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S. C. C. Execution Case no. 456 of 1954

In tlie, matter of—

JJahabir Praaad Kolouka, son of Jahurimal, by
caste Marwiri, by occupation business resident of
villaao Bhagwaupur, pahoe station Lalgang, district


The All-India  General  Suppling &  Co., Nayaganj,
Kanpur           ..                ..               ..                .,      Jnd(j>nent


WHEBEA.S the abovanamad dTcrei-hal.isr hag filsd that
abivi e^snition a^iingl the abivo jud^innt dibbsr for
realisation of Rs.l6G-12 and the judgment debtor is
avoiding service of i oticps under rrder 21 Rule 22 C. P. C.a
notice is hereby given that tho above execution n
fixed for disposal on 3rd (third) day of June, 19:55. The judgment
debtor may appear either in person or through, n properly entrusted
pleader on the said date at 0 30 a. m. failina which the execution
ca?a will be heard exparte, nnd the decree-holder would withdraw
the attached money from the postal department.

Given under my hand and seal of the Court, this the 10th day
of May, 1955.



(Notice to Creditors of the date of hearing of and Insolvency Pefm'erter.


Present: Sm IB AD An, Insolvency Judge
Under section 19 of Act no. V of 1920

Insolvency Petition no. 4 of 1955

In the matter oj—

Ganpat Rai, son of L. Mathura Das, Vaiab, Agar-
wala, resident of village Gesoopur, pargana Sikandrabad.. Applied*
WHERFA.S the abovenamed applicant has applied to this Court by
petition dated the 13th April, 1955, to be declared an insolvent
under the Provincial Insolvency Act, V of 1920, and your name
appears in tho list of creditors Bled by tho aforesaid debtor this is
to give you notice that the t-ourt haa fixed the 18th (sixteenth) day of
July, 1955, Cor the hearing of the aforesaid petition and the
examination of the debtor. If you desire to ha represented in the
matter, you should attend in person or duly instructed pleader.
The partmrlars of the debt alleged in the petition to be due to you
areas follows :

(1)  Bholagir,  son    of 'Jangi*  caite   Gushain, resident  of
Bharaaa, posD off ce Cholus, ck kit ah  decree no. 15   of '.14
Munsafi II, Bulandshahr, munfosla   29th March 1055,   tacladi

(2)  Qarza  Yat'tanL  Bhikari Singh.   Puttar  Roshan Singh,
qam Jatj a akin Madaiya Parpa, zila Moerut, Us.3,000.

(3)  Qarza Rahuuath Singh,   wald Mansaram,    Jat, sakin
Khurshodpura,   maxra Jaruha, tadadi Rs.l,COQ. '

(4)  Qar/.a Battoo, wald Natthan, Gujar,    sakin Bbarana,
pargana Sikandcabad, Rs.400.


NOTICE is hprcby given unrlr-r <.r.ct]on 53 of thr» Kanpur Urban
Area Djvuloprncnt Act, 194.1 (t". P. Act no. VI nf 1945), that the
Kftnpur Devt'lopmPnt Board h.i^ framed N<iwnhprinj Area Drfer-
rcd Stroet-cu#i-G( ncral Schfm« nn. ,"4, The boundaries of the
scheme are as undtr:

"The area situated within th" Scheme boundary comprise&
of Chak no<3. 1 and 2 in full lyinc on borh 9'des of the listing
Nawobeanj main rond."

Plan of th" Scheme and statement = of the land and houses pro-
posed to bo acquired can b" SPPII on any working day during office
hours at tho Development Boaid Office.

Any objection to the Scheme and proposed nrqusition can be
filed at the Board's Otfic? -within sixty days of the date of the notice.

Executive Officer.
[14 & 21-5-1jj.]

