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4, ,,,,                                iiTTAU IT.ADUMM ({A/hJTTE, JANUARY I, MHtf

V ut'i1 V 1111

/,<•</ '>/' "f"' 'l^Mirnhn^ pMivhrd thinwj  //"' '"'rl"//'' r)/      L?-s/ o/ Me rc^fmi   ^Micatioiis^published rUriwj
Drt'i'Mbi'r,  I'•»!"> 1

of Deci'mbcr, J954

Impoiiaul ami usual 1'iiMicsiiion* »u   dill emu   subjects          i.    u. I'. Niig'iraiiio (Ll^giil.ii ion of  .Supply   and

issueiMw* l"L> lUlar Pradesh Govmum'ni, an- available for   pnlrjliliMO)( Act no. XXIV of MWiJ. in English. jnicu imiu

•ifc from THE SUPERINTENDENT, PRINTING AND    L (/|i  , pteft w).

r~t«;n«                                                    -.    Uuoaliiou RUJCVH not at the Secret, Louver

Catalogue free on application.                                                           *                  1

Divinion AHWHtftnt Examination. 1 fhV-J. in English price

,.    U   V   l)N.HN»l«ml,ml (Am.'H.l.mml)   A.-l no. U      ^^  fi (^  ^

nfl'ini   iu Iliiuli. price juniii. 1 (u   I /w« <>)

01                                                                                               ,'}.    U. P. Boilor IiwpocUon Rnleri,  l!»2i cmtected

i.    Annual Itnporl on IV^rosH ol   K«lnnfci,ioi»   nv     ^ ^ Srptoniber,   |«j»»,  in English, price amia-a 8 (ft.

i-          ,

;>.    11   p. ('|Viii|Minu\v) C^nlrol of llwit niuMilvK-
lion (AnuMiilmoiii.) Ant no. XVII of IJIfil in   IflnKliHb

^    Tho ^   ,,   Town Jmprovemcnt Aut 110, VJ1T
()f ,,,,1^ in El]giiHhi price RCil.1() (rt< 5)i

pi-uut anna 1 (H. 1 ^"'" V-                                                         r> JlcviHed Map of Barti J)iatrict .Scab a nuiles=

1. Hindi JUHUI. I (tt \ i>i''" <>)•                                1 iufh [ii'inifld in in/i3 in BngUwh, coloured prico IvH.2l)-y.
5 U P. MIoHricil.y (rlVnip./iM.ry IN>W»M-H ofC-Dii-             ({ FlK,olouml [A,[C& BHloe_ifl,

tml) (Am.:mlm«U,, A«(. ««. XVI ->f M)fi-i i» Hindi l>n-          ^^ fl ^ ^ ^ ^ .f

mum   I   (f/-       ;>lf's    V-                                                                         JV.B.— The amounts in pn-ronthcaos are for packing a

(i.    Kuinaon    AKrimilUiral   Und   (MiHrnlhwiiMiuH)
Aet no  XXI of Itin-t in Hindi, prieo iinmi 1 ("• I /'"•" (i)-


7.    (itvrn Sanuij MaiuuU in llindi,   l"1"^ "-111111H ()                       0TTAB PRADESH. ALLAHABAD

„.    A...H..U AilmmiHlni.o.1 ll.MH.rt. l|  1|. l»  \V; _».,             INDIAN    LAW  REPORTS
U. ;util II.  I'.nuu-.h, lor Iho y«u-   I»IS-1» "> hnwIiHh,

pric-i* unnas li («. i).                                                                      ALLAHABAD  SERIES

(I.    i !)•> I -53 in l«nwliHh, I'l-'n-^ unnw H (rf. U).             (Lucknow series has been combined with it from January,

HK    QiwHlum l>apc,rs sol, ,H, iho Hi^riai   Up,),,-      ^         ^^ ^.^ ^49^ ^^ ^ ^^^

Division,n(, Wxami.iaiio.i, HUM, m h,n«lwh !>.-..«   Superfntende|l|. Printing and Stationelyj u ^ A1,ahabadj

iuiiuvH 5 (^. ^).                                                                 or agents for U. P. Government publications.

M      Aiiiimil IVoi'niHM ItiMiorfcof KoivHt Aflniiiiiwirii-                                           .

II.    Ainumi ininiuh      i               .,,,.,      •          Pncc per annum, Rs.9 including postage.

limi in IT.  I1., for tin* yoftr   IW>1-fi2 in iCn^iHh pnoi-               ^                                                   "»

UH/J-(i («. 4).                                                                                                          -

12     Annual Ilopoii of Su^at'oano IloHonrcli Work                              BACK NUMBERS

Nooli (Ki'Ah), aiul   Out Hlalioiw in tho   U, T. lor 1.ho
your ,hmo J, 1062 i«  May III, 1053, in EngNsh,  price   are available from Ithe  Superintendent, Printing and
\*>l<i r (    *l\                                                     *                     Stationery, TT. P., '"Allahabad,  and may  be obtained

unbound at the reduced rates quoted below :

n    "Report on iiho   Working of tho "U. P. First

OffonciorH Probation, (Act, no. VT of in,18). for tlio yoar    Allahabad   f IgO, MU^MUI & Vtt* to 1935 at te* per votam
1 flfi3 hi Hindi, prioo awuiH' 2 (a. 1 pte 6).                                 '     I ^^Jgo^ 195Q     -              •'.' W  »'      »

14,   Annual Keport on   iVTontol Hospitals,  in i.ho

TJ P, for the year 1953 in English price Bo. 1-2 («. 3).     Luokno^ ijj^to ig30                             ;; Jj'J ,"

aeries.     | 1931 to 1937 and 1939                   „   Bs.6   „

Ifi,    State Rulofci *and Orders mado undor enactments                (. 1943, 1914 and 1946                  „  Ba.8  ,-,

at>t>lvinff to TJ. P. for the yoar 1947 in English, prioo                      .                                     .   , j.       TJ

applying TO u. x-               j                                          ^^   only   m   ^j^pig^e   volumes,   including   Index

Ks,2-8   (a.   3).                                                                  Postage in India Ee.l per volume; abroad Es.2.

16,    Question papers set, at the High S&hool Ex a-          Chequea on banks outside Allahabad should include Banker'a

toination, 1953, (combined) price Rs.3-12 (a. 10).                   v>mntoAW of * annas.   Cheques should not be crossed,