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Ami whereas a notice under section 10(6) of the Indian Trade
Unions Act, 1926, was given to the said Association to show cause
to tho undersigned within two months of the receipt of the notice
why the c-ertificate of registranon granted to it should not be can-
' rclKl. The period of the notice expired on April 9, 1955, hut neither
any officer of the Association presented himself for inspection nor
nny satisfactory reply wa=, received. It is, thPrpforp, psrnbhshpil
that thp Assocmtinn has now c^sed to pxist.

Xuw. therefore, the certificate of registration of thr Supervisor v
Staff A"-<nr'i,T,tion, Orchnnupn "Factory and Inspectorates, Knnpuf,
w h> ivby ranppllpd under section 10(Z>) of the Indian Trade Union*
Vet. 19211, HI thp Aiiopiation lias censed to exist.

WHEREAS the Workers' U'nion Standard Refinery find Distillery
Ltd., Unnao, rpiriaterd under no. 10J)0 of 1952-53 as a Trade Union
undpr section 8 of tho Indian Trade Unions Act, ]fl2G (X"V[ of 1926)
contravened ths provisions of srction 28 of the said Act hy failing to
submit to tho undersigned its annual return for the year pndinc on
March 31, 1954, by July 31, 19 j4, the rlate prescribed by regulation
17 of the ReguJ ations framed under the Indian Trade Unions ACT,
192C, a notice under section 10 (b) of the Raid Act was issued to tho
said Union to show cause, within two months of the service of thn
noticejwhy the certificate of its registration should not be canr-ell^d.
Tho period of the notice expired on March 14, I9.i5. Tho annual
return for the year described above has not been furnished even up
to this date.

* No saiisfactory causewaying been shown, the certificate of regis-
tration ol the Workers' Union Standard Refinery and Distillery
Ltd., Unnao, is hereby canceled under gpption 10(&) of the Indian
Trade Umona Apt, 1926.

j> The President of the Union, Sri -Ta^dish Chandra Dixit, and the
.Secretary Sri Param Guru Daval are also hereby warned that thia
time only the r?giatratiou certificate of the Union is cancelled for non.
submission of tho Rpturn by the prescribed date. In future legal
action will be taken against the office bearers of the Union, under
section 31 of the Indian Trade Unions Ait, 1026. in the evPnt of
recurrence of Piirh a default.

WHEREAS tho Seth Ram Gopal and Partners (Electricity S ippliera)
Employees* Union, Etah, U.P., registered under no. 420 of 1947 -48,
us a Trade Union under section 8 of the Indian Trade Unions Act,
J926 (XVI of 1928), contravened the provisions of section 2S of thf
said Act by failing to submit to the undersigned its annual return for
the year ending on March 81, 1954, by July 31. 19,14, taa date piva-
cribed by regulation 17 of the Regulations framed under the Indian
Trade Unions Act, 1926, a notice under section 10(6) of the said Act
was issued to tho said Union to show cause, within two months of thp
lenvce of the notice, why tho certificate of its registration should not.
be cancelled. The period of tho notice expired on March 13, 19G5-
The annual return for the year described above has not beon furnished
pyen up to this date.

No satisfactory cause   having been shown, the certificate of re-
gistration of tho Seth Ram Gopal and   Partners   (Electricity  Sup-
-•pliers) Employees' Union, Etah, U.P., is hereby cancelled under section
10(&) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926.

