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'Rpphum Community Coffeae 


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April, 201 3 

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Taxing the "Rich" 

By Veronica Fontes 

Staff Reporter 

According to the Boston Herald's 
article "Redefining who's Rich," social 
service advocates are proposing a pay- 
roll tax to tax "rich" people. The defi- 
nition of "rich" is where most differ; 
President Obama believes those who 
make more than $200,000 are rich while 
the advocates believe those who earn 
over $100,000 are rich. The plan for this 
payroll tax is for the MBTA transit debt 
of $60 million and the Big Dig debt of 
$190 million. 

The payroll tax is a good idea and 
would help out the greater Boston city 
but the definition of "rich" is where I 
disagree. The majority of families and 
individuals in Boston make an average 
salary of $61,900 USD as of November 

28, 2012. Here are the statistics: 3.47% 
of people in Boston that receive more 
than $200K annually and 31.19% of 
people in Boston that receive more than 
95K annually. So to say those who make 
over $100,000 are "rich" and tax them 
for debts they did not create themselves 
is outlandish. 

Why should the lower income families 
be taxed for something they cannot af- 
ford and lead themselves into more un- 
fortunate financial troubles? Many citi- 
zens in Boston even gave up riding the 
MBTA after recent spikes in fares dur- 
ing March. The MBTA fares increased 
23 percent, raising the cost of a bus ride 
by 25 cents and subway and rail fares by 
30 cents, which was a shockingly smaller 
hike than they originally proposed. Bus 
and train rides which were once $1.25 
became Jl.50-J2.00. Citizens became 

livid and irritable at the amount of debt 
the MBTA piled on their shoulders and 
left their daily commuters to deal with. 
Why should we pay for something we 
were not the cause of? The state and 
government should take better care of 
their state funds and issues themselves. 
If the proper protocols were followed, 
we would not have been in this situation 
in the first place. 

An easier solution would be to allow 
different agencies to share the debt and 
work together to resolve it. We could 
even get Massport (an independent 
public authority which develops, pro- 
motes and manages airports and trans- 
portation structure in the state) to take 
responsibility for some of the debt as 

» continued on page 4 

The Presidential Search Committee 
Holds Feedback Sessions 

By Alison Crumb 

Staff Reporter 

The Presidential Search Committee 
for RCC held its last open forum with 
a Feedback and Comments session 
on Wednesday November 28, 2012 at 
5:00pm. The public was invited to stop 
by at any point during the three-hour 
event held in RCC's former cafeteria. 

Three round tables in the former caf- 
eteria were pushed together into a Venn 
diagram of sorts. The floor was opened 
for comments and feedback on "What 
qualities does the next President of 
RCC need to possess?" Students, faculty, 
community leaders, and concerned citi- 









zens who attended voiced their opinions 
and were heard. In fact, members of the 
search committee asked follow-up ques- 
tions and provided room for discussion 
as every attendee was afforded the op- 
portunity to share their comments and 

The search committee stressed that 
they would inspect what they expect of 
a good candidate. Qualities discussed in- 
cluded communications skills, network- 
ing skills, funding raising skills, and the 
ability to assess and address administra- 
tive issues. There were a variety of opin- 
ions, feedback, and stories shared during 
this meeting. 

The Board of Trustees has a tremen- 

the next president of RCC. The process 
will be thorough and aggressive. Partic- 
ular guidelines are set by the State Com- 
mission of Higher Education and they 
must be followed. There are many steps 
in this process and we must not under- 
estimate what this will take. "Most have 
a simplistic view of the complexity of 
what it takes." said Christopher Thomp- 
son, an adjunct faculty member at RCC. 
One thing is clear: the college has 
facts to disprove many of the false al- 
legations propagated by The Globe. 
There was a level of outrage over how 
a perception of the college has been 
presented as reality. Members of the 

ous an important labor in appointing 

» continued on 

page 4 





















Wins Major Science Award 

By Ted Thomas 

Public Relations /Editor 

As a young girl growing up in Trini- 
dad, Share-Leigh Arneaud-Bernard was 
curious about the natural world that sur- 
rounded her. Later that initial curiosity 
would lead to a burning interest in the 
world of science. As a Biological Science 
major at Roxbury Community College, 
Share-Leigh recently won first place in 
the 2013 Ruth and William Silen, M.D. 
Awards, which "recognize participants 
who deliver outstanding oral presenta- 
tions and who create exceptional sci- 
entific posters." Share-Leigh's poster 
presentation was titled Reclassification 
of Hodgkin's Lymphoma to Increase 
Treatment Efficacy. Her research work 
was guided by Dr. Alfred Gaskin. "He 
is one of the most student-oriented 
professors at Roxbury Community Col- 
lege," Share-Leigh said of Dr. Gaskin. 
"He always says, 'Think outside of the 
box.'" The Ruth and William Silen, M.D. 

Awards were part of a larger awards cer- 
emony sponsored by the New England 
Science Symposium. 

Share-Leigh Arneaud-Bernard, Rox- 
bury Community College's nominee for 
the 3rd Annual 29 Who Shine Event, is 
a remarkable student and an exceptional 

» continued on page 2 

RCC's Honors Society host 
their annual Open House 

By Hilaire Dastinot 

Staff Reporter 

Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society of 
RCC hosted their annual open house on 
Tuesday December 4th in the academic 
building room 3-422. Phi Theta Kappa 
was founded in 1918. It is the official 
community college honors society dedi- 
cated to promoting academic excellence 
among students. 

Hours before the event kicked off, 
the fourth floor hall way, like the main 
entrance of the academic building, was 
decorated with balloons of all colors— a 
sign that something obviously exciting 
was going to happen. By 1:30 pm, the 
time set for the event, students of dif- 
ferent majors, members of the Honors 
Society, and many RCC officials signed 
in and occupied their seats in a room 
decorated with colors seemingly chosen 
for the Open House this year. 

Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society Open House 

Among the RCC officials present for 
the Open House was Dr. Lynda Turner, 
President of Roxbury Community Col- 
lege; Dr. Nancy Teal, the Dean of Lib- 
eral Arts; Elizabeth Clark, the Director 
of Student Engagement; Yvonne An- 
thony, faculty and staff advisor for the 
club; and many other familiar faces like 
Professors Eric Enteman, and Alfred 

» continued on page 4 

African Meeting House 
Highlights Dr. King's Life 

By Malcolm Thomas 

Staff Reporter 

This past Thursday, I went to the Af- 
rican Meeting House over on Beacon 
Hill to see "The Reverend Dr. Martin 
Luther King, Jr. and Signs of Freedom" 
exhibit. The exhibit focuses on photo- 
graphs of Martin Luther King Jr. and 
other Civil Rights Movement leaders, 
such as Rev. Jesse Jackson and Stokley 
Carmichael. It also includes photo- 
graphs of nonviolent protest that span 
the time of the civil rights movement. 
"If I was alive back then I would have 
probably ended up in jail or dead," Said 
24-year-old Tanesha, a woman who 
was viewing the exhibit. "There is no 
way I'm gonna let those people [White 

people] hit me and harass me and just let 
them get away with it." 

