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PAUT VIII]                          rrTTAr. TUADKMIL (.{ MUTTM, tl ANVARY M, 1955                                               13

T!io |jn»o;ro,sM on (,ho HyJro-.decfcrip Works under ronsli nrtiun rontimiod to
Iv- nn.iiil.amed. The uonstruvti-Jii nf »,iiri'- M \dro-elefh-ir (S< lieiue, deniyjifd to
"(Mu-r-ii -H,JOO IC.AV. <•! (Uiiil fiii-i'-y, i^:.fl ,^n>< <!uf up so as io 1m (omplotid
l.y UI.-KK! of KJ.*H,-i,';i!, !i,:id.',l Theo.ot'kuji j.j.c hitin i !',,« ,.,• MOUK-, deMan^d
to <j,.-ir •-'!.<• L'0,*!(JO l:\v- im-K-y, ii|M> nummd in picnic ef. ^I^Iie
pon-ri IU-MHC in ,-xp«" L,M! i,, bo put into com minion ].y the ( i:d of 1954.

Invi'Hii^iJ.ioiiH and HiirvoyH WITL- pni-Hiiffl during the \ear urder J< port in
ciHiiu-rMoji \\'il,li L'hc f.)]]ou ii^j; P-'hi'in^H :

(i) Main. fcJui'tii KrjfcJCL-voijfl in lhn ujjjior   reaches of the ftarda Canal,

(ii) GuirliiL ('iiuil iii (.{'.iiM-Lpiu1 and Deoria clisfciiuts,

(iii) M\ tension., o!1 ^iri^ht'ti   CUnnl   to provide irrigation facilities in

(iv) Sti-rjn (JiiuM.1 in Vuilii Ji'r
(v) iSahuia Vinrpr-d ('aim.! in AKnui^fii'h District,
(vi) B-'-ssu-( }:u);.ii h i •;-,:iti'ni Sclicnu^ ii1^aih District.,
(v'ii)  UoJiri^htit   IMiinjH-il   (*»unil in Azamgarh District,
(viii) I'liinpiu^ Srlir.inoH IVnin l^uiLs in Azaragiirji District,
(i.\) Kii'ino Pumped Canal ij Bawti Dintiict,
(x) Jjlijuvi find ol.hu1 JinndN in Apr a DLstiict, and
(xi) Minor  LiTi^'titicnt u.nd  Kydo] HclicmcK in' Knn ann.
rriio r-nl.lfiy dni'Li)^' th^ yc.u was Ks.5,C4,C4,6GO indrding P^.4,91,924
of iudiroc.t cJuu^cR, cuul Uicivhy tl'io totid outlay at the end of the year 1952-53,
.   to 11,4.45,4:3, 5(5, SiMi.    Tho linancijil  results itfthe working of all the Irrigation
aro oomparod below v.'itli MLOSC uf the pi'evions year :

1931-52                  1952-53

•R*.                         Ra.

Uruiw rnvmno rmilwil                  ..                 ..                 ..                                    .          H,.1i,1i,3S.120        6,20,88,534

Wnrkinn uX|iLiw«-H                           .                                           .                 ,.                 ..         1.iJ7i,3l>J2J:fi         3,Srt,«J,J.ti

Ni-l  ivM'iiiii'                 .                                                             ..                 ..                             3.83,01,87(4        2,71,81.392

lnUjrt'Hl  I'liim-i-s                                                 ..                 .                    -                            I.3(I,44,SD8         1.34,18,584

Nnl   prnlH                      ..                    .                    ,                 , .                                     ..         ].4'',57.R77         ),17,62,80«

Tliern was a full in ^ross roveniu1 on account of decrease in the sugarcane
area on. which irn^'ution, nite,s arc. comparatively higher than those 011 other
cropn. A not. ^niuoC li,s.L,L7,tf3,S08 was olita-ined dndn^ the year as compared
to lls.l ,!().r*7,577 ol' the previous year.

I'ho Irrigation liewcarcl] hiHtitnte th alt with a mimher of inipcitant ii>
vi'Bli^iiHoiLs in conn-'cMou with the projects under constructior, such as Pathii
Power House, Nardti. JJo\vnr House, designs of earth dams and embankment p.
desigiiH of riaiigiiwaii, ('liandrapral)ha, Ahraura, Arjnn, iSiisi, Naugaih and
M',\i.atila Dam.s and jjrobU'mn rc-latiug to the training of Ganga and Sarda rivers,
besides other tcfits and experinient.s.

The Irrigation "Department continued to be udministered by the following
Chief Engineers diiriiu.^ the year 1952-P3 :

(1)  HriMoti Ram, T.K.E., till August 15, 1952,   Chief Engineer.

(2)  (Sri A. (i. Mitra, I.B. B., afterwards           . .         Ditto.

(o) iSri B, P. Sasona, C.S.E.         . .          ,    , .      Chief Engineer (Ad-


(4) Sri D. P. ftohatgi, I.S.E.        . .              . .         Ditto.

Tin* following caHiitilticci occurred in the engineering establishment of the '
Irrigation Depaitment :

(L) tiri JVLoti Rain, I.S.E,, Chief Engineer, retired  on   May 10, 1952,
forenoon, but v\raH ro -employed up to August 15, 1952.

(2)  Sri Chandra Lai, Superintending Engineer, retired   on  July 10,

(3)  8riiS, S. Chiuulliavi, Executive Engint-cr, retired rn November 5,

The- Food Production Organisation croaltd in 1949, by Lhe Government for
''the oonwtnjction of POUIC irricatiia' \voj-kn in   tJ»e Bnndclkhancl and for tjia