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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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(hucniment savants. Qualijirations. Essential, (i) Mustur b ur
L-quivaleiit Honours degree of recognised University, (u) Ado
quabo cxpjrwnoo (J.P evidenced by published material copies of which
should, be forwarded \* ith application) in writing for the Prens and
othoi1 information madia, ou social, andVconomic subjects,

2.11) Adequate o-ipencnrc Qualifications nMaxaMr at Commission's
isci-etion in c-i«r of candidates otherwise vn oil qualified. aHc'
(i) Knowledge of ono or more languages (Indian or "Foreign) besides
English, and Iho caniUdiilo'a mother tongue, (n) Experience in
proparation of reforuijco services of oftire organi/ati on.

lj. One Direr to i, Labour Bureau,, Mmittrif of Lttljiir. Pu-,t
permanent and ponsionnbLi. Pnry. liq.1.100—,10 —1,300—bO—1 liHU
—100—1,800. Higher initial pay may be "[innlnd to specially qunli-
fiod and jxpenenced candidate. A<IP . "N"ot below 31 years Qnnit-
f^atian; JSssrntial. ,'i) Master's, or equivalent Hnrnius di'ni'fe in

__   ,   _                  . ,                     eqi

_ inoinic.s, jVIathemalu'ri Statistics or any other Social ;Sci
(11) Adequate experience and training in 'the collection, compila-
tion, investigation anil of SLatistical data, (in) Administrative
cixpenonco in responsible capacity in the ficlil of labour. Qimlifica
tiona rela sable at Commission's discretion in case nf c.indidAtes-
otherwisa well-qualified.

10. One permanent Einjinctr, Indinn Veteriwry Research,
Institute, Iiatnagnr Mim&lr/f of Fond and Aynmlturr lAgnrultw).
Other things being equal prcfei enre will he given to SUiednlL'd Castes
candidate*. Pay. Ks.275— 25—,100— R.Ii"—:iil.—IHO—K. B.—SO—
SOO. Higher initial pay may be granted to a specially qualified
and experienced candidate. j\tje '. Below 4-0 years. QimJificaU-mt'
Essmtuil. (i) Degree in Mechanical Engineering of recognised
University or equivalent, (ii) Adequate expmcm'B in t'iu follow-
ing (a) Running and maintenance of steam boilers, pas plants.
(b) RBlngor.itiou equip mantis and (c) Central mamLentmce of elec-
trical/mechanical inylallations in noil-resident ID I building-, labora-
tories, etc. Candidates possessing in addition a deyiei-1 in Electrical
Engineering will bo preferred. Qualification relaxable ab Commi-
ssion's disciefcion otherwise really well-qualified candidate.

Four Solicitors in the (lompanyLaiu and Investment inn
Ministry, of Finance,

In partial modification, of itom 12 of Commission's advertise-
ment no. 5:2 which appeared on December 11, 10.34, it is   notified
for general information that recruitment to the post at Madras   i&
cancelled.    It hag been re-advertised separately.

tb is notified for general [nforrnation that the uppei age-limits
prnsiiuibed tor uandidatea for appointment lo pcata advertisRil by
did Ciimini^uJix iu th^ir advertisements tios. II, I", 1H, 17 and
1:4 'kill b'i loUixcsd foi Suheduled Castea/Hchednled Tribes candidates
by fivj yuats (instead fif tlii'to years as previously advertised).

2. l'"or posts arlvjrtiseJ m the CommiH-ion'fl advertisemputs
nm. U, in a,ml 1 lj, Lhn respective cloning dates for receipt of appli-
cations li'Din Hishodiilod Caales/Sohednlml Tiibc-a candidates have
also been uxtcudod. by two week*.