Upstairs from the exhibit is a 17-20 
minute video that explores the history 
of Black people in Boston and the his- 
tory of the African American meeting 
house. "The thing that people are most 
surprised about after they watch the vid- 
eo is that Frederick Douglass spoke here 
in Boston. People usually associate him 
with his time in Maryland and in New 
Bedford, but never Boston," said one of 
the national park rangers. 

The exhibit was originally supposed 
to end on the 17th of February, but it 
will now continue until the end of the 
month. The African Meeting House is 
located on 46 Joy Street in Beacon Hill. 

2 Roxbury Community College Gateway Gazette - April, 201 3 

RCC Interim President 
Dr. Linda Edmonds Turner 
F i nds Ti me to E ngage Students 

By Alison Crumb & Rose Fonta 

Staff Reporters 

This is not my first time in the Ad- 
ministration Building nor is it my first 
time on the third floor at the office of 
the president. However, I drag these ce- 
ment blocks that were once my feet up 
each step. I stand on the landing before 
the door marked 3, and there I admit to 
myself I feel intimidated. My partner in- 
terviewed Dr. Linda Edmonds-Turner 
only days earlier and my intentions are 
simple: I want to meet our President. 
I've heard her words, voice, passion 
and life stories. I want both the words 
and actions of our 
administration; so 
I turn the door 
knob of the glass 
door along the glass 
plane wall that reads 
"The Office of the 

Dr. Turner's 

staff was straight- 
forward, and 
engaging. As I i 
am standing and 
speaking with the 
woman at the front 
desk, Dr. Turner 
walks out of her 
office. She enters 
the waiting area to 
greet and show her visitor to her office. 
As she approaches my direction, she 
acknowledges me making eye contact, 
greets me and touches my arm briefly. 
My interaction was brief, but in the 
midst of a busy schedule, our college 
president Dr. Linda Edmonds-Turner 
finds time to engage students. 

Dr. Turner graduated as valedictorian 
of Mary Bethune High School in 1966. 
She was amongst the first six African- 
American women to attend Virginia 
Polytechnic Institute, graduated with 
honors, and received her bachelor's 
degree. She went on to earn a Master's 
Degree at Michigan State University and 
also holds an MBA and a Ph.D. from 
Virginia Tech. 

Dr. Turner has worked in the 
corporate world in areas including 
marketing, new product development, 
and product launching and has a 
professional background in higher 
education as well. She was the vice 
president and chief marketing officer 
for Dean College in Franklin. For nine 
years she was the president of Urban 
College in Boston, which has a small 
and largely minority student population. 

Dr. Turner says, "The student is 
the center of all we do." The idea of 
having open houses or town meetings 
described by Dr. Turner as "student 
friendly" brainstorming sessions every 

other month highlights and emphasizes 
her willingness to create effective 
communication between administration 
and the student body. Dr. Turner, 
the Boards of Trustees, students and 
the Student Government Association 
(SGA) have already had one meeting. 
Student Government Association 
president Kiara Wynn says. "We set it 
up to have an open meeting with the 
interim president every other month 
starting in January. Another thing is that 
if you have issues, go to the Office of 
Student Life." 

What has already been voiced by the 
community and student body is clear. 

RCC needs to improve in customer 
service. Dr. Turner responds to this 
feedback and states that "people, 
students, community folk, other people 
that come to the campus feel they're 
wanted on campus. Making sure it's a 
positive experience for them. That - to 
me - is one of the key things I want to 
focus on. I want to get the students' 
input on how we best do that." 

When asked about what she will 
change or do differently at RCC, Dr. 
Turner states the need to "make a 
change in how we present ourselves 
as an institution to people in the 
community and also to the students... 
[If] we don't get customers right, then 
we aren't going to grow because people 
will choose to go elsewhere for better 
service in order to meet their career 
needs and goals. If you don't get that 
part right than you don't reach all the 
other things you want to do." 

Wynn feels that President Turner 
"is definitely willing to help change the 
name RCC has developed over the years 
and is willing to [address] any concern 
students have." 

Roxbury Community College's 
primary mission is to serve the needs 
of a diverse greater Roxbury area and 
the surrounding metropolitan Boston 
community. When asked about her 
role here at RCC as Interim President, 

Dr. Turner states "It's a wonderful 
institution! My job is to do as much 
as I can to make sure we're getting 
those positive stories as we are holding 
everything together for that next great 

"When I took this job it was interim 
only, to come in and, say, lead the ship 
while the search is going on. To give the 
institution a chance to figure out who 
they wanted and what they wanted." 

Dr. Turner knows that it will take 

a team effort to improve our image, 

services and brand at RCC. Dr. Turner 

states, "This College is not just me. I 

can't run a college 

by myself. No 

matter how hard I 

work or how great 

my intentions are. 

You have to work 

with a group of 

folk. A Board of 

Trustees, you have 

the faculty and 

staff; you have 

students, you have 

| the community. 

We all have to 

work on this 


When asked 
about where she 
sees RCC five 
years from now, 
Dr. Turner replies, "In five years I see 
tremendous growth in the look of the 
campus. I see growth, I see us going into 
many other majors. Five years from now 
I see us with a brand new building.... 
We're going to be spending money on 
renovating [the Academic Building] 
and bringing in a lot more in the health 
sciences, updating all those labs, a lot 
of the classrooms in the building and 
within there, there will be a different 
type of food service." 

"Right now we're in the study 
phase of what we're going to do. In 
Massachusetts when a state college 
does new buildings, you go through 
DC AM (Division of Capital Assets 
Management). It has several phases to 
it. We have got a new 20.7 million bond 
to make improvements. The first year 
you study what needs to be done all 
over campus. That process will be over 
by June." 

"The next year will be design phase 
and where the architects will design 
the building and all that goes with that. 
And the next year we will be shovel 
ready, meaning starting digging and 
building. "It's really a three to four year 
process, so within five years that will be 

It appears good things are in the 
future for RCC. 


« continued from page 1 

human being While at RCC, Share- 
Leigh has at times served as President 
of the Science Club, President of the 
Garden Club, Secretary of the Pizza and 
Politics Club, Student Representative of 
the Student Government Association, 
and a member of the Honors Club. She 
also volunteers in the RCC Writing Cen- 
ter and at a community swimming pool 
in Roslindale, MA. In spite of having 
had an extremely active schedule, Share- 
Leigh will graduate with a 3.98 GPA. 

