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pvhlishen vndell thb axtjhority of the secret ahy of 
State foh Inhia in Council. 

EDITED BY LIEUT.-COL. J. STEPHEIfSOIT, C.I.E., M.B., D.Sc, I.M.8. {ret.). 






^farch, 19;J0. 

PKiNTKr ny taylob and fkancis, 




Authoe's Fbeface v 

Glossary vii 

Systematic Index xi 

Introduction 1 

Characters of the Family 2 

Mbtamobphoses 2 

Structure of the Imago 3 

sculptukk 11 

Pubescence 11 

(ecoloov i] 

Associations 12 

Mimicry 13 

Protkctivk Coloration 13 

Miouation 13 

Swarming 14 

Economic Relations ... 14 

Medical Aspects '. 14 

Srxual Dimorphism 14 

Speitiw 15 

Classification 15 

Family Staphvlinid.^ 17 

Key to the Subfamilies 17 

MlCBOPBl>LIN.«! 19 



meqalopin.s 315 

Stknin.*; 318 

eu.csthbtin.x; 444 


Addenda v 451 

Indkx 463 



It is hoped that this work, which must necessarily be very 
imperfect owing to the small amomit of material so far collected 
over such a large area as British India, will induce those 
interested in Entomology to devote more time to this much 
neglected family, and this is the reason for a publication which 
perhaps may be regarded as premature. At present, however, 
it is practically impossible for a student in India to get a 
grasp of the subject, the descriptions of genera and species 
being scattered widely through various journals over many 
years, and this book, I trust, wiU remove this obstacle. By 
far the largest collections are those of Mr. H. E. Andrewes, 
chiefly from the Nilgiri HOIs, and my own from Dehra Dun, 
the adjacent ranges of the Himalayas and Siwaliks, and the 
vicinity of Simla ; my sincere thanks are due to Mr. Andrewes 
for placing his collection at my disposal. Amongst the smaller 
nes in this country is that of the late Gieorge Lewis, chiefly 
comprising species collected in Ceylon ; Mr. H. Stevens, 
chiefly from Sikkim ; and that of Major R. W. G. Kingston, 
I.M.S., taken during the last Everest Expedition : all three 
are in the British Museum. Other small collections are in 
the following Continental museums : that of L. Fea (chiefly 
comprising species collected in Burma), in the Museo Civico 
di Storia Naturale in Genoa ; that of J. Nietner, in the 
Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Berlin-Dahlem. Eppels- 
heim's types are in the National Museum, Vienna. The 
coUection of the late Albert Fauvel, which contains the types 
of many species of our Fauna is unfortunately not accessible, 
nor have I been able to see the types of Motschoulsky's species. 

vi authob's pbbfacb. 

which I believe are in the University Museum of Moscow. In 
India there are collections in the Calcutta Museum ; the Forest 
Research Institute, Dehra Dim ; the Agricultural Beseaioh 
Institute, Pusa ; and in Ceylon in the Colombo Museum. 
My best thanks are due to Dr. Walther Horn, of the Deutsches 
Entomologifiches Institut, Berlin-Dahlem, for the privilege of 
examimng the types of Eraatz ; to Dr. Holdhaus, of the 
National Museum, Vienna, for those of Eppelsheim ; to Pro- 
fessors Gestro and Gridelli, of the Museo Civico di Storia 
Naturale, Genoa, for those of Fauvel ; to Dr. Max Bemhauer, 
Horn, Lower Austria, for co-types aJid other material sent 
for examination. To Dr. C. F. C. Beeson and Mr. J. C. M. 
Gardner, of the Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun ; to 
the late Dr. Annandale and Dr. Baini Prashad, of the Indian 
Museum, Calcutta ; to Mr. T. Bainbrigge Fletcher, Imperial 
Entomologist, Pusa ; and to Mr. G. M. Henry, of the Colombo 
Museum, my best thanks are due for material sent from time 
to time. I am also indebted to Mr. G. J. Arrow, of the British 
Museum, for his kindness in getting together the undescribed 
material in that Institution, thus saving me considerable 
time and trouble. 

The Text-figures and Plates are the work of Miss Barbara 
Hopkins, to whom I tender my best thanks. To the Editor, 
Lieut.-Col. J. Stephenson, C.I.E., I am much indebted for 
superintending the preparation of the plates and for his 
careful revision of the proof, but for which numerous dis- 
crepancies would doubtless have been overlooked. 

January, 1930. 


( (J indicates the male, § the female.) 

Acicular, sharply pointed like a needle. 

Acuminate, ending in a point. 

Mdeagus, the chitinous capsule containing the penis. 

JSneoua, brassy. 

Aliitaceous, covered with a fine network of lines like those on the human skin. 

Anal, relating to the extreme end of the abdomen. 

Apterous, without membranous wings. 

Arcuate, curved like a bow. 

Asperate, rough. 

Attenuated, gradually narrowed. 

Bi; in composition means two, as bitid, split into two parts. 
Bordered, having a raised edge or margin. 
Buccal, relating to the mouth. 

Callus, an elevation or boss. 

OanalicuUUe, channelled or grooved. 

Carina, a keel or raised line. 

Carinate, furnished with a keel. 

Castaneous, chestnut-coloured. 

Chitin, a homy substance forming the integuments, etc. 

Ciliate, furnished with a row of more or less parallel hairs. 

Clavate, forming a club. 

Compressed, flattened from side to side. 

CojUMlorous, of tmiform colour. 

Confluent, running into each other. 

Cordate, cordiform, heart-shaped. 

Coriaceous, having a surface like leather. 

Corneous, homy. 

Costate, having raised ridges. 

Crenate, crenulate, an edge with small projections which are rounded at 

the apex. 
Oupulifonn, bowl-shaped. 
Cusp, a projecting point. 
Cyanecnu, dark blue. 

•viii OIiOSSABT. 

Declivous, sloping downwards. 
D^flexed, bent downwards. 
Dehiscent, gaping apart. 
Dentate, furnished with pointed teeth. 
Denticulate, furnished with very small pointed teeth. 
Depressed, flattened from above. 
Disc, the central part of an area. 
. Distal, furthest from the central line of the body. 

Edentate, without teeth. 

Smarginate, notched. 

Explanate, widened out or expanded. 

Facies, the general appearance. 

Fascia, a broad band. 

Ferruginous, rust- red. 

Filiform, thread-like and almost the same width throughout. 

Fossa, a large pit or depression. 

Fovea, a small pit or depression. 

Fulvous, tawny yellow. 

Fundus, the bottom of a pit or depression. 

Fuscous, dark bronTi, almost black. 

Fusiform, spindle-shaped. 

Geniculate, elbowed or abruptly bent ; applied to antennse in which tlic 1st 

joint is much longer than the following. 
Glabrous, devoid of hairs. 

Granular, granulate, covered with small elevations or granules. 
Gular, pertaining to the central region of the under surface of the head. 

Hirsute, furnished with long close hairs. 
Humeral, relating to the shoulder. 

Imbricate, an appearance like the tiles of a roof. 
Impunctale, without punctures. 
Incrassate, thickened. 
Infuscate, darkened. 

Interstices, the spaces between punctures. 
Interstrife, the spaces between rows of regular punctures. 
Iridescent, having prismatic colours varying according to the direction of 
the light. 

Juxta, in composition means near or close to. 

Laminate, like a flat plate. 

Linear, narrow, elongate, parallel-sided. 

aLosBi.B;. IX 

Maculate, spotted. 

Membranous, of parchment-like consistency. 
Mental, relating to the mentum. 
Moniliform, like a string of beads. 

Obconical, in a reversed cone. 

Ochraceoue, reddiBh-yellow. 

Oval, a figure with curved sides equally pointed at each end. 

Ovate, a figure with curved sides more pointed at one end ; egg-shaped. 

Pectinate, toothed like a comb. 

Piceoua, dark brown ; pitchy. 

Pihse, hairy. 

Pitchy, dark brown. 

Plicate, furnished with a fold or folds. 

Pore, a large puncture. 

Porrect, projecting forwards. 

Proximal, the part nearer the central line of the body ; the converse of 

Pubescent, furnished with hairs. 
Punctate, furnished with punctures. 

Pwictate-strlale, furnished with grooves each having one or more rows of 

Puncturalion, the presence of punctures. 

Puncture, a very small depression of the integument. 

Pygidium, the last dorsal segment of the abdomen. 

Quadrate, square. 

Reflexed, bent upwards. 

ReticuUite, retifortn, having a network of fine interlacing lines. 

Bufous, reddish. 

Rugose, with uneven surface. 

Scape, the Ist antennal joint when unusually elongate, as in Cryptobium. 

Sculpture, the modification of the integument by punctures, strise, etc. 

Scutellary, near the scutellum. 

Securiform, hatchet-shaped. 

Serrate, with pointed teeth like a saw. 

Seta, a stiff hair. 

Setiferous, setigerous, setose, furnished with setae. 

Shagreened, see Coriaceous, 

Sinuate, having two curves in opposite directions. 

Sguamose, covered with scales or of scaly aspect. 

Stria, an impressed line. 

Striate, furnished with strise. 


SMate-punctate, having rows of pimotures. 

Stngose, haTing fine soratchee. 

iSti&-, in composition signifies almost or slightly. 

Subulate, like an awl. 

Sulcate, furnished with a groove or grooves. 

Svture, the line of junction of any two parts. 

Testaceous, yellowish. 

Trantverse, (1) broader than long ; (2) in a crosswise direction. 

Trapezoidal, form of an irregular four-sided figure. 

TrunaUe, ending abruptly. 

Tubercle, a small abrupt elevation. 

VmbUieate, as applied to puncturation, signifies a puncture within which is 

yet another smaller one. 
Vmbonate, a surface broadly raised above the general level, as if a cushion 

had been placed on it. 

Yermicalar, vermiculate, furnished with wavy interrupted stria. 



Subfamily I. Micropeplinze . 19 

1. Micropeplus 20 

1. fiilvus Er. var. japoui- 

CU8 Shp 21 

2. sikkimi Fauv 22 

3. vulcanus Fauv 28 

Subfamily II. Oxyteliius 23 

Tribe 1. 1'ikstini 25 

1. Apatetica WeHtw 26 

1. rotundicoliis Fauv 28 

2. sikkimi Fauv 28 

3. indica, sp. n 29 

4. javanica Shp 29 

5. iutermedia, sp. n 30 

6. lebioides Westw 31 

7. viridipennis Fauv 31 

8. cserulcipennis, sp. n. . . 32 

9. birmana, sp. u 33 

2. Nodynua Westw 33 

1. nitidus Waterh 34 

3. Eupiestus Kr 35 

1. spiniler Fauv 36 

var. unicolor, nov 451 

2. fesB Fauv 37 

3. temporalis Fauv 38 

4. seulpticollis Kr 38 

6. anguiatus Fauv 39 

6. sikkimi Fauv 39 

7. jacobsoni (Jam. . . 40, 451 

4. Siaxonium Kirbt/ 4' Spence. 40 

1. indicum Fauv, 41 

6. Paralispinus Bernh 42 

1. exi);uus Fr 42 

6. Holosus MoUch 43 

1. tachinif ormis i(fotM/t. , . 44 

Page Holosus (cunt.). Page 

. 17 2. couuriformis Motsch. . . 46 

3. distinguendus Cam. . , 45 

4. tachyporiformis J/o<»cA. 46 
6. mycetoporiformisilf"<«e^. 40 

6. olisthoeriformis Motsch. 47 

7. fossulatus Motsch 48 

8. foveolatiis Motsch 48 

9. longipennis Cam 49 

10. brevipennis Fauv 50 

11. ambigenus Fauv 50 

12. aberraus Fauv 51 

7. Lispinus Er 51 

1. quadriuotatus Fauv. . . 54 

2. lievipenuia Kr 54 

3. strigiventris Kr. , 55 

4. quadricoUis Cam 56 

6. andrewesi, sp. n 56 

6. teuuicornia Kr 67 

7. brevicomis Kr 57 

8. birmanus Fauv 58 

9. coarcticoUis Kr 58 

10. intermedius Cam. ... 59 
10 «. dipterocarpi, sp. n. . . 462 

11. madurensis Bernh 59 

12. impiessicollis Motsch. . . 60 
12 a. assameiisis, sp. ii 452 

13. sublucens Fauv 60 

14. beesoni Cam 61 

16. coriaeeiis Fauv 62 

16. subopacus AV 62 

17. iveri Bernh 63 

16. fulvus Motsch 63 

19. amherstanus Bernh. . . 64 

I 20. testaceus Kr 64 

8. Pseudolispinodes Bernh. . . 65 
1. bistriatus Fauv 66 

9. Betbrys i'Vjui' 67 

1. personatus Fauv 67 

10. Tetrajileunis Bernh 68 

1. seriatus Fauv 69 

2. indicus Bernh 69 



Tetrapleurus (cont). Page | 

3. sculptus A')' 70 I 

4. himalayicus Ctiu, 71 I 

f). rusrosus Fauv. 72 

11. Thoracophorug Motsch. . . 72 

1. submtidus Motsch 73 

Tribe II. Kleusiini 74 

12. Eleusis Cast 74 

1. nilgiriensis, sp. n 77 

2. vermicnlai-is Fauv 77 

3. feee Fauv 78 

3 a. simulai.s, >p. u 452 

3 b. biriuauu, $p. n 463 

4. quadricep.s Cam 79 

5. andrewesi, E.p. n 79 

6. denticollis, sp. ii 80 

7. pliigiata Fauv 81 , 

8. beesoui, pp. n 81 

9. viridans Fauv 82 , 

10. humilis Er 83 r 

11. iaticeps Fiiu\i 84 ' 

12. kraatzi i'liMu 85 

13. rotuiidiceps Favv 86 

14. puHilla F'aiic 87 

15. secrctn, ,sp. n 87 i 

IC. longict'ps Fauv 88 ' 

17. fusciueps Jfr 88 1 

Tribe III. liEPTocniMNi 89 

13. Leptocbivu.s Qerm 89 

Subgen. Strongylochirus Sernh. 90 

1. quadridsiis Motsch. . . 91 

2. lifivis Cast 91 

3. atkin-aoiii Fauv 92 

14. Bovolinus Beitih 02 

1. eeminifus Fauv 93 

2. autilope Faur 93 

3. sikkimensis Bernh 94 

4. niinulus Cast 94 

15. I'riocbirus Shp 95 

Subgen.Triacantbochiiua^ernA. 96 

1. apicalis Epp 97 

2. bipunctatua Fauv 97 

3. pentatfonalis Bei-nh. . . 98 

4. tridens Motsch 99 

5. ceylaiifnBis A'r 99 

Subgen. Ceplialomeni8.&em/i.. . 100 

6. colodsalis Bernh 100 

7. exaratus Epp 101 

8. bifoveatus Epp 102 

9. sanguinosus Motsch. . . 103 

10. coiiibustus ^'awii 103 

11. rufus Cam 104 

12. indicus Bernh 105 

Subgen. Ceplialonierus (cont.). Page 
18. rubigimisus, sp. n JOS 

14. pygmsBUs Kr 106 

15. andrewesi, sp. u 107 

16. hoplites I'auv 107 

Subgen. I'seucodontus £«rnA. . . 108 

17. mandibularis £r 108 

Subgen. Stiguiatuchirus Bernh. . 109 

18. aboii Bernh 109 

Subgen. Leptarthrus Bernh. . . 109 

19. longicornis Fauv 110 

20. micrognatlius Fauv. . . Ill 
Siibj^en. Plastus Bernh Ill 

21. excavBtus Motsch 112 

22. kuluensis Bernh 118 

23. crassicoriiis, sp. n IIS 

24. eucerus, sp. n 114 

26. bracbycerus Kr 114 

26 a. sikkimensis, sp. n 464 

25 b. gardneri, sp. n 454 

26. asceudens Fauv. 115 

27. taprobanus, sp. n 116 

28. brevicoinis Er 1 17 

29. birmanus, sp. n 117 

16. I'horacochirus Bernh 118 

1. verrucifer F'auv 119 

2. variolosuB Fauv 119 

3. assamensis, sp. n 120 

4. simoiii Fauv 120 

Tribe IV. Pskudoi-sini 121 

17. Pseudopsis 121 

I. sulcata Newm 122 

Tribe V. Pkotkinini 123 

18. Proteinus Latr 123 

1. ruticollis Cam 124 

2. fuscotestaceus Cam. . . 125 

19. JMegartbrus ISteph 125 

1. nmbonatus Fauv. . . 127 

2. bimaculalus Fauv 128 

3. birmanus Fauv 128 

4. rufomarginatus Cam. . . 129 

5. basicornis Ihuv 129 

6. cliatterjeei Cam 130 

7. trisinuatus Cam 130 

8. flavolimbatus Cam 131 

9. alticola Cam 131 

10. septempunctntusCAanip. 132 

Tribe VI. Omai-iini 1 33 

20. Anthobiuni Ste/ih 184 

1. sikkinii Fauv. 136 

^„ 2. indicum Champ 136 




21. Phyllodrepn Thorns 136 

1. moQticola, sp. ii 137 

2. almorensis Champ 137 

3. flavipennig, sp. n 138 

22. Omalium Or 138 

1. humernle Cam 139 

2. beesoui Cam 139 

3. cariosum Cam 140 

4. secretum Cam 140 

5. altivnfi^ans Bemh 140 

33. Phloeonomus Heer 141 

1. obscurus Kr 142 

2. discalis Cam 142 

3. nigritulus, sp. n 143 

4. quadrifosauktus ilfofscA. 143 

5. opaciis Cam 144 

6. subopacus Cam ] 44 

7. morosua Cam 145 

8. siiijfulare Kr 145 

9. assaiiiensis, sp. D 145 

10. anjrulatiia Mottch 146 

Subjren. Xylostiba Gnnylb 14(5 

11. himalayiciis Cam 14(> 

Sub^en- I'hlooostiba Thorns. . . 147 

12. pinicola Champ 147 

13. temporalis, sp. n. ... 148 
24. Philorhiimm Kr 148 

1. florivagum Champ 149 

2.1. Manneiheiniia Mitkl. . , . . 149 

1. jrorieusis Champ 150 

20. Lathrimieum Er 151 

1. nigrum Cani 152 

2. frracilipalpe Champ. . . 153 

3. cavicrus Cam 153 

4. nionticola Cam 154 

5. rujrosiim Champ l.')4 

27. Arpediuiii Er 155 

1 . pallens ilfof »eA 156 

28. Ampliioliroum JTr 156 

1 . pindareuse Champ 157 

2. nionticola Cam 157 

3. authobioides Champ. . . 158 

29. Lesteva Latr 158 

1. torreiitum Cam 159 

2. fluviata Champ 160 

30. QeodromicHs Hedt 100 

1. brevitai'818 Champ 162 

2. coriaceua Cam 162 

3. recticoUis Cam 163 

4. amnicola Champ 103 

4 a. similis, sp. n 455 

6. championi Cam 168 

6 a. kashinirensig, op. n. . . 465 

6. cras«ipalpis Champ. . . 164 

7. ouvvipes Cam 104 

31. Hygrogeus Rey 166 

1. cyanipeiinis Cam 165 

2, kumaonensis Champ. . . 166 
82. Tetradelus Faiw 167 

1. trigonuroides Fauv 167 

Tribe VII. Oxytelini 168 

33. Paraleaster, gen. n 169 

1. longipennis, 8p. n 170 

34. Copropbilus iatr 171 

Subgea. Coprophilas, s. str., 

Ganglb 172 

1. alticola Fauv 172 

Subgeii. Zonoptilu.s Mottch. . . 172 

2. burphuensis Champ. . . 172 

3. 8ubplagiatus Cam 173 

35. Planeust.tiuus Jacq. du Val. 173 

1. iudicus Fauv 174 

2. bengaleiisis Champ, . . 174 

3. longiceps Champ 175 

4. subcarjnatus Champ. . . 175 

36. Ancyrophorus Kr 176 

Subgen. .Miaancvrus Oozia .... 177 

1. championi Cam 177 

Subgen. Ancyrophorus. a. str. . . 177 

2. moiiticola Cam 177 

3. nitidus Cam 178 

37. Trogopblaju.s Mannh 178 

Subgen. Tlunodromus Kr 180 

1. lunatua Mofsch 180 

2. lewUi Cam 180 

.3. assaniensis, sp. n 181 

4. pubicollis, sp. n 182 

Subp:en. t!arpalimu<! Steph 182 

5. distinctus Fairm 1K2 

6. gravely! Bemh 183 

7. vulneratus Bemh 183 

Subgen. 'I'rogophlcieus, s. str. . . 184 

8. indicus Kr 186 

9. nigrita Wall. 186 

10. siaineiisis Fauv 187 

vnr. siwalikensis, nov. 187 

11. peregrinus Cam 187 

12. planicoUis Bemh 188 

13. chatterjeei, sp. n 188 

14. congruu.s sp. n 188 

15. simplex Motsch 189 

16. granulatiis, sp. n. .. 189 

17. laticeps, sp. n 190 

18. coiiaceus, an. n 190 

19. foveicollis Kr 191 

20. flavipennia, sp. n 191 

21. pallitans, ap. n 192 

22. pusiP, sp. n 192 

23. gratus, sp n 193 



Subgeii. Trogophloeus (eont.). Page 
§i. piceicotlis, sp. n 193 

25. acubiosus Kr 194 

26. Hbnormalis, sp. u 194 

27. ruticoriiis, up. ii }96 

as. tapiobanie Wa//i 186 

•29. rivulari-s Motsch 196 

30. torreiituni, sp. n 196 

31. trivialis, sp. n 197 

32. nitidipeiiiiis Cam 197 

33. calcuttaiius JiernA 198 

34. vagaiis, sp. n 198 

35. beugaleiisis, 6p. n 199 

Subgen. Tioginus .tf«/». e/ Rey . 190 

36. exiguus ICr 199 

38. Xerophygus Ki- 200 

1. pallipes Motsch 200 

2. Uavipes Mottch 201 

39. Apocollagria Cam 201 

1. indica Cam 202 

2. tenuicomis, sp. u 203 

40. Oiytelopsis Fauv 203 

1. apicipennis Fauv 204 

2. cimicoides .Fauv 205 

3. pseudopsina lauv 20C 

4. andrewesi, sp. n 207 

41. Delopsis Fam 208 

1. cornuta Fauv 209 

2. seticornis Fauv 209 

3. indicug Bemh 210 

4. longicornis Fauv.. ..... 211 

42. Oxytelus Gr., s. str 211 

1. "hirtulus Epp 213 

2. cribtuiu Fuuv 214 

3. feneotinctus. sp. n 215 

4. flavipennis Kr 215 

5. sordidus, sp. n 116 

Subgan. Tanycraerus Thorns. . . 217 

6. armiger Fauv 218 

7. bellicosiis Fauv 218 

8. luceus Bernh 220 

9. almorensis, sp. n 221 

10. discnlis, sp. n 222 

11. punctipennig Fauv 223 

12. dohertyi, sj). n 223 

13. pallidipeunis, sp. n 224 

14. megaceros Faur> 225 

16. bin(?8toni Cam 226 

16. nilgiritinsis, sp. n 227 

17. robustus Schub 228 

18. micans Kr 228 

10. fcetidus, sp. n 230 

Subgen. Caccoporns Thorns. . . 2 1 ' 

20. lividuR Motsch 231 

21. benpalensis^r. 2.32 , 

22. nigriceps Kr 233 ; 

Subgen. Caccoporus {cont.). 

23. varipennis Kr 

24. ferrugineus Kr 

Subgen. Aiiotylus T}u>mt. . . , 

25. cephalotes Epp 

26. binuanus, sp. u 

27. megacephalus Fauv. . 

28. sikkinii Fauv. 

29. tibialis Schub 

30. opacellus, sp. n 

31 . andrewesi, sp. ii 

32. lUBsuriensis, sp. n. ... 

33. occultus, sp. n 

34. myrmecopiiilus Cam. . 

35. (iiiiluensifr, sp. n 

35 a. gardneri, sp. n 

36. nitidulus Or 

37. pygmseus Kr 

38. pauper, sp. n 

39. intermeduis, sp. n 

40. pumiloides, sp. ii 

41. latiusculus AV 

42. kraatzi, uov. nuin 

43. Isetus, »p. n 

44. alternans, sp. n 

46. rufus Kr 

46. rubicundus, sp. n 

47. ruber, sp. n 

48. nitidifrons Wall. 

49. pavicola Beriili 

60. distiucticollifl Cam 

51. rubidus, sp. n 

.'52. thoracicus Motsch 

53. exusptratus Kr 

54. fratcr, sp. n 

65. simplex Motsch 

66. incisu^ Motsch 

57. parft.situs Motsch 

48. Platystetlius Mannh 

1. te'<tHCPus Motsch 

2. corimtiis Gr 

3. dilutipeniiis Cam 

4. indiiii-', sp. n 

5. spectabilis Kr 

6. crassicoriiis Mutsch, . . 

44. liledius Mannh 

Subgen. Blediiis, ». str 

1. quadriconiis liei-nh, . . 

2. bison, sp. n 

3. bruimipennis F. 

4. hdplites Fauv 

■Subgen. lilbidus Muls. et lie;/ . . 

6. taruiinsis 

Subgen. I'ui'erus Mula. tt Mey . . 

6. verres Er. var. mona- 

chus, nov 


. 234 

. 235 

. 237 

. 239 

. 340 

, 341 

. 242 

, 242 


, 244 















































Subgen. Pucerug (cotit.). Page 

7. tuberculatus F. 376 

8. graciIicurnU Kr 277 

9. rhinoceros, sp. n 277 

10. transversuH, sp. n 277 

11. palliatus Fauv 278 

Subgen. Hesperophilus+Bledi- 

oiies Mids. et Rei/ .. 278 

12. lucidus Shp 279 

Vi. bispinus JTr. 280 

14. fuscicornig, sp. n 280 

15. chanipioni Bemh 281 

16. indicus, sp. n 283 

17. maindroni Fauv 283 

18. birmanus, sp. n 283 

19. puVhellus ij-. 284 

20. helferi Fanv 284 

21. dilutipeniiis Motteh. . . 284 

22. beesoni, op. n 286 

46. Thinobiua Kieaw 286 

1. prninosus Cam 287 

2. himalayicus Cam 287 

3. antennarius Cam 288 

4. simlaensia Cam 288 

Tribe Vlil. OsoBiiNi , 

46. Osorius Latr 

1. rugicollia Kr 

2. callifrons Bemh 

8. beebei Bernh 

4. puncticollis Kr 

6. sikkimensis Bernh 

6 a. gardneri, sp. n 

6. stricticollis Fauv 

7. calviis Epp 

8. constrictus Fauv 

9. strangulatus Fauv 

10. robustus Cam 

11. peguaiius Bernh 

12. pectinifrona Fauv 

12 a. lopcliueiisis, sp. n 

13. kraatzi Bernh 

14. kempi Bernh 

Tar. parvipennis Bernh. 

15. punctipennia Fauv 

16. scolytinus Fauv 

17. monticola Cam 

18. birmanus, sp. n 

19. Tufipes MoUch 

20. punctulatus MoUch. . . 

21. madurensis Schub 

22., mlgiriensis Ftiw; 

23. indicus Cam 

47. Mimogonns Fauv. 

1 . fiimator Fauv. 



Mimogonus (uoiU.). Page 

2. andrewesi, sp. n 306 

3. rufipenuis Motteh 306 

S a. niger, sp. n 457 

48. Paragonus Fauv 306 

1. birmanus Fauv 306 

49. Holotrochus Er 307 

1. annandalei Bemh 307 

2. chatterjeei, sp. n 308 

Subfamily III. OzyporiMB. , . 308 

50. Oxyporug 309 

1. bucephahis i'^auv 310 

2. birmanus, sp. n 311 

3. stigmaticus, sp. n 311 

4. apicata Cam 311 

6. flavicornis Schub 312 

var. iiigriceps Cam. , . 312 

var. niaculatus Cain. . 312 

6. cephalotes, sp. n 813 

7. variegatus, sp. n 313 

8. stigma Fauv 313 

9. dohertyi, sp. n 314 

10. nigricornis, sp. n 314 

Subfamily IV. MegalopinaB. . 316 

61. Megalopsidia Letig ...... 315 

1. sexdentatii Cam 316 

2. subfasciata Champ 317 

Subfamily V. Stenina 318 

52. Steuus Latr 319 

1. kraatzi Bernh 322 

2. tortuosus, ap. n 324 

3. sikkimensia Cum 324 

4. confiuens Cant 326 

6. carinipennis Bernh 326 

C. crenicollis Fpp " 327 

7. clavicomis Scop 327 

8. renator Fauv 328 

9. diffidens Cam 329 

10. seminiger Champ 330 

11. Burichalceus Champ. . . 331 

12. bracteatus Champ 333 

13. nigrovirens Fauv 3.S3 

14. assaniensis, sp. n 3<'i5 

15. viriditiuctus Champ. . . 335 

16. cyaneovireiis, sp. n 335 

17. collium Fauv .336 

18. comes Fauv 336 

19. rugicoUis Kr 337 

20. chatterjeei, sp. n 337 

21. aeratus, sp. n 337 

22. Dlumbeus, sp. n 339 


Stenus (cont.). Pajre 

33. miisicolH, sp. ii •'i39 

24. niorosus, sp. n 339 

24 a. almorensis, sp. n 468 

25. %iride3Cen8, sp. n 340 

var. almoreiisia, nov. . . 341 

26. annamita -FniKi) 841 

27. nigriiies, sp. n 342 

38. hirsutiis, sp. ii 342 

29. incoiLipiciius, sp. n 'M'J 

30. fuseipes Or 343 

31. peiatus, sp. i; 344 

32. siiiituensis, sp. n 34o 

33. cariuatus Cam 345 

34. bi'e.-oui, sp. n 34<i 

85. lugubvi.", s.p. 11 .547 

Subgen. Hypostenus Rey .... 347 

36. pulcfier Mot»(l> 350 

37 pictiis Motufi .".51 

38. fulve,sceii.s Motsr'i 352 

39. (fiittalis Faiw 352 

40. rajpurianus, sp. ii 353 

41 . piistiilatus Jieni/t 354 

42. Tentricosus Finir 354 

43. rufoplftgiatus Champ. . , 356 

44. bivulneratus Molsch. . . 35fi 

45. flavostigma, sp. n 350 

46. liimalHyiciis Bernh 357 

47. signifer Fmw 3.59 

48. flexuosua Champ 359 

48 a. obliteratus, sp. n 458 

48. flavovittatus Cham}). . . 360 

50 sinuatus, sp. n 360 

61. tuberculicoUis, sp. n. . . 301 
52. kurseonginus Benih. . . 3G2 

63. birniauus Fauv 363 

54. bispiiius Kr 364 

56. basicornis Kr 365 

66. coelogaster Champ 365 

57. persimilis, sp. n 367 

68. millepunotus i'ViMt' 368 

59. albidicornis Bernh 8b9 

60. andvewcsi Faxre 369 

61. frater, sp. n 370 

62. angiistienllis Epp 371 

63. nitiduluB Cam 37-'! 

64. barbatus Niet 873 

65. serpens Ben 374 

68. cribellatus Mntsch 375 

67. ceylotiicus Bernh 876 

68. wasmanni Fauv 376 

69. consors Fauv 377 

70. gastralis Fauv 378 

71. 5iliferua Mottch 378 

72. a'cumhiatus Kr 370 

78. Ucertoides iWei 379 

Subgeu. Hypoateuus. (co»<.). I'nge 

74. monomorus Fauv 380 

75. tricariiiatus Kr 380 

76. niicrocephalus Bernh. . . 381 

77. Hstulosus Ben .381 

78. planifroiis Fauv 382 

Subgen. Mesosteniis Rey 883 

79. gestroi Fauv 385 

80. grandiculus Ben 886 

81 . callifiuns Ben 386 

82. circiiiiiflexug Fauv 3"*6 

83. immsi Bernh 387 

84. lea; Fauv 381 

85. masuriaiius, sp. n 888 

85 a. tenuiiiiargo, sp. n 459 

86 stigiiiatieus 2''a«o 389 

86 a. lopcliiiensis, sp. n. .. 460 
87. obliqueiiotatus, s-p. n. . . 390 
8S. cliakratianus, sp. ii. . . ;j91 

89. posticus Fauv 392 

!K). languor Beii 393 

91. perafRnis Fauv 393 

92. abdoiiiinalis Fauv 304 

93. virgula Vuiiv 394 

94. iiiHculifer, .ip. n 395 

05. bi'lJi Faui- 390 

96. pil'Oin nis i'/iwt) 397 

97. vii'idanns Chaiiip 398 

98. coi datus Gr 399 

99. aeeris titeph 400 

100. submi'tallicus, sp. ii. . . 400 
100 rt. gardiieri, ^p. n 400 

101. keiiipi Bernh 401 

102. biacliypteius Kr 402 

103. nil^int'iisis Cam 403 

53. Diftiious (S'nw 404 

1. robustus Cam 407 

2. graeilipes Champ 408 

3. assainensis Cum 410 

4. anuaudalei Bernh 410 

5. versicolor Oiot 41] 

6. bifoveifroiis C/io«ip 413 

7. consors Cam 413 

8. obliquenotatiis Chatnp. . 414 

9. cieruleoiiotatiis Champ.. 414 

10. iiwequalis Champ 415 

11. piBriileoguttatus (am. . . 417 

12. cvanopa-ster Champ. . . 417 

13. ."-iwalilfenais Cam 418 

14. punctiventris Champ. . . 420 

15. obspuroguttatus Cam. . . 421 

16. cribrarius Champ 422 

17. bimaculatus Cam 423 

18. flzurous Champ 424 

19. scabricolUs Champ 426 

20. femoralis Cam 426 



Dianous (cont.). Pafje 

21. luteoguttatua Champ... '27 

22. distigma Champ 427 

23. verticosus Upp 429 

vnr. bisipnatus Cam.. . 429 
vai'.cupreonotatus ('«».. 429 

24. ocellatuB, sp. n 4.30 

2.'). purpureomaculauis 

Bemh 431 

2fi. cameroni C/iavip 432 

27. championi Ceini 4.3.'i 

2H. lobigerus Ciitnnp. . . . 4.'5.' 

29. andrewesi Cam 4.'i4 

.'}0. aiibtortuo.siis Champ. . 43K 

;tl. radiatua Chainp 4.'i7 

32. frater Cam !;'.*< 

Dianous ictmt.). Pajr* 

.'i3. tortuiisus Champ 43£ 

34. tortus Cam 440 

35. subvorticosus Champ. . . 440 

36. minor Champ 441 

37. aereua Champ 442 

.38. (eneiis. sp. ii 442 

39. viriilipennis Cam 444 

Siibfiimily VI. Euaesthetmse. 444 

54. .StBn!e.>ithetus Shp 445 

1. fiiiiioiiips Shp 446 

2. qiiadrisulcatus, «j) n. . 446 
5.5. Kdflplma Lfi- 447 

1 niMJor I'^avr 448 

2 piinrtatiis I'nuv 449 

vol, I 


The name Slaphylinua appears to have been first used by 
Linnaeus (Syst. Nat. 1758), and included all the species of 
Staphylinid^ then known ; some of them have since then been 
removed from what is now known as the genus Slaphylinus. 
Fabricius (Syst. Ent. 1775) founded the genera Oxyporus and 
Pcederus. PaykuU published his ' Monographia Staphylinorum 
Suecise ' in 1789 ; Latreille, in his Hist. Nat. Oust, et Insectes- 
(1802-05) and Gen. Crust, et Insectes (1806-07), further 
extended our knowledge. In 1802 Gravenhorst's ' Micro- 
ptera Brunsviciensia ' appeared, and in 1806 the ' Monographia 
Micropterorum.' Stephens's lUust. Brit. Ent., Mandibulata 
(1827), Mannerheim's ' Brachelytra ' (1830), Nordmann's 
' Symbolae ad Monographiam Staphylinorum ' (1837), all added 
to the number of genera and species. It was, however, Erich- 
son, in his classical work, ' Genera et Species Staphylinorum ' 
(1840), who redescribed all the genera and species then known, 
together with many others from all parts of the world, and may 
be credited with having placed the family on a sound footing, 
and his classification is still largely followed at the present time. 
Heer, in 1842, published the 'Fauna Coleopterorum Helvetica,' 
containing descriptions of several STAPHYLiNiDiE. Lacor- 
daire's 'Genera des Col&)ptere8 ' (ii, 1865) and Jaquelin du 
Val's ' Genera des Col^opteres d'Europe ' (ii, 1857-59) increase 
our genera . Motschoulsky, between the years 1844 and 1861 , and 
Kraatz, between 1853 and 1868, contributed many important 
papers on tropical and European species ; Mulsant and Rey, 
much on the European fauna ; C. G. Thomson, on the Scan- 
dinavian in his ' Skandinaviens Coleoptera,' iii, 1861 ; J. 
Sahlberg, various papers between 1870 and 1911. Fauvel, 
from 1862 to 1908, published many important contributions ; 
Sharp, from 1862 to 1920, wrote much on the subject ; Eppela- 
heim, between 1873 and 1896, added to our knowledge of the 
group. WoUaston, in his publications between 1854 and 1877 
on the insects of Madeira, the Canaries, etc., described many new 
species. Casey, since 1884, has written much, chiefly on the 
North American species ; Eichelbaum has written on the 
Africaui fauna between the years 1908 and 1913. Amongst 

TOL. I. B 


contemporary \mters may be mentioned Benick, Bernhauer, 
Fenyes, Gridelli, I^a, Peyerimhoflf, Rambousek, Scheerpeltz, 
Silvestri, Wasmann, and \VendeIer. The above brief account 
by no means includes all who have contributed to our know- 
ledge of the family, which numbers 12,740 species according 
to the latest catalogue (Bernhauer, Schubert, and Scheerpeltz, 
1910-26), but several hundreds have been described since. 

This family of Coleoptera is, with few exceptions, readily 
recognized by the short elytra with straight suture, and the 
consequent exposure of the greater number of the abdominal 
segments, which are freely movable (only, exceptionally in 
the females of some of the species of Avthobium do the elytra 
cover the abdomen), and the presence of ocelli on the head at 
once distinguishes them from all other Coleoptera. Certain 
more or less aberrant species of other families have short 
elytra, and also the Silphid^ and Pselaphidje ; but the two 
latter families have a straight suture and wings concealed in 
repose, whilst the others have a suture dehiscent from the 
«cutellum and exposed wings. The family is closely related to 
the SiLPHiD.aE and Psbjlaphid^, and, indeed, it is doubtful 
whether satisfactory distinctions exist : such as they are may 
be shown in the following table : — 

Species with short elytra, the suture at most dehiscent behind, the 
■wings in repose completely concealed under the elytra. 

1. Segments of the abdomen immobile P8F.laphid.S!. 

Segments of the abdomen freely movable 2. 

2. The first three or four dorsal abdominal segments 

membranous Silphid^. 

The first one or two dorsal abdominal segments 
membranous STAPHvi,iNiD.ffii. 

In England they are popularly known as " Rover beetles," 
and have also been named Miceopteea and Brachelytea. 
The " Devil's Coach-horse " is a familiar British species. 


As in most insects four stages are recognized during their 
life-history — ^the egg, larva, pupa, and imago ; but owing to the 
obscure habits and small size of most species and the difiSculty 
in rearing the early stages when removed from their natural 
surroundings, but little is known about them. The following 
Account of the larvae is taken from Schiedte (Naturhist. 
Tidsskr. 3 Raekke, iii, 1864-65, pp. 193-215, and 3 Raekke, 
■«aii, 1872-73, pp.648-664). They are active six-legged creatures, 



and three types are recognized — ^the Oxyteline, Stenine, and 
Staphyline ; the differences are indicated below : — 

OxYTKLiNE type. 

( Oxyporus, Platygtethus, 

Head deflexed, not con- 
si tricted behind. 

Antennae 3-jointed. 
Mouth- parts retracted. 

Mandibles toothed. 

Labium not lobed. 

Dorsal plates of thorax 

Prosternum mem- 

Cerci 1- or 2-jointed, 

Stenink type. 

{Stenus, Tachinus, 

Tachyporui, Syn- 


Head deflexed, con- 
tricted behind. Cly- 
peus spinose. 

Antonnse 4-jolnted. 

Mouth - parts promi- 

Mandibles falciform, 

Labium bilobed. 

Dorsal plates of thorax 

Prosternum mem- 

Oerci 2-jointed, long, 

Staphylinb type. 

Head prominent, con- 
stricted behind. Cly- 
peus toothed. 

Autennra 4-jointed. 

Mouth -parts promi- 

Mandibles falciform, 

Labium trilobed. 

Dorsal platf s of thorax 

Prosternum chitinous. 

Oerci 2-joiiited, set.i- 

The pupse are quiescent and somewhat similar to those of 
the Lepidopteea, but with the limbs etc. more evident. 

Steucturb of the Imago. 

The adult is divided into three principal parts — ^the head, 
thorax, and abdomen. 

The head is a chitinous capstile of variable form protecting 
the chief sensory apparatus and the mouth-parts. It is 
pierced by six openings : i he occipital behind for the passage 
of the gullet and nerve-cords, the buccal in front containing 
the mouth-parts, a large optic on either side for the optic 
nerves, and a smaller antennal for those of the antenna. The 
upper surface (fig. 1), disc or epicranium, sometimes shows 
a more or less abbreviated median suture ; the frontal region 
is sometimes separated behind from the rest of the surface by 
a more or less transverse suture, and is known as the clypevs ; 
the central point of the epicranium and its immediate neigh- 
boiu-hood is the vertex. The neck is that portion articulating 
with the thorax and pierced by the occipital foramen ; it is 
usually surrounded by a raised margin or collar ; it may be 
thick and inserted into the thorax or very slender and -free ; 
every gradation is found between these extreme forms. The 
side of the head behind the eye may form an unbroken 
line or curve to the neck, or it may be more or less suddenly 
constricted ; in the former case (fig. 2) it is known as the 
post-ocular region, in the latter (fig. 1) the anterior portion is 



called the temple, and the rest the base ; the more or less 
evident angle at the point of union is the posterior angk. 
The under surface is somewhat variable ; on each side of the 
middle line it may present a suture extending from the^ 
buccal to the occipital foramen ; these are the gular sutures, 
the space between is the gular plate (fig. 4) : or the sutures are 

/ \ BASE 


Fig. 1, — Diagram of upper surface of head. 

fused to a greater or less extent, forming a median gvlar suture, 
so that oiUy the anterior part of the gular plate is present, 
which is called the submentum (fig. 3). Often a ridge or crest 
external to the gular suture extends from the neck forwards to 
the buccal orifice and sometimes reaching it ; it is known as 
the infra-orbital ridge or crest, and when present the temple is- 



Figi 2. — ^Diagram of nndei snrface of head. 

said to be bordered below. The eyes are variable in size ; they 
are variably situated on the sides of the head and are 
occasionally absent. Ocelli are found only in the Ohajuini; 
they are two in number, one on either side of the vertex. 
Antennce, two in number, may be freely inserted on the 
front or side of the head before the eyes, or the insertion 


taay be more or less concealed under a ridge or projection ; 
they consist of 9 (MiCBOPEPLiNiE), 10, 11 or 12 (^inopsini) 
joints, the most usual number being 11 ; the Adinopsiki have 
Joot been recorded from India. The form of the joints is 
very variable. 



Fig. 3. — Diagram of under saxfaoe of head. 

Parts of the Mouth (figs. 5, 6). — The labrum, or upper lip, 
is usually a more or less transverse plate chitinous behind 
and more or less membranous in front, often bilobed or fur- 
nished with spines ; it is united to the clypeus by a membrane, 





Fig, 4, — Diagram of under surface of head. 


And limits the buccal orifice above. The merdum is a chitin- 
ous, usually more or less trapezoidal plate united to the 
«limentum or gvlar plate by a membrane ; in front it supr 
ports the labium. The labium is more or less membranous 
and transverse (except in the Stenin^, virhere it is elongate 
And can be much exserted) ; at rest it lies above the mentum. 


to which it is attached. In the middle it carries the.tongue 
or lingua, which is entirely or in part membranous and very 
variable in shape. On either side and overiying the tongue 
are the paraglossce ; each is a slender chitinous rod furnished 
internally with numerous hairs or setsB ; occasionally these 
structures are rudimentary or absent. Arising from the 
labium external to the paraglosssB on each side are the labial 
paipi ; these are very variable in size and are composed of 
from one to four joints, usually however of three ; occasionally 
the third joint is much modified (Oxyporus). External to the 
mentum and articulating with the margin of the buccal orifice 

Fig. 5. — Diagn^am of the maxillary lobes etc. 

1. Snbmentum or galar plate. 

2. Mentum. 

3. Cardo. 

4. Stipes. 

5. Lacinia. 

6. Squama. 

7. Inner lobe of maxilla. 

8. Outer lobe of maxilla. 

9. Maxillary palp. 

by a small more or less triangular joint {cardo or hinge joint) 
is the maxiUary lobe, which consists of the following parts — 
the stipes, a more or less triangular plate, the base articulating 
with the cardo, its outer side carrying a piece known as the 
squama or palpifer, which bears the maxiUary 'pcH/pus ; its 
iimer side similarly supports another piece, the lacinia, to 
■which are articulated the inner and aider hbes of the maxilla. 
The WMxiUary palpus is composed of four, more rarely of five 
or three joints ; the first of these is usually small, but in the 
Stbnik^ is elongate : the relative size of the joints is very 
variable, the terminal one is frequently very small. The innor 
lobe of the maxilla is partly chitinous and partly membranous. 


usually narrow and pointed at the apex, often hooked, the inner 
border furnished with teeth, spines or cilia, or all three com- 
bined ; the outer lobe is usually broader than the inner, with a 
truncate or rounded apex, usually more or less densely ciUate, 
but sometimes with spines. The mandibles are articulated to 
the buccal margin outside the cardo ; they are very variable, 
sometimes long, slender, and pointed with long sharp teeth, 
sometimes stout with broad crushing teeth, sometimes 
edentate, or one with a tooth and the other without ; at the 
base behind the last tooth is usually found a fine ciUated 
membrane. Occasionally the whole outer surface is longi- 
tudinally grooved. 

The thorax is the division of the body immediately following 
the head, and to it are attached the organs of locomotion. 
It consists of three parts, the pro-, meso-, and metathorax ; 
each part is composed of an upper and lower plate, the pro-. 




'^■\ --MENTUM 
Fig. 0. — Diagram of labial palpi etc. 

meso-, and metanotum above and the pro-, meso-, and meta- 
sterntmi below, with certain additional plates. Seen from above 
the pronotum comprises the greater part of the visible thorax, 
and is usually spoken of as the " thorax " in systematic works ; 
this, though convenient and so used here, is not correct ; the 
part should be referred to as the pronotum. Its lateral margins, 
bent downwards and inwards, form the pronotal epipleura, the 
sharp line of reflexion forms the superior lateral line of Sharp, 
the free lower margin the inferior lateral line of that author. 
The only part of the mesonotum visible from above without 
dissection is known as the scutellum ; it presents as a small 
triangular or rounded plate in the middle line at the base of 
the elytra. In some groups it is invisible. The rrietanotum is 
entirely concealed by the elytra. Passing now to the under sur- 
face (fig. 7), we have in front the proatemnm ; this is a plate 
of very variable development. In the middle it is more or less 
produced backwards into a process between the anterior 
coxa- ; antero-externally it is fused with the under surface 


of the pronotum or the pronotal epipleura when present, 
limiting the coxal cavities in front. The prostemal epimeron 
is a triangular or tongue-shaped plate fused with the epipleura 
externally or free : it limits the coxal cavity behind and 
conceals the spiracle or respiratory aperture of the prothorax ; 
in the Leptochiri it extends to the apex of the prostemal 
process, so that the coxal cavity is completely closed behind ; 
when absent the spiracle is exposed. The epimera are well 
developed in the Miceopeplin.®, Oxytelin^, Stbnin.«!, and 
PiEDEEiNJE, wanting in the SxAPHYUNiNiE and ALEOCHAKrN.a!, 
present as a small free plate in the Tachypobin^. 

The trochantin, usually concealed at the base of the coxa, 
is sometimes larger and exposed as a narrow plate between the 
posterior margin of the prostemum and the anterior margin 



-v^ /\ j^'' f\ INFERIOR 




Fig. 7. — Diagram of the under surface of the prothorax. 

of the epimeron when present. It is well seen in Ektisis and 
Platystethus. It is possible it may represent the prostemal 
epiatemum, but is usually regarded as pertaining to the coxa. 
The mesostemum (fig. 8 (1)) is a more or less triangular plate, 
in the middle more or less produced backwards between the 
intermediate coxae, occasionally meeting a forwardly-directed 
process of the metasternum or separated from it by an inter- 
sternal piece (fig. 8 (8)). Sometimes it is keeled along the 
middle. Externally it unites with the mesosterruil epislemum 
(fig. 8 (2)), completing the boundary of the middle coxal cavities 
in front. The mesostemal epimeron (fig. 8 (3)) is united to the 
corresponding episternum in front, and limits the coxal cavity 
externally. The metaMemum (fig. 8 (7) ) is a large plate sometimes 
more or less produced in the middle line in front between the 
intermediate coxa; ; behind it ends in a free border, which forma 



the anterior margin of the posterior cojcal cavities, whilst its 
front border bounds the middle coxal cavities behind. The 
metastemal epistemum (fig. 8 (4)) is usually a long narrow plate 
lying along the outer border of the metasternum ; the meta- 
atemal epimeron (fig. 8 (5)) is a somewhat similar plate con- 
tiguous with the outer edge of the preceding. 

The appendages of the thorax consist of three pairs of legs, 
a pair of elj^ra or wing-cases, and a pair of wings ; these are 
sometimes wanting and in rare oases the elj^ra also. 








Fig. 8. — Diagram of under surface of the meaothorax, 
metathorax, and abdomen. 

The elytra or wing-cases are usually short, only in some 
females of the genus Anthohium do they entirely cover the 
abdomen ; the snture or division between is usually straight, 
occasionally dehiscent behind, as in Phiystethus and ThinAius ; 
sometinics, as in some Xanthounini, one elytron overlaps the 
other and is said to be imbricate. The sides are often reflexed 
downwards and inwards ; these reflexed parts are the epijiUum 
of the eljrtra ; the line of reflexion is frequently marked by a 
fine sharp keel. TTie voings are membranous with chitinous 
"veins ; the venation is comparatively simple ; it has not yet 


been employed as an aid to classification, and so need not 
concern us here. A beautiful hinge mechanism exists in some 
of the veins, so that the wings may be folded away when not 
in use. 

The legs. — Each leg consists of five parts, the coxa, tro- 
cJianter, femur, tibia, and tarsus. The coxce are very variable 
in shape, globular, cylindrical, etc. ; they are inserted in the 
C03cal cavities. The trochanter is a usually small splint-like 
plate which binds the coxa to the femur. The femora are 
more or less elongate ; occasionally their under surface carries 
spines. The tibice articulate with the femora and present a 
greater variety of forms than those structures, the anterior 
often being more modified than the others ; they may be 
dentate, spinose, or ciliate externally, occasionally in some 
males they present sexual characters in being curved, sinuate, or 
spurred, as in some species of the genera Megarthnis and Stenua. 
The tarsiis or foot articulates with the tibia and consists of from 
one (Doryloxemis) to five joints, more usually the latter 
number ; frequentty the anterior or anterior and middle are of 
four and the posterior of five joints, rarely (AtanygnaifiKS), 
the anterior are of five and the middle and posterior of four 
joints. The relations of the joints amongst themselves in 
regard to length etc. var}' greatly ; in many the fourth joint 
is bilobed or furnished with an appendage below. The last 
joint is almost always furnished with a pair of lightly-curved 
claws ; in the Hygeonomini they are sharply angulate near 
the base. In some males (and occasionally females) a variable 
number of the joints of the anterior tarsus may be dilated ; 
in one genus {Ctenandropus) the second joint of the middle 
tarsus in the male is jjcctinate below. 

The abdomen. — This is a segmented structure containing 
the digestive and reproductive organs. A good deal has been 
written on the actual number of segments, owing to the 
fact that certain of the anterior segments have been replaced 
by membrane and certain of the posterior ones appear to have 
been withdrawn more or less within the abdomen and become 
modified to serve in copulation. Each unmodified segment 
consists of a dorsal and ventral plate, and for the purpose of 
this work it will be taken that there are eight dorsal and seven 
ventral plates, the first two dorsal plates being membranous 
and concealed by the elytra. Both the dorsal and ventral 
segments may present secondary sexual characters in the male. 
Usually more or less elongate, it is said to be bordered when the 
side-margins form an edge more or less upturned ; most of 
the groups have the abdomen bordered, a few (Leptochiri, 
OsOBnKi, some Sthnini, etc.) have not. In some the bases 
of the more anterior segments are transversely impressed. 
Aa before stated, the abdomen is freely movable, and the tip- 


may bo elevated and turned forwards to assist in packing the 
wings under the elytra. 

A good deal has recently been written on the cedeagus, 
the partly membranous and partly chitinous capsule which 
contains the intromittent organ and which when not in use is 
concealed within the abdomen, and many species have been 
founded on the differences observed. Arrow, in this series 
(Lamellicornia, pt. ii, p. 11, pi. v, figs. 4-10), has drawn 
attention to the variations of this structure ; moreover, being 
partly chitinous and partly membranous, different methods of 
preparation are likely to cause distortion. As this structure 
is not used for the determination of species in this work it 
will not be further dealt with. 


This consists of punctures of various kinds and a ground 
sculpture : one may be present without the other, or both may 
be al)sent. A puncture may be a small, round, simple depres- 
sion, or its margin may be elevated at some point, when it is 
said to be asperate ; or it may be elongate ; or umbilicate when 
a smaller puncture is contained within a larger. Puncturation 
is regular when the punctures are uniformly distributed over 
the surface, irregular when bare spaces are left in places, 
double when consisting of a mixture of larger and smaller 
punctures. The ground-scuipture is, as a rule, of a finer 
pattern, and consists of fine lines occupying the intervals 
between the punctures ; it is coriaceous or alutaceous when the 
interlacing lines give an appearance like leather ; granular 
or shagreened when the siu-face is rougher, like a shark's skin. 
Often it is difficult to say whether the sculpture is an extremely 
dense and fine pimcturation or whether it should be called 


Most STAPHYUNiDiE are more or less hairy or pubescent. 
Longer and stouter hairs are known as seta. Surfaces devoid 
of pubescence are glabrous. 


The habits of the family are most diverse ; for the most 
part their lives are concealed and little is known concerning 
them. Doubtless many are scavengers. Many are found in 
dung and carcases ; amongst these are Ozytelus, Platysletlius, 
Liihocharis, Philonthus, Staphylinua, Creophilus, Tachinus, 
many ALEOCHARiNiE ; in fungus when fresh, Oxyporus,. 
Conosoma, Gyrophcena, and many other ALEOCHAiUKiE (also 


when decomposing, most of the genera frequenting dung and 
■carrion) ; rotting fruit is a great attra/Ction to many Oxytdus 
(chiefly the more or less red species), Thyreocephalvs, Philonthua, 
Staphylinus, Tachinmnorphus, Atheta, Aleochara, and Psevdo- 
plandria : amongst dead leaves and vegetable debris, Omalium, 
Ddopsis, Oxytehpsis, Asteniis, Stilicus, Thinocharis, Acantho- 
glossa, Medon, Xantholinus, Thyreocephalus, Philonthua, 
Staphylinvs, Qaedius, Copraporus, and many Aleochakinje ; 
under the bark of decaying trees is the habitat of Ehusia, 
the Leptochiei, Holosus, Lispinus, Phyllodrepa, Phloeonomua, 
Conosoma, Placnsa, Homalota, Leptusa, and many other 
Ai/E0imARiS3: ; a few, such as Philorinum and Amphichroum, 
are pollen-feeders : a large number of genera are found near 
water ; in the moss on boulders in streams are found Lesteva, 
Geodromicus, Anajrophorus, some Trogophkeus, Stenus,Dianou8; 
under stones partly submerged, Bygrogceus, some Trogophloeus, 
Scopceus, many iMthrobium, Pseudobium, and Cryptobium, 
Actobius, Neobisnius, some Philonthtis, some Quedius, Aiany- 
gnathus, Acylophorus, Anchoceru-s,Myllcena, and many genera of 
Aleocharin^ ; in sandy banks of streams, Bkdiiis, some 
Osorius ; on the sea-shore under seaweed are found certain 
TrogopMceus, Thinobius, Cajiits, Phucobius, and numerous 
Aleocharin^ ; under stones in open places, Scimbalium, 
Achenium, Dolicaon, Xantholinus, Leptacinus, some Philonthua, 
Staphylinus, and Aleocharik^. Amongst those found freely 
wandering about are some Stenus, Pcederus, PaMminus (on 
leaves of trees), Hesperus, Staphylinus, Trichocosmetes, Para- 
palcpstrinus, Naddia, Tympanophorus, etc ; these are probably 
all hunters. Under ground in the nests of mammals in Europe 
certain Oxytelus, Philonthua, Quedius, and Aleocuarin^ 
have been found quite special to these habitats, and doubtless 
in India such will also be discovered too ; birds' nests likewise 
have similar guests. In South America the genus Amhlyo- 
pinua is actually parasitic on certain Mammals. In Europe 
many species are found under stones at the edge of the snow- 
fields. Several genera are associated with Ants and Termites. 
From the above brief survey it will be gathered that the habits 
of the family are very diverse. 

Association with Ants and Termites. — Species so associated 
may be roughly divided into the following classes : — (1) Simple 
scavengers, which do not interfere with their hosts and are not 
interfered with by them and do not present any special pecu- 
liarities ; such are Oxytdus myrmecophilus Cam., found with 
Phidologilon diversus Jerd.. and in Europe Leptacinus formice- 
torum etc. (2) Species which devour the young or provisions 
of the host. This .section may he subdivided into (a) species 
yielding a secretion agreeable to the host, who tolerate them 
on this account, although very vulnerable to attack (these are 


specially modified forms, and the European I-oTnechuaa is an 
example) ; (6) species purely predatory and yielding nothing 
to their hosts (these are small, hard, highly polished, and more 
or less contractile species, and so slip through the jaws when 
seized ; such are Pygoslenus and Doryhxenus, both associated 
with Termites in India, but the former in Africa is found with 
the Ant Dorylus). (3) Species not living in the nests but in 
the vicinity, ana attacking the Ant or Termite in the open; 
amongst these is the large genus Zyraa, and I have seen 
one seize an Ant by the thorax and shake it much as a 
terrier does a rat ; so intent was it on its victim that, even 
after being captured in a glass tube, it still continued to shake 
it. Parapakestrinus and Naddia are probably myrmecophagous, 
and perhaps also TympoMophorun find some allied genera. 
Eusteniamorpha is associated with the genus Pheidole, and 
one .sj)ecies, E. wasrnanni Cam., from the Malay Peninsula, 
has a very ant-like facies. Very shortly after exposing a comb 
from a Termite's nest a number of species arrive which in my 
experience are never found otherwise ; such are Quediosoma, 
Rhopalinda, Demerinda, Pelioptera, etc. If, however, the comb 
is removed to a zone above the limit of the Termite, practically 
nothing is attracted to it until it is again brought into the 
region inhabited by the Termites. These genera are then, I 
believe, in some way dependent on Termites. There is in 
India a great field for study in respect of their relationships. 
Association with other Hymenoptera. — Champion has de- 
scribed a Vdleius, and as this genus lives in Europe in the 
nests of the hornet, it is probable that our species has o. 
similar habitat. 

Mimicry. — So far no examples of resemblance to flowers, 
leaves, etc., such as are frequently found in other families, have 
been recorded from our Fauna amongst the STAPHYLiNiD.a; ; 
even the species associated with Ants do not present that 
extreme modification not uncommon in other parts of the 

Protective Coloration. — So far as our Fauna is concerned, 
there are few large and brilliantly-coloured species such as are 
found in Tropical ^Vmerica, New Guinea, etc., and nothing is 
apparently known as to whether these are distasteful to birds 
or small reptiles. The bright, mostly red and black, Pcederus 
are probably distasteful, for, as mentioned below, two species 
are capable of causing an eruption on the himian skin ; the 
great majority probably owe their safety to their obscure 
habits and sombre coloration. 

Migration. — Frequently before rainfall on still evenings, I 
found have large numbers of STAPHYLmiD.^ attracted to light ; 
they are, for the most part, genera living on the banks of 
streams, such as Trogaphlobua, Scopceus, Bkdins, etc., but, 


besides these, Platyproaopua and Zyraa not infrequently occur. 
On such occasions I have often found species which I have 
not met with in their normal habitats. 

Swarming. — ^I know of only one Indian species presenting 
this phenomenon, viz., Leptacinus jUum Fauv., which I have 
seen in great numbers towards sunset running rapidly about 
in all directions on the .surface of the warm boulders in the 
nullahs about Dehra Dun. Some boulders for no obvious 
reason do not attract the swarms although similarly situated 
and exposed. Copulation, however, does not apparently take 
place on these occasions, and probably the insects retire to 
the grass-roots at the foot for this purpose. 

Economic Relations. 

Apart from their function as scavengers, very little is known 
as to species which may be of economic importance ; certain 
large SUiphylinvs are known to devour small worms. Palaminua 
probably feeds on APHiDiE or Thysanopteba. Pwderus 
fiiscipes, which is found in great abundance in the rice-fields, 
may assist in devouring pests of that crop. Oligota pallidi- 
comis Cam., from Mauritius, has been found feeding on " Red 
Spider "; an apparently undescribed Alheta (or allied genus) 
from Australia is recorded as eating Thrips *. The widely- 
distributed Aleochara bilineata Gyll. in it« larval state enters 
the puparium of the Cabbage Fly {Ghortophila brasnicce Bouch6) 
and devours the pupa f. It is possible that knowledge of the 
early stages may show that the tamily is of greater economic 
importance than as yet has been ascribed to it. 

Medical Aspects. 

Two species of Pcederus, crehrepunctakis Epp., from East 
Africa, and irritans Chapin, from Ecuador, have been noted as 
causing a rash by walking on the human skin. 

Sexual Dimorphism. 
The males are freijuently distinguished from the females by 
special characters ; the head is often more developed, as in 
some Oxytelus, PhiUmihus, Bdonuchua, and Staphyliniis, and 
it may be furnished with horns or spines as in some Eupiestus, 
Oxyldus, and Bkdius, or with a median pore as in some 
ThamiarcEa and Zyr<is ; in Momidivs the fourth joint of the 

* I find this speoies was described as Gnypeta fulgida by Fauvel ; it is, 
howeTer, not a Onypeta, and I have based the genus Thripiophaga on it 
•(see Ann. Mair. Nat. Hist. (10) iu. 1929, p. 600). 

tot t Wadsworth, Jonm. Econ. Biol, x, 1915, pp. 1-27, pis. i, ii, gives a detailed 
.aooount of the life-history. 

nriEODrcTioir. 16 

maxillary palpi is cupuliform in the male, cylindrical in the 
female ; the thorax in certain Bledius is furnished with a 
•spine ; the elytra may be flattened and explanate at the 
postero-external angle as in some Thamiaram and Oyrophana, 
or studded with granules in some Gyrophcena, or with a 
sutural crest in some Brachida and Psettdophndria, or much 
longer in the female than in the male, as in some ArUhobium ; 
the dorsal segments of the abdomen may present tubercles, 
horns, or processes ; the posterior margin of the sixth (visible) 
segment is often dentate or furnished with long spines ; the 
posterior margins of the fifth to seventh ventral segments (and 
occasionally those anterior) are often variously modified, the 
commonest being a more or less triangular or crescentic ema>rgi- 
nation of the sixth segment. The anterior tarsi are frequently 
dilated in the male sex, more rarely in both ; the second 
joint of the middle tarsus is pectinate below in Ctenandropiis ; 
in some Megarthrus and Steniis the tibiae may be furnished 
with an apical spur, or may be curved or sinuate. 


No satisfactory definition of a species has yet been given, 
and it follows that what one author regards as a species another 
regards as a subspecies, variety, or aberration. It is practically 
certain that hybridisation occurs resulting in " intermediates " 
or very rare " species." I have seen two species of Phyllobius 
in cop., also two genera, Morica and Akis, the species concerned 
being respectively M. planata F. and A. acuminaUi F. ; both 
species occurred freely together, and amongst them were 
undoubted intermediates. Although none of these belong to 
the Staphyunid^, it can scarcely be doubted that the same 
thing occurs amongst them. 


It must be remembered that any system of classification is 
artificial and merely represents a convenient way of indexing 
an otherT^ise unwieldy mass of material. It is true that many 
groups stand alone, but the majority have definite affinities, 
and often genera will be found to pass into one another although 
the genotypes are very distinct. Various systems of classifica- 
tion have been devised, but their merits will not be discussed 
in this work, in which thirteen subfamilies will be dealt with. 



Micrnpterii Gr., (/'dI. Microp. HruiiHv. 1802, vii. 

Stapkylinii Lat, Hist. Xat. Cru^t. Ins. ix, 1804, p. 172; (ieii. 

Cru.'-t. Ins. i, 1800, p. 203: Kiaatz, Natur^. Ins. Deutsch. ii, 

ISoO-oH, p. 1. 
Brac/iyptera Lat.. Fani. nal. leiiiii' aiiim. 182!>, p. 24!{. 
Brachyebitrrs l^at. in Ciiv., UtVne Aiiiiii. iv, 1829, p. 431 ; Manm'rli., 

M«5in. Acad. Petersb. i, 1830,' p. 4ir,. 
Staphylinide/- \Ve--tw., Int. mod. cla^s. In-, i, 1830, p. 1(52; Thorns., 

Rkand. VaA. i, 1859,],,,. 22, 71 : ii, 1800, i). ]3('. : h, 18(33, p. 105 ; 

Leconte, Class. V,o\. N. Araer. lS(>l-62, p. 58; Lee. & Horn, 

Class, (.'ol. X. Anu'v. 1883, i).89; Arribalzajra, I Sol. .Acad. Cordoba, 

vii, 18,s4, p. 5 : (iansrlb., Kaf. Mitl. Kiir. ii, 1805 ; Kciittcr, Faun. 

Germ, ii, 1909. 
Stdphi/hiii V.v., (ii'ii. Spec. Ktapli. 18.'i9-4(), p. 5 
Staphyliiiieiia Lac, (icn. (!ol. li, 1855, p. 17. 
•Stajiliiiliniilcs .lacij. dn Val. (ien. Col. d'Kur. ii, 1857-59, p. 1 ; 

Fhii\., Fauiio (t!i11o-1i1i(?u. iii, p. 1. 
/ir^'i'ipeiiitrs .MuN. et 1»p\ , .Nini. Soc. Agrie. Lyon, (5) Niii, 1875, 

p. 145. 

SmrcTi'itK etc. — Veihocir. Stud, uher d. Organization der Stapliv- 
linoidoa.Zoit. f. 'WisR. In.seklbiol. xii, 101G,pp. 245-240 ; .\iii, 1917, 
pp. 105 100: XIV, pp. 42-47, 1()7- 171 ; Hatch, Ciii\. !Miiine.sota 

■I'ocli. linll. No If:, 1927, pp. 8- 10 

Catai-ogues. — Gemmiuj^er »t Harold, Cat. Col. ii, 1808, pp. 502 - 
(580; Duvivier, linum. Staph. Ann. Soc. Eut. Belgo, xxvii, 1883, 
pp. 93 215 ; Elchelbaum, Kat Staphyliniden-Gattunpen, Mem. 
Soc. Ent. Beige, xvii, 1009, ])p. 95-280 ; Bernhauer, Schubert & 
Scheerpelts!, 1910-1926; Cameron, Cat. Ind. In.sect8, pt. vi, 

Kei/ to the Subfamilies. 

1. Thorax excavated below to receiye the 

antenna; ; these 9-jointed, the la.ot joint 

lariro and globose. Tarsi 3-jointed. [p. 19. 

Thorax and elytra carinate I. Micropeplinae, 

Thorax not excavated below for the 
antenna;; the»e 9, 10, or 11-jointed (usu- 
ally the latter). Tarsi variable 2. 

2. AutenniB exceedingly slender, hair-Hke, 

ll-jointed " IX. Trichophyinae. 

Antenna* not hair-like 3. 

VOIi. I. t; 






Prothoracic spiracles concealed [except in 

Pla;it«tethut and Thinohhis (but then tlie 
suture dehiscent) and IMhochnris and 

Cri/j/tubimn'] by the triangular opimeva, 

■which externally are fused with the 

pronotal epipleuni 4. 

Prothoracic spiracles exposed, or, if con- 
cealed, the epiniera are free "•*. 

Last joint of the labial palpi very lur'^t', [v- 308. 

semilunar " III. Oxyporinse, 

Last joint of the labial palpi normal ')■ 

1st joint of the maxillary palpi elongate. 

Posterior coxae conical fi. 

Ist joint of the maxillary piilpi very short. 7. 

Tarsi 5, 5, 5 V. Steninae, p. 318. 

Tarsi 4, 4, 4 or 4, 4, (5 VI. EuaesthetiiUB, 

Thorax subcylindrical, transversely snlcate. [p. 444. 

Eyes very large and prominent IV. Megalopinas, 

Thorax not transversely sulcate 8. [p. 316. 

Antennae inserted under a thickened [p. 23. 

marginal border. Tarsi variable 11. Oxytelinae, 

Antennaa inserted under the prominent 

anterior angles of the front. Tarsi 

5-jointed VII. Fsederinae. 

AntenuiB tliick, pointed, horn-like, the 

joints closely approximated XI. Fygosteninse. 

Antennae filiform or clavate 10. 

Antennse very slender at the base, which 

is short ; the club abrupt and elongate. 

Head completely concealed under the [cinae. 

thorax X. Termitodis- 

Antennte filiform or gi-adually clavate. 

Head rarely completely concealed (Leuco- 

rraapedum ) 11. 

Antenna) inserted on the front margin of 

the head. Prothoracic spiracles exposed . VIII. Staphylininae. 
Antenna; inserted at the inner border of the 

eye. Prothoracic spiracles exposed or 

covered by a free-lying epimeron 12. 

Klytra not extending beyond the meta- 

thorax ; the prothoracic spiracles exposed, XIII. Aleocharinae. 
Elytra usually extending beyond the nieta- 

thorax ; the epipleura separated by a fine 

sliarp keel from the dorsal surface. The 

})rotboracic spiracles usually exposed, but 

covered byfree-lyingepimerain Tachinuf, 

Tac}dnomorvhus,KnA Tachhiodenis XII. Tachyporinae. 



List op the Subfamilies and Tribes. 

Subfamily I. Micropeplinae. 
„ 11. Oxyteliuaj. 
Tribe ]. Mestini. 
„ 2, Eleusiiui. 
„ ;J. Leptouhirini. 
„ 4. I'seudopsiiii. 
„ 5. Proteinini. 
„ a. Oinaliini. 
„ 7. Oxytelini. 
„ 8. Osoriiiii. 
Subfamily III. Oxypoiinse. 
„ IV. MegalopiiiiB. 
„ V. Steninae. 

„ VI, EusBsthotinsB. 

Subfamily VII. PiBderinse. 
Tribe 1. Pinophilini. 
„ 2. Psederini. 
Subfamily VIII. .Staphylininse. 
Tribe 1. Xantholiiiini. 
„ 2. Staphyliiiini. 
„ 3. Quddiini. 

Subfamily IX. Trichuphyinse. 
,, X. Terraitodiscinee, 

„ XI. PyjfosteninsB. 
„ XII. Tachyporinae. 
Tribe 1. Bulitobimi. 

„ 2. Tachyporini. 

„ I'l Syiumixini. 

„ 4. Hypocyptini. 
Subfamily XIlLAleocharinse. 
Tribe 1. Leucocraspedini. 

„ 2. Deinopsini. 

„ .'J. Myllaenini. 

„ 4. PronomsBini. 

„ 5. Oligotini. 

„ 6. Eusteniamorpbiui. 

„ 7. Ilygronomiiii. 

„ 8. Bolitocharini. 

„ 9. Myrmedoniini. 

„ 10. Aleochariui. 

Subfamily 1. MIOROPEPLINJE. 

Micfojieplida Ileer, Fn. Helv. i, p. 169. 

MicvopepUin Kr., Nat. Ins. Deutsch. ii, p. 1049 ; OaDglb., Kaf. Mitt. 

Eur. ii, 1895, p. 706. 
MicropejMtP Thorns., Skand. Col. i, 1859, p. 71 ; iv, 1862, p. 194 ; 

Leconte, VAasi. Ool. N. Amer. i, 1862, p. 72; Fauvel, Fn. Gallo- 

Ubeii. iii, 1872, p. 8. 
Minropeplides Muls. et Hey, Ann. Soc. Agr. Lyon, (5) viii, 1875, 

p. 205; Key, Ann. Soc, Linn. Lyon, xxx, 1888, p. 153. 
Micropepliiim Lee. & Horn, Class. Col. N. Amer. 1883, p. 106; 

Sharp, Biol. Cent.- Amer. i, 2, 1887, p. 747 ; Reitter, Fn. Germ. 

ii, 1909, p. 200. 
Microjieplinea Motsoh., Bull, Mosc. xxxiii, 1860, i, p. 541. 

MoHPHOLOOY, — Verhoeff, Zeit, Wisa. Insektenbiol. xii, p. 246. 

This subfamily is scarcely to be confused with any other ; 
it is at once recognized by the 9-jointed antennae, the last 
joint being considerably dilated and forming a club, and the 
deep recesses on the under surface of the prothorax for their 
reception. Of the two genera, only one, Micropeplus, is found 
in our Fauna, which, apart from the characters just given, 
is distinguished by the costate head, thorax, el3^ra, and 


20 STAPH rfiiNiDj; 


M icrvjieplus Lair., Gen. Crust. Ins. iv, J809, p. 377; ICr., Kiif. 
Mark. Brand. 1837, p. 046; Gen. Spec. Staph. 18J0, p. 911; 
Lap., Gen. Col. 1854, p. 150; Jseq. du Val, Gen. Col. d'Kiii-. 
ii, 1858. p. H-J; Kr., Nat. Ins. Deutsoli. ii, IS-OS, p. 1050; 
Thouis., Skiiud. Col. iv, 18(>3, p. 190 ; I'auv., in. Gallo-Kh&i. 
iii, 1872, ]). 8 ; lley, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lvon, xxx, 1883, p. 153 : 
Reitt., 1). K. Z. xxix, 18S.-), p. ,365; Sliaip, Biol. Cent.-Amer. 
1887, i. 2, p. 747; (^anplb., Kiif. Mitt. Enr. ii. 1895. p. 766; 
Falzoni, Uiv. Col. Itnl. iii, I'.IOr), p. 1 ; Iteitt., Fn. Germ. ii. 
1909, p. 200. 

Bioi.Ofty.— Lubbock, Tr. Knt. Soc. Lond. 1868, p. 275, pl. xiii. 

Small, oblong-ovate species, the whole upper surface strongly 
costate. Gular sutures united in front, widely divergent 
behind, gular plate foveate on cither side ; below the eyes 
deeply sulcate for reception of the antennae, those 9-jointed, 
the 1st joint narrow at the base, much dilated apically and 
lightly curved, 9th large, clavatc. Labrum corneous, trans- 
verse, narrowed in front, the anterior margin truncate. 
Mentum corneous, transverse, narrowed in front, anterior 
border truncate, the sides strongly notched. Tongue short 
broad, membranous, truncate in front with two long cilia. 
Labial palpi very short, stout, 3-jointcd, the Ist and 
2nd joints transverse, 3rd scarcely longer than broad, 
truncate at apex. Inner lobe of maxilla narrow, the apex 
with three strong, short, curved teeth, inner margin finely 
and sparingly ciliate ; outer lobe broader and a little longer 
than the inner, the apex truncate and densely ciliate. 
Maxillary palpi 4-jointcd, the 1st joint very small, 2nd 
very narrow at the base and from thence strongly dilated. 
3rd transverse, narrower than the apex of the preceding, 
4th about two and a half times longer than broad, apex 
narrower and obliquely truncate. Mandibles short and broad, 
the apex bifid, the inner border with a ciliated membrane. 
Prosternum moderately well developed, keeled in the middle 
and with three deep transverse impressions on either side, 
prosternal process narrow, parallel-sided, sulcate, extending 
to the posterior margins of the coxse : opimera not reaching 
the prosternal process, the coxal cavities widely open behind ; 
between the prosternum, epipleura, and epimera with a deep 
oval depression for the reception of the antennae. Mesosternum 
with three large impressions on either side ; mesosternal 
process broad, impressed, apex truncate, extending fully half 
the length of the coxae. Metastemum large, its process broad 
and meeting the mesosternal process, posteriorly emarginate, 
the posterior coxse rather widely separated. Abdomen with 
the 1st ventral segment with a central and three lateral' 

MirHOPEl'1-VS. 21 

grooves on either side separated by sharp ridges, the 2nd 
to 4th transversely impressed at the base, the dorsal surface 
margined laterally and strongly sulcate. Prothorax narrowed 
in front, deeply fossulate, the chitin thin and translucent 
over the antennal cavity. Scutellum small, visible. Elytra 
costate. Winged. Anterior and middle coxa small, the 
posterior transversely conical ; anterior and middle trochanters 
small, the posterior elongate. Tibiae finely spinulose. Tarsi 
3-jointed, the first two joints very short, the 3rd much longer 
than the two preceding together. 

The genus is found throughout most of the world, usually 
in dead leaves or other vegetable debris, moss, etc. Three 
species are found in our Fauna. 

Key io the iipecies. 

1. One or liotli ol' the (li>cal cc>.st;e i)t' the elytra 

f-iiiuatu posteriorh 1'. 

lli^cal costiv (if the clUm not hiniiati' ; 
hiiiiiei'.tl iiiii;li' with fi iniuiite tooth fttlous Kr., var. japou- 

2. 2iid co'-ta of the elytrii simuito; huiiiernl U'cim Shp., p. 21. 

aiiifle with iiiiiiiite tooth ; wcutellum bi- 

foveolHte sil!kimi Fanv., p. ii. 

1,-t and 2nd costa! ol the elvtra sinuate ; 
liiimcral an<>lp williout tooth: .••ciitt'lliim 
not hiioM-'olate iii/cn)in>' I'liuv., p. 23. 

I. Micropeplus fulvus var. japonicus. (Plate 1, %. 7.) 

Mii'ropt'pliia fiih'iis I'.r., \ax. jtipoiiiiii«,'r^\\\t.*,'\rM\i. Knt. .Sue. Lond. 
1874, ji. 101. 

Oblong, pitchy black, slightly shining ; thorax with the 
extreme lateral margins, an auriculate spot on the explanate 
area, and the outer fifth of the basal border reddish-yellow. 
Anteimse with the 1st joint and the club pitchy, the rest 
reddish. Legs reddish. Length 23 mm. 

Very similar to M. rruirietii Duv., but differs in the sides of 
the head before the eyes being almost or quite straight, the 
less-developed keels at the base, and the shorter, more 
transverse thorax with less produced anterior angles. 

Head triangular, imjiunctate, coriaceous, the sides before 
the eyes quite straight and meeting at a right angle in front, 
posteriorly with 5 small keels, one central and two lateral, the 
outermost sinuate. Antennae with 3rd to 5th joints a little 
longer than broad, gradually decreasing in length, 6th to 
8th globular. Thorax strongly transverse, widest just before 
the base, the sides explanate, gently rounded and nan-owed 
to the prominent anterior angles, and with traces of two or 

* An astorirtk in this position moans that 1 liave seen the type- 
speoinion. — M.C. 


three denticulations, posterior angles acute, with a minute 
emargination in front ; disc on either side of the middle with 
two strong sinuate ridges extending the whole length and 
enclosing a median, somewhat hour-glass-shaped impression, 
the anterior portion shorter than the posterior, externally with 
two other shorter and less developed ridges ; the whole surface 
coriaceous and impunctate. Scutellum without fovese. 
Elytra longer than the thorax, about as long as broad, the 
shoulders with a minute tooth, transversely depi'essed before 
the posterior margin, each with three sharp straight keels, 
the suture also costate, interspaces with confused rows of 
coarse punctures : epipleura carinatc. Abdomen with the 
first three segments with a median and lateral keel enclosing 
fovese, 4th segment with broader tuberculate elevation at the 
middle of the base, the apical half of the segment strongly 
declivous : sculpture very fine and moderately close. 

('hakrata District : Kanassar, Dodora Khud, 7000 to 8000 
feet above the sea. Also in Japan. 

2. Micropeplus sikkimi. 

yikropeplus sikkimi ¥nuv., llev. d'Eiit. .\xi, 190:.', p, S, 

A little smaller than M. calatua Er. ; notably shorter and 
broader and otherwise quite distinct. Black, the antemiae, 
except the last three joints, pitchy-testaceous, legs reddish- 
testaceous, the sides of the thorax dirty red, the two penul- 
timate joints of the antennae much shorter than the preceding. 
Head dull, seen from above with the front broadly arcuatcly 
emarginate, from the eyes to the emargination finely keeled, 
the disc on each side with another sinuate keel prolonged 
obliquely to the emargination. Thorax subopaque, very short, 
more than twice as broad as long, in the middle with six 
foveas, the central pair larger, explanate laterally, the 
explanate part transversely convex in the middle, the sides 
strongly, obliquely narrowed from base to apex, before the itself almost straight. Scutellum somewhat shining, 
the base bifoveate. Elytra somewhat shining, somewhat 
convex, a little wider than the thorax, deeply depressed before 
the apex, with three strong keels as well as a sutural keel, 
the two first keels reaching the apex, the first straight, the 
second a little sinuate internally at the apex, the third 
abbreviated before the impression, the first and third inter- 
spaces biseriately, the second almost triseriately and rather 
closely punctured, from the shoulder another fine sinuate keel 
reaches the apex, the adjacent internal sulcus with e single 
row of punctures ; infiexed n^argin also with a fine curved 

oxyteliNjE. 23 

keel, internally near the keel with four large punctures ; 
shoulders dentate. Abdomen with the three first segments 
broadly quadrifossulate. Tjcngth Tf) mm. 
iSikkim : Dprjeeling. Unique (ev Faiivel). 

3. Micropeplns vulcanus. 

Micropep/us vulcanus, Faiiv., IJev. d'Enf. xxi, 1902, p. 9, 

Near the preceding (M. sikkimi), but the head with two 
keeled elevations situated close together and almost united 
in front, sides of thorax less narrowed from the middle to the 
base, the scutellum scarcely foveate ; elytra with all the 
ridges sinuate, twice as high, the first strongly elevated and 
compressed in the apical depression, behind angulately 
prolonged, the interspaces with large, confused punctures, 
scarcely biseriate ; the abdomen with much higher keels. 
Length 15 mm. 

Sikldm : Darjoeling (ex jFaMre?). 


Oxytelini-^l'hl(vochiiriii!-\-Om(iliiii+Vrotemini Er., Kai'. Mark. 

Brand, i. 18:37, pp. 570, Glii, 613, 041. 
Oxytelini (fxd. Megaloj)ini)-\-Fiestim + rhla'oe/i<iriui+Omalini+ 

Pro/eiiii Er., (ieu.'SpfC. Staph. IS39-40, pp. 749, 8i';5, 842, 846, 

Oxi/telitii (t'xcl. O.riipuruH) + Omalim -f- I'rotdni + rhlwochurivi + 

I'lesti/ii (excl. Mieropepliiii) Kraatz, Nat. lii.s. Dentscli. ii, 185(i-58, 

pp. 798, 904, 1019, 10:J4, ]0.'}9, 1049 
O.rj/tflites + I'ii'stitps+l'htwoclian'/('s-\- Om(ilites+ Protein I'tex Jacq. 

(iu Vul, Goii. Col. d'luir. ii, \8nT-oM, pp. 04, 62, 64, (iO, 78. 
Oxytethm 4- Phlwuiharinit + OlietJinnnu + (hnaliina (excl. Micro- 

peplido') Thoius., Skaiid. (,'ol. iii, 18(il, pp. ll."{, 117, 175, 177; 

iv, 1862, p. 194. 
Piestiiii + Fh/worharini -\- Protinini -\- Homaliiii + O.ti/telim (excl. 

Oxi/pori and Mici-opoplidet') Fauv., Faviii. (lalUvlMu'ii. iii, 1872, 

pp.'l4, 19, 24, 38, 124. 
Oxt/tclienn ■{■ Phld()c/i(irieiis-\- 'rri(/(»mrit'nK+ Prof^inieni, + P/ileobiens 

■\-Omaliens-\-r/iohdie>is (oxd. Muropeplidrs) Mills, et Hey, Ann. 

Soe. d'ARric. Lyon, (G) viii. 1875, pp. 205, 200. 
Pklfpocharini+Oxytelini (excl. Megalopes and Oxypori)-{-Homalin 

+ Protmini+ Piestini Lee. & Horn, Class. Col. N. Amer. 1883, 

pp. 101-105. 
OxytelmiF+Omdlimee (excl. Micropeplttue) Sharp, H.C.-A. i, 2, 

1882-87, pp. 677, 744, 747. 
Oxytelin<r (excl. Micropepluta) Ganglb., Kaf. Mitt. ]>'ur. ii, 1895, 

pp. 608, 765. 
Pmeoc/iarino' + Olutlucnrnf + OxyfelviO! -f Piestince -\- Omalinee + 

Proteininee + EtqAamee + Pseudopsinee + 77ioracoph(»in<F (excl. 

Micropeplinee) Reitter, Faun. Germ, ii, 1909, pp. 14, 10. 

tii Hui'iixwaiDS. 

The species of this large subfamily are very variable in build. 
The head is prominent, usually constricted behind. The 
antennae are inserted under a ledge or lobiform projection at 
the side of the front and are of 11 joints. The maxillaiy 
palpi have 4 and the labial 3 joints. In the Omalhui the head 
has 2 ocelli. The elytra do not usually extend much beyond 
the raetathorax, except in some of the genus Anihdmm, 
where the abdomen may be completely concealed. In Platy- 
stethus and Thinobius the suture is dehiscent. Prosternum 
well developed, the epimera concealing the spiracle (except in 
Platystethus and Thinobius), in the LiPTOCHiBrNi meeting the 
apex of the prosternal process and so completely closing the 
coxal cavities behind. The legs very variable, the tarsi 3-, 
4-, or 5-jointed. Their habits are of great variety. 

Key to the Tribes. 

1. Head with two ocelli (except occasionally in 
Jiygrofjeus). First \entral segment of tlie 
abdomen keeled in the middle. The 

posterior ti'ochanters Inrjie Omai.iini, p. VMi. 

Head without ocelli l'. 

'2. Auteri a- coxal cavities ck)sed behind LKj'TOomiaxi, p. 89, 

Anterior coxal cavities open behind ■'!. 

3. First ventral segment of the abdomen keeled 

in the middle (J. 

Vitht veiilrnl sejrment not keeled (except in 
Apocella(/mi, but then with the faciea ol' 
Falfif/na and .'5-|oiiited tarsi) 4. 

4. Posterior trochanters larffe i). 

Posterior trochanters snnill Oxv iki.i.m, j). 108. 

5. Head, thorax, and elytia cariiiate I'skudiii'sim, ]>. 121. 

Head, tliora-\, and elytra not carinate Puotkini.m, p. 1 -2',]. 

6. Anterior coxaj \ery small, not prominent. 

Tongue at least in part nienibranoii.- 7. 

Anterior coxio large, prominent. Tongue 
entirely corneons ; u;ore or less cylindrical 
species OsoitiiNi, p. 28l>. 

7 . Anterior trochantin exposed as a long toiigue- 

shaped process behind the posterior margin 
ot the prosternum and separated from the 
epipleura by n suture. Parallel depressed 

species. Tarsi .Vjointed Elkusuni, \i. 74. 

Anterior trochantin small, not or butsli'^htly 

exposed PiHSnxi, ji 

.. 2r>. 

I'lESTIJfl. 25 

Tribe 1. PIESTINI. 

Piettini ]m'. (cxel. Eleimini ami Lfptwhiriiti), (Jen. S])eo. Staph. 

]8'if(— 10, p. f^:i3 ; Kviiatz (evcl. Eli'iisiini a.nA Leptnckiriin), Nat. 

his. DiHitSfh. ii, 18StJ-5H, p. 103i>; Fauvel, Faiiii. I iallo-Rlioii. 

iii, 1872, p. 14; & lloni (excl. Eleuai ini) , 01ai?s. Col. 

N. Xmst. 1883, p. 105; iiaii^lb., Kiif. .Mitt. F^iir. ii, 18i», p. (i81. 
J'iesfites Jnvq. dii Val, (ieii. Col. d'Eiir. ii, 18o7— >it, ji. ()L». 
Viestidr/' LfC, (!las>i. Col. N. .\uier. i, 18(i2, ]). ''2. 
TriijinmrienK Mills, et Uhv, .\iin. Soc. Liuii. Lymi, .vxv, 1878, 

p. '2\l-\- l'i-og)iath((ires\A'. llist. Nat. Col. tV. Uro'vip. 1871), p. 385. 
I'ieHtnu (excl. lileHniina iind Leptocliirina), Sliaip, R C.-A. i, 2, 

1882-87, pp. 710,728, 7:i:i. 

Uistiiigiiishod by the ventral surface of the abdomen 
presenting a little keel between the posterior coxae, the small 
anterior coxae, which are somewhat peg-shaped and do not 
project much from the cavities, and the small posterior tro- 
chanters. For the most part they are more or less sub- 
depressed insects, but A'patetica and Nodijnusf are very 
similar in build to Silpha. The characters separating the 
PiESTiNi from the Oxytblini are not very satisfactory, as in 
Apocellagria the abdomen is keeled, yet undoubtedly the 
affinities of this genus are with Trogophluiiis. 

Key tu the (ieiiera. 

1. .Vbilomeu biinioreil 2. 

.'Vbdoiucii not bordiTiiil ti. 

2. riioiMx keiiU'd .'J. 

riiiiiiv not keeled I. 

■ !. I'.ir^i 5-joiiiled. Scutelliim f im-caled . . . Kui'ii.>rLs Ivr,, p. .'5o. 

I'.iV'i ;i-j(iinted. SculoUiim \i«ible Tuoit.^i ()i'ii(mu.s 

i. JJoi'i' oi le^.s obloiif^ or o\al speme-', the > .M'it»eh., p. 72. 

elytra ex.tondiiii;' lje\'oiid the lird wiitral 

seiriucnt of the abdomen 5 

I'jloni^ate depre.-sed i-pei'.ie-i, the elvtra not 
cxteiiduig to the •"»id ventral M'guuiit of [p. 40. 

the abdoiiieii SiAi.oNitr.M Kirby, 

.). Antoniiic will) o-jointed club; 4tli taiv^al [p. .'13. 

joint simple XoDYVi'r, Watfili., 

.\utemia! .searcely elav.ite ; 4th tur-^al joint j). :.'(i. 

ilihited ". Ai'.vric rio.\ Werslw., 

I). ICKtra each with I'onr keels, the siituial 

and the humeral united lu an iirch beiuiid i Jk-rnh., p 08. 

the diM'al one.s TKrRAl'i.KrHis 

lOlytra williout such kofl.s 7. 

7. Tarsi 6-joiuted. IClytra without sub- 

huniural stria 8. 

Tarsi not 5-jointed 10. 

t These two j^nera were originally placed in the Silphidj), and in my 
opinion they should be retained there. 


8. Abdomen fltriate at the sides. Fourth joint 

of the maxillarj palpi elongate. More or 

less convex species with the facies of [p. 43. 

certain Tachyporinee IIOLOSUS Motscli., 

Abdomen rarely striate at the sides. Fourth 
joint of the ma.\illary palpi loss elonjfate. 
More or less parallel, depressed or sub- 
depressed species 9. 

9. Middle and posterior tibiie finely 

or setose externally liissriNls Kr., p. 51. 

Middle and po.sterior tibise practically [p. 42. 

glabrous Pakalispinus Bernh., 

10. Tarsi 4-joiuted f. Elytra with fi tine stria 

passing from the shoulder to the apical [Bernh., p. 6/). 

border I'skudolimmnodks 

Tarsi 3-jointed. Elytra without stria .... Hothrys Fauv.. p. 67. 

Genus APATETICA Westw. 

AjHttftica Westw., Cab. Or. Ent. 1848, p. 80 ; id., Proo. Ent. Soc. 

Eond. 1864, p. 71 ; Etiuv., Uev. d'Ent. xiv, 189r,, p. 190 ; Uondroit, 

Ann. Soc. Em. Belije, Iv, 1911, p. 305. 
Triffaus ( Tiyyaus) 8harp, Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1874, p. 420. 
Idiochila Friv., Term. Fiizet. vi, 1883, p. 136, t. 'J, ff. 1-3. 

Head inserted in the thorax up to the eyes. Epistome not 
distinct from the front. Antennae slender, not clavate. Gular 
sutures distinct, contiguous at the middle ; infra-orbital 
crest wanting. Prosternum large, produced behind in the 
middle into a narrow, sharp, triangular process. Epipleura of 
prothorax broad ; epimera large, triangular. Anterior coxal 
cavities narrow, transverse. Mesosternum simple, its process 
sharply pointed and extending three-quarters the length of the 
middle coxae, not prominent ; middle coxae moderately separated; 
epimera triangular, episterna narrow, parallel. Metastemum 
slightly emarginate in front to receive the mesosternal process. 
Abdomen with the first two ventral segments strongly keeled 
medially, the sides margined above. Elytral epipleura 
complete, separated from the dorsal surface by a keel ; elytra 
striate-punctate, reaching far beyond the metathorax. Anterior 
coxae elongate, not prominent. Tibiae grooved, spinose. 
Tarsi with the joints short, 5-jointed, the 4th joint feebly 
bilobed, the 5th shorter than the four preceding together, 
claws simple. The facies of this and the following genus is 
suggestive of certain Silphtdje (Phoaphuga or Necrophilus), 
in which family they were originally placed ; all the dorsal 

' 4- or 5-jointed, according to Bemhauer. 


abdominal segments, except the first, are, however, corneous, 
and the last three segments are uncovered by the elytra. 
Some of the species have a spine at the postero-external 
angle of the elytra, but such have not as yet been recorded 
from this region. The genus is restricted to the Orient. 

Key to the Upecies. 

1. Species entirely or in great part black; 

striae of the elytra finely punctured 2. 

Species m part metallic ; striae of the elytra 
moderately coarsely punctured 6. 

2. Anteunaj with the tirst joints reddish. 

Anterior angles of the thorax completely [p. 28. 

rounded rntutidicoUis Fauv., 

Antennas black, the 10th and 11th joints 
often reddish. Anterior angles of the 
thorax distinct 3. 

3. Entirely black species 4. 

Black, a spot near the eyes, prosternum, 

reflexed margin ol'the elytra, and abdomen 

in great part reddish. 'I'horax nuibonate . sikkimi Fauv., p. 28. 

4. Thorax umbonate. Penultimate joints of 

antennae lon^jer tlian broad indica, sp. n., p. 21). 

Thorax not umbonate. Penultimate joints 
of antenna" as long ni })road 5. 

5. Thorax coarsely, doselv, and unitarmly 

punctured, except the lateral explaiiate 
margins ; sides quite straight for the 

anterior two-thirds jiivanica Slip., p. 29 

Thor.ix behind with large, irregular, ini- 
punctatH spaces, otherwise rather closely 
punctured ; sides foebly rounded for the 
anterior two-thirds intermedia, a^. u., p. W. 

6. Thorax unicolorous black 7. 

Thorax with the cxplanate margins distinctly 

rufo-testaceous ; elytra metallic, coppery, 

blue, or green. .\ntenniB reddisli-testa- [p. 31. 

ceous lelnoiihs Westw., 

7. Thorax with irregular impuuctate spaces. 

Tar.ii reddish yellow^ 8. 

Thorax uniformly closely and coarsely nunc- 
tiired (except the uxphinate margins). 

Antenna with the lirst 4 joints blacTc (rest [_p. 32. 

wanting). Tarsi pitchy earuMpenms, sp. n., 

8. Postero-external angle of tlie elytra obtuse. 

.\ntenna3 dark, the last two or three 
joints reddish-yellow. Striaj more finely 

"punctured birmana, sp. n., p. 33. 

Postero-external angle of the elytra rounded. 
Antennio reddish-yellow. Strife less finely [p. 31, 

punctured ." '. viritiipennis Fauv., 


4. Apatetica rotundicollis. 

Aimtetica rotumUcnHin I'luiv., lluv. d'Ent. xxiii, 1904, p. 85.' 

Distinguished from ail tlie other sjxjcies by the very broad 
thorax, which is strongly narrowed in front, and the rounded 
anterior angles. Very black, very shining, the palpi, first five 
joints of the antennae and the tarsi dirty red. Antennas 
long, the 2nd to 5th joints especially long and slender. Head 
closely and finely punctured, the disc with two smooth plaques. 
Thorax very short, behind the middle twice as broad as long, 
from thence to the posterior angles strongly rounded, the sides 
behind strongly explanate, scarcely bordered, in front 
narrowly explanate and bordered, rather strongly and rather 
closely punctured, on the disc with two areas of finer punctures, 
behind the middle with a round fovea. Scutellum large, the 
base nearly twice as broad as long. Elytra slightly transverse, 
as broad as the thorax, deeply striate, the stria strongly punc- 
tured, the apical external angle rounded. Abdomen rather 
finely, at the sides more densely punctured. Legs robust. 
Length 8"o mm. 

Khasia Hills. Unique (ex Fauvel). 

5. Apatetica sikkimi. 

Apafelicu xikhimi Fauv., Uev. d'Ent. xiv, 1896, j). 193. 

Black, shining, the head somewhat dull, the mandibles, apex 
of the palpi, the thorax below in front of the anterior cox®, 
and a spot before the eyes, the reflexed margin of the elytra, 
almost all the abdomen and the legs reddish, the tibia9, the last two joints of the antennae and the tarsi 
reddish-testaceous: a little larger than A. javanica Shp., 
longer and more convex, the antenna? longer, all the joints 
longer than broad, the head closely and more roughly punc- 
tured ; thorax longer, much more convex, more conical 
and umbonate in front, the disc more strongly punctured, the 
punctures scarcely confluent, the sides in front not, posteriorly 
a little explanate, impunctate, the side-margins scarcely raised, 
the base with broad irregular impunctate spaces, anterior 
angles acute ; scutellum much larger and broader ; elytra a 
third longer than broad, the strias narrow, more densely 
crenulate-punctate, the intervals much broader, rather 
convex ; abdomen more closely and more finely punctured, 
the three last segments more distinctly, the penultimate 
in the middle narrowly impunctate. Length 7 mm. 

Sikkim : Darjeeling. A female (ex Fauvd). 


6. Apatetica iudica, sp. n. (Fig. U.) 

Oblong-ovate, black, shining. Antenna; black, the last two 
joints ferruginous. Tarsi ferruginous. Thorax umbonate on 
disc. Length 65 mm. 

Head closely, moderately finely, rugosely punctured through- 
out, on either side above the base of the antennae with a 
rounded impression. Antcnnse with the 3rd joint much longer 
than 2nd, 4th to 10th all longer than broad, gradually de- 
creasing in length, the penultimate only slightly longer than 
broad. Thorax transverse, conical, th(! whole of the disc 
umbonate, broadest a little in front of the posterior angles, 
the posterior half of the sides rounded, explanate, and 
impunctate, but scarcely raised, the anterior half strongly 
narrowed in a straight line to the prominent acute anterior 
angles and narrowly margined, broadly 3-cmarginate : 
puncturation ratlior strong and close, except on the explanate 

Fig. 0. — Apatelicn indu-n. head and thorax. 

sides. Scutellum impunctate. Elytra much broader and longer 
than the thorax, a little longer than broad, deeply sulcate and 
finely crcnulate, the interstriac broad and slightly convex, im- 
punctate. Abdomen with the last three segments exposed, 
coriaceous, finely and closely punctured. Appears to be 
closely allied to A. sikkimi, but to differ in the colour. 
Bhutan (if. Basti, 1899). Unique. In British Museum. 

7. Apatetica javanica. (Fig. 10.) 

Trtfycrus jai-aiiifa Sh])., Not. Le\d. Miis. >i\, ISHi', y. (i! ; Kniu., 
iiev. d'Kiit. xiv, 1895, p. 194. 

Oblong-ovate, black, shining. Thorax strongly transverse, 
not umbonate, the sides for the anterior two-thirds practi- 
cally straight. Antennae black, the last joint reddish. Legs 
black, tarsi ferruginous. Length 6 to 7 mm. 


Differs from A. indica by the shorter, less conical, and not 
umbonate thorax. Head strongly impressed on either side 
ivithin the antennal tubercles, less deeply on the middle of the 
vertex, rather closely and finely punctured. Antenme 
extending a little beyond the base of the thorax, the 3rd 
joint twice as long as the 2nd, 4th to 7th a little longer 
than broad, 8th to 10th about as long as broad. Thorax 
strongly transverse, convex, the sides almost straight and 
converging for the anterior two-thirds, before the base 
rounded and retracted to the rectangular posterior angles, 
explanate ; the disc with four rather large impressions, coarsely 
and closely punctured, except for the explanate sides, which 
are much more finely and sparingly punctiu^d ; the ground- 
sculpture is much finer than on the head. Scutellum large, 
irapunctate,iwith a very fine, transverse, wavy ground-sculpture. 

Fig. 10. — Aiiatelica javnnica, head and thorax. 

Elytra nearly twice as long as the thorax, deeply sulcate, 
obsoletely punctate-crenate, the interstria; convex. Abdomen 
conical, with four and a half segments exposed, finely, 
moderately closely punctured in front, rather more strongly 
and closely behind, densely and finely coriaceous. 

Assam : Manipur. Bengal. Also in Java and Sumatra. 

a. Apatetica intermedia, sp. n. 

Oblong-ovate, black, shining. Antennae black, the last two 
joints ferruginous. Legs black, tarsi ferruginous. Thorax 
not umbonate. Length 6 to 7 mm. 

Very near A. javanica Shp., but the thorax has less 
prominent anterior angles, the anterior two-thirds of the 
sides are feebly rounded and not straight as in that species, 
so that they form a uniform curve between the anterior 
and posterior angles, the disc has large irregular impunctate 
spaces posteriorly, the antennae are a little shorter, the 9th 
and 10th joints about as long as broad. Head closely and 
moderately finely punctured. Antennae slender, the 4th to 


8th joints longer than broad, gradually decreasing in length, 
the 9th and 10th about as long as broad. Thorax strongly 
transverse, normally convex, widest at the posterior third, the 
sides from thence strongly contracted and very feebly rounded 
and narrowly margined to the obtuse anterior angles, the 
posterior third of the sides explanate and impunctate, much 
more strongly rounded, disc closely and rather coarsely punc- 
tured, posteriorly with large irregular impunctate spaces. 
Elytra broader and much longer than the thorax, a little 
longer than broad, deeply striate, the striae closely and finely 
punctured, interspaces convex, rather narrow. Abdomen with 
last three abdominal segments finely, rather closely punctured, 

Burma : Ruby Mines. Bengal. 

1). Apatetica lebioides. 

Apatetica Mnoitlex West.*, Cab. Or. I':iit. 1848, \i. 81>, ]i\. 41, fijr. H ; 
Lac., Oeii. Col. t. 16, fig. ; Ffliiv., Uev. d'l'^nt. xiv. 189.'), p. 1!!3. 

Oblong-ovate ; head and thorax black and .shining, the 
explanate margins of the latter reddish-testaceous. Elytra 
metallic green, blue or coppery, striate-punctate. Antennae 
reddish testaceous. Femora black, tibiae and tarsi reddish. 
Length 6 to 7 mm. 

Head rather finely punctured on the front, more coaxsely 
at the base, the whole area between the eyes impunctate. 
Antennae long and slender extending backwards beyond the 
posterior angles of the thorax, the 4th to 7th and 8th to 10th 
joints subequal amongst themselves, all longer than broad. 
Thorax transverse, convex, widest just behind the middle, 
narrower at the rounded anterior angles than at the obtuse 
posterior angles, the sides regularly rounded and explanate, 
the base 3-emarginate, the surface rather closely and mode- 
rately finely punctured, the explanate side-margins more 
coarsely. Scutellum smooth, semicircular. Elytra slightly 
broader and much longer than the thorax, a little longer than 
broad, the striae superficial, with moderate-sized and close 
punctures, interstriae rather flat, broad. Abdomen with 
the last three segments finely coriaceous, scarcely perceptibly 

Sikkim : Manipur. Type in the British Museum. 

10. Apatetica viridipennis 

Apatetica viiidipenHU l'"iiiii.. Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 193. 

Black, very shining ; elytra metallic violet, coppery, green, 
or blue, coarsely punctate-striate. Antennae reddish-tes- 
taceous, the Ist or 1st, 2nd, and 3rd joints sometimes pitchy. 


Legs black, tarsi and sometimes the base of the femora reddish. 
Length 75 mm. 

Head with front and vertex practically impunctate, before 
the base deeply transversely impressed, supra- and post- 
ocular regions coarsely and densely punctured. Antennae 
long and slender, all the joints distinctly longer than broad, 
the 4th to 7th and 8th to 10th subequal in length between 
themselves. Thorax strongly transverse, convex, widest at 
the junction of the middle and posterior thirds, the sides 
rounded, explanate, and raised throughout with a few coarse 
punctures, more contracted in front to the rounded anterior 
angles, posterior angles obtuse ; the whole of the median area 
broadly irregularly impunctate, at the sides closely and coarse- 
ly punctured. Scutellum transverse, impunctate. Elytra a 
little broader than the thorax, nearly parallel, a little longer 
than broad, each with nine rather (ioarsely punctured striaj, 
the intersijace.s rather broad and flat. Abdomen with the 
last three segments finely and sparingly punctured. 

Sikkim : Darjceling. As.sam : Sylhet ; Manipiir (Doherly). 
Burma : Rub\- Mines {Doherfy). 

11. Apatetica cseruleipeniiis, sp. n. (Fig. 11.) 

Oblong-ovate, black, shining ; elytra sJiining \ iolet-blue. 
Antenna; with the first four joints black (the rest wanting). 
Ix'gs black, tarsi pitchy. Length 84 mm. 

Fig. l\.-~ApaMica cmnileipennis, head and thorax. 

Very similar to the preceding in build, but differs in the base 
of the antennae being entirely bla«k and the thorax being 
uniformly coarsely and closely punctured, except on the 
explanate sides, on which are a few large superficial punctures 

Manipur {Doherty). British Museum. Unique. 

N0DTNTJ8. aa 

12. Apatetica birmana, sp. n. 

Shining ; head and thorax black ; elytra olive -green. 
AntennsB pitchy, the last two or three joints reddish-testaceous. 
Legs pitchy, tarsi reddish-testaceous. Length 85 mm. 

Very near A. viridipennis Fauv., but a little larger, the 
elytra with the postero-external angle obtusely angulate, the 
punctures of the striae finer, the puncturation at the sides of 
the thorax a little less, the vertex of the head with more nume- 
rous punctures. Head coarsely and closely punctured within 
the eyes, the front and a space on either side of the vertex 
smooth, except for some extremely fine and scattered punctures. 
All the joints of the antennae longer than broad, gradually 
decreasing in length. Thorax widest before the slightly 
obtuse posterior angles, narrowed and feebly rounded towards 
the front, the side-margins broadly explanate, especially 
behind, in the middle before the base with a broad impunctate 
space extending forwards and narrowing towards the centre, 
externally with a similar but much smaller space ; the rest of 
the surface moderately finely, and moderately closely punc« 
tured, except the posterior part of the explanate side-margins, 
between the larger punctures with an extremely fine and 
sparing puncturation. Elytra with the postero-external angle 
obtuse, the strias rather finely punctured, the broad interstriae 
with some extremely fine and scattered punctures. Under 
surface black. 

Upper Burma : Seinghku Valley, alt. 5000 feet (F. K. Ward). 
A single example in the British Museum. 

Genus NODYNUS Waterh. 

Nb'lyniis Waterh., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1876, p. 12 ; Sharp, Ann. 
Maf(. Nat. Hist. (6) iii, 1889, p. 467 ; Ganglb., Kaf. Mitt. Eur. 
iii, 1899, p. 67. 

Anteimse with the last five joints forming a slender club. 
Epistome not distinct from the front. Gular sutures indistinct, 
narrowly separated medially. Infra-temporal crest wanting. 
Labrum reniform, the sides and anterior margin membranous, 
the anterior margin with numerous, closely-set, long setae. 
Labial palpi short, 3-jointed, the first two joints equal, about 
as long as broad, the 3rd oval-oblong, Iqnger than the two 
preceding together. Tongue very broad, broadly emarginate 
in front, in the middle with a chitinous rod. Paraglossse well 
developed, strongly ciliate. Mandibles short and stout, pointed, 
edentate. Maxillary palpi 4- jointed, the 1st joint very small, 
2nd and 3rd scarcely differing in size or form, gradually 
widened from base to apex, 4th elongate, pointed, about as 

TOI» I. D 

84 BTAFHTUirtD^. 

long as the two preceding together. Outer lobe of the maxilla 
broad, densely ciliated apically and along the outer border ; 
inner lobe densely ciliated apically, without spines or teethg 
Prostemum large, in the middle of the anterior border with 
a small tubercle, posteriorly sharply pointed medially. 
£pipleura of the pronotum broad, epimera well developed, 
triangular, fused with the preceding. Anterior coxal cavities 
long, narrow, transverse. Mesosternal process convex, pro- 
minent, rounded, extending about two-thirds of the length 
of the intermediate coxse, the sides and apex finely margined, 
meeting the broadly-rounded apex of the metasternum; 
Intermediate coxae rather widely separated. Epimera of the 
mesosternum subtriangular. Episterna of metathorax narrow 
and elongate. Posterior coxae transverse, approximate, not 
prominent. Abdomen with 1st ventral segment medially 
«arinate, the 2nd carinate anteriorly ; dorsal segments 
margined. Epipleura of the elytra separated by a keel from 
the dorsal surface. Anterior coxae elongate, not prominent. 
Tibiae grooved, spinose. Tarsi short, 5-jointed, the first four 
-joints short and subequal, the 5th longer than the four pre- 
ceding together ; claws simple, gradually curved. 

Of very similar facies to the preceding genus, from which 
it is readily distinguished by the clavate antennae and the 
simple 4th joint of the tarsi. 

Only two species of this genus are recorded : one from 
Japan {leucofasciatus Shp.) and one from India. The above 
account is taken from a specimen of leticofaaciatvs. 

13. Nodyans nitidns. 

Nodynu* nitidus Waterh.*, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1876, p. 13. 

Oblong, subdepressed, shining black, the elytra with 
purplish reflex. Antennae black, the last joint testaceous. 
Legs' black. Length 9 mm. 

Head much narrower than the thorax, inserted therein to 
the level of the eyes, the upper surface closely, moderately 
coarsely, subrugosely punctiued. Antennae with 2nd joint 
.shorter than 3^, 4th and 6th slightly longer than broad, 
dth to 10th transverse, gradually increasing in width, 11th 
narrower than 10th, 4hoit and conical. Thorax about one-third 
broader than long, broadly emarginate in front, base bisinuate, 
the sides rounded and renexed, narrower in front than behind, 
posterior -angles rounded and a little prominent ; the greater 
^p&tt td *Oie «uilaoe eKtrraoely -finely and moderately dosely 
jnmotand, <KlDng tiie .aides and base 'wixh -some ooarser 
panetana. ^Klelhim smooSib. Silytva luiMh iloi^^, bat «a 


wide as the thorax, apex trunoate, the postero-external angle 
rounded, each with nine rows of fine close punctures not reach- 
ing the posterior margin, the interspaces flat and extremely 
finely punctured. Abdomen with two segments exposed, 
these finely coriaceous, very finely and sparingly punctured. 
East Indies. Type in British Museum. 

Genus EUFIESTUS Eraatz. 

EupieatHs Sj-aatz, Arch. Naturg. xxv, 1669, i, p. 182; Fuiivel, llc'\ ■ 
d'Knt. xxi, 1902, p. 27 (note). 

Head distinctly constricted behind the eyes, neck thick. 
Antennae 11-jointed. Gular sutures fused. Labrum trans- 
verse, deeply emarginate, the antero-external angles with a 
stout spine, the anterior border spinose and ciliate. Mandibles 
short, stout, pointed, edentate, the inner margin with a ciliati d 
membrane. Outer lobe of the maxilla broader and a little 
longer than the inner, the apex rounded, densely ciliate ; 
inner lobe narrow, pointed, the apex and inner margin densely 
ciliate. Maxillary palpi with 1st joint very small, 2nd 
moderately long, curved, thickened apically, 3rd short, 4th 
a little longer than 2nd. Tongue broad, membranous, broadly 
obtusely emarginate, the antero-external angles rounded, 
densely and finely ciliate, in the middle with a corneous rod, 
supporting two fine spines in front. Labial palpi short, \tt 
and 2nd joints broader than long, 3rd about 2^ times longer than 
broad. Prosternum well developed before the coxss, prostemal 
process narrow, bluntly pointed, the coxae narrowly separated, 
coxal cavities open behind, epipleura broad, epimera tri- 
angular, fused with the epipleura. Mesosternum large, convex, 
its process rather narrow, with rounded apex extending half 
the length of the coxae ; intersternal piece short, separated from 
the broadly-rounded apex of the metasternum by a suture. 
Abdomen keeled below at the base, the sides margined above. 
Tl^orax sulcate and costate, elytra costate. Scutellum con- 
cealed. Winged. Tibiae more or less longitudinally sulcate, 
spinose. Tarsi short, 5-jointed, the first four joints short and 
subequal, the 5th longer than all the- preceding together ; 
claws simple, normally curved. Pubescence scanty, sub- 

the genus comprises black or brown subparallel specier, 
more or less rugosely sculptured and often covered with a 
secretion difficult to remove. The males of some species are 
^uxni^hed with spines or prooesses on the head. They probably 
liye ,fOostly in drying dejexia and decaying wood and are 
confined to ti^e Oriental Region.' 



Key to the Species, 

1. Penultimate ioints of the anteniiffi dis- 

tinctly longer than broad 2. 

Penultimate ioints of the antennee not . 

lonser than broad 3. 

2. Size larger, 8-9 mm. Head in ^ armed, spinifer Fauv., p. 36. 
Size smaller, 3 mm. Head in (^ unarmed, angulatus i'a,u\., ^. Sd, 

3. Species subopaque 4. 

Species rather snining 6. 

4. Po8t-ocular space rounded ; eyes small and 

flat fece Fauv., p. 37. 

Po4-ocular space subangulate ; eyes larger, 
more prominent temporalii Fauv., p. 38.. 

5. Penultimate joints of antennoe strongly 

transverse; the anterior keels of the 

thorax united in front 6. 

Penultimate joints of the antennae less 

strongly transverse ; the anterior keels 

of the thorax scarcely united in front . . tikkimi Fauv., p. 39. 
.6. Head broader, much more finely 

punctured ; thorax broader, abruptly 

constricted at the base, lieels less elevated, 

less sharp; puncturation of the lossas 

finer sculpticollia Kr., p. 38. 

Head narrower,much less finely punctured; 

thorax narrower, gradually constricted 

at the base, lieels more elevated, sharper ; 

puncturation of the fossae much coarser . jacobmni Cam., p. 40. 

14. Eapiestas spinifer. 

Etipiestui ipinifer Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1896, p. 186. 

Black, moderately shining, the elytra obscurely ferruginous- 
between the costse. Antennae very long, black. Legs reddish. 
Length 8 to 9 mm. 

$. Head large, subtriangular ; the front on either side with 
a long, curved, pointed spine directed forwards and upwards, 
the margin between the spines rounded ; antennal tubercles 
greatly developed, forming a large callus produced forwards 
into a stout spine ; middle of front slightly longitudinally 
raised ; the tubercles and excavated area between coarsely 
and closely punctured, the front smooth ; eyes prominent, 
the base of the head transversely truncate immediately behind 
the eyes. Antennse longer than the body, all the joints 
much longer than broad, cyhndrical, 6th to Uth equal in length. 

$. Head smaller, unarmed, the tubercles smaller and not 
s pined, the front punctured, the posterior margin of the head 
obliquely j;runcate immediately behind the eyes. Antemus 
a little shorter than the body, constructed as in (^ ; thorax- 


Thorax wider than the head, slightly transverse, strongly 
■contracted for about the posterior third, considerably dilated 
and rounded in front, the anterior angles rounded, the 
posterior rectangular ; disc with five foveas, a large median 
extending the whole length and wider in front, a lateral on 
each side of similar extent and much wider in front and a 
smaller more or less triangular one on either side at the base 
between the median and lateral ; the foveas separated from 
each other on either side by three irregular keels, the whole 
surface coarsely and closely punctured. Elytra as long as, 
'but slightly wider than, the thorax, transverse, each with three 
keels and the suture elevated ; interspaces closely and coarsely 
punctured. Abdomen subcorneal, closely and less strongly 

punctured than the fore-parts, coriaceous and with scanty 

subsquamous pubescence. 
Burma : Ruby Mines (Doherty) ; Carin Ghtea ; Carin 

Cheba ; Carin Asciuii Cheba (L. Fea). 

15. Eapiestus fe». 

Eupiestut fe<e Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 187. 

Subopaque black. Head in ^ subquadrate, in $ subor- 
bicular. Eyes small, not prominent. Antennae ferruginous, 
extending to the posterior margin of the elytra in $, beyond 
in ^. Legs ferruginous. Length 35 to 4 mm. 

(J. Head subquadrate, eyes small, not prominent, post-ocular 
space rounded ; vertex deeply sulcate in middle, front convex, 
the anterior margin rounded, obliquely impressed internal to 
the antennal tubercles, finely and closely punctured. Antennae 
extending beyond the posterior margin of the elytra, 2nd and 
3rd joints of equal length, 4th to 6th scarcely longer than broad, 
7th a little longer than broad, stouter than the 6th and 8th, 
8th to 10th scarcely longer than broad. 

$. Head suborbicular. Antennae shorter and more slender, 
but similarly constructed. 

Thorax slightly transverse, widest in front, strongly con- 
tracted before the base, the anterior angles rounded and 
thickened, the sides with a small emargination before the 
middle ; disc with six foveas, three large, a median and two 
lateral situated before the middle, a narrow median basal 
and a subtriangular lateral basal on either side ; against 
the lateral emargination with a fovea ; the fossae more 
shining than the keels, these with subsquamous pubescence, 
the whole surface closely and moderately coarsely punctured. 
Elytra wider, but scarcely as long as the thorax, transverse, 
tricarinate, with suture also raised ; interspaces each with 
a single row of moderately coarse punctures. Abdomen 
slightly narrowed behind, closely and rather finely punctured 


(less finely at ttie bases of the segments) and with sparing 
subsquamous pubescence. 

Burma: Carin Cheba; Tenasserim, Thagata (L. Fea). 
Abor Country : Kobo, in rotten wood (Kemp). 

16. Enpiestiu temporalis. 

Eupiestut temporalii Fauv.*, Rev. d'Knt. xiv, 1896, p. 188. 

Near E.fece Fauv. $, but with the antennae a little shorter 
and stouter, the eyes much larger and rather prominent, 
the temples feebly angulate. Internal to the eye there is a fine 
keel. Thorax broader, the sides in front more parallel, the 
fossae broader,rather more coarsely sculptured. Elytra a little 

Burma : Carin Ghdcu, 1300 to 1400 m. ; Carin Asciuii 
Gh^u, 1400 to 1500 m. (L. Fea). Also in Sumatra. 

17. Eupiestns BculpticoUis. (Fig. 12.) (Plate I, fig. 1.) 

Eupfttut gculpiienllii Kr.*, Arch, Naturar. xxv, 1859, i, p. 182, 
'i'af. 3, fig. 4 a-b. 

Black, shining ; elytra pitchy. Antennae black, the first two 
joints ferruginous. Legs reddish. Length 25 mm. 

Smaller than E. fece Fauv. and more shining, the head sub- 
triangular, antennae much shorter, eyes more prominent, 
post-ocular area obliquely truncate to the neck, thorax with 
the sides in front more parallel and not emarginate, intercostal 
spaces of elytra more finely punctured. 

Tig. 12. — Eupititus iculpticollU, head and thorax f. 

Head subtriangular, base foveate in the middle, front 
deeply impressed on either side ; eyes prominent, post-ocular 
space obliquely truncate, supra-ocular region with a sulcus ; 
the base finely and moderately closely punctured, much more 
sparingly elsewhere. Antennae with 2nd and 3rd joints equal, 
4th shorter, a little longer than broad, 5th to 10th transverse, 

t In the tigvae the head ihonld be more triangnlor. 

. xirnEiTTrB. 89 

gradually increasing in breadth. Thorax slightly transverse, 
scarcely wider than the head, strongly contracted before the 
base, the posterior angles acute, the anterior rounded, the 
sides in front almost parallel, the disc with 8 fossae : (1 ) a small 
median basal ; (2) a large median between this and the anterior 
border ; (3) a large lateral on either side extending from the 
anterior border to the level of the constriction ; (4) a small 
triangular one between 2 and 3 ; (5) a lateral basal on either 
side ; the keels are practically impunctate, the foveae show a 
few moderately large and close punctures. Elytra a little 
longer and wider than the thorax, square, with three parallel 
keels and raised suture, the interspaces with a row of moderate- 
sized punctures closely placed. Abdomen sHghtly narrowed 
behind, shining, moderately closely and moderately finely 
punctured throughout, with sparing subsquamous pubescence. 
Ceylon. Nilgiri Hills (H. L. Andrewes). Sikkim. Burma. 
Also Lombok. 

18. Eupiestus angalatus. 

I-lujuestus anffulatus Fauv., Rev. d'Knt. xxi, 1902, p. 29. 

(J. Size and colour of sculpticollis, but with the head 
elongate, narrow, and triangular, opaque like the thorax 
and with the temples much less rectangular. Antennae long, 
stout, all the joints longer than broad, the 6th to 11th much 
thicker. Head flattened, the front conical, the apex nearly 
truncate, depressed, coriaceous, antennal tubercles thick, short, 
rather shining, the vertex finely longitudinally striate, the base 
rather deeply arcuately margined. Thorax narrow, longer 
than broad, rugosely punctured, the sides with the two calli 
stronger, the fovese larger than in sculpticollis, the keels 
higher, acute, and opaque. Elytra shorter, rather transverse, 
the interspaces twice as strongly and sparingly punctured. 
Abdomen narrowly smooth along the middle, the 6th segment 
closely, finely, rugosely punctured. $ unknown. Length 
3 mm. 

Sikkim : Darjeeling (ex Fauvel). 

19. Eupiestus sikkimi. 

F.uftiestus sikkimi Fauv., Kev. d'Ent. xxi, 1902, p. 30. 

Build and colour as in E. sculpticoUis Kr., but a little larger, 
the antennae thicker and longer, with the joints, especially 
the 6th to 10th, less transverse, the front more deeply bi- 
impressed ; the thoracic keels higher, the two anterior ones 
scarcely united in front, but subparallel and thickened, 
strongly raised, the antemarginal keel straighter ; the elytra 


more strongly, the abdomen more closely punctured, especially 
on the 6th segment. Length 3 to 3^ mm. 

Sexual difiFerences unknown. 

Sikkim: Darjeeling. Two examples, perhaps $ (ex 
FauveJ). I do not know this species. Perhaps identical with 
E. jacobaoni. 

20. Eupiestns jacobsoni. 

Eupieatutjacobtoni Cam., Eut. Mitt. Berlin, xvii, 1928, p. 90. 

This species is closely allied to E. scidpticolKs Kr., of the same 
colour and lustre, but the head and thorax are narrower and 
both are much more coarsely punctured ; the keels on the 
thorax are sharper and higher, the elytra are more deeply 
and the abdomen more closely punctured. The antennse 
are a little longer and stouter. Length 2'6 to 3 mm. 

Perhaps identical with E. sikkimi Fauv. 

Assam : Naga Hills. Also in Sumatra. 

Genus SIAQONIUlff Kirby & Spence. 

Stagonium Kirby & Spence, Introd. Ent. i, 1815, pi. 1 ; Curtis, 
Brit. Ent. i, 1824, pi. 23; Fauv., Faun. Gallo-Kh^n. iii, p. 15: 
Ganglb.. KSf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 684. 

Prognatha hat. in Cuv., R6«ne Aium. iv, 1829, p. 439 ; Er., Gen. 
Spec. Staph. 1839-40, p. ase ; Lac, Gen. Col. ii, 1864. p. 128: 
jHcq. du Val, Gen. Col. d'Eur. ii, 1857-59 (1868), p. 63; Kraatz, 
Naturg. Ins. Deutsch. ii, 1856-68, p. 1043; Muls. et Rev, 
Brfivipennes, 1879, p. 386. 

Biology.— Westw., Zool. Journ. iii, 1827-28, p. 66, pi. 2, f. 1. 

Elongate, parallel, depressed or subdepressed species. The 
head large, scarcely or not at all constricted behind, the neck 
thick and inserted in the thorax ; eyes rather prominent. 
In the cj the head is larger than in the $, the antennal 
tubercles usually produced in front into a spine, the antenna 
longer ; small-headed unarmed males are, however, found as 
in the genus Oxytelvs. Gular sutures parallel, obsolete. 
Labrum crescentic, finely ciliated, and with long setae. Men- 
tum transverse, narrowed towards the front, the sides and 
anterior margin rounded. Tongue membranous, broad, divi- 
ded by a broad obtuse emargination into two rounded lobes, 
in the middle with a strong chitinous supporting rod. Para- 
glossae well developed, extending to the apex of the lobes. 
Labial palpi short and stout, 3-jointed, the 1st joint broader 
than long, the 2nd shorter and a little narrower than the 1st, 
transverse, the 3rd oval, about as long as the two preceding 


together. Inner lobe of the maxilla narrow, straight, pointed, 
the inner margin with closely-set curved teeth and cilia. 
Outer lobe broad, obliquely truncate at the apex, thickly 
ciliated. Maxillary palpi 4-jointed, the 1st joint small, the 
2nd and 3rd subequal, obconical, the 4th a little narrower 
than the 3rd, about as long as the three preceding together. 
Mandibles pointed, the left with a strong tooth, both with a 
well-developed ciliated membrane towards the base ; in the 
(J each with a curved, upwardly- and inwardly-directed horn. 
Thorax transverse, contracted behind; prosternum large, its 
process narrow and projecting back to behind the coxae, 
these not prominent. Epimera triangular, pointed. Meso- 
sternum with a narrow process extending beyond the middle 
of the COXS3 and meeting the apex of the broader metasternal 
process. Metasternum long. Anterior coxae oval, not promi- 
nent, the middle globose, the posterior transverse. Anterior 
tibiae dentate, the middle spinose, the posterior scarcely 
spinose. Tarsi 5-jointed, the first four joints short and sub- 
equal, together about as long as the 5th. Elytra with well- 
defined epipleura, more or less seriately punctured. Abdomen 
keeled below, the sides bordered above. 

The species are found under the bark of trees in the 
Palsearctic, Nearctic, and Australian regions. Only one 
species is so far known from our region ; the species described 
by Walker from Ceylon as decisum is a Cucu jid of the genus I-no. 

21. Siagonium indicum. 

Siagonium indieum FauT., Rev. d'Ent. xxi, 1902, p. 21. 

<J. Of the size of S. quadricome Kirby, but narrower, sub- 
convex, the head and thorax less shining, black, the elytra at 
the base and sides obscurely pitchy, palpi, base of the antennae, 
anus, and legs pitchy red. Antennae a little thicker. Man- 
dibles longer, more slender. Head more finely punctured, the 
antennal tulDercles at the apex internally deeply sinuate, 
thence produced into long, slender, sharp, converging spines ; 
the frontal space between about half as wide as in qvadficome, 
more deeply excavated ; eyes a little larger. Thorax more 
■convex and narrower, much less transverse, with a short 
scarcely perceptible groove before the base, twice as finely 
punctured. Elytra subconvex, a little longer, with the rows 
of punctures, especially the inner, straighter. Abdomen 
much more finely, obsoletely, and sparingly punctured. ? 
unknown. Length 55mm. 

Sikkim : Darjeeling. Unique (ex Fauvd). 

4Si sTkistimtiDM. 

Oenug PABALISPINnS Bernhauer. 

Paraliipmut Bernh., D.E. Z. 1921, p. 67. 

Aneteut FauY., Ball. Soo. Norm, ix, 1866, p. 60 ; Sharp, B. C.-A. 

i, 2, 1882-87 (1887), p. 716. 
Holotroekiu Shp. (pars), Trans. Enl Soe. Lond. 1876, p. 67. 

It is very doubtful if this genus can be retained. It was 
separated by Fauvel from Lispinua on the grounds that two 
spines were present externally before the apex of the anterior 
tibisB, that the claws were denticulate, and that the tongue 
was furnished in front with a single chitinous rod. As to 
the first character, similar spines are found in lAajpinua, the 
second I have failed to verify, and the third is incorrect, two 
little rods being present as in Lispiwus. The only differences 
I can detect are that the femora are rather thicker than in 
Lispimts and that the middle and posterior tibiae are praicti- 
cally glabrous, whereas in Lispimts they are closely and finely 
spinose or setose for about the apical half externally. 

22. FaraUapinus eziguns. (Plate I, fig. 2.) 

Ziapmus exiguut Er., Gen. Spec. Staph. 1840, p. 8.30 ; Fauv., Bull. 

fSoc. Norm, ix, I860, p. o9. 
Lupinui aruenm Fauv., Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xii, 1878, p. 300. 
Liapinus fauneli Shp., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1876, p. 392. 
Lispiniu leevigatus Kr., Arch. Naturg. xxv, 1859, i, p. 188. 
Lhpitius pallticene Blackb., Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc, (2) iii, 1902, 

p. 126. 
Lupimit rvfeacent Lee, New Spec. Col. i, 1863, p. 69; Sharp, 

B.C.-A. i, 2, 1887, p. 718. 

Narrow, elongate, shining reddish-testaceous, almost im- 
punctate, but with distinct ground-sculpture. Antennae and 
legs reddish-testaceous. Length 2 mm. 

Head a little narrower than the thorax, eyes small, prominent, 
temples parallel ; front bi-impressed, frontal margin broadly 
rounded, practically impunctate. Antennae short, the 2nd 
joint a little shorter than 3rd, 4th to 10th transverse, the 
penultimate twice as broad as long. Thorax scarcely broader 
than long, subconvex, the sidesin front feebly rounded, sinuated 
and contracted before the rectangular jwsterior angles, these 
foveate within, in the middle with a fine impressed line, im- 
punctate, finely longitudinally coriaceous. Elytra as broad 
as, but one-fourth longer than, the thorax, longer than broad. 
Abdomen with the usual setiferous punctures only. 

Assam : Naga Hills, alt. 6000 feet. 

Widely distributed throughout the Tropics. 

Hbtdsrs. m 

Genus HOLOSTJS Motsoiioalsky. 
Holoiut Motsch., Bull. Soe. Mosc. xxx, 1867, It, p. 496. 

Mostly black, shining species, many having a facies recalling 
certain genera of TAOHYPOBiNiE, others again certain species 
of Lispimis. Head slightly constricted behind, neck broad. 
Gular sutures wanting, temples not margined below. Labrum 
crescentic, ciliate, and with numerous longer and shorter setse. 
Mandibles short, stout, curved, pointed, edentate, with a fine 
ciliate membrane within. Maxillary palpi with the 1st joint 
very small, 2nd stout, the outer margin curved and much 
longer than the iimer, 3rd transverse, 4th elongate, about 
four times longer than the preceding, narrowed at the apex. 
Outer lobe of the maxilla with broad apex, ciliate and furnished 
with numerous angulate teeth ; inner lobe narrow, its apex 
hooked, behind with two stout teeth, more posteriorly ciliate. 
Tongue broad and membranous, ciliate, divided into two 
lobes separated by a pair of chitinous rods. Labial palpi 
short, 3-jointed, 2nd joint transverse, 3rd oblong, a little 
longer than the 1st. Paraglossae well developed, ftosternum 
large, its process rather broad, extending a little behind the 
coxae, its apex rounded, depressed, the coxas moderately sepa- 
rated, globose. Epimera oblong, coxal cavities open behind. 
Mesostemum medially sulcate, its process rather broad, sulcate 
longitudinally, the apex truncate, extending about half the 
length of the coxas, these moderately separated. Metasternal 
process truncate, reaching the mesosternal. Abdomen strongly 
keeled at the base ventrally ; the sides not margined, obliquely 
striate. Tibiae finely setose. Tarsal formula 5, 5, 5, the first 
four joints very short, the 5th longer than the preceding 
together. Elytral epipleura separated by a distinct keel from 
the dorsal surface. 

The above characters are taken from H, tachiniformia 
Motsch. The genus is found in the Oriental tropics and iii 
Africa, usually in decaying tree-trunks. It is doubtful whether 
this genus can be satisfactorily separated from Lispimis. As 
a rule, they are more convex and less parallel species with the 
abdomen striate, whereas Lispinus is composed of more 
depressed, parallel insects with the abdomen rarely striate. 

Key to the Species. 

1. Thorax not deeply iropressed at the 

posterior angles. Fscies of Olis- [p. 47. 

thtfrus olitthariformis Motsch., 

Thorax with deep impression at the 
posterior angles 3. 

44 sTAfHTLiirn)^. 

2. Thorax not transTeisely impressed 

l)efore the base S, 

Thorax transyersely impressed before 
the base 8. 

3. Elongate subparallel species 4. 

Navicular species with fades of certaia 

Taehyparinte 6. 

4. Penultimate joints of antennae fully 

as long as broad. Elytra distinctly 

longer than broad longipenni* Cam., p. 49. 

Penultimate joints of antennas dis- 
tinctly transverse 6> 

-6. Thoracic fossa at the posterior angles 
rounded ; facies of Holotrochtu ; apex 
of abdomen red ; 4th to 7th joints of 
the antennae moniliform. Length 
8*6 mm aberrant FauT., p. 61. 

Thoracic fossa oblong ; facies of Lit- 
pinut; apex of abdomen black; 
4th to 7tn joints of antennea trans- 
verse. Length 4-6 mm fotiulatut Motsch., p. 48, 

6. Sides of thorax obtusely angulate about 

the middle. Species broader and 

shorter tacMniformis Motsch., p. 44. 

Sides of thorax not angulate, straight 
from base to apex. Species narrower 
and longer 7. 

7. Thorax broader (lOJ ; 6), indistinctly 

punctured, elytra extremely finely [p. 4fi. 

and sparingly punctured conuri/ormit Motsch., 

Thorax narrower (7:6}), distinctly 
punctured, elytra impunctate dUtinguendut Cam., p. 46. 

8. Elytra each with two longitudinal 

sulci, one extending the whole length 
of the suture, the other on the middle 

of the disc, shorter foveolatttt Motsch,, p. 48. 

Elytra not longitudinally bisulcate . . i). 

9. Basal impression of the thorax hi- fp. 46. 

foveate mycetoporiformit Motefch., 

Basal impression not bifoveate 10. 

10. Smaller species 3'76 mm., facies of [p. 46. 

Tachyporug tachyporiformit Motsch., 

Larger species 3 to 3*6 mm., facies of 

Litpinui 11 . 

11. Elytra sparingly obsoletely punctured . brevipennis Fauv., p. 50. 
Elytra rather closely, finely punctured . amhiyetms Fauy., p. 60. 

23. HoIOBUs tachinifonuis. (Plate I, fig. 3.) 

Holoms tachiniformu Motsch., Bull. Mosc. xxx, 1867, iv, p. 498 ; 
Kraatz, Arch. Naturg. xxv, 1869, i, pi. 3, tig. 6 a, b. 

Black, shining, narrowed behind. Sides of the thorax 
obtusely angulate in the middle, deeply and broadly impressed 
at the posterior angles. Very finely and not closely punctured. 


Posterior margins of the abdominal segments rufescent. 
Antennae ferruginous. Legs reddish-testaceous. Length 
4 mm. 

In general appearance somewhat similar to Tachinua fime- 
tariua Gr. Head much narrower than the thorax, the sides 
before the eyes slightly rounded, the front truncate, finely 
and moderately closely punctured with extremely fine strigose 
ground-sculpture. Aiitennae extending a little beyond the 
posterior angles of the thorax, the 2nd joint shorter than the 
3rd, 4th to 7th a little longer than broad, gradually decreasing 
in length, 8th to 10th transverse, gradually increasing in 
breadth. Thorax nearly twice as broad as long (9 : 5), the 
sides obtusely angulate just behind the middle, from there 
nearly straight and a little retracted to the slightly acute 
posterior angles, nearly straight but more retracted to the 
rounded anterior angles ; broadly deeply foveate at the 
posterior angles, not transversely impressed before the base, 
more finely but about as closely punctured as the head and with 
similar very fine ground -sculpture. Scutellum impunctate. 
Elytra a little longer (7 : 5) and broader than the thorax, 
transverse, the sides evenly rounded, sutural stria distinct but 
fine ; puncturation yet finer and less close than on the thorax 
and without ground-sculpture. Abdomen distinctly narrowed 
from base to apex, the first 4 segments each with 6 or 7 oblique 
striae on either side, practically impunctate and with a very fine 
transverse ground-sculpture. 