The President of the Union , Sri Kanti Mohan Swarup Jain and
the Secretary Sri Audh BchariLal, are also hereby warned that this
time only the registration certificate of the Union is cancelled for non-
submission of the Return by the prescribed date. Tn future legal
action w'U be taken against the office bearers of the Union, under
section 31 of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, in the event of
recurrence of such a. default.

gignedits aunu/il re-turn fo? uit- T «r- CTitVt-L •-... II- "": "1, lfl,"4, !<y
JulySl, 1B51, thcd'Tteprov-nbi 'IV,-i"1T--.:«-M.c:i I7vf th" P _ iLrioi'
framed under th» Indian Trnd- Unio-i ^ \.rt In2»! ?• t ct/1 rnric-
-ectumlO»6)ofthc<!.-,! Vtv-.^i i-.r-l t. t, - --•-] r^'-i.T.j -hr-t, within t^o m&nt,.-, cf IV TVI(>- lt; r; - rr,, ;r Vi]<; t:,L, rt rri
ficate of its rcni,trf K.iriLliri'i1.! nnr b..' nni-« 1! ,J. T , ': •-"] of r]>
iioticp expired bn Febmr.n- 2J. ]<>," Tin , M, t-T i 1-,.;^ f-r ^ r T, a,
dpspribpcl .ibov h.-1-- not I, -i fi-jT-lr < r-, , ,, Tl, 7u t^,. f, .,-

XoHntisfaptor*- cnug», havir- he«n -..r-vn. :V r <,-j , K ,,-' j. ,
gutration of th- Bnnlznr Trr.'lp T: ,nn. Ton -I? i-Y--..' t .t, ', j-rr-;,,
i ancellnd un-lm M-Ltioii l''n nt of tlv Jiitl-an Trn-l- Unic,n« Ar i , it^L

The PrpM'dcir  nf the Fn«un. vi C^inJin •, A7iz.uld."n. .matin?


iniFfiion of rhf Return hv tV pi-^cnherl il.-.f. In f.jt-tr^ I<-«al ac-tici'
will be tnken ianiu-,1 tjr- offn-t- lr ,r-r= of rh»- Uu'on nnrlpr" -r-ctfon
,n,l of tho Indian T-.i 1- Urions API, IHirt. in t],r- , v n* of repurrenrc
of supli a default

VTHETirAS the Plrwood K.-irmf Ur-.m. Hitnpiir. redstorM
under no 1073 of ln?2-j3, n.s a Tra \» Union urder F"rtion S of th«=-
Indian Trade Unions Act, 192G fXVI of If12r»i. coiitr.iv.-n'^tlio pnvi-
•=:ons of section 2S cf the said Act hy fiaiUic'to subn-it to tl.p ucder-
aigned its annual return fo- the ypnr endmrr on ^[.ircJi 01, 19.T1, by Jah
31, 1934, the date pr-pcnbedliy rpaubtion 17 of the Reizulations frani
ed under the Indian Trade Unions," A"t, 11?G, a notice under section
10(b) of the said Act was issued to the srad Union to show cause,
within two montlis of the service of the notice, whv the pf>rt:f cate
of its registration -shnuld nor be eiincellpri. The iji rind of tLr- notic"
expired on Febmarv I, Iy05. The annual rv.-Tiirn for the year
above has, not been funii-jhed E.ven up tn this date .

The President Sri Tribhuvan Xath Sriva*t.iT*i. and the £._____ ,

Sri Ram Krishna Ktml, ar,^ ntea hern by warned thrt t]ji=? time onlv
tho registration certificate ot'ihe Union is eiuieelL=d for non-Pibraission
of the return bv the pre-jcrib^d date. In future legcil nction will
be taken ncahin the ofiicc ije-.rrvs; of the U.'Jon, under section 31 of
the Indian Trnda Unions Acr, 1026. in thf event of icrurrence ot
«suph a default.

WHEBEAS the ML-litni-BListi Union, Lucknr-xr, renMered undui
no. 815 of 1950-51. m a Trade Union under -wtion S of the Indian
Trade Unions Act, 1!'2G {XVI of 19261, contravened the provisions
of section 23 of the a^id Act by failing to submit to the undersigned
its annual return for the year ending on Zilarnh 31, I[).j4. by July
31,, the data prescribed by regulation 17 of the Regulations
framed under the Indian Trade Unicns Act, 1P2C. ti notice under
section 10(6) of the said Act was UhiiPd to the said Union to show
cause, within two months of the service of the notice, wLy the oerti-
ficate of its reaisti-atioii should not be cancelled. The period of tho
notice expired on January 27, 1033, The nnnuJl return for thf
year described above has not lipnn furui'.'h^d cvPn up to this dntf.

