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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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Advertisement jjo.7.
A) plicdtiuna invited for   und'TuientJomd poste from Jjjdirii

T.   Second  Additional Sub-Judgt-Fint Clots,  Aimer    T        '
porwy but likaly to tjontinue indefinitely.    Otter tWe'8   }       '
equal, prefeience to  Scheduled CaateE/ltibea  ccndidatts     r    8
Ra. 250-25—400-E.B.-30-70Q_E.B.-fiO- 860.    HilLr   !*•'
tial pay to specially qualified and experienced candidates      4
BslowiJa years.    Rcfaxablejor Government servants.    Luahfirai.1
&*enhal{W Dgvee in Law of recogniecd Umvraty or     S"!'

i'oftiyu'-,.-   or i'rDiii

,,tWa; «d persons augiatcd lion, *.Ju.l« m,*   mlenticn   of      o7Fn7Cd,&rSrn^^^^^

^znan^iy ^tling in Inuu or ^Ljectj J^^^JJ     «*eoW    (u) Ad,^tetaoVl^^ Hbdf t.™?.^"^

Ill   nmpn «     in   t.V^af.   ar,m,<,r.-      /,..\   Al~,,*   tla-ee   yeaifi'    rrni»«i,«

for otUuri, save in exceptional COBB.I and in no w,e beyond thipe
yjora. tfatUcuUrs unu appiiuauon forma trom Hotrutaiy, Lruon
PamicrierviceUaiDi£ii?'iiOii1j-'<jdt.if«JX No. ISO, .New lA-liu. llequeats-
f.jr farm's mu^t sf.vr.ity name of pant ana«hould bu aLComran'tu f}

8. One Assistantlibianan, Ministry cj£ateir,cl4ftaw Trn,
pfflrary nplo *ath Jelwaiy, 1666 but Uely Io le rcKUi «d' i//^'
flithlr on roar to year LBWB. Pay : Rs. SCC-il^tCO BjJ}.

u,lf nilM^l uWa^d cnv«lop« for each poU at fca* ot   H^     SK^^^Sffil"^"^*"^^^                 ^e'

^<^lnto^thUrwin^oll!ot,tfor,lu^toaiH««,u»d.     feM,W? ^rD.^d,^«&S J^^Ti^^^^

(n) About 3 years' eapwemca in lifciaiy lavirg l£J£e £oJJ€ctttB   S
inapa.   Qualifications reliable at Ccaauwcaa «iL6"fn   £ Jf

Ulodiug date for receipt of appli otion with tifa&uiy rtcejjit cu
flroascil Indian ;o,stai Oidora tor Ks.7-8 (Ks.1-14 tor Scbtuulca
^dstos end tribes) l^th Sidrch, 1055 (atitliMarch, 1936 for applicant
.fromabroad) Comnupsionn^uytemitgenuinely uadigcut and lona
fide, dtoplatsed peiBoms' tet>. Separate ujiplication w ith sepai ate fee
required for each post, Candidates atioad may apfl> on plain
papur if forms not available and fee with local Indian
Eiabaasy. If requirad candidates must appear foi poifional mt^i -

1. Onr Ckief Ineptdw for t/oof, B» istlei, and GoatEair tiiudi), >,
Athene, Directorate o/ inarlflvng and Inspection. Poet temporary
bat hkcly to eontuauo indefinitely. Pay:- JRs. 600—40—1,000—
i.00^'1,030 -1.U30—1,100-1 100—1150, Higher initial pay to
specially qualified and experienced candidate. Age, -. between SO
anii4.> years, ^ilification-s ; Ju&sent'ial ; (i) Degrte ol lecogni'-ed
ITaiverdity including de .ree m Agticultme, Veterinary Science atd
Textilu Ttjchnology. (u) About 7 years' experience of Agiicultwal
Marketing work uicluding develojaetit, oo-cf eiative n.til cct tud
Burvey. ^u) Lspenencp oi marketing ot -ftool, bribtles or bair.
Qaauncations jolasafalu at Jomoussion's discretion in case of oandi-
dataa otnarwiao —"

of cancuatea otherwise well-qualified.