" Ind. or." Also in Java and Perak. 

24. Holosus connriformis. 

Ilolosm conuriformis Motsch., Bull. Mosc. xxx, 1867, iv, p. 499. 

Narrower and more elongate than H. tachiniformis Motsch. 
Black, shining, the last joint of the antennae, palpi, legs, and 
posterior margins of the abdominal segments and anus more 
or less reddish-brown. Head less punctvu^d than in tachini- 
formis, thorax narrower, the sides straight, widest behind, 
posterior angles pointed and prominent, lateral impression as 
deep but more transverse than in tachiniformis, puncturation 
very fine. Elytra a little longer and broader than the thorax, 
extremely finely and sparingly punctured. Abdomen with 
the oblique striae more marked than in tachiniformis. Length 
4 mm. 

" Ind. or." 

25, Holostts distiagnendas. 

Hohnu diitingwndus Oam., E, M. M. Ixi, 1926, p. 238. 

Closely allied to H. conuriformis Motsch. but narrower, the 
thorax distinctly less transverse and moderately finely and 

4fi arjktVTLJSiox. 

moderately closely punctiired, whilst the elytra are scaroely 
perceptibly punctured, the 4th to 6th joints of the aiOtentUB 
are shorter; in other respects similar to conuriformis, Lengtili 
4 mm. 

Assam : Margherita, W. Almora {H. 0, Champion). Also 
in Indo-China. 

26. HoIoBQS tachyporiformis. 

Holosut tachyporifiirmii MoUch., Bull. Mosc. xxx, 1867, iv. p. 498. 

Black, shining, narrowed behind. Abdomen with the 
posterior margins of the segments rufescent. Thorax with 
the sides very gently rounded for the anterior two-thirds, 
the posterior one-third slightly retracted and almost straight 
to the rectangular posterior angles, these with a large rounded 
fovea united by a shallow transverse groove before the 
base Antennae ferruginous. Legs reddish-testaceous. Length 
2*3 mm. 

About the size and build of Tachyporua macropterus Steph., 
but more depressed. Head finely and moderately closely 
punctured. Antennae short, 2nd joint about as long as broad, 
3rd about twice as long, 4th and 5th scarcely longer than broad, 
6th moniliform, 7th to 10th transverse, gradually increasing 
in breadth. Thorax transverse (4J : 3), of the build above 
indicated, the puncturation less fine and more close than that 
of the head and with a very fine strigose ground-sculpture. 
Scutelliun impunctate. Elytra a little longer (4 : 3) and 
broader (at the middle) than the thorax, slightly transverse, 
the sides evenly rounded, sutural stria fine, puncturation 
distinctly finer, but scarcely less close than that of the thorax, 
ground-sculpture wanting. Abdomen gradually narrowed 
from base to apex, the 1st segment with fine subtransverse 
striae united in a curve across the middle, the 2nd and 3rd 
with finer oblique striae, scarcely perceptibly punctured, finely 
transversely strigose. 

" Ind. or." Also Malay Peninsula and Singapore. 

27. Holosus mycetoporiformii. 

HolosMt Motscb., Bull. Mosc. xxx, 1867, iv, 
p. 600. 

Black, shining ; abdomen gradually narrowed from base to 
apex. Thorax transverse, widest at the middle, the sides 
gently retracted, but not sinuate for the posterior third, gently 
rounded and narrowed anteriorly ; posterior angles taotai^Jlar, 
with a bro^, deep, rgiqided impre8sipn,a(|j{^i^, jj^ry indis- 
,^pctly impressed before the n^idclle of the baise. Antemud 
;;^rpwpi8hTi«d. L^ reddidi'testaoeouB. -l^iMigth 4'7^ ami. 

HOi^oaxriii -0 

Facies somewhat of Mycetoporus rufescena Steph., but mOTe 
robust and remarkable by the comparatively strong punctura- 
tion. Head rather finely and moderately closely punctured, 
•except at the front, ground-sculpture scarcely visible. Antennse 
with the 2nd joint transverse, 3rd about 2^ times longer, 
4th to 6th slightly, 7th to 10th strongly transverse. Thorax 
transverse {8 : 5J), at the posterior angles with a deep roimded 
impression extending nearly to the level of the middle, before 
the base scarcely impressed ; puncturation moderately close, 
a little less fine than that of the head, the ground -sculpture 
feeble. Scutellum with 7 or 8 fine punctures, transversely 
strigose. Elytra longer (6J : 6J) and a little broader than the 
thorax, broader than long, the sides gently rounded, sutural 
stria fine, the puncturation very similar to that of the thorax, 
but without ground-sculpture. Abdomen with oblique striae 
(8 or 9) on either side of each segment, the striae connected by 
fine lines at right angles, practically impunctate, the bases 
of the segments coriaceous. 

Tenasserim, Thagata (L. Fea). 

28. Holosos oliBthariformis. 

IIolosui olitifueriformii Motsch., l^ull. Mosc. xxx, 1867, iv, 
p. 500. 

Black, shining, very finely coriaceous (except elytra). 
Thorax transverse, broadly, superficially impressed near the 
posterior angles, without impression before the middle of the 
base. Abdomen gradually narrowed from base to apex, 
the segments on either side each with 10 or 11 oblique striae. 
Antennae reddish-brown. Legs reddish-testaceous. Length 
5 mm. 

Head very finely, rather sparingly punctured. Antennae 
with the 2nd joint transverse, the 3rd twice as long as broad, 
4th to 6th moniliform, 7th as long as broad, larger than the 
preceding, 8th to 10th transverse. Thorax transverse (7^ : 6), 
widest at the posterior third, the sides from thence very 
slightly retracted to the rectangular posterior angles, in front 
very slightly rounded and narrowed, the puncturation etc. as 
on the heaid. Scutellum with 4 or 5 very fine punctures. 
Elytra longer (8 J : .6) and broader than the thorax, a little 
l^nadier than long,.-sutvr«I stria fine, the sides very slightly 
soiwded, sparingly, diistinctly more finely punctured than the 
thorax. Abdoioen with -the .segments on either side with 
^0,(Hr i^ well'nMKked oblique .striffi without connecting strise, 
Jtim^gxmiiy fioQ^ and^w^^ sparingly punotiu«d and with a fine 
iHRncm^lse ^pti^goie ^ptowd-smi^we. 


29. Holosns fossnlatns. 

Holoms foMulatus Motsch., Bull. Mosc. xvx, 1857, iv, p. 495. 

Black, shining, subparallel; posterior margins of the 
abdominal segments rufescent. Thorax with large deep fossa, 
at the posterior angles, not impressed before the middle of 
the base. Scutellum punctured. Antennas short, pitchy. 
Legs reddish-brown. Length 45 mm. 

Facies of a large Liapintis. Head rather broad, but narrower 
than the thorax, subconvex, eyes prominent, finely and 
moderately closely punctured, with scarcely visible ground- 
sculpture. Antennae with the 2nd joint sHghtly transverse, 
3rd more than twice as long, 4th to 10th transverse, gradually 
increasing in width. Thorax transverse (5J : 4), the sides 
retracted and nearly straight for the posterior third, the anterior 
two-thirds gentlyrounded and widened, anterior angles rounded, 
posterior rectangular, adjacent to them with a large deep 
oblong impunctate fossa, median line very narrowly impunc- 
tate, the rest of the surface moderately finely and moderately 
closely punctured, distinctly less finely than the head and with 
similar ground-sculptxu'e. Scutellum with a few moderate- 
sized superficial punctures. Elytra longer (6 : 4) and a little 
broader than the thorax, slightly longer than broad, the side& 
scarcely rounded, sutural stria rather wide, distinctly more 
finely and rather less closely punctured than the thorax 
and without ground-sculptmre. Abdomen elongate, scarcely 
narrowed behind, coriaceous, very obsoletely punctured,^ 
with 9 or 10 oblique striae on either side of the anterior segments. 

" Ind. or." Also Sumatra. 

80. HoloBOS foveolatus. 

Holomt foveolatiM Motsch., Bull. Mosc. xxx, 1857, iv, p. 406. 

Elongate, subparallel, pitchy black, shining ; posterior 
margins of the abdominal segments rufescent. Thorax 
transverse, with foiu* foveae before the base, the lateral much 
deeper. Elytra deeply sulcata along the suture, the disc 
with short deep sulcus. Antennae ferruginous. Legs reddish- 
.testaceouB. Length 3'3 mm. 

Head moderately finely and moderately closely punctured,, 
finely transversely strigose. Antennae extending slightly beyond 
the posterior angles of the thorax, 2nd joint about as long as. 
broad, 3rd longer than broad, 4th and 5th scarcely longer than 
broad, 6th as long as broad, 7th to 10th transverse, gradually 
increasing in breadth. Thorax transverse (5^ : 4), the pos- 
terior third of the sides gradually retracted to the base and 
□early straight to the rectangular posterior angles, the anterior 


two-thirds gradually widened and rounded to the rounded 
anterior angles, the base adjacent to the posterior angles with 
a large deep oblong fovea, on either side of the middle line 
with a large shallow impression reaching the middle ; punc- 
turation and ground-sculpture as on the head. Elytra longer 
(5J : 4) and a little broader than the thorax, slightly trans- 
verse, the sides a little rounded, deeply and rather broadly 
impressed along the suture, on the middle of the disc with a 
shorter but broader and shallower impression, puncturation 
rather finer and more superficial than that of the thorax and 
without ground-sculpture. Abdomen scarcely narrowed 
behind, the first four segments with fine oblique striae, scarcely 
perceptibly punctured, finely transversely strigose. 
" Ind. or." Also Singapore and Borneo. 

31. Holosus longipennis. (Plate I, fig. 4.) 

Holosiit lonffipennis Cam., E.M. M. Ixi, 192.5, p. 235. 

Elongate, parallel, black, shining ; posterior margins of the 
abdominal segments narrowly rufescent. Thorax quadrate, 
deeply and broadly foveate at the posterior angles, otherwise 
not impressed. Elytra distinctly longer than the thorax. 
Abdomen elongate, scarcely narrowed behind, finely obliquely 
striate at the sides. Antennae long and stout, pitchy, the 
penultimate joints fully as long as broad. Legs reddish. 
Length 5 mm. 

Near H. fossvlatus Motsch., but a little longer and narrower, 
the antenna distinctly longer, the thorax narrower, the 
impressions longer, the elytra longer, the puncturation is 
however very similar. Head rather broad, a little narrower 
than the thorax, rather finely and moderately closely punctured 
without ground-sculpture. Antennae with 2nd joint scarcely 
as long as broad, the 3rd clavate, 4th as long as broad, 5th to 
10th all fully as long as broad, gradualty increasing in length 
and breadth. Thorax scarcely broader than long (5J : 5), the 
sides parallel and nearly straight for the posterior one-fifth, 
very slightly widened and rounded from thence to the anterior 
angles, broadest about the middle, posterior angles rectangular, 
with long deep impression adjacent, not impressed before the 
middle of the base, punctiu'ation scarcely less fine, but a little 
closer than that of the head and without ground-sculpture, 
the fossae less punctate. Scutellum with 4 or 5 small punctures. 
Elytra longer (7J : 5) and broader than the thorax, longer 
than broad, the sides scarcely rounded, sutural stria well 
marked, much more finely and less closely punctured than the 
, thorax and without ground-sculpture. Abdomen elongate, 
scarcely narrowed behind, the segments with 8 or 9 oblique 

VOL. I. B 


striee on each side, coriaceous and with a few very fine obsolete 

Nilgiri Hills (H. L. Andrewes). Anamalai Hills (T. B. 

32. HoloBUB brevipennis. 

Holosus brevipennis Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. xxiii, 1904, p. 77. 
Holoizis framversiM Cam., E. M. M. Ixi, 192-5, p. 234. 

Elongate, subparallel, black, shining ; the posterior margins 
of the abdominal segments narrowly and obscurely ferruginoiis. 
Thorax deeply foveate at the posterior angles, transversely 
impressed before the base, in the middle with fine longitudinal 
sulcus. Abdominal strise transverse on the first three segments 
and united across the middle. Antennas ferruginous. Legs 
reddish-testaceous. Length 3"2 to 3"5 mm. 

Head without impressions, finely and moderately closely 
punctured and with a fine ground-sculpture. Antennae with 
the 2nd joint slightly longer than broad, about half as long as 
the 3rd, 4th and 5th as long as broad, 6th slightly, 7th to 10th 
more strongly transverse. Thorax transverse (5J : 4), the sides 
.straight and slightly retracted for the posterior third, in front 
very gently rounded and widened to the rounded anterior 
angles, widest about the middle, posterior angles rectangular, 
with a deep, broad, nearly impunctate fossa, before the middle 
of the base slightly transversely impressed, the impression not 
connected with the lateral fossse, puncturation a little less fine 
than on the head, the ground-sculpture similar. Elytra a little 
longer and broader than the thorax, transverse, more finely and 
less distinctly punctured than the thorax and without ground- 
sculpture. Abdomen scarcely narrowed behind, with trans- 
verse strise (5 or 6) united across the middle on the first three 
segments, oblique and gradually less distinct on the posterior 
segments, 5th (visible) segment more distinctly punctm^ed 
than the others, finely coriaceous. 

Siwaliks. Also Sumatra, Hong-Kong, Tonkin, Hu6. 

^3. Holosna ambigenns. 

Holotwt ambigenut Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 183. 

Resembling a large lAapinua, but more convex ; black, 
shining, antennae pitchy, mouth, apical margins of the segments 
narrowly and the legs reddish ; antennae short, rather stout, 
with 7th to 10th joints broader, 11th red ; head convex, 
frontal margin truncate, closely, rather strongly punctured ; 
thorax scarcely transverse, subquadrate, more strongly and 
^lore sparingly punctured than the head, the sides parallel, 
« little narrowed behind the anterior angles, the posterior 
Teotangular, scarcely prominent, base arcuate, in the middle 

HOLOsxrs. 51 

before the basal margin broadly transversely impressed, the 
impression scarcely bifoveate, near the posterior angles with a 
large, deep, oblong fossa ; elytra a little longer and broader 
than the thorax, convex, more finely punctured than the 
thorax, the punctures often a little elongate ; abdomen nearly 
parallel, with oblique striae, very sparingly and finely punctured 
when examined by a strong lens, 2nd segment at the base rather 
broadly alutaceous, in the middle scarcely visibly plicate. 
Length 4f to 5 mm. 

This insect perhaps belongs to the genus Lispinua. 

Burma : Carin Asciuii Cheba, Carin Cheba {L. Fea) (ex 

34. Holosus aberrans. 

Holoaua aberrans Fauv., Itev. d'Eiit. xxiii, 1904, p. 78. 

Resembling the smaller species of the genus Hohtrochus 
in the convex and elongate build, but less cylindrical. Black, 
shining, glabrous, the fore-parts without ground-sculpture, 
mouth, antennae, apical margins of the abdominal segments 
narrowly, anus and legs red. Antennae short, somewhat 
stout, of the length of the head and thorax, the 3rd joint 
scarcely longer than the 2nd, 4th to 7th moniliform, 8th to 
10th transverse, the last five joints scarcely wider than the 
preceding, the 11th more or less testaceous. Head convex, 
rather closely and finely punctured, even, the antennal tubercles 
almost absent, behind the large and prominent eyes very 
slightly co-arctate, frontal margin strongly rounded. Thorax 
a little wider than the head, quadrate, convex, more strongly 
and more sparingly punctured, from the middle to the base 
scarcely sinuate and a little narrowed, the posterior angles 
rectangular, the impression broad, subrotundate, rather deep, 
median sulcus very short, obsolete. Elytra parallel, a little 
broader and a fourth longer than the thorax, finely pimct ured, 
and with fine longitudinal vermiculate striae. Abdomen 
less shining, scarcely alutaceous, very finely and densely 
obliquely striate laterally, obsolete along the middle. Length 
35 mm. 

Ceylon. Unique (ex Fauvel). 


LigpinuK Ev., Gfn. et Spec. Staph. 1840, p. 828 ; Lacord., Gen. Co'. 
ii, 18.-)4,p. 1'20; Ftiuv..BulI S.ic. Novm.ix, 1866, p. 44; id., Not. 
Ent. i!, p. 40 ; Sharp, Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1876, p. 411. 

More or less elongate, parallel, depressed or subdc pressed 
species of subcortical habitus. It is closely allied to Holcaus. 
The mouth-parts are similar in most respects, but the 41 h 
joint of the maxillary palpi is shorter, only about 2J times 



loiter than the 3rd, and the mandibles internally behind the- 
apex have each in some species a narrow emargination (but 
are not toothed), the outer margin does not form an even 
curve from base to apex, but a little before the apex is suddenly 
contracted. Prosternum large, its process long, pointed^ 
extending about the whole length of the cox®, these narrowly 
separated. Epimera triangular. Mesosternum convex, its 
process triangularly impressed at the base, extending half the 
length of the coxae, these narrowly separated ; metasternal 
process short, rounded at apex, meeting the preceding. 
Abdomen strongly keeled below at the base ; sides not 
bordered above, occasionally obliquely striate. Tibiae extern- 
ally finely spinose, the subapical spine much larger than the 
others. Tarsal formula 5, 5, 5, the first -four joints very short, 
together shorter than the 5th. Claws simple. 

Key to the Species. 

1. Thorax without median impressions 

before the baae , 2. 

Thorax with more or lesa distinct 
median impre-ssions 10. 

2. Abdomen diatinctly striate at the sides 3. 
Abdomen not or scarcely striate at the 

sides 7. 

3. Thorax fully as long as broad, more 

depressed verraitorm species, the seg- 
ments of the abdomen more elongate . quadrinotatus Fauv., p. 54. 
Tliorax transverse, less depressed, not 
vermif.jrm, segments of the abdomen 
shorter 4. 

4. Penultimate joints of the antenniB a 

little longer than broad; thorax 
distinctly transverse, the sides dis- 
tinctly emargiiiate behind andreweii, sp. n., p. 56. 

Penultimate joints of the aiiteimiB 
transverse ; thorax slightly trans- 
verse, the sides scarcely emai'ginate 

behind 5. 

6. Elytra extremely finely, scarcely 

perceptibly punctured on the disc . . leevipennis Kr., p, 54. 
Elytra finely but distinctly punctured 
on th e disc 6. 

6. Lateral impressions of the thorax deep 

and narrow ; thorax more finely and 
less closely punctured; elytra more 

sparingly punctured strigivenlris Kr., p. 56. 

Lateral impressions broader and less 
deep ; thorax lesa finely and more 
closely punctured ; elytra less spar- 
ingly punctured quadricoUia Cam., p. 65. 

7. Penultimate joints of the antennee 

scarcely transverse tenuicornii Kr., p. 57. 

Penultimate joints of the antennae 
distinctly transverse 8. 


•8. Larffer (4'5 mm.). Thorax strongly 

emivi'ginate before the posterior 

angles \ more robust. Abdomen 

rather closely, distinctly punctured . birmanus Fauv., p. 08. 
Smaller (3'6 mm.). Thorax scarcely 

einarginate 9, 

9. Broader. Thorax at the posterior 

angles with a very narrow impression 

distinctly limited internally. Jilytra 

a little loii)ier than broad coarctico/lis Kr., p. 58. 

Narrower. Tliorax scarcely impressed 

at the posterior angles. Elytra much 

longer than broad hrevicomis Kr., p. 6". 

10. Entirely testaceous, very shining 

.•■pecies testacem Kr., p. C4. 

Otiierwise coloured 11. 

11. Thorax with four quiidrately-placed 

punctures \'2. 

Thorax without such punctures 14. 

12. Larger, 3-2 to 4 mm. ; black species . . 13. 
Smaller, 2*75 mm. ; thorax and elytra 

redd i all-brown, head and abdomen ; head and thorax usually 
with greenish reflex, elytra obsoletely 
and sparingly ])unctured subopacun Kr., p. 62. 

13. Larger, 3'4 to 4 mm. ; more robust, 

more shining, blacker, more hnely 
punctured, thorax more dilated in 
front, Butennaj longer, the peuulti- 

mnte jomts less tran-sverse Meniiedms Cam., j). 69. 

Smaller, 3-2 mm., less r(), less 
shining, more pitchy, less tinely 
punctured, thorax less dilated in iront, 
anlenme shorter, the penultimate 
joints more transverse matlwensis liernh., p. CO. 

14. Finely coriaceous species 15. 

Strongly coriaceous depressed species . 19. 

15. Hrightly coloured, reddish or reddish- 

yellow species 16. 

Black or pitchy species 17. 

16. Median thoracic impressions distinct ; 

sides of the thorax less sinuate 

behind : puncturatiou liner fulmta Motsch., p. fi.'l. 

Median thoracic impressions feeble; 
sides of thorax more sinuate behind j 
puncturatiou less tine amheritanus Bernh., p. 64. 

17. Closely and strongly punctured species . beesoni Cam., p. 61 . 
Moderately closely, tinely punctured 

species 18. 

18. More shining; ground-sculpture less 

distinct, anteun® stouter impressicollis Motsch., p. CO. 

Less shining ; ground-sculpture more 
distinct, antennse more slender .... sublucens F'auv., p, (U). 

19. Larger, 3'2 mm. ; darker and more 

coarsely punctured species . ; curiacetu I'auv., p. 6:?. 

Smaller, 2*2 mm. ; lighter and more 
finely punctured species iyeri Bernh., p. 63. 


35. Lispinus quadrinotatus. 

Lis/nnus quadrinotatu* Fauv., Rev. d'Knt. xxiii, 1904, p. 80. 
Lispimu kempi Bernh.*, W. E. Z. xliii, 1926, p. 20. 

Narrow, elongate, depressed, vermiform ; black, moderately 
shining, the apex of the abdomen reddish. Thorax without 
median impressions, the elytra with two larger punctures 
on each ; abdomen striate at the sides. Antennae and legs 
reddish-brown. Length 5'5 to 6 mm. 

Allied to L. macropterus Fauv. and very similar in build. 
Head oa each side in front with a rather long impression, 
rather finely, moderately closely punctured, finely coriaceous. 
Antennae with the 6th to 10th joints transverse. Thorax 
fully as long as broad, the sides very slightly rounded in front, 
a little narrowed before the rectangular posterior angles, in the 
middle with a very fine impressed line, adjacent to the posterior 
angle, with a deep and rather narrow sulcus, extending forwards 
nearly to the level of the middle, moderately finely and 
moderately closely punctured on the disc, more sparingly 
at the sides, the sulcus practically impunctate. Elytra half as 
long again as the thorax, finely and sparingly punctured, 
more closely towards the sides, coriaceous (in the form kempi 
the puncturation is rather less fine on the disc). Abdomen 
elongate, the sides obliquely striate, punctured, coriaceous. 

Rotung, Abor Expedition, altitude 1400 feet, 24. xii. 1911. 
Also in Perak, Java, and Celebes. 

36. Lispiims laevipennis. 

Lispinus lefvipenmg Kr.*, Arch. Naturg. xxv, 1859, i, p. ISfl. 

Narrow, elongate, black, shining, finely coriaceous. Thorax 
slightly broader than long, the sides retracted, but scarcely 
sinuate for the posterior fourth, lightly longitudinally im- 
pressed laterally, the disc without impressions. Abdomen 
obsoletely punctured and very obsoletely striate at the sides. 
Antennae brownish red. Legs reddish-testaceous. Length 
6 mm. 

Head lightly bi-impressed in front, very finely and not closely 
punctured. Antennae reaching the posterior angles of the 
thorax, the 3rd joint longer than 2nd, 4th and 5th as long as 
broad, 6th slightly, 7th to 10th more strongly transverse. 
Thorax slightly transverse (4| : 4), widest at the middle, in 
front slightly rounded, the sides nearly parallel, with a light 
longitudinal impression extending from the posterior angles 
nearly to the middle, middle of disc with a very fine impressed 
line, otherwise not impressed, less finely and less sparingly 
punctured than the head. Scutellum with a few fine punctures. 
Elytra longer (6 : 4) and very slightly wider than the thorax, 


longer than broad (6 : 4^), finely and sparingly punctured, the 
punctures more or less aciculate, each with two larger punctures 
towards the sides, one about the first, the other about the third, 
fourth. Abdomen elongate, with a few fine superficial punc- 
tures, the sides of the segments (more especially the posterior) 
with traces of oblique striae. 
Ceylon : Galle. 

37. Lispinus strigiventris. 

Lispinut strigiventris Kr.*, Ari-h. Naturg. xxv, 1859, i, p. ]8(i. 

Narrow, elongate, black, shining. Thorax subquadrate, 
slightly retracted before the rectangular posterior angles and 
with a deej) longitudinal punctured impression externally 
extending nearly to the middle and without median impressions. 
Abdomen finely, obliquely, irregularly striate at the sides. 
Antennae ferruginous. Legs reddish-testaceous. Length 5 mm. 

Very similar to L. loevipennis Kr., but a little narrower, the 
thoracic impressions deeper and more punctured, the thorax 
and elytra less finely and more closely punctured, the abdomen 
more distinctly striate. Head bi-impressed in front, finely 
and moderately closely punctured. Antennae with the 3rd 
joint a little longer than the 2nd, 4th and 5th as long as broad, 
6th to 10th transverse. Thorax transverse (5 : 4J), the sides 
gently retracted but scarcely sinuate for about the posterior 
half, very slightly rounded, almost parallel in front, more 
closely and less finely punctured than the head, with fine 
longitudinal ground -sculpture. Elytra longer (6^ : 4^) and a 
little broader than the thorax, longer than broad (6^ : 5^), 
finely and sparingly punctured on the disc, less finely and more 
closely towards the sides, the punctures more or less elongate, 
the ground-sculptiu'e finely longitudinally strigose. Abdomen 
finely, obliquely, irregularly striate at the sides, finely and 
moderately closely punctured, finely coriaceous. 

"Ind. or." 

38. Lispinus qnadricoUis. (Plate I, fig. 5.) 

Lupiiiic! quadricoUis Cftin., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond, 1924, p. 160 

Elongate, black, shining, finely coriaceous. Thorax slightly 
broader than long, the sides retracted, but scarcely sinuate 
behind, lightly longitudinally impressed laterally, disc without 
impressions. Abdomen distinctly and moderately closely 
punctured, the sides obsoletely obliquely striate. Antemise 
brownish red. Legs reddish-testaceous. Length 6'5mm. 

Very near L. leevipennis Kr., but a little more robust, the 
thorax and elytra much less finely and less sparingly punctured. 


the abdomen much more closely and much more coarsely and 
less superficially punctured. Head bi-impressed in front, 
finely and moderately closely punctured. Antennae with the 3rd 
joint longer than 2nd, 4th to 6th as long as broad, 7th to 10th 
transverse. Thorax scarcely broader than long, the sides 
gently retracted, but scarcely sinuate for the posterior fourth, 
from thence very slightly rounded, almost parallel in front, 
widest about the middle ; lateral impression shallow, punc- 
tured, reaching nearly to the middle ; middle of disc with 
fine impressed line, puncturation less fine and distinctly closer 
than that of the head. Scutellum with a few fine punctures. 
Elytra longer (7 : 5) and slightly broader than the thorax, 
longer than broad (7 : 6), more finely and less closely punctured 
than the thorax on the disc, towards the sides with rather 
larger punctures. Abdomen elongate, rather closely and 
rather deeply punctured, on the sides with traces of oblique 
strise, more distinct on the 4th and 5th segments where the 
puncturation is less evident. 

Almora : Kanari, China, Zodh, Dwarakat, 4000 to 5000 
feet above the sea. Assam: Patkai Mountains (Doherty) ; 
Sadiya. Burma : Insein. 

39. Lispinus audrewesi, sp. n. (Fauvel, in Hit.). 

Elongate, black, shining, without ground-sculpture. Thorax 
without median impressions, the sides retracted before the base. 
Abdomen finely and rather closely punctured, not coriaceous. 
Antennae and legs reddish. Length 55 mm. 

A large, robust, and but slightly depressed species ; near 
L. birmanua Fauv., but larger, the antennae longer and more 
slender, the penultimate joints as long as broad, thorax less 
transverse, rather less strongly retracted before the posterior 
angles, the lateral impressions less deep, elytra longer and more 
distinctly punctured, abdomen less finely punctiu'ed and 
devoid of ground-sculpture. Head feebly bi-impressed in front, 
finely and moderately closely punctured. Antennae with the 
4th to 7th joints a little longer than broad, the 8th to 10th as 
long as broad. Thorax transverse, the sides very sHghtly 
rounded for the anterior three-fourths, posteriorly narrowed 
and sinuate, the posterior angles rectangular, with small 
adjacent impression, in the middle with a fine impressed line, 
puncturation fine and moderately close, finer towards the sides 
and anterior angles. Elytra a third longer than broad, finely 
(but less finely than the thorax) and moderately closely punc- 
tured. Abdomen finely and moderately closely punctured, 
more finely and sparingly behind, not coriaceous. 

Nilgiri Hills {H. L. Andrevm). 

Lispiirus. 57 

40. Lispinus tenuicornis. 

Lispinus tenuicornis Kr.*, Arch. Naturg. xxv, 18o9, i, p. 187. 

Narrow, elongate, shining, moderately coriaceous, the 
head black, thorax and elytra pitchy black or dark reddish 
brown, abdomen pitchy black, the posterior margins of the 
segments rufescent. Thorax with rounded, rather superficial 
impression near the posterior angles, median basal impressions 
wanting. Antennae ferruginous. Legs reddish-testaceous. 
Length 36 mm. 

Head black or pitchy black, bi-impressed in front, finely 
and moderately closely punctured on the disc, impunctate in 
front. Antennae reaching a little beyond the posterior angles 
of the thorax, the 2nd joint scarcely shorter than the 3rd, this 
and the 4th to 6th elongate, gradually decreasing in length, 
7th as long as broad, 8th to 10th shghtly transverse, 11th 
conical, about as long as the two preceding together. Thorax 
transverse (4:3), the sides retracted but scarcely sinuate for 
rather more than the posterior third, gently rounded in front, 
widest at the middle ; posterior angles with a rounded, some- 
what superficial impression adjacent, the disc flattened behind, 
but without impressions, loss finely and rather more closely 
punctured than the head, less closely towards the sides. 
Elytra longer (5 : 3) and slightly broader than the thorax, a 
little longer than broad, more finely, obsoletely, and sparingly 
punctured than the thorax and with a larger setiferous 
pimcture l)efore the middle of the disc. Abdomen scarcely 


41. Lispinus brevicornis. 

Lis/>imis hreviconiia Kr.*, Arch. Naturg. xxv, 1859, i, p. 187. 

Narrow, elongate, shining black or pitchy, the elytra often 
reddish brown. Thorax scarcely perceptibly impressed at the 
posterior angles, the disc flattened posteriorly but without 
impressions. Antennae ferruginous. Legs reddish testaceous. 
Length 3 mm. 

A feebly coriaceous species, in build very similar to L. 
tenuicornis Kr., but the antennae are distinctly shorter, the 
thorax obsoletely impressed and rather more strongly punc- 
tured, the sides in front less rounded. Head finely and 
moderately closely punctured. Antennae with the 2nd joint 
scarcely longer than broad, 3rd a little longer wian 2nd, 4th and 
6th as long as broad, 6th to 10th transverse, gradually 
increasing in breadth. Thorax slightly transverse (3'75 : 3), 
narrowed but scarcely sinuate for the posterior fourth, gently 


widened and rounded in front, puncturation less fine than oa 
the head, moderately close. Scutellum with 3 or 4 punctures. 
Elytra longer (5 : 3) and a little broader than the thorax, a little 
longer than broad, more finely and less closely punctured 
than the thorax, still less punctured at the sides and without 
larger setigerous puncture on the disc. Abdomen with a few 
superficial irregular punctures. 
Nilgiri Hills (H. L. Andrewea). 

42. LispinuB birmanus. 

Lixptntts birmanus Fauv.*, Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, yi. 184, 

Entirely black, moderately shining, distinctly coriaceous ; 
thorax without median impressions. Antennae pitchy, the 
first three joints ferruginous. Legs ferruginous. Length 
5 mm. 

Near L. coardicollis Kr., but larger, blacker, less shining, 
more coriaceous, the fore-parts more finely punctured, the 
abdomen less finely punctured, thorax broader and shorter, 
more strongly contracted before the base, the lateral impression 
deeper and broader. Head bi-impressed in front, very finely 
and rather closely punctured. Antennae with the 6th to 10th 
joints transverse. Thorax transverse, the sides strongly con- 
tracted a little in front of the posterior angles with broad and 
deep impression adjacent ; middle of the disc with very 
narrow impunctate line, otherwise finely, rather closely and 
regularly punctured. Elytra as broad as, but a little longer 
than, the thorax, a little longer than broad, more finely 
punctured. Abdomen distinctly punctured like the thorax. 

Biu'ma : Carin Cheba, Carin Asciuii Gh6cu ; Tenasserim, 
Mt. Mooleyit (L. Fea). Assam : Naga Hills {S. N. Chatterjee). 

43. Lispinns coarcticollis. 

Linpinus coarcticollis Kr.*, Arcli. Natiirg-. .\xv, 1859, i, p. 186, pi. 3, 

Black or pitchy black, shining, feebly coriaceous. Thorax 
with the sides strongly retracted for the posterior third, 
but scarcely sinuate, with narrow impression adjacent, bounded 
internally by a fine incurved line, the sides in front very 
shghtly rounded, disc fiattened and without median impres- 
sions. Antennae ferruginous. Legs reddish-testaceous. Length 
4 mm. 

Head broad, jiarrower than the thorax, bi-impressed in 
front, finely, rather sparingly punctured. Antennae reaching 
the posterior angles of the thorax, the 2nd joint scarcely longer 
than broad, the 3rd about twice as long, 4th and 5th as long as 
broad, 6th to 10th transverse, gradually increasing in breadth. 
Thorax transverse (5:4), widest at the middle, less finely and 

LisKNirs. 59 

more closely punctured than the head, less closely towards 
the sides. Scutellum with a few fine punctures. Elytra 
longer (5 : 4) and as broad as the thorax, scarcely longer than 
broad, very similarly punctured to the thorax, but less 
closely and without larger setiferous punctures on the disc. 
Abdomen rather sparingly, obsoletely punctured, the bases of 
the segments rather strongly coriaceous. 

" Ind. or." Also Singapore and Malay Peninsula, Borneo. 

44. Lispinns intermedins. 

Lupinus intermedius 0am., E.M. M. Ixi, 1925, p. 239. 

Black, moderately shining, distinctly coriaceous. Thorax 
transverse, the lateral impression rather deep and extending 
a little beyond the middle, in front with two punctures, median 
impressions shallow, not extending to the middle, the disc 
with four quadrately-placcd punctures. Abdomen without 
punctures other than the usual setiferous ones. Antennae 
ferruginous. Legs reddish -testaceous. Length 3*5 to 4 mm. 

Near L. coriaceus Fauv., but much less depressed, more 
shining, blacker, less strongly coriaceous, loss strongly sinuate 
sides of the thorax, deeper and longer lateral impressions, 
with four quadrately-placed punctures on the disc, more 
sparingly punctured elytra, stouter antennae, and the abdomen 
with traces of lateral striae. Head impressed within the 
antennal tubercles on each side, the impression with a rather 
large setiferous puncture, otherwise very finely and sparingly 
punctured. Antennae with the 2nd and 3rd joints subequal, 
4th and 5th as long as broad, 6th to 10th transverse. Thorax 
transverse (4"3 : 3'3), the sides sinuate and retracted for the 
posterior third, widest at the middle, rounded in front, the 
impressions etc. as above described, finely and moderately 
closely pimctured. Elytra longer (4'5 : 3'3) and a little wider 
than the thorax, as long as broad, very similarly sculptured. 
Abdomen with the usual setiferous punctures and obsoletely 
striate at the sides. 

Burma. Also in Java, Sumatra, and Perak. 

45. Lispinns madurensis. 

Lisinnua madurensis Bernli.*, Ent. Blhtt. 191 o, Ileft. 10- 12, p. 2.51. 

Pitchy black, coriaceous, greasy lustrous. Thorax transverse, 
the sides retracted, but scarcely sinuate for the posterior third, 
widest about the middle, gently rounded to the anterior angles, 
deeply longitudinally sulcate from the posterior angles to 
beyond the middle, on either side of the middle before the base 
lightly longitudinally impressed as far as the middle, the disc 
with four quadrately-placed punctures. Antennae and legs 
reddish-testaceous. Length 3 to 3"5 mm. 


Head slightly bi-impressed in front, finely and sparingly 
punctured. AntennsB short, the 3rd joint a little longer than 
2nd, 4th and 5th scarcely longer than broad, 6th to 10th 
transverse. Thorax transverse (3J : 3) with impressions as 
above indicated, less finely and a little more closely punctured 
than the head. Elytra longer (4^ : 3) and a little wider than 
the thorax, very slightly longer than broad, with punctura- 
tion very similar to that of the thorax. Abdomen with a few 
obsolete punctures. 

Nilgiri Hills {H. L. Andrewes). Anaimalai Hills (J. B. 
Fletcher). N. Kanara : Chambaganoor. Madura. 

46. Lispinus impressicoUis. 

Linpinus impressicoUis, Motsch., Bull. Mcisc. 18.57, iv, p. 4Pi) ; 

Kraut/., Arch. Natur}?. x\v, 18-'>Q, i, p. ISli; Faiivol, Ilev. il'Ent. 

xxii, 190;{, p. 150. 
Lupiiius Jiliformis Wiilk.. Ann. Ma;.. Nat. Ili^t. (3) ii, IMS, p. 205. 
Lispiniia ijuadratus HIaclib , 'I'r. Kny. Dili). Sdo. (:?) iii, 188."), p. 1^5. 
Lispinus longnlus Slip., Tr. Ent. Soc. Loi-.d. 1874, p. 101. 

Shining, pitchy black or pitchy brown, very finely coriaceous ; 
thorax with impression before the posterior angle and on 
either side of the middle before the base. Antennae ferru- 
ginous. Legs reddish -testaceous. Length 33 mm. 

Head bi-impressed in front, finely, very sparingly punctiured. 
Antennae with the 2nd joint a little longer than broad, the 
3rd half as long again, 4th and 5th slightly longer than broad, 
6th as long as broad, 7th to 10th transverse. Thorax trans- 
verse (4:3), the sides retracted and a little sinuate for the 
posterior third, gently rounded and widened in front, widest 
about the middle, from the posterior angles to beyond the 
middle with a rather superficial impression furnished with two 
larger pimctures, on either side of the middle line before the base 
lightly longitudinally impressed nearly as far as the middle, 
very finely and rather sparingly punctured, the sides setiferous. 
Elytra longer (4 : 3) and a little broader than the thorax, a 
little longer than broad, finely and sparingly punctured, yet 
more sparingly towards the sides, these setiferous. Abdo- 
men, except for the usual setiferous punctures, practically 

Ceylon : Kandy. Anaimalai Hills. Also throughout the 
Oriental Region as far as Japan. South- West Africa. Madeira. 

47. Lispinus sublucens. 

Lispirms subliuem Fauv.*, Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1805, p. 184, 

Narrow, reddish brown, head and abdomen darker, the 
posterior margins of the segments reddish, a little shining, and 


coriaceous. Thorax with the median impressions very in- 
distinct, the disc without quadrately -placed punctures ; lateral 
impressions not deep, extending nearly to the level of the middle 
and limited by a large puncture in front. Antennae and legs 
testaceous. Length 35 mm. 

A little smaller and narrower than L. impressicollia Motsch., 
less shining, the median impressions of the thorax much less 
marked, the lateral less deep, the base less contracted, punctura- 
tion finer, antennae more slender, ground-sculpture much more 
distinct. Head reddish brown, the vertex darker, the front 
,bi-impressed, very finely, sparingly punctured. Antennae 
slender, the 2nd joint a little shorter than the 3rd, 4th short, 
oval, 5th as long as broad, 6th to 9th a little transverse, 
10th scarcely broader than long. Thorax transverse, slightly 
contracted at the base, the sides in front gently rounded and 
narrowed, median impressions very indistinct and without a 
large puncture in front, the lateral as described above ; disc 
without median sulcus ; puncturation less fine than that of 
the head, moderately close. Elytra longer and broader than 
the thorax, a little longer than broad, more finely and rather 
less closely punctured. Abdomen with sparing punctures. 
Burma : Tenasserim ; Kawkareet {Fea, 1887). Type. 

48. Lispinus beesoni. 

Lispinus beesoni Cam., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. ]9d4, p. 101. 

Shining, brown, indistinctly coriaceous, the head and 
abdomen darker, the posterior margins of the abdominal 
segments ferruginous. Thorax transverse, the sides retracted 
but scarcely sinuate for the posterior fourth, rounded in front, 
laterally with moderately deep longitudinal punctured im- 
pression extending to about the middle, the disc scarcely 
impressed on either side. Antennae ferruginous, legs reddish- 
testaceous. Length 3 mm. 

Near L. specularis Bemh. {Sharpi Cam.), but much less finely 
and more closely punctured. Head shining, blackish, bi- 
impressed in front, finely and moderately closely punctured. 
Antennae with 3rd joint a little longer than 2nd, 4th a little 
longer than broad, 5th and 6th as long as broad, 7th to 10th 
transverse (less so in ^ than in $). Thorax transverse (4 : 3), 
with narrow, median, impunctate line, puncturation moderately 
fine, less fine and closer than that of the head. Elj-tra a little 
longer (4:3), and slightly broader than the thorax, about as 
long as broad, similarly punctured to the thorax and with 
three larger setiferous punctures on the disc. Abdomen 
distinctly coriaceous, less shining than the fore-parts, with a 
few fine punctures. 

Siwaliks : Dehra Dun {Cameron). 


49. Lispinas coriacens. 

Lispinut coriacens Fauv,», Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 185. 

Subdepressed, subopaque, strongly coriaceous ; head and 
abdomen black, thorax and elytra pitchy ; sides of thorax 
retracted and sinuate for the posterior third, with broad longi- 
tudinal impression adjacent and extending to the middle, disc 
flattened, on either side before the base broadly longitudinally 
impressed to beyond the middle. Antennae ferruginous. Legs 
reddish-testaceous. Length 32 mm. 

Differs from L. impresaicoUia Motsch. in the more depressed 
build, less shining, much more strongly -marked ground-sculp- 
ture, stronger puncturation, broader head and more prominent 
eyes, broader, flatter thorax with the sides more strongly 
retracted before the base and the impressions stronger, the 
elytra longer and the antennae longer and more slender. Head 
rather finely, sparingly punctured. Antennae with 2nd joint 
a little longer than broad, 3rd longer than 2nd, 4th and 5th a 
little longer than broad, 6th about as long as broad, 7th to 10th 
transverse, not increasing much in width. Thorax transverse 
(4:3), the posterior third of the sides rather strongly sinuate 
and retracted to the rectangular posterior angles, widest 
at the middle and rounded in front, with impressions as 
above, the lateral with two large punctures anteriorly, the 
rest of the surface moderately finely and moderately closely 
punctured. Scutellum with a few fine punctures. Elytra 
longer (5 : 3) and slightly broader than the thorax, longer than 
broad, rather more finely punctured than the thorax and 
without larger setiferous punctures on the disc. Abdomen 
practically impunctate except for the usual setiferous 

Burma : Carin Asciuii Cheba ; Carin Asciuii Gh^cu ; 
Bhamo ; Tenasserim. Also Java and Borneo. 

50. Lispinas snbopacus. 

Lispinua auhopacut Kr.*, Arch. Naturg. xxv, 1869, i, p. 187 ; Fauv., 
Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. 1878, p. 200. 

Coriaceous, a little shining, the head and abdomen pitchy 
black, the posterior margins of the abdominal segments 
reddish. Thorax reddish-brown, very finely and sparingly 
punctured, against the sides with a longitudinal impression 
extending beyond the middle and furnished with two large 
setiferous punctures, median impressions extending to the 
middle. Head and thorax more or less iridescent. Elytra 
brownish-red, along the suture with 3, on the disc with 2 larger 
setiferous punctures, otherwise scarcely perceptibly punctured. 
Abdomen practically impunctate. Antennae and legs reddish- 
testaceous. Length 2-3 mm. 

MSPIlflTS. 63 

Very similar to L. /wZtma Motach., but smaller, less brightly 
coloured, less shining, more sparingly punctured and with 
thinner antennae. Head impressed on either side of the front, 
very finely and very sparingly punctured. Antennae with 
2nd and 3rd joints subequal, 4th and 5th a little shorter, 
slightly longer than broad, 6th to 10th transverse, gradually 
increasing in breadth. Thorax transverse (2'3 : 2), the sides 
sinuate and retracted for the posterior third, gently rounded in 
front, widest at the middle, posterior angles rectangular ; disc 
with narrow smooth median line, the impressions as above 
indicated, very finely and sparingly punctured. Elytra longer 
(3 : 2) and a little broader than the thorax, scarcely broader 
than loi^ and with sculpture as above described. 

Ceylon. Also New Guinea, Sumatra, etc. 

51. Lispinus iyeri. 

Lispinus iyeri Bernh.*, W. Z. B. Ixiv, 1914, p. 82. 

Subdepressed, coriaceous, moderately shining ; head and 
abdomen black or blackish, tho posterior margins of the seg- 
ments reddish. Thorax and elytra lighter or darker chestnut- 
brown, the former with median and lateral impressions 
extending beyond the middle, extremely finely and very 
sparingly punctured. Antennae and legs testaceous. Length 
2-2 mm. 

Very near L. subopacus Kj., the thoracic impressions and 
ground-sculpture very similar, but rather more depressed, the 
head and thorax not iridescent, the thorax and elytra less 
reddish, the antennae distinctly shorter and the elytra longer. 
Head very finely and sparingly punctured, the front bi-impressed. 
Antennae with 2nd and 3rd joints subequal, 4th and 5th as 
long as broad, 6th to 10th transverse, gradually increasing 
in breadth. Thorax transverse (3:2), with impressions and 
sculpture as above indicated. Elytra longer (3 J : 2) and a little 
broader than the thorax, longer than broad, exceedingly finely 
^nd sparingly punctured. Abdomen extremely finely and very 
sparingly punctured. 

SiwaUks : Dehra Dun. 

52. Lispinus falvas. 

Ligpinus ftdvxM Motach., Bull. Mosc. xxx, 1857, iv, p. 495. 

Shining, finely coriaceous, reddish, the elytra yellowish -red, 
abdomen reddish -brown ; thorax impressed before the posterior 
angles and on either side of the disc behind. Antennae ferru- 
ginous. Legs reddish-testaceous. Length 3 mm. 

A little smaller than L. impreasicoUia Motsch. and much 
more brightly coloured, with longer and deeper median thoracic 
Impressions and less strongly retracted sides, liner punctiuration, 
more slender antennae, and rather more depressed build, 


differing from L. coriaceus Fauv. by its brighter colour, much 
weaker ground-sculpture, and less depressed form. Head 
bi-impressed in front, finely and very sparingly punctured. 
Antennae with 2nd joint only slightly longer than brotid, 3rd a 
little longer, 4th and 5th as long as broad, 6th to 10th transverse, 
gradually increasing in width. Thorax transverse (3f : 2f), 
widest at the middle, the sides retracted for the posterior third, 
rounded in front, before the posterior angles with a longitudinal 
impression reaching the middle and furnished with two larger 
punctures, the disc on either side of the middle line with 
distinct longitudinal impression reaching beyond the middle, 
very finely and sparingly punctured. Elytra longer (4 : 3) 
but scarcely wider than the thorax, a little longer than broad, 
very finely and sparingly punctured. Abdomen, except for 
the usual setiferous punctures, practically impimctate. 
" Ind. or." Also Singapore and the Philippines. 

53. Lispinus amherstanus. 

Linpinus amherstaims Bernh *, W. E. Z. xliii, 1926, p. 20. 

Moderately shining, coriaceous, ferruginous red, the head 
scarcely infuscate, the abdomen pitchy brown, the posterior 
margins of the segments reddish ; median thoracic impressions 
feeble. Antennae reddish. Legs testaceous. Length 2-5 to 
3 mm. 

In size, colour, and build very similar to L. fulviis Motsch., 
but rather less shining, with more feeble thoracic impressions 
and more strongly sinuate sides ; puncturation of the thorax 
and elytra less fine, the ground-sculpture rather coarser. 
Prom L. ruhidua Cam. it is distinguished by the broader build, 
longer, stouter antennae, the penultimate joints loss transverse, 
more distinct thoracic impressions, more strongly sinuate 
sides, and finer and more sparing puncturation of the thorax. 
Head finely and sparingly punctured, the penultimate joints 
of the antennae moderately transverse. Thorax transverse, 
sinuate before the posterior angles, the lateral impression 
extending to the level of the middle and with a large puncture 
in front ; median impressions feeble ; finely and sparingly 
punctured, in the middle behind with a very fine impressed 
line. Elytra longer than the thorax, similarly punctured. 

Lower Burma : Kawkareik (Amherst District), 19, 20. xi. 
1911. Type in Indian Museum. 

54. Lispinus testacens. 

Lispinut tettaeeus Kr.*, Arch. Naturfy. xxv, 1859, i, p. 188. <• 

Entirely reddish-testaceous, shining, finely coriaceous, very 
finely and very sparingly punctured. Thorax with lateral 

PSErDOLispiiroDEs. 65 

impressions extending to the middle, and each furnished with 
two large punctures, the median shorter, more superficial, and 
with a large puncture anteriorly. Antennae and legs reddish- 
testaceous. Length 2-5 mm. 

DifiEers from L. fvlvua Motsch. by its smaller size, lighter 
colour, much finer puncturation, and more superficial thoracic 
impressions. Head bi-impressed in front, very finely and very 
sparingly puncttu'ed. Antennae short, with the 2nd and 3rd 
joints subequal, 4th as long as broad, 5th slightly, 6th to 10th 
more strongly transverse. Thorax transverse (3 : 2J), the 
sides retracted and slightly sinuate for the posterior third, 
impressions as above described, very finely and very sparingly 
punctured. Elytra longer (3-3 : 2-25) and a little wider than 
the thorax, slightly longer than broad, with a few very fine 
punctures. Abdomen m.ore coriaceous than the fore-parts, 
with the usual setiferous punctures. 



Paeudolhpinodes Bernh., Philipp. Journ. Sci. xxi, 1926, p. 258. 

Small subconvex species, somewhat narrowed behind and 
easily recognized by the elytra furnished with a subhumeral 
stria. Neck broad, scarcely narrowed behind, inserted in the 
thorax. Eyes not prominent. Labrum very short, strongly 
transverse, the sides straight, the anterior border broadly 
emarginate, anterior angles with a ciliated membranous process 
and long stiff setae, anterior border ciliate and with about 10 
longer setae. Mandibles short, pointed, the right with blunt 
subapical tooth, the left without tooth, both ciliate internally. 
Maxillary palpi rather stout, 4-jointed, 1st joint very small, 
2nd obconical, about as broad as long, 3rd transverse, 4th 
elongate, narrowed towards the apex, longer than the two 
preceding together. Outer lobe of the maxilla densely ciliate 
at the apex, internally furnished with numerous fine curved 
hooks ; inner lobe narrow, with blunt hooked apex and large 
subapical tooth, posteriorly with numerous fine hooked teeth. 
Mentum transverse, narrowed in front, sides broadly emargi- 
nate, the anterior margin rounded. Tongue very broad, 
membranous, feebly emarginate in front, the sides and anterior 
angles rounded, in the middle supported by a chitinous rod, 
the anterior margin with a pair of chitinous appendages in 
the middle. Labial palpi very short, 3-jointed, the 1st and 
2nd joints transverse, the 3rd oval oblong, longer than the two 
precedmg together. Gular sutures very fine, fused in front and 
diverging behind. Prosternum large, the anterior margin 
broadly and slightly emarginate on either side, obtusely 
VOL. I. r 


angulate in the middle, prosternal process well developed, ex- 
tending completely between the coxa and slightly widened 
behind them, the apex rounded, the sides very finely margined ; 
epimera triangular, fused with the broad epipleura of the pro- 
notum ; coxal cavities open behind. Mesosternum simple, its 
process extending about two-thirds the length of the coxae, 
narrowed and bluntly pointed, the coxae rather narrowly 
separated ; metasternal process truncate in front and meeting 
the preceding. Abdomen keeled at the base. Tibiae finely 
setose. Tarsi .4- jointed t, the first three joints very short, the 
4th longer than the preceding together. Epipleura of the 
elytra with two fine keels, dorsal surface with a subhumeral 
stria and sutural stria. 

r>5. Fseudolispinodes bistriatus. (Plate 1, fig. 6.) 

Lisjiiriodes bistn'aUis Fmiv., llfv. d'!''!)!. xiv, 1805, ji. 18o. 
Hutnsus madiirensis neinh., \V. Z. H. Ixiv, 1914, p. S'^. 
Pseudolispinodes madurcnsis ]k'i-iili , l*!iilip|i. .lourn. Sci. .\\i, 102(), 
p. 260. 

Black, moderately shining, coriaceous, the elytra pitchy, 
the posterior margins of the abdominal segments narrowly 
rufescent. Antennae and legs reddish-testaceous. Length 
2 to 2-5 mm. 

Head narrower than the thorax, the eyes rather large but 
not prominent, in front bi-impressed, moderately finely and 
rather closely punctured. Antennae rather short, the 3rd joint 
a little longer than the 2nd, 4th to 6th slightly, Tth to 10th more 
strongly transverse, the penultimate about twice as broad as 
long. Thorax transverse, the sides a little rounded and widened 
in front, narrowed and almost straight for the posterior third, 
with an adjacent large deep fossa, middle of the disc occasionally 
wth a very fine impressed line, moderately finely and 
moderately closely punctured and with a fine wavy ground- 
sculpture. Elytra a little broader and longer than the thorax, 
sUghtly longer than broad, each with two striae, a sutural and 
humeral which reaches almost to the posterior margin, 
punctuation rather fine and more sparing than on the thorax. 
Abdomen a little narrowed behind, the sides of the segments 
obliquely striate, scarcely punctured, finely coriaceous. Found 
under the bark of decaying trees. 

Burma : Bhamo {L. Fed). Sikkim : Darjeeling (Chri^ie). 
Nilgiri Hills (Andrewea). Bihar : Pusa. United Provinces : 
Dehra Dun (Cameron). Andamana. Also in Sumatra, Indo- 
China, and Philippines. 

* 4- or S-jointed, aocorditig to Bemliauer. 


Genus BOTHBTS Fauv. 
Bothrys Fauv., Kev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 186. 

Small, linear, winged. Base of the head scarcely con- 
stricted, eyes large, prominent, occupying the lower surface 
of the sides. Labrum transverse, porrect, the apex abruptly 
truncate. Mandibles a little prominent. Mentum large, 
in front arcuately rounded. Maxillary palpi with the 3rd 
joint globose, the 4th conical, strongly pointed. Antennae 
thickened. Thorax with the apex rather produced below 
in the middle. Elytra somewhat truncate. Abdomen not 
margined, the 7th segment produced, conspicuous. Inter- 
mediate coxso contiguous. Anterior and intermediate tibiae 
densely ciliate. Tarsi 3 jointed, the first two joints short. 
Amongst the Piestini with 3-jointed tarsi this genus is dis- 
tinguished very sharply from Calocerus Fauv. (Olyptoma Shp. ) 
by the head not having a definite neck, the structure of the 
]>alpi, legs, etc. ; from Thoracophorus Motsch. by similar 
cliaracters, the contiguous intermediate coxae, the mentum 
not conical, etc. , from Lispinodes Shp. by the shape of the 
intermediate trochanters, the tibiae, etc. ; from all by the 
produced 7tli segment of the abdomen (ex Fauvel). 

.")[!. Bothrys personatus. 

/J(i//in/s /lemmiafiis Fauv., Uev. d'Eiit. xiv, 18f>.j, p. 18G. 

Convex, shining, abdomen a little shining, castaneous. 
palpi and tarsi reddish-testaceous. Antennae with the 1st joint 
broad, 3rd a little longer than the 2nd, 4th to 10th a little 
broader and more transverse, 11th short, obconical ; front 
margin curvx-d, the antennal tubercles strongly raised, longitu- 
dinally, deeply impressed within, with two or three punctures 
at the base of the sulci, some more internal to the eyes, yet 
some other large ones forming a nearly unbroken transverse 
line. Thorax narrower than the liead and eyes, scarcely trans 
verse, parallel from the apex to the middle, thence sinuate and a 
little narrowed to the acute and rather produced posterior 
angles, on each side at the base broadly bifoveate, in front 
somewhat obsoletely bifoveate, the foveae sparingly and 
indistinctly punctured, yet another and larger irregular fossa 
occupies the whole breadth, the fundus with two or three 
punctures ; in front with a few scattered punctures ; scutellura 
subtriangular, the apex obtuse. Elytra one-fourth longer 
and broader than the thorax, the disc biseriately punctured, 
sides behind sparingly and strongly punctured ; suture deeply 
impressed.- Abdomen sparingly and strongly punctured, with a 
smooth longitudinal line, the punctures furnished with very 


68 STAPHYLliriDiE. 

short yellow setse, the apex of the 6th segment with two keels 
in the middle. Length 3 to 3-8 mm. 

Bunna : Bhamo, Katha, vi {L. Fea). Also in Sumatra 
(ex Fauvd). 


I'etrapleurus Bernh., W.Z.B. Ixiv, 1914, p. 84; Col. Rundsch. 
19le, p. 19. 

A genus readily recognized by the sculpture of the elytra, 
which are carinate, the sutural and the subhumeral keels 
united in an arch behind the discal keel. Some of the species 
were included by Fauvel in the genus Lispinodes Shp., but 
this genus is not known to occur in our Fauna, The head is 
distinctly constricted behind the eyes, the neck thick and 
inserted into the thorax. Labrum short, strongly transverse, 
deeply and broadly emarginate in front, with numerous long 
setsB, the anterior angles with a ciliated membrane. Mentum 
transverse, narrowed towards the front, the sides and apical 
margin rounded. Tongue very broad, membranous, scarcely 
emarginate in front, supported in the middle by a pair of 
chitinous rods ; paraglossaB well developed, extending to the 
apex of the 2nd joint of the labial palpi, these short and stout, 
3-jointed, the 1st joint a little longer than broad, 2nd narrower 
than the 1st, about as long as broad, 3rd a little narrower 
at the base than the 2nd, oval, about as long as the two 
preceding together. Inner lobe of maxilla narrow, hooked at 
apex and with two or three short, strong teeth, ciliate pos- 
teriorly. Outer lobe broader and densely ciliate. Maxillary 
palpi 4-jointed, the 1st joint very small, 2nd stout, dilated, 
much wider than the rest, 3rd small, transverse, narrower 
than the preceding, 4th elongate, pointed, longer than the 
three preceding together. Mandibles short and stout, the 
right bifid at apex. Thorax uneven, the sides denticulate. 
Prosternum well developed, its process stout, extending 
completely between the coxae, its apex rounded, the sides 
bordered ; epimera broad, fused externally with the pronotal 
epipleura, the apex rounded. Mesosternum with acute 
triangular process extending halfway between the coxse 
(these moderately separated) and meeting the bluntly-pointed 
metasternal process. Scutellum visible. Elytra each with 
four keels, the epipleura limited by another finer and sharper 
keel. Abdomen strongly keeled at the base below, the sides 
not bordered above. Coxse not prominent. Tibise finely 
ciliate. Tarsi 4-jointed, the first three joints very short, 
equal, the 4th longer than the three preceding together ; 
clawB lightly curved. The genus appears to be of subcortical 
habit and is only known from the Oriental Region. 


Key to the Species. 

1. Abdomen at the sides obliquely striate ; 

very shining red species with the elytra 

infuscate seriatm Fnuv., p. 69. 

Abdomen not obliquely striate 2. 

2, Elytra much longer than broad indictis Bernh., p. 69. 

|Klytra not or but little longer than broad . 3. 

S. Head and thorax with a large irregular 

impunctate space on each disc sculptus Kr., p. 70. 

Head and thorax without such space .... 4. 
4. Vertex of head with a rather bioad longi- 
tudinal sulcus, the fundus with a fiue 

longitudinal keel ; more shining species . rugosut Fauv., p. 72. 
Vertex of head not sulcate, rather closely 
and coarsely punctured like the rest of 
the surface | less shining species Aj«ia/ayicu» Cam., p. 71. 

57. TetrapleuruB seriatus. 

IJspinodes seriatus Fauv., Rev. d'Eut. xxi, 1902, p. 31. 

Red, very shining, the antennae and elj^ra infuscate. Antennae 
short, stout, the 7th to 10th joints larger, very strongly 
transverse, the 11th very short, pear-shaped. JBead short, 
broadly deeply transversely sulcate between the antennal 
tubercles, the impression continued backwards on each side ; 
vertex with three rows of punctures, the middle straight, the 
other two oblique, and with a few more punctures behind 
the tubercles ; eyes small. Thorax transverse, rounded in 
front, behind narrowed and somewhat sinuate, on each side 
broadly and deeply foveate, the anterior narrowed in front, 
the posterior oblique and scarcely deeper behind, placed 
before the rectangular posterior angles, disc uneven, rather 
strongly sedately punctured. Elytra rather longer than 
the thorax, scarcely transverse, with four obtuse keels, the 
first two straight reaching the apex, the 3rd finer, oblique, 
intra-humeral, the 4th (humeral) obsolete, in the middle 
obliterated, the intervals strongly, the sides more finely, 
seriately pimctured. Abdomen with fine oblique sparing 
keels, in the middle before the apex of the segments smooth. 
Length 2^ to 2^ mm. 

Burma. Also in Sumatra and Borneo (ex Fauvel). 

5S. TetrapleuruB indicns. 

Tetrnpleiittis indicus Bernh., W. Z. B. Ixiv, 1914, p. 85. 

Ferruginous red, the head, the abdomen (except the reddish- 
yellow posterior margins of the segments), the sides and 
posterior margin of the elytra darker ; antennse, palpi, and legs 
reddish-yellow; the whole insect exceedingly thickly shagreened, 
dull. Head much smaller than the thorax, the eyes prominent. 


occupying the whole side, constricted behind, in front of the 
insertion of the antennae with a small fovea, evenly convex, 
rather strongly, thickly, and rugosely punctured, less so in 
front. Antennae stout, the 2nd to 6th joints more or less 
similarly formed, gradually decreasing in length, the following 
forming a feebly-developed club, the penultimate joints 
slightly transverse. Thorax much narrower than the elytra, 
about a fourth broader than long, the sides rounded in front, 
finely toothed, behind narrowed in a straight line, with well- 
marked posterior angles, in front of the base with a deep 
curved transverse impression, concave in front, which ends 
externally in the deep oblique impression against the posterior 
angles ; these large impressions are very distinct when seen 
from the front ; moreover, apart from the lateral impressions, 
there are in the transverse impression itself three large flat 
fovesB, the median one before the scutellum placed more 
posteriorly than the others. In the middle near the anterior 
margin is a rather long, fine, but deep longitudinal groove ; 
the surface finely rugulosc as well as shagreened. Elytra 
almost twice as long as the thorax, much longer than broad, 
parallel, with prominent shoulders, except for the shining 
humeral callus dull, closely shagreened and rugulose, with 
four longitudinal keels, one sutural, two on the disc, and the 
fourth towards the side behind the humeral callus, the sutural 
keel united in an arch with the outer discal keel. Abdomen 
dull, shagreened, scarcely punctured, more s'-'^ning along the 
middle. Length 2^ mm. ^ 

Madura, Chambaganoor (ex Bernhauer). 

59. Tetraplenrus sculptns. 

Lispima tculptus Kr.», Arch. Naturnr. xxv, 18r)9, i, p. 188. 

Moderately shining, extremely finely coriaceous, the head 
black, the thorax pitchy black, the elytra pitchy brown, 
darker along the posterior border. Abdomen pitchy black, 
more distinctly coriaceous, the posterior margins of the 
segments reddish-yellow. Antennae and legs reddish-testaceous. 
Length 3 mm. 

Head a little narrower than the thorax, the eyes large and 
prominent, the space between them and the constriction of the 
neck very short ; vertex with a round fovea and an irregular 
impunctate space on either side, impressed internal to the 
antennal tubercles, these and the middle of the front impuilc- 
tate, the rest of the surface rather finely, very closely punctiired, 
near the eyes yet more closely and rugosely ; ground-sculpture 
scarcely visible. Antennae with the 2nd joint a little longer 
than broad, 3rd longer than 2nd, 4th and 5th moniliform, 
6th slightly, 7th to 10th more strongly transverse, 11th conical. 


as long as the two preceding together. Thorax transverse 
(3'3 : 2'3), the sides finely denticulate, obliquely retracted 
for the posterior third to the obtuse posterior angles, widest 
at the middle, before the base with a deep transverse impression 
connected on either side with a large deep impression before 
the posterior angles, and separated from the posterior border 
by an impunctate, shining transverse ridge, in front in the 
middle with a longitudinal median sulcus, its fundus with a 
fine keel, towards the sides with a broad oblique sulcus 
extending backwards as far as the lateral impression, the whole 
of the middle of the disc between the oblique impressions 
occupied by an irregular, nearly impunctate, shining area ; all 
the impressions very closely finely and rugosely punctured 
and subopaque. Scutellum finely coriaceous. El3?tra longer 
(4 : 2-3) and broader than the thorax, as long as broad, each 
with four well-developed longitudinal keels, the 4th (humeral) 
narrower and more acute, reaching the posterior border, the 
1st (sutural) and 3rd united in an arch at the posterior border 
and including the 2nd between them, all the keels shining and 
impunctate, the interspaces less shining and very closely, 
finely, and rugosely punctured. Abdomen finely coriaceous 
except at the base of the segments and with a few setiferous 

60. Tetrapleurus Mmalayicus. 

Tefraptewus himalayinus Oaiii., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1924, p. 161. 

Ferruginous red, sUghtly shining, coriaceous ; posterior 
margins of the abdominal segments reddish-yellow. Elytra 
as long as broad. Antennae ferruginous. Legs reddish-tes- 
taceous, length 2 mm. 

Head narrower than the thorax, the eyes prominent, occupj- 
ing the whole side of the head up to the constriction of the 
neck, impressed on either side internal to the antennal 
tubercles, these and the extreme front smooth and more 
shining, the rest of the surface coriaceous, closely, moderatelj'^ 
coarsely, rugosely punctured. Antennae with the 3rd joint 
distinctly longer than the 2nd, 4th to 7th slightly longer than 
broad, gradually decreasing in length, 8th to 10th distinctly 
transverse, 11th stout, conical. Thorax transverse (2J : 2), 
the sides finely denticulate, widest at the middle, feebly 
rounded in front, obliquely retracted (but not sinuate) for 
the posterior third, the posterior angles obtuse, before the 
base with a deep crescentic impression connected on either 
side with a large deep impression before the posterior angles, 
behind the anterior border in the middle with a short, rather 

72 sTAPHYxiiriDj;. 

wide sulcus, separated from the posterior impression by a 
feeble keel ; on either side in front with an impression, limited 
externally by a fine raised line which joins the lateral margin 
at the posterior third ; the sculpture is rugose and more or 
less confluent. Elytra longer (3 : 2) and broader than the 
thorax, as long as broad, each with four longitudinal keels, 
the 4th (humeral) more obsolete, the 1st (sutural) united to the 
3rd near the posterior margin, forming an arch with it, the 
2nd between the Ist and 3rd extending nearly to the arch ; 
the keels impunctate, the rest of the surface very similarly 
sculptured to the thorax. Abdomen scarcely punctured. 
Mussoorie District : Kaligad {Cameron). Under bark. 

61. Tetrapleurus rugosus. 

Lispinodes rugosus Fauv., Rev. d'Eiit. xxi, 1902, p. 31. 

Entirely red, moderately shining. Antennae red. Legs 
testaceous. Length 2-3 mm. 

Colour of T. himalayicus, but a little larger, more shining, less 
roughly sculptured, the antennae a little longer and stouter, 
the elytra a little longer. 

Nilgiri Hills (Andrewes). Also in Sumatra and Java. 


Thoracopkorus Motscli., Bull. Mosc. v, 1837, p. 08 (.Tkoraxophorus) ; 
id., xiii, 1840, p. 197; Et. Ent. viii, 1859, p. (56; Fftuv.,Faun. 
Gallo-Rh^n. iii, 1872, p. U: Sharp, B. C.-A. i, 2, 1882-87 
(1887), p. 725; Ganglb., Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1896, p. 687. 

Glyptoma Er., Gen. Spec. Staph. (18.39-40) 1840 p. 908 (pars); 
Lac, Gen. Col. ii, 1854, p. 148 ; Kraatz, Naturg. lus. Deutscli. ii, 
1856-58, p. 1047 ; Jacq. du Val, Gen. Col. d'Eur. ii, 1868, p. 62 ; 
Fauv., Bull. Soc. Linn. Norm, ix, 1863-64 (1865), p. 02 ; (2) i, 
1868, p. 59; Muls. et Key, Hist.' Nat. Col. Fr., Br6vip. 1879, 
p. 392 (nee Oh/ptoma Motsch., Sharp). 

Somewhat convex small species, at once recognized by the 
costate head, thorax, and elytra, and cylindrical finely-margined 
abdomen. Head strongly constricted behind, with supra- 
orbital crest continuous in front with the strongly-raised 
olypeal margin. Clypeus not separated from the front, the 
eyes not visible from above. Aiitennae stout, the 1st joint 
filiated towards the apex. Gular sutures fused. Labrum 
transverse, broadly emarginate in front and furnished with 
long setae and ciUa. Mentum trapezoidal, the sides converging 
in front, the anterior margin truncate. Tongue broad, pro- 
duced in the middle of the anterior margin into a little point. 
Paraglossse extending a little beyond the anterior margin. 
Labial palpi 3-jointed, stout, the 1st joint about as long as 


broad, 2nd very short, strongly transverse, the 3rd about as 
long as the lat, the apex truncate. Inner lobe of the maxilla 
narrow, hooked at the apex and with several slightly-curved 
spines. Outer lobe short and broad, the apex with numerous 
curved spines. Maxillary palpi with 1st joint very short, 
2nd short and thickened towards the apex, its outer border 
rounded, 3rd very short and strongly transverse, the 4th much 
narrower than the 3rd, gradually narrowed to the apex, as 
long as the two preceding together. Mandibles stout, the 
outer margin a little behind the apex with a little notch, the 
inner margin feebly bisinuate, edentate, and with a fine ciliate 
membrane behind. Prosternum with very short pointed 
process. Epimera fused with the pronotal epipleiu-a and 
prosternum forming a broad plate emarginate internally 
for the coxae. Mesosternal process narrow and pointed, 
reaching the middle of the coxae, these narrowly separated. 
Metasternum scarcely emarginate behind for the posterior 
coxae, its process pointed and meeting that of the mesosternmn. 
Scutellum visible. Abdomen cylindrical, the first four 
segments very finely margined at the sides. Legs short, the 
tibiae very obsoletely denticulate. Tarsi 3-jointed, the 1st 
joint short, 2nd very short, 3rd elongate, three times as long 
as the two preceding together ; claws lightly curved. The 
genus is subcortical in habit and is distributed throughout the 
world. Only one species has so far been recorded from our 
Fauna, and that with some doubt by the founder of the genus. 

62. Thoracophorns (':') subnitidus. 

T/wi-acophoi us (?) eulmitidus INIotscb., Et. Eiit. viii, 1859, p. 66, 

Brown, shining, elongate, parallel, depressed, the mouth, 
ba/se of the antennae, margin of the abdominal segments, and 
the legs reddish-testaceous. Antennae clavate, the club infuscate, 
the last joint ovate, twice as long as the preceding. Head 
triangular, in front broadly trifoveate, eyes somewhat promi- 
nent. Thorax scarcely broader than the head, almost quadrate, 
slightly narrowed behind, uneven, more or less sulcate in the 
middle, on either side obliquely foveate, the base reflexed, 
transversely arcuately impressed. ScuteUum triangular. Elytra 
a little broader than the thorax, quadrate, trisulcate, the 
median sulci abbreviated behind, the interstriae impunctate, 
the suture and sides keeled, shoulders distinct, rounded. 
Abdomen shining, impunctate, the last segment much narrower 
than the penultimate, the apex narrowed, obtuse. Length 
1 lin. Breadth J lin. 

BuUd and coloration of T. corticimis, but more elongate, 
parallel, depressed, and shining ; thorax more square, the 


posterior angles rectangular, the sides not denticulate. I 
doubt if it really belongs to this genus, but, only having one 
example, I place it here. 

" Ind. or." (ex Motschoulaky). 

Tribe 2. JiLEUSlINI. 
In our Fauna only one genus of this tribe is known. 

Genus ELEUSIS Cast. 

Ekum Cast., Etud. Ent. i, 1835, j). 1.31 ; Er.. Gen. Staph. 1840, 
p. 836, nota ; Lacord., Gen. Col. ii, 1855, p. 12" ; Fauv., Bull. Soe. 
Linn. Norm, ix, 186.i, p. 35 ; id., 1. c. (3) ii, 1877-1878, p. 180 ; id., 
AbeiUe, v, 1868-1809, p. 494 ; id., Ann. Mus. Gen. xii, 1878, 
p. 200; id.. Not. Ent. vii, 1878, p. 17 ; id., Rev. d'Ent. xxii, 1903, 
p. 2.56; Horn, Tv. Amer. Ent. Sor. 1871, p. 297; Sharp, Biol. 
Cent.-Anier. i, 2, 1887, p. 728. 

ChaaoUum Oast., I.e. p. 132. 

Isomalus Er., 1. c. p. 838 ; Fanv., Bull. Soc. Linn. Norm, i.^, 1865, 
p. 35 ; id.. Not. Ent. ii, 1864, p. 31. 

Labrum short, transverse, membranous in front and densely 
ciliated, the anterior angles with a membranous ciliated process, 
the posterior corneous part strongly spinose. Mandiblespointed, 
sometimes toothed, the left occasionally acutely angulate. 
Maxillary palpi with 1st joint very small, 2nd short, about as 
long as broad, widened from base to apex, 3rd cylindrical, about 
three times as long as broad, 4th cylindrical, narrower, but 
about as long as the preceding ; inner lobe of the maxilla 
narrow, with a blunt hook at apex, the inner margin finely 
spinose, the spines decreasing in length posteriorly ; outer lobe 
densely finely spinose. Mentum short, narrowed in front, 
the anterior margin truncate, with spines. Tongue mem- 
branous, broad, trisinuate, the lateral lobes divergent, the 
median and narrower emargination with two strong approxi- 
mate spines, the lateral emarginations each with a tuft of 
cilia. Paraglossse well developed, extending to the apex of 
the lateral lobes. Labial palpi short, 1st joint about twice 
as long as broad, cylindrical, 2nd a little shorter and narrower 
than 1st, 3rd oval, narrower, and slightly longer than 2nd. 
Neck broad, slightly constricted at the junction with the 
head. Gular sutures fused, except behind. Presternum 
large, rounded in front, in the middle broadly slightly 
emarginate on either side, posterior margin broadly rounded 
in the middle, scarcely produced between the anterior coxse t, 
with a narrow tongue-shaped piece (trochantin) separated 

t The prostemal process is very narrow and sunk deeply between the 
anterior cozse, which are contig:nonB and conceal it. 


from the epipleura of the prothorax externally by a distinct 
suture and limiting the coxae in front. Epimera triangular, 
fused with the epipleura of the prothorax. Mesosternum 
simple, its process very narrow and pointed, extending for 
about two-thirds the length of the coxae, these narrowly sepa- 
rated. Metasternal process very narrow and pointed, meeting 
the preceding. Metasternum large, middle and posterior 
coxae widely separated, posterior coxae contiguous at base. 
Abdomen keeled at base ventrally, finely margined dorsally. 
Anterior coxae narrow, elongate, not prominent, intermediate 
more or less globular, posterior transverse, the inner lobe 
truncate conical, the outer triangular. Femora grooved 
posteriorly. Tibiae finely closely spinose externally. Tarsi 
5-jointed, short, the first four joints very short and subequal, 
the 5th longer than the preceding together ; claws simple. 
Elytra truncate, sutural stria wanting, epipleura finely carinate. 
Abdomen with a pair of setigerous punctures on either side of 
the dorsal segments. Depressed, parallel, shining, glabrous, 
usually obscurely coloured species, with large (especially in 
the males) and porrect heads. 

The genus presents considerable difficulty in the determina- 
tion of the species, partly on account of differences of coloiu- 
due to immaturity rendering the darker forms when immature 
liable to confusion with the reddish-testaceous species, and 
partly on account of the different shape of head in the sexes of 
some of the species. The species are of subcortical habitat 
and are distributed throughout the tropics. 

Key to the Species. 

1. Thorax on either side with two small 

teeth riili/irietifis, sp. n., p. 77. 

Thorax on either side witli or without 
a single tooth 2. 

2. Species in great part reddish or reddish- 

testaceous 3. 

Species dark, the disc of the elytra 

often reddish or reddish-testaceous . . 6. 

3. Minute species. Length 1'5 mm Ju.wiceps Kr., p. 88. 

Larger species. Length 3-7 mm 4. 

4. Large species, length 7 mm. Head 

large, quadrate feet Fauv., p. 78. 

Small species, length 3-4 mm S. 

6. Head in both sexes transversely 

orbicular; sides of thorax with a 

distinct tooth kraatzi Fnuv., p, 86. 

Head scarcely broader than long, sub- 

c^uadrate in cj, suborbicular in 2; 

sides of thorax without tooth lorujiceps Fnuv., p. 88. 

6. Elytra black, with sufatransverse ver- 
micular ground-sculpture. Large 

species, length 6'6-7'o mm vermiculari» Fauv., p. 77. 


Elytra black or pitchj', the disc or 
base more or less yellow or reddish- 
testaceous, ground-sculpture normal. 7. 

7. Sides of the thorax with a distinct 

tooth 8. 

Sides of the thorax without or with 
very obsolete tooth 10. 

8. Head with interrupted vermicular 

ground-sculpture ; disc of thorax with- 
out ground-sculpture ; elytra yellow, 
the base triangularly, the future and 

posterior margin narrowly, black .... andreioesi, sp. n., p. 79. 
Head and thorax with normal ground- 
sculpture ; elytra black with large 
well-defined yellow mark on each, 
the redexed sides black 9. 

9. Larger, 6 mm. Head subquadrate; 

thorax distinctly broader than long . denticoUia, sp. n., p. 80. 
Smaller, 4|- mm. Head orbicular; 
thorax scarcely broader than long . . rotundiceps Fauv., p. 86. 

10. Elytra black, with large, sharply 

detined, yellow marking on each disc, plagiata Fauv., p. 81. 
Elytra otherwise coloured 11. 

11. Elytra yellow, the posterior margin 

rather narrowly and rather sharply 

black hutnilia Er., p. 83. 

Elytra otherwiso coloured 12. 

12. Elytra yellow, the posterior margin 

rather narrowly and indeterminately 

blackish 13. 

Elytra yellowish-brown or reddish, the 
base, sides, suture, and posterior 
margin more or less extensively 
infuscate 10. 

13. Larger, 3J-4J lum 14. 

Smaller, 2,-2i mm 15. 

14. Head quadrate, moderately finely and 

moderately closely punctured beesont, sp. n., p. 81 . 

Head transversely orbicular, scarcely 
perceptibly punctured , latieeps Fauv., p. 84. 

15. Head broader than the thorax, more 

punctured ; penultimate joints of 
antennae slightly transverse ; ground- 
sculpture finer putilla Fauv., p. 87. 

Head as broad as the thorax, less 
punctured ; penultimate joints of 
ant«nniB distinctly transverse; ground- 
sculpture coarser secreta, sp. n., p. 87. 

16. <3 : head quadrate, the eyes half as 

long as the post-ocular region. 
$: head suborbicular, eyes less 

prominent, scarcely as long as the 

post-ocular region gitadriceps Cam., p. 78. 

c^: head subquadrate, the eyes as long 

as the post-ocular region. 
$: head suborbicular, eyes more 

prominent, as long as the post-ocular 

region viridant Fauv., p. 82. 


63. Elensis nilgiriensis, sp. n. 

Head and thorax black ; elytra bright reddish testaceous, 
the apex more or less broadly infuscate ; abdomen pitchy, the 
posterior margins of the segments reddish. Antennae ferru- 
ginous, the first three joints reddish-testaceous. Leg reddish- 
testaceous. Length 4*1 mm. 

Kesembling E. quadridens Fauv. in the presence of two 
distinct teeth on either side of the thorax, but differing in the 
following respects : — the head is shorter, the temples more 
dilated, the eyes larger and more prominent, the intra-ocular 
sulcus shorter and wider, the thorax is more transverse, shorter, 
more cupuliform, the elytra more brightly coloured, the ground- 
sculpture absent on the disc of the thorax, elsewhere finer. 
Head scarcely longer than broad, subquadrate, the temples feebly 
dilated, about half as long again as the diameter of the eyes, 
these rather large and a little prominent, finely, distinctly, but 
not closely punctured. Antennae with the penultimate joints 
as long as broad. Thorax transverse, a little broader than the 
head, somewhat cupuliform, in the middle with a short 
impressed line, at the sides obliquely, scarcely perceptibly 
impressed, finely, very sparingly punctured, the ground- 
sculpture obsolete on the disc. Elytra broader and about a 
third longer than the thorax, almost impunctate and with 
normal ground-sculpture. Abdomen coriaceous at the sides, 
almost without sculpture along the middle. 

Nilgiri Hills (H. L. Andrewea). 

64. Eleusis vermicularis. 

Eletms mrmiciihiris Fauv.*, Bev. d'I'>nt. xiv, 1895, p. 180. 

Entirely black, shining. Antermae, palpi, and legs reddish. 
Length 65 to 7-5 mm. 

Head large, as long as broad, flat, as broad as the thorax, 
the eyes small and flat, the post-ocular region long, practically 
parallel ; front truncate in the middle, oblique at the sides"; 
antenna] tubercles finely striate, internally with a small fovea, 
behind the anterior border with some fine, transverse, vermi- 
cular striae, between the eyes with longitudinal, interrupted, 
vermicular striae and rather closely, moderately finely punc- 
tured ; the middle of the disc behind with a large space devoid 
of sculpture, external to this with fine, longitudinal, vermicular 
striae and a few punctures ; intra-ocular sulcus deep, extending 
to the base. Anteimae slender, the 3rd to 5th joints subequal, 
clavate, 6th shorter, 7th to 10th subequal, compressed, tri- 
angular, 11th oval. Mandibles strongly toothed. Thorax a 
little broader than long, cupuUform, uneven, on each side in 
front with an oblique impression, in the middle before the 
base longitudinally impressed, the sides scarcely dentate ; at 
the sides and before the base with fine vermicular ground- 


sculpture, in the middle and in front without ground-sculpture 
and very finely and sparingly punctured. El3i;ra distinctly 
broader than the thorax, a little longer than broad, on the 
middle of the disc with a small fovea, with fine, more or less 
transverse, vermicular striae and with a few scarcely perceptible 
punctures. Abdomen almost impunctate, transversely striate. 
Burma : Garin Cheba, altitude 900 to 1 100 metres, v.-xii. 88 
{L. Fea). 

65. Sleusis fese. 

Eletmsfea Fftuv.* Uev. d'Enl. xiv, 1895, p. 188. 

Shining, red, the head obscurely infuscate on the vertex ; 
elytra yellowish -red, the posterior third of the apex and the 
Jjosterior half of the sides pitchy black ; abdomen more or 
less reddish -brown along the middle. Antennae reddish - 
brown, the 1st joint reddish-testaceous. Legs reddish-testa- 
ceous. Length 7 mm. 

Head subquadratc, a little broader than long, as wide as the 
thorax, the post-ocular space feebly dilated, about twice as long 
as the diameter of the eye, frontal margin not produced, 
truncate ; intra-ocular sulcus distinct, not reaching the base ; 
middle of base with a shallow impression, sulcus of vertex very 
short and obsolete, finely and moderately closely punctured 
and with the usual strigose ground-sculpture. Antennae rather 
short and slender, the 3rd joint a little longer than the 2nd, 4th 
and 5th oval, short, 6th and 7th about as long as broad, 8th to 
10th shghtly transverse, 11th conical, as long as the two pre- 
ceding together. Thorax transverse, cupuliform, the anterior 
border on either side impressed and biptnictate, lateral tooth 
at posterior third obsolete, practically impunctate, ground- 
sculpture as on the head. Elytra broader and about a third 
longer than the thorax, longer than broad, each with a punc- 
ture behind the middle, otherwise practically impunctate, 
finely longitudinally strigose. Abdomen with a pair of seti- 
gerous punctures at the sides of each .segment, very finely 
transversely strigose. 

Burma : Carin Cheba, altitude 900 to 1100 metres, v.-xii. 88 
{L. Fea). Also in Java ? 

The above description is from the unique type, which is 
apparently a ^. IVom Java I have a specimen 5 mm. long 
of exactly similar colour, but the head is smaller, more rounded, 
the eyes larger, the front produced and truncate in the middle ; 
this may possibly represent the ?. 

66. ElenslB qnadricepe. 

Eleusii quadricepi Cftin., E. M. M. Ixi, 1925, p. 2.31. 

Shining, extremely finely and very sparingly punctured, 


finely strigose, the head black, the thorax black or pitchy, 
elytra dark, the disc of each in the middle more or less 
brownish-yellow or reddish, abdomen pitchy, the apex reddish- 
testaceous. Antennae ferruginous, sometimes infuscate. Legs 
reddish-testaceous, the femora occasionally infuscate. Length 
5 mm. 

Very near E. viridans, but without the greenish reflex 
usually found in that species, in the <J with the head yet more 
parallel-sided, quite flat, the eyes smaller, the antennae a little 
shorter, the left mandible in some specimens acutely bent 
inwards behind the apex. Antennae a little shorter, the 
thorax longer ; in the ? the head is smaller than in viridans $, 
more orbicular, the eyes smaller, the antennae a little shorter, 
and the thorax a little narrower and longer. (J : Head large, 
quadrate, as long as broad, as broad as the thorax, the front 
truncate, the post-ocular space scarcely dilated, about twice 
as long as the eye, juxta-ocular sulcus narrow and deep, not 
reaching the base ; left mandible sometimes acutely angulate, 
both dentate. Antennae slender, the 3rd to 7th joints longer 
than broad, gradually decreasing in length, 8th to 10th about 
as long as broad. Thorax transverse (G : 5), the sides feebly 
rounded, almost parallel for the anterior half, strongly con- 
tracted and feebly rounded posteriorly without a tooth, middle 
of disc very finely sulcatc, the anterior border on either side 
with a bipunctate impression. Elytra longer (7 : 5) and a little 
broader than the thorax, slightly longer than broad. 

Burma: Ruby Mines. Also in Perak (type). 

67. Eleusis andrewesi, sp. ii. (Fig. VS.) 

Black, shining, the elytra with well-defined large yellow 
mark. Head subquadrate, sides of thorax with distinct tooth. 
Antenna? and legs reddish. Length 5 mm. 

Easily recognized by the interrupted vermicular ground- 
sculpture of the head and the entire absence of ground-sculpture 
on the disc of the thorax. Head quadrate, as broad as long, 
as broad as the thorax, the temples scarcely perceptibly dilated, 
juxta-ocular sulcus narrow and deep, reaching the base, middle 
of base with obsolete fovea, finely sparingly punctured, more 
closely at the base, ground-sculpture rather coarse, more or 
less interrupted, forming longitudinal vermicular striae. 
Antennae with 4th to 9th joints longer than broad, gradually 
decreasing in length, the 10th as long as broad. Thorax 
slightly transverse (5:4), the sides evenly rounded and with a 
distinct denticle, disc depressed, with exceedingly fine impressed 
median line, anterior margin on either side with a bipunctate 
impression, puncturation fine and sparing, ground-sculpture 
only present at the sides and base, interrupted and vermicular. 
Elytra a little longer than the thorax, slightly longer than 



broad, yellow, the scutellary region, suture, lateral and posterior 
margins, all narrowly and sharply black, finely and sparingly 
punctured and with a larger setiferous puncture on the middle 

Fig. 13. — Eleusis andretoesi, (J , liead and thorax. 

of the disc, ground-sculpture fine, longitudinal, to some extent 
interrupted and vermicular. Abdomen coriaceous. 
Nilgiri Hills {H. L. Andrewes). 

68. Eleusis denticollis, sp. n. (Fauvel, in lift.). (Fig. 14.) 

Deep black, shining, the elytra each with a large well-defined 
testaceous mark ; sides of thorax with a distinct tooth. 
Antennae and legs reddish brown, the femora darker. Length 
6 mm. 

Fig. 14, — Eleutie dentieolUa, head and thorax. 

Head subquadrate, as broad as the thorax, as long as broad, 
the juzta-ooular sulcus rather broad, temples a little dilated, 
in the middle before the base with a fovea, finely and rather 


closely punctured, ground-sculpture strigose. Antennae with 
the 3rd joint longer than the 2nd, 4th to 7th a little longer than 
broad, gradually decreasing in length, 8th to 10th about as 
long as broad. Thorax a little broader than long, cupuliform, 
the sides behind with a distinct tooth, anterior border on either 
side with a bipunctate impression, median line extremely finely 
impressed for nearly the whole length, sculpture as on the 
head. Elytra a little longer and broader than the thorax, 
a little longer than broad, with similar sculpture to the 
fore-parts. Abdomen with the usual sculpture and setiferous 

Nilgiri HiUs (H. L. Andrewes). 

69. Eleusis plagiata. 

FAeusis pUigiata Kauv., Rev. d'Ent. x.tiii, 1904, p. 83. 

<J: Broader than jB. <iwcaKs Fauv., from Sumatra, similarly 
coloured, except that the yellow elytral spot is more defined, the 
suture and scutellary region more broadly and intensely black ; 
head shorter and broader, subquadrate, more closely punctured, 
behind the less flattened eyes a little dilated, the juxta-ocular 
groove much deeper and broader, the longitudinal groove 
broad, rather deep, frontal margin more obtusely produced ; 
thorax a little shorter, scarcely narrower at the base, median 
groove deeper ; elytra scarcely shorter, more strongly punc- 
tured. $ unknown. Length 6-7 mm. 

Sikkim : Darjeeling (ex Fauvel). 

70. Eleusis beesoni, sp. n. 

Black, shining, elytra reddish -yellow, infuscate about the 
scutellum, the apical margin narrowly blackish. Head large, 
as long as broad, quadrate. Antennae ferruginous. Legs 
reddish-testaceous. Length 4 mm. 

Colour and build of E. humilis Er., but larger, the head more 
quadrate, much more distinctly punctured, the sides more 
parallel, the antennae stouter but similarly constructed, the 
sides of the thorax without a tooth. Head large, quadrate, 
fully as wide as the thorax, as long as broad, the eyes small 
and flat, the post -ocular space nearly three times as long as 
the eye, very slightly rounded and dilated, intra-ocular sulcus 
deep, not extending to the base, anterior margin broadly 
truncate, antennal tubercles not foveate internally, the disc 
on either side of the middle with an impression on the level 
of the eyes, moderately finely, moderately closely punctured, 
ground-sculpture longitudinally strigose. Antennae with the 
3rd joint a little longer than the 2nd, 4th to 6th a little longer 
than broad, gradually decreasing in length, 7th about as long 

VOL. I. G 



as broad, 8th to 10th a little transverse. Thorax nearly semi- 
circular, the sides without tooth, the anterior border on either 
side with bipunctate impression, the disc in the middle with 
extremely fine groove for nearly the whole length, puncturation 
fine and sparing, the ground-sculpture as on the head. Elytra 
longer and wider than the thorax, about a quarter longer 
than broad, on the middle with a fine setiferous puncture ; 
very finely and rather sparingly punctured, ground-sculpture 
as on the fore-parts. Abdomen with the usual setiferous punc- 
tures and ground-sculpture. 
Mussoorie District : Kaligad. 

71. Eleusis viridans. (Figs. 15, 16.) 

Elemis vindans Fftuv.», Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 189fi, p. ]89. 
Eleusig nova Bernh.*, W. E.Z. xliii, 1926, p. 19. 

Black, shining, the elytra pitchy, the middle of the disc 
indeterminately and more or less extensively brownish- 
testaceous ; in certain lights with silky aeneous reflex. Antennae 
pitchy brown. Legs reddish, the femora pitchy. Iiength 35 
to 5'5 mm. (Type 5 mm.) 

Kg. 15. — Eleusit viridans, (J , 
head and thoiaz. 

Fig. 16. — Eleri»i» viridam, 5 , 
head and thorax. 

In colour and build of the head very similar to E. humilia Er., 
but larger and broader, the antennae longer and darker, and 
the sides of the thorax without distinct tooth. Head sub- 
quadrate-orbicular, slightly transverse (5f : 5), as broad as the 
thorax, slightly sinuate between the antennal tubercles and the 
truncate anterior margin, the temples slightly rounded and 


a little prominent, in the (J about twice as long as the eye, 
juxta-ocular sulcus rather deep and narrow, not reaching the 
base, antennal tubercles very obsoletely impressed internally, 
■extremely finely and very sparingly punctured, with distinct 
and for the most part longitudinal ground- sculpture ; mandibles 
not angulate : in the $ the head is smaller and less quadrate 
than in the ^, the space between the eye and the constriction 
■of the neck is as long as the diameter of the eye, which 
accordingly appears larger. Antennae rather slender, the 3rd 
joint a little longer than 2nd, 4th to 7th longer than broad, 
gradually decreasing in length, 8th to 10th about as long as 
broad. Thorax transverse (5| : 5), conical, widest in front, the 
sides fully rounded for the anterior half, strongly contracted 
and scarcely rounded to the base, scarcely dentate, the disc 
flattened, in the middle with a very fine longitudinal sulcus, 
anterior margin on either side with bipunctate impression, 
sculpture as on the head. Elytra longer (7 : 5) and broader 
than the thorax, longer than broad (7 : 6J), with a setiferous 
puncture in the middle of the disc and sculpture as on the 
fore-parts. Abdomen with the usual setiferous punctures and 
transverse strigose ground-sculpture. According to Fauvel the 
size varies from 3J to 5J mm. and the colour in immature 
forms is pitchy with brighter elytra ; this variation in colour 
appears to be usual, however, in these circumstances throughout 
the genus. 

Burma : Carin Asciuii Cheba {Fea) (type) ; Carin Cheba ; 
Tenasserim ; Thagata. Assam: Kobo (.ffcmp, 8. xii. 1911). 
Also in Java and Lombok. 

72. Eleusis humilis. (Fig. 17.) 

JEleuais humilis Er.,Geu. Si)ec. Staph. 1840, p. 839; Fauv., Rev. 

d'Ent. xxiii, 1904, p, 44, 
Bleusn fascia/a Lee, New Spec. Col. i, 1863, p. 69. 
Eleusts iwHva Kr., Arch. Naturj;. xxv, 1859, i, p. 183. 
Bifusis pallidi/jennis Fauv., Bull. Soc. IJnn. Norm, ix, 1865, p. 40. 
Hlfums suMilis Shp., Ann. M«fr. Nat. Hist. (0) iii, 1889, p. 467. 
Eleusis tenuis Fauv., Bull. Soc. Linn. Norm, ix, 1866, p. 41. 
Eleusis tenuis Walk., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) iii, 1869, p. 62. 

Black, shining, the head subquadrate-orbiculate, exceedingly 
finely and very sparingly punctured ; elytra testaceous infus- 
cate about the scutellum and base, the apical fourth black. 
Antennae reddish- testaceous. Legs reddish-testaceous, the 
femora often pitchy. Length 2-5 to 3 mm. 

Head as broad as long, scarcely wider than the thorax, the 
front broadly truncate, eyes not prominent, post-ocular space 
gently rounded and contracted to the base, about twice as 
long as the diameter of the eye, intra-ocular groove distinct, 
not extending quite to the base of head, disc not sulcate, 



extremely finely and very sparingly punctured and with fine 
strigose ground-sculpture. Antennas rather slender, 2nd and 
3rd joints subequal, 4th and 5th short, oval, 6th and 7th about 
as long as broad, narrowed at the base, 8th to 10th slightly 
transverse. Thorax transverse, narrowed at the base, the sides 
evenly and gently rounded towards the front, at the posterior 
third with an obsolete tooth, middle of disc exceedingly finely 
sulcate for the posterior two-thirds, anterior margin with a 
bipunctate impression on either side, puncturation and ground- 
sculpture as on the head. Elytra wider and about one-third 
longer than the thorax, a little longer than broad, each with 
the usual setiferous puncture on disc, very finely, obsoletely, 

Fig. 17. — Eleusis humilis, head and thorax. 

and moderately closely punctmred, ground-sculpture as on the 
fore-parts. Abdomen with the usual setiferous punctures, 
transversely strigose. 

Ceylon. Andamans. Nilgiri Hills. Burma. United Pro- 
vinces : Lachiwala, Chakrata district. Also Japan, and 
generally distributed throughout the tropics. 

73. Eleusis laticeps. (Figs 18, 19.) 

JEleusis kttieepi Fauv., Kev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 190. 

Shining black or pitchy black, the elytra dirty yellow, more 
or less infuscate about the scutellum and the apical border. 
Head transversely orbicular. Antennae and legs reddish- 
testaceous. Length 3-5 to 4-5 mm. 

CJoloration more or less similar to E. humilia Er., but usually 
that of the elytra less clear and the apical margin less determi- 
nately darker, the 'shape of the head entirely different, the 
thorax much shorter and the antennae longer. ^ : Head very 



broad, transversely orbicular, considerably wider than the 
thorax, the post-ocular space gently rounded and strongly 
contracted to the base, about 1| times as long as the eye; 
eyes not prominent, intra-ocular groove rather wide, nearly 
reaching the base, disc broadly and feebly impressed, scarcely 
perceptibly punctured, ground-sculpture strigose ; thorax 
broader (5 : 3J). $ : Head narrower, eyes much larger, 
more prominent, longer than the post-ocular space ; thorax 
narrower (4:3). Antennae with 2nd and 3rd joints sub- 
«qual, 4th to 6th oval, 7th to 10th about as long as broad. 

Yig. 18. — ElevsiH laticeps, c?, 
head and thorax. 

Fig. W.—EleuMslaticeps, Q, 
head and thorax. 

Thorax broadly and feebly impressed on the disc, with very 
fine median smooth line, sides with a minute tooth at the 
posterior third, exceedingly finely and very sparingly punc- 
tured and with similar ground-sculpture to that of the head. 
Elytra longer (5| : 3^) and broader than the thorax, longer 
than broad, with the usual setiferous puncture on disc, ground- 
sculpture as on the fore-parts, scarcely perceptibly punctured. 
Abdomen transversely strigose, with the usual setiferous 

Burma : Carin Cheba. Sumatra and Island of Nias. 

74. Eleusis kraatzi. (bi^s. :20, 21.) 

Isomalut apicipennis Kr., Arch. Naturg. xxv, 1859, i, p. 183 (prsooc). 
Uleusit kraatzi Fauv., Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xii, 1878, p. '207. 

Shining reddish-testaceous, the elytra narrowly infuscate 
at the apex. 7th abdominal segment often infuscate at the base. 
Antennae and legs testaceous. Length 3-4 mm. 



(J: Head large, transversely suborbicular, wider than the 
thorax ; eyes rather large, post-ocular space gently rounded ta 
the base, longer than the eye, intra-ocular sulcus not reaching 
the base, anterior margin truncate, mandibles prominent, 
exserted ; in the $ as wide as the thorax, subhexagonal, the 
post-ocular space excavate to the base. Vertex very finely 
grooved, exceedingly finely and very sparingly punctured and 
with the usual strigose ground-sculpture. Antennae slender, 
the 2nd and 3rd joints of equal length, 4th a little longer than 
broad, 6th to 10th transverse, gradually increasing in breadth, 
11th conical, about as long as the two preceding together. 
Thorax transverse, strongly narrowed before the base, the 
sides here straighter and with a small tooth, anteriorly gently 

Pig. 20. — Meiisis kraatzi, (S , 
head and thorax. 

Fig. 21. — Elevsis kraatzi, $, 
head and thorax. 

rounded, anterior margin on either side with a bipunctate 
impression, in the mid(Ue with an exceedingly fine raised Une,. 
scarcely perceptibly punctured, the ground-sculpture as on the 
head. Elytra broader and about one-half longer than the 
thorax, longer than broad, each with asmall setiferous puncture 
about the middle, and with some superficial obsolete punctures 
sparingly distributed and usual ground- sculpture. Abdomen 
transversely strigose, with the usual setigerous punctures. 
Ceylon. Malay Peninsula. Singapore. Java. 

76. Eleusis rotandiceps. 

Elemis rotundicepa Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. xxiii, 1904, p. 83. 

<J : Of the colour of E.plagiata Fauv., but a third smaller 
and half as broad, the antennae slender, a little shorter than 
the head and thorax, red, the 1st joint except the apex pitchy,. 

ELEU8I8. 87 

7th to 10th joints rather transverse ; head orbicular, finely, 
rather closely punctured, the juxta-ocular groove broad and 
deep, eyes moderate, the frontal margin less produced, broadly 
truncate ; thorax small, narrower than the head, scarcely 
broader than long, triangular, the disc scarcely sulcate, broadly 
obliquely impressed on either side, more finely punctured than 
the head, sides moderately denticulate ; elytra finely and 
sparingly punctured ; abdomen rather alutaceous. Easily 
distinguished from plagiata. $ unknown. Length 4^ mm. 
Sikkim : Darjeeling (ex Fauvel). 

76. Eleusis pusilla. 

Eleuais jjusiUa Faiiv., l!ev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. I'JO. 

Pitchy black, shining, the elj^ra dirty yellow, infuscate 
about the scutellum and the apical margin. Head suborbicular, 
rather closely and distinctly punctured. Antennae and legs 
reddish-testaceous. Length 2-3 mm. 

Much smaller than E. humilis Er., the colour of the elytra 
less clear, the head suborbicular, with coarser ground-sculp- 
ture and more closely punctured, the antennae shorter and 
the eyes more prominent, the thorax more conical. Head 
suborbicular, a little wider than the thorax, the post-ocular 
space a little longer than the eyes, feebly rounded and strongly 
retracted to the base, the vertex distinctly punctured, ground- 
sculpture strigose and well marked. Thorax a little broader 
than long, narrow at the base, the sides with a small tooth at 
the posterior third, from thence gently rounded to the anterior 
angles, disc broadly impressed, in the middle with an exceed- 
ingly fine sulcus, sculpture as on the head. Elytra wider and 
fully half as long again as the thorax, longer than broad, with 
sculpture as on the fore-parts. 

Burma : Bhamo. Dutch East Indies : Island of Nias. 

77. Eleusis secreta, t'p. n. 

Shining ; head and thorax black, elytra dirty testaceous, 
narrowly and indistinctly infuscate at the base and apex. 
Abdomen pitchy. Antennae and legs reddish testaceous. 
Length 2-75 mm. 

Closely allied to E. pusilla Fauv., but a little longer and less 
shining, the head smaller and much less distinctly punctured, 
the antennsB stouter, but similarly constructed, the penultimate 
joints slightly transverse, the ground-sculpture on the fore- 
parts distinctly less fine ; in other respects similar to pusilla. 

Siwaliks : Timli (Cameron). 

88 STia?HXLINID^. 

78. Elensis longiceps. 

Elemis Imiykepa Fauv. *, Ann. SIus. Civ. Gen. xii, ls78, p. 208. 

Shining reddish-testaceous, extremely finely and exceedingly 
sparingly punctured, finely strigose, the elytra posteriorly a 
little infuscate. Head subquadrate in (J, suborbicular in $, 
thorax without lateral tooth. Antenna3 and legs testaceous. 
Length 3-3 ram. 

Colour of E. kraatzi Fauv., but distinct by the differently 
shaped head and broader thorax without lateral tooth. Head 
in (J scarcely broader than long, subquadrate, in $ suborbicular, 
in both as broad as the thorax, temples scarcely dilated, 
juxta-ocular sulcus narrow and deep, base not foveate, 
exceedingly finely and extremely sparingly punctured. An- 
tennae mth the 3rd joint a little longer than 2nd, 4th and 5th 
slightly longer than broad, 6th about as long as broad, 7th to 
10th transverse. Thorax transverse, strongly narrowed behind, 
the sides evenly rounded, disc depressed with extremely fine 
impressed median line, anterior margin on either side with a 
bipunctate impression. Elytra a little longer than the thorax, 
scarcely longer than broad, with large setiferous puncture on 
the middle of the disc. Abdomen with the usual setigerous 
punctures, very finely transversely strigose. 

? Ceylon. Type from New Guinea. 

79. Eleusis fusciceps. 

HUusis fuaciceps h.r. ♦, Arcli. Natui'f^. xxv, 18C9, i, p. 184. 

Reddish-testaceous, shining, the head and middle of the 
lateral margins of the elytra more or less infuscate. Antennae 
with the first three joints testaceous, the rest infuscate. L«gs 
testaceous. Length 1-5 mm. 

Head suborbicular, a little broader than the thorax, the eyes 
rather large and moderately prominent, the post-ocular area 
short and feebly rounded, anterior margin truncate, intra-ocular 
sulcus obsolete ; practically impunctate, very finely more or less 
longitudinally strigose. Antennae extending to the posterior 
margin of the thorax, the 3rd joint a little shorter than the 2nd, 
4th moniliform, 5th to 10th transverse, gradually increasing in 
breadth. Thorax scarcely broader than long, much narrower 
behind than in front, the sides gently rounded from base to 
apex, not denticulate ; anterior border on either side with two 
small punctures, disc more or less broadly and feebly impressed, 
practically impunctate with ground-sculpture as on the head. 
Elytra wider and about one-half longer than the thorax, a 
little longer than broad, against the suture with a few fine 
punctures, ground-sculpture as on the fore-parts. Abdomen 
practically impunctate, transversely strigose. 

Ceylon : Colombo. Andamans : Port Blair. Siwaliks : Timli. 
Also in Singapore and Sumatra. 



This tribe is distinguished by the anterior coxal cavities 
toeing entirely closed behind, the epimera meeting the apex 
of the prostornal process. Por the most part they are smooth 
shining species, Stigmatochirua and Thoracochirus being 
exceptional. The head in most of the species is furnished with 
horns. It is widely distributed throughout the tropics and its 
members are found beneath the bark of decaying trees, on the 
fibrous material of which they appear to feed. 

Key to the Genera. 

1. Anterior coxoBSHpavated; the prosternal pro- [p. 89. 

cesa dilated behind at its apex Lf.ptochiuus Germ., 

Anterior coxse oontigiuous ; the pro»ternal 
process concealed and not expanded beliiud. 3. 

2. Outer surface of the mandibles convex, 

sharply margined below, the front of the 

head usually toothed or lobed 3. 

Outer surface of the mandibles impressed 
longitudinally, margined above and below ; 

strongly sculptured species, the front of [Bernh., p. 118. 

the head rarely toothed Thobacoohirus 

3. Mandibles much elongated, projecting con- 

siderably beyond the level of the apices 

of the frontal horns ; longer than the head. ' [p. 92. 

luner lobe of maxilla densely ciliate .... Boholinus Benin., 
Mandibles normal, not produced much bey ond 
the level of the apices of the frontal arma- 
ture, shorter than the head. Inner lobe of [p. 95. 
the maxilla furnished with spines PbioChibus Shp., 


Leptochirus Germ., Ins. Spec. Nov. 182;i, p. 35 ; Er., Gen. Spec. 
Staph. 1840, p. 824; Lacord., Gen. Col. ii, 1854, p. 125; Fauv., 
Bull. Soc. Linn. Norm, ix, 1865, p. 12 ; Sharp, Trans. Knt. iSoc. 
Loud. lf<74, p. 420 ; id., Biol. Cent.-.Vmer. 1887, i, 2, p. 7:^3 ; lauv.. 
Rev. d'Kut. xiv, 1895, p. 180 ; Heller, Abb. Mus. Dread, vii, uu. 3, 
p. C ; Benib., U.K. Z. 1903, p. 113. 

Biology. — Kraatz, Arcli. Naturg. x\v, 1859, i, p. 190; Caude/e, 
Mem. Soc. Sc. Liege, 1801, p. 333, t. 1, f. 4, p. 334. 

Of the four subgenera into which this genus has been divided, 
only one (Strongylochirtis) is found in our Fauna ; it is charac- 
terised by the absence of a median frontal furrow and by the 
prosternal process being dilated behind the coxse into a rounded 

Head large, more or less quadrate, constricted behind, 
the neck thick, eyes prominent ; gular sutures fine, approximate 
about the middle, slightly diverging in front and behind ; 
temples not bordered below. Labrum short, strongly transverse, 
corneous, broadly crescentically emarginate, antero-externally 


on either side produced in a membranous diverging and 
pointed lobe, the inner margins of the lobes imited along the 
anterior margin, densely ciliate. Mandibles stout, pointed, 
strongly toothed, the outer border margined. Maxillary palpi 
4-jointed, the 1st joint small, 2nd club-shaped, curved, 3rd 
about half as long as 2nd, 4th narrower than the preceding 
and about as long as the 2nd. Outer lobe of maxilla with the 
base corneous, the apical part membranous and much widened, 
very densely ciliate ; inner lobe membranous, narrower than 
the outer, its inner margin and apex densely ciUate. Mentum 
corneous, transverse, broadly and feebly emarginate in front, 
the antero-external angles rounded. Tongue broad, mem- 
branous, with a central corneous rod and divided into two large 
diverging lobes with rounded antero-external angles by a deep 
rectangular excision, densely ciliate. Paraglossse adherent to 
the tongue and not extending beyond it, finely ciliate. Labial 
palpi 3-jointed, short, the 1st joint about twice as long as broad, 
2nd shorter, about as long as broad, narrower at the base, 
3rd narrower, about as long as the 1st. Thorax quadrate, the 
sides bordered, longitudinally sulcate in the middle. Pro- 
sternum well developed, bisinuate in front, prosternal process 
narrowed between the coxae and widened behind, forming a 
rounded plate which touches the epimera, completely closing 
the coxal cavities behind ; epipleura broad and fused with 
the prosternum and epimera. Anterior coxae elongate. 
Mesosternum well developed before the coxae, convex, produced 
behind into a narrow pointed process extending more than 
half the length of the coxas, and margined laterally so that 
it appears more or less obtusely carinate. Intersternal piece 
short, receiving the apex of the mesosternum and separated 
from the broadly-rounded metasternum by a raised border. 
Posterior coxae contiguous at their bases. Abdomen elongate, 
keeled at the base below, immarginate above, the segments 
more or less constricted at their bases. Scutellum small. 
Epipleura of elytra well developed. Anterior tibiae more or 
less strongly serrate, the middle and posterior ciliate and finely 
spinose. Tarsi short, 5-jointed, the 1st four joints very short, 
equal, the 5th longer than all the preceding together. 

The species are subcortical in habit, and apparently, from 
their powerful teeth, feed on the woody fibre. The species 
are found only in the tropics. 

Key to the Species of Leptochirus, Suhgen. Strongylochirus. 

1. Cljpeus continuous with the front on the 
same plane and not separated from it by a 
transverse impressed line, its sides not 

hounded by an impressed line. Thorax [p. 91. 

red guadrident Motscn., 


Clypeus depressed, not ou the same plane as 

the front and separated from it by a tians- 

verse impressed Hue, the sides bounded by 

an arcuate impressed liue. Eutirely black 

species 2. 

2, 6th joint of antennae about as long as broad. 

Size smaller, 13 to 17 mm lavia Cost., p. 91. 

6th joint of antenuee distinctly longer than 

broad. Size larger, 20 to 26 mm athitiaoni Fauv., p. 92. 

80. LeptocMrus (Strongylochirus) quadridens. 

Leptochirus quadridens hlotach., Bull. Mosc. xxx, 1867, iv, p. 501, 

Depressed, black, shining, the thorax and usually the head 
deep red ; anterior margin of the front feebly trisinuate, with 
four small crenulations, of which the lateral are usually a little 
larger. Antennae pitchy, yellow pubescent. Legs reddish. 
Length 10 to 16 mm. 

Head narrower than the thorax and without median sulcus, 
frontal margin quadricrenulate. Antennal tubercles foveolate 
internally, impunctate and without ground-sculpture. Right 
mandible with a large triangular apical, a larger triangular 
subapical, and an obsolete flat basal molar tooth on the inner 
border, the upper border with a small tooth before the base 
and two much larger ones before the apex ; left mandible 
similarly toothed, but without the small basal tooth on the 
upper surface. Antennae with the 1st joint slightly emarginate 
at apex, 2nd small and short, 3rd longer, oval, 4th to 10th 
short, oval, not transverse, 11th a little longer than 10th. 
Thorax sUghtly transverse, the sides straight and parallel, with 
about 10 moderately large punctures, base not bordered at the 
sides, in the middle with a sharply impressed longitudinal 
line and without sculpture. Elytra a little longer and broader 
behind than the thorax, a little longer than broad, extremely 
finely and moderately closely punctured. Abdomen impunctate 
along the middle, at the sides of the bases of the segments 
rather closely and distinctly punctured, the last segment with 
a few punctures. 

Assam : Naga and Khasi Hills. Burma : Carin Gh&u. 
Also in Siam, Sumatra, Java, and Borneo. 

SI. Leptochirus (Strongylochirus) Isevis. 

Leptochirut Icema Cast., Hist. Nat. i, 1840, p. ISO. 
Leptochirus laticeps Er., Gen. Spec. Staph. 1840, p. 826. 
Leptochirus idie Kr., Arch. Naturg. x.^v, 1859, i, p. 19 (note). 

Depressed, black, shining. Clypeus separated from the front 
by a transverse line, the anterior border not crenulate, the sides 
bounded by a curved impressed line. Antennae black. Legs 
black, tarsi ferruginous. Length 13 to 17 mm. 

Head a little narrower than the thorax, vertex not sulcate. 


antennal tubercles foveate internally. Right mandible without 
a molar tooth and with only a small tubercle before the base, 
post-apical tooth broad, triangular, separated by a large obtuse 
notch from the apical, the upper border with a smaller basal and 
two large post-apical teeth; left mandible internally with simi- 
lar dentition, the upper border with only one post-apical tooth. 
Antenn8e with the 1st joint slightly emarginate at apex, 2nd 
small, 3rd to 5th a little longer than broad, oval, gradually 
decreasing in length, 6th to 10th about as long as broad or 
slightly transverse. Thorax distinctly transverse, the sides 
parallel and rather closely punctured, except at the anterior 
angles, disc longitudinally sulcate in the middle, without 
sculpture, base not bordered at the sides. Elytra a little 
longer, but scarcely as wide as the thorax, about as long as 
broad, the reflexed sides closely and moderately finely punc- 
tured, the rest of the surface without sculpture. Abdomen 
smooth along the middle, the base of the segments and the 
sides more or less closely and strongly punctured. 

Assam : Khasi and Naga HiUs. Also in Siam, Singapore, 
Sumatra, Java, Lombok, and Borneo. 

82. LeptocMrus (Strongylochirus) atkinsoni. 

Leptochii-ue alkinatmi Fauv., Uev. d'Eiit. ,\iv, 1895, j). 182. 

Build of the preceding, but much larger and more robust, the 
antennae much longer and more densely pubescent, the 3rd to 
10th joints all distinctly longer than broad, oval, gradually 
decreasing in length ; dentition very similar ; abdomen 
scarcely as closely punctured. Length 20 to 25 mm. 

Assam : Khasi Hills. Burma : Carin Cheba ; Tenasserim ; 
Tavoy. Also in Siam. 

(j^eims BOBOLINUS Bernh. 
JioroUmis Beruh., U. K. Z. 1903, p. 133. 

This genus is readily distinguished from all the other Lepto- 
CHiEiNi by the long frontal horns and the very long exserted 
mandibles, which are twice as long as the head (excluding the 
horns) and actually project beyond the level of the apices of 
these structures and are destitute of teeth on the basal half ; 
the structure of the other parts of the mouth scarcely differs 
from that obtaining in Strongylochirus. The structure of the 
prostemum is, however, different ; the prosternal process is 
«unk between the coxae, which are contiguous, and its apex, 
although dilated behind these, is not transversely patellate. In 
other respects the structure is similar to that of Strongylochirus. 
From the next genus Priochirus Shp. it is distinguished by the 
longer maxillary palpi, long mandibles, and the densely ciliate 
inner lobe of the maxilla, which in Priochirus is furnished with 
teeth. It is found only in the Eastern Hemisphere. 


Key to tlie Species. 

1. Frontal horns divergent, without a tooth on 

the outer side near the base. Species red, 

the head and abdomen black semirufus Fauv., p. 93. 

Frontal horns parallel or slightly conver- 
gent, with a small tooth on the outer side 
near the base 2. 

2. Right mandible behind the apex witli a 

strong simple tooth 3. 

Right mandible behind the apex with a 

biscupid tooth. Species black minutus Cast., p. 94. 

■'}. Thorax slij>htly transverse ; the tooth behind 

the ape.Y of the right mandible triangular, 

pointed ; thorax and elytra dark red, head 

and abdomen pitchy antilope Fauv., p. 93. 

Thorax strongly transverse ; thetooth behind 

the apex of the riirht mandible not pointed, ("p. 9-1. 

flat apically. Species entirely black .... sikkimensis Beriih., 

83. Borolinus semirufus. 

Leptochirus semirufus Fauv., Rev, d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 181. 

Shining, head and abdomen black, thorax and elytra red or 
reddish-yellow, without sculpture. Head in front with two 
long diverging horns without an external denticle ; frontal 
impression deep, as long as broad ; vertex not sulcate, fovcate 
before the middle of the base ; mandibles long and prominent, 
the right with a bicuspid tooth behind the ajrex, the cusp.s 
pointed, the left with two pointed teeth behind the apex. 
Antennae pitch}'^, the 1st joint elongate, emarginate at the 
apex, 2nd joint small, 3rd much longer, 4th to 6th. moniliform, 
7th to 10th transverse. Thorax distinctly transverse, wider 
than the head, sides parallel with three or four large punctures, 
sulcate medially and with a small fovea on either side, base 
completely margined. Elytra a little narrower and longer than 
the thorax, as long as broad. Abdomen with the segments 
punctured at the bases and each with a transverse row of fine 
punctures before the posterior margin, medially almost smooth, 
last segment irregularly punctured, pubescence yellow, sparing. 
Legs reddish-yellow. Length 13 to 16 mm. 

Burma : Carin Cheba, Asoiuii Cheba, v. and xii. 88 (L. Fea). 

84. Borolinus antilope. 

Leptochirus anlilope Fauv., IJev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. ISl. 

Shining. Head and abdomen black, thorax and eljiira dark 
ferruginous red. Head in front with two long paraUel horns, 
each with a distinct tooth externally at the base, frontal im- 
pression deep, as long as broad, vertex not sulcate, base not 
foveate, mandibles long and prominent, the right with a strong 


pointed tooth behind the apex, the left with broad tooth 
rounded apically. Antennae pitchy, the 1st joint elongate, 
emarginate at apex, 4th to 6th joints a little longer than broad, 
gradually decreasing in length, 7th to 10th slightly transverse, 
11th conical. Thorax transverse, wider than the head, the sides 
parallel, with a row of fine punctures against the margin and 
6 or 7 larger ones in a row above, in the middle sulcate. 
Elytra a little narrower than the thorax, as long as broad. 
Abdomen finely and transversely punctured at the bases and 
apices ofthe segments, the last finely,sparingly,irregularlypunc- 
tnred. Femora and tarsi red, tibiae pitchy. Length 13 to 
14 mm. 
6iu-ma : Carin Gh6cu, Senmigian {L. Fea). Also in Siam. 

85. Borolinus sikkimensis. 

Bofolh us gikkimenm ]5eriih. *, 1). E. Z. 1919, p. 359. 

Entirely black, shining. Head in front with two long slightly 
converging horns, the base of each externally with a small 
tooth, frontal impression deep, as long as broad. Vertex not 
sulcate, the base with a small fovea. Mandibles long and 
prominent, each with a large simple tooth behind the apex. 
Antenna3 black, the 3rd joint much longer than 2nd, 4th to 
6th short, oval, 7th to 10th slightly transverse. Thorax strongly 
transverse, much wider than the head, the sides parallel, 
moderately closely punctured, medially sulcate, finely irregu- 
larly striolate, the base completely margined. Elytra a little 
narrower than the thorax, as long as broad, distinctly cori- 
aceous. Abdomen transversely punctured at the bases and 
apices of the segments. Legs black, tarsi ferruginous. Length 
12 to 15 mm. 

Differs from B. minutus Cast, in the larger size, simple post- 
apical teeth of the mandibles, slightly convergent frontal 
home, less punctured sides of the thorax, and stronger cori- 
aceous ground-sculpture of the elytra. 

Sikkim (type). Burma : Ruby Mines (Doherty). British 

86. Borolinns minatus. 

Leptochirus mimttm Cast., Hist. Nut. i, J840, p. 186. 
Lfptofhirm bi»inmu Er., Gen. Spec. Staph. 1840, p. 827. 

Entirely black, shining. Head in front with two long paral- 
lel horns, the base of each externally with a small tooth, frontal 
impression deep, as long as broad, vertex not sulcate, at the 
middle of the base with a minute fovea. Mandibles long and 
prominent, each with a large bicuspid tooth behind the apex, 
Antennse black, the 1st joint emarginate at apex, 2nd short. 


3rd much longer, 4th a little longer than broad, 5th moniliform, 
6th to 10th transverse, 11th conical. Thorax slightly transverse, 
wider than the head, the sides parallel, moderately closely 
punctured (the punctures more numerous than in B. sikkimen- 
aia), disc finely, medially sulcate, finely, irregularly striolate, 
base completely margined. Elytra as long as, but a little 
narrower than, the thorax, as long as broad, much more finely 
coriaceous than in B. sikkimensia. Abdomen transversely 
punctured at the bases and apices of the segments. Legs 
pitchy brown, tarsi ferruginous. Length 9 to 10 mm. 

Assam : Naga Hills. Sikkim : Gopaldhara Valley ; Rung- 
bong Valley {Stevens). Burma : Bhamo (L. Fea) ; Tharawaddy. 
Also in Siam, Sumatra, Java, Lombok, and Borneo. 

Genus PRIOCHIEUS Sharp. 

Friochirm Sharp, Biol. Cent.-Amer., Col. i, 2, 1887, p. 740; Heller, 
Abh. Mu8. Dresd. vii, 1896-1899, p. 9; Bernh., D. E. Z. 1903, 
pp. 114, 136. 

Biology.— Kr., Arch. Naturg-. xxv, 1859, i, p, 190, t. 3, f. 3 a. 

Of similar general facies to Leptochirus, but differing in the 
armature of the head, the prosternal process not dilated behind 
into a plate, but only slightly enlarged and more or less spear- 
shaped, the transverse 3rd joint of the maxilllary palpi, and 
the toothed inner margin of the inner lobe of the maxilla ; 
from Borolinus by the short mandibles, short 3rd joint of the 
maxillary palpi, and the toothed inner margin of the inner lobe 
of the maxilla. As in the preceding genera, the elytra are 
impunctate except on the reflexed sides, and the dentition is 
an important character in the determination of the species. 
Labrum transverse, the sides converging in front and furnished 
with a long pointed membranous ciliated lobe which is not 
connected with its fellow along the anterior border, which is 
rather deeply crescentically emarginate. Maxillary palpi with 
the 1st joint very short, small, 2nd short, clavate, lightly 
curved, 3rd transverse, 4th elongate, narrowed towards apex 
and about as long as the 2nd and 3rd together. Outer lobe 
of the maxilla much narrower than in the preceding genera, 
spinose and ciliate ; inner lobe shorter and narrower than the 
outer, hooked at the apex, the inner margin spinose. Tongue 
broad and membranous, broadly emarginate in front, in the 
middle with a chitinous rod which is dilated in front into a 
orescentic plate. Paraglossse distinct, ciliate. Labial palpi 
short, 1st and 2nd joints subequal, longer than broad, the 2nd 
curved, 3rd longer than the 2nd and narrower apically. Men- 
tum not sulcate in the middle. Mesosternal process simple or 

96 SrA.PHl'MNTD.E. 

keeled. Anterior tibiae sorrato, the middle and posterior 
spinose. Winged. Tarsi as in the preceding. 

Key to the Subgenera. 

1. Front margin of the head Trith a more or [Bemh., p. 96. 

less distiuct tooth in the middle Tbiacanthochibus 

Front margin of the head without tooth in 
middle 2. 

2. Head in front divided by a deep, narrow, 

median impression into two large lobes, [Bernh., p. 100. 

often themselves dentate CErHALOMEUus 

Head with a frontal impression which is at 
least as broad as long 8. 

3. fi)ach mandible above with an upright curved 

process whicli is longer than the mandible [Beriih., p. 108. 


Each mandible at most with a short 
depressed process 4. 

4. Front of head unarmed, not produced on 

either side of the impression into a lobe or [Hernh., p. 109. 

horns Lkptarthuus 

Front of head armed 5. 

5. Clypeus, frontal ifhpression, sides, and an- 

terior and posterior margins of the thorax 

up to the disc conrsely and rather closuly [Hcrnh., p. 109. 

punctured , Stigmatoohiuus 

Olypeus and thorax impunctate 6. 

6. The Ions; axis of the large frontal horn lies 

nearer to the side-margin of the head than [p. 1 1 1. 

to the middle line I'lastus Bernb., 

The long axis of tlie large frontal horn lies 

nearer to the middle line than to tlie side- [p. llfi. 

margin Pjiiochibus, s. str., 

Stibgen. Teiacanthochieus Bernh., W. E. Z. xl, 1923, p. G3. 
Triaatiithua Bernh., D. K. Z. 1903, p. 130. 

The species of this subgenus are distinguished by the presence 
of three more or less distinct teeth on the front margin of the 

Key to the Species. 

1 . Size larger, 12 to 15 mm 2. 

Size smaller, 7 to 8 mm 4. 

2. Median frontal tooth prominent, its apex 

extending beyond the level of the apices 

of the lateral teeth 8. 

Median frontal tooth small, its apex behind [p. 98. 

the level of the apices of the lateral teeth, pentagonalii Bernh., 

3. Broader species, the median touth cylindrical 

with rounded apex apicalis Epp., p. 97. 

Narrower species, the median tooth narrowed [p. 97. 

before the apex, which is pointed bipunctatug Fauv., 



4. Median frontal tooth proniiiieut, its apex 
extending beyond the level of the apices 

of the lateral teeth tridem Motsch., p. 99. 

Median tooth minute ceylanensix Fauv., p. 99. 

87. FriochiraB (Triacanthochirus) apicalis. 
Leptnchirus apicalis Epp. *, W. E. Z. xir, 1895, p. 68. 

Dark red, shining, head blackish. Median frontal horn long, 
stout, cylindrical, the apex rounded and projecting a little 
beyond the level of the apices of the lateral teeth, these as 
stout as the median, everted, vertex sulcate. Antennae black, 
the 1st Joint emarginate at the apex, the penultimate joints 
transverse. Thorax strongly transverse, medially sulcate, on 
either side with a large puncture, sides straight, almost parallel, 
and somewhat coarsely and rather closely punctured, more 
sparingly against the margin, the base bordered, ground- 
sculpture wanting. Elytra a little longer and a little narrower 
than the thorax, about as long as broad, without ground- 
sculpture. Abdomen rather closely punctured at the bases 
of the segments. Legs red. Length 12 to 15 mm. 


88. PriocMrus (Triacanthochirus) bipunctatus. (Fig. 22.) 
Leptochirtts bipunctatus Fauv., Rev. d'Ent, xiv, 189o, p. ISO. 

Very closely allied to the preceding and differing only in 
the narrower and less robust build, the distinctly narrower 

Kjf. 22. — Priochirus (Triacanthochirua) bipunctatus, head and thorax. 

thorax ; the median tooth of the head is narrowed before the 
apex and pointed, whereas in apicalis it is of uniform cylindrical 

VOL. I. 11 


form ; the sides of the thorax are rather more coarsely and 
closely punctured. Length 12 to 15 mm. 

Sikkim : Gopaldhara, Rungbong Valley. Burma : Carin 
Cheba; Carin Gh^cu; Tenasserim; Mt. Moolevit: Plapoo 
(L.Fea). ^ 

89. Priochirus (Triacanthochirus) pentagonalis. (Fig. 23.) 

PriocMrus (TrioMi-us) pentagonalis Bernh., W.Z.B. hiv. 1914. 
I). 78. ' * 

Tnacanthwijietcheriy&x. analis Cam., E. M. M. Ivi, 1920, p. 142. 

Subdepressed, black, shining, the apex of the abdomen 
rufescent (var. amlis). Antennae black. Lees pitchy, tarsi 
reddish. Length 12 mm. 

Head narrower than the thorax, eyes small, prominent. 
iVontal impression about twice as broad as long, the sides 

Kg. 23. — Priochirus (Triaeanthochirua) j)entagonalis, head and thorax, 

converging in front, lateral teeth short and stout, median tooth 
short, small, its apex a little behind the level of the apices ot 
the lateral teeth, side-margin of the head from the apex of the 
lateral tooth to the antennal tubercle straight, oblique ; vertex 
Bulcate. Antennae thickly pubescent, 4th and 5th joints shor<i 
oval, 6th to 10th transverse. Thorax strongly transverse, 
about one-half broader than long, slightly narrowed in front^ 
the sides feebly rounded and moderately finely and closely 
punctured, disc medially sulcate, on either side witH usually 
two punctures (occasionally only one), the posterior placed 
externally to the anterior, base completely bordered and with 
a few fine punctures. Elytra much longer than the thorax, 
longer than broad, along the suture with 4 or 5 punctures 
and a row of 5 or 6 more extending from the shoulder nearly 


to the posterior margin, the rest of the surface finely and very 
sparingly punctured. Abdomen practically smooth in the 
middle, at the sides of the bases of the segments with a few 
superficial punctures. 

Chambaganoor (type). lyerpadi ; Kodaikanal ; Anamalais 
(Fletdksr). Nilgiri Hills {H. L. Andretoes). 

90. Priochirns (Triacanthochinis) tridens. 

Leptochirus tridens Motach., Bull. Mosc. xxx, 1857, ii, p. 502. 

Shining, black, apex of the abdomen often reddish, some- 
what depressed. Frontal teeth well developed, the median 
projecting slightly beyond the level of the apices of the lateral. 
Antennae black. Legs reddish. Length 7 to 8 mm. 

Head narrower than the thorax ; frontal impression about 
twice as broad as long, the sides slightly converging in front ; 
frontal teeth well developed, the median rather more robust 
than the lateral, more prominent, triangular ; vertex sulcate ; 
basal tooth of the mandibles separated from the sharp narrow 
subapical tooth by a narrow triangular emargination. An- 
tennae with the 1st joint emarginate at apex, 2nd very short, 
4th to 10th transverse. Thorax distinctly transverse, medially 
silicate, sides parallel and closely punctured up to the lateral 
margin, yellow pubescent, dorsal smiace without sculpture. 
Elytra longer than the thorax, longer than broad, the epipleura 
with a few punctures, otherwise impunctate. Abdomen with 
variable punctiu-ation, usually rather coarsely and closely 
punctured at the bases of the segments. 

Burma : Carin Gh^cu. Assam : Naga Hills. Also in the 
Malay Peninsula, Java, Sumatra, etc. 

91. FriocMrus (Triacanthochiras) ceylanensis. 

Zeptochirus ceylatiensis Fauv., liev. d'Ent. xxi, 1902, p. 12. 

In size and build allied to L. subtridens Heller, approaching 
it in the structure of the head, but the antennae redc^sh, more 
slender and shorter, 4th to 11th joints shorter ; frontal 
depression with the horns acute, short, the interval sub- 
depressed, middle of the anterior margin scarcely produced, 
truncate, the truncate part very finely bordered, the 
lateral horns externally before the antennal tubercles scarcely 
oblique, but deeply emarginate ; thorax more convex, with 
the anterior angles less rounded, much more strongly punctured; 
elytra a little shorter. Length 7 to 7J mm. 

Ceylon (E. Simon) (ex Fauvd). 


100 STAPHTlIlflD^. 

Subgenus Cephaiomeuus Bernh., D. E. Z. 1903, p. 139. 

This subgenus is distinguished by the frontal impression' 
being longer than broad, the head appearing more or less 

1. I^arge species 16 to 23 mm 2. 

Smaller species 6 to ]0'5 mm 3. 

2. Penultimate joints of nnteniijo longer than 

broad bifoveatva Epp., p. 102. 

Penultimate joints of antennee transverse . cotostalig Bemh., 

3. Ist joint of antennas impressed at the apex, [p. 100. 

which is emarginate 4. 

Ist joint of antennee longitudinally sulfate 
throughout 7. 

4. Penultimate joints of antenna; fully as long [p. 103. 

a« broad ; entirely red species combustVK Fauv., 

Penultimate joints of antennie trans\erse . 5. 
6. Front of head on each side with two distinct 

pointed teeth hoplites Fnuv., p. 107. 

Front of head without distinct teeth 6. 

6. Antero-internal angle of the frontal lobe 

in front of the level of theantero-extei-nal 

angle pygmceus Kr., p. IOC. 

Antero-internal angle of the frontal lobe 
behind the level of the antero-external 
angle andreiresi, sp. n., p. 107. 

7. Entirely black species; frontal impression 

very narrow exaratus Kpp... p. 101. 

Species entirely or in g'roat part red or 
ferruginous ; frontal impression wider . . b. 

8. Penultimate joints of the antennro not 

transverse vidiciin Bernh., p. 105. 

Penultimate joints of the antennaj trans- 
verse 9. 

9. Species in great part bright red 10. 

Species dark ferruginous red, the elytra black [p. 1 05. 

with the base narrowly reddish ruhiyinosut, sp. n., 

10. Larger (10 mm ) ; the distance between 
the apices of the median teeth less than 
that between the apices of the median and 

lateral rvftis Cam., p. 104. 

Smaller (7-9 mm.) ; the distance between [p. 103. 

the apices of the teeth equal sangrihiosus Mots-eh., 

92. Friochirus (Cephalomerus) colossalis. 

Priochiriis {Cephalomerus) colostalia Bernh., Ark. Zool. xix, A, 1927, 
p. 3. 

Very distinct by the structure of the head. Of the facies 
and colour of mandibvlaria Kr. Head well developed, divided 
into two lobes (which are considerably raised above the level 
of the front of the head) by a complete median longitudinal 
sulcus ; each lobe in front with two well-marked processes, 
of which the outer forming the antennal tubercle is rounded 
and produced obliquely outwards, the inner is broad, not very 


long, diverging from the outer, the apex not acute; between 
these processes the surface is impressed, and behind the inner 
is a deeper and broader transverse impression, and behind the 
outer a smaller one. Viewed laterally from the front the 
posterior angles are distinctly produced outwards as an elevated 
tooth ; near this on the margined posterior border are some 
setiferous punctures. The apex of the mandibles is moderately 
prominent and obliquely elevated inwards and upwards, the 
upper margin is furnished with a small tooth. Antennae 
moderate, the penultimate joints moderately transverse. 
Thorax twice as broad as long, umbonate, deeply sulcate in 
the middle, the sides slightly rounded, the posterior border 
sharply margined, irregularly, coarsely and sparingly punctured 
on the reflexcd sides. Elytra much longer than the thorax, 
along the sides deeply and broadly impressed, at the base 
coarsely and more thickly punctured, the rest of the surface 
finely, irregularly, and sparingly. Abdomen at the base of the 
segments coarsely, at the side more thickly punctured. Length 
23 mm. 

Northern India (Staudinger). Unique (ex BemJiauer). 

0.5. Pnochirus (Cephalomerus) exaratns. (Fig. •^4.) 

Le/ituchirus exaratus Epji. *, 1). V.. Z. 189."), p. 400. 

Somewhat depressed, shining, black, the apex of the abdomen 
reddish. Antennae reddish-brown. Legs ferruginous. Length 
10-5 mm. 

Pig. 24. — Pnochirus (Cephalomerus) eataratus, head and thorax. 

Frontal impression narrow, about twice as broad as, but of 
equal length to, the sulcus of the vertex ; inner tooth very 
short and broad, the outer much smaller and sharper, the 

102 staphtliniDjE. 

level of its apex behind that of the inner tooth and separated 
from it by a rounded emargination. Antennae with the 1st 
joint longitudinally sulcate throughout, the penultimate joints 
transverse. Thorax rather strongly transverse, medially 
sulcate, the sides parallel and with two rows of punctures, the 
upper consisting of about seven uniformly placed, the lower of 
about nine rather smaller ones placed close to the margin 
itself : the base not completely bordered, with a fine coriaceous 
ground-sculpture which is absent in places. Elytra a little 
longer and a little narrower than the thorax, about as long as 
broad, the ground-sculpture as on the thorax. Abdomen with 
a row of fine punctures at the bases and apices of the segments. 
Burma : Ruby Mines (Ddherty). 

94. PriochiruB (Cephalomenis) bifoveatus. (Fig. 25.) 

Leptoehirus bifoveatus Epp., W. K. Z. xiv, 1895, p. 69. 

Priochirus (Cephalomertts) mnjor Cam., E. M. M. Ivi, 1920, p. 142. 