Eager to continue expanding her 
science experience, Share -Leigh is cur- 
rently working as a student intern at 
the Massachusetts Biologies Laboratory 

in Mattapan, MA. She is proud of her 
work at the lab, which is confidential in 

Share-Leigh's future plans begin with 
transferring to a four-year college where 
she plans on earning a Bachelor's degree 
in Biology. From there she intends to 
enroll in medical school and graduate 
with both MD and PhD degrees in Bio- 
Medical Research. Her future research 
focus will be to continue the Reclassifi- 
cation of Hodgkin's Lymphoma project 
she began at RCC. Share-Leigh would 
like to help people live longer, healthier 

Share-Leigh is also a poet, able to 
merge her love of nature and science 
into poetry that explores the connec- 
tion between science and human emo- 

tions. In one of her poems, titled The 
Equation of Life, based on a painting by 
Reginald Gee, she wrote: 

The numbers that are 

Remind me of the fraction 
of time that we have 

To climb up the staircase 
of love and determination. . . 

A publication of staff and students at 

Roxbury Community College 

1234 Columbus Avenue, Roxbury Crossing, Massachusetts 02120 

Staff and students are invited to send letters to the editor, news 

tips, ideas for articles and photos and other information for 

the Gazette to All submissions 

are subject to editing and run on a space available basis. The 

opinions expressed in these pages do not necessarily reflect those of 

the newspaper. 

Faculty advisor: 
Judith Kahalas, Coordinator of The Writing Center 

Community E SOL Program 
Contributes to RCC s Success 

By Hilaire Dastinot 

Staff Reporter 

As part of the wide range of ser- 
vices available to students at Roxbury 
Community College, the Community 
ESOL (ESL) program contributes a lot 
to the success of Roxbury Community 
College. Since the boom in education, 
students from all over the world flock 
here in search of a degree from the 
Commonwealth. As a matter of fact, 
Community ESOL, as well as College 
ESOL, is designed to meet the needs 
of numerous students who desire to 
acquire skills to adjust to their English 
language environment. 

In her dedication to such needs, Ms. 
Irina Morgunova, who is responsible 
for the program, manages to respond 
to students without a secretary; 
although when she is absent, her need 
of one stands out. In a statement, 
she proudly said, "We are a team 
dedicated to providing students with 
the necessary tools to push forward." 

Conveniently located on the second 
floor in the Academic Building 
(Building 3), the busiest building 
on campus, the office of the ESOL 
Outreach Counselor is easy to reach. 
Upon signing in at the Learning 
Center's front desk, you'll be directed 
to Ms. Morgunova who is in charge 
of leading the ESOL program in the 
Boston area, assisted by well-rounded 
teachers dedicated to helping students 
acquire knowledge to strengthen their 
educational background. 

With the support of the Language 
Lab, the Writing Center, and the huge 
Library, Community ESOL students 
are both prepared to perform in the 
world of work as well as to further 
their education through their college 
level preparation. 

Any prospective student who can 
demonstrate adequate English writing 
skills is encouraged to apply for college 
ESOL. Based on a six semester-a-year 
period, the program goes through six 

levels of instruction where the student 
has the possibility of progressing in 
a grammar-writing combination and 
pronunciation/conversation practice. If 
missing the registration for the regular 
college semester, a new ESOL student 
can follow Community ESOL classes to 
improve their English and catch up the 
next semester. 

Above all, Intermediate Writing 
classes are designed to deliver adequate 
preparation for a student to succeed 
in placement test and excel in college 
ESOL or higher. Some even make it 
to English Composition I. They build 
on skills acquired during their ESOL 
preparation to assure success in courses 
in any major. Irina is right to believe 
that "success in college is based on a 
good ESOL preparation." In fact, a 
lack of preparation can lead a student 
to malfunctioning in English or any 
college level courses. As a result, they 
often drop out. 

For the well-being of all students, 
Irina Morgunova is surrounded by a 
faculty chosen from the cream of the 
crop. Irene Garnits teaches mainly 
intermediate writing where her students 
learn the skills and techniques of 
college-level writing. Wendy Law teaches 
level 1 and level 4. Anna Boudarenho 
for her part teaches grammar. Mark 
Snyder teaches communication skills, 
and Daniel Garbers and Dowley Kelly 
teach grammar/ conversation. 

In their experience teaching English, 
each member of this faculty is an asset 
for the entire RCC community, and 
students throughout their journey in 
college will always remember them. 
Achievement does not just happen. 
Community ESOL at RCC prepares you 
to achieve. A lot of successful college 
students started at the Community 
ESOL Program. 

For more information about the 
program, contact the Senior Outreach 
Counselor, Ms. Morgunova, in Room 
(3) 207. Community ESOL at RCC is 
worth trying! 




Gateway to the Dream 

April, 201 3 - Roxbury Community College Gateway Gazette 3 


Opinion DQES '££ 
^^B Matter 

Being a Lady Tiger 

By Daniel Villanueva 

Staff Reporter 

It may be in your best interest check 
out a R.C.C. Women's basketball game. 
They've played they've left their audi- 
ences applauding on many occasion 
this season and have earned a national 
ranking, but the continuity off the 
court deserves a bigger applause. 

Coach Mark Leszczyk can recognize 
talent, but his assessments aren't 
restricted solely on the foundation of 
the sport. If ask him about any of his 
players, the first reference you'll get 
is "student/ athlete." All too often, 
athletes, especially at the junior college 
level, become academically ineligible. 
Their ineligibility simultaneously 
hinders their academic future, as well 
as stuns the team's success. So what 
does Coach Leszczyk do to counter 
that? "To maintain eligibility here, we 
monitor our players' progress as tightly 
as we can and have mandatory study 

halls throughout the week, not just in 
season, but year round. In my entire 
time at Roxbury, I have only had one 
ineligible player, and to me, that's one 
too many." 

I consider the success of Lady Tigers 
as a "double edge sword." Their ranking 
was earned from a nucleus of players 
throughout the Northeast region, but 
only two players reign from the Boston 
area. Coach Leszczyk recognizes the 
same concern. "This year's class seems 
to be from more of a distance, but it is 
rare. I would love to have more local 
players, but getting young people to go 
to school in their 'backyard' has proven 
to be difficult." 

