at 
Icaat pushed it fotii'ard We've e'*^ I" maJic buic that Chinese man- 
ufacHurera and cxporEccB undccBland their ]cga\ obligations, we 
need Dn make buic [hat die tc^ induBtrj is warkiiiE on diis, and 
then wcha^c lo enforce die lat^ 

SenaOir Bpo^rB^rc But iBn't it best to Baj, Ijoak, if there is 
anj lead in anj of these ptcduclH, [he produces don't entci Amer- 
ica, peticd " 

Ms Noii^ ^Vcll, that IS die law an lead paint 

Senanor Btai^uBJiCH And that thal^s what you're gojug a> en- 

Ms Noin That's absolutel) conrizt, Bii. 

SenaHor Bioanbai'k. Okay, and including juBt idcndlyin^ ^- 
tori^ that flic prcducinE priiduclB like [hiB, and Baying, "No more 
pioducis coming fiom here undl jou clean this problem up " 

Ms No I II That'E part of w hat waB agreed Eo o^ci these paBt cou- 
ple of days 

SenaHor Bidanback. Well, here's whcic Fvc got a htdc problem 

Mb Noid Okay 

SaQhiT BiowNBArft. I worked in [he trade Held in I99U, l99l 
And tlicn we were puBhing the Chinese la protect qui intellei:tual 
piapcity nghia Saying, jou know, we put a movie ouL and before 
id's Bhown here, ib being said on thcsnceCs in Beijing I'lcactuallj 
been in Beijing, and been oflered a movie foi Bale by a countei- 
Iciter, hefoic the movie came out here So, Tvc actually expciicnced 

And we Blarted [hiB back m diccarlj iSftlB, and dicy said, Tes, 
yes, we'll enforce your intcllecnial properly lighlE," and here we 
arc in ^U07, and they adll don't honoi' our intellei:tual piopcity 

But now wc'ic on Bomcthing that has a consumer safety iBEue 
with it This IB about the Balel^ of die ehildicn, the safely of the 
consumers, the safely of pels in [hie country And we Bhould have 
zero tolerance, and I think we need to Blart pulling die club out 
And Baj, '^'c'rc going la Blart shutdn g all of [heac down " Jf these 
pioduclE aic coming in and we can't be sure diat thconea that arc 
imported aic gcod. I think, jou have Id just really pull the heavy 
cluh out, and saj, "^hal^B the way it's going la be And Fm going 
to UBeciTrj cool Fvc got to make buic diat happens. " 

Ms Nopii Well, sir, I think J gave you a vciy long-winded an- 
Bwer la get to diat point. That's cxacdy what we're crying la do 

Senator Bhowmjai k And it's what you will do. 

Ms Norn You haiT my commitment, sir 

SenaHor BrohNBACK. And if you ncoi any additional legislative 
audiority from us to do it, let ub know 

Ms NoHii Sii, I gieady apprcciaEc that 1 sent up to tltc Hill a 
piopceal, and I hope that we will see foni'ard acUon on IcgisladouL 

SenaHor BtohNBAOK. And, Ictus know of any personnel that you 
may need 

Ms Norn DfcDumc. 


ScnaCor BunwriPACK Arc yan having any trouble gcIIinE into 
Chinese TTianu^tuiiJi 5 iBizLlHnes Id rc^ici^ praduclB? Or da you 
even have iha I author ity and capaciCj'^ 

Ma NoHD We don't have chat authanty, we don't have diat ca- 
pacilj, sir — iic dan'c have people 

SenaOir Bhowxhai k Would you like to hai'e thai? 

Ma Noii^ Wedon't have people in China 

SenaOir BiofcHBAi'&. Would you like Co have people in China — 
do >ou diinh diat ifl impoilant, because you've said iic need to get 
at die baae of the manuffletuiins — da^ou need Co be able Co inapecC 
the plan ra there? 

Ma NuHD. Well, we wouldn't have the authonij to inEpeci the 
plants diei'e, but ceilainly I Kave been lalking, actually, inEernalLj 
far some Ume, about what we could do to get aoine pieaence in 

SenaOir Bid^hback. Do you want that? Do jou believe jou need 
theaudiority P^enforee these Elandarda that >ou've articulaled^ 

Ma Noii^ Le^ll), I'm noCEure how we would bcable pjdo nhaE. 
Our BlatuCe allows ua to enforce our law agamat impoilers — ei'erj- 
one in [he sHeam of commetcc within [he United Sla[es. But, I 
don't think [hat we would legally be able to go in and enforce a 
man ufactui m g slondacd in China lEself 

Sena[or BiohNSArK. Well that's what Fm asking, whether 
that's Eomediing we should Icok at. 

Ms Noir Well, wedon't have thatauthoiiij now sir 

Senator Bio^nback. Mi Chairman, I'd like another lound if we 

Sena[or Duinir^. Senatoc Klobuchai. 



Sena[or Kij>ijli'ii^i. Thank you. Senator Dutbm 

Thank you, as a fieshman Senator, [hank you for allowing me to 
seii'c on the ApproptiationE Committee lot ? hours 

And I appreciate. Chairman Notd, you being here, and [he work 
you're doing to try Dn Vmj [his ptoblcm. 

You and I have talked about the need to remove lead from chil- 
dicn's prcducia, and make euic we don't have chcBe kindB o( co'ic 
tojB m oui country. And 1 think >ou've erpteBEed youi FtusCiation, 
both m committee hearingE and to me, about the prcce&s, and the 
rulcE, and how they work, and how it'a difficult for you, and how 
you would piefcr — and I don't want to puC woidE into > our mouth — 
but some kind of legislative ban that'E clearer than having to go 
through vanouE stages that)ou do, thatdelays things 

And could jou talk a hnile bit about what would help you, Etani- 
toril), la make iCeasiec la make Euie that we can immeaia[ely ban 
these picduclH^ 

Ms Nori> Yea, I'd he happy [o. Earlier this summer, I EenC up 
to the Hill a legisla[ii'e piopcsal that laid out things that I though c 
that [he Commission should have — [ools the Commission should 
have m ocdei to do our job better Included in that was theauthoi- 
il^ la lequire a cer[ificat]on to our safely s[andardB, acioss all of 
our sla[uteB. 


Ri ah C now , wc enforce five di ^rcnt sCaCiiIra Only ihc ConBumcr 
PiinaiicI Safely Act ha& a pro^iaicin that allaiiB iot ccrnlicaticin Sa, 
thaC means when BDmcbDd) is manufacninng, selling a pccdircC 
that IB subject ta a cci ti Heat tan — or, a mandaEny aafclj Blandard, 
th^ have lo — as a part oi the law — certify that they arc mcctinE 
IE And thac'fl a vctj useful [oal ioi ua la hai'e. 

BuC that authciiii^ ikcan't exist acrcsa die alJier alBOit^, and 
the ETaiardnuB Subacancca Ace la the act where we regulate loya 
Sd, wc dan'c have that audiotils now, and E woirld vcrj much like 
to have that authori^ 

The other [hin^ thac la ^eiy [nteicatins, and thi& maj be getting 
down in [he weeds a hit, bo I apologize — qui lead pain C nan la 
undei die ConBumer Ptcduct Safcij Act, not [indct the Hazatdoua 
SuhElancea Act I juat told you, [here's a cernii cation pioviEion 

Senator Kij>ijih'ii-i. Yea 

Ma Ni>iin. Phe way che Elalute la wciHten and paEt Commia- 
Bioneia have incerpieEed it, ia it onl> gcca to Etandarda, it doean't 
go to bana So, we don'c have an cxiating lequiremenc nghc now 
thaC iin portcca cei □& diat diereia no lead tiaint in nheic coja 

1 have aaked die Geneial Counacl U> adviae on, whedici under 
arane odicc proviaiona of che alaHute, we mighc be able to lequiic 
that, and if ao, la put lagethct a briefing package for the Commia- 
aion, ao that wc can put in place that icquitemenC Why it haa 
never been acted on prior to this dme I don't know. ComniiBBiDner 
Hcote might hai'e been able Co expand on that, but I do not know 

SenaHor Kiobrji^kab Okay, [hank you and again I hope you 
look at oui legiElation wheic we've baa mail v puC thac ban in place 
with aome trace IcitIe, which are actually lower than the lead 
paint levela diat ace allowed, and then Icohed ac a lower le^el for 
jewelij, which I know jou'i'e been working on Becauae ita mj un- 
deiBlanding the tulemaking proceaa can Cake them over '2 >eara, 
and we'i e ] UEt ttyin g to give you the toola toact quicklj 

I ONauMBB PBODUCT aAFE7~t CDMMiaaio»'a lEC^LL piof nia 

The recall proc^ — could jou lalk about what >ou do now to 
make aure [hat ih^ie recalled picducla aren't for aale^ Becauae 
there hai'e been [epoilH about thiE. We've worked ^eiy well with 
TWgec, Toya '^" Ua, and aome ol the big tetaileia who've worked 
with ua to talk about how the> make aure that theae prcducia 
aren't Eold, and we appreciate the work thej'ie doing But rm talk- 
ing about when ihinga are in [he Btream of commerce or they're 
up on the web, or thej'ieon eBay. WhaCcan you do, and whaC mob 
could help >ou wi[h tha[^ 

Ma NoHBi Well, again, one of the nhinga [hat [ aaked for in mj 
eailier legialati^e propceal waa making i[ illegal to aell a recalled 
pioduci, and I think Oiat would be a verj helpful DkJ foi [he Com- 
miaaion to have. Ri ght now , what we do ia,oncea recall la initiated 
and announced, we undcrlake a number of aurveillance activitiea, 
including going inia lhea[Qrea, going on the web, doing aecietahop- 
ping kinda at [hinga. Hying la purchaae recalled itema We ha^e a 
lelatiQitEhip with the major online auction houae&, and have agree- 
ment with them that thej will noCsell recalled prcductH But again, 
you know 


ScnaCor KiiHirrH^i ^Vauld it help to ha^c [he batch numbcia 
on ihcpacka^inE ™ o" thcIc^B^ 

Ma noii^ Anything ihsE pro^idca trsccabilii:) i& vcrj helpful. 

Senaoir Kij>ijli'ii-i. Okay, thank >ou 

And can I juEt aak, a^^cc I'm nat on [he Appcopciation Com- 
mmec, and it Icoks like you need cnarniDiiH more rcaourcca, and 
you calked about rc^ampin^ diingB — has die adm [niatradon been 
comi n E in , eveiy > eai , askinE foi more leaoutceB a> fix dieac thing? 

Ma NoiD. Well, cveij jeai our budget requeEt has been a littJe 
bit higher dian die la^t year, but 

SenaHor Kloblth^i naE iC been of the exIcnC diat you would 
need Eo I'cvamp a lab like thia'' 

Ma NoiD Vou know, again, the lab mcdecnLzaHiDn lEEue IB aomc- 
thing diat we hai'c been Islking eo nhe Congreaa and to the adniin- 
latration about lor aomc time I think everyone underelandB [hac 
the lab neola U>be mcdecnized 

What die piablem la, la that we've got thi& facililj out there 
What CiSA was loakin* ac initially was, either demoliahing die 
whole thing and lebuilding — which would have been enoimoiialy 
expenaive What we've been doing in the past la juat Band- Aid- Wpe 
acdvitiea to cty to keep it aomewhat current, but you know, Uiat 
lan't very ccat elJecnve, either 3q, wc are now talking with GSA 
about Bome ceal e&latc aolutiona that [ hope will get ii& into a facil- 
il^ that IE modern, and that dees the job that we need to have 

Senator Kloeiwhai. Thank you 

iirjiTEn aTArBB-c>iir4A ^gieemeht 

Senator Di^rnih Thank >ou, Scnatoi. 

Chairman Nord, going back to m> earlier qucationB When I 
aaked >du if the new agreement meant that theic would be a new 
lead standard foi products exported Irom China, you aaid I ahould 
ask the Chineae 

Ma Noii> Tm aoirj — I didn't understand that to be >our ques- 
tion, air 

Senator DfHPiv. Well, go ahead, then — can jou tell me, dccE 
your neii' agreement with China, mean that theic is a new &land- 
ard, in terma of lead and lead paint lor products exported to the 
United States From China^ 

Ma Noun Sii, theic la both a statu On) and a regulator) ban on 
lead paint coming inPD die United Slates — Fm not buic how we 
would make that tougher 

Senator Di'hpi>. No, >ou — pleaae Tm asking >ou about the Chi- 
nese alandaid Haic the Chinese agreed to a new alandaid when 
It comes to lead and lead paint iat exporia to the United Slates^ 

Ma Ndbd. Sii , what [ am concerned about aie products that are 
being exported to the United Slates. 1 do not want to see aii> lead 
paint in thiHC pi cducm 

Senator Di'iilin I undcialand 

Ma NoHO What the Chinese do internally is up to the Chinese 

Senator DunniN Now, wait a minute. If thia ia a memorandum 
of understanding, an agreement widi the Chinese what they do in- 
ternall) is not up to the Chinese, if it comes la the United States 
ThBl^ what this is about I'm asking you if theie'a a new lead 


BtandBrd, agic^ to, in thiB sgiremcriC with Cluns Far Irad oi lead 
paiTil? I'vcaaid that [hrcc timra la liicic, or isn't thctc^ 

Ma NoHii Sir, die Clunrac have a^ieed na eliminaEc any lead 
painluacd in layB expoHcd Co the United Scacea 

SenaHor Duvhifj la thia a new Elandard? 

Ma NoBD. Sii.a^ain, >ou will ha^e to aak the Chinese what die 
Bistc of die Chinese laii' l&. 

Senator Di'hpi>. Let me aak joii about youi quote in this mam- 
ing^ Wall Strict Jaucnsl Thia relates to die toy industry 

1 might Eaj that this sidclc Eaid diat die meat concictc aspect 
of the a^iccment — diat iicSe [cfcrroi ta here — ib the prnhihiiion 
on using lead paint m tc^B And, Tm ttying ta ^et down to whether 
the Chinese hai'e agreed to 3 ncii' Elandard, in tcims of what thej 
arc goin^ U> export But, I will aak the Chinese. 

But lei mc aak ynu ii'hat you meant ii'hen jou referred to the toj 
induBtT) and Eaid, 'THo longer i:a[i the mduEtrj tolciate an 'aak no 
queanona' mcrHalHj," aaid Nanc> Nord, die CFSC's Acting Chair- 
man. "TTie Blakea arc] List Ico high " Arc jou saying that diat has 
been the practice m the past? That jour CommiBsion did not aak 
qu^ tiona^ 

Ma NoHEi Well, ccilainlj, air, aince f^c been a CommiBEioncr 
we've been asking IoIb of questions 

Ab I indicated in my opening Blalcment, die very First group I 
leached out to ii'hen I became a Commissioner ii'aE the Poj InduB- 
tiy AESociation And, I think I hai'ca vcrj strong recoid indicating 
a concern here, and a deaiic to work widi >ou with the induaOy, 
with izonaumcr groups, Ib make aure that loya mat ai'c aold in iJus 
CDunOy ai c aaic 


Senator DupniN All right, let mc aak you this — [ return to the 

issue oFchildicn's jciiclry. 1 want to give you a chance to cleai up 
thciemrd iF there's any uncerlHinly 

Ma Noii> Oka> , thank )ou. 

Senator DurniN I believe that )oil had acknoii'led^ed that your 
Commission found that there ii'eic dangcious lead m childicn^ 
jewdij that led to a siibsiandal i eiall in 1^004 I believe that jour 
eailier tcEHmony was that you initiated a lulemahing m July 200^. 
iclativc to Lead chi Ldren's jew cli y Which, I think, gees wi thout sa> - 
ing, IS a hazard, il tiny parts can bieak ofFand children iTan Ewal- 
Idw them or be eiipceed to them 

So I want to know, as a result of that lulemahmg, what ardon 
has been laken by the Consumer Frcdiict Safety CommiEEion to 
slop the export, or to even examine the exports oF dangerous chil- 
dicn's iciiclry to the United Siates 

Ma Noii> Oka) What the Commission did in January in 2UU7 
was isEue a nodizcoF propcsed rulemaking This ie not a Final lule. 
And what the CommiEEion didoi'cr the pci icd oF time where we did 
not ha^e our quorum, was analyze the comments iJiat came back 
and aa I have told >our stafF, wc intend Dj go to the next Ela^ or 
lulemakmg in the fall 

Senator Duinin. Thia is 


Ma NoHi> I am not goinE to ptcaurnc Id ptcdLcC [he wny that 
rulemaking ii'ill come out, that "•aoM niH be aiiininiBtialiii'cly piap- 

ScnaHor Duibi>4. Sd, fa- over I year, your CnininisaiDn has been 
BufEcicnt]> concerned about dangcioua lead content in childien^ 
jcwdrj, and ham ii'hal you haiT cold me, no direi:C acdon haa been 
Ishcn [□ stop iinpDrca of chis dangerous jcwclij into the United 

Ma Noii^ Sii , we've done I'ecallB. 

Senacor Di'iilin Well, I'm aaking yan tell me about dial? 

Ma Noii> Theic i& natulc in place, Uial^a what Fm trjin^ la tell 
you, but we've gat an enfoicemenC policj that we aic cnforcinE I 
would hke to have a rule, becauae that la a much anonget rcgu- 
latoty mol — until we get a tulc in place, we will enfoice out en- 
fareemcnt ppliey. 

SenaOir Dun p in Well, 1 can juac cell you that what you've juat 
Eaid \a no conEolation Eo ^miliea aeima America, [hat yau aie 
somehow caughc up in a [ulemaJ[in» prc<:e&E, when jou know that 
one out of live pieizea of childien'a jeiiclty has danEcrauH lead con- 

We expect — Am^'icsna e\pect out Goveinment to ace co pro[ecC 
^miliea andchildicn 

Ma Noii> ThaC'fl wh> we havean enfotccment policj,a[r 

SenacarDiiiiiN Well 

Ma Noii> IcnntinuinEl And that's whj we'ic in 

Senacor Dlpuin Icondnuing] That's why Vvc asked ynu BciTral 
tinieB, to tell me what jou have done [o slap thia jewelij iiam com- 
inE inia the Uni[ed Slatee And Tve wiitten jou letteta, asking you 
to do a riak analysis oi [heae impotiB of children's jeiiclty, yauaaid, 
■^Vc don't have the authnrHj vie don't do thac" And if diat la the 
then I think eidiei the law or the Commiasion, need to 


Ma Nop II The law la what i[ la sii And I think I outlined in 
the lettei where the hnlea are So, I look ioni'ard la working with 
yau and the Commerce Commi[tec to addreaa ihia ailuaUon 

Senacor Di^ini^ Thank >ou 

Senacor Bcownback. 


Sena[ar BiowM^Af n Thanka 

Chairman, >Du're hearing from ua a great deal of fiuslja[iDn, ic'a 
juat reflective of how much friia[ranQn dicre la around the counH y 
icgardmg ihia masaive waiT of prcductH coming in from China, and 
thcaenEe that we'ie Icsing a lot of the manu^tuiing baae as a le- 
sult oi that We hai'e cwd y-jear-old childien, and my daughcer 
asked me, ^'h> la evcrjthing made in China''" And I said '^V ell, 
ic'a kind of a long atnij " but [heic la thia senae that iherea been 
this huge wai'e of prcductH flawing inia the United Siacea, and 
there la When yau Icok at major relaileiB thac get 70, dU percent 
of cheir prcdncia from China, and then >ou sec theae defecla thaC 
are lakmg place and China's a clneed syatem, bd it doesn't have 
a free press lhat& Inoking around at [he lac[orie& and holding man- 
ufac[urerB accounlable The result of thia is that we are recipienla 
of delcc[ive picducta And, dieted thia huge fruBCTation that, we've 


IcaC jobs, we're IcainE rconDrny, ihcj manipulate iJicir currency 
and now [he picduclH aicn'c ei'en aafc, and we're allowinE all of 
this CO cake place Wliacare>ou doiiiE about il^ I hope jou'ic aenB- 
lUE the real fruBliation that iictc cxpreaaitiE CQ >ou, which ie di- 
iccdy From the counOjEidc 

We've got n> aclnially do something, we can't jiut talk about il, 
thac's why 1 talk abouC bim^ne the club out Majbc Lt'& putting 
lariffft o[ mayhc ic'a &hutdng whole factotiea down, we juaC say, 
■TVe'renat going to accept pi cducis from [hi& factoty." 

Now, foi inElsncc, in nthcc counti ira , and this is a bit ola Icctucc 
here, but 1 want to get iCnff my chest Wc\c had qui food cx par la 
banned ftoni aeiTral countiica foi some pericd of time And, Fvc 
healed JapaneEe inEpecnon leamE mla b?cf-paching plants in my 
Slate We aay, Ijook, here it is Look at our ayalem It's an open 
EyaEem " And ihcyll keep thi owing up anathct batiici andanoljier 
bamct and anochci barrier, and iC gela itfj frusliating 

Now, we're looking at China's selling ub defective, unsafe prod- 
uclB, and iic don'c know wtiac's going on in the lacloj>, and iic'cc 
not c^ en Eutc fiom what >ou're sajing if they have an j level of con- 
cern on lead Wc [ell chcm what jou can send inla here, but iic 
don't know that they have anj concern at all, there's not a free 
piess there, id's a diclaloiBhip government, and we're impoi ting bil- 
lions of dollaiE of picducm and inan> ol ihcm are bad. And it seems 
like BDinebodj, somewhcic along [he line, ought to Ba>, '^ell, wait 
a minute' Thia isn't [he way iic'ic going to operate anjmore" The 
only waj you can get their attention is by shutting the matkct off. 

And that^ what happened to us on our beef CHpoils, the markets 
wctc shut off , and iicsaid okay — now wait a minute, now let's talk 
you want Dj bring mspectots in, iinc And the Chinese, I would 
hope, would welcome inspecDJis into chesc plan la That they would 
ash you pj send an inspection team. And I don't know if you would 
discover that much, but at least thcic could be Eomc openness to 

And, tight now, 1 think we should do everything wc can. Even 
if It's banning whole bcIb of pioducls, undl we are suic that there 
IB no lead m anj of them, period And li thej saj, Tf'ell, you can't 
do thac undci >our tiade agreements,' cell them, "Take ub to the 
tiade couria, then " Because chat's what olhcc counmea do to us 
We should get vcij stein and cleat, and hit them where it hiulSL 
Hit them m the maikclH 

I think this icflects a biggci problem that wc have, whcic we've 
had all this cash, foreign ini'estincnt that's Howing into China, and 
It's not a Dansparcnt sjstcm, whalBcevci, and now jou're seeing 
defective pi cducla come out the other end. 

That's why I would hope that you would lake c^ciy bit of aggiea- 
Bivc action jou can If you need more statutorj authoiity — and 
you've Baid>ou1l ash ue for thaC You should use it like a club, and 
wc could mo^c ioiward bj putting lariila on until they let then cui- 
icncy llcat, ptcvcnnng dieii ability to arniiciallj hold then cur- 
icncy down. 

Work with UB on this, because we've got to deal with it, the coun- 
try's fed up with It, we're fed up with ic Fm sure >ou aic, too But, 
we've got to start using the club on this. 



Ma Norn Sii, may I rfspnnd U> thaH^ 

SenaOir Biownuai k Ycb, Td bcdHighCcd if you would. 

Ma Noii> I BO appi?i:iatc hearing yanz acntuncnlE And what I 
have been nyiuE to convey ta you la the ^t [hat our vcty Dnj 
aEcncj haa been u'oikin^ a^'icBBiiTly within our alatuloty con- 
BtiaLnlB and within ouc rraauicc conanainla to addr^BS thi& I can'c 
cmphaaizc to you cnouEh how impotlarit it i& fot our committcca 
to iinjik ccopcraDvcly O^cthci here to inaJ[c ihia happen 

Juat as an exam pic, air, laat jcai, in the Pott Secun^ Act, thctc 
was an amendment that, un ioi tunacely, ii'a& deleted, that would 
have diiected Cuatoma and Border Frotecdon ICBF) la ii'oik with 
ua Ho put in place a Haining progiani eo thac [he CBP people, and 
the CFSG people muld ii'oik logelhci in a better way I think ic'a 
verj, very unlottunate chat thac was diopped, hecauae that would 
have been a veij ationg signal Tot thia Con'ieBB loaend, that thej 
eMpect the Federal asencieB to work acioaa agency linca, Dn addreaa 
the ay&tcm holiatically and aystemicallj We've £Cit m do that. I 
juat, appreciate hcai'ing your remarka 

Senator BflOA'^ii^rK Well, if I could, Mr. Chairman, aa we do 
the mark cm om billa moving forwacd, I hope in iJie appiopnadDna 
pioceea we can [naert acme of thia language, &o that we not only 
inncaae the fundin» for the agency, but we gii'e it the authori^ 
neceaaarj Dj Im the problem Thia necda to move, it needa to jo iot- 
waid, and putting icon appropriaHiona would ceitainly expedite the 

SenaHor Duinir^. Thanh you, Senabn. 

SenaHor Klobuchar. 


Senator Ki^>i!iir h ^ i . Thank you 

Chaitman Noid, aa Tm liatening to thia, Fm thinking of mj daya 
aE a piceecuDDi where we alwaja knew the legi&latora would come 
and put in thcae toujh lawa, and unlcaa they were eniotced, ic real- 
ly didn't mattei iot Uie people in the nei »h Dorhoods. So, Fm Dyins 
to figure out how we got from nice little packaging, and tha 
manufactiued aomeii'here in China, and it ended up in — TWnE 
Fucile, who wcuka inlh me — hei kid'a Qjy box And thia la one of 
the 1 eialled toya 

So, when we go back to the Rrat rnalance you're tslhing alnuE 
with [he Chineae, and now you're reaching diia a^iecment — how 
are you going to enforce thcae'' How are iic going la make aure 
that they are enioicmg that these [eaCa are dcrne^ BoHuae, from 
whac Fve learned, it'a not necsBaai ily the quality of the ceaia thac'a 
a problem for ua, it'a the frequency ol the teaCing. So, youll have 
huge halrheB — I 5 million — of [oja that come in and Bomehow no 
one caught them Not ua, not the relaileia, not [he man ufactui era, 
and noC the Chineae laboiatoriet. 

So, alaidng at thac pome of entij, wheic theae laya weic firat 
painted — hoii' are we going to make auie that thoee laiis are beiuE 
enforced^ Or that that agreement la being enforced^ 

Ma Nopii I think thac thia rcquirea acdvity and acdon on the 
part of a number of different enti dea Firat oi all , we've got to make 


vcrj clear that [he manulkcluicrfl, the cxporKiB . die imparCcia, all 
ha^e a leBponaibilily here U> make aiirc Oiat iJicy comply with die 
law. TKat thfj underBland what the law is, and thc> eompl) with 

Now, I am wvy pleased by snmc of the leadciship chat has been 
shown in the toy indnany U> Etep up U> this pcoblcm, and I undcc- 
sland vou'ie goiiiE co have a chance Co talk to them, and I would 
hope [nat >du would e^plDre a litde biC more fully with them, cx- 
ardy what they're goin^ Eo do, radiei dian me discusa it widi youL 

Fve talked iiilli you about the need far cerniieation We arc 
woikinE inteinall> U> see [f we can stretch our statute to piamul- 
gatea requirement Id requiic a acaCemen c from importers chat they 
do noc have lead paint on [hen ptcducls Bun, ftanklj , clear loEisla- 
ti^c language would be mocc helpful. 

CLaTDMi Ari'n popiifi rHaTEcnon 

Senator Ki.onui >np Well that's what Fm nying [a get acis how 
do ii'e ^i>c you eodIs instead at aOcEehing youc statute so you can 
continue. So, ate you woiking ri^ht now with the bordct people, for 
when [his stuff comes in? la cheic any woik done between the 
CPSC and CuammE at [hat point^ 

Ma Nopii We ha>e a gcol relationship with Customs, generally. 
We all undecElBnd ttiaC CuaEomE' firaC reaporiEibili^ le homeland 
secui ity and thej are pi esEed foi [esources — as are all of ua Under 
our Elatute, il^a CuaHoms' rea ponEibil in m Etop [he preduct at the 
port of enny if it doesn't comply. But, we do work with Cus- 

Senator Ki o nut' h.- b Bud theie's not any teatins soifil on there? 

Ma NoHD. Theic la no teatin^ being done at a pott What would 
happen la that it would have to be aent bach to WaEhin^Eon, so 
that we would have to teat it. 

Now, we are Ujing to intcErate into our SOUS budget the acquiai- 
□on of Bome neii' technology that would allow CBF and CPSC peo- 
ple to do more spot checkin g , there la aome new 

Senanor Klobuchai Do >ou know what perccnta^ of the toya 
get ceaced now' 

Ma. No 11^ Get teated for lead painl? 

Senator Ki.aiJix'ii^i. Yea, or for 

Ma Noii> No, I don't 

Senator K [ o p 1 1' hcm Or locse parla' An>th[ng? Can jou get 
those numbeiE for ua^ I'm just nying to figure out — aince Fve 
learned in the laat lew months Icoking at this, that the freqi»ency 
of tesdng is impoclsnE, how jou da that fiom the ai'ea where it^ 
fiiaC manulaetuted, how you do that on the retail level, and how 

iou — aa an agency — are ceanng it. And, I'm crying to increase the 
requency of ceadng, and ic'a hard to do chat iiTien you don't know 
the baseline 

Ma Ndhd. Let me ny la put thia in conteMC I think in Commis- 
Bionei Hcote'a ElaEement — and it's been widelj reported — that the 
Fcod and Dms AdminianaUon iFDAl h^ aome 1,501), 1,400 inapec- 
tots, and [hey inspect 1 percent of what is btouiht m J know aC 
our June heating. Senator Dutbin aaked what did we do? Did the 
CPSC have the abilil^ to do thai? And I reaponded to him, sajing 


that if wc did that, thia agency would be a vcrj dilTcicnC a^cnuy, 
and a much laiEcr aEcncy than it la Of courac wc don't do ihaC 

When youi alafi waa out at our lab, that qucsUon waB put to 
Bab, the small pans ^uj And hia rcatjon&c, I think, "•aa really, 
icall> intcicBting BoauBC what he aaid i^aa, '^ou ically ou^ht to 
gD out to Long Beach, and jou ou^ht la ace the aci'eE and acrea of 
waichouBtB out there loaded inch picduclB And [hen Icok beyond 
Long Beach and bcc the ahipa nhat are lined up. Full of canlsincra 
of prcducia, waiting to be imported inPD the United StaCea." And, 
BO the notion of having one inapcctoi in Long Beach, or three in- 
BpecPaa in Long Beach la really not t^hat we ahauld be talking 
abauc We need Dj be lalking about a moic a> Btem ic way oi dealing 
with [hiB 

The CP3C la nying to da that, we have lelaCionshipa with CBF, 
we are a part of theii ACE Syacem, which ib helping ua immenaely 
We now ha^e 14 people trained to do AGE, but Uieie aie many 
oEher thinga nhat ii'e ahauld be dom; It requiiet ii'oiking acrcoa 
agencj lin^ to Icok ac ha<\ we get a handle on ihia bigger picture 

SenaOir Ki o p i.i' K.m Thank sou. But, lemember [hat heart got 
ID thai little bay'a alamacK, and it killed him I appreciate the bu- 
leaucracy and Uie reaourcc laaueE, but aa <\c look at ihia, therc'a 
gat [Q be a waj Ha atop that from happening And, I ttiink a piece 
of it may he the enforcement, and making clcai iheie are pcnaltica 
when [heae nhingt are told, penalties m our law that juat aien't 
there right now. Becauae people luat ai en't lakmg [hia aeiioialy if 
th^Ve Ictnng praducls come m like [hia 

SenaHor Duiilin Thanh >ou, Senaloi Klobuchar 

Chairman Nord, thank you foi yout [eaUmonj 

Ma Noii> Ttiank >ou. 

Senator Duinin The child panel, which we will now invite Dn the 
Isble, includea Jerry Stotch, Chairman and Ch lef E recudve Olficer 
of Tl^ Tt" Ua, Bob Eckeit, Chairman and Chief Eiiceunve OfUcer 
of Mattel In c , Sall> Greenbei'g, Senior PtcduclH Safe^ Council, 
widi the bonaumeia Union, Carter Keithley, E^tcaident of the Toj 
InduBtrj A&aocianon, and Joe Bhatia — I hope I didn't butcher that 
tco badly, Joe — E^rcaident and CEO of the American National 
Slandartt Institute 

Thank jou all lor joining ub todaj, you hai'e all aubmitted iiTit- 
ten Blatemenla, which will be made a pai t of the official record In 
the intercut of moving to queBtiona and exchangea, we hope thac 

toull keep >our opening lemaiks 5 minulea or Icbb. I know that^ 
ardly enough to do justice to an laaue of ihia complexil^, buD we 
hope our questions will also lead m that aame direction 

The llrac person on my list la Jerr, Slnrch, die CEO of Toya ^^'^ 

Ib the green lighton jour microphone? 


Mr Stop I n Third time la a charm. 

Gocd moining, Mr Chairman, and members of the sub- 
committee Thank you loi the opporluni^ Ib provide a lelsiler^ 
pcrapecdve on this important subject 


Firat and for cm co [, however , T apeak Qjjon bb b parent My wife, 
JacquLC and 1 have Iiit children, and ihej arc die mcaC imporlanc 
pari of Dur lii'ea On a ^cij pcraonal level iic iinderBland die pas- 
Bion we parenlH ha^eahoiil [oj aafcly. 

Toja" S" Ufl la [he lai E^aC dedicaHed toy and haby prcducla ic- 
lailcr in die United Slatca Children arc in our DNA and helping 
parcnm keep dieir kids &afc is pait of am brand miBBion. Sat^ 
la core to who we are — and dial waa &d lon^ bclbre liiia ycara 

Gii'cn the ciirrcnC iocuB on toy aafelj. our pcaidon i& unique We 
arc [he Djueh point (or the cuBlamer and the conduit between dicm 
and the man uiaclurcra We rccoEnize diat die laaiic of toy aafc^ 
Enea i^cll beyond buEinesa and directlj Id die wcll-bcinE of the fam- 
ilies we aervc We ha^e reiterated diat aimple — thia aingic ^t — 
to our emplc^eea, Bupplicra, and buaineBB partners We will not ac- 
quiesce, we will not lalerate produclB dial do nol meet our n^oroua 
aalei^ alsndardE. 

Aa die icislU diia jear unfolded, ^t bei:amc clear to na all thac 
change waa needed It la qui belief dial a combination of aljon^ 
saieij pracncea when tc^B arc man ufactui ed, and reinforcing Fed- 
eral legiBlalion, can help aasurc eonaumera diac K^b arc aafe 

We also beliciT a aHong, wcll-finaneed CFSG la needed, rather 
than B paEchwork quill of polcnUally conH adicloi^ Slate Icgiala- 

Aa die only iclsiler here lodav, I thought it might be helpful to 
ahaic what nappcna at Toya 'Tt Ua when a lecall la announced, 
and our thoughls, and hoii' we can gee at ihe laaue oi reducing — 
or eliminating — die very need for iccall& at all. 

When a reisll lakea place, we act immediatelj , rapidly, and deci- 
aivcly, [Q ensure die aafclj of our conaumcra We hai'c aHicl, and 
non- negotiable prccedurea in place which include immediately ic- 
moving ilcma ftom our aya[efnB,and inatiniting a a> Btcma-cnforced 
■^top Bale" ao that the item maj not he BoldaC the icgialcr, oi lea^c 
our warehouaea (or aCorea 

We've implemented a ayslcm m help cualomerB return recalled 
pioducis immediately and eificicntlv Thia is re»ardlesB of whether 
the recalled Dsy was even p urchased al Tc^ b '^ Ua When ilcomea 
to producla recall leCurna, wc ha^ea '^o quibble" policy 

Thia week, wc aic announcing fiuther enhanccmcn la diat will 
enaurc our cualamers leiKivc the meet lapid and delailed mforma- 
tiQn regarding loy salel^ laauea These include launching a dedi- 
cated tQ> aafcly micio-ailc, intrcducing an email notificanon a>atcm 
for recalla, and adding bilingual lecall nodcea lo our communica- 
tiona proCocola Howcvci', we believe die recall proceaa could bdII be 
improved in tiio waja 

Firat, we support die proposed ahoilcn in g of dmeframcs between 
identification of a problem, and the evenlual iccaLI of dial prcduct, 
ao that Kija arc adil not being aold when aomeonc clae knowa thej 
may ha^ca problem 

And aecond, pioducUon cede atamping oi producla and packaging 
would aignifican [ly help in Uscing potential aafel^ ifiaues, would 
make it eaaicr for us — as iclailers and for parcnCa — Dj identify re- 
called producl. 


Ulnmalcly, chough, the objccti^ c should he la rrduccand pitBcnt 
I'ccallB iTi die future As you know, nicac of this ycar^ tccallB were 
far lead violaHiDria, and dtia is EDinediing die uisii uractucci's ahnuld 
be able to climiTiste. 

Thcic aic direc pzon^ to effeeUve prevendon of these pcob- 
lentB — Blandard-Hcttin E. loinprchenaive t^nnE to enaure eompLi- 
ancc ii'ith dioGC slandatdH, and delcnence — thtou^h ical mn- 
B^uemzes if Btsudards are violated 

On alaiidaid&, these have been eleat — from die CFSC, and Fcom 
icIailerB In tci'niB of dcteiicncc, wc haiT lanE held our vcndo[& ac- 
countable far mceHinE BtricC &afcl^ Bisndards If a I'endoi dc^ not 
meet Dui sCandatdB, wc lake immediate actum, including — when 
wairanCed — tetminadon nl our tclatianBhip with dicm We have 
tetminaled two vendors diiB jear alone 

To ancn'thcn dctetrcncc ci'cn furdicr, we support the conccpla 
in proposed IcEiBlBOcm nf mcr^isin^ penaluca far non-compliance 
Sd, l1 the BlBodanb have been clear, and thece has been dcEec- 
icncc, what went wions^ To our knowledEe, baBcd on the recalls 
thiE jeac, the problem was noC that tc&Im^ wasn'c happcninE, or 
thac tcaCinE wasn't being done piapcily, oi [hat cesCinE was not 
done frequcndy cnouEh 

Thciclore, while we have Ion E-icquiicd tcBtioE froni nui vendors, 
we are movinE now m icquiie that qui ^cndnra submiCPj ub cettifi- 
cadon of CesCinE for each batch cominE 1° Toys '^" IJb, and we've 
been laid b> manj vendors diat thej ate already mo^m^ Co this 
piactice To reinforce this diiccdon, we BUQnEJy Buppott sCTenEdi- 
ening third-party tcatms icquiiemenlH Specifically, wc adi'ocate 
for IcEi&lation rcquiim^ acctcdiCed cernlicaUon of testing facilities 

Earlier thi& year, Toja Tt" Us asked an independent lesting lab 
to re-teat prcducia nghc ofi our bDjic sheli'es, and, in teccnC 
months, we haiT subalantiall^ increaBcd these cffotis We have 
told man ufactuTcifl that this largcted rc-tesdng cuirendy under- 
way at Toya 11" Ua will become a pcimanenl part of our safclj 

Ul nmatcly , more change is needed And the Federal Government 
is a welcome and crucial parmci in diia ellbrC Mr Chairman, we 
bcl iciT propoeed legislation such as [he Children 'b Froducls Safe^ 
AcDand die Gonsumci Product Salei^ Ucdemizadon Act can play 
an im potlan c role in enabling us to make America's toys safci. 

I would like to cicsc widi the iol I owi n e chough c aaielj is, and 
has always been, the higheat priotiij at Toys Tf" Ub. It ib not a 
cauBC of the day As you do >ouc work we'd like la be a resource 
to you and help in any way we can With man u fee tut ci a, icgu- 
latotB, and tdailcis being cvcr-mote vigilant about dicir piocesses 
and [esnn g procedures, we believe diaC together we will make this 
the safes D of holiday Bcasons foi Ameiican consumcia 

Thank you again for >out leadetahip, and I Icok foiward la an- 
Bwermganj questionB you may hai'c 

Senator Ditiiih Thank >du, Mr Storch. 

[The Blatcment follow b: I 

Fii>f ip>j> Si^ TSdi NT OP JBPrt Siiori 

□col iDGniLiip ^r CbairmiiD ^nd mf mtrn dF Ihr CgbidlIKc Fni J?[r> Smnli, 
CliDirniiin and Cbif F QiKiiuvr DUtei dF Toyi 'E~ Ui TIuitiI. yuu. bi Ibi: opjor- 
iLuilly Id frjjyte a wrViiiefi peri|i«IiLT dd diii imprnmai lubjoi. 


F\Til □nil b[Eni4uL hoiT^rr, I igehI: Ig fuu. ai a pawrmi. My t/itC J^Hnuie niid I 
hniT fiiT ibrdiTD hhI ikey hie lb? boiI inifarCiTiL pun dF dlh lim. Ob □ vci} 
pEi wiiiil le^rL »r undrnUiBil ibc p^iina ^e pniEnli hnv? □k]u4 4i:n/ mlEiy 

Tayi B" U^ ■■ cbe Inin^i dedKDiEd lay □nd Itiby picdu^i idnilci \m the UdIIoI 
Sia^ci. fiA ]H'i Toyi S^ \li and BnbK]^ 'P~ Ui iIiliei iialiDnvKlf , hhI »e employ 
□ppmlmnh.'ly 4k1 .UOIh ATnenriiDi Qlobiilly, iv knjE icUir ^Uoti In iilQ (ounirid hhI 
employ up pnh' iiDDlely |IAI,ULH> people dLii'[<l> Childicn □!? in our DNA amii bclpiB)^ 
pniEDU Ijz^p ibcir kill ale li pair oFoiir bmiiil mliuiB Salf i> ii laic id ^hD •/-c 
□I? — hhI Ibnl ivni id bog l«(iir Ibli >fdi'i ?itm]Ii 

CrivEn Ibe lunEnI Iecui on Vy cdbly. dui pa^Llien i^ LiBK|iir V^e hie Ih? 
loubpoLnl Ibr Ihr lu^HUDf r □nd IK (onduil b£i^E<D Iheiii □nil la/i m^n urn iiii?n 

We iDiig^nc Ibnl Ibe ii^iic ol loy alcly acei »eI1 bc^oail buimei^ amii iliiB:lLy 
lo Ibe ■T'll- lazing of ibr bailici ■? 'ervE We hnvE ieiUiiikiI ibnl ilmpt single 
EhI Io our EinplD^Tei. ^iippl>?n, □nil buukei^ pnirken We ^jiLl no* UJnnle pi«l- 
irli IHdIiId iuH b?^! our ngoicaii palely ^umdnidi 

And ikm II "by I □■ ?4^r h> tc bciE Ibii moniLTig <d ipEnI: »ilh 3011 ib mpfoir 
nEckniijrc, iind id luppoi'l oFniiiiiy of Ibe IdlIlhuvei ] undei iUibiI vdu ic 40B'i]ci]ii|r 

A* Ih^ ll.Tal]^ lb 1 1 yEnr imlblded lI fceiDiD^ [I'm lu \ii Ih^l cbnn^ ^n-. neului 
Lllb' ■□■y ol >DLi t/c »E[? El'u^ll□lell by lome oF Ibe i^w ^'4□]L^ osrlici Ibi^ yi'ar, 
ripETDlly by ivkjl oppomed ihi bL^ an iiiiUKop Lably li'ng lim^lniBO l^'i'vu.* dii- 
CDLeiy Hhi n pmbLom and Ihe siiiiiiil CDnMimer nfnf And nh, ai yt\i kno^ Mr Ckair- 
mun DT! imckcd dui le yuu. and Sennlor KlubiMbor nliEi oke of Ihe iccalli EnKier 
Ibii yrsi. 

We knD^ CDniuTnen hie ^ikiog bo» ikey 4^11 be i\iwr Ihe Vyi ibfy bu> (ir ibeir 
biBiliEi awe tai ]l li our kebei IHdI □ cdid b ibqii^d oT iUmi)j inlely pmrlnei ^hea 
lo>i HIE mim uHh lurd uhI lEiallmiiiij Fi'dcrjL iL^^bioiiB 41111 kMp pnhLide <bc □■- 
nrr We ^-'i I^'Iil^it' 11 -.iiiiB|r, »'olI-ilBLiru<d C'ib-.ubl^i J'ioIlkl Sit:i> Coma 1 i-.lod 
ICFSCr LI keedi'd, mlbet Ibun □ p^liibidrb qiiiLl oF pi4:nlu]ILy iiDn Imdrloiy kLale 

Ai Ibr only irCiibr ken: lyjjiy I Ihougbl ll mqjbi be belpfu] lo ibniE Wbat hap- 
pETii Hi Ti\i 'B~ \li ivbeB □ iecuLI 11 □niiDLincfd , niid dui lbau;bi^ Dn kDH it cud 
pi HI ike iiiur oF ledii: iii|{ or elim riDliBp; Ibe VEr> mtd ll>r lErnll^ ^1 aP 

IV^rn lUea/tr Decur 

Wkeii n iccnl] ClIJ^^ f\in-: ni: set mpdlL Lo tn'LiiE Ih? iDti> DFour iraiiiiiDen 
We Hdit ilnci iind ■ii^-iiL'oiiiijblL' p iii^L'diiJL . lq pbcL. ^hLrk Lncluk' Lm mLiluloLy 
lEiDOMBg Llem^ liDiii iho -cL"-. Ib«r, 'lur -ihk bnoiii 1. 1'Lir or.'k-.ilf^, ^nd OLir di-inbii- 
liDTi izEiilen &D[k uf ike pLilled Ileal idliiI be pn^erly □KOLiDiEd br \m mir lyiumi 
□□d □ iiDp-^nlE II iB^Uiu4Ed OD ibe pndurl Thii EniuiEi Ibnl ibc Llem may iiol ke 
iDid HI Ihe leiri'icr. Dud Ih^l ndillrd iicm' Ai iidI bsiv Ihe ^Diekmiiei Ibi ilDiei 

Dm ^mn: ■□■.ificn lui: .iLid deeply Koim Cibt Ibi emurina ibe malbd pmdui^ 
□le BCLeroB mir ^kelvEi fium Ibe III 11 dny lur^Did Dud uLid Idi Dn-lh^gniuHi 40111- 
muBKDUuai w/iA ( uiLomci'^. SIdie ■□mmEi 1 me lEquind lo diiplny ncnlL f-i.ien 
aa DILI S^lEly B«iidk and qikLiI ikcm daily bi ^miini[> We al w poll nil iiTiil] im- 
lbi]DDlK>ii uii ibE 'Puidui ReiDlLi lerlNhii HhTikcToyi 'B.~ L'l ^Ebille. 

Fiuill>, ^E bnvE impleBEDied n lyLea Id help cu^iemen icluin leinlbd pmd- 
11I1 im mi'dEilELy niid elftckaily Thii 1^ lemiidleii oF ^bElber Ibe ncnrEd lo> w/ai 
puicbaied HI TDyi "R' \lt 01 nnoikEr lEiaiLer Wkeii ll izDme^ lo picduil ibidIL le- 
lumi, ■« kajE n "no quibble" pDlKv 

Thi^ iTek ^E DIE ^nnouHmg lunbEi eabarKEmeBli ikai fpi etiiiiie out rui- 
loBEi I icceivE ike m«l mpid HH dcUifEd iBlnimn^KiB ie)$iidLTiH iDy ut'lv iMuei 
Ai Ihe lo> nudiDii^y, ^e lelien •/-e naa piny □□ imporCml iDle ■□ ri'miaiiii nuLuiij 
diiB:lLy »ilh (lI^lD□lE^-. nboui impmraDi iiiIei> liiiici. TbeiE e■kulK<lllelll^ miilLile 
lnunibuiD n djliinLed ii'y ^uFcLy mirnj-iLLe iBimduiagBa eHDil noiifniiLiDn ly^Um 
Ibi hkdIIi and D]diB|j biliajpii] lEcall ll'llH<^ lo our inBmiiavDUH 1 piDLaoLi 

CivEn ike pmriiei ■« bnvE m pkirc, ^e beliciv dui icibobh: lo CPPC iecqU^ 
or ■□■uloFliiiEi blLuiei li immedkile, mpid. and dniiljE Our obici'livE 11 pcrfe'l 
riKuUmi Ho^iEiTT, nr keliEir Ihr iBiult pinteii Llicif could be impiDird ■□ Inn 

rinl •/-e Mipporl bgi^lnUm ^kmteiiiBg Ibe ilmelnime^ duiiBp '''^ prnod bel^Eea 
idcBlifiruiKiD dTd pnklEm and ikE evEnlisil lecnl] oTlhal picduil We awe liDubbd 
by ibe potukdily Ibsl •/-r 4011I] bE (oniiniiiiiH lo -?ll lo>i Ibsl maeoiie kaoiv^ muy 
huiv n piDbbm, ivkiLe ^e lemma umi^Dn' ualil ^e lEceivE arod ikai n [?:iilL 1^ 
CDming — Hillary luii 11 day ur I^d hi didiI l^jfiie Ibe rKulL 

SccHiad. Dv leliciv Ihul puiduiKiD lod" Clamping dF pndiKli ^md pukii^iig 
■mill urn ificuDily kelp \m imriiiir ptHenlml iati> i^iii?^ ll idull mukc ii oiuer 
Ibi lECiitn and p^ienli <d Henn^ iccall^d pndiKl und ^idil ike /pieiiimg ^mr 


vbei] n moiD or dad li liying la icBf iiik?r ^liriber Ihry bDiigb* lb? pndLHl l«E]ir 
iLmEnr lb? htuLI dsle 

Wlrf ^eail* ntrur anil nnL lo ■rdutc an'i p^nr/ll I'll?/! m llrr ^Juir 

ULliBDif ly uTiouiie. Ib« ob^liLC iboiil] be h> icdun? niid pirivnl lErnri id Ibe 
Fuluir, m leL me liun Ig Ibnl niw 

Ai fuu. \nia*: min oTlbn frari icmlli inc br IhiiI viokiliDni, ^mil Ihii ii Km\t- 
Ibing ■□■iifiKluiEi 1 ^kmld be □tie Lg cIlidliidU Th^i: □■? ibnc pinui l£i cltrliir 
piciTDUiB oF ibcK piobkm^: uiuiijr 'Cindiiidi, luapn'bcii live h:i<iBg h> GDiuir 
KnaDplcncE ivLlb IboK ^umdnid', □iiii iticmH? ikiiiif(b icdI con icqiicniiEi IE lb? 
lUmiLiiili mt MDlal?d 
On iinHbid^ ikEU knjE b"*.^ ilHir — fniiii ibE CFSC ^nd Ir^m. ■cchlIit' 
In l?rni^ of tttEJicH? iv? knjE Vnig bekL gut vetiiIdi i ekcduti Cibk br □n'clLiig 
■liHi iiiti> ^umdnidi Tbo? i^ iig ryim 6ii 4GiiipiiiBi>?. And IE ^ vendor dixi iieI 
ni?d Dui ^umdaidk, wn! Inh: irnBoluil? □rlnni, ihIuIib^, vkEii •Kumnlal ktbi- 
nDlHhii gE gut lElnoHiklp ^iik lb?iii We hnvr lEiBiBUKd Idt* L?Hl]n ikli ^EDr 
□kike, Dad belyzvE me, IIili li □ icmag niG^Eqj? nboiil Ibe due CGB^eqiirH?^ Gf uimi!- 
CEplnklc pEiEirni HIKE 

To iliEHRihEn delontnce civd moic, n? luppoil Ibe concepl id ikc BiopoiEd legii- 
IniKiD of mi'n'.iMBLj pEnnliK' bi nonconi p Imncr — b^jber f^Dalliei •/-Al Iilive □ lig 
nilrnBl Imp^iEl, □□d w/c nctd <bn\ 
So, if lb? icnndDidi hnvc b-xn cl^r, and lli?[r Iidi b??D d?l?ncnfr, "ikni dietiI 

Ana iknfi vbcic (eilmg (omei ■□ To gut Imo^led^, kaied oa Ihe [etuLI^ <1ii^ 
yrai, Ibe pnklEiD rait wii. ikni Ifiiing vnin'l knppEniiig or ibnl Haling w/aia I 
DEiag dmiE piGp?rly, bill luiker ikni KiUiig •/-at luHdiBE Inqiien ily ?v>iiRb 

Pinr <o [e:Eiii eitmiIi, loy iddI.ei i ■mill Uil <bE riilLiiL bnick oE n pridiirl, lb?D 
pEixHli[all> ic-l?^! bntibei Ig m^ki? ^inr lb? BvlGiy w/ai luf (ompLymg. Wkai ap- 
pEDn <o biin liDpf?ked ib lb? i?4?bI naiei it •bai. lonieoiiE [?pliKal ike com p linn t 
pnrii ^ik iun-4GiiiplLiiB< pma* ni ^m iiiiIjiokb fGril beL^^Eii leili 

TbfiElbiE, ivbile w/c bitiv b'n^ [Eqinird Uilmij fnm gut i^Hlin, dv dk: moving 
IG i?qLiiic Ibal our iviidjn ^ubniil m \ii (EilifLrniKiD of l?iirig lor Enb kilrh (om- 
mg mTayi B" Ui, and it knvE Iceii lold niDiiy jcndoi i hie □l[FDd> moving m ibi^ 
pmrlice. Tg iriiilbn? Ibli drETlmii, or: iiiGiipl> lupfGn 'Inn^liEDing ikiid-p^ily 
l?^ilii^ m]iiiiEm?B<i Sf«:ili'iiry •/-c ndiiHDl? 6ii Icgiibiii^D nK|iiiniig D:i'i«lll?d 
CEiUficiiiEiD of le^Un^ BkiIiIiei Ii ii a KB^Ibk »□> Ibi nil of ui — ludiidlnj leUiiler] 
□□d comiim?!! — m biiG» •bai. Ibe m aDii&iciiiicri Imve or uie qisillly kiub^ bib- 

Blnilin ibi^ y^'- Toyi 'B' Ui mljil Bincnii VeiiUii □ ^i^ild Icixlfr ■□ lade- 
pcndcnl Uilmg lo ^poc^bsl. ^md ie-(eiI picdiirii ii^l gIEgiit ^Hut iheliei — and, 
ID leieDi Bonlb^ ^e have Mib^UiDicilly ■ncn.ii'o] lb?'? ?noi'li W? bnwi nlerud hkit 
m iiiiLi&iciiii?n Dud ndviu'd Ibom <Iid< ibi^ iiiipil(d n.-<E'liii|j (iii]?bi1> undeiiKiy 
□I Tift E~ L'l •/-Al kKomc j pctbdbejiL purl oEi'ui -.afEly ^ioLgigLi 

We imdci'^iiiiid ikm BDiiy mnDutiriiiicr^ and oiken ^ie ir-^Eilmg koik kEic hhI 
ojET^EQi ^ad V, I n^Ef w/iib lb? CFSC Ibnl I idiillii'l bE lurpriitd ifiv? '?e Fui- 
lb?r icriiLI^ in lb? lominj; i^ljcIii hi a mull oF aP •b\i [E-I?iiin^ hhT pndnrli W? 
ihould ivnUb \e\y iniL^ulLy lo diiliBguiih bEl^cEn lelnuvely limilcd iecdILi cnuvd 
by lb? mlEDiily gI Lbe [E-L?iiln^r — ?^i?niDlLy (liiining up lb? [ii[irl.el — iiEid mall^ 
■^Kb indicaie lnigci , idgie iy^i?BD4H pioklem' nt^ing -pcrial nruon 

[JLIibdI?Il boie iiliLiBgE II ntfSrd AhI ike FEdejul ifn'oiiim?^* i' n ••/•thinic dhI 
ETtriuil pDiTBLr in ikii ?lbrl Mr CknirBDB, ■« ti'lu.^ l piiii'i-''d L^Ri-liiikJD -.mb 
□ I lb? •i bildicn \ I'ukLikIi S^FEly Ac< amd ikc CoDiuEnir riidiir* S-ilbly AI'tdrTiiiii- 
iDii A(l (□■ piny an iBportnBl lol" in ?uibling ui <o maki? AntAymai Ig>i latr 

r "culd lili? IG cl]}? ^Ib Ibe Iblki^nag Ibouahl S^ilcly ii. and kai nLiviiyi been, 
lb? bigbe^i pmnly dI Toyi "IT Ui li ii nGi ihe (duk gE Ihe day. ^i ^oii do ynur 
■nrk m'd like lo be □ lEioinre Ig >ii<i dhI help id amy »□> ^e (un lleieal ejEnli 
bniv (□lnlyiL'd IrKii'D-i'd -(r<ilia> in mnn uBh lunng lipbl?r (onLioLi nod lubilnB- 
ImlLy DiGic Had miw: pindmL L?^iln^ Tbii ii 31>>i keivi br m und gut cuiUimen 
Again il ikis kacldiop, jod »ii]i ikc (omkinnUia oF ikeic eEFoili by ituiren, lEgii- 
lnion Dad m^in uHh iimri, »e bclicL? IIidI Ugelbci ■« ^U didI.e <kii <b? eiIeiI of 
boLnby kmioni brAm?n[aD conium?!! 