Black, shining, apex of the abdomen reddish. Antennsa 
black, thickly yellow pubescent. Legs black, tarsi reddish- 
testaceous. Length 16 mm. 

Fig. 25. — Priochii-us (^CepJMlomerus) bifoveatus, head and thorax. 

Head much narrower than the thorax, divided by a deep 
triangular excision in the middle of the front into two lobes ; 
frontal impression very narrow, passing insensibly behind into 
the deep and narrow sulcus of the vertex ; each lobe with a 
Stout inner and a smaller outer tooth, separated by an emargin- 
ation and a deep depression, the apex of the outer tooth a little 
behind the level of the apex of the inner ; between the sulcus of 
the vertex and the lateral margin with two f ovese on each side ; 
exceedingly finely and sparingly punctured. Mandibles promi- 
nent. ^tennae thickly yellow-pubescent, reaching the middle 
of the elytra, all the joints longer than broad, the 1st not sulcate. 
Thorax strongly transverse, in the middle with a fine longitu- 
dinal groove, the reflexed sides with 5 or 6 moderate punctures. 


and against the margin itself with a more numerous row, 
exceedingly finely and sparingly punctwed and with a very 
fine coriaceous ground-sculptiu-e. Elytra narrower but a little 
longer than the thorax, about as long as broad, more distinctly 
coriaceous than the thorax. Abdomen with a transverse row 
of basal and apical punctvires on each segment. Coriaceous. 
Sikkim. S. India : Palni Hills (L. V. Newton). 

95. PriochiruB (Cephalomerus) sangninosus. (Fig. 26.) 

Leptuchirus sanguinosus Motach., Bull. Mosc. xxx, 1857, iv, 
p. 501. 

Shining, bright ferruginous red, the elytra behind and the 
penultimate abdominal segment blackish. AntennsB pitchy, 
the 1st joint red, sulcate throughout. Legs reddish-testaceous. 
Length 7 to 9 mm. 

Fig. 26. — Priochims {Cephalomerus) eanguinoniia, head and thorax. 

Sulcus and frontal impression club-shaped, the latter not 
much longer than broad ; inner frontal teeth short and stout, 
pointed, each externally with a denticle as far from the apex 
as the two inner teeth are from each other. Antennae with the 
penultimate joints distinctly transverse. Thorax distinctly 
transverse, the sides straight, a little more retracted in front 
than behind and with a row of four large punctures ; middle 
finely sulcate. Elytra a little longer than the thorax. Abdo- 
men extremely finely and sparingly punctured. 

Burma : Carin Cheba ; Tenasserim. 

96. PriocMruB (Cephalomerus) combustus. 

Leptockinis combttstus Fauv., Rev. d'Eut. xxi, 1902, p. 10. 

Size and build of L. sanguinosus Motsch., but otherwise 
different ; entirely reddish-testaceous, very shining, the head 



and antennae slightly inf uscate ; mandibles more prominent ; 
the eyes a third smaller. Antennae longer and stouter, the 
1st joint scarcely longitudinally sulcate above, near the apical 
emargination with four or five setigerous punctures ; 3rd joint 
elongate ; 4th to 10th all longer than broad, especially the 4th 
to 7th, 10th scarcely quadrate, 11th almost twice as long, pear- 
shaped. Head massive, the front broad, the lobes a half 
shorter than in sanguinosus, scarcely produced, the apex of 
each a little emarginate, the emargination somewhat toothed 
externally, internally bounded by a longer, although short, 
tooth ; the vertex more narrowly and less deeply impressed, 
with two large punctures on each side rather distant from the 
sulcus. Thorax as in sanguinosris, but more convex, the an- 
terior margin more deeply bisinuate, the reflexed side-margins 
with one or two punctures. Elytra more convex, less short, 
a little longer than broad, with the postero-external angle 
scarcely dentate. Abdomen much broader, thicker, the base 
of the segments scarcely depressed, much less constricted, 
with the series of punctures less deep, but stronger. 
Anterior tibiae with five teeth stronger than the others. Length 
9 mm. 

Sikkim : Darjeeling. Unique (ex Fauvel). 

97. FriochiruB (Cephalomerus) rufus. (Fig. 27.) 

Pnochirus (^Cephalomerus) rufus Cam., E. M.M. Ivi, 1920, p. 142. 
Shining red. Antennae pitchy, the first joint red, longi- 
tudinally sulcate throughout. Legs reddish-testaceous. 
Length 9 to 10-5 mm. 

Fig. 27. — Priochmm (Cephalomerus) rufus, head and thorax. 

Near P. mnguin'\8ua, but entirely red and larger than the 
average examples of that species, the antennae longer, the 
penultimate joints less transverse ; inner teeth more produced. 



the frontal impression longer, the distance between the apices 
of the inner teeth less than that between the apices of the inner 
and outer teeth. From P. comhustus Fauv. it would appear to 
differ in the sulcate 1st antennal joint and the shorter 4th to 9th 
joints, the 4th to 6th being but little longer than broad. The 
thorax in the type has four fovese on the disc, but in other 
examples there are only two or none at all. The abdomen is 
almost impunctate. 

N. Coorg : Santikoppa. Nilgiri Hills. 

98. Friochirus (Cephalomerus) indicus. 

Priochirus {Cephalomerus) indicus Bernli,, Tijdsch.v. Ent. Iviii, 1915, 
p. 214. 

Half the size of P. sanguinosua Motsch., similar in build 
and colour, but the head with different structure. The middle 
teeth are shorter, the lateral longer, so that, compared with 
one another, they are less unequal, the frontal impression is 
much broader, not longer than broad, the large teeth are wider 
apart than in sanguinosus, the vertex convex, not flat as in 
sanguinosua. The antennas are much longer, the penultimate 
joints not transverse. The thorax and elytra are distinctly 
coriaceous, less shining, the latter are longer. The abdomen 
is more punctured. Length 6-5 mm. 

N.E. Burma. Unique (ex Bemhauer). 

99. Priochirus (Cephalomerus) mbiginosus, sp. n. (Fig, 28.) 

Shining, dark red, the elytra black, the base more or less 
broadly reddish ; penultimate abdominal segment blackish. 

Fig. 28. — Priochirus (Cephalomerus) nibiginotua, head and thorax. 

Frontal margin semi-elliptically excised, the frontal impression 
moderately broad, passing insensibly into the sulcus of the 



vertex ; frontal horns stout, the inner margin as long as the 
frontal impression, lateral tooth small, nearer the apex than 
the eye. AntemMB blackish. Legs reddish-testaceous. Length 
8 mm. 

Very near P. sanguinoaus Motsch., but usually of darker 
red colour, with the elytra more broadly blackish ; the frontal 
impression is narrower and passes insensibly into the sulcus 
of the vertex, the frontal horns are longer ; the thorax a little 
more transverse. The anteimae are a little longer, the penulti- 
mate joints a little less transverse, the 1st joint is sulcate 
throughout as in mngvinosus. The sculpture is similar. 

Sikkim : Gopaldhara, Rungbong Valley (Stevens). Assam : 
Naga Hills {Chatter jee). 

100. Priochirus (Cephalomerus) pygmsens. (Fig. 29.) 

Leptochirus pygmieus Kr. *, .\rch. Naturg. xxv, 1859, i, p. 191. 

Shining, black, apex of abdomen ferruginous. Antennae 
brown. Legs ferruginous. Length 6-2 mm. 

Fig. 29.— Priochirus (Cephalomerus) pygmteus, head and thorax. 

Head divided into two lobes by an oblong excision ; the 
lobes very feebly toothed, the external with its apex posterior 
to that of the inner and separated from it by a shallow 
emargination ; frontal impression a little longer than broad, 
widest in front ; median teeth rather more widely separated 
from each other than from the lateral ; sulcus of vertex short. 
Antennae with the 1st joint not sulcate throughout, the pen- 
ultimate joints transverse. Thorax slightly transverse, the 
sides parallel, with 5 or 6 punctiu:es, base bordered, medially 
sulcate. Elytra slightly longer than the thorax, as long as 
broad. Abdomen at the sides finely and moderately closely 

" Ind. or " 


101. Priochirus (Cephalomerus) andrewesi, sp. n. (Fauvel, in 
liU.). (Fig. 30.) 

Near P. pygmcBus Kr., but differs in the shorter frontal lobes, 
the interval between them semicircular, the lobes scarcely 
toothed, but simply angulate, the inner angle on a level posterior 
to the outer ; the thorax is distinctly more transverse, the 

Fig. 30. — Priochiriis (Cephalomerus) andreicesi, head and thorax. 

sides similarly punctured. The first joint of the antennae is 
not longitudinally sulcate throughout. The abdomen has the 
segments transversely punctured at the base and apex. Legs 
ferruginous. Length 6 mm. 
Nilgiri Hills (H. L. Andrewes). 

102. Priochirus (Cephalomerus) hoplites. (I"i<;. 31.) 

Leptonhints hoplites Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 18'i, 

Black, shining, apex of the abdomen reddish. Antennae 
reddish brown. Legs reddish. Length 6-5 to 9 mm. 

Head divided in front by a narrow oblong excision into two 
lobes ; frontal impression narrow, scarcely separated from the 
sulcus of the vertex ; median tooth stouter and more advanced 
than the lateral and separated from it by a crescentic 
emargination, the space between the apices of the inner teeth 
less than that between the apices of the inner and outer ones ; 
exceedingly finely and sparingly punctured. First joint of 
antennae not sulcate throughout, the penultimate joints trans- 
verse. Thorax sUghtly transverse, the sides parallel, narrowly 
sulcate in the middle, the reflexed sides with four or five 
moderate punctures and a row of smaller ones against the 
margin itself ; the disc scarcely punctiu-ed, but here and there 
with a fine wavy ground-sculpture. Elytra a little longer but 



scarcely as broad as the thorax, slightly longer than broad, 
•without ground-sculpture, but with some exceedingly fine 
punctures. Abdomen with moderately close puncturation at 
the bases of the segments, the 7th segment more uniformly 

Kg. 31. — Vrwchirus {Cephalomerus) hoplitei, head and thorax. 

punctured ; coriaceous. Differs ivova.'pygmceua Bo*, in the much 
more developed frontal teeth, the more narrowly sepaiated 
frontal lobes, and the narrower frontal impression. 

Burma : Carin Cheba ; Carin Ghdcu. Also in the Malay 
Peninsula, Singapore, Sumatra, and Java. 

Subgenus Psbuoodontus liornli., D.E.Z. 15)03. p. 140. 

This subgenus is characterised by the long, curved, pointed 
process, sulcate internally, which arises from the upper surface 
of each mandible (than which it is longer) and is directed 
upwards, forwards, and inwards. Only one representative is at 
present known. 

103. PriochiruB (Fseucodontus) mandibularis. 

Leptochirua mandibularis Kr , Arcli. Natiiri>. xxv, 18o9, i, p. 189, 
t. 3, f. 3o-i. 

Head large, narrower than the thorax, the vertex deeply, 
broadly sulcate, the frontal impression indistinctly separated 
from the decUvous clypeus by a feeble curved ridge, at the 
sides with some rather coarse punctures, in the middle broadly, 
feebly impressed ; sides of the head much thickened and 
elevated, the antero-external angle rectangular, on either side 
of the sulcus with a puncture and 2 or 3 more on either side 
before the base. Antennae rather short, pilose, the 1st joint 
emarginate and impressed at the apex, the penultimate joints 
distinctly transverse. Thorax strongly transverse, convex, a 
little narrower behind, all the margins finely bordered, the 
reflexed sides with some large punctures, throughout the middle 
broadly and deeply sulcate, occasionally with a puncture on 


either side. Elytra a little narrower and distinctly longer than 
the thorax, a little longer than broad, sutiiral stria deep, before 
the postero-external angles longitudinally impressed. Abdo- 
men finely transversely punctured at the bases and apices 
of the segments. The whole insect black and shining, the 
antennae dark, the legs black with reddish tarsi. Length 
16-5 mm. 

Subgenus S'JCittMATocHinus Beinh., D. E. Z. 1903, p. 141. 

This subgenus is characterised by the coarsely punctured 
frontal impression and circumference of the thorax, only the 
disc itself being impunctate, the punctures are furnished with 
long yellow hairs. Only one species is found in our Fauna. 

1U4. Friochirns (Stigmatochiras) abort. 

Pnochtrus (StigmatochiruH) abort Beinh. *, W. E. Z. \liii, 10i'6, 
p. 19. 

Similar in build, size, and colour to Priochirus dohmi Fauv., 
but the antennal tubercles are more elevated, the tooth at the 
antero-internal aspect longer and sharper, the head more 
finely punctured in front and much more closely behind, the 
temples distinctly angulate, the thorax more closely punctured. 
Black, shining, covered with long, coarse, yellow pubescence. 
Head narrower than the thorax, the temples short, angulate. 
Vertex silicate ; frontal impression broad, rounded in front, 
closely punctured ; antennal tubercles large, imjiunctate, 
elevated, the antero-internal angle with a short, sharp, slightly 
diverging tooth ; vertex coarsely and closely punctured. 

Antenna) black, pubescent, extending a little beyond the 
shoulders, the 1st joint emarginate at the apex, the 3rd a little 
longer than the 2nd, 4th to 10th transverse. Thorax twice as 
broad as long, the sides evenly rounded, a little more retracted 
in front than behind, the posterior angles obtuse and prominent, 
in the middle deeply sulcate, coarsely and closely punctured, 
only the middle of the disc impunctate. Elytra about twice as 
long as the thorax, scarcely broader, the sides rather closely 
and distinctly punctm^ed, the disc obsoletely and much more 
sparingly. Abdomen finely and rather sparingly punctured in 
front, more closely behind. Legs reddish, tarsi yellow. Length 
12 mm. 

Abor Expedition : Kobo, alt. 400 feet ; Upi^er Renging, 
2150 feet. December 1912 {Kemp). 

Siibjjeniis Leptakxhkus Bernh., D. E. Z. 1903, p. 1-J4. 

This subgenus is characterised by the practically unarmed 
head and the slender antennae. 



Key to the Species. 

Species with distinct coriaceous ground- 
sculpture, less shining. Antennte longer. [p. 110. 

Length lO'6-ll mm, . . , longicomis Fauv., 

Species -without ground-sculpture, more [p. 111. 

shining. Antennae shorter. Length 9 mm. mierognathus Fauv., 

105. Friochinu (Leptarthrns) longicomis. (Fig. 32.) 

Leptochirui Umgicornii Fauv., Bull. Soc. Norm, ix, 1866, p. 14. 
Priochii-us (Cephalomeyiis) opacinus Bernh., W. Z. B. Ixiv, 1914, 
p. 79. 

Black, moderately shining, distinctly coriaceous, the apex 
<7th and 8th segments) of the abdomen red. Head unarmed. 
Antennae brown. Legs ferruginous, femora pitchy. Length 
10-5 to 11 mm. 

Readily distinguished by the unarmed head and the distinct 
■coriaceous ground-sculpture of the whole insect. Head 

Pig. Zi.^Pnochinis (Leptarthrus) longicomis, head and thorax. 

transverse, narrower than the thorax, the vertex narrowly 
sulcate, the frontal impression deep, a little broader than long 
and about one-fourth the width of the anterior margin, the 
declivous clypeus with a large setiferous puncture in the middle 
line, the frontal margin on either side of the impression forming 
a flat S -shaped well-defined edge, ending externally in a small 
obtuse point, its level in advance of the inner extremity, 
within the antennal tubercles deeply and rather broadly, 
more posteriorly obliquely impressed Antennae long and 
slender, the let joint not sulcate, the 3rd to 11th joints much 
longer than broad. Thorax distinctly transverse, the sides 
parallel, with one or two large punctures, middle of the disc 
narrowly sulcate. Elytra longer than the thorax, longer than 
'broad. Abdomen very finely, superficially, and closely punc- 
tured at the bases of the segments. 


106. Priochirus (Leptarthrus) micrognatlius. 

Leptochirus tnicroffnathun Faiiv., Kev. d'Ent. xxi, 1902, p. 13. 

Near L. longicomis Fauv. and japonictts Shp. {davidis 
Fairm.), the front of the head being scarcely horned or really 
dentate, in other respects quite difierent. Small, black, very 
shining, rather convex. Mandibles short, the two upper 
teeth very sharp, widely separated. Head short, strongly 
transverse, the frontal margin on both sides bounded by a small 
sinuate keel and in the middle with a small deep impression 
about one-third of the width of the front, the fovea bounded on 
either side by a minute angle, scarcely forming a tooth, the 
antennal tubercles broad, bounded internally by a sulcus not 
prolonged backwards ; vertex on either side of the middle with a 
well-marked puncture, the median sulcus deep. Antennae with 
the joints scarcely transverse, the 1st joint scarcely sulcate. 
Thorax rather transverse, with deep longitudinal sulcus, the 
disc on each side with a puncture, the sides from base to apex 
a little narrowed and furnished with a single puncture, all the 
angles rounded. Elytra a little longer than the thorax, the 
sides strongly rounded, with a row of fine punctures. Segments 
of the abdomen on both sides at the base and apex with a row 
of fine punctures, the penultimate segment with some additional 
ones. Anterior tibiae crenulate, the 2nd apical tooth the larger. 
Length 9 mm. 

Darjeeling or Siam (ex Fauvel). 

The locality of this species appears uncertain, but Fauvel 
considers it more probably as coming from Darjeeling. 

I do not know this species, but it would be at once dis- 
tinguished from the preceding by the absence of ground- 
sculpture, less elongate joints of the antennae, and apparently 
by the wider frontal impression. 

Subgenus Plastus Beinli., D. E. Z. 1903, p. 142. 

This subgenus is distinguished by the wide frontal impression 
the anterior border of which is separated (at least at the sides) 
by a ridge from the declivous clypeus ; occasionally the ridge is 
wanting in the middle, so that the frontal impression there 
becomes continuous with the clypeus in an uninterrupted 
surface ; in some species two small teeth or tubercles are present 
on this margin. 

Kej/ to the Species. 

1. Anterior margin of the frontal impression 

-with two small teeth or tubercles 2. 

Anterior margin of the frontal impression 
without teeth 5. 

2. Free inner edge of the large frontal tooth 

much shorter than the distance between the 
apices of these teeth 3. 

112 STAPHlLIiril>.E. 

Free inner edge of the large frontal tooth 
nearly as long aa the distance between the 
apices of these teeth eucet-us, sp. n., p. 114. 

3. Interval between the apices of the two inner 

teeth equal to that between the apices of fp. 112. 

the inner and outer teeth excavatus Motsch., 

Interval between the apices of the two inner 
teeth distinctly less than that between the 
apices of the inner and outer teeth 4. 

4. EniRrgination between the inner teeth 

almo&t semicircular. Antennae longer; 

sides of thorax parallel. Less depressed [p. 113. 

species ktUttensis Bernh., 

Emargination between the inner teeth 
shallower, crescentic. Antennse shorter; 

sides of thorax slightly convergent in front. [p. 113. 

More convex species crassicottiis, sp. n., 

5. Head deeply excavated in front, the frontal 

horns large and prominent, the frontal 

margin concave 6. 

Head scarcely excavated in front, the frontal [p. 116. 

horns small, the frontal margin truncate . . tajirobamis, sp. n., 

6. The free inner edge of the frontnl horn as 

long as the side of the frontal impression t ; 
interval between the horns wider and less 
deep. Antennaj shorter, the penultimate 
joints distinctly transverse ; sides of thorax 

rather coarsely punctured brachycems Kr., p. 114. 

The free inner edge of the frontal horn 
much shorter than the side of the frontal 
impression. Interval between the horns 
narrower and deeper. Antennae longer, the 
penultimate joints less transverse ; sides 
of thorax more finely punctured tiscendens Fauv., p. 115. 

107. Priochirus (Flastus) excavatus. 

Zeptochirus excavatus Motsch., Bull. Mosc. xxx, 18o7, p. G02. 

Of the build of the preceding [tridens], but black, the mouth- 
parts, antennae, and legs brownish. Margins of the abdominal 
segments, anus and tarsi reddish-testaceous. Head sulcate 
and excavated in the middle, strongly emarginate in front, the 
front lobes a little produced, obliquely moulded, and truncate, 
forming four not very prominent teeth, the internal of which 
are less advanced than the lateral. In sanguinosus, on the 
contrary, the internal teeth are much more advanced than the 
lateral, whilst in qvadridens they are practically on the same 
level (ex Motachoulsky). 

Priochirus (Triacanthochirus) tridens has a length of 6'5 to 
8 mm. 

" Ind. or." Also in Simiatra and Borneo. 

f This measnrement of the frontal horn is taken from the point where the 
line bonnding the side of the impression meets the frontal margin. 



108. Priochirus (Plastus) kolaensis. 

PiiocMrus (Plastus) kulmiuit Bernh., W. Z. B, Ixiv, 1914, p. 78. 

Black, shining, subconvex, the apex of the abdomen pitchy ; 
femora dark, tibiae reddish, tarsi reddish-testaceous. Antenn» 
black, the Ist joint reddish. Length 7-5 to 9 mm. 

Frontal impression more than twice as broad as long, 
distinctly grooved in the middle, its front border semicircularly 
emarginate in the middle and with a small tooth on either 
side, their apices less distant from one another than from those 
of the lateral horns, these short, parallel, more advanced than 
the inner teeth, the free inner margin much shorter than the 
side-margin of the frontal impression, very much shorter 
than the space between their apices, subcornual denticle 
distinct, but not visible from above ; vertex sulcate, on either 
side with two or three punctures. Antennae with the 4th to 
10th joints transverse. Thorax distinctly transverse, medially 
sulcate, the refiexcd sides with several moderately large 
punctures and at the base with a few more. Elytra much 
longer than the thorax, longer than broad, without impression 
near the postero-oxternal angle, lightly longitudinally im- 
pressed on the disc. Abdomen rather finely, superficially 
punctured at the bases of the segm.ents. 

Kulu (Rost). W. Almora, Kumaon {H. 0. Champion). 

109. Priochirus (Plastus) crassicornis, sp. n. (Fig. 33.; 

Very near P. kuluensis Bernh., but difiEering in the following 
respects : more depressed, the emargination between the 

Fig. 33. — Priochirus (Plastus) crassicornis, head and thorax. 

inner teeth less deep, the antennae shorter, the penultimate 
joints more transverse, sides of the thorax slightly converging 
in front and more closely punctured. Length 8-5 mm. 

VOL. I- ^ 



India (without further indication). Unique. British 

110. Friochirus (Plastus) eucerns, sp. n. (Pig. 34.) 

Shining black, the antennae brown, the legs black, the tarsi 
reddish. Length 11 mm. 

Size of P. brachycerus Kr., entirely black, subconvex, the 
"parallel frontal horns leas widely separated, the anterior 
xaargin of the frontal impression with two little teeth, the 
infra-cornual denticle longer, penultimate joints of the antennae 
less transverse, thorax broader, abdomen more coarsely 
punctured. Frontal impression deep, about as broad as long, 
its front margin with two little teeth, their apices much nearer 
to each other than to those of the frontal horns, the free inner 
edge of the frontal horn not much shorter than the distance 

Fig. 34. — Priochirus (PlaBtua) eucerws, head and thorax. 

between their apices, externally at the base rather deeply and 
broadly impressed, vertex sulcate, with a large fovea on either 
side. Antennae with the 6th to 10th joints transverse. Thorax 
strongly transverse, the sides very slightly converging in front 
and with several large punctures, in the middle sulcate. Elytra 
narrower and a good deal longer than the thorax, longer than 
broad, impressed near the postero-external angle. Abdomen 
at the bases of the segments with close superficial puncturation. 
Sikkim : Gopaiihara, Rungbong VaUey (Stevens). 

111. Priochirus (Plastus) brachycerus. (Fig. 35.) 

Leptochinu brachi/ctrtu Kr., Arch. Naturg-. xxv, 1869, i. p. 191. 

Subconvex, black, shining, the apex of the abdomen red. 
Femora dark, tibiae reddish, tarsi reddish -testaceous. Antennae 
brown. Length 11 mm. 

Frontal impression nearly twice as broad as long, concave, 
its front margin forming a semicircle with the inner margins 
-of the frontal horns, these short, stout, slightly diverging, the 



infra-cornual denticle small and not visible from above ; 
vertex sulcate. Antennae with the 6th to 10th joints transverse. 
Thorax strongly transverse, a little narrowed in front, the sides 

Fig. 35. — Priochirus (Plastns) hrachyreruit^ head and thorax. 

with numeroits rather large punctures, before the base on each 
side with five or six more. Elytra a little longer than broad, 
scarcclj' impressed behind. Abdomen superficially but rather 
•closely i)uuc!tured at the bases of the segments. 
Ceylon : Dikoya (Lewis). 

112. Priochivus (Plastus) ascendens. (Fig. 36.) 

LeptDchirus (I'liochinis) ascendens Faiiv., Rev. d'Ent. xxii, 1903, 

p. in. 

Near L. bracliycerus Kr., of the same size and colour, but 
with more slender and longer antennae, the 2nd joint small. 

Fig. 36. — Priochirua iPlattva) aacendem, head and thorax. 

the 3rd much narrower, the 4th and 5th a little longer than 
.broad, 6th and 7th orbicular, 8th to 10th a little transverse, 

• i2 



the 11th much longer, ovate, the frontal horn sulcate internally, 
the infra-comual denticle longer, the space between the horns- 
narrower, deeply obliquely emarginate ; the thorax shorter, 
all the angles more rounded ; elytra deeply broadly longitu- 
dinally impressed from the middle to the apex ; abdomen 
nearly half more sparingly punctured than in bracJiycerua ; 
the anterior tibiae with the three apical teeth one-half smaller. 
Length 8-5 to 9-5 mm. 

Burma. Siam (or Sikkim) (ex Fauvel). 

In the figure the horns are rather too widely separated. 

113. Friochirus (Plastus) taprobanus, sp. n. (Fig. 37.) 

Subconvex, black, shining. Antennse ferruginous. Legs 
brown, tarsi reddish-testaceous. Length 8-5 mm. 

Frontal impression twice as broad as long, the front margin 
quite straight and quite separated from the declivous clypeus, 
frontal horns very short, divergent, infra-cornual denticle 

Fig. 37. — Priochirus (Plaetvs) taprohanus, head and thorai. 

small, not visible from above ; vertex sulcate, on either side 
with a fovea. Antennae with the 5th to 10th joints transverse. 
Thorax strongly transverse, a little narrowed in front, the sides 
with a few large punctures, the base with a few others, in the 
middle broadly and deeply sulcate and with a large fovet- on 
either side. Elytra much longer than the thorax, longer than 
broad. Abdomen superficially but rather closely punctured 
at the bases of the segments. 
Ceylon {Leteia). 

Subgenus Priochikus, s. str. 

This division contains species with rather broad frontal 
impression and weU-marked horns, the long axes of which are 
nearer to the middle line than to the lateral margin of the 


Key to the Species. 

Larger (11-12 mm.); the long axis of the 

frontal horns conrerging in front brevicornis Er., p. 117. 

Smaller (7 mm.) ; the long' axis of the frontal 

horns slightly diverging in front ii>-mantw,sp.n.,p. 117. 

114. Friochirus (s. str.) brevicornis. 

Leptochirm brevicomu Er., Gen. Spec. Staph. 1839-40 (1840), 
p. 827. 

Head with broad frontal impression, the margin straight in 
front ; lateral horns short and thick, pointed ; vertex sulcate. 
Antennae with the 5th to 10th joints strongly transverse. 
Thorax nearly twice as broad as long, convex, a little narrower 
in front, the sides very slightly rounded, moderately closely 
punctured, deeply sulcate in the middle. Elytra a little 
longer than, but as broad as, the thorax. Abdomen at the 
bases and apical margins of the segments with a transverse 
row of fine punctures. Antennae and legs pitchy black, tarsi 
testaceous. Length 11 to 12 mm. 

" Ind. or." Also in Java. 

115. Friochirus (s. str.) birmanus, sp. n. (Fig. 38.) 

Shining, black. Frontal impression a little longer than broad, 
suddenly contracted behind at its union with the sulcus of 

Fig>. SB.— Priochirua (a. str.) birmaniia, head and thorax. 

the vertex ; front rather broadly, deeply semi-elliptically 
emarginate, median teeth stout, the free inner margin longer 
than the side of the frontal impression ; lateral tooth small, 
its apex posterior to that of the median and separated from it 
by a small orescentic emargination. Antennas brown, with 
the first joint not sulcate throughout, the penultimate trans- 
verse. Legs ferruginous, the femora darker. Abdomen 


■with the bases of the segments moderately finely and closely 
punctured. Length 7 mm. 

Somewhat similar to P. sanguinosus Motsch., but entirely 
black, the 1st joint of the antennae not sulcate throughout, the 
frontal impression broader, the inner horns longer, the space 
between broader and deeper, thorax a little more transverse, 
the eljrtra longer and the abdomen more punctured. The 
thorax has a fine wavy ground-sculpture. 

Burma : Ruby Mines {Doherty). Type in the British 

Thoracochirus Bernh., D. E. Z. 1903, pp. 116, 165. 

This genus is readily distinguished from the preceding 
genera by the coarse sculpture of the fore-parts ; the front 
of the head is unarmed except in T. verrucifer Fauv., in which 
a small denticle is present on either side of the front, the 
external surface of the mandibles is sulcate throughout, the 
3rd joint of the maxillary palpi is transverse, the 4th about 
four times as long. Neck very broad, inserted into the thorax ; 
gular sutures fused. Labrum transverse, broadly, slightly 
emarginate in front, densely spinoae, the sides with a mem- 
branous process densely ciliated internally. Maxillary palpi 
4-jointed, the 1st joint very small, 2nd short, obconical, 
3rd very short, transverse, 4th elongate, longer than the three 
preceding together, slightly narrowed towards the apex. 
Outer lobe of the maxilla densely ciliate externally and 
apically. Inner lobe with stout incurved apex and three or 
four stout teeth subapically, more posteriorly with several 
longer yet rather stout teeth. Labial palpi 3-jointed, stout, 
the 1st joint twice as long as broad, the 2nd .shorter, broader 
than long, 3rd oval, narrower at apex, longer than the pre- 
ceding. Mentum broad, narrowed in front, anterior margin 
truncate, the sides broadly emarginate. Tongue very broad, 
bi-emarginate in front, supported in the middle by a chitinous 
rod. Paraglossae well developed. Mandibles small, deeply 
sulcate externally, the groove bordered above and below, 
bifid at the apex, the superior division shorter than the inferior, 
both pointed, each mandible with a small, pointed tooth behind 
and more posteriorly with a bicuspid tooth, the cusps pointed. 
Prostemal process narrow, pointed, the anterior coxal cavities 
completely closed behind. Mesosternal process narrow, sunk 
between the coxae, these very narrowly separated. Abdomen 
cylindrical, not margined and without ventral keel at the base. 
Anterior tibiae with 3 or 4 teeth before the apex externally, 
the posterior and intermediate ciliate. Tarsi short, 5-jointed, 
the first 4 joints short and subequal, the 6th longer than all 
the preceding together ; claws long, lightly curved. 

The genus is so far only known from the Oriental Region. 


Key to the Species. 

1. Large species (11 mm.), the front of head [p. 119. 

on either side with a small tooth veirttcifer Fauv., 

Small species (4 to 6 mm.), the front of 
the bead unarmed 2. 

2. Penultimate joints of the antennas distinctly 

transverse ; pitchy-red species simoni Fauv., p. 120. 

Penultimate joints of the antenna! longer 
than broad ; blacli species 3. 

3. Bather shining; ; sides of thorax more or 

less denticulate ; segments of the abdomen 

with transverse row of line punctures at [p. 1 19. 

the base and apex varioloms Fauv., 

Rather dull ; sides of thorax very distinctly 
dentate ; segments of the abdomen very 
finely and closely punctured at the base . . assa»nenMS,sp.n.,p. 120. 

116. Thoracocliirns verrucifer. 

Leptochiriis verrucifer Fauv., Rev. d'Knt. xiv, 1895, p. 182. 

Very remarkable by the sculpture. Black, very sparingly 
pubescent, head and thorax dull, elytra a little, the abdomen 
more shining ; head and abdomen pitchy, the base of the 
antennae, 1st, 6th, and 7th abdominal segments and the legs 
red, palpi and tarsi reddish testaceous, the 6th segment 
infuscate at the base ; antennje stout, densely setose, the 
3rd joint twice as long as the 2nd, 6th and 7th subquadrate, 
8th to 10th scarcely transverse ; head over the base of the 
antennae broadly tuberculate, the tubercle auriculate, the 
apex f oveate and ending in a little tooth ; front deeply excavate, 
coriaceous, on either side with a little tooth ; vertex medially 
sulcate, with strong umbilicate punctures ; eyes small, pro- 
minent ; thorax convex, twice as broad as long, rugulose, with 
large umbilicate punctures, the sides sparingly, the anterior 
border more densely crenulate, the sides from the rounded 
anterior to the acute posterior angles rather dilated, the 
base obliquely bisinuate ; scutellum very finely, transversely 
striate ; elytra a little narrower than the thorax, quadrate, 
convex, with large setigerous verrucose punctures not very 
closely placed ; 2nd to 4th segments of the abdomen with the 
bases a little coriaceous, the 5th with a transverse row of fine 
punctures, 6th and 7th with scattered punctures, especially 
at the base and apex ; legs rather slender. Length 11 mm. 

Tenasserim : in the mountains. Uniqiie (ex Fauvel). 

117. Ihoracochirns variolosus. 

Lejitochirus variolosus Fauv. *, Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1896, p. 183. 

Black, rather shining. Head transverse, narrower than the 
thorax, eyes prominent, front broadly impressed, very finely 
irregularly wrinkled, the front margin gently rounded, vertex 


Bulcate, on either side with a few umbilicate punctures ; antennal 
tubercles large, globose, impunctate. Antennae slender, reddish, 
3rd to 10th joints longer than broad, decreasing in length. 
Thorax strongly transverse, the sides parallel, finely denticulate, 
middle of the disc with deep impunctate groove, before the 
base transversely sulcate, towards the sides obscurely impressed, 
rather closely covered with coarse umbilicate punctures. 
Elytra longer and a little broader than the thorax, slightly 
transverse, rugulose, the sides finely denticulate. Abdomen 
with a row of very fine punctures at the bases and apices of 
the segments, the 7th with a few more scattered punctures. 
Legs reddish. Length 5 to 6 mm. 

Burma : Carin Cheba ; Carin Asciuii Cheba ; Carin Gh^cu ; 

lis. Thoracochirns assamensis, sp. n. 

Very similar to the preceding, but less shining, the thorax 
more closely (but very similarly) sculptured, sides of thorax 
with more numerous and longer denticles, elytra much more 
rugose, the sides with more numerous and larger denticles. 
Abdomen with the bases of the segments finely and densely 
punctured. Antennae pitchy, the apex lighter. Legs reddish 
testaceous, the femora pitchy. Length 5-5 mm. 

Assam : Naga Hills, alt. 9000 feet. 

119. Thoracochirus simoni. 

Leplochinit simoni Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. xxi, 1902, p. 21. 

Very diflferent from the preceding species in the colour, less 
coarsely sculptured fore-parts, and the distinctly transverse 
penultimate joints of the antennae. Pitchy red, shining, the 
abdomen brown, the 7th segment except the base and the 
whole of the 8th testaceous. Antennae reddish-testaceous. 
Legs testaceous. Head transversely depressed in front, the 
depression scarcely coriaceous, shining, the anterior margin 
almost straight and with four small granules. Antennal 
tubercles prominent, globose, impunctate, vertex narrowly 
sulcate, on either side with a few fine punctures. Antennae 
with the 6th to 10th joints transverse, gradually increasing in 
width, 11th conical. Thorax strongly transverse, a little wider 
in front than behind, the sides not denticulate, middle of the 
disc narrowly sulcate, at the base with transverse fovea, on 
either side of the middle witH rather close, rather fine, scarcely 
umbilicate punctures, elsewhere with much more sparing 
asperate punctures. Elytra much narrower but longer than 
the thorax, as long as broad, rugulose. Abdomen scarcely 
punctured. Anterior tibiae rather thickened towards apex and 
sinuate internally. Length 4 mm. 

Ceylon : Elandy. 

PSEUD0F8IS. 121 


Pseudopsini Gaiiglb., Kaf. Witt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 690. 
J'aeudopsinis Reitt., Fn. Germ, ii, 1909, p. 16. 

This tribe is only represented by a single genus. 

Genus PSEUDOPSIS Newin. 

Pseudopsis Newman, Ent. Maj?. ii, 1834, p. 313: Lacord., Gen. Col. 
ii, 1854, p. 149; Jacci- du Val, Gen. Col. d'Eur. ii, 1858, p. 81 ; 
Kraaiz, JBerl. Ent. Zeit. i, 1867, p. 50 ; Fauvel, Fn. Gallo-KhSn. 
iii, 1872, p. 22 ; Muls. et Rev, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, xiv, 1878, 
p. 206; Gan}rlb.. Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. C91. 

Readily recognized by the costate head, thorax, and elytra, 
and the bordered abdomen. The only other genus in our 
Fauna with these characters is Eupiestus Kr., but in this 
the thoracic costse are interrupted and not parallel as in the 
present genus. 

Depressed, the abdomen pointed. Head small, narrowed 
behind, scarcely constricted. Temples bordered above and 
below ; gular sutures separated. Antennae 11 -jointed. Labrum 
strongly transverse, widened in front, scarcely emarginate, the 
anterior angles strongly rounded. Mandibles strongly curved 
and pointed, each with two stout triangular teeth, posteriorly 
with a finely ciliated membrane. Iimer lobe of the maxilla 
narrow, sharply pointed and curved at the apex, the inner 
margin with numerous fine spines ; outer lobe broader than 
the inner, the apex with fine curved spines. Maxillary palpi 
with the 1st joint small, 2nd short, narrowed at the base, con- 
siderably thickened apically, 3rd longer and thicker than the 
preceding, oval, 4th longer and much more slender than the 
3rd, subulate. Mentum short and broad, trapeziform. Tongue 
divided to the base into two broad, divergent, apicaUy rounded 
lobes. Paraglossae strongly developed, spinose, not quite 
reaching the apex of the tongue. Labial palpi rather long, the 
1st joint long, cylindrical, the 2nd a little narrower and half as 
long, the 3rd narrower, but about as long as the 2nd. Pro- 
sternum short and broad, slightly angulate between the 
coxae, epipleura separated from the triangular epimera by a 
sutiure, coxal cavities open behind. Mesostemal process short, 
sharp, scarcely extending a third of the inner edge of the 
coxse, these contiguous. Intersternal piece triangular, separated 
from the metasternum by a suture continuous with the outer 
margin of the coxal cavities. Abdomen without keel at base 
on the ventral surface. Scutellum shield-shaped, with five 
fossae. Tibiae finely shortly spinose. Tarsi short, 5-jointed, 


the first four joints short and equal, the 5th about as long as- 
the four preceding together. 

The genus is distributed in Europe, Northern India, North 
America, and Chile. 

120. Fseadopsis sulcata. (Plate 1. fig. 8.) 

Pseudopsis sulcata Newm., Ent. Mag. ii, 1834, p. 314; J acq. du 
Val, Gen. Col. d'Eur. iii, t. 28, f. 138 ; Kraatz, Beri. Ent. Zeit. i, 
1857, p. 50; Fativ., Fn. Gallo-Rhto. iii, 187-', p. 23 ; Muls. et 
Eey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lvon, xxv, 1878, p. 208; Ganglb., Kaf. 
Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 692. 
Pseudopsia columbica Fauv., Bull. Soc. Linn. Norm, x, 1866, p. 11. 

Subdepressed, dull, the abdomen more shining. Head 
black, thorax brown, the side-margins broadly, the anterior 
and posterior margins narrowly reddish brown, elytra and 
abdomen brown or reddish brown. AntennsE and legs reddish 
brown. Length 3-5 to 4-5 mm. 

Head subpentagonal, eyes rather large and somewhat 
prominent, temples shorter, slightly convergent and slightly 
constricted behind, neck broad, the disc broadly longitu- 
dinally impressed throughout, in the middle a little elevated, 
above the eyes with a fine keel from the antemial tubercles 
to the constriction of the neck, front margin gently rounded, 
the whole surface except a smooth triangular shining sjiace in 
front, rugose, glabrous, with three club-shaped setae on either 
side, one supra-ocular, one temporal, and one on the anterior 
margin. Antennae rather short, the 1st joint thick, clavate, 
the 2nd globular, smaller than the 1st, 3rd narrower than 2nd, 
clavate, 4th about as long as broad, 5th to 10th transverse, 
gradually increasing in breadth, the lOth longer than 9th, 
11th short, oval. Thorax twice as broad as the head, strongly 
transverse, widest at the posterior third, the sides rounded, 
more narrowed in front than behind, the anterior angles rounded, 
the posterior obtuse ; disc with four strong, parallel, equi- 
distant keels throughout, in the middle line with a much finer 
and shorter keel, closely, finely, asi)erately punctured, glabrous. 
Seutellum shield- shaped, with five opaque fossae separated by 
shining keels. Elytra a little longer and wider than the 
thorax, each with four keels, a sutural, lateral, and two discal, 
the latter abbreviated behind, the interspaces superficially 
but roughly sculptured, glabrous. Abdomen pointed behind, 
more shining than the fore-parts, the segments arcuately 
impressed, finely, moderately closely punctured and with a 
fine short yellow pubescence, the posterior margins with four, 
the lateral with one, somewhat club-shaped setae. 

West Almora. Simla Hills. Chakrata district : Binal 
Gad, 7000 to 8000 feet above the sea. I have only found this 
species in loose sandy soil beneath the dejecta of cattle. 



ProUinini Er., Kaf. MtctV. Brand, i, 1837-1839, p. 641 (excl. 

Micropeplus) ; Er., Gen. Spec. Staph. 1840, p. 901 (oxcl. GlypUma^ 

Micropeplus) ; Kr., Natiirg. Ina. Deutsch. ii, 1856-1858, p. 1019 ; 

Rye, E. M. M. iv,jp. 205; Ganglb., Kaf. Mitt. Eur. li, 1896, 

p. 756 ; Keitt., W. E. Z. xxir, 1906, p. 226. 
Froteinidet Lac, Gen. Col. ii, 1864, p. 146. Jacq. dii Val, Gen. Col. d'Eur. ii, 1857-1859, p. 78- 

(excl. Pseudopsis, Micropeplus). 
Omaliina, Subtrib. Proteinides Th., Skand. Col. iii, 1861, p. 217. 
Profinini FtLuv., Fn. Qallo-Rh^n. iii, 1872, p. 24; Lecoute & Horn, 

Class. Col. N. Amer. 1883, p. 105. 
Profdiniens+PhUobiens Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. Aerr. Lyon, (6 )viii, 

1876, p. 209; id.. Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, xxv, 1878, pp. 217, 253. 
Pi-oteimna Sharp, B. C.-A. i, 2, 1887, p. 743. 
Proteinina Reitt., Fn. Germ, ii, 1909, p. 10. 

This tribe i.s distinguished by the absence of a pair of ocelli 
on the vertex (in Phloeobium a single median ocellus is present, 
but this genus has not so far been recorded in our Fauna), the 
large posterior trochanters, the abdomen keeled at the base 
ventrally, and the scarcely prominent anterior coxa;. Two 
genera occur in our Fauna. 

Key to the Genera. 
Thorax not sulcate in the middle line ; the 

sides not explanate, tlie penultiniate joints [p. 123. 

of the antennso forming' a club Photkinus Latr., 

Thorax sulcate in the middle line ; the sides 

explanate, penultimate joints of antenna) [p. 125. 

scarcely forming a club MEGAHTunus Steph., 

Genus PROTEINUS Latr. 

Proteimtf Latr , Prec. Oar. Ins. 1796, p. 9 ; Er., Ksif. Mark. Brand. 
1,1837-1839, p. 642; id.. Gen. Spec. Staph. 1840, p. 902; Lac, 
Gen. Col. ii, 18r)4,p. 140; Jacq. du Val, Geii. Col. d'Eur. ii, 1858, 
p. 78; Kr., Naturg. Ins. Deutsch. ii, 18.'j8, p. 1022; Th., Skand. 
Col. iii, 1861, p. 217 ; PandolM, Mat. Cat. Gren. ii, 1807, p. 108; 
Fauv., Fn. Gallo-Rhfin. iii, 1872, p. 29 {Protmus); Muls. et Rey, 
Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, xxv, T878, p. 218 ; Ganglb., Kaf. Mitt. Eur. 
ii, 1895, p. 757; Dodero, Boll. Soc. Ent. Ital. Iv, 1023, pp. 43-47. 

Biology. — Chapiiis et CandJize, Mem. Soc. Sc. Lifege, viii, 1853, 
p. 402 : Rupertsberger, Biol. Lit. Kaf. Eur. 1894, p. 126. 

The genus comprises small black or obscurely coloured oval 
species, generally distributed throughout the world except in 
the Australian region. 

Head transverse, narrower than the thorax, strongly con- 
stricted behind the eyes, neck broad, gular sutures ill-defined, 
widely separated. Antennae with first two joints stout. 
Labium strongly transverse, corneous, truncate in front, the 
sides and anterior angles rounded, finely setiferous, the anterior 


margin furnished with a broadly emarginate membrane. 
Mandibles stout, pointed, edentate, the inner border with a 
ciliated membrane. Outer lobe of the maxilla a little widened 
at the apex, densely and finely ciliate, inner lobe narrow, 
corneous externally, the apex furnished with a rather strong 
curved tooth and with three or four fine spines immediately 
behind and posteriorly with a membranous ciliated lobe. 
Maxillary palpi 4-jointed, the 1st joint very small, the 2nd 
much dilated from the base to apex, scarcely longer than 
broad, the outer margin rounded, apex truncate, 3rd joint 
much narrower, broader than long, 4th elongate, narrower 
than the 3rd, about as long as the two preceding together, a 
little narrowed at the apex. Mentum transverse, trapezoidal, 
the sides converging in front, anterior margin truncate, 
narrower than the posterior. Tongue broad and membranous, 
■deeply triangularly emarginate in front, paraglossae not 
prominent, very finely ciliate. Labial palpi very short and 
stout, 1st joint much broader than long, 2nd narrower than 
1st, broader than long, 3rd narrower than 2nd and scarcely 
longer, the apex obliquely truncate and with a somewhat 
reniform more corneous thickening of the margin. Pro- 
sternum broad and short, its apex sharply pointed ; epimera 
narrow triangular, fused with the epipleura. Mesosternal 
process narrow, pointed, extending nearly to the posterior 
border of the coxae, its sides elevated ; intermediate coxae 
narrowly separated. Metasternal process very short, receiving 
the apex of the mesosternal process. Episterna narrow, 
pointed behind. Abdomen with 1st ventral segment feebly 
carinate. Posterior trochanters elongate. Tibiae pubescent. 
Tarsi 5-jointed, the 1st joint about as long as the two following 
together, these short, together shorter than the 5th joint. 
Elytra ample, winged. 

The genus is found in decaying fungi, small carcases, and 
vegetable debris. 

Key to the Species. 

Species blnck ; tliorax reddish ruficollis Cam., p. 124. 

Species fusco-testiiceous ; head and abdomen [p. 126. 

black fiucotestaceus Cam., 

121. Proteinns rnflcoUis. 

Proteimisrufieollii Cam., Tr, Ent. Soc. Lond. 1924, p. 162. 

Oval, moderately shining, black, thorax red. Antennae 
testaceous, the last four joints black. Legs testaceous. 
Length 1-2 to 1-7 mm. 

Of the build of P. atomariua Er., but readily distinguished 
by the red thorax, the more shining appearance, the longer 
antennae, which are also less stout, and the less close elytral 


Head subtriangular, transverse, narrower than the thorax, 
eyes prominent, vertex foveate on either side, impunctate, 
finely coriaceous. Antennae with the first two joints stout, 
subequal, 3rd shorter and more slender, 4th and 5th 
slender, scarcely longer than broad, 6th and 7th as long 
as broad, 8th to 10th transverse, 9th and 10th much 
more strongly, 11th stout, conical. Thorax strongly trans- 
verse, widest about the middle, the sides slightly rounded in 
front, almost straight and more strongly narrowed behind, 
posterior angles rectangular, the base lightly impressed near 
the angles, extremely finely and extremely sparingly punctured , 
very finely coriaceous, verj'' finely and sparingly yellow 
pubescent. Elytra broader and more than twice as long as 
the thorax, finely and moderately closely punctured, finely 
pubescent. Abdomen narrowed behind, extremely finely 
and sparingly punctured, extremely finely coriaceous, prac- 
tically glabrous. 

Simla Hills : Theog, 7600 feet ; Fagu, 8000 feet ; Nar- 
kanda, 9000 feet above sea-level ; in rotten fungus. Mussooric , 
7000 feet above sea. 

122. Proteinus fuscotestaceus. (Plate I. fig. 9.) 

Proteimis fnscotcstaceua Cam., Tr. Ent. Soc. Lond. 192J, p. 162. 

Oval, moderately shining, fusco -testaceous, the head and 
abdomen black. Antennae testaceous or fusco-testaceous, 
the last four joints black. Legs testaceous. Length 1-2 
to 1-7 mm. 

Build of the preceding, differs in the colour, the distinctly 
though finely and not very closely punctured thorax, with .t. 
fine median line and without basal impressions near the 
posterior angles, coarser elytral sculpture, and less fine 
abdominal puncturation ; the thorax also is much less finely 

Dehra Dun ; in a small carcase. 

Genus nEGARTHRUS Steph. 

Megarthnis Steph., 111. Brit. Ent. v, 1832, p. 320. ; Er., Kaf. Mark. 
Brand. 1839, p. 643; id., Gen., Spec. Stapli. 1840, p. 904; Lac, 
Gen. Col. ii, 1854, p. 147 ; Jaeq. du Val, Gen. Col. d*Eur. ii, 1858, 
p. 79; Kr., Naturp. Tns. Deutsch. ii, 1858, p. 1026; Th., Skand. 
Col. iii, 1861, p. 218 ; Fauv., Fn. (Jallo-R^hn. iii, 1872, p. 25 ; Muls. 
et Rey, Ann. Soc. Liun. Lyon, xxv, 1878, p. 232 : Sharp, B. C.-A. 
i, 2, 1887, p. 748; Ganglb., Kiif. Mitt. Eur. ii. 1895, p. 760. 

Biology. — Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, xxxiii, 1886, p. 160 ; 
Rupertsberjrer, Biol. Lit. KSf. Eur. 1894, p. 126 ; Xamheu, Moeursi 
Ins. vi, p. 109. 

More or less depressed oVal or oval-oblong insects, of obscure 


-coloration, the sides of the thorax before the posterior angles 
with one or more emarginations. Head subtriangular, strongly 
constricted behind the eyes, neck thick. Antennae slender, 
11-jointed, the first two joints stouter than the following. 
Gular sutures widely separated, nearer in the middle, from 
there diverging in front and behind. Labrum transverse, 
furnished in front with a membrane with emarginate anterior 
border, finely ciliate. Mandibles stout, pointed, edentate. 
Outer lobe of the maxilla rather broad, narrower towards the 
apex, which is furnished with long fine cilia. Inner lobe 
narrow, corneous, the apex with a hook, behind this with a few 
fine cilia along the inner edge. Maxillary palpi 4-jointed, the 
1st joint very small, 2nd strongly dilated from base to apex, 
a little longer than broad, 3rd narrower, cylindrical, a little 
longer than broad, 4th elongate, cylindrical, narrower than 
preceding, about as long as 2nd and 3rd together. Mentum 
transverse, trapezoidal, anterior margin truncate, the sides 
feebly broadly emarginate. Tongue broad, membranous, 
broadly triangularly emarginate in front. Labial palpi 
3-jointed, the 1st joint a little longer than broad, 2nd narrower, 
scarcely as long as broad, 3rd narrower, cylindrical, about 
twice as long as broad. Prosternura short, broad, its process 
narrow and pointed. Epimera triangular, sutured with the 
epipleiwa, coxal cavities open behind. Mcsosternum finely 
keeled, its process narrow and pointed, extending nearly to 
the end of the coxse, these narrowly separated. Metasternal 
process short and broad, meeting the mesosternal process ; 
episterna triangular, narrowed behind. Abdomen keeled 
at the base below. Tibiae finely ciliated. Tarsi 5-jointed, 
the lat joint scarcely as long as tho two following together, 
these short, subsqual, 4th short, the 5th about as long as 
the three preceding together. Winged. 

The genus is distributed throughout the world with the 
exception of the Australian region, and is found amongst 
vegetable debris etc. 

Key to the Species. 

I. Elytra black, with seven testaceous spots [Champ., p. ]32. 

posteriorly, one of them sutural seplempunctatus 

Elytra without such markings 2. 

'2. Puttcturation of the elytra simple 3. 

Puncturation of the elytra asperate 6. 

3. Sides of thorax not or scarcely angulate at 

or near middle 4, 

Sides of thorax distinctly angulate at or 
near middle 6. 

4. Colour uniform pitchy brown ; sides of 

thorax distinctly emarginate before the 

posterior angles , . . , chatterjeei Cam., p. 130. 

uEaABiHsrs. 127 

Colour fusco-testaceous ; elj'tra teslaceous, 
each with a brown apical spot ; sides of 

thorax very slightly emarginate before [p. 128. 

the posterior angles bimaculatus fauv., 

6. Sides of thorax between the angulation 

and the posterior angles bi-emnrginate ; 

colour reddish brown, elytra very coarsely [p. 127. 

punctured ; thorax very short umbonatui Fauv., 

Sides of thorax between the angulation 
and the posterior angles tri-eniai'}iinate ; 
colour pitchy brown, elytra less coarsiely [p. 130. 

punctured ; thorax longer trisinuatus Cam., 

■6. Sides of thorax not or scarcely angulate at 
or near middle, the sides gently rounded 
from the emargiiiation in front of the 
posterior angles to the anterior angles ; 

species pitchy red birmanus Fauv., p. 128. 

Sides of thorax distinctly angulate at of 
near the middle 7. 

7. First two joints of antennse clear reddish 

yellow 8. [p. 131. 

First two joints of antenna; pitchy black . . Jtavultmbatiis Cam., 

8. Elytra distinctly emarginate behind the 

antero-externnl angles, humeral callus 

prominent, thorax deeply 4-fossulate ; [p. 129. 

species subdepressed, oblong basicomis Fauv., 

Eljtra not emarginate behind the antero- 

external angles and without humeral 

callus, thorax obsoletely 4-fossulate .... 0. [p. 129. 

■fl. Species oval, convex, elytra reddish brown . ru/omarginatus Cam., 
Species oval-oblong, subdepressed; elytra 

pitcliy black , alticola Cam., p. 1^1. 

123. Megarthrus um'bonatus. 

Meffarthrus umhonatus Fauv., Rev. d'Knt. xiv, 1895, p. 194. 

Small, strongly convex, pale pitchy, the mouth, 2nd to 
Cth joints of the antennae, anterior part of the front, explanate 
side-margins of the thorax, anus, and legs dirty reddish- 
testaceous ; antennae slender, the 3rd to 5th joints elongate, 
equal ; head depressed, in the middle of the front scarcely 
raised, the oblique sulci obsolete : thorax peculiar, very short, 
the disc subopaque, strongly elevated, very closely asperately 
punctured like the head, densely pubescent, longitudinally sui- 
cate, the sides broadly explanate, somewhat shining, strongly 
narrowed in front, sinuate behind the middle, the posterior 
Angles dentate, behind the tooth emarginate, the base rounded ; 
scutellum small ; elytra a little shining, twice as long as the 
thorax, coarsely rather closely punctured, pubescence short : 
abdomen short, conical, densely and finely punctured, the 
punctures squamulose. Length 2J mm. Occasionally with 
the antennae and the margins of the elytra reddish-testaceous. 


Burma : Carin Asciuii Gh^cu, 1400 to 1500 m., iv., v. 
(L. Fea). Sikkim : Darjeeling (Christie) (ex Fauvel). Simla. 
Hills : Theog {Cameron). 

124. Uegarthrus bimacalatus. (Plate I. fig. 10.) 

Megarthnw bimaculatus Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. .xxiii, 1904, p. 87. 

A striking species. Short ovate, convex, dirty testaceous, 
the disc of the thorax a little infusoate, the palpi, 7th to 10th 
joints of the anteimae, and 3rd to 5th abdominal segments 
pitchy black; the elytra with a large black ante-apical spot not 
reaching the apex, the suture, or the sides, and obliquely 
truncate in front. Antennae slender, the 3rd to 5th joints 
elongate, equal, 7th to 11th forming a club, 11th pitchy red. 
Head dull, rugosely punctulate, the front scarcely elevated 
in the middle, very finely margined, the apical border broadly 
truncate. Thorax not so dull, small, narrow, twice as broad 
as long, the sides shining, strongly rounded, slightly explanate, 
scarcely sinuate, in front of the posterior angles scarcely 
visibly emarginate, with an obsolete fossa on either side before 
the middle, disc hardly sulcate, but obsoletely keeled from 
the middle to the base, strongly, rugosely punctured. Elytra 
convex, at the base as wide as the thorax and a third longer, 
from the base to the apex strongly dilated, rather shining, with 
large regular punctures rather closely placed. Abdomen 
nearly dull, very finely closely asperately punctured, the 
punctures with short scales. Length 2^ mm. 

Ceylon ; very distinct from all by its colour, punctur- 
ation, and its thorax without lateral emarginations 
(ex Fauvel). Nilgiri Hills (Andrewes). 

12.1. Megarthrus birmanus. 

Megarthrus birmanus Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. liv, 1895, p. 194 j 
Cameron, Trans. Ent. Sor-. Loud. 1924, p. 163. 

Somewhat approaching M. hemipterua 111., but shorter, 
entirely dirty testaceous, with the two basal segments except 
the apices scarcely pitchy ; antennae a little longer, the 1st 
joint scarcely dilated, the 2nd longer, subparallel ; the eyes 
more prominent ; the frontal margin obtusely rounded ; 
thorax a little narrower, the sides more rounded, the disc 
more finely sulcate, in the middle on either side near the 
sulcus foveolate ; elytra a little more strongly punctured, 
the postero-external angle more rounded. 

Burma : Carin Asciuii Gh^u, 1400-1500 m., iii., iv. (L. Fea) 
(ex Fauvel). 

If I am correct in the determination of this species, the (J 
has the following characters : middle tibiae curved, posterior 
tibiffi with a black spur at inner apical angle. To the above 
locality must be added Mussoorie District, 6000 feet above 
the sea. 


126. Meganhras rofomarginatus. 

Megarthrus rufomarginatw, Tidiip. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1014, 
p. 525. 

Broad, convex, pitchy brown or pitchy black, sides of thorax 
reddish-testaceous, obtusely angled at the middle. Antennae 
with first five or six joints reddish-testaceous, the following 
infuscate, the last pale testaceous. Legs and palpi reddish- 
testaceous. Length 2-3 mm. 

Of the size and short ovate convex build of M. bimacvlatus 
Fauv., but differs entirely in the colour and the shape of the 

Head subtriangular, with a narrow oblique impression on 
either side posteriorly, finely but roughly sculptured. Antennae 
with first two joints stout, 2nd shorter than 1st, 3rd to 8th 
long and slender, 3rd to 5th of equal length, 6th to 8th gradually 
decreasing in length, 9th and 10th transverse, 11th suborbicular; 
the last three joints forming a club. Thorax twice as broad 
as long, the sides narrowly explanate, increasing in width 
from the anterior angles tothe middle, obtusely angled, slightly 
narrowed and slightly eraarginate before the posterior angles ; 
disc with median impressed line from base to apex ; sculpture 
rugose and rather coarse. Elytra convex, ample, rather more 
shining than the fore-parts, dilated behind, widest at the 
posterior third, coarsely and somewhat asperately punctured. 
Abdomen strongly narrowed behind, closely, finely and 
asperately punctured. 

Nilgiri Hills {H. L. Andrewes). Also in Sumatra. 

127. Uegarthrns basicornis. 

Mef/nrthrus basicornis Fauv., Rev. tl'ljUt. x\i,i, 1904, p. 87 ; 
Cameron, Trans. Ent. Soc. Loud. 1924, p. 164. 

Rather near M. affinis Miller. Differs from all in the colour 
of the antennae, the umbonate thorax, the sides of which have 
three emarginations, the disc with four strong impressions, and 
the shoulders elevated and produced. Black, head and thorax 
dull, elytra rather, abdomen scarcely shining. Antennae 
brownish, the four joints, the palpi, sides of the thorax, 
apex of the 6th and 7th abdominal segments reddish testaceous. 
Antennae very slender, shorter, the 11th joint reddish brown. 
Head as in affinis, the front scarcely less sparingly j)unctured. 
Thorax shorter, twice as broad as long, more closely rugose, 
the sides strongly rounded, equally explanate in front and 
behind, tri-angulate,the first of them a little behind the anterior 
angle, the sec'ond near the middle, the third between the second 
and the acute posterior angle, the disc umbonate, deeply 
longitudinally sulcate, on each side in front with a deep fossa, 
at the base on each side with another curved one. Elj-tra 

vol, I. K 


rather more atsperate than in affinia, the humeral callus elevated 
and produced backwards as a long keel, the sides behind the 
callus shortly, deeply sinuate, and with an oblique impression 
extending from the obtuse postero-external angle towards the 
disc. Abdomen a little more finely and densely asperate and 
squamulose. Length 2-5 mm. 

Sikkim : Darjeeling {Christie) (ex Fauvel). 

If my determination of this species is correct, the <J has the 
following characters : middle tibiae with a shallow emargination 
of the apical third of the inner margin ; posterior femora with 
a tooth in the middle of the posterior border, posterior tibise 
emarginate internally before the apex. It also occurs in the 
following localities : — Simla Hills : Gahan ; Kotgarh ; Nar- 
kanda ; 7000 to 9200 feet above the sea. 

128. Kegarthras chatterjeei. 

Megaithrua chatterjeei Cam., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1924, p. 102. 

Oval, convex, pitchy black, opaque ; elytra shining ; sides 
of thorax explanate, scarcely angulate at the middle, fusco- 
testaceous, flatly emarginate before the posterior angles ; 
antennae slender, the first two joints testaceous, the 3rd to the 
6th testaceous at the bases ; legs brownish-testaceous. Length 
2-5 mm. 

Size and build of M. bimactdatus Fauv., but the colour quite 
different, the head semicircularly impressed, the emargination 
before the posterior angles much more defined. Head opaque 
pitchy black, rugosely punctured, scarcely elevated in front, 
with an oblique impression behind the antennae on cither side 
united behind on the vertex ; antennae slender, the first two 
joints dilated, the 3rd to 8th longer than broad, gradually 
decreasing in length, 9th and 10th about as long as broad, 
llth oval, much longer than the 10th. Thorax twice as broad 
as long, medially sulcate, flatly emarginate before the posterior 
angles, the sides narrowed and feebly sinuate behind the anterior 
angles, scarcely angulate at the middle, brownish testaceous ; 
puncturation of the disc rather fine and rugose, on the sides 
coarse. Elytra shining, convex, ample, 2J times longer than 
the thorax, dilated from base to apex, closely, coarsely, and 
simply punctured. Abdomen strongly conical, nearly opaque, 
very finely and rather closely punctured. 

Chakrata district, 5000 to 6500 feet above the sea. 

129. Megaithrus trisinnatus. 

MegaHhrut tri$inuatttt Cam., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1924^ p. 163. 

Oval, convex, pitchy black, opaque, elytra shining, sides of 
-thorax reddish, angulate at the middle, from thence narrowed 


in a straight line to the anterior angles, S-sinuate posteriorly ; 
antennae f usco-testaceous, the last 5 joints darker ; legs 
trownish-testaceous. Length 2-75 mm. 

Head rather finely, closely, andrugosely punctured, the vertex 
with an oblique impression on either side ; antennae slender as 
in the preceding species. Thorax twice as broad as long, the 
sides explanate,more shining and much more coarsely punctured 
than the rest of the surface, angulate at the middle, from thence 
narrowed in a nearly straight line to the rounded anterior 
angles ; posteriorly distinctly tri-emarginate before the 
posterior angles ; disc narrowly sulcate, closely, rather finely 
and rugosely punctured. Elytra ample, coarsely, closely, and 
simply punctured, 2 J times longer than the thorax and a little 
dilated behind. Abdomen conical, very finely and rather 
closely punctured. 

Chakrata district : Manjgaon, 6500 feet above the sea. 

130. MegarthruB flavolimbatus. 

Megarthrus Jlavolimbatus Cam., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1924, 
p. 164. 

Oblong, subdepressed, pitchy black, moderately shining, 
the sides of the thorax rather broadly, the base very narrowly 
testaceous ; antennas slender, black ; legs testaceous. Length 
3 mm. 

Head black, opaque, shagreened, finely, closely, rugosely 
punctured, front a little elevated, slightly shining, vertex with 
a small fovea on either side ; antennas with the 9th and 10th 
joints about as long as broad, all the rest longer than broad. 
Thorax 2^ times broader than long, slightly shining, the sides 
feebly angulate at the middle, almost straight from thence to 
the rounded anterior angles, posterior angles acute, with a 
small emargination externally, between this and the median 
angulation scarcely emarginate ; disc medially sulcate, punc- 
turation fine, close, and asperate. Elytra as wide at the base 
as the base of the thorax, twice as long, widened behind, 
more shining than the fore-parts, closely, moderately coarsely, 
and asperately punctured. Abdomen slightly shining, very 
finely and closely punctured. 

(J. Middle tibiae curved ; posterior tibiae thickened and with 
a strong tooth just before the middle of the inner margin. 

Simla Hills : Matiana ; Narkanda ; Kotgarh ; 7000 to 9200 
foet above the sea. 

131. Megarthrus alticola. 

Megmikrm alticola Cam., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1924, p. 16.5. 

Oval-oblong, subdepressed, a little shining; head black, 
ihorax reddish brown, the margins lighter ; lateral borders 



3-emarginate ; elytra asperately punctured ; antennae with- 
the first four joints and the legs testaceous. Length 3 mm. 

Resembling M. basicomis Fauv. in the shape of the thorax, 
but the lateral impressions are obsolete, the basal foveate, the 
elytra are a little longer and not sinuate at the shoulders, the 
puncturation less close and less asperate, and the whole insect 
rather more shining. Head black, nearly opaque, the front 
slightly elevated in the middle, obliquely impressed on either 
side between the eyes, closely, moderately iinely, rugosely 
punctured ; antennae slender, all the joints longer than broad. 
Thorax fully twice as broad as long, reddish brown, the 
margins lighter, slightly shining, the sides angulate at the 
middle, with three slight emarginations, one behind the anterior 
angles, the second behind the median angle, the third (very 
flat) in front of the posterior angles ; disc deeply sulcate, on 
either side with large obsolete impression and with an obsolete 
fovea before the base on either side of the middle line ; 
puncturation moderately fine, close and rugose. Elytra at base 
as wide as the base of the thorax, more than twice its length, 
slightly widened behind, subdcpressed, closely and more 
strongly punctured than the thorax, asperate. Abdomen very 
finely and closely punctured. 

Simla Hills : Narkanda, 9200 feet above the sea. 

132. Kegarthrns septempunctatus. 

Megarthnis septempunataUis, Champ.*, E. M M. Ixi, 1925, p. 102. 

Rather convex, pitchy black, moderatoly shining, the 
explanate margins of the thorax, a common oblong spot on the 
suture behind the middle, a rotind spot near the suture about 
the level of the middle, another near the iiostciro-intcrnal angle 
and a third a little in front and external to it, the lateral 
margins of the elytra and the posterior margins of the 5th 
and 6th abdominal segments, testaceous. Antennjc with the 
first two joints clear reddish-testaceous, the following more 
or less obscure. Legs testaceous. Ix>ngth 2 mm. 

Head obtusely produced in front, closely, moderately finely, 
rugosely punctured, the front and an elevated plaque on each 
side of the vertex smooth and more shining. Antennae 
slender, the 3rd to 9th joints longer than broad, gradually 
decreasing in length, 10th about as long as broad. Thorax 
strongly transverse, convex, the sides rounded, with a scarcely 
perceptible angle about the middle, the posterior angles acute, 
with a flat emargination in front, disc sulcate in the middle, 
closely, rugosely, rather less finely punctured than the head. 
Elytra twice as long as the thorax, convex, closely, moderately 
coarsely, simply punctured. Abdomen conical, moderately 
closely and finely punctured, scarcely coriaceous. 

OilJLLllSI. 133 

(J. Intermediate tibiae slightly curved, finely denticulate 
within from about the middle to the apex, inner apical angle 
with a tooth. 

Kumaon : W. Almora (H. 0. Champion). 

Tribe C. OMALimi. 

Omaliini Ganj^lbauer, Kaf. Mitt. Hur. ii, 18i)5, p. 697. 

Omalini Ericlison, Kaf. Murk. Rrand. i, 1837-1839, p. 013 ; id., 

Gen. Spec. Staph. 1839-1840, p. 840; Kraatz, >.'aturg. Ins. 

Deutsch. ii, 1856-1858, p. 904. 
Omalides Lacordaiie, Gen. Col. ii, 1854, p. 182. 
Omalitea Jacrjuelin du Val, Gen. Col. d'Eur. ii, 1857-1859, p. 66. 
Onialiina Thomson, Skand. Col. ii), 1861, p. 177 (ei Proteiniden). 
Homalini Lecoiite & Hoi-n, Class. Col. N. Amer. 1883, p. 103. 
Oinaliina Sharp, )}iol. C-nt.-Amer. i (2) 1882-1887 (1887j, p. 744. 
Omalinee Roittfir, Faun. Germ, ii, 1909, p. 16. 

A tribe readily recognized by the presence of two ocelli 
on the posterior part of the head ; occasionally these are 
rudimentary, but very rarely entirely absent (in some examples 
of Hygrogeus). In the female sex of some species of the genus 
Anthobium the elytra are as long or even longer than the 
abdomen and are exceptional as regards this family. The 
anterior coxae are conical and rather prominent, the posterior 
transverse. Tarsi all 5-jointed except in Tetradelus, where 
they are 4-jointed. The first ventral segment of the abdomen 
is keeled in the middle. 

Key to the Oenera. 

1. All the tarsi S-jointed 2. [p. 167. 

All the tarsi 4-jointed Tbtbabblus Fauv., 

2. Last joint of the posterior tarsi much 

sliorter than the lirst four joints together . 3. 
Last joint of the posterior tarsi almost as 
long as or longer than the first four joints 

together ' 10. 

8. Mandibles internally with two or tliree 

strong, pointed teeth 4. 

Mandibles at most with a small tooth, 

usually without teeth 6. 

4. Last joint of the maxillary palpi shorter 

than the preceding. Ocelli well deve- I p. 160. 

loped Geodkomicus Kedt., 

Last joint of the maxillary palpi longer 
than the preceding. OceUi rudimentary [p. 165. 

or wanting Hygbooeus Rey, 

6, Last joint of the maxillary palpi four 
times longer than the preceding. Meso- 

sternum keeled Lesteva Latr., p. 158. 

Last joint of the maxillary palpi at most 
three times longer than the preceding. . 6. 
•6, First joint of the posterior tarsi as long as 

the three following together 9. 


First joint of the posterior tarsi scareely 

as long as the two following together . . 7. 
I 7. Ocelli distinct; 4th joint of antennsescarcely 

shorter and not narrower than the 6th . . 8. 
Ocelli obsolete ; 4tli joint of nntenoee much [p- 149. 

shorter and narrower than the 5th MANNBBHKTMrAMakl., 

8. Temples with post-ocular tooth; thorax [p. 161. 

with explanate sides, the mnrgin.s raised . LATHBnr^UM Er., 
Temples without post-ocular tooth ; thorax 
without explanate sides, the margins not 
raised Abpkdium Kr., p. lf)6. 

9. Front with two deep longitudinal sulci 

more or less conver){ing in front. [p- 156. 

Temples stronglv Iteeled below Amphichkoum Kr., 

BVont flat. Temples not keelod below . . Philorhinum Kr., 

10. All the tarsi dilated and clothed with [p. 148. 

long hairs at the sides Anthobium Steph., 

All the tarsi simple without long hairs at [p- 134. 

the sides H ■ 

11. Last joint of the posterior tarsi much 

lunger than the four preceding together. fP- ^41. 

Mesosternum not keeled Phlo:onomU8 Ileer, 

Last joint of the posterior tarsi only as 
long as or shorter than the four preceding 
together 12. 

12. Posterior tarsi longer than half the tibia ; 

thorax at most with two obsolete dorsal [P- 13°. 

impressions Phyllodbepa Thorns., 

Posterior tarsi shorter than half the tibia; 
thorax with two deep longitudinal 
impressions Omalium Gr., p. 1 38. 

Genus ANTHOBIUM Steph. 

Anthohinm Steph., 111. Brit. Ent. v, 1832, p. 335; Er., Kaf, Mark. 
Brand, i, 1837-39, p. 637; id.. Gen. et Spec. Staph. 1839-40, 
p. 890 ; Lacord., Gen. Col. ii 18")4, p. 145 ; Jacq. du Val, Gen. Col. 
d'Eur. ii, 1868. p. 77 ; Kraatz, Naturg. Ins. Ueutsch. ii, 1856-58, 
p. 1006; Thomson, Skand. Col. iii, 1861, p. 202; Fauv., Faun. 
Gallo-Rhfin. iii, 1872, v. 34; Key, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, xxni,. 
1880, p. 290 ; Ganglb., Kaf. -Mitt. Bur. ii, 1896, p. 745. 

Small, more or less depressed, oblong-ovate, obscurely coloured 
species compose this genus. By far the larger portion are 
found in the cooler parts of the Northern Hemisphere fre- 
quenting various species of flowers. Only two species are a» 
yet recorded from this country, and both from the higher 

Head more or less triangular, constricted behind the 
eyes, the neck thick. Gnlar sutures fused. Ocelli distinct. 
Labrum transverse, lightly emarginate in front, the sides and 
anterior angles rounded, finely ciliate. Mandibles stout, 
curved, pointed, the right occasionally with a very small tooth. 
Inner lobe of the ipaxilla narrow, pointed, its inner margin 

AKTHOBirM. 186 

with numerous spines ; outer lobe a little broader, its apex 
and external border rather coarsely ciliate. Maxillary palpi 
with the Ist joint very small, 2nd narrow at the base and 
gradually widened towards the apex, 3rd very short, widened 
from base to apex, 4th stout, conical, at least twice as long 
as the preceding, its base as broad as the apex of the 3rd joint. 
Mentum transverse, trapezoidal, narrowed in front, the sides 
and anterior margin straight. Tongue broad, obtusely 
emarginate in front, forming two lobes, finely ciliate. Labial 
palpi short, 3-jointed, 1st joint about as broad as long, 2nd 
about half as long as the 1st, the 3rd cylindrical, narrower than 
the preceding, almost as long as the 1st and 2nd together. 
Prosternum well developed, its process very short, pointed. 
Epimera triangular, fused with the epipleura, coxal cavities 
open behind. Mesosternum simple, its process narrow and 
pointed, nearly reaching the whole length of the coxae, these 
narrowly separated. Metasternum broad, its process short 
and acute, meeting the mesosternal process. Episterna broad 
in front and gradually narrowed behind. Elytra extending 
considerably beyond them. Tibiae externally often with a 
few spines. Tarsi short, the first four joints equal or gradually 
decreasing in length, dilated, the 5th as long or almost as long 
as the four preceding together. Claws simple. 

Key to the tS'ubf/euera. 

Elytra in both sexes shorter than tlie abdo- 

Elytra in the ^ as long or longer than the 

abdomen Anthobium, s. str. 

Both the species of our Fauna belong to Eusphakrum. 

Key to the Species. 

Smaller (2 iiini.). Anjrles of the thorax all 

rounded tikkimi Fauv., p. l.W. 

Larger I2J-.3 ram.). Angles of the thorax [p. 136. 

obtuse indicum Champ., 

133. Anthobium (Eusphalerum) sikkimi. 

AnlAobium sikkimi J'auv., Rev. d'Ent. xxiii, 1904, p. 88. 

<J. Narrow, shining, testaceous, the elytra pale. Near 
A. marshami Fauv., but the base of the antennae more slender, 
■the 4th to 6th joints a little longer ; head and thorax smaller, 
more shining, more closely and evenly punctured, more 
convex ; eyes smaller ; thorax shorter and narrower, trans- 
versely oval, all the angles rounded, before the scutellum with a 
scarcely visible fovea ; elytra flattened on the disc, scarcely 
more rugosely and finely punctured, the apex straightly 
truncate ; abdomen more sparingly punctured. Length 2 mm. 

Sikkim : Darjeeling {Christie). Unique (ex Fauvel). 

186 sTAPUii.imD^. 

134. Anthobiam (Eusphalernm) indicnm. 

Anthobium imlicum Champ.*, E. M. M. Ivi, 1920, p. 243. 

Reddish-testaceous, the elytra more yellow, the abdomen 
in the ^ black, the posterior margin of the 5th and whole of 
the 6th segment testaceous ; in the $ concolorovis. Antennae 
reddish-testaceous, the last two or three joints a little infuscate. 
Legs testaceous. Length 2S to 3 mm. 

Rather smaller but of similar build to A. abdominale, Gr., 
but the thorax immaculate and without impressions, the whole 
insect more closely and finely punctured, antennae shorter, the 
penultimate joints more transverse. Head finely and densely 
punctured, finely coriaceous ; ocelli small. Antennae rather 
stout, reaching a little beyond the base of the elytra, the 4th 
to 6th joints moniliform, 7th to 10th transverse. Thorax 
strongly transverse, convex, a little narrowed in front, the 
angles obtuse, not impressed on the disc, the sculpture as on 
the head. Elytra about two and a half times as long as, 
and broader than, the thorax, a little dilated behind, less 
closely and less finely punctured than the fore-parts. Abdomen 
rather closely and finely punctured on the four exposed seg- 
ments. In the (J the elytra are obliquely truncate, in the 9 
the postero-intemal angle is a little produced and thickened. 

Kurram Valley : Parachinar {F. W. Champion). 

Genus FHTLLODBEPA Thorns. 

Pht/Uodrcpa Thomson, Skand. Col. i, 1860, p. 52; iii, ISfil, p. 214; 
Key, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lvon, xxvii, ItbO, p. :i28 ; GHuplb., Kaf, 
Mitt. Eiir. ii, ]s95, p. 738 ; Luze, W. Z. B. hi, 1900, p. 547. 

Bioi-OGY. — Penis, Ann. feoc. Ent. Fr. (3) i, 1853, ji. 576, t. 17, 
ft'. 49-65 ; id., tlist. Ins. Piu. marit. p. 54 (according: to Gangl- 
bauer, 1. c. p. 788, the Inrva here detciibed is not a rhyllodrepa) ; 
Rupertsberger, Biol. lit. Kaf. Euv. 1894, p. 126. 

A genus of somewhat variable facies which has been divided 
into five subgenera, only one of which is so far known in our 
Pauna (Dropephylla Rey). The gular sutures are fused in 
front and diverge behind. The mouth-parts are very similar 
to those of Anthobium, but the right mandible is sometimes 
devoid of a tooth. The mesosternum is stated by most 
authors to be without a keel ; this is the case in P.fioralis Payk. 
and probably in its allies, but in P. {DropephyUa) ioptera Steph. 
it is distinctly keeled, as it is also in our almorense, which was 
described as an Omalium by Champion, and less distinctly 
in momlicaia. The tibiae are finely or scarcely spinose, the 
iarsi with the first four joints rather short and subequal, the 
5th as long as the four preceding together, the posterior as 
long as or longer than half the tibia. The subgenus Dropephylla 
Bey, with which we are only concerned, is characterised by 


the head being distinctly impreseed on either side in front, 
the absence of a fovea or sulcus before the ocelli, the simply 
rounded sides of the thorax, the finely keeled mesosternum, 
and the scarcely spinose tibiae. 

Kty to the Species. 

1. Antennn black. Species finely punctured. . ahnorenm Ch&vcvp., 
Antenu» with the first lour or five joints [p. 187. 

reddish-testaceous. Species rather coarsely 
punctured 2. 

2. Elytra dark monticola, sp. n., p. 137. 

Elytra clear reddish yellow, the scutellary 

region and posterior inarpin narrowly [p. 138. 

int'uscate Jlavipennii, sp. n., 

135. Fhyllodrepa (Dropephylla) monticola, sp. n. 

Narrow, elongate, parallel, subconvex, a little shining, 
black, the side-margins of the thorax narrowly rufescent. 
Antennae with the first four or five joints reddish-testaceous. 
Legs testaceous. Length 3 mm. 

More elongate than P. ioptera Steph., differently coloured with 
longer thorax and elytra, less shining, with rather coarser and 
closer jrancturation of the fore-parts and distinctly coarser 
puncturation of the abdomen. Head closely, moderately 
coarsely punctured. Antennae with the 5th to 10th joints 
transverse, the 7th and following much more strongly than 
the 6th and 6th. Thorax rather strongly transverse, with 
sculpture as on the head. Elytra broader than, and half as 
long again as, the thorax, longer than broad, similarly punc- 
tured. Abdomen slightly coriaceous, finely and moderately 
closely punctiu'ed. 

Chakrata district : Bodyar, alt. 8300 feet {Camerm). 

136. Fhyllodrepa (Dropephylla) almorensis. 
Omalium almorense (Jhamp.*, Ivi, 1920, p. i'4]. 

Narrow elongate, slightly widened behind, entirely black, 
moderately shining, finely pubescent. Antermae black. 
Legs reddish-testaceous. Length 2-6 mm. 

In build similar to P. linearis Zett., but entirely black and 
much more finely pimctured. Head small, impressed on each 
sida within the antennal tubercles, closely, moderately finely 
punctured. Antennae short, 3rd to 5th joints small, 6th to 
10th strongly transverse. Thorax transverse, the sides lightly 
rounded in front and narrowed behind, obliquely impressed 
near the obtuse posterior angles, closely, moderately finely 
punctured. Elytra broader and nearly twice as long as the 
thorax, closely and rather more coaisely punctmcd. Abdomen 


coriaceous, very finely, sparingly punctured. Mesosternum 
carinate. . 

Kumaon : W. Almora {H. 0. Champion). Found on flowers. 

137. Phyllodrepa (Dropephylla) flavipennis, sp. n. 

Shining. Head, thorax, and abdomen black, the thorax with 
the lateral margins and posterior angles reddish. Elytra clear 
reddish yellow, the scutellary region and the posterior margin 
narrowly infuscate. Antennae with the first four joints reddish- 
yellow, the rest black. Legs testaceous. Length 3 mm. 

Very similar in build to P. monticola Cam., but more depressed 
and differently coloured, the sculpture of the fore-parts finer 
and less close, in other respects very similar. 

Dehra Dun, 6. iii. 25 (ex Pinus longifdia) (C. F. C. Beeson). 

Genus OMALIUM Grav. 

Omalium Grnv., Col. Micr. 1802, p. Ill; Er., Qeu. Spec. Staph. 1840, 
p. 874; Lacord., Gen. Col. Ji, 1854. p. 143; Kiaatz, Nnturg. Ins. 
JJeutsch. ii, 1858, p 974: Jacq. du Val, Gen. Col. d'Kur. ii, leo^S, 
p. 70; Thomson, Skaud. Ool. iii, 1861, p. 211 ; Rey, Ann. Soc. 
Linn. Lyon, xxvii, 1880, p. 189; Sharp, Biol. Cent.-Amer. i (2) 
1887. p. 744; Ganglb., Kaf. JMitt. Eur. ii, 1896, p. 733; 
Liize, W. Z. B. Ivi, 1906, p. oOl. 

Anthubium, Mannerh., Al^m. Acad. P^tersb. 1830, p. 53. 

Humaliuvt, Of mm. et Hai'., Cat. Col. ii, p. C65 ; Fauv., Paun. Galio- 
Rh^n. iii, 1872, p. 57 (ex parte). 

Octhe.renus ^iotsch., Hull. Mosc. xxiii, 1860, ii, p. 546 ; Fauv., 
AbeiUe, V, 1809, p. 493. 

Biology. — Rupersisb., Biol. lit. Kaf. Eur. 1894, p. 126; Xamheu, 
JMoeurs, i, v, 94: id.. Natural. 1903, p. 55; Peyeiimli., Bull. 
Soc. Ent. Fr. 1898, p. 164; MjdberK, Zeitsch. Wiss. Ins. Biol, 
ii, 1906, p. 140, f . 8. 

More or less oblong, subdepressed, obscurely coloured species. 
Head strongly contracted behind the eyes, the neck thick ; 
front longitudinally impressed on either side, befoie the 
ocelli with a fovea or short sulcus. Labrum strongly transverse, 
emarginate in front, ciliate. Mandibles stout, pointed, the 
right with a small tooth. Inner lobe of the maxilla narrow, its- 
apex pointed, inciu-ved, the inner margin toothed and cihate ; 
outer lobe densely ciliate at the apex. Maxillary palpi with 
the 1st joint verj"- small, 2nd lightly curved, widened from base 
to apex, the outer margin longer than the inner, 3rd joint 
short, scarcely as long as broad, 4th stout, two or three timea 
longer than the 3rd, gradually narrowed before the apex. 
Mentmn transverse, trapeziform, narrowed in front, the sidea 
straight. Tongue broaid, membranous, deeply enxarginate. 
LabiAl palpi thick, the 2nd joint shorter than the 1st, both 
broader tluin long, 3rd a little narrower than the 2nd, longer 
than broad. Prostemum short, prostemal process narrow and 

OMAHUM. 13& 

pointed ; epimera triangular. Mesostemum finely carinate, its 
process narrow and pointed, the coxse narrowly separated. 
Metastemal process with rounded apex meeting the mesostemal 
process. Tibiae externally with a few short stout spines. 
Tarsi 6-jointed, the first four joints very short, the 5th as long 
as or a little longer than the four preceding together. 

Key to the Speda, 

1. Elytra brownish testaceous earioium Cam., p. 140. 

Elytra in greater part black or pitchy .... 2. 

2. AnteunsB with the first Atb joints red or 

reddish-testaceous S. [p. 140. 

Anteiinse entirely dark altivagans Beriih., 

3. Elytra with th« shoulders and posterior 

margin distinctly reddish-testaceous. 

Larger (;S'75 mm.) humerale Cam., p. 139. 

Elytra uniformly coloured, at most obscurely 
lighter at the shoulders and posterior 
margin. Smaller (3 to 3'5 mm.) 4. 

4. Larger (.'i'5 mm. ), sides and posterior margin 

of the thorax obscurely liH:hter beesoni Cam., p. 139. 

Smaller (3 mm.), sides and posterior margin 
of the thorax distinctly testaceous secre/um Cam., p. 140. 

188. Omalinm humerale. 

Omalium Immernle Cam., Trans. Eut. Soc. Lond. 1924, p. 167. 

Pitchy black, shining, the head and thorax closely and 
moderately coarsely punctured ; humeral angles and posterior 
margin reddish-testaceous ; thorax rather deeply impressed 
on either side of the middle line posteriorly ; first four joints 
of the antennae and the legs reddish-testaceous. Length 
3-75 mm 

Near O. rivulare Payk., but dificring as follows : the build is 
narrower, the temples longer, more rounded and less oblique, 
the puncturation of the head and thorax much closer, that of 
the elytra finer, the antennae distinctly shorter, the terminal 
joints much more transverse. 

Ghakrata district : Korawa Khud, 9100 feet above the sea. 

139. Omalinm beesoni. 

Omalium beesoni Cam., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1924, p. 166, 

Pitchy black, moderately shining, the head and thorax very 
closely rugosely punctured, the latter with a deep longitudinal 
impression on either side before the base ; first four joints of 
the antennae and legs reddish-testaceous. Length 3-5 mm. 

Very nea" O. ccemm Gr., and only differing in the following 
respects : the testaceous basa joints of the antenna}, the 
coarser puncturation of the head and thorax, the sides of the 
latter less rounded in ront and so more parallel, the elytra 

140 STAPnxLiNiD.i:. 

more uneven, rather less shining, less coarsely but quite as 
closely punctured. 
Chakrata district, 6500 to 8000 feet above the sea. 

14U. Omalinm cariosum. 

Omalium cm-iosum Cam., Trans. Knl. Soc. Ijinid. 1924, p. 107. 

Narrow, parallel, black, shining, the sides and posterior 
margin of the thorax narrowly reddish- testaceous, the longi- 
tudinal discal impressions feeble ; elytra fusco-testaceous, the 
base and sides lighter ; first six joints of the antennae and legs 
testaceous. Length 3 mm. 

Near 0. oxyacanthce Gr., but larger, the antennae more 
thickened apically and with testaceous base, thorax shorter, 
elytra rather more finely punctured and of different colour. 
Head black, shining, moderately finely and closely punctured, 
the front smooth, impressed on either side, vertex with a fovea 
before the ocelli, post-ocular region of the head obliquely cut to 
the neck, temples not indicated. Antennse with the 3rd joint 
scarcely longer than the 2nd, the 4th to 6th moniliform, 7th 
to 10th transverse gradually increasing in width. Thorax 
transverse, shining, the sides moderately rounded in front, the 
longitudinal discal impressions feeble, those at the posterior 
angles well marked, puncturation close, less fine than that of 
the head. Elytra twice as long as the thorax, parallel, shining, 
the puncturation as on the thorax. Abdomen greasy lustrous, 
alutaceous, exceedingly finely and sparingly punctured. 

Dehra Dun. Musscorie, 6500 feet above the sea. 

141. Omalium secretnm. 

Omalium fecretum Cam., Trans. I'^iit. Soc. Lond. 1924, p. 1C7. 

Black, shining, posterior angles and lateral and posterior 
bprders of the thorax narrowly testaceous, disc with two deep 
longitudinal impressions and deep round fossa on either side 
before the middle ; head very closely and rugosely punctiu:ed ; 
first five joints of antennae and Ihe legs testaceous. Length 
3 mm. 

Differs only from 0. ccesum Gr. as follows : the shining 
appearance, much shorter antennse with more strongly trans- 
verse penultimate and testaceous basal joints, and the colour 
of the thorax. 

ChaJkrata district : Deoban, 9300 feet above the sea. 

142. Omalium altivagans. 

Omalium altivagant Beinh., Co), liundseh. 1015, p. 40. 
Near O. brevicolle Thorns., of the same size and build, 
Bim. arly coloured, but with darker elytia and legs, and dif- 
fer ng as ollows. The head is much more strongly and more 


sparingly punctiired, more shining, the temples much longer, 
not much shorter than the diameter of the eye as seen from 
above, more flatly curved and narrowed. The antennae arc 
longer, the penultimate joints leas transverse. The thorax 
and elytra are more strongly and much more sparingly punc- 
tured, very shining, especially the thorax. Abdomen less dull. 
Length 2| mm. 

Kashmir : Sintan {Rost, 1895). Unique (ex Bemhauer). 

Genus PHL(EONOMUS Heer. 

I'Mcconomua fleer. Faun. Helv. i, 1838-1842, p. 184; Ganglb., Kaf. 

Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 731 ; J.uze, W. Z. B. Ivi, 1900, p. 589. 
Diitemmut Lee, Class. Ool. N. Amer. i, 1861, p. 69. 
I'hlaeo8tiba-\-Xylodromus-i-PltlcBonomus Thomson, Skand. Col. iii. 

1861, pp. 208-210. 
Phla;ostiba+ Phloeonomus Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, xxvii, 1880, 

pp. 171, 179. 

BiOLOOY.— Ferris, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (3) i, 1853, p. 578, t. 1", 
ff. 56-59; id.. Hist. In.s. Piu. marit. p. 56; Rupertsberger, Biol, 
lit. Kaf. Eur. 1894, p. 120. 

Differs from Phyllodrepa in the longer and more slender 
4th joint of the maxillary palpi, wliich i.s fully three times as 
long as the preceding. Th3 pasterior tarsi are shorter, not 
bnger than half the tibia, the four tarsal joints are very 
sh'jrt, shorter than Phylloirepi, the 5th joint is longer than 
the four preceding together. In other respects the two genera 
arc very similar. Thoy are narrow, subdepressed, parallel 
species found under the bark of trees. 

Kei/ to the Suhgenera. 

\. llond and tliorax distiucjtly puuctuied .... 2. 

Head and tliora.v nut or iiidi.sliuctly punt- [p. Ul. 

tured, very di.=tinctly Coriaceous aud dull. Phi.ceonomus, h. str., 
2. Sixth aiitennal joint as broad or uearly as 

broad a.'« the 7th. Head somewhat [p. 146. 

produced, the front border roundt'd Xyi.ostiba Gaiifrlb., 

Sixth antennal joint distinctly siiiallisr thnn 
the following ; head not produced, the Tp. 147, 

front margin feebly rounded Phlceostiba Thouis., 

Key to the Species o/Phloeonomus, s. str, 

(This key docs not include angvlatua Motsch., which is 
unknown to me.) 

1. Elytra closely and asperately punctured . . 2. 
Elytra simply jiunctured 8. 

2. Femora testaceous, abdomen deutiely punc- 

tured throughout ohseurus Kr., p. 142. 

Femora blackish, nbdomen scarcely punc- [Motsch., p. 143.. 

tured in front quadrifoasulatus 


5. Thorax on either side of the middle deeply 

lonf^tudinally impreBsed 4. 

Thorax on either side of the middle scnrcely 

or not at all impressed 6. 

4. Opa()^iie, black species, the abdomen only 

shiniDfi^ opacus Cam., p. 144. 

Moderately shining, elytra more or less 
brown on the disc 6. 

6. Thorax irapunctate, strongly coriaceous .. »jjrn<K/M«, sp. n.,p. 143. 
Thorax distinctly and moderately closely 

punctured, less coriaceous discalit Cam., p. 142, 

6. Entirely black species 7. 

Pitchy or ferruginous species ; elytra more 

or less brown or brownish-testaceous on 
the disc , g. 

7. A-bdoraen closely punctured ; first five joints 

of anteunsB reddish moromt Cam., p. 145. 

Abdomen sparmgly punctured; first five 

joints of HntennsB teslaceou-s suhopacus Cam., p. 144, 

8. Head impunctate, thorax flatter, median [p. 145. 

impressions more distinct aasanunsts, sp. n'., 

Head sparingly puuctured, thorax more 
convex, median impressions less distinct . aingulare Kr., p. 145. 

143. Phlceonomus (s. str.) obscnrns. 

Omalium obsmrum Kr., Arch. Naturg. xxv, 1859, i, p. 181. 

Narrow, d3pressed. Head and thorax black, dull, elytra 
and abdomen greasy lustrous, the former pitchy. Thorax 
with four deep longitudinal fossso. Antennae with the first 
four or five joints testaceous, the rest black. Legs testaceous. 
Length 1-75 mm. 

Smaller and more opaque than P. pusillus Gr. and with 
asperately punctured elytra. Head strongly coriaceous, 
impunctate. Antennae with the 6th to 10th joints transverse, 
gradually increasing in width. Thorax transverse, the sides 
obtusely angulate at the middle and with four large and 
deep fossje which extend from the base to beyond the middle • 
sculpture as on the head. Elytra twice as long as the thorax' 
finely, closely, asperately punctured. Abdomen closely and 
asperately but more finely punctured. 

Ceylon ; and widely distributed throughout the Orient. 

144. FhloeonomuB (s. str.) discalis. 

Phloewomus (s. str.) diKalis Cam., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1913 
p. o2o. ' 

Black, a little shining, elytra dirty testaceous, all the margins 
infuscate. Antennae black, the first two joints pitchy Lees 
iiestaceous. Length 1-8 mm. ^ 

Of the size and build of P. obacurus Kr., distinct by the more 

PHLffiOKOMUS. 143 

shining appearance, yellowish and much more finely and 
sparingly punctured elytra. 

Head subtriangular, narrowly impressed on either side of 
the vertex before the ocelli ; finely but distinctly coriaceous, 
impunctate. Antennae with 1st and 2nd joints stout, 3rd and 
4th globose, 5th slightly, 6th to 10th more strongly transverse, 
gradually increasing in breadth, 11th short, oval. Thorax 
strongly transverse, widest at the middle, regularly rounded 
from the anterior angles to the base, scarcely perceptibly 
sinuate before the posterior angles, which are obtuse and 
slightly explanate ; disc longitudinally impressed on either 
«ide of the middle line posteriorly, finely but distinctly coria- 
ceous, superficially and sparingly pimctured. Elytra broader 
than, and a third as long again as the thorax, coriaceous, very 
finely and sparingly punctured. Abdomen coriaceous, finely 
and sparingly punctured. 

S. India : Nilgiri Hills {H. L. Andrewea). 

145. FhlcBonomuB nigritulus, sp. n. 

Narrow, parallel, elongate, subdepressed, moderately shining, 
pitchy black, the sides of the thorax behind and the elytra 
except the apex reddish-brown. Head and thorax impunctate, 
the latter distinctly longitudinally impressed on either side 
of the middle line. Antennae with the first five joints testaceous, 
the rest black. Legs testaceous. Length 2 mm. 

Near P. discalis Cam. Very similar in colour and lustre, 
but narrower and more elongate, more strongly coriaceous, 
the head and thorax impunctate, the elytra much longer, 
twice the length of the thorax, distinctly longer than broad 
■and more finely puncttu^d. 

Assam : Naga Hills, alt. 4000 feet. 

146. Fhloeonomus (a. str.) quadrifossalatus. 
Phlamnomus quadrifossidatut Motsch., Et. Ent 1869, p. 68. 

Elongate, subovate, depressed, dull, black, tibiae and tarsi 
testaceous, base of the antennae, femora, and anus infuscate ; 
head triangular, transversely impressed behind, ocelli shining, 
«yes rather prominent, antennae clavate, the club 6-jointed ; 
thorax rather wider than the head, subtransverse, rounded 
behind, with four deep impressions, the median elongate ; 
the sides rounded in front, subangulate behind, the posterior 
-angles almost rectangular, scarcely prominent ; scutellum 
triangular ; elytra rather broader than the thorax and nearly 
twice as long, a little widened behind, rugose, asperate, or 
granulate, with very short pubescence ; abdomen subovate, 
narrowed behind, scarcely punctured in front, closely behind, 


the last segment nearly smooth. Length f lin. Breadth ^ lin. 
Near P. puaiUua but less parallel, the thorax smaller, the elytra 
rounded at the sides ; dull blaok, the club of the antennae 
and femora blackish. 

Ceylon : Nuwara Eliya, in the mountains (ex Motschovlsky). 

147. Phlffionomus (s. str.) opacas. 

PMoeanomta (s. str.) opactis Cam,, Trans. Eut. Soc. Loud. 19-'4, 
p. 168. 

Black, opaque, abdomen greasy lustrous, subdepressed ; 
thorax 4-fo3sulate ; elytra longer than broad, extremely 
finely punctured ; first five joints of antsnnse and legs reddish- 
testaceous. Length 2 to 2-3 mm. 

Very near P. pusillus Gr., but differing in the following 
respects : the antennae are longer and less stout, the thorax 
a little more transverse, the median impressions much deeper 
and larger, the lateral ones also large and deep, the punctura- 
tion of the elytra more distinct. 

Chakrata dirtrict. Simla Hills, 7000 to 8000 feet above 
the sea. 

148. Fhloeonomus (s. str.) subopacus. 

Phlmonomus (s. str.) stibopaciis Cam., Traus. Ent. .Soc. Lf)nd. VJ'ii, 
p. 168. 

Black, subdepressed, elongate, suhopaque ; thorax without 
distinct impressions ; elytra scarcely longer than broad, ex- 
ceedingly finely and sparingly punctured ; first six joints of 
the antennae and legs reddish- testaceous. Length 2 -75 mm. 

Near P. pusillus Gr., but more elongate, much less opaque, 
the antennoe a little longer and less thick ; thorax more trans- 
verse, the longitudinal and lateral improssions scarcely visible ; 
the elytra much shorter. Head subtriangular, temples reduced 
to the orbital margin, eyes rather prominent, vertex with a 
small iovesi on either side before the ocelli, finely and densely 
coriaceous, very sparingly, scarcely perceptibly punctured ; 
antennae with the 3rd to 5th joints small, 6th to 10th transverse, 
gradually increasing in width. Thorax widest at the middle, 
fully twice as broad as long, gradually narrowed and rounded 
in front, a little more narrowed posteriorly, discal impressions 
scarcely visible, only perceptible in certain positions, obliquely 
and indistinctly impressed before the posterior angles, densely 
and finely coriaceous, exceedingly finely and sparingly 
punctured. Elytra parallel, l^ times longer than the thorax, 
about as long as broad, coriaceous, exceedingly finely and 
very sparingly punctured. Abdomen densely coriaceous, 
exceedingly finely and sparingly punctured. 

Simla lUlls : Gahan, 7000 feet above the sea. 


149. PUoeonoinus (s. str.) morosns. 

Phlmonomug (s. str.) morosus 0am., Trans. Ent. 8oc. Lond. 1924, 
p. 169. 

Black, subdepressod, elongate, subopaque ; thorax without 
distinct impressions ; elytra a little longer than broad, very 
finely, closely, and distinctly punctured ; first six joints of 
the antennae and legs reddish-testaceous. Length 2 -75 to 3 mm. 

Except for the longer elytra this insect scarcely differs in 
build from P. subopacus ; it is, however, readily distinguished 
by the following differences : the antennae are shorter and 
thicker and identical in structure with P. jmaillua Gr., the 
puncturation is much less sparing and more distinct, especially 
on the elytra, that of the abdomen also is much closer and 
more definite. 

Chakrata district : Sainj Khud, 6500 feet above the sea. 
In Polyporus. 

150. Fhlceonomus (.s. str.) singulare. 

Omalium dnffulare Kr., Arch. Naturp;. xxv, 1859, i, p. 181. 

Subdcprossed, oblong-ovate, moderately shining, ferruginous 
or pitchy brown, the head, ai)ex of the elytra, and abdomen 
except the base and apex blackish. Thorax lightly impressed 
on either side of the median line. Antennae with the first five 
joints testaceous, the rest black. Legs testaceous. Length 
2 mm. 

Head coriaceous, with a few small punctures. Antennae with 
the 6th to lOth joints transverse, gradually increasing in width, 
the penultimate about twice as broad as long. Thorax twice 
as broad as long, the sides evenly rounded except before the 
posterior angles, where they are straighter and more narrowed, 
disc on either side of the middle lightly, longitudinally im- 
pressed, more deeply and broadly at the sides, finely and rather 
sparingly punctured, coriaceous. Elytra broader and twice 
as long as the thorax, as closely but less finely punctured, 
coriaceous. Abdomen coriaceous, extremely finely and sparingly 

Ceylon. Nilgiri Hills. 

151. Phlceonomns (s. str.) assamensis, sp. n. 

Subdepressed, oblong-ovate, greasy lustrous, pitchy black, 
the sides of the thorax posteriorly, the eljrtra except the sides 
and apex, and the apex of the abdomen ferruginous. Thorax 
lightly, longitudinally impressed on either side of the middle. 
.Eternise with the fust five joints testaceous, the rest black. 
Legs testaceous. Length 2-3 mm. 

VOL. I. % 

146 STAPHYIiIlflDiE. 

DifEers from P. singvJare Kr. in the darker colour, thinner 
antennse, less convex thorax, the sides of which are indistinctly 
angulate in the middle, the head devoid of punctures and 
more strongly coriaceous, the whole insect more strongly 
coriaceous and less shining, the thoracic impressions a little 
stronger, the puncturation of the thorax and elytra scarcely 

Assam : Naga ffiUs, alt. 4000 feet (S. N. ChcUterjee). 

152. Fhloeonomns angnlatus. 

Phlceonomm angulatus Motsch., Hull. JIosc. xxxiv, 1861, i, p. 142. 

Shining, elongate, depressed, pitchy black, sparingly punc- 
tured ; abdomen black, very shining, mouth, base of the 
antennae, and legs reddish-testaceous, posterior angles of the 
thorax and base of the elytra brownish-testaceous ; thorax 
transverse, bordered, finely and sparingly punctured, the 
sides straight, the anterior angles rounded, the posterior rect- 
angular, elevated ; elytra scarcely wider than the thorax, 
quadrate, sparingly punctured ; abdomen almost as broad 
as the elytra, smooth, rounded and narrowed behind, the 
sides reflexcd, anus pitchy. Length § lin. ; breadth J lin. 

Colombo (ex Motschoulsky). 

153. Pbloeonomas (Xylostiba) himalayicus. 

Phyllodrepa himalayica Cam., Trans. Eiit. Soc. Lond. 1924, p. 1G6. 

A somewhat anomalous species ; of the f acies of Phyllodrepa, 
yet in the structure of the posterior tarsi and the 4th joint of 
the maxillary palpi agreeing with Phlceonomiis. 

Elongate, subparallel, shining, black, moderately finely, 
closely punctured ; first five joints of antennse and legs reddish- 
testaceous ; last joint of maxillary palpi black. Length 
3-5 to 4-3 mm. 

A rather convex, narrow subparallel species almost free from 
pubescence ; much narrower and much more finely punctured 
than PhyUodrepafloralia Payk., and with more slender antennae. 
Head subtriangular, eyes large and prominent, their diameter 
greater than the length of the rounded post-ocular space, 
vertex with a small fossa before the ocelli on either side, the 
front a,nteriorly impunctate, the rest of the surface moderately 
finely, closely punctured, the neck more finely and closely 
punctured ; antennae with the 3rd to 5th joints slender and a 
little longer than broad, gradually decreasing in length, the 
6th to 10th transverse, not increasing in width after the 7th 
joint, the 10th a little longer than the 9th. Thorax rather 
■convex, 1| times broader than long, widest at the middle, the 
sides gently rounded and narrowed to the rounded anterior 
angles, less strongly narrowed in a nearly straight line to the 

PniKEOl^OMVB. 147 

-obtuse posterior angles ; disc without impressions, moderately 
finely and closely punctured. Elytra broader than and nearly 
twice as long as the thorax, parallel, closely and rather less 
finely punctured than the thorax, more or less longitudinally 
strigose. Abdomen elongate, parallel, greasy lustrous, exceed- 
ingly finely and rather closely punctured, finely coriaceous. 

Chakrata district, 6500 to 8000 feet. Simla Hills, 9000 
feet above the sea. 

Key to the Species of the Subgenus Fhloeostiba. 

1. Temples scarcely visible; thorax strongly [p. 147. 

transverse pinicola Champ., 

Temples well developed, half as long as 
the diameter of the eye ; thorax slightly [p. 148. 

transverse tem^aralit, sp. n., 

154. Fhloeonomus (Fhloeostiba) pinicola. 

PMcEonomui (Phkeostiha) pinicola Champ.*, E. M. M. Ivi, 1920, 
p. 242. 

Narrow, parallel, depressed, shining pitchy black, elytra 
testaceous, slightly infuscate at the base and towards the 
apical margin, abdomen less shining than the fore-parts. 
Antonnse black, the first five joints reddish. Legs testaceous. 
Length 2 to 2-6 mm. 

Intermediate in build between P. planus Payk. and P. 
lapponicus Zett., narrower than the former, broader than the 
latter ; it has the lustre of the former and the sculpture is 
very similar. Head subtriangular, eyes large, temples very 
short, lightly impressed on either side within the antennal 
tubercles, before the ocelli with a short narrow impression, 
finely, moderately closely punctured and with a fine ground- 
sculpture of lines radiating from the punctures. Antennae with 
the Ist joint rather stout, the 3rd a little longer than the 2nd, 
4th moniliform, 5th slightly, 6th to 10th more strongly trans- 
verse. Thorax transverse, the sides rounded in front, narrower 
and slightly sinuate behind, the posterior angles obtuse, in the 
middle line with a small impression before the scutellum and 
another at the anterior margin and with a trace of an impressed 
line, before the base and on the apical margin on either side 
with a small fovea, the puncturation similar to that of head, 
but a little closer, the ground-sculpture similar. Elytra about 
half aa long again as the thorax and with very similar sculp- 
ture. Abdomen less shining than the fore-parts, coriaceous, 
exceedingly finely, sparingly punctured. 

Kumaon : W. Almora, Tanakpiu-, Ranikhet {H. G. Champion), 
Mussoorie district : Arni Gad. Chakrata district : Chulli 
Khud, alt. 6000 to 8000 feet (Cameron). 



155. PhloBonomas (FhloBostiba) temporalis, sp. n. 

Elongate, narrow, depressed, moderately shining, the head 
and abdomen black, thorax pitchy, elytra testaceous. An- 
tennae with the first five joints testaceous, the rest black. Legs 
testaceous. Length 3 mm. 

A somewhat abnormal species in the comparatively long 

temples and only slightly transverse thorax. Very similar 

in colour to P. pinicola Champ., but much narrower, more 

depressed, less shining, the antennae thinner, the temples well 

developed, the thorax much less transverse, the whole insect 

more finely punctured. Head a liHle broader than the thorax, 

subtriangular, the temples about half as long as the diameter 

of the eye ; vertex flat, before each ocellus with a long, narrow 

sulcus, finely, sparingly punctured and with a more or less 

retiform ground-sculpture. Antennae short, the penultimate 

joints fully twice as broad as long. Thorax slightly transverse, 

the sides in front almost straight and converging backwards 

to a little behind the middle, from thence slightly arcuate to 

the briefly rounded posterior angles ; anterior border on each 

side with a small fovea, in the middle with a very fine raised 

line, finely and moderately closely punctured and Avith a fine, 

more or less longitudinal ground-sculpture. Elytra a little 

broader and a fourth longer than the thorax, less finely and 

more closely punctured. Abdomen coriaceous, nearly im- 


Manipur : Shugnu, alt. 3000 feet, 30. iii. 24 (8. N. Chatterjee). 

Genus PHILORHINUM Kraatz. 

Philorhinum Kraatz, Nat. Ins. Deutscli. ii, 1^58, p. 905 ; Kaiivel, 
Faun. Oallo-Rhen. iii, 1872, p. 83; Key, Ann. Soc. Linii. Lyon, 
xxvii, 1880, p. ISa ; Ganglb., Kaf. Mitt. liur. ii, 189(5, p. 7:i7. 

Small, narrow, and depressed species. Head gradually 
narrowed behind the eyes, these large and prominent. Gular 
sutures widely separated, diverging behind. Labrum deeply 
emarginate, the anterior angles acute and directed inwards. 
Mandibles rather slender, pointed, edentate, the outer margin 
more or less sinuate. Inner lobe of the maxilla narrow, its 
apex pointed and bent inwards, the inner margin with a few 
long hairs ; outer lobe widened apically, truncate, with long 
setae directed inwards. Maxillary palpi short and stout, the 1st 
joint very small, 2nd and 3rd short, obconical, 4th a little 
longer than the 3rd, conical. Mentum short, transverse, 
trapezoidal, the sides straight, anterior border scarcely emar- 
ginate. Tongue broad, membranous, broadly, triangularly 
'emarginate. Labial palpi short, stout, the 1st joint twice as 
long as broad, 2nd broader than long, 3rd narrower and a little 
longer than the 1st. Prostemum short, its process long and 


pointed, the coxsb contiguous. Mesostemum simple, its process 
short, extending about haK the length of the coxse, these 
narrowly separated. Metastemal process pointed, meeting 
the preceding. Tibiae finely spinose. Anterior tarsi with the 
first four joints short, Ist a little longer than 2nd, 3rd short, 
transverse, 4th crescentic, 5th as long as the four preceding 
together. Middle with the 1st and 2nd joints of equal length, 
each equal to the 3rd and 4th together, these short, the 4th 
crescentic, 5th about as long as 1st and 2nd together. 
Posterior fully as long as half the tibia, the 1st joint moderately 
long, 2nd shorter, 3rd yet shorter, 4th crescentic, 5th scarcely 
longer than the 1st. 

The species are found on flowers. The genua is represented 
in this Fauna by a single species. 

156. Philorhinum florivagum. 

Philorhmumjinrkola Clmmp.*, E. M. M. Ivi, 1920, p. 242 (prseoc). 
Philorhinum Jiorii'agvm Champ.*, E. M. M. liv, 1923, p. 80. 

Narrow, elongate, slightly widened behind, rather shining, 
the head and thorax reddish-, the elytra yellow- testaceous, 
abdomen reddish, more or less cxtcnBively infuscate or pitchy 
black. Antennae reddish-testaceous. Legs testaceous. Length 
2 to 3 mm. 

More elongate and parallel than P. sordidum Steph., the 
fore-parts less coarsely punctured, the eyes larger, the thorax 
less transverse. Heati a little narrower than the thorax, 
even, ocelli scarcely visible, closely, moderately finely punc- 
tured. Antennae gradually and slightly thickened from base 
to apex, the penultimate joints scarcely transverse. Thorax 
distinctly transverse, narrower behind, thesidesevenlyrounded, 
the angles rounded, the sculpture as on the head. Eljrtra 
twice as long as the thorax, parallel, more coarsely punctured 
than the thorax. Abdomen elongate, a little widened behind, 
extremely finely, rather closely punctured and coriaceous. 

Kumaon : W. Almora, iii. 1918, 1919 ; Sinni Gad, Garhwal, 
vi. 1920, alt. 4000 feet (H. G. Champion on flowers of 
Machilus). Chakrata district : Bodj'ar, Jadi Gad, alt. 7000 
to 8300 feet (Cameron). 


Maiinerheimia Maltlin, Ofv. Finsk. Vet. Soc. Forliaiid. Nxii, 1879-80, 
p. 80 ; Gang-lb., Kiif. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 725 ; Luze, W. Z. B. Iv, 
190"), p. 261. 

Oval-oblong, more or less convex species with scarcely 
visible ocelli and without a " tooth " t at the posterior 

t This tooth is the appearance when seen from above of [ the prominent 
orbital nuiTgin. 

150 JTAFHYLimi)^. 

margin of the eye. Gular sutures separated, diverging behind. 
The mouth-parts, according to Luze (I. c. p. 252), have the fol- 
lowing structure : The labrum is reniform, three times broader 
than long, the sides crescentically rounded, coriaceous, the 
anterior part membranous and slightly, rather broadly emar- 
ginate, on each side the emargination with long inwardly direc- 
ted hairs, on the upper side with a transverse row of longer hairs, 
at the junction of the membranous and coriaceous portions 
with shorter setse. Mandibles broad, with pointed apex, 
the right with a small tooth behind the middle, the left simple. 
Outer lobe of the maxilla narrow, coriaceous, its apex with a 
pencil-shaped tuft of hairs, at the outer border with a few 
curved hairs. Inner lobe longer than the outer, in great part 
coriaceous, at the apex with a rather strong, curved, pointed 
tooth, behind it with some shorter teeth and setae. Maxillary 
palpi 4-jointed, the 1st joint short, 2nd thickened towards the 
apex, obviously shorter than the 4th, the 3rd obconieal, one- 
fourth longer than broad, the 4th broadest at the middle, in 
the last fourth rather strongly narrowed, more than twice 
as long as the preceding. Tongue membranous, in front 
broadly, feebly triangularly omarginate, on the front margin 
on each side with some slightly curved hairs, the finely ciliate 
paraglossae extending as far as its outer angles. Labial palpi 
3-jointed, the joints gradually decreasing in thickness, the 
Ist scarcely as long as broad, shorter than the last, 2ncl dis- 
tinctly transverse, the 3rd oval. Mentum rather transverse, 
trapeziform, coriaceous, with rounded anterior margin. 
Prosternal process narrow, the anterior coxae contiguous. 
Mesosternum simple, its process narrow and pointed, free, 
extending two-thirds the length of the coxae, these narrowly 
separated. Metastemal process short, its apex rounded and 
separated from the mesosternum by an intercoxal plate. Tibiae 
finely, sparingly spinose. Anterior and middle tarsi with the 
first four joints short, triangular, the posterior with the first 
four joints rather short, subequal, the 5th shorter than the 
four preceding together. 

One species is so far known in our Fauna. 

157. Mannerheimia goriensis. 

Mamierheimia goriemis Champ.*, E. M. M. Ixi, 1926, p. 103. 

Shining ; head black, the rest more pitchy with feeble metallic 
reflex, the sides of the thorax obscurely, shoulders and apical 
margin of the elytra more distinctly fusco-testacoous. 
Antennae black, the first five joints testaceous. Legs testa- 
ceous. Length 2-5 mm. 

Much smaller than M. arctica Er., the antennae shorter and 
more slender, the thorax smaller and narrower, the punctu- 
ration less coarse. Head subtriai^ular, convex, bi-impressed 

lathbtmjixtm:. 151 

in front, moderately finely and moderately closely punctm-ed. 
Antennae with the 7th to 10th joints moderately transverse. 
Thorax transverse, convex, the sides lightly rounded and a 
little narrower in front, impressed at the obtusely rounded 
posterior angles, before the scutellum with a longitudinal 
impunctate space, less finely punctured than the head. Elytra 
fully twice as long as the thorax, widened behind, rather 
more coarsely punctured. Abdomen very finely coriaceous, 
scarcely perceptibly punctured. A single $ example. 
E. Kumaon : Gori Valley, alt. 7000 feet (H. G. Champion). 


Lathrimeeuvi Er., liiif. Mark. IJnmd. i, 18H7-39, p. 024 ; id., Gen. 

Spec. Staph. 1840, p. 8()8 ; Lncord., Gen. Col. ii, 1854, p. 141 ; 

Krnatz, Naturg. Ins. Beutscli. ii, 1858, p. 943 ; Jacq. du Val, Gen. 

Col. d'Eur. ii, 1859, p. 75 ; Tlioms., Skand. Col. iii, 1801, p. 195; 

Fauvtl, Fn. Gallo-Kh^n. iii. 1872, p. 92 ; Uev, Ann. Soc. Linn. 

Lyon, xxvii, 1880, p. 119 ; Casey Ann. N. York Ac. \u, 1892- 

94, p. 41 ; (ianglbauer, Kaf. Mitt, Eur. ii, 1895, p. 721 ; Liize, 

W. Z. B. Iv, 1905, p. 53. 
Eudeliphmm Clianip.«, E. M. M. Ivi, 1920, p. 244. 

More or less oval-oblong convex species with large eyes 
occupying nearly the whole side of the head, the orbital margin 
is prominent, and viewed from above gives the appearance of 
a small tooth immediately behind the eye ; temples oblique, 
converging backwards to the stout neck ; front with a deep 
impression on each side behind the antennal tubercles and with 
a slighter one before each ocellus. Antennae slender. Gular 
sutures separated and diverging behind. Labrum transverse, 
emarginatc in front. Mandibles stout, pointed, edentate. 
Maxillary palpi with 1st joint very small, 2nd moderately 
long, slightly thickened towards the apex, 3rd about half as 
long as the 2nd, 4th about as long as the 2nd and 3rd together, 
narrowed towards the apex. Inner lobe of the maxilla narrow, 
its apex pointed and incurved, the inner margin spinose ; 
outer lobe wider, ciliate at the apex. Mentum transverse, 
trapezoidal, all the margins straight. Tongue broad, mem- 
branous, slightly, broadly eraarginate, in the middle with a 
ohitinous rod. Labial palpi short, the 1st joint scarcely as 
long as broad, the 2nd narrower, transverse, the 3rd narrower 
and about as long as the first two together. Prosternal 
process pointed, the coxae contiguous ; epimera triangular. 
Mesosternal process pointed, its sides elevated and extending 
about two-thirds of the length of the coxae, these moderately 
separated. Metasternal process short, its apex rectangular 
and meeting the mesosternal process. Tibiae moderately 
spinose externally. Anterior and middle tarsi short, the 
first four joints cordiform. Posterior tarsi with the first two 

152 STAPHTLIlflDJl. 

joints rather short, subequal, the 3rd and 4th shorter, subequal, 
the 5th longer than the two preceding together, about half 
as long as the tibia. The species are found in damp leaves 
and debris, and none are known south of the Equator. 

Key to the Species. 

1. Entirely Wack or pitchy-black species, at 

most with the margins of the thorax aud 

elytra reddish 2. 

Species entirely or in great part brown .... 4. 

2. Deep bkck, the margins of the thorax cou- 

coloroua ; the tirst two joints of the [p. 163. 

antennas pitchy gracilipalpe Champ., 

Margins of the thorax reddish 3. 

3. J^arger (4'5 mm.), more sliining, metallic 

black, the first two joints, of the autennse 

clear testaceous nigrum Cam., p. 152. 

Smaller (2'75 mm.), less shining, the 
posterior margins and postero-external 

angles of the elytra reddish; 1st joint of [p. lo3. 

antennis reddish teataceous cavicrug Champ., 

4. Larger (4'5 mm.) and more robust; head 

and abdomen black ; middle of thorax 

sulcate montieola Cam., p. 154. 

Smaller (2'5 nmi.) ; head reddish, only the 
base black, abdomen brownish ; middle [p. 1C4. 

of thorax nut sulcate rugosum Champ., 

l.")8. Lathrimeeum nigram. (Plate 1, fig. 11.) 

LathrivuBum nigrum Cam., Trans, lint. Soc. Lond. 1924, ]>. 170. 

Elongate-oval, subconvex, metallic black, shining, first two 
joints of antennae and legs reddish-testaceous. Length 4-5 mm. 

Size and build of L. montieola Cam., but entirely black and 
shining, the puncturation of the head and thorax coarser and 
much less close, the penultimate joints of the antenna? distinctly- 
longer than broad. Head with the front elevated in the middle 
and nearly impunctate, in front of the ocelli with a short 
oblique impressed line, moderately finely and closely punctured, 
scarcely rugose ; all the joints of the antennae distinctly longer 
than broad. Thorax less transverse than in montieola, 
otherwise similarly built and with similar impressions, 
puncturation very similar to that of the head except in the 
impressions, where it is coarser and closer and somewhat 
rugose. Elytra about 2J times longer than the thorax, 
punctured as in the thoracic impressions, abdomen rather 
shining, impunctate. 

Simla Hills : Gahan, 7000 feet above the sea. 


\oi). Lathrimaum gracilipalpe. 

Eadeliphrum gracilipalpe Champ.*, E. M. M. Ivi, 1920, p. 244. 

Moderately elongate, broad, shining, sparsely, very finely 
pubescent ; black, the basal joints of the antennae and the 
tibiae and tarsi obscurely rufescent, femora and palpi piceous ; 
head and thorax uneven, coarsely, closely punctured, the head 
almost smooth in front, the elytra coarsely, confusedly punc- 
tate, with indications of smooth raised lines on the disc, the abdo- 
men alutaceous and minutely punctulate. Head rather !-mall, 
short, narrowly, subangularly extended on each side behind 
the eyes (so that the temples are dentiform), deeply excavate 
in front of them and between the ocelli, the eyes rather large ; 
antennaj long, slender, joints 2 to 10 conical, the 3rd nearly 
twice as long as the 2nd, 6th to 10th gradually shorter and 
stouter, 11th acuminate-ovate. Thorax strongly transverse, 
much wider than the head, arcuately dilated anteriorly and 
sinuously narrowed behind the middle, the posterior angles 
rectangular, the margins rather broadly explanate and finely 
crenulate ; the disc interruptedly sulcate, deeply obliquely 
bifovcate before the base and broadly excavate laterally about 
the middle. Elytra wider and more than twice as long as the 
thorax. Abdomen conical. Anterior tibiae of the (J sharply, 
triangularly dilated at about the middle beneath. Length 
4 to 4| mm. ; breadth l-| to 2 mm. 

Larger, more oblong, less convex and less shining, and 
without the metallic reflex of L. nigrum Cam. ; the head is 
more closely and rugosely ])unctured, the antennae a little 
more slend'T, with the 1st joint only reddish ; the thorax is 
more transverse, obtusely angulate about the middle, the 
lateral impressions larger, more closely and rugosely punctured ; 
elytra more coarsely punctured. 

Kumaon : W. Almora (//. G. Champion). 

1 60. Lathrimaeam cavicrus. 

Lathrwtueum cavicrus Champ.*, K. 'SI. M. Ixi, 1925, p. 102. 

Greasy lustrous, black or pitchy, the sides of the thorax 
rather broadly, the posterior margin narrowly reddish ; 
elytra with the lateral and apical margins reddish. Antennae 
pitchy, the 1st joint testaceous. Legs testaceous. Length 
2-5 to 2-75 mm. 

About the size and build of L.fusculus Kr., but less shining, 
the head rather more finely and closely punctured, thorax in 
the middle finely sulcate, more closely and rugosely punctured, 
elytra a little more finely punctured. Head densely and finely 
punctured, except in front, bifoveate. Thorax strongly trans- 
verse, the sides rounded and explanate, before the base with 


an arcuate impression, on either side about the middle with a 
deep transverse groove, densely and finely punctured. Elytra 
broader and much longer than the thorax, more strongly 

(J : Anterior tibiae emarginate before the apex internally 
and angulate at the middle. 

Kumaon : W. Almora, Siahidevi, alt. 6000 feet, x. 1918 
(H. 0. Champion). 

161. Lathrimseum mondcola. 

Zathrimeeum monticola Cam., Trans, Ent. Soc. Lond. 1924. p. 109. 

Elongate-oval, subconvex, rather shining, head and abdomen 
black, thorax and elytra brown, the sides of the former broadly, 
of the latter, narrowly reddish-testaceous ; first two joints of 
the antennae and legs reddish-testaceous. Length 4-5 mm. 

Colour of L. melanocephalum 111., but Avithout metallic 
reflex, shorter, broader, less parallel, less shining and with 
longer and more slender antennae. Head black, the front in 
the middle raised, shining and simply punctured, the rest of 
the surface closely, moderately finely and rugosely punctured 
and opaque, before the ocelU on either side with a short, 
oblique, shining impunctate keel ; eyes rather large, post- 
ocular region oblique ; antennae slender, the 3rd to 8th joints 
longer than broad, gradually decreasing in length, the 9th and 
10th about as long as broad. Thorax transverse, more shining 
than the head, the anterior border biainuate, widest at the 
middle, the sides from thence evenly rounded in front and 
behind, the anterior and posterior angles obtuse ; before the 
base with a deep crescentic impression, in the middle line in 
front with a slight longitudinal impression not reaching the 
anterior border, on either side with a deep impression con- 
nected with the basal one, puncturation moderately fine, 
close and rugose. Elytra a little wider at the base than the 
base of the thorax, 2| times as long, slightly widened behind, 
subconvex, closely and more coarsely punctured than the 
thorax with traces of raised lines. Abdomen entirely black, 
greasy lustrous, exceedingly finely and sparingly punctured, 

Chakrata and Simla districts, 7000 to 9000 feet above the 

1 62. Lathrimaxim rugOBum. 

LathririKBum rugonim Chsmp.*,E. M. M. Ixi, 1925, p. 103. 

In build approaching L. atrocephalum Gyll.,but much smaller, 
the colour paler, the antennae shorter, the head more closely 
and rugosely punctured. Head ferruginous, the base blackish, 

abpedium:. 155 

thorax reddish-testaceous, elytra pale brown, the apex and 
lateral margins testaceous. Antennae pitchy, the first four 
joints testaceous. Legs testaceous. Length 2-5 mm. 

Head depressed on each side in front and with a transverse 
tumid 8p£M3o on the vertex before the ocelli, closely, rugosely 
punctured. Antennae rather long, slender, the 7th to 11th 
joints gradually becoming stouter. Thorax strongly trans- 
verse, narrowed in front and behind, the disc with an angulate 
impression extending outwards to near the lateral margins, 
these explanate, closely, rugosely punctured. Elytra broader 
and nearly three times longer than the thorax, more coarsely, 
subseriately punctured. 

W. Ahnora, Upper Gumti Valley, alt. 6000 feet, iv. 1919 
{H. 0. Champion). 


Arpedium Er., Kfif. Mark. Brand, i, 1837-39, p. 618; id., (ien. 
Spec. Staph. 1840, p. 858; Lacord., Gen Col. ii, 1854, p. 139; 
Kraatz, Nat. Ins. Deutsch. ii, 1856-58, p. 957 ; Jacq. du Val, 
Gen. Col. d'Eur. ii, 1858, p. 72; Thoins.. Skand. Col. iii, 1861, 
p. 188 ; Fauv., Vn. Gallo-llhgn. iii. 1873, p. 85 ; Key, Ann. 
Soc. Linn. Lyon., xxvii, 1880, p. 144 ; Ganglb., Kaf. Mitt. Eur. 
ii, 1895, p. 717. 

More or less elongate, subdepressed insects with the elytra 
usually more or less widened behind. Antennae slender. 
Temples distinct, rounded, constricted behind at the thick 
neck. Gular sutures fused in the middle, diverging behind. 
Labrum transverse, membranous and broadly emarginate in 
front, the anterior angles rounded. Inner lobe of the maxilla 
narrow, the apex uncinate, the inner margin strongly toothed ; 
outer lobe shorter and broader, densely ciliate at the 
apical margin. Maxillary palpi with 1st joint very small, 
2nd moderate, widened apically, 3rd as long as the 2nd and 
similarly widened, 4th distinctly longer than the 3rd, narrowed 
from base to apex. Mentum short, trapezoidal, the margins 
straight. Tongue broad, broadly and slightly emarginate. 
Labial palpi very short, the first two joints broader than long, 
the 2nd narrower than the 1st, the 3rd narrower, about as long 
as the two preceding together. Prosternal process very short, 
scarcely produced between the anterior coxae, which are con- 
tiguous ; epimera narrowed and rounded internally. Meso- 
sternal process very short, scarcely produced between the 
coxae, these contiguous. Metasternal process short, not produced 
between the coxae. Tibiae with a few spines. Tarsi all clothed 
with long fine hairs, the anterior pair short, the first four 
joints subequal ; middle with the 1st joint moderate, 2nd to 
4th short and subequal ; posterior longer than half of the tibia, 
1st joint a little longer than the 2nd, moderately long, 3rd and 
4th shorter, 5th longer than the 1st. 


The species live in moss and under stones. Only one is 
recorded from India, and there is some doubt as to whether it 
belongs to this genus. 

163. Arpedium pallens. 

Arpediiitn pallens Motsch., Bull. Mosc. xxx, 1857, iv, p. 493. 

Half the size of A.quadrum, more depressed, and of an almost 
uniform clear testaceous, the head and middle of the abdomen 
slightly infuscate. Eyes black. Thorax transverse, finely 
punctured, and with a light horseshoe-shaped impression on 
the disc. Elytra twice as long as the thorax, much more 
strongly punctured, on either side of the suture with a feebly- 
raised fine keel. 

Bombay (ex Motschoulshy). 


Amphichroum Kraatz, Nat. Ins. J)eiits!ch. ii, 1856-58, p. 947; 
Bfrl. Eiit. Zeit. xii, 1808. p. 345 ; Fauvel, Fn. Gallo-I{lK<n. iii, 
187:^, p. S)0; Key, Ann. Scic. I.iim. l.vcn, xxvii, 1880, p. 93; 
Cdtev, IJiill. Calif. Acad. Sci. ii. 1880, p"! 240 ; id., Ann. N. York 
Ac. Vii, 1802-^94, p. 412; Scliwnr?, I'roc. Knt. Roc. Wash, 
ii, 1892, p. 396 ; tianulb., Kiif. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 715. 

fitachr/graiihis Horn, Trans. Am. ]':nt. Sic. x, 1882-83, p. 285. 

More or loss subconvex oval-oblong species. Head sub- 
triangular, constricted behind, temples small ; deeply foveate 
or sulcatc before the ocelli. Antennae slender, the joints 
longer than broad. Labrum transverse, truncate or slightly 
emarginate in front. Mandibles short, stout, pointed, edentate f- 
Inner lobe of maxilla narrow, deeply emarginate before the 
pointed apex, sparingly furnished with rather short spines ; 
outer lobe rather sparingly ciliate. Maxillary palpi with small 
1st joint, the 2nd and 3rd short and stout, the latter a little 
shorter than the former, 4th stout, bluntly pointed, about 
twice as long as the 3rd. Tongue broad, in the middle with 
deep, narrow triangular exi-ision. Labial palpi short and 
thick, the first two joints broader than long, the 2nd narrower 
than the 1st, the 3rd narrower and a little longer than the 2nd. 
Prosternal process narrow, acute, the coxse contiguous ; 
epimera narrow, triangular. Mesosternal process very narrow 
and pointed, extending for about two-thirds the length of the 
coxse and meeting the acute metasternal process ; coxa) very 
narrowly separated. Tibiae externally with a few short spines. 
Tarsi clothed with long fine hairs ; the anterior and middle 
pairs with the Ist joint a little longer than the 2nd, 2nd to 
4th short, subequal, 5th as long as the four preceding together ; 
posterior longer than half the tibia, the first four joints gradually 

t In Amphichroum cribriceps Fauv. from Australia the right mandible 
has a distinct forwardly directed tooth. 


decreasing in length, tho first of them but little longer than the 
2nd, this about as long a? tho two following together, the 
5th nearly as long as the four preceding together. In the 
males the anterior tibiae are more or less modified and the 
tarsus more dilated. 

The gonus is found on flowers and is widely distributed. 

Key to the Spedes. 

1. Antennre testaceous, more or less infuscnte [p. 157. 

towards the apex pindarense Champ., 

Antennae black, the first three joints 
testaceous 2. 

2. Palpi pitchy; head blackish or at least [p. l.")8. 

infuscate on the disc anthobioides Champ., 

Palpi testaceous; head entirely reddish- 
testaceous monticola Cam., p. \oi . 

164. Amphichroum pindarense. 

Amphichroum pindarense Champ.*, E. M. M. Ivi, 1920, p. 24;! 

(J reddish-testaceous, moderately shining,' elytra pak-r ; 
abdomen black or pitchy, the side-margins narrowly and 
obscurely lighter. $ unicolorous reddish-testaceous. Antcnnce 
testaceous, more or less blackish towards the apex. Legs 
testaceous. Length 2-8 to 3-8 mm. 

Smaller than A. hirtellum Heer, differently coloured, less 
pubescent, the thorax shorter, more narrowed behind, pune- 
turation finer and closer, the antennae shorter. Head sulcatc 
on either side between the eyes, closely punctured. Antennae 
rather long, all the joints longer than broad, the Ilth much 
longer than 10th. Thorax transverse, broader in the (J, con- 
vex, the sides rounded, a little explanate, a little narrower 
in front, the angles obtuse, before the scutellum with a small 
fovea, in the middle more or less sulcate, closely and very 
finely punctured. Elytra as broad as ((J) or a little broader 
'than ( $) and about twice as long as the thorax, closely and 
moderately coarsely punctured. Abdomen finely coriaceous, 
extremely finely and very sparingly punctmred. 

^ : First joint of the anterior tarsi dilated ; anterior and 
middle femora thickened ; anterior tibiss thickened apically, 
the intermediate stout, curved, and strongly sinuate internally. 

Sunderdhunga and Pindar Valley, altitude 8000 to 12,000 
feet, vi. 1919, vii. 1920 {H. G. Champicm). On the flowers of 
Symplocoa cratcegoides. 

165. Amphichroum monticola. 

An^hichroitm monticola Cam., Ann. Mag, Nat. Hist. (10) ii, 1928, 
p. 568. 


Very closely allied to A. pindarense Champ., and only 


diSering in the following respects : a little smaller, the head 
more finely and more closely punctured, the antennae distinctly 
shorter, with only the first tluree joints testaceous, the penulti- 
mate joints and especially the last much shorter (although 
distinctly longer than broad), the thorax a little shorter and 
more transverse, a little more finely and more closely punc- 
tured. Length 3 mm. 

(^: Middle tibiae curved and strongly sinuate internally. 

Tibet : Tropde, alt. 11,000 feet, 23. vi. 1924. 

166. Amphichroum anthobioides. 

Amphichroum anthobioides Champ.*, E. M. M. Ixi, 1925, p. 104. 

(J: Head reddish-testaceous, infuscate on the vertex ; thorax 
pitchy, all the margins narrowly testaceous ; elytra testaceous ; 
abdomen black. Antennae black, the first three joints testa- 
ceous. Legs testaceous. Intermediate tibiae curved, sinuate 
within. $ : Head black, thorax darker, size larger. Length 
1-75 to 2-5 mm. 

Much resembling an Anthobium in facies. Rather thickly 
pubescent and moderately shining. Head small, before 
the ocelli t with a narrow sulcus, the vertex with a few fine 
punctures, the front more or less coriaceous. Antennae 
extending beyond the humeral angles, all the joints longer than 
broad. Thorax transverse, convex, the sides evenly rounded 
and narrowly oxplanate, finely, moderately closely punctured. 
Elytra fully twice as long as the thorax, widened behind, more 
coarsely and closely punctured. Abdomen conical, finely, 
sparingly punctured and without ground-sculpture. 

E. Kumaon : Gori River, Burphu, alt. 11,000 feet (H. 0. 
Champion). In thistles. 

Genus LESTEVA Latr. 

Lesteva Latr., Pr6c. caract. Ins. 1796, p. 75 ; Er., Kaf. Mark, 
Brand, i, 1837-39, p. 016; id., Gen. Spec. Staph. 1840, p. 855; 
Lnc, Gen. Col. ii, 1854, p. 137 ; Kraatz, Nat. Ins. Ueutsch. ii, 1866- 
68, p. 930 ; Jac. du Val, Cien. Col. d'Eur. ii, 1858, p. 71 ; Thorns., 
Skand. Col. iii, 1861, p. 182 : Fauv., Fn. Gallo-Kh^n. iii, 1872, 
p. 101 ; Rev, Ann. Son. Linn. Lyon, xx\'ii, 1880, p. 63 ; Ganglb., 
Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 712 ; Luze, W. Z. B. liii, 1903, p. 179. 