The Lady Tigers remain competitive 
year in and year out. Coach Leszczyk 
specializes in recruiting in the specific 
athletes who adhere to his curriculum. 
"They must be dedicated academically 
and athletically to survive playing for 

Thanks to M alone 

By Veronica Fontes 

Staff Reporter 

Professor H. Tia Juana Malone is 
devoted to being a teacher. "It's excit- 
ing, utilizes my mind." She teaches all 
the time and loves it because it "makes 
you have to study and that's exciting." 
To Professor Malone teaching re- 
quires you to "study and learn how to 
best deliver a lesson to a very diverse 
student audience. As well as accentu- 
ate them into being learners." I dis- 
covered the art of the English major 
through several talks with Professor 
Malone. To be an English major you 
have to be interested in a broad range 
of things. You have to read all types 
of literary works, especially current 
pieces because your job as an English 
major will be assessing whatever work 
anyone creates. An English major has 
to read wisely, research many different 
topics and write persuasively. 

As I sat down in Professor Malone's 
office and listened to her speak, 
I became even more interested in 
learning. Her words were gentle but 
full of aspiration as she listed out the 
important tools an English major 
would need to succeed. Some, such 
as understanding different styles of 
writing by reading and using books 
such as Elements of Style by William 
Strunk, can help future journalist, 
editors and authors gain insight about 
what it is their craftsmanship can 
further develop. Knowing libraries and 
library systems, classification of things, 
and, most importantly, allowing "NPR 

[National Public Radio] to be part of a 
daily digest" is a great way for English 
majors or students to keep a steady diet 
of current, interesting and important 

Professor Malone knows "a little 
everything of everything" by listening 
to the news and picking up some 
information about new things every 
day. Keeping your mind fresh and 
always open to evolving new concepts 
or ideas is a great advancement for any 
English major. The reason for choosing 
to interview Professor Malone was 
after enrolling in her African American 
Literature course, my mind was blown 
by the amount of things I had thought 
I knew. I walked into her class as 
an English major and left it feeling 
dumbfounded. Her speeches and 
lessons taught in class challenged me to 
prove my reason for being an English 
major and even more so to continue 
learning more about literature. 

After speaking with Professor 
Malone, this experience reminded me 
that as an English major you have 
to adjust your writing, research your 
work, edit your papers, accept criticism 
and remind yourself to be a constant 
learner. No matter how harsh or strict 
her vernacular is, her goal as a professor 
is to give people the "incentive to be 
lifelong learners; don't do the matrix of 
the class and get involved in a subject," 
opening up a world of new possibilities 
to her students. 

Get Published 

By Veronica Fontes 

Staff Reporter 

Dig out that great piece of writing 
you worked so hard on and get the at- 
tention you deserve! You need to focus 
on nothing but the course lessons and 
catching up. However, the paper is sum- 
moning your psyche and you can no 
longer deny it. An obligation to open 
the pages and build thoughts on paper. 
After minutes expand to hours and days, 
you have created a masterpiece. Others 
may say it is impressive, and you agree. 
Nevertheless, how can you let even 
more people view your beautiful work? 

The newspaper on the RCC campus 
always publishes students' work who 
are involved in the Gazette. However, 
how can you submit a piece? Who is in 
charge? Is there an email or office? Is 
my work guaranteed publishing? How 
does it all begin? Well, pick up the free 
student newspaper Roxbury Community 
College's Gateway Gazette and flip 
towards the end. The email mentioned 
( is your 
first step towards getting published. The 
Gateway Gazette mentions "Staff and 
students are invited to send letters to 
the editor, news tips, ideas for articles, 
photos and other information" Each 
submission you make is subjected to 
editing and run on a space available basis. 
The faculty advisor and editor, Judith 
Kahalas, welcomes any submissions. 
So do not sit there and let such a great 
opportunity slide by. Take advantage of 
it and be published. 

The problem lies not with the 
Gateway Gazette but with the students. 
Of course, Roxbury Community College 
wants to publish their students in their 
own print media. But how can they do 
that if no students are submitting their 
work. Courses such as Journalism I, 
which I had the opportunity to attend, 
even had a chance to see their work 
published in the Gazette, but lost it 
after several students turned in their 
work late, unacceptable for any news 
writer. Unlike some of the students, 
I was under the impression that every 

piece I wrote would be submitted. 
According to Ms. Kahalas, "Students 
need to inform their peers in Roxbury 
Community College about submitting 
their work to the Gazette." We all 
need to work together as a community 
if we want to be published. The issue 
of Roxbury Community College not 
having a student editor but instead run 
by faculty is an issue some students 
seem to have with the Gazette. Walking 
through the halls, I asked students 
about the situation and they replied with 
answers like "I did not know we had a 
newspaper." They did not believe their 
work would be considered and some 
did not believe their writings were good 
enough. But why does that stop them? 

The majority of answers I received 
re fere ed back to the main issue, which 
happens to be not many students know 
they can submit work to the Gazette 
because they never read or saw it. To 
help students realize their options 
and opportunities, the Gazette and 
Roxbury Community College can do 
more for them. We need to get these 
students to read the Gazette. Some 
simple suggestions would be to allow 
the Gazette to become our social media 
manager. By allowing their readers and 
advertisers to establish relationships 
through connecting with friends to 
design targeted marketing campaigns 
that incorporate technology that 
envelopes how humans interact with 
website images and information. Along 
with the use of surveys and polls, the 
Gazette can incorporate the student 
body's perceptions, opinions and views 
on articles or issues we believe students 
are faced with in life. Part of the Gazette 
staff can even start hiring student writers 
to help interview future sources, come 
up with topics, and offer internships 
for majors to help develop media skills 
for their future. The possibilities and 
doors this decision can lead to for 
English majors as well as other majors 
are endless. Any piece of writing will do, 
just make sure it is something you love 
and will be happy to distribute around 
your campus. 

Your Newest SGA Rep: 

Andrice Napoleon 

By Lloyd Bryan 

Staff Reporter 

A change of the guard in the form of 
Roxbury Community College's Student 
Government Association has recently 
taken place. For the uninformed, there 
is a new vice president and two new 
representatives here to assist the student 
body. Their names are Maha Abdelra- 
him and Darnell McFarlane. Where we 
congratulate them on their new posts 
and wish them well this semester, this 
piece is tailored to inform you about 
Rep. Andrice Napoleon. 

Andrice (often referred to as "Drice") 
is a lifelong Massachusetts resident and 
second year student here at RCC. The 
21 year-old engineering major with a 
passion for automobiles was selected 
to join the SGA after an extensive 
interviewing process. When asked what 
he hopes to bring to SGA, Drice stated, 
"I want to bring a new perspective. It 
seems like things are just a single routine 
or just in-the-box-thoughts. The same 
stuff is done all the time. I feel like I can 
present something different." 

