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WKUBHAH the Oinuma Employees Union, Moerut, rogiblerecl as
,i Tiado Uniun under no. 1147 of tho your 10/13-54, has committed
n, broach of section 2S of thu Indian Trade Unions Act, 1920 (XVI
ot 192U), toad with JVyulutjou 17 oi tho Kugulatioua under the Haid
Act by i'd-iliny to submit to the uudorHignud d, correct annual return
for tho year oiidod -vv iLh the 31 st March, IUG4, by the proscribed date,
viz.", Lhn 31st of July 1051, notice under section 1U(6) of the Jjuliau.
Trado UIHOIIH Ac-l-, l!)2b', is hereby given to tho Cmem.i Employee*!
Union, Moorut, to Hhow (" to tho underwiguod on or before thu
expiry of two immlihH from tho date of receipt of this notice, why
tho (JertiliciiLo ol Ituyiutratinii granted to it Hhoulil not bp uniit-plled.

\Viii3itLJAs tho Caiitomnont Mehtar Union, Biiroilly, registered as
•v Trado Union undor no. 111(5 of tho year 1952-G3, has committed
it broach oi'section 28 iif the Indian Traclo Unions Act, 1926 (XVI
of lf)20)> rend with regulation 17 of tho Regulations under thu uaid
Act by fuduiB to submit to tho undersigned n, correct annual re-
timi LUJ- the yeur oiiflod with tho !J I at March, 1054, by the ju-L^urihed
date, viz., tlio lilwt oi July, LUB4, notice undor section. JU(Zi) ut the
Jiuluui Tradu UIUOHH Ant, 1920, laJitiL-eby givim Lo the (JuiitomnenL
jMohtiiv Union, luiJ-eilly, to Hhow cause tu Mm undMrHigned on or
bofuro Hie loqiii-y of twu inuntlia tfrom the ihilu ul rucoipt uf tluw
uutiuu, why l.lui C'urtihciiLo of llogwtrutiun granted to it nliould not
bo ituucolLud.

WIIUHUAS the O. T. Railway Purteru LTuiuii, Kuthgudani (Naini
Tal), vogiHliorod us a Trado Union under no. 77S of tbu your l'J49-3U.
has ttcmiimttud a brisanh of scutum 28 of tho luiuim Tmdo Unions

____j the Shahjahanpur Electric Supply Company Limited,

Mazdoor Union, Shahjahanpur, registered as a Trade Union under
no. 555 of the year 194S-49, has committed a breach of section 2S
of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, (XVI of 1026), read with regu-
lation 17 of the Regulations under the said Act by failing to submit
to the undersigned a correct annual return for the year ended with
the 31st March, 1954, by the prescribed date, viz., the Slat of July,
1954, notice under section 10(fi) of the Indian Trade Umona Act,
1920, is hereby given to the Shahjahanpur Electric Supply Company
Limited, Mazdoor Union, Shahjahanpur, to show cause to the under-
signed on or before the expiry of two months from the date of receipt
of this notice, why the Certificate of Registration granted to it should
not be cancelled.

_______the Gandhi Memorial and Associated Aospitaln, JCaum

chari Saugh, Lncknow, registered as a Tradu Union under no. 367 of
the year 194H-4D, haa committed a breach of section 28 of tho Indian
Trade Unions Act, 1926 (,XVI of 1926), read with regulation 17 of
the Regulations under the said Act by failing to submit to the under-
signed a correct annual return for the year ended with the olfat
March, 10X1, by the prescribed ditto, viz. the 3Ist of July, 1034, notirn
undur section 10(6) of the Indian Trado Unions Act, 1926, is hereby
Ljiven to the Gandhi Memorial and Antiotiated Hospitals Kaimchari
Mnngh, Luckmm, to show cause to tlio undersigned on or "before the
expiry of two months from tho date of receipt of this notice, why the
Certificate of Registration granted lo it should not be cancelled*