Elongate, more or less depressed and distinctly pubescent 
•species. Head constricted behind the temples, the neck thick. 
Gular sutures fused in the middle, diverging behind. Labrum 
transverse, coriaceous behind, membranou in front and 
slightly emarginate in the middle. Mandibles pointed, eaoh 
with a sharp tooth about the middle. Inner lobe of the 

tt Champion states that the ocelli are wanting, but thia is certainly an 


maxilla narrow and pointed, its inner margin densely and finely 
spinose ; outer lobe narrow, its apex pointed and finely and 
shortly ciliate. Maxillary palpi with the 1st joint very small, 
2nd elongate, curved and thickened towards the apex, 3rd 
very short, not much longer than broad, narrower than the 
preceding, 4th elongate, narrower and four or five times longer 
than the 3rd. Mentum transverse, trapezoidal. Tongue 
membranous, split to the base into two moderately broad 
lobes. Paraglossse finely ciliate. Labial palpi with the Ist 
joint stout, about twice as long as broad, 2nd scarcely longer 
than broad, 3rd elongate, narrower, about as long as the two 
preceding together. Thorax more or less cordiform. Pro- 
sternal process sharply pointed, extending about half the length 
of the coxae, these contiguous. Mesosternum keeled, its 
process acutely pointed, extending but little between the 
contiguous coxse. Metasternal process obtuse, not extending 
between the coxse. Tibiae ciliate. Anterior tarsi with the 
first four joints short, subequal, 5th shorter than the four 
preceding together. Middle tarsi with the 1st and 2nd joints 
subequal, longer than the 3rd, 3rd and 4th subequal, 5th about 
as long as the three preceding together. Posterior tarsi with 
the Ist joint elongate, as long or nearly as long as the two 
following together, 2nd to 4th gradually decreasing in length, 
5th about as long as the two preceding together. 

The genus is found in the Palaearctic Region and Japan in 
the vicinity of water or damp moss. 

K«y to the Species, 

i. Larger (6 mm.), brown species, only the 

head bliu:k torrentum Cam., p. 1 .59. 

Smaller (4 mm.) species, entirely black .... Jluciata Champ., p. 160. 

167. Lesteva torreutam. (Plate I, fig. 12.) 

Lesteva torrentum Cam., Trans. Ent. See. Lend. 1924, p. 171. 

Pitchy black or brown, shining, sides of thorax completely 
margined, moderately coarsely, closely punctured ; elytra fully 
twice as long as the thorax, coarsely and closely punctured ; 
first two joints of the antennae and legs brownish red. Length 
4-5 to 5 mm. 

In general appearance very similar to L. longdytrata Goeze, 
but differing in the following respects : the antennae are longer 
and more slender, the puncturation of the head less close, the 
thorax a little wider in front and more coarsely punctured, 
the elytra much more coarsely punctured ; from L. fluviata 
Champ, it differs in the larger size, longer antennae, wider 
thorax, and coarser puncturation. Head black, shining, 
before the ocelli with an oval impression on either side, clypeus 
impunctate, the rest of the surface moderately coarsely, closely 

160 STAPHTtlNID^. 

punctured ; eyes large and prominent, their diameter greater 
than the rounded post-ocular space. Antennae slender, all 
the joints much longer than broad. Thorax cordiform, 
enlarged and rounded in front, strongly contracted behind, 
with an obsolete longitudinal impression on either side of 
the middle line, similarly punctured to the head. Elytra 
fully twice as long as the thorax, slightly widened behind, 
closely and rather more strongly punctured than the thorax. 
Abdomen closely and very finely punctiu'ed and alutaceous. 
Mussoorie district, 6500 to 700O feet above the sea. 

168. Lesteva fiuviata. 

Leateva_fluviata Champ.*, E. M. M. Ivi, 1920, p. 246. 

Black, shining, finely pubescent. Antennaj pitchy, the first 
two joints often more or less reddish. Femora (except the 
apex) and tarsi testaceous, tibiae infuscate. Length 3 to 4 ram. 

In build ver3' similar to L. fontinalis Ksw., but a little 
smaller, the elytra longer and more parallel, the puncturation 
coarser, and the antennae shorter. Head deeply, longitudinally 
sulcate on each side, diameter of the eyes greater than the 
length of the post-ocular space, closely and moderately finely 
punctured. Antennae slender, extending nearly to the middle 
of the elytra. Thorax broader than the head, cordate, the 
sides margined, the posterior angles rectangular, the disc often 
bi-irapressed behind the middle, before the base transversely 
impressed, puncturation similar, but rather less close than 
that of the head. Elytra about two and a half times longer 
than the thorax, slightly widened behind, the postero-external 
angle broadly rounded, the sculpture like that of the thorax. 
Abdomen finely and closely punctured. 

Var. Elytra with a large indeterminate patch on the basal 
half of the disc, and the legs entirely testaceous or obscure 

W. Almora (x., xi. 1917), and Kosi River, Ranikhet, alt. 
3000 to 6500 feet (H. G. Champion). 


Geodfomicus JJedt., Fn. Aust. fd. ji, 1858, p. 224; Jacq. du Val, 
Gen. Col. d'Eur. ii, 1858, p. 70; Thorns., Skand. Col. iii, 1861, 
p. 180; Fauv., Fn. Gallo-Rli6n. iii, 1872, p. 107; Key, Ann. Soc. 
Linn. Lyon, xxvii, 1880, p. 63 ; Casey, Ann. N. York .Acad, vii, 
1893, p. 406; Gnnglbauer, Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 710; Luze, 
W. Z. B. liii, 1903, p. 103. 

Oeobiti* Heer, Fn. Helv. i, 1838-42, p. 193. 

Geodromus Ileer, Fu. Helv. i, 1838-42, p. 572. 

Moderately convex or subdepressed, oblong or oblong-ovate 
in form. Head with ocelli, transversely arcuately impressed 


in front, constricted behind, the temples rounded, the neck 
thick. Gular sutures parallel in front, diverging behind. 
Labrum transverse, lightly emarginate in front, the emargina- 
tion filled in by a membrane, the angles broadly rounded. 
Mandibles sharply pointed, each with two sharp teeth and a 
smaller obtuse one nearer the base or with three sharp teeth. 
Inner lobe of the maxilla with pointed incurved apex, the inner 
margin furnished with rather long, slightly curved, pointed 
spines and hairs ; outer lobe pointed with short cilia. Maxillary 
palpi with the Ist joint very short, the 2nd elongate, slightly 
curved and thickened apically, the 3rd a little longer, slightly 
thickened apically, 4th narrower and shorter than the 3rd. 
Mentum transverse, trapezoidal. Tongue divided to the base 
into two diverging lobes. Paraglossse finely ciliate. Labial 
palpi 3-jointed, the Ist joint longer than broad, the 2nd as 
long as the 1st, slightly thickened apically, 3rd a little narrower, 
as long as or a little longer than 2nd. Prosternal process short, 
pointed. Mesosternura simple, its process acuminate, short. 
Metastornal process short, obtuse, not extending between the 
coxae, these contiguous. Tibiae ciliate. Tarsi rather short, the 
1st joint a little longer than the 2nd, 2nd to 4th subequal, 
short, the 4th with a lamellar appendage below, 5th shorter 
than the four preceding together ; claws simple. Anterior 
tarsi more or less dilated in the ^. 

The species are found in the Palsearctic and Nearctic Regions 
near the banks of streams or in stream moss on boulders. 

Key to the Species, 

1. Thorax atronirly coriaceous 2. 

Thorax not or but slightly coriaceous .... 4. [p. ]()2. 

2. First two joints of antennas testaceous .... ftreuitoriis Champ., 
First two joints of antennse dark 3. 

3. Larger (5-6 mm.). Elytra short, about as 

lonp^ as broad, distinctly dilated behind . . coriaceus Cam., p. 162. 
Smaller (4'75 mm.). Elytra distinctly 
longer than broad, scarcely dilated behind . reeticoUis Cam., p. 168. 

4. Thorax with median sulcus ; narrower, more 

parallel species cttrvipea Cam., p. 104. 

Thorax without median sulcus, but often 
with impression before the base ; broader, 
less parallel species 6. 

5. Thorax cordiform, the sides strongly rounded 

and dilated in front and contracted behind, championi Cam., p. 168. 
Thorax trapezoidal, the sides much less 
strongly contracted behind 6. 

6. Anterior angles of the thorax obtusely [p. 164. 

rounded, prominent, and upturned crasiipidpis Champ., 

Anterior angles of the thorax broadly p. 163. 

rounded, not prominent, depressed amnicola Champ., 

VOL, I. M 


169. Geodromicns brevitarsis. 

Geodromictts brevitarsis Champ.*, E. M. M. Ixi, 1926, p. 104. 

Black, head and thorax greasy lustrous, strongly coriaceous, 
elytra more shining. Antennae black, the first two joints 
testaceous. Femora pitchy, tibiae and tarsi testaceous. 
Length 3 mm. 

Head small, in front with a transverse groove, on each side 
between the eyes with a rounded elevation ; closely and finely 
punctured, strongly coriaceous ; ocelli very small. Antennae 
long and slender, nearly reaching the posterior margin of the 
elytra. Thorax transverse, subcordate, with a feeble trans- 
verse groove before the base, slightly longitudinally sulcate in 
front and obliquely impressed at the sides behind, moderately 
finely and rather sparingly punctured, strongly coriaceous. 
Elytra broader and twice as long as the thorax, slightly dilated 
behind, moderately finely and closely punctured. 

N. Kumaon : Shelshel, alt. 15,750 feet, vii. 1924 {H. G. 

170. Geodromicus coriaceus. 

Geodromictts coriaceus Cam., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1924, p. 172. 

Black, moderately shining, depressed, dilated posteriorly : 
head broadly excavate between the eyes, with impressed semi- 
circular line on vertex, ocelli wanting ; clypeus elevated in the 
middle and shining, the rest of the surface closely punctured 
and coriaceous. Thorax subcordate, closely punctured and 
coriaceous. Elytra widened behind, scarcely twice as long as 
the thorax. Antennae and legs dark, tarsi ferruginous. Length 
5 to 6 mm. 

Narrower than Q. amnicola Champ., the head much smaller, 
the thorax narrower, more coarsely punctured and coriaceous, 
the antennae more slender. Head small, the rounded post-ocular 
space longer than the diameter of the prominent eye, closely 
rather superficially and finely punctured with coriaceous ground- 
sculpture ; ocelli wanting ; antennae reaching the posterior 
border of the elytra, the 2nd joint the shortest, all the joints 
much longer than broad, the 11th longer than the 10th. 
Thorax slightly transverse, moderately rounded and widened 
in front, narrowed behind to the rectangular posterior angles, 
anterior angles rounded ; disc with median impunctate line 
sometimes abbreviated in front, moderately finely and super- 
ficially punctured like the head and distinctly coriaceous. 
Elytra closely and much more coarsely punctured than the 
thorax, somewhat rugulose, but without ground-sculpture. 
Abdomen extremely finely and closely punctured and coriaceous. 

Chakrata district : ChuUi Khud and Binal Gad, 7000 to 
8000 feet above the sea. 

GE0DB0MICU8. 163 

171. Geodromicus recticollis. 

Oeodromicus recticollis Cam., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1924, p. 172. 

Black, moderately shining, subdepressed, subparallel, thorax 
transverse, not cordiform. Elytra 2\ times longer than the 
thorax. Antennae with the first two joints and the tarsi 
pitchy testaceous. Length 4*75 mm. 

Eyes rather large and prominent, their diameter greater 
than that of the rounded post-ocular area, ocelli present with 
a fovea in front of each ; puncturation fine and close, coriaceous. 
Antennae long and slender. Thorax transverse, very slightly 
dilated anteriorly, m.oderately contracted posteriorly in a 
■nearly straight line to the rectangular posterior angles ; 
anterior angles rounded ; disc with a smooth median line 
abbreviated in front and behind, puncturation rather fine, 
•close, finely coriaceous. Elytra slightly widened behind, 
closely, moderately finely and rugosely punctured. Abdomen 
very finely punctured and finely alutaceous. 

Chakrata district : Sainj Khud, 6500 feet above the sea. 

172. Oeodromicus amnicola. 

Oeoilromicus amnicola Cliamp.*-, E. M. M. Ivi, 1920, p. 246. 

Moderately broad, depressed, widened behind, shining. 
Head black, thorax dark brown, elytra lighter. Antennae 
black. Lags pitchy, the tarsi testaceous. Length 4-5 to 
6 mm. ; breadth 2 to 2-5 mm. 

In build very similar to O. coriaceus Cam., but more shining, 
the thorax broader and with slightly longer elytra. Head 
■deeply transversely impressed between the eyes, temples 
obtusely angulate, finely and closely punctured ; ocelli wanting. 
Antennae reaching beyond the posterior margin of the elytra. 
Thorax transverse, subcordate, the sides sinuate behind, the 
posterior angles rectangular, in the middle before the base 
with a small impression and a more or less abbreviated narrow 
smooth space along the middle, and lightly longitudinally 
impressed on either side, the puncturation as on the head. 
Elytra dilated behind, more coarsely and less closely punctured. 

Kumaon : Sunderhunga {H. G. Champion). 

1 73. Geodromicus championi. 

Oeodromicua championi Cam., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1924, p. 171. 

Black, shining, subdepressed, subparallel ; eyes large and 
prominent ; thorax subcordate ; antennae, legs and palpi 
black, tarsi ferruginous. Length 7-5 mm. 

Less depressed, more parallel, more shining, more coarsely 
punctured, and with more strongly contracted thorax and 



more prominent eyes than G. amnicoh, Champ. Head rather 
broadly and deeply impressed on the vertex, ocelli visible, in 
front of each with an oblique impressed line, middle of 
front elevated, smooth, and shining, post-ocular region short, 
rounded ; eyes large, prominent, puncturation moderately fine, 
close; antennae long and slender, all the joints much longer 
than broad. Thorax distinctly transverse, strongly rounded 
and dilated in front and strongly contracted behind, anterior 
angles rounded, the posterior rectangular, disc with a smooth 
median line posteriorly, more or less obsolete in front, punctura- 
tion close, similar to that of the head. Elytra a little widened 
behind, about twice as long as the thorax, closely and more 
strongly punctured than the thorax. Abdomen with five 
segments exposed, very finely and closely punctured, coriaceous. 
Chakrata district : Sainj Khud and Binal Gad, 6500 to 
8000 feet above the sea. 

174. Geodromicus crassipalpis. 

Geodromictis crassipal/ris Champ.*, E. M. ^^. Ivi, 1920, p. 245. 

Broad, flat, moderately shining, black. Antennje black. 
Legs black, tarsi reddish-testaceous. Length 5 to 7 mm. 
Breadth 2| to 3^ mm. 

Head deeply transversely impressed between the eyes before 

the ocelli, temples obtusely angulate, moderately finely and 

moderately closely punctured, distinctly coriaceous. Antennse 

reaching the posterior border of the elytra. Thorax transverse, 

trapezoidal, the sides in front feebly rounded and dilated, 

more narrowed and almost straight behind, towards the 

obtusely-roimded anterior angles a little explanate, posterior 

angles rectangular, in the middle before the base with a short 

longitudinal sulcus, towards cither side with a rather large, 

superficial impression, moderately finely and rather closely 

punctured, feebly coriaceous. Elytra dilated behind, more 

than twice as long as the thorax, more coarsely and more 

closely punctured. Abdomen conical, coriaceous, closely 


Kumaon : Sunderhunga, alt. 12,000 feet (H. 0. Champion). 

175. Oeodromicus curvipes. (PI. II. fig. 1.) 

Oeodromicut curvipei Cam., Trans. Knt. Soc. Lond. 1924, p. 173. 

Black, shining, subparallel, thorax convex, scarcely broader 
than long, shortly simiate before the posterior angles. Elytra 
IJ times as long as the thorax, slightly widened behind. 
Aiitennse, palpi, and legs black, tarsi ferruginous ; anterior 
tibiae strongly curved. Length 6-3 mm. 


Differs from all the preceding species in its narrower build, 
■convex thorax, deep black and shining colour, and the strongly- 
curved anterior tibiae (1 ^). Head rather large, the rounded 
post-ocular region shorter than the diameter of the prominent 
eye ; ocelli present, in front of each with a large deep fovea ; 
puncturation moderately fine, close. Antennae long and 
slender, the 11th joint longer than the 10th. Thorax scarcely 
transverse, widest just before the middle, the sides rounded, 
equally narrowed in front and behind, sinuate before the 
slightly obtuse posterior angles ; disc with a fine median furrow 
and an impression before the scutellum, closely, moderately 
finely punctured. Elytra closely and more coarsely punctured 
than the thorax. Abdomen extremely finely punctured 
and coriaceous. It somewhat resembles in build the European 
globulicoUis Mannh. 

Simla Hills : Gahan, 7000 feet above the sea. 


lIi/i/ro(/eiis Key, Aun. Soc. Linn. Lyon, xzvii, 1880, p. 56 ; 6auglb.> 
Kiif! Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 710 ; "Luze, W. Z.B. lit, 1902, p. 529. 

This genus is very closely allied to Geodromicus, and only 
differs from it in the much longer 4th joint of the maxillary 
palpi, which is about twice as long as the preceding. Similarly, 
the 3rd joint of the labial palpi is also about double the length 
of the preceding. In H. cyanipennis the right mandible has 
three and the left two sharj) teeth. The ocelli are very small 
or absent in some individuals. The tarsi are constructed as in 
Oeodromicus, the anterior in the (J more or less dilated. 

The species are found under boulders in running water and 
are so far only known from the Palcearctic Region. 

Kei/ to the Sj>ecies. 

1. Species in part blue-black, the posterior [p. 165. 

angles of the thorax sharp and prominent, cyanipennis Cam., 
Species entirely black, the posterior angles [p. 1C6. 

of the thorax obtnse kttmaonenais Cliamp., 

176. Hygrogeus cyanipennis. 

Ilj/i/roffeus cyanipennis Cam., Twns. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1024, p. 174. 
Hyi/roffeus cyaiiipennis var. atrocaruleus Champ., E. 51, Jl, Ixi, 
1925, p. 105. 

Broad, depressed, enlarged posteriorly ; head black, sub- 
opaque, vertex deeply excavate, transversely depressed behind 
the anterior border ; ocelli distinct ; thorax castaneous, 
oordiform ; elytra depressed, dark blue or blue-black ; 
Abdomen pitchy-brown or black ; antennae very long and 

166 STAPHTlIHTD.i;. 

slender, the first two joints and the legs reddish-brown. 
Length 9-75 mm., breadth 3 mm. 

JByes prominent, their diameter less than the somewhat 
prominent and rounded post-ocular area, finely, somewhat 
obsoletely and moderately closely punctured, distinctly 
coriaceous, finely and sparingly pubescent. Thorax slightly 
transverse, widest a little before the middle, the sides from 
thence rounded and narrowed to the rounded anterior angles, 
posteriorly more strongly narrowed and sinuate before the 
rectangular posterior angles which are foveate, disc medially 
narrowly sulcate except at the base, moderately finely and 
closely punctured, coriaceous, moderately shining. Elytra 
wider at the base than the base of the thorax, IJ times longer, 
gradually widened behind, depressed, rather shining, punc- 
turation closer and stronger than that of the thorax, rugulose 
and without ground-sculpture, finely pubescent. Abdomen 
narrowed behind, extremely finely and rather closely punc- 
tured, finely pubescent and with scarcely perceptible ground- 

Appears to be a very local species. I have only met with 
it over a small area in a stream at ChuUi Khud (8000 feet) 
in the Chakrata district in May 1922. 

The var. atrocceruleus Champ.* only differs from the typo 
in the entirely blue-black colour and dark antennae and legs. 

N.E. Kumaon: Burphu, Grori Valley, alt. 11,500 feet; 
Laptel, alt. 15,000 feet, vii., viii. 1924 (H. G. Chamjnon). 

177. Hygrogeus kumaonensis. 

Hydrogens kumaonoisis Champ.*, E. M. M. Ixi, 192.5, p. 105, 
Hyyrogeiis kuinaonensis var. brevisulcus Cliarap.*, id., ibit). p. 106. 

Black, elongate, greasy lustrous, slightly dilated behind. 
Antennae black. Femora pitchy, tibiae and tarsi reddish. 
Length 5 to 7 mm. Breadth 1-75 to 2 mm. 

cj : Head almost as broad as the thorax, narrowed in front, 
transversely sulcate behind the anterior border, the vertex 
deeply, somewhat quadrately excavated, ocelli very small, 
temples rounded and dilated, posteriorly rather closely and 
moderately finely punctured, feebly coriaceous, in front more 
shining and less closely punctured. Antennae elongate, reaching 
beyond the middle of the elytra. Thorax a little broader 
than long, trapezoidal, the sides slightly rounded in front, 
more narrowed and slightly sinuate before the obtuse posterior 
angles, in the middle sulcate, the fundus of the sulcus finely 
carinate, in front near the middle line on each side lightly 
impressed, before the base more or less transversely impressed, 
the sculpture very similar to that of the head. Elytra broader 
than and nearly twice as long as the thorax, a little dilated 


behind, moderately finely and rather closely punctured. 
Abdomen finely and closely punctured. 

?: Head smaller and less dilated behind the eyes, the 
thorax a little narrower, with more rounded sides. In facies 
and size this insect much resembles Oeodromicus flagialua F., 
but the puncturation is less deep and the thorax is broader. 

N. Kumaon : Shelshel, alt. 15,750 feet, vii. 1924 {H. G. 

The var. brevisulcus differs in the sulcus of the thorax being 
effaced behind and not carinate, the sides more rounded and 
dilated in front, and so more transverse. 

N. Kumaon : Sangcha, Laptel, alt. 14,500 to 15,000 feet 
(H. 6. Champion). 


Tetradehig Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. sxiii, 1904, p. 90. 

A genus which by the structure of the tarsi forms a special 
section of the Omauini (Tetbadeli). Body broad, oblong, 
depressed, winged. Head denticulate behind the eyes, the 
base strongly constricted. Ocelli minute, widely separated. 
Eyes scarcely prominent. Labrum transverse, rounded, 
scarcely eraarginate. Legs stout ; tarsi 4-jointed, the first 
three joints short, the 1st shorter than the 2nd, the 4th 
longer than the three preceding together, claws stout, long, 
curved, with the base denticulate. In other respects similar 
to Omalium. 

By the presence of ocelli this genus can only be placed in the 
Omaliini, but it is very aberrant in view of the 4-jointed 
tarsi (instead of 5- jointed) and the denticles at the base of 
theclaws. We therefore place it in a specialsection (Tetbadeli), 
distinguished by this remarkable structure of the tarsi, and 
place it at the end of the Omaluni. The only species it 
contains has the build and depressed form of a Trigonurus, 
although otherwise quite different (ex Fauvel). 

178. Tetradelus trigonuroides. 

Tetraddtia trigonwoides Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. xxiii, 1904, p. 91. 

Very black, shining, the palpi, the first four joints of the 
anteimae, and the legs testaceous, the knees and apices of the 
tibiae somewhat infuscate. Antennae as long as the head and 
thorax, the base slender, from the 8th joint strongly clavate, 
3rd joint one-third longer than the 2nd, 4th quadrate, 5th to 
7th a little longer than broad, 8th conical, 9th and 10th dilated, 
the 9th a little, the 10th more strongly transverse, Uth 


pyriform, a little shorter than the two preceding together. 
Head transverse, very closely and very finely punctured, 
broadly and deeply sinuately impressed on each side, the 
front in the middle umbonate, almost smooth, shining, the 
anterior margin obtusely produced, antennal tubercles very 
small ; eyes rather large, scarcely prominent. Thorax large, 
almost twice as broad as the head, one-third broader than long, 
strongly rounded in front, scarcely narrowed from the middle 
to the base, the anterior angles rounded, the posterior rect- 
angular, scarcely visibly margined, nearly flat, slightly uneven, 
with an arcuate impression in front behind the head, the sides 
from the middle to the base slightly and triangularly explanate, 
very finely and closely punctured. Scutellum triangular, 
similarly punctured. Elytra quadrate, flat, very closely and 
finely, scarcely rugulosely punctured, from the shoulders to the 
apex obtusely elevated, on the disc with a rather distinct little 
keel abbreviated behind, and another shorter one between 
this and the suture, sutural stria absent ; the apical margin 
straight, truncate. Abdomen broad, subdepressed, conical, 
somewhat opaque, rather densely covered with brownish 
pubescence, densely and finely punctured. Length 5 mm. 
Sikkim : Darjeeling (Christie) (ex Fauvel). 

Tribe 7. OXYTELINI. 

Oxytelmi Er., Kaf. Mark. Brand, i, 18.S7-39 (183t)), }-. 576; Kr.. 

Nftturg. Ins. Deutsch. ii, ] 85(3-68, p. 798 (excl. Oxyportis,Oaorius, 

Holotrochut) ; Qanglb., Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. (309. 
Oxytelini, Subtrib. iii. Gemiini, & Siibtrib. iv. Coprophilini Er., Gen. 

Spec. Stapli. 1839-40, p. 814. 
OxyUlidei, Sous-trib. iii. OxyUlides+^ows-Xirib. iv, Coprophilidei 

Lac. Gen. Col. ii, 1854, p. 182. 
OxyWiteB Jncq. du Val, Gen. Col. d'Eiir. 1857-69, p. 64. 
Oiytelina Thonis., Skand. Col. iii, 18(51, p. 117. 
Oxytelim, Sect. i. Oxyteli Fauv., Fn. Gallo-Rh^n. iii, 1872, p. 124. 
Oxytiliens Muls. et Rey, Ann. Soc. d'Agric. Lyon, (5) viii, 1875. 

p. 209 ; id., Hist. Nat. Col. Fr.,Br^vip., Oxyp., Oxyt^l. 1879, p. 1 1 

(excl. Prognatha {Siagotiium), Glyptoma (Thoracophorut)), 
Oxytelim, Group iv. Oxvteli Lic. & Horn, Class. Col. N. Anier. 

1883, p. 102. 
OxyUlinee, Group Oxytelma Shp., B. C.-A. i, 2, 1882-87 (1887), 

p. 685-f Group ThinoMina Slip., id. p. 705. 
Ox-ytelines Beitt., Faun. Germ, li, 1900, p. 163. 

This tribe is' distinguished by the absence of a ventral keel 
at the base of the abdomen (except in ApoceUagria), the 
prominent anterior coxae, the small posterior trochanters, and 
the elytra scarcely extending beyond the posterior margin of 
the metasternum. The tarsi are variable. 


Key to the Genera. 

1. Tarsi 2-jointed. Prothorax without epi- [p. 285. 

mera. Elytra dehiscent TmNOBitJS Ksw., 

Tavsi 3- or 5-joiiited 2. 

2. Tarsi S-joiuted 8. 

Tarsi 5-jointed 12. 

3. Anterior and middle tibise strongly spinose 

externally 4. 

Anterior and middle tibiae ciliate, at most 

with two small spines before the apex . . 7. [p. 270. 

4. Cyliidricalspecies with geniculate antennsB. Bledius Mannerh., 
Species not cylindrical, anteiinee normal . . 5. 

5. Middle coxaj "separated 6. [du Val, p. 178. 

Middle coxie contisiuous Planeustomtjs Jacq. 

6. Elytra dehiscent behind, the sutural angle 

broadly rounded ; epimerit of protliorax [Mannerh., p. 264. 

absent" Platystethcs 

Elytra not dehiscent, the sutural angle not 
broadly rounded; epimera of the pro- 
thorax well de\eloped Oxytelus Gr., p. 211. 

7. Fourth joint of maxillary palpi minute .. 8. 
Fourth joint of maxillary palpi normal. . . . 10. 

8. Abdomen slightly constricted at the base, 

the first two or three dorsal segments 
with a little keel in the middle of the 
base. Scutellum triangular, distinctly 
visible ; facies of Falagria ; 1st ventral [p. 201. 

segment with fine median Iteel Apocellaghia Cam., 

Abdomen not constricted at base and with- 
out keels (except in T. pubieollis) ; 1st 
ventral segment not keeled 9. 

9. Mandibles prominent, the apex deeply j^p. 200. 

bifid ". Xebophygus Kr., 

Mandibles not prominent, the apex slightly [Mannerh., p. 178. 

or moderately bifid Trogophlceus 

10. Tibife sulcate ; rugose species 11. [p. 176. 

'J'ibijB not sulcate ; species not rugose .... ANCXHOPHOBrs Kr., 

n . , 1 . 1 i. I OxYTELOPSis Fauv., 

11. AnteimsB short, clavate -j r 203 

Antenuce elongate, not clavate ] ""^I'd 208 

12. Anterior and middle tibiie spinose | Coprophilus '^'^^:^^^ 

Anterior and middle tibiie not spinose. ... \ P-^^^J-^asteh, g^"-^ n^. 

PABALE ASTER, gen. n. 

In facies resembling a large Trogophkeus, but more nearly 
related to DeleciMer Er., from which genus it differs in the 
narrower and more convex build, the much longer, more 
slender and prominent mandibles, longer and more slender 
maxillary palpi, more finely bordered thorax, the more slender 



legs, and the longer 1st joint of the posterior tarsi, which is 
nearly as long as the three following together. 

The mandibles are long and slender, prominent and pointed. 
Maxillary palpi with the 2nd joint elongate, curved and 
slightly thickened towards the apex, 3rd joint about half as 
long as the 2nd, 4th twice as long as the preceding. Scutellum 
large, pyriform. Tibiae not spinose. Tarsi 5-jointed, the 
anterior short, the 1st joint a little longer than the 2nd, 2nd to 
4th about as broad as long, subequal, cordate, the 5th about 
as long as the 3rd and 4th together ; middle pair similar, but a 
little longer ; posterior pair with the 1st joint elongate, as 
long as the three following together, these subequal, a little 
longer than broad, 5th as long as the two preceding together. 
Abdomen strongly margined. 

Having only a single specimen of this insect, I am unable to 
give a fuller account of its structure. 

Its habits appear to be the same as Trogophlceus. 

179. Paraleaster longipennis, sp. n. (Fl. II. fig. 2.) 

Black, moderately shining. Antennae black, the first two 
joints reddish, the 11th pitchy. Palpi testaceous. Legs 
black, the tarsi reddish. Length S-l mm. 

Head rounded, a little narrower than the thorax, the eyes 
large, but not prominent, their length greater than that of the 
rounded temples, on either side within the eyes with a super- 
ficial rounded impression, the whole surface closely and rather 
finely punctured and finely pubescent. Antennae long and 
slender, extending to the posterior border of the elytra, all 
the joints much longer than broad, the 2nd shorter than the 
3rd. Thorax a little broader than long (7 : 6), the sides rather 
strongly rounded and widened in front, just behind the middle 
rather suddenly narrowed and almost parallel to the rectangular 
posterior angles, with a small fovea before the scutellum and 
two larger superficial impressions, one behind the other in the 
middle line, the puncturation and pubescence very similar to 
that of the head. Scutellum with a few punctures. Elytra 
broad and twice the length of the thorax, parallel, much longer 
than broad, behind the base with a callus, towards the apex 
with two longitudinal impressions, the punctuiation coarser 
and less close than that of the thorax. Abdomen slightly 
narrowed from base to apex, the bases of the first four segments 
transversely impressed, the 8th deeply and broadly emarginate 
and furnished with four long black setae, the whole surface 
finely and densely punctured and pubescent. 

Assam : Naga Hills, Laimatak. 

copEOPHitirs. 171 


Copropkilm Latr. in Cuvier, ll^gne Anini. iv, 1829, p. 439 ; Er., Kaf. 

Mftrk. IJrand. i, 1839, p. 609; id.. Gen. Spec. Stapl]. 1340, p. 815; 

Lac, Gen. Col. ii, 1854, p. 139 ; Jacq. du Val, Gen. Col. d'Eur. ii, 

1858, p. 77 ; Kraatz, Naturfr. Ins. Beiitsch. ii, 1856-68, p. 893 ; id., 

Berl. lint. Zeitsclrr. iii, 1859, p. 6; Thorns., Skand. Col. iii, 1861, 

p. 143; Solsky, Ilor. Ross, iv, 1866-67, p. 86; Fnuv., Bull. Soc. 

Linn. Norm. (2) i, 1 868,p. 44 ; id., Fn. G«llo-Kh6n. iii, 1872, p. 129 ; 

id., Rev. d'Ent. xvi, 1897, p. 226 ; Muls. et Rey, Hist. Nat. Col. 

Fr., Brevip. 1879, p. 240 ; Reitter, W. E. Z. xiii, 1894, pp. 177, 291 ; 

Ganglb., Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 676 ; Bemh., Miinch. Kol. 

Zeitscli. iii, 1908, p. 827. 
Elonium Sam,, Ent. Comp. i, 1819, p. 175. 
Jlomalotrichus Sol., Hist. Chile, iv, 1849, p. 472. 
Subgen. Coprophilm s. str., Ganglb., Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 677. 
Subjfen. Zonoptilm Motsch., Bull. Mosc. xviii, 1845, i, p. 39 ; xxx, 

1857, iv, p. 602. 

More or less elongate parallel species. Head exserted, 
but little constricted behind. Labnim transverse, chitinous 
behind, membranous in front, slightly and broadly emarginate, 
ciliate. Mandibles stout, slightly curved, the apex pointed, 
occasionally bifid, the inner margin with a small tooth. Inner 
lobe of the maxilla narrow, jwinted, the inner margin with 
several slightly curved teeth and ciliate ; outer lobe broader, 
its apex with similar teeth and cilia. Maxillary palpi with the 
1st joint very small, the 2nd elongate, slightly curved and 
dilated towards the apex, the 3rd much shorter, 4th about as 
long as the 2nd and 3rd together, broad at its base and narrowed 
apically. Mentum transverse, scarcely narrowed in front, 
the anterior margin truncate or feebly emarginate. Tongue 
broad, obtusely emarginate in front, in the middle vAth a 
chitinous supporting rod. Paraglossae well marked, ciliate. 
Labial palpi 3-jointcd, the 1st joint stout, broader than long, 
2nd narrower than 1st, scarcely as long as broad, 3rd stout, 
oval, and little longer than the two preceding together. Pro- 
sternum well developed, its process narrowand acute, extending 
a good way between the coxae ; epimera large, triangular, 
fused with the epipleura. Mesosternum simple, its process 
narrow and acute, extending about two-thirds the length of 
the coxiB, these narrowly separated. Metasternal process 
acute and meeting the preceding, the coxae narrowly separated. 
Anterior tibiae with four or five spines externally, the posterior 
ciliate. Tarsi with the first four joints short, the 5th longer 
than the preceding together. Claws lightly curved, simple. 
Elytra with well-developed parallel epipleura. 

The genus is widely distributed throughout the globe. 


Key to the Suhijenera. 

J. Sides of thorax crenulate Copbophilus, s. str., Ganglb., p. 172. 

Sides of thorax even Zonoptilus Motseh., p. 172. 

180. Coprophilns (s. sti.) alticola. 

Coprophihis alticola Fnuv., Rev. d'Ent. xxiii, 1904, p. 93. 

Larger than C. striatulus ¥., longer and much more shining, 
with slight metallic reflex ; antennae blackish, the 2nd joint 
longer ; head more convex, the front much less impressed ; 
thorax quite different, oblong, convex, more finely punctured, 
less sinuate behind, the posterior angles slightly obtuse, the 
•sides a little uneven, scarcely bordered in front, scarcely 
sculptured on the disc, with two moderate foveas in the middle 
some distance from the base ; elytra shorter, more irregularly 
striate, the strise more sparingly and strongly punctured, the 
apical third smooth, with a few punctures ; abdomen with a 
few fine punctures, the 6th segment at the base rather closely 
punctured. Length 6 to 7-5 mm. 

Simla. In July (ex Fauvel). 

Key to the Species of Zonoptilus. 

Entirely black. Legs pitchy burjjhuemis Champ., 

Elytra reddish with black markings; anterior [p. 172. 

margin and sides of thorax very narrowly [p. 173, 

reddish. Legs reddish-testaceous siibplagiatus, sp. n., 

181. Coprophilns (Zonoptilus) burphuensis. 

Coprophihis hirphttmis Champ.*, E. M. JI. Ixi, 1925, p. lOG. 

Narrow, elongate, black, shining. Legs pitchy, the tarsi 
reddish. Antennae black. Length 6-25 mm. 

Narrower and less depressed than C. striat ulus F . , with shorter 
and more slender antennae. Head narrower than the thorax, 
temples shorter than the eyes, impressed on either side in front, 
rather closely and rather finely punctured, more sparingly 
in front, the neck more closely. Antennae with the 3rd joint 
scarcely shorter than the 2nd, 4th to 6th about as broad as 
long, 7th to 10th moderately transverse. Thorax scarcely 
broader than long, the sides gently rounded, more narrowed 
behind, finely margined, feebly longitudinally impressed on 
either side of the middle, the sculpture very similar to that 
of the head. Elytra a little longer and broader than the 
thorax, longer than broad, striate-punctate, the striae not 
extending to the apex, which is finely and irregularly punctured. 
Abdomen finely and rather closely punctured. 

E. Kumaon : Burphu, Gori Valley, alt. 11,500 feet, vi. 1924 
{H. 0. Champion). 


182. Coprophilus (Zonoptilas) subplagiatua. 

Coprophilus (Zonoptilus) sttbplat/iatus Onm., Ann. Majr. Nat. Hist. 
(10) ii, 1928, p. 558. 

Elongate, black, shining, the anterior and lateral margins 
of the thorax very narrowly reddish, the elytra reddish, the 
base and suture black, a large indeterminate lateral spot 
blackish. Antennae black. Legs reddish- testaceous. Length 
5-2 mm. 

Near C. burphtiensis Champ., but broader and more robust ; 
antenns3 a little stouter, the sides of the thorax a little more 
rounded in front, the anterior and lateral margins very nar- 
rowly reddish, the disc without a median sulcus, more finely 
punctured; elytra differently coloured and more obsoletely 

Tibet : Jelap La, alt. 13,000 feet, 1. iv. 1924 (Hingston). 

Genus PLANEUSTOMUS Jacq. du Val. 

Planeustomus Jacq. du Val. Gen. Col. d'Enr. ii (18.)7-59), 1^59, 
p. 58 ; Thorns., Skiiud. Col. iii, ISfil, p. 142; Faiiv., Faun. Gallo- 
iiUa. iii, 1872, p. 1 27 ; Muls. et Rev, HUt. Xat. Col. Fr., 13i<5vip., 
O.vvp., O-tyt^l. 1879, p. 227; Ganglb., Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, 
p. 071. 

Comjisochiluii Kr., Nat. Ins. Deutsch. ii (IS.'JO-SS), p. 895. 

Elongate, subconvcx species, the head sciircely constricted 
behind, but with a transverse groove between the neck and 
the vertex ; clypeus separated from the front by transverse 
line. Labrum transverse, broadly emarginate in front, setose, 
at the sides with a long membranous ciliated process. Mentum 
transverse, quadrate. Tongue broad, broadly emarginate in 
front. Paraglossa fine and indistinct. Labial palpi with 
rather short 1st joint, the 2nd about twice as long, slightly 
thickened and curved, the 3rd much narrower and about half 
as long as the 2nd. Inner lobe of the maxilla narrow, pointed, 
finely and closely ciliate ; outer lobe broader, densely ciliate 
at the apex. Maxillary palpi rather long, the 1st joint small, 
the 2nd curved and dilated towards the apex, 3rd shorter than 
2nd and less dilated apically, the 4th much longer than the 3rd, 
subulate. Mandibles elongate and slender, scarcely curved 
at the apex, the right edentate, the left with a small tooth, 
each with a ciliate basal membrane. Prosternum short, its 
process pointed ; epiraera fused with the epipleura and 
separated from the prosternum by a suture. Mesosternal 
process short, sharply pointed, very slightly produced between 
the coxae. Metasternum long, its process short, rounded, not 
produced between the coxae, these contiguous. Scutellum 
small. Elytra more or less seriately punctured. Legs rather 


short, the tibiae furnished with spines. Tarsi short, 3-jointed, 
the Ist joint a little longer than the 2nd, the 3rd joint of the 
anterior tarsi about aa long as the two preceding together, 
that of the middle and posterior longer. 

They appear to live in damp places in galleries and are 
frequently attracted to light. Several species are found in 
southern Europe. 

Key to the Species. 

1. Large species (3^ to 5 mm.), the head and 

thorax without ground-sculpture 2. 

Small species (2^ mm.), the head and thorax [p. 175. 

coriaceous subcarinattis Champ., 

2. Thorax transverse; 6th joint of antennfe [p. 174. 

smaller than 7th bengalensis Champ., 

Thorax not transverse 3. 

3. Head as long as broad; eyes flat, aa long as [p. 176. 

the temples longieeps Champ., 

Head transverse ; eyes rather prominent . . indicus Fauv., p. 174. 

183. Planeustomas indicus. 

Planeustomus indicus Fauv., Kev. d'Ent. xxiii, 1904, p. 91. 

Near P. miles Scriba ; entirely testaceous, shining, the 
antennae shorter, 4th and 5th joints somewhat, 6th strongly 
transverse, 7th to 11th forming a club, 7th, 9th, and 10th 
scarcely, 8th strongly transverse ; head more rounded, more 
finely and more sparingly serially punctured, the eyes a 
third smaller ; thorax a little shorter, more finely and a little 
more sparingly punctured, the disc scarcely sulcate ; elytra 
more finely punctured ; abdomen at the sides with a few 
■extremely fine punctures. Length 4 to 5 mm. 

Burma (ex Fauvel). 

184. Planeustomus bengalensis. 

Planeustomus lengalensis Champ.*, E. W. M. Iv, 1919, p. 165. 

Rufo-testaceous, shining, the apex of the elytra and sides 
•of the abdomen scarcely infuscate. Antennae reddish-testa- 
ceous, infuscate towards the apex. Legs testaceous. Length 
3-6 mm. 

Head transverse, a little broader than the thorax ; eyes 
rather large, somewhat prominent, temples feebly convergent, 
.shorter than the eyes ; with a few moderately large, scattered 
punctures. Antennae with 4th to 6th joints small, transverse, 
7th to 11th much thicker, 7th, 9th, and 10th moderately, 8th 
strongly transverse, the 8th smaller and shorter than the 


7th and 9th. Thorax slightly transverse, the sides straight, 
converging behind, on either side of the smooth median space 
with a curved, closely and coarsely punctured sulcus, along the 
anterior border with a row of moderate punctures, the sides 
with several scattered punctures. Eljrtra broader and a 
third longer than the thorax, with rows of rather coarse 
punctures. Abdomen coriaceous. Very finely and sparingly 

Bengal : Sarda {F. W. Champion). 

185. Flaneustomus longiceps. (PI. II. fig. 3.) 

Planeitstonms longicepx Champ.*, E. M. M. Iv, 1919, p. 154. 
Flaneustomus pm<B Cam., E. M. M. Ivi, 1920, p. 143. 

Colour of P. bengahnsis Champ., but much narrower, the 
head as long as broad, eyes flatter, temples as long as the eyes, 
gently rounded, with several moderately coarse, scattered 
punctures behind, nearly smooth in front. Antennae with the 
3rd joint shorter and smaller than the 2nd, 4th to 6th small, 
transverse, 7th to 10th larger, transverse, the 8th shorter than 
the 7th and 9th. Thorax a little narrower than the head, 
as long as broad, the sides straight and converging behind, 
along the middle broadly impunctate, on either side with a 
curved, closely-punctured sulcus, externally with an irregular 
row of larger punctures. Elytra broader and one -third longer 
than the thorax, with rows of moderately large and close 
punctures. Abdomen coriaceous, very finely and very 
sparingly punctured. Length 3'5 to 4-2 mm. 

Bengal : Sarda (F. W. Champion). Bihar : Pusa (T. B. 

186. Planeustomus subcarinatus. 

Flaneustomus subcarinatus Champ.*, E. M. M. Iv, 1919, p. 150. 

Narrow, elongate, reddish-testaceous, moderately shining, 
the head and thorax coriaceous ; sides of the abdomen at the 
apex blackish. Antennae and legs testaceous. Length 
2-5 mm. 

The smallest of the Indian species and readily distinguished 
by the ground-sculpture of the head and thorax. Head 
transverse, the eyes prominent, temples scarcely visible, 
moderately coarsely, sparingly punctured. Antennae with the 
4th to 6th joints small, transverse, 7th to 10th larger and 
broader, the 7th and 8th strongly, 9th and 10th moderately 
transverse, the 8th rather shorter than the 7th, 9th and 10th 
broader than the 7th and 8th, 11th short, oval. Thorax 
as long as broad, the sides straight and converging behind, a 


little narrower than the head, in the middle smooth, elevated 
behind, on either side with a punctured sulcus, the sides 
rather closely punctured. Elytra broader and about one- 
third longer than the thorax, closely, serially punctured. 
Abdomen very finely and sparingly punctured, finely coriaceous. 
Bengal : Sarda {F. W. Champion). 


Aneyropliorus Krnatz, Nat. Ins. Deutsch. ii, 1856-£8, p. 886 ; 

Thorns., Skand. Col. iii, 1861, p. 139 ; Fnuv., Fn. Gallo-RLen. iii, 

1872, p. 1.39 ; Ganglb.. Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 666. 
Octhephilus Muls. et Key, Anu. Soc. Linn. Lyoii, iii, 1856, p. 1 ; 

id., Opusc Entom. vii, 1856, p. 1 ; id., Hist. Nat. Col. Fr., Brfivip. 

1879, p. 352. 

Biology.— llupertsberger, Biol. Lit. Kiif. Eur. 1894, p. 126. 

More or less parallel, subdepressed species, closely related to 
Trogophloeua, but differing in the stout conical 4th joint of the 
maxillary palpi, etc. Head constricted behind ; gular sutures 
fused in front, diverging behind. Labrum transverse coriaceous, 
feebly and broadly emargitiate in front, the anterior angles 
rounded, furnished on each side with a triangular membranous 
process, and with numerous longer and shorter fine cilia. 
Mandibles stout, shortly bifid at the apex and with a small 
tooth behind. Inner lobe of the maxilla narrow, acutely 
pointed at the apsx and furnished with slender slightly curved 
spines and cilia : outer lobe broader, its apex with a few 
stout, curved spines and ciHa. Maxillary palpi with the 
1st joint very small, 2nd gradually widened from base to 
apsx, 3rd scarcely longer than broad, 4th almost as broad at 
the base as the preceding, and then rather suddenly narrowed 
to the pointed apex and distinctly longer. Mentum trans- 
versely quadrate, the anterior angles slightly prominent. 
Labial palpi short, the 1st joint scarcelj' as long as broad, 
the 2nd a little narrower and longer than the 1st, the 3rd 
narrower and shorter than the 2nd, cylindrical. Tongue broad, 
membranous in front, broadly and feebly emarginate, ciliate, 
on either side of the middle in front with a stronger bristle. 
Paraglossae feeble. Prosternum well developed, its process 
short and acute, the epimera large and triangular. Meso- 
stemum simple, its process short and acute, the coxae con- 
tiguous. Metasternal process scarcely indicated. Legs mode- 
rately long, the tibiae ciliate, the anterior with two small spines 
before the apex. Tarsi 3-jointed, the first two joints very 
short, indistinctly separated, the 3rd joint more than twice 
as long as the two preceding together ; claws long and slender. 

The species are found in the vicinity of water, and so far 
are only known from the Palsearctic Ragion. 


Key to the Subgenera. 

1. Suture dehiscent behind, the sutural angle [p. 177. 

of the elytra broadly rounded Misancybds Qozis, 

2. Suture not dehiscent, the sutural angle of [p. 177. 

the elytra not or scarcely rounded Ancyrophokus, s. str., 

187. Ancyrophoms (Uisancyrus) championi. 

Ancyrophorus {Miaancyrus) championi Bernh., W. E. Z. xliii, 1926, 
p. 21. 

Differs from the European emarginatus Fauv. in the much 
smaller size, uniformly deep black colour, more shining surface, 
more distinct, stronger, and more sparing puncturation, smaller 
eyes and longer temples, shorter antennae with the penultimate 
joints only little longer than broad ; thorax in comparison 
with the elytra narrower and smaller, with more polished 
middle line and more distinct impressions on either side, also 
the transverse baaal impressions are rather strong. The 
elytra are much longer, more than twice as long as the thorax, 
much longer than broad. Length 4 -3 mm. (abdomen extended) . 

Kumaon : Ranikhet (ex Bernhaukr). 

Key to the Species of Aiie}'rophorus, s. str. 

Larger (4"5 mm.), the penultimate joints of the 
aiitenn® as long as broad. Ijogs tes- 
taceous, the tibiae a little infiiscate monticola Cam., p. 177. 

Smaller (J\-2 mm.), the petuiltjmate joints of the 

antennoe transverse. Ijegs pitchy M(<jrfu« Cam., p. 178. 

188. Ancyrophoms (a. str.) monticola. 

Ancyrophoms monticola Cam., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1924, p. 174. 

Black, elongate, parallel, moderately shining, the elytra 
\\ times as long as the thorax ; antennae black, the penultimate 
joints as long as broad ; femora testaceous, tibias pitchy. 
Length 4-5 mm. 

Larger and more robust than A. longipennis Fairm., with 
longer antennae, shorter elytra, and less prominent post-ocular 
area. Head smaller than the thorax, the front scarcely per- 
ceptibly punctured and more shining, longitudinally impressed 
on either side ; the disc and sides very finely and closely punc- 
tured ; post-ocular area rounded, shorter than the diameter 
of the large eye ; the whole surface except the front extremely 
finely shagreened ; antennae with the 3rd joint longer than 
2nd, 4th to 7th all a little longer than broad, gradually de- 
creasing in length, 8th to 10th as long as broad. Thorax 
narrower than the elytra, moderately transverse, the sides 
rounded and narrowed in front, more strongly contracted 

VOL. I. If 


behind, the disc impressed so as to form an elevated anchor- 
shaped figure, the middle line smooth and shining, the rest 
of the surface very finely and closely punctured, extremely 
finely shagreened, pubescence fine and short. Elytra broader 
and 1| times longer than the thorax, longer than broad, parallel, 
closely and much less finely punctured than the thorax, finely 
pubescent. Abdomen extremely finely and rather closely 
punctured, finely and rather sparingly pubescent. 
Simla Hills : Gahan, 7000 feet above the sea. 

189. Ancyrophorns (s. str.) nitidus. 

Ancyrophorut nittdus Cam., Traus. Ent. Soc. Loud. 1924, p. 175. 

Black, elongate, parallel, shining ; elytra nearly twice as 
long as the thorax ; antennae black, the penultimate joints 
transverse. Legs black. Length 3-2 mm. 

Smaller and much more shining than A. longipennis Fairm., 
the antennae and elytra shorter, the puncturation of the latter 
less fine. Head shining, very finely and sparingly punctured, 
the front almost smooth, longitudinally impressed on either 
side, extremely finely shagreened. Antennae with the 2nd 
joint shorter than the 3rd, 4th smaller than the 5th, about as 
long as broad, 5th as long as broad, the 6th moniliform, smaller 
than the 5th and 7th, the latter slightly transverse, 8th to 10th 
slightly transverse, gradually increasing in width. Thorax 
shining, narrower than the elytra, transverse, rounded in 
front, almost straightly narrowed behind ; disc with impres- 
sions so as to form an anchor-shaped raised figure, median 
line smooth, the rest of the surface very finely and moderately 
closely punctured and very finely shagreened. Elytra shining, 
parallel, moderately finely, closely punctured without ground- 
sculpture, shortly, finely grey pubescent. Abdomen shining, 
extremely finely and sparingly punctured, sparsely pubescent. 

Simla Hills : Gahan, 7000 feet above the sea. 

Genus TROGOPHLffiUS Mannh, 

Trogophlceus Mannh., Biacli. 1830, p. 40 ; Kr., Kat'. Mark. Brand. 
1830, p. 599; id.. Gen. Spec. Staph. 1840, v. 801:, Oen. 
Col. ii, 1854, p. 118 ; Jacq. du Val, (ien. Col. d'Eur. li, 1858, p. 56 ; 
Kraatz, Natiirg. Ins. Deutsch. ii, 1858, p, 868 ; Fauv., Fn. Gallo- 
JRh^n. iii, 1872, p. 144; Thorns., Skand. Col. iii, 1861, p. 134; 
J. Leconte, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. \\, 1877, p. 242 ; Muls. et Rey, 
Hist. Nat. Col. Fr., Br<5vip. 187». p. 255: Shurp, Biol. Cent.- 
Amer. i, 2, 1887, p. 697; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. ir, 1839, 
p. 822; Qanglb., KSf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 647 ; Kliiua, Munch. 
Kol. Zeitschr. ii, 1904, p. 48. 

More or less elongate and parallel species, the head more or 


less constricted behind, the thorax more or less cordate, 
abdomen usually parallel, but more or less attenuated at the 
apex in the subgenus Thinodromus. Labrum transverse, 
corneous, in front slightly or deeply (Thinodromus) emarginate 
and furnished with a ciliate membrane which in the latter 
subgenus is rather deeply emarginate. Gular sutures fused 
for the greater part. Mandibles stout, not prominent, the 
apex lightly bifid, and behind usually with two triangular 
teeth. Inner lobe of the maxilla narrow, pointed, the inner 
margin furnished with numerous lightly curved spines ; outer 
lobe broader, at the apex with a few curved spines and 
numerous hairs. Maxillary palpi with the 1st joint very small, 
the 2nd lightly curved and widened apically, the 3rd joint 
a little longer and more dilated apically, the 4th very small, 
subulate. Mentum transversely quadrate. Tongue broad, in 
the middle with a corneous plate, the anterior margin slightly 
emarginate. Paraglossae indistinct. Labial palpi very short, 
the Ist joint broader than long, 2nd about as long as broad, 
3rd much narrower, but about as long as or a little shorter than 
the preceding. Thorax with the sides rounded in front and 
narrowed behind, usually with distinct impressions on the disc. 
Prosternum with short acute process not extending much 
between the coxae. Mosostcrnum simple, its process sharp, 
extending almost to the middle of the coxae, these very narrowly 
separated. Metasternal process very short, obtuse, notextending 
between the coxae. Tibiae ciliate ; tarsi 3-jointed, the first two 
joints very short, the 3rd more than twice as long as the two 
preceding together, the claws long and slightly curved, at the 
base of each with a small tooth. Elytra not dehiscent behind, 
their epipleura well developed. Scutellum more or less 
concealed (except in Thinodromus). 

The genus is found all over the world in the vicinity of 

Key to the Suhyenera, 

1. Thorax with a deep arcuate or horseshoe- 

shaped impression, open in front, at the 
base. Antonnee with the 3rd joint about 

aa long as the Becond 2. 

Thorax with two or four impressions on the 
disc, or without impressions 3. 

2. Abdomen narrowed behind; scutellum ip.,180. 

visible Thinodromus Kr.f, 

Abdomen parallel ; scutellum concealed . . Carimlimus Steph.'*', 

[p. 182. 

■f- The characters separating Thinodromiis from CarpaUnma are of doubtful 
value BO far aa the tropioal forms are concerned, the form of the abdome 
showing every gradation from attenuated to parallel; the visibility of the 
soatellum likewise varies. 



8. Head distiuctly constricted behind the [p. 184. 

temples Thogophi.(EU8, s. str., 

Head scarcely constricted behind the [p. 199. 

temples Tboginus Muls. et Bey, 

K«y to the Species of the Subgenus Thinodromus. 

1. Antennte Ions' and slender, all the joints 

much lonifer than broad asaamensis, sp. n., p. 181. 

Antenna) shorter, the penultimate joints not 
longer than broad 3. 

2. Head and thorax finely, sparingly punctured, lunatm Motsch., p. 180. 
Head and thorax closely and distiuctly 

pnnctnred 3. 

3. Eyes larjre, temples absent Uioiai Cam., p. 180. 

Eyes moderate, temples distinct. Base of 

the first three abdominal segments iu the 

middle with a little iteel pubicoUis, sp. n., p. 182. 

190. Trogophlceus (Thinodromus) luuatns. 

TrnffopMcetis lunatus Motsch., Bull. Mufc. xxx, 1857, iv, p. .'504 ; 
Klima, Miinch. Kol. Zeitschr. ii, 1904, p. 50, note. 

Shining, black, the elytra dark reddish- brown, darker towards 
the postero-external angles. Antennte black, the first two 
joints reddish-testaceous. Legs reddish-testaceous, the tibias a 
little infuscate. Length 3 mm. 

Head broad, narrower than the thorax, without impressions ; 
eyes very large, prominent, temples very short, very finely 
and sparingly punctured. Antennae with the 3rd joint longer 
than the 2nd, the 4th to 8th longer than broad, gradually 
decreasing in length, 9th and 10th as long as broad. Thorax 
transverse (5 : 3), the sides strongly rounded in front and 
strongly narrowed behind, the posterior angles obtuse, before 
the base with a deep crescentic impression and with a fine, 
rather obsolete, sparing punoturation, at the sides with numerous 
long hairs. Elytra a good deal broader and longer than the 
thorax (5 : 3), closely, rather finely and distinctly punctured, 
and with a long pubescence, especially at the sides. Abdomen 
a little narrowed behind, finely, rather closely, and obsoletely 
punctured, with a long greyish pubescence. 

Dehra Dun. Chakrata district : Binal Gadh, alt. 3500 feet. 
Appears to be widely distributed in the Oriental Region. 

191. TrogopMoBas (Thinodromus) lewisi. 

Trogophkeui (Thinodromus) leioisi Cam., E. M. M. Iv, 1919, p. 224. 

Black, moderately shining ; palpi pitchy, first joint of the 
antennae and legs reddish-testaceous, the tibiae pitchy. Length 
3 mm. 


Differs from T. lurudus Motsch. in the longer and more slender 
antennae, yet larger eyes, the temples practically absent, more 
closely and more distinctly punctured head and thorax, more 
finely punctured elytra, and shorter and finer pubescence 
generally, and the colour of the elytra. Head narrower 
than the thorax, the eyes large, occupying nearly the whole 
extent of the sides, the front with shallow longitudinal 
impression internal to the antennal tubercles ; punctura- 
tion moderately fine and very close, a little more sparing 
in front. Antennae long, extending to a little behind the 
level of the shoulders ; 2nd to the 7th joints all elongate, 
the first three of them subcqual in length, 5th, 6th, and 7th 
gradually decreasing, 8th as long as broad, 9th and 10th very 
slightly transverse, the 11th short, oval. Thorax transverse, 
the sides strongly contracted behind, dilated and rounded in 
front, before the base with a deep crescentic impression, the disc 
on either side of the middle line with an obscure roimded im- 
pression ; puncturationasonthchead,butlessclose. Scutellum 
impunctate. Elytra broader and a little longer than the 
thorax, transverse, ample, moderately finely, closelypunctured ; 
pubescence fine, grey. Abdomen moderately narrowed poste- 
riorly, rather finely, closely punctured throughout, more 
coarsely at the bases of the anterior segments, finely pubescent. 
Ceylon : Kandy (0. Lewis). 

192. TrogophloBus (Thinodromus) assamensis, sp. n. (Fl. II. 
fig. 4.) 

Entirely black, rather shining. Antennae, palpi, and legs 
black, the base of the femora and the tarsi reddish-testaceous. 
Length 5-5 mm. 

A narrow elongate species. Head almost as wide as 
the thorax, the eyes about as long as the converging 
temples ; vertex with a small fovea, broadly impressed on 
either side, finely and closely punctured. Antennae long and 
slender, all the joints much longer than broad, the 11th a 
little longer than tfte 10th. Thorax a little broader than long, 
convex, the sides rounded and dilated in front and rather 
strongly narrowed behind, disc with a U-shaped impression 
which extends well beyond the middle, the limbs in front 
diverging; sculpture on the disc very similar to that of the head, 
at the sides coarser and closer, subrugose ; pubescence fine and 
short. Elytra ample, much broader and twice as long as the 
thorax, with a well-marked basal callus, closely and rather 
finely punctured, with a fine, short pubescence. Scutellum 
distinct, punctured. Abdomen a little narrowed behind, finely 
and closely punctured and pubescent throughout. 

Assam : Naga Hills, alt. 9000 feet. 


193. TrogophloBus (Thinodromus) pnbicollis, sp. n. 

Black, shining, the elytra and abdomen rather more than 
the head and thorax. Antennae and palpi black. Legs 
reddish-testaceous, the tibiae infuscate. Length 3-5 mm. 

Facies of T. assamenais, but much smaller, with much shorter 
antennae, differently coloured legs, and stronger sculpture. 
Head narrower than the thorax, the length of the eyes about 
three times greater than that of the rounded and convergent 
temples, broadly, obsoletely impressed internal to the eyes, 
closely and moderately coarsely pimctured. Antennae with 
the 3rd to 9th joints all longer than broad, the 3rd to the 7th 
equal, 8th and 9th shorter, the 10th as long as broad, 11th 
conical, a little longer than the preceding. Thorax about a 
fourth broader than long, the sides rounded and dilated in 
front and strongly contracted behind, before the base with a 
crescentic impression, in front of this on either side of the 
middle line with a small fovea, in the middle line near the 
anterior margin with another, towards the side-margins with 
an obsolete reniform impression, closely and rather more 
coarsely punctured than the head and with long, distinct 
pubescence. Elytra much broader and longer (5 : 3) than the 
thorax, closely but more finely punctured, pubescence long. 
Scutellum distinct. Abdomen a little narrowed behind, the 
bases of the anterior segments transversely impressed in the 
middle of each with a small keel, finely and rather closely 
punctured, with a rather long and moderately close pubescence. 

Assam : Naga Hills, Kampison, alt. 6000 feet. Chittagong. 

Key to the Species of the Suhffciiiis Carpiilimus. 

1. Eyes very large, temples ab.sent gravelyi Bernli., p. 183. 

Eye.s smaller, temples distinct 2. 

2. Fi)re-parts moderately finely, closely 

punctured dittinctus Fairni.,p. 182. 

Fdvp-parts coarsely and closely punctured . . vitlneratus Beruh., 

[p. 183. 

194. Trogophloeus (Carpalimus) distinctus. 

Troc/ophl(BU!< distinctus Fairm., I.aboulb. Fn. Fr. i, 1854, p. 616; 
Kraatz, Nat. Ins. Deutscb. ii, 1856-58, p. 870, uote ; Fauv., Fn. 
Gallo-Hhto. iii, 1872, p. 147; Muls. et Rey, Col. Fr., Br6vip. 
1879, p. 258; Ganglb., Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 660; Klima, 
Miinch. Kol. Zeitsth. li, 1904, p. 51. 

Black, rather shining, pubescent. Antennae black, the 1st 
joint pitchy ; palpi pitchy. Legs reddish-testaceous, the tibiae 
infuscate. Length 3'2 mm. 

Head narrower than the thorax, the eyes large, temples 
short but distinct, constricted behind, in front on either side 


rather broadly impressed, finely and closely punctured. 
Antennae with the 3rd joint as long as the 2nd, the 4th to 7th 
longer than broad, 8th as long as broad, 9th and 10th slightly 
transverse. Thorax transverse (5 : 3), the sides strongly 
rounded in front and strongly narrowed behind, before the 
base with deep crescentic impression, in front close to the 
middle line on either side with a small rounded impression, 
in the middle anteriorly with a small longitudinal impression ; 
sculpture on the disc very similar to that of the head, towards 
the sides coarser and somewhat rugose ; pubescence rather 
long. Elytra much broader and almost twice as long as the 
thorax, the shoulders impressed, closely and moderately 
finely punctured, the pujbescencc rather long. Abdomen 
finely and closely punctured, with long greyish pubescence. 

Mussoorie district : Mossy Falls ; Ringal Gad, alt. 5000 to 
6000 feet. Also in Europe. 

The legs are lighter in colour than in the majority of the 
European examples. 

195. Trogophlceus (Carpalimus) gravelyi. 

Troffophloeus (CarpalimuH) gravh/i Bernh.*, W. E. Z. xliii, 1926, 
p. 21. 

Much smaller than T. distindvs Fairm., the eyes much larger, 
occupying the whole side of the head, which is as closely but 
much more finely punctured. Antennas much shorter, the 
penultimate joints more transverse. Thorax with the usual 
deep crescentic impression before the base, but the other 
three impressions very feeble, the pnncturation much finer 
and less deep. Elytia shorter, much more finely, closely, 
and indistinctly punctured. Abdomen more finely punctured. 
The pubescence throughout is much shorter. Antennae 
black, the ist joint reddish. Palpi pitchy. Legs testaceous, 
the tibia) infuscate. Length 2-5 mm. 

Dihong River, below Pasighat (Kemp, Abor Expedition). 

196 Irogophloeus (Carpalimus) vulneratus, 

Troffop/ilmus (Carpalimus) vulneratus Bernli., W. E. Z. xliii, 1926, 
p. 22. 

Easily distinguished by the coarse, moderately thick punc- 
turation of the fore-parts. Black, moderately shining, the 
tarsi obscurely yellow. Head small, the frontal impressions 
feeble. Eyes rather large, prominent, the temples distinct. 
Antennae rather short, the penultimate joints rather strongly 
transverse. Thorax much smaller than the elytra, about 
one-third broader than long, broadest before the middle, 


strongly narrowed behind almost in a straight line, in front 
of the base with the curved impression characteristic of the 
subgenus, in front of this on either side of the middle with an 
oblique rather deep longitudinal impression. Elytra yet more 
strongly and distinctly more sparingly punctured than the 
thorax, about one-half longer, transverse, with prominent 
shoulders. Abdomen very finely punctured. Length 3-5 mm. 
Kumaon : W. Almora (Champion) (ex Bemhauer). 

Key to the Species of the Subgenus Trogophloeus. 

1. Eyes very large and prominent, the temples 

not or scarcely visible (Boopinus Klinia) . 2. 

Eyes smaller, the temples distinct 9. 

2. Thorax with four impresMoiis 3. 

Thorax without distinct impressions .... 0. 

3. Large species (2'76 mm.) ; 8th joint of the 

antennee distinctly longer than broad .. mrftcw* Kr., p. 186. 
Small species (2 to 2'o mm.) ; 8th joint of 
the antennae not longer than broad .... 4. 

4. Thorax and elytra more or less reddish- 

biown 8. 

Entirely black species 5. 

6. Thorax strongly dilated and rounded in 

front niffi ita WoU., p. 180. 

Thorax le>8 dilated in front siamensis Fauv., p. 187. 

6. Larger species (2'5 to 3 mm.) 7. 

Smaller species (1 75 mm.) timplex Motsch., p. 189. 

7. Abdomen extremely finely and densely [p. 188. 

iiunctured and pubescent pluntcollis Bernh., 

Aodomen normallj' punctured and pube.s- [p. 188. 

cent chatlerjeei, sp. n. 

8. 6lh joint of antenna distinctly longer 

than broad; thoracic impressions more 
distinct ; puncturatiou of fore-parts less 

fine peregrinus Cam., p. 187. 

Bth joint of auteiina not longer than 
broad; thoracic impressions feeble; 
puncturatiou of fore-parts finer evngruus, sp. n,, p. 188. 

9. Elytra reddish or reddish-yellow 10. 

Elytra black or brown 18, 

10. Head and thorax densely aiid finely granu- 

lar, opaque t/ranulatm, sp. n., p. 189. 

Head and thorax normally punctured .... 11. 

11. Head large, obviously broader than the 

thorax laiicepa, sp. n., p. 190. 

Head normal, not or scarcely broader than 
the thorax 12. 

12. Head and thorax distinctly coriaceous 

between the punctures coriacetis, sp. n., p. 190. 

Head and thorax smooth between the 
punctures 13. 

'raoGoPHLffiUB. 185 

18. Curvature of tlie eye much longer than 

that of the post-oculav region 15. 

Curvature of the eye as loug as or shorter 
than that of the post-ocular region 14. 

14. Larger and more robust (2 mm.) ; post- 

ocular region dilated and prominent; 

antennes longer foveicoUis Kr., p. 191. 

Smaller and narrower (1-6 mm,); post- 
ocular region scarcely dilated; antennse [p. 101. 
shorter flavip&min, sp. n., 

15. Thoracic fovese scarcely visible palitans, sp. n., p. 192. 

Thoracic fovese distinct 16. 

16. 5th joint of antennDB longer than broad. 

Larger (2"4 mm.) and more robust 17. 

6th joint of antennaj not longer than 

broad. Smaller (2 mm.) and narrower . pus<B, sp. n., p. 192. 

17. More tiiiely punctured ; antennse thinner. . grains, sp. n., p. 193, 
Less finely punctured ; antennse stouter . . piceicolKs, sp. n.,p. 193. 

18. Fore-parts coarsely and closely punctured . 19. 
JFore-parts normally punctured or cori- 
aceous 20. 

19. Black, subopaque, thorax even scabrosus Kr., p. 194. 

Head and abdomen black, thorax and 

elytra reddisli brown, shining, thorax [p. 194. 

impressed before the base abnormalis, sp. n., 

20. Antennao entirely testaceous 21. 

Antennie at least partly black or infuscate . 22, 

21. Penultimate joints of antennce distinctly 

transverse nijicornis, sp. n., p. 195. 

Penultininto joints of antennie as long as [p. 195. 

broad taprobants Walk., 

22. Thoracic impressions distinct 23. 

Thoracic impressions wanting or very in- 
distinct 25, 

23. Jfore robust : thorax longitudinally im- [p. 190. 

pre.'sed on either side of middle rivularis Motscfi., 

More slender ; thorax with anchor-shaped 
impression 24. 

24. Larger (3 mm.) ; 3rd joint of antenna 

distinctly longer than broad torrentum, sp. n., p.l96. 

Smaller (2 mm.) ; 3rd joint of antenna 

not longer than broad trivialu, sp. n., p. 197. 

25. I^arger (2'4 mm.) ; head and thorax cori- [p. 197. 

aceous, opaque, not visibly punctured . . nitidipetmu Cam., 
Smaller (1 to 1-5 mm.) 26. 

26. Head and thorax densely coriaceous, 

opaque, without puncturation. Length [p. 198. 

1 to I -2 mm calcuttmms Bernh., 

Head and thorax punctured, less 0}iaque . . 27. 

27. Head and thorax moderately finely, dis- 

tinctly punctured vagans, sp. n., p. 198. 

Head and thorax extremely finely, densely [p. 199. 

punctured, almost coriaceous hengalenm, sp. n., 


197. Trogophloeus (Boopinus) indicus. (Pi. II. fig. 5.) 

TrogopMmus indicus Kr., Arch. Natur«. xxv, 1859, i, p. 179; 

Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. v, 1886, p. 144 ; viii, 1889, p. 247. 
Trogophlmtsjiavipei Motscli., Bull. Mosc. xxxiv, 1861, p. 43 ; Fauv-^ 

Key. d'Ent. xxii, 1903, p. 150. 
Troffophkeui ceyloniciis Benih., U. E. Z. 190^, p. 44. 

Moderately shining, entirely black. Thorax strongly 
rounded and dilated in front, with four fovese on the disc. 
Antennae black, the Ist joint testaceous. Legs testaceous. 
Length 2-5 mm. 

Closely allied to T. memnonius Er., but with yet more 
dilated thorax, shorter and more closely punctured elytra. 
Head large, subtriangular, narrower than the thorax, eyes 
very large, temples scarcely visible, in front longitudinally 
impressed on either side, finely and closely punctured. Antennte 
long and slender, the 3rd joint shorter than the 2nd, 4th to 
9th all longer than broad, gradually decreasing in length, 
10th as long as broad. Thorax transverse (4J : 3), strongly 
rounded and dilated in front, strongly narrowed behind, 
at the base on each side with an oblique impression and on 
either side of the middle with a shorter impression, in the 
middle line elevated, forming with the impressions an anchor- 
shaped figure, closely and rather less finely punctured than 
the head, with similar fine short pubescence. Elytra a little 
broader and a fourth longer than the thorax, closely, moderately 
finely punctured, finely pubescent. Abdomen very finely, 
closely punctured, finely, rather closely pubescent. 

Widely distributed throughout India, Ceylon, and the 
Malay Archipelago. 

198. TrogoptdoeuB (Boopinus) nigrita. 

Trogophloeus nigrita Woll., Cat. Col. Mader. 1857, p. 202; Fauv . 

Kev. fl'Eiit. xxi, 1902, v. 01; Klima, Mimcli. Kol. Zeitschr. iL 

1904, p. 57. 
Troyophlmus bilineatut Well., Oat. Can. Col. 1864, p. 599. 
Trogophkem iusularis Kr., lierl. Ent. Zeitsch. ii, 1858, p. 127. 
Trogophloeus oculatus Woll., Col. Atlant. 1865, App. p. 74. 

Differs from T. indicus BLr. in the smaller size and narrower 
build, the thorax is much less dilated in front, the antennae 
shorter, the 8th to 10th joints not longer than broad, the 
puneturation of the head and thorax less fine, that of the 
abdomen finer. Head narrower than the thorax. Antennas 
with the 3rd joint as long as the 2nd, 4th to 7th longer than 
broad, gradually decreasing in length, the 8th to 10th about 
as long as broad. Thorax about one-third broader than long, 
with the usual discal impressions. Elytra about a third 
longer than the thorax. Abdomen finely and closely punc- 
tured and pubescent. Antennae more or less reddish at th& 


base, the legs more or less pitchy, with the knees and tarsi 
testaceous. Length 2 to 2-5 mm. 

Widely distributed in the Oriental Region ; also in Europe, 
Madeira, and Canaries. 

19y. Trogophloeus (Boopinus) siamensis. 

TroqophlKut siamenns Fauv., Kev. d'Ent. v, 1880, p. 144; Ann. 

S'oc. Ent. Fr. (6) vi, 1886, p. 178. 
Var. shoalikenais nov. 

Smaller (1| to 2^ mm.) and less robust than T. nigrita WolL, 
the antennas shorter and more slender, the first five or six 
joints reddish-testaceous, the 3rd joint shorter than the 2nd, 
4th scarcely, 5th to 7th a little longer than broad, 8th to 10th 
as long as broad ; head almost as broad as the thorax, closely 
and finely punctured. Thorax slightly broader than long, 
in front less dilated than in nigrita, rather more closely punc- 
tured, the foveaj well-marked. Elytra broader and one-third 
longer than the thorax, as closely but less finely punctured ; 
abdomen very finely and very closely punctured, with fine grey 
pubescence, much closer than that of the fore-parts. The 
colour is black, occasionally (as in many of the genus) with 
the thorax and elytra pitchy. The legs are testaceous, the 
3rd joint of the maxillary palpi blackish. 

Bihar : Pusa. Widely distributed in the Oriental Region ; 
also in Madagascar. 

The variety siumlikensis differs from the tj-jjc-forni in the 
less distinct thoracic impressions and rather more finely 
punctured fore-parts. I have taken it in the Siwaliks. 

200. Trogophloeus (Boopinus) peregrinus. 

Trogophlceun (Boopitius) pereqrinun Cam., l^. 51. M. Iv, 1910, 
p. 225. 

Moderately shining, the head black, the thorax black or 
pitchy, the elytra castaneous. Antenna) and legs reddish- 
testaceous. Length 2-5 mm. 

Almost identical in build with T. politus Kies., except that 
the elytra are shorter and the thorax has four somewhat 
obsolete impressions on the disc ; the puncturation of the 
thorax and elytra stronger, that of the abdomen less dense 
and the pubescence more sparing. Head almost as wide as 
the thorax. Eyes large, occupying nearly the whole side of 
the head, which is finely and closely punctured. Antemiae 
with the 3rd joint scarcely shorter than the 2nd, the 4th to 
the 7th longer than broad, gradually decreasing in length, 
8th, 9th, and 10th about as long as broad, but stouter than the 
preceding, 11th rather short, oval. Thorax about one-third 
broader than long, the sides strongly rounded in front and 


moderately strongly convergent behind ; the disc with four 
somewhat obsolete impressions ; puncturation moderately 
fine and close. Elytra broader and about one-third longer 
than the thorax, square, the puncturation very similar to 
that of the thorax. Abdomen finely and moderately closely 
punctured and pubescent throughout. 
Ceylon : Kitulgalle ; Colombo (0. Lewis). 

201. TrogophloBus (Boopiims) plaaicoUis. 

TroyopMmm ( Boopimia) plaHicoUia Bernh,, D. E. Z. 1902, p. 45. 

Rather shining, pitchy, the 1st joint of the antennae and the 
legs pale testaceous, the thorax narrower than the elytra, 
almost even, very finely and very closely punctured. Length 
2-5 mm. 

Differs from T. indicus Kr. in the narrower, scarcely im- 
pressed and more finely punctured thorax. Black, the thorax 
and elytra sometimes brownish, the palpi dark. Head and 
antennae scarcely differing from indicus. Thorax in the anterior 
third much narrower than the elytra, scarcely a half broader 
than long, less strongly narrowed behind than in indicus, with 
a. trace of median keel behind, on each side almost without trace 
of fossae, extremely finely and very thickly punctured, 
moderately shining, grey pubescent. Elytra much longer 
than the thorax, distinctly broader than long, shining, finely 
and very closely punctured, grey pubescent, slightly longitu- 
dinally impressed on either side of the suture. Abdomen 
extremely finely and extremely thickly punctured, grey 
pubescent, scarcely shining. 

Ceylon : Anuradhapura (ex Bemhauer). 

202. TrogophloeuB (Boopinus) chatterjeei, sp. n. 

This species would appear to be very similar to T. planicollia 
Bemh., but the abdomen is not densely punctured and pubes- 
cent, but rather less closely than in T. indicus Kr. The antennae 
scarcely differ from those of indicus, but the thorax is much 
less dilated in front and less retracted behind, and more finely 
punctured on the disc, as is also the head ; the elytra scarcely 
differ from indicus. Length 2'6 to 2-75 mm. 

Central Provinces : Rahatgaon, Hoshangabad, 21. ix. 26 
(S. N. ChaUerjee). 

203. Trogophloeas (Boopinna) congp^us, sp. n. 

Moderately shining ; head and abdomen black, thorax 
pitchy-brown, elytra brownish-yellow. Antennae black, the 
first four joints reddish-yellow. Legs testaceous. Length 
2 mm. 


In build somewhat resembling T. jnmllua Gr., but a little 

larger, the head larger and without post-ocular space, the 

thorax pitchy, more retracted behind, less distinctly impressed ; 

the puncturation is very similar and the antennae similarly 

constructed. Head a little narrower than the thorax, the eyes 

large and extending to the neck, broadly impressed on each 

side within the antennal tubercles, very finely and closely 

punctured. Antennae with the penultimate joints slightly 

transverse. Thorax with four slight discal impressions, the 

basal ones more distinct, the puncturation as on the head. 

Elytra about half as long again as the thorax, about as long as 

broad, a little loss finely punctured than the thorax. Abdomen 

extremely finely and closely punctured and coriaceous, very 

finely pubescent like pvsillus. 

Central Provinces : Rahatgaon, Hoshangabad. 

204. Trogophloeus (Boopinus) simplex. 

Trogophloem simplex Motsch., Bull. Mosc. \.\xi, 18")7, iv, p. 31. 

Moderately shining, black, the thorax pitchy, without or 
with scarcely perceptible fossse. Antennae dark, the 1st joint 
testaceous. Palpi pitchy. Legs testaceous. Length 1-75 ram. 

Head nearly as broad as the thorax, finely and closely 
punctured. Antennae rather slender, the 3rd joint shorter than 
the 2nd, 4th and 5th a little longer than broad, 6th to 8th as 
long as broad, 9th and 10th slightly transverse. Thorax one- 
third broader than long, narrower behind, widest at the middle, 
the sides evenly rounded from base to apex, the disc without 
or with scarcely perceptible impressions, very finely and 
closely punctured like the head. Elytra broader and nearly 
one-third longer than the thorax, closely and much less finely 
punctured. Abdomen very finely, moderately closely punc- 
tured, finely pubescent. 

Coylon. Widely distributed in the Oriental Region and 

205. Trogophloeus (s. str.) granulatus, sp. n. 

Head black, opaque, thorax pitchy, reddish posteriorly, 
opaque ; elytra shining brownish-testaceous ; abdomen shining 
black. Antennae reddish-testaceous, infuscate towards the 
apex. Palpi with the 3rd joint pitchy. Legs testaceous. 
Length 2 mm. 

Head nearly as wide as the thorax, convex, without im- 
pressions, the eyes small, not prominent, the length of their 
curve shorter than that of the temples ; densely and finely 
granular. Antennae rather long, the 3rd joint shorter than 
the 2nd, 4th and 5th slightly longer than broad, 6th as long as 


broad, 7th to 10th transverse. Thorax one-third broader than 
long, widest before the middle, the sides rounded in front 
and narrowed behind in a nearly straight line ; disc without 
trace of impressions, the sculpture as on the head. Elytra 
broader and one-third longer than the thorax, pale brownish- 
testaceous, shining, closely and rather finely punctured, 
finely pubescent. Abdomen a little widened behind, black, 
shining, very finely and closely punctured, finely pubescent. 

This insect has somewhat the faoies of T. apicalis Epp. 

Dehra Dun. A single specimen taken at light. 

206. TrogopUoeas (?. str.) laticeps, sp. n. 

Shining ; head ferruginous, the clypeus testaceous, between 
the antennal tubercles with transverse blackish band ; thorax 
and elytra reddish-testaceous, the former with four fove£e ; 
abdomen brown. Antennse, palpi, and legs testaceous. Length 
2 mm. 

Very distinct by the large broad head and narrow thorax. 
Head distinctly broader than the thorax, transverse, sub- 
quadrate, the length of the curve of the eye equal to that of 
the rounded temple ; in front longitudinally impressed on 
either side, the vertex with a round impression, closely, 
moderately finely punctured, the punctures finely umbilicate. 
Antennae with the 3rd joint a little shorter than the 2nd, the 
4th to 10th transverse, gradually increasing in width. Thorax 
a little broader than long, widest before the middle, gently 
rounded in front and nearly straightly contracted behind, the 
disc with four moderately defined impressions, the sculpture 
as on the head. Elytra broader and one-third longer than the 
thorax, finely and rather closely punctured. Abdomen a 
little widened behind, very finely and rather closely punctured, 
finely and moderately closely pubescent like the rest of the 

Mussoorie district : Kolhu ELhet Gad. Dehra Dun : Nim 

207. TrogophloBUS (s. str.) coriacens, sp. n. 

Moderately shining, the head and abdomen black, thorax 
pitchy, the posterior border and posterior half of the sides 
rufescent. Elytra testaceous. Antennae black, the first four 
joints testaceous. Palpi with the 3rd joint pitchy. Legs 
testaceous. Length 2 mm. 

Somewhat resembling T. pundipennia Ksw. in build, but 
larger and more robust. Readily recognised by the colour, 
the umbilicate puncturation and coriaceous ground-sculpture. 
Head large, convex, as broad as the thorax, in front on each 

TBOGOPHLdcrS. 191 

side longitudinally impressed ; the length of the curve of the 
«ye equal to that of the temple ; puncturation close, rather 
fine and umbilicate, with coriaceous ground-sculpture. 
Antennae with the 3rd joint a little shorter than the 2nd, the 
4th to 10th transverse, increasing in width, the 9th and 10th 
a good deal wider than the preceding. Thorax about one- 
third broader than long, widest before the middle, rounded in 
front, narrowed and straight behind, with scarcely visible 
■dorsal impressions, the sculpture similar to that of the head. 
Elytra broader and a little longer than the thorax, the punctu- 
ration similar but coarser than that of the thorax, the ground- 
sculpture similar. Abdomen a little widened behind, very 
finely and rather closely punctured, finely coriaceous and 
finely pubescent. 

Dehra Dun. At light. 

208. Trogophloeas (s. str.) foveicoUis. 

TrogojMaus (s. str.) foveicoUis Kv.*, Arcli. Naturg. xxv, 1869, i, 
p. 180. 

Moderately shining ; head and abdomen black, the apex of 
the latter reddish ; thorax reddish-brown ; elytra reddish- 
testaceous. A'ltennse black, the first joint reddish. Legs 
testaceous. Length 2 mm. 

Head broad, scarcely narrower than the thorax, the length 
of the curve of the eye greater than that of the temple ; in 
front longitudinally impressed on each side, closely and 
moderately finely punctured. Antennae with the 3rd joint 
shorter than the 2nd, 4th and 5th a little longer than broad, 
6th to 10th transverse, the 9th and 10th wider than the pre- 
ceding. Thorax transverse (3 : 2), widest in front, straightly 
narrowed behind, the sides before the posterior angles obscurely 
crenulate ; discal impressions well marked, forming the usual 
" anchor-pattern," towards the sides rather broadly impressed, 
the sculpture as on the head. Elytra broader and a little 
longer than the thorax, more coarsely and less closely punc- 
tured. Abdomen scarcely dilated behind, very finely, mode- 
rately closely punctured and pubescent ; finely coriaceous. 

Ceylon. Widely distributed in the Oriental Region. 

209. TrogophloBus (s. str.) flavipennlF, sp. n. 

Moderately shining ; head and abdomen black, thorax 
pitchy brown, elytra testaceous. Antennae dark, the first two 
joints testaceous. Length l-S mm. 

Smaller and narrower than T. foveicoUis Kr., with thinner 
antennae, longer dirty testaceous elytra, and more finely 
punctured fore-parts. Head large, neeirly as wide as the 


thorax, the curve of the eye and temple about equal in length ; 
closely and rather finely punctured. Antennae with the 2nd 
joint shorter than the 3rd, 4th to 7th small, about as long as 
broad, 9th and 10th larger, transverse. Thorax broader than 
long (2J : 2), with well-marked dorsal impressions on the disc 
forming an " anchor-pattern " ; puncturation as on the head. 
Elytra broader and a half longer than the thorax, similarly 
punctured. Abdomen a little dilated behind, very finely, 
moderately closely punctured, finely coriaceous and finely 
Dehra Dun. 

210. Trogophloeas palitans, sp. n. 

Moderately shining ; head and abdomen black, thorax 
pitchy black, with very indistinct foveas ; elytra brownish- 
yellow. Antennae with the first two joints testaceous, the 
following infuscate. Legs testaceous. Length 2 mm. 

Of the build of T. pusillun Gr., but with lighter elytra, less 
fine puncturation of the fore-parts, and larger eyes ; of the 
colour of T. congruus, but with smaller eyes. Head a little 
narrower than the thorax, the eyes large, the curve of the post- 
ocular space about one-third that of the eye, the surface very 
finely and closely punctured. Antennae with the 5th to 7th 
joints a little longer than broad, 8th to 10th as long as broad, 
the 8th smaller than the following. Thorax with the anterior 
foveae scarcely visible, the posterior feeble, the puncturation 
very fine and close. Elytra one-third longer than the thorax, 
very similarly but scarcely as closely punctured. Abdomen 
extremely finely and closely punctured, coriaceous, very finely 
closely pubescent as in pusillus. 

United Provinces : Dehra Dun. 

211. Trogophloens (a. str.) pnsse, sp. n. 

Narrow, elongate, moderately shining ; the head and 
abdomen black, thorax reddish-brown, elytra testaceous. 
Antennae with the first three or four joints testaceous, the rest 
dark. Maxillary palpi with the 3rd joint infuscate. Legs 
testaceous. Length 2 mm. 

Build and size of y, pufillus Gr., but with the thorax rather 
narrower, the structure of the head scarcely differs, the antennae 
are shorter. Head nearly as broad as the thorax, the eyes 
large, the length of their curve much greater than that of the 
temples, longitudinally impressed on each side in front, closely 
and finely punctured. Anteimae with the 5th to 10th joints 
transverse, the 9th and 10th distinctly broader than the 
preceding. Thorax a little broader than long, widest before 

TEOaOPHLfflTTS, 193 

the middle, rounded in front, narrowed and almost straight 
behind, disc with four f oveae, sculpture as on the head. Elytra 
a little broader and a half longer than the thorax, very finely 
and closely punctured. Abdomen elongate, very finely and 
very closely punctured, rather closely, finely pubescent. 
Bihar : Pusa. 

212. Trogophloens (s. str.) gratus, sp. n. 

Moderately shining ; head black, thorax reddish-brown, 
elytra testaceous, abdomen brown. Antennae blackish, the 
first two or three joints testaceous ; 3rd joint of maxillary 
palpi pitchy. Legs testaceous. Length 2-4 mm. 

In build somewhat resembling T. pusilliia Gr., but broader. 
Prom T. foveicollis Kr. it is distinguished by the narrower 
build, finer puncturation, thinner antennae, larger eyes, etc. 
Head large, nearly as broad as the thorax, the eyes large and 
prominent, the temples short but distinct ; finely and closely 
punctured. Antennae slender, the 3rd joint scarcely shorter 
than 2nd, 4th small, about as long as broad, 5th and 6th a 
trifle longer than broad, 7th and 8th about as long as broad, 
9th and lOth transverse. Thorax one-third broader than 
long, less strongly dilated in front and less narrowed behind 
than foveicollis Kr., the sides behind obscurely crenulate ; 
discal impressions well marked, forming the usual " anchor 
pattern," the sculpture as on the head. Elytra a little broader 
and a half longer than the thorax, less finely punctured. 
Abdomen elongate, scarcely widened behind, very finely, 
closely punctured, finely coriaceous and finely pubescent. 

Dehra Dun. At light. 

213. Trogophlceus piceicoUis, sp. n. 

Moderately shining ; head and abdomen black, thorax and 
elytra brownish-red. Antennae black, the first four joints 
testaceous. Legs testaceous. Length 2-4 mm. 

Near T. impressus Lac, but differently coloured and of 
rather narrower build, the eyes larger, thorax narrower, the 
impressions deeper and the puncturation not quite so fine. 
Head a little narrower than the thorax, the post-ocular space 
not dilated and about a third as long as the curvature of the 
eye ; finely and closely punctured. Antennae with the 4th 
to 7th joints about as long as broad, the 8th to 10th scarcely 
transverse. Thorax with a well-marked anchor-shaped 
impression on the disc, puncturation close, less fine than on the 
head. Elytra about half as long again as the thorax, very 

VOL. I. o 


similarly punctured. Abdomen very finely, not very closely 
punctured and pubescent, finely coriaceous. 
Central Provinces : Rahatgaon, Hoshangabad. 

214. Trogophloens (s. str.) scabrosus. 

Troi/opklwus scabrosita Kr., Arch. Naturg'. xxv, 1859, i, p. 179. 

Entirely black, the fore-parts nearly opaque, coarsely and 
closely punctured, abdomen shining. Antennae and palpi 
black. Legs pitchy, the apex of the tibiss and the tarsi 
testaceous. Length 2-5 mm. 

An aberrant species. Head almost as wide as the thorax, 
the eyes moderate, the length of their curve a little less than 
that of the temple, coarsely, closely punctured. Antennae 
with the 3rd joint a little shorter than the 2nd, the 4th and 
5th about as long as broad, the 6th to 10th transverse, the 9th 
and 10th more strongly than the preceding. Thorax nearly 
a third broader than long, the sides in front gently rounded, 
.straighter and narrower behind, disc without trace of impres- 
sions, with sculpture as on the head. Elytra a little broader 
and a little longer than the thorax, more coarsely, rugosely 
punctured. Abdomen finely, moderately closely punctured, 
with a long and coarse pubescence. 

Ceylon : Nuwara Eliya, alt. 6000 to 8000 feet. 

215. Trogophloeus (s. etr.) abnormalis, sp. u. 

Shining ; head and abdomen black, thorax and elytra 
ferruginous red, the latter more or less infuscate. Antennae 
reddish-testaceous, the middle joints scarcely infuscate. Legs 
testaceous. Length 2-5 mm. 

Remarkable by the shining and strongly punctured fore- 
parts. Head short, narrower than the thorax, temples short, 
rounded, distinctly constricted behind, shorter than the curve 
of the eye ; front lightly longitudinally impressed on either 
side, clypeus smooth, the rest of the surface rather closely 
and moderately coarsely punctured. Antennae with the 3rd 
joint as long as the 2nd, the 4th about as long as broad, the 
5th to 10th strongly transverse, the 9th and 10th considerably 
broader than the preceding. Thorax a third broader than 
long, the sides in front rather strongly dilated and rounded 
and rather strongly converging behind, the posterior angles 
rounded ; at the base lightly transversely impressed, the 
impression divided by a fine shining line, a little in front 
with a slightly diverging impression, the whole surface yet more 
coarsely pimctured than the head, but about as closely. 
Elytra a little broader and a third longer than the thorax. 

TEOGOPHlffitrS. 195 

<3onvex, almost as coarsely, but less deeply punctured than the 
thorax. Abdomen very finely, moderately closely punctured 
and pubescent, without ground-sculpture. 
Almora : Dhauli Ganga, alt. 6800 feet. 

216. Trogophloeus (s. str.) ruflcomis, sp. n. 

Moderately shining ; head and abdomen black, thorax 
pitchy, elytra reddish-brown. Thorax without impressions. 
AntennsB, palpi, and logs testaceous. Length 1-8 mm. 

In build somewhat resembling T. corticimis Gr., the form of 
the head very similar, but the thorax more transverse and the 
elytra .shorter. Head nearly as broad as the thorax, the eyes 
rather large, the length of their curve about a third greater 
than that of the temples ; closely and finely punctured. 
Antennae with the 3rd joint distinctly shorter than the 2nd, 
the 4th to 10th transverse, gradually increasing in width. 
Thorax one-half broader than long, the sides evenly rounded 
narrower behind ; disc without impressions, finely and closely 
punctured. Elytra broader and nearly one-half longer 
than the thorax, finely and closely punctured. Abdomen 
very finely and rather closely punctured, finely, not closely 

Ceylon : Belligam. 

217. TrogophloBus (s. str.) taprohanaB. 

Tro</ojMnsiis taprobarue Walk.*, Aim. Mag'. Nat. Hist. (3) iii, 1869, 

Moderately shining ; head black, thorax blackish- brown, 
elytra brown, abdomen black. Antennae and legs testaceous. 
Length 2 mm. 

Eyes moderate, temples well developed, but shorter than 
the eye, very finely and closely punctured. Antennae rather 
long and slender, the 3rd joint a little shorter than the 2nd, 
4th as long as broad, 5th to 7th a little longer than broad, 
gradually decreasing in length, 8th smaller than 9th, as long 
as broad, 9th and 10th stouter, as long as broad. Thorax 
strongly transverse, with very indistinct impressed line in the 
middle, without discal impressions, towards the sides slightly 
obliquely impressed, very finely and closely punctured, rather 
strongly widened and rounded in front and narrowed behind. 
Elytra about one-third longer than the thorax, closely but 
much less finely punctured. Abdomen extremely finely and 
indistinctly punctured, with sparing pubescence. 

Differs from T. simplex Motsch. in the smaller eyes, longer 
temples, longer, thinner, differently coloured antennae, wider, 
shorter thorax, and more coarsely punctured elytra. 


196 STAPnrLiNiBJi. 

218. TrogophloBus (s. ^-tr.) rivolaris. 

Trogopklceua rivularit Motach., Bull. Mosc. xxxiii, 1860, ii, p. 652 ; 
Hochh., 1. c. XXXV, 1802, iii, p. 94 ; Ganglb., Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 
1895, p. 651 ; Klima, Munch. Kol. Zeitschr. ii, 1904, p. 55. 

Troffophlaeua bilineatus Er., Kaf. Mark. Brand. I83y, p. (iOO ; id., 
Oen. Spec. Stapli. 1840, p. 806; Kraatz, Naturg. Ins. Deutsch. ii, 
1856-68, p. 872; Thorns., Skand. Col. iii, 1861, p. 135; Muls. 
et Key, Col. Fr., Br^vip. 1879, p. 271. 

Trogophleetis corticinua Gyll., Ins. Spec, ii, 1810, p. 645. 

TroyopUmus erichsoni Shp., E. M. M. vii, p. 182 ; Fauv., Fn. 
Qallo-Rh^n. iii, 1872, p. 150. 

Trogophlmits metuens Muls. et Rey, Col. Fr., Br^vip. J 879, p. 274. 

Trogophlceiia obncurus Steph., 111. Brit. Eut. v, 1832, p. 326. 

Trogophlaus aubaqum Muls. et Rey, Col. Fr., BrSvip. p. 279. 

Moderately shining, black, the thorax and elytra often 
pitchy-brown. Thorax with two impressions. Antennae dark, 
the first two joints testaceous ; palpi and legs testaceous. 
Length 2-8 to 3 mm. 

Head subtriangular, nearly as broad as the thorax, the 
eyes rather large and prominent, the length of their curve 
greater than that of the temple, in front on either side longi- 
tudinally impressed, closely and finely punctured. Antennae 
with the 3rd joint a little shorter than the 2nd, 4th to 7th 
longer than broad, 8th to 10th about as long as broad, the 9th 
and 10th stouter than the preceding. Thorax one-third 
broader than long, the sides in front rather strongly dilated 
and rounded, almost straight and strongly contracted behind, 
the disc with a lightly-curved longitudinal impression on each 
side of the middle line, closely and finely punctured, at the 
sides in front less shining and slightly rugose. Elytra a little 
broader and a third longer than the thorax, closely, much less 
finely punctured. Abdomen very finely, closely punctured, 
with a rather coarse pubescence similar to that of the fore- 

Mussoorie district : Aglar River. Also in the Palaearctic 
and Nearctic Regions. 

219. Trogophloeus (s. str.) torrentnm, sp. n. 

Shining, entirely black. Thorax with impressions. Antennae 
black, the first two joints testaceous. Palpi with the 3rd joint 
pitchy. Legs testaceous, the femora and tibiae a little inf uscate. 
Length 3 mm. 

Blacker, more shining and more slender than T. rivularis 
Motsch. Head a little narrower than the thorax, the eyes 
rather large and prominent, the length of their curve equal to 
that of the temples ; in front longitudinally impressed on each 
side, the puncturation as fine, but less close than in rivularia. 
Antennae with the 3rd joint shorter than the 2nd, the 4th to 6th 


slightly longer than broad, 7th to 10th transverse. Thorax 
about a half broader than long, moderately rounded and 
widened in front and najrowed behind, the disc with anchor- 
shaped figure, the puncturation a little less fine and a little 
closer than that of the head. Elytra broader and about one- 
half longer than the thorax, less finely and less closely punc- 
tured. Abdomen very finely and closely punctured, finely 
Mussoorie district : Arni Gad. 

220. Trogophloeus trivialis, sp. n. 

Moderately shining, black, the elytra dark brown. Antennae 
black, the first two joints testaceous. Legs testaceous. Length 
2 mm. 

In the build of the head and thorax very similar to T. 
Joveolatus Sahib., but differs in being less robust, the antennae 
longer and differently coloured, and the different sculpture. 
Head slightly narrower than the thorax, the curve of the eye 
as long as that of the somewhat dilated post-ocular region, 
the surface finely and closely punctured. Antennae with the 
penultimate joints slightly transverse, the 4th to 7th about as 
long as broad. Thorax transverse, the anterior discal impres- 
sions feeble, the posterior small but distinct ; puncturation 
close, a little less fine than that of the head. Elytra about one- 
half longer than the thorax, about as long as broad, the punctu- 
ration rather coarser than on the thorax. Abdomen very 
finely, not very closely punctured, coriaceous ; pubescence 
not dense. 

Central Provinces : Bahatgaon, Hoshangabad. 

2'1\. Trogophloeus (s. str.) nitidipennis. 

Troyophlmua nitidipennis Cam., E. M. M. Iv, 1919, p. 225. 

Black ; head and thorax entirely dull, elytra and abdomen 
shining ; thorax without trace of impressions ; anteimae and 
legs reddish-testaceous, the 2nd to the 8th joints of the former 
a little infuscate. Length 2 -4 mm. 

Very distinct by the completely dull head and thorax (which 
is without impressions) and the shining elytra and abdomen. 
Head broad, a little narrower than the thorax ; eyes small, 
their diameter about equal to the length of the temples, which 
are constricted behind ; the front without impressions ; the 
whole surface densely coriaceous and opaque, without visible 
puncturation. Antennae with the 3rd joint shorter than the 
2nd, the 4th to the 6th a little longer than broad, the 7th to the 
10th somewhat transverse, the 11th short, oval. Thorax 
transverse, widest before the middle and about one-half as 


broad again as long, the sides moderately rounded in front and 
rather strongly convergent behind ; the disc without trace of 
impressions and similarly sculptured to the head. Elytra 
broader and a little longer than the thorax, transverse, shining, 
often more or less brownish, moderately finely and somewhat 
closely punctured. Abdomen slightly widened behind, shining, 
very finely and moderately closely punctured and pubescent. 
Ceylon : Dikoya {Letvis). 

222. Trogophloens (s. str.) calcnttanus. 

TroffophlcBUs calcuttanus Bernh.*, Ent. Blatt. vii, 1911, p. 55. 

Black, the abdomen shining, the rest of the body opaque. 
Thorax without impressions. Antennae black, the Ist joint 
reddish-testaceous. Palpi with the 3rd joint infuscate. Legs 
testaceous, the femora and tibiae infuscate. Length 1 to 1 -2 mm. 

Near T. hahphilus Ksw., but shorter and broader, more 
opaque, the head and thorax more strongly sculptured, the 
elytra more rugose, the antennae stouter. Head broad, nearly 
as wide as the thorax, the length of the curve of the eye a 
little more than that of the temple, in front on each side 
lightly impressed, densely coriaceous, without visible punctu- 
ration. Antennae with the 3rd joint much shorter than the 
2nd, the 4th to the 10th transverse, the penultimate twice as 
broad as long. Thorax transverse (2^ : If), the sides gently 
rounded in front and narrowed behind, with sculpture as on 
the head. Elytra broader and a little longer than the thorax, 
closely, superficially punctured and densely coriaceous and 
rugose. Abdomen extremely finely and rather closely punc- 
tured, finely coriaceous, the apex more shining and almost 
without sculpture. Pubescence throughout fine and scanty. 

Calcutta. Type in the Indian Museum. 

223. Trogophloens (s. str.) vagans, sp. n. 

Head and thorax greasy lustrous ; elytra and abdomen more 
shining ; head and abdomen black ; thorax and elytra pitchy. 
Antennae with the 1st joint testaceous, the rest infuscate. 
Palpi with the 3rd joint pitchy. Legs testaceous. Length 
1-5 mm. 

Scarcely differing in build from T. troglodytes Er., but the 
antennae are a little thinner, the head and thorax are distinctly 
punctitted, the latter rather shorter and more transverse, 
the eljrtra less coarsely punctured. Head a little narrower 
than the thorax, the length of the curves of the eye and temple 
equal, longitudinally impressed on each side in front, finely 
and closely punctured and with distinct coriaceous ground- 
sculpture. Antennae with the 3rd joint shorter than the 


2nd, the 4th to 10th transverse, the 9th and 10th wider than 
the preceding. Thorax transverse (2| : 2), rather strongly- 
narrowed behind, disc without impressions, the sculpture as 
on the head. Elytra broader and a little longer than the 
thorax, moderately finely and rather closely punctured. 
Abdomen very finely and rather closely punctured and 

Dehra Dun: NunNadi. Mussoorie: Ringal Gad. Almora: 
Dwarakhet, alt. 5000 to 6000 feet. 

224. TrogophloBus (s. str.) bengalensis, sp. n. 

Near T. calcuttamis Bernh., but with smaller head, less 
opaque fore-parts, the head and thorax being exceedingly 
finely and closely punctured, the elytra not rugose, more finely 
punctured and not coriaceous, the eyes smaller and less pro- 
minent. Very closely allied to T. halophilvs Ksw., exactly 
similar in build and only differs in the stouter antennae and less 
finely punctured elytra. Length 1-5 mm. 

Bihar : Pusa. 

22o. Trogophloeus (Troginus) exiguus. 

Tfogophlmus exigutiH Er., Kaf. Mark, Brand. 1839, p. 604; id., 
Gen. Spec. Staph. 1840, ]). 809 ; Kraatz, Naturg. lus. Deutsch. ii, 
1856-58, p. 877; J. Sahlbeig, Enuni. Col. Brach. feiin. 187C, 
p. 180; Fauv.,Fn. Gallo-Rlien. iii, 1872, )). 157; id., Ann. Mus. 
Civ. Gen. xiii. 1878, p. 195; Muls. et Rev, Col. Fr., Br^vip. 
1879, p. 317 ; Klima, Uluueh. Kol. Zeitsch. ii, 1904, p. 65. 

TroffophloBus ubeiranf! Kosli., Thiere Andal. 1856, p. 85. 

Trot/ophloeus atomus Sanley, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (4) iv, 1864, p. 658. 

TroijophUBus bledioides Woll., Cat. Col. Can. 1864, p. 601. 

Troguphloctu despertus Qimslb., Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 658. 

Trogophlaus discolor Bandi, Berl. Ent. Zeitsch. xiii, 1869, p. 400. 

Trogophlaitis i/lubricollu Motsch., Bull. Mosc. xxxiii, 1 8C0, ii, p. 562. 

Troyophloaua luteicornia Mula. et Key, Col. Fr., Br^vip. 1879, p. 319. 

Trogophlasua mininius Kv., Arch. Naturjf. x.w, 1859, i, p. 180. 

Troguphloitii miuuaculus Motsch., Bull. Mosc. xxiv, 185l, i, p. 144. 

Black, greasy lustrous, the elytra and abdomen more 
shining. Antennae with the Ist joint and often the three 
following testaceous. Legs testaceous or pitchy, with the 
knees and tarsi lighter. Length 1-5 mm. 

A small subcylindrical species. Head as wide as the thorax, 
the eyes large and prominent, the length of their curve about 
twice as long as the temple, which is very indistinctly separated 
from the neck ; impressed in front within the antennal tubercles, 
very finely and densely punctured, the neck coriaceous. 
Anteimse with the 3rd joint much shorter than the 2nd, the 
4th small, about as long as broad, the 5th larger, as long as 
broad, the 6th to 10th transverse, the 9th and 10th larger 


than the preceding. Thorax slightly transverse, the sides 
feebly rounded in front and moderately narrowed behind, on 
each side of the base with or without a small impression, finely 
(but less finely than the head) and closely punctured. Elytra 
a little broader and a third longer than the thorax, closely 
and less finely punctured. Abdomen extremely finely, closely 
punctured, finely pubescent. 

Widely distributed in India and Ceylon. Also in Europe, 
Africa, East Indies, China, and Japan. 


Xerophygtis Krnatz, Arch. Nuturg. xxv, 1859, i, p. 178, tab. iii, 
f. 1. ■ 

Somewhat resembling Trogophlceiis in build, but larger 
and with slender, prominent mandibles which are deeply bifid 
at the apex. Labrum transverse, lightly sinuate in the middle, 
at each side with a long triangular membranous appendage, 
the space between with stiff setae, at the sides with longer cilia. 
Mandibles prominent, the apex deeply bifid, the base with 
fimbriate membrane. Maxillae very similar to Trogopidoeua, 
but the palpi longer, the 4th joint minute. Mentum trans- 
verse, almost truncate at the apex, the anterior angles slightly 
rounded ; tongue membranous, emarginate at the apex, 
obliquely truncate on each side, the anterior margin furnished 
with long cilia and bispinose in the middle, with a sub- 
quadrangular, indistinct supporting membrane ; paraglossse 
with long cilia, scarcely free at the apex. Labial palpi much 
longer than the tongue, with the 2nd joint a little narrower 
and almost twice as long as the 1st, the 3rd narrower and less 
than half as long as the 2nd (ex Kraatz). 

Key to the Species. 

Pitchy, greasy lustrous ; palpi reddi.«h- 

testnceous pallipea Motscli., p. i^OO. 

Black, shining ; palpi fusco-testaceous flavipes Motsch., p. 201. 

226. XerophygUB pallipes. , 

Truyophlmus finlli^s Motsch., Bull. Mopc. xxx, 18C7, iv, p. 606 ; 
Kraatz, Arch. >atuig. xxv, 1859, i, p. 178, tab. iii, ff. 1, 1 a, \b. 

Greasy lustrous ; the abdomen more shining. Head black, 
the rest pitchy, the elytra rather lighter, the margins of the 
abdominal segments and apex rufescent. Antennae, palpi, 
and legs reddish-testaceous. Length 3-5 mm. 

Head transverse, depressed between the antennal tubercles, 
the vertex with a small smooth space, otherwise very closely. 


finely, but roughly punctured and grey pubescent ; temples 
rounded and convergent, shorter than the prominent eyes. 
Antennae with the 3rd joint longer than the 2nd, 4th to 6th 
-a little longer than broad, gradually decreasing in length, 7th 
to 9th about as long as broad, 10th slightly longer than broad, 
11th a little longer than the 10th. Thorax as broad as the 
head, transverse, widest before the middle, rounded in front, 
contracted and sinuate behind, the posterior angles broadly 
rounded, subcarinate along the middle, superficially impressed 
on each side, the impression broader behind and becoming 
narrower in front ; towards the sides lightly impressed, the 
sculpture fine, close, and granular. Elytra about a third 
longer and a little broader than the thorax, a little broader 
than long, rather finely, closely, asperately punctured, grey 
pubescent. Abdomen very finely, closely punctured in front, 
much more sparingly behind, finely coriaceous, with a fine, 
rather long, moderately close, grey pubescence. 
" Ind. or." 

227. Xerophygus flavipes. 

Xerophyyus (?) flavipes Motsch., Bull. Mosc. xxxiv, 1861, i, p. 143. 

Depressed, elongate, parallel, very finely punctured, shining, 
black, with very short pubescence. Base of the antennae 
and legs reddish-testaceous, the mouth and palpi fusco- 
testaceous. Head triangular, subconvex, closely punctured, 
the front in the middle with triangular smooth shining space ; 
eyes prominent. Antennae a little longer than the head and 
thorax, the 2nd joint scarcely longer than the 3rd, the following 
elongate and stouter towards the apex, 11th larger, long, oval. 
Thorax a little broader than the head, transverse, cordate, 
lightly bifoveolate in the middle, pubescent behind, the angles 
obtuse. Elytra scarcely broader than the thorax, quadrate, 
extremely closely and finely punctured, pubescent, the suture 
elevated. Abdomen pubescent, a little dilated behind, the 
apex pointed, the penultimate segment with whitish border. 
Length 1 J lin. ; breadth \ lin. 

Colombo (ex Motschoulsky). 

Apocellagria Cam., E. M. M. M, 1920, p. 143. 

In facies recalling the genus Falagria, the thorax being 
narrow and cordate, the elytra ample, the abdomen slightly 
constricted at the base, and the legs long. Approaches closely 
to the subgenus Thinodromus as represented by aasamensis 
Cam. in build, but differs in the presence of a small keel 
at the middle of the base of the first two (visible) dorsal 


segments of the abdomen and a similar keel on the Ist ventral 
segment. Labium transverse, chitinous, crescentically emar- 
gioate in front and furnished with a densely ciliated membrane, 
the chitinous part bearing several long setae. Mandibles rather 
stout, not prominent, the apex shortly bifid and close behind 
with two small teeth. Maxillary palpi with very small 1st 
joint, the 2nd elongate, lightly curved and a little dilated 
towards the apex, the 3rd fully as long as the preceding, narrow 
at the base and considerably enlarged apically, 4th minute, 
subulate. Inner lobe of the maxilla triangular, the apex 
pointed, the inner margin with slender, closely placed teeth 
decreasing in length behind ; outer lobe obliquely truncate 
at the apex, densely ciliate, and with shorter, slender, slightly 
curved teeth. Mentum trapezoidal, truncate in front ; 
tongue broad, membranous, truncate in front, in the middle 
with a subtriangular chitinous plate, the front margin on either 
side of the middle line with a short chitinous rod. Labial 
palpi with the 1st joint broader than long, the 2nd stout, 
elongate, the 3rd much narrower and much shorter than the 
preceding. ParaglossiE distinct, ciliated. Gular sutures fused, 
except behind. Temples constricted behind, the neck thick. 
Prosternum well developed, its process small, pointed, the 
epimera rather small, pointed, fused with the epipleura of the 
pronotum. Mesosternum simple, its process short, pointed, 
extending but little between the coxae, which are contiguous ; 
metastornum truncate in front. Abdomen narrowed at the 
base, finely keeled in the middle below. Legs rather long, 
slender ; tibiae ciliate. Tarsi very short, the 3rd joint much 
longer than the preceding two together, claws with small 
tooth at base. Scutellum small, but visible. 

Key to the Species. 

Antennae with the base only testaceous, the 

penultimate joints a little longer than 

broad indica Cam., p. 202. 

Antennae with the base and apex testaceous, 

the penultimate joints much longer than [p. 203. 

broad tenuicomis, sp. n.. 

228. Apocellagiia indica. (Fl. II. fig. 6.) 

Apoeellitgria indica Cam., E. M. M. Ivi, 1920, p. 144. 

Pitchy black, shining, the base of the thorax narrowly, the 
first and the anterior part or whole of the second (visible) 
dorsal segments reddish-testaceous. First three joints of the 
antennae testaceous. Palpi testaceous, the 3rd joint scarcely 
infuscate. Legs pitchy, the base of the femora and apex of 
the tibiae testaceous. Length 3-5 mm. 


Head large, subpentagonal, the eyes prominent, the length 
of their curve about equal to that of the temples, these feebly 
rounded and converging ; puncturation rather coarse and 
very close, more sparing in front. Antennae rather long, 
gradually stouter towards the apex, the Ist and 3rd joints of 
about equal length, the 2nd a little shorter, 4th to 10th all 
distinctly longer than broad, but decreasing in length, the 
1 1th as long as the 10th. Thorax scarcely wider than the head, 
slightly transverse, widest at the middle, the sides narrowed 
in the posterior fourth, rounded and dilated in front, crescen- 
tically impressed before the base ; puncturation a little finer 
than on the head, very close in the impression and middle of 
the disc, almost wanting behind the anterior margin and the 
sides in front. Elytra ample, much broader and almost 
twice as long as the thorax, impressed in front on either side 
of the suture, finely and not very closely punctured, finely 
pubescent. Abdomen slightly constricted at the base, very 
finely and rather closely punctured, finely pubescent. 

Nilgiri Hills {H. L. Andrewes). 

229. Apocellagria tenuicornis, sp. n. 

Head and thorax moderately shining, dark ferruginous- 
red, the elytra shining, pitchy, the base reddish. Abdomen 
shining, black, the first two (visible) segments reddish- 
testaceous. Antennae with the first four and last two joints 
reddish-testaceous. Palpi testaceous. Legs pitchy, the base 
of the femora broadly, the extreme apex of the tibiae and the 
tajsi testaceous. Length 3*5 mm. 

Very similar to the preceding in build, but with smaller 
head and shorter temples, the head very similarly punctured. 
Antennae longer and much more slender, the 3rd joint nearly 
twice as long as the 2nd, the rest all much longer than broad, 
gradually decreasing in length, the 11th longer than the 10th. 
Thorax formed as in indica with similar impression, but in 
addition with a median sulcus ; puncturation as on the head, 
more uniform than in indica, only the dilated sides being 
impunctate. Elytra less finely punctured. Abdomen finely 
and more densely punctured. 

Assam : Naga Hills, Kampison. In stream shingle {S. N. 

Oxytelopgis Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 199. 

Facies of a broad and short Oocytelua ; except for the abdo- 
men, coarsely and rugosely punctured. Antennae short. 
Eyes rather prominent, temples constricted behind, neck 

^04 STAPliyLINID-E. 

thick. Labrum with transverse, scarcely emarginate, chitinous 
posterior part and crescentic, membranous, densely ciliate 
anterior part. Mandibles rather short, bifid at the apex and 
with a small tooth just behind. Inner lobe of maxilla pointed 
and furnished internally with some moderately long, slightly- 
curved spines. Outer lobe truncate at apex, with numerous 
curved spines and cilia. Maxillary palpi with 1st joint very 
short, 2nd short, obconical, 3rd longer than 2nd, cylindrical, 
4th narrower and longer than the 3rd, gradually pointed. 
Mentum transverse, oblong. Tongue broad, lightly emarginate 
in front, with central chitinous rod. Labial palpi short, the 
1st joint broader than long, the 2nd narrower and twice as 
long as the Ist, the 3rd as long as, but narrower than, the 2nd. 
Prosternum short, its process short and pointed ; epimera 
large and fused with the pronotal ciiipleura. Mesostemum 
simple, its process short, emarginate behind, extending about 
half the length of the coxae and receiving the rounded apex 
of the rather long metasternal process, the coxse separated. 
Tibise sulcatc externally, ciliate. Tarsi 3-jointed, the first two 
joints very short, the 2nd of them more or less bilobed, the 
3rd elongate, longer than the 1st and 2nd together. Claws 
very slightly curved. Winged. The fore-parts are covered with 
a scaly crust of dry secretion, to which is adherent dirt, con- 
cealing the sculpture. 

The species are found in debris in damp places, and are 
widely distributed in the Oriental Region. A species is also 
recorded from Madagascar. 

Key to the Species. 

1. Large species (5 nim.) ; apical margin of 

elytra narrowly reddish ; penultimate [p. 204. 

joint of antennae slightly transverse .... apicipennis Fauv., 
Smaller species (2'3 to 3'6 mm.); elytra 
uniformly coloured ; penultimate joints of 
antennee strongly transverse '2. 

2. Temples diverging behind and then 

obliquely truncate to the neck. Length [p. 205. 

3"5 mm cimicoides Fauv., 

Temples not diverging, uniformly rounded . 3. 
8. Head short, transverse, the post-ocular 

region scarcely twice aa long as the eye. [p. 206. 

Lragth 2'3 to 2-75 mm pteudopiina Fauv., 

Head as long as broad, the post-ocular 

region fully twice as long as the eye. 

Length 3 mm andretoesi, sp. n., p. 207. 

230. Ozytelopsis- apicipennis. 

Oxytelnpsia apicipennit Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1896, p. 200. 

Pitchy, a little shining, the clypeus, apical margin of the 
elytra and posterior margins of the abdominal segments 


reddish. Antennae reddish. Legs testaceous, the tibise pitchy. 
Length 6 mm. 

Head suborbicular, narrower than the thorax, the post-ocular 
area evenly rounded, much longer than the small eye ; 
antennal tubercles rather strongly elevated ; clypeus shining, 
■with a few fine punctures and surrounded by an impressed 
line, the anterior border truncate ; base broadly emarginate ; 
vertex elevated, obsoletely sulcate in the middle, on either 
side broadly, obliquely impressed, coarsely, rugosely sculp- 
tured. Antennae with the 3rd joint shorter than the 2nd, 
4th smaller than the 5th, transverse, 5th to 10th slightly 
transverse. Thorax transverse (9J : 6), the base and apical 
margins bisinuate, widest before the middle, the sides evenly 
rounded and crenulate, more narrowed behind, the anterior 
angles rectangular, prominent, the posterior obtuse ; in the 
middle with a sulcus widened in front and bounded on each 
side by a fine keel, externally broadly impressed, the sculpture 
coarser than that of the head. Elytra a little longer and broader 
than the thorax, transverse, the suture raised, the disc and 
posterior angles obscurely impressed, coarsely, asperately 
sculptured. Abdomen elongate, oval, rather closely and 
moderately finely pimctured in front, more finely and more 
closely behind. 

Burma : Carin Asciuii Gliecii {L. Fea). 

231. Oxytelopsis cimicoides. (FiR. 'M.) 

Oxytelopitis cimicoides l''auv.*, Rev. d'l'jtit. .\iv, 1895, p. I'OO. 

Scarcely shining, pitchy red, the elytra darker, the abdomen 
obscure reddish-yellow. Antcnnce and legs reddish-testaceous, 
the tibiae infuscate. Length 3-5 to 3-75 mm. 

Fig. 39. — OxytelopaU cvmicaidet, head and thorax. 

Differs from 0. pseudopsina Fauv. in the larger size and 
broader build, the dilated and obliquely truncate 'post-ocular 


region, and the more transverse thorax, the sides of which are 
strongly elevated. Head transverse, much narrower than the 
thorax, the post-ocular region diverging backwards for a 
short space, then obliquely truncate to the neck ; clypeus 
more shining, punctured, surrounded by a circular impressed 
line, the anterior margin broadly rounded ; vertex elevated, 
on each side with a small fovea, coarsely rugosely sculptured. 
Antermse scarcely differing from pseudopsina. Thorax twice 
as broad as long, the side-margins elevated, rounded, irregular, 
and crenulate, distinctly emarginate before the prominent 
posterior angles, disc in the middle feebly sulcata, externally 
transversely impressed, sculpture as on the head. Elytra 
longer (6 : 4) than the thorax, transverse, closely, coarsely, 
asperately punctured. Abdomen very finely, closely punctured. 
Burma : Carin Asciuii Gh^cu (Fea). Assam : Naga Hills, 
Laimatak (S. N. Chatter jee). Mussoorie district : Mossy Falls 

232. Ozytelopsis pseudopsina. (Fig. 40.) 

Oxytehpsis pseudopsina Fauv.*, Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 201. 

Ferruginous-red, a little shining, abdomen obscure reddish- 
testaceous. Antennae, mouth-parts, and legs reddish-testaceous. 
Length 2-3 to 2-75 mm. 

Head much narrower than the thorax, transversely sub- 
orbicular, the post-ocular region evenly rounded to the neck, 

Fig:. 40. — Oxyteloptii paeud/opivna, head and thorax. 

scarcely twice as long as the rather prominent eye ; margin of 
the front elevated and truncate, clypeus with a circular 
impression, the area within a little raised and coarsely punc- 
tured, vertex with obsolete stdcus, obsoletely impressed on 
either side, coarsely rugosely punctured. Antennae with the 
3rd joint clavate, about as long as the 2nd, the 4th small, 


about as long as broad, the 5th to 10th transverse, the 9th and 
10th much broader than the preceding, nearly three times as 
broad as long. Thorax transverse (5 : 3), bisinuate in front, 
the sides rounded, scarcely sinute behind, finely denticulate 
disc with median sulcus wider in front, on either side with a 
broader obsolete one, the sides scarcely impressed, sculpture 
as on the head. Elytra about one-third longer than the 
thorax, transverse, with close, rather coarse, asperate sculpture. 
Abdomen finely, rather closely asperately punctured. 

Burma : CarinAsciuiiGhfou (JFm). Dehra Dun. Mussoorie. 
Siwaliks. Also in the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, and 

233. Oxytelopsis andrewesi, sp. n. (Fig. 41.) 

Beddish -brown, subopaque, the anterior margin of the 
front testaceous : abdomen more shining. Antennas reddish, 
the first three joints testaceous. Legs reddish-testaceous. 
Length 2-75 mm. 

Differs from 0. pseudopsina Fauv. in the colour being less 
red, the larger, more quadrate head, the longer post-ocular 
region, the shorter, thicker antennae, and the elevated, tri- 
sinuate sides of the thorax, which is strangulate before the base. 

Figf. 41. — Oxytelopsis andretoesi, head and thorax. 

Head subquadrate, a little broader than long, the curve of the 
eye about a third as long as that of the evenly-rounded post- 
ocular area, frontal margin elevated, truncate, clypeus with 
semicircular impression, the area within sculptured like the 
rest of the surface, vertex scarcely elevated, the whole surface 
coarsely, rugosely punctured. Antennae short and clavate, the 
2nd joint shorter than the 1st, clavate, the 3rd very small, 
moniliform, 4th to 10th transverse, quickly increasing in 


breadth, the penultimate three times as broad as long. Thorax 
almost twice as broad as long, the front margin bisinuate, 
the sides elevated, obsoletely trisinuate and crenulate, a little 
before the base suddenly narrowed and emarginate ; middle 
of the disc with a feeble sulcus, wider in front, abbreviated 
behind, on either side with a trace of a lateral sulcus, externally 
obsoletely, transversely impressed, the sculpture as on the 
head. Elytra a little wider and longer than the thorax, trans- 
verse, with a coarse granular sculpture, the sides finely crenu- 
late. Abdomen very finely and not closely punctured. 
Nilgiri Hills {H. L. Andrewes). 

Genus DELOPSIS Fauv. 
Delopsis Fauv., llev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 198. 

Elongate, subdeprossed species with rugose sculpture of the 
fore-parts. Head strongly constricted behind, the neck 
rather broad, the gular sutures fused. Labrum transverse, 
broadly emarginate, the anterior angles furnished with a 
narrow, pointed, ciliated membrane, the emargination furnished 
with longer and shorter closely placed cilia and about a dozen 
longer setae more posteriorly. Mandibles pointed, behind the 
apex with a broad tooth furnished with two pointed cusps, 
behind it with about five membranous processes ciliate 
at the apex, posteriorly with a ciliate membrane. Maxillary 
palpi with the 1st joint very small, the 2nd short, obconical, 
the 3rd longer, cylindrical, the 4th narrower and a little 
longer, cylindrical, with rounded apex. Inner lobe of maxilla 
with pointed apex, fxirnished internally with slightly curved 
spines, gradually becoming shorter behind ; outer lobe obliquely 
truncate apically and furnished with numerous slightly 
curved slender spines and cilia. Mentum transverse, oblong. 
Tongue obtusely emarginate in front, forming two diverging 
rounded lobes, in the middle with a chitinous-rod. Paraglossse 
distinct, not extending beyond the anterior border of the tongue, 
ciliate. Labial palpi with the 1st joint broader than long, 2nd 
cylindrical, about twice as long as broad, the 3rd a little narrower 
than but as long as the preceding, its apex rounded. Pro- 
stemum short, scarcely produced between the coxae. Epimera 
large and fused with the pronotal epipleura. Mesostemum 
simple, its process short, not much produced between the coxae, 
these separated. Metasternal process produced between the 
coxae. Tibiae sulcate, pubescent, scarcely spinose externally 
at the apex. Tarsi short, 3-jointed, the 1st joint longer than 
the 2nd, this more or less bilobed, the 3rd longer than the two 
preceding together. Scutellum concealed. Winged. 

The genus is found in the Oriental Region amongst damp 
debris etc. A single species is recorded from Africa. 


Key to the Species. 

1. Species entirely black. Larger (4'5 to 5 mm.). 2. 
Tnorax ferruginous-red, elytra brown. 

Smaller (1-76 to 2'6 mm.) 3. 

3. Antennm long and fitout, the penultimate 

joints much longer than broad, cylindrical, cornuta Fauv., p. 209 
Antennee slender, the penultimate joints 
scarcely longer than broad, obconical .... setieornis FauT., p. 20!)^ 
3. Larger (2 to 2'5 mm.). Antennae shorter, the 

penultimate joints distinctly transverse . . indicus Bemh., p. 210 
Smaller (1*76 mm.). Antenna longer, the 
penultimate joints a little longer than [p. 21 1 . 

broad longicoitiis Fauv., 

234. Delopsis cornnta. 

Delopais corimta Fauv., Kev. d'Eut. xiv, 1805, p. 198. 

Subopaque ; head and elytra black, the thorax pitchy, the 
abdomen a little shining, pitchy. Antennae black, robust 
and elongate. Legs reddish - testaceous. Length 4-75 to 
5 mm. 

Head subquadrate, narrower than the thorax, the posterior 
angles rather broadly rounded, the eyes small, about a fourth 
as long as the post-ocular space ; clj^)eus depressed, more 
shining, with a few punctures, the anterior margin truncate, 
behind with a fine elevated line, before the base transversely 
sulcate, behind the antennal tubercles longitudinally impressed, 
the impression continuous with the basal sulcus, sculpture 
more or less longitudinally coarsely reticulate. Antennae 
long and stout, the 2nd joint scarcely longer than broad, the 
following all distinctly longer than broad, cylindrical. Thorax 
slightly transverse, almost semicircular, the sides with four 
emarginations, that before the obtuse posterior angle deepest, 
the anterior least evident ; in the middle with a sulcus, much 
wider in front, before the base on either side with a large 
impression, externally rather deeply transversely impressed ; 
sculpture reticulate, rugose. Elytra as long as, but broader 
than the thorax, transverse, rugose, and striate. Abdomen 
closely, rather finely and asperately punctured, yet more finely 

Burma : Carin Asciuii Cheba ; Carin Gh6cu {Fea). Also 
in the Malay Peninsula. 

235. Delopsis setieornis. 

Delopiis s€ticofnta Fauv.*, Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 199, 
Delopsis taxuicomis Gam., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1924, p. 175. 

Black, opaque, rugose ; head subtriangular, thorax with four 
impressions ; antennae blaok, slender ; legs testaceous. 
Length 4-5 to 4-8 mm. 

VOL. I. P 


Differs from D. comuta Fauv. in the shorter, more slender 
antennae, more triangular heaid, more transverse thorax, and 
less reticulate, more rugose sculpture. Head widest behind, 
gradually narrowed anteriorly, eyes small, post -ocular area 
widened and rounded ; front with a transverse shining plaque 
between the antennal tuberosities and a fine transverse 
impression immediately behind ; vertex posteriorly with a 
f mall median and a larger lateral fovea on either side, the whole 
surface rugosely sculptured. Antennae with the 2nd joint 
shorter than the 3rd, 4th to 8th longer than broad, gradually 
decreasing in length but increasing in thickness tith and 10th 
about as long as broad, 11th half as long again as lOtn. Tl: orn.x 
nearly semicircular, transverse, anterior border bisinuate, 
posterior coarctate, anterior angles rectangular, disc with fine 
median furrow throughout, on either side with a broader 
curved impression, the sides with transverse obsolete impres- 
sion, the whole surface rather finely, closely, and rugosely 
punctured. Eljrtra broader and a little longer than the 
thorax, transverse, closely striate-rugose. Abdomen rather 
shining, extremely finely and moderately closely punctured, 
very finely and rather closely pubescent, finely coriaceous. 

Burma : Carin Asciuii Gh^cu {Fea). Chakrata district : 
Khedar Khud, 7500 feet above the sea. Arni Gad, Mussoorie, 
6500 feet above the sea {Cameron). 

286. Delopsis indicas. 

0.iytehi.t indicun Bernli.*, W. V. Z. xliii, 1926, p. 2.3. 

Fore-parts opaque ; abdomen a little shining ; head and 
abdomen black, thorax ferruginous-red, the elytra brown. 
Antennse black, the first four joints reddish-testaceous. Legs 
testaceous. Length 2 to 2-5 mm. 

Very near 0. glareoaus Woll.t of the same build, opacity, 
sculpture, and colour and with similarly constructed antennae, 
but whereas in glareoaus the head of the ^ is distinctly larger 
and more dilated behind than in the ?, in indicvs the head in 
both sexes appears similar. Head a little narrower than the 
thorax, the post-ocular region rounded and very slightly 
dilated, rather more than twice as long as the small eye ; 
clypeus depressed, separated from the front by a transverse 
groove, roughly sculptured ; vertex in the middle with a short 
sulcus, on each side with a larger fovea, the whole surface 
roughly, unevenly sculptured. AntennaB with the 3rd joint a 
little shorter than the 2nd, 4th and 5th a little longer than 
broad, the following slightly transverse, the 11th as long as 
the two preceding together. Thorax transverse (3^ : 2|), the 

t This inaeot is undoubtedly a Delopsis. 


sides only slightly rounded in front, straighter and rather 
strongly retracted behind and obsoletely crenulate, the 
posterior angles rounded ; sulci feeble, towards the sides 
impressed, the whole surface uneven, sculpttired like the head. 
Elytra nearly a half longer than the thorax, closely longi- 
tudinally striate, the interstrise a good deal interrupted. 
Abdomen very finely, moderately closely punctured. 

$ : 7th ventral segment broadly and feebly emarginate. 

? : 7th ventral segment produced in the middle and rounded. 

Kumaon : Haldwani. Bengal : Sarda. United Provinces : 
Dehra Dun ; Mussoorie ; Chakrata. Under damp debris near 

237. Delopsis longicornis. 

Oxyteltia lont/icornis Fauv.*, Mitt. Mu8. Ilamb. xxii, 1906, p. 80. 

Opaque, the abdomen and clypeus more shining. Head 
blackish, abdomen black, thorax dark ferruginous-red, elytra 
yellowish- brown. Antennae reddish. Legs reddish- testaceous. 
Length 1-75 mm. 

Very near Delopsis {Oxytelus) glareosus WoU., but a little 
smaller and narrower, the head and thorax narrower, the 
latter of darker colour, antennae longer, the sculpture finer. 
Head as broad as the thorax, widest behind and narrowed in 
front, eyes small, the post-ocular region slightly dilated and 
rounded to the neck, much longer than the curve of the eye ; 
vertex with a short sulcus, very finely, roughly striate-cori- 
aceous. Antennae with the 3rd to 10th joints longer than 
broad, the 11th as long as the two preceding together. Thorax 
transverse, trapezoidal, the sulci distinct, finely longitudinally 
striate. Elytra closely asperate. Abdomen very finely, 
closely, roughly punctured. It would appear to differ from 
the type-form in the darker head. 

Assam : Fatkai Mountains. Also in Java. 

Genus OXYTELUS Grav. 

Oxytelus Grav., Col. Micr. Bninsv. 1802, p. 101 ; Mannh., Brach^l. 
1830, p. 47; Meph., 111. Kiit. J'.nt. v, 1832, p. 314; Er., Kaf. 
M,irk. IJrand. 18a7-:39, p. 588; id., Gen. Spec. Staph. 1839-40, 
p. TS."} ; l/accivd , Gen. Col. ii, 1854, p. 118 ; Kraatz, Naturg. Ins. 
Deulsch. ii, ISoB-SS, p. 847 ; Jacq. du Val, Gen. Col. d'Eur. ii, 
18.-.8, p. 55; ThoniR., Skand. Col. lii, 18til, p. 126; Fauv., Fn. 
Gallo-Rh^n. iii, 1872, p. 163; Mill-., et l^ey. Col. Fr., Brtvip. 
1879, p. 43 ; Sliavp, B. C.-A. i, 2, 1882-87 (1887), p. 6f<7 ; Ca.*.., 
Ann. N. York Acid, vii, 1893, p. 381 ; Ganglb., Kaf. Mitt Eur. 
ii, 1895, p. 633. 

Subgeii. Anotylm Tlioma., Skand. Col. iii, 1861, p. 180. 
, Caccojmrus Thorns., id. p. 127. 



Subgen. Upomotylus Thorns., id. p. 128. 
„ Oxytelvi, 8. str, 
„ Tanycr(ierus Thorns., Sktind. Col. iii, 1861, p. 120. 

More or less elongate, moderately depressed species. The 
head distinctly constricted behind. Gular sutures fused. 
Labrum short, broad, in front truncate or lightly emarginate, 
the rounded anterior angles furnished with a triangular ciliated 
membrane. Mandibles rather slender, pointed, immediately 
behind the apex with a broad bi- or tricuspid tooth and more 
posteriorly with some membranous ciliated processes. Maxil- 
lary palpi with the 1st joint small, the 2nd lightly curved, 
widened apically, the 3rd cylindrical, a little longer than the 
2nd, the 4th narrower and a little longer than the 3rd, subulate. 
Inner lobe of the maxilla narrow and pointed, finely spinose 
internally ; outer lobe longer and broader, its apex similarly 
spinose. Mentum transverse, oblong. Labial palpi with the 
1st joint broader than long, 2nd cylindrical, much longer and 
narrower than the 1st, 3rd narrower and about as long as the 
preceding. Tongue broad, broadly and slightly emarginate ; 
paraglossse extending a little beyond its margin. Prostemum 
narrow, with rather short, pointed process ; epimera broad, 
their inner margin straight. Mesostemura simple, its process 
very short and broad, extending but little between the coxae. 
Metastemal process long and broad, extending between the 
coxae to the mesostemal process. Tibiae usually strongly 
spinose, the anterior externally usually more or less emarginate 
before the apex. Torsi 3-jointed, the first two short and 
subequal, the 3rd much longer than the two preceding together. 
Scutellum concealed. Usually winged. The genus is universally 
distributed and frequents dung, carrion, rotting fungus, and 
fruit. Three species unknown to me {sim'pUx, incisua, and 
parasitus Motschoulsky) are not included in the keys. 

Key to the Subgenera. 

1. Sides of the thorax crenulate or denticulate . Oxytblus, ?. str., 
Sides of the thorax even, at least in front . . 2. fp. 212. 

2. First joint of the antennee elongate, distinctly 

constricted before the apex 3. 

First joint of the antennee not constricted 

before the apex Anotxlus, p. 237. 

3. Eyes with fine facets Tanycrakeus, p. 217. 

Eyes with coarse facets Caccoporub, p. 231. 

Key to the Species of Suhc/enus Oxytelus, ». ttr. 

1. Head and thorax bronze-green emeotinetia, sp. n., 

Head and thorax otherwise coloured 2. [p. 216. 

2, Elytra black or pitchy 3. 

Elytra yellow 4. 


3. Sides of thorax strongly denticulate. 

Length 4 mm hiHulus £pp>, p. 213. 

Sides of thorax finely crenulate. Length 
2-75 to 3 mm cribrum Fauv., p. 214. 

4. Antennee red, the first four joints testa- 

ceous flavipennis Kr.> p. 216. 

Antennae black, the first or firat and second 
joints more or less testaceous sordidus, sp. n ,p. 2l6. 