Andrice is no stranger to heavy 
workloads; he breaks the monotony 
of his schoolwork and side duties by 
delving into other passions such as 
football, basketball, and music, but, he 
doesn't approach the music as passively 

as many others may. Drice is a rapper 
and serious about his craft. He cites 
Joe Budden, Jay-Z and Ma$e as major 
influences to him. "I would throw 
Biggie in their too" he replies. But, all 
of that takes a backseat to his education. 

A four year school is the next 
endeavor for Drice. Where UMass- 
Amherst, Dartmouth and Framingham 
State are in the running as institutions 
ready to accept Drice's talents, he hasn't 
limited himself to just those places in 
particular. "I would have to work harder 
for Northeastern University or WPI," 
he says, but, he hasn't given up hope. 

When you see Drice walking the 
halls of RCC, he is as cool, calm and 
collected as any you will ever encounter. 
A relatively silent character who isn't 
without his trademark smile and chuckle, 
if you have a moment, get to know him. 
He is here to help and serve you. 

The SGA 

By Wesley Jean Baptiste 

Staff Reporter 

The Fall 2012 semester of Roxbury 
Community College was the dawn of 
a new President. The Student Govern- 
ment Association now has a new Head 
of Office. With a robust campaign, Ki- 
ara Wynn won the popular vote of the 
Roxbury Community College students. 
I had the blessing of interviewing Presi- 
dent Wynn for the Gateway Gazette. 

During our conversation, President 
Wynn told me the reason she ran 
for office. "There was a point where 
Roxbury Community College felt like 
a good genuine community. To date, 
although I like the campus life, we have 
gotten a bit of a bad reputation." As we 
sat, Wynn took a minute to reflect on 
her successful campaign, which to her 
account was simple. "I just wanted to 
let the students know that I want to be 
their voice." She got into details and told 
me that her strongest campaign tool was 
her raw ambition. Driven, she would 
walk up to people and let them know 
face to face that she was running for 
President of the Student Government 
Association. In a world today where 
connections are immeasurably made 
through social media networks, 
President Wynn wanted to reach the 
student body on a personal level. 

She also told me that the hardest 
part of her campaign was listening to 
everyone's concerns and registering 
them as points of improvement for the 
college. In the midst of our discussion 
on the concerns of the student body, 
the President kept things frank and said, 
"Most of the troubles are with faculty 
and the students; the students do not 
like the way they are being treated." 

President Wynn and her cabinet 
members have been in talks with the 
colleges President, Dr. Linda Turner, 
about correcting each one of these 
concerns. In her first semester as 
President, aside from trying to listen 
everyone's complications, she has 
been working relentlessly to fix them. 
Wynn has been keeping the campus 
life thriving. In the past semester she's 
hosted a luncheon where all the proceeds 
raised went towards sponsoring a family 
for the holiday season. Also, at that very 
same luncheon, there was a bake goods 
banquet where proceeds raised from 
that went to the U.S. Marine Corps Toys 
For Tots Foundation. 

In light of the issues on campus, the 
President was able to get some good 
charity done for the past holiday season 
in the name of Roxbury Community 
College. Looking towards the future, 
President Wynn's goal was to promote 
school spirit. "The school lacks all 
aspects of school spirit. We want to give 
our sports teams lots and lots of love. 
The best way to achieve that goal is to 
attend the home games at the Reggie 
Lewis Track And Field Center." With a 
winning smile, a dedicated heart, and an 
ambition fit for a giant, President Wynn 
has the substance to succeed. What's 
left, you ask? Your support. 

4 Roxbury Community College Gateway Gazette - April, 201 3 

The Presidential Search... 

« continued from page 1 

committee were eager, confident and 
prepared to address concerns stemming 
from a series of articles run by The 
Globe. "When The Globe was attack- 
ing the college, the college was ready to 
respond with fact." says Paul Alexander, 
Human Resource Director at RCC. 

Attendees spoke with passion and 
concern for Roxbury Community Col- 
lege. RCC has done a tremendous ser- 
vice to this community and this commu- 
nity has a vested interest in the college. 
The chair did his best to keep the overall 
objective and agenda in the forefront, 
searching for what the committee could 
take away from stories of the past as 
well as general and passionate opinions 
about the college and its needs. 

Faculty members provided feedback 
on what qualities they would like to see 
in the next president of our college. 
"This should be their world." says Dani- 
elle Tabela, coordinator GED program 
at RCC. Faculty also expressed a com- 
mitment and a sense of advocacy for 
the college and their respective depart- 

Roxbury Community College is end- 
ing "the research and development" 
portion of their presidential search. 
As the committee wraps up the overall 
job description and creates a profile of 
our "Next Great President," a search 
firm will then be hired to find and as- 
sess candidates who may be the right fit 
for RCC and its needs. The presidential 
search committee plans to present three 
viable candidates for president of Rox- 
bury Community College to the board 
of trustees by March or April in efforts 
to fill the vacancy by the new fiscal year. 

Taxing the Rich.. 

« continued from page 1 

Some citizens who oppose my view- 
points or even refute them would say 
that taxing the rich and wealthy is bet- 
ter than taxing the poor and the result 
would put an end to a huge portion of 
our $250 million debt. Although it does 
seem like an admirable alternative, an 
even better one is to urge the citizens 
of Boston to contact the governor and 
our legislators to work together to find 




• III 






By Lloyd C. Bryan, Jr. 

Staff Reporter 

RCC's Honors Society... 

« continued from page 1 

While setting up, the audience was 
serviced a YouTube presentation identi- 
fied by Professor Kimberly Stieglitz as 
"a community service oriented video" 
featuring the backgrounds of different 
members of Honors Society. 

Meanwhile, Kevin Smalls, President 
of the RCC Honors Society committee, 
addressed a warm welcome to the audi- 
ence as he thanked Dr. Turner for her 
presence. Then he introduced the mem- 
bers of the Society. 

From a slides presentation, Kevin 
developed what is called "The Chapters 
of Phi Theta Kappa" and the "Purpose 
and Goals" of the society. This put the 
emphasis on how the society can assist 
potential members in internship place- 
ment and highlighted the various uni- 
versities and colleges Phi Theta Kappa 
honorees can attend. This opportunity 
extends over most of the prestigious 
universities across the United States. 

Following this was another YouTube 
video on established Phi Theta Kappa 
of different states like Florida, Alaska, 
Texas, Alabama, Illinois, and Michigan 
and various opportunities available to 
outstanding student members of the 
society. In addition, Kevin assured that 

"the society provides support to mo- 
tivated students willing to make a dif- 
ference in other people's lives through 
leading capacity." He testified that nu- 
merous partner organizations are look- 
ing for such individuals. 

Thirty five million dollars can be 
spent on educational activities just for 
being a member of Phi Theta Kappa, 
according to Kevin. There is "zero risk 
and tremendous returns," agreed all 
committee members, inviting RCC stu- 
dents to join the society. 

