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0oiiei'iimont    swixtiiln.     Qualifications      :    E&smlifil— (i) IT
dagroo   included   m   one   of tho  frchedules  to the Indian Mi

— .   —i   u.i»u   «i VJ.HJ  ri-uDtuues  to the Indian Medicul
Jim.    (u) Diploma in Maternity
iblo at Commission'.s rtiscroh

(0rw i

u rulaxalilo

;r----u „. -la-crimy ana cnua welfare.  -IN THE COURT OV THE IKLGLVEKCY JUrGE- fc

:ommisaion'.s discretion in   case of   cau-                   Present • I'ra C'r ^P" Wxr.ji. //< <olvincy J

u \roll-qunUlird.


(Hiding h'*nin'ltf, Wnlinn Centre, fawn. In pnihal modi-
fioatiiin oi Jt 'it' -0 di t'uinmijifflon'fl JdverUsemcnt No. 4 which
appmiivil nn .'J.ul, KM.'j, it IH notified that follo-nirg JMTEEC!-
inoiitM IMAM bkvii ni.'ulr (i) NunibeT of posts incrr.urd frcm one
totlnoi-. (") in '.Lvntnil qualification i (ultc.i'nati\p three) r ead
Pilot,li \" I in i iii-i' /«r Conunoriml Pilot "A" Licence, (m) Clojiuy
date c iti'in'T! to .'tli JMmvh, 1955. Other tcrmw remain nnchan-

PAltT "fj"

L'losmn il.ilo lot tl,ii i Pi'i-i|it of upphcat lorn for thc> following pot-t
ufibh Mini'li. U'", (lllth Mnri-li, J.D.-6), for applicants abroad.
Pai'tii'iiliii1'-: uiiil .i|i]ilii'ii,luin fouim nviidahlo fiom feerretaiy, Union
Publuj iSiu'Vii', t.'iiiimii^iuii, JJhciljim Elouse, New Delhi. Apph-
eaUons iu.'iyiil-,i)bi'Hii)iiiuttrc) oiiplnin paper with Treasury Receipt
orOo/JHi'illiiili.uiroNltil Order for KB.T-B (Ro.1-14 icr (Scheduled
Ca'iLoi! nhil Tnliiv.) payable i,o RiTiotai-y, Unon Public Service
lininmHMiim, Nn\r Ucllii, Diving iindeimi'ntioncd pmtirulsiM : (1)
Nft'ui- (-') Aihliwn. (.']) I'Lii'onmldaloof birth. (4) Present pobi-
tion ,i'nl ("0 Kiliipntionnl qunlificnUcn^ (Mutiic upwtirds).
(0) E\-pi»Hi HIM (, Hcicntific, proftseional. adminibtintne
bikini-Ms) (7j (''nil dolnilH (with dulus and salary drawn) of
prnvionu i-iii[ihiyiiii>nb, if any. (S) Minimvm fcalaiy aLcritsLJc,
(0) Nnnitvi unrl iul<'h of thrco (JUKOIIH an rticiriut* • tin3
nhould In-J'oliri rn nf I'o/ijjouNiblo piiHilionn and nituit not ic iclationa

Out' Mi-it HI/ Jnwtftui,  Wool Jl fatten and  'Goat   Hair   Gradiny

and A grit-nit in?, ('ml ml Rt-ivu-o Clut-H 11. Tfrrpciaiy vp to
F'br ii ve l!)"i"», b"l' lik *ly tu rnnlinu". Cnm idatrs "ho litwe
applind in rc,,|uiiih'i' In C'nnmiitNioJi'N Advertisement No. 38 of 1054

wiii'lni.|i........ m IIJ-liRinti-iiilpr,   I9/J4  nerd  not  ,'pply  .igain.

fiti/ : ll-;.l"/i~i;,ri--;»f|U~j!j.n.—:JO—6flO. Higher initial pay to
nputinUv (|iinlifici| mid fj-pcvit'iH'i'il cnrdiUuti1. cirf ' Belcv 40
ynn/ni. /'i lit.\ uhli- for (luirinnip)il serinnlt,. Qualifications : Es-
SKnlinf (i) Di/Ai'i'ti in Ctnniuorcf, EconoiiiJOH, Si-irn-o or Agricul-
turn uf ii'i'iv;iiji,iiil UniM'iMty or clnprpB or equivalent diploma in
Voti'i'in.ii'.y Hi'ii«iii-n ur Tcxlili' Tcchnnlufry. (11) Arquuj'ntftn wth
qunlii'icii nriil (nn|n rli'sr'i'iptionH of Agricultuial Ccromoditict) or
dihont -2 .VIM,-;!' jpi-jictinul uxpoi'iunoo Of handling \vool in toitiJo
laboruiDry. (JjunIififUlinriB rolaxahlo at Commibwon'a disui'ntion
m i-'irjn in' i';i,iiilii]al,iu4 ndhorwiao \voll-c|utdiftcd. DewaMe • Ex-
pnrinnrn in 'u'lHci'tnujr of woo), brifltlon and poat hnu- and/or of
iRrioiilt'Uriil foiiimoditii'rt. Duties : To supervise grading work
of wool, bnslili'H nnil "out luiir nccording to preaoribcd Apmark
spucifictiiionfi 1 or tin-flu commodities and to draw enmpleg at Forts
baforn noii-iiRnmoni. is Nhippod. Probation : Six months. Head-
quarters : Anywhere- in Indin.

8. a. DEVGAN,
Under Secretary.