No satidfactory cause, having been shown, thca certificate of re-
gistration of the Melitar-Bhiati Union, Lucknow, i? hrr^hy ooncellod
under section 10(&1 of thv Indian Twdp Unions Art, ' 1926.

WHEREAS the North-Eastern Raflway Mazdoor Union, Gorakh-
pur registered under no. 1244 of 1953-54, as a Trade Union under
section 8 of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926 (XVI of 1926), con-
travened the provisions of section 28 of the said Act by failing to
submit to the undersigned its annual return for the year ending on
Maorch 31, 1954, by July 31, 1954, the date prescribed by regulation
17 of the Regulations framcrl under the Indian Trade Unions Act.
1920, a notice under section 10(&) of the aaid Act was issued to the
"said Union to show cause, within two months of the service of the
notice, why the certificate of its registration should not be cancelled.
The period of the notice expired on March 13, 1955. The annual
return for the year described above has not been furnished even up
to this date.

No cause having been shown, the certificate of registration of the
North-Eastern Railway Mazdoor Union, Gorakhpur, Is hereby cancel-
led under section 10(6) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1826.

The President of the Union, Sri Basawan Singh , ar,r,.A., and the
Secretary/General Secretary. Sri Nib aran Bora are also hereby warned
that this time only the registration certificate of the Union is cancelled
for non-aubmiss.on of the Return by the prescribed date. In future
legal action will be taken against the office bearerg of the Union,
under section 31 of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, in the event
of recurrence of such a default.

The President of tlie Union , Sri Ehaffw.-in Din, ai.z.A., and
General Secretary, Sri Asharfi Lai, arc? also hereby warned that this
time only tho registration certificatp of the Union is cancelled For
non-submission of the rsturn by thy prescribed date. In future
legal action will be taken against the office bearers of the Union,
under section 31 of the India Tmde Unions Act, lfl2C. in thn event
of recurrence of such a. default.

WHEBE\S tlie Lucknow Electric-va-Samtary Mazdoor Sabha,
Luclmow, registered under no. 1091 of 19,12-53, as a. Trade Union
under section 8 of tho Indian Trade Unions Act, 10261 (XVI of 1928),
contravened the provisions of ruction 23 of the said Act by failing
to submit to the undersigned its annual return for the year ending
on March 31, 1934, by July 31.1954, the date prescribed by regula-
tion 17 of the Regulations framed under the Indian Trade Unions
Act, 1926, a notice under section 10(b) of the said Act was issued to
The said Union to show cause, within two months of the service of
the notice, why the certificate of its registration should not be can-
celled. The period of the notice expired on February 4, 1956.
Tho annual described above has not beenfumished
even up to this date.

No satisfactory cause, Imving been shown, 'the certificate of
registration of the Lucknow Electric-va-Sanit«ry  Mazdoor Sabjia.
Lucknow, is hereby cancelled under section 10(ft) of the Indian
Trade Unions Act, 1926.

The President of thp Union, Sri Shnrful Hasuu, and the Secretary
Sri Rameshwar Saron Singh, are also hereby warned that this tims
only the registration certificate of the Onion is cancelled for non-sub'

under no. 1059 of 1952-53, as a Trade Union under section 8 of the
Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926 (XVI of 1926). contravened the pro.
visions of action 28 of the aaid Aft by failing to submit t o the under.

n^feion oi °the return by the prow?ribpd datp. In future legal
action will bo taken against the office bearers of the Unioa, under
section 31 of the Indian Trade TTiiioi* Art. 1921}, in thf event of
i-ppurrenrr of such n deffurit.