NOTICH is h-vby given under section 5] of the Kanpur Urban
Area D •wloprn'-nt Act, 1945 rU.P. Art no. VI of 1945), that the Board
h^ propj3?d to acquire additional houses no?. S9/1, 89/150, to
89/190 and 79/24, to 79/26 and 79/106. 79/107 in connection trith
Pech Bigh Dalelpurwa Schemp no- XX, which was sanctioned by
Governonunt vide G. O. no. 4006-II/XI—52 I.T., dated February
3, 1932.

Plan of the Scheme and statement of the houses proposed to
be acquired can be seen on any working day during office hours at
the Development Board's Office.

Any objection to the Scheme and proposed acquisition can be
filed at the Board's Office wtihin sixty days of the date of the notice.

[14 & 21-5-55].


Executive Officer.

NOTICE is hereby given under section 53 of the Kanpur Urban
Area Davelopment Act, 1945 fU. P. Act no. VT of 1949), that the
Board ha? framed ?Zum-Clearance Scheme for Ahataa opposite J. K.
Mills on Kalpi Road and re-housing Scheme no. 57. The boundaries
of th'-» Scheme are as under :

"Commencing from the   junction of 40' road and Kalpi

Road and going north along 40'   road up to  the  junction of

40' main Darshanpurwa Road, then turning   east  along 40'

main  Darshanpurwa Road up to its junction with 40' Bamba

Rjid, then turning south along  40'   road up TO its junction

with K.ilpi Road then turning west along Kalpi Road up to

the junction with 40'   road the starting point."

Plans of the S3heme and statement of the housea proposed to be

acquired may be sasn on any working day   during office hours at

tho   Dsvelopment   Board's   Office.

Any objection to the Scheme and proposed acquisition can be
filed at the Board's Office within sixty days of the dato of this

[14&21.5-I55.]                                                 Exe&aive Officer.


WHEREAS the agriculture income of Srimati Tribeni Kunwar,
w/o Sri Moti Singh, resident of village Nagla Barah, tahsil
Bisauli, district Budaun, in t1 e year 13431F, was in my opinion, such
as to make bar liable for payment of agricultural income-tax in
1362F and she has constantly heen avoiding; proper service of the
notice under section 15(3) A.I.T. Art 1948, it ia hereby published
that she should file the ipquired return? in tho prescribed form
ahowiig h?r Agricultural income for the preferting 3'Qar within a
period of thirty-five days from the1 publication of this notice in thfl
official Gaz"ftc which fact will be troatod as if the notice lias
bepn served on h*»r person.

P. C. SRIVASTAVA, *.c.s..
Atfeastng Offi'tr, Bisauli.

(5)  Qarza Munshi Singh,   wald Lachman,    qom Rajput
sakia Paprapa, zila Meerut, Rs.400.

(6)  Qirza Piyaraylal,   wald Sohanlal qom  Sunar,   sakin
Gesoopur,  pargana  Sikandrabad,   Rs.400.

(7)  Qar/a L. Kaghiram. wald Benaiaidas,  Vaish  Agarwala,
sakin Gesoopur, pargana Sikandtabad, Re. 600.

(S) Qarza Ram Chandra, wald    Lachman, qom
sakin Parpa, zila Meerut, R0.250.



THE Government Promisaory Note no. DH01046 of the 3 per cent*
Victroy Loan 1951 for Rs.200 originally standing in the name of
Imperial Bank of India and last endorsed to Jhaman Lai. The
proprietor by whom it wa? never endo.sed to any other_ person,
having been destroyed. Notice is hereby g'ven that the*"paynienfc
of the above note and the interest thereupon has been stopped at
the Public Debt Office, Reserve Bank of India, Delhi, and that appli-
cation is about to be made for the issue of duplicate for payment
of the discharge value in favour of the proprietor. The public ara
Rajput, cautioned against purchasing; or otherwise dealing with the above-
mentioned security.

Name of adverfaer—JHAMAN LAL, c/o SRI GATNDA LAL,

flew&ni—Jaruwa-Katra, District Agra.
Insolvency Judge,                   [30-4, 7  & U-S/SS.]