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•j} Hindu Pa:t^. by BaSuknttba Sharm.                                        ^ « A noto «m ita meaning o! tin ferm of PUudh*   by


;., A  Ser^th Cenrar, Arable,     by  Paflunak*, Pmvedi        ^   ^^ ^ ^^     (& ^.^    fcy ^ ^

>,, - ii.ic   t'.ptcTs .d' \ ,ra f-liaus. Pmksnftb/, by Gopinath Ka^iraj,    Sanyal   (Reduced puce Ea 2-8)  (3as.).

/».  \,.inia lw-n,vau]Rli {F.u«h*l, Ti n.shiiou), by Gopitath Ki^jrij         (j>) An Index LO the Pioper Names occurring in Valunlii's Hiimnyana

„. i                   l«v Manmatha Nath Boy.                                                                  *      '
J''lLi   w t'.umnn ..r yicnm    In   Narayjim Shastn Ehiste

(L) An Inde-s to the Shabara Bashya, by the late Col. G. A   Jacolj
i'. jJ-.-T-i-iU Cpa-IIi^ya, hv Gopiiu'h Elvira]"-

'      .      ,    „     ,                v    /i i    /a     .         W HariBMami— The Commeutator of the    Shatapatha. Biuhmana—

Vol.  TIT — n,   iLJcA  to   SL.'U«m'6  Bna'hyi,   py  the  Col.   G.   \.    and the ddiB ol skandasvauu— The Commentator of the Big-Veda   LT

jnc.L.    .ivt-lb.rd JJ-U.-D rLs.2Sj   (las. 6pi.).                                             Mangal De^p.  Bhasfn.                                                                               '

.r    ?»iJlfcS   i   E.n.Iis Lav— » Tudiujl Procedore. V Ganganatha       ^ MjStlCigir_ m Veda. by Gopmath Kaviraj,

'\                                                                         ,   .                               (/) The De^sdasis— a Brief History of the Institution, by Manmatha

i) rLeistii m A^ILZ/L  ml a   j;.   LJopmath Kaviraj.                          Nat]l jj^                                                                                '            auu"

tJi F'Kury aid Bnuu£L:-rh;- of ^ayaya Taishaahika Literature by     Yo]_ ra _(fl) The Llfe of a'^ogm, by Gopmatb. KETirai. (Reduced

Gopmith Kwiraj                                                                                  price RB.2-E) (7fli.).

-^ Kai^dLa and 5rl Hanha. by Nisakamala Bliattacharya                ^ Ofi the Antiquity of tne j^m Art CanoI1S) by Haridag MigK

<fl Ind.nn Duma tur?y, by ?. N. Patankar.                                          <cj prachya_Vafgikarana Padhati, by  Satiph  Cbandia   Guha.

a. TGl-   T'~T(? ^nf?   ^ Hmda n1"1^:1 1i Tlf CU1  Pl°CedUre'   ^     W Togi Vashishtha and Some of the Minor DpaniShadaSj by B. T,

Gaaganaths   Jha     (KednciiJ  piiie  Bs 2-S)   (las ).                                 \treya.

.;&t History and Bibliography of Nyaya Vaislieehika Literahire, by      (e] AQ Tndes tQ the p         Namefl oeclimng in Valmiki's Eamayana

U-pauth  Kanraj                                                                                  by Manmatha Nath Eoy. v                                                                >

Dcva ShS'T °J !l'eDCp^LeIltB °f thB EiSTCda Pratishakhya' by Mangal    .(/) The Philoeophy of Tnpura Tantra, by Gopinalli Eaviraj.

.« %.            .    .,     .     „                   ^ ,     ,        nm-M»l;                    Vo1-  X.— fa) The conception of Physical and  Snpcrphysical Oigan-

uO Ham.vBnu3 Gamta  Eauxuudi,  by TaJmakara Dvivedi.                 jmi m yaQgknt  Llteratuf3j  by    Gopiuath    Kaviraj.    (Kedncerl JIKB

(e) Fcod nod Bnuk in the Baniajanic Age, by Manmatha N0th Hoy. Bs.3-8)  (6ns.).

fj> b«-liai>avada: Casualty in Sankhya. by Gopinath KaTira]          K^°me Aspecta °f the Phllos°Phy of Bakfca Tanta'    by GopiMth

fg) Discipline by Consequences, by G. L. Sinha.                                   VU 1-

If,)   Hi-rory of ine Ongm and Expansion of the Arjans, by A. C.      Jc) A short note on Tuttvasamava, by Gopinath Kaviraj.
GanS^!i-                                                                                                   (d) History of the World lavara  and its  Idea,     by Mangal Deva

iz) Punishments ba Ancient Indian Schools, by G. L. Sinha.           Shastri

Vol   V— (a) \naent Home of the Aryans and their Migration to      (e) Sjinig and  Games ua referred to in     Sanskrit  Liteiature, by
Tndia/Ly'A   C. Ganguli.    (Reduced puce Bs.2-B) (4us. 6ps.).              Anant Shastri Phadke.