TliDak ]oii □Dam bi ya\ii Imdenbip, and I kok br^Did <o aniimng any q\iei- 
iDn 1 yiu. may ka je 

SenaOir D lip ben Bob EckcrC la the Chaitman and Chief Exccu- 
□vc Ofllccr of Hand Mi Eckcrt 



Ml EiKEiT Thank you, Mr Chairman far invinnE mc here 
laiay to appear bciotc joii 

I'm here today as the CEO of Mattel, but bIbo aa a dad 1 have 
faiu kida, m> three dau^hlcja grcii' up plajin» with Barbica and 
Amciican Girl, irri aon lai'ed his Hot Wheels. Sd, when I iirst heard 
ahaut dieae pcoblemB, 1 Eoak ardon like a CEO, buD 1 [haught like 
a paicnC '^hata in the [qj hoxf What do parcnla need Id know? 
Are kida aafc'" 

One, I had two faba — one to lind out what happened and haii' to 
pici'cnt It from ever happening again Two la [ell conBumera what 
they needed n> know about the raslls, and how to keep their ehil- 
dicn aafc 

ThiB IB a eompany built on triiat. Paicnia ha^c UuBted our 
branifa for gcnerationa. Out leapanae to the lead paint recall muac 
not only fix [he pcoblem, but eain baek eiTrj paten Ca' oinlldcnce 

On behali of Mattel, I want to again, apologize ainccrely la eaeh 
and everj paient I can't ehan»e the paac, but I am ehangin» how 
we do ihingB 

We inll not leat undl we know that you aie mnridenc Mattcl'a 
tc^& are BaTe Wc'^c moved aggieaaiiTly la enButc [hat we got our 
arniE aiound [he problem We held all producls in ABia We inid- 
ated tea[ing on a maBEii'e scale. We conducted aample lead painc 
testing on even the smallea c part of each tc^ 

While we iei:alled foi lead paini, lesB nhan one-half of I percent 
of the loya we produced ovci the last 12 mojitha, that number 
Bhould be zeio 

We've alao launched a ii'oildwide campaign la communicate the 
deiaila of the leislls [o conaumeiE, including paid national advec- 
tiaing, par[icipai:ion m telei'iaion and media intcrvicwa worldwide 
PcoteiB in atotea, launch of an dOU number, and cxtcnaive Internet 

I know ihiB a ubcommittee and the American people want la know 
how lead got onto our picducia, and what Btcpa we'tc lakin» [o en- 
Bute that thia dcean't happen again Simply put — our Bjatema were 
cii cumi'ented, and qui a[andaiaB were viola[ed. We weic letdown, 
and wclet >ou down. 

Bu[, how did lead painl gel in[o Bome of oiu [oja^ Our own in- 
ve6tiga[iDn, which ie ongoing, haa uncoiTred a few vendors who 
viola[ed our rules Some were caicleaa, others dclibetately bioke 
lulea We've [erminated relaUonEhipB with aome, and we'ie con- 
□nuing la investi gale o[lici'a. 

Bu[, 1 felt we needed to do more la ensure our tulea wcie fol- 
lowed So, let me tell >ou theatepa we're laking 

First, every batch of paint must not only be pui chaaed fFom a 
ccrdfied auppher, but also re-tested before it's used, [o enautc com- 
pliance wiEit Lead Blandarda 

Second, paint on aamples of Finiahed ptcducls From e^eij pioduc- 
luin Eun must be tested foi lead before the> reach a tore shelves 

Thud, we've mci eased the frequency of unannounced inspecdona 
of vendors and Bub con tractors 


T on'c Bay cnou^Ti, hoii' pcraonally diaappoinlrd I ani by wha^ 
happened 1 ii'am to iciCcratc jn> pciaonal apology an behalf of 
Hand, and icncw qui commi nncnl to paicnca The aHpa we've 
laJ[en mil sHcriEthen the Baiel> of our ptcducca, enEuiin^ that 
Ealei^ IE crucial to die Ion gsEandin g truEt diiE campany haE builc 
widi pacenla foi marc dian &} jcara There la Eimplj nodiin' more 
imparlanl Co Mattel than [hcaalcly of ehildrcii M> ^oal la Dj inaJ[e 
Bute diia holidaj aeaaon'E Ic^b arc [he aaTeac ever. 

Thank jou 

Senaoir Di^ihiH Thank >ou I'Cfj much. Mi EckerC 

[The ElaremenlfallQWE:! 

PtEP.'REM SU. n.'J>.VT (W nOErtI /i . EThEHT 

QixkL mDTBiiig Ml CkniTBUB amii mcmti'iT ol Ihr igbidlIKc My tidid? ii HoI^fe 
BckETt, Hud ] □■ ibc Chmimiii] and CBD dF M^inzl Thnal: 3011 Eir iDviUog me l£i 
□pfoii k"!]!? ^■>ii l(diik lo diriii:i Ih? vicnL i:iie if llu] olcly of Gur chiUicnl myi 
W^ huvE ■ml? □ prDn<y dT c did mm] h Hi 111)4 r^<i]]> ^nd EiEqiiEnlLy nbDiii Dur ieteiiI 
lEcnll^ and ] nctDin? ibopparliiBlik lo dii -'i hrhiii icdny 

Lilc m^ny uTyi'i. I niii □ pniEni. f liko .011 c^ii: d?<|il> □bmil ibe latziy of ibil- 
dicn And ] lile y<i\i. am. dri^ly diMurtiii and di-cppalnhd by [b:eiiI ?vcni^ ".i 
In Irad KiiB< Dn dui ^iefIikIi, Gur ^y'^h'■1 'vgi? cmuni vcn l?d and dui lUiHbid^ 
■VI? violnicd. Vfc Dit? Ill d£<WB, mid u »? bi yiu doiVB. Ob bchDiEGf MqIk] niid 
111 iiHirly SlflWt em^hycci, I ofAigii-: »w:eic\y I nam'i tbungc the fatt, bul I cud 
chnB^ ibc w/af dv do ikinsi. ^iid I □][nid> boiv V^c □■? dmiig rvEi^lbri^ it cud 
IG piELGB* ibi^ FKhiD bnpf^Bin^ '■H"'" 

^Vkni bm iDiuSi: l]io-c om.^1' purliciibily upHziliag 1^ ikm bl^lH!! hat bng bad 
m f\iKe ivkni <•/•: kr\n:-i aw: umi: nf lb? iiii>i4 rq^niGii' intiL pmirtn]- <m ibe <Dy 
mdViiU^ Tb^ i/jiulnn WbD mnBiitii'iLiic luw p^>]LIl^ an: ci:^ Inii iiuU, 'iklubiLiI Ig 
CDiDiily w/iA Ibo 4iiD^ idlbly ^umdaids ikji apply lo ibu pnnlu:!-. ikjl M^lhl iiilid- 
uBHiiiir^ IB Giir DVB pInDli, ri^lulrig, br Einniplf , IboK gT<iTniLiig lend Ici^li ■□ 

Foi yran, MukeI hm nK|Liiiul i/ZHlnn <d pLiirknv puml rnm n Li'< GE4?rlLl>?d 
mpplici 1 or (Ell lb? p^iBl Ibm Ibis \i-cd Ig i^iui? I'lapluiHG •/-\'b lb? i:iiiikli-b?d 
ilQndaidi: □ulll?d iIfe cenirKMl fsimi mpplicr^ ihh ciimiii: CHtaplDimi: »ilb IeihI Iciv] 
lUmdaidi: pEiKKlically nuliUd vtndiiT' u' cnmiE Ibsl IbAf dk: tim^ifian ^Ib 
pnrii [EG III [Em EH 1 1 con dur led I'lnd kvi:l alEly icili on =ini plei draivn Fmni lb? mi- 
iLnl pr^iiirlmii iiiii gI CLG[y pndiKl hhI bin prolGtoli Gn Furllir[ [ETEiuficaii^D 
l?^ilii^ brlcDl on liDiihed pr^lirl 

U abrlLiiislGly. dcipil? ikEiE m^my ^iH'giiaiil^ inrnt MdIIgI loyi »illi iiniinGpi- 
□blf Iei^I^ oE lend pDiDi made 11 Idiu lb? iiiii[l.el|ila:E I kno^ Ibn ^ulroni bkI^: 
□□d Ibc Anmi'iiD pEopIc ^udI iu Imo^ km Ibn liapf?Bi.'d and ^hm -l?p: •/-<? hi? 
QkiB^ Id bEilcmioc ibik dui iidI bDpf?B ^uam 

Fir-I Id BE iiddi?^! ibE [E(dIIi fi y>\i kbdiv ■« CDiidiicii'd Ibn^z lead pmai-i?- 
IhiimI iusIIs ty-rri ikE pnii iei^ioI rve-ili. Enck dF lbe»: vai n jDliiaUiiy iecuU eei- 
i'iil?d Ibmink ibE CTSC'i Btil-iiait. pi«Ki^ tV'c knjE 'Ki[l.e] ckii?ly Htfcaly, hhI 

SLiKkl> •/--[•m <kE CPPC <D nciompiiin •bcm Dud I □■ pe[iDiiD]ly g[ii(EFul Ig Ih? 
omBMiioD Ibi 111 piGBpl nod pnifei^ioiiiil bandllnRGl lb?^i: mmUi 1. 

Wi: nlio m'nf'd 3mrn:i-.iiv]y Ig i.*iui? ibn* dv bud gut aim* □nHmd lb? 11111E 
W? bob) nil pindu:!- in Am.1 ^bElb?r niiuSi: 3I □ FIdiIoI tiEili<y di VEndoi ticriiy, 
□□d ^t iiBddiHH'k jddiiKiBal ieiIiblj I'n 11 muiMvc hiiIc ^i<b ir'ped Id lb? pmd- 
irli IB AiLD til iiuBpl" »c EMimiBLiI -3ID p lui uT iku l(yi iHhcmun: ibn* •/-■e idi.*li- 
lird any pioliKli wilh piiiBl Ibal vubliid □ppbiDbl? \cad icaDdnidi Tbii Uilmg 
fai □pplied 10 cm ikE imalb^i purl of bicL loy 10 id?BU^ Diiy iiDn-coiD plyiBg 
pnini. mo ■□ll?[ kon mlaorlb? ui? 

Oul DFnn nbundDH? dE oiLilLDn IiTdIIcI d'Midcd Ig bE HhL?[-iH luuv? id lb? pind- 
irli me iDiaPed V!e did noi Juil iccall ikoic if?4LfK loyi ikm iciUd poiliiiv br 
IeihI pnIni Inilmd n? [Cdilb.'d jddiitiBul <ry-. wkEit iiir Lniv^ihB^*'" "^ '^ ^"^ 
Diim 'LincEi iiiunL^KL'd <bLi< ^ibo oF ibo 1 \:\,\ Biiibi bo nltidu] b, iion-cimi plymg 
pnlni. cvED ikuii|jb ibo <Eil£d -mmplE^ oE iko^E ihi,i ^1:11: EIbe Lvon »ilb ikii mai- 
uvc Iciiing piraisiD amii (□uiHhiii nppinDcb Id HbDii^D^ Bon-DiB plinBl prxLiKli, 
■V ba\c laiaPfa diM: lo Imd BaiDl Ieii than onf- bnlE gI gbc pekedi oTlbe myi iknl 
■v'jc pndLi:?d Dv?r lb? bi^i 12 monlbi I'd inikET ikni DLiml?r vni jeid 

Dd? icnuD ivk> I iKii ^/i upiEl by ■?4?d< ?vcni^ 1^ Ibal m bdIoI abDiv, Malii:! 
M •/-cM liDG^n Hm LclliDg ^md iDDiDinLniDg mDi? dT lb? higb?^i qmllly hhI mlEly 


lamdanl 1 □nil pinmlLiiri ■□ Ihr mduiiiy. Thry I131T bcEii in pbcc □nil ■rolKd e^ 
IetIivi^Lv Fdi ■□■> yio] 1. Anil ^^1 hri? m mc Udny WhyT 

Dm o^n eileaiiiT lavnligaliDn , •vbirh li cdh Im umg hn^ uni'DiTml •bai. (eiUiId 
iTMidun Gr lli?ii ml^DDimcU'i'^ VK^blel Dur ar.'ltiMiiitli-lu'd nilui ]□ nmE cnifi, 
lli?> nppmr m knjE trcn chieIci^. In Dlbeti, ibcv □pfi''ui <d hnv? ilElib?iiiU]> mDid- 
fd dDiBg ivkm Ibfy kkEn ibsy ^Eit irquLiEd id do In Kirml ■niOuu'Ei, iTadini 
brEd m idEnlify iiil<iLDini[U<i 1 Gr brilily lixniuDi ?jEn INdu^ II fni iDDiidahd 
Ibal lh?y d] ID Sgiiie ^dldo^^ ^hd ••• piDvxL? d^niilcd paiai ehh ibuir lul^oDimc- 
iGn, •//b\le onGikET vendor did ikj< pi^rfinn ibE mniidDled H"! hhii pmnL L\'e hsi? 
□][Eid> Kmiliisnd [clniDD^bLpi »ilh wmi: Lciubn Dad lulrDn InH h>r^ niid ^t □■? 
CDH Im umij Ig ihlc^iI^k olhf n 

DbvKmily, ^e kno^ Ibal pnmli □■? kntloa Ig u^ id -ci •/-hat w/r-'wi Aiing Id im- 
pimv Gur lylGB Id inal.e pEDplc III? up Ig iWir oblLRiilLon t hhI mcEl Dur lUiad- 
□idi Wr hnvc Klfd quirrly ^md ^i^]«^Li^y by ibid^liiil^]> im plemcnliag □ 
ilicnqibEn«] 'l-pmai iiiti> ^hsk lyiicB 10 EnlDicc [om plkmiK ^Ib nil ir^lmnB^ 
□nd ■Cindiiidi npplrntlE Id iead paml 

Finl, Einy bnldi gI pniDl muii h>I oaLy k" puirhn^ai liDTn n (?rlilKd pnlai iiib- 
plrr till ^Ik] bE ii!-Kili'd fc^bir il 11 uwd. id cniiiic (DmpliiiiK? ^Ib lEnd lUmd- 
□idi The amplE \riii ■ml bE ncilurmai eilher by LIiiIkIi dwb labDiiih>iu'i Gr by 
InbGinlDii"! leirllird by MdIkI ^Ib ivHim ■□kiaa mi lEpDili ^vnitibl? Id 

Scnnd. pnini on wapln DTIiDLihEd pmdui^ Iidiii Ei^ty piDduii^D run miiil Ic 
le^Kd br I'lod GLibGr l<y ^FliiIeI'i •yrm btnralGnEi or by citnmlGnEi CEiufied by 
MmleL Id eh luiiMip plirnblc ^cniidiiidi awi mcl I«(iie Ig>i loirh ^idic ^bdjci 

Third, MiiIk] kni mcr^iiKd IbG TrEqiEiKy hhT i^ndom . unDniiDiin^al ibi^^iieidi of 
iTMidihT- dhI ^lIbcl■lJ.r:lor^ (ir chhiti plimiK ^ilb niir qimlily Dnd mleiy pmiediim, 
ihcIikLibi^ ikL ufplvnbk b^d psiai ^LaI]d□rd Wc ba\t (omBEncEd □■!] naiKip^lr 
CDm plEiiji|j ^Hioi UB jn ii'iiiBC^ iD-p«liDni oEcLGry ithIif and lulrDn Im hh* ndrld- 
kiJe, mid ihi- punniiB ~ill niBiiBiiE 

^iill^l 11 id^ iBpbmEnlLnR ihHiImhiiiL piDHKlioni VEndor^ niid ^ulron ln]Ch>r] 
miiii iLflrvjiuiE idl prEdirlnH] 6i\ ^DlleL ^nd bair dcdKDlEd iloniR? br paml iisrd 
aa riiilh.'l pr^liirli No ^ubcDi] Im or may Euilher lubonliiKl mil any fa.<T. afn jab 
IG olber kmiliDni BEbic uiiop □ luttGDimrloi'i omponGDli \m ^DlleL prEdirli, n 
iTMidor muil Igii amplEi di mcb 40111 ponEn I1 Fdi L:ud pninl Fmnry ai noKd 
□lov?, ibu vondoi and iiitioiiir3£iii Jii: luih -.ukjEci id unDBBDiini'Ed nidiii and nrc 
held nccHniiiUiblo Hit Guriiili' . 3iid r^uiKBon 1-. 

fi I ^nid HI Ihe guiieI gE m, h-.imiDny lh?^G nxeai rvMidli huLe k?B j pErn'nn] 
diEippoiDiBODi EHh BE niid I ^m luic, IG ^1 dF ibE Ihounmdi of mea. ^diiiei] niid 
pnrEDl^ »ho h^LG ^l^nyi CikEn qroil piile m nnrking ^1 ^fnilel Ai □□ Induili} 
IcDitr, ^ilb wme of iLe unrldi bcil knDva and miui limiEd bnind^. nc EicquEn lly 
help lEl met/ ilnHbiiil^ Ibr Ibe rnduili} We nr? ky no Boiiii pEilni. Bui dt' huvr 
mrklE] dliliiull iii\iei bEbic and itaon ilmlEd qd ubilli^ Id m^ikE ibnnK tir Ibe 
bEller uH Di]l> ivilbin dui utm (omp^ny bul Foi ibE broodEi liiduilry. In Ibii rc- 
qniil. 'v?^^ irr^Ud □ iie» CDijHhmLG ReipoD:ibllii> oi|jaii cniuD rrpDiliag dirEdly 
Lg me Tbi: noiv Di|jaiidiiioD jddi □■ ei?b Rr^^l^r Icit.'I hhT KCDun Ciblliiy 611 ndbEi- 
?IKE Id Ibi: (omp^ny 1 ^□l«'i> uhI compliani'E pmiHitHili 

Kluliu (oiTTURk H>r ikc VQlunlai^ icchIIi dt: knvE □□Hmaci'd bm b?«] kElpEul ■□ 

ipi?lldlBlj ibo BEIVl ID 4GD^UBEI 1. U n bllUOSlEly. m ikE (DUriE Hlf Ih^l 4GMMIUE, 

UMnc npiDioni iE)^iilln^ Ibe \n-/- uad ibE ComBi^^ion ^eic □iiribuUd Ig be Ibin 
Fn kEivr bEld lei uhkE e'pmHzd 'I'^c ^eic gved dkuioI oT bEia^ ' uoapDloiji'ik" 
m □ ^e*^ifa|ler ib 'vbirb ii'd run ndi □pihki^ri'liis I bfilievE Ibnl niu* iKliDni, ■□ 
ckiH] dUfemlnH] ivilb Ibe CE'?C, m qiwiiiy kIgdii^ii^ and □■■DunciB^ lhe'«' rETEnl 
IcDii re'ulli dETnGBilmIe Ibul m air lOBmllii'd Id ikE CommmnD and ill piix- 

Vfc kno^ ■« nam onlmiie Id udiiidit boiv m pime^i and report ^nFely ii^iiei Id 
Ibe CP5^ In ibui re^rd, w/c baa laiibled □ diulii^E ivLlh Ibe Cgbidliikib pimr 
IG ikli miDTncri iri^lli Id dELebp □ iie» kI oFreporluig piDlaoli. 

Miillel kelicLe^ id Ihe Coniumer FrEdiirl Sati> fil uiid li^ gnli- and w/c ^Duld 
libe lo »Drk vilh meabET^ oECon^im^ ig ^irtii^llieB IkE Com miiiiro] We Eull> lup- 
poil Ihe ConiBii^LOD uiid ibi^ ilUi] dihtI: ikui lI dL<i, und ^i: n.Tiiirni'E Ihul more 
lEiDuini'i uie needed tii Ibi' 'ii(rtn u:iii>jb hi (urry oui ll^ imf-irl^nl duliEi Malic] 
□14 ^uppl>nl piDpoinl^ ihui A'luiJ l^^ioi: bbirslonui u-^zd Fdi ieiIibq loyi hie fiJIy 
qiiiilifi>] uiid ure ^mrcdiiL'd ky indEpEndEnl orpunnuiua^. 

I »ould ]lI.e Id (onclul'' by iciioniiiBir my pnvinnl apoli:g> on bcbulF of blnlii:] 
□nd m eapkuinE niu* (omBiimeal m pmcnli Tkc iiefi ive bate ial.eD will 
iliEnoibEn ikc ialei> oEour puidui' F^icnli eipcci Ihul □ •iyta\rfimg Ibe Malii:] 
bjBnii 11 mb. Bmuiiiig iati> i^ ^lucb] lo ibE knig- lOmdiiig liiiil Ihii tim^aaf bai 


biiiLl •/-\'b nDi?B<i Fdi niGi? •bam Itf >^r^ Tbeic i^ iimfly nDlhing iddit irnfarOiTil 
IG ^□IH'L than ibE uilfi> DTdiildirn 

Thnak yyu b\ ibc op pDiliin ily lo nddicii Iheu impmraai \ii\iei villi yiu liili|y 
I ^[oild be knppy u ^ninrrDBy qiiEilnnii •bai yD\i may Imiv. 

SenaOir DuiniN Sally Gtccnbcrg, Scnioi Pioducls Safclj- Coun- 
cil of die ConBumcra [Iniari 


Ma Gicc^PEn: Ttiank jou 

Glued jnomirig Chairman Durbin, and Rankin; Member 
Brownback, and ScnaHar KlobiLchar M> name is Sail) r]!rccribci g 
I &C1VC aE Senior PicduclB Safccj Council far Consunicra Unioii, iic 
publieh [he magazine Consumer Reports 

Wc appreciate ihe oppoitunilj m be hcic thia momirig.and Sen- 
aDa Durnin.and Sfnalor Klobiichar, cctlain ly iic wish la commend 
you both foi >our leaderehip in demandinE 3 vaadj improved prod- 
uctaafcly Byalem, for American conBumera — especially children 

I think the recen t aOenlion on loy aafe^ will ulumacely he gccd 
for conaumeiB good for the regulalaij agency dial overaees mya 
and gcod foi the loy induBtij, becauae the increaaed Bcrunny will 
lesulcin aafcr [ojb, I'm quite a lire of that, and we'iT already heard 
Bome evidence ol [hat hece Eodaj from both a relailei and a mafor 
man ufectui ei . 

rdlike IB touch biiell> on ae^eial poinla that I — in in> oral Blale- 
ment which ii'eie ;one into m more delail in the wn Hen aCaCemenC 

Firat, the B^'aiem in place foi ptotecCing conBumcra from unEale 
pioduclB — eapcciallj childten — haB bcoken down The recent ava- 
lanche of recalls ol impoited [ojb from China with erceaflii'e levels 
of lead paint haB exposed millions of childcen Eo a highly Edmc Bub- 
Blance, and created a crisis of confidence amon; parenlB, who fcel 
thej can neither trust the coj indusOy, nor our Goi'emment, to 
keqf then children aafe. 

ThiB hieakdown cccurred for aevetal reaBona Fiisc, the CPSC, 
the Federal a»encj in charge, haa been starved ioi reaourcea When 
the agencj opened ila dcois in 1974, iC had a Blaff of 756, and a 
budget ol lfc4 7 million — the equivalent of about ltl?5 million 
tcday. The agency'a projected budgeC foi this jeai ib 363 million 
The CPSC la a ahadow of iIh foimer aeli Acting Chairman Nord'a 
official bud^D documenC foi 2U0d reada like a aad lament on the 
man J funcUons CPSC ii'ould like m perform, but cannot because of 

The CPSC haa many Blaff dedicated m the miaaion of keeping 
dangeioua producia out of the marketplace, hue in recenc years, the 
Icadcnhip of the CPSC haa ^iled Eo cair> fbrwaid that mifisiouL 
Chairman Nord claimed recendy the agencj la doing more Co pio- 
tectconannicn diHnithHB in anj time in hiBlory — lie diaa^ree We 
belieiT die agency^ leadership haB failed to use the regulatory au- 
thorila it haa to impcse seriouB fines on companiea thaC violate lEs 
lules, haa lefused to requeat more funding and reaourcea ii'hile ad- 
mitting It cannoccairj out coie functiona and has oppceed efforts 
by consumer groups and others to provide the agency ii'illi fund- 
ing — the funding and regulatory toola iC neeiis to keep conaumers 


ComiranirB that manu^tuEC pi cducls abccod, as wclL and im- 
port dicm inQj die Unilai ScaCca, rtom China ot mJict dciTlopin^ 
counliLCB, haiT also fallcri down on the jab of cojiducdng rcEirlar 
and [liDrough inapectionB af the ^Bdtar'n^ that make [hcii products 
InapfcinDris fannot be left U> nhc Chinese r^clar) Dii'iierB China suf- 
fers liDin die abEcnce of a rigorouE icgiL]alQ]y tjEtem, an endemic 
piablem of conupnan, and the lack of a free preHS making it cru- 
cial that American companies doing husineaB in China, undeclshe 
third-parl^, independent inspazdons, and set up cectificadon sys- 
tems, and make EhnGC syElcms EcanEparent 

Yeatcidaj, die Chinese Government signed an a^iccment widi 
the U.S Govetnmcnt ta eliminate lead m tc™& cxporlcd to the 
UniEed Stales This ia lung o^cidue Lead pamCtiaB been pcohibited 
on childicn's [ojb since l97fl Enforcement of this agreement will 
be Ixy Id ensutin^ ihe problem with lead U>ys ate addtesEcd 

Here are out iei:DmniendatiQn& far addresBins theae problems. 

Fiiat, iJie CPSC badl> needs an infusion af fundB, and I undcr- 
Blsnd uicic'e a consciouBnesB about that amang members af this 
subcommittee, and ccitainlj amon^ members oi the Commerce 
Cbmmittec, as well Senator Dutbin we suppnrc >dui schedule of 
incEeascB, and would like Id see CFSC's budgec leach the equiva- 
lent of what it ii'as when it opened foi business m 1^74 — around 
31^5 million when adiii&led foi inHamon 

Second, il we ealablish a cermlicaliion pro^cam, iJie CPSC should 
adminiBtci that progcam, setting sisndaids b> ii'hich laboratoii^ 
operate to certify [ojb It's impotlant Id hai'esomc independent en- 
□l3 — like a CPSC — oveiaee the process of qiialifjing the labs to 
piovidc cettificaHon 

Thud, we leiTommend lifting [he cap on lines — I knoii' jou undei- 
Bland what chat's about — but li joii lead the record at CPSC, you 
sec company aiter company floiitms the agency's rules, because iC^ 
more expensive to comply iiilli the rules, than icis to pay the fines 
So, we need Co ha^e — this a^enc^ has Id stop being a paper dger, 
and start ^Unng some bark, and some bite The limits on the a^en- 
cy^ ability Eo find, I know, were addressed in your kcfulaliDn, we 
appreciate that, and we support that 

Finally, CPSC's activities sufler fiom a lack of tians paiency. 
When a picduct is undei invcsti jation , unlike other saieij agencies 
like the NaUonal Hishway Traffic Safety Administiadon (NHTSAl, 
for example , the CPSC, bj statute, isn't perm itled to share that in- 
formation publicly, and yet it can be verj cndcal infoimation iiom 
consumers And second, when pioduclB are lecalled, CPSC won't 
publish what the i ei?all lates are NHTSA is required — once again, 
comparing anothei safclj agency, the National Highway TiafFic 
Safely Administration, to die CPSC— NHTSA haE to publish that 
information foi six quai ters, about the iate& of lecall This is crit- 
ical inlormation for consumers, and lor consumei ^loups We think 
the CPSC should be lequired to do the same 

Weappieciate jour m terest and jour leadership, youi concern on 
all of these issues, we thank you foi jour dme, and we Icok foc- 
waid to your questions 

Senator Di'FRiN Thank >ou, Ms Greenberg. 

[The slatement follows:] 


Fll>J'IB>J> ST.^TI dl NT OF S lilt a tEl^B EfC 

□hhI Tnoraing, CIminiiaD Dm bin ^mil PDakiiig ^lEnibcr BiciivbIdcI:. CDninTncn 
UnnH],' fCL'l tutli^ber dFCgd^ubei Pcporl', nppiccDl?' diL^ ipporLunLL] ti le^illi 
bEbic Ihr SuKom ■ illf? ibii mDramj; on ih: mbpl oE ]•; Miti'v -Ulndiiidi hhI 
Ib/i CDTiiiinicr Fndirl Sairif Ciiiiidli^dd |CF5C| CDngi?ikiL^Dl uiirifrhL lucb n^ 
lb? kmil Ibc 5ukL<ni BKlcc i' ilroajr <rdii> »ilL b? □ cnlicnL bcUr m CBiurLnR Ibnl 
lb? CFSC II1E1 ll^ icu'Lun.-. nppioprmult m Fulfill ill miiiiDi] lo pmUrl ibc public 
InuD [uiTEDi unci ciDoiRin^ ficaiici. ^nlEly knrnidi 

Wc ^iib lo CHtBTniAil 3*m, SctidIcii Duitu], br yoiii iLui^umdiiiR kznd^ ihip id 
ipEnklnq duI ua bcknLF dF AniencaD igd^uiiiim i — hhI p^iumlnKy 4bLld[?D — -/-hi 
bni? bi'^D ?ipDKil <u hnznidDiii levc\i Gfli'iHi m Ibcir •uyi □ml ihh iddriu'ii ikm 4311, 
□ml kuM: vi>:iii-.Ly k.irni?d 'irkilkil ckililn.* ^bu ko'v ■hbUhi'eiI <liom Vi'iii in'«'<- 
lllg^ ivilb IHIL ijiiliii<r> lL1ldoc^, lb? CFSC ami <he lirld ksuingyiii 'iiR'jniiL'd id IIIi- 
TIDI1 knvi: holpid iHi -.I4MM •h\: dubal? in lb? Iirbl iliirrlBiB FibdLI,, ikjnh yiiu br 
your clBbiT^ Id 'hodily iBcicmc iku CPSC'i kixluki, »il]i 311 im'i?jK •\- iSTU mill»D 
fui iln3l yrar ^IJQ Thii badly mwdfil IdIIil^ nV luDd-. lo lid □)j?D4y ikiti bsi b(CD 
lUirvsl of irmiiirEi 40DIE1 ai □ inui^l iirnc Honrvci , t/r iiiRk yD\i lo pnhLnlc qd 
?VEii tii]r?r appiDpnnUiB bi •b\i tatty a^wiy (oni beti inmic •/-■••b qdv cip^Bdid 
lEipmi iiD ililiEi <liDi Diipbl com? ^iik ikE pniui^ oFkEivLy piopoKil Icpiiliiii^D 

CminT/iir Frodiier Safrli Comrr'juvi 

The CPPC II ibai^d wiik <1ie niiind^U lo ibIlte or eIidudqI? iiBi?aioD3bl? nik^ 
□I mjiny □ml iIe^<1i 10 con lurneri liciDi niHit? Ili^ii 1&J>IHJ ly]«i oE picducli Tbe 
CPSC'i vmbilily ii oEcrilLTDl lapoiUiH? 4d lb? inlsly oFcklldicB, becauiE ikE Com- 
niliiHn liDi juriulK luLTi [<v?r w DiQDy (bikLiEn 1 lo>i, ilolbrig □ml piodui^ llkr 
baby ^nlkci 1. ki^ cbam □nd ink* 

UDbrlLiDal?ly ikE lyilcm m pbH? lo piHETl iob^libei i — eipETEilly (IiiIIieti — 
InuD ub'qFo pndl^'l^ b^i bmhMi dowB ThE rmod^ □LulaiKhc oTlDy icrall^ mi'olv- 
mg Cbin?'?-mjd? iHhyi mudo ^iik e[4?;-iic kml h.'^di ib lb? p^iDl, bm E[>u-.?d 
mrlLon- oE (billicn lo a b^l] Ioik 'iibiinH? QDd (niiieil □ 411^11 dF izHhnlnEDCE 
□iDODg CDninTneri •/-ha bd ibry cud U<ii4 n?ilb?r IIie loy ridiiiliy nor ourgovETB- 
nicBl <D IcEp ibEir ckildicB eiie-' Imlei'd, caacerDi □koiil nicducl dlbly ?il?Dd lo 
any counliy ^hEicqLEilli> <obUdI □ml olEly lOiTidiiidi ai? lorkiD^ 

DL?nill, ikE BiimbEi of pndurli ■□!!£ in Chui^ leinD mnrEd Id ikE UDlKd 
SehI?^ b> ikE CP5C kni diHiblal in •b\: I]i4 Elvo l^sii i. diiviu IbE (oUil mimkf r of 
lEcall^ m ibE oimli} lo -l&T Inil ytiti UDd iB^dLinR diiIIkib^ 01 piuiiKli 

Cbln?*? prxLiKli do» hecoiibI bi i^'o-lbiidk of IbE pndirli Ibc CFSC iEDiibl?i 
A I iku iJDii: iiBO CkiD?^ andurli nf iricDi 6(1 pEn?Di of all picduc* itidIIi, laat- 
pawed'.ali'^a pEinAl ID I^LVJ 

DL?r S'l'l billion ^Eiilh of icy^ aie Kib m ibli (oiiDiiy «i[k W'ar, »iib myi Diolr 
IB Cbiaa Dialing up TU lo IKT pEn?D<, □KonliDg lo <bE Toy Imluiu^ Aii[?DliDn 
YeI ilEiplic lb? EnamiLly oE ikE Lmluilr> and ikc iiii|j? dF impoili Eicon CbiDa, lb? 
budpi br lb? ngemy ih^i^d ivilb eDiLina)^ Ibsl ivkai ?a4ci 1 ibi^ CDimuy bci^Ii 
□Lir Hibly luind^idi bni brcn ilaibed by didie 14> peitedI m ikE pail •.ivi >EDr^ 

□ kiBE 

Nejci IB Ki biiUiiy kai ikE CP?C bsea h> ckallEnrai ai □n □gEn[> filing Codi- 
mliuiBET Nonl 4biini?d lETEnlly Ibal 'Tbc (odibi^^lod i^ (luicbIK dmDg iddit Id 
pjDlfEl 40B^LiBEi I Iban II bni dI nay pimr lim? ib biiu<iy ~' tVc diiagi?c In farl, 
t/c bEli?jE ikE □gcBcy'^ leodf ribip bai Biil?d Id uie Ihc lEgublmy aiilboriry lI bai 

' Cdmiuiie rn Llaxm ih ^ oaMpm fii ^r^^ETpbjp Dinv n^iLD ncLflricicd an \SX\ Loiic r iln h vi ■ 
al ihc nialr *[ Zirvi ^nrk i* pmvidr CDMFunr: th whk laFi rmaiKi^ cd u^inM xod cd imp:] xtttui 

ffOvL^ ETTbZVK lEH]lh. MWii pCnBOfl] FlnB^ C'DllKtJmr TH L l]»a F mZ+ETIE L4 F^t^r ^rihf^ toTD 

lb: r^Lr d r C^aaqi^BCT JlcfiiTiL uh Dibrr ^i^L^a i u nn Hiki tnin nbncninairrci] I ctDii^3i_iKMi 
n naiH xod t< h In ■dduua m r^fiiTiF na ^^i n iiiti ■ LMoni Di^n ^raduci icHianj: C'DHrqintc r 
Jlc furl I Hni i DUKuax rKrp*riKDrx ^31 h nu r^ iban ly Z ^iLinii in bi CLMCukin^ rrj:i-li rt ^ite ■ 

■ FLirkH *a bnliL rmJuii nFr^r, mrfcripk^ CDiiuiniE ■ unL kn 11^ lire jij eh] unL r^p|ulKf*r" 

■ cb»nj llixb xFtcl DinKuntc r 'Ac][brr Cdmiuiietf L'muh ■ piJhl^inMi ^tf" ei» xiivc fllhev: ahI 
r^^iTC ntcD^ntcrcH] iiippnn 

-' Adh idDH Hk Ju^ irl7 lull It- Hifiif Inicncbiit, Kir^ i-D-lhirii nlll^ iliiliH Iu>idil- 
UcBcc in ih: .<]FEir*rxTDm.r*rpibJtELh pr«^tErd in dcvrkpn^ nxi»nL inc]uJin,^ DYfr-ih:- 
coumrr inr^Kn 1 UTir- pfr-vripinM dri^i LttItiI rrnridrr xod MuqrnnBnl Fuppkntrmi unL 
px^LapirJ Dl pr^ pxFf d b*^A hup- "a^w birriHiMirrkriT-rcD^'nc^inri^FLrLiriir FjLcAlibnr' Fi 
HI "1U Hcxlikll It IbD a-l Tin lI mir -u Aixufi iTiillup IVJ iiiini nS pinnai dI 
Amrr^iai ~<x.riBH iLfli iLc^ xrr mAyiofl Mm rfiiri id HrnxJ bu^n^ pradi^li ni>Jr im rhmi. 
tJcarL" ik FK^r fnicc nD|[c — 04 lErrcni — lad ^ic t- u "AiDiBiiiKFh m px.- up id t/i kt ■ f ini^h 
br ■ pmJiEri iMxiic an lb: UMiicd HlalryxK ihc" yni uU pa- br n iioliLai C^kinrir-inxiic ^rod uci. 
hibpaVn-^ir.ZxDuH'iLDim'c+np: nb'Tc^ OlHrFZ 

'•BmtV Abiti^ Fwci Bi:Tirin- -md C ba^ci" FJi- bik T^| BcpHnbF I, LJ7, piji L 


IG Unr (Dm pun k:i IHdI veIii4e ki ml"' km [rFuu'il Id [?qiiril mDic liiiiilri^ hhI 
lEiDuiiii'i i^/Ti ^hil" LKLmlLim^ i< cjniKj* cun> gu< chhi^ Tuhikid^ ~ ^nd Iidi oppa^rd 
<ilbi<i ty 4nD-.UBCi j^roip^ <d puivid: ih: Com m iiuoii »ilh Ihc Eundiag dbd hidI^ 
il ntedi l£i l.n'p crm iimieiT wt]. In □ddiliC'ii , Eurlh^T f iiKfibalLnD IbE CPSC'i ^ml- 
iwod ilDle, Ibc (Lural AdBiBlilmUmi kni id^h'oI iBpuicd ^uldlluLiml <liIi Dn l]ir 
□][nid> noEfury imdeiJimdeil □ml iiBileriuiDeil ngncy 

C Ut Hillary of Stipporl fcr CPSC i Wor* 

CGB^iiBfn UniDi] luppoiUd 'be iieduh aE <br CF9^ hhI hn^ idhnd ilfiirly 
^Ib Ib/i off^wiy iiu? !• opcnol ii^ dcci i m llfT-l Th^z CFSC bcqnii npi^mlLiip ^Ib 
□ iiaP dT 70& □ml □ biidiKi hiI ^'.H T million ikE cqimnLEDi of □IhkiI il2b iiiiLIkid 
m udny^ dfilbii. By IVn CF^ b^.1 n bui^i gE 3^ biILioi] and □ <^carr gI IJDU 
Today <bE CPSC ii □ mcic ibath-/- dF ii^ brm^r wlf. Ii^ biidR?! li iSiab iiiIIIeid 
Ibii yrai — □nd lb? Commliuonl ^caiThD^ pLimiB^lal <•• am ali lim? Lo^ dF44}I Em- 

By (Gnipaii'QD. ikE MnUDanL HLDk»D> TinlFn BalEiy AdBiBitlmlNhii, ^hiik gvct- 
Mfi hiUd Hud hicb^ny ^nlsly, HH Drnti Ig lEdiirc ide bcaliiK" on Gur mndiviiy^ 
lnppic^ imnKly -ISJILU J, liDi □ biilBrllliii >mr HhTlli:':! million TheCPPC ?iiima»i 
Ibiil 2T,UCD pEoplE diE oikIi y^iii Ei[<m puidui hoinidi hhIct ki jiiriidHlion Ff 
CPSCl budrazi »eie Eqinjntai m [JtTESA i icIduve Ig ikE EiOillly wnlei e^ck ii uim- 
Innilelivilh, ikECFST i kitlBd ""^lU l« 1^^ ■ilboa 

CU (onlmond^ iku Appnipmlion- '"'lamilU'c For luno-iFiilly pj-MBi^ 3n incicohf 
IG CPHt.' . but|El I'l -ibiiul lU pom^l Hir li-(iil ,t3i 'itWi IV e sI-'h iippndah: Ibnl 
^niir bill, Bon^lor Durbm S 1011 pll1llE^ br budlTEl lllC■ul1E^ br IbG CPPC, 
iLiHbinD SlUU mTliEiii by ^ni^ TIieie ^lo3dL mcnzuioi □■( 4'l□il^lo□l •/-ith iro- 
omBondiilmii I ■□dE ^/CfSC Coam iMtiBEr Thorn ak ^Icoic, ^vib^ IbG □bi'B[> limr 
IG nkuib IbG nlliliDiiiil ^iniF Hd'vgv^ , •/-c i?4GBm?iid IHdI CoagiEii vi □ goal of 
Fimdinp lb? CfSC □! Iedii (d im'li TlXh-plui fmybyEfi, ckE ogcm'y bod nbra 111 
dcoi I ofOBcd in IVT4 

Ti>y l1dlltl^y f'rt^tMal 

On Scplfiiil«r &. ^IHJT Ih? Toy liidiiiliy ^iiKinlion fTIAl □mioiiiKe] IHdI Ii^ 
Bizoid Gi Diiriior^ had □ppiDVEd □ lhiEE-pDiB4 pnqism Ibi loy Iriiing □nd rupEE- 
Imi piGginim: 
— ran, IbG mdmli} luppojli IbE izoniKpl oTn FOIeiiiL icgiiiiEmGBl Id mnlie mlEly 

liiilinR Dud InipEElMM ■DHkiUiiy. 
— ?«i'nd,TIA II nTirkiqwilk tlir A mcii'iiB [JdI^midI SlnHbiil^ In ilKul? lA NSL> 
IG dcvcliht Hud ^mnAndnE piotediii?^ Ibnl vill k< iiml liidii'lrv^xLE Id iTMily 
tliDl pnaiHli (ompLy w/i\b iliingEnl US lably lUmdnidi AF^I li □ pnislo 
jiDn-pnifil DiniDcaliDn IIidI ndmlniiui i ^md (lUidiuim lb? US. ^umdnidmi- 
liuii and conEhTBiiy amameni iyil?B 
— Tbiid. TIA II □I'Q ^QikiB^ ^iik AMSI Id drjElop cnlfiiii lo conlinn hhI 4?rlily 
lliDl If il bikomlDi}"^ ^in: mdGptiidGDily gisillilEd Id conduci ibE pn'HiikEd l?i[- 
CGB^iiB?ri Uaion comiiiEiidi ikE ir^ mduili^, mcliiliiiri icIniL riubii ^ikH ai Toyi 
P Ui Ibi Embmiing lb? idea dT Ibiiil-pDrly Icilmg hhI iB^fo:ling. ^nd fat »eI- 
CDming ibE IbdEmL icgubilDi^ iiiK]liT:m?Di ■□ mnliiiig iciliag Dud ■□kpti'liDii m^iidn- 

On JiJy 10 Dfibi^ yEDr Coiiiimi?ri Ubhb piDVKlal □ ical?BEnl □! □ SeiidIc Com- 
mene CGBmill?E m?euu' pioMiIng Eighi ^lep^ Ibnl ibould k? IiiIi?b Id b?lp tak- 
guiid lb? h«ilib Hud miciy gi AmEnrnD (GDiuiiiEr^ Eicod ikE onibiigkl dF immt 
Ch mEiE-pndiKe] [oiiiimi?r piodiHi^ Dud bod^ Thai llil mcliKlfd Ih? bllD\Miig 
— FidvkI? ■iKiED^?d icwiin?! Id gs'^ermmeai ubly ii^|Em'>"^ Ig pirvEnI imut' 

prxLiK 11 llllB 4 nilUBg DUI kGldEI I. 

' hi ip.'.— w- cpEHDvi: [■LClUH'TVB^IIirQIlIWauiifh iLfdl CIBCi am ILiJicb E^jlirK- 
■ ncr DEKumcni fulci Da Muaimiui DC^F»ai ifcai ibr licL*r r^^uM^id ii cuillbit inm ihc HpirK- 
[r I ibibl- 4i aiT- Dill III miiilir: "T^hlk iIe ■■rn^'- tac iHHhtn ndind, III cKklkiiiti 
Iknnj: rmi mniiBii Id wt- in buih FDt *ni iimfkill- ' H iii ~ ikc IH-^ luM^ima k-il 

^all <}nLA-Bifr ihr CVm^i^nun r xiiiliL.r id mamniD ilh <t irnn^ krcl dF iId n^Aid r AjT 'uiiynri hl 
cnbrcrmrMi t^^iIe imFi rmm imim iiiij rnLrTiu^Kna] D^LisnrA ]^ vii ~ln dHHk Ti^ re i dh^likiui 
\M r|fciH HTTM iLc riDpc«-J ini^ELUii IM HuiFl Wwi T FvrLhcr xaa^iLH ^vr ifcr 4VDunL4F»a Asd 
IhiiiI ■□ ■elibI funliiit niniF Ha' Kivr u b-: DdjuFLtd IB iIk ^H-I l>f[i>iiii| Ptaa P LZL 
In ■ddumD. in IIf: Nf VdtI: nm f liund im p- »rt~iiiT' I, a-H irkKk dh ClIC "■ tanc 
cinpbrEr 3H cbaiifrJ ^3l h 4c nn^ HUhTCCicd dctciiTC id^j Fid^ acidii ik e^Ikib'' 

^ 111 Ip^Wwvi CD n^uDirrHUADiiD r^'piJv 
.iiliiiii[[iEA>7]7i:^~FViiiTiinn ' , aiaV. aiDtamU- rOjFik.- 1/. a/r -nfimm ' - ar- 
'^Vf biDCK'r aiPtlii.-L^ F 


— Hold ^iipiil>?n, impmUr^ ili^iribiiU<i t. at ■vlL m mnDuEic liners a'CDiin Labi: 
br biio^iBp imole pndLfli m ibe iiiarl.El by leiiiiinng pir-ibipBEnI Lnipi'c- 
liuiii and leilmp Ig ?b^iii? pinduci olely. 

— Di''\clDp U5 ^VETBBf DciiiliD Lni^Kml, lliLid-pDrE> Hit'iy 4rrlLlKD4Hn pm- 

— DrvElop □ piDdiKl 4niFEDtLllly piDgma bi boLb [GiiBli}-or-or^D btclLTiR br 

Jbod anil 4GB^iiB<i pnxLirli ni nrr ni broil [mnpon^Di^ anil mgmlimi^ 
— Brqniir Ibal URftil'iT- fa-.i ii bond <d cniiin: ibi^ hnvE ^iiIUcedi lEiDium Ig 

irtBll tbrn pmliM'li 'binll Lb«'> piovc dnn^iEKHii^ nr dclbruv? 
— Qnv uG OKDCKi ^]<h cnFniri'BCDi nuikLnly lb? fo^fi Lg kw iiii'iiBlii,qAJ (ivnl 
pi*iiLLu:i b\ m an uGiciiinT^ importers. ili-.iribuu<i i. □□!) idiiibM ^ "bii Hiil lo 
CGBply nilb [?^pilali£in 1, and cnminn] fiizaallKM br ikoiE ivki knowingly nod 
n'fi''an'dLy jEopaidizc publk laFfly 
— Aulborcc ■□■dalGiy ikdIL aiiikDrii> brnlL gi jei]]id«d< obedcei 
— EcqiJiE all ipvciBmcni jflL^cf- Lg publi'ly dlvh^r in IbiBDlnni pcnamiag Ig 

la^ly ■□ jEiliRalii:^ ^ jnd itpnru. gE immmi: gvedi^ 
^LlbGiiirb Dv iifim: ivilb TIA □kiii< ibE n'rjd b\ ijiMMiiiDGa* mnndahd ikiid-paily 
latziv Idling — and ^v: npplnDd IbE IiikIe n'^Hiamn tir piiifHh:.ln^ ibii ieiIibij — in 
GidET Lg b" ^ITltiim:, ii mu'i bE iq]\m loil Lv*}! ^|4.Tiriiiilly. ikiid-paiiy citilfi- 
rniKia ikDuld lulndi: pn-iiiiiilirLinp i^a, Bic<i:T> ikm ^lJll.E^ Lbi: pmduii bnimg la- 
ipECU'i'^ Mill ibE GHiHhiy unniiiioiiiK^ d iei numbi'r gI nmEi ana ymi <u rhtrk br 
KnonplDni'E of ikE pndiirl »iib <bf mtij ^modaid^ and applying a iiiti> CGnlli- 
nniKia marl, ilmllnr la Ibc UL-liiUdor L'SDA ■□rk 

Baimiij Irad in C•\\idrc^•t Prrftlisilw 

^all?li Ibic? [EEnLI^ Hhivr Ibli pn^i ^iiam^r Gf iiiiLIkid^ uf U^i itmatmiap Isnd 
pmni nbiniiEd paicni^ aod (□n'^icri CoaiiiBfn L'nmn bElirjEi Ibal ibildiED 
^holIld noi be cipihKd Ig iari Eicim pndiKli ■□icnded for IhGii uv nod »? ^uppGrl 
Icgiilulii? fibril lo baa lend aboLC miauU amDun li, m □□> prxLiKl laUndol br 
UK ky iikildn* '?'c uig? nF meabEr^ rJCGngmi l£i bdh pmaplly Id (lan^ Ibnl 
AeCFSZ^ "bai ikc auikihnly <d Ian kiod limii all (h illicnl picduli. 

CiMiiiBm Uana'- ukiv blur ihcIikIei, 'Fil? Tbmiji rnnai^ Con Do Id A\oid 
Leaf Pomalag° ' 'i'c nv:\iiA<: ^nlbin Ibnl dciinpUia Upi Ibr paicnli Ig piEival nal 
GDly IcdI eipoiuiE fiDiii Ig>i bul hIid Iieiiii limnkloif i, bibi. beIoI )i.'^rli>, hhI 
Giker kid^ pndii:!' 

