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The Council heard her statement and interrogat-
Iier.   The  Council  tlicu    deliberated  in  private


id unaimnmi<ly

(i) --he should be refused registration as a.
midwife •

(ii) h«r name slimild be ivmr.ved from the
Nurses Register of the Council:

(in) the Director of Akdioal and Health
•Services. U. P., should be informed of the de-

(iv) the Police .should be informed about this
and requested to do the needful in the matter
The whole case should be explained.

1. With reference to resolution no. 12(2), dated
November 20, 1954, the case against Sri Samuel Das
was considered.

Sri Samuel Das was present.

The Registrar read the notice of inquiry  and
briefly narrated the facts  of the case.

The Council heard the statement of Sri Samuel
Das and interrogated him. Sri Samuel Das admitted
making the interpolations in the date of birth in his
School Transfer Certificate awarded to him Toy Parker
High School, Moradabad.

The Council then deliberated in private and una-
nimously decided that his registration as a Nurse
should bo refused.

5.    With  reference  to   resolution  no.   2, dated
November 20,  1954, the case against Kumari (now
Srimati) Ronika Singh was considered.

Srimati  Sonika  Singh was  present.

The Registrar read the notice of inquiry and
brieiiy narrated the facts of the case.

The Council heard the statement of Srimati
Sonika Singh and interrogated her. During her
interrogation she admitted that interpolations in her
date of birth in her A. V. M. Examination Certi-
ficate were made by her mother in her presence.

The Council then deliberated in private and una-
nimously decided that her registration as a Nurse
should be refused.

6.    Considered   Indian  Nursing   Council's   letter
no. 39/J4-INC, dated January 8,  1955,  re. integrated
course   in  Midwifery   and   Health   Visitors.

.Daemon—The Council is of the opinion that at
present it is not p^aible for us to integrate, but
wa will keep this in mind and give effect to it as soon
as we possibly can.

7.    Considered—Indian   Nursing   Council's   letter
no. 49/33-INC, d*ted Febrmry    16, 1955, re special
training for men nurses in place of teainm* in the
nursing of women.

Decision—In the opinion of the Council the dura-
tion of the course of three months in a subject is a
very short period to give training in a spacial subject
and suggest that this opinion may be communicated
to the Indian Nursing Council

8.    Bead and recorded—Indkn  Nursin* Council's
ar mi.  M/KtlffC, dated  February 16°, 1955   re-
training hi Psychiatric        '     *

0. Considered—Indian Nursing Council's letta
no. 64/54-INC. dated February 16, 1955, re th
question of integrating Public Hoalth Nursing int
the basic course of Nursing and Midwifery.

Decision—The Council is of the opinion that ii
the present state of affairs of Medical and Publi
Health Relief, the training in nursing and midwiferi
should be continued as at present. The question o
integrating Public Health Nursing into the basii
course of nursing and midwifery will be considered ii
due course.

10.    (i) Rtud artd recorded—Indian   Nursing Conn
oil's* letter no.   55/53-INC, dated February 16, 1955,
j'6 a list of approved text-books   for nursing and mid

(ii) The Council appointed the following Sub-
committee to go through the book for nursing and
midwifery prepared by the Presirlont (Colonel A. N.
Chopra) and Kumari Bullock:

(1)  Dr. G. B. Kabraji.

(2)  Srimati  Prakashwati   Soorl,   M.L.A.

(3)  Kumari L. Williams.

(4)  Srimati     S. Prakash.

(5)  Kumari G. P.    Kapadia.

(6)  Srimati  D.  S.  Briscoe.

(7)  Kumari N. R. Chandy.

(S) Kuniari  Daynwunti  Dhulia.

11.    Considered.—Indian Nursing Couiicil's lettei
no. 33/35-INC, dated February 24,   1955, re the ques-
tion of lowering the minimum age for admission to
the various training courses General Nursing and

Decision—The Council accepted tho reoommen
dation of the Indian Nursing Council that the minimum
age for admission to the Course in General Nursing and
Midwifery should be 17 years.

12.    Considered.—The  Indian    Nursing   Council's
letter no. 67/54-INC, dated February   24,  1955, on
three resolutions (Appendix A) passed by the Indian
Nursing Council at their last meeting.

Decision—The Council agreed with the three
resolutions passed by the Indian Nursing Council
except that in the third resolution the Council consi-
dered that a student should be allowed to attend
classes etc. for the final examination even though
he/she may not have passed the first examination.

13.    Considered.—Indian Nursing Council's letter
no. 34/54-INC.   dated   February    24,  1955, re dis-
continuance of Junior and Vernacular Grade Courses
and the courses in Midwifery only.

Decision—The Council is of the opinion that we
should have one course in Nursing and one course
in Midwifery and the preUminary basic qualification
should be 8th class pass for all. The course in Mid-
wifery should be the Diploma course.

H. Mead and recorded.—Indian Nursing Council's
letter no. 1/55-INC, dated February 24, 1955, re
certain modifications in the regulations for training
of Auxiliary Nurse and Midwife,

15. Considered.—Indian Nursing Council's letter
no.^ 30/55-INC, dated February 24, 1955, re the
period of implementation of the syllabuses approved
by the Indian Nursing Council for various courses.