(4) A Satrap Coin, by  Shy .tin Lai Merh.                                             (/) Objects of Offerings in the Srauta   Sacrifices, by A. Chimaswami


{rl An Estimate rf the Civilisation of the Vanara? as depicted in                                                         „„«,,,

the fijmayaua. bj Manmatha Nath Eoy.                                                  OJ Agriculture in the Vedas, by S. N. Jhorkliandi.

fdt  A Cumparis-n of  the Contents     of the Big-Veda    Vajasneyi.      fli) An Enquiry into the Nature of  Speech,    by    Horaa Chandra
TaittiniM   tind     Atlia^a-Veda      (Ch.itnradhyayik,     Pratishakyaa),   by Bhattacharj a.
Dr. iUagal Shastii, M.,., D.PHIL.                                                    (f) ^^ and Objecta Qf ofieringg  .Q ^    ^^    Sacrifice3> by

(e\ Doctrine of Formal Training and the Ancient Indian Thought, Ehag^at Piasad Misia.
j  tr. L. ^in a.                                                                                       ^ A con]parBon Of tjje Rtgveda— Prati Sakhya with the Panuuam

If Histoi.\  aiid Bibliography  of Nyaya Vaishashiks  Literature,  by  Grammar, by Mangal Deva Shastri.
^S^Sef "id11 Q?ei». by (JopiDatli Kaviraj, M.I                               ^ ^'^ Kaumudi and its Author,  by Santimoy Banerjee.

Vol. VI.- '«) Index to Shabua'a Bhashya, by the late Col. G.  A.      W The Saktl Sutla aimbed to Agastya. by Mangal Deva Shastri.
Jaab.  fluted plU5e E3.S 8)  ^a..).                                                        To ^ had en prepayment from THE RUI'EBINTENDENT. Pna'in-'

(I) Some Abpeits a the HiBtory and Doctrines of the Nathaa   by   and  t'tationeiy,   Utiar Pradssb,  Allahabad.   Fiom    AgenU    lor Bdla
tintunaih  Ka\uai                                                                                  Gl  btale '-"•veiument publications  ur Iroui     the     Sewetaiy,

1                    J'                                                                                 College, Bauaias.

(L') An Index to the Eamayana, by Manmatha Natb Eoy.
(d)  Slmlies in Hindu Law, by MM.  Dr. Ganganaiha Jhi

fc) TLe Miman.a Mamisirip'a in the Government Sanskrit Library                            NATIONAL    LIBRARY

iBinurus.), by Gopiuutb. Kaviraj.                                                                                  _         _

Belvedere, Calcutta—27

fji Notes afid Qupries, by Gopinath Eaviraj.

,, .   _,,       , _,                                                                                  In response to public opinion, the working    hiura cf tha ]

\oi.  ML- («t BUiiiaha and his Eavyalankara,     by Batnk Hatb.  Booms and Ihe Lending  Section  at  Belvedere hnve     been  e*u*-----

bnaima   and   Baldeva   Updhyiya.    (Reduced   price   Ea.2.8)    (4ai.)      with eftect trom the '26th August, 1953.   The revised working hours

It. Sine Variants in the Beadmgs of the Vaisheshika Sutras, by  are BPeufled beljvv:

Gcplnjtn Kaviraj.                                                                                     Hwang Booms—Week dnys (including Saturdays)—9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

(C> tiatojy and Bibliography of Nyayft Vaisheshika Literature, by                               Sundays and hJidaya—10  a.m. to  6  p.m.

Gcpmuth Kwiuj.                                                                                    Lendillg Secfio7l_Week daya (iucluding Salurday8)_10 a.m. to B p,m.

<d) An Affenipt to Alnve at the Correct MeaninD- of Some Obscure                              Sundays and lUidays~-10 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.

Vedic vonta, by Sha Bam Joshi.                                                             Tbe Eeading ZoQ^ ^ {he ^^ Bection ^.^ ^^.^ remain

(e) A Compinson of the Contents of    the    Big-Veda Vajasnevi.  eutlrel>T clcsed on the fcllnwing days of the year:
rnit-iinva   mill   At-kr,v^r, v<sria       vm.«4.»_«ju»_«:i.«\      Pratishkhvaa    "nv

<fl M ludex to *. B.MI]W», b, Jta^tt. H«h Eoy.                                ., U ^ of lg. Ke eligible t. n.Bke ». rf Ihe LSWT,

tB) An Index ta Snabara'a by the late Col. 0. A, Jacob.                   . ch is a free T ™ti^g Library cl^e^ to anyone residing in aoyjmrt

„. ,.....-                                                                     of tfaa lnd*fl» ^ninn.   Ttere is ,no Bubsci^tion to pay, but security

Jfr] (ileamugs from the TMtrae, by Gopinath Kaviraj.                 •      in ca^h is

'%!£b» Date of Madtucnndana Sataavati, by Gopinath Kdviraj.