Vfc ^uppoil EEiEndiDir CFSC'i ir^lnma^ bi laid In iGyi Id fs\c\ kad in Diber 
nhikliciil pndii:li, iHlndiojr '" >:°vliy ind la viayl pndiKli We BDle IIidI CP5C 
CoiiiBii^iDDGr Tb«D' ^lUi? \\ai aln nurEd br givmg Ibc CE'?C Ibr Dulbonly Id 
eabirc ikc luvil climinDlHhii Gf kind ur DibGr iDir lubiUiacG^ Srsm (bildiEn i piod- 

CuiTEnlly, CPSCl bat lEgnblnni i itiUKliiig IkE uie Gf 'Imd-Dialiiin m)^ pmnl 
□□d DikET iimilDr ihtChk (imliagi on inyi and oa GikEr nhiUiciil pndiHl' "Liad- 
KDii iDialag paml' ii dcfintd ai a 'pnlai or GikEr similar ihtEhk iGaling biki^jliI^ 
KDnOiialag tod di laid cnapDimdi nod m 'vbirh IIie Isnd (Dnieal kakulaiLiI iik lEod 
mcmllii lao.'EiiurUJJS peiTEDl by °^^l . .' 1& C TR I JlH^lb >:4 > C FSZ: ng- 
iilaina^ □!« bna iiinikii nmirtjnli of Imd m hDuwIiGld hubI Today, any iDy Ibnl 
liDi n iin£iFE nniKiag IIidI cn««di lb«c lunili i^ ^DDiiDEmi a hozaidDiii prxliKl 
□□d 11 ^iik)E[< ID niall 

Wklk CL' uj^ CTiK. <D lEl iliHl -landnidi lark ■□ ibc I^TOi, ikcK limili— 
mandaud by CGomiM^ m lyT-l — ^cn: bnid oa IIig ukaiiilc undEnUiadln^ al Ihr 
Idsr of IbE nDJiiidi Dfkiud pmnl j-. dvII at »bal wak □cbkvnblc br paiai pndiHli 
iTi^SU WEDn HBO Vfc Ibmk ikai !!l ycnn IdIei, iI Ii limc Ibr Ibe CFSC Id loodiKl 
D ■'icBtilir tcwKW and nzviv dowB^Did lli« nuirai UCI& pEinea* limil br lead 
SmnE Ibe lo^iliDD gE Isnd al any kzvEl i^ karanbu, it logE CDogiti^ id diie:! 
Ibe CFSI^ lo n'V')E'v (uiral IcdI limii^ kaicd oa l£dii>'i kiedIiIk koDwIidHE nod 
icdidK ikE allonabb llmli lo ibE ki^Eil pDiilbk:>kl 

In nddiiKia, CU bElimi ikE piEKOce dF bud in impthniMl io>i ta\iti uasif n^ia 
lb« ii[HED[> dF KiL'?n mR nhillicn m bfi^^il nik fir k.iid EifU'im] In I^W ikE \SR 
Qoirmmcnl AdZDunling DIFn^ fai'n c^lkd ilic LioiviBBcni An'iuamkilily UlUnt 
i^^iird a lEporl edIiIIeii LcikI PDivjaio^, FimIetjI Ihiillb Caic FiEffiam^ oic XhhI BF 
lEElivEly Beacklog .-i-niil. Cklldno [Q A^'HElHS-y V- lUj Tkm lEpDil Eiii>d cbal 
Daly dI-iiiI ^ pEiTEDl dF ikE ibildiED Hi gmicil mk oic evEr KiEenol di iiBiled 
Ibi fiiKiiin Ind IeieIi, dEipilo Ibe Eh I IIidI Ikii ii □ finvmi bEDElii under Med- 

"Tkc lire iwza- iBclult H]| Tih iBrrBiDi- (Q Ckin U|l I:|I Bu.- ^iutI, HJ| Pind JUv-libun ■ 
|Ch Oil ItFbtd He fuJ jmr- am Ix lai^d ■! blHp.'.1ibi|iiH_iiHEn[^i-_ni|< Hpcb.-.'AKlH^llV 
Irrr-ikiDii i-paT hiinl 


lEsid WE tii^p CDnoi?^' IG dolxiilc Iioiiib^ U tiip pi pblcm of raiiuiBg IcdI i[i??b- 
inBUBi] innlmciil fur UDin-uii.'d und Z^l rdnuABLJU r (hillici] 

Fianlly, ■« ^DniBEnd •b\: '. 1'^ Fdi Liiing *■ BdjiiH? MdIiik of F[Ei|iiLicd Riilc- 
nmkiBg DD JnBimiy V, ^LK>?, \m wnpaaie m n pcLLLicn \iltd by Ih? Skhh CLub, !□ 
baa Ihr lale of id«uiL [eirliy iB4EnilEil bi (hillicn •/-■••b \tnii iznnleDi dIov? HK 
ppB CiLDiLiiiiEr^ L'tiidh li on iccHttd ^upfumnp iki- pinfi-^ bun nliboiuli ~? 
Ln^d ibal i< b? Eip^mdi'd ^nil liidudi: uuil^i piidur*^ 'Vl^ liLh' Hipihj-^ icRubloi} 
□ciKiD IG piccBpl ■inm/^i icnH' lEgublviii liidi'i'd, CuliEjniLii iviFl ^^ n 'imuLua 
Ibi KlXJ ppm tv l?iid LTi [civliy i> Al^uL ffilB tVE ui^^ picoDpL Klion ty Ib/i 
CPSC ■□ lEipmiic <D [HhiDTnciili ur □^ni'y hm irfrnrd 

WkilE niLHb gE Ibc iGHcm djei Vy loiallt ■□ rbe pnil bv BDiirk^ bm Ibtiiml 
OD I'D!] pnrii. iiTall^ uT iGyi wiLb mnpitii Iidvc uL^h imio] i<:[»iii aniixrB^ A ^D- 
iiunLhiJd bey dii!!] and □I'tiiil ]^ ckildn* knvc bio-yn ^etiQusly iBjuird hEHt mg?^:- 
iBflmngkcli ■□ Ig>i 

BrihiHi dE H>>1 mode by sialic] DiaUiriLiig p'>\vcrFLil ^bhIL niiigkeli one malbd 
m Aiigu^i ^nT In ApiiL af Ibii }viii , □ iccnll ol Mugiieii' Ig>i iviii cip^ndEd Id 
CDirr nearly >l niLlliDn picdiicli. Lnil foii. 2 A ■ilboa loyi ivLlb dDngcuiLi^ bh^?!^ 
nvie mnrcd 

\\i: (omBcnd y>\i SmnHH" Diirbia, far hDlding □ jdibI kiiiniig ivLlb Hduk B^m- 
ben Hhn Ibii ii%\ie "n Jiibe III ^[17 m irmnii imii ll>r knuinR h.i'dcil ni^cnLuin 
IG ikE dnngci 1 liQm Bn^ri^ m iGyi Ydu amii Scna'ui ^my KhhtiMb^i HhTriLnne'^cii 
liDLT iG^lbif b ijrbLfrli l?d lb« CE'?C i il[<iv lEiponiE id Ibi? hnznnli mn^L^li cuiild 
pDiE Id ckildicB ir ^^dIIlidtmI. 

CU iliDicd yD\i\ illiniay ni ikc CPSC'i fiacdimajiiiB In ^IXH, DliEr ll dm ■e'ELLrd 

□ icpniT nbGLii n ieTiD\ii mjiuy Id h chilil Iidb mra'^ilii^ □ mngii?! ThE ^igrHy Uit. 
no immidblf ilepi Id rvaim ikE puklK hhI iethII ikE pndii'l iHted, il Imk •.•/-■u 
ycaii Ht IbE CPSC Id InuHb ii full bh^n ^Idi vqIhhUij} iccnll ^ilh Edie AiV^e^ 
Bmiidi DFibEie byi w/iib ma/p\tii. 

CPSC liDiilly ll DDK ^ppinpiinl^ly ^urauig panzBii ibnl 

''3niiil] Bngnri^ (□□ Ijf [klldira lE i^q it nunc hie ^^nLlmval IF loo he niawr 
nmgkuli it mnmiGlK iGBpunEnl: ur a mj/incl und niiGlbEi mcUi] Db^l f^iKli m n 
uddII mcUi] bnllj hie -.^□Llii'vaL -cpamU'ly lb?y CUD iiliiail Dnr unDikcr ibuhiigb 
mlf iLludI ^ufi. Tkl- imp^ <Iil^ muRBEl^ \m pbuE hhI tan cnui? koki I pcdbmiLGDiJ, 
l^iiilna DBd^ bkHlmRi' iJ Lb^ l■<L^MlllL^^, in Eii'liiiai , kli»] poLiroiiBg l-Gpii^I hhI 
dEDlb WkEii muliiplc ni3gkEli an: l■J^^L«'d -.uigkry ii icguLii'd lo nziiiDH Ibe 
nmgkEli und iDniGuiiiEi ftiwiai DElbf ibIeiIlhei nEth] lo ts lEiiiDVGd" 

In nlliiHn, or: knjE poilol on CVi mlEly king [ozDni BEiidiilnB^ Id pniEiiii 
□loiil ^liDl Id do lF ikEy impHl ikEir ckibl bm ^^nllDird □ Bngnf i de ■□gii?li.^ 

CfSCa Abilrlf la Orlir Ccmpa/iit \l'^lal•^•s llrr Lof it Hiiitrri bj Cap an Jvirn 
Mr CknuBUB, Inn •^■eet Ih? A'nLI SliEfi Jinmal |A?Jl- icpGEloi Ibnl Ih? 

CliDirniaii of ^dIIgI ^Lal(d Ibsl ikc CHiiDpDB, d\1^••^c^ pinklEini ia In o^n iLine- 

□bk bl'l'□LI^^ Ll buliEM^ koik 'hi- ].•••/ And ino (Dm nii--ii:a] i GBlimEniEiil pmrluG^ 

air UDioiiDnDble \\c IlI.l^ iDDiiy oik^r-. Eiuad LbL^di'iuEbing 
CPSC 1 imiuK [Eqiiin"k DiBpnai?^ Id icfOEl il Ibty bElirjE IbEir pndLi:! [nia»] 

□ ' mb^mn lb] pinduci bniDid F^iIuie Id lEpon 4^ti lead Id □ fmE dF up m IIJ^ 


\fi DKOiillii^ lo Ihr QElicb MhUeI taH il iboull bE ^bb Id ?vd]leiIo bnzniil^ id- 
lomiilly bfFoiE nLoiliiiij dbv ouiiLdEr'. icjnidlci^ of wkai Ibc kn myi 

Tb< tamt dukIc liIid lEpiini'd ibn* S1.ii<l^I. 'm nl kznil ibror maffl latei uh? 
Ibc bic IfKii — ihLliJib^ IqsI mroilb i lunl] of ii?iii]> ID nnUba I mi I pbiy-di ^md- 
ded vilb pDl?Dually danDLUKj 1 BLi^fii — <iub ninalbi Id g'jiki'r in ll'imDlinii Lb md 
af Ibe naiei ll CDltilod uiioti 'il CDm plain i^ Ibi Bonik^ bi^FniE dii£l:i-.Liig ikum lo 

CU bElKJEi Ibnl Ibii iiDiEiDOB* b> Iho bend oFib? lendlna l(^ lomtniiy ii idliBg 
UDii'DiT:r. ^FlkI?! imiFlLm wilb ibE CPPC j^ biHli □I'aEly ii oitikIo ZJhiieI nd pic- 
vbuily Flkcd ?! I mirKiB lor bdri^ id piDnipily nzporl 3 fiiE bnrmil Lnmlviajr "^ 
Poivri Wb^clk liii« of mulorciMl miai'iirL, d?iigii?d lo k< iiilleD by (billicn n^ 
^oimgDi ^ yoii 1 ob TiM] ■ilbua of Ibccnn dvi? iPinllEd in iWli. 

Adb Bidkb. IbE CFSC CbmnmiD □! ikE limE, mid ^Flf r on nouBCLiig ikc pmaliy 
IB 'iWi Ibnl UqiIe] kiiEV □koul bimdiEdi dE piDbl^Bi ^Jiik lb? Id^^ Elecinrnl ift- 

' kl Ip.'.lilHi ■£iDiiiHETi[|iiii innr ibPcO^'A'J' ^Kl'k lril-ln--i[ii hiinl 

hH'iIL JIli^ei -Imrnil BcpLEnbr -L lA^T, □ ■ J. hbbp^ nbiK —i>i»IrLHlL' 


l?Bi, '^d ilil BDlliLiiR Ibi yaiTi' Tbrwe ■«!? irpDili of l&U Iiiei IdjdKibij Ih? 
mlniciii 1 hhI boii: ikun |iJ Lim^s m niiiny icpmr^ uT eIccUi'iiL ^Dm fokenli a-tr- 
he^lLHIj beIuu, ihorl-ciniiiur^i hht blliaj; 

A yoai bin, LIqIk] d^id ruLlcil Ig <i\e miuiml lEponi Liiid«r ibe Com mliinnil 
ihIh. In ibE bIL if 'iWli ^IdiIeL b<^D mxijiiig lEpiLrli rivcJviB^ Ibr ^nlsly gE 
unz^i IB 111 Lilit FbigIc Animiil ^imdi Fnrni. ^kKD pichnled n chokiBc bniDid 
IG chililicii if i^nllD^Ed ]□ ••"•: itpiirE a n\I*^ pimclini'il ibc Lung af a l-C-niGDik- 
Dld bnky •/-ha IideI mliDk'd i<, uniliB^ ihe iihill ■□&> cniEipncy ^iiigci> 

']i ^n^ [uH unlil blmcb fflUQ Ibal ibc4GBp[iD> icpojied Ibr witiy boiDid' <d Ihr 

CDID mil^lDII , EVCDldLllH IG □■ DREEKy IBITII^IUD AcCHhlduilj l£l ibf W'?J ~. C P5C 

leamol ikni MDlhl tiiui dllcrlea !r.LG.ii]L^r icprnii ••Tkiie x<fB^i bEfDiE □ppnticb- 
IBB ■arulnnni U'bik' denying amy ^ni^iiglGLng. iLe compDiiy ^nnl □ lElitmEiil in 
rifEinh, nijiEEiiig EHh fay Vf'^UV) 

?□■?!□ a ilbEi-l, brniGr Bimiiliv? Diik iGr gE iLe CFSC , iGbl fhe ^SJ. 'Thr □»■- 
ny kai n ibJ fioblrB m liHling duI aboiil d3ii|^iGiid priFlirli Tbry Ijiilk amr 
{tompamy] kn^ciABBhl Iiigiv — Ib^l'^ aDcr □ dEDlb l<i injuiy ' 

Thi^ ualbrhi^lE kiilGiy hhT jml one CDinp^iiiy i laiciiKliDni ivilb Ibi: CfSC 119 
pill h> 111 ikai (omp^niEi ^inipLy eId iidI iebiiiI ikE CFSC'i irgubiua^ pmrri □! 

□ dEl?ncnl IG Hcuirig lb« In^ CGB^UBf n Unnni ^nd GikEr cdii iimi?r sicoip 1 bnir 
CDii u^hMilly •lEivd £r Liluog ikE (np dii ikc Unci CPPC tan imwiie mr vidIhikib^ 
GElb? qjTHy^ lEpDiliBg ihIei — idgii [uHnkly Shiud l&lb InTikE CDiiiiini^r PndiH I 
^IeIv A41 4{^E'SA I'" — 'vbirh irquiiiM <hD< ompnBki '■[□■fdinh.'ly labmi <bE Ccfln- 
niliuH' ifn pi[dii[< bil^ o oapK ivilb a lah'y Mnndnid, lODcnuii □ dchl ^bxb 
CDuld (icntE □ lub lUiBunl BiEFlirl limitFrl 01 4^□l?^ iib uan'.iioniibk ii'k oE iejkiiil 
mjuiy Di dEiiib Seiidu<i DurbiB. Ibi: bill yi\i awl Scnnini It ill Ncl^iii 'lE Fliuilii id- 
IndiTEd •b\i ]ii[iiiD?r, S. IIV-IIJ TbE CniiiimiGr I'ndu:! ^akly M idEiBD^Iiroi Act, 
CEiLI^ bi lIFlmg IbE inp ii> >^IJ hiiLIkib. U'hib ^e Ibiak ^iHb □□ iekiedh: ^Quld Ie 

□ ^EDi impiGVEineBl ditt mdn^i cup, ^e eiIio ngiEE ^ik CFSC Cgdiid 11 icnEr 
TboBBi Home kK'i siyiKd For lifilna ibr cup Enliic]>, wkEii kE IgIeI sliiAdu:! al 
DOMfaEHE in Fliuidib in '2tni Ibal 'fp|cih[ipi mmE cmnpnBfi ^cuIeI k" l:-^ liki'Ly 
In by Id 1C1II our i||Kn(y ky pii4liB|j oEF icfHTlo^ IiEcaidihiii priFlirli il ^1: had pea- 
□]lk^ Ibsl i/-:wi mim (omBcn-uniiE "lib Ibi' bsiB Ibty 4^111 i3iik~ 

Tbc cvKL<n(E ihIi£.iii.-' ikji .'IdiIcI is iioI nkiH: in milm^ <d n^Grl Ig Ibi: CP5C 
upGn IcDming •bat ill priFlii'li vllIhie Ibe CE'SA '■ Vcnr \m awl yEnrGiU, IbG CFSZ^ 
llDpD1E^ Iih:! on ^om pmi iei br failing id lEpDil, km Ibe piiKliTE gF briojr '^ '"fm 
CDii Im 11?^ The cup aa Unci CFSC li EiiilbDicEil 10 lnipii-i. — □■[) ikc linG-. ikni CP5C 
dDei m BkI impnie — oie Im ekougb ibm Ibey hiiJE bLTiimc a i\-tt oFeIdih buiiiie^^ 
Ibi n cmnpEiB^ SevEinl ^cari ago CFSI^ aticiicd a 1TEU,UlK> lim: im 'A ol-Uiii'l br 
brioc IG lEpGrl n wt'ly picblra ^Ib filne^i diekIiiiiei lelling id In ivan. For 
W^^Drl, Ibe likE -/-ai «:|iiimlml Ic uti mag up ■□ Daly I mmiile □□[) '13 mGiidi 

CU kizlicLG^ Ihe cap im Iih:! m juI Gne vny m ^hHh Ihe CFSC^i fG»?i in lieep 
IbE DiEirkelp bHE lab 11 UHknul □□[) ime ihnl Cmigmi ^kould ■vHi Ig (hna)^ 

firbJic □ihJi^u't l^irl Pntduclt Hiporlid In IhrAgmty 

Acmlhei »□> ID ivkKh Ihe CPSCl poxir lo lj:''p Ihe mmtElpku'E eiIe li imdET- 
m inel 1^ S/x !»□ til k 1 dT ikE Cmi iimier FndiKi I^H'iy Ad 

We Idiciv □ lideml ngeBcy \\ai qd Gkli4i<»iB 10 diHloiE Ig ihE public ^bea II 
openi □□ iDVEilfplion dd pGiEBliall> hnznnlDui pndiKli Cun^nily. Xhl^' □iiilii'i 
mub gE Ihii in EiiBDlimi puklK Ibe CE'?C, bG^Eivr. 411111101 diKloic ihi-. uiFrrBn- 
Itm diK Id Iibki impoKd on ikE n^iKy ky Sslion tilb| FublK div:lDiiin: can kelp 
vniii [GB^iiBeri ihT pGlGBunl knr^udi ivklle □□ iiii?ii£|[iiKiB 11 ihii-^mR 

Wi: □pp[?:uile ^imr nlliciila^ Ibi: piobLem GFbfbl In S IIUS LVbiL? inu Die nGi 
cnLllo^ br <hE npeiil oFblbl ai or: b^irj uigrd yitta bf] idull alki» IbE CF^C Id 
inal.1: public in FnimDlHhii lE i< dEleim mei Ibnl □ mEiDiifarliiiEr li hdI ccopeiiKiEm mul 
Ibal diicb'iiic ■^ [iirics^iy Ig pn'VEni □□ ' UDnsiDnnkb: t\iV Id kiiiLlb and ^iiTcly." 
Tkni p[DV]-.iDn Diiuld be □ vdk iBpnvEEiiEiil gvci •bt CF?C 1 Innbrii} iGikiy lu piu- 
vile criliail alEly in IbimDlnni Id Ihe public uiiilrr &b' 


fud Cl 



■ ■d Flktin 


1 CIS a 




■ ■I"il'ili. 





Jmbi u ihiU 



' ^libl p^vurw c^^pcDv^ajmniL^p^pzxT 111 mlrKcUl 

' In JAJl III IIJI rnnKumcr Pindmi liPii- Cuma 
Inc *rC^HnuiL P^ k«cIluk liih iDnlDFt] "^7 TniTitn 
ilnL iLcT bikd ID nfuri pfbJuzi drfecu ihai ^qipzd 
In aUE llr: ' iniiijiEi l^lnlui Si k i.- CimHiHiiin ICP^CI Unci lb ami FSkcirK Ci ^lil^ II 
milliaa id .cibk xl^^inad lIiki {SB yn*^3nf t ^itj 1d rrp*ri u C EfiC im ■ bimrt mojET x 
d^Kci whk lETiiin mdcLi dI JifL-x ihe fk UBdcj ikc rnBiiiiiET l^nlui DiKi- All ll'EO-l 
mAMufacLun-FA inip*FLCTF- d irii^L>*FK xod r^ u itiH ^u.41 louiEd HP: L" irpGH infiTmAqitn x^Fi ui 
luicDiBill' kaikidnuF fnlini. h I In CnmHi_HiL kiif <<w— cpiEiDh I'lbCII.BI'HLII El. 
pFklmUllf] ] J ^ blsL 


Ti^r PmOleit Wirt Hieallw 

CU 1^ (ondMni'il nbDiil Ibc [b:dIL oT n niiiny BirnBi il iGyi uirr Ihr pn^i yrar 
□kikc While IbE Hrni 'iri^lle] pmdur iiiraEili IHdI □ pii:dii[4 bai bifD Gr vil] 
be Min«'^-Fiilly idinnEd, [Epnrci] I'l nfbi-ja that m mii:]> Lb^ 4^ie fulbui Marlu 
Fcth?r, m hrr took Hi Mil AcctlL^nL — Htiiv CnrpumiriD^ Sell CanBcmu^ Baby 
PndiKli," ■' quol?' aCFSC iliidy ciuniEi^iaa <!]□< iDDnidlK LuiEn i^miiiLi iiaGiiBl Kh" 
?ll-bH} pEn^BloTnld in !□■< biiifIikIi hEHt !□«'> ba\t tccn nM^td 

Ranll nDlirci mnzly nsiL ibu veil pifoplc WbD mail nozd i< — pnicDli nail 4dic- 
ghm Tbeic m no bn luiuirin^ m an ubciuicti <d iiy Lg fiod puirha^^n if Ihe 
pmdui Gr <D kolih pnitali ar day uir EZCBUn IFii Bndirl pioMM dDHRVioiit nod 
miiii be ici^b] PiiTEber. ibEic ii mo tafnirmcnl LI13L msii uHh Lu^'^^ uitteiio □ 
pmdui iccal] la Ib/i tame »□> Ihey Bdverlivrd ih< prxLiKL ■□ Ihc fii 1I pliKf — ir^ 
^Ib Lmd Hual nod ma^cLs, bipk ilinin, (iibi, ilidlrn, inBiai ^^lo^i amd larr-yr- 
dEI?d (iLniiniH' IG be uin br mGailii nr ^vnn nEl^r lb?> have tiiM] nx^kd 

In aa eilbi'l Ic lapiDic mull ^EKi'lii^ai'i^ (oa-umcr ^hiip^ pelLlionnl 111? 
CPSC,' ' n^liLng Ibal ihe Com mi'iira] nK|iiii? MBpl? ll.'^l^lll1<Kl■ [eiiiii im puidui^ 
mlf odrd br uie b> ckildi?a. LVhik wi' a paconii. n'^iimLii'n caid^ mt omc -/-ay 
IG EirlliUiK iccalli Tbr CoBinliiKia [lui]>?d ikE pElilvii on Apiil SS ^S)ti^ clIuid 
CDHCETB^ Dkiii^ Ibc EilETUvm?!! of icRiilmiba caid^. df ipiU GVKtH? Ih^l ^ihIl 
cnidi — iLhiuml by bd^ni] lEgnbliDn 1 id EKCDm pnny Ibr oIegId tai v?^l — kajE Im- 
piDi^ [?^iimliDi] if iboiE lar iran iiikilan Imlly Id □ 'Sftl [JDliDnnl H^nny 
TraHi] SalcLy Adm in i^unlion ^iirvEy lb? Ibdcral b4jb»D> cdbly a^wiy Inimd Ibal 
□lniDil ikia^^mrUn fTl pEi<?a<l dF pan'aii^anpivcn t/bn laid lli^y obCuhMl Ihe 
car KDl ne^ alto tail Ibal n <rnut<niwia taid (□■« ^iik Ihe vol OFlhev SI per- 
CEnI m^ibd bad. ibe card ■' 

In hIIlIidi] Ig ibo pmbknii mlh ^|cllLnD Ihe onuie uul Ig iGa^iiaei 1 [ikaiii ic- 
cnlled pnxlirli, GHe a pioduci 11 hthIIcii ky CFSC, Ibe Comm liumi, Ibi mma^ 
Ibal cidpE u^ fpi nDl lekiiE in IbimDlun] gb Ibe niimker gI imili Ibal knvE been 
iuciiitfuhy iriali'd u Ibal ikE puklK naa oraiinilely eiiimnle km many !?■□■□ 
□I laiRk, iku eilEni HhTlhe leBniniiiij riik, and vkElher ikE iccall ouliEnb uhd ll>r 
□ pDiTKiibir piefIitI •/-at Mrm'Eul LVe leiGEiiiDead Ihnl >iiii aH a ^wiMiw^a lo S 
IIAT lEquinnR C F5C Ig publlih qimrleKy icpDili un Ihe iinxii ila wrtail Dad pGil 
IbeH] lEpGili Dn Ihe lalEikEl 


Cimiiimeu Unioa appiLTiale- <bi' SubiomiD illee^i DlieBlmii Ig Vyy latiy Dnd ei- 
lekdi our Ibnnki ihh ii-. dEUrminalii^n 10 piti^ ikE vy mdiiiU^ ami Ibe CfSC Ig- 
■niil a br keilei ^yilem Gleaiunoj; ihe wbly GEl£iy^. 

SenaOir Di'iniN Carter Kcilhlcy la Frcflidcnt of the Toy InduBlij 


Me Keithikv Fvc got s grrcn light Alliight 

Gocd morning. Mi Chaitman, Senalor Brown back, SenaOir 

I'm icall> pleased to eomc bcTotc ihc Bubcomini ncc thia moining 
on behalf ol the Toy Indnatiy AESDCiaHiDri ITIAJ to talk abouC [□) 
salci^ The TIA is dtc leading iJiduEO^ aBscciation, tc^ indnaEcy as- 
BcciaDon, in the world. Our SOU mcmhct mmpaniea piovidc mote 
than 85 percent of all toya Bold in the Uniled States each >eai, and 
TIA has been a leader in developing and implementing lay aale^ 
meaaurea fot marc than seven deiradea 

Wc'ic I'crj proud of out aceompliahmcnlH m aaaunng chat loya 
Bold m America ate the &afeBt of anj in the ii'oild Our Dsy saTe^ 
Blandarifa ha^c been the mcdel for oliiei nationa, and iccmda show 
that Hoj-relalcd injuiiea in the Unilcd ScaCea ate eMticinelj lare, 
despite the Bale of neai ly 5 billion ncii' cojb every year 

I 'Cnnumn riunnc l^-F. B-'L 

'^IVdr nl PiH IHC r VdI lUL FId I-IO, ^idicdi.- -miiil L BUl 

^aa IIVO B-I ^ I t^L'fi I d-lli [i!L UMi m. k b ID. 


The [cccjit rccBlla of a few mcdclB of Ic^ pinduclB in the Unilai 
SlalFE, hoii'cvci', have sivcn our induBtij an opportuniHj lo inaJ[c 
furdici proaiT6fl in die cnn Ci nuoua ptcccBB oi aafclj [mpravcmcTi c 
These [oalJB dcmonanalrd ta us chat wc needed ta applj Bome 
new BaTelj aasutance measures in the Icj picduclian pra:e&B 

It IS impoilant to point out that [he leialls aixount foi a tin} 
poction of the lots! nf neai ]y S billion lays snid in the United Sistea 
each jeai. So lat [his >ear, there hai'c been lead paint related ic- 
calls oi 14 niDdcIa of toy products impocted inEo the United Slates 
by II companies. Two of thoGC companies aic amona our 500 man- 
ulacniring members And ic Ehonid also be remcmbci'ed chat — to 
then ecedib — iJiese recalls were ininialed bj tbc manu^Lurers 
thcmBcl^ ea , when the> idcnnlied the piablcm 

But, hecauBe the r«alls this year lelaEed to lead paint an [ojb — 
Bomcliiing which haa been prohibited by due EaleHj Elandards far 
dcodea — we believe it k impiirlant for ub to develop new meas- 
ure. Id ptcvcnC Buch Dceuticncea in the future Heic arc the lun- 
damentals of thcncii' ininaciiTS that wcaic iindetlakin! 

Fiiat, we ate develapins Blandaidized piccedmea that will he 
used indiisniy-widc to ^cii^ thac prcdiicia comply widi U 3 safclj 

Second, we are establishing eiiEena to cermly [hat [esnng laboca- 
toiies ate qualified Dj perfarm teatin^ Co U S EtandardB, using the 
induBtrj- wide prolacoU. 

And thud, iic aic cncoinagina the Fedeial Government Co adopc 
a requirement nhat all lays Eold in nhc United Slaies undci^o in- 
spection to ensure that ihcy confoim Eo ourslandards 

We have mcdcled our inidativeE in ihiE area aftci measuiea uni- 
lised in manj American indiaCnes Wc'ic warking with the Amer- 
ican National Standards InEtituEc lANSli to dci'elop nheEe pcccc- 
durea ii'ho aic communicating clcady with the Consumci Ptcduct 
Safclj CommiBsian 

The EaleHj EjEtem in the United Statea is a chacacEcrisnical ly 
Ameiican appiaach to BoKin^ the prablems and meeting need?. Ic 
IS a robust, pluralistic s^Etcm that employs the lalenis and expei- 
□se and speed oi the private Eectar Dn addreas safety issues in ila 
own self inteieaC 

Wc'ic very proud Dj be u'oikin^ with ANSI in developing theae 
new measures ANSI is the premiec, nonpcoflt organization whcee 
missian ie ta enhance the Amciican quality oi lifcEi> pcomatmg fa- 
cilnanng and Ealcguarding iJie integrity of consenEUE-dcivcn saie^ 
EiandardE, and canfarmilj assessment syEtcms m the United 

In contrast pja pjp-daiin , Govcmment-di ivcn apprcach tasafclj, 
our Ejstem ini'oli'ei: u][ sIshchaldeiE in a consensus piocess that al- 
lows [ens of nhousandE of ncii' prcducia and ncii' [echnolosj Co came 
Id market foi the enjoymcn C of our conEumera 

Clea[l>, there is an imporlanC role for Government Co plaj — aa 
a watchdog and an cnfoiccr of confoimancc with piivaCe Eectar 
BiandardE But historj has piovcn the Euccess of our icliancc upon 
pi'ivaEe seclBi safely inilnadi'es 

Finally, rd like to point out that our piopceals are not specilic 
to [OJB made in any patticulat area of the warld The ncii' requiic- 
menlB will applj ta Eojs made in any nadon. Foi' more iJian 30 


SrB, workinE witli qui tiuBtcd auppliciB in Cluns, oui iniliiali'y 
pi educed nillionB of hi Eh-i|iiality loya diat full^ confarm la our 
Im sBicn BtandardB and iic ace mnridcnt that our Bupplicia in 
China ii'ill embrace these neii' safety requiicmcnls. 

Wc enth uaiaaniHllj anplaud [he neiv aafe^ agrecmenlB BiEncd 
ye6tcida> between the United Scacefl CPSC and the General Ad- 
nuniadadon of Qualil^ Supecvi&ion, JnstiectiDn and ^uarsnUinc in 
China, and we welcome the aEiecmenC bj the Chinese auchoiitiefl 
to lake LmmediaEe action la climinaEe the nae of lead pain Don Chi- 
nese- man u^tni^ toys exporHed to the Unit^ Slatea 

Wc ica>Eni?e, and accept, hon'cver, that the ultimate iraponai- 
bility lesidcB with our induBtrj, to aasute that toya imparted into 
the United Slates conform to our BaTecj Blandaid. We do not &hitk 
from chiB icaponaibili Ij , and we pled^ to you, and Co the American 
public that we ^ill do e^ciy[hing in our pot^ci la enaiuc thac toys 
Bold m America are &afc foi our childten to play ii'ith. 

I'm honored to be here icpreaentin e the lay induBlry among mj 
distinEuiBhed colleaEues, and I Icoh forwacd Eo leepondinE la jour 
qu^ nonB 

Senator Di'irih Thank >du, Mr Keithlcy. 

[The &latement follows: I 

Pii>*' B>j> ST.^^l <ti --T OF C ma KtiTHi fy 

(rcol iDiirniDg Mr. ChniiiDDi] 

TliDBk jcu fyr lb? appiLi'lLiDLly m (omc krbi? Ihr MitiGmiD lIKc ikli mGrnmg Ig 
diKuii lie iiiti> dT •uyi tdid m Ibc Ubih!!) SUihm Ai ^u \iP tmon my □□■? i^ 
Cdjict lii:iiklr> and ] niii ikE FieikL<d< iI the Tiy Indmliy AhheiIidi] ITI^I W? 
lEpic^cBl ibf iDy iGnipiiDiei t/hi piDvidE Ifl f^r:? ni oE aP •nyi lold m ibE UbikiI 
Scnw^. Ai ibE inrE oFlNf miliiili^, I ^culil ]lI.e Ig □nine y^\i wn! air ai dv nlirayi 
Hdiv kjCB, (oniBKled h> lb? utly gEgiit przFlirli □nil Ih? ibildiED -/-hi uk lb?B 

THe bci. Ibal •/-e hie heie kcbic yuu. lodoy ii In 4Hir Met/ a fGntwi lup \m Rilb- 
f nap IhoK t/bo mc Lnl?i?^i«d m •//uiiing U^<bEi ihh lODimi ikE [^:Eni lnp wi ■□ 
our dfEly Ti?i Ibnl hnvr ierm GipoKil aver lb? pn^i ieitmhI orxki I ^ciLild lib? l£i 
nial.e ikE mhb* hiiivL?r, •bai. dlh mi^Di lo bniu? ikcK InpiEi i^ mm am iHlLrai»D 
dE n Bt\iea iyi\rm, biU nilli?r n dEBGDilmlimi gTiIi? iBleRrily if dui Liidiii<r>, lb? 
CDOgm^ □ml <bE CDiiiiini?r PukLlkI S^lEly Cgbidliikib io liiLliLl imr iliDird cdtd- 
mlliiiEiil IG ?DiLi[r lb? mlE<y GEcklldi?^. 

A I ibE Dill VI, I iKiiikl ]il.e IG nGiE <bE UbiiimI SmUi kni □■ong ibE iiTKlf ^i. mail 
CDiD p lEhED'iL? iny talcty ly^icmi \m Ibe ■vdil L'5 luyi Hdit, Inr yean, bfFD 
malfd □iDGiip IHe talcii if ail [4niimi?r prxLiKli ib ikE boni?. In HkI iiiiid> □□- 
litmi nniLiiid Ih? dixIiI cbuIhie <bE \I3 lyilem and imilEi'^iiiiid our Vy tatety 
lUmdnnli lo k? Ibc piEmi?r ^miukiidi 

Thi^ II kol m my lb?i? li no iddid br im p[E<iTMD?Di. I< ii dlh niiiiKiB Ic igdIidli- 
□uily ^eairb Ibi n?^ w/aft Ig rimkEr iIiehruieii gut latly ly^Umi and lundnidi 
TkE imbumiDU Emli uT ibE kill lEimil »?eIii bnvr pitKiile] ui t/ilh luk qd 
GppDKun ily 

Wlik mpul liGiii MGBtEJi dF ^'>llpj[c^, Lb? US. ConiuniEr Fndiirl Snt'iy Coni- 
niliiHn fCPSCl, AmEiiiDB Mh^kjbjL SuhLiiiI^ IdiIiIuie lAMSIk lailumy Imdur-. 
□ml lb? lEdilmg com m iibii> , Tl.^ bui kd ibE d'zvrlDpmED* □ml m IndiLiuoa gI Ihe 
IJnniE'^nck br^ me*/ l?^ila^ nM|LiiicBrni bi Vy mnDiitu'iiiicr^ 

B?Eii? Dililip^iiiig ikc ipailKi dFiHii me*/ piiigmm kon^jEi , I ^culil likE Id mlf 
lb? offGCIUBlly l£i ihnic »iib Ih? lubinm iiiIiUe Hg^ *//• □iniTd ^bEic */e hie liZFJny 
□ml uiE ciimal ^llimlLfiii gE lb? luy imliiili} fii w/e £iiiei?d ikc lummcr moiilbi 
□ml up Linlil ai bu: J^ bi-.i ^-Xy, ihh, nc^lLi <^:wi in <b< bLiKllinL-. daily Th?iE re- 
CEiil itialli [li:^rly dcmihii i<rji?d oiic -mFEly -y-.nm jiL'(d(d •\- ko iiiL^gikEiifd .^1- 
IbGiiirh □! I ilai^, r,-: I\a<-: lomc gE the h.'d* ilandiirli in the */iw\ii <•/•! ^eic L?EI 
ivnnirig \m \i--\inim ibe iippliisliion Gf <be iiand^rli Thii inck oEmiunng applv^- 
lion GE^IsmlDnli l?li HKir (ompitniEi, Ibc Induiliy and mG'i Impinanily our ibih 
ilicn EipGi«] I □m pioud id 'ay ikai gut com p^ii iei mzlal giirkly Jiid puit'^icn^lLy 
ID icipGiidmg IG ikli i^iLk □ml CBbmriog Ihe n??d Ig □!.£ iigiiifL£Lini □rlvn ic ckii? 
lb? '□iiuiiiH? gtfT lEy^ti onLl. 

Thr irnBolLiiH' iiiina^' pimnplol ty the n'4Illl^ bm biKD □ mInutliBjr of dEiir^ 
IG Eniiiic L'S miTiDiiil . ibn ippli^ ehi iov^ ncaidLcii oE ^Iicii: Llii.'> ^ii: mjdc 
MiiB> lF noi nil k^ itijLTi ulm lu^'^^ h^i/] ciiBDUhd •ell- und ib many I31L^^ il^L^'kiI 
pmdui^ hound bi Ibo US mnrkeL TbL^ cITDn hn^ pndirEd tome il Ac iecqU^ 
□][md> □■kDimi'i'il unci li miiy >n piaduiic Eurlhor malli 

If I (□■ mlie □ iLop bud., lypLrall>, iccnlli □■? noi nl^Dki n caLI^< For ulnim 'i 
Ibclr teil, con lUTnif picdiiK itislli lenr n picoiiin mb in Ibc pr^liKl ■□Iliv -jt- 
!?■ <D iiJDid ii^li DBD mjiiiy vci mi ^ icadiif icle nFlor idJui} oi daniiipk bm ix- 
cutib] Ai mil any tmiw. in any pndirli pun ILiScral palely ^cniidiiid^, bill bKniii? 
oE un mlf iid«] \m ii □□ unfipHKil founlLnl hmniil □ pnxLirl cud cbiI up bemq 
lEcnllrd. RsdILi ^iLI □]^ii>i be ^nlb \ii □nil Ib^icbir »r ikmldD I lUivE m eLibi- 
nnle ikEm bul ndrk m mnlj: i\iic ikli vnLinblr miely Uol i^ UKd id qd appm- 
piDl? picoiiin ■□■■cr. 

Ai com pDHh.'i (ODiriLf o (eiI cuttdi picdiicl (c clsii VK^kiliir picdiiil fioiii •bc\T 
lupply ckaim, TIA h^i, wiik Ibe ^ppiovnL oEour mcBbEriGBpnDKk, ici. duI h> pn- 
viif □ lonp leim priflram <d □ddic'i Ibi: '^iiumncE ^p ' Tn Ibal ^hI. I ^ouli] lilie 
ra ^knir ike IJnmciKirl. b\ our ii^» mimdiiloi} Uilmij pngmm br myi nli] ib Ihc 
DnilEil SlDiEi 

The ne^ BUHbLGiy pingmiD will 

— IlL'quIr: aP liyyi m^m uEh luie] for ike US mmtel <d tr leited (c U5 lUmil- 

— SLaadnnlce piutedim" Ih^l »i]L k< uied Lnduilij-vule <d vcii^ ikni pmdui^ 

CGBply »ilh US 4]lely ^LaI]d□[ll1 
— Kiuikliib rrilt 

ilciin ID (ei'lir> ikm Hz'iin^ Inbom^Drk" hit qmlllieil Id pei&nn 
icilinR IG US iinHbiil^ uiiiiij lailuiuy-^ idc piDloinLi 

— bLijuir: lb? devElopaenl if Iciin^ piDloiGli niid ceilifLrniKiD (iiieiui ibnHigb 
Ihr inDpciiiiuD qEhII 'lalnzbiillcn and □ppl> lli^m iDDiiilf Dily: 

— ^'e[«'^lll□le iknl TiA •//uik ivilh Cgiij^imi. CFSC niid ANSI Id impleineDl Ihr 
kz^^blnH], i^ii/ii □nil piDloiDli <D en line indLiilry ^tle odbeiPH?. 

Il II lb? my miliiili^ i KimiR bel>:f ibm mlh ikli nf/- iniindDU<i> mliiig piD- 
gmiD HKir mduiliy ivill be '•\ta kkei (qiiippnl lo piii(E[4 lb? laUflnly dTdui pi«l- 
irli Hud lb? miely if AmGncnn chibn^ 'Vo held 4Hir uiKial Beeiing w/ilb ACJSI, 
|G> mnBufarluiEi'^ amii lb? ii^IdiIib^ iiBinuDiLy Au^il ^lil Ll'Dikin^ gnyuvi hnir 
been tuBLh] and iv? hope Ig □□□ouiKe □■ inilial piDpDwil ^Ib le^ilug and ixitIFI- 
cniKiD piDlHoli ^iibiB ike aeii bw BDnlb^ 

Ai Benlionul in my d?v:ripLiDn il ibc pii^jniB •/*: fpi keed lb? kelp uTlb? Cim- 
■iiin?r PndiKl SiilcLy CommiiuiiB and CDnqi?^i ipa'ificall> ivilh ^vu- Mr. Ckmi- 
maii and mi^mbei i dF lb? CDmacir? CDinBKloc ]□ pnnclplc, yioui legiilalion S 
IfflJ 11 ike Heeled ConanM'iDiisI KliDn ihi mniidaii: Ihii kLidh □cnsi Gur ii]diii<i> 
W? m ivilb ^my legiilamn link loriviiiil <d runker ?'□■ ibiiij; Ihe deOiili amd ^Dif- 
mc'vilb «ii Id ennc* ike uppuhpruiie ■e^iioiM ihh Implenml Ihii picgmiD 

In ch^mg. Mr. ChmiiDsii, -iRaii] ] ^Duld like Ig uieibI: >dii bi Ibii DppDnioiily 
□□d I □■ hnppy <d eid^^im uay gimUiB^ EiDm ikc Mi^mbci i of ike coBinlliee I Lnr 

IbllHlld IG □ fG^lllLT ?l['k[1[l^ DFiJoii. 

SenaOir Duibi>4. Jce BhaCia is Ptraidcnt and CEO of ihc Amct- 
ican Nstjonal SondBTifa InstJlulE 1 AM Sl| 
Ml Bhatia 


Ma Bh^te^ Thanl: )du, Cliairjnan Durbin And lapprraatr you 

piDnQuncin! my lauah name prnpcrly 

SenaOir Duiiiif, Ic'a jual »cod luck. 

Ma Bh^te^ ANSI la the cccrdinaloi af thit NatJon'E private egi- 
toi-lo], buD public Eccnor-Euppo] t^, ^ ol untai ) Elaniiard and compli- 
ance aolutiana ayElcm 

Wc iiEua]l> apeak aE thcU 3 voice in [he alandaidizaticin loiuma 
around die ^lobe. lmpo[lantl> to qui diBCUEEion hccc Eodaj , iic ac- 
credit Elandarda dcvclapcra and cerdncadon arganizaHiDnB thaC 
we've been talking about. Oui mcmbccahip ie bccad, it includes in- 
dualzy, induatr) aaac<:iatiDnB , Govecnmcn C a^enciet , conaumei e and 
other groups. CiJIecdvcly, we leprescnt a network E>f mcmbera 


which BinDurit Ea ]^5,00U oi'gsn izadDna ai indisEiic?, and ovci 3.5 
jtilIIiihi prof^BEionala 

E^ic^cnCiriE aafclj of conaumcia la of paratnauTiC imparlance to 
the inatinitc — it's actually a part of diu misBion. rhia ncaiing in 
TTij view, la nfiTf&aaiy bccauac it's noC an i&auc of Blandarda, duC 
b?i:auBC aomc aupplicEE — pai ticulaily tlinGC who aic cxpormn g picd- 
uclB inn> thr [Tnit^ StaHra aic nat izampljin^ wilii rigorouE Eland- 
aida and icgulsmona that have already been calabliahcd to keep 
our adzcjia oafc 

Aa you've alifsd* nated, haa aahoi AFJ3F Id ii'ock wmh the toy 
induatT) to build upon its curt cat OB^cly alandacdE and compliaiicc 
ayaEcmE, and maJ[c them hcucer — dicic'a room ioi [mpravemcn c Wc 
will engajc and t^oih wmh CPSC — thcj ate a mcmbci , thej ail on 
our hcaid— and Mhct ic^ulnloiy agcnciea ta cnaure that their con- 
ccrns.and then nceda ate adcquatclj addrcaacd m farmulaCinE our 

BuC we nc^ a a>Elcni that la mnaiatcnt acrcoa all manulactui- 
CEE, acicfiE all gcographi^E, and one thaC la auElainablc o^cc a long 
time. Well iocaa our attcnaon on die enDic supply chain, not one 
part of il. impiDving how picduclB are cvalualcd, and addreaaing 
who ifl conductins die cvaluaDona. 

Oui first aEep la to develop and Elandardize picceduieE thaCcan 
be uaed acrcaa the toy induatiy Co ^etifj that ptcduclB mdred com- 
ply i^ith agreed-upon safety lequitemenlH , legardleBa of whether 
these aic ^ ol unlarj SEHndaida.ot Federal re? illations. 

Oui second atep will be m help the toj mduBCTj and CFSC lo de- 
velop die Icols diey need m evaluate die compelence of die otgani- 
zatianB they are icjying upon Dj control safely assessmenlH Our eo- 
luDons will draw fiom a tcolbox — big tcolbox — of con foi mi [j asaeBE- 
ment oi compliance ECBOurceB, noCjiFEt testing and inEpeiznons , but 
alao a>Etenia auditing, acci edi lation oi ceidfication bcdies, accredi- 
tation of [esC labs, assessment of subconOacPJia and aub-Eub- 
conHacKira — ihat'E where a lot oi [he pioblema occur — and, of 
couiHC, edu canon and training. 

ANSI la committed into building into the global aupply chain a 
BUBlaiiiable appi CGch to compliance I'erilication, diac's whac's need- 
ed here We will work, noconly with the domestic entines, but alao 
with our international paiOier — we work with them on many 
fron IB including the Chinese We need la engage them. 

ANSI knowa how Id leiTrage Elandards and coniorm m asaeaa- 
ment sjatema to form aolutiouE which engage all atakeholdera — 
ubiic and private aector During oui &0-year hiEtorj, the msHtute 
as dcmonsnated a unique ability Co bring Kisecher — in the spirit 
of ccoperation — diverse repreaemadon , Government agenciea. Fed- 
eral agencies. Slate agencies, induatr), Oade aEsociaHions , instinu- 
tiDna,conaumeia, labor and other gioupa 

For erample, we have teamed with the Council of Better BuEi- 
neaa Bureaua to lackle the big laaue oi the identily theft and iden- 
ti[j protection We paitnered with the S.'ll Commiaaion and contin- 
ued [o work with the Department of Homeland Security IDHSJ Id 
addreaa homeland aecunCj We were aaked by die Office of Science 
and Technology Policy in the ExecudiT Oifice of the Preaident to 
take lead in nanotechnologj minati^ea And we're cunendj help- 
ing [he Depaitment of Healdi and Human Sen'iccE 1HHSI Eo dc- 


vclop a B?i:urc bsi clcclfimic Ji^ddi ircord for every AmcEican, a 
Eoal of Dui PicHidcnt. 

Ml Chairman, mcmhcrB of die Buhcomni ittec ANSI ii'ania to 
help rcasBiue diu conauinc[& [hat the picducla that ate imporled, 
that ai e on ouc Bhclvcs ai e Bale Vtc iiant to supparD the activiues 
of other poupfl, we want to ccotdinacc ihia efloit — not jiiac rtom 
lead paint, but lioni also nthcc potential hazaiib, [hat aic >et to 
be idcnniied — we nerd to haiT a llciiible and warkahle Bolution. 

I incite eiTrybody chat i& in [hiB roam to come and join ub far 
our Septemhct 2ft ANS l-aponBored conference chat la fccuBed &pe- 
cifically on huildms conBumer confidence in [he prcducia that enter 
theU.S marketplace, Nancy Nard ib one af qui spcakerB. 

Bu[, [o CE^tc safer consumei envicon men [, we need to mahc 
more efficient use of the slandaids and compliance Ealudons that 
CMiBt [odaj , we need to idcntifr evcty rap chat exi&lB — we know of 
some, but we need to find ei'eiy one of them. 

We need to build on what works in the current Bys[eni , and make 
I C better We also need Dj bring new human and financiaJ resouiccq 
that can Btrenglhcn [he existing sysEemt and satis^ the needs I 
applaud jour effoils [cda> [hat you hai'e talked about 

In some caaea it may be nceeaBaty — and we calked about thaC 
tcday — to elevate ceilain tequiremen la from volunlajj to manda- 
tory s[a[iia, or CFSC and o[her regulacoij bcdies [hat oiTrsce con- 
sumer health and safelj will not — will not be able m handle the 
wnrkload alone, ev en wiih additional funding 

GovcmmenC, induBtij, and ANSI, and o[her groups need to work 
together to rea[ore consumer confidence in [he impoited gcofa 
AnSl Elands read> to help We have been able [o ccordinale pri- 
vate seetoE and public secDn parOiei ships to cieate solu[ionE oi'er 
the yO-^ear hiatoij of out company We hai'e done it often, and 
we're good at it 

rd he glad Dj answer youi quesnons Thank >oii. 

Sena[or Di'inis Thank jou, Mr Bhana 

[The Blatement followail 


The AniEiKDB ?iiiii)iial SCmdnnIi IdiiIIuie fAXSlI li □ pnidf lun-pnilil oiijaai- 
iDlvi] 'vhGH miiiiDi] 1^ IG ?Bkiiiu? US. ijlobnL cob pclLliirim^ ^mil ibc Ani^nciin 
qiinLily oE IlIe by piDniHiliBLj Gh ilimlLTig. and mtr^puiidiBR the \^^eg^lf ol Ibc jdV 
uncai} ^cniidiiidiiiKKiB niid (oalornilly aaei^niAypt -jm^m A?iS] i ni?BteribLp i^ 
nump'-iied ••! tu'inL^MCi , p i[dci-.»iL:il irtfik' iind IradL^ li-.-« luiudi lUiHbiiil^ de- 
\<!iifeTi, fpiuTiBcnl hulbce' and CL^Mini«'r sad Libiir HhiyDBD^li[<n ■ ThiDiigb ibi^ 
Tifi^Qik il nKDibr;, ihe la-lLluh: lEpiciciili ikE dii^rK iDh^mli dI niuie ikna 

VBfltm CHhmpDBK'l □nil GnniDDDlVI] 1 OTid SJ ni rilEiTI piIlfe^ll[<nD]l Dlhrlll'VldE 

ANSI 1^ UE oilKinL L'S. itpi?i?DUiiljE Ig ibE iBUiBniKiDal DignnniimB br 
ScniidiiidiJiiUiB IISOj hhI via Ibc US MmnuiL Com iiiIiiee, iLe In KmiiliDiiDl BIec- 
liDlabai'LiL CornBi^^ifm llBE^I Dnd i^ n U5 irpiEiEn CiIllg o Ihe iBlEinnmuiL Ac- 
cirdLCiliDn FuiUB |IAFl ^ mETnGraadim] oE □gufrncnl bclDTCn A>rS] and <}ie Com- 
niene DEpnrEBEiil i MdUhuL Ib^uiuIe ulSUiBdaid' niid TtchnoUfo 'iiKlinE* ii mu- 
Iml Liiidf nUmdliui il Ihe ml"-. oFuxh HiiyDBC^Iii'n Tkl- mdudEi AMSI^^ rvoani- 
litm ai <br offirciJ L^!< mi^mbEi oE <}ie I n Urnsiiii^Dl DipaniiniKiB Ibi SumdnidDn- 
litm |]5Dl^Tid ibc ] □h.^jBumiisI BiUclii^lu: h n ic jLI iiin m i-Mihi] I IRC I. 

