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lln- Kanpni' Rii'/iv Kiimir-lm

WITTCRTCAS Ihn TCnnimT Transport Union, Kanpur,'nrl \\ft
a Trad p Union unih-J-no. 732 of theyc-nr 104!)-."!) lias louunitu-d n
hronoh of section 28 of thp Trade lTuions Art, 192f> (XVl
f 1920) rrnd vrith regulation 17 of the RpgulLit.ion.s under thr said

LCt hVf.lill'TID   t.n   n,.!.«.,* J-41---------'-------


f,,,m thn rtlltn ,,r r
tnrtum «r,u,tal to

,,,,1, ,,r (1,1, „„!„„, why   l,o

WrnsiiBXR Mm Nuontifi, \VnrJc.™ AH«OCi,,t,nn (Tmliaii Oi-dnanr-o
rlppviPPH) kniipiir, mQiHifivil sis a Tnul,- Union llndrr nn -j/n "f 5h
yrftv ISM -JS, I...R ,.n,,n,,hlPd n |n-,,,nh nf norin™ "ihe 1ml ,
Trad,, IT, .n s AH Ifti'li (XVI ,,f IllJH). ,,vul Wlh nrJuJ^nn Yi 3
ihPlUxu n IN .,i,.|Pi.||,,,flU|,| ^thylaihnRiasulmi.tiotl,; nr."-
hiaruul, .1 '•< ml. Vniiual UP! urn lin-tlip ypni- ended \vi1h il.n mt
AlftpH., I fi I..V ilu- ppc-MpribPfl ,hU,,., id. inn ilH Ji v lOW
nntiPP 1.1 I- Hi-rim,, ||)(b) or 11,,. Tmd, Uninns'wi .'oj'
in Hornby ft. -n L» Urn Krlnnlifln Worker,,' A*om«tiou (Indi((ll K
niiu.-n hrrvi >H), Ivimiur, hi Hhrw f.m,HP <„, «,„ .md^,^ ,,n or
hplore 1-lin c'xpny nP l.wn niontlw Pi-nm iho rluf,n r.r rnnmni nr <i, 1

two month, ftom t

hr ,l.,lo oj r«-i   t of t
SranlcdtoiUhonl°l n

WjrEnmvs the Eashtriya Jutr Mill ]\r.i7iloor Snugh, Knnpnv,
rogisternd as a Trndp Union undnr nn. 121.1 nf thn year If)53-fi4
hns committpd a broach of section -K nf thp Jnrlian Trarle Unions
Art, 1026 (XVI of 1D2G) read with inn 1 7 of the Regulations
under the flaid Act byfailinglo submit to the undersigned a rorrcrt
annual returnforthpyparendodwiththpSlfit M.arrh, 1954, liythr
prpnorihDddatp>vJ7.,thi'31fitof July, 1054, nolicpuntlprser-tion 10 (i)
nf tho Indian Trade Unions Act, 192fl ia hprnby given tn the EHHhtriyn,
Juto Mill JVInzcloor Sangh, Kanpur, to show rauftp to tho nnrlpV-
oignod nn or before the1 expiry of two months from thr* datp of ro ccipt
of this notice, why the cortifloato of rpifistrntion granted to il

BllOldH  not. lin  nnnnnllnrl

WinnniuAH Mm Small ArniH tti.'tnry KAi-mrhm-i Sangh, TCnnpnp
ppRifll-ornH HH ii Trade Vnmn. iindi>r nn. 1021! of thp yniw inBI-B''
bus rnminillpil n linwh nf aiM-iinu2H, of lh<. Indian Tvadf UnimTH
AH, 10311 (XVI ni; 111311). mul w.ll. HoKulal,nn 17 of iho ^^0^
undpp Iho Hmrl Ai-1 by ruiliuK in Hiihniil. in Ihp tmclppHiffiipfl/a rnirpct
Annual llni'iirii fur Ihn youi- nndnd with thn ,11st Mnn-li ]OM
liy tho prwrihnil diilo, VIK. Mu< .llnt nf July, IflM, nntjpp under
qnnl.inn 10(4) nfMii' Inrluin Tpacln DiiirmHAi-i, 1920, JH liprohy jtuTn
in i,lm Hninll ArmH l-'iu-lniy ICarmi-linri Haii^h, Kanpur, In shnw
ruiinn l.o thn iimlppHiminil on or bolero tliu rxpiry of iwo mnnllua from
tlm daln of ppnnipt nf HUH nnl.ipp, why thp O'-vtiflf-atp of 1-toKiMrndon
p'anliMl in il, .should nr>l> hi* cannnllnd.

