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,01 V/s3t loth Street; August 15, 1922, 

New York City. 



Up to July 31 ., 1922 , s-eventeen(lT) ships, containing relief food, 
machinery and other supplies from American workers 'for Russian wo'rkers , have 
left New York, bound for Soviet Russia. The following is a report of the ship- 
ments made by the American Federated Russian Famine Relief Committee on these 
17 vessels« 

It must be no ted that th e Fr ien ds of Sov ie t Russia furnished nearly 
-mety-seven and one half percent (97^)- of the funis for the purc hase and for - 
warding of these go o d s thro ugh the Fed erated Committe e , 

Besides the 17 shipments from New York, ten(lO) shipments have been 
made separately by F, S. R. branches along. the Pacific coast. These are listed 
below at the end, but, due to the .snipping papers having been sent abroad for 
handling, details are not available at the inoment of making up this report. 

This report does not include relief material forwarded through the 
Federated Committee by various other organizations as distinct consignments in 
their ov/n respective names. 

The clothing and shoes v/ere almost all obtained by house to house col- 
lection, so that the given value does not represent an expenditure by the Fed- 
orated Committee. The articles were all put into first-class condition and re- 
paid and the assigned value represents a very conservative estimate. 

Shipments prefixed with an aster isk(*~) have been listed as received in 
Soviet Russia in the official printed Bulletin issued under date of July 5, 192k 
at Berlin, Germany, by the Central Office of the Workers International Russian 
Famine Relief Committee, with which the Friends of Soviet Russia is affiliated. 

* 1# SS ' "I&RGUS" - Sailed Oct. 15, 19 21, from New York for Petrograd : 

2,040 cases Milk - — 116,280 lbs. - 10,000. 

60 " Chocolate 7,800 " - 1,277. 

244 " Cocoa 59,110 " - 2,291. 

8,056 sacks Wheat Flour - 1,127,840 " - 34,286. 

6,200 " Corn " - - 668,000 " - 14,582. 

2,179,030 lbs. - 62,436. 

Freight, Insurance & Brokerage 10,966. $73,402. 

* 2 * SS ° r ' ELSAZIER " : Sailed Oct. 27, 1921, from New York for Petrograd.' 

1,800 sacks Corn Flour' — ~~ 252,000 lbs. - $ 4,2341-. 

20 cases Narcossan 3,900 " - 7,200. 

1,020 " Condensed Milk 56,100 " - 5,000. 

150 tubs Lard — 64,589 " - 6,167. 

107 cases Fat Backs ---.- 71,639 " - 5,600, 

30 tubs Oleomargarine - - 13,235 " - 1,708. 

112 barrels Corned Beef 40,880 " - 1,344. 

650 " Cocoa 134,206 1l - 5,414* 

1,600 sacks Corn Grits ---■ 224,000 " - 3,707. 

2,036 " Rolled Oats 223,960 " - 6,327. 

2,400 !t Corn Heal 235,200 ." - 3,881. 

470 ca&es Bacon - 47,000 " - 4,728, 

2,802 sacks Beans 226,668 " - 6,233 , 

8 cases Drugs & Clothing — ■ Li 08 " * 2,000. 

1,594,485 lbs.- §63,543. 

Freight, Insurance & Brokerage 8,907. §72,450. 



* 3. 

* 4. 

(page 2) 

SS. "WESTPORT" - Sailed Nov, 22, 1921, from New York for Reval; 

v~:£..":.;,,.-,^ : >-:-.-:-..j 

243 tubs Lard — *• 109,680 lbs. - 10,518 f 

85 cases Srnoked Butts 51,019 H - 4,480. 

65 " Pork Sides ~— -— 42,562 " - 2,688. 

2,450 " Condensed Milk 137,200 l! - 1 1,025. 

540 sacks Beans 122,377 " ~ 3,059. 

3,200 " Corn Grits -—448,000 " - 6,272- 

910,838 lbs. - 38,642. 
Freight, Insurance & Brokerage 3,914. $42,556. 

SS. " GASCON IER" - Sailed «ov. 30, 1921., from Hew York for Reval: 

5 boxes Ford Bodies — 14,450 lbs, - 

5 " Truck Chassis 21,250 " 

* 5. 

* 6* 

* 7, 

* 8. 

.5 " Ford Sedans — — — - 14,900 " 

50,600 lbs. - $15,400. 
Freight, Insurance & Brokerage — — - 2,148. 017,548* 

SS. "EASTERN COAST" - Sailed Dec. 24, 1921, from Hew York for Reval: 

4,800 sacks Corn Grits - 672,000 lbs. - 9,475, 

3,200 " Rolled Oats — — — - 353,280 " - 9,504. 

