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o/f/ie   dipartme-ni of   Otokuy and Geofhy-
100— 1.SUO.     QualtJii.aHt.3t    :    Essential   :

lira.    P. y    J    Jt&.l.'iUl—I--------,-----     ,.--„----------

i) fust ••! h& m s-t.-.'-J djj.-eu in Gfjophydic-, or in Geology (with
i'jma k-.owL.fUtj.' of GoopbybiM) ; (i.) Abcut 7 ye,i0' expuicne cf
min.'[\J esplji-ition in a redpoii^ibk c.-p^city ; (in) About 3 yours
to i'! img L-sp.Tinence in i.n institution ol UiJivtiwiy s-tiraiid ,
(iv) B:;».• trcn eMJdnoncu of <L sUnd^rd with copies of pubh-
ih*l .I»P-T- us oYiJjnce of r.-ae^rcl» De4-Bra6r - '"^ «—*- »-


T. S. no.   5 QI 1954
jf;i  </it.   matt"1   o/—

in liJoljgy or G-iopliy-iic*. |&) .Exppuonre in   guiding re^e^rch.

II. ti-upntqf ProfM&aroJMetaUuigital Etgiutitttg : Poj/ •
Ks.1,00]— oU— L.JDO. QuuhJ catitn -. Ltui tiul : (i) liKt
degree or u, puU-g-.du tt» dergrue in Jljt Iluigy or Mot. llurgicul
En 'lairing .vitti ^--HI. liiu.tiun in one or more of Lh«* following
vubjeute ; (,i\ \dv.uued Pnydiu.1 M-tJluigy ; (1) Ferrous.
Mn'lluiyy ; (rj pundiT Met,iluifcy i(d)Jfwnay MfcUluigy ;
(F) Alleys j (nj At cut 7 vrns* iicattml . IJCI.LIM u lt> non
aud "teiil or in ulheil indus-tiy ; (in) About 3 yet re1 let clung
expanence in LD institution uf Umvc-itity stucdiid ; (iv) Some
rdij.roa experience. Dcsirille : (i) C'oipor, te mimbuBlip
ofa, rec?gnLgt'd pnjfrdaiou .1 iuotitution ; (u) Experience in guiding

Babu Haf Shankar Rai   and otheis oi village Katia
(a) Doctorate        Kalan, pirgana   Cbainfiu,   P- & Mohanja, P- fci.


4,   Ona pv*t of Profesi>t,r uj Production
5U - I,j0l'.                             •

sy  :    Pay  :

J?ii£t    cl. ts


Ra.1,000— 5

dagroe in'il Jointing ^ >~ rtctg
(u) About 7 ye'cFb* expt'iicin.- oovenntj prtctictl esperierce in a
responsible position in « til rcputtd f nm» or institutions in production
engineering include £ piocLucticn, Phnnirg t,nd control, tod
design, wjrkdhop org ma^tion and m .n^gement. Desirable :
(i) Experience iu int cume iool design or research in
relation to tool* and m.cinne tonla. (11) Corpor. te mcmbBrsLip
of i reuogJHed pfof.»«ion J institution ; (in) Te. clung experience
m i»n institution of Uuiveisily fattLdtiaj (iv) tJxpt=nai ce in guiding
research. Age for pos:s 1, 2, 3 and 4 ...... preferably above

3. Ttoo posts of Assistant Prcfesfcre in djj-litd Chemistry
ti&iLbficaiianai Emiential ; (i) tustcLss mibtei's dtgibe in
Cheiaiatry ur Apt^io- tLijnbiiy cf u rtccgninci Un-vtunj with
speci hs. tion 111 H-y&icJ Cuimi&tiy for one poet t.nd in Organic
Chemiatiy for the other post, (nj ALcut fl yeiis' reseLrch expe-
rioiice ; (HI) About 2 yet ih1 te. cLirg expei jeBce in LH inatitut.on of
Lnvve bity stmdird ; (iv) apecialioatioii in > ne or m t a of the
following: (a) Higli Polymer t.nd Bubher Technolcgy; (b)
Synthetic Drugs ^.nd fine ULemicJs i (c) TechnicJ G- B Be, ction
,ind High Pleasure Technology. Dwiratle : (i) tccldt-te in
CaeraHtry j (u) Experience in guidn.g research.

6. One post of Assistant Prcjesscr of Applied Botci.y. Qua-
lification* : Eastttttal : (i) Fn&t clt f s D^stci's dtgiee in Ectny
of d recognised University witl, genetic* i nd cr croppLnt breeding
as a spdciu.1 subject; (u) About fi years' experience covering
laboratory o,nd hfld ^oik u.nd resetrch in geretice tr in tup
plj,nt breeding ; (in) About 2 years' t? dung experience in an
instUurion of University st..ndt.rd. Desirable : (i) Doctorate in
Botany wit IT research in genetics or crop plunt breeding ; (ii)
Experience in guidiLg            -

7. One post of Assistant Professor of Applied Plysics (Meteo-
rology} : Qualifit-alion* ; Essi.j.tif.J. : (i) liifcl tlt tt M Sr. dfgiee
in P(1ydicB or in Applied M them tics of a recognised University j
(ii) About 5 years' PructiR. 1 (.rdL.bori.toiy cx^eiieite cocntcicd
with Meteorology ; (in) About 2 ye^ra Teaching Experie?nce in
an institution of University St^ndurd ; (iv) Speci. lis. ticn in any
one or more of the following subjects r (a) Dyn. micil Meteoro-
logy j (1) Physics and Tlieimodyntmics of ..tmospl ere ; (c) RncLr
Tjcnnique us Applied to Meteorology. -. Desirable : (i) Doctorate
ill a branch ot Physical Science connectrd wilb Mtttoiclogy ;
jii) Some experience of Weather Forecasting ; (ui) Experience in
£ aiding redeurcrj.