Applications aro invited for l,ho undermentionad posts from Indian
ritizBiis and persons migrated from Pakistan with intention of per-
manontry Mottling in India or subjects of Nepal, Bikkim or Por-
tugueae or Former French poasosaioiig in India. Upper age-limit
rulaxable by .J years for scheduled castes, tribal and aboriginal
oommumtiea and up to -t1* years for displaced persons from Pakistan
and non-liberated areas of Jammn and ICftshmir. No relaxation for

olhers, save in exr-Qptional caaoa and will in no case be relaxed bp-
yond throe years. Particulars and application forma from Secre-
tary, Union Public irfervice Commission, Post Box no. 18(3, Mew
Delhi. Moqui'sts for forma must specify name of post and should
lie accompanied by si*lf addressed unstamped envelope* for each post
at least ot size J)"'x4" indicating thereon name of post for which
iorms are required. Cloning date for receipt of application with
ireasmy receipt or Crossed Tndian Postal Order for Ks.7-S (Re.1-14
for scheduled castes and tribes) llth ,/une, 1953 (25{h June, H),JJ
lor applicants from abroad). Commission may remit genuinely
inrhgnnt and bonafide displaced persons' fee. Separate application
with aeparalo fee required for each post. Candidates abroad may
apply on plain paper if forms not a\ tulablo, and deposit fee with local
Indian Embassy. If required candidates must appear for personal

1. One permanent Section Master, Prince oj Wales
Colhyt, Dehra Dun. Pay : Ra.500—30—770—40—S50 Higher initial
pay to specially qualified and experienced candidate. .\(fe. Be-
low I-0 years, Jfaluvable far Government servants. Qua!ifi?afion<t.
Essential, (i) 2nd Class Master's or equivalent Honours degren m
Mathematics, (u) About 5 years' teaching experience in recog-
nised school preferably a Public School Qualifications relaxable
at Commission's discretion in case of candidates othorwiae woll-

uxpeneuce.    Qualili^auoiis   ieid,xable   at   Commission's discretion
in caae of candidates  otherwiK.1 vell-qualin'ec!.

3.    One   Asxuiaiit   Director   (Cl'cmifal)   (Pnuit,-,},   tioi<Łrninent&
Test Houw,  L'alrvtta,  M,ni*(rii nf   \]ofl^,  Hjv-ut'i find    tiui>pl>J, porman-iit.    Kos-ei-vud far «L'UeduU'iL Ca-,tns/Trihus candidates,
if suuh suitable candidates avoil.ilik'. othernui? pnst     treated   as
unreserved.    Candidate otber Uiaii Sch.-dulrd   Ca-ti-s/Tnbe^    if se-
lected will he ernpliiyLTl on piin-lv tt.m|iiiMry and will taku  his
i-hance toi confirmation aloi'ir \viMi utln-r m the cli'paitment.     Pay.
Po>- dtrtLt rrrnitt*.   Us.ajU—3')lf—3SO—3sO—ilU—."»!ld—KB.—30—
770—40—Sod.    l-'or    p.-r.sons in  pnntinnous  (jovLMiinient   servict
since    loth   .July.    lV»ai.      IJs.-lUO—J«J—7-10.     Higher         initial
paj- to >-pei lally qualified aud expunenred   oandidace.    A'lt.   Be-
tween 30 and i-U yc.irs.    JJclamUf jor Gvvihhient sitrtan'*.    Quali-
Ji"iti:,iis,    tins ntiiil     (i) J\lristern   or  eqimak'nt   honoius degree
in Cliomistry, Applied L'hemihiry or in L'henm-al Ter-honology of
reco-rnisod   LTmvcMitv.    UiJ Abo'ut   ~> year-"1   practica.1   experience
in industry and laboratories dealing with analy.siRi and investmga-
tiona of p'aints, enainc-ls. lacquer-,,  varuinhes etc.    Qualifications
relaxabl'i at C'nmmissioii s disLretionm ca^e of randidares otherwise

4.    One Utetttiaii, C'ullf,jc of Zufsimj, Mflnalfy ->f Health.    Post
permanent.      Other     thinus    being   equal    preference    given   to
iSchedulud L'aste-, andwomen candidates.    Pnif. K-j.J7o—23—500—
E B.—SO—Hull.— E.B.—30—hOU.    Hiyher   initial pa\ to   specially
qualified ami experienced candidate.    Aye. Beiwecu -,5 And 4U years.
tielaxatle   for     flocefinnent   aefuitHtt,   Qualification*.        Essential.
(i) At Ita&t second class Master's degree 111 Horn" Economics with,
tipfrialisation in nutrition,    (u)   Knuvvledge of nutiition   in Indian.
diet and understanding of diet hi disease.    (111) iSome teaching ex-
perience     Qualifications  relaxablt-  at  Commission s  discretion   in
case ol  candidates  othenrue wpll-aualifietl.