2,500 " Lima Beans 208,108 n - 4,943. 

1,091 barrels Cocoa 225,750 " - 5,941. 

4,210 cases Condensed Milk 235,760 " *• 19,998. 

210 " Fat Backs -— — 140,213 " - 10,377. 

21 cases Lb t ion Picture Films 

and Projectors 3,268 rt - 7,203. 

57 " Clothing & Shoes — 19,128 " - 19,150, 

1,857,614 lbs. - §86,706. 

Freight, Insurance & Brokerage 9,029, §95,7-5. 

SS. "GASCONIER" - Sailed Jan. 35, 1922, from New York for Reval; - 

QA nac<aa Pln + 'h'intr --.»----.«.-.-«. flf> Q74. lVi«l - A 37 910. 

32 packagos Zwiebach — 2,860 " - 828. 

33,834 lbs. - §38,738. 
Freight, Insurance & Brokerage . 817. 839,555* 

SS. "EASTERN CROSS" - Sailed Jan. 25, 1921, from New York for Reval: 

22 oases Clothing & Shoes — 7,655 lbs. - 8,400. 

7,725 lbs. - $8,450; 
Freight, Insurance & Brokerage 198. $8,648. 

SS. "EASTERN STAR" - Sailed Feb. 2, 1922, from New York for Reval: 

14 cases Clothing & Food 4,560 lbs. - § 4,460, 

319 " Fat Backs - 213,406 " - 14,531, 

217,966 lbs. - §18,991. 
Freight, Insurance & Brokerage — — 1,153. $20,044. 

* 9. 

* 10. 

SS. "ELZASIER" - Sailed Feb. 17, 1922, from New York for Reval: 

2,700 cases Evaporated Hi Ik 172,800 lbs. -VO 9,990. 

5,176 sacks Corn Grits — 724,640 " - 10,000. 

12 cases Clothing & Food 5,160 " - 3,450. 

902,600 lbs. - §23,440. 
Freight, Insurance & Brokerage — ~ 3,245. 026,685, 

SS. "ROCKAWAY PARK" - Sailed Mar. 8, 1922, from New York for Reval: 

190 bal&s Clothing & Shoes . 77,840 lbs. - 47,900, 

iu oags oereajLs -**--»--•----«--«- c?*±«y o«« 

£ AQ5A<3 C l W^OT'1P<5 -„«.«.„_».«*.--. P 7T " «* 4.7 B* 

81,495 lbs, - $48,435. 
Freight, Insurance & Brokerage 1,305. 049, 740. 


(page 3) 

11, S S, REDOHDO" - Sailed Apr, U/192B, from Mew York for Reval: 

2,500 cases Condensed Milk --*— 140*000 lbs. - § 10,000, 

90 n Fat Backs 50,079 n - 4,827;. 

343 bags Farina 48,020 " - 1,985. 

ISO cases Fat Backs — 122,4=65 " - 10,371, 

260 bales Clothing & Shoes — - 100,315 fl - 50,300, 

1 barrel Salted Pork — — — 350 u - 75, 

1 n Soap 110 " - 10* 

. 13 bags Cereals — 1,225 " -. 130, 

9 cases Canned Goods 3,150 " - 473. 

1,225 bags Wheat Flour — -171,50 " - 4,628, 

%^&B$&%x3Esasms& • 637,464 lbs. - §82,899. 

Freight, Insurance & Brokerage 4 ,637 . $87,526* 

* lZt S3t "WESTFQRT" - S ailed Apr. 16, 192 2 , from New York for Reval t 

63 bales Clothing & Shoes — 25,000 lbs, - § 12,460. 

12 bags Cereals — - 1,200 " - 120, 

4 cases Canned Goods *««**• 1,550 " - 130. 

1 case Drugs - * 235 " - 200 ^ 

27,985 lbs. §127910. 

Freight, Insurance & Brokerage 406. §13,316, 

* IS. SS. "BELVEDERE" - Sailed Hay 8, 1922, from Hew York for Reval: 

137 bales Clothing & Shoes— 60,305 lbs, - § 30,250, 

9 cases Dried Bread .—---— 2,420 " - 245, 

3 bags Cereals——— - 300 ,r - 30. 

9 bags Flour — 1,260 " - 120. 

2 cases Drugs - — --- - 415 " - 350. 