SlfKE 111 Foim^liDi], AN^I hat ku.* CHH:niLnDiiB|r iku di-s/'Lop m^B< oE lUmdnidi- 
bnvEl ululiDm lo luppon kckIedi pn^^iii'n nad impniiv r^rl.!^ hhI (oniiinicr 
latziy Today. |IJ pEii:?a< of Ihf up pini UDDlf Ly lUjJiJU appKhLoi .^iDErxDn N^lirmnl 
Scaadnidi lACJSt (Lii]?all> avnIbiklE nddicii liioei iba* kElp lo piolsl Ibo watr 
biiv, toBLiiBcr] and Ihe paEinL puklv 


PiDle:lii]g ibe ^nlbly dTigd^ubim i ■^ dF pninBnuni im p'lrCuicc lo AMSI. ]l li n 
l.fy d?BEni il ibu I^^LLlLIU' - miiMiiB A]^^C wioit-. Kniil <u L^nmii^ ihnl lli«ir li tim- 
iiim?r panKipalicn □! all luidi uFihc ehiIhI II^Jimiiikib — fwnm ih-: b-Kiiil DrDiir4h>r^ 
□IL ibe iny IhiDLBk lb? |4]Lr> ^nd hribai'LiI ^itIivkiui. SiaelLin?' Ih? piulH ipnii^D 
II ty 4GB^iiBF 1 uiern H'l'^M , □< Dlb^r iinm i^ii icun CiliDn ii Ibioiiijb ^ cdh iinn^T 
oiijan IJHIKID. Bui ibeic li iiI»d>i n deb] br idili? coaiiiBf r in jEJvcTnciil ■□ iIdbiI- 
□idi Hud CDnlbiBily □i^ei^mEnl □ciIjiiki 

^N5H piccEiici fi"' ^ly ■nh.iciH'il icab'bnllf r lh« appiLrliiDLly Id ■■nj-j- m Ihe 
dEirbprnciil Gf ^ lOmdniil or Ib^z nppuhi^ hhTh iGnipliiiH? pn^nini. Tbe IdiiIIukI 
piDtoliiiri □!? ^iiiui] Ic □1^111? ikni f'VEijnh:, lERalllk'^ nF A?iS] mcBber'blp tVt- 
lui 1^ able Id pailnLpnh: \m AMSI kIlviIum If ninuinL^ n mUnciUd in ibu Mib^l 
Emriel by □ imndiiia, For flump t Ibnl indiLuliuil bdv p^ilnLpnh: bv iippl>iii|j Id 
bEcoiDf n ■ember oE ikE EDnieniiii btdy ur iiikmiiuag □ edii InkuiKiD diiniig piiklir 
lEvif^^nd CGBni«'B< 

AmEiKDB F^hojbjL ^miubuds 4 ANSI ma Ih? cnlin: ipc[4r<iB, fiDm lb? i«iy lini 
AMS OD pLh: IhiEDil-. iHi ^jrh ibnl ii und^iiimy ludny lo miM:! gbeiruib humI^ in 
□icai mnBiiig fnm ibe ui'viik lEclon Ig Ihf nf iij( populnmB^ niid udie ^iib dii- 

□ bllllK'. 

SinHbiiil^ ^in: ImpaiuiDi bi EiTMycnf bEcnuvE ibey innikH? ibE den^, iati>, 
m an ubciimng amii mmtdiBg of mimy prxLiKli •//uiawiiSe SCindiiidi mt nil only 
dEiTbfo] In icipon^T <d mjiinei, bnr^uai urolhf r ulEnliltEd alEly iiiki, bui idgit 
dE»d in ^ pmiKliv? ■□■kcr <d pic^cDi iDjiiiiEk Eicon ImG^n h^llL1^]^ Sob? ^imi 
Ibal Dimt ID bihI 'vb^n' inluDiai} lUHbiili huvE i:if?4LDlly mnili: □ diltiEiK? ■□ 
CBkuiriBg mauiHCf latly IikIiiiIi: 
— dirNHlkiHlEbTlni C«L? | A ^'SI/NF FA TD>: 
— Solrlvb'OnnDil-rDiili ClicuI l>uiT<jpi«9 fANSI^L OfSt 
—Sably Ibi Qn^ WnKr HeuUi-^ lAM^I Z^l.lO l| 

— BofcivDfCDnfcdWLiidD-vCavEiinpPndiiriHANSE.'WWCA AlKO !>: 
— Ane-MbbMiHl L'mbli' Bulkliii^i and F^IIiUe^ lANSLHCC AIIT It and 
— SLaadnnl Spu: irvniKiB ll>r FidicciIve HaidgBii L'lEd \m Bicycluig ur BaMer 

ShalinslfiSTfil F IH 7-WI— A p pmitd n-. nn ^■^ih^ui ^'alLDll:ll Siibn ±Lid I 
Vclnkmiy idd^eb^ui icnndDidi amii i'iB(innli> □^^E^imcnl pimn'^iB^ lIP' dnvcn 
by [B.[uii?BEn li bi (DniLnmLii i|Li:ilily im pnhLcmEn I — cipauilly L■^ uri buHiIrt''} 
Eliii^t?^ □□!) cinLi^'i. A?iSI ^mil ii^ biiBiliedi oFndnllH'd icnndDidi llEl/'bpe^^ dhI 
EDolDiBily □^H'^imcnl lodiei hie timiViailf ievyi-/--img niid updalmg Ibeir ^yilem^ 
m lOiy DbiBiil DFiunEDl amd □aliclpnUd KEdi. 

AN Si. l/rtpmdiig la laltcial pnoiihet 

AT^SIl irliin] 1 hie nl^Ed 'vilh ibe UbikiI Smif i Siondnidi Sinil^} lUSS k □□ 
□VEinirbiii^ fismi'^orl. drtumoDi <Iid4 cull' lor zisfi lonfosliDn bEloT'En Ibiuc nha 
dEirhp IbE n.ilLon ^ 'LiiiilLiid^ dbiI cuBtirmiiv ■^^^^^lnonl pnij^umi □■!) IHdv ^ha 
HIE IfaEin. TbE [jEiiCi lon^rpUd in ^anEi IL oE <bi- lEiiimon,^ euLI^ br Ihe dib- 
u^ienl LIVE by givEirnn^Bl oE jDliiBlniy eodiediui lUindaiili. I< nlm laWt Ibi Ih? 
■iDndaidir^liDn (ommuDLly Id i\ni\ L«uer^blp m ileiT'kipLiig lE^pGDVE^ Id cmeiijing 
nDlnnml pnonU?^ 

ANSII ^Landnidi pnn^Li hie Eicellenl ^idbgIe^ Gfha^ Ihe lB^Uiii4e i^ mliliEiimg 
lb? 4I]<kdI ii??di dE lb? DQlLon Ic^l Cill ^[JSI parlii?nd wilb ibc CDunEil oEBelier 
BuiiBeii Buimui lo IdcIiL? ulenlily <beD pii.^L?B<iiiB und II) mnDOHemeDi — □■ m\K 
Ibal hni VHlLmiied moiE Iban Id milliDD Amem^n i Hhi/zr Ih? pai' •'t-\j/yist\ 

The Ib^iIiuu bn^ pDiTBeitd w/i\b lb? y.'l I CDmaimon diiiI ibe l)E-bi ihi nddn^^ 
homeland iEEiirii> mill ivLlb ibe FiEkidenl t OFIi'e oESiienEe □■!) T<(hnob:g> I'nilry 
IG belp bad RlDbnl oanDia bkokigy ■□lIldUvei ANSI i^ ^orkiag ^ilb HHS m laple- 
mcBl Ih? PiciKleaf 1 viinn] br ?VE[y AmErKDB <d hniE n ieciiie dEiliDDLr benllb 
lEcmd 'VLlhui lbs iieil lea ycai t. Sid Ihe IdiIlIuii:'' neam panel m oihrliLng wilb 

□ bmol if?4inim oE n^nEici lo luppon ibc (omB(di<QiiliDn rJ vnbk □IiihisIll?^ 
IG biul fiiel^ and ibe diiTMiilkDuiia of ibc |rk>biil ?keiyy LnriailiiiKiiii: 

ANSI bn^ n LmigDe nbilily lu bnji|^ iHi|f:iber in □ neulml brum lEp leien CiIiiti 
dE iBdiii4r>, iCindaidi deL?bping oigaDUDUu* i. IhhIe aiucdiDn i, piDleimuil hhI 
l?<hDLral wtLEiiri, gDL?miiicnl, labor und Eon iim]?r group i 

ANSI b?l>EVEi Ibnl n iiioii^ p ubli'-pniiilE pnilnerib ip ii ehedIioI Id lEOfTb ou- 
■iiin?r Eon l»]?iue in ibE iali:i> orimporl?d pniduii 

A. '•'Si. irlmg I-/ l'/^p^•^^ fiTh infc') 

Th?4Lincnl ^BEixDn Mn^naal SiandDid br <oy ^nlsly i^ ASTM Fil&3-UT?I The 
Toy lndiiilr> AiucEilion and meml^T' oE ibc loy mduiiiy idrljil \m oopcralion 
^Ib ASrZkl iBleinnUiBiil — unoLbif A?i^-DC4iEdiied ^ClI]l£□rd1 de\dDf?r — and li^ 
EommiiiE? on (oniumcr BridiiEii lo dEiT.4]p Ibc ^laiukud ^md mbmii ibE PVl^ 
ilnndard IbiDiigb Ibc ANS approval piiK?ii 


Thi^ hmnnR i^ ■I'lci^iii} v>l bmiiis? Ihcn] ■^ an Liiiie ^ik iUihIiiiiI^ Ii i^ bec- 
riHiiy biTnu-^ lomc -uppJi^ii — pnrlLrnlui ]y <lii'^^ »ho hit EiforlLTig piodui^ Ig 
1)5 iDil — QIC IKJ< I'LOD p lyLii)j »ilh ibc l£|Cl^<ll^ lUmdunl i hhI icgulaiEiDi •bat hnvr 
bEETi EiUibLi^beil m l«p Giirciib^D^ idk. 

PiodiiEi^ mm] uBh IuibI in arcnnbunK ^ik US lay wt'iy ^Uiiukiidi piDJilr 
piaiHT pmltrliro] l£i Gur chiUicii Tciuu □>il rupErlHU] i>ilf mi buiI be i4i«]gik- 
ewod •/> Ibnl dLmpLiniKf ^ik 4hEic lUmdanl i tan te vrnfifd telbn' iiB^nlb piodui^ 
REl lam ibi^ EDLiniiy. 

In ikii If ilLiDGB>, A>rS] 'vlII kIcdiI^ diikid^ Ibal hie alicDly bEiu mh* ehh «]□- 
miE lliDl piDdiHi lundnidi □■? LndEal l-cias id?i and bDiiGi« m In? ibi] ^E<ii] 
TkE IdiiIIuU 'vlII ^k] Klf nilly iKf i ikni tan be Uilci], ^crliria m iiZiDiunElim] vilb 
Ibii Com ■ Ills? and ^ik olli?r polKyBnhrL, <u l^em. lb? itu of udeiIe pmdui^ 
impDilfd lam our (ouDiiy 

Cm-ln Keiikby, picutka^ dF Ih? Tov ] iidiiiliy A^m lhUjb ITIAI hn^ Diked AM3I 
IG »[iik ivLlb ikE iGy iHlu^iiy Id buill upDD lIi EnrnzBl lay iiiti> lUmdnidi niid 
EDnlbiBily DiKiiBEnI ly^nmi hhI mull? ikcm belHr The iD'illuie hn^ □n^pled 
Ibii IdviUiikid. 

AT^SI 'vlII □■«! ■■n™™ Ibc Coniiimcr PiuIlkL SiilL^Ly Cum mliiim] |CF5C| Ig ?■- 
■UTE •bat ibeir EDnEein 1 me iide:|iii]ul> nllicihil in R^Bubiiing ^ wliiUiB. 

The lyihB muii be cUkiciil, (Dnii^4ei]L amii lULlaiBnblc li miiil Ibtiii ia Lmpi[<v- 
mg bw pi[duc4^ an] ^jnlualel Dnd nkVE-MBg ^hu ii coaduiln^ Ihf e^D]LialLE<n i 

ANSI ^iLI Fccui 111 bcLlicuLion elljir-. I'n <he dEvclDtB^m nad lUiBdaiilbDiiDn of 
EDmplmnEC piixiiliip' . <Iid< cqb bf uied ladu-.iry-'viDr — loibiy ibeie ofIimIici □■? 
ddjind by ii]dl\i]iii] m aDubciiiitr- Dad [cLaikn 

Tbe Ib^iiiuIc iviU nlnh luii] i<i nih^lion Ig bnimGDiiDlmi] nFlbf (uiicbI pmrln?^ 
Hied lo evnLiDle lb? (omkunEC oFibe izHhnlnrB i<y □i^e^^mcnL bcdiE^ ikni mcEinlii- 
□liB^ (Dmplinn^e m i?qiiiicm?D<i — IIi?ve knimGBDe] puKlirei hit □!»> iDKnded ll>r 
Hie iHlu^iiy-^'Kle. 

ANSII loLuliDni fpi dm^ limii □ HitJkoi uT tiahwmiiy n^ieiimeBl icwiine^ iknl 
mdiKLei UBpling. l/iiiing amd ImperlMH] (^ililrniKiB, icgiilmiKiD, hhI madiUBg, 
□c( icdicniuD ^nd niGirn ilNhn , □nd— oF oiira. — liIhihiud ^nd linLninR Th?VE hidI^ 
airi deTinul in ikc Mii<»ibuL Contnrmlly Aiiciibodi Fnnclplei dF lb? llalEed SUil? i, 
eii:?rpl?d \m Aakci C uFibii U'liimoiiy 

The de^rlDpm?B< if a i>il?iii ikni eqd te implumenicd mdu i<r>-'vidi: miiy lawiy- 
Djer riD] VtlUll !■ ihe mcnailmc, □ kicod iperliiim oE ilnkL^holdur^ ii nliuidy uliiiig 
deriiLiT nrliDi] Ig iciiidh umiit picduli rnm dlilnbuiKiB. ]□ pmUiiibir kmHl^ 
□nd icUiLler^ bniv iknied wilb ANSI Ibsl ikey bsn latenufied lb?Li [GBlb(mii> at- 
leiuDGDl dbrli lo cd-uie lb? iiiU^irily hhT iku imHirl wlEiy nei. 

Tbeie cud be nn |;iuiiid<ec unlui-. all lb? -cnkeiiGklci i mc idrkiag lG^lb?r Fiom 
pi«lu?r lu )pvEiBmeDi n^uhiior id leUukr Ig pmciil — c^rijnke bai a ni\c Ig play 

Jml m [oaiiiBeri bniv ike n^hl Id e[f«:l Ibnl <h? iDy^ lb?y buy Ibi ikciribr- 

dicn vill be ut ihe mme ei>?4ialiGn ihould hDld inv (ir lb? uclbp^iie lb?> uic, 
lb? IIIE1 lh?y imirl an iind <hc H—i <hcy oil 

Th? ?BeiL;?H? HhTlh? ^^Kil msrlLiptLre bat ciBind bolb CGB^iiaei benelili hhI 
pioblem^ lllhe pukbi niid priLiile kcidt^ ndrk Ug:lh?r, pniciKDbl? hiIiiikid^ Eon 
he bund Ig Dldici' lb? ^mcigiag liiiaEi orEDi]iiim?r henlik amii tatty in □ gbbnl 

Siepi □■? □liciHiy beiap iali?n. Da 5Epl?Bbcr %, ANSI w/iP bDil □ 4GBti?n4e h- 
EuiEd on biJIdin^ (oniuniEr EDnl»]?n4? ib lb? pmdui^ Ibnl eiil?r iniG oiu ■□rli?i- 
phiFE ThE In'illuie inieiidi •\- Hknii^ h.T«aii>, piiH limbic nnd immedkUo DFlioBi 
Ibal (□■ ke Eal.en men inn: <hii< iml, uk picdnc* i i^lor ibid lb? US ■BrkBphrc 

N^iii[> ?iDid OFliBR nhulimiui iJ ihc US Cgb^iib?! Fndnrl ^tikly CimiHminin 
ICFSC V. ivill delivei lb? lf?>'noii: Dldici^. Amoap oiker <DpKi, ib? »ill ihni? a lum- 
moi} icMxi gE Ibe ?e(ond Bknacil L'S -Sinn Con^umei Pmdui S^Fely Snamil 
bebl^ua Scplem ker II in Wnih lagiHia , IX 

PitKii mivii 1 nnd diKu^uuii ici-.»ni will GBUiig? pnnKip^nli m KL?nu^n^ ic- 
■Duirei. InilinUvci, amd upplx^bl" iCmdnidi and [OBplkince piEffnimi Ihnl viirEic- 
□I? □ mier Eon iimier ?nv][Dnnicn I 

In ikc dni dF ikitji: pnael- ladu-iiy rop ii ii^ l^iiic- »ill 'iltr tatt: -ludici Gf i?- 
nenl lapoi-l uki, 1--IE- 3iid ?i.imijio oppiinnii iiii . bi ruiiin inif [DM.^m?Bi in 
lb?lr i^ipEciive -.?4iHir- Tbi: iLTimd puael nul k^ligki ^/h/rnniEJi I- ipiTilii i-mioi, 
lE?iiiin^ IB tdonil □^noei ikm iclv upoii pnisK- iLfior -.dndnid- uad ii^Lil?d 
EomplmncE piiigniBi Ig Enmie iioniumGr pndiil -DlLiy Tkc ibud piinol will bnng 
iG^lber icpicA:DUiuv« oF 4gb^iib?i '>ijpBir^liDn 1, iloiidiiidi ikv^lopin^ lodiei, 
□□d ui&i> EEiUfiEQiun uigiabiilion 1 Ig rjbr ihEir pcnpEEUvfi Gn -/-hat acimmt awe 
□□d (□■ k? Oiken Id bnibl iGn^uaei lonfidence 


ANSI lhviKl the iD?iiil«n uT Ibii (ornaillf? Id mUiiil ikc (DDfricncE on Sep- 
HzbIct % ^mil li?Lp IG Hh'Dii^ nioii ^heic piobL^m' cilil ibn* migkl be miil^Kil 
Dr ■rK]l\«il wnlb ctLiliag di me*/ lUmdnnli □ad uiBjiliiikt? pingmmi 

AT^SI ivuDi^ Id help ibiiiiiic cmnimi^ri ikni Ih? pndLKli ibey find ia Ihr 
ihflLCL oF ibEir lotnl r:uiil?r hnvr bcEn icilfd niid froind <u k ut:—!*'^ idle 11 of 
CDun Liynl oiiiri> In older bi Ibf IdiiiIuk 4d kcditi plikb Ibii Hhbki'livc 

— i^L^uidibid n nad cihnbiBily iiiieiud?d< iciDuim IIidI mc □limdy In pin? muii 
t" u-ul m'lir tditiEiilLy 

— Qgjei]]id?d< ami mdiiili} meed o ^E<ik □! n ilngl? puipu^^ Ig idi.*lily 3iip- In 
Ihf ciiriPDl ^yiiEiTi^ oE If iLmg □ad ■□ipfrlun] DTpndiim rnfairal Lg ibe ITDiLal 

— ?icv kioDDa □ad (IbhikiiiI [?murEi mull bE bicoiRkl m bcnr <d iiirngllieD ei- 
iiilnq iffemi amii dll nay KleDilFicd 3|ipi 

la vmf naiei ll may k? imoi^iy lo olELan] (ciUiid nqinimiEa Ii Iiiib luIuduii} 
IG a]aadiiiihr> 'calu^ If di* ^w^mrai lb? Uaiicd 5cah" aiu'i nl^^ k" cnicFul In ic- 
ninia CHiapluiBl wilb cor dU^bIb]!^ la Ih? ^^TD and E[■^lLaH bhlniL^iiil lind" □pnc- 
nicBli Aay oilbi'li Bodr In ^proi? ibc dfEly 1I lapniiL-] p^>]LIl^ -.bHKjkl aal 
call}? GikET aTiimiBEn ll Ig lETipiccnic »iib UadE bjUKn iioi Aaioman EifGrli 

CP9^ and ikc Gikur i?giiliiior> bcdm IIidI lend Di^rsiRbi hhI nj^luiuD IbriGB- 
mnicr beallh and utly liiiici ulII iuh be nklc Ig kniidlc ibe idil.lcod nloaE — e\ra 
^Ib nddiUiuil liDiindiil icwiin?^ FnvDic □ad publn ^«iar imuirEi niu^i b" ulh 
lirol IB ka[iDGB> ll izHha iiuD^r CHhalkloiKO ib impGrlGd piKid^ 11 <u k? icilond 

ANSI ilsndi [«]d> <d ((uidiBui? Ibal pukbi pnvulo psilnorihiB Tke laiUmle 
kiuii.iii koiv IG kM-^m^ idluncui'v iinnion'ii- ^l□Bda[d-. and Iho [cruiiMl lomplmiu? 
wyi^mi la ciulI? -ollllllo^^ I]id< I'liisipL ^nd -.uipGrl nil lll1lf?kllkU'^^ 

ANSI Inoki Eirivaid <d DUfbinR in puiTBersbip ivilli Ibii chhid m 1111.1!, Cghj^cii. iiBd 
Gikcr US. piikbi lETlfii ■?p[?KDcalii« 10 ^leni lb? ikIe oEiiaut picdiirU impGrled 
lalD Giir4GiiBli> 

wi'is. 1— >.'( BQHOurD a^ tbe ue. 37^ NDirnc'ivKi 'i::n I'O'^PJBbirrt '^eeei- 


Thr US piiviKE Ki'lor-k'd mluDioi} iiaiidDidiPiiionB HBd 4GBE]rnili> □i^ei^mEiil 
lyiicB bai biKD la eiiiIcike Ibi bdie IIidb IUO yLur- Highly d«on ini]ii?d, Ibc -.yi- 
l?B II aD<iirall> pDiriiuiiGd In 10 iBdu^irml vilGrs ikm im -.upporUd ky aiiin?iGiii 
iBdepEBdeal, piivnie ^ecior ^cniidDidi deiclopiB^ GiRnaizjiDD- iI^DOm SurkeipbHE 
dcniDiid diivEi lb? i>iIgiii1 kIlviIiei, w/iib lUiadjiidi iiBd 4GB(iniiii> □iki^beiiI 

EiDciiiBi lypiially itvdDpEd in lEipmiiE Id ipecilK EnaiKTB] □ad Bcsdi eipicitrd 
y iBdu^iiy, ifivciaiDGBi, HBd CDniianeri 

SliKO I^IH Ibii ly^UiD hn^ l«ca □dmiai^iend nBd ocidLnDl^d by Ih? .^m^ncnn 
MhUjbuI Stimdiiidi "I n ilLluie l.^?iS]| »iib ikc ((oponnxiB oE ihE pnvDU HMlGr niid 
lb? frdEinI, ilDle nBd lotal ^pimiBEnLi ANSI d(«i aGl dEiT.4]p lUiBdaiil-. or 4gb- 
Ibimily aiiEMn]?Di ^nprtnii. bmhci, il Funclmai n^ □ CEnlml (JEnnaRbiKj^^ HBd 
ccciilliisliaij bDd> br 111 membci GiDiiDLiDonB 1 Th? Id'iIIuic ii a iiniqi>'' paruBi^r- 
ib\f dF induili} pmC'i-u'nD] iiribBKnl, lind" bikor, iKademic nBd cihii iioii't iiiht 
niJniKiB^ ai nrll □i irDM.^rBn]ODi □dlbck- TIiEie moml^n dF ibE .^>rS] JLiliTtma 
□[iiiiill> itjElDp lUiadiiidi DBd [uaRuBiiy aii?iuD?Di prngniBi, 4GDUibiiliB|j ibEir 
iLoi? □ad eip^ili^e in Dider lu mull? ike iyil?m •//uit. 

ANSI <□-u[c^ ikc iBlcRfily dF Ibc US ilnBikiiil^ and (oabmiLLy □^>'"-nical -yi- 
l?B bv <^l□bll ^kinjr □ -fi Didii? pnxeivkiiEd ''hh'bUiiI ll'qu■[cmcal^' iJini SCO' 
may lAk^*/ ■□ ihidEr Lg m^an^ iLc dcivbpmcBl oE cnnionMii ^l□ad□[dl QBd tia- 
Ibim ily iiiidUD?Di piGj^nmi ib □ tuw and open ■□bbet: □cdi.'diiliia SDOi ^hi' □d- 
heie Id ikcic [rqiiii?BEn li □ppiDvm^ cnBdidnic il^adnidi Eimn ^ ?iS]-iH(icdii?d 
SDOi □■ Ani?ncaD tJ^liDn^] SUiBdaiil^ fA^JSl nBd iGndiflLag ir^lnr □iidii^ dTiHe 
ANS iKlivilici gE a rJSI-a'i'n'dll?d SDO1 10 edilut oagiing CDm p linncE •/-lib ANSI! 
riicniD] lEqiJirmeali 

ANSI bui □niEdiiEd himdiEdi dFSDOi ividii □ mop oTiBdu^iiy leclDn Th?!? 
iBdu'irk- incliKlo Ibul ccnnlnlv □ii: noL limiUi] LgI idEiGiiiHiiiiiBlkiBi, hqIiibI de- 
vrci, bt'j\% tquipBoni finr pii'lnLiDn, iDbuDsLiDn mbnolinr^ w- 'n* n" koBldaa 
□ad Loli-oIl'iLI spplmruo- Tbii? im aiiv up p ii>i Lmiil?ly nuuOU fJiBtmffrrra 
ANS Ih^l udlii:^^ iiipKi L■^ divL^r-.? j1i dLai?B-.KiDi mliB^i, l?rminGb:Q Bad ^Hboli 
l?^i iiiclh(d^, iBiDii'pcjubilily [Jiicnii, Bndirl if?4 dk^UoB 1. and pcrliiiiDBDre bbq 
latly irquLiciDGBii. Th?i? lUiadaidi dEiT!kipiiiEa I eDuit^ kii'? lb!? publir ialo[?il 
□ad HIT kfiag npplird 10 ^e*^ [nlx^i hie^i link ai ibe ?BMiGBB?ni, hiz^iboiiE, 
homeland lecunly. niid n^aolelinGb:^ 


The Imlilul? i □ppiDJiiL dE □ ciiHlLdiiK lUmdnnl oi cdh rr<iB ily aiviuD?D< pm- 
gmiD ai □□ AMS jEiifiei IIidI Ibc prLnciplEi af c^pcanm and du^ pi[4'4:ii hnvc biKD 
Iblh^Ed □nil Ili3l n iid^tb^u^ dFdIL mn'mlal •ailici hat b-cn nucbcd. Due piix- 
rii lEgiJici Ibal ^1 pii)|4iEd A?iS tc CLiriiblfd Ig IIie public ni bi^ fim conmn^l, 
Ibal □■ DlKBpl tr made Ic itwlvE nil (iimB^ni^ ^nd •bai. ikEic ii a ri^l uTup- 
pral !■ nldLliDi], A?iS] CGB^ilei i Dny EvilEncE ibn* □ picpoiEd AN5 ii CGBUnn IQ 
lb« putlK ii]le[?il 4GDII1LTI1 iinblr piDinna^ it li im luiintlE for BaiKiaal hie Thi^ 
bniic brniiik] km bEcn Ib/i kallmnrl. oFlhe ANS piDtn^ bi deiadEi, amii lL hat ^r- 
nriEd iidrld^iil? [cipiT^ and DKEpUmci: 

Due af lb? If il indHDlfin DfiGBfidEin'E ib <1]e L'S vdiinCii> CDnuniui lUiBdaiil- 
iJniKiD and con Ibim ily iiiieiud?d< i>iI?iii fa' ^lEmplificd b> iKc A?iS pm^iij i^ 
Ci mg icii 1 l4^t] puling ilE chc ?iiiii)iial Tsbnal:^ TmnilEi hhI ^dvnuEiiiEi] I fil 
|^'T^AA >. Tkli !□» fPuklK Lc^ 104-11^1 [B|iimib]f ml ^h iri Ig uk ihIuduii} 
CDniETiiiii ilDBdniil^ and conlbrBily □iKnaeni pngmm^ Ibi ir^liiUT> piirpa>?^ 
ivbcn^cr fEn^Lbl: iind lo puitim' ?qiiLpBCDi and iejmi:?^ m DKOidaoc? ^ik ^iHb 
ilnndaidi. ]i alw nquLiti a^no?^ h> lOdLO^^ ibeir pmu: ipalLon m lb? dejElop- 
mcBl pn<c^^ and diiEcli ike CoBmcnE Dcpmun^al'i Xainaal Iniuiiile oFSUiad- 
□idi aod T^ibri'ilifiL fCJISTr Ig ccciilliialE lEdeml, iUi(e and Ikd] inluaiaiy lUind- 
□idi and icIaLoi cun Fdiid ily ^i Ki^aen L □cuviik^ 

AN5H 'ikcei^ II miMi'uni] b> HHp^ mid iKCEpUiaiK. Flam Ibe ^T<iTniiiiED 1 1 pET- 
ipEcuvc, lb/:wr awi Iw/d eiDmpIci if DiafilEni'E ■□ Ihe AMSI pi«?^i Ibnl air idrlb 
ciilng kcic 

The linl i^ ikE Con nimei FiefIitI Palely Af I Tkii If 7^ I^^IdUh ■□Hble^ Ibnl 
if^ inluDiaiy ^Cmdnid Eilili, CP5C may liiiie □ ■□■dalGiy ^Uiodoid Galy ^bea 
Ibe jDlimUiiy ^Uioibidk fpi nGi elimuiaiE or lulEqiiiiiEly mlife Ibe mt. at lajui} 
Di dmlb, IT Ll LI imlllieLy •bai. Iheir ^iLI be ^iikiCinliiil (Gmpliaoce ^iik Ihr jdV 
uniai} lOindaid 

Tbe hcihod n Cna|rii:ii' i^fifS □ppiE'VaL nl Fukbi ] jiv IIJI-II'I. alw boG^ □■ Ihr 
Ma<»iauL TLh'liJii'hKQ T^Jn^FEl and Adi:ii]i>.^iD?D< Aci INTTAAI TbL^ bi» nquin]^ 
ledeiaL n^no"-. \i incita-e Lb^ii nlmu? upon and partKipuLLon \m ibe idLuncii} 
con lEn 1111 iUiD4biidi Dad (on bun Lly ^iici laeai ly^Umi 

ANSI alvi pi[<niG(Ei lb? in ieniali[<nD] •ne uT l3 ^laadnidi and coalbfiiiii} wit- 
lEiunea* pnifiram^ Tb? Inililule >?nvi ai Ibc \I3 osLienD] b(dy [?p icien Cilii? 
ID i^o ■□^i, non-lnnly laUinamBuL iiandnidi ut^aiiDliuni •be InlemsliDnn] 
Oi^iBBDlmii bi ^Loadiiidi^jLion IIF^Dl and, iliKhui^b Lbe L'nil^ SUilei [J^lienD] 
CnBHUVe I L'SNC I, Lb? IjilomLKHuiibL K k.T<iiiu>£kjiHD] C'lBin l^ ^>ia 1 1 LC k "itiSl amd 
l&E USNC pbv □ iLoibrkb Lp iqIe in ISO Liod lELC ic^pLTii r'olv gd bolli polry dhI 
laliDLraL iddIIgii 

PDnGfANSriiDlcai lb? US meabETGriSO inclLilei ndEdliing Ua TnkaKD] 
AdvLUii} QiDLiBi |U5 TAQiJ ivbick d^vrlop aod Iiub^biI, vm ^[JSI, L'S tiaitmi'ii 
pDuUia^ GB lie □ciljiiKi mid kiilbi^ Gf mbaral izdid miiUei Dad ^LibrDiD miiUei 
SLniLla[l>, Ibc USCJC □pprmi TAQ^ Ibi IBC nlLvilLei la iiiaa> laiotwiei, \<H- 
Lmmi} iiandnidi and C4nlb(iiiii> ^iKi^BEnl pn^jninii devElopsd ky U5 SDDi awe 
ail.En Ibi^Did iknHi)jb AM5I or Ibc UStJC ^bei? LbG> die ^ppiDJEd In wkrJc •t 
ID pari by ikc 15D amd/ur lEC ai Id iGmnliroiDl SUindsidi ^[^1 nln euGunii^' 
lb? nbpma dF id lemDlnnial ^Uioibidk a% aamn^l lUiDdaidi vkEic Ibe, beci In? 
n<?ds dFiIie u^ei (omBunily. 

Id addioia ^[JS] ndjEtam US. po^llioni la vunuui nz^tiuDal lUiadaiil^ Giaaaiiii- 
litmi awl icDulnKy mcEli •/-ilh icf irieaiaiim Ei[<ni iCiDdaidi b(diEi id Diner dei- 
litmi Tbui AMSI play^ □■ lapoiUial idIe in briliUiUop ikE dejElof BEnl dF^Id] 
ilQDdaidi ^iDd nbiiEd (onbmiLly ^iiEnaeni piDRiiiBi ihni 'uppDii i(lDbal (ged- 
mitce and ^liHb BieM-^L nzpiHi Iigb iiiid|j bin] iinHbid^ <]]□< b\'n\ lixal iDdui- 
Inci m imde banKn 

CGalhfniii> □iH'i^DiEDl LI Ibe lerm uiL'd lo devnbE ilepi IdIcd by bolb maaubc- 
liueri ^nd indEpEndenl lb iid- pnrlif ^ <u d^ieiBikc EullillBEnl oF iLnndnidi [b:|iiiic- 
meali ANSI! nb ■□ ibE (onbimily a^^ekmiEDl ^utDn luludEi □KicdiialLoa oTor- 
DonQEKKia^ ikm 4erlil> Ibal pmdui^ ^iDd f^rQaod miKl icc'ipnEiEd imodaidi The 
AMSI-A mETKua S'h:iEly Foi Qualiiv N^lienD] An lEdiUiiba Bmid 4ANAB J '?n« ai 
Ibe US EHcndiULuon iHid> lor maaDReBeai ly^lEmi CEiUficalioa pnB[inl> id dichi 
lurh m qimlily USD ilOIHJ llbB ily oE -.ctridDids i DDd<'or ike eavirnaBoni USD I34ICD 
baily of iinkaiiil^l ^l-SI ^^i ■ in^'ilMil in ^venil inl?m3lii:^Dl and iLi^ionDl or- 
qonnEima^ lo pir<niHHE m iiliiLiL?ni] iLTHKjn iLu'n I'F 4'iDbnnli> uiuiuDeaii ^itig^^ 
bonbri l£i piriliiJE nduHLinL niid (o-Lly burner- Lg Lnide 

Id iiiDiDi^ir>, Lbroiuh il- mmu- nil". dhI icipoDiibililiei, AtJSI ndvancei 111 
mliuH lo 'enbnDiK koik ike ^iKil (om f?uilvEDeii of L'S. kuiiBEii ^nd IbE \I3 
qimlily of life by piDBOilnR nod bcLllialLnD "iliinCii} (onieaiiii lOmdardi dhI 4gd- 
Ie<i]d ily □! KiiBEn I ly^ieaii aod latgimnliDij Ibeii laiegnly ~ 


irNIJ E.— EIII BPI > Bllll in t L NJIUf JT'TEE EIlMtlDR ElE-inuy 

ll II n^ll EiUibLi^beil ID ibE (Dm ■un ily of bhikid^ dm* lUiBdaiil^ ^bmild mi'^L ki- 
i'>?iiiL □ml iDDrlc* n«di □ml ikould h>I be iic\<ihfrd ehh ail m bnni^rL Lg (mdf 
!■ oppniMiig ibe U'DikL TidiIe DipnaiiDOH TahanmL Bnmun o Trnd" ^siEcnicBl, 
WTD iDf mHn wxc^nrd Ih^l /pai amd EiUibLi^ pbbDiLy KCEpltd piiHipl"^ m 

□ IniBEinrl: ehh p ii'mnnE ciNhpcrtLion dbiI diHGumRV ibu u-c Hif iLaadmili l■^ liixle 
bnnKTL Th? U S -.cindnid^ 3iid ciiiiHirBKL jiil^midcdi ^>^U'lll i^ kiiEd on ikE Ful- 
lonLTig Ki Glgbbnlly nKopUd pnniiipb:^ br lUmdunl i d<\ElDpB?ni. 

— Tmnipnre/iiy. — QiicniD] lti IbimDlmii icgmduip ^ en iidii id □□■»]■ and CDnlbrBily 

□iieiini«'B< KlLviliEi ll ncEiiiblE <d nil Liil?i?iL?d pniri?! 
— C^^iuLm — FdjU: ipnlifin i^ ipta vmM □IKkIoI iBlncili 

— l'/'parl\nl'lf — [Jg omc ibUieiI doniiiiDUM lb? piccEii ur ii bvcotd o-ci amolhew 
— El/lc'Itmiia anil 'rJfLoncE — ScnnilDidi Dml i?bilfd con Ibim ily n'leiuDGBl pm- 

riiQB* 3IC [?IeviiiiI hhI eDI'[uveI> n^poiid id nz^lnoiy Dnil mnrkci nreli, n^ 

n^LI m -4iEnLilK imd La b iiGl:f|KD] dEivkipmEii L* 
— riviKnui' — lh:(i-.»ii- Di? imcbid ikimi^b chhukiiiiii nmnaR Ibntt ^illHKd. 
— Piila^'i\aiiii-I>a'nl — ^inHbiid^ atn pnurmniKe- bnird, ipEcllying f iienckil 

[bniiH Ef mln 1 inikET ikna dELaihd duitiiii ^hEiE poi^lbl?. 
— Ci^^/rrrr. — ThE puKEii cncmmiHCi (oncmK? Id □vciid GVEikippIng and ci»- 

llicliiig ^Uiiutiid- Dad (onbimLly iiMEiiB^ni pinijninii 
— Jl'iif ritin*. — ^inHbiidt di.'^?Lopni?B< ^maidi ^iik due piEFirii m IIidI □!■ 

Licvi Di? (ODiidEird Dud iippiiiLi ate pihiilblc. 
— TicliiMzai '.irila'iic — ^-.^l^Ihh^] li Ldtiral Ig dejElopin^ igubUei ib IbE br- 

■iiIbIhib Dnd up plrnojB ul lUmdaidi ^nd i?bile] [')abniiil> n^K^imciil pn- 

■■ BdlilKiB, US ml^iEili lunngLy DgiiZE IbsL Ibc piciKi^ ibGuU kr: 

— Fleilbic, nrDivLng Ibe uic oF diilnciil mcibi^lDliigiei Id mcEl Ibc kcsdi oTdiF 

)«?■< UrhllDllIfiy ""^ piodlKl UTlDEI, 

— Timely, is Lbal piii?ly ^■imiimliiT niDlKn do atl iIdk dDVB Ibc ■rnt, bill 

IDE?* ■□rkei «" pccuKKiB^: and 
— BnlnBuol DniDiig 4gb pElmg mlemli 


TIE in^riFD E1\7EE 

The MnlnuiL CDiilbrBily AiiEiinieDl FiiHipbi Ibi Ibe L'mUd SlnUi dmiiBEnl 
□iTKulaHM ibE priiKiple^ Ibi U5 loaEiEnilly n^ieiinieBl mlviiir' ikni »ilL nrDii 
CDD lumen, ku^TM^ kILeii, iLfiublDi i niid GikEr lahMHud pailiEi lo bsLe 4gb- 
liibiue ■□ <}iE pirti:!^-. i J pinvidLnD cHiBlh(iiiii> ^iiciiBeni. wkllE iimiliB^ ikc cic- 

□ IHHI HhT U □«![?' nai) balTKE^ <D lllHC 

CGBlb(iiiii> niieiinieBl liidiidui Eunplliig and leiling. ■□ipErlnni , mppliEi'i dec- 
laiDlHn dT 4GBEiniili> , (^lirrniKiB. hhI iiiiiDiipMDeDi i^ilem niiEiuDeD* and ie^ 
i^UnlLon ]i nLiD mi'liilei mzcirdiUiuoa dF ibc izHhinpeleHe dF Ibnx alLviliei by n 
Ibiid pnily niid lEdi^iiKiB rii^iiall> by n ^pi? ram En I iibeii[> J dE □□ □niEdiuuba 
piDgiQB'' (□fsblliiy 

Vfkib: <3£k I'Flbeie ikIillIiei i^ a di^liiid ofemliDn, <hEy qie cludy la^EinzLiUd 
TkE cbHiKO oFibe moil nppiDpnnte niie'UDeB* pmoMci, at wcM at ibe giialii> wilK 
vkKli ^my Due of diEm i' perfbimnL, inn baiv ii ii^iilcani Elbi dh ikE cdhIkLoiko 
IB mid lelDncE Ibal (□■ ke pliH«d od ikE iciuli^ ul ikE ehIlie onbiBily miui^ 

Tbe deliniliinii uii'IlhIe] id Ibe MhikiiiiiI CGBEiniili> A^ieiimeal FmuLpbi dorii- 
meal nic bnvd gb ISh^IEC ITUW^UDI, Coaiimi'y miEiiBeDi — V^nkulniy hhI 
gciiEiiiL pnHLpl?^ Suae inrkimKi. luHEd m ■ial>'i, caiiE ^lieie <be lEim ii iidI id 
ISaiBC 1 7IJU0 nr bai qdgOiei -pnifLf diedbid^ Id Ibe Un lI^ SCiLei DeIidlIu'r Mir: 
iBclixlal ID ikli diitiiBEni ihh pni'lul'' (onEuMon QDd Ig mabe il idgie undoi iUihI- 
□ble In diilEiEDl (Dnicili ibE vsme lena tun npiwlf diilcii:nl i>'pEi dF iKlLvilLei 


Tliiid pni'ly □lleiialiDn icblel <d n [4nlhfDiii> aiieiuneB* b(dy i'4niLe>iBg □ Ibr- 
mal deouni iliniuD dF lIi 4GBpEleD(e Id diT> uul ^psifir (Dnbimily □im'^^dledI 
miki. iThitc 'nrl/i Iieludc ta/i\pli<ig a/iil lialiitg, Mitpczl/m, ti<I\/icali'n a/iil tg- 
•ml'nlian } 


Tliiid p^iny QlieiUimB iclnled Id prndurli, piDmir], he pEEHni r>ial rarmyw om- 
manmee Ihal ipiffiid tqu'T/iinlw Irizur bem Sf r'inHrafnL 


Cm/bmrry f\Hi'f/i\ ml 

EiETnoa i^mlLon ibn* ipccllieil i?qLiLidD?D<i icblmg <d □ piDiluci. piixci^, lyiKB, 
pETWn Dr bcdy mt FullLlle] 'Tliri iiay iieludc ai\f arD'i'ilj zaizinred tcilh iltlir- 
iiiitug direzlSy or iiilirezlSy Ihal tlrvanl retitiircnici'la arr }nl^Slnl I 

nr»[ Sic a' d and Thiiit FaiC/ 

TJjf fi Hi pa^Iy ri genfnlly lln pfwan or a/g^aiinil'aii llmlprandiM I'll objieL miith 
am lla wnppliir. TVrr ticaid parly i* f^muallw a pfwm ararg^^Iian^ji r>ial Irat a iiwer 
•utrnil in I'll pnnlncL mil' m rhe i\itlo/i\rr Tlif f^ril party <t a pfwm ir body 
l>ial i* ncif/niicd an biiiig <i\dcpindKil of ll\r prn^t or argnniianon llial pnnidrt 
Ihc objfil, or "cll at I'll u>rr or e^*Io/iiii aflhi objerl. 


BiinBiuiiEiD dF^ pndiirl itiigD. picdiicl, pnxEii ar laiuilkiliDn and tticim mii- 
Itm aTiii con Ibim ily ^iik ^pKifir nKiuiicB^n i^ aw, at Ibc iaiit dF pniFf iuhuL jiid^ 


Piotidurr umT la prnidi formal aoPir I'lai an anrrd\lnlr/'i bodv It compilml 
ro carry oul tprr'/ii lattt Tireu lattt Miiindi aiemlilaliaii of Irtlthg labonilanet 
arrd tampietiin, eerlifiraliai and rtgrtlmltai bodret. A govemmr/ilal reiogii'li'in tyt- 
Iim Ji □ ail ofaiti ar morr piDififrjm aatd Oy □ JFtftm/ agiirrj la praui'lr teogiu- 


Thrnl parlj allrtlal\iw rrlalid la t.jilr'iij Ihal ciiiy aatuia/iii I'lai tpcrifini rr- 
Qu\niii<ila hoLT brrii dcir/mtlralrd Suih tytlemt 'lelude I'lon rtlaOlrtlrr'l for Ifa 
7/innagr/i\ml of pntdutl. praeeat or tirvtei qualily and iitvtitti'iiiilal pirlamianii 


PiDvuiDB of a lampLc of IbE ob)Hi dT injiKHBily auEiiBcn F nfcmdlTig <□ d pniiw- 

S\ippl'rri Dniamltai 

Piotidurr by tcl<\t'i a fiial parly ar tappStir nwiEiyt atanrtaiii Ihal I'll abjiel af 
eatformilf fiiit<lltapie\/iid ti)ii\tiii<ia 

Terlmiial oprntltci Ihal m^miJii af Ihc dilcrnuiialiaa of nrir or <\<orr cha^aclrtt- 
lirt af a freer produil, iiale^al, njnipiteiil, o^aniim, ptrtait quail f\ial\ai, phjt- 
•lal p/ienof/nn/n. pimu orainne< aero^•l\7lg lo a tpenfird Oehnieal procnlai Ileal 


DEl?nn riDliDTi of onr or mat— cknnH kjiiIic] eFhii Gt)e[< GEtGadnnliy □rcGidiBg 
IG □ tpciijird lerli/i\ial pncEdmc llcU iiilhadi Acl\aii af carrying aul inf i:^ /i\o^ 

The MrAad 

Sprtifiid ler'i'iieal pri^eidiit ynrprrJOmrrrJ □ trti 

ScnaHor Di'HPir. And iJiBnka n> the mlnre panel ] y/aa just ncH}- 
iRE SB Hi. Slaich and Hr Eckcrl noted [haClncy had live and four 
children, icBpecdiTly. 1 wondcied when jour kids realized that 
ihej eould say la the kida in Bchcol, "Mj dad owns a lay alnre." Or 
a lay fompanj Thcj mist have been die meet populai hida in 

Let mc diank Mr Keil:lile>, Me Stocch and Mi Echcrl. in pai- 
Iieular, and saj chac over die course of my am Eresaional career, 
there have been dm^ when I ha^e been tough on buaineaBca, and 
I i'eall> have been heailcned, and icTceBhed by, the responEC af 
ynuE indusHiy U> diia CEisia 1 think there is a level of opcnneos and 
honesty that k ea&ennal for reatonnE die conlidencc in yaui pind- 
uem, and to bnnE }'Dur consumem bark la >our stocea and back to 
your company There's no corporate den lal so\n^ on here, diere^ no 


defensive crDnch, ihoc'a no dinnving araund of the tcima '^unk 
science " 

1 mean, you're facioE l^n^ honestly, and 1 think thaC^ the onlj 
way Dj dral ii'ith it, and I'm slad diat you aic, I commend joii for 
doinE that, of course, you have to iollow thiou^h And iicif watch 
you as this proceas unfolds 

So, Mr. Eckcrc would saj, 'TTiaC's kind of >du. Senator Dutbin, 
but Mantel kneii' what thej were doinE- The> were Icoking far the 
chcapcat places in die woi'ld n> make their DyyB. Sd, [hey found a 
counOi with the laweat waae scale, with vittually no environ- 
mental slandacdB , and basically nasaTe^ inspection, so why should 
we be surpiised aC the outcome^ Lead paint gcea an producla, 
maybe not becau&e il^s cheap, but because die folks who are apply- 
in E ichave no nodon thaCics danEeraus or whac the toy ultimatelj 
IS Eoin^ to be used foe " 5a, k diis a Eituadon where ^our industiv 
IS raciTi» the [cali^ of deciding to ship yout producdon ovet&eaB? 

Ml fii KEHT Ml Chan man — what's important to me — the iceu- 
latiiHis aie imparlant, [he laws aie impoclanE, but ss I Uicd to 
communicate in my statement, we're a companj builc on brands 
and nust And if consumers can't trust our biands, re^ardleas of 
where out pinducls are made — and we make prcducc m our awn 
plants, and in vendor plants, in China, and in o[hei countries. To 
me, the issue here hasn't been where diese producls are made, or 
whaC [he rules are — have we done evetythm' we can to ensure 
then saTeW^ And I belieiT e^eiychm' we'ie dam 5 Icday — and the 
new ptoEram I lalkcd about in my cesnmonj — at certiiied pamc, re- 
tcatinE the paint, making sure we [est samples of fin ished prcducES 
before, in every p[cduc[ion run beiote the> reach store shelveB, and 
incEcasmg the nioni[QrinE worldwide, not jusC in iTndoi planlE in 
China, will make a big difference 

Sena[or Duini^ R'cll, having [aken a Icok a[ out laboiaDn) fa- 
cilidea heie at [he Consume! PrDduc[s Safety Commission, ic's 
pictlj clear we're noC goinE m tesc jour [ojs And I want to get 
down Qj this thicd-pai ty ceitifica[ion ot tcating Is it vour plan — 
you and Fi'e discussed this, buC I want to put it on the record — 
IS It your plan to ha^e [esnnE m the countries of origin of these 
pioducis before they're erpottcd to [he United Slates, b> reputable 
linns, which can be trusted [o do the job well'^ 

Ml El' Kill r Yea In feet chat's what we're doinE [oda> Now, we 
ha^e — we have tcatinE lacilitica m Mattel and I kno* our labs, and 
our labs are a litde bi [ more sophisticated and ha^e more opporni- 
niHca than some of [he thiuES I\e seen heie Icday I know whaC 
our labs do 

Sena[or Duinir^. I hope so 

Me El KEir This hasn't been an issue of the labs haven't done 
then jobs, the labs have worked I think it is impoi tant tolei'el the 
playing field, make suic evetybodvs protocols are liEhl, ha^e labs 
ceruRolor accredited b> an independen [ organizamon to make sure 
the labs ha^e the tighc equipment, are doing the right [ests, and 
aredoinE iC with the 1 1 Eht frequency. 

BuC I can commit to )ou [oda^^and I use [he ccokie analoey If 
we — if we [esC the inErcdienla puns 'f^ 1^^ ccokie and we know 
they're safe, and we wa[ch the baking of the ccokie, when [he ccok- 
les come out, we do need to sample some of the cookies Of course 

ronembcr, you Itnow, every Qinc wc samprc a cookie we dfatro} 
iC And every tune wc do one of these lead paint aatn pica on a toy, 
we dcaUoy it. But if we act the inpcdienlH n^hli, if i^c'rcdDina die 
tcala up nont, bj certified iacilines oi acciMii™ raciliHcB, lean 
nol imasinc we're EmiS loha^e th^a problem aE^'f 

SenaOir Di-iptn. Now, foi the rccotd, meat ol the Djy& lot sale 
this hoUdaj Bcason, ha^e been manulaccured lon^ bcfare. They are 
in the pipeline alr»d>, in waichouEeE, and on ships Ib that Que? 

Me £i keht It's prababl^ in the ballpark 

SenaHor Duiilin And so, the testing that would bring mnEumer 
confidence, involve products that have already been shipped, m 
man J inslancca, from the counny where they ii'eic manulacHured 

Mr Ei'Kiirr And we're Hesdng these as w?ll ^ the first thing 
we did, ii'a& we'iT got la &top this at [he source The source is in 
these o^eiseas planca ljct'& make suic wc'i'c got oui arms around 
that [nvcntory and what i& there We know [hat we have now tcat- 
cd cvcjj batch of finished product befoic it lea^ca Asia or any other 
^ililj. That was the imporlant thin g 

Now weSe shifted our antention, with the help of retailers, into 
what prcducla are already here and aic there — are anj pioblems 
here. But from a long-term pciapecti^e, to me, die real issue is aC 
the source 

Senator Dl'hpe>. Ms Grcenbcrj, you — I hope you were hcic and 
listenol Id the tesi:imon> of Chaiiman Nord on children's jewcliy 
Fm at a loss to ligurc out what the Consumer ProduclB Safetj 
CiommissLon is doing What I heard her say, is in 2004 chcic were 
massive recalls Thej'ic concerned nhat one out of li^c piccea of 

iEwdij, children's jcwelrj coming into America now are dangerous 
iccausc of lead contenC And [he beat I could get from her [esn- 
mony, is that thej'rc m the prcceas of rulemaking, whatci'cr that 
mignt be, that may hai'c started in Julj ol last year or January of 
this >ear. And fm not cerism, I don't want to misstate hci Hesd- 
mony, that she answered directly mj question, as to whethci or not 
thej aic sKipping and cxamininj shipmeniB of childicn^ jewcliy 
As someone who has analyzed this agency, what was >our im- 
piession of that testimony? 

Ms GriiiiMLiiii: Well, it didn'c sound from her testimony like 
thej had taken the kind of aggr^sive action 1 would have lifced to 
ha^c seen liom [his agency And what's she s^ing is thac because 
there's no standard in place, she felt she didn t have the power Id 
go in and lake these sample out of the ships that wcic coming in 
or — but what that gnierated m m> mmd is "Okay, what would I 
do in [hat situatiori?" And if 1 were a member of hci slaff oi if I 
lan that agency, what [ would ha^c — what I would ha^e done is 
saj, Tou Know, listen, maybe I don't ha^e the slandaid in place, 
but mj hands ccitainl> aren't tied." Because the statute, under 
which the CFSC opeiates, provides a loCol lecwaj for whcevci's in 
charge there, to do — la take a number of sEeps. 

One of the first things I probably would do, is I — parncularlj 
Senator Klobuehai, since >ou had a joung eonsnituent who died 
from a piece of a lead tc^ that ended up in his stomach We've got 
a serious problem here. So >ou're going to pull the manufectuicrs 
in, anybodj who's making nheac Eojs, pull them into a room and 
saj, "We've got kids who are getting sciiously injured by iJiiSl 


What can you — what can jou promise mc yau intend to do to, are 
you doinE the tcatinE that ncods la be done. Vf'hat \a die level of 
lead in dic&c tc^s chat come diti^ Obviously, it's way loo high Are 
you ii'illinE lo SID doh^n widi ue and pound out a volunlary agree- 
ment to do die tcaUngand keep dicac lead tc^ b out of die eouritty''" 
So [hall's one idea 

The second idea \a, under Eeizdon I9, which covecE imporis fiom 
CFSC. There is an opportunity m lake— if dicic's — ti a picduct evi- 
dences a substantial — ib a BubElantia] prcduct hazard, diat can be 
the subject oi icpoita m the CFSC about anj — any com pan j that 
IS Belling [hat pccducC 1 would have lahcn dio^e lepoclB, 1 would 
ha^c Icokcd at thcec, and I would hai'e sonc, maybe gone to a 
Hcmbct of CongrcaB and said, '^'e'l'e got a lot of these prcdiicia 
out there. [ need jour help beiHuse the rulemaking ptcceBB ib a 
verj length J one So let's laJie this product and lee's Uj la rccBome 
legislamon passed quickly thaC would put a ban in place Because 
this is a sutslantial piciiuct hazaid and it^ killed a kid and ic's 
hurcman> otheiB.'" 