After the video was a self-introduc- 
tion of each member of the RCC Hon- 
ors Society for the late arrivals. Then 
finally came the round of questions, 
one of which was about the funding of 
the society. The answer drew many at- 
tempts, but Professor Stieglitz got ahead 
and brought up that "The society draws 
so much interest that a lot of people are 
generous toward it." Furthermore, she 
added that "honorees, after working 
their way up, give back to support future 

The Open House ended with the 
thankful remarks of Maha Abdelrahim, 
secretary of the committee, who invited 
anyone with questions to approach the 
committee members, as she invited the 
audience for the refreshment while chat- 

You should be familiar with the name 
kendrick Lamar today. The twenty four 
ear old, quick-witted rhyme slayer 
startled with the burden of ushering in 
a new crop of talented emcees to bring 
forth the resurgence of the West Coast 
released his major label debut, "good 
kid, m.A.A.d city" in October under 
the Aftermath banner. (Yes, the house 
that famed West Coast producer Dr. 
Dre built.) The album which plays like 
a feature film on wax is encompassed 
with brilliant rhyme patterns, vivid sto- 
rytelling, deeply melodic instrumentals 
and equally impressive ad-libs. Many 
major label hip hop debuts today are 
reduced to large 808 drum-heavy beats, 
redundant yet insanely catchy hooks 
and an overabundance of guest appear- 
ances from national radios Top 10 art- 
ists (Nicki Minaj, 2Chainz, Drake, etc.). 
However, Lamar allows you to visit 
"good kid, m.A.A.d city" the best way 
any artist can, by giving it to you with 
little to no filler. He stands on his own. 

"Good kid, m.A.A.d city" boasts a 
total of five guest appearances on the 
album and each fit perfectly into La- 
mar's film on disc. Never to be outdone 
by stellar verses by fellow TDE member 
Jay Rock "Money Trees", gangsta rap 
vet MC Eiht "m.A.A.d city" and men- 
tor/boss Dr. Dre "Compton" Lamar 
intricately weaves together tales of star- 
dom, survival and praise to his home- 
town on these particular records. 

But, the young Compton, CA up- 
starts shining moments arrive on his 
solo offerings. Tracks like "Bitch, Don't 
Kill My Vibe" and lead single "Swim- 
ming Pools (Drank)" leave his listeners 
and followers clamoring for more. Yet, 
it's the thought provoking "Sing about 
Me, I'm Dying of Thirst" a twelve min- 
ute epilogue where the emcee raps from 
the standpoint of a disgruntled relative 
made prominent on "Keisha's Song 
(Her Pain)" from his 2010 debut album 
"Section.80". In it, Lamar delicately, yet 
ferociously paints the ills of otherwise 
common heartache experienced in his 
hometown over a simplistic, guitar- 
tinged melody. 

The production values of "good kid, 
m.A.A.d city" play a pivotal role in not 
only the progression but overall crafti- 
ness of the album. With no one pro- 
duction team handling the bulk of the 
work, the syncopation in conjunction 
with the interludes have a better flow 
as a whole. Lamar reaches back into the 
well with TDE vet Sounwave and hauls 
in big name producer Just Blaze for 
closer, "Compton". With a conspicuous 
absence from mentor Dr. Dre on the 
boards, Lamar more than makes up for 
it as "good kid, m.A.A.d city" cleverly 
depicts a day in the life of a young Ken- 
drick Lamar trying to survive on his wits 
in the city of Compton. v 




By Janet Villafane 

What once felt like butterflies in my stomach 

Now feels like parasites. 

Causing a gratifying satisfying pain. 

Though I should be ashamed, I blame my fear to tame 

The sinful nature that was born before I was ever in existence. 

And your persistence, I find magnificent 

Though it afflicts catastrophe inside of me 

And at the same time bewilders me and kills me. 

I've bit too far into the apple 

To now want to go to the chapel 

And serve who deserves 

All exaltation without contemplation. 

Are my sweetest dreams of you tainted? 

Have we painted over a masterpiece? 

Revitalizing the College's 
Voice after 40 Years 

By Judy Kahalas 

Editor of The Gateway Gazette 

Veronica Fontes, in her article in this 
issue of The Gazette ("Get Published"), 
sent a shout-out to all RCC students to 
contribute to the campus newspaper. 
Especially at this time in the College's 
history, Ms. Fontes' call to action is 
important. We are poised to become 
the "new" RCC: a predominantly new 
Board of Trustees is in place, revitalized 
and committed to upholding the ideals 
on which this College was founded; a 
new President will be in place when we 
regroup in the Fall of 2013; and archi- 
tects have begun work on designing a 
new campus, recreating the spaces and 
places that have become weary from the 
footprints of time. 

As we walk the corridors of RCC and 
hear the echoes (some good, some not 
so good) of four decades, let's pledge 
to do all we can to support the College 
and become the premier institution 
for the Commonwealth's community 

colleges. We have all the raw ingredients: 
community engagement; a geographic 
location near all of Boston's finest 
medical and educational facilities; and 
exciting initiatives, collaborations, and 
grants that have given us leadership 
status in diverse areas of education. 

What does all this have to do with the 
student newspaper? Students are the 
driving force of education. We need to 
hear from you: your creative voice, your 
grateful voice, your informative voice, 
and even your angry voice. We can only 
learn from each other if we speak out, 
and the spoken word is most powerful. 

Finally, there are many ways to become 
engaged and to engage others: through 
the submission of photographs, minutes 
from club meetings, information from 
SGA leadership, editorials, by securing 
advertisements to keep our paper 
going, by writing a monthly column, 
conducting a survey, etc. Just ask us. 

Submit all entries to us electronically:; qjames@rcc. 


By Florise Luc 

Staff Reporter 

According to Ruth Hines, "Students 
are the best teachers." Ruth operates 
as the sole nurse for all students, fac- 
ulty and employees at R.C.C. and has 
worked in health services at Roxbury 
Community College for 27 years. Her 
initial goal was to become a certified 
public accountant, but her deep desire 
to love and care for people altered that 
goal and led to her to become a nurse. 
She has been a nurse for over 40 years 
and worked at "just about every hospi- 
tal in Boston." 

Ruth is a Boston native who holds 
a master's degree from Howard 
University. Although she holds a 
master's degree, she exclaimed she 
continues learning daily thanks to the 
students at RCC. She proclaimed the 

students keep her current and that 
"every day is different, I like the variety." 
Students represent R.C.C. from all 
cultures and all walks of life. 

The Health Center at Roxbury 
Community College offers all types 
of interesting things. One can obtain 
things from bandages for a minor cut, 
to the flu shot, HIV/STD testing, 
free condoms and pregnancy tests to 
name a few. As we're in the midst of 
the flu season, Nurse Hines could not 
emphasize enough to wash your hands 
because it's the most important thing to 
do to avoid it. 