WHEREAS thr Lai Imli Mi.stry Union, Kanpnr. rpmstppprl ns
a Trad. Union undor no. 1231 of the ypar 1053-34 has loinirttrj
a breach ol flnction 2S of thp Indian Trade Unions Art ] ^fi/XVr
of 1926) iPad with regulation 17 of the Regulations under thntflir!
Act by filing to Hubmit to the undorfilffnpd n rorroct amiual JJ
turn for thn year onded with the Slut March, 19H4, by thp WPS"
oribod date. via. thoOlHt of July, inS4, notirp under aectimi jofjj
of thi- Indian Trade Unions Act, 192fi is hereby given to the lal Tmli
IfiBtpy Union, Kanpur, to show raiiHP to the underBignod on or hn
fopp tho oxpiry of two monthafrom thp date of roceipt of this notirn"
why thp cortifinale of ppgintrntion ffpantpd la it should not be can-'

\^in:ni'iA,s Ihn Armiipiir Hliop-kpppprH AHHncinlJon, Koniiur,
vngiHlPVPd ,",H Trudn ITninn iindpi- nn. 777 of Uio yriu- l!)4!)-liO 1ms
poinmiM.t'd it hiviU'h O|'HIM linn 2H, nf iho [mlian Trntle UnioiiH AH
11120 (JXVI of I!l2(i) i-cnil with Uff.uliU.iim 17 nn,hnBppulalions,undPr
thp Raid AP|. liy finlinu l.n nulmul In l,Jio undcrfiignpil u nnrrer-t Annual
llpl.iirn fur Ihn your nniliul with l-lin SlHL JVlarr-h, 10H4, by Iho prpR-
cribnd d-iti', vi/. tb» HIM. of ,Inly, 1054, nulir-n imdor anplion 10(6)
nf Lhn rudiiiuTnidn^ Uninns^Aft, 1{)2(), IM hnrpby f^ivRn to tho Armapnr
Hhnp-kooppi'H AHNni'Iiition, Kaiipiu1, to flbow causn to the undersignpd
nil nr lipfurn t.lir' p.xpivy nl' Twn mnni.hs from Lhn dato of rrceipt of thiis
nntlcn, why Ihn Oi'Lifinilo nf R,pgiH|,pni ion grnntptl to it nhould not
1m canpnllnd.

WlFBHEAfl the Kanpur Bazar Karmehari Samit, Kanpur, r p cist err d
aaaTradaUmouundprno. ISnOnftheyear 1953-54 hd& conunzttc-il
n. hreaph of spption 28 of tho Indian Trade Unions Act 1 f)*fi {v VT
of 1020) read with regulation 17 of thn RegulationA nnd«i"tJiosaid
Act by failing to submit to the undersigned a correct annual iTtiim
for the year ended with the 31st March, ]Rfi4, by the pregprib,,,]
date, viz. tho Slat of July, 10,14, notice under section 10(6) of tin*
Indian Trade Unions Act, 1026 is hereby given to the Kanpur Bazar
, __.. =,_ .,* ^ nirj to Bjiow cftngc t(j thQ unders. d ^