So, in other woid^, het hand& aic not ned She may not have a 
Blandard in place but there are a m>riad optionB that I think the 
Chairman ol the CPSCoughcIa — ougnt to ha^ c considcicd 

Scnalor Duhbin Well, I'm jusC goin^ to clcae by — this tound of 
quesnonB — by sarins, it's not just a matter of piovidm^ more 
money to the agencj, moicslaff at the a5encj,more and better lab- 
ocatmicB and building There has la be an aggressive attJlmde at 
the agenc) abouC protecting femihes and conBumeia And when 
thej don't have [he tcol& la piotcct them, to reach out la Congress 
and othci places, the Pi e&idcnt, and Baj , '^'e need moic authori^ 
here because [hcic'B a danger at BlaJie here " And I think 

Ms Giuu^PEin Exacdy. 

SenaHor Di'iPi> Icondnuingl I was Icoking for that in her [esn- 
mony and Tm boet) that I didn'c lind ^t in many of her ceaponses. 

Senanor Brown hack 

Senanor Bbo'vmj^i k Thank jou. Mi. Chairman 

Ms Greenbci 5, I hope youll work with us on slatutory authority, 
thaC 1 hope we can puC in the appi opi iations bill and uiac the au- 
thorising committee will agree widi, bo we can moiT thac thiough 
lapidly^sD nhat joull adviBC us on what else needs to be put in 

Ms Giiiii^BEii: Glad la do diaD. 

Senator Bpo*nb^ck. Mt Scorch I\c been in manj of vour 
Btoi™, often With two 9 > ear olds, I'm lamihai with Tc^s 'Ti^Us. 
The infoimaDon that I've looked at says that SO percent at >our 
pioducis come from China Is that correct^ 

Mt Stoic H Let me giiT jou some, Mary and [, youi' staff, were 
discuBBing [hat yesterday So let me ^ive jou Bome background on 
that becauBe I went back and did Bome investigation aftei — after 
our diBcussion And aB in manj consumec pccducia categoiiea, a 
majQTiij of the products do come fiom China in lays, like [hey do 
in catcgorj aitet categoiy now, aB jou poinEed out in youi earlier 
I'cmai ks. 

Senator Bidwnbai'pl. What is it in your stored What percent of 
your prcduclH come from China? 


Ml Stdhi'h Let mc ^'ivc you aomc — let mc give you Bomc biral:- 
Diit or BDine conncpiiiori of that by catcgoiy, beiauEC it vbmcb, baaed 
on the catcgoiy Wc bcII multiple calc^oiica or ptcduclH in our 
BEncB for kids Pioducis like, juvenile products iot erample, dia- 
pciB or baby caic prcducca, theae typically aic made by Q S. manu- 
^tureiB like E^tcflai i Gamble, etcetera 

SeuaHor Bhowmjai k All iighc 

Ml Sropi II Ouoicoi and mdoor — mdooi' — ouldooi pvcduelB and 
thcindixn play houseB, you know, the blow-molded 

Senator BiowruAi n Righc Eighl. 

Mi Stop I n ImntinuingI And injection-niolded large houacBL 
These also aic typically domes nc- manufactured beoiise of the 
□ ansporlation cogIs arc so high, the) tend Eo be made in die 
Unit™ Slates Video games k another big area, and thoGC, ihe 
hacdii'are ^a made in Asia m vatiouE places and the software is 
topically, the disks are actually scamped out in die United Scales 
o[ Japan CouBCTiiction Qjys, things like Legco, iot example, or Con- 
necla, some of thoGC arc made in die Qniled Stales, some of these 
arc made m Mcmico, thej'ie made in vaiioiis locadons, some aic in 
Canada Now, die category that mcst people arc focused on here, 
would be things like dolU and acnion liguces and the Uains thaC 
we've Been [he recalls cm. And fot these, Bomewhcie betii'ecn [hrec- 
quaiters QjflU percent of the pi cduc In aic made in China 

I would point out [hat we opera[e in 35 countries and if someone 
belici'cq that there arc, sorC of, aecrcc fecDaies out ihcie, in these 
counCTies and Fiance oi England, whcrciTr the leadei m K^&, or 
in Spain Jt's [he same thing in these counHics, where almcsb — al- 
mcs[ all of these catcgoiics of toys arc manulac[iired in China, 
around the world loda^ So our fccus is cm making [he tc^s taTc 
whcrevct they're manufactuied 

Sena[or Biowmjai k And [appceiziate that. 

Ml EckcEt, now, what about in yout products? How much, what 
percent of these come iiom China' 

Ml El KtHT We manuiacturc one-half of out own tojs and vcn- 
doi source abouC onc-hal f of out tojs Leoking actess both of these 
BjBl^ma, roi^hly 65 percent of oui te^s are macie in China and 35 
percent arc made in olhcc countries 

Scna[or Bho^'srach Ms Gtecnberg pointed to a systemic ptob- 
lem M) guess is lou gentleman have been going back and locth 
to China lor manj years Mr Eckert, m the last 5 years, how often 
a year have you gone to China' 

Mr El KSHT I probahK a couple of times a year 

Sena[or Biowru^i n Mr Smtch' 

Mr Stopi II China hasn't been a place that Tve tended to viaiC 

Senator Bhowsuai k It is noCoi it has been" 

Mr Sroii'ii No, as a relailcr again, [he man uiactuicis ha^e 
then facilities o^ei [heic and [hey're makin g pteducia oi'cr there. 
And as a retailei, we don't have operations in China 

Sena[or Bio^HSArft. So jou don't go and visit these factories 
where a hig percenCageof jour producQ come fiom'^ 

Mr SroicM Yeah We ha^e a iTry large alaff, we have an oflicc 
in f]ong Kong and we hai'e, foi example, a gentleman heie. Rick 
Rupeit, who's our Eiiecu[ive Vice President, who is o^ei theie al- 
mosEalJ die Qme, leohmg at the factories. 


Senator Bio^inRArK You yoarad^arc not, you'ic not goinE? 

Mi Stopi ]i Nd lamnot^air 

ScnaHor BBOA>h^i'K I would think it ii'ould be wise la ^laiC die 
one paiUculfli aica where you're E^nin^ ao much of > our prcducC 

Ml Eckett, one oi mj powin^ conccrjia haa been utia cariccrina- 
tion of our manuracturiTi » and of our econamic aclinij aaaa:ia[«i 
widi China, ii'hich la a dieed ayalcin and ib bstding carrupniouL 
And even the CominuniEt Pail^ ie Islking about coiruption ii'idiin 

So then, when >ou E^t inlo 3 manufactured act of picducls, iC 
Bccma [Q me, you almnet are aec up Id bcc these sort of thin g& tsk- 
ing place And then when we ^et thi& level oi concentiacion m an 
economy you do get people mam □ ulatm ^ die markelplajTe. 

So you^c goCfl cloGed ajBtcm, having coti option, batding corrup- 
tion and a market concentraHiDn in the taO pj HO percent caHo. 
Youic aet up almcet, to ace the occuncncc of ptoblema Fm aure 
thi& ia Bomecnms that jou'it thought about Have >ou tried Dn 
break out of the aouicing in this one place'^ Oi do you not aee that 
there aic endemic pioblemt and a likelihocd that thinga like this 
might lake place? 

Mi Ei'kiiit Fii&t, we do manufacnire in markets othec than 
China SoKind, I'l'e peraonally acen a lot of &ucccaa m the giownh 
of capilaliEm if >ou will, m China, as jobs are created and the) 
BlarC gomg thiough the induBtrial re^cJuHon [here Manj of the 
people who work in out facilities in China, aie people who have 
come from the agiaiian aociety and, literally, thia la chcit firat job 

But we make buic we enforce out own acandatda That, to me, 
IB what'a impoitant here Aa an e^am pie, Bince HKKl 

Senator Biowrn^i k Well, that didn'c woi k , did if 

Mi Eckbpt Well, amcc 1997, we have had oulHide, independent 
auditojs go inEo oui facilities and check who'd be working on our 
pioduclfi and what conditions [hey have And we publiBh these on 
mattelcom, so anybodj can go look at indcpenden C audipji reporla 
and what we\c done to coirect thinga, Dn make buic wc impcae our 
Bisndards, regardle&s of whaC someone elac doea 

Senator Bhowmjai k But i c didn't woik 

Mi El KEHT Well, in the caae of — if jou're apeaking BpeciFicallj 
to lead paint teadng 

Senator BaowMJAfK Yen 

Mi Ei'ftiiir Icontiniim gl. We didn't teat Bufliciend> to catch that 
pioduct [ don't know if thac'a a queation of where the product waa 

Senator Br o i^ ^4 b.-(' k You don't sec the setup of the macro ailua- 
tion as being a good possibih^ of producing a problem like this? 

Mi El KFFT faee it from mj perspective, juBt aa a manulac- 
turei, what svatema do I have in place, legardlesa of who owns the 
plant oi in which countiy it is? That'B mj viewpoint of this 

Senator Bpinv^H^rE: Well, I would aak jou la think about the 
macro aituadon in the way Mb Ijreenbci g identifies it, 1 think thia 
la a aituation that would ei'olve into the type of actup that we are 
eMpciiencing And my hope la, that we can giiT die Conaumer 
Pioduct Salet) CommiBBion more authority Id deal with iC But alao 
that you aa manufacturem would Icok at the lype of aettinga that 
you're in, and if there is a likelihocd that situations like this would 


emerge you can da Epat testing and rsndain tcaCinE as a mcthcd 
of prciTntion That's E'^'^'i. I''" 5^^ that wc da, boausc if the ajB- 
tcm IB flawed we're aBking ioi prablcma And we have »oc diem. 

So I would hope you iTouJd wock widi iib and Icoh acodtci places 
e^cn odiei coumziea widi inocc open sjElcms, aa a pcsEible place 
to Ep. 

Thcic's been thia huge ilush of capital E^'fE 'f™ China, >ou've 
had manu^tncing growdi taking tilace [hat I don'c diinh has ncc- 
CHBanly Bcived the leal of [he world nor served the United Slatea 
well You ha^e jour ficc choice. YoLi're a ftec company, U> do with 
aE jou see lit, and >ou will, and you should But I think we're aak- 
ing for problems in this 

Ml Chaitman, thank you foi letting me go aver 

Scnanor Di'iilin Scnatoc Klohuchai. 

Scna[ar KiJ>ni'i'ii^i. Thank yQU, Mi Chanman Thank >ou Dn 
all of our wlOicbbcb It's been \cty helpful, paFtncularl> I welcome 
Mr. Scorch, who's a residcncof Hmneaota 

And I wanted to echo what Senator Durbin had said, as I appre- 
ciate the people ii'ho are here tcday, who work in [he induBtJj , for 
being honeat, for ii'otkins wich ub, and coming ioni'ard I think 
you've admitted tJiat there were some mqoi pratlcms thaCneed to 
be imed 

And I guesB mj iiiBl question would be of >ou Mr EcketC If this 
can happen to a reputable company Like Matta, ic can happen to 
an> toy manulactnitei And hoii' can you make sure thaC die new 
syscemE chacyou hai'e put in place are gom^ to work and are gom^ 
to oerve us ade(|ua[ely ii'hen [he paBt s^Etcms failed^ 

Ml Ei'HEPT. I Buppoit manda[Qrj teatnng by cerdfied labs, the 
same kind of program we'ce doing tcday, with manda[or> teating 
of iiniEhed gccds bcfote thev leach s[ore shelves, for che resCof the 
induBtT) And I chink, as Caitci Keithlej has announced the TIA, 
the induEtrj aBECciadon of 50fl membcia both large to vetj Email 
Buppott ihLa piopceal We would like to have a level plajin^ field 
and we would work witJi them and with the agency to develop 
those B landai da 

Sena[or Kij>iji.tii^i. So, ii'hat >ou're doin^ now, ate you teBt:ing 
batj:h by batch? 1b thaCii'hat^s happen inf? 

Ml El KFiT Yea. 

Sena[or Kibeiwhai. Okay. 

Mi EcKBPr. So here's what iic'tc doing. And it's very important 
to me that I have an oppoitninity to explain this 

Fiiat, ic's [he paint. Again, if you get the mgredicnla tight, we 
don't have to worry about the end so much Lct^s make sure the 
pamt IS light. The paint has to come fiom one of oui eight eerti fied 
pamt iTmioiE. You have — [hat's all >ou can do, >ou have to buj 
then pamt and we [esC the pain Cm thcae pam C factai iea 

Two, when a plant lakes thaC pamC, a manu^[unng plane, 
whether we own the plant or whether a vendoi , an ouiaider owns 
the plant, chat paint has to be teateda^am — cvcrj ba[ch of paint — 
has to be te&ted befoic it's used 

Three, as the toys are bcin; made, we have moic auditots on the 
ground today, going around ta th^e various vendors and sub- 
connac[ora [q watcn over their shoulder about how they're usin^ 
the pamt. 


And four — to mc die ultimaCc teat — before that ptcducl gcla to 
iclailer ahclvcs, iic lake a sampling fiom ciTry pioduction lun, of 
flmahcd coja and IcaC the painC one miire Drnc I think that kind 
of &jfl[eni will be effective and I think that soit of a^Btcm wouM 
bcneii c man uiactuiera lar^eand amall. 

Senaoir Kij>ijih'ii^i. Naii'.do you p reduce kida jeiicl ry? 

Mi Ec'ftEir We don't We haiT had aome jeu'elry, licensed prod- 
uct jcn'cliy Ibr example I recall a ainiadon ii'ith Amciii:an Gitl, 
which IS one of our brands 

SenaOir Kuijuchai. ISeaccn that jewelry. 

Mi El k fit Okay. 

SenaOir Ki j>nLir h ai . In my house 

Mt E^'HuiiT. Well, we'i'e had some licensed ieiiclty auCoi Amei- 
ican Girl that — rri) lecalleclnDn is this gnea back to laEt Epnng, 
maybe ic was the end of Haich nl last spring — where toudne test- 
ing, even [hough we don't manufacture that product, we ju&t dis- 
□ ibute iC in our sDJiea, in dui few American Gitl BDaes, one of 
which IS m Chicago — we found lead m [hat picduc[, and recalled 
thaC product, diBcon[inued [he prcducC We're not going [o be in 
[ha[ buEinesa 

Sena[ar Ki.ouit h ^ i . Mr Storch, >du weie lalking about the re- 
call picceas, and how we can make it better. I appreciated jour 
support loi mj legisladon la put some kind of dcmaicadon on the 
piciduclfi and the packaging Ck>uld >ou talk about what yau do 
when yau get a ircalled prcduct and haw that difiera fi om wha[, 
maybe a smallci i?[ailei, would do — whac they ma> have the ca- 
pacity to do and whaC you think would be bc^C to guaiantec thaC 
these pi cduclH can be recalled i m media [el y? 

Mr Stdhi'h Yea I — we have communicated m no unccilain 
terms to our people, [hat execudng recalU k the moGt imporlsnC 
part of then job And cveijday, store manageia check the recall 
beard and audit [hat the i ecall's been carried out. 

Bu[ more impoiland^ and moic specilic la your queEdon, our 
sys[em& allow us [o Icck oat sales of any i?called picducr. And I 
mentioned thaC a little hiC m m> picparcd remarks, that both in 
the distribution cen[erE and m the sP^rea, the sjElem has baeically 
blccked furchei movemenc of thoee prcducla So thej can't move 
ficim [he di&tribution centers to the stores, and [hey can'c move 
ficim a store sheli, if one wei^ on the store &hell, thej can't be — 
can't be boughc And so, [here is — should be no way, from a sjs- 
tems-en foi ced perspective, for anjone to bu> the picduct. And 
again, all the audi[s we've seen all [he teating, and believe mc, ev- 
eryone from journalisra la public agencies around the country la 
an>Dne with a [hought about iJns has gone in and tried to check, 
IS [hat we have neai pcifection on execution of these — of these ic- 

I think for a smallei relailer, that's going to be a much more dif- 
ficult challenge. And, because the> maj not have the E»stems, 
they're not able to pioceed in that — in that soit of guaranteed lUO 
percent — lUO percen c fesh ion 

The other [hmg we do, is [hat if there's any source of confiMion 
or concern, we just remoi'e [he whole line And so that happened, 
for example, earlier this year with the Magne[i\ recall. We felc iC 
was confusing to am em[omei's to Oy to Iril which product was ic- 


called and which one wa&n'l, bccau&c there were so many diffacnC 
types of MaEfi^n*; So wc Icok the whale line off the ahclt until that 
was sorted throueh. Wc have the financial abililj to aceompliBh 
thac And I canld &cc, perhaps, EDme Emallec relailci's not being 
able n> do thaC 

SenaHor Klobuc'ecab So do you understand [he need, and I ap- 
piccialc you lalkitiE abouc the I'olunlaiy work jou're dmng to re- 
vamp some of these leEulanonB iot ihe CFSC and also giiT [hem 
Eome moic reBoui ces Eo do their work. Some of die issues diat Ms 
Giecnber^ was talking abouE, is die CPSC and ib iC a shadow of 
lis fmmci Ecll? Ab a member of the induBtrj, do you Euppoit mocc 
icaoutces for this a^enc^^ 

Ml Sropi h[ AbaoluCely And, iC ii'a& inlcresdng we met with — 
widi Ms. GtecnbcrE yeslcrday and I <\as faEcinalcd Tm a UnJc bit 
of a ConBumer Report ] unkic, aB I cold hei, from childhood And we 
found ouFEclveB in a^iecmcnt on almcac ci'cij isBue that we diB- 
cuBsed So, wc arc ahBol iitcl> in thao — m [haC place It ib clear that 
CPSC needs more [rione> and you've all Bpokcn of that and dem- 
onsOated that. And if we erpect them to do more things, they're 
gom ! to need more mone> 

lt6 also vcij imporlanC to us that some of [heac timefiames he 
Bhortened, heCwecn the tinic when a pioduct is firat discoveEcd as 
havm; a ptohlcm and a time when Uic conBumer flndB out about 
iC And for us, often, we get a 1-day notice, something like that, 
whence ci,aB scon as,joii know, the manufacturer feds like the ic- 
call iE going forward, well get a phone call, '^Vc'rc going to recall 
thiE tomoirow." And so, we immediately lake it off the shelf But 
Bomedmea, pardcularh carlici thiE >ear, we felt like months maj 
have gone by while IheBC situadons were being in^eatigated and 
thoGC ptcdiicia wcic still being Eold and wc didn't like thaC Now, 
with more icBoutceB, we feel the CFSC can move faster on that 

Senator Ki^ouuc h ^ i . Thank you vcvy much 

Senator DuHPir. Following up on that, Mr Eckci't. One of the 
qucstionB that was caiEcd iB, jour icquiccment as a toy manulac- 
turet to [cpoit defective produclB or dangerouE products And, so 
what do jou undcrsiand jour cotpoiatc obligation to be, under the 
law or othciwiBC, to notify cither the Consumer Frcduct Safe^ 
Commission about the dangeis that you found of a product that 
you're selling, Di to lake other action? 

Mi Eckeht. Fiial, let mc Eaj we would also support more rc- 
BDurccB for the CFSC. I think they do imporiant woit We do Eup- 

Ioit them Some of the thinra I^e Baid m the last couple of wecka, 
bclici'e ha^c been m isatttibuted about mj support of the CFSC, 
and 1 want — appceciatc the opportunitj. Senator, Ib be on the 
lecord hete, saying wcdo Euppoit this agency 

And ni cell you, the work thej'vcdone with ue this past Eummer 
on the lead pamt lecalU has been cxcmplaiy We're woikmg with 
short peiicds of time, we're calling them at night, we'tc calling 
them on weekends, we're making things happen, we aic calling ic- 
lailers the night befoic a recall is going Ds be announcedL Eveiy- 
bcdy IS working as fast as they pcesibly can 

M> underalandin g of the requiicmenla, bu, aic diene TTie re- 
quirement of y4-hom notice la the agenc) of a picduct that could 
present a hazaid, has heen well covered And, one of my concerns 



always, is die "could" standard Becauac mtli the brncfit af hind- 
BiEht, E™Tig out 3 or 4 ycats, i^cll now wc know iC could have been 
jroblem bccauBe it was a ptoblcm 3 ot 4 jcai b doiiTi the rcsd 
S'hat haEn't brcn icpoctcd oi what hasn't receii'ed bb much at- 
tention, la [he piDviaion oi the CFSC re^ulationa that sivca compa- 
jues l(t huaincaB daja ot mote to detcimine that thej ha^e a le- 
potlablc incident So far eMample, in am very HiaC ainiadon, flrac 
lead paint iei:all this year we found thiE paint, we found th^a iBBue 
in a thi pment of pi cduct dfEdned far a relailci in France Om peo- 
ple on the ground thouEht ihcy had the — their arma around the &it 
uanan, diat the> contralled ihe prcducC Ic wasn't in commcice and 
It wasn't heading Id [he IJn itcd 3la[efl I wish it would have dialed 
up sconci Id the coipDia[e situation, because it wasn't unnl we did 
Eubsequent [esia 

And let me give you an example We lesned — a telailer tested 
thb little gceeu fot in a Dora prcduct, and it failed a lead paint 
teat We do thoiisandB of lead paint teals every >ear and don't have 
Allures So oui people, well- intended people on the ^lound in 
China, called the vendor and said, "Youi'e pit a problem, get us 
some new green foxcB " The lelailer tested green foxes again They 
pass. Our people on the ground think the problem^ behind them 

We, in the mean[ime, haiT also drawn our own samples from 
that vendor facili[j and saw prcducia [hat failed And once we did 
that, we quaran[ined all prcducia and very quickly this Bi[uation 
moved into the United States, wheie we can lake action, which we 
did m a mal:[er of dajs 

Sena[or Di'iniH You told me in a meeting I belieiT ic was our 
con^eiaaHon, that when it comes Id vin>l, lor example, there is 
some pieaenee □! lead in meet oi all vinyl And so, we talked for 
a few momenla about what the lead safety standard is. 

Ms Greenbei g, m her teatiniony, said that the CPSC has not 
ieall> established an acceplable slandacd when it comes Id lead So 
what ha^e )du found as you'ie tesUng, what do >ou use as the 
Blandard for youi picducla, as acizeptable amounla of lead'' Is it 

Ml Ei'Kiiir We use six paria pei million. There is lead in the 
environment. Unfottunately , lead is pietlj uhiquilDus m our lii'es. 
That^ the waj it is I dcm t know that one can lind zeco lead, but 
we use a verj small pardon of lead, which e^en chough it maj — 
as I undersland now — it's not mandated That^ one that everyone 
in the industiy uses 

Sena[or DuHsir You mentioned Id me, I [hmh, that Califoinia 
had a Slate standard that was more — one of, ei[hei >ciu or Mr 
Storch — mentioned that California had a Slate slandacd that was 
even sUic[er Is [hacconect? 

Me Sti>iii'ii I believe that's not iJie case, in regard to toys 
where — and HI check on this — where the [oj Blandard is the same. 
But I believe that's in rejaid Id vinji, in vinyl prcducta. And m 
that — ni check m> aperture in a second — but and I believe that'a 
a siandacd in there law, where it's a aiandacd of, where it has to 
be stated on the package, thac it could be po[enl:ial^ haimful, aa 
oppcaed to an absolute — absolute standard Thej have a lot of 
things like that in California, where you'll see on the back of the 
package, jou know, this has been de[ermined by the Sta[e to be po- 


tcnaB]]> hszaidauB I believe it^ like that. Let mc jiul. if I may 
juaC chei:h foi a accond, HI gel jou 3 driiniti^c an&wcr on ihac 
Flap 1i5,aTid thc> aay, 3U parca per nullion 

SenaOir DfHPr>. Hy IshI qin-aciori rcLacca U> dcBiEn When I mcc 
widi MimsEcr Wcl diia inorTiLng, from Chins, he Eaid, part of die 
piablem wc have with Kys iE that our people are manu^tuiins 
to the draign alsndaid? of the United Slates And so, if the 
Magnetix Oa haE a magnec that pops nut, it's because we were pjld 
to make it [hat way. We didn't draign them, bo don't blame ua. 

How much of this beyond lead paint, t^hieh abviouBly you've in- 
dieated not to melude on any pinduels, but how much ol nhia dc^ 
go Ed design and haw much could be laid ac the dcocBtep of lay 
man ufectui eia, iot having deaigna that create knee paria nr 
magneia that pop out? 

Mi Ei'KtBT. I [hink that la well-Elaled, bei:aLiBe a lot of these 
profalcma, nut the lead paint prablem, but a lot af tc^ lecalU are 
related Dn design H'e ouiseKes.ace producing ihouaandB and ihou- 
sanda of new ptcduclB eveij >ear And we're vety caicful when we 
design these prcducla. Ha make aure the) meet atandacds, not juat 
legulaP^cy Blandarda acound nhe warld, but qui own internal Bland- 

That aaid, we occaaionallj make a miatake. Eveijbcdy dees. And 
when we do we need to lin it And nhat'E not a manulactunng 
lasue. EveijUung I've seen in the magnet Bituatinn, has nothing to 
do wilh man ufactui in g And t^hat haa happened in magneia, la 
these amall, h[»h-powered magneia. Senator aa >ou know, nave be- 
come almoGt ubiquLloua We have [hem on oui cell phancs, our 
blackbeniea and we\e been using them in tcjs far the past few 
years And when a magnet came lc<se, I ihint the induaQy, cei- 
lainly Mattel and I believe [he regula[Qra , aaw it as a quali^ lEBue, 
not a safety issue A small pai t came unglued That occaaionallj 
happens, and what do ynu daabauDit? 

And in our Bi[i[adon, we tiiice changed our lequi remenla ioi how 
to afHx those magneia as small parIa so they don't come nff. It real- 
1> wasn't until Novembei 2U05, when unfoiiunateLj a child died aa 
a cesult of ingesmng multiple magneia, nhat I ihmh we all goD the 
wakeup call This is a safely problem Thia isn'c about a quali^ 
and It has to do with design now do we design a sjstem to keep 
these magnels in placed In Januar- of this jeat, we created a Icck- 
ing system to embed these small, high-powered magneia in the 
plastic ilaelf, ao thej won't come out And we had had a recall be- 
fore then, related [q Iccse magneia, but we — we found [he soludon 

And what we\e done [his >eai, and I think is an erample of how 
Mattel nies ro lead the indualiy, is we re[[cacdvely applied thac 
new system for locking the magnet in place Id kijs that we sold 
years ago^ before that was even disco^eied Becauae again, 1 think 
ic'a mcst impor[ant to get the consumers, even if th^- bought one 
of these prcducia 2 di 3 jears ago, ^^ we know that magnet isn't 
a small pai t issue, it could be a real safe^ hazard, il^ our job to 
get [hat pioduct bach 

Sena[or Duvilin Senator Biownbach. 

Sena[or Baon'rn^i n Thank jou. Mi. Chairman 

Mr Eckert, I want Id lalk with you about some of youi meetings 
in China, if I could, and officials You meet with Chinese ofliciala. 


I WQultf guFSB, icgulBrly OR piiidiicaDn and inBnurBiituriii g Bland- 

Ml Elheht. I wouldn'c say rcEularlj. and it's ccnainly not an 
Blandaida I mrrt with ]ixa\ ofliciBia around ouc ^ilid^B ai the ia- 
cihd^B I ^isiC and J, on nccBBion, am in Beijing But meat ol our 
^ilitira aic in the Bouliicin pait of China and that's whcic I 
Bpcnd meat of my time, by !at 

ScnaHor Biowm^ai h And mrrdng widi lucal ofricials iJierc^ 

Ml El KEHT. Yea. 

SenaOir Biowheack Mectin; ii'ith local officials^ Do you eiTr 
meet inlh people rtom die PLA People's Liberanan Army'^ Have 
you ever mcC ii'ith ofiicials ii om die FLA'^ 

Ml EiKEHT Not [hat Fm aware of 

SenaHor Bpo'^^p^ck. Do an> of the planlE that yau ha^c asBO 
ciatc^ith the PLA^ 

Ml El KSHT I don't koDii' [hat to be the case 

Senanor Ehoa'ml^i'k Do you know who euub or who owns the 

Elanla, l(Kt pciizent, in the caaea of what you're dealing with in 

Me Eikeht Ae It lelatea loour plants, jes As it celaEes pj these 
laige vcridDi planln, yes. Some of [he issues though, [hat we found 
this year IS ^cndora and — and we wouldn't he hcie if a handful of 
vendoiB didn'c viola[e our i ules — some of [heac iTndoi b have sub- 
conaacted and iurther subeon niacted some of theae eomponenla. 
And I don't know — and chat's one oi oui issues we're Ijackmg 
do*n — whoaie chcec people and why are thej hcic' 

Sena[or Bpo'*^■El^^K fm not putdng the beac on you You're 
here and Fm ashing you these questions Bud what Pm looking a[ 
are [hcsjBtems where a problem arcse It aecms that, noCjusCpio- 
duein^ problems m toys, but prcducing piablcms m o[hci prcduct 
areas is what Fm tiying to get at [here 

I waB lUEt lookin; at — and this k an old article, it^ UlSi Intci- 
na[iona] Ciei aid Tribune arUelc, but the) were es[imatin^ that the 
armed forces ran some ?0jXlO induBtiial pioducHon and service 
companies m China And nhat's whj I ask if you had met with, or 
if [hey continued to run, any of the facilities that jou're a part of 
or [hatyour vendors have any aBBOciacion with. 

Mr EjI'kkpt Not that Fm aware of [t may — there ma> be I'm 

C. not aware of it and Fvecerlamly neiTr met widi anybod) thaC 
idcn[ilied h iniEcl f hem g that ^pe of pcioon 

Sena[or Biowhuai k J nope we can — m Icoking foni'ard — pass 
Icgislamon to Hy to correct this Biniadon, pucBtandaid? in place so 
thaC people can be assured of the products [hey buj And also push 
the Chinese Government, whether through communicadons 
through you and cerlamly throush comm unication& from our Gov- 
ernment that we will noC tolerate these pi oblems m our products. 
And we're going [q do cvcrjthing we can to stop [hesc pioblems, 
pericd And that the prcducis aren't coming m if thej'rc not scod. 

And I hope we treat them the way we get Heated in other coun- 
tries around the woild If our produce is aecn as having any quality 
pioblem we get Ehuc out of the marketplace, shut ouc I think that 
we ought pj do here. Un[il we aie &uie that the s>Btcm has 
changM and won't produce [he same sorC of prcducis that we've 


ScnaCor Duihin Mi. BhaUs 

Mi Bh^tia ScnslDi, if I maj 1 would like to seize [his example 

ihac you juac laiBed la inaJ[c a paint. I [hink wc need a &jBlcniic 
fix, which ^c^a beyond juEt Irad ar amall parts If wc haiv cvalua- 
□on and accn^ii dcmn picccsa, if wc haiT a a^Btcm that Icoka aC 
not anlj the manufacmircr but ilic Bupplicr and ilic Bub-aaBcm hicr 
and the aub-BuppUcr Wc have techniques available ii'luch rcEiaCcr 
and iccard [he man ulaclurin g Iccadon, [hat recoid the sub and 
Bubcan [[ac[ora as part of the i7rr[ircal:]on ol accrediladon picce&s. 
And [hese problema can be handled, they have been Bucceaafullj 
handled in other aeetoiB We'te jiiat in need far Icok — for InokinE 
to these ^pea of opdona, inteEiate them with whaC we have thaC 
wotka in o[her aieaa, and ii'otk ii'ith our induatij, woik with our 
legulatocy framework You need to BizcDgliicu that foi sure. 

Bu[ wc have meehauiEmE lha[ aic araibblc, deai gnin^ nhc prop- 
et sysEem and then making buic that we inspect often, wc audic 
often, we validate afcen, wc accredit often. I [hink thac's whac's 
going to be needed Dj get this done And the small paria arc one 
componenC thaC has been regulated for many >eara The icgula- 
tions arc mcaninglcas unlcas somebody actually checks iTompliance 
to iJiem. And [hata ii'hac we need to fccus on 

Sena[or Biowrn.^i n Thank )qu 

Senator Kij>ijii'ii^i. Thank you 

Ml Keithle>, I [hough c I'd ask you a few qucations You'it been 
ovei [here on >du[ oiin We were talking biiefly here about the 
lead atandarda I think people ace pcen^ surpiiaed nhat there's no 
aet Federal lead ban or lead sisndaid for children's prcducia I 
think It was Mr Eckei t and Mr Scorch who wei e cocrecc to explain 
this 06 percent IS the standard thac'a used bj the Statea. The Feda 
and [he CPSC uae a, what 1 understand, a voluntary guideline 
alandard of Xtti percent, and then if it meeta iJiat alandaid the) 
may do some addi[ional [eadng, which seems la add time to thia 
whole piccesa, which people have said is aome[hing thej caie 
abouC And [hen with jewcli v from ii'hat I undereland, the Cali- 
fornia atandard is Dj go to u2 by ?0U9. And tha['s whj when iic 
ha^e talked Dj people, consumer advocates, people at the CPSC, 
people in mdusti. , we came up with the ban standard of U4 pet- 
cenD because [hats thcslandaid [hat's used for lead in dirC 1 won't 
ask you the details of thaC And [hen the jeii'eliy of .(t2 percenC, 
which la the one thac Cal ifotn la'a Icoking at to go to by 2009 

And then allowing, because of this undcia landin g, iJie vinyl and 
some of [heae other producta, that we ma) ii'ant to go under thac 
alandard [o allow the CPSC or to require [hem [q doa tulemaking 
to look at [hese individual prcducia We are ceilaini) Ea)ing thac 
thiE la a ceiling and that ii'e could go lowec aa the acience de^elopa, 
because we wanted to Oy la ha^e a sisndaid that waa based on 
acience So, could ^ou talk a litde bit about that idea and where 
you think that thia ahould go? And if you think that a Federal 
alandard would be helpful? 

Ml Kbithi.s^ Well, in fact ScnaHir, the jewelrj people per ae, 
are not an ictly apeaking, part of our induaHy. Ne vet die lea a , they're 
clceel) enough iela[ed to our industi> that it la a matter of concern 
to ua And m fact, in [heapiing 1^006, we wiote a letter to the Cam- 
mission encouraging [he Commission eo move Ibrwaid, adopdng a 


Bct af sCandacdE snd nilrs climinaang Irad from jcwdij H'c fully 
Bup port that. 

Scualor Kkiili'I'ii^i. Okay And ace you open la lnoking at this, 
the PcdrrsI snandacdB then'' To puC a Elandard in placc^ 

Ml Keiieiikv Abflolulcif 

Scnanor KuiiJii'ii-i. Okay. 

Me Keiieiikv Abaolutclj 

Scnanor K]j>]jl7I']i-i. Okay, thank >i>u 

Ma Gircnbcrg, muld >ou mmmcnt a littJc bit about thiE? And 
then, before time cxpiicB here, 1 had aaked Chairman Noid before 
abauC the aE^ney budgclH and dicic reqiie&lE. Ck>uld >ou go an a lit- 
tle bit about > our perapecti^ c an that as well^ 

Ma GiEENPFHi.. Sure The aeeni:) la aa I aaid in jn> oial Elale- 
mcDt, ia ac4Ul employera , aa of [he2U0S jeai It haa had aE man) 
SB 960-aaine emplojeea m the I970b ln'a clear, ti you read their 
budget propcaal for £(JOH, ic ie a very aad dcfument becauae there 
are ao many thm^B that [hej Bay chcy can'c do, they're aUctched 
to [he limit And aa the New Varfc Tiinea ahowed aa well in the ar- 
tiele about I week ago, thejSc got one petaon [eanng Oija Their 
lab la, loofc& like an old college ftiend's dorm roam Thej — they are 
Buffeting and [hcy'iT Icac Iota of, I m?an, thetc'a been a scrioua 
brain dtain diere aa a lesulcof the veij loii' level nf funding 

One of our ftuatiationa ib over the psat Bcvcral >caia the Chaira 
of die CPSC have not asked Congresa ioi mote mDne> becauHC ap- 
parently thej were cold that they ahauldn't But iI'b bo obvioua 
when >ou rrad chcit internal dccumenia or [hen dccumenlB thac 
thej aupply, [hat the> can't catrj out their baaic funcdona They 
actually aaid they weren't going to woik on dioii'ning incidenla, 
which la a coic laaueand kilfs a tot of kida every year, becauae thej 
Biinplj don'c have the leBourcea to devote to it 

So, we need to puC [hia agenc> on a muiae, and jou'it done thac 
in >our legiBlation,of increaaing — Btcady inneaBeB , ao iCcan abaorb 
additionaT emplojeea and additional leaourcea Thia buameaa with 
the lab is i^all> sad I mean, thejVe been dancing aiound thiE, it 
waa cut out of the budgec this ^ear Chaii'man — CommiEEioner 
Hooic lalka abouC thaC in hia [ea[imonj The lab was, jou know, 
thejVe been tijing to rede&ign the lab. Ic^ been going on for 6 
yeaia and they juat cut the money for iC 

So, ihia K an unfoituna[e way Id draw a[tention [o a Federal 
agencv^ but I think this k going to be a ahot, a ceal ahot m the 
arm When I ha>e a moment, I know jour dme la limited, but I 
wanCPj talk abouc the broader isBuc of childtcn'a prcducla. Becauae 
tojB la one ihin^, but we hai'e, aa aafcl^ agencies, and ceclsmly 
with [he Conaumet Federation of America, and oeIici groupa have 
talked about a locoi pioblema with deai^n of childien'a criba, babj 
walkers E troll erB , cat EcalB poita-cnba Thcae are laaues that alao 
need la be addietaed. We'd like Id accaome ind«iendent [ea[ing of 
thiHe 1 [ema , bei:auEC kida ha^c been killed oc badl> injured oi'er the 
years and the CPSC really haan't been equipped oi atepped up Id 
the plate m deal with these iBEuea. 

Sena[or Ki^inucii^i. Thank you 

Sena[or Dubbed Thank you veij much. I want la thank thia en- 
tite panel, my colleaguea, Senalai Brownback, 5enalai Klobuchar. 
I [hink die [hree obvioua concluEiona from this healing: China haa 


^lI^ in Ecnding us prcducla thst ace dan gcroiu, thst hsvr haimol 
children and inan> olhcia and ccHainl> iic ha^c to hold ihcm to 
liLEhcr Blandaidq if chcy want to do buHincBa widi die United 
SlaleE: the CbnEumcr Priducls Safely Cbmni laaiDn haE ^iled in noC 
piDviding adequate leBourccB, ataffin;, or perhaps [he will Co deal 
with the imparlant lasuea that [hey lacc, and Con^eat haa failed 
These who have arrued foi ao inan> jeaiB chac we have to ^eC Gov- 
ernment out of Durlivea undcrBland that there are maments when 
we need Govcinuient, ii'hen we need aomeone to make ccitain thac 
thepicduelH on [hcahelves aiealwa>& goin^ la be Ba/e for qui lam- 
iliea and our hida We need Eo Etcp up Eo that reaponEibil l^ 


If [here are any queanans From membera they mil be aubmitted 
far youi lespanae m the record 

IThe fallowing queBtion& were not aaked at the hearing, hue were 
BubmiHed Id [he ageni:) far reaponae Buboequent to the heaiing ] 

quE^'m" ^ SuidiriED ]□ Hon ^^1ncyA FJoid 

(f LiaiKN] Sui ^innai it SEK.'rop Rizk^id J DtriiN 

Oawmtran On? pDml dF iznalcnicD ikni •//c\r hud li ivilb □ irqii?'! <]iii4 I Diigi- 
□Dlly HBilr In oiily Aiigii^i nikiag ibe CF3C <d cdhiIiie* □ nik aiml>u^ im ibc pici- 
CBte at IcdI m ckildnza ' pmdui' Tbii iu|li?^i -/-ai mwte in icipoiiic lo □ ncivi 
□nKlc ikui icpDni'd ikm on^ m Ci<-: piaci oFdiildicn i jcD^liy uaplj] by ffPC 
cdhCuxmI ^"I'eiii^^ qLIa^LLllc^ of Loiil. Tbii naoKii^ ^hick ^n^ cnndiiriEd -I'^cml 
^vnn n^- nvralol In? nik ^nil multed in CFSC lEcnllin^ nunc Ibnn I^IJ mlllLOD 
pm?^ Di [klldnzB^i ^»Elr> id ^Ulhl 

Hi-/- iDLKh iIkL the chillicii'' [cnf'lrv Dll□ly-.■^ CHhr.< und buB^ Lon^ did ll C1I.1: lb? 
Cdiiibii^lqd Ig ^mGmplLih^ ^\bul <v\t ih? ^lLay- in?<}ii:diJn|^ 

^□^^Ei The lEpDi* Ibal ime \m fivi: piiri?^ uJibiklicD 1 )C'v?Li> (oncniiii cn^i^iir 
IeihI nni baied on n ■□rli?< lui-iTrkmcc piEflmm CHiailuKd \m fliai y^\ '2WI by 
CPSCi HlhUrc qF Com •linncc □ml FieIiI OMMnlmoii, -/lib Ih? ^iiliLancE dFCFSC'i 
Chfmiiiiy Ijik fTb? (hilliEii'i mcUil ^»rlr> leiDlli in ^BlOt dtl iieI miJi Innn □ 
Ibimn] iiii-i?Lltiiii'E pn^imTn.l 

The ■iii\ELlhiiici: pn:f|i3m ^u- iiDndiiEiLiI ni^r lb? bi^i yrai loipl □ ^?b k oTcoiidi- 
litmi IB IbE ckildn* -. [unf'li-v iiiurl.ElplD:? ll'lh^iBq i^^iinni'E 01 □□ ?Blim?mi:iil prJ- 
icy by IkE DIFyK DFComplmiu? Tb? icHif? dF Ibii rilbn <vai iig4 iBl?nd«L ihh tE ^^^- 
iLilKDlly irpicKDcnlLiT! nT ibE cuittdi ■□rli?i km ralh?r Ig |ii[<vi]E lb? 3Hkiic> ivilb 
□ g?kEnil DirrvK^ by 4?lli.T<iii|r jci^Li} ilemi liniii □ LiirKi> lE dilticDi nhiin?^ 
□[[Dii III? nDlmi] MonEikcl"-.- ikE fn^qj-jm ltd lo ain Ibnn □ dar?B ncnlli ibi^ 
yrai nnd hn^ pi[<vilEd lucFuI ■□brmiilLDn ihh CT3C iinEE wbh □■? luncnlly d?VEl- 
opiBR II dmEl piDpDiEd ••li: i?jB]idii])j kud ib cbildi?D^i |eii«Ii} (ir f iin iidenili[<n by 
lb? Cgbidiiihb. 

R?4iilli Gf laE pirduc* lyprull, b<}|El mi'ii: iltqU-. hhTiIi? ^nmi: lypE dF pioduci n^ 
Tn?dLi] nzporli mi^i^ CHl■Hll'LI-^o-^ niid fL^■^ Ei^min? Ibcir ikIiviIiei idgi? i'rilLriill> 
Tkm pDll?m \i -^vnkmA. ■□ Ibii 4111c n- icUiiltn kavc CGHluiid 11 BiiiDbEi ol Fmi 
Tmrk lEdilli ibii yrai hEiit I?^iIii^ ibEir o^n pnxLiKli und iL^iinihr pnklEins lo 
lb? CFSC. ^•yn \ilk Scnic hm □]»> [GHlui?d n iiBitii i?iiiil iummIIeih? pnwim 
Ibii ynii. ID (Idie 40DpEmli[<n ivilb CPPC lUilE, ^hHh ■« nnii'ipale ^U [mill in 
□ddiliDiiDl lEcnll^ 

Quetlrm !■ yoiii icihibic Ig my moil iszEnl kzllf r, y>\i iii^jiEilfli ikni 11 ^coild 
□ke yoii I gE virli HH mriiomi di dGlInn id ighIlhI □ nik miDly^li li lb?ir amy 
■ny ••• ilKJCiiin: n Ieii 4Giiipi?beB iIve iiirvEy dim ^culd k? \i;ii Eiponiiir ^nd limr 
EDU mm inq! Ih> >di ibial: IiidI iku linduiH^ uT luck □ Kiidy ^ould i-: helplul 10 pol- 
icymskEi 1 und igb^ubei i! 

An^^Ei !■ yiiir kiur uT Aiigui 2. ^UUT. 3041 piGfG>?d n mt. aniil>u^ nTibih 
dicnl pi[dii[4i ■□■iifiKlmsl ib Cklim Ig d?i«mikc »h?ikEr ibEiE 1^ iiuliiiEnl mt. 
oE kiod CHiaUiB iBniKin m punii? □ 'delnin amii ieii" pioginB on lb?!? piodmi^ A 
luIkL nik □■nlyiii cm ^hicb Id koK □ 'dfiam Dnd l?il' pnigniB gE ibm mngalliidr 
■miU icgiiiiE □ mnicr ?' pEndiiuc ?f CPSC'i lEumEci. 


CP5C iotP \i cuTcnily 'kiiI.iiir ••• ii3ci]lil> Liiiiei I tec bCUy*/l ^i wtDlol w/iA Ih? 
dEirbprncnl dF n uiiiiplii]|j ptin lo dL^iu] n kiKlrif cdid plDTicc niif iud«'d< ^hub 
II n nfucuaiy nqin^Ln] bi a vubd ii'.b □■□Lym Tkli bai?liiic iGnipliiiH? ^iki^ 
TncBl Dihiild Sk\ii aa dclermminp Ib/i puiporliDn if pndiicli Ih^l (ompLy •/-■••b lEgo- 
IniKiD^ iMrh ai Ibc baa om Icyi U]d4 icai li'Dd-cnn Cualiig pninlj Thrv liiiiei muii 
be idenlififd, ■CH'nirk'il niid nz^hTMl diiriTig Ih? InLlinL phnu: oEd^ivlof ing □ lam- 
plrig pInB H> •bai. iihIEciid 'ub ii'giM.^lly dEHzHnliif ikE niiniber hhI ^uitei DTcini- 
pln IG bE inrEciEd, IHe lyp?' oF ieiIihq lo tE n(|iiiml □nil mouiTE nK|iiii?BEn i^ 
IG miuiE ikm Ih? pnxiiKiD. lI^£ElIll]E11 amii npplKokillly oE ikE iiii'v«'> i iciiJi^ hie 

UlfirKBt Id mppflTE ClBIDLI^tlB d« I-.LOII- m ukiBi^ 

A nUiDoiil CHiiL pliiJiCL niio l^'iiitidio ii< 3 iciy miiiLmuB nK|iiiit-. □ buNi- -Lip"*! 
pnikihikly ^amplE Ii-.ih:i h-. •\- ^vki^h^r ehh limii Iho (omplmiuo mio ih'h.^rB iBiimii 
Lg n ipETific ict oF iGyi di a:idi ckildna^i piaduci^ br ^11 impGrKn awi iniHnl 
Fdi dEiriiiig ibE Ciij^i fGpublHhi] la kc mm pled and ike ulilily di Ih? ir'uLli Fidid 
lb?i? i^iDF^ m IG ^heiE wapln ibHhull be Gb — al Ihe mni] kvc] <d ^mutilG 
CDnmni^r bch[iv'K>r Gr ai di^Uibulmi] ^gIdi^ piur Ig conmiDor ekceii — mu^i be ic- 
idIi^ Dhik Ih? LaiirEi pupubiiKiB ii ulcKEd. lafiniiaii^D idi^ Lir, itii^ TncmbEi'^ Gf 
Ib^ popiilnLioD hhI IIi?ii ^ai/ii di picduiKiB niiml^n bu'L bf ^tini'iral Id lupfGrl 
lb? iiriKliinBi^ oElh' iDBplin^ f bia. Tbi: ^anipli[i|r pLui om.^ iE ihh a ipEclfx 
maikEl iLflnii^nl 'llIi ■- lapiinL'd <Dyi w/iP n^ium ii lniiK numtT oE lainplf i Id 
bE (Eilfd lo ii:]iibLy ?-iim Jl? riGB-iGEiipliEiEU? liihiD ii m:i> luiijf popubima 

The iriiilli dF Ibii eDdk 'vill ^b^ Ihe CoBiniiiKiB Id malie a lEipoiiuklE amd 
mbmiEd iIfiiuh Qiitb ibe lea^ of mlllEiDi oE ckililicB'i piodiiEi^ im ported Fidid 
CliiiiEi □rniinlLy, <bi^ ■mild \m any late ke □ iiiii|di p[D)i'[l ^hub ■Thiild UHtr 
CPSC'i [EgnbliDn 1, need Id bE liKoipDniied iiilo Ibe ^igeHy^ diiiiiiiI Dferalmg 
Ptmi by □ iWe "T Ibe Coin ■ i^^idii , dbiI k ^ddIiI dIu be ei> lo tc bumRbi lo 
Ibe DlleniKiD hhT Ihe appmpnnic Comniillen dF Con^fm' Ii i^ □□ ei pendiliiic of 
□pmy iciDiinei Ibiil cudiuH bE DidEicd lolely □■ Ibe diiEElnni dE ike Arli^ C kmr- 

II "-dim ^aiEEIIENI 

Quetlrm latl t/ret. Ihe CPPC amii ill roiin lerpan. Chiui i fiC^lif aaiioiiBiied 
□□ ^gntaBoni will icarhEd oa Lmil gdIdi ddiI (onkiimer piodui wtly Bwduw 
many oE ddi imporli nie mmle in Cliiaa nod tdiiDiE ibey oaoDal 6ii ^ub □ 
□lly ol mslbd pndiKli I Iblnh Ihn i^ iin iinpinTaai aiea lo izDnliiiii? Id ei^Idie 
Wbea I l[ul.inl □< Ihe ^rlml ngnjeBoni i< iltln I liH'k lllie mink boit Iban n Inime- 
■toIi Ibi liKiin: piran]-,- Ho^ciir >qii m^dc iiii<Emea<i id Ihe pim Ibal iigpiled 
Ibnl KDnrieiL^ i<Epi kua .tgifed lo. 

Wkai ^pe( ifmLI, did ^'/i^O h^ee lo di in ibli linmcHirk □^Ecmenl^ LVhal ipc- 
riElcally did CF9^ iH'^' lo do la ikii n^EEineBl^ 

Ad^^ei .^imcknieai^ I <biDiigb -I are Ihe □giEemenli IIidI mwe ugnel by eiKli 
oE Ihe VfOfliing Qimip^. Tbe. dElDiL Ibe ipsific ^icp^ m ivlif k A<^l(f and CF5C 
liDiT □gired ivilb ii.')^id lu ikEdllBcital pioliKli ndiiciKd. 

Quetlrm I imdei iIdhI Ihsl Ckina ku' u li^cr ikn'-.bihll br l?ad pnial ikaa Ihe 
L'niUd Siale^ LI'hy lisi imEiduy Usd aaxiiiiiCEinea* iiirk u^ilrnal nE^iT 
Hd^b^i ikc ^ukiOmi'i: keea DDBDEd In Ibe Uniliid Slali:-. nwie lV?aT 

Ad^^ei ThE Cbineie ^laodDid (jr Laid paml Ii noi dliFFlly lompaiuklE lo Ihe 
US lUiHbiid bKnuH! <be I^d ^l□□da[d1 ■dvdIvi' diltimi (eiI meibcdDlociei hhI 
meaiuiEineBl liihniqii?^ iCbineie gDirmmeBl DUriali ban iiieiie] IiidI Ihe 
^ImleL [aznri mcliKLed loyi <bii< Eully (ompLied ^Ib Ibe ChiBEiE laid pnini lOiad- 
□id, ID ai lenii la ikcK laiei. ikE US 'inodjids ^vcnr Kii'ler <biia Ibe ChinEie > 

Af^SIQ hat ngicEd Id immEdEilcLy iiedIc mid lapkniEnl □ plan lo EniiiiE Ibnl 
ChiDEiE lo>i Eiporled m <be L'niUd Slale* do noi loauin IeihI paial li km □]« 
□giEcl lo ID4IEDK iB^fo: lion Hif iDy^ kouod br ike Uniu'd ^lalei br lend pninl va- 
laiEiD^ iTke TDi^TaBEnl dF Canada wkDiE ^laadDidi tir leal paml hit ilmlbir Id 
1)5 iinHbid^ li ■anting id lEDib ike mmE n^EEmeal ^Ib CbiniiJ Tke □□- 
nDuuemEnl i^ u^ilrnal ke:Diiie ike CkloeH] grnvrnmenl hn^ noi picviDiiil> hud 
iiirh a iiibi> ptin br eiponi lo Ibe Uaiicd SUiici Tbe CPSC vill bE moailonng 
Ibeii IK liLiliEi 4 iDuly lo iTMily I'DmplDni'E ivilh Ihe agiEeiiiEnl 

Sictlrm Hon/ ^Duld >di ( liDJiiFlenzi: Chiui i [ODpEraiua oa Ihe iiiiie oF pmdiHi 

Ad^^ei CoBineirial laceaiivn e'lii Ihnl eHoiimge ChikEK rcopEiniKia nod 
KDmplcni'E Dn Ibe Iiiik dE pmdui dlsly. fii yiu tif'/-, ikE CT3C hn: been miivcly 
eiuci^cd ^ik Ihe Ckioe^c givdmneal, and ^e bate ii.iKh«L imporUuil jgnKBeai^ 
villi AQ^C/ on pndiKl lulEly In uddlina Id Ibnl uiEnliDnEd aDDir iLijaidin^ lend 
pnIni, .^OSIC^ ka^ □gntd lo kictid icopeniliun wilb <bE CPSC la bur miipi pndu:! 
□icai laclialiag liie^Diki, ElecUrnL pmduii, nod Igbim, at •/-■c\^ at Oiyi Tke C^i- 


nete piwtrmmcni bai aim iB^4iiulr:d pinRniB* □Imi'il □< EniuiiB^ iknl li^ pmlirEr^ 
ni«d pndiKL utiy lUiBdaiil-. nqmrid b, CIiibj i i-'poil m^irhKi 1 br i-^^mplE, pic- 
iliipmEnl iBi»?4iuDi □< ■l^ ponil □iiil incim-^ ii^ irgiikiliDi] of mnDUEiciiiicr^ 
^lii Ibc j^f Df LTnpiCivin^ qmlily ^mil ^ifEly. The CPSC ^ill (IdicI> BODLlGr Chi- 
nae corn plDncc t/ilh □■[ nTGiir □^Eerncnli, ai ^eII □' Ibeir Dlh^r ihIlodi Ic lapiDi? 
piodui iatClf ^1 ivill w/Dit. <D eipniid gd ibeK piiinniri' uiiil IhIl^ HBpii'prmiE ^ic- 
lion if llic> bLler, liG»?iT:r. Ii li ic'pon^ibL? □■d impocLiTil Lhjil ivl iijiv i^pigrd 
IbeB im Inev iiiiKi in 4lic ilr'i pbHC □nil upijnHh'd hhiit EDrliur dLilifpi" by iedcIi- 
\nB lb/lie iidillIkdi]! bLlnh^i^l aqn'^Beni-. 

