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\\%iBHEV< thu Knupnr Loliti K.\ricii Union, K.inpuv. tvi£i«.tprpfl
.14 a Tra-lc Union under no. 12l'^ of tin- yi-ar ] fl.10 -,14 h«* < nmmittpd
a !«•»«. h of aertion 28 nf the Indian Trade Unions A"t 1 H2€ (XVI
i.l I02itjrpad witlireguhinnn l~i>ftl>«- Rneulntion.- under the said
Vet by failing to Fuhznit tu HIP undei ^ism-d u rorrprt annual re-
tarutnrthpyt'arrnderlwith t]it>:U»t.\Un h. iH.U.liy theprpsrnhed
dot", vi?. the 31 st n( July, J Jl.'-l, noHenindi-r sertir.u Ifllt) of tin'
Indian Trade Unions Act, iCiJB.iohcivliyfllven to HIP Kanpur Loli.i
Karic'W Union, K-inpur, to show eausi' tn th<? undersigned on or be-
fr.cp the expiry of two months from the date of rcreipt nf thi" notice.
\vhyth** fMitilVato r.f iPsistratinn I/ranted to it .should not be uuu-

WifpBFAR tin" U. P. Voinr TCarmchftri Manrlal, Kanpur, i.e------lt

.^aSeUnmuunrler no. llB'2 of thoyear IBJ.3^4 has commit,,,!
1 lOTa.hrfKrtim 28 nfthfl Indian Ti-ade Unions Act, 1920 (-XVI
nl 1920) rnnil with regulation 17 nf he Regulations nndin- the
s.u.l' \t i Ijv failing to aubrait to tho undesigned a correct Annual
Pi-turn foi the yr-ar ended with the 31»l Mareh, IfJrtJ, by the proflwi.
bPfl tlulp via., the !11st of Jnlv.lflM, notion nndor Boptinn 10(4)
of the Indian Trade Unions Art, 1920 ia hereby fcivon tothi* U J>.
•Ui.Tor ^armrhari Mandal. Kanpur to show rau^n tn the imdMaignnl
mi nr Ijpfnre thn nspiry nf two months from the date nf rnenjjt
uf th 11 nr>tioe. why the rerMflcato ot reputation Rrantrd \o it nhmiltl
nnf, be- nanc-ellpd.

Wnnmnf. tho Roadways Central Workshop Employ OP Union,
Kanmir, registered a«» a Trade Uninn under no. 59.1 nf the yoar
lQ4S4fl has committed a breach of aertion 2R nf the Indian Trade
Union* Act, 1926 ((XYI of 1020) readwith rr^uhition 17 of the

,.___loi^-va i,T,rli>Fl'hi»RnIrl   \rtlivffllllnutO HUlmill to    tllP lindpl'Slir.

WHCMV* H'UOitrya Pallfdar   Sansh, Kanpui, n>?uipral us a         WHEREAS the Bazar Kannadiari Union, Oorakhpuv, registered

TiarlP fauni mub-r no. HB7 of the veai> 19.->:)-r,4, has committed a     as a Trade Union under no. 481 of the year J 948-40 has committed
breadi of a-ttiou 2S of the Indian Trade Unions Act, Ifl2t5 (XVJ of    a breach of section 28 of tho Indian Trade Unions Art, 1926 (XVI of

-   -      -   -      •-'.•-.      , .=    _    . _•,_ ^-----j,     J026)  rcadwith regulation   17 of the   Hegnhitions tur^dpr tho sairl

Ac thy failing to submit to the undersigned a correct Annual "Return
for the year ended with the 31st March, 1954, by tho proscribed
date, viz., thoSIM of July, 1934, notice under BPction^ 10(6) of the
Indian Tade Unions Act, 1926 IB hereby given (o the Bazar Kaimn-
elmri Union, Gorakhpur, to show cause to the undersigned on or
before the expiry of the two months fom tho date of receipt of this
notice, why tho certificate of Registration granted to it should not
be eanrellert.

lt(2tj), read with R^guldtion 1" of the .Regulations under the said
Act by failins to submit In tho underaitmed a rorroct Annual Ktturn
Lt? iho year Jncded with the 3Ut Hitch, 1954, by the prescribed
rliitf, viz., the ."1st of July, 19.14, notice under section l«!(7i) of the
Indian Trade Umun^ Art. 1926, ia hereby piven to the Ea^htrya
Pdlledar San^jh, Kanpur. tn show C&USP to the undersigned on "01
fufui1- th& e,spiry of two months frona the date of receipt of this
notice, why thi.- t'erLifieatt of registration granied to it should not

WiiurnAs the Konpur Dijli iMazdoor Sahha, Kanpur, ivgistered
,is a Trade Union under no. SH3 of the year in.10-51, has committed
.t breach of s^erion 29 of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926 ( XVI of
192fl), r^a,l -.vitli reaukition 17 of the Regulations under the said
A< t by failing to submit to tne undersitned a,oon-ert Annual Return
lor thl' year ended with th<? Dlst March, 19,14, by the prescribed date,
v.z. tht- 31st of July, HJ-"4, notice tuider aei'tion 10(6) of the Indian,
'JVade Unions Act, 1926, is hereby given to the Kanpur Bijh Mazdoor
dahlia, Kanpur, to show cau=e to the undersigned on or before the
t xpiry of two months from the date of receipt of this notice.why the
certificate of Registration granted to it should not be cancelled.

