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St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, 859 5th St., Hancock, MN 56244 
www . hancocklutheran . org 

Pastor Gregg Bitter (320) 392-5313 - 
Pentecost 10 
August 17, 2014 

God's Kingdom: The Only Treasure Worth Having 

Matthew 13:44-52 

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 
Amen. The word from God through which the Jesus speaks to us is Matthew 13 

[Jesus said,] "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. When a 

man found it, he rehid it. Due to his joy he leaves, sells all that he has, and buys that 


"Again the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When 
he found one very valuable pearl, after going away, he sold all that he used to have 
and bought it. 

"Again the kingdom of heaven is like a seine net deployed into the lake and 
collecting some of all kinds offish. When it was filled and they had drawn it up to the 
shore and sat down, they collected the good ones into containers, but the bad ones 
they threw out. So it will be at the end of the age. The angel will go out and separate 
the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace. That's where 
there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 

"Do you understand all these things?" 

'Yes," they say to him. 

He said to them, "For this reason, every scholar who has become a disciple of the 
kingdom of heaven is like an owner of a household who brings out of his storeroom 
treasures new and old." (Matthew 13:44-52) 

Dear friends in Christ, fellow saints washed clean in the blood of our risen Savior: 

He had skill and talent, fame and fortune. He played comic roles as well as serious 
ones. Many enjoyed his movies. His life was a success. But although he could make 
others laugh and often laughed himself, none of this could bring Robin Williams true 
happiness. All the treasures of this world, all that the earthly heart cherishes, falls short. 

But don't Christians also struggle with sadness and depression? Can't thoughts of 
despair and suicide afflict the Christian too? Yes, they can and do. And Christians can 
and should make use of the treatments and medications that God has blessed the world 
with. But we, dear friends, have treasure that the world cannot find. In fact, it's the only 
treasure truly worth having. What is this treasure? It's the kingdom of heaven, the 
kingdom of God. 

Now don't get me wrong here. Having this treasure does not give us continuous 
happy feelings. It doesn't paint a smile on our face. As I already said, Christians do 
struggle with sadness. But what this treasure does is that even in our darkest moments 
it can bring us the light of hope. 

God's kingdom: The only treasure worth having. That's the theme today. This 

treasure is hidden and unique. This treasure is vital and inexhaustible. 

A. It's hidden and unique 

Jesus compares the kingdom of God to a treasure hidden in a field. How many 
walked over it never realizing what they were missing? But for the man who found it, 
what a difference it made! It was worth more to him than all he had. 

In the same way, God has not locked away his kingdom in some impenetrable 
vault. No one has to try to climb up to heaven to gain it. Rather by sending his Son, the 
Father brought his kingdom and its treasures down to us. All those treasures are right 
here in this book, the Bible. 

Yet it remains hidden to so many. They may have a Bible or even read it regularly. 
They may value the Bible for its ancientness or its moral teachings. They may cherish 
how the Bible makes them feel or the childhood memories it brings back. But they are 
still looking only at field. They aren't seeing the treasure hidden there. In fact, many of 
the brightest and best dismiss the Bible as just another field, no more valuable than any 
other field. Who would ever sell all they had for an empty field? 

But you, dear Christian, have seen the treasure. For the Bible has confronted you 
and me with God's holiness and our own sinfulness. How could we ever make ourselves 
right with God? How could we ever escape judgment and damnation? 

But then the treasure chest opens, and we see our Savior. What joy! Jesus covers 
our sins with his righteous life. What joy! Jesus washes away your guilt with his blood 
poured out for you. What joy! Jesus has risen from the dead because God has declared 
you right in his sight. You are justified and forgiven. What joy! This all is God's free gift 
to you, bought without money or cost to you. What joy! Why wouldn't we joyful give up all 
else to have this treasure alone? 

For this hidden treasure is unique. It's one of kind. It's like that priceless pearl the 
merchant found. He was an expert. He could tell the difference between what's good and 
what's better. Throughout his life he pursued the finest and best. But nothing he had 
seen was like this one. In fact, all the others together that he had accumulated were no 
longer worth holding on to. He sold them all to have this one priceless pearl. How unique 
it was! 

So also there are many fine things in this world, such as peace and prosperity, 
justice, law and order, acts of charity, mercy toward others helping them improve their 
condition, the pursuits of medicine, the sciences, and the arts: music, literature, painting, 
sculpting, and more. Yet even the finest and noblest pursuits cannot compare to the 
kingdom of God and its treasure. That treasure is unique. 

The Apostle Paul expressed it this way in Philippians 3: "But whatever was to my 
profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a 
lose compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose 
sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found 
in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is 
through faith in Christ — the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith" 
(Philippians 3:7-9 NIV84). 

Now when it comes to the fine, good, noble, beautiful, and upright things of this 

life, enjoy them as blessings from your heavenly Father, giving thanks to him. Don't view 
them as monuments to human achievement. Rather consider how you can use the best 
this world offers to the glory of your Savior so that his name is honored and his word is 
spread and believed. And as Jesus teaches in this parable, keep the proper priority and 
perspective. Even the best and finest pearls are secondary to the unique, one-of-kind 
pearl. In fact as the Apostle Paul pointed out, compared to knowing Christ, event he best 
and finest of everything else is rubbish. God's kingdom is truly the only treasure worth 

For you see, dear friends, God's kingdom is not only hidden and unique, but it is 
also vital and inexhaustible. 

B. It's vital and inexhaustible 

How important is God's kingdom? How vital is it? The parable of the net answers 
that. The fishermen went out with a seine, or dragnet. Floats kept the top at the surface 
of the lake and weights sunk the lower end to the bottom. All kinds of fish were swept up 
in the net. In the same way, as the Gospel of Jesus is preached and shared all kinds of 
people are brought into the church. 

Yet not all who are members of a congregation believe the Gospel. They know 
about Jesus and claim to believe in him. They act much like any other member. But in 
their heart they are still holding on to their own works, efforts, and righteousness. Since 
we can't look into the heart, we can't tell the difference. But the end of the age will make 
it all clear. The bad will be separated from the righteous and thrown into the fiery 
furnace of hell. 

How vital not only to be drawn outwardly by the Gospel-net but also inwardly! 
Whose righteousness do you plead in God's courtroom? Your own efforts or Christ's 
perfect righteousness? Only the treasure of God's kingdom brings us Christ's 
righteousness. Do you see how vital it is? It's the difference between heaven and hell. So 
the parable of the net brings home that God's kingdom is the only treasure worth having. 

And don't draw on this treasure sparingly, thinking you might use it up. God 
wants us to be continually use his treasure and share his treasure. For this treasure is 
inexhaustible. The more you use it the richer you become. Anyone trained as a disciple in 
God's word brings out treasures new and old, Jesus says. God's storeroom never empties. 

So at all times, dear Christians, whether in gloom and sadness or in the light of 
happiness, look to the treasures of the kingdom. These riches bring us hope even in the 
darkest nights of our life. For God's kingdom is the only treasure worth having. 

The peace of God that surpasses all understanding keep your hearts and minds in 
Christ Jesus. Amen.