'Quetnm arynnA. iuqibj; luiiMMniAli, t/bal Die ikE ley iliiirliiiiiL ob^ciKlci m irn- 
plneailn^ met/ lUmiiaiil i lti ChiBa^ 

Ad^^ei I niiunie •bai. Ihii qiir^lkiB icblei Ig irn •IrmciiliB)^ US. lUmdnnl i ■□ 

Cliiiiii fir puidui^ ikni hie iddik Utr/K^uii. Id IIi« UDLral Suiki. We Hdiv GkuMird 

Ibe loDcMJiR ^yh.^lDlc li^um wilb Ibow pndiKli Ibal hnv? bcEii pnklEiDDlic: 

— U.S imfarnTi iomdiB?k bi\ lo (om ■un icnH' pndirl ipEclrn^liDii i IHdI ^oiild 

Eniiiic CDin plDncE ^iib CPSC nilci, ^hEn pining uiaen wnlb Ibeir Cbmeie 


— U.S iBpmtEii UiineliBEi iiippl> bully awl <iiuai dcilgai Ig Ibeir Cbmeie 

— ChikEK l^md US -CliiiiEiE KiLii lly G^ntil I tKiDif^ liriasnntn brL'S. InifGrE- 
cn may nmEluDe^ bet. odrqimU CDnLioli amd KCDun Cibilii> m ikeir dieidiiEii!- 
KiDikg p■lh:^lIll^^ 
— Ckuen mujiullF: Lu[c^^ m^iiijr Ezomimier pmdui^ itiirial Ibi Eiparl bi Ihc 
UBlr«d ^iii<E^ nmv loniEliiDCk igiiGi? it be unDiviiii: dF U.S ^^ilbly 'cnndDidi, 
DT may bE iibq^iii? dF ikc deilLnDlun] il a pmdiHi Ig bE githiuliI, p^iiHubiKy 
lE <bE picdiicli awi Id k] wid <d ii imall di nialliini-iEiEil CnuiE^ irtdiaj^ com- 
pany, mLber Iban bEio^ ■□ilE-:HM>id''r fyrn mafii U.S im poller 
Quctlrm fie Ibci? cuiitBilk hTUDkel eicknngn kei^rea AQ^^ and CFSCT 
Ad^^ei ThE CE'?C nail AQSIQ knjE (ondirleil labaifnl E^ckl■[l^^^ Hit hi/'ml 
^vnn AtfSltf Ishnical peruinnef kn je Milled Ihe CPSC bik-imioi-^ lo Icum aboui 
le^ilaa pni«dii[?i Cbrie-e lonip InMe oAfbI^ bmc ulio m-ii^ Lbi: CI^SC lo bum 
ho^ lKi: L'!< il-L^b ip-jinUri FurAcr ^□'kaoDT' iif i^lijin^l i^mI muiiu^nil 'uiH 
compiiH] II mnjir (ompiiaEii I HhTllir Emr WmkiD^i Gump 'Voil. TLui^ iioy^ IhrhUri, 
<iwew/mt.i. elcrirKnl picdnml ^hiik At^lC/ aoa CE'?C (ompkhd ••n 5:f:-mber lU, 
^LUT. LaboracHity petvibbeI. I«hnical imlE, ^nd com plkmEK amd eafinEmiMil iIdIT 
Kill bi^ pnhiiilia^ iraialog ia Ihe moki crilical elemcnli of CHiaiiimec pndiirl olely 
ODbmm^iK , liiiB rill. EiiieiimeBl puKcluiEi lo mmtd iiirvnIlDBiK and Enlbiix- 

mcBl pilllCKk 

Quetnin Air i[iti> lUiHkiiil^ dccumeDU inmitiUd ib<d Maadnnn^ If B4M, vill 
Ibeir bE^ 

Ad^^ei BeaiDDing in ^iXhl, m ocpEiaii^D ^iik Ihe Ahh.^ji'eib [JnlionDl SUiHbid^ 
laiiiiiiU 4ANSI^ <bE CFSC bERiiii mukioj; Vliei amii vopE ^caleBmi^ Ibr [?IeiiiiiI 
lUmdaidi ovailabl" in ChiBEiE A ppn' ibd(eI> !!W dii umEn Ii Iidit bc^n Imaibled, 
ii]cli»]iB)j km nol limilel <o iknK icInKd lo 4bildi?D i loyi, Elecinral picdiicli. j^i 
□pplinncoi awl \Uimiiiwi. ^11 of ibEU Ima^biiKiB^ mc ajuilnblc al 
iv^iv.iiiiHbiil^porUilx<ig Dnd funkcr imnilnlioDi oE CPSC ir^bioiB^ and lUiad- 
□idi ivdl b" (omplrH'd undEi ikE (iiir oixb ptini nMeaily loo^lnded ^iik A^SIQ 
TkECFSC bEl>?^c^ ihnl mslioir L'^ nqnmmEi] li avnibiklE id Cbineie m an lapor- 
Ciiil ilev i> ea^unaij <h[i< con lumif pridiKli [□□□iiGu'liiiEd la Chma amd Eiparled 
lo ikE Laiied Smui CHiaply ivilh our inlei. We fpi fimiiniir our eibnli lo nLalie 
mHit? inmitiliDni ajiiilEibK: 

Quetnm Tbe ingEilioii oFleod ol amy leiT'l ii hEcaidoiii Ciinciil iCmdnidi iveir 
ul m lliG lyTUi Dici IbE CPSC ba\e amy plani lo (oodiKl □ 'iiEiilili' icviev of 
Ibe (initBl IJ lA ie\e\ of lend lo levivi il dnMi^nid^ 

Ad^^ei The CFSC doci no* hoi? pLmi lo izHhiidiiK □ ii'>?aufi[ icviev oF ike tlfi5 
pcirea* Iciel oF IbkI |ie ibE IV?IJ L^ m pma* iinHbiil. Hi CFR Fan i'ltfll lo 
IEVI1E il dovD^Did Tkc [BI1UII Ell 4hi^ dEciinni ii keil ciplDioed by diHuiiiiig 
vkai ^E cimea^ly kaoiv nboul Ibe beallh eilnli icbled lo laid eipoiuiEi, Ibe leck- 
nob:^ Ibnl ii □isibbt lo rapdly nod EKcnralely delai IimkI ia Ihev ckildira^i 
piDdui^ niid Ibe iciiJii oE □ iliily ilalT (ondirled id 1^2 im doDieiln home 
pnini^ Olid leve\i of IeihI m Ihe pnini oa IbE loyi ikm ka\c leieaily b?eii ibe mb^l 

CP5^ ilalTogieei ib[i4 ibe mgi'^iKia hiI lead ai any I?jeI ii oE concErB. Id oddiii^D 
lo niiroivD ii^(eii[> ocihia. lu iL'diice kzod eipoimr^ Ihe iialTparlicipEiiEi la WLemI 
lEdEinl mlem^Dcy CHhmmiliiMM oddiEiMU ike m^imm dF ^l!ad eipoiuic, odi^rse 
hoillb eltiii piibn] kcnllb muzeniop, ond m lervEn li[<ii 

The Irdrnil [ommiiBii> iiineiilly ircognizei □ bknd IcdI I?jeI obivr lU ii^dL ai 
a. leid oE oiHeni — a Ic^l iDicndEd lo in^iM piEiTMilioii ikIiviIiei Tbii kjEl ^n^ 


rimblLihi'd ■□ 114 1 44IE11.1/1] Ihiiiitid iic^L in II'AIIstii] imilirnicil by C DCl Adviun} 
CdiiibiII(^ 'in CbLldbood Ledi] Poi'Hiainir Frc-LLiilii:^ in HIVj 

CPSC i\iill sgieri ikni ikli dEci noL diliib <}iii< <hi-. kiv] li n iki?ibGll br bcaLib 
rifETli, m iiD !□&' ikic^bnll kn^ l^zi^ iilEnLifKd □ml ikei? 11 HLmi: f\ntem<'i Ibnl 
□ilvci K eDcci^ 4dii [ccur □! lei«'Li ti4]» ]4> u^dL Hm^vEi , becnuv lI 11 inU:^] 
IG Ihtu-. n!-'>iin?i ^bri? faicnlml udirT.? hmlik cDecIi awi lb? Riml^'l lb<' CDC 
did kol bmvr lb? klixd Inid kvi:l orcunccin CDC Fell ikai dihiii^ 10 ^'oulil tc nrbi- 
Imiy and ilivtn icKiimei □^ii> rmm pnaniy picjEnlicn lHl■v■lL<^ hhI iiiiIivkLiii] 
mlcrvBiiua I. 

Il LI EvilEnI •bal lb? dnlikc \m bliFxL Imil hzvEli ib Ibe Unilfd 5iiih:i hn^ bmsLy 
bEETi lb? [Eiull uTfffl'yrmm'rni leattilit^ni bnnnuiH ike iiH:af Imil m i<iiiiil ^kiIiiie, 
dmliiiiij nnlfr (onduili, and uod nnd k?vtiii^ 4iLnEaiii?ri □ml ibcic^ieiI IohI 
ummnjt nnd utaulicaiun iLEcklldi?B ^iik d?Mi<Ed kli»l kdd kjEli. 

DEipiic ibEK niKin^ tkiEinniliBij pic- ly 79 it^KlEnicil Imil kubI icBDlni by br 
lb? pniDiin louiri: oFIimhI ?'pniiin: tir \I3 ibildicn A 'iWli HUD itpniT indiiaii'i 
Ibal V^ million kiiii^inir unil- bid iiiniilKDB* Imd- bii-?d p3iB< b3ll1■d^ oE ^hub li^ 
nill]i£in imili ncr: (ccupitd by l]»-in(iLniE tiniil>?^ ^ik (bikLicn uhiIei 1> y?ari uT 

Th? Uni'DlDgical din?[i?n(e k?i»r?B pmnli 4?BUiiTiiiig UWl p?[i'«il and bii iknn 
Ibnl IeitI 11 hnid Id deleimm? bnaiiiE Dlbcr brlEiri, iiiEk ^1 ^ieh GE|<iiiiind lur- 
Bhe ^Eigbi uT piiiBl, Diiil any faUnlml iii)j?^iun mlE Ibi paial baiEii on lotalion 
air diiFnull lo ckibdie AckEJing zem Inrl inaiEnl i* □ RuBiibbb ^al Ibal nmy 
TiDi bo m biL^-jblu Ei<}iEi HTkaDhui tally HIT bi'oibu^ 'lE cmiUiiD maUia. 

Fkhid lb? publiF kcoLUi pEiipmm, lb? Ilh-.* jmHKiiil nfl'iid ii bed* Hri^nvor, amy 
lEl limli niiiii ic ne^brd d^ub^i ike ubiliiy lo rjpidly Dud iclcibly -chl^ ■nd'or 
l?^i pndirli Oor ktonUm) iii?i □ deiliDp XKF \i viiLfn lomc piuliKl> Puidui^ 
l?^iln^ nqaiiiv do iiol HHkiso Fiuihei Ifiling: □■! pndiHli ^iib pailiiiv iciiili^ 
□I? leiied •/-\lb iinHbid oh?niiil[y i?4bni|iiei 

Tbo labi'iibiHir> imiE inddui?-. ikal il 11 qucilmmiklc Ibnl VRF could d^lral VmhI 
m pmaiL'd -.urGic?-. oonUiiainir i/iuii l?v?li bek^B^I)f)i poiccnl lai 1^ pinpihUMl in li^i- 
Imrin p?ndiiiD in Conun-.-. ikm ^'ould In^ci Ibo bMrJ iHh4>4IO'f p?[rEiill Tlio bib can 
dclu:l Il'V'oIi hi^li'^ <lii-. EiniDiinl Fbilb -.undjid ckemicitl l?.iin^ -d icliin^ d il^Tid- 
□id bclim iJ JJ!^ poni^l iviU mull? Il -lim^r mid Bor: iiimibci ihiid? ihh 'iitcn mid 101I 
piodui^ ^ikoul mammcfiil kiiillb impm. 

B?4Diiie Ibe orliiil limlik implKDUoai oEOWf pen?n< vi IJJM penrni awr hold 
lo qiEiTilil>, Il 11 lED^iaablc lo kan □ kod painl limil Ibsl iilk^i Inr <br ui? of 
lb? moil el&KlLiT m?ikndi>ki^ br mpil nn'i.'Bin^ Dad KLoniifxiilii'n If lb? teck- 
nnbBk Ibi deleElnni lapiDin, or ai Kiewie p infjiEkiei, ikc leud palm limil could 
be adjuiUd by ike Comm Iiuh IbiDiigli lEgnblnni 

PLBl» '-ai--Ctt PFT.'U kun.-i 

Qanftcj SiBE lEgulainty ^i^Hiei publlib ^laililic^ on ieidII nil?i Honrvcf, 
CPSC diei nol pukliib lb?v nuBbeti Ibr picducli il lEgukitei I belrjE 11 ^jould 
be kelpEul br polrymab?!? and lb? ^meiKaa publi] <o i^UB^ Ibcie bub ben 

Wk> docuil (fSC [rlcnH] in IbiBDlimi ••n ibe nimiker oTuali^ Ibal bniv bE?n ivc- 
CEiilullv ncared^ kV'iH CI^^IC loa^iliM publi^klng lli?v ■UBber' in □nniml orqisii- 
l?ily icponi' 

An^^Ei la Ibe iialFi vif/-, i\Kb iDiall luiei ij?nerally dn nol piciVKle □ uirEiil lo- 
dHDlor of iccall ?De[<iJcn?ii One ied^ib bi •bn vifv 11 ibal lb? CPSC [?^pilal?i 
lucb n •/-ntc vamiy oFdilki?n4 picducli. and niaa> hhT lb?>? di? iDE[f?niLiT: pmd- 
irli Ibal coniirnien may ckocic lo iknrv □nmy mlbrr Ib^m miik? ?VEn □ molfil 
eifbrl lo obinin □ icpaii , ictbccBtni or icTuad. In oldiuH, kmiiII iniei 3En?[iiry 
nlin»~i DVET <imE bnauie lirni^ dk: cncirtiroped lu cobubue IbEir iohecuve mun 
plani iBdelinLlely For Ibii mmn, 11 tan □■«) be mlilcDling id coapair mtei br 
on? year lo nnolber 


Quett/m Can yuu. pl:jio pnhiidc an Ll?Biz?d li^4 of all of ibe ^eaalliei CFSC kai 
colb(l?d oiTT ike p3il ion ytai^'' 
An^^Ei Alloikmeni G coaUiink lb? lEquEitel mbnnnliDn. 

Quetnm Do ran Iibd'v oran> idiUibi?^ In ^liick an imocpEinlLH fimi kai iiv?d 
S?4lion bib I C4niikl?n iDlLly piDlEclicoi 10 dElay inbiBaUiB ibDiuiD oi □ lEcallT Can 
3011 ^p«:if> ivIiDl icDuInU^} Icoli y<i\i oic abk m use duna^ IIiev idiIubi?^ 

An^^Ei Srilion ofblll [rqiiii?i ikai ibE lUill call? lEaicoiDkle ilepi lo aiiuic lb? 
biriiEii and vcumcy oE pubCk diKlnium, giving compDntei dXI di^ [rv}?» pencil, 


unleii IbE Cr<ni ■i^'iC'Ti liiidi land publiibeil ikni n l?^i«r tieikkL i^ ii?<?imr> !□ piD- 
lal publK h(D]ik Hud olely. ?«:liDn bimi pmhitili iIIifIuiii? oI lti Ibim^liDn tUb- 
nillKil under ?<(lLDn 19 b1 unlil hIkt n nKDlL but been □nnouiuwL Tbf'iE hie •xna- 
aonaPy iiIldIiodi id ^bick CFSC ^miT ■will lilf <d iIikIdie lalbfiiiiiiKiD •bai. n 
piDlazlel by hmiud H'.b'il ui 6lb|J| In i\Kb iilmlHnii. ibei? hit <1iice ingiitilfiiy 
iLpli[<ni □inibbt ID ibe ilnIT Fli il, ikEic i^ □□ EU?pli[<n m bolli lAtllt niid lAtfSt 
if ike Com mliiimi hm lED^nanblc i^iiic Id bEliejE Ib^l lb? pi[du[4 in queilion ii 
in mdIhIiod oE leeUmi IV Tkii ^mpiKiD ii pn4EnliDlLy ukEuI ivb^B □ pndifl vn- 
InHM □ iinHbiiil i'ii»e] iiBdcr ibE CniaiiiBEr Puidui ?tifi'<y ^41. bul ll dici nDl 
□ppLy ivbeB □ pmdiHi bil^ Id iGniply vilK ^UibiI.iiiI-. □dnpU'd iindEr Ib/i I'Lber ^ln:- 
ule^ □dmini^Mnl by cbc Commlium Barber iki- y:^i, I n(DmBend(J 11 (bnagr 
IG ike iUkuI? im ibii pDinl Tb? ii^iiniKe oEd 4GBpLiiB< under hmikid l'il( I ei l^dt 
■mill nLiD qIId^ dlieCi^iiir A Iriol Dp lion idDkl K Id bnn)j iiii4 undr ^aina 1^ 
(ickiling m immuieBll} hnzaidDU] pnxlii'li^ 

Quetlrm !■ ^iXhl, n niDlEiiiK lion inp nmrEirl: eelbpHzd Dn Jnm^]^ Jenniagi, kiLV 
iBg kiln. Deipll? deleci^ id Ibf pndirl, ibE <lb Clirnii Courl 1I ^ppoil^ IIiiek duI 
hi I rndDivi Mill □gaiB^i lb? lUhLr fnki Ehini^b ■□nnfiKluiEr becauiE ibe mnDuEic- 
luiEr iBpDilfd Ibii pndii:! iniG <Iie Uniied ^Lal?^ ikniu^b UDiElDied Amcncnn di^ 

Hi-/- □!? bi?^ mnniib: luicn h?ld kgnlLy ^iTDiiiBUikle Ibr iiil 4DiBplyiiig ivilb 
Amermaa ln^i and lUiHkiiil^ wken ic]Lib|j frot^Jii |r>id- ib gut eeun liyT 

Ad^^ei Bsduk Ihe CF9^ diei bdI baiv ibo ^uLb'iriiy Id ^afme Ameii'iiB tni 
IB IbiEign (DUDiJif 1, under em gm^ming luiiilei ikc agciuf \i empD^Eisd Ig keld 
1)5 enLiliei liBponeii. diiiribiilDi'^ ur irVii\en uT Ibe bicigD ■nl'' prxLiKll □[- 
eaunmblr Eie ntly ktohilieni 

UTIGnt lEriLL PBCCia ^ 

Quetnm I imdei iidhI IIidI hzvciuI iGBpnDift knvE (ddcikIwL CF9^ upen dc^tr- 
mlning Ibnl ibeir pndLHli coaUilD bi^b niiiHhiinl^ hhT lend y:i Ibi'ie ennipiiniei bni? 
lEpDiUd n detiy if nkoui i^d Ig <i\ri niGDibi b?bic □ lEenll 11 nnnGUHGd leDimg 
eDnium^n dan^iMDiiily iibh^hie In ^imc I3iei, comiiDBK" bnic lEpejiedly tia- 
Orled CFSC >ri ibeiE bai kwa v> mall at ail ^klt I iiHtnCind Ib^l eEHnIa 
piDteduiri may need Id k? id pbice Ig bnHik igb^ubei eDnOuli, ikE lengiby deby 
f iidDngrn Ibe public. 

Wky lam'i. CFSC □■neimee ike dnnsi \m Dider 4d ilGp igd^ubei i Iigb buying 
Ib^H] picducli Dnd IbllDi^Lip niGir quHKly ^Ib IbcDTlml leeall onnouruf men I' 

Ad^^ei L'ndEi mDii kenllb and witly imlutei, lirm^ Ai bdI iiGcd Id ii:pDi< Ig 
Ibe givEmnicB* uatii ikey knje df lermiked Ihnl ikey bnvr n silely piDklein 'vni- 
inDlm^ □ n<4Dll The CGD^UBei Fndirl Vilely ^41 li LmuiLiil ■□ ikai li iegliii?^ 

□ lirm Ig icpmr ai vxm ai li bai iBfirmaii^D Ibnl n pndurl 'coaUilDi n detii 
■^Kh ciu^ (inUn lub^iaaibl piodui bmnid . . ' 15 VSjC i^SVitt^Hem- 
pbD^ii oddEd I. 

Thr CF9^ tan order □ igfiltIiv? nrlvn Iib coBniaa pnrbm^r □ ibidIII imly ^hra 
It dEl?rniri?i ^Flei □■ DdjudKiKDi^ beaiiag Ibnl n pioduci oilLiilly 'piEiEnli n lub- 
■mnliiil piDdiHi kniDid" Id 3^44Hri4dJ AEHt □ llim ii:pDiIi □ poi'rkle bajnid, ikeic- 
IbiE, CFSC ilnlEmii-i nn^yir lb? tate niid dElGnnm? ^belbifs nrinll 11 h.TG-.^ai} 
Tkii 1^ □ ^lai^laii^ live puKfi, ^kKb qtrnislly inMilvci Dbiiiinin|j mun] inrDiBD- 
liDn fium Ibe lirm ondn IbGiDU^ Kvie" oElbo ca-^: by TFSC leebnH^ 'Ciir:. 

Tb£ piixd^ 4LilniinD4Ei \m a 'pn'liBiniiiy dLJieiB innoja" b> Ibe iviP Tbe ilolT 
may decKl? bd (diicciIve nriiH 11 neicitawy Idi nGiic bEyiiHi ivbsl ib£ fim bm □!- 
lEndy dike I. If ike ^laiT (Diidiidei ikni □ ^ubiUmlinI pndiKl bnznid gii'Ii, ll ^11 
immedbl?ly mk Ibe fiiB Ig kdg ml? Iifib? picduci 1^ iii\i k?Lng lokll amii ighIlhI 

□ lEcnII oE^ny imili m ibe field. Tbe fam may Gf cour^? conlfil lb? 1U1IF1 eenelii- 
UDni or ll may □[qmeue Bl?b »b?D Ibe Cam 11 picpnied id mGvc nkiiKl, nddilion^ 
lim? may k? inqulnd Id ndrh duI Ibe d^iail^ gE lb? lEcnll. In parlicubr ib< firm 
may mrra lim? 10 dcLelDp □■ nppiDprmU icpmi ur nbiam □ luiiuble n'pbH?Benl 

In iGugbly bnlE dTgut enici n fiiB 11 □lii'Dd> iGBmilled Ig □ iecdII »b?D il ic- 
pDTli ike piDbba m ike CE'?C Id Mirk laiti. Ll con leek 'Fail TiihI.' Iimlmeal 
Under Ibii □ppicoib. Ib?i? 11 mo n?«] (ir a piEllmlnai^ deicTBiBniuD ky lb? 1U1IE 
Tkii din □ giEDl deal of lim? and iialTicwun?^ Ii 11 ^ilU neeEiuiiy Id ^Dik dui 
lb? (DucciivE iKlLDn Had publi] bdIic?, bul IbEiE con UMiilly bE iHeDmpli^b?d ieV 
□livrly quKl.l> 


Thr Corn p linn cc iViP kn' □ RnaL 4d riLlinK (duccUje kIidti Id Fail Tnicl: cnwi 
^Ibri I'hTKL ^'oilinjr dn,\ In n(cnl >c^i'^. dc Hdi? ^uii|jbi Ic b^ci Ihii icbcdiil" 
m V) f'ir:\:n\. or idiic oFF^iI Tmb cnvi 

tJuHj^in FIcDH! piDJKl? ^n ilemiird liii of ncnlLi diiriTip IliE pmi Ibnc yi^\ i id- 
cludLiip 'be □■iLUDi oTuBE Ibal pDixd b?i»Ef □ noiifiiiiiuD m CFSC niid nrnr □□- 
TiDLiiu«'iiicn I PI'DiE fiuwHr QD ih.^iDiJi'd liii DF(onuiFli Ei[<ni coBpnBKi durmg lli« 
pn^i iknc >CDn Ibi ^Jixb no htuLI bni cauni'il and ciplnln ivby 

Adi^ei CF5!I^ imlE li iGDuauIn^ Ig ccaDpil" Ibii LnrDTBDUH, and ll ivill k? pm- 
vilal (c Ihr CiLiiiBillf? upiLD com p LElion 


CgbiIiUbL wilk IkE liTEmHmndum Hif Undor'uinilln^ bi^oT'cn Ib^ {icn^ml ^dmiB- 
iiUnlLfin of QiHlin SupL^rM'Lon Inipmiiik \in\l '/lUbniniinL^ oE Ib^ F(upb: i llcpiiklH 
dE Chiui am FkE US C'in-.UBEi FiLdiir* Suti, romBi-.-.u'n amii iku ^4 inn Plan 
aa CoaiuiDcr PindLi:L Suki, bEL^iM:n iku GiaetjL Adm iDi-.imLL;on gE ^lublily SupEi- 
viinH], lBifi''4iDn iind C/iuiQBiih: I'F Ih? People'^ PL^puklK oE Chiiin lA^^K^j imd 
lb« US Cgb^ubei FnxLirl ^Isly Com mliinn] |CFSC K and in duSet <d puiBDK Vy 
lotly and id piclal Ihr latly ^nd beallh of con lUDf n, 4l]? US -Slug Tii^ rtork- 
ingCliiiLip D^Efi Id dEL^bp cocpEinlLfin ib <1]e hi\ii*/in^ fields 

l/nrcnue liif^Kira'\at\ Eiinnnge 

CP5C ^md At^ltf ^iLI ciploic nnyi Ig ^in'Bjr'''^' ""^ impimT in FJLiiDDliEn ci- 
chnB^ iclalinp lo <Dyi 

CE^IC Kill piDvidE ickvnBl US ^a•//■^ and ir^lalna^ lo A^SIQ la Qagllih dhI 
ChiDEiE AC^C^ ^U publicb? amd di^lnbuic \n-/-i and'Gr ir^bima^ Ig Igv manii- 
bHlLii?ri and piovxlE lecdbiirk m CPPC dq ibi^ miviik Tkc ^ickaajs "T mfnrma- 
litm fiU 6i\ii ibiLldILv -m kud p^ial on iGyi, iGy tibclLnR. amd ^qjr o^iiMBiaimn 

gllklf IlkEI. 

Pr&iitfi .V«rj5f G^im laAQSiQ ofCrSC Rrealit 

CP&C ^jiLI DDldy A^IjGIQ dF iccalli Lnivljiag iGyi, piDvidlo^ IIig umci aod ^id- 
diciK^ Gf m a □ HOC liners ^md'Gi EipGrKn amd irleLani injuy aod Ig^i nporli, 
vbED ^ppnipiiaic and □inibbL? BDV?d on Ibe labmi^licn fi^vyS/'d ky CP?C, 
AQ^^ ^U blki^ up ^iib ikc muDLiEicliiicr la China. GD^unn|j IHdI ikE maauEic- 
liurr IdIci iohec^ive mba Ig pitivQl iimiliir piDblEiai Eicon iLTiirnnij ^QEilQ will 
pioiidu CfPC iviLb GikET li>:IliL lalormaLLon ni Di^ukibLc amd Affi^p<-a\/: inh ai 
lb? E[iilcD(E "I 'imilar picduii mim uHh lund by IHe ^imG mDniifiK Limr Fdi oLber 
1)5 iBpDiUi 1 vbei? Ihf ^imTar picdiicli miDk* picKnl ikE tamt piobk'Bi at Ihr 
pmdui^ iriDlle] CFSZ^ »ilL Iblki^ up ^iik US iBporUr^ l£i gb^iii? ibfy lute nur- 
lEcUvr iHiEiD m appiDpnaU, Ig pmral similar pmblEini 

Fne'lilare nclu'\ral E.iil\nngc and Cooptmnm 

In DidET <D impimT ibE labaral IeivI Gf my olEly UilinR A05I0 »ill lEnd icp- 
lEiEnCilii?! Ig ikE Ualicd SUiUi br I« bairal limn ing dinia^ AJOT.^'ElUa CF3C ■*Vl 
piDvidu -.laEF 'uppGrl amd maiermli br ikE 4miniD^ 

Eii>iancr l/iiptcli/nit ofViclal'ic Tb^a aiid Fnifir'' [i/beliig 

CPSC ^]ll nDlily AQ^^ DFlay mtrffiiiei or miiei dF ipccml (Gncein A^SIQ will 
laEiFDiE inifHina kaisd on Ibal in IciimDliDn In parliriibi, AQ^^ 'vill inEicav 
iniKtiEiD Gf lG>i Ibr IehI pniai VK^kiltcini amd pii^pEr lnk^liag in acEonbnEE villi 
CPSC i^ulaina^ 

The ((openiiivc □cuviiir^ prnpoisd la <lii^ di'imiEnl ^U If LiHlrrEal.f □ gb a bril 
fElbiii kaii: amd Die an* kindioj; 

Thi^ y^-nti Pbin ^m iignal aa S^pmnbEi K, 'SHI' in Bclhfvla, Mai}biHl Thf 
ChiDEiE LGnvn aod Bnglnk \ci twim baiv ikE ^amc vnlidiiy 

Jiiar Qii'']^ Ml1lA^, 
AaMJtranr fiHU/rif Drm^Gr, O/ffir ofC^'irpl\nnri a/iil F\rid Optralr-nt, C-ntii/f\rr 
Frodiier Safrlj CanititMim of Ihe Uniliil Slalet of imfiea 

\.\M. Xin, 
Drmlor Gine'al, Drpa'l7f\r/il afSupi'V'ti'Fi ai ifapicl\'Fi , Giie'al 
IDmii i]f rGlion ofQualily S\ipi nsii\'Fi, liiprtl'G'i and Quaranliii aflhr Pi/ple'w 

Fepuil'i a/ Ch'na 

Attic^iteni ^.— Wovh PL/r4 nm m e U S -Si'o Ld. ■icii AllllHl^'c OHHrp 

CGB^iiKal ivilb ikE MEmomndimi ol UodenUindia^ bulo^'cn IbG QEOGml ^dmiB- 
MlmlL£in Gf Onalily SuKTVi^Lfin InipEcuua aod OiiamnlinE oE lb? FraplE i Hcpiikbt 

DECbmn amd Ibc tiS.CDBiLiinEr Fndirl Salbly C[<niBi^^i[<n iignal ky Ih? □? ornil 


Adm m i^Uiili[<n of ^Lulily Sup^rviinn] , IniM'iiriD nnd ^^mmTiLLn? nf lb? Pi'iiplc'^ 
PcpiiblLr Gf Chiui hhI la/i US Cgb'ub^i r loduci ^irL^Lv C'iBmLMhJB i hciL^iiiLiEh.'r 
ieIcjib] m m '<bE PnrLicipDBli' J on fnnl 2i '^)iM in ^\ L■^h ibijihi* , DE snd Ihe 
AclnH] Plan on Codiuiiiim PukLlkI SDti> ki^E^D Ihe QfUfwai AdiD mi^imliDi] if 
ifiiabty Sii»rrviii[<n , Ihikcikid and C^iiamauH! dF Ihe Peoplc'i Republk dF Chiui 
□nil ibu US Cdd Mim^r rndirl Safily Comai^icn i^imI oa Aiq^il SI, 'SUHb, in 
Be||LnD, China Ibe PDirEipsnli lei up Ihe Wuitinp Qniiip ia Lf bUn vbi'l] ii ei- 
pETloi Id iiuly, di-(iiki, nnd nl im iiiiKi oEmiUniil (ondMn la ue lickL oEl^leri, 
Fulfill ihe cail.1 ^mil ob^lLir.'i id nl ibe US-Sino THhiiiiiin^r Piiduc* SiilLiy ^um- 
mll n"Qliv dLDun'acei ^nd pinblcmi □miiip la ibe fkU rJliijhh.^n nnd luppurl de- 
ivkiB amd oaliaiiE<iiil> iLnu^hea lerhnn^l CHicpcraiua aoa iGmin UDirama id Ihe 
lid] dF li)jliHMi The FailnLpaaii ^qice o ikc Ibltivin^ pinl ulLvilLei 

AOSIQ aod CFSC ^U ehickaii^ nlevaai la^i and UrhnHiil lEgublmni, lodiMl- 
ing IK ^STM F— liJlJ 'i^Loiidiinl ri'nMimi.i ^atly Spmilcalifm Foi LiokUi'^" Uim- 
lEniui Hikiv -cundnidi, ^hHh ii cintailf undei coaiKleiaUia Inr ndopliroi at a 
mandnuii} iiaHkiiil. CP5C vill pwavnte Ihe hiuil U3 kmi aod icRulama^ ia 
l^len Id AtfSltf 

Ere>iiingi TiehiKzai lilomaliai 

In Gidci o iliEnglhen in bimiiliDn cichao^ on liphler lalely, ^^51^ and CF5C 
Kill pi[<vidc Enb Glhci »ilh laUxmaiKia gb hhi-igb plinal llgkUi t. lulnding Ihe 
idcBliiy dF ibe DGa-CDinpliaai impDiIci ^nd maautu'iiiiEr. m weM ai irbvaal H'cb- 
nical diiUi, ^Eic ^Lmbbt aod appmf nan, aod infiniDDliDii U iiDpi[<iv laifiLriiua 
melbiidi and cITiciruy. »ilh a vie^ wvmd iBpiDid aiial>ii^ and v^lulioni br 
ligblen ibaldia^i (omply ^iik n,.pdaliQni 

Faeiliialc Tic<\i<\ial E.iil\nngca 

A^SIQ Dad CF9^ w/iP eiihanffi UiiknHDl peruinael and piDJKl? imialii^ Inr 
monqjtn aod laifiLriii^a pci wnnel ai Ied^< an n ually 

frr4iiiipf ^I"-piel\an urjif Ci<I\ficali'n l/ita''i\ali'n 

A^SIQ Kill piovile CE'?C ^iik iD^pe(li[<n ^ind ccnlfx^liDn inrDiBDUH, incli»]iag 
Cl^ le^ilns icpoKi. laapl" i^nilimlei, laloiiDiiliDn gd lodinp rule'. gE Ifrhler □!□□- 
uBh linen id CbLnD, Bnlerpnio ?<lf-^ i^ei'mial EepDHi and lebled leil icponi. 

A^SIQ liXi aiii^l Ihe CFSZ^ in idEnlilyuig US impGrlen in Gider la jEii^ 
vbelher iBponci i aiE Gn IbcCFSC lubniLiiKia^ liil Tke CFSC ^ukmliumii IliI ib- 
dHDle' Ibal ike CFSC ha' [E(eii«d ii itguiii'd icpnai Ibnl muii ke lub milled <d Ibe 
CPSC 3U day^ belbic im^GnalLon 

The dupemUvc azv/iiKi pii^pDied la ibii dKumenl Kill ke UHlTial.eD gb a beil 
eilbili kaiii dhI die otK kmdiDjr 

Thi^ 'Aoah Pbn »□! iiQDed gd Sepicmbci V}. ^OT in Bclhenla. blai}laHl The 
ChineiE iTnvn aad Bngliik vci ina ban ike ^amc vnlidli^ 

MriU Xl", 
Ceneml O'lelor, Dipa'l/f\inl far Sripc'v\nn ui litpeilrm, I'll Ginfal 

IDnrrn rilrGf loir ofQualily Shpinri\'Fi, li*prrl'aii and Quaranliii ol <l\i fr-jile'w 

Ifepuii'i ol China 

Dipulf Dtrrtlor, O/pii ofCG'irpl\nnri a/iil Firid Opuan/nt, Caitti/i\ rr Prodinl 
Safrly Can7/ii*tIo/i if Ihe Uniliil Slilft o/ imfiei 

A n; m Ji 'JT a.— Wi»Il P [^ ^ a» F[Bir*(iih.-i Witum; QndP 

CGB^Iileal ivLlb ike liTcmomndnm il ITadenUindlii^ bcloT'cn Ibe Qeoeml ^dmia- 
i^lralLon gEQihiIiIv Supervmon InipmniB nod 'HuimiilinE oE Ibe P(^ipb: i Ki^ukbi 
DECbinD □nd Ihe l3 CDniumer FiLdui* SuF^ly Com ■ mien iLntMl la l\Dikiii0GD 
D^ DD April ^1, Sifli and Ihe Adion Plna on Con iimier PhhIlk I S^Fely kei^rea 
Ibe QeBcml Admini'imlion of Qmlily SuperviuDB, Inifniba aod Qmranlme of 
Ibe PiMopl"^! ncpuklH oTCbinD and Ibe L'S. Cgb^uboi ruidui SuF^ly ComniM'i^a 
u^fd in Beijing gd Augu^i ISO, dJIQ ky Ibe QeBural Admmmmlu'n of (fisillly Sir 
pciinikja I D-pdzliiioi dhI <^iiiimnlLno oE Ibi^ People' i llepiiklH oE China aod Ibe US 
CoD:uDiEr Puidui ^ikly <^□lm■-^Hln I bLidnoliEi letncd lo ai 'ibc Fditki- 
paaii' I, iku F^ilK ipuDi . oiiukli-bed a Fiicivorl:^ Working QiDup , ^bHh l^ cipeiied 
IG iludy, di^uM. uhI Dcion i'mki oFmiiiiial coHem in Ihe liel] nF fiic^'irh- Eulfill 
Ibe m^lii Dnd ob^liir.'i ^ei □( Ibe U5-5ino Coniimier Pmdui Sakiy ^ummll ic- 
idIit DDy dilbiEncEi and puiklEm^ anting id Ihe field [dTmimrlii amd id luppoi'I, 
deirbp aad (GDilDiuuily lUtngikcn labairal ciupeiniKia aad (omni uaicaiba in 
Ibe EIeU oErrcivflii The FdiIh ipaai^ ^iHf^" 1^ i^ nfo'ving [Dial evIivlIel 


ETe>/ll^'g^ Ijirit and Tiehn'inl lfeiiiilal\at't 

f'^mt amii CF5C ^iLI CKhDHriv icIcvudi kni □nil UrhiiH^ n'^pilalLon i CF5C 
fpi fwuMtte ACjGIC^ iviLb lli< biL<-i iaB^i. icRuLilirai i and iciIibi^ ■□■iihL nf Ihr 
L'mud ScnU'i un iln'^oiki. m Blll^■^}l TPSC ibnd ^IJSIIJ ^ill oiuiini'L^ Llii: ^sfiTU^ 
InuD boLb iulct lo (ondiKl ii itod p ichcDiii/' jn^.Licil CHULpnnii'n diiiI iIiii'iii-.»d 
DD CDin pLiLi[<i> HkHdicliL irquLiciD^Dii Ifi^tfD ike Ckinea: and U5 lundnidi 
CPSC ^Tiil AqSIQ ~ilL w/uit. U^lber l£i lu iedk □'kucheii gE Ibf CFSC liir^i^jt^ 
lEgublimii and CliikCK BaHlalGiy icandnidi br liir^jE<rki. 

Erehangi Tiehnizai lilovTiialic'i 

In Dider at lUcDRibun labrmaiua «"i'hLiD^ oa dic^orki ia&i>, A^SIO dhI 
CPSC ^iLI piDiidu «i[k oLber 'vilh InbimDliDn gb DKideBli, In^Htaii. ^nd dgb- 
CDmnlDnl pnFlii'li, at weW at □□□ly^li, ^hei? ^vaitibl" aod rippnipnah:. Thi^ 
■mill ihLliIe Ihf utauiy gF Ibe □Dn-CDiD plcn I lapDiUi and msiiiiliK Luicr ivb?!? 
□milnble □■!) nppnipnah:. ]i Ii iii)j|Eil<d Ihiil lb? cichamr will k □! Icnii gb a 
moBllily ba^ii, liG»?iT:r. idgi? liEqiicnl G'chaa^k Die cncDiiiiifii'd ivbGi? appm- 


Fiaililale Ticluutal Eii/ianget 

A^SI<t ^md CPSC ivil] cidiDBijf iLi'hnHiil paroDBe] and pi[<viilE Imiaing br bh- 
o[ii4di> l»:hni[DDi and laipnlu'n pi^r-'iaaE] Hi hu-l niiiiLiilLy 

The 6cui oFlheie KckaKDl cickanuci Kill be Ig: lapiGV? ike cHrieBcy amd orcii- 
nvy dE ■□ipFFliDDi, aod lUcngiken lae ■□ipErlun] of noa-CDm plcn I m^n uln iiii?n 

Eii>iiingi aflnipiel\an iirjD Cii-I\/icali'n i/ifa'7f\all'n 

AQSIQ ^iLI piGVHl" Ckioa Inipaiua aod ^unnmliDE Buimu Ig^iIo^ lEporti amd 
lampi/i (^"lilraici urn) fLicidhii iDDDiib: limr CGding rulei Gf tiwew/uiti maaiibc- 
luicn ■□ China luCFS^ 

AdLviliei picpDied in ikii Woit Pbn ^ic luidcrOiI.En on n beil elEin^ Itiu^ aod 

air DGl kindiDg 

Thi^ WGrh Pbn ^d^ i^iekL on B^plemker lO ^OUT m BelbeHli], ^Iniybnil. The 
Chineie irnun] aod Bngliik vci twim urn ike ^ame vnlidli^ 

MriU Xl", 
G^nrmJ l^•^reror, Dipa'l/f\ril far Sripe'v\nn ui litpcrlrm if\i GmemS 
'iili'i«t<ilraI\iK ofQualily 5u|Hririiin, li*prrl'aii anil Qr^an/n'^ir ff <<ii I'r-jfic'w 

Ifcphii'i of C^inii 

Dipulf D/rrrlor, O/pii ofCGmplinrm anil FirSd Opirahait, Caitu/iirr Pradiitl 
Safrly Can7/ii*tIo/i if Ihe Uniliil Slalet of imfiea 

A men *j>7.T J — WopIl Pun iiih tk>. U S.-Sr?^j Eurisic.' l Wimij.i; Qntr 

CGBilileal ivLlb ike Memamndnin il ITadcnUinElla^ bclDTcn IbG QeoGral Admia- 
MUnliEin Gf Qnalily SuperviiLon l^^pLT<lll■ und ^namnlinc oE IbG Fnple i llepiiklH 
af Chiui □nd ikcUS Cgd^ubci Pirdnr* Siil''i> ComBi-mon amii ike ^iina Plan 
aa CoBinmer Pndifl Siili:i> bcl^i'en ike QeBEraL Adniiniiimlii^n gE ^nalily Supci- 
viinH], lai»?4ii)D Dnd QiiaiaauBe dF Ihe PeGplel PL^fuklK oE Chinn lA^SLQj aod 
Ibe US i-GniuEiier Fnnirl Sati> CGBminKia |CFSC k and la aider Ig piGoiDle 
eleeliKDl pndnrl latly ^nd Ig piaieci Ihe oilely dF con inmen, ike L'S.-Sioo Elee- 
Im^l V^HitiiLng Crump anim Ig dmkip ciupciniKia in Ihe Iblb^iog liebli: 

Eahancr l/ifa^Tiialio/i E-ihangi m Htgulalicia 

CPSC ^ind AtfSltf ^iLI eiploic irayi Ig iiicojr'''^' ""^ impinLe in Fgi mill ion ci- 
chaajK ma ban i tm t 

CE^C will pi[<vile L'5 tim and lE^pilaluLni ii:lalGd ihh ckriincal pr>]iKli l£i 
ACSIQ koik In Bn^Lih and ChincK AQSIU 'vill publicoe and diilnbuU' iknie tiwi 
□nd^ [EgiikiliDni lu manuEiciiinM^ and 'vul p[Ei\xLe liedkicl: Ig CI^SC on Ihii □[- 
iLvily Tke eKhDnRT] Gf mFDrBDOiiB »ilL titii^ Lniliall> on Ibe EiLlminR (□leRori?! 
eileniiDn CGidi, poiier iiitfi, and dsGmuvc I^Uu iliiogi Tbe mage gE cai- 
e^TTKi iKiiikl ke dliriiiKd ai tiK\i giaup Baling □nd Ddjuiied wken lI ii deemed 

A^SIQ »ilL eacGusgc m anubc^nicri la appl> UL iiondnidi nnd'Gr olher nppiD- 
prbl? iiandnidi Foi elecUral picducli Iha* □!? deiUned br ike L'niUd SCilei and 
Ig baiv ikeir pmdiH Ii certified ky urcieliled lenllimlirai lodici 

Sltaglliin Htcall .'•'•Hifrcnnm and Failoir L^ 

CP9^ 'vill ■[<lil> ^QSItf DTineaLI^ lainLving eleelixDl pndiKli piDvidlo^ osme^ 
□nd ndditi^'i of ■□■iifiKluiei i awl/'a eipGilen la China und iricvnal lajuiy ur 
leiE lEpoili "ibcn appicfiuile and avnrable Baied on Ihe ahije in bimDlion , 


AC^O »i]L Otic f DetUje nieaiLiiEi Id uirc Ihr mn antic liners m Uilc iGnETliv? nc- 
lioni m guIei Id p[r\«]l iudlIhi piDbLcni^ AC^IC/ 'vill pi[<vi]i: CE'?C w/iA oLber 
LUfFul iBlnrmiiiKiB n^ njnrnblc □nil □ppiQpjEilc ^uk ai Ih? ciLileiK? of iimilDr 
piodui^ nmn uBh iiiml by ibE aunt nun ubcUiicr hhI lapDiUd by amy Dlh?r \I3 
impDili^ vkcic lb? iimiliir priFlirli mlghl piEKnl Ibr miipr fwvVeai ni cbe piod- 
irli irinlb] 

Fne'lilare nclu'\tal E.iil\nnge and Cooptmnm 

In Gidrr (D inipnm ibe flUcif iKy amii □iKiniHy if EhriinrnL pndiirli mlEly »i:- 
iBg, CPPC Hud A^GIC^ ngiB? Ig pididdk KcksKDl enbangci bEl^Em Ificing biki, 
□ 1 ^jeII d^ (EilifLTniKiD bcdm if thr iw/d [oimlim. 

^4a;?^r l/iipiclinit a! riiclfcai pinf ucia 

CP5^ w/iV ihni? Ii^ -(lEf n mq 4 nuin bi eIctukdI picdiicli ivilb ^QSItf ^(^l(f 
vil] UK lb? H lEf DLiig 4 nlnm m la^fo:! d?4lnail piDdiKli d?^igiial?d fit Alport Ig 
lb« ITdIIoI Smlci Thi^ ?lbrl w/ii\ Khlii Liiiually on ^ilfD^ion (oiil^. pmcr ilnpi 
□nil diTmalLL? In^ua^ iinnDi TLe iniijrE if mOfi-wi' idul] bE dmus^^ unci ^hI- 
juiiEil ivkED d??B<i] iippnip [ml? a' ikE iinniEil RiDup ■<?iiii^ ^<^l(f ivilL piDVKlr 
CPSC ivLlb niiiD?^ gE lb? US lapDiU 1 1 »bo d?ii^«d □□!) atd?[Ed eScIeciIve eIec- 
Im^l picduli ftum Cbinn, 'vb?B ^vnikibk 

Tbe dUGEmUvc □cUviiir^ piDpoiEil ib ibi^ dKinncnl ^U k? LiHl?nal.f □ i» a bril 
?ilbi<i kaiii hhI dic otK kiaaiiiir 

Tbi^ '^oah Ptm ^di iigii?*! gd 5?pi?iDbEi IH, ^OT in Bclh?nlii, riiii}biHl Thr 
ChiDEiE LTiiiin] and Bngliik vctihb bun ikE inm? vnlidliy 

JOI^OllS}" HiniArj, 
AtMJtlafl fiHuJrir Dtrrtlur, O/fiii ofCG'irpl\nnri a/iil F\rSd Optraltait, Caitu/i\rr 
Prodtiel Safrli Can7/il*mi/i of Ihe Uniliil Slalet o/ imfiei 

Wl^■^, Xl^, 
DrmEcr Ginfal, Drp1^l^\nll of Sispiiviaiai in liapirlMwi , Giitend 
A^itistalnlMm ofQualily Sirn rLriiin , liwprtl'aii and Qnamnliii aflhi fr/plel 

Sepuii'i if Ci'n a 


Rid ■ia lISi iDidiE 



M, tH 

U^h — 


•tk Pnn llahnE loE . 


Rid Vra l« rmdiE 





I TMltn-hi 














Iwiaa — hv vikn 

dl^mrUila ira 

Rid \a llffl iDiJiB 

Sr\an laaiiai top 


^^'Nrai \-f .. 


:rT P Iha^ LIlCd 


3w*r 'idrjictt 


l^ailfaiLB ... 


IkDOa Fiwili 


n J AalJ 




taUd MirMo HD' 


Riri In IflH rmdiE 

Id lai li»k\,Ca I Bliib^RiBMfc ki 


BdlhdB lia^h 


Uf 1 kH IndiK 


Ihb*< C^n C V 


h^H !■ 


IhiM HObi Cb 




ILhBi In 


Udi Tn^ 


Ul In 


hh Cat <! Ijiwa 




IdnrrdtMl Hi^AaTm h: 


Rid Va ML FDidjs 

tmQ In 


trriaJ Tolii [Op 


hAAriD^dnol 3aa, In 


RfcrllB ta 


!■■ UT. 




■eJ IimUj^ IrE 


UB< 15, ta 


boi top 


farinh^n b 


Wd Biri b 




Riri Vn M? PmdiE 

Job Ur 


ln[pl 2jAb 


ti udln CI^DB 


(oDd lUn 


tafa U, LIE 


hwid C^BiB notMh 


kabAI IbTBh 


iirr 1 1 .1 


fqlWlU In: 


N^B h^di 


b^tao^^ CivBinh 





4iai Cl^ 




Eiltai Eailirhate In 


trwind Fnc hr la His ^sn irbAiil 

Rid ta Ml PmAr 

hrCad 3id-^ ki 


liMh Tqc In 



trnid Cm 91 oiilWr 



Hrvr, ki 


■EC EAot 

Ui^HiAmIi ki 


Tnli til Ud nl tiuai Qi^ ta 

oil IniUBi 

Rid Va m^ iDidiB 

turn EX. In 

PiIk li>krks In 

^OUBi HHkA ki^ k CoiodiB ad tolirr IWkPi Wt iM\i, notMl^ l«p 

h^BoWHiito^le; ki 

■■iiE In 

ImiH Udns h 


Rid <a ftt iDiJiB 


limii <ar/a^ 






Rid Va M' PmdiB 



[biDn QniUB, In 






















^UEinDTi Si'LU mTimi ^■o^L^ " H Uciie 
(f ^ >.i]v:iM Sl E binnai it Sf'^.'pip Rt'KhHD J Dcpiiv 

Quetl/m Id yi\iT k^ilnujc picfDinLi, yD\i ka\v cnri'il Ibr □■■iml Lncicaici of 
□loiU |IJ penc □! Fdi IIu] CFSC wkKh dLlL^>:l■1 ib pnrliriiku ■q4iU iQti li^ m i^ 
□ngmi^lta^ ^1? ibcK EuiKlicni Ihnl ^u bi^lkM^ uco '||rn ilrnalh DBderHinAd^ 

Ad^^ei ] will ^ly ikni niir t>?l] Dllliiib, ivkrli "3i UHhrard wilk Ac OilH? 
dE Corn p linncE ib ^IMK], hat •[obiibl> tcci] onr oElh? niHhi< nilbi'iL'd and unilfi-fLiHtd 
□icai I Ibink iknl •/-e (rrUiiDly □I'td Ig knt idic iliEnaihcn iii|j HKjr nbilily <d polKr 
Dur poiT^ Ibi VHhtilLL? impiLrli Tkni li ^ti hibi oT "cnrHMi Ibnl hat bi^a deIIliib 

□ liETncHliHj 1 niiiDiini oriii4EnLLCD bifly Wr ^Ih> hnv? m be Dbl? m bnvE ^ulFuL^ni 
FkIi] pcr-'iBkc] m lupirl clkEr jncDi in Ibi: Cim mi-Mnii , bL^iKlc- Complinruc ^ub 

□ 1 bDiniil liSuiiIiA'bBh Dad DHolywii wmd cnninrnLf iiilnnck. !■ DihlLlu'n, tiiui t/-: 
bDLf iilvj bud n IH uFBllETiliin lipkllully pbHol aa our U'^iing and lnbiualGiy brilh 
liei, Giir ^bilii> IG iMihDH? our (eiIibe ^md menirh dF [oaiimif r pmdui^ bm Ig 
be iiddi?^vd Ho^cLcr I ikiali Ihnl vilb lb? poniblc mi'idiif ib liindiBjr nnd lli^ 
Tn')il''niLiDUH Gf Dui icnlutei m givE u bcll?r EnlbicGBcni IgdIi ikicii Ibc bmid, 
■V •/-iP knjE <D kiok □! c-ztiy nioi of ike ngEiick Id uk hiLW il cud bs impiovEd ] 
Ibinl. lliDl II il iiGl im n^iqr^iKKiB m ^ny ikm nl] FunclNhiii nTiks ogEncy boLG biKn 
imdf r-fiiHtd m nrieai yfan 

CP5C il n lEniT iiilcn-iLG ni|siiicai»D Dvei ikc lii:i fy-/ y^si- biTiiLii? rvi ba\r 
□cbiTJi'd Gur bud^E-iL'Giimd lulE iuIiiiilcdi IbiDLffk iiiiB-iiiiHLldl Bmiii iiHb m 
□IIiiUiB. CIllly^KJl^ Dud bu>-iiil-, ^e knu V>i< wmi: <-:wy I.l^ -.uiT:! i ib wm? VEiy 
l.fy niEDi. FGr^mmpk Juil Ig □amEa Ieiv. t/r bun hii Ih> Eif^rli m Ibf v □mi 
PoiuB piEi?B<K]B, ibi'Bii^l boiDidi Qi llify [cbitE ID Ibr Fotni] HozjiidDiii Sub- 
lUmciM '(I (omplmiK? oF •uy- dniiVBing piEVEnlion, dnUi (dIItiIldd DBd □□□lyiii, 
^mi^iBR bsinidi, iln.-iElnh.'d knr^iili and lepnl kiiDivkdBC dTCFSC'i lEgublfii} 

TbeiEFoiE, ^vc hnwr IdiI nbilily m iGBplinBie-i^liiH'd □eiivkk'i n^pilnlGiy □rUvi- 
liei, labmialLDn and cduDlion nrlivilici. dsUi collslLDn kIiliIici mid m gut ki^l 

□ □□lyill KllVlllEI 

We muil lenDuily kiok □! lUcngikEii ib^ nil Gf IIieie Dicai iE •/-c awr Dmiig tD ki 
□□ EnFGircB^Di Km? in HHb^i ^Dninmer pndirl m ni kclpliKC 1 1 ^Duld K my fliai 
Ibal ^c idukl bqriii □ piciiEii uf idEii ld> mij (iiii'iil □■?ai dF mwd nBd incicaiiiiB 
Gur iehIT □no[diii|rl> uxn >'mr faiiuTning CrSC GkCiiBi IbG iBtnmui Ibsl >dii hie 
Mipponing thr <}ic ii|r?n(yl ^iik ud Goily cmpbsiii gd 4hE Fvld. mu? ikcy baiv hii 
ID many ^—ifie. bu< not txuMBij I'hiclu'ii't'ly ihii lb? iniHirl 'ilualir^ Il will cnbG 
luDi' <D [Enruii aod imiB m^iv Empliiti'. in L^/Jiy di^dplioi: id ^birk nr' BLi'd I'l w- 
bmld ^puMHlmq Gii< ibE hiniiij IbiDiiglioiii ikc jrejic, 'bill iimIuci' ikE uriniKiBjr iiBd 
Imiamg ilmiai on hb^ Dn? iiipEiMHir di lUfiTviuiy leam. 1 1 will nln li?lp ui Ig 
iniil.f pn^lHi EDib y^K m [rbiiikliBg bdii-C did plEmcE □imi iiirh m IboiE idcBli- 
lird dI-ive 

Quetlrm Vgu ban indx^lel Ibal ^oii luppDrl iDm? Gf CbDirnian MdiiTi icc- 
DDiBCDdDlimi I bill BDl DikETi WhH b [ozDin BEiidiilnBi Ai yuii luppart nad ^hHb 
dDn'l yiu. luppDiliiDd 'vb>^ 

Adi^ei I hnvE □llDcked di> coniplelE nBalyii] af ChDuiDiiii Naidi ehIiic IuI of 
IqiilaliiT [Ef am BEiidiilnBi. 