WHEREAS the Bunkar Trade Union Tanda (Paizabad), rpgisteicrl
as a Trade Union under no. 1059 pfthcyoar 1952-53 has coinmitlpd
a breach of section 28 of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926 (X-VT
of 1926) readwith regulation 17 of tho Regultions nmlpv the .said
Act by failing to submit tho undersigned a correct Annual Upturn
for HIP year ended with the 3lst March, 1954, by the prescribed
date, viz., the 31st of July, 1954, notice under section 12(&)
of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, ia hereby given to the
Bunkar Trade Unions, Taiida, (Faizabad), to show cause 1o the
undersigned on or before the expiry of two mouths from the
date of receipt of this notice, why the certificate of registration
granted to it should not hs cancelled.

WHEHEAS the Kanpur Thela Karinchari Union, Kanpur, repis-
II-IH! as a Trade Union trndcr no. 1025 of the year 1951-52 nos
r-fjmmUtPd a reach of section 28 of the Indian Trade Unions Act,
10:Jt; (XVI of 192tt), r^id with regulation IT of the Regulations
niid«-r tli»' said Act by failmct to submit to the undersigned a correct
.Vunuil Return, for tlif year ended with the 31*»t March, 1934, by
••h* prescribed date, viz., tlu> 31dt of July, 1934, notice under section
llii&l of the Indian Trade Unioni Act, 192G, is hereby given to the
JI«npiir Th^lii Kirmuhari Union, Kanpur, to show cause to tho
tiinlersigftpd on or before the expiry of two months from the date
nf n.-t-1-ipt of this notice, why the certificate of Registration
granted ta ir »hould not ho * Pdncolled.

WHEKEASthe Agra University Non-Teaching Staff Union, (Agra)
registered as a Trade Union under no. 528 of the year 194B-4H
has committed a breach of aection 27 of the Indian Trade Unions
Act, 1926 (XVI of 1926) readwith regulation 17 of the Rpgula-
lions under the said Act by failing to submit to the undersigned a
correct Annual Return for the year ended with the 31st March, 1954,
by tho prescribed date, viz., the 31st of July, 1954, notice tuider
section 10(6) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1026 is hereby
given to the Agra University Non-Teaching Staff Union, (Agra),
to show cause to the undersigned on or before the expiry of two
months from the date of receipt of this notice, -why the certificate
of registration, granted to it should not be cancelled.

WHEREAS tho Athertonwu&t Mills Clerks and General Staff Union,
Kanpur, registered as a Trade Union, under no. 1233 of ihe year
Ifjj3-;i4, has committed a breach of scntion 28 of the Indian Trade
Tuions Act, 192S (XVI of 1926), read with regulation 17 of the
Regulations under the said Act by failing to submit to the under-
-ii|ned a correct Annual Return for the j-ear ended tr-itu the 31st
March, 1934, by the prescribed date, viz., the 3Ist of July, 1954, notice
under section 10(6} of tho Indian Trade Unions, Act, 1926 is here
by given to the Athortonweac Mills Clerks and General Staff TJnon,
Kanpur, to show cause to the undersigned on or before the expiry of
two months from tho date of receipt of this notice, why the certificate
of registration granted to it should he nnt cancelled.

WHEBEAB the National Press Mazdoor Union, Allahabad,
registered as a Trade Union under no. 1107 of tho year 1952-53
has committed a breach of section 28 of tho Indian Trade Unions
Act, 1926 (XVI of 1926) read with regulation 17 of the Regula-
tions under the said Act by failing to sumit to the undersigned a
correet Annual Return for the year ended with the Slat March, 10C4,
by the prescribed date, viz., the 3,1st of July, ] 954, notinc
under section 10 (6) of tho Indian Trade Unions, Act, ]926iHhereJiy
given to the National Press Mazdoor Union, Allahabad, to show
cause to the undersigned on or before the expiry of two months
from the data of receipt of ibis notice, why the certificate of regis-
tration granted to it should not be cancelled.

_______the- Petroleum Workers Union, U. P.   Kanpur, regis-

)**red M & Trade Union under no. 1122, of tho year 1352-33 has
Committed a breach of Section 2S of the Indian Trade Unions
Vt, 1929 p.VI of 1026) road with regulation 17 of the Regu'-
I*ikm0 uodrr tlie *aid Act by failing to submit to the undersigned a
.-.wTttct Annaal Kcturn for thf year ended with th* 31st March, 1054,
by th» presrribnd date, viz. the 31 fit of July, UW4,notice rader
*^tion }(K&) of tto Indian Trade Unions Act, 1026 is hereby
given, to the, Fftteotaw Workers Union, Utter Pradesh, Kanpur
to flfecnr OHUKO to the undereigwi on or before the expiry of two
mxrft* tan* to* date of receipt of this notice, why the certificate

TVrHEHEAS the Saharaaipur Engineering Workers Union, Sahavan-
pur, registered as,a Trade Union under no. 1188 of the year 1953-54
has committed a breach of Section 28 of the Indian Trade Unions
Act, 1926 (XVI of 1926} readwith regulation 17 of the negotia-
tions under the said Act by failing to submit to the undersigned a
correct Annual Beturn for the year ended with the 31at March, 1964,
by the prescribed date, viz. the 31st of July, 1954, notice under section,
10(6) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, is hereby given to the
Saharanpur Engineering Workers Union, Saharanpur, to show cause
to the undersigned on or before the esjjiry of two months from tne
date of receipt of this notice, why. tjje certificate of registration
granted to it should; not fee cancelled.