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fl7> pErts I aad B.-N                                  .        .,

Panchnnara.   Bditad i«th a'Pref^wy Jlcta a»u CriiiaJ
by "Or   Mangal' Dsva  Sbaeiri,  M.A., D KSII..   Part I.   (Be'iucad ptif>
'     "                                                         As.9), Parb II      (Reduced ?nce ReJ)  (3oa. eocli).

The Princess of Wales                                            (18)  Tie LUiuiminubBndiii   3ioLa  L'hanirfiashi. bj    S^nc  En-,h.Ti.i

A.n.^.*.m.   ««.     _„ . «        _™,«.          ^b Commentary, by Rama Pandit.    Edited trilb' Introduction,  etc,

SARASVATI BHAVANA TEXT      ^x*™?*™ sh^ ant* ^^^^ wetmd Pn,.e A*.®

Q0 1  The   Nfivartna   Pradipa,   by   Nanda   PaEdit   DhanaadhikarL
B,DITBD HI                                                    Edited  with  Introduction   etc.,   by   Vaidya   Natba   Sh-BUtri,   Varkale

Dr.   MANGAL  DEYA  SHASTRI,  M.A.             I)ha™a Shaptn-   (Eednced prlce Ee<1) t3a"'

r»     /rw/ivi \                                              (20) The Ramatapiniyopanishcid xrirh Eamakasbika on the PurvaEspini

LK fOll.    (UXOn ),                                        anj Aaandajdju on ;t3 CJttaretopini, by Apiida 7mw.    Edited with

(21) Tbe Bapiadya Ealpslatika, bj Sadaehiva Deva (a/«w Apadeva),

I'JVos. 1 to    £8 and 73 edited by M.M.  PI.  Gopinath Kw.raj,  V .1 ]   viith Commentary by Naraysna D<sva.   Edited with Intn.dcctian, etc.,
,                                                               by   Jaganntttha   SJiastn   HozMner   Satitvopadhyayn.    (Eeduced    ~rii:e

AsIO)   (2<w.),                                                                                   '

(Jigurw m parentheses indicate postage)                              lflaj   The Mhgantajetha Na{iJai  by  NarayaQa Deva  Kavi.   Edited

(1) The   Kiranvali  Bhaskara      (Vaidieflhika) ,   .    Commentaiy    on 7'th, totroducfcion,  etc     Ly  Narayana   Shaatri ZhUte   Bahityacharya
Ddivyana's Kuaniivaii, Diavya tectinn, by Padmnnabha MiBra.    EilUed   (Kedueea Pnce As-8'   (2as-).

with  Introduction,   and  Index,   by   Q-opmath  Kaviraj,  if. \    (EedutcJ        (23) 3J>jnoj,iapii    No      i],     Tile    Viavtt.'liLhanta    Panc.'hakam,    by
price As   14)    (las ).                                                                                  \ai-iyana Shaatn Ehiatii SahitvacLaryEi -nth a Forev.cru  (in Sanskrit),

by Gcpinath Eavirai, U.A.    (Eeducsd price Bel)  (3ffia.).

Foreword,   by   Sri   Gopinath   Kaviraj,   M.4.,   Principal,   Government

(3) Tbe     Rasaaaia     (Vaiaheahika) ,     Commentary  on     Udayana'a   Sanskrit Collets, Bauaras.    (Seduced price Es.'Z) (4»s.).

Kiranavflli, Guna section, by Bhatta Vadindra.   Edited with Introduo-       (2oj The Vritti Dipika, by Maoni Sri Eiishna Bhatta.    Edited with

tion, etc., by1 Gnpmath Kaviraj, MA. (Seduced price Aa.9) (3as.)               Introduction, etc., by Pandit Eangsdhar Shastri Bhardvaja. ProfeBaor,

Part n.~ The Bhavana Viveka (MunanBa), by Mandana Ml8ra, with   Qoveriliuent Sanskrit College,  Eanaraa.    (Eedooed price As.9)   (3a«.>.

a Commentary by Bhatta Tfmbeka Edited with Introduction, etc, by      (^6) The Padanha Mandana, by Bri Venidatta.    Baited with Intro-

Mdhamahopadhyaja Ganganatha    Jha, M.A , D   tiTT     (Beduoed price   duction, etc., by Pandit Gopala Shastri Nona, Professor, Government