CDU UENT^ OF COflUl^^tlM I laOkL' 1 K ^ODVF TO 11 E Pll^ll PHWDBf L 

bllDC HTKOU I il bdd I 


pronrcT BEC^LL, iniob^.'iv>^ ^Nn MFErt ^oiif inc-mkki i"niBFJ~i/CT 

r^DiE CP5C - Cdh lumer FndiiDl SalEly Cddib iiiLDn CFSA - Cgbiiibci PiadiKl 
^HMy AdI, FHS^ - Frdtnul HaiDnbLii SubiUiBi?! Acl, FF^ - FInDiiDDbk Fsbm 


Sier'a\ I Addlnmal P^•'l/•l/^lCl' itlw 
•nl Malb 11 imla^iJ •\iwSci St^iwia 1^ gECPSA J lo knDwiD^y kII 4d □ DDiiiiim?r 

□ rKDib.'d Bndiil uliif lb? dale DFauklK □BBi>iiiiCL^m?B< ihTikc ncnll 
R^Iu'ddI? '. ■!'■«'-. mci.^lii'G Ig bal4 'bIei ihrnfulliil piidiir*^ i|Lii[l:ly. 

I .lEiEC Willi Itic biiflL pccniMb, bul [ tuv<: lw<j iiimliuiLi. Fir^l, Ihci? jp- 
pc^m Li ■>: a "hnawing'' iL-tiiurcDiciil lu njlu' icllij^ j rcLalkd prutfiiLl n 
piuhibilcd jgL, in Midiciun lu Ihc ~knuiiiiig' n^ifuiicDicnl bclDr? d liviI ur 


^nniiiu] pciuiLlv l jn be jTBOfBiil. N<j ulhL^c pcuviriiu m in ■i^^Lun 16 ri'C|uLh: 
knuu iL-dgi'. I .1171 m>l ■lui if Ihi" is mf t'nl lu luj L <jr mircLy n r-^-ignHion uE 
Ihi -knjii ing' ci'^iiirdncnl in Ihi pL^ii.ill> pru\ ■"Hjha 

ScLund, i<:lIi<jiu 19, St null 21 nahc "uny pi:niuii" lidbLi' fur iivlL juiI 
^nmiiui] pi'iijIlLi'i Eur lu nnllling n pruKibllcil ml. J ijn LcrlJinly undcr- 
■Ijnd o-anliHE 1u nahi' ■on' n'ljilcri Jiul mpuclcn wlii> LunliJiui lu 'itil 
h'^ j]]l-iI pmdiiLli jcc Luxiri'd, bill huw ljr down llh: Ltuiin wi>uLd Ihu pcir- 
viriii>n apply I Ihrifl tdur:!!; Hca Dijrhcif vjrd ibliti' When uur ubilJ Ilih \iii- 
ilbd ItiriEl dure:' in Itic piiHli i-ir nij]] cound-up M.livilin, Uicy Hourly dl- 
wdyn null .1 reijllbd pruduil ur lwi>. Our cnlu rLiMnen^ idpdbilillbn drc dh 
rejdv Ijuiiled, «] If IKih pruviniun d<jCH ^unlcinptilc r<:d^liiii^ bcyund rcldll- 
cjn jnil ■mpurler'i lu Ihc duDibKlii. rcmlc ninrlhl, Ihcrc luiud ■>: ndjur rt- 
tiuiiric Inpliijliuni Eur uur CuaipJuihi' "IjIIj 

Sec Div ^d iliLJiuj] lumnienli un Ihii idvuc wilh regdrd lu reldilcm in Ihc 

Ibl TEnkc li uabivFiil bi a icrnLlliig fam l£i bil m |i[E<vi]e hoIite ic □□> nzinilcr 
ai di'iribiiUii l£i ^hoiii ii hn^ picvnu^Ly diiliitulol Ibc iethLIimI prxLiKl □! Laii4 £■ 
hnun belbic nnililiDliDn m Ibc gmeml pubLn ur BimliD^cri uTlhr pmliirl iSelion 
i^ ilECFS^ ^nd ictvnDl hmieidi iiFulhf r imlulf i|, 

HnlionDl?: AiiuiEi [bidIIib^ firs'i iliiiribiiU<i i^dnllei i Iidit ndvniur hdIiik m 
Ibal lli«> con [uniply vilb "imp atiC miuiiciDf di. 

I dgr<:c wllh Ihi" pr<jL iiiiihn. EEcldilcci' hjv<: bbcii i.<jii]p]jinlng 1<jc y<:jrH 
jbuul Ihc itiijcl nihli^i- I II en lu Ihiin pciur lu j t<:<. jII Huivuv^'r, E wundiT 
if a huun ii ciujii|;h lijnc. Fur d huge <.lidiii uf iIhicc, bcinR jbic lih riu^l 
III lh.ll ihurl Imclrjnie mdy be iIiEIi^uLIl Cuii^ruiii iiiighl iv^nl Lih i-onmlui 
injkijig il J I Lujil d 4H-hL<ur ^vjnue nuliic. Rei-eiil weLL-publiLizcd rt'<.-dlli 
hdve nhune Ihc "pulligbl un Ihc diEfiuuLly uf rcdLbing Ihi muny rcldiLen 
lErum Itie inL<in-.iiid-j>j p (lur<:i lu Ihe birgcr uneil Ihjl mny idrrv d pruduuL 
We dre ncaTly jlwdii mtulijlinc d i^Ldll uilK d m^nuKdul iirer ur dn ■■!- 
purler, nul Ihc i^ldilerL Mdiiiilj'.iiirer'' UMibilLy ub]eLl lu uur lelling Ihilr 
reljilcri l.ii<jii ^buul j pendinf; re<..i1l unlil il i" Imdll^ed, "i^ Ihc rcljiLem 
hdve lilllc ihr nu jdurpLe nuli^c Ihcy need l<j mcep Ihiir ihelvei <jE 
.1 re<..i]]cd prijdu.1. ^<ji[ie uf Ihe reldilcn iviLL <jidv he^c jI>jiiI iI Jrun Ihe 
ncwH repijrlH di il u nul jlwjyii Ihc L^i>e d in jhuIjl lurer uiJI kniju 
wlh^re j]] uf biH pTuiEihl" crwl udj EEeL| Hiring d muniiljilurec ur .in impurler 
lu provide jd\drki.c nuliie wilf |;l< j iiufi wdy lu ■uliirv Ibe prublem, jI- 
Ihuiigb eiDnuing jII Teldileri, uf uhlilever inze ^rkd huwever Ibev mny 
hjve ullinijlely rcLeived Ihc pruduLl, hnuw uf d rcL^LL m^y nul be pu'inbLej 
The prupu'AiL lu mjke ■elling j re<. jllcd pcudLL<.l dElur Ihe ddle uf Ihe puUju 
jiinuiiik.cBteiil ul Ibe i^Ldll d pruhibiled jlI ihuuld jltrj apur i^ldilcri lu 

Edy allenliun lu uur reL^IL nulneti. E^id uf Ihem nhuuld h: able lu dUL'etn 
Ike Inlerrkel dud uuuld aign up lu i^Lcive i^Ldll nuliien lhi\jiigh Ihe CI^C 
web Hilc fiir Ihe lypc:i uE prudii^li lh:y i-irrv. Puliuing tdULh d reiguircBkenl 
dl Ibe reldil Ici'el wuuld ilil] be b.j pli.iz.jrd', dt Ibe dgeiiLy dues nul hdve 
Ihe inmlif^dlive lunc lu du mure ib.jii iipul LbcLliKj Bui peThjp" d few 
finei wuuLd bcinf; niud ccljiLei^ Inlu line. The tirgcr Hlurei luuld icrldlnly 
be held j^Luunldble under "ihh j lyiilcn, bul il ih iniLleji' buw Ihc atun 
jnd pup ulurcn ur iHlure? Ihdl 'tell uvecniuik diul di'-.ihnlinued prudn^'li 
wuuLd fjrej I mil be inlere^lcd lu he^r Ihc rcldileri' pei7pt'<. live un bulh 
uf Ihese irfauei. 

Idenljfying Ihe cicilI pruduil It be re^dllcd udn ^bu be d prubleinL U^nu- 
^lelureci jre nul reii Hired, in muW udiei, lu pul ddle uudei ur ulher diilin- 
giutihing mjcldi un liieir lUMrduLlH eveci liate Ibev i.h.inge IbeniL Thut Ihcy 
uflen idnrkul lei] Ibe Cummiii'iun ^1 ivti.jl puinl in j pcudii<.l^ pruduLliun 
il pi^tKnled .1 niih, .ind .il whjl puinl Ihe pcublem ujn lined lp.irli<.u]jcly 
if Ihey fiHed Ibe prublcn bclure ibe Cummitfiiun bnjme dwdcc uE il L Bc- 
uduiie uld prudiiLl idn Hldv un ilure nheLx'eH Iut i|iule d ivbilc jnd be inlec- 
minglcd wllh ikewer vertnuiu uf Ibe tunic prudiiLl, Ihu pretienli pi^bleim 
fur rcldiLen dikd Ihc Cumnimiun riljfE in idenllfying ivbiuh pivduil'i In 
■lui^H drc lubje^l lu Ibe re^jIlL I believe Ibe ]jw tihuuld pul Ibe burden 
■i|uiccl> un Ibe nuinulj^liii'e c'lmpurlec'd ■"Icihul'i c lu ndke vure Ihe prud- 
ULli dre nijrhed Iprud ll<. Iiu n djic <.ihde", f<ji ct.impLe i "u Ihdl prublen 
prudui t" L J n !>: re.idil> diiliii|:ui''hed hy evcryuuc ImLluding Ihe i-urbiumer 
whj Ibl" Ihe prudu<.l in hia hihmclL IE Cunni""iuii :Hl.ifE ii uii.ible lu Lli'jrly 
di'liiauiib bclweeu pruduLli ibuuld be <.ihicrcd bv d reL^IL dud lhu"e 
Ih^l uiuuld nul, Iben Ihjl nhuuld remill in Ihe re^jll uf dU ■imitir prudnuli 
luddc by Ih^l numufjilure r. Tbe Cummitbiu n nhuuLd nul hjve It guetb |ur 
lent] tvi^ry pu'^nble pemiiildliun uf d pdrliuulur pruduLl It delerHilne if II 


hjn bctn rL-ncdicil lallhuiiKh hl- i.crljiiil> "huiilil Id Ihc ^lU'^iil "li\~ bj 
nijIiL- vurL- Ituil Ihi >i.i^jrii h.17 indt'L-d bL-L^n il im ITI.1 It'll I. A <.L<inpjn^ Ili.i4 
niiiccpri'Bi'Til? I tic ^-upi uE Itic pruduLl" jlfi'tlid In 'i r<:<-jll "huuld bL' "ub- 
jcLl lu d pi:ii.ill>L In lj<-t, J Lunp^ny Ihal hnuwinglv nmccpri'tii'iili an^ na- 
li:rijl I^lI III J rcL'dll ■nii'iligdii'jii Ih^l dcLivn, i>r ulhcrivuc hindL-ni Ihc 
dgcni.)'" jhililv lu prunplly inlli^lc dn cElnlivc rc^dll, nhijuld be lubin^ 
lu pi:njllit'i b) Ihc CunniiBiiuiiL 

Id Ciitnlf ihal lI 11 a pmkibiUd m lo mnBiitu'lLiic ?h □ przFlirl ^hHb viokiK^ 
□ ivIuDmiy ilnHbiil upoi] w/bKh ibc CP5C ka^ icbid imilcr ?4(licn ^|b| if Ihf 
CPSA UTGUiEi icaluu ty ibc Com m i^uui] 

RiiIi[<iidI?: ^Dkci nirai ikni unnc lie CaiiiiDLi^i^D hn^ bfniiilK icIkmI upon n vdV- 
inimi} ^nmdiiid ill iUkuic 11 I'qiiiil m □ mimdiioi^ ilandnid lor ^□(i[rEiii?B4 pui- 
pDici ^lnli" [I'qiiiil? men I unibfiii ofidi^ ^I CFSC ^cnluui 

TKii ■■ d puli^v ihrnigc 4hdl Cuiigr<:iiii will need lu dcLidc bci.jiu<: lI me- 
mlii-jnlly dllcri'lhc inlccpljy bclwicn vulunlji) dnd Diiind j lury zHlJnddrdi 
jud Wijuld CL-i|iiire .1 i-hjibi lu Ihc pr^'miK' Ihdl underlie'^ Ihc :Hrjliil<jry rc- 
liJULi: pci>i iPijn". Due ■I.iIliIci pruvidc Itujl Ihc C<jiiini lOLun ii rci|iur<:d lu 
IcrDiindle riilcDijhLng un d nid[iildl<j[> fbmdjTd il .1 vuliuil^cy ibiiHljrd ci- 
idld 4tidl cliniLiidlc:' i>r ini4iiifd^lu rlly rcduL'n Ihc iinrcofljiidble ritik i>l Injiuy 
prencnled by Ihc prudml dnd Ihccc u lihcli It !>: lulwldnlijl LunplidiKJC 
wllh 4tie iijIiinljTy iljnd^cdj Under llitcchI Idw, Ihc <jii1v lu nBCL| uchl'c uf 
Ihc Cijiiiiiiiaiun lurnidlly r^'lvim; up-in .1 volunliii) "Lindiird under Ihc 
CPSA 1.1' uppuK'd lo "imply Icc111111.1l Lng Iti^' riiLciii.ih iii|: I i' Ituil n rcpurl- 
in^ cci|uircncnl ii Iciggcrcd under k'^Iiuh liolbllll. PiiBcnIly, if j pruduil 
l^ib lu mecl d vulLoiGirv ritjnddrd Iwtie4tier Ituil tdljndjrd hii been fur- 
mdlly relied iipi>n i>r ii<jll, il d<jei nul ncLedtirilv mejn Ihc pruduil pre- 
■enli jn iinre.ix>ndblc ctdi <jE Lniiuy ur id d mibaljnli^l pn^duil hdzdrd 
under "ciliijii It. Mjnv pnidihli Ihdi I^lI bi mecl Ajme pruviinun uE d rel- 
evdnl \i>luiildrv ilJiMfdcd dec never midlled beL^use nu tuzdrd I" prb- 
tienled Ih.i4 udimnli uncj CunvcrtKl) d prudii^l Ih^l diccIh j v<jliinl.iTy 
■Ijndjcd 11 iujI dei-ncd, I'lr Ibjl reditu jlunc, l<j be fcce <jEirjlcly touLei nd, 
•iMh-^Kh llh're jcc Ihih!*!- in bndii"lc> Ituil ivjnl j pcc^umpli'i n Ihjl prud- 
ULli mccliuR volunliiry il.iiidjcd« jcc dnmed lu t-i ti<-. The PHIdM pci>- 
puml wuuld ipjke Ihc Ijilure lu <-i>jiipl) wilh d furmdlly relied iipi>n ii>J- 
luildry iljnd^rd d pruhibilcd j<.l ipjhing il ~eijiidl bi .1 ipjnd^luri iiljiiddrd 
fiir enfuncBtcnl pucpuBea." Thiit, lE j pruduLl Fdil" lu Li>nply wilh d re bed 
upun vuliuiljry iljnddrd, nj ■e<-lLun 15 dndlyni" Tvuiild be rei|ULrcd lu de- 
lerinine if 14 prcucnlcd d lubifbiiilidl prjdihl tuizdrd, Ihc prudu-l ivuiild 
dubindliullv be decBkcd bi ^unrfiliile dn luircdAjiuble riik uf Injury jnd 
be viubiliveL 

In III hirilury, Ihc CumDiiTriiuii Ilk i>nly Euroidllv relied upun tuu lul- 
unljry tdldndjrdi djid, lu mv hnuwIedQC, Ihere u n<j pruUcn wllh Ihinnr 
pruduil" lunicnlcd Qdt-fired ipdie tiedlem dud gdiij bnc-puweced ihdin 
'Amil bcLPg inlcud Lujcd inbi luipipenc in lun^nvcnliun i>l Ihe "Idnddidi. 
The pn>putfil Ihjl i luliilLum i>f relied upun vulunldry iddnddrd" Ih mddc 
d pruhibilcd ml dppcdri lu be j nijIulLun b> d nun:t.iilcnl prubU'in. El, in 
Hnl. "celu l<j Idv Ihc gruundwurh fur j p<jli<-v ihdnec Ihdl L<juld hdvc Edr- 
rejthii^ L dititc^ucn'.'eii in Ihe inlerpldy beliveen vulunldcy jnd mdnddlui^ 
■Ijnddrdti. The Lhdpgei wuuld eivc ^redibihly b> dllemplH l<j reinlerprel 
Ihe rehdn^'e pruvfanumi uf Ihe CPSA fdnd by cilenMun bi uiir ulhcr "Idl lib's 
am well I b> dllu w Ihc Cuipipituiun b> ddupi vulunldry ildnddrdi di indiidd- 
lury ddnddrdi, uilK lull unfurLemcnl p-iiicr", diid pu'i'iLbly pruemp' i<j n pci>- 
leulii>n, nilhuul hd\inr lu mdku Ihe ujiiliI findinu'^ rt'L|Liii ca fui 1 ^U'lUdlirng 
dnd lu use ~relidiiL'e~ lu BkCdn nunie^Ki pg ijuilc dilfereni IhdP ivtuil lI wji 
uriglndlly inlended bi ipedn. I ubinl lu Itiene ihdngcn, jnd Itieir Ijitcc 
dgendd ihal dnliuipdlcH d puliLy ohdnge by Ihe Cu nnunun, be^dunc Ihey 
ure Lunlnjry lu lungretaiLU nd I inleni, pdni jgeihy inlerpretdliun dnd Ihc 
ulcdr IdnguiQe <jf Ihe tdldlulcj Cungretai ipjy very ucll wdnl lu iPdhc ■mh 
d pullLy thdi^e, whliK ivuuld atmr reijuire jddiliundl wurdine Ltuingcn in 
Ihe Wdiulc, bill il nhuuld du il uilK .1 ilcdr undenldnd ipg ui ivhjl u in- 
VII Ived. ' 

' Rann da mc iir xiKMijkclvn rn ia anJvFirr^ bcinj: inzrrxnnj: 4-DETiTCiilKiM Iwpro HhraHd harr 
^Hun Id ad "d^ ic ■ vrinLCTpr^lHlxii] *[ ihr irhincr linf;iEi^c m prrrm^ qbr I oinmiF.4V]Ti i* 
ckh^K i}E3r lod uifirr H v+lLoiLa r" FnodHni la m manLkttrr dbc ma u 'ax.^ id ^np: roJaicc mc ni 
roDdbbcLi iii br^fri^BimpEbiuTF wki ur: oixDfl rriMwiEi ibaic DnJ iDDn ■ liroipl id E4>iAin 

IDUnLJnLl_r FlDlD HIAK C*L111 CI"J DCLDnH llir+L^k 1^ pnClDpiVD prDT3HMF *[ *LJr FULLjIC H ^^ 



Ttit rcLBuni given fur in>:hiiig lu rtiv un ^ vulimldry ildnil^nl and I'li- 

fiiFLi' il at if 14 ucrc a nandjiurv unc ^rc l<j ri'dmc Ihc lime 14 Ijim lu pcu- 
niiilgdb: J nijiiil^l<jry iljnil^ril dud l<j have Ihc EuU lange uJ cnll>i\.CBkciil 
pi>iven availabLe ll>r f^iluci: l<j i.<jnip1> ivLlh relieil upun vulunljiy tridiid- 
jrdti, enpnuUy Itie chilly lu ilup iii>LiIlvi: ■mpurli' ^1 Ihclr purl i>f cnlry. 
II Ihc Cumnimiun luliIiI sjnply relv un j vulimbirv tdldnddrd, wilhuiil hal- 
ing Iw injhc Ihc Lijrili'bciieli I anil ulhcr lindlngi reijiurcd by uiir ubiliileti, 
il iLJuld be .1 uiulK ihihrlcc pru^ei, <jc ■<> Ihc jcrudichI gucti. II m Iriic, it 
uuuld be ihuTlcr, but uhIl-v Ih: CPSC ttafi Stai' h^cn ^ii>'itl> Inxulicd in Ihc 
dcvcUi pjncnl uf Ihc vuliiiibic> "Idndard, ih i.L<niplclcl> lufiiined uilK iti pru- 
viriium, jnd thiM bciMi muinluniig indiulry^i Lunlu rjnajhe wllh il uvcr j pi^ 
riud <jf lime, itiiilK <jf Ihc umlcrly ing m^rk Ihal u rci|iuTed in pr<jiTiiil|;.illng 
.1 BtanddluTy nbmdard itiijuld "lill be dune in urdcr luc Ihc Cumm iiiiii>n lu 
feel Lunfidcnl in cclying upun IKe ii>Juiitiry ulafflT^rd llhc L<nl> bcI i>I Lir- 
eumildiiee'i under whi^h IKe dgeniy ihuuld ^umnder reiving upun iIIj And, 
uf luiiFBC, IKe prenjie uikderlying Ihc i.iuren4 relianie language ivuuld 
have lu be ihanged En^in une <jf Leeping Ihe Jederal guvemineni uiil \tl Ihc 
vfay uE eUnllve vuliinbirv ■d^ndardj' l<j unc <jf Ihc federal guvernmenl —r- 
upling Ihcm jnd Immng Ihen, ivilhi>ul Ihc ni>rnijl reguljlury pwif—mi. inlu 
nidndal<jr> daikd^rd' la Hig mf ii jnl Ltujnge 4i> IKe prenenl rcli^ikie ljn- 

O'er Ihc yc^rn, CungrcA hon viewed Ihc relaliu itiKip bcliveen vuliuilji^ 
■Ijndjcdi and ledeml uiandjlury "laikdardu In IKe luniniBkcr prudml jrc^ 
in vjijinf; lighltj TKe Cu nnLmun wdi luiuHTed en Ihc belicE Ihjl iikduilry- 
furinutiled vulunlary fbnidaTdn were lu ititcn''ii''-d cii en mninuDi "Idnd- 
drda Ihal ■uncliinei did ni>re lu pruleil indibili^ Ihan l'i iLiumum.' Over 
lline, aflcr BUBkc <-hangei wccc m^e lu Itie luliinlary rilandji di-'Klling pcir- 
^edureH dud CPSC utati bcQdn lu have nulive parliLlp^liun in Itiutic urgani- 
raliuim, Cungrcdi be^aine Luihemed Ihal Ihe Cumnimiun wot riliHing ur 
■uppldnling aLiepldble ii>luiildry iddiidardii wllh i[idiidalur> unei, aikd Ihc 
emptuiiit ihiEled Erum Idvurir^ mdiidalurv regulaliun lu rei|iiirmg Ihc 
dgenLy lu deler lu vuliinldiy fLmdard" o-tu'n ItiuBi iliinddcdi adeijLLilcly 
dddreictd Ihc rinh uE Injiiiy dikd IKe vlaikdardi m^rc iiubfldnliaJly Lunplied 
wllh by indudrvj 

II nan In Ihc iuhIchI uI Cungretb wanling CFSC lu gel uul uf indiuilry'i 
wby when il duing j guud ji>b Ihnx^K Ihc vuliinldr> "Idndard" pcihLUNi 
llml Ihc reliaih-e languigc wdi dddcd lu Ihc CunMumur Pi\idii<.l Saluly A<.l. 
The whule Ihriinl i>f Ihc hIjIuIc ■■ li> a]li>w vuliinldc> regulaliun Iwilhuul 
dnv ruleindklng ur mdndjlurv enluTienenl retiuiiriei being CHpeikdedl lu 
Fill a' nmb uE Ihc Tegiilalur> ldiidd.ape ^^ puiuiblcj WKen <•■: Icrnlimle n 
riilemakinf; in cehaih-u llurmdlly ur ulhcrwitKl un d vuliuiljry ilanddcd, 
Ihc Didndaltirv I'ulemakinf; end' .ir du any ageihy enfurLeinenI puivum 
Lulhcr Itujn Itie dbililv lu naku d mbiHld nlial pruduLl hazard delemiiiuillun 
luider tK^liun ISk Ttic Cu mmiiciun undccluud Ihm luhIchI jI Ihe lime jnd 
hai inlccprcled Ihc pruvidflumi dLLurdinglv ever dinee. The Cuniniidiii>n hdi 
unlv utd Ihc EuTnij] rclunee ■kd-hiint'iii IwiL'e — bulh liniei luuhing bdik 
dl pddl Cumnndiiun diliuiti dud delermining Itidl Ihey mel Ihe rei|uirt- 
nienld fur rcliaiki.e — une invulved Ihe revuualiun uf d mdiulalur) regiildliun 
fyr wbiuh Ihc likduntry htad ddupled n Bkurc iilni^dnl vuliinljiy iddiidanl 

K ni ckAi FxFr^r un^n brc^n cdexljcIvIkih ■■ ^1 ■ DiiErrK uf C EfiT, bui ii !■ lb: piuTEW *[ 
DlLcr pcDvrrMrTK oi rMial e l 

-* 'AxFrb.r ii.E]r lnH ^rMX EDiadxr^ cdhmJciv mn an i}e uhukI pr«d fh d F dcvc tpiBH "d IudIh r" 
modHniii The Bcni hr ■ c*n.EMFUi ct^mtnt THiridjDrn ■ piDp*ird lunjHid unii] ii ir lilit 
rTt*r^ lLfl n xa xfliMmxbEh^ nFibr iixLLiHgiu fintii K^fian «/ Tm f KniiUMni t2*fnmLKM*n an Pnair 


jnil um Wii" Itic li cnln^liLJH uf ^ ruli'ni j hinK m whiLK induilry hdd iiilupl- 
cil d ■uLulnhn dL-i L^Lu pL-d m luu pci-dliijii uilK tu nni'''i<jTi "I^EIl' ' 

Tticri' jci: lwi> r^jtun" why Uic C<jiiiiiiLiflL<ii hjt lu carclv fucnally brni- 
ndli'iE J nilcnaLing m r<:1ijiiLi' un j v<j]iinljiy ■■dndjril i<j ubljin Itic in- 
^r<:di<:il rcpu cling dulhurily under thLliun ISlbJII k Fict, Ithil i-jurwliwi^ rc- 
LJ ID rcmi'iil unLy ^pplLci l<j vuLmiljci "Idndjrd" r<:]icd Lipi>n luidir Ihc 
CPSAl Sin^n: 41k' Ci^A jIihj rb-i|mr<:i I tic ^inLy lu pru mulg jIc n'g iildliuin 
under Ih: DiuTi: 4^[gcled nr<jvuii>m uE Uic FHSA, FFA i>t PPPA ivtiencvir 
.ippci>pcljli', Ihc mull m tthil jjujhI i>I uur r<:gnLi4iu nii ^cc idvucil under unc 
<jf 1tid<: Ihrcc "IjIuIlt ivtiere Ihccc ih nu ddvunldgc l<j Ihc Cihnmvi'jn lln 
Ihc fucDi uf .1 rcpurlinR rcijiurcnieiil | It LhiniBC Fumid] rc]ijii<.c uicc needy 
IcroiiiLiling Itie culcinjhing pni^ecdiiig and alli>wiiig Ihc wiliuildcv "Idiid- 
jrd lu fill Ihc iijjd. The ncLund r<:atrjn ii Ihj4 Itic pccntic f^l up hj Ihc 
■IdfiiluTy Ijn^iLigc rdr<:]v uliiuii. Lf j v<j]iinljr> iljndjrd I'tnil' b<jlh 
ddci|ua4i]y jodr fj— an idcnlifu'd rjik and il m bi:iJiE iibdanlijllv Li>Bk- 
plicd wilh by nunufj^liu^n jnd impurlcrii, 4tie ogcmv w<jiild b- uidikcly 
lu -"-n iIjcI .1 rulcmdhiiij; pruLci. There I" n<j nci'd firw ji^crkiy inlerviii- 
llun III Ihc Ijli: el an ell^<.liv<: \ulLiiibirv iljnddrdj Only <f Ih^ iiljnd^rd 
ducn nul mcel i>nc ul Itw lw<j prungi "I Ih: leal lodcuLLJleli jddrciiiLng Ihc 
rinh ur lllicly le be HLibiil j nil jll> Lumphed uiIKi ^<jiild Ihc C<jinini*iii>n "Icp 
III, dnd Itien II ueuld hi: l<j lurn Itie Lihlunldrv fldnddrd inlu d mjnddlur} 
■Ijndjrd Itinx^K iliin<jcndl ccguUlery pw-/:ciw. 

II duqKI be nuclul lu ciilcnd Ihc rcpurling previHiun f<jr relied npun vul- 
iuiljr> "■jnddrdi' l<j Ihc ijlhir AlIi wc jtfniinlile c. Put example, unlll Ihc 
CUnnifP'jn bccjji j nilcnjLLng pruLeeding lu jddredi Ihe mei^ Ihjn 
25Jiffti annual injiirLei l<j inl^nti iLdlhiic duTvn "biir" in tubv wdlheri, nu atr- 
lulLunii ivere pruElered by ■rHLii''lc> le ihi" ■cnihuii pcinhU'DiL lnduiliy injin- 
Idincd Ihc unly Bululien vnx beller p.ireiiljl (uperL uii>n. Bui unL'e Ihc 
.igenLy be: jn rulcDuihiiig in IhiH ^re^, indLL'Iry, uerhing LluBcLy uilK Ci>Bk- 
inmii>n iJjEI, bcQ^n le wurk un n iiijluli<jnL CPSC bcM Ihc culenuhing in 
jbcy^rh-c unlil j tAilitif^Llury \u lLiiil.irv riljndjrd wot itiriued jrkd luilil iljff 
wot 'AiliHiicd Ihdl Itiei^ uji niib'^ljnEijI L<jn4<j en jrh.^ uilK Ihe riljndjrdj 
H^ I tie hi by wjlher riileindhing been iniluled under Ihe CF^A rjlhcr 
Ih^n Itie FEI5A, Ihc Cunnlianun nighl h^ve Luruidered fucuijllv relying 
npun Itie ii>1iuiljry "tdikd^rdL Thl* wunld hjve IriFRcrcd Itie rcpjrling re- 
Ljuiremenl luider nj^liun 15 i>l Itie CPSA jnd ueulil hjie cejiuLled in Ituil 
v<jLiuiIjc> ntdikdiird being referen^'cd in Ihc Ci>de <jE Kcdenil Reguljliuni .u 
une upim 4 huh CP8C tiJH relied j While 11 u iinhnewn whclhcr Itie repurl- 
ing pri>vliii<jn ^ikd Ihc CFH referen^'c wuuLd t\ii\— pcevenled dny uf Ihe re- 
^dlh uf iku ih'e in plying bdby w^LherH Itujl miurred ^Eler Ihc jLLepldnL'c uf 
Ihc vuliinbirv iljiidjcd bv Ihc CummiAiu n. 14 m puiHibLe Ihdl Incy luiild 
hjve ndde d di ElcrcikieL^ ' 

^Im rdun,^ i» n-hotE ihr ^IbadaiDTr niAsdxrJ hr IsTcmcJ d i-Fircd ^ihcc ECch irrL Cnok- 
miih^BTi ^LL^Ti Z^ HihiVt 1i4ini b^dBij lii4 TTH^Ti^ far "i-rT^ninj: ihc r^TDCvmM nf ih: mn- 
dxuTr HiHTiiAid m l^\^r at ^ie cuff ^ifn^y MbadxrJ ihr bltnofl "The C'DinaLiFh^ii] iciADir. p*^- 
CTF unic r flccixiM lij dF ibr CKiA Jo rtritir /'-ott i^# rrrartrrf xel.^ uavc aicd I P dt riAiurxl J>^ 
rircj lEHirrH iui ciiuippcd ^3lh xaODR d<" kt dt c^umxkal ^^smi id curiAi] iIe ■ipli^xHlxii] 
ruk ECc FLXLcd Furllr: r [FIF^iAPZFXBd b^LiiEilbcL^h^ lb: TDhjaibi^ lunjHid lhiui ■ lufFi- 
CKai ■kpcL^id, niairKHnJ cukh mx^ bdw rrjiulxic iln uc al LOTTriiLcJ nn r dpxzv Ltak fh om 
t/rry frwni ^r# /ij WLikivl lix^ lbh iLc3r hABdnirdh^ ihc cxiiicikK al u y rd< rklruk [linpLflFvi 
□ I}-: dtviihII likicnDi dI Iiuifl ^I 'viil^f liicd Ailfuil In llh] Cbxi|r CimHi-ibi nc f 
F3iAikF VE-Acd ihc K 'o^ I u n *F ■ rriAadxioTr FEXBdani an icb o^ na ■ 'alumiM r' HiAsdxFj ■ f 
IniDLBfl l3Ev: Fcdciv I CMFfrm mral fu^c FH^racvpL >* ibr capzni Eclxm If? in^liL 'ppL" ■ ■ ■■ ^bvki 
Id ■ n^ UDMrjivlxicd pr^iEb) ■ nj cnj im^ xm^ kdcrxl pncinpi»a Ihxi Inii DiiBrlrzd n ibr inxadD- 
iDi-r FixadDni 

^ ]q Ih ■ L* ^*rqk DbLLBH ibai UAlal ilr: x^*pL»n pf iLc 1^^ I pur: nj^f hlf. ^kbzk ^dcj ihr 
r^FMiTian,^ ir^qiirfmrni whk rrFpr^i >* rflp-^ ufun v*ltjnixr^ HipnlardF h ic^ii»a ]Fj ai ibr 
C E71-\ lb: C'p^mi4.^x J:]l lu cJil^iP i un ip ^m Ve mTy pxriiculpT d imin:i»n "A brn ii "axk wi rou- 
riAmiq X rvknixLunj: PFip^kcikcril^pi'ictanf px^ 4p]lixip r' HiPTiibid iK^vrc, vnij iho-f 
y mc pdsT: niri d» iLPiumrr ctppzgiEncrH virrr plipchcd i* iclixncr L^z^Dnd qhr iniDLXD ixm pF ihc 
rukiiH Lmi^ ^*i udliI ^^^1 JiJ ik TpinnLiFivii] j:* I^k^ xxd rr^r^ F^-fi PCLitnHxnd iJrniaF^ 
lis 1^* C*aunL4F»n pri dhk ia wkuk il rp f JricTmnnd ihpi ibrir r^TP^Ixm xnd iriTnixniun 
hxj ^rpdprtc di vtL^ per an p hp li-nip r' Hipnixid Tlx C^p^miinx A.1A ihii in*rJrr id Hrrr 
ntibzv u qbr pJTnzpzd initiFirrn ihxi ikc nr m rcfurLipfl r^q uLluf-hl "apuLJ xpp^ m I he m 

^ Tkc bxK^ Tixlkr 'u Iloilp r' up nJxrd kp f ^< a lxflfuitt: nixl ix ibr d rxoipiE drcicp e lx mju- 
Fxy IP chiLlFi □ pIxIitd Fi H' iFiFiini Ifiip ^f'l h IHITf. 

" Errx aF dp pIItzt chxi^ci pr^ miiic Ip ihc r^]Exxcc lupvaFUPi ^ C'pi^r^ fk I bbjnkik C*Dk- 
miiKX hIh uU cppidrr ckvxmv ikc pr*DurK per pf ikc r^ Ixd Li#»a mxxdxrj ■ ip ilr: lcxi pf 



ULIinjIcLy il ii fur CijiiEn"Ai lih dc^idL^ ivticlticr 11 Tvjuti li> jg^m Lhjngir 
Ihi Liil4:cpLiy h-liiL^L^n v<jlLmljc> .mil iii.iiid.ilu cv ■l.milji di. 5iiii<.L^ Cijucntu 
IdHi jddcLiCL-il Ihi" iiihul', njnv ■ndu^lriL-'' li.ivt' <jflL-n luughl Lung dnd iijrd 
lu di'viBi .1 \uLiiiibirv dandjrd in urdcr l<j ^vuid j ni^iidaTur> i>iiCj 1 1 ivuiild 
be InflruLllvc lu knuw Ihiir rcdsuni Ei>r nul wjii4iiig j ndjidjIuTy ri'giilj- 
llun. ii il iiinpLy Itic dbd'iTi' l<j Lccp Ihc illumjn <jE Li>nlr<jL i>vcr Ihcic pr<jd- 
iiLl7 I >tiy 'ilLiLiiuii' bndiut 4tic Cunnu'i'jTi "huuld nul OLicpl j v<j]iiiiljr> 
Mljnd.ii'l ijluliun Ituil pTuvidL-' lidi ttiEcly fur Ihc LuiuiiiiDcr 4ti.iii il Luiild 
ji-hicLC iJiruugh rulcDuLing, iihL^lhcr 14 funn^LLy rclin upun 4tic vuliuildry 
■Ijndjcd <jr ikjIl Or u indu^lri rL-luibinl bi giv: CF^C grisilcr cnEi>T<-CBkciil 
puivcn uvcr Uiclr prud ui'tiT WlLilcv<:r Ihc n'jnjm, w-: iJiuiild DiLiVi: lhwc- 
liillv III Ihit ^r-n. The jbllily lu luu I'jiiLy IraiLilUrin vulunlji^ idjnd^rdi 
inbT m^ndabjrv uniH ^uuld T<:inL<v<: any iii<.L-nlivc ■uniifdilurcrt li^\i: lu d-:- 
vclup ii>luiilary Hljjidjcili lu jvuid l<:di:rjl rcRutiliun flhcci: uuuld likely 
be nu i:Efb-LlJV<: njlimlaTy tbln wjlhL-r iddndiird ludav had Iticr^' iuhl been 
Ihi ccal ItiriJl uE manaili^Ty rL-Eiitiliunl. llivL-n Itic ^ullci'i Ihc Cumni"- 
■lun thiM hid <jv<:r Ihc ycari in gelling xarium indiuilrieH lu ddupl iflnliic 
vuLmiljci ridndardu In urder lu avuid Eedendl regn1jlii>n, wc wunld nul 
wanl lu luic Ihi Icviroge vf i:iirn:nl]> tuv<: in Itidl nr^rdj And ti\i:n Ihc 
■tirinhij^ ntiuiineii uf Ihi Cummiii'iijii, uc uflcn ihid ihi rcmjniM'ii <jf in- 
duiliy lu dcvelup a 4i>rkab]c iljndjrd — i^'-/<ii:ci Ihcy hjvc bien nmh 
mure wi]]iii|; lu luiiiniil wtu'n wiirkiiig ihn j vuLiiiildc> iljiiiljcil lh.m ivticji 
Ihiy dre fjLing Ihi pi ihnulidliun ihf^.i iTijiiddlur> rult. nez-hucLii ivtiuld 
dltiu be dn jtAiLLC if jny ''i|:iiiii<. jnl nunh^T uE vuliinljiy "Idnd^rd" riudd^nly 
hdd 111 be enliin.ed Ji iTi.ind j lury "Lindiird". I] very mm- mjnddluiy regnlj- 
llun LTcalcd eHpcL I jlnhiti m l uitiunieriH .ind iiHlii4r> .ihki: Ihjl itie Ci>iJi- 
niitniun m ruing lu h: jble lu keep nu ni.uinpl> ing pcuduuld uul uf Ihi m^r- 
kelplM.^. An unr budgebirv re tiu linen dnd i>uc perjiiiimel deilinc, jnd Ihe 
nunhi-r ul impurled prudnLlK gTuun, Itud id Icai jnd Icibi uf d rcdlinlii. ci- 

UhiLe I dih nul believe Ihi <.ucrt'iil iliilulury Lingiu|:e Ljn be un.'d bi rIvc 
lucDiii] rcliJULe un n vulunl.irL vl.ind.ird .Lny ^un'^'ij iiL-niLe lievuiid LIiu impiF- 
■iliun i>f Ihc ccpurlmg lun!^ m n.^.lri>n \5, i Ihinh Cuhkhii 'kb'jiild jd- 
dreai wh:lher ulhcr lu nseii uenLid ihuuld liirv fcun furndl Cumniidiiun rt- 
liJULE in .1 vuLiuiljci ii4dnddrd in Lieu uf j nunddluci i>m jnd LlejrLy Wdle 
iln vieu't un Ihc injilcr. C'lngreiiH '^huuld dl"!! i-uinnder ^jving Ihe Cummuf- 
■lun Ihc jbiLilv lu du livu-ilep cuLenijlim|; linvledd uf Inceu-ilep I when Ihe 
CUnni'vitiii. Ill ilii di"!. reliun, Iculi j 'hurlcr pci>Leiii m^y be j ppci>pci.ilej 
One i.iK' mi|^hl be where Ihe Cummi'i'iiu n believci dn J4u.-i|ii.ile vuliuiljry 
■Ijjidjcd uuibi Ibditid un dilive 'd.iEf pjcliupdliun jn Ihc devcli>pmeiil uE 
Ihe ubinddrdl jddrerfBiH j cedl nrk uf iniiuy bul whiLh, fur tiuiiie rcd- 
tiun, u nul being dduij luleLy lumphcd wilh nwti where Ihc Cuininitiriiun^ en- 
furL'emeiil puwerti ^uuld injke j dignifiL^nl diflecenoc in LumphjiiLej 
I iby '■■gnifiLanI'' be<-juie urte lunld dLujvi nijhc Ibe jrrnnienl Ihdl n'e 
hjve BtuTe cnEuruemenl luuld in Ibe in.iniljlury Belling Ih^n in Ibe lul- 
iiiiljr> une. 

CungreA jIiiu necdd lu Luruider Ihe effe<-l Ihe precnpliun i>f 'ridle regnld- 
lluru, Wdnd^cdi, dnd iildle oivil luiirl duliunii lin lighl uf Ihe new Inlcrprc- 
Idliun b> Ibe Lurrcnl Cunntoiiun in Ibdl jredl lunld b.ive if rclLarkie un 
^unieniiiiM-dex'e Lu ped vulunldrv ■Ijnd^rdi were eHlcrkdcd bc>und Ihe CE?A 
dnd luu Lj^LLilly iur:d In lien uE fnll-bluwii federj] rulcmjhing pru^eed i ngi. 
L du rkul believe we u^nl lu rtsmfiiif-d rii en wilunl^rv iljiKljrdi rihulineLy 
bnuniing Ibe LciLing inidedd uf Ihc EliniT in pcule<.ling i-unMuncc fisim 

frudihl niz.irdi Ihdlmdy pcc^enl jn unce.ifljn.ible ruL uE injuci ur dejih. 
hjl wunld run LunlniTy lu Ihc purpune fur wbi^h Ihc Cumnuflun vran cn- 
Idblidbed Isei' fuulrtule 1. jbuvel. 

Id J Mnkc II unln^-Fiil Ig bi\ lo Eumi^k n (crlilknU of ruin pLinncc •/-ith a in^ndii- 
iGry lOmdnrd nailer amy iViii\e dIiti In i^lcicd by CPSC hit amy vuLunOii^ lUiHkiid 
lElird upun b> Ihe Coiiiniii-.»n or lo ii-.Ln: n bite [enlEkDH' if imn plDiii'E ICFSA 
SriluLD 1^ ana rclEvnni -(dii'n^HhTuiIici -.cniiKciC 

Haljonnk': ^p|il>?^ CP^^ lerlilknlc iu|iiiiiMD«'d< udlbimLy nniii nil CP?C iDii- 
u?i, Dud ir?ali kiIiidciii} lUmdiirdi brmiilly rcLiid upon by ibf CumBi^inin ai 
eqiiivuk'd* <u mniidiimiy anxLirl iiiki> iinHliiid-. Fui lorlilknuua purpuiEi 

I Jgree lu Ihc eiileni il eHlendd Ibe lerlifi^dliun pruvidiun lu m^nd^luiy 
■IdrHTirdd under uur ulher ildlulcir An lu eHlcrkdiiig II lu relied upun vul- 

Ik CH, ^liEi^rl^ if im." VDUiniir- Fundi i^i bk iddil ■ Ik chichi hM nl I-n 
•MmAm^nr. IIbw: nUBdirlikic cftcLKcl- hurid in ill CIB 


iuildr> iljiiil^cili, Ihjl ivijiilil il4:pciiil upun nlbil di'^lmuii CunKrcA mjlnti 
wllh I'c^dcil I'l L^pjTiilLnf; IIil- r^j^h .mil Ihc incjmng ul iiuiJi ritjndjrili. 
Sct' my jiLtv/T lu IIil- pri'vi'jii'i prupu'tilL 

l?J Mnh: ii uati'vEiiL Id bi\ <n piDLnSe laEirnmlion m limply mpDnie Ig □ tUb- 
pi:«nD Inim IbE Coin miiiiDi] fCFS^ S?4ii)D it ^md icL^vudi ^ralicni oFollifr iUi<- 

I HQh'i:, nlUiuugh I wuuLd lilu lu ii<:c Ihc Lii^uigi' uhcn 14 in dnfli'd ivilh 

n'gjinl lu kIliI oumlilulcn j -|iiiii']y~ T<:iipi>iiiitj 

RalionDl?: PnhLuSui ?ipliciL cnrroi^Bcnl iD«hDi]i^iii Fdi blLuic ehh icipoiiil Ig □ 
CniiiBimEiD lubfocnii m liBizly b^bian 

I higni'. 

tFl rmklbil lUx kpiLiB)^ iiader nil lUiliil?^ Dim in iilcrEd by ibc CoBiniiiKiB Ig Ihr 
UBf Ellen L D^ uiutr Ih? CPSA |Sei'U« Wb'I 

HaltDnDl": Conhrmt GlbEi CE'SC ilnlulri (c nDii- ilEF:l.piLiB)j pinvi^iEiDi dTCE'SA 

I dghE. 

Sier'ar t Ciiil ^aid Civ/ilial Pifralllii aid OII\ir lfei/rci'\r* 

•a' Add micl brfEiluiE at a fGUnlml ^diiioiml [niDiiiiil irmedk uiutr ^my ^Ui:- 
ii» ndiDiiii^Kml by Ihr Cdiiiid i i^eid f^eiliDii 2i dTCPSA amd ieLeliiiiI ietIuhii if 
aiber iCiliiKil' 

HalionDl?: Allfiv^ CPPC Id m m niiuiE •bai. nay ^id Eicod criniiniilly vnbliiT 
□i'iiv]i> 1^ iiDi [Ediiii'd ty pErpElmlDT. 

I aSr^'i. 

'b^ um lb? CFIiC lb? □iKhDi]i> id impoi? p^uiLliEi oE up <d a? milla'n ^nnai-^ 
Imlivrly I'vilbGul kcsd br D?hiiud?b< oT JuiIiik n'tirnL and laiiDliui] uT Icdcnil 
CDUi-l n iKiD t uiutr C PSA , FHSa ^md FF'A fpEnnlly •kjhII ildl bE mb^L EHhjidiciDl 

HnliDiiDk': SliEDmliim iwii pcnaiiy piDi?^i b> nrDvuiR C P5C Ig piixcEd ndiDiiii^ 
ImUvdv luibur ik.iD vci IiiJhiiiI ihi»ii iji ■□■l cj-c- 

I ^m undcLidbd un Ini' prupuiEilj DiiL^n IIliI Ihii cc^uirb:' .in jdmiDL'Icj- 
livc pruLi'cdint Ihal luuld Ijkc i|uili' j bjl i>f 4iBki: ^nd jgcuLy cc'ii>urLi'i 
lunc Df Ihc rcaMLiU" ivc vj cjrciv hjic .idiiiiiiiHlrj liv^ pcuLicdin^i in Ihc rc- 
Gdll ar<:ii| ^nd Ihcn uijiild be lubiL^.^ I<j judiiul rcxiiMi, I'n nul ■iiri' Ihu 
wi>uld drcdjjiJjnc Ihc pruicmi. I ^Iw w<jrrv jIxjuI Itic 32 nillii>n Ljp bc^i>Di- 
mg .1 baiTicr lu Juiilu.c Dcp^rliiicii4 rclcn-jiM, lurlhcr liniling Inc imc uE 
dD} imrcdscd pi:iia]ly du^hjrilyj 

tm Incim-o ikL 43p DH civil pcnnli^i iind?c Ihe CE'SA, FHSA, and FFA Id IIU 
niriiDn Id k pbsicd m GVEr4 >c^i^. f^e: Icn ^0 dFCPSA.Sccuh S dFFILSA.Sh- 
liDn [JGlFFAj 

HaltDnDl": QidIiiiI phD^«-in mliH?i likf likitd Gf un m aimgcablr iiii|jr m ubbh!- 
riniy icfGcli fmm lirni] dc IIidI ididg Elrmi may ilDp mbmiiuBg □o'Eiiiicy npGcli 
Ui]ifi]niiii> niDii nr ^Uiiiilf ■ "idIjm cnFoircBEDi icoli iGB^iilf di br Dlf piului^ 
undf c Com miiinH] JunKlic^KiB. 