238. OxyteluB (s. str.) hirtulus. (Fig. 42.) 

Oxytelus hirtulus Epp.*, W. E. Z. xiv, 1896, p. 68. 

Black, moderately shining, the elytra brown, darker towards 
the base, the whole insect covered with long, fine, sparse 
pubescence. Antennae black. Last joint of maxil'ary palpi 
testaceous, the rest blackish. Femora brown, the tibiae and 
tarsi reddish. Length 4 mm. 

Fig. 42. — Oxytelus hirtulus, apex of abdomen ; ventral surface of (^« 

(5 : Head transverse, narrower than the thorax, the post- 
ocular region a little dilated and broadly rounded, the eyes 
small, their cvurve scarcely a third as long as that of the post- 
ocular area ; clypeus a little convex, shining, impunctate, 
its anterior border broadly rounded, separated from the 
vertex by a transverse impressed line ; neck closely and finely 
punctured ; vertex without fove-a, the whole surface closely 
and coarsely punctured. Antennae reaching the base of the 
elytra, the 1st joint gradually thickened towards the apex. 

214 8TAPHTI.IKn)ig. 

not constricted, the 2nd scarcely shorter than the 3rd, the 
4th scarcely longer than broad, the 5th as long as broad, the 
6th to 10th transverse, gradually increasing in breadth, the 
penultimate about half as broad again as long, 11th short, 
oval. Thorax almost semicircular, the sides strongly denti- 
culate, the disc with three not very distinct sulci, the median 
deepei* than the lateral, these evanescent towards the front, 
the whole surface coarsely and closely punctured except the 
interval between the median and lateral sulci, which is much 
more sparingly punctured. Eljrtra as long and as broad as 
the thorax, coarsely but less closely punctured. Abdomen 
finely and sparingly punctured and without ground-sculpture. 
7th ventral segment obtusely produced in the middle, the 
apex rounded, deeply emarginate on each side, in the middle 
of the base with a fovea. 

$ : Head a little smaller, scarcely dilated behind, the eyes a 
little larger. 7th ventral segment broadly produced in the 
middle, the apex broadly rounded, scarcely emarginate on 
either side. 

Eppelsheim appears to have described the (J as the $. 

Simla (type): Fagu; Kotgarh, alt. 7000 to 8000 feet. 
Chakrata district : Jadi Gad ; Kanasar, alt. 7000 feet 
{Gameron). Burma : Ruby Mines (Doherty). 

239. GzyteluB (s. str.) cribrnm. 

Oxyteha crihrum Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. xxiv, 1905, p. 114. 

Entirely black, very shining, the fore-parts costrsely sculp- 
tured and glabrous. Antennae and palpi black. Femora 
pitchy, the tibise and tarsi lighter. Length 2-75 to 3 mm. 

Differs from 0. hirtvlua in the smaller size, glabrous fore- 
parts, obsoletely crenulate sides of the thorax, etc. ^ : Head 
slightly transverse, narrower than the thorax, the post-ocular 
area rounded, the eyes small, the length of their curve about 
a third that of the post -ocular space ; clypeus a little convex, 
rounded in front, impunctate, continuous with the vertex ; 
intra-ocular keel continued to the base, internal to it with a 
longitudinal sulcus, coarsely punctured, here and there con- 
fluent ; neck closely, moderately finely punctured. Antemue 
with the 1st joint clavate, 2nd and 3rd equal in length, 4th 
small, moniliform, 5th to 10th transverse, the penultimate 
about twice as broad as long. Thorax nearly semicircular, 
the sides obsoletely crenulate, median sulcus narrow, distinct, 
the lateral scarcely visible, towards the sides obsoletely 
impressed, covered with coarse confluent punctures. Elytra 
a uttle longer and broader than the thorax, less coarsely 
striate-punctate. Abdomen very finely and sparingly punc- 

. OXYTELUS. 215 

tured, indistinctly coriaceous, and with a few fine short hairs. 
7th ventral segment slightly obtusely produced in the middle 

$ : Head smaller. 

Sikkim : Darjeeling. Simla Hills, 7000 to 8000 feet alt. 
Chakrata district. Bengal : Kurseong. Burma : Ruby Mines. 

240 Ozytelns (s. str.) sneotinctus, sp. n. 

Shining ; head and thorax bronze-green, elytra obscure 
testaceous with slight greenish reflex ; abdomen black. 
Antennae black, the first four joints more or less testaceous. 
Legs testaceous. Length 2-5 to 2-75 mm. 

Readily distinguished by the colour. In build similar to 
O.intricatiis Er., with sculpture of similar character but coarser. 
(J : Head transverse, subquadrate, narrower than the thorax, 
the post-ocular region rounded, a little longer than the curve 
of the eye ; clypeus not separated from the front, coriaceous, 
shining, the anterior margin truncate, the rest of the surface 
rather coarsely punctate-striate. Antennae with the 4th joint 
moniliform, 5th to 10th transverse, the penultimate more than 
twice as broad as long. Thorax transverse, the sides slightly 
rounded in front, retracted behind, and feebly crenulate to the 
obtuse posterior angles ; in the middle narrowly sulcate, the 
lateral sulci obsolete, the sides slightly impressed, the whole 
surface coarsely striate-punctate. Elytra a little longer and 
broader than the thorax, transverse, rather coarsely striate- 
punctate, including the reflexed sides and without lateral 
keel. Abdomen finely, distinctly, and rather closely punctured. 
7th ventral segment slightly produced and rounded, emarginate 
on either side. 

? : Head smaller, less quadrate ; post-ocular region as long 
as the curve of the eye ; clypeus more strongly coriaceous. 

Dehra Dun. 

241. Ozylelus {a. str.) flavipennis. 

OrytebusJlaoijKnnk Kr.*, Aich. Natiirg. xxv, 1859, i, p. 172. 

Shining ; head pitchy-brown, thorax reddish-brown, elytra 
yellow, abdomen brown. Antennae with the first four joints 
testaceous, the rest red. Legs testaceous. Length 3 mm, 

Build of 0. invMus Gr., but much smaller and with larger 
eyes. Head scarcely narrower than the thorax, transverse, 
the vertex with deep longitudinal fovea and sulcate on either 
side ; front depressed between the antennal tubercles ; disc 
with a few moderately fine punctures, the lateral sulci 
coriaceous ; post-ocular region rounded and narrowed to the 
neck, as long as the eyes. Antennae with the 3rd joint longer 


than the 2nd, 4th and following transverse. Thorax trans- 
verse, the sides obscurely crenulate, narrowed behind, the 
posterior angles completely rounded ; disc tri-sulcate, the 
median extending the whole length, the lateral wider, very 
slightly curved and not reaching the anterior margin ; the sides 
impressed, rather coarsely and closely punctured, scarcely 
strigose ; lateral sulci with a few moderate punctures, the 
median sulcus and the spaces between it and the lateral 
practically impunctate. Elytra a little broader than the 
thorax, slightly transverse, moderately finely and moderately 
closely puncured, scarcely strigose. Abdomen coriaceous, 
the posterior margins of the segments each with a transverse 
row of fine punctures Otherwise impunctate. 

(J : 7th ventral segment abruptly narrowed and produced, 
truncate, the apex deeply longitudinally impressed. 

" Tnd. or." 

242. Oxytelns (s. str.) sordidus, sp. n. 

Black, shining, the elytra pale testaceous, the sides (except 
at the humeral angle) infuscate. Antennae black, the first or 
first and second joints testaceous, more or less infuscate below. 
Legs and palpi testaceous. Length 3 mm. 

Very similar in build to 0. nitidulus Gr., but more robust, 
differently coloured, the antennae a little shorter, the punctiura- 
tion of the head finer, and the elytra only striate at the sides. 
(J : Head narrower than the thorax, the post-ocular region a little 
dilated and rounded, distinctly longer than the curve of the 
eye ; clypeus continuous with the front and without sculpture ; 
vertex with an obsolete sulcus, rather finely and moderately 
closely punctured, the punctures larger and closer towards the 
sides. Antenna with the 3rd joint a little longer than the 2nd, 
4th small, moniliform, 5th to 10th transverse, the penultimate 
joints strongly so. Thorax transverse (5 : 3), the sides 
obscurely crenulate, rounded in front and straighter behind, 
the posterior angles rounded ; median sulcus entire, deeper 
and narrower than the lateral, these slightly curved, scarcely 
abbreviated in front, the sides broadly impressed, puncturation 
coarser than that on the vertex of the head, closer and more 
or less confluent in the sulci and lateral impressions, more 
sparing elsewhere. Elytra a little broader and a third longer 
than the thorax, transverse, superficially and moderately 
olosely punctured on the disc, at the sides feebly striate- 
punctate. Abdomen finely and moderately closely punctured, 
finely coriaceous. 7th ventral segment narrowed, produced 
•And rounded behind. 

$: Head smaller, post-ocular region not dilated, simply 



rounded, its length scarcely as long as the curve of the eye ; 
clypeus more or less coriaceous in front and with a few fine 

Dehra Dun. Bihar : Pusa. Assam : Naga Hills up to 
3000 feet. 

Key to the Species of the Subgenus Tanycraerus. 

1. Antemial tubercles furnished in front 

with a longer (cJ) or shorter (J) spine. 

Length 0-5 to 6-3 mm anniger FauT., p. 218. 

Antennal tubercles normal 2. 

2. Head entirely coriaceous except for a space [p- "27. 

oil the middle of the neck nilgirietisis, sp. n., 

Head at most with the clypeus (and 
ucca^Moually the area immediately adja- 
cent) coriaceous 3. 

3. Femora black or pitchy. Large .«pecies, 

4'5 to 5 mm 4. 

Femora testaceous 6. 

4. Thorax at the sides rugosely punctured; 

ehtra coarsely striate-punctate robutttu Schub., p. 228. 

Thorax simply punctured ; elytra scarcely 

striate ". hingstoni Cam., p. 226. 

6. Thorax .i-sulcate fi. 

Thorax 3-8ulcate 8. 

6. Posterior angles of the thorax prominent, 

obtuse ; elytra testaceous, the base and 
sides more broadly, the suture and apex 

more narrowly blackish. Length 5'2ram. a/moren»M,sp.n.,p.221. 
Posterior angles of the thorax rounded, 
not prominent 7. 

7. Larger (o to 5'5 mm.). Head larger and 

sparingly punctured lucens Bernh., p. 220. 

Smaller (4 mm.), Head smaller and rather ) ' 223 ' 

closely punctured \ ^./;^,.,^ ^p „^ p 322, 

8. Clypeus not coriaceous 9. 

Clypeus distinctly coriaceous 10. 

9. Large (o'6 to 7 mm.) ; elytra punctate- 

striate hellicoms Fauv., p. 218. 

Small (2°76 mm.) ; elytra simply punctured. Jmttdue, sp. n., p. 230. 

10. 4th joint of the antennee as broad as 

the 6th, the penultimate joints scarcely 

transverse megacerot Fauv., p. 226. 

4th joint of the antennae small, narrower 
than the 6th, the penultimate joints 
distinctly transverse 11. [p. 224. 

11. Elytra simply punctured paUidipennis, sp. n., 

Elytra punctate-striate 12. 

12. Thorax deeply impressed at the sides, 

posterior angles obtuse dohertyi, sp. n., p. 223. 

Tnorax scarcely impressed at the sides, 
posterior angles rounded micans Kr., p. 228. 


243. OzytelitB (Tanycraerusl armiger. 

Oxytelut armiger Fauv.», Uev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 202. 

Shining ; head black, the spines of the antennal tubercles 
and clypeus rufesoent ; thorax and abdomen pitchy-black, 
the posterior margins of the 6th and 7th segments narrowly 
testaceous ; elytra brown. Antennae dark, the first four 
joints reddish. Legs testaceous. Length 5-6 to 6-3 mm. 

(J : Head a little narrower than the thorax, transverse, the 
post-ocular region rounded to the neck, twice as long as the 
eye ; clypeus declivous, impunotate, not separated from 
the front, on either side of the middle of the anterior border 
with a short pointed tooth, the border between orescentioally 
emarginate ; front excavated ; antennal tubercles produced 
forwards into long, pointed, punctured, slightly divergent 
spines ; vertex slightly impressed in the middle, on either 
side with a broader, slighter impression, the whole surface 
except the clypeus finely and sparingly punctured. Antennse 
extending to the middle of the thorax, 3rd joint longer than 
2nd, 4th a little longer than broad, 5th slightly, 6th to 10th 
scarcely transverse. Thorax transverse (10 : 7), with the sides 
rounded in front, rather strongly retracted and a little sinuate 
before the obtuse posterior angles ; anterior angles rather- 
prominent ; sulci well marked, the median wider in front, 
the lateral curved, abbreviated in front ; towards the sides 
broadly and deeply impressed, sparingly and rather finely 
punctured on the disc, more coarsely and more closely at the 
sides. Elytra a little widened behind, as long as but a little 
broader than the thorax, closely and rather coarsely striate 
and punctured, externally with a broader, uninterrupted stria. 
Abdomen very finely and very sparingly punctured in front, 
practically impunctate behind, ground - sculpture fine, 
coriaceous. 6th ventral segment with three slight, broad 
emarginations. 7th deeply and narrowly excised on each side, . 
the central lobe so formed broad with rounded apex, the whole 
segment broadly impressed along the middle to the base. 

$: Head smaUer, the spines a little shorter, the clypeal 
teeth smaller : post-ocular space about twice as long as the eye. 

Burma: Carin Cheba, 900 to 1100 metres, v.-xii. 1888 
(L. Fea). 

244. OzyteluB (Tanycraeras) bellicosas. (Fig. 43.) 

Oxi/teltu bellicomu Fauv.*, Elev. d'Ent. xiv, 1896, p. 202. 

Shining, head and abdomen black or pitchy ; thorax 
pitohy-brown, the elytra obscure testaceous, the sidos and 
apex and occasionally the disc also infuscate. Antemue black, 



the first four joints testaceous. Legs testacseous. Lengtix 
5-5 to 7 mm. 

(^ : Head large, nearly as wide as the thorax, post-ocular 
region dilated and rounded, much longer than the length of 
the curvature of the eye, which is rather small; clypeus without 
sculptiu-e, furnished with two stout decurved spines which 
project well beyond the anterior border, which is truncate ; 
base with curved impressed line before the neck, vertex 
occasionally with a fine short sulcus, sparingly and rather 
finely punctured, towards the sides more or less striate- 
punotate ; neck sparingly punctured. Antennae with the 

Fig, 43. — OxyteluB (Tan.ycraeru$) bellieoius, apex of abdomen 
yentral Burfaoe of d . 

4th joint a little longer than broad, almost as wide as the 5th, 
which is as long as broad, 6th to 10th slightly transverse. 
Thorax strongly transverse, trapezoidal, the sides in front 
slightly emarginate, then very obtusely angulate and straightly 
narrowed to the obtuse posterior angles ; disc 3-sulcate, the 
sulci straight, parallel, the median broader in front, the lateral 
shorter, towards the sides broadly impressed ; disc rather 
sparingly punctured, at the sides rather strongly punctate- 
striate. Abdomen extremely finely and extremely sparingly 
punctured, finely coriaceous. 7th ventral segment in the 
middle with two short triangular teeth, the space between 



narrow and tninoate ; 6th scarcely perceptibly emarginate 
in the middle. 

?. Head smaller, post-ocular region not dilated, simply 
rounded, as long as the ciu:vature of the eye ; anterior border 
broadly feebly emarginate ; the disc striate-punctate. 

Burma : Garin Cheba (L. Fea). 

245. Oxytelns (Tanjcraerns) Incens. (Fig. 44.) 

OxyUlus lucent Bernh., Stett. Ent. Zeit. Ixiv, 1903, p, 84. 

Black, shining, the thorax often pitchy, the elytra testaceous, 
the base and sides more or less infuscate. AnteimsB black, 
the 1st joint testaceous, scarcely infuscate at the apex, 2nd 
to 4th pitchy. Legs testaceous. Length 5 to 5-5 mm. 

Fig. 44. — Oxytehia {Tanycraeru») lucetu), apox of abdomen ; 
ventral surface of tS . 

^ : Head large, nearly as broad as the thorax, widest behind 
at the broadly rounded post-ocular region, which is distinctly 
longer than the eye, narrowed in front, the anterior border 
emarginate in its whole breadth ; clypeal region and area 
between the antennal tubercles depressed, very sparingly 
punctured, feebly coriaceous ; middle of vertex with fine 
longitudinal groove, on either side with a much broader longi- 
tudinal impression, the whole surface very sparingly punctured. 
Antennse with 6th to 10th joints transverse, gradually 
increasing in width. Thorax transverse, widest a little behind 
the anterior angles, the sides in front rounded, behind almost 


straight and retracted to the rounded posterior angles, feebly 
orenulate behind ; disc 5-8ulcate, the three central stilci 
narrow, entire, the external in the fundus of the lateral impres- 
sion, finer and shorter, the whole surface finely and very 
sparingly punctured. 'Elytra as long as but broader than the 
thorax, rather finely and rather closely punctured, at the 
sides obscurely striate. Abdomen sparingly punctured, finely 
coriaceous. 7th ventral segment produced in the middle and 
gradually narrowed, the apex truncate and crescentically 
impressed. 6th ventral segment in the middle with shallow, 
moderately broad emargination, behind which is a triangular 

$ : Head smaller ; post-ocular space about as long as the 
eye ; vertex in middle without sulcus. 

Darjeeling District : Kurseong. Also in Malaj' Peninsula, 
Sumatra, Java, and Lombok. 

246. Oxytelus (Tanycraerus) almorensis, sp. n. (Fig. 45.) 

Black, shining, the elytra obscure testaceous, the sutiwe 
and apical margins narrowly, the base and sides more broadly 
infuscate. Antennae black, the first joint reddish at the 
base. Legs testaceous. Length 5-2 mm. 

Fig. 45. — Oxytelus (Tanycraerus) almorensis, apex of abdomen ; 
Tential surfaoe of cf . 

Near 0. huxna Bernh., but with smaller, more coarsely 
punctured head, the thorax with the sides angulate before 
the middle, the posterior angles obtuse, everted, and prominent, 
the disc more punctured, the elytra more closely and strongly 
sculptured and of a different colour. $ : Head distinctly nar- 
rower than the thorax, the post-ocular region rounded, scarcely 
dilated, a little longer than the curve of the eye ; clypeus 
Ughtly depressed, sparingly punctured, the anterior border 
feebly, broadly emarginate ; base obliquely sulcate on each 


side before the neck, this and the rest of the surface rather 
sparingly and moderately finely punctured, without striae. 
Antennae with the 4th joint small, moniliform, the 5th to 10th 
rather strongly transverse, 11th about as long as the two 
preceding together. Thorax transverse, trapezoidal, the sides 
in front straight and diverging btickwards to a little before 
the middle, then obtusely angulate, narrowed and sinuate 
before the prominent and everted posterior angles ; disc with 
five sulci, the median narrow and straight, the internal narrow 
and bisinuate, the external broader, abbreviated in front, 
the sculpture as on the head. Elytra a little longer and 
broader than the thorax, transverse, striate-punctate. Abdomen 
extremely finely and closely punctured on the anterior segments, 
posteriorly coriaceous and with a few larger punctures. 7th 
ventral segment produced in the middle into a reddish plate, 
narrowed towards the apex, which is emarginate, and with a 
fine transverse keel a little behind the eraargination, at the 
base of the plate with a strongly elevated (less in the centre) 
semicircular crest open backwards. 6th ventral segment 
broadly and slightly emarginate in the middle. 

9 unknown. 

Almora : Dhauli Ganga, altitude 9250 feet. 

Fig. 46, — Oxytelut (Tanycraertis) diaealU, apex of abdomen ; 
ventral gorfaoe of cf . 

247. Oxytelns (Tanycraeras) discalis, sp. n. (Eig. 46.) 

Somewhat similar to O. megaceroa Fauv., of the same colour 
and lustre, but smaller and differing in the following respects : — 

^: Head shorter, the rounded post-ocular space as long 
as the eye, frontal margin less produced, more broadly truncate, 


vertex on either side with a longitudinal impression, punctures 
much more numerous ; antennae thinner, the 4th joint small 
and moniliform, the following distinctly transverse ; thorax 
with the sides more rounded, the rounded posterior angles 
orenulate, disc with the lateral impression sulciform and 
with more numerous punctures ; elytra more closely punctured 
and with traces of striae ; abdomen less finely coriaceous. 
7th ventral segment produced in the middle into a short reddish 
plate, the sides slightly converging, the apex truncate, on 
either side of the base of the plate with a small triangular 
reddish process directed backwards and outwards, at the 
base of the plate with two small tubercles ; 6th broadly and 
very slightly produced in the middle and truncate. 

$ : Head smaller, the post-ocular space shorter than the 
curve of the large eye. Length 4 mm. 

Simla Hills : Kotgarh ; Fagu. Mussoorie district : Kolhu 
Khet Gad, alt. 6000 to 8000 feet. 

248. Oxytelns (Tanycraerus) pnnctipennis. pimcfi'penms Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. xxiv, 1905, p. 11.3. 

This species must be closely allied to 0. diacalia, but according 
to the description the secondary ^ characters are different. 
A $ specimen in the Indian Museum determined by Bernhauer 
as pundipennia appears identical with $ examples of disctH-ia. 

" (J : Near 0. laqveatris Marsh., but smaller and narrower, 
the mandibles red, the palpi pitchy, with the last joint testa- 
ceous ; elytra pale yellow , the extreme base and the reflexed 
sides scarcely infuscate ; head smaller, the frontal margin 
narrower, more narrowly thickened, the vertex scarcely 
sulcate, more sparingly punctiu-ed ; thorax less narrowed in 
front, the anterior angles nearly rectangular, the posterior 
more distinct ; disc 5-sulcate, the external sulci broader than 
the internal, deep, the disc and sides with a few punctures ; 
elytra more transverse, with rather close puncturation, which 
is stronger and more sparing ; abdomen almost impunctate. 
6th ventral segment in the middle obsoletely bidenticulate, 
scarcely emarginate between the teeth ; 7th in middle produced 
into a red, slightly thickened plate. 

" 5 unknown. Length 4 mm. 

" Sikkim : Darjeeling {Christie). Unique." (Ex FauveO 

249. Oxytelus (Tanycraerns) dohertyi, sp. n. 

Black, shining, elytra brownish-testaceous. Antennae 
bla«k, the first four joints reddish-testaceous. Legs testaceous. 
Length 3 mm. 

In build much resembling 0. megaceros Fauv., but smaller, 
the elytra uniformly brown^-testaoeous, the head not dilated 


behind, and the penultimate joints of the antennae strongly 
transverse. (J : Head distinctly narrower than the thorax, 
the post-ocular region rounded, not dilated, and about as long 
as the curve of the eye ; clypeus depressed, truncate, finely 
coriaceous ; vertex on each side with a short sulcus, closely 
and moderately coarsely punctured, the punctures more or less 
confluent at the sides. Antennae with the 4th joint small 
and moniliform, the 5th to 10th rather strongly transverse. 
Thorax transverse, trapezoidal, the sides evenly rounded in 
front, rather strongly retracted and a little sinuate behind to 
the obtuse posterior angles ; disc trisulcate, the median sulcus 
a little wider and deeper in front, the lateral a little wider, 
almost straight, as long as the median, at the sides broadly 
impressed ; finely and sparingly punctured on the disc, more 
coarsely and closely at the sides, the punctures more or less 
confluent. Elytra a little longer and broader than the thorax, 
scarcely transverse, rather closely punctm-ed, indistinctly 
striate. Abdomen finely, very sparingly punctured, coriaceous. 
7th ventral segment produced in the middle into a short reddish 
plate, the sides slightly converging to the apex, which is 
truncate ; on either side crescentically emarginate. 
Manipur (Doherty). 

Fig. 47. — Oxyteliu {Tanyemenu) palUdipemmit, apex of abdomen ; 
ventral siurface of iS . 

260. OzyteluB (Tanycraerus) pallidipennis, sp. n. (Fig. 47.) 

Shining, head black, thorax and abdomen pitchy, eljrtra 
■pais testaceous. Antennae blaok, the first four joints reddish 
testaceous. Legs pale testaceous. Length 3-5 to 4 mm. 

La biuld somewhat resembling O. micans Kr., but larger. 


differently coloured, the sculpture different, and the head 
larger. ^ : Head slightly broader than the thorax, widest 
behind, the post-ocular region dilated and rounded, much 
longer than the curve of the eye ; clypeus a little depressed, 
without sculpture, the anterior border narrow and slightly 
emarginate ; disc without impressions, finely and sparingly 
punctured. Antennae with the 4th joint small, the 5th to 
10th transverse, the penultimate about half as broad again as 
long. Thorax transverse (6 : 4^), the sides gently rounded in 
front, straighter and rather strongly retracted to the rounded 
posterior angles ; disc trisulcate, the lateral a little wider 
and curved, as long as the median, towards the sides rather 
feebly impressed ; the sulci punctured, the spaces between 
impunctatc, at the sides with some moderately close punctures. 
Elytra slightly longer and broader than the thorax, transverse, 
moderately closely, obsoletely punctured, not striate. Abdomen 
almost impunctate, finely coriaceous. 7th ventral segment 
produced in the middle as a reddish plate, the sides gradually 
converging, the apex truncate, on each side with a deep and 
wide triangular emargination ; 6th ventral segment in tin- 
middle of the posterior border with a small arcuate excision. 
Dehra Dun. 

251 . Oxytelus (Tanycraerus) megaceros. ( l'i<;. -48.) 

Oxytelus meyaceros Faiiiv., Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 201. 

Black, shining, the elytra pale testaceous, the base, suture, 
sides and apical margin infuscate. Antenna} black, the first 
two joints more or less reddish. Legs testaceous. Length 
4-5 to 5 mm. 

cj : Head large, but narrower than the thorax, the post- 
ocular region rounded and feebly dilated, distinctly longer 
than the rather large eye ; clypeus depressed, coriaceous, 
produced, narrowed, and truncate in front, the rest of the 
surface with a few more or less fine scattered punctures. 
Antennae long and stout, the 4th joint as long as broad, scarcely 
narrower than the 5th, the rest scarcely transverse. Thorax 
transverse, trapezoidal, widest at about the anterior third, 
the sides feebly rounded in front, more retracted and almost 
straight behind to the rounded posterior angles ; disc with 
three sulci, the lateral ones abbreviated in front, lightly 
curved, the sides broadly impressed, almost impunctate 
except in the sulci and impressions. Elytra about as long as, 
but a little broader than, the thorax, transverse, scarcely striate, 
moderately coarsely punctured. Abdomen finely and sparingly 
punctured, very finely coriaceous. 7th ventral segment 
produced in the middle into a short broad plate, the sides 

VOL. I. Q 


of which converge slightly, the apical border broadly 

?: Head smaller, eyes larger, their length about equal 
to that of the rounded post-ocular space. 

Mussoorie district. Burma. Also in the Malay Peninsula, 
Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines, and Formosa. 

Fig. 48. — Oxytelus (Tanycraerue) megaceroa, apex of abdomen of fj ; 
ventral surface. 

252. Oxytelus (Tanycraerus) hingstoni. 

Oxytelus (Tanycraerua) hinggtoni Cam., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (10) 
ii, 1928, p. 659. 

Entirely black, shining. Thorax 3-8ulcate. Antennae black, 
the Ist joint pitchy. Legs with the femora pitchy, the tibiae 
and tarsi pitchy -testaceous. Length 5 mm. 

Near 0. megaceros Fauv., but differently coloured, etc. 

$ : Head narrower than the thorax, suborbicular, the post- 
ocular region about half as long again as the eye ; clypeus 
declivous, the front emarginate and with a few scattered 
punctures ; vertex even, the whole disc moderately finely and 
moderately closely punctured. Antennae with the 4th joint 
small, the 5th to 10th transverse, the penultimate about twice 
as broad as long. Thorax as in liicens Bernh., the sides in 
front evenly rounded, slightly emarginate before the obtuse 
posterior angles, the disc trisulcate, the lateral sulci some- 
what abbreviated in front and behind, at the sides deeply 
and broadly impressed, the puncturation closer at the sides, 
not striate. Elytra a litne longer than the thorax, closely 
punctured, scarcely striate. Abdomen almost impunctate, 

<J unknown. 

Sikkim : Laohen, alt. 10,000 feet, 26. iv. 24. 



253. Ozytelns (TanycraeruB) nilgiriensig, sp. n. (Fig. 49.) 

Black, moderately shining, the head coriaceous, the elytra 
testaceous, the suture and apex narrowly, the base and sides 
more broadly infuscate. Antennae black, the first four joints 
reddish, more or less spotted with brown. Legs testaeeous. 
Length 4 mm. 

Head less shining than in 0. megaceros Fauv. and diacalia, 
owing to the coriaceous ground-sculpture, which is present 
all over but is less marked on the middle of the neck. 

<J : Head large, widest behind, fully as broad as the thorax, 
the base truncate, the temples diverging backwards, slightly 
longer than the eyes, the posterior angles rounded ; clypeus 

Fig. 49 OxijtehwKTanyrraerus) nilgirietiais, apex of abdomen of (J ; 
Tontml surface. 

depressed, the front margin broad, truncate, at each anterior 
angle with a small tubercle ; the disc with a few more or less 
elongate punctures, towards the sides obsoletely striate and 
with a few punctures, the front and clypeus impunctate. 
Antennae with the 4th joint moniliform, 5th to 10th slightly 
transverse, 11th rather long, longer than the two preceding 
together. Mandibles reddish, very strongly curved. Thorax 
transverse, trapezoidal, widest a little behind the anterior 
angles, the sides nearlystraight, narrowed behind to the rounded 
posterior angles ; disc 3-sulcate, the sulci equal in length, the 
lateral broader, lightly curved, near the sides feebly impressed, 
the sulci scarcely punctured, the disc with a few punctures, 


228 STAPHYMlflDA;. 

the lateral impression with some more or less elongate punc- 
tures. Elj^ra a little longer and broader than the thorax, 
transverse, moderately closely punctured, more finely and 
sparingly externally, not striate. Abdomen very finely and 
sparingly punctured, coriaceous. 7th ventral segment pro- 
duced in the middle into a triangular reddish plate with 
rounded apex, on each side deeply emarginate ; 6th ventral 
segment in the middle with a deep, broad, arcuate excision 
fringed with long yellow pubescence, on either side with a 
broader and shallower emargination. 

? unknown. 

Nilgiri Hills. 

254. Oxytelus (Tanycraerus) robustus. 

Oxytelm robustus Sehub., D. E. Z. 1906, p. 383. 

Black, shining, tibiae and tarsi pitchy, thorax deeply 3-sulcate; 
front anteriorly foveolate, impunctate ; thorax at the sides 
rugosely punctured, ' the elytra strongly striate, more or less 
punctured. (J • Head broader, as wide as the thorax, in front 
more deeply impressed. 7th ventral segment produced in the 
middle in a narrow tongue-shaped lobe. Length 4-5 mm. 
Breadth nearly 1-2 mm. 

Near 0. sculpturatus Gr., but with entirely black and 
differently constructed antennae, darker legs, and very different 
(J characters. Deep black, shining, only the tibiae and tarsi 
Ughtor. The head in the $ is distinctly narrower, in the (J 
at least as broad as the thorax, large, finely and sparingly 
punctured, the front deeply impressed, with rounded sides, 
smooth and shining in both sexes. Antennae strongly incrassate, 
the penultimate joints fully twice as broad as long, the 7th 
comparatively broadest since it is the shortest, from the 8th 
again a little longer ; the 3rd joint longer and narrower than the 
2nd, 4th moniliform, 5th transversely oval. Thorax twice as 
broad as long, in the ^ as broad as, in the ? narrower than, the 
elytra, in the middle with three strong, equally long sulci, 
at the sides more or less impressed and rugosely striate-punctate. 
Elytra longer than the thorax, more strongly striate throughout, 
the puncturation feeble. Abdomen finely shagreened, not 
punctured, in the ^ the 7th ventral segment in the middle 
with a rather long.narrow, tongue-shaped middle lobe. Anterior 
and middle tibise at the apex rather broadly emarginate. 

Kashmir : Sintan (ex Schvbert). 

255. OjyteluB (Tanycraerus) micans. (Fig. 50.) 

Oxytelus micans Kr., Arch. Naturg. xiv, 1859, i, p. 175. 

OxyUlut puncticeps Kr., $ , id., p. 176. 

Oxytelm monocero» Cam., E. M. M. Iv, 1919, p. 226. 

Black, sl^ining, elytra yellow ; thorax with the sides evenly 


rounded, the posterior angles completely effaced ; 1st joint 
of the antennsB and legs testaceous. Length 2-3 to 3 mm. 

Head in the <J large t, transverse, nearly as wide as the 
thorax, transversely depressed between the antennal tubercles, 
the anterior border in front of the right antennal tubercle 
produced into a short, pointed, triangular process, so that the 
front is asymmetrical ; vertex without fovea ; sculpture 
posteriorly consisting of larger and smaller and not very 
closely placed punctures, anteriorly impunctate and coriaceous, 
but shining ; eyes moderately large, their diameter about half 
the length of the rounded and feebly dilated post-ocular 

Fig. 50. — Oxytelns (Tanyrraenis) mKans, apex of abdomen of cJ 
ventral surface. 

space : in the $ smaller, subtriaugular, the anterior border 
evenly rounded ; sculpture as in the (J, but the front with a 
row of punctures just behind the anterior margin and a small 
fovea on the vertex. Antennae with the 2nd and 3rd joints 
equal in length, the Ith small, moniliform, the 5th to the 10th 
transverse, gradually increasing in breadth. Thorax nearly 
one-third broader than long, the sides evenly rounded, the 
posterior angles effaced ; median sulcus complete, extending 
the whole length of the disc, the lateral grooves deeper and 
broader, curved, not quite reaching the anterior margin, the 
sides strigose ; punctiu-ation scattered and moderately large. 
Elytra as long as and slightly broader than the thorax, 

t A form of c^ with the head Boaroely differing from that of the $ is also 


transverse, feebly strigose, rather sparingly and moderately 
coarsely punctured. Abdomen coriaceous, very obsoletely and 
sparingly punctured. 

(J : 6th ventral segment furnished on either side of the middle 
line with a triangular pointed tooth, the two teeth diverging 
from each other and separated by a rounded emargination ; 
7th segment with the posterior margin produced into a sub- 
quadrate plate which is rounded behind, and at the base 
furnished with an oblique crest on each side, on each side 
of the plate deeply emarginate. 

Widely distributed in Ceylon and India. Also in Madagascar 
and Africa. 

256. Ozytelns (Tanycraerus) foetidus, sp. u. ispemlaris Fauv., 
in litt.). 

Shining ; head black, thorax and abdomen pitchy, elytra 
pale yellow, scarcely infuscate at the base. Antennae black, 
the first four joints testaceous. Legs testaceous. Length 
8-75 mm. 

In build resembling 0. paliidipennia but with the head 
dilated behind, the elytra not so pale, and of smaller size. 

<J : Head as broad as the thorax, transverse, scarcely dilated 
behind, the post-ocular area rounded, about twice as long as 
the curve of the eye ; clypeus depressed, without sculpture, 
the anterior border semi-circularly emarginate in the middle ; 
the rest of the surface very finely and very sparingly punctured, 
on either side behind with a punctured impression. Antennse 
with the 4th joint small, 5th to 10th transverse, the penul- 
timate about twice as broad as long. Thorax transverse, the 
sides feebly rounded in front, straighter and more retracted 
behind to the rounded posterior angles ; disc with a narrow, 
shallow sulcus, on each side with a broader, shorter sulcus, 
feebly impressed laterally, and with a few elongate punctures, 
the rest of the surface sparingly and rather finely punctured. 
Elytra as long as, but a little broader than, the thorax, trans- 
verse, finely, moderately closely punctured, not striate. Abdo- 
men very sparingly punctured, coriaceous. 7th ventral 
segment scarcely produced in the middle, rounded, feebly 
emarginate on either side. 

$ : Head smaller, rounded, a little narrower than the thorax, 
the curve of the eye about equal to that of the post-ocular 

United Provinces: Dehra Dun {Camenm). Bihar: 
Baachi. Ceylon : Dikoya {Letoia). 


Key to the Species of the Subgenus Caccoporus. 

1. Subopaque species 2. 

Shining species 3. 

3. Last joint of the antennee elongate, as long 
as the three preceding together. Larger, 

5-6 mm lividui Motsch., p. 231. 

Last joint of the antennas short, conical, 
as long as the two preceding together. 
Smaller, 5 mm bengalengis Er., p. 232. 

3. Head black 4. 

Head ferruginous-red ferrugintus Kr., p. 236. 

4. Thorax clear reddish-testacpous, the base 

and posterior two-thirds of the sides 

narrowly black nigricepa Kr., p. 233. 

Thorax black or pitchy varipennia Kr., p. 234. 

257. OxyteluB (Caccoporus) lividns. (Fig. 51.) 

Oxytetus lividus Motsch., Bull. Mosc. xxx, 1857, iv, p. 503 ; Kraatz, 
Arrh. Naturg. xxv, 1869, i, p. 171. 

Subopaque, fusco-ochraceous, the sides of the thorax, 
base, and lateral margins of the elytra paler, the extreme 
basal and side-margins of the former narrowly black ; abdomen 
more shining, along the middle with a longitudinal dark line, 
and on each segment with a dark transverse line. Antemue 

Fig. 51. — Oxytelus (Caceoporus) Iwidvs, apex of abdomen of d ; 
ventral snrfaoe. 

blackish, the first three joints testaceous. Legs testaceous. 
Length 5 to 6 mm. 

(J : Head large, a little narrower than the thorax, the post, 
ocular region rounded but scarcely dilated, about as long as 
the curve of the eye ; olypeus depressed, the anterior angles 
obtuse, the front border with three small equal emarginations ; 
vertex with a narrow impressed line, obliquely sulcate on each 

2^2 Sl'APHrLINlD.K. 

side of the neck, the whole surface strongly coriaceous, scarcely 
punctured, towards the sides with some obsolete striffi. 
Antennae with the 4th joint moniliform, the 5th to 10th 
transverse, the penultimate about half as broad again as long, 
the 11th elongate, fully as long as the three preceding together. 
Thorax trapezoidal, rather strongly narrowed behind, the sides 
straight, the posterior angles obtusely rounded ; median 
sulcus broader and shallower than the lateral, these curved 
and, like the median, not abbreviated ; sculptvure as on the 
head. Elytra transverse, strongly coriaceous, striate and 
finely obsoletely punctured. Abdomen coriaceous, scarcely 
punctured ; 7th ventral segment very deeply excised on either 
side, the central portion forming a broad trifid lobe, its central 
portion broad, lamellate, slightly narrowed towards the apex 
which is truncate, and a little before the apex with a transverse 
keel ; the lateral portion on each side much narrower, cultri- 
form, nearly attaining the level of the apex of the median 
portion, andseparated from it by a deep triangular emargination; 
6th ventral segment on cither side of the middle with a tri- 
angular obliquely ca inate plate, separated by a deep and rather 
broad excision, with apex rounded. 

$ : Head smaller, subtriangular, the eyes very large, about 
three times longer than the post-ocular region. 

Ceylon : Belligam. Also in Java and Shanghai. 

258. Oxytelus (Caccoporus) bengalensis. (Fig. 6i!.) 

O.i-1/teliis beTif/alen'is iii., Gen. Siicc. Staph. 1840, i>. 789; Kr , Arch. 

Naturg. XXV, 1860, i, j). 171. 
Oxytelus bicoloi- Walker*, Ann. Xlafr. Nat. Hist. (3) iii, 1859, p. 62. 

Subopaque ; head pitchy, the clypeus, antennal tubercles, 
thorax, and elytra reddish-ochraceous, the base and side- 
margins of the thorax and the suture of the elytra narrowly 
black ; abdomen brownish-ochraceous. Antennae brown, the 
first four joints testaceous. Legs testaceous. Length 5 mm. 

Differs from 0. lividus in the smaller size, redder colour, 
darker head, shorter terminal joint of the antennae, and less 
deep lateral sulci of the thorax. 

(J : Head transverse, narrower than the thorax, post-ocular 
region rounded, shorter than the eye ; clypeus truncate ; 
vertex with narrow, deep sulcus, the neck separated from the 
base by a deep curved sulcus, the whole surface except the 
antennal tubercles strongly coriaceous, with traces of punctures. 
Antennae very similar to those of Hindus, except that the 11th 
|oint is of normal length. Thorax as in lividus, but the sulci 
wider and less deep, more distinctly striate. Elytra less 
^tinctly punctured than in lividus ; 7th ventral segment 
deeply and narrowly excised on either side of the middle. 



thus forming a large, subquadrate, central plate, the sides of 
which are straight and almost parallel, the broad apical margin 
slightly produced in the middle, in the centre of the plate with 

Fig. 52.- 

(hytelim (Carcoporus) beiigaleiieU, apex of abdomen of S 
Tsntral surface. 

a little tubercle ; 6th ventral segment broadly, shortly pro- 
duced in the middle and truncate, not emarginate as figured. 

$ : Eyes larger, occupying the whole side of the head. 

Ceylon : Kandy. Bengal. Dehra Dun. Also in the Malay 

259. OzyteluB (Caccopoms) nigriceps. (Fig. H'S.) 

Oxytelus nigriceps Kr.*, Arcl). Naturg. xxv, 1859, i, p. 17J. 

Moderately shining ; head black, in front more or less 
reddish-testaceous ; thorax and eljrtra reddish-testaceous, the 
former with the base and posterior three-fourths of the sides 
narrowly black, the latter with the suture and disc more or less 
infuscate ; abdomen testaceous-brown. Anteimae reddish, 
the first four joints testaceous. Legs testaceous. Length 
5 mm. 

Narrower, more shining, and more yellow in colour than 
Cf. bengaknsis, with much more evident punctiu-ation. Head 
ftubtriangular, narrower than the thorax, the eyes very large, 
&nd occupying the whole side of the head ; clypeus coriaceous, 
with a few fine punctures, the anterior margin gently rounded ; 
vertex with short median sulcus, rather closely and moderately 
finely punctured. AntennaB with 4th joint small, moniliform, 
the 5th to 10th transverse. Thorax transverse, widest before 
the middle, the sides gently rounded in front, straighter and 


more retracted behind, the posterior aisles rounded ; disc 
•with narrow median sulcus extending throughout, the lateral 
broader, slightly curved, scarcely abbreviated in front, at the 
sides moderately impressed, moderately finely and moderately 
closely punctured, at the sides more or less striate. Elytra a 
little longer and broader than the thorax, moderately finely 
and rather closely punctured, striate. Abdomen coriaceouSr 
practically impunctate. 

Fig. 53, — Oxytelus (Oaccoporua) nigncepa, apex of abdomen of (} 
ventral Burfaoe. 

(J : 7th ventral segment deeply and narrowly excised on 
each side of the middle, the median lobe so formed subquadrate,^ 
slightly widened from the base to the posterior border, which is 
bi-emarginate, and along the middle carinate ; 6th ventral 
segment in the middle produced into a short broad plate. 

Ceylon. Bengal. DehraDun. Also in the Malay Peninsula, 
Singapore, Hong Kong, Formosa. 

260. OzyteluB (CaccoporuB) varipeimib. (Fig. 54.) 

Oxytelus varipennis Kr., Arch. Naturg. xxv, 1859, i, p. ] 72. 

Shining ; head black, the antennal tubercles reddish* 
testaceous ; thorax pitchy ; elytra testaceous, more or less 
infuscate on the disc ; abdomen pitchy. Antennse blackish, 
the first four joints reddish-testaceous. Legs testaceous. 
Length 4 mm. 

(^ : Head as wide as the thorax, convex, the post-ocular 
space rounded, about one-third the length of the large eye ; 
olypeuB depressed, coriaceous, the anterior border sUghtly 
emarginate and obtusely angulate on either side ; vertex 
sulcate in the middle, separated from the neck by a deep- 


arcuate suloua, moderately finely and moderately closely 
punctured, towards the sides more or less striate-punctate. 
Antennse with the 4th joint moniliform, the 5th to 10th 
transverse, the penultimate about a half broader than long. 
Thorax transverse (7 : 5), the sides gently rounded in front, 
straighter and more retracted behind, the posterior angles 
obtusely rounded ; sulci not abbreviated, the lateral curved 
and wider than the median, towards the sides distinctly 
impressed, the sulci and disc moderately closely punctured, 
the sides more closely striate-punctate. Elytra a little longer 

Fig. 54. — Oxytelni (Caeco2>orua) varipennis, apex of abdomen of (f 
ventral surface. 

and broader than the thorax, punctate-stria te. Abdomen 
coriaceous, nearly impunctate ; 7th ventral segment deeply 
and narrowly excised on either side of the middle, the median 
lobe so formed gradually widening backwards, the posterior 
margin feebly rounded, a little in front of the middle with 
a small tubercle ; 6th ventral segment in the middle produced 
into a narrow plate with truncate apex. 

$ : Head subtriangular, narrower than the thorax, eyes very 
large, occupjdng the whole side of the head ; vertex without 
sulcus or fovea. 

Ceylon. Dehra Dun. Bengal. 

261. Ozytelas (Caccoporns) ferrnginens. (Fig. 55.) 

Oxytdus feiTUgineus Kr., Arch. Niiturg. xxv, 1859, i, p. 173 ; 

Fauv., Rev. d'Kot. xx, 1901, p. 71 ; Sharp, Faun. Hawaiens. 
iii, V, 1908, p. 543. 
Oxytehii hletUoidet Blackb., Trans. Roy. Diibl. See. (2) iii, 1885, 

p. 125. 
Oxytelua Itevior Slip., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lend. 1874, p. 92. 
Oxytehu laxipeniUt Fairm., Ann. Soc. Eut. fielge, 189S, p. 527. 

Shining ; head and thorax ferruginous red, the base and 
posterior three-fourths of the sides narrowly black ; elytra 


testaceous, more or less broadly infuscate onthe disc; abdomen 
yellowish-brown, with the posterior margins of the segments 
paler. Antennae black, the first four joints testaceous. Legs 
testaceous. Length 3 mm. 

cJ : Head short, transverse, as broad as the thorax, post- 
ocular region rounded, about half the length of the curve of the 
eye ; clypeus depressed, coriaceous, with a few very fine 
punctures, the front margin broadly and slightly rounded, 
vertex with small median sulcus, moderately finely and rather 
closely punctured. Antennae with the 4th joint small, 
moniliform, the following slightly transverse. Thorax trans- 
verse (5 J : 4), the sides rounded in front, straighter and 
retracted behind, the posterior angles obtusely rounded ; 
the sulci a little abbreviated in front, the lateral curved, 

Fig- 55.— Oa'ytelws (Caceofior'ua) fermgineus, apex of abdomen of (J ; 
venlxal surface. 

externally broadly impressed ; disc and sulci rather sparingly 
punctured, at the sides more coarsely and more or lees striate. 
Elytra a little longer and broader than the thorax, striate- 
punctate. Abdomen nearly impunctate, coriaceous ; 7th 
ventral segment with a large semicircular impression before 
the posterior margin, on each side of the impression with a 
little tooth, the margin between slightly obtusely produced ; 
6th ventral segment a little produced in the middle and 
obsoletely bituberculate. 

9 : Head smaller, more triangular, narrower than the thorax, 
eyes larger, occupying the whole side of the head. 

Ceylon. Andaman Islands. Widely distributed on the 
mairdand and throughout the Oriental Region. Hawaii. 
Japan. Seychelles. Aden. E. Africa. West Indies. 

OITTEtTJS. 237" 

Key to the Species of the Subgenus Anotylus. 

1. Species in great part black or pitchv .... 2. 
Species in great part red or roddisu-testa- 

ceous 21. 

2. Fourth joint of antennae small, nioailiforni 

or transverse 3. 

Fourth joint of antennte at least as long as 

broad 20. 

3. Legs more or less pitchy 4. 

Legs entirely testaceous 6. 

4. Larger (4 to 6'5 mm.) 5. 

Smaller (3 to S'd lum.) tibialis Schub., p. 242. 

5. More shining ; elytra entirely black cephalotes Epp,, p. 239. 

Opaque; elytra with reddi!>h markings [p. 241. 

behind meffacephalus Fauv., 

6. Sides of thorax distinctly bisinuate birmanus, sp. n., p. 240. 

Sides of thorax not bisinuate 7. 

7. Anterior tibiae emargiuate before the apex . 8. 
Anterior tibise not emari>iiiiite 13. 

8. Clypeus shining 9. 

Olypeus opaque 10. 

9. Larger (S'TO to 4 mm.) and more robust; 

less shining aikkitni Fauv., p. 242. 

Smaller (2"5 to 3 mm.) and narrower ; 
more shining nitidulua Gr., p. 247. 

10. Penultimate joints of antennoB three timeb 

broader than long 11. 

Penultimate joints of antennae twice ai 
broad as long andrewesi, sp. n., p. 244. 

11. Larger (3 to 4'5 mm.) ; base of head with- 

out fovese opncellus, sp. n., p. 243. 

Smaller (1-8 to 3 mm.) 12. 

12. Thorax finely striate, impunctate ; 

smaller (1'8 to 2'2 mm.) occuUus, sp. n., p. 245. 

Thorax punctate-striate ; larger (3 mm.). . mamriensis, sp. n., 

13. Larger (3'3 mm.) First five joints of [p. 244. 

antennas testaceous ; facies of nitidifrons ; [p 2C8. 

abdomen roughly punctured distincticollia Oani.. 

Smaller. First five joints of antennae 
not testaceous; abdomen very finely 
sparingly punctured 14. 

14. Intra-ocular ridge distinct and continued 

back to the base of head latinteulus Kr.,.p. 2o0. 

Intra-ocular ridge indistinct, not continued 
to the base 16. 

15. Clypeus obviously more shining than the 

rest of the head, practically devoid of 

sculpture 16. 

Clypeus not or scarcely more shining than 
the rest of the head, distinctly sculptured. 17. 

16. Thoracic ridges sharp and distinct; pen- 

ultimate joints of antennae more trans- [p. 249. 

verse intermeditis, sp. n., 

Thoracic ridges indistinct; penultimate [p. 246. 

joints of antennae less transverse myrmecophilus Cam., 


17. Thoracic ridges indistinct, not more 

shining than the rest of the ourface; 
clypeus slightly more shining than the 

rest of the head, iinely striate limlaenng, sp. n., p. 247. 

Thoracic ridges sharp and distinct, more 
shining than the rfst of the sui-face ; 
clvpeus not more shining than the rest 
of the head, finely striate 18. 

18. Vertex of head with small shining plaque 

on each side; thoracic ridges obviously 

more shining than the rest of surface . . pygmeeus £r., p. 248. 
Vertex of head without shining plaques, 
unifornilv striate 19. 

19. Larger (2-?5 mm.). Antennae stouter, the [p. 250. 

hase black pumiloides, sp. n., 

Smaller (1*76 mm.). Antennae thinner, the 
base more or less testaceous pauper, sp. n., p. 249. 

20. Head striate-punctate ; clypeus not 

sculptured; species more shining, the 
penultimate joints of the autennse dis- 
tinctly transverse exasperatus Kr., p. 261. 

Head on disc finely striate, almost irapunc- 
tate, postero-externally strongly rugose ; 
clypeus sculptured ; species less shining, 
the penultimate joints of the antenna; 
less transverse fratet; sp. n., p. 262. 

21. Thorax polished, Knely punctured, sulci [p, ggg. 

obsolete thoracicus Motsch., 

Thorax more or less rugose, punctate- 

striate 22. 

22. Head deep black, shining altemans, sp. n., p. 253. 

Head pitchy or red 23. 

23. Head red, densely coriaceous except the [p. 251. 

clypeus, base, and post-ocular regions . . kraatzi Bernh. (d), 

Head punctured, striate or sti iate-punctate. 24. 

24. Head simply punctured 25. 

Head striate or fctriate-punctate 26. 

25. Larger (3 to 375 mm.). Head not at all [p. 252. 

coriaceous latus, sp. n. ( cJ 2 ), 

Smaller (2'75 to 3 mm.). Head coriaceous [p. 252. 

behind the clypeus kraatzi Bernh. ( $ ). 

26. Head distinctly striate or rugose internal 

to the intra-ocular ridge 27. 

Head punctate, scarcely striate internal to 
the ridge 30. 

27. Vertex of head sparingly punctured, not 

striate »«6e»-, sp. n. ( cJ ), p. 2o6. 

Vertex closely striate or striate-putictate . 28. 

28. Vertex scarcely foveate in the middle, 

on eacli side with a superficial rounded 

impression rufua Kr. ( cj ), p. 264. 

Vertex distinctly foveate or sulcate, not 
impressed on either side 29. 

29. Larger (3-2 mm.), more shining, sculp- [p. 269. 

ture coarser rvbidm, sp. n. ( (J $> ), 

Smaller (2'1 mm.), less shining, sculpture [( c? ? ), p. 265. 

finer rubioundut, sp. n. 

iW. Head pitchy-black nitidifront WoU., 

Head red 31. [p. 256. 


31. Intra-ocular ridge distinct, extending to 

the base cavicola Bernh,, p. 267. 

Intro-ocular ridge confused with the 
general sculpture, not extending to the 
base rufUg Kr. ( 9 ), p. 254. 

262. Oxytelus (Anotylus) cephalotes. (Fig. 56.) 

OxyUlus cephalotes Epp., W. E. Z. xiv, 1895, p. 66. 

Black, the head, thorax, and abdomen more shining than 
the elytra. Antennae black, the 1st or 1st and 2nd joints 
more or less reddish at the base and apex. Femora dark, 
tibiee and tarsi reddish. Length 4 to 5 mm. 

cj : Head large, as wide as the thorax, the temples straight 
and diverging backwards, much longer than the eye, the 
posterior angles rather broadly rounded, the base truncate ; 
•clypeus not separated from the front, declivous, coriaceous. 

Fig. 56. — Oxytelus {Anotylus) cephalotes, apex of abdomen of cj ; 
ventral surface. 

broadly rounded in front ; antennal tubercles elevated, 
pointed ; vertex sulcate, sparingly punctured, towards the 
sides finely striate ; front coriaceous. Antennae with the 
3rd joint a little longer than the 2nd, 4th small, moniliform, 
5th to 10th transverse, the penultimate three times broader 
than long. Thorax transverse (9 : 6), widest in front, the 
sides gently rounded, strongly retracted behind ; median 
sulcus shallow, more or less obsolete in front, the lateral deeper, 
almost straight, the sides deeply and broadly impressed ; 
moderately finely and not very closely ptmctured on the disc, 
the lateral impression striate-punctate, the sulci coriaceous. 
JBlytra a little longer than the thorax, transverse, finely and 


closely striate on the disc, less finely at the sides, finely and 
not very closely punctured. Abdomen very finely, moderately 
closely punctured, feebly coriaceous. 7th ventral segment 
broadly and very slightly emarginate ; 6th with two small 
tubercles on the posterior margin separated by a narrow 
feebly rounded emargination. 

$ : Head smaller, distinctly narrower than the thorax, 
the post-ocular region rounded and retracted to the neck, 
longer than the curve of the eye ; surface more coriaceous 
and less punctured ; thorax more punctured. 

Simla Hills : Gahan ; Pagu ; Theog ; alt. 7000 to 8000 feet. 

263. Ozytelus (Anotylus) birmanus, sp. n. 

Black, shining, the elytra opaque, pitchy. Antennae with 
the first four joints more or less pitchy-brown. Legs testaceous. 
Length 5 to 5-5 mm. 

Intermediate between O. cephalotes Epp. and 0. megacepfialus 
Fauv., having the lustre of the former, but the head more like 
the latter in shape. 

(J : Head as broad as the thorax, the eyes small, the post- 
ocular space a little dilated and evenly rounded to the neck, 
much longer than the eye ; clypcus depressed, truncate in 
front, finely, irregularly punctured ; vertex sulcate, the 
base on each side broadly impressed, puncturation moderately 
fine and close behind the clypeus, posteriorly more sparingly, 
the punctures irregular and varying in size, the post-ocular 
region striate. Antennae as in ceplialotea. Thorax short, 
strongly transverse, much narrower behind, the sides with 
distinct emargination before the middle, slightly sinuate 
before the obtuse posterior angles ; median sulcus entire, 
broader in front, the lateral broad and feeble, the sides with 
a deep impression, closely striate, along the sides of the medial 
sulcus with a few punctures, towards the sides with a few 
others. Elytra very finely longitudinally striate, superficially 
and not very closely punctured, externally with a keel. 
Abdomen finely, moderately closely punctured. 6th ventral 
segment with a small, shallow, rounded emargination, longi- 
tudinally impressed behind it ; 7th ventral segment retracted, 
its structure not evident. 

$ : Head smaller, narrower than the thorax ; eyes much 
larger, post-ocular space not at all dilated, simply rounded to 
the neck, a little longer than the curve of the eye ; sculpture 
behind the clypeus and antennal tubercles striate, with a 
few punctures about the sulcus of the vertex. 

Burma : Ruby Mines. Assam : Manipur. 241 

264. Ozyteltts (Anotylus) megacephalus. {Fig. 57.) 

Oxytelus megaeephalua Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. xxiii, 1004, p. 99. 

Black, dull, the cljrpeus and abdomen shining ; elytra with 
indeterminate reddish marking on each. Antennae black, the 
1st and 2nd joints more or less reddish at base and apex. Palpi 
black, femora pitchy, tibiae and tarsi ferruginous. Length 
4-5 to 5 mm. 

Near O. cephalotea Epp., but usually a little larger, dull, 
and with a reddish mark on each elytron, the elytra also more 
coarsely striate. 

(J : Head as broad as the thorax, widest behind, the post- 
ocular region dilated and rounded to the neck, three times as 
long as the ctirve of the eye ; clypeus not separated from the 

Pig. 57. — Oxyielws (Anotylus) megaeephalua, apex of abdomen of cJ ; 
ventral surface. 

front, declivous, shining, scarcely coriaceous, and with a few 
small scattered punctures, the anterior border with a small 
emargination in the middle ; antennal tubercles only slightly 
elevated ; vertex deeply, narrowly sulcate, separated from the 
striate neck by a deep arcuate sulcus ; antennal tubercles and 
the region adjacent to the clypeus coriaceous, the rest of the 
surface coajsely closely striate and punctured. Antennae very 
similar to those of cepJuUotea. Thorax transverse (10 : 6), the 
sides rounded and indistinctly crenulate in front, strongly 
retracted and a little sinuate before the rounded posterior 
angles, broadly and superficially sulcate in the middle, the 
sulcus wider in front, lateral sulci narrower, abbreviated in 
front, deeper and broader behind, at the sides deeply trans- 
versely impressed, the whole surface coarsely, longitudinally 
striate, scarcely punctured. Elytra a little longer and broader 
VOL. I. s 


than the thorax, transverse, strongly striate. Abdomen 
finely and not very closely punctured, 7th ventral segment 
broadly produced. 

$ : Head smaller, narrower than the thorax, the post-ocular 
region not dilated, scarcely twice as long as the eye, the 
clypeus finely and densely striate and with a few fine punctures. 

Sikkim : Darjeeling. Bengal : Kurseong. Mussoorie dis- 
trict : Mossy Falls, Dhobi Ghat. Chakrata district : Bodyar ; 
Manjgaon ; Bangar ; alt. 6000 to 8000 feet. 

265. Ozytelus (Anotylus) sikkimi. 

Oxyti'lus nilekimi Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. xxiv, 1905, p. 115. 

Black, shining, the elytra pitchy on the disc. Antennae 
black, the 2nd to 4th joints more or less testaceous. Legs 
testaceous. Length 3-75 to 4 mm. 

(J : Closely allied to O. vicinus Shp., of the same colour and 
lustre, but the head is shorter and broader, the eyes a little 
larger, and the post-ocular region a trifle more dilated, the 
thorax more coarsely striate and less distinctly punctured. 
Head a little broader than the thorax, the post-ocular region 
rounded and slightly dilated, about twice the length of the 
eye ; clypeus depressed, declivous, impunctate, the front 
margin rounded, transversely elevated between the antennal 
tubercles ; vertex with small sulcus, before the base with 
four fovese placed transversely, the inner ones much larger 
than the outer ; rather strongly striate, especially at the sides, 
the vertex with a few piinctures. Antennae short, the 4th 
joint small, the 5th to 10th transverse, the penultimate about 
three times as broad as long. Thorax transverse (7| : 5), the 
sides rounded in front, straighter and more retracted behind, 
the posterior angles obtuse ; sulci deep and rather broad, 
entire ; coarsely striate at the sides, less striate and more 
punctured in the sulci, the sides rather deeply impressed. 
Elytra a little longer than the thorax, closely striate-punetate. 
Abdomen finely and rather closely punctured, finely, moderately 
closely pubescent, with a fine coriaceous ground-sculpture ; 
6th ventral segment with two small tubercles close together 
at the middle of the posterior margin. 

$: Head smaller, transversely orbicular, vertex foveate; 
thorax narrower, not much narrowed behind. 

Sikkim : Darjeeling (Christie). Mount Everest Exp., 
alt. 7,000 feet, 11-20. iii. 1924 (R. W. O. Hingston). 

266. Ozytelxis (Anotylus) tibialis. 

Oxyfelut (Anotylui) tihialit Schub., D. E. Z. 1908, p. 626. 

Moderately shining, black, the tibiae and tarsi ferruginous, 
head and elytra very finely striate, thorax more strongly 


striate-piinctate, abdomen shining, very finely and not closely 
punctured. Length 3 to 3-5 mm. Breadth nearly 1 mm. 

(^ : 6th ventral segment at the middle of the posterior border 
bituberculate, 7th polished along the middle. 

Near O. complanatus Er., but the fore-parts less opaque, 
the puncturation of the thorax stronger and the legs differently 
coloiu-ed. Rather depressed, moderately narrowed in front, 
uniformly black, with reddish-brown tibiae and tarsi, slightly 
shining fore-parts and rather strongly shining abdomen. The 
head in both sexes is narrower than the thorax, the anterior 
margin to a slight extent dull, the antennal tubercles and 
around the vertex shining, behind the eyes finely rugosely 
striate-punctate. Antennae short and stout, formed as in 0. 
cephaiotes Epp., the 3rd joint shorter and more slender than 
the 2nd, the 4th small, moniliform, 5th moderately, 6th to 10th 
strongly, transverse, fully twice as broad as long (the 7th joint 
the shortest and comparatively the broadest), the 11th as long 
as the two preceding together. Thorax twice as broad as long, 
a little narrower tlian the base of the elytra, slightly convex, 
the sides evenly and slightly rounded, almost parallel, as broad 
behind as in front, with very blunt but distinct posterior and 
produced and somewhat rounded anterior angles, the ridges 
shining, the sulci striate and more opaque, with rather strong 
confluent puncturation, at each side with a strong impression 
(extending to the anterior border ; the margins of the median 
sulcus narrow, almost carinate, slightly diverging in front, 
tliose of the lateral sulci broader and converging behind. 
Elytra scarcely longer at the suture than the thorax, widened 
behind, the apox truncate, flat, slightly shining, the suture 
elevated and m.oro shining, very finely, at the base and sides 
more sparingly, striate, finely, moderately closely, asperately 
punctured. Abdomen polished, shining, sparingly, scarcely 
perceptibly punctured. In the c? the 6th ventral segment is 
furnished at the posterior border with two small oblique 
tubercles close together, the 7th polished in the middle. Legs 
reddish-brown, the femora blackish, the anterior tibiae 
emarginate before the apox (ex Schvbert). 
Kulu, W. Himalayas. 

2(i7. Oxytelus (Anotylus) opacellus, sp. n. 

Fore-parts subopaque ; abdomen shining, black. Head 
black, thorax pitchy-black, els^tra yellowish-brown, more or 
less infuscate at the base. Antennae bl^ck, the fest three joints 
more or less testaceous. Legs testaceoiis. Length 3 to 4-5 mm. 

Near O. complanattis Er., but larger, not quite so dull, the 
antennee with lighter base, the thoracic sulci broader, the 
sculpture exactly similar in character. 



(J : Head very nearly as broad as the thorax, subquadrate, 
the post-ocular region slightly dilated and rounded, nearly 
three times as long as the eye ; clypeus flat, scarcely depressed, 
not separated from the front, finely longitudinally striate 
except for a narrow smooth area immediately behind the 
truncate anterior margin ; vertex with short sulcus, on each 
side with a smooth shining plaque carrying a few fine punctures, 
the rest of the surface striate as in complanaivs, the striae 
coarser at the sides and punctured. Antennae with the 4th 
joint small, monihform, the 5th to 10th transverse, the pen- 
ultimate three times broader than long. Thorax transverse, 
nearly twice as broad as long, the sides gently rounded and 
retracted from the rather prominent anterior to the obtuse 
posterior angles ; sulci broad and shallow, the median broader 
in front, broader than the lateral, the sides distinctly im- 
pressed, the disc finely striate, the sides more coarsely striate- 
punctate. Elytra a little longer and broader than the thorax, 
transverse, finely striate and superficially punctured, the 
strise coarser at the sides. Abdomen rather closely and 
asperately punctured, more sparingly behind, less finely than 
in complimatus ; 7th ventral segment broadly emarginate ; 
6th with two little tubercles close together at the middle of 
the posterior border. 

9 : Head smaller, eyes larger, the post-ocular area about 
haU as long again as the eye. 

Dehra Dun. Bihar : Pusa. 

268. Ozytelus (Anotylus) andrewesi, sp. n. 

Closely allied to 0. opaceUus, of the same colour, build, and 
lustre, but smaUer, the antennse with the penultimate joints 
much less transverse, the ^ with scarcely dilated post-ocular 
region, which is scarcely twice as long as the eye, the sculpture 
more coriaceous, less striate, the vertex scarcely foveate, 
and with scarcely visible shining pla.qnes ; thorax with the 
lateral sulci indistinct, the striae of the disc less fine ; the sculp- 
ture of the elytra and abdomen scarcely differs. Abdomen 
without sexual characters. 

$: Head smaller, suborbicular, the rounded post-ocular 
space as long as the eye ; vertex scarcely foveate and without 
shining plaques. Length 2-8 to 3 mm. 
Nilgiri Hills {H. L. Andrewea). 

269. Ozytelug (Anotylos) maanriensis, sp. n. 

Greasy-lustrous, black, the elytra brown ; abdomen more 
shining. Antemue black, the base pitchy-testaceous. Legs 
testaceous. Length 2-8 to 3 mm. 


Closely related to 0. complanatvs Gr., but differs in the 
smaller size, the sides and base of the head more coarsely and 
rugosely punctured, the sulci of the thorax narrower, less deep, 
the posterior angles rounded, the base of the antennae lighter, 
and in the ^ characters. 

(J : Head a little narrower than the thorax, the post-ocular 
region rounded, about half as long again as the curve of the 
eye ; clypeus depressed, not separated from the front, coria- 
ceous ; vertex with an impression in the middle and another 
on each side, the front and the impressions coriaceous, around 
the middle with a few fine punctures, towards the sides 
coarsely and closely punctured. Antennae as in complanatus, 
the 4th to 10th joints transverse, the penultimate three times 
as broad as long. Thorax transverse (5 : 3J), the sides 
slightly rounded in front, straighter and more retracted 
behind, the posterior angles rounded ; sulci shallow, the 
median wider in front, the lateral slightly curved, the sides 
impressed ; the sulci finely striate ; the rest of the surface, 
especially laterally, coarsely punctate-striate. Elytra a little 
broader and about a third longer than the thorax, closely 
striate, obsolctely punctured. Abdomen very finely, moderately 
closely punctured, without ground- sculpture ; 7th ventral 
segment broadly feebly emarginate . Anterior tibiae emarginate. 
$ : Head smaller, the post-ocular region about as long as 
the eye. 

Mussoorie and Simla districts, altitude 6000 to 8000 feet. 

270. Oxytelus (Anotylus) occultus, sp. n. (Fig. 58.) 

Opaque, black, the elytra brownish, abdomen a little more 
shining. Antennae black, the first two joints more or less 
testaceous. Legs testaceous. Length 1-8 to 2-2 mm. 

Near 0. tetracarinatus Block, but smaller, the eyes larger, 
the sculpture striate, less coriaceous, antennae shorter, the 
penultimate joints more strongly transverse and with different 
{J characters. 

(^ : Head as broad as the thorax, the post-ocular region 
rounded, a little longer than the eye ; clypeus in the same plane 
as the front, separated from it by a fine (but not shining) 
line ; vertex sulcate, the whole surface (including the clypeus) 
closely and finely striate. Antennae with the 5th to 10th joints 
transverse, the penultimate about three times broader than 
long. Thorax transverse, nearly twice as broad as long, the 
sides very little rounded in front, straighter and more retracted 
behind to the rounded posterior angles ; median sulcus 
narrow, scarcely wider in front, the lateral much broader, 
lightly curved, the sides slightly, broadly impressed ; sculpture 
as on the head. Elytra a little longer and broader than the 

246 srAWYLXTSlBX. 

thorax, rather finely and closely striate, obsoletely punctured. 
Abdomen very finely, moderately closely punctured, very 
finely coriaceous ; 7th ventral segment broadly impressed, 
the posterior margin produced into a broad plate which, near 
the base, is suddenly contracted into a long tongue-shaped 

Fig. 58. — Oxytelns {Anofyhis) ocrvlhis, apex of abdomen of c? ; 
ventral surface. 

process gradually narrowed to the rounded apex ; on each 
side of the plate deeply emarginate. 

$ : Head smaller, narrower than the thorax, the post-ocular 
region about as long as the eye. Anterior tibiae emarginate. 

Dehra Dun. 

271. Oxytelus (Anotylus) myrmecophilus. 

O.rytelus myrmecnphihis Cnm.,Triin». Ent. Soe. Loud. 19i;5, yi. 5L'6. 

Black, opaque, the front of the head and the abdomen a little 
shining ; thorax feebly trisulcate, impressed laterally, the sides 
narrowed posteriorly in a straight line. Antennae entirely 
black, legs testaceous. Anterior tibiae not emarginate. 
Length 2 mm. 

Very similar to 0. tetracarinatus Block, but the antennse 
stouter, the sculpture of the head and thorax longitudinally 
strigose, the sculpture of the elytra stronger and the abdomen 
much less distinctly punctiu^ed. 

Head large, transverse, subquadrate, scarcely as wide as the 
thorax in either sex, temples as long as the diameter of the eyes; 
impressed with a narrow transverse line towards the front 
between the antennal tubercles, which, with the part anterior 
to the line, are smooth and shining, the rest densely and finely 
strigose, impunctate. Vertex sometimes foveolate. Antenn» 
with the 3rd joint shorter than 2nd, 4th small, transverse. 

0XYTELU8. 247 

5th square, 6th to 10th transverse, gradually increasing in 
width, 11th pointed. Thorax transverse (less in $), brof^est 
just behind the anterior angles, gradually narrowed posteriorly 
in a straight line to the blunted posterior angles. The sulci 
feeble, the external curved, the sides impressed, strigose, 
impunctate. Elytra transverse, longer than the thorax, 
strigose and obsoletely punctured. Abdomen shining, finely 
and moderately closely punctured. 

<J : 6th ventral segment broadly eraarginatc. 

Nilgiri Hills, with Pheidologeton diversus Jerd., in decayed 
Ficus stump. Dehra Dun and Mussoorie, in dung. 

272. OxyteluB (Anotylus) Bimlaensis, sp. n. 

Closely allied to O. pauper, of almost the same build, colour, 
and opacity, but at once distinguished by the much stouter 
antennae and the thoracic ridges not at all shining, the build 
also is more robust. Very similar to O. myrmecophilus, the 
lustre and antennal structure being similar, but differing in 
the striate clypeus. The post-ocular region is a little shorter 
than in 0. pauper, the sculpture more granular or striato- 
coriaceous ; vertex not foveate. Thorax transverse, one-half 
broader than long, sulci less marked than in pauper, the 
ridges of exactly the same lustre as the rest of the surface, 
the sculpture as on the head. 

(J : 7th ventral segment broadly, feebly emarginate on each 
side, rounded in the middle. Length 2 mm. 

Simla District : Theog ; Kotgarh, alt. 7000 to 8000 feet. 

273. Ozytelus (Anotylus) nitidulus. 

Oxytelusnitidultts Grav., Col. Micr.Brunsv. 1802, p. 102 ; Er., Kaf. 
Mark. lirand. i, 1839, p. 594; id., Gen. Spec. Staph. 1839-40, 
p. 795 ; Kr., Nat. Ins. Deutsch. ii, 1856-58, p. 860 ; Thorns. 
Skand. Col. iii,18«l, p. LSi'; Fauv., Faun. Gallo-Rh^n. iii, 1872, 
p. 171 ; Mills, ot liev, (^.1. Fr. Hre»ip. 1879, p. 76: Ca'., Ann. 
N. York Ac. vii, 1893, p. 394 ; Ganplb.. Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 189.5, 
p. rt42. 

0.rytelus angugtntus Stepli , 111. Brit, v, 1832, ]). 320. 

On/telus asper Muls. et Kev, Col. Fr. IWvip. 1879, p. 78. 

Oxyfehisjlmjipes Steph., 111. Jkit. v, 1832, p. 318. 

Oxytelm peifirelltis Grav., Col. Mior. Brunsv. 1802, p. 102. 

Ojvytelm piceus Schrank., Knnni. Ins. Aust. 1781, p. 236. 

Oxt/telus picem vnr., Payk., Faun. Suec. iii, 1800, p. 384.^ 

Oxt/felus pvnctatm J. Lee , Trann. Am. Ent. Soc. \1, 1877, p. 236. 

Ojj/ielus rufict«» Steph., 111. Brit, v, 1832, p. 320. 

Shining, black, the elytra often pitchy. Antennae and palpi 
black. Legs testaceous, the femora occasionally infuscate. 
Length 2-5 to 3 mm. 


<J : Head a little narrower than the thorax, the post-ocular 
region rounded and more or less dilated, a good deal longer 
than the curve of the eye ; clypeus depressed, continuous 
with the front and with a few fine punctures ; vert«x with a 
short sulcus, finely punctured, towards the sides more coarsely 
and rugosely punctured. Antennae with the 4th to 10th joints 
transverse, the penultimate about twice as broad as long. 
Thorax transverse (5 : 3), the aides slightly rounded in front, 
straighter and more retracted behind the middle to the rounded 
posterior angles ; median sulcus narrow, the lateral broader, 
less deep, slightly curved, towards the sides lightly impressed, 
the whole surface covered with close elongate punctures which 
at the sides are confluent. Elytra a little broader and a third 
longer than the thorax, closely striate and punctured. Abdomen 
extremely finely, rather sparingly punctured, without ground- 
sculpture ; 7th ventral segment feebly emarginate in the middle. 
Anterior tibiae emarginate. 

$: Head smaller and shorter, the post-ocular region not 
dilated, almost as long as the eye ; 7th ventral segment 
produced in the middle and rounded. 

Mussoorie district. Chakrata district : Saiya ; Kanasar ; 
Deoban. Simla district : Fagu ; Narkanda, alt. 3600 to 
9300 feet. Almora ; Dauli Ganga, alt. 6500 feet. Also in the 
Federated Malay States, Europe, and North America. 

274. Oxytelas (Anotylas) pygmseus. 

Oxi/tetui pygnueus Kr., Arch. Natuvg. xxv, 1S59, i, p. 176 ; Sliarp, 

Faun. Haw. iii, v, 1908, j). 643. 
Oxytelus ptmllimus Kr., 1. c, p. 177. 
Oxytelut tenuis Motsch., Kt. Eiit. viii, 18.59, p. 70, 

Black, elytra yellowish-brown, darker at the base and 
scutellum. Head and thorax nearly opaque, the clypeus, 
antennal tubercles, vertex, and keels of the thorax shining ; 
elytra and abdomen more shining. Antermse black, the base 
occasionally pitchy. Legs testaceous. Length 1-5 to 2 mm. 

In build, colour, and lustre very similar to O.apeculifrcms Kr., 
but much smaller, the antennae thinner, etc. 

(J : Head subquadrate, narrower than the thorax, the 
temples parallel, a little longer than the eye, the posterior 
Angles rounded ; clj^us declivous, separated from the front 
by a fine transverse line, shining, finely striate ; vertex foveate, 
shining, practically without sculpture ; antennal tubercles 
shining, the rest of the surface finely and closely striate. 
Anteimse with the 3rd joint small, 4th to 10th transverse, 
-the penultimate joints about a half broader than long. Thorax 
one-half broader than long, the sides very slightly rounded, 
more retracted behind, the posterior angles rounded ; median 

0XYTELU8. 249 

sulcus narrow, wider in front, the lateral broader, slightly 
curved, the sides impressed, the ridges shining and prominent, 
without sculpture, the rest of the surface finely longitudinally 
striate. Elytra a little longer and broader than the thorax, 
finely, closely striate, finely punctured. Abdomen extremely 
finely, moderately closely punctured ; 6th ventral segment 
with a shallow crescentic emargination in the middle of the 
posterior border ; 7th broadly, longitudinally impressed along 

the middle. Anterior tibiae simple. 

$ : Head smaller and shorter, the temples about as long as 

the eyes. 

Widely distributed in India and Ceylon. Also in the Indo- 

Malay region ; Annam ; Hawaii. Aden. 

217^. Oxytelus (4notylus) pauper, sp. n. 

Size and build of 0. fygmoms, but more opaque, the antennal 
tubercles and vertex not shining, the penultimate joints of the 
antennae a little more transverse, the 1 1th joint longer ; ridges of 
thorax narrower, scarcely shining, and finely striate. 

(J : Head a little narrower than the thorax, the post-ocular 
region rounded, twice as long as the curve of the eye ; clypeus 
finely striate, not more shining than the rest of the surface, 
separated from the front by a fine transverse shining line ; 
vertex with a minute fovea, on each side before the base with 
another, the whole surface closely, finely striate, impunctate. 
Thorax a half broader than long, the sides a little rounded in 
front, straight and more retracted behind, the posterior angles 
rounded ; median sulcus narrower than the lateral, the sides 
im.pressed, the whole surface finely striate, like the head. Elytra 
scarcely longer than the thorax, finely, closely striate and finely, 
obsoletely punctured. Abdomen more shining, extremely 
finely, moderately closely punctured ; ventral segments 
without distinguishing characters. 

$ : Post-ocular region shorter, only slightly longer than the 
curve of the eye ; 7th ventral segment a little produced in 
the middle and rounded. Length 1-75 mm. 

Mussoorie : Arni Gad. Dehra Dun. Ceylon : Colombo ; 

276. Oxytelus (Anotylus) intermedins, sp. n. 

Of the same size, colour, lustre and build as 0. pauper, but 
at once distinguished from it by the shining clypeus, which is 
not striate, but presents a few fine punctures. In both sexes 
the head is a little larger, with longer post-ocular region. 

Dehra Dun. Mussoorie. 


277. OzyteluB (Anotylus) pumiloideB, sp. ii. 

Black, nearly opaque, the ridges of the thorax and the 
abdomen more shining ; elytra brown, greasy lustrous. 
Antennae black. Legs testaceous. Length 2-7 mm. 

In build and lustre very similar to 0. pauper, but larger and 
more robust, with thicker antennae. 

<J : Head almost as broad as the thorax, subquadrate, the 
post-ocular region about half as long again as the curve of the 
eye ; clypeus separated from the front by a fine, shining 
transverse line, finely striate ; vertex sulcate, the whole surface 
of the head finely striate and impunctate. Antennae with 
the 4th to 10th joints transverse, the penultimate about one- 
half broader than long. Thorax transverse (3^ : 2J), the sides 
slightly rounded in front, straighter and more retracted behind, 
the posterior angles rounded ; median sulcus ;^rrow, wider in 
front, the lateral broader, almost straight, the sides impressed, 
the ridges more shining, punctured, the rest of the surface 
dull, striate. Elytra about one-third longer than the thorax, 
closely striate, obsoletely punctured. Abdomen very finely, 
rather closely punctured in front, more sparingly behind; 
7th ventral segment broadly and slightly emarginate on each 
side, obtusely angulate in the middle. Anterior tibiae not 

$ : Head smaller, temples shorter, a little longer than 
the eye. 

Chakrata district : Kanasar ; Bodyar ; Manjgaon ; Konain ; 
alt. 6000 to 8000 feet. 

278. Oxytelus (Anotylus) latiusculus. (L'lg. 59.) 

O.ii/lelus lahusciiliis Kr., Arch. Natiirf.r. x\v, 18.")!), i, p. ]"(); 

Fiiuv., Rev. d'Knt. xxi, 190:3, p. 07. 
Oxytehis sulcifrons Fauv., Faun. Gallo-Ulieu. iii, 187'), Cat. ]). xi. ! 

Minute, black, nearly opaque, the abdomen more shining, 
the elytra yellowish-brown, darker at the base or brownish- 
black. Antennae black, occasionally pitchy at the base. Legs 
testaceous. Length 1-5 to 1-76 mm. 

Head narrower than the thorax, flat, the post-ocular region 
not dilated, broadly rounded with the base, about twice the 
length of the curve of the eye ; clypeus continuous with, and 
in the same plane as, the front, the sides and truncate anterior 
border margined ; on either side lightly longitudinally sulcate 
from base to apex ; vertex with a short sulcus ; intra-ocular 
ridge well developed, continuous in front with the margin of 
the clypeus and behind extending to the base, the whole 
surface closely, finely, longitudinally striate, the interstriae 
interrupted at short intervals, so that it appears coriaceous. 
Antennae short, the 3rd joint very small, 4th to 10th transverse, 
the penultimate joints almost three times broader than long. 


Thorax one half broader than long, the sides gently rounded 
from apex to base, more retracted behind, the posterior angles 
roimded ; median sulcus wider in front, the lateral broader ; 
sides lightly impressed, sculpture as on the head and with 
numerous scattered punctures. Elytra broader and a little 
longer than the thorax, striate, moderately closely, super- 
ficially punctured. Abdomen extremely finely, moderately 
closely punctured. 

Fig. 59.— Oxytelus {Anotylua) lahuKuliis, apex of abdomen of cf 
ventral surface. 

S : 5th ventral segment in the middle, on the posterior 
margin with a tubercle ; 6th deeply and broadly impressed 
in the middle in the whole length, the fundus on each side with 
an impressed diverging line, and a transverse curved one 
across the middle f ; 7th broadly and slightly emarginate. 

Widely distributed throughout India and Ceylon. Also in 
the Malayan Archipelago ; Formosa ; Australia ; Aden ; 
East, West, and South Africa ; Egypt ; SjTia. 

279. Oxytelus (Anotylus) kraatzi, iiov. nom. 

Oxytelus pulcher Kr.*, Aich. Natiirg. xxv, 11^59, i, p. 17;> (nee 

Reddish-testaceous, shining, the elytra behind and the 
bases of the abdominal segments more or less broadly infuscate. 
Antennae and legs reddish-testaceous. Length 2-75 to 3 mm. 

(J : Head large, transverse, a little broader than the thorax, 
the post-ocular region slightly dilated and broadly rounded to 
the neck, almost twice as long as the large eye ; clypeus 
deeply depressed, semicircular, broadly emarginate in front 
and without limiting line behind, shining and without sculp- 
ture ; vertex narrowly sulcate ; intra-oc\ilar ridgewell marked, 
extending nearly to the base, the whole upper surface finely 
coriaceous (and less shining than in the $) ; the post-ocular 
region with a few punctures and strise, but without ground- 

t The curved lines on this segment are wrongly shown in the fiffure as 
raaohing the lateral margin, and giving the impression of an additional 
segment. The; actually extend to the potterior margin. 


sculpture. Antennae with the 1st joint rather long, thickened 
apically, 3rd slightly longer than the 2nd, 4th small, about as 
long as broad, 5th to 10th transverse, the penultimate only 
slightly so. Thorax transverse (5 : 3), the sides almost straight, 
retracted behind, before the rounded posterior angles with a 
small emargination, the anterior angles rather prominent ; 
median sulcus distinct, broader than the lateral, these curved, 
abbreviated in front and behind, externally broadly im- 
pressed ; middle of the disc and lateral impressions with some 
rather large, close punctxu^s, almost impunctate elsewhere. 
Elytra a little longer and broader than the thorax, closely 
striate and punctured. Abdomen almost impimctate and 
without ground-sculpture ; terminal ventral segments without 
distinctive characters. 

$: Head smaller, narrower than the thorax, transversely 
suborbicular, the post-ocular region evenly rounded to the 
neck and about as long as the eye ; clypeus truncate in front, 
separated from the front by a transverse line ; vertex with a 
short sulcus, intra-oeular ridge less marked, the region just 
behind the clypeus coriaceous, the rest of the surface with 
a few scattered punctures and without ground-sculpture ; 
thorax less transverse. 

Burma : Tenasserim ; Tavoy. Also in the Malay Peninsula, 
Sumatra, and Java. 

280. Oxytelus (Anotylns) Isettis, sp. n. ( Fig. 60.) (PI. II, fig. 7.) 

Shining ; head red, thorax and abdomen reddish-testaceous, 
the latter infuseate behind ; elytra blackish, more or less 
testaceous at the base. Antennae with the first four or five 
joints testaceous, the following reddish. Legs testaceous. 
Length 3 to 3-75 mm. 

(J : Head large, a little broader than the thorax, the post- 
ocular region a little dilated and rounded to the neck, about 
twice as long as the curve of the eye ; front deeply excavated, 
not separated from the clypeus, which is slightly roimded in 
front ; vertex with deep sulcus extending to the clypeus ; 
intra-ocular ridge evanescent before the base, this on each 
side of the middle with a small fovea, the whole surface except 
the clypeus and excavated front with scattered larger and 
smaller punctures. Antennee with the 4th joint about as long 
as broad, the 5th to 10th transverse, the penultimate about 
twice as broad as long. Thorax transverse (5f : 3^), the sides 
nearly straight, rather strongly retracted behind, the posterior 
angles rounded ; median sulcus rather deep, the lateral 
broader, abbreviated behind ; the sides impressed ; the whole 
surface rather closely punctured, the punctures laurger at the 
sides. Elytra transverse, closely punctate-striate. Abdomen 


almost impunotate, with a fine retiform ground-sculpture. 
4th and 6th ventral segments in the middle with a small shallow 
pubescent impression, 6th with larger impression reaching 
the posterior margin, the margin of the impression produced 
on each side into a short, sharp, oblique tooth directed outwards 
and backwards ; 7th in the middle with short broad lobe, 

Fig. 60. — Oxytelus {Anoiylus) leetus, apex of abdomen of (J -, 
ventral earface. 

narrowed towards the apex which is truncate, on either side 
arcuately excised. 

$ : Head smaller, a little narrower than the thorax, the post- 
ocular region rounded, scarcely dilated, and about a half longer 
than the curve of the eye ; front less deeply excavated. 

Dehra Dun. Siwaliks : Malhan Range, in fungus. Almora : 
Dindihar, alt. 6500 feet. 

281. Ozytelns (Anotylxu) altemans, vp. n. (Fig. 61.) 

Shining ; head black, the antennal tubercles reddish- 
testaceous, thorax red, els^tra brownish-yellow, more or less 
infuscate behind, abdomen brown, obscurely lighter at the 
sides. Antennae reddish-testaceous, the intermediate joints 
scarcely infuscate. Legs testaceous. Length 3'5 to 4 mm. 

Very closely allied to 0. rubidtis, of exactly the same build 
and antennal structure, but differing in the deep black head 
and secondary ^ characters. 

(J : Head more finely striate behind the antennal tubercles, 
the vertex simply punctured ; 4th and 6th ventral segments 
scarcely impressed in the middle, but with a small tuft of 
yellow pubescence ; 6th with deep semicircular excision, 
the spine at each side of the excision much less obUque, the 
margin of the excision more closely ciliate, the impression 
shorter ; 7th with the central lobe broader. 


$: Head formeti as in rubidua, but the eye smaller, the post- 
ocular space longer, nearly twice as long as the curve of the 
eye, the sculpture scarcely differing. 

Fip. 01. -Oxytelns (Atiotylns) alternaiis, apex of abdomen of (J ; 
ventral surface. 

Mussoorie. Simla Hills : Theog, 6000 to 8000 feet. In 

282. Oxyteltis (Anotylus) rufus. 

Oxyteha rufua Kr.*, Arch. Naturg. xxv, 18.59, i, p. 174. 

Moderately shining, red, the elytra occasionally infuscate 
behind, the abdomen reddish-testaceous. Antennae and legs 
reddish-testaceous. Length 2-75 mm. 

(J Head large, transverse, as broad as the thorax, the post- 
ocular region evenly rounded to the neck, a little longer than 
the large eye ; front declivous, without sculpture, clypeus 
narrow, separated from the front by a fine transverse ridge, 
in front very slightly emarginate, polished ; vertex with a short 
sulcus, on either .side with a rather large but shallow impression ; 
intra-ocular ridge obsolete, the whole of the region behind 
the declivous front closely, longitudinally striate and more or 
less punctured. Antennae with the 4th joint a little longer 
than broad, 5th and 6th slightly, 7th to 10th more strongly 
transverse, the penultimate fully twice as broad as long. 
Thorax transverse (5 : 3), the sides almost straight, distinctly 
retracted behind, the posterior angles obtuse ; median sulcus 
wider in front, the lateral broader, the sides impressed, closely 
striate-punctate on the disc, less closely and less striate at the 
«ides. Elytra a little longer and broader than the thorax, 
rather closely punctured, more striate-punctate at the sides. 

oxTTBLrs, 255 

Abdomen practically impunctate, extremely finely coriaceous ; 
7th ventral segment slightly emarginate. 

? : Head smaller, the post-ocular region about as long as 
the eye ; front less abruptly declivous, punctured ; clypeus 
truncate in front, extremely finely coriaceous ; vertex sulcate ; 
much less striate, closely punctured ; thorax less transverse. 


283. Oxytelus (Anotylus) rubicandTis, sp. n. (Fig. 6i'.) 

Head and thorax reddish-testaceous, a little shining ; elytra 
blackish, reddish at the base ; abdomen more shining, reddish- 
testaceous, the bases of the segments more or less infuscate. 
Antennae red. Legs testaceous. Length 2'1 mm. 

(J : Head transverse, as broad as the thorax, the post-ocular 
region rounded and a little dilated, rather more than twice the 
length of the eye ; clypeus depressed, feebly rounded in front, 
separated from the front of the head by a curved groove, 

SSg. 62. — Oicyiel'us (AnotyUis) mhiamdiia, apex of abdomen of ^ ; 
ventral surface. 

shining and without sculpture ; vertex with a short sulcus ; 
intra-ocular ridge reaching the base and curved inwards ; a 
narrow space behind the clypeus almost impunctate, about the 
vertex finely and closely punctured, the punctures more or less 
confluent ; externally closely and obliquely striate. Antennae 
slender, the 4th joint small, the 5th to 10th distinctly transverse, 
the 11th as long as the two preceding together. Thorax 
transverse (3^ : 2J), the sides nearly straight, distinctly 
retracted behind, the posterior angles obtuse ; median sulcus 
distinct, widest in front, the lateral scarcely evident, at the 
sides impressed, rather closely striate, the striae more or less 
interrupted, impunctate. Elytra about a third longer than 
the thorax, closely striate and rather closely punctured. 


Abdomen practically impunctate, very finely coriaceous ; 
7th ventral segment crescentically emarginate on each side, 
rounded in the middle. 

9 : Head smaller, a little narrower than the thorax, the post- 
ocular region rounded to the neck, about half as long again as 
the eye ; vertex closely striate-punctate. 

Dehra Dun. Siwaliks : MaUian Range. In rotting fruit. 

284. Ozytelus (Anotylus) ruber, ap. n. 

(J : Very closely allied to 0. rvbicundus but more robust, 
the head more shining, larger, of a ferruginous-red colour, 
the eye larger, the post-ocular region longer, about twice the 
length of the eye ; sulcus of vertex shallower and broader, 
the surrounding area more sparingly punctured, the lateral 
region more regularly striate ; posterior angles of the thorax 
a little more prominent ; secondary sexual characters the 
same. Length 2-3 mm. 

$: Verysimilar to 0. rajjfrayi Fauv., $, but thorax and elytra 
less coarsely sculptured, the head a little narrower, the fovea 
of the vertex deeper, sculpture at base of head closer and 
finer. The head is transverse, narrower than the thorax, 
the post-ocular region rounded to the neck, a little longer 
than the curve of the eye, the vertex with deep fovea, behind 
the smooth clypeus coriaceous, more posteriorly more coarsely 
and irregularly wrinkled. 

Dehra Dun. Burma : Tenasserim ; Tavoy. Also in Penang. 

285. Oxytelus (Anotylus) nitidifrons. {¥ig. 63.) 

Oxytelus nitidifrons 'WoW.*, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) viii, 1871, 

p. 411. 
Oxytehis ndvena Shp., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1880, p. 50 ; Trans. 

Rov. Soc. Dublin, iii, 1886, p. 223; Faun. Haw. iii, v, 1908, 

p. 643; Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. xxi, 1902, p. G5. 

Shining ; head pitch-black, thorax red, elytra reddish- 
testaceous, more or less extensively infuscate behind, abdomen 
reddish-brown, darker behind. Anteimae with the first four 
joints reddish-testaceous, the following blackish. Legs 
testaceous. Length 2-75 to 3 mm. 

<J : Head transversely suborbicular, as broad as the thorax, 
the post-ocular area evenly rounded to the neck, about twice 
as long as the large eye ; clypeus depressed, sUghtly rounded 
anteriorly, separated from the front by an impressed line and 
vdth a few scattered punctures ; vertex with a narrow sulcus ; 
intra-oculax ridge distinct, extending nearly to the base ; 
behind the clypeus with a few fiine punctures, the rest of the 
surface coarsely, closely striate and punctured. Antemue 
with the 4;th joint as long as broad, the 5th to 10th transverse,. 



tho 9th and 10th distinctly more transverse than the pre- 
ceding. Thorax transverse (5 : 3), the sides almost straight, 
very slightly retracted behind and scarcely emarginate before 
the obtuse posterior angles ; median sulcus narrow, wider in 
front, the lateral broader, less distinct, at the sides broadly 
impressed : rather coarsely, irregularly punctured, the punc- 
tures here and there confluent. Elytra a little broader and 
about a third longer than the thorax, closely striate-punctate. 
Abdomen extremely finely, moderately closely punctured. 

Fif,^. ^JM. (Kvfflt'hti* (Aiioti/l'iis) iiiticlifrnii!^, apex of abfiomt'U of (-{ , 
voiitral surfaoe. 

very flnclj' coriaceous; Hth ventral segment in the middle 
with a transverse impression ; 7tli deeply emarginate on each 
side, forming a central lobe narrowed towards the slightly 
roimded apex. 

$ : Head smaller, slightly narrower than the thorax ; post- 
ocular region shorter, a little longer than tlie eye, the disc 
closely punctured, scarcely striate. 

Nilgiri Hills (Andrewes). Dehra Dun (Cameron). Burma. 
Also in the Philippines, Hawaii, Madeira, St. Helena, W. 
Africa, Zanzibar. 

2S6. Oxytelus (Anotylus) cavicola. 

Oaytelus cavicola HoniU *, W. K. Z. xliii, 192(i. p. '2-'. 

Red, shining, the elytra more or less infuscate behind. 
Antennae and legs reddish-testaceous. Length 2 to 3 mm. 

$ : Very similar to O. nitidifrons WoU., but red, the head 
more rounded and less transverse, the antennae stouter, 
entirely reddish-testaceous, the thorax a little broader, the 
sulci less deep, the puncturation rather closer. Head sub- 

TOTi. I. s 


orbicular, narrower than the thorax, post-ocular region rounded, 
a little shorter than the curve of the eye ; clypeus shining, 
without ground-sculpture, but with a few small punctiu-es, the 
anterior border slightly rounded, separated from the front by 
« transverse depression ; intra-ocular ridge distinct, reaching 
the base and then directed inwards ; vertex narrowly sulcatc, 
the whole surface rather closely punctured as in nitidifrons. 
Antennae with the 4th joint moniliform, oth to 10th transverse, 
the 9th and 10th more strongly than the preceding, about 
twice as broad as long. Thorax transverse (5 : 3), the sides 
slightly rounded in front, not much retracted behind, the 
posterior angles obtiise and slightly prominent ; median 
sulcus wider in front, the lateral less distinct, rather coarsely 
and closely punctured, substriate, at the sides superficially 
impressed. Elytra one-third longer than the thorax, rather 
closely punctured and striate. Abdomen practically impunc- 
tate, extremely finely coriaceous. According to Bernhauer 
the t? has the 5th ventral segment with the posterior margin 
arcuately emarginate and an impression in the middle of the 

Burma : Moulmein, in a cave (Oramly). 

1287. Oxytelus (Anotylns) distincticoUlB. (Alio/ i/lun) distluctieollis Cam., E. M. M. Iv, 19 1 i), p. 'I'liS. 

Black, shining, the elytra brown, the thoracic sulci more or 
less obsolete ; first five joints of the antennae and legs reddisli- 
t3staceous. Length 3-3 mm. 

Easily recognised by the very indistinct thoracic furrows 
and coarse sculpture. Facies of nitidifrons Woll. Head trans- 
verse, convex, the eyes moderately large, the temples long, 
broadly rounded behind, about twice as long as the eyes ; 
the front transversely depressed between the antennal tubercles, 
smooth, shining, almost impunctate, the rest of the surface 
coarsely, closely and rugosely punctured. Antennae with the 
2nd joint about as long as the 3rd, the 4th small, as broad as 
long, the 5th to the lOth transversa, gradually increasing 
in width, the 11th short, oval. Thorax very nearly one-half 
broader than long, feebly rounded at the sides, narrower at 
the obtuse posterior angles than anteriorly ; the disc with a 
narrow, shallow, obsolete furrow throughout the whole length 
of the msdian line, and on either side with a broader yet more 
obsolete impression posteriorly, scarcely traceable beyond the 
middle, the sides rather broadly impressed ; the whole surface 
coarsely, closely and rugosely punctured. Elytra a little 
broader than, and about half as long again as, the thorax, 
slightly transverse, the sculpture consisting of moderately 
•coarse, oouaewhat closely placed granules. Abdomen with 

oxTTBirs. 259 

sculpture consisting of moderately large, superficial, closely 
placed, obsolete punctures, the interspaces raised so that the 
surface appears irregular and granular, the 7th and 8th seg- 
ments nearly smooth. 

cj unknown. Type in the British Museum. 

Ceylon : Bogawantalawa {G. Lewis), 

•2HS. Oxytelus (Anotylus) rnbidas, sp. n. (Fig. 64.) 

Moderately shining ; head red, the rest reddish-testaceous, 
the elytra more or less blackish, the base of each abdominal 
segment with narrow transverse blackish fascia. Antennae 
red. Legs testaceous. Length 3-2 mm. 

Near 0. nitidifrons WoU., but with differently coloured head 
and antennaj and narrower build ; in the ^ with broader head, 
the post-ocular region slightly dilated, the sculpture behind 
ths antennal tubercles more finely striate and less punctured, 
the intra-ociilar ridge obsolete, sulcus of vertex deeper, thorax 

Fig. 64.--Oj;;//eli(s (Anotylus) nihidut, apex of abdomen of (J : 
ventral Hurface. 

less transverse, less shining, lateral sulci less deep, the sculpture 
a little finer and more striate. In the ? the head is distinctly 
striato-punctate, but in build is simihr to nitidifrons. 

(J : Head transverse, as broad as the thorax, the post-ocular 
region a little dilated and rounded to the neck, about a half 
longer than the curve of the eye ; clypeus depressed, truncate 
in front, shining, devoid of sculpture, not separated behind 
from the front, this polished like the clypeus, but with a few 
fine punctures ; vertex sulcate, intra-ocular crest feeble, the 
region between this and the sulcus closely, moderately finely, 
obliquely striate, practically impunctat.e. Antennae as in 

260 STAPHYLINIl).*:. 

nitidifrons. Thorax transverse (5 : 3|), the sides nearly 
straight, not much retracted behind, the posterior angles 
rounded ; median sulcus more defined than the lateral, wider 
in front, at the sides impressed : median sulcus without 
sculpture, the rest of the surface with rather close, more or less 
elongate punctures, with tendency to unite. Elytra a little 
longer and broader than the thorax, transverse, punctate- 
striate. Abdomen practically impunctate, with obsolete ground- 
sculpture ; 4th and 5th ventral segments with a small pubescent 
impression in the middle a little in front of the posterior margin ; 
6th with a nearly semicircular ciliated excision in the midole 
of the posterior margin, the margin of the excision on each side 
produced into a sharp outwardly and backwardly directed 
spine, in front of the emargination with an impression reaching 
nearly to the middle of the segment : 7th emarginate on each 
side, thus forming a small median lobe. 

? : Head smaller, transverse, almost as broad as the thorax, 
the post-ocular region rounded, almost as long as the curve of 
the eye ; vertex sulcate ; intra-ocular ridge distinct, reaching 
the base, the sculpture between this and the sulcus rather 
coarsely striate. 7th ventral segment a little produced in the 
middle and rounded. 

Dehra Dun. In fungus. 

289. Oxytelus (Anotylus) thoracicns. 

Oxytehix thoracicus Mofscli., Bull. Mosc. x\x, 18-")7, i\, ]i. .'iOl 

Shining reddish-testaceous, the head and disc of thorax 
often more or less infuscate. Thorax with fine median line, 
lateral sulci short, basal, indistinct. AnteniisB brown, the 
first four joints testaceous. Legs testaceous. Length 3 mm . 

Readily recognised by the colour, the finely ptmctured head 
and thorax, and the obsolete sulci of the thorax. Allied to 
O. hubalus Fauv. 

(J : Head transverse, suborbicular, almost as broad as the 
thorax, the post-ocular region very short, the eye very large ; 
clypeus depressed, without sculpture, continuous with the 
front, the anterior margin gently rounded ; disc flat, on each 
side before the base with a small fovea, the whole surface 
finely and not very closely punctured. Antennae with the 
4th to 10th joints transverse, the penultimate twice as broad 
as long. Thorax transverse, one-third broader than long, 
convex, widest just behind the rounded anterior angles, 
the sides straighter and a little retracted to the rounded 
posterior angles ; in the middle with a fine impressed line, lateral 
sulci very feeble, placed near the base, the sides impressed, 
on the disc rather finely and not closely punctured, at the 
sides with larger and closer punctures more or less confluent. 

OXM'KhUS. 2G1 

Elytra a little longer and broader than the thorax, moderately 
finely and moderately closely jjunctured, at the sides and 
apex more or less striate. Abdomen practically irapunctate. 
with feeble ground-sculpture ; 7th ventral segment produced 
in the middle into a short plate with rounded apex, on each 
side craarginate ; 6th in the middle before the posterior 
margin with a closely punctured impression clothed with 
yoUow pubescence. Anterior tibiae emarginate before the 

$ : Head a little smaller, thorax less transverse. 

Bengal : Rajmahal. Baroda State : Bilimora. Also in tlie 
Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, etc. 

290. Oxytelus (Anotylus) exasperatus. 

O.ii/le/iis e.iiiit/ienitas Kv.*, Aveh. Xatui'g. xxv, 135), i, p. 175. 

Moderately shining, black, the elytra yellowish-brown, 
darker at the scutellary region. Antcnnse black, the first 
two or three joints redflish. Legs testaceous. Length 
2-7o to 3 mm. 

<J : Head as broad as the thorax, subquadrate, the temples 
very slightly <lilated, rather broadly rounded b(>hind, about as 
long as the large eye, the base rather broadly eraargiivite ; 
clypous depressed, separated from the front by a distinct 
transverse line, shining, practically without sculpture, truncate 
in front ; vertex deei)ly sulcate ; the surface longitudinally 
striate and with a few pimctures, at the base more coarsely 
and irregularly rugose : immediately behind the clypeus 
smooth and shining and with a few extremely fine punctures. 
Antennae with the 4th joint a little longer than broad, the 5th 
to 10th moderately transverse. Thorax trapezoidal, a little 
more than a third broader than long, the sides almost straight, 
retracted behind, the posterior angles rounded ; sulci 
distinct, not abbreviated, the median widest in front, the 
lateral narrow(!r, curved, the sides strongly impressed, the 
whole siu-face rather coarsely striate and rugose, not definitely 
punctured. Elytra a little longer and broader than the 
thorax, closely, asperately pimctured, scarcely striate. 
Abdomen very finely, moderately closely punctured on the 
anterior segments ; 7th ventral segment truncate, a little in 
front of the posterior margin with a short, transverse, bidenti- 
<5ulate ridge. 

? : Head smaller, shorter, transverse, a little narrower than 
the thorax, temples parallel, a little shorter than the length 
of the large eye, the posterior angles briefly rounded: vertex 
more narrowly sulcate, at the base on each side with a fovea. 

Ceylon : Dikoya, alt. 3800 to 4200 feet (Lewis). 



291. OxyteluB (Anotylas) frater, sp. n. 

Black, opaque, abdomen shining, elytra pitchy, a little 
shining. Sulci of the thorax feeble. Antennae black, the 
first four joints more or less testaceous. Legs testaceous. 
Length 3 mm. 

Allied to 0. exasperatus, Kr., but more opaque, the head 
more densely striate, antennae with the 4th and 5th joints 
longer, the penultimate less transverse ; thoracic sulci less 
deep, the sculpture finer, elytra with less interrupted striae, 
and so less asperate. 

(J : Head as wide as the thorax, widest at the briefly rounded 
posterior angles, subtriangular, the temples twice as long as 
the eye, the base deeply emarginate ; elypeus depressed, 
separated from the front, smooth and shining, in front with a 
few fine striae, the anterior border scarcely emarginate ; vertex 
sulcate, on each side of the sulcus with a small, more shining 
tubercle, behind which is a small impression, the surface finely 
longitudinally striate, at the sides and base more coarsely 
and irregularly. Antennae with the 2nd joint shorter than the 
3rd, 4th and 5th distinctly longer than broad, the following 
slightly transverse. Thorax formed as in exasperatus, but the 
sulci less marked, the sculpture similar but finer. Elytra a 
little longer than the thorax, striate, scarcely punctured. 
Abdomen very finely, moderately closely punctured ; 7th 
ventral segment broadly and slightly emarginate. Anterior 
tibiae simple. 

9 : Head smaller, narrower than the thorax, less widened 
behind, the eye about as long as the temple. 

Dehra Dun. Mussoorie, Chakrata and Simla districts, 
alt. 2300 to 8000 feet. 

202. Oxytelus simplex. 

Oxyteliis simplex S[i)t8cb., Et. Ent. viii, 18.")9, p. 70. 

Black, more or less brown, palpi, base of antennae, legs, 
humeral angles, and middle of the elytra pale testaceous. 

Head rather triangular, strongly punctured towards the 
sides, smooth and shining in the middle in front ; antennae 
longer than the head and thorax together, 2nd joint nearly 
as long as the Ist, 3rd a little shorter, 4th to 10th very trans- 
verse, from the 5th black, 11th oval, twice as long as the 10th, 
pointed, black, a little lighter at the apex. Thorax transverse, 
rather depressed, shining, punctured like the head, with 
three little impressions on the middle, of which two are behind 
and one on the anterior margin ; there is, moreover, on either 
side a fovea ; lateral borders rounded, anterior angles rounded, 
the posterior prominent, nearly rectangular. Scutellum very 


transverse, rounded. Elytra longer than the thorax, nearly 
square, depressed, a little less strongly punctured than the 
thorax. Abdomen shining, almost impunctate, very finely 
and very sparingly pubescent. Last segment rounded. 
Length IJ lin. (It almost wants the central groove, as in 

Ceylon (ex Motschoulsky). 

293. Oxytelus incisus. incisus Mottcli., Bull. Mu^c. xxx, 1857, iv, j). hOi. 

Near O. insecMus, but smaller and notably more elongate. 
Sides of thorax not crenulate. Colour of thorax and abdomen 
redder. Last eight joints of the antennae brown, the others 

Head with well marked fovese. Sixth abdominal segment 
in the ^ with two small, not very apparent projections on the 
margin ; 7th with a transverse depression in the middle, making 
the lobes prominent like teeth on the middle of the pygidial 
segment, which is there concave. 

$ : 6th segment with triangular emargination in the middle 
of the external ( ? posterior) border ; 7th without lateral lobes, 
on the pygidial segment with a little fovea near the apex. 

" Ind. or." (ex Motschoulsky). 

"29A . Oxytelus (?) parasitns. 

Ortjiclui^ ['{) parrmftis Alotsch.. Et. lint, viii, ISoO, p. 60. 

Elongate, parallel, depressed, punctured, moderately shining, 
black ; mouth, palpi, base of antennae and legs testaceous. 

Head subtransverse, subopaque, rugosely punctured, 
uneven, bifovcolate behind, longitudinally impressed in 
the middle of the front, between the eyes and antennae on each 
side produced into a little tooth. Thorax scarcely broader than 
the head, subtransverse, uneven, rugosely punctured, in front 
somewhat triangularly produced, in the middle with three 
crenulate sulci, the sulci wider behind ; the sides in front 
somewhat dilated, in the middle broadly emarginate, the 
anterior angles rounded, the posterior obtuse. Elytra a little 
broader than the thorax, almost transverse, with a very close 
granular sculpture, somewhat infuscate. Abdomen a little 
narrower than the elytra, shining, finely punctured behind, 
with a very short, sparing pubescence, the apex pointed, the 
sides strongly reflexed, at the apex arcuately narrowed, the 
posterior margin of the segments more or less infuscate ; anal 
segment very shining, subconvex. Length 1|; lin. Breadth 

Ceylon (ex Motschoulsky). 




PlatijKtethm Maiiiili., linicli^l. 1830, p. 4l>; Kr., Kaf. Mark. 
Uraiul. i, 1837-a9 (1839) p. rSh ; Gen. Spec. Stapli. 1839-40 
(1840) p. 781; Lac, Gen. Col. ii, I8.'J4, \\. 116; Jwq. <iu Val, 
Gen. Col. d'Eur. ii, 1858, p. oS; Kr.. Nalurf>'. Ins. Deutsch. ii, 
185(i-o8, p. 8:?8; Fauv., Fn. (iallo-Kh<5ii. iii, 1872, p. 178; 
MuLs. et Key, Hist. Nat. Col. l''r., BrtSvip., Oxyp., Oxyt6l. 1879, 
p. 13; Sharp, B. C.-A. i, '2, 188i'-87 (1887) p. 080; Qanglb., 
Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 027. 

Subgen. Pyctocraerus Tlioms., Skand. Col. iii, 1861, p. 12"). 
„ IHatyslethtis, s. .str., Thorns., 1. c. p. 122. 

Biology. Ilupertsb., Biol. Lit. Kaf. Eiir. 1894, p. 126; Xamben, 
Ann. Soe. Linn. Lyon, xxxviii, 1891, p. 181 ; Moeura, vi, p. 123 ; 
Schi^dte, Nat. Tid.skr. iii, 1804, p. 210, t. 11, ff. 15-22: t. 12, 
f. 3 ; Boiiche, iVat. Ins. Deutsch. 1834, p. 182, t. 8, ff. 14-21. 

Elongate, somewhat depressed species, the head not or but 
little constricted behind (subgen. Fyctocraenis). Clypeus not 
separated by a suture from the front, usually armed (at least 
in the ^) with two spines. Gular sutures fused along the middle, 
diverging behind and enclosing a small triangular gular plate. 
Labrum transverse, slightly, broadly emarginate in front, 
the anterit)r- angles furnished with a cihated membrane, the 
front margin closely setose. Mentum transverse, slightly, 
broadly emarginate in front, the anterior angles a little 
prominent. Tongue broadly, rather deeply emarginate, on 
either sid(^ of the middle with a sctiferous tubercle : para- 
glosSBB extending slightly beyond the anterior angles. Labial 
palpi with the 1st joint cylindrical, twice as long a.s broad, the 
2nd narrower and longer, the 3rd narrower and about half 
as long as the 2nd, (iylindrical. Inner lobe of the maxilla 
pointed, its inner margin furnished with strong teeth ; outer 
lobe a little longer than the inner, its apex closely dentate and 
ciliate. Maxillary palpi with the 1st joint very small, the 2nd 
elongate, lightly curved and thickened apically, the 3rd about 
as long as the 2nd, slightly thickened at the ajx^x, the 4th 
conical, about half as long as the ])receding. Mandibles 
slightly curved, pointed, the inner margins with two or three 
small teeth. Prostcrnum short, sometimes with a tubercle in 
the middle, its process short and rounded, scarcely projecting 
between the coxae. Epipleura narrow. Kpimera wanting. 
Trochantin visible, tongue-shaped. Mesosternum short, its 
process short and broad, rounded behind, the coxse widely 
separated. Metasternum a little produced backwards in the 
middle, its process long and broad, united with that of the 
mesosternum. Scutollum large. Elytra dehiscent behind. 
Legs moderate, the anterior coxa; elongate, as long as the 
femora. Anterior and middle tibia; spinose, the posterior 
setose. Tarsi 3-jointed, the first two joints very short, the 
3rd two or three times longer than the first two together. 

I'LATi'STETllUH. 265 

The genus is found throughout the world in dung and decaying 
matter. It has been divided into two subgenera : Platystethus, 
s. str., in which the head is not constricted behind, and 
Pyctocraeriis, in which a constriction is present. 

Key to the Species uf Platyotetbiis Maniih. 

1. Testaceous; t.lio head more or less infuscate . <c«<acen« Motsch., 
Otherwise coloured 2. [p. 366. 

2. Hoad eoriiiceo<i.s 9. 

Head not coriaceous 4. 

3. Thorax and elytra coriaceous ; thorax sul- 

cate in the middle cornutus Ur., p. 265. 

Thorax and elytra not coriaceous ; thorax | p. 266. 

not sulcata dilutipennis Cam., 

4. Thorax bright reddish-testaceous indicui, .'■p. n., p. 267. 

Thorax black or pitchy O. 

5. I'rontal horns red, elytra testaceous, rather 

strongly punctured spedahilk Kr., p. 268. 

Frrmtal horns black ; elytra larg:ely infus- [p. 269. 

cate, finely and sparingly punctured .... vrassicurnis Motsch., 

205. Platystethus testaceus. 

I'lntii«ti'thii>i tcKtafcns Motsch.. Bull. -Mt)sc. xx.\, ]8.")7, iv, p. 500. 

Jiuild of P. nodifrmis Sahib., but more narrowed at the 
t'xtrcniities Sliiuing reddish -testaceous, the liead and terminal 
joints of the antenn;c, which are distinctly widened, a little 
infuscate ; eyes clear ; jjnncturation not very distincit on the 
head and thorax, closer on the elytra. Thorax witli fee))le 
median line, the lateral imyu'essions stronger: it is transxerse, 
with all the angles roinided. almost the same as in some 
s]K'eies of Oxytclas. 

India (ex Moli^choidshy). 

296. Platystethus cornutus. 

Platii-ttethm coniidiis (Jr., Col. Micr. |{run^^. 1802, p. lOit; 1>., 

Kaf Mark. JJrand. i. JKi'-JJS) (]8;m) p. 586; Gen. Spec. Staph. 

1^:59 JO, p. 782; Kraatz, >'aturff. Ins. Deutscli. ii, 1850-.-)8, 

p. 841 ; .laoq. du Val, fteii. Col. d'Mur. ii, 1858, t. -'], f. 101 ; 

Thorns., Skand. Col. iii, 18{>1, p. 122 ; Kauv., Faun. (lallo-Hht'n. 

iii, 1872, p. 180; Muls. et liev, Col. Vv., Br^vip. 187!», p. 2^; 

Uanplb., Kaf. Mitt. ]':ui-. ii, 180."), p. 0:51 . 
Platystethus c/eyeiier Muls. et Itoy, Col. Fr., Br^vip. 1870, p. 26. 
PlatystetliKs ■H)n.r///os«.< IV\ron, Ann. Soc. J'hit. Fr. (3) \i, 1858, 

p. 432. 
Plalyetfthiis sryhalartK.i Kunde, Brach. Jlal. 1835, p. 19. 

Black, moderately shining, the fore-parts coriaceous, the 
elytra brownish-yellow, at the base and sides more or less 

266 STAPHTX-TX1D,«. 

infuscate. Antennae black, the first joint sometimes brownish- 
testaceous. Legs testaceous, the femora more or less infuscate. 
Length 3 to 4 mm. 

(5 : Head large, not constricted behind, as broad as the 
thorax, the post-ocular region gently rounded and narrowed 
to the neck, more than twice as long as the eye ; clypeus 
coriaceous, not separated from the front, the anterior angles 
produced into a long, pointed, slightly diverging and decurved 
spine ; vertex with a short sulcus, on either side foveate ; 
intra-ocular sulcus deep and narrow ; moderately strongly 
and rather closely punctured, coriaceous. Antennae with the 
3rd joint a little shorter than the 2nd, 4th to 6th a little longer 
than broad, 7th to 10th a little transverse. Thorax transverse 
(6J : 5), the sides evenly rounded with the base, anterior 
angles rather prominent ; sulcate in the middle line, about as 
closely but rather more finely punctured than the head, the 
ground-sculpture similar. Elytra as long as the thorax, the 
apex margined, finely, rather sparingly punctured, coriaceoxis. 
Abdomen widened behind, almost impunctate, coriaceous ; 
6th ventral segment at the middle of the posterior margin 
with a crescent! c impression ; 7th broadly impressed along 
the middle, on each side with a little tooth. 

9 : Head smaller, scarcely as wide as the thorax, spines 

Dehra Dun. Chakrata and Mussoorie districts. Bihar : 
Pusa. Poona. Also in Europe and the Canary Islands. 

297. Platystethus dilutipennis. (Fig. 65.) 

Vlatijstethris ililntipemiix Cam., Trans. Eiit. Soc. Lund. 1914, 
p. o2r. 

Black, shining ; thorax with a row of three or four punctures 
on either side of the middle line and two or three near the sides, 
otherwise impunctate. Elytra testaceous, infuscate about the 
scutellum and the postero-external angles. Antennae with first 
four joints reddish-testaceous, the rest black. Mandibles, palpi, 
and legs testaceous. Length 3-5 to 4 mm. 

Head in ^ very large, transversely suborbicular, densely 
coriaceous, scarcely perceptibly punctured, broader than the 
thorax ; in $ scarcely as broad as the thorax, more shining, 
much less coriaceous, very finely and sparingly punctured. 
In both sexes the clypeus is produced into two rather short 
triangular spines. Antennae with 2nd and 3rd joints of equal 
length, 4th globose, 5th slightly, the following gradually more 
strongly transverse, 11th elongate, oval. Thorax almost 
semicircular, posterior angles obliterated, the anterior rect- 
angular ; disc with three or four large punctures on either side 
of the middle line and two or three nearer the sides, not sulcate, 


no perceptible ground-sculpture. Elytra transverse, emarginate 
posteriorly ; measured along the suture a little shorter than 
the thorax, very sparingly and obsoletely punctured. Abdo- 
men almost impunctate. 
(J : 6th ventral segment with an emargination closed by a 

Pig. G5. -Plitlytiteihn!< Jiliitipeniiis, apex of abdomen of <S ; 
ventral surface. 

white membrane which projects backwards beyond the 
m.argin of the segment with a free rounded edge ; 6th ventral 
segment impressed and broadly emarginate posteriorly ; 7tli 
yet more broadly emarginate. 

S. India : Nilgiri Hills, 3500 feet above the sea-level 
{H. L. Andrewes). 

208. Platystethus indicus, s]). n. 

Shining ; head and abdomen black, the latter obscurely 
Ughter at the base ; thorax bright ferruginous-red or reddish- 
testaceous ; elytra testaceous, more or less infuscate behind. 
Antennae brown, the first three joints testaceous. Legs 
testaceous. Length 4 to 4-5 mm. 

^: Head large, transversely suborbicular, slightly broader 
than the thorax, post-ocular region scarcely rounded, obliquely 
retracted to the neck, scarcely longer than the large eye ; 
clypeus impunctate, produced on each side into a long, pointed, 
slightly deciu:ved, scarcely diverging spine with reddish apex ; 
vertex not sulcate, on each side before the base with a small 
fovea, moderately finely, ratter sparingly punctured. Antennae 
with the 3rd joint as long as the 2nd, 4th to lOth transverse, the 


penultimate fully half as broad again as long. Thorax trans- 
verse (6 : 4^), the sides rounded with the base, sulcate in the 
middle, rather finely and sparingly punctured. Elytra at the 
suture as long as the thorax, apex not margined, obsoletely and 
sparingly punctured. Abdomen a little widened behind, ex- 
tremely finely and very sparingly punctured, without ground- 
sculpture ; 7th ventral segment a little produced and rounded 
in the middle. 

? : Head smaller, but a little broader than the thorax, which 
is narrower than in the ^. 

Dehra Dun. 

299. Platystethus spectabilis. (Eig. 6G.) 

Platystethitt spectabilis Kr., Arch. Naturg. xxv, 1850, i, p. 170. 

Shining ; head black, the horns testaceous ; thorax pitchy, 
the sides and base narrowly reddish ; elytra testaceous ; abdo- 
men pitchy, lighter at the base. Antennae ferruginous. Legs 
testaceous. Length 4 mm. 

Near P. indinis, but a little more, the frontal horns 

Fiff. ()6. I'ltitjisfellius njieclalnltn, apex of abdomen of c? ; 
ventral surface. 

longer, the antennae longer, with the penultimate joints less 
transverse, the elytra longer, differently coloured and much 
more distinctly punctured. 

cJ : Head large, suborbicular, broader than the thorax, the 
feebly rounded post-ocular region as long as the eye ; clypeus 
reddish, coriaceous, produced on either side into a long, pointed, 
decurved striate spine ; vertex obsoletely sulcate, on either 


side with a large shallow impression, rather finely, moderately 
closely punctured. Antennae with the 2nd and 3rd joints 
equal in length, 4th as long as broad, 5th to 10th transverse, 
the penultimate only slightly, 1 1th as long as the two preceding 
together. Thorax transverse (7:5), the sides almost straight 
and retracted behind to the rounded j)osterior angles, in the 
middle with a fine impressed line, at the sides lightly im- 
pressed, moderately finelj, irregularly punctured. Elytra 
scarcely longer than the thorax, moderately finely, irregularly 
punctured. Abdomen a little wider behind, finely, moderately 
closely punctm-cd, coriaceous : 6th ventral segment at the 
middle of the base with a large tubercle, the surface behind 
flattened ; 7th broadly truncate behind 

$ : Head smaller, as broad as the thorax, the horns nmeh 

Bihar : Pusa. 

300. Platystethus crassicornis. (Fig. 07.) 

I'la/i/s/etJtus cj(i.ii<iciiriu\ MoIslIi., Hull. Mdsc. xxx, 1S57, i\, 

p. 506. 
PkttHftcthim rolmstiii ("am.. E. Jf. M. liv, 191^!, p. ]0l' 

Black, shining ; elytra testaceous, more or less infuscate 
behind. Antennae reddish -brown, the first foiu' joints re<ldish- 
testaceous, the 1st often pitciiy above. I^'gs testaceous. 
Length 4-8 to o-.") mm. 

Fig. G7. - Plalijslethiis rrnnsironiKi. a)U'\ of iibdompii of o ; 
ventral surface. 

A large robust species, larger and more robust than P. 
apinosus Gr. 

(J : Head large, transversely suborbicular, wider than the 
thorax, the post-ocular region as long as the eye ; elypeus ini- 
punctate, on either side with a long, pointed, slightly divergent 
spine, the space between the spines semicircularly emarginate. 
Vertex without sulcus, on each side before the base with a 
fovea, the whole surface rather finely and rather sparingly 


punctured. Antennae stout, the 2nd and 3rd joints subequal, 
4th slightly, 5th to 10th more strongly transverse, the penulti- 
mate about twice as broad as long, the 11th fully as long 
as the two preceding together. Thorax transverse, the sides 
retracted behind, the posterior angles obtuse, in the middle 
with a punctured sulcus, towards the sides feebly and broadly 
impressed ; puncturation fine and sparing on the middle of 
the disc, at the sides coarser and closer. Elytra as long as 
the thorax, very finely and very sparingly punctured. Abdomen 
almost impunctate, ground-sculpture feeble; 6th ventral 
segment with a crescentic emargination in the middle of the 
posterior border, slightly impressed in front of it, on each side 
with a very shallow emargination ; 7th ventral segment 
broadly and slightly emarginate. 

$: Head smaller, as broad as the thorax, spines shorter, 
the margin between truncate ; post-ocular region scarcely 
a,8 long as the eye. 

Ceylon. Nilgiri Hills. Dehra Dun. Also in Perak. 

Genus BLEDIUS Mannh. 

Bledius Miinnh., Bracb. 1830, p. 44; Kt., Kaf. Mark. Brand, i, 
1837-.39 (1839) p. 578; Geu. Spec. Staph. 1839-40, p. 760; 
Lac., <ien. Col. ii, 1854, p. l.'?4; Kr., Naturj!^. Ins. Deutsch. ii, 
)8o'l-58, p. 810 ; .Tacq. du Val, Gen. Col. d'Eur. ii, 1858, p. 54 ; 
J. Leconte, Col. N. Amer. in Smiths. Misc. Coll. iii, 1802, 
p. 69: Faiiv., Not. Ent. v, 1, 1867, p. 21 ; Faun. Gallo-Rhnn. 
iii, 1872, p. 185 ; Muls. et lley. Hist. Nat. Col. Fr., Brevip., 
Oxvp., Oxvt. 1879, p. 109; Lvnch, Bol. Ac. Nac. (Jord. vii, 
1884, p. .'Wl: Sharp, B. C.-A. i, 2, 1882-87 (1887) p. 685; 
Casev, Ann. N. York Ac. v, 1889-91 (1889) p. 41 ; (ianglb., 
Kaf.' Mitt. Eur. ii, 189-1, p. 610; Blackb., Tr. Uov. Soc. Aust. 
xxvi, 1902, p 23. 
nkdiHS+ Hesperophilm Steph., 111. Brit. Pint, v, 1832, pp. 307, .'509. 
Bledius-^-HesiieyophiUts+Aatycops Thums., Skand. Col. iii, 1861, 

pp. 118,120,121. 
Bleditts + Tadimus + Barffus -f ^Isti/cnps + I£e.i/)erophilnii Sch l^dte, 

Nat. Tidskr. (.3) iv, 1866-67, pp. 144-145, 164-165. 
ftubgen. Anft/cops Muls, et Rey, I. c. p. 195. 
„ Beiidus Mills, et Key, 1. c. p. 215. 
,, Blediodeg Muls. et Rey, 1. c. p. l.'ll. 
„ B/ediua, s. str., Muls. et Key, Hist. Nat. Col. Fr., Brevip 

Oxyp.. Oxjt. 1879, p. 113. 
„ EUmlus Muls. et Rey, 1. c. p. 130. 
„ He>peropAilm Muls. et Rey, 1. c. p. 189. 
„ Pucerus Muls. et Rey, 1. c. p. 212. 

BtOLOGY. Schi0dte, Nat. Tidskr. (3) iii, 1864-65, pp. 211-214, 
1. 12, ff. 4-32; Fauv., Faun. Gallo-Rh^n. iii, 1872, 
Supp. p. 18 ; Rupertsb., Biol. Kiif. Eur. 1880, p. 125. 

More or less cylindrical, parallel species, the head not or 
scarcely constricted behind. The clypeus separated from the 


front by a more or less distinct suture. Gular sutures fused 
except behind, where they are divergent and enclose a small, 
triangular, gular plate. Submentum short, transverse. 
Antennae geniculate, the 1st joint much elongated in the 
subgenus Pucerus, especially in the cj. Labrum transverse, 
truncate or bilobed, the anterior angles furnished with a ciliated 
membrane, the anterior margin setose. Submentum trans- 
verse. Mentum more or less transverse, the sides parallel, 
the anterior margin truncate. Tongue broad, membranous, 
more or less emarginate in front or bilobed, at the middle of 
the anterior margin with two or more setae. Paraglossae 
well developed, not extending beyond the outer angles of 
the tongue. Labial palpi 3-jointed, the 1st joint very thick, a 
little longer than broad, the outer border curved, 2nd narrower, 
strongly transverse, the 3rd yet narrower and oval. Inner 
lobe of the maxilla pointed, the inner margin furnished with 
curved .spines or cilia ; outer lobe short and broad, with long 
curved spines and cilia on the apical margin. Maxillary palpi 
with the 1st joint very small, 2nd obconical, 3rd longer than 
the 2nd, oval, truncate at base and apex, 4th narrower and a 
little shorter than the 3rd, conical. Mandibles variable, 
long and slender or short and stout, and with or without teeth. 
Prosternum short, produced backwards between the coxae 
as a triangular sharply keeled plate. Epimera large, triangular, 
fused externally with the epipleura, its anterior border more or 
less fused with the prosternum, so that a smaller or larger notch 
is formed in which the trochantin is more or less visible, the 
notch is larger in Bledius, s. str., and smaller in Hesperophilus. 
Mesosternum well developed in front, forming a distinct neck, 
its process pointed and extending for about a third of the length 
of the coxae, its apex free, the coxae contiguous. Metasternum 
long, slightly emarginate behind in front of the coxae and 
without process in front. Scutelhmi visible. Legs rather 
short, the anterior and middle tibiae strongly spined, usually 
in two rows, the posterior setose. Tarsi 3-jointed, the Jst 
and 2nd joints short, the 3rd longer than the two preceding 
together ; claws slender, lightly curved. 

The various species are usually found in colonies forming 
galleries in the vicinity of water ; they are frequently attracted 
to light, and are found throughout the world. 

Kfiy 10 the Subgenera of Bledius. 

Thorax in (J vrith a spine at the middle of 

the anterior border directed forwards .... Rlbdius, s. str., y. 272. 
Thorax vuianned 2. 

272 STAl'HYMNlJ)^:. 

2. Clypeus bidentate or bituberculate in front ; 

1st joint of the antonnse very long 
(especiallv in c? ) ; mandibles lonpf and 
slender, eacli with a tooth in the (S , [p. 276. 

edentate in $ I'uCEntTS AIiils. & Key, 

Clypeus unarmed (except in bispinus); 1st 
joint of antennjB normal ; mandibles 
shorter and stouter, dentate 3. 

3. Antennal tubercles much elevated, com- f p. 274. 

pressed, auricular or lamellate Elbidus Muls. & Rey, 

f IIkspkbophilus + 

Antennnl tubercles nominl \ Blkdioidks Mula. 

t & Rey, p. 278. 

Two species, rvjgosicoUis Bernh. and minv^cvlus Motsch., 
whose systematic position is doubtful, are not shown in the 

Ke;/ to the Speties of Bledius, s. str. 

1. Head in cT -with two horns 2. [p. 272. 

Head in cT with three horns quadricorriis Bernh., 

2. Sculpture of thorax consisting of flat di.'^- [p. 273. 

Crete granules bru)inei/n-ii>i{s Fab. , 

Sculpture of thorax coriaceous and punctate . 3. 

3. Thorax closely and distinctly punctured ; 

elytra red, the base and scutellary region 

blackish hopUtes Fauv., p. 274. 

Thorax sparingly and ob^oietcly punctured ; 
elytra reddish-yellow bi.vm, sp. n., p. 273 

301. Bledius (s. str.) quadricornis. 

liledius gimi/rkoriiis Ifernh., AV. Z. B. l\v, 1015, p. loi). 

Readily recognised by the structure of the head. Pitch- 
black, the elytra red, the antennaj and palpi reddish-yellow, 
the legs pale yellow. 

1^ : Head much smaller than the thorax, shining, impunotate, 
the anterior third depressed, dull, coriaceous, limited behind 
by a straight transverse sulcus, in front and near each eye 
with a long, slender, vertical horn, towards the apex sabre- 
shaped and curved backwards, behind, in the middle, with a 
third horn small and erect, over which the long, slender, 
shining, decurved fourth horn arising from the anterior margin 
of the thorax extends. Antennae rather short, thickened 
towards the apex, the jienultimate joints distinctly transverse. 
Thorax as broad as long, as broad as the elytra, with straight 
sides scarcely narrowed behind.from thedistinct,blunt,posterior 
angles obliquely narrowed to the base ; moderately finely and 
sparingly, at the sides much more thickly punctured, and here 
also less shining and rather thickly pubescent, along the middle 
broadly impunctate and shining. Elytra as long as the 

thorax, almost square, rather finely and rather closely punc- 
tured, rather shining. Abdomen sparingly punctured, rather 
dull. Length 4-5 mm. 
Madura (ex Bernfuiuer). 

302. Bledius (s. str.) bison, sp. n. 

(J : Head black, opaque, the clypeus and horns reddish. 
Thorax shining ferruginous-red, elytra and abdomen reddish- 
yellow. Antennae and legs reddish. Length 5 mm. 

Head narrower than the thorax, coriaceous, impunctate,. 
the clypeus depressed, its margins elevated ; on either side 
with a rather stout, vertical, inwardly curved, pointed horn, 
which together appear like a pair of calipers. Antennae 
rather short, the 2ml and 3rd joints equal, 4th and 5th short, 
subequal, 6th to 10th transverse. Thorax slightly transverse, 
the sides straight and slightly convergent backwards to beyond 
the middle, then strongly retracted in a straight line to the 
rectangular postt^rior angles ; anterior angles prominent ; 
in the middle with a narrow sulcus abbreviated in front, 
at the middle of the anterior margin with a rather short, for- 
wardly directed horn, the blunt apex of which is furnished 
with a tuft of yellow hairs ; sculpture about the basal region 
of the horti granular coriaceous, elsewhere simply coriaceous 
and with a few superficial punctures. Elytra a little longer 
than the thorax, longer than broad, moderately finely, not 
closely punctured. Abdomen coriaceous, almost impunctate. 
7th ventral segment produced in the middle as a small point. 

" Ind. or.," without further indication. A single example 
in the British Museum. 

303. Bledius (i. str.) brunnipennis. 

Sta/>/ii/linus hrunmpennis ¥., Byst. Eleutli. ii, 1801, p. 596; Er., 
(Jen. S])ec. Staph. ]8.'50-40, p. 779; Kraatz, Arch. Naturg. xxv, 
1859, i, p. ItiS (note) ; Fauv., Ilov. d'Ent. xxii, 1903, p. 151. 

Staphilinzts producUis Walker *, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) ii, 1858, 
p. 205 (0.r>/tehis). 

Staphylinus riidis AX'alker*, id. p. 208 (^Oxytelns). 

Entirely reddish-brown ; the head and thorax greasy- 
lustrous, the elytra and abdomen more shining, the former 
brighter in coloiu". Antennae and legs reddish-testaceous. 
Length 5 mm. 

9 : Head a little narrower than the thorax, vertex with a 
fovea, the whole surface with a fine rough granular sculpture. 
Antennae with the 2nd and 3rd joints equal, 4th to 6th longer 
than broad, gradually decreasing in length, 7th as long as 
broad, 8th to 10th slightly transverse. Thorax slightly 
transverse, the sides straight and parallel to beyond the 
middle, thence strongly obliquely retracted to the base, 

VOL. T. T 

274 sTAj,'iivi,iNiJ).i:. 

in the middle with a narrow shining sulcus throughout, the 
rest of the surface with a rather close granular sculpture. 
Elytra a little longer than the thorax, rather coarsely and 
closely punctured. Abdomen sparingly punctured, coriaceous. 
Madras : Ganjam district ; Mah6 ; Calicut ; Coonoor. 
Bombay: Kanara. Ceylon. Burma. 

304. Bledins (s. str.) hoplites. 

Bleditis fioplitex Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. v, 1880, \). 140. 

Robust. Thorax opaque black, the head greasy-lustrous ; 
elytra shining red, the scutellum and about half of the suture 
blackish ; abdomen shining black, the apex reddish. Antennae 
pitchy, the first two or three joints reddish. Legs ferruginous. 
Length 5 to 7 mm. 

Very similar in build and colour to B. tricomis Hbst., but 
larger and more robust, and the thorax with granular sculpture. 

<J : Head narrower than the thorax, impunctate, coriaceous, 
'on either side with a stout horn directed forwards and upwards. 
Antennae with the penultimate joints slightly transverse. 
Thorax transverse, the sides straight and slightly converging 
to behind the middle, then strongly retracted to the base, the 
angle very obtuse ; anterior angles broadly rounded ; anterior 
margin in the middle with a long forwardly directed, slightly 
decurved horn, sulcate at the base ; median line sulcatc 
throughout, the whole surface with a granular, vermicular 
sculpture, coriaceous and impunctate. Elytra longer than the 
thorax, with a rather close, moderately fine umbilicate punc- 
turation and with a rather indistinct ground-sculpture. 
Abdomen finely, moderately closely punctured, distinctly 
coriaceous, and with a long yellow pubescence. 7th ventral 
segment slightly rounded in the middle, very slightly and 
broadly eraarginate on either side. 

$ : Head with normally elevated antennal tubercles, and 
-with a few obsolete punctures. Thorax without horn, middle 
of the disc distinctly and closely punctured, elsewhere as in 
the cj. The type-form has entirely pitchy-black elytra. 

Madras : Ganjam district, ChiUca Lake. Also in Siam, 
Philippines, etc. 

n05. Bledius (Elbidus) taruensis. 

Uledlw {Elhiilm) taruensia Cftm., E. Jl. M. Ivi, I'JL'O, ]>• 144. 

