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[PAET VIII           [pABT VIII


List of new publications published during the montfi of

January, lOuij

Important and usual Publications mi diJiemii MJt|<.Hi
iMMied by the Utlar Prade-'h Guvermuent, ;nv rt\aii,ihlL-
fur sale from THE SUPERINTENDENT, I'lilXTLV,
ABAD.    Catalogue free on  application.

J. tftftLc Puiiles and Orrtora m-icle under i-aLictiuont-
upplying to U. P. for Iho year 195:2, in English, pnc-
RS.2-S (as. 3).

'2.    Hepoits on the Administration of Jiihtic" in the
State of Uttar Pradesh for the year 1903, in En-diuh,
'price Rs.1-11   (as.  3).

j. U. P. Temporary Control of H"ut -md Evic-
tion (Amundmout) Act no. XVII of 1-J5-1, in Hindi,
price anna 1 (a. J pies (i).

List of the reprint publications published during the
month of January, 1953

1. Department of Industries and Coiuiiii'icc, U. P.
Ti'xUlc Printing by Hand Block by L. M.. Stu (Indur-,-
trial Bulletin New Series no. 49) in En^lUh, price
annas 4 (a. 1 pies 6).

'2. Agriculture BullttLin (Fruit Series) no. 10,
FruiL Culture in the Hills by J. G. Burn? in English,
price annas" 6 (a. G pies 6).

3. U. P. Laud Roform-s (.Supplementary) Act
no. XXXI of 19523 in English, price anna 1 (a. 1 pies 6).

•4. Form for submission of Text-books in Hindi,
price anna, 1 (a. 1 pies 6).

Annas G extra in each case if sent by registered post.

tf.JB.—The amounts in parentheses are for packing and  postage
c<rn be And/i DOT-



(Lucknow series has been combined with it iron1
January, 1949)

The only official series may be obtained direct fruin rhd
Superintendent. Printing1 and Stationery, U. P. Allah-
abad, or agents for U. P. Government publications

Price per annum, Es.9 including floatage.


are available from the    Superintendent,   Printing   and
Stationery, U.  P.,   Allahabad, and   may he   nlilainod
unbound at the reduced rate;- quoted below  :

f   1910,  1911, 1912  & 1915   to 1925 at  Bs.2 per volume

Allahabad]   1926  to 1930                                   „   Ra.5    „

series.      S   1931 to 1940                                   „   Rfl.6    „

(_   1941 to 1946  & 1950                       „   Es.8   „

f 1926                                                 „   Be.4   „

Lucknow j    1927 to 1930                                   „   Ea.5   „

genes.      }   IflSl to 1937 and 1939                  „   Efl.6   „        „

L 1943T 1944 and 1948                      „   Ea.8   „        „

Sold   only   in   complete    volumes,   including   Index

Postage" in India Eel per volume; abroad PiS.2.

Cheques on banks outside Allahabad should include Banker's

commission of f annas.    Cheques should not be crossed,

1.         Cl'lll-LV      111       ll.'l.ll'in      a-       <_jVi      .\."ii|!,'i      1,,. 11   |,1

(.'eniiL', Alldlmhuil.    i'lux? .Haii,.- ~j n/. 1 /^. 0-.

•J C'uiihiii id lun ui Iijdiu ...tli i-.jii-'ff'o.i -• j. .' l'l:>
up lu J^t Si.'|<tL'iiibu'r. I'-l-jl li-jc. J£L'.I-I" '>!-•-

a. L'uiistiiuLiLiii (1 India ,n Huuh. L' .. .- JL 1-1-

4.    AucLt Lode, 1'jisi iiJiLj-'ii    nn u/'["ji,i' i^    I-'-.'L-,

llUll   nlipe   llMjtf.   1    lt)   '^.J.       i'l'iL'L-   lL.1-4    '/•    il.


Stock   available   with   Superintendent,   Printing   and

Stationery, Utlar Pradesh, Allahabad.
!'    TPress Commission Report, price Rs.3, packing1 and
postage Ms.8.).

Labour Appeal Cases, January 1054, price Rs.&S (fts.3}.
Labour Appeal Cases, January 1954, price JRs.a-8 (asA\,
Labour Appeal Cases. February IflSl, ptiu-e (o*.H.
Labour Appeal Cases, March 10S4, pru-e Es.2-8 («*.41.
Labour Appeal Cases, April 1H54, price RH.-2-8 (^,4),
Labour Appeal CHKF, May 1054, price BB.3-8 (a?.t).

The Firsfc Fire-Year Plan—(A. Sumuiaiy), price Re.l

-j.    IndiLUi 1' t.'uJc LI- lii-
L!l3l.    J'UL-J  li-.J-o   'ns.7>.