I ■mvi: gDiic un rcGurd ticvcnjl Iidich a' iiuppuc4iiig Ihc GUDipldi: clini- 
iid4ii>n uE dn> liviI pciLilly :jp^ The iivi] pcn.illv pcuviriiun .lir-^v Ijyi guI 
l^luri lu he LijiiMidcrcd m di'lecmiiiin^ Ihc jdiuuhI 'lEdny pcn.illvi Ihc na- 
lun: ul Itic pcudu^'l dclcLl, Ihc tKv^nlv ol Ihc ruk uE injury, Itic L<LLmTcii<.c 
ur j1>itciiLC i>J injury, Itic iiunbi:r ul dclnlivc pcL<dLL<.li di^lnbul^d jnd Ihc 
iippcupridlcnciH <jf luih pcnjlly in ceLiIigh Iu 4tic (izc gI Itic biuiiiid uE 
Ihc picijn ihargcd." Hjvmg a Btuncldry Lap un lup i>l Ihutr: IdGlum Ip^r- 
liLiiJjrly iilK d tdm^ll Lap I iicrv<:ii nu ubcEuI piirpL<ii<: ulhcr Ihdn bi dijIii: iI 
cddcr ^c iGiDpjnici lu imludc Itic nah uf p-jlcnlidl LunmiiDcr hdnn in 
Ihclr iDtdl uf duing buMinciHj 

Bn'^imi Ih: Cuiiii[ii:«'il<ii "Icivcn fer ncgulialcd iivi] pcii.i]l> iiclllciiiciili 
whcncicr putbiblc, Ihc ctnilcmc uf n Gdp mcdiu Ihdl, even in Ih: atixl 
c^rcgiuiui i..i>ci, Ihc Ldp ^muiml ■■ where Ihc dgcn^v lidH lu (birl iti ncgir- 
lidliunM. Unlcfli wc ^rc Killing lu Idlu: Itic ljbc bi Guurt, <•■: jn: jlwayn 

Suing lu be ricllJinc Ihc idtic fiir lean Ihjn Ihc liviI pcn^llv Ldp jnd iinic 
Ikc up ilsclf in "u luw, guing lu li>ucI mil iDKbilly be Itie din<:r<:iiLC uEi>nly 
.1 J<:w himdccd IhuuMdJui dulldCL ^'c uElcn f ina u umclvci j^Lcpling P^i>~ 
dilic:' beli>iv wtuil w-j Ihmk ii jppcihpctjU' lx'<. .lU:'!- Ihc •.•jsI i>I i^cllini Ihc 
rcljlivcli mijll ini. r^'iDcnliil Jiii<jim' lhrL<ii|:h .l li-iij;lhi <.ihucl pi'i^^'cdi ii|; u 
hdI ivurlK Ihc liBkc jnd rciijur<.Li. Our ncgulultnf; ruum ii Ihiu cxircncly 
limilcd dnd ubviuuii l<j cvcrv i.<jnipjn> wc dul nilh. ii^c jIaj hat— lilllc 
niun bi Btdkc mcjiuncJuj d uIihgI luiui in .■'"ic'iiig <.ivjl pcnullv jni<jiiiili 
diuung Ihc IvpcH uf vjijljliunn jnd Ihc inziH uf Itie lunipdnm invDlvedj lji- 
dibli^ lumpljiiu Ihdl Ihcy i^iuidI dix.em j nliun^lc Ei>r uur i.i\il pcnjlly 
dniHiunii. II liic mp 4'dii nul pulliiig uiuidluial luiuilnd inln un Ihc wdy Ibi? 


■Ij^Lilury fjLlijrt Htiuulil wurh lu dt'li' cnlni pdi.i1lii"i, Ihi bjii l<jr uur dir- 
^■Auiu wuuld !>: mure ^ugcnl jnd IIiie- Tn<jCL^ olmihUH. EE^'itiovjI l>I IIil- •.jp. 
<jr nmiig il (ig mf u. juILl, mjiild pul tliL- di'i'ii<.> in .■ 'rirungL^r ncgij liiiliia 
puialiun, jlluiv ui l<j <nikc ■nun' rcLBuned D Ltl lii<jI luiu ^Bkung vluijbjm jnd 
Ihi pcimLlibn jtAKtiBi'd jgjiiul Iticui jnd uuuld mdki: buinncdi Diur: hbm- 
Idnl bj iQnun' Ihiir iblL-ly nipijn'ibi LlIil-i I<j <.i>ii''ui[ii'rir 

If WE jr: guLng lu ritill }:uie j L-ip, I ■ic nu pjrliLuljr h:dKi>n l<j phomr 
il In. Wc tuivi' Li>np] Ji n^il fur >cari Ihdl iv<: i^dliv ilu nul gd 4tic rcpurbi 
Ih^l W-: ihuuLd h.- fuelling uiHlcr i<:lIi<jii I9j If ivi' middcnLy gul ^ riiirgE uf 
n'piji-lii, I Wijulil Giy "brdku." Ttic whuLi' pjiii4 uf Ihc riljff^ i^ldllcr rcpurl- 
ing inuilEL !■ It try l<j gel iJh: iiiiijibi:r <jf rcpurln up bndiut we hiiuw mi: 
dn: iiu4 tKcing all Ihc inLidcnl rcpurti wc ihuLild be ■Ei'iiigj 

Oil Ihi wtiijlc, Ihin pri>pjAil [■ bcllcr Ithin ni> Lhjngc, bill, given tiiju li>nG 
wi: have bibui^d under IKih ]<jw :jp. ^nd lirkie uc Finally hdvc Ihc <jppur- 
luiiil> jnd Ihc inlercHi in CUraccv Il> dih lumelKiug ^buul lI^ I uuuld tiupc 
wc wuuld njLe Itie irin>raLil|:e p<jiiiil>]c. 

Id I Ciitnlf Ihsl ibc ]iil ul3 -.L^luiiir> Uiilur^ ihi tc CHiBiKlcrcd b> ibe CFSC ib dc- 
HzmilDLiiD □ [iviL pcmiLly nmmoil imdrr Ihr CPSA, FISA di FT^ Ii iidI eicluiiLT 
|?«<liDn SL-bUd gECPSA SerUmi ^cl^J^Jt of FHS.- ?a<liDii Sro^^U^I oE FFA| 

Hnlioniil?: Klnkci clear ikm vblle CGBiniMKiB niiiii CDniHtr Eicidi i ?n umcmii'd 
m Ibe ilnliile li miiy ■□ ill dliricuH nddm^ iLiber bcuo^ m appiDpniiic <d Ihe 
pnrlirnlni BiKlcr under (on -idcislu'n 

I .lErcc IIliI Ihii pruviHiun necdi lu be iljnfjcd, bul I lahc ibj pi>iilii>n 
dH l<j hIliI Ihc i> inlcnl ul Cungremi uj' ullK regard l<j Ihc cmlIu- 
■Lvily uE IhutK pruviiLU rti. Ldil >cdr, Ihc C<jiunimii>n Luufidcrcd uhclhcc 
^crbiln ulhcr ft:l^ii Ibdl are ni>i b^led in Ihc iIjIuIc nhuuld be Li>rtiidercd 
in d'ue'uiug Liii] penallienj The Cumnntbiun hjn gunc uiil El>t publiL Li>Bk- 
menl i>n Ihcub addiliundl l^lunij A lupy <jf mv rildlcmcnl dunifliLug Ihc 

Ei<jpi>iitd fjilum L^n be fuiind dl KllpL''wwwLi.piH.{iHV<^r.^iljlcBkcnliriitiiiL 
unGrcnH nd> ujnl l<j review IKe fjLl<jn uurrenlLy in Ihc ddlulc lu tKC lE 
jddLli< f.i<.l<jrii dec wdrrdnlcd IiulK di Ihc nunber ul vj<jI j llun" bv Ihc 
'Aiiiii' i-i^mpjnyi jnd lu Lljiifv whclhcr Ihc Cuminmiun hj' IKe ditrLrclii>n 
Iw tuppliniinl Ihc (Liluli>rv lid. 

In dddilii>n lu Ihln prupu'^il I nuuld like It nc-: Ihc Cungrcdi iljrifv Ihc 
reference In Ihc snund ■cnlcik.c i>f tKuliun I^(i4d|'l| uf Ihc CPSA wilh re- 
gard lu Ihc iljiue ^ny rctiled Bcrlci i>f i lul jliuni.'' II wuiild riccm lu Bkc 
Ihdl if n •-•laipany vjuIjIci nullipic piwuqLinn uf tKi-liuu 16, fur cidinplc, 
ticlln d pivduLl Ihdl vjijljlci .1 m.inddlury djndjrd, Ili" EjI'ii-Ii Ellcd d 
llfiudlc wilh Ihc Cu DiDiLfiun iiljlm|; Ihjl IKe piMdu^l nccb' Ihc iljuddcd, 
jnd fjili iLi Flic d riCLliun 15 r^'p-irl iihuul Ihc Ijilurc lu ..uinply nilh Ihc 
■liindjcd, Ihdl Ihc Cijimnizennhn "lyiuld b: jbic lu tKck d "cpji^le pcually 
jiUijiinl fur c^Lh Hii^h ulfcn't' jnd Ib^l Ihiy ikul dll be riucpi up under unc 
uivil penally idp jjnuuiilj There dre differing upiuiunii hm lu wbdl Ib^l tieu- 
ijnd ricnleme mejn* — riUBkc will ^rgue Ihjl iKe lUdHLnum penally will be 
Ihc ibiinc mr nijller huw nuiny vluljlLurti uliut wilh rcgjrd lu Ihc time 
prudihl — and I believe IKih Bkdv be whv we nu cdrelv gu dflcc jnv ulhcc 
peudllv Ihjn uiki lur Ediluce lu llle d neillun IB repurt If Ihcre were nu lIvIJ 
peudllv Ldp, Ihii uuuld nul be an lkuEj 

I dbu du nul knuw whv, if d peT«in "hnuwingly dikd willfully" viuldlci 
tieuliun IB, Ihcy dlriu h^ve It reuelii: nuliLi: u i ihi rhumplidrkie frun Ihc 
Cunmnuiun belure IKev dre lubfcil lu d pulcnlidl ^nmLUdl pcrmll). Cun- 
greiAi <niy 4dnl lu reeiciiiiLrk' Ihc ikced fur Ihm rei] mrement. 

Sieliai 3 mealOi 

•a' Cliinl> IbDl ibe CFSC niiiK ^ppniJE Ibr cuniuiD^r rcBcdy ficfuHl rrpnlr ur 
TEpkuKiDeDi ^ piupuied by □ Irm m □ niiiiidiiUn} mall iindei SecUiB IQ if the 
CPSAurimliDTi IS uF (he FHS.^: 

HaltcaiDl": liTnIn ilenr •bai CunmiiiiiDi] ii IbE EIbeI nrbiUi uFllif' lEniEdy m miE 
miUiHE' if niaiidiiun} ieteII^ IieteII^ ikni hie niaiidii4Ed nEler bfi'd kcifiiEilicai , 
□□ nd in mi 1 1 ml lit: !□» braiinp. CuniiiiiiiiDi] itmew Dnd lub^i ihh judKiEl icmewI 

t j|;rei:j In Mdy uf !!4HKI, I vuled lu endurxc di-^EI k'|; iildliun Ib^l wuuld 
have Riven Ihc <.uinini'ALun Ihc jbilily lu urder m.inuEiLlureri, diilnbulun 
ijr rcldilur" lu Ijkc whaluv^T ulher ji-liun Ihc Cumm iiiiLi>n delui i[iLr>:i iii in 
Ihc publiL inlercHl, il IKe Cuniin uflun dcleniiLiie' IKal Ihc renied> ^huicn 
bv tiK lumpany in j maiHlalurv mjll m nul in IKe publi.. inlereilL A '-upy 
•II IKe drall leginlaliun and Ihc prcdi relcaiic Ih^l jiLunp.juied Ihc vule un 
Ihc IcEinlaliun I.111 uell di Ihc ddlemenl in uppumliun b> Cumnntbiurkcr 
Hjit} SKeild Dull/ udn be fuund dl IKe fulluwlng liuh hll|n'''wu WApm .guv/ 


llbniryTDi j.'hillDt'lhi LLi lOnikillulOO.hlDilL Thu Ice ida^Lun d]^ ^■■■nin.ib'il Ihc 
^■vi] pL-ndLlv ^.ip .mil IIil- rt'L| iiiri:iiii:ii4 vi ikjIili' uI nuihumphjiiLi' in Ihc 
^nmiiuil puiiill^ pr<jvuii>iiii. 

Cumpanm h,i\— ii'i<:il Ihc fd^l Ihal Ihcy • clnl 4tic rcDicily 11 4tic .igcii- 
^y piutiiicil jdnlnud nlivc jlIiuh. jh j hiHU fur artiung iil4ti Cummmnijn 
■Eurf Ihii4 Ihclr pn^fEcccd vuLiuiljry rcLall olIiuh pbin ii o" mihK jh Ihcy 
will duj Stiff In ctiiu Li>iulmii>:d bv Itic ibilii4urv LuiuKuncnLiH <jf Eailin 
Iw iicgu4i^lc .1 ii>luiilary rcLdll even wh:n rilaff bi:HcvL-i Itul Ihc rcBkcdv u 
injdciiuileL B^i. JUBC line m i>l Ihc emcnL'c Iji rcmuving j tuizjrduui pr<jd- 
ULl Eruni Ihc md rLclp] j^^, tidving l<j gu Ihruugh jn ddDimldnliii: prijL'Cdi 
lin i>ddi4iun bi 4tie iuhI riu^h d pniieini cnldiJil, hai led lu leni 4ti.iii n>biu4 
rc^dlld un LiiLainun. 14 In Inic Itidl 4tie jgemy L^n rcl jn mjuii^ I lun l\t ilup 
fiilurc dl'riribii^iun uf Ihc prudii^l during Ihc pcndcnLy uE Ihc jdnini'lcd- 
II vc pruL'ccdlng I bul Ih^l ducn nul gel Ihc prudii^l uul <jE Itic hiinili i>l luii- 
■iimei'i wtiij jliudv ihWTi IL 

Undcc Ihc Coifuncc Pr<jdih.l Sjfcl> AlI, if uc ^il lu ncgululc n ^uupcn- 
II vc rcL jII n ilh d <.i>npjiiy, n-j Ldn Ijkc Itie uidller Lj ^n ^Diimiilrjllvc 
prj^'ci'dinE h^lun: ^n ddjnuiidmlii c Law judgej If dl Ihc cud uf Ituil pci>- 
^ccding, Ihc CuDnniidu n delccmnd Ihul n rc^dll uE d pnpdii^l li rci|iur<:d 
III Itie piiblii mlcml, Ihc Cumminiuii mjy ~urdcr Ihc m^niilj^liircr ur dny 
dliriribiilur ur reldilcc ufjiuLh pnrdiiLl 'o tair oA'ctrcurr aj Ihi foflonnig ac- 
IjiiiT' lf\ff prinuN 'I^ uJruiij '^ir vrdt-r it dir-'clcd ••lerl- . . -" The clnliun u 
jiTiijiig Ihc upliun" uf ccpjir, rupljLunitnl sic r^'fimd. The iIjIuIc gijci <jii lu 
t£iy, ~kii urder undcc Ihu '^iibMC'. I lu n i[i.i> j]ti<j cci|iiirc Ihc pcjivjn lu whum 
il dpplicn Li Hiibiiiil J ptin, talmfarlorj lo Iht^ Cuainrri'Hrurj, f<jc Ijliiif; ^lIiuii 
under uhkhcicr <jf Ihc pccLedinf; ^rdRrjphii i>f Ihi" vuhvci. Iiu n under 
whiih ii<.K peimin tuii cle<.1ed lu .ilI. |E mphii"]' ^ddc^Ll Thui, by djiule, 
Ihe Cijjiiiiii'Aiu n ljujiuI cciiuiTe j icrljin r<:iiicdy bul I bclicLi il <-jii iiHifl 
Ih^l whdiever remedy ii ^nuiicii be itiIiiIjl lu ry Il< ditiievc ^n clJeLlive ri^ 
udll NcvcrltielcKH, m^hing II ilcdr Ih^l Itie CummuBnuii in "Itie findl jrbh 
Icr" un Ihe Lhuiuc uf d reLdll remedy wuuld be helpful in Ihe vulunljiy re- 
^dll nc|;i>li^ljuii djge, even Itiuugh Ihe Cummi^iiun tuii rarely Ijkcn Ihc 
■Icpii ncLetfAirv lu gu lu Ihc munddlucy rcL^LL itdge. 

Ibl Aulbunjc CE'?C m order funker hoIiIkdIioi] oEdLDiumcn and addlmaal cur- 
lEcuvr niKiD iFiuB^UBfi I HIE noi ^eguiiKly pioKCKd ty ibe dh^dqI lumi'livr 


RalnMinl?: Pmvid?^ ^lenr milliurLly Id Ibc Cditi miiiiDi] lu •aVe nddilnuiL diieid 
if lEiTiedy Hi ■TiiliiiLI> impkincii Ud piuvn laiuEliiienl Id ntqiEilely pKHETl 4ub- 

I believe ive dircjdy hjve Ihu jultiuclly jnd we tuive imuled m ■evemi 
udnen in Ihc p.iil Ihul <.ihmpuniei l.ilie .iddiliundL dLliun if Iheir uri|; re- 
udll rcBkcdv 11 nut clfeLliveL Huucicrk 1 Huppurl dn} Lhiingc Ihdl ivuuld 
■Irengltien uur dblllly lu bcl In IhinjirQiL 

Siel<a\ 4 l'\fii'mat\ai and Hip^rfz/ig 

!□! Peiiiiin' icmht^ undei ^<(llD^ K ^henrvEi □ nuiDuEicliiicr. di^uibulcic ur ic- 
□ibc ubcaiai inlbiBDlun] ^hHb immmbly luppoili ibe (onduinn Ibal n pndiKl 
bi\t ID ['>iDpl> ivilb III a niaiidDl£ii} lOmdiir] cfl fan ndupied ty Ib^ ComiDiiinD 
undf c any ^cnluu il □daiBlilen, ur 4iiF n jdIuhUij} lOmdiinl itltid upon ty Ibe 
Cdhibii^iod und?i nay ^miiUc i< ^m m i^Un 

RaliDnDl:: Add^ irpuclmg irquiicBenii be vulnma^ uf ■□■dnluiy ilnHkiiil^ 
undf e □■[ ilDldle^ ai »eI] ai ir^luBlniy lUiHkiid^ ufua ivbick Ihe CoBinniKiB may 

I ^rec mlh eiilcnding Ihc repurling rciiiiiremenld uE i»:lIIuii IS lu uur 
ulhic iIjIuIciIl 

Ibl K(i|iiiic iioy irCiibe nr dnlntumr uTamy timi\imiyi pmdui lu piuvid? lu Ibe 
f lien I pmciKDht, Ibe name niid oddn]^! of nay izumpnay ^hu luppld ibe pnidiHl 
lu iirh mlnrer ur diiinbu4[a' limild Dnieiid ?«:liDn 16 dFCFSA k 

HnliDnDl?: Sub laEinnaiuD ibuiild tr ib Ibe hpHi^ dT Ibe icUilIci dc diiUibubie 
Arm^ lu II viull qIId^ CFSC iu iBick ulbei fuiiiblf luuli^i br pmdui lu pel lu 
nun mnien 

I dgree, dllhuugti I wuuld ddd "inpurlcr" lu Ihc luL 

Ir I ileguiie any mnDutirluiEr. lapDiiei di dlilnkuiur Hif ii ronMinier picdul Id 
piuvidc, lo Ibe e'lea* pmiii'iiklc, Ibe njime iind jdditi' uE amy en lily Id ivliick II 
iDid ue Dlber^iw niude nvDibikle 'ub piiiduci be icnle ICI'S^ SeilioD l&| 

HnltDnDl": Sirh lafiniiaiKiD kbuuki be in Ibu kniidi DFlbe nrnnubcUinT rnfuirer 
ue dlilnbuiur. Acieii lu il ^ould ^bi." CFSC Id idrBli^ ulher f Diilble miUei br 
Ibe picdiicl Id pi lu lUD^umci'^. 


I dgri'tL While llm, and Ihir prupi>u] libd jbjvi' It, .ipp-,11 l\i btr luvtri'il 
III ntLliuii IQUIIiSl. Itic C'jiigri'tn niLiKi lih ^on'iidL^c d n'p.irjic rcf- 
CT<:iiLi' lu IhcDi III l^lal l<j mjki: lI Ll< Ihdl ljiLiir<: lu jbiili' St^ IhctK r:- 
L|iii hMiii'ii^i arc pn^hibilcd dibi jnd lu fpur Lumpdnibn b> ubtain and n'lmn 

■Lich infurBtaliuii. 

SrrJriir 3. Binrfi^f of ViolaI\ue Imporft 

!□! Fcmili Ihr CnniniliuH Dr CuiIgbi Ig irquiic lb? pDiUap ^''i' bond luffviEat 
IG fay 6i\ Ihf df ilnrlvii dFq ihiparni of (oniuTncr picduli ^hcir Ibc cipcnic 
iTiay t? ^utiamliiiL iir lb?i? hie cdhcetb^ dm* □ Tlib nmy iliHip|iaii or nbDHkn Ihr 

^liDnnl?: Ai^ui?! Ibnl \fCPPC id ml □ddmi illipDiaL DFvK^kilLiv picdiicli. fiiBil^ 
IG d] K] HIE □VDilntle linni ibe impmrcr. Ai □□ ciDniple dFiH? need, dlipaml dE vn- 
liiil\^: fLicidrlii can ibvoLi? ^i)jdlIkdiiI c4u<i. 

I hieni'. 

Ster'or S. Forrign InlfTiil SnlwM 

•a' If a cuB'UBCc pirdiic* li lold oc GlIriEd loc ^ile Ig ifiiiiiiincn 14 Ihr inlcmrl 
by am ciilily UkliiimI 'iui^kLc Ibc ITdlUkL SciU'-.. •S\\i' i^lily -h^l bL i/M.-iuc-l Ih-- □!■□- 
uEh lurFlm fuiU'r and ibul] iDDiDinLn ikL^ Gn|jiiiiil ur □ CHify uE ibc ncoiili ittilmij 
IG iirh lulci »ilhiB ibE Ualied Smici. 

HnlionDk': Alh^i CPSC l£i imrk CKmlGinuTEil iDiErkel kIIti mid h^iluei Ibnl 
lETOidi nazEiiniy lu imrk ilkH ta\e% awe □inibbLc ib ibu UallGd Scnl?^. 

I du nul hnuiv kIliI I'lifjri.cDicnl luuh v— uuuld have bi rcdLh FurElgn 
inbrnd tKllcm, and ^■^^■' Iti^ilr I an nul lui^ uhal •m w-: uuuld m^Lc uE 
Ihi tfilci i^Lurdu, ^pjrl Erum Ijking il upun uurtKlvci lu nulllv pucL tuitnr" 
if WE dii<-i>vcrcd .1 prubU'ni ivLlh d prutfihl. ] dpprcLidlc. a' A<.lLiig ChdLC- 
mdn Hjril pul lI, Injl Ihn f mure <jf j pLiic m.icki'i , Ihin an .u.luiL "ijlu- 
liunL i Ihinh ■ti>'(l luruiiii pruduLli hIlLL end up <.L>mnR Ihcui^h a UJi. tint- 
Inbiilur dH uppuBcd bi Being tiiiil dir<:Ll]y lu Ihc i.<jiuiiHicr, due lu Ihc pr<jd- 
ULl h^vlrc lu ilcar CiuluBtii ^nd l^nlim havlnr lu be pjid. Tlui ii jn dcca 
Ih^l mil DCdr luulLiiiicd wjlih ^nd Ihui^KI. nuw miLh uf an duliiu] prub- 
IcDi 11 IH jl Ibc mumunl I du nul knuwL 

Siel'^\ 7 I^Y(a^7^ al\'Fi Dltrl^*u^r Pifarm 

lal nudu? ibE nDiFE pEiixL oE CPSA ietUh &:b^ fiam ^ dnyi Vr U doyi hhI 
□ILoiv be ch-TiiGBK BDlicE iHh a limi by IbcCE'^C 

RalicnDl"- nuduimi limclniB? bKiliCiIri limrLy ietuLI^ soA nxc^im ^lii C«b- 
luiy iiicdEi of rlerlicoi K com mim niiliDn 

Ttic cnliru raliuiuiU' fur utiliuii B'b'l uf Itic CPSA nCT'dn lu be j^viriilbdj 
Cungrt:" ahjiild du^idc nhjl kind <jE iiil<jri[i^li<jii lI lunla lu ■L'kuin<'r^ lu 
hjvt' dbuul p<i It'nl I J Lly hiini^ji dijii^ pi ihdii<.li .ind ivhL-n Ihdl luEi em.iLLi^n 
■tiijuld bL^-unit' available. Ttu' t'l DiniLl Lli nijy wani lu L<juh .1I iL-rlibn ^lE rbc 
puiv<:n haic bucn granli'd lu Ihc Kiliuiu] Hi|;hiiav Tcallii Sjf<:ly Ad- 

nunjilrjliun INHTSAI and lumndcr Jiuw UHlcndin: riiDiLbir puwcn l<j Ihr 
CPSC lULild unhmic uiir ^unnumcr pTulnliun dbijilu'i. Fur oianplc, any- 
Gnc Gan gu unlu Ihc NUTS A 4cb iilc, lypc m Ihc naku, inudcL and >isir <jE 

jn jLiluBtubiLc ^nd rujd '.'uibumur Lunpljinla abjul Ihc • Tbc lubi- 
plainli dec nul <.cnvjrcd, nuc .iru Lhiy \ccilit'il, .ind Ihcy d<j nul imcdnui ily 
rciLill in a mj]]j They jcu j lu mp^ndiiuii ul luniniuiili by •j-ntnn uE <—Mia 
whi wcr: iGULirmd cnui^b abum iiunic fujiurb <jf Ibcir i^r lu T\.\'i a gudi- 
plalnL II !■ n Gur biiycr^ bunanzjL Cunp^rc Ih^l lu CF^C where lu np] Jinln 
drc hcpl tKLrcl leiu.i:pl fruDi Ihc m jhuIjl Iiu^t I Jiid ^unxuiiiui'i unly liii<jw 
jbuul n prubLum wilh a pruduLl fcum CF^C when Ihc jgunLy hai uaiucd d 
ru^jl], dnd Iben Ibev univ knuu wb^l Ihc jqciil> and Ihc i.<ji[ipaii> have 
dgmd l<j Didhc pubLiiL I L-dniuil IhmL <jf dny guud rcjBun wby Ihicc iib<jLilil 
be a d ilJereiiLU u jIb uhal d Lunriumer Luuld be du are uE ivben he u Ihinli- 
mg uE bLLying n p^clLiulaT ur l<jr ivhu u haiing d prublcn ivLlh unc he aJ- 
rcjdv uuml jnd, fuc eiciinpic, ivb^l j pruipeLlive ur LucrenI All-Terrain 
Vehicle lATV I owner >. uuld know dbuul Al\'Jl 

rJirr^A alMU ha!^ Ihc jbihly l<j pubJinh inili^l deleLl dclerniiiialiuni ab-iul 
•1 vehiLle m Ibe PedordI R^i^ivli^c lui' uveryune lu bcCj I Ihink a lul uE Ihc 
fuul-drjggmc and r^'luLliinLO Ig pr<jVLde Ihe ^chlv wilh mfurmaliGii ivuLild 
dimppear lI lu np.jnie'^ limw Ihal Iheir ]j<.k uE Luuperaljuii in a recall 
^uuld mull in Ihe puhlu. hnuwini^ Ihal Ihe jceniy ubiEl has node n delcr- 
niiiijliun llbil Ibeir pruduLl preienli j ha^^cdT 

Tbe infunnaliLin icun (iiLii jn upen pr<j<-ciH ivuiild nul unlv benclil Ihc 
uunnumer, 11 ivuiild bcnelil Ihc CunnliBUGn, fuc lI Luiild nul help bill gen- 
enili? Inpiil frun ulhcr LunHLUnEm whu bud bud niDiildr prubleum micb n 


prjduLl, hill wtiij did nut, El>t ivtulcvir n.^.i''i>ii, rL-purl II lu Itic Cf^Cj We 
jrc j]wj^7 luoliini l<ji' wd^i lu ipijl sul^nli^L p cuhlcinii dl Ihc caTlicd put- 
■iblc mjincnl. II f uElcn nul caiv l<j rb-Luini^L- wticn j pripduLl imiiliMil 
gut's frum h^iiiE wh^l oilqIiI ■Linplv be .in jDcrrjIiun nivulviiig ^n uniuuiil 
lnb'ncliun ■^''tiibiMi d ^undincc jnd <jiic pruduLl, lu iln Jt^inR J lynlcnli? 
prjblini wilh a pruduLl ■■m Ihil rcijiiiTi'H j^Iluh by Ihc Cunnifpijii. The 
mure Ih^l v.: learn Erum Lumumcn dbuul Iticir prudml I't.pcricih.d, jnd 
dn: able bj nharc ivLlh Itic publiL, Ih: td<jci: IiLcIv wc arc bj inup d prubJcn 
bcEurc it L^LiKH ■crii>ui haruiL Ttic Cunm^^iij n ih fui^'bd It upcnb' un ^ 
'ubi'd lu hni>w" bjfiH arkd, ipddiv cni>i>h, Itic njntuHkcr ih rkul un Ibc -fici'd 
lu hnLjiv" liHl uiifll ^Elcr d Ti'ualf lh ElrbilLzcdj 

I Imup' ■UBkc drgui being dbic lu pi>jvidc InEumidliun It CI^C dud 
hdving 14 hcpl utm:! frun Ihc piibliu iH^nichuw cni'jiir^i'H EuUct dlA li>''urb 
hi lumpanLi'H Ih^n lbcr<: wuuld b- ulticru Int. All I Lan >tiy ih Ib^l Lunind- 
nibn jn: rbi|iui^d, b> Ijiv, Iu r<:i>i>rl litIjih inlu ratal luh Iu Ihc C<jniiiiLiciL<n 
jnd lu n'ripund Iculhlully jud <.i>npLc IcLy lu <jiit inEuTiii j liun rc^ucHl". 
Cunpjuiici ijn Imp lecIjlh luIu cm jIluh uuI <jf Ihc publiL -y bv jppcir- 

eili:ly idcnlilyin^ luIu cm jIluh hlluIi km lindc ntLrdi, uhiih Ibcv wdnl 
I u>nFidi'iilul iind Ibc Cummiiuiuii i^n \imi Ihc Ijiv cnlUrLiMiii'iil ciLi'p- 
liun lu Ibc Freedom <jf Inlunn^ljun AlL, lE lI f<:cL' n ilhb<jldirtt icrlain inlur- 
mdliun in nc^cnuiy. Whal mure .LBinirjnLe Li>np.i cuc^ mi'd lur Ihcm lu pru- 
vidc Ihc inEurm.1 Inhii Ihcv ^rc rci|iiirt'd l<j provide, I du ni>l knu w. bul Riven 
Ihc ijflcn viri diffiLiill lime hie tuiM <jbl j Lciini: mlurnidliijii lr<ji[i vjim <.i>m- 

Sanm rhiu, I dtiubl vltlu lihL^ Uibl pl^y" muLh ul j ci>le lci enLum^Ring 
imlinfiicc. Tbe prtikmijii due Lome inlij pl^y al •! laler hIjrc lh Ihc proi- 
eini, aJtec Ibe Li>npjciy hj!^ dgcci'd li> j re<-jll and when il u irving lu pjinl 
Ihc briQhlc:il piiluci: uf ilii produ-Tii FdiLmi. The climiiialLuii uf fl|bl u nul 
guLiig lu i^Huli LU Ihc ^i:ii<.> d ucemn^linR IjIhc uiIo en jI luh dbuul d piMd- 
ulI i>r J Lui[ipjii>L Nu puipu'e uuuld be "crved b> and il uuuhf unly 
fiirlhcc lunluMC lunjiiineciL ConMiunerH wjnl liincly, ^Luumli: w^eningH 
dbuul pniduLlH m^y Liiua- b.iriii lu Ihcir lamiliec inlormdlion Ihjl ih 
nul fillered Ihruuch vjine <.i>rpi>rdlc publiL ecldlion' lirm. 

Spcdhmc ul publii. ccIjIiohh, I jIhu Ihinh our i'C'.jII njli'.c:' mjv mil be 
dcHigncd in a w^y Ihal garncen lh:in Ihc dllcnlLun Ihcy deiicrveL TEiev h.iie 
been lurm^Li7ed and humugenized uver Ihc yejrt lo Ibe puinl when: lhe> 
look lihe lorpurjle prev cimc^hch dbuul i^uarlcrly pculil", ralbcr Ihan Hcri- 
oiu "ufclv wjcningH Ihal peuple rkced lu heedL I IhinL v- need lu luuL dl 
IhcHC rclciscH III d diElcrenl wdyj Tu Ihc eiklcnl ntdlf IceIh Ihcy are lun- 
Hlmined in ndLing Ihe relcmcH inui^ ^llcnlLun-gelliiig bndiue uf 6lbl, 
Ihcii Ihdl iH line atuTe rcjioii lo uh^nge S4b|. 

Ib^ Bi|iDi]d Ihe ciemtiKiB^ Ir^m. CPSA icrlun] S|tJ Ig nulnde |i| vmkiliDiii DEoiiy 
CPSC mnHblGiy iCmiiiird, km or iclifd-upm] julimlDiy lumdnid ThiI JuiI CPSA- 
pnuDulple] iciiiidiiidil and lii| pmhibiled kIi UHtr nay iCilule iidiiiiDiilrrB] by 
Ibe Cgbidliikib: 

RaLionDl:: Blileiidi appliriiiiLD uF WKLion lilbl eicmpLiDn <d rEltcd-upiLD inluDciiry 
lUmdnrdi hhI ibinlKk •bai. iitoh Ubj eicmpliDn nini lo pmkibiud ni' undrr 
any CPSC 'iniiiie 

If Home verflun uE dlbh lh reljincd land nubjCLl lo ivh.ilever deiipon Ihe 
CunrreiH m^heH at lu relied iipun vulunljiy ddrkdardil, I ^rei: ive 
nbuuld exlend Ihc eikcinpliuiu lu Ihc ulhcr Hldlulcib 

Ic M Bciid !<e4 iLon ^e I oE Ibe C PSA lo nllniv ibeCFSC <u ihnrr mruiBDUin] ivLlh 
any 'i<liei ruleril u^iKy fir !□» eBfirccmeBl puiTHh'ei and ihh ^linrc any pndiKl 
iat<v- III Jled iB(imiji»n wilb amv ledeisl. iciiic, kkdI oi brciRD RiivprnnicBl •/-ha 
liDi i:iiiitb-bed Ibc ibiliiy ihi proiec* -.ub mruiBDUuii rmm prEmmui? pub Ik diirlo- 
MiiE and 'vbiiiiDn'ei lu pii'lral inch in buD^licin , 

RalicnDl". CliinfLe'. luil CF5IZ tan ibawr nay lalbfiiiiiiKiD •/-ith ^nrmmenl ea- 
Ibireaeni pDjUiEii, buI jml ''icpmli." Adding farign ffi-trmnieaii iDin^hn gkibnl 
mm kelpliKE 

I dgeee m prirhipdl, bill I wuuld like lu nee Ihc eiuul Idngudge ul Ibe pru- 
puiicd Hldliilury LKingeL 

Id J Clnnly ikul hT<»iB &b i dr<i nu< pnhliitil ibe div:luiiin: oE mlbiBDlHhn lu br- 
ei|jD ^jEinmeDii CHhiiCLmin^ puidui. BDiiiiEr: lured ^iikin Iheir uwm nDlnnml ler- 
i]iur> by 4UBpiiDici QUI mb^l Ic L' jS jun-dniKiD: 

Ralu'nDl" l4«(flBire. irliibsl in.irli^pLice amii Dlditim lilimlLDni "hciE dirrfl 
L'5 Jun-dxitiD 'IMM (irci^n nunubcinitr may xhl Ik 

I ^ree, .iiAumiiii; we nlill b.ive j flibi piwiHiuii dnd .uflniiing Ihdl Ibe 
pi^Lidinc pcuputil duen nul dlrcody Luver itbueL t uuuld dbu w^nl lu 
mjke 1 1 ilear Ihjl IhiH peel j ihh un^- lu inluiBtdliu n Ibdl Ihc dgerhy eleubi 


lu ditTLluK', Bu IIliI V— jn' iii>l pill in Ibi: pufiliun, l<jr itzumplL-, i>f having 
lu dm-lijai iiil<jn[iiili<jii Iai IhL^ lu k L^cnminl ••! j lor^'ign in.muEjL lurL-r jl n 
tKiuiliic puiiil III a rcLd LL ihtihlidliijii wilh Ihi iiiij>i>rlcr uE llh: prudihl. 

Ir| Pmvidc Ihnl icpnni <d Idc Cdid mii^iDii undei ietUh U iNdIC be giira Ihe 
!□■? [OH !>]<[□ Uh ai iTfGwii imder kcikjb 'IT. 

HalicnDl": iHnniui ih^zduve Ig ^nvnt': piomp* amd lull iBlnrmniKiD U> CPSC 
^lnlci VKlion 1-1 pnjM-.»Di CDnu^HMil ivLlh di-lLnp -((lu'n '.i^ piiivi^»Di 

I ilu nijl hiii>iv ivtuil Ihm prupurfjl ^IlL^mpii lu ilu <jc uhjl il dmi'iiili'. 

I iVijLiliI like lu m'l' i<:lIi<jii 37 .iiiiL-ndL-il 4i> I'lijbLc IIil- Cijihihi'alu n lu gi'l 
mun: infu rui j4ii>n iTum LiU'fiiili filL^ jg^Liul m liir<:j'i. Cungn'tii 
■tiLJuld doii'iiil ■I'-^Lun 37 uf Itic CP5A lu r<:LjLiirc rcpuTlin: when Ihh'i' ur 
mun: Ijiviuili imulving Ihc tfiBku prjdihl arc liibd fur when uni? 
^LiiBi d^lLi>n lnufuil [■ liibdl Liulcjd uf wticn lhc> ar<: '<:1llbdj Given huw 
lung Lantn Lan be idcung <jiit, il in fdirly ed^ J<jr maniifdi^urem bj aii>id 
Ihi iiuren^ rcjKi cl liu; CL'^ulrcmcnl jnd, indeed, o-e eel feo- rupucli h>jiii IL 
The SI-ni<jii4K pcri<jd '^ihuLd be eKpjndeil ihr eliinmjied .i' il ^^^•^^^ nij <ii^- 
£li1 pLirputi:, ulhec Itmi lu laibe lump^nicH lu bb iredlivc abunl Ibeir dc- 
lnylng burllLiiL 

iTHJ^ir pi'iL'E^ ropy lEFDVu 

Stfr'a\ J S'rarjfrrr Oiirali /feguial^r, Pnvra 

BiLiBiiiPh: llu] irquLicnieBl |bp4 iidi Ihe winat of iiiuiiig qd adiniii'E nGUie of 
piDMbol iiileiDDkiiia I^NPEl pinr Id Ihe iiiimii^E uT a bdIiik if piDfa>?d iiile- 
innKiBg iNPRl lelpUa^ m lUiBiiiiid] or loiii uoder Buy ihiiiUe iidBiBiiKml ty Ihe 
Coma i^^LDD 

RaltDnpl": BnpbLei CorniDiiinn o i-.-ik and ppdnU inDndiiU<i> iLandnidi niGie 
eilKiiMilLy ^heic ivmninled Cimi llll-^HhIl CHiiild iIlII Id lIi dimcliL^, liiiic AMFR 
^vilh [?na[d ineiiker poh^liiiL mDJiducHiij hit iclvd-ppnn mluncniy -Luiidnid 

I a|;rt'CL C<jii|;i>"ii '^hijiild |;ivc Ihe Cu mmLfiun Ihe d ljii celi<jii lu ibte luu- 
■Icp rLilciii.ikLng in jII i>I iI? idjlulc^ inj^ledd uf Ihccc-ilcp rLilciii.ikLngi. An- 
ijlhcr CMiinpLe uhere Ihe Cumin uhiljii inighl dcLide lu ■li^jmhnc 4be pw\f- 
eim .ijid use Ihe Iwu-ilep pw\t-—m' lln jddiliun lu Ihc example given earlier 
under Ihc d ■">. iLiiHLihn ui xuliiiitirv Wjnd^rdil ih when Ihc Cunnlanun \m 
niiikijig J in end men III 1u Lucrcnl ceguLi liun" Ihal d<j nul ihjnge 4be uverall 
Ihribl \ti 4he regiiLilLun. 

CrniDi CPPC QPikDJiiy <d pniiiiid^U ngulniLaai Inr Ibe eifiiEiil ETiEineiDEDi if 
any lUilule lI □daiBlilen Ijiiil □! ikc CrSC wy/- hai phIt StKlicn lU dE Ihe 

Hnli[<iiDlr: Clniifiei Ihpl Cditi ■i^iiC'ii naa luvc cnFoireBeDi irpulniKiD' m iKldi- 
litm Id 4GB1PBEI picdiicl miely lUiBdnid^ iindei ^ny if 111 ilnlulei ^her: ^nr- 
inaUd loiDTiy oul idliiud. 

I higreeL 

SrrfriFr 3. Ehr/iriare L''iiicrt*a/\ Rigulal'ivy PiquireitKil 

CGim'l diiKii]i> in nilEiDiikiB^ piceEii telweeii Smnai ^ and ^ if [iliSA by 
ebBiBQiln^ loe leguiiciTieB* ikni Ihe CFSC FdIIl^ ike piDteduiei of Ihe Feitnil 
Fotd, Dnn^nd Chhib^ilt Sti 

BuIt'iMC: ElLIDLIl□<c^ innlu'ion l^jiweeB nilciniikiBir imdci Fi»], Drug and Cot- 
iTielH Acl □□d iBlunmil ititBuling pneEdioti a ibEiiviie lulled Fh' bn Iheie icf Iidiii 

I dgreE. 

Srffim 4 Sinke Sethm 30'dl T^CPSfl. 

BiLiBiiiPie Ibe lequiicnieD* Id Bph: fiiidiiigi, »ilh publir nnire, kebiE rqiikiliiig 
under ibe CFSA m nlher ^l□lple^ 

HnltDnpl?: By elim uidiiiik two ilEp pmeeding. □fi'"- loi mil? eipedlied iiinnHe 
dECFS^ [Ddiei ibpB VHSf FFA orPFFA ^iniidDid ivkeit ^□miaii'd 

I dD iurt n^wf: wilh Ihin Lh^ng^L Tbe rule ti required lu be itnued 
under tieuliun SOTdt uhuch at Ihc ibiinc lime jh Ihe prupuied rule, iii> il m 
nul d Im-iF-iilep piM^ecding in Ibe "eiiMC Ihjl 11 <..iiifl.-' >. l\c dcla>L The 
UDDimcnl period <jii Ihe riile lih expLiin whv Ihe C 'immiicien "h^^ Lheien lu 
regiiliile iindei Ihe CFSA riiitii nghl jl<jng wilh Ihe lime lei ^emmenlH <j£ 
Ihe pr<jpi>'itd rule iticIlL Unlil riii<-h I line .!■ jll <jEi>uc "Idlulei jce lumbliked 
inbj ene Lumpi^hciuiic '';ilel> 'lalule anO luilil luih liate .i" <-hui>''ing enc 
■Id^ule ever ^nulher ll>r pcuL'educj] i>r e4ber jdi~jnljgei duappcjm, [ ibink 
II in inp-jrldnl Eur 4be Cunnp iBinen le Lunlinue bj etqiLiin uhy il h.u' ihenen 
lu prvieed iinder Ihe CP5A hh uppused bi uike p£ Ihe ulher nululeti. Seb, fur 


tv^mplc, Ihc Pn^putml Rule lu Rcguljli UndtT Ihi CuiLiuiDcr PcifiIlilI Safi^ 
l> A<.l EEmhi u E Injiuy Atf4<L lalid Wilh Ntkl Lb-]'iirpi>A- LiRhl^'ib T tui I C^n Be 
Dpcnili'd b> ChiLdTi'ii, S^pl^uibir J4r, I9BH ii^lil- uE Ihi Ti^crj] IbgLil^r, 
\^Iliid^ 93, FJinnbic ISB, p^-" 62393-62391 hi Ipi'.U ww.<. p>.^uv^biuiiilu/ 
frnuli^bVfci^-l'ci'lmuLlJitiiiL Tnu lunbilni n llii>T<jiigh and ■nlurm^liV': ci- 

ELandliijn <jE vhv Ihu lijz^rd wdH rtEul^lcil under th: CPSA Ji i>pnL<tr:d bi 
Itc FHS.l ur hht'PPPA. 

Stel'^r 5. Tfralv C/nfOrT/iily 

BiLiBiiiiiK Ibc Si day dauUinr tar p ubllili mg lianl mlei EmuUvE Older L^Uillf 
lEqiJm iDiiiiBiini lb day coninieiil peruxL r?0:LiDn V^dJoTCE'SA J 

luilionDl?: Conhrmt nilern^kiBg pmifii Ic nDlice irqumBEnli undei Niirlb 
AnieniiaD FiceTiiidr AgnearBL 

I dgrei'. 

Stel'^' S. Eipaid Cfllfiial'in lltg\il remifr/t 

Qilf lid e'liUB^ ^f rlili'iimB icguiiEni^Bl imd^r CE'SA IShikid I-I| Ig nf ilnliil?^ 
□dBiBlil?iB] by Ihr ConiBi^^icn 

HaltDnDl": AvDid^ [oariiiUD hiiidtid djkpDmH' [eruilcnlifin and bbelinq piDiUHBi 
nICJBJ,, FHSA, FF.^. and PPPfl. 

I dgre^. 

Sier'ar 7 JirJirD-ii^ivi ^oifi1Ia^y SIll^\da^•it 

Clnrily dm* mthTBiil ^FA nileniiil.iBg nMiuinzBizn i^ hit <d be EiLlonvd iiader the 
"kDlK? ^md tinnnea'T pmvi^uDi af So:t\un iMbl uf ibe CPSA InHer Gikcr. ciiilmg 
picnzquinhM Ig ?-nlicn Vbt hit nif i, e^ - '^' lli^i^ l< i> f iUibI mniubilfiiy rtil?- 
nrnkiBi^ iind<i''i3y cick 

RaLu'nDl" Miiliei ilcDr Ibal full h>Iic? Dud (iiniB^ni iiileBDkiiig lining AdniiTiii- 
Imuvc PnxcduiE Acl pmf ii i^ ibc iD«bDiii^iii br Ibe Toni m I'moii Io niiil.f "irLied- 
upon ' dch.^niiiBuLioD-. 

An J indk^lcd dbuvc, Cungretb miiMl dcLidc vhclbcw il uanla lu ihdnge 
Ihi Gucrcnl tbtmiLC bctu'eeii vuliinljiy ^nd nandjlury Hljjidjrdti. IE il din's 
deilde Ihal il w^nti bi nJ-tpl .i tayidcni uijlm il cjmcr fur Itic Cummuf- 
■lun lu Lunxirl cxj^ling lulunljiy iiljiid^rdi inlij nijiid^l<jr> i>niti, I hen Die 
Iwu-nlep nilenaLing pci><.'etn uuuld l>: jppnipTi^lCL 

Sier'a\ S HiilrT/ini'ng Afir>ionli 

A udiDiirG ike Corn miiiiDTi Id nilDpl rtiti im pIcni^Diliia mi' oF Ibr piDviinB^ if 

Hiili[<nDlr: E[plHill> roabb^ ike Cumminitm Ig Implcnieiil Ibe ollirr piDinna^ 

The CunnliBPij n ihijiild hdve Ihe Jiblllly ki Jidupl mien It implemenl 
whn Icvbr i hdngbn Cungretai mdhen lu uur ncaluleik 

HILL HI nn St' IL BiTii'tiM 

Steliiwi J CPSC Juiiit<*liai 

•al Cbitb/ Ihr JihihIicikib dTiIig tJnlionD] Hlakiviiy TinHii Sati> Adm in iilmriiB 
v^ Ibf CPST [<Lvr''diEil •nc' niGU<i vcKieI" uquipBCDi 4? g . id&uiI cnnKzir Dud 4I11I- 
diciil lai >?ali ikni tan te icBiLiT'd and u-^ atay Ei[<ni ike vckKlcl iSecma ^ 
cE CTS", : Serlnni ^ oE FH3.^ k 

HalionDl?: EliiDiiiiiUi ^onEuinni i\d ^bxb a/pw:y naa laic ikIidti d^f^HliTig aa 
vbelbrr iiiiir minim in-iim or GUI-oFf nr pmkkiDi 

I dgrei'L 

'bl Add 'midi'iiL dcvirei' Id llil dE pndiKli iial ^ikla CPSC jiuiHiiclHn UHler 


RaltDnDl:. BlIiBiBQH'i iiuGD^iilf my ivilb CPSA and pbH?i niaiiciiL dcvke" jiui^ 
dHliGD ivilb ikc F(o] hhI Dni/i AdBialilmUmi 

I du nul nee dnv r<:jii<jii fur Ihu ihdngej The FDA dues ibjl rcgul^lc Ibe 
ttmie lypc wf hiizdrdii Ihdl we regiildle under Ihe FHSAl I jm reluLljnl lu 
give up dny jurind iillun ullhuul d guud rcdnunL 

Sieliai f Oilier Trifit/iai Pii.t^\Ams 
•a' Uiidfr FFA, delele ickicncc Lu eafmcmeiil undci the ETC Ad mid icpbHe 

^Ib CE'SA ETllbllXBeDI HIKkjIIIMD- iSraliDTi 'lib It 

HaltDnDl": ^[Fdriii izei amii nmfliri?! FFA EnRjiLiBeDi fiDteii id be fnnnilETil 
■ilb uikerCPSC AnU 
I dgreeL 
'b>Delelr lerlHui CPSA isiliini Sfi.FIBA wtrnB ^1 end FFA vhIbiti IT 


Rali[<nDl?: Thfic [onijiriiimiiil vrm |ii[<viuin]i mc lupf riEdEil by lb? Cnngin- 
umml Eevi?^ ^41. 

I hiBni'. 

Ic^ Adil "lEdLnir m mipci'iKiB □iilbDnly tmilcr FIE^ m hbIx tcBiLUrki with 
CPSA4FHSA 5^lL£m IKb^ 

Hiili[<nDlr: Cbinliri Ibnl FIBA laipaiuD nuikDriiy 11 imiu uSeiit onlb Ihnl imder 

I hieri'i'. 

IdjSliib' "iknlEi^ □ lid I L^ tire » lib 'icCukr" imdf r ?«Iidii IG oFmSA 

HnlionDk': MdIci clesi ib Ibe mSA •bai Cditi ■i^ii[<n bui aulhan'.y ovw ibe Inil 
r DID men ml milly krbi? Ihc uLliniDlf imniuD^T 

I dBnw. 

imc IV ■ELumovciiKN nr crx 
Sier'ar J Aul'icfialic/i -/fApp'rpnn'/c'i* 

CP5C IG be niiibDiiral Ig be □•p mprDled lub ^um^ at may te kcne^siiy Id nany 

DDi 111 nrliMlici bi fiiEsI yEnr &{HJV dhI Ib^ioilHcr f^aeiidi v?4iud iU dFCE'SAI 

HnliDnDl?: ^Iiilii-war DDibDiir^liDn □vciid^ d^:nl'' iinil □ boll lap le IiIig ikni ^hHb 

I dEni'L 

Qucalvin On ibu lopn of 'ubm illinp C FS^^^ ibiiLiI tidRkl pii«a^' 4d DMB kid 
bDi/] lai wd Ibf] i-.-LF" dF :DbiTiiilinp ib'i ^ 10 I HlJll^^-^ 3^ ^i:]r nbi:}i iippaicniLy 
Died IG 4H(Di , pel muua !^7lkll j imder ibe Cud^diiiim l^mliii Siilbly ^41. udb yiD 
piDvidc BDiE di.'UirEd kiclgiDinid oa Ibii i^^dcT 

Ad^^ei CGnirici' UKd Id ael a iDny of our □□■iinL biidiEi ^utmliiimi 1 Id Ibe Of 
l)(rorMaioin<B<ni .ind Biri^JCl In ld<«, in Public In- ]'li-H5. lerlnni JIU^. Cgd- 
Dirii Elrnlniiud <b< nf-iirin^ nqummiMi I ib Ibc Cgb^dbei Pmdui S^Fely Ael 
MK4KIB ^TlklJ IbDl bud iiMjiiini] •bt ConiBi^iiDii Ig lubmil 11^ biidg?i leiiiieili Id 
lb? Cgbj^cii (OIK Din:iill> nilb ill ^iitin l-uoii 1 loO^IB 

Subio^iKDily, m ^IX>I ' DUB Cinulnr A- 1 1 hmifid ZI.O^FB in.k]e ike biM^i 
mbai^^Lon^ Id 11 1 iiHih ■<■!, Idr^BiBg Ibem 'pir-dLfi-u'nDl I 10 Iboy nih loniKr 
izDuld te mode piikbi by Ifce n^My Fran' Id Ihnl ume <be jflknc, kzid kuld piikbi 
b^eFlu^ im ill biidRvi piDpo^nli and Ibe CDinBi-.-iDnori diHDiiel vhfiddi Eimdiiig 
pDiiibilLliEi m Dpea iDeeuii|(i Since CongiEii :iHif p(d n«Lving Ibe biidgcl lEqu^il 
□□d D^B Liibed 11^ diiEcUvE, IbE □gcHy'^ kixign nibai^^uini 10 D^^ bsir: mil 
bEEn diHlDied dhI ibciE awi bd longer publir meeUapi Ig diuiii^ gut kidgii ne«]i, 
vkKh Dit □ lEilK^iua dF Ibe iihi*c>'-. pnDriiKk Biri^DK gE ikc ibnmd hhT miriy 
iBpDied ky OJiFB, many gE lb? .iij?Biy -. el^pLoyl'E^ uie l.cpl id ikc dDit ^bmil Ibe 
biid^i irqiieil UDd ddIl uk Ibe biid^l bniol dd Ibe Pn'-.idciil 1 propDml ivbca lI 
1^ lelfaicd ID lb? puklK I Ibiiik CraiDi?:* ibould i?ibiBl: <bc M-.Ln: hhT »b?ikEr ll 
fDHi Ibe piiklH I ibGiill ke able lu lEvieiv Ibe n^Dcy '. orninnl biid^l nqLT"^! id Ii 
DDD ke iGBpnied ^Ib Ibe PiciKlenfi pn^pouL Id Ibsl ^□>, kebiE ikc CDngie^i 
nrnliei Eundia^ d«i^iDDi Dboiil ike n^ncy il ivill bDO\v ^bnl lb? iigcD[>'i pnoiiiKi 
□I?, ai DppHh^ed IG Ibe piiDfiliEi wmfGird \ipun 11 by vkni me noiEliiDei □rbiuni} 
FimdiDg ]?veIi e^mbllibed b> D^B 

carjcLuaian or HE^iinas 

ScnaHor Duibifj. I liiBnk you b1\ for aUtcndin^ liiia hearing It 

BlandE i?i:?BBai 

[thereupon, at I 40 p m , Wcdnr&iia), Scptcmhct l£ the heal- 
ings were concl iLiJai, and the subcommitter t^as [?i:?beci], Io mnn- 
vcnc &ubjo:t Co the call of die Chair |