Pitchy-red, elytra brownish-yellow, moderately shining ; 
thorax and elytra moderately strongly and moderately closely 
punctured. Antennae reddish, the first joint and the legs 
testaceous. Length 4 mm. 

In colour similar to B. mtvilus Er., but smaller, with less 
transverse and much more closely punctured thorax and more 
<listinctly punctured elytra. 

Bi.EDirs. 275 

$ : Head pitchy-red, blackish posteriorly, on either side 
above the insertion of the antennae with a laterally compressed 
erect plate, the upper margin obliquely truncate, the posterior 
angle above the level of the anterior ; front with transverse 
impressed line, vertex broadly impressed ; sculpture coriaceous, 
without punctures. Antennae with the 1st joint moderate, 2nd 
and 3rd subequal, 4th a little longer than broad, the 5th to 
10th transverse, gradually increasing in breadth. Thorax 
slightly transverse, widest in front, slightly retracted in a 
nearly straight line to behind the middle, then broadly rounded ; 
disc in the middle with a fine impressed median line ; finely 
coriaceous, moderately shining, and with moderately large and 
not very close puncturation. Elytra brownish-yellow, a little 
darker at the scutellum, moderately strongly and moderately 
closely punctured ; sparingly pubescent. Abdomen black, 
shining, the last segment pitchy red, coriaceous, almost 
impunctate, pubescence moderately long, sparing, yellow. 

Peshawar : Taru {T. B. Fletcher). Unique. In the British 

Key to the Species of the Subyenus Piieerus.. 

1. Abdomen testaceous, the 7th and 8th seg- 
ments more or less pitchy paUiatus Fauv., p. 278. 

Abdomen black, at most with the apex 

lighter i. [nov., p. :>7/). 

"2. lilytra entirely pitch-black verres Er.var. nionaehus, 

Klj'tra at least in part testaceous 3. 

3. Thorax rather shining, finely, indistinctly 

coriaceous 4. 

Thorax opaque, strongly coriaceous tulereulatits F., p. 276. 

4. Klytra pitchy- Mack, with large testaceous 

mark occupying the postero-external area 

from the apex of the suture to the middle [p. l;77. 

of the outer margin transcersug, sp. n.. 

Elytra testaceous, with the base and suture 

more or less infuscate fj. 

0. Elytra longer, more closely punctured .... rhinocero*, sp. n., p. 277. 
Elytra shorter, less closely punctured yracilicornit Kr., p. 276. 

806. Bledius (Pucerus) verres var. monachus, nov. (Bernliauer, 
in litt.). 

niediiis vemif Er., Gen. Spec. Staph. 1832-40 (1840), p. 776; 
Krnatz, Nat. Ins. Deutscli. ii, 1856-58, p. 819, note ; Jacq. du 
Val, Gen. Col. d'Eur. 1858, t. 20, f. 100; Fauv., Faun. Gallo- 
Rh6n. iii, 1872, p. 196 ; Muls. et llev, Col. Fr. Br6vip. 1879, 
p. 212 ; Ganglb., Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1896, p. 627. 

Bledius cinctm Motsch., Bull. Mosc. xxxiii, 1860, ii, p. 555 ; 
Iloclih., id. xxxiv, 1862, iii, p. 84. 

This variety only differs irom the type-form in the entirely 
black body. Black, the head except the clypeus opaque ; the 
rest of the body shining. Antennae reddish-testaceous. Legs 
testaceous. Legs 4-5 mm. 



<J : Head a little narrower than the thorax, the antenna! 
tubercles nauch elevated, the clypeus shining, coriaceous, with 
two small short teeth close together, the rest of the surface 
opaque, finely granular, impunctate ; mandibles each with a 
long oblique tooth. Antennae very long, the first four joints 
especially long 5th and 6th distinctly longer than broad, 7th 
to 10th slightly transverse. Thorax one-third broader than 
long, the sides almost straight to behind the middle, then 
strongly retracted and rounded with the base ; in the middle 
narrowly sulcate throughout, superficially, moderately closely 
punctured, coriaceous. Elytra a third longer than the thorax, 
moderately finely, rather closely punctured. Abdomen almost 
impunctate, finely coriaceous ; ventral segments without 

$ : Antennal tubercles much less elevated ; mandibles 
edentate ; antennae shorter, the penultimate joints more 

Siwaliks : Lachiwala(<7amerow). Kiimaon: Ranikhet (H. G. 
Champion). The type-form is found in Europe. 

307. Bledius (Pncerus) tuberculatus. 

Staphiflimis in/m-fulntusV. ,V,nt. Syst. Supii. 170P, ]). IHl ; Knml/, 
Arch. Natiii'g. x\v. 18oi), i, p. J()8; Finn., Ue\. d'lOnt. x.\ii, 
1903,1). 151. 

Head and thorax black, subopaque, elytra more shining, 
testaceous, the base and suture triangularly blackish, the 
lateral margin occasionally infuscate. Abdomen black, shining. 
Antennae and legs reddish-testaceous. Length 4-75 mm. 

Build of B. verres Er., but the head and thorax less shining, 
with stronger ground-sculpture, the thorax and elytra more 
closely punctured. 

(J : Antennal tubercles strongly elevated ; clypeus with 
two small, sharp, widely separated tubercles, the whole siu^acc 
granular. Antennaj very long, the 8th to 10th joints trans- 
verse, all the preceding much longer than broad. Thorax 
formed as in verres. Elytra about a third longer than the 
thorax, rather closely and moderately finely punctured. 
Abdomen very sparingly punctured, finely coriaceous. 7th 
ventral segment a little produced in the middle and roimded. 
$: Antennal tubercles much less elevated; antenna shorter ; 
tubercles of clypeus much less evident. 

Mysore. Jfedras : Chilka Lake ; Calicut ; Mah6 ; Genji ; 
Madura ; Kanara. Ceylon. Also in Bechuanaland and 
Egypt (imported). 

308. Bledius (Pncerus) gracilicomis. 

Bledim (jraciUcomie Kr.*, Arcli. Naturg. xxv, 1859, i, p. 169. 
Black, moderately shining, elytra testaceous, the base and 


suture infuscate. Antennae blackish, the first four or five 
joints testaceous. Legs testaceous. Length 3 mm. 

Head impunctate, finely granular, clypeus with two short 
teeth in front. Antennal tubercles elevated in (J, less so in $. 
Antennae with the penultimate joints transverse. Thorax with 
the sides parallel to behind the middle, then retracted and 
rounded with the base, in the middle with a sulcus, rather 
closely and rather superficially jiunctured, finely coriaceous. 
Elytra half as long again as the thorax, rather closely and 
distinctly punctured. Abdomen almost impunctate, finely 

Ceylon. Burma : Ruby Mines. 

'.W). Bledins (Pucerus) rhinoceros, sp. n. 

Moderately shining, black, the elytra either testaceous, with 
the base and suture triangularly infuscate to the apex, or 
blackish, with a large lateral spot nearly reaching the suture, 
testaceous. Antennae reddish, the first four or five joints 
testaceous. Legs testaceous. Length 3-75 mm. 

Closely allied to B. gracilicomis, of the same build and lustre, 
but with longer, more closely and more finely punctured 
elytra and different clypeal structure, which takes the form of 
a transverse, slightly bifid tubercle in the (J, and in the $ of 
two small widely separated denticles, smaller than in graci- 

^ : 7th ventral segment a little produced and rounded in the 

A.s,sam. Burma: Teinzo, 1880 (L. Ffw). 

;$lo. Bledins (Fncerus) transversus, sp. n. 

Black, shining, the elytra with a large triangular yellow 
marking occupying the postero-external region from the 
apex of the suture to the middle of the external margin. 
Antennse and legs reddish-testaceous. Length 3-75 mm. 

5 : Head with fine coriaceous ground-sculpture, the vertex 
obsoletely punctured. Antennal tubercles rather strongly 
elevated ; ch-peus with two small widely separated tubercles. 
AntennsB with the first three joints very long, the 3rd a little 
shorter than the 2nd, 4th to 6th a little longer than broad, 
decreasing in length, 7th to 10th about as long as broad. 
Mandibles long and slender. Thorax tran.sverse, the sides 
parallel till behind the middle, then obliquely retracted and a 
little emarginate to the rounded posterior angles ; in the 
middle with a fine s\ilcus : rather closely finely and obsoletely 
piinctured, with a fine coriaceous ground-sculpture. Elytra 
about half as long again as the thorax, rather closely and 

278 STAl'HYLINIDj:. 

superficially punctured. Abdomen almost impunctate, feebly 

(J unknown. 

Dehra Dun. 

311. Bledins (Pacerus) palliatas. 

S/edi'us /ml/iatwi Vauv.*, Rev. d'Kiit. .viv, 189.'), p. 203. 

Head black, subopaque ; thorax shining, pitchy ; elytra 
shining brown, the sides (including the humeral angles and 
greater part of the apical margin) broadly testaceous ; abdomen 
shining, testaceous, the posterior margin of the 7th and most 
of the 8th segment pitchy. Antennae testaceous, infuscate 
towards the apex. Legs testaceous. Length 3-75 to 4 mm. 

^ : Head black, greasy-lustrous, coriaceous, impunctate ; 
antennal tubercles strongly elevated ; clypcus more shining, 
the ground-sculpture indistinct, in front with two small teeth 
near together. Antennae long and slender, the first two joints 
very long, the 3rd to 7th elongate, gradually decreasing in 
length, 8th to 10th slightly transverse. Thorax transverse 
(5J : 4J) the sides almost straight to behind the middle, then 
rounded and coarctate with the base ; in the middle with a 
fine groove, very finely, obsoletely, sparingly punctured, 
coriaceous. l!il3rtra longer than the thorax (6 : 4^), on the 
disc obsoletely punctured, towards the sides more distinctly 
and closely, the punctures there more or less elongate. Abdomen 
practically impunctate, obsoletely coriaceous. 7th ventral 
segment broadly, very feebly produced and rounded in the 

$ : Antennal tubercles much less elevated, clypeal teeth 
smaller (not absent, as stated by Fauvel). 

Burma: Mjdngyan, 27. ii. 86 {L. Fea). 

Key to the S^ieeies of the Suhi/eiiera Bledioides and llesperopliiluM. 

1. Elytra at least in part testaceous 2. 

Elytra entirely black or brown 7. 

2. Elytra unicolorous reddish-yellow beesoni, sp. n., p. 286. 

Elytra bicolorous 3. 

3. Apiciil margin of the elytra broadly testa- 

ceous pulchellus Kr., p. 283. 

Elytra diiferently marked 4. 

4. Larifer (3-o mm.) ; thorax densely ooria- [p. 2S2. 

ceous, impunctate maindroni Fauv., 

Smaller (2'76 mm.) ; thorax coriaceous and 
punctured 5. 

5. Elytra testaceous, the base and suture very [p. 264. 

narrowly blackish dilutipennit Motsch., 

Elytra testaceous, the base and suture 

broadly blackish 6. 

6. Subopaque ; thorax scarcely transverse .. A«//^«»-i Fauv., p. 284. 
Shining ; thorax distinctly transverse .... hirmanut, sp. n., p. 283. 

BLEDIIT8. 279 

7. Reddish-brown shining species lucidm Shp., p. 279. 

Black, partly opaque species 8. 

8. Thorax entirely' opaque, finely and closely 

granular 9. 

'rhorax opaque in front and granular, at 
the base and posttero-externally shining- [p. 281. 

and coriaceous. Antennse infuscate .... chatnpioni Bernh., 

9. Antennas entirely testaceous 10. 

Antennae largely infuscate ftiacicorms, sp.n.,p. 280. 

10. Elytra a little longer than the thorax, 

about as lonpf as broad, moderately finely 

punctured ." bispiniis Kr., p. 279. 

Elytra one-half longer than the thorax, 

distinctly longer than broad, very finely 

and closely punctured indicus, sp. n., p. 282. 

'^\'2. Bledius (HesperophiluB) lucidus. 

liledms hicidus Shp.*, Trans, lint. Soc. Lond. 1874, p. 00. 
Bledius vapitalis tauv., .^nn. iMus. Oiv. (Jen. x, 1877. p. 204. 
riledius Jiscliert Bernh., Stett. Knt. Zeit. Ixiv, 1903, p. m. 

Head subopaque, blackish, the rest shining reddish or 
brownish-red, the elytra often darker behind, the abdomen 
often darker than the fore-parts. Antennae and legs testaceous. 
Length 3-3 to 4 ram. 

Head with eyes as broad as the thorax, coriaceous, impunc- 
tate. Antennae with the 3rd to .5th joints longer than broad, 
gradually decreasing in length, 6th and 7th as long as broad, 
8th to 10th .slightly Thorax one-fifth broader 
than long, the sides in front straight, very slightly converging 
to the middle, here obtusely angulate and retracted to the base, 
the posterior angles rounded : in the middle sulcate throughout, 
with a moderately coarse, superficial, umbilicato and rather 
sparing puncturation and coriaceous ground-sculpture. Elytra 
broader and about a third longer than the thorax, moderately 
coarsely and rather closely punctured. Abdomen almost 
imptmctate, very finely coriaceous. 

(J: 6th and 7th ventral segments a little produced and 
rounded in the middle. 

$ : 6th ventral segment truncate ; 7th as in the (J. 

Nilgiri Hills. Karachi. Sarda. Assam. Also in Japan, 
China, Singapore, Java, Sumatra, Australia, Madagascar, 
and Congo. 

313. Bledius bispinus. (Fig. 68.) 

Bledius bispiHim Kr.*, Arch. Naturg. xxv, 1859, i, p. 169. 

Black ; head and thorax dull, elytra and abdomen shining. 
Antennae and legs reddish-testaceous. Length 3-75 to 4 mm. 

Build of B. fossor Heer, but with shorter elytra, the sculpture 
very similar but more granular, the punctures on the thorax 
less superficial. Head distinctly narrower than the thorax. 


distinctly granular, with a few very obsolete punctures, the 
anterior angles of the clypeus a little prominent. Antennae 
with the 3rd joint a little longer than the 2nd, 4th a little 
longer than broad, 5th to 10th transverse, the penultimate 
about twice as broad as long. Thorax a little transverse, 
the sides slightly diverging backwards to beyond the middle, 
from thence rounded with the base, without trace of angles ; 
middle with an impressed line abbreviated in front, coriaceous 
like the head, and with numerous moderately large superficial 

Fiff. 68. — Blediux bispimi«, apex of abdomen of J ; 
ventral surface. 

punctures. Elytra a little longer than the thorax, rather 
closely, moderately coarsely punctured. Abdomen sparingly 
punctured, the ground-sculpture very fine. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with a rather broad and feeble 
emargination in the middle of the posterior border, with a 
strong slightly incurved spine on each side of it ; 7th a little 
produced and rounded in the middle, slightly emarginate on 
either side, so forming a median broadly rounded lobe (not 
shown in the figure, the segment being retracted). 


314. Bledins fascicornis, sp. n. (Fig. 69.) 

Only differs from B. bispinus Kr., in the colour and structure 
of the antennae and in the ^ characters. The antennae are 
extensively infuscate, including the 1st joint, the penultimate 
joints are broader, three times as broad as long. In the <J the 
6th ventral segment is impressed behind in the middle, the 
6th is deeply arcuately emarginate, with a strong spine on each 
side, the whole length of the segment in front of the emargina- 
tion impressed ; 7th ventral segment rather deeply and 
broadly emarginate on each side, forming in the middle a lobe 

HLKDIl'S. 281 

which is narrower and more pointed than in bispimis. Length 
4 to 4-5 mm. 

Almora : Dhanli Ganga, alt. 0500 feet. Kumaon : 
Tanakpur (H. O. Champion). 

Fig. 69. - IHeiUiiK fii,i( icdrnis, apex of abdomen of (5 
ventral surface. 

;il5. Bledius championi. (Fig. 70.") 

I{!ediii.< (Ik I m pi out Heriili., \V. I'] Z. xliii, 19:?(), ]). 2.'j. 

Black ; the head and anterior and median regions of the 
thorax opaque, the lateral and postero-external rather shining ; 
elytra and abdomen shining. Antennae testaceous, the first 
and intermediate joints infiiscate. Legs reddish-testaceous. 
Length 3 to 3-3 mm. 

Of the build of B. biaplnus, Kr., but smaller, and with 
differently coloured antennsB, different thoracic sculptiire. and 
more finely punctured elytra. Head narrower than the 
thorax, finely and closely granular. Antennae with the 2nd 
and 3rd joints subequal, 4th slightly longer than broad, oth 
to 10th distinctly transverse. Thorax one-fourth broader 
than long, the sides almost straight and slightly divergent to 
behind the middle, then rounded Avith the base, not angulate ; 
middle with a very fine impressed line, more abbreviated in 
front than behind, for about the anterior two-thirds closely 
and finely granular, the base and poster o -lateral areas finely 
coriaceous, more shining, finely and sparingly pimctiired. 
Elytra slightly longer than the thorax, rather closely, 
moderately finely and deeply punctured. Abdomen very 
sparingly punctured, indistinctly coriaceous. 

^ : 6th ventral segment broadly superficially impressed 
in the whole length along the middle, on each side of the 

'284 SiA.l'UVHMDiB. 

Approaching B. arenarius Payk. in build, but quite different 
in other respects. Head narrower than the thorax, labrum 
feebly emarginate ; clypeiis unarmed, more shining, the rest 
of the surface roughly coriaceous, rather closely and super- 
ficially punctured. Antennae with the 2nd to 5th joints longer 
than broad, gradually decreasing in length, the 6th to 10th 
transverse, the penultimate about twice as broad as long. 
Thorax one-third broader than long, the sides quite straight 
and parallel to behind the middle, then obliquely truncate to 
the base ; in the middle narrowly sulcate, more shining than 
the head, feebly coriaceous, finely and moderately closely 
punctured, the punctures superficial and umbilicate. Eljrtra 
one-third longer than the thorax, with moderately close super- 
ficial puncturation. Abdomen with sparing asperate punctxires 
and without ground-sculpture. 

Ceylon. Mah^; Calicut; Pomlicherry. 

320. Bledius helferi. 

Btetluis helferi Ve-wv., Rev. d'Ent. xxiii, 1004, p. 112. 

Near B. pukhdlus Kr., but quite different. Smaller, sub- 
opaque, abdomen rather shining, elytra with rather long 
golden pubescence. Pitchy, head black, mouth, antennae and 
legs testaceous ; elytra each with a large pale marking, tri- 
angular in shape, reaching from the side to the apex of the 
suture. Antennae short, the <jth to 10th joints strongly trans- 
verse. Head very finely roughly punctured, with a minute 
fovea on the vertex. Thorax scarcely transverse, in front 
closely finely punctured, behind nearly impunctate : the sides 
parallel in front, behind strongly narrowed, in the middle 
with a very fine sulcus. Elytra a little longer than broad, 
closely and finely punctured. Abdomen nearly impimctate. 
Length 2-5 mm. 

Burma. Unique (ex Fauvel). 

;J21 . Bledius dilutipennis. (Plate 11. fig. 0.) 

fi/eding tlilutipennis Mot«cli., Hull. Afosc. xxx, ]8.57, iv, p. -jO? ; 
Kritatz, .Airch. Naturjr. xxv, 18.W, i, p. 170. 

Black, the elytra bright yellow, the base and suture narrowly 
infuscate ; head scarcely, the rest more shining. Antennae and 
legs testaceous. Length 2-5 to 2-75 mm. 

In build very similar to B. narms Er., but with rather shorter 
elytra. Head with fine granular sculpture, impunctate. 
.^tennae short, the 5th to 10th joints transverse, the x)en- 
ultimate twice as broad as long. Thorax one-third broader 
than long, the sides straight and parallel to behind the middle, 
then suddenly retracted to the base, not angulate ; in the 
middle with fine sulcus ; rather closely and superficially 


punctured, finely coriaceous. Elytra one-third longer than 
the thorax, rather closely and more finely punctured than the 
thorax. Abdomen finely and sparingly punctured, finely- 
coriaceous, sparingly pubescent. 

(J : 7th ventral segment very slightly cmarginate on either 
side, narrowly rounded in the middle. 

Not uncommon along the streams in the Ilehra Dun district . 

322. Bledius beesoni, sp. n. 

Head black, opaque ; thorax shining reddish-brown ; 
elytra shining yellowish -red or ochraceous ; abdomen black, 
shining. Antennae reddish-testaceous. Legs testaceous. 
Length 2-75 mm. 

Near B. vxmns Er., of the same build but narrower and with 
shorter elytra. 

Head narrower than the thorax, granular-coriaceous. 
Antennae rather short, the 3rd joint shorter than the 2nd, 
4th and 5th about as long as broad, (Jth to 10th transverse, 
the j)enultimate about twice as broad as long. Thorax trans- 
verse, the sides slightly rounded and a little divergent back- 
wards to beyond the middle, theii abrujrtly rounded to the 
base, not angulate ; in the middle sulcate, closely but sujjcr- 
ficially punctured, coriaceous. Elytra about a third longer 
than the thorax, rather finely and rather closely ])uncture(l. 
Abdomen finely, rather sparingly punctured, finely coriaceous. 
The sexes appear to present no secondary characters. 

Dehra Dun : Nim Nadi ; Arni dad. 

32;}. Bledius rugosicollis. 

Ulediiis nii/osicollix liernli., I). K. Z. H)0'2, p. -J.'i. 

Pitchy-red, thorax and elytra reddish-brown, antennae, 
mouth, and legs reddish-testaceous ; head and thorax sub- 
opaque, elytra and abdomen rather shining, thorax in front 
rugose-granular, the anterior angles nearly rectangular. 
Length 5 mm. 

Similar in build to $ of the tricornis group. Reddish-brown, 
the head and abdomen darker, anteimae, mouth, and legs dark 
reddish-yellow. Head much smaller than the thorax, the front 
posteriorly deeply impressed, the lamellae of the antennal 
tubercles strongly developed, between and in front of them 
flat, behind finely, in front less finely granular-coriaeeous, dull. 
Thorax as broad as the elytra, about one-fourth broader than 
long, in front nearly straight, truncate, the sides as far as the 
posterior fourth straight, quite parallel, from thence suddenly 
narrowed to the narrow base, forming a distinct but obtuse 
angle, the base continuous with the sides without sharp angle ; 
the anterior angles rectangular, the extreme apex rounded ; 
along the middle with a sharply impressed line, the front half 

^86 STAPIIitINU).E. 

very closely wrinkled, posteriorly less closely and not wrinkled, 
granular, dull in front, a little shining behind. Elytra only 
a little longer than the thorax, coarsely, moderately closely 
punctured, shining. Abdomen very finely coriaceous, mode- 
rately shining, at the sides rather strongly and sparingly 

Ceylon : Weligama. Unique (ex Bernhaiier). 

I do not know this species; the systematic position is 
doubtful, and it is not included in the Key. 

Genus THINOBIUS Kiesw. 

Thiiwbius Kifsw., Stetl. l';iit. Zeit. v, 1 f!44, p. 355 ; Ijicord., (ieu. 
Co), ii. 1854, |). 147: Jivpq. dii Vnl, Oeii. Ool d'Eiir. ii, 1858, 
]i. 57 : Ivr., Nnliirir. Ins. Deutscli. ii, 18."if)-58, ji. 881 ; Fauv., 
Kai'ii ()allo-Itli(5n. "iii, 1872, p. I:i4; id., llpy. d'Eiit. viii, l«8i), 
pp. 83, 89 ; fShp., ]5. C.-A. i, (i.') ]«8-'-87 (1887), ji. 705 : Ca,>.fv, 
Ann. N. Yoik Acad, v, 1889-91 (1889), p. 78 : Gaiiglb , Kat. Milt. 
Kur. ii. 1895, p. 659. 

ninophilHS+Thinohins MuK. ct Uev, Ilisl. Nat. Ool. Fr., Unnip,, 
Oxyp., Oxyt. 1879, pp. .•{22, ;542. 

Small or very small species, more or less depressed, with 
dehiscent elytra. Head prominent, the clypeus usually 
separated by a suture from the front. Gular sutures fused 
in front, diverging behind. Labrum transverse, slightly 
but broadly emarginate in front, the anterior angles rounded. 
Mentum transverse, narrowed in front, the anterior border 
truncate. Tongue broad, slightly emarginate in front and 
with two small chitinous processes on the anterior .margin 
close together. Paraglossae fine, projecting beyond the tongue. 
Labial palpi ."mall, the Ist joint cylindrical, the 2nd about 
half as long, slightly dilated apically, the 3rd shorter and 
much narrower than the preceding. Inner lobe of the maxilla 
narrow, pointed, with fine curved spines along the iimer 
margin. Outer lobe more produced, oblong, its apex furnished 
with fine curved spines. Maxillary palpi with the 1st joint 
very small, the 2nd distinctly dilated towards the apex and 
slightly curved, the 3rd long and stout, oval, the 4th very 
small, subulate, sometimes absent (?). Mandibles rather 
slender, bifid at the apex, and each with a strong tooth internally, 
between the tooth and the base with a ciliated membrane. 
Prosternum short, broadly rounded behind ; pronotal 
epipleura narrow ; epimera absent. Mesosternal process very 
short, obtuse, projecting only slightly bertween the coxae, these 
contiguous. Metastemum long, scarcely emarginate on each 
side behind, its process obtuse, scarcely projecting between 
the middle coxse. Scutellum visible. Legs short ; tibiae 
narrowed at base and apex, without spines or teeth ; tarsi 
■short, 2-jointed, the 1st short, a little produced internally, 


the 2nd two or three times as long as the 1st, strongly thickened 
towards the apex ; claws with a little tooth at the base, 
strongly curved. The insects live at the margins of damp 
places, either fresh or salt. 

Of the two subgenera only one, Thinobiua, s. str., has so 
far been found in our Fauna ; it has the head smaller than the 
thorax, with rounded sides. 

Key to the Species. 

1. Elytra obscure testaceous. AntenniB testa- 

ceous, the penultimate joints a little 

inl'uscate. Thorax pitchy brown simlaensis, sp. n., p. 28!). 

Elytra black or pitchy-brown. Antennre 
liark 2. 

2. Temple about as long as the eye .'5. 

Temple obviously shorter than the eye. . . . pruhwms Cum., p. 287. 
S. Elytra twice a-i long as the thorax. Pen- 
ultimate joints! of the autennre about aa [p, 288. 
long as broad hi iiialai/icus 0am., 

Elytra one-half longer than tlie thorax. 

Penultimate joints of the antennie (lis- [p. 288. 

tinctly longer than bvoad niitennarius Cam., 

.'$24. Thinobius (s. str.) pruinosus. 

Tlnnobins (a. str.) pruinosus Cam., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lend. 1024, 
p. 177. 

Linear, subdepressed, subopaque, black ; elytra half as 
long again as the thorax, pruinose ; head suborbicular ; 
antennas testaceous, more or less infuscate distally ; legs 
testaceous, femora infuscate. Length 1-5 mm. 

Differs from T. Ixmgipennis Heer, in the smaller head, shorter 
thorax and elytra, different antennae, etc. Head smaller than 
the thorax, suborbicular, the eyes large, the post-ocular region 
completely rounded, vertex foveate, the front longitudinally 
impressed on either side, densely and finely coriaceous ; 
antennae with 3rd joint shorter than 2nd, 4th as long as broad, 
narrower than 3rd and 5th. 3th slightly longer than broad, 
6th narrower than 5th, as long as broad, 7th broader than 6tb, 
a little longer than broad, 8th to 10th a little longer than broad 
and stouter than the preceding, 11th oval, longer than 10th. 
Thorax one-third broader than long, subsemicircular, the 
sides evenly rounded with the posterior angles, the disc without 
impressions, the sculpture as on the head. Elytra longer than 
broad, more strongly sculptiu*ed than the thorax, very finely 
grey pubescent, pruinose. Abdomen extremely finely and 
closely alutaceous and grey pubescent, subsericeous, the 6th 
segment smooth and shining. 

Siwaliks : Lachiwala ; Song Biver. 

288 STAi'Hri,ixij)vi';. 

^25. ThinobiuR (h. str.) himalayicus. 

Thhiobtiis liimalatjtcw ("am,, 'I'r.iiis. Eiit. Soc. Lond. 1924, p. 17(5. 

Linear, aubdepressed, moderately shining, black, the elytra 
yellowish-brown, twice as long as the thorax ; head sub- 
quadrate, eyes moderate ; first two or three joints of antennae 
testaceous ; legs testaceous. Length 2 mm. 

Head about as broad as long, nearly as broad as the thorax, 
the eyes moderate, their diameter about as long as the temples, 
these feebly rounded, the posterior angles rather broadly 
rounded ; vertex broadly impressed, front longitudinally 
impressed on cither side, extremely closely and finely punc- 
tured, finely grey pubescent : antennae longer than the head 
and thorax, gradually thickened towards apex, the 3rd joint 
shorter than 2nd, 4th to 7th longer than broad, gradually 
decreasing in length, 8th and ftth as long as broad, 10th 
slightly transverse, 11th oblong, stout, as long as the 9th and 
10th together. Thorax transverse, subsemicircular, a little 
wider in front than behind, the sides gently rounded, the 
posterior angles broadly rounded, the disc obsoletely impressed 
on either side of the middle, the punctiu-ation as on the head. 
Elytra a little wider and much longer than the thorax, much 
longer than broad, parallel, closely and more finely punctured 
than the thorax, very finely grey pubescent. Abdomen 
parallel, moderately shining, extremely finely shagreened, 
and extremely finely grey, pubescent, subsericeous on the 
first five (visible) segments, the 6th smooth and shining. 

Mussoorie district : Dhobi Ghat ; Aglar River ; Arni Gad. 

326. Thinobins (s. str.) antennarius. 

niinobinx aniennarius CarD., Trans. Eiit. Soc. l^oiid. 1924, p. 177. 

Linear, subdepresscd, moderately shining black ; elytra 
pitchy-brown, a little longer than the thorax ; head sub- 
quadrate, eyes moderate ; first two joints of antennae fusco- 
testaceous ; legs testaceous, femora infuscate. Length 
1-75 mm. 

Differs from T. himalayicus in the smaller size, more shining 
head and thorax, longer and more slender antenna;, rather 
broader more quadrate usually foveate thorax, shorter elytra 
and punctured and pubescent 6th abdominal segment. Head 
subquadrate, slightly transverse, nearly as broad as the 
thorax ; temples shorter than the diameter of the eyes, 
posterior angles briefly rounded, front deeply impressed on 
either side, very closely and very finely pimctured ; antennae 
with 3rd joint a little shorter than 2nd, 4th to 10th all distinctly 
longer than broad, gradually decreasing in length, 11th long 
oval, half as long again as the 10th. ,Thorax transverse, sub- 
quadrate, the sides almost straight, a little narrower at the 

osoBtiiri. 289 

briefly rounded anterior than at the broadly rounded posterior 
angles, disc on cither side deeply obliquely impressed, some- 
times the impressions obsolete or wanting, puncturation and 
pubescence as on the head. Elytra a little longer than the 
thorax, parallel, a little longer than broad, densely and more 
finely punctured than the thorax. Abdomen densely and 
finely shagreened, less shining than the fore-parts, very finely 
grey pubescent, subsericeous, the 6th (visible) segment not 
smooth and shining, but closely pubescent like the preceding. 
Dehra Dun district : Song River. 

;i27. Thinobius (s. str.) simlaensis, sp. n. 

Narrow, depressed, the fore-parts moderately shining, finely 
closely pubescent, the abdomen sericeous. Head and abdomen 
black, thorax pitchy, elvtra obscure testaceous. Antennae 
testaceous, the penultimate joints infuscate. Legs testaceous. 
Length 15 mm. 

A narrow fragile species. Head subtriangular, a little 
narrower than the thorax, the temples longer than the eyes, 
the posterior angles briefly rounded, the base emarginatc, 
extremely finely and closely punctured. Antennae with the 
3rd joint a little shorter than the 2nd, 4th scarcely longer than 
broad, 5th to 8th almost moniliform, 9th and 10th a little 
%vider than the preceding, fully as long as broad, the 11th 
nearly as long as the two preceding together. Thorax sub- 
semicircular, the sides rounded with the base, the sculpture 
as on the head, very finely pubescent. Elytra about half as 
long again as the thorax, extremely finely and closely punctured, 
and with a fine, close, short, yellow pubescence. Abdomen 
parallel, scarcely perceptibly pimctured, extremely finely 
alutaceous, sericeous. 

Simla Hills : Fagu, alt. 8000 feet. 

Tribe 8. OSORIINl. 

Oxi/tflim, Subti'ibe Osonin Er., Gen. Si^c. Staph. 1839-40, 

p. 753. 
OxytUides, Sous-tribe Osoiiides, Gen. Col. ii, 1854, p. 111. 
Osorii Vauv., Vn. Gallo-Rli^n. iii, 1872, p. 213 (note). 
0.ryWMi(, Group Osorii Loc. & Horn, Class. Col. N. Amer. 1883, 

p. 102. 
Oxitelim, I, Osorarin Lynch, liol. Ac. Nac. Cord. 1884, p. 344. 
Oxytelirue, Group Osoriina Slip., B. C.-A. i, 3, 1882-87 (1887), 

p. 677. 

This tribe consists for the most part of cyUndrical species 
with large head which is not or scarcely constricted behind., 
and immarginate abdomen which below is furnished with a 
median basal keel. The anterior coxae are prominent and 
the tarsi all 5-jointed. 

TOL. I. u 

2fl0 arAviniiyivX' 

Key to the Genera. 

1. Anterioi- tibiio stroiijsriv dentate and spirioso . Osoniu-s I.atv., p. -00. 

Anteiior tibiio not dentate, iisiiallv ppiiiosf . 'J. 

1*. Ln-t joint of the maxillary piilpi siibiilato ; [p. 'Mi. 

first joint of tarsi minute I'ar.aoonus Faiiv., 

Last joint of maxillary pnlpi not subulate; 

first joint of tarsi distinct .'{. 

;i. Hody co\eied with a spariny coarse pu- [p. 304. 

bescence Mimogonus Faiiv., 

At least tile fore parts glabrous IIoi.othochijs Kr., 

[p. 307. 

Genus OSORIUS Latr. 

Osorius Latr.,H(5frne .\mm. iv, 1829, p. 438; Kr.,Gen. Spec. Stniih. 

1839-10, p. ToS; Lac, Gen. Col. ii, 1854, p. 1]2 ; Kr., Naturfr. 

Ins. Deutsch. ii, 1856-58, p. 806 ; Shp., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 

1876, p. 381 ; id., B. C.-A. i, -2, 1882-87 (18S7), n. 677 ; Lynch, 

liol. Ac. Nac. Cord, vi, 1884, ]>. 340. 
Mi'losoma Say, Trans. Am. I'hil. Soc. (n. s.) iv, p. 1('>2. 

Bioi.OKY. — Lac, Nouv. Ann. Mus. Paris, ii, 1883, p. 6.j ; Coqiierel, 
Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (2) -vi, 1848, p. 180, t. 7, no. 4, i'. 3 « ; Kr., 
Arch. Natiirg:. xxv, 1859, i, p. 1(!7 ; Candeze, Mem. Soc Rci. 
Li.5ge, 1861, p. 3;J1, t. l,f. 3. 

Cylindrical, elongate species covered with a long coarse 
pubescence, with large head not or scarcely constricted behind 
the eyes, the neck very stout. Clypeus not separated from the 
front. Giilar sutures completely fused, obsolete. liabruni 
strongly chitinised, broadly, slightly cniarginato in front, 
setose, the anterior angles with a small membranous ciliated 
appendage. Mentum transverse, narrowed in front, the sides 
slightly emarginate, the anterior border broadly and more 
<leeply emarginate. Tongue broad, horny, obtusely angulate in 
front, keeled below along the middle. Paraglossse well de- 
veloped as free chitinous rods, ciliate. Labial ])alpi with the 
1st joint longer than broad, 2nd almost twice as long as the 
1st, dilated towards the apex, 3rd narrower, as long as the 2nd, 
narrowed at the base and apex. Inner lobe of maxilla horny, 
narrow, pointed, the inner margin with strong setse ; outer 
lobe extending beyond the inner, a little broader, slightly 
•curved, pointed, with a few strong setae. Maxillary palpi 
with Ist joint very small, 2nd elongate, thickened towards the 
apex, 3rd shorter than 2nd, 4th as long as the two preceding 
together, pointed. Mandibles strong, stout, pointed, crenulate 
internally. Antennae geniculate. Prosternum moderately 
long, in the midale with a large tubercle, its process acute, 
extending moderately between the coxae. Pronotal epipleura 
broad. Epimera well developed, triangular, fused with the 
epipleura externally, the trochantin exposed. Meaosternum 
rather long, its process pointed and carinate, extending about 
half the length of the coxae, these narrowly separated. 

osoRirs. 291 

Metasternum rather long, scarcely emaxginate before the 
posterior coxae, its process rather short, truncate, not extending 
to the mesosternal process. Anterior coxae rather long, stout, 
somewhat prominent. Anterior and middle tibiae considerably 
thickened towards the apex, strongly dentate and spinose, the 
posterior less thickened, spinose. Tarsi slender, 5-jointed, 
the first four joints short and subequal, the 5th as long 
as the four preceding together. Scutellum visible. 

The species are found in decaying tree-trunks ; according 
to Champion also on the sandy banks of streams. They are 
widely distributed throughout the tropica. 

Key to the Sptcies t. 

1 . Front of liead on each side produced into 

a horn ruyicoUis Kr., p. i92. 

I'Vont of head without horns 2. 

2. Head at the middle of the anterior margin 

witli a distinct transverse elevation or 

tubercle 3. 

Head without such tubercle (see also 
kempi) 4. [p. 293. 

3. Thorax with simple puncturation callifrons Bernh,, 

Thorax with elongate tuberclos heebei Bernh., p. 29.'!. 

•1. Thorax before the base suddenly con- 
stricted 5. 

'i'horax befoi-e the base gradually narrowed . 10. 
J>. ]''rout margin of the head distinctly 

crennlate 6. 

Front margin of the head not cienulate . . 8. 
(5. Klytra rather closely and deeply punctured . puncticollis Kr., p. 294. 
Klvtra sjiaiinfrly and superflcially punc- 
tured ." 7. 

7. Thorax rather closely, uniformly puuc- [p. 294. 

tured silikimensU Bernh., 

Thoiax more sparingly and irrefiularly []). 295. 

punctured sti-icticollis Fauv., 

8. Head strongly striate 9. 

Head not striate, but with more or less 

vermicular impressions caleus, Epp., p. 2t>o. 

9. Elytra closely and finely punctured. 

Abdomen closely, finely, asperately punc- [p. 29(5. 

tured conslrictus Fauv., 

Elytra closely, rather coarsely punctured. [p. 290. 

Abdomen loss finely punctured strangxilalu$ Fauv., 

10. Thorax on each side of the middle with a 

long deep sulcus robustus Cam., p. 297. 

Thorax without such sulci 11. 

11. Front margin of the head crenulnte 12. 

Front maivin of the head not crenulato . . 15. 

12. Larger (8 to 10 mm.) 13. [p. 298. 

Smaller ((5-5 mm.) pfgiiamu Bernh., 

t O. maduretui* Sohnb. is not included in tliis Vey. 


292 STAPHVlIlfTD/B. 

13. Froat of head almost devoid at rugm or ^ [p. 298. 

granules pectinifrons P'auv., 

Front of head with distinct rugaj or 
granules 14. 

14. Sculpture of side.s of front striate, iiitor- 

strise scarcely interrupted kraatzi nernh., p. 299. 

Sculpture of sides of front granular, the 

interstrisB distinctly interrupted kempt Bernh., p. 299. 

16. Thorax very closely punctured. Elytra 

closely and distinctly punctured 16. 

Thorax less closely punctured. Elytra 
more sparingly and superficially punc- 
tured ' 20. 

16. Head with fine but distinct median keel 

extending to the anterior margin 17. 

Head without such keel 18. 

17. Larger (8 mm.). Anterior border of head [p. 30O. 

emarglnate jninctipennis Fauv., 

Smaller (5*5 mm.). Anterior border of 

head slightly rounded scoli/tinus Fauv., p. 300. 

18. Small species (3-5 mm.) birmantis, sp. n., p. 301. 

Large species (4"5 to 5'5 mm.) 19. 

19. Larger (6"6 mm.). Sides of thorax almost 

straight montkola Cam., p. 301. 

Smaller (4'5 mm.). Sides of thorax more [p. 302. 

rounded punchdatus Motsch., 

20. Larger CO mm.). Anterior border of head 

emarginate 21. 

Smaller ("4 to 4-3 mm.). Anterior border 
truncate or feebly rounded rtt/ipes Motsch., p. 302. 

21. Interatriee of head sharper; thorax more 

finely punctured, without trace of ground- [p. 303. 

sculpture nilyiriensis Fauv., 

InterstrisB weaker; thorax less finely 
punctured and with an obscure ground- 
sculpture indicm 0am., p. 304. 

328. Osorius rugicollis. (Plate III. flg. 2.) 

Omrius rugiooUii Kr.», Arcli. Naturg. xxv, 18C9, i, p. 167. 

Black, shining. Autero-external angles of the front pro- 
duced into two short stout processes, the margin between 
truncate and even. Antennae and legs dark reddish-brown. 
Length 9 mm. 

At once distinguished from all the known Indian species by 
the frontal processes. Head closely and uniformly striate, the 
striae extending almost to the truncate anterior border and 
scarcely interrupted on the sides. Antennae with the pen- 
ultimate joints as long as broad. Thorax transverse, the 
sides almost straight and gradually retracted to a little before 
the sUghtly obtuse, prominent posterior angles, where they are 
emarginate, with an impression adjacent ; along the middle 
smooth, the rest of the surface longitudinally and more coarsely 
striate than the head. Bljrtra a little longer than the thorax^ 

osoRiTJs. 293 

longitudinally impressed at the basal half of the suture, 
sparingly, superficially, irregularly punctured. Abdomen 
rather closely, finely, asperately punctured, coriaceous, and 
with a rather coarse pubescence. 
Ceylon. Mlgiri Hills. 

329. Osorius calliArons. 

Osonus callifrons Benili.*, VV. K. Z. xliii, 1020, y. 24. 

Black, shining, the antennae and legs reddish-brown. Length 
9 to 11 mm. Head with the front margin elevated in the 
middle, forming a transverse tubercle, the margin crenulate, 
the elevation and the space immediately behind impunctate, 
at the sides with some fine asperities. In the middle line with 
a distinct smooth keel extending back to the broad impunctate 
basal region ; between the keel and the eyes with numerous 
longer and shorter, not very close, rugae, the neck with a fine 
more or less transverse wavy ground-sculpture. Pentdtimate 
joints of antennae about as long as broad. Thorax transverse, 
the sides almost straight, at the posterior third more strongly 
retracted to the obtuse and slightly explanate posterior 
angles, without fovea ; in the middle with a slight, smooth 
keel, more distinct behind, moderately coarsely, irregularly, 
but rather closelj' punctured, with a small impunctate space 
behind the middle on each side ; anterior angles not prominent. 
Elytra a little longer than the thorax, more superficially and 
less closely punctured. Abdomen rather closely, asjKjrately 

Rotung, alt. 1400 foot (Abor Expedition, 23. xii. 1911) 

:{.'i(). Osorius beebei. 

Omnm heebei Hernh., \V. Z. ]!. Kiv, 1!)14. p. 86. 

A large species belonging to the group with constricted 
thorax, and distinct by the sculpture of the fore-parts from the 
allied species. Deep black, moderately shining, the antennae, 
palpi and legs ferruginous red or ferruginous brown. Head a 
little narrower than the thorax, in front almost truncate and 
slightly crenulate, in the middle broadly elevated, so that the 
nterior margin, seen from the front, appears to be emarginate ; 
vertex impunctate, shagreened, more shining in the middle, 
in front between the eyes with moderately close, long, sharp 
rugae, which are oblique adjacent to the eyes, the front with 
sparing, elongate tubercles, the antennal tubercles and frontal 
elevation smooth, ground-sculpture coriaceous, rather dull. 
Antennae rather long and slender, the penultimate joints not 
transverse. Thorax in front as broad as the elsrtra, broader 
than long, the sides rounded, retracted behind, and emarginate 


before the rectangular posterior angles, adjacent to which is 
a distinct impression and a slighter one against the side ; 
towards the anterior angles sparingly, near the posterior angles 
more closely sculptured, along the middle with a broad 
impunctate space and with irregular impunctate spaces 
elsewhere. The sculpture consists of coarse elongate tubercles. 
Elytra longer than the thorax, rather shining, moderately 
strongly but distinctly and somewhat sparingly, simply 
punctured. Abdomen rather strongly and rather closely, 
roughly punctured. Length 10 mm. 

N.E". Burma : Sansi Gorge, alt. 6000 to 8000 feet (Bee6e) 
(ex Bernhauer). 

•'i31. Osorius pnucticoUis. 

Onoriuii puncticollis Kv.*, Arcli. Naturjr. xxv, 1859, i, p. KiS. 
Ogoriui granviifrims 0am., Trmis. Eiit. Soc. Loml. 1924, p. 178. 

Black, shining, cylindrical, the declivous part of the head on 
either side closely and rather finely granular, in the middle 
finely and irregularly wrinkled, the anterior margin slightly 
emarginate and crenulate ; vertex on either side longitudinally 
strigose, the ridges m.ore or less interrupted, posteriorly smooth, 
centrally exceedingly finely wrinkled. Thorax transverse, 
constricted before the base, cupuliform, closely, rather strongly 
and simply punctured, the median line and a small space near 
the posterior angles smooth, the latter impressed. Elytra half 
as long again as the thorax, longer than broad, rather closely 
and deeply punctured. Abdomen very finely and not 
very closely punctured, coriaceous, and with long yellow 
pubescence. Antennae .ind legs red, all the joints of the former 
longer than broad, the 9th and 10th very slightly so. 
Length 9 mm. 

Closely allied to O. stridicoUis Fauv., and differing onlj' in 
the closer and loss coarse pimcturation ; also very near 0. 
airangulatus Pauv., but differing in the larger size, the distinctly 
granular sculpture of the sides of the front, the wrinkled non- 
strigose median area, and the almost smooth, central, oblong 
space between the eyes on the vertex, which in 0. strangvlatus 
is entirely strigose. 

Simla Hills : Gahan, alt. 7000 feet. 

332. Osorius sikkimensis. 

Osoriiis mkkimensia Bernh., Arch. Naturg. Ixxxiv, 1918, p. 177. 

Pitchy, shining, the antennse, palpi and legs rust-red. Head 
narrower than the thorax, oblong, between the eyes dull, and 
with long, rather close rugae, in front shining, and on either side 
furnished with a few small, irregular tubercles, posteriorly 
shining and impunctate. Thorax in front as broad as the 
elytra, distinctly broader than long, in front with the sides 

osouius. 295 

parallel, behind the middle strongly retracted and slightly 
emarginate before the posterior angles ; along the middle 
with broad smooth space in part sulcate, the rest rather 
thickly, strongly, and rather regularly punctured. Elytra 
longer than the thorax, strongly and rather closely punctured. 
Abdomen moderately strongly and moderately closely punc- 
tured. Length over 7 mm. 

Allied to O. stricticoUis, Fauv.,but half the size ; the emargina- 
tion before the posterior angles of the thorax is much more 
marked in stricticoUis, the inmcturation of the thorax is much 
less close and not so uniform as in the new species. 

Sikkim : Darjeeling {Christie). Bernhaucr and Wasmaim's 
collections (ex Bernham'r). 

3;i;5. Osorins stricticoUis. 

Osorius striclicollis Fuii\."i-, llev d'Kiit. xiv. ISi)."), \k liXi. 

Black, shining ; the frj)nt border of the head scarcely 
emarginate and strongly erenulate. Thorax strongly con- 
tracted at the base. Antennae and legs reddish. Length 
9 to 13 mm. 

Head between the eyes with rather broad stri.e not con- 
tinued on to tli(> declivous part of the front, on the middle 
of the vertex with an oblong smooth space ; declivous part 
of the front in tht; middle somewhat coriaceous, quite smooth 
behind the anterior margin, at the .sides with a few granules. 
Antennae with the penultimate joints about as long as broad. 
Thorax distinctly transverse, eupuliform, the sides almost 
straight and slightly retracted to a little in front of the rounded 
posterior angles, there suddenly contracted and rather deeply 
impressed : along the middle smooth, sometimes with a line 
short sulcus, the rest somewhat irregularly, but on the Avhole 
rather closely, moderately coarsely punctured, the punctures 
subasparate. Elytra a little longer than the thorax, moderately 
closely, not deeply punctured. Abdomen rather finely, 
asperately, moderately closely pimctured, coriaceous. The 
whole insect covered with sparing yellow pubescence. 

Burma : Carin Gh6cu, alt. 13(X) to 1400 metres : Tenasserim ; 
Mount Mooleyit {L. Fea). 

;134. Osorius calvus. 

Osorius cidom Kpp.*, D. E. Z. IH!).*, p. -lOO. 

Shining, the head and abdomen black, thorax and elytra 
pitchy red. Antennas and legs reddish-testaceous. Length 
6-75 mm. 

Head with the front border very slightly emarginate, not 
distinctly erenulate, at the sides with a few small punctures, 
in the middle between the antennal tubercles with numerous 

296 STAritYLINlD.F. 

small, close, rounded or oval superficial impressions ; middle 
of vertex practically smooth, at the sides up to the eyes with a 
deeper, more irregular and more confluent sculpture, but not 
striate. Antennal tubercles smooth. Antennae with the 
penultimate joints slightly longer than broad. Thorax 
one-third broader than long, widest in front, the sides scarcely 
rounded, gradually retracted almost to the base, then suddenly 
emarginate before the obtuse posterior angles, near which is a 
short impression ; middle line smooth, the rest of the surface 
rather finely and rather closely pimctured, and with an extremely 
fine accessory puncturation. Elytra one-third longer than the 
thorax, about as closely but more obsoletely punctured. 
Abdomen moderately finely and moderately closely punctured, 
strongly coriaceous, and with a coarse yellow pubescence. 
Sikkim (Waageti). Type in the National Museum, Vienna. 

335. Osorius constrictus. 

Osorius ronstrintuf Faiiv.*, Uev. (Vl'ait. xiv, 1895, p. liHi. 

Pitchy black, moderately shining. Antennae and legs 
reddish. Length 6-75 to 7-3 mm. 

Head with the front border deeply crescenticall> emarginate, 
not crenulate ; between the eyes closely striate, without an 
elevated median line, the front rather closely granular. 
Antennae with the penultimate joints scarcely transverse. 
Thorax slightly transverse, the sides straight and i)arallel to a 
little before the base, then suddenly narrowed and again 
parallel, the posterior angles nearly rectangular, and with an 
adjacent impression, along the middle narrowly smooth, the 
rest very closely and asporately punctured. Elytra distinctly 
longer than the thorax, closely, moderately finely, rather 
deeply punctured. Abdomen rather closely, finely and 
asperately punctured ^nth long yellow pubescence. 

Burma : Carin Ghdcu, alt. 1300 to 1400 metres {L. Fca). 

336. Osorius strangulatus. (I'lale 111. lig. 1.) 

Osonits strnngulatAis Fjiuv.*, llev. d'Ent. xxiii, 1904, p. 47. 

Shining, black, the elytra pitchy, obscurely reddish about 
the suture. Front of head broadly, slightly emarginate, even. 
Antennae reddish. Legs reddish-testaceous. Length 6 to 
75 mm. 

Head between the eyes closely, evenly, longitudinally 
striate ; the middle of the front more finely and less regularly 
striate, at the sides with a few elongate granules, the front 
border broadly and slightly emarginate, even. Antennae 
with the penultimat* joints as long as broad. Thorax nearly 
a third broader than long, the sides ahnost straight and shghtly 
retracted to a little in front of the rounded posterior angles 

osoHius. 297 

where thoy are suddenly constricted and slightly impressed ; 
along the middlo smooth, elsewhere very closely, moderately 
coarsely punctured, the punctures more or less confluent, 
so that there is a tendency to the formation of longitudinal 
rugae. Elytra distinctly longer than the thorax, a little longer 
than broad, rather closely, moderately finely, rather deeply 
punctured. Abdomen moderately closely, asperately punc- 
tured, coriaceous. The whole insect covered with a long 
yellow pubescence. 

Differs from O. stricticollis Fauv. in the smaller size, the 
even frontal margin, the head uniformly striate between the 
eyes without central smooth space, the much more closely 
punctured thorax and elytra. 

N. Kanara. Nilgiri Hills (Andrewes). 

.'137. Osorius robustus. 

Omriiis robustus Cam., K. M. M. hi, 1S)20, p. l-l'l. 

Black, shining ; the head with the anterior border broadly 
and slightly emarginate, not crenulate, at the sides rather 
coarsely, asperately punctured, between the eyes rather 
coarsely, longitudinally striate, the intcrstria; short and 
interrupted, the neck finely and closely punctured, the vertex 
with a broad smooth space along the middle. Thorax sulcate 
on cither side of the smooth median space, the sides with coarse 
and more or less confluent ])unctures. Elytra sparingly, 
moderately finely punctured. Anteiuiie slender, brown. Legs 
pitchy brown. I^ength 10 mm. 

Very similar in build to O. rugicollis, Kr. (the thorax in this 
respect being exactly similar), l)ut larger and more robust, the 
antoro-external angles of the front not produced into horns, 
the head much more coarsely striate, the thorax scarcely 
striate, the abdomen more sparingly punctured. Head 
rather coarsely p>nictured behind the antt^rior margin and at 
the sides, the rest of the front, a median space on the vx>rtex, 
and the antennal tubercles smooth, internal to the eyes rather 
coarsely striate. Antennae slender, 2nu joint shorter than the 
3rd, 3rd to lOth all longer than broad, gradually decreasing 
in length, the 9th and 10th not much longer than broad. 
Thorax a little broader than long, the sides almost straight and 
retracted to a little before the obtuse but prominent posterior 
angles, where they are slightly emarginate ; disc on each side 
with a narrow irregular sulcus from base to apex, externally 
with a coarse confluent puncturation, the region of the 
posterior angles impunctate and with an adjacent impression. 
Elytra a little longer and broader than the thorax, si>aringly 
and moderately finely punctured. Abdomen finely and 
rather sparingly punctured, coriaceous ; pubescence sparing 
and yellow. 

Sidapur, Coorg. Nilgiri Hills. 

29S ST.Vl'IlVl.lMDiE. 

338. Osorius peguanus. 

Osorius peyuanws Hernli., W. Z. M. Ixiv, li)14, ji. 87. 

Very closely allied to 0. annandahi, Bernh. [nilgiriensis, 
Fauv.], but differing in the following points. The head is 
much more sparingly striate, the individual interstriae much 
shorter, in the middle with a broader impunctato area, the 
clypeus is not emarginate as in annamdalei, but truncate or 
rounded, and crenulate. The thorax is scarcely more thickly, 
but much more strongly and deeply puncttired, the side- 
margin, at the rectangular posterior angles is broadly and 
rather deeply impressed, so that the; lateral margin appears 
raised. The elytra and the abdomen arc miich more strongly 
and deeplj' punctured. Length 6-2 to Oo niTU. 


This insect was confused with 0. rufipes Motsch. in Waagon's 
collection. From this species it differs in the size being more 
than twice as large, more sparing sculpture and ditlerent build 
of the ])osterior angles of the thorax (ex Btrvhamr). 

H'ii). Osorius pectinifrons. 

Osorius pectinifruns Fauv.*, liev. d'JCut. xiv, ISOo, ]i. 190. 

Black, shining ; front border of the head crenulate, truncate. 
Antennae and legs reddish. Length 75 mm. 

Head with the front border truncate and crenulate, the sides 
with a few small asperate punctures, in the middle coriaceous, 
not striate ; between the eyes with rather wide striae, the 
interstriae short and not extending on to the dechvous front ; 
behind the striate area with a short transverse space without 
sculpture, behind this with the usiial reticulate ground- 
sculpture. Antennae with the penultimate joints about as 
long as broad. Thorax slightly broader than long, the sides 
almost straight and slightly retracted to behind the middle, 
from thence more strongly retracted and a little rounded to the 
rounded posterior angles, adjacent to which is a rather broad, 
shallow impression ; along the middle narrowly smooth, the 
rest with a moderately fine, moderately close, subasperate 
puncturation. Elytra distinctly longer than the thorax, with 
a rather close, superficial, moderately fine puncturation. 
Abdomen finely, moderately closely, asperately punctured, 

Burma : Carin Ghdcu, alt 1300 to 1400 metres {L. Fea) ; 
Ruby Mines, alt. 5000 to 7000 feet (Doherty). Also in 

DSOiaiTs. 299' 

340. Osorius kraatzi. 

Osorius kraatzi HHruli., t!at. Col. Staph, ii, 1911, p. 144. 

Omrius riii/icepK Kr.*, .\icli. Nntuifi. xxv, Irt-Ott, i, ])■ J*'*> (prime.). 

Owriiis crenulatiu Cam., Eiit. Mitt, xvii, 1928, p. 10i>. 

Near 0. punctipennia JFauv., but larger (10 mm.) and more 
robust, the head without a smooth space on the vertex and the 
striae stronger, the build and sculpture of the thorax scarcely 
differing in the two species, but the elytra are much more 
finely, sparingly and obsoletely punctured and the abdomen 
much more sparingly punctured. Front of head truncate, 
distinctly cremilate, with the anterior angles rounded, in the 
middle immediately behind the anterior margin with a smooth 
space, on either side with small elongate tubercles, the whole 
of the rest of the surface closely striate ; the sculptiu'e of 
the head somewhat similar to that of 0. rugifrons Kr., but the 
smooth space in front larger and the tubercles more sparing 
and finer. Antennae with the j)enultimate joints as long as 
broad. Thorax transverse, trapezoidal, the anterior angles 
not prominent, the sides straight, converging behind, the 
posterior angles obtuse, sHghtly explanate and impressed, in 
the middle with a moderately broad impunctatc space, and 
between this and the posterior angles with an ill-defined one, 
the rest of the surface rather deeply and moderately coarsely 
punctured, the punctures smaller and less close towards the 
middle than at the sides. Elytra longer than the thorax, 
superficially, rather sparingly punctured towards the sides, 
yet more sparingly towards the suture. Abdomen coriaceous, 
very sparingly, asperately punctured. 

BiU'ma : Tavoy. Also in the Malay Peninsxila. Sumatra, and 

^41. Osorius kempi. 

Osorius kempi Uumli.*, W. 1'".. Z.. xliii, 192(5, p. 24. 

OaoriuK kevi/ii \iir. parm/ieiDiin Bernh.*, W". V.. Z. .\liii, 1026, p. '2i>. 

Black, shining. An teimse and legs reddish. Length 10 mm. 

Head with the front margin feebly emarginate and crenulate. 
feebly elevated in the middle, the anterior angles broadly 
rounded ; front without median raised line, the whole of the 
space between the eyes furnished with longer and shorter 
rugae placed rather close together, the front with close, elongate 
tubercles, coriaceous ; neck with a fine retiform ground-sculp- 
ture. Penultimate joints of antennae as long as broad. Thorax 
transverse, the sides straight and converging slightly to behind 
the middle, from there more retracted in a straight line to the 
obtuse and very slightly explanate posterior angles, lateral 
impression feeble ; along the middle smooth, the rest of the 

300 STAPIirLlNlD^. 

surface with rather close, elongate tubercles, which are largct 
and closer towards the sides. Elytra a little longer than the 
thorax, superficially and moderately closely punctured, coria 
ceous. Abdomen moderately closely, asperately punctured 
coriaceous, with long, coarse, yellow pubescence. The sculpture 
of the thorax is similar to that of 0. rugifrmis Kr., but less 

Upper Reiiging, alt. 2150 feet (Abor Expedition, 4. ii. 1912) 

0. parvipennis Bernh.* is a smaller and narrower race (8 to 
9 mm.). T can find no other distinguishing characters. 

Kobo (Abor Expedition, 3. xii. 1911)' (Kemp). 

342. Osorius punctipennis. 

Osoriiis punctipemiis Fiiuv.*, Itev. d'Knt. xiv, 1896, p. 105. 

Black, moderately shining ; front border of head broadly 
crescentically emarginate, not crenulate. Antenna; and legs 
reddish. Length 8 mm. 

Head with the front border broadly crescentically emar- 
ginate, not crenulate, throughout the middle with a raised line, 
at the sides with interrupted rugae, between the eyes closely 
striate. Antennae with the penultimate joints as long as 
broad. Thorax slightly transverse, the sides in front scarcely 
rounded, gradually retracted to the rounded posterior angles, 
against which there is a superficial impression ; along the 
middle smooth, elsewhere rather strongly and rather closely, 
asperately punctured. Elytra longer than the thorax, closely, 
moderately coarsely and deeply punctured. Abdomen rather 
closely, asperately punctured, coriaceous. Near O. scolytimis 
Eauv., but larger, the elytra black, the front emarginate, the 
thorax longer, more strongly and less closely punctured, 
elytra more shining, more strongly punctured. 

Burma : Carjn Gh^cu, alt. 1300 to 1400 metres ; Carin 
Cheba, 900 to 1100 metres ; Carin Asciuii Cheba, 800 to 
1400 metres (L. Fea). 

343. Osorius scolytinus. 

Osorius scolytinus Fiiuv.*, Kev. d'Eut. xiv, l«9i), p. 106. 

Narrow, pitchy black, moderately shining, the elytra pitchy. 
Antennae and legs reddish. Length 5-5 mm. 

Head with the front margin feebly rounded, even : between 
the eyes closely longitudinally striate, the interstriae interrupted 
on the front, in the middle with a raised line extending to the 
anterior margin. Penultimate joints of the antennae slightly 
transverse. Thorax slightly transverse, the sides straight and 


gradually retracted to the obtuse posterior angles, scarcely 
emarginate and scarcely impressed ; in the middle smooth, 
the rest of the surface closely, asperately sculptured, the 
granules more or less elongate. Elytra distinctly longer than 
the thorax, closely, finely, rather deeply punctured. Abdomen 
closely, asperately punctured, coriaceous. The whole insect 
with a rather close, long yellow pubescence. Longer than 0. 
rufipes Motsch., the front with a median raised line, the thorax 
longer, much more closely and asperately punctured ; elytra 
longer, more deeply and closely punctured ; abdomen more 

Burma: Carin Gh^u, alt. 1300 to 1400 metres 
{L. Fea). 

344. Osorius monticola. 

(horius monticola (lam , Trans. Knt. Soc. Lond. 1914, p. 52". 

Black or pitchy, shining, thorax, closely and 
rather coarsely punctured ; elytra distinctly but less closely 
punctured. Antennae and legs reddish-testaceous. Length 
5'5 mm. 

Of the size and superficial appearance of O. nilgirienais F.uiv., 
the head is, however, broader, the thorax shorter and broader, 
with much closer puncturation, and the elytra are more closely 

HoEid nearly as broad as the thorax, emarginate anteriorly, 
but not crenulate, strigose, except the vertex, which is smooth 
and shining, and the sides of the front, which arc sparingly 
punctured ; pubescence scanty, yellowish. Antenmc with 
elongate 1st joint, 2nd much shorter, 3rd shorter than 2nd, 
4th to 10th moniliform. Thorax transverse, as broad as the 
elytra, widest at the anterior angles, narrowed in a slightly 
curved line to the base, without perceptible sinuation before 
the posterior angles, which arc pretty distinctly impressed ; 
closely punctured, tiisc with smooth central line, sparinglj- 
pubescent. Elytra a little longer than broad, rather closely 
but superficially punctured. Abdomen coriaceous, sparingly- 
punctured at the sides, pubescence yellow, long, scanty. 

Nilgiri Hills (H. L. Andrewes). 

345. Osorius birmanns, sp. n. 

Differs from 0. monticola Cam. in the small size (35 mm.), 
shorter, yellow antennae and much more closely punctured 
abdomen. In build and sculpture it is in other respects 
similar. At once distinguished from all the Indian species by 
its small size. 

Burma : Tenasserim ; Tavoy. 

•302 staphvlinidjE. 

'346. Osorius rufipes. 

Osorma nijipes Motscli., Bull. Mosc. xxx, 1857, iv, p. 508. 
Osorim pompnctun Walk.*, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1859, p. 52. 
0«ofius si/riacits Fauv., Ann. Soc. Knt. Vt. (5) v, 1875, Bull. 

p. viii; Faun. Gallo-Ilh6n. iii, Cat. Syst. 1875, p. xiii ; Bull. 

Soc. Linn. Novm. (3) ii, 1S77-78, p. KSO. 

Black, shining, the elytra pitchy, obscurely reddish about 
the suture. Frontal margin scarcely emarginate, even. 
Antennao and legs yellowish-red. Length 4'5 mm. 

Head with the front margin practically truncate, even ; 
between the eyes and on the front finely longitudinally striate 
almost up to the anterior border, the striae leas distinct in 
front, the intcrstrise coriaceous. Antennae with the penulti- 
mate joints a little transverse. Thorax transverse, the sides a 
little rounded at the anterior angles, then almost straight and 
gradually retracted to a little before the rounded posterior 
angles, where they are very slightly emarginate and slightly 
impressed ; along the middle smooth, the rest of the surface 
moderately finely and moderately closely ])unctured. Elytra 
a little longer than the thorax, rather finely, superficially, 
moderately closely punctured. Abdomen finely, moderately 
closely, asperatcly punctured, coriaceous, with coarse yellow 

Ceylon : Dikoya. Nilgiri Hills. Dehra Dun. Also in 
Sumatra. Mauritius, Reunion, Egypt. 

347. Osorius panctulatns. 

Osorius puncticlatus Motscli., Bull. Mos<t. xxx, 1857, iv, p. 508. 

Very near 0. rufipes, Motsch., but differs in the narrower 
build, the sides of the thorax more rounded and less retracted 
to the base, finer and more obsolete striation of the head, 
much finer and denser puncturation of the thorax, finer and 
much closer puncturation of the elytra, and rather closer 
puncturation of the abdomen. The front margin of the 
head is slightly, broadly emarginate. 

" Ind. or." 

348. Osorins madnrensis. 

Osorius madnrensis, Scliub., D. E. Z. 1911, p. 5. 

Elongate, black, moderately shining ; head strongly strigosc 
between the eyes, the antennal tubercles smooth ; clypeus 
sparingly, not very distinctly punctured, thorax strongly, not 
very closely punctured, with median smooth line, elytra rather 
longer than the thorax, irregularly, sparingly punctured. 
Length 4-75 to 5 mm. 

Near 0. rufipes, Motsch. ; differs in the sculpture of the head. 

osoKius. 303 

the strong puneturation of the thorax, and much more sUghtly 
punctured elytra. The antennae are rather long and stout, 
extending to the base of the thorax, thickened, the penultimate 
joints suboqual, globose, rather thickly covered with yellow 
pubescence. The head between the eyes strongly and rather 
closely striate, in the striae with a few scattered punctures, 
only the antennal tubercles and a small strip at the base of 
the head smooth, the clypeus with the continuation of the 
striae and some large indistinct punctures. Thorax a little 
broader than the head, almost broader than long, a little 
narrowed behind, moderately closely but very coarsely and 
deeply punctured, along the middle Avith a somewhat raised, 
rather broad and smooth space, before the rounded posterior 
angles with an impression, finely bordered. Elytra scarcely 
narrower, distinctly longer than the thorax, sparingly and 
.slightly, towards the sides more strongly punctured, with 
scattered, erect, short hairs. Abdomen rather paraUel, 
slightly widened behind, at the sides sparingly and rather 
finely punctured. The legs pitch-brown, with lighter liiices 
and reddish tibiae and tarsi. The tibiae with long yellow hairs. 
Shembaganur, Madura (ex Schubert). 

349. Osorius nilgiriensis. 

Ogoriiix nilyiriensis Fauv.*, Rev. d'Kiit. xxii, ]fl03, p. 152. 
OnoriuH annaudalei Hernh.*, Ent. Bliitt. vii, 1911, p. 56. 

Shining, black, the elytra dark castaneous. Antennae 
reddish. Legs reddish-testaceo\is. Length 5-5 to G-5 mm. 

Near 0. rufipes, Motsch., but larger, the antennae longer and 
thicker, the front distinctly emarginate, thorax more narrowed 
at the base, elytra more sparingly punctured. Head cres- 
centically emarginate in front, not crenulate, in the middle 
of the front finely and irregularly wrinkled, at the sides with a 
few fine asperate punctures, between the eyes closely and 
regularly striate, the striae evanescent amongst the wrinkles 
of the front, the antennal txibercles and a transverse space 
at the base of the head smooth and shining, the neck with a 
fine ground-sculpture. Antennae with the penultimate joints 
as long as broad. Thorax slightly transverse, the sides almost 
straight and gradually retracted, only slightly emarginate 
before the rounded posterior angles and slightly impressed ; 
along the middle smooth, the rest of the surface moderately 
closely, moderately finely, subasperately punctured. Elytra 
narrower and a little longer than the thorax, with rather large, 
superficial, sparing punctures. Abdomen sparingly, asperately 
and finely punctured, yellow pubescent. 

Nilgiri Hills, Coonoor. Shembaganur, Madura. W. Bengal : 
Paresnath (Annandcde), 


iioO. Osorius indicus. 

Osoritts indicus Cam,, Trnns. ]<;nt. Soc. Lond. 1914, p. 528. 

Similar in size, build and colour to 0. nilgirienais Fauv., and 
only difEering in the following respects : the striae of the head 
are a little broader and the interstrise less pronounced, the 
declivous front more coriaceous ; the puncturation of the 
thorax is distinctly coarser, and a weak ground-sculpture is 

Nilgiri Hills (H. L. Andrewes). 

Genus MIMOGONUS Pauv. 
Mimogonns Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. xxii, 190.'}, p. 261. 

Near Osoriiis Latr., but with the last joint of the maxillary 
palpi strongly conical, more than twice as long as the preceding, 
which is very short, mentum flat, suborbiculate ; antennae 
scarcely geniculate, the 1st joint very short, the 3rd scarcely 
longer, scarcely clavate ; legs slender, the tibiae scarcely 
dilated externally, not dentate, spinose, tarsi very short, with 
the last joint gradually dilated towards the apex (ex Fauvel). 

Holotrochus Or. has the last joint of the tarsi similarly 
dilated, btit the species of this genus are practically glabrous, 
whereas in Mimogonvs the whole body is covered ■with a long 
and coarse yellow pubescence as in Osoriits. It is found in 
rotten tree -trunks and also in tobacco. 

Key to the Species. 

1. Klytva red, often iiifiiscate beliiiid 2. 

Elytra pitoliy, closely and deeply punetural . andreicesi. sp. ii., p. .'!0o. 

2. Elytra superficially punctured fumatw Ehuv., p 304. 

Elytra stroufrly punctured r>i/ipennis Motsch., 

("p. :!05. 

351. Mimogonns fumator. 

Osorius fnmator Fauv., llev. d'Ent. viii, 1889, p. 246; xxii, 1903, 

p. 261 ; Bernh., W. Z. H. Ix, 1910, p. .110. 
Osorius fauveli Cam., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) xii, lOl.S, p. 326. 

Black, shining ; elytra red, a little infuscate behind; antennae, 
legs, and posterior margins of the abdominal segments narrowly 
reddish-testaceous. Head, thorax, and elytra moderately 
coarsely, but not very closely punctured. Abdomen with 
sparse superficial puncturation. Length 23 to 3 mm. 

Head narrower than the thorax, truncate in front, with 
scattered umbilicate puncturation and coriaceous ground- 
sculpture,' without a smooth central line. Antennae with 

MiModONi's. ;305 

4th to 10th joints transverse, gradually increasing in 
breadth ; month-parts yellow. Thorax a little broader than 
the elytra, a little; broader than Jong ; sides almost parallel 
for four-fifths of their length, then suddenly contracted to' 
the nearly rectangidar posterior angles, with a deep rounded 
fovea in front of the latter, and with rather large, scattered, 
superficial, umbilieate punctiu-ation, and with a smooth 
central line : ground-sculpture distinct, coriaceous ; pubes- 
cence rather long, coarse, and sparing. Elytra a little longer 
than the thorax, as long as broad, wth puncturation, ground- 
sculpture, and ])ubescencc similar to that of the thorax. 
Abdomen with very sparing and still more superficial punctu- 
ration, and similar ground- sculpture to the elytra ; pubes- 
cence long, coarse, and sparing. 

Dehra Dun. Also in Sumatra, Federated Malay States. 
New Caledonia, Madagascar, and the West Indies. 

'■'y'l'J. Mimogomis andrewesi, .sp. n. 

Shining, black, the elytra pitchj. the posterior margins of 
the abdominal segments narrowly rufescent. Antennae yellow. 
Legs reddish-testaceous. T^ength 2-4 mm. 

l)i.stinguished by the obscurely coloured and deeplj' punc- 
tured elytra. Head with a superficial, rather close umbilieate 
jiuncturation, closer than in fumator. ground-sculpture feeble. 
I'enidtimate joints of antennae rather strongly transverse. 
Thorax loss abruptly strangulate than in /wwiator, with a similar 
but rather closer puncturation and ground-sculpture. Elytra 
much more closely and deeply punctured than in fumator. 
Abdomen very similarly punctured to fumator. and with similar 
]jubescence throughout. 

Nilgiri Hills {Andrtwes). 

35:$. Iffiimog^ouus rufipennis. 

Osoriux iiijipeiims jMotscli., Hull. Ifoi-c. x,\x, 18")", iv, p. 508. 

Build of Osorius puncttdatus Motsch. but smaller. Black ; 
mouth, antennae, legs, and elytra red ; anterior borders of the 
thorax and abdominal segments of the same colour but deeper. 
Above clothed with yellow, sparse hairs. Puncturation of 
head feeble, that of the thorax very strong, in the middle with 
a smooth space, that of the elytra similar, the abdomen 
more finely punctured. Thorax as broad as long, impressed 
on each side at the posterior angles and brusquely contracted 
and cordiform, the side-margins straight, anterior angles 

"Ind. or.'" (ex Motschovlshj). 

VOI,. I. 

306 STAl>llYLlNIU.i;. 

Genus PARAGONUS Fauv. 
Paratjiimis Fauv., Ilev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. lO'. 

Small, short, convex, rough, pubescent species. Head 
small, eyes rather prominent. Labrum transverse, truncate. 
Mandibles short, stout, toothed, the apex curved. Maxillary 
palpi stout, short, 4-jointed, the 1st joint broad, 2nd short, 
transverse, 3rd obconical, 4th very narrow, subulate. Mentum 
large, truncate apically. Antennae scarcely geniculate. Thorax 
short, strongly constricted at the base. Scutellum rather 
large, subtriangular. Elytra short, truncate. Abdomen as 
in Osorius, not margined, subcylindrical. Legs slender, all 
the coxae close together, scarcely contiguous. Mcsosternum 
keeled, tibiae scarcely angularly dilated nor spinose, more or 
less setose, tarsi 5-jointed, the 1st joint minute, scarcely 
visible (ex Fauvel). 

The genus is so far only known from the Oriental region. 
The species are found in decaying wood and often in 

,'354. Pavagonus birmanus. 

Parmjonns birmantts Fauv.*, Rev. d"Eiit. xiv, If^Ho, p. 197. 

Black, scarcely shining. Antennae ferruginous. Legs 
reddish-testaceous. Length 3'3 to 375 mm. 

Head narrower than the thorax, convex, rounded in front, 
not constricted behind, temples short, closely and rather 
coarsely punctured ; eyes rather prominent. Antennae with 
the 3rd joint a little longer than the 2nd, 4th to 8th oval, 9th 
and 10th slightly transverse. Thorax transverse (6J : 4), the 
sides from the anterior angles to behind the middle straight 
and slightly diverging, then obtusely angulate and stronglj- 
retracted in a straight line to the rounded base, finely crenulate, 
adjacent to the contracted part with a rather large, deep, 
shining fovea, closely and rather more coarsely punctured than 
the head. Elytra a little longer than the thorax, transverse, 
the sculpture as on the thorax but somewhat rugulose. 
Abdomen thick, convex, narrowed at apex, closely, more 
finely punctured than the fore-parts, rather coarsely and 
moderately closely pubescent. 

Burma : Carin Cheba, alt. 900 to 1100 metres, i. 89 ; 
Garin Asciuii Gh6cu, alt. 1400 to 1500 metres {L. 

noLOTaociius. y07 


Hohtrochus Er., Gen. Spec. Staph. 1839-40, p. 757 ; Lac, (ien. 
Ool. ii, 18r,4, p. 113; Kr., Naturg. In.s. Deutsch. ii, 185(i-.')H, 
p. 807 : Faiiv., Not. Ent. v, 1867, p. 46 ; Sharp, Tr. Ent. Soc. 
Lond. 187ti, p. 387 ; B. C.-A. i, 2, 1882-87 (1887), p. 682. 

Cylindrical or subcylindrical shining species with at least 
the foreparts glabrous, and edentate tibiae. Head scarcely 
constricted behind, the eyes moderate, scarcely prominent. 
Labrum strongly transverse, truncate in front, the anterior 
angles with a small ciliated membrane, the anterior border 
with some long setae. Mandibles short and stout, each with 
two teeth. Outer lobe of maxilla corneous, narrow, the apex 
cUiate ; inner lobe narrow, corneous, the apex with two strong 
teeth, posteriorly ciliate. Maxillary palpi stout, the 1st joint 
minute, 2nd very short, obconical, the 3rd transverse, the 4th 
elongate, oval, the apex pointed. Labium about as long as 
broad, or transverse, the sides and apex rounded. Tongue 
corneous, transverse. Labial palpi 3-jointed, the 1st joint 
elongate, dilated towards the apex, the 2nd as long as broad, 
the 3rd elongate, three times as long as broad, the apex 
truncate. Paraglossae scarcely visible. Prosternum short, its 
process pointed. Epimcron triangular, separated by a suture 
from the pronotal epipleura, the anterior coxae exserted. 
Mesosternum with a transverse ridge separating off an anterior 
part or "' collar," its process pointed, carinate, and meeting the 
metasternal process, the coxae narrowly separated. Meta- 
sternum scarcely emarginate behind for the coxae. Abdomen 
cylindrical, keeled below at the base, immarginate above. 
Scutellum small. Elytra with a sutural stria. Femora rather 
stout ; anterior and middle tibiae with a few small spines, the 
posterior unarmed. Tarsi short, 5-jointed, the first four joints 
very short, the 5th longer than all the preceding together. 

The species are found in decaying tree-trunks throughout 
the tropics. 

Key to the Species. 

Larger (4o mm.). Kl^'tra seriately piiuc- [p. 307. 

tured annandalei Bernh., 

Smaller (2 mm.). Elytra extremely finely, 

irregularly punctured cha/terjeei, sp. n., p. 308. 

:i55. Holotrochns annandalei. 

Hohtrochus annandalei Bernli., Ent. Blatt. vii, 1911, p. 56. 

Shining, pitchy -black, antennae, palpi, and legs ferruginous ; 
head finely and less closely, thorax more strongly and closely 
punctured, transverse ; elytra rather strongly and rather 


308 stai'hvTjINidt.. 

closely punctatc-striate ; abdomen more finely, rather closely 
punctured. Length 45 mm. 

Differs from H. mirmsculvs Fauv. in the obviously broader 
and more robust build, being about half as large again ; the 
colour is lighter, the elytra more reddish, the head is scarcely 
more strongly, but more closely punctured, the thorax more 
finely and closely ; the thorax is much shorter. Elj'tra more 
strongly and much more thickly, more seriately punctured. 
Abdomen much more strongly, distinctly and thickly punctured. 

Travancore: Kulattupuzha, W. Ghats, J9. xi.08 (A-nmivdah) 
(ex Bernhaiier). 

.'S5G. Holotrochus chatterjeei, sp. n. 

Shining black, the apex of the abdomen ferruginous, ex- 
tremely finely punctured. Antennse and legs ferruginous. 
Length 2 mm. 

Head extremely finely, sparingly punctured, ob.scurely 
coriaceous. Antennae with the 4th joint as long as broad, the 
5th to 10th transverse, the penultimate twice as broad as long. 
Thorax transverse (4| : 3), rounded and widest at the middle, 
from thence equally retracted in a straight line in front and 
behind, the surface without impressions, the sculptiu'e as on 
the head. Elytra one-third longer than, but as broad as, the 
thorax, a little broader than long, yet more finely and not 
very closely punctured. Abdomen a little more distinctly 
but sparingly punctured, feebly coriaceous. 

Dehxa Dun : Crolattappar. Bred from Odina wodier {N. C. 
Chatter jee). 

Subfamily IIT. OXYPORIN^. 

This subfamily contains a single genus, Oxyporus F., and 
consists of rather large and robust species. The head is large 
and prominent, scarcely constricted behind, the neck thick. 
Mandibles prominent. Eyes rather small, temples long. 
Antennae inserted under the margin of the head in front of 
the eye ; clypeus short, separated by a fine transverse line 
from the front. Gular sutures distinct, parallel, the gular 
plate long. Labrum rather large, slightly transverse, chitinous, 
the anterior border narrowly membranous, broadly rect- 
angularly emarginate, closely ciliate. Mentum broad behind, 
considerably narrowed in front, the sides emarginate, keeled in 
the middle below, in front produced on each side into a short 
broad lobe with rounded apex. Labium elongate, well 
develoned, chitinous ; tongue very short, transverse, broadly 

o\'i:i>ottrs. ;J00 

fccblj' eiuargiuate in front, ciliate ; paraglossas well developed, 
elongate, pointed, extending beyond the tongue, densely 
ciliate. Labial i)alpi 3-jointed, the 1st joint short, oiu^ved, 
the 2nd elongate, a little thickened towards the apex, the 
3rd very large, transverse, triangular, inserted at the inner 
border of the 2nd at the apex. Inner lobe of maxilla pointed, 
triangular, densely ciliated ; outer lobe extending beyond the 
inner, wider at the truncate apex, which is densely ciliated. 
Maxillary palpi with the 1st joint short, 2nd elongate, a little 
thickened towards the apex, 3rd shorter, a little thickened 
towards the apex, the 4th about as long as the preceding, the 
apex rounded and a little narrowed. Mandibles very long, 
rather slender, pointed, the left with a tooth on the under 
surface about the middle, which is not visible from above. 
Prosternum short and broad, its process slender, extending 
about half the length of the coxae, these prominent. Epipleura 
narrow ; epimera triangular, separated from the epipleura by 
a suture. Mesosternum very short and broad, teansversely 
sulcatc, without process. Metasternum large, extending as a 
broad process between the middle coxae to the mesosternum, • 
its posterior margin on each side slightly emarginate, in the 
middle angulate ; middle coxae widely separated. Mcta- 
thoracic episterna narrowed behind ; the epimera widened 
behind and extending a little beyond the episterna. Scutellum 
small. Abdomen not keeled below at the base. Legs rather 
slender, tibias setose. Tarsi o-jointed, the 1st joint shorter 
than the 2nd, this elongate, 3rd and 4th short, subequal, 5th 
elongate ; claws simple. 

The genus is found in fiuigtis, where it preys on dipterous 
larvae. It is distributed throughout the world except Australia, 
New Guinea, Tropical Africa, and South America. 

Krii to the Spiciis (>/ Oxyijoni.s. 

Thorii.x willi two traiisvei'se sulci, one 

))eliind tlu- anterior border, I lie other 

ii little before the middle 2. 

Thorax with a .sin^rle tran.sverse mi1cii«. 

before tlie middle oi' witliout sulcus .... :5. 
Head eiitirulv red ; ohtra with a laiye 

trianj^ular black spot oci'miyiiif!; tlie 

postero-external region from the apex 

of the suture to the posterior half of the 

vetlexed margin binnumts, .sji. u. p. 311. 

Head red, with transverse black fascia 

along the anterior lunrgin ; elytra with a 

round black spot at the posteVo-external [p. ^510. 

angles bHcepfialttn Fauv., 

Thorax with single transverse sulcus .... 4. 
Thorax without sulnn !). 



4. Elnck species, tlie elytra with narrow 

oblique yellow strent near the postero- [p. .'51 1. 

external angles digmatims, sp, n,, 

Species in great part red or reddish-yellow . (">. 

5. Thorax entirely black ." 6. 

Thorax entirely or in part red 7. 

6. First three abdominal sejrmonts entirely 

red; elytra u:ore coarsely and closely [p. 311. 

punctured apicafa, nov. noui., 

First two abdouiinal sep:ments reddish- 
yellow, occiusionally .slightly iufuscate in 

the middle; elytra more fineh, less [0am., p. 312. 

closulj' punctured JJai'ieoniin var. myricejii 

7. Thorax entirely red Jtavicvrni's Schub., 

Thorax in part black 8. []). 312. 

8. Filytra reddish-yellow, with large tri- 

angular black spot extending from the 
apex of the suture to the posterior half 

of the reflexed margin cep/ialotes, sp. n., p. 313. 

Elytra black, at llie base witli large trans- 
verse yellow spot not renchiiig the suture . rariegatus, sp. n., p. 313. 

9. TJiorax red wiili black markings. Abdo- 

men with the first two segments reddish- 
yellow, the rest black atiyma Fauv., p. 31.'!. 

Thorax blade. Abdomen black, the lateral 
margins of the first three segments 

yellow 10. 

10. AntennfB entirely testaceous; thorax 

strongly transvei-se, trapezoidal dohertyi, sp. n., p. 314. 

AnteiiiiiB black", the base testaceoiis ; | p. 814. 

tliorav scarcely traiis\ erse tiiyrieornis, sj). n., 

357. Oxyporus bucephalus. 

O.ryponis hucephalux Fnuv.*, Uev. d'Knt. xiv, 1896, p. 204. 

Shining, red, the mandibles, the front to the posterior margin 
of the eyes, a rounded spot at the postero-external angles 
of the elytra, the 4th segment of the abdomen (except the 
sides and adjacent area of the base), the whole of the 5th, 
and the base and sides of the 6th segment blaok. Antennae 
and legs testaceous. Length 11 to 12 mm. 

Head large, transverse, widest behind at the rounded 
posterior angles, temples about as long as the eyes, in front 
impressed on each side, practically impunctate. Antennae 
short, the 3rd joint a little longer than the 2nd, 4th and 5th 
about as long as broad, 6th to 10th strongly transverse and 
compressed. Thorax transverse, a good deal narrower than 
the head, the sides rounded, more retracted behind, immediately 
behind the anterior border with a narrow, straight, transverse 
sulcus, across the middle with a broader sinuate sulcus, both 
extending to the side-margins, on either side of the middle 
before the base with a short longitudinal sulcus, the whole 

o.wwjitrs 311 

surface almost impimctate. Elytra a little longer than the 
thorax, as broad as the head, middle of the disc impressed 
and with numerous punctures, the outer ones more or less 
biseriate. Abdomen almost impunctate. 

Btu-ma : Carin Cheba, alt. 900 to 1100 metres, vi., xii. 88 
(L. Fea). 

358. Oxyporus birmanus, sp. n. 

Head and thorax shining red, elytra reddish -yellow, the 
postero-external region from the apex of the suture to the 
posterior half of the reflexed margin black. Abdomen black, 
the first two segments entirely, the sides of the 3rd and apex 
of the last reddish-yellow. Mandibles ferruginous-red. 
Antennae testaceous, darker along the middle. Coxae and 
legs entirely testaceous. Length 7-3 mm. 

Very similar in build to 0. apicata Cam., but the thorax 
more retracted behind and with a narrow transverse sulcus 
behind the anterior margin ; the elytra are less coarsely 

Burma : Rid)y Mines. 

M.jO. Oxyporus stigmaticus, sj). ii. 

Shining, black, the elytra near the postero-external angles 
with a narrow oblique yellow streak. Mandibles and palpi 
black. Antennae black, the first four joints more or less 
testaceous. Coxae black, femora yellow, the base and apex black, 
tibiae black, tarsi more or less testaceous. Length 7-5 mm. 

At once distinguished from all the Indian species by the 
colour, in build very similar to 0. apicata, but the head a 
little shorter. The thorax is without trace of anterior sulcus, 
but the ante-medial one is well marked whilst the longitudinal 
pre-basal ones are entirely absent ; the elytra have two 
distinct rows of close and rather small punctures and a few 
irregular ones nearer the suture. 

Burma : Ruby Mines. 

360. Oxyporus apicata, uov. noin. (I'lnto 111. tig. 3.) 

Oxyporus nptitalix Cam., Trans. lOiit. Sue. Lond. 1914, p. •'529 

Black, shining, elytra red anteriorly ; abdomen with first 
three visible segments, the extreme sides of the foiu-th, and the 
apex of the last red. Antennae, palpi, femora (except the 
extreme base), and tarsi testaceous, the tibiae and extreme 
base of the femora black. Length 7 to 10 mm. 

Head larger than the thorax, scarcely dilated behind the 

;?12 Sl'Al'll V[.1N1I) K. 

eyes, black, shining, impressed on the front and with a single 
puncture near posterior margin of each eye, otherwise impunc- 
tate ; clypeus testaceous, mandibles black. Antennae with 
2nd to 4th joints a little longer than broad, the subsequent 
gradually strongly transverse. Thorax scarcely broader than 
long, broadest just before the middle, narrowed posteriorly 
in a straight line ; disc with a longitudinal impression 
on either side of the middle line posteriorly and a transverse 
impression across the middle from side to side. Prosternum 
black, rest of pectus red. ScutcUum imi)uiictate, reddish. 
Elytra scarcely broader than long, nuirc than the jiosterior 
third black and the suture narrowly black almost to the 
scutellum, the colours are not sharply defined from each other. 
Punctiu-ation coarse and scattered. Abdomen with the first 
three visible segments red, 4th black, with the lateral 
margins and a small triangular adjacent area at thi- base red ; 
5th entirely black, 6th black with apex testaceous. 
Burma : Ruby Mines {Brit. Mus. Coll.). 

;{61. Oxyponia flavicornis. 

Oxi/piiiiisJlun'coniiH .Solnib., 1). K. Z. 1!K)S. p. (y;i. 

(hi/ponts /larimriiis vav. iiK/nrfjix Ciiin , 'J'riin^. K;it. Soc. I.Diiil. 

1924, p. 178. 
(Kri/poi'UK fliiriciiniix \nv. ninciiliititx. iiii\ . 

Shining, red ; the mandibles and front margin ot the head 
narrowly black : scutellum black ; elytra reddish-yellow, the 
posterior margin and the postero-external angles broadly 
black ; meso- and metasternum black : abdomen with the first 
two (visible) segments reddish-yeUow, the 3rd and 4th (except 
at the sides) black, 5th entirely black, ftth black, the posterior 
margin narrowly yellow ; anal styles yellow. Antenna; and legs 
yellow, the tibi* and coxaj blackish. Length 9-5 to 1 1 mm. 

Var. nigriceps. Head and thorax entirely black ; 2nd 
(visible) dorsal segment a little infuscat(! in the middle. 

Var. maculattts. Head and thorax more or less spotted 
with black. Between the type-form and the varieties every 
grade of replacement of red by black is found. 

Head large, slightly widened behind the eyes and gradually 
narrowed to the base ; in front with a triangular impression, 
sparingly, scarcely perceptibly punctured. Antennse with 
the penultimate joints three times as broad as long. Thorax 
a good deal nar. ower than the head, about as long as broad, 
with a transverse sulcus across the middle and a short longitu- 
dinal sulcus on each side before the base . Elytra much broader 
than the thorax, more or less serially punctured on the disc. 
Abdomen almost impunctate. 

Simla Hills: Theog; Narkanda, alt. 7600 to 9200 feet. 
Ahnora : Kali Valley, alt. 9000 feet. 

;i(i2. Oxyporns cephalotes, sp. n. 

Shiniug, head yellowisli-red, not or scarcely iiifiiscate along 
the anterior F)or(ler and on the vertex ; thorax yellowish-red, 
with a transverse black fascia (not extending to the anterior 
angles) from the anterior border to the median sulcus, posterior 
margin with a narrower black fascia, its anterior border cmar- 
ginate iu the middle ; elytra yellow, with a black triangular 
mark extending from the apex of the suture to the middle 
of the reflexed margin ; abdomen blacdc, the first two segments 
entirely, the sides of the 3rd. ])t)sterior margin nf the 5th, 
and whole of the <itli reddish-yellow. Mandibles black. 
Antennaj, pal])i, and legs entirely testaceous. Length 7-5 
to 11 mm. 

Head large, suborl)icular, truncate in front , broader than the 
thorax. Thorax with transverse sukius just before the middle, 
the longitudinal pre-basal sulci feeble. Elvtra with two rows 
of rather fine, close punctures and some larger scattered ones 
nearer the suture. 

Burma : Jiubv Mines. 

;i<5;{. Oxyporus variegatus, s|). n. 

Head reddish-yellow, with large V-sha])ed black spot on the 
vertex. Thorax black, with a transverse reddish-yellow fascia 
across the middle, narrow in the centre and tlilated externally. 
Elytra black, with large transverse reddish-yellow basal spot 
extending from the shoulder but not reaching the sutTtte. 
Abdomen black, the first two segments, the sides of the 3rd, 
posterior margin of the 5th, and whole of the 6th reddish- 
yellow. Mandibles black. Antennae and imlpi testaceous. 
Legs testaceous, the apical half of the tibias black. Length 
7 mm. 

Head suborbicular, truncate in front. Thorax with trans- 
verse sulcus just before the middle, the longitudinal jire-basal 
sulci feeble. Elytra with two rows of rather fine punctures 
and with a few scattered ones nearer the suture. 

Burma : Ruby Mines. 

3H4. Oxyporus stigma. stlyma Fniiv.*, \lv,\ . di-n -vi\, 189.5, jp. lMK!. 

Shining ; head black, thorax red in front, with a triangtilar 
black mark with the apex at the middle, on each side with 
another extending from the anterior angles to behind the 
middle ; elytra red, the postero-external angles black ; 



abdomen with the first two visible segments reddish-yellow^ 
the 3rd black, with the sides and apex narrowly yellow, 4th 
and 5th entirely black, 6th yellow, with the sides black. 
Antennae with the first three joints testaceous, the following 
brown, yellowish externally. Legs reddish-yellow. Length 
9 mm. 

Near 0. rufus L., but with larger eyes, narrower thorax, 
longer and more slender antennae and different coloration. 
Head large, transverse, wider than the thorax, the post-ocular 
region as long as the eye, in front with an impression on each 
side ; scarcely perceptibly punctured. Antenna? with the 
5th to 10th joints strongly transverse. Thorax about as broad 
as long, the sides gently rounded in front, more retracted 
behind, convex, lightly impressed at the sides, scarcely 
punctured. Elytra about as long as the thorax, slightly 
transverse, uneven, the middle of the disc impressed and with 
two rows of punctures, the outer abbreviated behind. 
Abdomen practically impimctatc. 

Burma: Carin Chcba, alt. 900 to 1100 metres, vi., xii. 88 
[L. Fea). 

'.iCM. Oxyporus dohertyi, s]^. ii. 

Head and thorax black, shining, the anterior margin of the 
latter obscurely pitchy. Elytra reddish-yellow, the postero- 
external angles and posterior half of the reflexcd margin 
black. Abdomen black, the lateral margins of the first three 
segments yellow. Mandibles black. Antennae, palpi, and legs 
reddish-testaceous. Length 7-75 mm. 

Readily recognised by the colour and the absence of sulci 
on the thorax, which is more trapezoidal in shajie than the other 
species. The two rows of punctures on the elytra are abbre- 
viated and the space near the suture almost impunetate. 

Burma : Ruby Mines. 

3(50. Oxyporus nigricornis, sp. n. 

Colour of 0. dohertyi, but at once distinguished from it by 
the colour of the antennae ; these have the 1st joint testaceous, 
the 2nd to 4th pitchy-testaceous, the rest black except for 
the extreme lateral margins of the joints and the apex of the 
11th which are testaceous. The build is likewise less robust, 
the head smaller, the thorax scarcely transverse, not trape- 
zoidal, the sides rounded. The palpiaredark. Length 6-5 mm. 

Burma : Ruby Mines. 


Subfamily JV. MEGALOPIN^. 

Mei/ahpince Shari), J3. U.-A. i, 2, 18^2-87 (1880) p. 008. 
Orytelini, Subtribus Meiiahpini Er., Gen. Spec. Btapli. 1839-40, 

p. 750. 
O.ryUlides, Sous-tribu i. M^'f/a/ojndex Jiac, Hen. Col. ii, 1855, 

p. 110. 
Migalupides Motsch., Bull. Mosc. xxx, 1857, ii, p. oOi). 
Oxytetini, Group i. Meyulopes \mc. & lloni, Class. Col. N. Aiuer. 

1883, p. 102. 

This subfamily is represented only by a single genus. 


MeffulopsitHa Leiiff, Jl. K. Yoik Eut. Soc. xxvi, 1018, p. 20-1. 

Mei/iilops Kr., (ieii. Spec. Staph. 1839-40, p. 7.")1 ; Lac, Gen. 
Col. ii, 185.'), p. Ill; Sharp, Trans. Eut. Soc. Lond. 1870, 
p. 378; 15. C.-A. i, 2, 1882-87 (1880) p. 068 (jirwoc). 

Subgon. Meyalops, s. str., Ben., Rnt. Blatt. xiii, 1917, p. 190 

.Suljgen. atylupodus Ben., id. 
,, I'erostyhis Ben., ill. 

The species of this genus have a faoies much resembling the 
STENDf.^, the eyes being large and prominent, occupying the 
whole of the side of the head, and the thorax being narrower 
than the head and elytra ; the insects are glabrous, coarsely 
punctured, the thorax transversely sulcate, the elytra ample, 
uneven, the abdomen with a little oblique stria at the sides of 
the segments (at least in our species) and practically impunc- 
tato, antennse 11-jointed. Clypeus very short, more or less 
separated from the front by a sulcus, the anterior angles 
acutely pointed, unarmed, the anterior border truncate. 
Labrum transverse, chitinous, produced on each side into a 
long, pointed, prominent process t, the anterior margin and the 
inner margin of the process closely ciliate. Mentum horny, 
subquadrate, a little narrowed towards the front. Labrum 
horny, longer than broad, rounded behind, truncate in front, 
the sides scarcely emarginate. Tongue consisting of two 
triangular lobes united by a short commissure at the base ; 
paraglossa distinct, ciliated, not extending beyond the tongue. 
Labial palpi with the 1st joint rather long, the 2nd about as 
long as broad, 3rd a little longer than the 1st, oval, a little 
narrowed at the apex, its outer border curved. Inner lobe of 
maxilla triangular, the apex with a strong, curved tooth, the 
inner margin with numerous slender spines ; outer lobe 
extending beyond the inner, its apex rounded, spinose. 

t These have sometimes been referred to as " clypeal spines "' ; they have, 
however, nothing to do with the clypeus. 

;31{i ST.llMlYUKlD.t;. 

jVIaxillary palpi with the 1st joint short, 2nd and 3rd elongate, 
about equal in length, the -ith oval, a little longer tlian the 
3rd. Mandibles exsortcd. pointed, lightly curved, the right 
with one or two little teeth on the inner border, the left with 
a similar tooth and another on its under surface not visible 
from above. Antennae ll-jointed, the last two joints larger 
tlian the preceding, formine a club. Prostcrnmn large, trans- 
versely sulca^e behind the anterior border, its process short and 
shar}) ; e])ipleura and epimera fused together, the latter with 
pointed a])ex. Mesosternum keeled, its process keeled, extending 
for about two-thiids the length of the coxw, narrowly truncate 
at the ajjex and meeting the raetasternal process, the coxae 
moderately sei)arated. Metasternum large, slightly emarginate 
on each side behind ; epistenia and epimera long and narrow. 
Scutellum rather large, rounded behind. Abdomen bordered, 
the base below with a median keel. Legs moderate ; tibiae 
without teeth or spines. Tarsi (in the Indian species) distinctly 
5-jointed, the 1st joint moderately long. the2n(l to 4th gradually 
shorter, the ilth longer than the Ist, about as long as the three 
preceding together ; claws slender. 

The genus is distributed througliout the tropics, and frequents 
fungus growing on fallen trees. Only two species have so far 
been found in India, and they both belong to tiie subgenus 
Megalapsidia s. str., in which the tarsi •atc distinctly 5-jointed, 
as described above. 

K( 1/ Id Ike Sjtcnes. 

Klytrii with a lonjriludinal yellow tiwciii 

ndjaceut to tlio poaterior half of tlie 

suture ; leg.i testaceous, the apex of the 

femora and the tibiaB lufuscate. 1I«h(1 [ji. Sjl! 

less coarsely, more closely punctured .... sexdenluta ( "am., 
Klytra without such fascia ; leg.^ entinily 

testaceous. Head raort' coarsely, les-. [p. .'$17. 

closely punctured niilifascmtn Cliaiiip., 

^'$67. Hegalopsidia sexdentata. 

Mfijalofn ne.xdentdtiiK Va,m.,'Wa\\t>. i'liit. Soc. Loud. 1914, p. ■■jl'i). 

Black, shining, elytra partly yellow. Thorax viewed from 
above with three distinct teeth on either side. Antennae 
ferruginous, with black club, palpi testaceous, femora pale 
testaceous (except the apex and extreme base, which are 
brown), tibiae ferruginous, tarsi testaceous. Length 3-2 mm. 

Head large, distinctly broader than the thorax, rather 
ooarsely and closely punctured, with an irregular smooth' 
space in front between the oj^es. Antennae short, Ist joint 
rather short and stout, 2nd stouter, and much shorter than 

MKU V1-()I'!>IUI V. ;{17 

3r(l, which is elongate, 4th quaiirate, 5th to 7tli scarcely longer 
than broad, 8th as long as broad, 9th strongly transverse, lOtli 
much larger and broader than 9th, Hth large, oval. Thorax 
as long as broad, broadest in front, viewed from above with 
three teeth on either side, one at the anterior angles, one 
before the middle, and one near the post<>rior angles ; deeply 
impressed with four more or less transverse coarsely punctured 
grooves, the ridges between these smooth and shining : the 
first groove follows the anterior margin and is not interrupted 
on the middle line of tlie Jisc, the 2nd and 3rd are both inter- 
rupted by a narrow longitudinal keel, the 4th follows thi> 
posterior margin and is not interru])teil ; the 3rd ridge has a 
large puncture on either side. Elytra transverse, shorter than 
the thorax, shoulders prominent, dilated and roimded at the 
sides ; disc irregular, the surface of each with three elevations 
or calli, one longitudinal near the sutxn-e one passing back 
from the lumieral angle, the :kd rcnuided and situated at 
the middle of the lateral border : the dej)ressions between the 
calli present some large irregular punctures, the rest of the 
surface smooth and shining, black, with an irregular yellow 
band passing from near the base of the suture outwards and 
slightly backwards to the middle of the lateral border, but not 
quite reaching it, and an elongated yellow patch reaching from 
the inner end of the 1st to the ])ostcrior margin along the 
suture ; nowhere, however, does the yellow coloration involve 
the margins, which ai'c entirely black. Abdomen smooth and 
shining, the first five visible segments with an oblique stria on 
either side of the base. 

Ceylon: (.Tallc. Assam: Patkai ^lour tains {Ihit. Mm. 

M(!S. Megalopsidia subfasciata. (i'lale 111. fig. 4.) 

.Miyaliij)i> anhfiisciutKx Cliaiii)!.*-, ]•■'. if. M. lix, 19:^.'). \). 45. 

Black, shining ; the elytra with an uneven yellow fascia 
across the middle, extending from the reflexed margin but not 
reaching the suture, widest internally ; apex of mandibles 
reddish- testaceous. Antennaj reddish-testaceous, the last joint 
infuscate. Legs testaceous. Length 4-5 mm. 

Readily distinguished from M. sexdentata by the different 
oolour-pattern of the elytra and the entirely testaceous legs. 
Head as broad as the elytra, coarsely, somewhat irregularly 
but rather closely pmictured. Antennse with the 9th and lOtli 
joints transverse, the 10th much broader than the 9th, the 11th 
large, stout, oval. Thorax transverse, the sides rounded, each 
with four little teeth ; the upper surface with four transverse 
sulci separated by three shining, smooth ridges, the 3rd sulcus 
divided in the middle by a shining impimctate keel ; sulci. 

:31S STAl'HrLTNID.^. 

closely punctured. Elytra ample, convex, uneven, as long as 
but broader than the thorax, with a large longitudinal humeral, 
a smaller longitudinal discal, and a yet smaller, rounded, lateral 
callus, the calli smooth, the rest of the surface rather coarsely 
and rather closely punctured. Abdomen practically impunc- 
tate, on either side with a small oblique stria on the first five 

Kumaon: Ranikhet, vii. 1921 {H. G. Champion). Also in 
the Malay Peninsula. 

Subfamily V. STENIN./E. 

Htcniiia Sharp, B. O.-A. i, 2, 18«2-87 (1886) p. C40; Gantrlb., 

Kaf. Mitt. Kur. ii, 18it.'), p. o4() ; lleitt., Faun. Germ, ii, 1909, 

p. 111.3. 
.Stcnini Ev., Kaf. Mark. Brand, i, 1837-39 (1839), p. 520; Gen. 

Spec. Staph. 1839- 40, p. «87 (excl. Eiwsthetm) ; Kr., Nat. Ins. 

Beutsch. ii, 1856-58, p. 732 (excl. Eua-sihius) ; Lee. & Horn, 

("!lass. Col. N. Anier. 1B83, p. 97; Lynch, Bol. Soc. Ac. Nac. 

Ciirdoba, vii, 1884, p. 331 ; Casey, Iluv. Steniui America 

north ot Mexico, 1884, p. 3. 
StviMes Lacord., Gen. Col. ii, 18.54, p. 106 (excl. EweMhetus). 
Stenifes Jacq. dii Val, Gen. Col. d'Eur. ii, 1858, p. 50 (excl. 

a/eninu Thorns., Skand. Col. ii, 18ti0, p. 210. 
Stenini, Sect. ii. SleniYauw, Faun. Gallo-Uhen. iii, 1872, p. 224. 
Stenides ^lub. et Iley, .Vnn. Soc. Anrr. Lyon, (5) viii, 1875, p. 205 ; 

Key, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, xxx, 1883, p. 175. 

Head constricted behind, the neck thick, the eyes large and 
prominent. Antennae 11-jointed, freely inserted at the inner 
margin of the eye, the last three joints forming a slender club. 
Clypeus fused with the front. Labrum transverse, horny, 
broadly rounded in front. Gular sutures separated, parallel, 
submentum elongate ; mentum subquadrate. Mandibles long 
and slender, curved, pointed, each with a long sharp tooth at 
the middle of the inner margin, the tooth itself and the margin 
behind denticulate. Inner lobe of maxilla triangular, the inner 
margin densely ciUate ; outer lobe oblong, its apical margin 
densely ciliate. Maxillary palpi elongate, the 1st joint long, 
about half as long as the 2nd, 3rd as long as or longer than the 
2nd, slightly thickened apically, 4th minute, subulate. Pro- 
sternum well developed, its process pointed, slightly produced 
between the prominent coxae ; epimera trapezoidal, fused 
externally with the epipleura. Mesosternum well developed, 
its process acute or blunted at apex, extending about two- 
thirds of the length of the coxae, these moderately separated. 
Metasternum long, its process short, rounded at apex and 
meeting that of the mesosternum, on either side behind rather 
deeply and broadly emarginate, in the middle produced into 
.a short, broad, bilobed process ; episternum not separate ; 


epimeron elongate, widened and free behind. Abdomen keeled 
at the base below ; 7th ventral segment with a short spine or 
short bunch of hairs on each side {Stenus), or a bunch of long 
fine hairs {Dianoits). Scutellum small. Anterior coxae conical, 
prominent ; intermediate globose ; posterior short, conical. 
Tibiae without teeth or spines externally. Tarsi 5-jointed, 
variable, the 4th joint often bilobed. 

This subfamily comprises only two genera. 

Key to the Genera of the Steniiiaj. 

Eyes very large, occupying the wliole side 

of till! liead, temples wonting ; 7th 

yentral segment witli a short spine or 

short bunch of hairs on each side Stknits Latr., p. .319. 

Kyes large, temples present; 7th ventral 

segment with a tuft of long fine hairs on 

each side Uianoi's 8am,, p. 404. 

Genus STENUS Lair. 

Stcnun Latr., Prec. Car. gen. Ins. 179U, p. 77 ; Er., Kaf. Marlt. 
lirand. i, 18.'i7 39 (1839) p. .-)28; id., Gen. Spec. Staph. 1839-40, 
p. ()80; Kr., Nat. Ins. Dentsch. ii, 18.51) 58, p. 740; Jaeq. du 
Val, Gen. Col. d'l'^ur. ii, 1858, p. 5] ; Tlioius., Skaiid. Col. ii, 
18(50, p. I'll; liyp, K. M. M. 1. 18(i4 65. p. (i ; Fauv., Faun. 
Gallo-Khtin. iii, 1872, p. iiH ; Rev, Ann. Soc. Ijinn. Lyon, x.yx, 
1883, p. 180; Lvnch, «ol. Ac. Xac. Cordoba, vii, 1884, p. 332; 
Shp., H. C.-A."i, 2, 1882 S7 (188C) pp. 640, 798; Meinert, 
Vidensk. Medd. math. For. Kopenli. J884-86, pp. 180-207, 
t. 15, 16 ; Zool. Anz. x, pp. 136-139 ; Casey, Ann. N. York Ac. 
vi, 1892, p. 711 ; Ganglb., Kaf. Jlitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 549. 

Subgen. Stenus, s. str., Rey, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, xxx, 1883, p. 183 : 
Gaiiglb., Kaf. Mitt. Knr. ii, 1895, p. 5.52. 

Subgen. Nentua Rey, ibid. p. 183 ; Ganglb., ibid. p. 552. 

(Subgen. Teitmis Rey, ibid. p. 183 ; Ganglb., ibid. p. 552. [^Mutinus 
Cas., Rev. Sten. Amer. north of Mexico, 1884, p. 180.1 

Subgen. Ilyposfemis Key, Ann. yoc. Linn. Lyon, xxx, 188-3, p. 183 ; 
Ganglb., Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 556. [Aretis Cns., I. c. p. 150 
(ex parte) ; Asfeuus Lynch, Bol. Ac. Nac. Cordoba, vii, 1884. 
p. 341 ; Jlemistenim Motsch., Bull. Mosc. xxxiii, ] 860, ii, p. 5.57 (ex 
parte) ; Stettosidotus Lynch, /. c. p. 338 ] 

Subgen. Ilemistemis Motsch., Bull. Mosc. xxxiii, 1860, ii, p. 657 (ex 
parte). ''Areas Cas., /. c. p. 150 (ex parte) : Mesostnms Rev, I. c. 
p. 183; Purastenus Ileyd., W. E. Z. xxiv, 1905, p. 262.] ' 

Stkucttoe.— Benick, U. E. Z. 1915, pp. 235-247. 

Biology.— Schi^dte, Nat. Tidskr. 3, viii, 1872-73, pp. 548-552, 
1. 18, ff. 1-9; Ganglb., Kiif. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, pp. 647, 551. 

Characters similar to those of the subfamily except in the 
structure of the labium and mentum ; this latter is subquadrate, 
strongly keeled in the middle below, the keel produced forwards 
as a short tooth ; the labium is very long and narrow, truncate 
in front, the tongue completely divided into two pedun- 


Ciliated round lobes, separated by the insertion of the labial 
palpi ; paraglossae not evident ; labial palpi rather long, the 
let joint elongate and slender, slightly curved and slightly 
thickened apically, 2nd short, oval, much broader than the 
1st, 3rd minute, subulate. In repose the labium rests on the 
mentum and submentum, but can be extended beyond the 
mandibles when in use. The species are widely distributed 
throughout the globe, usually in the vicinity of water. 

Keji to the Suhgenera. 
. \ . First tarsal joint iir most slightly emargi- 

nate :*. 

First tarsal joint distinctly liilobt'd 4. 

:.'. Abdomen completely margined tlirougliont . .■!. 
Abdomen not, or only the first and second 
segments very finely marf!;inod. Posterior 
tarsi short, the 1st joint as long us the 

last , . . . 'I'p^Nt's Uoy. 

.'{. Posterior tarsi long, the 1st joint longer 

than the last Stkmis, s. sii., p. -"liO. 

Posterior taisi short, the .'st joint not 

longer than the last Xi'.srus Itey. 

4. Abdomen not, or very indistinctly, margined [p. 'Ml. 

on 1st, 5th, and 0th segments only Hvpostknts Jfey, 

Abdomen completely and (distinctly 

margined 0. 

.J. Posterior tarsi short, the 1st joint about 

as long as the last IIkmistkni's Motsch. 

Posterior tarsi long, the 1st joint longer [p. 38.*?. 

than the last 1 . . Mkhostknuk Upv, 

In this work the species are divided amongst Stenus, 
Hypostenus, and Mesostenus. No examjiles of the subgen. 
Hemistenus are as yet known in our Fauna. 

Key to the Species of Stenus, s. aii: + Te.snus + Kestus. 

1. Abdomen ^ ery finely bordered, cylindrical 

as in Hypostenut luyubns, sp. n., p. JUT. 

Abdomen normally bordered 2. 

2. Elytra with a reddisli spot behind on each . l-raatxi Ucrnh., p. ■\'2'2. 
Elytra immaculate :!. 

3. Black, bronze-black, or leaden black species. 4. 
Metallic green, blue, or coppery species, at 

least in part ti4, 

4. Legs entirely or in great part dark 5. 

Legs entirely or in great part testaceous 

or reddish-testaceous 11. 

5. Larger (5 to 675 mm.). Elytra with 

Tugse ; base of femora reddish testaceous . 6. 
Smuler (2'2 to 4 mm.). Legs entirely black 

or reddish-brown 7. 

0. Abdomen finely punctured tortvotus, sp. n., p. 324; 

Abdomen coarsely punctured mltk{mtn»i»23,va., p.324. 

STENUS. 321 

7. Elytra with distinct rug* behind; Ist 

joint of posterior tarsi longer than the 

last confluens Cam., p. 325. 

Elytra normally punctured ; 1st joint of 
posterior tarsi as long as the last 8. 

8. Basal segments of the abdomen with 

median keel »imlaensis, sp. n., p. 345. 

Basal segments of abdomen without 

median keel ; more or less crenulate .... 9. 

9. Thorax even, simply punctured 10. 

Thorax uneven, transversely rugulose .... iiu/ripes, sp. u., p. !i-i2. 

10. Abdomen more broadly bordered, finely 

and rather sparingly punctured annami/a Fauv., p. .'i4l. 

Abdomen narrowly bordered, moderately 
coarsely and moderately closely punc- 
tured fusoipes Gr., p. 343. 

11. Basal segments of the abdomen with 

median keel 12. 

Basal segments of the abdomen without 

median keel 18. 

1 2. First two joints of the antennas dark .... 13. 
First two joints of antennae light 18. 

13. Basal segments of' abdomen without 

lateral keels riiyicoUis Kr., p. 337. 

Basal segmtMits of abdomen with lateral 

keels 14. 

1 1 . Thorax distinctly sulcate. Larger (5 to 

r)-7."i mm.) lo. 

Thorax not sulcate. Smaller (3"3 mm.) . . catinaiiis Cam., p. 345. 
15. Elytra shorter than the thorax. Larger 

(5-75 mm.) venalor Fauv., p. ,328. 

Elytra as long as the thorax. Smaller [p. .327. 

(5 mm.) cltn-ivornh Scop., 

IB. Thickly pubescent species; 3rd joint of 
palpi testaceous ; anterior abdominal 

segments without lateral keels hirstitus, sp. n., p. 342. 

Normally pubescent species 17. 

1 7. First joint of posterior tarsi much longer 

than the last ; anterior abdominal seg- 
ment without lateral keel diffidens Cam., p. 320. 

First joint of posterior tarsi not longer 
than the last; anterior abdominal seg- [p. 337. 

ment with lateral keel chattet-jeei, sp. n., 

18. Thorax distinctly sulcate 19. 

Thorax not or scarcely sulcate 21. 

19. Sides of thorax crenulate. Larger (5 to 

6'5 mm.) rreiiicollis Epp., p. 327. 

Sides of thorax even. Smaller (3-3 to 
4 mm.) 20. 

20. Larger (4 mm.). Elytra a little longer 

than the thorax ; head more deeply 

bisulcate musicola, sp. n., p. 330. 

Smaller (8'3 mm.). Elytra as long as the 

thonix ; head feebly bisulcate morosus, sp. u., p. 339. 

21. Larger {4-3 to 4-5 mm.) 22. 

Smaller (2'5 to 3-76 mm.) 23. 

VOIw 1. Y 


22. Elytra n little longer than the tliorax; 

sculpture less coarse ; knees infuscate .. coftwj/i Fauv., p. 336. 
Jilytra as long aa the thorax ; sculpture 
coarser ; knees scarcely infiiseate comes Fauv., p. 336. 

23. Larger (3'2 to 3'75 mm.). Head narrower 

than the elytra at the widest part, these 

longer than the thorax peratus, sp. n,, p. 344. 

Smaller (2-5 mm.). Head as broad as the 
elytra at the widest part, these as long [p. 342. 

as the thorax inconipicutis, sp. n., 

24. Legs entirely black 26. 

Legs in part testaceous 30. 

25. Elytra with rugoi 26. 

Elytra simply punctured 28. [p. 335, 

26. Larger (•'»'2 ram.). Shining dark green .. oiriilitiHctvs Qhnnx^., 
Smaller (42 to 43 mm.) ' 27. [p. 326. 

27. Fore-parts blue-black ; abdomen black . . carinipennin Uurnli., 
Fore-parts. green ; abdomen bronze-greeu . cymieoiirens, sf. n , 

28. Fore-parts brassy 29. [p. 335. 

Fore-parts leaden-blue plumbeus, 8p, n., p. 339. 

[p. 330. 

29. Abdomen black semim'f/er, Champ., 

Abdomen distinctly bratsy aeratus, sp, n , p. 337. 

30. 1st joint of posterior tarsi distinctly longer 

than the last. Elytra with more or less 

distinct rugte .^1. 

1st joint of posterior tarsi not or sc.ircely 
longer than the last. Elytra without 
detinite ruKfo 34. 

31. Antennas reddish-testaceous, the apical 

joints more or less infuscate 32. 

AnteinisB dark pitchy-red 33. 

32. Abdomen black, scarcely aeneous; antennce 

long and slender, the penultimate joints 

much longer than broad ; elytra with [p. 333. 

less distinct rugee nii/rovirens Fauv., 

Abdomen green ; antenna; shorter, the 
penultimate joints not much longer than [p. 333. 

broad: elytra with strong oblique rugoa . ft;'(ic<ca<«« Champ., 

33. Larger (4'5 to 5-5 mm.). Hnght green, 

antennae long and slender ; sculpture [p. 331. 

of elytra less coarse anrichalceus Champ., 

Smaller, 4 mm. Dark green, antenme [p. 335. 

shorter; sculpture of elytra much coarser . auameniu, sp. n., 

34. 1st (visible) segment of the abdomen [p. 840. 

without keels riridescent, sp. n., 

1st (visible) segment of the abdomen with 
three distinct keels beesoni, sp. n., p. 346. 

369. StenuB kraatzi. (Fig. 71.) (PI. Ill, fig. 5.) 

iStmut kraatzi Bemh.*, Ent. Bliitt. vii, 1911, p 50. 
Stenun Udentatut Champ.*, E. M. M. Ivi, 1020, p. 170. 

Black, slightly shining, the elytra with a small round orange 
£pot in the middle of each at about the level of the middle 

STEMS. 323 

and posterior thirds. Antennae black, the 3rd to 6th joints 
darJi brown. Palpi reddish-testaceous, the 3rd joint extensively 
infuscate. Legs reddish-testaceous, the knees infuscate, 
tarsi black. Length 4-5 to 5 mm. 

Head a little narrower than the elytra, excavate, raised 
along the middle and sulcate on either side, the whole surface 
coarsely, closely rugosely punctured. Antennae reaching the 
base of the thorax, all the joints longer than broad. Thorax 
slightly longer than broad, widest about the middle, the sides 
rounded in front, more retracted and slightly emarginate 
behind, along the middle narrowly sulcate, the sculpture as 
on the head. Elytra about a third longer than the thorax 

Vig. 71. — Stemis 1im<itzi Bernli., apex of abdomen of c5' ; 
ventral surface. 

and very similarly punctured. Abdomen gradually narrowed 
from base to apex, the first four (visible) segments each with 
three strong keels, coarsely and very closely punctm-ed, more 
finely behind ; 7th dorsal segment with a slender spine on each 
side ; 7th ventral segment with a rather stout spine on cither 
side. First joint of posterior tarsi longer than the last. 
(J : 6th ventral segment rather deeply excised, the apex of the 
incision rounded ; 5th with the posterior margin broadly and 
slightly emarginate and crescentically impressed, the impression 
glabrous, the sides shortly keeled : middle tibiae with a minute 
black spur at the inner side of the apex. 

Simla Hills : Eagu ; Theog ; Kotgarh ; Narkanda. Chakrata 
district : Khedar and Korawa Khuds ; Kanassar. Mussoorie 
district. W. Almora, Kumaon, alt. 7000 to 9000 feet. 


370. Stenus tortuosus, $p. n. 

Black, moderately shining, the elytra with coarse, confluent, 
tortuous rugse. Antennae black, the 3rd to 6th joints reddish- 
testaceous. Palpi testaceous, the 3rd joint largely infuscate. 
Legs black, the base of the femora reddish-testaceous. Length 
6*75 mm. 

In size and build somewhat resembling S. bimacnlatus 
GylL, but in other respects quite different. Head distinctly 
narrower than the elytra, along the middle with a shining 
impimctate keel, on either side broadly impressed, coarsely 
and closely punctured, the interspaces feebly coriaceous. 
Antennae reaching the base of the thorax, all the joints longer 
than broad. Thorax scarcely longer than broad, widest 
about the middle, the sides rounded in front, straighter and 
more retracted behind, before the middle of the base with a 
short, shining keel, in front of this with a shallow sulcus, just 
behind the anterior border with an irregular plaque, the whole 
surface with a coarse, confluent, rugose sculpture, the irregular 
confluent rugae with a very fine ground-sculpture. Elytra a 
little longer than the thorax, uneven, with sharp, irregular, 
confluent, tortuous rugae separating large irregular punctures. 
Abdomen gradually narrowed from base to ajiox, the anterior 
segments transversely impressed at the base, the impressions 
closely and moderately coarsely punctured, the ifest more 
finely and less closely punctured to the apex, ground- sculpture 
indistinct ; penultimate segment on each side with a sharp 
spine, the last segment with a stout, pointed process on each 
side. First joint of the posterior tarsi longer than the last. 

S unknown. 

C!hakrata district : ChuUi Khud, alt. 8000 feet. 

371. Stenus sikkimensis. 

Stenus (s. str.) sihhimeneu Cam.,.\nn. Mng. TsaX. Hist. (10) ii, 1928, 
p. 559. 

Black, moderately shining ; thorax and elytra with coarse 
confluent rugae. Antennae pitchy, the first two joints black. 
Legs black, the base of the femora and the middle of the tibiae 
reddish-testaceous. Length 5 mm. 

Near 8. guynemeri Jacq. du Val, similarly coloured but 
less shining, the anteimae a little longer, the head broader, 
more broacSy excavated, with a small, scarcely elevated, smooth 
central plaque, more evenly punctured ; thorax longer, less 
uneven ; elytra with very similar but rather coarser sculpture ; 
abdomen much more closely and more coarsely punctured. 
Head nearly as broad as the base of the elytra, broadly 
excavated, scarcely elevated along the middle, in the centre 



, with a small impunctate plaque, otherwise closely and coarsely 
punctured. Antennae with all the joints longer than broad. 
Palpi testaceous, the 3rd joint black. Thorax a httle longer 
than broad, widest at the middle, a little more narrowed behind 
than in front, scarcely sulcate and scarcely impressed at the 
sides, with coarse confluent rugae and punctures. Elytra a 
little longer than the thorax, with coarse confluent rugse which 
tend to become vorticose on the middle of the disc and very 
coarse confluent punctures. Abdomen gradually narrowed 
from base to apex, closely and rather coarsely punctured, 
rather less coarsely behind. Last segment with a short 
spine on each side. 

One 9 example. 

Sikkim : Darjeeling, alt. 7000 feet, 11-20. Hi. 1924. 

Pig, I'i.—Stemia confiiieiis Cam., abdomen of c? 
ventral surface. 

372. Stenus conflnens. (Fig. 72.) 

Stenus (8. str.) conflwm Caw., E. Jf. M. liv, 1918, p. 102. 
Bronze-black, shining, with scarcely perceptible aeneous 
reflex on the fore-parts ; elytra behind with more or less 
transverse rugae. Antennae and legs black. Palpi with Ihe 
last two joints black. Length 4 mm. 


Near S. guynemeri Jacq. du Val., but smaller and less 
shining, the thorax less uneven, the legs differently coloured. 
Head narrower than the elytra, the lateral impressions broad 
and shallow, not much elevated along the middle, which behind 
has a short shining keel, the rest of the surface coarsely and 
closely punctured. AntennsD moderate, constructed as in 
guynemeri, all the joints longer than broad. Thorax scarcely 
longer than broad, widest just before the middle, the sides 
slightly rounded in front, straighter and more retracted behind, 
in the middle before the base with a shallow longitudinal 
sulcus and on each side with a small shining plaque, very 
coarsely and closely punctiu-ed. Elytra longer (7 : 5) than the 
thorax, uneven, in front coarsely and closely punctured, 
behind with subtransverse rugae and coarse, confluent punctures. 
Abdomen gradually narrowed from base to apex, the anterior 
segments more or less crenulate at the base, the first two 
segments moderately coarsely, closely punctured, the following 
much less coarsely but rather closely punctured. The fore- 
parts almost glabrous, the abdomen with whitish pubescence 
which is more evident at the sides. joint of the posterior 
tarsi much longer than the last. 

(J: 6th ventral segment broadly emarginato, the Ist to the 
5th feeblv impressed in the middle line throughout. 

Sikkim": Lebong, alt. 5000 feet (H. M. Lefroy). 

373. Stenug (s. str.) carinipennis. 

Stentis carimpennis Remli., \V. Z. B. Ixiv, 1014, p. 91. 

Belongs to the subgenus Stenus, s. str., and very distinct 
by the colour, sculpture, and structure of the posterior tarsi, 
and impossible to confuse with any known spectos. Black, 
shining ; head, thorax, and elytra blue-black. Head much 
broader than the thorax, but a good deal narrower than the 
elytra, broadly but not very deeply excavated, without distinct 
longitudinal impressions, closely, coarsely, and uniformly 
punctured all over. Antennae rather stout, shorter than the 
head and thorax together, the penultimate joints scarcely as 
long as broad. Thorax much narrower than the elytra, longer 
than broad, somewhat widened before the middle, distinctly 
narrowed and rounded to the base, coarsely, very deeply 
rugosely punctured except for a small space at the middle 
of the anterior margin, the raised interspaces confluent. 
Elytra about a third longer than the thorax, somewhat 
quadrangular, longer than broad, with angulate shoulders, 
more strongly and deeply punctured than the thorax, the 
interspaces, especially on the disc, considerably elevated 
and forming longitudinally confluent keels and tumid ridges. 
Abdomen extremely finely and not very thickly punctured, 

sTKxus. 327 

along the middle and behind sparingly punctured and very 
shining. Length 4-3 mm. 

Chambaganoor, Madura. Two examples (Donckier) (ex 

374. StenuB crenicollis. 

fitenuit crenicollis Kpp.*, W. E. Z. xiv, 189.J. p. 0-j. 

Stenus miicrumitus (Jluim)).*, Iv M. M. Ivi, li)20, |i. 171 (pi'ipoc). 

SteiiKs himiicruitiitiis CliRinp.*, id. lix, 10:i3, p. 180. 

Black, moderately shining. Antennae reddish-testaceous, 
the club blackish. Palpi testaceous. Legs reddish-testaceous, 
the knees and tarsi blackish. Length 4-75 mm. 

In btiild very similar to S. guynemeri Jacq. du Val, but less 
shining, the thorax less uneven, the elytra broader, and the 
sculpture different. Head a little narrower than the elytra, a 
little elevated along the middle and longitudinally impressed 
on each side, behind the insertion of the antennae with a small 
shining plaque, the rest of the surface closely, coarsely, and 
rugosely punctured. Antennae short, the 9th and 10th joints 
only slightly longer than broad. Thorax as long as broad, 
widest before the middle, the sides slightly rounded in front, 
straighter and more retracted behind, erenulate, the front 
margin distinctly elevated in the middle, in the middle with a 
broad sulcus abbreviated in front and behind, on each side 
lightly impressed, the whole surface very coarsely, closely, and 
rugosely punctured. Elytra at the suture as long as the 
thorax, at the sides a little longer, the sides rounded, the disc 
rather flat and punctured like the thorax. Abdomen a Uttle 
narrowed behind, flatly margined, deeply, closely, and coarsely 
punctured throughout. First joint of the posterior tarsi 
longer than the last. 

(j : 6th ventral segment triangularly excised. Posterior 
tibiae sinuate, with a small tooth at the inner side of the apex ; 
intermediate tibiae feebly sinuate. 

Simla (type). W. Almora, Kumaon (H. G. Champion). 

375. Stenus clavicornis. 

iS/fims fliimcoriiiD Soop., Mnt. Cam. ]7(i3, p. 100; Fniiv., l''iinu. 

Gnllo-lili^n. iii, 1872, p. 242; Gru^'I))., Kdf. Mitt. Kur. ii, 

18i).>, p. 5(U. 
Stenus atriconiis Stepli., 111. Brit. Ent. v, 18;>2, p, 294. 
Steniis honps (iyll.. ins. Suec. ii, 1810, p. 4(59; Thonis., Skand. 

Col. ii, 18(>0,"p. 2ir); Rev, Ann. Soo. Linn. Lyon, xxx, 1883, 

p. 234. 
Stenus hruimipes Gi-iinmer, Stoirin. Col. 1641, p. .'>;!. 
Stemis hnphthalmiiH Schronk, Hevtr. Naturg'. ] 77(), p. 72. 
Stcwis ranulictdatiis Steph., III. Brit. Eut. v, 1832, p 2'.>-l. 


Stenus eiciiidelaiilfs Ljungh in Web. iind Jlohr, Aivli. i ]S04 

p. 62. 
Stenus nigrkornis Steph,, 111, Hrit. I'liit. v. 1831', j). 29.1. 
Stenru punrtatusimus Ste])h., ibid. p. 293. 
Stenus simplex Kej', Aim. 8oc. Linn. Lyon, xxv, iMftS, p. 236 

Stenvs speeulntor BoL^d. et l^ac., Fnun. lint. Piii-i-i, i, 183o, \t. AJm ; 

!">., Kaf. Mark. Brand, i, 18;ii), p. .j4."); id., (ieii. Sj,pe. .Staph. 

1830 40, |). 70(> ; Kraatz, Nat. Ins. ])tiit,-cli. ii, 1H.")C) .^S, p. 761. 

Black, moderately shining. Anterior segments of the 
abdomen tricarinate at the base. Antennae dark, the 3rd to 
5th joints brownish. Palpi testaceous. Legsreddish-testaceous, 
the knees and tarsi blackish. Length 5 to 5-5 mm. 

Near S. venator Fauv., but a little smaller, similarly coloured, 
with the elytra as long as the thorax. Head as broad as the 
base of the elytra, longitudinally impressed on each side, the 
impressions slightly converging in front, along the middle 
slightly elevated, coarsely and very closely pimctured all over. 
Antennae moderate, the 9th and lOth joints slightly longer 
than broad. Thorax as long as broad, widest at the middle, 
the sides rounded and retracted in front, straightor and more 
strongly retracted behind, in the middle behind with a sulcus, 
the sculpture as on the head. Elytra as long as the thorax and 
similarly punctured. Abdomen gradually narrowed, the first 
four segments with distinct median keel at the base, on either 
side with a loss defined one, puncturation rather coarse and 
close anteriorly, gradually finer and more sparing behind. 
Apex with a short spine on each side. Fore-parts with short, 
white, scanty pubescence, the abdomen more distinctly 
pubescent. First joint of the posterior tarsi longer than the 

(J : Metasternum impressed along the middle and furnished 
with long pubescence, the apex of the mesosternal process 
more closely pubescent. 5th ventral segment impressed along 
the middle, the impression deeper behind and keeled at the 
sides, the adjacent posterior border lightly emarginate ; 6th 
almost smooth along the middle and deeply triangularly 
emarginate behind. Posterior femora a little thickened 
apically, the inner aspect oi the basal half furnished with rather 
long hairs. 

India, without further indication. A single 5 example in 
the British Museum. Widely distributed in the Palsearctic 

376. Stenus venator. 

Stenux venator Fauv.*, Hov. d'Enl. xiv, 180.', p. 208. 

Black, scarcely shining. Abdomen tricarinate on the basal 
segments. Antennae short, reddish-testaceous, the first two 

STE>us. 329 

and the last four joints blackish. Palpi testaceous, the 3rd 
joint infuscate. Legs reddish-testaceous, the knees and tarsi 
infuscate. Length 5-75 mm. 

Head narrower than the elytra at the base, broadly, rather 
deeply excavated on each side, broadly elevated along the 
middle, coarsely and rugosely punctured. Thorax longer than 
broad, nearly cylindrical, only slightly wider before the middle, 
distinctly sulcate along the middle, coarsely sculptured. 
Elytra shorter than the thorax, slightly transverse, on each 
disc with a broad shallow impression. Abdomen with the 
first four segments tricarinate, coarsely and closely punctured, 
especially at the bases of the anterior segments, more finely 
behind ; 7th segment with the lateral margin prolonged into 
a long sharp spine, 8th with a strong curved tooth on each side 
of the apical border. 

(J : 6th ventral segment deeply and narrowly excised, the 
apex of the excision rounded ; 5th crescentically emarginate, 
behind the emargination deeply impressed, the sides carinate, 
posteriorly glabrous, 2ud to 4th segments broadly, rather 
deeply, semicircularly impressed, the impressions on each side 
furnished with long yellow hairs. Femora stout, the po.sterior 
clothed internally with long yellow hairs. 

Burma: Carin Chcba ; Carin Ohecu, alt. 900 to 1400 
metres {L. Fea). 

^i77. Stenus diffidens. (Fig. 73.) 

Stniiis diffidens Uani., Trims. Kiil. ,Soc. Loud. l!»l-l, \). ■WO. 

Black, shining, abdomen bordered, with a median keel at the 
base of the first four visible .segments. Elytra ample, as broad 
as long. Antennae, legs, and palpi testaceous, the club of the 
former scarcely infuscate. Fourth joint of the tarsi simple. 
Length 2-8 mm. 

In the build of the fore-parts somewhat similar to 6'. bispinus 
Motach., but much less shining and quite distinct by its smaller 
size and the structure of the tarsi and abdomen. 

Head broad, about one-third broader than the thorax, 
narrower than the elytra, depressed on either side of the front 
which is elevated and more finely punctured than at the sides, 
where the puncturation is much stronger and closer. Antennae 
moderately long, not reaching the base of the thorax, all the 
joints longer than broad, the last three forming a club. Thorax 
about a fourth longer than broad, broadest at the middle, sides 
slightly rounded and equally narrowed in front and behind, 
rather coarsely and closely punctured : pubescence whitish, 
moderate. Elytra ample, convex, as long as the thorax and 
as broad as long, similarly punctured to the thorax. Abdomen 
gradually narrowed posteriorly, broadly margined, first four 



visible segments with a median keel, puncturation fine and 
close on the basal parts of the segments, much finer and more 
sparing on the apical parts, much closer on the last three 
segments, pubescence whitish, rather distinct. First joint of 
posterior tarsi longer than the last. 

Fig 73. — Steiius diffideiis Cam., apex of abdomen of c? ; 
ventral surface. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with acute triangular excision, the 
edges bevelled ; 5th more closely punctured and pubescent 
along the middle behind. 

Assam : Sadiya (Brit. Mus. Coll.). Naga Hills : Laimatak. 

;}78. Stenus seminiger. (P'ig. 74.) 

Utenitg nemiiwjer I'bamp.*, K. M. M. hi, 10:^t, p. 17). 

Rather shining, the head and thorax black with bronze- 
green reflex, the elytra bronze-green, the abdomen black. 
Antennae and legs black ; palpi with the 3rd joint and the 
greater part of the preceding black. Length 5 mm. 

In build very similar to 8. ater Mannh., but differently 
coloured and without a central keel on the basal segments of 
the abdomen: Head a little narrower than the elytra, broadly 
excavated and but slightly raised along the middle, coarsely, 
closely, and deeply punctured all over. Antennae short, not 
reaching the base of the thorax, the 9th and 10th joints only 
slightly longer than broad. Thorax scarcely longer than broad. 



widest about the middle, the sides rounded in front and rather 
distinctly emarginate behind, with a coarse, close, more or 
less confluent puncturation. Elytra (along the suture) about 
a third longer than the thorax, with a rather large basal callus, 
the sculpture very similar. Abdomen narrowed from base to 
apex, closely, moderately coarsely punctured and more or less 
orenulate at the bases of the anterior segments, less coarsely 
elsewhere, the apical segments rather closely and rather finely 
punctured. The fore-parts very sparingly pubescent, the 
abdomen more closely, especially at the sides. 

