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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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AnvnniTTsi'JAJitfN'T NO.    12 ov 5ii

YprLTr \.TTONS (in dnpli< al-e) invited fur midi'rniC]itinui>dpohtH from
Indian CKtwenH and prrnmifl migrated from ]',ikwt,m with intention
oF oermanently Bottling m Jmhn- or Huhjoct of Nepal, Sikknn or Por-
t iira.ene possession in Tnrlia. Huih«r initial pay tn aponinllv qualified
and experienced canrlirlntes. Particulars and application forms from
Keziatrar, Tiiatituto of Technology, K]iiiraWpur. Requests
for forms must spfinfy n.imo or post and should bo rirnompaninrl
])Vself-addrnssod unstamped envelope at least or si/o 0" x +" inilirnti-
eating thereon nrimt' oT post for which forms nro required. Closing
date for receipt of implications together with Treasury receipt
or Crossed Indian Portal Order for Ra.7-H (Rs.1-14 for Scheduled
Hastes and Tribes) marked payable, to Secretary, Union Public Service
Commission, at New Delhi Post Office 18th June, infiB(3rd July lOSfl,
for applications abroad). Union Public, Service Oommisaion may
remit genuinely indigent and bonu fide (Unplaced person's fee. Can-
didates abroad may apply on plain papor if forum tirn not avfuldliln
and deposit foo with locnl Embnsny. IT requiri'il cnndidatPH mufat
appear for personal interview QualiAcalionH rclnxahlp at CommiH-
BUHI'S discretion in thPr.w of candidates otherwise Mcll qualified.

Oncvoal o/Leelunr m Klfplrmnl Eflrjwcciiitri : I'.iy : Rs.SoO—331)
—380—3HO—30—.1!)0—K.K.—30—770—40—Ml) Age : ProfembU
above 25 yearn. Qunlv'fit'rttions: Jtiiscntial : (i) First class Degiee iii
Electrical Engineering ol- a pont graduate degree in Electrical
Engineering (") About .'I yenrn'industrial nxpnricnco in any Field
of Electrical Engireeiii g, (m) fc>i ic-nlis-Him u, r r e nr more of tho
following : (a) Di'Hign nnd manufacture of Electrical machinery.
(6) Power .Station Enpirn-nring. Jiexiruble : (i) Teaching and
Hesearch expermnce. (u) (lurporuto mPmbuahip ol a rppoyiHR"il
professional iiiHtitution. I'oHt pormtmnnt. Probation, one year.
Candidates unlocked for appointment will bo required to join
duty iminediutuly nftor aolectuui,




Tondors aro Invited for the following works •
(1) ConaLruotion of Bus Station at Sahnrnnpur.
(•2) Construction of Hhop^ and Restaurant at Saharanpur.
-.   Plans  and SpecincatiniiH can be inspected at tin- office cf
the undei-Bignod on nny workinir day between the IIOKI? of 10 ti.m-
and 4 p.m.

3.    Spiilnd tondors in eiivtlopcs endorsed"Teiidcr^ for  Const;
truction of Bun Station/Shops anrl Reataurant   at   Sdiliaianpm1
muat be delivered at the undersigned's offica not later thtm 3 p.m-
ou 2Hh June, 1955,

4.    Tenders muse ho written on printed fonns, separately for
eaohwork, obtainable at the under. ijrned'g olfieo bei-weeri the hourf
of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on tiny working day on payment of He.l
per form.

5.    The tender must show rltMiiy the lump dmn tendered for
tlie whole work and in addition the tenderer must state, in the farm
of a percentage above or below.  Public Works Department rates the
rate1' at which ho is willing to accept payment fnr ni'ditinna   to and
deductions for omissions from the work for   which re has tendered
thfi lump sum amount.    Failuro to comply with these   cnnditionH
will render the tender invulid.

[In the matter of the Indian Ovwprtnies AvI, 1013 (Act VII or 1913)


Company Case no. is of 1955

(Sections JKJ oiid HKi of Uir Indian Ccmynnnes Act)
In the matter of—

(1) SriDhirendrtiNath Siiiha, son of of Bralimananda
Sinlia, resident of D. 47/187 Raraftpura, Banarus
and (2) Sri Noronrlni Lai Bogchi, aon of Jogondra
Lai Bdgchi, rmidmi of Elgin Mills Quarters,
Kanpur         ..               ..               ..              .. Petitioners,

fi. Each tender must be accompanied by n Tn ea&ury
Post Otllce Saving Bank Pass Book or Gal I Deposit Receipt of Imperial
Bank in support of a deposit of Earnest Money of Ra.400 for eaeli
work. Tenders which are not accompanied by earnest mnnp,y
will not he considered.