For Ansistaiit Professors— Pay : Rs.liOO— 40— 1,000— 1,000—
1,050—1,030—1,100—1,100—1^150. Age : Preferubly tbove 30


i, (2) Shn   Jagdieh   Prat ad Singh   alias
Lallan irasad   Singh, (3 Babu Khedan  Prasad Singh
doab   of Late   Babu KasliM an    Praead  hinyh, village
Cliaugam. peigana Bhojpui, I oh'ce ttaticn biua, P. O.
Chaugam,      oiatrirt,        thaL. bad,     by     fioiesaion
Zamindar, nnu (18j fbjam l^arain Eai,  ten   ol   ItLu
Hardwar   Rai,    deceased,     vjl'ege    I(JILI,   ju^na
2ajcaniH,   joh'ce    ttaticn    ZtntLja,    1    C.    IIJLI,
diatuctGhazipur, Zamindai   ar,d  cultJMitcr.          " .. Defendants.

WHEBEA8 the abovenamed applicant shave filed 1 he abovenotfd   f
trait foi parlition.   The persons aJoie&aid Lave tten air. r^io  ea
defendants noa. 2, 3 and 16  respectivijy iu   tLe    aLo\er.oUd Eiiit
The abovtnoled   per6ons are her. bj inioiited that tLe  4th (fuJth
dayoiApiil, 1955at lOam.isthedaie nxecim  cate.    If the above     '
notcdpfibonsdonot  ajpeai en orbeiore the date fixed,the La&ewill    I
te he-id tJL j>arte against them.

Issued this day the 18th February, 1955, under my signature and
of this court.


Present ; SBI SOAH QHDI.L.M SHAHID, Judge                     \

Insolvency ease no. 2 oi 1955
In the matter of—

Nirmal, aon of Mangey LaJ,   casts Vaiph, resic'ent                         ;

oi  bhahpui    Bar Ldi,    paigata  Kotana*   t<.hed

Bagbpat, district Aleeiut


WBEBJAS the abcveEEired ajphctEt l&s rj-flud io lii&Ccurt
by a, petition, date a the l^lh JtUjVti^.Hti lo LL ncltiic u- iitcl.
vent, under section 10/13 ot ll.e lioiimia] Jiiol\ticj A't, \ci
IJJ^O, itiaheiebytotited that the Ccuit tas Litd tl e 1Mb (.liltttiti.)
day of April, 11*55, iorheaimg ol the aitJifeiaic i-i j-lJct.lM.ii.                '

[6-3 '55]

By order,



««Be it known to all concerned that I, Manik Chandra Trivedi
son of Pt. Yb,d«v Chandra, oi Mor^d-bud, now Principal, J- S.
Hindu Intermediate College, Amroha, tuva cut«nged my n_me to
Kujnesh Ghfandr rivi."

Yours faithfully,
M.    C. TBIVEDI,   M.4. .L.T.,

8. OHB po&t af Itecturtr in Applied Physic* : Pay : Rs.350 —
330— J80— 380—30— jSJO—E.B.— 30— 770 — 10—830. : Prefer.
ub y libovo 23 Qualijicatiors : Etential : (.) . Putt eh ES
master's, d-grte in Physics ,.nd Bp->ci«li9ution in ons or'more of the
following subjects : (a) Experiment. 1 Industrie 1 PLysics ; (6)


Principal, J. tf. Hindu Inttrrr.<iiQ

Amroha (Moradalad),

j^ohd Payoici (c) X'
-covering opti    '

(c) X' R y ; (u) About 3 years' laboratory experience
^ . ic. 1 «nd .X' B, y Equipment ; (iii) About 2. yfitrs'
teaching exparienco iu an institution of University stt.ndtJd.
DiriMbb i (i) DjJ&j.-ita in P.iy^oa ; (ii) Experience in
fabricating aud building up rcsttjich equipment ; (iii) Experience
ia guiding Iteaiwch.

Ail poata are perminont and Pensionable. Probation one yeur,
OaadidateK aalaoted for appointmenii will be required to join duty
immediately after selection.


[Under section 40(3) of ike, U. P.  Town  Improvement Act,
Vm of 1919]

As required by section 40(3) of the U. P. Town Improvement
Act,Vl]Iofl919,zioliceisherfby given that this Trust baa applied
to the Government under section 40(1) ici E&ncticu to the BtLtme
entitled "Low Interne Group itou&iDg fccLcite near Kandtari".