,1. Three Assistant EngtHfLu, in the Village lin^iovement Scheme
and tidieditM Tfbe-i Pevtdenun! .jrjiente, fJovcrmnent of Bhvpal,
Post tB'nporary lor period ol one year in the first instance. Puy.
Rs.ioO—2.-iO—15—340—340—E.B.—20—GOO. Higher initial pay
to specially qualified and experienced candidates. Aje, Below
30years. Jtelaxable for (Icvctnment servants. Qualifications.
Esaeiitml. (i) Degree in Civil Engineering of recognised University
or equivalent, (n) About 5 years' experience in construction of
buildings and minor irrigation works in rural areas. Qualifications
relaxable at Commission's discretion in case of candidates otherwise

G. One Assistant Derelapmenf Officer, Grade II, (Paints),
]^l^n^stry of Commerce and linliistry. Post temporary but likely
to continue. Other things be'ng equal preference given to Scheduled
Castes/Tnbi-s candidates. Pay. Hs.SJj—ii3—300—30—590.
Higher initial pay tn nperially qualifteil and experienced candidate.
Atfe. fit-low S."i years. J'eliixn'lejor Government sercanta. Quali-
Ji'.'ittioiis. Ksa^ntiul. (i\ Degree in ChenucaJ lingneerinp; or Che-
mical Technology with Paints and Vftrni'Sli aia hpc-cial subject or
Mflater si or equivalent Honours degree in Chemistry with special
knowledge of pamta fii) About thiee years' experience in paint
factory or (j-cvemmc-nt Technical Department dealing with paint
m'luatry. (Jnahfications relaxabls at Commisamn"? discretion m.
case of candidates otherwise well-qualified.

7.    1 u.o Assistant liirKetnrs in Me Wireless Planning and Co-
ordination RiancJi, Minlsffy oj G'oinmniiiratt*m3.    Posts tomporarj',
but likely to become permanent. Pay. PLS.GOO—40—1,000—J,000—
10.10—1 OjO—1,100—1,1011—1,1.10 plus special pay of Rs.lOO. Higher
initial pay to spei-'ally qualified and experienced candidates.    A ffe.
Be-low 40 years.    Itel'txahlej-jr riacern nent -i^i-ntnts.    Qual/jications.
Ei*intlah.    (i) Degree of recognise 1 University in Tclc-convaunica-
tion Engineering or equiva,lent.    Or Dugree of reuogni&ed University
m Electrnal JSiigmeering with Radio Communications as special
subjct or pqiuvafect.    Uf (o) Degree in Science with Physics and
Mathflmati's and (k) about 3 yeara' experience in responsible capa-
city inthr> tpclimcal wing of large radio organisation,    (ii) About 7
years' experience in responsible position in tele-communication or
organisation of which about 3 years muit have been in position of
independent responsibility. This uxperipuce is in addition to about
9 years' experience mentioned in (b) above-    Qualifications relaxa-
ble at Commission's discretion m case of candidates other-wise well-

8.    One Dittrwt Publicity OJJicer 0/orernintnt of Tripurn.    Post
permanent and pensionable.    Pay. RsJoO—10—350.    Higher. ini-
tial pay to specially qualified and experienced candidate.   'Ager
Hetweeu. :>.» and 40 y*>ars.    Belnxnble for Government *<>ri:ants liold-
ing journalistic posts.    Qual'fii-ations.    Es&c.ntial.    (i) Degree     of
rec-ogiiised University,    (ii) Abcut three years' journalistic experi-
ence in newspaper or news agency of standing or   publicity arid/or
public relations experience in Government or Commercial publicity
organisation,    (ui) Adequate knowledge of Bengali.    Qualifications
relasahle at Commission'? discietion in case of candidates otherwise

Corrigendum                             —

One Marfetiiift Dt'xJopment Officer, Fruit Products, Directorate

2. One. Progress and Planning Officer, Community Projects
Administration. Temporary and likely to continue indefinitely.
Pay. Ks.1,000—50—1,400. Higher initial pay to specially quali-
fied and experienced candidate. Age. Below 48 years. Qualifi-
cations. Essential, (i) Master's or equivalent Honours degree in.
Economics or Statistics, (ii) About five years* experience of plann-
ing organising and super vising statistical work, (iii) Administrative

formation that the number of posts hag been increased from one to
two.   Other terms remain unchanged.