<J : 6th ventral segment with broad and deep triangular 
excision, the edges bevelled ; 5th with broad obtuse excision, 
broadly impressed along the middle nearly to the base of the 

Fig. 74. — Stfniis ^ennniijer Champ., apex of abdomen of cJ > 
ventral Hurfat-e. 

segment ; ith croscentically excised and with a much broader 
and deeper impression in the middle, almost reaching the 

Kumaon : W. Almora (H. O. Champion). Chakrata district : 
Kiedar Khud ; Bodyar. Simla Hills : Fagu ; Theog ; 
Kotgarh ; alt. 7000 to 8000 feet. 

37!). Stenus aurichalceus. ( l'"ig. 75. ) 

Stemts aurkhakem Champ.*, E. >I. M. Ivi, 1920, p. 172. 
Shining, dark green. Antennae black. Palpi black, the 



1st joint testaceous. Femora black, the base reddish- 
testaceous, tibiae reddish-testaceous, tarsi dark. Length 
4-5 to 5-5 mm. 

Head as broad as the elytra, deeply excavated and not raised 
along the middle, very coarsely and closely punctured. 
Antennae reaching the base of the thorax, all the joints longer 
than broad. Thorax slightly longer than broad, widest a little 
behind the middle, the sides rounded in front, emarginate 
behind ; in the middle before the base with a short sulcus, 
slightly obliquely impressed on each side, with coarse, close, 
more or less confluent punctures. Elytra about a third 

Fig. 75. 

-Steinis annrlmlcetis Cham])., apex of abdomen of J; 
ventral »arface. 

longer than the thorax, longer than broad, with coarse confluent 
punctures and obhque confluent rugae, especially at the sutural 
region. Abdomen narrowed from base to apex, moderately 
coarsely and closely punctured at the bases of the segments, 
finely and rather closely elsewhere, the last segment and 
posterior half of the preceding much less closely. Fore-parts 
almost glabrous, abdomen finely, moderately closely pubescent. 
First joint of posterior tarsi longer than the last. 

,J: 6th ventral segment deeply triangularly emarginate, 
the edges bevelled; 5th feebly emarginate and slightly 
impressed, the impression more closely pubescent. 



Kumaon : W. Almora ; Naini Tal ; Sundcrdhunga. Chakrata 
and Simla Hills. 

380. Stenus bracteatus. (Fig. 76.) 

Sfenus bructentiis Champ.*, Ji. M. M. Ivi, 1920, p. 173. 

Shining bright green, the abdomen less shining. Antennoe 
reddish-testaceous, infuscate towards the apex. Palpi testa- 
ceous, the 3rd joint infuscate. Legs testaceous, the apex 
of the femora more or less infuscate. Length 3-5 to 4-2 mm. 

Closely allied to 8. aurichalceus Champ., but smaller and of a 
brighter colour, the antennae diflferently coloured, the femora 

Pj>. 76. 

Sleiiiia hmrteatna Champ., apex of abdomen of J 
Tentral surface. 

much less deeply infuscate, the sculpture of the fore-parts 
not so coarse. In build and other respects similar. 

(J: 6th ventral segment crescentically emarginate; the 
6th a little flattened at the middle of the posterior margin, 
the flattened area more closely pubescent. 

Kumaon: W. Almora; Ranikhet (H. 0. Champion). Chak- 
rata district: Konain; Manjgaon. Mussoorie: Mossy Falls, 
alt. 6500 feet. 

381. Steans nigrovirens. (Fig. 77.) 

stenus niyrovireiis Fa'iv.*, Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 189"), p. 200. 
Stenus cupreoamus Champ.*, E. M. M, lis, 1923, p. 46. 

Moderately shining, the fore-parts green, the abdomen black. 

334 sTAi'iiyi,iNTi).E. 

scarcely aeneous. Antennae testaceous, the club infuscatc. 
Palpi with the 3rd joint infuscate. Legs testaceous, the 
apical half of the femora and the base of the tibiae slightly 
infuscate. Length 4 to 5 mm. 

In build somewhat similar to S. biguttatus, L., but smaller 
and narrower. Very near S. aurichalceus, Champ., but on the 
average a little smaller, less shining, the antennae (except the 
club) testaceous, the femora and tibiae less deeply infuscate, 
the head and thorax less coarsely punctured, the elytra with 
less strongly developed rugae, the abdomen scarcely greenish. 
Head as broad as the elytra, deeply excavated, not elevated 
along the middle, closely and coarsely punctured. Antennae 
reaching the base of the thorax, all the joints longer than 
broad. Thorax scarcely longer than broad, widest at the 
middle, the sides rounded in front, more retracted and omar- 
ginate behind, slightly, obliquely impressed on each side of 

Fig. T!.--Sfenus tngrarireiis Fanv., apex of abdomen of c? ; 
ventral surface. 

the middle, the sculpture more rugose than on the head, 
Elytra a little longer than the thorax, a little longer than broad, 
with coarse confluent punctures, behind with more or less 
confluent rugae. Abdomen narrowed from base to apex, 
at the bases of the segments moderately coarsely and closely 
punctured, elsewhere closely and finely punctured, the last 
segment more sparingly and less finely. Pubescence on the 
fore-parts sparing, more obvious on the abdomen. First 
joint of the posterior tarsi longer than the last. 

(J : 6th ventral segment deeply triangularly emarginate ; 
5th longitudinally impressed along the middle, with the posterior 
border slightly emarginate. 

Burma: Carin Cheba; Carin Asciuii Cheba, alt. 500 
to 1300 metres. Kumaon : Bodyar. Mussoorie : Keyarkuli, 
*It. 6000 feet. 

sTExrs. 335 

382. Stenus assamensis, sp. n. 

Shining dark green. Antennae pitchy-black, the chib scarcely- 
lighter. Palpi with the 3rd (except the extreme base) and 
4th joints black. Legs black, the base of the femora narrowly 
reddish-testaceous. Length 4 mm. 

Size and build of S. bracteatus, Champ., and of the same 
lustre, but of a much darker green colour, dark antennae 
and legs, coarser and more confluent sculpture of the thorax 
and elytra, the latter with stronger rugae ; in other respects 
the insects are similar. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with a large crescentic emargination 
with bevelled edges ; 5th in the middle behind more closely 
and finely punctured and pubescent than the rest of the 

Naga Hills : Kampison, alt. 6000 feet, in stream moss. 

1583. Stenus viriditinctus. 

Slemm rirulitinetus Champ.*, K. M. M. Ivi, K)i'0, p. 17i. 

Shining, dark green, here and there lighter in colour. 
Antennae and legs entirely black, the 2nd and 3rd joints of the 
palpi black. Length 5-2 mm. 

Build of S. aurichalceus Champ., but a little more robust 
and of a darker green colour, with entirely dark antennae and 
legs. Thorax not sulcate, lightly impressed on either side, more 
coarsely sculptured with coarser more or less transverse 
rugae, the elytra more coarsely punctvu'ed with coarser 
radiating rugae. Resembling in colour iS. assamensis, but 
larger and with entirely dark legs and antenna, the sculpture 
also is more like that of assamensis. 

(J : 6th ventral segment deeply triangularly emarginate. 

Kumaon : W- Almora, alt. 6000 feet ; Sunderdhunga, 
alt. 8000 to 12,000 feet {H. Q. Champion). 

'■iSA. Stenus cyaneovirens, sp. n. 

Shining green, the thorax and elytra more or less suffused 
with blue, the abdomen rather less shining, bronze-green. 
Antennae black, the club reddish-testaceous ; palpi with the 
2nd and 3rd joints black. Legs black. Length 4-2 mm. 

In build somewhat similar to 8. fascicuhtus Sahib. Closely 
allied to S. assamensis, of the same size and build, but more 
brightly coloured, with less coarsely .sculptured thorax and 
elytra and entirely black legs. Head as broad as the base of 
the elytra, broadly excavated between the eyes and not 
elevated along the middle, coarsely and closely punctured. 
Thorax as long as broad, widest at the middle, the sides rounded 

336 STAl'IiyLINlJ).'E. 

in front, more retracted and emarginate behind, distinctly 
obliquely impressed on each side at the middle, the sculpture 
coarse, confluent, and rugose. Elytra nearly a third longer 
than the thorax, coarsely and closely punctured, posteriorly 
with numerous oblique, confluent rugae. Abdomen narrowed 
from base to apex, at the bases of the segments rather coarsely 
and closely punctured, the rest much more finely but rather 
closely to the apex. Fore-parts glabrous, the abdomen 
finely and moderately closely pubescent. First joint of 
posterior tarsi longer than the last. 

(J: 6th ventral segment with rectangular excision, the 
margins not bevelled; 5th more thickly punctured and 
pubescent along the middle. 

Assam : Naga Hills, alt. 9000 feet. 

385. StenuB coUium. 

Slemi-t coUiiim l''aiiv.*, Upv. d'l")ut. xiv, IS!)."), p. '207. 

Black, scarcely shining. AntennsB short, yellow, the apical 
joints infuscate. Palpi reddish-yellow. Legs yellow, knees 
infuscate. Length 4-5 mm. 

In size and build somewhat resembling S. Sylvester Gr., 
but broader and less convex, the fore-parts more strongly 
and rugosely punctured, head a little broader and more deeply 
excavate, elytra broader and shorter, etc. Head as wide as the 
base of the elytra, broadly excavate, scarcely raised along the 
middle, coarsely, closely, rugosely punctured. Thorax scarcely 
longer than broad, the sides rounded and dilated in front, 
widest just before the middle, indistinctly impressed in the 
middle before the base, the sculpture as on the head. Elytra 
a little longer than the thorax, very slightly transverse, even, 
rather depressed, rugosely punctured, but rather less coarsely 
than the thorax. Abdomen gradually narrowed from base to 
apex, the anterior segments transversely impressed and 
crenulate at the base, finely and rather closely punctured and 
with a fine grey pubescence. 

(J unknown. 

Burma : Tenasserim, Thagata (L. Fea). 

386. StenuB comes. 

Stmtis comes I"auv.«, Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 207. 

Very similar to 8. coUium Fauv., but a little smaller, the 
elytra a Utile shorter and at once distinguished by the much 
coarser sculpture of the fore-parts and the less finely punctured 
abdomen. Length 4-3 mm. 

(J : 6th ventral segment feebly, subtriangularly emarginate. 

Burma : Tenasserim, Thagata (L. Fea). 

STENUS. 337 

387. Stenus rugicoUis. 

Stenus rugicoUis Kr.*, Arch. Naturg. xxv, 1859, i, p. 162. 

Black, ahining. Fore-parts very coarsely punctured ; the 
first four abdominal segments medially keeled at the base. 
Antennae with the first two and the last three joints pitchy, 
the intermediate ferruginous ; palpi testaceous. Legs tes- 
taceous, the knees narrowly infuscate. Length 3 mm. 

Smaller and narrower than S. Silvester Er., the frontal 
furrows deeper, more shining and more coarsely punctured, the 
thorax narrower and the elytra shorter. Head with frontal 
sulci rather deep, medially elevated, closely and coarsely 
punctured. Antennae rather short, the 9th and 10th joints 
transverse. Thorax slightly longer than broad, widest just 
before the middle, from thence almost equally retracted in 
front and behind, the whole surface covered with large, trans- 
versely confluent punctures, hence transversely rugose. 
Elytra scarcely as long as the thorax, as long as broad, similarly 
sculptured. Abdomen narrowed from base to apex, the bases 
of the anterior segments moderately finely, closely punctured, 
their apices almost impunctate, the last two segments finely 
and sparingly punctured. Pubescence scanty, white. 

(J unknown. 

R3corded from India, without further indication, 

38.S. Stenus chatterjeei, sp. n. 

Very near S. rugicoUis Kr., but differing in the following 
respects : the antennaj are shorter, reddish with the club black, 
the last joint of the palpi is infuscate, the thorax and elytra are 
less coarsely and less rugosely sculptured, the puncturation of 
the abdomen is stronger and extends to the posterior margins 
of the segments, the last two segments are much less finely and 
more closely punctured. The head is a little narrower than the 
elytra, thorax a little longer than broad, the elytra as long as 
the thorax. The first joint of the posterior tarsi as long as the 
last. Length 3 mm. 

cJ : 6th ventral segment with small triangular excision, the 
apex of which is rounded ; posterior tibiae with a small black 
spur at the inner side of the apex. 

Assam : Naga Hills, Laimatak. 

389. Stenus aeratus, sp. u. (Fig. 78.) shining brassy-black, the abdomen black, scarcely 
metallic. Antennae black. Palpi with the last joint and apical 
half of the preceding black. Legs black. Length 4-5 mm. 

In size and build not unlike 8. aaphaUimis Er. Head as 
bro^d as the elytra at the base, longitudinally impressed on 

TOL. I. z 



each side and elevated along the middle, coarsely and rather 
closely punctured. Antenna; slender, the penultimate joints a 
little longer than broad. Thorax a little broader than long, 
"widest just before the middle, the sides rounded in front, a little 
emarginate and more retracted behind ; in the middle 
posteriorly with a shallow sulcus, on each side of the middle 
with a small shining plaque ; the sides very feebly impressed, 
coarsely and clo.sely punctured. Elytra nearly a third longer 
than the thorax, not quite so coarsely and distinctly less 
closely punctured. Abdomen gradually narrowed from base 
to apex, the anterior segments with a small median basal keel, 

Fig. 78. — Steinis aeratui, apex of abdomen of c? ; ventral surface. 

closely and rather coarsely punctured on the anterior segments, 
gradually more finely but not less closely behind ; pubescence 
white and close, especially at the sides ; the fore-parts much 
more sparingly pubescent. First joint of the posterior tarsi 
longer than the last. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with shallow crescentic emargina- 
tion, the surface in front flattened along the middle ; 5th 
feebly emarginate, impressed throughout the middle ; 4th 
very slightly impressed in the middle at the posterior niorgini 
Chakrata district: ChulU Khud, Deoban, alt. 8000 to 
9300 feet. Simla HiUs: Tabratach, alt. 10,000 feet 

sTKxrs. 339 

390. Stenus plumbeus, sp. n. 

Rather shining, black, with distinct bluish reflex. Antemue 
and legs black. Palpi with the last two joints black. Length 
4-2 mm. 

Very near »S'. aeratus, but a little narrower and quite 
differently coloured, being of a leaden-blue hue ; the thorux 
is less dilated in front, the puncturation of the fore-parts is 
finer, especially on the eh'tra, where it is also closer. In i'.ll 
other respects the two insects are similar. 

^ imknown. 

Chakrata district : Chulli Khud, alt. 8000 feet. 

o!il. Stenus musicola, sp. ii. 

Black, shining ; thorax suleatc. Antennsse, palpi, and legs 
reddish-brown, the club of the former, the 3rd joint of the 
palpi, and the apex of the femora broadly blackish. Length 
4 mm. 

Very near 8. fossidatus Er., but a little smaller, the antennae 
with lighter base, the thorax deeply sulcate, the elytra more 
deeply impressed, and the abdominal puncturation much 
coarser. Head a little narrower than the elytra at the widest 
part, broadly and superficially bisulcate, elevated, convex 
sind smooth in the middle, otherwise coarsely, closely, rugosely 
punctured. Antennae slender, reaching the base of the thorax. 
Thorax as broad as long, widest at the middle, the sides 
rounded in front, straighter and more retracted behind, along 
the middle deeply and broadly sulcate, the sulcus abbreviated 
lu front and behind, coarsely, closely, rugosely punctured like 
the head. Elytra at the suture a little longer than the thorax, 
•scarcely broader than long, deeply longitudinally impressed 
within the shoulders, coarsely and closely punctured, rugose, 
the rugiB chiefly longitudinal. Abdomen narrowed from base 
to apex, strongly bordered, closely and coarsely punctured, 
less coarsely but nearly as closely behind. Fourth tarsal 
joint lightly bilobed ; 1st joint of posterior tarsi much longer 
than the last. 

Simla Hills : Kotgarh, alt. 7000 feet. 

392. Stenus morosus, sp. n. 

Black, moderately shining. Antennae reddish-brown, the 
club black. Palpi with the 2nd and 3rd joints testaceous at 
the base. Legs reddish-brown. Length 3-3 mm. 

In build, size, and general aspect very similar to S. alpicola 
Fauv., but the antennae are longer, the head broader, the 
elytra a little shorter and less parallel, and the puncturation 
•coarser. Head as broad as the elytra, slightly, broadly excavate 




on each side of the slightly raised median region, coarsely and 
closely punctured all over. Antennae moderate, the last three 
joints very slightly longer than broad. Thorax scarcely broader 
than long, widest at the middle, the sides evenly rounded, in 
the middle sulcate, the sculpture as on the head. Elytra at 
the suture as long as the thorax, slightly widened behind, 
uneven, the sculpture as on the thorax, but with a tendency 
to confluence here and there. Abdomen narrowed from base 
to apex, the anterior segments coarsely and closely punctured, 
gradually finer and a little more sparing behind. First joint 
of the posterior tarsi longer than the last. 

$ : 6th ventral segment with a small triangular excision ; 
middle tibiae with a minute black spur at the inner aspect of 
the apex. 

Simla Hills : Fagu ; Kotgarh. Chakrata district : Konain, 
alt. 7000 to 8000 feet. 

Fig. 79. — Stemn virideaceni, abdomen of (^ j rentral snrfaco. 

393. Stenus viridescens, sp, n. (Fig. 79.) 

Moderately shining, olive-green. Antennae reddish, the- 
club black. Palpi with the 2nd joint slightly, the 3rd more 
deeply infuacate. Legs reddish, the knees and tarsi darker. 
Length 3-5 mm. 

STENUS. 341 

In build resembling S. buphthalmtia Gr., but differing in all 
other respects. Head as broad as the elytra at the base, 
distinctly elevated along the middle and longitudinally 
impressed on each side, very coarsely and closely punctured. 
Antennae short, the 9th and lOth joints transverse. Thorax 
as long as broad, widest at the middle, the sides rounded in 
front, straight but equally retracted behind, in the middle 
with a distinct sulcus abbreviated in front, the sides not 
impressed, the sculpture rather coarser than that of the head. 
P^lytra a little longer and broader than the thorax, with coarse, 
close, somewhat confluent puncturation, but without oblique 
rugae. Abdomen narrowed from base to apex, coarsely and 
closely punctured on the first two segments, gradually becoming 
less coarse and Jess close behind. First joint of the posterior 
tarsi as long as the last. 

(J : (5th ventral segment with acute triangular excision, the 
edges scarcely bevelled, • the 1st to 5th with semicircular 
impression before the posterior border, which is also slightly 
emarginatc on the first four segments. 

Chakrata district : Manjgaon ; ChuUi and Khedar Khuds, 
alt. 6500 to 7500 feet. A small example (2-75 mm.) from 
West Almora (Dhaub China) may represent a local race of 
this species, and may be distinguished as var. almorensia. 

•MH. Stenus annamita. 

'S/eiiiis lumnmila Fauv., Rev. d'Knt. xiv, 1895, p. 20", 

Black, rather shining ; abdomen without keels at the base 
of the anterior segments, but more or less crenulate. Antennae, 
last three joints of the palpi and legs black. Length 3 to 3 -3 mm. 

Near 8. Tnendicus Er., but narrower, the thorax narrower, 
less rounded at the sides, pimcturation coarser throughout, 
and on the abdomen less close. Head narrower than the 
elytra, rather superficially sulcato on each side, slightly 
elevated along the middle, coarsely and deeply punctured 
all over. Antemwe short, the 9th joint scarcely longer than 
broad, the 10th short, as long as broad. Thorax as long as 
broad, widest at the middle, the sides gently and evenly 
rounded, not sulcato, but occasionally with a narrow shining 
line, the sculpture as on the head. Elytra about a third 
longer than the thorax, similarly punctured. Abdomen 
gradually narrowed from base to apex, rather sparingly and 
moderately finely punctured throughout. The whole insect 
with a Ime, moderately long, sparing white pubescence. 
First joint of posterior tarsi not longer than the last. 

<J : 6th ventral segment feebly, obtusely emarginate. 

Burma : Teinzo. Assam : Shugnu. Khandesh. Poona. 
Ceylon : Maturata ; Dikoya. Also in Sumatra and Annam. 


3!i.5. Stenus nigripes, sp. n. 

Closely allied to S. ammmita Fauv., and onlv differing in the 
following points : less shining, the thorax witli distinct smooth 
median line, the sculpture closer, more or leas confluent and 
transversely rugose ; elytra more closely punctured : abdomen 
less finely and more closely pimctured^ the apex with a short 
sharp spine on each side." 

(J unknown. 

Central Provinces: Rahatgaon, Hoshangabad {S. N. 

39(). Stenus hirsutus. ^i). n. 

Leaden-black, moderately shining, thicklv covered with a 
rather long grey pubescence. Abdomen with median basal 
keel on the anterior segments. Antennae testaceous, the club 
mfuscate. Palpi and legs testaceous. Length 3 mm. 

Colour and pubescence of S. wasmanni Fauv., but much 
smaller, with bordered abdomen, etc., size and build more 
resembling S. incanus Er., but of leaden hue, more thickly 
pubescent, head larger, elytra shorter and more am])le. Head 
narrower than the elytra, deeply and rather narrowly sulcate 
on each side, elevated along the middle, moderately coarsely, 
rather closely punctured all over. Anteimae not reaching the 
base of the thorax, the 9th and lOth joints scarcely longer 
than broad. Thorax scarcelj- broader than long, slightly 
wider before the middle, the sides feebly rounded in front, 
more retracted and straight behind, in "the middle for the 
posterior half with a smooth shining line ; puncturation 
coarser and deeper than on the head. Elytra one-fourth 
longer than the thorax, ample, convex, the sculpture rather 
coarser. Abdomen narrowed from base to apex, broadly 
margmed, the first four segments with a little median basal 
keel, puncturation fine and moderately close throughout. First 
jomt of posterior tarsi longer than the last. 

cJ: 6th ventral segment wth small, acute, triangular excision, 
the margins bevelled; 5th in the middle behind a little 
flattened, with rather thicker pubescence than elsewhere. 

SiwaUks : Lachiwala, Mussoorie district, alt. 3000 to 
6000 feet. Assam: Naga Hills, Laimatak. Burma : Tenasserim : 

397. Stenus inoonspicuus, sp. u. 

Black, shining, acuminate behind. Head large. AntennsB 
and legs testaceous, the club of the former infuscate. Palpi 
testaceous the 3rd joint scarcely infuscate. Length 2 5 mm. 

sTExrs. 343 

In general facies much resembling S. vafdlm Er., but at 
once distinguished by the colour of the legs, etc. Head 
broader than the elytra, slightly impressed on each side and 
slightly elevated along the middle, coarsely, closely, and 
rugosely punctured all over. Antennae short, not reaching the 
base of the thorax, the 9th and 10th joints scarcely longer than 
broad. Thorax scarcely broader than long, widest before the 
middle, the sides rounded in front, straighter and more 
retracted behind, the sculpture as on the head. Elytra as 
long as, but a little broader than, the thorax, very similarly 
sculptured. Abdomen gradually narrowed from base to apex, 
coarsely and closely punctured at the bases of the anterior 
segments, much more finely, but rather closely elsewhere, the 
last two segments with a fine ground-sculpture. The whole 
insect very sparingly pubescent. First jouit of the posterior 
tarsi longer than the last. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with a small crescentic emargination. 

Simla Hills : Matiana ; Theog ; Kotgarh. Chakrata district : 
Konain, alt. 7000 to 8000- feet. 

398. StenuB fuscipes. 

ateuii.'i fum/ws (h-., Col. Micr. Bninsv. 1802, p. 157; Ei-., Kaf. 
-Miu-k. Bniud. 1, lti37-:ii) (l8;ji)j p. nr,r> ; Ufii. Spec. fStapb. 
I«;J» 10, p. 7J0; Kr., ^ttt. lii,>. DeutK-h. ii, IriSO-SK, p. 772; 
Tlioiiw., Skand. Col. ii, 1800, p. 22o : ix, 18()7, p. lOo ; Knuv., 
b'liiiii. (TMllo-lUien. iii, 1872, p. 2.")S) , Ucv, Ami. Soc. Linn. Lvou, 
x.\^, 18H:i, p: .-503; (iniiglb., Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 18i)5, p. "."i) 


Mciiii.1 i/rt/i/ro!,/„i/,u Steph., 111. Bi-it Eut. v, 18:!2, p. 288. 
>S/eiMs ainiiif/cr Motsch., Bull. Mosc. x.\x, 1857, iv, p. 513. 
tileuwi cm n'pes fcjteph., I, c. p. 28rx 
Sti'ims Icmoiellux Zctt., Ins. Lapp. 18:i.S, p. 71. 
Steniiffitlmpcs Hoisd. et Lac, Faun. Ent. Par. i, 1835, p. IKi. 
•Stoms nlf< Kr., Arch. Naturfr. xxv, 185!), i, p. I6l'. 

Rather convex, black, moderately shining. Anterior seg- 
ments of the abdomen irregularly crenulate at the base, the 
sides very finely bordered. Antennse and last three joints of 
the palpi black. Legs dark reddish-brown. Length 2-2 
to 2-5 mm. 

Head as broad as the elytra, broadly and feebly impressed 
on each side, in the middle but little elevated, closely and 
coarsely punctured all over. Antennae short, the 9th and 10th 
joints as long as broad, the 11th a little longer than broad. 
Thorax as long as broad, ^^adest at the middle, the sides rounded 
in front, straighter and more retracted behind, the sculpture 
very similar to that of the head. Elytra slightly longer than 
the thorax, convex, even, similarly punctured. Abdomen 



subcylindrical, a little narrowed behind, the sides very finely 
bordered, the bases of the anterior segments crenulate, 
moderately coarsely and rather closely punctured, more finely 
and sparingly behind. First joint of the posterior tarsi a 
little longer than the last. The whole insect covered with 
short, sparing, white hairs. 

iS ■ 6th ventral segment slightly emarginate. 

'• Ind. or." 

I have not seen Indian examples of this insect, which is 
widely distributed in Europe. 

399. Stenus peratus, sp. n. (Fie;. 8u.) 

Moderately shining, black. Thorax obsoletely sulcate. 
Antennoe, palpi, and legs reddish-yellow, the club of the former 
scarcely infuscate. Length 3-2 to 3-75 mm. 

Near S. argus Gr., but with diifcrently coloured antennae 
and logs, and rugose sculpture, the abdomen more coarsely 

Fig. 80. — Steniis perahte. apei of abdomen of c? ; ventral snrfaoe. 

and closely punctured. Head a little narrower than the elytra 
at their widest part, feebly, broadly bisulcate, slightly raised 
and convex along the middle, rather coarsely, closely, somewhat 
mgosely punctured. Antennae slender, reaching the base of 
the thorax. Thorax as long as broad, widest at the middle 

STENT'S. 345 

the sides rounded in front, straight and more retracted beliind, 
not or obsoletely sulcate along the middle, the sculpture more 
rugose than that of the head. Elytra at the suture as long as 
the thorax, as long as broad, scarcely impressed, less coarsely 
but similarly punctured. Abdomen narrowed from base to 
apex, rather strongly bordered, moderately coarsely, closely 
punctured in front, less coarsely and more sparingly behind. 
JTourth joint of tarsi lightly bilobed ; 1st joint of posterior 
tarsi longer than the last. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with rounded excision. 

Simla Hills. Chakrata district : Konain : Kanasar, alt. 7000 
to 8000 feet. 

400. Stenus simlaensis, s\\ n. 

Entirelv black, scarcely shining. Antenna), legs, and last 
three joints of the palpi black. Length 2-2 to 3 mm. 

Near S. rarbonarius Gyll., but much narrower and with 
smaller head, the lustre and sculpture very similar. Head 
scarcely broader than the thorax, distinctly narrower than the 
elytra, distinctly, rather narrowly sulcate on each side, along 
the middle broadly elevated, the whole surface coarsely and 
closely punctured. Antennae short, extending but little 
beyond the base of the head, the 8th joint moniliform, the 9th 
and 10th slightly transverse. Thorax slightly transverse, 
widest at the middle, the sides almost evenly rounded from 
base to apex, narrowly and superficially sulcate along the 
middle, at least behind, the sculpture as on the head, but more 
or less confluent at the base. Elytra longer (5 : 4) than the 
thorax, the sculpture rather coarser, more or less confluent 
about the suture. Abdomen gradually narrowed from base 
to apex, the first three segments with a little keel at the middle 
of the base, the anterior segments rather coarsely and closely 
punctured, gradually finer but scarcely less close behind. 
Pubescence short and fine, more evident on the abdomen. First 
joint of the posterior tarsi as long as the last. 

Simla Hills : Fagu ; Theog ; Gahan. Chakrata district : 
Khedar, Korawa and Dodora Khuds ; Kanasar, alt. 7000 
to 8000 feet. 

401 . Stenus carinatus. 

dteiiics (Nestiis) carinaUia Cum., Trans. I'liit. Soc. JjOiid. ]144, 
p. 6:«. 

Black, shining, puncturation of the fore-parts coarse, more 
or less transversely confluent on the thorax. Abdomen 
pointed, margined, the first three visible segments each with 
three distinct keels at the bases, 4th with a smaller median 
keel only, the segments rather closely punctured in the basal 


depressions, much less closely towards the apical borders. 
Palpi and legs testaceous, the extreme apices of the femora 
brownish. Antennae with first seven joints brownish-testaceous, 
the rest blackish. Fourth joints of tarsi simple. Length 
3 3 mm. 

In size and build almost exactly similar to (S'. tricarinatus 
Kr., but easily distinguished by the carinate, margined 
abdomen and the simple 4th tarsal joints. 

Head a little broader than the thorax, not so broad as the 
elytra, impressed on cither side of the front, elevated in the 
centre, coarsely punctured all over without any smooth 
space. Antennae rather short, 1st and 2nd joints of equal 
length, 3rd to 7th longer than broad, graduallj' decreasing in 
length, 8th but little longer than broad, 9th to 11th forming a 
club. Thorax convex, a little longer than broad, widest at 
the middle, sides rounded and equally narrowed in front and 
behind ; puncturation coarse, close, and rugose, more or less 
transversely confluent on the disc, without depressions. Elytra 
ample, very slightly broader than long, and about as long as 
the thorax, puncturation as coarse as on the latter, but not 
confluent. Abdomen distinctly pointed, the first three visible 
segments each with three distinct keels, one median and one 
on either side, the 4th with a single median kee) ; bases of 
the segments closely, but much more finely jnincturcd than 
the fore-parts, the apices yet more finely and sparingly jjunc- 
tured ; pubescence grey, scanty. 

(J unknown. 

Ceylon : Kandy. 

402. StenuB beesoni, sp. n. 

Black, shining, with slight greenish reflex. Antennae reddish, 
the club black. Palpi testaceous, the 3rd joint infuscate. 
Legs reddish-testaceous, the knees narrowly infuscate. Length 
2-75 to 3 mm. 

In size and build not unlike 8. opticus Gr. Head as broad as 
the base of the elytra, rather deejily suleate on each side and 
raised along the middle, coarsely and closelj- punctured. 
Antennae short, the 9th and 10th joints slightly transverse. 
Thorax as long as broad, widest at the middle, evenly rounded 
and retracted in front and behind, distinctly suleate along 
the middle behind, the sculpture a little coarser than on the 
head. Eljrtra as long as the thorax, similarly punctured. 
Abdomen narrowed from base to apex, the first three segments 
each with three basal keels, closely and rather coarsely punc- 
tured throughout, less closely on the last two segments. The 
whole insect covered with a short and sparing pubescence^ 
First joint of posterior tarsi a little longer than the last. 

. STENUS. 347 

(J: 6th ventral segment with a very small, scarcely angulate 

Chakrata distriet : Sainj, Manjgaon and Khedar Khuds ; 
Bangar. Mussoorie distriet. Assam: Naga Hills, alt. 500*> 
to 7500 feet. 

403. Stenus lugubris, sp. n. 

Black, subopaque, coarsely punctured throughout. Antcnnse 
and legs black. Palpi with the 3rd joint black. Length 
4-8 mm. 

Near S. lepidus Wsp., but larger, the head broader, the 
punctiiration throughout coarser and the legs entirely black. 
Head as broad as the base of the elytra, rather deeply and 
narrowly impressed on each side and broadly raised along the 
middle, the whole surface closely and coarsely punctured. 
Antennae short, not reaching the base of the thorax, the 9th 
and loth joints slightly transverse. Thorax a little longer 
than broad, widest at the middle, the sides evenly rounded in 
front and behind, in the middle rather broadly supertieially 
sulcate, scarcely impressed at the sides, with very coarse, 
more or less confluent, rugose sculpture. Klytra at the suture 
a little longer than the thorax, longitudinally impressed within 
the shoulders, the senlptiu-e as on the thorax. Abdomen 
cylindrical, extremely finely bordered, gradually narrowed 
from base to apex, closely and only a little less coarsely punc- 
tured than the elytra throughout ; 8th segment (Oth visible) 
with a backwardly directed spine on each side ; last ventral 
plate with short inwardly curved spine on each side. First 
joint of posterior tarsi shorter than the last, the 4th slightly 

(J unknown. 

India, without further indication {Brit. Ahi.s.). 

Key to the Species o/ Hyposteniis t. 

1. Abdomen bicoloroiis 2. 

Abdomen unicolorous 4. [p. •!•")-• 

2. Elytrn entirely testaceous fitkescens Motscli.. 

Ji^lytra not entirely testacenus 3. 

3. Elytra black, witli liirpe subovnte yellow 

marking on each '. pulelier ilotsdi., p. •'i")0. 

Elytra black, the shoulders, and u »mui11 
spot on each side of the suture behind, 

testaceous iiiciva Motsch., p. 3.")!. 

f Stenus pilifenis Motsch. If. unknown to me, and not included in the key. 


4. Elytra dark, with yellow or orange 

marking;!) o. 

Elytra iinicolnrous 16. 

5. Elytra each v/ith a large round spot fi. 

Elytra otherwise marked 8. 

6. Head completely excavated, without eleva- 

tion in th« middle 7. 

Head with distinct shining:, raised, median [p. 356. 

keel flavBstiyma, sp. n., 

7. Head broader, in the middle with an 

irregular, .'shining:, iuipunctato space; [p. 8-)6. 

elytial spot smaller iii'H/«era^Ms Motsfh., 

Head narrower, without median smooth I p. 355. 

space ; elytral spot larger riifoplaytatm Ohamp., 

8. Each elytron with a round orange spot . . i> 

Elytra otlierwiso marked VZ. [p. 354. 

9. Head with a smootli median eUn atioii. . . . /mstulatus Hcrnli., 
Head umt'onnly punctured lO. 

10. First tliree joints of anteniiie reddish- 

testaceous, the rest int'uscate ; posterior [p. 354. 

femora intuscate rentricosus Fauv., 

Anteiinfe reddish-testaceous, tlie club in- 
fuscate ; femora testaceous 11, 

11. Less shining ; elytral spot laiger and 

brighter. J : middle and posterior tibiae [p. .'!53. 

with n small spur internally near the apex . rtijpuntiims sp. n.. 
More shining ; elytral s])ot smaller and 

duller, c^ : tibite without spur yidtalis Fauv., ^. :i5'2. 

12. Elytra each with a narrow oxal yellow [p. 357. 

sput himttlayicus Beruli., 

Eljtia otherwise marked 13. 

13. Each elytrtm with a broad yellow fascia 

extending from the ba.'-e to the posterior 

margin and widened beliind, oulv the [p. 359, 

reflexed margin and sutural region tlnck . Jlexuosus Champ., 
Elytra otherwise marlied 14. 

14. Each elytron witli a seeuritbrni testaceous 

spot extending from the posterior margin 
to the anterior third. Thorax with two 
little tubercles on the disc, I^ong and 

slender species signifer Fauv., p. 359. 

Each elytron with a submarginal fascia 
extending backwards from the shoulder. 
Thorax without tubercles ; more robust 
species 16. 

15. The submarginal fascia not quite reaching 

the posterior margin. Elytra and abdo- [p. 360. 

men more coarsely and closely punctured. Jlavovittatus Champ., 
The submarginal fascia reaching the 
posterior margin and extending along it 
towards the suture. Elytra and abdomen 
more finely and less closely pimctured . , sinuatus, sp. n., p. 860. 

16. Thorax in both sexes with a large laterally 

compressed, erect tubercle in flie middle, [p. 361, 

with bifid apex tuberculttollit, sp. n., 

Thorax without such structure 17. 

STENCS. 349 

17. Biiso of tho antennse black or pitchy .... 18. 

]{ase of tlie iinteimai testaceous or reddisL- 

tebtaceous 20. 

IH. First two joints of anteniiic diuk 19. [ji. JWO. 

First .joint ouly dark monumerus rau\., 

19. joint of palpi t^.^tacemis, the follow- [p. 375. 

iiig black cribellntus Motscli., 

Palpi testaceous, tlie .'ird joint scareel.v [p. [\iM. 

infuscate ". planifron« Fauv., 

20. Antennse sliort, the penultimate joints not 

or but little longer broad I'l. 

Antennai long and slender, tlie penulti- 
mate joints much longer than broad .... 27. 

21. Head at the base with three raised im- 

punctato plaques 22. 

Head without such plaque.s 23. 

22. More shining, leas pubescent, more 

coarsely punctured ; the shining plaques [p. 380. 

on head larger tricavmntim ICr., 

Less shining, moi-e pubescent, loss coarsely 
punctured ; the shining plaques on head [p. 381. 

usually smaller microeephaltis Bernh., 

23. Larger {5'5 mm.) hmimnus Fauv., p. 303. 

Smaller (2-6 to 3-6 mm.) 24. 

24. Larger (3'5 mm,). Facies of S. similia [p. 376. 

Hbst eeylonicus Bernh., 

Smaller (2'6 to 3 mm.). Facies of S.furni- 
cattis Staph 25. 

25. Thorax in middle with a short shining line. Jistitloms Ben., p. 381 . 
Thorax without sliining line 20. 

20. Puncturation of head and thorax coarser 

and closer acuminatus Kr., p. .'!79. 

Puncturation of head and thorax less [p 379. 

coarse and less close lacertoides Niet., 

27. Head more or less bisulcate and more or les.s 

elevated along the middle 28. 

ll(!ad completely excavated, witliout or 
with scarcely perceptible elevation in the 
middle 39. 

28. Head uniformly punctured all over 29. 

Head with mure or less distinct shining 

median space or line 35. 

29. Apex of abdomen with two spines 30. 

Apex of abdomen without .spines 32. 

30. Aodomen thii-kly pubescent 31. 

Abdomen sparingly pube^cent buiicornis Kr., p. 385. 

31. Larper (4-75 mm.). More shining, more [p. 304. 

coarsely punctured bisjnnus Motsch., 

Smaller (4 mm.). Less shining j more 
finely punctured gaatralis Fauv., p. Srs. 

32. Larger (5'5 to 6 mm.). More shining; 

thorax distinctly longer than broad .... 33. 
Smaller (4*6 to 5 mm.). Less shining ; 

thorax slightly longer than broad 34. [p. 305. 

33. More finely punctured throughout cmlogaster Champ., 

Less finely punctured throughout periimiliis, sp. n.,p. 367 

850 STAPHlXlNlDjB. 

34. 4th and 5th abdominal segments rather 

strongly and closely punctured. Less [p. 37(5. 

shining, more pubescent wasmanni Faiiv., 

4th and 6tb abdominal segments finely and 
sparingly punctured. Wore shining, less 

pubescent contors I^'iniv., p. 377. 

35. Largisr (6 to 7 mm.). Apex of femora fp. 3(52. 

broadly infuscate Iturseonijinm IJernli., 

Smaller (<> to 6 mm.). Legs entirely testa- 
ceous ."50. 

3B. Thorax nearly twice as long as broad; 

puncturation superficial sfrpcna Ben., p. 374. 

Thorax about one-fourth longer than 
broad ; punctui'ation deep 37. 

37. Fifth abdominal segment scarcely more 

finely or less closely punctured than the 
preceding. Species more closely punc- 
tured fi-atev, ap. n., p. 370. 

Fifth abdominal segment obviously more 
finely and more sparingly punctured 
than the preceding. Species less closely 
pnnctured 38. 

38. More shining, leps pubescent mtidulus Onm., p. 373. 

Less s-liining, more pubescent anyusttcolha Ep])., 

39. Very narrow, slender spt'cina, the ;\bdo- l^p. 371. 

men not very closely punctvived Imrbnfiis Niot., p. 373, 

More robust, abdomen closely punctured . •)(). 

( millqnincttts J'auv., 

40. More closely and finely punctured iuecies . ^ „ .,. ,, i-V' • ' • 

( [p. 309. 

Less closely and less finely j)unctured Fji. 3(i9. 

species awlrewcsi Fauv., 

404. Stenus (Hypostenus) pulcher. (Fig. 81.) 
Htcnus piik/ier Motsch., Et. Ent. T8.")9, p. 7 1 . 

Shining ; head and thorax black ; elytra with a large orange- 
yellow spot occupying the greater part of the dorsal surface, 
the base, suture, apical and reflexed margins black ; abdomen 
with the 1st, 5th, and 6th segments black, the rest red. An- 
tennae testaceous, the apical half infuacate. Palpi testaceous. 
Legs reddish-testaceous, the knees infuscate. I.«ngth 6 to 
7 mm. 

Head broader than the base of the elytra, deeply longitu- 
dinally sulcate on each side, in the middle with a broad, smooth, 
elevated area throughout, the rest of the surface coarsely and 
closely punctured. Anteimae long and slender. Thorax longer 
than broad, widest at the middle, the sides rotmded in front, 
straighter behind, more coarsely punctured than the head. 
Elytra at the suture scarcely longer than the thorax, about as 
long as broad, similarly punctured. Abdomen cylindrical, 
narrowed behind, the anterior segments constricted at the 



base, the base of the 1st segment rather closely, moderately 
finely punctured, elsewhere finely and very sparingly punc- 
tured ; the apex -without spines. First joint of the posterior 
tarsi as long as the four following together. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with deep, nearly parallel excision, 
the apex rounded, the sides not bevelled ; 4th deeply impressed 

Fig. 81.— Sleims {Ilypostenus) indcher, abdomen of c? ; ventral sm-face. 

behind in the middle, the margins carinate, the posterior 
border adjacent emarginate. 

Ceylon : Madulsima ; Kandy ; Dikoya. Nilgiri Hills. Also 
in Java. 

405. Stenus (Hypostenus) pictus. 

!ite>ms /nrlus Motsch., Bull. Mosc. xxx, 1857, iv, p. olo. 
Ili/pnstenun paiterinus Champ.*, E. M. M. Ix, 1924, p. 100. 

Shining, head black (occasionally narrowly red along the 
middle, occasionally entirely red), thorax reddish-testaceous ; 
elytra black, the shoulders and a narrow mark behind on each 
side of the suture red ; abdomen reddish-testaceous, the last 


three segments black. Antennae, palpi, and legs yellow. 
Length 5 mm. 

Head narrower than the elytra, rather deeply impressed on 
each side, impimctate and raised along the middle, elsewhere 
rather coarsely and closely pimctured. Antennae long and 
slender. Thorax longer than broad, nearly cylindrical, the 
sides very slightly rounded, ptinctured like the head all over. 
Elytra square, very coarsely and closely punctured. Abdomen 
cylindrical, gradually narrowed behind, the first four segments 
rather coarsely and closely punctured, the following very 
finely and very sparingly. First joint of posterior tarsi as 
long as the following together. 

N. India : Haldwani {H. 0. Champion). Calcutta. 

•lOB. Stenus (Hypostenus) fulvescens. 

Sfemts fiilvescens Motscli., Bull. Mosc. xxx, 1857, iv, p. 515. 

Of the size and build of large examples of S. guttula Miill., 
but more elongate and entirely reddish-testaceous, the humeral 
angles of the elytra, antennae, palpi, and legs lighter. Abdomen 
with the last two segments black, the pygidium testaceous and 
emarginate at apex. Puncturation coarse, not very close, 
finer on the abdomen, especially on the last segments. Antennae 
with the 3rd joint almost twice as long as the 4th. 

" Ind. or." (ex Motschoulsky). 

407. Stenus (Hypostenus) guttalis. (Fig. 82.) 

Stenus ffuttalin Fauv.*, Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 212. 

Black, moderately shining, the elytra with moderate, rounded, 
orange-red spot on each. Antennae, palpi, and legs reddish- 
testaceous. Length 5-5 to 6 mm. 

Head broad, wider than the base of the elytra, broadly 
excavated, rather broadly elevated along the middle, closely 
and coarsely punctured all over. Antennae moderate, not 
reaching the base of the thorax. Thorax scarcely longer than 
broad, widest a little before the middle, the sides rounded in 
front, straighter and more retracted behind, along the middle 
posteriorly deeply sulcate, impressed laterally, coarsely, 
closely, rugosely punctured. Elytra at the suture as long as 
the thorax, similarly punctured, the elytral spot equidistant 
from the suture and lateral margins, scarcely nearer the posterior 
margin than to the suture. Abdomen with the anterior 
segments constricted, moderately finely, closely punctured, 
oidy a little less closely behind, apex on each side with stout 
curved spine. 

(J : 6th ventral segment coarsely and sparingly punctured, 
narrowly triangularly excised, the apex rounded, the sides 

STEirus. 35^ 

narrowly bevelled ; 5th in the middle at the posterior margin 
more densely pubescent, scarcely emarginate. 

Burma : Carin Gheba ; Carin Asciuii Gh6cu ; Tienzo, 
Bhamo. Also in the Malay Peninsula. 

Fig;. 82.— Stenus (Hypostenus) yutlalis, apex of abdomen of cf ; ventra surface. 

408. Stenus (Hypostenus) rajpurianus. sp. n. (Eig. 83.) 

Very similar in all respects to S. guttalis Fauv. in build, 
colour, etc., but the ^ characters are quite different. It i& 
also less shining with the elytral spot larger and brighter. 

Fig. 83. — Stemia (Hypoateniu) rajpurianue, abdomen of J J ventral surfaoe> 
VOL. I. 2 A 

354 sTAPiin-ixiD.u. 

(J • Middle and posterior tibiae with small yellow spxir intern- 
ally near the apex. 6th ventral segment deeply, narrowly, 
triangularly excised, the margins not bevelled ; 5th more 
closely punctured and pubescent along the middle ; the 1st 
to the 4th slightly emarginate behind in the middle and 
feebly impressed. 

Dehra Dun : Singhbhum. 

409. Stenus (Hypostenus) pustulatns. 

Steniis (Hypostenus) piistiiMtm Hfinli., \V. Z. B. Ixiv, 1914, p. 9.". 

Near S. guttalis Fauv., but more parallel, more shining, with 
coarser and much more sparing puncturation throughout, the 
head more deeply excavated and with a distinct median smooth 
elevation, the thorax longer and less widened, longer and 
in comparison with the thorax narrower elytra and more 
cylindrical abdomen, the basal segments of which are more 
constricted. Length 5-6 mm. 

(J unknown. 

Pegu (ex Bemhauer). 

410. Stenus (Hypostenus) ventricosus. 

Stemix ventricosus Fauv., Itev. J'l'^nt. xx\iii, 1904, p. 48. 

Of the size and robust build of »S'. bimaculattis Gyll. (Europe), 
but the spot on the elytra half as large, the abdomen not 
bordered, and the fourth tarsal joint bilobed. Rather shining, 
black, the palpi, first three joints of the antennae, and the legs 
dirty reddish-testaceous, the posterior femora and the rest of 
the antennse infuscate, the red elytral spot placed a little 
behind the middle. Antennae short, scarcely reaching the 
base of the thorax. Head excavate, very closely punctured, a 
little keel behind the base of the antennae smooth, sulcate on 
each side, the space between broad, only slightly convex. 
Thorax scarcely longer than broad, suborbicular, rather 
obsoletely impressed on each side, with a deep sulcus abbre- 
viated in front in the middle, coarsely rugosely punctured all 
over. Elytra much broader than the thorax, a fourth part 
shorter than long (?), rather flat, slightly uneven, more finely, 
closely, and rugosely punctured than the thorax. Abdomen 
stout, closely, strongly, uniformly punctured, with a fine, rather 
golden pubescence. 

(J : 4th and 6th ventral segments scarcely impressed, the 
apex a little emarginate ; 6th not emarginate, more densely 
pubescent along the middle ; 7th triangularly excised. Length 
^•5 mm. 

Dugeli, in dry leaves, in May. Khandesh (ex Fauvd). 



411. Stenus (Hypostenus) rufoplagiatus. (Fig. 84.) 

Hyjiostenus rufoplayiutus Champ.*, K. M. M. Ix, 1924, p. 160. 

Narrow, elongate, shining, black, the elytra with a very 
large round orange spot posteriorly not reaching the adjacent 
margins. Antennae with the first three joints testaceous, the 
rest infuscate. Legs testaceous, all the tarsi and the posterior 
knees a little infuscate. Length 5 to 5-5 mm. 

Head as broad as the elytra at the base, broadly excavate 
and without trace of sulci or elevated median area, closely 
and rather coarsely punctured except for a small space in the 
middle of the vertex behind. Antennae long and slender. 

Fig. 84.- 

-Stenus {Hypostenus) rufaplaguitus, apex of abdomen of (S ; 
veutral surface. 

Thorax narrow, nearly cylindrical, a little longer than broad, 
the sides gently rounded, coarsely and rather more closely 
punctured than the head, without median sulcus or line. 
Elytra a good deal broader and a little longer than the thorax, 
convex, very similarly punctured. Abdomen narrow, cylin- 
drical, the anterior segments constricted, closely and rather 
■eoaraely punctured in front, more sparingly and more finely 



behind. The whole insect covered with a sparing white 

$ : 6th ventral segment with acute triangular excision, the 
sides bevelled, the apex rounded ; 5th impressed throughout 
along the middle, more deeply in front and more finely and 
closely punctured. 

Kumaon : Sudlimath, Deoba Nadi {H. G. Cliampion). 
Siwaliks: Mohan Rau {Cameron). 

412. StenuB (Hypostenus) bivulneratus. 

Stetms bivulneratus Motsch., Bull. Mosc. .vxx, 1857, ii, p. •514. 

Black, shining, coarsely punctured. Elytra with a large 
round orange spot situated postero-externally but not extending 
quite to the lateral margin. Antennae long and slender, 
testaceous, more or less infuscate from the 5th joint. Legs 
testaceous, the apices of the femora and bases of the tibiae 
slightly infuscate. Length 6 mm. 

Near S. rufoplagiatua, Champ., but the head broader, the 
puncturation throughout coarser, and the elytral spot smaller, 
not approaching so closely either the base or the suture. Head 
broad, as wide as the elytra at the base, completely flat between 
the eyes and moderately finely pmictiu'ed, more sparingly in 
the middle, leaving an impunctate, irregular, shining space. 
Antennae with all the joints much longer than broad. Thorax 
nearly cylindrical, but little widened at the middle, equally 
and slightly narrowed in front and behind ; sculpture coarse 
and rugose, coarser than in rufoplagiatua. Elytra scarcely 
as long as the thorax, very slightly transverse, very slightly 
dilated behind, the sides rounded, the sculpture as on the 
thorax. Abdomen elongate, pointed, the segments constricted, 
the first three rather coarsely and closely punctured to the 
apical margins, the 4th much more finely, the 5th finely and 
moderately closely punctured at the base, very finely and 
very sparingly towards the apex; 6th very finely and very 
sparingly punctured, sparingly covered with 'fine white 

The above description is made from a specimen determined 
by Kraatz and coming from Bhamo, Biurma {Fed), viii, 

413. StenoB (Hypostenns) flavostigma, sp. n. (Fig. 85.) 

Of the same size, build, colour, etc., as 8. rufoplagiatiia, 
but at once distinguished by the bisuloate head with well- 
marked central, elevated, impunctate area and coarser, more 
sparing puncturation, the thorax and elytra more coarsely 



punctured, the abdomen much more finely and sparingly 
punctured than in the allied species. 

cJ: 6th ventral segment with deep, parallel-sided excision 
■with rounded apex ; 5th a little flattened along the middle, 

'lliLLlL ^uLLil \ > , \ , 

V,7//,/:m, \^^\ 

Fig. 85. — Steims (Hypostemts) ftnvosUgnm, ahAomea of (J ; ventral surface. 

and there more closely punctured and pubescent ; 2nd to 
4th distinctly impressed along the middle, especially behind, 
the impressions glabrous and more sparingly punctured. 
Assam : Naga Hills, Laimatak (8. N. Chatterjee), 

414. Stenus (Hypostenus) himalayicns. (Fig. 86.) 

Stenus {Hypostenus) hitnalayicut Bernh.*, Col. Ruudsch, 1916 

p. CO. 
Hyputtenusi ruffosissimus Champ.*, E. M. M. Ivi, 1920, p. 173. 

Moderately shining black, the elytra with a narrow oval 
yellow spot nearer to the lateral margin than to the suture 
and extending forwards beyond the middle. Antennse with 

858 STAPH VLINIl)^. 

the first four or five joints testaceous, the following infuscate. 
Palpi testaceous, the apex of the 3rd joint slightly infuscate. 
Legs testaceous, the apical half of the femora very slightly 
infuscate, the tarsi a little infuscate. Length 6-5 to 7 mm. 

Readily distinguished by the narrow, oval, yellow spot on 
the elytra, the very coarse sculpture, and long, white abdominal 
pubescence. Head as broad as the base of the elytra, rather 
deeply impressed on each side, broadly elevated along the 
middle, the whole surface coarsely and closely punctiured 
except for a narrow space on the vertex and behind the base 
of the antennae. Antennae long and slender, extending beyond 

Fig. 86. — Stenu8 (HyposteiiHii) himalaniciis, apox of abdomen of ^J ; 
Tentral surface. 

the base of the thorax. Thorax a little longer than broad, 
almost cylindrical, only a little widened at the middle, with 
coarse, close, more or less confluent sculpture. Elytra at the 
sutitte as long as the thorax, transverse, coarsely and closely 
punctured. Abdomen thick, cylindrical, narrowed behind, 
coarsely and closely punctured, the last two segments much 
more finely and sparingly, the apex without spines. Pubescence 
on the fore-parts scanty, on the abdomen long and rather close. 
(J: 6th ventral segment narrowly, deeply excised, the 
margins not bevelled ; 5th along the middle much more finely 
and closely punctured and pubescent than the rest of the 
surface ; 4th deeply impressed behind, the margins obliquely 
keeled ; 3rd and 2nd flattened in the middle behind, the 

sTEXus. 359^ 

flattened area abnost impunctate. Posterior tibiae with a 
small black spur at the inner margin before the apex. 

Kumaon : Bhowali, W. Almora. Simla Hills. Mussoorie. 

415. Stenus (Hypostenus) signifer. 

Ste»us siipiifer Fiiuv.*, Kev. d'Kut. xiv, 1895, p. 21. 'i. 

A very distinct species. Narrow elongate, black, rather 
shining ; antennae long and very slender, red, the penultimate 
joints infuscate, the Ist joint yellow ; palpi very long, yellow, 
the 3rd joint broadly infuscate at the apex ; legs slender, 
pale brown, the femora testaceous at the base ; fore-parts 
closely, strongly, rugosely punctured, the abdomen also 
densely and rugosely but less coarsely, the last two 
segments more sparingly and less deeply, punctured ; 
pubescence remarkable, more or less golden in front of the 
eyes, all the rest of the body, and the legs especially, covered 
with long, not dense, yellowish or greyish-brown hairs ; head 
a little narrower than the elytra, excavate, scarcely bisulcate, 
but little elevated along the middle, and briefly smooth ; 
thorax very long, twice as long as its breadth in front, half 
as broad as the elytra, cylindrical, broader at the middle, 
from thence more narrowed in front than behind, parallel for 
some distance before the posterior angles, the disc behind the 
middle with two small tubercles ; elytra ample, quadrate, 
rather convex, within the shoulders and along the suture 
lightly impressed, with a large securiform orange spot scarcely 
reaching the posterior margin and produced forwards to the 
anterior third ; abdomen more slender, cylindrical, the 3rd to 
5th segments not margined. Length 7 mm. 

cj : 6th ventral segment scarcely emarginate ; 5th in the 
middle before the apex more densely punctured and with 
long yellow pubescence, its apex scarcely emarginate. 

Burma : Carin Oheba ; Cariu Asciuii Cheba (L. Fea). 

41(>. Stenus (Hypostenus) flezuosus. 

Hyposteitm Jli'.vHosus Ch.imp.*, E. M. M. Ivi, 1920, pp. 174, 190. 

Black, shining, the elytra with a broad yellow fascia extend- 
ing from the shoulder to the posterior margin and extending 
along it to the postero-external angle, only the reflexed sides 
and the sutural region black. Antennae yellow, slightly infus- 
cate towards the apex. Palpi and legs yellow. Length 5 mm. 

Less elongate than S. flavovittattis Champ., the thorax 
shorter, very similar in build to S. basicornis Kr. Head as 
broad as the base of the elytra, longitudinally bi-impressed, 
with slightly elevated smooth impunctate space in the middle. 


rather closely, moderately finely punctured. AntennsB rather 
long and slender. Thorax distinctly longer than broad, sub- 
cylindrical, a little wider before the middle, without impressions 
or smooth line, closely and rather coarsely punctured. Elytra 
as long as the thorax, very similarly punctured. Abdomen 
with constricted segments, closely, moderately finely punctured 
at the bases, more finely elsewhere, the last two much more 
finely and sparingly. 

$ : 6th ventral segment very deeply, narrowly emarginate. 

W. Almora. Kumaon : Upper Gumti Valley, iv. 1919 
•(B.. 0. Champion). 

417. Stenus (Hypostenus) flavovittatus. 

Ilypoatennajiavnviltntiis Cliftmp.*, K. M. M. Ivi, 1920, y. 174. 

Narrow, elongate, black, shining, the elytra with a narrow 
testaceous fascia extending from the shoulder almost to the 
posterior margin, and a little dilated about the middle towards 
the suture, the reflexed margin black, the posterior margin 
very narrowly testaceous. Antennae, palpi, and legs pale 
yellow. Length 6-25 mm. 

Head scarcely as broad as the base of the elytra, slightly 
longitudinally impressed on each side, in the middle behind 
with a narrow, smooth, elevated space, at the base of each 
antenna with a small shining plaqxie, moderately finely and 
rather closely punctured. Antennae long and slender. Thorax 
cylindrical, scarcely dilated at the middle, about half as long 
again as broad, in the posterior half along the middle with a 
smooth shining line ; puncturation rather close and a little 
stronger than that of the head. Elytra as long as, but wider 
than the thorax, the puncturation as close, but rather coarser 
than that of the thorax. Abdomen elongate, the anterior 
segments constricted at the bases, closely and moderately 
finely punctured at the bases, more finely and sparingly 
elsewhere, the 5th yet more finely and sparingly, the 6th 
almost impunctate, both with a fine ground-sculpture. 

(J unknown. 

W. Almora, Kumaon {H. 0. Champion). 

418. SteuuB (Hypostenus) sinuatus, sp. II. (Eif:. 87.) 

Very closely allied to 8. fiavovittatus Champ., and only 
differing in the following respects : the elytral fascia is produced 
to the posterior border itself, and extends a little way along it 
towards the suture, the elytral puncturation is a little ftitier 
and obviously less close, the abdomen is more finely and less 
.tlosely punctured. Length 6-75 mm. 



(J: 6th ventral segment deeply narrowly emarginate, the 
■apex rounded, the sides not bevelled ; 5th flattened along the 
middle throughout, very feebly emarginate behind ; 3rd and 


Fig. 87.- SteiiiiK (Hi/pnstenm) ninuatim, apex of abdomen of (J ; 
ventral surface. 

4th semicircularly impressed behind, the impressions very 
finely punctured and pubescent. 
Burma : Ruby Mines (Doherty). 

419. Stenns (Hypostenus) tuherculicoUis, sp, n. (Fig. 88.) 

Black, moderately shining ; the thorax in both sexes with 
a large, laterally compressed, bifid tubercle in the middle. 
Antennse, palpi, and legs testaceous, the club of the former 
infuscate. Length 5-2 mm. 

At once distinguished from all the Indian species by the 
tuberculate thorax, and in this respect resembhng 8. mon- 
strosicoUis Bernh. from Java, but Dr. Bernhauer informs me 
that it is distinct from his species. In build scarcely differing 
from S. biapinus Motsch., but less shining, the puncturation 
of the fore-parts a little coarser, the abdomen scarcely differing 
in sculpture, but the apex without spines. 

(J: 6th ventral segment with rather broad, deep, arcuate 



excision, the edges bevelled ; 4th with a semicircular, more- 
closely punctiired and pubescent impression behind. 
Assam : Naga Hills, Laimatak {S. N. Chatter jee). 

Fig. 88. — Sienns (Hypostenua) tuberculieoUis, apox of abdomen of cf ; 
ventral surface. 

420. Stenus (Hypostenas) kurseonginus. (Fig. 89.) 

Stenus {Hypostenas) ktirseonffinus Bernli., Ent. Bliitt. vii, 1911, 
p. 58. 

Elongate, black, rather shining, especially the abdomen. 
Antennae ■with the first four or five joints reddish-testaceous, 
the following black. Palpi reddish-testaceous, the 3rd joint 
scarcely infuscate at apex. Legs reddish-testaceous, the 
apical halves of the femora, base and apex of the tibiae, and 
the tarsi more or less infuscate. Length 6 to 7 mm. 

Of the build of 8. bivvilneratus Motsch., but differently 
coloured. Head as broad as the base of the elytra, rather 
deeply excavated, along the middle narrowly elevated and 
shining, behind the base of the antennse with a narrow shining 
space, very coarsely closely punctured. Antennse long and 
slender, extending beyond the base of the thorax. Thorax a 
little longer than broad, widest at the middle, the sides rounded 
and equally retracted in front and behind, very coarsely and 
closely punctured, the punctures (especially behind) more or 
less confluent. Elytra at the suture a little longer than the 
thorax, very coarsely and closely punctured, more or less 
transversely rugose. Abdomen cylindrical, narrowed behind, 
the anterior segments constricted and (especially at the bases) 
coarsely and closely punctured, the last two segments rather 
finely and sparingly punctured. The whole insect covered with. 

ST EN us. 363 

a long white pubescence, especially on the abdomen. Apex 
without spines. 

(J: 6th ventral segment with very deep narrow excision 
with rounded apex, the sides not bevelled ; 5th finely and 
closely punctured and pubescent along the middle ; 4th 
deeply semicircularly impressed behind, the adjacent border 

Fig. S9.Stenus (Hyposteims) himoiiginus, abdomen of d ; vontral surface. 

emarginate, the sides obliquelv carinate ; 2nd and 3rd similarly 
but less deeply impressed, the posterior borders scarcely 
emarginate, the sides not carinate. Posterior tibise with a 
small black spur at the inner margin near the apex. 
Kurseong, alt. 5000 feet. Mussoorie, alt. 6000 to 7000 feet. 

421. Stenus (Hypostenus) birmanus. 

Stentis birmanus Fauv.*, Uev. d'Enl. xiv, 189.}, p. 213. 
Black, shining. Antennae reddish-testaceous, the club 
infuscate. Palpi testaceous. Legs reddish-testaceous, the 
knees scarcely infuscate. Length 5-6 to 5-8 mm. 

364 STAPH ililNID .15. 

Size and build of S. clavicomis Scop. Head broader than 
the base of the elytra, rather deeply excavate, a little elevated 
Along the middle, but not carinate, behind the antennal tubercles 
with a shining keel, moderately coarsely closely piractured. 
Antennae moderate. Thorax a little longer than broad, widest 
just before the middle, the sides slightly rounded in front, more 
retracted behind, sulcate along the middle for the posterior 
two-thirds, much more coarsely punctured than the head. 
Elytra scarcely as long as the thorax, transverse, very similarly 
sculptured. Abdomen slightly narrowed from the base, the 
bases of the segments moderately constricted, rather closely 
and rather coarsely punctured, gradually more finely behind. 

(J unkno'wn. 

Burma : Carin Asciuii Ghi';ou, alt. 1400 to 1500 metres ; 
Tenasserim, Meetan {Fea). 

422. Stenus (Hypostenus) bispinus. (Vig. 90.) 

Steiiiis hupiiim Motsch., Hull. Mosc. xxx, IS-')?, iv, p. <j14. 

Black, shining, the first two segments of the abdomen 
more thickly pubescent. Antennae, palpi, and legs pale yellow, 
the club of the former scarcely infuscate. Length 4-75 mm. 

Fig. 90. — Stenus (Hypoatenus) bispinus, apex of abdomen of d ; 
ventral suxfaco. 

Very siniilar in build to S. cicindeloidea Schall., but narrower. 
Closely allied to S. b<mcomis Kr., and only differing in the 
thorax being rather less cylindrical, shorter, the sides more 
rounded and dilated in the middle, puncturation a little 
oloser, puncturation of the elytra obviously closer, that of the 
abdomen in front less fine, the pubescence, especially on the 


first two segments, longer and thicker. The terminal spines 
and the structure of the posterior tarsi are similar. 

(J: 6th ventral segment with semi-elliptical excision, the 
margins bevelled ; 5th flattened the whole length, the punc- 
txiration there much finer, the pubescence thicker ; 4th fiattened 
behind, the pubescence there fine and sparing ; 2nd and 3rd 
with small impunctate space at the middle of the posterior 

Ceylon : Nalanda. Nilgiri Hills. Assam : Naga Hills. 
Burma. Also in Indo-China and Sumatra. 

428. Stenus (Hypostenus) basicornis. 

Steims basicoriiu Kr., Areli. Natiirg. xxv, 1869, i, p. 103. 

Black, shining. Abdomen very finely and sparingly punc- 
tured. Antennse, palpi, and legs pale yellow, the club of the 
former scarcely infuscate. Length 5 mm. 

Very similar in build to S. biapinua Motsch., but readily 
distinguished by the very much finer and more sparing 
abdominal puncturation and the absence of thicker pubescence 
on the first two segments. Head as broad as the base of the 
elytra, narrowly and feebly bi-impressed, the centre fiat and 
scarcely elevated, the puncturation rather coarse, moderately 
close and uniform. Antennse slender, reaching the base of 
the thorax. Thorax a little longer than broad, the sides feebly 
rounded, wider at the middle, evenly rounded and retracted 
in front, rather suddenly retracted behind, the sculpture 
similar to but closer than that on the head, without impunctate 
central line. Elytra as long as the thorax, convex, similarly 
but rather less closely punctured. Abdomen rather stout, 
cylindrical, narrowed behind, the anterior segments con- 
stricted, the Ist segment finely and moderately closely punc- 
tured, the following very finely and sparingly, the last extremely 
finely and sparingly punctured, with a fine ground-sculpture 
which is much more distinct on the last three segments ; apex 
with a decurved spine on each side. The whole insect has a 
short, sparing, white pubescence. First joint of posterior 
tarsi a little shorter than the four following together. 

$ : 6th ventral segment with an acute (nearly rectangular) 

Ceylon : Kandy ; Dikoya, alt. 1680 to 4200 feet. 

424. Stenus (Hypostenus) coslogaster. (Fig. 91 .) 

Hypostemit ewlogaster Champ.*, E, M, M. Ix, 1924, p. 159. 

Robust, black, shining, sparingly pubescent. Abdomen 
without spines at apex. Antennse, palpi, and legs pale yellow. 
Length 5-5 to 6 mm. 


STAPH rLFNiu.v;. 

Larger and more robust than S. bispinus Motsch., and the 
ikbdomen -without terminal spines. Head as broad as the 
elytra at the base, broadly and feebly bi-impressed, in the 
middle flat and scarcely elevated, coarsely, closely, uniformly 
punctured all over. Antennae long and slender, extending 
beyond the base of the thorax. Thorax one-third longer than 
broad, mdest at the middle, the sides lightly rounded and 
retracted in front and behind, as coarsely as but rather more 

Fig. 91. — Stemig {Hypostemis) codogaater, abdomen of (J ; 
ventral surface. 

closely punctured than the head, without sulcus or line. Elytra 
at the suture a little longer than the thorax, convex, simiUrly 
punctured. Abdomen cylindrical, gradually narrowed behind, 
the anterior segments constricted at the base, finely and 
rather closely punctured in front, the last two segments much 
more finely and sparingly. Pubescence white, scanty, more 
abundant on the abdomen. 



(J: Posterior tibiae feebly sinuate. First three ventral 
segments deeply and broadly excavate, the excavation of the 
2nd and 3rd extending the whole length and nearly the whole 
breadth, the posterior margin adjacent slightly emarginate, 
the sides carinate ; 4th segment flattened behind, broadly and 
slightly emarginate ; 6th deeply triangidarly emarginate, the 
apex rounded, the sides bevelled. All the impressions closely 
and finely pubescent. 

Kumaon : Banikhet. 

4^5. StemiB (Hypostenus) persimilis, sp. n. 

This species is exactly similar to *Si. codogaster in build and 
coloration, and only differs in the puncturation throughout 

Fig. 92. — Stenus (Hypostetitis) persimilis, abdomen of (^ ; 
ventral surface. 

being a little coarser and in the ^ characters ; the 1st ventral 
segment is not impressed ■*-, the 2nd and 3rd are much less 

-f- Champion does not mention the impression on the Ist ventral segment of 
valogaster, althoagh it is plainly visible in the type. 



broadly impressed and the 6th is a little more broadly 

Burma : Ruby Mines. 

426. Stenus (Hypostenus) millepnnctus. (Fig. 93.) 

Stenus millepunctus Faiiv.*, Rev. d'Knt. xxiii, 1904, p. 49. 

Narrow, elongate, leaden-black, moderately shining. 
Antennae, palpi, and legs pale yellow, the club of the former 
infuscate. Length 5 mm. 

Narrower than S. bispinua Motsch., with narrower, more 
cylindrical thorax, longer elytra, puncturation of the fore- 
parts finer, that of the abdomen coarser. Head a little 
broader than the base of the elytra, completely excavated, 
without median elevation, rather closely, moderately coarsely 
pimctured, without smooth central space. Antennae long and 
slender. Thorax narrow, cylindrical, longer than broad, 
scarcely widened at the middle, the sides lightly roimded, 
along the middle with a very fine impunctate line, the rest 

Fig. 93. 

-Stenus {Hypostenus) millejm?ictiis, apex of abdomen of ^^ ; 
ventral surface. 

of the surface more closely and rather more coarsely punctured 
than the head. Elytra at the suture longer than, and about 
twice as broad as, the thorax, distinctly longer than broad, 
convex and more coarsely punctured. Abdomen cylindrical, 
a little narrowed behind, a little more closely but about as 
coarsely punctured as the head, the 5th and 6th segments 
more fmely and more sparingly, especially the latter ; apex 
without spines. The whole insect covered with a short, 
sparing, white, decumbent pubescence. First joint of posterior 
tarsi longer than the four following together. 

(J : 6th ventral segment triangularly, moderately broadly 

STENrs. 369' 

excised, the sides not bevelled ; dth along the middle more 
densely punctured and pubescent. 
Nilgiri Hills {Andrewes). 

427. StenuB (Hypostenus) aXbidicornis. 

Stenus atbidicornis Bernh., Ent. Blatt. 1915, p. 252. 

Near 8. aondaicus Bernh., similarly coloured, but larger and 
broader, and also differing as follows : the head is less coarsely, 
but much more closely punctured, the shining median space 
less marked, not elevated, the longitudinal impressions 
wanting ; the thorax is less strongly but much more closely, 
uniformly, scarcely rugosely punctured, without impressions ; 
the elytra are distinctly longer, less strongly, but scarcely 
as closely punctured ; the abdomen is less coarsely and more 
closely uniformly punctured to the apex. Length 4 to 4-5 mm. 

cJ : 6th ventral segment rather broadly and deeply tri- 
angularly excised, the 5th more closely pubescent along the 

S. India : Shembaganur, Madura District (ex Bernhauer). 

This species is apparently closely allied to S. millepunctus 
Fauv., if not identical with it. 

428. Stenus (Hypostenus) andrewesi. (Fig. 9^.) 
Stenut andrewesi Fauv.*, Rev. d'Ent, xxiii, 1904, p. 49. 

Narrow, elongate, black, shining. Antennae, palpi, and legs 
pale testaceous, the club of the former slightly infuscate. 
Length 4-5 to 5 mm. 

Near *Si. millepunctus Fauv., but the head less closely punc- 
tured and with a rather distinct impunctate space in the 
middle, thorax and elytra less finely punctured, abdomen 
more sparingly punctured. From S. baaicomis Kr. it is at 
once recognised by the much longer, cylindrical thorax, longer 
elytra, narrower build, and more punctured abdomen. Head 
as broad as the base of the elytra, rather closely, moderately 
coarsely punctured except along the middle, which is broadly 
but very slightly elevated and impunctate. Antennae long and 
slender. Thorax cylindrical, about one-fourth longer than 
broad, the puncturation as on the head. Elytra at the suture 
distinctly longer than the thorax, a little more coarsely punc- 
tured. Abdomen cylindrical, narrowed to the apex, the 
anterior segments constricted at the base, moderately finely 
and moderately closely punctured in front, more finely and 
sparingly behind. Pubescence short and very sparing. First 
joint of posterior tarsi longer than the four foUowing together. 

(J : 6th ventral segment deeply, narrowly, triangularly 
YOIi. I. 2 b 



excised, the apex of the incision rounded ; 5th deeply and 
broadly impressed in the whole length, the fundus more finely 
and closely pubescent, the margins subcarinate ; 4th slightly 
and broadly impressed nearly throughout its length, the 
border adjacent very slightly emarginate ; 3rd broadly 
flattened behind in the middle. 
S.India: Nilgiri HiUs. 

Figf. 9i.-- Stenns (Hyxtostenvn) andreiresi, abdomen of cJ ; ventral surface. 

429. Stenus (HypostenuB) frater, sp. n. (Fig. 95.) 

Very near S. andreweai Fauv., and only dififering in the 
following points : the head has a fine median impunctate keel 
in the middle and is much more closely punctured, the thorax 
and elytra are a little more closely punctured, more rugulose, 
the abdomen more coarsely punctured, the 5th segment as 
«oarsely as the preceding. Length 5 mm. 

STENUS. 371 

(J : 6th ventral segment with a rather broad but acute 
excision, the sides bevelled : 5th along the middle with thicker 
and longer pubescence. 

Chakrata district : Binal Gad ; Deoban, alt. 7000 to 9000 

Pig. 95. — SieHKS (Hiiiuislenus) frafer, apex of abdomen of tj ; ventral surface. 

430. StenuB (Hypostenus) angusticollis. (Fig. 96.) 
ilteims am/tisticollis Kpp.*, D. E. 7,. 189o, p. 405. 

Narrow, elongate, black, rather shining, the fore-parts with 
short white sparing pubescence, the abdomen with rather 
long, less sparing white pubescence. Antennae, palpi, and legs 
pale yellow, the club of the former infuscate. Length 5 to 
6 mm. 

Build of S. andrewesi Fauv., but with the abdomen much 
less finely punctured. Head as broad as the base of the elytra, 
excavate, moderately coarsely, moderately closely punctured, 
with a narrow, feebly elevated, impunctate line along the 
middle. Antennae long and slender, extending a little beyond 
the base of the thorax. Thorax practically cylindrical, one- 
fourth longer than broad, with similar puncturation to that of 
the head, but closer. Elytra along the suture as long as the 
thorax, but much broader, similarly punctured. Abdomen 
cylindrical, narrowed behind, the anterior segments con- 
stricted at the base, the puncturation like that of the elytra 




on the first four segments, the 5th more sparingly punctured, 
the 6th with a few small scattered punctures. First joint of 
the posterior tarsi as long as the four following together. 

^ : 6th ventral segment deeply triangularly excised, the 
edges bevelled, the apex rounded ; 5th rather broadly im» 
pressed throughout the whole length, the impression more 

Fig. 96. — Steniia (Hypoatenua) angueticollis, abdomen of cf ; 
ventral soiface. 

closely pubescent ; 4th with a semicircular impression behind , 
the side-margins corinate, the fundus more pubescent, the 
posterior border adjacent feebly emarginate ; 3rd and 2nd 
segments slightly impressed in the middle behind, the impres- 
sions impunctate posteriorly. 

Burma : Pegu. Assam : Naga Hills. United Provinces : 

STEiriTS. 878 

431. Stenus (H3rposteniiB) nitidulus. 

Stentts (Ilypostentts) nitididus Cam., Trans. Ent. Sec. Lond. 1014, 
p. 631. 

Black, shining, elongate ; head carinate ; thorax almost 
cylindrical, much narrower than the head ; elytra ample, as 
long as broad ; fore-parts moderately coarsely and closely 
punctured. Abdomen cylindrical, not margined, less coarsely 
and closely punctured than the fore-parts. Antennae, palpi, and 
legs testaceous, the club of the former scarcely infuscate. 
Fourth joint of the tarsi bilobed, the 1st longer than the four 
following together. Length 4 to 5 mm. 

At first sight this species is not unlike S.bi8pinvsM.otkch.,hut 
the head is broader and the thorax narrower, the puncturation 
of the fore-parts is, however, very similar, but that of the 
abdomen is very much coarser. 

Head much broader than the thorax, as broad as the elytra 
behind, with a smooth elevated central space, depressed on 
either side, rather coarsely and closely punctured. Antennae 
long and slender, 1st and 2nd joints of equal length, 3rd to 8th 
very long and slender, gradually decreasing in length, 9th to 
1 1 th forming a slender club . Thorax narrow, almost cylindrical 
when viewed from above, very slightly and equally narrowed 
in front and behind, one-third longer than broad, rather 
coarsely and closely punctured, sometimes with a smooth line 
in the middle of the disc. Elytra as long as the thorax, as 
broad as long, sometimes slightly impressed behind the 
shoulders, punctured similarly to the thorax. Abdomen 
cylindrical, the segments constricted at the bases, puncturation 
finer and less close than on the fore-parts, especially behind. 
Pubescence scanty, greyish. Anal spines wanting. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with deep excision, the apex of 
which is rounded. 

Manipur {Brit. Mus. Coll.). 

432. Stenus (Hypostenus) barbatns. (Fig. 97.) 

Stenm harhatus Niet., Ann. Majr. Nat. Hist. (2) xix, 1857, p. ^81 ; 

Kraatz, Arch. Natui-g-. xxv, 1859, i, p. 163. 
Stenm arae/mi/ies Uenih., I). K 'L l!»02, p 42, 1919. p. 302. 

Narrow, elongate, black, shining. Antennae, palpi, and legs 
pale yellow, the club of the former scarcely infuscate. Length 
5-5 mm. 

Very near S. angusticoUis Epp., but at once distinguished by 
the less coarse and less close abdominal puncturation and the 
absence of a median keel on the head. Head as broad as the 
base of the elytra, broadly excavated, feebly, broadly elevated 
behind in the middle, moderately finely punctured, much more 
sparingly along the middle. Antennae slender, reaching the 

3f4 SUTRTimD^. 

base of the thorax. Thorax mrrow, eylindrml, a third lo^er 
tAan broad, along the niiddJe of the posterior two-fiixds Tnti 
a narrow shining line, the Test of the surface rather strongiy 
and ratier closely punctured. Elytra slightly longer than tfle 
thorax and nearly twice as broad, as long as broad, tfle 
punoturation stronger and less close. Abdomen narrow, 
cylindrical, narrowed behinrl, the bases of the anterior segments 
constricted, rather strongly (but less strongly than the thorax), 
moderately closely punctured, the last two segments much 

Fig. 97. — Steuna {Hypostenus) barhntris, apex of-abdomen of J ; 
ventral surface. 

more finely and sparingly. Head and abdomen with a rather 
long, the thorax and elytra with much shorter white pubescence. 
First joint of the posterior tarsi as long as the four following 

cj: 6th ventral segment with deep, narrow, triangular excision, 
the apex rounded ; 6th impressed along the whole of the 
middle, the fundus more finely punctured ; 2nd to 4th flattened 
in the middle behind, the posterior part of the flattened area 

Ceylon: Colombo; Bogawantalawa ; Dikova, alt. 3800 to 
6200 feet; Haputale. 

483. Stenus (Hypostenus) serpens. 

Stetms serpent Ben., Ark. Zool. xiv, 1922, p. 4, fig. 4, p. 2. 
Very slender, black, shining, pubescence very short, coarsely 

STENUS. 375 

but superficially punctured. Antennse, palpi, and legs bright 
yellow. Length 5-2 mm. 

Head very broad, nearly twice as broad as the thorax, 
scarcely broader than the elytra, in front of the large eyes 
shortly pubescent, the front broadly and superficially impressed, 
without lateral sulci, and only behind in the middle slightly 
elevated, the hinder part of this and the antennal tubercles 
smooth. Pimcturation rather close, moderately coarse but 
not deep. Antennse slender, the 3rd joint a little longer than 
the 4th, the following gradually decreasing in length, the joints 
of the club longer than broad. The narrow thorax is almost 
parallel-sided, nearly twice as long as broad, slightly widened 
behind the middle, the sides retracted from thence in a straight 
line, the middle line in its whole extent narrowly smooth, 
otherwise very thickly, moderately coarsely, superficially 
punctured, the punctures not confluent. Elytra at the suture 
scarcely as long as the thorax, with distinct shoulders, almost 
parallel-sided, behind rather deeply arcuatcly cmarginate, 
convex, in front near the sutiire slightly impressed, coarsely 
and closely, moderately deeply punctured, less closely behind. 
Abdomen slender, as broad as the thorax, iramarginate, slightly 
narrowed behind, the bases of the anterior segments rather 
strongly constricted, in front coarsely and closely, on the 
4th segment more finely and sparingly, on the last very 
sparingly puncttu'cd. The fine grey pubescence is very short 
and not close. The legs are slender, the femora at apex broadly 
contracted, the posterior tarsi scarcely more than half the 
length of the tibiae, the 4th joint bilobed. 

cj : First four ventral segments more sparingly punctured 
behind, almost smooth ; 4th on the posterior half flattened, 
more finely punctmred and with yellow pubescence ; 5th 
moderately deeply impressed in its whole length, the sides 
parallel, with long fine pubescence, more finely punctured and 
scarcely emarginate behind ; 6th moderately deeply and not 
very broadly emarginate. 

Ceylon : Kandy. 

This insect differs from cylindricollis Boh. in its larger 
size, the almost entire absence of a median elevation on the 
head, the short pubescence of the whole body (in cylindricollis 
it is long, especially on the abdomen), and slighter development 
of the 5 secondary sexual characters. From S. fiavovittatus 
Champ, it is distinguished by its more slender build, uniform 
colour, and comparatively broader head (ex Benick). 

434. StenuB (Hypostenus) cribellatus. 

Stetiui cribellaUM MotscL., Hull. Moso. xxx, 18.">7, iv, p. 515. 

Near 8. filum, but with the el5rtra larger, square, and convex. 


Head excavate and covered with large deep punctures like the 
thorax, elytra, and abdomen. Thorax elongate, the sides 
rounded. Abdomen half as broad as the elytra, the extremity 
bilobed. Base of the palpi, middle antennal joints, and legs 
testaceous, the first two joints of the antennae, knees, and 
ends of the tarsi black. 

" Ind. or." (ex Motachoulsky). 

I do not know this species. S. filum Er. belongs to the 
subgenus Hemistenus, and has a bordered abdomen. In 
Bernhauer's Catalogue cribellatus is placed in Hypostenus. 

435. Steuus (Hypostenus) ceylonicus. 

Steni(» ceyliinicvi Benih., D. E, Z. 1902, p. 41. 

Shining black with slight metallic reflex, not very closely 
punctured. Antennae, palpi, and legs testaceous, the club of 
the former infuscate. Length 3-5 mm. 

Rather closely allied to S. similis Hbst., but one-third 
smaller, with paler antennae and legs and much more sparing 
puncturation. Black, with very slight metallic reflex, the 
antennae except the 3-jointcd club, the palpi, and legs pale 
yellow, the knees not infuscate. Head depressed between the 
eyes, longitudinally feebly bi-imprcssed, flat and scarcely 
elevated in the middle, behind the insertion of the antennae 
with a short shining keel, the puncturation not very coarse 
and not very close. Thorax much narrower than the elytra, 
about a third longer than broad, the sides rather strongly 
rounded, more closely but scarcely more strongly punctured 
than the head, without median sulcus or shining line. Elytra 
quadrate, with prominent shoulders, the sides slightly rounded, 
the suture behind the scutellum impressed, more strongly 
but more sparingly punctured than the thorax. Abdomen 
cylindrical, not margined, at the base of the anterior segments 
strongly constricted, rather finely, not very closely punctured, 
posteriorly yet more finely and sparingly. 

Ceylon : Hatton (ex Bemhauer). 

436. Stenns (Hjrpostenus) wasmanni. (Fig, 98.) 

S/enm wamiuimii Fanv.*, Rev. d'Juit. .xiv, 189-"), p. 214. 

Black, shining ; antennae and palpi testaceous, the club of 
the former infuscate. Legs testaceous, the apex of the femora 
occasionally infuscate. The whole insect covered with a fine 
silvery pubescence, much thicker on the abdomen. Length 
4-5 to 5 mm. 

Build of 8. similis Hbst., but smaller and narrower, more 
finely punctured, and with differently coloured antennae 
and legs. 



Head as broad as the base of the elytra, broadly, slightly 
bisulcate, along the middle convex and feebly elevated, 
moderately coarsely and moderately closely punctured all over. 
Antennae moderate, the penultimate joints longer than broad. 
Thorax a little longer than broad, the sides evenly rounded, 
widest at the middle, even, punctured like the head. Elytra 
a little longer than the thorax, a little broader than long, more 
coarsely punctured. Abdomen stout, the bases of the anterior 

Fig. 98. — Sfenns (Hypostenii$) vjasmanni, apex of abdomen of (^ ; 
ventral surface. 

segments constricted, rather coarsely and closely punctured 
throughout. " , 

cj : 6th ventral segment with deep excision, the sides broadly 
bevelled, the apex rounded ; 5th scarcely impressed along 
the middle, scarcely emarginate behind, but more finely and 
closely punctured and pubescent there. 

Burma: Carin Cheba; Carin Ghdcu (L. Pea). Sikkim : 
Darjeeling {Christie). Simla Hills. Chakrata; Ranikhet; 
Dehra Dun. Assam : Naga Hills. 

437. Stenus (Hypostenas) consors. (Fig. 99.) 

Stentis consort Fauv.*, Rev. d'Ent. x.\iii, 1904, p. 49. 

Black, rather shining, sparingly pubescent. Antennae, 
palpi, and legs reddish-testaceous, the club of the former 
scarcely infuscate. Length 4-5 to 5 mm. 



Very near S. loasmanni Fauv., but more shining and less 
pubescent, the puncturation of the fore-parts a little coarser 
and less close, the abdominal segments more strongly con- 
stricted and rather more finely punctured, the penultimate 
segments much more finely and more sparingly ; thorax a 
little shorter and broader, elytra a little shorter. 

Fig. 99. — Steniis (Hyposfenun) connors^ apox of abdomen of (^ ; 
ventral anrface. 

cJ : Femora thickened. 6th ventral segment more narrowly 
triangularly excised, the edges broadly bevelled ; 5th scarcely 
more pubescent in the middle than the rest of the surface. 

Nilgiri Hills. With the ant Myrmicaria brunnea Saund. 

438. Stenus (Hypostenus) gastralis. 

Stenus gnstralis lAiuv.*, lle\. d'Ent. xiv, 189.5, p. 214. 

Near ;S. waarmnni Fauv., but smaller, the fore-parts with 
rather long pubescence, the abdomen closely covered with 
erect white pubescence ; head scarcely flatter, thorax (especially 
in the middle) more sparingly punctured ; elytra broader and 
more convex, abdomen a little more sparingly punctured and a 
little more narrowed at the apex. Length 4 mm. 

(J: 7th ventral segment triangularly excised, the apex of the 
incision rounded, the sides scarcely bevelled. 

Burma : Rangoon (Fea) ; Tavoy. Also in Annam. 

439. Stenus (Hypostenus) piliferus. 

Stettua piliferus Motscli., Bull. Aiosc. xxx, 18<j7, iv, p. 514. 
Build of S. taraalis, but with the thorax and head much 

sTEsrs. ii79' 

narrower and the elytra widened at the middle. Head as 
broad as the thorax. Puncturation coarse, rugose, and 
furnished with scanty, rather long hairs of a golden-grey colour. 
First joint of antennae and legs testaceous, the knees slightly 

" Indes orientales " (ex Motschoulshj). 

440. Stenus (Hypostenus) acuminatus. 

Stviias KcuminatKK Kiv*, Arch. Natm'fi. xxv, \H')'i), i, p. Itlo ; 
Jfeiick, Stott. l':nt. Zeit. l\x\ii, lU'il, p. ll'.S. 

Black, slightly shining, with very slight sencous reflex, 
rather coarsely and roughly punctured throughout. Antennae 
reddish-testaceous, the club infuscate. Palpi and legs reddish- 
testaceous, the 3rd joint of the former and the apex of the 
femora infuscate. Length 3 mm. 

Head as broad as the base of the elytra, almost flat, scarcely 
raised along the middle, broadly and very slightly bi-impressed, 
rather coarsely, closely punctured. Antennae short, the 8th to 
10th joints as long as broad. Thorax scarcely longer than 
broad, widest at the middle, the sides evenly rounded in front, 
straighter and more retracted behind, rather coarsely, closely, 
and, especially before the base, transversely rugose. Elytra 
convex, a little longer and considerably broader than the 
thorax, closely and more coarsely punctured. Abdomen 
cylindrical, narrowed to the apex, the anterior segments 
constricted, closely and moderately coarsely punctured 
throughout. The whole insect sparingly covered with a fine 
short white pubescence. Posterior tarsi short. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with small triangular excision with 
rounded apex ; 5th with an impression along the middle 
throughout, the sides subcarinate. 

Ceylon. Bihar : Piisa. United Provinces : Dehra Dan. 

441. Stenus (Hypostenus) lacertoides. 

stenus kwcrfnides Niet.'i-, Ann. Mng, Nat. flist. CJ) \i\. IH.'JT,. 
}}. .SS-J ; Kr. Ai-cli. Niiturg. xxv, 1 859, i, p. 1();> ; Benicli. Sti'tt. Kiit. 
/eit. IxYxii, 1921, p. 123. 

Identical in build, size, etc. , with S. acuminatus, and according 
to Benick only differs in the head being more distinctly elevated 
in the middle, the pimcturation of the head and thorax less 
coarse, less close, and scarcely rugose, and the pubescence less 
distinct. I do not know the $ characters of this insect. 

Ceylon. United Provinces : Dehra Dun. 

A specimen in the British Museum labelled " tjpe " 
appears identical with S. acuminatus Kr.. A specimen in mj- 
collection from Dehra Dun appears to be lacertoides ; it was 
taken with acuminatus. 


442. Stenns (Hypostenus) monomerns. 

Stenus nwnomertii Faiiv.», Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1896, p. 214. 

Black, shining. Antennae testaceous, the 1st joint and the 
club pitchy. Palpi testaceous. Legs testaceous, the knees 
very narrowly infuscate. Length 3-3 mm. 

Near S. acuminatus Kr., but with broader head, longer 
antennas, entirely testaceous palpi, more narrowly infuscate 
knees, longer thorax, and coarser puncturation of the fore- 
parts. Head a little broader than the elytra at the base, 
broadly excavated, in the middle broadly but very slightly 
elevated, coarsely and closely punctured, behind the base of 
the antennae with a smooth space. Antennae rather short, the 
9th and 10th joints only slightly longer than broad. Thorax 
longer than broad, widest at the middle, the sides evenly 
rounded and retracted, uniformly punctured all over like the 
head. Elytra at the suture as long as the thorax, scarcely 
broader than long, eon\ ex, more coarsely punctured. Abdomen 
a little narrowed behind, the anterior segments constricted at 
the base, coarsely and closely punctured, 5th and 6th segments 
much more finely and sparingly ; apex slightly emarginate, 
the angles a little prominent. The whole insect very sparingly 
pubescent. First joint of posterior tarsi shorter than the four 
following together. 

(J : 6th ventral segment rather deeply, triangularly excised. 

Burma : Carin Cheba, alt. 900 to 1100 metres, v., xii. ; 
Pegu; Palon, viii., ix. (L. ^ea). Also in the Malay Peninsula. 

443. Stenus (Hypostenns) tricarinatus. 

Stetms friciirutatiis Kr.*, Arcli. Xaturjr. xxv, 1850, i, p. 1()4. 

Black, shining ; head behind with three large, shining, im- 
punctatc spaces. Antennae testaceous, the penultimate joints 
infuscate. Palpi testaceous, the 3rd joint infuscate. Legs 
testaceous, the apex of femora and the apical halves of the 
tibiae infuscate. Length 3 mm. 

In build somewhat resembling S. fornicatus Steph., but 
larger and with broader thorax. Head a little broader than 
the thorax, at the base with three large, raised, impunctate 
spaces, the median one the largest, the antennal tubercles and 
a space behind similarly raised and impunctate, the rest of the 
surface moderately finely and closely punctured. Antennae 
rather short, the penultimate joints scarcely longer than broad. 
Thorax about as broad as long, the sides gently rounded and a 
little more retracted behind, in the middle with a well-marked 
longitudinal smooth shining space abbreviated in front and 
behind, in front of the base on each side with an irregular 
amooth space, otherwise rather coarsely and closely punctured. 

STENUS. 381 

Elytra about a fourth longer and about twice as broad as the 
thorax, convex, coarsely and closely punctured. Abdomen 
narrowed behind, the bases of the anterior segments con- 
stricted, the first two segments rather coarsely and closely 
punctured, the following much more finely and sparingly. 
The whole insect covered with a sparing, short, white pubescence. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with an acute triangular excision ; 
5th scarcely perceptibly eraarginate. 

Ceylon : Colombo. Belgaum. Pusa. Also in Java and 

444. Stenus (Hypostenas) microcephalas. 

Stenm inicroacphilm Banili., Mitt, xv, 1920, p. l.'iO. 

Black, moderately shining. Antennae reddish-testaceous, 
the penultimate joints infuscate. Palpi testaceous. Legs 
testaceous, the apex of the femora very narrowly infuscate. 
Length 3 to 3-5 mm. 

Very near S. tricurinatuH Kr., but less shining, more pubes- 
cent, more finely and closely punctured. The head is broader 
than the thorax, but narrower than the base of the elytra, 
narrowly impressed on each side, broadly and slightly elevated 
along the middle, before the base with three shining impunctate 
plaques and a similar one behind the base of each antenna, 
the rest of the surface rather closely punctured. Antennae 
reaching the base of the thorax, the 9th and 10th joints a 
little longer than broad. Thorax with smooth impunctate 
space in the middle, moderately coarsely and rather closely 
punctured. El)rtra nearly half as long again as the thorax, 
convex, ample, more coarsely punctured than the thorax. 
Abdomen narrowed from base to apex, the anterior segments 
somewhat constricted and rather coarsely and closely punctured, 
the posterior gradually more finely and less closely, the apex 
with a short straight spine on each side. First joint of posterior 
tarsi not longer than the last. 

(J : 6th ventral segment narrowly excised, the apex of the 
incision rounded, the margins not bevelled. 

Kumaon : Haldwani. Siwaliks : Nakraunda ; Lachiwala. 

443. Stenus (E]rpostenus) ftstulosus. 

SUnut fiatulotm Ben., Mitt. Munch. Knt. Ges. xv, 1926, p. 78. 

Near S. trioarinatus Kr. Black, the abdomen more shining, 
sparingly pubescent, closely and rather coarsely punctured. 
Antennae, palpi, and legs yellow, the apical half of the former, 
the apex of the palpi, and apex of the femora infuscate. The 
head rather small, not much broader than the thorax, narrower 
than the elytra at the base, eyes large. Front not impressed. 


the middle of the vertex broadly elevated and to some extent 
smooth, on each side superficially excavated, behind the 
insertion of the antennae with a small shining space, the rest 
of the surface finely and irregularly punctured. Antennae not 
reaching the base of the thorax, the 3rd joint about a third 
longer than the 2nd and 4th, this as long as the 5th, the 6th 
shorter, the last three joints longer than broad, stouter than 
the two preceding. The palpi long and slender. Thorax as 
long as broad, widest at the middle, equally narrowed in front 
and behind, convex, in the middle with a small shining line 
for about a fourth of the length, the puncturation obviously 
coarser than on the head, very close, the interspaces only half 
the diameter of the punctures. Elytra broad, the shoulders 
prominent, the sides slightly rounded, the posterior border 
slightly emarginatc, convex, along the suture slightly im- 
pressed, within the shoulders distinctly impressed, closely 
and very coarsely punctured, much more coarsely than the 
thorax. Abdomen obviously narrower at the base than the 
elytra, narrowed behind, immarginate, the bases of the seg- 
ments moderately constricted, the puncturation on the basal 
segments as coarse as that of the head, towards the apex 
becoming much finer : oth segment with a narrow white 
membranous border behind ; 7th with a small curved spine. 
Legs short and not stout, the tibiae more slender in the basal 
half, the posterior tarsi hardly longer than half the tibia, the 
Ist joint about a half longer than the 3rd, the 4th deeply 
bilobed. Upper surface without ground-sculpture. 

^•. 6th ventral segment slightly emarginatc, the 5th slightly 
but more broadly emarginatc. 

Length 2-6 to 2-7 mm. 

Belongs to the fornicatus section and near tricarinatus Kr., 
from which it differs in the more slender build, finer and 
thicker puncturation, less distinct shining spaces on the head, 
and the cj characters. 

Madras (ex Benick). 

446. Stenas (Hypostenns) planifrons. 

StenuK planifrons Fauv., Itev. d'Kiit. viii, lti89, p. 263; id. xxii, 
1903, p. 262. 

Black, subopaque, with 'a short, subsquamose, golden 
pubescence. Antennae reddish-testaceous, the first two joints 
and the club pitchy. Palpi testaceous. Legs reddish- 
testaceous, the knees and occasionally the apex of the tibiae 
infuscate. Length 3-2 to 3-5 mm. 

Beadily recognised by the pubescence in certain lights 
giving the insect the appearance of being dusted with gold. 
-Head as broad as the base of the elytra, flat, only raised at the 


sides, closely and rather coarsely punctured, except for a 
narrow smooth space at the base of the antenna. Antennae 
rather short, the 9th and 10th joints only a little longer than 
broad. Thorax a little longer than broad, widest at the 
middle, the sides evenly rounded, the sculpture as on the head. 
Elytra at the sutiure scarcely longer than the thorax, convex, 
slightly broader than long, longitudinally impressed within 
the shoulders, more coarsely punctured than the thorax. 
Abdomen cylindrical, narrowed behind, the anterior segments 
constricted at the base, closely but less coarsely punctured 
than the fore -parts, a little less closely and a little less coarsely 
on the last two segments ; apex bispinose. First joint of the 
posterior tarsi shorter than the following together, about as 
long as the last. 

cj : 6th ventral segment with a small triangular cmargination ; 
5th flattened and more closely punctured and pubescent along 
the middle. 

Dehra Dun ; Siwaliks. Mussoorie and Chakrata districts 
up to 6000 feet. Ranikhet. Also in New Caledonia, N.W. 
Australia, and Celebes. 

Key to the Species of the Subi/eims Mesostenus. 

1. Each elytron with a reddish or jellowish 

marking 2, 

Kiytra immaculate ]8. 

2. Abdomen cylindrical, extremely finely 

margined 3. 

Abdomen not cylindrical, normally 

margined 9. 

3. Head with smootli median elevation .... 4. 
Head uniformly punctured 8. 

4. I'^lytral marking round S. 

Klytral marking otherwise 7. 

1). Larger (7'8 rain. >. Thorax not lonoer than [p. 38(5. 

broad, the elytral marking larger p-andiculus Ben., 

Smaller ((i5 to 7 mm.). Thorax a little 
longer than broad, the elytral marking 
smaller 6. 

■C. Thorax very uneven and rugate ; elytral 

spot smaller eallifrons Ben., p. 380. 

Thorax less uneven and rugose ; elytral 
spot larger gettroi Fauv., p. ."jH,"). 

7. Elytra each with large, transverse, irre- 
gular yellow spot behind the middle, 
in front and behind with a slight purple 

reflex /«« Fauv., p. 388. 

Elytta each with an obliqueh' placed 
orange spot shaped like half a dumb- 
ibell. the narrower posterior part in- 
volving the posterior margin itself tmmsi Bernh., p. 387. 


8. Elytral spot rather large, oblique, sub- 

triangular, narrow behiud, and reaching, 

or almost reaching, the posterior margin [p. 386. 

itself eircumfiexu* Fauv., 

Elyti'al spot smaller, oval, well septirated [p. 388. 

from the posterior margin maaurianus, sp. n., 

9. Thorax very uneven, on either side of the 

middle with the rugte forming an irre- 
gular keel, interrupted in the middle . . 10. 
Thorax even, without keels 11. 

10. Head with a median shiuiu;,' line before 

the base; elytral spot smaller, narrow, 

oblique, pale yellow ; abdomen much [p. 300. 

more coarsely punctured obliqtienotatus, sp. n., 

Head without shining line; elytral spot 
larger, rounder, orange-yellow. Abdo- [p. 389. 

men much more finely punctured ttigmatietis Fauv., 

11. Elytral spot large, round. Larger (7"2mm.). chakratianuSjif.a., 
Elytralspotsmaller. Smaller{;J-5to7mm.). 12. [p. 391, 

12. Third joint of maxillary palpi black ; 

elytral spot round tnanUi/er, sp. n.,p. 395. 

Third joint of maxillary palpi testaceous 

or slightly infuscate 13. 

13. Larger (6-75 to 7 mm.) U. 

Smaller (3-5 to 5 mm.) 17. 

14. Elytral spot larger, oval-oblong 15. [p. 394. 

Elytral spot smaller, rounded abdotninalis Fauv., 

15. Elytra as long as the thorax ; thorax more 

deeply sulcate in the middle ; more 

uneven peraffiiiis Fauv., p. 393. 

Elytra a little longer than the thorax ; 
thorax less deeply sulcate ; less uneven , 16. 

16. Elytral spot larger and brighter pogticut Fauv., p. 392. 

Elytral spot smaller and duller lanyuor Ben., p. 393. 

17. Larger (4*5 to 5 mm.). More shining, more 

metallic, thorax more deeply sulcate. . . . virgula Fauv., p. 394. 
Smaller (3'5 mm.). Less shining, less 
metallic, thorax less deeply sulcate .... belli Fauv., p. 396. 

18. Abdomen extremely finely bordered; 

cylindrical, as in Hj/poatemis 19. 

Abdomen normally bordered 21. 

19. Abdomen densely punctured 20. 

Abdomen very finely and sparingly' punc- 
tured ; elytra at suture half as long as [p. 402. 
the thorax brachypterttt Kr,, 

20. Elytra at the suture one-fourth shorter [p, 403. 

than the thorax nilgirimisis Cam., 

Elytra at the suture scarcely shorter thnn 

the thorax pilicomia Fauv.,p. 397.. 

21. Elytra with vorticose sculpture behind ; [p. 398. 

colour preen viridanui Champ., 

Elytra without vorticose sculpture ; black, 
with or without metallic renex 22. 

22. Larger (6'6 to 8 mm.). Robust black 

species eordatu$ Gr., p. 899> 

Smaller (4 to 4'6 mm.) 23. 

STENUS. 385 

23. Elytra ividened behind; sides of th(jrnx 

finely denticulate kempt Heinh., p. 401. 

Elytra parallel; sides of tlioiax not 
denticulate 24. 

24. Slore shininj; ; thorax less uneven, the 

median sulcus shnllow, the elvtra less 

closely punctured ". acerk Steph., p. 400. 

I^ess shining, with distinct leaden rettex ; 
thorax more uneven, the median sulcii.s 

deep, the elytra more coarsely and [p. 400. 

closely punctured ". subtnetiillicns, sp. n., 

Fig. 100.- SfeiiHS (Mesoitenna) gestroi, apox of abdomen of cJ ; 
ventral surface. 

447. Stenus (Mesostenus) gestroi. (Fig. 100.) 

Stenus ffeatroi V&uv.*, Uev. d'Knt. xiv, 18SW, p. 212. 

Robust, black, rather shining ; each elytron with a moderate, 
round, orange spot behind, equidistant from the adjacent 
margins. Antennae, palpi, and legs reddish-testaceous, the 
club of the first blackish, the knees scarcely infuscate. Length 
6-5 to 7 mm. 

VOL. I. 



Head as broad as the elytra at their widest part, deeply 
bisulcate, along the middle elevated, convex and smooth 
behind, the antennal tubercles and a small area behind smooth, 
otherwise closely and moderately coarsely punctured. 
Antenna3 moderate, not reaching the base of the thorax. 
Thorax a little longer than broad, transversely impressed 
behind the anterior margin, deeply and broadly sulcatc along 
the middle, the sides impressed, before the base on each side 
with an impression, very coarsely, closely, rugosely punctured. 
Elytra at the sutittc as long as the thorax, transverse, deeply 
impressed within the shoulders and along the suture, closely but 
scarcely as coarsely punctured as the thorax. Abdomen stout, 
cylindrical, extremely finely margined, the anterior segments 
constricted at the base, the puncturation in front very like 
that of the head (in the impressions coarser and closer), behind 
rather finer and less close. 

(^: 6th ventral segment with a short, broad, but acute 
excision ; 5th in the posterior half along the middle more 
densely jiunctured and pubescent. 

Biu-ma : Carin Cheba ; Carin Asciuii Cheba ; Cariu Ghecu 
{Fea). Assam : Naga Hills, Laimatak (.S'. N. Chatterjee). 

448. Stenus (Uesostenus) grandiculus. 

Stenus grandiculm Bon., Ent. Mitt, xv, 1920, p. ^77. 

Near S. gestroi Fauv., but larger and more robust, the 
thorax evidently shorter, the elj^tra broader, the spot larger 
and nearer the suture, the abdomen more sparingly punctured. 
Length 7-8 mm. (with extended abdomen). 

(^ unknown. 

Burma, without further indication. 

449. Stenus (Mesostenns) callifrons. 

Stetius callifrons Ben., Ent. Mitt, xv, 1920, p. 276. 

This only differs from S. gestroi Pauv. in the narrower, more 
uneven, more rugose thorax, smaller elytral spot, and rather 
less fine puncturation on the penultimate abdominal segments. 
The (J characters are similar to those of S. gestroi. 

Dehra Dun District : Kaligad ; Arni Gad. 

450. Stenas (Hesostenus) circumflezus. 

Stentit circumjlexus Fauv.», Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. L'll. 
Robust, black, moderately shining ; elytra each with a 

STENUS. 387 

triangular orange spot, the posterior extremity at the posterior 
margin, the external margin oblique, the antero -external 
angle nearly reaching the lateral margin, the anterior margin 
horizontal. Antennae, palpi, and legs reddish-testaceous, the 
femora a little infuscate apically. Length 5-75 mm. 

Head as broad as the elytra at their widest part, deeply 
suloate on each side, convex and raised along the middle, 
behind the base of the antenna with a shining keel, otherwise 
uniformly, coarsely, and closely punctured. Antennae moderate, 
not quite reaching the base of the thorax. Thorax a little 
longer than broad, widest at the middle, the sides in front 
gently rounded, straighter and more retracted behind, uneven, 
<ieeply sulcate in the middle, the sulcus abbreviated in front 
and behind, the .sides impressed, rugose, more coarsely punc- 
tun'.d than the head. Elytra at the suture as long as the 
thorax, but much broader, transverse, deeply impressed 
within the shoulders and along the suture, coarsely, closely, 
rugosely punctured, but less coarsely than the thorax. Abdo- 
men stout, cylindrical, extremely finely bordered, the anterior 
segments constricted at their base, closely and coarsely 
punctured, more finely behind ; apex with two stout curved 
spines. Fore-parts glabrous, the abdomen with a very fine, 
sparing pubescence. First joint of the posterior tarsi longer 
than the last. 

^ : (ith ventral segment with broad obtuse excision ; 5th 
along the middle of the posterior half extremely finely punc- 
tured and pubescent, scarcely emarginate. 

Burma : Carin Ghecu ; Carin Asciuii Ghecu, 1300 to 1500 

451. Stenus (Mesostenus) immsi. (Fig. 101.) 

S/f)iiii (Mes(jsteiiiin) immsi liernli.*, Col. Itiindseli. 1915, p. 49. 

Robust, black, shining ; elytra with a half dumb-bell- 
shaped orange mark, obliquely placed and extending from 
the posterior margin itself to about the level of the middle and 
equidistant from the lateral and sutural margins, the posterior 
part of the marking narrower than the anterior. Antennas, 
palpi, and legs reddish-testaceous, the club of the former a little 
infuscate. Length 6 to 6-25 mm. 

Near 8. circumjlexus Fauv., but larger and more robust, 
a little more shining, the antennae shorter, the thorax a little 
broader, the sulcus less marked, the puncturation of the fore- 
parts a little coarser. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with narrow, acute, triangular 
excision, the apex rounded, the edges not bevelled ; 5th in 
the middle behind more thickly punctured and pubescent, 




scarcely emarginate. Posterior tibiae at the apex internally 
with a small yellow spur. 
Dehra Dun. Chakrata district : Manjgaon, alt. 6500 feet. 



Fig. 101. -Steinis (Menonfeiiiis) immsi, apex of abdomen of c? ! 
ventral mirface. 

452. Stenus (Mesostenus) fes. 

Sienuafea Fauv., Eev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 211. 

Differs from 8. circumflexua Fauv. in the longer antennae, 
more deeply bisulcate head with the interval more elevated 
and almost smooth, the shorter thorax with strongly dilated 
sides, more strongly rugose, more uneven and more deeply 
sulcate ; the broader, more transverse and more rugose elytra, 
which scarcely have a coppery reflex, and the large yellow, 
irregular, and transverse spot situated a little behind the 
middle, in front and behind the spot from base to apex scarcely 
perceptibly purplish ; the much more shining, more sparingly 
and strongly punctured, less finely bordered abdomen. Length 
6 to 6| mm. 

(J unknown. 

Burma : Carin Gh6cu, alt. 1300 to 1400 metres ; Carin 
Asciuii Gh6cu, 1400 to 1500 metres ; Carin Cheba, 500 
to 1000 metres {L. Fea) (ex Fauvel). 

453. Stenus (Hesostenas) masttrianus, sp. n. 

Black, moderately shining ; head bisulcate, feebly elevated 
along the middle, uniformly punctured. Elytra with a narrow, 
^val, longitudinal orange spot behind. Antennae and palpi 
reddish-testaceous, the club of the former infuscate. Legs 



reddish-testaceous, the distal part of the femora scarcely 
infuscate. Length 6 mm. 

Very near 8. circumflexus Pauv., but less robust, the elytral 
spot smaller, oval, and placed longitudinally, the fore-parts 
a little less coarsely punctiu'ed. 

cj : 6th ventral segment with a shallow obtuse excision ; 
5th in the middle of the posterior half densely punctured and 

Dehra Dun District : Arni Gad. 

454. Stenus (Mesostenus) stigmaticus. (Fig. 102.; 

iStenua stigmatkus Fauv.*, Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. I'lO. 

Moderately shining, bronze-black ; elytra each with a 
moderate oval orange spot behind the middle, much nearer 
the lateral margin than the suture, equidistant from the 
lateral and posterior margins. Antennae with the first five 

Fig. 102.- 

Steiivi (MesoaUimis) stigmaticus, apex of abdomen of jj ; 
ventral surface. 

or six joints reddish-testaceous, the rest infuscate. Palpi 
reddish-testaceous, the 3rd joint infuscate. Legs reddish- 
testaceous, the apex of the femora and bases of the tibiae a 
little infuscate. Length 6 to 6-75 mm. 

Head a little narrower than the elytra at their widest, 
bisulcate, convex and raised along the middle, and here more 
coarsely and less closely punctured than at the sides. Antennae 
slender, reaching the base of the thorax. Thorax as long as 



broad, widest at the middle, the sides rounded in front, rather 
suddenly retracted behind, deeply and completely sulcate 
along the middle, with an impression on each side before 
the base, the sides also impressed, uneven, coarsely and closely 
punctured with here and there confluent rugae. Elytra at the 
suture a little longer than the thorax, as broad as long, uneven, 
coarsely and closely punctured with confluent rugae. Abdomen 
narrowed from base to apex, the anterior segments transversely 
impressed at base, closely, moderately finely punctured, 
gradually more finely and more sparingly behind. Anterior 
tibiae a little sinuated internally. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with obtuse excision ; 5th a little 
flattened along the middle for about the posterior two-thirds, 
and there closely and finely punctured and pubescent, scarcely 
perceptibly emarginate. 

Burma : Carin Asciuii Cheba. alt. 1200 to 1300 metres 
{L. Fea). Sikkim : Darjceling (Christie). Assam : Naga 
Hills {8. N. Chatterjee). Also in Tonkin. 

Fig. 103. — Stenus (Mesostenus) ohUqv,enotaiu3, apex of abdomen of (J 
Tentral surface. 

455. Stenus (Mesostenns) oliliquenotatus, sp. u. (Fig. lOy.) 

Black, rather shining : each elytron with a narrow, oval, 
yellow, oblique spot behind the middle. Antennae, palpi, and 



legs reddish-testaceous, the club of the antennae, the 3rd joint 
of the palpi, and the apex of the femora infuscate. Length 
6 mm. 

Very closely allied to »S'. stigmaticus Fauv., but differs in the 
less uneven, less coarsely sculptured thorax, the narrower, 
yellow spot on the elytra, and the much more strongly and 
closely punctured 4th and 5th abdominal segments. The (J 
has a less obtuse excision in the 6th ventral segment, and the 
5th is only impressed and thickly pubescent near the posterior 

Chakrata district : Deoban ; Manjgaon ; Khedar Khud ; 
Bodyar ; Jadi Gad, alt. 7000 to 9000 feet. 

■loO. Stenus (Mesostenus) chakratianus, sp. u. (Fi^. 104.) 

Elongate, moderately shining, black with distinct metallic 
green reflex, especially on the abdomen ; each elytron with a 
rather large round orange spot posteriorly about equidistant 

Fig. 104. 

-Stenus (STeeostenns) chakratianua, apex of abdomen of (J ; 
ventral snrfaco. 

from the lateral and posterior margins, more distant from 
the suture. Antennae long and slender, the 8th to 11th joints 
infuscate ; . palpi reddish-testaceous, the 3rd joint infuscate 


apically. Legs reddish-testaceous, the distal third of the 
femora infuscate. Length 7-5 mm. 

Near S. atigmaticus Fauv., but larger, more metallic, the 
antemiae much longer and the elytral spot much larger. Head 
as broad as the elytra at their greatest width, broadly bisulcate, 
elevated and convex along the middle, with a small impunctate 
plaque behind, the antennal tubercles also smooth, the rest of 
the surface closely, moderately coarsely punctured, the punc- 
tures in front somewhat confluent. Antennae reaching beyond 
the base of the thorax. Thorax distinctly longer than broad, 
widest at the middle, the sides roimded in front, straighter and 
more retracted behind, along the middle with a deep sulcus 
abbreviated behind, on each side with a rounded impression, 
coarsely, closely, rugosely inmetured, the interspaces forming 
rugae, especially on the disc. Elytra at the suture a little longer 
than the thorax, as long as broad, impressed within the 
shoulders and at the snture, loss coarsely punctured. Abdomen 
narrowed from base to apex, distinctly bordered, the anterior 
segments transversely impressed at the base, closely, moderately 
finely punctured in front, gradually more finely and a little 
more sparingly behind. Apex with two short triangular 
spines. Anterior tibiae a little sinuate internally. 

(J: 6th ventral segment with triangular emargination, the 
apex rounded ; 5th impressed along the middle almost through- 
out, the impression very finely and closely punctured and 
pubescent, the adjacent border feebly emarginate. 

Chakrata district : Manjgaon, alt. 6500 feet. 

457. Stenns (Mesosteims) posticus. 

Stenus posticus lAmv.*, Rev. d'Knt. xi\, Ib'J.j, p. 20il. 

Elongate, black, shining, with slight greenish reflex ; each 
elytron behind with an oval yellow spot which is equidistant 
from the posterior and lateral margins, much further from the 
sutural. Antennae, palpi, and legs reddish-testaceous, the club 
of the first a little infuscate. Length 6 to 6-75 mm. 

Head as broad as the elytra behind, slightly, broadly bisul- 
cate in the middle, broadly and slightly elevated and convex, 
rather coarsely, closely and uniformly punctured, the antennal 
tubercles smooth. Antennae long and slender, reaching a 
little beyond the base of the thorax. Thorax a little longer 
than broad, widest at the middle, the sides feebly rounded in 
front, .straight and more retracted behind, scarcely sulcate in 
the middle, obsoletely impressed on each side, closely, more 
coarsely punctured than the head, rugulose. Elytra at the 
suture as long as the thorax, as long as broad, impressed behind 
the shoulders, the sculpture as on the thorax. Abdomen 



narrowed from base to apex, strongly bordered, the first three 
visible segments closely, moderately finely, the following 
much more finely punctured. Apex with two short spines. 
Anterior tibiae a little sinuated internally. 

(J : Intermediate and posterior tibiae with a small black spur 
near the apex internally ; 6th ventral segment with a broad, 
almost crescentic excision, the edges bevelled ; 5th imjiressed 
in the middle almost throughout, the impression deeper behind 
with carinate margins, posterior border emarginate. 

Burma : Carin Cheba ; Carin Asciuii Gh6cu, alt. 900 to 
1500 metres {L. Fea) ; Ruby Mines (Doherty). 

Fig. lO."}. Steiius (Meeosteiiiia) Uiiigvin; apex of abdomen of fj ; 
ventral surface. 

458. Stenus (Mesostenus) languor (Fig. 105.) 

Stemis (MesoKtenus) litiiyuor Ben., Ent. Mitt, xv, 1(*2C), p. 275, 

Closely allied to S. posticus Fauv., but less shining and 
without metallic reflex ; the elytral spot is smaller and duller, 
the sculpture on the fore-parts less coarse. The ^ characters 
are similar. 

Chakrata district : Kanasar, alt. 7050 feet. Mussoorie 
district : Jabberkhet, alt. 6800 feet. 

450. Stenus (Mesostenus) peraffinis. 

Stenui peraffinit Fauv.*, Kev. d'Ent .\iv, IS!).), p. ;;09. 
Very near S. posticus Fauv, and, apart from the ^ characters, 



differs only in the thorax more distinctly sulcate, the lateral 
impressions deeper, so that it is more uneven. The elytra are 
shorter, about as long as the thorax. Length 6-5 to 7 mm. 

<J : 6th ventral segment broadly, subtriangularly cmarginate ; 
5th impressed behind in the middle, the sides of the impression 
scarcely carinate, densely punctured and pubescent, scarcely 
emarginate behind. The middle and posterior tibiae are 
without spurs. 

Burma : Carin Asciuii Gh6cu, alt. 1400 to 1500 metres, 
iii., iv. [L. Fea). 

460. Stenus (Hesostenus) abdomiualis. 

Stemm ahduminalis Fauv., Kev. d'Eiil. xiv, 18i1i>. p. ^10. 

Very near S. peraffiuis Fauv., but a little smaller, with the 
antenns, especially the 7th and 8th joints, shorter, the elytral 
spot smaller, rounded-oval, the abdomen nearly twice as 
closely and finely punctured. 

cj : Anterior tibiae scarcely sinuate internally, the middle 
without a spur, the posterior with a scarcely perceptible one 
internally near the apex; 6th f ventral segment impressed 
almost throughout the middle ; 7th t more deeply incised, 
subtriangularly impressed before the excision. 

Length 5-75 mm. 

Burma : Carin Cheba, alt. 1300 to 1400 metres ; 
Carin Asciuii Gh^cu, 1400 to 1500 metres (L. Fea) (ex 

461. Stenus (Hesostenus) virgula. (Fig. 106.) 

Sfeniis virgula Fauv.*, Uev, d'Eut. xiv, 1895, ]>. iilO. 

Black, moderately shining : each elytron with a narrow ovaU 
oblique, orange spot posteriorly, equidistant from the lateral 
and posterior margins, much further from the suttiral. 
Antennae, palpi, and legs reddish-testaceous, the club of the 
former infuscate. Length 4-5 to 5 mm. 

Head as broad as the elytra behind, broadly and slightly 
bisulcate, slightly elevated and convex along the middle, 
with trace of a smooth shining line, the sculpture a little 
coarser and less close along the middle than at the sides. 
Antennae slender, reaching the base of the thorax. Thorax 
slightly longer than broad, widest at the middle, the sides 
rounded in front, more retracted and straighter behind, sulcate 
throughout the middle, the sides obliquely impressed, coarsely 
and closely punctured and with numerous rugae. Elytra 

_ 1 

t 5th and 6th respectively in our numeration. 



at the suture a little longer than the thorax, about as long 
as broad, coarsely, rugosely punctured. Abdomen narrowed 
from base to apex, the anterior segments transversely impressed 
at the base, very closely, coarsely, and rugosely punctured at 
the base of these segments, gradually more finely and sparingly 
behind. Apex with two short stout spines. Anterior tibiae 
feebly sinuate internally. 

(J : Middle and posterior tibiae near the apex internally with 
minute yellow spur ; 6th ventral segment with rather broad 

!:,(/! ,1-, 1,1)1, 

Fig. 106. 

•S'feiiKs (Memnteitiis) HrguUi. apex of abdomen of cf 
vuiitnil surfiK-e. 

rounded excision ; 5th impressed nearly throughout the 
middle, the impression deeper behind and closely punctured 
and pubescent, scarcely emarginatc. 

Burma : Carin Cheba ; Carin Gh^cu ; Carin Asciuii Ghecu, 
alt. 900 to 1500 metres (L. Fea). Bengal : Kurseong. 
Sikkim: Darjeeling(CAm<ie). United Provinces : W. Almora, 

462. Stenus (Mesostenus) maculifer, sp. n. (Fip;. 107.) 

Black, shining, with slight metallic reflex on the abdomen ;• 
each elytron with a moderate oval orange spot posteriorly 
and nearer the lateral margin than the suture. Antennje, 
palpi, and legs reddish-testaceous, the club of the first and the 
3rd joint of the palpi infuscate. Length 4-5 mm. 



Size and build of ;S. virgvla Pauv., but much more shining, 
the elytral spot larger and broader, the fore-paxts more 
coarsely punctured, the abdomen less closely punctured. 

(J : jffiddle and posterior tibiae with a minute spur internally 
near the apex ; 6th ventral segment with arcuate excision ; 
5th impressed along the middle almost throughout, the 
impression deeper behind and thickly punctured and pubescent, 
the posterior border distinctly emarginate. 

Assam : Naga Hills, Laimatak (<S'. N. Chatter jee). 

Fig. 107. — iSVenus {Mesoaleuw) manilifer, apex of abdomen of cS • 
ventral surface. 

463. Stenus (Mesostenus) belli. (J^'ig. 108.) 

Stenus belli Fauv.*, Rev. d'Ent. xxiii, 190-1-, p. 47. 

Black, shining ; each elytron with a rather obscure, narrow 
oval spot behind the middle, nearer the sutiu-e than the lateral 
margin and closely approaching the posterior margin. Atitonnse, 
palpi, and legs reddish-testaceous, the distal half of the antennsB 
infuscate. Length 3 -5 mm. 

Very near S. virgvla Fauv., but smaller, the head in the 
middle with a distinct shining plaque, the elytral spot more 
obscure and situated nearer the suture, sculpture of the fore- 
parts less coarse, 5th abdominal segment much less closely 
punctured. In other respects similar. 

(J : Middle and posterior tibiae with minute blackish spur 
internally near the apex ; 6th ventral segment narrowly, 



acutely excised ; 5th broadly and slightly impressed throughout 
the middle, the impression more thickly punctured and 
pubescent, the adjacent border feebly emarginate. 
Nilgiri Hills (H. L. Andrewes). 



'III I!*/, Ml 



Pig. 108. -S/fHUs {MexiixleHUs) belli, apex of abdomen of rf' ; 
ventral surface. 

404. Stenus (Uesosteuns) pilicornis. 

Stenus pi/icoitiis Fauv.*, Bev. d'Eut. \iv, 18!)."), p. L'Of*. 

Unique amongst the Burmese species with immaculate 
elytra. Size of (S. erichsoni, Rye, and but little different in 
facies, black, rather shining, with greenish reflex ; coxae 
pitchy-red, palpi, antennae, and legs reddish-testaceous, the 
club of the antennae and the knees scarcely infuscate ; antennae 
long, slender, pilose ; head broad, excavate, along the middle 
scarcely elevated or keeled, uniformly closely, rugosely 
punctured like the thorax ; thorax oval, the sides dilated, 
in the middle with short obsolete sulcus ; elytra somewhat 
shorter than the thorax, a little more strongly rugose, scarcely 
uneven ; abdomen cylindrical, the segments transversely 
impressed at the bases, scarcely crenulate, the 2nd to 5th 
rather closely and finely, 6th and 7th very finely punctured, 
all of them extremely finely bordered ; 4th tarsal joint narrowly 
bilobed. $ : Posterior tibiae near the apex internally a little 
incurved and dilated; 3rd to 6th t ventral segments longitu- 
dinally impressed, 6th more deeply behind with a little keel 
on each side, the impression very finely punctured and yellow 

t 2nd to Sth in oar numeration. 



pubescent, the apex scarcely cmarginate ; 7th t rather deeply 
and broadly triangularly excised. Length 4J to 4^ mm. 

Burma: Carin Cheba, mO to 1100 metres, vi.-xii. ; Carin 
Asciuii Ghecu, 1400 to 1500 metres, iii., iv. (L. Fea). 

The marginal keel of the abdominal segments is very distinct 
on their constricted part, but very fine elsewhere ; the 4th 
tarsal joint is very narrowly bilobed (ex Fauvd). 

The abdomen has the appearan(!e seen in Hypostenus. 
The posterior tibiae in the ^ at the apex internally is furnished 
with a small black spur, which is not mentioned in the author's 

,1.11 M,l'|l MIMl 

'/ h\i\V\\^ III H 

Fig. 109. Stenns (Memstennii) riridanus, apex of abdomen of r? • 
ventral surface. 

465. Stenus (Mesostenus) viridanus. (I'lg. 109.) 

Stenus (Mesostenus) viridims Cliamp., E. M. M. xli, 1925 p. ]06 

(pruioe.). ' 

Stenus {Mesostenus) viridanis Champ.*, id. p. 169. 

Olive-green, not very shining; the elytra behind with 
vorticose rugae. Antennae, palpi, and legs reddish-testaceous, 
the club of the first, the 3rd joint of the palpi, and the apex 
of the femora rather broadly infuscate. Length 5'75 to 6 mm. 

+ 6th in our numeration. 

STEKUS. . 399 

Head a little narrower than the elytra at the greatest width, 
rather deeply bisulcate, along the middle elevated and convex 
with shining line, coarsely and closely punctured, more coarsely 
and less closely along the middle. Antennae very long and 
slender, reaching beyond the base of the thorax. Thorax 
slightly longer than broad, the sides rounded in front, rather 
suddenly retracted before the base, in the middle with broad 
deep sulcus abbreviated in front and behind, at the posterior 
angles impressed, the sculpture coarse, rugose, close, with 
numerous confluent rugaj. Elytra at the suture a little longer 
than the thorax, as long as broad, very coarsely, closely, and 
rugosely pimctured, behind with the rugse vorticose. Abdomen 
narrowed from base to apex, moderately finely and closely 
punctured in front, gradually more finely and sparingly 
behind. Apex with two stout curved spines. Anterior tibiae 
a little sinuate internally. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with rather broad but acute tri- 
angular excision with rounded apex ; oth in the middle behind 
<lensely punctured and pubescent. 

W. "Almora. Naini Tal, alt. 8000 feet (//. G. Champion). 
Chakrata district : Ohulli Khud, alt. 8000 feet (Cameron). 

This insect is found in the moss on boulders in the running 

460. Stenus (Mesostenus) cordatus. 

Slenu!< v<>rda1us{\v., Col. Micr. 1802, p. 198; Er., Oen. 
.S))ec. Stapli. 1839-40, p. 720; Fitnv., Faun. Gallo-Rheii. iii, 
1872, p. 278; Uov, Ann. Hoc Linn. I.von, xxx, 1883, p. 328; 
Oangll)., Kiif. Jlit't. Enr. ii, IHOfj, p. 502" 

.S?ra!(s- r/>»,'HX Luc, Expl. Al^' Ent. 1849, p. 123, t. 13, f. 4. 

Stt-niis monticeUii Ciista, Atti Nap iv, p. 59. 

^li'nnn princepn Ifanipo, Stott. Ent. Zeit. .^i, 1850. p. 349. 

Robust, black, shining. Antennae reddish-brown, the 1st 
or 1st and 2nd joints more or less pitchy ; palpi reddish, the 
3rd joint, except the base, brown. Legs reddish^ the apical 
third of the femora and base of the tibiae blackish. Length 
C)-5 to 7-5 mm. 

Head a good deal narrower than the elytra at their widest 
part, not much broader than the thorax, broadly, super- 
ficially bisulcate, in the middle convex, very coarsely and 
closely punctured. Antermae extending a little beyond the 
base of the thorax. Thorax broader than long, widest at the 
middle, the sides rather strongly rounded in front, straighter 
and more retracted behind, broadly, superficially sulcate along 
the middle, slightly impressed on each side behind the anterior 
margin and also before the .base,, the sides feebly impressed, 
the sculpture very similar to that of the head. Elji;ra at the 


suture distinctly longer than the thorax, transverse, longi- 
tudinally impressed within the shoulders, at the suture and at 
the sides behind, the puncturation very similar. Abdomen 
narrowed from base to apex, finely and rather closely punc- 
tured at the sides of the anterior segments, much more finely 
and sparingly along the middle and behind. 

<J : 6th ventral segment obtusely emarginate. 

Chakrata district : Konain ; Kanasar ; Bodyar, alt. 7050 
to 8300 feet. Also in Europe and Algeria. 

467. Stenus (Mesostenus) aceris. 

Stenus flccmStepli., 111. Brit. Eiit. v, 1832, p. IW; Fauv., Bull. 

Soc. Linn. Norm, s, 186(5, p. 16 ; (jianfrlb., Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 

1895, p. f)95. 
Stenus aevoms Er., (jen. Spec. Staph. 1830-40, p. 727 ; Fauv., 

Faiin. Gallo-Uhen. ill, 1872, p. 283; lley, Ann. Soc. Limi. Lvon, 

XXX, 1883, p. 337. 
Stenus annulatHs, Crotch, Trtina. Ent. Soc. Lond. (3) v, 1805-67, 

p. 442. 
Stenus eleijans Faina., Ann. Soc. I'^iit. Fr. (3) viii, I860, p. 163. 

Shining bronze-black ; head more or less impunctate in the 
middle. Antennae and palpi reddish-testaceous, the club of 
the former scarcely infuscate. Legs reddish- testaceous, the 
apex of the posterior femora rather broadly infuscate. Length 
4 to 4-5 mm. 

Head a little narrower than the elytra at the widest part, 
broadly bisulcate, along the middle convex a little elevated 
and less closely punctured, the rest of the sxirface rather 
strongly and rather closely punctured. Antennae rather long 
and slender, reaching the base of the thorax. Thorax a little 
longer than broad, widest in the middle, the sides moderately 
rounded in front, more retracted behind, in the middle sulcate, 
the sulcus abbreviated in front and behind, on each side lightly 
impressed before the base and behind the anterior margin, 
laterally with a feeble oblique impression, the punctmration 
very similar to that of the head. Elytra at the suture a little 
longer thai the thorax, parallel, impressed at the base and 
along the suture in front, occasionally also before the posterior 
margin, the puncturation less close and scarcely as coarse. 
Abdomen narrowed from base to apex, closely and moderately 
coarsely punctured in front, gradually more finely and more 
sparingly behind. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with a triangular excision. 

Western Himalayas. Also in Europe. 

468. StenuB (Uesostenas) submetallicus, sp. n. (J^'ig. 110.) 
Moderately shining, leaden-black ; thorax sidcate. Antennae,. 

STENU8. 401 

palpi, and legs reddish-testaoeous, the club of antennae and 3rd 
joint of palpi infuscate, the middle and posterior femora rather 
narrowly infuscate apically. Length 4'1 mm. 

In size and build very similar to S. aceris Steph., but of more 
leaden hue, the central region of the head rather sharply 
carinate, with a small shining line behind, the thorax more 
deeply sulcate, the impressions more marked, more uneven^ 

yi},'. 110. — Steiiiix (Mesontenus) siihmetalhctte, apex of abdomen of (J ; 
ventral surface. 

sculpture of the fore-parts coarser and rugose, that of the 
abdomen a little coarser. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with a moderately broad excision, 
the apex rounded ; 5th impressed along the middle for the 
posterior two-thirds, more deeply behind, finely and densely 
pubescent in the impression. 

Chakrata district : Konain. Simla Hills, alt. 7000 to 8000 

4(!9. Stenus (Hesostenus) kempi. 

Sttntis (,HemUfentt>) kempi Bemh.*, Ent. Mitt, xv, 1926, p. 132. 

Black, shining ; sides of the thorax denticulate. Antennsa 
reddish-testaoeous, the club scarcely infuscate. Legs reddish- 
VOL. I. 2d 

402 STAPH XLl>-IlXi;. 

testaceous, the apex of the femora slightly infuscate. Length 
4 mm. 

Head as broad as the elytra, rather broadly but not strongly 
elevated along the middle, very coarsely and strongly punc- 
tured. Antennae short, reaching the middle of the thorax, 
the penultimate joints scarcely longer than broad. Thorax 
short, scarcely as long as broad, widest about the middle, the 
«ides slightly rounded in front, more retracted and straighter 
behind, finely, sparingly denticulate, sulcate along the middle, 
with very coarse, close, confluent punctures. Elytra a little 
longer than the thorax, widened behind, with similar sculpture. 
Abdomen distinctly bordered, coarsely and closely punctured 
at the bases of the segments, less coarsely and less closely 
elsewhere, towards the apex gradually more finely and sparingly 

Janamukh, alt. 600 feet, Abor Expedition (17. xii. 11), under 
bark (Kemp). 

470. StenuB (Mesostenus) brachypterus. (Fig. 111.) 

Sieniis bruc/n/ptenis Kr.*, Aveli. Xaturg. xxv, IS.")!), i, p. 16-1. 

Black, shining. Elytra at the suture half as long as the 
thorax, dilated behind. Abdomen extremely finely bordered, 

Figr. 111. — Stenut (Mesoatenus) hrachyptertia, apex of abdomen of cJ : 
ventral surface. 

oylindrioal. Antennae, palpi, and legs reddish-testaceous, the 
olub of the first infuscate. Length 4 mm. 

Head as broad as the elytra behind, feebly broadly bisulcate, 

STENUS. 403 

■slightly, broadly elevated along the middle, rather coarsely 
and closely punctured, but less closely along the middle. 
AntennsB slender, rather long, reaching the base of the thorax. 
Thorax as long as broad, widest before the middle, the sides 
in front gently rounded, straight and more retracted behind, 
even, without sulcus, closely and rather strongly punctured. 
Elytra at the suture about half as long as the thorax, strongly 
widened behind, rather coarsely, rugosely punctured. Abdomen 
with the anterior segments transversely impressed at the base, 
finely and rather sparingly punctured, yet more finely and 
more sparingly behind. 

^ : 6th ventral segment with rectangular excision ; 5th 
more thickly punctured and pubescent in the middle behind. 

Ceylon : Dikoya, alt. 3800 to 4200 feet ; Nuwara Eliya, 
alt. 6200 to 8000 feet. 

471. Stenus (Mesostenns) nilgiriensis. 

Ntenm (IIi/pon/i'iiiis) infyiricnsis Caui., 'rnuis. Ent. Soo. Lond. 
1914, ii.'.-i;}!'. 

Black, shining : elytra much shorter than the thorax, fore- 
parts very coarsely and closely jjunctured ; abdomen feebly 
margined at the sides, moderately strongly and closely punc- 
tured anteriorly. AntcnnsB, legs, and palpi yellow, the club of 
the former slightly infuscate. Fourth joint of tarsi bilobed. 
Length 4 mm. 

In size and build almost exactly similar to S. brachypterus 
lir., from which it is at once distinguished by the much stronger 
puncturation and the longer thorax. 

Head large, nearly as broad as the elytra posteriorly, 
depressed between the eyes, without central raised space, 
closely and deeply punctured. Antennae slender, not quite 
reaching the base of the thorax, 3rd joint much longer than 
2nd, 4th to 8th gradually decreasing in length, 9th, 10th, and 
11th oval, stouter tlian the preceding, forming a club. Thorax 
much narrower than the head, a little longer than the greatest 
breadth, which is just before the middle, narrowed gradually 
in front, more strongly behind, strongly and closely punctured 
like the head. Elytra (measured along the suture) one-fourth 
shorter than the thorax, narrower at the shoulders, widened 
behind and strongly emarginate, more strongly and deeply 
punctured than the thorax. Abdomen cylindrical, very 
narrowly margined, pretty coarsely and closely punctured 
(but less so than the fore-parts), the last two segments more 
finely and sparingly punctured ; the last segment with two 
short, rather stout spines. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with a shallow emargination. 