Insolvency lJ2tii!cii CJ. 32 ol s«J

Ch. PJMH -i
resident of mohf1!
(creditor)            .

uf C'K S"«n 1.-1, cntr .xVi

Benarsi DJ.-S, aouof Adah 31 <1 c ..s^
of Sdharanpur, inoiiill., fi i\a 01 .11 iba


PtJBSUANT to u pmtit-n, diJiid 1! i- 1-1 October, ISCi agi ijist the
aboven, mecl fdebtoi^ und on vt'nrlij^ fcj e ,-ual ; pplici i on—i i d
hearing the c IHO it is orjc^o J. th r the d-'Jit.'r L • ^ud the acid debtor
ia hureby iidjud^t-'d insclvcni, vnlf orilui, flu1"d 10th J^nuaiTrs

Thu uisnlv i t li'i- ' fj"'i LiVLti sis nininli-s" HUIP to fipplj tnr di1-

Dati-d thih. tlmlst


r-j- order.

(Notice to creditors of the ilnie of hearing of nil In&oh'cncy Petit-ion^

Present:  SBI SIorAi, f U^XSEB SAXUXA, Dt&tjiitJudffe

(Notice under section 10)
Insolvency  Petition  no. 2 of 135E
lit tlif matter oj—

Nazir, HOU   of A/s'm,   cuiatu »Sh^il:'i, XjjjiU'i,
Sarai Gurus Gunj, B alandrfhahr

WHEEEAS ihe.' buaen.imPd appl:c nit has applied to this Court by
a pstition, dated the -nd February, lOfiii, to be declaicd rn insolvent
under the Provincial Inriolvcni'v  Ac*    V rf   1E-0,   end your nrare
appears in the list of creditors fih'd by tie r.foreH. id debtor,   tl IK is
to give you notine thp Court   I,r& fixed    the    I2th   (twelfth)
day of March, 1935. for tho luvu'iiiL of the&foicsrid peti-fcicn rudthe
examinaticnof tLc dtbtor.   If you dcs're to be represci^ed in the
matter, you should attend in pcr-oii Oi- by duly instructed pleader.
The pirticulars of the dnbt ullr-r.^d iji   the petition to   be due to

Es. a.


[Notice under nrctioii 10(^) vjlhc Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926.]

Kmpur S.-u-'ifn Karamchori Mnndal. Rajpphatak,
KihonkuLhi, K mpar, royiHtercd as a Trado Union under no. 19 of
tho yovr l!i:!7-.'iS, linn Roxnmilfd a breach of sscticu 12(1) of the
U. P. Tr idT ILii'm Rn.ralition, 1927 rand with section 28(3) of the
Inrlun Tndii ITninuHAot, 192G, by failing, to get the amondments
mwla in its rnj,'iBtorod connMtution registered by the undersigned,

And whcmriB tho Hoorotary of the said Union was several times
romiruhd to <?oL tlio Hinondmontft in ita constitution rogisteied but
no reply wvs ronnivod in tbia rospoct, which proves that the Union
has ocusod to exist.

unulion 10(6) of the Indian Trade TJnbna   Act

(1)  Sardar Santh, Singh, Bizazs Deputy Gimj, Buland-


(2)  Sardar Sirpal Singh, Gmug Cunj. B^az, Bulc.jid-      —


(3; Sardar Budh Sen, Deputy Guoj, near Devi Mandii',

(4)  Stu-dar Hor Bliaj-in   Singh,   Deputy Cunj, near

AmMrrhine, Bul.'nd:T-i! r

(5)  Su-dar Mingal Snn,  Deputy Guuj, Kamra Bulai,

Dirwnzn t^ftrv-i. Bul.ind..habr

(0) Stai-dar Pitim Singh. B. 7tiz. Gurus Givaj HOUPC,
S.u-ai Rim Smyh, Bul.-jirlslmlu:

(7)  S-rdiv Pitain t'in.'ih, in front of Louse Depuiy
Guui,  Motor Wfllp   House,   Sar.u  Rein Singh.

(8)  Sardav   Sai   Dasa, OvuffiandiyKn, house   Sarai
. Ram Singh, Bills udphulii1

(9)  MunimBrmNra1. jn. JIoiŁ.dtJbcdwf IP, H^ir.iDcpu.

ty Gunj, Bulrndphphi1 ..

{10) Munim   Shirm  Fi-linri     Lrl    Jloradabadwalo,
nr>ar Devi Mnndir. Bulrcdsl j?li;    ..

(11)  Munim Moti L°l, Morr da.badwvile, Dfpuiy Gunj,

DharamSbrrln,R m.°nPujnri, Bulrndrlflr

(12)  Munim Mflihrn L^.1, Moradabadivalp, Sarai Gurtrg

(13)  Ram Gopal, Movads>brdwflle, mqhalla Deviptra,

near Mnndir Bhnw.r, Bul^ndatc 1-r

(14)  Sardar K-»rtarSineh,Bazaz, Deputy Gunj, Gandhi

Ohowk, Biibndshuhr


20    0

86    0

60    0

32     B

25     0

20     0

80    0

2dO    0

80    0

100    0  ,

63    0

80     0 i

tiO    0

aii3ni^n") 1 within two months infler the recept o  ts notce, wy

tin  cht'tifi'nte of R'^wtri-tion granted to it should not bo can-

"          on Win ground that tho Union has committed a breach of

23(3)   Of the sj-id Act and has now ceased to exist.



Ry order,


, 1055-