When Ruth Hines is not busy caring 
for everyone's health, she likes to listen 
to "old school music." Her face lit up 
with joy when speaking on behalf of 
artists such as The Whisper's and Pattie 
La Belle. She's looking forward to 
attending a concert in the near future 
featuring some of her favorite old 
school artists. 

I find Ruth Hines' favorite quote "It's 
good to treat others the way you'd like 
to be treated, not the way they treat 
you" fitting for a nurse. Day in and day 
out she is responsible for attending to 
people's needs in order to tend them 
back to health. Whether you have a 
cough and need a throat lozenge or you 
just have a general health question, visit 
Nurse Hine's, located in building 4 room 
number 313. 

April, 201 3 - Roxbury Community College Gateway Gazette 5 

From the State University of Haiti to Roxbury Community College: 

The J ourney of a Student 

By Hilaire Dastinot 

Staff Reporter 

In their expectation of a better future 
through a solid educational background, 
the dream of a Haitian student goes be- 
yond the boundaries of the University 
of Haiti up to the borders of the world- 
wide higher education institutions. The 
logic of the world being a global village, 
with the welcoming United States, eases 
the transition, and Roxbury Community 
College, in its diversity, hosts a pool of 
these geniuses amidst their journey to 
becoming well-rounded professionals. 

Upon completion of fourteen years 
of primary and secondary school (U.S. 
elementary /middle school and high 
school), typical in the Haitian educa- 
tional system, a student is ready for the 
next level. There comes the challenge of 
a lifetime: admission to the state univer- 
sity where the number of competitors 
always outnumbers that to be admitted 
to an entity of the University. 

In such instances, the level of knowl- 
edge acquired in secondary school 
comes into play, and the most commit- 
ted ones make it to either the School of 
Engineering and Applied Sciences, Law 
and Economics, Agronomy and Veteri- 
nary Medicine; the School of Business, 
Politics and International Studies; or 
the School of Medicine and Health Sci- 
ences to name a few. 

As in college or university anywhere, 
passing a class is subject to a great deal 
of effort. Students in Haiti strive to 

keep up until graduation. "Either to 
get credential for the tight job market 
competition of Haiti or be ready to 
adjust intellectual environment abroad, 
the Haitian student's goal is understood 
to be success bound," acknowledged a 
business major back in Haiti, now an 
RCC Financial Aid official. 

Transitioning from home's educa- 
tional habits, with different professors' 
teaching style and peer students sharing 
the same cultural traits and habits and 
often same learning style, to the patch- 
work of culture and diversity that is 
Roxbury Community College is quite a 
switch for some but a continuation for 

Lunie Joseph, a nursing major at 
Roxbury Community College, thinks 
that her experience of a soft transition 
should be the same for any other peer 
who is used to the challenge of "solv- 
ing a math problem or doing a science 
project." The exception, she said is 
that "laboratory equipment are not so 
handy." Lunie switched from computer 
science back in Haiti to the medical field 
at RCC. 

On his side, Ernst Horace, an RCC 
biotech major says, "The hardest ob- 
stacle for a student from Haiti to over- 
come is the language barrier." Moreover, 
he thinks that "math is numbers mixed 
with common sense; you just need to 
understand the professor explaining." 

The RCC Library administrative as- 
sistant Marie Magloire, who majored in 
business back in Haiti believes "any stu- 

dent with strong credentials should be 
able to adjust to the environment." Her 
thoughts are that "the level of education 
in Haiti matches with what is being cur- 
rent in college here." She believes that 
"even the English language is no longer 
such a barrier, with everyone travel- 
ling back and forth between the Unit- 
ed States and Haiti. Coupled with the 
grammar skills learned through the for- 
eign language curriculum of education, 
students manage to express themselves, 
and 'that's for their best." 

At the College Registrar's Office, An- 
dre Charles has had a different experi- 
ence. He left the country at a very young 
age, many decades ago, but still recalls 
how things used to be compared to the 
contemporary era. Though he'd had a 
US education, he remains connected 
with what he calls "intellectual life in 
back home." "Knowledge is universal," 
he stated, and " anyone who's acquired 
a certain level education shouldn't mal- 
function anywhere." 

In their curiosity to what is contained 
in the curriculum of other countries' 
higher education, or for any other rea- 
sons, a Haitian student is bound to ex- 
plore and learn more. The Haitian mi- 
nority at Roxbury Community College 
has proven to be proud of what they 
are providing in terms of service to the 
RCC community, or acquiring in terms 
of additional knowledge to complete 
their credentials. 

The Ongoing Gun Debate 

By Kalph Lamarque 

Staff Reporter 

In light all of this fierce gun control 
debate, intensified by the Newtown 
tragedy, there has been a fundamental 
misunderstanding of second amend- 
ment and collective constitutional strive 
towards "a more perfect union." An ar- 
ticle written by Adam Winkler of The 
Daily Beast has spotlighted a recent 
trend in individuals like Tea-Partiers' 
extension of the second amendment 
from traditional interpretation of self- 
defense and hunting to a mean of safe- 
guarding against an imminent govern- 
ment takeover and a secret agenda to 
confiscate everyone's guns. 

These beliefs, as the article pointed 
out, have been used as justification 
against any gun control laws, against 
background checks for buying bigger 
guns, and to amass even larger maga- 
zines. Gun advocacy groups like the Na- 
tional Rifle Association have advocated 
for the widespread arming of civilians 
to serve as vigilantes to stop seldom 
encounters with psychopaths, gang- 
bangers, and murderers. In this spirited 
debate filled with emotions, hardcore 
beliefs, and self- interest groups, it is 
time to get rational and have a facts 
driven multidimensional approach! 

To amass assault weapons, to amass 
magazines upwards of a hundred bul- 
lets preemptively in case of government 
takeover is a complete misunderstand- 
ing of that great document known as 
the U.S. Constitution. The authors of 
the constitution brilliantly incorporated 
a system of checks and balances that 
would make such things impossible. If 
a president decides to become a tyrant, 
fifty governors will have a say about 
that. If one governor has come to the 
decision that he should become the 
president of his own state, the federal 
government and forty nine other states 
will happily make him supreme presi- 
dent of his own jail cell. 