0. Aueii'iit LiJiu Uiillcti:i i,.-. 1 ui tl.c Ai\l. -. 'i>
yir-al iSurvey ul India. J'nce 11-^ -u-.O'.

7.    Civil  Strr\ic-L   fCh^iticaiiuij,  ( .u.-i   Aj'[)o,"j
RulesJ, corrected lip tu 1^'t OttuUei. l'.),~il.    1'ncc itiiiid-. f'

8.    InJuiUiutjon i"i' tlie rftudL-iitr- ilc^i. »»T   in i-'-'trtd
U\t?rsieiis   inr the   Ad\jLc-eJ  SiuJje^.    10-17-1^.     Puct-
annan :j ir». 1 /;•>. Gi.

U. lructorJL- Act ii.j. LXlil i.t ItJl.s. ..* mi iliik-ii up i j
lh,l April, I'.I-jl. lJrn.L- iinu." i "f. I ^/-. I'".

10.     Fllst   IltpOj'i.    Ui   till*   XL.1f.ULll    lllLT.UlL    t_"lU.',lltL'L'

Apul, 10:a.    LncL- Re.l-i; ••/-. -J //^. tii.

11.    PiVL-c-dJi^e  LnJf LI-    iu 'iliiini   i-n    t<,»
'June 1, 1'Jol.    Price Iu..i*-c? 'ij.--.7i.

1:2. Tndiuii Boiler- Ai-i a- iui.tL.Gfu up i-j Nu\uu-
ber 1, li)49, JPnce tiuua^ 7 i.jy.^,.

l;j. Co-nperative Sf.ciet-t- Ac: ;i- it, .iMi^.i \;p it,
July 1, Ir.l52. Price anniL- 4 < </.!).

]-l. Tayinent ,-t \YL,_rr- ^ nvdifieil np U, M^ U,
3951. Price anna? 4 (<J.l'.

15. The Poit^m Act i^ ir.Ml.£tJ ii[. l-> ila;. 1. I'.M'J.
Price ann.w 2, par-tiny .md p-^ta^e '•!.«.1».

1H. The IiiJi.i'i KMdente Ai?u jauditiiJ uj. in
Auyust 1. 1932. Price uiuii:-? 6 "/-.:»•.

17. Wni-kiiiLMi Ci.iiiiien-jtion An iiwd lied nn ID
May 1, inoi. Pnce amm> fi «n. 1 /-'. fi».

Is. Indu-rnnl l^r-i-urc lApp^llulL1 Tnl»uii,»l' Act
no. XLVIII nf lU5n. PnLV ani.,1- i

19.    Indian  L-miViliiJii  Act un.  IX  ci   10iK  uiwli-
fied up to Febru.iry 3, l^.VJ.   Price aniiusi ij v»/. I jl*"'- <'•».

20.    Lund  Acquititjon Act  110.  I ui ISOtf  n- ii'ikli-
fied up to April 1. 1052.    Piice '> (fl.l).

•21. TndiMn EloL-trici'v Act IX "f Win. Pn<v
uuuas 1'2 (ai'.o1.

22.      *Ti>#iT    '43f    ^^1 I'l'ir-e Itt.'J-'J 'flv.7).

23.    C ineu.iiti^rfipli Aci im. XXX\ II uf Iflo^. iii<.ili-
Jfied up in rie^teiiiber 1, 11)58.    Price [iiinii" '2 <(/.!*.

2-1. ilntor Vehicles Act IV ni 1HIR), iKnattied up !•*
November 1, 19-52. Price Be, 1-1' i '«*--J l#-fo.

25.    Mjii'Hiuui \\"ai*e?« Act modified up i" Manrb 1,
1952.    Price ann-w 1 ''".I'.

26.    OpiuiLi   Act   iv i. I   of   1^7s   uiiulifivil   np   10
August 1- 1051.   Price annas 3 l«.l'.

Rfjuirl* and Itulr*

27.    Fiw-Tear   Piuu   Progress   Iie]jnri tur ilie >ea^
1031-52 and 1952-53.   Price "lte.1-4 («.s-.4\

2ft. P^port of the Dearnes* Allowjnife L'niipuitti.'u.
Price auna» 7'i<w.2"i.

29. Hepurt nn tht» Efficient roiuluot of Plaits Inter-
price 1331. Price unnafl 10 fn*.2^.

;iO. Minimum "Wapta <'entral Itule-. l^H), Price
annas 10 (u.1).

HI. Payment uf \Vagea iTrocednres'* Rules, 19H7,
Price aiiiia^ H «'fl. IV

fl2.   Indian ElK-tririty Ttule^.   I'ricc Re.l4i (cis.di.

fl8.   Audit ^Ijunml.   Price Re.l -4 (w.W.

,H4. White Panel- on .lunmin and Kushuiii1, Price
annas S (as.2).