S. India : Nilgiri Hills, Ouchterlony Valley, 5000 feet above 
sea-level, by sweeping (Mr. H. E. Andrewes' Collection) 
{H. L. Andrewes). 

Genus DI ANGUS Samouelle. 

Dtanom SainouBlle, Knt. Comp. ISIO, p. 17.'!; Curtis, Brit. Eut. 
iii, 1826, p. 107; Er., Kiif. Mark. Brand, i, 18;57 39 (1830), 
p. 527; Gen. Spec. Staph. 1839-40, p. fi88 ; Lftcord,, Gen. Col. 
ii, 185.5, p. 102 ; Krafttz, Nat. Ins. Deutsch. ii, ISflB .58, p. 738 ; 
Jacq. du Val, Gen. Col. d'Eur. 18.58, p. .51; Tlionis., Skand. 
Col. ii, 1800, p. 211; Fauv., Fn. Gallo-Klu'n. iii, 1872, p. 224; 
Rev, Ann. Soe. Linn. Lyon, xxx, 1883, p. ]7'); Cnsey, Rev. 
Sten. Amer. North of Mtaico, 1881, p. 8; G.angll)., Kaf. Mitt. 
Eur. ii, 1895, p. 548. 

In general appearance similar to Stenus, but with smaller 
eyes and longer and more developed anal brushes. The 
structure of the mouth-parts is, however, very different, the 
mentum is short, much broader than long, elevated along the 
middle, the labium short and not capable of exsertion. The 
tongue is divided into two lobes separated by a wide emargina- 
tion which is furnished with four rather long and strong setse, 
paraglossaa distinct, not extending beyond the tip of the lobes 
of the tongue. The abdomen is always distinctly and com- 
pletely bordered, the elytra in some species have a rosette of 
radiating or vorticose rugae posteriorly as in some species 
of Stenus, and the fom-th tarsal joint may be simple or 

The species are found in Europe and North America, and 
a large number have recently been discovered in India and 
two in China. They are all found in the neighbourhood 
of running water, often in the stream-moss attached to 

Key to the Species o/Dianous. 

1 Elytra without rosette of radiating or 

vorticose rugse about the middle 2. 

Elytra with a rosette of radiating or 

vorticose rug* 20. 

2. Elytra with reddish-yellow spot on each . . 3. 

Elytra without such marking 4. 

8. Shininf^ black, the elytral spot large and [p. 423. 

ronnd bimantlatus Cam., 

Metallic, the elytral spot oblique, reni- [p. 414. 

form obliguenotatus Champ., 

4. Elytra uniformly coloured 6. 

Elytra more or less variegate 13. 

jjiAJfors. 405 

5. Thorax extremely finely punctured or 

almost impunctate (!. 

Thorax very distinctly punctured 8. [p, 408, 

6. Thorax almost impunctate (jracilipea Clianip., 

Thorax extremely finely and closely 

punctured 7. 

7. First joint oC the posterior tarsi longer 

than the four following together ; elytra [p. 4l0. 

very black (latameimix Cum., 

First joint of the ))osterior tarsi shorter 
than the four following toj-ether; elytra 
obscure bronze-green rvlmstus (Jam., p. 407. 

8. Uniformly coloured blue hpec'cs 9. 

Otherwise coloured 10. [p. 422. 

9. J'llytra coarsely and not closely punctured . crihyaihis Champ., 
Elytra moderately finely, closely puiic- [p. 424. 

tured azureus Champ., 

10. Legs very long and slender, the 1st joint 

of the posterior tarsi fully as long as the 

four following together cunsors Cam,, p. 413. 

Logs shorter, the 1st joint of the 
posterior shorter than the four 
following together 11. 

11. I'llytra black 12. [p. 420. 

Elytra blue pimc/iveiitrin Champ., 

12. Tliorax more finely, elytra less finely [p. 417. 

punctured cijuiioj/aster Champ., 

Thorax less finely, elytra more finelj- |^p. 418. 

punctured siwalikeusis Cain., 

13. Kh tra coppery, with blue I'euiform spot . . ccpruleoiioftitun Champ,, 
Elytra otherw ise coloured 1 J. [p. 414. 

14. Thorax almost impunctate l-j. 

Thorax distinctly punctured 17. [p. 413. 

15. Elytra ct.ppery, \ariegated with gre(!n. . . . hifoveij rons Champ., 
J'ilytra otherwise coloured, larger 10. 

16. Tliorax distinctly coriaceous, the base 

punctured ; elytra green, w ith obscure L|). 410. 

blue fascia ainiandalei Bernh., 

Thorax scarcely perceptibh coriaceous, the 
base practically impunctate; elytra vio- 
laceous, variegated with green rersicolor Cam., p. 411. 

17. Thorax closely and roughly punctured, [p. 425. 

scabrous neabricollis Champ., 

Thorax less closely, not roughly punctured, 
not scabrous 18. 

18. I'uncturation of tho head and tliorax very [p. 421. 

similar obscwoyiittatus Cam., 

Puncturution of thorax coarser and more 
sparing than that of the head 19. 

19. I'jlytra brilliant greenish-bronze; thorax p. 417. 

more finely punctured cceruleogutlatus Cam., 

Elytra obscure greenish-bronze ; thorax [p. 415. 

less finely punctured iiusiiualis Champ., 

20. Elytra with reddish -yellow spot 21. 

Elytra without such spot 26. 


21. Base of the feraorii teataceoiis femoralis Cam., ]). 42G. 

Femora entirely black or bliie-Uack 'i:!. [p. 427. 

22. Fourth tarsal joint simple luteuguttutvs Oiiamj)., 

Fourth tarsal joint bilobed 23. 

2.3. Thorax with a. short median sulcus; [p. 427. 

posterior tarsi short (Ustigma Champ., 

Thorax without median sulcus; posterior 

tarsi long 24. 

24. Elytral spot larger and brighter 2.5. [Com., p. 429. 

Elvtral spot smaller and duller vi-rticosus v. htKy/nutus 

25. Sculpture of fore-parts coarser vcrtkosun I'ipp., p. 42i(. 

Sculpture of fore-parts liner ocMitun, sp. n., p. 4;50. 

26. Fourth tarsal joint bilobed 27. 

Fourth tarsal joint at most a little emargi- 

n.ate ;;3. 

27. lloaette of elytra consisting' of tine ruga; ; 

the 4th tari-al joint with very lou^: [p. 43.'5. 

lobes tohit/criis Chump., 

lloselte of i^lvtra consisting of coarse 
rugie ; the 4th tarsal joint with shorter 
lobes 2)^. 

28. Kosette more or less purplish or coppery . . 29. 
Kosette uniform with the rest of tlie 

surface :J1. [Hcinh., p. 431, 

29. Kosette purple pwimi eomuculatiis 

Kosette coppery .-jO. [tiitiis Cam., p. 429. 

30. Nigro-aineous, coppery spot larger .... vtrticosiis v. ciipreuiio- 
Block, coppery spot small t'»)i(tTO»/Champ.,p.432. 

31. Green species >.til)(orti(osus Champ., 

Black species .",L>. [ji. 436. 

32. Larger, 8 mm., less shining, here and 

there with bluish refle.x, ruj^n; of rosette 

liner toriiix Cam., p. 140. 

Smaller, ty2 mm., very shining, entirely 
black, riigie of rosette very coarse, mucii 
co.vrser than in cameroni ihiimjiloiii Cniu., p. 433. 

33. First joint of the posterior tarsi obviously 

longer than the last ' 34. 

First joint of the posterior tarsi scarcely 
lonifer than the last ' 3(i. 

34. Dark bronze-green, less shining; head very 

closely punctured, rugie of rosette muon 

finer unilrewesi Cam., p. 434. 

Black, here and there with bluish or 
greenish reflex, shining ; head less 

closely punctured, rugie of rosette ' 

coarser :{(■>. 

35. Head broader than the base uf the elytra, 

more finely and more closely punctured ; 

elytra with greenish reflex behind fnitn <!iim., p. 438. 

Head as broad as the base of the elytra, 
less finely and less closely punctured ; [n. 437. 

elytra black rudiatus Champ.', 

36. Species in greater part black .S7. 

Species in greater part green 38. 

DIA>OL'S. 407 

37. Itosettc distinctly blufi; sculpture through- [p. 440. 

out Miier suhiortieosus Champ., 

Rosette at most with foehle sti'el-bUie [p. 4;!i). 

reiicx; sculpture throuifjiont coarser. . . . tortuomia Champ., 

38. Thorax with shinii)<r keel (it middle of [ p. 444. 

hasi' viiidipennif Cam., 

Thorax witliout keel at l)a.te 39. 

39. Elytra a good deal longer thau the thorav. minor Cliamp., p. 441. 
Klytra a little longer than the thorax .... 40. 

40. Tliorax and elytra closely and more finely 

punctured ceneus, sp. n., p. 442, 

Tliorax and elytra less closely and le>s 
hiu'ly punctured (rrew< Champ., p. 442. 

472. Dianous robustus. (Fig. 112.) (PI. Til, iig. C.) 

Diniwtm rohndiis Cam , Tran.-s. l'',iit. Soc. Lond. 1924, p. 179. 

Bronze-black, moderately shining, extremely finely punc- 
tured, with slight greenish and purpurescent reflex in certain 
light.s ; elytra uneven ; antennae, legs, and palpi black, slender, 
4th tarsal joint simple. Length 10-5 mm. 

K)?. 112. Dianuua mbutilnii, apex of abdomen of (S . 
ventral Hurfaco. 

Closely allied to D. gracilipes Champ., but larger and more 
robust, the antennae much shorter, the head larger, the post- 
ocular space longer, the vertex more elevated in the middle, 


the thorax longer, less shining, exceedingly finely and densely 
punctured, elytra and abdomen more finely and closely punc- 
tured. Head large, wider than the thorax, longitudinally 
impressed on either side between the eyes and elevated in the 
centre, extremely finely and very densely punctured ; antennae 
reaching just beyond the base of the elytra, all the joints 
longer than broad. Thorax a little longer than broad, widest 
just before the middle, the sides rounded and narrowed in 
front, nearly parallel behind, transversely impressed before 
the base, rather deeply foveate on either side and with a short 
longitudinal impression in the middle line in front of the 
transverse basal impression, the whole surface exceedingly 
finely and densely punctured. Elytra a little longer than the 
thorax, uneven, with puncturation as on the thorax. Abdomen 
with the first five visible segments transversely impressed 
at the base, the sculpture as on the fore-parts. Fourth tarsal 
joint simple. First joint of posterior tarsi a good deal longer 
than the last. 

cJ : 6th ventral segment broadly and slightly emarginate. 

Found in company with D. gracilipes Champ., on boulders 
just above the water line at Kaligad near Debra Dun. A 
very active species. 

473. Dianous gracilipes. (Fig. 113.) 

DianoMs gracilipes Champ.*, E. M. M. xlviii, 1921, p. 18.'!. 

Bronze-black, often with greenish or greenish-blue reflex, 
the thorax shining, the rest rather dull. Antennae, palpi, and 
legs black. Length 8-5 to 10 mm. 

Near D. annamiaki Bernh., but larger and with much longer 
antennae and legs, less punctured, less uneven thorax, rather 
finer puncturation of the head and elytra. Head broadly 
excavate, the sulci shallow, a little elevated along the middle, 
finely, closely, uniformly punctured. Antennae very long, 
reaching the posterior angles of the elytra. Thorax scarcely 
longer than broad, widest at the middle, the sides rather 
strongly rounded in front, rather strongly retracted and 
parallel behind, each side with a strong oblique sulcus con- 
verging towards the middle of the base, base with a slight 
transverse impression on each side and a distinct tuberosity ; 
extremely finely and very sparingly punctured, in the basal 
impressions with a few larger punctures. Elytra longer than 
broad, uneven, impressed within the shoulders, along the 
suture in front, the middle of the sides, and towards the 
posterior angles ; finely and closely punctured like the head. 



Abdomen very finely and closely punctured above, the ventral 
surface along the middle glabrous and practically impunctate. 
Head, elytra, and abdomen above finely pubescent, the thorax 
glabrous. Fourth tarsal joint briefly bilobed. First joint 
of the posterior tarsi much longer than the last. 

(J : 7th ventral segment narrowly impressed along the 

Fiff. 113. — DiuiwHS gracihpes, apox of ab<lomon of J ; 
ventral surface. 

middle ; 6th broadly, shallowly arcuately excised ; 5th 
broadly and slightly emarginate in the middle of the posterior 

Ranikhet. Dehra Dun district : Kaligad. Assam : Naga 

410 KTAl'UyLIMD.T,. 

474. Dianous assamensis. 

Dianmis usmmenm Cam., E. M. M. Ixiii, 19:J7, p. (>. 

Head, thorax, and abdomen greenish-black, shining ; el,\i;ra 
black, shining, uneven. Antennae, palpi, and legs black. 
Lenigth 9 mm. 

Closely allied to D. gracilipes Champ., but differing in the 
follow-ing respects : the head is broader, more shining, more 
finely and a little less closely punctured, the furrows deeper 
and the middle more elevated, the antennae, although long and 
slender, are distinctly shorter, the thorax much more closely 
punctured, the basal nodes larger, the elytra more imeven, 
more finely and rather less closely punctured, and the abdomen 
rather more finely punctured. Head broader than the elytra 
at the base, deeply bisulcatc and elevated in the middle, very 
finely and densely punctured throughout, finely, shortly 
pubescent. Antennae long and slender, all the joints longer 
than broad. Thorax a little longer than broad, widest about 
middle, deeply impreshicd on either side, the impressions united 
across the median line, on either side before the base with a large 
nodule, finely, rather closely punctured throughout, the 
punctures finer than those of the head but not so close. Elytra 
a little longer than the thorax, very uneven, with a large intra- 
humeral callus and large deep impression posteriorly, very 
finely and rather closely punctured, finely pubescent. Abdomen 
moderately finely and closely punctured at the bases of the 
segments, the rest very finely and rather closely punctured 
like the elytra, the terminal segment with a few large punctures 
only, ground-sculpture extremely fine, coriaceous. Legs long 
and slender, the first joint of the posterior tarsi longer than 
the following together ; 4th tarsal joints simple. 

Assam : Naga Hills, alt. 9000 feet. A single ?. 

475. Dianous annandalei. (Fig. 114.) 

Di'anous atinandnlci Beiiih., Eiit. filiitt. ^ii, 191J, p. i)7; (.'liiimp., 
K. M. AF. Iv, 1915), p. 44, p. 54, lii.-. 1. 

Very near D. versicolor, and only differing in the following 
respects : the colour of the head and thorax is more blue- 
black, the elytra greenish, the thorax is much more distinctly 
coriaceous, and the basal impressions more punctured, the 
ventral surface of the abdomen is cyaneous. In the <J the 
excision of the 6th ventral segment is broader, more rounded, 
and with an impression in front of it, the postero-external 
angles of the 7th are distinctly produced and angulate, whereas 
in versicolor they are rounded and not at all produced. I am 
unable to satisfy myself as to the characters cited by Champion 


in the 4th tarsal joints ; in both this joint is excavated above 
and the 5th joint inserted near the base, so that viewed from 
below the joint appears lobed, and is furnished at tlie apex 
with a long brush of hairs. Length 7 to 8. mm. 

iVviiiiii'iiii^\^M".'" J 

Fig. 11 4. - DidiiDVK nnnnnJiih'i, apex ot abdomen of, q 
ventral Hurfaee. 

KuTseong, alt. 5000 feet. W. Almora. Dehra Dun district ; 
Kaligad. Mussooric : Dhobi Ghat, alt. 5000 to 7000 feet. 

47G. Dianous versicolor. (Fig. 115.) 

Dt'anoun versicolor C«m , Trans. Ent. Soo, Lond. 1014, p. ").'i:i ; 
Cliamp., K. M. M. Iv, l!)li>, p. 4:5. 

Bronze-black, shining,with distinct greenish- violet iridescence, 
especially on the head and abdomen. Legs, palpi, and antenna 
(except last three joints, which are dirty testaceous) black. 
Lei^th 6 mm. 

Head with the eyes broader than the thorax, not so broad as 



the eljiira ; bronze-green with a sheen like satin, especially on 
the vertex, more opaque and blacker anteriorly, densely and 
finely punctured. Antemise black, the last three joints dirty 
testaceous, 2nd joint shorter than the 1st and 3rd, the latter 
very long, the following gradually decreasing in length. Thorax 
shining bronze with distinct green reflex (but without the 
satiny gloss seen on the head), a little longer than broad, 
the sides dilated and rounded before the middle, narrowed 
and parallel behind, strongly impressed on either side at the 

Fifr. 115, — niiinoui' rersieolor, apex of aLdoiiicn of c? ; 
ventral surface. 

widest part and before the base in such a manner as to form 
on either side a distinct reniform callus with the concavity 
inwards ; exceedingly sparingly, scarcely perceptibly punc- 
tured, but with a fine coriaceous ground -sculpture ; glabrous. 
Elytra much longer than the thorax, uneven, strongly impressed 
behind the shoulders, on either side of the suture and less 
distinctly before the postero-external angles ; bronze-green 
like the head, densely and finely punctured, finely pubescent. 
Abdomen iridescent, finely and much less densely punctured 
than the elytra, finely pubescent ; 1st to 3rd ventral segments 


impunctate in the middle. Anal brushes long and slender. 
The ventral surface black. First joint of the posterior tarsi 
much longer than the last. Fourth joint narrowly produced 
below and furnished with a long tuft of hairs. 

(^ : 6th ventral segment with a very shallow obtuse 
excision, the edges bevelled, in front with numerous small 
punctures ; 5th rather broadly impressed along the middle, 
the adjacent border emarginatc, the impression more thickly 

Lebong, alt. 5000 feet (//. M. Lefroij). W. Almora (H. G. 

477. Dianous bifoveifrons. 

IHitnouK htfoM'ifrotix Clifimp., K. M. M. Ivii, 1921, p. 201. 

Near D. annandalei Bernh., but smaller and less robust, the 
antennae more slender but of the same length, head and thorax 
narrower, the latter impunctate, elytra more finely punctured. 
The 4th joint of the tarsi is simple. Bronze-green, the thorax 
much more shining than the rest, head not sulcate, but with 
two large round fovese ; thorax with feeble transverse basal 
impression, scarcely carinate in the middle ; elytra with an 
obscure steel-blue marking about the middle near the lateral 
margin. The first four ventral segments impunctate and 
glabrous along the middle. The 1st joint of the posterior 
tarsi longer than the last. 

^ : 6th ventral segment -with a very small arcuate excision, 
in front of this with a small triangular impression ; 5th more 
thickly punctured and pubescent behind ; 7th truncate, 
obscurelv denticulate, the angles not produced. Ixjngth 
6-2 mm." 

Kumaon: Ranikhet (H. G. Champion). 

47S. Dianous censors. 

Dinnoim consort Cam., K. Jf. .M. Ixiii, 19l'7, p. 7. 

Black, the head and thorax occasionally with slight blue 
reflex, elytra with scarcely perceptible metallic violet reflex ; 
abdomen slightly aneous. Head and elytra scarcely shining, 
thorax and abdomen shining. Antennae, palpi, and legs black. 
Length 7 -5 mm. 

In build somewhat resembling D. gracilipes Champ., but 
smaller and more slender, the head a little narrower, the 
antennae shorter, the thorax narrower and moderately coarsely 
and closely punctured, the elytra rather more uneven. Head 
broader than the base of the elytra, the frontal furrows broad 

41-4 STAPlIVl-lNlUiE. 

and shallow, the vertex but little raised in the middle, densely 
and finely punctured. Antennae very long and slender (but 
shorter than in D. gracilipes). Thorax a little longer than 
broad, deeply impressed laterally and before the base, this 
in the middle with short shining keel, moderately coarsely 
and closely punctured, especially in the impressions. Elytra 
longer than the thorax, longer than broad, uneven, finely and 
closely punctured with fine greyish pubescence more visible 
in the post-medial impression. Abdomen closely and more 
finely punctured than the elytra. Legs long and slender, the 
4th tarsal joints simple. 

(J unknown. 

Assam : Naga Hills, alt. 6000 to 9000 feet. 

47i*. Dianous oblic[uenotatus. 

JJianoits ohliquenutittiis Clianii).*, V\. -M. M. Ivii, 1921, p. IH.'i. 

Robust, shining, greenish-blue ; each elytron near the 
middle with a small raised, reniform, orange-yellow spot, the 
immediate vicinity coppery. Antennce and palpi black. Legs 
bluish-black. Length 8-5 to 9-5 mm. 

Head distinctly bisulcate, elevated and convex along the 
middle, moderately finely, closely, uniformly punctured. 
Antennae long, reaching the middle of the elytra. Thorax 
about as long as broad, the sides rounded in front, emarginate 
behind, on each side of the middle with a deep oblique impres- 
sion converging towards the base and there separated by a 
feeble keel, the sides behind rather closely punctured, on the 
disc rather finely and sparingly punctured, in the impressions 
less finely. Elytra much longer than the thorax, impressed 
within the shoulders, along the suture and behind the middle 
of the disc, there with a reniform orange-yellow callus, finely 
and closely punctured except on the callus. Abdomen closely 
and finely punctured, the first four ventral segments with a 
broad glabrous impunotate space in the middle. The upper 
surface finely pubescent except the thorax, which is glabrous. 
Fourth tarsal joint simple. First joint of the posterior tarsi 
a good deal longer than the last. 

(J unknown. 

Sikkim : Rungbong, Gopaldhara (Stevens). 

•180. Dianous csruleonotatus. 

Dianous ceeruleonotatui Clia 
fig. 2. 

Robust, shining ; the head blue, thorax and elytra brassy 

Dianous ceeruleonotatui Cliamp.», K. M. M. Iv, 1910j p. 45, p. .'54, 
fig. 2. 

TJi \xoirs. 415 

or brassy green, the latter with, a reniform Hue marking 
just behind the middle and a spot on the middle of the 
reflcxed margin blue. Abdomen brassy, the last two 
segments blue. Antennae, palpi, and legs black. Length (5-5 
to 8-2 mm. 

Near D. umqualis Champ., but distinguished by the brassy 
colour and coarser punctuTation of the thorax, elytra, and 
abdomen. Head a little wider than the base of the elytra, 
bisulcate, along the middle convex and a little elevated, 
closely, finely, uniformly punctured. Antennae reaching a 
little beyond the base of the thorax. Thorax as long as broad, 
widest at the middle, the sides roxinded in front, cmarginate 
behind, uneven, on each side deeply, broadly obliquely sulcate, 
the sulci separated at the base by a slight median ridge, the 
posterior angles obliquely impressed, moderately finely and 
moderately closely punctured in front, more coarsely and 
closely in the sulci and behind, but without rugse ; ground- 
sculpture distinct, coriaceous. Elytra a good deal longer than 
the thorax, as long as broad, impressed within the shoulders, 
along the suture in front and at the middle, pimcturation close 
and very similar to that of the head, coriaceous. Abdomen 
closely and finely punctured. Thorax glabrous, the rest 
finely pubescent, the pubescence thicker on the elytral spots 
and towards the sides of the abdomen ; ventral surface of the 
first four segments and the 6th glabrous along the middle. 
Fourth joint of the tarsi simple ; first Joint of the posterior 
tarsi scarcely longer than the last. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with a small arcuate emargination ; 
oth more thickly punctured and pubescent behind ; 7th 

Kumaon: W. Almora (//. G. Champion). Siwaliks : Lachi- 
Avala [Cameron). 

481. Dianous insequalis. (Fig. 110.) 

JJiniioim imequalin Champ.*, I']. \\. M. Iv, 1910, p. 45. 

Robust, shining, the head and abdomen black or bhie-black, 
the latter with slight brassy reflex, the thorax and elytra 
bronze-green, the latter with a curved bluish spot behind the 
middle and another at the middle of the refiexed border. 
Antennae and palpi black. Legs blue-black. Length 7 to 
7-6 mm. 

Near D. cmrvleonotatvs Champ., but with black head and 
dark bronze-green thorax and elytra, the spot on the latter 
less distinct ; the puncturation of the head is finer, the nodes 
at the base of the thorax more prominent, elytra and abdomen 
more finely punctured, the ventral segments 1 to 4 and 6 



are glabrous in the middle as in ccerukonotatus, and the 
tarsal structure is similar. 

(S : 6th ventral segment with a very small arcuate emargina- 
tion ; 5th flattened and more densely pubescent behind, 
slightly emarginate. 





Fig. Il6.~ Dimious inieqiwXis, abdomen of S • 
Teutral surface. 

? : 6th ventral segment contracted before the apex which 
has a small arcuate excision. 

W. Ahnora : Ranikhet. Chakrata district : Saini Khud ; 
Chulli Khud, alt. 6500 to 8000 feet. 

i)iA.xors. 417 

48:i. Dianous casraleoguttatus. 

DutiKJua cccriiledijultafuK ('am.. ]']. M. 31. Ixiii, 19:^7, p. 8. 

Black, shining ; the head and abdomen with bluish reflex ; 
thorax black, shining, with an aeneous nodule on either side 
before the base. Elytra bronze-green, uneven, the posterior 
impression bounded internally and in front by a curved blue 
spot and with a bluish reflex within the shoulders, the reflexed 
margin with an obscure blue spot about the middle. Antennae, 
palpi, and logs black. Length 8 mm. 

In build, colour, and structure of the antennae and legs very 
similar to D. inceqiialis Champ., but the thorax more dilated in 
front and more finely p\nictured. the elytra a little less closely 
punctured, at in front. Head a little narrower than the 
eh'tra at the base, broadly and moderately deeply bisulcatc, 
clo.sely and finely punctured. Antennae moderately long, all 
the joints Icmger than broad. Thorax about as long as broad. 
I'ather strongly rounded and widened in front, with an impres- 
sion on either side which curves towards the middle of the 
base, this with short shining keel and on either side with a 
shining greenish nodule ; puncturation fine and rather close 
on the disc, much closer and less fine at the sides and before 
the base, finely coriaceous. Elytra longer than broad, uneven, 
with a large intra-humeral callus and a large impression 
posteriorly, finely and closely punctm-ed, the punctures more 
or less finely rugulosc in the blue area and towards the postero- 
external angles. Abdomen very finely and rather closely 
punctured, pubescence silvery, denser towards the sides. 
Fourth tarsal joints simple. First joint of the posterior tarsi 
not much longer than the last. 

(J unknown. 

Assam : Naga Hills. 

-183. Dianous cyanogaster. 

Diimous ri/diKH/iiKtcr Clmiiip.*, K. M. M. Iv, 1919, p. 47, p. 'A, f. ;!. 

Robust, a little shining, leaden-black above, more shining 
and blue below. Elytra without rosette. Antennae, palpi, 
and legs blue-black. Length 7 to 8 mm. 

Head scarcely as broad as the elytra at the base, deeply, 
rather broadly bisulcate, a little elevated and convex along 
the middle,ratherfinely,clo8ely, uniformly punctured. Antennae 
rather short, not extending much beyond the shoulders. 
Thorax a little broader than long, the sides rounded in front 
and emarginate behind, on each side with a deep oblique sulcus 
converging towards the base, this binodular and with an 
obsolete keel in the middle, the puncturation very similar to 

VOIi. I. 2 E 

•lis STAl>jrTLIJ!TD,>:. 

that of the head, but more sparing along the middle. Elytra 
about twice as long as the thorax, as long as broad, uneven, 
impressed within the shoulders and along the suture in front 
■and behind the middle, puncturation close, rather coarser than 
on the thorax. Abdomen finely and rather closely punctured. 
The whole upper surface finely pubescent, thicker on the 
reflexed margin and discal impression of the elytra and at the 
sides of the abdomen. First four ventral segments glabrous 
and impunctate in the middle. Fourth tarsal joint simple. 
First joint of posterior tarsi not much longer than the 

(^ : 6th ventral . segment wth a rather small triangular 
excision ; 5th flattened behind and thickly pubescent, scarcely 

$ : 6th ventral segment contracted before the a])cx, which 
has a small arcuate excision. 

Kumaon • W. Almora (H. 0. Champion). Siwaliks : Lachi- 
wala {Cameron). 

484. Dianons siwalikensis. (Fig. 117.) 

IJianoua siiralikensis Cam., E. M. M. Ixiii, 19"27, p. 7. 

Head blue-black, slightly shining ; thorax shining black, 
feebly aeneous ; elytra moderately shining, black ; abdomen 
shining black, with greenish-violet reflex. Antennae, palpi, 
and legs black, the posterior femora bluish. Txjngth 7 mm. 

Near D. cyanogaster Champ., but the antennae and legs a 
little longer, the head more finely punctured, thorax narrower, 
less finely and less closely punctured. Head narrower than 
the base of the elytra, rather deeply bisulcate, closely and 
finely punctured. Antennae slender, moderate, all the joints 
longer than broad. Thorax a little longer than broad, the 
disc on either side behind obliquely impressed, the impressions 
separated from each other by a shining keel at the middle 
of the base : puncturation moderately fine, much closer before 
the base and at the sides, and with a fine coriaceous ground- 
sculpture. Elytra longer than broad, very uneven, with a 
large intra-humeral callus and transverse depression behind 
the middle of each disc, puncturation simple, fine and close, 
finer in the posterior depression, pubescence silvery, more 
evident in the depression, at the shoulders and at the middle 
■of the reflexed margin. Abdomen more finely punctured than 
the elytra, the reflexed margin more or less violaceous, very 
finely coriaceous ; pubescence silvery, denser towards the 
sides of the segments ; ventral surface blue, the first four and 



the 6th segments medially impiinctate and shining. Fourth 
tarsal joints simple. 

ij : 5th and 6th ventral segments feebly emarginate. 

m m 


'to _i 



,\ !>\' 

Kig. 1 1 7. — Dia iwua aiicalilcentU, abdomen of c? ; 
ventral Burfaco. 

Siwaliks : Lachiwala. Chakrata : Bangar. Muasoorie : 
Mossy Falls. 




485. Dianous punctiventris. (Fig. 118.) 

Bianout pmwtiventris Champ.*, E. M. M. Iv, 1019, p. 48. 

Robust, moderately shining, blue-black. Antennae, palpi,- 
and legs blue-black. Length 6-5 to 7-5 mm. 

Near D. cyanogaster Champ., but more blue in colour, the 
head a little broader, the sculpture of the thorax less fine, the 
median basal keel sharper, the puncturation of the elytra 
finer and with a more distinct ciurved fascia of grey pubescence 
limiting the median impression. The ventral surface of the 
abdomen is uniformly punctured throughout, without trace 


Fig. 118. -Diauvim jmiiftiventrin, apox of abdomen of J ; 
ventral surface. 

of the impunctate spaces seen in cyanogaster. Fourth tarsal: 
joint simple. First joint of the posterior tarsi scarcely longer 
than the last. 

(J: 7th ventral segment truncate ; 6th with a rather broad, 
deep, obtuse excision ; 6th depressed in the middle behind 
and feebly emarginate, the depression thickly punctured and 

W. Almora. Chakrata district : Bangar, alt. 6000 feet. 
Manipur : Shugun, alt. 3000 feet. 



4B0. DianottS obscuroguttatns. (Fig. 119.) 

Dianous obscuroguttatus Cam., E. M. M. Ixiii, 19'i7, p. 8, 

Blue-black, shimng, elytra feebly aeneous, with an obscure 
greenish-gold spot behind the middle. Abdomen greenish. 
Antennae and palpi black. Legs blue-black. Length 6-75 mm. 

Build of D. cyanogaater Champ., but less robust, differently 
coloured, the head, thorax, and elytra more finely punctured. 
Head narrower than the elytra at the base, deeply bisulcate, 

Vm\ '(\[ 

FiR. 119. Diaiioiis ohnnimijiitinttis. apex of abdomen of c? 
ventral surface. 

closely and finely punctured. Anteimse as in D. cyanogaater, 
slender, not long. Thorax scarcely longer than broad, rather 
strongly roimded and dilated in front and narrowed behind, 
on either side posteriorly with an arcuate impression reaching 
the base, and limited externally by a nodide and separated 
in the middle line by a broad raised space, punctnration very 



similar to that of the head, ground-sculpture very fine, coria- 
ceous. Elytra longeT than broad, uneven, finely and closely 
punctured, finely, sparingly, silvery pubescent. Abdomen 
very finely, closely punctured, with a silvery pubescence which 
is much thicker at the sides. First four ventral segments 
glabrous and impunctate medially. Legs rather short ; 4th 
tarsal joint simple. 

<J : 6th ventral segment feebly, broadly emarginate ; 5th 
impressed in the middle behind and more thickly pubescent 

Assam : Naga Hills, Lainiatak. 

Fig. 120.- 

-DianouK rribmnnii, apex of abdomen of c? ; 
Tentrul Hurfaco. 

487. Dlanoas cribrarius. (Fig. 120.) 

Dianom crUirarim Champ.*, K. M. M. Iv, 1919, p. 98. 
Robust, shining blue-black, the elytra coarsely punctured and 
without rosette. Antennae, palpi, and legs black. Length 8 mm. 

DIA.NOUS. 42^ 

Head about as broad as the base of the elytra, deeply, 
rather narrowly bisulcatc, elevated and eonvex alono; the 
middle, modoratoly coarsely and moderately closely punctured, 
impunctate along the middle. Antcnnao slender, rather long. 
Thorax about as long as broad, widest at the middle, the sides 
rounded in front, emarginate and more retracted behind, on 
either side with a rather broad, oblique sulcus converging 
behind, coarsely punctured, the punctures coarser at the 
base and more or less transversely confluent. Elytra much 
longer than the thorax, about as long as broad, imeven, 
impressed within the shoulders, along the suture in front and 
transversely at the middle, coarsely irregularly imnctured, 
the i)unctures here and there confluent, but without trace of 
rosette. Abdomen very finely, rather sparingly punctured, in 
the basal im](ressions less finely and more closely. Head 
pubescent, thorax glabrous, elytra S])aringly, the abdomen 
more closely pub<-scent, especially at the sides. Tarsi short, 
the 4th joint strongly bilobcd : 1st joint of the posterior tarsi 
not much longer than the last. 

cJ: 6th ventral segment with broad, shallow, obtuse excision; 
5th more densely ])ubescent at the posterior margin ; 7th 
with short spine at each angle, between finely, sparingly 

Tanakpur (H. G. Champion). Siwaliks {Cameron). 

4S><. Dianous bimaculatus. (Fi<,'. 121.) 

IHiiiuiiia /iiiiiacii/iitiii Viim.. V,. M. M, l.\iii. 1927, p. 8. 

Black, the fore-parts shining, abdomen less shining, the 
elytra with a large oval yellow spot behind the middle. An- 
tennae, palpi, and legs black. Length 7 mm. 

Near D. cribrariii/i Champ., but smaller and much narrower, 
differently cok)ured, the elytra less luievcn, the abdominal 
puncturation denser, but the sculpture elsewhere very similar, 
the aiitennse and legs similarly constructed. Head a little 
broader than the base of the elytra, bisulcate, rathei- finely 
and very <;losely punctured in front, less closely on the disc 
and at the sides. Antennae slender, moderate, all the joints, 
longer than broad. Thorax longer than broad, widest about 
the middle, equally narrowed in front and behind, with a 
curved oblique impression extending from before the base 
laterally, before the middle of the bast> with flat impunctate keel, 
puncturation rather coarse and close as in D. cribrarius, 
glabrous. El^^ra distinctly longer than the thorax, much 
longer than broad, rather imeven, with a puncturation very 
similar to that of the thorax and not at all confluent, behind 


STAPllYf,lXJi) v.. 

the middle with an oval yellow spot, not extending to tiio 
refloxed margin. Abdomen very finely and densely punc- 
tured, finely and closely grey pubescent ; uniformly punctured 
below Legs moderate ; 4th tarsal joint deejilv and narrowly 

S • 6th ventral segment crescenticalJv excised jjostcriorjv. 

4ssam ; Naga Hills, alt. iWOO feet. 

tig. 121.- IJkdioiik himncidaitm, apex of iiLclomcii iif (' ; 
ventral Mirfiu'e. 

489. Oianous aznreus. 

IHmious (izuiciH Cliarap.*. M. .M. M. Iv, liHi). p. !)?. 

Robust, blue, shining. Elytra without rosette. Antennae 
and palpi black. Legs blue-black. Length 7 to 8 mm. 

Head a good deal narrower than the eJvtra at their widest 
rather feebly bisulcate, along the middle^ convex, broad, and 
but slightly raised, rather coarsely and rather closely uni- 
formly punctured. Antennae reaching the middle of the 
elytra. Thorax about as Jong as broad, widest at the middle, 

DIANOLS. . 1.25 

the sides gently rounded in front, emarginate behind, broadly, 
obliquely impressed on each side, feebly bi-impressed before 
the base, more coarsely punctured than the head, the punctures 
here and there confluent, especially before the base, forming 
transverse rugae. Elytra much longer and broader than the 
thorax, about as long as broad, impressed within the shoulders, 
the puncturation very similar to that of the head. Abdomen 
finely, moderately closely punctured, the whole insect finely 
and sparingly pubescent. Abdomen below uniformly punc- 
tured. Fourth tarsal joint with two long lobes. First joint 
of the posterior tarsi not much longer than the last. 

(J: 6th ventral segment with broad, moderately deep, 
crescentic excision ; 5th more densely punctured and pubescent 
behind in the middle ; 7th with a stout spine at each postero- 
external angle. 

Tanakpur, Sarda River {H. G. Champion). 

49<». Dianous scabricoUis. (I'Ir. 12l'.) 

Diiiiiuii.i Kcahrim/lis (.'luimp.'*, K. >1. M. U, iDli), [i. -l(i. 

Moderately shining, bronze-green ; the elytra with very 
obscure, sinuate, bluish-green fascia behind the middle. An- 
tennae, palpi, and legs black. Length 5 to 6 mm. 

Readily recognised by the rough, moderately fine punctura- 
tion of the thorax and elytra. Head about as broad as the 
base of the elytra, superficially and broadly bisxdcate, the 
middle convex and slightly raised, puncturation moderately 
fine, very close, uniform. Antennae rather long. Thorax 
scarcely as long as broad, the sides rounded in front, emarginate 
before the base, on each side with an oblique sulcus converging 
towards the base, the puncturation a little coarser and 
distinctly rougher than that of the head, transversely con- 
fluent before the base. Elytra about twice as long as the 
thorax, depressed within the shoulders and along the suture in 
front and about the middle, the puncturation finer than that 
of the thorax, but rough. Abdomen closely and finely punc- 
tured above, below with the first four segments with a narrow 
almost impunctate space along the middle. Fore-parts 
practically glabrous ; elytra with a patch of grey pubescence 
at the middle of the reflexed margin and on the sinuate bluish 
spot. Fourth joint of tarsi simple. First joint of posterior 
tarsi distinctly longer than the last. 

(J : 7th ventral segment tnmcate ; 6th with a broad, shallow, 
arcuate excision; 5th a little flattened behind and more 
densely pimctured and pubescent, very feebly emarginate. 
Anal brushes longer and thicker. 



? : 7th ventral segment with two dentiform processes neai 
the middle of the posterior border. 

W. Almora. Chakrata district : Sainj Khud, alt. 0500 iect. 

lO , I/J'l l|lr 

Fig, 122.- DxiHdiif snifinriilllK. apex of iilidomcn of 
ventral hurfiico. 

491 . Dianous femoralis. 

Diantiiis/emoi-dlis O.iiu.. H. M. M. Kiii, l'.)'J7, p. !) 

Black, shining. Elytra with a round orange spot behind the 
middle of each. Antennae, palpi, and legs black, the bases of 
the femora testaceous. Length 6-5 mm. 

At once distinguished from all tho known species of the 
genus by the yellow bases of the iemora. Superficially some- 
what resembling D. distigma Champ., but the colour is black, 
the head wider, the sides of the thorax more dilated in front, 
the legs longer and more slender, the 4th tarsal joints more 
deeply bilobed. Head a little broader than the elytra at the 
base, broadly bisulcate, with smoother raised median keel, 

i)i\x()is. 4i27 

otherwise moderately finely and closely punctured. Antennaa 
slender, moderately long, all the joints longer than broad. 
Thorax a little loiiger than broad, rounded and dilated in 
front, sulcate in the middle in front, deeply impressed at the 
sides, before the base on either side with a small nodule, not 
keeled in the middle, less finely p\inctured than thi> head, more 
coarsely in the impressions and before the base, where it is 
more or less rugulose. Elytra longer than the thorax, a little 
longer than broad, rather coarsely, olo.sely })unetured, in and 
around the orange spot the sculpture confluent and more or 
less vorticose, glabrous. Abdomen very finely. closel\' punc- 
tured with silvery pubescence closer at the sides. Foiuth 
tarsal joint bilobcd. 

(J unknown. 

Assam : Naga HilLs, alt. 0000 feet. 

492. Dianons luteoguttatus. 

Ihfiiunii lureoijiiltatiif: Cliam]).*, 1''-. -M. >f' b , WV.\ ]>. 9^-'. 

Black, rather .shining, with slight metallic reflex, elytra 
with a small, round, bright yellow spot behind the middle, a 
little nearer the lateral margin than the suture, further from 
the posterior margin than from the suture. Antenna-, palpi, 
and legs black. T^ength 7-2 mm. 

Build of D. andrewcHi Cam., with similar antennse.the thorax 
less dilated in front, the tarsi shorter. Head narroAver than 
the elytra, broadly excavate, along the middle a little elevated, 
closely, moderatclv finely pimctured. Antenna* extending 
beyond the base of the thorax. Thorax slightly longer than 
broad, the sides only slightly dilated and rounded in front, 
narrowed behind, uneven, on each side of the middle with a 
deep oblique impression, before the base with two large super- 
ficial impressions .separated by a narrow crest, the whole 
surface eoar-sely and closely punctured and with close ruga), 
transverse before the base. " Klytra about a fourth longer than 
the thorax, impressed within' the shoulders and along the 
suture in front, coarsely punctured and rugose, the rugae 
vorticose behind the middle. Abdomen very finely, closely 
punctured, finely pubescent, the fore-parts glabrous. Fourth 
tarsal joint simple. First joint of the posterior tarsi not longer 
than the last. 

(J unknown. 

W. Almora {H. G. Champion). 

4i);}. Dianous distigma. { J-'ig. li';^.) 

Biniious dktigma Clianii).*. K. M. M. Iv. l»Ht, p. 4H, p. •J'l. C. h. 
Shining bronze-black, the eh-tra and abdomen greenish, the 



former vrith a small, round, orange-yellow spot posteriorly, 
about equidistant from the suture and lateral borders, more 
remote from the posterior margin. Under surface steel-blue. 
Antennae, palpi, and legs black. I-iength 5-5 to 6-25 mm. 

Head a good deal narrower than the elytra, distinctly 
bisulcate, convex and elevated along the middle, moderately 
coarsely and rather closely punctured, a little less closely 
along the middle. Antennae reaching the middle of the eljiira. 
Thorax as long as broad, the sides rounded in front, slightly 

Fiff. 12;$. Dkiuuiih {Imtujiiia, iipov of nbdonicn of (J : 
Tcntral Hurfacu. 

«marginate behind, briefly sulcate in the middle, on each side 
deeply, obliquely impressed, the posterior angles impressed, 
the sculpture close, coarse and confluent except in the middle 
of the disc, before the base with transverse rugae. Elytra a 
good deal longer than the thorax, about as long as broad, 
impressed within the shoidders and along the suture in front, 
puncturation coarse, close, more or less confluent, around the 

1)1 vxous. 429 

spot with vorticose rugae, abdomen closely and finely punc- 
tured. Fore-parts sparingly pubescent, abdomen more 
thickly at the sides. Fourth joint of the tarsi narrowly 
bilobed. First joint of the posterior tarsi a little longer than 
the last. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with broad, semi-elliptical excision ; 
5th impressed behind and slightly emarginate, the impression 
more thickly pubescent ; 7th truncate, denticulate, the postero- 
external angles not produced. 

Kumaon : W. AJraora {H. G. Ghamjnon). Mussoorie : 
Falls (Cameron). 

494. Dianous verticosiis. (1m<;. I'.i4.) (I'l. lil.lij;;. 7.) 

DimKii's u'rti<'<i-!iiK K|i]i., 1). ]']./. IW)."), ]i. 10). 

DidiKiiii rer/iro/iiti \nv hiHii/ti(tiii'< ("iim., 10. J[. M, Ivii.. lit:il, 

]). '.TO. 
Di'iimins ri'iilrtLtiis Mir, /■iijirnintil'/hii Ciiiii., ill. Ixiii, I!l:i7, p. i*. 

Bla(!k, shining, the head and thorax with slight violet reflex ; 
elytra with a round yellow spot behind the middle, equi- 
distant from the suture and lateral margin, more remote from 
the posterior margin ; at the base with bronze-green reflex, 
posteriorly more or less violaceous. Abdomen with very 
slight metallic reflex. Antennse slender, black. Legs black. 
Length (i mm. 

Closely allied to D. distigma Champ., but the head is broader 

and less closely punctured, the antennae longer, the thorax a 

little longer, more coarsely sculptured, the elytral spot is less 

bright and the surrounding sculpture coarser, the colour more 

blue or violaceous ; legs, cspe(!ially the tarsi, longer, the 

abdomen more finely ptmctured. Head about half as broad 

again as the thorax, deeply bisulcate, medially elevated and 

convex, moderately finely and closely punctured. Antennae 

extending beyond the ba,se of the thorax. Thorax a little 

longer than broad, rounded and dilated in front, narrowed 

behind, on each side with a deep oblique impression converging 

and united at the base, in the middle without sulcus, coarsely, 

closely, rugosely pvmctured, with oblique rugae in frcmt and 

transverse ones before the base. Elytra at the suture a good 

deal longer than the thorax (10 : 7), a little longer than broad, 

impressed within the shoulders and along the suture in front, 

puncturation coarse and more or less confluent at the base, 

posteriorly with a rosette of vorticose rugae around the .spot. 

Abdomen very finely and closely punctured with a fine whitish 

pubescence, thicker at the sides. Fourth tarsal joint deeply 

and narrowly bilobed. First joint of the posterior tarsi a 

good deal longer than the last. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with a deep, broad, subtriangular 


excision, the apex rounded, the sides bevelled ; Sth deeply 
impressed posteriorly, the margins carinato, the adjacent 
border emarginate, the impression more closely pubescent ; 
7th with the postero-external angles triangularly produced, 
the posterior border lightly emarginate. 

Pegu. Assam : Naga Hills, alt. 3000 to 9000 feet (S. N. 

Fig. 12 i. Diaiwus rertieosvn, apex of abdomen of c? ; 
ventral snrtace. 

The variety bisignatus Cam. differs from the type-form in 
the smaller and duller elytral spot. 

Bengal . Lebong, alt. 5000 feet. 

The variety cupreonotatus Cam. has the orange replaced by a 
coppery spot. 

Siwaliks : Lachiwala ; Nakraunda. Chakrata district : Ban- 
gar. Kumaon : Jagthana. 

495. Dianous ocellatns, sp. n. (Fi^. 125.) 

Only differs from verticostis in the smaller head and the less 
coarsely rugose thorax and elytra. Length 6 mm. 

The ^ characters scarcely differ from those of verticoma. 



except that the sides of the impression of the 5th segment 
are less strongly carinate. 

Assam : Naga Hills, alt. 9000 feet. 


FiS' I'^^S. — Dta)ums ocellatns, apex of alxlomcn of c? ; 
ventral surface. 

49(). Dianous purpureomaculatus. 

IJiimotts purpureomaculatns Bernli., W. E. Z. xliii, 1920, p. '2'>. 

About the build of D. andrewesi Cam., but easily distin- 
guished by the more sparing puncturation and the colour. 
Black, little shining, with a slight, dark blue reflex, the elytra 
behind the middle with a moderately large dark purplish spot. 
Head much broader than the thorax, as broad as the elytra, 
with two broad, deep sulci, moderately coarsely and not very 
olosely punctured. AntennsB long, the penultimate joints 
twice as long as broad. Thorax much narrower than the 
elytra, longer than broad, widest before the middle, behind 
narrowed and emarginate, rather parallel ; very uneven, 
coarsely, not very closely punctured, with shining rugse 
between the punctures. Elytra longer than the thorax, 



about as long as broad, impressed within the shoulders, in 
front coarsely and not very closely punctured, posteriorly 
with close, coarse, raised curved rugae. Abdomen extremely 
finely and extremely thickly punctured, dull, thickly pubescent. 
Fourth joint of the tarsi distinctly bilobed, the lobes narrow. 
Length 5-5 mm. 

Kobo, alt. 400 feet, 3. xii. 1911 (Abor Expedition), under 
fallen timber (Kemp) (ex Bernhauer). 

497. Dianous cameroni. (Fiij;. 12().) 

Diaiioun ctiiiurtmi Chiuii]).*, K. M. M. Iv, li)l!), p. •">(). 

Shining bronze-black, the elytra with slight coppery reflex 
on the rosette and here and there Avith steel-bhic reflex. 
Antennae, palpi, and legs black. Length (i-'2 to 7 mm. 

Fig. 126. -Did nous cameroni, npox of abdomen of (J" ; 
yentral surface. 

Very similar to D. radiatus Champ., but differs as follows i 
the rosette is coppery, the upper surface generally blacker, 
the thorax more coarsely punctured with more munerous 


transverse rugae, whereas in radiatua these are less marked 
and restricted to the base, the elytra are more finely punctured, 
the rugae finer ; the 4th tarsal joint is narrowly bilobed, whilst 
in radiatvs (at least in the posterior tarsi) it is scarcely lobed ; 
the Ist joint of the posterior tarsi is much longer than the last, 
whilst in radiatus it is but slightly longer. In the ^ the 6th 
ventral segment is more broadly excised. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with a broad, deep, semi-elliptical 
excision ; 5th broadly impressed in the middle, more deeply 
behind, with the sides subcarinate, the posterior border feebly 
emarginate, the impression more densely pubescent ; 4th 
flattened behind and feebly emarginate. 

Bengal: Lebong, alt. 5000 feet (//. M. Lefroy). Assam: 
Manipur ; Naga Hills {S. N. Chatterjee). 

498. Dianous championi. 

DimuniK championi Cam., E. M. M. hi, 1920, p. 145. 

Deep black, shining, without metallic reflex. Antennae, 
palpi, and logs black. Length 5-2 mm. 

Near D. cameroni Champ., but more shining and without 
bluish or greenish reflex, the antennae a little shorter, the head 
and thorax narrower, puncturation of the head and thorax 
less close, elytra with coarser, more confluent punctures at the 
base, the rugae of the rosette coarser and less numerous. 
First joint of the posterior tarsi not longer than the two 
following together, not much longer than the last. 

(J unknown. 

Bengal : Lebong, alt. 5000 feet {H. M. Lefroy). 

499. Dianous lobigerus. (Fig. 127.) 

Dianous lobigerus Champ.*, E. M. M. Iv, 1919, p. 48. 

Shining, head blue-black, thorax and elytra bronze-green, 
abdomen black, occasionally with bluish reflex. Antennae, 
palpi, and legs black. Length 6-5 to 7-5 mm. 

Var. cyaneus, with the elytra brassy. 

Head narrower than the elytra, rather deeply bisulcate, 
convex and elevated along the middle, moderately finely, 
closely, uniformly punctured. Antennae long and slender, 
reaching the middle of the elytra. Thorax as long as broad, 
widest at the middle, the sides rounded in front, emarginate 
behind, in the middle with a short sulcus, on each side with a 
deep oblique impression converging to the base, the whole 
surface coarsely, irregularly punctured, the punctures mostly 
confluent, so forming oblique or transverse rugae. Elytra a 
good deal longer than the thorax, longer than broad, sUghtly 
impressed within the shoulders and along the suture in front, 
with rather dose and coarse punctures in front, more or less 

VOL. I. » 2 F 



confluent, behind with a rosette of fine vorticose rugae. 
Abdomen finely, rather closely punctured, the first three 
ventral segments glabrous and impunctate along the middle. 
Fore-parts very finely and very sparingly pubescent, the 
abdomen, especially towards the sides, more thickly. Fourth 
tarsal joint bilobed, the lobes long and narrow. First joint 
of posterior tarsi a good deal longer than the last. 

Fig. 127.— DionotM lobigerua, apex of abdomen of (J ; 
ventral surface. 

(J : 6th ventral segment broadly, crescentically emarginate ; 
5th densely pubescent behind in the middle ; 7th with a pair 
of short diverging spines on the posterior border, which is 
broadly emarginate between. 

Kumaon : Tanakpur. Chakrata district : Sainj Khud, 
alt. 6500 feet. Assam : Naga Hills, alt. 6000 to 9000 feet 
{8. N. Chatterjee). 

500. Dianons andrewesi. (Fig. 128.) 

Dianou) andrewesi Cam., Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1914, p. 634 ; 
Champ., E. M. M. Iv, 1919, p. 50, p. 54, f. 6. 

Shining dark metallic green or black, with green reflex ; 

uiANOUs. 486 

elsrtra with a rosette behind. Antennae, p»lpi, and legs black. 
Length 6 nun. 

Head as broad as the elytra at the base, bisuloate, elevated 
and convex along the middle, moderately coarsely, closely, 
uniformly punctured. Antennae long and slender, reaching 
beyond the base of the thorax. Thorax a little longer than 
broad, widest just before the middle, the sides rounded in 
front and emarginate behind, in the middle obsoletely, briefly 
sulcate, on either side deeply and obliquely impressed, before 
the base bi-nodose, transversely impressed behind the anterior 
margin, with coarse, confluent, rugose sculpture. Elytra much 
longer than the thorax, uneven, more coarsely sculptured, 

Fipr. 128. — Dianous andreweai, apex of abdomen of d ; 
ventral lurfaoe. 

behind with numerous radiating rugae. Abdomen very finely 
and closely punctured, the pubescence thicker at the sides, the 
ventral surface without impunctate, glabrous, median zone. 
Fourth tarsal joint simple. First joint of the posterior tarsi 
much longer than the last. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with rather deep, broad, semi- 
elliptical excision, with bevelled margin ; 6th impressed behind 
in the middle, the adjacent border emarginate, the impression 
more thickly pubescent ; 7th truncate and finely denticulate. 



Bengal : Lebong, alt. 5000 feet {H. M. Lefroy). Kumaon : 
W. Almora. Assam: Naga Hills, alt. 9000 feet (iS. N. 
Chatter jee). 

501. DiauouB sabtortuosuB. (Fig. 12\).) 

I)iantn4s subtortuoms Champ.*, E. M. M. xlviii, 1921, p. 201. 
Dianom imitator Cam., E. M. M. Ixiii, 1927, p. 9. 

In build, colour, and soulptiure scarcely differing from D. 
andrewesi Cam., but distinct by the following structural 
characters : the thorax is more broadly sulcate, the tarsi are 
distinctly shorter, -with the 4th joints bilobed, the lobes being 
slender and moderately long, the antennae less slender. 

Fig- 129. — Diarums >■ubtort^u>a1M, apex of abdomen of (} ; 
ventral surface. 

In the (^ the excision of the 6th ventral segment is not so 
deep, and the impression on the 5th is deeper and its sides 
elevated into distinct shining keels. 

Kumaon : Jagthana (H. 0. Champion). Chakrata district : 
S4inj Khud, alt. 6500 feet. 


502. Dianous radiatus. (Fig. 130.) 

Bumom radiatus Champ.*, E. M. M. Iv, 1919, p. 51, p. 64, tig. 7. 

Shining bronze-black, with occasionally a well-marked bronze 
green reflex. Elytra with well-developed rosette. Antennae, 
palpi, and legs black. Length 6 to 7 mm. 

Head about as broad as the base of the elytra, rather deeply, 
narrowly bisulcate,. rather narrowly elevated and convex 
along the middle, moderately coarsely, rather closely, uniformly 
punctured. Antennae reaching beyond the base of the thorax. 

Fig. 130. — Dianous radiatiu. 

Thorax a little longer than broad, the sides rounded in front, 
parallel behind, in the middle sulcate, on either side deeply, 
obliquely impressed, the impressions converging towards the 
base and externally with a tuberosity, the whole surface 
irregularly, moderately coarsely punctured, the punctures 
here and there confluent, especially before the base. Elytra a 
good deal longer than the thorax, about as long as broad, im- 
pressed within the shoulders, along the suture in front, and 
about the middle, puncttiration coarse and confluent about the 



in the middle with rosette of radiating and vorticose 
rugSB. Abdomen very finely, moderately closely punctured 
above, and below without impunctate spaces. Fourth joint 
of the anterior tarsi distinctly bilobed, the middle and posterior 
excavate above, not definitely lobed. First joint of the posterior 
tarsi a little longer than the last. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with rather broad, deep, elliptical 
excision, the edges bevelled ; 5th impressed in the middle 
behind, the border slightly emarginate, the impression more 
densely punctured and pubescent. 

Kumaon : W. Almora. Dehra Dun district : Lachiwala. 
Chakrata district : Sainj Khud ; Manjgaon ; ChuUi Khud; 
Bangar. Assam: Naga Hills, alt. 3000 to 9000 feet. 

Fig. 131. — Dianous fratei; apex of abdomen of (S ; ventral surface. 

603. DianouB frater. (Pig. 131.) 

Dianmu frater Cam., E. M. M. Ixiii, 1927, p. 10. 

Very like D. radiatua Champ., but with black abdomen and 
•with stronger greenish and bluish reflex of the elytra, the 
head broader and more finely punctured, the antemue a little 
longer, the thorax more transversely rugose in front, the 



abdomen more finely and more densely punctured. The 4th 
tarsal joints of the anterior and middle legs are shortly bilobed, 
whilst those of the posterior are simply excavated at apex 
and scarcely lobed. In the ^ the excision of the 6th ventral 
segment is rather narrower and more acute, and the impression 
on the 5th is deeper. 
Assam : Naga Hills, alt. 9000 feet. 

504. Dianous tortuosus. (Fig. 132.) 

Diaumis tortuosus Oharap.*, E. M. M. Iv, 1919, p. 52, p. 54, fig. 8. 

Shining broiize-black, with brassy reflex. Antermse, palpi, 
and legs black. Length 6 to 6 '5 mm. 

Near D. radiattis Champ, hut the head narrower, the rugae 

Fig. 132. — Dianous tortnosus, apex of abdomen of (S ; 
ventral surface. 

of the rosette finer and closer, the thorax more closely punctiu'ed, 
the elytra more finely and closely. From D. carmroni Champ, 
it is distinguished by the narrower head, shorter antennae (only 
reaching Sie base of the thorax), shorter, broader thorax. 

440 STA,PHTMN1D.*:. 

shorter, stouter tarsi, the 1st joint of the posterior ones not 
much longer than the last. 

(J : 6th ventral segment deeply, semi-elliptically excised ; 
5th impressed behind, slightly emarginate, the impression 
more thickly punctured and pubescent. 

W. Almora. Chakrata district. Assam : Shugun, alt. 3000 
to 6500 feet. 

o05. Dianons tortus. 

IJiamms tortus Cam., K. M. M. Ixiii, 1927, ]t. 10. 

Near D. tortuoaus Champ., but larger (8 mm.) and more 
robust, less shining, and with slight cyaneous reflex on the 
head, thorax, and sides of the elytra, head broader, antennae 
and legs longer, the 4th tarsal joints bilobed, thorax rather 
less coarsely but more closely punctured, the base without a 
shining keel. Abdomen more finely and closely punctured, 
pubescence thicker, especially at the sides, where it forms 
oblique spots. 

$ unknown. 

Chakrata district : Sainj Khud, alt. 6500 feet. 

506. Dianous subvorticosas. (I'ig. l;i3.) 

Dianous subvoHicosus Champ.*, li. M. 'Si. Iv. 1919, p. .'iii, jj. C4, 

Shining black, with here and there a bluish reflex, the 
rosette blue. Antennae and palpi black. Legs blue-black. 
Length 6 to 6-5 mm. 

Differs from D. tortiwsus Champ., with which it agrees in 
colour, in the less shining appearance, much finer sculpture of 
the fore-parts, and broader thorax. Head rather deeply 
bisulcate, in the middle rather broad, convex, and elevated, 
moderately coarsely, closely, uniformly punctured. Antennae 
reaching beyond the base of the thorax. Thorax a little 
broader than long, widest before the middle, the sides rounded 
in front, parallel behind, in the middle with a short sulcus, on 
each side with broad oblique sulcus converging towards the 
base, closely, moderately coarsely punctured like the head, 
before the base with some transversely confluent punctures. 
Elytra about twice as long as the thorax, about as long as 
broad, impressed within the shoulders, along the suture in 
front, and about the middle, with coarse, more or less confluent 
punctures in front, about the middle with a rosette of vorticose 
rugae, finer and less radiating than in tortuoa%i8. Abdomen 
finely and closely punctured above and below. Fore-parts 
vith ooriaoeous ground-sculpture. Fourth tarsal joint excavate 



above, scarcely bilobed. First joint of posterior tarsi about 
as long as the last. 

(S ■ 7th ventral segment truncate, obseiu-ely denticulate ; 
■6th deeply, semi-elliptically excised ; 5th impressed behind 



' // 

FifT. 133. Duinoiis snhrortieoaiis, apex of abdomen of (^ ; 
ventral surface. 

and slightly emarginate, more thickly punctured and 

W. Almora. Siwaliks : Lachiwala. Chakrata district. 
Assam : ]Manipur. 

507. Dianous minor. 

IHanom minor Champ.*, E. M. M. Iv, 1919, p. 53. 

Shining bronze-green, here and there with bluish reflex. 
Antennae and palpi black. Legs blue-black. Length 4 to 
4-5 mm. 

Head narrower than the base of the elytra, rather broadly 
bisulcate, a little elevated and convex along the middle, 
moderately coarsely and rather closely, uniformly punctured. 
Antennas short and rather stout. Thorax as broad as long, 
the sides rounded in front, emarginate behind, on each side 
with a deep oblique sulcus converging towards the base, 
coarsely, closely punctured, the punctvu-es before the base 
more or less transversely confluent, transversely rugose. Elytra 
much longer than the thorax (8 : 5), shghtly impressed within 


the shoulders, along the suture in front, and about the middle, 
■with a coarse, close, more or less coniluent puncturation, near 
the middle with a rosette of radiating rugae. Abdomen finelj' 
and closely punctured. Thorax and elytra glabrous, abdomen 
finely pubescent. Fourth tarsal joint simple. First joint 
of the posterior tarsi shorter than the last. 

<J : 6th ventral segment triangularly emarginate, according 
to Champion. 

W. Almora : Eanikhet. 

508. Dianous aereus. 

Dianoim aereus Champ.*, E. M. M. Iv, 1919, p. 53. 

Shining, dark bronze-green ; elytra with rosette behind. 
Antennae and palpi black. Legs blue-black. Length 4-5 mm. 

Near D. minor Champ., but usually a little larger, the 
antennae and legs longer, the punctiu-ation at the base of the 
elytra less close. Head a little wider than the thorax (7 : 6), 
rather broadly bisulcate, a little elevated and convex along 
the middle, which is more or less smooth. Antennae moderate, 
reaching beyond the base of the thorax. Thorax as broad as 
long, widest a little before the middle, the sides rounded in 
front, slightly emarginate behind, deeply obliquely impressed 
on each side, sulcate in front in the middle, with close, more 
or less confluent punctures, before the base more confluent, 
atfid with transverse rugae. Elytra at the suture one-third 
longer and much broader than the thorax, slightly impressed 
within the shoulders, along the suture in front and about 
the middle, rather coarsely and closely punctured and with 
numerous close rugae radiating from about the middle. Abdo- 
men very finely and closely punctured, finely pubescent, the 
pubescence thicker at the sides, the apex with two long, 
slender brushes. Fourth joint of the tarsi simple. First joint 
of the posterior tarsi as long as the last. 

(J : 7th ventral segment truncate and finely denticulate ; 
6th deeply, broadly, semicircularly excised ; 5th more thickly 
pubescent in the middle behind. 

W. Almora. Chakrata district : Sainj Khud ; Korawa 
Khud, alt. 6500 to 9000 feet. Assam : Naga Hills, alt. 9000 

509. Dianons aeneus, sp. n. (Fig. 134.) 

Bather shining, the fore-parts metallic green, the abdomen 
black with greenish reflex. Antennae, palpi, and legs black. 
Length 4-5 mm. 

Somewhat resembling D. minor Champ, but greener, the 


eljrtra shorter, the rosette less developed, antennae longer, 
thorax less uneven, the puncturation finer and closer. Head 
rathsr feebly, broadly bisulcate, broadly and slightly elevated 
along the naiddle, moderately coarsely and closely ptmctured, 
less closely along the middle. Antennse extending beyond 
the base of the elytra. Thorax as long as broad, the sides 
slightly rounded in front, emarginato behind, on either side 
with a feeble oblique sulcus, closely and rather coarsely 
punctured, the punctures here and there confluent. Elytra 

Fig. 134. — IHanoua asneus, apex of abdomen of cf ; ventral surface. 

longer than the thorax (7:5), impressed within the shoulders, 
along the suture in front, and at the middle, puncturation coarse, 
close and more or less confluent in front, the rosette not well 
developed, and only represented by a group of somewhat 
irregular, rather fine rugae. Abdomen very finely and closely 
punctured. Fore-parts practically glabrous, abdomen finely 
pubescent. Tarsi slender, the 4th joint simple, first joint of 
the posterior longer than the last. 


^ : 6th ventral segment deeply semi-elliptically excised ; 
■5th impressed behind and distinctly emarginate, more thickly 
punctured and pubescent. 

Assam : Naga Hills (8. N. Chatterjee). 

51 U. Dianous viridipennis. 

Diaiious rirtdipenniis Cam., Iv. M, M. Ixiii, 1927, p. 10. 

Shining black, the head and thorax with green metallic 
reflex, the elytra bright metallic green, abdomen green, less 
shining. Antennae, palpi, and legs black. Length 6 mm. 

Near D. minor Champ., but a little larger, the antennae 
a little longer, more shining, thorax less closely punctured, 
less rugose, with a small, shining, impunctate space on the disc 
and shining keel before the middle of the base, elytra more 
brilliant, much more coarsely sculptured and a little shorter. 
Head narrower than the base of the elytra, bisulcate, in the 
middle broadly, slightly raised, moderately finely and closely 
punctured. Antennae rather short, the 9th and 10th joints 
only slightly longer than broad. Thorax widest before the 
middle, the sides rounded and converging in front, more 
strongly contracted behind, deeply obliquely impressed at the 
sides, before the base with central keel, puncturation coarser 
than that of the head, more or less confluent at the base and 
sides, less close on the disc. Elytra with coarse, more or less 
confluent puncturation in front and behind, in the middle 
with strong radiating rugae. Abdomen finely and rather 
closely punctured. Legs rather short, 4th tarsal joints 
notched, scarcely bilobed. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with moderate semi-eUiptical 
excision ; 5th very feebly notched and impressed, the im- 
pression more thickly pubescent. 

Assam : Naga Hills, alt. 9000 feet. 

Subfamily VI. EU^STHETIN^. 

Ewsthetina, Sharp, B. C.-A. i, 2, 1882-87 (1880), p. 639 ; Ganglb., 
Kiif. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 542 ; lleittev, Faun. Qerm. ii, 190P, 
p. 153. 

Euaathetina Thorns., Sknnd. Col. iii, ]8fil, p. 114. 

JEuastlieti J. Leconte (iHeiiini, Group ii), Class. Col. N. Amer. i, 1, 
1861-62, p. 07 ; Fauv. (Stenini, Sect, i), Faun. Gatlo-Uh^n. iij, 
1872, p. 218; Suppl. 1875, p. 36 (excl. Leptotyphti) ; Leconte & 
llora {Paderini, Group i). Class. Col. N. Aiuer. 1883, p. 98. 

£iX!-tMtit'iis Mulo. et Kev, Ann. Soc. Linn. livon, xxiv, 1877, 
p. 299. 

Euaathetini Ciis«y, Traus. Amer. Eut. Soc. 1884, p. 18. 

Small or very small species with porrect head, slightly 
constricted behind the prominent eyes, the neck thick. Antennae 

steNjEsthetus. 445 

freoly inserted a little distance in front of the eyes above the 
base of the mandibles, 11-jointed. Labruni short and broad. 
Mandibles long, slender, curved. Inner border o£ the internal 
and apical border of the external lobe of the maxilla densely 
ciliate. Maxillary palpi with the 1st joint rather long, some- 
times but little shorter than the 2nd, 3rd long, oval, 4th 
minute, subulate. Labial palpi 3-jointed, the 1st joint rather 
short, 2nd stoiit, oval, 3rd slender, subulate. Prosternum 
well developed, its process short. Epimera large, the coxal 
cavities small. Abdomen keeled below at the base. Tibiae 

Key io the Genera. 

Tarsi 5, 5, 4. Antenna" slender, the last three 
joints a little tliidter. Abdomen with 
the 1st and .5th dorsal seg'ments finely 
bordered. Fiicies somewhat resemblinj^ [p. Ai'>. 

Stemia STENiESTHETlS Shp., 

Tarsi 4, 4, 4. Antenna) witli tho last two 
joints much stouter than the preoedinf^, 
forming' a club. Abdomen com])letely 
bordered. Fiicies of tho Pselaphid genus 
Euplecius Edapiius Lee, p. 447. 

Stenccstlietus Sharp, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1874, p. 7ii. 

Faoies somewhat resembling the subgenus Hypostenus 
and with the characters of the subfamily, to which may be 
added : antennae slender, the last three joints a little thicker 
than the preceding, the first two joints rather stout. Labruni 
simply rounded in front. Mandibles each with a long slender 
tooth in the middle. Mentum subquadrate,' the antero- 
external angles thickened and a little produced. Labium 
subquadrate, truncate in front, the tongue consisting of two 
widely-separated, cylindrical, membranous lobes ; paraglossw 
well developed, not extending beyond the base of the tongue. 
Gular sutures fused and obliterated behind, the submentum 
short, transverse. Thorax finely bordered laterally. Pro- 
sternum well developed, extensively fused with the large 
epimera, its process pointed, the coxal cavities small. Meso- 
sternum with narrow process between the coxse for about half 
their length, and meeting the short rounded process of the 
metasternum, which is slightly cmarginate before the posterior 
coxse, the process between them short and with a small notch. 
Abdomen with the Lst and 5th dorsal segments finely bordered. 
Anterior coxse small, cylindrical, not prominent, middle small, 

t It may be noted hero that all tho species of Dimems Pivri described by 
Bioiin from New Zealand belong to this genus. 

446 STAPUriilNIDJ!. 

globular, narrowly separated, the posterior conical. Legs 
slender, the tibiae without spines or setae. Tarsi 5, 5, 4, the 
anterior with the 1st joint as long as the two following together, 
2nd to 4th short, the 5th elongate ; middle with the 1st joint 
a little longer than the 2nd and 3rd together, 2nd as long 
as the 3rd and 4th together, these very short. 5th a little longer 
than the two preceding together ; posterior with the 1st joint 
nearly as long as the three following together, 3rd a little 
shorter than the 2nd, 4th a little longer than the 3rd. AU 
the claws very slender. ScuteUum concealed. 

The species known to me are found in damp vegetable 
debris. S. sunioides is abundant in paddy-fields. 

Key to the Species. 

Tliorax even, with umbilicate punctures sunioides Slip., p. 44f). 

Thorax quadvisuh'ate, without unibilienta [p. 446, 

punctures quadrisulcattts, sp. n., 

51]. Stenaesthetus sunioides. 

SteuccMetui funioides i^lip., 'J'raiis. liliit. Soc. Lnnd. ]874, p. 80. 

Reddish-brown, subopaque, head aud thorax with close, 
moderately fine umbilicate punctures. Antennas and legs 
testaceous, the club of the former scarcely infuscate. Length 
2-5 mm. 

Head a little broader than the thorax, the eyes large, coarsely 
facetted, rather prominent, the temples very short ; disc 
convex, on each side with a fine intra-ocular crest continuous 
with the anterior margin. Antennae with the first two joints 
stouter than the following, these elongate, the 9th, 10th, and 
11th a little st6uter than the preceding and gradually increasing 
in length. Thorax convex, a little longer than broad, the sides 
very slightly rounded, more retracted behind, without sulcus 
or impressions and punctured like the head. Elytra broader, 
but at the suture shorter, than the thorax, co-emarginate 
behind, closely and moderately coarsely punctured. Abdomen 
stout, cylindrical, narrowed towards the apex, very closely 
and rather finely punctured, much more finely behind. The 
whole insect covered with a very short, inconspicuous pubes- 
cence, more obAdous on the abdomen. According to Sharp 
the (J has the 6th ventral segment impressed. 

Ceylon: Colombo. United Provinces : DehraDun. Widely 
distributed in the Oriental Ragion, especially in paddy-fields. 
Also in Sierra Leone. 

ol2. StenssthetTig quadrisulcatus, sp. u. (Fl. Ill, fig. 8.) 
Reddish-brown, moderately shining, the thorax with four 

KDAPnrs. 447 

sulci, the sculpture not umbilicate. Antennae, palpi, and legs 
testaceous. Length 34 mm. 

At once distinguished from S. sunioides by the sulci on the 
thorax, the different sculpture, shorter elytra, smaller, less 
prominent eyes, etc. Head a little narrower than the thorax, 
impressed behind the antennal tubercles, the eyes rather 
small, about twice as long as the temples ; puncturation very 
superficial, indistinct, moderatelj'- close, ground-sculptme well 
marked, coriaceous. Antennae rather shorter and a little 
thicker than in sunioides, but similarly constructed. Thorax 
about as long as broad, widest before the middle, the sides 
rounded in front, strongly retracted and scarcely emarginate 
behind, in the middle at the base with a deep impression, on 
either side with a narrow, deep sulcus extending from the base 
to beyond the middle, externally with a similar but longer one 
extending from the posterior angles ; sculpture in front con- 
sisting of an obsolete longitudinal striation, the rest of the 
surface practically with nothing more than a fine, indistinct 
ground-sculpture. Elvtra at the suture half as long as the 
thorax, dilated behind, and there as broad as the thorax in 
front, the sculpture consisting of close, superficial, digital 
impressions. Abdomen cylindrical, with an imbricate sculp- 
ture very similar to that of the abdomen in the genus Pala- 
minus. Pubescence very fine, very scanty on the fore-parts, 
closer and more distinct on the abdomen. 

Almora : Kali Valley, alt. 9000 feet. In fungus. 

Genus EDAPHUS Lecoiite. 

EdaphuH J. Leconte, Class. Col. N. Amer. i, 1861, p. 67 ; Smith- 
son. .Miscell. Coll. vi, 1807, p. 50; Fauv., Faun. Gallo-Rhen. iii, 
1872, p. 218 ; Muls. et Key, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, jtxiv, 1877, 

?. 301 ; Casey, Tmns. Amer. Ent. Soc. 1884, p. ;50; Lecoute & 
lorn. Class. Col. N. Amer. 1883, p. 98 ; Horn, J3nll. Brookh n 
Soc vii, 1885, p. 121; Sharp, H. C.-A. i, 2, 1882-87 (1886), 
p. 640; Schauf., Hor. lloss. xxi, 1887, pp. 110-113; Gauglb., 
Kaf. Mitt. Eur. ii, 1895, p. 543. 
7'e<r«<uJWM' Schauf., Nunq. Otios. ii, 1872. p. 460; Ann. Mus. 
Civ. (jen. xviii, 1882-83, pp. 166-172 (Tetrameres, emend.); 
Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. i, 1882, p. 138; id., xiv, 1895, p. 205; id., 
xxi, 1002, p. 38. 

Characters of the subfamily in general. Facies of the 
Pselaphid genus Euphctus. Antennae with the last two joints 
much larger than the preceding, forming a club. Head bi- 
impressed. Labrum short, broaid, the anterior margin crenu- 
late. Mandibles slender, falciform, edentate. Mentiun trans- 
verse, the anterior angles produced. Labium and tongue not 
separable, but united to form a labioglossal plate, broadly 


emeu-ginate in front, the anterior angles prominent. Para- 
glossee distinct, not extending beyond the anterior angles of the 
labioglossal plate. Labial palpi with the 1st joint very short, 
the 2nd elongate, gradually thickened towards the apex, the 
3rd long, slender, subulate. Gular sutures distinct, diverging 
behind. Prosternum very similar to that of Stenoesthetus, but 
the epimera are separated from the pronotal epipleura by a 
suture. Mesosternum and its process carinate, the apex of the 
latter narrowly truncate, extending for about half the length 
of the intermediate coxae and meeting the rounded apex of the 
metasternal process. Intermediate coxsb narrowly separated. 
Metasternum a little emarginate before the posterior coxae, 
truncate and impressed between them. Abdomen keeled in 
the middle of the base below, the sides completely bordered 
above, the 1st visible segment much longer than the following. 
Anterior coxae conical, somewhat prominent, the middle 
globular, the posterior short, conical. Tibiae finely ciliate. 
Tarsi four-jointed, the first three joints short and subequal, 
the 4th longer, somewhat dilated ; claws simple, sharply 
angulate near the base. The genus occurs throughout the 
world, and is found in damp places in vegetable debris ; some 
species live among tobacco leaves. 

Kty to the Sjiecies. 

Size lareer, almost impunrtate major Fauv., p. 448. 

Size smaller, strongly punctured punctatus Fauv., p. 449. 

513. Edaphns major. 

Edaphus vifijor Fnuv., Rev. d'l'^nt. xiv, 1805, p, 205. 

A fourth larger than E. dissimilis Aub^, broader, robust, 
shining, with long and close yellow pubescence, smooth, the 
abdomen sparingly and obsoletely punctured, reddish - 
testaceous, the mouth-parts and legs testaceous ; antennae 
longer, the 9th joint scarcely broader than the 8th, 10th and 
11th the largest, the 10th a little transverse ; eyes large, 
prominent ; the front with a transverse, impressed, curved 
line between the eyes, in front somewhat triangularly elevated 
and produced, antennal tubercles not very stout. Thorax 
rather broader than the head, longer than broad, strongly 
cordate and constricted behind, the base with four large, equal 
foveae, the margins before the posterior angles elevated as a, 
little black keel. Elytra ample, convex, much broader but 
scarcely shorter than the thorax, the apex wider than the base, 
the sides rounded. Abdomen obconical, the 1st segment a 
Uttle longer than the 2nd.' Tibiae straight. Length 2^ mm. 

Burma : Bhamo, viii. (L. Fea) (ex Fauvd). 


514. Bdaphus punctatus. (PI. Ill, fig. 9.) 

Eda/>7ms punctatus Fauv., Rev. d'Ent. xiv, 1895, p. 206. 

Shilling ferruginous red. Antennae, palpi, and legs testaceous 
the last two joints of the first infuscate. Length 2 mm. 

Head a good deal narrower than the thorax, eyes rather 
large, prominent, temples wanting ; vertex bisulcate, before 
the base with transverse impressed line, at the sides with a 
few punctures. Antennae moderate, the first two joints stouter 
than the following, 3rd to 6th a little longer than broad, 
gradually decreasing in length, 7th m.oniliform, 8th and 9th 
small, transverse, 10th much larger, square, 11th as broad as, 
but longer than, the 10th. Thorax distinctly transverse, the 
sides feebly rounded, before the base strongly retracted, the 
base with six obsolete impressions, the median separated from 
each other by a fine keel, the outer bounded externally by a 
distinct black keel ; along the middle narrowly smooth, the 
rest of the surface coarsely and closely punctured. Elytra a 
little longer and a good deal broader than the thorax, less 
coarsely but closely punctured. Abdomen narrowed before 
the apex, extremely finely, sparingly punctured. Tibiae 

Burma : Bhamo, viii. {L. Fea). Also in Penang {Raffray, 
Bryant, Cameron). 

TOii. I. ^ a 



P. 39, line 22, for temples much less rectangular read temples 

smaller, rectangular. 
P. 294, line 16, for superficially read rather deeply. 


P. 36 :— 

14. Eupiestus spinifer Fauv. var. unicolor, nov. 

A $ of this species from Rangirum, alt. 6000 feet, Barjeeling 
<(2. ix. 29), has the elytra uniformly black (J. C. M. Gardner). 

P. 40:— 

20. Enpiestus jacobsoni Cam. 

Differs from sikkimi in the smaller average size, the antennas 
less thickened, the thorax a little more transverse, the punctures 
coarser, the elytra with the punctures coarser and deeper. 

P. 53. Amend the Key as follows : — 

12. Larger (3 to 4 mm.), blackish species .... 13. 

Smaller etc. as on p. 53 tuiopacui Kr., p. 63. 

13. Elytra each with a row of three larger 

Junctures on disc ; more shining, less [p. 452. 

epressed species. Length 3 mm dipterocarpi, sp. n., 

Elytra withoutsuch punctures; lessshining, 

more depressed species 13 a. 

13 a. Deprei^sed, strongly coriaceous species, 

\\ke suhopacus assameviis,sp.n.,'p.452. 

Less depressed, less coriaceous 13 i. 

.\Sb. Larger (3'4 to 4 mm.), more robust, more 
shining, blacker, more finely punctured, 
thorax more dilated in front; antennas 
longer, the penultimate joints less trans- [p. 59. 

verse intertnedius Cam., 

Smaller (3-3 mm.), less robust, less shining, 
more pitchy, less finely punctured, thorax 

less mlated in front ; anteonaB shorter, [p. 59. 

the penultimate joints more transverse . . maiurensU Bernh., 


452 ADDEKD.V. 

P. 65 :— 
LiapinuB dipterocarpi, sp. a. 

Near L. intermedins Cam., but smaller, less robust, less 
strongly coriaceous, and more shining, the thorax narrower 
and less transverse, less widened in front, the lateral impression 
shorter and shallower, the elyira each with a row of three 
fine punctures and a fourth nearer the suture behind, which 
are distinct from the general puncturation, the latter being very 
fine and moderately close. The antenna are a little longer 
and less stout. Length 3 mm. 

Middle Andamans {B. M. Bkatia), 9. '. 29 (ex Dipterocarpiis 

Lispinns asBameusis, sp. n. 

Very closely allied to L. similis Cam. from Penang, and 
perhaps only a race of that species ; it differs in the darker 
colour and less finely punctured elytra. Head and abdomen 
black, the last segment reddish, thorax and elytra pitchy- 
black and the antennae brown. Length 3 mm. 

Assam : Naga Hills, alt. 6000 feet. Unique. 

P. 75. Amend the Key as follows : — 

4. Larger species (6 to 7 mm.). Head large, 

quadrate ' 4 «, 

Small species (8 to 4 mm.) 6. 

A a. Ground-sculpture of head and thorax 
uniform ; puncturation of head extremely 

fine ; thorax ciipuliform 4 6. 

Ground-sculpture of head and tborax absent 
except at the extreme sides ; puncturation 
of head comparatively (lo.arse between the 

- antennal tubercles ; thorax conical birmana, sp. n., p. 453. 

4 6. Posterior third of elytra blackish ; 8th to 

10th joints of anteuuee transverse fete Fauv., p. 78. 

Posterior half of elytra blackish; 8th to 
10th joints of antennis as long as broad . . simulnns, sp. n., p. 452. 

EletiBiB simnlanB, sp. n. 

Very near E. fecB Fauv. Similar in build and almost the 
same in colour, but differing as follows : the head is more 
extensively infuscate, the thorax on the disc is somewhat 
iafuscate, the jKJsterior half of the elytra is blackish, this 
coloration extending along the suture to the base ; the antennee 
have the first four or five joints reddish, the following brown, 
the 3rd joint almost twice as long as the 2nd, 4th to 7th a 

little longer than broad, 8th to 10th as long as broad, the 11th 
as long as the two preceding together. The head is punctured 
as in fecB, the thorax rather more punctured than in that 
species, the ground-sculpture in both species is similar. Length 
7-5 mm. 

Burma : Ruby Mines {Doherty). Unique {Brit. Mus.). 

Eleusis birmana, sp. n. 

Shining ; head red, extensively infuscate ; thorax red ; 
elytra yellow, the posterior third and the sutural region 
indeterminately blackish ; abdomen brownish-yellow, along 
the middle more or less infuscate. Antennae reddish. Legs 
yellow. Length 6 mm. 

From the Indian species of similar colour readily dis- 
tinguished by the strongly punctured head, which is devoid 
of ground-sculpture except at the extreme sides, the antennal 
structure, and the absence of ground-sculpture on the disc 
of the thorax. Head as long as broad, the post-ooular region 
a little dilated, about twice as long as the eye, intra-ocular 
sulcus not reaching the base ; front margin scarcely produced 
in the middle, feebly rounded, the disc flat, without impres- 
sions, between the antennal tubercles rather coarsely and 
rather closely punctured, much more finely elsewhere, without 
ground-sculpture except adjacent to the intra-ocular sulcus, 
where some fine longitudinal striae are perceptible. Antennae 
with the 3rd joint longer than the 2nd, 4th to 10th all strongly 
narrowed at the base, the 4th to 6th clavate, 7th to 10th conical, 
the 7th slightly longer than broad, the 8th to 10th as long as 
broad, 11th oval, a little longer than the preceding. Thorax 
a little broader than long, conical, the sides edentate, along 
the middle with a fine impressed line abbreviated in front, the 
anterior margin on each side with a short oblique sulcus and a 
single puncture ; extremely finely punctured, very sparingly 
on the disc but closer at the sides ; ground-sculpture quite 
absent on the disc, at the sides with a few short, scarcely 
visible striae. Elytra scarcely broader but longer (4J : 3J) 
than the thorax, extremely finely punctured but with normal 
ground-sculpture, behind the middle with a setiferous puncture. 
Abdomen with the usual setiferous punctures, along the middle 
without ground-sculpture, the sides with line transverse striae. 

Burma : Ruby Manes {Doherty). Unique {Brit. Mus.). 

P, 112. Amend the Key as follows : — 

5. Head deeply excavated iu front, the frontal 
horns large and prominent, the frontal 

margin concave 5 a. 

A« on p. 112 taprobaHusCttra., p. 116. 


5 a. Larger species (1 1 mm.) 6. 

Smaller species (7 to 8 '6 mm.) 6 <i. 

6 a. Free inner inner ed^e of frontal horn 

longer, infra-cornual denticle larger and _ [p. 464. 

furSier from the apex. Length 8-o mm. . . sikkimensis, sp. n., 
Free inner edge of^ frontal horn very short, 
infra-cornual denticle ver}' small and 
placed immediately behind the apex. 
Length 7 ram gardneri, «p. n., p. 454. 

P. 116 :— 
Priochirtis (Flastus) sikkimensis, sp. n. 

Near P. brachycerua Kr., but smaller (8-5 mm.), the anteniue 
a little longer, the penultimate joints less transverse, the lltk 
longer ; free inner edge of the frontal horn a little shorter, the 
infra-cornual denticle smaller and nearer the apex, the space 
between the horns more semicircular, the frontal impression 
much shorter ; thorax shorter, the angles more rounded ; 
abdominal puncturation more obsolete. 

Bengal : Darjeeling, Debrepanni, alt. 6000 feet, 15. ix. 29 
(J. C. M. Gardner). 

FriocMrns (Flastus) gardueri, sp. n. 

Very near P. sihkimenais, but smaller (7 mm.), the penul- 
timate joints of the antennae less transverse, the free inner 
edge of the frontal horn much shorter, infra-cornual denticle 
very small and placed immediately behind the apex, the 
space between the horns less deep, crescentic, the frontal 
impression a little shorter. 

Bengal : Darjeeling, Rangirum, alt. 6000 feet, 8. ix. 29' 
(J. C. M. Gardner). 

P. 161. Amend the Key as follows ; — 

4. Thorax -vrith median sulcus 4 a. 

Thorax without median sulcus 6. 

4 a. Larger (7*76 mm.). Thorax muclx more 
strongly contracted behind ; elytra twice 
as long as the thorax. Legs reddish- [p. 465. 

yellow. Anterior tibi» straight kashmirensU, sp. n., 

Smaller (6'3 mm.). Thorax much less 
strongly contracted behind ; elytra a half 
longer than the thorax. Legs black. 

Anterior tibiae curved curvipet Cam., p. 164. 

6. Thorax cordiform 6 o. 

Thorax trapezoidal 6. 

6 a. Larger (7-6 mm.). Antennae and femora 

dark ehampioni Cam., p. 163> 

Smaller (6 mm.). Antennee and femora red . gimilit, sp. n., p. 466. 


P. 165 :— 
OeodromicuB kashmirensis, sp. n. 

Black, moderately shining, the elytra pitchy black, the base 
and suture very narrowly and obscurely reddish. Antennas 
ferruginous. Legs reddish-yellow. Length 7-75 mm. 

Near 0. convexicoUia Luze, but larger, more parallel, the 
antennae a little longer and more slender, the thorax with 
the sides more dilated and rounded in front. Rather parallel ; 
head with large eyes, the post-ocular region shorter than their 
curvature, the ocelli a little farther apart from each other than 
from the eyes, in front of each with a narrow sulcus, middle of 
the front with an impression ; rather closely and moderately 
finely punctured. Antennae reaching the middle of the elytra. 
Thorax slightly transverse, cordiform, superficially sulcatc 
along the middle, rather closely punctured, but less finely than 
the head. Elytra almost parallel, twice as long as the thorax, 
more finely punctured. Abdomen very finely, rather closely 
punctured ; coriaceous. Tibiae straight. 

Kashmir : Gulmarg, Ferozepur Nala, alt. 6500 feet, 
2. vi. 28 {B. M. Bhatia). 

Geodromicus similis, sp. n. 

Very near 0. championi, but smaller (5 mm.) and less robust ; 
head smaller, thorax less transverse, less dilated in front, 
elytra more finely, less deeply punctured, less closely and 
more obsoletely behind, abdomen more finely and indistinctly 
punctured. Antennae reddish, femora and tarsi reddish, 
tibiae blackish. The elytra are twice the length of the thorax, 
as in championi. From the concolorous form of the European 
plagiatiis F. it differs in the less shining and more pubescent 
surface, narrower head, longer antennae, more closely and more 
finely punctured elytra. 

Kashmir : Gulmarg, Ferozepur Nala, alt. 6500 feet, 2. vi. 2a 
(B. M. Bhatia). 

P. 238. Amend the Key as follows : — 

17, Thoracic ridges indistinct, not more shininpr 

than the rest of the surface 17 a. 

As on p. 238 18. 

17 a. Larger (276 mm.). Clypeus opaque, like 

the rest of the surface gardneri, sp. n., p. 466, 

Smaller ^2 mm.). Clypeus shining, finely 
striate simlaentis Cam., p. 247. 

456 ASSEirSA. 

p. 262 :— 
Ozytelus (Anotylns) gardneri, sp. n. 

$ : Closely allied to 0. tetracarincUus Block ($), of similar 
build, colour, opacity, and antennal structure, but a little 
larger (2-75 mm.), the clypeus not separated from the front 
by a shining line, the thorax with the keels less marked ; from 
aimiaensis Cam. it differs in the larger size, the quite opaque 
clypeus, more strongly transverse penultimate antennal joints, 
and less marked thoracic keels ; from occuUus Cam. ( $ ) by 
the larger size, simple anterior tibiae, longer temples, more 
slender antennae, less transverse thorax, and less deep median 

Darjeeling ; Rangirum, alt. 6000 feet, 4. ix. 29 (J. C. M. 
Gardner), ex Evodia fraxinifolia. 

P. 291. Amend the Key as follows : — 

7. Head between the eyes uniformly striate, 

the vertex smooth 7 a. 

Head finely striate near the eyes only, 
behind the antennal tubercles punctured, 

the vertex smooth yardnei-i, sp. n., p. 4"j(>. 

7 a. Thorax more closely and more regularly 

punctured, less constricted behind. [p. 295. 

Larger (9 to 13 mm.) stricticollia Fauv., 

Thorax less closely and more irregularly 

punctured, njore strongly constricted [p. 294. 

behind. Smaller (over 7 mm.) sikkimensis Bprnh., 

12. As on p. 291 IS. 

Smnller (6-5 to 6-76 mm.) 12a. 

12 ff. Clypeus not emarginate; thorax less [p. 298. 

closely punctured peyumim Bernb., 

Clypeus emarginate ; thorax more closely [p. 457. 

punctured lopchuensis, sp, n,, 

P. 304 :— 
Osorius gardneri, sp. n. 

Black, shining ; clypeus truncate and crenulate ; thorax 
cupuliform, suddenly constricted at the base. Antermte and 
legs reddish-brown. Length 9 mm. 

Declivous part of the front smooth in the middle and 
impressed, at the sides with a few fine granules, internal to the 
eyes with fine, short striae and a few granules, behind the 
smooth antennal tubercles with a few fine, rather close 
punctures, middle of vertex smooth, the smooth part con- 
tinuous with that of the front, base smooth. Penultimate 
joints of antennae as long as broad. Thorax transverse 
(7 : 5), the sides slightly rounded and gradually retracted 
to just before the base and then suddenly constricted, the 


posterior angles rounded, adjacent to the constricted part with 
a shallow impression, along the middle with an impunctate 
space, elsewhere rather closely covered with small asperate 
punctures which are a little more sparing towards the anterior 
angles. Elytra longer than the thorax (8 : 5), superficially, 
moderately closely and moderately finely punctured. Abdomen 
coriaceous, moderately finely and moderately closely punctured. 
Darjeeling: Ghum, alt. 7400 feet, 19 20. ix. 29 (J. C. M. 

Osorius lopchuensis, sp. n. 

Very near 0. pedinifrons Fauv., and only differing in the 
following respects: a little smaller (6-75 mm.), the thorax 
shorter, more transverse and more ciipuliform, the impression 
at the posterior angle shorter and less marked, the puncturation 
a little coarser and distinctly closer, the smooth median lin ■ 
more sharply defined, the puncturation of the abdomen 
coarser but equally close. 

Darjeeling : Lopohu, alt. 5,000 feet ; Debrepanni ; Simkona ; 
Ranjirum, alt. 6000 feet, 21. ix. 29 (J. C. M. Gardner) 

P. 305 .— 
Mimogonus niger, sp. n. 

From all the Indian species distinct by the entirely black 
colour and larger size (4-5 mm.). 

Black, moderately shining. Antennae and legs dark brown. 
Head narrower than the thorax, moderately finely and rather 
closely punctured, the punctures umbilicate. Antcnme with 
the 4th and 5th joints orbicular, the 6th to 10th transverse. 
Thorax transverse, the sides for the anterior three-fourths 
straight, slightly converging in front, strongly constricted 
before the base, along the middle with narrow, smooth, shining 
space, the rest of the surface with puncturation similar to but 
coarser than that of the head. Elytra as broad as but longer 
than the thorax (3J : 2^), a little more closely punctured. 
Abdomen more finely, rather closely punctured, finely cori- 
aceous. The whole insect covered with moderately long yellow 

Darjeeling : Debrepanni, alt. 6000 feet, 15. ix. 29 (J. ('. M. 
Gardner). On Alnua nepaknsis. 

P. 321. Amend the Key as follows : — 

20. As on p. 32h mmicola Cam., p. 339. 

Smaller (3 to 3-3 mm.). Elytra as long 
as the thorax 20 a. 

458 A.DDEHDA.' 

20 o. Larger (3'3 mm.). Head feebly bisulcate ; 

antMiiiiB reaching the base of the thorax . . morotua Cam,, p. 389. 
Smaller (8 mm.). Head deeply bisulcate ; 
antennae not reaching the base of the [p. 468 

thorax almoranut, sp. n., 

V. 347 :— 
StenuB almoranus, sp. n. 

Black, shining, coarsely punctured. Antennae short, reddish- 
testaceous, the club infuscate ; palpi testaceous. Legs reddish- 
testaceous, the knees scarcely infuscate. Length 3 mm. 

Somewhat resembling S. peratiis in buUd and size, but 
more shining, more coarsely punctured, the antennae shorter, 
the head deeply sulcate, the thorax suloate, the elytra shorter 
and broader. Head as broad as the base of the elytra, elevated 
along the middle, deeply, narrowly sulcate on each side, very 
coarsely and closely punctured all over. Antennae very short. 
Thorax a little longer than broad, widest just before the 
middle, the sides rounded in front, straighter and narrowed 
behind, deeply sulcate along the middle, rather more coarsely 
punctured than the head, rugose. Elytra (measured from the 
base) as long as the thorax but considerably wider, a little 
broader than long, yet more coarsely and rugosely punctured. 
Abdomen narrowed from base to apex, the anterior segments 
more or less crenulate at base, coarsely and closely pimctured, 
the last two segments not quite so closely and distinctly less 
coarsely punctured, finely, sparingly pubescent. Posterior 
tarsi rather slender, the 1st joint as long as the last. 

3 unknown. 

Almora : Dhaub China, alt. 6000 feet. Unique. 

P. 348. Amend the Key as foUows : — 

14. As on p. 348 signifer f auv., p. 359. 

Elytra otherwise marked 14 a. 

14 a. Each elytron with a submarginal fascia 
extending backwards from the shoulder. 
Thorax without tubercles; more robust 

species 15. 

Each elytron behind near the lateral 
margin wiih a very obscure, indetermi- [p. 458. 

nate orange marking obliteratug, sp. n., 

StenuB (HypoBtenus) obliteratus, sp. n. 

Black, shining ; the elytra each with an obscure, small, 
orange mark behind the middle near the lateral margin. 
Antenme, palpi, and legs yellow, the club of the former in- 
fuscate. Length 5 mm. 

A.SSEKDA. 459 

In build near cylindricollia Boh., but in all other respects 
different. From 8. fl&tyiwsus it differs in the narrower head, 
longer, narrower thorax, longer, differently marked elytra, 
and less close puncturation. Head as broad as the base of the 
elytra, broadly excavated, along the middle with a smooth, 
narrow keel evanescent in front, closely and coarsely punctured. 
Antennae long and slender. Thorax much longer than broad, 
cylindrical, in the middle behind with trace of shining keel, 
the puncturation a little coarser than that of the head. Elytra 
a little longer and distinctly wider than the thorax, rather 
coarsely and closely but not rugosely punctured, longitudinally 
impressed within the shoulders. Abdomen cylindrical, 
narrowed behind, rather coarsely and closely pimctured in 
front, gradually more finely and more sparingly behind ; 
pubescence fine and white. 

(J unknown. 

Darjeeling : Lepchajagat, alt. 7000 feet, 13. ix. 29 (J. C. M. 
Gardner). Unique. 

P. 384. Amend the Key as follows : — |- ggg 

8. As on p 384 circumflextcs Fauv., 

As on p. .384 8 a. 

8 a. More robust ; thorax sulcate, less cylin- [p. 388. 

drical; fore-parts less coarsely punctured, masurianm Cam., 

Narrower ; thorax not guleate, cylindrical ; [p. 4.59. 

fore-parts more coarsely punctured .... temmnar<)o, sp. u., 

10. As on p. 384 lOa. ' ^ [p. 38i). 

As on p. 384 stigmaticus Fauv., 

10 a. Elytral spot smaller ; puncturation [p. 390. 

throughout coarser ohliqueiiotatus Cam., 

Elytral spot larger ; jiuncturation through- [p. 460. 

out less coarse lopchuensis, sp. n., 

P. 385. Amend the Key as follows : — 

24. More robust, more shining, bronze-black. . aceris Steph., p. 400. 

Narrower, less shining, leaden-black 24 a. 

24 o. Thorax sulcate in the middle ; knees and [p. 400. 

8rd joint of palpi blackish siibmetaUicus Cam., 

Thorax not sulcate ; legs and palpi entirely 

• testaceous (/ardneri, sp.n., p. 4(50. 

P. 404:— 
Stenus (Hesostenus) tenuimargo, sp. n. 

Near 8. masurianus and resembling it in the build of the 
abdomen, which is cylindrical, with the base of the segments 
constricted as in Hypostenus, but the sides have a very fine 
but complete border as in masurianua ; its build, however, is 
much narrower, the antennae much longer and more slender, 
testaceous, with the club infuscate ; palpi testaceous ; head 

460 'ADDENDA. 

narrower than in masurianus, more coarsely punctured, 
thorax narrower, cylindrical, without median sulcus or lateral 
impressions, rugosely punctured ; elytra as long as the thorax, 
a little longer than broad, with a roundish orange spot behind 
the middle about equidistant from the sutural, lateral, and 
posterior margins, coarsely and closely punctured ; abdomen 
closely and rather coarsely punctured on the first three 
segments, gradually more finely and less closely on the 
following ; legs testaceous, the apex of the femora slightly 
infuscate ; posterior tarsi with the 1st joint much longer than 
the last. Length 5-75 mm. 

(J : 6th ventral segment with acute triangular excision with 
rounded apex. 

Darjeeling : Tista Valley, alt. 700 feet, 26. ix. 29 (J. 0. M. 

Stenus (Hesostenus) lopchuensis, sp. n. 

Closely allied to S. obliquenotatus, similar in build, the 
elytral marking a little larger, but the puncturation of the 
fore-parts a little less coarse, that of the abdomen distinctly 
finer and closer. From S. stigmaticus it is distinguished by 
the less robust build, narrower elytral spot, and obviously 
more coarsely and more closely punctured penultimate 
abdominal segments. 

^ unknown. 

Darjeeling: Lopchu, alt. 5000 feet, 24. ix. 29 (J. C. M. 

Stenus (Mesostenus) gardneri, sp. n. 

Very near *S'. stibmetallicus, almost exactly similar in build, 
but a little smaller (3-75 mm.), the thorax less widened in 
front and so narrower, not sulcate along the middle ; the 
puncturation of the fore-parts is not quite so coarse and the 
palpi and legs are entirely testaceous. 

(J : Middle and posterior tibiae with minute black spine at 
the apex internally ; 6th ventral segment with broad, almost 
rectangular emargination. 

Darjeeling : Lepchajagat, alt. 7000 feet, 13. xi. 29 ; Debre- 
panni, alt. 6000 feet (J. C. M. Oardner). 

ADDrrioNAL Localities. 

Eupiestus sikkimi Fauv., p. 39. Darjeeling : Bangirum, alt. 

6000 feet. 
SiagoniumindiciimFaav.y^ Darjeeling: Bangirum, alt. 

6000 feet. 


lAspinus beeaoni Cam., p 61. Assam : Naga Hills, alt. 

6000 feet. 
Eleusis plagiata Fanv., p. 81. Darjeeling : Rangirum, alt. 

6000 feet ; Lepchajagat, 
alt. 7000 feet. 
Eleusis viridans Fauv., p. 82. Darjeeling : Lopchu, alt. 

6000 feel. 
Leptochirus Icevis Cast., p. 91. Sikkim : Tista Valley, alt. 

700 feet. 
Borolinus sikkimensis Bemh., Darjeeling : Rangirum, alt. 

p. 94. 6000 feet. 

Borolinus minutus Cast., p. 94. Darjeeling : Rangirum, alt. 

6000 feet; Lopchu, alt. 
5000 feet. 
Priochirus bifoveatus Epp., Darjeeling : Rangirum ; De- 

p. 102. brepanni, alt. 6000 feet. 

PriocAirMs/topiifes Fauv., p. 107. Darjeeling: Lopchu, alt. 

5000 feet 
Priochirus longicomis Fauv., Darjeeling : Rangirum ; De- 
p. 110. brepanni, alt. 6000 feet; 

Lepchajagat, alt. 7000 feet. 
Priochirus micrognathus Fauv., Darjeeling : Debrepanni, alt. 

p. 111. 6000 feet. 

PriochiruseucerusYsLUV., 1^.114:. Darjeeling: Lopchu, alt. 

5,000 feet. 
Megarthrus basicomis Fauv., Darjeeling : Lepchajagat, alt. 

p. 129. 7000 feet. 

Trogophloeus vagans Cam., Almora : Dwaraket, alt. 
p. 185. 5000 feet. 


[All names printed in italics are synonyms.] 

abdominalis (Mcso- 

stenus), 394. 
aberrans (Holosus), SI. 
aberrana (Troginus), 199. 
abnormalis (Trogo- 

pbloeus), 194. 
abori (Stigmatochirus), 

aceris (Mesostenus), 400. 
aouminatus (Hypo- 

stenus), 379. 
Adinopsini, 5. 
advena (Anotylus), 256. 
seneotinctus (Oxytelus), 

seneus (Dianous), 442. 
mnetis (Mesostenus), 

aeratus (Stenus), 337. 
aereus (Dianous), 442. 
aeroaus (Mesostenus), 

albidicomis (Hypo- 

stenus), 369. 


almoranus (Stenus), 458. 
almoiensis (Drope- 

phylla), 137. 
almorensis (Stenus yiri- 

descens '^ar-Ji 341. 
almoTensis (Tanycrae- 

rus), 221. 
altemans (Anotylus), 

altioola (Coprophilus), 


alticola (Megarthrus), 

altivagans (Omalium), 

ambigenus (Holosus), 50. 
amherstanus (Lispinus), 

amnicola (Geodromi- 

cus), 163. 
Amphichroum, 156. 
Ancceua, 42. 
Ancyrophorus, 176. 
Ancyrophorus, s. str. 

(subgen.), 177. 
andrewesi (Anotylus), 

andrewesi (Cephalo- 

merus), 107. 
andrewesi (Dianous), 

andrewesi (Eleusis), 79. 
andrewesi (Hypostenus), 

andrewesi (Lispinus), 56. 
andrewesi (Mimogonus), 

andrewesi (Oxytelo- 

psis), 207. 
angulatus (Eupiestus), 

angulatus (Phlceono- 

mus), 146. 
angustatua (Anotylus), 

angusticoUis (Hypo- 
stenus), 371. 

annamita (Stenus), 341. 

annandalei (Dianous), 

annandalei (Holotro- 
chus), 307. 

annandalei (Osorius), 

annvlatns (Meso- 
stenus), 400. 

Anotylus (subgen.), 212, 

antennarius (Thino- 
bius), 288. 

anthobioides (Amphi- 
chroum), 158. 

Anthobium, 2, 134. 

antilope (Borolinus), 93. 

Apatetica, 26. 

apicalia (Oxyporus), 

apicaiis (Triacantho- 
chirus), 97. 

apicata (Oxyporus) 

apicipennia (Eleusis), 

apicipennis (Oxytelo- 
psis), 204. 

Apocellagria, 201. 

arachnipea (Hypo- 
stenus), 373. 

argyroatoma (Stenus), 

armiger (Tanyoraerus), 

Arpedium, 166. 



aruensia (PararlispinuB), 

ascendens (Plastus), 116. 
asper (Anotylus), 247. 
assamensis (Dianoua), 

assamensia (Lispinus), 

asBamensis {Fhloeono- 

mus), 145. 
aBsamensis (Stenns), 335. 
asgamensis (Thiuo- 

dromus), 181. 
"assamensis (Thoraco- 

ohirua), 120. 
Atanygnathus, 10. 
atkinaonl (Strongylo- 

chirus), 92. 
atormis (Troginua), 199. 
airicornis (Stenus), 327. 
atrocinileus (Hygro- 


aurichalceus (Stenus), 

azureuB (Dianoua), 424. 

barbatuB (Hypostenus), 

basicoinia (Eypostenua), 

basicornis (Megarthrus), 

beebei (Osorius), 293. 
beesoni (Bledius), 286. 
beeaoni (Eleusia), 81. 
beesoni (Lispinus), 61. 
beeaoni (Omalium), 139. 
beesoni (Stenus), 346. 
belli (MesoBtenus), 396. 
bellicosus (Tanycrae- 

lus), 218. 
bengalensis (Cacco- 

ponis), 232. 
bengalensis (Planeu- 

Stomus), 174. 
bengalensis (Trogo- 

phlceus), 199. 
bidentatvs (Stenus), 322. 
bifoveatus (Cephalo- 

^erus), 102. 
bifoTeiirons (Dianous), 

bilineatut (Trogo- 

phloeus), 196. 
bimaculatus (Dianous), 

bimaoulatus (Megar- 
thrus), 128. 
bimucronatiM (Stenus), 

bipunctatus (Triacan- 

thoohinis), 97. 
birmana (Apatetica), 33. 
birmana (Eleusis), 453. 
birmanus (Anotylus), 

birmanuB (Bledius), 283. 
birmanus (Hypostenus), 

birmanus (Lispinus), 

birmanus (Megarthrus), 

birmanus (Osorius), 301. 
birmanus (Oxyporus), 

birmanus (Paragonus), 

birmanus (Priochirus), 

bisignatus (Dianous 

verticosus var.), 430. 
bison (Bledius, s. str.), 

bispinus (Bledius), 280. 
bispinua (Borolinus), 94. 
bispinus (Hypostenus), 

bivulneratUB (Hypo- 
stenus), 356. 
Bledioides (subgen.), 

272, 278. 
bledioides (Caccoporus), 

bledioides (Troginua), 

Bledius, 270. 
Bledius, s. str. (subgen.), 

271, 272. 
BoopinuB (subgen.), 184. 
boops (Stenus), 327. 
Borolinus, 92. 
Bothrys, 67. 
brachycerus (Plastus), 

Bbaceyklytra, 2. 
brachypterus (Meso- 
Btenus), 402. 
bracteatus (Stenus), 333. 
brerioomis (Lispinus), 

brevicomis (Priochirus), 

brevipennis (Holosus), 


brevisulcuB (HygTogeua 

kumaonensis var.), 

brevitarsis (Geodro- 

micus), 162. 
brunnipennis (Bledius, 

s. str.), 273. 
brunnipes (Stenus), 

bueephalus (Oxyporus), 

buphthalmus (Stenus), 

burphuenais (Zono- 

ptilus), 172. 

Caccoporus (subgen.), 

212, 231. 
Cffiruleipennis (Apate- 
tica), 32. 
oseruleoguttatus (Dia- 
nous), 417. 
oseruleonotatua (Dia- 
nous), 414. 
calcuttanug (Trogo- 

phloeus), 198. 
callifrons (Mcsostenus), 

callifrons (Osorius), 292. 
oalvus (Osorius), 295. 
cameroni (Dianous), 

canaliculatus (Stenus), 

capitcUis (Hesperophi- 

lus), 279. 
carinatus (Stenua), 345. 
cariniger (Stenus), 343. 
carinipennis (Stenua),. 

cariosum (Omalium), 

Carpalimus (subgen.), 

179, 182. 
oavicola (Anotylus), 

caricrus (Lathriznseum),. 

CephalomeroB (subgen. ), 

ceplialotea (Anotylus), 

oephalotes (Ozypoms),. 

ceylanensis (Triacan- 

thoohirus), 99. 
oeylonicuB (Hypostenus), 





stenuB), 391. 
ohampioni (Ancyropho- 

ruB), 177. 
ohampioni (Bledius), 

ohampioni (Dianous), 

ohampioni (Geodromi- 

0118), 163. 
Chasdium, 74. 
(thatterjeoi (Boopinus), 

ohatterjeei (Holotro- 

chus), 308. 
ohatterjeei (Megarthrus), 

ohatterjeei (Stenus), 

eieinddoides (Stenus), 

cimiooides (Oxytelop- 

sis), 206. 
cinctua (Puoerus), 276. 
oircumflexuB (Meso- 

Btenns), 380. 
clavicomiB (Stenus), 

coarctiooUis (Lispinus), 

coelogaster (Hyposte- 

nuB), 365. 
oollium (Stenus), 336. 
ooloBsalis (Cophalo- 

merus), 100. 
columbica (Pseudopsis), 

combustua (Cephalo- 

meruB), 103. 
oomes (Stenus), 336. 
compactns (Osorius), 

oonfluenB (Stenus), 325. 
congruuB (Boopinus), 

oonsors (Dianous), 413. 
consors (Hypostenus), 

oonstrictus (Osorius), 

oonurifoimis (HoIosub), 

CoprophiluB, 171. 
Conrophilus, a. str. 

(subgen.), 172. 
ooidatus (Mesostenua), 

ooiiaoeus (Geodromi- 

ons), 162. 
Toil. I. 

ooriaceus (Lispinus), 62. 
ooriaceus (Trogo- 

phloBUs), 190. 
oomuta (Delopsis), 209. 
oomutus (Platyste- 

thus), 265. 
corticinus (Trogo- 

phloeus), 196. 
orassicomiB (Plastus), 

orassioomis (Platy- 

Btethus), 269. 
crassipalpis (Geodromi- 

cuB), 164. 
crenicoUis (Stenus), 327. 
crenulatus (OaoTioB), 299. 
oribellatus (Hypo- 

stenug), 375. 
oribrarins (Dianous), 

oribricepB (Amphi- 

ohroum), 156, note, 
oribrum (Oxytelus), 214. 
Ctenandropus, 10. 
cupreoceneus (Stenus), 

cupreonotatUB (Dia- 
nous vertioosuB var.), 

ourvipes (Geodromious), 

curvipea (Stenus), 343. 
oyaneovirens (Stenus), 

oyanipennis (Hygro- 

geus), 165. 
cyanogaster (Dianous), 


degener (Platygtethus), 

Delopsis, 208. 
Demerinda, 13. 
dentioollis (Eleusis), 80. 
deapectus (Troginus), 

Dianous, 404. 
difadens (Stenus), 329. 
dilutipennis (Bledius), 

dilutipennis (Platy- 

stethus), 266. 
dipterocarpi (Lispinus), 

disoalis (FhloeonomuB), 

disoalis (Tanycraerus), 

diaoolor (Troginus), 199. 
Distemmua, 141. 
diatigma (Dianous) 427. 
distinotioollis (Anoty- 

lus), 268. 
distinotus (Carpalimus), 

distinguendus (Holo- 

sus), 46. 
dohertyi (Oxyporus), 

dohertyi (Tanyoraerus), 

Doryloxenus, 10, 13. 
Dropephylla (subgen.), 


Edaphus, 447. 

Elbidus (subgen.), 272, 

elegana (Mesostenua), 

Eleusiini, 74 
Eleusis, 74. 
Elonium, 171. 
erichacrM (Trogo- 

phlceua), 196. 

EUiBSTHEtlK^, 444. 

euoerus (Plastus), 114. 
Euddiphrum, 161. 
EupiestuB, 35. 
Eusphalerum (subgen.), 

Eusteniamorpha, 13. 
exaratua (Cephalo- 

merus), 101. 
exasperatus (Anotylus), 

exoavatus (Plaatus), 

exiguua (Paralispinua), 

exiguua (Troginus), 199. 

faaciata (Eleusis), 83. 
fauvili (Mimogonus), 

fauvdi (Paralispinua), 

fete (Eleusis), 78. 
fese (Eupiestus), 37. 
fees (Meaostenua), 388. 
femoralia (Dianous), 

femordhia (Stenus), 343. 
femigineus (Cacoopo- 

Tus), 236. 



filiformis (LispinuB), 60. 
fisekeri (HeBpeiophilns), 

fistulosus (Hypostenus), 

flavicornis (Oxyporns), 

flaTipermis (Drope- 

phylla), 138. 
lavipennis (Oxytelus), 

flavipennia (Trogo- 

phloeus), 191. 
flavipes (AJiotylus), 247. 
flavipea (Xerophygus), 

flavolimbataa .(Megar- 

thrua), 131. 
flavostigma (Hypo- 

stenus), 366. 
flaTovittatus (Hypo- 

stenus), 360. 
flexuosus (Hypostenus), 

fiaricola (Philorhitium), 

floriTagum (FhiloThi- 

nnm), 149. 
fluviata (Lesteva), 160. 
fcetidus (Tanycraems), 

fossttlatus (Holosus), 

foveicollis (Trogo- 

phloeos), 191. 
foveolatus (Holosus), 

frater (Anotylus), 262. 
f rater (Dianous), 438. 
frater (Hypostenus), 

fulrescens (Hypo» 

stenus), 352. 
fubnpta (Stenus), 343. 
fulvus (Lispinua), 63. 
fumator (Mimogonus), 

fuscioeps (Eleusis), 88. 
fusoioomis (Bledius), 

fusoipes (Stenus), 343. 
foacotestaceus (Protei- 

nus), 126. 


gaidneri, (Osorius), 

gaidneri, (Oxytelus), 

gardneri, (Prioohirus), 

gastralis (Hypostenus), 

Geodromicus, 160. 
gestroi (Mesostenus), 

glabricoUis (Troginus), 

glareosus (Delopsis), 

210, note. 
Olyptoma, 72. 
goriensis (Manner- 

heimia), 160. 
gracilicomia (Fucerus), 

graoilipalpe (Latbri- 

mteum), 163. 
gracilipes (Dianous), 

grandiculus (Meso- 

stenus), 386. 
granulatus (Trogo- 

pUceus), 189. 
graniUifrona (Osorius), 

gratus (Trogophloeus), 

gravelyi (Carpallmus), 

guttalis (Hypostenus), 


helferi (Bledius), 284. 
Heaperophilua (subgen.), 

himalayicus (Hypo- 
stenus), 367. 
bimalayicus (Tetra- 

pleuma), 71. 
himalayicus (Thino> 

blue), 287. 
himalayicus (Xylostiba), 

hingatotu (Tanyoiaerua), 

hirsutus (Stenus), 342. 
hiituluB (Oxytelus), 

Holosus, 43. 
Bolotroehue, 42. 
Holotroohns, 307. 
Homalini, 133. 
Homalium, 139. 
HomahtrichM, 171. 

hopIiteB(Blediiig, a. str.), 

hoplites (Cephalo- 

merus), 107. 
humerale (Omalium), 

humilis (Eleusis), 83. 
HygrogeuB, 165. 
Hygronomini, 10. 
Hypostenus, 320, .347. 

idee (Strongylochlrus), 

Idiochila, 26 
imitator (Dianous), 436. 
immsi (Mesostenus), 

impressicoUis (Lispinua), 

insequalis( Dianous), 416. 
inciaiis (Oxytelus), 263. 
inconspicuua (Stenus), 

indica (Apatetica), 29. 
indica (Apocellagiia), 

indica (Eleusis), 83. 
indicum (Eusphalerum), 

indicum (Siagonium),41. 
indicus (Bledius), 282. 
indicus (Boopinus), 186. 
indicus (Cepbalo- 

meius), 106. 
indicus (Delopsis), 210. 
indicus (Osorius), 304. 
indicus (Flaneusto- 

mus), 174. 
indicus (Flatystethus), 

indicus (Tetrapleurus), 

intermedia (Apatetica), 

intermedius (Anotylus), 

intermedius (Lispinua), 

laomabu, 74. 
iyeri (Lispinus), 63. 

jaoobsoni (Eupieatua), 

40, 461. 
japoniona (Mioropeplus 

fulvus Tar.), 21. 
javanica (Apatetica), 




kashmirensis (Geodro- 

micus), 455. 
kempt (Lispinus), 54. 
kempi (Me8O8tenus),40I 
kempi (Osorius), 299. 
kraatzi (Anotylus), 251 
kraatzi (Eleusis), 85. 
kraatzi (Osorius), 299. 
kraatzi (Stenus), 322. 
kuluensia (Plastus), 113. 
kumaonensig (Hygro 

geus), 166. 
kurseonginus (Hypo- 

Btenus), 362. 

laoertoides (Hypo 

stenus), 37i). 
Isetus (AnotyluH), 262. 
Icevigatua (ParalispinuB), 

lamior (Caccoporus), 235. 
Ixvipennis (Lispinus), 

lajvis (Strongylochirus), 

languor (Mesostonus), 

Lathrimaium, 151. 
laticops (Eleusis), 84. 
laticepa (Strongylochi- 
rus), 91. 
laticeps (Trogophloeus), 

latiusculus (Anotylus), 

laxipennis (Caucoporus), 

lebioides (Apatetioa), 31. 
Loptarthrus (subgen.), 

Leptochiri, 8, 10. 
Leptochirini, 89. 
LeptochiruB, 89. 
Lesteva, 158. 
lewisi (Thinodromus), 

Lispinus, 51. 
lividuB (Caccoporus), 

lobigeros (Bianous), 433. 
Lomechusa, 13. 
longiceps (Eleusis), 88. 
longioepB (Planeusto- 

mus), 175. 
ongicomis (Delopsis), 

lougicomia (Leptar- 

thrus), 110. 

longipenuis (Holosus), 

longiponnis (Paraleas- 

ter), 170. 
longulru (Lispinus), 60. 
lopchuensis, (Meso- 

stenus), 400. 
lopchuensis (Osorius), 

lucens (Tanycraerus), 

lucidus (Hesperophilus), 

lugubris (Stenua), 347. 
lunatus (Thinodromus), 

luteicornis (Troginus), 

luteoguttatus (Bianous), 


maculatus (Oxyporus 
flavicornis var.), 312. 

maculifer (Mesostonus), 

madurensis (Lispinus), 

madurensis (Osorius), 

madurensia (Pseudoli- 
spinodes), 66. 

maindroni (Bledius), 

major (Cophalomerus), 

major (Edaphus), 

mandibularis (Fseuco- 
dontus), 108. 

Mannerheimia, 149. 

masurianus (Meso- 

stenus), 388. 

masuriensis (Anotylus), 

vuixiUoaua (Platyste- 
thus), 266. 

megacephalus (Anoty- 
lus), 241. 

megaoeros (Tanycrae- 
rus), 225. 

Megoiopides, 316. 

Meoalofin^, 315. 

Megalopa, 315. 

Megalopsidia, 315. 

Megarthrus, 10, 125. 

MesostenuB, 320, 383. 

metuem (l^x>gophl(BUs), 

mioans (Tanycraerus), 

microcephalus (Hypo- 
stenus), 381. 

micrognathuB (Loptar- 
thrus), 111. 

MiOEOPBPLINiE, 5, 8, 19. 

Micropeplus, 20. 

Microptera, 2. 

millepunctus (Hypo- 
Btenus), 368. 

MimogonuB, 304. 

minimus (Troginus), 199 

minor (Dianous), 441. 

minuscidua (Troginus), 

minutus (Borolinus), 94. 

Misanoyrus (subgen.), 

monachus (Pucerus 
verres var.), 275. 

tnonoceros (Tanycrae- 
rus), 229. 

monomerus (Hypo- 
stonus), 380. 

tnoniiceUii (Mesostenus), 

monticola (Ampbi- 

chroum), 157. 

monticola (Aneyro- 
phorus), 177. , 

monticola{ Dropephylla), 

monticola (Lathri- 

mteum), 154. 

monticola (Osorius), 

moroBus (Phloconomus), 

morosuB (Stenus), 339. 

mu^ronalua (Stenus), 

musicola (Stenus), 339. 

myoetoporiformis (Holo- 
sus), 46. 

myrmecophilus (Ano- 
tylus), 246. 

Naddia, 13. 

niger (Mimogonus), 467. 

nigrioeps (Caccoporus), 

nigriceps (Oxyporus 

flavicomis var.), 312. 
uigricomis (Oxyporus), 

nigrieornis (Stenus), 328. 
nigripes (Stenus), 342. 



nigrita (BoopinuB), 186. 
nigrituius (Phtoono- 
- mus), 113. 
DigroTirens (Stenus), 

nigrum (Lathrimteum), 

nilgiiiensis (Elensis), 77. 
nilgiriensis (MesoBtenus), 

nilgiriensis (Osorius), 

nilgiriensis (Tanycrae- 

rus), 227. 
nitidifrons (Anotylus), 

nitidipennis (Trogo- 

phloeuB), 197. 
nitidulua (Anotylus), 

nitiduluB (Hyposteuus), 

nitidua (AnoyioplioruB), 

nitiduB (Nodynus), 34. 
Nodynus, 33. 
nova (Bleusis), 82. 

obliquenotatus (Dia- 

nous), 414. 
obliquenotatus (Meso- 

obUteratiis (Hypo- 

stenus), 468. 
obsouTognttatus (Dia- 

nous), 421. 
obsourus (Fhlceono- 

mus), 142. 
obacmrue (Trogophloeus), 

oocultUB (Anotylus), 

ooellatus (Dianous), 

Octhephilas, 176. 
Odhezemus, 139, 
oJistluerifonnis (Holo- 

sus), 4. 
Omaliini, 4, 133. 
Omalium, 139. 
opacellTU (Anotylus), 

ojMctntM (Leptarthrue), 

opacos (Phloeonomus), 

Oaoriisi, 10, 289. 

OXYFOBtN^, 308. 

Oxyporus, 309. 

Oxytelini, 168. 
Oxytelopsis, 203. 
Oxytelus, 211. 
Oxytelus, a. str. (aub- 
gen.), 212. 

Paedibin^, 8. 
paederinus (Hypo- 

stenus), 361. 
Paederus, 13, 14. 
palitans (Tiogophlceus), 

pallens (Arpedium), 15(i. 
paUescens (Faialiapinus), 

palliatuB (Fucerus), 

pcdlidipennia (Eleusis), 

pallidipennis (Tanycrae- 

ruB), 224. 
pallipes (Xerophygus), 

Faragonus, 306. 
ParaleaBter, 169. 
Paraliapinus, 42. 
FarapaleestrinuB, 13. 
parasitus (Oxytelua), 

parvipennis (Osorius 

kempi var.), 300. 
pauper (Anotylus), 249. 
peotinifrons (Osorius), 

pedicdlus (Anotylus), 

peguanuB (Osorius), 

Pelioptera, 13. 
pentagonalis (Triacau- 

tbochirus), 98. 
peraffinis (Mesostenua), 

peratus (Stenus), 344. 
petegrinus (Boopinus), 

persimilis (HypoatenuB), 

personatus (Bothrys), 

Philorhinum, 148. 
Phloeobium, 123. 
PhloeonomuB, 141. 
PhloBonomm, s. str. 

(subgen.), 141. ■ 

Phloeostiba (subgen.), 

Phyllodrepa, 136. 
piceicoUis (Trogo- 
phloeus), 193. 
pkeus (Anotylus), 247. ' 
pictus (Hypostenus), 

Piestini, 25. 
pilicomis (Mesostenus), 

piliferus (Hypostenus), 

pindarense (Amphi- 

ohroum), 157. 
pinicola (Phloeostiba), 

plagiata (Eleusis), 81. 
Planeustomus, 173. 
planicoUis (Boopinua), 

planifrons (Hypostenus), 

Plastus (subgen.), 111. 
Platystethus, 264. 
Platystethus, s. str. 

(subgen.), 265. 
plumbeus (Stenua), 339. 
posticus (Mesostenus), 

princepa (Mesostenus), 

Priochirus, 95. 
Priochirus, s. str. (sub- 
gen.), 117. 
produdiia (Bledius, 

s. str.), 273. 
ProgruUlta, 40. 
Proteinini, 123. 
ProteiuuB, 123. 
piuinoaus (Thinobiua), 



Pseucodontus (subgen.), 

Pseudolispinodes, 65. 

pseudopsina (Oxytelop- 
sis), 206. 

Fseudopsini, 121. 

Faeudopsis, 121. 

pubicoUiB (Thinodro- 
mus), 182. 

Fucerus (subgen.), 272, 

pulchellus (Bledius), 

pulcher (Anotylus), 261. 

puloher (Hypostenus), 



pumiloidea (Anotylus), 

pumiatiBeimus (Stenus), 

punctatiu (Anotylus), 

ponotatus (Edaphus), 

pundicepa (Tanyoraerus) 

puncticolliB (OsoriuB), 

punotipenniB (Osorius), 

punctipennis (Tany- 
oraerus), 223. 
punotiventris (Dianous), 

punctulatus (Osorius), 


(Dianous), 431. 
pusKB (Flaneustomus), 

pu88B (Trogophlceus), 

pusilla (EleusiB), 87. 
puaillimus (Anotylus), 

pustulatus (Hypo- 

atenus), 364. 
Pyctooraerus (subgen.), 

pygmsBus (Anotylus), 

pygmteus (Cephalo- 

merus), 106. 
Pygostenus, 13. 

quadratua (Lispinus), 60. 

quadriceps (Eleusis), 79. 

quadricollis (Lispinus), 

quadrioomis (Bledius, 
B. str.), 272. 

quadridens (Strongy- 
loohinis), 91. 

nomus), 143. 

quadilnotatus (Lispi- 
nus), 64. 

quadrisuloatus (Stenns- 
thetns), 446. 

Quediosoma, 13. 

n^tv8 (Dianous), 

Tajpurianua (Hypo- 

stenus), 363. 
leoticollis (Qeodromi- 

cus), 363. 
rhinoceros (Puoerus), 

Rhopalinda, 13. 
rivulariB (Trogophlceus), 

robustus (Dianous), 407. 
robustus (Osorius), 297. 
robustus (Platystethus), 

robustus (Tanycraerus), 

rotundiceps (Eleusis), 

rotundicoUis ( Apatetica), 

ruber (Anotylus), 256. 
rubicunduB (Anotylus), 

rubidus (Anotylus), 269. 
rubiginosus (Cephalo- 

merus), 106. 
radis (Bledius, s.str.), 

rufescens (Paralispinus), 

ruiicollis (Proteinus), 

ruficomiB (Trogo- 
phlceus), 196. 
ruficrus (Anotylus), 247. 
niiSpennis (Mimogonus), 

ruiipes (Osorius), 302. 
rufopIagiatuB (Hypo- 
' stenus), 366. 
ruf ormaiginatuB (Megar- 

thrus), 129. 
rufus (Anotylus), 264. 
rufus (Cephalomerus), 

rugiceps (Osorius), 299. 
rugicollis (Osorius), 292. 
rugioollis (Stenus), 337. 
rugosicolliiB (Bledius), 

rugoaisBim'aa (Hypo- 

stenus), 367. 
ragosum (Lathrimteum), 

rugosus (Tetrapleurus), 


sanguinosus (Cephalo- 
menu), 103. 

Boabricollis (Dianous), 

Bcabrostts (Trogo- 
phlceus), 194. 
seolytinus (Osorius), 

Bculpticollis (Eupies- 

tus), 38. 
soulptus (Tetrapleurus), 

scybalaHua (Platyste- 
thus), 266. 
secreta (Eleusis), 97. 
secretum (Omalium), 

seminiger (Stenus), 

semirufus (Borolinus), 

septempunctatus (Mo- 

garthrus), 132. 
seriatuB (Tetrapleurus), 

serpens (Hypostenus), 

setioomis (Delopsis), 

sexdeutata (Megalop- 

sidia), 316. 
Siagonium, 40. 
siamensis (Boopinus), 

signifer (Hypostenus), 

sikkimensis (Borolinus), 

sikkimensis (Osorius), 

sikkimensis (Priochirus), 

sikkimensis (Stenus), 

sikkimi (Anotylus), 242. 
sikkimi (Apatetica), 28. 
sikkimi (Eupiestus), 

sikkimi (Eusphalerum), 

sikkimi (Micropeplus), 


SiLFHIDil:, 2. 

similis (Geodromicus), 

simlaensis (Anotylus), 

simlaensis (Stenus), 

simteensis (Thinobius), 



Bimoni (Thoracochirus), 

simplex (Boopinua), 189. 
simplex (Oxytelus), 262. 
aimpkx (Stenua), 328. 
simulaiui (Eleusis), 452. 
singulare (Phloeono- 

mug), 146. 
sinuatus (HypostenuB), 

siwalikensia (Boopinus 

giamensis var.), 187. 
aiwalikensis (IKanous), 

sordidus (Oxytelus), 

gpeotabilis (Platyste- 

thus), 268. 
speculator (Stenus), 

gpinifei (Gupiestus), 36. 


Staphylikid*, key to 

subfamilies, 17. 
Staphylinid^, list of 

subfamilies and tribes, 

Staphylinin^, 8. 
Steneesthetug, 446. 
STENINili, 8, 318. 
Steniui, 10. 
Stenus, 10, 319, 320. 
stigma (Oxyporus), 313. 
stigmaticus (Oxyporus), 

Btigmaticug (Mesoste- 

nus), 389. 
Stigmatochirus (sub- 
gen.), 109. 
atrangulatus (Osorius), 

stricticollis (Osorius), 

strigirentriii (Lispinus), 

Strongylochirus (sub- 
gen.), 89, 90. 
subcequua (Trogo- 

phlceus), 196. 
Buboarinatus (Planeus- 

tomus), 175. 
subfasciata (Megalop- 

sidia), 317. 
sublucenB (Lispinag), 

Bubmetallioug (Meeo- 

stenus), 400. 
Bubnitidua (Thoraoo- 

phorua), 73. 

subopaoas (Lispinus), 

gubopacus (PhloBono- 

mua), 144. 
subplagiatus (Zonopti- 

lug), 173. 
aubtilis (Eleugis), 83. 
BubtortuoBUg (Diauoug), 

subyorticoBus (Dianous), 

sulcata (PBeudopsis), 

svlciJTons (Anotylug), 

sunioidog (Stensesthe- 

tus), 446. 
ayriacua (Osoriug), 302. 

tachiniformiB (Holosus), 

tachyporiformis (Holo- 
sus), 46. 
Tachypobin-js, 8. 
Tanycraerus (gubgen.), 

212, 217. 
taprobanse (Trogo- 

phloeus), 195. 
taprobanuB (Plagtus), 

taruensis (Elbidus), 

temporalis (Eupiestus), 

temporalis (Phloeostiba) 

tenuicomis (Apocella- 

gria), 203. 
tenuicomis (Delopgis), 

tenuioornig (Lispinus), 

tenuimargo (Mesoste- 

nus), 469 
tennis (Anotylug), 248. 
tenuis (EleugiB), 83. 
testaceuB (Lispinus), 64. 
testaceug (Platyste- 

thug), 265. 
Tetradelus, 167. 
TetrapleuruB, 68. 
TbinobiuB, 286. 
Thinodiomus (gubgen.), 

Thoraoochirus, 118. 
thoraoiouB (Anotylug), 

ThoiaoopboiuB, 72. 

ThoraxofMrus, 72. 
tibialis (Anotylug), 342. 
torrentum (Legteva), 

torrentum (Trogo- 

phlceus), 196. 
tortuosus (Dianoug), 

tortuoBUg (Stenus), 324. 
tortus (Dianoug), 440. 
transveraua (Hologug), 

trangvergug (Fuoerus), 

Triacanthocbirus (aub- 

gen.), 96. 
Triacanihus, 96. 
tricarinatuB (Hypo- 

atenus), 380. 
tridens (Triacanthochi- 

rus), 99. 
Trigceus, 26. 
trisinuatus (Megarthrus), 

trivialis (Trogo- 

phloiua), 107. 
TroginuB (gubgen.), 

Trogophloeus, 178. 
TrogophloeuB, s. str. 

(subgen.), 180, 184. 
Trygceus, 36. 
tuberculicollia (Uypo- 

stenug), 361. 
tuberoulatuB (Puoerus), 

Tympanophorus, 13. 


thrua), 127. 
unicolor (Eupiestus 

gpinifer var.), 461. 

Tagans (TrogophloBua), 

rariegatuB (Oxyporus), 

TarioloBus (Thoraco- 

ohirus), 110. 
varipennis (Caccoporug), 

VelleiuB, 13. 
Venator (Stenug), 328. 
rentricoBus (Hypo- 

Btenus), 364. 
vermioulariB (Eleusis), 




Terres (Puoeras), 

verrucifer (Thoraoo- 

chinis), 119. 
versicolor (Dianons), 

verticoBUs (Dianous), 

vilu (Stenus), 343. 
rirgula (MesostenuB), 

viridans (Eletuis), 82. 
viridans (Mesostenus), 

viridanns (Mesostenus), 

viridesoens (Stenus), 

viridipennis (Apatetica), 

viridipennis (Dianous), 

viriditinctus (Stenus), 

vulcanuB (Micropeplus), 

vulneratus (Carpalimua) 


wasmanni (Hypos- 
tenus), 376. 

Xantholinini, 9. 
Xerophygus, 200. 
Xylostiba (subgen.), 

Zonoptilua (subgen.), 

Zyras, 13. 



Fig. 1 . EupiesiHB seulpticollit Kr. 

2. Paralispinug exiguMS Er. 

3. Holo*u» taehinifomm Motsch. 

4. „ longipennis Cam. 

5. Litpiniu qiutdrieoUit Cam. 

6. PteudolitpinodM bistriat'us Fauv. 

7. Micropeplut fulvtu \as. japonieus Shp. 

8. Pteudopiis tvikata Newm. 

9. Proteinns fusco-Ustaceus Cam. 

10. Megarthrus himaeulatwt Faur. 

11. Laihnmceum nigrum Cam. 

12. Legteva torrentum Cam. 





Fig. 1. Qeodromicw* curvipet Cam. 

2. Partdeaattr longipennis Cam. 

3. Planeuttomus longiceps Champ. 

4. TrogophloiiM assamensit Cam. 

5. „ indieus Kr. 

6. ApocelUujria indica Cam. 

7. Oxytelus lietus Cam. 

8. Platystethus crastieornis Motsch . 

9. Bhdiui dilutipennit Motscli. 





Fii^. 1 . Oaorlus straii;/ a/alas Fiiuv. 
2. „ niyicoUis Kv. 
•i. (Kvi/imrtm iipiriilis Ciiiii. 

4. Meijalopn nnhfanciutnn Cliamp. 

5. Stenus kraiilzi Beriili. 
H. Diaiioun robustUK Cam. 

7. „ vertkosus Epp. 

8. Steiui'stlMas qiuidrisidcalmi Cam. 

9. Eiktphus punctatus Kauv.