Afl.6)   (2<M.)-                                                                                               Sanakiit   C'uHcgc,   P-amra,.    iP^iuue.!   pijto   Ae.7)   (Sat.},      •    ^

(4)  Part  I.— rugimhridiiyadipika   \Tantra),  by Ainntanaada  Nallia,      l37) I*art I.— The Tdnlrariilna, by Tartha SaiatM lliara.   Edited bj
being a Oommeniary on Yogmihridaya, a part of Vamakeshvara Tantara-   MM. BT.  Ganganatna Jha, M.A.,  D.LITT.  Vice-Ciiancellor,  Allahabad
tara.   Edited    by    Gopinatb    KaTiraj,    U.A.   (Eeduced  price  As.12)   Univeraity,   Allahabad.    (Reduced  price  Afl.15)   (la*.).                             -
(3a«. 6pa.).                                                                                                   Pflrt n_Thfl TaQtraratna, by Partha  Barathi  lOar*.   Edited by

(5)   Tile Kavyndakmi (Alankara), by Gangananda Kavindra.    Edited  Pandit  Gopal  Shastri Nene,  Grovernmeat  Sanskrit  College,  Ban&ras.
with  Introduction,  etc.,  by  Jagannatha   Bhastn  Bxjaliing   Sahityoi*-   (Bednced price Re.l-a) (3«.).

dhyaya.    (Reduced price AH 6-B)   (to*.).                                                       (a8) Tartvaaara, by Rakbaldaa  NrayaratEa.    Edited  with Introduc-

(6) Part I —The Bhakti Ghandrika (Bhakti Bhaafcra), a Commentary   tioa, etc., by P. Harihar Sastii, Professor , BiuuiraB Hindu Uoiveiaity,
ou  aandiJya'a   Bhaktisutras,   by  Narayana    Putha    Edited  with     a   Banaras     (Eeduced  puce Aa fy  (3as.).

Prefatory Note, by Gopmath  Kavira,,  M.A.     (Reduced price  Afl-7-6)     (2g) part   I -The   Nyaya   Kanstubha   (Pratyaksa),   by   Mahadeva

(2a*'  6PJJ-                                                                                                Puntambekur.   Edited with Introduction,  etc., by  P.  Umeeh  Misra,

Part   n.    (Reduced price  As.  13)   (5ai.).                                            U.A., Allahabad Umversity, Allahabad.    (Reduced price Re.1-10)  (Gaj.)-

(7)   Part   I —The   Siddbanta   Ratna,   by   Baladeva   Vidyabbuean.       ^30)  Part I.— The Advaita Vidvatilaka, by Samara, Pongeva Dikaita,
Edited with Introduction, by Gopinath Ktivirai, M.A.    (Rednoed price   with Darpana, by DharmaTya Dikeita.   Edited with IntroductU«>rTten»
Afl.9)    (3as).                                                                                             P. Narayana Shaatri Khiste  Scnolar,  Government  Sanafcrfr library,

Pa.t   II.    (Reduced   price   Re.1-6)   (4a..).                                            X™*™.    (ReJin-.d pnca As.10)   MB.).

(8)     The Rasapnadipa  (Alankara),  by Frabhakara Bhatta,     Edited     '^U  The Dharma, Yijaya Nataka, bj Bhudevi Shutla.   Edited witb
with   Introduction,   etc.,   by  Narayana   Sha&tn Ehiste  Sahityacharya. Intrnduction,  by P.   Narayana   3hBafcri  Ehiste,   Government  Sanskrit
(Reduced price Aa.9)    (Baa.).                                                              "     Library   Banarae.   (Reduced price  As.10)   (Sag,),

(9)   The Siddhasiddhanta Bangraha (Nathism of Gorakhanatha Beet),       (32) Tue Ananda Jvanda Champa,  by  Mitra Lli^hra.    Edited   with
by Balabhadura    Edited with Introduction by Gopinath Kaviraj, M.A.  Introduction, by P. Nand Eishoie Sharma, Sanskrit College, Banaras.
(Reduced price Aa.7)   (Zaa.).                                                                     (Reduced pnw Re.1-12)  (5fl*.)-

(10)   The  Trivemka   (Alankara),   by Asadrara  Bhaita.   Edited with      03) Tbe Upanutana Sutra.   Edited *vitb Jntwauction, by Dr. Mangal
Intioduction   by   Batukanatba   Hharma   BahityopaHhyaya,   M.A.,   and Ueva Bhaatri, M.A., D.PHIL., Librarian, GoTernmant Banakrit College,
Jagannatha  Bhastri Hoahjng Sahityopadhyaya.    (Reduced price  Aa.7) Banarae.    (Reduced price Aa.8) (3a«-).