Act, l!)2(i (X.VJ i)i' l!)2(i), ruud with regulation L7 of tho Uogiihitiou&
uurloj,1 tho auul Act by iiuuug to .submit in thu uudurBigiici.! ti Lorrect
•uuiujJ. rnturn[Ajr Iho yotu- undue! with the 3 latMurt'h, l[)54, by tlio
ui-osui'iboil tlaliO, viz., tlw 3Jut of July, I!)ij4, notiru undur eeution
\Q(b) of tko'ludiun Tiwlo, UUIOIIH Aut, 102U, IH hereby grvcu ty tho
0. T. l!>tul\viiy I'liL'turw Union, Kathgodum (Nuim Tal), to Hhow c-auae
tu' tlio uuduruifiuud oil ur bufbro tho oxpuy of t\\-o nionthy fruin tho
datu of receipt of this notitio,why the Cortiiiiitito of Hugistratioii giant-
od Lo il flhuuld not bu otmoolled.

WiusMiAy tho Muisdoor Union, Nawabganj, Goncla, rcgiblcredas
n Ti-ade Union under no. 70S of the year 1949-GO, has committed a
brunch of auction 28 of the Indian Trade Uniona Act, 192B (XVI of
1920), ruod with regulation 17 of the Roguluiions under tho said
Act by I'aihng Lo uubmit Lo tho oiiduruigiiod a corrout annual return
[for bhovudi'ended with the Slat March, IOC I, by the pronribad date,
v« tha aistolJuly, JDS4, notice under euution 10(6) of tho Indian
Trado Umona Aut, 1026, is hereby givi'n to the Mazdoor Union,
Nawu-baanj, Uonda, to show cauao to tho undortugnotl on or before
the uxpn-y of two months from thu date of receipt of thia notice,
why this Corlilloaiio of llogiatration grunted to it ahould not Lo
„„.,„, ji™, i

WHEREAS thr> Mazdoor Habha, Agra, regittercd ae a Trado Uniuii
undur 110.1168 uf tho year 1U53-54, has committed a breach of section
28 of the Indian Trado Unions Act, 1!)2G (K.VI of 1D2H), read with regu-
lation 17 of the Regulations under tho said Act by failing to submit
to the undersigned a corrpct annual return for the year ended with
the 31st MarL-h, 1054, by tho prescribed date, viz. the 31st of July,
1934, notiuo under scotion 10(b) of tho Indian Trade Unions Act, 102(>3
w hereby given to tho Mazdoor Sabha, Agra, to show cause lo th»
undersigned on or before the expiry of two months from the date of
receipt of this notice, why the Certificate of Registration granted lo
it should not be cancelled.

VJuwaua Sugar Works Kaimchari Sangh,  Muwana
a, Trade Union   under  no. OSO   of tho yeur

3 WJ««-____a breach of aeotion 2S of the Indian   Trade

v 1926 (XVI of 1U26), road with legulatiou 17 of tho
rm^iuua'uudor tho aaid Act by failing to aubmitto the undersign,
oa a correct annual return for tho year ended with tho Slat March,
1954, by the prescribed date, viz., the 31ut oi July, 1U54, notice
under ioticm 10(6) of tho Indian Trade Unions Act 1926, is hereby
nttoii to the Mawa-na Sugar Works Kafuutoni Sungh, Mawana
fMcoi-Ut) to show eauao to the Tindersignod on or before tho expiry
& monthXzi tho date oi receipt of this notice, why the Certi-
fiuatu of lloaistration granted to it should not bo cancelled.