7.    Tunrlers will bo opened by the- undtTnipnfcl or his   autho.
riaed agent nt IIIH office on the 27th d,iy of June, 1033.

8.    Tbe person who^e tender is ^cccptrd (jrovisionally mimt.
aign the contract within seven days of being called on to do so and
deposit a security of Rs.400   for each work  failing; which   earnest
money will be forfeited1 and th* acceptance of the   tender with-

9.    The person whose tender is accepted finally is tn commence
the work upon the date orderedby the undersigned and to complete
the same in every respoct by the 31st October,   1955,

10.   The Government do not   bind themselves to accept Ihu
lowest or any tendoi or to give reasons for non- acceptance.

11.    Tenders should be givun after understanding thu work
and specific atioriF and speci,il conditions, if any.

1 2. Matoritil will be issued ex-godo-n u .uiywhrro i:a the Region,
at the following rates Iron rmd Stepl at P^.2,1) per cwt., C. G. I.
Sheets at Rs.37-8 ewt., Cement at Ra.S-iper bag. Empty cemfnt
bags will be retuined or cnst thereof at annas S per bag" will he

for General Manayer,
U, P. ftorcrnm&nt Roadways,
[28-S-s65]                                                                  AInruM JSegion.



(1) TheBislml,it   Rdpa   Limited,   Laving  ifc
regigterBd offloe ut 52/SG IjachmiKund, Banaras


NOTIOB is hereby giveo that the paitnerghip firm Radheysnyam
Matadin of Vidyapith Road, Bauai as Cantonement has been dissol-
ved with offcot from 27th April, 19u5.

[28-S-'65]         t                                   MATADIN

NOTIOE is horoby given that a pofcition for the winding up of the
Bbovenamed company by tho High Court of Judicature at Allah-
abad was on the 8th day of May, 1UBC, prefleutod to the said Court
by the abovenamed creditoi'H of the said company and that the said
petition is directed to bo heard before the court on the 29th
(twenty-ninth) day of July, 1955, and any creditor or contributory
of the said company doHirous of opposing an, order for the winding
up of the said company under the above Act should appear at the
time of hearing by himself or his Advocate for that purpose, and
a copy of the petition will be furnished to any creditor or contribu-
tory of the said company requiring the same by the undersigned on
payment of tho proa crib ed ohargn for tho samf.


Advocate, for thu petitioners.

OTE—Any person who intends to appear on the hearing of
aid petition must leave with or send by registered post to the
petitioner or his Advocate, notice in writing of hia intention so to
do. The notice must state the name and address of the person, or,
« a firm the name and address of the firm, and must be served, or
« posted must bo sent by posb in sufficient time to react the above-
named not later than 2 clear days before the day appointed for the
hearing of the petition.


(In the ma-tle? of the Firsn Messrs, Swnttmtra liJtiirat Motor Service
Mawranvpur District Jliansi which has been duly regisrt&ed under
the Indian Partnership Act 1~S. of 1032.)

T.X accordniice with the provisions of section 72(1) of the Indian
Partnership Act IX of 1932 Public Notice is hereby given that with
effect from 22nd December, 1953, Sarvsn Khushal Ohand Jain,
son of Sri Durjulal Jain, and Bhaiyalal Jain, son of Rri Munnalal
Jain, and Fundilal, sort of Sri Manitlal, and Gulabchand, soa of
Sri Ohunnilal Jain, and Shcoprasad, son of Sri Daulatram Jain, and
Kampal, son of Sri Kalyanmal Brahman, and Sri Kundanlal, son of
Sri Nanheylal, and Eulcumehand, son of Sri Jlajdhar, and Har-
pnisad Thagani son of Sri Hfizarilal Thagau. and Motilal, son of
Sri Nanhey Lai, all residents of Tikamgarh in the Stats wS-Vindhya
Pradesh, retired from the partnership of the Registered Firm, Messrs.
Swatantra Bharat Motor Service Mauranipur district Jhan^i, which
was duly .Ragiutered under the Indian PaTtnership Acfc IJC of 1933
by the Registrar of Firms TTttar Pra desli, Luckuow on the 3rd August,
1931, vide his latter no. 306/VII— I5S43, dated the 3rd August,


JLfeurs. Swcelntra rtfiarat Jfotor Service

r, district Jhanti.