9.   Librarian in the Planning Cowtniajsicn ,    Temporary but
expected to continue up to H8th Cetruaiy,  1957.   ether   ihingg

haiBP  nnunl   «rufW««------i" D_I__J- i     . •"      .-...-•--

bBing equal, preferen

10. One Deputy Dfactor (Matrnals), Naticnal BvtW
Organisation, Mmatrij of WorAa, hcusitig ana £1*23 iy. 3 cti t.
porary but likely to cputinue. Kctnvcd iox Stlcdijlrd 2«1
Castes candi^ttea, bat it no feuch tuit&Kle (ertdu ate a\ ailaUf |
Esay bo treaieu<*o unieservcd. 1-a^ : Ks. HC—4l—l-.LCL— fif"1

2. One Deputy Chief Inspector jar Wool, Bristlca and Gcat
Hair Grading Scheme. Post temporary but likely to centime.
Pay : Ra. 50J 3j—800. Hig er initial pay to specially qualitcd
aad experienced candidate. Age,-, Below 40 years, ftelazable
if/P to 43 years /or tfoueromenl eenxinte. tjvahjicationa : JBasenha/ :
(iji Degree of recognised Lmveisity including ae§ittin Agiitulturo,
VeteruiarySwence and Textile Technologj, ^u)Abouthve years'
axpec&ncd of Agnouttural marketing particularly, -wool, bustler

-,.—   —.L                ^--^ .- -j.wv.w^ yuujuica «uca   eapericeced

Candidate, age; iicijw iJ years. Jtelayatrle jof GcvetnVienieenatfli,
Qualification*: jLtseniml; (i) iJegiee m CLLnJtal, ttitnuc ci Civil
angmei. ring or ui mdustiralchem/finy. (n) ALout B years'experience
in resppdaiOle capacity m raanuiattu] o' of liujldj^f n ateutJfc like
bricjjcfi, lime, cement, etc. QuoliicationH ida^ablo at Cow.uiifiBion'a

discretion an oase of candidates othoiwwe urdl-quahic d.

11.   D;M  Deputy Director (Economics), Teattls Gcnwitefuma1,

Bombay.   Post teroporary but liJcely to continue.    Poj/: Kfi. ttC—

40—1,000—1,000—1,050—Istffi0—-l,i00—    I.inn—i 'cft        -ns.t-

mitial pay to special v onel^.*^ »««•' -—

Post permanent. .Paj:- Rs, LblC^lLC—1 feCO. EitL« initial T ay
«e specially qualified *nd axpwuuioad candidate. 4«:. Atout 46
yeara Qtialijicattons: Etewial; (i) At least aecord class ldaatei\
degreemUbtrostiyor cbemioal Teclmologyor Chemical Enffl^Bej.^,
ox recogniaedUwvereity. (u) About? years adminiBtwiv* t?pHiSe
m raatouaiblo position preierabiy connected with eugai laduater and
oultivation of sugar. Quabiioations lelaxable «t ConaiuSw?*
discretion in ease of candidatea otherwise w ell-qualified. ™DW8IOD *


fi«W,        or.,-         «qujvaitnii   43CEW»B
candidates oii^e wel) ,-^,^™ISBl011 8 *»*o»tiwi in

^*4    One C*irz7 Amiatant Surgeon (Grade 1)    t7«>/7flj      RW,         *ar.tlal ^odiJioation of item fl ol LL^ MweirV   tf. Dtjw&.   IQ

Police  Ho&tat,  yeemich.   *,£   peixnanent    aS* jLitS?   *^l^«dml« J-^^l^ffStoh^^'f B*'t01   1

Pay:- Ra.   260—15—440   20—500.   Higher initial Bavtef),ilJ      lnfoi<mation that closing afliTinr ,p       <hereby notified for general

Huabued^experiencedcandidate. Agf^S^Z £*    *$% /f     extea^dfrcun ^bth Janua^v iflfiV*   ^V^^"^10118 ha8   been

^^=0^^a^dufSsTf; t8~-^^'wMt°^—- «••«.

a^T^^ufr^^^r^r^K   »„ ."r«•***•*-***. ^.».«.»
aaaarcste fi-srs-jJSEsSS AS^»SBasfflffA.ttStt


in oase of candidates etherise well-qualSdV               S  *-««**«»



xne union Public Service Commisaion will held a* AlJababad,
Bombay, Calcutta, tbtiadi, D^ Jhi,Madias,Nagpur,Patua, fciaula eoa
London a coxQFetitivseaznamaiion commenoUg on tbel9tljfceFuttl'
ber, 1055, for recruifnent to—

(1)  The Indian Administrative Service,

(2)  The Indian Foreign Serivce,

(3)  The Indian Police Service,

(4)  The Indian Aud t and Accounts Service,

(5)  The Indian Defence Accounts Service,
(0) The Indian Railway Acof wats Service,

(7)  The Indian Customs and Excise Service,

(8)  Tbe Indian Income Tax Eerivce, Class 1,

(9)  The Transportation. (Traffic)   and Ccmrrercial
menta of the   Superior Bevenue  Eetafahshinent   <

(10)  The Indian Postal Service, Clata 1,

(13) The Military Lands and Canton re ent a Service,'
andClasall, and

it SaL^S^L6!^*^*