"i3 o r 

Concerning the individual, or a civil- 
ian who is constantly armed, alert, and 
ready to take action and bring down a 
psychopath, mass murderer, or a gang- 
banger if they were to try anything, if 
this is what America has come to, guns 
should be the least of our worries. The 
recent tragedy involving the shooting 
and murder of Florida teen Trayvon 
Martin at the hand of civilian vigilante 
George Zimmerman should be looked 
upon as a harbinger of the perils of 
arming untrained civilians to carry out 

With the nonsensical theories of 
government takeovers and dreams of 
a world filled with citizen vigilantes 
put aside, a serious gun debate can be 
started. In Australia, in 1996, there was 
a mass shooting that left close to thirty 
five individuals dead. The prime minis- 
ter at the time, Jon Howard, and Austra- 
lia's legislative body, in response to the 
massacre restricted the sale of assault 
weapons and took 700,000 guns off the 
street through a gun buyback program. 

Since then gun related violence has 
dropped by as much as seventy-four 

Image source: 

percent. In Japan, as documented in an 
article in The Atlantic, in order to buy a 
gun one must past a background check, 
have recurring training on gun use and 
psychological assessment every three 
years. Japan has maintained the second 
lowest rate of gun violence in the world. 
These countries have demonstrated the 
ability of effective gun policy. As point- 
ed out by a Washington Post article, the 
United States has the highest rate of gun 
violence among industrialized countries. 
America can and has to do better. We 
can certainly learn from those countries 
and we should be enforcing background 
checks already in place, have gun buy- 
back program in urban areas, restrict 
excessive buying of assault weapons 
and ammunitions, train responsible 
gun- owners on safe and proper gun use, 
and have shared accountability between 
gun manufacturers, gun stores, and gun 
owners through proper gun registration 
and tracking system. All of these can 
certainly help in the fight against gun 
violence and their perpetrators. 


By Imani Hill 

Staff Reporter 

Some movies push the envelope and 
shock the audience out of their comfort 
zone. But Mr. Quentin Tarantino's lat- 
est film Django Unchained ripped the 
envelope and burned it. This film is 
far different from regular Western films 
of its time. This film has slavery, lynch 
mobs, and several droppings of the N- 
word. The film is more of a Spaghetti 
western involving revenge and mass 
bloodshed, and it is set in a time were 
the law was just a word. 

The plot to this modern work is 
about a former doctor turned bounty 
hunter named Dr. King Schultz (played 
by Christopher Waltz, best known for 
his villainous role as Col. Hans Landa 
from Inglorious Bastards ), who de- 
cides to buy a slave. Instead of being 
a slave owner, he decides to train a slave 
named Django (played by Jamie Fox) 
into a deputy bounty hunter, in order to 
track down a very charming yet sinister 
slave owner by the name Calvin Candie ( 
played by Leonardo DiCaprio). 

But not only is this about getting 
the slave owner. To Django, it's also a 
chance to save his beloved wife named 
Broomhilda (played by Kerri Washing- 
ton) a slave who could speak German 

and is own by Candie. Django will do 
anything to save her and make her a free 
woman. With the help of Schultz, they 
will come across tough and dangerous 
challenges waiting for them. 

The film doesn't glamorize slavery as 
what some skeptics may say. Instead, it 
makes a very ugly picture of history's 
dark days. The action in this film is quick 
and violent. The feeling of the film is 
portrayed as a danger of the past. 

There is some humor in the film, but 
the humor is very dark. To some, the 
humor of the film is funny with a strong 
nerve, but to some who are easily of- 
fended the point of the joke is nowhere 
to be found. One example of dark hu- 
mor in the movie is when a group of 
men, led by Don Johnson and Joshua 
Hill, who are about to kill the two he- 
roes, are arguing about the holes in the 
mask and how they can't see out of it. 

The mask that they were arguing 
about is what the people of today con- 
sider to represent the KKK. The joke 
is how the ignorance of hate is just 
the stupidly of racism to uneducated 
people. The film could be considered 
being one of Tarantino's finest works. 
The cinematography of the film is truly 
outstanding, from showing the true 
landscape of nature, to the realistic view 
of the old centenary of a rustic city of 
Mississippi. It shows the realism and the 
harshness of the everyday view of the 
turning century. 

The film is by far a true work of art. 
With a Spaghetti western feel, history's 
dark cruel past of slavery, and a hero's 
strong will of revenge against those who 
have done him wrong, it adds the sus- 
pense & thrill that drive the film home. 
The film is a wild ride, until the final cli- 
max of the film, the ending of the film 
is very much worth the wait. This film 
is not to be missed, & it doesn't disap- 

A J ourney through the 
2013 Boston Blizzard 

By Florise Luc 

Staff Reporter 

The evening of Thursday, February 
7 and the morning of Friday, Febru- 
ary 8 saw Boston residents scurried in 
and out of local stores to stock up on 
food for the blizzard. According to the 
Metro Boston newspaper the weather 
service put out a warning that stated 
travel may become "impossible." 

The storm did just what was predict- 
ed. It dropped about 27 inches of snow 
in the Suffolk county and left people 
completely immobilized. The severity 
of the punishment if you were caught 
driving was up to a year imprisonment 
or a hefty fine. Luckily, everyone took 
heed to it. 

Flights from Logan airport and all 
MBTA service was suspended all eve- 
ning Friday until Sunday afternoon. It 
left many people in the dark when it 
took people's power down. Even days 
after the storm, Bostonians are left to 
clean up what's left. 

Small companies are hurting due 
to the snows inconvenience too. A lot 
have remained closed because some 
sidewalks have not been cleaned. 

The storm was later named "Nemo" 
as an oxymoron. There was no problem 
finding Nemo, but it was more of jour- 
neying through Nemo. It was mostly 
children who got to enjoy the bliz- 
zard with being granted two days off 
of school because of it. Adults on the 
other hand had to shovel walkways or 
dig their cars out. 

When nine-year-old Kingsley Prave 
was asked what he thought about the 
snow, he replied, "It's good because we 
had a lot of free time off of school and 
we were locked in." Older people like 

college freshman Charnel Luc said, "It 
got in the way of a lot of my plans and 
made a mess everywhere." 

Luckily Boston got through Nemo 
with ease; it's just the aftermath city 
dwellers are left to face. 


The Gateway Gazette is 

the official publication of the 

student body of Roxbury 

Community College. 

Submissions from the college 

community are welcome. All 

submissions are subject to 

editing. Opinions stated within 

the paper are not necessarily 

endorsed by the newspaper 



Prof. Judy Kahalas 

Prof. Quentin James 

Daniel Viilanueva 

Layout and Production: 

Dr. Milton Samuels 
Phuong Tang 


Prof. Sandra Storey 

Staff Reporters: 

Wesley Jean Baptiste 

Lloyd Bryan 

Alison Crumb 

Hilaire Dastinot 

Rose Fontai 
Veronica Fontes 

Imani Hill 
Kalph Lamarque 

Florise Luc 
Malcolm Thomas 
Daniel Viilanueva 