32 " Canned Goods r - 11,330 " - 1,725, 

10,166 bags Wheat Flour -- — ■ij50Q,Q00 " - 31,600, 

1,576,030 lbs. - $64,320, 
Freight, Insurance & Brokerage — — ■ 5,545* §69,865* 

* U > SS. "LATVIA" - Sailed May 10, 1922, from Hew York for Libau: 

Equipment for F. S. R. Agricultural Unit, as follows: 
20 Large Tractors pulling sixty 14-inch Plows, 

1 Small Tractor, 

2 Ford Automobiles , 
10 ten-foot Double Disc Harrows, 
10 Smoothing Harrows, 
10 Soil Packers, 
14 Eleven-foot Disc Seed Drills, 

Complete l&chine Shop for repair of tractors, 
including large lathe, acetylene weld- 
ing outfit, drills, forge, etc. 

Food, medical supplies, tents, beds, camp 
furnishings, etc. for 11 workers. 

Electric Generator with servioe wire and lights 
for camp. 

12,000 feet of Educational Film, 
4,000 " " Raw Film, 

1 Ifotion Picture Camera. 

Total gross weight of shipment - 377,279 lbs. 
Total cost, Including crew expenses - #58,575. 

Freight, Insurance & Brokerage — — 1,875. $60,450. 

* 15, SS. "POLONIA" - Sailed May 17, 1922, from Hew York for Libau; 

. L Note: The following material is part of equipment 
for Agricultural Unit and was to go on the 
"Latvia," but reached New York too late. Value, 
etc. included in figures for "Latvia." 

4 cases Electric Lighting Materials — 832 lbs. 

1 box Tractor Parts ) 965 u 

2 boxes Auto Parts ) 

Hote: Expenditures for Agricultural Unit are itemized in report of Federated 
Committee published in the August 1st issue of "Soviet Russia." 

(pag© 4) 

•• 16. SB. "KQCKAWAY rARK" - Sailed J un*» ^7,, 3 1922, from New York for Re^al:. 

32 bales Clothing & Slices — 15,02-6 lbs. - § 7,510. 

5 bags Corn & Beans — — ~ — 445 ,l - 50. 

1 case Canned Goods 4£S " - 60* 

1 " Tools «~~ - 200 " - 100, 

14,405 lbs. - 5.7*720; 
Freight, Insurance & Brokerage 244. $T>964. 

17 - ss « "EASTERN S TA R" - Sail ed July 51, X§3g , fr om- New York for Petrogradi 
9,599 bags Seed Rye (far Agricultural Unit) - $27,140'. 

2 Oliver Plows " " " - 140* 

2 Fordson Tractors " " " - 9X0. 
1 Threshing Conine' " - — *~ "* ^ 1;IS0* 

27 bales Clothing ■ >— — 11,750 lbs. - 5,400* 

3 cases Tools r - 425 " - 300. 

1 bag Cereals - ■— 70 " - 10. 

1 case Groceries _ - 53.0 " - 1 40, 

•Freight, Insurance & Brokerage 4,779. $39,949. 

TOTAL GROSS VALUE of 17 Shipmen ts ~ ~--$73B. ) 4S3» 

Ship m ents by F. S. R. Branches on Pacific Co ast 

From San Francisco , Cal* : 

■* SS, "MINNESOTA^" - Sailed Dec. 31, 3.921. 

93 cases Clothing & Food 11,780 lbs. §2,000. 

SS. "VIRGIN IA N" - Sa il ed Ha.r. 3.7,. 1922. 
Clothing & Food 

SS. "TEXAN" - Sailed Apr., 7/1922 T V '"" 
Clothing & Food 

* SS. "KENT UQKIA M" - Sailed May 19, 1922. 

25 cases Clothing <_-,-— 5,640 lbs. 

1 barrel Shoes ----- £5 " 

8 sacks Wheat 815 " 

From Los Angeles, Cal, j 

SS. "HIN NESO TAN" - Sailed Feb. 5, 1922, 

1 case Shoes ) ~ „ rtc ,, «,, ~~ n 

o m at.--' \ * 1,785 lbs. §1,000. 

8 cases Clothing ) * 

SS. "FLORID IAN - Sailed Mar, 15, 1922. 


Clothing t , 

From Portland, Ore.: 

* SS. "KENTUCKXAN 11 - Sailed May 10, $922, 

Clothing & Food 

From Vancouver, B.C., Canada; 

SS. "MDERDIJK" - Sailed June 15th, 1922 ► 

4 bales Clothing 
1 case Soap 

5 cases Canned Goods 

A complete report of shipments from the Pacific coast will be made in 
the near future. Pacific coast branches remit funds to national office, The 