i granted to it should not be cancelled

WHETITJ^R thn TfarnpflH and Saddlery Faetory Employees' Union,
Kanpur, i-OKiHi.i'i'pd HH n Trn,dn Union umlnr no. 225 of the year
IS)4fi-l7 hn,H cnmin.iti.nd a hroaoh of section 2S of the Indian Trade
Unions Act, 1 92li ( X VI of 192GJ road with rpgnlntion J 7 nf tho Rp-
i>ul<itinnN ui»li>r thn nairl Ant hy fmline; to flubmit tn tho undersign-
nrl annrrnct a-iiiiun I return for t-hn yntir nnrlod with the 31st Moroh,
l!).14, by tlm pniHnriberl dn-to, vis;, thn 31st of July, 1954, notice
under nnotion LO(^) oj'tho Cnrlian Trade LTuions Act, 1920 is hereby
Rivon to tho KarnPHH and Saddlory faetory Employee/*' Union,
Kunpur, tn nhow oaiiHn to thn nndoraigned on or before the oxpiry of
\>wo months from tho date of rnooipt of this notice, why tho corti-
Qcata ofpOftiHtpiiLion granted to it Bhould not bo cancelled.

WHE/BEAS tho Eaj Mazdoor Union, Kanpur, registcrcrl aa a Trade
Union under no. 1234 of the year 1933-54 has rommittcd a breech
of section 28 of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926 (XVI of loflfll
read with regulation 17 of tho Regulations under the said Act bv
failing to submit totheundprsigned a coiToct annual return-for thr
year ended with the Slat March, 1954, by the prescribed elate
viz. the3Iatof July, 1954, notice under section 10 (6) of the Indian
Trade Unions Act, 1926 is hereby given to tie Bej Mazdoor Union
Kanpur, to show cause to the undersigned on or before tho exnirv
of two months from the date of receipt of this notice, why the ocrtf.
ficEito of registration granted to it (should, not be cancelled.

WammAB thn 0. O. B. Bmployon.,' Union, Kwpw. rogiaterod aa
i Trado Union umlor no. 3,10 of tho voar 1 D46-47 has committed a
breach ofaoction 28 of tho Indian T.Wo Unions Act, 1920 (XVI of
1920) road with rotation 17 of tho BoeuLitloiM under the «aid
Aot by failins to Hiibmit to tho undersigned a rorroct annual re-
turn for thoyoaj- ended with tho 31st March, 1954, by the prPscrib.
Bil date, viz.thn Slat of .Tiily, J 054, notieo undeletion 10(&) of the
Indian Tr*do Untoui Act, 1020 is hereby given to the 0. 0. S. Eon-
Ployoos' Union, Kanptir, to show cauae to the uudorsigned on or be-
why the onrtifloatB of Mgirtptition granted to it should not be can'

WjKBftHAB thn Ordnanuo Factory Employocs' Union, Kanpur,
registered an a Trado Union under no. 4 Ui of the year 1947-48 has
nommittefl a breach of section 28 of tho Indian Trade Unions Act,
1926 (XVI of 1 026) Tend with regulation 3 7 ,of the "Regulations
under the sold Act by failing to submit to the undersigned a correct
uunulvotnni for tUft year ended with the 3latMarch, 1954, by the
preacribed data, viz. the 31st of July, 1054, notice undor section
l°(&) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926 is hereby given to the


T   i •                     -,   has

Indian TtadisTimona Act,

^^Sf   J   ,?ho?l*nllli:i0nilllllltal
? c?ect ari111111



^ of

on granted to it should

the U. P. Mentor Mazdoor Sabha, Kanpur, registered
as a Trade Union under n,o. 1220 of the year 1953-54 has oommit-
ted a breach of Section 28 of the Indian Trade Unions Aot, 192fi
(XVI of 1936,) read with regulation 17 of the Regulations under
the said Act by failing to submit to the undersigned a correct auminl
return for the year ended with the 31st March, 1954, by the pres,
oribed date, viz. the 31st oif July, 19B4, notice under section 10(6)
of thelndian Trade Unions Act, 192,6 is hereby given to theU. p.
Mehtar Masdoor Sabha, Kanpur, to show cause to the undersigned
on or before the expiry of two months froni the date of receipt of
thii notice, whj the certificate tf registration granted to it should
not be cancelled, '