!tt™)-                                                                                                             (34) The KiranavaUpmkasa Didhiti (Gnna), by Raghonath Biromc^i

UD Parte I, II and HI.— The Tripura Rahasya (Jnana Khanda).   (Nyaya). Edited by Pandit Badnnath Bhastn, M.A., Laoknow Unive^

Edited   by   Gopinath   Kaviraj,   M.A, Part  in.    (Reduced  price  He.l)  aity, Lucknow.    (Reduced price An.14)   (8a>.).

(2at. each). »                         l35) The Rama Viiaya Maha Kavya (Epic poem), by Bupanatb*.

Part IV.— The Tripura R&baBva (Jnana Ehanda). Edited with   Edited by Pandit Ganapati Lai Jh», U.A., late Badholal Scholar,

Introductioa and Table of Contents, by Mahamahopadhyaya Gopinath   Sanskrit College, Banaraa.    (Reduced price Re.l) (8w.).

Kaviraj, M.A (Reduced price Aa.12) (3as.).                                              (36j part I —The Kalatattva Vivechana (Dharma Sastra), by Raghu-

(13J The Kavya vilaa (Alankara), by Chairanjiva Bhattacharya.   natha Bhatta. Edited by Fandit Nand Eiahore Sharma, Badholal

Edited with Introduction, etc., by Batukanatha Sharma, M.A., Sahityo-   Researeh   Scholar,  Banaknt  College,   Banaras.    (Reduced  price   Ha.3)

padhyaya and Jagannatha Shaatri Hosting Bahityopadhyaya.    (Reduced  (6oB ).

pnce AB.9J  (3o«,).                                                                                        Part n.— The Kalatatfva Tivechana, by Eaghnnatha Bhatta.

(13)   The  Nyaya   Kalika   (Nyaya),  Bhatta  Jayanta.   Edited  with   with Introduction, Notes, etc., by Nand Kiahore Shann*.
Introduction   by   Mahamabopadhyaya   Ganganatha Jha,  M.A.,  D.LMT.  prjce Re.I-12) (7«.).

(Reduced price Aa-7) 3ft«.).                                                                         (37) Fart   I.— Sidhuata   tfaivabliauma,   by   Munisvara.   Edited     by

(14)  Part I.— The Vorakaa Bidhanta Bangraha (Nathism of Gorakha-   Pandit Mnrlidhar, Thakar, late Badholal Research Sohohw, Sanekrit
uatha Beet).   Edited with a Prefatory Note, by Gopinath Kaviraj, M.A.  College, Banaras.    (Reduced price Ra.1-8)  (6M.J.   Pa** H.   (Reduced
(Reduced price Aa.7)   (*<u.),                                                                   price Re.l) (3d*.).

aq Part   I.-The   Prakritra   Prakasho   by   Vareruchi   with    the      (88)   The Bheda Siddhi, by Viflhvanfttha Pancbamn» Bhattaohaty*,

brakritra  aaniivani, by Basanta Raia and Subodhim bv Sadanan.1.  Edited with Notea, etc., by Ny»y» Vyakaraaohatya Pandit Bri Bury

«UaA with PrefSory Noti^te., by Ba\ukanatha ShaWa, M.A., and  Naray^na Bhukla, P^feaeor, Government Bantkrife College. Baaarat,

BaldeTB  Upadhyaya.    (RadnoeA price  Re,l-2),   (4a».)-   P»r»  H.   (H«-   (Updated pive A-.14)   (««.)•

' moMl yftioe Be.1-6)  (4a».),                            '                                            (89) Part  I.— The Smartollasa.  by     Sbiva,  Prosada,   Edited  with

0.81    The Mamna Tattva Vireka, bt Viahwanath Ny»y» Panchanana.    lutroduction, Notes, etc., by Vedachary Pandit Bh&gvat Prasad Miarit,

c   bvJaeannatha flhastri Hoahing Sabityo-    Prpfeaaor,   Government   Sanskrit   College,   Bamras.   (lleduceil   pru-e

Pn« **• ™> »»•>•   rart IL    (Reflut:cd Pri       "'1        w  *        iufc 11L
(Reduiied price As. 7) (ins.).