the Non-Induatrial Workers Union Government   of

'tin '>RB of the Year llJ41i-47, naa oommHiiiea a ULBHKU
oT section IB 5 thV Indian Trade Unions Act 1026 (XVI of
1926? read with regulation 17 of the Regulations under
tha laid Act bvfai^S to submit to the undersigned a correct
annual return^ fofSe year ended with the 31st March, 1964,
i™ *i« r,™nr.ibBd date, viz., the 31st of July, 1954, notice
yi»;^Lt^ 10?5 of the Indian Trade Unions Aet, 1926, is
Srebv Sven to the Non-lnduatrial Workers Union Uoveni.
mSt of £d£ Forms Press, AUgfl^h, to show cauao to the, under-

txot ba canoeUed,

WSEABIAs  the TTtta* Pradeshiya Swayatta Shaaoa
SanghTBanaraa, registered aa a Trada Union  under^o. j
'vear 1833-54, has committed a breach of ser
Cde IJniona Act, 1956 (XVI of 1926), read
the Regulations under ths said Act by failing

ss ^sr^ssS^sa s?w^.«- *™* m

ffie imdw Son 10(6) of the Indian Trade Unions Aot, 1926,
£ herebv civan to the Utta* Pradeshiya Swayatta Shasan Karm*
la fcereby givan to jne u^nw «„,«« t.rt tha undersifined on ot before

WHEREAS tho Sarojini Naidu Asptal Karmchari Union, Agraa
registered as a Trade Union under no. 1021 of the year 1951-52, has
committed a breach of suction 28 of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 192(i
(XVI of 19215), read with regulation 17 of the Regulations under tho
said Aut by failing to submit to the undersigned a correct annual
return for the year ended with tho 31st March, 1004, by the prew-
criboddate, viz. the 31st of July, 1954, notice under section 10(i) of
the Indian Trade Unions Act, 11)26, ia hereby given to the Barojini
Naidu Asptal Karmehari Union, Agra, to Hhow cause to the under-
signed on or before the expiry of two months from the date of receipt
of this notice, why the^ Certificate of Registration granted to it
should uot be c

________i the Allahabad Wateiworka Labour Union, regmteiccl

as a Trado Union under no. 499 of tho year 1948 '49, has committed
a breach of section 28 of the Indian Trade Uniona Act, 1028 (XVI
of 1926), read with regulation 17 of tho Regulations under the said
Aot by failing to submit- to the under&igned a correct annual return
for the year ended with the 31st March, 1954, "by the prescribed date,
viz. the 31st of July, 1954, notice under section 10(6) of the Indian
Trade Unions Act, 1920, ia hereby given to the Allahabad Water-
works Labour Union, to show cause to the undersigned on or before
tho expiry of two months from the date of receipt of this notice, why
the Certificate of Registration granted to it hhould noL be cancelled.

WSEJ-iJSAS the Municipal Shikshaw Bebhag Kaimchari Uuiuu»
Moradabad, registered as a Trade Union under no. 798 of the year
1949-50, has committed a breach of section 28 of the Indian Trade
Unions Act, 1926 ( XVI of 1926), read with regulation 17 of tho
Regulations under the said Act by failing to submit to the under-
signed a correct annual return, for the year ended with the 31st
March, 1964, by the prescribed date, viz. the 3l*t of July, 1964, notico
under section 10(&) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, is hereby-
given to the Municipal Shikshaw Bebhag Karmchari Union, Horad*
abad, to show cause to the undersigned on or before the expiry of two
months from the date of receipt of this notice, why the Certificate Of
Registration granted to it should not ha cancelled.

W^teEAS the Cinema Karmchari Sangh, Aligarti,
T de Union under no. UB5 of the year 1958-54, has committed a
^^ of BBbtion 28 of the Indian Trado Unions Aet, 1626 (XVI of
^f&] rfead with reg^tion 17 of the Regulations under the said Act
bt faiiing to submit to tho undersigned a correct annual return for
g, year Lded^ith the 31st March* 1964, by the» pr^ribed date, vi«,
the 31st of July, 1954, notice under section 10(6) of tho Indiftu Trado
Union* Act,' 1926, is hereby given to the Cinem* Karmchari Sanghj
Aligarh* td show eaueo to the undersigned on or\beforo the expiry of
two months from the date of receipt of this no bico, why tlio Certificate,
of Registration granted to ib should nob be cancelled.